Today’s News 22nd July 2023

  • Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase Of The Government's War On Thought-Crimes
    Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase Of The Government’s War On Thought-Crimes

    Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    “There are no dangerous thoughts; thinking itself is a dangerous activity.”

    – Hannah Arendt

    Get ready for the next phase of the government’s war on thought crimes: mental health round-ups and involuntary detentions.

    Under the guise of public health and safety, the government could use mental health care as a pretext for targeting and locking up dissidents, activists and anyone unfortunate enough to be placed on a government watch list.

    If we don’t nip this in the bud, and soon, this will become yet another pretext by which government officials can violate the First and Fourth Amendments at will.

    This is how it begins.

    In communities across the nation, police are being empowered to forcibly detain individuals they believe might be mentally ill, based solely on their own judgment, even if those individuals pose no danger to others.

    In New York City, for example, you could find yourself forcibly hospitalized for suspected mental illness if you carry “firmly held beliefs not congruent with cultural ideas,” exhibit a “willingness to engage in meaningful discussion,” have “excessive fears of specific stimuli,” or refuse “voluntary treatment recommendations.”

    While these programs are ostensibly aimed at getting the homeless off the streets, when combined with advances in mass surveillance technologies, artificial intelligence-powered programs that can track people by their biometrics and behavior, mental health sensor data (tracked by wearable data and monitored by government agencies such as HARPA), threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, precrime initiatives, red flag gun laws, and mental health first-aid programs aimed at training gatekeepers to identify who might pose a threat to public safety, they could well signal a tipping point in the government’s efforts to penalize those engaging in so-called “thought crimes.”

    As the AP reports, federal officials are already looking into how to add “‘identifiable patient data,’ such as mental health, substance use and behavioral health information from group homes, shelters, jails, detox facilities and schools,” to its surveillance toolkit.

    Make no mistake: these are the building blocks for an American gulag no less sinister than that of the gulags of the Cold War-era Soviet Union.

    The word “gulag” refers to a labor or concentration camp where prisoners (oftentimes political prisoners or so-called “enemies of the state,” real or imagined) were imprisoned as punishment for their crimes against the state.

    The gulag, according to historian Anne Applebaum, used as a form of “administrative exile—which required no trial and no sentencing procedure—was an ideal punishment not only for troublemakers as such, but also for political opponents of the regime.”

    Totalitarian regimes such as the Soviet Union also declared dissidents mentally ill and consigned political prisoners to prisons disguised as psychiatric hospitals, where they could be isolated from the rest of society, their ideas discredited, and subjected to electric shocks, drugs and various medical procedures to break them physically and mentally.

    In addition to declaring political dissidents mentally unsound, government officials in the Cold War-era Soviet Union also made use of an administrative process for dealing with individuals who were considered a bad influence on others or troublemakers. Author George Kennan describes a process in which:

    The obnoxious person may not be guilty of any crime . . . but if, in the opinion of the local authorities, his presence in a particular place is “prejudicial to public order” or “incompatible with public tranquility,” he may be arrested without warrant, may be held from two weeks to two years in prison, and may then be removed by force to any other place within the limits of the empire and there be put under police surveillance for a period of from one to ten years.

    Warrantless seizures, surveillance, indefinite detention, isolation, exile… sound familiar?

    It should.

    The age-old practice by which despotic regimes eliminate their critics or potential adversaries by making them disappear—or forcing them to flee—or exiling them literally or figuratively or virtually from their fellow citizens—is happening with increasing frequency in America.

    Now, through the use of red flag lawsbehavioral threat assessments, and pre-crime policing prevention programs, the groundwork is being laid that would allow the government to weaponize the label of mental illness as a means of exiling those whistleblowers, dissidents and freedom fighters who refuse to march in lockstep with its dictates.

    That the government is using the charge of mental illness as the means by which to immobilize (and disarm) its critics is diabolical. With one stroke of a magistrate’s pen, these individuals are declared mentally ill, locked away against their will, and stripped of their constitutional rights.

    These developments are merely the realization of various U.S. government initiatives dating back to 2009, including one dubbed Operation Vigilant Eagle which calls for surveillance of military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, characterizing them as extremists and potential domestic terrorist threats because they may be “disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war.”

    Coupled with the report on “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment” issued by the Department of Homeland Security (curiously enough, a Soviet term), which broadly defines rightwing extremists as individuals and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely,” these tactics bode ill for anyone seen as opposing the government.

    Thus, what began as a blueprint under the Bush administration has since become an operation manual for exiling those who challenge the government’s authority.

    An important point to consider, however, is that the government is not merely targeting individuals who are voicing their discontent so much as it is locking up individuals trained in military warfare who are voicing feelings of discontent.

    Under the guise of mental health treatment and with the complicity of government psychiatrists and law enforcement officials, these veterans are increasingly being portrayed as ticking time bombs in need of intervention.

    For instance, the Justice Department launched a pilot program aimed at training SWAT teams to deal with confrontations involving highly trained and often heavily armed combat veterans.

    One tactic being used to deal with so-called “mentally ill suspects who also happen to be trained in modern warfare” is through the use of civil commitment laws, found in all states and employed throughout American history to not only silence but cause dissidents to disappear.

    For example, NSA officials attempted to label former employee Russ Tice, who was willing to testify in Congress about the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program, as “mentally unbalanced” based upon two psychiatric evaluations ordered by his superiors.

    NYPD Officer Adrian Schoolcraft had his home raided, and he was handcuffed to a gurney and taken into emergency custody for an alleged psychiatric episode. It was later discovered by way of an internal investigation that his superiors were retaliating against him for reporting police misconduct. Schoolcraft spent six days in the mental facility, and as a further indignity, was presented with a bill for $7,185 upon his release.

    Marine Brandon Raub—a 9/11 truther—was arrested and detained in a psychiatric ward under Virginia’s civil commitment law based on posts he had made on his Facebook page that were critical of the government.

    Each state has its own set of civil, or involuntary, commitment laws. These laws are extensions of two legal principlesparens patriae Parens patriae (Latin for “parent of the country”), which allows the government to intervene on behalf of citizens who cannot act in their own best interest, and police power, which requires a state to protect the interests of its citizens.

    The fusion of these two principles, coupled with a shift towards a dangerousness standard, has resulted in a Nanny State mindset carried out with the militant force of the Police State.

    The problem, of course, is that the diagnosis of mental illness, while a legitimate concern for some Americans, has over time become a convenient means by which the government and its corporate partners can penalize certain “unacceptable” social behaviors.

    In fact, in recent years, we have witnessed the pathologizing of individuals who resist authority as suffering from oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), defined as “a pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures.” Under such a definition, every activist of note throughout our history—from Mahatma Gandhi to Martin Luther King Jr.—could be classified as suffering from an ODD mental disorder.

    Of course, this is all part of a larger trend in American governance whereby dissent is criminalized and pathologized, and dissenters are censored, silenced, declared unfit for society, labelled dangerous or extremist, or turned into outcasts and exiled.

    Red flag gun laws (which authorize government officials to seize guns from individuals viewed as a danger to themselves or others), are a perfect example of this mindset at work and the ramifications of where this could lead.

    As The Washington Post reports, these red flag gun laws “allow a family member, roommate, beau, law enforcement officer or any type of medical professional to file a petition [with a court] asking that a person’s home be temporarily cleared of firearms. It doesn’t require a mental-health diagnosis or an arrest.

    With these red flag gun laws, the stated intention is to disarm individuals who are potential threats.

    While in theory it appears perfectly reasonable to want to disarm individuals who are clearly suicidal and/or pose an “immediate danger” to themselves or others, where the problem arises is when you put the power to determine who is a potential danger in the hands of government agencies, the courts and the police.

    Remember, this is the same government that uses the words “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” interchangeably.

    This is the same government whose agents are spinning a sticky spider-web of threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports using automated eyes and ears, social media, behavior sensing software, and citizen spies to identify potential threats.

    This is the same government that keeps re-upping the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allows the military to detain American citizens with no access to friends, family or the courts if the government believes them to be a threat.

    This is the same government that has a growing list—shared with fusion centers and law enforcement agencies—of ideologies, behaviors, affiliations and other characteristics that could flag someone as suspicious and result in their being labeled potential enemies of the state.

    For instance, if you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution (namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign), you could be at the top of the government’s terrorism watch list.

    Moreover, as a New York Times editorial warns, you may be an anti-government extremist (a.k.a. domestic terrorist) in the eyes of the police if you are afraid that the government is plotting to confiscate your firearms, if you believe the economy is about to collapse and the government will soon declare martial law, or if you display an unusual number of political and/or ideological bumper stickers on your car.

    Let that sink in a moment.

    Now consider the ramifications of giving police that kind of authority in order to preemptively neutralize a potential threat, and you’ll understand why some might view these mental health round-ups with trepidation.

    No matter how well-meaning the politicians make these encroachments on our rights appear, in the right (or wrong) hands, benevolent plans can easily be put to malevolent purposes.

    Even the most well-intentioned government law or program can be—and has been—perverted, corrupted and used to advance illegitimate purposes once profit and power are added to the equation.

    The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, the war on COVID-19: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the government’s hands. For instance, the very same mass surveillance technologies that were supposedly so necessary to fight the spread of COVID-19 are now being used to stifle dissent, persecute activists, harass marginalized communities, and link people’s health information to other surveillance and law enforcement tools.

    As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we are moving fast down that slippery slope to an authoritarian society in which the only opinions, ideas and speech expressed are the ones permitted by the government and its corporate cohorts.

    We stand at a crossroads.

    As author Erich Fromm warned, “At this point in history, the capacity to doubt, to criticize and to disobey may be all that stands between a future for mankind and the end of civilization.”

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 23:40

  • Does "Made In America" Still Matter To Consumers?
    Does “Made In America” Still Matter To Consumers?

    Do American citizens care where their products come from? Well, it depends on who you ask.

    Over the past few decades, the importance of “Made in America” – labels on products indicating production was done in the U.S. – has ebbed and flowed.

    As China has grown into the United States’ economic rival and geopolitical adversary, the distinction between American-made and Chinese-made has resurfaced, even as some products have been mislabeled or locally produced but Chinese-owned.

    How do people currently feel? This chart, via Visual Capitalist’s Avery Koop, uses survey responses from May 2023 out of Morning Consult, in which a representative sample of 1,000 U.S. adults were questioned on whether they had favorable views of products from U.S. companies using American or Chinese labor and parts.

    Who Prefers American-Made?

    According to the report, companies that choose to move production state-side will experience reputational gains with American consumers.

    In fact, around two-thirds of survey respondents said they regularly sought out products that were “Made in America” during the last year. But there were slight divides in gender (men favored American-made products more) and noticeable divides in generational responses.

    Here’s a look at the data on how different demographic groups valued national goods:

    Overall, thee older generations like baby boomers tend to be more patriotic in their purchasing opinions, with Gen Z being the least concerned with Chinese products.

    On the political spectrum, both Democrats and Republicans had the exact same share of respondents who favor American-made products at 76%. Comparatively, only 57% of independents favored American-made products, though they also responded least favorably to Chinese-made products at 22%.

    One other interesting point to come out of the survey: close to 50% of consumers said they would actually be willing to pay more for American-made products.

    The American Goods Market

    Looking at responses from U.S. adults overall, large shares of consumers are leaning towards domestic-made goods. Here are some additional insights worth considering:

    • 65% of U.S. adult consumers claimed to sometimes or always buy “Made in America” products intentionally

    • 43% prioritize purchasing American-made products rather than prioritizing other options like quality, sustainability, or affordability

    • 48% are willing to pay higher amounts for U.S.-based products. 39% responded they would pay between 6%-10% more for said products

    Overall, it appears that “in-house” goods are more desirable to Americans in the current environment. This also explains why regionalization is becoming more important for companies, whether in terms of reshoring (or onshoring) production back to America, or “nearshoring” to Mexico and closer neighbors.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 23:20

  • The Navy And Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
    The Navy And Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

    Authored by Brett Ramsey via,

    The Navy is all in for DEI.

    At the Navy website if one clicks on “who we are,” one of the first things that shows up is “diversity and equity.”  

    It must be important to show up so prominently.

    The Navy Diversity and Equity website page says: “I AM A SAILOR. WE ARE A TEAM. THIS IS OUR NAVY.” 

    “When Sailors feel included, respected and empowered, they will be more ready to win wars, deter aggression and maintain freedom of the seas.”

    – ADM Mike Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations.

    The Navy offers no evidence to support the CNO’s statement. It is not clear how the statement actually relates to diversity or equity.

    It does mention feeling “included” a form of “inclusion” but in a vague sort of way. In my 34 years in uniform, I don’t recall at any time being asked my feelings.

    Must be a new thing.

    I doubt the People’s Republic of China military leaders ask how their people are feeling?

    The Navy I served in stressed toughness, stamina, perseverance, physical fitness, strength, courage, honor, and commitment. 

    My feelings were secondary and that was well understood by me and my shipmates. I have been literally eyeball to eyeball with the Soviets in the North Atlantic tracking a Yankee class submarine.  Rest assured that former enemy had our full attention and our crew devoted no time to feelings. I have no doubt our current adversaries are just as potentially dangerous to our way of life as was the former Soviet Union.

    The Navy ought to focus on our real threats instead of touchy-feelie nonsense like sailors’ feelings.

    The Navy is a combat force whose job it is to break things and kill people when and where called upon to do so. Those whose personality or psyche demand constant attention to “feelings” probably ought to find something else to do.

    Let’s look at diversity

    How diverse should the Navy be? It doesn’t say. The fact is, the Navy is already about as diverse as any institution anywhere. The 2021 DOD report on demographics for Navy shows:

    Improved Race, Ethnicity Measures Show U.S. is More Multiracial (

    DOD’s 2021 demographics shows the Navy has 114,100 enlisted personnel and 13,361 officers that identify as a minority. The Navy is already diverse. 37% of the Navy is from a measured racial demographic group leaving 63% that identify as white which matches the percent reported nationally in the 2020 Census. That is more diversity than the national average. An anomaly hidden from view is the Hispanic segment of the military. You will note that there is no category for Hispanic in the table above. Actually, 17.7% of the active DOD force is Hispanic but you would never know that from the figures above because it is not reported. The US census does not count Hispanics as a minority. Instead, they are considered a different ethnic group. According to Pew Research Center data published in 2021, 58% of

    Hispanics consider themselves to be white with the remainder identifying as some other color.  This unique accounting obfuscates the fact that the US military is even more diverse than appears to the naked eye when viewing DOD’s reports of racial groups. In fact, over 350,000 Hispanics serve in the military and add considerably to the diversity of the total force.

    Other than a slight underrepresentation of black officers, the Navy is at or exceeds the national demographic of racial diversity. This begs the question, what is all the fuss about diversity? The Navy is diverse! There is no need to become even more diverse than the Navy already is. Millions of dollars and precious time are being devoted to a problem that is outside of the Navy’s ability to control. Nay, you say…. what about the shortfall in black officers? What about it? The Navy is devoting a lot of time and effort into trying to recruit blacks to join the Navy to become officers, but the gap remains. One must ask the question, “Why?”  It is not because of discrimination because there are already thousands of black officers so there is obviously no barrier to blacks becoming officers. What is lacking is blacks who want to become naval officers. No amount of incentives or handwringing over a slight under-representation of blacks in the naval officer ranks is going to change a situation that obviously has other causes. Even the small shortfall is actually not the Navy’s fault as is brilliantly and eloquently analyzed and explained in detail by CDR Phil Keuhlen in Task Force One Navy Final Report:  “The Emperor’s New Clothes” Redux.  According to government graduation data there are more than 200,000 black college graduates each year. The problem is that very few of these qualified people have an interest in serving in the Navy. We ought to be curious about why. It is not because of discrimination as DOD’s own internal reports document that fewer than 2% of the 3.4 million that serve in DOD consider racism to be a problem.

    Let’s look at equity

    The Navy DEI webpage goes on to say “Putting on a uniform doesn’t mean sacrificing who you are. America’s Navy values diversity, equality, and inclusivity — striving to build a community of service members who accurately reflect the rich makeup of our country. Our belief is that with hard work and determination, anyone, from anywhere, has the power to be successful in the Navy.”  The Navy uses the word “equity” earlier twice and then in the next paragraph, the word “equality” is used. Which is it? These two things are not the same. Equity means equal outcomes regardless of merit. Equity is a term associated with social justice advocates who want equal outcomes for everyone regardless of merit. Is the Navy really advocating equal outcomes? How does that even work in a military organization with rigid technical requirements that dictate practices for safety reasons and for warfighting effectiveness? Military organizations are rigid, structured top-down organizations whose fixed chains of commands and methods demand uniformity, strict discipline, and consistency in order to function with any kind of efficiency. Adopting equity in a military chain of command is deadly and dangerous and will get people killed. Equality is equal opportunity based on merit, which is and has been the law of the land for a long time. Equality should be the Navy’s mantra, not equity. The Navy’s use of both terms may confuse those who visit their website? Is the Navy using both terms to conflate the two words into meaning the same thing in order to stimulate interest in the Navy?

    Let’s look at inclusion

    What does that even mean? In one section “putting on a uniform” is the first thing said. The word “uniform” is telling! It absolutely proves the Navy strives for uniformity…that’s why you wear a uniform. Everything top to bottom in the Navy is about uniformity. Ships and aircraft are built to uniform specifications. The way things are done is based on time-tested uniform best practices. Individuality is not allowed because that leads to bad outcomes and people dying. Putting on the uniform is absolutely about giving up your individuality while that uniform is on. You absolutely must sacrifice who you are to join the Navy most of the time. On duty you must conform to the Navy’s uniform standards for dress, behavior, operational excellence and a thousand other things. When you are off duty, then you have time to be yourself. While on duty, you belong to the Navy, you are included by wearing a common uniform, the same one at the same time as everyone else does. When you get up in the morning, you look at the Plan of the Day and it tells you what the uniform of the day is. How inclusive is that? We are all exactly on the same page and the uniform reminds you every day that you are part of something bigger, something important. What does the use of the word “inclusion” imply? Are there some fields in the Navy that only white people have? Of course not. The Navy’s use of the word is purely political, and politics should have no place in the Navy. It is used to show that the Navy has gotten with the program and is using the same language as the larger society and as desired or even dictated by the political left. But, how does that make for a better Navy….using politically charged terminology? It doesn’t! It has no place in the Navy and only serves to introduce doubt and dissension and make the Navy a less effective force. A cursory search reveals the popular origin of the use of the word in today’s parlance. Where you find the term used is in colleges and universities where the political philosophies of the left are preached, including in Critical Theory, Critical Legal Theory, and Critical Race Theory.


    There is no place in the Navy for the politics of DEI.

    The Navy is already diverse. The data is not in doubt.

    Equity has no place in the Navy. The Navy’s moral and practical foundation is a merit- based organization focused on being able to fight and win the nation’s wars at sea and projecting power ashore. Equity undermines merit. Dilution of merit in favor of equity will get people killed. Anyone telling you anything different is mistaken and should be ignored.

    Inclusion is a phantom and is word play from the political left. When you join the Navy, you are included by the very uniform you wear which is the same for everyone. The UCMJ guides your conduct and demands fair and equal treatment of all. The oath you swear to uphold has as its foundation the Constitution. Equal protection is guaranteed in the 14th Amendment and has been upheld by the Supreme Court many times including recently in the Harvard and UNC cases on college admissions. Nothing more is required.

    DEI adds nothing of value to our Navy. If just wastes resources and causes division within the ranks.

    *  *  *

    Brent Ramsey is a retired Navy CAPT. He was a military advisor to Congressman Mark Meadows 2016-2020. He is the author of dozens of published articles on national defense.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 23:00

  • Twitter Roasts ATF For Posting Image Of Agent Loading Nazi Gun Pointed At Testicles 
    Twitter Roasts ATF For Posting Image Of Agent Loading Nazi Gun Pointed At Testicles 

    Twitter users are roasting the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) for an image tweeted by the Houston field office this week of an agent improperly following the basic rules of firearms safety: Always treat every firearm as if it is loaded and always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction

    The ATF agent appears to be at an indoor range in Austin. The agent is on the wrong side of a loading table while he loads a magazine for a Nazi MP 40 submachine gun. You will notice that the sub-gun is pointed at the agent’s testicles. 

    Here’s the tweet:

    The core firearm safety rules at any gun range are: 

    • Always treat every firearm as if it is loaded. 

    • Always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction. 

    • Always keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire. 

    • Always keep your firearm on safe until you intend to fire.

    This could be interpreted as visual evidence that some ATF agents under Biden’s administration have no idea about basic firearm safety. Notably, even the agent responsible for social media, who took the photograph, failed to recognize the lapse in gun safety. 

    Twitter users mocked the photo, as some said, “Photographic proof the ATF shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near firearms.” 

    “I’m no highfalutin ATF bureaucrat, but I did receive training many years ago that you NEVER stand in front of the muzzle of any firearm, not even one that you are “certain” is unloaded,” someone else said. 

    Gun blog Truth About Gun said, “Standing in front of the loading table with firearms pointed at your junk is Gun Safety 101 for the distinguished agents of @ATFHQ and @ATFHou in particular. But if an FFL makes even a single typo, he gets his ticket pulled. Your tax dollars at work.” 

    “Reminder ATF is in charge of “policing” things pertaining to firearms. ATF agents don’t even follow one of the most important rules of firearm safety, Treat Every Gun As If It Is Loaded. That includes ones sitting on tables, like the one pointed at that idiot’s dick,” another person explained. 

    Here’s what the Federal Affairs Director of Gun Owners of America had to say about this: 

    The fact that the Houston branch of the ATF not only took, but posted, a photo of an alleged agent blatantly ignoring—or not knowing—basic firearm safety is a reflection of the agency’s ineptness. While ATF may be tasked with enforcing federal gun control, their staff obviously have no understanding or respect for even the basic rules of firearm safety. Gun owners have always known the anti-gun movement knows nothing about the firearms they want to ban—but to post it on Twitter is a new level of stupidity.

    Not the best look for Biden’s ATF. 

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 22:40

  • Illegal Immigrant Children With Tuberculosis Released Across US
    Illegal Immigrant Children With Tuberculosis Released Across US

    Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Thousands of young illegal immigrants with tuberculosis were released from U.S. government custody across one year, officials have revealed in a new report.

    A doctor examines the x-rays of a tuberculosis patient in a file image. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

    The illegal immigrants, all under 18 years of age, were released to family members or other responsible adults despite having latent tuberculosis infection, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said in a recent disclosure.

    The dates of each release were not clear. HHS officials notified state officials from June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023, of the tuberculosis-positive youth over a web-based system operated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Aurora Miranda-Maese, an HHS official, told a court in the report.

    The CDC, which is part of HHS, declined to comment. HHS did not respond to requests for comment.

    The Washington Times first reported on the report, which runs 35 pages and covers other aspects of managing illegal immigrant youth who are transferred to HHS by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security after crossing the border.

    Ms. Miranda-Maese said that each minor must undergo a medical examination within two business days of entering HHS custody. The examination helps officials assess the minors’ health, enables them to administer vaccines, and allows them to detect communicable diseases such as tuberculosis.

    A person with latent tuberculosis infection, or an infection without symptoms, requires three to nine months of treatment to prevent potential progression to active disease, according to HHS officials. Without treatment, 5 to 10 percent of infected people will develop active tuberculosis, or tubercolosis disease, according to the CDC.

    The CDC says that people with the disease are infectious, can transmit the disease to others, and can die if not treated. If tuberculosis becomes active, that is “a threat to both the individual’s and the public’s health,” according to Ms. Miranda-Maese.

    Minors do not typically receive treatment while in HHS custody because most are released before one month elapses, she said, opening up the possibility of problems such as the development of drug-resistant tuberculosis if treatment is initiated and discontinued before completion.

    To that end, HHS developed in 2018 a system that notifies state officials of illegal immigrant minors who have been sent to live in their states.

    Officials in 44 states received more than 2,450 alerts of illegal immigrant minors with tuberculosis in the year ending May 31, 2023, according to HHS.

    Over that same time, 126,069 minors were released by HHS.


    Some states confirmed that they’ve been told of minors with active tuberculosis, in addition to latent cases.

    “The department, in conjunction with local health departments, coordinates care and appropriate follow-up for anyone with active tuberculosis reported through this mechanism,” a spokeswoman for the New York State Department of Health told The Epoch Times via email.

    And some minors, by the time states are alerted to cases, have already moved elsewhere.

    Some individuals relocate prior to case interviews,” a spokeswoman for the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources told The Epoch Times in an email.

    Even if they haven’t, minors can choose not to undergo offered treatment, according to the spokeswoman for the Indiana Department of Public Health.

    Critics said President Joe Biden was to blame for the situation.

    “Biden’s broken border policies continue to welcome millions of lawbreakers into our country, including countless thousands with infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis,” Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) told The Epoch Times via email. “Rather than protecting Americans, the Biden regime is quite literally bringing disease and death to our doorstep.”

    Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, said that the releases of children with tuberculosis and other communicable diseases “is another example of the administration prioritizing the quick release of migrants over all other considerations, including public health, public safety, and national security.”

    Placement With Sponsors

    HHS deals with unaccompanied minors or children who arrive at the border without a responsible adult.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 22:20

  • Forget Bears… Now Coked-Out Sharks Might Lurk Off Florida Coast
    Forget Bears… Now Coked-Out Sharks Might Lurk Off Florida Coast

    After Americans learned about the 1985 incident of a black bear that went on a coke-fueled, carnivorous blood fest in the comedic horror film “Cocaine Bear” earlier this year, it was only a matter of time before entertainment companies produced content about the possibility of cocaine-fueled sharks off Florida’s coast. 

    Tom “The Blowfish” Hird and the University of Florida environmental scientist Tracy Fanara conducted a series of tests to see whether sharks off Florida’s coast may have ingested bales of cocaine ditched by drug smugglers en route to the US, according to Live Science.

    “The deeper story here is the way that chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and illicit drugs are entering our waterways — entering our oceans — and what effect that they then could go on to have on these delicate ocean ecosystems,” Hird said. 

    A recent United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime report showed a spike in global cocaine demand and supply. Major South and Central America to US routes are through the Caribbean Sea. There have been many reports over the decades of drug smugglers ditching bales of cocaine or sinking vessels due to hitting reefs. And it’s not unreasonable to believe marine life has ingested this drug. 

    In one experiment, Hird and Fanara created packages similar in size and appearance to real cocaine bales. They observed sharks heading straight for the bales and taking bites from them.

    To investigate further, Hird and Fanara design three experiments to see how sharks react to bales of “cocaine” dropped in the water. They create packages similar in size and appearance to real cocaine bales. In the first, they set these pseudo-bales next to dummy swans to see what the sharks go to. To their surprise, the sharks head straight for the bales, taking bites from them. One shark even grabs a bale and swims off with it. 

    Next, they make a bait ball of highly concentrated fish powder, which would trigger a dopamine rush as close to a hit of cocaine as the team could feasibly (and ethically) do. The sharks are seen going wild. “I think we have got a potential scenario of what it may look like if you gave sharks cocaine,” Hird said in the film. “We gave them what I think is the next best thing. [It] set [their] brains aflame. It was crazy.”

    Finally, the team drop their fake cocaine bales from an airplane to simulate a real-life drug drop — and multiple shark species, including tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier), move in. 

    Hird said that what they uncovered doesn’t necessarily show that sharks in Florida are consuming cocaine. A multitude of factors could explain the behavior observed during filming, and these experiments would need to be repeated over and over to draw full conclusions. 

    “We have no idea what [cocaine] could do to the shark,” Hird told Live Science, adding that of the limited research that’s been done, different fish appear to react in different ways to the same chemical. “So we can’t even say well this is a baseline and go from here,” he said. –Live Science

    In a separate topic, Hird said it’s not just cocaine but pharmaceutical drugs that are getting into the waterways and affecting marine life. 

    “The other thing we might find is actually this long flow, [this] drip of pharmaceuticals: caffeine, lidocaine, cocaine, amphetamine, antidepressants, birth control — this long slow drift of them from cities into the [ocean] is… starting to hit these animals,” Hird said.

    Bears… Sharks… What’s the next animal? 

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 22:00

  • Artificial Intelligence: The New Scapegoat
    Artificial Intelligence: The New Scapegoat

    Authored by Robert Aro via The Mises Institute,

    Earlier this week, CNBC expressed concerns regarding artificial intelligence:

    Fed banking regulator warns A.I. could lead to illegal lending practices like excluding minorities

    The 21st century is fast approaching the quarter mark. With the emergence of accessible, increasingly popular A.I. tools, it wouldn’t be the worst wager that the growth, development, and eventual ubiquitousness of A.I. is all but inevitable. It will be fascinating to witness how A.I. affects change in various industries, especially the financial sector and Hollywood.

    CNBC’s warning came from a speech given the same day by Vice chair for Supervision at the Fed, Michael S. Barr, titled Furthering the Vision of the Fair Housing Act:

    The digital economy has produced alternative data sources, some of which can provide a window into the creditworthiness of an individual who does not have a standard credit history.

    So far so good. With a relatively low cost, machine learning may find new ways to assist those struggling to find credit. However, he goes on to say:

    While these technologies have enormous potential, they also carry risks of violating fair lending laws and perpetuating the very disparities that they have the potential to address.

    Bad input leading to poor outputs is of concern. Worst yet, fundamental problems can exist in the system itself:

    Use of machine learning or other artificial intelligence may perpetuate or even amplify bias or inaccuracies inherent in the data used to train the system or make incorrect predictions if that data set is incomplete or nonrepresentative.

    He provided an example:

    For instance, digital redlining in marketing—the use of criteria to exclude majority-minority communities or minority applications—is one risk…

    That is certainly possible.

    One would expect that in a credit report, past and current employment and financial history would factor into one’s assessment, not one’s race.

    Ultimately, the use of A.I. should be embraced for its potential to save both time and money.

    While it may be employed to assist loan officers in credit applications, it could lead to redlining practices. Defining these practices and proving their occurrence could prove a costly challenge to federal regulators who likely don’t understand the technology themselves. We’re not yet at the stage where a nefarious A.I. can take blame for our problems. Should that day ever come we’ll have much larger issues at hand! 

    Nonetheless, in a freer world without a Federal Reserve system responsible for the economic booms and busts, there would be fewer impoverished communities and much less economic disparity. As A.I advances, with no taxpayer funded regulator, A.I.’s potential would help entrepreneurs across the socio-economic spectrum bring valuable products to market.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 21:40

  • "Bidenomics" Has No Answer For Eviction Crisis… Or Much Else
    “Bidenomics” Has No Answer For Eviction Crisis… Or Much Else

    Authored by Conor Gallagher via,

    The Biden administration continues to insist that the economy is strong and its efforts are improving the situation.

    So, what is in its most recent efforts announced on Wednesday? From the White House:

    Today, the President will outline several new, concrete steps in the Administration’s effort to crack down on rental junk fees and lower costs for renters, including:

    • New commitments from major rental housing platforms—Zillow,, and—who have answered the President’s call for transparency and will provide consumers with total, upfront cost information on rental properties, which can be hundreds of dollars on top of the advertised rent;

    • New research from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which provides a blueprint for a nationwide effort to address rental housing junk fees; and

    • Legislative action in states across the country—from Connecticut to California—who are joining the Administration in its effort to crack down on rental housing fees and protect consumers.

    Importantly, while these commitments from rental housing platforms will make renters better informed about the total cost, they do nothing to make housing more affordable. Here is what the platforms are doing:

    • Zillow is today launching a Cost of Renting Summary on its active apartment listings, empowering the 28 million unique monthly users on its rental platform with clear information on the cost of renting. This new tool will enable renters to easily find out the total cost of renting an apartment from the outset, including all monthly costs and one-time costs, like security deposits and application fees.

    • is announcing that this year it will launch a new calculator on its platform that will help renters determine the all-in price of a desired unit. This will include all up-front costs as well as recurring monthly rents and fees. The Network currently lists almost 1.5 million active availabilities across more than 385,000 properties.

    •, the nation’s largest online platform dedicated solely to affordable housing, will require owners to disclose all refundable and non-refundable fees and charges upfront in their listings. It will launch a new “Trusted Owner” badge that protects renters from being charged junk fees by identifying owners who have a history of adhering to best practices, including commitment to reasonable fee limits, no junk fees, and full fee disclosure.

    So a search could now look something more like this:

    More from the White House release:

    Today’s announcements build on the Biden-Harris Administration’s ongoing efforts to support renters, including through the release of a first-of-its-kind Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights and a Housing Supply Action Plan, focused on boosting the supply of affordable housing—including rental housing. Reducing housing costs is central to Bidenomics, and recent data show that inflation in rental housing is abating. Moreover, experts predict that roughly 1 million new apartments will be built this year, increasing supply that will further increase affordability. The actions announced today will help renters understand these fees and the full price they can expect to pay, and create additional competition housing providers to reduce reliance on hidden fees.

    The problem with these efforts to support renters is that they do nothing to stop the eviction and homelessness crisis now. The Housing Supply Action Plan could maybe help with affordability at some distant date, and a blueprint is just that. Why can other places figure this out, but the US can’t? For example, Ross Barkan writes about Austria:

    Americans are usually shocked to learn that a vast majority of Viennese qualify to live in deeply affordable, high-quality housing. There is no downside to renting there because the rents will always be a small fraction of your annual income. Forty-three percent of all housing is insulated from the market and the government subsidizes affordable units for a wide range of incomes. Decades ago, a great amount of housing supply was built, and unlike in the United States, Vienna never abandoned the cause of public housing.

    It’s obvious to any tenant reading about Vienna that life there, from a standpoint of sheer economics, is better than life in any major American city. Rents, always high in New York and California, surged across the country during the pandemic, fueling a homelessness crisis that will not abate. For those who have housing, existence is only stress-free as long as the job is well-paying. One wrong turn and eviction is around the corner. Certain localities have stronger tenant protections than others. Either way, rent is something many Americans—those who don’t own property, and are nowhere close to buying anything—must think about constantly. It is an economic and psychological burden. To be liberated from it, like the Viennese, would be to enter a utopic state.

    Instead of anything resembling such policies, the Biden administration has been relentlessly hyping the junk fee efforts as a key part of its economic policy. From USA Today:

    The White House is also convinced it’s good politics, particularly as Biden tries to improve his standing with the public on the economy as the U.S. rebounds from 40-year high inflation.

    “Often policy is a way of showing character,” said Celinda Lake, a 2020 Biden campaign pollster who conducts regular focus groups with voters. “When you’re a longtime politician and you’re in office, people think you get out of touch with their lives, you don’t have any commonsense. This shows, ‘Hey, I am in touch. I do have commonsense.’”

    But does it? With the announcement of the administration’s latest efforts, it seems like that plan is running on fumes. With rent increasingly unaffordable for many, will it really make a difference if fees are more transparent? Announcing such voluntary commitments from rental housing platforms without any additional measures to do anything about costs seems like a strange way to go politically, especially as rents continue to rise.

    Evictions are also rising. From Quartz:

    Eviction filings are on the rise in some US cities, according to datacollected by the Eviction Lab at Princeton University. The lab published the first dataset on eviction filings in the US going back to 2000, which is based on (pdf) tens of millions of public state and county records. Rising costs of living are affecting Americans across the US, while stock of affordable real estate remains low.

    …Landlords in many US cities have completed at least half of their eviction filings since 2020 in the past year.

    New research in California – which has roughly a third of the country’s 582,000 homeless population – shows that the main driver behind homelessness there is simply that Californians were priced out of housing. The study from UCSF’s Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative is one of the deepest dives into the state’s crisis, and it shows how the homeless population is getting older and is often the result of just one bad break.  According to the study, “in the six months prior to homelessness, the median monthly household income was $960. A high proportion had been rent burdened.”

    In a recent YouGov survey, more than 50 percent of Americans thought limits on price increases would probably or definitely be an effective policy, and 61 percent blamed large corporations seeking maximum profit for inflation – the highest recipient of blame in the poll. Americans want more action. From Newsweek:

    Poverty remains a huge issue in the U.S., much more so than in other countries with similar levels of distributed wealth, and it is a cause of concern for a majority of Americans, as shown by the Newsweek/Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll. The poll, conducted among a sample of 1,500 eligible voters in the U.S. on May 31, found that some 53 percent of Americans are “very” concerned about the level of poverty in the country.

    Among Democrats—identified as people who voted for Joe Biden in 2020—the number went up to 58 percent, while among Republicans—identified as people who voted for Donald Trump in 2020—48 percent said they were “very” concerned about poverty in the U.S. Some 21 percent of Americans responding to the poll don’t earn enough money from their primary job to pay bills or maintain their family’s standard of living, while 52 percent are working multiple jobs to tackle the daily cost of living.

    The Biden Administration is betting its junk fee efforts, which have also included concert ticket vendors and others, along with softening inflation will be enough to overcome all the other bad news. So far, it’s not looking very promising. At this point in his term Biden is the second-most-unpopular president in modern U.S. history. Wednesday’s announcement might be part of the reason why as it represents the woefully inadequate response to the economic situation faced by so many.

    Just consider some more of the recent news:

    Here’s the Federal Reserve Board’s Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2022 report:

    The report indicates that self-reported financial well-being declined in 2022, in part reflecting ongoing concerns about higher prices. In the fourth quarter of 2022, 73 percent of adults reported either doing okay or living comfortably financially, down 5 percentage points from the previous year and among the lowest levels observed since 2016.

    Consistent with these changes in overall financial well-being, fewer adults reported having money left over after paying their expenses. Fifty-four percent of adults said that their budgets had been affected “a lot” by price increases.

    According to a new survey from Bankrate, Americans said they would need to earn, on average, $233,000 a year to feel financially secure. The median earnings for a full-time, year-round worker in 2021 was $56,473, according to the US Census Bureau. Despite all that, the Biden administration continues to express confusion as to why voters aren’t happier with the economy.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 21:20

  • FedNow Is Live And The Framework Is In Place For CBDCs
    FedNow Is Live And The Framework Is In Place For CBDCs

    Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

    Yesterday, with a bit of fanfare but not TOO much fanfare, a “wonderful” new product was launched. FedNow is live, and we can all transfer money to our heart’s content via the Federal Reserve.

    Wow, that sounds great, doesn’t it? Of course, that is a spot created by the Federal Reserve and up ton the Federal Reserve YouTube channel.

    FedNow is live at 35 banks.

    Axios reports that 35 banks across the country are participating in the launch.

    By the numbers: So far, 35 banks have signed up as early adopters of FedNow, including JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, but notably not including Citigroup or Bank of America. That number is rather lower than the Fed led us to believe as recently as recently as June.

    The U.S. Treasury is also signed up as an early adopter of FedNow.

    Some 353 banks and credit unions have signed up for RTP.

    In order to use either service, both the sending and the receiving bank need to be signed up for the system.

    We are now officially on that slippery slope I’ve been talking about. I wrote about exactly this happening in my dystopian fiction, Good Citizens, and discussed how this could evolve to control almost every aspect of our lives.

    Why I’m concerned now that FedNow is live

    A while back, I wrote an article discussing a payment gateway designed by the Federal Reserve called FedNow. This is a way to make instant transfers between accounts, sort of like PayPal or Venmo, but without the users having to move the money from various wallets.

    While it sounds convenient, the concern is that this puts the infrastructure to quickly roll out CBDCs into place. Previously, I wrote about this.

    On March 15th, in the midst of the banking collapses, the Federal Reserve issued a press release detailing a new instant payment system that will be launched in July. That system is called FedNow. Here’s what they said about it.

    The first week of April, the Federal Reserve will begin the formal certification of participants for launch of the service. Early adopters will complete a customer testing and certification program, informed by feedback from the FedNow Pilot Program, to prepare for sending live transactions through the system.

    Certification encompasses a comprehensive testing curriculum with defined expectations for operational readiness and network experience. In June, the Federal Reserve and certified participants will conduct production validation activities to confirm readiness for the July launch.

    “We couldn’t be more excited about the forthcoming FedNow launch, which will enable every participating financial institution, the smallest to the largest and from all corners of the country, to offer a modern instant payment solution,” said Ken Montgomery, first vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and FedNow program executive. “With the launch drawing near, we urge financial institutions and their industry partners to move full steam ahead with preparations to join the FedNow Service.”

    Many early adopters have declared their intent to begin using the service in July, including a diverse mix of financial institutions of all sizes, the largest processors, and the U.S. Treasury.

    This has all the hallmarks of a government strategy. First, they offer it as a “convenience” or a “safety measure.” Lots of people will jump on board in order to take advantage of this.

    Of course, we’ve heard this song before.

    Next, it will be pushed harder, and those who don’t adopt it will be mocked, thought of as backward, and treated with suspicion. After that, it’ll be darn near impossible to do anything without it. Sound familiar?

    The Federal Reserve Banks are developing the FedNow Service to facilitate nationwide reach of instant payment services by financial institutions — regardless of size or geographic location — around the clock, every day of the year. Through financial institutions participating in the FedNow Service, businesses and individuals will be able to send and receive instant payments at any time of day, and recipients will have full access to funds immediately, giving them greater flexibility to manage their money and make time-sensitive payments. Access will be provided through the Federal Reserve’s FedLine® network, which serves more than 10,000 financial institutions directly or through their agents.

    But what truly makes me worried is that since FedNow is live, this is a soft way to move us all over into using a federal money transferring system that could easily, easily be the platform for the implementation of CBDCs, the digital dollar that could end freedom as we know it.

    Please note that what we have with FedNow is NOT a CBDC. It’s just a payment gateway.

    But now, the early infrastructure is in place for CBDCs.

    Changing a nation’s entire currency is not an overnight project. If we were to go completely digital with our money, it would take a while. Several things would need to happen first:

    • A national financial infrastructure would need to be created that links accounts from all the banks to an information highway.

    • They’d need to get people comfortable with using this system and to do that, it would need to be fast and convenient. Who wouldn’t want their money right away? It feels like a win to sell a car and have 20K in your account instantly without waiting for the check to clear.

    • This provides some time to work out any bugs. The folks adopting FedNow would be the guinea pigs. It’s new, but everyone expects new stuff to be glitchy. If you’re getting in on the ground floor, you’re probably willing to be patient with that.

    • Next, they’ll want to get as many people voluntarily using it as possible. Expect generous offers, outrageous convenience, and free or cheap transactions.

    • Once it’s all in place and running smoothly, the final transition from cash money to digital money would just be a matter of the central bank devaluing our cash but allowing people to trade it for digital at full (or at least greater) value.

    If you’ve never listened to me before, please listen to me now. This IS the road we’re on. And once CBDCs are in place, especially if they are the only option, your every transaction will be monitored, data will be mined from your spending, and your choices can be controlled.

    What’s the big deal with CBDCs?

    CBDC stands for Central Bank Digital Currency, and these are digital versions of a country’s currency. A digital currency alongside our current physical currency is voluntary. My concern is when that digital currency becomes the only option. And I do mean when, not if.

    A digital currency could mean such controls as automatic taxation or where and when you’re allowed to make purchases – all at the push of a button. The most likely way this will be rolled out is to “fight inflation” and “fix the economy.” As per the IMF:

    A world with lower inflation (and even zero inflation) and no persistent recessions may sound like a pipe dream, but we argue that it is possible by transitioning to an “electronic money standard.” Such a transition requires eliminating the zero lower bound, which central banks can achieve using readily available tools. Breaking the zero lower bound implies that the optimal rate of inflation will be lower than in the presence of the lower bound. This will empower central banks to quickly restore full employment and, over the medium term, possibly move toward targeting full price stability with zero inflation.

    Obviously, any kind of manipulation like this is false, and while there may be some temporary relief, it won’t solve the underlying problems with our economy.

    Bank for International Settlements wrote a glowing report about the “benefits” of the CBDC system. Here’s what I took away from this:

    • Central bankers can execute policy or modify rates instantaneously, at the push of a button.

    • Private crypto is bad.

    • Central bank digital currency is good.

    • CBDCs are better than crypto because they’re trusted.

    • CBDCs aren’t “subject to the practical limitations of paper money.” (i.e., they can be tracked.)

    • Therefore it protects against “money laundering, proliferation financing, and terrorist financing.”

    • It will increase the pool of data generated on users and transactions, thus “helping” the “proper authorities.”

    • “Multi-CBDC platforms” aids in decentralization. (i.e., a global economy)

    • On a common CBDC platform across multiple central banks, transactions are recorded on one ledger.

    I don’t think it means what they’re trying to tell us it means.

    What can you do?

    I’ve written a lot lately about the need to get your money out of the banks. You need something of value that does not require you to dance to the tune of the government’s fiddle. Imagine if you had a savings account and the “value” of that money changed with the implementation of CBDCs. Imagine it’s worth less, say, by 20 percent.

    Suddenly your $10,000 becomes $8,000. Your $100,000 loses $20K to become $80,000. It would only take a second, with the click of a button in some office up on the Mount Olympus of the Fed.

    If you have savings and you want to protect your money, you need to make at least a portion of it tangible.

    That means investing in:

    • Supplies like food, tools, and other long-term preps

    • Land

    • Precious metals

    I’m not suggesting going out and dealing in only silver dimes if you are in a situation in which you’re living from paycheck to paycheck. If you are in those shoes like so many of us are right now, you don’t have as many options. It isn’t feasible or practical if you’re going to need this money right away for existing expenses.

    But if you are trying to protect existing wealth and this is not money you’ll need to access immediately, I urge you to consider investing it into gold or silver to protect your savings during the economic downturn ahead. At the same time, getting your money out of this currency system that may soon be switched to CBDC is the only way to ensure it remains yours.

    I use ITM Trading, out of Phoenix, AZ, for all of my metals purchases. I know there are plenty of good companies out there, but I prefer ITM because of their focus on education. I’ve learned so much in my consultations (which are free, btw). I’ve been very impressed with the access to curated resources, research, and weekly insights on macroeconomics, central banks, currencies, and the global reset that they provide. To me, there’s really no other option for my purchases.

    If you want to schedule a strategy session with ITM, it’s absolutely free, and there is no pressure whatsoever. Some folks take weeks or months before investing, and others decide it isn’t for them. But what every single person walks away with is a clearer understanding of the monetary system and what investing in precious metals entails. And you get all of it at no charge. To schedule your own appointment, go here or call this number directly: 1-866-517-1257 – I’ll be really interested to know whether you’re as impressed as I am.

    We’re all just one wrongthink away from losing our money.

    Remember in Canada when Trudeau locked down accounts for supporting the trucker strike? We’re all just one wrongthink away from losing access to our money.

    Another recent precedent regarding losing access to the financial system is the case of Nigel Farage. Both he and his relatives have had bank accounts closed and been unable to open other accounts because they’ve been named PEPs: Politically Exposed Persons. Farage, if you recall, was pro-Brexit. He wrote:

    Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, Mr Farage, who said several other banks had denied him accounts, claimed he was the victim of over-zealous anti-money laundering regulations.

    “Anti-money laundering rules appear to have been wildly over-interpreted by the compliance departments of banks in the UK,” he wrote in the Brexit-supporting newspaper.

    “Nobody can deny that money laundering is a problem, he said. “Yet a series of agreements, EU directives and UK rules established to confront this menace have almost entirely failed to do so.

    “Banks now live in fear of receiving huge fines. Their default setting seems to be to close down the business and personal accounts of anybody who is deemed to require extra due diligence – be they the owner of a window cleaning firm or a pawnbroker.”

    He added: “Those who are paid in cash are no longer welcome; the compliance costs of servicing these accounts makes them unprofitable.”

    Mr Farage initially claimed that his account with Coutts, which acts on behalf of the royal family, had been closed in an “establishment”-orchestrated revenge mission for Brexit, sparking a free speech row.

    So it’s already happening. People are losing access to the system for having political beliefs that oppose the status quo that the ruling administration has in place.

    I know that these two examples are outside the US, but that doesn’t provide me even a tiny little bit of comfort. I’ve already suffered massive financial abuse at the hands of government-funded censorship groups. Many others have too.

    Is it really a stretch of the imagination that losing banking privileges could happen here in America, the Land of Cancel Culture? What will you do if you can no longer use a bank? How will you get and cash your paycheck? How will you pay your bills now that so many things must be done online?

    When we are no longer free to vociferously disagree, we aren’t free at all.

    You need a backup plan, and you need it now. FedNow is live, and I don’t believe that good things will follow.

    *  *  *

    Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand You can find her on FacebookPinterestGabMeWeParlerInstagram, and Twitter.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 21:00

  • How US Vehicle Production Has Shifted Over 45 Years
    How US Vehicle Production Has Shifted Over 45 Years

    Over the last few decades, vehicle production in the U.S. has dramatically shifted, with SUVs emerging as the indisputable frontrunners.

    Once perceived as vehicles solely for off-road capabilities and adventuring (hence the name sport utility vehicle), SUVs soon became a useful transportation alternative for large families. Shortly after, they became the top-selling models for many automakers.

    In the graphic below, Visual Capitalist’s Marcus Lu and Bruno Venditti, using on the annual production shares of different vehicle types from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), explore the factors that have led to the surging popularity of SUVs.

