
What happened to peace?

The purpose of this site is to educate people regarding the way the world really operates, not necessarily how we are told or believe it operates. Governments do not exist to serve the good of the people, they serve the vested interests of a select few. At the very least people should become informed, this site hopes to help that process. More than anything else we all deserve the truth.

If priority is given to models and extrapolations over real-world empirical data this is also propaganda. Models and extrapolations have their place when little real data is available, but should never replace actual results and data.

The situation in Ukraine is complicated, but Putin is not the bad guy! This is not to say he’s the good guy, there are no good guys in these situations. There is much more to the Ukraine crisis than meets the eye, and way more than we are told by our media. Putin should be given some credit for eliminating Covid, within hours of his so-called invasion Covid seemingly disappeared, certainly from the headlines, something new we are told to focus our attention on appeared.

For the last 8 years, and many years prior to that Putin and Russia have had to endure constant provocations and insults.

There are 3 major issues of concern to Putin, and these are the reasons he has felt compelled to act, he tried reason, he tried diplomacy but the West and NATO were deaf to his concerns.

  1. Ukraine joining NATO was a red line Putin was not prepared to cross, he repeatedly warned this was the case
  2. Crimea was not illegally annexed by Russia, it voted in what observers confirm was a free and fair election (unlike the Biden election) to become part of the Russian federation, the turnout was around 87% and the vote was 97% in favour of Russian assimilation. For Putin, Crimea is non-negotiable.
  3. For the last 8 years, in direct contravention of the Minsk treaties, the Donbass region (Russian speaking) in Eastern Ukraine has been denied a promised referendum, they have endured almost constant shelling (by Nazi Azov and other brigades) costing upwards of 15,000 civilian deaths, and were even banned from speaking Russian.

More to follow….

The so-called Covid Pandemic will end when people stop obsessing about the numbers.

What the media refer to as “cases”, which in reality are positive PCR or laterfal flow test results are not particularly important, it does not matter how many people are infected, it has never mattered how many people have a cold or have the flu, what matters is how many become seriously ill and require hospitalisation, and obviously how many then go on to die. Hospitalisations and Deaths, they are what matter. Covid is endemic, we cannot eradicate it, we have to learn to live with it, just like the common cold and flu.

There are many problems with both the PCR and the lateral flow tests, but most people are not interested in hearing about the problems, the reported daily cases is still causing  them to obsess about what they believe rising cases means. Also, we only ever hear about the number of people admitted to hospital on a daily basis, we never hear the number of people discharged, this appears to be disingenuous. If we must be told daily, then they should announce the number admitted “with” a verified Covid diagnosis, and also the number discharged who “had” Covid and recovered. They should not include in the admitted those who subsequently acquired Covid after being admitted – which should be counted as hospital acquired infections.

We should also be told, in the daily doom reports how many of those hospitalised and those who have died have been single vaccinated, double vaccinated and have received a booster shot, and also if those are within 28 days of their last shot.

If the government were truly concerened about pressure on the NHS, there is no way they would be contemplating mandatory vaccines for NHS workers, when they know 10s of thousands of staff will either resign or be fired rather than take the jab.

Blaming the high daily death tolls on lockdown sceptics is a variant of blaming the public. If only ordinary people had been more compliant, we wouldn’t be in this pickle. 

Nothing to do with the lack of PPE, failure to create dedicated hospitals for Covid patients, spunking tens of billions of pounds on a not-fit-for-purpose Test and Trace programme, building the Nightingales but not recruiting or training enough healthcare workers to staff them…

…decommissioning the Nightingales, failing to eliminate in-hospital infections and the ongoing scandal of secondary transmission in care homes… no. It’s all the fault of the general public and the “conspiracy theorists” who’ve led them astray.

Covid – some facts

The UK government, the “science” advising them, social media and the MSM, the BBC in particular seem to have a real problem with differing opinions, debate and facts.

Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity.

Masks damage the brain
The re-breathing of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide.
We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen deprivation.
There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus, that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen. They cannot survive. 
While you’re thinking that you have got used to wearing your mask and re-breathing your own exhaled air, the degenerative processes in your brain are getting amplified as your oxygen deprivation continues.
Especially in children
The child needs the brain to learn, and the brain needs oxygen to function.
The child’s brain, or the youth’s brain, is thirsting for oxygen. Their brain is also incredibly active, as it has so much to learn.
To deprive a child’s or an adolescent’s brain of oxygen, or to restrict it in any way, is not only dangerous to their health, it is absolutely criminal.
Irreversible damage
Oxygen deficiency inhibits the development of the brain, and the damage that has taken place as a result CANNOT be reversed. 

