Today’s News 2nd November 2019

  • The Fed's Liquidity Response Is Too Little Too Late – But That Was Always The Plan…
    The Fed's Liquidity Response Is Too Little Too Late – But That Was Always The Plan…

    Authored by Brandon Smith via,

    The globalists and banking elites have been running the “order out of chaos” scam for a long time, centuries in fact. One thing that practice does is make people of otherwise average intelligence appear brilliant. One thing that organized conspiracy does is make a group of highly vulnerable criminals appear omnipotent and untouchable. Ultimately, it’s all about time. The globalists have had lots of time to tune and refine their methods for manipulating the collective psyche of the masses.

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    They make mistakes often, but as long as no one confronts them directly and removes these people from the equation, they simply set up shop elsewhere under a different name using different masks and continue their insidious work. As long society is still stricken with ignorance and assumes that such conspiracies are “impossible”, the elites have a free hand to victimize the population further. As long as academic idiots misinterpret Occam’s Razor and insist that the evidence of conspiracy does not matter because it does not fit with their narrow notion of “the simplest explanation”, they prop up the banking cartel and allow it to thrive.

    On the positive side, I see an awakening taking place among a subset of the population which is savvy to the games of the globalists. I believe this subtle wave of analytical samurai has the elites worried; they realize that time for them is, for once in history, starting to run out. One day soon, they may find themselves the direct targets of a revolution, and they don’t like that idea.

    Hence, the globalists need a plan, a con game of epic proportions on top of one of the largest economic bubbles in recent history. The plan relies first on a tried and true weapon of the elites: Co-option of the people that oppose them. And how does one co-opt a movement? By taking over their leadership. Second, for global change the cabal needs a global distraction, or a firestorm of numerous distractions to keep the public enthralled or in fear. Third, they need to divert blame away from themselves by presenting the public with believable scapegoats.

    When it’s all over, they want people dazed and shell-shocked, wondering how it happened and searching for anyone to point a finger at. The narrative will be that “it was a perfect storm of coincidences”, that it was “the evil of the political left”, or the “evil of the political right”. They want to turn public confusion into civil war, all while they sit back and enjoy the chaos from a comfortable beach chair and wait for the moment they can swoop in and act like saviors seeking to “end the madness”.

    This process is happening today, and only the most blind have problems seeing that the world has gone over the edge of an ugly precipice.

    Disinformation agents call it “doom and gloom”, because that is supposed to dissuade you from taking it seriously. But the facts are the facts. This is why I focus so much of my time on economics – While numbers and stats can be rigged, the effects of a financial crash cannot be hidden. It is undeniable, and all the critics of this information can do is try to trick people into not looking at it.

    The reality is this: The US economy is in steep decline and this is an engineered event.

    The Federal Reserve spent the better part of the past decade inflating what we now call the “Everything Bubble”, a bubble that spreads through almost every facet of the economy from equities to housing to GDP to employment to corporate debt, consumer debt and national debt. I don’t think anyone denies the existence of this bubble except the central banks and a few mainstream media outlets.

    Jerome Powell, now the Fed chairman, warned back in 2012 that the markets had become addicted to Fed stimulus and that any tightening of liquidity by the central bank, including cutting the balance sheet or raising interest rates, would cause a sharp reversal or crash. As soon as Powell became chairman, he ignored his own warnings and tightened liquidity anyway.

    People confused about why Powell would take such action knowing full well that it would trigger a crash should look into the history of the Bank for International Settlements and how it dictates the policy decisions of all its member banks. The BIS is the “central bank of central banks” and is the central global manager of all national central banks. Powell and the Fed board do not write policy alone, they merely carry out policy decision made by the BIS.

    As Powell hinted at in 2012, the Everything Bubble was popped in 2018 by the Fed through rate hikes and balance sheet cuts. Once the avalanche is triggered there is no stopping it.  The rupture in fundamentals is ongoing.  Only stocks markets and certain rigged statistics remain in blissful levitation.

    The plunge in stock markets in December was stalled as corporations stepped in with stock buybacks and China pumped billions in stimulus into the global system. However, stocks are not long for this world as buybacks are set to slow down and stimulus measures from various central banks are seeing limited gains.

    • US manufacturing has fallen to levels not seen in 10 years and has entered recession territory.

    • US housing starts fell sharply in September and new home building declined. This indicator usually precedes a fall in overall housing sales by a few months. This would mean a return to the plunge in housing sales last seen during the summer.  In other words, the recent pop in sales is a one off driven by lower mortgage rates, and is set to end.

    • US retail sales are following a similar pattern to housing markets, with a recessionary decline earlier this year, followed by a short term rebound, and now a return to negative territory as the trend reasserts itself.

    • Retail stores are closing at a record pace in 2019. Over 8500 stores are already closing this year, with a predicted 12,000 store closing by the beginning of 2020. This is often blamed on “online shopping”, but online retailer only account for around 14% of the total retail market. This hardly explains why brick and mortar stores are closing in droves.  Not only that, but major online retailers like Amazon are seeing declining profits, with projected holiday profits set to fall even further.

    • Corporate profits have tumbled in 2019 and earnings growth estimates have been drastically adjusted to the downside Only certain companies, like Apple, have come out of the fray untouched so far, but this is common during recession and depression level crisis events – a handful of corporations survive and consolidate while the rest collapse.

    • Corporate debt is at all time highs while cash holdings of most corporations are minimal; so much so that these companies are turning to the Fed’s repo overnight loans more and more to stay liquid.

    • Consumer debt is at all time highs, with American households owing a total of more than $13 trillion.

    • While there has been a recent steepening of the 3 month to 10 year yield curve as well as the 2 year to 10 year yield curve, this is actually a bad sign. A long term inversion of the yield curve is a sure signal of economic recession. When the yield curve steepens, this is the point historically in which a sharp crash in fundamentals and markets takes place.

    In other words, the crash is happening now. Many analysts have wrongly assumed that that the Fed’s recent asset purchases indicate that they are seeking to “kick the can” on the crash. It’s much too late for that.  If the Fed wanted to stall the crash then they would have initiated full bore QE4 around 8-10 months ago just after the December plunge. International banks and central banks have been warning about dollar liquidity issues since mid-2018. The Fed continued to tighten and did not act until the past couple of months, coincidentally, right after multiple polls showed that a majority of Americans were becoming worried about a recession.

    That is to say, the Fed kept liquidity conditions as tight as possible until the public finally became aware of the crisis.  The truth is, nothing has changed as far as liquidity is concerned.

    The Fed launched asset purchases to make it look like they care about trying to fix the problem. However, the Fed’s repo stimulus and balance sheet increases are not enough to make any difference. Calling Fed repo actions “Not-QE” is a funny means pointing out that the Fed is not being straightforward about its intentions, but when comparing current repo loans and asset purchases to an event like TARP back in 2008, which by itself injected over $16 trillion in liquidity into the financial system (no audit of the other QE programs has yet been undertaken), the current stimulus is nothing but a drop in the ocean.

    The Fed is definitely NOT being honest in its intentions, but not in the way many alternative analysts seem to think.  The Fed’s not trying to hide QE4 measures, the Fed is continuing to do the bare minimum necessary to appear as though they are taking action while actually accomplishing very little.

    They clearly have no intention of kicking the can any longer. The Fed WANTED a crash, and now they have it. The reason why is perfectly logical: The central bank, under the control of globalists at the BIS, needs economic chaos to provide cover for what they call the “global economic reset”. Essentially, it is the controlled demolition of the old world order to make way for their “new world order”.

    As I’ve noted in previous articles, they’ve done all his before and openly admitted to causing crashes in the past, including the Great Depression. After each of these financial crisis events, globalist institutions have been formed and leaps forward in global governance have been taken. The implosion of the Everything Bubble appears to be the last intended economic crisis event before total centralization is achieved.

    This is not to say that they will be successful in their agenda; I happen to think that in the long run they will fail. But the fact remains that the current recessionary collapse, soon to become far more destructive than it already is, was caused by the central bankers, and they did it knowingly. The narrative of the “bumbling Fed” desperate to save itself or the system is delusional. The evidence simply doesn’t support this claim.

    Fed officials publicly acknowledged what would happen if liquidity tightening was pursued. They did it anyway, and then told the public all was well. They have lied every step of the way, keeping the public completely in the dark and unprepared for the consequences.

    At the same time, we have a supposedly “populist” president that attacks the Fed regularly while at the same time taking full credit for the bubble in markets.  Donald Trump boasts daily of his influence in markets, employment, GDP, etc. He does this even though he called the economic recovery ‘a bubble’ during his campaign. He now owns the health of the economy, and by extension he has given the central bankers and the globalist a perfect gift – He has set himself and his supporters up as scapegoats for the crash.  As he falls, he will discredit central bank critics for generations to come.

    If you were wondering why the globalists stalled for ten years on crashing the system, now you know. If they launched the crisis a few years ago, they would have been blamed for it. Today, it’s hard to say. The growing contingent of liberty activists immune to the scam (and immune to the Kabuki theater involving Donald Trump) might be able to turn the tide enough to force the hand of the elites. Maybe they will have to back off of some of their centralization efforts, or drag out the economic downturn longer than they wanted. I suspect they have already had to do this on a number of occasions because of liberty analysts.

    Ultimately, the crash is about us. It is about affecting changes to the public psychology, making us more receptive to extreme globalization. If they don’t care what we think, then why spend trillions of dollars and endless hours and manpower trying to influence our perception? They need the vast majority of us to consent to the “new world order”, otherwise they will have failed.

    *  *  *

    If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch.  Learn more about it HERE.

    Tyler Durden

    Fri, 11/01/2019 – 23:45

  • Millennials With Student Debt Are Getting Crushed The Most In These Ten Cities
    Millennials With Student Debt Are Getting Crushed The Most In These Ten Cities

    SmartAsset, a personal finance technology company, has published a new study that identifies certain US metropolitan areas with the highest student loan balances.

    These cities are where millennials are struggling to make ends meet and can’t cover expenses. These hopeless folks have insurmountable debts, gig-economy jobs, record-high credit card rates, and no savings. Ahead of the next recession, this study provides important clues to the geographic regions where millennials will suffer the most financial distress.

    The release of the study comes at a time when student loan debt has reached $1.6 trillion, has already become an important topic with presidential candidates ahead of the 2020 election, and when the next recession strikes, will financially paralyze a generation of millennials.

    SmartAsset analyzed the top 25 metro areas most impacted by the student debt crisis and narrowed the list to ten.

    Researchers used data from Experian, the Census, and the IRS to develop the list of where average student loan debt exceeds the median earnings of millennials.

    According to the study, the top six metro areas hit hardest by the student debt crisis: Gainesville, Florida; Corvallis, Oregon; Durham-Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Morgantown, West Virginia; Eugene, Oregon and Greenville, North Carolina. The remainder are Ithaca, New York, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Hattiesburg, Mississippi; and Colombia, Missouri.

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    Student debt is the fastest-growing consumer debt in the country, with $1.6 trillion outstanding, cracks are already starting to appear with 22% of borrowers defaulting.

    Millennials will be the most impacted generation in the next recession, and thanks to SmartAsset, the exact metro areas of this financial stress are now known.


    Tyler Durden

    Fri, 11/01/2019 – 23:25

  • Survival Lessons From A California Fire Evacuee
    Survival Lessons From A California Fire Evacuee

    Authored by Adam Taggart via,

    As I type this, there are over 16 large wildfires currently burning across northern and southern California. Hundreds of thousands of residents have been displaced. Millions are without power.

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    My hometown of Sebastopol, CA underwent mandatory evacuation at 4am Saturday night. I jumped into the car, along with our life essentials and our pets, joining the 200,000 souls displaced from Sonoma County this weekend.

    Even though I write about preparedness for a living, fleeing your home in the dead of night with a raging inferno clearly visible on the horizon drives home certain lessons more effectively than any other means.

    I’d like to share those learnings with you, as they’re true for any sort of emergency: natural (fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, blizzard, etc), financial (market crash, currency crisis) or social (revolution, civil unrest, etc).

    And I’d like you to be as prepared as possible should one of those happen to you, which is statistically likely.

    Your survival, and that of your loved ones, may depend on it.

    No Plan Survives First Contact With Reality

    As mentioned, I’ve spent years advising readers on the importance of preparation. Emergency preparedness is Step Zero of the guide I’ve written on resilient living — literally the first chapter.

    So, yes, I had a pre-designed bug-out plan in place when the evacuation warning was issued. My wife and I had long ago made lists of the essentials we’d take with us if forced to flee on short notice (the Santa Rosa fires of 2017 had reinforced the wisdom of this). Everything on these lists was in an easy-to-grab location.

    The only problem was, we were 300 miles away.

    Reality Rule #1: You Will Be Caught By Surprise

    There are too many variables that accompany an unforeseen disaster to anticipate all of them. Your plan has to retain enough flexibility to adapt to the unforeseen.

    In my case, we were down at Parents’ Weekend at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, where my older daughter recently started her freshman year.

    As the text alerts warning of the growing fire risk started furiously arriving, we monitored them closely, reluctant to leave the festivities and our time with our daughter. But once the evacuation warning came across, we knew it was serious enough to merit the 6-hour mad dash home to rescue what we could.

    The upside of that long drive was that it gave us time to alter our bug-out plan according to the unfolding situation. We decided my wife and younger daughter would go directly to safety; that reduced the lives at risk in the fire zone down to just 1 (mine). And I used the phone to line up neighbors who could grab our stuff should I not be able to make it home in time.

    The learning here is: Leave plenty of room in your plan for the unexpected. If its success depends on everything unfolding exactly as you predict, it’s worthless to you.

    Reality Rule #2: Things Will Happen Faster Than You’re Ready For

    Once an emergency is in full swing, things start happening more quickly than you can process well.

    Even if developments are unfolding in the way you’ve anticipated, they come at an uncomfortably fast rate that adrenaline, anxiety and fatigue make even more challenging to deal with.

    Just as The Crash Course chapter on Compounding explains how exponential problems unfold too fast to avoid once they become visible, it’s very easy to get overwhelmed or caught off-guard by the pace required to deal with a disaster.

    The Kincade fire started at 9:30pm the night before I left Sebastopol for Cal Poly. When I went to bed that night it was a mere 300 acres in size. Two days later it was 25,000 acres. (it’s currently at 66,000 acres).

    It went from “nothing to worry about” to “get out NOW!” in less than 48 hours.

    Watching who fared well during the evacuation and who didn’t , those who took action early out of a healthy sense of caution had much more success than those who initially brushed off the potential seriousness of the situation.

    Here’s how much of a difference timely action made:

    The ‘evacuation warning’ advisory became a ‘mandatory evacuation’ order at 4am on Saturday night. My car was ready to go and I was on the road out of town within 5 minutes.

    Several friends of mine left home just 45 minutes after I did. By that time, the fleeing traffic made the roads essentially immobile. My friends had to turn back to ride things out in their homes, simply hoping for the best.

    So I’m reminded of the old time-management axiom: If you can’t be on time, be early. In a developing crisis, set your tolerance level for uncertainty to “low”. Take defensive measures as soon as you detect the whiff of increasing risk; it’s far more preferable to walk back a premature maneuver than to realize it’s too late to act.

    Reality Rule #3: You Will Make Mistakes

    Related to Rule #2 above, you’re going to bungle parts of the plan. Stress, uncertainty and fatigue alone pretty much guarantee it.

    You’re going to forget things or make some wrong choices.

    Case in point: as I was evacuating, the plan was to take a less-travelled back route, in order to reduce the odds of getting stuck in traffic. But, racing in the dark and checking in on the phone with numerous friends and neighbors, muscle memory took over and I found myself headed to the main road of town. Too late to turn back, I sat at the turn on, waiting for someone in the line of cars to let me in.

    It then hit me that perhaps no one might. Folks were panicked. Would someone be willing to slow down to let me go ahead of them?

    Obviously someone did, or I wouldn’t be typing this. But that mistake put everything else I’d done correctly beforehand in jeopardy.

    So, as the decisions start to come fast and furious, your key priority is to ensure that you’re focused on making sure the few really important decisions are made well, and that the balls that get dropped won’t be ones that put your safety at risk.

    Forget to pack food for the cat? No big deal, you’ll find something suitable later on. Miss your time window to evacuate, as my friends did? That could cost you your life.

    Reality Rule #4: When Stressed, All You Care About Is People & Pets

    A good bug-out plan covers preparing to take essential clothes, food & water, medications, key documents, communications & lighting gear, personal protection, and irreplaceable mementoes.

    But when the stakes escalate, you quickly don’t care about any of those. It’s only living things — people, pets & livestock — that you’re focused on.

    The rest, while valuable to have in an evacuation, is ultimately replaceable or non-essential.

    I very well might have rolled the dice and stayed down at Cal Poly if it weren’t for the cat. But family is family, no matter how furry. I just couldn’t leave her to face an uncertain fate. And I believe strongly you’ll feel the same about any people or pets in your life — it’s a primal, tribal pull to take care of our own. If you don’t plan for it, it will override whatever other priorities you think you may have.

    So prioritize accordingly. Build your primary and contingency plans with the security of people and animals first in mind. If there’s time for the rest, great. But if not, at least you secured what’s most important (by far).

    Essential Bug-Out Resources

    Beyond the universal rules above, my current experience as an evacuee has emphasized the out-sized importance of several essential resources for those bugging out. These are the things that have proved most valuable during and after the emergency evacuation.

    I will share these in tomorrow’s post (update: this post Essential Bug-out Resources can now be read by clicking here). But before I do, I want to express my thanks for the many of you who have sent well-wishes and offers of assistance. Literally hundreds of friends, acquaintances and near-strangers have contacted me via email, text, social media and over the past 72 hours. I’ve received offers to put up my family from folks throughout California and 4 other states. It has been a tremendous honor to be on the receiving end of such kindness.

    So many of you who have asked “What can I do to help?”. Personally, I’m safe and being well-cared for where we’re currently staying.

    But I’ll be honest: the gesture that would benefit me (and my business partner Chris Martenson) the most at this point would be for anyone with the means and interest to purchase a premium subscription to

    The thrash that these fires are inserting into my bandwith is impacting at an important time, when Chris and I are taking big strategic steps to substantially expand this website’s audience and offerings.

    So if you want to help us with that mission, while enjoying valuable insight in return, please subscribe. Even just for a single month.

    Tyler Durden

    Fri, 11/01/2019 – 23:05

  • Visualizing The Future Of 5G: Comparing 3 Generations Of Wireless Technology
    Visualizing The Future Of 5G: Comparing 3 Generations Of Wireless Technology

    Wireless technology has evolved rapidly since the turn of the century. From voice-only 2G capabilities and internet-enabled 3G, today’s ecosystem of wireless activity is founded on the reliable connection of 4G.

    Fifth-generation wireless network technology, better known as 5G, is now being rolled out in major cities worldwide, and as Visual Capitalist’s Ashley Viens notes, by 2024, an estimated 1.5 billion mobile users─which account for 40% of current global activity─will be using 5G wireless networks.

    Today’s chart highlights three generations of wireless technology in the 21st century, and the differences between 3G, 4G, and 5G networks.

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    5G: The Next Great Thing?

    With over 5 billion mobile users worldwide, our world is growing more connected than ever.

    Data from GSMA Intelligence shows how rapidly global traffic could grow across different networks:

    • 2018: 43% of mobile users on 4G

    • 2025: 59% of mobile users on 4G, 15% of mobile users on 5G

    But as with any new innovation, consumers should expect both positives and negatives as the technology matures.


    • IoT Connectivity
      5G networks will significantly optimize communication between the Internet of Things (IoT) devices to make our lives more convenient.

    • Low latency
      Also known as lag, latency is the time it takes for data to be transferred over networks. Users may see latency rates drop as low as one millisecond.

    • High speeds
      Real-time streaming may soon be a reality through 5G networks. Downloading a two-hour movie takes a whopping 26 hours over 3G networks and roughly six minutes on 4G networks─however, it’ll only take 3.6 seconds over 5G.


    • Distance from nodes
      Walls, trees, and even rain can significantly block 5G wireless signals.

    • Requires many nodes
      Many 5G nodes will need to be installed to offer the same level of coverage found on 4G.

    • Restricted to 5G-enabled devices
      Users can’t simply upgrade their software. Instead, they will need a 5G-enabled device to access the network.

    Global 5G Networks

    5G still has a way to go before it reaches mainstream adoption. Meanwhile, countries and cities are racing to install the infrastructure needed for the next wave of innovation to hit.

    Since late 2018, over 25 countries have deployed 5G wireless networks. Notable achievements include South Korea, which became the first country globally to launch 5G wireless technology in April 2019. Switzerland boasts the highest number of 5G network deployments, currently at 225 and counting.

    To date, China has built roughly 350,000 5G sites─compared to the less than 20,000 in the U.S.─and plans to invest an additional US$400 billion in infrastructure by 2023. Chinese mobile providers plan to launch 5G services starting in 2020.

    What Does This Mean For 4G?

    4G isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. As 5G gradually rolls out, 4G and 5G networks will need to work together to support the wave of IoT devices entering the market. This network piggybacking also has the potential to expand global access to the internet in the future.

    The race to dominate the wireless waves is even pushing companies like China’s Huawei to explore 6G wireless innovation – before they’ve even launched their 5G networks.

    Tyler Durden

    Fri, 11/01/2019 – 22:45

  • The Lebanese "Canary In The Mine" Is Signalling Mid-East Trouble Ahead
    The Lebanese "Canary In The Mine" Is Signalling Mid-East Trouble Ahead

    Authored by Alastair Crooke via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

    There have been protests (mostly pointing up economic stress) across the region for some months: from Egypt to Iraq. But the Lebanese demonstrations have caught the global attention. And there is no doubting that the Lebanese protests represent a major phenomenon. We may ask whether they are essentially a local manifestation, reflecting only the well-attested Lebanese problems of corruption, widening disparities in wealth, nepotism and failing state structures, or do they signal something much deeper?

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    Lebanon, historically, has been viewed as ‘the bell weather’ – pointing up the general health of this region.

    Well, if Lebanon is indeed such, we might conclude that the patient is presenting rather feverish symptoms. But that should not be so surprising. For, the region is already experiencing strategic ‘shock’ – and this condition is likely to be much aggravated by the additional psychological stresses of fast-approaching economic crisis. Of course, Lebanon is ‘special’ in its own distinct way – but ‘yes’, Lebanon precisely is giving warning of a turbulence quietly incubating across the Middle East.

    The ‘strategic shock’ is represented by the collapse of long-established landmarks: the US is departing Afghanistan, and the Middle East. The Wolfowitz doctrine of US primacy across the region is drawing to a close. Yes, there will be push-back in parts of the ‘liberal’ western Establishment – and there will be periods of two US steps ‘out’ from the region, and with another ‘in’.

    But the psychic reality of this incontrovertible ‘fact’ has seared itself into the regional psyche. Those who dined liberally from the cornucopia of power and wealth under the ‘old order’ are understandably frightened – their protective cover is being snatched away.

    This shift has been signalled in so many ways: the US non-reaction to the Iranian downing of its drone; the US’ non-reaction to the 14 September Aramco strikes; the red-carpet laid down for President Putin in Riyadh – that the direction of US policy ‘travel’ is plain. Yet, nothing signals it more evidently than Secretary Pompeo’s recent message to Israel, during his last visit: i.e. you, O Israel, should feel free to respond to any threats to your security, from whatever source, and arising from wherever. (Translation: You (Israel) are on your own), but please don’t escalate tensions. (Translation: don’t place our American forces as ‘pig-in-the-middle’ of your disputes, as we want the withdrawal to proceed smoothly). Of course, Trump doesn’t want Congress snapping at his trouser legs, as he unfolds this controversial act.

    If this be the message handed out to Israel, then of course, it applies – in spades – to the Lebanese élites who have dined so well under the previous regime – whilst their Lebanese compatriots succumbed to ever greater impoverishment. The Russian diplomatic and security achievement for Syria, as evidenced in the communiqué issued this week after the Sochi summit with Erdogan, upends the old landmarks across the northern tier of the Middle East. In Syria evidently, but Lebanon and Iraq too. The new reality demands new dispositions.

    This might be ‘bad news’ for some, but the very moment of facing reality – of making hard choices (i.e. that the US can no longer afford, and the world will no longer finance, its global military presence) – may also have ‘its silver lining’. That is to say, the end to US occupation of part of Syria may concomitantly well unlock a political settlement in Syria – and upturn fossilised and corrupt establishments in neighbouring states too.

    This – the uprooting of old, embedded landmarks – which leaves America and Saudi Arabia as waning stars in the regional political cosmos – is but one backdrop to events in Lebanon. An old order is seen to be fading. Might even the Ta’if constitutional settlement in Lebanon, which Saudi Arabia used to lock tight, and petrify, a Sunni-led sectarian establishment be now in play?

    Again too, across the Arab world, there is a legitimacy-deficit staining existing élites. But it applies not just to the Middle East. As protesters peer around the world, through their smart phones, how can they fail to observe the low-intensity ‘civil war’ – the polarised protests – in the US, the UK and parts of Europe, waged precisely against certain élites. What price then, western ‘values’ – if westerners themselves are at war over them?

    Of course, this dis-esteem for global élites is connected to that other powerful dynamic affecting the Middle East: the latter may not be in a ‘good place’ politically, but it is in an even worse place economically. In Lebanon, one-third of Lebanese are living below the poverty line, while the top one percent hold one-quarter of the nation’s wealth, according to the United Nations. This is not the exception for the region – It is the norm.

    And intimations of global slow-down and recession are touching the region. We all know the figures: half of the population in under 25. What is their future? Where is there some ‘light’ to this tunnel?

    The western world is in the very late stage to a trade and credit cycle (as the economists describe it). A down-turning is coming. But there are indications too, that we may be approaching the end of a meta-cycle, too.

    The post-WW2 period saw the US leverage the war-consequences to give it its dollar hegemony, as the world’s unique trading currency. But also, circumstances were to give US banks the exceptional ability to issue fiat credit across the globe at no cost (the US simply could ‘print’ its fiat credit). But ultimately that came at a price: the limitation – to being the global rentier – became evident through the consequence of the incremental impoverishment of the American Middle Classes – as well-paid jobs evaporated, even as America’s financialised banking balance sheet ballooned.

    Today, we seem to be entering a new cycle period, with different trade characteristics. We are in a post-general manufacturing era. Those jobs are gone to Asia, and are not ‘coming home’. The ‘new’ trade war is no longer about building a bigger bankers’ balance sheet; but about commanding the top-end of tech innovation and manufacturing – which is to say, gaining command of its ‘high peaks’ that, in turn, offer the ability to dominate, and impose the industry standards for the next decades. This – tech standards – is, as it were, the new ‘currency’, the new ‘dollar’ of the coming era. It is, of course, all about states maintaining political power.

    So, what has this to do with the Middle East? Well, quite a lot. The new, global tech competition implies a big problem (as one Washington commentator noted to me). It is this: what to with the 20% of Americans that would become ‘un-needed’ in this new top-end tech era – especially when lower paid jobs are being progressively robotised.

    Here is the point: This tech ‘war’ will be between the US, China and (to a lesser extent) Russia. Europe will be a bit-player, hard pressed to compete. If the US thinks it will end with 20% of population surplus to requirement, for Europe it likely will be higher; and for the Middle East? It does not bear thinking about.

    The Middle East is still a fossil fuel fed economy (at time when fossil fuel is fast falling out of fashion, capital expenditure is paused, and growth forecasts for demand, are being cut). Even Lebanon’s economy – which has no oil – is (paradoxically) still an oil economy. The Lebanese either work in the Gulf, servicing the ancillary services to a fossil-fuel based economy and remit their savings to Lebanese banks, or work in the Lebanese financial sector, managing savings derived largely from this sector.

    The point is, how will the region find a future for a young population that is out-running the continent’s water and (useful) land resources, if fossil fuel cannot be the employment driver?

    It won’t? Then expect a lot more protests.

    Tyler Durden

    Fri, 11/01/2019 – 22:25


  • Hardware As A Service: Nevada Brothel Begins Using Sex Robots, Internet-Enabled Sex Toys
    Hardware As A Service: Nevada Brothel Begins Using Sex Robots, Internet-Enabled Sex Toys

    Modern problems require modern solutions.

    And that’s why Nevada’s Alien Cathouse is adapting to the technological times, according to the Daily Star. The UFO themed brothel will be soon offering up a sex robot alongside of its – well, human sex robots. 

    The robot is being introduced for clients who “love rough sex”, according to a Cathouse spokeswoman. 

    “For clients that love rough sex it’s dangerous to girls, but a sex robot can bear it,” she said.

    And apparently, the human staff at the Cathouse is embracing their new electronic co-worker. 

    “The Courtesans are actually excited about the additional revenue stream to Alien Cathouse, and themselves …as well as the additional opportunities that might present themselves for interested parties wanting to party with a real flesh and blood courtesan and with an AI sex robot at the same time,” the spokeswoman continued. 

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    In addition to the sex robot, the Cathouse is also introducing teledildonics – groundbreaking new technology that allows you to do things like operate someone’s butt plug, via the internet, from halfway across the world. With a country this technologically sound, it’s no wonder GDP just beat estimates. 

    Rod Thompson of the Cathouse said: “Alien Cathouse really [caters for] towards individuals seeking to fulfil a sexual fantasy with a porn star and we are in talks with teledildonics manufacturers in regard to having each of our suites outfitted to accommodate this technology.”

    He continued: “Some of the ladies are very excited about this, because they say it gives them an opportunity to give men, women or couples that chance to experience an encounter with a real courtesan at a brothel they might not normally, because of time and or distance be able to actually physically visit. We have one of our top porn star courtesans that will be the first to book a client for this experience around Halloween this month.”

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    Thompson also said that for virtual visits, clients would need “compatible hardware”. Men are directed to use the Interactive Vibrating Masturbator for Men toy and women are directed to use a toy called OhMiBod.

    In terms of cost, a Cathouse spokesperson said: “Persons interested can only discuss pricing within a legally licensed brothel, but generally speaking we have seen bookings range anywhere from as little as $1,000 to tens of thousands of dollars. The courtesans set their own prices and split the price of the booking 50/50 with our brothel.”

    And the sex robot will get a salary too, according to Thompson: “If it is a sex robot [working] with courtesan, pricing legally will be negotiated within the brothel …and most likely even if it were a sex robot the brothel would follow the same guidelines in terms of money.”

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    Cathouse employee Stella Renée said of the new technology: “As an honest-to-goodness, flesh-and-blood, Cougar-ific Cuddle Queen I am very excited about the addition of sex-bot playtime and remote interaction options at the brothel. Expanding our technological and social stiletto-print is imperative. Adapt or die!”

    She continued: “I for one am all about diversifying my portfolio of sexy services to meet the needs of my beloved clients. I’m an artist damn it!”

    Sure you are.



    Tyler Durden

    Fri, 11/01/2019 – 22:05

  • It's No Coincidence The Century Of Total War Coincided With The Century Of Central Banking
    It's No Coincidence The Century Of Total War Coincided With The Century Of Central Banking

    Via The Mises Institute,

    [This talk was delivered at the Mises Circle in New York City on September 14, 2012.]

    The 20th century was the century of total war. Limitations on the scope of war, built up over many centuries, had already begun to break down in the 19th century, but they were altogether obliterated in the 20th. And of course the sheer amount of resources that centralized states could bring to bear in war, and the terrible new technologies of killing that became available to them, made the 20th a century of almost unimaginable horror.

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    It isn’t terribly often that people discuss the development of total war in tandem with the development of modern central banking, which — although antecedents existed long before — also came into its own in the 20th century. It’s no surprise that Ron Paul, the man in public life who has done more than anyone to break through the limits of what is permissible to say in polite society about both these things, has also been so insistent that the twin phenomena of war and central banking are linked. “It is no coincidence,” Dr. Paul said, “that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.”

    He added:

    If every American taxpayer had to submit an extra five or ten thousand dollars to the IRS this April to pay for the war, I’m quite certain it would end very quickly. The problem is that government finances war by borrowing and printing money, rather than presenting a bill directly in the form of higher taxes. When the costs are obscured, the question of whether any war is worth it becomes distorted.

    For the sake of my remarks today I take it as given that Murray Rothbard’s analysis of the true functions of central banking is correct. Rothbard’s books The History of Money and Banking: The Colonial Era Through World War II, The Case Against the FedThe Mystery of Banking, and What Has Government Done to Our Money? provide the logical case and the empirical evidence for this view, and I refer you to those sources for additional details.

    For now I take it as uncontroversial that central banks perform three significant functions for the banking system and the government.

    First, they serve as lenders of last resort, which in practice means bailouts for the big financial firms.

    Second, they coordinate the inflation of the money supply by establishing a uniform rate at which the banks inflate, thereby making the fractional-reserve banking system less unstable and more consistently profitable than it would be without a central bank (which, by the way, is why the banks themselves always clamor for a central bank).

    Finally, they allow governments, via inflation, to finance their operations far more cheaply and surreptitiously than they otherwise could.

    As an enabler of inflation, the Fed is ipso facto an enabler of war. Looking back on World War I, Ludwig von Mises wrote in 1919, “One can say without exaggeration that inflation is an indispensable means of militarism. Without it, the repercussions of war on welfare become obvious much more quickly and penetratingly; war weariness would set in much earlier.”

    No government has ever said, “Because we want to go to war, we must abandon central banking,” or “Because we want to go to war, we must abandon inflation and the fiat money system.” Governments always say, “We must abandon the gold standard because we want to go to war.” That alone indicates the restraint that hard money places on governments. Precious metals cannot be created out of thin air, which is why governments chafe at monetary systems based on them.

    Governments can raise revenue in three ways.

    Taxation is the most visible means of doing so, and it eventually meets with popular resistance.

    They can borrow the money they need, but this borrowing is likewise visible to the public in the form of higher interest rates — as the federal government competes for a limited amount of available credit, credit becomes scarcer for other borrowers.

    Creating money out of thin air, the third option, is preferable for governments, since the process by which the political class siphons resources from society via inflation is far less direct and obvious than in the cases of taxation and borrowing. In the old days the kings clipped the coins, kept the shavings, then spent the coins back into circulation with the same nominal value. Once they have it, governments guard this power jealously. Mises once said that if the Bank of England had been available to King Charles I during the English Civil War of the 1640s, he could have crushed the parliamentary forces arrayed against him, and English history would have been much different.

    Juan de Mariana, a Spanish Jesuit who wrote in the 16th and early 17th centuries, is best known in political philosophy for having defended regicide in his 1599 work De Rege. Casual students often assume that it must have been for this provocative claim that the Spanish government confined him for a time. But in fact it was his Treatise on the Alteration of Money, which condemned monetary inflation as a moral evil, that got him in trouble.

    Think about that. Saying the king could be killed was one thing. But taking direct aim at inflation, the lifeblood of the regime? Now that was taking things too far.

    In those days, if a war were to be funded partly by monetary debasement, the process was direct and not difficult to understand. The sequence of events today is more complicated, but as I’ve said, not fundamentally different. What happens today is not that the government needs to pay for a war, comes up short, and simply prints the money to make up the difference. The process is not quite so crude. But when we examine it carefully, it turns out to be essentially the same thing.

    Central banks, established by the world’s governments, allow those governments to spend more than they receive in taxes. Borrowing allowed them to spend more than they received in taxes, but government borrowing led to higher interest rates, which in turn can provoke the public in undesirable ways. When central banks create money and inject it into the banking system, they serve the purposes of governments by pushing those interest rates back down, thereby concealing the effects of government borrowing.

    But central banking does more than this. It essentially prints up money and hands it to the government, though not quite so directly and obviously.

    First, the federal government is able to sell its bonds at artificially high prices (and correspondingly low interest rates) because the buyers of its debt know they can turn around and sell to the Federal Reserve. It’s true that the federal government has to pay interest on the securities the Federal Reserve owns, but at the end of the year the Fed pays that money back to the Treasury, minus its trivial operating expenses. That takes care of the interest. And in case you’re thinking that the federal government still has to pay out at least the principal, it really doesn’t. The government can roll over its existing debt when it comes due, issuing a new bond to pay off the principal of the old one.

    Through this convoluted process — a process, not coincidentally, that the general public is unlikely to know about or understand — the federal government is in fact able to do the equivalent of printing money and spending it. While everyone else has to acquire resources by spending money they earned in a productive enterprise — in other words, they first have to produce something for society, and then they may consume — government may acquire resources without first having produced anything. Money creation via government monopoly thus becomes another mechanism whereby the exploitative relationship between government and the public is perpetuated.

    Now because the central bank allows the government to conceal the cost of everything it does, it provides an incentive for governments to engage in additional spending in all kinds of areas, not just war. But because war is enormously expensive and because the sacrifices that accompany it place such a strain on the public, it is wartime expenditures for which the assistance of the central bank is especially welcome for any government.

    The Federal Reserve System, which was established in late 1913 and opened its doors the following year, was first put to the test during World War I. Unlike some countries, the United States did not abandon the gold standard during the war, but it was not operating under a pure 100 percent gold standard in any case. The Fed could and did engage in credit expansion. On we feature an article by John Paul Koning that takes the reader through the exact process by which the Fed carried out its monetary inflation in those early years. In brief, the Fed essentially created money and used it to add war bonds to its balance sheet. Benjamin Anderson, the Austrian-sympathetic economist, observed at the time, “The growth in virtually all the items of the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve System since the United States entered the war has been very great indeed.”

    The Fed’s accommodating role was not confined to wartime itself. In America’s Money MachineElgin Groseclose wrote,

    Although the war was over in 1918, in a fighting sense, it was not over in a financial sense. The Treasury still had enormous obligations to meet, which were eventually covered by a Victory loan. The main support in the market again was the Federal Reserve.

    Monetary expansion was especially helpful to the US government during the Vietnam War. Lyndon Johnson could have both his Great Society programs and his overseas war, and the strain on the public was kept — at first, at least — within manageable limits.

    So confident had the Keynesian economic planners become that by 1970, Arthur Okun, one of the decade’s key presidential advisers on the economy, was noting in a published retrospective that wise economic management seemed to have done away with the business cycle. But reality could not be evaded forever, and the apparently strong war economy of the 1960s gave way to the stagnation of the 1970s.

    There is a law of the universe according to which every time the public is promised that the boom-bust business cycle has been banished forever, a bust is right around the corner. One month after Okun’s rosy book was published, the recession began.

    Americans paid a steep cost for the inflation of the 1960s. The loss of life resulting from the war itself was the most gruesome and horrific of these costs, but the economic devastation cannot be ignored. As many of us well remember, years of unemployment and high inflation plagued the US economy. The stock market fared even worse. Mark Thornton points out that

    in May 1970, a portfolio consisting of one share of every stock listed on the Big Board was worth just about half of what it would have been worth at the start of 1969. The high flyers that had led the market of 1967 and 1968 — conglomerates, computer leasers, far-out electronics companies, franchisers — were precipitously down from their peaks. Nor were they down 25 percent, like the Dow, but 80, 90, or 95 percent.

    … The Dow index shows that stocks tended to trade in a wide channel for much of the period between 1965 and 1984. However, if you adjust the value of stocks by price inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index, a clearer and more disturbing picture emerges. The inflation-adjusted or real purchasing power measure of the Dow indicates that it lost nearly 80% of its peak value.

    And for all the talk of the Fed’s alleged independence, it is not even possible to imagine the Fed maintaining a tight-money stance when the regime demands stimulus, or when the troops are in the field. It has been more than accommodating during the so-called War on Terror. Consider the amount of debt purchased every year by the Fed, and compare it to that year’s war expenditures, and you will get a sense of the Fed’s enabling role.

    Now while it’s true that a gold standard restrains governments, it’s also true that governments have little difficulty finding pretexts — war chief among them — to abandon the gold standard. For that reason, the gold standard in and of itself is not a sufficient restraint on the government’s ambitions, at home and abroad.

    As we look to the future, we must cast aside all timidity in our proposals for monetary reform. We do not seek a gold-exchange standard, as existed under the Bretton Woods system. We do not seek to use the price of gold as a calibration device to assist the monetary authority in its decisions on how much money to create. We do not even seek the restoration of the classical gold standard, great though its merits are.

    In the 1830s, the hard-money Jacksonian monetary theorists coined the marvelous phrase “separation of bank and state.” That would be a start.

    What we need today is the separation of money and state.

    There are some ways in which money is unique among goods. For one thing, money is valued not for its own sake but for its use in exchange. For another, money is not consumed, but rather is handed on from one person to another. And all other goods in the economy have their prices expressed in terms of this good.

    But there is nothing about money — or anything else, for that matter — that should make us think its production must be carried out by the government or its designated monopoly grantee. Money constitutes one-half of every non-barter market transaction. People who believe in the market economy, and yet who are prepared to hand over to the state the custodianship of this most crucial good, ought to think again.

    Interventionists sometimes claim that a particular good is just too important to be left to the market. The standard free-market reply turns this argument around: the more important a commodity is, the more essential it is for the government not to produce it, and to leave its production to the market instead.

    Nowhere is this more true than in the case of money. As Ludwig von Mises once said, the history of money is the history of government efforts to destroy money. Government control of money has yielded monetary debasement, the impoverishment of society relative to the state, devastating business cycles, financial bubbles, capital consumption (because of falsified profit-and-loss accounting), moral hazard, and — most germane to my topic today — the expropriation of the public in ways they are unlikely to understand. It is this silent expropriation that has made possible some of the state’s greatest enormities, including its wars, and it is all of these offenses combined that constitute a compelling popular brief against the current system and in favor of a market substitute.

    The war machine and the money machine, in short, are intimately linked. It is vain to denounce the moral grotesqueries of the US empire without at the same time taking aim at the indispensable support that makes it all possible. If we wish to oppose the state and all its manifestations — its imperial adventures, its domestic subsidies, its unstoppable spending and debt accumulation — we must point to their source, the central bank, the mechanism that the state and its kept media and economists will defend to their dying days.

    The state has persuaded the people that its own interests are identical with theirs. It seeks to promote their welfare. Its wars are their wars. It is the great benefactor, and the people are to be content in their role as its contented subjects.

    Ours is a different view. The state’s relationship to the people is not benign, it is not one of magnanimous giver and grateful recipient. It is an exploitative relationship, whereby an array of self-perpetuating fiefdoms that produce nothing live at the expense of the toiling majority. Its wars do not protect the public; they fleece it. Its subsidies do not promote the so-called public good; they undermine it. Why should we expect its production of money to be an exception to this general pattern?

    As F.A. Hayek said, it is not reasonable to think that the state has any interest in giving us a “good money.” What the state wants is to produce the money or have a privileged position vis-à-vis the source of the money, so it can dispense largesse to its favored constituencies. We should not be anxious to accommodate it.

    The state does not compromise, and neither should we. In the struggle of liberty against power, few enough will oppose the state and the conventional wisdom it urges us to adopt. Fewer still will reject the state and its programs root and branch. We must be those few, as we work toward a future in which we are the many.

    This is our mission today, as it has been the mission of the Mises Institute for the past 30 years. With your support, we shall at this critical moment carry on publishing our books and periodicals, aiding research and teaching in Austrian economics, promoting the Austrian School to the public, and training tomorrow’s champions of the economics of freedom.

    Tyler Durden

    Fri, 11/01/2019 – 21:45

  • Dear Parents Of Super-Fat Kids: Let Science Surgically Fix Years Of Terrible Habits
    Dear Parents Of Super-Fat Kids: Let Science Surgically Fix Years Of Terrible Habits

    Are you a parent of a severely obese child whose condition is undoubtedly glandular in nature and not a result of your dietary failings?

    Whatever the cause, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is now recommending that more extremely fat children undergo gastric bypass surgery with life-changing implications.

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    The surgery, which can cost up to $20,000, is typically not covered by public or private health insurance. This means that poor fat kids will just have to make lifestyle changes instead of making it surgically impossible for them to gorge themselves.

    The guidance, issued Sunday by the AAP, is based on a review of medical evidence, including multiple studies which found that weight loss surgery in teens can result in dramatic weight loss lasting “at least several years,” according to AP.

    “Safe and effective is the message here,” said Duke University pediatrics professor, Dr. Sarah Armstrong. 

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    Child whose parents exploited his obesity in the modeling industry

    Armstrong, the lead author of the new policy, says that children who haven’t gone through puberty may not quite understand the long-term implications of the surgery, however age alone should not rule out the procedure.

    “It’s a lifelong decision with implications every single day for the rest of your life,” she said.

    Nearly 5 million U.S. children and teens are severely obese, a near doubling over 20 years. Many have already developed related health problems including diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and liver disease. But most kids don’t get obesity surgery, mainly because most public and private health insurance doesn’t cover it or they live far from surgery centers, Armstrong said. Costs can total at least $20,000.

    Resistance from pediatricians is another obstacle. Many prefer “watchful waiting,” or think surgery is risky or will alter kids’ growth. Some don’t recommend surgery because they think “weight is a personal responsibility rather than a medical problem,” the new policy states. –AP

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    The academy recommends that children and teens are generally eligible for surgery if their body mass index (BMI) is above 40, or 35 in the case of major health problems. Armstrong says the guidelines may vary by gender and age, but are similar to criteria used by surgeons from the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. A BMI above 30 is considered obese.

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    Faith Newsome

    Faith Newsome was a typical patient. At 5 feet, 8 inches and 273 pounds, her BMI was almost 42 and she had high blood pressure and prediabetes when she had gastric bypass surgery at Duke at age 16. After about a year, she had shed 100 pounds and those health problems disappeared. She slimmed down enough to become active in sports, shop for prom dresses and gain a better self-image. But to avoid malnutrition she takes vitamins, must eat small meals and gets sick if she eats foods high in fat or sugar. Her BMI, at just under 30, puts her in the overweight range. –AP

    Newsome has no regrets after having her surgery, telling AP, “Teens should be able to discuss every option with their doctors, and surgery should be one of those options.”

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    Goal-setting, daily effort and limiting what one shovels into their mouth is another way to go – and it’s much cheaper.

    Tyler Durden

    Fri, 11/01/2019 – 21:25

  • Wealth Inequality: It's Complicated
    Wealth Inequality: It's Complicated

    Authored by Vincent Geloso via The American Institute for Economic research,

    In the debates over wealth inequality that have followed the publication of The Triumph of Injustice (authored by Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman), there have been intense discussions of the methodological choices made in the book. There have been few considerations regarding the underlying assumptions regarding the sources of inequality. 

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    All inequalities are bundled as if they are one and the same. While they recognize that there is an optimal level of inequality (few in the popular press point this out; they simply assume that we must be beyond this optimum), no distinctions between inequalities are made. This is by far the greatest flaw in the book, and it is shared by other authors in the field. 

    Why is it a flaw? Consider the following case: wealth (or income) inequality could increase even if everyone’s wealth goes up by the same proportion. This would happen as long as certain groups change in relative size within the overall population. For example, immigrants tend to have lower wealth stocks than natives. However, all immigrants could experience an increase in wealth equal to everyone else, but if the immigrants’ share of the total population doubles, then we will see an increase in inequality. This is called composition bias

    Economists have long known that it is necessary to make adjustments for this bias, which generally emerges as demographic structures change. In the 1970s, Morton Paglin published a series of articles (including one in the American Economic Review) on the topic of making such adjustments for income inequality measures. The reason for making such adjustments is that these are mechanical increases of inequality that do not speak to the ability of someone to improve his economic condition relative to others. 

    Why should we care today? Consider the following facts. 

    First, there are more immigrants in the United States (their share of the population has doubled over the last decades). While immigrants are clearly better off after moving to America, they also tend to be slightly poorer than the average American. Because they swell the lower part of the income distribution, they give the impression of rising inequality (in both income and wealth). With regard to income, David Card pointed out that immigration explained 5 percent of the recent increase in inequality. 

    In Canada, where immigration levels are higher, immigration explains an even larger share of the increase. But why should this increase worry us? Immigration research suggests that there are important wage gains to the natives, mild gains in economic growth, and little to no fiscal cost to the population. All of this is compounded by massive gains to immigrants themselves. Clearly, that increase in inequality is not worrisome. 

    Second, the age of entry in the labor market has been pushed further and further back since the 1960s. As individuals in Western countries spend increasingly long periods of time in school earning nothing and investing in their human capital to earn more later, this is easily understandable. Yet, for inequality estimates, this means that there is an increase in inequality as long as scholarly pursuits are lengthened. Again, why should we be worried about that part of the increase in inequality? As Gary Becker and Kevin Murphy pointed out, this is bound to eventually produce a leveling off in inequality and probably even a decline as some other economists point out. 

    Third, there is the role of old age. There is a strong age–wealth relationship: older individuals are likely to be wealthier individuals. Thus, a cross-section of all individuals in different countries could lead to incorrect inferences where older societies are confused with wealthier societies. If this misleading portrait can emerge in comparisons of different countries, it can also emerge in comparisons of one country over time if the older group grows in proportion to the rest of the population (and there are fewer younger individuals). 

    Of the three factors I mentioned, this is probably the most important. Magne Mogstad and some colleagues, in an article in the Scandinavian Journal of Economicsmade adjustments to avoid this problem. The results he and his colleagues found were that the level of inequality was lower and there was a mild decline in inequality. 

    In another paper (published in the Journal of Economic Inequality) studying income inequality — in Norway, over a longer period of time (1967 to 2000) — Mogstad found a similar alteration: inequality fell when the adjustments for age structure were made even if the unadjusted figures suggest an increase. To be sure, such adjustments are data-intensive and these types of data are not available over very long periods of time. 

    As such, there are some uncertainties as to whether or not the longer time horizon (say for a period covering 1950 to today) would yield the same result. I doubt that it would, but it is likely that increase will be dampened when the proper adjustments are made. Thus, should we be worried about the part of inequality that stems from aging? A case can be made that aging has downsides, but it’s hard to see how inequality is one of these downsides. 

    The sum of these points is suggestive of an important task that we have as economists. We need to decompose inequality into its core components. There are components (like aging) that have no deep implications. There are components that tell us that we should welcome more inequality because it entails clear gains for everyone. This is the case with immigration, which is bound to increase inequality in a given host country (but reduce it globally by allowing massive gains to the world’s poorest). 

    There are, however, components that ought to be tackled. Inequality resulting from your place of birth or from your parents’ situation is offensive to most people. If all of the increase in inequality came from this source, it would be understandable to want to tackle it. 

    Similarly, inequality can also result from barriers being placed in the way of the poor that limit their chances at upward mobility. Rent-seeking, which redistributes to the politically connected to shield them from competition hurts the poor. Thus, as with inherited inequality, tackling these institutional sources of the inequality increase is necessary. 

    These are crucial distinctions never discussed by many economists at the forefront of the conversation of inequality. They are harder to make. They require intellectual discipline and hard work (both historical and statistical). Nevertheless, they are crucial to understanding correctly the rise of inequality in recent decades. All efforts that fail to attempt this decomposition should be considered in a lesser light, and praise for such efforts should be scant. 

    Tyler Durden

    Fri, 11/01/2019 – 21:05

  • Global Anxieties Soar As China's Military Might Roars, Japan Says
    Global Anxieties Soar As China's Military Might Roars, Japan Says

    China’s national parade day held on Oct. 01 showcased hypersonic missiles, stealth drones, and fifth-generation fighters, a move that has produced “global anxiety” about Beijing rising as a global superpower, Japan’s defense minister told the Financial Times (FT).

    Defense Minister Taro Kono sat down with FT in an exclusive interview this week to discuss the geopolitical shifts in the East/South China Sea, Sea of Japan, and across the broader Pacific region.

    Kono warned China has developed and deployed advanced weapons, something that has sparked fear with surrounding countries.

    He made it clear that Tokyo won’t permit Washington to install intermediate-range missiles across Japan, a move that would be too dangerous and risk the island country into a period of worsening ties with China.

    Kono’s comments remind us all that geopolitical tensions in the Eastern Hemisphere are elevated, and Tokyo is playing a delicate balancing act of pleasing Washington but trying not to upset Beijing.

    “[China’s] budget, doctrine, weapon systems, the whereabouts of their weapon systems and their organization are not transparent,” Kono said. “We have been urging them to explain . . . but we really haven’t seen an improvement in their transparency. So, these new weapons systems simply add to global anxiety.”

    China’s advanced military weapons were showcased to the world last month as the country prepares to surpass the US as the number one global superpower in the next decade.

    At the current rate, Beijing’s ambitions of unraveling Pax Americana could be likely. Still, Washington has struck back with an economic war to limit China’s ascension, which of course, has forced global tensions/uncertainties to near-record highs.

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    Kono said that Tokyo is modernizing its forces by unveiling new military hardware, expanding cyberspace capabilities, and strengthening its defense industrial base.

    He added that Tokyo would continue purchasing Lockheed Martin F-35s from the US but is also preparing to develop a domestic fifth-generation fighter in the early 2020s.

    The Pentagon has spent the last several years building an F-35 friends circle around China, effectively surrounding the country with stealth fighter jets.

    The trend at play is called Thucydides Trap. This is when a rising power (China) threatens to displace the status quo power (the US) — and is primarily the reason why China is building up its defense because it senses a shooting war with the US is inevitable.

    As for Kono’s comments, he too knows the fate of the world in the next decade, and it’s one where China and the US could duke it out.

    Tyler Durden

    Fri, 11/01/2019 – 20:45

  • Things Are Only Going To Get Weirder
    Things Are Only Going To Get Weirder

    Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

    Things are getting stranger and stranger. If you would have told someone ten years ago that Dennis Rodman would one day be helping to negotiate peace between North Korea and President Donald Trump, they would have assumed you were describing some weird movie cooked up in the mind of Mike Judge or the South Park guys. But in this timeline it’s an actual news story.

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    Everything about the last few years has been weird. The mass media’s behavior has been weird, Russiagate was weird, Ukrainegate is weird, a former presidential candidate accusing a current presidential candidate of working for the Kremlin was weird, people constantly accusing strangers on the internet of being Russian agents is weird, factions of the US government constantly leaking information against other factions of the US government is weird, the DNC getting caught rigging their primary was weird, Hillary Clinton losing the election was weird, the Skripal poisoning was weird, US government officials openly tweeting about their Venezuela coup is weird, the breakdown of the entire mainstream Syria narrative is weird, Assange’s arrest was weird, the campaign to censor the internet is weird, and this is just stuff off the top of my head from the areas I’ve been looking at in my own narrow spectrum of focus. Anyone else could list dozens of other weird new developments from their own slice of the information pie.

    I often hear people in my line of work saying “Man, we’re going to look back on all this crazy shit and think about how absolutely weird it was!”

    No we won’t. Because it’s only going to get weirder.

    It’s only going to get weirder, because that’s what it looks like when old patterns start to fall away.

    The human mind is conditioned to look for patterns in order to establish a baseline of normal expectations upon which to plan out future actions. This perceptual framework exists to give us safety and security, so disruptions in the patterns upon which it is based often feel weird, threatening, and scary. They make us feel insecure, because our cognitive tool for staying in control of our wellbeing has a glitch in it.

    When you’re talking about a species that has been consistently patterned towards its own destruction, though, a disruption of patterns is a good thing. Our ecocidal, warmongering tendencies have brought us to a point that now has us staring down the barrel of our own extinction, and that is where we are surely headed if we continue patterning along the behavioral trajectory that we have been on. Only a drastic change of patterns can change that trajectory. And we are seeing a change of patterns.

    Sure it’s sloppy as hell. Pattern disruption always is. Show me someone who recovered from a severe addiction to hard drugs who enjoyed a smooth, easy transition into sobriety with no major changes in their life besides the absence of substance abuse. Show me someone who left an abusive long term relationship whose life wasn’t drastically upended by it. People see safety in patterns, even unhealthy patterns, and they build their own patterns on the patterns of those in their lives. When any of those patterns disappear for anyone involved, it can feel unsafe for many people around them.

    When patterns first start vanishing, it can look like things are getting worse. Because a disappeared pattern is an absence of something and not a thing in itself, people don’t see it, because the human mind is naturally drawn toward things and not the absence of things. So their attention will be drawn toward whatever things start to happen in the absence of the old pattern, which won’t necessarily be a pleasant or attractive thing, and they’ll say “Oh no! Things are getting worse now!” No they’re not. An unhealthy pattern disappeared, and in its absence something unappealing fell into place for a bit. But the absence of the old unhealthy pattern is a good thing, and in the long run will lead to good results, in the same way that leaving an abusive marriage may lead to financial hardship and stress in the short term but will lead to thriving in the long term.

    I have become convinced in my personal life that humans are far more capable of breaking patterns than they realize. There’s an intelligence running things below the loud thinky noises of our inner narrative generators which most of us aren’t aware of, but which I’m convinced is disappearing old behavior patterns in our species, both collectively and individually.

    We’re all mentally aware that things need to change away from the patterns we’ve been collectively engaged in, but we’ve been unable to bring about those changes in patterning because our efforts to do so arise from the same conditioning patterns that got us into this mess in the first place. Our patterns have led us to violent revolutions, but those just lead to governments which end up perpetuating the same old patterns we were trying to end. Our patterns have led to nonviolent political movements, but those end up being co-opted and their energy fed into the same collective patterning. Despite being told in movement after movement that the real enemy is the King or the Emperor or the aristocracy or the Jews or the Communists, over and over again the real enemy behind the curtain has ended up being our own conditioned tendency to keep repeating the same collective behavior patterns.

    That’s what seems to be evaporating. Not because anyone came up with the Ultimate Political Ideology in their thinky brains, not because some clever revolutionary came up with the Ultimate Plan for Toppling the Status Quo, not because some adept killers killed those in power and replaced them with themselves, but because this mysterious guiding intelligence running the scenes far below the level of verbal thought has been disappearing our patterns in a way we don’t notice because we’re not conditioned to notice absences.

    The observation of the obvious fact that humankind is deeply conditioned is what has led to philosophical debates throughout the ages of the existence of free will. How can a species so beholden to its preconditioned patterning have freedom of choice in its actions? In my experience the answer is that there is something at play within each of us which provides the potential to discard old patternings. We don’t have any free will as to how a given conditioned behavior pattern will play out as long as we’re still holding them, but there is something in all of us which is capable of opening the door to relinquishing a mental habit altogether. This is the only extent to which free will may be said to exist.

    Sometimes I wonder if the world as we knew it really did end in December 2012 as so many mystics, psychics and psychonauts predicted. Not in a nuclear holocaust or giant meteor obviously, but in the beginning of an unravelling of the glue that holds human behavior patterns in place. There certainly hasn’t been a normal US presidential election since that date, and there doesn’t seem to be one on the horizon in the foreseeable future. Things have been getting stranger and stranger ever since, and this trend appears to be accelerating rather than slowing down.

    Things are weird, and they’re only going to keep getting weirder. Buckle up, buttercup.

    *  *  *

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    Tyler Durden

    Fri, 11/01/2019 – 20:25

  • "Born For This? I Don't Think So" – Trump Mocks Beto As 'Contender' Drops Out Of Presidential Race
    "Born For This? I Don't Think So" – Trump Mocks Beto As 'Contender' Drops Out Of Presidential Race

    Update (1805ET): President Trump was quick to react:

    *  *  *

    Having plunged from over 10% to just 1% in the PredictIt betting, former Texas congressman (and failed Texas Senate seat contender) Beto O’Rourke is dropping out of the race to become the Democratic Party’s next Presidential candidate.

    Quite a collapse since he entered the 2020 primary in the middle of March with the aura of a celebrity, cheered by rank-and-file Democrats, to being among the lowest polling of the many candidates – even after very strong fundraising efforts early on.

    “My service to the country will not be as a candidate or as the nominee,” he said.

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    Source: Bloomberg

    The New York Times reports that Mr. O’Rourke made the decision to quit the race in the middle of this week, on the eve of a gathering Friday of Democratic presidential candidates in Iowa, according to people familiar with his thinking. He is not expected to run for any other office in 2020, despite persistent efforts by party leaders and political donors to coax him into another bid for the Senate.

    A spokesman to Mr. O’Rourke reiterated that stance on Friday.

    “Beto will not be a candidate for U.S. Senate in Texas in 2020,” said Rob Friedlander, an aide to Mr. O’Rourke.

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    His campaign has been under extreme financial strain, and Mr. O’Rourke’s advisers concluded that proceeding in the race might have meant making deep cuts to his staff in order to pay for advertising and other measures to compete in the early primary and caucus state.

    What will the media do now that their once-favorite is gone?

    But in a recent interview with Politico, Mr. O’Rourke said that if he did not prevail in the 2020 presidential primary he would not become a candidate again.

    “I cannot fathom a scenario where I would run for public office again if I’m not the nominee,” Mr. O’Rourke said last month.

    You promise!?

    Read his full statement below:

    Our campaign has been about seeing clearly, speaking honestly and acting decisively in the best interests of America.

    Though it is difficult to accept, it is clear to me now that this campaign does not have the means to move forward successfully. My service to the country will not be as a candidate or as the nominee. Acknowledging this now is in the best interests of those in the campaign; it is in the best interests of this party as we seek to unify around a nominee; and it is in the best interests of the country.

    I decided to run for President because I believed that I could help bring a divided country together in common cause to confront the greatest set of challenges we’ve ever faced. I also knew that the most fundamental of them is fear — the fear that Donald Trump wants us to feel about one another; the very real fear that too many in this country live under; and the fear we sometimes feel when it comes to doing the right thing, especially when it runs counter to what is politically convenient or popular.

      I knew, and I still know, that we can reject and overcome these fears and choose to instead be defined by our ambitions and our ability to achieve them.

      I knew that we would have to be unafraid in how we ran the campaign. We’d have to run with nothing to lose. And I knew that our success would depend not on PACs or corporations but upon the grassroots volunteers and supporters from everywhere, especially from those places that had been overlooked or taken for granted.

      We should be proud of what we fought for and what we were able to achieve.

      Together we were able to help change what is possible when it comes to the policies that we care about and the country we want to serve. We released the first comprehensive plan to confront climate change of any of the presidential candidates; we took the boldest approach to gun safety in American history; we confronted institutional, systemic racism and called out Donald Trump for his white supremacy and the violence that he’s encouraged against communities that don’t look like, pray like or love like the majority in this country; and we were one of the first to reject all PAC money, corporate contributions, special interest donations and lobbyist help.

      We proposed an economic program that focused on both equality and equity and would give every American the certainty that one job would be enough; and a healthcare plan that would guarantee that every one of us is well enough to live to our full potential.

      We knew the only way our country would live up to its promise is if everyone could stand up to be counted. We released the most ambitious voter registration and voting rights plan, one that would bring 55 million new voters into our democracy, and remove barriers for those who’ve been silenced because of their race, ethnicity or the fact that they live with a disability.

      We spoke with pride about El Paso and communities of immigrants. We elevated the plight and the promise of refugees and asylum seekers. And we proposed nothing short of rewriting this country’s immigration laws in our own image, to forever free from fear more than 11 million of our fellow Americans who should be able to contribute even more to our shared success.

      And at this moment of truth for our country, we laid bare the cost and consequence of Donald Trump: the rise in hate crimes, the terror attack in El Paso, the perversion of the Constitution, the diminished standing of the United States around the world. But we also made clear the common responsibility to confront him, to hold him accountable and ensure that he does not serve another term in office. Committing ourselves to this task not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans first before we are anything else.

      I am grateful to each one of you, and to all the people who made up the heart and soul of this campaign. You were among the hundreds of thousands of our fellow Americans who made a donation, signed up to volunteer or spread the word about this campaign and our opportunity to help decide the election of our lifetime.

      You have been with me from the beginning, through it all. I know that you did it not for me personally, not for the Democratic Party, but for our country at this defining moment. Though today we are suspending this campaign, let us each continue our commitment to the country in whatever capacity we can.

      Let us continue to fearlessly champion the issues and causes that brought us together. Whether it is ending the epidemic of gun violence or dismantling structural racism or successfully confronting climate change before it is too late, we will continue to organize and mobilize and act in the best interests of America.

      We will work to ensure that the Democratic nominee is successful in defeating Donald Trump in 2020. I can tell you firsthand from having the chance to know the candidates, we will be well served by any one of them, and I’m going to be proud to support whoever that nominee is.

      And proud to call them President in January 2021, because they will win.

      We must support them in the race against Donald Trump and support them in their administration afterwards, do all that we can to help them heal a wounded country and bring us together in meeting the greatest set of challenges we have ever known.

      I’m confident I will see you down the road, and I look forward to that day.

      Thank you for making this campaign possible, and for continuing to believe that we can turn this moment of great peril into a moment of great promise for America and the world.

        With you always, and forever grateful.


        Maybe a little more Spanish-speaking, a little more gun-grabbing, a few more dentist appointment videos, and a little more swearing would have done the job… hey, you know what they say – 3rd time’s the charm (just ask Hillary)!

        Tyler Durden

        Fri, 11/01/2019 – 20:22


      • Iran Foils Plot To Oust Iraqi PM In Latest Sign Of Tehran's Growing Influence
        Iran Foils Plot To Oust Iraqi PM In Latest Sign Of Tehran's Growing Influence

        Violent protest movements have erupted around the world in 2019, making it perhaps the most chaotic year since 2011, when the Arab Spring uprisings that swept the Middle East toppled several governments in quick succession.

        Not just Hong Kong, Venezuela, Syria but dozens of countries have been rocked by destabilizing riots and protest movements, including Lebanon, Chile, Argentina, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Egypt – the list goes on. An increasingly violent protest movement in Chile recently prompted the cancellation of the APEC conference, where the US and China were supposed to iron out “Phase One” of their trade deal (now the two sides need to find some other neutral territory for their meeting).

        Though the Middle East hasn’t exactly been the most stable region in recent years, 2019 has been particularly troubled. After two years of relative calm, protests that started in Baghdad one month ago have spread across the country. Roughly 250 people have been killed in the chaos that has ensued.

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        Meanwhile, over in Lebanon, a wave of anti-government protests has swept across the country, motivated by many of the same factors: The controversial influence of the Iranian government in local affairs, economic mismanagement and endemic poverty, and a political establishment that’s widely seen as corrupt.

        But in Lebanon, earlier this week, Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his cabinet resigned. Hariri said he had “reached a dead end” following nearly two weeks of brutal protests that have convulsed the tiny nation and led to bloody clashes with the militant wing of Hezbollah, which is the junior partner to Hariri’s party in the Lebanese government.

        Something similar almost happened in Iraq. According to an exclusive Reuters report, Iran stepped in to prevent the ouster of Iraqi PM Abdel Abdul Mahdi, who was reportedly on the cusp of being ousted by two of the country’s most influential political figures as the anti-government protests worsened.

        The two men are themselves political rivals: Populist cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and Hadi al-Amiri, both of whom control Shiite backed militias

        Populist Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr demanded this week that Abdul Mahdi call an early election to quell the biggest mass protests in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003.

        The demonstrations are fueled by anger at corruption and widespread economic hardship.

        Sadr had urged his main political rival Hadi al-Amiri, whose alliance of Iran-backed militias is the second-biggest political force in parliament, to help push out Abdul Mahdi.

        But a surprise visit by Qassem Soleimani, the head of the IRGC international offshot Quds Force intervened by asking al-Amiri and his Iranian-backed militias to continue supporting Abdul Mahdi. Several senior Iraqi officials have told reporters that Soleimani showed up at a secret meeting in Baghdad on Wednesday that was supposed to be run by Abdul Mahdi, according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

        Soleimani and many of the militia leaders who are loyal to Amiri raised concerns at the meeting that ousting Abdul Mahdi could weaken the Popular Mobilization Forces, an umbrella group of mostly Iran-backed Shiite militias who have allies in the Iraq’s parliament and government.

        As commander of the Quds force, Soleimani helps coordinate Tehran-backed militias across the region in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. He is a frequent visitor to Iraq, and, much to Israel’s chagrin, his growing influence within the Iraqi government is emblematic of Iran’s growing influence not only in Iraq, but in Lebanon and elsewhere. And if Iraq slides into chaos, Iran risks losing all of the influence it worked so hard to build. At times it seems as if Iran is an even larger powerbroker in the Shiite majority country than the US.

        Abdul Mahdi’s fate remains unclear – despite the maneuver behind the scenes to keep him in place. He took office a year ago, but the protests that have rocked his government are unlike anything experienced by either of his predecessors who have ruled since the fall of Saddam Hussein.

        Sadr, the populist cleric, was less than pleased with Soleimani’s intervention and Amiri’s decision to go back on his pledge to try and topple the PM. “I will never enter into alliances with you after today,” Sadr reportedly said to Amiri after the meeting, according to Reuters.

        Tyler Durden

        Fri, 11/01/2019 – 20:05

      • Enemy Assets – Who Really Betrayed Their Country?
        Enemy Assets – Who Really Betrayed Their Country?

        Authored by Robert Gore via Straight Line Logic blog,

        A dictionary definition of asset is: a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality. The word has been much in the news lately. Usually coupled with “Russian,” it’s a favorite smear of establishment stalwarts like Hillary Clinton and establishment media like The New York Times. It’s been directed against President Trump, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, and others who question the US’s interventionist foreign and military policies.

        By implication, anyone who is an asset of a foreign country places the interests of that foreign country ahead of their own country’s. The term is especially odious when appended to a country commonly considered an enemy. Examining US foreign and military policy the last several decades, an unasked question is: to whom or what has that policy been “useful or valuable”? Establishment attacks on Trump and Gabbard serve to clarify who has actually been assets for unfriendly governments, and it’s not Trump or Gabbard.

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        At the end of WWII, the US was at the apex of its power and no nation could directly challenge it. After the Soviet Union detonated its first atomic bomb in 1949, the two countries settled into the Cold War stalemate that lasted until the Soviet Union’s dissolution in 1991. Actual use of nuclear weapons was considered potentially catastrophic, to be avoided by either side except to counter a nuclear strike—either preemptively or after the fact—by the other side. They were not considered a battlefield weapon, although there were elements of the American military command, and probably the Soviet command as well, that at various times advanced consideration of battlefield use.

        The rest of the world’s nations tried to protect themselves under the American or Soviet nuclear umbrellas. Both countries’ confederated alliances—essentially empires—were based on that ultimate protection, but the very unthinkability of nuclear weapons’ use meant that other calculations entered into governments’ and rulers’ calculations of strategic advantage. Just because a nuclear power wanted something or desired a certain outcome didn’t necessarily mean a nation had to comply, especially if the envelope was not pushed too far. Were you going to drop the bomb on a country that nationalized your oil company?

        The fundamental failure of both the American and Soviet leadership was to recognize a simple lesson of history: more resources and energy are required to maintain an empire than the resources and energy that the empire can extract from it. Empires are inevitably victims of their own success. As their geographic boundaries expand arithmetically, the challenges of defending borders and subjugating conquered territories expands exponentially. Loot from the colonies fuels corruption among the rulers, who typically buy off the peasantry with a bread-and-circus welfare state. Taxes rise, the state grows, money is debased, the work ethic and productivity crumble, and decadence and internal rot metastasize. Eventually the empire succumbs to revolution, invasion, or both.

        Empires never win the hearts or minds of all of their conquered subjects, and some resist. Nowadays, all but the poorest of the subjugated can avail themselves of inexpensive computing and communications. Expensive offensive weaponry and large numbers of troops can be destroyed or rendered inoperative by cheap rockets and artillery, improvised explosive devices, mines, drones, and other deadly gadgetry. The locals always know the territory and language better than their conquerers and can usually count on the support of the civilian population.

        The successful attack on a Saudi oil facility, allegedly by Yemeni Houthis, is unprecedented because drones were used, the target was not military but industrial, and it was on the would-be conqueror’s home territory. In the larger picture, however, it’s merely the most recent manifestation of a trend that has been going on since at least the Vietnam War: the destruction of the expensive with the cheap. The US’s multi-billion dollar power grid, say, could be brought down through a combination of sabotage and computer hacking that would probably take less than twenty dedicated “revolutionaries” and under $100,000. That too would be unprecedented, but not really surprising.

        Those who have called the shots for the US since World War II could have grasped the ultimately futility of empire from even a cursory reading of history. They’ve certainly had that lesson borne home to them by their own experience, if not from the Korean War then certainly from the Vietnam War. By now, it’s obvious that empire and US interventionism has been a net loser for the US, which can no longer be said to be at an apex of unchallengeable power. If its policies have been a net loss for the US, does that mean they have been a net gain for those the US defines as its enemies?

        In 1953, a coup sponsored by the CIA and Great Britain’s MI6 deposed Iran’s democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh, and replaced him with Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, an autocratic and repressive US government puppet. He was deposed in 1979 by Shia fundamentalists, who set up a theocratic regime aligned with neither the US or the Soviet Union, although decidedly hostile to the US.

        Without reviewing the tangled history of US-Iranian relations since 1979, it’s fair to say that they’ve remained hostile. It’s been the fondest hope of the US foreign policy establishment and its allies in the Middle East, notably Saudi Arabia and Israel, to unseat the theocratic regime and install another American puppet. With the exception of the Iranian nuclear agreement abrogated by President Trump, there has been little comity between the two countries’ governments. Within the Trump administration there are officials who openly talk of waging war and fomenting regime change. The administration has resorted to harsh, punitive sanctions against both the country and many of its key figures to effectuate their objectives.

        Yet, “enemy” Iran has clearly been the biggest beneficiary of US policy in the Middle East. Iranian intelligence, military, and political elements have infiltrated and gained influence in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen, all nations against which the US or its Saudi Arabian or Israelis allies have waged offensive war. A potential “Shia Crescent” from Iran to the Mediterranean, cited as a danger justifying US interventions, is now a reality not in spite of, but because of those interventions. Iran’s standing in the Middle Eastern has not been this high for at least the last several centuries.

        US hostility has also driven Iran into the loving arms of Russia and China for weapons, industrial and financial aid, and markets for its oil. This is not the only instance that Russia and China have been the beneficiaries of the US’s maladroit moves in the Middle East, Indeed, their Belt and Road initiative, spanning Asia and the Middle East and now extending to Eastern Europe and Africa, has been ideologically midwifed by the US. Nations have been offered a choice: US bullets, bombs, and bullying, or Chinese and Russian infrastructure funding and expertise.

        The Chinese and Russians aren’t acting from altruistic motives, but the recipients realize that and what America offers isn’t altruistic either. Choosing the former is an easy choice with few negative consequences. What will the US do to nations that choose to enter the Russian-Chinese orbit, start dropping nuclear bombs? Take on Russia or China? The case of Syria—in the Russian orbit since the 1940s—is instructive. The US couldn’t foment its desired regime change there, although according to Obama we were fighting the “junior varsity.” Once the varsity—Russia—entered the picture it was all over for the US effort. 

        Even if there were no Belt and Road Initiative, the Russians and Chinese, now cast as the US’s great power enemies, have reaped enormous benefits from the US’s interventions in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Having stepped away from conquest, except for potentially the “conquests” which creditors exact from debtors who cannot pay (a favorite US stratagem), Russia and China have been able to devote substantial resources to their own infrastructures and the development of high-tech weaponry that renders any US government impetus for military confrontation with them delusional (see “The Illusion of Control, Part 1“). 

        Every yuan and ruble not spent on US-style interventionism, and every drop of blood not spilled, is money and manpower available for pursuits far more rewarding than intrigue, sabotage, skullduggery, corruption, regime change, war, and the infliction of collateral damage on populations who, sensing the would-be conqueror’s indifference to their plight, often become terrorists, refugees or both—”blowback”—raising the butcher’s bill even higher. Let the US and its allies bear those costs.

        If US foreign and military policy for many decades has been a detriment to the US and a benefit to those the US government terms our enemies, particularly Russia, China, and Iran, are not the architects and proponents of those policies actually the “assets” of those countries? That such a group includes virtually the entire US establishment doesn’t mean that the question shouldn’t be asked, nor that the answer is not in the affirmative. Keep in mind that it is this group that has lately been throwing around terms like “assets,” “traitors,” and “treason.” In light of the clear benefits they have bestowed on the enemies of their choosing, how can intellectual turnabout in light of the actual results of their policies not be fair play?

        It wasn’t Donald Trump or Tulsi Gabbard who authorized the US’s failed wars and regime-change efforts. Unlike most of her critics, Gabbard fought in some of them! That Trump continues such efforts justifiably elicits condemnation, but he’s been in office less than three years and America’s malevolent misadventures have gone on for over six decades. During that time, he’s been one of the few prominent figures to even question them, and he’s been roundly criticized for it.

        The trillions of dollars spent and the millions of victims killed and wounded, whose lives have been upended, both from our own military and the nations we’ve devastated or destroyed, demands what we’ll never get—a comprehensive investigation, a thorough accounting, and justice blind to the positions, wealth, and power of the people responsible. It requires a clear-eyed assessment of how much they have benefited our enemies—and themselves—and that will mean, in all justice, calling them what they are: enemy assets, traitors guilty of the darkest treachery to their country.

        Tyler Durden

        Fri, 11/01/2019 – 19:45

      • Total US Debt Surpasses $23 Trillion For The First Time
        Total US Debt Surpasses $23 Trillion For The First Time

        After total US debt was stuck at $22 trillion for five months, from March until August, until a deal was cobbled together by Congress to once again raise the debt ceiling, the obligations of the Federal government have soared fast and furious, and in just the past three months, total US debt increased by $1 trillion, surpassing $23 trillion as of Halloween 2019: truly a scary testament to America’s insatiable thirst for debt.

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        Putting this increase in context: since Nov 8, 2016, when Donald Trump was elected US president, and when US debt was $19.8 trillion, the federal debt has increased by $3.2 trillion

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        Going further back, to November 2008 when Barack Obama won the presidency, total US debt was $10.6 trillion. Since then it has more than doubled by $12.4 trillion.

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        Going further back is largely meaningless, because as the two chart above show, under just the last two US presidents, total US debt has increased by 115%, to a record $23 trillion.

        Over the same period, US GDP increased (in nominal dollars) from $14.8 trillion to $21.5 trillion, a far more modest increase of $6.7 trillion. This also means that over the past 12 years, or the presidency of Obama and Trump, it took $1.85 in debt to generate $1.00 in GDP growth, the highest such ratio on record.

        One other startling observation: whereas US debt prior to the financial crisis of 2008 was rising at a fairly aggressive pace, extrapolating current total US debt based on where it would have been had it not been for the Fed’s housing and credit bubble, indicates a level just around $16 trillion. Instead, debt is currently at $23 trillion. This suggests that it has cost the US an additional $7 trillion in debt, or 44% of what debt would have been had it not been for the Fed’s serial bubble creation just to paper over the consequences of the global financial crisis.

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        The ominous side effects of this record debt pile up are starting to be felt in the US budget as well: in fiscal 2019, the government spent just shy of $600 billion on interest payments equivalent to nearly the entire US Medicare budget, and more than the amount spent on the combined costs of education, agriculture, transportation and housing.

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        Furthermore, as we reported last week, the US debt is expected to increase by well over $1 trillion annually for the foreseeable future: while deficit for 2019 came in just under $1 trillion, at $984 billion, it is expected to grow by over $1 trillion each year for the foreseeable future.

        “Reaching $23 trillion in debt on Halloween is a scary milestone for our economy and the next generation, but Washington shows no fear,” said Michael A. Peterson, CEO of the conservative Peter Peterson Foundation. “Piling on debt like this is especially unwise and unnecessary in a strong economy.”

        While the key drivers of US government spending are mandatory programs such as Social Security, Medicare and anti-poverty programs, a major fiscal stimulus enacted by the Trump administration – which as we reported yesterday failed to achieve any sustainable increase in US GDP – has grown the deficit considerably.

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        One final piece of bad news: according to the CBO’s baseline forecast, the US debt picture is dismal and only set to get far worse. The chart below hardly needs any explanation. 

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        Tyler Durden

        Fri, 11/01/2019 – 19:25

      • A "Red Army of Mediocrities": Our Soviet-Style University System
        A "Red Army of Mediocrities": Our Soviet-Style University System

        Authored by Thomas DiLorenzo via,

        In an April 15 Boston Globe article entitled “A Message to All Professional Thinkers: We Either Hang Together or We Hang Separately,” historian Niall Ferguson described the now-routine “outing” of conservative professors at American Universities by the hard-Left Marxists who control most of them.  The usual procedure is to first lie about something the conservative (or libertarian) supposedly said to whip a “Twitter mob” into a hateful frenzy.  The local media then pick up on it and pile on.  Spineless faculty “colleagues” either cower in fear or join the mob by signing a petition to curry favor with the administration (to increase their chances of another 1 percent pay raise).  If the conservative or libertarian professor is not tenured, he or she is fired.  Otherwise, he or she is marginalized, harassed, discriminated against, and “encouraged” to leave voluntarily to avoid such a miserable existence.  No human resources bureaucrats are ever concerned about “hostile work environments” when it comes to academic conservatives or libertarians; only the Left is to be protected from hostility and “insensitive” speech.