    U.S. Vehicle Production: The Rise of SUVs

    As SUV production has evolved, they’ve started to blur the line between car and truck classes. The EPA classifies most two-wheel drive SUVs under 6,000 lbs as cars (car SUVs), while those with four-wheel drive or above 6,000 lbs are trucks (truck SUVs).

    In the American market, sedans and wagons dominated production from before the 1970s and well into the 1990s. Combined with smaller car SUVs, cars accounted for more than half of U.S. vehicle production well into the 2010s.

    But the rapid rise of heavier truck SUVs has shifted the landscape. Sedans and wagons dipped below 50% of market production for the first time in 2004. And by 2017, trucks (including truck SUVs, pickups, and minivans) have been the ones accounting for over half of new vehicle production.

    The growth of SUVs can be partially linked to all-wheel drive systems that gained momentum in the 1980s, with the Audi Quattro winning three rallies in its rookie season of 1981.

    During that same time, new SUV models started to gain popularity, like the 1984 Jeep Cherokee—considered the first modern SUV with four doors—and Land Rover’s Range Rover, which entered the North American market in 1987.

    By melding the benefits of space, performance, and comfort into one vehicle, SUVs began competing with both vans and station wagons as the quintessential family car. In the 90s, affordable midsize models like the Ford Explorer, Subaru Legacy Outback, and Toyota RAV4 paved the way for more middle-class families to enter the SUV market.

    However, SUV production has been prone to fluctuations. Demand first started dropping as gas prices rose in the lead-up to the 2008 recession, which further strained finances and caused families to opt for cheaper non-SUV models. This significantly hurt the American “Big Three” automotive producers (GM, Ford, and Chrysler) at the time, for which trucks and SUVs had become the primary market.

    SUV Fuel Efficiency and Millennials

    Driven by improvements in fuel efficiency and societal trends, SUV demand roared back over the last 10 years.

    Automakers have implemented fuel-saving technologies, such as direct injection and turbocharging, and have used more lightweight materials in construction to further boost engine efficiency.

    While fuel efficiency has improved across all types of vehicles over the last four decades, sedans and wagons climbed far earlier in miles per gallon (MPG) scores, while SUVs have only more recently started catching up.

    Since 2000, fuel efficiency for sedans and wagons improved by around 38%, while car SUVs saw a jump of 70% over the same time period, with both sitting at just over 30 MPG for 2021 models. Even larger truck SUVs, seen as the epitome of gas-guzzling vehicles, have become as efficient (in MPG terms) as sedans were in the 2000s.

    Another factor influencing the market is the surprising entry of millennials, who now represent the majority of the population in the United States. Just a few years ago, automakers were fretting over millennials being a childless, car-less, city-dwelling group who cared little about buying cars or homes.

    Fast forward to today—as millennials have aged and their wallets have gotten a little heavier, more of them are buying SUVs to drive to their suburban homes or just to fit their dogs.

    SUVs are also benefiting from the shift to electric vehicles. In 2022, SUVs represented 46% of global car sales, and electric SUVs accounted for over half of global electric car sales.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 20:40

  • Plagued By Drought, China Turns To Coal To Keep The Lights On
    Plagued By Drought, China Turns To Coal To Keep The Lights On

    By John Kemp, senior market analyst

    China’s reliance on coal-fired power generation increased during the first half of 2023 as continued drought severely reduced hydroelectric power in the southern provinces.Total generation from all sources increased by +205 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) in the first six months of 2023 compared with the same period in 2022 (“Output of energy products, National Bureau of Statistics, July 20″).

    The increase was +5.2%, which implies the government is probably on track to meet its declared target of around 5% for growth in gross domestic product this year.

    But hydro generation slumped by -132 billion kWh (-23%) to its lowest level for eight years as the protracted drought hit reservoir levels.

    The two southwestern provinces of Sichuan and Yunnan accounted for almost half (48%) of the country’s hydropower in 2020; adding the neighbouring areas of Guizhou and Guangxi takes the share to almost three-fifths (58%).

    But the region experienced much lower than average precipitation over the last 12 months, forcing sharp reductions in power production.

    Precipitation at the city of Yibin on the border between Sichuan and Yunnan totalled 626 millimetres in the 12 months ending in June 2023. Rainfall was just half the average over the previous eight years and down by almost 60% compared with the previous 12-month period.

    Some of the deficit caused by hydro generation was covered by increased generation from wind farms (+82 billion kWh) and solar power (+25 billion kWh).

    But the rest of the deficit and all the consumption growth was covered by a massive increase in thermal generation (+218 billion kWh) mostly from coal-fired units.

    Thermal generation increased by +8% compared with the same period in 2022 and accounted for 71% of all electrical output, up from 69% in the previous year.

    China’s coal fleet kept the lights on, air conditioning working and industry operating in the drought-stricken south and more recently in the north in an unprecedented heat wave.

    In response to government directives to ensure sufficient fuel stocks for generators, the country’s coal mines produced a record volume in the first six months.

    Domestic coal production climbed by +107 million tonnes (+5%) between January and June compared with the same period in 2022.

    At the same time, coal imports also surged by +107 million tonnes (+92%) as power generators and steelmakers built up inventories.

    In the first half of the year, wind and solar farms produced more electricity (560 billion kWh) combined than the country’s hydroelectric dams (450 billion kWh) for the first time.

    China’s energy transition is real and is proceeding rapidly…. But coal-fired generation and production is still likely to increase for at least the next several years because of the country’s inherited reliance on coal-fired units and the need to meet rapid load growth.


    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 20:20

  • North Korea Issues Nuclear Warning Over US Nuke-Armed Submarine Off Peninsula
    North Korea Issues Nuclear Warning Over US Nuke-Armed Submarine Off Peninsula

    Authored by Dave DeCamp via,

    North Korea on Thursday issued a warning over the US deployment of a nuclear-armed submarine to South Korea, saying the provocation could potentially justify Pyongyang using its nuclear weapons.

    The Ohio-Class USS Kentucky docked in the South Korean port of Busan on Tuesday, marking the first time since 1981 that an American nuclear-armed submarine arrived in the country. It also marked the first time since the US withdrew its tactical nukes from South Korea in 1991 that US nuclear weapons were deployed to the Korean Peninsula.

    Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP

    The provocation coincided with the first meeting of the Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG), which was established by the US and South Korea to increase cooperation related to US nuclear weapons.

    North Korean Defense Minister Kang Sun-nam slammed the US and South Korean cooperation on nuclear weapons in a press statement released by North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency.

    Kang said US and South Korean officials held the NCG meeting “to discuss the plan for using nuclear weapons against the DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea].”

    Discussing North Korea’s nuclear policy, Kang said, “I remind the US military of the fact that the ever-increasing visibility of the deployment of the strategic nuclear submarine and other strategic assets may fall under the conditions of the use of nuclear weapons specified in the DPRK law on the nuclear force policy.”

    He said that Pyongyang’s nuclear doctrine “allows the execution of necessary action procedures in case a nuclear attack is launched against it or it is judged that the use of nuclear weapons against it is imminent.”

    After US officials held the NCG meeting, they released a statement that said any nuclear attack from the North will “will result in the end of that regime.”

    U.S Navy’s Ohio-Class Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Kentucky Arrives In The Republic Of Korea, image: US Navy

    South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol on Wednesday boarded the nuclear-armed USS Kentucky and repeated the “end of the regime” threat.

    The US nuclear deployment in South Korea provoked more North Korean missile tests as the two sides continue tit-for-tat escalations. The Biden administration has shown no interest in easing tensions and has vowed to continue deploying strategic assets to the Korean Peninsula.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 20:00

  • IRS Issues Important Notice To Storm Victims In 4 States About Paying Taxes Owed
    IRS Issues Important Notice To Storm Victims In 4 States About Paying Taxes Owed

    Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a notice to taxpayers in parts of four disaster-stricken states that they must file their federal income tax returns and pay any taxes owed by the end of the month or face consequences.

    This year, most taxpayers were required to file by April 18, which was also the deadline for paying any taxes owed to the IRS.

    However, the agency granted special relief to taxpayers affected by federally declared disasters in various regions in the form of filing and payment due date extensions.

    The extended deadlines varied by region. Some disaster-area taxpayers—including in most of California, as well as parts of Alabama and Georgia—were granted an extension until Oct. 16 to file their tax returns and make tax payments. For others, that deadline falls sooner.

    In a reminder issued earlier this week, the IRS said that taxpayers in storm-impacted parts of Arkansas, Indiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee, have until July 31 to file their tax returns and pay any amounts due.

    As long as their address of record is in a disaster-area locality, individual and business taxpayers automatically get the extra time without having to ask for it,” the agency said in a statement.

    The July 31 deadline applies to taxpayers affected by four different disaster declarations resulting from severe storms, tornadoes, and straight-line winds during late March and early April of this year.

    The following affected areas are included in the latest IRS reminder:

    Three counties in Arkansas: Cross, Lonoke, and Pulaski counties, were impacted by storms and tornadoes on March 31.

    Thirteen counties in Indiana: Allen, Benton, Brown, Clinton, Grant, Howard, Johnson, Lake, Monroe, Morgan, Owen, Sullivan, and White counties, affected by storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes from March 31 to April 1.

    Seven counties in Mississippi: Carroll, Humphreys, Monroe, Montgomery, Panola, Sharkey, and Washington counties, were hit by severe storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes from March 24 to 25.

    Thirteen counties in Tennessee: Cannon, Giles, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Johnson, Lewis, Macon, McNairy, Morgan, Rutherford, Tipton, and Wayne counties, were impacted by severe storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes from March 31 to April 1.

    Taxpayers who fall into the above categories and need an extension beyond July 31 can apply for extensions, but they must be submitted in paper format using Form 4868, the IRS said.

    The reason is that electronic filing options are not available for extension requests that fall after the original April 18 filing deadline.

    Taxpayers who owe the IRS money but miss their respective deadlines to file a tax return face a failure to file a penalty amounting to 5 percent of the unpaid tax due for each month that they’re late with the payment.

    This is also the case for unpaid amounts owed beyond a given deadline, in which case the IRS charges a failure to pay penalty of 0.5 percent of the tax owed per month.

    If both a failure to file and a failure to pay penalty are charged for a given month, then the failure to file penalty is reduced by the amount of the failure to pay penalty. This means that the combined penalty for a given month will never exceed 5 percent for each month or part of a month that the return was late.

    The penalties jointly max out at 25 percent of the unpaid tax owed.

    Special Notice

    The latest reminder follows a recent special mailing the IRS sent to taxpayers in disaster-affected areas as a follow-up clarification after an earlier message wrongly told them they had 21 days to pay taxes owed.

    “Although the initial notice indicated a payment deadline of 21 days, taxpayers in these disaster-declared regions actually have until a later date this year to make their payments within the designated timeframe,” the IRS said in a June 28 statement.

    In late May and June, taxpayers with balances due who live in parts of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee that fell under disaster declarations received a CP14 notice from the IRS.

    Many of the CP14 notices incorrectly said the affected taxpayers had three weeks to pay outstanding balances.

    We know our initial mailing caused confusion for taxpayers and tax professionals, and we worked quickly to send a follow-up reminder to help reassure people,” IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel said in a statement.

    “This mailing reflects how we’re trying to be more taxpayer-focused given the additional resources that we’ve been given under the Inflation Reduction Act.”

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 19:40

  • Ukraine To Receive F-16s By End Of Year, Kirby Says
    Ukraine To Receive F-16s By End Of Year, Kirby Says

    Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council John Kirby suggested in a Fox News interview Thursday that Ukraine could received US F-16 fighter jets way ahead of schedule. 

    “Most likely, the F-16s will arrive in Ukraine before the end of the year. However, we do not believe that F-16s alone can alter the situation on the battlefield,” Kirby said.

    The F-16 can carry the B-61 tactical nuclear bomb.

    Very likely, training for Ukrainian pilotswhich hasn’t even begun yet (at least officially) given NATO press statements have indicated the Denmark-bases training program is set to begin in Augustwon’t be complete by then.

    Top Zelensky officials, including the Ukrainian president himself, have pleaded for more advanced weaponry to arrive on the battlefield sooner. Amid what’s increasingly acknowledged in mainstream press as a failing counteroffensive, Ukraine’s military leaders have urged ‘superiority of the skies’

    But it’s clear that Kirby has downplayed that even Western fighter jets will be a major game-changer. He also emphasized in the interview that the most immediate need remains greater amounts of artillery ammunition, given especially the superior supplies which the Russians possess.

    Kirby listed out what he called the “four A’s”… as “artillery, ammunition, air defense and armor—tanks.”

    Ukrainian media too has begun to acknowledge that Western fighters may have little impact on the overall negative course of the counteroffensive:

    A week ago, Lieutenant General Douglas Sims said that conditions for a transfer of F-16s are not “ideal.” He stressed that Russians still have air defense capability, hinting that the number of jets that can arrive will not change the course of the counteroffensive.

    President Putin and Kremlin officials have said West-supplied jets will “burn” just like other foreign equipment. They’ve also warned that NATO is “playing with fire” in approving them for the Ukrainians.

    Initially, F-16s are expected to be sent “likely from European countries that have excess F-16 supplies” – according to the prior words of Jake Sullivan from the NATO summit in Vilnius last week.

    Russian foreign minister Lavrov has in the meantime underscored that the F-16s are capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons, and so will be treated by Russian forces as such.

    “We have informed the nuclear powers – the US, UK and France – that Russia can’t ignore the ability of these aircraft to carry nuclear weapons,” the foreign minister said earlier this month. “No assurances [by the West] will help here,” he warned. In the midst of fighting, the Russian military isn’t going to investigate whether any specific jet is equipped to deliver nuclear weapons or not,” he added.

    “The very fact of the appearance of such systems within the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be considered by us as a threat from the West in the nuclear domain,” Lavrov warned. 

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 19:20

  • Food Giant Helps Get Child Trafficking Movie 'Sound Of Freedom' To The Big Screen
    Food Giant Helps Get Child Trafficking Movie ‘Sound Of Freedom’ To The Big Screen

    Authored by T.J. Muscaro via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Angel Studios’ anti-people trafficking movie, “Sound of Freedom,” has earned nearly seven times its original budget after only two weeks at the box office.

    Image from the “Sound of Freedom” movie which was released on July 4, 2023. (Courtesy of Angel Studios)

    Shedding a light on a dark, shadowy world—especially child sex trafficking—the film’s commercial success comes years after its production, surviving a corporate merger, the COVID-19 pandemic, and reports of several screenings gone awry.

    The picture owes a lot to two men who wanted everyone to see it—the producer and co-star Eduardo Verastagui and president of Goya Foods, Bob Unanue.

    Opening on July 4, “Sound of Freedom” just surpassed $100 million at the box office, $85 million of which came from domestic theaters. It was made on a $14.5 million budget.

    People walk by the AMC 34th Street theater in New York on March 5, 2021. (Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)

    Starring Jim Caviezel (“The Passion of the Christ”) as former Homeland Security Agent and Operation Underground Railroad founder Tim Ballard, the movie is a call-to-action that tells the true story of how hundreds of people were rescued from human trafficking.

    It saw an increase of more than 30 percent in audience attendance in its second week, and more than 10,000 verified audience members have contributed to its 100 percent audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.

    It also continues to compete with mainstream movies with much lighter and more entertainment-focused subject matters and much higher budgets.

    But this successful movie might not have ever seen the inside of a theater without the help of food giant Goya Foods.

    “Sound of Freedom” had originally been ordered by 20th Century Fox with Mr. Verastagui already on as its producer and supporting role.

    But the movie became one of the many Fox projects shelved after the merger with The Walt Disney Company.

    “We helped him buy [“Sound of Freedom”] from Disney [and] became executive producers on that,” Mr. Unanue told The Epoch Times in a phone interview. “It just so happened that several years later trying to get it distributed that Angel Studios appeared on the scene.

    Goya did not disclose the amount of money it contributed to the project.

    The film was completed before the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite Disney releasing the rights, that theater-closing event would require its producers to wait a little bit longer.

    Angel Studios acquired the distribution rights in 2023. He said Angel Studios was “a godsend” in turning around the movie for theatrical release in “just a few months.” Now, he said, they are in talks with Mel Gibson to do a series on human trafficking.

    Caring About Victims

    Tied to the completion and distribution of “Sound of Freedom” is the creation of Goya Cares, Mr. Unanue’s own program, which provides support to several nonprofits fighting child and human trafficking.

    Working primarily on the homefront, it supports several charities already entrenched in the fight to end trafficking and provide safe houses for victims, such as Catholic Charities and the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC).

    It also works with the Monique Burr Foundation to provide lesson plans and educational awareness in schools.

    At the center of Goya Cares is a heart, and our heart reaches out to these victims of child trafficking and children who are suffering from mental illness so that they may have hope to live in a world where their life is valued, their freedom is a reality and their mind is at peace,” Mr. Unanue’s mission statement for the program states.

    “They need to be reminded that they are precious gifts from God.”

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 19:00

  • CRE Storm: Over $800 Billion In Office Space In Nine Cities Could Become Obsolete By 2030
    CRE Storm: Over $800 Billion In Office Space In Nine Cities Could Become Obsolete By 2030

    During the regional bank failures in March, we directed our readership to focus on the next potential crisis: “CRE Nuke Goes Off With Small Banks Accounting For 70% Of Commercial Real Estate Loans.” By late March, Morgan Stanley warned clients of an upcoming maturity wall in commercial real estate, which amounts to $500 billion of loans in 2024, and a total of $2.5 trillion in debt that comes due over the next five years. 

    In a recent Bloomberg interview, Barry Sternlicht’s Starwood Capital Group warned that the CRE space is in a “Category 5 hurricane.” He said, “It’s sort of a blackout hovering over the entire industry until we get some relief or some understanding of what the Fed’s going to do over the longer term.”

    The current downturn in CRE could persist for years, if not through the end of this decade. Jan Mischke, a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute, along with Olivia White, a senior partner at McKinsey, and Aditya Sanghvi, a senior partner and leader of McKinsey’s real estate special initiative, published a note in Fortunewarning “$800 billion of office space in just nine cities could become obsolete by 2030.” 

    The authors of the report blame the CRE downturn on the “shift to remote and hybrid work prompted two further shifts in people’s behavior”: 

    First, many residents, untethered from their offices and therefore less fearful of long commutes, moved away from urban cores. New York City’s urban core (that is, the dozen densest counties in the metropolitan area) lost 5% of its population from mid-2020 to mid-2022. San Francisco’s urban core (San Francisco County, Alameda County, and San Mateo County) lost 6%.

    Second, consumers began shopping less at brick-and-mortar stores–and far less at stores in urban cores, where people were now less likely either to work or to live. Foot traffic near stores in metropolitan areas remains 10 to 20% below pre-pandemic levels, but the differences between urban and suburban traffic recovery are substantial. For example, in late 2022, foot traffic near New York’s suburban stores was 16% lower than it had been in January 2020, while foot traffic near stores in the urban core was 36% lower.

    As fewer employees work in the office, demand for office space will fall. By 2030, such demand will be as much as 20% lower, depending on the city–even in a moderate scenario in which office attendance goes up but remains lower than it was before the pandemic.

    And as fewer consumers shop at brick-and-mortar stores, demand for retail space will fall as well, according to our model. In the urban core of London, the hardest-hit city, demand for retail space will be 22% lower in 2030 than it was in 2019 in a moderate scenario.

    Some of the most significant declines in office and retail space demand through 2030 will be in major US cities such as San Francisco and New York City.

    The authors note that the demand for “residential space will suffer less”… Well, according to their forecasting model. 

    “The reduced demand will have major impacts on urban stakeholders. For example, in just nine cities that we studied especially closely, $800 billion of office space could become obsolete by 2030. And macroeconomic complications could make matters even worse,” the authors continued. Without office workers in downtown areas, economic recoveries in major cities will be a “U” shape or, in some cases, an “L.” 

    The unraveling of downtowns is already underway. We shared a video this week of scenes of San Francisco’s downtown transformed into a ‘ghost town.’ Building owners in the crime-ridden metro area are already giving up and defaulting as vacancies rise, crime surges, and refinancing is near impossible in today’s climate as the Federal Reserve keeps interest rates sky-high to tame the worst inflation in a generation. 

    We shift our attention to Baltimore City, where office towers are being dumped in an apparent firesale. 

    The authors failed to report that the sliding demand for office towers isn’t just because of “remote and hybrid work” but also due to an exodus of companies fleeing crime-ridden progressive cities that fail to enforce law and order. 

    If McKinsey’s predictions are correct, certain segments of the CRE market are expected to experience prolonged turmoil for years. Some US mayors have proposed an immediate solution to convert office towers into multi-family units. However, this transformation could take years due to the time-consuming processes of obtaining permits and construction.  

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 18:40

  • Vast Majority Of Americans Say Illegal Immigration Is Either "Crisis" Or "Major Problem"
    Vast Majority Of Americans Say Illegal Immigration Is Either “Crisis” Or “Major Problem”

    Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times,

    Amid a historic wave of people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border unlawfully, an overwhelming majority of Americans polled say that illegal immigration is a crisis or—at best—a “major problem.”

    A recent poll by Gallup found that 39 percent of Americans believe the border situation is a full-blown “crisis.” Another 33 percent think it’s a “major problem,” meaning that a whopping 72 percent believe the situation on the border is bad enough to be considered seriously problematic.

    Views on illegal immigration held by Republicans – who have long opposed open borders – have remained mostly unchanged from 2019, when a similar poll was conducted by Gallup during the administration of then President Donald Trump.

    The relatively stable share (88 percent in 2019 vs. 91 percent in 2023) of Republican respondents saying illegal immigration is at least a “major problem” suggests that porous borders are less of a partisan issue than a matter of deep conviction for those aligned with the GOP.

    Democrats, on the other hand, have sharply raised their tolerance for illegal immigration between the Trump-era days and those of the administration of President Joe Biden, a fellow Democrat.

    In 2019, 68 percent of Democrats said it was a crisis or major problem, with that dropping to just 56 percent at the present time, suggesting Democrat views on the issue shift based on politics.

    Republicans in Congress have blamed the Biden administration for policies they say encourage people to undertake the perilous trek north and cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

    The Biden administration has blamed factors outside its control—like crime, corruption, and poverty in countries of origin—while blaming Mr. Trump for undermining the country’s asylum system, which the current administration says it’s trying to fix.

    Illegal immigrants wait to be taken by Border Patrol to a processing facility to begin their asylum-seeking process in Eagle Pass, Texas, on June 25, 2023. (Suzanne Cordeiro/AFP via Getty Images)

    June Numbers

    Meanwhile, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported this week that 144,607 encounters happened in June along the Southwest border, the lowest number since February 2021.

    CBP officials credited the decline in part to the Biden administration’s expansion of legal pathways and processes for entry into the United States.

    “Our sustained efforts to enforce consequences under our longstanding Title 8 authorities, combined with expanding access to lawful pathways and processes, have driven the number of migrant encounters along the Southwest border to their lowest levels in more than two years. We will remain vigilant,” Troy A. Miler, CBP Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Commissioner, said in a statement.

    June marked the first full month since Title 42 restrictions expired on May 11 and were replaced with a new policy that, in many ways, resembled the one that ended.

    Title 42 was a regulation designed to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases in the United States. The rule was issued by the Trump administration in 2020 at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and was used over 2.5 million times to block asylum claims.

    When Title 42 ended, the Biden administration rolled out a new rule (pdf), which essentially reinstates a Trump-era travel policy, stipulating that illegal immigrants would be disqualified from applying for asylum in the United States if they didn’t first seek protection in countries that they traveled through on their way to the United States, with limited exceptions.

    The regulation is meant to decrease human smuggling activities at the southern border by encouraging asylum-seekers to use “lawful, safe, and orderly” pathways, such as seeking refuge in a country that they’ve passed through.

    Department of Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas (2nd-L) speaks at a press conference on May 5, 2023, in Brownsville, Texas. (Michael Gonzalez/Getty Images)

    Hours before Title 42 was set to expire, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said that smugglers had been spreading the word that the border would be open after Title 42 expired.

    “I want to be very clear: our borders are not open,” he said at the time. “People who cross our border unlawfully and without a legal basis to remain will be promptly processed and removed.”

    Issuing a warning to those considering making the trek to the border, he stressed:

    “Smugglers care only about profits, not people. Do not risk your life and life savings only to be removed from the United States if and when you arrive here.”

    Since Mr. Biden took office, over 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border into the United States.

    Scheduled Arrivals

    Meanwhile, DHS said at the end of June that more would-be illegal immigrants would be able to schedule their entry into the United States.

    The department’s Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will allow up to 1,450 appointments per day, an increase of 200 from the current number and 450 from the number available in May.

    “CBP is expanding the number of available appointments at ports of entry for the second time in less than two months, through scheduling enhancements and operational efficiencies,” Troy Miller, the top CBP official, said in a statement.

    The appointments, made through an application called CBP One, are “providing for safe and efficient processes at ports of entry,” he added.

    The would-be immigrants can schedule an appointment at a port of entry, or an official border crossing, through the application.

    The appointment scheduling was part of a January Biden administration announcement on steps that would be taken to deal with the spike in illegal immigration that has occurred since Mr. Biden took office.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 18:20

  • Barbie Movie Applauded As A “Feminist Epic” While Depicting Men As Bumbling Villains
    Barbie Movie Applauded As A “Feminist Epic” While Depicting Men As Bumbling Villains

    The underlying and undeniable trend of modern day Hollywood is the making of movies that hate their own subject matter, specifically when that subject matter stems from traditional cultural norms.  The goal is “deconstruction.” Everything must be deconstructed, broken down, burned down, erased from the public consciousness and replaced with the “new” woke ideal.  Well, it was only a matter of time before they went after Barbie and the results are embarrassing.

    Produced by star Margot Robbie and directed by Greta Gerwig, Hollywood critics love Barbie, but their applause doesn’t revolve around the overall quality of the story.  Rather, it revolves around the messaging which is aggressively woke.  

    The Verge calls the movie a:

    “Bold vision built around the idea of deconstructing some of the more complex realities of what Barbie represents in order to tell a truly modern, feminist story.”

    The Wrap declares:

    “Once an equal parts fascinating and controversial Mattel toy, both loved and hate – a tiny-waisted, vacuously smiling, slender doll designed like a straight-male fantasy – is now a complicated feminist symbol of empowerment…”

    NBC News notes:

    “As Barbie makes her way in the real world, she must grapple with the overwhelming emotion and discomfort of being human, as well as a patriarchal system that would make her a secondary character in her own world.”

    The core plot of Barbie plays on the common feminist notion of “reversed roles” along with a predictable hatred of men and masculinity; starting in a place where women run everything and men are simply objects with “no agency.”  Ken is a dunce that Barbie controls while he is also simultaneously cruel, a classic woke depiction of “toxic masculinity.”  

    But when Barbie is transported to the real world (our world as viewed by feminism) she encounters a cartoonish level of male chauvinism and sexism, while Ken learns to love the patriarchy and tries to transport it back to Barbie’s world.  IndieWire asserts that Ken is the villain of the story as he destroys the feminist utopia of Barbieland:

    “It’s been hugely altered by the full force of a returning (and, dare we say it, red-pilled) Ken, who uses all his newfound male rage and patriarchal power to upend what was once a lady-powered idyll.”

    In fact, the film’s script uses the word “patriarchy” at least 10 times.  Obviously, the premise as a metaphor is faulty because the dynamic depicted in the flick doesn’t exist for women, at least not in western society.  Gender roles exist because of biology, not because of conspiracy.  But then, the ultimate childish fantasy is not Barbie’s dreamland, it’s the feminist ideal.   

    The surface story involves the realm of Barbie as a parallel universe to our own, but real life issues and fears start to invade Barbie’s thoughts and she begins to challenge the structures of the world she lives in while disrupting everyone’s blissful ignorance (This is how woke activists see themselves; as messiahs shocking people out of an illusion controlled by evil white men).

    Not surprisingly, the movie also ignores the essential reasons why Barbie as a toy is so popular.

    For decades Barbie has been a primary target of the feminist movement.  Their accusation is that the toy is a negative image reinforcement for young girls and a “tool for the patriarchy” for molding women into unattainable beauty standards as well as social standards.  In reality, Barbie is vastly successful because she’s a blank slate – Girls and women tend to project their personalities onto fictional characters (and many other things), and Barbie has no defined personality to get in the way.  Little girls make Barbie into whatever they want her to be, which is usually them.  This is the reason why we often hear feminists argue that everyone needs to “feel represented” in entertainment – They cannot relate unless they can project.   

    But as a blank slate there can be no “manipulation” or male domination with a toy like Barbie. So, feminist claims fall apart.  They simply ignore what the toy means to children and think only of what it means to them.

    By extension, there is no romance in the Barbie movie, no love story for Barbie and Ken, no playing house or taking care of babies.  All the things that little girls do with the toy are deliberately erased from the film.  Beyond the colorful set design, the movie is distinctly hostile to the idea that it should appeal to kids.  It is only made for one very narrow group of people:  Far left ideologues.

    Robbie sold the concept to Mattel as a movie that “loves Barbie” but also “doesn’t shy away from the problematic issues surrounding Barbie.”  It would be interesting to get an honest opinion from Mattel now that the movie has hit theaters – Was this really what they intended?  A complete deconstruction of their brand?  The movie even depicts the CEO of Mattel (played by Will Farrell) as an angry capitalist trying to force Barbie “back into her box.”

    In the middle of the film, a teenage girl shouts at Margot Robbie’s Barbie in a California high school cafeteria:

    “You represent everything wrong with our culture. You destroyed the planet with your glorification of rampant consumerism…you fascist!”

    This is not a display of love for the toy, it’s a group of woke fanatics doing what they always do – It’s not enough that they hate the product and what it stands for, everyone else has to hate it too.  Feminists are not happy in their own crazed beliefs; they are only satiated when others are pressured to affirm those beliefs, often through propaganda.  

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 18:00

  • Woe, The Humanity: How AI Fits Into Broadly Rising Anti-Humanism
    Woe, The Humanity: How AI Fits Into Broadly Rising Anti-Humanism

    Authored by Joel Kotkin & Samuel J. Abrams via RealClear Wire,

    The future of humanity is becoming ever less human. The astounding capabilities of ChatGPT and other forms of artificial intelligence have triggered fears about the coming age of machines leaving little place for human creativity or employment. Even the architects of this brave new world are sounding the alarm. Sam Altman, chairman and CEO of OpenAI, which developed ChatGPT, recently warned that artificial intelligence poses an “existential risk” to humanity and warned Congress that artificial intelligence “can go quite wrong.”

    While history is littered with apocalyptic predictions, the new alarms are different because they are taking place amid broad cultural forces that suggest human beings have lost faith in themselves and connections with humanity in general.  

    The new worldview might best be described as anti-humanism. This notion rejects the idea that human beings are perennially ingenious, socially connected creatures capable of wondrous creations – religious scripture, the plays of Shakespeare, the music of Beethoven, the science of Einstein. Instead, it casts people, society, and human life itself as a problem. Instead of seeing society as a tool to help people to build and flourish, it stresses the need to limit the damage humanity might do.     

    Many climate change activists, for example, argue that humanity’s extinction could be a net plus for planet earth. State-sanctioned euthanasia, which just a few years ago was considered a radical assault on the sanctity of life, is becoming common practice in many Western countries – available not just to the terminally ill but those who are just tired of living. 

    All this is taking place as social science research reveals that people are increasingly cutting themselves off from one another. The traditional pillars of community and connection – family, friends, children, church, neighborhood – have been withering, fostering an everyday existence defined for many people by loneliness. The larger notion of human beings as constituting a larger, collective project with some sense of common goal is being replaced by a solipsistic individualism, which negates the classical liberal values of self-determination and personal freedoms in a worldview that nullifies the societies they built.

    These trends, which have been studied largely in isolation, could be amplified by the ascendance of artificial intelligence. As humanity wrestles with powerful new technologies, a growing body of research suggests that a more fundamental question may be whether human beings are willing to shape their own legacy in the new world order. 

    God as Gaia  

    Anti-humanism has a long history – it can be traced back at least to Thomas Malthus, who warned in 1789 that overpopulation was the greatest threat to human prosperity. Although the British economist and cleric was not hostile to humanity and his dark predictions never came true, his claim that people are the problem has provided the cri de coeur for the modern environmental movement. In 1968, the biologist Paul Ehrlich’s best-seller “The Population Bomb,” which expressed horror at the proliferation of people, prophesied that continued surges in population would lead to mass starvation. Ehrlich and his acolytes urged extreme measures to stave off disaster, including adding sterilant to the water supply to prevent human reproduction.  

    These views have not gone away. The big business-funded Club of Rome report, issued in 1972, embraced an agenda of austerity and retrenchment to stave off population-driven mass starvation and social chaos. Humanity’s ancient effort to create safety and comfort – its commitment to progress and prosperity – was cast as a lethal threat.  

    Others were less politic in their embrace of anti-human memes. In 1991, the oceanographer Jacques Cousteau said that “in order to stabilize world populations, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.” Today, this mindset informs many climate change activists, who as the writer Austin Williams has noted, believe human beings represent “the biggest problem on the planet” as opposed to the “creators of a better future.” More than 11,000 scientists signed an emergency declaration in 2019 that said having fewer people should be a priority.  

    In a May New Yorker article about “The Earth Transformed,” a new book by Oxford University professor Peter Frankopan, Harvard professor Jill Lepore notes: “In his not at all cheerful conclusion, looking to a possibly not too distant future in which humans fail to address climate change and become extinct, Frankopan writes, ‘Our loss will be the gain of other animals and plants.’” Lepore then quips, “An upside!” 

    Manifestos such as Frankopan’s, whose writing on the history of climate change is quite nuanced, reflect how the climate agenda tends toward apocalypticism, and a highly toxic view of humanity. Already more than half of young people around the world believe the planet is doomed. Although few prioritize climate as their main concern, concerns about warming underpins a profoundly anti-human agenda based on the impoverishment of much of the population. Many corporate interests, as well as their allies among green activists, have embraced the notion of “degrowth,” embracing a weird form of autarkic feudalism in which people live in small places, eat a meager diet, and surrender any chance of upward mobility. The “tiny house” movement is a small example. It is hard to overstate what a radical departure this is from long-held beliefs tying progress to rising standards of living, much less creating offspring. 

    Such an approach seems to require a quasi-religious commitment which, if it does not claim justification from God, acts as the right hand of Gaia and of supposedly sanctified science. Two environmentalists, writing in Time magazine this April, argued that Earth Day should be designated a “religious holiday” just like Easter and Passover.  

    The Fading Family   

    Unlike traditional religious holidays, sacralized Earth Day festivities likely will not celebrate the family or human fecundity. Around the world, the ties between parents, children and extended family are clearly weakening and thus undermining the bonds that have held human society together from the earliest times.  

    Increasingly the very idea of family is under assault, particularly from universities and media that openly criticize monogamy and the nuclear family while extolling a wide array of alternatives including polyamory and some form of collectivized childrearing. Columnist David Brooks of the New York Times, who last week fretted that “human beings are soon going to be eclipsed” by AI, also argued in The Atlantic in 2020 that “the nuclear family was a mistake.” Brooks, no woke zealot, oddly echoed the group Black Lives Matter, which made opposition to the nuclear family a part of its basic original platform, even though family breakdown has hurt African American boys most of all. One prominent feminist, Sophie Lewis, advocates “full surrogacy” as a replacement for the traditional family.  

    To be sure, many children are being brought up without two parents. The number of children living in single parent households has more than doubled in the last 50 years. In the United States, the rate of single parenthood has grown from 10% in 1960 to over 40% today. 

    Rather than a nation of families, the United States is becoming a collection of autonomous human beings and childless households. The impacts of a weaker family, as Brookings Institution scholar Richard Reeves and others have noted, are felt most among poorer people, and particularly their offspring. “This is probably the best documented fact in sociology in America that no one wants to admit,” observed demographer Mary Eberstadt

    The links between family dysfunction and crime have been clear since at least the 1970s. This breakdown has worsened as city leaders in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, New York and other urban centers now accept homelessness, open drug markets, and petty crime. This can be viewed as another aspect of anti-humanism, rejecting the notion that people are capable of productive and fulfilling lives. Instead of seeing people as members of a community with obligations to one another, it reflects a kind of live-and-let-die individualism that leads to isolation, despair, and anger. 

    The Friendless American  

    Family decline reflects just one aspect of an increasingly dehumanized social order. The U.S. Census Bureau has found that 28% of American households had just one person in 2020. In 1940, this number was just 8%. In a recent survey conducted by Cigna, researchers found that almost 80% of adults from the ages of 18 to 24 reported feeling lonely. In 2018, even before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, one study showed that 54% of Americans felt like no one in their life knew them well. The “atomization” of America, first examined 20 years ago by Robert Putnam in books such as “Bowling Alone,” has been simply “speeding out in the wrong direction,” warns journalist Jennifer Senior. 

    As the pandemic wound down in the spring of 2022 and many were looking to resume their lives as normally as possible, a survey of American adults revealed that many people found it harder to form relationships now, and one-fourth of adults felt anxious about socializing. The biggest source of anxiety, shared by 29% of respondents, was “not knowing what to say or how to interact.” As social commentator Arthur Brooks notes, “Many of us have simply forgotten how to be friends.” 

    But it’s young people who bear the brunt of the loneliness wave. Data from the American Enterprise Institute’s Survey on Community and Society indicate that younger Americans are, in fact, considerably more lonely and isolated than older Americans. For instance, 44% of 18 to 29-year-olds report feeling completely alone at least sometimes, compared with just 19% of 60 to 70-year-olds. Perhaps most troubling, 22% of younger Americans stated that they “rarely” or “never” have someone they can turn to when in need. For older Americans, this number was just 5%.  

    So, what replaces human connections? The solution is increasingly expressed as self-love — the notion that the individual, however flawed, needs to be celebrated above all other human connections. According to one recent survey, 44% of people believe self-love is an essential aspect of mental health. For some, like pop singer Lizzo, self-love means accepting even traits such as obesity, which are clear threats to basic health.  

    In this tech-dominant future, even the most pleasurable direct human contact is being supplanted by artificial stimulus.  Many younger people are falling into what researchers have characterized as a “sex recession.” There has been a significant rise in artificial sex and numerous reports have found that pornography consumption can negatively impact marital intimacy and reduce relationship satisfaction. Younger generations are having sex less often and experiencing far more relationship instability, leading to fewer marriages and more atomization. In Japan, the harbinger of modern Asian demographics, roughly a third of men enter their 30s as virgins and a quarter of men over 50 never marry. Nearly a third of Japanese in their 30s have never had sex.  

    Psychologist Maytal Eyal, writing in Time, quotes Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggesting that that loving yourself is “the one foundation of everything.” She also quotes Nicole LaPera, a clinical psychologist with 6.4 million followers, who claims “Self-love is our natural state,” citing Miley Cyrus, whose recent hit “Flowers” proclaims, “I can love me better than you can.”  

    Life, Death, and Changing Attitudes 

    As reflected in “self-love,” anti-humanism rests on a belief system that substitutes the sanctity of human life with a new ideology centered on the autonomous individual’s wants and desires. This extends to changing views on the most basic events of human existence, birth and death.  

    Attitudes towards euthanasia are increasingly permissive and expansive. Today a majority of Americans (54%), according to Gallup, think that doctor-assisted suicide is morally acceptable. Ten states now provide euthanasia. Several others, including Massachusetts and Vermont, also want to expand the use of “end of life” procedures.  

    The United States is behind the curve on this issue. In Canada, euthanasia is being made available even to those not terminally ill. Some apply to be killed due to homelessness or depression; since the new euthanasia law went into effect in 2016, the numbers using it have grown ten-fold. Canadian medical professionals have been reported to urge terminally ill patients to end their lives earlier, in part to defray hospital expenses. There are even government plans to consider allowing assisted suicide for minors without parental consent

    These trends can be seen as well in some European nations, such as Switzerland, where people not terminally ill can orchestrate their own extermination. In Spain, one convicted murderer opted for suicide even before sentencing. Belgium allowed the assisted suicide of a 23-year-old woman with depression, something that has sparked considerable controversy. In Japan, it is widely discussed whether that rapidly aging population should institute euthanasia for the elderly, even those who are not sick or dying. Last year the country experienced twice as many deaths as births

    The shifts here and abroad reveal a diminishing value placed on human life. A Connecticut civil rights lawyer, a former strong supporter of liberalized euthanasia laws, reports how physicians advocated assisted suicide for patients with disabilities, even those able to live longer and thrive.  

    Similar attitudes toward life define the ever more contentious abortion debate. When Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, his platform was that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.” Today, the nation’s most prominent abortion advocates – like their opposite number in the pro-life movement – leave no room for compromise. Pro-choice leaders often view abortion as an unchallengeable “human right.” Just as the idea of limiting abortions for rape and incest, and placing very strict time limits, seems extreme to most Americans, the alternative view that has taken hold is that abortion idea is no longer something to be regretted, but celebrated. And this attitude has only intensified after the overturning of Roe v. Wade. 

    The Fading of Religion  

    The growing atomization of society has accompanied the historic decline of organized religion. Survey data show that two groups saw their rate of unhappiness rise more significantly than the others: single people, and those who did not regularly attend a religious service. The fading of religion, particularly among the young, intensifies isolation; the most recent AEI survey reveals, in contrast, that being faithful and part of a religious community deeply impacts feels of connectedness and isolation.  

    The decline of religion is a fundamental reality in most Western countries. In Europe, over 50% of those under age 40 do not identify with any religion. America, once considered an exception to the global secularizing trend, is also now rapidly “unchurching.” Younger Americans may still embrace of the notion of spiritual power but are leaving religious institutions at a rate four times that of their counterparts three decades ago. Almost 40% of people ages 18-29 have no religious affiliation.  

    The decline in faith among America’s youngest cohorts certainly threatens the trajectory of family formation; the fertility of women attending at least weekly religious services is about half-again higher than that of the secular. Globally, research shows that the higher the level of faith, the higher a country’s fertility will be, suggesting one way how traditional religion is at odds with the anti-human perspective of many in the climate movement.   

    A strong commitment to faith also correlates with community connectivity and engagement. For instance, just 10% of the religiously observant say they have no close friends; the number nearly doubles for those who have no faith.  

    This pattern extends to the younger generation. Religious younger Americans are more than twice as likely to do community work as their nonreligious Gen Z counterparts. Data from a nationally representative survey of nearly 2,000 young adults ages 18-25 coordinated by Neighborly Faith reveals that half of religious Gen Zers report volunteering in the community often or very often, compared to 30% of slightly religious Gen Zers and just 21% of non-religious Gen Zers. Despite narratives of insularity and social disconnect among religious Americans, it is primarily the religiously detached who are isolated and not connecting to others.  

    Tech and De-Humanization 

    Having moved away from family, community, and friendships, people increasingly seek salvation through technology – with some highly negative results. By empowering individuals, PCs, smart phones, and the rest have seemed to reduce the need for human connection. Increasingly, people are coming to see each other the same way machines see us – as data points to be fed into algorithms. “Science per se,” the late British chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks said, “has no space for empathy or fellow feeling.”  

    With the growth of artificial intelligence, the prospect of replacing humans by machines seems increasingly imminent. In Japan, where labor shortages are particularly intense, robots are being developed to care for their aging population and provide companionship for the increasingly rare young, as in Kazuo Ishiguro’s dystopian science fiction novel “Klara and the Sun.” Increasingly, even sex work could conceivably be dominated by artificial life forms.  

    As people hand over even their most intimate relations to machines, the designers of the new anti-human reality espouse the notion that, over time, most humans will be economically redundant and unnecessary. Researcher Gregory Ferenstein, who interviewed 147 tech company founders, found that most believe an “increasingly greater share of economic wealth will be generated by a smaller slice of very talented or original people. Everyone else will come to subsist on some combination of part-time entrepreneurial ‘gig work’ and government aid.”  

    Rather than see most humans as assets to society and the economy, many tech leaders, including AI pioneers like Sam Altman, envision offering the masses what Karl Marx would call “a proletarian alms bag,” a guaranteed income leaving them unstressed but marginally engaged in how society operates. This view is endorsed by many other tech oligarchsMark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Travis Kalanick (former head of Uber), as well as Altman. 

    Yet recent experience suggests clear dangers in what virtual reality guru Rony Abovitz calls “computational autocracy.” When you look at Americans born after 1995,” notes New York University professor Jonathan Haidt, “what you find is that they have extraordinarily high rates of anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicide, and fragility.” Since 2010 , he notes, teenage girls have seen their rates of depression rise by 145%, while that for men has jumped 161%. Similar patterns, including hospitalizations for suicide, have risen across Western society.  

    The disturbing work of Jean Twenge, a professor of psychology at San Diego State University, has revealed in detail the depressive symptoms among students K-12 over the past two decades. Today, half of U.S. students (50%) state that “they can’t do anything right” and that they “do not enjoy life” (49%). Sadly, 44% assert that their “life is not useful,” and this matches many attitudes on college and university campuses around the United States. According to Rebecca Rialon Berry, a professor in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at New York University, “the intense sounds, colors and rapid movement of digital content can make it much more immersive and entrancing than the real world – and therefore much more difficult to disengage from.”

    Rise of a Post-Human World Order 

    For some, technology could also provide, as religion once did, the mechanism to reinvent the human race. Masayoshi Son, founder of the influential Softbank venture fund, recently suggested that artificial intelligence would lay the foundation for the creation of the “superhuman.” Scientists for a half century have harbored similar dreams and some no doubt welcome the Biden administration’s support for a vast project “to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.” But cautionary tales about trying to create “the better human” are abundant: Consider the scientific promoters of early 20th century American eugenics as well as the examples of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany

    The ultimate goal of the tech elite increasingly will be to meld people with machines. “Transhumanism” is based on the idea, espoused by former Google chief scientist Ray Kurzweil, that we can “transcend the limitations of our biological bodies and brains,” gaining control of “our fates” as well as our mortality. The new tech religion treats mortality not as a normal part of life, but as a “bug” to be corrected by technology. 

    Although it sounds like a cult, transhumanism has gained devotees from Silicon Valley including Sergei Brin, Larry Page, and Ray Kurzweil (of Google), to Peter Thiel and AI guru Sam Altman, whose Y Combinator is developing a technology for uploading one’s brain and preserving it digitally. The aim is to “develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence.”  

    This new religion is a step toward creating a scientifically ordered society detached from family, religion, and the broad sense of community. Philosopher Yuval Noah Harari envisions a future where “a small and privileged elite of upgraded humans” will use genetic engineering to cement the superior status of their offspring – a small, God-like caste of what he calls Homo deus who can lord over the less cognitively gifted Homo sapiens.  

    “You want to know how super-intelligent cyborgs might treat ordinary flesh-and-blood humans?” Harari asks. “Better start by investigating how humans treat their less intelligent animal cousins.” 

    Joel Kotkin is Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University and executive director of the Urban Reform Institute. 
    Samuel J. Abrams is a professor of politics at Sarah Lawrence College and a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 17:40

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Today’s News 21st July 2023

  • These Are The World's Most Valuable Football Club Brands
    These Are The World’s Most Valuable Football Club Brands

    When the oldest national football competition—the FA Cup—was first played in 1872, the players didn’t get paid, clubs were local associations, and there were no such things as football brands.

    Skip ahead a century and a half and many football clubs have comparable levels of global recognition to well-known consumer brands like Apple or Coca-Cola, while simultaneously commanding immense loyalty from fans from all walks of life.

    These characteristics have immense financial worth. Today, Visual Capitalist’s Pallavi Rao details which clubs, aside from competing on the pitch, also compete as football brands. Brand Finance, a brand valuation and strategy consultancy, has compiled a list of the world’s 50 most valuable football club brands.

    ℹ️ Brand value refers to the present value of earnings specifically related to a football team’s brand reputation. This is separate and distinct from market value, or the value of an organization as a whole (i.e. what it would cost to buy a team)

    Which Football Club Has the Most Valuable Brand?

    Prized at $1.56 billion in 2023, Manchester City FC of England’s Premier League takes the top spot as the most valuable football brand.

    The club’s brand value grew 13.5% in the last year, a testament to the club’s recent and sustained success on the domestic and international fronts. It has won the Premier league seven times since 2011, and in 2023 the club completed a historic “treble”—winning the Premier League, Champions League, and FA Cup, all in one season.

    Here’s a look at the world’s top 50 most valued football club brands, listed in USD millions.