Scientists of any stripe should welcome debate, the fact they don’t, as in the case with the climate debate suggests their case is flimsy or indeed possibly known to be unsound or untruthful. If they have a strong and robust case, then the power of their argument would win the day against any dissenting view. Instead they push to shut down debate, destroy the careers and reputations of “dissenters” and label them as deniers.

It is understandable during a national emergency (whether real or not) that damaging disinformation and false narratives should be quickly and robustly countered. But what makes the pronouncements from WHO, Anthony Fauci, Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty the absolute unquestionable truth? Had Einstein been silenced for daring to question Newtonian physics we would never have had the theories of relativity. If Edward Jenner had been silenced we may never have cured smallpox or discovered penicilin.

It is perfectly reasonable for someone to have legitimate concerns about the safety of a vaccine, but still be supportive of vaccinations as a means of controlling disease, these are not mutually exclusive positions. It is also valid for someone to be totally opposed to any kind of vaccination through informed consent, that is called an opinion under free speech.

In 2009 pharmaceutical giant GSK developed and manufactured a vaccine to treat swine flu, subsequently over 1,000 people who received the vaccine developed debilitating narcolepsy. People with narcolepsy experience chronic fatigue and difficulty sleeping at night. They can have night terrors, hallucinations, and a range of mental health problems.

Gardasil, a vaccination for HPV was withdrawn from use following reported chronic responses and deaths.

Thalidomide, although not a vaccine, was introduced in the early 1960’s as a treatment to reduce the effects on pregnant women of morning sickness. Although certified as safe, its devastating effects were only apparent in the newborn children of the mothers who had taken the drug.

This is not to say these treatments were developed recklessly or with any ill intent, but nevertheless they should act as salutory warnings that pharmaceutical drugs may not be as safe as would first appear, bad things can and do happen, even when done with good intent.

Ask yourself “Do I wish to inject directly into my bloodstream a substance of unkown provenance, manufactured by a company that refuses to accept any liablity should I subsequently develop severe side-effects or even die?” If the answer is YES, go ahead, that is your choice to make. If the answer is NO, you may want to consider if you wish to be an early adopter.

PCR Tests and “cases”

We are told a positive RT-PCR (Real Time Polmerase Chain Reaction) test equates to a Covid-19 case. This is wrong on several counts, and questionable on several others.

A clinical “case” is not the same thing as a positive result of a test, it only becomes a case if a person develops symtoms of the disease under test and is subsequently admitted into hospital for treatment, not necessarilly for ICU.

A positive PCR test result is not necessarilly an infection, because the PCR test has an unquatified false positive rate (FPR). The FPR is estimated at between 0.8 and 4 %, although UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab suggested when asked about using PCR tests on passengers at airports it could be as high as 7%. If we assume the midpoint figure of 2.4% then that amount should be deducted from the reported daily reported total tests, NOT as Matt Hancock believed the reported cases figure. So if 200,000 tests are performed on a given day, 4,800 of the reported positive results are actually false positives. A further issue with the reported daily cases figure is that they are given as an absolute figure, with no consideration given for the total of tests done on that date. 20,000 positives from 200,000 tests is 10%, from 300,000 it is only 7%, this also has a significant bearing on the FPR – 4,800 for 200,000 (15,200 positive infections) , and  7,200 for 300,000 (12,800 positive infections). A better and more accurate metric for reporting daily “cases” would be number per 100,000 or maybe per 10,000. So again for our previous example it would be 10,000 per 100,000, or 6,667 per 100,000 respectively.

So when you see the daily reported cases, you should find out the number of tests performed that day and subtract 2.4% from that figure. So for example the last three days (30th November, and 1st and 2nd December 2020)

DateReported Postive TestsTotal TestsFalse Positives 2.4%True positives

If we used the 7% suggested by Dominic Raab, or the 5% suggesed by Dr Mike Yeadon the resulting figures are much more striking. Even at 4% we see the following:

DateReported Postive TestsTotal TestsFalse Positives 4%True positives

But even this is not the complete story, because of the way the PCR test operates, its possibly that every reported test result is invalid. The PCR test uses an amplification method, whereby for each cycle it runs it doubles the amount of RNA in the sample. If there was 1 strand of RNA at the beginning after 8 cycles there would be 256, but this is way too low to enable a reading. The recommended number of cycles (referred to as the test sensitivity) is between 30 and 35 cycles (1 to 34 billion with 1 initial strand). Anything beyond this becomes meaninless, but crucially, unless they state the number of cycles used the test is also meaningless. At around 50 cycles, even pure water could produce a positive result. Optimum sensititivity for the PCR test is recommended at 30 cycles. Yet another issue relates to what is actually in the sample under test, it could be a dead strand from someone who has had the disease and is fully recovered (not infectious), or an RNA strand from a similar Coronavirus such as the Common Cold. The test is unable to identify the exact strain of the viral RNA, it cannot distinguish between various Coronovireses.

Some verifiable truths about the Covid scamdemic. Fact checkers not required.

  • On the 19th March 2020, the four UK governments downgraded the severity of Covid-19 from High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) status.

Four days later on 23rd March 2020 the whole of the UK entered full lockdown. What was the justification for lockdown when the governments of the UK had just downgraded the severity of Covid-19?
This is the website of the UK government, this is not conspiracy or misinformation or disinformation, it is easily checked and verifiable by anyone with internet access, its not even hidden information, nor is it caveated in any way.

  • The total number of deaths in England with Covid-19 as the only identified condition is only 4% of all reported deaths “with” Covid, this is data published by NHS England.

Click on the latest dated link and download the associated file, open the file and select “Tab 3 Deaths by Condition” Tab. The data from 13th May 2021 is shown below:

Only 3,587 out of 87,081 (4%) deaths are people with no (known) pre-existing conditions. In addition, as can be seen in the figures 702 out of those 3,587 (20%) are under the age of 60, so 80% of those are over the age of 60. So it can only be categorically stated that 4% of deaths in England, with Covid on a death certificate can be attrributed to Covid as the only known condition.

Admittedly, this is only for England, but bear in mind England accounts for 86% of the UK population, so if the other UK nations have figures higher than 4% it won’t change the overall UK figure significantly, maybe 5 to 6% at most.

Again, totally verifiable, on an official government website.

  • Bill Gates, with no medical training or experience is seen as a renowned doctor worldwide

From google search, type the following phrase “who is the most powerful doctor in the world”. The result may surprise you!

Whatever Bill Gates may be, or may not be. he is not a medical doctor. As an example of his reach and influence in the medical world, consider the following graphic:

Has anyone questioned Professor Chris Witty (Englands Chief Medical officer) as to the reason for his $40 million from the Bill Gates foundation? Or the $53 million to the BBC?

They are valid questions, and are not conspiracy theories at all.

Whatever you may think of President Trump, the US election was stolen. The media tell us there
was no evidence, the truth is there is plenty of evidence, but the media denies its existence. The US courts did not find no evidence, they refused to look at the evidence, they refused to adjudicate.

Beware the Hidden agenda.

The definition of a demagogue is a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than using rational argument.

We need climate reality, there is no Climate Emergency/Crisis

The world is hurtling towards committing countless trillions of dollars for a solution that won’t work, to fix a problem that doesn’t exist, and will probably destroy the global economy in the process, all to satisfy some leftist lunatics (extinction rebellion) and a sulky 17 year old Swedish girl with Asperger’s. It is estimated that spending $2 trillion per year, over the next 80 years ($160 trillion) will at best mitigate global temperature rise by 0.2 C. Considering the climate alarmist predict something like a 5 C rise by 2100 does that sound like money well spent?

The stark truth, which alarmists will not admit is that climate policies being pursued are far more damaging than any likely rise in temperature, which incidentally historically is a good thing, as are elevated levels of Carbon Dioxide. This doesn’t mean do nothing, it means debate the issue, take meaningful actions that will mitigate any negative effects and take advantage of any positive outcomes.

There are environmental issues, ones that need addressing, and urgently, such as pollution of land, sea and air, de-forestation, over-fishing, plastics & waste disposal and habitat destruction. Slightly elevated levels of Carbon Dioxide, a trace atmospheric gas, the food of plants, which is not a pollutant is not one of them. Any perceived rise in global temperatures are generally exaggerated and future levels over-exaggerated. It is doubtful little of any of the measured rise thus far (0.3 Centigrade in 20 years) is even attributable to CO2 at all, much less the 3% due to human activity. If the rise is due to greenhouse gases, which is at best debatable, Carbon Dioxide accounts for only 3% of those greenhouse gases, by far the largest contributor is water vapour, usually as clouds – will they be targeted next? Unlikely, as CO2 will remain the evil gas for some time.