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        The KGB-style faculty and administrators who enforce this pervasive censorship are what Ferguson calls a “Red Army of Mediocrities.”  They are mediocrities because very few of them are real scholars but uneducated political rabble rousers who simply stayed in school their entire adult lives, armed with terminal degrees in such phony and fraudulent academic “disciplines” as “Feminist Theology” or “Global Studies.”  They are, says Ferguson, descendants of “the illiberal, egalitarian ideology that once suppressed free speech in Eastern Europe.”The Real Lincoln: A Ne…Thomas J. DilorenzoBest Price: $1.99Buy New $7.68(as of 11:05 EDT – Details)

        It’s far worse than Ferguson describes in his short op-ed, for anti-conservative and anti-libertarian discrimination in hiring has been rampant for decades.  Yours truly recalls attending a Liberty Fund conference about thirty years ago where one of the other participants, Professor Henry Manne, remarked that “we have lost the universities.”  That was thirty years ago, and he was referring to the nearly complete Leftist takeover already, at that time, of the American university system and its assault on academic freedom and free speech.  The Leftist assault on free speech has festered exponentially since then with speech codes, safe spaces, requirements to report to the authorities “unsafe speech,” the organization of riots to “protest” conservative campus speakers, and other Stasi/KGB-style tactics.

        There are a few exceptions here and there, such as Grove City College and Hillsdale College, neither of which has ever accepted government funding, and a few academic programs funded by wealthy alumni, but they are a drop in the academic ocean.  Even then, the conservative academics funded by such alumni donors are usually thought of by the majority Leftist faculty as imposters in need of extermination and expulsion.

        Such programs may comprise less than one percent of a university’s faculty budget, with the rest funded by government, yet the Leftist faculty complain endlessly about the supposedly illegitimate “bias” caused not by the 99% government funding but by the minute private funding.  Political funding of 99% of a university’s budget could not possibly create a pro-government bias in research and teaching, they insist; only private, voluntary donations can do that.  This goes for hundreds of incorrectly labeled “private” colleges and universities which, though calling themselves “private,” receive millions or billions in government funding annually.  “He who takes the king’s shilling becomes the king’s man” is as true as ever.

        Niall Ferguson ends his op-ed with a call for a “Nonconformist Academic Treaty” among university faculty and administrators who still defend freedom of speech.  The communistic academic censors must be confronted with “massive retaliation,” just as the Soviet Union was threatened with such by NATO during the Cold War, he says.  This is what he means when he says that “we” must hang together or hang separately.

        Such a “treaty” would likely garner very few signatures because of the fact that, with few exceptions, American academe is a socialist institution.  Almost every last college and university is partly or totally funded by government, and with government  funding comes government control of the means of production, the very definition of socialism.  Almost all university professors are therefore essentially government bureaucrats and, like all bureaucrats, they understand that the way to survive is to never, ever, break the rules or rock the boat, no matter how rotten the rules may be.  They understand that if they do, the Red Army of Mediocrities will take its revenge, fire them if possible, or at least never again give them a merit pay raise.  They may also end up being assigned an 8 A.M. class on the main campus along with an evening class at one of the far-away branch campuses on the same day as an added touch of petty revenge.

        University boards of trustees are mostly useless since they are easily bamboozled, lied to, or intimidated by academic administrators.  Many of them remain quiet, for to complain and not be asked back as a trustee may harm their social lives.  (At my own place of employment alumnus Tom Clancy, the famous author, once complained at a trustee meeting that the tuition was so high that the son of a mailman like himself could never afford it.  He was dropped from the board the next year).  There are no shareholders since universities are either government bureaucracies or “nonprofit” institutions, so there is no shareholder pressure either.  It is even confusing as to who the real “consumers” are since the students who sit in the classrooms are rarely the ones paying the extortionate tuition bills – at least until they graduate and are confronted with mountains of government-guaranteed student-loan debt.The Road to Serfdom: T…F. A. Hayek, Bruce Cal…Best Price: $2.31Buy New $2.99(as of 10:05 EDT – Details)

        All of this creates a socialistic system of monopoly control of “higher” education that is now firmly in the hands of Leftist ideologues and a large army of uneducated, academic frauds and imposters who are sworn enemies of free speech, academic freedom, and freedom of inquiry.  As F.A. Hayek warned in The Road to Serfdom in a chapter entitled “The End of Truth,” under collectivism of any form, “truth” is not determined by research, discussion, debate, and scientific inquiry, but by the platitudes and decrees handed down by the state.  In such a world “contempt for intellectual liberty” is “found everywhere among intellectuals who have embraced a collectivist faith and who are acclaimed as intellectual leaders.”  Under such a regime “intolerance, too, is openly extolled,” wrote Hayek in 1944.  This is a perfect description of American universities today.

        This is the road American academe has been on for several generations now, and no “treaty” among conservative professors, most of whom are, like all government bureaucrats, just counting the days until retirement, is likely to salvage what is left of academic freedom.  Salvation will lie in the private institutions of the civil society, educational institutions like the Mises Insitute, the home-schooling movement, the Ron Paul Curriculum, and most importantly, the secession of the masses from the socialist indoctrination academies that American universities, like the “public” schools, have become.  Meanwhile, we need more Niall Fergusons to at least ring alarm bells over the necessity of mass resistance.

        Tyler Durden

        Fri, 11/01/2019 – 19:05

      • Hong Kong Officer Faces Death Threats After Firing Live Round, Says He "Doesn't Regret" It
        Hong Kong Officer Faces Death Threats After Firing Live Round, Says He "Doesn't Regret" It

        It’s unclear exactly when it happened (the BBG story doesn’t say), but Jacky, a Hong Kong Police Officer was working during one of the weekend demonstrations/riots that have become typical of the city in recent months. He had worked many prior demonstrations. But this time, he was beginning to feel threatened.

        For hours, his unit had been engaged in what increasingly felt like a battle with protesters. Several rounds of non-lethal weapons fire, including pepper spray and rubber bullets, but the crowd wouldn’t disperse.

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        So he decided to engage in an option commonly viewed as a last resort. He pulled out a gun, and fired a live round into the air.

        “It was the first time I felt that way – not that I would necessarily die, but that something was going to happen to me and my unit,” he said, speaking to a news outlet for the first time since the incident. “It’s the thing I had to do at that moment.”

        Nobody was hurt, but for Jacky, the danger was only just beginning. Protesters accusing him of police brutality quickly doxxed him, and began posting death threats online. Two days after the shooting, BBG reports, the calls flooded in filled with violent threats about his family.

        One online post offered a bounty: 500,000 HKD to kill Jacky.

        “Do you feel heroic?” one person asked. Others simply cursed at him. He switched off his phone after a day, but then the emails came in droves. Some were death threats: One message online offered a HK$500,000 ($64,000) bounty to kill him.

        Police acted swiftly to increase his protection. He was moved to a secure location with his family. He doesn’t regret firing the round, which he says he did to save his colleagues. But the response has been baffling. The repercussions facing his family, even his young daughter, have been surprising.

        Jacky quickly moved out of the police quarters where he was staying and into a secure location. He didn’t leave the room for three weeks afterward, he said. But for him, what happened to his daughter was even worse: Shortly after he pulled her from school, her desk was painted black and vandalized. She hasn’t been able to return.

        “I don’t regret having to save my colleagues, but regret that it ended up having an effect on my daughter,” Jacky said, adding that the psychological pain of the personal attacks after his information was leaked was far worse than battles with protesters involving Molotov cocktails, bricks and corrosive acid. “I don’t know how our society has come to this.”

        According to BBG, both police and protesters have been victims of this kind of ‘doxxing’. At least 11 people have been arrested for doxxing officers, which can lead to charges of disclosing personal information without consent, incitement or access to a computer with dishonest or criminal intent, BBG says. Nobody has been arrested for doxxing protesters.

        Beyond the physical violence, protesters and police alike have been victims of “doxxing,” when personal information is maliciously leaked online. In August, former Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying promoted a website offering cash bounties to identify demonstrators. The following month, a Weibo account of China’s state-owned CCTV accompanied its post about a doxxing website with a call to “unmask” protesters.

        Making his financial situation even more precarious, Jacky has been on leave since the incident as HK police investigate (standard procedure any time a weapon is discharged). It’s likely the investigation will clear Jacky, but protesters are more worried about the police using these incidents as a convenient excuse to bring “the Great Firewall” to Hong Kong. Though at this point, it seems like warm relations between the police and large swaths of the people won’t ever be restored. According to Jacky, the situation between police and the public has gotten persistently worse. When protests started in June, he said he heard some demonstrators swearing at police.

        “That night, I still thought our job as police was to facilitate these protests,” he said, noting that he was struck by how young some of the protesters were. “I was asking them to leave. ‘Why don’t you go home? Do your parents know where you are?'”

        But they turned increasingly violent and anti-police as the weeks wore on. To deal with this, Jacky says he constantly reminds himself that the protesters aren’t really shouting at him, they’re shouting at the government.

        Tyler Durden

        Fri, 11/01/2019 – 18:45

      • Enough "Quid Pro Quo" Gaslighting!
        Enough "Quid Pro Quo" Gaslighting!

        Authored by Alex Bruesweitz via,

        Horse trading is the oxygen of politics; it is how politicians are persuaded to care about things that otherwise would not make their radar. Not only does it happen all the time, but it is a core feature of our political system; representative government relies on this kind of political trading to ensure a plurality of interests and needs are satisfied.

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        Members of Congress routinely trade “policy for policy.” You sponsor my bill, and I’ll sponsor yours, you vote for a road in my district, and vice versa. Members even trade policy for personnel and hiring purposes: you support my bill, and I’ll let so-and-so’s hearing move forward, you appoint me to this, and I’ll recommend your protege for that. These deals can even cross the blood/brain barrier between states and the federal government.

        It is not corruption. It’s the warp and woof of a democratic political system. But in routinely branding President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine as potential “corruption,” and pointing to the exchange of unrelated asks as proof of that corruption, our friends in the fourth estate are acting in willful ignorance and bad faith.

        The President has taken a firm position that he did not hold out foreign aid to Ukraine as a condition for investigating Hunter Biden’s activities there. But, even if he did, bargaining isn’t corruption—it’s policymaking.

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        Rod Blagojevich.


        An esteemed panel of federal judges in Chicago made precisely this point a few years ago. You may recall the prosecution of former-Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich on various federal charges. And although the judges largely upheld his conviction, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit commentary on the affair was crystal clear. At least one of the counts that the trial judge had sent to the jury was just politics, pure and simple, and could not have been a crime.

        “[A] proposal to trade one public act for another, a form of logrolling, is fundamentally unlike the swap of an official act for a private payment.”

        In 2008, then-Illinois Senator Barack Obama was elected to serve as President of the United States. Appointment of his successor in the Senate, until an interim election was held, fell by operation of statute to Governor Blagojevich. In the words of Judge Frank Easterbrook, writing for the court, the Governor saw this as a “bonanza.” Among other things, Governor Blagojevich (through intermediaries) was alleged to have asked President-elect Obama for an appointment to the Cabinet (for himself) in exchange for him appointing Valerie Jarrett to the interim seat in the Senate. Alternatively, he was alleged to have asked the President-elect to “persuade a foundation to hire him at a substantial salary after his term as Governor ended, or find someone to donate $10 million and up to a new ‘social welfare’ organization that he would control.”

        The President-elect declined on all counts, but the lawyerly point is this: the trial judge told the jurors that if it found the Governor had proposed any of these three deals, it could return a verdict of guilty.

        Not so fast, said Judge Easterbrook.

        Writing for a unanimous court, Judge Easterbrook noted that, indeed, the trial judge’s instructions to the jury supported a conviction “even if [the jury] found that his only request of Sen. Obama was for a position in the Cabinet.” But not all the Governor’s proposals were the same. According to the court, “[A] proposal to trade one public act for another, a form of logrolling, is fundamentally unlike the swap of an official act for a private payment.”

        In other words, swapping one policy for another is a political commonplace. “Governance would hardly be possible without these accommodations,” the court went on to observe.

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        Rudy Giuliani.


        To be sure, some folks may disagree with the President’s foreign policy, but elections matter in a representative democracy, and President Trump was duly elected. Whether or not you agree with his politics, he has been elected to do a job: govern.

        So let’s suppose—strictly for the sake of argument—that the President did withhold foreign aid to Ukraine in exchange for a commitment to investigate allegations of corruption. This is, quite literally, the exchange of one policy for another—horse-trading in every sense. Does the United States have no policy interest in making sure that the countries with which it interacts—and to which it sends aid money—do not engage in corrupt practices? Of course, it does. The case for “corruption” would require that President Trump withdraw aid in exchange for personal profit—not policy gains that are ultimately good for American foreign policy.

        At its core, the case for impeachment is more than a sham: it’s a misinformation campaign in which Democrats and their media are willfully ignoring the way our policy process works to prevent our President from governing.

        Tyler Durden

        Fri, 11/01/2019 – 18:25

      • How Iran Used Google To Disrupt 5% Of Global Oil Production
        How Iran Used Google To Disrupt 5% Of Global Oil Production

        Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via,

        Officials at Saudi Aramco believe that Iran used satellite maps from Google Maps to precisely attack the oil facilities in Saudi Arabia in the middle of September, a U.S. Senator who visited the Kingdom after the attacks said, raising concerns that no energy infrastructure is safe.

        Joe Manchin, Senator for West Virginia, visited Saudi Aramco facilities two weeks after the attacks. The U.S. Senator spoke to Aramco officials and shared part of his conversation during the North American Infrastructure Leadership Forum in Washington, as carried by the Washington Examiner.

        On September 14, the Abqaiq facility and the Khurais oil field in Saudi Arabia were hit by attacks, which resulted in the temporary suspension of 5.7 million bpd of Saudi Arabia’s crude oil production, or around 5 percent of global daily oil supply.

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        U.S. President Donald Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Energy Secretary Rick Perry all blamed Iran for the attack. Saudi Arabia has also pointed the finger at Iran.

        Senator Manchin was shown a video of the missile attacks in Saudi Arabia, he said at the forum.

        The Senator asked a Saudi Aramco official whether the oil giant is concerned about someone working at the facility getting the information or the coordinates of possible strikes to hostile actors.

        “He looked at me and said, ‘If we thought that was a problem, we would be, but basically it’s all Google, Google Maps.’ He said, ‘It’s so accurate,’” the Senator said, as carried by Washington Examiner.

        The revelation that clear images on Google Maps can help terrorists target oil and gas facilities had Senator Manchin worried about the state of the U.S. energy infrastructure, especially natural gas pipelines.

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        An attack on a single natural gas pipeline in the United States could lead to mass blackouts, Neil Chatterjee, chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), said last month, discussing America’s energy infrastructure in the aftermath of the attacks in Saudi Arabia.  

        Tyler Durden

        Fri, 11/01/2019 – 17:45

      Digest powered by RSS Digest

      Today’s News 1st November 2019

      • Saudi Banks May Lend To Saudi Investors So They Can Invest In Saudi Aramco
        Saudi Banks May Lend To Saudi Investors So They Can Invest In Saudi Aramco

        Crown Prince Mohamad bin Salman is once again making the rounds and unceremoniously shaking down his country’s elite – this time by asking them to commit to anchor investments in the Aramco IPO, one of the largest offerings ever. Aramco is the world’s largest and most profitable company, and the heart of KSA’s oil-dominated economy. For years, bankers in London, Hong Kong and NYC vied for the right to host the IPO.

        But with the IPO apparently about to move forward next week, the prospectus is expected any minute now. That will shed some light on the trading venue and whether KSA is standing by its demands that Aramco debut at a valuation close to $2 trillion.

        Whatever happens, the Saudi people will definitely benefit from the billions of dollars flooding into the oil firm’s coffers. But exactly which form these benefits will take remains unclear.

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        That is, until Thursday, when Bloomberg reported that, in a gesture that would likely help reduce economic inequality in a country where most ordinary people rely on generous state economic benefit system, Saudi Arabia is eliminating borrowing caps on what banks are allowed to lend to local investors to allow more of them to invest in the IPO.

        The IPO market has been notoriously soft this year as a spate of young, untested and unprofitable companies debuted, only to be met by a punishing wave of skepticism. The trend culminated with WeWork, heavily backed by KSA via SoftBank’s Vision Fund, deciding to shelve its debut after a painfully public scandal.

        But as the country looks for new sources of money to keep the IPO afloat the worst come to pass, several lenders are seriously pushing the envelop, and asking the central bank for a much larger sum of money than the bank would normally be comfortable lending for such a speculative investment. Though the final amount will depend on the bank’s final decision, they’re expected to be more conservative the higher the valuation goes.

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        Many Saudis are expected to buy into the offering, as are many of the powerful movers and shakers currently attending MbS’s “Davos in the Desert. But by allowing retail investors to leverage up just before a period of driving economic uncertainty (when a downturn could create a debt default chain reaction with serious repercussions).

        Many Saudi citizens see buying into the offering as an opportunity to prove their loyalty to a new leader, a leader who brutally tortured members of his own extended family as part of a shakedown to plug a budget hole. A leader who has promised to diversify KSA’s economy away from the energy sector, and to build a sustainable city in the desert. A leader who was once praised as a reformer for legalizing the cinema, and for allowing women to drive. Though all of these accomplishments have been undermined by abuses elsewhere, particularly jailing activists who fought for these causes. 

        And while the offering could add as much as $12 billion for the kingdom, as the old saying goes: It’s not over until it’s over.

        Tyler Durden

        Fri, 11/01/2019 – 02:45

      • Exposing The BBC Thought Police
        Exposing The BBC Thought Police

        Authored by Andrew Ash via The Gatestone Institute,

        Celebrated interfaith activist Lord Indarjit Singh has sensationally quit BBC Radio 4 after accusing it of behaving like the “thought police”. He alleges that the corporation tried to prevent him discussing a historical Sikh religious figure who stood up to Muslim oppression — in case it caused offence to Muslims, despite a lack of complaints.

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        The Sikh peer, who has been a contributor on Radio Four’s Thought For The Day programme for more than three decades, is also accusing Radio Four bosses of “prejudice and intolerance” and over-sensitivity in relation to its coverage of Islam, after he says he was “blocked” from discussing the forced conversion of Hindus to Islam, under the Mughal emperors in 17th century India.

        The 87-year-old peer’s resignation comes as a blow to the show’s flagship segment, that has been a part of Radio Four’s Today programme since 1970, and has been described by Britain’s former chief rabbi, Lord Jonathan Sacks, as “one of the last remaining places in the public square where religious communities are given a voice in Britain.”

        The segment, originally aired on November 28, 2018 — and in spite of Singh’s script containing no criticism of Islam — is the latest in a long line of suspect BBC decisions enforced by seemingly over-zealous producers. “It was like saying to a Christian that he or she should not talk about Easter for fear of giving offence to the Jews,” Singh said. There were, however, no complaints about the segment reported to OFCOM, the government approved broadcasting watchdog.

        According to the Times of India:

        After the senior producer’s initial objections to the script, Lord Singh said he would rather the slot was left empty “than have Sikh teachings insulted in this way”. “The producer in question, reluctantly agreed for the talk to go ahead, rather than have to explain why no one was in the studio that morning,” he said… “I can no longer accept prejudiced and intolerant attempts by the BBC to silence key Sikh teachings on tolerance, freedom of belief and the need for us all to make ours a more cohesive and responsible society…”

        It also reported that after leaving… Lord Singh complained about his treatment but a review by BBC director of radio James Purnell rejected his complaint.

        According to The Times of London:

        Lord Singh, a longstanding interfaith activist, said that some contributors to the slot joked among themselves about being subject to the “thought police”.

        He said: “The need for sensitivity in talking about religious, political or social issues has now been taken to absurd proportions with telephone insistence on trivial textual changes right up to going into the studio, making it difficult to say anything worthwhile. The aim of Thought for the Day has changed from giving an ethical input to social and political issues to the recital of religious platitudes and the avoidance of controversy, with success measured by the absence of complaints. I believe Guru Nanak [the founder of Sikhism] and Jesus Christ, who boldly raised social concerns while stressing tolerance and respect, would not be allowed near Thought for the Day today.”

        He accused the BBC of “a misplaced sense of political correctness that pushes contributors to bland and unworldly expressions of piety that no one can complain about”…

        After the incident last November Lord Singh sent a catalogue of complaints to Mr Purnell, a former culture secretary. The peer said that after the BBC had agreed in 2011 that he could discuss the birthday of Guru Nanak “I was told to scrap it and talk about the forthcoming marriage of Prince William with Kate. I reluctantly agreed to do so, to the upset of many Sikh listeners.”

        Another time “when I wanted to include the words ‘the one God of us all’ [central to Sikh teachings], I was told I could not mention this ‘because it might offend Muslims’ “

        Lord Singh’s decision to quit comes after the BBC reversed their own ruling that presenter, Naga Munchetty, breached BBC guidelines in criticising President Donald Trump for “perceived racism“.

        At the time of the incident, the BBC claimed that Munchetty’s comments went “beyond what the guidelines allow for” by taking issue with Trump’s statement on Twitter about certain political opponents of his:

        “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

        So here is another thought for the day: Why should the BBC – or the rest of the mainstream media — rely on journalistic accuracy, when a sensationalist misquote will do?

        Tyler Durden

        Fri, 11/01/2019 – 02:00

      • Pepe Escobar: An Age Of Anger Explodes Across The Globe
        Pepe Escobar: An Age Of Anger Explodes Across The Globe

        Authored by Pepe Escobar via,

        South America, Again, Leads Fight Against Neoliberalism

        The presidential election in Argentina pitted the people against neoliberalism and the people won. What happens next will have a tremendous impact all over Latin America and serve as a blueprint for assorted Global South struggles.

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        The presidential election in Argentina was no less than a game-changer and a graphic lesson for the whole Global South. It pitted, in a nutshell, the people versus neoliberalism. The people won – with new President Alberto Fernandez and former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) as his VP. 

        Neoliberalism was represented by Mauricio Macri: a marketing product, former millionaire playboy, president of football legends Boca Juniors, fanatic of New Age superstitions, and CEO obsessed with spending cuts, who was unanimously sold by Western mainstream media as the new paradigm of a post-modern, efficient politician.

        Well, the paradigm will soon be evacuated, leaving behind a wasteland: $250 billion in foreign debt; less than $50 billion in reserves; inflation at 55 percent; the U.S. dollar at over 60 pesos (a family needs roughly $500 to spend in a month; 35.4 percent of Argentine homes can’t make it); and, incredible as it may seem in a self-sufficient nation, a food emergency.     

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        “The Head of Macri: How the First President of ‘No Politics’  Thinks, Lives and Leads.”

        Macri, in fact the president of so-called Anti-Politics, No- Politics in Argentina, was a full IMF baby, enjoying total “support” (and gifted with a humongous $58 billion loan). New lines of credit, for the moment, are suspended.   Fernandez is going to have a really hard time trying to preserve sovereignty while negotiating with foreign creditors, or “vultures,” as masses of Argentines define them. There will be howls on Wall Street and in the City of London about “fiery populism,” “market panicking,” “pariahs among international investors.” Fernandez refuses to resort to a sovereign default, which would add even more unbearable pain for the general public.

        The good news is that Argentina is now the ultimate progressive lab on how to rebuild a devastated nation away from the familiar, predominant framework: a state mired in debt; rapacious, ignorant comprador elites; and “efforts” to balance the budget always at the expense of people’s interests.    

        What happens next will have a tremendous impact all over Latin America, not to mention serve as a blueprint for assorted Global South struggles. And then there’s the particularly explosive issue of how it will influence neighboring Brazil, which as it stands, is being devastated by a “Captain” Bolsonaro even more toxic than Macri.

        Ride that Clio

        It took less than four years for neoliberal barbarism, implemented by Macri, to virtually destroy Argentina. For the first time in its history Argentina is experiencing mass hunger.

        In these elections, the role of charismatic former President CFK was essential. CFK prevented the fragmentation of Peronism and the whole progressive arc, always insisting, on the campaign trail, on the importance of unity.  

        But the most appealing phenomenon was the emergence of a political superstar: Axel Kicillof, born in 1971 and CFK’s former economy minister. When I was in Buenos Aires two months ago everyone wanted to talk about Kicillof. 

        The province of Buenos Aires congregates 40 percent of the Argentine electorate. Fernandez won over Macri by roughly 8 percent nationally. In Buenos Aires province though, the Macrists lost by 16 percent – because of Kicillof. 

        Kicillof’s campaign strategy was delightfully described as “Clio mata big data” (“Clio kills big data”), which sounds great when delivered with a porteño accent. He went literally all over the place – 180,000 km in two years, visiting all 135 cities in the province – in a humble 2008 Renault Clio, accompanied only by his campaign chief Carlos Bianco (the actual owner of the Clio) and his press officer Jesica Rey. He was duly demonized 24/7 by the whole mainstream media apparatus. 

        What Kicillof was selling was the absolute antithesis of Cambridge Analytica and Duran Barba – the Ecuadorian guru, junkie of big data, social networks and focus groups, who actually invented Macri the politician in the first place.

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        Argentina’s new president, Alberto Fernandez, at right, with his vice president, former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. (Screen shot/YouTube)

        Kicillof played the role of educator – translating macroeconomic language into prices in the supermarket, and Central Bank decisions into credit card balance, all to the benefit of elaborating a workable government program. He will be the governor of no less than the economic and financial core of Argentina, much like Sao Paulo in Brazil.

        Fernandez, for his part, is aiming even higher: an ambitious, new, national, social pact – congregating unions, social movements, businessmen, the Church, popular associations, aimed at  implementing something close to the Zero Hunger program launched by Lula in 2003.   

        In his historic victory speech, Fernandez cried, “Lula libre!” (“Free Lula”). The crowd went nuts. Fernandez said he would fight with all his powers for Lula’s freedom; he considers the former Brazilian president, fondly, as a Latin American pop hero. Both Lula and Evo Morales are extremely popular in Argentina. 

        Inevitably, in neighboring, top trading partner and Mercosur member Brazil, the two-bit neofascist posing as president, who’s oblivious to the rules of diplomacy, not to mention good manners, said he won’t send any compliments to Fernandez. The same applies to the destroyed-from-the-inside Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Relations, once a proud institution, globally respected, now “led” by an irredeemable fool.      

        Former Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim, a great friend of Fernandez, fears that “hidden forces will sabotage him.” Amorim suggests a serious dialogue with the Armed Forces, and an emphasis on developing a “healthy nationalism.” Compare it to Brazil, which has regressed to the status of semi-disguised military dictatorship, with the ominous possibility of a tropical Patriot Act being approved in Congress to essentially allow the “nationalist” military to criminalize any dissidence.

        Hit the Ho Chi Minh Trail

        Beyond Argentina, South America is fighting neoliberal barbarism in its crucial axis, Chile, while destroying the possibility of an irreversible neoliberal take over in Ecuador. Chile was the model adopted by Macri, and also by Bolsonaro’s Finance Minister Paulo Guedes, a Chicago boy and Pinochetist fan. In a glaring instance of historical regression, the destruction of Brazil is being operated by a model now denounced in Chile as a dismal failure.

        No surprises, considering that Brazil is Inequality Central. Irish economist Marc Morgan, a disciple of Thomas Piketty, in a 2018 research paper showed that the Brazilian 1 percent controls no less than 28 percent of national wealth, compared to 20 percent in the U.S. and 11 percent in France. 

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        Axel Kicillof in 2014. (2violetas, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)

        Which bring us, inevitably, to the immediate future of Lula – still hanging, and hostage to a supremely flawed Supreme Court. Even conservative businessmen admit that the only possible cure for Brazil’s political recovery – not to mention rebuilding an economic model centered on wealth distribution – is represented by “Free Lula.”

        When that happens we will finally have Brazil-Argentina leading a key Global South vector towards a post-neoliberal, multipolar world.    

        Across the West, usual suspects have been trying to impose the narrative that protests from Barcelona to Santiago have been inspired by Hong Kong. That’s nonsense. Hong Kong is a complex, very specific situation, which I have analyzed, for instance, here, mixing anger against political non-representation with a ghostly image of China.

        Each of the outbursts – Catalonia, Lebanon, Iraq, the Gilets Jaunes/Yellow Vests for nearly a year now – are due to very specific reasons. Lebanese and Iraqis are not specifically targeting neoliberalism, but they do target a crucial subplot: political corruption.

        Protests are back in Iraq including Shi’ite-majority areas. Iraq’s 2005 constitution is similar to Lebanon’s, passed in 1943: power is distributed according to religion, not politics. This is a French colonizer thing – to keep Lebanon always dependent, and replicated by the Exceptionalists in Iraq. Indirectly, the protests are also against this dependency.

        The Yellow Vests are targeting essentially President Emmanuel Macron’s drive to implement neoliberalism in France – thus the movement’s demonization by hegemonic media. But it’s in South America that protests go straight to the point: it’s the economy, stupid. We are being strangled and we’re not gonna take it anymore. A great lesson  can be had by paying attention to Bolivian Vice-President Alvaro Garcia Linera.

        As much as Slavoj Zizek and Chantal Mouffe may dream of Left Populism, there are no signs of progressive anger organizing itself across Europe, apart from the Yellow Vests. Portugal may be a very interesting case to watch – but not necessarily progressive.  

        To digress about “populism” is nonsensical. What’s happening is the Age of Anger exploding in serial geysers that simply cannot be contained by the same, old, tired, corrupt forms of political representation allowed by that fiction, Western liberal democracy.

        Zizek spoke of a difficult “Leninist” task ahead – of how to organize all these eruptions into a “large-scale coordinated movement.” It’s not gonna happen anytime soon. But, eventually, it will. As it stands, pay attention to Linera, pay attention to Kiciloff, let a collection of insidious, rhizomatic, underground strategies intertwine. Long live the post-neoliberal Ho Chi Minh trail.

        Tyler Durden

        Fri, 11/01/2019 – 00:05

      • Forget Narcos, Mexico's National Guard Has A New Target: Uber
        Forget Narcos, Mexico’s National Guard Has A New Target: Uber

        In recent weeks, Mexican taxi drivers have blocked access to Uber drivers at some of the country’s busiest airports. Cab drivers are furious with Uber and other ride-hailing app companies for disrupting the taxi industry, leading to declining passenger volumes in the last several years.

        As a result of the turmoil, the federal government has responded with support for the taxi industry by offering to deploy National Guard troops at major airports across the country to crack down, specifically, on Uber drivers. 

        Bloomberg cites a federal government press release, which describes a recent meeting held by the Ministry of the Interior and the National Taxi Movement (MNT), to create a new regulatory framework around ride-hailing apps. 

        The release also states how government troops will be deployed at 56 major airports to make sure only federally permitted taxis are picking up passengers at loading areas. 

        “It was also agreed that the Ministry of the Interior will coordinate requesting from the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT) and the National Guard (GN) or equivalent, actions in federal areas to carry out revision operations in the 56 airports of the country and areas of federal jurisdiction,” the press release read. 

        The Uber crackdown comes at a time when the country’s economy is teetering on the edge of a recession. 

        President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) promised an economic revival through a populist and nationalist agenda when he won the presidential election last year. But one year later, since AMLO won, the economy completely reversed and is now headed for a technical recession.

        AMLO, desperate to please voters, appears to be shifting some National Guard troops, ones who were deployed on drug enforcement operations, to now protect the taxi industry from Uber picking people up at major airports. Sounds ridiculous, right? 

        Social media had a field day with AMLO, and there was immediate backlash on Twitter when this news broke on Wednesday: 

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 23:45

      • Who Is The Unknown Jihadist Named As Islamic State’s New Caliph?
        Who Is The Unknown Jihadist Named As Islamic State’s New Caliph?

        Submitted by Nauman Sadiq,

        Confirming the deaths of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the Islamic State’s spokesman Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, who was killed in a US airstrike in northwest Syria a day after the killing of al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State’s al-Furqan media has announced Abu Ibrahim Hashemi al-Quraishi as the new caliph of the terrorist organization.

        Al-Quraishi is such an obscure jihadist that even national security analysts tracking the details of militant movements in the Middle East don’t have an inkling about his origins or biography. Even his name appears to be an assumed alias rather than a real name. Abu Ibrahim basically means “father of Ibrahim” in Arabic whereas Banu Hashem was Prophet Mohammad’s family and Quraishi means the tribe of Quraish. Both are common surnames in the Islamic World.

        In any case, identifying individual militant leaders by name is irrelevant because as in the case of the Taliban and several other jihadist groups, the decisions are collectively taken by the Shura Council of the Islamic State. Excluding al-Baghdadi and a handful of his hardline Islamist aides, the rest of Islamic State’s top leadership is comprised of Saddam-era military and intelligence officials. According to a Washington Post report [1], hundreds of ex-Baathists constitute the top- and mid-tier command structure of the Islamic State who plan all the operations and direct its military strategy.

        The title caliph of the Islamic State is simply a figurehead, which is obvious from the fact that al-Baghdadi remained in hiding for several years before being killed in a Special Ops raid on October 26, and the terrorist group kept functioning autonomously without any guidance or directives from its purported chief.

        Here, let me try to dispel a myth peddled by the corporate media and foreign policy think tanks that the Islamic State originated from al-Qaeda in Iraq. Many biased political commentators of the mainstream media deliberately try to muddle the reality in order to link the emergence of the Islamic State to the ill-conceived invasion of Iraq in 2003 by the Republican Bush administration.

        Their motive behind this chicanery is to absolve the Obama administration’s policy of nurturing the Syrian opposition against the Syrian government since the beginning of Syria’s proxy war until June 2014, when the Islamic State overran Mosul in Iraq and the Obama administration made a volte-face on its previous “regime change” policy of providing indiscriminate support to Syrian militants and declared a war against a faction of Syrian rebel groups, the Islamic State.

        Mainstream media’s duplicitous spin-doctors misleadingly try to find the roots of the Islamic State in al-Qaeda in Iraq; however, the insurgency in Iraq died down after “the Iraq surge” of 2007. Al-Qaeda in Iraq became an impotent organization after the death of Abu Musab al Zarqawi in June 2006 and the subsequent surge of troops in Iraq. The re-eruption of insurgency in Iraq was the spillover effect of nurturing militants in Syria, when the Islamic State overran Fallujah and parts of Ramadi in January 2014 and subsequently reached the zenith of its power by capturing Mosul in June 2014.

        The borders between Syria and Iraq are highly porous and it’s impossible to contain the flow of militants and arms between the two countries. The Obama administration’s policy of providing money, weapons and training to Syrian militants in training camps located at the border regions of Turkey and Jordan bordering Syria was bound to backfire sooner or later.

        Notwithstanding, over the decades, it has been a convenient stratagem of the Western powers with two-party political systems, particularly the US, to evade responsibility for the death and destruction brought upon the hapless Middle Eastern countries by their predecessors by playing blame games and finger-pointing.

        For instance, during the Soviet-Afghan jihad of the 1980s, the Carter and Reagan administrations nurtured the Afghan jihadists against the Soviet-backed government in Kabul with the help of Pakistan’s intelligence agencies. The Afghan jihad created a flood of millions of refugees who sought refuge in the border regions of Pakistan and Iran.

        The Reagan administration’s policy of providing training and arms to the Afghan militants had the unintended consequences of spawning al-Qaeda and Taliban and it also destabilized the Af-Pak region, which is still in the midst of lawlessness, perpetual anarchy and an unrelenting Taliban insurgency more than four decades after the proxy war was fought in Afghanistan.

        After the signing of the Geneva Accords in 1988, however, and the subsequent change of guard in Washington, the Clinton administration dissociated itself from the ill-fated Reagan administration’s policy of nurturing Afghan militants with the help of Gulf’s petro-dollars and Pakistan’s intelligence agencies and laid the blame squarely on minor regional players.

        Similarly, during the Libyan so-called “humanitarian intervention” in 2011, the Obama administration provided money and arms to myriads of tribal militias and Islamic jihadists to topple the Arab-nationalist Gaddafi regime. But after the policy backfired and pushed Libya into lawlessness, anarchy and civil war, the mainstream media pointed the finger at Egypt, UAE and Saudi Arabia for backing the renegade general, Khalifa Haftar, in eastern Libya, even though he had lived for more than two decades [2] in the US right next to the CIA’s headquarter in Langley, Virginia.

        Regarding the Western powers’ modus operandi of waging proxy wars in the Middle East, since the times of the Soviet-Afghan jihad during the eighties, it has been the fail-safe game plan of master strategists at NATO to raise money [3] from the oil-rich emirates of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait; then buy billions of dollars’ worth of weapons from the arms markets [4] in the Eastern Europe; and then provide those weapons and guerilla warfare training to the disaffected population of the victim country by using the intelligence agencies of the latter’s regional adversaries. Whether it’s Afghanistan, Chechnya, Libya or Syria, the same playbook was executed to the letter.

        Raising funds for proxy wars from the Gulf Arab States allows the Western executives the freedom to evade congressional scrutiny; the benefit of buying weapons from unregulated arms markets of the Eastern Europe is that such weapons cannot be traced back to the Western capitals; and using jihadist proxies to achieve strategic objectives has the advantage of taking the plea of “plausible deniability” if the strategy backfires, which it often does. Remember that al-Qaeda and Taliban were the by-products of the Soviet-Afghan jihad, and the Islamic State and its global network of terrorists are the blowback of the proxy war in Syria.

        On the subject of the supposed “powerlessness” of the US in the global affairs, the Western think tanks and the corporate media’s spin-doctors generally claim that Pakistan deceived Washington in Afghanistan by providing safe havens to the Taliban; Turkey hoodwinked the US in Syria by using the war against Islamic State as a pretext for cracking down on Kurds; Saudi Arabia and UAE betrayed the US in Yemen by mounting ground offensive and airstrikes against the Houthis rebels; and once again Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt went against the ostensible policy of the US in Libya by destabilizing the Tripoli-based government, even though Khalifa Haftar is known to be an American stooge.

        If the US policymakers are so naïve, then how come they still control the global political and economic order? This perennially whining attitude of the Western corporate media that such and such regional players betrayed them, otherwise they were on top of their game is actually a clever stratagem that has been deliberately designed by the spin-doctors of the Western mainstream media and foreign policy think tanks to cast the Western powers in a positive light and to vilify adversaries, even if the latter are their tactical allies in some of the regional conflicts.

        Fighting wars through proxies allows the international power brokers the luxury of taking the plea of “plausible deniability” in their defense and at the same time they can shift all the blame for wrongdoing on minor regional players. The Western powers’ culpability lies in the fact that because of them a system of international justice based on sound principles of morality and justice cannot be built in which the violators can be punished for their wrongdoing and the victims of injustice, tyranny and violence can be protected.

        Leaving the funding, training and arming aspects of insurgencies aside, but especially pertaining to conferring international legitimacy to an armed insurgency, like the Afghan so-called “freedom struggle” of the Cold War, or the supposedly “moderate and democratic” Libyan and Syrian insurgencies of the contemporary era, it is simply beyond the power of minor regional players and their nascent media, which has a geographically and linguistically limited audience, to cast such heavily armed and brutal insurrections in a positive light in order to internationally legitimize them; only the Western mainstream media that has a global audience and which serves as the mouthpiece of the Western deep states has perfected this game of legitimizing the absurd and selling Satans as saviors.


        [1] Islamic State’s top command dominated by ex-officers in Saddam’s army.

        [2] Leaked tapes expose Western support for renegade Libyan general.

        [3] U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels.

        [4] Billions of dollars weapons flowing from Eastern Europe to Middle East.

        *  *  *

        Nauman Sadiq is an Islamabad-based attorney, columnist and geopolitical analyst focused on the politics of Af-Pak and Middle East regions, neocolonialism and petro-imperialism.

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 23:25

      • October Payrolls Preview: Brace For Impact
        October Payrolls Preview: Brace For Impact

        After several months of disappointing payrolls prints, October is set for a doozy.

        The headline jobs number is expected at 85k, a sharp drop from 136K in September, largely influenced by the strike at GM which might have affected as much as 80k workers; the trend rate has held steady in recent months, though recent prints are notably below the 12-month pace, as one would expect amid mixed labor market indicators: the ADP surveyed mixed expectations, and the previous was revised down; initial jobless claims have been flat while job cut announcements rose; the Markit PMI saw the employment sub-index fall at the steepest rate since 2009 while consumer confidence signals were also mixed, with the differential between jobs “plentiful” and “hard to get” widening, boding well, and consumers’ expectations for income prospects rose even as consumers were less confident about the outlook and the expectation for more jobs in the months ahead fell.

        Here is a summary of what to expect, courtesy of RanSquawk

        • Non-farm Payrolls: Exp. 85k, Prev. 136k.
          • Private Payrolls: Exp. 80k, Prev. 114k.
          • Manufacturing Payrolls: Exp. -50k, Prev. -2k.
          • Government Payrolls: Prev. 22k.
        • Unemployment Rate: Exp. 3.6%, Prev. 3.5%. (FOMC currently projects 3.7% at end-2019, and 4.2% in the long run).
          • U6 Unemployment Rate: Prev. 6.9%.
          • Labor Force Participation: Prev. 63.2%.
        • Avg. Earnings Y/Y: Exp. 3.0%, Prev. 2.9%; M/M: Exp. 0.3%, Prev. 0.4%.
        • Avg. Work Week Hours: Exp. 34.4hrs, Prev. 34.4hrs.

        The street expects 85k nonfarm payrolls to be added to the US economy in October, while Goldman expects 75K new jobs, which in addition to a 46k drag from the General Motors strike, expects further declines in the services sector. The three-month trend rate currently stands at 157k, a touch above the six-month pace of 154k, though both are lower than the 12-month average of 179k.

        GM EFFECT:

        The October report will be adversely affected by strikes at GM. There were around 48k GM workers on weekly and bi-weekly wages, who were paid in the week running up to the strike, and will not be included in the October NFP. The impact on GM supply chains is less clear, with some estimating that as many as 200k workers may have been affected, though this has not been reflected in weekly jobless claims data which signaled just short of 12k workers impacted in key GM states (heading into the September NFP, claims were 212.75k in the NFP survey week, and have risen trivially to 215.75k into the October data). Some of the impact might also be seen in future reports, given that there may be more workers yet to make a claim. As a comparison, the GM strike in 1998 reduced payrolls by 132k, but most expect a more benign outcome in this month’s data, with a figure nearer to 50-80k suggested, analysts have opined. Away from GM, upside may come via census hiring, where 28k of temporary workers have been hired, of a targeted 40k.


        The ADP’s gauge of private payrolls printed 125k (exp. 120k), though the previous was revised to 93k from 135k due to back fitting, rather than an ominous sign for September revisions; Due to methodological differences, the data was not affected by the 50k striking workers at GM. Moody’s economist Zandi said that job growth has “throttled” back over the last year, with the slowdown most pronounced at manufacturers and small companies. Zandi warned that if hiring weakens any further, unemployment will begin to rise.


        Job cuts announced by US employers jumped to 50,275 in October, from 41,557 (down 33.5% Y/Y, however) – the second consecutive month during which cuts were lower Y/Y. Challenger said that job cuts were steady, for the most part, though it did point out increases in certain industries, particularly those experiencing disruptions from new technologies, uncertainty from government regulation or issues with trade. The report also noted that many steel companies announced cuts last month, attributed to a number of reasons, including tariffs on steel, declining demand, and market conditions. In the autos sector, companies have announced 43,025 job cuts this year, 197% higher than the 14,489 announced through the same point last year. Challenger said, however, that hiring plans by US companies were at a record high, and through October, companies announced 1,162,375 hiring plans, 431,781 of which are for the holiday season.


        We have not had the release of the ISM surveys ahead of the jobs report, whose employment sub-indices give a read on how the labour market is progressing. Markit’s PMI report for October, however, stated that employment numbers fell for a second month, declining at the steepest rate since December 2009, which survey respondents often attribute to more cautious hiring strategies and a lack of new work to replace completed projects. These surveys, however, may also be subject to the GM-effect.


        Within the Conference Board’s gauge of US consumer confidence, the differential between jobs plentiful vs jobs hard to get — which can provide a good signal for the direction of the jobless rate — rose to 35.1 from 33.2, auguring well for the jobs report, with those judging that jobs were “plentiful” rising to 46.9 from 44.8 (jobs “hard to get” rose very slightly to 11.8 from 11.6). However, the report noted that consumers’ outlook for the labour market was less upbeat, with the proportion expecting more jobs in the months ahead decreasing from 17.6 16.9, while those anticipating fewer jobs rose from 15.4 to 17.8. And on their short-term income prospects, consumers expecting an improvement increased from 19.7 to 21.1, while the proportion expecting a decrease holding steady at 6.5.


        Employer surveys. Business activity surveys were mixed in October (on net stronger for manufacturing but slightly softer for services). And while the employment components generally rose for the manufacturing sector (tracker +2.3 to 53.7), they declined further for the much larger services sector (-1.7 to 51.0). As shown in Exhibit 1, the level of these surveys is consistent with an underlying pace of job growth of around 100-130k per month. Service-sector job growth was 109k in September and averaged 121k over the last six months, while manufacturing payroll employment contracted by 2k in September, below its +3k average over the last six months.

        <!–[if IE 9]><![endif]–>

        Hurricane Echo. As shown in Exhibit 2, the seasonal factors have evolved in recent years to anticipate incrementally larger October job gains, and we note the possibility that the seasonal adjustment software is fitting to the post-hurricane employment rebounds of October 2017 and 2018. If so, this would imply a higher hurdle for job growth in tomorrow’s report.

        <!–[if IE 9]><![endif]–>

        GM Strike. As indicated in the BLS strike report, 46k General Motors employees did not work during the October payroll period due to a United Auto Workers strike. The GM strike ended last weekend, meaning that this one-off drop within tomorrow’s nonfarm payroll figures is set to reverse with the November report.


        Labor market slack. With the labor market somewhat beyond full employment, we see the dwindling availability of workers as one factor weighing on job growth this year. In past tight labor markets however, payroll growth tends to reaccelerate in October (for example in 2007 and 1999). Accordingly, we believe some firms likely pulled forward hiring into October, anticipating a shortage of applicants in Q4.

        Scope for revisions. Because August and September tend to be weak in the preliminary release—likely reflecting a recurring seasonal bias in early vintages—we note the possibility of upward revisions accompanying tomorrow’s report. Indeed, job growth over the prior two months has been revised up with the October report in 4 of the last 5 years (average revision of +35k).


        Jobless claims. Initial jobless claims were roughly unchanged in the four weeks between the payroll reference periods—averaging 216k—and are consistent with a very low pace of layoffs. Continuing claims rose by 27k from survey week to survey week, the largest sequential increase since June.

        ADP. The payroll-processing firm ADP reported a 125k increase in October private employment, 15k above consensus and just below the 132k average pace over the three prior months. While the ADP report was somewhat stronger than our estimates and suggested that the underlying pace of job growth remains decent, we expect additional factors including the General Motors strike to weigh on Friday’s employment numbers.

        Job availability. The Conference Board labor market differential—the difference between the percent of respondents saying jobs are plentiful and those saying jobs are hard to get—rebounded by 1.6pt to +35.1 in October, not far from its cycle-high. Other job availability readings were softer: JOLTS job openings declined further to a 17-month low (-123k to 7,051k in August) and the Conference Board’s Help Wanted Online index fell (-1.4pt to 103.0 in September).


        The unemployment rate likely rebounded a tenth to 3.6%. While the participation rate still appears somewhat elevated (63.2%, vs. 6-month average of 63.0%), continuing claims rebounded by 27k from survey week to survey week, and their level…

        <!–[if IE 9]><![endif]–>

        … suggests scope for a partial reversal of last month’s 50-year low in the jobless rate. At the margin, seasonal distortions in continuing claims would also argue for a higher underlying stock of unemployed workers. Note that the BLS treats striking workers as “employed not at work,” so we do not expect the strike to affect the jobless rate.

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 23:02

      • US Army Major (ret.): Trump's Antiwar Speech Deserved A Better Reception
        US Army Major (ret.): Trump’s Antiwar Speech Deserved A Better Reception

        Authored by Danny Sjursen via,

        There were parts of President Trump’s latest speech on Syria, which, if read without the sound of The Donald’s gruff, bombastic voice, sounded a whole lot like Bernie Sanders might’ve delivered it.

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        That’s right, sandwiched between Trump’s standard braggadocio about how he single-handedly secured “a better future for Syria and for the Middle East,” and his cynical pivot to decry his opponents’ supposed desire to accept “unlimited migration from war-torn regions” across the U.S. border, was one of the strongest blasts of antiwar rhetoric delivered by a sitting U.S. president since Dwight Eisenhower.

        If any other president—think Obama—or major liberal political figure had spoken so clearly against endless war and so poignantly diagnosed the current American disease of military hyper-interventionism, CNN and MSNBC would’ve gushed about Nobel Peace Prizes. It must be said, of course, that Trump has hardly governed according to these peacenik proclamations—he has, after all added more troops in the region, especially in Saudi Arabia, and merely reshuffled the soldiers from Syria across the border to Iraq. Nevertheless, even if the president’s actions don’t match his words, the words themselves remain important, especially from a 21st century, post-9/11 commander in chief.

        No doubt, Trump’s partial withdrawal from Syria was initially clumsy, and it’s extremely difficult to parse out any sort of coherent doctrine in his muddled Mideast policy. Reducing troop levels in Syria isn’t much of an accomplishment if it’s followed, as it might be, by a shift toward drumming up or executing a Saudi/Israeli-pressured war with Iran. Still, the speech, though problematic in several areas, deserved a fairer reception from the corporate media establishment.

        Beyond the intellectual dishonesty of some press outlets’ displays of reflexive anti-Trumpism, there’s the salient fact that none of the president’s critics have proposed a practical, long-term alternative strategy for the U.S. military in Northeast Syria. Crocodile tears for the Kurds are naught but a cynical cudgel with which to attack the president; there was never any established plan to permanently carve out a viable Kurdish statelet in Syria, or serious weighing of the military, diplomatic and economic costs of such an endeavor.

        So, since none of the mainstream networks were willing to do it, let’s review some of the sensible things Trump said in the meat of his speech, nuggets of earthy wisdom that this forever war veteran, for one, wishes Trump would follow through on:

        The same people that I watched and read — giving me and the United States advice — were the people that I have been watching and reading for many years. They are the ones that got us into the Middle East mess but never had the vision or the courage to get us out. They just talk.

        This is demonstrably true. The politicians (Democrat and Republican), failed retired generals, and Bush/Obama era intelligence community retreads are the very people who crafted the failed, counterproductive interventionist policies that Trump inherited. They never had answers to the tough questions regarding why their countless military missions never stabilized the region, what the endgame of these endless wars would be, or how, exactly, the U.S. would or could extricate its troops from the Greater Middle East. Why does anyone still listen to these establishment clowns?

        How many Americans must die in the Middle East in the midst of these ancient sectarian and tribal conflicts?

        That’s a hell of a good question, Mr. President. If the term is, indeed, “must,” then the logical and ethical answer should be zero. And that should preclude any absurd, future war with Iran—if only Trump would follow through with his still-unfulfilled campaign promises.

        Across the Middle East, we have seen anguish on a colossal scale. We have spent $8 trillion on wars in the Middle East, never really wanting to win those wars. But after all that money was spent and all of those lives lost, the young men and women gravely wounded — so many — the Middle East is less safe, less stable, and less secure than before these conflicts began.

        That’s the rub, now, isn’t it? Though the $8 trillion figure might be a tad high, Trump isn’t far off. The Cost of War Project at Brown University came to the same general conclusions after an exhausting and ongoing study of the outlays and outcomes of America’s post-9/11 wars. In fact, the reality is even worse than Trump claimed in the speech. By a lowball estimate, researchers at Brown demonstrate that these region-shattering wars have killed 244,000 civilians and 6,950 U.S. soldiers, and they have created 21 million refugees. For all that, Trump is correct to note that, even by State Department global terrorism statistics, the region is less safe, less stable and infused with more Islamist “terrorists,” who’ve multiplied faster than America’s beloved troopers could ever hope to kill them.

        The job of our military is not to police the world. Other nations must step up and do their fair share. That hasn’t taken place.

        Also true, or at least it ought to be. Unfortunately, “policing” the world is precisely what Bush II and Obama (and Trump himself) has had me and my fellow soldiers doing since at least October 2001. And it hasn’t worked, hasn’t made America safer, hasn’t made the world a better place. Quite the opposite.

        As for Syria, at least now—much to the chagrin of the bipartisan establishment elite—Russia, Turkey, the Assad regime and the Kurds are negotiating an admittedly messy settlement in their near abroad. And if it is truly a mess, as it’s all but certain to be, then what’s so bad about having Putin mired in it? All this talk of “surrendering” Syria to Putin is so much exaggerated malarkey. Syria has always been a Soviet, and then Russian, client state, home to a longstanding naval base at Tartus, and clearly in Moscow’s orbit. In that sense nothing has changed, and as before, Syria—even if ruled by an Assad and backed by a Putin——presents no tangible, let alone existential, threat to the United States, unless, that is, Islamic State does reconstitute. However, Russia and Assad, at least, have a distinct interest in avoiding that outcome.

        Taken as a whole, Trump’s remarks included some profound and piercing antiwar material, along with the usual nonsense one expects from this president. As such, accompanying the quite appropriate criticism of the speech, an honest media doing its job ought to have cheered the parts of value and generated a national conversation about Trump’s appraisal of the woes of American forever war. Then, a functioning press should’ve held the president’s feet to the proverbial fire and asked him why his practical actions so rarely cohere with his, in this case, sensible words. That the media has not, and will not, take antiwar rhetoric seriously and grapple with real questions of militarist policy is further proof that it, along with Congress and the generals, was bought and sold long ago by the military-industrial complex.

        *  *  *

        Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army Major and regular contributor to Truthdig. His work has also appeared in Harper’s, The L.A. Times, The Nation, Tom Dispatch, The Huffington Post and The Hill. He served combat tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan and later taught history at his alma mater, West Point. He is the author of a memoir and critical analysis of the Iraq War, “Ghostriders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge.” He co-hosts the progressive veterans’ podcast “Fortress on a Hill.” Follow him on Twitter at @SkepticalVet.

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 22:45

      • Xanax Patients Anxious Over 'Contamination' Recall
        Xanax Patients Anxious Over ‘Contamination’ Recall

        People who take the highly addictive anti-anxiety medication sold under the brand name Xanax have a new worry; contaminated medication.

        <!–[if IE 9]><![endif]–>

        Mylan Pharmaceuticals has issued a voluntary nationwide recall of a Alprazolam tablets (USP C-IV 0.5 mg, generic), in a lot distributed between July and August of this year, according to Newsweek.

        The affected batch is lot number 8082708 and was sold in 500-pill bottles with an expiry date of September 2020. The recall has been issued on account of possible contamination with a foreign substance.

        As of right now, the decision to recall sales of lot number 8082708 appears to be a precautionary action. According to a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) statement published Saturday, any adverse health effects relating to the batch have yet to be reported. –Newsweek

        That said, “Clinical impact from the foreign material, if present, is expected to be rare, but the remote risk of infection to a patient cannot be ruled out,” according to the company.

        Anyone who has experienced medical issued they believe may have been caused by the drug is advised to speak with a medical professional, and can be reported to the FDA’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program.

        A powerful benzodiazepine, Xanax works by targeting gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors, making patients more relaxed and less anxious. It is incredibly easy to become addicted to the drug, and quitting cold turkey can result in life-threatening symptoms such as seizures.

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 22:25

      • Telling The Truth Has Become An Anti-American Act, PCR
        Telling The Truth Has Become An Anti-American Act, PCR

        Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

        Stephen Cohen and I emphasize that the state of tension today between the United States and Russia is more dangerous than during the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union. For calling needed attention to the risk of nuclear war heightened by the current state of tension, both Cohen and I have been called “Russian dupes/agents” by PropOrNot, a website suspected of being funded by an element of the US military/security complex.

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        Cohen and I emphasize that during the Cold War both sides were working to reduce tensions and to build trust. President John F. Kennedy worked with Khruschev to defuse the dangerous Cuban Missile Crisis. President Richard Nixon made arms control agreements with the Soviet leaders, as did President Jimmy Carter. President Ronald Reagan and Gorbachev worked together to end the Cold War. President George H.W. Bush’s administration gave assurances to Gorbachev that if the Soviets agreed to the renunification of Germany, the US would not move NATO one inch to the East.

        These accomplishments were all destroyed by the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama neoconized regimes. President Donald Trump’s intention to normalize US/Russian relations has been blocked by the US military/security complex, presstitute media, and Democratic Party.

        The Russiagate hoax and currently the illegitimate impeachment process have succeeded in preventing any reduction in the dangerous state of tensions between the two nuclear powers.

        Those of us who lived and fought the Cold War are acutely aware of the numerous occasions when false warnings of incoming ICBMs and other moments of high tension could have resulted in nuclear Armageddon.

        Former CIA official Ray McGovern reminds us that on October 27, 1962, during the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, a single Soviet Navy submarine captain, Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov, prevented the outbreak of nuclear war. Arkhipov was one of two captains on Soviet submarine B-59. After hours of B-59 being battered by depth charges from US warships, the other captain, Valentin Grigorievich Savitsky readied a 10-kiloton nuclear weapon capable of wiping out the entire USS Randolph carrier task force, to be readied for launch. It didn’t happen only because Arkhipov was present and countermanded the order and brought the Soviet submarine to the surface. Ray McGovern tells the story here

        …and you can read it in Daniel Ellsberg’s book, The Doomsday Machine. The really scary part of the story is that US intelligence was so incompetent that Washington had no idea that Soviet nuclear weapons were in the combat area on a submarine undergoing debt-charging by the US Navy. The brass thought they could teach the Soviets a lesson by sinking a submarine and came close to getting the United States destroyed.

        Another Soviet hero who prevented nuclear war was Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov who disobeyed Soviet military protocol and did not pass on reports of incoming US ICBMs. He did not believe that there was a military/political basis for such an attack and concluded it was a malfunction of the Soviet satellite warning system, which it was.

        Many times both Americans and Soviets overrode warnings on the basis of judgment. My colleague, Zbigniew Brezezinski told me the story of being awakened at 2AM with reports of incoming Soviet ICBMs. It turned out that a simulation of an attack had in some way gotten into the warning system and was reported as real. It was a very close call. Someone doubted it enough to detect the error before Brezezinski woke the president.

        Today with tensions so high and neither side trusting the other, the probability of human judgment prevailing over official warning systems is much lower.

        Over the years I have tried to correct the widespread misunderstanding and misrepresentation of President Reagan’s military buildup/starwars hype and hostility toward Marxist, or perhaps merely leftwing reform movements, in Granada and Nicaragua. With his economic program in place and stagflation on the way out, Reagan’s plan was to bring the Soviets to the bargaining table by threatening their broke economy with the expense of an arms race. The plan also depended on preventing any Marxist advances in Central America or offshore islands. The Soviets had to see that there were no prospects for communist expansion and that they needed to get down to peace in order to free resources for their broken economy.

        Reading Ben Macintyre’s The Spy and The Traitor, the story of KBG colonel Oleg Gordievsky, an asset of Britain’s MI6, made me aware for the first time how dangerous Reagan’s plan was. American intelligence was so far off-track that Washington did not realize that a plan designed to scare the Soviets into peace was instead convincing them that the US was readying an all-out nuclear attack.

        At the time the Soviet leader was the former KGB chief, Yuri Andropov. The ABLE ARCHER NATO war game during the first part of November 1983 simulated an escalating conflict culminating in a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union. The Soviets did not see it as a war game and regarded it as American preparation for a real attack. What prevented Soviet preemptive action was Gordievsky’s report to MI6 that the Americans were raising Soviet anxiety to the breaking point. This woke up Reagan and Margaret Thatcher to the threat they were creating with their bellicose words and deeds. The CIA later confessed: “Gordievsky’s information was an epiphany for President Reagan . . . only Gordievsky’s timely warning to Washington via MI6 kept things from going too far.”

        In my seasoned opinion and in that of Stephen Cohen, with Hillary almost elected president branding the president of Russia as “the New Hitler,” with constant provocations and demonizations of Russia and her leaders, with the accumulation of nuclear-capable missiles on Russia’s borders, with an orchestrated Russiagate by US security agencies blocking President Trump from normalizing relations, things have already gone too far. The kinds of false alarms and miscalculations described above are more likely to have deadly consequences than ever before.

        Indeed, this seems to be the intention. Why else are people such as Stephen Cohen and myself branded “Russian agents” for telling the truth and giving accurate heartfelt warnings about the danger of such high tensions when neither side trusts the other?

        It is reckless and irresponsible to demonize people of integrity such as Stephen Cohen and myself as “Russian agents.” When telling the truth becomes the mark of being a disloyal American, what hope is there?

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 22:05

      • Beijing To Link Facial Recognition System With Social Credit Score In New Metro Security Checks
        Beijing To Link Facial Recognition System With Social Credit Score In New Metro Security Checks

        Officials in Beijing will combine the country’s state-of-the-art facial recognition technology with a version of their controversial ‘credit system’ to speed up security checks in the city’s overcrowded metro system, according to HKFP.

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        Long queues and commuters arguing with staff over slow security procedures are common sites during rush hour in the metro system of the 20 million-strong metropolis. –HKFP

        Cameras set up at the entrance to subway stations will scan the faces of passengers, sorting them into different security channels, according to the director of the Beijing Rail Traffic Control Center, Zhan Minghui.

        He added that the plan will involve the creation of a “passenger credit system” in which ‘white-listed’ individuals will enjoy expedited security clearance. Those who receive “abnormal feedback” after their face scans will be subject to extra security measures.

        “The technique aims to improve the efficiency of security checks and includes both body checks and luggage screening when large numbers of passengers enter the station,” Zhan said on Thursday at an urban transportation forum in Beijing.

        In May, the Beijing subway announced that it had started “deducting credit points” from passengers who eat in metro cars.

        Officials did not announce a timeline for the rollout.

        Beijing’s subway system currently handles approximately 12 million trips on an average workday – a figure expected to increase to 17 million within the next two years.

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        China’s use of facial recognition is becoming more commonplace. The Beijing Universal Studios amusement park which is currently under construction will admit visitors without a ticket – and will use cameras that scan their faces to determine whether they have paid for a ticket.

        Meanwhile, a new law published on the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) website and distributed to all Chinese telecom carriers on Sept. 27th requires that “all telecom carriers must use facial recognition to test whether an applicant who applies for internet connection is the owner of the ID that they use since Dec. 1. At the same time, the carriers must test that the ID is genuine and valid.”

        If that wasn’t Orwellian enough, Chinese scientists have recently developed an artificial intelligence (AI) enabled 500 megapixel cloud camera that’s capable of panoramic capture of an entire stadium with the ability to target a single individual in an instantGlobal Times reported.

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 21:45

      • Crimes Of Fashion: GQ Magazine Goes On Offensive Against "(White) Toxic Masculinity"
        Crimes Of Fashion: GQ Magazine Goes On Offensive Against “(White) Toxic Masculinity”

        Authored by Robert Bridge via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

        All things considered, it seems appropriate that GQ, once the final word on male fashions, chose the Halloween season to detail the ‘new masculinity,’ which is nothing less than horrible, grotesque and, yes, even sinister.

        There was a strong temptation to simply ignore the hype over GQ and its October issue, which explores the ways that “traditional notions of masculinity are being challenged.” After all, here was yet another cheap attempt to subvert men and their ‘toxic masculinity’ lest some hirsute XY chromosome carrier attempts to fix a leaking toilet, speak his mind at a meeting or even take out the leader of a nefarious terrorist group. Moreover, the issue had already been chewed over by other writers, so it didn’t seem necessary at first to add to the conversation.

        Of all the various commentary on the subject, however, none dared mention the elephant in the GQ hate piece – and make no mistake, it is hate.

        This is not the ongoing war against males and their so-called ‘toxic masculinity” per se, but rather the war against ‘white toxic masculinity’ and the malignancy believed to be lurking below the surface of every social ill, known as ‘white patriarchy’. In other words, there is a lot more to this PC obsession with masculinity than first meets the eye. So let’s start at the beginning.

        On the GQ cover we have Pharrell Williams, American rapper and songwriter, all dressed up with nowhere to go in a flowing and very flaccid pumpkin dress. Some might be wondering, since GQ apparently did not, why men would take any masculinity cues from an individual who once penned an outwardly misogynist song entitled ‘Blurred Lines’ – one of the best-selling singles of all time – which only succeeded in blurring the lines between consensual sex and full-blown rape? The video has been described as an “orgy of female objectification.”

        Nevertheless, GQ editor Will Welch celebrated his joyfully “frictionless” day with Williams where the rapper opened his soul about the ‘new masculinity,’ which, in these post-MeToo times, has no safe space for White males. The conversation quickly turned to transgender lifestyles and the villainous white patriarchy that apparently is to blame for things being so out of whack in the world today.

        “On the surface, it is an older-straight-white-male world,” Williams complained. “But it has prompted this [transgender] conversation that I think is deeper than what the new masculinity is or what a non-gender-binary world looks like.

        “I think we’re in spiritual warfare.”

        Almost imperceptibly, GQ has already made the sleight of hand from ‘white patriarchy to toxic masculinity to transgender lifestyle.’

        Had Welch just stopped the conversation at the esteemed Mr. Williams, perhaps we could just let this ‘new masculinity’ magazine slip harmlessly into the dust-bin of obscurity. But alas, GQ does not stop at the glorified rapper, but goes on to pick the brains of 18 “influential people who are shaping our culture now.” Since we are talking about GQ (of former ‘Gentlemen’s Quarterly’ fame) it might be assumed that mostly rugged males and perhaps one or two token females would be chosen to speak their minds on the issue of masculinity. Not in these woke times. In fact, this assembled confab would have trouble putting together a single XY chromosome among them.

        This diverse and very colorful group that apparently knows so much about masculinity is comprised of nine feminists, one transgender male (that is, a biological female), three homosexual men, and three men who are in heterosexual relationships, none of whom, by the way, are representative of the white Caucasian race. The lone ‘rugged male’ among the pack, white NBA star Kevin Love, is unmarried and childless. Love devoted the bulk of his interview to explaining why men are “supposed to be emotional,” which may go far at explaining his present bachelor status.

        The advice proffered by this collection of voices is so incredibly discordant I would suggest the reader take the time to examine them individually, painful as that may be. Personally, two particular comments really left an impression and revealed the real agenda at play here. All this talk about ‘toxic masculinity’ is in fact aimed at ‘white toxic masculinity’ and the white male population in general. This is revealed first of all by the demographic makeup of the cast of characters, of which there are only two white males, the one being homosexual, the other an emotional bachelor. Needless to say, that is not a fair representation of the US demographics with regards to straight white males, which (still) make up the overwhelming majority of the American male population.

        Furthermore, the term ‘white’ is bantered about with disdain so deep you’d think the subject were climate change or male pattern baldness. In fact, I’d go so far as to call it hate. For example, Asia Kate Dillon, introduced heroically as the “actor who brought gender nonconformity to America’s living rooms,” spoke about how she carries “white-body privilege” as if she were speaking about the Bubonic plague.

        Next, in its interview with rapper ‘Killer Mike,’ GQ asks about his “weapon of choice to fight white patriarchy?” Hold on, Mr. Welch. I thought this was supposed to be an expose on the ‘new masculinity.’ So why has this conversation veered off the road into a bigoted discussion on race, specifically white race?

        Later, Hannah Gadsby, the “comic who’s taking on toxic masculinity,” explains with all the dead humor she can muster, that “this is the first time that straight white cis men have been forced to think of themselves as anything other than human neutral,” which makes zero sense, thus explaining why nobody thought to broach the topic before.

        In any case, the underlying message here is that it is not so much ‘masculinity’ that is toxic and worthy of extermination, but rather ‘white masculinity’ and, as the article screams between and in the lines, ‘white patriarchy.’ Why is there no negative singling out of the Black Americans, for example, or Muslim men in this discussion on ‘toxic masculinity’? Are we to assume that only white masculinity is infected with toxicity? The rampant violence in America’s inner cities, as well as abroad in European capitals that welcomed millions of Middle Eastern refugees, should warn us against jumping to such radical, unfounded conclusions. White Europeans have been guilty of historical crimes, but certainly no less than any other race of peoples. Yet American liberals are determined to change that historic record, for what ulterior motive I have no idea.

        Yet nowhere is common sense being applied when discussing ‘toxic masculinity’ and ‘white patriarchy,’ which are now being used recklessly in the same sentence in a cause and effect relationship. That is a very dangerous and shortsighted assessment of the social, cultural and political realities facing Western civilization. We embrace it at the risk of total societal collapse.

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 21:25

      • China Has "Extensive" Lead Over U.S. In "Numerous" Critical Technologies, DoD Director Says
        China Has “Extensive” Lead Over U.S. In “Numerous” Critical Technologies, DoD Director Says

        It isn’t just trade where China has been beating the U.S. over the last decade.

        In fact, those who have been paying attention have surely noticed that the U.S. is now trailing behind China in numerous technologies, like 5G networks, drones, batteries, solar energy and cryptocurrency. 

        The role of private the private tech sector in the U.S. is becoming more critical as the country tries to keep pace, according to the Wall Street Journal, who cited a Defense Department official. 

        Michael Brown, director of the Defense Innovation Unit, a branch of the Pentagon commented that the list of technologies where China has the lead is now “extensive”. And in areas where the U.S. has the lead, it is hardly insurmountable, Brown says. 

        Brown commented: “A number of them are concerning from a national-security standpoint.”

        One example is that the U.S. government and military use drones manufactured by Chinese companies DJI Technology Co. 

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        Brown believes that part of the problem is a lack of government investment in the U.S. The government’s investment in the military has been on a steady decline since the 1960’s, he notes.

        And so that leaves the the work to technology companies in Silicon Valley. Tensions between Washington D.C. and Silicon Valley can make that partnership difficult, however. Certain companies, like Alphabet, have opposed working on technology that could be used in combat, while other startups worry about the bureaucracy of doing business with the Pentagon. Other companies worry about lucrative commercial deals that could be tossed aside as government projects take precedence. 

        Google pulled out of a project last year to help the U.S. develop aerial-drone imagery after opposition from its employees. 

        Brown says that many tech companies don’t want to work with the Pentagon – especially smaller companies focused on building revenue. Brown has helped bring about 60 new vendors, mostly small tech companies, to the Department of Defense since 2015.

        He comments that the relationship can be difficult if big companies “crowdsource” their business strategy by listening too much to their employees’ political views while making business decisions. 

        Brown commented: “The private sector isn’t necessarily going to take the risk to invest in long-term technologies where the payoff is uncertain. That is the role of government.”

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        Brown also said China’s government-led initiative to tech dominance was a good example to follow.

        “The U.S. has been a bit allergic to how China manages their economy with industrial policy,” he continued. He also said that China’s approach is “moving them forward.”

        Brown co-authored a Department of Defense paper in 2017 that warned about Chinese investments in private tech startups giving the nation the “crown jewels” of the U.S. The paper was followed by new policies restricting Chinese investments in startups, but was also criticized as stereotyping Chinese investors as spies.

        Which, of course, some of them are – but that’s besides the point, we guess.

        Brown concluded: “They are very focused on technology transfer because they see that as a way to economically transform their society. The concern I have is that [the paper] is used too much as a justification for protectionist ideas and not enough for stimulus for further investment.”

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 21:05


      • BOE And Fed Continue To Advance Digital Currency Agenda
        BOE And Fed Continue To Advance Digital Currency Agenda

        Authored by Steven Guinness,

        Over the past three years a popular narrative has sprung up in the independent media, which says that the UK’s decision to leave the EU and Donald Trump’s rise to U.S. President is somehow evidence of globalists (and by extension central banks) ‘losing control‘. From what I’ve observed this belief is cultivated in large part by those who are ideologically disposed in favour of Brexit and/or Trump, rather than it being indicative of reality.

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        The suggestion that central banks in particular have ‘backed themselves into a corner‘ on monetary policy is often where attention is focused. But there is a great deal more to central banks than just their stance on interest rates and stimulus measures.

        Following on from a series of articles I published over the summer, the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve are quietly progressing with plans to radically reform their payment systems, primarily to make them compatible with Fintech providers and lay the foundations for the introduction of central bank digital currency (CBDC).

        First let’s look at some recent developments from the Bank of England.

        Bank of England

        Whilst Mark Carney is the man that analysts and the media pay closest attention to at the bank, it is Victoria Cleland – the BOE’s Executive Director for Banking, Payments and Innovation – that has the most to say right now on the subject of the future of money.

        In a speech given on September 24th (Payments: A platform for innovation), Cleland reiterated a key message from the BOE motivated by a Future of Finance report published in June this year: ‘a new economy and new demographics demand a new financial system‘.

        Cleland breaks this down into five areas: the enhancement of payment systems for the digital age; endorsing a platform to improve access to finance for small firms; supporting transition to a carbon-neutral economy; developing a regtech (regulatory technology) and data strategy; facilitating businesses use of technology. The latter is a generalised term that when broken down encompasses distributed ledger technology.

        The UK’s Real-Time Gross Settlement payment system was earmarked for reform back in January 2016, and is a system which Cleland admits ‘not much business can be done without it, and most consumers are ultimately reliant on it.’ Quite clearly, though, this is not sufficient for the Bank of England. Hence why they are in the process of ‘renewing‘ the service amidst the growth of digital technology.

        The pace of this renewal has gathered significant momentum over the past twelve months. In her speech Cleland confirmed that a consultation paper will be published in 2020 that will focus on ‘the appropriate level of access for payment service providers to the bank’s infrastructure and balance sheet.’

        As I have made mention of previously, the ‘renewal‘ of RTGS is being undertaken, in Cleland’s own words, through choice rather than necessity. Here she reaffirmed that overhauling RTGS is a ‘challenging but necessary programme.’

        Within central banks and global economic institutions, there is a fixation on the need for the ‘financial architecture‘ to be reformed in the face of geopolitical disorder. The architecture they have in mind includes the adoption of technology such as distributed ledger, an essential component in the quest to introduce CBDC’s.

        Whilst the BOE’s position is that the renewed RTGS will not be built on DLT, it will nevertheless have the required functionality so that firms using the technology can connect to the service. Cleland was adamant that the next generation of RTGS will be ‘future-proof”, meaning it will be sufficiently advanced so that companies yet to exist will be able to ‘interface‘ with it.

        Non-bank payment service providers already hold accounts in the current RTGS. According to Cleland, ‘many more firms are exploring the possibility of joining.’

        As for when the new service can be expected to launch, the timetable is beginning to look more clear. The onset of 2022 will see the first phase of technology changes, with 2023 being targeted as the moment when the core RTGS service will be replaced. By 2024, ‘additional functionality will be delivered, to further drive innovation and change.’ 2025 is when the BOE expect to close the programme. If Cleland is to be believed, the bank are ‘on track against our plan.’

        Important to appreciate is that the BOE’s work in the field of payment systems is not in isolation. As Cleland points out, ‘close collaboration is a crucial part of how we can collectively transform the payments landscape‘.

        Which brings us onto the Federal Reserve.

        Federal Reserve

        The Fed’s equivalent to Victoria Cleland is Lael Brainard, who is chair of the Committee on Payments, Clearing, and Settlement as well as being a member of the board of governors.

        On August 5th Brainard gave a speech at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas about the Fed’s decision to develop a new round the clock real-time payment system called FedNow. I wrote an article about this at the time, but since then the conversation has advanced somewhat.

        Two months after the FedNow announcement, Brainard followed up with another speech (‘Digital Currencies, Stablecoins, and the Evolving Payments Landscape‘) at ‘The Future of Money in the Digital Age‘, an event held in Washington D.C. and sponsored by the Peterson Institute for International Economics. Also in attendance was Hyun Song Shin, the head of research at the Bank for International Settlements.

        To substantiate the intrigue around digital currencies, Brainard cited Facebook’s planned Libra project as giving ‘urgency to the debate over what form money can take‘, chiefly because of its ‘potential global reach.’ Ten years ago it was Bitcoin that first introduced to the public the concept of digital currency, a fact that Brainard recognised when she said that its ‘emergence created an entirely new payment instrument supported by distributed ledger technology.’

        When the initial plans for FedNow were released, Brainard made no specific mention of distributed ledger technology. At the time she said that ‘engagement between the Fed and the industry’ would determine the final make-up of the payment system.

        As discussed in August, my position remains that when the final design of FedNow is ratified, it will almost certainty have the ability to interact with systems that operate distributed ledgers. This appears logical when you consider that the Bank of England are moving in this direction. In 2018 they announced that their new RTGS service would enable systems that use DLT to achieve settlement in central bank money.

        On DLT, Brainard stated in her speech that the advantages it could offer to central banks include ‘operational resilience, increasing transparency, and simplifying recordkeeping.’ This is one of the reasons why commercial banks are actively incorporating the technology that underpins digital currencies, either by going into partnership with Fintech companies or by issuing their own variants. Hence the rise of what are known as Stablecoins.

        Brainard made the point that if consumers came to depend on ‘Stablecoins‘ – which she characterised as being assets that seek to ‘maintain stable value by tying the digital currency to an asset or basket of assets‘, then this could ‘shrink demand for physical cash.’ It is no secret that endeavours now underway at central banks are rooted in attaining the necessary mix of technological advancement and knowledge in order to position the global monetary system to becoming cashless. Which is why introducing digital currency through the likes of Bitcoin and Facebook’s Libra has been of importance to banking elites. They are already gaining large scale public acceptance of cashless technology by marketing digital payments as being more convenient and secure. But in terms of managing to fully ostracising cash as a relic, they are not there yet.

        We get a sense through Brainard’s words of how central bank plans for a digital currency future have taken shape. She spoke of how ‘the rapid migration of payments to digital systems prompted interest in the issuance of central bank digital currencies‘, and how the ‘potential for global stablecoin systems has intensified the interest in CBDC’s.’ This is not surprising given that CBDC’s are the long term objective of internationalists.

        Even so, a continued narrative has been how access to CBDC’s by consumers would raise ‘profound legal, policy and operational questions.’ Were CBDC’s issued to consumers, Brainard believes it could ‘conceivably require the central bank to keep a running record of all payment data using the digital currency – a stark difference from cash.’ Again, this is part of the plan. The abolition of cash would result in the abolition of anonymity, meaning no citizen could interact with money without being permanently monitored. Monetary surveillance if you will.

        Already Brainard is openly asking if the Federal Reserve could acquire the authority to ‘issue currency in digital form and, if necessary, to establish digital wallets for the public.’ China have been the pioneers in the field of digital wallets through Alibaba and WeChat. Now this technology is gearing up to become commonplace in the West at the expense of cash.

        But the Fed may not stop there. Due to ‘the operational risks of central bank digital currency,’ Brainard revealed that this could require the Fed to ‘develop the operating capacity to access or manage individual accounts, which could number in the hundreds of millions.’

        The greatest deception around the whole topic of digital currency is how under the auspices of central banks it would function within a decentralised structure. The point of FedNow, and the Bank of England’s RTGS renewal, is that payments will continue to go through them. Introducing CBDC’s would further tighten their grip over the financial system. The set up that central bankers favour is of a permissioned blockchain network, as opposed to a permissionless network. The former would require permission to access, whereas the latter theoretically has no such restrictions.

        DLT is often lauded as decentralised technology, but should it become part of the next generation of payment systems then it will in part be controlled through regulation. The BOE and the Fed form part of their country’s regulatory authorities.

        According to Brainard, U.S regulators are ‘closely examining the specific functions of particular stablecoins and cryptocurrencies more broadly to determine whether and where they fit in the existing regulatory structure and whether additional authorities or guidance is necessary.’

        Meanwhile, in ‘supporting payments innovation‘, the Fed are ‘actively investing in our payments infrastructure‘, at a point in time when the central bank ‘potentially enters another phase in the evolution of money and payments.’

        We will likely see far-reaching innovation in payments in the coming years, with a plethora of new and emerging options, including stablecoins.

        Does this sound like a central bank that is losing control? Just as the technology necessary for digital currencies is progressing to the stage of its imminent introduction, the central banking community is redefining their payment systems to accommodate it. Rather than their power base diminishing, they are instead working hand in hand with private developers to ensure that they remain the arbiters of the global financial system. So far, they are succeeding.