    Rank Brand Country Brand Value
    (USD millions)
    Value Change
    1 Manchester City FC 🇬🇧 UK $1,562 +13.50%
    2 Real Madrid CF 🇪🇸 Spain $1,513 -14.40%
    3 FC Barcelona 🇪🇸 Spain $1,425 -7.20%
    4 Manchester United FC 🇬🇧 UK $1,412 -2.60%
    5 Liverpool FC 🇬🇧 UK $1,411 -4.40%
    6 Paris Saint-Germain 🇫🇷 France $1,174 -1.40%
    7 FC Bayern Munich 🇩🇪 Germany $1,140 -11.30%
    8 Arsenal FC 🇬🇧 UK $940 +0.02%
    9 Tottenham Hotspur FC 🇬🇧 UK $931 -8.00%
    10 Chelsea FC 🇬🇧 UK $893 -9.90%
    11 Juventus FC 🇮🇹 Italy $655 -19.90%
    12 Club Atletico de Madrid 🇪🇸 Spain $570 -15.10%
    13 Borussia Dortmund 🇩🇪 Germany $562 -6.30%
    14 FC Internazionale Milano 🇮🇹 Italy $528 -8.00%
    15 AC Milan 🇮🇹 Italy $371 +0.19%
    16 West Ham United FC 🇬🇧 UK $320 -6.40%
    17 Newcastle United FC 🇬🇧 UK $259 +0.17%
    18 SSC Napoli 🇮🇹 Italy $249 +0.18%
    19 RasenBallsport Leipzig 🇩🇪 Germany $231 -18.40%
    20 Aston Villa FC 🇬🇧 UK $222 +0.04%
    21 AS Roma 🇮🇹 Italy $212 +0.01%
    22 Eintracht Frankfurt 🇩🇪 Germany $210 -5.40%
    23 Everton FC 🇬🇧 UK $205 -13.60%
    24 Bayer 04 Leverkusen 🇩🇪 Germany $202 -8.00%
    25 Sevilla FC 🇪🇸 Spain $196 -5.10%
    26 Brighton &
    Hove Albion FC
    🇬🇧 UK $189 -3.00%
    27 Leicester City 🇬🇧 UK $187 -40.70%
    28 Olympique De Marseille 🇫🇷 France $179 +0.07%
    29 Crystal Palace 🇬🇧 UK $174 -1.70%
    30 AFC Ajax 🇳🇱 Netherlands $172 -18.90%
    31 Olympique Lyonnais 🇫🇷 France $166 -6.90%
    32 Wolverhampton Wanderers FC 🇬🇧 UK $166 -29.80%
    33 Leeds United 🇬🇧 UK $160 -25.60%
    34 Real Betis 🇪🇸 Spain $159 +0.17%
    35 Borussia Monchengladbach 🇩🇪 Germany $157 -18.80%
    36 Villarreal CF 🇪🇸 Spain $143 -6.30%
    37 Real Sociedad 🇪🇸 Spain $139 N/A
    38 VfL Wolfsburg 🇩🇪 Germany $128 -34.90%
    39 1.FC Koln 🇩🇪 Germany $125 -3.30%
    40 SC Freiburg 🇩🇪 Germany $125 N/A
    41 SL Benfica 🇵🇹 Portugal $123 +0.05%
    42 Celtic FC 🇬🇧 UK $118 -9.70%
    43 Brentford FC 🇬🇧 UK $118 N/A
    44 Athletic de Bilbao 🇪🇸 Spain $117 -23.50%
    45 SS Lazio SpA 🇮🇹 Italy $116 N/A
    46 1.FC Union Berlin 🇩🇪 Germany $112 N/A
    47 Valencia CF 🇪🇸 Spain $112 -38.70%
    48 FC Porto 🇵🇹 Portugal $105 N/A
    49 Fulham FC 🇬🇧 UK $104 N/A
    50 CR Flamengo 🇧🇷 Brazil $102 -8.80%

    Close on City’s heels, Spain’s Real Madrid CF brand is also valued slightly above $1.5 billion, but is down 14% in the last year. The club lost their hold on both their domestic league and European championship titles this season, contributing to their decrease in brand worth in 2023.

    On the Catalonian side of Spain, FC Barcelona’s brand remains ranked in third place, valued at $1.4 billion. The two Spanish giants have a near duopoly over La Liga, Spain’s domestic league, with one of them having won the title 62 times in the 94 years since the league was founded.

    The rivalry gained another edge in the 2000s, hosting one each of Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo—two of the most-followed celebrities in the world and often regarded as some of the greatest players to play the game.

    And while both Messi and Ronaldo left in the last five years, Barcelona and Real Madrid’s brands have stayed resilient. Both clubs have consistently ranked in the top five most valuable football club brands since 2013.

    Four more club brands have been valued above $1 billion:

    • Manchester United FC, England, ($1.41 billion)

    • Liverpool FC, England ($1.41 billion)

    • Paris Saint-Germain, France ($1.17 billion)

    • FC Bayern Munich, Germany ($1.14 billion)

    Countries with the Most Valuable Football Brands

    From a regional perspective, the UK is home to the most high-worth football club brands (18), all of them in England with the sole exception of Scotland’s Celtic FC.

    Country Clubs Brand Value
    (USD millions)
    🇬🇧 UK 18 $9,371
    🇩🇪 Germany 10 $2,992
    🇪🇸 Spain 9 $4,374
    🇮🇹 Italy 6 $2,131
    🇫🇷 France 3 $1,519
    🇵🇹 Portugal 2 $228
    🇳🇱 Netherlands 1 $172
    🇧🇷 Brazil 1 $102
    Total 50 $20,889

    The UK is followed by Germany (10) and Spain (9) with the most high-valued brands. Together, the top three countries account for almost three quarters of the most valued football club brands in the world.

    With an even broader-picture gaze, Europe is home to 49 of the 50 listed clubs, a testament to the strength of the European football market. The only non-European team to make the list was CR Flamengo from Brazil.

    What’s in a Brand?

    While the value of a football club brand is not the same as the club value itself, a strong brand can do wonders for a club’s financial performance, and eventual value.

    Just look at Manchester United, which hasn’t quite regained its stellar performances on field since Sir Alex Ferguson left in 2013, but nevertheless continues to be a commercial juggernaut—it had the fourth highest jersey sales in 2021.

    A similar story can be seen with Saudi Arabian club Al-Nassr when it signed Cristiano Ronaldo, which drove visits to its merchandise store up 300%.

    With the new football season around the corner, it will be fascinating to see how the rankings of most valuable football brands change next year.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 02:45

  • The Future Of AI Is War… And Human Extinction As Collateral Damage
    The Future Of AI Is War… And Human Extinction As Collateral Damage

    Authored by Michael T Klare via,

    A world in which machines governed by artificial intelligence (AI) systematically replace human beings in most business, industrial, and professional functions is horrifying to imagine. After all, as prominent computer scientists have been warning us, AI-governed systems are prone to critical errors and inexplicable “hallucinations,” resulting in potentially catastrophic outcomes.

    But there’s an even more dangerous scenario imaginable from the proliferation of super-intelligent machines: the possibility that those nonhuman entities could end up fighting one another, obliterating all human life in the process.

    The notion that super-intelligent computers might run amok and slaughter humans has, of course, long been a staple of popular culture. In the prophetic 1983 film “WarGames,” a supercomputer known as WOPR (for War Operation Plan Response and, not surprisingly, pronounced “whopper”) nearly provokes a catastrophic nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union before being disabled by a teenage hacker (played by Matthew Broderick). The “Terminator” movie franchise, beginning with the original 1984 film, similarly envisioned a self-aware supercomputer called “Skynet” that, like WOPR, was designed to control U.S. nuclear weapons but chooses instead to wipe out humanity, viewing us as a threat to its existence.

    Though once confined to the realm of science fiction, the concept of supercomputers killing humans has now become a distinct possibility in the very real world of the near future. In addition to developing a wide variety of “autonomous,” or robotic combat devices, the major military powers are also rushing to create automated battlefield decision-making systems, or what might be called “robot generals.” In wars in the not-too-distant future, such AI-powered systems could be deployed to deliver combat orders to American soldiers, dictating where, when, and how they kill enemy troops or take fire from their opponents. In some scenarios, robot decision-makers could even end up exercising control over America’s atomic weapons, potentially allowing them to ignite a nuclear war resulting in humanity’s demise.

    Now, take a breath for a moment. The installation of an AI-powered command-and-control (C2) system like this may seem a distant possibility. Nevertheless, the U.S. Department of Defense is working hard to develop the required hardware and software in a systematic, increasingly rapid fashion. In its budget submission for 2023, for example, the Air Force requested $231 million to develop the Advanced Battlefield Management System (ABMS), a complex network of sensors and AI-enabled computers designed to collect and interpret data on enemy operations and provide pilots and ground forces with a menu of optimal attack options. As the technology advances, the system will be capable of sending “fire” instructions directly to “shooters,” largely bypassing human control.

    “A machine-to-machine data exchange tool that provides options for deterrence, or for on-ramp [a military show-of-force] or early engagement,” was how Will Roper, assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology, and logistics, described the ABMS system in a 2020 interview. Suggesting that “we do need to change the name” as the system evolves, Roper added, “I think Skynet is out, as much as I would love doing that as a sci-fi thing. I just don’t think we can go there.”

    And while he can’t go there, that’s just where the rest of us may, indeed, be going.

    Mind you, that’s only the start. In fact, the Air Force’s ABMS is intended to constitute the nucleus of a larger constellation of sensors and computers that will connect all U.S. combat forces, the Joint All-Domain Command-and-Control System (JADC2, pronounced “Jad-C-two”). “JADC2 intends to enable commanders to make better decisions by collecting data from numerous sensors, processing the data using artificial intelligence algorithms to identify targets, then recommending the optimal weapon… to engage the target,” the Congressional Research Service reported in 2022.

    AI and the Nuclear Trigger

    Initially, JADC2 will be designed to coordinate combat operations among “conventional” or non-nuclear American forces. Eventually, however, it is expected to link up with the Pentagon’s nuclear command-control-and-communications systems (NC3), potentially giving computers significant control over the use of the American nuclear arsenal. “JADC2 and NC3 are intertwined,” General John E. Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicated in a 2020 interview. As a result, he added in typical Pentagonese, “NC3 has to inform JADC2 and JADC2 has to inform NC3.”

    It doesn’t require great imagination to picture a time in the not-too-distant future when a crisis of some sort — say a U.S.-China military clash in the South China Sea or near Taiwan — prompts ever more intense fighting between opposing air and naval forces. Imagine then the JADC2 ordering the intense bombardment of enemy bases and command systems in China itself, triggering reciprocal attacks on U.S. facilities and a lightning decision by JADC2 to retaliate with tactical nuclear weapons, igniting a long-feared nuclear holocaust.

    The possibility that nightmare scenarios of this sort could result in the accidental or unintended onset of nuclear war has long troubled analysts in the arms control community. But the growing automation of military C2 systems has generated anxiety not just among them but among senior national security officials as well.

    As early as 2019, when I questioned Lieutenant General Jack Shanahan, then director of the Pentagon’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, about such a risky possibility, he responded, “You will find no stronger proponent of integration of AI capabilities writ large into the Department of Defense, but there is one area where I pause, and it has to do with nuclear command and control.” This “is the ultimate human decision that needs to be made” and so “we have to be very careful.” Given the technology’s “immaturity,” he added, we need “a lot of time to test and evaluate [before applying AI to NC3].”

    In the years since, despite such warnings, the Pentagon has been racing ahead with the development of automated C2 systems. In its budget submission for 2024, the Department of Defense requested $1.4 billion for the JADC2 in order “to transform warfighting capability by delivering information advantage at the speed of relevance across all domains and partners.” Uh-oh! And then, it requested another $1.8 billion for other kinds of military-related AI research.

    Pentagon officials acknowledge that it will be some time before robot generals will be commanding vast numbers of U.S. troops (and autonomous weapons) in battle, but they have already launched several projects intended to test and perfect just such linkages. One example is the Army’s Project Convergence, involving a series of field exercises designed to validate ABMS and JADC2 component systems. In a test held in August 2020 at the Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, for example, the Army used a variety of air- and ground-based sensors to track simulated enemy forces and then process that data using AI-enabled computers at Joint Base Lewis McChord in Washington state. Those computers, in turn, issued fire instructions to ground-based artillery at Yuma. “This entire sequence was supposedly accomplished within 20 seconds,” the Congressional Research Service later reported.

    Less is known about the Navy’s AI equivalent, “Project Overmatch,” as many aspects of its programming have been kept secret. According to Admiral Michael Gilday, chief of naval operations, Overmatch is intended “to enable a Navy that swarms the sea, delivering synchronized lethal and nonlethal effects from near-and-far, every axis, and every domain.” Little else has been revealed about the project.

    “Flash Wars” and Human Extinction

    Despite all the secrecy surrounding these projects, you can think of ABMS, JADC2, Convergence, and Overmatch as building blocks for a future Skynet-like mega-network of super-computers designed to command all U.S. forces, including its nuclear ones, in armed combat. The more the Pentagon moves in that direction, the closer we’ll come to a time when AI possesses life-or-death power over all American soldiers along with opposing forces and any civilians caught in the crossfire.

    Such a prospect should be ample cause for concern. To start with, consider the risk of errors and miscalculations by the algorithms at the heart of such systems. As top computer scientists have warned us, those algorithms are capable of remarkably inexplicable mistakes and, to use the AI term of the moment, “hallucinations” — that is, seemingly reasonable results that are entirely illusionary. Under the circumstances, it’s not hard to imagine such computers “hallucinating” an imminent enemy attack and launching a war that might otherwise have been avoided.

    And that’s not the worst of the dangers to consider. After all, there’s the obvious likelihood that America’s adversaries will similarly equip their forces with robot generals. In other words, future wars are likely to be fought by one set of AI systems against another, both linked to nuclear weaponry, with entirely unpredictable — but potentially catastrophic — results.

    Not much is known (from public sources at least) about Russian and Chinese efforts to automate their military command-and-control systems, but both countries are thought to be developing networks comparable to the Pentagon’s JADC2. As early as 2014, in fact, Russia inaugurated a National Defense Control Center (NDCC) in Moscow, a centralized command post for assessing global threats and initiating whatever military action is deemed necessary, whether of a non-nuclear or nuclear nature. Like JADC2, the NDCC is designed to collect information on enemy moves from multiple sources and provide senior officers with guidance on possible responses.

    China is said to be pursuing an even more elaborate, if similar, enterprise under the rubric of “Multi-Domain Precision Warfare” (MDPW). According to the Pentagon’s 2022 report on Chinese military developments, its military, the People’s Liberation Army, is being trained and equipped to use AI-enabled sensors and computer networks to “rapidly identify key vulnerabilities in the U.S. operational system and then combine joint forces across domains to launch precision strikes against those vulnerabilities.”

    Picture, then, a future war between the U.S. and Russia or China (or both) in which the JADC2 commands all U.S. forces, while Russia’s NDCC and China’s MDPW command those countries’ forces. Consider, as well, that all three systems are likely to experience errors and hallucinations. How safe will humans be when robot generals decide that it’s time to “win” the war by nuking their enemies?

    If this strikes you as an outlandish scenario, think again, at least according to the leadership of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, a congressionally mandated enterprise that was chaired by Eric Schmidt, former head of Google, and Robert Work, former deputy secretary of defense. “While the Commission believes that properly designed, tested, and utilized AI-enabled and autonomous weapon systems will bring substantial military and even humanitarian benefit, the unchecked global use of such systems potentially risks unintended conflict escalation and crisis instability,” it affirmed in its Final Report. Such dangers could arise, it stated, “because of challenging and untested complexities of interaction between AI-enabled and autonomous weapon systems on the battlefield” — when, that is, AI fights AI.

    Though this may seem an extreme scenario, it’s entirely possible that opposing AI systems could trigger a catastrophic “flash war” — the military equivalent of a “flash crash” on Wall Street, when huge transactions by super-sophisticated trading algorithms spark panic selling before human operators can restore order. In the infamous “Flash Crash” of May 6, 2010, computer-driven trading precipitated a 10% fall in the stock market’s value. According to Paul Scharre of the Center for a New American Security, who first studied the phenomenon, “the military equivalent of such crises” on Wall Street would arise when the automated command systems of opposing forces “become trapped in a cascade of escalating engagements.” In such a situation, he noted, “autonomous weapons could lead to accidental death and destruction at catastrophic scales in an instant.”

    At present, there are virtually no measures in place to prevent a future catastrophe of this sort or even talks among the major powers to devise such measures. Yet, as the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence noted, such crisis-control measures are urgently needed to integrate “automated escalation tripwires” into such systems “that would prevent the automated escalation of conflict.” Otherwise, some catastrophic version of World War III seems all too possible. Given the dangerous immaturity of such technology and the reluctance of Beijing, Moscow, and Washington to impose any restraints on the weaponization of AI, the day when machines could choose to annihilate us might arrive far sooner than we imagine and the extinction of humanity could be the collateral damage of such a future war.

    *  *  *

    Follow TomDispatch on Twitter and join us on Facebook. Check out the newest Dispatch Books, John Feffer’s new dystopian novel, Songlands (the final one in his Splinterlands series), Beverly Gologorsky’s novel Every Body Has a Story, and Tom Engelhardt’s A Nation Unmade by War, as well as Alfred McCoy’s In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S. Global Power, John Dower’s The Violent American Century: War and Terror Since World War IIand Ann Jones’s They Were Soldiers: How the Wounded Return from America’s Wars: The Untold Story.

    Michael T. Klare, a TomDispatch regular, is the five-college professor emeritus of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College and a senior visiting fellow at the Arms Control Association. He is the author of 15 books, the latest of which is All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change. He is a founder of the Committee for a Sane U.S.-China Policy.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/21/2023 – 02:00

  • Victor Davis Hanson: The Biden Family Caricatures
    Victor Davis Hanson: The Biden Family Caricatures

    Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness,

    The Biden first family seems determined to confirm every stereotype of their antisocial behavior – to the point of dysfunctionality…

    During the 2020 campaign at least eight women alleged that then presidential candidate Joe Biden in the past had serially and improperly touched, kissed or grabbed them.

    One, Tara Reade alleged she was sexually assaulted by Biden, who denied the charge.

    Yet Biden himself finally was forced to apologize for some of his behavior. Or as he said at the time, “I get it.”

    He claimed that he would no longer improperly invade the “private space” of women and had meant no harm.

    But Biden’s obnoxious conduct extended well beyond the eight accusers.

    Women as diverse as former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and Biden’s own daughter-in-law Kathleen Buhle, have both alleged in their memoirs that Biden made them feel uncomfortable through his intrusive touching and embraces.

    On several occasions, Biden developed a strange tic of becoming too physical with young girls. He habitually attempted to hug them while blowing in their hair.

    His daughter Ashley wrote in her diary that she feared her past adolescent showers with her father had been inappropriate. Even as president, Biden has weirdly called out young girls in his audiences to note their attractiveness.

    On one occasion, the president interrupted his speech to address a female acquaintance—enlightening the crowd that, “We go back a long way. She was 12 and I was 30, but anyway…”

    As a result, Biden has likely been warned repeatedly to forgo intimate references to young women.

    He has no doubt also been advised by his handlers to stop all close, supposedly innocent contact with young girls and children—if for no other reason than to prevent his political opponents from charging that Joe is “creepy,” “perverse,” or “sick.”

    And yet like some addict, Biden cannot stop—regardless of the eerie image he projects around the world.

    Last week, the president jumped the proverbial shark by embracing a young child in a crowd while on the tarmac of the Helsinki, Finland airport.

    In his strangest act yet, Biden kept moving his mouth near the face of the young girl. He was apparently trying to nibble the youngster, almost in turkey-gobbling fashion.

    She recoiled.

    No matter—Biden continued at her shoulder.

    Again, she flinched.

    Biden then reverted to form, and sought with a second try to smell her hair and nestle closer.

    Had any other major politician in the age of #MeToo committed such an unnerving stunt, he would likely have been ostracized by colleagues and mercilessly hammered by the media.

    Not in Biden’s case.

    The apparent media subtext was that it was either just “Old Joe” trying to be too friendly, or a symptom of his cognitive decline and thus not attributable to any sinister urge.

    Senescence now provides paradoxical cover for Biden’s creepiness—newfound exemption for his old boorish behavior.

    Also, during the President’s latest antics, cocaine was found in the West Wing of the White House.

    All the White House spokespeople had to do was to reassure the public that the drugs most certainly did not belong to first son Hunter Biden—despite being a frequent guest resident of the White House and a former crack-cocaine addict.

    Instead, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dismissed reporters for requesting such clarification.

    Then the official narrative went through several contortions, as to where and how the bag of cocaine was found.

    The disinformation only added suspicion that the White House either would not or could not be transparent about the discovery of illicit drugs abandoned at the very nexus of American governance.

    Requests for clarity were understandable not just because Hunter has had a long history of drug addiction.

    He also has a troubling habit of leaving a public trail of evidence of his drug use.

    Hunter forgot his crack pipe in a rental car. He abandoned his laptop that contained evidence of his own felonious behavior. And his unlawfully registered handgun turned up in a dumpster near a school.

    In sum, the President and his son both have quite disturbing and all-too public bad habits.

    Americans in response assume both would be careful not to offer the tiniest shred of evidence that their pathologies continue.

    White House handlers should keep Joe Biden from even getting near small children and young women.

    And they should be just as unambiguous that Hunter Biden has never, and would never, even get too close to illicit drugs while inside the White House.

    Sadly they can do neither.

    These suspicions are force multipliers of the mounting evidence of Biden family corruption. They feed narratives of heartlessness about disowning a granddaughter born out of wedlock. And they add to worries of presidential senility.

    The result is the caricature of a first family: one that is utterly dysfunctional—and increasingly detrimental to the country at large.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 23:40

  • Relocating To Austin Can Save High-Income New Yorkers $250,000
    Relocating To Austin Can Save High-Income New Yorkers $250,000

    New York City’s high-income earners face a soaring cost of living crisis and some of the highest tax rates in the country.

    Compounding their financial struggles is an out-of-control crime wave, as Democratic leadership in City Hall struggles to maintain law and order. The strategy some have had to protect wealth and stretch salaries further is to move South. 

    We have explained to readers that “Moving To ‘Wall Street South’ From NYC Can Save You Up To $200k.” 

    If New Yorkers considered moving to Austin, Texas, they could save even more.

    The Finance website SmartAsset compared NYC’s cost of living and tax rates to Austin’s to determine how much New Yorkers could save.

    The results were stunning.

    Someone earning $650,000 in the Big Apple saves $258,212 in Austin. Even someone making $150,000 in NYC could benefit from the move.  

    Source: Bloomberg 

    In a post-Covid era, young professionals and families have fled high-taxed and crime-ridden Democrat metro areas for southern states, such as Texas. One of the most significant advantages of Texas is no corporate or personal income tax … and the state has one of the lowest tax burdens in the nation. 

    But it’s not just all about taxes. The cost of living is cheaper overall. Plus, people are friendlier. 

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 23:20

  • Looking To China For The Next Leg Higher Carries Risks
    Looking To China For The Next Leg Higher Carries Risks

    By Michael Msika, Bloomberg Markets Live reporter and strategist

    Investors are counting on China to shake European equities out of a lull, but strategists warn that officials’ measures to bolster the world’s second-biggest economy may fall short of expectations.

    Most of the Stoxx 600’s gains this year came in the first quarter, with the benchmark mostly moving sideways since then as investors priced in shifting monetary-policy expectations. Given European stocks’ strong reliance on China, all eyes are on the Politburo meeting later this month after officials vowed on Wednesday to boost the private economy.

    Slowing growth in China has taken some wind out of the sails for European equities in recent months,” says HSBC strategist Max Kettner, who maintains a cautious stance on Europe. While some easing has helped markets, policymakers are more cautious than before, “so a return to the post-2008 stimulus mix is unlikely,” he adds.

    The latest reports out of China, showing weaker-than-expected economic growth and a contraction in real estate, have weighed on for European sectors particularly exposed to the economy — cyclicals like miners, industrials and autos, as well as luxury stocks.

    Kettner says any Chinese stimulus news will likely boost the broader consumer discretionary sector in Europe, but warns that cyclicals on aggregate have already rallied strongly. “In terms of what is priced in currently, there’s already quite some hope for a growth recovery in the price.”

    Miners have borne the brunt of China’s disappointing reopening. They are the worst performers in Europe this year, down 12%. The sector suffered another blow this week after Rio Tinto, the biggest constituent on the Stoxx 600 basic resources gauge, warned that the country’s faltering recovery continues to weigh on demand for metals.

    “Structural downtrends” in the Chinese property sector, a major consumer of metals, are likely to continue weighing on European mining stocks, say JPMorgan strategists led by Mislav Matejka. Moreover, potential steel production cuts in China would be bearish for iron ore demand, meaning “lower metal prices could keep the sector’s earnings under pressure,” they add.

    The strategists are negative on European stocks generally, seeing cyclical shares losing momentum in the second half, a trend that could worsen if expectations on China disappoint. They recommend investors “keep fading stimulus news,” adding that the region is sliding back into deflation and the property market will likely need “a much more aggressive policy support to rebound sustainably.”

    For luxury stocks, which have been a strong driver of gains in Europe this year,  a continued recovery in China will be necessary to support their strong performance. The sector has diverged from Chinese stocks, which have been dragged by disappointing data.

    “It’s definitely more mixed than it was at the start of the year,” says Karim Chedid, head of EMEA iShares investment strategy, pointing out that the first leg of the China reopening has already played out, while domestic demand has been more sluggish than expected. As Chinese tourists start to travel again, there is a possibility for another tailwind for the sector, he says.

    As it stands, we believe that a brighter outlook for global growth is required for the euro to move sustainably higher and European equities to outperform again,” says Barclays strategist Emmanuel Cau. “And a lot has to do with China, which doesn’t look good at the moment.”

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 23:00

  • Deny, Deflect, Defend: The Censors' Strategy On Display
    Deny, Deflect, Defend: The Censors’ Strategy On Display

    Via The Brownstone Institute,

    Despite the uproar surrounding the case, Judge Terry Doughty’s order in Missouri v. Biden was straightforward. It prohibited government actors from colluding with social media companies to censor “content containing protected free speech.” 

    In other words, the defendants – including the White House, the CDC, and the Department of Justice – must obey the Constitution they swore to uphold by adhering to the First Amendment. The censorship regime responded with familiar doublethink: denying the censorship exists while arguing that it must continue. 

    On Tuesday, the court held a hearing to consider whether Judge Doughty’s order should be reinstated. The oral arguments revealed the government’s three-part strategy: deny, deflect, and defend. Its lawyers denied the established facts, deflected from the controversy, and defended its actions through outlandish justifications. 

    In doing so, they demonstrated the censorship apparatus’s lack of remorse for stripping Americans of their constitutional liberties. Even worse, they insist that the totalitarian operations must continue. 

    1. Deny: Blame the Facts

    At the hearing, government defendants maintained that plaintiffs have manufactured the case. Like their allies in the media, they argued that allegations of censorship were nothing more than “an assortment of out-of-context quotes and select portions of documents that distort the record to build a narrative that the bare facts simply do not support.” 

    The censorship is nonexistent, they insist. It is a “thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory,” in the words of Larry Tribe.

    Unlike issues of legal interpretation, this is a factual matter. Either government actors colluded with Big Tech to suppress Americans’ free speech rights or they did not. Discovery revealed extensive documentation proving that they did, and the defendants make no effort to explain how Judge Doughty’s 155-page order detailing dozens of violations of the First Amendment is merely “an assortment of out-of-context quotes.” 

    Journalists including Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, and Alex Berenson have detailed the “censorship industrial complex,” the entangled web of government agencies, NGOs, and private-public partnerships that seek to control the free flow of information. But reviewing that series of connections and collusions is unnecessary – the defendants’ recorded statements contradict their denial. 

    “Thank you for the ongoing collaboration,” one bureaucrat wrote after a US Government “industry meeting” with Big Tech companies in October 2020.

    White House Advisor Rob Flaherty took a different tack in his demands to Twitter: “Please remove this account immediately.” The company complied within an hour. “Are you guys fucking serious?” he wrote to company officials after they failed to censor critics of the Covid vaccine. “I want an answer on what happened here and I want it today.” His boss was similarly direct regarding posts from RFK, Jr. “Hey Folks-Wanted to flag the below tweet and am wondering if we can get moving on the process of having it removed ASAP.”

    There is no need to recreate Judge Doughty’s 155-page opinion, but the denial of the censorship regime is facially absurd. Alex Berenson’s case, the revelations of the Twitter files, and the undisputed facts of Missouri v. Biden refute the defendant’s premise.

    2. Deflect: Blame the Russians

    Rather than address the case’s inconvenient facts, government lawyers quickly pivoted to their second tactic: deflection. They avoided the case and Judge Doughty’s ruling in favor of a hypothetical narrative.

    At one point, they defended government agencies’ right to issue health advisories that say “the vaccines work or smoking is dangerous.” They argued, “There’s nothing unlawful about the government’s use of the bully pulpit.” That reasoning was uncontroversial, but it was not responsive to Judge Doughty’s order.

    Under Doughty’s ruling, the White House can denounce journalists, deliver press briefings, publish on social media, enjoy the bully pulpit, and take advantage of the friendly media environment; it just can’t encourage private companies to censor constitutionally protected speech. 

    The defense conflates free speech with control over information to deflect attention from the censorship at issue. The tactic is not limited to the government’s powers under the order.

    During the hearing, the judge asked the defense attorneys whether saying “the COVID vaccine does not work” is constitutionally protected free speech. “That speech itself could be protected,” the attorney responded at one point. After repeatedly refusing to concede that the First Amendment protects political opinions that deviate from President Biden’s agenda, he resorted to Russian fear-mongering. 

    “Let’s say it was spoken by a covert Russian operative, that would not be protected by free speech,” he told the judge. Like the issue of the government’s “use of the bully pulpit,” restricting Russian operatives’ speech is unrelated to Judge Doughty’s order. 

    The attorney’s refusal to defend basic First Amendment liberties was telling. The defense instinctively changed the issue from free speech to national security, relying on an oft-used fear tactic to subvert the First Amendment.  

    These deflections deliberately obfuscated the purpose of the hearings. Defendants implied the plaintiffs sought to ban anti-smoking PSAs and fund Kremlin media campaigns. Like their strategy of denial, the goal was to avoid discussion of their extensive censorship operations. 

    3. Defend: Blame the Virus

    When the government was forced to address the case, it resorted to claiming that Covid justified the abolition of constitutional liberties. The pandemic-made-us-censor argument continued the pervasive Doublethink. Eradicating democratic norms was necessary to protect democracy, they reasoned. Previously, the Biden Administration told the court that reversing the order was necessary “to prevent grave harm to the American people and our democratic processes.” 

    Defendants argued that the evidence of the case vindicates the government actors. The attorneys said “It shows, in the face of urgent crises, a once-in-a-generation pandemic and bipartisan findings of foreign interference with U.S. elections, the government responsibly exercised its prerogative to speak on matters of public concern.” 

    They continued, “It promoted accurate information to protect the public and our democracy from these threats. And it used the bully pulpit to call on various sectors of society, including social media companies, to make efforts to reduce the spread of misinformation.”

    Demonstrating no remorse, they remain proud of their efforts to usurp the First Amendment because of their self-professed noble aims. They expect this defense to evade judicial scrutiny.

    When confronted with past censorship – including CISA’s “switchboarding” leading up to the 2020 election – defendants reasoned that prior conduct was not pertinent to the case because plaintiffs could not prove it will happen again.

    They described the Department of Homeland Security’s unconstitutional censorship campaigns as “occurring long in the past.” They argued that health officials’ emails working to silence opponents should be disregarded because they were sent “more than two and a half years ago.” 

    The censorship apparatus is asking the courts to trust them to act responsibly despite repeatedly demonstrating its indifference, or perhaps disdain, toward the First Amendment.

    While the government’s denials and deflections are insulting to the citizens they purport to represent, we must remain focused on their aim: they appealed Doughty’s order because they oppose constitutional restraints on their control of information. 

    We would hope that requiring the government to obey the Constitution would be uncontroversial; now, it may signify whether the rule of law still stands in the United States. 

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 22:40

  • Experts Warn Renewable Energy Creates 'New Opportunities' For Chinese Grid Attacks
    Experts Warn Renewable Energy Creates ‘New Opportunities’ For Chinese Grid Attacks

    Authored by Nathan Worcester via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    America’s increasing reliance on intermittent power sources and batteries is creating novel risks, according to grid specialists who testified before Congress on July 18.

    Wind turbines are viewed at a wind farm in Colorado City, Texas, on Jan. 21, 2016. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

    Many of the greatest among them emanate from a key geopolitical rival, China.

    That’s partly because the new technologies frequently use inverters. When solar panels, wind turbines, and battery systems generate or store direct current electricity, inverters turn it into the alternating current electricity that flows through the grid.

    Paul N. Stockton, a senior fellow at Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory, opened what he called a “rabbit hole” in response to a question on inverters during the House Energy & Commerce hearing.

    Do we have a satisfactory supply of inverters for all of the renewable energy that’s being brought into the grid?” Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) asked Mr. Stockton, who also holds positions on subcommittees in the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy.

    “Manufacturers in China are important producers of inverters being deployed nationwide, across the United States,” Mr. Stockton responded.

    He explained that the country’s reliance on Chinese inverters could jeopardize grid security.

    “Sure, we’ve got inverters. Some of them are made in China. Others may be manufactured for final assembly in friendly nations, but they might have components—hardware, software, and firmware—that could provide attack vectors. And the constant updating of firmware from the cloud and by service providers—who’s on top of that for maintaining adequate security? Congressman, that’s an opportunity for progress,” Mr. Stockton said.

    Solar Panels With Parts From China

    The United States’ use of solar panels with parts from China that are assembled in Southeast Asia has been a source of controversy in this Congress. President Joe Biden vetoed a bill that would have ended his temporary pause on tariffs affecting those panels.

    In his written testimony, Mr. Stockton elaborated on the ways inverter-based resources “provide China with new opportunities to disrupt the grid.”

    He referred to a 2022 report from the Department of Energy outlining the cybersecurity risks associated with the changes to America’s grid.

    I propose that we prioritize our efforts to prevent Chinese leaders from accomplishing their goals in attacking the grid,” Mr. Stockton wrote.

    He noted that inverter-based resources have some advantages, testifying in writing that they “have provided reliable, much-needed power during the 2023 heat domes and other extreme events.”

    “Yet, they are also prone to catastrophic failures that can put the grid at risk.

    Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.) also asked Mr. Stockton about inverter-related vulnerabilities facing the United States.

    Mr. Stockton offered a central recommendation to the lawmakers in attendance:

    “Above all, ensuring that at the level of the devices, we hold manufacturers’ feet to the fire and ensure the adoption of safe and secure inverters, instead of relying on individual utilities or energy aggregators or other entities within the larger electric system to do their own homework.”

    Bruce J. Walker of the Alliance for Critical Infrastructure Security voiced similar concerns about the threat from China, citing the U.S. intelligence community’s 2023 threat assessment.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 22:20

  • Russia, China Kick Off Joint Naval Drills Flexing Muscle In Sea Of Japan
    Russia, China Kick Off Joint Naval Drills Flexing Muscle In Sea Of Japan

    China and Russia have kicked off their anticipated joint military exercises in the Sea of Japan on Thursday. Chinese state television has described the purpose as ensuring security of “strategic passage at sea”.

    Bloomberg noted of regional reporting that China and Russia are “testing their joint combat capability via the exercise” – but there’s been no specification of how long the exercise is expected to last, which involves land, air, and sea military assets. In reality, China and Russia are ‘answering’ recent US-Japan drills with provocative military exercises of their own in regional waters, at a moment Beijing has warned Japan over its deepening cooperation with NATO.

    Illustrative file image of prior Russia-China military drills

    China’s defense ministry over the weekend confirmed that PLA naval vessels had set sail in preparation for new exercises with Russia. 

    This included Beijing sending five Chinese warships, among them a guided-missile destroyer, to participate – but without specifying an exact location within the Sea of Japan. 

    Last month both countries conducted joint air patrol over the Seas of Japan and East China, demonstrating their deepened ties, also amid the war in Ukraine which Beijing has yet to outright condemn, to the frustration of the West.

    China has considered itself ‘neutral’ concerning the Ukraine conflict while at the same time highlighting the dangers of NATO expansion east. For this reason Washington has accused it of quietly supporting Moscow.

    Bloomberg has meanwhile cited US sanctions and punitive measures aimed at both Beijing and Moscow as a chief motivator to grow militarily closer. 

    PLA Navy Ships Underway off Japan

    “China and the armed forces of Russian President Vladimir Putin conducted six joint military exercises together last year, the most in data going back two decades,” the publication notes.

    “That accounted for two-thirds of all of China’s drills with foreign militaries in 2022, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs at the U.S. National Defense University (NDU).”

    But Russia and China have conducted naval drills in other global hotspots as well, in the last months holding naval exercises with Iran in the Persian Gulf region.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 22:00

  • Doubts And Questions About Biden Will Only Grow
    Doubts And Questions About Biden Will Only Grow

    Authored by A.B. Stoddard via RealClear Wire,

    Wow, big news broke Tuesday – President Biden’s campaign is officially going to be headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware. For months nervous Democrats have wondered why Biden only had four full-time staffers devoted to his reelection effort and why the campaign wasn’t yet located anywhere.

    This development will do absolutely nothing, however, to stop the panic within the party that Biden is too old to run for reelection and could easily lose to former President Donald Trump. Sorry, Team Biden, these fears will not be put to rest; they are going to persist and grow.

    Though the White House and the Democratic National Committee may be trying to ignore it, there is suddenly a constant stream of stories in the media about doubts that Biden can make it across the finish line 16 months from now. Though Frank Bruni noted it’s probably too late, he encouraged Democrats in a New York Times column to talk about Hunter Biden, and suggested Biden should step aside: “It might be best, for him and for continued Democratic control of the White House, if he let Democrats choose a different 2024 nominee.”

    And CNN’s Edward-Isaac Dovere’s reporting last week went there – top Democrats and donors continue to “reach out to those seen as possible replacement presidential candidates. Get ready, they urge…” Democrats, Dovere wrote, worry about Biden’s weak small-dollar fundraising – which shows diminished energy from the grassroots – as well as his light schedule, which they believe will only exacerbate the perception that he is too old to campaign or be president. A Democrat who had a senior role in Biden’s 2020 campaign is quoted saying “If Trump wins next November and everyone says, ‘How did that happen,’ one of the questions will be: what was the Biden campaign doing in the summer of 2023?”

    In a recent New York Times report about how impressive Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s polling and campaign war chest is, and what that says about Biden’s weakness as an incumbent, Julian Castro, the former housing secretary, said “It’s clear there is a softness that perhaps is born out of a worry about electability in 2024.”

    Biden’s polling is not soft, it’s terrible and has worsened over time. The age liability and concerns about Biden’s mental sharpness loom large across all surveys and voter groups. In some general election surveys, he loses to Trump. It’s hard to imagine next year, when he is older, that his standing will improve.

    It’s not just that critical parts of the Democratic coalition are disappointed and apathetic and may not turn out to vote – but data shows some Asian, Hispanic, and black voters are beginning to support Republicans instead. John Della Volpe, polling director at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics and an expert on youth voting, recently wrote that young voters are increasingly identifying as independents, not Democrats, and are becoming disillusioned with politics as a means to create change. “Nearly every sign that made me confident in historic levels of youth participation in 2018, 2020 and 2022 – is now flashing red,” he wrote.

    Biden also appears to have forgotten that, in an election he only won by fewer than 44,000 votes in three states, the support of Never Trump Republicans was critical. Recent reporting by NBC News shows the Biden White House has ignored many of those Republicans who stepped up to endorse him (except for Cindy McCain and former Sen. Jeff Flake who both became ambassadors in his administration) and that they aren’t interested in supporting him again next year.

    The Biden inner circle seems to be confident his age is a smaller political problem than the many ones Trump has. They also seem to be in denial that some of the Hunter Biden business dealings revelations are really bad, and that his father refusing to acknowledge his love child is terrible.

    The campaign will remain focused mostly on the economy – there are plans for the president to embark on an “investing in America” tour this summer to tout the historic investment in manufacturing, infrastructure, and jobs that his administration has secured.

    But it may be too late for Biden to toot his horn.

    Pennsylvania’s Democratic Lt. Gov. Austin Davis was recently quoted by the New York Times, talking about how poorly the administration has communicated its accomplishments to the public. “They’ve done a pretty bad job of telling the American people and Pennsylvanians what they have done,” he said.

    No good economic news – there is much of it and more could materialize – seems able to eclipse the sting of inflation and sink in with voters when 74% of Americans believe we are on the wrong track. Voters give Biden poor ratings on the economy despite record job growth and – as David Brooks recently noted in the New York Times – a lower misery index (inflation rate added to unemployment rate) than Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, or Barack Obama had when they were reelected.

    And it’s clear that Republicans will pummel Biden over his unpopular vice president throughout next year’s campaign. “I think that we can all be very clear and say with a matter of fact that if you vote for Joe Biden you are really counting on a President Harris, because the idea that he would make it until 86 years old is not something I think is likely,” Nikki Haley said, which is only the beginning of this refrain.

    Dismissing Harris’ abysmally low approval rating, which makes clear she is a liability to an 80-year-old Biden running to be president until he is 86 years old, as racist and misogynistic won’t help make her more popular or help Biden win the electoral college.

    The Biden campaign can raise a lot of money and hold lots of ribbon cuttings at factories and try to rehabilitate Harris – but nothing will calm the jitters building in the party about the increasing likelihood of a second Trump term.

    A.B. Stoddard is associate editor and columnist at RealClearPolitics and a guest host on Sirius XM’s POTUS Channel.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 21:40

  • "Go Somewhere That Understands Your Worth" – Los Angeles Police Union Boss Tells Cops Leaving City
    “Go Somewhere That Understands Your Worth” – Los Angeles Police Union Boss Tells Cops Leaving City

    Who in their right mind would want to be a police officer in a city run by Democrats or silly progressives who seemingly lack any understanding of how to protect law-abiding, tax-paying citizens from thieves, lunatics, and thugs?

    You know things are bad when the police union leader in Los Angeles vents on Facebook in a post about hostile City Council members, advising departing members of the police force to find jobs in communities where the political leadership “understands your worth.”

    “Go somewhere that respects the work you do and you don’t have to beg for a great contract,” Los Angeles Police Protective League’s vice president, Jerretta Sandoz, wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post. 

    Sandoz said, “Go somewhere that has a city council or city manager that openly acknowledges the great work you do, go somewhere that doesn’t have Two or more City Council members who hate you (no exaggeration).”

    Sandoz represents approximately 9,000 police officers. Since 2019, the metro area has seen a surge in crime and homelessness and has lost over 1,000 officers. 

    Los Angeles Police Department Chief Michel Moore has blamed the officer exodus on “anti-police sentiments that grew after the law enforcement killings of George Floyd and other Black Americans in recent years,” according to Los Angeles Times

    Sandoz’s displeasure with the progressive city leadership comes as the union continues to discuss a new labor contract for officers. 

    An emerging trend is progressive cities that demonize police are finding out the hard way that officers are leaving in droves. This sparks a doom loop of fewer patrols and a continued rise in crime. 

    Demonizing and defunding police has consequences. Perhaps it’s time to hold progressive politicians accountable for failed ‘defund the police’ movements that have transformed some metro areas nationwide into crime-ridden ‘hellholes.’ 


    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 21:20

  • "No Limit" On Number Of Ukrainian Refugees To Be Allowed Into Canada: Federal Memo
    “No Limit” On Number Of Ukrainian Refugees To Be Allowed Into Canada: Federal Memo

    Authored by Peter Wilson via The Epoch Times,

    With 230,000 Ukrainians having already emigrated to Canada to flee the war, a recently disclosed internal memo from the Immigration Department says there is “no limit” on the number of Ukrainian war refugees that can be allowed into Canada.

    The government closed applications on July 15 for Ukrainian refugees looking to obtain temporary emergency visas and free flights to Canada, but about 1.1 million Ukrainians applied for visas prior to the deadline—of which about 800,000 had been approved as of the beginning of July.

    “There is no limit,” said a Department of Immigration memo sent to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs and obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter.

    The memo, titled “Information On Ukrainian Nationals Coming To Canada,” also elaborated on Ottawa’s recently announced plan to facilitate permanent residence status for any Ukrainian nationals and their family members already in Canada.

    The new policy, which Immigration Minister Sean Fraser announced on July 15, is set to come into effect this October.

    The new plan will provide permanent residence status to Ukrainian nationals who have fled the war and want to stay in Canada. To qualify, Ukrainian refugees must be in Canada with temporary resident status and have at least one family member in the country.

    The memo said that the new policy will benefit Ukrainians coming into Canada “from anywhere in the world,” regardless of whether they were fleeing Russian aggression, so long as they applied for temporary visas through the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel program prior to July 15.

    Ukrainian Refugees

    The plan fixed a quota of permitting entry to 365,000 Ukrainian immigrants in 2023, 485,000 in 2024, and 500,000 in 2025.

    “As this measure offers a temporary safe haven, those who come to Canada on Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel are not included in the Immigration Levels Plan, which is a projection of the number of permanent residents Canada plans to admit,” said the memo.

    “Although a temporary measure, settlement services are available to Emergency Travel holders and their family members after they arrive so they can fully participate in Canadian communities while they are here.”

    Canada’s temporary emergency visa program for Ukrainians was originally set to expire in March, but Mr. Fraser extended the program until July 15.

    Only about 21 percent of Ukrainians who have been granted temporary visas have actually come to Canada, but they will have until the end of March 2024 to do so.

    Refugees who obtained temporary visas and came to Canada will also have until the end of March 2024 to either apply to extend or change their temporary status in Canada.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 21:00

  • Pushback Forces Major Retailer To Shelve Graphic Book On Sex Aimed At 10 To 15 Year Olds
    Pushback Forces Major Retailer To Shelve Graphic Book On Sex Aimed At 10 To 15 Year Olds

    Authored by Daniel Y. Teng via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Major Australian retailer Big W has pulled the children’s book “Welcome to Sex” from its shelves after it was lambasted for its graphic content.

    Cover of “Welcome to Sex” Dr. Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes, who hosts the ABC Radio podcast “Ladies, We Need to Talk.” Aimed at children aged 10 to 15, the book features detailed illustrations and instructions on how to engage in sexual intercourse, as well as information on male and female genitalia, and gender identity issues taken in Sydney, Australia on July 19, 2023. (M. Sun/The Epoch Times)

    Aimed at children aged 10 to 15, the book features detailed illustrations and instructions on how to engage in both heterosexual and homosexual intercourse, as well as information on masturbation, male and female genitalia, and gender identity (including transgenderism) while downplaying virginity.

    “Welcome to Sex: Your no-silly-questions guide to sexuality, pleasure and figuring it out” is stocked in major Australian retailer Big W, bookseller Dymocks, and Target, and is authored by Dr. Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes, who hosts the ABC Radio podcast “Ladies, We Need to Talk.”

    It is the fourth book in their “Welcome to” series, which has covered topics such as sexual consent and puberty.

    The back cover of “Welcome to Sex,” by Dr Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes, is aimed at children aged 10 to 15 and features detailed illustrations and instructions on how to engage in sexual intercourse, as well as information on male and female genitalia and gender identity issues in Sydney, Australia on July 19, 2023. (M. Sun/The Epoch Times)

    Yet Rachael Wong, CEO of Women’s Forum Australia, was critical of the latest edition being made available to children.

    Why is @BIGW selling this graphic sex guide for kids in Australia which includes how-tos for anal/oral sex, masturbation and heavily pushes gender ideology?” she wrote online.

    In another Twitter post, she uploaded a video showing that the book was available in the children’s section of retailer Dymocks, despite claims the title was only available to parents.

    Victorian Senator Ralph Babet called the book “sickening.”

    “If you don’t think there is a war on for the souls and minds of your children, well, you have not been paying attention,” he wrote on Twitter.

    It’s important that we push back against this type of garbage content. Otherwise, it will never end!

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 20:40

  • Robert Malone: You Are The Population They Want To Control
    Robert Malone: You Are The Population They Want To Control

    Authored by Robert Malone via The Brownstone Institute,

    Worldwide birthrate per 1,000 people follows a very predictable trend.

    In “developed” and/or wealthy nations, the birthrate is low and in nations at the lower end of the economic development scale, the birthrate is high.

    Nothing new there.

    Many countries, including the US, have birthrates that either are too low to sustain current population levels or are stable. Since 1970, the population of people born in the US has been stable at below 300 million. In fact, some estimates show a decline in population. All of the population growth in the US during this time period has been due to immigration. That is why the USA has grown to 336 million people in 50 years. This trend has only increased in recent years.

    There were a record 44.8 million immigrants living in the US in 2018, making up 13.7 percent of the nation’s population. This represents a more than fourfold increase since 1960, when 9.7 million immigrants lived in the US, accounting for 5.4 percent of the total US population.

    For Jill and I growing up in a blue state, we were indoctrinated at an early age by the public school system that having two children was the responsible thing to do to save the planet from overpopulation. That careers were more important than having a large family. That women would find more fulfillment in a education and career, as opposed to staying at home. That women should defer motherhood until college and a career were firmed established. That this was the responsible path to take. Today, young women receive the same messaging from our government, our schools systems, and mainstream corporate media. 

    This messaging by the US government is still as strident as when I was in my youth 50 to 60 years ago.