The video below addresses one of the much quoted defences of man-made global warming climate change, the claim that 97% of scientists agree that warming is due to mankind’s use of fossil fuels and will be catastrophic.

Thankfully, they lost!

In the UK we have witnessed acts of sedition, treason and subversion by some of those we elected to carry out our wishes. All those involved must be brought to justice for their crimes. Removing them from office is not sufficient for those who have actively undertaken measures to undermine the will of the British people and the principles of Representative Democracy. Some remain in office.

It is okay to express an opinion and to regret the outcome of the 2016 referendum, it is okay to speak out against measures you may find unpalatable, and when the opportunity arises vote against those measures. It is okay to have voted to remain in the EU and hold strong views as to why the UK is wrong to be leaving the EU.

It is not okay to plot and attempt to facilitate a betrayal of the wishes of a clear majority of the electorate in a democratic plebiscite, especially in concert with conspirators from another nation or trans national organisation (EU). Equally, it would have not been okay to attempt to overthrow the result had remain won.

Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch, against the interests of ones own Country.

In law, treason is criminal disloyalty to the state. It is a crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one’s nation or sovereign.

Subversion (overthrow) refers to a process by which the values and principles of a system in place are contradicted or reversed, in an attempt to transform the established social order and its structures of power, authority, hierarchy, and social norms.

Explore the categories and various sub-menus. Question Everything!

We should think carefully about the reality of war. Most of us have been conditioned to regard military combat as exciting and glamorous – an opportunity for men to prove their competence and courage. Since armies are legal, we feel that war is acceptable; in general, nobody feels that war is criminal or that accepting its criminal attitude. In fact, we have been brainwashed. War is neither glamorous nor attractive. It is monstrous. It’s very nature is one of tragedy and suffering. – The Dalai Lama

A short point regarding Brexit – If we stay in the Customs Union we cannot enter trade deals with any other country. If we stay in the Single Market the European Court of Justice (ECJ) remains superior to our courts regarding EU law and we must abide by all EU laws and directives – no exceptions.


The recent spate of failing retailers in the UK should be of concern, Toys R Us, Poundworld and  Maplin are going under. House of Fraser, M&S, New Look, Mothercare, Debenhams,  Prezzo, Byron Burger, Jamie Oliver and others are closing outlets in what we are told are better times, why are they failing?

We suggest several reasons, among them online competition with likes of Amazon making high street shops uneconomical, but a recent article regarding the recent £60 m loss of the group owning Cafe Rouge and Bella Italia may cast some light:

Citing an increase in operating costs, including:

  • The introduction of the National Living Wage and associated increases to it and the National Minimum Wage
  • The introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy and increased Employer’s Pension Contributions
  • Food and drink cost inflation driven by the devaluation of the pound
  • Revaluation of business rates and rent increases, particularly in central London

Government mandated employee remuneration packages are making the cost of operating too high for businesses on low profit margins. We could also add increases to costs of ingredients, transportation, utilities because of the impact of living wage and other mandated costs further down in the supply chain – this is likely to get much worse rapidly. Also, there is the impact on businesses from mandated workplace pensions.

The identity of the tyrants has changed, but they are still around.

Tyranny begins with a single voice self-silenced by fear of collective disapproval and/or social and legal retribution.

What is it going to take to convince the majority that something is very wrong in the world today?

Current Global Government Debt is almost $100 trillion, or £65 trillion. See www.nationaldebtclocks.org for an up to date running total, and also access to individual nations national debt. For a ranking of nations external debt levels see List of countries by external debt.

Debt exposure to the derivatives market is estimated to be in excess of $1,500 trillion (1.5 quadrillion dollars), which is roughly ten times the size of the entire global GDP. If you would like to see what $1 trillion looks like in $100 notes, visit this page – here.

National Debt in the UK on 4th June 2014 stood at around £1,290,810 (£1.29tn), and is increasing at around £4,000 per second, £240,000 per minute, £14,400,000 per hour or £345,600,000 per day. On 8th March 2018 it now stands at £1,7tn). This amounts to a debt per person of £25,895 or £54,375 for each employed person. This is debt we neither authorised nor want, and we can’t pay our portion off.