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 20:45

      • Credit Crisis Unfolds In China As Steelmaker Default Sparks Contagion Fears 
        Credit Crisis Unfolds In China As Steelmaker Default Sparks Contagion Fears 

        China’s manufacturing PMI slumped deeper into contraction on Thursday — as economic growth in the country fell to its weakest pace in three decades. The economic slowdown, coupled with massive corporate leverage, has created a ticking debt time bomb, which could explode in the next global recession. 

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        The unraveling and coming debt crisis in China will take a series of corporate debt defaults to spook investors, and perhaps, the first series of defaults has already started. 

        The latest causality is Shandong-based steelmaker Xiwang Group Co., who defaulted on a $142 million bond last week, has sparked contagion fear with other companies in the same region, reported Bloomberg.

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        Then on Wednesday, Shandong Sanxing Group Co.’s 2021 dollar bond and China Hongqiao Group Ltd.’s dollar bond due 2023 plummeted to their lowest levels ever as contagion from Xiwang’s default continued to frighten investors. 

        “Xiwang’s default onshore has raised concerns that other privately owned enterprises in Shandong, particularly those from the same locality, may have been associated with the firm,” said Wu Qiong, executive director at BOC International Holdings Ltd. in Hong Kong, who spoke with Bloomberg. 

        China’s onshore credit markets continue to erupt with stress after 2019 defaulted bonds have already hit 2018 highs.

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        Fitch Ratings said the default rate of all Chinese issuers in the first three quarters of this year was 1.03%. By historical standards, the default rate is much higher than last year. Most of the firms skipping out on bond payments were private entities. 

        The cash crunch comes at a time when overleveraged companies in China are reeling from a global synchronized slowdown and a controlled deleveraging period by the government to create a soft bottom in the economy. 

        “Defaults are likely to continue rising, as many medium- and small-sized private firms are facing significant refinancing pressures,” Zhang Shuncheng, associate director of corporate research at Fitch, said in an interview. “Private companies suffer from many problems in their own operations, not to mention the impact from the slowing economy and tight credit environment.”

        China’s corporate sector downfall is overleverage, taken on during the global synchronized recovery. Now, a synchronized decline, these firms are starting to deleverage, adding to the downward pressure in the economy. 

        Hedge fund manager Kyle Bass, the CIO of Hayman Capital Management, has famously said China’s coming economic crash could be three to four times bigger than the 2008 subprime crisis. 

        Bass said in August, China’s “recklessly built” banking system could come tumbling down in the next global recession. 

        As long as Beijing refuses to spark a massive credit injection spree, the global economy will continue to falter — this could usher in the next global crisis, one where China’s corporate sector implodes, well that’s at least what Bass thinks… 

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        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 20:25

      • Some Thoughts On China, The US Trade Dispute And The Hong Kong Protests
        Some Thoughts On China, The US Trade Dispute And The Hong Kong Protests

        Submitted by Strategic Macro Blog,

        China is one of the most important economic stories as it and the US have been the main contributors to global GDP growth in this cycle.

        As we know, Trump has been driving his trade agenda and has forced China to negotiate; but discussions are stuck on three key points:

        1. Forced knowledge and technology transfer in exchange for Chinese market access

        2. IP theft

        3. State subsidies for key industries

        So why are these the key points and why is China so unwilling to negotiate on them?

        The answer is that China is an authoritarian state, ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. Their ‘pact with the people’ has been growth, peace and stability in exchange for one party rule. It has worked pretty well for the economy, albeit with large imbalances built up.

        As China recovered from the Cultural Revolution, the first stage of growth was in basic industries, then more advanced industries, then high tech and now aiming to be global leaders in new high tech industries.

        So how do you make the leap from basic industries to high-tech? You put state resources into education and you invite foreign tech companies to set up manufacturing bases to access cheap labor. You also force knowledge transfer and allow domestic IP theft.

        That growth strategy has brought China to the upper level of middle income status with median wages of around $12k a year. Below is a chart showing China’s progress relative to the US from 1960 to 2008 (the most recent one I could find). While China has moved up, relative to the US, its still in middle income status and there are a large number of other countries that are stuck in the middle income trap:

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        Targeting high-income jobs and industries

        If we set aside development issues like corruption, capital flight, inefficient SoEs, lack of basic rights; in order for China to keep growing and avoid the so called middle income trap and get to high income status, China needs to generate hundreds of millions of higher income/ high productivity jobs, mainly in domestic services, but a significant number in goods producing and globally competitive export industries.

        Put simply they need global leader companies that can compete in their markets. The problem is the global technology/ pharmaceutical/ biotech/ high end industrial markets are protected by patents and trade secret laws and the owners of those patents are US/ EU/ Japanese companies. To survive without subsidies in most mature global industries you need to be in the top 3 of each segment and while Chinese companies can achieve that domestically, they usually can’t globally.

        So China needs to target the new industries where they can register patents and achieve scale and competitiveness. So the government provides state subsidies to companies like Huawei to help them become global leaders in the new markets as they open up. These are the same new markets that US/ EU/ Japanese companies want to compete in. But the Chinese companies can operate at break even or a loss for as long as it takes to drive foreign competition out of a new market. They can also invest whatever it takes in R&D for these new industries.

        Trump is pushing back against this development model. But the problem the CCP has is their growth pact. They have to deliver higher standards of living and productivity to avoid falling into the middle income trap and these three core policies are their strategy to deliver it. Without these policies, it is not clear to me how they will create the numbers of high income jobs they need in order to escape middle income status. Then China would become little more than a large market for high end western goods, similar to Russia or India.

        So overall it seems unlikely that China will make a full compromise on these areas and for now they are saying these key principles are non-negotiable. I suspect that next year they will try and position a compromise that is in their interest and does not effectively stop this development model.

        If Trump does not really want a deal and just wants to make it look like he tried hard before ending negotiations and putting more tariffs on, he has the excuse already. I think this outcome is likely, but that Trump wants the bad news to come out in stages. Partly to not roil markets and partly as it takes years to reposition supply chains. 

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        Hong Kong protests, could they spill into China?

        The Arab Spring came about because a baby boom of young men born in the 1980s came of age, couldn’t find work and saw no future. It seems that the Hong Kong protests have similarities. Young Hong Kongers, who have no allegiance to the CCP, live in what is a developed market, but cant afford property and lack the basic self-determination rights.

        The Hong Kong authorities can act to bring down real estate prices, but giving democracy and greater rights seems to be incompatible with the Mainlanders not having those same rights. My former colleagues, who are Chinese and based in Hong Kong, are expecting a ruthless crackdown on the protesters by the CCP at any time.

        The risk is that leads to more protests and more loss of control or even the protests starting in China itself. My former colleagues are fairly sceptical of this spillover happening, given CCP brainwashing and control of media and communications. They also think the CCP would ruthlessly end any initial Mainland protests, out of sight of the global media.

        But I think this comes back to the common issue. If the CCP fail to deliver their growth pact and China starts to stagnate in middle income status, with many economic imbalances built up or starting to unwind, perhaps there can be protests in China as well.

        If that happens and the CCP start to lose control, it would trigger a 1997-style Asian and EM meltdown as commodity prices and the flow of USD’s to EM collapse. While China runs a large trade surplus with the US and EU, it runs almost a $200bn goods deficit with Asia and EM.

        I don’t know how likely it is that Mainland protests start and my former colleagues are confident they would be ended ruthlessly, as the CCP’s primary aim is survival, but given the potential of this scenario, its worth considering the possibility and the impact it could have.

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 20:05

      • Musk Admits Tesla "Would Have Gone Bankrupt" Without SolarCity Employees Helping Model 3 Production
        Musk Admits Tesla “Would Have Gone Bankrupt” Without SolarCity Employees Helping Model 3 Production

        The SolarCity shareholder lawsuit discovery continues to bear highly disturbing insights into how Elon Musk and his merry band of brothers were running their “pyramid” of money losing companies – SpaceX, SolarCity and Tesla – back in 2015 and 2016.

        Most recently, it was revealed that Musk shifted resources from SolarCity in order to save Tesla from bankruptcy while it was preparing to produce the Model 3, according to Bloomberg

        Musk said in a June pre-trial deposition: “If I did not take everyone off of solar and focus them on the Model 3 program to the detriment of solar, then Tesla would have gone bankrupt. So I took everyone from solar, and said: ‘instead of working on solar, you need to work on the Model 3 program.’ And as a result, solar suffered, as you would expect.’’

        Of course, at the time, no such disclosures were made to investors. 

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        Musk also acknowledged in the deposition that he “probably wouldn’t support” the SolarCity acquisition again given the stress that Tesla faced during its Model 3 push. 

        Musk said: “At the time I thought it made strategic sense for Tesla and SolarCity to combine. Hindsight is 20/20. And if I could wind back the clock, you know, I would say probably would have let SolarCity execute by itself; would have let Tesla execute by itself. But I just didn’t realize how difficult it would be to do the Model 3 program. And so that was just a big distraction and sort of offset a lot of things by more than a year, year and a half maybe.’’

        To help alleviate the pressure of the Model 3 ramp, Musk took SolarCity employees from engineering, management, sales and service and transferred them to work on the Model 3. Other SolarCity workers were deployed to Tesla retail stores, while some delivered cars to customers. 

        The pension funds who filed the lawsuit against Musk are arguing that Tesla was in no condition to buy a $2 billion company that was already basically insolvent. When Tesla reported Q3 earnings, its rooftop solar business increased for the first time in a year. 

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        Source: @TeslaCharts

        And Musk was combative with the lawyer asking him questions about SolarCity’s health at the time, Randy Baron, even calling him “reprehensible” when he questioned whether SolarCity was a viable entity.

        Musk continued in the deposition, saying to Baron: “You seem like a very, very bad person. Just a bad human being. And I hope you come to regret your actions in the future, but you probably won’t. And that’s sad.”

        When asked if he “bailed out” SolarCity, Musk said to Baron: “Advancing solar is absolutely good for the world. Do you just think about money? What is your purpose in life?’’

        “SolarCity would have done just fine by itself and Tesla would have done just fine by itself, but in the long-term, they are better together. And that is what the future will show. That is why I think you should stop wasting your time now,’’ Musk said at one point.

        Last week, Tesla introduced its “Version 3” of its solar roof. “It’s been quite hard. Roofs need to last a long time. When you add electrification to the roof, it’s a fair bit of complexity,” Musk said about the product.

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        Recall, on Wednesday night, we published a comprehensive timeline laying out Kimbal Musk’s SolarCity margin calls that occurred prior to the failing company being bailed out by Tesla. 

        Tesla skeptic and short seller @TeslaCharts also appeared on a podcast on Sunday to lay out his thoughts both on Tesla’s recent quarterly results, and on the company’s claims about its “Version 3.0” of its solar roof tiles. 

        Recall, we also noted days ago that despite Tesla’s “headline” Q3 numbers, its U.S. sales actually plunged 39% in the quarter. 

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 19:45

      • Illinois' "Fair Tax" Is Actually A "Scare Tax"
        Illinois’ “Fair Tax” Is Actually A “Scare Tax”

        Authored by Matthew Besler, op-ed via,

        Illinois Democrats are attempting to muscle through a so-called “fair tax” by amending the Illinois Constitution to eliminate the flat tax. Their strategy has all the subtlety of a shakedown.

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        Given Democrats’ “pass it or else!” attitude, the “scare tax” seems a more appropriate name. Here’s a Halloween peek at the Democrats’ two-step strategy for raising taxes in 2020 and beyond.

        Step 1 is eliminating Illinois’ flat tax via constitutional amendment. First, Democrats will try to convince voters why this is necessary. Due to the Trump revenue bump, Illinois enjoyed a surprise revenue surplus. This bit of good fiscal news was the grease for getting a budget passed.

        But spending increased much more than revenue did, and overspending in 2019 helps the Democrats as we enter 2020 and 2021. Here’s how:

        This year’s spending spree creates room for spending cuts next year, just as rug merchants of lore raised prices to offer exaggerated discounts to lure the unwary. Indeed, Democrats are already rounding up ideas for cuts, but they are not discussing, much less driving, the structural reforms needed to address Illinois’ fundamental financial problems.

        That’s because Illinois’ fundamental financial challenges are a result of the Democrats’ “Chicago Way;” offering government employee unions sweet deals in exchange for support. With reforms that impact their governing coalition off the table, Democrats obsess over raising revenue to fund their status quo – and they understand that spending cuts will be demanded in connection with a tax hike.

        So, much like Inspector Renault did in Casablanca, Democrats round up spending cuts they can live with to feign fiscal probity.

        Spending in 2019 will exceed revenues, creating a deficit in the 2020 budget; we should expect an “unanticipated fiscal crisis,” which will justify the Democrats’ pro-tax push next year.

        “Shocked” by this “surprise” deficit, Democrats will argue this crisis can be fixed with more revenue and that all of the revenue will be obtained from the rich – but only if voters know what’s good for them and vote for the “fair tax.”

        And if voters don’t agree to do as Democrats demand? Democrats will argue that the government will fail without new taxes. Those taxes have to come from somewhere; so, tax the rich or be taxed yourself!

        And what will happen if the people of Illinois approve the “fair tax,” thereby eliminating the constitutional protection against arbitrary tax rates? Will doubling the tax on the rich spare the rest of us from paying more taxes too?

        Of course not.

        The Democrats’ “scare tax” won’t spare anyone for two reasons:

        • First, their tax won’t raise as much as Democrats advertise because the proposed new tax and Illinois’ entrenched structural problems are already scaring people away to more tax-friendly havens.

        • Second, Illinois’ structural problems are simply too severe to be fixed by raiding the pockets of a few thousand people.

        Which brings us to Step 2 of the Democrats’ strategy: tax everyone else.

        Lower-than-projected revenues from the “scare tax” will leave a large and growing hole in Illinois’ finances. Guess whose pockets Democrats will raid in 2021, seeking the billions they inevitably need. Having doubled tax rates on the vanishing rich, Democrats will seek a “much lower” increase in taxes on everyone else.

        Make no mistake: taxing the rich is only a speed bump on the road to higher taxes for everyone. The only way to avoid higher taxes is to stop enabling Democrats by raising taxes every time Democrats yell “Boo!”

        It’s time to force Democrats to fix the structural financial issues fueling Illinois’ demise. That means voting no on the “fair tax.” Cutting off new tax revenue will force Springfield politicians to deal with its fundamental problems. That is the first step toward inviting back to Illinois the productive and ambitious who have been scared away.

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 19:25

      • Popeye's Is Escalating Its "Beef" With Chick-Fil-A
        Popeye’s Is Escalating Its “Beef” With Chick-Fil-A

        For two chicken companies, the “beef” is starting to reach a fever pitch.

        On Sunday, November 3, Popeye’s will be bringing back its chicken sandwich, specifically targeting a day of the week when rival Chick-Fil-A isn’t open, according to Bloomberg

        The chain hopes that the sandwich will bring in more customers as competition in the world of fast food continues to grow, as we pointed out in a recent article about the industry’s growing debt problems. 

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        The sandwich made its original debut in August and sold out within weeks. Now, for the second go-around, franchisees are making sure they are fully staffed to meet the demand. 

        Popeye’s reported comp sales of 9.7% on Monday, almost twice analyst projections, as a result of the sandwich’s popularity. It was called one of the company’s “best quarters in two decades” by parent company Restaurant Brands’ CEO Jose Cil. 

        Competitor Chick-Fil-A has closed on Sundays since 1946, when the practice was made tradition by the company’s founder. 

        Restaurant Brands also owns Burger King and is not only facing leverage headwinds and a slowing global economy, but also declining customer traffic. Competitors like McDonald’s are raising prices in order to try and offset the slowdown. 

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 19:05

      • A Fiscal Policy "Flop": The US Gov't Spent Hundreds Of Billions, And GDP Slowed
        A Fiscal Policy “Flop”: The US Gov’t Spent Hundreds Of Billions, And GDP Slowed

        Submitted by Joseph Carson, Former Director of Global Economic Research, Alliance Bernstein

        Its now nearly two year since the Trump Administration and Congress passed major tax cuts for businesses and individuals and followed that legislative initiative up with a relatively large increase in spending for defense and discretionary non-defense programs. The economic results from these tax and spending programs are in and the overall growth numbers are disappointing to say the least, and it would not be wrong to characterize these legislative initiatives as a fiscal policy “flop”.

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        Over the last seven quarters real GDP growth has averaged 2.4%, which matches the 2.4% growth in 2017, the year before the entire fiscal stimulus took place. Simply put, even though the federal government spent more money (estimated to be $300 billion for various programs) and reduced taxes for businesses and individuals the underlying growth rate of the economy did not change one iota.

        As disappointing as the growth numbers have been, the fiscal bill from these legislative initiatives is growing and contrary to public assertions these fiscal stimulus programs will never pay for themselves.

        In the fiscal year ending on September 30, the US recorded a $984 billion deficit, more than $300 billion above the budget deficit recorded in fiscal year 2017, the year before the tax cut and spending programs were passed by Congress.

        Measured in relation to GDP, the budget deficit equaled 4.6% of GDP in the fiscal year ending at the end of the third quarter of 2019, almost 100 basis points above the 3.7% growth in nominal GDP over the same time frame.

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        That unbalanced relationship – the budget deficit as a percent of GDP running above the growth in nominal GDP – has been a unique feature of the current decade long business cycle and is something that never ever happened during any other economic expansion of the post-war period. Even if money was free (which it isn’t) there is something wrong with this math.

        Budget projections from the Congressional Budget Office indicates that the scale of the budget deficit will continue to outpace the growth in nominal GDP by nearly one percentage point over the next decade. Critics may argue that long run forecasts are notorious for being off the mark, but it is worth pointing out that budget forecasts by CBO in the summer of 2009 under-estimated the growth in the budget deficit for the next 10 years by more than $2 trillion – so to be fair there are upside and downside risks to future budget projections.

        It’s premature to say that the US government has entered into a “debt trap”. Unlike businesses and individuals which at some point run into market-determined borrowing limits and face margin calls, the federal government has deep pockets in the form of a “printing press”. Nonetheless, it is impossible to deny that recent fiscal decisions have not worsened the US short run and long run outlay and revenue imbalance. Politicians show no appetite to address the growing budget imbalance so “market forces” (i.e. dollar re-alignment since the US is massively dependent on foreign capital) will eventually at some point reduce the scale of the imbalance.

        Let’s hope it’s an orderly adjustment.

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 18:45

      Digest powered by RSS Digest

      Today’s News 31st October 2019

      • ECB Official: Can Use Portfolio To Combat Climate Change  
        ECB Official: Can Use Portfolio To Combat Climate Change  

        Central banks have been making all kinds of ridiculous climate change statements in the last several quarters. Some monetary authorities have even said, they could also expand balance sheets to purchase climate-related financial investments. 

        Sabine Lautenschläger, Member of the Executive Board and Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB), was quoted by Bloomberg on Wednesday in Düsseldorf, Germany, as saying the ECB is prepared to use its balance sheet to support the fight against climate change. 

        Bloomberg quoted Lautenschläge as saying: 

        • Sustainability criteria are already taken into account in our portfolios that are not held for monetary policy purposes: Lautenschlaeger

        • The ECB needs to address all citizens, not just an expert audience – without ever becoming political

        We’ve suggested in the past, that this is just a giant ruse to sneak through MMT and helicopter money under the virtue-signaling guise of fighting climate change. 

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        Central banks, who’ve spent a decade expanding balance sheets, have plowed trillions of dollars into financial assets across the world.

        The flawed policy lifted financial asset prices but only benefited a few who held stock, bonds, real estate, etc… Everyone else, which is a majority of the global population are considered non-asset holders, didn’t participate in the decades-long orgy of cheap money, thus created a massive wealth gap that can no longer be ignored. 

        As a result of the wealth gap, protectionism and nationalism are sweeping across the world. 

        Political uncertainty across the world is at the highest levels ever. 

        Millions of people are currently protesting from Asia, the Middle East, and South America, calling for change after a decade of flawed monetary policy by global central banks. 

        The only solution offered by financial elites is to create an economic narrative of how global warming will doom the world. Then to calm fears, offer a solution, that answer is MMT and helicopter money.

        If you think balance sheets among central banks are large in today’s standards, just wait until the next global recession strikes, which could be as soon as next year, then central banks will use the narrative of climate change to expand balance sheets at record paces.

        But printing money this time will be okay because it’ll save the world from climate change. 

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 02:45

      • Corbyn Plots A Marxist Revolution – Could He Win The Election By Accident?
        Corbyn Plots A Marxist Revolution – Could He Win The Election By Accident?

        Via Strategic Macro blog,

        I don’t think Corbyn can win outright. However, with the constituency system of 650 MPs and votes split often three or four ways in each constituency, he could get in via a coalition with the SNP or LibDems. He is currently only 41 MPs behind the Tories. With a Lab/ LibDem/ SNP coalition he only really needs 270-280 seats vs 247 now:

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        You Guv 9th September voting intentions:

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        I think a lot of it will resolve to what the Brexit Party does to the Tory vote in Tory marginals vs how many votes Labour lose to the Brexit Party in the northern heartlands. Its unlikely the Brexit Party will win any seats outright.

        Farage does not believe the Tory Party will exit the EU by itself, or at least will only exit via the Withdrawal Agreement which leaves the UK closely tied to EU rules, taxes and regulations. If Farage does campaign against them, he risks splitting the leave vote in Tory marginals. This would boost both the Lib Dems and Labour numbers in Parliament. Its unlikely the Brexit Party could cause many Labour marginals to become Tory seats.

        Corbyn’s conference speech

        The speech can be taken as a trial balloon for the manifesto in the coming election.

        I would summarise it as planning to take capital away from successful people, who would invest it and giving it to unsuccessful people, who will spend it.

        In the short term ‘free money for all’ policies boost the economy via upfront spending, but medium term it will be a disaster, as centralised state socialism always is.

        My understanding of Marxism is as follows; the proletariat rise up and overthrow the ‘bourgeois’ capital owners and bring about a revolutionary socialist system. Marx predicted this is most likely to happen when the capitalist economy is in crisis. In other words; socialism is born out of capitalist failure and crisis.

        I think its fair to say capitalism has been in the Third Turning since 2008 (in fact I think the Third Turning was 1997-2016), The Unravelling, whereby policy has aimed to continue the prior framework (credit super cycle supporting final demand in the face of large imbalances, global platform company labour arbitrage, concentration of assets and profits and falling wage shares to GDP).

        Strauss-Howe predict that in the Fourth Turning reformist leaders emerge (which I see as happening since 2016), who break down the prior institutional framework and implement a new one, during which time there is a chaotic environment. Clearly our reformists are Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn.

        Viewed from this perspective, of Marxist theory in a time of struggle and reform, Corbyn’s speech tells you he sees himself as that revolutionary socialist leader and he intends to lead that revolution now.

        Below are a summary of his key speech policies:

        Economic control:

        He described the economy as ‘a tool in the hands of policy makers’

        • So command and control and a return to centrally agreed ‘five year industrial plans’

        • He is unable to understand that the ‘capital and labour’ economic framework from 150 years ago has been displaced by a complex, high skilled service and innovation driven economy. 75% of our economic output is now non-industrial. 

        • His understanding of economics and business is defined by the prism of worker vs capital zero sum conflict  

        He will scrap the Trade Union laws and nationalise rail, national electricity grid, water and mail.

        • The Trade Unions will just push for extortionate wage increases, which is a tax on consumers, is inflationary and pushes up the IRR hurdle on new private investments

        • In terms of nationalising certain complex, large, low RoE utility sectors; Im not so against it, if they are well run (which they wont be by the party bosses). We have had coordination and investment problems with rail and the national grid needs investment for electrical transportation in the coming years  

        Pharmaceutical IP theft:

        ‘Using compulsory licensing to secure generic versions of patented medicines. We’ll tell the drugs companies that if they want public research funding then they’ll have to make their drugs affordable for all. And we will create a new publicly owned generic drugs manufacturer to supply cheaper medicines to our NHS’

        • He seems to have missed the part where the drug company gambled billions in developing the new drug and going forwards will make sure they don’t do any valuable R&D within the UK in order to protect their product IP and patents but will probably still use government money for early stage, primary scientific research

        • Hs also doesnt understand the difference between biotechnology drugs which involve an organic chemistry process (that is usually secret) and pharmaceutical drugs that are made in a traditional factory and can be more easily generically made

        Government sponsored education programmes:

        ‘Free education for everyone throughout life as a right not a privilege. No more university tuition fees. Free childcare and a new Sure Start programme. Free vocational and technical education. And free training for adults.’

        • It has to be paid for by taxes, so why does he think he can spend this money better via centralisation than the tax payers organising their own education and training? 

        • Child care has already been regulated to the point of unaffordability. Pre-school nursery costs on average £12k a year, the highest cost in the world, vs around £5k per child school place.

        • Scrapping tuition fees would cost about £20bn a year, or 1% of GDP. 

        Wealth redistribution:

        He will give the workforce a 10% stake in large companies, paying a dividend of up to £500 a year to every employee. He will increase the minimum wage by almost 20%.

        • Large companies by definition have been the most successful ones and are essential for productivity/ volume of GDP, but here he wants to increase their cost of capital through basically a form of a shared ownership tax and rising the wages of the least productive workers

        He wants to tax the top 5% and big companies.

        • While big companies drive GDP volume, its often small, entrepreneurial ones that come up with the breakthroughs that drive productivity growth

        • All higher taxes will do is increase the before tax IRR hurdle on a project and reduce investment

        • The Tories would cut taxes in an effort to bring in investment and jobs, which in turn see taxes through payrolls and sales taxes

        5 year central plans:

        UK industrial output is about £500bn a year, or 25% of GDP. He announced he would spend an unbelievable 25% of GDP, or 5% of annual GDP if spread over 5 years, on two large scale sets of new spending programmes. Corbyn is a Unions & QUANGO workers wet dream.

        He will spend £250bn (£50bn a year/ 10% of UK annual industrial output if spread over 5 years) on energy, transport and broadband infrastructure.

        • In comparison parliament found a need for just £3-5bn of telecoms subsidy in rural areas. The private sector can deliver fast charging stations. The Tories are spending single digit billions on other areas of transportation plus the white elephant of HS2. 

        • Its not clear at all what the £250bn would be spent on, why the private sector cant and whether it would pay for itself. 

        He will spend £250bn on ‘capital for businesses and co-ops’

        • No details, but could be the nationalisation programme or some other government/ union/ company forced union.

        With £500bn without doubt you can solve some problems, but if that is low RoE or negative RoE and crowds out private sector investment it will just lead to less economic growth in the long run. Its also likely to be a massive union boondoggle and very beneficial to party and union connected businesses.

        It might also be a bigger fiscal boost for German goods producers than anything the German government will agree to.

        Who will pay for this?

        We already have a near record trade deficit and need to rebalance that via a careful strategy of higher wages, higher savings, higher investment, more domestic production and more exports and less imports. I have argued the case before for a private sector, investment led, economic boom after Brexit.

        UK Current Account as a percent of GDP:

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        UK Capital flows, Qtly in £bns:

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        Corbyn simply sees the problems and plans to spend enormous amounts of money, but he cant know where the money will come from to pay for it. The external sector has been willing to finance UK deficits for some time as the economy rebounded and grew and while the UK represented a liberal safehaven. For a while it will also probably finance Corbyn given his policies are pro-cyclical and will offer higher returns/ yields for a period. However, longer term, given the high tax, stagflationary policies, it seems very unlikely the external sector will pay; so crowding out the domestic private sector is the only possible alternative. This is the stuff FX crisis are made of, but only a few years down the line.

        The first five years could see a significant boost to GDP, maybe longer, but later on the negative effects will show more prominence, probably when there is a recession.

        Two details were outlined however, those were that he will build large scale solar plants, battery hubs and wind farms and he will also ramp public house building. All of this is great for well connected, high-wage, unionised companies and QUANGOs.


        He will withdraw from US/ NATO military interventions in favour of diplomacy.

        • In effect he will weaken the ability of organisations like the UN and the ICC to enforce basic human rights onto rogue states and allow China’s sphere of influence to grow. That is the opposite of his stated foreign policy intention.


        His fence sitting policy on Brexit it to; negotiate a better deal, put it to referendum and carry out the referendum result. Its a Remain party, but as an ardent Brexiteer he is calculating the referendum result will be to leave with whatever deal he has negotiated.

        He would then be relatively free to implement his policies; he has no intention of reducing taxes or regulation (and therefore maintain the level playing field requirements) and having left the EU would not be as bound by EU state subsidy rules in his nationalisation and ‘investment’ programme.

        Corbyn was never meant to be leader, after a career as a campaigner, he lucked into the role due to failure by mainstream career politicians. In the last several years he has been forced to become an expedient politician. His reformist agenda is also popular with the party grassroots.

        Question is can he now luck into No. 10?

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 02:00

      • Global Carmageddon Continues: Pirelli And VW Warn About "Worsening Market Scenario"
        Global Carmageddon Continues: Pirelli And VW Warn About “Worsening Market Scenario”

        The automotive industry has been mired in recession for the better part of the last 18 months and still shows no signs of stopping. On Tuesday, comments from both VW’s CEO and from tire maker Pirelli, who cut its guidance for 2020, continue to exemplify an industry where the very worst of a recession may still be yet to come.

        VW’s CEO said in an interview with Bloomberg early this week that he was cautious about “all regions except South America”, including major car markets like North America, Europe and China. 

        “We know what needs to be done – get our act together on vehicle launches and be very cautious on costs and expenses,” he commented. He also stated that he wasn’t surprised that PSA and Fiat Chrysler are in merger talks, given speculation about industry consolidation.

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        Volkswagen is expected to present a new five-year plan to its board in mid-November.

        The shift to electric vehicles, more stringent emissions standards and a slowing global economy all continue to weigh on many auto manufacturers. 

        Tire maker Pirelli also warned about its operating profit margin and cash flow on Tuesday, saying it would delay the presentation of a new business plan while it works out scenarios for what it sees as a “worsening market scenario”, according to Reuters

        The company forecasted full year margin on adjusted EBIT of between 17% and 17.5%, much lower than already-lowered expectations of 18% to 19%. The company’s adjusted EBIT fell to 685 million euros for the nine months ended September 30, 2019. Pirelli also lowered its full year cash flow expectations to between 330 and 350 million euros, down from expectations of between 350 million and 380 million euros. 

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        The company said that greater fixed costs and lowered production to reduce inventories both stung its guidance.  

        The company is set to present its industrial plans to 2022 in the first quarter of next year. This presentation was previously supposed to occur on December 11 of this year. Pirelli said the setback was due to the market being “more challenging compared with the forecasts of recent months”.

        Chief Executive Marco Tronchetti Porvera said: “In this context, to protect our profitability we have to act deeper to reduce the cost of our products.”

        Tyler Durden

        Thu, 10/31/2019 – 01:00

      • America's History Of Controlling The OPCW To Promote Regime Change
        America’s History Of Controlling The OPCW To Promote Regime Change

        Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

        You wouldn’t know it from today’s news headlines, but there’s a major scandal unfolding with potentially far-reaching consequences for the entire international community.

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        The political/media class has been dead silent about the fact that there are now two whistleblowers whose revelations have cast serious doubts on a chemical weapons watchdog group that is widely regarded as authoritative, despite the fact that this same political/media class has been crowing all month about how important whistleblowers are and how they need to be protected ever since a CIA spook exposed some dirt on the Trump administration.

        When the Courage Foundation and WikiLeaks published the findings of an interdisciplinary panel which received an extensive presentation from a whistleblower from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) investigation of an alleged 2018 chlorine gas attack in Douma, Syria, it was left unclear (perhaps intentionally) whether this was the same whistleblower who leaked a dissenting Engineering Assessment to the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media this past May or a different one. Subsequent comments from British journalist Jonathan Steele assert that there are indeed two separate whistleblowers from within the OPCW’s Douma investigation, both of whom claim that their investigative findings differed widely from the final OPCW Douma report and were suppressed from the public by the organization.

        The official final report aligned with the mainstream narrative promulgated by America’s political/media class that the Syrian government killed dozens of civilians in Douma using cylinders of chlorine gas dropped from the air, while the two whistleblowers found that this is unlikely to have been the case. The official report did not explicitly assign blame to Assad, but it said its findings were in alignment with a chlorine gas attack and included a ballistics report which strongly implied an air strike (opposition fighters in Syria have no air force). The whistleblowers dispute both of these conclusions.

        At the very least we can conclude from these revelations that the OPCW hid information from the public that an international watchdog organization has no business hiding about an event which led to an act of war in the form of an airstrike by the US, UK and France. We may also conclude that skepticism of their entire body of work around the world is perfectly legitimate until some very serious questions are answered. Right now no attempt is being made by the organization to bring about the kind of transparency which would help restore trust, with multiple journalists now reporting that the OPCW is refusing to answer their questions.

        It is also not at all unreasonable to question whether the OPCW could have been influenced in some way by the United States behind the scenes, given how its now-dubious final report aligns so nicely with the narratives promoted by the CIA and US State Department, and given how we know for a fact that the US has aggressively manipulated the OPCW before in order to advance its regime change agendas.

        In June of 2002, as the United States was preparing to invade Iraq, Mother Jones published an article titled “A Coup in The Hague” about the US government’s campaign to oust the OPCW’s very first Director General, José Bustani. If you’ve been following the recent OPCW revelations you will recall that Bustani was one of the panelists at the Courage Foundation whistleblower presentation in Brussels on October 15, after which he wrote the following:

        The convincing evidence of irregular behavior in the OPCW investigation of the alleged Douma chemical attack confirms doubts and suspicions I already had. I could make no sense of what I was reading in the international press. Even official reports of investigations seemed incoherent at best. The picture is certainly clearer now, although very disturbing.”

        Mother Jones (which used to be a decent outlet for the record) breaks down how the US government was able to successfully bully the OPCW into ousting the very popular Bustani from his position as Director General in April 2002 by threatening to withdraw funding from the organization. This was done because Bustani was having an uncomfortable amount of success bringing the Saddam Hussein government to the negotiating table, and his efforts were perceived as a threat to the war agenda.

        “Indeed, US officials have offered little reason for its opposition to Bustani, saying only that they questioned his ‘management style’ and differed with several of Bustani’s decisions,” Mother Jones reports.

        “Despite this, Washington waged an unusually public and vocal campaign to unseat Bustani, who had been unanimously reelected to lead the 145-nation body in May, 2000. Finally, at a ‘special session’ called after the US had threatened to cut off all funding for the organization, Bustani was sent packing.”

        This happened despite broad international support for Bustani, including from then-Secretary of State Colin Powell who’d written to the renowned Brazilian diplomat praising his work in February 2001. According to the report’s author Hannah Wallace, the US was able to oust a unanimously re-elected Director General due to the disproportionate amount of financial influence America had over the OPCW.

        “[I]n March of 2002, Bustani survived a US-led motion calling for a vote of no confidence in his leadership,” Wallace writes. “Having failed in that effort, Washington increased the pressure, threatening to cut off funding for the organization — a significant threat given that the US underwrites 22 percent of the total budget. A little more than a month later, Bustani was out.”

        “Bustani suggests US officials were particularly displeased with his attempts to persuade Iraq to sign the chemical weapons treaty, which would have provided for routine and unannounced inspections of Iraqi weapons plants,” Wallace reported. “Of course, the Bush White House has recently cited Iraq’s refusal to allow such inspections as one justification for a new attack on Saddam Hussein’s regime.”

        “Of course, had Iraq [joined the OPCW], a door would be opened towards the return of inspectors to Bagdad and consequently a viable, peaceful solution to the impasse,” Bustani told Mother Jones. “Is that what Washington wants these days?”

        Bustani told Mother Jones that he was already seeing a shift in the OPCW into alignment with US interests. Again, this was back in 2002.

        “The new OPCW, after my ousting, is already undergoing radical structural changes, along the lines of the US recipe, which will strike a definitive blow to the post of the Director General, making it once and for all a mere figurehead of a sham international regime,” he said.

        “Bustani traces the shift to the influence of several hawkish officials in the Bush State Department, particularly Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, John Bolton,” Wallace wrote.

        Indeed, we’ve learned since that Bolton took it much further than that. Bustani reported to The Intercept last year that Bolton literally threatened to harm his children if he didn’t resign from his position as Director General.

        “You have 24 hours to leave the organization, and if you don’t comply with this decision by Washington, we have ways to retaliate against you,” Bolton reportedly told him, adding after a pause, “We know where your kids live. You have two sons in New York.”

        The Intercept reports that Bolton’s office did not deny Bustani’s claim when asked for comment.

        It is worth noting here that John Bolton was serving in the Trump administration as National Security Advisor throughout the entire time of the OPCW’s Douma investigation. Bolton held that position from April 9, 2018 to September 10, 2019. The OPCW’s Fact-Finding mission didn’t arrive in Syria until April 14 2018 and didn’t begin its investigation in Douma until several days after that, with its final report being released in March of 2019.

        It is perfectly reasonable, given all this, to suspect that the US government may have exerted some influence over the OPCW’s Douma investigation. If they were depraved enough to not only threaten to withdraw funding from a chemical weapons watchdog in order to attain their warmongering agendas but actually threaten a diplomat’s family, they’re certainly depraved enough to manipulate an investigation into an alleged chemical weapons attack. This would explain the highly suspicious omissions and discrepancies in its report.

        It is a well-established fact that the US government has long sought regime change in Syria, not just in 2012 with Timber Sycamore and the official position of “Assad must go”, but even before the violence began in 2011. I’ve compiled multiple primary source pieces of evidence in an article you can read by clicking here that the US government and its allies have been planning to orchestrate an uprising in Syria exactly as it occurred with the goal of toppling Assad, and a former Qatari Prime Minister revealed on television in 2017 that the US and its allies were involved in that conflict from the very moment it first started.

        So to recap, we know that the US government has manipulated the OPCW in order to advance regime change agendas in the past, and we know that the US government has long had a regime change agenda against Syria. Many questions will need to be answered before we can rule out the possibility that these two facts converged in an ugly way upon the OPCW’s Douma investigation.

        *  *  *

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        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 23:50


      • A Conflicted Kimbal Musk Was Facing SolarCity Margin Calls Before Tesla's Bailout, Deposition Shows
        A Conflicted Kimbal Musk Was Facing SolarCity Margin Calls Before Tesla’s Bailout, Deposition Shows

        More and more details to Tesla’s bailout of SolarCity are becoming clear. And the more details we get, the uglier things look. 

        The latest addition to the story was yesterday, when one well known Tesla skeptic took the time to lay out, in wonderful detail, the financial pressure that SolarCity’s tanking stock price was putting on the company’s directors – specifically, Elon’s brother Kimbal Musk – who faced multiple margin calls prior to the merger. 

        Using Kimbal Musk’s recently released deposition from the SolarCity lawsuit, the short seller known only as @TeslaCharts on Twitter, reconstructed the days leading up to Elon Musk pitching the SolarCity acquisition to the Tesla board. They detail a panicked Kimbal Musk, cursing about Tesla and blowing out his SpaceX shares to cover his SolarCity margin call – all while maintaining that he had zero conflict of interest in Tesla’s eventual bailout of SolarCity.

        @TeslaCharts starts by layout out the context, reminding readers that Kimbal Musk was a large shareholder in SolarCity, as well as a board member of both Tesla and SpaceX at the time. 

        He then makes note of Kimbal’s reasoning for not recusing himself regarding matters involving SolarCity. The only person who didn’t seem to think Kimbal had a conflict of interest was Kimbal himself. 

        He continues down this line of logic, noting that despite owning 141,541 shares of SolarCity, Kimbal still did not think he had a conflict of interest because he was representing “the best interests of the shareholders of Tesla”.

        From there, @TeslaCharts starts to lay out a timeline. First, October 20, 2015, when Kimbal is facing a margin call due to SolarCity for the first time. 

        He then also lays out that many members of the Tesla and SolarCity boards are also on the Board of Directors of Kimbal’s company, the Kitchen. 

        In fact, when Kimbal is seeking financing for his own company, SolarCity’s CEO tells him that he can’t participate because he is also facing his own margin calls. SolarCity is “seeing its ass”, CEO Lyndon Rive tells Kimbal. Of course, “seeing its ass” doesn’t appear in any SolarCity public filings around that time – this was information just for Kimbal. 

        Then Kimbal winds up in a back and forth with the questioning attorney about the definition of a margin call, which he clearly doesn’t understand. The deposition shows that Kimbal used his Tesla line of credit to cover his SolarCity line – symbolic, of sorts, isn’t it?

        Kimbal then faces a margin call on October 29, 2015 and uses his Tesla stock to again cover it. 

        Kimbal is then rebuffed by Elon after he hits Elon up for a loan to try and bail himself out of his margin call. “You know that I don’t actually have cash, right?” Elon says to his brother. 

        So Kimbal shifts his attention to potentially selling some of his SpaceX stock to cover the call. It is also noted that Elon Musk had a LTV of just 5% for his SpaceX shares at Goldman.

        By February 8, 2016, all hell is breaking loose. SolarCity’s stock is still falling and Kimbal is forced to offer some SpaceX stock at $110. 

        On February 9, 2016, there’s a clear sense of urgency when SolarCity dips to $18 per share. Kimbal yanks the offer on his SpaceX stock from $110 to $95 over the course of just one day. 

        Kimbal then, frustrated, e-mails the CFO of his company, the Kitchen. “Motherfucker,” he says after describing Tesla’s 50% fall. 

        So the next day, his brother Elon goes online and pulls forward the date for Model 3 reservations, announcing that more information on the unveil would be coming soon. Tesla stock moves higher and “margin loan pressure undoubtedly eases,” @TeslaCharts says.

        And just two weeks later, Elon calls a meeting to pitch the idea of acquiring SolarCity. To nobody’s surprise, the Board doesn’t even discuss Kimbal Musk’s potential conflict of interest. 

        The thread ends with @TeslaCharts saying what everyone else is thinking:

        “The only thing surprising about this giant self-dealing Ponzi scheme is just how egregious it all is.”

        The thread, in its entirety, can be read here. @TeslaCharts also appeared on a podcast on Sunday to lay out his thoughts both on Tesla’s recent quarterly results, and on the company’s claims about its “Version 3.0” of its solar roof tiles. 

        Recall, we noted yesterday that despite the company’s “headline” Q3 numbers, its U.S. sales actually plunged 39% in the quarter. 

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 23:30

      • Chinese PMIs Unexpectedly Slide Further Into Contraction, Just Shy Of Post-Crisis Lows
        Chinese PMIs Unexpectedly Slide Further Into Contraction, Just Shy Of Post-Crisis Lows

        If there was some hope that that today’s Fed rate cut would mark the bottom of the global economic slowdown and serve as the basis for even a modest recovery – after all, even Powell admitted that after this, nothing less than a full blown economic shitstorm would force the Fed to cut more – then Beijing promptly crapped all over any such optimism, when it reported that its latest official PMIs for the month of October not only missed by a mile, but were two of the worst prints since the financial crisis.

        Early on Thursday, China’s National Bureau of Statistics reported that in October, China’s manufacturing PMI slumped deeper into contraction, dropping from 49.8 to 49.3, not only below the 49.8 consensus estimate, but also below the lowest sellside estimate (the range was 49.5-50.5). Worse, the Non-manufacturing PMI, which many had ignored for months because it was so deeply into expansionary territory, tumbled sharply, and after its biggest drop in almost a year, dipped to 52.8 from 53.6, and is now just shy of the lowest print since the financial crisis.

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        It gets even worse: whereas the contraction for large cap companies was modest, at just 49.9, down from 50.8, mid cap companies were worse, at 49.0, while small caps were dismal, at a paltry 47.9, down from 48.8.

        Broken down by components, almost every index posted a decline, with the exception of the worst one, employment, which posted a modest increase:

        • Production  50.8, down from 52.3
        • New Orders 49.6, down from 50.5
        • Employment 47.3, up from 47.0

        The above means that not only is the trade war with the US continuing to take its toll on China, but as long as Beijing refuses to spark a massive credit injection spree, which rebooted the global economy after the financial crisis, after the European sovereign debt crisis, and again after the Shanghai Accord…

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        … then the Fed’s hopes that its “insurance cuts” will amount to anything, will soon be drowned in the chaos of another global recession, but not before the Fed first cuts rates back to zero first, and then negative.

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 23:13

      • The Militarization Of Everything
        The Militarization Of Everything

        Authored by William Astore via,

        Killing Me Softly with Militarism – The Decay of Democracy in America

        When Americans think of militarism, they may imagine jackbooted soldiers goose-stepping through the streets as flag-waving crowds exult; or, like our president, they may think of enormous parades featuring troops and missiles and tanks, with warplanes soaring overhead. Or nationalist dictators wearing military uniforms encrusted with medals, ribbons, and badges like so many barnacles on a sinking ship of state. (Was Donald Trump only joking recently when he said he’d like to award himself a Medal of Honor?) And what they may also think is: that’s not us. That’s not America. After all, Lady Liberty used to welcome newcomers with a torch, not an AR-15. We don’t wall ourselves in while bombing others in distant parts of the world, right?

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        But militarism is more than thuggish dictators, predatory weaponry, and steely-eyed troops. There are softer forms of it that are no less significant than the “hard” ones. In fact, in a self-avowed democracy like the United States, such softer forms are often more effective because they seem so much less insidious, so much less dangerous. Even in the heartland of Trump’s famed base, most Americans continue to reject nakedly bellicose displays like phalanxes of tanks rolling down Pennsylvania Avenue. 

        But who can object to celebrating “hometown heroes” in uniform, as happens regularly at sports events of every sort in twenty-first-century America? Or polite and smiling military recruiters in schools? Or gung-ho war movies like the latest version of Midway, timed for Veterans Day weekend 2019 and marking America’s 1942 naval victory over Japan, when we were not only the good guys but the underdogs?

        What do I mean by softer forms of militarism? I’m a football fan, so one recent Sunday afternoon found me watching an NFL game on CBS. People deplore violence in such games, and rightly so, given the number of injuries among the players, notably concussions that debilitate lives. But what about violent commercials during the game? In that one afternoon, I noted repetitive commercials for SEAL TeamSWAT, and FBI, all CBS shows from this quietly militarized American moment of ours. In other words, I was exposed to lots of guns, explosions, fisticuffs, and the like, but more than anything I was given glimpses of hard men (and a woman or two) in uniform who have the very answers we need and, like the Pentagon-supplied police in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014, are armed to the teeth. (“Models with guns,” my wife calls them.) 

        Got a situation in Nowhere-stan? Send in the Navy SEALs. Got a murderer on the loose? Send in the SWAT team. With their superior weaponry and can-do spirit, Special Forces of every sort are sure to win the day (except, of course, when they don’t, as in America’s current series of never-ending wars in distant lands).

        And it hardly ends with those three shows. Consider, for example, this century’s update of Magnum P.I., a CBS show featuring a kickass private investigator. In the original Magnum P.I. that I watched as a teenager, Tom Selleck played the character with an easy charm. Magnum’s military background in Vietnam was acknowledged but not hyped. Unsurprisingly, today’s Magnum is proudly billed as an ex-Navy SEAL.

        Cop and military shows are nothing new on American TV, but never have I seen so many of them, new and old, and so well-armed. On CBS alone you can add to the mix Hawaii Five-O (yet more models with guns updated and up-armed from my youthful years), the three NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service) shows, and Blue Bloods (ironically starring a more grizzled and less charming Tom Selleck) — and who knows what I haven’t noticed? While today’s cop/military shows feature far more diversity with respect to gender, ethnicity, and race compared to hoary classics like Dragnet, they also feature far more gunplay and other forms of bloody violence.

        Look, as a veteran, I have nothing against realistic shows on the military. Coming from a family of first responders — I count four firefighters and two police officers in my immediate family — I loved shows like Adam-12 and Emergency! in my youth. What I’m against is the strange militarization of everything, including, for instance, the idea, distinctly of our moment, that first responders need their very own version of the American flag to mark their service. Perhaps you’ve seen those thin blue line flags, sometimes augmented with a red line for firefighters. As a military veteran, my gut tells me that there should only be one American flag and it should be good enough for all Americans. Think of the proliferation of flags as another soft type of up-armoring (this time of patriotism). 

        Speaking of which, whatever happened to Dragnet’s Sergeant Joe Friday, on the beat, serving his fellow citizens, and pursuing law enforcement as a calling? He didn’t need a thin blue line battle flag. And in the rare times when he wielded a gun, it was .38 Special. Today’s version of Joe looks a lot more like G.I. Joe, decked out in body armor and carrying an assault rifle as he exits a tank-like vehicle, maybe even a surplus MRAP from America’s failed imperial wars.

        Militarism in the USA

        Besides TV shows, movies, and commercials, there are many signs of the increasing embrace of militarized values and attitudes in this country. The result: the acceptance of a military in places where it shouldn’t be, one that’s over-celebrated, over-hyped, and given far too much money and cultural authority, while becoming virtually immune to serious criticism.

        Let me offer just nine signs of this that would have been so much less conceivable when I was a young boy watching reruns of Dragnet:

        1. Roughly two-thirds of the federal government’s discretionary budget for 2020 will, unbelievably enough, be devoted to the Pentagon and related military functions, with each year’s “defense” budget coming ever closer to a trillion dollars. Such colossal sums are rarely debated in Congress; indeed, they enjoy wide bipartisan support.

        2. The U.S. military remains the most trusted institution in our society, so say 74% of Americans surveyed in a Gallup poll. No other institution even comes close, certainly not the presidency (37%) or Congress (which recently rose to a monumental 25% on an impeachment high). Yet that same military has produced disasters or quagmires in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and elsewhere. Various “surges” have repeatedly failed. The Pentagon itself can’t even pass an audit. Why so much trust?

        3. A state of permanent war is considered America’s new normal. Wars are now automatically treated as multi-generational with little concern for how permawar might degrade our democracy. Anti-war protesters are rare enough to be lone voices crying in the wilderness. 

        4. America’s generals continue to be treated, without the slightest irony, as “the adults in the room.” Sages like former Secretary of Defense James Mattis (cited glowingly in the recent debate among 12 Democratic presidential hopefuls) will save America from unskilled and tempestuous politicians like one Donald J. Trump. In the 2016 presidential race, it seemed that neither candidate could run without being endorsed by a screaming general (Michael Flynn for Trump; John Allen for Clinton).

        5. The media routinely embraces retired U.S. military officers and uses them as talking heads to explain and promote military action to the American people. Simultaneously, when the military goes to war, civilian journalists are “embedded” within those forces and so are dependent on them in every way. The result tends to be a cheerleading media that supports the military in the name of patriotism — as well as higher ratings and corporate profits.

        6. America’s foreign aid is increasingly military aid. Consider, for instance, the current controversy over the aid to Ukraine that President Trump blocked before his infamous phone call, which was, of course, partially about weaponry. This should serve to remind us that the United States has become the world’s foremost merchant of death, selling far more weapons globally than any other country. Again, there is no real debate here about the morality of profiting from such massive sales, whether abroad ($55.4 billion in arms sales for this fiscal year alone, says the Defense Security Cooperation Agency) or at home (a staggering 150 million new guns produced in the USA since 1986, the vast majority remaining in American hands).

        7. In that context, consider the militarization of the weaponry in those very hands, from .50 caliber sniper rifles to various military-style assault rifles. Roughly 15 million AR-15s are currently owned by ordinary Americans. We’re talking about a gun designed for battlefield-style rapid shooting and maximum damage against humans. In the 1970s, when I was a teenager, the hunters in my family had bolt-action rifles for deer hunting, shotguns for birds, and pistols for home defense and plinking. No one had a military-style assault rifle because no one needed one or even wanted one. Now, worried suburbanites buy them, thinking they’re getting their “man card” back by toting such a weapon of mass destruction.

        8. Paradoxically, even as Americans slaughter each other and themselves in large numbers via mass shootings and suicides (nearly 40,000 gun deaths in 2017 alone), they largely ignore Washington’s overseas wars and the continued bombing of numerous countries. But ignorance is not bliss. By tacitly giving the military a blank check, issued in the name of securing the homeland, Americans embrace that military, however loosely, and its misuse of violence across significant parts of the planet. Should it be any surprise that a country that kills so wantonly overseas over such a prolonged period would also experience mass shootings and other forms of violence at home?

        9. Even as Americans “support our troops” and celebrate them as “heroes,” the military itself has taken on a new “warrior ethos” that would once — in the age of a draft army — have been contrary to this country’s citizen-soldier tradition, especially as articulated and exhibited by the “greatest generation” during World War II.

        What these nine items add up to is a paradigm shift as well as a change in the zeitgeist. The U.S. military is no longer a tool that a democracy funds and uses reluctantly.  It’s become an alleged force for good, a virtuous entity, a band of brothers (and sisters), America’s foremost missionaries overseas and most lovable and admired heroes at home. This embrace of the military is precisely what I would call soft militarism. Jackbooted troops may not be marching in our streets, but they increasingly seem to be marching unopposed through — and occupying — our minds.

        The Decay of Democracy

        As Americans embrace the military, less violent policy options are downplayed or disregarded. Consider the State Department, America’s diplomatic corps, now a tiny, increasingly defunded branch of the Pentagon led by Mike Pompeo (celebrated by Donald Trump as a tremendous leader because he did well at West Point). Consider President Trump as well, who’s been labeled an isolationist, and his stunning inability to truly withdraw troops or end wars. In Syria, U.S. troops were recently redeployed, not withdrawn, not from the region anyway, even as more troops are being sent to Saudi Arabia. In Afghanistan, Trump sent a few thousand more troops in 2017, his own modest version of a mini-surge and they’re still there, even as peace negotiations with the Taliban have been abandoned. That decision, in turn, led to a new surge (a “near record high”) in U.S. bombing in that country in September, naturally in the name of advancing peace. The result: yet higher levels of civilian deaths.

        How did the U.S. increasingly come to reject diplomacy and democracy for militarism and proto-autocracy? Partly, I think, because of the absence of a military draft. Precisely because military service is voluntary, it can be valorized. It can be elevated as a calling that’s uniquely heroic and sacrificial. Even though most troops are drawn from the working class and volunteer for diverse reasons, their motivations and their imperfections can be ignored as politicians praise them to the rooftops. Related to this is the Rambo-like cult of the warrior and warrior ethos, now celebrated as something desirable in America. Such an ethos fits seamlessly with America’s generational wars. Unlike conflicted draftees, warriors exist solely to wage war. They are less likely to have the questioning attitude of the citizen-soldier. 

        Don’t get me wrong: reviving the draft isn’t the solution; reviving democracy is. We need the active involvement of informed citizens, especially resistance to endless wars and budget-busting spending on American weapons of mass destruction. The true cost of our previously soft (now possibly hardening) militarism isn’t seen only in this country’s quickening march toward a militarized authoritarianism. It can also be measured in the dead and wounded from our wars, including the dead, wounded, and displaced in distant lands. It can be seen as well in the rise of increasingly well-armed, self-avowed nationalists domestically who promise solutions via walls and weapons and “good guys” with guns. (“Shoot them in the legs,” Trump is alleged to have said about immigrants crossing America’s southern border illegally.)

        Democracy shouldn’t be about celebrating overlords in uniform. A now-widely accepted belief is that America is more divided, more partisan than ever, approaching perhaps a new civil war, as echoed in the rhetoric of our current president. Small wonder that inflammatory rhetoric is thriving and the list of this country’s enemies lengthening when Americans themselves have so softly yet fervently embraced militarism.

        With apologies to the great Roberta Flack, America is killing itself softly with war songs.

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 23:10

      • China's Bond Market Faces Turmoil Amid Maturity Deluge
        China’s Bond Market Faces Turmoil Amid Maturity Deluge

        While the US bond market has had its share of harrowing slumps and vomit-inducing short squeezes in the past year as consensus shifted from one of “the neutral rate is far away” to “here comes NIRP”, China’s bonds have been a bastion of stability, trading in a tight range between 3% and 3.50% for the past year.

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        That may be about to change.

        The reason: a wall of bond maturities is about to flood across China’s sovereign-bond market, which in the past three months has already been reeling from a global sell-off and rising inflation.

        According to Bloomberg, more than 2 trillion yuan ($283 billion) of local-government notes will mature in 2020, a record and 58% more than this year’s level. This means fresh debt to refinance upcoming maturities will start hitting the market soon, with a the southern province of Guangdong expected to sell notes as early as November.

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        This is happening as China’s 10-year yield rose 3 basis points to 3.31%. the highest since late May, while the cost on 12-month interest rate swaps jumped 5 basis points to 2.92%. The yield on China Development Bank’s 3-year bonds due January 2022 rose 10 basis points to 3.25%.

        Despite trading in a narrow range, China’s government bonds have been sliding for nearly two months, starting around the time a “growth shock” hit US rates and sparked the infamous quantastrophe, with the 10-year yield hitting the highest since May as selling momentum accelerated. Naturally, a flood of new supply will only exacerbate the weakness, especially as real, inflation-adjusted yields are barely above zero, a rarity for emerging markets.

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        “The large amount of supply that will be rolled over will weigh on China’s sovereign bonds,” Ken Cheung, chief Asia FX strategist at Mizuho Bank, told Bloomberg. The risk only grows when one considers the recent surge in food inflation as a result of “pig Ebola”, coupled with lower expectations of central bank stimulus.

        To avoid a panic issuance scramble, Deputy Finance Minister Xu Hongcai said in September that China will grant part of a special bonds quota in advance to ensure that the funds raised can be used early in the year, Bloomberg reported, noting that so-called “special bonds have mostly been used for infrastructure spending, and the national limit could be raised from 2.15 trillion yuan.”

        Earlier, in June, the State Council expanded the sectors that funds raised via the special bonds can be put toward. For 2020, they will include transport, energy, agriculture and forestry, vocational education and medical care. Overall fixed-asset investment has slowed this year amid pressure from the U.S. trade war.

        Of course, there is only so much selling that the PBOC can take before it has to intervene, which is why so many China watchers have been stumped by the central bank’s lack of willingness to intervene so far.

        Beijing’s decision to avoid conducting aggressive stimulus measures – even as China’s growth engine sputters, and the economy grows at the slowest pace since the early 1990s – has spooked bond investors. The central bank has held off from adding liquidity this week, instead allowing large short-term cash injections to mature. That’s effectively drained 500 billion yuan from the financial system. Meanwhile, China’s credit impulse which previously pulled the entire world out of a recessionary ditch, has barely pushed off the cycle lows.

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        Some analysts said the central bank could instead use a targeted tool to inject one-year cash, which it refrained from doing Wednesday. That said, there is also a limit how aggressive the PBOC can get: soaring consumer prices, fueled by the surging cost of pork, are seen capping how much liquidity Beijing can provide without further stoking inflation.

        Which means that very soon, the PBOC will be forced to choose: risk runaway bond yields, tumbling risk prices and an even faster slowdown in the economy, or stimulate the economy, and watch as the yuan tumbles as inflation surges even more. The only question is whether this terminal dilemma will come before or after the US is faced with a roughly similar choice.

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 22:50

      • Is 'Real' AI Possible?
        Is ‘Real’ AI Possible?

        Authored by Onar Am via,

        When the modern computer was first created in the 1960s, people soon started imagining a future with intelligent machines. Some of these visions were dystopic, like Skynet in the Terminator movies. Today, almost everyone takes it for granted that artificial intelligence (AI) on par with human cognition is just around the corner, but is it realistic? Surprisingly, there are good reasons to be pessimistic about the prospects of smart machines.

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        Materialism And Reductionism

        The basis of AI optimism is the widespread conviction in materialism and reductionism. Materialism is the belief that everything is made from dead matter, that consciousness is an illusion, and that the human mind is the product of a machine – the brain. Reductionism is the belief that everything can be understood by chopping it up into its parts and only studying their properties as if it were machinery. It has been the backbone of many scientific and technological achievements.

        Its success has led people to believe that it also applies to consciousness and intelligence. All we need to do is to write a clever program and run it on a sufficiently powerful computer and voila: It will be as bright as us.

        The Limits Of Reductionism

        Despite the utility of reductionism, it is a philosophical error to assume that everything is reducible. Consider the following analogy: 99.99% of the universe is an empty vacuum. Everywhere in the cosmos, we see only vast swaths of nothingness, punctuated by an odd galaxy. From our own Milky Way, we know that even galaxies are mostly empty. If you used this to conclude that the universe was void of content, you would almost be correct. Almost. But that speck of matter in the cosmos turns out to be immensely significant. We are made of it, and we live in a place where we are surrounded by vast amounts of it. Matter matters to us.

        Thus, we cannot reduce the world to emptiness. We need to account for that exceptional state that we call matter. Similarly, almost all matter in the known universe is dead and unconscious, but we also by extraordinary coincidence happen to be alive and conscious. We know this from our direct experience, and no amount of peering into the dead material world can undo that fact. Consciousness is real and may not be reducible to material causes.


        In addition to our direct experience of consciousness, evolutionary theory provides compelling evidence that it is not merely an illusion. Anything that evolves through natural selection must be both heritable and objectively measurable. There is no way for consciousness to be selected for and evolve unless it does something.

        So what is the biological function of consciousness? We don’t know for sure, but it likely plays a crucial role in intelligence. This can be demonstrated with a task that is simple for us: object recognition. At an early age, we recognize a panoply of objects with ease, which even the most powerful supercomputers are incapable of today.

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        The task is so trivial to us that scientists thought it would be easy for computers too. It turned out to be nearly impossible. Although computers can beat humans in highly specialized computationally intensive tasks such as chess, they are nowhere near the ability of even a toddler in categorizing and recognizing objects. The key ingredient seems to be consciousness, which enables powerful intelligence at a mere glance.

        Computers will continue to get smarter in specialized domains, but they will never gain awareness because it is not an algorithm. Thus, they will have to emulate human intelligence without the power of consciousness. Don’t be surprised if AI continues to fall short of expectations.

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 22:30

      • Hong Kong Plunges Into Recession After Months Of Violent Protests Take Toll
        Hong Kong Plunges Into Recession After Months Of Violent Protests Take Toll

        Hong Kong has finally entered a recession after more than half a year of violent anti-government protests, the city’s Financial Secretary wrote in a blog post over the weekend, reported Reuters.

        “The blow to our economy is comprehensive,” Paul Chan wrote, adding that upcoming economic data later this week will trigger a technical recession.

        “The government will be announcing its advance estimates for the third quarter on Thursday. After seeing negative growth in the second quarter, the situation continued in the third quarter, meaning our economy has entered technical recession,” Chan wrote.

        “It seems it will be extremely difficult for us to reach full-year economic growth of 0 to 1%. I would not rule out the possibility that the full-year economic growth will be negative.”

        Protesters have frequently shut down popular shopping districts, something that we outlined last week, warning that the retail industry in Hong Kong is on the brink of collapse.

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        Tourism plunged 37% Y/Y in 3Q19, and the trend for 4Q19 is likely not to improve. The number of tourists for the first two weeks of October was down 50% on a Y/Y basis. 

        Rooms at the most high-end hotels, like Marco Polo Hongkong in Tsim Sha Tsui, are going for $72 per night, a 75% discount versus last year. 

        Anyone who wants to travel to Hong Kong this week, departing from New York City airports, can easily get roundtrip plane tickets for 50% off because air travel to Hong Kong remains depressed. 

        Local businesses are cutting back on their workforce as approximately 77% of all hotel workers have just been asked to go on leave without pay. 

        Chan said government officials had announced stimulative measures to support local small and medium-sized businesses as the recession is expected to deepen into 1H20.

        Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing pledged to give local businesses $128 million in support following the protests that have presented the city with “unprecedented challenges.”

        In a series of charts below, the city’s economic decline suggests a crisis has arrived: 

        In a 12-month and 3-month change, Hong Kong retail sales have absolutely crashed over the last half-year. 

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        Hong Kong GDP is expected to print negative this Thursday for the first time since the financial crisis a decade ago.

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        Property prices in the city have stalled out in 2019.

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        The Hang Seng stock index is in a consolidation pattern. If economic deterioration continues, and or the recession worsens through 2020. Then it’s likely the stock index will break lower from the triangle. 

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        Hong Kong is the first domino to drop. More emerging growth countries will fall under economic stress as the global recession is imminent, if not already arrived. 


        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 22:10

      • Jim Kunstler: "We May Not Have A 2020 Election"
        Jim Kunstler: “We May Not Have A 2020 Election”

        Via Greg Hunter’s,

        Renowned author and journalist James Howard Kunstler thinks what has been happening for the last few years with the mainstream media’s coverage of President Trump borders on criminal activity. Kunstler explains, “What I am waiting for is if and when indictments come down from Mr. Barr and Mr. Durham…”

        “I am wondering whether the editors and publishers of the Washington Post and New York Times and the producers at CNN and MSNBC are going to be named as unindicted co-conspirators in this effort to gaslight the country and really stage a coup to remove the President and to nullify the 2016 election. I say this as someone who is not necessarily a Trump supporter. I didn’t vote for the guy. I am not a cheerleader for the guy, but basically I think the behavior of his antagonists has been much worse and much more dangerous for the nation and the American project as a long term matter. I really need to see some action to hold people responsible for the acts they have committed…

        I am not an attorney, and I have never worked for the Department of Justice, but it seems to me that by naming the publishers and editors of these companies as unindicted co-conspirators that allows you to avoid the appearance of trying to shut down the press because you are not going to put them in jail, but you are going  to put them in disrupt. That may prompt their boards of directors to fire a few people and maybe change the way they do business at these places.”

        Kunstler says things look unlike anything we have seen in the past because we are approaching a day of reckoning in our debt based monetary system. Kunstler says, “Yeah, I think you can see it happening now…”

        “What seems to be resolving is some movement to some sort of a crack up of the banking system. What we are really stuck in is a situation where we’ve got too many obligations we cannot meet and too many debts that will never be repaid. We have been trying to run the country for the past 15 or 20 years on debt because we can no longer provide the kind of industrial growth that we have been used to . . . and have this massive consumer spending industry. So, we have been borrowing from the future to pay our bills today, and we are running out of our ability to borrow more…

        I think we are going to lose the ability to support a lot of activities that we have been doing. It starts with energy and its relationship to banking and our ability to generate the kind of growth you need to keep rolling over debt. The reason debt will never be paid and obligations will never be met is we are not generating that sort of growth. Were just generating frauds and swindles. Frauds and swindles are fun while you are doing them and they seem to produce a lot of paper profits, but after a while, they prove to be false. Then you have to do something else. A great deal about our economy and our way of life is false and is going to fail. Then we are going to have to make other arrangements for daily life. . . .It will probably mean we will be organizing our stuff at much more of a local scale.”

        On the 2020 Presidential Election, Kunstler predicts, “When all is said and done, I am not convinced there is enough there to convict President Trump of anything…”

        “At the same time, there is probably going to be a lot of legal actions brought against the people who started this coup against him, and that’s going to be extremely disturbing to the Left.

        I think one of the possibilities is we may not have a 2020 election. In some way or another, the country may be so disorderly that we can’t hold an election. There may be so much strife that we cannot handle the legal questions around holding the election, and it may be suspended. I don’t know what that means, but I am very impressed of the disorder that we are already in. It’s more of a kind of mental disorder between the parties, but it could turn into a lot of kinetic disorder on the ground and a lot of institutional failure.”

        Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with author and journalist James Howard Kunstler.

        *  *  *

        To Donate to Click Here

        (You Tube has Demonetized this video – again. This means only long commercials play, if they play at all. (most skip long commercials) It must have some useful information in it, so, enjoy it!!)

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 21:50

      • Bill Ackman Says WeWork Is A "0", SoftBank Should Cut Its Losses And Walk Away
        Bill Ackman Says WeWork Is A “0”, SoftBank Should Cut Its Losses And Walk Away

        How’s this for trenchant financial analysis from Bill Ackman, one of the boldest bold-faced names in the hedge fund business: SoftBank might end up writing down the entirety of its WeWork investment (including the $6 billion it just shelled out to wrest control of the firm away from Adam Neumann and his family).

        Of course, that’s not exactly a cutting-edge call. WeWork’s unmatched fall from grace in August and September, which culminated with the shelving of its IPO and the collapse of a $6 billion JPM-led syndicated loan lifeline that was contingent on the offering, the company’s situation has gone from bad to worse. The company has been forced to put off a planned round of lease-signings and expansions, including possibly moving its headquarters to Manhattan’s Lord & Taylor Building, where the company holds an overpriced lease despite its former CEO owning a piece of the building. On the operations end, its business in China is bleeding capital, and the company has nearly $60 billion in long-term lease commitments, a number that is looking more daunting by the day.

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        But Ackman’s call arrives at a special time during the WeWork media dogpile. Ackman is only just  recovering from a series of wrong-headed calls that nearly tanked his firm and career. Apparently, he thinks its finally “safe” to call WeWork a “0”, according to the FT. His LPs are no doubt watching.

        And exactly how confident is Ackman? Pretty confident, he say.

        “I think WeWork has a pretty high probability of being a zero for the equity, as well as for the debt,” the billionaire hedge fund manager said.

        Ackman described Neumann as an amazing salesman (clearly, it takes a gifted charlatan to separate Masayoshi Son from his money), but that the company had become “enormously levered” too soon.

        And speaking from experience, he warned SoftBank about continuing to throw good money after bad.

        “As someone who has put good money after bad, I think this looks like putting good money after bad, and SoftBank should have walked away.”

        At this point, Ackman and the others who have said SoftBank should expect to eat its entire investment are only a little more aggressive than the ratings agencies. Fitch Ratings warned on Tuesday that WeWork had “minimal headroom” to weather an economic slowdown or management misstep. SoftBank’s most recent cash infusion was “the effective minimum” the company needed to finance its existing operations and make it through a restructuring that is expected to cost 4,000 jobs.

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 21:30

      • Freedom Of Thought Is Under Attack… Here's How To Save Your Mind
        Freedom Of Thought Is Under Attack… Here’s How To Save Your Mind

        Authored by Simon McCarthy-Jones via,

        Freedom of thought stands at a critical crossroads. Technological and psychological advances could be used to promote free thought. They could shield our inner worlds, reduce our mental biases, and create new spaces for thought. Yet states and corporations are forging these advances into weapons that restrict what we think.

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        To lose freedom of thought would be to lose something uniquely human. We share our basic emotions with animals. But only we can step back and ask “do I want to be angry?”, “do I want to be that person?”, “couldn’t I be better?”.

        We can reflect whether the thoughts, feelings and desires that bubble up within us are consistent with our own goals, values and ideals. If we agree they are, then this makes them more truly our own. We can then act authentically.

        But we may also conclude that some thoughts that pop into our heads are a force other than our own. You sit down to do your work and “Check Facebook!” flashes through your mind. Did that thought come from you or from Mark Zuckerberg?

        Freedom of thought demands dignity, enables democracy, and is part of what makes us a person. To safeguard it, we must first recognise its enemies.

        Was that thought yours? Or Mark Zuckerberg’s?

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         Frederic Legrand – COMEO/Shutterstock

        Three threats to freedom of thought

        The first threat comes from advances in psychology. Research has created new understandings of what influences our thoughts, behaviours, and decision making.

        States and corporations use this knowledge to make us think and act in a way that serves their goals. These may differ to ours. They use this knowledge to make us gamble morebuy more, and spend more time on social media. It may even be used to swing elections.

        The second threat comes from the application of machine learning algorithms to “big data”. When we provide data to companies we allow them to see deep inside us. This makes us more vulnerable to manipulation, and when we realise our privacy is being compromised, this chills our ability to think freely.

        The third threat comes from a growing ability to decode our thoughts from our brain activity. FacebookMicrosoft, and Neuralink are developing brain-computer interfaces. This could create machines that will read our thoughts. But creating unprecedented access to our thoughts creates unprecedented threats to our freedom.

        These advances in technology and psychology are opening the doors for states and corporations to violate, manipulate, and punish our thoughts. So, what can we do about it?

        The law can save us

        International human rights law gives the right to freedom of thought. Yet, this right has been almost completely neglected. It is hardly ever invoked in the courtroom. We need to work out what we want this right to mean so we can use it to protect ourselves.

        We should use it to defend mental privacy. Otherwise conformity pressures will impede our free play of ideas and search for truth. We should use it to prevent our thoughts being manipulated, either through psychological tricks or through threatened punishment.

        And we should use it to protect thought in all of its forms. Thought isn’t just what happens in our heads. Sometimes we think by writing or by doing a Google search. If we recognise these activities as “thought” then they should qualify for absolute privacy under the right to freedom of thought.

        Finally, we should use this right to demand that governments create societies that allow us to think freely. This is where psychology can help.

        We need to learn about how our minds work from an early age.

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         Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

        Preventing manipulation

        Better understanding our minds can help protect us from manipulation by others. For example, the psychologist Daniel Kahneman distinguishes between what we could call “rule-of-thumb” and “rule-of-reason” thinking.

        Rule-of-thumb thinking involves effortless and ancient mental processes that allow us to make quick decisions. The price of this speed can be mistakes. In contrast, rule-of-reason thinking is a slow, consciously controlled process, often based in language. It takes longer, but can be more accurate.

        This suggests that creating speed bumps in our thinking could help improve decision making. Clicking unthinkingly on content or adverts from corporations doesn’t allow us to exercise freedom of thought. We do not have time to work out if our desires are our own or those of a puppet master.

        We must also change our environment into one that supports autonomy. Such an environment would allow us to create our own reasons for our actions, minimise external controls like rewards and punishments, and encourage choice, participation and shared decision making.

        Technology can help create such an environment. But whose responsibility is it to implement this?

        Taking action

        Governments must help citizens learn from a young age about how the mind works. They must structure society to facilitate free thought. And they have a duty to stop those, including corporations, who would violate the right to freedom of thought.

        Corporations must play their part. They should state freedom of thought as a policy commitment. They should perform due diligence on how their activities may harm freedom of thought. They could be required to declare the psychological tricks they are using to try and shape our behaviour.

        And we the people must educate ourselves. We must promote and support free-thought values. We must condemn those turning one of our species’ greatest strengths, our sociality, into one of our greatest weaknesses by using it as a means of data extraction. We must vote with our feet and wallets against those who violate our freedom of thought.

        All this assumes that we want freedom of thought. But do we? Many of us would literally rather electrocute ourselves than sit quietly with our thoughts.

        Would many of us also prefer governments and corporations do our thinking for us, serving up predictions and nudges for us to simply follow? Would many of us be happy for freedom of thought to be limited if it led to increased security? How much do we want freedom of thought and what are we prepared to sacrifice for it?

        Simply put, do we still want to be human? Or has the pain, effort and responsibility of one of our signature abilities, free thought, become too much for us to bear? If it has, it is neither clear what will become of us nor clear what we will become.

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 21:10

      • Deadspin Reporter Fired After Private-Equity Owners Ask Newsroom To "Stick To Sports"
        Deadspin Reporter Fired After Private-Equity Owners Ask Newsroom To “Stick To Sports”

        Yesterday, the media blue-checkmark brigade threw a giant outrage party after the Gizmodo Media Group’s private-equity overlords (or whoever owns them now it’s getting really difficult to keep track) reportedly sent a memo to the Deadspin newsroom, asking them to “stick to sports” and avoid politics.

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        What prompted this memo? Well, earlier this week, the site’s editorial staffers published a post complaining about the new auto-play video ads being deployed across the historically money-losing suite of websites. That was followed by a tweet from the recently formed G/O Media Union encouraging readers to express their unhappiness with the ads to G/O’s PE bosses.

        Needless to say, these bosses weren’t pleased, and ordered the post to be removed.

        In response, the editorial team switched the featured article display on Deadspin’s website to feature only non-sports content. It was for this sin, apparently, that Petchesky was fired. He was, until today, the site’s longest-serving employee,

        For those who don’t read it, Deadspin, like the rest of the former Gawker Network sites, 100% bought in to producing “woke” content about politics, media after Hulk Hogan and Peter Thiel won their legal crusade against the company, and Deadspin produced an endless of piddle of political content, often at the expense of its sports coverage.

        It has been obvious for years that the site and its writers operate from squarely within the NYC-SF-DC media bubble, and it doesn’t take a genius businessman to understand that the overlap between that world, and the total addressable market for sports fans, is actually quite small. But that’s not surprising, since most of the writers ascribe to the same “woke” truisms, like the idea that Donald Trump is a reprehensible Russian spy, the number of possible genders is limitless and that businesses employing them have no right to prioritize things like profit over the whims of its reporting staff.

        And not 24 hours later, yet another employee has unceremoniously departed. (though, to be fair, other recent departures, like former Deadspin EIC Megan Greenwall, quit). This time, Deadspin Editor Barry Petchesky tweeted Tuesday afternoon that he was fired for “not sticking to sports” like the bosses asked.

        Deadspin and its staff have often feuded with another rival sports-media franchise: Barstool Sports. The feud has been fueled by stories like this one, criticizing Barstool’s ‘bro culture’ and  accusing it of stealing content online, and claiming its “brand was built on harassing anyone who criticizes the site or just anyone who doesn’t look like fucking Dan Katz [the host of a popular Barstool podcastt].” Barstool’s founder David “El Presidente” Portnoy tweeted about the blue-checkmark’s “crying in their soup” over Petchesky’s media martyrdom on Thursday shortly after Petchesky took to twitter with the news.

        And he didn’t stop there.

        In response to the firing, another Deadspin reporter tweeted that the site’s new owner (and thus, her boss) was “a piece of shit.”

        Obviously, publicly declaring that your boss’s boss’s boss is a terrible human being for making editorial decisions that are well within his right to make – Deadspin’s staff can spare us the sanctimonious shpeil about editorial integrity and journalistic independence – probably isn’t the best career move. We imagine a full-on revolt followed by a mass exodus are at hand.

        So much for that G/O Union

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 20:50

      • "If It's A Boeing I'm Not Going…"
        “If It’s A Boeing I’m Not Going…”

        Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

        During the Senate hearing into Boeing on October 29, Senator Jon Tester told the company’s CEO Dennis Muilenburg: 

        “I would walk before I would get on a 737 MAX. I would walk.” He added:

        “There is no way … You shouldn’t be cutting corners and I see corners being cut.”

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        That’s all fine and well, but the hearing, which continues today, Wednesday, lays bare a giant gap in US law: that of accountability. Muilenburg is the “ultimately responsible” in a chain of command that is responsible for killing 346 people. But he is still the CEO, even if he was demoted from the chairman of the board position. Which was taken over by another -10 year- veteran of the company by the way. Fresh insights galore.

        If you are employed by a large company, you can sign off on such decisions, the ones that kill people, and walk away unscathed. It reminds one of Monsanto/Bayer, which just annnounced that the number of Roundup lawsuits against it went from 18,000 in July to 43,000 today. Bayer at the same time announced that its turnover rose by 6% in Q3. 43,000 lawsuits and they’re doing fine, thank you.

        In that same vein, Boeing shares rose 2.4% last night after the hearing (“a sign investors were relieved.”) What the “investors” buying those shares may have missed is that India’s budget carrier IndiGo ordered 300 new aircraft from Airbus, at an initial cost of $33 billion -which will be subject to a juicy discount, but still-.

        Now, Boeing is America’s biggest exporter. It’s also one of the cornerstones of Pentagon policy, a huge provider for the US military. So one can only expect the Senate to be lenient, to appear to be tough but let things more or less go. Still, the fact remains that Muilenburg et al made cost-cutting and other decisions that killed 346 people. But CNCB still labeled this a “brutal Senate hearing”. Yeah. Define ‘brutal’.

        Maybe the thing is that those deaths were not in the US, but in Indonesia and Ethiopia. Think maybe the Senate is influenced by that? What do you think would have happened if two 737 MAX’s had fallen out of the sky in the US, even if only in deplorables’ territory? We can sort of imagine, can’t we?

        And no, it’s not an all black and white picture, some people involved made some sense (via Seattle Times):

        Boeing 737 MAX Should Be Grounded Until Certification Process Is ‘Reformed’ – Senator least one member of the Senate committee that grilled Muilenburg on Tuesday suggested the troubled aircraft shouldn’t be flying again until a much-maligned Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) oversight program retreats from its practice of delegating authority to Boeing and other aerospace manufacturers.

        Sen. Richard Blumenthal — citing revelations in recent news reports of a Boeing engineer’s claims that the MAX’s safety was compromised by cost and schedule considerations, and that the company pushed to undercut regulatory oversight — pushed back against findings that the FAA’s practice of delegating more safety certification authority is only likely to increase.

        “The story of Boeing sabotaging rigorous safety scrutiny is chilling to all of us — and more reason to keep the 737 MAX grounded until certification is really and truly independent and the system is reformed,” said Blumenthal, D-Conn.

        But, you know, the entire narrative is about ‘the company’, not about the people in the company who make these fatal decisions. They can do whatever they want, secure in the knowledge they will never be held to account. For financial losses perhaps at some point, but not for the loss of life. At best, they’ll get fired and walk away with a huge bonus. And that’s just wrong.