    The truth is that UN’s Agenda 2030 asserts that migration is a human right.

    What this means in practicality is that persons born in countries with high birthrates have a right to migrate into wealthy countries with low birth rates. 

    To begin – migration is not a “human right.”

    Property laws and nation states exist for a reason. To assert otherwise is to assert that there is a one-world government which is in control of migration. Another usurpation of authority by the UN and the WEF. 

    This nation’s rules and regulations, our very Constitution do not apply to non-citizens. This is by design. Let’s abide by our Constitution and Bill or Rights, not UN agreements, such as Agenda 2030, which was signed by a US president and never ratified by the Senate.

    Our country has done a fine job of convincing the American populace that large family size hurts families and individuals in aggregate. We were told that the reward of that, for better or worse, would be a stabilized population over time and preservation of the American way of life, environment, cultural heritage and associated economic opportunities for US citizens. And yet still they persist. This week, Kamala Harris specifically stated that a reduced population was key to children being able to breath and drink clean water. This is not the first time she has asserted this false narrative.

    When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water.”

    – Kamala Harris

    Yet, the Biden border crisis grows ever more urgent and the rate of illegal immigration continues to surge. It is a no brainer to think that an option to reduce population might be as simple as reducing immigration, if that was their true intent. 

    The truth is that the US has a vibrant and amazing culture. A heritage built on independence, free speech, shared values, and strong work ethic. This heritage can easily be diluted by too much immigration. Just look what is happening France right now. Open migration policies have worked to cause a vast instability within the nation. France literally can no longer integrate so many people, with such different sets of cultural norms into their core national culture. This is not progress. 

    Under globalism, the heterogeneous cultures throughout the world are being weaponized as a way to destroy diversity; a path towards enabling a single, globalized government controlled by the UN and the WEF. Which is precisely what open borders, the immigration policies of the UN and even Kamala Harris’ statements seem to be working towards. It is time to end this nonsense and get back to a closed and orderly immigration system.

    There are over 8 billion people in the world. The US can not take all those that wish to immigrate. To think otherwise is foolish.

    America has to be an independent and free nation. We need to rely on Americans for our goods and services. A strong economy is one that meets its own needs internally. Whereby goods, services, medical care, and energy are produced domestically. A strong nation doesn’t need to import low-wage earners to do its dirty work. The bizarre directive of reducing the naturally born population while importing new immigrants serves no functional purpose except to further globalize the USA.

    By accepting large numbers of immigrants while reducing our own American population, we further regress as a nation, and we will continue to accelerate economic devastation of both middle class and urban poor citizens. A new world order where migration is a right, borders are open and the UN controls the ebb and flow of populations is ceding American nationalism and will destroy the American experiment in self-governance. 

    Our government needs to stay out of the business of enforcing population measures.

    Which brings me to the mRNA genetic shots. People worry that the mRNA jabs have some sequence or component, such as the lipid nano-particle or genetic code, which are causing sterility. And that these were intentionally designed to cause a decrease in fertility worldwide. This is not a completely unrealistic fear.

    For years, there have been rumors of abortion vaccines and anti-fertility vaccines being developed in India and Africa. With evidence being presented for and against these rumors. But we do know for sure that China used forced sterilizations and forced abortions on its own citizens. Now, China worries that their population levels are crumbling rapidly. Government controls on family choices are immoral. The idea of a vaccine to control population is repugnant.

    Which brings me to a newly published Nature paper that shows that using adeno-associated viral vectored techniques, cats can be permanently sterilized.

    In this essay, I don’t want to get into the science behind this (let’s defer that to a later essay) but I do want to discuss the ethics of developing “gene therapy” techniques that rely on viral vectors for sterilization.

    To begin with, such a fertility gene therapy technique using adeno-associated virus (AAV) “gene therapy” vectors could be accidentally or purposefully modified to be infectious. This requires a recombination event (rescue) of another related adenovirus, which could be a wild type. Once that happens, the viral vector could be replication competent: ergo infectious. Although AAV “gene therapy” vectors are not a full replicating virus; the truth is that in a research setting, using the full virus to create infectious products is relatively simple. It could be as simple as missing a purification step or a recombination event. If such a product were to escape or be released into the general cat population, it would be a disaster. If such a vector had a rescue event in an injected animal, it could literally create a new virus. What happens if it were to infect on other feline species, such as cheetahs, big cats, cougars or bobcats? There is a scenario whereby it could decimate the population of an endangered species or all the cats . Furthermore, there is a possibility that such a virus could jump species – even into humans. Adeno-associated viruses are respiratory viruses, so can spread easily. What happens then? 

    Not to mention, we already know that NGOs and governments are willing to consider reducing population via vaccination or forced sterilization. Who is to say whether an organization, perhaps even one with the “best of intentions” in mind (or believing that “the ends justify the means”), would be willing to go there. After what we have experienced over the past three years, I would consider it in the realm of possibility. Kamala Harris, Bill Gates and the WEF and UN all have made their positions crystal clear. Population reduction is imperative. 

    There must be more regulatory controls on biological research for both animals and humans. 

    But in the meantime, we have to consider that the government doesn’t really care about population control.

    You can know them by their actions, not their words. Their words endorse low birthrate as a pathway to population stabilization, but their actions enable rampant population growth due to immigration. The DATA indicate that what they really are striving for is a New World Order, whereby the UN becomes the dominant force of the world, with nation states nestled under their organizational structure. One in which out-migration combined with regional population control via government-enabled birth control (via both pharmaceuticals and deployed propaganda) is designed to augment that process of enabling populations born in economically disadvantaged regions to gain control of more economically advanced nations and infrastructure while destroying the cultures and politico/economic structures which have historically enabled the economic development of these more advanced regions.

    *  *  *

    Republished from Substack

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 20:20

  • Video Of Deserted Mall And Streets In Downtown San Fran Reveals Democrats Destroyed City
    Video Of Deserted Mall And Streets In Downtown San Fran Reveals Democrats Destroyed City

    A recent poll commissioned by Probolsky Research found 60% of voters in San Francisco “disapprove” of Mayor London Breed’s performance, and only 22% believe she deserves re-election. There’s plunging confidence among the business community that progressive leadership in the crime-ridden metro can revive the poop-infested downtown area. Businesses are closing up shops in droves, while some building owners have stopped payments on malls and hotels as the city’s economic recovery appears bleak. 

    San Francisco Chamber of Commerce CEO Rodney Fong recently drew a dire historical parallel of the faltering metro area to the 1906 earthquake: “We have a lot of work to do as residents are more pessimistic than ever.”

    Marc Benioff, the chief executive officer of Salesforce, the city’s largest employer and anchor tenant in its tallest skyscraper, warned this week that the metro area is in trouble. 

    Benioff offered this grim outlook: The downtown area is “never going back to the way it was” in pre-Covid times when workers commuted to offices daily.

    “We need to rebalance downtown,” Benioff said, adding Breed needs to initiate a program to convert dormant office space into housing and hire additional law enforcement to restore law and order. 

    San Francisco’s demise is much more than just the remote or hybrid work narrative, and a record 30% of office space is vacant. Remember, without office workers, local shops can’t thrive.

    This leaves us with Youtuber METAL LEO, who walked the downtown area, revealing empty streets and closed-up stores.

    He wrote in the description of the video, “Embarcadero Center is a commercial complex of five office towers, two hotels, a shopping center with more than 125 stores but only two remain open on three levels located in San Francisco, California.”

    The video is an eye-opener of the economic collapse of the downtown area as it has transformed into a “ghost town” overnight. The exodus of companies and people is a vote of confidence that Breed’s progressive administration has failed. There are attempts to rebuild the downtown district, but that could take many years, meaning the city’s economic recovery won’t happen anytime soon. 

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 20:00

  • China's Digital Yuan Nears $250 Billion Transaction Volume; Central Bank Governor
    China’s Digital Yuan Nears $250 Billion Transaction Volume; Central Bank Governor

    Authored by Brayden Lindrea via,

    Nearly $250 billion worth of transactions have taken place using China’s digital yuan in the one-and-a-half years since the start of its pilot, the country’s central bank governor has claimed.

    On July 19, People’s Bank of China governor Yi Gang told a conference in Singapore that its central bank digital currency transacted 1.8 trillion yuan as of the end of June.

    Yi added there have been around 950 million transactions from roughly 120 million wallets since the digital yuan’s initial January 2022 rollout, leading to an average transaction amount of about $260.

    He claimed around $2.3 billion, or 16.5 billion digital yuan, was in circulation at the end of June, which only represents 0.16% of China’s monetary supply, according to a July 19 Reuters report.

    The digital yuan’s adoption is still minimal relative to China’s 1.4 billion strong population, so far mostly being used for domestic retail payments aside from a few trials in Hong Kong.

    On July 18, the South China Morning Post reported that the Bank of China Hong Kong began trialing another cross-border payment scheme for Bank of China customers at select retail stores in Hong Kong.

    The trial was rolled out in a bid to further promote the cross-border applications of digital yuan and is the third cross-border trial of the CBDC in Hong Kong, according to the SCMP.

    In a trial last year the BOCHK launched a program that encouraged customers to set up a BOC e-CNY wallet to receive $14 (100 yuan) to be used at the Hong Kong supermarket chain U Select.

    In January, the central bank integrated smart contract functionality into the digital yuan to expand upon its use cases.

    The $250 billion in digital yuan transactions is an over 70% increase from the number the bank cited in August 2022.

    The amount is still, however, far off the amount of value processed by some of the largest public blockchains in the world.

    Bitcoin, for example, processed $8.2 trillion in 2022according to various reports.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 19:40

  • Chinese Hackers Access Email Of US Ambassador, Compromise "Hundreds Of Thousands" Of US Government Emails
    Chinese Hackers Access Email Of US Ambassador, Compromise “Hundreds Of Thousands” Of US Government Emails

    There go all the latest attempts by the Biden admin at a detente with China.

    The WSJ reports that hackers “linked to Beijing” have accessed the email account of the U.S. ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, in an attack that reportedly has “compromised at least hundreds of thousands of individual U.S. government emails.” Daniel Kritenbrink, the US assistant secretary of state for East Asia, was also hacked in the cyber-espionage attack. While it remains unconfirmed, the two diplomats are believed to be the two most senior officials at the State Department targeted in the alleged spying campaign disclosed last week.

    Unlike previous so-called “Russian hacking” campaigns which dominated the news between 2016 and 2022 and which were fabricated by the FBI to cover up the FBI’s own criminal activity, and where everything about the perps was known instantaneously, the “contours” of the Chinese hacking campaign aren’t fully known. According to the Journal, while the infiltration was limited to unclassified emails, “the inboxes of Burns and Kritenbrink could have allowed the hackers to glean insights into U.S. planning for a recent string of visits to China by senior Biden administration officials, as well as internal conversations about U.S. policies toward its rival amid a period of delicate diplomacy that has been challenged repeatedly in recent months.”

    Burns and Kritenbrink are the second and third senior Biden administration officials to be identified in news reports as having their emails hacked. U.S. Secretary Gina Raimondo’s email was also compromised in the breach, U.S. officials have said, who also stated that the email of top US State official Antony Blinken, wasn’t directly infiltrated in the hack, nor were those in his circle of top advisers. Instead, the hackers appeared to focus on a small number of senior officials responsible for managing the U.S.-China relationship. That said, since this appears to be another planted deep state narrative which will change over time as the deep state’s needs also change, the WSJ was quick to caveat that “the estimate of individual emails accessed is rough and could also grow, the people said.”

    “For security reasons, we will not be sharing additional information on the nature and scope of this cybersecurity incident at this time,” a State Department spokesman said. “The Department continuously monitors and responds to activity of concern on our networks. Our investigation is ongoing, and we cannot provide further details at this time.”

    Kritenbrink accompanied Blinken on his trip to China a month ago, and Kritenbrink, Burns and Blinken all attended meetings with senior Chinese officials and with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Before the high-level talks in Beijing, Kritenbrink led a trip of less senior officials to lay the groundwork.

    Last week the State Department led the Biden administration’s effort to restart diplomatic communications with China and notch progress in select areas including climate change and synthetic opioid trade. However, deep-seated disagreements over Taiwan, spying and other issues have led to a deterioration in relations, with broad U.S. political concerns about China have “prevented any reversal of the trend.”

    According to the report, the hack was pulled off with the help of a flaw in Microsoft’s cloud-computing environment and has since been fixed; more than two dozen organizations globally were also affected. Fewer than 10 organizations were compromised in the U.S. and each of those appeared to have a small number of individual email accounts directly accessed by the hackers, a senior American cybersecurity official said last week. It isn’t known whether any federal agencies beyond the State and Commerce departments were targeted although we are confident that if they were then Hillary Clinton would gladly donate her version of BleachBit and a few hammers.

    Microsoft hasn’t publicly disclosed how the breach began and has said it is continuing to investigate the incident.

    Hilariously, the Administration of Joe “10 for the big guy” Biden, whose son is deep in China’s pockets, has keep radiosilent about the hack, which U.S. officials have described as surgical in nature “something that targeted a small number of specifically chosen high-value victims… and have sought to play down its overall impact, likening it to routine digital espionage that is constantly going on between adversarial nations.”

    Right, because other nations routinely hack the email accounts of the most important US politicians.

    Not surprisingly, Joe Bidem hasn’t formally blamed China for the hack, but senior Biden administration officials said they have no reason to doubt Microsoft’s assessment linking it to a Chinese hacking group. Meanwhile, China has denied the allegations and accused the U.S. of engaging in rampant cyber-enabled espionage around the world.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 19:20

  • Lab-Grown Artificial 'Meat' May Actually Be Worse For The Environment
    Lab-Grown Artificial ‘Meat’ May Actually Be Worse For The Environment

    Authored by Bryan Jung via The Epoch Times,

    Lab grown “meat” may be potentially worse for the environment than actual beef and may have an even larger carbon footprint, according to a recent study.

    This follows the USDA’s approval of the FDA’s decision on June 21 to greenlight the sale of lab-grown meat to American consumers.

    GOOD Meat, a company that grows cell-based meat in its labs, announced in June the USDA’s approval to sell its products.

    Advocates of lab grown meat, which is cultured from animal cells, has been lauded by activists of being more environmentally friendly than beef, as it uses less land, water, and produces no greenhouse gases, compared to raising cattle.

    The United States joins Singapore as the only country approving “cell-cultured” meat for human consumption

    Only chicken has passed the official government approval process for now, with a “no questions” letter that grants permission for distribution, but pork and beef will have to wait.

    However, a pre-print study by researchers at the University of California, Davis, have found that the environmental impacts of lab-grown or “cultivated” meat, are likely to be “orders of magnitude” higher than its natural counterpart, based on current and near-term production methods.

    Fake Meat May Actually Require More Energy Than Organic Meat

    Amy Quinton from UC Davis Department of Food Science announced preliminary results from the study on the environmental impact of lab grown meat in a May 22 report.

    The researchers assessed the amount of energy needed and the greenhouse gases emitted to create artificial beef and compared it with traditional organic meat production.

    It was found that scaling up production using current lab methods was highly energy intensive.

    Lab-grown meat is produced through the use of highly refined or purified growth media, which are the ingredients used to make animal cells multiply and is similar to how biotechnology firms make their drugs.

    The UC Davis team found that the global warming potential of lab-based meat using this process, is four to twenty-five times greater than the average for retail beef.

    “If companies are having to purify growth media to pharmaceutical levels, it uses more resources, which then increases global warming potential,” stated UC Davis doctoral graduate Derrick Risner, the study’s lead author.

    “If this product continues to be produced using the ‘pharma’ approach, it’s going to be worse for the environment and more expensive than conventional beef production,” he added.

    Researchers Hope to Make Artificial Meat Production More Energy Efficient

    The UC Davis Cultivated Meat Consortium, which led the study, are a group of scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and educators researching lab grown meat.

    The artificial meat industry plans on creating lab-grown meat using primarily food-grade ingredients or cultures, that use less energy-intensive pharmaceutical grade ingredients and processes in the future.

    They hope that improvements in developing the technology, through “pharma to food,” will perfect the production of artificial meat products.

    Other goals include the establishment and evaluation of cell lines that could be used to grow meat and to improve the structure in cultured meat.

    Me. Risner stated, that if lab-based meat failed to create a more climate-friendly burger, there is still valuable science to be learned from the attempt.

    “It may not lead to environmentally friendly commodity meat, but it could lead to less expensive pharmaceuticals, for example,” he added.

    “My concern would just be scaling this up too quickly and doing something harmful for the environment.”

    US Production Has Begun

    Only a few places will be producing cell-cultured meat for public use for now.

    Upside Foods and Good Meat, of California, will first be distributing their product at Bar Crenn in San Francisco and celebrity chef José Andrés’ restaurant, China Chilcano, in Washington, D.C.

    China Chilcano will first serve Good Meat’s “Anticuchos de Pollo” on the week of July 31 as part of an exclusive tasting menu at $70 per person, by reservation only and then only available in very limited quantities.

    Upside Foods COO Amy Chen told Scientific American that their product will display the regular round-shaped USDA inspection label.

    Artificial meat will have the words “cell-cultured” written on the tag.

    The two firms say that their artificial chicken meat will emit 92 percent fewer carbon emissions and use 95 percent less land during production.

    Meanwhile, a Good Meat spokesperson told Townhall that the production process is still currently expensive.

    “Bioreactors and the supporting infrastructure required to produce cultivated meat are not inexpensive to design, build and operate,” said the spokesperson, comparing the technology to the electronics industry where “costs will drop over time.”

    Good Meat said a few more steps need to be made before that prices will drop.

    The spokesperson said their lab was focused on improving the process to increase cell density, design larger-scale containers to grow meat, and creating more affordable and efficient nutrients to feed the cells.

    Risner told Townhall that the lab meat industry would benefit from the creation of a supply chain for amino acids that could expand current manufacturing volumes.

    “It will take a significant amount of time to reach mass commercial production,” the spokesperson continued.

    Once cell-cultured meat hits mass production, Good Meat believes that sales will pick up as the public becomes more aware of the product.

    The spokesperson said that the dishes sold in Singapore have already received universally high marks from diners, after gaining regulatory approval in the island nation in late 2020.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 19:00

  • FBI Official Admits Under Oath They Knew Hunter Biden Laptop Was Real
    FBI Official Admits Under Oath They Knew Hunter Biden Laptop Was Real

    Via The Politics Brief,

    During a transcribed interview with the House Judiciary Committee, an FBI official revealed that at least one senior agent, along with potentially others, who had alerted social media companies about a potential “hack and dump” operation before the 2020 election, were aware of the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

    As the House Judiciary Committee’s official Twitter account noted, “Testimony reveals the FBI knew the Hunter Biden laptop was authentic, but when asked by a social media company about the laptop’s authenticity the FBI said ‘no further comment’.

    The FBI official, Laura Dehmlow, participated in discussions between the FBI and Facebook prior to the social media platform’s decision to censor the story related to Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 election. Furthermore, The Intercept has indicated that Dehmlow was also involved in the Biden administration’s endeavors to suppress and censor content on social media platforms in relation to misinformation.

     Dehmlow, the head of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF), acknowledged that her former colleague Brad Benavides was certainly aware of the laptop’s legitimacy, as per excerpts of her testimony.

    When asked by the committee about other individuals within FITF who knew about the laptop, Dehmlow replied that she did not have exact information, but she presumed that Brad Benavides, then-FITF Section Chief, was aware.

    Do you know who else at FITF knew that the laptop was real?” the committee asked, according to the transcript.

    “I don’t actually. I would assume both my – yes, I would certainly say that [then-FITF Section Chief] Brad Benavides was aware,” Dehmlow replied.

    “What about the individuals on the Russia unit?” the committee asked.

    “I would assume the [Russia] unit chief was also aware. I’m pretty certain of that fact,” Dehmlow replied.

    Dehmlow was accompanied by an attorney with the Department of Justice during the interview. The transcript excerpts note that the attorney jumped in to clarify if Dehmlow knew with “certainty” or if she was merely “making deductions.”

    I’m pretty certain they were aware,” Dehmlow said.

    These transcript excerpts were included in a letter from Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) to FBI Director Christopher Wray. In his letter, Jordan requested names and records related to those within the bureau who were aware of the laptop’s existence and had been communicating with social media companies before the 2020 presidential election.

    The laptop gained significant attention when the New York Post published a story on October 14, 2020, revealing details about then-candidate Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business dealings based on the laptop’s contents. Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook limited the story’s reach to their vast user bases.

    Simultaneously, behind the scenes, FITF and other federal government entities were engaging in routine meetings with social media companies, repeatedly cautioning them about a potential “hack and dump” operation. This information was highlighted in a recent court ruling from Louisiana, which addressed government censorship.

    According to Jordan’s letter, after the FBI had convinced social media companies that the laptop was connected to a hack-and-dump operation, the bureau ceased sharing information, leading the companies to conclude that the New York Post’s story was part of Russian disinformation.

    Dehmlow further stated during her testimony that she recollected a meeting or hearing about a meeting in which someone from Twitter asked about the laptop’s authenticity. One of the FBI participants on the call confirmed that it was indeed genuine before another participant interjected with “no further comment.”

    Dehmlow’s testimony supports the claims made by IRS supervisory special agent Gary Shapely, who testified before the House Ways and Means Committee in May. Shapely revealed that the FBI had become aware of the laptop’s existence in October 2019, stating, “The FBI became aware that a repair shop had a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden and that the laptop might contain evidence of a crime.”

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 18:40

  • No Sanctuary: NYC Shoos Migrants Away, Warns "No Guarantee" Of Shelter, Services
    No Sanctuary: NYC Shoos Migrants Away, Warns “No Guarantee” Of Shelter, Services

    New York City will ‘immediately’ begin discouraging asylum seekers from seeking refuge in the self-proclaimed sanctuary city, warning migrants coming from the southern border that there’s “no guarantee” they’ll receive shelter or services, Mayor Eric Adams said on Wednesday.

    “We have no more room in the city,” Adams said during a news conference at City Hall, in what the NY Times describes as a “somewhat unexpected departure from its long-held status as a sanctuary city, and as a place that guarantees a right to shelter.”

    As part of the city’s shift in strategy, it will now require single adult migrants to reapply for shelter after 60 days, a move that the mayor said was designed to make room for families with children. Mr. Adams said the city would intensify efforts to help the migrants connect with family, friends or outside networks in order to find alternative housing arrangements.

    If alternative housing arrangements are not available, single adult asylum seekers will have to return to the intake center and reapply for housing. It is unclear what would happen if there is not housing available at the intake centers. -NY Times

    Pro-migrant activists aren’t happy.

    “I have worked with thousands of people over the years whose lives were saved because of the right to shelter,” said Craig Hughes, a social worker with Mobilization for Justice, a nonprofit legal services group, in a statement to the Times. “The idea that there’s some imaginary place that people are going to go off to besides city streets is just false.”

    NYC has seen an influx of more than 90,000 migrants since the spring of 2022, of which close to 55,000 are still under the care of the city. When combined with the city’s homeless population, New York is caring for a record 105,800 people across more than 188 sites, including 18 humanitarian relief centers.

    Between July 10-16, there were 2,800 migrants who entered the city, according to the deputy mayor for health and human services, Anne Williams-Isom.

    “Our compassion is infinite,” said a senior VP at NYC Health, Dr. Ted Long, adding “our space is not.”

    The city has distributed flyers warning migrants there’s ‘no guarantee we will be able to provide shelter and services.’

    “Please consider another city as you make your decision about where to settle in the U.S.,” the flier concludes.

    Brad Lander, the city comptroller, said the announcement undermined the right to shelter and “the defining role of New York as a beacon of promise inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty.”Credit…NYC Mayor’s Office

    Unfortunately for New York, the city remains under a decades-old court order requiring it to provide shelter to anyone who needs a bed.

    City comptroller Brad Lander said the announcement undermines the city’s right to shelter, and “the defining role of New York as a beacon of promise inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty.”

    Housing advocates have called on NYC officials to make room in the shelter system by moving homeless people to permanent housing.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 18:20

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Today’s News 20th July 2023

  • The Media And Ukraine War Coverage: Where Truth Takes A Holiday
    The Media And Ukraine War Coverage: Where Truth Takes A Holiday

    Authored by Connor O’Keefe via The Mises Institute,

    As Ukrainian forces continue their much-hyped counteroffensive to take back contested territories in the country’s eastern and southern regions, we’re faced with conflicting coverage of the campaign.

    Many reports say Ukraine’s forces are struggling to break through the minefields fortifying Russia’s lines. And many admit that even the sudden and dramatic Wagner Group mutiny did not appear to hand Ukraine much of an advantage on the front.

    Days ago, in a move that looks like damage control, Ukraine’s defense secretary even announced that Kyiv would no longer measure success in recaptured territory but would instead just aim to destroy as much Russian military infrastructure as possible.

    Still, according to some Western journalists, this is all part of Ukraine’s plan.

    They’re just testing Russian resistance to find weak spots so they can better allocate resources during the next phase of the counteroffensive. And that’s when the big gains will take place. Maybe that’s true, but still, other coverage about Ukraine’s losses would have you think the counteroffensive has been a horrific disaster.

    Much like the wider war, how you see this counteroffensive playing out depends almost entirely on where you get your news. That is not an accident. As citizens of the wealthiest country whose government controls the most military hardware in the world, it’s important to remember that all coverage of this war ought to be viewed with some baseline degree of skepticism. This is because numerous parties—in both governments and the media outlets themselves—are working hard to bend the American public’s perception of the war to their benefit.

    That is, of course, nothing new. In 1941—the last time a European war threatened to go global—the British sent an intelligence officer named William Stephenson to the United States and tasked him with running an information operation to turn American public opinion away from noninterventionism.

    The main approach Stephenson’s stories team used was secretly planting carefully crafted—and sometimes outright fake—stories in the biggest American newspapers and magazines. These stories were specifically designed to portray British forces as having more than enough courage to take on the Germans but lacking sufficient resources, regardless of how accurate that depiction was at any given time.

    It was a specific tone that the United Kingdom’s Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) believed had the best chance of convincing the American public to support joining the fight. Since then, every group that the American political establishment wants to support militarily gets presented to the American people in a similar fashion—from the Mujahideen to the Syrian Kurds to the current Ukrainian regime.

    Though we may not know about the prevalence of covert information operations for some time, a pair of stories published last month offer a window into some more overt efforts to shape our perception of the war in Ukraine. First, Thomas Gibbons-Neff, a Ukraine correspondent for the New York Times, wrote a viral story detailing how Ukrainian press officers and some Western journalists have tried to downplay, justify, or cover up the use of Nazi symbols by Ukrainian soldiers.

    One specific passage tells of Western photojournalists asking their subjects to remove patches with Nazi emblems before taking photos. By doing so, these journalists crossed the line from documenting their subjects to staging them.

    On the same day, former New York Times media columnist Ben Smith published an article reporting that many Western journalists have grown frustrated with how the Ukrainian government uses access and accreditation to shape war coverage. For example, the Ukrainian military threatened to revoke a photojournalist’s credentials after he took pictures of conscripted soldiers in a trench without the presence or permission of a military press officer.

    In another example, an NBC News crew traveled to Crimea to interview residents about the war. After reporting that most people they talked to preferred that Crimea belonged to Russia, the Ukrainian government revoked NBC’s credentials and confined their in-country crew to a hotel.

    Smith even brings up Thomas Gibbons-Neff from above, who had his access and credentials revoked after reporting on Ukraine’s use of banned cluster munitions. There’s no question that, at least to some extent, the continual threat of a loss of access affects everyone reporting over there in an official capacity.

    This is not a new or unusual technique. The US government used similar tactics to help shape the narrative of its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Most professional journalists struggle endlessly to find sources. So, by granting extensive access that can always be revoked, governments can run an effective carrot-and-stick ploy to control media coverage.

    Our views of war are warped by design. Sure, the Russian regime is mounting a similar effort to control how the Russian people view the war, but it would be absurd to say that the Kremlin holds an influence over the American public that’s even comparable to the US or Ukrainian governments.

    Despite what the media, the government, or your middle school civics teacher wants you to think, you don’t need to frantically keep up with the hourly developments in Eastern Europe to be a good citizen. But if you choose to follow this war, understand which parties have a hand in delivering whatever information you’re consuming because not everyone is trying to tell you the truth.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/20/2023 – 02:00

  • Journalists Attacking The Film ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Should Have Their Hard Drives Investigated
    Journalists Attacking The Film ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Should Have Their Hard Drives Investigated

    Authored by Brandon Smith via

    I recently went to see the movie Sound Of Freedom with the expectation of a moderate level of political commentary or religious pontificating, given the rabid and widespread attacks on the film by the leftist media. All I knew going in was that the indie production was about child trafficking and that the mainstream media HATES IT. After the film was over, my first thought was that it was an excellent story about a very dark and difficult issue. My second thought was – “What the hell was all the fuss about? There’s not a single political moment in the entire movie!”

    The media war on the low budget flick is so bizarre given this fact that I am immediately suspicious of their intentions. Not one political message, not one momentary critique of the political left, not one moment where MAGA or Trump or “Q-Anon” is mentioned, not one “conspiracy theory.” So why all the hate?

    Before reading this review any further I highly recommend you check out some of the hatchet job articles published about Sound Of Freedom to get a sense of what I’m talking about – examples are here, here, here and here.

    The first thing you’ll probably notice is that the majority of these vitriolic diatribes use the exact same talking points – They suggest that The Sound Of Freedom is based in conspiracy theory, far-right extremism and that it is funded by a subversive network of “Q-Anon adjacent” conservatives. Some journalists have even attacked the veracity of the film’s true story – the career of DHS agent Tim Ballard, who operated covertly to take down child sex traffickers in Central America.

    The Guardian asserts:

    Caviezel stars as special agent Tim Ballard, a Homeland Security Investigations operative who really did work for the state busting up child-trafficking rings for more a decade. (Or so he claims – the DHS can neither confirm nor deny the real Ballard’s employment history.) Even if he did not literally have the face of Christ, Ballard would still exude an angelic aura as he gently hoists dirty-faced moppets out of peril with the gravely uttered catchphrase: “God’s children are not for sale.”

    Rolling Stone fumes:

    Ballard, Caviezel, and others of their ilk had primed the public to accept Sound of Freedom as a documentary rather than delusion by fomenting moral panic for years over this grossly exaggerated “epidemic” of child sex-trafficking, much of it funneling people into conspiracist rabbit holes and QAnon communities. In short, I was at the movies with people who were there to see their worst fears confirmed.”

    Perhaps Rolling Stone has never heard of Epstein’s Island? Why are they pretending like this global criminal enterprise is not a thing?

    These reviews are dripping with venom, though a simple investigation into Tim Ballard reveals endless evidence that he did in fact quit his job at DHS to operate in Central America to stop child trafficking rings. And the sting that is the core of the film on an island Ballard set up as a trap to capture an entire network of pedophiles as well as save 120 kids? Yeah, that was real, too.

    In fact, there’s a documentary about Tim Ballard’s successful sting called ‘Triple Take’ and the Sound Of Freedom movie includes real life arrest footage from that event. There is no question that almost every detail in Sound Of Freedom is real. Any media outlet that says otherwise is lying, and the fact that they are attempting to sow seeds of doubt about the legitimacy of Tim Ballard based on politics is villainous.

    One interesting part of the the film that is NOT accurate was the depiction of a Latin billionaire funding Tim Ballard’s efforts. In reality, Ballard says that it was primarily conservative host Glenn Beck that raised money for his operations that led to the rescue of hundreds of children. Why Glenn Beck was not mentioned in the final cut of the film is hard to say, but Ballard’s connection to Beck might partly explain the media’s fury over the movie. How DARE these conservative men save children from sex slavery, right? It makes conservatives look like (GASP!) good guys.

    But there’s something more going on here than mere envy on the part of leftist journalists. The campaign against the movie is far too coordinated and far too expansive (global). It is as if these people are interconnected and they all agreed together to try to subvert the film, or they were all ORDERED to subvert the film.

    This kind of behavior suggests a personal stake in creating conditions for failure; it makes it seem like these journalists want to sabotage the movie because of its premise and message. Why would someone want to sabotage a movie which exposes child trafficking and pedophiles? Could it be that we need to check the hard drives of some of these establishment media writers and producers?

    I think it’s important to note that such people have been criminally prosecuted for child sex abuse in the past. For example, long time CNN producer John Griffin was recently arrested and convicted of child rape, using online apps to connect with mothers willing to sell their children to him for thousands of dollars so he could abuse them at his Vermont vacation home.

    Last year the FBI raided the home of renowned ABC News producer James Gordon Meek and arrested him on charges of transporting child pornography. Rolling Stone Magazine was later accused of trying to cover up the reason for the arrest with selective editing and omission. Rolling Stone is now one of the main outlets attacking Sound Of Freedom.

    Maybe the movie makes these journalists angry because it exposes one of their favorite hobbies?

    I’m a long time film buff and I can say with some authority that as a movie, Sound Of Freedom is well made and well executed. The overall acting is effective including Jim Caviezel’s portrayal of Tim Ballard, the child performances are amazing, the editing is excellent and the cinematography is top notch. The film is good all around; it reminds me of one my favorite movies of all time, a criminal procedural directed by Akira Kurosawa called ‘High And Low’ (also known as ‘Heaven And Hell’ in Japan) about police investigating a child kidnapping.

    My only complaint is that I felt they should have shown Tim Ballard with his family a little more, so that when he makes the decision to go to Columbia and risk his life, the choice carries more weight.  Other than that, Sound Of Freedom is one of the best dramas I have seen in a long time, and at no point did I feel “preached at.” I can’t say the same for most Hollywood films the past several years, which are replete with non-stop leftist propaganda.

    The depiction of the process of child trafficking is very uncomfortable, but it’s meant to be. I rarely squirm in my chair with discomfort or get angry at characters on a screen, but every time there was a scene with a pedophile all I could think was “That guy needs to go in a wood chipper.” That’s good film making.

    So again, there are few if any valid criticisms to make about the production itself and the story is largely accurate. Why are leftist journalists raging against this movie? I think because it sheds light on the fact that pedophilia is not only about isolated cases of loners stalking school playgrounds, it’s an international industry worth billions upon billions of dollars, and there are very rich and powerful people involved in that industry (including people in mainstream journalism).

    They don’t want people to consider the pervasive nature of this criminal underworld. They want people passive and unaware. For some reason, they want people to assume that child slavery is a conspiracy theory.

    Another issue to consider is that the political left has been aggressively targeting children with sexualization for the past several years, primarily through the imposition of trans ideology. They are turning the sexualization of minors into an activist movement. Children as young as kindergarten are being indoctrinated with “gender identity” propaganda and HIGHLY pornographic books (with pornographic images) posing as educational LGBT content are being planted in public schools. We all know what the end game of this movement is – The normalization of pedophilia.

    Leftists may be consciously or unconsciously hostile to Sound Of Freedom because when they see the organized networks of child groomers on the big screen, they see themselves.

    To conclude: Go see this movie. The media attacks are clearly designed to dissuade people from watching it based on political bias. Check it out and you’ll realize quickly that all their claims are false. Furthermore, you’ll start to wonder aloud why they hate the film? The saying “Methinks thou dost protest too much…” comes to mind, as such journalists reveal their propensity for evil.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 23:55

  • DC Awards Convicted Felon With Contract For 'Bogus' EV Tech
    DC Awards Convicted Felon With Contract For ‘Bogus’ EV Tech

    Self-described inventor (and convicted felon) Lawrence Hardge received a $680,000 contract from the District of Columbia for a small device that he claims increases the range of electric vehicles. 

    Local media outlet WUSA9 was the first to shine the spotlight on the shady EV deal DC’s Department of Public Works recently made with Hardge to outfit 40 Chevrolet Bolt EVs with the Energy Management Module (EEM) device. 

    Hardge claims the device can increase any EV battery’s driving range and efficiency by more than 60%. Electrical engineers from the University of Maryland say that’s ‘practically impossible.’ 

    “There’s not technologies that I’m aware of that can really boost that same battery pack to significantly more than 200-mile range,” said Paul Albertus, an associate director of the Maryland Energy Innovation Institute.

    Albertus said, “There’s a variety of limitations just from basic chemical theory. There’s only so much energy you can store for the materials that you put into a battery.”

    WUSA contacted General Motors, maker of the Bolts, and asked if they knew of the EEM device. 

    “We have not been involved in this project and are not aware of this specific technology,” General Motors wrote in a statement. 

    DC awarded Hardge a $680,000 contract for the device that UMD experts say is ‘bogus.’ 

    Hardge was convicted of selling unregistered securities from his home state of Mississippi two decades ago. He served five years in prison and tried to expunge his criminal record in 2021. 

    According to a Jackson Advocate article in 2022, Hardge claimed that he “had been notified by the University of Michigan, which is located only 35 miles from Hardge Global Manufacturing offices in Farmington Hills, Michigan, that he is being prepped for a possible Nobel Prize nomination by the university.”

    “I interviewed with the University of Michigan last year,” he said in the article. “I spent about eight hours with them. They wanted to nominate me for a Nobel Prize. They thought I was the perfect candidate.”

    WUSA spoke with a University of Michigan spokesperson who said, “We’ve checked with colleagues who would be most likely to be familiar with Mr. Hardge (Office of Research, College of Engineering, Communications) and no one is familiar with him.”

    Depending on how this plays out, this could be a future episode on CNBC’s American Greed. 

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 23:35

  • Former FBI Special Agent 'Confirmed' Key Parts Of Hunter Biden IRS Whistleblower Testimony: Comer
    Former FBI Special Agent ‘Confirmed’ Key Parts Of Hunter Biden IRS Whistleblower Testimony: Comer

    Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    A former FBI supervisory special agent has allegedly confirmed key portions of an IRS whistleblower’s testimony that President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, received preferential treatment during an investigation into felony tax crimes, according to the House Oversight Committee.

    “Today, a former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the FBI’s Wilmington office and the Biden criminal investigation confirmed key portions of the IRS whistleblower’s testimony,” committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said in a July 17 statement.

    Hunter Biden arrives for a toast during an official State Dinner in honor of India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, at the White House on June 22, 2023. (Stefani Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images)

    Mr. Comer did not reveal the identity of the former FBI agent.

    He further claimed that the night before the interview of Hunter Biden, “both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were tipped off about the planned interview.”

    “On the day of the Hunter Biden interview, federal agents were told to stand by and could not approach Hunter Biden—they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation,” he continued.

    The Epoch Times has contacted the White House for comment.

    Mr. Biden’s son has been under federal investigation for alleged tax fraud since 2018. According to prosecutors, he received more than $1.5 million in taxable income in 2017 and more than $1.5 million more in 2018 and was required by law to pay more than $100,000 in income tax for his earnings each of those years but failed to pay the tax.

    President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden attend the annual Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, on April 10, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

    ‘Obvious Conflicts of Interest’

    Mr. Comer’s statement comes after Gary Shapley, an IRS supervisory special agent, earlier this year claimed that the Department of Justice and the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office interfered in the investigation into the younger Mr. Biden in an attempt to delay the probe.

    According to Mr. Shapley, the DOJ provided the younger Mr. Biden with preferential treatment, “slow-walked the investigation,” and “did nothing to avoid obvious conflicts of interest in this investigation.”

    The former IRS agent additionally told prosecutors that the case into Hunter Biden had been “handled differently than any investigation” he’d ever been part of in his 14 years of service to the IRS and that some aspects of the case appeared to be influenced by politics.

    Another whistleblower, a criminal investigator with the IRS identified only as Whistleblower X, has made similar claims.

    The DOJ has denied any interference in the investigation into Hunter Biden.

    Meanwhile, Mr. Biden has denied any wrongdoing on behalf of his family or himself.

    Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to two counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax in a deal with the U.S. government in June, according to a letter from U.S. Attorney David Weiss to the U.S. court in Delaware.

    The agreement to plead guilty meant he avoided prosecution on a separate gun charge. He is set to appear in court on July 26.

    According to Mr. Comer, who cited a transcribed interview with the former FBI supervisory special agent, multiple witness interviews were planned for Dec. 8, 2020, and Mr. Shapley and the former FBI agent were assigned to interview the president’s son.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 23:15

  • Do The Actor And Writer Strikes Actually Help Woke Hollywood Cover Up Its Failures?
    Do The Actor And Writer Strikes Actually Help Woke Hollywood Cover Up Its Failures?

    Hollywood is in deep trouble, but not for the reasons we are hearing from entertainment journalists. 

    With WGA and SAG strikes now underway production in Tinsel Town has all but disappeared.  Talk among insiders is that the strikes could very well destroy the industry for years to come.  But what if this scenario is exactly what flailing media companies needed?    

    The implosion of the mainstream movie business gestated long before the strikes; it started with the injection of woke politics and propaganda into the western pop culture space.  Since 2016 (a year marking the “coming out party” for extreme intersectional feminism, critical race theory and trans ideology in movies) movie ticket sales have plummeted by around 40%. 

    Box office revenues have collapsed to levels not seen since 2001, and keep in mind that the stats get much worse once they are adjusted for inflation.  

    Initially, film studios tried to use the covid lockdowns and fear of the virus as the reason for their declining numbers.  However, hit films like Spider-Man: No Way Home and Top Gun: Maverick proved that the covid rationale was nonsense.  People were more than willing to go to the theaters by the millions, but only for non-woke movies.  Nobody cared about covid.

    It’s now 2023 and the pandemic excuse is dead.  Hollywood is left with no scapegoat to blame their problems on and it’s becoming increasingly apparent that if you “Get Woke” you will in fact “Go Broke.” 

    Almost every major film production containing far-left propaganda or common woke tropes such as race swapped characters, gender swapped characters, feminism, trans ideology, CRT, climate change cultism, “girl boss” propaganda and deconstructed male heroes is now tanking at the theaters to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in losses per film.

    The problem is that production companies continue to double down and refuse to admit the real reason they are collapsing.  Disney, for example, is now openly discussing a fire sale on pieces of the company in order to shore up their finances.  This is after they fired 7000 employees.  Yet, the political nature of their downfall is rarely if ever broached. 

    This behavior suggests that the woke cult is more important to Hollywood than making a profit or even saving their businesses.  The bottom line?  Americans and most of the world are tired of far-left concepts being forced into entertainment, but Hollywood would rather go down with the ship than build a life raft by acknowledging that woke is sinking them.  It’s truly insane; a perfect expression of mental illness.      

    And make no mistake, these companies are going down.  They might be hoping for a bailout in the future, but it’s not coming.  Not in time to save the industry as it exists today.  The ESG establishment has far more important things to worry about than keeping companies like Disney afloat.

    But, if the goal is to avoid admitting at all costs that woke ideology is a massive failure among the majority of the population, then studios now have an excellent scapegoat in the form of the WGA and SAG strikes.  In a year’s time they can claim that it was the strikes that killed the movie business, not political zealotry.  And let’s not forget that a large number of writers and actors have been participants in the leftist destruction of media, so they don’t really deserve any sympathy either.  

    This all rests, of course, on the strikes lasting longer than a couple months.  If they don’t, then the Hollywood establishment will be right back where they started.  They’ll be force to fire their woke staff and start making good films again, or, they’ll burn as the public dances on the ashes.   

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 22:55

  • Trump Could Face 'Seditious Conspiracy' Charge In Jan. 6 Probe, Previous Trials Suggest
    Trump Could Face ‘Seditious Conspiracy’ Charge In Jan. 6 Probe, Previous Trials Suggest

    Authored by Petr Svab via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    With former President Donald Trump saying that he’s been notified that a Washington-based grand jury is investigating him in relation to the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol protest and breach, a commentator who’s been closely following Jan. 6-related trials is pointing to seditious conspiracy as a charge Mr. Trump likely will face.

    Former U.S. President and 2024 presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks at the Turning Point Action USA conference in West Palm Beach, Fla., on July 15, 2023. (Giorgio Viera/AFP via Getty Images)

    Mr. Trump said he was informed of being the target late on July 16 through a letter from the office of Jack Smith, a special counsel appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate Mr. Trump’s involvement in the January 6 incident as well as his retention of documents from his time in the White House.

    This witch hunt is all about election interference and a complete and total political weaponization of law enforcement!” Mr. Trump commented in a July 18 post on Truth Social, his social media platform.

    He said he has been given four days to show up before the grand jury; it isn’t clear whether he is being invited to testify voluntarily or subpoenaed.

    ‘Tactical Move’

    Prosecutors should first ask for a voluntary appearance before subpoenaing the target of a criminal investigation, according to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Justice Manual.

    Also, lawyers usually discourage their clients from going before a grand jury if they are the target of the investigation—it can be avoided by invoking the right against self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment, says Marc Ruskin, a former FBI agent and assistant U.S. attorney.

    However, that may be Mr. Smith’s goal, according to Mr. Ruskin.

    He noted that Mr. Trump is already facing indictments in New York and Florida and pleading the Fifth in Washington gives another talking point to his opponents.

    It could be a tactical and procedural move just to make him look bad,” he said.

    “You have Trump, a former president who is running to be president again, pleading the Fifth. I guess from their point of view, it’s going to help make him less attractive as a candidate.”

    If the target is not asked to testify, “the prosecutor, in appropriate cases, is encouraged to notify such person a reasonable time before seeking an indictment in order to afford him or her an opportunity to testify before the grand jury,” the manual says.

    Mr. Trump indicated he believes charges against himself are imminent, saying that being told to report to the grand jury, “almost always means an Arrest and Indictment.”

    Some commentators have long predicted Mr. Trump will face charges in the probe, including Julie Kelly, an independent journalist who had closely followed the trials of Jan. 6 participants.

    “I’ve warned of this for over a year. I take no pride in being right,” she commented in a July 18 tweet.

    Only question now is what charges Smith will bring (strong possibility he’ll seek indictment on seditious conspiracy) and who is charged with him. (Any conspiracy charge requires at least one conspirator).

    In April, she highlighted several members of the pro-Trump Proud Boys group who were convicted of seditious conspiracy. Ms. Kelly believes the DOJ approached the Proud Boys trial in a way that seemed to lay the groundwork for bringing the same charge against Mr. Trump.

    During the closing arguments, it seemed to her that prosecutors tried to tie Proud Boys to Mr. Trump, particularly regarding a comment by Mr. Trump during a 2020 presidential debate that the Proud Boys should “stand down and stand by.”

    She pointed to a comment by one of the prosecutors that “defendants saw themselves as Donald Trump’s army, fighting to keep their preferred leader in power no matter what.”

    “Convictions of 4 members of the Proud Boys set the stage for Smith to pursue a seditious conspiracy indictment against Trump because DOJ made the former president an unindicted co-conspirator of sorts during the trial,” Ms. Kelly told The Epoch Times via text.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 22:35

  • In-N-Out Bans Employee Masking In Five States
    In-N-Out Bans Employee Masking In Five States

    The In-N-Out burger chain will prohibit employees in five states from wearing masks unless they’ve got a note from their doctor, according to internal company emails leaked to social media, Bloomberg reports.

    An In-N-Out Burger restaurant in Alhambra, California.
    Photographer: Frederic J. Brown/AFP/Getty Images

    Workers in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Texas and Utah are advised in the memo of “the importance of customer service and the ability to show our Associates’ smiles and other facial features while considering the health and well-being of all individuals.”

    The policy, which will go into effect August 14, will apply to all In-N-Out employees in those states, unless their job duties require masks or other protective gear. If they fail to comply, employees could face disciplinary action, up to and including being fired.

    As Bloomberg notes, California and Oregon – not on the list, have laws which prevent employers from banning masks.

    And of course, pro-maskers, who can’t cite peer-reviewed studies proving their efficacy – are having a conniption.

    Requiring a doctor’s note is also a burden in terms of time and money. Many people don’t have a primary care physician or one who is readily available,” wrote infections disease specialist Dr. Judy Stone in Forbes. “And requiring proof of a disability might be considered a violation of the Americans with Disability Act, depending on how one interprets masking as a request for accommodation.”

    Stone also pointed to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — which notes that 6 in 10 adults have a chronic disease, increasing their risk for severe COVID-19.

    In-N-Out workers in California and Oregon also have new mask guidelines set to go into effect August 14, according to a separate leaked company memo. But in contrast to the other states, California and Oregon employees will still be able to choose to wear a mask in stores. -Bloomberg

    The new masking guidelines are also subject to local health regulations.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 22:15

  • Chris Rufo Exposes The History Of America's Cultural Revolution
    Chris Rufo Exposes The History Of America’s Cultural Revolution

    Authored by Techno Fog via The Reactionary,

    The ambition of this book is to reveal the inner history of America’s cultural revolution, tracing the arc of its development from its origin point to the present day.

    – Christopher Rufo, America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything.

    Christopher Rufo may have been setting out the ambition of his new book, America’s Cultural Revolution, but there is no mistake that this work itself is ambitious, given the scale of material (the cultural revolution and pre-revolutionary ideas, and the creation and progression of that movement, for starters) and the connection from leftist thought leaders of the mid-20th century to the absurdities and very real cultural and political dangers we see today.