The interest on debt accrued since 6th April (to 4th June 2014) was just under £8,500,000,000 (£8.5bn) and increments at almost £2,000 per second – this should be of immense concern to every single one of us, but most people appear fairly unconcerned, events on soap opera’s are much more important of course. In addition this is only about a 1/10th of our overall debt if you include unfunded liabilities such as state and public sector pensions.

The big-5 US banks, considered too big to fail (TBTF) in 2008 and bailed out to the tune of several trillion dollars (up to $30tn allegedly)  are now 37% bigger than in 2008, and their exposure to derivatives is 20% larger. They are JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo. Goldman Sachs exposure to derivatives is 420 times their entire assets.

Even if you do nothing else, find out what these words mean – fiat currency, fractional reserve banking, usury, compound interest, inflation, leverage, derivatives. Also, learn all you can about false flag incidents, some of which are chronicled on this site in History > Wars section.

A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. – Alexander Tytler

Fascism is capitalism in decline. – Vladimir Lenin

Fascism is the fusion of state and corporations – Benito Mussolini

The following was a real banknote that up until 2009 was legal tender in Zimbabwe

Image result for 100 trillion zimbabwe dollars
Image result for 100 trillion zimbabwe dollars

At the time it would have bought around 3 loaves of bread, with around 10 trillion in change – this is hyperinflation.

Do you realise 20% of the population own 95% of the wealth, or if you prefer 80% of the population own 5% of the wealth, either way its an outrage, the majority are being pillaged.

The US economy is repeatedly being reported as growing and improving, recovering from the 2008 crash, ever wondered HOW this is happening? Could it possibly linked to the US Federal Reserve creating $85 billion (fiat currency) every single month into the US economy, increasing the debt by $1 trillion a year? Could that explain the possible reported recovery? Does that sound sustainable or a sound policy? Also this money goes directly to private equity businesses and private banks, not to the general public. This created money is then used to pump up the stock markets, hence the latest record-breaking surges in the Dow Jones and S&P500 indexes. The chart below explains this quite clearly:

If you want to see the real state of the US economy check out this amazing site. Another great source of accurate reporting of US GDP, unemployment, inflation and money supply is www.shadowstats.com by eceonomist John Williams, these figures are derived using real data, and the methods of calculation used when reporting of such parameters was less fabricated.

A process of supposed tapering has been occuring over the last few months, with an amount of $10bn being removed from the QE-3 amount each month, the QE-3 monthly amount is now down to $55bn – do we believe them? Despite what you may believe, a $billion is a lot of money, represented in $100 bills it would fill ten pallets stacked five feet high. However, this is not actually created as US dollar bills (or any denomination) it is merely created into existence as numbers in an account. The fact that they can create all the money they want, means there is no real need for any taxation at all, but they don’t want us knowing that! Only 3% of all currency in existence exists as notes or coins.

Take a close look at the image below. When George W Bush took office in 2000, the US debt was $6 trillion, in just 13 years that has now tripled to $18 trillion, and still that is not enough, they have just voted to increase the ceiling again, but that won’t be enough. The shape of this graph shows that the growth of US debt is exponential, but it’s the same everywhere, Britain included – visit Britain’s Problem page.

Graph showing US debt ceiling and which party holds presidency, House/Senate

The recent report released about the events of Hillsborough, have proven that the authorities can and will cover up an event and will lie at the highest level. It has taken 23 years just to get the truth and only because survivors and victims relatives refused to accept the official story, no matter how many times it was repeated. How many other major events have been covered up, how many times have we been lied to? Almost everyone says we can’t trust a word politicians or journalists say, yet we swallow all the official explanations we are give, only a few are prepared to challenge the polemic view, and they are attacked and vilified as Kooks or conspiracy theorists or deniers, this same technique was used by the Nazi’s against the German people – attack those who speak out or question, turn public opinion against them.

Which of the following items, if the authorities admitted the official explanation was a lie would convince you that other conspiracy theories may be correct?

The WTC towers, including tower WT7 were brought down by demolition charges

A plane did not hit the pentagon on 9/11

The US government allowed Pearl Harbour to be attacked, to persuade the population to enter WWII

Osama Bin Laden died in December 2001 of kidney failure, due to lack of access to dialysis.

Liverpool fans did not cause the deaths at Hillsborough

Our government lied to us about the reasons to attack Iraq

Nato are backing rebels in Syria aligned with Al Qaeda

Global warming or climate change is not caused to any significant amount by mankind’s use of fossil fuels, nor is CO2 the cause, its the consequence.

Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant, without it there would be no life on Earth

Humans have never landed on the moon

The EU project is a continuation of the Nazi parties plans to conquer Europe

Your birth certificate and NI number commit you to lifelong debt slavery

The money we use has no value and we can never pay off a debt

It doesn’t matter which party you vote for, they are not going to act in your best interests, they will act in the best interest of corporations

Many of our leaders have committed treason by signing EU treaties

MS, dementia and some cancers are caused my mercury in tooth fillings

Aspartame (artificial sweetener) is a deadly neurotoxin

The secret ingredient in Coca Cola is Coca from which Cocaine is developed, we were even told, its a psychotic drug

UN Agenda 21 is a blueprint for a totalitarian New World Order

A Lone gunman did not assassinate JFK

Vaccinations are sterilising females and killing millions across the World

The committee of 300 is a secret organisation covertly ruling the World

The US Federal Reserve has given over $29 trillion to private banks since the crash of 2007. It is not federal, nor does it hold reserves, it belongs to the private banks.

Most Large Banks, and many corporations are now insolvent, propped up by governments – zombie banks

The global derivative debt is in excess of $1 quadrillion dollars ($1,000 trillion) and is nothing more than a gamble

QE3 in the US, is creating $85 billion per month ($1 trillion per year) out of nothing, to monetise US federal debt

What if you were to find out that ALL or most of the above are indeed true, how might that effect your worldview? We cannot say categorically that they are all true, what we can say is that there remains a lot of unanswered questions, and not enough people are asking those questions and bringing their elected officials to task over them. We all have a right to know the truth, we hope you can be encouraged to start looking for the truth and not just accepting what you are told on the TV news or in newspapers.

One large part of the problem is something psychiatrists call COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, if you have spent your life believing that your government exists to protect you, your family and your freedoms and that the law is there to serve you, when something comes along that makes you question that belief (such as someone questioning the official story of 9/11 for instance), it is usually easier and safer for someone to attack the messenger, than considering that your original belief may be wrong. It can be a very painful experience to even contemplate that the George Bush administration could engineer and allow an event as Earth shattering as 9/11. We now have thousands of architects, structural engineers, physicists, metallurgists, pilots, demolition experts and military experts saying that the official story around 9/11 just cannot be right, much of what the official report says simply defies fundamental laws of physics, it just can not have happened the way they say. The total cost of the 9/11 report was only a fraction of that spent on the Bill Clinton impeachment enquiry regarding Monica Lewinski, which of the two events deserved the most thorough investigation – Bill’s bedtime antics or an event of unparalleled global significance?

Look in the quotations section at some of the things these prominent elites have publicly stated, many showing complete disregard or even contempt for the common man, what they consider their inferiors, the great unwashed. Some quotations have been prophetic warnings of things to come, from those who would rule us.

 It is generally accepted that 87% of the population are incapable of critical thinking, this group makes its decisions based on the information it receives from mainstream media (MSM) mainly Television and newspapers. It is the belief of this site, and many other “alternative” sources that relying on MSM for incisive and unbiased news reporting may not be the most appropriate means. We suggest you read the section “The Grand Deception” to get an overview of the issues regarding the problem and then get greater in-depth information within the relevant section. Please be aware this site is very much a Work in Progress.

Are you aware of the following:

Everyone is born equal within the law. No-one is above the law. That is common law – the law of the land

In legal terms a Corporation(Company) is a ‘person’

Your name in Capital letters is a person and therefore a corporation, it is a legal fiction also known as a straw man.

You are not in debt to any financial institution

Every mortgage and loan is fully repaid from day one

Paying tax is optional, it is a legal obligation, not a lawful requirement. There is no moral obligation.

Most tax is used to pay interest on the national debt, it is not used to pay for services, that is a fallacy. Each household will pay £1,934 each year as their contribution to the interest on the national debt.

Every person in the Country owes over £23,000 due to the national debt, which is almost £1.5 trillion excluding bank bailouts.

Between 2007 and 2010 the US Federal Reserve (a private corporation) bailed out banks to the tune of around $29trillion, President Obama only admitted to around $1.2trillion.

Getting a license (driving, marriage, TV) is optional. We all are born with a lawful (common law) right to travel the highways in a conveyance of our choosing. Driving relates to performing commerce upon the roads, which most of don’t perform.