        And it’s not like there were no warning signs (via Seattle Times again, from Oct 3):

        Boeing Rejected 737 MAX Safety Upgrades Before Fatal Crashes – Whistleblower

        Seven weeks after the second fatal crash of a 737 MAX in March, a Boeing engineer submitted a scathing internal ethics complaint alleging that management — determined to keep down costs for airline customers — had blocked significant safety improvements during the jet’s development. The ethics charge, filed by 33-year-old engineer Curtis Ewbank, whose job involved studying past crashes and using that information to make new planes safer, describes how around 2014 his group presented to managers and senior executives a proposal to add various safety upgrades to the MAX.

        The complaint, a copy of which was reviewed by The Seattle Times, suggests that one of the proposed systems could have potentially prevented the crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia that killed 346 people. Three of Ewbank’s former colleagues interviewed for this story concurred. The details revealed in the ethics complaint raise new questions about the culture at Boeing and whether the long-held imperative that safety must be the overarching priority was compromised on the MAX by business considerations and management’s focus on schedule and cost. Managers twice rejected adding the new system on the basis of “cost and potential (pilot) training impact,” the complaint states.

        This one is from AP, Oct 18. These are just the most recent revelations, this stuff goes back years. Neither Boeing nor the FAA ever did anything, until the planes started falling from the skies:

        Messages From Former Boeing Test Pilot Reveal 737MAX Concerns

        A former senior Boeing test pilot told a co-worker that he unknowingly misled safety regulators about problems with a flight-control system that would later be implicated in two deadly crashes of the company’s 737 Max. The pilot, Mark Forkner, told another Boeing employee in 2016 that the flight system, called MCAS, was “egregious” and “running rampant” while he tested it in a flight simulator.

        “So I basically lied to the regulators (unknowingly),” wrote Forkner, then Boeing’s chief technical pilot for the 737. The exchange occurred as Boeing was trying to convince the Federal Aviation Administration that MCAS was safe. MCAS was designed at least in part to prevent the Max from stalling in some situations. The FAA certified the plane without fully understanding MCAS, according to a panel of international safety regulators.

        Forkner also lobbied FAA to remove mention of MCAS from the operating manual and pilot training for the Max, saying the system would only operate in rare circumstances. FAA allowed Boeing to do so, and most pilots did not know about MCAS until after the first crash, which occurred in October 2018 in Indonesia.

        As I covered extensively before the issue at hand is that Boeing, in order to cut costs, among other things, decided to have just one -active- “angle-of-attack” sensor (which measures the angle of the plane vs income air, it’s located at the bottom front of the fuselage) on the plane. All it takes is one bird flying into it to compromise and/or deactivate that sensor. And then neither the software not the pilots know what to do anymore. But yeah, it’s cheaper… One sensor won’t do, nor will two, you need at least three in case one is defective. But yeah, that costs money. Seattle Times once again:

        Messages From Former Boeing Test Pilot Reveal 737MAX Concerns

        Boeing’s chief engineer for commercial airlines acknowledged that the company erred by not specifically testing the potential for a key sensor to erroneously cause software on the 737 Max to drive down the plane’s nose. In both fatal crashes, faulty data from one of two angle-of-attack sensors, which measure the pitch of the plane against the oncoming stream of air, caused the 737 Max’s Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, or MCAS, to drive down the jet’s nose, which pilots struggled to counteract before ultimately entering a fatal dive.

        John Hamilton, vice president and chief engineer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, told senators that the company “did test the MCAS uncommanded inputs to the stabilizer system, due to whatever causes was driving it, not specifically due to an AOA sensor.’’ Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington, the Senate Commerce Committee’s top Democrat, asked if he now thought that was wrong. “In hindsight, senator, yes,’’ Hamilton replied.

        They didn’t test the hardware at all, they tested the software! And all they have to say is that that was wrong. But only in hindsight! And then they tried to fix the mess they created with a new software program, MCAS, but didn’t even tell the pilots it existed. I kid you not! They did this because it might have required pilots to do more training, which raises the price of a plane, and they were already losing out to Airbus.

        And lest we forget, this all happened because when Boeing was busy spending its capital on buying back its own shares, Airbus had developed a new plane to accommodate a much more energy-efficient -though larger- engine. When Boeing figured that out, they had neither the time nor the money left (because of the share buybacks) to develop their own new plane.

        So what they did was they stuck such an engine (which they did have) onto a 737 model that was not equipped for the much bigger and heavier load. That in turn lead them to work on a software solution to lift the nose of the plane despite that load, which might have worked in theory but was always a bad idea, something in the vein of putting a giraffe’s neck on a hummingbird.

        But Muilenburg and his people kept pushing it all, because they knew they had been caught awfully wanting, and they needed that more cost-efficient plane. And this is how all the ensuing mess started. It was all because of money. Of the execs being caught with their pants down, and trying to hide their naked hairy asses.

        And then, as I started out this essay, they are still not held accountable. The company will face billions in ‘repair’ damages, some of them may lose their jobs or bonuses, but none will be held responsible for the deaths of those 346 people.

        That is just not right. Not in the case of Monsanto, and not in that of Boeing. Not all Boeing planes are disasters, but the 737 definitely is. Donald Trump a few months ago suggested they should just rebrand the plane, give it another name, do some expensive PR work and bob’s your uncle. But let me ask you, would you fly on a 737, even if under another name? Far as I know, all they did was change the software, not the hardware.

        Plus, the other day some airline, was that in South Korea?!, grounded a whole bunch of 787’s because of cracks on their wings. Look, I’m not saying Boeing’s in trouble. I’m just saying Boeing’s in deep trouble. But then, you know, they’ll kick out Muilenburg and some other guys, and a few FAA heads will retire, and they’ll declare the rotten apples gone, and we’re off to a whole new start. Yay! But the 346 people will still be dead.

        *  *  *

        Please support The Automatic Earth at Patreon.

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 20:30

      • Nio's CFO Unexpectedly Resigns Just Weeks After Company Makes Massive Job Cuts
        Nio’s CFO Unexpectedly Resigns Just Weeks After Company Makes Massive Job Cuts

        Everything is just fine and dandy in the world of EVs.

        As we anxiously await Tesla’s 10-Q for an explanation of the company’s “surprising” profit, competitor Nio is continuing an exceptionally dismal 2019 that has so far included shareholders being decimated and four vehicles catching fire (that we know about).

        In addition to the company’s stock being down roughly about 80% since the beginning of the year, Nio unexpectedly announced on Monday that its CFO, Louis T. Hsieh, was resigning. 

        The company said in a press release that the CFO “tendered his resignation as chief financial officer of the Company for personal reasons, effective October 30, 2019.” 

        Hsieh had been with the company for a little over 2 years, joining in May of 2017. 

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        Tesla investor Baillie Gifford is also an investor in Nio, having paid $670 million to buy more than 100 million shares of Nio in 2018 and early 2019. They are now down more than 80% mark-to-market on their Nio stake. 

        Recall, almost one month ago to the day, we reported that Nio was making massive cuts, slashing its global headcount by more than 20% to 7,800 by the end of the third quarter. This is down from over 9,900 in January 2019. 

        The company said in late September that the slashing of jobs was “in response to the overall tempered market conditions” in a statement. It also said at the time that it had implemented “comprehensive efficiency and cost control measures” as a result of market conditions.

        The company also said it would pursue more restructuring, including spinning off some non-core businesses by year end.

        We’re going to venture a guess and say this strategic realignment may not be going as planned…


        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 20:10

      • Yes, Virginia, There Is A Deep State And It's Feeding The Anti-POTUS Mob
        Yes, Virginia, There Is A Deep State And It’s Feeding The Anti-POTUS Mob

        Authored by David Stockman via,

        The prepared statement of the latest UkraineGate whistle-blower is well worth the read. It tells you all you need to know about why the Deep State apparatchiks are coming out of the woodwork in a massive assault on America’s duly elected president.

        • They are deathly afraid Trump will begin to dismantle a far-flung Empire which has

        • …wreaked havoc around the world, 

        • …bled America’s fiscal accounts dry, and  

        • …fostered unspeakable prosperity among the beltway’s legions of empire-supporting agencies, contractors, think tanks, foreign lobbies, NGO’s and K-street racketeers.

        Whether out of common sense, naiveté or just contrariness, the Donald has dared to question and disrupt the Empire’s core policy on the Ukraine/Russia file. And that’s apparently exactly why the whistleblower de jour, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, wrote his now ballyhooed memos.

        He feared that Trump’s appropriate desire to get to the bottom of the well-documented Ukrainian involvement in the Obama Administration’s illegal spying on his 2016 presidential campaign would undermine the bipartisan consensus on Capitol Hill for Washington’s utterly wrong-headed Ukraine policy.

        Stated more crudely, Washington overthrew the duly elected government of Ukraine in early 2014 because its leader was deemed too cozy with Moscow. And in the vanguard of that illegal meddling in the governance of a sovereign foreign state was Obama’s state department led by neocon Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland, Washington’s self-appointed roving proconsul John McCain and at length Vice-President Joe Biden.

        After aiding a motley phalanx of ultra-nationalists, crypto-Nazi and political fortune seekers in overthrowing President Viktor Yanukovych, Washington has stood-up what are essentially puppet governments. The purpose has been to cause maximum abrasion with Putin and Russia; and at a cost of billions in aid from the US and other western agencies designed to prop up the economic basket case and cease pool of corruption which passes for the Ukrainian economy.

        The Deep State narrative turns these realities on their head, of course, claiming that the mess in Ukraine is all the doing of the demonic Vladimir Putin. Accordingly, the very safety and security of the citizens of Lincoln NE and Springfield MA is allegedly on the line in a territory on Russia’s doorstep, which has historically been a meandering set of borders in search of a country when it was not otherwise a willing vassal and economic adjunct of Mother Russia.

        As it happens, Lt. Colonel Vindman is a vociferous partisan of Washington’s Big Lie about the Russian ogre, and was virtually a fifth column operative in the viper’s nest of neocons at the Donald’s national security council. In fact, Vindman reported to Russophobe Fiona Hill, who reported to the Walrus of Forever War himself, John Bolton.

        So despite all the Democrats’ crocodile tears for the constitution and rule of law, Vindman’s beef wasn’t really about their whole abuse of power canard. Nor did it touch upon the risible Dem/MSM nonsense that in asking a foreign government to undertake a legitimate action (an investigation of the corrupt use of taxpayers money by the former Vice President) Trump was committing a violation of U.S. election laws.

        To the contrary, the gravamen of the colonel’s concern was domestic politics and the possibility that in withholding the $380 million of pending Ukrainian aid (which should have been zero in the first place) and pressing the Biden investigation, Trump would alienate Capitol Hill Democrats and leave the Deep State’s policy of using the Ukraine as an anti-Putin battering ram high and dry.

        “…. I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’s support of Ukraine…. “I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained.” 

        “This would all undermine U.S. national security. Following the call, I again reported my concerns to NSC’s lead counsel.”

        Folks, Lt. Col. Vindman was not elected to nothin’. If he’s a proud 20-year veteran of the US Army and diplomatic service as he claims, fine. But his job is to implement policy as decided by the elected representatives of the people, not to free lance in the cause of the Empire group-think in which he is obviously and hopelessly steeped.

        So let’s cut to the chase: The policy he feared the Donald might be jeopardizing by his pressure tactics with President Zelensky has been a travesty from start to finish. The Ukraine has no bearing on America’s homeland security whatsoever, and the policies of its government vis a vis Russia or any of its other neighbors are none of Washington’s cotton picking business.

        You can’t be more emphatic about the utter irrelevancy of Ukraine to America’s homeland security. Even at the pre-coup peak in 2013 it had a miniscule GDP of $185 billion, which has since plunged by 30% to $130 billion. Even if Putin were foolish enough to annex the approximate 30 million Russian-hating Ukrainians outside of the Russian-speaking eastern Donbas region, which he surely is not, it wouldn’t amount to a hill of beans in the strategic equation.

        Ukraine amounts to just 8% of Russia’s pint-sized GDP and is actually worthless to the Kremlin. That’s because the cost of occupation and pacification of the non-Russian speaking majority of the country would vastly outweigh whatever industrial and material output it might steal from the Ukrainians.

        Besides, what in the hell is wrong with Washington when it gets all hot and bothered about a no-count territory plagued with economic failure and which generates annually about two days worth of US output?

        Moreover, even if you have warm and fuzzy regard for the rights and liberties of the Ukrainian “nation”, which has existed only infrequently as an independent state with wildly variant borders during the last 800 years, the question remains. Namely, how in the world can it be argued that its people were not better off in 2013 under an elected government of the Regions party that tilted toward Russia compared to the economic calamity which exits today and is only saved from complete collapse by US and European subventions?

        So here’s where the Deep State’s hegemonic “sole super-power” world view comes in. Washington’s Ukraine policy has nothing to do with homeland security or prevention of military attack on American shores.

        Instead, it is based on policing the world and demonizing the rump-state of Russia which emerged after the Soviet Union slithered off the pages of history in 1991. What was left was a decimated economy with half the former population and a current day GDP of $1.6 trillion, which is actually less than the GDP of the New York metro area. Still, the Warfare State needs palpable “enemies” and adversaries—no matter how tendentious the case— to justify its massive fiscal drain ($1.1 trillion counting everything) on US taxpayers, both current and unborn; and it also needs expansive missions like spreading the blessings of democracy, prosperity and western culture to the far corners of the earth.

        And that’s not our hyperbole in the slightest; it’s essentially the content of Vindman’s whistleblower testimony to Shifty Schiff’s Star Chamber proceedings today.

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        Thus, when it comes to the blatant lie that Russia is an expansionist power, Vindman’s purple prose would make even the late war-mongering Senator from Arizona proud:

        Since 2008, Russia has manifested an overtly aggressive foreign policy, leveraging military power and employing hybrid warfare to achieve its objectives of regional hegemony and global influence. Absent a deterrent to dissuade Russia from such aggression, there is an increased risk of further confrontations with the West. In this situation, a strong and independent Ukraine is critical to U.S. national security interests because Ukraine is a frontline state and a bulwark against Russian aggression.

        Wow! That’s just bellicose rubbish. A “frontline state and bulwark”my eye. In fact, during the years since 1991 when Washington has invaded and virtually destroyed upwards of a dozen sovereign countries, Russia hasn’t invaded anyone! But the reference to 2008 does tell you exactly where Vindman is coming from. He’s obviously referring to Russia’s thwarting of Georgia’s invasion of South Ossetia in August 2008.

        That incident has been spun by the Deep State ever since as Russian aggression when it was just the opposite.

        To wit, it was an aggressive military invasion by Georgia designed to reclaim the break-away republic of South Ossetia. The real culprit was its mercurial leader and Washington tool, Mikheil Saakashvili, who had been egged on by Senator McCain and the usual cast of neocons with the promise of Washington military help, which fortunately did not happen.

        But a subsequent 1,000 page report by an independent EU fact-finding mission led by a renown Swiss diplomat makes clear that the Georgian accusations of Russian aggression were completely fabricated.

        “It was Georgia which triggered off the war when it attacked (South Ossetian capital) Tskhinvali” said Heidi Tagliavini, the mission head, in a statement. Although the EU commission tactfully avoided using the word “lie,” the report implies that Saakashvili did not tell the truth about how the war started.

        The same is true of the so-called annexation of Crimea and the Kremlin’s support for the breakaway republics in eastern Ukraine.

        As to the former, the population of Crimea is overwhelmingly Russian, and for 171-years from 1783 to 1954 it was an integral province of Czarist Russia. It got arbitrarily assigned to the Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic by Khrushchev after he won the post-Stalin power struggle in 1954 as a reward to his compatriots in Kiev—even though less than 15% of the population was Ukrainian.

        After the US funded, supported and instantly recognized coup in Kiev in February 2014 and the immediate passage of virulent anti-Russian legislation by the putsch, the Russian-speaking population of Crimea voted overwhelmingly (87%) to return to Mother Russia. The so-called coercive annexation by Russia is a figment of War Party propaganda, and implies a willingness to use American money and arms to enforce the dead hand of the Soviet Presidium.

        And the same story goes for the Donbas. The largely Russian speaking population of this industrial region, which is highly integrated with the Russian economy, wants to be separated from the Ukrainian nationalists in Kiev who have launched a vicious war to subdue them.

        But if the Donbas were to be partitioned or even if it voted to join the Russian Federation, so what?

        The honest truth of the matter is that Europe is flush with partitioned states. These include Slovakia and the Czech Republic as well as the manifold offspring of Yugoslavia including North Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia, which, at the insistence of Washington, got further carved up by the partition of Kosovo.

        That is to say, once Washington upended the tenuous political/ethnic balance of post- Soviet Ukraine by supporting the nationalist coup, there was still no reason that the Yugoslav model of partition could not have settled the matter.

        In fact, the 5-year war on the Donbas—which has killed upwards of 20,000 and brought economic and fiscal ruin to both the region and Ukraine as a whole—wouldn’t have lasted more than a few weeks without the promise of western economic and military aid and political support.

        The needless tragedy there is not the fruit of Russian aggression. It’s the consequence of Washington meddling, including all the corruption which has flowered after Ukraine was turned into a Washington vassal and found it necessary to hire Washington lobbyists and racketeers like Hunter Biden and Devon Archer (then Secretary of State John Kerry’s former campaign bundler) to keep the cash flowing.

        Needless to say, the Deep State slathers this toxic reality in a narrative that is pure hogwash. And Colonel Vindman has it down pat: Namely, under the tutelage, money and political and military cover of the Washington Imperium, Ukraine is to be brought into the “Euro-Atlantic community” as a splendid new democracy.

        The bolded term, of course, is an undisguised euphemism for NATO:

        In spite of being under assault from Russia for more than five years, Ukraine has taken major steps towards integrating with the West. The U.S. government policy community’s view is that the election of President Volodymyr Zelensky and the promise of reforms to eliminate corruption will lock in Ukraine’s Western-leaning trajectory, and allow Ukraine to realize its dream of a vibrant democracy and economic prosperity.

        The United States and Ukraine are and must remain strategic partners, working together to realize the shared vision of a stable, prosperous, and democratic Ukraine that is integrated into the Euro-Atlantic community.

        Here’s the thing. The expansion of NATO to the very doorstep of Russia was the most colossal mistake of the post-cold war period. And the War Party’s insistence that this should to taken all the way to the incorporation of Ukraine and Georgia—-historic vassals of Russia—actually trespasses upon the very border of insanity.

        Indeed, the father of containment and the intellectual architect of NATO in the late 1940s, the great George F. Kennan, hit the nail on the head when lightweight Clintonistas like Strobe Talbot and Madeleine Albright launched the NATO expansion process in the 1990s:

        ”I think it is the beginning of a new cold war,” said Mr. Kennan from his Princeton home. ”I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. This expansion would make the Founding Fathers of this country turn over in their graves. We have signed up to protect a whole series of countries, even though we have neither the resources nor the intention to do so in any serious way. [NATO expansion] was simply a light-hearted action by a Senate that has no real interest in foreign affairs.”

        “What bothers me is how superficial and ill informed the whole Senate debate was,” added Mr. Kennan, who was present at the creation of NATO and whose anonymous 1947 article in the journal Foreign Affairs, signed ”X,” defined America’s cold-war containment policy for 40 years. ”I was particularly bothered by the references to Russia as a country dying to attack Western Europe. Don’t people understand? Our differences in the cold war were with the Soviet Communist regime. And now we are turning our backs on the very people who mounted the greatest bloodless revolution in history to remove that Soviet regime.

        ”And Russia’s democracy is as far advanced, if not farther, as any of these countries we’ve just signed up to defend from Russia,” said Mr. Kennan, who joined the State Department in 1926 and was U.S. Ambassador to Moscow in 1952. ”It shows so little understanding of Russian history and Soviet history. Of course there is going to be a bad reaction from Russia, and then [the NATO expanders] will say that we always told you that is how the Russians are — but this is just wrong.”

        He couldn’t have been more right about the substance of what would happen. But little did even Kennan realize that once in motion any even tepid effort to question or stop it–per the Donald’s campaign rhetoric about the obsolescence of NATO–would actually provoke a Deep State assault on American democracy itself

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        So there’s your Deep State at work. It isn’t some kind of sinister conspiracy lurking deep in the shadows of the national security machinery.

        To the contrary, it’s right there in the broad daylight of the Imperial City. It is populated by hundreds of thousands of foot soldiers like Colonel Vindman who make a career of drinking the Cool Aid, collecting a pay check from the state and propagating the policies of Empire First—policies which are immoral, illegal, unaffordable and have absolutely nothing to do with protecting America’s liberty, prosperity and security inside the great ocean moats, which once upon a time birthed a peace-loving Republic.

        We have no illusions, of course, that the Donald is a peace-lover. He’s self-evidently first and foremost a Donald-lover.

        Still, what is underway in Washington—first with the RussiaGate hoax and now with UkraineGate and impeachment—is an extra-constitutional political lynching, and one that has turned Washington’s desperate, mendacious Dem pols into complaisant handmaids of the Deep State.

        So Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman isn’t some kind of whistle-blowing hero. He’s just another mindless cog in the wheel of Empire talking his own book and thereby abetting the political mob that is now threatening the very constitution he was sworn to uphold.

        *  *  *

        The above originally appeared at David Stockman’s Contra Corner.

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 19:50


      • Crashing To Earth: Masa Son Speaks To "Almost Empty" Room At "Davos In The Desert"
        Crashing To Earth: Masa Son Speaks To “Almost Empty” Room At “Davos In The Desert”

        Last year, Wall Street firms scrambled to distance themselves from the Saudi Arabia and its young Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman after Salman (allegedly) ordered the murder of Washington Post columnist and dissident expatriate Jamal Khashoggi. Fast forward one year, all was seemingly forgiven, and MbS’s “Davos in the Desert” 2019 has reportedly been packed with luminaries from across the industry.

        Which means there’s no excuse for this: Bloomberg reported Wednesday that the conference hall was nearly empty on Wednesday when SoftBank Group Executive Chairman Masayoshi Son took to the stage as part of a panel with four speakers. Apparently, after WeWork’s sudden implosion left the telecoms/VC giant holding one of the biggest bags of odious excrement ever assembled in the history of…capitalism.

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        Masayoshi Son

        Still, SoftBank and its Saudi-backed Vision Fund have already doubled down on the firm’s WeWork bet, pumping billions more into the struggling company and seizing control by installing new SoftBank-approved executives as WeWork scrambles to stave off an imminent bankruptcy.

        The WeWork mess, along with Uber’s disastrous IPO, seriously damaged Son’s reputation as one of the most successful momentum investors in recent years.

        Despite being one of the main attractions in year’s past, Son was relegated to a very minor speaking role, briefly opening up to say a few words about artificial intelligence and entrepreneurship (SoftBank has invested in several AI startups) without saying much at all about the kingdom’s commitment to his second Vision Fund iteration (for the record, the Saudis have reportedly backed out of financing V2, leaving its future highly uncertain). Saudi Arabia committed $45 billion of the $100 billion for the first Vision Fund.

        The poorly attended panel “underscores to some extent the diminished appeal of his Vision Fund idea,” as well as the reputations of both Son and SoftBank.

        Son’s poorly attended panel underscores to some extent the diminished appeal of his Vision Fund idea, which less than two years ago emerged as one of the kingdom’s boldest and certainly most expensive bets to help diversify its economy. As the Vision Fund copes with the controversy around co-working company WeWork, prime backers Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates remain undecided as to whether to invest in Vision Fund 2.

        The contrast with Son’s previous appearance at the conference two years ago is striking, BBG added.

        The contrast with Son’s previous appearance two years ago at the Future Investment Initiative, Saudi Arabia’s flagship investment conference, is striking. Then, Son was all smiles as he sat on a panel with the kingdom’s powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and made a commitment to participate in the country’s $500 billion futuristic city, known as Neom.

        In the aftermath of the WeWork IPO fiasco, Goldman Sachs and others have reduced their loan exposure to the Vision Fund. And we can’t blame them: After all, Uber and WeWork aren’t the only highly speculative, wildly overvalued Silicon Valley plays in SoftBank’s portfolio.

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        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 19:30

      • Repo-calypse: No, Jamie, It Wasn't The SLR!
        Repo-calypse: No, Jamie, It Wasn’t The SLR!

        Authored by Jeffrey Snider via Alhambra Investment Partners,

        JP Morgan’s CEO Jamie Dimon has been running around Washington claiming that mid-September’s repo rumble was the result of the post-crisis regulatory environment. He now says that his bank had the spare cash and was willing to cash in on double digit repo rates but it was government rules which prevented that from happening. It’s unclear (but we can, and I will, guess) why he didn’t make the same claim and warn everyone on Friday, September 13, before the seasonal low point in liquidity that everyone knew was there.

        It wasn’t until quite a while afterward during that period when a stunned financial world was still trying (and failing) to make sense of what had happened.

        You probably won’t be surprised to learn that this isn’t the first time Wall Street has complained about these very same regulations. They’ve been against them from the very beginning. What’s different now is that they have a very public event about which nobody has any real answers to rally support. It all sounds pretty plausible (it always sounds plausible, yet never explains most of the facts).

        Suddenly, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin seems to be siding with the banks. Having spoken directly with Mr. Dimon recently, Secretary Mnuchin today says:

        The banks have raised an issue around intra-day liquidity, and that is something that makes sense for regulators to look at.

        That issue they’ve raised is something called the Supplemental Leverage Ratio, or SLR. It was created and applied to Global Systemically Important Bank organizations, or G-SIB. The FDIC, in particular, had pushed for the SLR because quite rightly the agency wasn’t very thrilled about the prospects for having to absorb potential deposit liabilities of huge banks sporting enormous leverage getting shut out of wholesale funding markets.

        The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 demonstrated conclusively this wasn’t a trivial possibility.

        To put it simply, regulators would require designated G-SIB’s (there are 8 in the US) to hold an additional liquidity buffer (SLR) based upon their reported leverage (one lesson authorities did learn from Bear, Lehman, and the rest). It would be a liquidity surcharge which would have to be met by a set percentage of holdings in unencumbered cash and highly liquid assets like UST’s over and above other regulatory (like Basel 3’s LCR) and good standing requirements.

        If any G-SIB bank wanted to employ more leverage, more power to them. The regulation was an attempt to recognize partly the risks to others beyond the one bank involved in doing so. Regardless of capital ratios, worthless capital ratios, beyond a preset threshold the more leverage the greater the SLR; more liquid assets including cash and Treasuries need to be held as further liquidity reserves.

        So, again, blaming the SLR along with Basel 3’s Liquidity Coverage Ratio sounds like a plausible excuse for September’s repo malfunction. JP Morgan, as its CEO now says, wanted to act but couldn’t because his bank’s SLR surcharge was the primary impediment.

        We also know this because they said essentially the same thing in September…2018. Again, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that early on last year the banks were supporting regulatory efforts to make changes to what is now the e-SLR (the “e” stands for “enhanced” while there is room for debate about whether that’s the proper use of that particular word in this context). Martin J. Gruenberg, an FDIC board member, spoke in Washington last September to that effect:

        On April 11 of this year [2018], the Federal Reserve Board and the OCC released a joint notice of proposed rulemaking, or NPR, to make changes to the enhanced supplementary leverage ratio capital requirement applied to the eight U.S. G-SIBs and their federally insured bank subsidiaries. The changes would have the effect of reducing the capital requirement. They are not technical fixes. They would significantly weaken constraints on financial leverage in systemically important banks put in place in response to the crisis.

        And where did that “e” come from in the first place? Way back in July 2017, Wall Street was lobbying for changes to the same regulatory paradigm back then, too. What I wrote at the time was:

        Released on June 12 [2017], it suggested that the SLR might be reformulated to make it less imposing. The SLR was initially proposed so that the risk-weighting shenanigans (regulatory capital relief) would at least be exposed by this measure of true(r) leverage. It takes Tier 1 capital divided by the sum of on-balance sheet assets plus off-balance sheet exposures. There is still a large gray area in that latter variable.

        Banks want now to deduct certain cash and liquid assets (including UST’s) from it. The result of which is supposed to, in Treasury’s estimation, unlock significant liquidity potential of the global banking system from just American operations. It is, in other words, the official acceptance of at least part of the idea that one big problem in the economy is insufficient liquidity (no sh@#).

        The banks succeeded and Secretary Mnuchin’s Treasury Department issued its favorable report that very June. Most attention was focused on what it said about the so-called Volcker Rule while the more complex (and more relevant) SLR, e-SLR, and G-SIB designations remained, pardon me, in the shadows.

        To sum up: Wall Street has hated almost every single post-crisis regulation that has been implemented, though in some cases they’ve been right to do so. However, there is absolutely no reason to believe that the e-SLR or G-SIB rules had anything to do with the repo market outbreak in September 2019.

        What’s been constant is the banking system’s ongoing efforts to remove these kinds of regulations. At the same time, problems in the repo market have been nearly as constant. Yet , you didn’t hear a single thing about the SLR during any of the other outbreaks simply because no one paid any attention to those prior bouts of repo market illiquidity.

        There was no opportunity, therefore, to pin the regulation on something bad.

        The only thing that changed, in its aftermath, was that the public for once had no choice but to look at the repo market and the funding environment. With attention now fixed and no plausible answers being offered, all of a sudden it’s now evidence against a regulation banks have been actively opposing for years.

        Shocking, I know.

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        As is the fact that May 29, 2018, had more to do with these repo market woes than anything about the SLR and the like. If that particular constraint was such a major issue in September, why wasn’t it in May 29 the prior year when the Treasury market began to embarrass Mr. Dimon and his prediction of 4% and even 5% 10-year UST yields? Repo rates were elevated at that time, too.

        Obviously, in the middle of 2018, the head of JP Morgan, the bank allegedly suffering under the unfair imposition of out-of-touch regulators, saw no reason why the US and global economy wouldn’t soar in an all-but-guaranteed inflationary breakout (interest rates had nowhere to go but up). Implicit in that view was a resilient and robust global financial system flourishing without the hint of liquidity issues.

        Dimon opposed the SLR (and LCR) when he fully believed things were really good, and he opposes the SLR now that he’s not so sure and he has something bad with which to blame. And he will oppose the SLR tomorrow if things really do turn around, and especially if they don’t.

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        So, is it that Dimon had no idea what was really going on during 2018 at his own bank, and has therefore come around to thinking some version of the SLR is to blame for getting 2019 all wrong? Or, is it because he had and has no real idea of the liquidity system that after being caught totally off-guard by pretty much everything he is cynically seeking to settle a longstanding score about the one thing he does know well?

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        When I came up with the zoo analogy to try to describe what’s going on, I didn’t realize just how well it would fit the times. What’s worse, the financial media will now be filled with stories about how it must be that Dimon is right! A real zoo.

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        Therefore, nothing will change even if the SLR does get changed.

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 19:10

      Digest powered by RSS Digest

      Today’s News 30th October 2019

      • Roger Waters Stunned At Assange's Plight: "Orwell & Huxley Were Both Right"
        Roger Waters Stunned At Assange’s Plight: “Orwell & Huxley Were Both Right”

        Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters has been an outspoken advocate for Julian Assange, but the most recent sight of the reporter’s physical and mental health, at his recent court appearance, has Waters stepping up his criticism of the establishment’s slow-assassination of the exposer of US war crimes.

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        Referring to a UK judge’s decision on Monday to deny the WikiLeaks founder a delay in US extradition proceedings, Waters proclaimed:

        “Orwell and Huxley were always arguing about who had the closest view of what dystopia might look like in the future… I think we got a lot of both.” 

        As RT summarizes, the world described by George Orwell in ‘1984’ was one of mass surveillance and paranoia, where anyone could be snatched off the street by the state and made disappear for ‘wrongthink’. In ‘Brave New World’ Aldous Huxley, on the other hand, described a future where mass entertainment and the easy availability of pleasure-giving drugs made dissent virtually impossible.

        “We have the ‘Big Brother’ Orwellian dystopian nightmare, it happened two days ago in that magistrate’s court,” he explained to RT.

        And, exposing our ‘Brave New World’-isms, Waters points out that:

        “You only have to look out in the street and see the people, the walking dead going by… and taking absolutely no notice of the fact that this journalist is being murdered by our government.”

        “And we walk by with our earbuds in… clicking away on our iPhones as we walk unthinking, unfeeling, uncaring through our lives, and allow this bullshit to take place in our names, in our courts,” Waters concluded.

        Together with veteran journalist John Pilger, the Pink Floyd frontman hosted a rally for Assange in front of the British Home Office in September, that went unreported by every single British newspaper.

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        As Craig Murray recent concluded, the campaign of demonisation and dehumanisation against Julian, based on government and media lie after government and media lie, has led to a situation where he can be slowly killed in public sight, and arraigned on a charge of publishing the truth about government wrongdoing, while receiving no assistance from “liberal” society.

        Unless Julian is released shortly he will be destroyed. If the state can do this, then who is next?

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 02:45


      • Sweden: What To Do About Gang Violence?
        Sweden: What To Do About Gang Violence?

        Authored by Judith Bergman via The Gatestone Institute,

        “Since 2015, 32 people have been shot dead in 30 separate acts in Malmö’s latest murder wave. Our survey of the murders shows that more than 120 young men are linked to them in different ways”, according to a recent series of reports about gang violence in the Swedish mainstream newspaper, Sydsvenskan.

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        “There is much talk about ‘gang wars’ in Malmö,” the report relates.

        “Nothing indicates that there are fixed groupings with hierarchical structures and regulated activities in Malmö’s crime world. Rather, on the contrary — everything can be seen as one single gang. And there is civil war [within the gang]. We have mapped 200 criminals in the city. Most of them know each other – they have grown up together, been schoolmates, shared housing and moved in the same circles. Of these, we have selected 20 men for closer examination. Either because they are suspected of having shot, planned or otherwise contributed to the murders. Or that they themselves have fallen victim. And for being identified… as central people in Malmö’s crime world in recent years. At least 18 of the murders have, according to our review, occurred within the relatively narrow circle of these 20 men”.

        The report then mentions that “17 of the 20 surveyed men have Swedish citizenship and 14 are born in Sweden.”

        “Almost everyone has parents who have come here mainly from the Middle East and Africa. Altogether, they have been convicted of at least 180 crimes — everything from driving a car without a driver’s license to robbery, weapons crimes, assault and murder. One of them is on Europol’s list of our continent’s most wanted criminals, suspected of having ordered two murders… Half of them have parents who are also convicted of crimes. Drug crimes, harassment, money laundering, theft, smuggling and serious abuse. But there are also examples of parents with stable incomes and an academic background”.

        In Sweden, crucial societal issues, such as who is behind the current crime epidemic, are a public taboo. Swedish authorities have only published statistics about the ethnic backgrounds of criminals twice: in 1996 and in 2005. In 2017, Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson — who is also Minister of Justice and Migration in the current Swedish government — refused to publish statistics about the ethnic origins of criminals in Sweden. “So the political conclusions that I need to make, I can already make with existing international and Swedish studies,” he said at the time.

        The majority of the political parties in the Swedish parliament agreed with him. They said they did not think such a statistic was needed.

        This summer, nevertheless, a private foundation, Det Goda Samhället (“The Good Society”) published a report, based on statistics from Swedish authorities. The report showed:

        For the first time now, more crimes — in absolute terms — are committed by persons of foreign background than by persons of Swedish origin…The most crime-prone population subgroup are people born [in Sweden] to two foreign-born parents”.

        The mainstream Swedish media, however, largely ignored the privately published report.

        This general suppression of information is why Sydsvenskan’s account is especially remarkable — although in recent years, media reports have become slightly more common. It is hard, after all, completely to escape reality. In 2017, when Stockholm was hit by a wave of murders, the Swedish mainstream media outlet Expressen, did a report about the 49 criminal networks in the capital that showed the networks consisted of between 500 and 700 gang members. 40.6% of the gang members that Expressen surveyed were foreign-born; 82.2% had two parents who were foreign-born. Their main country of origin was Iraq, followed by Bosnia, Lebanon, Somalia, Syria and Turkey.

        More remarkably, Sydsvenskan’s report also indicated that nothing could be done about the hardened criminals:

        “With the exception of three people in the survey, all have been offered help since they were boys. Some of them were already registered with the police as ten-year-olds… They have undergone programs… far from the criminal environment in Malmö… It has not worked… what the social services have done so far does not help, and there are no more measures to try out”.

        These are facts that mainstream politicians have avoided discussing openly for years. The question is: How do you solve a critical societal problem, especially one that is literally maiming and killing people, without talking about it openly?

        Even the Swedish government, however, has realized that it is time to tackle the gang violence, which, with its waves of shootings and bombing, is fast derailing Swedish society. Some commentators have likened the situation to a state of war. The government therefore recently presented a new initiative that seeks to tackle the gang violence. The government proposal, however, never specifically mentions who is mainly behind the gang violence and that its own migration policies have in large part created the situation in which Swedish society now finds itself.

        The proposals to tackle gang violence include: More detentions for those who commit serious crimes, faster prosecutions, better opportunities to access the assets of criminals, increased investments in schools and social services in “vulnerable areas”, more social services in the evenings and weekends in “vulnerable areas”, stricter penalties for those recruiting young people to crime, stricter penalties for weapons and explosives offenses and better witness protection programs.

        Ulf Kristersson, leader of the largest opposition party, the center-right Moderate Party, criticized the government for not suggesting harder crackdowns on gang crime. The Moderate Party would have liked to see larger investments in the police, doubling the penalties for gang criminals and a system of visitation zones, among other things.

        One might ask whether it is likely that the government’s rather mild proposals for tackling gang violence will make enough difference at this point. Gang crime has become extremely violent and extremely serious. The Nigerian gang Black Axe, for instance, engages in drug-trafficking and prostitution and also operates extensively in Italy, where Italian police have described it as using “urban guerrilla warfare which continued for days at a time” to maintain territorial control. Swedish police estimate that the gang, which has been establishing itself in Stockholm for the past five years, seems pretty thoroughly entrenched. “In my opinion,” said the head of police squad, Lennart Karlsson, “this is one of the world’s most effective crime syndicates. So unfortunately for us, they probably have a pretty bright future.”

        In addition to Black Axe, There are approximately 50 other criminal gangs, encompassing around 1,500 criminals, operating in Stockholm, according to recent information from the police. Stockholm is currently going through a wave of shootings; by the beginning of August there had already been 58 this yearAccording to the police’s expert on gang violence, Gunnar Appelgren, the harm is considerably more serious today than it was five years ago, because the criminals now make greater use of automatic weapons.

        It does not seem likely that any of these hardened criminals will be swayed much by “increased investments in schools and social services in ‘vulnerable areas'”, as one of the government proposals suggests. Maybe some of the other proposals will improve the situation, but a far harsher crackdown on gang violence might regrettably be needed.

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 02:00

      • China Blasts Trump Admin For "Economic Bullying Behavior" Over 5G Equipment Ban 
        China Blasts Trump Admin For “Economic Bullying Behavior” Over 5G Equipment Ban 

        Round the clock, investors are blasted with trade tweets from President Trump. These tweets are meaningless to an extent, with only one intention to control the economic narrative to drive the stock market higher. So with trade optimism and stock prices at record highs levels, it seems like China is ruining the party on Tuesday morning.

        New details are emerging from AP News of souring relations between China and the US — not exactly improving as per the tweets President Trump has recently unleashed right before the stock market opens and during the morning hours.

        Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang accused the US of “economic bullying behavior” after US officials cited national security concerns in using Chinese equipment in US communication networks.

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        Shuang told reporters that Beijing would “resolutely oppose the US abusing state power to suppress specific Chinese enterprises with unwarranted charges in the absence of any evidence.”

        “The economic bullying behavior of the US is a denial of the market economy principle that the US has always advertised,” Shuang said, adding the economic sanctions would “undermine the interests” of US businesses and consumers, especially in rural areas.

        “We would like to urge the US once again to stop abusing the concept of national security,” Shuang said.

        The Trump administration has intervened in communication networks, picking winners and losers over the last several years, all in the name of national security.

        President Trump is gifting the buildout of US’ 5G networks to companies that are aligned with his administration, rather than letting the industry decide which 5G products are the best and most cost-effective. The administration is likely setting up for a complete ban on Huawei and ZTE 5G equipment in US communication networks.

        Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai announced Monday that the agency, in an upcoming vote on Nov. 19, will likely ban all US carriers from using federal subsidies to purchase 5G equipment from Chinese companies.

        “The concern is that hostile foreign actors could use hidden ‘backdoors’ to our networks to spy on us, steal from us, harm us with malware and viruses, or otherwise exploit our networks,” Pai said on Monday. “And there are mounting reasons to believe that the Chinese firms Huawei and ZTE pose an unacceptable risk to US national security.”

        The FCC ruling could also force companies that operate communication networks in the US to swap out already installed Chinese equipment for other brands, and the move could cost smaller companies in rural towns more than $1 billion.

        Despite President Trump’s tweets generating an illusion of warming ties between the US and China (all to pump the stock market), the decoupling of the world’s largest two economies continues. 

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 01:00

      • They Live, We Sleep: Beware The Growing Evil In Our Midst
        They Live, We Sleep: Beware The Growing Evil In Our Midst

        Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

        You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they’re people just like you. You’re wrong. Dead wrong.”

        – They Live

        We’re living in two worlds, you and I.

        There’s the world we see (or are made to see) and then there’s the one we sense (and occasionally catch a glimpse of), the latter of which is a far cry from the propaganda-driven reality manufactured by the government and its corporate sponsors, including the media.

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        Indeed, what most Americans perceive as life in America—privileged, progressive and free—is a far cry from reality, where economic inequality is growing, real agendas and real power are buried beneath layers of Orwellian doublespeak and corporate obfuscation, and “freedom,” such that it is, is meted out in small, legalistic doses by militarized police armed to the teeth.

        All is not as it seems.

        This is the premise of John Carpenter’s film They Live, which was released more than 30 years ago, and remains unnervingly, chillingly appropriate for our modern age.

        Best known for his horror film Halloween, which assumes that there is a form of evil so dark that it can’t be killed, Carpenter’s larger body of work is infused with a strong anti-authoritarian, anti-establishment, laconic bent that speaks to the filmmaker’s concerns about the unraveling of our society, particularly our government.

        Time and again, Carpenter portrays the government working against its own citizens, a populace out of touch with reality, technology run amok, and a future more horrific than any horror film.

        In Escape from New York, Carpenter presents fascism as the future of America.

        In The Thing, a remake of the 1951 sci-fi classic of the same name, Carpenter presupposes that increasingly we are all becoming dehumanized.

        In Christine, the film adaptation of Stephen King’s novel about a demon-possessed car, technology exhibits a will and consciousness of its own and goes on a murderous rampage.

        In In the Mouth of Madness, Carpenter notes that evil grows when people lose “the ability to know the difference between reality and fantasy.”

        And then there is Carpenter’s They Live, in which two migrant workers discover that the world is not as it seems. In fact, the population is actually being controlled and exploited by aliens working in partnership with an oligarchic elite. All the while, the populace—blissfully unaware of the real agenda at work in their lives—has been lulled into complacency, indoctrinated into compliance, bombarded with media distractions, and hypnotized by subliminal messages beamed out of television and various electronic devices, billboards and the like.

        It is only when homeless drifter John Nada (played to the hilt by the late Roddy Piper) discovers a pair of doctored sunglasses—Hoffman lenses—that Nada sees what lies beneath the elite’s fabricated reality: control and bondage.

        When viewed through the lens of truth, the elite, who appear human until stripped of their disguises, are shown to be monsters who have enslaved the citizenry in order to prey on them.

        Likewise, billboards blare out hidden, authoritative messages: a bikini-clad woman in one ad is actually ordering viewers to “MARRY AND REPRODUCE.” Magazine racks scream “CONSUME” and “OBEY.” A wad of dollar bills in a vendor’s hand proclaims, “THIS IS YOUR GOD.”

        When viewed through Nada’s Hoffman lenses, some of the other hidden messages being drummed into the people’s subconscious include: NO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT, CONFORM, SUBMIT, STAY ASLEEP, BUY, WATCH TV, NO IMAGINATION, and DO NOT QUESTION AUTHORITY.

        This indoctrination campaign engineered by the elite in They Live is painfully familiar to anyone who has studied the decline of American culture.

        A citizenry that does not think for themselves, obeys without question, is submissive, does not challenge authority, does not think outside the box, and is content to sit back and be entertained is a citizenry that can be easily controlled.

        In this way, the subtle message of They Live provides an apt analogy of our own distorted vision of life in the American police state, what philosopher Slavoj Žižek refers to as dictatorship in democracy, “the invisible order which sustains your apparent freedom.”

        We’re being fed a series of carefully contrived fictions that bear no resemblance to reality.

        The powers-that-be want us to feel threatened by forces beyond our control (terrorists, shootersbombers).

        They want us afraid and dependent on the government and its militarized armies for our safety and well-being.

        They want us distrustful of each other, divided by our prejudices, and at each other’s throats.

        Most of all, they want us to continue to march in lockstep with their dictates.

        Tune out the government’s attempts to distract, divert and befuddle us and tune into what’s really going on in this country, and you’ll run headlong into an unmistakable, unpalatable truth: the moneyed elite who rule us view us as expendable resources to be used, abused and discarded.

        In fact, a study conducted by Princeton and Northwestern University concluded that the U.S. government does not represent the majority of American citizens. Instead, the study found that the government is ruled by the rich and powerful, or the so-called “economic elite.” Moreover, the researchers concluded that policies enacted by this governmental elite nearly always favor special interests and lobbying groups.

        In other words, we are being ruled by an oligarchy disguised as a democracy, and arguably on our way towards fascism—a form of government where private corporate interests rule, money calls the shots, and the people are seen as mere subjects to be controlled.

        Not only do you have to be rich—or beholden to the rich—to get elected these days, but getting elected is also a surefire way to get rich. As CBS News reports, “Once in office, members of Congress enjoy access to connections and information they can use to increase their wealth, in ways that are unparalleled in the private sector. And once politicians leave office, their connections allow them to profit even further.”

        In denouncing this blatant corruption of America’s political system, former president Jimmy Carter blasted the process of getting elected—to the White House, governor’s mansion, Congress or state legislatures—as “unlimited political bribery… a subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect, and sometimes get, favors for themselves after the election is over.”

        Rest assured that when and if fascism finally takes hold in America, the basic forms of government will remain: Fascism will appear to be friendly. The legislators will be in session. There will be elections, and the news media will continue to cover the entertainment and political trivia. Consent of the governed, however, will no longer apply. Actual control will have finally passed to the oligarchic elite controlling the government behind the scenes.

        Sound familiar?

        Clearly, we are now ruled by an oligarchic elite of governmental and corporate interests.

        We have moved into “corporatism” (favored by Benito Mussolini), which is a halfway point on the road to full-blown fascism.

        Corporatism is where the few moneyed interests—not elected by the citizenry—rule over the many. In this way, it is not a democracy or a republican form of government, which is what the American government was established to be. It is a top-down form of government and one which has a terrifying history typified by the developments that occurred in totalitarian regimes of the past: police states where everyone is watched and spied on, rounded up for minor infractions by government agents, placed under police control, and placed in detention (a.k.a. concentration) camps.

        For the final hammer of fascism to fall, it will require the most crucial ingredient: the majority of the people will have to agree that it’s not only expedient but necessary.

        But why would a people agree to such an oppressive regime?

        The answer is the same in every age: fear.

        Fear makes people stupid.

        Fear is the method most often used by politicians to increase the power of government. And, as most social commentators recognize, an atmosphere of fear permeates modern America: fear of terrorism, fear of the police, fear of our neighbors and so on.

        The propaganda of fear has been used quite effectively by those who want to gain control, and it is working on the American populace.

        Despite the fact that we are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack; 11,000 times more likely to die from an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane; 1,048 times more likely to die from a car accident than a terrorist attack, and 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist , we have handed over control of our lives to government officials who treat us as a means to an end—the source of money and power.

        As the Bearded Man in They Live warns, “They are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor. We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery.”

        In this regard, we’re not so different from the oppressed citizens in They Live.

        From the moment we are born until we die, we are indoctrinated into believing that those who rule us do it for our own good. The truth is far different.

        Despite the truth staring us in the face, we have allowed ourselves to become fearful, controlled, pacified zombies.

        We live in a perpetual state of denial, insulated from the painful reality of the American police state by wall-to-wall entertainment news and screen devices.

        Most everyone keeps their heads down these days while staring zombie-like into an electronic screen, even when they’re crossing the street. Families sit in restaurants with their heads down, separated by their screen devices and unaware of what’s going on around them. Young people especially seem dominated by the devices they hold in their hands, oblivious to the fact that they can simply push a button, turn the thing off and walk away.

        Indeed, there is no larger group activity than that connected with those who watch screens—that is, television, lap tops, personal computers, cell phones and so on. In fact, a Nielsen study reports that American screen viewing is at an all-time high. For example, the average American watches approximately 151 hours of television per month.

        The question, of course, is what effect does such screen consumption have on one’s mind?

        Psychologically it is similar to drug addiction. Researchers found that “almost immediately after turning on the TV, subjects reported feeling more relaxed, and because this occurs so quickly and the tension returns so rapidly after the TV is turned off, people are conditioned to associate TV viewing with a lack of tension.” Research also shows that regardless of the programming, viewers’ brain waves slow down, thus transforming them into a more passive, nonresistant state.

        Historically, television has been used by those in authority to quiet discontent and pacify disruptive people. “Faced with severe overcrowding and limited budgets for rehabilitation and counseling, more and more prison officials are using TV to keep inmates quiet,” according to Newsweek.

        Given that the majority of what Americans watch on television is provided through channels controlled by six mega corporations, what we watch is now controlled by a corporate elite and, if that elite needs to foster a particular viewpoint or pacify its viewers, it can do so on a large scale.

        If we’re watching, we’re not doing.

        The powers-that-be understand this. As television journalist Edward R. Murrow warned in a 1958 speech:

        We are currently wealthy, fat, comfortable and complacent. We have currently a built-in allergy to unpleasant or disturbing information. Our mass media reflect this. But unless we get up off our fat surpluses and recognize that television in the main is being used to distract, delude, amuse, and insulate us, then television and those who finance it, those who look at it, and those who work at it, may see a totally different picture too late.

        This brings me back to They Live, in which the real zombies are not the aliens calling the shots but the populace who are content to remain controlled.

        When all is said and done, the world of They Live is not so different from our own. As one of the characters points out, “The poor and the underclass are growing. Racial justice and human rights are nonexistent. They have created a repressive society and we are their unwitting accomplices. Their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance. They have made us indifferent to ourselves, to others. We are focused only on our own gain.”

        We, too, are focused only on our own pleasures, prejudices and gains. Our poor and underclasses are also growing. Racial injustice is growing. Human rights is nearly nonexistent. We too have been lulled into a trance, indifferent to others.

        Oblivious to what lies ahead, we’ve been manipulated into believing that if we continue to consume, obey, and have faith, things will work out. But that’s never been true of emerging regimes. And by the time we feel the hammer coming down upon us, it will be too late.

        So where does that leave us?

        The characters who populate Carpenter’s films provide some insight.

        Underneath their machismo, they still believe in the ideals of liberty and equal opportunity. Their beliefs place them in constant opposition with the law and the establishment, but they are nonetheless freedom fighters.

        When, for example, John Nada destroys the alien hyno-transmitter in They Live, he restores hope by delivering America a wake-up call for freedom.

        That’s the key right there: we need to wake up.

        Stop allowing yourselves to be easily distracted by pointless political spectacles and pay attention to what’s really going on in the country.

        The real battle for control of this nation is not being waged between Republicans and Democrats in the ballot box.

        As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the real battle for control of this nation is taking place on roadsides, in police cars, on witness stands, over phone lines, in government offices, in corporate offices, in public school hallways and classrooms, in parks and city council meetings, and in towns and cities across this country.

        The real battle between freedom and tyranny is taking place right in front of our eyes, if we would only open them.

        All the trappings of the American police state are now in plain sight.

        Wake up, America.

        If they live (the tyrants, the oppressors, the invaders, the overlords), it is only because “we the people” sleep.

        Tyler Durden

        Wed, 10/30/2019 – 00:05


      • Retired General: Trump's Syria Oil Plan Turns US Troops Into "Pirates"
        Retired General: Trump’s Syria Oil Plan Turns US Troops Into “Pirates”

        After President Trump suggested on Sunday that he would like to make a deal with Exxon Mobil or “one of our great companies” to go into occupied Syria and take the oil, one of the few former top defense officials to explicitly condemn the plan which clearly smacks of naked US imperialism was retired General Barry McCaffrey.

        Referencing Trump’s comments, an outraged McCaffrey posed the question on Twitter, “WHAT ARE WE BECOMING… PIRATES?”

        He further stressed that the oil “belongs to Syria” and that ultimately “we lack Congressional authority to stay” in the country at all.

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        US convoy this week in northeast Syria. Image source: AP

        The former US Army four star and MSNBC regular was one the few mainstream pundits this week to critique Washington’s Syria policy by questioning the entirety of America’s presence there in the first place, essentially calling it ‘illegal’.

        Most establishment commentators have thus far ignored the imperialist aggression aspect of what appears a big oil grab on yet another US-occupied piece of the Middle East, and opted to argue the Pentagon should be “doing more” for the Syrian Kurds meaning more of the same endless US occupation. 

        On Monday Defense Secretary Mark Esper spelled out that a deployment of some few hundred US troops will deny Syrian government access to oilfields in the northeast, instead ensuring they stay in Kurdish-led SDF hands.

        The immediate justification given by the Pentagon chief was the usual ‘defeat ISIS’ mantra (despite, ironically, their leader Baghdadi being taken out in Saturday’s US raid into Idlib). 

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        4-Star General Barry McCaffrey

        “We want to make sure that SDF does have access to the resources in order to guard the [IS] prisons, in order to arm their own troops, in order to assist us with the ‘defeat ISIS’ mission,” Esper said.

        One international legal expert, Anthony Cordesman, told The Guardian of the Pentagon plan that, “In international law, you can’t take civilian goods or seize them. That would amount to a war crime.”

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        Of course, it’s not as if Washington ever stopped to think twice about such abstract concepts as ‘international law’ — especially when in comes to military action and adventurism in the Middle East. 

        Tyler Durden

        Tue, 10/29/2019 – 23:45

      • "The Most Dangerous Moment In Human History"
        “The Most Dangerous Moment In Human History”

        Authored by Ray McGovern via,

        Oct. 27, 1962, is the date on which we humans were spared extinction thanks to Soviet Navy submarine Captain Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov.

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        Arkhipov insisted on following the book on using nuclear weapons. He overruled his colleagues on Soviet submarine B-59, who were readying a 10-kiloton nuclear torpedo to fire at the USS Randolph task force near Cuba without the required authorization from Moscow.

        Communications links with naval headquarters were down, and Arkhipov’s colleagues were convinced WWIII had already begun. After hours of battering by depth charges from US warships, the captain of B-59, Valentin Grigorievich Savitsky, screamed, “We’re going to blast them now! We will die, but we will sink them all — we will not disgrace our Navy!” But Captain Arkipov’s permission was also required. He countermanded Savitsky and B-59 came to the surface.

        Much of this account of what happened on submarine B-59 is drawn from Daniel Ellsberg’s masterful book, “The Doomsday Machine” — one of the most gripping and important books I have ever read. Dan explains, inter alia, on pages 216-217 the curious circumstance whereby the approval of Arkhipov, chief of staff of the submarine brigade at the time, was also required.

        Ellsberg adds that had Arkhipov been stationed on one of the other submarines (for example, B-4, which was never located by the Americans), there is every reason to believe that the carrier USS Randolph and several, perhaps all, of its accompanying destroyers would have been destroyed by a nuclear explosion.

        Equally chilling, says Dan:

        The source of this explosion would have been mysterious to other commanders in the Navy and officials on the ExComm, since no submarines known to be in the region were believed to carry nuclear warheads. The clear implication on the cause of the nuclear destruction of this antisubmarine hunter-killer group would have been a medium-range missile from Cuba whose launch had not been detected. That is the event that President Kennedy had announced on October 22 would lead to a full-scale nuclear attack on the Soviet Union.

        ‘The Most Dangerous Moment in Human History’

        Historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr., a close adviser to President John F. Kennedy, later described Oct. 27, 1962, as Black Saturday, calling it “the most dangerous moment in human history.” On that same day, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended an all-out invasion of Cuba to destroy the newly emplaced Soviet missile bases there. Kennedy, who insisted that former US Ambassador to Russia Llewelyn Thompson attend the meetings of the crisis planning group, rejected the advice of the military and, with the help of his brother Robert, Ambassador Thompson, and other sane minds, was able to work out a compromise with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.

        As for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the president had already concluded that the top military were unhinged Russophobes, and that they deserved the kind of sobriquet used by Under Secretary of State George Ball applied to them — a “sewer of deceit.” As Ellsberg writes (in his Prologue, p. 3):

        “The total death toll as calculated by the Joint Chiefs, from a US first strike aimed at the Soviet Union, its Warsaw Pact satellites, and China, would be roughly six hundred million dead. A hundred Holocausts.” And yet the fools pressed on, as in trying to cross “The Big Muddy.”

        Intelligence Not So Good

        The pre-Cuban-missile crisis performance of the intelligence community, including Pentagon intelligence, turned out to hugely inept. The US military, for example, was blissfully unaware that the Soviet submarines loitering in the Caribbean were equipped with nuclear-armed torpedoes. Nor did US intelligence know that the Russians had already mounted nuclear warheads on some of the missiles installed in Cuba and aimed at the US (The US assumption on Oct. 27 was that the warheads had not been mounted.)

        It was not until 40 years later, at a Cuban crisis “anniversary” conference in Havana, that former US officials like Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy learned that some of their key assumptions were dead and dangerously wrong. (Ellsberg p. 215ff)

        Today the Establishment media has inculcated into American brains that it is a calumny to criticize the “intelligence community.” This is despite the relatively recent example of the concocting of outright fraudulent “intelligence” to “justify” the attack on Iraq in 2003, followed even more recently, sans evidence, falsely accusing Putin himself of ordering Russian intelligence to “hack” the computers of the Democratic National Committee. True, the US intelligence performance on Russia and Cuba in 1962 came close to getting us all killed in 1962, but back then in my view it was more a case of ineptitude and arrogance than outright dishonesty.

        As for Cuba, one of the most consequential CIA failures was the formal Special National Intelligence Estimate (SNIE) of Sept. 19, 1962, which advised President Kennedy that Russia would not risk trying to put nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba. To a large extent this judgment was a consequence of one of the cardinal sins of intelligence analysis — “mirror imaging.” That is, we had warned the Russians strongly against putting missiles in Cuba; they knew the US, in those years would not take that kind of risk; ergo, they would take us at our word and avoid blowing up the world over Cuba. Or so the esteemed NIE estimators thought.

        The Russians, too, were mirror imaging. Khrushchev and his advisers regarded US nuclear war planners as rational actors acutely aware of the risks of escalation, who would shy away from ending life immediately for hundreds of millions of human beings. Their intelligence was not very good on the degree of Russophobia infecting Air Force General Curtis LeMay and others on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who were prepared to countenance hundreds of millions of deaths in order “to end the Soviet threat.” (Ellsberg was there; he provides a first-hand account of the craziness in “The Doomsday Machine.”)

        Where Did the Grenade Launchers Go?

        I reported for active duty at Infantry Officers School at Fort Benning, Georgia, on Nov. 3, 1962, six days after the incident. Most of us new lieutenants had heard about a new weapon, the grenade launcher, and were eager to try it out. There were none to be found. Lots of other weapons normally used for training were also missing.

        After we made numerous inquiries, the brass admitted that virtually all the grenade launchers and much of the other missing arms and vehicles had been swept up and carried south by a division coming through Georgia a week or so before. All of it was still down in the Key West area, we were told. Tangible signs as to how ready the JCS and Army brass were to attack Cuba, were President Kennedy to have acceded to their wishes.

        Had that happened, it is likely that neither you nor I would be reading this. Yet, down at Benning, there were moans and groans complaining that we let the Commies off too easy.

        *  *  *

        Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-city Washington. He was an Army infantry/intelligence officer from 1962-64 and later served as Chief of CIA’s Soviet Foreign Policy Branch and morning briefer of the President’s Daily Brief. He is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

        Tyler Durden

        Tue, 10/29/2019 – 23:25

      • Saudi Sheikh Made Illegal Political Contribution To Obama's 2012 Inaugural Through Prolific Straw Donor
        Saudi Sheikh Made Illegal Political Contribution To Obama’s 2012 Inaugural Through Prolific Straw Donor

        A Saudi Sheikh and air conditioning magnate made a massive, illegal political contribution to Barack Obama’s inaugural committee in 2012, which was funneled through a prolific (and recently busted) DC straw donor who has operated on both sides of the aisle for years.

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        Sheikh Mohammed Al Rahbani

        According to court documents and an analysis of campaign finance records by The Associated Press, Sheikh Mohammed Al Rahbani attempted to send $850,000 to Obama’s committee – which included a picture with Obama. Of that, straw donor Imaad Zuberi recently pleaded guilty to stealing $752,000. He also admitted to concealing his work as a foreign agent.

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        Imaad Zuberi, far left, arrives at Trump Tower in New York on Dec. 12, 2016

        Zuberi – a top fundraiser for both Obama and Hillary Clinton during their presidential campaigns, marks “the latest in a string of cases that highlight the prevalence of banned foreign money in American politics and the often lax approach campaigns take in vetting contributions,” writes AP.

        The criminal case against Zuberi doesn’t explain why Rahbani would have wanted to contribute to American political campaigns.

        His company SAFID — a manufacturer of air conditioning-related products — is active throughout the Middle East and says on its website that it has worked on projects financed by the Saudi government.

        Rahbani, in a few past interviews, has talked about his support of Obama. He posted pictures on his website of himself and his wife standing with Obama, former Vice President Joe Biden and their spouses at a 2013 inaugural event. The website was taken down shortly after Zuberi’s plea was made public. –The Associated Press

        Donations funneled through Zuberi include those to Sen. Lindsey Graham, President Trump’s 2016 inaugural committee, and Democratic Rep. Eliot Engel, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Graham gave some of those donations in 2017.

        After President Trump’s 2016 victory, Zuberi immediately put on a MAGA hat, pumping “nearly $1 million” into Trump’s inaugural committee from unknown sources.

        Zuberi has also been under scrutiny by federal prosecutors in New York after he donated $900,000 to Trump’s inaugural committee and $100,000 to a Republican campaign committee. Those donations occurred around the time Zuberi accompanied Qatar’s foreign minister to a meeting at Trump Tower.

        Trump’s inaugural committee has not been accused of wrongdoing in connection with the money it received from Zuberi. It says it has cooperated with the federal inquiry.The Associated Press

        According to FEC records, Zuberi and his family made hundreds of donations to Republicans and Democrats across the political spectrum – often going to influential or outspoken lawmakers, such as Graham and Engel.

        One campaign, not identified by name, accepted donations made in the name of one of Zuberi’s dead relatives, prosecutors said. Another political committee took donations from a person Zuberi invented.

        Some donations reported by political campaigns were made in Rahbani’s and others’ names but were paid for with credit cards belonging to Zuberi or his wife, prosecutors said.

        Zuberi has also been under scrutiny by federal prosecutors in New York after he donated $900,000 to Trump’s inaugural committee and $100,000 to a Republican campaign committee. Those donations occurred around the time Zuberi accompanied Qatar’s foreign minister to a meeting at Trump Tower. –The Associated Press

        AP draws a parallel between the Zuberi case and two associates of Rudy Giuliani, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, who have been charged with making unlawful campaign contributions to US candidates and committees – including a $325,000 contribution to a group which supports Trump’s reelection, at a time when they were lobbying US lawmakers for the ouster of the US ambassador to Ukraine.

        And in April, “a Washington political consultant was sentenced to three years of probation after admitting he made a $50,000 straw donation on behalf of a wealthy Ukrainian client who wanted tickets to Trump’s inauguration,” according to the report.

        “I’m deeply concerned about foreigners trying to intervene in our elections, and I don’t think we’re doing enough to try to stop it,” said FEC chairwomn Ellen Weintraub. “They don’t get a say in who we elect — or at least they’re not supposed to.

        Tyler Durden

        Tue, 10/29/2019 – 23:05


      • Bitcoin & The Denationalization Of Money
        Bitcoin & The Denationalization Of Money

        Authored by Ralph Fucetola via The Mises Institute,

        “The modern central bank business model is being disrupted” claims Saifedean Ammous, economics professor and author of The Bitcoin Standard: The Dcentralized Alternative to Central Banking. Ammous’ well-written exposition of an Austrian-School understanding of the nature of money – in a free market and not – concludes with several chapters directed toward the technology and economics of Bitcoin, the original blockchain crypto-currency. He answers the key questions regarding Digital Money (Chapter 8), What is Bitcoin Good For? (Chapter 9), and Bitcoin Questions (Chapter 10).

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        Professor Ammous sees Bitcoin as another, and very powerful, “disrupter” technology that provides the first real challenge to the global fiat money system run by nation states in a century. That is, it’s the first real challenge since the modern state retreated from the classical gold standard.

        Reviewing the work of Austrian-School scholars, including Menger, Mises, and Rothbard, Ammous shows that the three classical attributes of valid market money – scalability, salability and stability – are being met by the digital currency.

        He further shows, through a clear technical analysis, that Bitcoin is a superior form of value-conserving money, since it is, unlike all other goods (except human time) “strictly” scarce and not just relatively scarce.

        Ammous tackles the toughest issue yet: the relationship between Bitcoin and the fiat central banking system, with its use of the Dollar and Special Drawing Rights to settle accounts between banks. (Gold is hidden somewhere in the background in various vaults.) In the process, he convincingly suggests the transaction costs of using Bitcoin as a non-governmental medium to settle accounts are quite low while the transaction or counterparty risks are virtually zero.

        He then argues that, as Bitcoin continues to appreciate against both Gold and Fiat, central banks will find it impossible to continue to ignore Bitcoin as a Reserve against deposits. But then he goes further, in the Austrian tradition of applying general principals to the real world, as Hayek did in his “Denationalization of Money.” Ammous imagines how a nongovernmental (a “Decentralized Autonomous Organization,” as he terms it) banking system based on Bitcoin and on blockchain tokens could be convertible into Bitcoin through third party intermediaries (“banks”) providing affordable, non-fiat, currency transfers.

        Ammous’s vision for a freer future leaps from his assertions of how powerfully Bitcoin disrupts the globalists’ fiat central banking system.

        Sound money, the professor teaches us, leads to peace and prosperity while unsound money leads to devastation:

        “If the modern world is ancient Rome, suffering the economic consequences of monetary collapse … then Satoshi Nakamoto is our Constantine, Bitcoin is our solidus, and the Internet is our Constantinople. For Ammous, Bitcoin serves as a monetary lifeboat for people forced to transact and save in monetary media constantly debased by governments… the real advantage of Bitcoin lies in it being a reliable long-term store of value, and a sovereign form of money that allows individuals to conduct permissionless transactions…”

        Ammous’ concludes by arguing that Bitcoin is positioned to be the Global Unit of Account that disrupts the fiat central banking system which has allowed the modern state to engage in levels of tyranny and destruction rarely possible in previous human history:

        “Monetary status is a spontaneously emergent product of human action, not a rational product of human design.”

        The value of Bitcoin to our liberty and our culture remains to be tested against the realities of our world. But it’s not hard to embrace the hope that Ammous is right.

        Tyler Durden

        Tue, 10/29/2019 – 22:45

      • Masturbating Australians May Soon Have To Use Facial Recognition To Access Online Porn
        Masturbating Australians May Soon Have To Use Facial Recognition To Access Online Porn

        Australian lawmakers looking to limit kids’ access to online pornography have come up with one possible solution; facial recognition.

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        “Home Affairs is developing a Face Verification Service which matches a person’s photo against images used on one of their evidence of identity documents to help verify their identity,” reads a recent regulatory filing. “This could assist in age verification, for example by preventing a minor from using their parent’s driver license to circumvent age verification controls.”

        Home Affairs has acknowledged that the Face Verification Service was nonoperational, as it required the passage of biometric legislation through Parliament – while last week, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security said that new bills do not have sufficient privacy safeguards and needed to be redrafted, according to ZDnet.

        In 2016, the first phase of Australian’s biometric Face Verification Service (FVS) was launched, “giving a number of government departments and the Australian Federal Police the ability to share and match digital photos of faces.” Needless to say, the program has expanded beyond its original scope.

        Initially, the system was fairly limited. It only included photos of people who had applied to become Australian citizens. And use of the database was supposed to be limited to a handful of government agencies with a compelling need for it.

        But since then, the government has steadily expanded the system. Photos from other sources were added to the database. And Australia has been trying to develop a more sophisticated Face Identification Service that can identify unknown persons.-Ars Technica

        On Thursday, Committee Chair Andrew Hastie said that the committee heard concerns over privacy and the need to ensure that appropriate oversight was in place to protect individuals’ rights.

        “The committee acknowledges these concerns and believes that while the Bill’s explanatory memorandum sets out governance arrangements, such as existing and contemplated agreements and access policies, they are not adequately set out in the current Bill,” he said.

        “In the committee’s view, robust safeguards and appropriate oversight mechanisms should be explained clearly in the legislation.”

        In other news, brick-and-mortar porn shops and trenchcoat sales may have a bright future in the land down under.

        Tyler Durden

        Tue, 10/29/2019 – 22:25

      • U.S. Shale Braces For Brutal Earnings Season
        U.S. Shale Braces For Brutal Earnings Season

        Authored by Nick Cunningham via,

        A lot of big names will report third quarter earnings this week, and the results are expected to be worse than the same period in 2018.

        The timing comes as the shale sector is facing somewhat of a reckoning. After years of price volatility – with more downs than ups – oil prices have failed to return even remotely close to pre-2014 levels. For several years, shale E&Ps took on debt and issued new equity, promising investors that they would profit both from a rebound in prices and from rapid production growth.

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        They delivered on gains to output, but not on profits. At some point in the last year, investors really began to lose faith. Oil stocks have been the worst performers in the S&P 500 this year.

        The latest release of earnings will probably do little to quell unease from big investors. Oil and natural gas prices have dropped this year, by about 17 percent and 31 percent, respectively. Job cuts have returned and bankruptcies are on the rise again.

        The oil majors are pressing forward with their aggressive shale development plans. That may prevent a noticeable decline in production. But their earnings – many of the majors report this week – are expected to be down roughly 40 percent from a year ago, which will raise some tough questions.

        Some of the largest banks have slashed their credit lines to smaller shale E&Ps. According to Reuters, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and the Royal Bank of Canada are among some of the lenders that have reduced the amount of credit they are offering to drillers.

        The so-called credit redetermination period happens twice a year, and banks tend to offer financing based on a company’s reserves. Lower prices lower that assessment because some reserves become uneconomic to produce. As a result, the ability to access financing becomes more restricted.

        Closing off the ability to borrow money could force more companies into bankruptcy. There have been roughly 199 bankruptcies from North American oil and gas companies since 2015, according to Haynes and Boone, LLP. Through September, there have been 33 bankruptcies in 2019, the highest number since 2016. There were 7 bankruptcies in September alone.

        As Reuters notes, the backup plans for stressed shale companies are limited. Asset sales may not be a viable path – M&A activity has fallen sharply as buyers spurn troubled projects. In fact, activity in M&A is so weak that investment banks are slashing positions on their energy desks.

        Likewise, returning to equity markets for a cash injection is essentially a non-starter. And as mentioned, banks are loath to agree to lend more. The only option is to cut spending.

        Last week, the U.S. rig count fell by 21, the largest decline in six months. In fact, the rig count has declined for 11 consecutive months as drillers pull back.

        “As yet, the decline in drilling activity is not reflected in lower production growth, but this is probably only a question of time,” Commerzbank said in a note on Monday.

        “It is already the case that shale oil production is rising noticeably only in the Permian Basin, and only slightly at Bakken. It is already falling in other shale plays such as Eagle Ford and Anadarko.”

        There is also growing scrutiny on the amount of oil and gas produced relative to what companies have promised. Bloomberg profiled a former hedge fund manager who has paid particular attention to Apache Corp., a company that “shale doubters” believe is overestimating the ratio of oil to gas that some its assets can produce.

        This has led some analysts to cut their forecasts for production growth.

        “The downgrade reflects lower oil prices, lower rig counts, capital constraints, pipeline bottlenecks and a negative trend in well-productivity,” Rob West, Research Associate at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, wrote in a commentary.

        “After all, 2019 has been a punishing environment for any company to lower its production guidance, raise its capex or report an operational mishap.”

        After Concho Resources revealed disappointing results from its 23-well “Dominator” project a few months ago, which set off a steep slide in its share price, there will probably be intensified scrutiny on any production misses this time around.

        However, Rob West of OIES adds that concerns about productivity may be “premature,” and that drillers still have plenty of ways to keep logging productivity gains. The mishaps this year need not be the end of the story, West said.

        Still, for now, investors are losing interest, and that may not change until and unless there is a major change in the industry’s outlook. The third quarter results probably won’t provide that catalyst. “People are ignoring shale names now and they’re sort of disgusted with them almost,” Rohan Murphy, an analyst with Allianz Global Investors in London, told Reuters in an interview.

        Tyler Durden

        Tue, 10/29/2019 – 22:05

      • FOMC Preview: If The Fed Doesn't Cut, Brace For Impact; If The Fed Cuts… Then What?
        FOMC Preview: If The Fed Doesn’t Cut, Brace For Impact; If The Fed Cuts… Then What?

        Press for time? Then the following excerpt from Curvative Securities’ Scott Skyrm is all you need to know what to expect tomorrow:

        Given the Fed is in easing mode and dumping liquidity into the market, it is unlikely they will NOT ease tomorrow. With over $200 billion in RP operations and $60 billion a month of QE Lite, it would throw the markets in turmoil if the Fed did not ease. For tomorrow, look for guidance about future rate cuts.

        The market is pricing about a 40% chance of another cut within the next five months, though I believe the Fed will pause easing after tomorrow and any future rate cuts will be “data dependent.”

        Have a little more free time? Then read on the following FOMC preview, courtesy of RanSquawk:

        The Fed is expected to lower rates by 25bps to 1.50-1.75%; key will be whether the Committee signals that it is now on pause, or whether the door to further cuts remains open. While market pricing and the analyst consensus are looking for a rate cut, some – such as Jefferies – have warned that there may be enough for the Fed to pause at this meeting. The FOMC will publish its rate decision on 31st October 2019 at 2:00pm EDT. Post-meeting press conference with Fed Chair Powell scheduled for 2:30pm  EDT.


        The Street expects the Fed to cut rates for the third straight meeting, lowering the federal funds rate target by 25bps to 1.50-1.75%; money markets price the cut with over 90% certainty.

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        Another two rate cuts are priced in by the end of 2020.

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        The Fed’s September economic projections envisaged the FFR target at 1.75-2.00% at end of both 2019 and 2020 (rates are currently within this bracket), rising to 2.00-2.25% by end-2021. Any decision to cut rates will likely face dissent from Eric Rosengren and Esther George, both of whom have dissented previously.


        Given the two cuts already implemented, some question whether the FOMC needs to lower rates further. After all, consider that as BofA’s David Woo said earlier this week, “Over the past 30 years the Fed has never cut more than 75bp at a stretch without the US economy going into a recession.

        • Diminishing the case for a cut: data has generally held up well (payroll growth close to trend, jobless rate falling to 50-year lows; consumer spending has been stable, and confidence remains firm; CPI has been rising, though this is yet to be seen in PCE; however, internationally, downside surprises in China GDP growth and the subdued outlook in the Eurozone could add to the Fed’s caution, although US/China trade talks have been progressing well, as has Brexit, likely mitigating some of the Fed’s global concerns); meanwhile, equities are lingering near record highs, and financial conditions continue to loosen since September. Fed communications have also been generally constructive, with little signs that policymakers judge the outlook to have materially deteriorated since its last meeting.
        • However, on the other side of the coin, analysts have noted that the Fed has historically not tended to lean against aggressive market pricing, supporting the case for a cut.


        Looking ahead, markets are expecting just over one cut through the end of the year (including this week’s potential cut), suggesting there is be a feeling that the so-called ‘insurance cuts’/’mid-cycle adjustment’ are done; and looking to next year, markets price one to two rate cuts in 2020.

        The notion that if the FOMC cuts, it will be on hold in December is given further credence by the Fed’s ‘insurance cut’ playbook in the 1990s, where on two occasions it cut by a cumulative 75bps before holding rates. How it frames such a ‘pause’ will be crucial; will it explicitly state that rate cuts are over? Will it retain a more data-dependent outlook? Within its statement, attention will be on the line that the Fed will “will act as appropriate to sustain the expansion” which in recent months the market has taken as a sign that additional cuts were on the horizon. The prevailing wisdom appears to be that the Fed will pause, whether or not it explicitly states it, and any further rate cuts may push accommodation to levels that implies it is more than a ‘mid-cycle adjustment’. It is worth keeping an eye on the vote of James Bullard, who last month argued for a deeper 50bps rate cut, which could show the appetite among the doves for further lowering of the FFR target (note: Bullard will vote in October and December, and then will next vote on policy in 2021).


        Intra-meeting, the Fed announced that it would purchase T-Bills at a rate of USD 60bln per month. The intra-meeting nature of the announcement is understood to be significant as a signal that the Fed considers these operations as only part of the technical aspects of monetary policy implementation, rather than the sort of balance sheet expansion seen during the crisis, which was designed to crowd investors out of safer assets to help stoke economic activity. Since the Fed began overnight repo operations, its balance sheet has grown by USD 200bln as the central bank offers ample liquidity to prevent any jam-up in repo markets. The Fed has and will continue to emphasize that these operations ‘are not QE’. According to a recent newswire survey, 56% of economists surveyed think the Fed will find enough T-bills for its monthly purchases; 22% believe that the US Treasury will raise its bill issuance to accommodate the Fed; some economists also believe that the Fed will need to boost its bill-buying to include coupon-bearing Treasuries with up to three years in maturities (NOTE: The Treasury’s quarterly refunding announcement is due ahead of the FOMC meeting on Wednesday).


        The Fed is expected to announce a more permanent operation in 2020, with the launch of a standing repo facility. There are many facets that still need to be worked-out, according to reports, like access to the SRF as well as the rates used to enable counterparties to engage with the market without any negative perceptions around the health of the banks; the Fed must also ensure that any SRF does not kill the private sector repo market. Accordingly, Chair Powell may allude to the background work being carried out, but may be light on specifics.

        Tyler Durden

        Tue, 10/29/2019 – 21:45

      • Not Even The Algos Have Any Idea What's Going On Any More
        Not Even The Algos Have Any Idea What’s Going On Any More

        With the S&P hitting an all time high just as the Fed is set to cut rates for the 3rd time in four months due to the “slowing economy” amid an earnings season that will show the first earnings recession in three years, not to mention near record outflows from stocks (and inflows to bonds)…

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        … which somehow has resulted in a surge in stocks, even as CEO sentiment crashes to financial crisis lows

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        … it is safe to conclude that no human really has a clue what is going on.

        But did you know that algos also no longer have any idea what to make of this market?

        According to Credit Suisse prime brokerage data, market-neutral quants, the ones who got crushed hardest during the September quantastrophe that sent growth stocks tumbling and value stocks surging…

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        have cut their gross stock allocations to the lowest in nearly five years, as the following Bloomberg chart shows.

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        The main reason for the deleveraging – or degrossing – is that quants no longer have a sense of what the market may do at any moment; meanwhile the violent whiplash that market neutral quants suffered during the early-September growth scare, has forced them to take down gross exposure further amid rising factor volatility as the anxiety-ridden rally of 2019 rolls on.

        “It looks nice – the market’s up 20%, but it’s been a wild ride underneath the covers,” Mark Connors, global head of risk advisory at Credit Suisse told Bloomberg. “The factor path has been unpredictable.”

        And sure enough, after it was left for dead following a decade of underperformance, last week the “value” strategy revived once more as hopes for a U.S.-China trade deal buoyed economic prospects, just weeks after a rotation in the opposite direction driven in part by recession fears.

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        As Bloomberg notes, while the initial take on such violent, unexplained moves is that they are due to late-cycle fragility as investors turn on every economic and political headline on a dime, Bloomberg also notes that some suspect the choppy rotations have been exacerbated by deleveraging among systematic funds, who find market’s bizarre moves to be too volatile for their current risk profile.