    But his task is also necessary, as the proper answer to the question of “where we are” – one of disagreement even among conservatives, some of whom deny we are in a revolutionary age – requires an exploration of how we got here and the ideas that led us to this point. The revolutionary lineage from the 1960s (and before) carries on to this day – albeit in an arguably stronger form. What was radical is now the orthodoxy. Those calling for sexual liberation in 1955, for example, would no doubt be shocked – and proud – at the evolution and success of that idea. We add that political liberation and sexual liberation are indeed intertwined, as they both can lead to spiritual bondage.

    Rufo, to his credit, achieves that ambitious goal. America’s Cultural Revolution is divided into four parts: Revolution, Race, Education, and Power, with each including a biography of the prophets of the cultural revolution. There is an exacting focus on the prophets’ writings (supported by hundreds of footnotes) concerning “liberation”, political violence, anti-racism, and the destruction of institutions – many of which we see regurgitated, exercised, and acted upon to this day.

    Your humble author is especially thankful for Rufo’s deep dive into the history of the revolutionaries, which helps to give a biography of the movement. We often see the ridiculous (the shop teacher with z-cups) and the concerning (statues toppled) and the evil (public school teacher-led gender transitions), but we’re left without an understanding of where all this originated and how it came to be.

    The words of the left’s prophets, as Rufo demonstrates, became the blueprint for societal change, for violent upheavals, and leftist control of institutions that will take a revolution to undo. In the first few chapters, for example, he goes into great detail discussing the demands and views of Herbert Marcuse, a German-born philosopher dubbed “the father of the revolution” who argued:

    “modern capitalist society had created the perfect means of repression, anesthetizing the working class with material comforts, manufactured desires, and welfare programs, which stabilized the system and allowed for the creation of external scapegoats.”

    The solution to this problem was nothing short of unrest and dissolution, through violence if necessary. It would require “the revolt of the affluent white intelligentsia, the radicalization of the black ‘ghetto population,’ the capture of public institutions, and the cultural repression of the opposition.”

    Rufo observes that “all of these objectives have been realized to some degree.” It’s hard to disagree with that assessment – especially considering how Rufo dedicates later chapters solidifying that point through discussions of the liberal domination of academia, the use of race as a means to target the American system as a whole, the far left’s long march (which can also be called a historically short march) through the institutions (including universities, local schools, business, and federal bureaucracies), and the increasingly accepted and forceful censorship and repression regimes, both public and private. In doing so, Rufo effectively makes the argument that for even those paying close attention, things might be worse than we thought, that the revolution we face is stronger than reported.

    His exposition on the evolution of revolutionary ideas is particularly compelling. By the time Rufo gets to discussing Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the later chapters, we have a better understanding of the originators, history, and vulnerabilities of basic elements to CRT. And Rufo provides necessary context, both in historical criticisms of CRT and his own accurate assessment of the movement:

    The elements of critical race theory are, in fact, a near-perfect transposition of race onto the basic structures of Marxist theory. “White supremacy” replaces “capitalism” as the totalizing system. “White and black” replaces “bourgeoisie and proletariat” as the “oppressor and oppressed.” “Abolition” replaces “revolution” as the method of “liberation.” This is not a mere metaphor or post hoc comparison. The critical race theorists appeal directly to Marxist theoreticians and the Marxist-Leninist figures of the black liberation movement.

    With this knowledge, Rufo is by all means qualified to discuss where the movement goes from here. He warns:

    This movement seeks to establish itself in every layer of the public and private administration, which will be refitted to advance the substitute morality of critical race theory and replace governance by the Constitution with governance by the bureaucracy. 

    He makes that warning with the understanding of what the movement wants, the answer to which is “found in the original literature of critical race theory”: the abandonment of equal justice under the law, the redistribution of wealth along racial lines, and the prohibition of speech that is considered harmful or hateful. But we think he makes that warning not just based on their words, but because he understands and respects their zealotry, their dedication, their patience, their resentment (another word for hatred), and the lengths they will go to accomplish their desires.

    As I read this book, I couldn’t help but ask whether this was always going to be the end result of liberalism or whether this is liberalism hijacked by its more radical elements. That’s not really a focus of the book (there are only so many pages), but it’s worthy to explore whether liberal democracy is authoritarian by its very nature and susceptible or predestined to adopting forms of fundamentalism to achieve its ends. Patrick Deneen’s Why Liberalism Failed and Ryszard Legutko’s The Demon in Democracy are good places to start, if you’re interested in looking into those questions further.

    If there is a revolution, then consider this book to be part of the counter-revolution. In conclusion, Rufo concentrates on the response to the revolutionaries and the necessary elements of the opposition: hope, a fight against collectivism and racial reductionism, a fight for natural rights and the Constitution and individual dignity. The counter-revolution he proposes goes much further than vanquishing the far left and retaking the institutions. It requires decentralization, local control, self-governance, a system of government that protects the rights of the individual while scaling back its own authority. It’s not just an improvement. It’s a return.

    That seems ambitious in 2023. But so too were the revolutionary ideas of 1968.

    America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything is available for purchase through Amazon.

    Subscribe here to the reactionary.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 21:55

  • Credit Scores Abruptly Plunge As Americans Stop Paying Down Debt; Synchrony Financial Warns
    Credit Scores Abruptly Plunge As Americans Stop Paying Down Debt; Synchrony Financial Warns

    Over the past few years, tens of millions of consumers witnessed a remarkable increase in their credit scores, primarily due to helicopter money dished out by the federal government, rock-bottom interest rates, and a pause on student-loan payments. However, the party has come to an abrupt end as credit scores plunge. 

    Bloomberg reports Synchrony Financial is closing inactive accounts and capping card limits for a number of clients as macroeconomic headwinds mount. 

    “What we are seeing is people who are doing significant score migration — a 680 or a 690 going to a 620,” Synchrony Financial CFO Brian Wenzel said in an interview. 

    Wenzel said, “Folks who had paid down debt, their scores had gone up, and now they’re reverting back to more normal performance.”

    The Stamford, Connecticut-based consumer financial services company hasn’t tightened underwriting standards for new accounts but is beginning to notice consumer stress 16 months into the Federal Reserve’s interest rate tightening cycle.

    Two years of an inflation storm has sent real wage growth to negative levels, forcing many consumers to drain personal savings and overutilize credit cards to make ends meet. We noted this in “Credit Card Debt Explodes At 2nd Fastest Pace On Record Just As Rates Hit All-Time High” and “Credit Card Debt Keeps Surging Even As Interest Rates Hit Record High.”

    Consumers have racked up record amounts of credit card debt while interest rates on these cards have surged to the highest level ever of around 21% on average. Surging debt loads and high rates make paying off outstanding balances even harder for some consumers. 

    A lower credit score means consumers will have increasing trouble qualifying for new credit lines, thus cutting off their lifelines. Perhaps that’s why we’ve seen a surge in Google searches for “pawn shop near me” as consumers pawn off items for quick loans. 

    Just wait until student-loan payments restart … this will crush consumers even more as millions must divert even more income into debt servicing payments. Maybe consumers are heading into a period of a balance sheet recession. 

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 21:35

  • The Collapse Of The "Risk-Free" Delusion: Implications For The $133 Trillion Bond Market
    The Collapse Of The “Risk-Free” Delusion: Implications For The $133 Trillion Bond Market

    Authored by Nick Giambruno via,

    Did you know that 2022 was the WORST year for US Treasuries in American history?

    The benchmark 10-year Treasury fell nearly 18%, and the 30-year Treasury collapsed over 39%. Many other bonds did even worse.

    Even if you go back 250 years, you can’t find a worse year for Treasuries, the foundation of the colossal global bond market.

    It should forever end the ridiculous—yet pervasive—delusion that Treasuries are “risk-free.”

    Many people and almost every financial institution have long thoughtlessly accepted this trope.

    As a result, bonds in general—and Treasuries in particular—became the store-of-value asset of choice and the de facto savings account for savers and investors worldwide.

    Today, the global bond market has grown to be worth more than an estimated $133 trillion as the masses parked their savings there because conventional wisdom said it was the “safe” thing to do.

    By contrast, all the mined gold in the world is worth about $12.7 trillion, less than 10% of the bond market.

    It may be tempting to think the worst is over for bonds—it’s not. As you’ll see, the pain for bondholders is just starting.

    Although most don’t realize it yet, bonds will become a graveyard for capital. They will no longer be the “go-to” savings vehicle because they will no longer be a reliable store-of-value asset.

    I believe the opposite will be true; bonds will become a guaranteed way to lose value. Investors will flee them in droves.

    The implications of that are profound.

    If not bonds, where will people, companies, and nation states park their savings?

    Much of the value stored in the $133 trillion global bond market will move elsewhere—voluntarily to superior store-of-value assets or involuntarily to bankrupt governments and their cronies as they accelerate the largest wealth transfer in history.

    That is the Big Picture reality that most people don’t understand… yet.

    Until recently, bonds had been in a bull market that lasted more than 40 years. Therefore, it’s not surprising that complacency is ingrained and widespread.

    The Big Picture

    In the post-WWII era, Treasuries were a stable foundation for the global bond market as the US dollar reigned supreme as the world’s premier reserve currency.

    However, that foundation has rotted. It is on the path to collapse as the petrodollar system falls apart and a multipolar world order emerges.

    In short, the supply of Treasuries is increasing at an accelerating rate while there’s a shrinking number of suckers (i.e., buyers).

    The inevitable is imminent as the US government can no longer delay or disguise its impending bankruptcy.

    The US federal government has the biggest debt in the history of the world. And it’s continuing to grow at a rapid, unstoppable pace.

    Today, the US federal debt has gone parabolic and is over $32.5 TRILLION.

    To put that in perspective, if you earned $1 a second 24/7/365—about $31 million per year—it would take you over 1,029,860 YEARS to pay off the US federal debt.

    And that’s with the unrealistic assumption that it would stop growing.

    Observation #1: The US government can’t repay its debt. Default is inevitable.

    This isn’t exactly a revelation, but it’s important to remember.

    Therefore, the question is not whether the US government will default but how.

    When faced with a choice, politicians always choose the most expedient option. In this case, that means issuing more debt rather than making tough budget decisions or explicitly defaulting.

    Consider the recent debt ceiling farce, which raised the debt ceiling for the 105th time since 1944 to avoid an explicit default.

    Observation #2: It will not be an explicit default.

    In reality, there is no meaningful limit on the debt and spending.

    Congress is racing towards ever-increasing spending and debt now that they’ve normalized multitrillion-dollar deficits.

    Below is a chart of the Congressional Budget Office’s deficit projections for the next decade. These estimates will almost certainly be too rosy, as they often are.

    Even by the CBO’s optimistic projections, the US government will have a cumulative deficit of over $20 TRILLION for the next ten years that will have to be financed by issuing more Treasuries.

    Observation #3: The debt will continue to grow at an accelerating pace.

    Historically, there has been a vast foreign appetite for Treasuries, but not anymore.

    In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the US government has launched its most aggressive sanctions campaign ever.

    As part of this, the US government seized the Russian central bank’s reserves—the nation’s accumulated savings.

    It was a stunning illustration of the political risk associated with the US dollar and Treasuries. It showed that the US government could seize another sovereign country’s reserves at the flip of a switch.

    In short, the US dollar—and Treasuries—have become weaponized in a way they had not been before.

    In addition to being terrible investments, Treasuries are now clearly political tools for Washington to coerce others.

    There could even soon be “woke sanctions”…

    For example, the US government recently threatened to sanction Uganda over its LGBT policies, which means that countries’ domestic policies may make them targets of US sanctions.

    The rising political risk attached to Treasuries has made them even less attractive as a store of value. Many countries are undoubtedly wondering if the US government will seize their savings if they run afoul with Washington in even the most trivial ways.

    China is one of the largest holders of US Treasuries, and it indeed took note of what is happening. There’s little doubt that this is the reason China continues to dump Treasuries.

    Beijing has sold about 25% of its Treasuries since 2021, an enormous change in such a short period.

    Even US allies, like Japan, have cut their Treasury holdings.

    There are numerous other examples. The bottom line is that it’s clear the world isn’t hungry for US debt right now, at the moment when supply is exploding higher.

    Observation #4: Foreigners are not buying as many Treasuries.

    In the bond market, when demand for a bond falls, the interest rate rises to entice buyers and holders.

    However, it is worth noting that the amount of federal debt is so extreme that even a return of interest rates to their historical average would mean paying an interest expense that would consume more than half of tax revenues. Interest expense would eclipse Social Security and defense spending and become the largest item in the federal budget.

    In short, allowing interest rates to rise high enough to entice natural buyers would bankrupt the US government because of the higher interest costs.

    Observation #5: The US government cannot allow interest rates to rise much further.

    So, if higher interest rates cannot entice more buyers, who will finance these growing multi-trillion dollar budget deficits?

    The only entity capable is the Federal Reserve, which buys Treasuries with dollars it creates out of thin air.

    Observation #6: The Federal Reserve is the only significant buyer of Treasuries stepping up, which means currency debasement.

    Here’s the bottom line.

    The US government can’t pay off its debt.

    They won’t explicitly default.

    They can’t entice a meaningful amount of new Treasury buyers by allowing interest rates to rise much higher.

    Then what can they do?

    Financial repression is their only practical option… and it will devastate bondholders.

    It could all go down soon… and it won’t be pretty.

    It will result in an enormous wealth transfer from savers to the parasitical class—politicians, central bankers, and those connected to them.

    Countless millions throughout history were wiped out financially—or worse—during periods of profound change because they failed to see the correct Big Picture and take appropriate action.

    Don’t be one of them.

    That’s exactly why I just released an urgent new report with all the details, including what you must do to prepare. It’s called, The Most Dangerous Economic Crisis in 100 Years… the Top 3 Strategies You Need Right Now. Click here to download the PDF now.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 21:15

  • 'No Way To Escape Haze': Canadian Wildfire Smoke Pours Into North Florida While African Dust Approaches From South
    ‘No Way To Escape Haze’: Canadian Wildfire Smoke Pours Into North Florida While African Dust Approaches From South

    On Wednesday, smoke from Canadian wildfires drifted down to North Florida, coinciding with Saharan dust approaching South Florida. 

    Mike Boylan of Mike’s Weather Page first pointed this out as “there’s no escape from the haze” for Flordia. 

    “Crazy weather today, Wednesday… especially for Florida. Canadian wildfire smoke has made it south. And African dust has made it west. Both can be seen on AM satellite here,” Boylan tweeted. 

    Jim Cantore of The Weather Channel once called Mike’s Weather Page a “one-stop shop” for the latest tropical updates. Data on the site shows the National Hurricane Center predicts a 20% chance of cyclone formation in the next seven days in the Atlantic Basin. 

    Other tropical activity shows Tropical Storm Don swirling in the Atlantic and expected to remain at tropical-storm strength through the weekend as it approaches the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. 

    In the Central Pacific, Gov. Josh Green declared a state of emergency as Tropical Storm Calvin battered Hawaii’s Big Island. 

    In the Lower 48, an unrelenting heat dome roasts tens of millions of people from California to Florida. 

    The good news is that 5,10,30-year average temperatures for the Lower 48 plateau on a seasonal basis. However, forecasts show average temperatures across the US could rise to as high as 85 degrees Fahrenheit by next Friday, with the possibility of cooler temps into early August. 

    Rather than blaming global warming solely on human activities, like billionaires flying around on private jets and sailing on mega yachts, readers must consider the El Nino weather pattern is a significant contributor to the warm spell gripping the planet. 

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 20:55

  • The Django Syndrome: What The Latest Racist Attacks On Clarence Thomas Say About Our Rage Politics
    The Django Syndrome: What The Latest Racist Attacks On Clarence Thomas Say About Our Rage Politics

    Authored by Jonathan Turley,

    In July 1991, Clarence Thomas, a relatively unknown D.C. Circuit judge, was nominated by President George H.W. Bush to replace Thurgood Marshall on the United States Supreme Court.

    Thomas soon found out that the only thing more perilous than replacing a historical icon on the Court is replacing a liberal with a conservative.

    Thomas would become an icon in his own right for conservatives: an unyielding defender of textualism and conservative jurisprudence. Yet, liberals seem more preoccupied by his race than his rigidity. This week, a leading Democrat, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison unleashed another openly racist attack on Thomas and neither the media nor the political establishment condemned the remarks.

    Ellison condemned Thomas as a house slave working for white people, analogizing him to the vile character “Stephen,” played by Samuel L. Jackson in the film “Django Unchained.” (Jackson himself called Thomas “Uncle Clarence” after the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade). Ellison added that, because he disagreed with Thomas’ conservative opinions, the justice is “illegitimate” and “needs to be impeached.”

    That is, of course, nonsensical from a constitutional standpoint. However, what was most striking is the response to statements. The racist attack from the top lawyer in the state of Minnesota was not condemned by a single democrat.

    Not Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who previously falsely declared that hate speech is not constitutionally protected under the First Amendment and declared himself a champion against bigotry and racist rhetoric.

    Not from senior Senator Amy Klubuchar, who has repeatedly denounced racist tropes and rhetoric of Republicans.

    Not from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who rightfully condemned the comments of Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville on white nationalism but made no comment on a racist attack of Thomas in the same week.

    Not from President Joe Biden, who has repeatedly denounced racial rhetoric and “codes” by Republicans.

    Indeed, the day that Ellison’s comments were being aired nationally, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre went to the press room to denounce Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at length for his statements suggesting that Covid-19 may have been engineered to spare Jewish and Chinese people. Jean-Pierre declared that “it is important that we essentially speak out” when such racist or anti-Semitic comments are made, but then made no mention of the racist attack on Thomas as nothing more than a house slave.

    Thomas knew that being a conservative black jurist would not be easy when he was nominated for the bench. Thomas replaced Robert Bork on the D.C. Circuit. Bork was also savagely attacked when he was nominated for the Court. Indeed, “borked” is now a term of art for destroying nominees in the confirmation process.

    Thomas’ confirmation became a battle royale after Anita Hill accused him of of sexual harassment. What followed was famously described by Thomas as “a high tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas.”

    The attacks on Thomas would never end. His very presence on the Court seemed to disgust liberals who made continual reference to his race. One Democratic legislator on the Georgia Senate floor called him an  “Uncle Tom” who “sold his soul to the slave master.”

    The Smithsonian’s African American museum even skipped over Thomas in its selection of great African Americans at its opening despite being the second African-American appointed to the highest court.

    (His Senate confirmation-hearing accuser, Anita Hill, did make the cut.)

    It was only after a public outcry that the Smithsonian relented to include Thomas.

    The media has been unrelenting in its hostile and one-sided coverage of Thomas. While running gushing pieces heralding the backgrounds of liberal justices, there has been a virtual news blackout on Thomas’ amazing life story, one of the truly most inspirational accounts of overcoming every possible obstacle in life.

    Thomas was born on the Georgia coast in Pin Point, Georgia and grew up speaking Gullah, the creole dialect. He was raised in a one-room shack with dirt floors, no plumbing, and no Dad.  When he was eventually sent to a Catholic school, he had to learn to read and write in English. He overcame segregation and prejudice to eventually go to Holy Cross and then was offered admission to Yale, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania law schools. He would become the chairman of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 1982, a federal appellate judge, and the second African American to join the Court.

    Few of these critics could have walked the path of this man from Pin Point to Capitol Hill. He did so by being his own man — relying on his faith and his intellect to face seemingly insurmountable barriers before him.

    Some 32 years ago, Thomas objected to the treatment of an “uppity black” jurist who thinks for himself. Others have made the case for him. For years, commentators have singled out Thomas for his race among the conservative majority. Now, in the face of yet another raw and racist attacks, the political and media establishment is again silent.

    Ironically, the thing that made Stephen hate Django in the movie was that he would not yield to the demands of the white owners. Django defiantly admitted that he was “that one [black man] in ten thousand.” For the liberal establishment, Thomas was a threat because others might emulate him. That is why other black leaders like Sen. Tim Scott from South Carolina have faced continual racist tropes from the left, including a Maryland Delegate Gabriel Acevero stating that “Tim Scott isn’t naive, he’s cooning” to please white people.

    The bitter irony is that Thomas is the antithesis of the Stephen character. He has always refused to yield to the demands of others on how he should think as a jurist due to his race.

    The attacks are meant to chill others from even considering conservative or libertarian views. Ellison has long valued intimidation as a political weapon. He previously praised the ultra-violent group Antifa as useful to “strike fear in the heart” of Trump and Republicans.

    Of course, Django is all about righteous rage as a license for the most extreme actions.

    That is why Ellison may have had the right movie, but the wrong character. Call it the Django syndrome. When you are “one in ten thousand” who refuses to yield, you become not simply an annoyance but an obsession.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 20:35

  • "Like A Bomb Went Off": Pfizer Plant In North Carolina Destroyed By Tornado
    “Like A Bomb Went Off”: Pfizer Plant In North Carolina Destroyed By Tornado

    Dramatic footage posted on Twitter shows the aftermath of a tornado that ripped through a massive Pfizer pharmaceutical plant in North Carolina on Wednesday, scattering “50,000 pallets of medicine” across the property.

    Pfizer told local media outlet ABC 11 that a twister damaged its Rocky Mount manufacturing space that sits on 250 acres in Eastern North Carolina. 

    “We are assessing the situation to determine the impact on production.

    “Our thoughts are with our colleagues, our patients, and the community as we rebuild from this weather incident,” the company said.

    According to the company’s website, the Rocky Mount plant is “one of the largest sterile injectable facilities in the world.” Here’s a list of medical devices produced at the plant: 

    At this facility, a wide range of products are produced, including anesthesia, analgesia, therapeutics, anti-infectives and neuromuscular blockers. These products are available in small volume presentations, such as ampules, vials and syringes, and large volume presentations, such as IV bags and semi-rigid bottles.

    One Pfizer employee told ABC 11 that the twister wreaked havoc on the facility for 60 to 90 seconds. He said the tornado sounded “like a bomb went off.” 

    Footage of the damaged plant was posted on Twitter.

    There’s no word if products related to sterile injectables will be in short supply.







    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 20:15

  • Bumps Appear In Surfing's Gender Equality Wave
    Bumps Appear In Surfing’s Gender Equality Wave

    Authored by Nicole James via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Feminist surfer Lucy Small has just won a battle in her fight for equality. She has announced that the Kirra Longboard Klassic event now added a women’s division with equal prize money after initially erasing the division.

    A surfer rides a wave as a super blood moon rises above the horizon at Manly Beach in Sydney, Australia, on May 26, 2021. (Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)

    Ms. Small is continuing to have to battle for equality in surf competitions. The fight to surf is becoming increasingly difficult as seen after the open women’s division was dumped from The Kirra Longboard Klassic starting on July 29 on the Gold Coast.

    After being told that the prize pool of $5,500 (US$3,700) could not be split, Ms. Small hijacked the competition by organising for 15 of the 16 spots to be filled by women. She then persuaded the last entry to show solidarity with the girls and give up his spot.

    Her efforts were successful in the recreation of the women’s event even though the director of the Kirra Longboard Klassic, Sean McKeown told the ABC, “The girls are not particularly good. There’s only a few of them in Australia that are really good at high performance.”

    He went on to say, “I don’t think it’ll be quite as good a spectacle.”

    Surf competitions make their money often via the number of people they attract and thus with the heightened hype around this division, the spectacle may be particularly worth watching and thus generate larger crowds than in previous years.

    Steve Del Rosso, the sponsor of the open division, gave his opinion on social media about this attention.

    If I thought or knew this was going to happen, I would not of been any part of it, Lucy. It was never in my intention to have anything like this happen. Or to have this reaction as all I was trying to do was honour an old mate,” he said. “I definitely won’t be sponsoring any more events now. As this was the last thing I needed.”

    Series of Steps

    Ms. Small is no stranger to publicity. After winning the Curly Mal Jam Pro Longboard competition in April 2021, she received $1,500 compared to the male prize of $4,000.

    Ms. Small’s victory speech went viral. She said winning was bittersweet because her performance was worth less than half of her male counterpart. She gained a lot of support after this speech with Global Surf Industries to pay the difference in prize money.

    Yet the battle had just begun.

    Ms. Small submitted a petition to the New South Wales (NSW) parliament calling for gender equality in sports to be enshrined in law as it is in the U.S., who had introduced an “equal pay for equal play” law in 2019. It is now illegal to pay men and women a different amount in Californian athletic events.

    The World Surf League also mandated equal prize money in 2020 at top-level competitions.

    In Australia, local government motions have now been passed in regards to “equal pay for equal play”, and in Victoria, local councils must show equal access to government funding applications for sporting facilities.

    The publicity Ms. Small has created has seen Surfing NSW make it mandatory for affiliated clubs to offer women equal prize money.

    The Surfing Australia 2023 rule book also now states, “In surfing competitions where there is prize money allocated, we require equal prize money and investment for both Women and Men’s surfing divisions.”

    Although in May this year, the equal pay mandate was broken by the Noosa Malibu Club, with the male open division winner receiving $718 and the women’s open division winner receiving $505. This resulted in Surfing Australia issuing the club with a “first and final warning.”

    Ms. Small’s campaigning has been recognised by a nomination at the Australian Surfing Awards.

    While not winning this award, Ms. Small has garnered a support base across a number of sports, including surfing’s Mick Fanning and Stephanie Gilmore, Chloe (AFLW), Alicia Eva (AFLW), Kalindi Commerford (Hockey), Matilda McDonell (netball), and Brandon Jack (AFL).

    Ms. Small is continuing her campaigning for female surfers and their conditions with her recently made film, Yama.

    The documentary offers a view of Ghana’s flourishing surf and skate scene and the conditions under which West African women practice.

    Yama dates are coming soon to Australia. For an update visit

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 19:55

  • US General Mark Milley Claims Ukraine Counter Offensive 'Far From Failure'
    US General Mark Milley Claims Ukraine Counter Offensive ‘Far From Failure’

    It’s becoming increasingly apparent that Ukraine is nothing more than a sacrificial proxy pawn in a global game of chess, with NATO consistently misrepresenting the ongoing collapse of the Ukrainian military’s defensive posture.  The government bombardment of the American public with war propaganda is far more impressive than any bombardment that Ukraine has engaged in the past few weeks.   

    On Tuesday the Washington Post reported that US officials are piling the pressure on Ukraine to make a breakthrough against Russian forces, following weeks of bleak headlines.  At the same time, US General Mark Milley, chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the media that the Ukraine counter offensive was ‘far from failure’ but will be ‘long and bloody.’  

    It is hard to tell if this rhetoric is for the benefit of the American populace or if it is designed to give false optimism to Ukrainians, but the counter-offensive is now officially a month old and NATO backed forces have gained a mere 35 square miles of ground along a massive 930 mile front line.  By every measure of military doctrine, this constitutes a scrapped offensive. 

    Vladimir Putin argued this exact point this week, with Russia looking far less unstable than the western media has been suggesting.  Putin also commented on the US shipments of cluster bomb munitions to Ukraine which he says would force Russia to escalate to the use of similar weapons.

    To look at the situation in Ukraine from a purely strategic perspective outside of political goggles, there is no longer any momentum for NATO efforts in the region.  Any suggestion otherwise is simply disinformation.  In the meantime, Russia can continue to hold the ground it has already gained while preparing for further incursion (if that is their intent).  The US and European population has shown minimal interest in engaging in a ground war with Russia, which leaves only monetary support and weapons support.  Without an influx of new troops, Ukraine will lose.

    It may be time for NATO to accept this inevitability and shift to a diplomatic solution.  Further escalation only draws the world closer to a catastrophic outcome.      

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 19:35

  • Taiwan Says It Detected A Record 16 Chinese Warships Around Island
    Taiwan Says It Detected A Record 16 Chinese Warships Around Island

    Authored by Dave DeCamp via,

    China sent a record number of warships around Taiwan in a single day last week, topping a previous high set when the Chinese military responded to then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the island in August 2022, The South China Morning Post reported.

    The Taiwanese Defense Ministry said that it detected 16 Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) ships operating around Taiwan on Friday, although it’s not clear how close they came to the island. After Pelosi’s visit, the PLA sent 14 vessels around the island for drills that simulated a blockade.

    PLA Navy image

    In April, when Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen met with the current House speaker, Kevin McCarthy, China also conducted large-scale exercises around Taiwan and sent 12 PLA warships to the area.

    Major Chinese military exercises around Taiwan are typically done in response to actions the US takes with respect to Taiwan, and Washington has continued to boost ties with Taipei despite Beijing’s position.

    It’s not clear if there was a single event that sparked the PLA’s decision to send 16 warships around the island.

    Global Times, a Chinese state media outlet, mentioned that the PLA warship activity came as the House passed its version of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, which includes provisions to boost military ties with Taiwan, and after NATO issued a communiqué at its summit in Vilnius that took aim at China.

    Taiwanese media said the record number of Chinese warships came after a few days of steady PLA activity around Taiwan.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 19:15

  • Wheat Prices Soar As Russia Considers Ships Heading To Ukraine As "Carriers Of Military Cargo"
    Wheat Prices Soar As Russia Considers Ships Heading To Ukraine As “Carriers Of Military Cargo”

    Wheat futures jumped Wednesday morning after Russia’s defense ministry released a memo on Telegram indicating all vessels sailing to Ukraine ports in the waters of the Black Sea will be “regarded as potential carriers of military cargo” beginning on Thursday. 

    “In connection with the cessation of the functioning of the Black Sea Grain Initiative and the сlosing of the maritime humanitarian corridor, from 00.00 Moscow time on 20 July 2023, all vessels sailing in the waters of the Black Sea to Ukrainian ports will be regarded as potential carriers of military cargo,” the defense ministry said. 

    The ministry continued: 

    • Accordingly, the countries of such vessels will be considered to be involved in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Kiev regime.

    • In addition, a number of sea areas in the north-western and south-eastern parts of the international waters of the Black Sea have been declared temporarily dangerous for navigation. Corresponding information warnings on the withdrawal of safety guarantees to mariners have been issued in accordance with the established procedure.

    Following the defense ministry’s new warning, coupled with the termination of the Black Sea Grain deal earlier this week, wheat futures in Chicago soared 9% on Wednesday morning in Chicago. 

    Terminating the grain deal will only bring higher food costs and shortages for countries that import agricultural products from Ukraine. 



    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 18:55

  • Shrinkflation: You're Paying More And Getting Less
    Shrinkflation: You’re Paying More And Getting Less

    Authored by Michael Maharrey via,

    We are all keenly aware of price inflation. We notice those rising prices every time we go into a store. But the inflation boogeyman is hitting you even harder than you realize.

    Not only are you paying more for pretty much everything you buy, you’re getting less.


    It’s called shrinkflation.

    Rising prices don’t just hit consumers. In fact, they impact producers first. As the cost of materials, labor and equipment goes up, companies feel the pinch. Eventually, they pass those costs on to their customers.

    But raising prices is bad for business, so sometimes, companies find other ways to cut costs. They shrink packages or simply put less stuff in the same size box. While the price stays the same, you get less product.

    Shrinkflation doesn’t show up in the CPI and consumers often don’t even notice, but the effect is the same as rising prices. You ultimately end up with less stuff. It is ninja inflation.

    “Downsizing is really a sneaky price increase,”  former Massachusetts assistant attorney general Greg Dworsky told NPR during an interview.

    “Consumers tend to be price-conscious. But they’re not net-weight conscious. They can tell instantly if they’re used to paying $2.99 for a carton of orange juice and that goes up to $3.19. But if the orange juice container goes from 64 ounces to 59 ounces, they’re probably not going to notice.” chronicles shrinkflation. Here are some recent examples.

    • Double rolls of Bounty paper towels have shrunk from 98 select-a-size sheets to just 90. Triple rolls were downsized from 147 select-a-size sheets per roll to 135.

    • The standard 92-ounce bottle of Gain detergent is now 88 ounces.

    • A family-size bags of Double Stuf Oreos now have four fewer cookies in each bag. (Did the family shrink?)

    • The 19.4-ounce bottle was downsized to 18 ounces.

    • A package of Sara Lee blueberry bagels was reduced from five to four bagels as the package weight dropped by 3.3 ounces.

    • Green Giant frozen broccoli and cheese sauce packages were reduced from 10.0 oz. to 8.0 oz. with no change in the advertised number of servings per package.

    • Ice cream companies have generally dropped the standard 56-ounce container to 48 ounces.

    • A tube of Crest Detoxify toothpaste dropped from 4.1 ounces to 3.7 ounces.

    • Kettle potato chips switched from 8.5-oz. bags to 7.5-oz. bags.

    • A package of Ortega taco shells dropped from 5.8 ounces to 4.9 ounces.

    We also see shrinkflation in services. Remember full-service gas stations? Now, we pump our own gas, bag our own groceries and manage our own investment portfolios.

    Misplaced Blame

    Consumers often don’t notice shrinkflation, but when they do, they get angry, and they usually direct their anger at the “greedy” corporations who are charging them the same amount of money for less product. But there is another culprit who generally slinks around unnoticed.

    The Federal Reserve.

    Price inflation is a symptom of monetary inflation. As the central bank creates money out of thin air and injects it into the economy, prices generally rise. Economist Murray Rothbard noted that since governments have deemed “paper tickets” and computer digits money, “then the government, as dominant money-supplier, becomes free to create money costlessly and at will. As a result, this ‘inflation’ of the money supply destroys the value of the dollar or pound, drives up prices, cripples economic calculation, and hobbles and seriously damages the workings of the market economy.”

    Companies are merely responding to their own cost problem when they shrink package sizes. If they didn’t, they would have to raise the price. And that would make you mad too!

    When it’s all said and done, you end up paying more and getting less.

    Ron Paul summed it up this way.

    Congress should also restore a sound monetary policy by auditing, then ending, the Fed, as well as by repealing both legal tender laws and capital gains taxes on precious metals and cryptocurrencies. Ending the era of the welfare-warfare state and fiat currency can lead to a transition to a new era of liberty, peace, prosperity — and full bags of Doritos.”

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 18:35

  • Scandal-Plagued Stanford President Resigns After Review Finds 'Significant Flaws' In Studies He Ran
    Scandal-Plagued Stanford President Resigns After Review Finds ‘Significant Flaws’ In Studies He Ran

    The president of Stanford University has resigned after an independent review of his prior research found ‘significant flaws’ in studies he supervised going back decades.

    Marc Tessier-Lavigne announced on Wednesday that he would resign as president of Stanford after the review, conducted by an outside panel of scientists, found that an important 2009 Alzheimer’s study contained “multiple problems,” and “fell below customary standards of scientific rigor and process,” but that it did not include falsified data which Tessier-Lavigne then covered up.

    The panel concluded that the claims, published in February by The Stanford Daily, the campus newspaper, “appear to be mistaken” and that there was no evidence of falsified data or that Dr. Tessier-Lavigne had otherwise engaged in fraud.

    As a result of the review, Dr. Tessier-Lavigne said he would retract a 1999 paper that appeared in the journal Cell and two others that appeared in Science in 2001. Two other papers published in Nature, including the 2009 Alzheimer’s study, would also undergo what was described as comprehensive correction. –NY Times

    Following the Stanford Daily’s initial report about manipulated studies last November, the college’s board formed a special committee, led by former federal prosecutor Carol Lam, to review the claims. The committee then engaged former Illinois federal judge Mark Filip, and his law firm, Kirkland & Ellis, to conduct the review.

    “I expect there may be ongoing discussion about the report and its conclusions, at least in the near term, which could lead to debate about my ability to lead the university into the new academic year,” said Tessier-Lavigne in a statement describing his reasons for resigning.

    The university has named Richard Saller – a professor of European studies, as interim president, effective Sept. 1.

    The panel’s report, which is 89-pages long, was based on more than 50 interviews and a review of more than 50,000 documents which concluded that members of Tessier-Lavigne’s labs engaged in inappropriate manipulation of research data or deficient scientific practices which resulted in significant flaws in five papers which listed Tessier-Lavigne as the lead author, the Times reports.

    The panel found that in many instances, he took insufficient steps to correct mistakes, including the 2009 Alzheimer’s paper after subsequent studies revealed that its key finding was incorrect.

    The accusations had first surfaced years ago on PubPeer, an online crowdsourcing site for publishing and discussing scientific work. But they resurfaced after the student newspaper, The Stanford Daily, published a series of articles questioning the accuracy and honesty of work produced in laboratories overseen by Dr. Tessier-Lavigne.

    The newspaper first reported claims last November that images were manipulated in published papers listing Dr. Tessier-Lavigne as either lead author or co-author.

    In February, the campus newspaper published an article with more serious claims of fraud involving the 2009 paper that Dr. Tessier-Lavigne published while a senior scientist at Genentech. -NY Times

    The panel found that claims by the Stanford Daily that “Genentech had conducted a fraud investigation and made a finding of fraud,” was “mistaken,” and that no such investigation had been conducted.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 18:15

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Today’s News 19th July 2023

  • "Most Of The World Is Tired Of War" – PM Orbán Touts Hungary And Latin America's Pro-Peace Stance At EU-CELAC Summit
    “Most Of The World Is Tired Of War” – PM Orbán Touts Hungary And Latin America’s Pro-Peace Stance At EU-CELAC Summit

    Authored by John Cody via Remix News,

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán took to Facebook on Tuesday to proclaim that Hungary and Latin America both have a pro-peace stance regarding the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and want the war to end as soon as possible.

    “Most of the world is tired of war. Today, we argued for an immediate ceasefire and peace, and this time the leaders of Latin America joined us!” wrote Orbán on Facebook following the meeting of the leaders of the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (EU-CELAC) summit in Brussels. 

    Although Orbán’s pro-peace stance is a minority position in Europe, he has found broad support from nations with a similar outlook toward the war elsewhere in the world, including India, China, and countries in Latin America.

    China, for example, has put forward a peace plan that Hungary has backed.

    Within Latin America, there are a number of nations directly aligned with Russia, including Venezuela and Cuba, but more broadly speaking, there are many more nations skeptical of the Western war effort in Ukraine that have called for an immediate ceasefire.

    Countries like Brazil and Mexico have also refused to back sanctions against Russia, arguing it is not in their economic interest.

    Last year, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador criticized the European Parliament’s nomination of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky for the Nobel Peace Prize.

    “Regardless of whether we support one or the other (contender), how come one of the participants in a military conflict may receive the Nobel Peace Prize?” said the Mexican leader.

    “Are there no others who are fighting for peace? Why not Pope Francis, the head of the UN?”

    This year, Brazilian leader Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said: “It’s necessary that the U.S. stops encouraging the war and talks about peace. It’s necessary that the European Union talks about peace so we can convince Putin and Zelensky that peace is in the interests of everybody and war only serves their two countries.”

    EU, Latin American and Caribbean leaders are using the EU-CELAC conference to meet for the first time in eight years.

    At the top of the agenda are the issues of climate change and free trade, especially the EU-Mercosur free trade deal, which environmental groups have criticized and which Brazil and other Latin American countries have refused to ratify.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 02:00

  • Michigan Charges 16 Elderly 'Fake Electors' With Felonies
    Michigan Charges 16 Elderly ‘Fake Electors’ With Felonies

    The state of Michigan has charged 16 Trump supporters with an average age of 69 in a so-called ‘fake electors’ scheme following the 2020 US presidential election.

    The defendants allegedly met on Dec 14, 2020 in order to sign several official documents certifying that they were the “duly elected and qualified electors for President and Vice President of the United States of America for the State of Michigan,” per Michigan officials.

    Those false documents were then “transmitted to the United States Senate and National Archives in a coordinated effort to award the state’s electoral votes to the candidate of their choosing, in place of the candidates actually elected by the people of Michigan,” according to a statement from officials.

    In total, Trump allies pushed to organize slates of fake electors in seven swing states, whose votes would supplant the original electors’, before members of Congress and then-VP Mike Pence would certify their slates.

    The defendants are each charged with;

    • One count of Conspiracy to Commit Forgery, a 14-year felony,
    • Two counts of Forgery, a 14-year felony,
    • One count of Conspiracy to Commit Uttering and Publishing, a 14-year felony,
    • One count of Uttering and Publishing, a 14-year felony,
    • One count of Conspiracy to Commit Election Law Forgery, a 5-year felony, and,
    • Two counts of Election Law Forgery, a 5-year felony.

    Among those charged was Meshawn Maddock, a Trump ally and former co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party.

    Michigan AG Dana Nessel

    Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel says she’s “prosecuted numerous cases of election law violations throughout my tenure, and it would be malfeasance of the greatest magnitude if my department failed to act here in the face of overwhelming evidence of an organized effort to circumvent the lawfully cast ballots of millions of Michigan voters in a presidential election.”

    The evidence will demonstrate there was no legal authority for the false electors to purport to act as ‘duly elected presidential electors’ and execute the false electoral documents,” her statement continues. “Every serious challenge to the election had been denied, dismissed, or otherwise rejected by the time the false electors convened. There was no legitimate legal avenue or plausible use of such a document or an alternative slate of electors. There was only the desperate effort of these defendants, who we have charged with deliberately attempting to interfere with and overturn our free and fair election process, and along with it, the will of millions of Michigan voters. That the effort failed and democracy prevailed does not erase the crimes of those who enacted the false electors plot.

    And what’s this?

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/19/2023 – 00:05

  • US Finally Cancels Funding To Wuhan Lab
    US Finally Cancels Funding To Wuhan Lab

    The US government has finally pulled funding from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where the Obama administration offshored banned gain-of-function research, including projects to make bat covid more transmissible to humans, before a highly evolved, human-infecting bat coronavirus broke out in the same town and killed millions of people worldwide.

    Then the US put the same guy involved in said research, Peter Daszak, in charge of a highly conflicted lab-leak denial.

    Peter Daszak (L) and Anthony Fauci

    The stated reason for the funding halt? The lab failed to provide documents concerning safety and security measures, according to a memo obtained by Bloomberg.

    The Department of Health and Human Services on Monday notified the WIV of the suspension, and told the lab that it’s looking to cut it off permanently following a review which began last September that concluded that the Wuhan lab isn’t compliant with federal regulations.

    This means that the WIV won’t receive further federal funding.

    Penalizing the lab is the most drastic action the US has taken so far over its failure to share documentation on biosafety practices amid ongoing investigations into Covid-19’s origins. The institute has became become a flashpoint in discussions of how the pandemic, which has killed some 7 million people, started, with some, including FBI Director Christopher Wray, suspecting it could have originated at the facility. -Bloomberg

    In 2014, the NIH awarded EcoHealth Alliance and its president Peter Daszak an grant for “understanding the risk of bat coronavirus emergence.” The WIV received a subaward of that grant.

    The first $666,442 installment of EcoHealth’s $3.7 million NIH grant was paid in June 2014, with similar annual payments through May 2019 under the “Understanding The Risk Of Bat Coronavirus Emergence” project.

    Notably, the WIV “had openly participated in gain-of-function research in partnership with U.S. universities and institutions” for years under the leadership of Dr. Shi ‘Batwoman’ Zhengli, according to the Washington Post‘s Josh Rogin.

    EcoHealth also funneled funds from the US Agency for International Development to the WIV.

    Earlier this year, HHS’s Office of Inspector General conducted an audit that determined that the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance didn’t effectively monitor awards and subawards, limiting their ability to understand the nature of research conducted and identify problem areas.

    The lab won’t be able to conduct any business with US as an agent or representative of others, and its affiliation with any organization that does business with the federal government will also be carefully examined. -Bloomberg

    That said, the Wuhan lab can contest the suspension and proposed disbarment – a relatively rare event. The decision to defund the lab was done independently of the US intelligence community, Bloomberg further reports.

    In June, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a declassified report which identified several safety and security issues at the WIV that could have contributed to a lab leak.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 23:45

  • Top Republicans Jump To Trump's Defense Over Imminent 'Arrest And Indictment'
    Top Republicans Jump To Trump’s Defense Over Imminent ‘Arrest And Indictment’

    (Update 1555ET): Top Republicans have rushed to the defense of former President Trump – their current best hope of defeating Joe Biden in a 2024 match-up.

    Recently President Trump went up in the polls and was actually surpassing President Biden for reelection. So what do they do now? Weaponize government to go after their No. 1 opponent,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told reporters on Tuesday, following Trump’s announcement that her would likely be “indicted and arrested” soon over his alleged role in January 6th.

    “This is not equal justice. They treat people differently and they go after their adversaries,” McCarthy continued.

    House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) also came to Trump’s defense, noting that the news comes as the House Oversight Committee is slated to hear testimony from two IRS whistleblowers who alleged that an investigation into Hunter Biden was stonewalled by prosecutors.

    “Now you see the Biden administration going after President Trump once again, it begs that question — is there a double standard? Is justice being administered equally?” asked Scalise at the House GOP conference presser.

    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) also chimed in, saying that the charges are “ridiculous,” and that special counsel Jack Smith is “weaponizing” the DOJ against Trump.

    “If this is the direction America is going — we are worse than Russia, we are worse than China. We are worse than some of the most corrupt third world countries, and this needs to end,” she said, adding “It’s an absolute lie.”

    Greene also called Smith a “weak little bitch” on Twitter.

    Meanwhile, GOP Reps. Jim Jordan (OH) and Mary Miller (IL) also had words for the Biden administration.

    Joe Biden’s DOJ: Attack the Portland Federal Courthouse? No problem. Intimidate #SCOTUS justices to influence a court decision? No big deal. But if you’re President Trump and do nothing wrong? PROSECUTE. Americans are tired of the double standard!” Jordan tweeted.

    “The DOJ has become a political agency, targeting Joe Biden’s political opponents while covering up Joe Biden’s crimes. The DOJ is attacking our democracy by actively interfering in the 2024 Election,” tweeted Miller.

    *  *  *

    Former President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he expects to be arrested and indicted by special counsel Jack Smith in connection with the January 6th Grand Jury investigation.

    “Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden’s DOJ, sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an Arrest and Indictment,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

    President Biden’s DOJ have cast a wide net in their investigation into President Trump, Biden’s chief rival in the 2024 US election. Trump is expected to travel to Iowa on Tuesday, where he will tape a town hall with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

    Prosecutors in Georgia are conducting a separate investigation into efforts by Trump to reverse his election law in that state, with the top prosecutor in Fulton County signaling that she expects to announce charging decisions in the first several weeks since Sunday. –AP

    While the charges Smith is considering are unknown, several lawyers – ranging from the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6 riot to outsiders writing “model prosecution memos” (per the NYT) have focused on the ‘the attempted corrupt obstruction of an official proceeding’ under Section 1512(c) of Title 18, and conspiracy to defraud the government under Section 371 of Title 18.

    Charges of obstructing an official proceeding (Congress’s session to count electoral college votes and certify Biden’s victory) have been brought against some Jan. 6 rioters. Charges of defrauding the government could get into broader actions before Jan. 6, like the scheme to have Trump supporters pretend to be alternative slates of official electors from contested states. –NYT

    Read Trump’s entire message below (emphasis ours):

    WOW! On Sunday night, while I was with my family, having just arrived from the Turning Point event in Florida, where I won the Straw Poll against all other Republican candidates with 85.7%, with all polls showing me leading in the Republican Primary by very substantial numbers, almost everyone predicting that I will be the Republican Nominee for President, and as I am leading Democrat Joe Biden in the polls by a lot, HORRIFYING NEWS for our Country was given to me by my attorneys.

    Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden’s DOJ, sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an Arrest and Indictment.

    So now, Joe Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, who I turned down for the United States Supreme Court (in retrospect, based on his corrupt and unethical actions, a very wise decision!), together with Joe Biden’s Department of Injustice, have effectively issued a third Indictment and Arrest of Joe Biden’s NUMBER ONE POLITICAL OPPONENT, who is largely dominating him in the race for the Presidency. Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before, or even close. They illegally spied on my Campaign, attacked me with a totally Fake “Dossier” that was funded by Hillary Clinton’s Campaign and the DNC, Impeached me twice (I won!), they failed on the Mueller Witch Hunt (No Collusion!), they failed on the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, the 51 “Intelligence” Agents fraud, the FBI/Twitter files, the DOJ/Facebook censorship, and every other scam imaginable. But on top of all of that, they have now effectively indicted me three times (the DOJ staffed and runs the D.A.’s Office in Manhattan), with a probable fourth coming from Atlanta, where the DOJ are in strict, and possibly illegal, coordination with the District Attorney, whose record on murder and other violent crime is abysmal. THIS WITCH HUNT IS ALL ABOUT ELECTION INTERFERENCE AND A COMPLETE AND TOTAL POLITICAL WEAPONIZATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT! It is a very sad and dark period for our Nation!