Registering a vehicle is optional, when you do, you give your car to the state

When you register the birth of a child, you give your child to the state, until they are 18.

Paying a PCN is optional

A living being is subject only to common law, a person is subject to statutes (Acts of Parliament) IF they consent to them!

The money we use now is known as “fiat” money and has no intrinsic value at all, it is nothing more than an IOU (promise to pay) or a debt.

Approximately 97% of all ‘money’ in existence is nothing more than digits on a banks computer screen.

The current world debt is in excess of $51 trillion and totally unpayable. To whom is this debt owed?

Worldwide derivatives debt is well in excess of $600 trillion.

Through a process called “fractional reserve banking” our banks can lend money they do not have, they are only required to a hold 1/10 (or less) on deposit of what they can lend.

Governments can print all the money they need at 0% interest and do not need to borrow.

The US Federal Reserve and UK Bank of England are in reality for profit private corporations.

In NAZI Germany anyone questioning the government and its policies was called an alarmist, today we are called conspiracy theorists.

Politicians, police, judges, council officials are all ‘public servants’ answerable and accountable to the public, with no more authority than they are granted by the public.

A police man or woman swears an oath to serve and protect the public and uphold the law. A police officer enforces (corporate) statutes. Know the difference!

The global economy exists under a ridiculous paradigm of infinite growth on a planet with finite resources.

ALL money in circulation represents a debt. Legal tender laws means we are forced to use worthless IOU’s

A £1 coin is now worth about 6p in real terms due to inflation, and notes are worthless.

UK’s total debt is almost £10 trillion, due mainly to unfunded liabilities.

US total debt is almost $200 trillion, including over $126 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

The premise of this site is that around the World, the “normal/average” people are being tricked and lied to on a grand scale by a very small but very powerful group of extremely wealthy and powerful people. In the West and possibly elsewhere we are being disenfranchised and robbed of our birthright and freedoms. This so-called “global elite” appear to lack compassion and empathy for the suffering of others, leaving many to believe they are “psychopathic”. We are attempting to uncover some of the hidden truths behind the actions of this group, developing over centuries, above all we want to encourage people to consider that all is not as it should be in the World, and possibly this is by design. The 100th monkey concept suggests that when a critical mass of people understand a concept, then all people can grasp the concept:

From Wikipedia:

The hundredth monkey effect is a supposed phenomenon in which a learned behavior spreads instantaneously from one group of monkeys to all related monkeys once a critical number is reached. By generalization it means the instantaneous, paranormal spreading of an idea or ability to the remainder of a population once a certain portion of that population has heard of the new idea or learned the new ability.

Extract from 1689 Bill of Rights:

And I doe declare That noe Forreigne Prince Person Prelate, State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction Power Superiority Preeminence or Authoritie Ecclesiasticall or Spirituall within this Realme Soe helpe me God.

This was a contract between the British people and William of Orange (William III) who wished to become the monarch, William and his wife Mary had to agree to the terms and conditions of the Bill of Rights before they could rule. The Bill of Rights has bound all monarchs since. This section states that only by the will of the British people can our sovereignty be changed, not by a monarch, nor by a parliament. This proves beyond all doubt that our membership of the EU and subsequent charters (Maastricht, Lisbon etc) is UNLAWFUL no other Nation or state has authority over the British people, without the explicit agreement of the people (referendum) unless we are defeated in war. Those who have assumed authority (can only be granted not assumed) to sign away Britain’s sovereignty are therefore guilty of TREASON, those assisting are guilty of misprision of treason and those attempting to cover up the treason are guilty of compounding of treason.

I am not a member (citizen) of the European Union – because membership is determined by consent and I am withholding my consent to being governed by a foreign power, as per the declaration of rights and bill of rights 1689.

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    • Eric Cheetham on 9th October 2015 at 5:24 pm
    • Reply

    There are a lot of ordinary people who are desperate to leave the EU, who are not interested in bigwigs’ egos. If we are to win, then Leaveeu and Vote Leave need to combine and put their differences on one side. Please do so!

    • mark last on 11th May 2018 at 11:27 am
    • Reply

    I bet the remain campaign did not include the ‘british values’ properganda that was rolled out to 16 to 19 yr olds at college prior to the referendum. This was remain properganda that was gov funded and attacked the leave campaign and ridiculed boris johnson.

    • mark last on 11th May 2018 at 11:30 am
    • Reply

    Sorry i just commented but my email contact was wrong so ive just correct on this now

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