        “Quants sometimes can be a canary in the coal mine,” said Melissa Brown, managing director of applied research at Qontigo. “Maybe we are going to see going forward more volatility in style factors as funds need to deleverage or people pull their money.”

        Maybe. And if we do, we will see another circular loop emerge, as deleveraging funds force other funds to deleverage, resulting in even less liquidity, more volatility, and even more deleveraging, until some “bottom” is finally reached.

        Meanwhile, some factors are becoming even more sensitive to shifts in positioning. The strength of the recent rally – short squeeze if you will – in cheap cyclical shares, for instance, caught many by surprise given the lack of a fundamental catalyst, Bank of America strategists wrote.

        Pointing out the blatantly obvious, Los Angeles Capital Management’s Hal Reynolds said that “we are in a choppier environment,” noting that “compression in returns and pick-up in risk have both occurred this year, leading to the reduction in risk budgets.”

        Meanwhile, as quants turned tail, some other – more-carbon driven – hedge funds turned more bullish. For example, macro funds and commodity trading advisors, which mostly trade index futures rather than individual stocks, have expanded their long bets this month, according to Credit Suisse data. Meanwhile, conventional long-short stock pickers boosted their net exposure to the highest since March as they covered shorts amid the surprise resurgence this month of “economic recovery” trades betting on higher inflation and growth.

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        Financial stocks have outperformed, while defensive sectors from consumer staples to utilities have lost money — a reversal of market trends seen earlier this year. Meanwhile, Deutsche Bank’s consolidated equity positioning index shows that overall equity positioning has now moved from neutral to slightly overweight.

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        Ironically, the deciding factor whether equity quants return to the market and boost their equity allocation, may be in the hands of bond CTAs, whose performance has been critical to explain not just the recent plunge in bond yields and surge in negative yielding debt to a record notional of $17 trillion, but also to understand the performance of defensive, “bond-like” stocks in recent months.

        Commenting on the risk of a potential positioning reversal by bond CTAs, Nomura’s Masanari Takada writes that “the rise in yields thus far accompanying the recovery in sentiment can, of course, be interpreted positively as part of the general move toward healthier markets. But we see something troubling in recent movements by systematic trend-following players. Trend-following algo traders, as typified by CTAs, have built up substantial long bond futures positions over the past year. While developments differ by region, CTAs have now reduced these long positions by only around 40-50% from their peak in summer 2019. Considering the collapse in upward momentum for bond prices, we see a risk that trend-followers could cut their longs further in the interest of avoiding losses. While the figures we give below are  merely estimates of the room for a further rise in yields based on CTAs’ positions, we hope they will be of use when looking for near-term inflection points and thinking about a risk scenario in which CTAs completely close out these positions.”

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        Looking at the potential liquidation risk, Nomura’s quants note that CTAs have unwound their long positions by roughly 45% from the peak (28 August 2019), and point out that potential triggers at 10yr UST yields of

        1. around 1.76% (the average cost of CTAs’ net buying since June),
        2. around 1.90% (average cost since April), and
        3. around 2.05% (average cost since March).

        In the near term, the threshold to pay attention to is the second of these, 1.90%. In the extreme case in which yields were to break above 2.05% (the third trigger line), Nomura would expect an across-the-board collapse in CTAs’ long UST futures positions, which could cause yields to shoot up to around 2.5%.

        In the end, however, as Nomura correctly notes, “whether CTAs close out their long bond futures positions and make a clear shift to long equity futures positions tends to be determined by the state of the global economy.” And considering the lack of upward economic momentum at present, the risk of an extreme mechanistic sell-off of bond futures that ignores the economic facts on the ground is unlikely to materialize.

        Tyler Durden

        Tue, 10/29/2019 – 21:25

      • Turkey 'Double Whammy': US House Recognizes Armenian Genocide, Approves Sanctions Over Syria Incursion
        Turkey ‘Double Whammy’: US House Recognizes Armenian Genocide, Approves Sanctions Over Syria Incursion

        Late in the day Tuesday the US House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly in favor of adopting a historic resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide. This, it should be noted, on the 96th anniversary of the founding of Turkey as a republic no less.

        And in another major simultaneous “gift” to Turkey’s Erdogan  what headlines are already calling a “double whammy” — the House also voted overwhelmingly to approve a biting sanctions bill that if signed into law would crush Turkey’s economy and target Erdogan’s financial assets personally over his controversial military incursion into northern Syria

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        Armenian Genocide vote in the House

        Ankara has for years successfully lobbied against any such Congressional resolution on the 1915 Armenian genocide, treating it as an embarrassing and grievous wound to its reputation, also given the severe censorship within the country over this chapter in modern Turkey’s history.

        It’s de facto illegal in Turkey to even acknowledge it, and over the past years multiple journalists, Armenians among them, have gone to jail for writing about the historic mass killings. 

        Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was quick to condemn the resolution, H.R.296, dismissing it as a “delusion” of the “Armenian lobby and anti-Turkey groups” and further that it will only serve to damage future US-Turkey relations. 

        The measure recognizes the systematic killing of 1.5 million Armenians by Turkish military forces of the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923. It also recognizes other Christian groups exterminated by Turkish Muslim forces, including “Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Christians,” according to the resolution’s text

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        Historical photo of the Armenian Genocide, via AFP/BBC: “Skulls lie in the ruined Armenian village of Sheyxalan in 1915” (pic: Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute)

        The Congressional text is scathing in its condemnation, beginning with:

        Affirming the United States record on the Armenian Genocide.

        Whereas the United States has a proud history of recognizing and condemning the Armenian Genocide, the killing of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923, and providing relief to the survivors of the campaign of genocide against Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Christians;

          Whereas the Honorable Henry Morgenthau, United States Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire from 1913 to 1916, organized and led protests by officials of many countries against what he described as the empire’s “campaign of race extermination”, and was instructed on July 16, 1915, by United States Secretary of State Robert Lansing that the “Department approves your procedure … to stop Armenian persecution”;…

            And ending with:

            Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that it is the policy of the United States to—

            (1) commemorate the Armenian Genocide through official recognition and remembrance;

            (2) reject efforts to enlist, engage, or otherwise associate the United States Government with denial of the Armenian Genocide or any other genocide; and

            (3) encourage education and public understanding of the facts of the Armenian Genocide, including the United States role in the humanitarian relief effort, and the relevance of the Armenian Genocide to modern-day crimes against humanity.

            Concerning Syria, the successful sanctions vote in the House was also meant as a rebuke not only to Erdogan for his ordered attacks on Kurds, but to Trump, after the recent Pence-brokered ceasefire deal and US draw down from border areas, touted by Trump as a great achievement toward peace. 


            The president is not expected to sign into effect any new sanctions related to ‘Operation Peace Spring,’ barring a major development or egregious and significant Turkish breach of terms of the US-brokered ceasefire. 

            Tyler Durden

            Tue, 10/29/2019 – 21:05

          • George Papadopoulos Wants To Fill Rep. Katie Hill's Seat
            George Papadopoulos Wants To Fill Rep. Katie Hill’s Seat

            Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos wants former Rep. Katie Hill’s seat in Congress. Hill, a California Democrat, resigned on Sunday amid a House Ethics Committee probe into allegations that she had inappropriate sexual relations with a staffer.

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            Papadopoulos – who the FBI under James Comey sent a portly, well-paid spy and his honeypot assistant “Azra Turk” to befriend – filed his statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission on Tuesday for California’s 25th district, according to Axios.

            The 32-year-old former Trump aide and energy consultant pleaded guilty of making false statements to the FBI.

            Of note, Hill flipped a red seat blue during the last election cycle, which suggests Papadopoulos may actually have a shot of becoming a United States lawmaker.

            He also launched a campaign website,, that shows him wearing sunglasses with a target over part of his face asking visitors to “join George” and “donate today.” The website appeared to have been taken down later on Tuesday.

            The website said he is “running to put California’s 25th Congressional District seat back in Republican hands. Help fight back against Democrat corruption by joining George’s campaign today!” –NBC News

            A key player in the ‘Russiagate’ saga, Papadopoulos was told by a member of the Clinton Foundation, Joseph Mifsud, that Russia had compromising information on then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. He later repeated this to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, who relayed it to Australian intelligence – which told the FBI, which kicked off operation Crossfire Hurricane; the Obama administration’s official counterintelligence investigation into President Trump.

            After three years of investigation by the DOJ, Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded that Trump did not coordinate efforts with Russia during the 2016 US election, nor could Mueller conclude that Trump had obstructed the investigation into said non-collusion.

            Tyler Durden

            Tue, 10/29/2019 – 20:45


          • Watch: Guerilla Journalists Sneak Onto Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedo Island'
            Watch: Guerilla Journalists Sneak Onto Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedo Island’

            A group of guerilla journalists from We Are Change snuck onto Jeffrey Epstein’s island, Little St. James, where they recorded the island’s features in high-definition.

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            Founder Luke Rudowski and a crew were able to book a ride onto the deceased pedophile’s island, where they found a series of “satanic gargoyles” and explored landmarks such as Epstein’s strange cube-shaped ‘temple.’

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            We Are Change bills itself as a “nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide.”

            Rudowski is a frequent presence at the annual Bilderberg meetings. and was arrested in 2009 for attempting to ask New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg about his refusal to pay for the healthcare of 9/11 first responders. He has previously worked for Infowars.

            Tyler Durden

            Tue, 10/29/2019 – 20:22

          • Cyberattack Shuts Down India's Largest Nuclear Power Plant
            Cyberattack Shuts Down India’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant


            India’s second (and largest) nuclear power unit stopped operating on 19th October 2019. It is suspected that the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant was hit by a cyberattack and the authorities were already alerted of the threat months in advance. Even as cybersecurity experts are investigating the case, the authorities were quick to dismiss any occurrence of a spyware infiltrating their systems. The power plant project built in collaboration with Russia has been a target of foreign players since its inception.

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            Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant hit by Cyberattack

            Nuclear Power Unit stops operating

            The second 1,000 MW nuclear power unit at Kudankulam, owned by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) stopped power generation on Saturday 19th October, said Power System Operation Corporation Ltd (POSOCO). The atomic power plant stopped generation about 12.30 a.m. on Saturday owing to “SG level low”, the company added. The expected date of the unit’s revival is not known. The NPCIL has two 1,000 MW nuclear power plants at Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP) built with Russian equipment.

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            Official statement from Kudankulam Power Plant Project on Cyberattack

            While cybersecurity experts are investigating the breach, the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant in Tamil Nadu has denied being the victim of a cyber attack and denied any incident of a spy virus having infected the systems at the plant. The statement asserted that since “Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant Project (KKNPP) and other Indian Power Plants Control Systems are stand alone and not connected to outside cyber network and Internet, any cyberattack on the Nuclear Power Plant Control Systems is not possible.” This however, is a false assertion which was exposed when Israeli intelligence targeted Iranian Nuclear facility (which also was not connected to Internet) with Stuxnet.

            Prior warning

            More than a month before the unit stopped operating, the National Cyber Security Coordinator Office was notified of an intrusion of their systems by cyber threat intelligence analyst, Pukhraj Singh. The alert was generated on investigation by cybersecurity firm Kaspersky into spy tools dubbed DTrack.


            DTrack Data Collection

            DTrack data dump of the power plant also revealed statically encoded login credentials among other things:

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            Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant DTrack data collection

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            Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant DTrack data collection

            • Login credentials

            • Local IP, MAC, OS install information (including registered org) via registry

            • Browser history

            • Connectivity to local IP

            • Compspec, ipconfig, netstat info

            > net use \\\\\\C$ su.controller5kk /user:KKNPP\\administrator

            DTrack – Spy Tool

            Kaspersky Global Research and Analysis Team have discovered a previously unknown spy tool, which had been spotted in Indian financial institutions and research centers. Called Dtrack, this spyware reportedly was created by the Lazarus group and is being used to upload and download files to victims’ systems, record key strokes and conduct other actions typical of a malicious remote administration tool (RAT).

            In 2018, Kaspersky researchers discovered ATMDtrack – malware created to infiltrate Indian ATMs and steal customer card data. Following further investigation using the Kaspersky Attribution Engine and other tools, the researchers found more than 180 new malware samples that had code sequence similarities with the ATMDtrack, but at the same time were not aimed at ATMs. Instead, its list of functions defined it as spy tools, now known as Dtrack. Moreover, not only did the two strains share similarities with each other, but also with the 2013 DarkSeoul campaign, which was attributed to Lazarus – an infamous advanced persistence threat actor responsible for multiple cyberespionage and cyber sabotage operations.

            Dtrack can be used as a RAT, giving threat actors complete control over infected devices. Criminals can then perform different operations, such as uploading and downloading files and executing key processes.


            Entities targeted by threat actors using Dtrack RAT often have weak network security policies and password standards, while also failing to track traffic across the organization. If successfully implemented, the spyware is able to list all available files and running processes, key logging, browser history and host IP addresses, including information about available networks and active connections.

            The newly discovered malware is active and based on Kaspersky telemetry, is still used in cyberattacks.

            “Lazarus is a rather unusual nation state sponsored group. On one hand, as many other similar groups do, it focuses on conducting cyberespionage or sabotage operations. Yet on the other hand, it has also been found to influence attacks that are clearly aimed at stealing money. The latter is quite unique for such a high profile threat actor because generally, other actors do not have financial motivations in their operations,” said Konstantin Zykov security researcher, Kaspersky Global Research and Analysis Team.

            “The vast amount of Dtrack samples we found demonstrate how Lazarus is one of the most active APT groups, constantly developing and evolving threats in a bid to affect large-scale industries. Their successful execution of Dtrack RAT proves that even when a threat seems to disappear, it can be resurrected in a different guise to attack new targets.


            The Foreign Hand

            In 2012, the then Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh in a starting disclosure claimed that foreign intelligence agencies were involved in the sabotage of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant Project (KNPP), a bedrock of India-Russia alliance. Manmohan Singh was referring to the anti-nuclear protests in Kudankulam, which he claimed were orchestrated by American-backed NGOs.

            After repeated denials for over a year from fishermen and farmers who were opposing the protest against the KNPP that they were being funded from overseas, the police in the southern Indian town opened a case against a “suspicious money transfer” from London.

            The police said T. Ambika, wife of anti-KNPP activist Kumar alias Thavasi Kumar, received around $55,000 in her account with Canara Bank’s Kudankulam Banch from a particualar Anand based in the United Kingdom. Officials from the bank let the police know about the deposit in the account. The police then started an enquiry about the money being sent from a foreign destination to one associated with the ongoing anti-KNPP struggle.

            Intelligence Report

            According to a secret Intelligence Bureau document in possession of GreatGameIndia the protests were spear-headed by Ohio State University funded, SP Udaykumar, and a host of Western-funded NGOs. The larger conspiracy was unraveled when a German national provided Udaykumar a scanned map of all nuclear plant and uranium mining locations in India. The map included contact details of 50 Indian anti-nuclear activists revealing an intricate Network aimed to ‘take-down’ India’s nuclear program through NGO activism.

            An enquiry of Udaykumar had revealed a deep and growing connection with US and German entities. In July 2010, Udaykumar received an unsolicited contract from the Kirwan Institute for Study of Race and Ethnicity at the Ohio State University, USA as a Consultant on “Group, Race, Class and Democracy issues through NGOs”. He was paid $21,120 upto June 2011 in a US bank account in his name and was contracted to earn another $17,600 upto April 2012 for fortnightly reports. These reports were significant in the fact that they were very brief lists of three general articles or books purported to have been read in the past fortnight, none relating to anti-nuclear activism, his main interest.

            As a result, Udaykumar’s contact in Germany, one Sonntag Rainer Hermann (German national) was deported from Chennai on February 27, 2012. Hermann’s laptop contained a scanned map of India with 16 nuclear plants (existing or proposed) and five uranium mine locations marked prominently. The map also included contact details of 50 Indian anti-nuclear activists hand-written on small slips of paper along with a Blackberry PIN graph. The map was sent via email to five prominent anti-nuclear activists, including Udaykumar.

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            Map acquired from a German spy by the Intelligence Bureau with 16 nuclear plants (existing or proposed) and five uranium mine locations marked prominently.

            Sustained analysis revealed that the name slips on the map were hand-written in order to avoid possible detection by text search algorithms said to be installed at e-gateways.

            Based on the above enquiry, network analysis of all anti-nuclear NGO activity in India revealed the existence of

            One ‘Super Network(prominently driven by Greenpeace and renowned activists) and

            Five ‘Territorial Networks’ based out of

            1. Tamil Nadu (Idinthakarai, District Tirunelveli),

            2. Kerala (Trivandrum),

            3. Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad),

            4. Gujarat (Ahmedabad),

            5. Meghalaya (Shillong)

            The map clearly indicated the involvement of an organized agency and/or a highly professional, well-funded entity, which expends considerable effort in masking its origins.

            Tyler Durden

            Tue, 10/29/2019 – 20:05

          • 26 Million Californians Under Red Flag Warning As "Remarkable And Dangerous" Santa Ana Approaches
            26 Million Californians Under Red Flag Warning As “Remarkable And Dangerous” Santa Ana Approaches

            Over 26 million Californians are under red flag warnings as residents of heavily populated Southern California brace for a record-strong Santa Ana wind event slated to begin Tuesday night and last through at least Thursday morning.

            The notice comes as fire crews battle at least 11 blazes throughout the state.

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            In the northern part of the state, a critical wildfire danger exists in the North Bay region where the Kincade Fire is has burned over 75,000 acres and was just 15% contained as of 11 a.m. on Tuesday. Battling the blaze are over 4,500 fire personnel across 86 crews, 27 helicopters, 549 fire engines, 66 bulldozers and 42 water tankers. 124 structures have been destroyed in the fire.




            To the south, the Getty Fire is raging west of Interstate 405 in Los Angeles, forcing wealthy residents seek shelter at a makeshift evacuation center at the Westwood Recreation Center. The 656-acre fire which was sparked when a branch fell on power lines (operated by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power) is just 5% contained.

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            At least 16 schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District are now closed due to fire conditions.

            According to CNN and NOAA the current threats include:

            A “remarkable and dangerous” Santa Ana winds event in Southern California — perhaps the strongest this season — is expected to bring gusts of 60-70 mph in the valleys and up to 80 mph in the mountains from late Tuesday night into Wednesday, the National Weather

            • Strong winds Tuesday afternoon in Northern California, with gusts up to 50 mph, the weather service’s Storm Prediction Center says.

            The worsening conditions come as firefighters across the state battle at least 11 wildfires that have combined to leave thousands of people under evacuation orders.

            In western Los Angeles, where the Getty Fire has charred more than 650 acres since Monday, the expected winds mean roughly 20,000 people under evacuation orders there “will not be returning to their homes this evening,” Mayor Eric Garcetti said.

            “Stay away until we lift that order,” Garcetti said in a news conference Tuesday morning. –CNN




            Tyler Durden

            Tue, 10/29/2019 – 19:45

          • Hornberger: The Evil Of The Drug War
            Hornberger: The Evil Of The Drug War

            Authored by Jacob Hornberger via The Future of Freedom Foundation,

            With the exception of the U.S. national-security state and its foreign policy of empire and intervention and its torture, state-sponsored assassinations, coups, alliances with dictatorial regimes, invasions, occupations, wars of aggression, illegal and unconstitutional wars, mass secret surveillance, indefinite detention, secret prison camps, drug experimentation on unsuspecting people, denial of due process, denial of trial by jury, kangaroo military tribunals, and other dark-side practices, it would be difficult to find a better example of an evil and immoral program than the war on drugs.

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            1. Everyone, including the most ardent drug-war proponent, agrees that this decades-long program has failed to achieve its goal, which is a drug-free society.

            2. If failure was the only consequence of this program, that would be one thing. But it’s not. Drug laws have brought Into existence drug gangs, drug cartels, gang wars, drug assassinations, drug kidnappings, burglaries, robberies, murders, muggings, and official corruption.

            3. The drug war is also the most racially bigoted government program since segregation, perhaps even more so. Under segregation, government officials used the force of law to keep the races separated, but at least they permitted blacks to keep living in the community. With drug laws, they have been able to remove blacks entirely from communities and relocate them into places called penitentiaries, where they are forced to spend a large portion of their lives. They have also been able to use drug laws to harass, abuse, insult, and humiliate African-Americans, Latinos, and other racial minorities.

            That’s not to say, of course, that all law-enforcement agents and all judges are racially bigoted. It is simply to say that for those who are racially bigoted, the drug war is like heaven on earth, in that it enables them to exercise their bigotry in a legal manner and even get praised for it.

            4. The drug war has played a major role in the destruction of liberty in America. Just think: They actually put people into jail for doing nothing more than ingesting a substance that politicians and bureaucrats, both at the state and federal level, don’t approve of.

            Who cares whether politicians and bureaucrats approve of a particular substance? What business is that of theirs?

            Actually, it’s none of their business what a person puts into his mouth. Freedom necessarily entails the right to ingest whatever a person wants to Ingest, no matter how harmful or destructive it might be. When people live in a society where government officials can punish them for ingesting unapproved substances, there is no way that people in that society can legitimately be considered free.

            The repeal of drug laws — all drug laws, not just marijuana laws — is a necessary pre-requisite for a free society. It’s also a prerequisite for a just and humane society, one that treats drug addiction and drug use as a private problem, not a criminal-justice one.

            Tyler Durden

            Tue, 10/29/2019 – 19:25

          • BOJ To Start Lending ETF Shares To Prevent Market Freeze
            BOJ To Start Lending ETF Shares To Prevent Market Freeze

            While most central banks are contemplating how to gently break it to the public that since they are out of ammo with interest rates at all time low, and $15 trillion in global sovereign debt is now yielding negative – a financial abortion which suggests the value of money is negative – the only hope markets have to avoid collapse is for central banks to start buying stocks in the open market, the BOJ has no such problems: after all the Japanese central bank (alongside its Swiss peer) has for years been quite open that it purchases stocks and ETFs directly. Unfortunately, in its efforts to stabilize the market, the BOJ has been purchasing a little too many ETFs and it now owns far too much.

            Last May, speaking to Japanese parliamentarians, BOJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda noted that the central bank now owns nealry 80% of the country’s stock of ETFs, the result of a program begun in 2010 and ramped up in 2013.

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            Unfortunately, the program failed in its immediate task: the main goal of ETF buying was to lower Japan’s equity-risk premium – the extra returns investors expect for buying stock rather than simply parking their money in riskless government debt. A lower premium should raise stock prices and make equity financing easier for listed companies. But at just shy of 7%, Japan’s premium remains stubbornly above the U.S.’s 6%—with the gap little changed in six years – according to Aswath Damodaran, professor of finance at New York University’s Stern School of Business.

            Now what is truly terrifying is that the impact of the BOJ’s massive equity purchases is actually not easily visible in Japanese stock valuations as share prices have actually fallen as a multiple of earnings during the course of the program.

            Meanwhile, unlike the trillions in bonds the BOJ owns as part of its QE program, the equity purchased by the central bank does not mature and is “owned” by the bank’s until it is sold.

            And while the BOJ has a long way to go before crossing that particular bridge, in the meantime it has come across a major hurdle to its monetary operations: it now owns so many ETFs, it is effectively freezing up the market.

            According to the Nikkei, in order to restore some functionality to the market where volumes have collapsed in recent years, the BOJ will soon start lending shares in exchange-traded funds to brokerages as early as next spring to try to restore some of the liquidity it has drained out of the market.

            As the Nikkei explains, the central bank began considering ETF lending in April “as part of a plan to improve the sustainability of its asset-buying, which has distorted markets due to its sheer scale.”

            With its ETF holdings of 28.9 trillion yen ($266 billion) as of March 31, which amount to nearly 80% of the entire ETF market, the BOJ is on track to surpass the world’s largest pension fund, the Government Pension Investment Fund, as the top holder of Tokyo-listed stocks as early as next year.

            Why is the BOJ suddenly worried about adding market liquidity after draining it for years? For one reason, retail investors have largely abandoned the market as a result of the illiquid conditions; more importantly, by renting out ETFs to the market, the BOJ will make it easier for itself to conduct its own ETF purchases, as well as offset some of the costs through lending fees.

            According to Eiji Dohke, an analyst at SBI Securities, brokerages could borrow ETFs from the BOJ and then short-sell them back to the bank, which however could be a problem and a major conflict of interest as the BOJ is interested in pushing asset prices higher.

            In any event, market makers, such as brokerages and high-frequency traders, need to keep ETF inventory on hand to ensure that retail investors can readily buy and sell. But the risk of price fluctuations limits the amount they can hold at once, making it difficult to fulfill large buy orders; as such the BOJ’s purchases have in effect paralyzed the market. Being able to borrow from the BOJ as needed would let market makers cover such shortfalls.

            * * *

            Last April, BOJ head Haruhiko Kuroda told reporters that the goal of the lending program was to improve the functioning of the ETF market. Frequent ETF lending, mainly by pension funds, contributes to the abundant liquidity of the U.S. market. The proposal, which is still being finalized, has drawn criticism.

            So how will the liquidity injection be implemented? In a market briefing, the BOJ said it planned to take bids for ETF lending once per month. This would require market makers to estimate demand a month in advance. Excess ETFs not sold to investors would return to the central bank, but market makers would still have to eat the cost of borrowing them.

            “Being able to borrow from the BOJ whenever there’s demand and settle the transaction then would be ideal. Once a month is too little,” a market player said.

            So for all those still wondering if the end of capital markets will come with a bang, or a whimper, Japan proudly lights the way: we are nearing a time when trades will only take place once a month, and only with the BOJ’s blessing, as the entire world succumbs to central planning that would make Josef Stalin green with envy.

            Tyler Durden

            Tue, 10/29/2019 – 19:09

          Digest powered by RSS Digest

          Today’s News 29th October 2019

          • Dio Mio! 'Corruption-Fighting' Italian PM Linked To Rogue Vatican Fund
            Dio Mio! ‘Corruption-Fighting’ Italian PM Linked To Rogue Vatican Fund


            Italy is hardly a stranger to financial horrorshows. Whether it’s fiscal mismanagement, blundering centuries-old banks loaded down with bad loans, a federal government too deep in the red, fears of a populist-backed parallel currency or the shadowy tendrils of the mafia tainting the country’s agri-export business.

            And now, what appears to be serious financial corruption scandal has found a direct line to the Quirinal Palace.

            So, what exactly is going on? Well, yesterday, the FT reported that a Vatican-backed investment fund that is under investigation by the Vatican authorities had hired Italian PM Giuseppe Conte to negotiate a deal.

            Just weeks before Conte took office (for the first time), Conte,  then a  little-known Florence-based academic, was hired in May 2018 to provide a legal opinion in favour of Fiber 4.0, a shareholder group involved in a fight for control of Retelit, an Italian telecoms company.

            The biggest investor in Fiber 4.0 was the Athena Global Opportunities Fund, which was constituted entirely by $200 million from the Vatican Secretariat. The Fund was owned and operated by Raffaele Mincione, an Italian financier.

            The news of Conte’s involvement will likely attract more scrutiny of the Fiber 4 deal from the Vatican police. In fact, Conte’s involvement wasn’t widely known until the police raided the all-powerful Vatican’s Secretariat of State, the Church’s most powerful centralized bureaucracy and the source of all the financing for the Fiber 4.0 deal.

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            The Secretariat is currently under investigation over its involvement in several suspicious transactions, allegedly including this property deal, which inspired the initial raid mentioned above, according to the FT on Mondy.

            In the property deal the Secretariat invested in a $143 million building deal in London’s Chelsea with money it held away from central Papal State funds in several Swiss bank accounts. The deal has raised concerns from Vatican investigators that the Secretariat may have been misusing hundreds of millions of dollars under its control, which have been donated to the poor by Catholics around the world.

            Now, investigators that Conte, either unwillingly or willingly, helped paper over something similar.

            In Conte’s deal, the fund was part of a consortium (Fiber 4.0) hoping to win control of a small Italian telecoms company called Retelit. Fiber 4.0 hired Conte in May 2018 as a “freelance legal expert” after the consortium lost a vote in April over a proposal to take over Retelit. It lost the vote to a rival company controlled by German and Libyan interests, which Conte apparently believed gave the, an opening.

            Conte argued in the memo that the Italian government could step in and annul the vote using rules intended to protest “strategically important assets” (not dissimilar to the CFIUS deal review board in the board).

            Once he finally took office, in June 2018, he did just that. However, a few months later, his maneuverings were reversed and he was fined for his conduct.

            Conte is now trying his hardest to distance himself from that deal.

            “Regarding the new facts reported by the Financial Times, it should be noted that Mr Conte only gave a legal opinion and was not aware of, and was not required to know, the fact that some investors were connected to an investment fund supported by the Vatican and now at the centre of an investigation,” Conte’s office told the FT.

            This would be a most delicious irony: For Conte, whose reputation as an honest politician helped save his career when the Five Star-League coalition collapsed, to instead be felled by suspicions surrounding a possibly corrupt act mostly committed while he was still a civilian.

            Tyler Durden

            Tue, 10/29/2019 – 02:45

          • Italy: Mass Legalization Of Migrants Is Suicidal
            Italy: Mass Legalization Of Migrants Is Suicidal

            Authored by Giulio Meotti via The Gatestone Institute,

            Describing Italy, Gerard Baker, former editor in chief of the Wall Street Journal, recently wrote:

            In much of the country… depopulation is advancing. Moving into the empty spaces have been waves of immigrants, many from North Africa and the Middle East. The migrants have filled vital gaps in the labor force, but the transformation of Italian towns has left increasing numbers of citizens resentful, fearful for their identity.”

            He went on to call this transformation, “a kind of pioneer of Western decline”. Already, the effects of mass migration are becoming dramatically visible in many of Italy’s elementary schools. In just the last few days, examples from two large cities have surfaced.

            The first was in Turin, Italy’s fourth largest city, where there are now elementary school classes with not even one Italian child:

            “In all classes, school principal Aurelia Provenza explained, the percentage of foreigners is very high, equal to 60% of the total number of pupils”.

            The second example comes from Bologna. “In my son’s kindergarten there is a serious integration problem, I have to take him away,” says Mohamed, a 34-year-old of Moroccan origin who arrived in Italy when he was 4 years old.

            “I don’t want to be seen as a racist myself as I am Moroccan, but the municipality must know that there is no integration by putting more than 20 foreign children into classes”.

            At the time of enrollment, Mohamed explained, they had seen drawings with flags of all nationalities in the school, but, “when we arrived at school the first day, we found ourselves in a class with all foreign children. The teachers are even struggling to pronounce the children’s names.”

            We have now reached a paradox: immigrants are taking their children out from classes where, under multiculturalism, segregation is surging. “School performance falls when classes exceed 30% foreigners; it is a crucial threshold that should be avoided or otherwise monitored”, said Costanzo Ranci, professor of Economic Sociology, and author of a recent report.

            Both of the above cases have been the subject of much public debate. In Italy, last month, the number of migrants arriving from Africa surged, after having declined for most of the last two years. The migrant reception center on the island of Lampedusa, the front line of Italy’s migration crisis, is now in a state of “collapse” due to the rapidly rising number of arrivals. The entire south of Italy is now trying to deal with migrants.

            According to projections from the UN Population Division, the population of sub-Saharan Africa will double in 30 years, adding an additional 1 billion people and accounting for more than half the global population growth between now and 2050. Italy, which already has the third-largest population of migrants in Europe, is undergoing an “unbearable” crisis, and now faces the real risk of an “Africanisation“, as Stephen Smith called it in his bookThe Scramble for Europe.

            There are many voices of concern. Cardinal Robert Sarah, author of a new book, The Day Is Now Far Spent, about the crisis of the West, compares the current influx of migrants to the invasions of barbarians that brought down the Roman Empire. If Europe’s policies toward migrants do not change, Sarah warns, Europe will be “invaded by foreigners, just as Rome was invaded by barbarians.”

            “If Europe disappears, and with it the priceless values of the Old Continent, Islam will invade the world and we will completely change our culture, anthropology and moral vision”.

            An Italian think-tank, Fondazione Fare Futuro, also just predicted that due to mass migration and the different birthrates of Christians and Muslims, by the end of the century half of the population of Italy could be Muslim. In just ten years, the number of migrants in Italy has surged by 419%.

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            The native Italian population is already shrinking rapidly. Without the foreigners, every year native Italians would die (615,000) at twice the rate of births (380,000). Eurostat, the European official statistics office, calculates that by 2080, one-fifth of Italians will come from migration background (11 million of Italy’s 53 million).

            A recent report by the Italian national statistics office noted that the country is in a “demographic recession” not seen since the World War I, and 250,000 young Italians have fled the country. “Italy exports young graduates and imports migrants”, wrote Il Giornale. Italy is expected to lose 17% of its population by 2050, and — even without immigration — half by the end of the century.

            A Caritas-Migrantes report recently documented that since 2014, the decrease in the number of Italians is equivalent to the population of a large Italian city, say, Palermo (677,000). The dramatic decrease, however, has so far been offset by migrants.

            Immigration is once again becoming a political question. Just weeks after forming a government with the Five Star Movement, the Democratic Party is advancing the so-called “birthright citizenship” — a pledge to reverse the stringent migration policy of former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini. In Latin this right to citizenship is called ius culturae. The new law would allow foreign minors under the age of 12 to become citizens after just five years at school in Italy. The bill is being advanced by Laura Boldrini, a former president of Italy’s Parliament, who famously said:

            “The lifestyle of the migrants will be ours”.

            Will Italians, as in those elementary schools, integrate into the new culture of the migrants?

            The current government knows perfectly well what is at stake. “From now to 2050 and 2060, we will have to face an epochal question from 50 to 60 million people who will arrive in the Mediterranean world”, MP Nicola Morra, MP in the governmental majority, recently said.

            The government is literally gambling with Italy’s future.

            Italy is the European country most exposed to migration pressure from Africa. With a native population already shrinking, if Italy is open to the mass legalization of migrants, we should be at least be aware that it will be culturally suicidal.

            Tyler Durden

            Tue, 10/29/2019 – 02:00

          • Air Force's Secretive X-37B Spaceplane Lands After 780-Day "Classified Mission"
            Air Force’s Secretive X-37B Spaceplane Lands After 780-Day “Classified Mission”

            The U.S. Air Force’s secretive X-37B, also known as the Orbital Test Vehicle, is a robotic spacecraft, landed Sunday morning after 780 days in orbit, beating its previous record of 718 days, reported

            The X-37B touched down at the Shuttle Landing Facility of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, early Sunday morning. The classified mission, which initially began in September 2017, started on top of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

            “This program continues to push the envelope as the world’s only reusable space vehicle. With a successful landing today, the X-37B completed its longest flight to date and successfully completed all mission objectives,” Randy Walden, director of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, said in a statement. “This mission successfully hosted Air Force Research Laboratory experiments, among others, as well as providing a ride for small satellites.”

            X-37B’s real mission in low Earth Orbit (LEO) is classified. But a 2017 Air Force press release detailed the plane is a “host platform for experimental payloads.” 

            “This mission carries small satellite ride shares and will demonstrate greater opportunities for rapid space access and on-orbit testing of emerging space technologies. Building upon the fourth mission and previous collaboration with experiment partners, this mission will host the Air Force Research Laboratory Advanced Structurally Embedded Thermal Spreader payload to test experimental electronics and oscillating heat pipe technologies in the long-duration space environment,” the Air Force said back in 2017. 

            In July, we reported how an amateur space enthusiast captured the X-37B orbiting Earth on camera. 

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            The X-37B resembles a smaller version of NASA’s retired Space Shuttle orbiter. It measures 29 feet long, 9.5 feet high, and has a wingspan of only 15 feet. The payload bay is about 7 feet long by 4 feet wide. 

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            Ground-based infrared sensors captured the moment the X-37B landed on Sunday morning. 


            More footage shows ground crews in spacesuits working on the plane after it landed.


            Here’s another view of the spaceplane.


            As for the exact mission, we’ll never know what the X-37B did for 780-days while orbiting the Earth.

            Tyler Durden

            Tue, 10/29/2019 – 01:00

          • Russian Defense Minister Publishes Evidence Of US Oil Smuggling From Syria
            Russian Defense Minister Publishes Evidence Of US Oil Smuggling From Syria

            Via The Saker blog,

            Translated by Leo, bold and italics added for emphasis.


            MOSCOW, October 26, 2019 – RIA Novosti – The Russian Ministry of Defense has published satellite intelligence images, showing American oil smuggling from Syria.

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            Image 1: Situation in the Syrian Arab Republic as of October 26, 2019.

            According to the ministry, the photos confirm that “Syrian oil, both before and after the routing defeat of the Islamic State terrorists in land beyond the Euphrates river, under the reliable protection by US military servicemen, oil was actively being extracted and then the fuel trucks were massively being sent for processing outside of Syria.”

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            Image 2: Daman oil gathering station, Syria, Deir ez-Zor province, 42 km east of Deir ez-Zor, August 23, 2019.

            Here, in a picture of the Daman oil gathering station (42 kilometers east of the Deir-ez-Zor province), taken on August 23, a large amount of trucks were spotted. “There were 90 automotive vehicles, including 23 fuel trucks,” the caption to the image said.

            In addition, on September 5, there were 25 vehicles in the Al-Hasakah province, including 22 fuel trucks. Three days later, on September 8, in the vicinity of Der Ez-Zor, 36 more vehicles were recorded (32 of them were fuel trucks). On the same day, 41 vehicles, including 34 fuel trucks, were in the Mayadin onshore area.

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            Image 3: Gathering of vehicles in Syria, Al-Hasakah province, 8 km west of Al-Shaddadi, September 5, 2019.

            As the official representative of the Defense Ministry Igor Konashenkov noted, the Americans are extracting oil in Syria with the help of equipment, bypassing their own sanctions.

            Igor Konashenkov:

             “Under the protection of American military servicemen and employees of American PMCs, fuel trucks from the oil fields of Eastern Syria are smuggling to other states. In the event of any attack on such a caravan, special operations forces and US military aircraft are immediately called in to protect it,” he said.

            According to Konashenkov, the US-controlled company Sadcab, established under the so-called Autonomous Administration of Eastern Syria, is engaged in the export of oil, and the income of smuggling goes to the personal accounts of US PMCs and special forces.

            The Major General added that as of right now, a barrel of smuggled Syrian oil is valued at $38, therefore the monthly revenue of US governmental agencies exceeds $30 million.

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            Image 4: Gathering of vehicles in Syria, Deir ez-Zor province, 10 km east of Mayadin, September 8, 2019.

            “For such a continuous financial flow, free from control and taxes of the American government, the leadership of the Pentagon and Langley will be ready to guard and defend oil fields in Syria from the mythical ‘hidden IS cells’ endlessly,” he said.

            According to Konashenkov, Washington, by holding oil fields in eastern Syria, is engaged in international state banditry.

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            Image 5: Gathering of vehicles in Syria, Deir ez-Zor province, 14 km east of Mayadin, September 8, 2019.

            The reason for this activity, he believes, “lies far from the ideals of freedom proclaimed by Washington and their slogans on the fight against terrorism.”

            Igor Konashenkov: 

            “Neither in international law, nor in American legislation itself – there is not and cannot be a single legal task for the American troops to protect and defend the hydrocarbon deposits of Syria from Syria itself and its own people,” the representative of the Defense Ministry concluded.

            A day earlier, the Pentagon’s head, Mark Esper declared that the United States is studying the situation in the Deir ez-Zor region and intends to strengthen its positions there in the near future “to ensure the safety of oil fields.”

            Tyler Durden

            Tue, 10/29/2019 – 00:00


          • Texas Could Be The Epicenter Of The Next Subprime Auto Crisis
            Texas Could Be The Epicenter Of The Next Subprime Auto Crisis

            In a recent report, we outlined how the largest subprime auto lender, Santander, is currently experiencing one of the most significant accelerations in subprime auto loan delinquencies, not seen since the dark days of 2008. Now, in a separate report via the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, there is new evidence that the epicenter of the next auto loan meltdown could start in Texas.  

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            The Texas auto subprime market began experiencing a troughing event in serious auto delinquencies in 2015, with a rapid turn up in 2016. By the end of 2018, the serious auto delinquency rate was at 16.7%, approaching 2010 levels of 18.2%. Despite the “greatest economy ever,” the Dallas Fed admits rising wealth inequality could be responsible for the growing delinquencies in Texas. 

            “It’s clear something is going on,” said Emily Ryder Perlmeter, an adviser for the Dallas Fed and one of the report’s authors. “The economy may not be working as well for everyone.”

            Michael Carroll, an economist at the University of North Texas, suggests the report is a clear indication that consumers in easy money times took on too much auto debt. Carroll also said consumer distress in Texas could be a bellwether for the broader economy and a warning sign that the consumer is weakening. 

            Perlmeter said rising auto loan delinquencies across the country is a severe problem, but the meltdown unfolding in Texas is much worse than any other major metropolitan area. 

            The Dallas Morning News noted the average auto loan in the state is $23,500 as of late 2018.

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            “The reality is we have too many low-paying jobs,” said Woody Widrow, executive director of Raise Texas, a nonprofit group that lobbies for anti-poverty policies. “Just because we have a low unemployment rate doesn’t mean that people have enough money to pay for the things they need.”

            For all of 2017, nearly one-third of the jobs in the state paid less than $24,300 per year, which is about the poverty line for a family of four.

            Average auto loans have been extended past 69 months to make it more affordable for the lower-income part of the population.

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            But what happens when the economy falters, and the oil and gas industry in Texas plunges? Consumers lose their jobs, develop a credit crunch, and are unable to service their insurmountable debts. 

            About 21% of Texans in 2018 had one credit account that was 90 days past due, said Prosperity Now. That was a one percentage point increase from 2017 and is the highest level among large states. 

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            Rising auto loan delinquencies in Texas stem from the 2015/16 oil bust, Perlmeter said. 

            Many Texans have insurmountable debts (auto loans, credit cards, student debts, and mortgages), depressing incomes, no savings, and are working in the gig economy, can barely make ends meet in an economy that is rapidly slowing. So when the next recession strikes, could be as early as next year, consumers in Texas could be very screwed. 

            Residents in El Paso will likely be the most screwed in the next economic downturn. Already, the county’s delinquency rate on auto loans doubled from 2014 to 2018 and broke to new highs not seen since the last financial crisis. Other counties have also seen a meteoric rise in auto delinquencies since the oil bust. 

            “Of the Texas counties in this report, El Paso County experienced a particularly steep rise in serious auto debt delinquencies, with its rate nearly doubling from 2014 to 2018. Unlike other counties and the state at large, El Paso’s serious delinquency rate is currently past its peak during the Great Recession. A few possible factors are at play. First, the average car loan carried in El Paso County is higher than the other four counties, despite El Paso’s relatively low median household income. Secondly, since mid-2017, the performance of auto debt for prime borrowers in El Paso has worsened, while prime performance in other counties has remained relatively stable,” Dallas Fed wrote. 

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            Consumer credit trends in Texas are an eye-opener of what’s to come for the broad consumer in the US. The next recession will especially leave the millennial, which is currently strapped with insurmountable debts, financially paralyzed for a generation to come.

            Tyler Durden

            Mon, 10/28/2019 – 23:40

          • Pepe Escobar On Caliph Closure: "He Died Like A Dog!"
            Pepe Escobar On Caliph Closure: “He Died Like A Dog!”

            Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Saker blog,

            Trump’s victory-lap movie version buries the embarrassing story of deploying tanks to ‘protect’ Syrian oilfields…

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            What remained of the attack site. Photo: AFP

            “He died like a dog.” President Trump could not have scripted a better one-liner as he got ready for his Obama bin Laden close-up in front of the whole world.

            Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, fake caliph, ISIS/Daesh leader, the most wanted man on the planet, was “brought to justice” under Trump’s watch. The dead dog caliph is now positioned as the ultimate foreign policy winning trophy ahead of 2020 reelection.

            The climatic scenes of the inevitable-as-death-and-taxes movie or Netflix series to come are already written. (Trump: I “watched it like a movie.”) Cowardly uber-terrorist cornered in a dead-end tunnel, eight helicopter gunships hovering above, dogs barking in the darkness, three terrified children taken as hostages, coward detonates a suicide vest, tunnel collapses over himself and the children.

            A crack forensic team carrying samples of the fake caliph’s DNA apparently does its job in record time. The remains of the self-exploded target – then sealed in plastic bags – confirm it: it’s Baghdadi. In the dead of night, it’s time for the commando unit to go back to Irbil, a 70-minute flight over northeast Syria and northwest Iraq. Cut to Trump’s presser. Mission accomplished. Roll credits.

            This all happened at a compound only 300 meters away from the village of Barisha, in Idlib, rural northwest Syria, only 5km from the Syria-Turkish border. The compound is no more:  it was turned to rubble so it would not become a (Syrian) shrine for a renegade Iraqi.

            The caliph was already on the run, and arrived at this rural back of beyond only 48 hours before the raid, according to Turkish intelligence. A serious question is what he was doing in northwest Syria, in Idlib – a de facto cauldron-like Donbass in 2014 – which the Syrian army and Russian airpower are just waiting for the right moment to extinguish.

            There are virtually no ISIS/Daesh jihadis in Irbil, but lots of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, as in al-Qaeda in Syria, known inside the Beltway as “moderate rebels,” including hardcore Turkmen brigades previously weaponized by Turkish intel. The only rational explanation is that the Caliph might have identified this Idlib backwater near Barisha, away from the war zone, as the ideal under-the-radar passport to cross to Turkey.

            Russians knew?

            The plot thickens when we examine Trump’s long list of “thank yous” for the successful raid. Russia came first, followed by Syria – presumably Syrian Kurds, not Damascus – Turkey and Iraq. In fact, Syrian Kurds were only credited with “certain support,” in Trump’s words. Their commander Mazloum Abdi, though, preferred to extol the raid as a “historic operation” with essential Syrian Kurd intel input.

            In Trump’s press conference, expanding somewhat on the thank yous, Russia again came first (“great” collaboration) and Iraq was “excellent”: the Iraqi National Intelligence Service later commented on the break it had gotten, via a Syrian who had smuggled the wives of two of Baghdadi’s brothers, Ahmad and Jumah, to Idlib via Turkey.

            There’s no way US Special Forces could have pulled this off without complex, combined Turkish, Iraqi and Syrian Kurd intel. Additionally, President Erdogan accomplishes one more tactical masterpiece, juggling between performing the role of dutiful, major NATO ally while still allowing al-Qaeda remnants their safe haven in Idlib under the watchful eye of the Turkish military.

            Significantly, Trump said, about Moscow:

            “We told them, ‘We’re coming in’ … and they said, ‘Thank you for telling us.’” But, “they did not know the mission.”

            They definitely didn’t. In fact, the Russian Defense Ministry, via spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov, said it had “no reliable information about US servicemen conducting an operation to ‘yet another’ elimination of the former Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the Turkish-controlled part of the Idlib de-escalation zone.”

            And on Trump’s “we told them,” the Russian Defense Ministry was emphatic: “We know nothing about any assistance to the flight of US aircraft to the Idlib de-escalation zone’s airspace in the course of this operation.”

            According to ground sources in Syria, a prevalent rumor in Idlib is that the “dead dog” in Barisha could be Abu Mohammad Salama, the leader of Haras al-Din, a minor sub-group of al-Qaeda in Syria. Haras al-Din has not issued any statement about it.

            ISIS/Daesh anyway has already named a successor: Abdullah Qardash, aka Hajji Abdullah al-Afari, also Iraqi and also a former Saddam Hussein military officer. There’s a strong possibility that ISIS/Daesh and myriad subgroups and variations of al-Qaeda in Syria will now re-merge, after their split in 2014.

            Who gets the oil?

            There’s no plausible explanation whatsoever for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, for years, enjoying the freedom of shuttling back and forth between Syria and Iraq, always evading the formidable surveillance capabilities of the US government.

            Well, there’s also no plausible explanation for that famous convoy of 53 brand new, white Toyota Hi-Luxes crossing the desert from Syria to Iraq in 2014 crammed with flag-waving ISIS/Daesh jihadis on their way to capture Mosul, also evading the cornucopia of US satellites covering the Middle East 24/7.

            And there’s no way to bury the 2012 US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)  leaked memo that explicitly named “the West, Gulf monarchies, and Turkey” as seeking a “Salafist principality” in Syria (opposed, significantly, by Russia, China and Iran – the key poles of Eurasia integration).

            That was way before ISIS/Daesh’s irresistible ascension. The DIA memo was unmistakable: “If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).

            True, the fake caliph has been proclaimed definitely dead at least five times, starting in December 2016. Yet the timing, now, could not be more convenient.

            The facts on the ground, after the latest ground-breaking Russia-brokered deal between the Turks and the Syrian Kurds, graphically spell out the slow but sure restoration of Syria’s territorial integrity. There will be no balkanization of Syria. The last remaining pocket to be cleared of jihadis is Irbil.

            And then, there’s the oil question. The “died as a dog” movie literally buries – at least for now – an extremely embarrassing story: the Pentagon deploying tanks to “protect” Syrian oilfields. This is as illegal, by any possible interpretation of international law, as is, for that matter, the very presence in Syria of US troops, which were never invited by the government in Damascus.

            Persian Gulf traders told me that before 2011, Syria was producing 387,000 barrels of oil a day and selling 140,000 – the equivalent of 25.1% of Damascus’s income. Nowadays, the Omar, al-Shadaddi and Suwayda fields, in eastern Syria, would not be producing more than 60,000 barrels a day. Still, that’s essential for Damascus and for “the Syrian people” so admired within the Beltway – the legitimate owners of the oil.

            The mostly Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) did in fact take military control of Deir er-Zor when they were fighting ISIS/Daesh. Yet the majority of the local population is Sunni Arab. They will never tolerate any hint of a longtime Syrian Kurd domination – much less in tandem with a US occupation.

            Sooner or later the Syrian army will get there, with Russian air power support. The Deep State might, but Trump, in an electoral year, would never risk a hot war over a few, illegally occupied oilfields.

            In the end, the “died as a dog” movie can be interpreted as a victory lap, and the closure of a historical arc languishing since 2011. When he “abandoned” the Syrian Demoratic Forces Kurds, Trump effectively buried the Rojava question – as in an independent Syrian Kurdistan.

            Russia is in charge in Syria – on all fronts. Turkey got rid of its “terrorism” paranoia – always having to demonize the Syrian Kurd PYD and its armed wing YPG as a spin-off of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) separatists inside Turkey – and this may help to settle the Syrian refugee question. Syria is on the way to recover all its territory.

            The “died as a dog” movie can also be interpreted as the liquidation of a formerly useful asset that was a valued component of the gift that keeps on giving, the never-ending Global War on Terror. Other scarecrows, and other movies, await.

            Tyler Durden

            Mon, 10/28/2019 – 23:20


          • Meet Baghdadi's Alleged Terror Successor
            Meet Baghdadi’s Alleged Terror Successor

            A mere day after President Trump announced that ISIS terror leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died “like a dog” in a US raid in northwest Syria, and after spokesman for the group Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir was also taken out in a joint US-Kurdish SDF operation, the Islamic State is already reported to have named a successor. The now deceased al-Mhuhajir had also been widely reported as a potential Baghdadi successor. 

            Meet new ISIS chief Abdullah Qardash, according to Newsweek:

            Abdullah Qardash, sometimes spelled Kardesh and also known as Hajji Abdullah al-Afari, was said to have been nominated by Baghdadi in August to run the group’s “Muslim affairs” in a widely-circulated statement attributed to ISIS’ official Amaq news outlet, but never publicly endorsed by the group.

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            Abdullah Qardash (left) is the reported successor of Baghdadi. 

            Citing unnamed officials, the report describes “Baghdadi’s successor” as previously having been a high ranking military officer in Saddam Hussein’s Baathist Iraq:

            Though little is known about the former Iraqi military officer who once served under late leader Saddam Hussein, one regional intelligence official asking not to be identified by name or nation told Newsweek that Qardash would have taken over Baghdadi’s role — though it had lost much of its significance by the time of his demise.

            According to a number of reports, citing Middle East analysts, Baghdadi had been little more than a “figurehead” by the time of his death. 

            As Crisis Group think tank senior analyst Sam Heller observed “Baghdadi’s personal centrality to the organization’s success is unclear,” given that “the group seems to have invested in systematizing and institutionalizing itself in a way that could mitigate the loss of any single leader, even at the very top.”

            Thus Qardash’s own role and level of command at the top of the terror group, even if confirmed, remains unclear. Given ISIS has by now largely been driven ‘underground’ – splintered into local cells confined to northeast Syria and western Iraq, any ISIS ‘leader’ position could remain symbolic at best. 

            Meanwhile, some analysts and prominent ISIS-watchers are hotly disputing the accuracy of Newsweek’s claim that Qardash has taken Islamic State’s helm, though admitting he does hold “prominence” in the organization.  


            This after his name began circulating via jihadist terror media accounts in early August, and possibly even months prior as France 24 – which also contradicted the Newsweek report – relates:

            Speculation has abounded around a senior IS figure known as Abdullah Qardash – a former Iraqi military officer jailed with Baghdadi in the giant US-run Iraqi prison of Camp Bucca.

            A months-old statement attributed to IS propaganda arm Amaq but never officially adopted by the group said he was selected to replace Baghdadi even before Trump’s declared the self-proclaimed “caliph” dead.

            Abdullah Qardash’s prior role in the Iraqi military prior to 2003 is consistent with one dominant theory which has for years circulated among mainstream media pundits and academics — namely that ISIS’ prior rapid rise was due to its ranks being bolstered and led by Sunni former Iraqi intelligence and military officers, who after the US invasion fought coalition forces alongside al-Qaeda. 

            Tyler Durden

            Mon, 10/28/2019 – 23:00


          • OPCW Credibility Collapses As Even More Revelations Surface On Douma
            OPCW Credibility Collapses As Even More Revelations Surface On Douma

            Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

            During a recent BBC radio interview, award-winning journalist Jonathan Steele said that he attended a briefing by a new whistleblower from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) investigation into an alleged 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria, who claimed that the OPCW suppressed his findings which contradicted the organization’s official conclusion that a chlorine gas attack had taken place. This according to Steele is a second whistleblower coming forward on the OPCW’s Douma investigation, the first being the leaker of an Engineering Assessment document which surfaced this past May contradicting the OPCW’s official ballistics report which the organization hid from the public.

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            I have archived an audio recording of Steele’s statement here for posterity, since the BBC removes its content after a month. I have also compiled a timeline of relevant events here so that people can properly appreciate the significance of these new revelations.


            Steele made these comments unbidden by the show’s host Paul Henley. They read as follows (thanks to Tim Hayward of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media for the transcript):

            Jonathan Steele: “I was in Brussels last week … I attended a briefing by a whistleblower from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. He was one of the inspectors who was sent out to Douma in Syria in April last year to check into the allegations by the rebels that Syrian aeroplanes had dropped two canisters of chlorine gas, killing up to 43 people. He claims he was in charge of picking up the samples in the affected areas, and in neutral areas, to check whether there were chlorine derivatives there …

            Paul Henley: And?

            JS: … and he found that there was no difference. So it rather suggested there was no chemical gas attack, because in the buildings where the people allegedly died there was no extra chlorinated organic chemicals than in the normal streets elsewhere. And I put this to the OPCW for comment, and they haven’t yet replied. But it rather suggests that a lot of this was propaganda…

            PH: Propaganda led by?

            JS: … led by the rebel side to try and bring in American planes, which in fact did happen. American, British and French planes bombed Damascus a few days after these reports. And actually this is the second whistle blower to come forward. A few months ago there was a leaked report by the person who looked into the ballistics, as to whether these cylinders had been dropped by planes, looking at the damage of the building and the damage on the side of the cylinders. And he decided, concluded, that the higher probability was that these cylinders were placed on the ground, rather than from planes.

            PH: This would be a major revelation…

            JS: … it would be a major revelation …

            PH: … given the number of people rubbishing the idea that these could have been fake videos at the time.

            JS: Well, these two scientists, I think they’re non-political — they wouldn’t have been sent to Douma, if they’d had strong political views, by the OPCW. They want to speak to the Conference of the Member States in November, next month, and give their views, and be allowed to come forward publicly with their concerns. Because they’ve tried to raise them internally and been — they say they’ve been — suppressed, their views have been suppressed.


            Steele appears to be referring to a Courage Foundation panel meeting which convened in Brussels on October 15th, the findings of which were published the other day by the Courage Foundation and WikiLeaks, though it’s possible the briefing he refers to was a separate Brussels event around the same time. I’ve been unable to reach Steele for comment but will update with clarification if I can contact him.

            They are lying to us about what’s happening Syria. Shortly after the political/media class began blaring that Syrian president Bashar al-Assad had killed dozens of civilians with chemical weapons in April of last year, Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal wrote the following in an article for TruthDig:

            “In 2007, journalist James Bamford recalled how Americans had been subjected to ‘a long line of hyped and fraudulent stories that would eventually propel the U.S. into a war with Iraq — the first war based almost entirely on a covert propaganda campaign targeting the media.’ The dirty war on Syria represents an extension of that strategy, with the mainstream media operating hand in glove with insurgent-allied influence operations like the White Helmets to cultivate public support for another war of regime change.”

            Indeed, the narrative manipulation campaign against the Syrian government is historically unprecedented in its depth and scale. From bizarre narrative management operations posing as rescue services, to CNN staging a fake, scripted interview featuring a seven year-old Syrian girl blaming Assad for a chemical weapons attack, to the BBC’s manipulative and transparently bogus Saving Syria’s Children documentary, to the US-centralized empire’s increasingly evident influence over the OPCW, we’re seeing evidence of a campaign to distort the public understanding of what’s going on in a foreign nation the likes of which we’ve never before seen.

            Stay skeptical and remember Iraq. These new reports which keep surfacing on unacceptable practices by the OPCW are just one more piece on a mountain of evidence that whenever the political/media class and their hypnotized victims try to bully us into accepting the official narrative about a longtime target for regime change, we should stand firm and insist on an amount of proof which rises to the level required in a post-Iraq invasion world.

            The OPCW has a lot of questions to answer, especially since its findings have been cited as authoritative and conclusive in other high-profile events like the UK Skripal poisoning, as well as other incidents in Syria. Journalists like Steele and La Repubblica’s Stefania Maurizi have reported that the organization has been snubbing their requests for comment. Let’s hope the OPCW stops dodging journalists and moves toward bringing transparency and accountability to its processes.

            *  *  *

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            Tyler Durden

            Mon, 10/28/2019 – 22:40


          • HSBC CEO Vows To "Remodel" Bank After Profits Plunge 24%
            HSBC CEO Vows To “Remodel” Bank After Profits Plunge 24%

            With its largest and most important market, Hong Kong, in chaos, it’s hardly a surprise that HSBC, the nominally British lender which has its largest business footprint in Asia (particularly HK) reported a double-digit slump in pre-tax profits during Q3.

            The bank said net profit slumped 24% YoY to $3 billion, falling far short of what analysts had anticipated, according to the FT.

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            With few easy alternatives, and the situation in Hong Kong (particularly its housing market) looking increasingly uncertain, HSBC’s interim CEO Noel Quinn unveiled plans to “remodel” large parts of the bank, according to the FT.  Even amid fears that the HK unrest would hurt the bank, Quinn said its results in the region had been “resilient” in the face of these fears.

            Surprisingly (or maybe not), the weakness is coming from somewhere else: Europe.

            And so begins another restructuring initiative at another troubled European lender. Like Deutsche Bank, which is planning to shutter unprofitable businesses and re-focus resources, cutting what’s expected to be nearly 20,000 jobs in the process, HSBC will likely need to take drastic steps to truly reorient its business.

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            Though Quinn is only interim CEO, it looks like the bank means business with this initiative: The FT reported earlier this month that the bank’s plan to cut costs and divest businesses could lead to 10,000 job cuts.

            But on Monday, the bank took this a step further, and formally abandoned its main profitability target: to generate a return on tangible equity of more than 11% next year (it was 6.4% for Q32019).

            The bank blamed a “challenging” environment that meant “the outlook for revenue growth is softer.”

            In a video presentation posted to HSBC’s website, Quinn said “there are parts of our portfolio that are underperforming in terms of return. We need to urgently address that, move capital from those low-return portfolios and move it into the higher-return, higher-growth opportunities.”

            He added that the bank is still working on “detailed plans to make that happen.”

            We don’t know what those might be yet, but we’d venture a guess that thousands more European banking jobs will disappear before this is all over. And HSBC just might rethink its decision to remain domiciled in the UK.

            The bank’s HK-traded shares slumped more than 3% after its earnings report, adding to a double-digit decline over the past six months.


            191028 3q 2019 Earnings Release by Zerohedge on Scribd

            Tyler Durden

            Mon, 10/28/2019 – 22:20

          Digest powered by RSS Digest

          Today’s News 28th October 2019

          • In Stunning Loss For Merkel, CDU Is Surpassed By Populist AfD In Thuringia Elections
            In Stunning Loss For Merkel, CDU Is Surpassed By Populist AfD In Thuringia Elections

            Germany’s resurgent populist, anti-immigration party, AfD scored impressive gains on Sunday in the ex-communist eastern state of Thuringia, once again at the expense of legacy parties such as Angela Merkel’s centre-right CDU.

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            AfD leader Björn Höcke celebrating the party’s election results. Photo: DPA

            The election result showed that centrism is again foundering at the expense of extreme political ideologies: while the far-left Die Linke party easily won with about 30%, the Alternative for Germany came second with 23%, according to early exit polls, more than doubling its result in the previous election in 2014.

            Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU), which had always received the most votes since 1990, dipped massively on Sunday. The CDU, which ruled Thuringia without interruption from 1992 until 2014, plummeted 11% points from 2014 to 22.5%. At the same time, the populist right-wing AfD soared and looked set to narrowly surpass the CDU with 24%, the poll showed. The AfD also scored far ahead of Merkel’s coalition partners, the once powerful Social Democrats (SPD), who scored only 8%.


            “Since 1945, we have not had such a result, where the parties of the democratic center in Germany are unable to form a government,” CDU candidate Mike Mohring told reporters in Erfurt Sunday night. “This is a really bitter result.”

            It’s the latest sign of trouble for Merkel as her political career comes to an anticlimatic close. Europe’s largest economy has slowed sharply and will expand only a projected 0.5% this year, from 2.5% two years ago. At the same time, her designated successor, Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, has failed to gain traction in her party, while repeatedly stumbling as she seeks to win back voters from the far-right.

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            And while the incumbent Left party gained marginally to 29.5%, it lacks an absolute majority with its current coalition partners, the Social Democrats and the Greens.

            The result, according to Bloomberg, reflects “the increasingly splintered political spectrum in Germany, where traditional centrist parties have been losing steadily. In Thuringia it could result in a political stalemate and possible fresh elections down the road.”

            AfD’s strong showing came despite widespread criticism after an October 9th attack in the eastern city of Halle, where a suspected neo-Nazi gunman tried and failed to storm a synagogue then shot dead two people outside. After the bloody attack, the commissioner for combating anti-Semitism, Felix Klein, like many other critics, argued that the AfD had trafficked in incendiary anti-Jewish sentiment.

            The Thuringia campaign has been marked by anger, threats and recriminations, with CDU candidate Mike Mohring labelling the AfD’s local leader, the nationalist hardliner Björn Höcke, a “Nazi.” However, it now appears that generically labeling anyone you disagree with as “Hitler” doesn’t score you virtue signalling political brownie points any more, and in fact ends up pissing off voters.

            A triumphant Höcke told supporters on Sunday that the state, 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, had voted for a second revolution, a “Transition 2.0”, and delivered “a clear ‘no’ to the ossified party landscape”.

            As TheLocal notes, the rise of the AfD has made it harder for the other parties to form a governing coalition, boosting the likely role of smaller players with single-digit results such as the much reduced SPD and the Greens. The once powerful SPD plummeted to a new low of eght to 8.5%, compared to 12.4% in 2014. The Greens were at 5.5% (5.7 percent in 2014) and had to fear for their return to parliament. The FDP came in at 5.0 to 5.5 percent, close to the five-percent hurdle needed to enter parliament.

            More ominously for Germany’s establishment, the angrier the people get, the more they are likely to vote… and not for any of the establishment parties. Overall voter turnout rose significantly to around 66%, up from 52.7% in 2014.

            In Thuringia, the only state ruled by Die Linke, the post-election situation is complicated further by the CDU’s refusal to cooperate with the hard-left party, despite the relatively moderate stance of Ramelow, a folksy former trade union official.

            And while the AfD has struggled to make major inroads in the more wealthy “west”, in the eastern states of Saxony and Brandenburg last month, the AfD also scored above 20% to become the second-largest force. However, in both cases the mainstream parties kept a pact not to enter into government with the far-right party, a pledge they have also made in Thuringia.

            * * *

            The election in the state of just over two million people was closely watched as another snapshot of the mood in the AfD heartland, especially given the role of Höcke, a former history teacher considered extreme even within his party.

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            AfD supporters in Erfurt, Thuringia’s state capital.

            Höcke, 47, has labelled Berlin’s Holocaust memorial a “monument of shame” and called for a “180-degree shift” in Germany’s culture of remembrance of the crimes against humanity committed by the Nazi regime. Signalling political ambitions at the national level, Höcke has openly challenged the AfD’s senior leadership and was accused of a “personality cult” after marching into a hall escorted by flag-waving supporters. The CDU’s Mohring recently declared that “to me, Höcke is a Nazi”.

            With tensions running high on the campaign trail, police have been investigating death threats against Mohring and Greens co-leader Robert Habeck, and an arson attack on an AfD campaign truck.

            The AfD started out as a eurosceptic fringe party before reinventing itself as an anti-Islam, anti-refugee movement to capitalize on anger over a massive influx of asylum seekers in 2015. In effect, the dramatic ascent of the AfD is largely the result of Merkel’s own “Open Door” policices.

            Its populist message has resonated most strongly with voters in Germany’s former communist east where resentment lingers over lower wages and fewer job opportunities. Ramelow on the eve of the vote said that “the AfD claims to be the party that cares. But in reality, it is a party that knows nothing but outrage”.

            Tyler Durden

            Mon, 10/28/2019 – 02:45


          • The EU Is Rewriting WWII History to Demonize Russia
            The EU Is Rewriting WWII History to Demonize Russia

            Authored by Max Parry via,

            Last month, on the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, the European Parliament voted on a resolution entitled “On the Importance of European Remembrance for the Future of Europe.” The adopted document:

            2. Stresses that the Second World War, the most devastating war in Europe’s history, was started as an immediate result of the notorious Nazi-Soviet Treaty on Non-Aggression of 23 August 1939, also known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and its secret protocols, whereby two totalitarian regimes that shared the goal of world conquest divided Europe into two zones of influence;

            3. Recalls that the Nazi and communist regimes carried out mass murders, genocide and deportations and caused a loss of life and freedom in the 20th century on a scale unseen in human history, and recalls the horrific crime of the Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazi regime; condemns in the strongest terms the acts of aggression, crimes against humanity and mass human rights violations perpetrated by the Nazi, communist and other totalitarian regimes.

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            For 75 years, we have been told that the war started on September 1st, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland, even though the Pacific Theater between Japan and China began two years earlier. Now we are to understand that it actually began eight days prior when the German foreign minister visited Moscow. Take no notice of the inherent doublespeak in the premise that a war could be the consequence of a peace agreement, which without any evidence provided is said to have contained “secret protocols”, not provisions. You see, unlike the other pacts signed between European countries and Nazi Germany — such as the Munich Betrayal of 1938 with France and Great Britain to which the Soviets were uninvited while Austria and Czechoslovakia were gifted to Hitler for the courtesy of attacking Moscow –  Molotov-Ribbentrop was really a confidential agreement between Hitler and Stalin to conquer Europe and divide it between them.

            This is pure mythology. The fact of the matter is that neither the Soviets or even Germany drew the dividing line in Poland in 1939, because it was a reinstatement of the border acknowledged by the League of Nations and Poland itself as put forward by the British following WWI. Even Winston Churchill during his first wartime radio broadcast later that year admitted:

            Russia has pursued a cold policy of self-interest. We could have wished that the Russian Armies should be standing on their present line as the friends and allies of Poland, instead of as invaders. But that the Russian Armies should stand on this line was clearly necessary for the safety of Russia against the Nazi menace.

            Yet according to the EU, even though Moscow was the last country to agree to a peace deal with Hitler, it was all part of a hidden plot between them. In that case, why then did Germany choose to invade the USSR in 1941? The EU leaves this question unanswered. Forget about its racial policies of enslaving slavs or that Hitler openly declared in Mein Kampf that Germany needed to conquer the East to secure the LebensraumNevermind that in the Spring of 1941, less than two months before Operation Barbarossa, Stalin gave a speech to the Kremlin at a state banquet for recent graduates of the Frunze Military Academy to give warning of an imminent attack:

            War with Germany is inevitable. If comrade Molotov can manage to postpone the war for two or three months through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that will be our good fortune, but you yourselves must go off and take measures to raise the combat readiness of our forces.

            The EU has redacted that the entire reason for the signing of the Nazi-Soviet pact in August 1939 had been to buy time for the Red Army’s attrition warfare strategy to adequately prepare its armaments against a future invasion by the Wehrmacht. The Soviet leadership well understood that Germany would eventually renege on the agreement, considering that in 1936 it had signed the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan and Italy directed at the Communist International. For six years, the USSR was thwarted in its attempts to forge an equivalent anti-fascist coalition and to collectively defend Czechoslovakia by the British and the French, whose ruling classes were too busy courting and doing business with Germany. It had been the Soviets alone who defended the Spanish Republic from Franco in the final rehearsal before the worldwide conflict and only when all other recourses had run out did they finally agree to a deal with the Hitlerites.

            Just a week prior to the signing of the neutrality treaty, Stalin gave a secret speech to the Politburo where he explained:

            The question of war or peace has entered a critical phase for us. If we conclude a mutual assistance treaty with France and Great Britain, Germany will back off of Poland and seek a modus vivendi with the Western Powers. War would thus be prevented but future events could take a serious turn for the USSR. If we accept Germany’s proposal to conclude with it a non-aggression pact, Germany will then attack Poland and Europe will be thrown into serious acts of unrest and disorder. Under these circumstances we will have many chances of remaining out of the conflict while being able to hope for our own timely entrance into war.

            This latest resolution is part of a long pattern of misrepresentation of WWII by the Anglo-Saxon empire, but is perhaps its most egregious falsification that truly desecrates the graves of the 27 million Soviet citizens who were 80% of the total Allied death toll. Earlier this year, for the commemoration on the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings, Russia and its head of state were excluded from the events in Portsmouth, England. As if the ongoing absence of Western European leaders from the May 9th Victory Day ceremonies held annually in Russia weren’t insulting enough, while it’s true that the Eastern Front was not involved in Operation Overlord, Russian President Vladimir Putin had previously been in attendance at the 70th anniversary D-Day events in 2014. No doubt the increase in geopolitical tensions between the West and Moscow in the years since has given the EU license to write out Russia’s role in the Allied victory entirely with little public disapproval, though many of the families of those who volunteered in the International Brigades were rightly insulted by this tampering of history and voiced their objection.

            The EU motion‘s real purpose is to fabricate the war’s history by giving credit to the United States for the liberation of Europe while absolving the Western democracies that opened the door for the rise of fascism and tried to use Germany to annihilate the USSR. History itself should always be open to debate and subject to study and revision, but the Atlanticists have made this formal change without any evidence to support it and entirely for political purposes. Like the founding of the EU project itself, the declared aim of the proposal is supposedly to prevent future atrocities from taking place, even though the superstate was designed by former Nazis like Walter Hallstein, the first President of the European Commission, who was a German lawyer in several Nazi Party law organizations and fought for the Wehrmacht in France until his capture as a POW after the invasion of Normandy.

            Rather than preventing future crimes, the EU has committed one itself by deceptively modifying the historical record of communism to be parallel with that of the Third Reich. Even further, that they were two sides of the same coin of ‘totalitarianism’ and that for all the barbarity committed during the war, the Soviets were equally culpable — or judging by the amount of times the text cites the USSR versus Germany, even more so. It remains unclear whether we are now to completely disregard the previous conclusions reached by the military tribunals held by the Allies under international law at Nuremberg of which all 12 war criminals sentenced to death in 1946 were German, not Soviet. The document doesn’t even attempt to hide its politicized direction at the current government in Moscow, stating that:

            Russia remains the greatest victim of communist totalitarianism and that its development into a democratic state will be impeded as long as the government, the political elite and political propaganda continue to whitewash communist crimes and glorify the Soviet totalitarian regime.

            This accusation does not stand up to critical observation, as Russia has since erected official memorials to those executed and politically persecuted during the so-called ‘Great Terror.’ However, the stark difference between the EU resolution and the Wall of Grief in Moscow is that the latter is based on evidence from the Soviet archives. It has become a widespread and ridiculous belief in the West that Stalin somehow killed as much as five times as many people as Hitler, an absurdity not reflected in the now disclosed and once highly secretive Soviet archives, which after two decades of examination show that over a period of three decades from the early 1920s to his death in 1953, the total recorded number of Soviet citizens executed by the state was slightly less than 800,000. While that is certainly a horrid number, how does it even begin to compare to an industrial scale extermination based on the race theory?

            How can anyone believe Stalin killed tens of millions of people when even the most simple analysis of a population demographics chart shows that the Soviet population rate consistently increased each decade with the only reduction taking place during WWII as a result of their casualties? Socialists, who perhaps more than any other political tendency seem to suffer from autophobia, should defend their own history from such falsification. It is only when flaws occur under communist states that the entire political and economic system is to be denounced outright, but never capitalism which for five centuries has colonized half the world while enslaving and killing entire nations.

            Most of the wildly exaggerated death figures stem from falsities written in The Black Book of Communism by a group of right-wing French academics in 1997,who did not conceal their apologism for the Nazi collaborationist self-proclaimed Russian Liberation Army (ROA) commanded by Gen. Andrey Vlasov who defected to Germany during the war:

            A singular fate was reserved for the Vlasovtsy, the Soviet soldiers who had fought under the Soviet general Andrei Vlasov. Vlasov was the commander of the Second Army who had been taken prisoner by the Germans in July 1942. On the basis of his anti-Stalinist convictions, General Vlasov agreed to collaborate with the Nazis to free his country from the tyranny of the Bolsheviks.

            The other highly cited work by the West for its overestimated portrayal of Soviet repression is the equally unreliable The Gulag Archipelago volumes by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who as historian Ludo Martens noted also attempted to provide justification for Vlasov’s treason in his best-selling 1973 work:

            And so it was that Vlasov’s Second Shock Army perished, literally recapitulating the fate of Samsonov’s Russian Second Army in World War I, having been just as insanely thrown into encirclement. Now this, of course, was treason to the Motherland! This, of course, was vicious, self-obsessed betrayal! But it was Stalin’s. Treason does not necessarily involve selling out for money. It can include ignorance and carelessness in the preparations for war, confusion and cowardice at its very start, the meaningless sacrifice of armies and corps solely for the sake of saving one’s own marshal’s uniform. Indeed, what more bitter treason is there on the part of a Supreme Commander in Chief?

            The truth is located in the Soviet archives which indicate that Stalin’s successor, the Ukrainian-born Nikita Khrushchev, was as intent on absolving the entirety of the Soviet leadership as himself from any culpability in the purges of the 1930s so that blame for its excesses were placed squarely on his predecessor. In succession, Western historians like the British Foreign Office propagandist Robert Conquest followed his example and this account quickly became official doctrine. In hindsight, Khrushchev’s infamous 1956 secret speech, “On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences”, was what planted the seeds of self-doubt in the Soviet system that would eventually lead to its undoing decades later. To the contrary, what the historical records show is most of those who were purged in that period were not necessarily perceived as political threats to Stalin himself, but were targeted because of an overall systemic paranoia held by the entire Soviet government regarding internal sabotage and counter-revolutionary activity by a real fifth column getting inspiration from a certain traitorous former Bolshevik in exile and a potential invasion originating from outside the country.

            Many forget that during the Russian Civil War, exactly such a scenario had occurred when the Allies of World War I, including the United States, collectively intervened on the side of the Whites only to be driven out by the Red Army, making such fearful instincts not entirely unreasonable. Not to mention, the rapid industrialization of the entire nation in a single decade while in preparation for the growing threat of war with Germany. When Hitler began his Masterplan for the East, their worst fears came to fruition when tens of thousands of Banderite turncoats enlisted in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) in Ukraine to collaborate with the German occupiers in the slaughter of their fellow countrymen and after the war ended, continued their treasonous struggle during the 1950s with assistance from the CIA. So the saying goes, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you…

            As for the accusation of “whitewashing”, it is true that recent polls indicate that 70% of Russians today hold a favorable view of Stalin — but just as many are nostalgic for communism itself and regret the breakup of the USSR on the basis that the socialist system ‘took care of ordinary people.’ Putin did once remark that despite Stalin’s legacy of repression, he doubted that the native Georgian statesman would have been willing to drop two atomic bombs on Japan like the United States, an atrocity that killed 225,000 innocent civilians (most of them instantly) which is more than a quarter of those capitally punished during the entire Stalin era. Was he wrong to say so? A significant amount of deaths also occurred in the Soviet-wide famines of the 1930s, but there is significantly more evidence to suggest that the British deliberately starved 3 million Bengalis to death then there is to support the Holodomor fraud concocted by the Ukrainian nationalist diaspora. If the West wants to talk about deliberate starvation, it should take a look at what the U.S. did with its economic sanctions in the 1990s killing half a million Iraqi children which former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright famously described as “worth it.”

            This isn’t the first time the Anglosphere has historically omitted the Soviet role in the Allied victory or conflated the USSR with the Third Reich. On previous occasions the European Parliament has issued resolutions declaring August 23rd “a European day of remembrance of the victims of the Nazi-Soviet alliance.” This is all an attempt by the Atlanticists to depict communism as somehow worse than fascism while disconnecting the Nazis from the lineage of European settler colonialism whose racism was its source of inspiration. Why is that which befell the Jews not considered an extension of what was already done to the Herero-Nama tribes for which Namibia is now suing Germany a century later?

            The neoliberal political establishment in Europe and its anti-EU populist opponents are fond of appearing dead-set against one another, but it seems they share the same fairytale beliefs about WWII that the Nazis and Soviets were equivalent evils as inscribed in this latest decree. It has always been ironic that the liberal billionaire “philanthropist” and currency manipulator George Soros is so derided by right-wing populists when it was his Open Society Institute NGOs which engineered the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. Soros may be averse to the anti-immigrant brand of right-wing nationalism currently on the rise in Western Europe, but as a fanatical Russophobe he is willing to make strange bedfellows with ultra-nationalists in Kiev to undermine Moscow’s sphere of influence and that includes revising WWII history to a version favored by the Banderites which took power during the pro-EU 2014 coup d’etat in Ukraine.

            The Nazi junta regime in Kiev has since instituted Russophobic ‘de-communization’ laws erasing the remaining traces of Ukraine’s Soviet past while replacing them with memorials to their wartime foes. A recent example was the city of Vinnitsa renaming a street that paid tribute to the Soviet spy and war hero Richard Sorge to that after Omelyan Hrabetsk, a commander of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army which cooperated with Germany during the war and killed thousands of Poles and Jews. Sorge posed as a German journalist in Tokyo and famously provided timely intelligence to Moscow that Japan did not plan to attack the USSR, allowing Stalin to transfer essential reinforcements to the Battle of Moscow which proved to be a major turning point in the war. He was executed by the Japanese in 1944 and posthumously awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union.

            Now the EU is ‘decommunizing’ history in its own legislation. Meanwhile, Soros’s influence over the EU cannot be overstated as his lobbying power has enabled him to provide direct council to its executive branch more than any official head of state in the political and economic union. The hedge fund tycoon made a fortune as an investor during Russia’s mass privatization in the 1990s after enlisting Jeffrey Sachs and the IMF to apply ‘shock therapy’ to its economy as it did in Poland and his native Hungary. Under Putin, however, Soros’s NGOs have since been barred from Russia. Perhaps the reason he can so cynically provide support to fascist elements in Ukraine to undercut Moscow is that he did so personally in his upbringing in Hungary.

            Born Gyorgy Schwartz, during WWII he was a teenager from an affluent Jewish family which survived the Axis occupation by using their wealth to bribe a government official from the collaborationist Arrow Cross government who provided the Soros’s forged documents identifying them as Christians, while the adolescent by his own admission delivered deportation notices to other Jews. A short time later, the young Soros impersonated the adopted gentile son of an official who inventoried the stolen valuables and property from Jewish estates and even accompanied him during his work. One would assume as a Jew he would have been haunted by these experiences, but Soros has repeatedly stated he has no regrets and even disturbingly compared it to his future work as an investor.