    Under the United States Constitution, I have the right to protest an Election that I am fully convinced was Rigged and Stolen, just as the Democrats have done against me in 2016. and many others have done over the ages. But the Democrats have gone much further than has ever happened before – they cheated on the elections. Rather than looking at the CHEATERS, the WEAPONI2ED DOJ AND FBI target and harass those who complain about the cheaters, and the massive fraud that took place. The prosecutor involved in this case, and likewise the Boxes Hoax, the Manhattan and Atlanta District Attorneys, the New York A.G., etc., has been overturned unanimously in the Supreme Court, headed and caused the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, and failed miserably in his prosecution of John Edwards, where the case was forced to be dropped, along with numerous other catastrophes. He has had a vicious but disastrous career, and is a known biased and obsessed Trump Hater (as is his family). Whether it’s their failure to mention the Presidential Records Act (Prosecutorial Misconduct), their dominance of the Manhattan D.A., including the fact that a Hillary Clinton lawyer, Mark Pomerantz, left a top Democrat law firm (run by Chuck Schumer’s brother) to join the D.A.’s Office and become a prosecutor against me, and then quit, against all rules, regulations, and laws when the Office would not prosecute (he wrongfully wrote a book while working at the Office and is now under scrutiny!), or a perfect phone call made to many lawyers and a Secretary of State, without any protestation of my call, because nothing that was said was wrong, (it was clearly a complaint about an election), these are all Hoaxes and Scams made up to stop me from fighting for the American People – BUT I WILL NEVER STOP!

    This has been a neverending fight from the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, many years ago. So interesting that in this case the information was delivered to me on a Sunday night, less than 24 hours after I suggested during a major speech that the Federal Government ASSUME CONTROL of a filthy, unsanitary, neglected, and crimendden Washington. D.C., where murder and violent crime are rampant and people no longer want to go to our Nation’s Capital… and yet. that is where Biden’s DOJ actually wants my trial to take place, all because they think, especially after my strong words of a Federal takeover at the speech, a D.C jury will do whatever they want. VERY UNFAIR!

    As journalist Julie Kelly notes:

    Smith knows this case is small potatoes compared to what he’s about to inflict on Trump and several associates for January 6. It’s very likely Smith will use the “classified docs” prosecution as leverage to seek pretrial detention for Trump when the special counsel indicts Trump for several J6-related offenses, which could include seditious conspiracy.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 23:05

  • How Do Chinese Citizens Feel About Other Countries?
    How Do Chinese Citizens Feel About Other Countries?

    Tensions over Taiwan, the COVID-19 pandemic, trade, and the war in Ukraine have impacted Chinese sentiment towards other countries.

    This visualization by Visual Capitalist’s Avery Koop, uses data from the Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS) at Tsinghua University to rank survey responses from the Chinese public on their attitudes towards countries and regions around the world.

    Chinese Sentiment Towards Other Countries in 2023

    In the Center’s opinion polls, which surveyed a random sample of more than 2,500 Chinese mainland adults in November 2022, Russia came out significantly ahead.

    Just under 60% of respondents held Russia in a favorable view, with 19% seeing the country as “very favorable.” Contrast that to the mere 12% that viewed the U.S. in a positive light.

    Here’s a closer look at the data. The percentages refer to the share of respondents that voted for said category.

    Japan ranked just below the U.S. in terms of overall unfavorability, though a slightly higher share of respondents saw Japan as “very unfavorable” compared to America. This is likely due to both modern tensions in the East China Sea over mutually claimed islands and historical tensions over the Sino-Japanese Wars.

    Chinese sentiment towards India was also unfavorable at just over 50%, though notably the country also received the lowest favorability rating at just 8%.

    Additional Survey Findings

    The survey also found that 39% of Chinese people get their information on international security from Chinese state-run media (mainly through TV), with an additional 19% getting information from government websites and official social accounts. Conversely, only 1.7% get their news from foreign websites and foreign social media, partially due to the Great Firewall.

    When asked about different international security issues, the biggest shares of Chinese citizens ranked the following as their top three:

    1. Pandemics (12.9%)

    2. Disputes over territory and territorial waters (12.9%)

    3. China-U.S. relations (12.0%)

    The pandemic’s high score reflects the harsher impact COVID-19 had on China. Chinese borders were shut for years and the public faced intense measures to reduce spread.

    In terms of other world events, the majority of Chinese people align with a more “Eastern” viewpoint. For example, in regards to the war in Ukraine, the report found that:

    “About 80 percent of the respondents believe the U.S. and Western countries should be held most accountable [for the war], while less than ten percent of the respondents argue that Russia is mainly responsible.”


    Overall, the views of the Chinese public reflect the opposite of those found in many Western countries. They provide an important insight that it is not just the Chinese government holding particular views about the world, but the Chinese public as well.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 23:05

  • Wuhan Lab Leak "So Friggin' Likely" – New Slack Messages Reveal Massive Media Deception By Fauci & 'Scientists'
    Wuhan Lab Leak “So Friggin’ Likely” – New Slack Messages Reveal Massive Media Deception By Fauci & ‘Scientists’

    Even credentialed scientists began to be disciplined by sites like Facebook, which took direction from government health authorities and prohibited statements about the virus being “man-made or manufactured.”

    There was also an impact on the press, especially after the popular site Zero Hedge was removed from Twitter after an article suggesting a scientist in Wuhan was behind the outbreak.

    It later turned out that Farrar referenced the Zero Hedge article in a letter to Fauci not long after the site was suspended.

    *  *  *

    Authored by Matt Taibbi, Leighton Woodhouse, Alex Gutentag, Michael Shellenberger via Racket News (truncated, read the full version at Racket).

    illustration by Daniel Medina

    On February 5th, 2020, as a small group of scientists were crafting a Nature magazine paper that would become the basis of years of reports insisting Covid-19 had natural origins, one of the co-authors, Tulane’s Dr. Robert Garry, wrote in group email:

    Accidental release is a scenario many will not be comfortable with, but cannot be dismissed out of hand.

    As detailed in an explosive Public story today, Garry’s thinking changed suddenly when then-New York Times reporter Donald McNeil asked the next day: “Is there any possibility that it could be from the Wuhan lab?”

    Garry warned McNeil was “credible,” but “like any reporter can be mislead [sic],” cheering colleague Dr. Andrew Rambaut’s scientific version of a non-denial denial as a “good honest response.”

    Last week, House members investigating origins of Covid-19 accidentally released a trove of Slack chats and emails between the authors of Nature’s seminal paper from March 17, 2020, The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2. The Proximal Origin paper delivered a single line that for years helped authorities slam a lid on theories of human intervention in Covid-19: “It is improbable that SARS-CoV-2 emerged through laboratory manipulation.”

    Chats showing Proximal Origins authors saying things like “The truth will never come out (if lab escape is the truth)” were published first by independent researcher Francisco Del Asis of the independent investigatory group DRASTIC, after which the story was picked up by Ryan Grim of The Intercept. From there, health officials did their best to ignore the material — “Many of them remained silent with this revelation,” is how De Asis puts it — almost as if they were waiting for another shoe to drop.

    That other shoe is dropping. Public and Racket last week obtained a full complement of the “Proximal Origins” communications examined by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, revealing a story far worse than previously believed. While today’s Public story details the unprecedented scientific cover-up, the letters and chats examined here at Racket show how health officials and scientists constructed perhaps the most impactful media deception of modern times, exceeding even the WMD fiasco both in scale and brazen intentionality. Because House investigators uncovered such a wealth of material, some of the Proximal Origin communications — which shed light on other Covid-related controversies — will be addressed in a second part of this series later this week. For now, however, the degree to which these communications blow up years of news stories stands out.

    The released communications mainly center around four of the five Proximal Origin authors: the aforementioned Dr. Rambaut of the University of Edinburgh, Tulane’s Dr. Garry, Scripps Research Professor Dr. Kristian Andersen, and University of Sydney Virologist Edward “Eddie” Holmes. There are also email communications with the fifth author, Columbia’s Dr. Ian Lipkin, who is not on the Slack chats but does figure in the story.

    The core four on the Slack chat — Andersen, Garry, Rambaut, and Holmes — never appear far from thoughts about the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and famed scientist Shi Zhengli. Affectionately dubbed “Bat Woman” by Chinese colleagues, Shi received grants to research bat viruses, including a recent one called “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence” in which she partnered with Peter Daszak of the U.S-based EcoHealth Alliance on so-called gain-of-function experimentation.

    At one point, Andersen complains about containment procedures at the WIV, noting, as biosafety expert James Le Duc would write in an email later that year, that the facility was conducting very dangerous experiments as Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3), while the higher BSL-4 would normally be considered necessary. “I’m all for GOF experiments, I think they’re really important,” Andersen writes. “However performing these in BSL-3 (or less) is just completely nuts!”

    Andersen goes on to say he’s “evolved” on the question of gain-of-function research, saying he’s not sure if such knowledge is “actionable,” while “of course being exceptionally dangerous. It only takes one mistake.”

    It later came out that WIV was performing some of its experiments at an even lower level. “Keep in mind that WIV actually performed a lot of their coronavirus work at BSL2, which is what ultimately prompted Ian Lipkin to change his mind,” says DRASTIC founder, referring to comments by Lipkin to McNeil in May of 2021, saying “My view has changed.”

    The core four also repeatedly pored over the problem posed by the “furin cleavage site,” a distinctive feature of the Covid-19 genetic sequence. As is now known to the general public thanks again to the digging of the DRASTIC group, which leaked the material in the fall of 2021, researchers at the University of North Carolina led by Dr. Ralph Baric had sent a proposal to the Pentagon seeking to introduce “human-specific cleavage sites” into bat coronaviruses, for a program called DEFUSE. Baric and Shi had worked together on more than one occasion, and even co-authored a paper in 2015 demonstrating that a coronavirus spike protein can infect human cells.

    In any case, with these and other issues in mind, all five scientists express belief that escape from the Wuhan lab was at least possible, if not probable:

    • Andersen: “The lab escape version of this is so friggin’ likely because they were already doing this work…

    • Garry: “The major hangup I have is the polybasic cleavahe [sic] site… it’s not really a natural process.” Also: “It’s not crackpot to suggest this could have happened given the GoF research we know is happening.” 

    • Lipkin: “[A draft of the paper] does not eliminate the possibility of inadvertent release following adaptation through selection in culture at the institute in Wuhan. Given the scale of the bat CoV research pursued there… we have a nightmare of circumstantial evidence to assess.

    • Holmes (replying to Lipkin): “I agree… Seems to have been pre-adapted for human spread since the get go. It’s the epidemiology that I find most worrying.”

    • Rambaut: “I am quite convinced it has been put there by evolution (whether natural selection or artificial).”

    *  *  *

    As detailed in Public, the Proximal Origin authors who initially discussed lab escape in such a casual manner appeared to have a change of heart after a February 3rd conference call that included the likes of Dr. Anthony Fauci, then-NIH Head Francis Collins, and Dr. Jeremy Farrar of the Wellcome Trust (and now the WHO). Though he was CDC chief at the time, Redfield was excluded. “I should have been invited,” he said, but “I didn’t find out about these phone calls until the Freedom of Information came out,” referencing a FOIA-based report released by Buzzfeed over a year later.

    From that point forward, references by scientists to “lab escape” became less frequent, with some of the Proximal Origin authors claiming to be impressed by various developments, including data sets about mutations in pangolins. However, scientists were clearly more moved by internal politics in correspondence with figures like Farrar, who complained questions about pandemic origin had “gathered considerable momentum not in social media, but increasingly among some scientists, in mainstream media, and among politicians.”

    Anxious to please, Holmes at one point went as far as to say about a draft of the paper, “Jeremy Farrar and Francis Collins are very happy. Works for me.” This feels significant among other things because Andersen testified that when Republicans claimed the Proximal Origins authors “sent a draft to Drs. Fauci and Collins” and that “prior to final publication… the paper was sent to Dr. Fauci for editing and approval,” Andersen said, “These statements are false.”

    Andersen supported the idea of writing the final Nature draft so as not to leave any room for speculation about lab origin. “I believe that publishing something that is open-ended could backfire at this stage,” he wrote, conceding also at another point that “Our main work over the last couple weeks has been focused on trying to disprove any type of lab theory.” On February 8th, Andersen said, “We should all just stay on Slack, that’s what we should do — and not use email.” In a February 12th letter to Nature virology editor Clare Thomas, he went so far as to describe their proposed paper as having been “prompted by Jeremy Farrar, Tony Fauci, and Francis Collins,” only after which did he list the actual authors:

    By February 27, 2020, Andersen told Nature editors the virus “does have natural origin,” and by the next day, Rambaut was referring in Slack to “lab origin conspiracy loons.”

    In one key email early in the process, Andersen complained about attention from the press, saying the “idea of engineering and bioweapon is definitely not going away.” While “there might be a time where we need to tackle that more directly,” he said, “I’ll let the likes of Jeremy and Tony figure out how to do that.”

    *  *  *

    The list of instances in these chats and emails in which the key authorities on Covid’s origins express doubts about theories that would go on to be embraced by officialdom for years is too long to fully catalog here, but for example: the authors seemed unanimous in their assessment that the so-called “wet market” was an unlikely crime scene. “No way the selection could occur in the market,” says Holmes at one point. Garry agrees and says, “Where would you get intense enough transmission… to generate and pass on the furin site insertion?” Rambaut says, “That’s the million dollar question,” and goes on to suggest not “raccoon dogs” or “palm civets,” but ferrets. “I could believe ferrets,” quips Andersen.

    It’s with the publication of The Proximal Origin of SARS CoV-2 on March 17th that the unprecedented campaign of media deception really begins. The primary authorities on the question of whether or not the virus was the result of “laboratory manipulation” now turtled, saying little, while other media figures and politicians on a near-constant basis referred to the paper as the authority on the matter, suppressing questions about the pandemic’s origin.

    The “lab leak theory” became infamous in mainstream circles among other things because Donald Trump seemed to blame China for the mess, using terms like “Kung Flu,” and secondarily because it appeared to implicate a neoliberal hero, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who stepped into the shoes of Robert Mueller as the favored leading man of the mainstream press. Fauci too had votive candles made with his image, enjoyed Nicolle Wallace gushing she was a “Fauci groupie,” and got to watch SNL do regular “Fauci cold opens,” in which the slight bureaucrat was depicted swatting away bras thrown at him by adoring fans, or being asked by morons if girls can get pregnant in the sky. The attention clearly got to Fauci’s head, because he soon began to write his own satirical material, telling Chuck Todd that attacks on him were “attacks on science”:

    *  *  *

    The first major coverage development after the March 17, 2020 publication was subtle. While the Nature team merely said they found no evidence of lab escape, headlines soon flowed suggesting something far more affirmative. “COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin,” declared Science Daily, the same day Proximal Origin was published.

    Moreover, while the Proximal Origin authors could only say lab origin was “improbable,” legacy media outlets soon after began using the report to assert something far stronger that the report explicitly didn’t exactly say. “No, the new coronavirus wasn’t created in a lab, scientists say,” announced the CBC on March 26, 2020.

    Crucially also, fact-checking authorities like Politifact began denouncing the concept as “conspiracy theory” and rating people who suggested the virus was “man-made” using absolute terms like “false” or “debunked.” It wasn’t until over a year later, as federal agencies like the Department of Energy and the FBI began concluding lab origin was at least possible if not likely, that PolitiFact began to correct itself.

    Left: Politifact in May, 2020. Right: Politifact in May, 2021

    Particularly in 2020, scientists all over the world were rebuked, removed from the Internet, and in some cases fired for spreading the “conspiracy theory” that parts of the Covid-19 genetic sequence suggested laboratory origin.

    For a certain type of grant-dependent intellectual, a message was sent not only by the Nature paper published in March, but by an open letter put out weeks before and signed by 27 prominent scientists in the prominent journal Lancet. The message got even louder when Andersen and Garry were two of seven researchers to receive an $8.9 million grant from Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

    *  *  *

    Even credentialed scientists began to be disciplined by sites like Facebook, which took direction from government health authorities and prohibited statements about the virus being “man-made or manufactured.” There was also an impact on the press, especially after the popular site Zero Hedge was removed from Twitter after an article suggesting a scientist in Wuhan was behind the outbreak. It later turned out that Farrar referenced the Zero Hedge article in a letter to Fauci not long after the site was suspended.

    With a few notable exceptions, nearly everyone in the mainstream press community steered clear of any investigation of the possibility of lab origin for Covid-19, for several reasons. One key one was that such theories were coded early on as “right-wing” or even racist. “I was publicly libeled as a racist sinophobe,” says Deigin of DRASTIC, “and of course ridiculed as a crackpot conspiracist by countless virologists and their fanboys.” Prominent figures on channels like MSNBC hammered the idea that “lab leak” was right-wing lunacy, with Nicolle Wallace calling it “one of Trumpworld’s most favorite conspiracy theories,” while Fareed Zakaria in the Washington Post announced, “The far right has now found its own virus conspiracy theory.”

    However, in 2021, both the FBI and the Department of Energy issued reports within government that either pointed toward lab escape or allowed it as a strong possibility. The public was not told of these developments, and instead had to watch in confusion as fact-checking authorities and politicians began reversing themselves on this question, with no obvious reason. In May, 2021, Fauci in particular shocked many when he appeared at, of all places, a “fact-checking conference” sponsored by the Poynter Institute, one of the sponsors of Politifact, and suddenly said he was “not convinced” Covid-19 developed naturally:

    Now, two years later, we’re finding that the authors of the Proximal Origin paper (all of whom refused comment to Racket and Public, by the way, as did Farrar and Collins) were having many of the same thoughts as academics and pundits dismissed for years as crackpots, racists, and traitors. I asked Deigin if he felt vindicated. “I do somewhat,” he said. “The Slack messages confirm what we long suspected.”

    It has to be reiterated that these documents still don’t prove that the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute, or that American scientists were implicated in the episode. What the documents do show, however, is that both scientists and journalists abandoned their traditional mission to keep their minds open and consider all reasonable evidence without fear of political considerations, in favor of a new discipline that openly admitted political factors and sought a “single message” over free-ranging inquiry. The few mainstream journalists who continued to push this story, like Josh Rogin at the Washington Post, should be commended, but as a whole, both the media business and the scientific profession are taking a big hit after the release of these documents.

    “How does the public ever trust science again?” asked Bhattacharya.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 23:00

  • "Work Stoppage As Soon As July 24": Strike Risk Rises As Yellow Punts On More Than $50M In Required Contributions
    “Work Stoppage As Soon As July 24”: Strike Risk Rises As Yellow Punts On More Than $50M In Required Contributions

    By Todd Maiden of FreightWaves

    A delinquency notice was issued Monday showing less-than-truckload carrier Yellow Corp. failed to make required contributions to health and welfare and pension funds for the month of June and that it is planning to withhold payments for July. The two periods total more than $50 million, according to a letter from Central States board of trustees.

    Teamsters at Yellow operating companies YRC Freight and Holland that are covered under plans managed by Central States will be impacted.

    The letter said health care claims incurred after Saturday would not be paid unless employees choose to “remit self-payments.” The company’s participation in the pension plan would be terminated effective Sunday if payment is not made, meaning no further accruals of pension benefits.

    The letter showed Yellow was making the move “to avoid running out of cash.”

    “If in the future Yellow fully pays the required contributions, pension benefits and health coverage will be reinstated retroactive to July 23, 2023,” the letter read.

    A separate letter from John Murphy, co-chair of the Teamsters negotiating committee, to local unions invoked a more dire tone. In the notice he cited language from the collective bargaining agreement, outlining a potential work stoppage.

    “In the event an Employer is delinquent in its health & welfare or pension payments in the manner required by the applicable Supplemental Agreement, the Local Union shall have the right to take whatever action it deems necessary until such delinquent payments are made.”

    The document referenced the union’s requirement to give an employer 72 hours’ notice of a strike authorization. Murphy advised the local unions to send notice to YRC Freight and Holland demanding payment by Friday or risk a work stoppage on or after July 24.

    Yellow previously asked the funds for contribution deferrals for the months of July and August, but the company never indicated whether or not those requests had been approved.

    Roughly half of Yellow’s Teamster employees are covered by Central States.

    Last week, Yellow was granted a covenant waiver from lenders. The company’s lending agreements require it to maintain a level of $200 million in earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization for the prior 12 months. Yellow had generated just $89 million in the fourth and first quarters.

    That filing also showed the company had in excess of $100 million in cash and equivalents as of June 30.

    “Even if these payments are cured, it would significantly reduce the company’s cash balance,” Deutsche Bank analyst Amit Mehrotra told clients in an email late Monday evening. “This is perhaps the most tangible example of why we think it’s more likely than not YELL will go out of business, as we’ve said before.”

    “We are aware of the decision of Central States Health Fund and Pension Funds to decline our request to defer contributions (with interest) for July and August,” a spokesperson with Yellow told FreightWaves. “We regret that the funds have rejected our request.

    “Even today, we remain committed to negotiating a new contract with the IBT [International Brotherhood of Teamsters], which would provide everyone, especially our employees, with a clear path forward. We are not giving up. We will work with all parties involved to come to a speedy resolution.”

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 22:45

  • FAA Prepares US For Flying Taxi Operations By 2028
    FAA Prepares US For Flying Taxi Operations By 2028

    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) published the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Implementation Plan, establishing a framework for nationwide flying taxi operations by 2028. 

    The FAA said the purpose of this Implementation Plan is “limited to those engaging in passenger-carrying or cargo operations with a pilot on board.” AAM is referred to as a transportation system by the agency that moves people and property by air between two points using electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft in both controlled and uncontrolled airspace.

    FAA said “Innovate28” is a joint government and industry initiative allowing AAM operations “at one or more key site locations” by 2028. Those locations have yet to be determined. 

    “This plan shows how all the pieces will come together, allowing the industry to scale with safety as the north star,” Deputy FAA Administrator Katie Thomson said in a statement. 

    The plan is a blueprint for making flying taxi operations “routine and predictable by maximizing the use of existing procedures and infrastructure,” the FAA said. It also addresses how the agency and partners will certify aircraft and pilots, ensure pilot training, manage airspace access, develop infrastructure, and maintain security.

    New eVTOL aircraft are expected to offer capabilities from multi-passenger short-range aircraft to recreational aircraft to cargo aircraft. 

    The FAA notes that each eVTOL will be operated by a “pilot in command” in Class B and C airspace. This means constant contact with air traffic control while complying with Visual Flight Rules and visual meteorological conditions. 

    Here are the highlights of the new plan to ensure flying taxis hit the skies by 2028:


    • Pilots will be able to fly the new advanced mobility aircraft to and from multiple locations at the sites, using predetermined flight schedules with pilots aboard. 
    • Advanced air mobility aircraft likely will operate up to 4,000 feet altitude in urban and metropolitan areas, using existing or modified low altitude visual flight rules (VFR) routes where possible within controlled Class B and C airspace around major airports. 


    • Operators, manufacturers, state and local governments, and other stakeholders will be responsible for planning, developing and enabling heliport/vertiport infrastructure. 
    • Advanced air mobility will initially operate at existing heliports, commercial service airports and general aviation airports. Modifications may be necessary to install charging stations, parking zones and taxiing space.

    Power Grid

    • The electrical power grid may require upgrades to serve advanced air mobility operations. 
    • The FAA has an interagency agreement with the Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Lab to determine how aircraft electrification affects a vertiport, heliport or airport’s electrical grid. 


    • The Department of Homeland Security will determine what type of security is necessary.
    • The TSA and FAA are evaluating the need for expanded cybersecurity requirements due to the use of advanced technology and operational protocols. 


    • The FAA will consider the environmental impacts of advanced air mobility operations, including factors such as noise, air quality, visual disturbances, and disruption to wildlife. 

    Community Engagement

    • The FAA will engage with airports, and local, state, and tribal communities to better understand community concerns about advanced air mobility operations, including noise and mitigations.
    • Many other stakeholders, such as advanced air mobility operators and airport and vertiport operators will have important roles in community engagement

    We gather from the report that eVTOLs will be operating in Class B & C airspace. A pilot’s license will be needed. The airspace under 4,000 feet is about to get a lot crowded by the end of the decade.

    For those pre-ordering flying cars, perhaps now is the time to start researching how to obtain a private pilot’s license. 

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 22:25

  • Jan. 6 Prisoner Takes His Obstruction Charge To The Supreme Court
    Jan. 6 Prisoner Takes His Obstruction Charge To The Supreme Court

    Authored by Patricia Tolson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    In a historic move, a Jan. 6 prisoner has taken his challenge of the infamous obstruction charge, levied against him and hundreds of other Jan. 6 prisoners and defendants, all the way to the Supreme Court.

    The U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, on June 7, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

    On July 7, attorneys for Jan. 6 prisoner Edward Jacob (Jake) Lang filed a document with the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) challenging the government’s obstruction of Congress charge—one of the most common felony charges used against Jan. 6 defendants—which carries a 20-year prison sentence.

    We filed what’s called a writ of certiorari, or a request to the Supreme Court to hear an issue,” Norm Pattis, lead attorney for Mr. Lang, told The Epoch Times. Mr. Pattis explained that the legal team is asking the high court to review the details behind Mr. Lang’s alleged violation of Title 18 U.S. Code Section 1512(c)(2), one of the 11 charges against him, according to court documents (pdf).

    According to the writ, obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times (pdf), “Mr. Lang filed a motion to dismiss the Section 1512 count prior to trial. The District Court granted his motion.”

    However, “on a consolidated interlocutory appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit joined by two similarly situated codefendants, the Court, in a split decision, reversed the District Court. A motion for rehearing was denied.”

    The “question presented for review” is “Whether the Court of Appeals erred in concluding that application of 18 U.S.C. Section 1512(c)(2), a statute crafted to prevent tampering with evidence in ‘official proceedings,’ can be used to prosecute acts of violence against police officers in the context of a public demonstration that turned into a riot, resulting in so ‘breathtaking’ an application of the statute as to run afoul of Van Buren v. United States, 141 S. Ct. 1648 (2021).”

    The document warns the high court that “dozens of convictions” on this same obstruction charge are “headed to this Court,” all arising from Jan. 6, and “Resolution of the question is imperative to prevent the use of this statute to prosecute folks who protested in a good faith belief that their actions were necessary to prevent an election from being stolen, an event tantamount to an internal coup d’état.”

    “Refusal to resolve this question,” the document predicts, “will chill others inclined to petition and assemble for the redress of grievances, for fear that those opposed to their views might prosecute them for possessing a ‘corrupt’ intent.”

    ‘Really Far Afield’

    Obstruction under Section 1512(c) is among the 37 charges for which the federal government indicted the current GOP frontrunner for the 2024 election, Donald Trump (pdf). A favorable ruling by the Supreme Court could have a significant impact on the former president’s legal future as well.

    This is not the first time the obstruction charge has been called into question.

    Politico reported that, during a two-hour hearing on Nov. 19, 2021, U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich argued in the case of Jan. 6 prisoner Guy Reffitt—also charged with hindering communications through physical force, civil disorder, and bringing a firearm onto the grounds (pdf)—that the government’s effort to apply the obstruction charge appeared to run “really far afield” from what Congress intended.

    Mr. Friedrich ultimately allowed the charge to stand.

    On June 7, 2022, U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols granted Mr. Lang’s motion to dismiss (pdf) the obstruction charge.

    It was the third time Mr. Nichols granted a Jan. 6 prisoner’s motion to dismiss. On March 8, 2022, he had granted the motion to dismiss of Jan. 6 prisoner Garret Miller.

    “Upon review of the Defendant’s [Motion to Dismiss], and for the reasons discussed in the Court’s [opinions] in United States v. Miller, it is ordered that the Motion is granted,” Mr. Nichols wrote. “It is further ordered that Count Nine is dismissed without prejudice Superseding Indictment [citations omitted].”

    Mr. Nichols then granted the motion to dismiss of Jan. 6 defendant Joseph Fischer on March 15, 2022.

    Mr. Nichols believes that the statute “must be interpreted” in such a way that “requires that the defendant have taken some action with respect to a document, record, or other object in order to corruptly obstruct, impede or influence an official proceeding.”

    In other words, if someone hasn’t been accused of taking such an action, they cannot be charged with this particular violation.

    In all, federal prosecutors have charged more than 300 Jan. 6 defendants with obstructing congressional proceedings. The obstruction charge has been frequently used by the Justice Department during plea negotiations and as a means to coerce some Jan. 6 protesters into providing information to incriminate fellow protesters.

    ‘Reworking the Penal Code’

    Mr. Pattis and fellow Lang attorney Steven Metcalf are asking the United States Supreme Court to review their client’s case and determine “whether the federal government is misusing the statute designed to prohibit or deter tampering with evidence or evidentiary proceedings” to inflict “extra heavy punishment on those involved in the January 6 events.”

    Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1512 (pdf) provides in part:

    (c) Whoever corruptly –

    (1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or
    conceals a record, document, or
    other object, or attempts to do so,
    with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for
    the use in an official proceeding;
    (2) otherwise obstructs, influences
    or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
    shall be fined under this title or imprisoned
    not more than 20 years, or both.

    “The statute says if you obstruct or impede an official proceeding, by screwing around with records or documents, you’re guilty of a felony,” Mr. Pattis said.

    He added, “Congress amended that to include a second section that says if you interfere with an official proceeding you are guilty as well. That statute has been used to punish Jan. 6 protesters who broke the law by trespassing or, in some cases, engaging in acts of violence against police officers, even when that act was in defense of themselves.”

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 22:05

  • China's Economy Is Facing Its Biggest Challenge In Decades
    China’s Economy Is Facing Its Biggest Challenge In Decades

    Authored by Terri Wu via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    China’s economy is facing its biggest challenge in decades, and the authorities are running out of tools in their toolbox to address the issues, according to experts.

    A worker prepares steel bars on the construction site of the Zhangjinggao Yangtze River Bridge on Mazhou Island in Jingjiang, in China’s eastern Jiangsu province on July 14, 2023. (STRINGER/AFP via Getty Images)

    The country’s latest macroeconomic data point to an economy on the verge of deflation.

    The June consumer price index was flat year on year and down by 0.2 percent compared with May. The producer price index, which reflects wholesale costs, declined by 5.4 percent compared to June 2022, showing a bigger drop than May’s 4.6 percent.

    June’s trade data continued to show a downward trend. The dollar value of China’s exports decreased by over 12 percent year on year, a bigger drop than May’s 7.5 percent. Its imports also declined by nearly 7 percent from June 2022, compared to 4.5 percent in May.

    Gary Jefferson, an economics professor at Brandeis University and a specialist in the Chinese economy, said the troubles facing the world’s second-largest economy are multifaceted, including heavy debts in the property sector and local governments, the weakening of return to investments, low household confidence, and geopolitical tensions with the United States and the European Union.

    And it’s the result of the regime’s policies over the past 30 to 40 years, he said.

    While many have pointed to the massive disruptions brought about by the pandemic and the regime’s zero-COVID policies as the source of China’s current woes, Mr. Jefferson believes that structural issues are likely to blame.

    As evidence of the systematic nature of the problem, it appears that the decline in economic confidence and social confidence are mutually reinforcing,” Mr. Jefferson told The Epoch Times.

    “The reluctance to partner and marry and have children likely results in part from and feeds into the economic downturn. Fewer families augur a decline in the demand for larger or upscaled housing units, further contributing to weakness in the property sector, leading to less demand for land leases and local government revenue.”

    China is grappling with a declining birth rate despite the regime’s dropping its one-child policy in 2016, and allowing families to have up to three children in recent years. Many couples have refused to have more kids citing the high costs involved.

    A Chinese “one-child” policy billboard saying, “Have fewer children, have a better life” greets residents on the main street of Shuangwang, southern China’s Guangxi region on May 25, 2007. (Goh Chai Hin/AFP via Getty Images)

    ‘Deepest Difficulty’ Since 1989

    “The government is really in sort of the deepest difficulty it’s been in, at least since 1989, June 4th,” he added, referring to the Tiananmen Square massacre of Chinese students seeking democratic reforms and the resulting international isolation. After that, China’s economic growth took three years to get back on track.

    While a southern tour by then-Chinese communist leader Deng Xiaoping in 1992 helped reignite economic growth, China is now not in the same situation having significantly developed since then, Mr. Jefferson pointed out.

    With decades of savings by Chinese families and enterprises and abundant investment opportunities, economic recovery is not likely to readily happen, he said, adding that authorities are running out of tools in their toolbox to fix the economy.

    In response to the 2008 global financial crisis, Chinese authorities released an enormous stimulus package— 4 trillion yuan ($586 billion at the time)—that significantly increased government spending on infrastructure, and debt in the property sector and local government.

    Today, the return on physical and human capital investment is low compared to 10 years ago due to the enormous volume of infrastructure investment already undertaken, and the increase in higher education enrollment the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) initiated in 1999, said Mr. Jefferson. China’s youth unemployment rate was over 20 percent in May and June, partly due to the oversupply of college graduates that grew from 1 million to 10 million in two decades.

    In his view, a stimulus would require enormous funding from the central and local governments, which would mean even more debt accumulation—and that’s very problematic. And when people have more money, they may choose to bank it or use it to pay off their debts. Therefore, getting more money into people’s hands may not stimulate spending, he added.

    The professor gave an analogy of a car speeding along a hill and suddenly facing a cliff. “Often when this happened, there’s been a cliff maybe 50 or 100 feet away that the car could land upon and then resume its journey,” he said.

    But in the current circumstances, “more than any other situation in the last 40 years, the distance to the other side of the cliff is substantially greater than that has been, making a safe landing more problematic.”

    A key distinction between China and Western economies, according to Mr. Jefferson, is that Western governments have procedural legitimacy from elections and legislative processes, but the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) legitimacy depends entirely on its economic performance. Because of this, “it makes it very, very difficult for the Party to be able to manage a recession or accept a recession,” he added.

    “It’s a rather difficult, embarrassing situation for the leadership.”

    Shipping containers stack at Zhoushan port in Ningbo, in China’s eastern Zhejiang province, on Apr. 19, 2023. (STR/AFP via Getty Images)

    ‘I Don’t See Hope Now’

    Mike, 27, works at a polymer additives factory in a city in eastern China’s Zhejiang Province, one of the country’s private sector hubs. Mike spoke to The Epoch Times using an alias for fear of CCP reprisals.

    He graduated from college in 2017 with a major in urban underground space engineering. In July 2020, after his two-year contract with a subway project in southern China’s Hunan Province ended, he moved to his current city to join the factory that had just opened. The factory specializes in higher quality products tailored to the overseas market.

    In May 2022, a big Western European company didn’t renew its annual order of 15,000 pounds of products due to the geopolitical tensions between China and Europe, he said. Since then, the factory hasn’t been able to secure any replacement orders to make up for this shortfall. It has now stopped production and is selling its inventories.

    The business, he said, is looking for ways to adjust the product line to cater to the domestic market, but “securing orders will be very difficult” because demand is low.

    Mike’s small factory wasn’t alone. According to him, a nearby auto parts factory has cut 3,000 workers or 30 percent of its workforce. In addition, he said workers at that factory no longer have overtime opportunities, a main source for them to earn above the minimum line to make ends meet.

    When Mike first moved to Zhejiang, he thought his life was going somewhere. So he bought an apartment in the city in October 2020. However, the economy took a downturn and the three-year pandemic lockdowns exhausted many, he said.

    “I don’t see hope now,” he told The Epoch Times. “Everyone is dealing with much stress in life.”

    As a factory supervisor, Mike makes about 9,000 yuan a month, or $1,260. His mortgage is 6,000 yuan, or two-thirds of his monthly income. After paying for all necessities, he could hardly save anything, he said. And he still needs to save for a car. Even though his girlfriend, unlike many Chinese women, doesn’t require Mike to have a car and an apartment to marry, he considers it “a man’s obligation” to achieve those before marriage.

    Mike’s hope is to have some savings to take care of his parents, at least to cover their medical expenses when they get older. He wants a child but would rather wait until he’s financially able to provide the baby with a good life. As to having more than one child now that the one-child policy has ended, Mike said “no” without hesitation. “I wouldn’t be able to afford that!”

    When asked about Chinese state media reports that the economy has been steadily recovering, Mike replied, “That’s propaganda! It’s exactly the opposite of how we feel among the people.”

    As far as my life goes, I’m in a recession,” he added.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 21:25

  • Farmland In California Could Be Underwater For Years
    Farmland In California Could Be Underwater For Years

    A conveyor belt of atmospheric river storms has refilled a once-dormant California lake, putting some of the nation’s most important farmland at risk as it is now underwater. 

    Central California’s Tulare Lake is refilled for the first time in four decades. Jeffrey Mount, a senior fellow at the Water Policy Center of the Public Policy Institute of California, told NBC News it could take at least a year for the water in the lakebed to evaporate.

    “We are still going to have a Tulare Lake next year,” Mount said. 

    An onslaught of snow and rain from dozens of storms that battered California early this year has caused upwards of $5 billion in damage between December 2022 and March 2023, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 

    As cropland remains underwater, there are increasing risks of significant agricultural losses.

    NASA’s Aqua satellite shows the progression of flooding in the Tulare Lake basin over the last several months. 

    “Flooding in the lakebed is likely to continue into 2024, which will affect residents and farmers in the area, as well as some of the most productive cropland in the Central Valley. The lakebed contains farms that produced cotton, tomatoes, dairy, safflower, pistachios, wheat, and almonds,” the space agency said. 

    United States Department of Agriculture meteorologist Brad Rippey told Bussiness Insider earlier this month, “While it’s unclear how deep Tulare Lake is now, if it’s similar to its former average depth of about 30 feet, that would translate to more than one trillion gallons of water that have flooded the region so far this year.” 

    The bad news is that a lot of the nation’s produce is sourced from the Tulare Lake Basin. Any disruption to supply will mean higher produce prices. 

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 21:05

  • House Republicans Reject Democratic Pressure To Disinvite RFK Jr. From Testifying On Censorship
    House Republicans Reject Democratic Pressure To Disinvite RFK Jr. From Testifying On Censorship

    Authored by Ryan Morgan via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Republicans on the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government are moving ahead with plans to hear testimony from Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, after House Democrats and their supporters raised accusations Mr. Kennedy had made anti-Semitic remarks.

    Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., during a SiriusXM Town Hall live broadcast at The Centre Theater in Philadelphia on June 5, 2023. (Lisa Lake/Getty Images for SiriusXM)

    At a July 11 campaign event, Mr. Kennedy described research indicating that the genetic structure of SARS‑CoV‑2 had differing impacts on individuals of different races and ethnicities, including a lesser impact on ethnic Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews. Mr. Kennedy also discussed how bioweapons could potentially be designed with the intent to harm certain ethnic groups over others. The New York Post published an article based on Mr. Kennedy’s remarks, with the headline “RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews.”

    Mr. Kennedy has insisted he was not claiming SARS‑CoV‑2 was deliberately modified to “spare Jews,” as the New York Post put it. The controversy over his remarks comes as he’s scheduled to testify before the House Government Weaponization Subcommittee on July 20, where he will discuss government collusion with big tech companies to censor free speech.

    The Congressional Integrity Project (CIP), an activist group with the stated goal of defending President Joe Biden and Democrats against Republican congressional investigations, sent a letter (pdf) to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) on Sunday, accusing him and other House Republicans of an “antisemitic pattern” of behavior and calling for them to disinvite Mr. Kennedy. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) also issued a statement on Sunday, similarly accusing Mr. Kennedy of repeating a “vile antisemitic trope” and calling for his remarks to be “uniformly condemned.” Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) and Daniel Goldman (D-N.Y.), who sit on the House Government Weaponization Subcommittee, also spoke out against Mr. Kennedy’s remarks.

    Mr. Jordan rebuffed the Democratic pressure campaign to disinvite Mr. Kennedy on Monday. The Republican lawmaker distanced himself from Mr. Kennedy’s remarks about COVID-19 but insisted the House Government Weaponization Subcommittee would still have him on to talk about coordinated efforts between government offices and social media companies to throttle speech.

    I totally disagree with what he said, but he’s a Democrat. I disagree with other things he said, too. But we’re having him because of censorship,” Mr. Jordan told Politico on Monday.

    NTD News reached out to Mr. Jordan for additional comment but did not receive a response by the time this article was published.

    House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), similarly distanced himself from Mr. Kennedy’s remarks, but pushed back on the calls to disinvite the Democratic presidential candidate.

    Mr. McCarthy said, “I disagree with everything [Mr. Kennedy] said,” but contended that the hearing’s focus is censorship. “I don’t think censoring somebody is actually the answer here.”

    What RFK Jr. Said

    In a video clip captured at his July 11 campaign event, Mr. Kennedy said with “COVID-19, there’s an argument that it is ethnically targeted.”

    COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” he added before describing how different ethnic groups have differences in the structure of their ACE2 receptors, which are the receptors that bind with SARS‑CoV‑2 and lead to COVID-19 infections.

    “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,” Mr. Kennedy said. “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact of that. We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons and we [the United States] are developing ethnic bioweapons.”

    In his article titled “RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews,” New York Post wrote that Mr. Kennedy’s remark “echoes well-worn anti-Semitic literature blaming Jews for the emergence and spread of coronavirus which began circulating online shortly after the pandemic broke out, according to The Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at the University of Tel Aviv’s 2021 Antisemitism Worldwide Report.”

    Mr. Kennedy pushed back on the New York Post’s characterization of his comments in a July 15 tweet, saying the Post’s story is mistaken.

    “I have never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews. I accurately pointed out—during an off-the-record conversation—that the U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site is most compatible with Blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews,” Mr. Kennedy wrote. “In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons. I do not believe and never implied that the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered.”

    Mr. Kennedy shared a link to the 2021 study he was describing, which was published on the National Institutes of Health’s PubMed site.

    Kennedy Has Sued Biden Over Censorship

    While Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Biden are both running as Democrats, they’ve demonstrated differing views on a number of issues, including COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates and the war in Ukraine.

    Mr. Kennedy founded the non-profit organization Children’s Health Defense (CHD), which has been critical of COVID-19 vaccines and vaccine mandates. Mr. Kennedy and CHD filed a federal lawsuit in March accusing the Biden administration of working with big tech companies to induce those companies to censor Mr. Kennedy’s constitutionally-protected speech.

    A federal judge just issued a preliminary injunction against the Biden administration in a similar case, finding that a number of plaintiffs were “likely to succeed on the merits in establishing that the Government has used its power to silence the opposition.” That case, which was brought by Republican attorneys general in Louisiana and Missouri, described an instance in January of 2021 in which a White House official flagged a tweet by Mr. Kennedy and sent an email to Twitter officials stating, “Hey folks-Wanted to flag the below tweet and am wondering if we can get moving on the process of having it removed ASAP.”

    Last week, the Biden administration won an appeal from a three-judge panel on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, staying the lower court’s preliminary injunction while the lawsuit proceeds. The two-page appeals court decision did not specify the reasoning for staying the lower court’s injunction. The three judges on the panel were Circuit Judge Carl E. Stewart, an appointee of President Bill Clinton; Circuit Judge James Earl Graves Jr., an appointee of President Barack Obama; and Circuit Judge Andrew Stephen Oldham, an appointee of President Donald Trump.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 20:45

  • Montana State Library Exits National Group Over 'Marxist Lesbian' President
    Montana State Library Exits National Group Over ‘Marxist Lesbian’ President

    The Montana State Library Commission has abandoned the American Library Association because the group’s newly-installed president described herself as a “Marxist Lesbian” in a since-deleted Twitter post. 

    “Our oath of office and resulting duty to the Constitution forbids association with an organization led by a Marxist,” Montana’s commission voted to declare in a letter informing the ALA of its exit. That Marxist, Emily Drabinski took her post this month, after being elected in April 2022. At the time, she celebrated her ascendancy to the helm of the world’s largest and oldest library association with a tweet dripping with socialist buzzwords: 

    “I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is president elect of ALA. I am so excited for what we will do together. Solidarity!

    Emily Drabinski, in a screenshot from a video promoting her ALA candidacy (YouTube) 

    In a 2022 interview, Drabinski told socialist Jacobin magazine, “I believe the way to get people to understand why libraries are important is by engaging people in a struggle for the fair share of the social wage…because we are all suffering from the maldistribution of wealth.” She openly embraced the idea that the ALA is a platform for political reorganization of American society, saying “I think what the ALA could do is teach people to have an organizing conversation.” 

    In 2021, she gave a presentation titled “Teaching the Radical Catalog,” asserting that “when we teach students how to retrieve information, we are also teaching about structures of power and how to navigate them.” That talk was also heavy on gender-spectrum blather. Her own scholarship includes a paper titled “Queering the Catalog: Queer Theory and the Politics of Correction.” 

    Montana’s library commission voted for the ALA exit by a 5-1 margin, following an hour-long public-comment session that was likewise lopsided in opposition to the ALA. Speakers included members of Moms for Liberty, a group that challenges “woke” culture and supports policies that “defend against government overreach and secure parental rights.” 

    “The fact that the ALA is led by a Marxist is absolutely important, because the ALA is using tenets of Marxism and the sexualization and radicalization of children, thus breaking down America’s families,” said one speaker. Another, a Soviet ex-patriate, spoke of the devastation inflicted by Stalinism. 

    Libraries have been a major flash point in the ongoing culture wars, with clashes erupting over the hosting of drag queen story hours for children and the promotion of highly sexualized books for juveniles. 

    Negligently-parented pre-schoolers surround a drag queen at one of the Brooklyn Public Library’s monthly drag queen story hour sessions (CBS58)

    In a lengthy statement, the ALA didn’t address the criticism of electing an activist Marxist to its presidency, instead saying it’s focused on “serving people of all demographic backgrounds and ideologies.” The group also listed various ALA grants that have benefitted Montana libraries. The Montana Library Association issued its own statement saying it “deeply regrets” the Montana State Library Commission’s decision. 

    As the interim chief librarian at City University of New York, Drabinski ran for the ALA presidency on a platform that included “collective organizing for collective power” and a “Green New Deal for libraries,” which she claimed were threatened by floods, hurricanes and wildfires resulting from climate change. 

    While disassociation from a now-Marxist-led organization is laudable, the Montana commission’s reference to their constitutional oath is somewhat off-target. As socialist Jacobin magazine noted, the Constitution doesn’t reference Marxism, having been ratified about 30 years before Marx’s birth.

    Of course, socialism is certainly antithetical to America’s founding ideals: Benjamin Franklin — who founded the country’s first library in Philadelphia — is rolling in his grave.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 20:25

  • Biden Abolishes Popular Tax Break For Many Retirement Savers
    Biden Abolishes Popular Tax Break For Many Retirement Savers

    Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times,

    A popular tax break in the form of being able to make so-called catch-up contributions to 401(k) retirement savings plans is set to vanish for many higher-earning Americans at the end of this year.

    Catch-up contributions refer to a provision in 401(k) plans that allows individuals aged 50 and older to contribute extra money to their retirement savings accounts. The aim of catch-up contributions is to enable older workers to accelerate their retirement savings in the years leading up to their retirement.

    This year, eligible workers aged 50 and older can put an extra $7,500 into their 401(k) accounts, for a total of $30,000.

    But starting next year, changes will limit that eligibility for higher earners.

    Changes to Catch-Up Contributions

    The SECURE 2.0 Act, which cleared Congress late last year and was signed into law by President Joe Biden, changed the rules.

    Specifically, people who earned more than $145,000 the previous year will no longer be able to make catch-up contributions to their 401(k) accounts. Instead, they’ll only be able to funnel those funds into after-tax Roth IRA accounts.

    The significance of this change is that those higher-earning Americans will end up having to pay taxes on their catch-up contributions up front, in years when they’re typically in a higher tax bracket than when they have retired.

    Traditional 401(k) accounts are funded with pretax earnings, and withdrawals are taxed once savers enter retirement. Roth IRA accounts, by contrast, are funded by after-tax dollars, with subsequent withdrawals being tax-free.

    Request for Delay

    A number of employers, retirement plan providers, and others have asked Congress to delay the implementation of the new rule that limits eligibility for 401(k) catch-up contributions for higher earners.

    In a June 29 letter (pdf) to the House Ways and Means Committee, a coalition of more than 100 signatories—including Charles Schwab, the National Association of State Retirement Administrators, and Verizon—has called for a two-year delay in implementing the new Roth IRA catch-up rule.

    The letter cites an inability on the part of many signatories to adapt their systems to ensure that catch-up contributions will be made on a Roth IRA basis for those earning more than $145,000 in the preceding year.

    “Unless transition relief is granted as soon as possible, many retirement plan participants will lose the ability to make catch-up contributions at the end of this year,” the signatories wrote.

    “For many of these plans, unless this requirement is delayed very quickly (i.e., this summer), their only means of compliance will be to eliminate all catch-up contributions for 2024.”

    The reason is that, for the most part, the signatories lack arrangements that coordinate retirement plan recordkeeping with payroll systems (which determine who earned more than $145,000 in the prior year).

    “These circumstances pose a long list of other obstacles including, for many plans, the challenges of adding a Roth feature and communicating that feature to participants, as well as special challenges for state and local governments and collectively bargained plans,” the signatories wrote.

    The call is for Congress to pass legislation to provide a two-year delay to allow employers and plan providers to adapt their systems. However, failing congressional action, the signatories said that the IRS and the Department of the Treasury have the authority to provide the requested relief unilaterally.

    For example, the IRS could announce that it won’t seek any penalties or sanctions for noncompliance with the Roth catch-up rule prior to Jan. 1, 2026.

    The Treasury Department didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment as to whether it’s considering unilateral action to grant a two-year delay, as requested by the groups.

    Other Changes Under SECURE 2.0

    The SECURE 2.0 legislation introduced a number of other changes, as well.

    The legislation changed the age at which people are required to start taking minimum distributions from their retirement accounts. Under the SECURE 2.0 Act, the new minimum distribution age is 73 for those who turn 72 after Dec. 31, 2022, and 75 for those who turn 74 after Dec. 31, 2033.

    However, if someone is already qualified to take their first distribution by April 1, 2023, these changes won’t affect them. The act also reduced the penalty for not taking the required distribution to 25 percent from 50 percent, starting Dec. 29, 2022.

    The SECURE 2.0 Act also permits employers to count qualified student loan repayments as employee contributions to retirement plans, even if the employee isn’t making regular contributions. This allows employers to match these repayments with contributions to the retirement plan.

    Under the SECURE 2.0 Act, individuals can now withdraw up to $1,000 from their retirement accounts for unforeseeable and immediate personal emergency expenses. The plan administrator relies on the employee’s certification that the emergency meets the required criteria for the withdrawal.

    Another change is that, starting in 2025, part-time employees will be able to participate in workplace retirement plans sooner. Previously, they had to work at least 500 hours for three consecutive years in order to be eligible; now they need to work only 500 hours for two consecutive years to qualify.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 20:05

  • Beginning Of CRE Firesale? Baltimore Office Tower Dumped At 63% Discount
    Beginning Of CRE Firesale? Baltimore Office Tower Dumped At 63% Discount

    Following the failures of several regional banks earlier this year, we’ve been closely monitoring the commercial real estate (CRE) sector, noticing increasing risks in the office space market. CRE lending standards have tightened considerably in response to the Federal Reserve’s aggressive interest rate hikes over the past sixteen months to combat inflation. Furthermore, depressed office-badge swipes and other occupancy metrics indicate a downshift in demand for office space.

    The latest alarm bell of sliding CRE prices in downtown areas across major US cities is the sale of an office tower at One South Street in downtown Baltimore. The 30-story building was sold in June for $24 million, a 63.6% discount versus the tower’s 2015 sale of $66 million, according to The Baltimore Sun

    Opened in 1992, the tower has 479,000 square feet and is the first sale of its kind in the post-pandemic era. The Sun confirmed that Virginia-based American Real Estate Partners sold the building in a short sale to New York-based BHN Associates. 

    “Occupancy drives value and many buildings downtown are struggling to maintain that occupancy,” said Terri Harrington, a commercial real estate broker. The latest firesale could indicate more panic selling is ahead. 

    Some argue remote or hybrid work has forced a downward shift in office demand — but that’s not entirely the case, well, not at least in crime-ridden Baltimore. The depressed office building demand is a vote of confidence that Democrats in City Hall have failed to enforce law and order as progressive policies backfire. 

    According to Luis Quintero, an economics professor at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, if office space goes vacant and property values plunge, the city could see a massive reduction in property and income tax revenue. 

    Several high-profile tenants have already left downtown Baltimore, including T. Rowe Price and Pandora.

    Harrington warned this could be the start of firesales across other towers in the downtown area: 

    “I also believe you are going to see other buildings in the same boat.”

    None of this should surprise readers because we’ve already penned a note titled “Entire Downtown Is Effectively Dead:” Baltimore City Descends Further Into Turmoil. 

    Don’t blame remote work for the collapse of Baltimore — blame Democrats and six decades of terrible policies that have transformed the once-thriving metro area into a ‘rat-infested hellhole.’

    As for office building values in other metro areas, Goldman recently told clients to expect a 25% drop

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 19:45

  • Some EVs Are "Dirtier" Than Conventional Vehicles; New Study Finds
    Some EVs Are “Dirtier” Than Conventional Vehicles; New Study Finds

    Authored by Alex Kimani via,

    • A new study from the Manhattan Institute concluded that certain EVs emit more greenhouse gas emissions over their lifetime than certain ICE vehicles.

    • According to the report, the possibilities of GHG emissions for EVs is much wider than for ICEs.

    • In base case scenarios, EVs start off as having more emissions mainly due to the energy intensity of the EV and battery metals used in their manufacture but eventually catch up to ICEs around the 60,000 driven miles mark.

    Electric vehicle skeptics have frequently argued that the manufacturing and disposal of battery-electric vehicles like Teslas as well as reliance on coal to generate the electricity that powers them leaves EVs with a larger carbon footprint than nonelectric vehicles. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of studies that have tried to approve or disapprove this notion. But finally, the Manhattan Institute has compiled a comprehensive report that compares lifetime greenhouse gas emissions of EVs vs. ICEs by looking at dozens of parameters and data points.

    According to the report, the possibilities of GHG emissions for EVs is much wider than for ICEs mainly due to the much wider variances in upstream (mining+ manufacturing) emissions by EVs. The differences are such that the dirtiest EVs can have more than double the emissions of the cleanest internal combustion engines.

    Source: Manhattan Institute

    However, you will note that in base-case scenarios, EVs start off as having more emissions mainly due to the energy intensity of the EV and battery metals used in their manufacture but eventually catch up to EVs around the 60,000 driven miles mark.

    Several universities and trade organizations have previously conducted life cycle analyses that compare the amount of greenhouse gasses created from the production, use and disposal of a B.E.V. vs. gasoline-powered vehicles of comparable size.

    Vehicle emissions are divided into two general categories: air pollutants, which contribute to health problems and greenhouse gasses (GHGs), such as carbon dioxide and methane. Both categories of emissions are frequently evaluated on a tailpipe basis, a well-to-wheel basis, and a cradle-to-grave basis. Well-to-wheel emissions are emissions related to fuel production, processing, distribution and use while cradle-to-grave emissions include well-to-wheel emissions as well as vehicle-cycle emissions associated with vehicle and battery manufacturing, recycling, and disposal.

    The good news: whereas these studies have arrived at varying emission figures, they have invariably found that the greenhouse-gas emission difference caused by the carbon-intensive production of BEVs vs. ICE vehicles is virtually erased in the first few years of an EVs life. 

    In one such study conducted by the University of Michigan, it takes 1.4 to 1.5 years for EV sedans to erase the pollution advantage of ICE vehicles due to the manufacturing process; 1.6 to 1.9 years for S.U.V.s and about 1.6 years for pickup trucks. These numbers are based on the average number of vehicle miles driven in the United States. 

    According to the study, on average, emissions from B.E.V. sedans are ~35% of the emissions from an internal-combustion sedan; electric S.U.V.s produce ~37% of the emissions of a gasoline-powered vehicle while B.E.V. pickups create ~34% of the emissions of an internal combustion model. All-electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs, which operate as EVs for limited distances), produce lower tailpipe emissions than ICE vehicles, and zero tailpipe emissions when they run only on electricity. 

    Electricity Generation

    Even though all-electric vehicles as well as PHEVs running only on electricity produce zero tailpipe emissions, electricity production may generate emissions depending on how the electricity is generated. 

    According to Greg Keoleian, director of the Center for Sustainable Systems at the University of Michigan, 78 of the 3,143 counties in the United States actually have more emissions from electric sedans than from internal combustion vehicles because they generate most of their electricity by burning coal.

    But overall, electric vehicles are much kinder on the environment than ICEs. 

    According to the U.S. Department Of Energy, the average all-electric vehicle in the U.S. produces 2,817 pounds of CO2 equivalent per year; plug-in hybrids emit 4,824 pounds of CO2 equivalent, hybrid vehicles generate 6,898 pounds while gasoline-powered vehicles produce 12,594 pounds of CO2 equivalent per year. 

    Source: U.S. Department Of Energy

    Direct Lithium Extraction

    The Manhattan Institute report points at the high upstream emissions of EVs as a key reason why EVs could end up doing more harm to the environment. But an upcoming technology could rapidly improve the score for EVs: direct lithium extraction.

    Over the past few years, the lithium markets exploded as the electrification drive went into overdrive. EV makers like Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) have been scrambling to secure supplies amid rapid EV growth and tight lithium supplies, sending lithium carbonate prices up more than six-fold and spodumene up nearly tenfold in the space of a few years. 

    But a new lithium extraction technology could change the lithium industry forever and significantly increase the supply of lithium from brine projects, much like shale technology did for oil.

    A fleet of direct lithium extraction (DLE) technologies are getting ready to tap salty brine deposits across North America, Europe, Asia and elsewhere, with the U.S. Geological Survey estimating the technology could unlock 70% of global reserves of the metal. Whereas DLE technologies vary, they are generally comparable to common household water softeners, and aim to extract ~90% of lithium in brine water vs. 50% using conventional ponds. 

    Their biggest draw:  they can supply lithium for EV batteries literally in a matter of hours or days, way faster than 12-18 months needed to be filtered through in order to be able to extract lithium carbonate from water-intensive evaporation ponds and open-pit mines.

    DLE also comes with the added bonus of offering ESG/sustainability benefits: DLE technologies are portable, able to recycle much of their fresh water and limit hydrochloric acid use.

    The world needs abundant, low-cost lithium to have an energy transition, and DLE has the potential to meet that goal,” Ken Hoffman, co-head of the EV Battery Materials Research group at McKinsey & Co., has told Reuters.

    The industry is so close to a major leap forward,” John Burba, who helped invent a prominent DLE technology and is IBAT’s executive chairman, has told Reuters.

    The DLE industry is expected to grow to more than $10 billion in annual revenue within the next decade.

    Source: Morgan Stanley

    Commercial scale DLE projects are expected to start coming online in 2025, and could supply 13% of global lithium supply by 2030, as per projections by Fastmarkets.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 19:25

  • Israeli Fighter Pilots, Commandos Threaten To Resign If Judicial Reform Proceeds
    Israeli Fighter Pilots, Commandos Threaten To Resign If Judicial Reform Proceeds

    More than a thousand Israeli military reservists have threatened to stop reporting for duty — or resign altogether — if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government proceeds with a plan to overhaul the country’s judicial system this month. Among those threatening to withhold their service are hundreds of elite fighter pilots and commandos. 

    Given reservists are an essential part of Israel’s military, and especially its air force, the country’s military leaders say such a mass walkout could have a significant impact on the country’s military operational capacity. They also fear a scenario where activism by reservists could inspire absenteeism among the country’s full-time service members. 

    Israeli reservists and veterans are among those protesting planned judicial reforms (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90 via +972 Magazine)

    In a letter sent to the commander of Sayeret Matkal, a highly secretive commando unit, more than 300 reservists declared:  

    “In the face of recent legislative procedures that the government is advancing…while completely ignoring that this legislation is destroying the shared basis of Israeli society and tearing apart the nation, our conscience does not permit us to stand aside.”

    Other reservists are drafting group resignation letters with the intent of submitting them in the coming days, reports The New York Times. In contrast to American reservists, who typically drill for just a weekend a month and two weeks in the summer, Israeli pilots are required to participate in multiple training exercises per month, and routinely participate in warfare.  

    The threat of a weakening of Israeli’s military capacity comes during a year of heightened hostilities, with the Israeli Defense Forces targeting adversaries in the occupied West Bank, the Gaza Strip, southern Lebanon and Syria. 

    Political turmoil has steadily boiled across Israel since Netanyahu re-ascended to the prime minister’s office by assembling a ruling coalition that is dominated to an unprecedented extent by ultra-nationalist and religious extremists. Inside Israel, the most controversial item on the government’s agenda is a scheme to overhaul the country’s judicial system. 

    This enormous protest against proposed judicial reforms took place in Tel Aviv in March (Tomer Appelbaum via Haaretz)  

    Over much of the year, the country has witnessed massive protests against the plan. In March, Netanyahu bowed to the pressure and put the legislative initiative on pause, saying, “When there’s an option to avoid civil war through dialogue, I take a time-out for dialogue.”

    Now, however, seeking to more incrementally effect change, the ruling coalition is pushing to enact a law by month’s end that would remove the supreme court’s ability to block government action or policy via an evaluation of its “reasonableness a standard that Netanyahu and allies say is so flexible that it gives the high court undue power. 

    Netanyahu pushed back against the newest wave of resistance to the judicial reform, saying concerns over negating the reasonableness standard are “removed from reality and intended to scare people over nothing.” He also admonished service members threatening not to show up for duty, saying, “In a democracy, the military is subordinate to the elected government and not the opposite.”

    However, 63-year-old Gal Nufar, a colonel in an airborne unit, tells the Journal, “Originally I thought doing something like this would be really like betraying the army. But over the past months, I see that they are bringing us to the point that I’m most fearful of…a regime coup that won’t allow for any balance or any checks on the government.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 19:05

  • RFK Jr. And The Tantalizing Echoes Of 1968
    RFK Jr. And The Tantalizing Echoes Of 1968

    Authored by Frank Miele via RealClear Wire,

    It is awkward but necessary to draw comparisons between Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign for president today with the 1968 Democratic campaign in which his own father was slain.

    But it is not Sen. Kennedy to whom we should be comparing RFK Jr., but rather Sen. Eugene McCarthy, the quixotic anti-war candidate who was able to expose the vulnerability of President Lyndon Johnson.

    President Biden’s handlers may be acting as though they don’t consider RFK Jr. a credible threat, but that’s exactly what it is – acting. They know that their octogenarian candidate has dangerously low favorability numbers, an arrogance perhaps not seen in Washington since LBJ retired to his Texas ranch, and as many putative supporters in his party as Julius Caesar had assassins.

    Meanwhile, Kennedy comes from a beloved political family, yet at the same time is a fierce outsider. That is a combination rarely seen in a candidate and gives him at least the potential to achieve enough success to demonstrate to Democrat donors and primary voters that Biden is the emperor with no clothes.

    So far, Kennedy has barely edged into the low 20s in polling, and currently he lags even lower in the RealClearPolitics average. But it’s still early. At this point in 1968, LBJ seemed untouchable to the establishment media and the political class. Gene McCarthy, however, recognized that the nation was at a tipping point. And though he failed to capitalize, his campaign was the beginning of a new era of grassroots politics.

    As described by PBS in an article for “The American Experience”:

    He didn’t win the White House. He didn’t even win his own party’s nomination. But in 1968 Eugene McCarthy revealed major divisions among Democrats, changing the political landscape in a way few American politicians ever have.

    McCarthy was an unlikely national candidate. An aloof intellectual from Minnesota, he reluctantly challenged LBJ mainly over Vietnam. But McCarthy also represented a much more radical approach to politics than the Democratic establishment at the time. McCarthy’s platform included a smorgasbord of liberal policies, some of which have since been accomplished and some of which are still being sought: guaranteed jobs, guaranteed minimum income, a federally subsidized health insurance program, affirmative action in education (although based on poverty, not race), and guaranteed quality housing.

    What made McCarthy a viable candidate wasn’t his domestic agenda, however; it was his promise to end the unpopular war in Vietnam, which had already cost nearly 20,000 American lives by the time McCarthy announced his candidacy. And at a philosophical level, McCarthy was boosted by his pledge to unite the country at a time when riots and protests were televised on the nightly news with regularity:

    The role of the presidency – at all times, but particularly in 1968 – must be one of uniting this nation, not by adding it up in some way, not by putting it together as a kind of jigsaw puzzle. To unify this nation means to inspire it, to encourage the development of common purposes and shared ideals, and to move toward establishing an order of justice in America.

    It is widely agreed that the divisiveness of America in 1968 was as great as at any time since the Civil War. Confidence in the institutions of government was at an all-time low, partly as a result of doubts surrounding the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and RFK Jr.’s uncle and President John F. Kennedy’s killing five years earlier. And partly because of the war itself.

    These two great themes – polarization and war – are at the center of RFK Jr.’s campaign. As in 1968, we are seeing an unbridgeable gap between those who trust the institutions of government and those who don’t. Much of that doubt has been brought about by the government’s heavy-handed response to the COVID pandemic, including the mask mandates, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates. Kennedy Jr. has cornered the market among Democrats who still treasure civil rights and fear an oppressive government.

    Our administration will make it a top priority to protect and restore the fundamental civil liberties, enshrined in the Bill of Rights, that hold the essence of what America can be. These liberties have endured constant assault for over twenty years, starting with the Bush/Cheney War on Terror, and accelerating in the era of COVID lockdowns.

    But it should not be discounted that, just as in 1968, we are also fighting an increasingly unpopular war, not with our soldiers but with our national treasure, and as the Biden administration sends billions of dollars to Ukraine with no end in sight, RFK promises to put an end to that spending, and much more:

    As president, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will start the process of unwinding empire. We will bring the troops home. We will stop racking up unpayable debt to fight one war after another. The military will return to its proper role of defending our country. We will end the proxy wars, bombing campaigns, covert operations, coups, paramilitaries, and everything else that has become so normal most people don’t know it’s happening. But it is happening, a constant drain on our strength. It’s time to come home and restore this country.

    As for Ukraine itself, Kennedy said he “will find a diplomatic solution that brings peace … and brings our resources back where they belong. We will offer to withdraw our troops and nuclear-capable missiles from Russia’s borders. Russia will withdraw its troops from Ukraine and guarantee its freedom and independence.”

    Kennedy, like McCarthy, has also made uniting the country one of his primary goals. His campaign website states:

    America is more polarized and divided now than at any time in living memory. Both sides seem to agree that the basic problem is the horrible people on the other side. Both sides are wrong. The basic problem is the division itself. A divided public lacks the strength to resist exploitation or to overcome the inertia of the status quo. The classic American can-do spirit exhausts itself in endless battles. So let’s heal the divide.

    Like McCarthy, RFK Jr. is given no chance to win the nomination, but also like his predecessor, Kennedy has the capacity to be the unexpected giant-slayer. Should RFK Jr. break 30% percent in New Hampshire, where he has a natural constituency, Biden’s handlers may panic.

    Biden’s dirty little secret is that he doesn’t even have much of a reelection campaign. As Politico reported, “The president has hired fewer than 20 campaign aides. His team hasn’t yet announced a 2024 headquarters. His first political rally this year was paid for by other organizations.”

    This has some in Biden’s camp nervous, but only in regard to an anticipated rematch with Donald Trump. But the real Achilles’ heel of the Biden campaign is that it is overlooking RFK Jr.’s potential impact.

    Although Biden was able to muscle the Democratic Party into accepting his revised schedule of primary and caucus states, he may live to rue the day he tried to jimmy the system. The goal was to put South Carolina’s primary ahead of New Hampshire and Iowa because Biden owed his 2020 nomination victory to South Carolina dealing a death blow to most of his serious opponents.

    The logic of 2023 suggested that it would be a good thing for Biden to start off with a healthy win, but New Hampshire refuses to play second fiddle. Despite being threatened by the Democratic National Committee with losing their delegates, the state’s officials intend to leapfrog ahead of South Carolina to stay first in the nation. At least one writer has speculated that this will force Biden to stay off the ballot in New Hampshire, providing a huge window of opportunity for Kennedy and the other second-tier candidate, Marianne Williamson.

    Either way, RFK Jr., like Gene McCarthy did, is pinning his hopes on New Hampshire. Kennedy grew up in neighboring Massachusetts, and his family’s mystique is still strong throughout the region. With six months left to campaign before the January primary, Kennedy has plenty of time to energize his voters, but with this caveat: If Kennedy peaks too early, he will invite other ambitious Democrats to enter the race against Biden just as Sen. Bobby Kennedy jumped into the race against LBJ four days after McCarthy came in a close second in New Hampshire in 1968.

    RFK Jr. is walking a tightrope. Unlike the process when his father ran, which was largely governed by party bosses, the filing deadlines for most states and caucuses would severely restrict ballot access for latecomers. Should Kennedy manage to surge in the week or two just before the New Hampshire primary, he might have the field to himself to challenge Biden the rest of the way.

    And even if RFK Jr. falls short in the Democratic primary, he may not be entirely out of the picture in presidential politics. There has been speculation that Donald Trump is considering asking the Democratic gadfly to join him in a unity ticket. Although Kennedy has tweeted that “under no circumstances” would he run with Trump, it might be an opportunity he could not resist should he fall short in the Democratic race. He also could be tempted by a third party run on either the Green Party ticket or the new No Labels ticket.

    In other words, don’t count him out.

    Frank Miele, the retired editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell, Mont., is a columnist for RealClearPolitics. His newest book, “What Matters Most: God, Country, Family and Friends,” is available from his Amazon author page. Visit him at or follow him on Facebook @HeartlandDiaryUSA or on Twitter or Gettr @HeartlandDiary.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 18:45

  • China's Evergrande Reports $113 Billion Loss Over Two Years
    China’s Evergrande Reports $113 Billion Loss Over Two Years

    Two years after it was halted, left for dead, and effectively bankrupted in a controlled demolition, China’s one-time property giant, Evergrande, reported long-delayed results and boy were they a whopper: they showed that in 2021 and 2022, the company generated mindblowing losses of $113 billion, on $340 billion in liabilities.

    The losses – The company’s first since its 2009 listing, and a sharp reversal from the 8 billion yuan profit in 2020 – showed “the existence of material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern”, Evergrande said in a stock exchange filing, which of course is irrelevant since much of the defaulted company’s capital structure has been in some state of restructuring ever since 2021.

    Once China’s largest real estate company, Evergrande was the match that lit China’s property crisis in 2021 when it was found to be drowning in more than $300 billion in liabilities, sparking a nationwide property crisis that had global ramifications and sent the world’s largest asset class (according to Goldman) reeling and plunging China’s economy into a brutal slowdown from which it has been unable to recover to this day.

    Trading in the company’s Hong Kong-listed shares has been suspended since March 2022.

    Back then, Evergrande said that it would not be able to publish its 2021 audited results within the timeframe required by Hong Kong’s listing rules, blaming the delay on “a large number of additional audit procedures” and the Covid-19 pandemic.

    The company said on Monday it had suffered a net loss of 686.22 billion yuan in 2021 and 125.81 billion yuan in 2022, in long-delayed Hong Kong stock exchange filings that could bring Evergrande closer to a resumption of trading.

    Evergrande saw its sales plummet during the crisis: according to Bloomberg, revenue plunged by half in 2021 to about 250 billion yuan, before falling further last year to 230 billion yuan, missing the average estimate of six analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.

    The developer’s debt pile meanwhile continued to balloon, with total liabilities reaching 2.58 trillion yuan at the end of 2021, or almost $360 billion, on soaring undelivered projects. That figure fell slightly to 2.44 trillion yuan as of December last year.

    The biggest liabilities last year were from trade and other payables, which stood at around 1 trillion yuan as of December. Current borrowings fell slightly from a year earlier to 587 billion yuan.

    “The results are not encouraging at all,” said Ting Meng, a senior credit strategist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group. While not a game changer, they confirm how the company has been in deep distress and struggling with operations and repayments, Meng said.

    Still, Evergrande could be closer to resuming trading of its shares after reporting the delayed statements. Trading of the shares was suspended since March 2022, risking a delisting if there’s no resumption within 18 months.

    “Evergrande’s successful publication would help to avert a forced delisting and advance the company’s debt restructuring,” said Leonard Law, senior credit analyst with Lucror Analytics Pte. “That said, the results do not really matter ultimately, as we believe the business is already broken.”

    The defaulted real estate giant asked to convene meetings for offshore creditors to approve its credit overhaul plan, after reporting long-delayed financial statements for 2021 and 2022. Court hearings are scheduled to take place next week, exchange filings showed late Monday.

    “There’s potential for approval of its debt-restructuring plan,” said Bloomberg Intelligence analysts Daniel Fan and Adrian Sim. “China Evergrande might act fast to avoid possible breakdown due to offshore litigation for its defaults.”

    Others remain unconvinced that the shares can resume trading after Evergrande’s auditor, Prism, said it was unable to obtain sufficient audit evidence to give an opinion on the statements. It remains “highly uncertain” given that the auditor signaled skepticism over the company’s ability to continue as a going concern, said Zerlina Zeng, senior credit analyst at CreditSights, Bloomberg reported.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/18/2023 – 18:25

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Today’s News 18th July 2023

  • Hong Kong Offers $1M Bounties For Dissidents Abroad
    Hong Kong Offers $1M Bounties For Dissidents Abroad

    Authored by Frances Hui via RealClear Wire,

    The government of Hong Kong is offering a bounty of up to $1 million to anyone who can help find eight activists who fled to other countries and continue to fight against its authoritarian government. 

    I am not one of the eight, but all of us who fight for democracy in Hong Kong are in danger from a Chinese government that is chasing us for showing that it has broken its promises to keep Hong Kong a vibrant and free city-state. 

    I became an activist for democracy in Hong Kong at the age of 14, when I started participating in pro-democracy marches – hardly a radical thing to do. But eventually, when I was 21, I realized I had to leave Hong Kong, knowing that I would be arrested under the newly imposed National Security Law and face charges up to life in prison. Most of the friends I made throughout my activism have either fled or languish in jail. 

    But leaving doesn’t solve the problem. The government of Hong Kong, directed by China, has sent people to harass us. The eight who are targeted are living in the U.K., the U.S., or Australia. Now, with the bounties, there will be more reason for people to stalk us. And I don’t see any evidence that the democracies that have provided refuge realize how serious this is. Instead of taking steps to hold China accountable, they are trying to create warmer relations. 

    Four years ago, I was harassed and followed by Chinese spies in Boston, where I organized rallies in support of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement. Although one of the Chinese agents involved, a U.S. citizen, was recently indicted, more needs to be done. Many communities living overseas have endured constant surveillance and harassment by China’s 110 overseas secret police stations. China continues to deny their existence, and very few countries have made them shut down. The outposts of the Hong Kong government, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices, located in 14 cities worldwide, have also been working closely with Chinese consulates to brush off their ongoing records of human rights violations in the city state while maintaining close relationships with world democracies.

    It’s the first time Hong Kong has issued official arrest warrants on overseas activists, with bounty eight times more than it would pay for help in arresting a child rapist and three times more than it would offer for a murder. John Lee, the chief executive, said that the eight activists would be “pursued for life.”

    Many Hong Kong activists fled Hong Kong in the past three years as the government jailed dissidents who voiced opposition to Beijing. Many have said publicly they will not return to Hong Kong. So why is the government placing these bounties?

    The rationale likely rests in geopolitics. The list of wanted activists was evenly distributed among the U.S., the U.K., and Australia, all of which have begun re-engaging with China recently after three years of diplomatic freeze. It’s as if Hong Kong is saying, can we go this far? Further? What will you tolerate? It is testing these democracies, and they are letting China win. 

    Despite China’s persistent repression of dissidents both within and beyond its borders, these countries have continued to prioritize improved ties and deeper economic interests over addressing human rights abuses. Instances of repression, such as the attack on Hong Kong protester Bob Chan in the Chinese consulate ground in Manchester, have not prompted strong action from the U.K. government. Attacks continue to happen against Hongkongers, including two who were recently kicked and manhandled by a group of pro-CCP activists at a rally in Southampton to mark the anniversary of the 2019 Hong Kong movement. Meanwhile in the U.S., the Biden administration has hinted its intention to invite the U.S.-sanctioned John Lee to attend the APEC Summit in San Francisco in November.

    By neglecting China’s human rights abuses, countries are exacerbating the situation. If they fail to defend their residents and refuse to impose economic and political consequences on China, this stalking and harassment will persist. This lack of action will also set a dangerous precedent, raising the bar for accountability on human rights abusers, like Russia and Iran, and sending a message to the world that their countries are no longer safe for free speech.

    The international community, including the countries in which the activists reside as well as all Interpol member states, should prioritize human rights in their policy toward China. Diplomatic engagements should not be pursued that compromise the security of its people.

    So far, the U.K, the U.S., and Australia have done nothing to punish China or Hong Kong for this outrageous decision to hunt down people who have entered those countries legally, seeking refuge. It must do something, soon, or the next list will be far longer, and China will understand that it can pursue close relationships without upholding the democratic values of the West.

    Frances Hui is the first public activist from Hong Kong to receive political asylum in the U.S. She continues her advocacy in Washington, D.C., at the Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation and We The Hongkongers.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 23:40

  • Larry Fink's Fake ESG Facade Crumbles As Blackrock Names Aramco CEO To Its Board
    Larry Fink’s Fake ESG Facade Crumbles As Blackrock Names Aramco CEO To Its Board

    Three weeks ago, at the Aspen Ideas Festival, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink revealed that he had abandoned the term “ESG” (every virtue signaler’s beloved “environment, social, and governance” acronym) because it has been highly politicized and even “weaponized,” and he is “ashamed” to be part of the debate.

    Many applauded the decision, which they viewed as actually representative of the truth: after all, Fink acknowledged at the event that Ron DeSantis’ decision to yank $2 billion in assets from the world’s largest money manager in late 2022 over “woke” policies hurt his firm. DeSantis of course, is not alone: lawmakers from red states have retaliated and called out BlackRock for its toxic woke capitalism push in corporate America. Besides Florida, states like Louisiana, South Carolina, Utah, Arkansas, West Virginia, Missouri, and Texas have withdrawn funds from the asset manager which previously said it would not longer invest in “fossil fuels” and other causes that were unworthy of ESG’s consummate virtue signaling.

    Fast forward to today when we learn that Blackrock named the boss of Saudi Aramo, Amin Nasser, as the fund’s independent director.

    Amin Nasser

    Yes, the same Saudi Arabia whose Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman dismembered WaPo’s Jamal Khashoggi without prejudice, a move which not only led to a chilling collapse in US-Saudi relations which has lasted to this day (as Saudi Arabia openly mocks Biden’s demands for increased oil production) but which also leaves quite a bit to be desired on the “social” vertical of the ESG religion; and yes, the same Saudi Arabia which also happens to be the world’s largest producer of oil, and whose “Environmental” rank may leave just a little to be desired, especially to idiots such as these.

    But not to Blackrock, and consummate WEG globalist Larry Fink, who after years of hiding behind the ESG smokescreen if and when it was convenient to convince the peasants just what a lovable, cuddly $10 trillion money manager Blackrock actually is, finally revealed that it was all just one giant lie, and its so-called ESG standards were nothing more than a joke.

    Nasser has led the world’s biggest oil producer since 2015, including overseeing its public listing, and provides BlackRock with “a unique perspective” on key issues facing the company and its clients, CEO Larry Fink said Monday in an emailed statement.

    “His leadership experience, understanding of the global energy industry and the drivers of the shift toward a low-carbon economy, as well as his knowledge of the Middle East region, will all contribute meaningfully to the BlackRock board dialogue,” Fink said in the statement.

    Not that we have anything against Nasser: unlike Fink, he never pretended to be something he never was. Nasser joined Saudi Arabia’s state oil giant as a petroleum engineer in 1982, and decades later having worked his way up from the ground floor, led Aramco’s initial public offering in 2019.

    His expertise in the Middle East will fill the gap left by Bader Alsaad, chairman of the board of the Arab Fund for Economic & Social Development, who is not standing for reelection on BlackRock’s board in 2024, the asset manager said on Monday.

    BlackRock – which will henceforth be the butt of every anti-ESG joke, if the concept of ESG even exists for any other purpose than manipulating mentally-challenged idiots into believing random propaganda…

    … has sought to strike a balance on the issue of climate change, continuing to invest in fossil fuel companies, while nudging them to adopt energy transition plans.  In a note to clients earlier this month, the asset manager estimated its average annual investment in the energy system would jump to $4 trillion through 2050, up from $2.2 trillion in recent years.

    BlackRock, which had about $9.4 trillion assets under management as of end-June, has projected that by 2030 at least three quarters of its investments will be with issuers of securities that have scientific targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions on a net basis.

    Spoiler alert: that will not happen, and instead – as today’s “shocking” appointment reveals – BlackRock will soon reveal that while it was pushing others to live in virtuous misery, it was gradually preparing for the next fossil-fuel revolution. And none other than Nasser will be there to make that revelation.

    While Aramco, which like BlackRock has tiptoped the virtue signaling line for the benefit of a handful of globalist idiots, and unveiled a $1.5 billion sustainability fund to focus on areas including carbon capture and storage, greenhouse gas emissions, as well as hydrogen, the reality is that as Nasser said the current global energy transition plan was flawed.

    In February Nasser – who also serves on several boards, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Presidential CEO Advisory Board and the JP Morgan International Council – went so far as to warn that an increased focus on ESG was undermining investment in oil and gas to the point where it posed a threat to the world’s energy security.

    “We need to realize that today alternatives are not ready to shoulder a heavy load of the growing energy demand and therefore we need to work in parallel until alternatives are ready.”

    The message from Blackrock is simple: “all that shit we said about ESG? Well, we still mean it… but over the next 30 years we will be investing in all those companies we told you to boycott and avoid. And if you believed us… well, you’re the idiots.”

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 23:20

  • Tucker Carlson Warns Young Conservatives To Pay Attention To Topics With 'Unapproved Words'
    Tucker Carlson Warns Young Conservatives To Pay Attention To Topics With ‘Unapproved Words’

    Authored by Nanette Holt via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Since his separation from Fox News, political commentator Tucker Carlson hasn’t spoken much publicly—until this weekend.

    In a rare spurt of appearances, he enjoyed the adulation of thousands of enthusiastic conservatives at political gatherings in two states.

    Tucker Carlson delivers a mix of jovial and ominous remarks during the Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Fla., on July 15, 2023. (Natasha Holt/The Epoch Times)

    On July 14, he publicly grilled most of the top-tier Republican presidential candidates—with the exception of former President Donald Trump—at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa. As the nation’s first state to caucus, it’s been the midwestern mecca of political activity in recent weeks.

    Then, Mr. Carlson caught a flight to Florida, where he lives in cooler times of the year, to speak the next day at the Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach.

    Speaker line-ups at Turning Point events often read like a who’s who of conservative politics, sometimes even drawing leading figures from other countries.

    This time, the two-day conference attracted about 6,000 people—mostly college-age conservatives—from around the country to hear from GOP firebrands. Attendees also mingled, attended Republican strategy workshops on winning elections, and shopped for patriotic merchandise and Trump gear.

    Mr. Carlson was one of the crowd favorites.

    Sherry Meldin models a popular item at the Trump Girl Shop booth—a sequined, American flag dress—at the Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach on July 15, 2023. (Nanette Holt/The Epoch Times)

    Tight Security for Trump Speech

    On Day 1, conference-goers crammed into the Palm Beach Convention Center’s main hall after spending hours in line. They inched forward in the blazing sun, waiting to be inspected in screenings overseen by the U.S. Secret Service.

    Once inside, attendees heard from a string of outspoken supporters of Mr. Trump, the reason for the tight security. His champions included congressmen Byron Donalds and Matt Gaetz, both Republicans representing Florida.

    We ride or die with Donald John Trump,” Mr. Gaetz said, above the roaring crowd, when it was his turn to speak. He also proclaimed he’d be introducing “in the coming days a national prayer-in-school law,” an announcement that brought more raucous cheers.

    Also riling up the crowd was Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who spoke in the standing-room-only space. He said he’s been criticized for not attacking his chief opponent, apparently alluding to Mr. Trump.

    Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy fields questions from former Fox News host Tucker Carlson at the Family Leadership Summit in Des Moines, Iowa on July 14, 2023. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

    “I’m not running against anyone in this race,” Mr. Ramaswamy said. “I’m running for our country.”

    The 37-year-old political newcomer received an enthusiastic standing ovation as he left the stage.

    ‘All the Cool People are Here’

    As Mr. Carlson stepped out to plumes of yellow pyrotechnics shooting up from the front of the stage, attendees were on their feet again, cheering and holding up phones to capture video of the moment.

    “Thank you,” he repeated over and over, shaking his head and chuckling. “I don’t think most unemployed people get a reception like that.

    As the cheering and clapping continued, he scanned the audience, clearly recognizing some, and exclaiming, “Roger Stone! All the cool people are here. It’s, like, unbelievable.”

    As if surprised by the unrelenting chorus of whooping, he said with incredulity, “Wow. I haven’t been around a ton of people in a while. But I never miss this event. Ever. And I meet the nicest people, really, that I ever meet at these.”

    Attendees at the Turning Point Action Conference were encouraged to decorate oversized images of presidential candidates’ faces—including former Vice President Mike Pence (L) and Vivek Ramaswamy—with messages at the conservative gathering in West Palm Beach, Fla., on July 16, 2023. (Nanette Holt/The Epoch Times)

    In contrast, Mr. Carlson expressed disdain for the work he’d done the day before discussing presidential candidates’ campaign platforms.

    He usually despises politicians, Mr. Carlson said, because “they tend to be soulless,” with sad personal lives, seeking to “win affirmation” from strangers, which he finds “pathetic.”

    In person, though, they’re “charming,” he said. “I like almost all of them when I meet them.”

    He didn’t want “to attack anyone on personal grounds” but “it’s tempting,” he laughed, as the crowd chanted, “Do it! Do it!”

    Instead, he said, as if he couldn’t resist, he wanted to offer “general observations, which I think are more edifying than just, like, savaging Mike Pence.”

    The crowd cheered more, egging him on. But Mr. Carlson insisted it “would be wrong because it’s too easy.”

    Mr. Pence, the former vice president under Mr. Trump, stunned many conservatives when he argued in his Iowa forum appearance the day before that the United States has been too slow to provide tanks and pilot training to Ukraine.

    Looking incredulous, Mr. Carlson stopped him and began describing the faltering economy of the United States and the country’s escalating crime, public filth, and suicide rates.

    Where’s the concern for the United States in that?” Mr. Carlson demanded during the interview.

    “That’s not my concern,” Mr. Pence replied. “Tucker, I’ve heard that routine from you before but that’s not my concern.”

    “I’m running for President in the United States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad. And as President of the United States, we’re going to restore law and order in our cities. We’re going to secure our border. We’re going to get this economy moving again. And we’re going to make sure that we have men and women on our courts at every level that will stand for the right to life and defend all the God given liberties enshrined in our Constitution,” he said.

    “Anybody that says we can’t be the leader of the free world and solve our problems at home has a pretty small view of the greatest Nation on Earth. We can do both.”

    Lesson Learned

    He learned much from his day of interviews in Iowa, Mr. Carlson told the Turning Point crowd.

    One was that what Republicans in Washington “actually care about” are “very different from the things that matter to the people who vote for them.”

    He had believed that would change back in 2016, when the politicians saw that “Republicans elected a guy basically on the promise to blow up the Republican Party,” he said.

    Fans of former President Donald Trump, corralled in an overflow area, aim their phone cameras toward him as he takes the stage at Turning Point Action Conference at the Palm Beach County Convention Center on July 15, 2023. (Janice Hisle/The Epoch Times)

    But even the election of Mr. Trump hasn’t turned many elected politicians to align with the people they represent, he has since observed.

    He also realized that “almost everybody in elected office in the Republican Party has internalized the other side’s rules for debate.”

    There’s “no more self-defeating way to go into politics or life than to accept the terms that your enemies offer before the conversation’s even begun,” Mr. Carlson said. “Because there’s really no way of winning.”

    He used the example of the government’s responses to COVID-19, such as mandating masking, lockdowns, and vaccines. Most people went along with leaders’ demands, he said.

    Those who resisted or questioned the policies were deemed “moral criminals—they’re outlaws,” he said.

    So they were censored, silenced.

    ‘Thought Crimes’

    On a June 7 podcast with English comedian Russell Brand, Mr. Carlson said he doesn’t know why he was fired suddenly by Fox News.

    But his questioning of whether the federal government has been honest about Jan. 6 widely is one of the speculated likely cause for his termination.

    For anyone wanting to explore alternative views on Jan. 6, “that conversation was literally banned,” he said at the Turning Point event. “It’s the guidelines of most social media companies that you can’t have that conversation.”

    But a country that doesn’t allow discussions about “the process of electing its leaders is not a democracy, by definition,” he said. “You can’t have a democracy without free speech. Period.”

    Meanwhile, serious crimes go unpunished, he said, such as defrauding investors of billions of dollars, or “burning down buildings, impoverishing people, starting totally counterproductive wars we can’t win that kill a lot of our citizens, leaving the border open so seven million people can walk across—those are not small things.”

    And “what are the crimes that are punished?” he asked. “Thought crimes. Thinking the wrong things. Having the wrong beliefs. Saying unapproved words.

    And when words are deemed “wrong,” he’s realized, “those words are always true.”

    He warned against “the people who censor your words and thoughts.”

    He also warned against getting overwhelmed by reports that seem to be “the Mt. Everest of lunacy,” such as that men can give birth or breastfeed infants.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 23:00

  • Detroit Police Commissioner Caught With Prostitute, Asked Arresting Officers To "Help Him Out"
    Detroit Police Commissioner Caught With Prostitute, Asked Arresting Officers To “Help Him Out”

    If you think corruption and crime is out of control in your city, just think: it could be worse. You could live in Detroit, where a member of the Detroit Police Board of Commissioners was recently caught soliciting prostitution. 

    And, like any good police commissioner, when caught in the act, he asked his brothers in blue to “help him out”, according to reporting by The New York Post. And credit to Detroit’s finest, because they didn’t let him go – nor did they cover the incident up. 

    The commissioner, Bryan Ferguson, who “represented District 1 for the DPBC and was the former chair of Detroit’s police oversight board” tendered his resignation on Thursday of last week in light of the news. He was found with the sex worker on Wednesday, the report says.

    In a prepared statement, he told The Detroit Free Press: “It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the residents of Detroit in police oversight.”

    “After further consideration of the best interests of my family and the Board, I am choosing to resign as District 1 Police Commissioner effective immediately,” he continued, making no mention of the one resident that he was caught “servicing” the evening prior. 

    He was caught “committing a lewd act with a known sex worker” by undercover agents. When confronted by the police, he told them his position and asked them to “help him out”. 

    Police captain Jason Bates said: “At that time, Mr. Bryan Ferguson stepped out, identified himself as a Detroit police commissioner.” He added: “A title or position doesn’t make them above the law.”

    Ferguson’s rock solid defense, according to the report? That the allegations are a “big misunderstanding”. He added that he has “nothing to hide” and that the woman just “hopped into his truck”. 

    “This is rough. This is rough to tell. Because now I’m going to have to have this conversation with my family,” he added. He was issued a misdemeanor citation for indecent or obscene conduct involving a sex act with a prostitute, the report concludes. 

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 22:40

  • Abominable RFK Jr. Anti-Semitism Accusation A Harbinger Of Things To Come
    Abominable RFK Jr. Anti-Semitism Accusation A Harbinger Of Things To Come

    Authored by Roger L. Simon via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    It was sometime around 8 a.m. on July 15, the morning after I had interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for our Presidential Roller Coaster 2024 series, when the following New York Post headline popped up on my iPhone:

    RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews

    What in the Sam Hill, I thought. This didn’t remotely compute with the man I had been talking with only hours earlier. This must be “yellow journalism.”

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in Los Angeles on Feb. 6, 2023. (York Du/The Epoch Times)

    It was.

    I knew it as soon as I read the first few graphs:

    “Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dished out wild COVID-19 conspiracy theories this week during a press event at an Upper East Side restaurant, claiming the bug was a genetically engineered bioweapon that may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.

    “Kennedy floated the idea during a question-and-answer portion of raucous booze and fart-filled dinner at Tony’s Di Napoli on East 63rd Street.

    “‘COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,’ Kennedy said. ‘COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.’

    “‘We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,’ Kennedy hedged.”


    That’s what the author, Jon Levine, wants us to believe, but I would imagine Kennedy, who has been researching medical matters for years and wrote that detailed book on the malfeasances of Dr. Anthony Fauci, is merely filling in something that has been known scientifically for a long time – that different ethnic groups are more prone to different diseases and therefore vulnerable in different ways.

    What Kennedy was clearly doing in this after-hours discussion that was supposed to be off the record (they never are) was warning of the dangerous ability of viruses to be used as bioweapons against various ethnicities – something that several countries have in all probability been working on for years or decades in clandestine manners.

    To claim that COVID-19 is the product of a cabal of Chinese and Jews is so ridiculous that it only speaks to what the author wants to believe or, more accurately, wants us to believe Kennedy meant.

    Which Chinese and which Jews? It’s hard to imagine since Israel was locked down to such a degree it made California look like Florida. Also, Israeli scientists were working around the clock to invent a successful vaccine but got nowhere. If they had been in on the original design, you would think they would have been able to do something, or at least have a leg up.

    The internet being what it is, this fake news accusation went around the world faster than Churchill’s famous line about the truth and the time it takes to put on your pants. The lie appeared almost immediately in numerous publications from the Daily Mail to the Daily Beast as if it had to be true that RFK Jr. was anti-Semitic.

    But Kennedy doesn’t need me to defend him. He’s doing a fine job himself, including demanding a retraction from the Post and an apology from Levine, in his Twitter feed.

    The insinuation by @nypost and others that, as as result of my quoting a peer-reviewed paper on bio-weapons, I am somehow antisemitic, is a disgusting fabrication. I understand the emotional pain that these inaccurate distortions and fabrications have caused to many Jews who recall the blood libels of poison wells and the deliberate spread of disease as the pretext for genocidal programs against their ancestors. My father and my uncles, John F. Kennedy and Senator Edward Kennedy, devoted enormous political energies during their careers to supporting Israel and fighting antisemitism. I intend to spend my political career making those family causes my priority.

    I will fight relentlessly alongside my Jewish brothers and sisters and friends against Jew-hatred and the demonization of Israel. I have just recorded an interview with @RabbiShmuley, whom the same New York Post just this month called, “the most famous Rabbi in America.” I have called upon the Biden Administration not to consummate a second Iran deal that would give that genocidal government a legitimized nuclear program. In the same interview, I called upon the Democratic Party to return to the strong, unconditional support of Israel that was the hallmark of the party under the leadership of my uncle and my father.

    Today I had a great conversation with Rabbi Shmuley on Judaism and anti-Semitism.

    He had this to say:

    “Two things bothered me about the reports I had read about what you had said at that dinner on the upper east side. I said number one, again, this perception that you’re anti-Semitic. I know you’re not. And in fact, I know precisely the opposite is true. I know that in your heart you feel a great closeness to the Jewish people, to the Jewish community, and to Israel. And the second thing that bothered me is, that you’re being portrayed as you said before, a crank, as a loony toon…but you’re brilliant. You know your facts.

    So what’s actually going on here? This isn’t, in the end, really about anti-Semitism, real or imagined. It was just low-hanging fruit, as the “canary in the coal mine” often is, the first of many—a harbinger of many dastardly smears of the candidate to come.

    If there’s one thing the military-industrial complex (endless wars from Iraq to Ukraine) and the health care-industrial complex (Big Pharma, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, et al.) do not want, it’s a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. presidency.

    Big Tech probably isn’t very keen on it, either.

    It would cost them all incalculable amounts of money, much of it courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer and a complaisant government.

    Most of all, the current leadership of the Democratic Party—bent on exploiting every so-called progressive policy, no matter how looney, for maximum gain and power—don’t want anyone bringing their party back to sanity, under the leadership of Mr. Kennedy or anyone else.

    Notable is that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is backing Joe Biden for reelection, not RFK Jr.

    And then there’s the CIA, whose antipathy for RFK Jr. should be obvious to all those with even a passing knowledge of the lives and deaths of his father and uncle who wanted that organization splintered in a thousand pieces and cast to the winds.

    In all, it’s no surprise then that the corporate media, in which we now must include the N.Y. Post of the increasingly untrustworthy Murdoch empire, is now the mouthpiece of anti-RFK Jr. propaganda. More and most probably worse will come.

    What we are looking at is what we might call the coming ‘The Plot Against Kennedy” after Lee Smith’s best-selling “The Plot Against the President,” which detailed the subversion of Donald J. Trump before and after his presidency by many of the same parties.

    The similarity between the treatment of Trump by corporate media that was always dishonest and is now, if anything, worse, and the beginnings of the treatment of RFK Jr. is all too obvious.

    My interview with the candidate, in which we discuss the anti-Semitism accusation and other matters, including, of course, the CIA, will appear shortly.

    Roger L. Simon’s new book—“American Refugees”—will be published by Encounter in September.

    Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 22:20

  • 'Extremely Dangerous Heatwave' In Southwest US To Continue: NWS
    ‘Extremely Dangerous Heatwave’ In Southwest US To Continue: NWS

    Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    A dangerous heatwave is continuing to affect the southern part of the United States, with temperatures expected to exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 degrees Celsius) in multiple places this week.

    Melanie Anguay, of Las Vegas, stands for a photo next to a digital display of an unofficial heat reading at Furnace Creek Visitor Center during a heat wave in Death Valley National Park in Death Valley, California, on July 16, 2023. (Ronda Churchill/AFP via Getty Images)

    In a July 16 update, the National Weather Service (NWS) warned about an “extremely dangerous heat wave” that is affecting the southwest to continue in the region through at least the next weekend.

    Starting Monday, “dangerous heat” will begin building up in the Gulf Coast and southeast region again, with heat index readings of over 110 degrees Fahrenheit expected through Friday, NWS said.

    In some locations in the southwest—San Joaquin Valley, Mojave Desert, and Great Basin—the NWS predicts potential “all-time heat records.” Almost 100 million people are under NWS heat alerts.

    An “Excessive Heat Warning” has been issued for some regions in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas for Monday. Temperatures in Phoenix, Tucson, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas can range from “major” to “extreme,” the agency warned.