            Like Soros, the EU has no ideology except an unquenchable thirst for greed and is fond of Nazis when they are the kind that hate Russia. For its own political interests, it is willing to dangerously foster a version of history invented by a rebranded far right where the quislings who collaborated with the Axis powers elude guilt and the Soviets who courageously defeated them are maliciously slandered. Fascism was never fully eradicated only because the West continued to nurture it during the Cold War and even now that capitalism has been reinstated in Eurasia, it continues to do so to undermine a resurgent Moscow on the world stage.

            As the world appears increasingly on the brink of WWIII, one is reminded of the expression by Karl Marx who famously stated that “history repeats itself…first as tragedy, then as farce” in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon, when comparing Napoleon Bonaparte’s seizure of power in the French Revolution with the coup by his nephew half a century later which brought an end to the French Revolution. Equally fitting is the humorous line by the legendary writer and noted anti-imperialist Mark Twain who reputedly said, “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.”

            Both are applicable to the unquestionable tragedy of WWII and the farcical mockery of its history by the EU whose policies continue to make another global conflict that much more likely.

            Tyler Durden

            Mon, 10/28/2019 – 02:00


          • Innovation BIS 2025: A Stepping Stone Towards An Economic "New World Order"
            Innovation BIS 2025: A Stepping Stone Towards An Economic “New World Order”

            Authored by Steven Guinness,

            The IMF’s annual meetings held in Washington DC last week demonstrated that when the institution issues new economic projections or warnings of a downturn, the mainstream press are not averse to giving them prominent coverage. After the Fund was founded in 1944 (off the back of World War Two), it became part of what internationalists call the ‘rules based global order‘. For 75 years, the IMF has been regarded by the political establishment and banking elites as a lynch pin of the world financial system.

            Contrary to what some may believe, the IMF was not the first global monetary institution.

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            That accolade belongs to the Swiss based Bank for International Settlements, which predates the IMF by fourteen years. Its creation in 1930 was, according to the BIS, primarily to settle reparation payments ‘imposed on Germany following the First World War‘. Without WWI – a major crisis event – there would have been no mandate for the BIS to exist. Much as there would have been no mandate for the IMF to exist were it not for the spectre of WWII.

            As well as settling German reparation payments, the BIS was also recognised from the outset as a forum for central bankers – the first of its kind – where they could speak candidly and direct the course of global monetary policy.

            The board of directors at the BIS is taken up predominantly by the heads of the leading central banks in the world. Right now the governor of the German Bundesbank Jens Weidmann is chairman of the board. As public servants they gather in Basel every eight weeks or so for a series of bimonthly meetings, the discussions from which ordinary citizens are not privy to.

            In 2013 author Adam Labor published a book called ‘The Tower of Basel‘ which analysed certain key figureheads behind the early years of the BIS. What Labor detailed is how many of them were integral members of the Nazi regime.

            Hjalmar Schacht, who through his role as Reichsbank President from 1933 to 1939 was Hitler’s finance minister, was a BIS director. Schacht was tried and acquitted of war crimes following WWII.

            Walther Funk, a former Nazi economics minister and Reichsbank President from 1939 to 1945, was also a BIS director. Funk was initially sent to prison for war crimes before being released in 1957. As Labor documented, Funk worked closely with Heinrich Himmler, who was chief of the SS (Schutzstaffel). Funk was also a pioneer of a 1940 paper called, ‘Economic Reorganisation of Europe‘, which was endorsed by the Nazi leadership and is stored in the BIS archive.

            Emil Puhl, Funk’s deputy, was vice president of the Reichsbank during WWII and a BIS director. Like Funk, Puhl was convicted as a war criminal.

            Kurt von Schroder, convicted of crimes against humanity after WWII, was a BIS director.

            Then there is Karl Blessing, dubbed as Hjalmar Schacht’s protege, who worked at the BIS in the 1930s and eventually became President of the Bundesbank and a BIS director in 1958. Blessing was imprisoned following WWII but not charged with war crimes.

            Labor made the observation that ‘the parallels between the plans of the Nazi leadership for a postwar European economy and the subsequent process of European monetary and economic integration were real‘. In other words, the objectives of post WWII internationalists mirrored those of the Nazi regime.

            And as Labor pointed out, the BIS ‘runs like a thread through both‘.

            Labor also rightfully stated that after 1945, it was former Nazi’s that took many of the key positions of power in the new Germany. Industrialists at the time saw this as a price worth paying in order to rebuild Germany’s economy.

            Study the history of European monetary integration and you will find that the BIS have featured prominently to bring it about. One example is the 1989 Delors Report. Drafted at the BIS, it mapped out plans for a European Monetary Union. One of the leading men behind the report, by dint of his position on the Delors Committee, was the then BIS General Manager Alexandre Lamfalussy.

            With the evidence at hand, it is undeniable that the BIS stand at the heart of the European integration project. The fact that they were exposed for accepting looted Nazi gold in the run up to WWII, and that their actions served to finance Hitler’s war machine, have largely been ignored.

            To this day, the BIS receives scant coverage within the media. Their latest initiative, ‘Innovation BIS 2025‘, is a case in point. First outlined in March 2019 by General Manager Agustin Carstens, it is a ‘medium-term strategy‘ comprising three elements which the BIS summarise as follows:

            1. Identify and develop in-depth insights into critical trends in technology affecting central banking

            2. Develop public goods in the technology space geared towards improving the functioning of the global financial system

            3. Serve as a focal point for a network of central bank experts on innovation

            It was not until the end of June 2019, in line with the publication of the BIS Annual Economic Report, that the project was ratified by the BIS board of directors. ‘Innovation BIS 2025‘ had now grown to encompass plans for a ‘BIS innovation Hub.’ The accompanying press release mentioned how the hub will ‘foster international collaboration on innovative financial technology‘.

            General Manager Carstens commented that the BIS would now work ‘on a set of projects that reflects the innovation priorities of the central banking community.’

            These priorities include the progression of Fintech and global reforms to national payment systems. The BIS narrative of questioning the role of ‘money in the digital age‘, which began in the wake of Brexit and Donald Trump’s presidency, is central to these ambitions.

            Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, a leading proponent of the project, believes that closer collaboration between central banks via the Hub will ‘help the private sector to fully realise these major opportunities.’

            As I will be looking at in future articles, private sector companies are due to play an instrumental part in the drive towards the full digitisation of money and the prospect of central bank digital currency.

            After the Innovation Hub was approved, the BIS ran a series of job advertisements for the initiative. The deadline for these adverts have now expired, but one role listed was for the Head of the BIS Innovation Hub. A five year term located in Basel (which would culminate just as the BOE and the Fed bring new payment systems online), one of the leading requirements was for the successful applicant to possess at least ten years experience in a senior position within Fintech, central banking, economic research or the financial industry. So far the BIS have yet to announce the management make up of the Hub. One possible candidate is Mark Carney, who will step down as BOE governor on January 31st next year.

            The first phase of implementation for ‘Innovation BIS 2025‘ will begin with three hubs, two of which will be located in Hong Kong and Singapore. This reflects the BIS wanting to broaden their presence in the East. The process has already started, as in September 2019 the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) signed an operational agreement on conceiving an Innovation Hub in Hong Kong.

            Quickly following on from this announcement was a second operational agreement, this time between the Swiss National Bank (SNB) and the BIS. This completes plans for the first phase of implementation. The second phase, which as yet does not have a reported time scale, will see Hub’s brought to be across the Americas and Europe.

            In the press release for the Swiss Hub, it expands on the motivations behind Innovation BIS 2025:

            The Swiss Centre will initially conduct research on two projects. The first of these will examine the integration of digital central bank money into a distributed ledger technology infrastructure. This new form of digital central bank money would be aimed at facilitating the settlement of tokenised assets between financial institutions. Tokens are digital assets that can be transferred from one party to another. The project will be carried out as part of a collaboration between the SNB and the SIX Group in the form of a proof of concept.

            The SIX group referenced in the above passage is a financial service provider that runs the infrastructure of Switzerland’s financial system.

            Of greatest concern here is the explicit mention of integrating central bank digital money into a DLT framework. This is something I wrote extensively about in a series of articles in August and September. The rise of distributed ledger, and making the technology compatible with payment systems, is crucial to central banks realising their aims of implementing a cashless society. I would contend that this is why the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve are in the midst of reforming their systems.

            To examine more the motives for creating the Hub, Agustin Carstens gave two speeches within the first eleven days of October. The first of these was titled, ‘The new BIS strategy – bringing the Americas and Basel closer together.‘ Carstens spoke of how innovation and technology are ‘reshaping the financial landscape‘, and how ‘the scars left by the financial crisis‘ and the ‘post – crisis environment‘ mean it is necessary to reform the way the central banking community operates.

            In relation to the ‘post – crisis environment‘, Carstens said:

            The uncertainty stemming from the return of protectionism and the resulting trade tensions is not at all helping the economic outlook.

            Against this background, technological innovation is changing banks’ business models and affecting the financial sector and the economy as a whole.

            So the uncertainty and division generated through a volatile geopolitical climate is coinciding with the technological innovation that the BIS and their members want to utilise as part of an agenda to make all assets intangible i.e. the end of physical notes and coins.

            Amidst this volatility, the BIS clearly see an opportunity:

            In the light of the new challenges facing the central banking community, the BIS has reassessed the way it is fulfilling its mission.

            Our work will focus on the implications of technological innovation for central banks, the financial system and the economy at large.

            Prevailing geopolitical conditions are enabling the BIS to advance their goals through Innovation BIS 2025. This is why I have long argued that the rise in protectionism, which by extension is aligned to resurgent nationalism / populism, are not detrimental to central banks. ‘Crisis management‘, as Carstens refers to in his speech, is paramount to internationalists. Economic crisis is beneficial provided the BIS and fellow global bodies are tasked with ‘managing‘ the fallout. Notice how they concentrate their efforts on management rather than resolution. Each outbreak of crisis is in effect an opportunity, which is perhaps why no sustained effort goes into resolving fundamental flaws within the system.

            Carstens second speech, ‘Central bank innovation – from Switzerland to the world‘, tells us a little bit more about the ‘BIS 2025 strategy‘:

            In our previous medium term-plan, the emphasis was mainly on addressing the challenges associated with the aftermath of the Great Financial Crisis. In this post-crisis environment, amid rapid economic and technological change, the needs of central banks and other financial authorities have evolved.

            He talks of how the advancement of technology is a ‘critical driver behind the design of our strategy‘. The BIS is therefore fully committed to ‘continuous innovation and to preparing ourselves for the challenges of tomorrow‘.

            The Hub is in its infancy, but as Carstens makes known, as it gathers in knowledge and experience, ‘a home-grown agenda will quickly be developed.’ This is one reason why the first European base will be located in Switzerland, the home of the BIS. But I suspect the primary reason, outlined by Carstens, is due to start up Fintech firms in Switzerland being ‘supported by amendments to the Swiss legal framework that facilitate the use of new technologies in the financial sector.’

            An interesting aside is that the Swiss National Bank was one of the first central banks to introduce the concept of the real-time gross settlement system – the same system which is now ripe for international reform to accommodate Fintech.

            It was in this speech that Carstens described the BIS as ‘the world’s oldest international financial institution and remains the principal centre for international central bank cooperation.’ This understates the BIS somewhat. Where they stand is at the apex of the world financial system. And they manage to achieve this away from the glare of the world’s media, in spite of their history.

            Innovation BIS 2025 is the next step in the quest to harmonise digital technology like distributed ledger with the next generation of payment systems, thus endangering the existence of physical money. As the world grows more unstable both economically and politically, central banks, in league with the private sector, will seek to take advantage of perpetual crisis to achieve their ends.

            The longer the BIS remains in the shadows, the more likely their initiative is to succeed.

            Tyler Durden

            Mon, 10/28/2019 – 00:10

          • Argentina Imposes Draconian Capital Controls As Peronists Return To Power After Macri Defeat
            Argentina Imposes Draconian Capital Controls As Peronists Return To Power After Macri Defeat

            It’s time for Paul Singer to start buying up Argentina bonds again, and confiscating ships again.

            Late on Sunday, Argentina’s Mauricio Macri conceded defeat in the country’s presidential elections, setting up a return to power for the populist Peronist party that has governed Latin America’s third-largest economy for much of the past three decades. The outcome of the elections became obvious back in August when Macri was trounced in the primaries, triggering a collapse in the peso and a plunge in local bonds amid fears the new government would default on existing debt despite the IMF’s largest ever bailout package.

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            Alberto Fernández becomes Argentina’s new president.

            Alberto Fernández, 60, who was the former cabinet chief from 2003 to 2008, won with 47.8% of the vote together with his vice presidential mate, former Argentina ruler, Christina Fernandez Kirchner, while Macri’s centre-right coalition received 40.7%, with nearly 88 per cent of the ballots counted.

            As the FT notes, the remarkable Peronist victory justified former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s surprising decision to invite the lesser known and more moderate Fernández, who is no relation, to run for the presidency, while she ran for vice-president. The strategy enabled the reunification of Peronism after it was deeply divided just two years ago — when the two Fernándezes were not even on speaking terms.

            The triumphant Peronist return is not just in the presidency: early results suggest that the Peronists and the center-right opposition will have similar representation in the lower house of congress and a third of the senate, with each group controlling almost half of both chamber.

            As for Macri, whose brief stint at the top in Argentina led to an unprecedented crisis and a revulsion to so-called market-friendly, if utterly incompetent, centrists, said that “this is just the beginning” as he conceded defeat in an emotional address to his supporters, although it wasn’t clear what exactly “this” was the beginning of. “More united than ever, we are going to be there to defend the values that we believe in . . . we are going to continue working for Argentines through a healthy, constructive and responsible opposition.”

            Yeah, good luck with that.

            The new Peronist government will inherit an economy in crisis, on the brink of its ninth debt default, in recession and with inflation at around 55 per cent. Although Mr Macri also faced a disastrous economic situation when he took power four years ago, most headline macroeconomic statistics are now considerably worse after a bruising currency crisis that forced Argentina to seek a record $57bn bailout from the IMF.

            Ironically, it was another peronist government that blew up the IMF back in 2001, when Argentina, during what would later be known as its Great Depression, defaulted on about $130 billion in debt, which at the time was a seventh of all the money borrowed by the developing world. This time it will be even worse, and the IMF has already alllocated over $50 billion to the local economy to boot.

            And since Argentina’s capital markets were already Hasenstabbed in August, when its bonds and currency imploded, and the monetary policymakers knew what to expect, moments ago the Argentinian central bank announced it would hold a press conference at 830am on Monday, ahead of which it imposed draconian capital controls, limiting dollar purchases to just $200 per person per month, down from $10,000.

            Tyler Durden

            Sun, 10/27/2019 – 23:45


          • Putin Derangement Syndrome: Craziester And More Craziester
            Putin Derangement Syndrome: Craziester And More Craziester

            Authored by Patrick Armstrong via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

            Remember the Spinal Tap scene where the witless band member explains that because their numbers go to 11 they can always get that little bit extra? Putin Derangement Syndrome went past 11 a long time ago: we need a whole new set of superlatives, “craziest” just won’t do any more.

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            After writing this compendium of nonsense about Putin from Western sources in 2015, I ran a short series on Putin Derangement Syndrome; I gave up when Putin Derangement Syndrome and Trump Derangement Syndrome merged into a crescendo of craziness, far past what I could have imagined.

            (And Trump Derangement Syndrome is also passed 11 – “Why Ivanka Trump’s new haircut should make us very afraid“.)

            In the past, American hysteria campaigns against the enemy-of-the-moment ended when their target did. Noriega went to jail, Milosevic died in jail, Hussein and Qadaffi were killed, bin Laden was killed, Aidid – but who remembers him? The frenzy built up and up and stopped at the end before it got to 11. But Putin is still there and growing stronger by the moment. And the frenzy therefore has to go past 10, past 11 and ever upwards. One of the craziest (to say nothing of disgusting) things was this absurd cartoon from the (formerly) staid NYT. But that was a whole year ago.

            No longer bare chests, Aspergers, big fish, gunslinger walks – in 2015 they were laughing; today Putin has super powers. Two events sent it past 11. Somebody leaked e-mails from the DNC showing that it was rigging the nomination for Clinton and she lost a 99% certain election. Immediately, her campaign settled on blaming Russia for both.

            That strategy had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech. [9 November 2016] Mook and Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument. (From Shattered, quoted here.)

            The bogus – bogus because most of the people on his team were part of the conspiracy and knew there was no collusion – Mueller investigation dragged on until – despite the endless “bombshells” – it finally stopped. But the crazies insist… not guilty but… not exonerated! And Trumputin’s principal conspiracist rants on.

            Wikipedia tells us that “A conspiracy theory is an explanation of an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by sinister and powerful actors, often political in motivation, when other explanations are more probable.” The CIA, referring to the Kennedy assassination, is said to have coined the expression in 1967. The “trusted source” media (an description it likes to award itself) is dead set against “conspiracy theories” and quick to denounce them as crazyprejudiced and criminalFor example, Trump’s statement that Mueller was a hitman, is a “conspiracy theory” as are Trump’s ideas about the Bidens and Ukraine.

            Everything I mention below comes from “trusted sources”. Therefore we must assume that all of them – Putin wants Trump to buy Greenland, Russians want to get Americans arguing about pizza, Russians have no moral sense and all the rest – are not “conspiracy theories” but honestly “more probable”.

            Mere evidencefor example that the DOJ Admits FBI Never Saw Crowdstrike Report on DNC Russian Hacking Claim… or No Evidence – Blame Russia: Top 5 Cases Moscow Was Unreasonably Accused of Election Meddling or U.S. States: We Weren’t Hacked by Russians in 2016 or The Myth of Russian Media Influence by Larry C Johnson.. or Biden admitting to doing what USA Today insists is nothing but a conspiracy theory invented by Trump makes no difference. The dial is turned up one more and we are solemnly and (incoherently – Paul Robinson again) warned that Russia might/could meddle in Canada’s forthcoming election.

            Anti-Russia prejudice can have unhappy consequences. We have just learned that Putin phoned Bush a couple of days before 911 to warn him that something long-prepared and big was coming out of Afghanistan. Other Russian warnings had been dismissed by Condoleezza Rice – supposedly a Russia “expert” – as “Russian bitterness toward Pakistan for supporting the Afghan mujahideen”. One is reminded of Chamberlain’s dismissal of Stalin’s attempts to form an anti-Hitler alliance because of his “most profound distrust of Russia” (see Habakkuk comment). In some alternate universe they listened to Moscow in the 1930s and in the 2000s, but, in the one we live in, they didn’t. And they don’t.

            Or maybe (foolish optimism!) this is starting to end: after all, it’s been a complete failure. I especially enjoyed the NYT, that bastion of the Russian-conspiracy/Putin-superpowers/Trump-treason meme, solemnly opining: “That means President Trump is correct to try to establish a sounder relationship with Russia and peel it away from China. But his approach has been ham-handed and at times even counter to American interests and values.” Ham-handed! – here’s the NYT’s view of the Trump-Putin “love affair” again if you missed it the first time. And now it’s Trump’s fault that relations with Russia aren’t better! French President Macron has recently said that “I believe we should rebuild and revise the architecture of trust between Russia and the European Union.” And Trump rather brutally delivered the message to Ukraine’s new president that he ought to talk to Putin.

            Well, we’ll see. Russophobia runs deep and the Russians have probably got the message. As long as we’re stuck in a mindset of “Nine Things Russia Must Do Before Being Allowed to Rejoin the G7” it’s not going to change. An arrogant invitation is not an invitation.

            Tyler Durden

            Sun, 10/27/2019 – 23:20

          • Commuters Already Hate New Jersey's New "American Dream" Megamall
            Commuters Already Hate New Jersey’s New “American Dream” Megamall

            The 2.9 million square foot “American Dream” retail complex, located in New Jersey about 8 miles outside of Manhattan, has only been open for about 24 hours and has already managed to piss off a handful of commuters.

            The planned opening of the complex on Friday caused aggravation for some New York City commuters who found that, as a result of the mall’s big day, their usual bus boarding gates had been switched without notice, according to Bloomberg.

            On Friday, about two dozen riders were redirected from their usual boarding areas, leaving many commuters “fuming” about a lack of notice of the change. According to New Jersey Transit, nine routes will have new permanent gates as a result of the changes, all effective immediately. 

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            Recall, on Thursday of last week we detailed how the the “American Dream” retail complex was set to open after 16 years of “false starts and multiple developers”. 

            Malls have, for better or worse, become part of the fabric of New Jersey, with even a 1994 State Supreme Court ruling calling them “traditionally the home of free speech” in the state.

            New Jersey malls are also notorious for their drama and the $5 billion behemoth – complete with its 450 shops and restaurants, amusement parks, ice rink and ski area – is likely going to carry the torch of that tradition forward. 

            There’s still skepticism about the mall’s location and long-term viability, however, especially since the project has hit endless setbacks and hangups since first being conceptualized 17 years ago, long before the current “age of Amazon”. 

            Retail historian Michael Lisicky said: “I looked at it almost like a freak show when it was under construction. This is the American dream, having what looks like a dog’s breakfast in the middle of the Meadowlands, that is of questionable ecological health? Then topping it off with a retail component closed on Sundays?”

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            Robert Kugler, a 46-year-old author and publisher from Virginia who has a shore home in New Jersey, said: “I can’t think of a reason I’d ever go to East Rutherford ever again in my life unless I was going to see the Eagles play.”

            George Ritzer, a University of Maryland sociology professor who came up with the term “cathedrals of consumption” said: “What the new mall is trying to be is a spectacle — a number of different spectacles.”

            And New Jersey malls are no stranger to spectacles. For example, in 2016, a costumed Easter Bunny at Newport Centre in Jersey City was smacked by an irate parent – and the video went viral on YouTube. 

            Lisicky said: “You’ve got to love these quirks of New Jersey. Maybe American Dream is going to be one of those quirks.”

            Tyler Durden

            Sun, 10/27/2019 – 22:50

          • The Forgotten Media Purges Of The Great Depression
            The Forgotten Media Purges Of The Great Depression

            Authored by Steve Penfield via The Unz Review,

            Republican Hoover built the federal broadcasting shield in 1927. Roosevelt fashioned it into a weapon in 1934 and Democrats have never put it down since. One might consider the elaborate FCC speech barriers: A Poll Tax on Public Debate

            One of the more enduring myths accepted as reality in our modern society is that America has a relatively free press. The ruling authorities and their entrenched accomplices promote that lie as diligently as they work to ensure that it never again becomes true.

            America did have a mostly free and independent press until the rise of broadcasting in the 1920s. Within a few years, a small group of Republicans, progressives and corporate interests successfully nationalized the airwaves with restrictive licensing that blocked competition, rewarded insiders and squelched dissent.

            Over the next few decades, the increasingly powerful medium of radio and then television drowned out the previously broad spectrum of information and ideas—with often three or more diverse choices of daily newspapers in many U.S. cities—and turned free speech into carefully rationed federal broadcasting privileges, their anointed urban newspaper monopolies and a few approved magazines.

            One of the more ironic parts of this forgotten history is that a Republican, Herbert Hoover, led the initial charge to politicize the press. When the more authoritarian FDR took the reins in 1933—holding onto power until his death in 1945—he would ultimately purge the airwaves as well as the newspaper and magazine stands of the nation’s greatest commentators, publishers, editors and writers. In their absence, only pro-war / pro-welfare state neo-liberals and neo-conservatives would survive in mainstream media for generations to come.

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            March 1919 post-WWI military parade. New York Gov. Al Smith (far left), Bill Hearst (center), Franklin Roosevelt (far right).

            During Roosevelt’s tenure in office, administration officials and prominent associates would wage a scorched-earth campaign against any independent voice of dissent while generously rewarding supporters. Popular radio talk-show hosts Father Charles Coughlin and Boake Carter were dramatically forced off the air. New Republiccolumnist and author John Flynn was successfully targeted for censorship by FDR himself. Independent newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst, a lifelong Democrat who initially supported FDR but later soured to New Deal abuses, was vilified and marginalized. Robert “Colonel” McCormick of the Chicago Tribunegot roughed up by Roosevelt’s cronies in a similar fashion.

            (Anti-New Deal publishers Hearst and McCormick were so popular with the general public that their newspaper “holdings comprised over 50 percent of the country’s Sunday circulation” according to pro-FDR media historian Betty Houchin Winfield. Once those independent newsmen’s reputations were destroyed, establishment papers in New York and Washington D.C. would come into prominence.)

            The Hollywood studios of Walt Disney were occupied by federal troops one day after Pearl Harbor. The editor and lead columnist for the Saturday Evening Post—middle-America’s most admired weekly read—were run off the magazine. Libertarian writer, Albert Jay Nock, was blacklisted. Editor for the liberal Nation magazine, Oswald Garrison Villard, met the same fate. Famous aviator and anti-war spokesman, Charles Lindbergh, found himself viscously condemned by pro-war media for quietly speaking the truth. Popular syndicated columnist at the Baltimore SunH.L. Mencken, may have “voluntarily” went into oblivion under hostile conditions that still don’t make sense.

            These are just some of the big names that went down with a fight. (All of the boldednames above will receive some overdue exoneration a bit later.) No one will ever know how many other smaller fish were scared off from honest reporting as a result of political pressure.

            Today, this would be like President Trump having his underlings run coordinated smear campaigns and putting the Washington Post, Time magazine, and both MSNBC and CNN out of business or replacing their editorial staff with reliable pro-Trump lackies. To complete the parallel, a Trump campaign spokesman in Hollywood would have to direct a movie portraying a major publisher (say, Arthur Sulzberger of the NYT) as a hideous demagogue… all in good sport, of course.

            (Mainstream media goes berserk when Trump merely defends himself from personal attacks during hostile press conferences or from wild conspiracy theories. Back in the 1930s, reporters were far more dignified in their principled disagreement with New Deal policies. And President Roosevelt was much more underhanded in dealing with the press than Trump’s frequent social-media salvos—many of which are so obvious as to be written in ALL CAPS.)

            Hoover’s Enduring Legacy: A Poll Tax on Public Debate

            Republican Herbert Hoover—who served as President from March 1929 to March 1933—is most known for being the unlucky occupant of the Oval Office during the New York City stock market crash of October 1929. (The Governor of New York at this time—Franklin Delano Roosevelt—usually gets left out of that narrative.)

            “Wonder Boy” Hoover—as nicknamed by Republican predecessor Calvin Coolidge over his penchant for meddling—took major strides to increase spending, bailout failed banks, micro-manage the economy and “take action” during his single term in office. Unfortunately, his political mischief was not limited to economics.

            Hoover’s most enduring and damaging legacy to overall freedom in America—rarely acknowledged in mainstream press—was his nationalizing of all formerly private and well-established common law broadcasting property rights, as documented by economist Thomas Hazlett and others. Hoover himself would later reminisce in his 1952 memoirs:

            “One of our troubles in getting legislation [to nationalize the airwaves] was the very success of the voluntary system we had created. Members of the Congressional committees kept saying, ‘it is working well, so why bother?’” (as quoted by B.K. Marcus)

            As Secretary of Commerce under Presidents Harding and then Coolidge, Hoover used his position to reward large corporations (that eventually became propaganda monoliths NBC and CBS and subsequent replicas) by severely restricting access to the airwaves, while empowering government to arbitrarily harass any independent voices, which gradually disappeared from mass-media over the next generation. The resulting Radio Act of 1927 created sweeping federal powers to award or deny initial membership privileges (with periodic renewals) to an exclusive broadcasting fraternity based on subjective standards of operating in the “public interest, convenience, and necessity.”

            One of the few books available on the topic of federal broadcast rationing is Rebels on the Air: An Alternative History of Radio in America, by Jesse Walker of Reason magazine. Delving into the political atmosphere of the time, Walker notes:

            Every year from 1922 to 1925, Hoover hosted a national conference for the radio industry. The legal scholar Jonathan Emord, drawing on the conference records, has sketched a convincing theory of competition-fearing broadcasters [such as RCA-NBC and its parent companies General Electric and Westinghouse] and power-seeking government officials reaching a quid pro quo: “in exchange for regulatory controls on industry structure and programming content, industry leaders would be granted the restrictions on market entry that they wanted.”

            Another good read on New Deal media history is Justin Raimondo’s Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement. This book, written in 1993 and updated in 2008, has entire chapters on Garet Garrett of the Saturday Evening Post, columnist and author John Flynn, and publisher Robert McCormick of the Chicago Tribune. These chapters cover about 100 pages and provide excellent insights to the time period. Strangely, the author couldn’t afford a single kind word for popular independent publisher Bill Hearst (barely mentioned) or any acknowledgement at all for radio sensation Charles Coughlin—both targets of FDR suppression.

            Robert Murphy’s Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal provides a refreshing history of 1920s to 1940s economic affairs, with lengthy excerpts from other good books on the subject. Unfortunately, the P.I. Guide falls for the myth of a “liberal” media and omits any reference to the landmark Radio Act of 1927 or the Communications Act of 1934.

            2004 essay by B.K. Marcus published by the Mises Institute gives a concise account of federal broadcasting controls. This work excels on legal theory and general history, but is silent on Roosevelt. A 2017 article in Reason magazine titled “FDR’s War Against the Press” finally sheds some light on this dark chapter of American culture, but leaves most of the victims buried and forgotten. I hope to expand upon all of the above.

            Outside of these few offerings (and some obscure books and articles footnoted therein) mainstream media shows virtually no interest in Roosevelt’s harsh treatment of the press, which was calculated and brutal. Wikipedia goes to great contortions to justify Roosevelt’s censoring, as we shall soon see. PBS’s 13-hour infomercial “The Roosevelts – An Intimate History” (available on Netflix) manages to be even worse. When it comes to New Deal narratives, Hollywood and major media offer only glib platitudes on FDR’s efforts for “saving” the nation and providing “relief” for the common man—both of which are highly debatable. (Mr. Murphy’s P.I. Guide and economist Robert Higgs give ample evidence to suggest that Hoover and especially FDR made the Depression worse.)

            To date, nothing I can find in mainstream or alternative media does justice to the enormous harm to public welfare caused by FDR’s war on the press, or Hoover’s enduring legacy of federal broadcasting controls. These arbitrary restrictions on the most powerful medium of news publishing amount to a crushing poll tax on public debate—far more debilitating than the despised poll tax on voting had ever been.

            The contrast in restricted speech rights and nearly unlimited voting privileges is dramatic. The traditional poll tax required prior to voting in some southern states—banned in federal elections by the 24th Amendment in 1964 and outlawed in allelections by the Supreme Court in 1966—had only cost a few dollars. Yet poll taxes supposedly created insurmountable obstacles to poor people expressing their inalienable right to vote, which often means voting themselves more welfare. Federal speech restrictions effectively disenfranchise over 99.9% of Americans, rich or poor, from the powerful platforms of radio and TV broadcasting.Nonetheless, modern politicians and approved pundits unanimously support FCC speech rationing to keep out independent voices.

            With a second (ostensibly “green”) New Deal in the works and internet freedom under constant threat, a more thorough history of the original New Deal in relation to independent reporting is long overdue.

            I can lead a nation with a microphone” (from Flobots’ song “Handlebars”)

            When it comes to Franklin D. Roosevelt and the media, most mainstream accounts show a charming FDR comforting American families gathered round their home radios, in some cases, next to a fireplace. And that’s about as deep as the story goes.

            During his three-plus terms in office, Roosevelt staged 30 such “fireside chats.” Some of them, like during the 1933 banking collapse and his 1941-42 maneuvering the U.S. into war, engaged over half the nation listening in to his well-rehearsed speeches.

            Conventional accounts—in Wikipedia, the PBS-Roosevelt docudrama, multiple books and dozens of articles I’ve reviewed—never mention that these “chats” were advertising for partisan Democrat purposes. As such, the unilateral Roosevelt speeches were multi-billion-dollar political gifts in today’s currency. There was apparently no opportunity for a GOP response. And the radio press was largely neutered in its ability to put any of Roosevelt’s wild proposals into context.

            What precipitated the climate of fear in broadcasting is another topic of embarrassment rarely mentioned in mainstream circles. Thanks to the efforts of Herbert Hoover and some liberal sponsors of corporate media control, the Radio Act of 1927 created the Federal Radio Commission (FRC) and gave it enormous latitude for enforcement. Giant corporations got the broadcasting cartel they longed for. Liberals got a tool for censorship they desired.

            FDR’s handywork in the Communications Act of 1934 replaced the FRC with the Federal Communications Commission and gave government regulators even more arbitrary power. And Franklin Roosevelt frequently used these broad powers to his advantage. In the New Dealers’ opinions, criticizing FDR’s frenetic policies was never in the “public interest.”

            University of Alabama history professor David Beito’s 2017 article “FDR’s War Against the Press” recounts some of the early fears of U.S. radio broadcasters. While Roosevelt complained bitterly about the “poisonous propaganda” of newspaper columnists:

            Roosevelt’s relationship with radio was warmer. The key distinction was that broadcasters operated in an entirely different political context: Thanks to federal rules and administrators, they had to tread much more lightly than newspapers did. At its inception in 1934, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reduced the license renewal period for stations from three years to only six months.

            Mr. Beito explains how federal rules impacted radio broadcasters during the New Deal, at a time before television was commercially available:

            It did not take long for broadcasters to get the message. NBC, for example, announced that it was limiting broadcasts “contrary to the policies of the United States government.” CBS Vice President Henry A. Bellows said that “no broadcast would be permitted over the Columbia Broadcasting System that in any way was critical of any policy of the Administration.” He elaborated “that the Columbia system was at the disposal of President Roosevelt and his administration and they would permit no broadcast that did not have his approval.” Local station owners and network executives alike took it for granted, as Editor and Publisher observed, that each station had “to dance to Government tunes because it is under Government license.” Some dissident radio commentators, such as Father Charles Coughlin and Boake Carter, gained wide audiences. But radio as a whole was firmly pro-Roosevelt—and both Coughlin and Carter were eventuallyforced off the air for pushing the envelope too far.

            For this essay, I’ll only touch briefly on radio personality Boake Carter before moving on to more household names. Though long forgotten, he was once high on Roosevelt’s hit list.

            Boake (pronounced “boke”) Carter was born in England, moved to America in 1921 and began radio commentary in 1930. Wikipedia states:

            In 1936, he had more listeners than any other radio commentator. … But by 1937, the Roosevelt White House already had three federal agencies investigating him. In 1938, under pressure from Roosevelt’s allies, he lost his WCAU [Philadelphia] job, was barred from CBS, and lost his General Foods sponsorship that had replaced Philco [Radios]. With his removal, there was no longer any popular radio commentator who opposed Roosevelt’s foreign policy.

            The last sentence in bold seems to forget another prominent radio opponent of FDR’s foreign policy—Father Charles Coughlin, who was banished in 1940—but we get the drift. Based on Wikipedia’s hostile description of Boake Carter, one academic article online (that engages in overt victim shaming) and a surviving radio broadcast I could find, Mr. Carter was confident and eloquent, a World War I vet who understood the foolishness of unnecessary conflict, a critic of the New Deal and opponent of union violence. Naturally, radical leftists hated him. Modern historians have no use for him either.

            Of all the Roosevelt purge victims, Wikipedia’s treatment of Boake Carter is arguably the least biased. For those on Roosevelt’s enemies list, contemporary historiography gets considerably worse. Yet others in the news media during the New Deal managed to stay in FDR’s favor.

            Rewards for Loyal Press Servants

            A separate essay could be justified to cover the corresponding rewards that the Roosevelt administration made available to the increasingly dominant throngs of pliant pressmen. Media historian Betty Houchin Winfield’s 1990 book FDR and the News Media scratches the surface on this important topic, but leaves more questions than answers.

            Exclusive broadcast licensing rewarded primarily NBC and CBS with a near stranglehold on the airwaves throughout the Great Depression. Roosevelt also managed White House print media correspondents with strict access privileges that meant life or death to a journalist’s career.

            While Ms. Winfield—a Missouri state professor and federal grant recipient—allows glimpses of pro-Roosevelt press gullibility, she remains harsh about all critics of the New Deal. For instance, Charles Coughlin was guilty of “demagoguery.” H.L. Mencken was “hostile” and “furious.” The “antagonistic” publishers Robert McCormick and William Randolph Hearst were waging a “frontal attack on those New Deal social and economic changes” out of their own “vested interests.” Professor Winfield provides almost no journalistic evidence in these men’s own words to corroborate her orthodox conclusions. Disagreeing with the New Deal simply means you are a bad person, according to this government scholar and many others in mass media.

            Ms. Winfield—would could pass for a “moderate” by MSNBC standards—cites a few powerful but isolated anecdotes on gushing press adoration of Roosevelt’s antics, usually couched in the author’s own admiration for her subject. Franklin Roosevelt was so brash in his manipulation of the press:

            Roosevelt would tell the correspondents exactly how to write stories. … “I suppose if I were writing your stories for you, I would say it is the most brutally frank Budget Message ever sent in.” … “In other words, if I were writing the story today I think it would be perfectly all right to say this, without putting in on me…” [about the “obligation” of his federal housing programs] The reporters became so used to his demands that by 1934 they began asking him for his news interpretations. (Winfield page 40, with more quotes like that)

            One of many reporters who struggled to maintain his objectivity was Arthur Krock, Washington bureau chief of the New York Times. In Mr. Krock’s own memoirs, he described being questioned by FDR for not attending the jovial White House press performances. In response to Roosevelt’s query, Krock expressed his own difficulty in keeping his “objectivity when I’m close to you and watching you in action. You charm me so much that when I go back to write comment on the proceedings, I can’t keep it in balance.” (Winfield page 65)

            Roosevelt would later reward Krock with an exclusive interview where FDR rationalized his failed court-packing plan of 1937. Historian Winfield “outs” Krock for violating press guidelines and allowing Roosevelt’s press secretary to review and edit his sensational “scoop” article published in the New York Times. Mr. Krock would be rewarded with a Pulitzer Prize for this adulterated reporting the following year.

            The New Dealers’ arsenal also contained hundreds of federal employees in media relations who produced thousands of one-sided marketing handouts to frame a story to Roosevelt’s advantage, apparently a first in non-wartime American politics. Democrat publicity bureaus’ use of “press releases” to spin stories in Roosevelt’s favor was so great that:

            In less than one year, the NRA [industrial cooperation agency] issued 5,200 handouts and the AAA [agricultural office] almost 5,000. … In the 1939 study Government Publicity, James L. McCamy found that during a seven-week period in 1937 the New York Timesprinted 1,281 items which appeared to have been released or influenced by administration publicity offices. (Winfield pages 90-91)

            By 1940, newspaper publishers were so eager to gain favor with the powerful New Deal office of communications that 135 papers carried the musings of FDR’s wife, Eleanor, in her daily column. No president before or after Roosevelt has attempted such an overt spousal accommodation via the press.

            The potentially larger problem of broadcast jingoism—simplicity and repetition of the New Deal’s favorite buzzwords—can only be assumed at this point based on a few surviving anecdotes and knowing the pattern of modern State media (fond of terms like “family farmers,” “climate change,” “social security” and other expensively misleading slogans). Until comprehensive transcripts of radio and television broadcast news become available, this segment of media history remains largely untold.

            Roosevelt’s War on ‘The Colonel’

            For our “feature length” members of FDR’s enemies list, a good place to start is in the American heartland. Pretty much from day one of the Roosevelt revolution, New Dealers set their targets on Robert “Colonel” McCormick and his Chicago Tribune.And they never took a break.

            From the moment the Prince of Hyde Park, New York declared his candidacy for the highest office in 1932, Chicago’s leading paper had never bought into the Roosevelt charm. Actually, McCormick was familiar with Roosevelt from their time shared at the elite Groton prep school at the turn of the century, according to historian Ralph Raico. And he wasn’t impressed.

            Now as an adult, McCormick—a trained lawyer and distinguished World War I veteran—diligently exposed the legal usurpations, agricultural ruin, union excesses and other economic chicanery throughout Roosevelt’s dreadful tenure. And he did it on a daily basis in America’s second biggest city, with the largest circulation among broadsheet newspapers. To get some idea of how seriously Roosevelt took criticism from his old schoolmate, Justin Raimondo’s chapter (page 151) on Colonel McCormick gives insight:

            The Tribune featured a cartoon on the front page, and the New Dealers lived in terror of the deft pen strokes of [the paper’s two leading cartoonists]. Frank C. Waldrop, in The Colonel of Chicago, relates the fact that “[i]t was no idle rumor that men who knew their business took care to stay out of harm’s way, if possible, on days that Mr. Roosevelt… and other dignitaries of quick-firing temperament, had been depicted.”

            When FDR tried to use his ill-conceived National Recovery Administration (NRA) to seize effective control of the newspaper business during his first term, McCormick spoke out for press freedom during the annual meeting of the American Newspaper Publishers Association held in Manhattan. Based on popular mythology of a “liberal” Roosevelt fighting for American freedoms, one might think that New Dealers would welcome such an event. But that was not the case.

            As McCormick lashed out at FDR inside the hall, 250,000 true believers in the [NRA] Blue Eagle paraded down Fifth Avenue, banners flying and in an ugly mood. This was the first indication that Roosevelt and his NRA mobs were getting ready to move against their opponents in the press… That summer in Washington, the NRA staged a propaganda campaign of unprecedented proportions, with marches, rallies, threats of boycott—and worse—for those who failed to cooperate. (Raimondo page 153)

            Roosevelt hated the Chicago Tribune to such an extent that he worked with a wealthy supporter, silver-spoon retail heir Marshall Field III, to open a competing newspaper—the Chicago Sun in 1941 to siphon off the Tribune’s readers. But the public paid little attention to this obvious stunt.

            Once the insipid “Franklin Son” was up and running, Roosevelt used his Attorney General to interfere with the Tribune’s exclusive franchise with the Associated Press, launching a three-year court battle that ended in 1945 with a victory for the meddling president. (To get some feel for the disposition of Mr. Field, he would later finance and sit on the board of directors for Chicago’s professional community agitator Saul Alinsky.)

            From the mid-1930s until the end of the war, the Chicago Tribune endured public burning of its newspapers, angry protests, boycotts, shrill pamphlets, vicious personal smears in the pro-FDR press, IRS harassment and even treats of prosecution for “treason.” The Tribune survived the affair, but was financially and politically damaged.

            This was Franklin D. Roosevelt in action. And he had a few more scores to settle.

            Citizen Roosevelt Goes after ‘The Chief’

            Next up for the Roosevelt treatment was publisher William Randolph Hearst. Mr. Hearst—known as “the Chief” to his many staff writers—was a lifelong Democrat who initially supported FDR in 1932 but increasingly soured to the New Deal around the middle of Roosevelt’s first term.

            With any mention of Big Bad Bill Hearst, some overdue words of correction are needed to address the festering myths circulated by his contemporary adversaries as well as their surviving heirs in corporate media. Both groups hold congenital disgust for independent publishing that cannot be squared with reality.

            A good read for anyone interested in this great American icon is the 2000 biography The Chief: The Life of William Randolph Hearst by David Nasaw. The book’s author generally favors a state-run economy and supports U.S. involvement in Europe’s War of the 1940s. Other than those standard features to be expected in big league publishing, the 600-page book is exhaustively researched, well written, and provides a fairly balanced treatment of the tensions between Hearst, Roosevelt and the many factions within their orbits.

            Throughout his life, Hearst and his impressive chain of newspapers in at least 18 major cities and other media outlets took on powerful businesses and politicians with what often seemed like reckless abandon. His estimated 20 million readersduring his mid-1930s peak loved him for it. The corporate oligarchs and their political serfs despised him. So did rabid New Dealers, as did the many partisan publishers that were either attached to one political party (like Joseph Pulitzer had been) or devoted to power (like the New York Times and Washington Post). And war enthusiasts of both Global Bloodbaths wanted Hearst to be hog-tied and thrown into a barbecue pit.

            One example of Hearst’s fearless nature involves his papers’ reporting before and during World War I. The Republican pro-war New York Tribune ran hit pieces in six successive Sunday editions from April to June 1918 denouncing Hearst for his alleged disloyalty, relying on a tally of unpatriotic articles promoted by state and federal officials. According to The Chief’s author, Mr. Nasaw, each of the six anti-Hearst articles in the New York Tribune was preceded by a boxed scorecard:

            Since the United States entered the war [in April 1917] the Hearst papers have printed:

            74 – attacks on our allies
            17 – instances of defense or praise of Germany
            63 – pieces of antiwar propaganda
            – deletion of a Presidential proclamation
            Total 155

            Hearst was among the few publishers resisting English and French propaganda stories of German atrocities in Belgium before U.S. entry to the war. During America’s intervention, his conservative press opponents went to Washington to work with the U.S. Attorney General in 1918 to put Hearst out of business on charges of “treason.” The bogus claims were eventually dropped for lack of evidence. (The Chief pages 243, 268-270)

            Probably the best summation of Hearst’s character comes early in the book based on a private letter from Winston Churchill to his wife after a 1929 meeting with the Chief in Los Angeles. Mr. Churchill viewed Hearst as “simple” but remarked on his “complete indifference to public opinion, a strong liberal and democratic outlook, a 15 million daily circulation [at the time], oriental hospitalities, extreme personal courtesy” and other mostly amenable qualities. What’s surprising is that Churchill—a career war hawk—had every reason to dislike Hearst for his vigorous opposition towards U.S. coming to England’s rescue in WW I.

            So what were Hearst’s politics? He was very much for international economic cooperation (including with Soviet Russia and Socialist Germany), but opposed open warfare with either. He was pro-labor when business had all the power and pro-business when federalized unions turned violent in the mid-1930s. Hearst believed strongly in law and order, initially favoring alcohol prohibition (as did FDR) then switching to the “wet” side when organized crime flourished in the late 1920s. He strongly opposed Roosevelt’s National Recovery Act industrial cartels but supported job-killing government make-work “relief” programs until at least 1935 when patronage abuses became rampant. Overall, Hearst was intense in his opinions but usually more practical than ideological.

            If you happened to be a Marxist college professor radicalizing your students, a corrupt business tycoon seeking political favor, or a lying government official reneging on campaign promises—and Hearst’s reporters found out, as they often did—your life was going to be unpleasant for quite a while. Which is to say, Hearst made some powerful enemies.

            In the case of Hearst’s wisely abandoning the disastrous New Deal, Roosevelt’s ranks of minions and collaborators would never forgive him. A common claim holds that after his endorsed candidate, FDR, took office in 1933 the Hearst newspapers suddenly “moved far to the right.” In this case, that oft-repeated “far right” comment was dropped into Wikipedia’s History of New York City (1898–1945), haphazardly footnoted to the book above. The possibility that Hearst (like many other proponents of individual liberty) was the steady hand and it was actually Roosevelt who had shifted the country far to the left escapes consideration in mainstream circles.

            Perhaps the biggest ongoing farce regarding the villainous portrait of William Randolph Hearst is how his aggressive criticism of America’s entry into both World Wars gets brushed aside—totally ignored—with trite exaggerations about the publisher’s youthful exuberance during America’s brief 1898 war against Spain in Cuba. What’s most absurd about that whole affair—usually embellished with the legend of Hearst supposedly saying “I’ll furnish the war”—is the raw chutzpah of those leveling the charges. In most cases, the Latter-Day Peaceniks now wringing their hands over some century-old reporting before a brief war in Cuba are also the zombie-like death merchants who lied us into much bigger and permanently debilitating wars. And the Hearst critics are still proud of their own war-mongering!

            Which brings us back to That Man in the White House. Roosevelt had been watching Hearst closely from around 1934 when his National Recovery Administration was broiling the country. In the Fall of 1934, FDR instructed his Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, to have the IRS dig through the tax returns of Hearst and his vast publishing enterprise as a weapon to hold in his back pocket. The author of The Chiefsays Roosevelt never used this sledge hammer, so I take that to be correct. But Roosevelt didn’t stop with attempted tax extortion.

            Throughout 1935, Hearst had been exercising his First Amendment right to criticize the New Deal’s bureaucratic excesses and persistently high unemployment, which infuriated the sensitive aristocrat in the White House. By March 1936:

            the president had signaled that it was “open season” on Hearst by ridiculing him, by name, during a press conference. Asked if he had clamped a censorship on his administration, the president, Newsweek reported, “snapped back his answer: Preposterous! The correspondent must have read that in a Hearst paper!” (The Chief page 520)

            This crude effort to stir his base to action did not go unnoticed. Democrat Senator Hugo Black, “a zealous and effective New Deal loyalist” was already chairing a commission to go on a hunting expedition through private telegrams of Hearst and anyone else who might impede Roosevelt’s progress. The 2017 Reason articleprovides a good accounting of the Black Committee tactics:

            Over a nearly three-month period at the end of 1935, FCC and Black Committee staffers searched great stacks of telegrams in Western Union’s D.C. office. Operating with virtually no restriction, they read the communications of sundry lobbyists, newspaper publishers, and conservative political activists as well as every member of Congress. Writing to Black, one investigator stated that they had gone through “35,000 to 50,000 per day.” Various newspapers and members of Congress later estimated that staffers had examined some five million telegrams over the course of the investigation.

            Of course, this was an unethical and probably illegal invasion of privacy, not to mention an assault on the Constitution. The results of the dragnet were used by New Dealers to openly attack Bill Hearst and other anti-New Deal newspapers. Facing the threat of lawsuit from Hearst and criticism from ACLU and finally some pro-Roosevelt press, the Black Committee disbanded in mid-1936. Team Roosevelt got away with a public relations hand slap. Senator Black would be rewarded by FDR the next year with a Supreme Court appointment. The lengthy Wikipedia page for Hugo Blackdoes not contain a single word of this disgraceful affair or mention Bill Hearst once. Ms. Winfield’s FDR media book entirely omits the Black Committee episode.

            For the remainder of Roosevelt’s reign, William Randolph Hearst would be tarred as evil incarnate. And few dared to challenge that assessment. New Deal supporters would organize protests, write pamphlets and books, and even produce the 1941 smear film Citizen Kane to drive home their point. The sole intent of that “classic” movie was to demonize the most prominent surviving publisher who dared to criticize their Leader for Life and his ridiculous economic, social and military schemes.

            Scores of partisans in media and academics still pretend that libelous movie—produced by a socialist and prominent FDR campaigner, Orson Welles—was innocent entertainment. The enormous Wikipedia page on Citizen Kane praises the work as “Considered by many… to be the greatest film ever made.” The Wiki writers make no mention of any political affiliation of the producer Welles or any possible motive for him disliking Hearst. At the time of its release, Kane was a cinematic flop despite ample free buzz from media admirers. Everyone knew Welles was a left-wing activist in contempt of Hearst and in support of Roosevelt. One of many books to confirm Welles’s political activism is Orson Welles Interviews, edited by Mark Estrin, which states:

            Welles had been active in American political life for some time, speaking at anti-Fascist [sic] rallies as early as 1938 and campaigning intensively for Franklin Roosevelt’s re-election in 1944.

            The political viewpoints and motivations of Mr. Welles seem to be much more intriguing than any mainstream journalist (and even The Chief) has been willing to admit. But these views are largely beyond the scope of this essay.

            After decades of a hard-charging press baron making many powerful and unhinged enemies, Citizen Kane would be their underhanded way to slap back. Long after Hearst died in 1951, movie “experts” and academic malcontents would suddenly discover how “great” this piece of partisan artwork actually was. People who knew the real background were now retired or dead. And the story of a rotten man of “yellow journalism” made for a nice affirmation for the pliable scribes of modern stenography.

            During his prolific life Bill Hearst enraged socialists, big business and war hawks alike during his more than 60-year news career. As a result of doing his job and being surrounded by too many lesser peers in the news business, very little positive material can be found in his defense. This is too bad, since Hearst was a fiercely independent defender of the little guy, even if his economic understanding was a bit rough at times, and his respect for authority was what one might expect from a college punk-rock band.

            Between Hearst and Roosevelt, the Chief was usually the bigger man. And he paid a much bigger price.

            Mr. Hyde Park Cuts Again

            Another press target of FDR was John Flynn, author and columnist for the New Republic and other periodicals. One of Flynn’s most popular books, The Roosevelt Myth, is now available online at Unz Review. Flynn was much more the academic thinker and considerably less of a street-brawler than Hearst or McCormick.

            Yet Roosevelt’s antipathy for Flynn—daring to criticize the late-1930s war scare in another publication—prompted him to write to the editor of the Yale Review magazine and suggest that Flynn “should be barred hereafter from the columns of any presentable daily paper, monthly magazine or national quarterly, such as the Yale Review. (Raimondo page 114)

            There is some debate on whether or not Roosevelt directly influenced the New Republic in their decision to axe one of their top columnists, Flynn, after five years with the magazine. But Roosevelt wanted Flynn silenced. He got caught writing his directions as such to another editor. And Flynn was fired from the New Republic in 1938.

            But Mr. Flynn was fortunate and quickly got hired by the Chicago Tribune. Many others facing the wrath of the New Dealers were not so lucky.

            A Pox on the ‘Radio Priest’

            With Hearst and McCormick damaged and Flynn and Carter fired, political hit men in the New Deal politburo kept plotting ahead on their mission. After years of organized smears from partisan belligerents, the popular liberal radio personality, Charles Coughlin, was finally run off the airwaves for daring to speak out against the rising militarism and other issues he saw as troubling America. The intolerance of FDR and other pro-war agitators of the time arguably provides the most relevance to this ugly chapter of American history. The back story of FDR’s orchestrated censorship campaign against Coughlin warrants a closer look too, as nearly all of it has been omitted from government civics lessons.

            Starting on the air in 1926, within less than a decade the passionate and independent Catholic priest had built an estimated audience of 30 million listeners—easily the biggest in the nation—to his one-hour Sunday afternoon show. In comparison on audience size, with more than double the U.S. population today, the leading talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh peaked out at only 20 million weekly listeners.

            To avoid the trap of selective outrage (ubiquitous in any analysis of Coughlin), comparisons with modern talk radio and one of his subsequent peers are again useful. The flag-waving hyper-nationalism in broadcasting today is so over-the-top that when conservative FoxNews commentator, Sean Hannity, urges President Trump to “bomb the hell out of” Iran, it barely raises eyebrows. Hannity, too, claims to be a religious man and added “We have the greatest military, thank God, on the face of this earth.” Another leading voice of AM talk radio, Mark Levin, an accomplished author and legal scholar who identifies as a Jew, uses his FCC microphone privileges to sling childish insults at his political opponents and spreads anti-Muslim paranoia on a daily basis. Let’s not forget the atheist radio hawk, Rush Limbaugh, who promotes breathless adoration of the federal military and all its travails. I won’t even bother to cite any of the vile scapegoating that spews continuously from the mouths of left-wing extremists throughout cable news. As far as race-baiting goes, Mr. Coughlin’s supporters never rioted or burned down one, much less 110 cities, in protest as did the followers of a sainted Street Preacher of the 1960s.

            Charles Coughlin was at times sanctimonious, but never approached the level of depravity of the leading dissidents of the 1960s or today. During his career, Coughlin was very well informed on foreign policy and also a fairly serious cultural thinker (by New Deal standards) who earned the respect of his broad middle-class audience. According to this harsh review of historian Alan Brinkley’s 1982 book Voices of Protest on Coughlin and Huey Long, “only the faintest undercurrent of religious prejudice can be found in the rhetoric of [Coughlin’s] prime political years.” (Mr. Brinkley’s slanted treatment of Coughlin and Long—denouncing both men in callous terms throughout the book, while offering polite excuses for their censorious opponents—only makes his subjects appear more innocent.)

            Another important executive characteristic consistently overlooked by scholars involves the vastly different approaches to media relations between FDR and his predecessor. Father Charles Coughlin and William Randolph Hearst were both highly critical of incumbent Herbert Hoover (and supportive of the challenger Roosevelt) during the 1932 election. But the Republican president apparently never used political power to harm his press critics. The coddled aristocrat, Franklin Roosevelt, took a less forgiving approach—especially with Coughlin and Hearst.

            Throughout his public career, Coughlin embraced a standard liberal agenda of “social justice,” nationalized banking, politicized unions, and protecting local merchants from corporate domination. These views were blended with more conservative ideas of criticizing New Deal bureaucracies, resisting international wars and railing against Communism, although his coercive social policies shared significant congruence with socialist goals.

            Commonly known as the “Radio Priest,” Coughlin had first come to fame in the 1920s by denouncing a group of white nationalists in his hometown of Detroit. In the late 1930s, he witnessed another assortment of mostly atheist political activists promoting union and political violence at home and wide-scale military bloodshed abroad, and once again sounded a (far more nuanced and cautious) warning. But the folks he attacked in the 1920s had nowhere near the media clout of the socialists and ethnocentric crusaders who had achieved significant political power in the U.S. by the 1930s. Making matters worse, Coughlin increasingly strayed off the path of safe political discourse—particularly after 1938 when his career was threatened by organized Jewish groups and grandstanding Gentile war-enthusiasts. He also dared to criticize the emperor in the White House, usually for not being progressive enough.

            Franklin Roosevelt—a man with virtually zero accomplishments outside of politics, who grew increasingly obsessed over his skillfully manufactured public image—never took criticism well. By mid-1934 his administration was quietly working behind the scenes to undermine Coughlin’s ability to stay on the air, viewing the Radio Priest (still a New Deal supporter) as too unpredictable. (Brinkley page 127)

            Then in January 1935, Coughlin energized his listeners to bombard Capitol Hill against Roosevelt’s nearly successful attempt to drag America into the quagmire of a World Court. New Dealers fumed at this last-minute, highly publicized defeat. Over the next few years, the liberal priest from Detroit completely broke with the Roosevelt regime on both domestic and foreign policy. With the help of pro-FDR federal broadcasters, Coughlin was bitterly attacked and eventually kicked off the air in 1940 and subsequently tarred as a “filthy goy” and the “wrong kind of socialist,” if you understand modern political slurs.

            After an avalanche of abuse, Wikipedia is somewhat helpful in filling in a few gaps. Using the trick of passive reporting to exonerate the aggressors, they state:

            After the outbreak of World War II in Europe in September 1939, Coughlin’s opposition to the repeal of a neutrality-oriented arms embargo law resulted in additional and more successful efforts to force him off the air.

            Although it was FDR and pro-war extremists pulling the strings here, Wikipedia makes it seem like “Coughlin’s opposition” forced his own censoring. Wikipedia is more direct a few sentences later, stating:

            After the devastating Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and the U.S. declaration of war in December 1941… The Roosevelt Administration stepped in again. On April 14, 1942, U.S. Attorney General Francis Biddle wrote a letter to the Postmaster General, Frank Walker, and suggested revoking the second-class mailing privilege of [Coughlin’s newspaper] Social Justice, which would make it impossible for Coughlin to deliver the papers to his readers.

            The final act of FDR’s retaliation succeeded in silencing Father Coughlin and his loyal fans for good. Rather than acknowledge this act of political despotism by Democratic royalty, most historians (and neo-con admirers as well) choose to “punch down” on the memory of a defrocked radio host rather than stand up to concentrated executive power. Between Coughlin and Roosevelt, Harvard professor Alan Brinkley’s assessment of one of the men got it right: “As the years passed and his popularity grew, a strain of megalomania wore away his self-restraint until finally his excesses destroyed him.”

            As is common for books written in the early 1980s (when the Fairness Doctrine was still in effect and State adoration completely dominated mass media) the subsidized historian could only speak harshly of the weak. That Man who nearly “destroyed” the entire country managed to escape Brinkley’s analysis unscathed.

            In reality, Charles Coughlin’s biggest failings were more fundamental. Coughlin’s lack of private-sector (i.e., “real world” or “service”) experience, absence of any significant ground support movement, and belief that positive social “uplift” could be achieved through a microphone (or a book or article, for that matter) all spelled doom for his highly energetic efforts. Of course, none of those critiques justified the actions of the New Deal gestapo.

            The Darkening Mood of 1939-1941

            American political culture during the Great Depression was bad enough in times of peace. But during the 1939-40 covert war buildup by FDR, professional life for an anti-New Deal journalist or filmmaker became miserable.

            A mere one day after Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt launched another military action—this time in California. In a June 2018 essay by Ron Unz on the Great Purge of the 1940s, he writes:

            Walt Disney was also the only high-ranking Hollywood figure perched squarely within the anti-war camp. And the day after the surprise Japanese attack, hundreds of U.S. troops seized control of Disney Studios, allegedly in order to help defend California from Japanese forces located thousands of miles away, with the military occupation continuing for the next eight months.

            Disney immediately complied, producing absurdities like “The Thrifty Pig,” which cast the role of Big Bad Wolf as a Nazi, and other pro-war films. During the war, Roosevelt would frighten the public with vast military hardware parades that one might expect from North Korea or the old Soviet Union. People were bombarded with non-stop propaganda posters and movies encouraging people to enjoy wartime rationing, glamorizing America’s military heroics and depicting the enemy as sub-human. All of Hollywood cooperated. All of America shipped their eligible boys to the battlefront, sent their wives to the factories, bought patriotic war bonds and looked to Washington for salvation.

            If Roosevelt’s New Deal planners excelled at anything, it was planning. This would be an all-out war against two very formidable foes. U.S. Central Command needed absolute obedience on the battlefield and unwavering support at home. A servile media was always FDR’s preference; now he had the perfect excuse. In the years immediately prior to Pearl Harbor, it was just a matter of arranging the chess pieces for maximum chance of victory.

            The Sage of Baltimore Goes Silent; Celebrity Aviator Gets Shot Down

            One of the last sturdy knights (or so it would seem) remaining on the anti-New Deal chessboard was voluminous author and syndicated columnist for the Baltimore Sun, H.L. Mencken. As we’ve seen, by 1940, the mood in America was so grim that newspaper publishers fully understood the message: go along with New Deal economic ruination and military intervention… or expect a public thrashing.

            Mencken had always been a fierce defender of individual liberties and against mass political movements. As an independent thinker in a time of political conformity, during the 1930s his critics were increasingly labeling him as “right-wing.” A summation of Mencken and another libertarian writer, Albert Jay Nock (blacklisted in 1941) and their alleged “drift” to the right, Murray Rothbard wrote in 1962:

            The great individualist Albert Jay Nock has written that, while in the 1920’s he was generally considered a flaming “radical,” and in the 1930’s as a bitter “reactionary,” his political philosophy remained, in these decades, exactly the same. The same might be said of his friend Mencken, who also remained, throughout, an individualist and a libertarian. In the 1920’s, Mencken directed his fire against the tariff and other special privileges to favored business groups, against laws and edicts against free speech and other personal liberties, and especially against the monstrous tyranny of Prohibition. In the 1930’s, Mencken directed his major attacks against the major threat to liberty of that era: the New Deal.

            A 2002 profile of Mencken in The Atlantic concluded that “Nothing seemed to matter more to him than uncensored self-expression.” This common view does not explain Mencken’s abrupt departure from the public scene around 1940; I can’t find anyone who attempts to explain it. By the start of U.S. entry into World War II, Mencken had continuously written for newspapers or magazines for over 40 years.

            Yet around 1940, the opinionated Sage of Baltimore went into self-imposed hibernation to work on writing books. These would be autobiographical books—Happy Days (1940), Newspaper Days (1941), and Heathen Days (1943)—that lacked any of his prior fury towards political shenanigans.

            Mencken’s abrupt change of mood simply makes no sense. And the lack of scholarship on this crucial period in Mencken’s and America’s history also strains credibility. After all, this was one of the country’s most popular writers, a man about whom dozens of books and hundreds of articles have since been written.

            The early 1940s was a time period of crushing U.S. media intolerance. In September 1941, a popular spokesman for the anti-interventionist movement, aviator Charles Lindbergh, found himself condemned and outcast after talking at an America First rally in Iowa. This now infamous anti-war speech (captured at length in Wikipedia) acknowledged Jewish “persecution” in Germany and correctly noted “the British, the Jewish, and the Roosevelt Administration” as three groups “pressing this country toward war.” (Subsequent tales about Lindbergh “singling out” Jews are simply false.) But open dialogue was the last thing on the pro-war agenda.

            Lindbergh’s sober assessment that war in Europe would be devasting to Jews has been forgotten in the rush to condemn the last great voice of moderation in the 1940s. But dozens of photos from early-war European labor camps made available by religious scholar Nathanael Kapner (compared to the endless displays of gruesome late-war photos promoted by Hollywood and federal broadcasters) suggest the aviator was once again correct. The evident conclusion that Allied terror bombing of German civilians made food scarce for everyone has been assiduously censored by pro-war belligerents ever since.

            During this same period, editor for the liberal Nation magazine, Oswald Garrison Villard was “blacklisted” and “lost his editorship as a direct consequence of his intransigent opposition to the war.” (Raimondo page 133)

            Yet, Mencken—who turned 60 in September 1940—simply “retired” from the strenuous job of… opinion writing? (“retired” quote from Raimondo page 134, with no hint of curiosity)

            These were ugly times for free speech. And the Roosevelt machine—as it had shown with McCormick, Hearst, Coughlin and others—was eager to squash all opposition. And print publications were American liberty’s last line of defense.

            Pro-FDR media historian, Betty Houchin Winfield, recounts that as of 1940, NBC and CBS (who were pro-war and pro-welfare as she fails to mention) occupied a commanding “86 percent of the total night-time radio power in the country.” And the desperate man in the White House was still smarting from a 1938 mid-term election that saw Republicans gain 81 seats in the House, 8 seats in the Senate, and 13 new governorships. (Winfield pages 110 and 139)

            In the face of this daunting opposition, I suppose it’s possible that the literary giant of “uncensored self-expression” voluntarily retreated into the shadows to go write books about himself. But I’m thinking there’s more to the story.

            Whatever the motive for Mencken’s sudden departure from journalism, the reason seems more complex than the trite description offered in Wikipedia: during the 1940s, Mencken “ceased writing for The Baltimore Sun for several years.” The executed rebel “ceased breathing” makes as much sense.

            Ten hours of searching history books and online accounts returned similar vagueness, which fits with the larger pattern. Nearly all mainstream media accounts of other documented New Deal censorship consistently downplay Roosevelt’s harsh treatment of press critics. So I’m thinking some sloppy reporting may be at work here, or possibly willful omissions of embarrassing FDR activity. I remain hopeful that Unz Review commenters may possess some better answers.

            The Demise of the Saturday Evening Post

            Once the sharpest minds and passionate voices of political discourse were severely tarnished or entirely removed from public access, it was easier for New Dealers to clamp down on any remaining pockets of resistance. One of the last such voices of reason in the mainstream press was the Saturday Evening Post.

            During the 1920s and 30s, the Saturday Evening Post had been America’s most popular weekly magazine. The Post accomplished this by finding and developing the best fiction and non-fiction writers and illustrators in the country (including Jack London, Garet Garrett, Norman Rockwell and dozens of other household names of the era) and by appealing to classic American values. This was “a culture that valued achievement, hard work, self-improvement, independence, self-discipline, and the entrepreneurial spirit” as Old Right media historian and longtime editor, the late Justin Raimondo once described it.

            Two decent books that provide contemporary insight to American culture during the Roosevelt years are collections of Garet Garrett’s articles originally published in the weekly magazine. The first book is Salvos Against the New Deal: Selections from the Saturday Evening Post 1933-1940 and the second is Defend America First: The Antiwar Editorials of the Saturday Evening Post 1939-1942. Both books are edited by journalist Bruce Ramsey of the Seattle Times and were published in 2007 and 2003, respectively. Once again, the Radio Act of 1927, the Communications Act of 1934 and federal broadcasting controls are not mentioned at all in either book.

            But the detailed history (particularly on union militancy, NRA collusion and agricultural follies) within both collections gives a glimpse of what mainstream reporting looked like at the time—and it most definitely was not liberal or some version of the right-wing Neanderthals found foraging at AM talk radio and FoxNews. If anything, the articles in both collections go to excessive lengths to present long-winded, intellectually sanitized murmurings against the total state; this style seems to reflect conservative meekness throughout the Great Depression. In hindsight, it’s amazing that Roosevelt would bother to censor a magazine of such mild critiques, particularly for their insipid 1939-1942 anti-war editorials.

            Nevertheless, the Saturday Evening Post was a popular fixture of middle-America that Roosevelt viewed as an impediment to his glory. Over the prior two generations, the magazine had successfully labored to establish a refined pedigree of its own in conservative cultural commentary. From 1899 to 1936, the Post was led by the steady hand of its editor George Horace Lorimer, a man of sound economic and legal principles with a healthy distain for foreign military adventurism. (The prior Wikipedia link misses all of that and provides only a photo and basic shell outline.)

            After Lorimer’s retirement in late 1936, editorial direction fell to Wesley Stout, who held similar anti-New Deal views as Lorimer. But the Post’s owner, Curtis Publishing Company, was growing increasingly uneasy with standing against the angry tides of collectivism and militarism rising in New York and Washington.

            After much private and public acrimony, in 1942, a pro-government delinquent named Ben Hibbs was installed to pacify New Dealers and minimize attacks on the magazine, which were becoming unbearable. Under the new pliant Post leadership, a state-controlled economy and European warfare suddenly seemed quite reasonable. The only thing left was to purge the remaining opposition.

            Economics columnist and author of 13 books, Garet Garrett was forced out within months, after twenty years of writing at the Post. So was editor Wesley Stout, another twenty-year veteran. In Stout’s 1971 obituary in the New York Times, the paper whitewashes this pivotal event as:

            Mr. Stout resigned as editor of The Saturday Evening Post in 1942 because of what was termed “a firm but friendly disagreement with the Curtis Publishing Company on policy.”

            Again, we see the tell-tale use of passive language (“was termed” by whom?) in the above blurb. The reality, which NYT was not only aware of but also contributed to, was much less pleasant. By 1942, with Roosevelt’s achievement of dragging the U.S. into battle, the climate of fear and intolerance was so intense in American publishing that Garrett was blacklisted for the next two years. Along with other recently purged voices of liberty, they faced “harassment, vilification, and deprivation of livelihoods.” (Raimondo page 88)

            Former Post editor from 1937-1942, Wesley Stout, who had brought the magazine to it all-time peak circulation (as NYT admits) would find work at the Chrysler Corporation in Detroit—a logical and voluntary career change in the narrative of the Times. Garrett finally found employment writing for a magazine of the National Industrial Conference Board, reaching a much smaller audience but avoiding the wrath of FDR and his loyal shock troops.

            The full story of what had transpired would only come out over a decade later, in 1953, when Garrett’s most popular book was published. In Reclaiming the American Right(pages 92-93) Justin Raimondo provides more details on the period but the following passage captures the essence:

            On the dust jacket of The People’s Pottage, we are told that Garrett’s Saturday Evening Post editorials “created much bitter controversy and caused the New Deal to threaten the life of that magazine.”

            With Lorimer dead and Garrett and Stout gone, the once-cherished magazine of Main Street U.S.A. could now safely appeal to the higher prerogatives of the publishing establishment. And the conversion didn’t take long.

            The next year would see a face plant for the ages. But this too would be shrouded in journalistic folklore. The stupefying naivete of Norman Rockwell’s “Four Freedoms” oil paintings would be published in the Saturday Evening Post in 1943. In this popular series, the artist and magazine expressly catered to FDR’s launch of those platitudes in January 1941 during a State of the Union address. Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms debut was clairvoyantly 11 months before the “surprise” Japanese attack and would subsequently be used ad nauseum to boost public support for his long-anticipated military intervention on behalf of England and France.

            In the war-time fog of state-sponsored patriotism during World War II, none were left in mass media or government to question the absurdity of a Commander in Chief—a man who distained free speech, preferred subsidized religion over the freely administered variety, despised free-market prosperity, and reveled in public fear-mongering—lecturing anyone on “essential human freedoms” that we must pursue “everywhere in the world.” And the weary public, across all political persuasions, devoured Rockwell’s and the Post’s soothing comforts with hopeless abandon.

            Decades later, curators of the Saturday Evening Post would rationalize their prior disloyalty against the New Deal and make amends. Its managing editors issued a revealing article in 2017 titled “On the Side of Social Security: The Post argued for government assistance in 1952 after several years of opposition.”

            Another retrospective published in July 2019 celebrates the joys of arbitrary Thought Crime legislation and selective racial revenge, something the Post would have unequivocally opposed in its heyday. The puff piece is titled “The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Still Works for You: Proposed by President John F. Kennedy and delivered after his assassination, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 reckoned with the malignancy of discrimination.” The 2019 article forgot to mention the enormous economic progress of black Americans during the 1940s and 50s, which seriously undercuts the demand for federal skin-color legislation in the first place.

            It’s barely worth mentioning what the Post’s view on World War II and subsequent military endeavors now entails. Suffice to say, FDR would have been proud.


            Does New Deal history have any significance today? Let us count the ways.

            For starters, the open celebration of an abusive tyrant—with a 12-year record of immense failure, media manipulation and lawless usurpations—should remove any doubt over the corruption of American institutions who have thoroughly whitewashed this vital period. Anyone not already convinced of the totalitarian inclinations of the original New Deal and its recent “green” reincarnation should think again.

            On media controls, the pervasive hypocrisy of the education-media-entertainment industries couldn’t be more glittering. The same ones who cry foul over the slightest impediment to poor people voting for more welfare and their own freedom to slander at will, fully accept the total obstruction of FCC barriers that block over 99.9% of Americans from the powerful platforms of radio and television.

            Populists and liberals who repeat the mantra about “six giant corporationscontrolling 90% of the media” entirely miss the point. Their longstanding support of political press interference created that disparity which they now abhor.

            Even more bizarre is the conservative-libertarian wing of neo-con journals, talk radio, and FoxNews. Their silent approval of speech rationing indicates that once a person reaches the inner sanctum of broadcast privilege, any notion of “free market” spectrum access becomes obsolete.

            Yet the question remains, what next?

            Getting a clearer picture of the importance of independent journalism certainly helps, as does recognizing the inherent drawbacks of federal broadcast interference. It’s no coincidence that accurate reporting and robust analysis can, most often, only be found on internet sites free of government privilege—just as it was in newspapers and magazines up until the 1930s.

            After that realization comes the reality check. America didn’t become great from people sitting around, writing and reading books and articles—whining about ancient grievances or launching bombastic comments—always assigning external blame for our vast cultural ills. You can only tell other people “you’re wrong” so many times before the message gets stale and the original goal becomes forgotten. Progress came from people who first got informed, then decided to invest their personal labors in hope of building a better tomorrow.

            Is there a critical mass of Americans willing to perform the task of rebuilding functioning local institutions and eventually establishing a sane framework for the larger community? The answer to that question may determine if we ascend towards another Renaissance or drift into another long winter of discontent.

            Tyler Durden

            Sun, 10/27/2019 – 22:20

          • This Romanian Couple Hacked Nearly Every Street Camera In DC Ahead Of Trump's Inauguration
            This Romanian Couple Hacked Nearly Every Street Camera In DC Ahead Of Trump’s Inauguration

            In 2017, while the mainstream media was wasting their time yammering about potential Russian collusion in the election, a little known and far less talked about nefarious hack of Washington D.C. was actually taking place.

            It was just 8 days before President Trump’s inauguration that the Secret Service got a call informing them that hackers had “seized control of most of the video surveillance cameras that keep watch over the U.S. capital,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

            When an agent went to check on the camera feeds, he found a message that stated: “YOUR DOCUMENTS, PHOTOS, DATABASES AND OTHER IMPORTANT FILES HAVE BEEN ENCRYPTED!” The message also demanded about $60,000 in Bitcoin as ransom.

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            Meanwhile, in Bucharest, 20-something Romanian couple Alexandru Isvanca and Eveline Cismaru celebrated hacking the world’s most powerful nation. Isvanca and Cismaru thought they had found an unexpected stroke of good luck when they were able, through the ransomware software, to direct the Washington video feed to their apartment. 

            The couple, who had a history of small-time scams, had launched hundreds of thousands of emails embedded with ransomware in an attachment disguised as an invoice. The email addresses that they bought to sent them to happened to include the Washington D.C. police department – where one recipient opened the attachment and took the bait.

            This locked up the city’s street camera system. 

            Michael D’Ambrosio, assistant director of the Secret Service Office of Investigations, said: “It illustrates how physical systems that are dependent upon networked infrastructure are especially vulnerable.”

            Secret Service agents, meanwhile, were trying to figure out whether or not the Kremlin was involved. The hackers had used Russian software. 

            With time ticking down before the inauguration, agents swarmed Washington, taking offline many internet connected elevators, fire alarms and thermostats along the planned inauguration route. 

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            Isvanca’s story has changed multiple times: first admitting to hacking the Secret Service, later telling the Wall Street Journal that the Washington Police was not an intended target and finally just denying at participation at all. 

            Cismaru also denied involvement to Secret Service agents at first, before acknowledging her role as part of a 2018 plea agreement. 

            When approached by the WSJ, Cismaru asked “How much are you willing to pay for this interview?” 

            After denying involvement again to the WSJ, Cismaru finally admitted that breaking into the U.S. capital’s video system was “easy” and said that “Americans are stupid”. 

            Isvanca and Cismaru met in 2010, when he was supporting himself at 18 years old through “computer crimes and credit card fraud”. Within a year of them meeting, Cismaru learned how to acquire and use stolen credit cards for online shopping. Cismaru was convicted of credit card fraud in 2012 in Romania and received a 3 year suspended prison sentence. As part of her sentence, she was supposed to check in everything three months with police, appoints that she “frequently missed”.  

            Banks and retailers generally accept the nearly $7.5 billion in fraud using credit cards annually, because they don’t want to risk losing customers by refusing them refunds – and because the cost of pursuing suspects, like the Romanian couple, is too high. 

            Cismaru then moved to London in 2012 with her wealthy boyfriend, bringing Isvanca and his girlfriend with her. Police raided the house in 2013 during a cybercrime investigation involving Isvanca, at which point Cismaru’s boyfriend evicted everyone from the house but her.

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            The couple then had a son in 2015, before moving back to Bucharest.

            Back in Bucharest, Cismaru and Isvanca started to blast out ransomware to a list of email addresses they ascertained off the dark web. They used a virus created by a Russia-based group that would make money by taking a portion of the ransom in exchange for providing a password to unlock hacked devices. 

            The couple eventually left fingerprints of their work, however.

            Isvanca ordered food online from Andy’s Pizza in Bucharest in 2017 and later that day, using the same email address, he hacked the Washington street cameras. The ransomware that the couple used disabled 126 of the 186 computers linked to the camera.

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            This left agents scrambling to reinstall operating systems in computers that had been effected. While the Secret Service was rushing to fix the issue, Cismaru was posting selfies of herself working on a laptop in a Bucharest restaurant.

            It was just three days before the inauguration that authorities got the cameras working again.

            Isvanca was sure that he had left no trace, but both he and Cismaru had left behind breadcrumbs. Aside from Isvanca using his email address while ordering pizza, Cismaru had used one of Washington’s commandeered computers in an Amazon fraud she was running, taking ordering for items she didn’t own and then shipping to buyers using a stolen credit card. 

            Authorities followed one such package:

            The package contained a hand-held meat barbecuing accessory, called the “Smoking Gun.” The device lets cooks “add a delicious smoky flavor to your food and drinks in just no time,” its producer said.

            At the request of U.S. officials, the British National Crime Agency conducted a raid of the package’s destination, a London office. An officer later called the Secret Service and jokingly said, “I found the smoking gun.”

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            Investigators found that Cismaru had used a Gmail account with her full name as a backup to accounts created for the fraud. From there, they were able to find one email account with the details of 2,170 stolen credit cards and the master list of e-mail addresses that the couple was using.

            Cismaru told the WSJ that her email was “fraudulently used without my knowledge.”

            By January 2017, global investigators had joined with the Secret Service and FBI to plan the arrest of the couple. One Romanian investigator said the couple “ended up being the mostly unlucky hackers after being the luckiest.” 

            Ten days before Christmas in 2017, Cismaru and Isvanca were arrested before boarding a flight to London together and confined to house arrest, as well as ordered not to speak with each other.

            But in 2018, Isvanca messaged Cismaru on an encrypted app, telling her that the Secret Service has “no proof” it was them. He warned her against testifying against him. She took screenshots and shared them with U.S. prosecutors. 

            Cismaru left Romania sometime in February 2018, traveling by train from Hungary to France, before being driven from Paris to London by her boyfriend. Police in London sent officers to the boyfriend’s house, where they caught Cismaru dashing out of the back of the house. 

            “I’m pregnant!” she screamed after being taken into custody. She also “denied any involvement in this scheme and even denied the use of her own personal email account.” 

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            Cismaru and Isvanca were both charged in the U.S. with 11 counts, including conspiracy to commit wire fraud, computer fraud, trespassing in a government computer and extortion. 

            Cismaru was extradited to the U.S. in July 2018. She entered a guilty plea to 2 of the 11 counts and agreed to testify against Isvanca. In court, she “admitted to her participation in this conspiracy, along with a co-conspirator.”

            In January 2019, she was released and in March, she was deported. 

            Isvanca is on trial in Romania on earlier charges involving credit card theft. He faces eventual extradition to the U.S., where charges in the States could result in up to 20 years in prison. 

            Tyler Durden

            Sun, 10/27/2019 – 21:50

          • Expert Panel Finds Gaping Plot-Holes In OPCW Report On Alleged Syrian Chemical Attack
            Expert Panel Finds Gaping Plot-Holes In OPCW Report On Alleged Syrian Chemical Attack

            Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

            The Courage Foundation, an international protection and advocacy group for whistleblowers, has published the findings of a panel it convened last week on the extremely suspicious behavior of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in its investigation of an alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria last year. After hearing an extensive presentation from a member of the OPCW’s Douma investigation team, the panel’s members (including a world-renowned former OPCW Director General) report that they are “unanimous in expressing our alarm over unacceptable practices in the investigation of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, near the Syrian capital of Damascus on 7 April 2018.”

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            I’ll get to the panel and its findings in a moment, but first I should provide some historical background so that readers who aren’t intimately familiar with this ongoing scandal can fully appreciate the significance of this new development.

            In late March of last year, President Trump publicly stated that the US military would soon be withdrawing troops from Syria, causing some with an ear to the ground like independent US congressional candidate Steve Cox to predict that there would shortly be a false flag chemical weapons attack in that nation. This was because the public had already been shown that highly suspicious chemical attacks tended to happen when the Trump administration begins pushing for a reversal of standing US Syria policy, as I noted in April 2017 immediately following the alleged attack in Khan Shaykhun.


            “I was able to predict Douma in 2018 because it happened already almost exactly 1 year prior, at Khan Shaykhun, April 4, 2017,” Cox told me on Twitter earlier today.

            “Khan Shaykhun also occurred within days of the Trump Admin saying we’re leaving Syria.”

            And, like clockwork, on April 7 2018 dozens of civilians in Douma were killed in an incident which was quickly reported as a Syrian government chemical attack by all the usual establishment narrative managers on Syria, with everyone from the White Helmets to Charles Lister to Eliot Higgins to Julian Röpcke loudly flagging it on social media to draw the attention of mainstream news outlets who were slower to pick up the story.

            There was immediate skepticism, partly because acclaimed journalists like Sy Hersh have been highlighting plot holes in the official story about chemical weapons in Syria since 2013, partly because Assad would stand nothing to gain and everything to lose by using a banned yet highly ineffective weapon in a battle he’d already essentially won in that region, and partly because the people controlling things on the ground in Douma were the Al Qaeda-linked extremist group Jaysh-al Islam and the incredibly shady narrative management operation known as the White Helmets. Those groups, unlike the Assad government, most certainly would stand everything to gain by staging a chemical attack in the desperate hope that it would draw NATO powers into attacking the Syrian government and perhaps saving their necks.


            Long before any investigation into this suspicious incident could even be begun, much less completed, the US State Department declared it to have been a chemical weapons attack perpetrated by the Syrian government, saying “the Assad regime must be held accountable”, and that Russia “ultimately bears responsibility” for the attack. Which was of course mighty convenient for US geostrategic interests.

            On the 14th of April 2018, the US, UK and France launched an airstrike on the Syrian government as punishment for using chemical weapons, citing secret “intelligence” which the US government claimed gave them “very high confidence that Syria was responsible.” The public has to this day never been permitted to see this intelligence. This all happened before any formal international investigation could take place.

            The OPCW conducted their investigation, and in July 2018 published an interim report saying that “no organophosphorus nerve agents or their degradation products were detected, either in the environmental samples or in plasma samples from the alleged casualties.” This ruled out sarin gas, invalidating earlier reports by Syria war pundits like Charles Lister who claimed that sarin had been used, but it didn’t rule out chlorine gas. In March of this year the OPCW issued its final report saying forensics were consistent with chlorine gas use and advancing a ballistics report which strongly implicated the Assad government by implying it was an aerial drop (Syrian opposition militias have no air force). The official Twitter account for the UK Delegation to the OPCW tweeted at the time that the report “confirms chemical weapons used, demonstrating the vital importance of OPCW’s work. This confirmed chlorine attack was only the latest example of Asad regime’s CW attacks on its own population.”


            In May of this year, a leaked internal document from the OPCW investigation was published by the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media which completely contradicts the findings of the official report published in March. The leaked Engineering Assessment said that “observations at the scene of the two locations, together with subsequent analysis, suggest there is a higher probability both cylinders were manually placed at those two locations rather than being delivered from aircraft,” which would implicate the forces on the ground in the incident rather than the Assad government.

            The OPCW indirectly confirmed the document’s authenticity by telling the press that its release had been “unauthorised”. Climate Audit’s Stephen McIntyre published an excellent thread breaking down how the document invalidates the OPCW’s claims which you can read by clicking here. Establishment narrative managers had a very difficult time spinning the fact that the OPCW had taken it upon itself to hide findings from the public which dissented from its official report on an incident which preceded an international act of war upon a sovereign nation, and all the implications that necessarily has for the legitimacy of the organization’s other work.

            Throughout this time, critical thinkers like myself have been aggressively smeared as deranged conspiracy theorists, war crimes deniers and genocide deniers for expressing skepticism of the establishment-authorized narrative on Douma. Which takes us to today.


            The Courage Foundation panel who met with the OPCW whistleblower consists of former OPCW Director General José Bustani (whose highly successful peacemongering once saw the lives of his children threatened by John Bolton during the lead-up to the Iraq invasion in an attempt to remove him from his position), WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson, Professor of International Law Richard Falk, former British Army Major General John Holmes, Dr Helmut Lohrer of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, German professor Dr Guenter Meyer of the Centre for Research on the Arab World, and former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East Elizabeth Murray of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

            So these are not scrubs. These are not “conspiracy theorists” or “Russian propagandists”. These are highly qualified and reputable professionals expressing deep concerns in the opaque and manipulative way the OPCW appears to have conducted its investigation into the Douma incident. Some highlights from their joint statement and analytical points are quoted below, with my own emphasis added in bold:

            “Based on the whistleblower’s extensive presentation, including internal emails, text exchanges and suppressed draft reports, we are unanimous in expressing our alarm over unacceptable practices in the investigation of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, near the Syrian capital of Damascus on 7 April 2018. We became convinced by the testimony that key information about chemical analyses, toxicology consultations, ballistics studies, and witness testimonies was suppressed, ostensibly to favor a preordained conclusion.”

            “The convincing evidence of irregular behaviour in the OPCW investigation of the alleged Douma chemical attack confirms doubts and suspicions I already had. I could make no sense of what I was reading in the international press. Even official reports of investigations seemed incoherent at best. The picture is certainly clearer now, although very disturbing.
            ~ Bustani

            “A critical analysis of the final report of the Douma investigation left the panel in little doubt that conclusions drawn from each of the key evidentiary pillars of the investigation (chemical analysis, toxicology, ballistics and witness testimonies,) are flawed and bear little relation to the facts.

            From the section on Chemical Analysis:

            “The interpretation of the environmental analysis results is equally questionable. Many, if not all, of the so-called ‘smoking gun’ chlorinated organic chemicals claimed to be not naturally present in the environment’ (para 2.6) are in fact ubiquitous in the background, either naturally or anthropogenically (wood preservatives, chlorinated water supplies etc). The report, in fact, acknowledges this in Annex 4 para 7, even stating the importance of gathering control samples to measure the background for such chlorinated organic derivatives. Yet, no analysis results for these same control samples (Annex 5), which inspectors on the ground would have gone to great lengths to gather, were reported.”

            “Although the report stresses the ‘levels’ of the chlorinated organic chemicals as a basis for its conclusions (para 2.6), it never mentions what those levels were — high, low, trace, sub-trace? Without providing data on the levels of these so-called ‘smoking-gun’ chemicals either for background or test samples, it is impossible to know if they were not simply due to background presence. In this regard, the panel is disturbed to learn that quantitative results for the levels of ‘smoking gun’ chemicals in specific samples were available to the investigators but this decisive information was withheld from the report.”

            “The final report also acknowledges that the tell-tale chemicals supposedly indicating chlorine use, can also be generated by contact of samples with sodium hypochlorite, the principal ingredient of household bleaching agent (para 8.15). This game-changing hypothesis is, however, dismissed (and as it transpires, incorrectly) by stating no bleaching was observed at the site of investigation. (‘At both locations, there were no visible signs of a bleach agent or discoloration due to contact with a bleach agent’). The panel has been informed that no such observation was recorded during the on-site inspection and in any case dismissing the hypothesis simply by claiming the non-observation of discoloration in an already dusty and scorched environment seems tenuous and unscientific.”

            From the section on Toxicology:

            “The toxicological studies also reveal inconsistencies, incoherence and possible scientific irregularities. Consultations with toxicologists are reported to have taken place in September and October 2018 (para 8.87 and Annex 3), but no mention is made of what those same experts opined or concluded. Whilst the final toxicological assessment of the authors states ‘it is not possible to precisely link the cause of the signs and symptoms to a specific chemical’ (para 9.6) the report nonetheless concludes there were reasonable grounds to believe chlorine gas was the chemical (used as a weapon).”

            “More worrying is the fact that the panel viewed documented evidence that showed other toxicologists had been consulted in June 2018 prior to the release of the interim report. Expert opinions on that occasion were that the signs and symptoms observed in videos and from witness accounts were not consistent with exposure to molecular chlorine or any reactive-chlorine-containing chemical. Why no mention of this critical assessment, which contradicts that implied in the final report, was made is unclear and of concern.

            From the section on Ballistic Studies:

            “One alternative ascribing the origin of the crater to an explosive device was considered briefly but, despite an almost identical crater (understood to have resulted from a mortar penetrating the roof) being observed on an adjacent rooftop, was dismissed because of ‘the absence of primary and secondary fragmentation characteristics’. In contrast, explosive fragmentation characteristics were noted in the leaked study.”

            From the section titled “Exclusion of inspectors and attempts to obfuscate”:

            “Contrary to what has been publicly stated by the Director General of the OPCW it was evident to the panel that many of the inspectors in the Douma investigation were not involved or consulted in the post-deployment phase or had any contribution to, or knowledge of the content of the final report until it was made public. The panel is particularly troubled by organisational efforts to obfuscate and prevent inspectors from raising legitimate concerns about possible malpractices surrounding the Douma investigation.”

            I’ll leave it there for now.

            *  *  *

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            Tyler Durden

            Sun, 10/27/2019 – 21:20


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          Today’s News 27th October 2019

          • India, US Officially Suspend Defense Cooperation
            India, US Officially Suspend Defense Cooperation

            Submitted by GreatGameIndia, a journal on Geopolitics and International Relations.

            In a major development brewing for sometime now, India and US have officially suspended Defense Cooperation after Americans refused to give India high-end jet-engine technology. At the heart of the Indo-US Strategic Partnership is what is known as the Defense Technology and Trade Initiative or DTTI. Under the 2012 DTTI, India and the US set up joint working groups (JWGs) for cooperation on aircraft carriers and jet engine technology, all of the 4 pathfinder projects have now been shutdown. The move comes days after former US Secretary of State and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger’s visit to India.

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            India US officially suspends Defense cooperation

            India and the United States have suspended cooperation on jet engine technology under the Defense Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) that seeks to deepen bilateral cooperation and identify opportunities for sharing of high-end defence technologies, a senior Pentagon official revealed on Thursday. The US export controls is one of the reasons for dropping the cooperation on jet engine technology, she said.

            “The original project (jet engine technology) we have is suspended right now but we are talking about other potential engine working groups. We could not come to an understanding of what exportable technologies will be useful to India and we did run into a challenge in terms of US export controls,” said Ellen Lord, the US under secretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment.

            She was interacting with a small group of reporters after holding talks with secretary (defence production) Subhash Chandra at the 9th DTTI group meeting held in New Delhi. She said there was an enormous amount of aircraft technology that India and the US could work on together. “I know that in the past, there have been frustrations with progress under DTTI, but I can assure you that we are making considerable progress.”


            She said the two sides had come a long way since the JWG format began in 2015. “The JWG co-chairs are working hard to show progress on current projects and identify new ones. The technologies that they are discussing are significant…”

            Air Vice Marshal Manmohan Bahadur (retd), additional director general, Centre for Air Power Studies, said, “It would have been over optimistic to expect the Americans to give us high-end engine technology — no one parts with such strategic know-how. We must go for realistic technologies that we lack — and there are many such techs which the US can give.”

            Defense Technology and Trade Initiative

            At the heart of the Indo-US Strategic Partnership is what is known as the Defense Technology and Trade Initiative. DTTI was launched in 2012 with Secretary Leon Panetta appointing the then Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter to lead the ambitious initiative “to pursue four pathfinder DTTI projects for possible co-development and/or co-production, as well as cooperation on aircraft carriers and jet engine technology”.


            Seven joint working groups were also launched with the yearly meetings to take place alternatively in the two countries

            Load Bearing Pillar

            By all accounts, the defence partnership is the engine of bilateral ties — the “load-bearing pillar”, to quote Joshua White, a former administration official. But how solid is that load-bearing pillar in reality? Insiders say that contradictions, confusion, a mismatch of supply and demand and a lack of clearly defined objectives have restricted progress.

            Jet-engine Working Group Shutdown

            At its last meeting in July (2018), DTTI’s jet engine working group was shut down for lack of progress. They chose to call it a “strategic pause”. Apparently, the divergence between what India wanted and what the US and General Electric were willing to offer was too wide.

            It’s obvious that GE will not part with its crown jewel having spent billions in R&D. As someone said, “it’s the one thing the company has”. GE executives saw it as a compromise of their intellectual property to even suggest improvements in an indigenous Indian engine (Kaveri). Differences also emerged because the US wanted a measure of where India was in terms of indigenous engine technology. India was not keen on open access and benchmarking.


            Four Pathfinder Projects

            The four ‘pathfinder’ projects envisioned by DTTI were:

            1. Next-generation Raven Mini UAVs (rejected by Indian Army as being low-tech)
            2. Roll-on and roll-off kits for C-130 (not moved forward)
            3. Mobile electric hybrid power source (closed)
            4. Protector kit against chemical/bio/nuclear fallout (closed)

            To add to the gloom, the India Rapid Reaction Cell set up by Pentagon to fast-track DTTI projects has been downsized.

            Moreover, according to leaked information of a high-level meeting, the United States and India’s failure to reach a long-expected trade deal on Sept. 24 has sparked fears of a full-fledged India US trade war.

            India US Trade War

            On Sept. 24, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Indian Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal met on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly, raising expectations that the two sides were poised to reveal a new trade deal following months of talks. But according to information leaked from the meeting as reported by Stratfor, the negotiators failed to agree on Indian concessions on information and communication technology, dairy, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, e-commerce, and data localization — in short, every bone of contention that have stymied an agreement for months. Still, U.S. President Donald Trump told visiting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi the same day that they would be able to announce a trade deal soon.

            Bilateral trade, which totaled $142.1 billion last year, remains the major friction point in the U.S.-India relationship. India exported $83.2 billion worth of goods and services to the United States and imported $58.9 billion, resulting in a $24.3 billion surplus. Trump, pointing to the imbalance, has singled Modi out in the past as the “tariff king,” demanding that New Delhi reduce its trade surplus with Washington and lower tariff barriers for American commerce in India.


            The US imposed on India an additional tariff of 25% and 10% on import of steel and aluminum products in March last year. In April, a Congressional Research Service brief on US-India trade relations noted, “Bilateral tensions have increased over each side’s tariff policies.” Then, on May 31 – the day after the inauguration of NDA government to start its second term – the Trump administration announced that it was terminating India’s participation in the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) which allows eligible developing countries to import to the United States duty free. Last year, the GSP accounted for approximately $5 billion of the $83.2 billion in imports India sent to the US.

            In response, the government of India imposed retaliatory tariffs on 28 products originating or exported from the US with effect from 16th June this year. India is expected to get an additional $217 million of revenue from the retaliatory tariffs. This tit-for-tat created substantial tension in the India-US relationship going into the G20 Summit.

            Tyler Durden

            Sun, 10/27/2019 – 00:00

          • Here's Why Trump's "Secure Syria's Oil" Plan Will Prove Practically Impossible
            Here's Why Trump's "Secure Syria's Oil" Plan Will Prove Practically Impossible

            The below analysis is provided by “Ehsani” — a Middle East expert, Syrian-American banker and financial analyst who visits the region frequently and writes for the influential geopolitical analysis blog, Syria Comment

            Much has been debated since President Trump tweeted that “The U.S has secured the oil” in Syria. Is this feasible? Does it make any sense? The below will explain how and why the answer is a resounding NO.

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            An M1 Abrams tank at the Udairi Range Complex in Kuwait, via Army National Guard/Military Times.

            Al-Omar and Conoco fields are already secured by Kurdish-led SDF and U.S forces. Some of the oil from these fields was being sold through third parties to Syria’s government by giving it in crude form and taking back half the quantity as refined product (the government owns the refineries).

            Syria’s government now has access to oil fields inside the 32km zone (established by the Turkish military incursion and subsequent withdrawal of Kurdish forces). Such fields can produce up to 100K barrels a day and will already go a long way in terms of meeting the country’s immediate demand. So the importance of accessing oil in SDF/U.S hands is not as pressing any longer.

            SDF/U.S forces can of course decide to sell the oil to Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) but Syria’s government now has control over the border area connecting Syria to KRG territory through both Yaaroubia and Al-Mallkiya.

            The Syrian government also now has control over supply of electricity. This was made possible by taking control of the Tishreen and Furat dams. Operating those fields needs electric power supply and the state is now the provider.


            Securing and operating these fields also entails paying salaries to those operating the fields. International companies would be very reluctant to get involved without legal backing to operate the fields.

            “Securing the oil” therefore can only mean preventing the Syrian state from accessing al-Omar/Conoco only (not oil in the north). It’s unlikely anything can be sold or transported.

            And let’s not forget “securing” this oil would need ready air cover, and all for what?


            SDF composition included Arab fighters and tribes who accepted Kurds in leadership since they had American support and key cities in north. Many of those Arabs are already switching and joining the Syrian Army. “Securing” oil for benefit of the Kurds is likely to antagonize the Arab fighters and tribes in the region. 

            Preventing rise of ISIS is likely to entail securing support of the region’s Arabs and tribes more than that of the Kurds. This Kurd/Arab issue is yet another reason why President Trump’s idea of “securing” the oil for the benefit of the Kurds just doesn’t make sense nearly on every level.

            Tyler Durden

            Sat, 10/26/2019 – 23:30


          • Big Brother Meets Big Pharma: Harvesting Biometrics Of Everyone
            Big Brother Meets Big Pharma: Harvesting Biometrics Of Everyone

            Authored by Ethan Huff via,

            It’s all happening, just as we predicted. Big Pharma is officially partnering with the tech industry to pair “immunization” with digital biometrics, meaning humans will soon be microchipped, tracked, and ultimately controlled through a global identification matrix.

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            The ID2020 Alliance, as it’s being called, is a digital identity program that aims to “leverage immunization” as a means of inserting tiny microchips into people’s bodies. In collaboration with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, also known as GAVI, the government of Bangladesh and various other “partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief,” the ID2020 Alliance hopes to usher in this mark of the beast as a way to keep tabs on every human being living on Earth.

            Similar to how cattle are marked with ear tags, this globalist alliance wants all humans to be “vaccinated” with digital tracking chips that will create a seamless monitoring system for the New World Order to manage the populations of the world with ease.

            “We are implementing a forward-looking approach to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own personal information, while still building off existing systems and programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, a policy advisor at a2i, the Bangladesh government’s “Access to Information Program.”

            “The government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’ access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this approach,” he adds.

            For more related news about the coming one world government and its biometrics component, be sure to check out

            ID2020 microchips are also being “vaccinated” into the bodies of homeless people in Austin, Texas

            While the ID2020 program’s testing grounds are primarily in the Third World, the group says it’s also now working with governments here in the United States to start microchipping people through vaccination.

            In Austin, Texas, for example, the homeless population is now being exploited as a collective guinea pig for ID2020’s microchip vaccination program, which the group claims will help to “empower” homeless people by supposedly giving them “control” over their personal identity data.

            “The City of Austin, ID2020, and several other partners are working together with homeless people and the service providers who engage with them to develop a blockchain-enabled digital identity platform called MyPass to empower homeless people with their own identity data,” writes Chris Burt for

            ID2020 is also jabbing refugees with its microchip vaccinations through two inaugural pilot programs known as iRespond and Everest. According to reports, iRespond has “improved continuity of care” for more than 3,000 refugees receiving drug treatments for chronic illness. Everest, on the other hand, has “assisted with the provision of access to critical energy subsidies and a range of additional services with secure and user-centric digital identities without relying on a smartphone,” Burt writes.

            All of this is priming the public for an eventual mandate of microchip vaccinations, which will be required for every individual in order to buy and sell goods. Chowdhury openly admitted this in stating that digital identity systems will be necessary for “individuals’ access to services and livelihoods.”

            In other words, the Bible is right: A global identification system is in the works that will eventually be required for people to function in society, and ultimately survive. Without these microchips in their bodies, people won’t be able to work, let alone eat, and it’s all happening right before our very eyes.

            Keep in mind that ID2020 is a part of the so-called “REAL ID,” which will soon be required for those who wish to travel. REAL ID will also be used as a backdoor method of implementing mandatory vaccination policies for adults.

            Tyler Durden

            Sat, 10/26/2019 – 23:00

          • "Something Very Big Just Happened" – Trump To Make "Major Statement" Tomorrow Morning
            "Something Very Big Just Happened" – Trump To Make "Major Statement" Tomorrow Morning

            In a mysteriously open-ended tweet this evening, President Trump announced that, “something very big just happened.”


            Shortly after the tweet, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said that the President plans to make a “major statement” at the White House at 9 a.m. EST.

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            There are no details as to what either the president’s tweet or the statement are related to but some chatter on rumors around a raid in Idlib that could be related to the capture of al-Baghdadi (again), or something related to the impeachment inquiry hearings.

            Tyler Durden

            Sat, 10/26/2019 – 22:53


          • Shocking Satire Shows 'Boston Dynamics' Testing New Robotic Super-Soldier
            Shocking Satire Shows 'Boston Dynamics' Testing New Robotic Super-Soldier

            Satire, or not, the following clip offers a tragicomical view of the world not so far in the future when a robot super-soldier “will take a lickin’ and keep on tickin'”, shrugging off bee attacks, hockey-stick hammerings, direct rear and frontal kick-boxing assaults, and still obey the three laws of robotics (to humans as well as dogs)…

            Scared much?

            As @CalebJHull tweeted: “Climate change isn’t going to kill us. These things are.”

            We do wonder just how willingly the Military-Industrial Complex will transition forces to these ‘super-soldiers’ in the future – no MREs, no latrines, no mission-limiting fatigue – just non-taxpaying robots doing their overlords’ bidding.

            Tyler Durden

            Sat, 10/26/2019 – 22:30

          • Who Has Spent The Most Dollars Lobbying Washington In 2019?
            Who Has Spent The Most Dollars Lobbying Washington In 2019?

            Authored by Karl Evers-Hillstrom via

            The pharmaceutical industry is holding on to its title as the top lobbying force in Washington amid pressure from lawmakers at all ends of the ideological spectrum.Drugmakers have spent more than $129 million through September, slightly down from nearly $133 million at this time last year, but still far more than any other industry. 

            The larger pharmaceutical/health products industry, which includes medical devices and dietary supplement companies along with drugmakers, spent $228 million through the third quarter of 2019, a record-breaking pace that is up $10 million from this time last year. 

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            House Democrats recently advanced legislation that allows the federal government to negotiate the price of drugs that lack generic equivalents. The bill passed the House Ways and Means Committee this week without a number of amendments proposed by progressive Democrats who argued the bill isn’t strong enough. 

            Senate Republicans have said the Democrats’ bill will not fly in the upper chamber. Although members of both parties in the Senate agree drug prices need to be lowered, they can’t agree on how to do it. 

            Some of the biggest increases from the industry came from Akebia Therapeutics (up to $1.5 million from $110,000 this time last year) and Humira manufacturer AbbVie (up to $5.4 million from $4.3 million). The industry’s main trade association, Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, increased its spending by $930,750 to nearly $22.8 million. It is the fourth-highest lobbying spender so far. 

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            Data via

            That spending comes on top of the industry’s many ad campaigns designed to influence lawmakers and the general public. The industry fights threatening legislation in creative ways, including funding prominent but unrelated associations to push pro-industry messages on the airwaves

            Air transport is on pace to break its spending record this year, shelling out $79 million up from nearly $72 million this time last year. Powerful industry forces such as Airbus and FedEx are ramping up lobbying spending over President Donald Trump’s trade war.

            Approaching a Congress that could become increasingly paralyzed amid Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, not every industry is increasing its spending. 

            Powerful business associations are spending far less than they did last year, down from their biggest years that came under the Obama administration. Most of that is due to a lack of spending from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which spent nearly $57 million through the third quarter, down from $69 million this time last year. Odd years are always down for Chamber, and the pro-business lobbying giant has been unable to gain traction with Trump or congressional Democrats.

            Real estate also dropped off, spending less than $66 million, down from nearly $89 million this time last year, when the industry spent record lobbying numbers. 

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            Overall lobbying spending is slightly down from last year, when it hit the highest level since 2010. But it remains steady in the Trump era after a dip during President Barack Obama’s second term. And these figures don’t include some “shadow lobbying” operations or “dark money” influence campaigns that often total millions of dollars. 







            Some clients have increased their spending by massive amounts this year. Physicians for Fair Coverage, a coalition of physician staffing firms, spent nearly $4.3 million so far this year, up from only $270,000 a year ago, amid the surprise medical bills battle. A major air ambulance firm called Air Medical Group Holdings spent $1.2 million in the third quarter alone over the same issue after not reporting lobbying for three years.

            America’s Health Insurance Plans, the top trade group for private insurers, ramped up its lobbying totals to $7.2 million from $5.2 million. The group is battling pharmaceutical interests over drug pricing legislation and competing with physician and hospital groups over surprise medical billing legislation. 

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            House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Reps. Richard Neal (D-Mass.) (L) and Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) reveal House Democrats’ bill to reduce drug costs on Oct. 16. The bill is fiercely opposed by the pharmaceutical industry. (Photo by Zach Gibson/Getty Images)

            Facebook, whose chief executive Mark Zuckerberg was hit from all sides at congressional hearings this week, is certain to smash its record spending figure from last year. The firm has already spent $12.3 million, an increase of $2.5 million over last year. 

            Huawei has increased its domestic lobbying spending 16-fold from this time last year, shelling out nearly $1.9 million to push back on a partial ban from the Trump administrationExtensive lobbying by some American companies that do business with the Chinese telecom may have helped water down restrictions from the administration.

            Researcher Dan Auble contributed to this report.

            Tyler Durden

            Sat, 10/26/2019 – 22:00

          • New Jersey's $5 Billion "American Dream" Mall Finally Set To Open After 17 Years
            New Jersey's $5 Billion "American Dream" Mall Finally Set To Open After 17 Years

            The 2.9 million square foot American Dream mall is finally set to be the biggest spectacle in the history of New Jersey malls. Malls have, for better or worse, become part of the fabric of New Jersey, with even a 1994 State Supreme Court ruling calling them “traditionally the home of free speech” in the state.

            New Jersey malls are also notorious for their drama and the $5 billion behemoth opening 8 miles west of Manhattan – complete with its 450 shops and restaurants, amusement parks, ice rink and ski area – is likely going to carry the torch of that tradition forward. 

            There’s still skepticism about the mall’s location and long-term viability, however, especially since the project has hit endless setbacks and hangups since first being conceptualized 17 years ago, long before the current “age of Amazon”. 

            Retail historian Michael Lisicky said: “I looked at it almost like a freak show when it was under construction. This is the American dream, having what looks like a dog’s breakfast in the middle of the Meadowlands, that is of questionable ecological health? Then topping it off with a retail component closed on Sundays?”

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            Robert Kugler, a 46-year-old author and publisher from Virginia who has a shore home in New Jersey, said: “I can’t think of a reason I’d ever go to East Rutherford ever again in my life unless I was going to see the Eagles play.”

            George Ritzer, a University of Maryland sociology professor who came up with the term “cathedrals of consumption” said: “What the new mall is trying to be is a spectacle — a number of different spectacles.”

            And New Jersey malls are no stranger to spectacles. For example, in 2016, a costumed Easter Bunny at Newport Centre in Jersey City was smacked by an irate parent – and the video went viral on YouTube. 

            Lisicky said: “You’ve got to love these quirks of New Jersey. Maybe American Dream is going to be one of those quirks.”

            Regardless, the mall’s arrival to the Northern New Jersey scene has nearby competitors scrambling to figure out ways to stand out. 

            The mall’s owner, Triple Five Group, is expecting 40 million visitors per year once the full map is up and running – a number that would surely devastate some of the nine nearby malls that are already competing for traffic out of the New York metropolitan area. 

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            North New Jersey’s mall scene has survived off of a pulse from New York City, as New Jersey doesn’t implement a sales tax on clothing. In the city, shoppers pay 8.875%. This has helped fuel “continued demand” for malls in New Jersey, even as brick and mortar shops across the nation buckle. Nearby Paramus, New Jersey still boasts the busiest retail ZIP code in the country, despite the fact that many retailers stay closed on Sunday as a result of the county’s “Blue Laws”. 

            Whether or not the landscape will shift with the introduction of the American Dream mall remains to be seen. The mall will first see its theme part and ice skating rink open before its retail section opens up next year. The complex is 45% retail and 55% entertainment, including indoor snow skiing and a DreamWorks water park. 

            Rick Rizzuto, vice president at real estate research firm Transwestern in New Jersey, said: “I think the size alone is a pretty big draw.”

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            The Short Hills mall, about 30 minutes away, says it’s not worried about the new competition because it offers high end services and “experiences that enhance its appeal beyond just the merchandise itself.”

            Short Hill mall General Manager Jamie Cox said: “Setting ourselves apart doesn’t necessarily have to do with the big roller coasters that American Dream is working on; it has to do with a differentiated shopping experience.”

            Cox claims American Dream won’t be able to match features like the VIP lounge in its Chanel boutique and Canada Goose’s “Cold Room” where customers can test the company’s gear in temperatures as low as -13F. 

            Cox continued: “Our customers might go there once or twice for entertainment purposes, but when they want to shop they’re going to come to Short Hills.”

            Goyal still thinks that higher end malls may be able to offer something that American Dream can’t. She said: “You go to American Dream for the entertainment. But I think if you want to go purchase something, you may not want that bigger presence where you might get lost.”

            Paramus’ Garden State Plaza, about 20 minutes away, also strives to differentiate itself by having become a “mini city”, complete with residential spaces, public gathering spaces, restaurants and traditional retailers. Currently, it offers high end services like valet parking and a concierge. 

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            Garden State Plaza in Paramus, NJ

            Karen Bednarz, a sales development coach from Hawthorne, New Jersey, says that she thinks American Dream will still draw a crowd; at least, at first. 

            She said: ”It’s like the Stew Leonard’s that opened up last month. American Dream’s going to attract a lot of people because it’s brand new, but that newness will go away eventually. Unless it has something that you can’t find anywhere else, it may lose its sizzle.”

            Rick Rizzuto agreed that the mall would draw people in, and even postulated that it could help other nearby malls: “It will have a large enough reach that people from Pennsylvania and Connecticut will come to see it at least once. It will draw a lot more people than the area is used to, which should result in spending at the other malls in the area.”

            Tyler Durden

            Sat, 10/26/2019 – 21:30

          • With Little Fanfare, William Barr Formally Announces Orwellian Pre-Crime Program
            With Little Fanfare, William Barr Formally Announces Orwellian Pre-Crime Program

            Authored by Whitney Webb via,

            A recent memorandum authored by Attorney General William Barr announced a new “pre-crime” program inspired by “War on Terror” tactics and is set to be implemented next year…

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            Last Wednesday, U.S. Attorney General William Barr issued a memorandum to all U.S. attorneys, law enforcement agencies and top ranking Justice Department officials announcing the imminent implementation of a new “national disruption and early engagement program” aimed at detecting potential mass shooters before they commit any crime.

            Per the memorandum, Barr has “directed the Department [of Justice] and the FBI to lead an effort to refine our ability to identify, assess and engage potential mass shooters before they strike.” The Attorney General further described the coming initiative, slated to be implemented early next year, as “an efficient, effective and programmatic strategy to disrupt individuals who are mobilizing towards violence, by all lawful means.” More specific information about the program is set to follow the recent memorandum, according to Barr, though it is unclear if that forthcoming document will be made public.

            Barr also requested that those who received the memorandum send their “best and brightest” to a training conference at FBI headquarters this coming December where the DOJ, FBI and “private sector partners” will prepare for the full implementation of the new policy and will also be able to provide “new ideas” for inclusion in the program.

            Perhaps the most jarring aspect of the memorandum is Barr’s frank admission that many of the “early engagement” tactics that the new program would utilize were “born of the posture we adopted with respect to terrorist threats.” In other words, the foundation for many of the policies utilized following the post-9/11 “war on terror” are also the foundation for the “early engagement” tactics that Barr seeks to use to identify potential criminals as part of this new policy. Though those “war on terror” policies have largely targeted individuals abroad, Barr’s memorandum makes it clear that some of those same controversial tactics will soon be used domestically. 

            Barr’s memorandum also alludes to current practices by the FBI and DOJ that will shape the new plan. Though more specifics of the new policy will be provided in the forthcoming notice, Barr notes that “newly developed tactics” used by the Joint Terrorist Task Forces “include the use of clinical psychologists, threat assessment professionals, intervention teams and community groups” to detect risk and suggests that the new “early engagement program” will work along similar lines. Barr also alludes to this “community” approach in a separate instance, when he writes that “when the public ‘says something’ to alert us to a potential threat, we must do something.”

            However, the memorandum differentiates suspected terrorists from the individuals this new program is set to pursue. Barr states that, unlike many historical terrorism cases, “many of today’s public safety threats appear abruptly and with sometimes only ambiguous indications of intent” and that many of these individuals “exhibit symptoms of mental illness and/or have substance abuse problems.”

            Thus, the goal of the program is ostensibly to circumvent these issues by finding new and likely controversial ways to determine intent. As will be shown later in this report, Barr’s recent actions suggest that the way this will be accomplished is through increased mass surveillance of everyday Americans and the use of algorithms to analyze that bulk data for vaguely defined symptoms of “mental illness.”

            Barr also suggested the likely courses of action that would follow the identification of a given individual as a “potential mass shooter.” The Attorney General notes that in past cases individuals deemed a violent or terroristic threat before they commit a crime are subject to “detention, court-ordered mental health treatment, substance abuse counseling, electronic monitoring”, among other measures. Ostensibly, the new program would then apply these same practices to individuals in the U.S. that federal authorities believe are “mobilizing towards violence,” as Barr put it.

            Bill Barr’s been busy

            The memorandum, despite heralding a new era of Orwellian surveillance and “pre-crime” on a national level, has been sparsely covered by the mainstream media. One of the few reports that did cover the new Justice Department policy, published Wednesday by the Huffington Post, framed the new Barr-led initiative as largely positive and asserted that the “anti-terror tactics” to which Barr alluded could “help thwart mass shooters.” No mention was made in the piece of the threat such a program is likely to pose to civil liberties.

            Furthermore, no mention was made of Barr’s clear push over the past few months to lay the groundwork for this recently announced program. Indeed, since becoming Attorney General under President Trump, Barr has spearheaded numerous efforts to this end, including pushing for a government backdoor into consumer apps or devices that utilize encryption and for a dramatic increase of long-standing yet controversial warrantless electronic surveillance programs. 

            On July 23rd, Barr gave the keynote address at the 2019 International Conference on Cyber Security (ICCS) and mainly focused on the need for consumer electronic products and applications that use encryption to offer a “backdoor” for the government, specifically law enforcement, in order to obtain access to encrypted communications as a matter of public safety.

            Barr went onto say that “warrant-proof encryption is also seriously impairing our ability to monitor and combat domestic and foreign terrorists.” Barr stated that “smaller terrorist groups and ‘lone wolf’ actors” — such as those involved in the series of mass shootings in California, Texas and Ohio that occurred in the weeks after his speech — “have turned increasingly to encryption.” Barr later noted that he was specifically referencing encryption used by “consumer products and services such as messaging, smartphones, email, and voice and data applications.”

            To overcome the resistance by some private companies — who do not want to renege on their right to privacy by giving the government backdoor access to their devices — and American consumers, Barr tellingly anticipated “a major incident may occur at any time that will galvanize public opinion on these issues.” Shortly after this speech, several mass shootings, including one at an El Paso Walmart took place, which again brought the issue to the forefront of political discourse. 

            As MintPress reported at the time, Barr’s uncanny prediction and a litany of other oddities related to the El Paso shooting left many answered questions about the FBI’s foreknowledge of the event. In addition, the tragedy did appear to serve as the very “galvanizing” event that Barr had anticipated, as the solution offered by President Trump in the wake of the shootings was the creation of a government backdoor into encryption as well as calling for the very pre-crime system Barr formally announced just last week.

            The pre-crime dragnet takes shape

            More recently, Barr and U.K. Home Secretary Priti Patel signed a data access agreement on October 3rd that allows both countries to demand electronic data on consumers from tech companies based in the other country without legal restrictions. It is the first executive agreement reached as part of the controversial Clarifying Overseas Use of Data Act or CLOUD Act passed by the U.S. Congress last year. 

            The CLOUD Act has come under fire from rights groups who have warned that the legislation gives “unlimited jurisdiction to U.S. law enforcement over any data controlled by a service provider, regardless of where the data is stored and who created it” and that this also “applies to content, metadata, and subscriber information”, including private messages.

            Yet, Barr and Patel claimed that the data access agreement will instead “enhance” civil liberties and further asserted that the agreement would be used to go after “pedophiles” and “organized crime”, even though both Barr and his U.K. equivalent have shown minimal interest in pursuing the co-conspirators of child sex trafficker and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, whose sex trafficking network has been linked to both organized crime and the intelligence agencies of both the U.S. and Israel. Some have charged that the lack of interest on the part of William Barr is due to the fact that Barr’s father once hired the now deceased pedophile.

            Notably, Jeffrey Epstein also had an apparent interest in pre-crime technologies, and was a key funder of the controversial technology company Carbyne911, along with former Israeli Prime Minister and close Epstein associate Ehud Barak. Carbyne911 is one of several Israeli companies that market their software products to the U.S. as a means of reducing mass shootings and improving the response times of emergency service providers. These companies boast numerous and troubling connections to the governments and intelligence communities of both the U.S. and Israel. Epstein, himself linked to the intelligence apparatuses of both nations, invested at least $1 million in Carbyne911 through a “data mining” company he controlled. 

            As was detailed in a recent MintPress exposé on these companies, Carbyne911 and similar companies extract any and all data from consumer smartphones for merely making emergency calls and then use it to “analyze the past and present behavior of their callers, react accordingly, and in time predict future patterns,” with the ultimate goal of smart devices making emergency calls to the authorities, as opposed to human beings. 

            Data obtained from these software products, already used by several U.S. counties and slated to be adopted nationwide as part of a new national “next generation” 911 system, will then be shared with the same law enforcement agencies who will soon be implementing Barr’s “national disruption and early engagement program” to target individuals flagged as potentially violent based on vague criteria. 

            Notably, following the El Paso shooting, President Trump has been mulling the creation of a new federal agency known as HARPA that would work with the Department of Justice to use “breakthrough technologies with high specificity and sensitivity for early diagnosis of neuropsychiatric violence,” specifically “advanced analytical tools based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.” The data to be analyzed would be harvested from consumer electronic devices as well as information provided by health-care providers to identify who may be a threat.

            It is important to point out that such initiatives, whether HARPA or Barr’s newly announced program, are likely to define “mental illness” to include some political beliefs, given that the FBI recently stated in an internal memo that “conspiracy theories” were motivating some domestic terror threats and a series of questionable academic studies have sought to link “conspiracy theorists” to mental illnesses. Thus, the Department of Justice and “mental health professionals” have essentially already defined those who express disbelief in official government narratives as both a terror threat and mentally ill — and thus worthy of special attention from pre-crime programs.

            Sleepwalking into a nightmare

            This widely overlooked background is crucial to understanding William Barr’s recent memorandum and the massive and greatly underreported shift in the policy it heralds. Over a period of several months, Barr — aided by “private sector partners” as well as other current and former government officials — has been laying the groundwork for the system he has now formally announced.

            Through the software products offered by companies like Carbyne911 and through Barr’s personal crusade to mandate government backdoors into encrypted software and products, Barr’s new pre-crime program already has the tools for the mass extraction and storage of consumer data by means of both private tech companies and public services like emergency call centers. 

            Through the already drafted plan for HARPA and its proposed solution to identifying “mental illness” via artificial intelligence and machine learning, this newly announced “pre-crime” program will have the means to analyze the mass of data harvested from consumer electronic devices from Carbyne and other means using vague “mental health criteria.”

            While many of the specifics of the program remain unknown, the actions of Barr and others in government and private sectors show that this newly announced initiative is the product of years of careful planning and many of the tactics and tools it is poised to use have been in the works for months and even years.

            In recent decades, and especially after the September 11 attacks, Americans have quietly traded an increasing number of civil liberties for increased government “counter-terrorism” programs and wars purportedly waged to “keep us safe.” Now, those same policies used to target “terrorists” are set to be used against ordinary Americans, whose electronic lives and communications are now set to be scoured for evidence of “mental illness.” If these untransparent algorithms flag an individual, that could be enough lead to court-ordered “mental health treatment” or even imprisonment regardless of whether or not a crime was committed or even planned.

            As a consequence, William Barr’s coming “pre-crime” program is arguably worse than the stuff of dystopian science fiction novels and films as it not only aims to detain Americans who have committed no crime but will expressly target individuals based on their use of electronic consumer products and the contents of their communications with their friends, family, co-workers, and others.

            Tyler Durden

            Sat, 10/26/2019 – 21:00

          • Meet The Next WeWork: SoftBank's OyO Suffers "Massive Shortfall" After Labor Revolt
            Meet The Next WeWork: SoftBank's OyO Suffers "Massive Shortfall" After Labor Revolt

            Even as Adam Neumann’s, and WeWork’s, 15 minutes of infamy are almost up, attention on the mastermind that enabled one of the biggest corporate travesties in the post-Lehman world, while blowing an unprecedented “private” valuation bubble by using his own company to singlehandedly create a Ponzi scheme in which he was the first, last and every buyer inbetween, is only now just starting to perk up. We are talking, of course, about Soft Bank and the person behind, Japan’s richest man (who after the dot com bubble burst almost went bankrupt for a good reason), both of which were profiled in our recent post “Is SoftBank The Bubble Era’s “Short Of The Century” (TL/DR: yes).

            And while there is much to be discussed about SoftBank’s approach to investing (for those looking to literally laugh out loud, there are few things as entertaining as the Japanese bank/telecom/venture investor/whatever’s annual report), this is not the time to go on a tangent (we did that last week), and instead we will not that after the fiasco that was the Uber IPO, the snafu that was the Slack public offering, and the absolute disaster that was the WeWork non-IPO, another of SoftBank’s formerly marquee portfolio names is suddenly imploding.

            As the Nikkei reports, a massive shortfall in the aggressive Japanese expansion plans of Oyo, the SoftBank Group-backed Indian hotel group, has snowballed into a nasty labor revolt.

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            Oyo Hotels & Homes, which seeks to become the largest hotel chain in the world – naturally, because how can Masa Son want anything except the biggest, fastest, mostest in the world, entered Japan in April. It laid out ambitious plans to become the country’s largest hotel operator with a target of signing up 75,000 rooms under its brand by March 2020, according to sources.

            There was just one problem: as of Sept. 30, Oyo had signed up only 4,000 rooms, the Nikkei reports. Labor representatives said Oyo’s failure to meet this “very unrealistic goal” had subsequently led Oyo to renege on some employment contracts (because if there is one thing WeWork taught us is that while SoftBank’s ridiculous valuation marks are to be defended at all costs, even if it means doubling down on a disastrous investment, the employee s are always expendable).

            In response to questions by Nikkei, an Oyo spokesperson called the figures “unsubstantiated” but said: “We are not able to disclose internal information on business plans.”

            There’s a reason why he did not want to disclose anything: documents seen by the Nikkei showed that some staffers, especially in sales, were also asked to take 40% pay cuts.

            Oyo’s growing pains in Japan are another headache for investor SoftBank, which this week agreed to bail out coworking startup WeWork by taking an 80% stake and providing a $9.5 billion support package, making its investment in WeWork over $17 billion for a valuation of less than$8 billion.

            Like Oyo, WeWork was highly ambitious, aiming for global domination of the shared-office space. it is hardly a shock, then, that now Oyo is set to be the next WeWork.

            Meanwhile, we have already discussed the labor bloodbath at the office sublettor which until a few months ago had an idiotic valuation of $47 billion, endorsed by the likes of JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs no less: WeWork staffers now face the ax as the company massively scales back its expansion plans. As part of a turnaround strategy, it will cut 4,000 jobs, or just under 30% of its workforce, the Financial Times reported Wednesday, even as it paid founder, former CEO and Chairman Adam Neumann $1.2 billion just to leave the company.

            That said, the chain of events at Oyo appears to have short-circuited that observed at WeWork,: Oyo’s employees say they are suffering because of the missed expansion targets: “The number of hotel rooms is very far from reaching the target,” one company executive said.

            “Oyo has put an emphasis on increasing the number of salespeople in Japan, believing that as long as they can secure a face-to-face meeting [with potential partners] they will be able to sign contracts,” the official said. “But it’s not that simple.”

            Oyo, founded in 2013 by Indian entrepreneur Ritesh Agarwal, then 19 years old – just the age group that Masa Son appears be utterly fascinated with – operates a franchise model by providing technology, brand and operational know-how to hotel owners. The company claimed earlier this month to be the world’s second-largest hotel operator, with a portfolio of 1.2 million rooms, including homes, in more than 80 countries.

            However, its Japan plans have stumbled. At the same time, investors have begun to question its soaring valuation and lack of profits, just like WeWork… and soon SoftBank.

            What happened?

            With SoftBank’s mobile phone unit and SoftBank Vision Fund as its joint-venture partners in Japan, Oyo originally aimed to surpass local hotel chain Toyoko Inn, which has around 62,000 rooms, within a year. However, as Japan has enjoyed a surge in room bookings ahead of the 2020 Olympics, Oyo has been unable to attract many hotels to its platform, as they already have high occupancy levels. Oyo has also struggled to convey the benefits of its technology-driven operation to hotel owners in regional areas outside major city centers.

            In emailed comments, an Oyo spokesperson said: “In Japan, we have in a short span of 6 months already opened over 100 hotels across 50+ cities, a testament to how our business is growing in the country.”

            Oyo went on a hiring spree that saw 500 employees join the venture in just six months. Many of these employees, who signed up for full-time employment with Oyo, actually began under contract to a headhunting company, with the understanding they would be permanently employed by Oyo afterward, representatives of a labor union formed to address staff grievances told Nikkei. But Oyo later told some of those workers they might not be hired on a permanent basis after all, while others were offered direct employment only if they agreed to have their pay reduced by 30% to 40%.

            Ironically, the avalanche at Oyo was also started by Adam Neumann: the cutbacks came as senior management was asked to keep a sharper focus on Oyo’s bottom line, given WeWork’s floundering plans to go public and growing investor unease about tech startup profitability generally.

            “Oyo was told repeatedly by the director of human resources and by the headhunting company that sudden changes of contracts are illegitimate,” and the company finally relented after SoftBank stepped in and warned against the pay cuts, one labor representative said.

            As of Thursday, Oyo had made 200 of the 500 workers direct employees.

            Asked for comment, Oyo said: “There have been no salary deductions. In fact, we have made several merit-based salary increases.” Oyo added that “while there were early cases where the intention of certain agreements were misinterpreted, any outstanding ambiguities have now been resolved.”

            * * *

            The development is the latest in a string of bad news that has clouded Oyo’s prospects as it continues to follow an aggressive global expansion strategy, fueled by capital from SoftBank and its $100 billion Vision Fund.

            Incidentally, if these disastrous, foundering “ventures” didn’t have virtually infinite capital to persist as zombies just so billionaire Son could feel good about his investing genius, the world would be a far more efficient place, and would certainly not be going through the bursting of the venture capital-to-public equity bubble.

            Like in Japan, so in China, where Oyo claims to be the second-largest hotel chain after launching just two years ago, local media have reported that the company is planning large-scale layoffs. Oyo has said the reports are inconsistent, and that it has hired over 10,000 employees in China.

            Some hotel owners in India, its home market, have meanwhile complained of hidden fees that were only discovered when they received their monthly income statements. A group representing hotel operators in Bengaluru has called for a criminal probe into Oyo, Reuters reported this month. Oyo has denied the allegations.

            Of course, this being a SoftBank company which can only exist if its valuation keeps rising no matter the circumstances, despite these problems, Agarwal and SoftBank have continued to double down on their expansion plans.

            Which of course means more good money after bad: earlier this month, Oyo said it was raising $1.5 billion in a financing round, with $700 million coming from Agarwal  – reportedly supported by a consortium of Japanese banks and financial partners. The remainder will be provided by existing investors, including SoftBank.

            By now the endgame should be clear: once the current liquidity bubble – the biggest of all time – pops, all of WeWork’s portfolio companies will follow in the footsteps of WeWork, and now Oyo, into the abyss of forgotten, overvalued unicorns, leaving countless workers unemployed. And since the ultimate casualties here are millions of Japanese pensioners and retirees whose money funded the biggest bubble of all – that of Masa Son’s hubris – the only thing that is not clear is when will the BOJ step in to bailout SoftBank.

            Tyler Durden

            Sat, 10/26/2019 – 20:44

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          Today’s News 26th October 2019

          • The Deep State Is Assassinating Julian Assange
            The Deep State Is Assassinating Julian Assange

            Authored by Aaron Kesel via,

            WikiLeaks founder and journalist Julian Assange appeared in court to fight his extradition to the United States, sluggishly reciting his name and date of birth in a zombie-like state — displaying signs of either sleep deprivation, torture or poisoning — but quickly recovered to state the rigged case against him to the judge when he was asked if he understood what he was facing.

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            Assange responded, appearing to fight back tears at his case management hearing, “I can’t think properly, I don’t understand how this is equitable. This superpower had 10 years to prepare for this case and I can’t access my writings. It’s very difficult where I am to do anything but these people have unlimited resources.” The WikiLeaks Founder added, “They are saying journalists and whistleblowers are enemies of the people. They have unfair advantages dealing with documents. They know the interior of my life with my psychologist. They steal my children’s DNA. This is not equitable what is happening here?”

            Assange was also denied a 90-day extension to prepare his defense as governments rig yet another case against the WikiLeaks journalist, proving the death of real justice and right to a fair trial in the UK is corroborated with the death of journalism and ethics. In other words, the cards are stacked against Assange; the state has committed numerous illegal moves, yet the man’s defense can’t do anything because the state isn’t playing by the rules by showing a total bias, court action after court action.

            Westminster Magistrates’ Court district judge Vanessa Baraitser further highlighted that rigging by adhering to the behest of government prosecutor James Lewis QC who was firmly against the judge giving Assange any extra time to prepare his case, as The Guardian reported.

            As The Canary reports:

            Clearly, the full weight of the British and US state apparatus is bearing down on the WikiLeaks founder in this extradition case. That was made explicitly clear in a statement by Nils Melzer, the UN special rapporteur on torture, in May. He urged the UK not to extradite Assange to the US, saying:

            In 20 years of work with victims of war, violence and political persecution I have never seen a group of democratic States ganging up to deliberately isolate, demonise and abuse a single individual for such a long time and with so little regard for human dignity and the rule of law.

            Assange’s legal team also accused the U.S. of attempting to “kidnap and harm” the WikiLeaks founder and used that as reasoning for delaying the trial, Sky News reported.

            Mark Summers, one of Assange’s lawyers, described the extradition bid as “a political attempt” by Donald Trump’s administration to “signal to journalists the consequences of publishing information.”

            “It is legally unprecedented,” he told the court.

            Summers further claimed the U.S. had “intruded” on conversations between Assange and his lawyers while he was in the Ecuadorian embassy, and the intrusions included “hooded men breaking into offices.”

            This is something similar to what we saw with the raiding of the Head Legal Office in Madrid of former judge and WikiLeaks’ chief counsel, Baltasar Garzón in December 2017. Garzón’s office was raided by masked men dressed in all black and the security cameras were taped. Despite the break-in, nothing was taken and the operation was referred to as being “professionally done” by police.

            In January of this year, police began questioning associates of WikiLeaks worldwide offering immunity to testify against Assange.

            Assange’s Health Condition

            Earlier this year, a crazy claim took the internet by storm made by a retired USAF lieutenant colonel Karen Kwiatkowski who wrote that they are “treating Assange with the Zombie drug BZ (3-quinuclidinyl benzilate) to kill his brain cells” according to an insider source. Whereas at the time that statement sounded insane, the display in court by Assange may warrant looking at that claim again with a fresh view. This information may be shocking to some, but journalist Danny Casolaro who stood against The Octopus (DEEP STATE) was killed by a toxic poison that was injected into his spine, then his wrists were sliced 12x on each hand. We also know from former CIA employee Mary Embree that the infamous heart attack gun exists and the agency was researching other silent assassination slow kill methods, so that possibility isn’t as crazy as it all may sound.

            A source who claims to have seen the WikiLeaks founder described Assange as “out of it and in an zombie like state.” Russian news station RT corroborated this claim, showing Assange in a police transportation van appearing to show a weakened state of health in just his physical appearance.


            Craig Murray, a friend of Assange and former politician, also stated in a recent article that the WikiLeaks journalist could be subjected to torture or chemical injections, corroborating Kwiatkowski’s claims about torturous intimidation allegations. Murray wrote, “it was a real struggle for him to articulate the words and focus his train of thought.”

            Murray writes:

            Until yesterday I had always been quietly skeptical of those who claimed that Julian’s treatment amounted to torture – even of Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture – and sceptical of those who suggested he may be subject to debilitating drug treatments. But having attended the trials in Uzbekistan of several victims of extreme torture, and having worked with survivors from Sierra Leone and elsewhere, I can tell you that yesterday changed my mind entirely and Julian exhibited exactly the symptoms of a torture victim brought blinking into the light, particularly in terms of disorientation, confusion, and the real struggle to assert free will through the fog of learned helplessness.

            I had been even more sceptical of those who claimed, as a senior member of his legal team did to me on Sunday night, that they were worried that Julian might not live to the end of the extradition process. I now find myself not only believing it, but haunted by the thought. Everybody in that court yesterday saw that one of the greatest journalists and most important dissidents of our times is being tortured to death by the state, before our eyes. To see my friend, the most articulate man, the fastest thinker, I have ever known, reduced to that shambling and incoherent wreck, was unbearable. Yet the agents of the state, particularly the callous magistrate Vanessa Baraitser, were not just prepared but eager to be a part of this bloodsport. She actually told him that if he were incapable of following proceedings, then his lawyers could explain what had happened to him later. The question of why a man who, by the very charges against him, was acknowledged to be highly intelligent and competent, had been reduced by the state to somebody incapable of following court proceedings, gave her not a millisecond of concern.

            The WikiLeaks former editor has been in the Belmarsh prison hospital shortly after being incarcerated, which followed with a quick deterioration of his health. Assange still remains in the medical ward, according to his father John Shipton in a recent interview with Going Underground‘s Afshin Rattansi.

            Although, this may be due to the bombardment of surveillance technologies that were being used illegally on Assange while in the Ecuadorian embassy for asylum, where he has been for the past 6 years, despite two different UN rulings calling the detainment “arbitrary detention.”


            In fact, last year, Christine Assange used Unity4J to urge officials to allow her son access to medical attention, and for the UK and Ecuador to end Assange’s then illegal 8-year detainment (2 years of virtual house arrest, 6 years confined inside the Ecuadorian embassy.)

            For the past 6 years while Assange was in the embassy, the UK government  refused his request for access to basic health needs: fresh air, exercise, sunshine for vitamin D and access to proper medical and dental care according to Christine Assange and Julian Assange’s lawyer, Greg Barns.

            As a result, his health has seriously deteriorated; and his examining doctors warn these detention conditions are life-threatening.

            “The slow and cruel assassination is taking place before our very eyes in the embassy in London,” Christine expressed at the time and that statement still holds true.

            Assange’s doctor, Sean Love, previously stated in an opinion piece that depriving his patient of medical care is “cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.” Adding, “It is time for Australia to intervene.”

            Other doctors who have previously examined Assange, Sondra Crosby, an associate professor at Boston University’s school of medicine and public health, and Brock Chisholm, a clinical psychologist in London have stated much the same.

            All three once called on safe passage for Assange to a hospital. In an article for the Guardian, they wrote:

            While the results of the evaluation are protected by doctor-patient confidentiality, it is our professional opinion that his continued confinement is dangerous physically and mentally to him and a clear infringement of his human right to healthcare.

            Assange has had a persistent chronic lung condition for several years, and his ‘frozen shoulder’ issues were talked about as having possible implications of a heart condition. So Assange has a list of health problems, from being prevented sunlight and exercise while he was holed up in the embassy. Although, it’s not known why he was taken to Belmarsh’s prison medical ward. He should immediately be taken to a hospital where full care can be administered instead of limited care inside a prison ward.

            It has now been 9 long years that governments have been torturing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange; it is without a doubt their responsibility for the man’s health deteriorating whether he is currently being poisoned or previously poisoned by radiation from the surveillance technology.

            As former Reagan Administration Paul Craig Roberts said in 2011, there is a clear and concerted effort to shut Assange up.

            Assange’s doctors saw him last year in December shortly before his arrest in April; however, his condition was not made public out of respect for confidentiality. Instead, Assange is gifted hospital care in a prison known for torturing its inmates, which include past terrorists. After the WikiLeaks publisher was put under Belmarsh prison “care,” WikiLeaks said that it was “gravely concerned” over the state of Assange’s health.


            Assange is being held in Belmarsh prison after the Met Police arrested him in April over a defunct bail warrant in the UK.  The U.S. is seeking his extradition from the UK for prosecution over WikiLeaks’ journalistic work with Cablegate, Iraq and Afghanistan war logs leaked by whistleblower Chelsea Manning as an Army analyst.



            The warrant issued in question in Sweden arose 12 days after Julian entered the Ecuador Embassy seeking asylum from U.S. threats against his life and liberty. So the warrant should never have been issued in the first place, as asylum/international law overrides domestic (UK) law.

            Instead, the allegations should have been dropped after Sweden dropped its preliminary investigation and Julian wasn’t charged, as the warrant was attached to the European Arrest Warrant on that case. Both women, Sophia Wilen and Anna Ardin, in that case have confessed that the police made up the charges, while Ardin has very curious connections to the CIA and the Swedish embassy, Activist Post reported.

            Judge Emma Arbuthnot (the wife of former UK Defence Minister Lord James Arbuthnot) also rejected arguments presented by Assange’s legal team over why he breached bail conditions by seeking political refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy in 2012. A conflict of interest which caused many to speak out about on social media.

            After Julian Assange was sentenced in a Kangaroo Court in London for “skipping bail” for 50 weeks of a defunct bail warrant and fraudulent rape case, as well as having his first hearing on his extradition trial, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden expressed, “it is not just a man who stands in jeopardy, but the future of the free press.”


            However, according to reports, the Swedish rape case was reopened at the request of an alleged victim’s lawyer. There is a third woman, according to Euronews and The Intercept, who stated that the woman has thus far been “unidentified.” At this point, given the two other cases being manipulated and fraudulent, it would not be surprising if this were another set up against Assange like the infamous Todd And Claire garage-run operation calling Assange a pedophile in the 2016 election. The woman’s lawyer Elisabeth Massi Fritz none the less says that her client welcomed re-opening the Swedish investigation.

            One of Assange’s own lawyers expressed in May that after his client was put into the medical ward “it was not possible to conduct a normal conversation with him to build his defense,” Per Samuelson told reporters after visiting Belmarsh.

            It is also worth mentioning that a motion to delay a hearing in Sweden on the provably fraudulent rape allegations (which this reporter has exposed) was also denied around the same time period. This denial of extending the Swedish hearing is compounded with originally denying lawyers access to court transcripts of statements to copy, pushing his defense to have to read documents and then remember what was said to write it up by memory. Which, obviously would create a flimsy defense by design.

            Assange has never been formally charged in the investigation with rape, despite mainstream media reports libeling and defaming him by pushing a biased narrative that Assange is a “rapist.”  Biased because the establishment ignores evidence that exonerates him, as WikiLeaks has pointed out in past tweets.


            In 2012, the UK Supreme Court acknowledged that Assange was not charged in Sweden. The prosecutor further acknowledged in correspondence with UK authorities that the matter is a ‘preliminary investigation’, and that no decision had been made to charge. Sweden attempted to drop the investigation in 2013, but was told not to by the UK CPS, which also discouraged Sweden from interrogating Assange in the UK despite it being routine for Sweden and standard practice throughout the EU. The CPS destroyed key emails relating to Assange’s Swedish extradition, an investigation by Stefania Maurizi showed according to Justice4Assange, a website created for accurate information in the defense of Julian Assange ran by Hanna Jonasson.

            Ironically enough, past research indicates that the Swedish Court of Appeals originally refused to force the prosecutor to hand over SMS messages as WikiLeaks documents on Twitter.


            Surveillance By CIA Contractors and Threats Of Assassination

            If that’s not enough, Assange has been spied on and the suspects at the time had tried to extort 3,000,000 million euro from the journalism organization for the destruction of the videos and pictures, which included videos of private situations such as doctors visits and lawyers meetings while he was in the embassy, Reuters reported.

            Since then, police have made at least one arrest of the ring leader named Jose Martin Santos, previously convicted for fraud, arrested in Alicante for trying to bribe WikiLeaks for millions in exchange for private videos of Assange.

            That plot was later further tied to the CIA who hired UC Global S. L. and its founder David Morales to spy on Assange according to court documents that were presented to Spain’s High Court, El Pais reported.

            UPDATE: As this article went to press Spanish Judge José de la Mata requested to interview the WikiLeaks founder by videoconference as a witness, however, the British judicial system stepped in denying the request, which could affect Assange’s extradition trial, El Pais reported. 

            Just another example of the rigging that is going on against Julian Assange preventing him from forming a defense to defend against his extradition, this is all without a doubt unprecedented.

            Its also worth noting that, as Elizabeth Lea Vos reports for Consortium News in her piece “Julian Assange’s Nightmarish Future,” the last time Assange was in a British prison he had metal put into his food which chipped his tooth.

            “The last time Assange was held in a British prison, in 2010, he says that he was given food containing metal objects that severely damaged a tooth. This was at London’s HM Prison Wandsworth.The incident caused serious injury and he did not receive proper medical treatment during the six and a half years of  his confinement in the Ecuadorian embassy. A medical report published by WikiLeaks in 2015 describes Assange’s version of the event,” Vos wrote.

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            Before Assange was arrested he’s documented stating in a leaked transcript: “I am an assassination risk. It’s not a joke. It is a serious business.” He added, “There have been attempts by people to get into this embassy through the windows at night.”

            In 2016, WikiLeaks tweeted that it took UK police two hours to respond to a call after an unidentified man attempted to scale the wall of the Ecuadorian Embassy in the U.K. at 2:47 am. The would-be intruder escaped security and managed to flee to safety while embassy security waited two hours for U.K. police to take the two-minute walk from the police station to the embassy.


            Assange’s Future Fate Is In Our Hands

            Assange was ordered to remain in prison even though his 50-week prison sentence ended on September 22, over concerns that he will evade the U.S. extradition request due to his “history of absconding,” according to the BBC.

            “In my view, I have substantial ground for believing if I release you, you will abscond again,” said Westminster Magistrates’ Court District Judge Vanessa Baraitser.

            Assange faces 175 years in the United States if convicted of exposing war crimes and various corruption within the United States, 17 charges of which are under the Espionage Act, as part of the WikiLeaks grand jury indictment. That indictment was accidentally made public after a copy-paste slip-up error by the Eastern District of Virginia courts mixed up cases, as Activist Post reported.

            In total, Assange faces 18 charges including a charge under the CFAA for “computer hacking” by helping his source Chelsea Manning protect herself against being discovered, as Activist Post previously reported.

            It is pretty blatantly obvious that the state seeks to “assassinate” Julian Assange, be it his character through using the media, or harming the WikiLeaks founder directly.

            Activists worldwide aim to use the Anonymous celebration of Guy Fawkes day on November 5th to highlight the WikiLeaks founder’s current plight and fight for freedom of the press against U.S. extradition now set for trial in February 25th of next year. Meanwhile, rappers Lowkey and MIA plan to perform a concert in front of the UK Home Office. Former home secretary Sajid Javid signed an order in June allowing Assange to face extradition to the U.S. over the allegations relating to his journalism. Assange’s pre-hearing is on December 19th where he will begin his last case management preparation for trial only two months later.

            It sure does appear that Assange is being put through the Stratfor, Palantir and HB Gary plan for WikiLeaks.


            If extradited, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer has continuously said Assange could be exposed to “a real risk of serious violations of his human rights, including his freedom of expression, his right to a fair trial, and the prohibition of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” Melzer has also stated that Assange has deliberately been exposed, “for a period of several years, to progressively severe forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the cumulative effects of which can only be described as psychological torture.”

            As journalist Catlin Johnstone, pointed out, Melzer had two interviews by Sky News and BBC World censored on his opinion on Assange as a UN Rapporteur on Torture.

            What many don’t realize is that it is all journalists who are at risk, not just those who worked with WikiLeaks but every journalist around the world. The state of journalism now sits in the hands of a rigged court that won’t even provide an award-winning journalist ample time to form a defense against the abhorrent crime of doing journalism and publishing the truth.

            To truly understand the mark Julian Assange and the WikiLeaks team has made on the world, watch this heart-wrenching video of Nobel Peace Prize Winner Mairead Maguire speaking on the imprisonment of her longtime friend Julian Assange during her acceptance speech for the GUE/NGL journalism award in his honor.

            Supporters are asked to donate to the numerous defenses for WikiLeaks by visiting this link or purchasing merchandise from the WikiLeaks Shop, which goes towards Assange and other WikiLeaks volunteers’ defenses and future releases.

            For up-to-date accurate information on Julian Assange’s plight, see @Wikileaks@AssangeMrs@DefendAssange and @Unity4J and Assange’s lawyers Twitter accounts far too many to list, most notably the editor of Justice4Assange — @AssangeLegal. The Unity4J Twitter account will be up to date with information, live streams, and the Pinterest account will detail places where protests will be held in support of Julian Assange above and beyond his birthday.

            Also, see the Candles4Assange account for further information on protests, the global movement to “stop the war on journalism.”

            As Assange has said in his own words in a letter, “Everyone else must take my place! I have been isolated from all ability to prepare to defend myself: no laptop, no internet, ever, no computer, no library, so far, but even if I get access, it will just be for a half an hour, with everyone else, once a week,” Assange wrote. “The other side? A superpower that has been preparing for 9 years, with hundreds of people and untold millions spent on the case.”

            Tyler Durden

            Sat, 10/26/2019 – 00:00

          • This "Holy Grail" Bottle Of Scotch Whisky Just Sold For £1.5 Million
            This "Holy Grail" Bottle Of Scotch Whisky Just Sold For £1.5 Million

            The “alternative asset” market seems to still be in a boom, judging by the bid for one rare bottle of Scotch whisky. 

            A bottle of Macallan 1926 60-year-old single malt from cask number 263 sold for a world record £1.5M at auction in London, according to the BBC. Sotheby’s, who held the auction, didn’t release the name of the buyer. 

            This sum dwarfs the previous record for a single bottle of scotch, which stood at £1.2M and was set by another bottle of Macallan from the same cask that was sold last November. Sotheby’s described the Macallan 1926 from cask number 263 as the “holy grail” of whisky. 

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            The cask was distilled in 1926 and bottled in 1986. It yielded only 40 bottles. Sotheby’s said at auction that the bottle featured was part of the “ultimate whisky collection”, which consisted of 467 bottles across 394 lots. The collection sold for £7,635,619, which was double its pre-auction estimate. 

            The auction marked Sotheby’s first offering of spirits from a single owner. 

            Jonny Fowle, Sotheby’s spirits specialist, concluded: “This fantastic result is testament to the quality of the collection. It was remarkable to see so many iconic bottles break records – homage to the importance of distilleries such as Bowmore, Brora, Springbank and, of course, The Macallan.”

            Tyler Durden

            Fri, 10/25/2019 – 23:40

          • The United States, Turkey, & The SDF: The Internal War Between Syria's Enemies
            The United States, Turkey, & The SDF: The Internal War Between Syria's Enemies

            Authored by Federico Pieraccini via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

            The truth is that in addition to Turkey, the US, the UK, France, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have armed, financed and trained about 250 thousand jihadis from all around the world since 2010 for the purposes of attacking Syria, precipitating a disaster in the region, with repercussions felt in Europe, and committing crimes against humanity.

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            The Syrian Arab Army, with the assistance of its Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah allies, has managed to overcome the depredations of al-Qaeda and ISIS, confining them to the Idlib region, creating in the process some problems for the countries that armed and supported these monsters.

            One of these problems lies with two of NATO’s most important countries, and the respective factions that they support in Syria.

            Ankara considers the PKK-affiliated YPG to be a terrorist organization, using the jihadis of al-Nusra Front, Daesh, al-Qaeda and the FSA to attack areas under the control of Damascus in order to exterminate the Kurds.

            Before the alt-media started to talk about the use of terrorists against Syria, the complaints emanating from Damascus about what was going on were dismissed as propaganda. Now the mainstream media is all of a sudden beside itself with concern for the wellbeing of the Kurds. When Syrian civilians were under similar assault, the likes of CNN and other international media created a smokescreen to prevent people from understanding what was happening in Syria. Such deliberate obfuscation has caused thousands of deaths that are no less heinous than those committed by Daesh.

            Behind the obfuscating fog is the fact that the United States helped create Daesh in Iraq and used them in 2012 as a weapon against Damascus, in full coordination with Erdogan. Dozens of jihadist groups were armed and equipped to support US plans to destroy Syria.

            Washington is a master at creating “problems” (al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc.) for its own geo-political purposes that require the ready-made solution. However, when things do not go to plan, there is a Plan B to fall back on in order to justify an illegal presence under the pretense of fighting terrorism.

            Syria was subjected to just this gameplan. But with Damascus getting the better of Daesh, the Pentagon had to fall back on Plan B, which involved the occupation of northern Syria, under the pretext of protecting the Kurds from Daesh as well as advancing the noble quest of fighting terrorism. It is only thanks to the complacency of the mainstream media that such heights of contradiction have been achieved.

            The SDF and the YPG illegally occupy Syria under the enabling umbrella of the illegal presence of the US, which hoped to use these proxies to partition Syria through the cause of Kurdish separatism.

            Interestingly, the mainstream media never reveals that a good deal of Syria’s Kurds, who have been living for months in areas under the control of Damascus, actually support the Assad government.

            Unsurprisingly, the SDF and YPG are supported politically by many Western countries seeking to partition Syria in favor of a Kurdish enclave. Israel, even as it destroys the lives of millions of Palestinians, shamelessly demands self-determination for the Kurds in Syria.

            The SDF masters in Washington understand well that without a force on the land controlled by them, they could not prevent Assad from reuniting the country and taking over the a commercial, economic and energy connection project between Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran, with the Beijing Economic blessing that intends to invest / grant lines of credit of more than 600 billion dollars between Iran, Syria and Iraq.

            The only legitimate authority in Syria that is able to guarantee the safety of civilians from the depredations of Daesh, the FSA, al-Nusra, al-Qaeda and all the other 256 iterations of jihadists (none of whom is “moderate”) is the Syrian Arab Army and its central government in Damascus.

            Turkey, the SDF and the United States are three irregular, illegal and illegitimate occupants of Syrian soil who are fighting in the midst of thousands of civilians and are causing death and destruction that could easily be avoided.

            The international political and media reaction to events happening in Syria confirms in my mind that there is an internal wrangle between the United States, Turkey and the SDF stemming from their defeat at the hands of the Syrian Arab Army and allies; a win for civilization.

            Tyler Durden

            Fri, 10/25/2019 – 23:20


          • The World's Best And Worst Pension Funds
            The World's Best And Worst Pension Funds

            With the global population aging at a rapid pace (research has determined that the percentage of the population over the retirement age will grow to 20% by 2070, up from 9% today), understanding the durability of the world’s pension funds is of growing importance.

            Hence, the Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index, a study of 37 retirement income systems covering more than 63% of the world’s population, has been created to reflect the “great diversity between the systems around the world with scores ranging from 39.4 for Thailand to 81.0 for the Netherlands.”

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            Pension funds are not only a critical source of retirement income, they play a significant role in financial markets, mandating a growing need for accurate information about the comparisons between different countries, said Martin Pakula, Australia’s minster for jobs, innovation and trade, in a preface released with the study.

            Here’s how the index works: The overall index value for each system represents the weighted average of three sub-indices. The weightings used are 40% for the adequacy sub-index, 35% for the sustainability sub-index and 25% for the integrity sub-index which have remained unchanged since the first Index was published back in 2009.

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            This year’s study confirmed that the Netherlands and Denmark again received A-ratings, confirming that they remain the best systems and most sustainable pension systems.

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            Below, is a run-down of all the country’s included in the study and their numerical ranking (in alphabetical order). 

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            And this chart shows the letter grade received by each…

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            Part four of the study includes several recommendations for how low-scoring systems can improve (text courtesy of the study):

            • ƒIncrease the state pension age and/or retirement age to reflect increasing life expectancy, both now and into the future, thereby reducing the costs of publicly financed pension benefits3.ƒ
            • Promote higher labour force participation at older ages which will increase the savings available for retirement and limit the continuing increase in the length of retirement.
            • Encourage or require higher levels of private saving, both within and beyond the pension system, to reduce the future dependence on the public pension while also adjusting the expectations of many workers.
            • Increase the coverage of employees and/or the self-employed in the private pension system, recognising that many individuals will not save for the future without an element of compulsion or automatic enrolment.
            • Reduce the leakage from the retirement savings system prior to retirement thereby ensuring that the funds saved, often with associated taxation support, are used for the provision of retirement income.
            • Review the level of public pension indexation as the method and frequency of increases are critical to ensure that the real value of the pension is maintained, balanced by its long-term sustainability.
            • Improve the governance of private pension plans and introduce greater transparency to improve the confidence of plan members.

            While also charting an “interesting” relationship between household debt and the relative performance of a country’s pension system, implying that household debt is higher in nations with better-performing pension systems – the so-called “wealth effect.”

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            Regular Zero Hedge readers are no doubt familiar with our pension coverage, especially as the largest pension funds in the US are on track to miss their targets again in 2019, just look at how much risk remains around the world, as underfunded pensions far outnumber their well-funded peers.

            Tyler Durden

            Fri, 10/25/2019 – 23:00

          • Can The US Beat China In A "Trade War"?
            Can The US Beat China In A "Trade War"?

            Authored by Andre Vltcheck via,

            It is very popular these days to talk and write about the “trade war” between the United States and China. But is there really one raging? Or is it, what we are witnessing, simply a clash of political and ideological systems: one being extremely successful and optimistic, the other depressing, full of dark cynicism and nihilism?

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            In the past, West used to produce almost everything. While colonizing the entire planet (one should just look at the map of the globe, between the two world wars), Europe and later the United States, Canada and Australia, kept plundering all the continents of natural resources, holding hundreds of millions of human beings in what could be easily described as ‘forced labor’, often bordering on slavery.

            Under such conditions, it was very easy to be ‘number one’, to reign without competition, and to toss around huge amounts of cash, for the sole purpose of indoctrinating local and overseas ‘subjects’ on topics such as the ‘glory’ of capitalism, colonialism (open and hidden), and Western-style ‘democracy’.

            It is essential to point out that in the recent past, the global Western dictatorship (and that included the ‘economic system) used to have absolutely no competition. Systems that were created to challenge it, were smashed with the most brutal, sadistic methods. One only needs recall invasions from the West to the young Soviet Union, with the consequent genocide and famines. Or other genocides in Indochina, which was fighting its wars for independence, first against France, later against the United States.


            Times changed. But Western tactics haven’t.

            There are now many new systems, in numerous corners of the world. These systems, some Communist, others socialist or even populist, are ready to defend their citizens, and to use the natural resources to feed the people, and to educate, house and cure them.

            No matter how popular these systems are at home, the West finds ways to demonize them, using its well-established propaganda machinery. First, to smear them and then, if they resist, to directly liquidate them.

            As before, during the colonial era, no competition has been permitted. Disobedience is punishable by death.

            Naturally, the Western system has not been built on excellence, hard work and creativity, only. It was constructed on fear, oppression and brutal force. For centuries, it has clearly been a monopoly.


            Only the toughest countries, like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea or Cuba, have managed to survive, defending they own cultures, and advancing their philosophies.

            To the West, China has proved to be an extremely tough adversary.

            With its political, economic, and social system, it has managed to construct a forward-looking, optimistic and extraordinarily productive society. Its scientific research is now second to none. Its culture is thriving. Together with its closest ally, Russia, China excels in many essential fields.

            That is precisely what irks, even horrifies the West.

            For decades and centuries, Europe and the United States have not been ready to tolerate any major country, which would set up its own set of rules and goals.

            China refuses to accept the diktat from abroad. It now appears to be self-sufficient, ideologically, politically, economically and intellectually. Where it is not fully self-sufficient, it can rely on its friends and allies. Those allies are, increasingly, located outside the Western sphere.


            Is China really competing with the West? Yes and no. And often not consciously.

            It is a giant; still the most populous nation on earth. It is building, determinedly, its socialist motherland (applying “socialism with the Chinese characteristics” model). It is trying to construct a global system which has roots in the thousands of years of its history (BRI – Belt and Road Initiative, often nicknamed the “New Silk Road”).

            Its highly talented and hardworking, as well as increasingly educated population, is producing, at a higher pace and often at higher quality than the countries in Europe, or the United States. As it produces, it also, naturally, trades.

            This is where the ‘problem’ arises. The West, particularly the United States, is not used to a country that creates things for the sake and benefit of its people. For centuries, Asian, African and Latin American people were ordered what and how to produce, where and for how much to sell the produce. Or else!

            Of course, the West has never consulted anyone. It has been producing what it (and its corporations) desired. It was forcing countries all over the world, to buy its products. If they refused, they got invaded, or their fragile governments (often semi-colonies, anyway) overthrown.

            The most ‘terrible’ thing that China is doing is: it is producing what is good for China, and for its citizens.

            That is, in the eyes of the West, unforgiveable!


            In the process, China ‘competes’. But fairly: it produces a lot, cheaply, and increasingly well. The same can be said about Russia.

            These two countries are not competing maliciously. If they were to decide to, they could sink the US economy, or perhaps the economy of the entire West, within a week.

            But they don’t even think about it.

            However, as said above, to just work hard, invent new and better products, advance scientific research, and use the gains to improve the lives of ordinary people (they will be no extreme poverty in China by the end of 2020) is seen as the arch-crime in London and Washington.

            Why? Because the Chinese and Russian systems appear to be much better, or at least, simply better, than those which are reigning in the West and its colonies. And because they are working for the people, not for corporations or for the colonial powers.

            And the demagogues in the West – in its mass media outlets and academia – are horrified that perhaps, soon, the world will wake up and see the reality. Which is actually already happening: slowly but surely.


            To portray China as an evil country, is essential for the hegemony of the West. There is nothing so terrifying to London and Washington as the combination of these words: “Socialism/ Communism, Asian, success”. The West invents new and newer ‘opposition movements’, it then supports them and finances them, just in order to then point fingers and bark: “China is fighting back, and it is violating human rights”, when it defends itself and its citizens. This tactic is clear, right now, in both the northwest of the country, and in Honk Kong.

            Not everything that China builds is excellent. Europe is still producing better cars, shoes and fragrances, and the United States, better airplanes. But the progress that China has registered during the last two decades, is remarkable. Were it to be football, it is China 2: West 1.

            Most likely, unless there is real war, that in ten years, China will catch up in many fields; catch up, and surpass the West. Side by side with Russia.

            It could have been excellent news for the entire world. China is sharing its achievements, even with the poorest of the poor countries in Africa, or with Laos in Asia.

            The only problem is, that the West feels that it has to rule. It is unrepentant, observing the world from a clearly fundamentalist view. It cannot help it: it is absolutely, religiously convinced that it has to give orders to every man and woman, in every corner of the globe.

            It is a tick, fanatical. Lately, anyone who travels to Europe or the United States will testify: what is taking place there is not good, even for the ordinary citizens. Western governments and corporations are now robbing even their own citizens. The standard of living is nose-diving.

            China, with just a fraction of the wealth, is building a much more egalitarian society, although you would never guess so, if you exclusively relied on Western statistics.


            So, “trade war” slogans are an attempt to convince the local and global public that “China is unfair”, that it is “taking advantage” of the West. President Trump is “defending” the United States against the Chinese ‘Commies’. But the more he “defends them”, the poorer they get. Strange, isn’t it?

            While the Chinese people, Russian people, even Laotian people, are, ‘miraculously’, getting richer and richer. They are getting more and more optimistic.

            For decades, the West used to preach ‘free trade’, and competition. That is, when it was in charge, or let’s say, ‘the only kid on the block’.

            In the name of competition and free trade, dozens of governments got overthrown, and millions of people killed.

            And now?

            What is China suppose to do? Frankly, what?

            Should it curb its production, or perhaps close scientific labs? Should it consult the US President or perhaps British Prime Minister, before it makes any essential economic decision? Should it control the exchange rate of RMB, in accordance with the wishes of the economic tsars in Washington? That would be thoroughly ridiculous, considering that (socialist/Communist) China will soon become the biggest economy in the world, or maybe it already is.

            There is all that abstract talk, but nothing concrete suggested. Or is it like that on purpose?

            Could it be that the West does not want to improve relations with Beijing?

            On September 7, 2019, AP reported:

            White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow compared trade talks with China on Friday to the U.S. standoff with Russia during the Cold War…

            “The stakes are so high, we have to get it right, and if that takes a decade, so be it,” he said.

            Kudlow emphasized that it took the United States decades to get the results it wanted with Russia. He noted that he worked in the Reagan administration: “I remember President Reagan waging a similar fight against the Soviet Union.”

            Precisely! The war against the Soviet Union was hardly a war for economic survival of the United States. It was an ideological battle, which the United States, unfortunately won, because it utilized both propaganda and economic terror (the arms race and other means).

            Now, China is next on the list, and the White House is not even trying to hide it.

            But China is savvy. It is beginning to understand the game. And it is ready, by all means, to defend the system which has pulled almost all its citizens out of misery, and which could, one day soon, do the same for the rest of the world.

            Tyler Durden

            Fri, 10/25/2019 – 22:40

          • Biden Unveils Labor Plan In Attempt To Woo Middle Class Voters
            Biden Unveils Labor Plan In Attempt To Woo Middle Class Voters

            Former Vice President Joe Biden unveiled a series of ideas centered around unionization and worker protections in an attempt to woo middle class voters, according to Bloomberg.

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            The Democratic presidential candidate on Friday released a series of pledges aimed at countering what his campaign calls “the abuse of corporate power over labor,” while also encouraging workers to organize. Some of the measures build on existing legislation or efforts by the Obama administration.

            Biden is presenting his labor plan days after he returned to his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, for a speech touting his middle-class roots and values, and assailing all the ways he sees Trump failing to deliver for working Americans. –Bloomberg

            The plan calls for “abolishing state right-to-work laws, no- poaching pacts among companies and almost all non-compete agreements — does not break much new ground in the Democratic race, and aligns him on many points with his more progressive rivals,” according to the report.

            “Unions built the middle class. And the middle class built this country,” Biden said on Tuesday in Scranton.

            Meanwhile, Biden has aligned himself with his top Democratic rivals in endorsing a standard set by a recent California law which makes it much harder for companies such as Uber and Lyft to classify their employees as independent contractors instead of employees.

            Biden would also hold corporate executives personally liable for interference with efforts to organize, with criminal charges possible for intentional interference.

            He said that he supports the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, introduced by Representative Bobby Scott, a Virginia Democrat, and others earlier this year. That measure would impose financial penalties on companies that interfere with unionization efforts.

            Biden said he would “aggressively” pursue employers who violate labor laws, participate in wage theft or intentionally misclassify employees as independent contractors. He added that he intends to push for legislation to make misclassification of workers a “substantive violation” of federal labor, employment and tax laws. He would also fund an increase in the number of investigators in various agencies, whose ranks have been cut by the Trump administration. –Bloomberg

            Biden’s plan would also make it easier for employees to collectively bargain whether they are in the public or private sector – and has vowed to create a cabinet-level working group tasked with formulating a plan for to encourage unions and address economic inequality by the end of his first 100 days in office.

            Perhaps the working group can figure out how employees won’t collectively bargain themselves out of a job due to outsourcing to countries with less stringent worker rights.

            Read more about Biden’s plan here.

            Tyler Durden

            Fri, 10/25/2019 – 22:20

          • "We Want To Keep The Oil"
            "We Want To Keep The Oil"

            Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

            “Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand,
            workin’ in the dark against your fellow man.
            But as sure as God made black and white
            what’s down in the dark will be brought to the light.”

            ~ Johnny Cash/traditional, ‘God’s Gonna Cut You Down’

            The Grayzone has an excellent new article out titled “US troops are staying in Syria to ‘keep the oil’ — and have already killed hundreds over it” detailing the many ways the Trump administration has openly admitted that it is keeping US troops in Syria to control the nation’s oil fields so that the Syrian government can’t use it to fund reconstruction efforts.

            “We’ve secured the oil, and therefore a small number of US troops will remain in the area where they have the oil,” Trump said in a recent press conference.

            “And we’re going to be protecting it. And we’ll be deciding what we’re going to do with it in the future.”

            “We want to keep the oil,” Trump said in a cabinet meeting a few days earlier.

            “Maybe we’ll have one of our big oil companies to go in and do it properly.”

            “A purpose of those [US] forces, working with the SDF, is to deny access to those oil fields by ISIS and others who may benefit from revenues that could be earned,” said Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

            As Grayzone’s Ben Norton accurately explains, “and others” necessarily means the Syrian government; preventing Assad from accessing Syrian oil is standing US military policy.

            And that of course is the real reason US armed forces constantly remain in Syria despite all the empty babble about ending wars and bringing home the troops: it’s about control over a nation in a key geostrategic location which refuses to be absorbed into the blob of the US-centralized empire. Controlling its material wealth is an ideal way to do this.

            Whenever I write about oil as a primary motive for US imperialism, I always get a bunch of right-wingers objecting that that makes no sense because the US has plenty of oil, and that it’s really about freedom and democracy or communism or Zionism or pedovore cults or Illuminati or whatever. What they miss, in their squirming attempts to avoid cognitive dissonance, is that it’s not about having and consuming oil, it’s about controlling oil. Control what governments can and cannot access crucial resources, and you can control which governments thrive and which ones don’t.

            As Trump said, “We’ll be deciding what we’re going to do with it in the future.” In no other international power dynamic would this be considered a rational thing for anyone to say. The idea of another nation invading Texas and seizing control of its oil fields and then Xi Jinping or whomever saying “We’re controlling their oil and we’ll be deciding what we’re going to do with it in the future” is unthinkable, but a US president can just come right out and say this about a weaker nation and it won’t even be front-page news.

            I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Donald Trump is the most honest US president of all time. By that I don’t mean that he’s an honest person; he of course lies constantly. I simply mean that while his predecessors have always made sure to dress their imperialist military campaigns up as benevolent humanitarian intercessions, Trump just stands there out in the open like “Yeah we grabbed their oil and it’s ours now, blow me.” There was once a time when claiming a war was really about oil got you branded a conspiracy theorist. Now the US president just outright says it.

            And this is really the only reason establishment power structures dislike Trump. They don’t feel directly threatened by him, they just dislike the way he’s always saying the quiet part out loud. Status quo power has a vested interest in keeping a smiling mask on things and preventing people from thinking too hard about what’s really going on in the world, and Trump keeps ripping off that mask by telling everyone what he’s doing in plain English.

            Revolution (the real kind, the kind that actually changes things) is ultimately a fight against psychological compartmentalization on a mass scale. Compartmentalization is a tool people use to avoid the psychological discomfort (aka cognitive dissonance) that would otherwise be experienced by trying to hold on to two conflicting positions at one time, like, for example, seeing yourself as a good person and simultaneously giving your government your tacit permission to murder strangers on the other side of the world in your name.

            Establishment power works to prevent people from looking directly at the ugly aspects of the empire, like the horrific nature of what war is and how much their country spreads it, or the fact that so many have so little while a few others have so very much, or the reason their government doesn’t seem to operate the way they were taught in school. The empire has a vested interest in keeping these things in the dark, while the clear-eyed rebel is always trying to drag them kicking and screaming into the light. This is why truth-tellers and whistleblowers are always made public enemy number one by our rulers.

            The true rebel fights to enlighten things, the empire fights to endarken them. This is the struggle from the largest power structures in our world, right down to our own inner lives as individual human beings. This is why I talk so much about the importance of inner work; it’s all one struggle, from the evil secrets hidden behind thick walls of government opacity all the way down to the parts of ourselves we try not to look at. Your efforts to become a more consciously integral and less compartmentalized human being are just as important as your efforts to expose the puppet strings to the audience.

            As November 2020 draws nearer the screams to shut up and stop pointing at the truth are going to get louder and louder for political dissidents in America, even louder than the “shut up and fall in line” admonishments that Bernie-or-Busters received constantly in 2016. This will only be the voice of the empire yelling “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” It will only be those who are still plugged into the imperial narrative matrix transforming into a bunch of Agent Smiths and telling you to stop saying things which cause them cognitive dissonance.

            But, for someone who has signed the truth-at-all-costs contract within themselves, this simply won’t be an option. Our desire to bring what’s dark into the light will overcome any pressure to keep things endarkened, whether it be in ourselves, in our relationships, in our society, in our government, or in our world. Followed through with in a deep and integral way, it changes the way we think, it changes the way we experience our own consciousness, it alters our behavior, it ruins our experience of news media and Hollywood blockbusters, it ends our marriages, it breaks up longstanding friendships and forges new ones, and it makes the deceptions of the powerful utterly intolerable. Truth come what may means truth come what may, and it’s a lifetime commitment.

            We wouldn’t have it any other way.

            *  *  *

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            Tyler Durden

            Fri, 10/25/2019 – 22:00

          • Amid Crises, China Sets 2020 Tone With Secret Plenum Meeting Next Week
            Amid Crises, China Sets 2020 Tone With Secret Plenum Meeting Next Week

            The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is expected to hold a long-delayed meeting next week, according to several state media sources, as the country experiences a wide range of issues, such as social and economic chaos in Hong Kong, a trade war between the US, and the possibility of sub 6% GDP in mainland China in 2020. 

            Global Times reported Friday that the closed-door, secret meeting would be held from Oct. 28-31 in Beijing.

            Xinhua News Agency reports that President Xi Jinping will speak at the event on Thursday.

            Members of the CPC, the Communist Party’s elites, are expected to discuss several important topics, including “issues concerning how to uphold and improve the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernize China’s system and capacity for governance,” the Global Times said. 

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            Plenum, what the meeting is technically called, is the convening of the CCP’s Central Committee to discuss policy and country direction. 

            Last year’s plenum was delayed, so next week’s meeting will be important as communist elites discuss policy and country heading to navigate the trade war with the US and address policy that will further create a soft landing for the economy. 

            “The fourth plenum will implement reform plans, and they will talk about how to improve governance, which is pressing,” one Chinese policy insider told Reuters on condition of anonymity. 

            “They need to transform the overall state governance capacity and adapt to changes in global rules and withstand stress tests from external risks,” the insider said, adding that the trade war is exacerbating such pressures.

            Wang Jiangsu, director of the Asian Law Institute at the National University of Singapore, told Reuters that President Xi would likely say that the Chinese political system is superior to the Western world. 

            Analysts at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said a trade war with the US and decelerating economy had left President Xi with an internal power struggle. 

            Sinocism blog’s Bill Bishop wrote on Monday that some CPC members would be pushing for immediate trade war solutions as the economy slows. Some are expected to push for the removal of all tariffs to improve the business environment. 

            So far, China shows no slowdown in the restructuring of its domestic economy. When it comes to the trade war, Washington and Beijing have made recent efforts to talk and allow China to obtain new US agriculture purchases, but it seems a complete trade deal is far away. 

            The trade war is really about a power struggle between China and the US, and mainly, who will control the world after 2025. So China has been laying out roadmaps with meetings of how it will be the next global superpower, something that has infuriated Washington. 

            Tyler Durden

            Fri, 10/25/2019 – 21:40


          • Sex Offenders Sue Police After "No Trick-Or-Treat" Signs Placed On Their Lawns
            Sex Offenders Sue Police After "No Trick-Or-Treat" Signs Placed On Their Lawns

            Authored by Elias Marat via,

            A group of sex offenders in the U.S. state of Georgia are suing a sheriff’s department after local authorities placed “No Trick-Or-Treat At This Address!!” signs on the front lawns of their homes.

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            While Butts County Sheriff Gary Long claims that the move is meant to keep children safe on Halloween, the pedophiles claim that the move was unjust and violates their rights to privacy and free speech.

            On September 24, attorney Mark Yurachek filed a complaint on behalf of plaintiffs Christopher Reed, Reginald Holden, and Corey McClendon, all of whom served prison time for sexual offenses against children. The court filing accuses the sheriff’s office of putting up warning signs on the front lawns of over 200 registered sex offenders in the county last October.

            Attorney Yurachek told Fox 5 Atlanta:

            “I’m just not sure that this kind of action makes your kids any safer.

            It just makes your constitutional rights less safe.”

            According to the lawsuit, the signs resulted in “anxiety, embarrassment and humiliation” for the offenders while, in effect, forcing them to endorse speech in the form of a warning they disagreed with—similar to a political or religious organization trespassing on someone’s property to post objectionable material without the consent of the property owner.

            “The trespass stuff is pretty clear. They’re coming onto their property and putting the signs on there.”

            Georgia’s sex offender registry statute also doesn’t require that warning signs be placed at the homes of offenders, as is the case in other states, Yurachek said. He added:

            “They are individuals who have been brave enough to not be afraid to let the public know that they are registered sex offenders, but are also not willing to tolerate this unlawful action by the sheriff.”

            The attorney also said that in addition to the offenders having paid their debts to society for their crimes, they are also not on probation and have complied with all legal requirements.


            More importantly, the lawyer warned that the sheriff’s actions could be a slippery slope that may lead to the violation of non-offenders’ rights in the future. Yurachek told 11Alive:

            “It’s easy to pick on these guys, because nobody really wants to see anything done for a sex offender.

            But I promise you if this goes by without a legal challenge and push-back, it’s going to get worse… The Sheriff’s going to say the next time, when it’s the DUI registry, and he wants to identify people who drink and drive, that that’s okay, as well.” 

            The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on Thursday that a judge would decide whether or not the cops would be allowed to put the signs up again this year. However, Sheriff Long insists that the signs will stay up no matter what the court says.

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            In a Facebook post on Monday that has since been deleted—along with the entire page of the Butts County Sheriff’s Office, seemingly—Long defended the practice, saying:

            “This Thursday, we will argue to the Federal Court that we are protecting our children and following Georgia Law by placing these signs.

            Regardless of the Judge’s ruling this Thursday, I WILL do everything within the letter of the Law to protect the children of this Community.

            … I ask for your prayers this Thursday into the matter.”

            Yurachek, however, feels that this is about much more than protecting children—and instead is about the constitutional restraints in place preventing police from abusing their powers, even in creative ways that appear to serve the public good. The lawyer said:

            “I understand that there are a lot of people who think this is a great idea, who think ‘Yeah this protects my kids, but what they should be thinking about is ‘Does this protect my rights?’” 

            Tyler Durden

            Fri, 10/25/2019 – 21:20


          Digest powered by RSS Digest

          Today’s News 25th October 2019

          • Hong Kong Protesters Show Support For Catalan Separatists
            Hong Kong Protesters Show Support For Catalan Separatists

            Hundreds of protesters in Hong Kong showed their support for Catalonian separatists on Thursday, waving Catalan flags and banners urging “a fight for freedom together.”

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            A pro-democracy demonstrator holds an Estelada (Catalan separatist flag) and a phone with a flashlight during a protest in Hong Kong’s Chater Garden showing their solidarity with the Catalonian independence movement in Spain, in Hong Kong, China, October 24, 2019. REUTERS/Ammar Awad

            Thursday’s rally was held in a downtown garden according to Reuters, one of the few to have obtained a permit from authorities in recent weeks. While organizers said that 3,000 people showed up, the police put the figure at 550.

            After Hong Kong was handed over by Britain to Chinese rule, they were allowed to retain several freedoms not enjoyed on the mainland under a “one country, two systems” formula – which includes the right to protest as well as a non-communist judicial system.

            “The context (of Catalonia and Hong Kong) is different,” said Barcelona tourist Richard Bosom, telling Reuters “Both are different stories, but in general terms… it is about an oppressive and tyrannical state against a group of people that are trying to do something different and they are not listened to..

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            In Hong Kong’s demonstrations, millions have taken to the streets in sometimes violent clashes over what they see as China’s tightening grip. Most protesters in the former British colony want greater democracy, among other demands, although a small minority is calling for independence.

            In that sense, they share some common ground with separatist demonstrators in Spain’s wealthy northeast region of Catalonia, which was rocked by protests after nine separatist leaders were sentenced this month to long prison terms for a failed independence bid in 2017. –Reuters

            The majority of political parties in Spain have rejected an independence referendum for Catalonia, however separatist parties are not banned from the region which enjoys autonomy similar to that of Hong Kong’s relationship with China.

            Meanwhile in Barcelona, a small demonstration was held on Thursday outside the Chinese Consulate-General according to La Vanguardia.

            Over seven million people live in Catalonia, which sports its own language and a separate flag. Protests erupted after the separatist leaders were sentenced on October 14 over the 2017 bid for independence.

            Tyler Durden

            Fri, 10/25/2019 – 02:45


          • South Africa's Race-Based Socialism
            South Africa’s Race-Based Socialism

            Authored by Russell Lamberti via The Mises Institute,

            Twenty-five years since the election of Nelson Mandela as president of South Africa, the country remains home to some of the most market-invasive, race-based economic policies in the world.

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            At the heart of this system are provisions for Affirmative Action (AA) and unique statutory measures for Black Economic Empowerment (BEE). These laws are suffocating the South African economy.

            AA and BEE developed in the context of post-apartheid South Africa. Affirmative Action is mandated by the Employment Equity Act of 1998, which mandates companies to alter their workforces until they reflect the racial composition of the local economically active population.

            BEE was introduced formally in 2003 as the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act (BBBEE Act). It goes much further than AA, requiring companies in South Africa to structure their corporate ownership, boards, management, staff, procurement, and charity based on racial classification.

            The “whiter” a company’s shareholders, board, management, employees and suppliers, the lower its BEE score (yes, there is an actual scorecard). The “blacker” a company, the higher its BEE score. In the mining industry, the BEE Charter (an industry regulation in terms of the B-BBEE Act) requires a 30% BEE shareholding in companies applying for a new mining right.

            South Africans are still racially classified for BEE and AA purposes. The most favoured group is those classified as “black/African,” regarded as the most disadvantaged during Apartheid, the unjust system of racially-applied laws that the government began dismantling nearly 30 years ago. The next most favoured groups are “coloureds” (a group descending from Europeans, indigenous Africans, and Indo-Malayans) and “indians” (descendants of Indian settlers). These groups are deemed to have been disadvantaged by Apartheid, but not as much as blacks were. The least favoured group for AA and BEE purposes is “whites,” both Afrikaans- and English-speaking, who descend mainly from European settlers (or are recent European settlers themselves) who arrived in the region predominantly from the mid-17 th Century until the latter half of the 20th Century.

            The Pervasiveness of BEE

            BEE is designed to influence almost all businesses in South Africa and compels compliance with its race-based criteria. State taxation and repurposed spending accounts directly for about one-third of all sales turnover in the South African economy, so BEE exerts a tremendous direct influence over the business sector. Companies with no or low BEE scores move to the back of the queue for state contracts.

            But the influence of BEE goes much further. BEE scores depend on the BEE scores of a firm’s suppliers too. Large firms, especially those in the running for state contracts, routinely require their smaller suppliers to improve their BEE scores, which in turn need their even smaller suppliers to do the same, and so on. The result is a permeation of a high degree of BEE compliance across the entire economy, monitored and administered by an army of HR administration staff.

            The statutory BEE requirements for state contracts are supplemented by a moral and ethical culture of “Transformation” in which it is deemed a just imperative to maintain and indeed deepen race-based legislation. This “transformationism” is promoted in all spheres of the state, in the courts, the major universities, and cheered on by large publicly listed firms.

            One might expect that as time passes, such legislation would be deemed less necessary and be phased out. In practice, since its statutory inception in 2003, BEE Codes have been made more prescriptive, compelling firms to transact according to ever more racial criteria to maintain their BEE score. The codes have shifted to favour ‘blacker’ firms even more. Some companies’ BEE scores have diminished because the owners are coloured people. When revised codes stipulated lower scores for owners who are not “fully” black, their scores fell, causing them to lose contracts!

            BEE has increasingly been jumping the fence into the sphere of anti-trust. After a recent legislative amendment, South Africa’s Competition Commission, the extra-judicial body tasked with policing anti-trust, will now take race even more into account when assessing market dominance, mergers and acquisitions, pricing and so on. Companies with higher BEE scores are likely to be judged more leniently by anti-trust mandarins.

            A Pernicious Form of Socialism

            BEE is a system that erects new incentives and costs for certain economic transactions. It is intended to achieve a different allocation of labour and resources compared to what would arise in a purely free market, with more emphasis on peoples’ classified race and their political connections and less on the value of their product or service.

            Ludwig von Mises argued that,

            man acts, which is tantamount to the proposition: Man is eager to substitute a state of affairs that suits him better for a state of affairs that suits him less. In order to achieve this, he must employ suitable means.

            Choosing particular ends and means with limited time requires forgoing alternative ends and means. These tradeoffs imply an order of preferences revealed in action. A chosen action always incurs a cost.

            BEE uses the power of the state to divert action toward the pursuit of subjectively less valued ends with more costly means than otherwise would have been undertaken. Factors of production are therefore rendered less productive, reducing value (real wealth).

            Fewer goods produced and available for consumption means a higher cost of living and diminishes living standards compared to what they otherwise would have been.

            While BEE lessens overall wealth, BEE beneficiaries can accrue more personal wealth. These privileges incentivise more demand for BEE policies from favoured groups, who in turn reward politicians with votes and patronage.

            As BEE policy intensifies, it destroys more wealth. With less wealth created, the amount that the state can extract through taxation from the productive sector diminishes. This loss incentivises the state to raise tax rates even higher, borrow more (raising future taxes), and print more money (taxing wealth via currency debasement) to keep resources flowing into state coffers.

            In South Africa, racial state policy in the post-apartheid era has led to a vicious cycle of policy begetting wealth-destruction, leading to political dissatisfaction, generating demands by politically connected groups for more draconian racial policy, and so on.

            By reducing overall returns on capital while raising regime uncertainty, BEE increases investment risk and lowers levels of investment.1 Since productivity is a function of the depth and breadth of the capital structure, lower levels of quality capital investment (higher levels of consumption) under a BEE regime lead to further reductions in productivity.

            Weak Economic Growth

            Essentially, BEE results in capital misallocation and capital consumption and redistributes wealth from voluntarily-determined to politically-determined wealth-possessors. This process reduces the productive capacity of the economy and slows the rate of creation of valued goods and services.

            South Africa has been one of the globe’s growth underperformers since it implemented BEE policies in 2004. In the chart below, we compare nominal GDP per capita denominated in dollars (based to 100 in 2005) across various emerging market and commodity-producing countries. South Africa’s GDP per capita grew by 15% in nominal dollar terms since 2005, while the mean of the sample (excluding South Africa) increased by 115% (i.e. more than doubled).

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            Many factors contribute to the rate of aggregate economic output in a country. South Africa’s glaring underperformance (along with Mexico) compared to similar peer countries implies that it has other restrictions on growth that pertain to the efficiency of markets and the misallocation and misappropriation of resources through political means. BEE’s far reach into the economy, and its scope for resource waste and political corruption make it a prime candidate for explaining a significant portion of South Africa’s weak economic performance.


            BEE in South Africa is a form of racial socialism. It forces productive members from all cultural communities to subsidise connected political opportunists. BEE, therefore, leads to a greater emphasis on getting ahead using coercive means and a lower emphasis on getting ahead with voluntary actions. Instead of spending limited time focused on serving the needs of others using resources efficiently, much time and effort is spent securing political favour, jostling for political positions, deemphasising the needs of customers relative to those of compliance officers, and having a lower regard for economising resources and the formation of productive capital.2

            The net effect is wealth destruction and perpetuation of chronic, widespread poverty. South Africa’s per capita GDP, at around $6,000 in 2019, has not increased in inflation-adjusted terms in a quarter-century and is down about 10% since the introduction of BEE. Meanwhile, the mean increase in real per capita dollar GDP in our sample since 2004 has been around 70%3. If South Africa had grown in line with the sample mean since 2004, per capita GDP would be nearly double what it is today.

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            BEE in South Africa is racial economic policy in hyperdrive. It should be a warning to other countries that trying to address historical grievances through racialised socialistic means is a recipe for failure.

            Tyler Durden

            Fri, 10/25/2019 – 02:00

          • Is The US Playing A 4-D Chess Game In The Middle East That No One Understands?
            Is The US Playing A 4-D Chess Game In The Middle East That No One Understands?

            Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

            Trump is rapidly ramping up troop deployments in preparation for what could be one of the greatest wars of our generation

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            The decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria has been somewhat of a nightmare for the Trump administration. Either that, or the story in and of itself has served as a useful distraction from other issues.

            At first, the media hit Donald Trump hard for potentially allowing a genocide of the Kurdish allies it had previously backed to defeat ISIS in parts of Syria. Anyone who knows anything about history will know that this isn’t the first time the U.S. has been accused of abandoning its Kurdish allies.

            Largely missing from any serious commentary on the issue is the fact that U.S. troops had illegally invaded Syria to begin with, eventually taking over close to one third of Syria’s territory.

            Also missing is the fact that U.S. troops stationed in Syria were effectively a barrier between the Assad government and the Kurdish population, preventing any sort of meaningful peace being reached between the two. Turkey’s incursion, it seems, is made up of Sunni radicals who are still hellbent on unseating Assad.

            Not too long ago, the U.S. announced a portion of troops will remain in Syria to protect the oil fields. While some commentators have made it clear that unless the United States wants to become a globally renowned pirate outfit, it would not be able to exploit these resources as the oil belongs to the Assad government.

            However, that didn’t stop the U.S. from occupying these areas with the view of giving control of these resources to the Kurdish elements it had backed to defeat ISIS. People who think that the U.S. invades countries to take their oil are therefore somewhat naïve, as this cannot be the case. The U.S. war machine is not concerned with owning and using natural resources (the U.S. is pumping out oil in record numbers), it is actually concerned with controlling these resources.

            The U.S. is now saying that the troops withdrawing from Syria will be stationed in Iraq. Iraq has responded by saying that the U.S. doesn’t have permission to send its troops to its territory. However, the fact that they were even in Syria to begin with seems to suggest that permission is a non-issue for the U.S. military.

            It’s not clear whether this is a major policy blunder for the United States under Trump’s leadership or another amazing example of Trump’s brilliantly played 4D chess game (ha!) in which we are too immature to comprehend.

            In the meantime, Trump is rapidly ramping up troop deployments in other parts of the world in preparation for what could be one of the greatest wars of our generation, so it would also pay to keep an eye on wartime developments that generally slip past the mainstream media’s radar.

            Tyler Durden

            Thu, 10/24/2019 – 23:55

          • Chicago Ranked Most Rat-Infested City In America For Fifth Consecutive Time
            Chicago Ranked Most Rat-Infested City In America For Fifth Consecutive Time

            Chicago is ‘officially’ the “Rattiest City” in the U.S., according to pest control service Orkin.

            For the fifth consecutive time, the pest control services provider places the Windy City at the top of its most rat-infested cities, with New York and Los Angeles taking second and third place, and San Francisco-Oakland, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia rounding out the top five Rattiest Cities.

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            The metro regions were ranked by the number of new rodent treatments performed from September 2018-2019.

            “Beyond structural damage, there are multiple health issues associated with rodents including food poisoning, rat-bite fever, hantavirus and even the bubonic plague. Rodents can easily spread diseases in a home or commercial site in a short period of time,” Chelle Hartzer, an Orkin entomologist added.

            Orkin isn’t the first to notice the city’s rodent problem, either. Last year, Chicago was dubbed the “rat capital of the U.S.” by apartment search service RentHop. It reportedly received more rat complaints than any other city last year – nearly 51,000 total. According to RentHop’s analysis, New York City came in second place, followed by Washington, D.C. and Boston.

            Tyler Durden

            Thu, 10/24/2019 – 23:35

          • Escobar: Vladimir Putin, Syria's Pacifier-In-Chief
            Escobar: Vladimir Putin, Syria’s Pacifier-In-Chief

            Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Saker blog,

            Russia-Turkey deal establishes ‘safe zone’ along Turkish border and there will be joint Russia-Turkey military patrols

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            Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan shake hands during a joint press conference after their talks in the Black Sea resort of Sochi on October 22, 2019. Photo: Sergei Chirikov / poll / AFP

            The negotiations in Sochi were long – over six hours – tense and tough. Two leaders in a room with their interpreters and several senior Turkish ministers close by if advice was needed. The stakes were immense: a road map to pacify northeast Syria, finally.

            The press conference afterwards was somewhat awkward – riffing on generalities. But there’s no question that in the end Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan managed the near impossible.

            The Russia-Turkey deal establishes a safe zone along the Syrian-Turkish border – something Erdogan had been gunning for since 2014. There will be joint Russia-Turkey military patrols. The Kurdish YPG (People’s Protection Units), part of the rebranded, US-aligned Syrian Democratic Forces, will need to retreat and even disband, especially in the stretch between Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ayn, and they will have to abandon their much-cherished urban areas such as Kobane and Manbij.  The Syrian Arab Army will be back in the whole northeast. And Syrian territorial integrity – a Putin imperative – will be preserved.

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            This is a Syria-Russia-Turkey win-win-win – and, inevitably, the end of a separatist-controlled Syrian Kurdistan. Significantly, Erdogan’s spokesman Fahrettin Altun stressed Syria’s “territorial integrity” and “political unity.” That kind of rhetoric from Ankara was unheard of until quite recently.

            Putin immediately called Syrian President Bashar al Assad to detail the key points of the memorandum of understanding. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov once again stressed Putin’s main goal – Syrian territorial integrity – and the very hard work ahead to form a Syrian Constitutional Committee for the legal path towards a still-elusive political settlement.

            Russian military police and Syrian border guards are already arriving to monitor the imperative YPG withdrawal – all the way to a depth of 30 kilometers from the Turkish border. The joint military patrols are tentatively scheduled to start next Tuesday.

            On the same day this was happening in Sochi, Assad was visiting the frontline in Idlib – a de facto war zone that the Syrian army, allied with Russian air power, will eventually clear of jihadi militias, many supported by Turkey until literally yesterday. That graphically illustrates how Damascus, slowly but surely, is recovering sovereign territory after eight and a half years of war.

            Who gets the oil?

            For all the cliffhangers in Sochi, there was not a peep about an absolutely key element: who’s in control of Syria’s oilfields, especially after President Trump’s now-notorious tweet stating, “the US has secured the oil.” No one knows which oil. If he meant Syrian oil, that would be against international law. Not to mention Washington has no mandate – from the UN or anyone else – to occupy Syrian territory.

            The Arab street is inundated with videos of the not exactly glorious exit by US troops, leaving Syria pelted by rocks and rotten tomatoes all the way to Iraqi Kurdistan, where they were greeted by a stark reminder. “All US forces that withdrew from Syria received approval to enter the Kurdistan region [only] so that they may be transported outside Iraq. There is no permission granted for these forces to stay inside Iraq,” the Iraqi military headquarters in Baghdad said.

            The Pentagon said a “residual force” may remain in the Middle Euphrates river valley, side by side with Syrian Democratic Forces militias, near a few oilfields, to make sure the oil does not fall “into the hands of ISIS/Daesh or others.” “Others” actually means the legitimate owner, Damascus. There’s no way the Syrian army will accept that, as it’s now fully engaged in a national drive to recover the country’s sources of food, agriculture and energy. Syria’s northern provinces have a wealth of water, hydropower dams, oil, gas and food.

            As it stands, the US retreat is partial at best, also considering that a small garrison remains behind at al-Tanf, on the border with Jordan. Strategically, that does not make sense, because the al-Qaem border between Iran and Iraq is now open and thriving.

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            Map: Energy Consulting Group

            The map above shows the position of US bases in early October, but that’s changing fast. The Syrian Army is already working to recover oilfields around Raqqa, but the strategic US base of Ash Shaddadi still seems to be in place. Until quite recently US troops were in control of Syria’s largest oilfield, al-Omar, in the northeast.

            There have been accusations by Russian sources that mercenaries recruited by private US military companies trained jihadi militias such as the Maghawir al-Thawra (“Army of Free Tribes”) to sabotage Syrian oil and gas infrastructure and/or sell Syrian oil and gas to bribe tribal leaders and finance jihadi operations. The Pentagon denies it.

            Gas pipeline

            As I have argued for years, Syria to a large extent has been a key ‘Pipelineistan’ war – not only in terms of pipelines inside Syria, and the US preventing Damascus from commercializing its own natural resources, but most of all around the fate of the Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline which was agreed in a memorandum of understanding signed in 2012.

            This pipeline has, over the years, always been a red line, not only for Washington but also for Doha, Riyadh and Ankara.

            The situation should dramatically change when the $200 billion-worth of reconstruction in Syria finally takes off after a comprehensive peace deal is in place. It will be fascinating to watch the European Union – after NATO plotted for an “Assad must go” regime change operation for years – wooing Tehran, Baghdad and Damascus with financial offers for their gas.

            NATO explicitly supported the Turkish offensive “Operation Peace Spring.” And we haven’t even seen the ultimate geoeconomic irony yet: NATO member, Turkey, purged of its neo-Ottoman dreams, merrily embracing the Gazprom-supported Iran-Iraq-Syria ‘Pipelineistan’ road map.

            Tyler Durden

            Thu, 10/24/2019 – 23:15

          • 'Millennial Millionaires' Banking On $68 Trillion "Great Wealth Transfer" From Parents 
            ‘Millennial Millionaires’ Banking On $68 Trillion “Great Wealth Transfer” From Parents 

            A new report published by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC and Coldwell Banker Global Luxury details how “The Great Wealth Transfer” of the 2020s has already begun, which is a period when baby boomer wealth is transferred to their millennial offspring.

            The report titled “A Look at Wealth 2019: Millennial Millionaires,” notes how the already 618,000 millennial millionaires are expected to increase in size by 2030. 

            About 93% of them (575,000) are already worth between $1 million and $2.5 million. In the next several decades, nearly $68 trillion of wealth is expected to flow from boomers to millennials.

            “The difference between the millionaires of the early 1980s and the ones being created today is that many of them stand to inherit even more wealth from their baby boomer parents, who are considered the wealthiest generation in history,” Coldwell Banker researchers said. 

            While boomers are very wealthy, it should be noted that the reason behind their vast riches is due partly because of the Federal Reserve’s grand experiment of loosening monetary policy over the last four decades. Lowering interest rates and expanding quantitative easing (more recently), has generated the most significant bond, stock, and real estate bubbles the world has ever seen, these are huge sources of wealth generation for boomers. 

            Modern economic expansions are driven by boom and bust cycles. The next bust in bonds, stocks, and real estate will create secular deflation that will readjust valuations. This means that Coldwell Banker’s $68 trillion figure could be halved, or maybe to be fair, cut by at least a third in the next economic crisis. If that is the case, this would undoubtedly depress the total amount of potential millennial millionaires in the years ahead.

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            What’s problematic for boomers is that interest rates heading into 2020 are already low, and monetary policy is becoming less effective than ever before to generate growth in the real economy as recession threats rise. 

            On top of that, deglobalization, macroeconomic headwinds, a synchronized global slowdown, interest rates near zero lower bounds if not at or below zero in some countries, and soaring populism, has led many boomers and millennials to ignore how markets are at inflection points that could lead to a new era of depressed expected returns.  

            And what happens during the bust cycle when valuations get readjusted? Corporate deleveraging and the end of financial engineering will finally be seen — another shot in the heart to millennials expecting to inherit a sizeable bluechip portfolio from their parents. 

            So millennials, who are expecting a great deal of wealth coming their way via a transfer of financial assets from their parents in the next decade, should understand valuations are at extreme levels, and prices could see a mean reversion before these financial assets are transferred to them.  

            Tyler Durden

            Thu, 10/24/2019 – 22:55

          • Dems Scream "Racism" Over Political Ad Depicting SF Mayor As An Elitist
            Dems Scream “Racism” Over Political Ad Depicting SF Mayor As An Elitist

            Authored by Mac Slavo via,

            Democrats are crying “racism” over a political poster depicting the mayor of San Francisco as a wealthy elitist.

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            London Breed, San Francisco’s mayor, was shown in a poster with her feet up on a table, counting dollar bills, and smoking marijuana.


            According to a report by RT, the cartoon, which was made in a cartoonish style, shows the mayor in a red dress sitting with her high heels kicked up on a desk. The woman clutches a stack of greenbacks in her left hand and a joint in the right and appears to be dreaming. A long queue of people with price tags hanging around their necks is drawn in a thought bubble coming from the woman’s head. In the left corner of the poster, a man with a pack of dollar bills is carrying away a toddler. Stop slavery and human trafficking in SF. Vote Nov.5, 2019 Ellen Zhou for Mayor, the slogan reads.

            While controversial, the ad is not racist. Like all advertising, this ad is meant to upheave some emotions and those surrounding human trafficking certainly do that.  But instead of proving Breed is not in the human trafficking business, they instead immediately scream racism in an attempt to have the poster removed.

            But a few rational people have had it with the Democrats avoiding responsibility for destroying entire cities in California, and they made sure to Tweet about it!




            Faced with the mild backlash, Zhou refused to back down. She insisted as others have, that there was nothing racist about the poster. Firing back at her critics, the politician said that whoever tries to play a racial card had been “brainwashed.” 

            Zhou added that the poster was merely a satirical take on Breed’s policies. “The mayor makes $350,000 a year while people are dying on the streets — they have to pick their dead bodies up. A mayor getting a big fat raise while people are dying,” she said.

            Tyler Durden

            Thu, 10/24/2019 – 22:35

          • NYC Housing Bubble Implodes: Tribeca Home Prices Plunge 28% As New Taxes Bite
            NYC Housing Bubble Implodes: Tribeca Home Prices Plunge 28% As New Taxes Bite

            When NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio pushed through the controversial “mansion tax” hike on expensive NYC properties (what properties in the city aren’t?), real-estate experts warned that it would hurt he housing market. But their pleas that it could cause the unceremonious end of one of the frothiest property bubbles since the crisis fell on deaf ears.

            De Blasio’s decision raised the mansion tax rate – officially known as the ‘transfer tax’ rate – from a 1% flat rate to a tiered system. The  higher mansion tax rates mean higher closing costs for buyers: For example, the transfer tax due on a $5 million property used to be $50,000. Now, it’s more than double that at $112,500.

            It’s easy to brush this off as more rich people crying over unsubstantial sums, in reality, many of the people who are buying homes in the $2 million to $3 million range in NYC are (by the city’s standards) middle class. They don’t always have an extra $50,000 just sitting around. That, and this tax arrived not long after President Trump and the Congressional Republicans decided to punish their blue-state opponents by capping SALT deductions in their 2017 tax plan.

            And now, Bloomberg warns that prices in some of the city’s trendiest neighborhoods are in free fall.

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            In Tribeca, prices for used homes plunged 28% YoY, the largest drop of any neighborhood in the city. The latest median sales price  on record was $2.25 million in Q3, according to property listings website StreetEasy. Values in both Greenwich Village and Chelsea also dropped by 15%. Meanwhile, the Upper West Side and the area that includes Soho were each down 14%.

            For a more in-depth look at how the NYC housing market has changed, check out this Bloomberg piece, which features an interactive map allowing users to compare different neighborhoods. A quick scan of the data for TriBeCa, one of the city’s most established neighborhoods, compared with Astoria, Queens’s most up-and-coming-neighborhood, reveals a stunning divide.

            While prices climbed for Astoria homes in Q3, prices fell for homes in TriBeCa. And while sales slowed in TriBeCa (only slightly), they effectively ground to a halt on TriBeCa.

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            While the NYC housing market is collapsing, and certain other tony areas like Greenwich, CT and municipalities out east in the Hamptons, are also struggling, Goldman analysts pointed out that sales prices in other nearby counties are holding up OK.

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            Meanwhile, as we’ve mentioned before, the share of listings in Manhattan (presumably including new condos and existing homes) that are seeing their current for-sale listing price on Zillow being lowered is expanding at an increasingly rapid rate.                        

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            Just as the inventory of homes being listed for sale is also climbing.

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            It doesn’t take a PhD in economics to understand what happens when listings – i.e. supply – expand while demand, both domestic and foreign (thanks again, Mr. President) – drops off.

            Tyler Durden

            Thu, 10/24/2019 – 22:15

          • The Uighurs, China, & The Lucrative Hypocrisy Of LeBron James And The NBA
            The Uighurs, China, & The Lucrative Hypocrisy Of LeBron James And The NBA

            Authored by James Durso, op-ed via The Hill,

            Last week the National Basketball Association was brought to heel by China over a tweet by Daryl Morey, the general manager of the Houston Rockets, supporting democracy protestors in Hong Kong. Chinese retribution was quick as all 11 of the NBA’s official Chinese partners suspended ties, and appearances and endorsement deals were cancelled — just as the Los Angeles Lakers and Brooklyn Nets arrived in Shanghai for two exhibition games.

            Americans were feted to the sight of Houston’s James Harden and LeBron James of Los Angeles reciting their lines like kidnapping victims in a ransom video.

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            Harden’s “We apologize. You know, we love China” was forgettable enough, and Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr helpfully informed us “The world is a complex place and there’s more gray than black-and-white” when asked about the NBA kowtowing to the Chinese government. But @KingJames wrote his epitaph with, “So just be careful what we tweet and what we say and what we do. Even though yes, we do have freedom of speech, it can be a lot of negative that comes with it” — which is probably what the Chinese government tells the Chinese people.

            If LeBron James were some Vice President of GM, no one would care what he said or did, but he’s a woke celebrity and an activist for labor rights and social justice who forgot when you attack others for their failings, real or imagined, you raise the bar for yourself.

            The Hong Kong protestors — the real activists — registered their disappointment, some by burning #23 jerseys and commenting “LeBron James stands for money. Period.”

            Wesley Snipes said, “Always bet on black” but the NBA proves the most powerful color is green.

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            How much green? 

            According to NBC News, last year 800 million Chinese watched an NBA game, “the league is estimated to be worth about $5 billion in China… and the NBA just signed a new partnership agreement with an internet company in the country for $1.5 billion.” China is 10 percent of the league’s revenue — and that could climb to 20 percent by 2030.

            Mr. James gets by on $35 million from the LA Lakers, and $32 million from Nike (part of an alleged $1 billion lifetime deal), but the post-NBA money will come from his SpringHill Entertainment which is collaborating with Warner Brothers on “Space Jam 2” that James will produce and star in. The movie will make a lot of money in China — if Beijing’s censors allow it in — which is probably what occupied his mind on that long flight back from China.

            And Nike’s shoe sales in China doubled in the last five years, and the company has 110 factories and over 145,000 workers in China. After all, those $110 #23 jerseys don’t stitch themselves.

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            In fact, who does stitch them?

            Nike doesn’t say. But according to the Citizen Power Institute (CPI), much of China’s apparel production is done by up to 1 million of China’s Uighurs and other Muslim ethnic groups detained in so-called re-education camps or vocational training centers, intended to cleanse them of their ethnic and religious  identity and make them loyal to the Communist Party of China.

            The camps and centers are in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, which produces 84 percent of China’s cotton crop (Nike says the #23 jerseys are 100 percent recycled polyester), and most are run by the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), a paramilitary organization that reports directly to the Communist Party of China and is tasked to help maintain political stability in Xinjiang. One of the ways it is doing so is by detention of large numbers of Uighurs in “re-education camps” which complements the Chinese government’s goal of vertical integration of the  garment manufacturing sector.

            The XPCC operates through a network of joint-ventures and front companies that produce the finished goods. One of the XPCC’s joint-venture partners is Hong Kong-based Esquel Group, which produces clothing for Nike.

            XPCC hasn’t just assembled an efficient garment production operation. According to CPI, XPCC’s “inmates serve as a key labor force in every link of China’s cotton value chain, from cotton field reclamation to planting, harvesting, processing, and garment production.”

            If the NBA would crack a history book, it might learn that “cotton field reclamation to planting, harvesting” was the cause of the “War Between the States.”

            Do the NBA and its players understand this? You bet.

            Just understand all that “Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere” for what it is — marketing — and that the league confines its posturing and tweeting only where there are no financial consequences.

            And there probably won’t be any financial penalties for the NBA, Nike, or LeBron and the other players, according to marketing experts who say “this will pass.”

            But one thing it has done is take the sharp edges off the ability of the league and the players to gratuitously comment on political and social issues du jour, knowing the rejoinder may be “why aren’t you speaking out about Uighur slaves in cotton fields?”

            LeBron James always wanted to be “More Than an Athlete” but is this what he had in mind?

            Tyler Durden

            Thu, 10/24/2019 – 21:55

          Digest powered by RSS Digest

          Today’s News 24th October 2019

          • Russia Sends Nuclear Bombers To Africa As Putin Hosts First-Ever Economic Summit
            Russia Sends Nuclear Bombers To Africa As Putin Hosts First-Ever Economic Summit

            Russia views Africa as a continent that will achieve supergrowth through 2050. The continent’s population is expected to double alongside energy consumption.

            Moscow is making its move to strengthen relations with countries in the region; if that is through oil deals, increased nuclear cooperation, or defense contracts, the shift to Africa is being made today. 

            What better way to show Washington that Africa is shifting to Russia than land two nuclear-capable bombers in South Africa.

            The bombers touched down in South Africa on Wednesday, during the first-ever Russia-Africa summit in the southern Russian city of Sochi. President Vladimir Putin asked African leaders to double trade with Russia through 2025, Reuters reported. 




            South African Air Force officials reported that two Tupolev Tu-160 bombers landed at Waterkloof Air Base on Wednesday. At the same time, Russia’s Ministry of Defence released several statements indicating the mission of the planes is to foster increased military cooperation with South Africa. 




            Earlier this week, we featured an article from Vanend Maliksetian via, that outlined Russia’s recent move into Africa and the upcoming importance of this week’s meeting.

            “Virtually all great powers have set their eyes on Africa as the continent’s global importance grows. Its population is set to double by 2050 and its economy is expected to expand significantly alongside its energy consumption. It is these projections that have driven Russia to invest heavily in strong relations in the region for when the continent’s explosive growth takes off. The Kremlin’s goal is to emulate China’s success in fostering economic, diplomatic, and military links with Africa. To become an important partner, Moscow is organizing the first-ever Russia-Africa summit on 23-24 October.”

            President Putin’s expansion into Africa is to restore the Russian empire to its pre-Soviet collapse size. To do this, Russia must expand into Africa, and increase its imports of natural resources with the continent, increase arms exports with various countries, develop and share nuclear technology, and project power to Washington that Africa is pivoting to Moscow. 

            “During the Cold War, Moscow maintained strong relations with countries embroiled in anti-colonial conflicts such as Angola, Mozambique, and Algeria. Russia’s strategy in regaining its position vis-á-vis Africa partly revolves in reinvigorating these existing relations,” Maliksetian wrote. 

            Reuters noted that Tupolev Tu-160 bombers landing at Waterkloof is an example of strong diplomatic ties between the countries.

            “Our relations are not solely built on ‘struggle politics’, but rather on fostering mutually beneficial partnerships based on common interests,” Russia said.

            Maliksetian noted Russia is positioning itself in Africa as an “alternative to Chinese money and Western meddling.” 

            President Putin on Monday told TASS News that Western powers have been intimidating African countries to exploit their natural resources. 

            “We see how an array of Western countries are resorting to pressure, intimidation, and blackmail of sovereign African governments,” he said.

            The global status quo is shifting, Western dominance of the world is deteriorating, the American empire stands to lose big if Russia and or China wins control of Africa. 



            Tyler Durden

            Thu, 10/24/2019 – 02:45


          • Europe's Spending Binge Is Slowing Its Economy
            Europe’s Spending Binge Is Slowing Its Economy

            Authored by Daniel Lacalle via The Mises Institute,

            The idea that governments can’t lower taxes because there is a deficit, but are free to raise all expenses even if there is a deficit can be found in many political manifestos these days. Central planners always see the economic challenges as a problem of demand, and as such cringe at the idea of prudent investment and saving. When GDP growth, gross capital formation, and consumption are lower than what Keynesians would want, they always blame the alleged problem on “too much saving.” This is a ridiculous premise based on the perception that economic cycles and excess capacity do not matter and if companies and citizens don’t spend as much as the government wants, then the public sector should spend a lot more.

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            That is why tax cuts are hated and government spending plans are hailed. Because tax cuts empower citizens while government spending empowers politicians. An extractive view of the economy in which politicians and some economists always consider that you earn too much and they spend too little.

            The big bet of the huge increases in spending and taxes that we read about all over the eurozone is that:

            a) these will not have an impact on growth,

            b) they will improve public accounts and

            c) they will exceed budget expectations.

            However, we have empirical evidence showing that massive government spending plans and tax hikes generate the opposite effect: weaker economic growth, higher debt and larger imbalances. The probability of attacking potential growth, worsening public accounts and breaching optimistic estimates is more than high.

            The empirical evidence of the last fifteen years shows a range of fiscal multipliers of public spending that, when positive, is very poor (below 1) and in most countries, especially with open and indebted economies, the fiscal multiplier of higher government spending has been negative.

            Fiscal multipliers are particularly negative in times of weakness in public finances, and nobody can deny that the eurozone has exhausted its fiscal space after more than three trillion euro of expansive budgets in a decade.

            More government spending will not spur growth in economies where the public sector already absorbs more than 40% of the GDP, and where the previous large stimulus plans have generated more debt and stagnation.

            Adding tax hikes to the formula is even more damaging. The IMF analyzes 170 cases of fiscal consolidation in 15 advanced economies from 1980 to 2010 and finds a negative impact of a 1% increase in taxes of 1.3% in growth two years later.

            Additionally, the vast majority of empirical studies going until 1983 and especially in the last fifteen years, show a negative impact of tax increases on economic growth and a neutral or negative impact of increases in spending on growth. Moreover, studies on the effect of bigger tax hikes on tax revenues reveal a negative impact on receipts. In fact, a 1% increase in the marginal tax rate may reduce the taxable income base by up to 3.6%.

            The risk for the eurozone is huge because one of the main reasons for its stagnation is precisely the chain of massive fiscal stimulus plans implemented in the past two decades. To say that Germany should copy the fiscal strategy of France, a country that has been in stagnation for three decades defies any economic logic. There is no evidence that Germany is spending or investing ñless than what it needs, rather the opposite.

            The problem of the eurozone is not lack of government spending or taxes, but the excess in both.

            The string of spending increases announced daily in Europe disguise an extremely dangerous bet: that the ECB will bail out the eurozone forever, especially because the diminishing effects of monetary and fiscal policy are evident.

            Tax cuts will not work either if those are not matched with efficiency improvements and red tape cuts precisely to ensure that public services continue to exist within thirty years.

            Burdening the private sector with more taxes and increasing an already bloated government spending may lead the eurozone to the Argentine paradox. By ignoring the sources of wealth generation as well as job creation and expelling them with confiscatory and extractive policies all that is achieved is unemployment and stagnation.

            The eurozone cannot expect to achieve the growth it has not delivered repeating the same mistakes, further weakening an economy that needs to bet on attracting investment, reinforcing growth and improving technology and the competitiveness of companies.

            When politicians charge an economy with large and growing fixed costs, without prioritizing investment attractiveness, productivity and economic freedom, they jeopardize the welfare they pretend to defend.

            The problem of productivity, growth, and employment is not solved by putting obstacles to investment and increasing extractive measures.

            Growth and the welfare state are not strengthened by putting up political spending and debt as pillars of an economy.

            Tyler Durden

            Thu, 10/24/2019 – 02:00

          • Empire & Interventionism Versus Republic & Noninterventionism
            Empire & Interventionism Versus Republic & Noninterventionism

            Authored by Jacob Hornberger via The Future of Freedom Foundation,

            The chaos arising from U.S. interventionism in Syria provides an excellent opportunity to explore the interventionist mind.

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            Consider the terminology being employed by interventionists: President Trump’s actions in Syria have left a “power vacuum,” one that Russia and Iran are now filling. The United States will no longer have “influence” in the region. “Allies” will no longer be able to trust the U.S. to come to their assistance. Trump’s actions have threatened “national security.” It is now possible that ISIS will reformulate and threaten to take over lands and even regimes in the Middle East.

            This verbiage is classic empire-speak. It is the language of the interventionist and the imperialist.

            Amidst all the interventionist chaos in the Middle East, it is important to keep in mind one critically important fact: None of it will mean a violent takeover of the U.S. government or an invasion and conquest of the United States. The federal government will go on. American life will go on. There will be no army of Muslims, terrorists, Syrians, ISISians, Russians, Chinese, drug dealers, or illegal immigrants coming to get us and take over the reins of the IRS.

            Why is that an important point? Because it shows that no matter what happens in Syria or the rest of the Middle East, life will continue here in the United States. Even if Russia gets to continue controlling Syria, that’s not going to result in a conquest of the United States. The same holds true if ISIS, say, takes over Iraq. Or if Turkey ends up killing lots of Kurds. Or if Syria ends up protecting the Kurds. Or if Iran continues to be controlled by a theocratic state. Or if the Russians retake control over Ukraine.

            It was no different than when North Vietnam ended up winning the Vietnamese civil war. The dominoes did not fall onto the United States and make America Red. It also makes no difference if Egypt continues to be controlled by a brutal military dictatorship. Or that Cuba, North Korea, and China are controlled by communist regimes. Or that Russia is controlled by an authoritarian regime. Or that Myanmar (Burma) is controlled by a totalitarian military regime. America and the federal government will continue standing.

            America was founded as a limited government republic, one that did not send its military forces around the world to slay monsters. That’s not to say that bad things didn’t happen around the world. Bad things have always happened around the world. Dictatorships. Famines. Wars. Civil wars. Revolutions. Empires. Torture. Extra-judicial executions. Tyranny. Oppression. The policy of the United States was that it would not go abroad to fix or clear up those types of things.

            All that changed with the conversion of the federal government to a national-security state and with the adoption of a pro-empire, pro-intervention foreign policy. When that happened, the U.S. government assumed the duty to fix the wrongs of the world.

            That’s when U.S. officials began thinking in terms of empire and using empire-speak.  Foreign regimes became “allies,” “partners,” and “friends.” Others became “opponents,” “rivals,” or “enemies.” Events thousands of miles away became threats to “national security.”

            That’s when U.S. forces began invading and occupying other countries, waging wars of aggression against them, intervening in foreign wars, revolutions, and civil wars, initiating coups, destroying democratic regimes, establishing an empire of domestic and foreign military bases, and bombing, shooting, killing, assassinating, spying on, maiming, torturing, kidnapping, injuring, and destroying people in countries all over the world.

            The results of U.S. imperialism and interventionism have always been perverse, not only for foreigners but also for Americans. That’s how Americans have ended up with out-of-control federal spending and debt that have left much of the middle class high and dry, unable to support themselves in their senior years, unable to save a nest egg for financial emergencies, and living paycheck to paycheck. Empire and interventionism do not come cheap.

            The shift toward empire and interventionism has brought about the destruction of American liberty and privacy here at home. That’s what the assassinations, secret surveillance, torture, and indefinite detentions of American citizens are all about — to supposedly protect us from the dangers produced by U.S. imperialism and interventionism abroad. One might call it waging perpetual war for freedom and peace, both here and abroad.

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            There is but one solution to all this chaos and mayhem  —  the dismantling, not the reform, of the Pentagon, the military-industrial complex, the vast empire of foreign and domestic military bases, and the NSA, along with an immediate end to all foreign interventionism. A free, peaceful, prosperous, and harmonious society necessarily entails the restoration of a limited-government republic and a non-interventionist foreign policy to our land.

            Tyler Durden

            Wed, 10/23/2019 – 23:50

          • Abu Dhabi's Massive New "Snow Park" Has Almost Been Completed
            Abu Dhabi’s Massive New “Snow Park” Has Almost Been Completed

            Today in “when you have more oil money than you know what to do with” news, Abu Dhabi’s massive 11,612 square meter “Snow Park” is reportedly “well on its way to completion”, according to The National

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            The park, called Snow Abu Dhabi, will be home to the world’s largest “snow play area” and will be located in the upcoming Reem Mall on Reem Island. It is set to be finished by the end of 2020. Reem Island is a natural island 600 metres off the coast of Abu Dhabi island that is being jointly built out by property developers and real estate companies.

            The entrance to the park will house an area called Snowflake Garden (make your millennial jokes here), which is described as an open-play area with attractions like ice labyrinths. 

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            The park will also host a Crystal Carousel, which is “centred around a twinkling winter forest and all the magical creatures found within.” 

            …whatever the hell that means.

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            The park will maintain an indoor temperature of -2°C (always an easy task in the middle of the desert) and a snow depth of 20 inches. It will also include a retail outlet that will set hats and cold weather clothing. Which, of course, you can then promptly throw out when exiting the park into the 100 degree desert heat.

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            The park will also include an attraction called Flurries’ Mountain that leads to the park’s Enchanted Tree. The tree will soar above the park and will have “creative ornamentation” on each of its branches. Employees will be dressed as “winter wonderland-style characters” and, in sum, the park will host 13 different rides and games. 

            Chalk this one up as another high quality use of resources in the middle east…

            Tyler Durden

            Wed, 10/23/2019 – 23:30

          • Paul Craig Roberts: Better Relations Between The US And Russia Are Not In The Cards
            Paul Craig Roberts: Better Relations Between The US And Russia Are Not In The Cards

            Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

            By now Russians must wonder if the better relations they desire with the US are ever to be.  US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Democrat from Hawaii is the latest peacemaker to be declared “a Russian asset” by Hillary, the DNC, and the presstitutes.

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            The way the Democrats, the presstitutes, and their Puppet Master – the military/security complex – have it rigged, unless you want to bomb Russia into the stone age, you are a Russian asset.

            How, then, can any American leader advocate bringing the dangerous tensions with Russia to an end?

            Look what happened to Trump when he declared his intention of “normalizing relations with Russia.”  There is nothing more desperate that needs doing, but it cannot happen.

            Two immovable mountains stand in the way.

            One is the military/security complex’s need for an enemy in order to justify the military/security complex’s $1,000 billion dollar annual budget and the power that comes with it. Fifty-eight years ago in his last address to the American people, President Dwight Eisenhower warned that “we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.  We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

            Ike’s warning went unheeded, and today, more than a half century later, the military/security complex rules America.

            The other immovable mountain is the US world hegemonic ideology of the  neoconservatives who have controlled US foreign policy since the Clinton regime.  The neoconservatives declare the US to be the “indispensible, exceptional” country with the right to impose its will and agendas on the rest of the world. 

            The collapse of the Soviet Union removed all constraints on Washington’s unilateralism.  There was no longer another global power to get in Washington’s way.  To keep it this way, neoconservative Under Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz set out the Wolfowitz Doctrine.  The doctrine states that it is the “first objective” of US foreign and military policy to prevent the rise of Russia or any country capable of serving as a check on US unilateral action.  Caught offguard by Vladimir Putin, who restored Russian sovereignty from Russia’s status as an American vassal under Yeltsin, the neoconservatives and their Western media whores have launched massive propaganda attacks on Russia in order to demonize, isolate, marginalize, and perhaps overthrow with American-financed NGOs, as happened to Ukraine in the  Maidan Revolution and as the US is currently attempting in Hong Kong against China.

            The hegemonic ideology of the neoconservatives and the military/security complex’s need for an enemy preclude any normalization of relations with Russia. 

            As I and Stephen Cohen have emphasized, the current tensions between the two nuclear superpowers are far more dangerous than during the Cold War.  During the Cold War every American president worked with his Soviet counterpart to reduce tensions. 

            • John F. Kennedy and Khrushchev defused the Cuban missile crisis and removed the US missiles from Turkey.  JFK’s reward was to be assassinated by the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff who concluded that JFK was soft on communism and a threat to the national security of the United States.

            • President Richard Nixon opened to China and negotiated the SALT I Treaty and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Leonid Brezhnev. Nixon’s reward was to be politically assassinated with the Watergate orchestration and forced to resign.

            • President Carter and Brezhnev signed the SALT II Treaty, and Carter was rewarded by the military/security complex throwing its money behind anti-communist Reagan.

            • President Reagan outmaneuvered the military/security complex,  and he and Gorbachev ended the Cold War.

            • The George H.W. Bush administration gave assurances to Gorbachev that if the Soviet Union permitted the reunification of Germany, the US would neither incorporate the former Warsaw Pact into NATO nor move NATO one inch to the East.  

            • The Clinton regime reneged on the word of the US Government and moved NATO to Russia’s borders.

            • Subsequent US regimes – George W. Bush, Obama, Trump – have pulled out of the remaining treaties and agreements and, thereby, elevated the tensions between the nuclear superpowers to the pre-Kennedy era.

            The danger of this development is not appreciated. 

            Nuclear warning systems of incoming ICBMs are notorious for false warnings.  During the Cold War both sides received false alarms of incoming attacks, but neither the Amerians nor the Soviets ever pushed the button in response to the warnings. 

            Why?  The reason is that both sides understood that they were working to reduce tensions and to build trust.  Both sides understood that in this atmosphere the alarms had to be false.

            Today the situation is very different.  

            Russia and its leadership have been demonized and excoriated by Western politicians and media.  Americans and their vassals in Europe have been taught to hate and fear Russians.  The Russian government has experienced false accusations never before experienced in diplomatic affairs.  Neither side can possibly trust the other.  Add to this the fact that response times are now in the minutes, and you should be able to comprehend that the world can be blown up due to nothing more than a false alarm.

            For the ideological neoconservatives and the greed-ridden corrupt American military/security complex to put life on Earth under this kind of risk indicates that neither neoconservatives nor armaments industries are capable of subordining their self-interests to life itself.

            Normally, the restrained, non-confrontational responses of Vladimir Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to American insults and provocative actions would be admirable.  But with the US playing the role of the bully, passive Russian responses to bullying encourage more bullying.  As kids of my generation learned, when confronted with a bully you immediately stand up to him.  Otherwise, he sees you as lacking self-respect and resolve and ups the bullying. The only way to avoid the fight is to stand up to him immediately.

            The Russian government’s failure to stand up to Washington’s bullying guarantees more bullying.  Sooner or later the bullying will cross a line, and Russia will have to fight. 

            A less passive Russian government could do a lot for peace.

            Tyler Durden

            Wed, 10/23/2019 – 23:10


          • Gulfstream Is Back In The Race For The World's Biggest Private Jet
            Gulfstream Is Back In The Race For The World’s Biggest Private Jet

            Gulfstream is now (again) gunning for bragging rights to the world’s biggest private jet, according to Bloomberg. Gulfstream’s G650 was unseated as the world’s largest luxury jet by Bombardier’s Global 7500 last year. 

            But now, Gulfstream’s new G700, a roomier version of its flagship G650, is set to debut in 2022 and will be capable of flying 7,500 nautical miles and cruising at just under the speed of sound.

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            Gulfstream President Mark Burns said on Monday that the plane has “the tallest, widest, longest cabin in our industry.”

            Gulfstream is making a bet that the $76 million G700 will entice some of the richest flyers in the world with its large cabin and upgraded range. Qatar Airways has already ordered 10 of the aircraft for its charter service, Qatar Executive.

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            But the luxury jet market is anything but booming right now. A recent study by Honeywell concluded that deliveries could begin flagging in 2021 as a result of a slowdown in orders. And even though new luxury jet offerings are coming to market this year and next, the industry still faces threats from the ongoing U.S./China trade war, Brexit and a slowing global economy.

            Bombardier’s Global 7500 came to market two years later than planned and was a product of a full-on new design layout. 

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            David Coleal, president of Bombardier’s aviation unit said: “Global 7500 is the industry flagship. It’s a clean sheet design, built to perform like no other. Remember, anything else out there is just a stretch.”

            Bombardier’s plane has a range of 7,700 nautical miles and can fly at Mach 0.925, also slightly less than the speed of sound. It costs $73 million, has a wingspan of 104 feet and has a cabin with four distinct seating zones.

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            Gulfstream waited on announcing its new plane until it had delivered two new smaller jets: one G500 and one G600. The G600 began shipments in June and the G500 debuted about a year earlier. Both models were introduced in 2014, whereas the flagship G650 debuted in 2012.

            Tyler Durden

            Wed, 10/23/2019 – 22:50

          • Escobar: Burn, Neoliberalism, Burn!
            Escobar: Burn, Neoliberalism, Burn!

            Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

            Neoliberalism is – literally – burning. And from Ecuador to Chile, South America, once again, is showing the way.

            Against the vicious, one-size-fits-all IMF austerity prescription, which deploys weapons of mass economic destruction to smash national sovereignty and foster social inequality, South America finally seems poised to reclaim the power to forge its own history.

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            Three presidential elections are in play.

            Bolivia’s seem to have been settled this past Sunday – even as the usual suspects are yelling “Fraud!” Argentina and Uruguay are on next Sunday.

            Blowback against what David Harvey has splendidly conceptualized as accumulation by dispossession is, and will continue to be, a bitch. It will eventually reach Brazil – which as it stands continues to be torn to pieces by Pinochetist ghosts. Brazil, eventually, after immense pain, will rise up again. After all, the excluded and humiliated all across South America are finally discovering they carry a Joker inside themselves.

            Chile privatizes everything

            The question posed by the Chilean street is stark: “What’s worse, to evade taxes or to invade the subway?” It’s all a matter of doing the class struggle math. Chile’s GDP grew 1,1% last year while the profits of the largest corporations grew ten times more. It’s not hard to find from where the huge gap was extracted. The Chilean street stresses how water, electricity, gas, health, medicine, transportation, education, the salar (salt flats) in Atacama, even the glaciers were privatized.

            That’s classic accumulation by dispossession, as the cost of living has become unbearable for the overwhelming majority of 19 million Chileans, whose average monthly income does not exceed $500.

            Paul Walder, director of the Politika portal and an analyst for the Latin-American Center of Strategic Analysis (CLAE) notes how less than a week after the end of protests in Ecuador – which forced neoliberal vulture Lenin Moreno to ditch a gas price hike – Chile entered a very similar cycle of protests.

            Walder correctly defines Chile’s President Sebastian Pinera as the turkey in a long-running banquet that involves the whole Chilean political class. No wonder the mad as hell Chilean street now makes no difference between the government, the political parties and the police. Pinera, predictably, criminalized all social movements; sent the army to the streets for unmitigated repression; and installed a curfew.

            Pinera is Chile’s 7th wealthiest billionaire, with assets valued at $2.7 billion, spread out in airlines, supermarkets, TV, credit cards and football. He’s a sort of turbo-charged Moreno, a neoliberal Pinochetist. Pinera’s brother, Jose, was actually a minister under Pinochet, and the man who implemented Chile’s privatized welfare system – a key source of social disintegration and despair. And it’s all interlinked: current Brazilian Finance Minister Paulo Guedes, a Chicago boy, lived and worked in Chile at the time, and now wants to repeat the absolutely disastrous experiment in Brazil.

            The bottom line is that the economic “model” that Guedes wants to impose in Brazil has totally collapsed in Chile.

            Chile’s top resource is copper. Copper mines, historically, were owned by the US, but then were nationalized by President Salvador Allende in 1971; thus war criminal Henry Kissinger’s plan to eliminate Allende, which culminated in the original 9/11, in 1973.

            Pinochet’s dictatorship later re-privatized the mines. The largest of them all, Escondida, in the Atacama desert – which accounts for 9% of the world’s copper – belongs to Anglo-Australian giant Bhp Billiton. The biggest copper buyer in world markets is China. At least two-thirds of income generated by Chilean copper goes not to the Chilean people, but to foreign multinationals.

            The Argentine debacle

            Before Chile, Ecuador was semi-paralyzed: inactive schools, no urban transport, food shortages, rampant speculation, serious disturbances on oil exports. Under fire by the mobilization of 25,000 indigenous peoples in the streets, President Lenin Moreno cowardly left a power void in Quito, transferring the seat of government to Guayaquil. Indigenous peoples took over the governance in many important cities and towns. The National Assembly was AWOL for almost two weeks, without the will to even try to solve the political crisis.

            By announcing a state of emergency and a curfew, Moreno laid out a red carpet for the Armed Forces – and Pinera duly repeated the procedure in Chile. The difference is that in Ecuador Moreno bet on Divide and Rule between the indigenous peoples’ movements and the rest of the population. Pinera resorts to outright brute force.

            Apart from applying the same old tactics of raising prices to obtain further IMF funds, Ecuador also displayed a classic articulation between a neoliberal government, big business and the proverbial US ambassador, in this case Michael Fitzpatrick, a former Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere matters in charge of the Andean region, Brazil and the Southern Cone up to 2018.

            The clearest case of total neoliberal failure in South America is Argentina. Less than two months ago in Buenos Aires, I saw the vicious social effects of the peso in free fall, inflation at 54%, a de facto food emergency and the impoverishment of even solid sectors of the middle class. Mauricio Macri’s government literally burned most of the $58 billion IMF loan – there’s still $5 billion to arrive. Macri is set to lose the presidential elections: Argentines will have to foot his humongous bill.

            Macri’s economic model could not but be Pinera’s – actually Pinochet’s, where public services are run as a business. A key connection between Macri and Pinera is the ultra-neoliberal Freedom Foundation sponsored by Mario Vargas Llosa, who at least boasts the redeeming quality of having been a decent novelist a long time ago.

            Macri, a millionaire, disciple of Ayn Rand and incapable of displaying empathy towards anyone, is essentially a cipher, pre-fabricated by his Ecuadorian guru Jaime Duran Barba as a robotic product of data mining, social networks and focus groups. A hilarious take on his insecurities may be found in La Cabeza de Macri: Como Piensa, Vive y Manda el Primer Presidente de la No Politica, by Franco Lindner.

            Among myriad shenanigans, Macri is indirectly linked to fabulous money laundering machine HSBC. The president of HSBC in Argentina was Gabriel Martino. In 2015, four thousand Argentine accounts worth $3.5 billion were discovered at HSBC in Switzerland. This spectacular capital flight was engineered by the bank. Yet Martino was essentially saved by Macri, and became one of his top advisers.

            Beware the IMF vulture ventures

            All eyes now should be on Bolivia. As of this writing, President Evo Morales won Sunday’s presidential elections in the first round – obtaining, by a slim margin, the necessary 10% spread for a candidate to win if he does not obtain the 50% plus one of the votes. Morales essentially got it right at the end, when votes from rural zones and from abroad were fully counted, and the opposition had already started to hit the streets to apply pressure. Not surprisingly, the OAS – servile to US interests – has proclaimed a “lack of trust in the electoral process”.

            Evo Morales represents a project of sustainable, inclusive development, and crucially, autonomous from international finance. No wonder the whole Washington Consensus apparatus hates his guts. Economy Minister Luis Arce Catacora cut to the chase: “When Evo Morales won his first election in 2005, 65% of the population was low income, now 62% of the population has access to a medium income.”

            The opposition, without any project except wild privatizations, and no concern whatsoever for social policies, is left to yell “Fraud!”, but this could take a very nasty turn in the next few days. In the tony suburbs of southern La Paz, class hate against Evo Morales is the favorite sport: the President is referred to as “indio”, a “tyrant” and “ignorant”. Cholos of the Altiplano are routinely defined by white landowning elites in the plains as an “evil race”.

            None of that changes the fact that Bolivia is now the most dynamic economy in Latin America, as stressed by top Argentine analyst Atilio Boron.

            The campaign to discredit Morales, which is bound to become even more vicious, is part of imperial 5G war, which, Boron writes, totally obliterates “the chronic poverty that the absolute majority of the population suffered for centuries”, a state that always “maintained the population under total lack of institutional protection” and the “pillaging of natural wealth and the common good”.

            Of course the specter of IMF vulture ventures won’t vanish in South America like a charm. Even as the usual suspects, via World Bank reports, now seem “concerned” about poverty; Scandinavians offer the Nobel Prize on Economics to three academics studying poverty; and Thomas Piketty, in Capital and Ideology, tries to disassemble the hegemonic justification for accumulation of wealth.

            What still remains absolutely off limits for the guardians of the current world-system is to really investigate hardcore neoliberalism as the root cause of wealth hyper-concentration and social inequality. It’s not enough to offer Band-Aids anymore. The streets of South America are alight. Blowback is now in full effect.

            Tyler Durden

            Wed, 10/23/2019 – 22:30

          • Never Mind The Algos: Fund Manager Earns 10%+ Returns Using FBI Interview Techniques
            Never Mind The Algos: Fund Manager Earns 10%+ Returns Using FBI Interview Techniques

            Australian money manager Rhett Kessler learned the art of negotiation from the masters: professional FBI Agents who work with terrorists, master criminals and desperate psychopaths who got in way over their head.

            Now, the senior fund manager of the $727 million Pengana Australian Equities Fund, is telling Bloomberg that the FBI’s interview techniques for getting under the skin of CEOs during criminal investigations – a tool used to catch them in lies, exaggerations and deflections of blame for their actions – can also be useful for investment analysts seeking to evaluate companies and their management.

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            Rhett Kessler

            In a way, Kessler’s hedge fund is a lot like the FBI: They’re constantly investigating targets, only the fund’s targets are usually public companies, not criminals. Like the FBI, “We have a dossier on each management team.”

            Here’s how Kessler puts these tools to work: Before looking too deeply into a company, he first tries to gauge whether they’re trustworthy and competent. The approach has yielded amazing returns for Kessler: his fund has posted double-digit returns, on average, since it was founded in 2008.

            But what’s most important here is that Kessler’s interview technique appears to be producing reliable, steady returns at a time when the hottest funds of the day are dumping millions of dollars into building complex algorithms and embracing other quant-driven techniques to try and gain an edge over the competition. Kessler has apparently found an edge just by talking to people, a much less expensive strategy.

            Here’s more from BBG:

            The Pengana Australian Equities Fund has gained 10.4% per year, net of fees, since July 2008, topping a 6.7% advance in the Australian Stock Exchange All Ordinaries Index, according to the fund’s most recent report on its website. Kessler says the rush into passive investing and quantitative strategies in recent years will “create a better environment for stock pickers as the herd gets bigger.”

            Then again, the fact that Kesslerr has millions of dollars at his disposal makes it easier to gain access to key figures within companies.

            Many of Kessler’s best-performing names are small companies involved in ostensibly “boring” businesses.

            Kessler’s fund counts among its top holdings stocks such as Aristocrat Leisure Ltd., which sells gaming machines to casinos and clubs, and CSL Ltd., a maker of pharmaceutical and diagnostic products derived from human plasma. Aristocrat is up 45% this year, while CSL has risen 35%.

            Here’s a rundown of their top holdings:

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            Presently, Kessler’s main fund has 15% of its assets in cash – wary of deteriorating economic data in Australia and high stock valuations. If any young investors ever have an opportunity to take a similar class with FBI instructors, they should jump at the chance. Among the techniques that Kessler learned: Asking questions to which you already know the answers.

            This allows Kessler to determine whether the CEO is honest, or prone to exaggeration. These personality traits, Kessler found, can have a tremendous impact on how an individual runs a business.

            “For every 10 questions we are going to ask, we all know the answers to three or four of them,” he said. Some of them will be to show the person in a good light. Some of them will be to show the person in a bad light. And we know the answers. “

            Another technique he employs: What they call “A, B, C, D” questions.

            He sometimes asks what he calls the “A, B, C, D question.” In this, the fund manager has deliberately missed the point, leaving out one piece of information that’s crucial to understanding the situation – something that reflects badly on the executive. He’s checking if the interviewee will point it out.

            “That’s why we call it the A, B, C, D question,” Kessler said. “Are they a volunteer of bad information or not?”

            That question is supposed to gauge whether executives will easily volunteer information that reflects poorly on them or the company. Readers can probably imagine how this might be helpful.   

            Bottom line: If you ever have the opportunity to take a class about interrogation techniques, take it.                                                                                                                  

            Tyler Durden

            Wed, 10/23/2019 – 22:10

          • Rickards: For Trump, "It's The Economy, Stupid!"
            Rickards: For Trump, “It’s The Economy, Stupid!”

            Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning,

            The trade war is taking a heavy toll on China. Chinese growth slowed to 6% in the third quarter, slower than expected and the slowest growth rate since 1992.

            That 6% growth represents a sharp drop from the 6.8% growth China registered in the first quarter of 2018. China’s growth still exceeds developed economies by far, but it is notably weak relative to China’s past performance and relative to expectations.

            China is the world’s second-largest economy (after the U.S.) and produces over 16% of global output. A 0.5% decline in Chinese output slows global growth by 0.08%, which is nontrivial considering that global growth is expected to be only 3% in 2019, according to the IMF.

            More importantly, China’s growth figures are almost certainly overstated.

            About 45% of Chinese GDP is “investment” (compared with about 25% for a developed economy), but 50% of that investment is wasted on white elephant projects and ghost cities that will not earn returns. If that wasted investment were subtracted from GDP, China’s actual growth rate would be 5.8%.

            Other adjustments for overlooked bad debts and “smoothing” of official figures would put China’s actual growth closer to 4% or even lower.

            China’s economy is a house of cards and even government figures are beginning to show that’s true. The real figures are worse. China’s best case is a possible recession and its worst case is a full-blown financial panic.

            China is losing the trade wars, losing the public relations wars and beginning to show cracks in the foundation.

            All are good reasons for investors to keep away.

            The news might be bad for China. But it’s good for President Trump, despite the latest impeachment nothingburger.

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            The economy will be the deciding factor in next year’s election.

            The 1992 Bill Clinton election campaign war room had a sign that said, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

            That was intended as a constant reminder to campaign staff that they were to focus on U.S. economic performance almost exclusively in their efforts.

            Clinton had come from nowhere to become the Democratic nominee and challenge George H. W. Bush, who was running for reelection. Bush’s approval ratings in 1991 were over 90% after he led the successful campaign to oust Saddam Hussein from Kuwait.

            He looked unbeatable for reelection in 1992, which is one reason so few Democrats jumped into the race. Yet Bush had an Achilles heel, which was the economy.

            The U.S. had a fairly mild recession from July 1990–March 1991. The recovery was weak and most Americans believed we were still in recession in 1992 even though the recession was technically over by then. Jobs are a lagging indicator and many workers who were laid off in 1991 still had not returned to work by 1992.

            Clinton’s strategist, James Carville, understood that jobs were more important than foreign policy triumphs. He urged Clinton to run on the economy, and Clinton won.

            In fact, presidents running for a second term almost always win reelection unless there is a recession late in the first term. That’s what cost Bush and Jimmy Carter their reelections.

            Otherwise, it’s smooth sailing for second-term victories. The good news for Trump is that he fits the mold of presidents heading for reelection.

            A new projection by Moody’s shows Trump winning as many as 351 electoral votes (only 270 electoral votes are needed to be president). Moody’s analysis is based on state-by-state economic conditions and historic voting patterns, not polls.

            Trump should win all of the swing states (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin) and pick up new states won by Hillary Clinton in 2016 (Minnesota, New Hampshire, Virginia). It looks like a victory of historic proportions for Trump… as long as he avoids a recession.

            Tyler Durden

            Wed, 10/23/2019 – 21:50

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