    A “major” warning indicates that the heat can affect anyone without adequate hydration or cooling. An “extreme” warning is a rare, potentially long-duration heat with little to no overnight relief.

    A billboard displays the temperature that was forecast to reach 115 degrees Fahrenheit, in Phoenix, Arizona, on July 16, 2023. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

    The NWS is advising people to “take the heat seriously” and avoid spending time outdoors.

    “Temperatures will reach levels that will pose a health risk, and be potentially deadly to anyone without adequate hydration or effective cooling,” it warned, adding that “heat is the leading weather-related killer in the U.S.”

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued an advisory for employees warning about heat exposure. It has advised workers to drink a cup of cool water once every 20 minutes; take rest breaks in a cool or shady location; and watch out for coworkers for signs of heat illnesses.

    Furthermore, the advisory asked people to “ease into work” as nearly three out of four health-related illnesses happen during the first week of work. New workers need to build up tolerance to the heat.

    While working outdoors, people should not work more than 20 percent of the shift allocation at full intensity, and must take frequent breaks, OSHA said.

    Heat Dome, Rising Temperatures

    The intense heatwave in the southwest is being blamed on a heat dome, which is created when a ridge of high pressure builds in a region and fails to move up for a week or more. The high pressure causes air to sink, which results in temperatures to rise. As the air is unable to escape the dome, temperatures keep warming, even to dangerous levels.

    In a July 17 update, the NWS blamed the expected “near-record temperatures” for each day this week on “a strong and persistent high-pressure system.”

    The hottest place on earth, California’s Death Valley, recently saw record temperatures. On Sunday, the Furnace Creek region of Death Valley saw temperatures hit 126 degrees Fahrenheit (52 degrees Celsius), a record for July 16, according to NWS Las Vegas.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 21:40

  • Netanyahu Ejects Jewish Likud Member For Cheering Holocaust Toll On European Jews
    Netanyahu Ejects Jewish Likud Member For Cheering Holocaust Toll On European Jews

    In an incident that highlights ethnic tensions among Israel’s Jews, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered a prominent Likud Party member ejected after the Jewish activist was recorded declaring his pleasure over the Holocaust’s toll on European Jews — and wishing for another round. 

    Itzik Zarka’s outburst came as he confronted protesters opposed to the right-wing Likud Party’s effort to overhaul the judiciary system. Spitting and cursing at the protesters, Zarka said, “Ashkenazim, whores, may you burn in hell. I am proud of the six million that were burned, I wish that another six million would be burned.”

    By addressing the protesters as “Ashkenazim,” Zarka cast the political dispute as an ethnic one, by drawing an aggressive distinction between Israel’s Ashkenazi Jews — those of European descent — from the Mizrahim, whose lineage is Middle Eastern.      

    “The vast majority of the country’s founding left-wing elite was Ashkenazi...and enacted discriminatory policies that disadvantaged Mizrahim, particularly in the country’s early decades,” explains the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “Correspondingly, Mizrahi voters have long formed a key part of the right-wing Likud’s base, while the core of the country’s shrinking left has historically been Ashkenazi.” Mizrahim comprise about half of Israel’s Jews. 

    That was more to Zarka’s vitriol. “Leftists are traitors, you are the cancer of the country,” he said. “The black flags [symbols adopted by judicial-reform protesters] are your shrouds. Your legs should be broken with batons, you should be kneecapped. That way you will not go to any demonstration at all.” 

    Zarka and Netanyahu during a Likud Party meeting at Israel’s Knesset (Hadas Parush/Flash90 via JTA)

    The outburst by Zarka — who has long played a starring role at Likud campaign events — drew swift condemnation from Jewish conservatives, chief among them, Netanyahu. “We will not tolerate such disgraceful behavior in the Likud movement,” he said in a statement announcing his order of Zarka’s banishment. 

    On Facebook, Zarka apologized for his tirade, claiming he’d been “attacked by 80-100 people with severe violence…It came out of frustration, resentment… I should not have said that disgusting statement.” His wife denied that he had been ousted, but the Likud Party confirmed it. 

    Lauding the Holocaust or questioning its purported scale is punishable in Israel by up to five years in prison.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 21:20

  • Pentagon Intel Chief Admits No Weapon Will Be "Holy Grail" For Ukrainian Breakthrough
    Pentagon Intel Chief Admits No Weapon Will Be “Holy Grail” For Ukrainian Breakthrough

    Authored by Dave DeCamp via,

    A senior Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) official has described the war in Ukraine as a “stalemate” and said none of the weapons the US and NATO are providing will help Ukrainian forces “break through” in their counteroffensive.

    “Certainly we are at a bit of a stalemate,” DIA Chief of Staff John Kirchhofer said at a conference on Thursday, according to Bloomberg. “One of the things that the Russian leadership believes is that they can outlast the support of the West.”

    Kirchhofer listed some of the weapons NATO recently began providing, including US cluster bombs and British Storm Shadow missiles.

    “None of these unfortunately, are the holy grail that Ukrainians looking for that will allow them to break through,” he said.

    Ukrainian forces have struggled to make headway since launching their counteroffensive at the beginning of June. US and European officials told The New York Times in a report published Saturday that 20% of all of Ukraine’s weaponry deployed to the battlefield was damaged or destroyed during the first two weeks of the counteroffensive.

    The officials said that the rate of losses dropped to 10% in the ensuing weeks as Ukrainian forces were approaching Russian minefields more cautiously. The officials did not offer figures on how many Ukrainian lives have been expended in the assault as Kyiv is keeping a tight lid on the number of casualties.

    DIA HQ near the Potomac in Washington, DC. via Wiki Commons

    Leading up to the counteroffensive, the Discord leaks and media reports revealed that the US did not expect Ukraine to regain any significant territory.

    But the Biden administration pushed for the assault anyway as it is opposed to the idea of a ceasefire.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 21:00

  • Two Charts Show Consumers Worldwide Demand Teslas
    Two Charts Show Consumers Worldwide Demand Teslas

    Dozens of US states and countries across Europe and elsewhere are spearheading initiatives to ban new car sales with internal combustion engines by the early 2030s. As a result of the imminent demise of gas and diesel-powered cars, there has been a significant shift in consumer demand towards ‘zero-emission’ electric vehicles. A new study identified Tesla Inc. as one of the world’s most popular carmakers among consumers.  

    Auto Trader published a new study analyzing Google search data for over 200 car brands in over 180 countries to find what cars consumers desire the most. The results should give Tesla’s Elon Musk something to cheer about: 

    Tesla came out as the car brand people are looking to buy the most across the world, topping the tables as the most Googled car for sale in 39 countries. It came first in the USA (in 25 of the 50 states, see appendix below), as well as Canada, France, Spain, Germany, Australia, UAE and Scandinavia.

    Tesla dominates the global car internet search rankings.

    In the US, Tesla leads, but Jeep follows closely in the second spot.

    According to Auto Trader’s data, Tesla appears to be winning in the EV price war that it played a significant role in initiating earlier this year.

    We pointed out in late January, “Tesla ‘Weaponizes’ Price-Cuts To Crush EV Competition.” Tesla’s move to discount some vehicles by as much as 20% enabled buyers to qualify for government tax incentives by putting the vehicles under a $55,000 cap. 

    Second-quarter sales data from Tesla shows a better-than-expected 10% increase because of a combination of price cuts and government incentives. That may be why Tesla is the most popular automaker searched in the US. And in China, EV price cuts have made Tesla one of the most popular EV car brands.   

    In May, The Driven, an Australian auto blog, reported the company’s Model Y vehicle surpassed the Toyota Corolla as the best-selling car in the world. 

    Also, Tesla’s charging standard has a strong possibility of becoming the standard in North America. 

    And CNBC’s Jim Cramer put his endorsement behind Ford’s EV pickup truck.

    We’re all aware of Cramer’s ‘kiss of death’. 

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 20:40

  • Affordable Diabetes Drug Reduces Long-COVID Risk By 41 Percent: Study
    Affordable Diabetes Drug Reduces Long-COVID Risk By 41 Percent: Study

    Authored by Spring Lin via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Is there a way to prevent long COVID? A new study in the United States found that taking metformin, an affordable first-line Type 2 diabetes drug, shortly after diagnosis of COVID-19 can reduce the risk of developing long COVID by about 41 percent.


    The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Minnesota, and the paper was published in the international medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases in June.

    Long COVID refers to persistent discomfort for weeks or months after being infected with COVID-19. Common symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, cognitive impairment, headache, chest pain, and joint pain, among others, which affect daily life.

    Through remote recruitment, the researchers screened 1,126 participants who agreed to long-term follow-up. They were overweight and obese people aged 30 to 85, had symptoms of COVID-19 infection for fewer than seven days, tested positive for COVID within three days of trial enrollment, and had no previous known SARS-CoV-2 infection.

    In this randomized trial, about half of the participants took metformin, and the other half took a placebo. They were also randomly assigned to receive either ivermectin, fluvoxamine, or placebo.

    After 300 days of follow-up, 10.4 percent of participants who took the placebo were diagnosed with long COVID, while 6.3 percent who took metformin were also diagnosed.

    The results of the study showed that taking metformin reduced the risk of developing long COVID by 41 percent. In subjects who took metformin within three days of symptom onset, the risk of developing long COVID was reduced by 63 percent.

    The study also proved that taking metformin reduced the risk of developing long COVID in people infected during the peak period of the three SARS-CoV-2 variants, Alpha, Delta, and Omicron.

    However, the study found that taking ivermectin or fluvoxamine showed no signs of protection against long COVID.

    Metformin, originally developed from the French lilac (Galega officinalis), is inexpensive and has no significant side effects. For decades, it has been the drug of choice for Type 2 diabetes treatment worldwide.

    Researchers believe metformin could be used as a therapeutic drug for outpatients infected with COVID-19. It has the merits of proven clinical efficacy, is available all over the world at a low cost, and is safe to use.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 20:20

  • Biden Admin Touts "Moral Authority" Untarnished As Media Highlights Cluster Bombs Are Indiscriminate Killers
    Biden Admin Touts “Moral Authority” Untarnished As Media Highlights Cluster Bombs Are Indiscriminate Killers

    US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has once again made the Sunday news show rounds with the purpose of defending the administration in the wake of Biden’s controversial approval of cluster munitions for Ukraine. Initial shipments of thousands of cluster bombs have already been received by Kiev, according to reports.

    Speaking to NBC News, Sullivan rejected the notion that Washington is losing “moral authority” in providing the weapon system which is banned by more than 120 countries due to its indiscriminate nature and higher chance that it will kill civilians, possibly even for years to come (given unexploded bomblets often remain in the ground).

    Sullivan with a straight face defended the supposedly untarnished “moral authority” of America, based on the mere fact of supporting Ukraine against the Russian invasion.

    Our moral authority and Ukraine’s moral authority in this conflict comes from the fact that we are supporting a country under brutal, vicious attack by its neighbor with missiles and bombs raining down on its cities, killing its civilians, destroying its schools, its churches, its hospitals,” Sullivan told host Chuck Todd. 

    “And the idea that providing Ukraine with a weapon in order for them to be able to defend their homeland, protect their civilians is somehow a challenge to our moral authority, I find questionable.”

    Watch the exchange below:

    President Biden has meanwhile admitted that a prime factor in the decision to provide cluster munitions arose from severe artillery shortages, both in Pentagon stockpiles and within the Ukrainian arsenal. But the US has plenty of cluster bombs, which have been stockpiled for decades. 

    Another interesting angle to the interview is that Sullivan has once again resurrected the old Russiagate-related talking points to preemptively smear whichever GOP candidate for 2024 emerges – and it’s looking increasingly likely it’ll be Trump. Sullivan told NBC that Putin can’t ‘bet’ on the 2024 US presidential election to further his aims. 

    Meanwhile, for documentation of America’s recent ‘dark history’ of cluster munition use on foreign battlefields…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 20:00

  • Kari Lake Files New Election Appeal To The Arizona Supreme Court
    Kari Lake Files New Election Appeal To The Arizona Supreme Court

    Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake filed an appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court in her election case as she claimed that 8,000 unreadable ballots were not configured properly during last year’s midterms.

    Kari Lake speaks at the Faith and Freedom Road to Majority conference at Hilton in Washington on June 24, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

    In an appeal filed (pdf) with the state’s highest court, Ms. Lake alleged that the 8,000 ballots were either “duplicated or counted.” What’s more, they were also unreadable, her team contended.

    “The ballot-on-demand printer investigation report by former Chief Justice McGregor (‘the McGregor Report’) found that ‘four printers randomly printed one or a few ‘fit to page’ ballots in the middle of printing a batch of ballots … [n]one of the technical people with whom we spoke could explain how or why that error occurred,’” said the appeal.

    An expert for Mrs. Lake, a former Fox affiliate anchor, had “testified this ‘error’ could only result from malware or remote access and resulted in at least 8,000 misconfigured ballots, the vast majority of which were neither duplicated nor counted,” it added.

    The defendants in the case, including Maricopa County officials and the Arizona secretary of state’s office, have not issued a public response or filing in the case.

    Courts Have Little Appetite

    While a number of her legal challenges have been rejected by state courts, Ms. Lake has said she would take her lawsuit to the U.S. Supreme Court if needed, although the top court has shown little appetite to take up election challenges since late 2020.

    “This is, I believe, our best hope to get reform in our elections: my case,” she said in a recent interview.  “I believe it’s the greatest election case. We have the truth on our side. We have tons of evidence. Yes, we haven’t had a judge rule in our favor. But it takes a lot of courage to make the right ruling on this case.”

    Ms. Lake has never conceded the race to Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs, who was sworn into office earlier this year. At the same time, Ms. Lake has signaled in media interviews that she may be exploring a run for the U.S. Senate seat that is currently held by former Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) in what could be a three-way race between Ms. Lake, Ms. Sinema, and Rep. Reuben Gallego (D-Ariz.).

    Her challenge comes as another court, in a separate, case ordered Ms. Lake’s and former Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem’s teams to pay $122,200 in sanctions. U.S. District Judge John Tuchi in Phoenix wrote that former Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz also has to pay about 10 percent of that fine because, according to Mr. Tuchi, Mr. Dershowitz signed off on a number of legal documents in the case.

    “Failing to impose meaningful sanctions here might very well encourage others to follow suit by lending their credibility to documents filed in court without facing any real consequence if their certifications prove hollow or incomplete,” Mr. Tuchi wrote in his ruling. “The need for general deterrence is therefore significant.”

    Mr. Dershowitz indicated to the Arizona Republic that he would appeal the order.

    Ms. Lake and Mr. Finchem sued former Arizona Secretary of State Ms. Hobbs and officials in Maricopa and Pima counties in April 2022, in a bid to change the state and counties’ voting procedures. Mr. Tuchi dismissed the lawsuit in August. The Maricopa County officials named as defendants sought sanctions against Ms. Lake for trying to sow doubts about the then-upcoming 2022 elections.

    Defamation Lawsuit

    It comes also as Stephen Richer, the Maricopa County recorder, filed a defamation lawsuit at the end of June against Ms. Lake, saying that he’s faced “violent vitriol and other dire consequences” because of “lies” spread by her, including death threats and the loss of friendships.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 19:40

  • Disney Beclowns Itself After Calling Leaked Snow White Pics 'Fake'
    Disney Beclowns Itself After Calling Leaked Snow White Pics ‘Fake’

    Disney has once again beclowned itself, after a photo emerged of Snow White’s new ‘accomplices’ – just one of whom could even be considered dwarfs – which the company initially called “fake.”

    On Friday, the Daily Mail posted that conservatives online were losing their minds over a photo of the seven… not dwarfs, but ‘magical creatures,’ so to ‘avoid reinforcing stereotypes’ after “Game of Thrones” star Peter Dinklage called it a “fucking backwards story” last year.

    “I was a little taken aback when they [Disney] were very proud to cast a Latina actress as Snow White, but you’re still telling the story of Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs,” Dinklage said on Mark Maron’s “WTF” podcast. “It makes no sense to me. You’re progressive in one way and you’re still making that f***ing backwards story about seven dwarfs living in a cave together, what the f*** are you doing, man? Have I done nothing to advance the cause from my soapbox? I guess I’m not loud enough.'”

    In response to the leaked picture, Disney originally told the Daily Beast: “The photos are fake and not from our production. We are currently trying to have the Daily Mail issue a correction.”

    Except, they weren’t fake.

    Disney then walked back their statement, verifying that the photos were indeed from their woke production, but weren’t official.

    “Editor’s Note: This story has been updated to reflect that… the studio later said the photos were from the production but were not official photos,” added the Beast.

    Disney said it changed the dwarfs to “avoid reinforcing stereotypes from the original animated film” in a statement to Hollywood Reporter. “[W]e are taking a different approach with these seven characters and have been consulting with members of the dwarfism community.”

    Disney shared in January 2022 that the “seven dwarfs” would be referred to as “magical creatures” to “avoid reinforcing stereotypes” after criticism of the original depictions by “Game of Thrones” actor Peter Dinklage, who has dwarfism. -Fox News

    Once again, Dinsey comes up short.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 19:20

  • Trump Tells Packed House: Giving Up 'Easy' Life Was Worth It
    Trump Tells Packed House: Giving Up ‘Easy’ Life Was Worth It

    Authored by Janice Hisle via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Although he has faced investigations and persecution since becoming a politician in 2015, former President Donald Trump declared that, yes, he would do it all over again “without even a question.”

    Audience members stand on chairs to photograph former President Donald Trump at a speech for the Turning Point Action Conference at the Palm Beach County Convention Center on July 15, 2023. (Janice Hisle/The Epoch Times)

    That was Mr. Trump’s response when a successful businessman wondered whether he regretted leaving behind a cushy life as a billionaire real-estate mogul.

    Mr. Trump recounted that conversation for a standing-room-only crowd at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

    During his July 15 speech, Mr. Trump described his two recent indictment ordeals and told the audience: “I had a nice, easy life. What I do for you, you have no idea.”

    The crowd of about 6,000 people sprang to its feet, cheering and applauding.

    Fans of former President Donald Trump, corralled in an overflow area, aim their cellphone cameras toward him as he takes the stage at Turning Point Action Conference at the Palm Beach County Convention Center on July 15, 2023. (Janice Hisle/The Epoch Times)

    Still, Mr. Trump said the reward has been worth the cost. His presidency produced a stronger American economy, a more secure U.S. border, and more respect for the United States on the world stage, he said.

    And more importantly, now we’re going to do it again. And we’re going to do it even better,” the frontrunner for the Republican 2024 presidential nomination said.

    Mr. Trump said he considers his supporters to be partners in a shared mission: “Side by side, we’re going to fight and we’re going to win.”

    He was the main draw for the first day of the two-day Turning Point Action Conference, which promotes conservative politics. The goal is to provide knowledge and resources so attendees can “make an impact in their communities ahead of the 2024 election,” organizers say.

    Mr. Trump told the audience:  “You are the ones who are going to take back America; you’re the ones who are going to Make America Great Again,” his famous campaign slogan.

    Speech Clinched Voter’s Decision

    After attending Mr. Trump’s speech, Jeffrey Antous of Tarpon Springs, Florida, said that hearing Mr. Trump express such resolve–and witnessing extraordinary enthusiasm from the crowd–convinced him that Mr. Trump is the right choice for president in the 2024 election.

    Mr. Antous, who has been involved in politics since the 1970s, told The Epoch Times: “Because of his experience and his confidence, he’ll be able to walk back into the presidency and start repairing the damage that has been done over the past two and a half years.”

    Since Democrat President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the nation’s energy prices, housing costs and inflation rates have climbed; illegal immigration and other problems have surged.

    Mr. Trump and many of his supporters blame Mr. Biden’s policies, while Mr. Biden claims that his “Bidenomics” approach is improving conditions for minorities.

    Meanwhile, Mr. Trump, who has already been indicted on state business records charges in New York and federal classified records charges in Florida, could soon face accusations in Georgia, too.

    There, his lawyers have asked a court to put the brakes on a prosecutor who has been probing Mr. Trump’s dispute of Mr. Biden’s 2020 election win. In addition, a protest of the 2020 election, which turned violent at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, could produce more federal charges against Mr. Trump.

    Mr. Trump has vowed to continue his quest for the presidency regardless of those cases; he says he has gained support from people who agree with his contention that the prosecutions are politically motivated.

    Prosecutors deny that allegation, and Mr. Biden denies suggesting whether federal charges should be brought against Mr. Trump, his chief political rival.

    ‘Learning Curve’ Cited

    Mr. Trump’s nearest Republican challenger, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, could be a great president because he’s “brilliant,” Mr. Antous said.

    But now is not the time because Mr. DeSantis would need to learn the intricacies of Washington politics. “There’s no ‘learning curve’ for Donald Trump; he already knows what to do,” Mr. Antous said.

    At the outset of Mr. Trump’s candidacy, Mr. Antous was not his fan. But Mr. Antous said he learned to respect Mr. Trump for his ability to analyze situations and “fix things–like this,” he said, snapping his fingers to signify speed.

    Mr. Antous said he feels confident Mr. Trump can follow through on his pledge to end the war between Russia and Ukraine. Mr. Antous said he is concerned about Mr. Biden’s recent order to prepare 3,000 U.S. reserve troops to be ready to deploy to Europe.

    American parents “should not have to worry that their child will be sent to die” there, Mr. Trump told the Turning Point audience, asserting that he would broker a peace deal that would be fair to both Ukraine and Russia.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 19:00

  • China, Russia Hold Major Naval Drills Mirroring Recent US-Japan Activity
    China, Russia Hold Major Naval Drills Mirroring Recent US-Japan Activity

    China and Russia are ‘answering’ recent US-Japan drills with provocative military exercises of their own in regional waters.

    On Sunday the US, South Korea and Japan conducted joint naval missile defense exercises chiefly aimed at North Korea’s latest missile threats, which include the launch of an ICBM days ago. Pyongyang called the Wednesday launch off its east coast a “strong practical warning” to enemies. But Japan’s closer defense coordination with Washington has also put Beijing on notice. China’s defense ministry over the weekend confirmed that PLA naval vessels have set sail in preparation for new exercises with Russia

    This includes Beijing sending five Chinese warships, including a guided-missile destroyer, to participate in the new exercises with Russian forces – but without specifying an exact location for the drills. 

    Last month both countries conducted joint air patrol over the Seas of Japan and East China, demonstrating their deepened ties, also amid the war in Ukraine which Beijing has yet to outright condemn, to the frustration of the West.

    China has considered itself ‘neutral’ concerning the Ukraine conflict while at the same time highlighting the dangers of NATO expansion east. For this reason Washington has accused it of quietly supporting Moscow.

    Bloomberg has meanwhile cited US sanctions and punitive measures aimed at both Beijing and Moscow as a chief motivator to grow militarily closer. 

    “China and the armed forces of Russian President Vladimir Putin conducted six joint military exercises together last year, the most in data going back two decades,” the publication notes.

    “That accounted for two-thirds of all of China’s drills with foreign militaries in 2022, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs at the U.S. National Defense University (NDU).”

    But Russia and China have conducted naval drills in other global hotspots as well, in the last months holding naval exercises with Iran in the Persian Gulf region.

    Moscow has also over the course of the Ukraine war deepened its ties with the Islamic Republic, and even established an Iranian drone manufacturing plant on its soil in southern Russia. President Putin has in the face of the West’s sanctions and efforts to impose total isolation turned to ‘pariah’ states like Iran to keep up its military tech needs, such as in the areas of drones and missiles. 

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 18:40

  • Homeless RV Sewage Is Going Into The Ocean In Southern California
    Homeless RV Sewage Is Going Into The Ocean In Southern California

    Authored by Sophie Li via The Epoch Times,

    “Nine thousand gallons [of sewage] a month are going into the wastewater system. That’s the storm drain system, not the sewer. The storm drain carries it straight to Santa Monica Bay,” said Barry Coe, regarding the monthly wastewater of the 600 recreational vehicles (RV) that are being used by homeless persons in the Harbor Gateway area—located in the far southern part of Los Angeles—where he lives.

    According to the 2023 point-in-time count released last month by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, there are over 9,280 homeless people living in about 6,800 RVs in Los Angeles County.

    Mr. Coe, who formerly ran an RV business, estimates those numbers translate to nearly 102,000 gallons, or about the volume of 11 large U-Haul trucks of sewage each month.

    And all of that, he said, is being released into storm drains and directly contaminating the ocean and beaches, he said in a recent interview on EpochTV’s “California Insider.”

    “I’m not talking about just going into the water. You got to remember the water percolates into the sand, you take a walk on the beach, you’re going to get this stuff on your body, if there’s hazardous materials or bacteria,” he said.

    Normally, RV service providers who also collect sewage from rented-out RVs and mobile toilets are required to obtain a license to handle wastewater, and sewage is required to be dumped at a licensed facility. But the homeless that park in such RVs along urban streets are not following such regulations.

    A homeless encampment in the Venice area of Los Angeles on Jan. 27, 2021. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

    It is common for local health departments to close beaches following rainstorms as litter, trash, chemicals, and debris are washed from storm drains into the ocean.

    However, the prolonged rainy season and the excessive amount of water pollution have led to more beaches in L.A. County closing for longer periods this year including Santa Monica Pier in Santa Monica, Mothers Beach in Marina del Rey, and over a dozen others, according to the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health.

    The explosion of motorhomes in the city not only leads to water pollution but is also affecting residents’ well-being and living quality, Mr. Coe said. Residents may find RVs at no-parking zones that block regular traffic but can’t get them towed away due to cities’ contracts with towing companies regarding hazardous material.

    Additionally, he said that a majority of the motorhomes are inoperable and can only serve as a living space.

    “They’re not functioning so they become shelter, but they’re on the street,” he said.

    “It puts them in a gray area of the law in regard to camping … so it’s a very difficult situation to address.”

    Mr. Coe additionally said, some are renting out the motorhomes to those who cannot afford regular housing and are committing various crimes in the process.

    “There are people that are buying these things from a wrecking yard … and they tow them out to the streets, and they control the turf,” he said.

    “If you don’t pay the rent or the protection money, they will burn you out.”


    According to Mr. Coe, officials need to target its growing homelessness crisis at its root—by dealing with drug and mental health issues—instead of focusing on temporary or permanent housing.

    “Because maybe that’s how they got there in the first place. And we shouldn’t be doing it in reverse,” he said.

    He said that many homeless people have compelling life stories—which people have compassion for—but it is important not to be blinded by emotions regarding the issue.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 18:20

  • BofA And Others Share Records With FBI Without A Warrant "All The Time", Director Wray Admits
    BofA And Others Share Records With FBI Without A Warrant “All The Time”, Director Wray Admits

    Among the doublespeak and other bombshells disclosed by FBI Director Christopher Wray during testimony to the House Judiciary Committee oversight hearing, one particularly disturbing detail he released was that the FBI “regularly obtains innocent Americans’ personal data from companies with the intent of potentially charging them with crimes,” the Federalist reported last week.

    At a time when many Americans are wondering why they should stick with Elon Musk at Twitter instead of joining Mark Zuckerberg over at the newly minted Threads, here’s one potential reason. 

    Wray told Congress that Bank of America provided them with a “huge list” of financial records for Americans who used B of A cards around the capitol on January 6th. That’s right: no warrants, no court hearings, just blindly turning over records when the FBI asks. 

    Republican Rep. Thomas Massie asked Wray at the hearing: “George Hill, former FBI supervisory intelligence analyst in the Boston field office, told us that the Bank of America, with no legal process, gave to the FBI gun purchase records with no geographical boundaries for anybody that was a Bank of America customer. Is that true?”

    To which Wray replied: “A number of business community partners all the time, including financial institutions, share information with us about possible criminal activity, and my understanding is that that’s fully lawful.”

    “Those who had ever purchased a firearm with a Bank of America card” were highlighted at the top of the list, the report says. Wray said the data was “shared with field offices for information only”. 

    “My understanding is that that’s a fully lawful process,” he told Congress. The FBI’s D.C. field office, under scrutiny by Republicans, took the data and then distributed it to the agency’s nationwide offices, according to the report.

    Massie questioned Wray: “Was there a warrant involved?”

    To which, Wray replied: “Again, my understanding is that the institution in question shared information with us, as happens all the time.”

    Trying to unearth whether the information was voluntarily just handed over or requested, Massie followed up, asking:  “Did you request the information?”

    Wray told him: “I can’t speak to the specifics.” 

    But then Massie revealed that an email showed the FBI “did give the search queries to Bank of America”. He asked Wray: “Do you believe there’s any limitation on your ability to obtain gun purchase data or purchase information for people who aren’t suspects from banks without a warrant?”

    Wray declined to answer in full, stating: “What I will tell you is that my understanding is that the process by which we receive information from business community partners across a wide variety of industries, including financial institutions, sharing information with us about possible criminal activity is something that is fully lawful under current federal law.”

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 18:00

  • Will BRICS Implement A Gold Backed Currency In August?
    Will BRICS Implement A Gold Backed Currency In August?

    By Jan Nieuwenhuijs of Gainesville Coins

    Aside from speculation there hasn’t been official confirmation by any BRICS nations that they will either issue a new currency backed by gold or peg their currencies to gold anytime soon. Although it’s likely discussions are going on among BRICS nations to create a new currency, no agreement has been reached and policy makers are denying the new currency is soon to be launched. Current talk about a new currency—suggesting a gold standard will be implemented in August at the next BRICS summit—should be treated with skepticism.

    Image: Free SVG

    Attention for alliances such as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) has increased since February 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine, the West seized Russia’s dollar assets, and global tensions reached a crescendo. The BRICS, among other countries, have an interest in de-dollarization and have become more vocal about it, though easier said than done.

    No Confirmation for New BRICS Currency

    Based on an item by Russian news agency RT, broadcasted July 7, 2023, several gold commentators became confident that the BRICS will announce a gold standard this August at their next summit in South Africa. In my view, there is a lack of proof for this conclusion.

    Let us examine on which grounds RT communicated a gold backed currency is to be introduced by the BRICS—widely interpreted as a new gold standard. Unfortunately, there is not one official BRICS website to verify what is being stated on Russian news outlets, financial blogs, and Twitter. For every summit a new website is launched. On the BRICS 2023 site I can’t find confirmation of a new currency so we will have to evaluate the source provided by RT.

    RT is banned in the West but has several accounts on Twitter. RT India shared a tweet on July 7 that reads: “BRICS Plans to Introduce New Gold-Backed Currency.” Primarily this tweet is what caused a stir about a BRICS gold standard.

    In the video that accompanies the tweet, the source of RT India appears to be a tweet from July 3 by the Russian Embassy in Kenya. From scrolling through all tweets by the Russian Embassy in Kenya one would think this is an account of an activist, not an embassy. Furthermore, the screenshot of the tweet from the Russian Embassy shown by RT India in their video is edited! The actual tweet, which can be seen below, includes a link to an opinion editorial by US economist Joseph Sullivan for the website Foreign Policy, titled: “A BRICS Currency Could Shake the Dollar’s Dominance.” This article in Foreign Policy is the source of the Russian Embassy’s tweet; the source is not the Russian Embassy itself, which RT India wants you to believe.

    Sullivan provides two hyperlinks to sources regarding Alexander Babakov, deputy chairman of Russia’s State Duma. According to Sullivan, Babakov has stated that Russia “is now spearheading the development of a new currency.”

    The first link from Sullivan brings us to an article on Coin Telegraph, which links to a piece on India TV, reporting on the Russia-India Business Forum 2023 that was held on March 29 and 30. From India TV (March 30):

    Babakov stressed that both nations should work to obtain a new medium for payment and added digital payment could be the “most promising” and “most viable” option for both nations. “New Delhi, Moscow should institute a new economic association with a new shared currency, which could be a digital ruble or the Indian rupee,” said Babakov.

    “Our goal should be focused on writing new rules in the financial sphere in order to enable the use of an already common currency,” he stressed.

    “It doesn’t matter whether it’s a digital ruble, a digital rupee, a digital yuan, or some other currency. But this currency must follow the laws of our respective nations,” added the top Russian official. 

    There is not a word on gold in the article by India TV.

    The second link from Sullivan brings us to the India Times that writes (April 4):

    According to reports quoting Russian lawmaker Alexander Babakov, the BRICS nations are in the process of creating a new medium for payments—established on a strategy that “does not defend the dollar or euro.” 

    Babakov, who is the deputy Chairman of Russia’s State Duma, reportedly indicated that the new currency would be secured by gold and other commodities such as rare-earth elements.

    The India Times states that “reportedly” a new currency will be established secured by gold and other commodities, though there is no source provided. The RT trail ends there. Any news based on the tweet by RT India is overblown.

    Other websites, such as Al Mayadeen and TeleSUR, offer more information about what Babakov has said on the Russia-India Business Forum. From Al Mayadeen (March 30):

    “The transition to settlements in national currencies is the first step. The next one is to provide the circulation of digital or any other form of a fundamentally new currency in the nearest future. I think that at the BRICS [leaders’ summit], the readiness to realize this project will be announced, such works are underway,” Babakov said on the sidelines of the Russian-Indian … Forum.

    Babakov further did not dismiss the possibility of the formation of a single BRICS currency. According to him, the currency would be secured not just by gold, but also by other groups of products, including rare-earth elements of the soil.

    What Babakov said on the sidelines of the forum doesn’t sound like the BRICS will implement a gold standard at the next summit in August. The first step is to trade in national currencies, then a new currency could be created, for which the “readiness to realize [it] … will be announced” at the next summit, Babakov thinks.

    Implementing this currency could be years away. One, thinking of announcing to start cooperating doesn’t mean much. Second, how Babakov describes the currency is vague and no other BRICS nation has supported his idea publicly. Babakov’s currency backed by gold and other commodities is impractical and will need readjustments. Third, a BRICS initiative for “strengthening … economic partnership” “to reduce dependence on the US dollar” was already discussed in 2012 and developments take time.

    Russian news agencies RIA Novosti and TASS also reported on Babakov’s remarks at the forum on March 30, 2023. From Ria Novosti (Google Translate):

    The BRICS countries are working on a new form of currency and can present ideas for its development at the summit of leaders of the association this year in South Africa, said Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Babakov.

    Presenting ideas is not the same as implementing a gold standard. Besides, we don’t know how much of this is propaganda. We need official sources from other BRICS members to jump conclusions.


    Logically, the Russians advocate any alternative to the dollar as they are restricted from using the Western based international financial infrastructure. On the website of the Kremlin there is a statement from President Putin from June 22, 2022:

    We are exploring the possibility of creating an international reserve currency based on the basket of BRICS currencies.

    Russia’s Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said in May 2023:

    The idea of creating a common currency … is floating around and is being discussed. We also have proposals about using digital financial assets supported by real assets, for example gold – stablecoins.

    But what’s it going to be? A currency backed by commodities, a gold stable coin, or a reserve currency based on a basket of BRICS currencies? According to a video shared by the Hindustan Times, India’s External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said, on July 3, 2023, none of the above:

    There is no idea for a BRICS currency. … Currencies to my mind will remain very much a national issue for a long time to come.

    Bloomberg reported on July 5:

    The New Development Bank, a financial institution created by the BRICS bloc of emerging markets, doesn’t have any immediate plans for the group to create a common currency, its vice president and chief financial officer said. 

    “The development of anything alternative is more a medium to long term ambition,” he said. “There is no suggestion right now to creates a BRICS currency.”

    I think it should be clear that neither the Russians nor the BRICS as a whole has a plan worked out for a new currency soon to be introduced, as opposed to what’s hyped in the media. Mr. Market didn’t believe the RT India item as the gold price didn’t budge when it was broadcasted.

    As per CFO of the New Development Bank, the BRICS are discussing a common currency for the long term, but I will believe it when its design is finished.

    The central banks of Brazil, South Africa, Russia, and India declined to comment on a common BRICS currency over email.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 17:40

  • As 'Threads' Continues To Face-Plant, House Judiciary Demands Answers Over Censorship
    As ‘Threads’ Continues To Face-Plant, House Judiciary Demands Answers Over Censorship

    After an initial surge of more than 100 downloads in five days, Meta’s Twitter rival, ‘threads,’ is imploding.

    In fact, since we first noted their implosion three days ago – things have gotten worse for Zuck the cuck. As Mario Nawfal reports;

    Usage of the app falls drastically, faster than anyone expected:

    1) Daily Active Users dropped from a peak of 45 million when it launched on July 6 to 28 million on July 13. That’s approximately 38% lower.

    2) Time spent per user has tanked from 20 mins on July 7 to around 5 mins by July 11. That’s a 75% reduction in usage over 4 days!

    During the same period, Twitter metrics remained virtually unchanged. The exodus many feared yet again did not materialize.

    Read more by clicking into Mario’s tweet:

    Oh, and even the wokies are getting censored by the latest Twitter clone.

    Which brings us to Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee – who just shot off a Monday letter to CEO Mark Zuckerberg asking about possible censorship on Threads. 

    “Given that Meta has censored First Amendment-protected speech as a result of government agencies’ requests and demands in the past, the Committee is concerned about potential First Amendment violations that have occurred or will occur on the Threads platform,” wrote Committee chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH).

    “Indeed, Threads raises serious, specific concerns because it has been marketed as rival of Elon Musk’s Twitter, which has faced political persecution from the Biden Administration following Musk’s commitment to free speech,” the letter continues, referring to the House Weaponization of the Federal Government Subcommittee’s March report that found the Federal Trade Commission is aggressively harassing Twitter (via Just the News).

    The Republican-led committee subpoenaed Zuckerberg in February for documents related to content moderation and Meta’s conversation with the executive branch, and since then, Jordan said he has received more evidence showing that the federal government has colluded with social media companies to moderate online content.

    Threads already has more than 100 million users after launching earlier this month, according to Zuckerberg. –JTN


    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 17:20

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Today’s News 17th July 2023

  • "I Am The Regulator!": EU Commissioner Warns Social Media To Censor After French Riots
    “I Am The Regulator!”: EU Commissioner Warns Social Media To Censor After French Riots

    Authored by Robert Kogon via The Brownstone Institute,

    L’Etat, c’est moi” – “I am the state” – Louis XIV is supposed to have said.

    And in a contemporary echo of that famous phrase, EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton repeatedly stressed on Monday that “I am the regulator” when lambasting social media networks for “not having done enough” during the recent French riots and threatening them with sanctions, including even banishment, if they should remain similarly inactive after August 25.

    Not having done enough of what?

    Well, namely censorship: suppression of content that the European Commission deems to have been in some way or another harmful in the circumstances. Hence, the importance of the August 25 date. For August 25 will mark exactly four months since the European Commission officially designated 17 “Very Large Online Platforms” and two “Very Large Online Search Engines,” and from that date forward, per the below timeline, the designated entities will have to be in compliance with the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA), which is designed precisely to “regulate” online speech.

    Breton made his remarks in conversation with the French public broadcaster France Info, noting that in the future the social media companies will have to be proactive in deleting content or face sanctions.

    “When there is hateful content,” he said, “content that calls, for example, for revolt, also that calls to kill – because we’ve seen that too, [from] individuals – …they will have the obligation to delete it instantly. If they don’t do it, they will be immediately sanctioned.”

    Breton did not give any specific examples of content calling for violence, much less murder.

    But, interestingly, when one of the interviewers repeatedly tried to point the finger at Twitter as one of the main offenders, Breton was quick to correct him: noting that the main offenders, per coverage in the French press, are rather TikTok and Snapchat. 

    Given the correspondence between the notably young demographics of the French rioters and the demographics of TikTok and Snapchat users, this is hardly surprising in fact. Moreover, the content that has been widely cited as circulating on TikTok and Snapchat – and sometimes indeed reproduced in the traditional French media itself (see here, for instance) – consists not so much of calls to violence, as video documentation of the violence that has occurred.

    This proliferation of videos of the French violence on social media and via messaging apps appears to be the real target of Breton’s wrath.

    Indeed, the Commissioner referred to it himself, even suggesting that platforms were using algorithms to make such material go viral – as if they would have to!

    The indulgence shown by Breton towards Twitter is also unsurprising, since many observers (including the present author) noticed videos of the French violence posted on Twitter quickly disappearing. This suggests that Twitter was indeed acting proactively to suppress the material in question.

    It can be wondered in passing what exactly is the justification for suppressing genuine documentation of the violence and destruction – this is, after all, a form of information, not “disinformation” – and whether its suppression will not in fact create a void that will be filled precisely by inauthentic “fake news.”

    (See, for example, this tweet on the burning of an “Alcazar” library in Marseille. A Twitter “Community Note” correctly points out that the embedded video is of a different building. But it fails to mention that a small municipal library of that name was in fact set on fire by rioters in Marseille.)

    Be that as it may, Breton noted that he had recently been to California to run “stress tests” with the American social media companies to ensure their preparedness for the DSA deadline, and he noted that he will go to China next week to discuss the same matter with TikTok. Consider the irony of this: an EU official traveling to China to ensure that a Chinese company is prepared to comply with a European censorship law!

    Breton also noted that during his visit to California, Mark Zuckerberg confirmed that he was going to “hire one thousand people” – presumably to serve as human censors – in order to ensure Meta’s compliance with the EU rules.

    Nonetheless, the France Info journalists poured some cold water on Breton’s enthusiasm, noting that Meta does not even have any plans yet for rolling out its Twitter-alternative Threads in the European Union and wondering whether an excess of EU regulation might not be making some of the Big Tech companies “skittish.”

    In any case, Breton is not wrong that he or, at any rate, the European Commission as such is the regulator. For, speaking of Louis XIV, the DSA invests the Commission with what are, in effect, absolute powers to determine infractions of the DSA and apply sanctions in the case of non-compliance.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/17/2023 – 02:00

  • The WHO Is A Real And Present Danger
    The WHO Is A Real And Present Danger

    Authored by David Bell via The Brownstone Institute,

    Our governments intend to transfer decisions over our health, families, and societal freedoms to the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), whenever he or she declares it necessary. The success of this transfer of power depends on public ignorance of its implications, and of the nature of the WHO itself and its recent pandemic policy reversals. When the public understands, then its leaders are more likely to act in their interests rather than against them.

    In late 2019, the WHO issued new recommendations for pandemic influenza. Influenza spreads by the same mechanism as Covid-19 (aerosols), with a similar mortality in most people. The WHO stated that it is “not recommended in any circumstances” to undertake contact tracing, quarantine of exposed individuals, entry and exit screening, and border closures. They envisioned that in a severe pandemic it may be necessary to close businesses for up to seven to ten days. 

    The WHO cautioned against strict measures because they would have minimal impact on the spread of an aerosolized respiratory virus while inevitably increasing poverty, especially harming low-income people. Poverty makes people die younger and is a major killer of babies in low-income countries.

    A few months later, the WHO advocated for everything they had previously advised against, to combat Covid-19. This reversal in their recommendations had the effect they had predicted; increasing poverty and shortening life expectancy, particularly amongst the world’s poorest and most vulnerable, while having minimal overall impact on virus spread. 

    While the WHO’s 2019 recommendations were based on the assessment of decades of knowledge by an expert panel, its Covid-19 lockdown recommendations were based solely on reported experience from one city in China. Their new source of knowledge had, a few weeks earlier, stated that the new virus had no human-to-human transmission. This was followed by apparent propaganda taken up by the world’s media of people dropping dead in the streets.

    It is vital to understand what drove this reversal of WHO policy, and to detail its harm. International public health priorities are currently being upended with the specific aim of allowing the WHO to do this again, harder and more frequently. In May 2024 our countries will vote to allow a single person to dictate border closures and quarantine, and require medical examinations and vaccination of their citizens. They will agree to censor those who protest. Our governments will undertake to make this individual’s recommendations regarding our rights to family life, work, and school effectively binding.

    In promoting lockdowns, the WHO was not only following China, but a group of powerful Pharma-related interests who have been pushing these approaches for over a decade. They have established public-private partnerships such as the Swiss-based CEPI, channeling taxpayer funding to promote their authoritarian approach to public health. In October 2019, a meeting called Event-201 was convened by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, including the WHO, China CDC and others, to run simulations of such approaches for a hypothetical coronavirus outbreak. At this time, Covid-19 virus must already have been circulating well beyond China.

    Whilst establishing this influence over public health policy, Pharma and their private investors increasingly funded the WHO itself, now providing about 25 percent of its budget. This funding is ‘specified,’ meaning the funder decides how and where it is spent. Certain governments now also ‘specify’ most of their funding, leading to over 75 percent of the WHO’s activities being determined by the donor. Germany stands out as the second highest national donor after the USA, also being a major investor in BioNTech, Pfizer’s Covid-19 mRNA vaccine developer.

    Discarding basic immunology, the WHO then claimed in late 2020 that only vaccination could lead to high community immunity (‘herd immunity’) and became a major proponent of mass vaccination within an epidemic, aligning fully with its private sponsors. Under pressure for obviously lying, they then changed to a preference for vaccination – equally foolish as a general statement since many everyday viruses are obviously mild. While not based on evidence or expertise, this clearly serves a purpose.

    Despite there being a clearly identified subset of people at high Covid risk, vaccination-for-all was promoted by Pharma investors as a ‘way out’ of the lockdowns these same people had advocated for. The WHO’s incoherent Covid vax mantra – “No one is safe until all are safe” – is supposed to support this but logically implies that vaccination does not even protect the vaccinated.

    In Western countries the results of these policies are increasingly stark; rising inequality, closed businesses and rising young adult all-cause mortality. In low-income countries across Africa and Asia that the WHO once prioritized, its actions have been even more devastating. As predicted in early 2020, malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS are increasing, killing more people and at a far younger age than Covid-19. Over 100 million additional people face malnutrition, up to 10 million additional girls will endure child marriage and nightly rape, and millions more mothers will lose their infants due to the impacts of deeper poverty. UNICEF estimated nearly a quarter million added child deaths from lockdowns in South Asia in 2020 alone. The WHO did this – they stated that it would happen, then encouraged its implementation.

    Few gained from the Covid response, but those who did – particularly private and corporate funders of the WHO with large Pharma and software assets – gained massively. WHO employees and others working in global health also thrived, and are now securing lucrative careers as the agenda expands. As the old evidence-based public health is pushed aside, it is in the new public health of the software entrepreneurs and Pharma moguls that careers will be made.

    So, we have a problem. The WHO, ostensibly leading the show, is deeply conflicted through its private investors, whilst governed by an Assembly including powerful States hostile to human rights and democracy. Its staffing policies, based on country quotas and rules that promote retention rather than targeted recruitment, are not even designed to assure technical expertise. 

    The recent behavior of these staff – blind, dutiful compliance with the organization’s multiple nonsensical claims – must raise questions regarding their integrity and competency. The expanding pandemic industry has a massive financial war chest aimed at media and political sponsorship, and our politicians fear political oblivion should they oppose it.

    Pandemics are rare. In the past century, including Covid, the WHO estimates about one per generation. These cost fewer life-years during their time of spread than tuberculosis or cancer cost every year. No one can rationally claim we face an existential crisis, or that forfeiting human freedom to Pharma and private entrepreneurs is a legitimate public health response should we face one. Our democracies are being eroded through a massive amoral business deal, a structure designed to concentrate the wealth of the many in the hands of the few. Covid-19 proved the model works. 

    The only real question is whether, and how, this society-wrecking pandemic train can be stopped. The public health professions want careers and salaries, and will not intervene. They have proven that in previous manifestations of fascism. The public must educate themselves, and then refuse to comply. We can just hope some of our supposed leaders will step forward to help them.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 23:40

  • Crimean Bridge Traffic Halted Due To "Emergency", Explosions Reported
    Crimean Bridge Traffic Halted Due To “Emergency”, Explosions Reported

    It’s deja vu all over again as various local news outlets report that traffic on the Russian-built Crimean Bridge – linking the Crimean peninsula to the Russian region of Krasnodar – was stopped due to an emergency.

    The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksyonov made the statement on his Telegram channel, but did not specify the nature of the incident:

    Traffic was stopped on the Krymsky Bridge: an emergency occurred in the area of ​​the 145th support from the Krasnodar Territory. Law enforcement agencies and all responsible services are working. I spoke with the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Vitaly Gennadyevich Savelyev, measures are being taken to restore the situation. We keep in touch with colleagues from Krasnodar Territory,” Aksenov wrote.

    It was early in the morning and so there are few images available due to the darkness, but there are some video clips that reportedly of the scene:

    The RBC-Ukraine news agency reported that explosions were heard on the bridge.

    Russia’s Grey Zone channel, a heavily followed Telegram channel affiliated with the Wagner mercenary group, reported that there were two strikes on the bridge at 03:04 a.m. and 03:20 a.m.

    There has been no official comment from Ukraine or Russia as yet.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 22:50

  • China's Youth Unemployment Just Hit A New Record High As Q2 GDP Growth Disappoints
    China’s Youth Unemployment Just Hit A New Record High As Q2 GDP Growth Disappoints

    China’s economy lost momentum in the second quarter with GDP growing just 6.3%, well below the 7.1% expectation.

    The statistics bureau’s press briefing begins with its spokesman, Fu Linghui, proudly proclaimed that China’s economy improved in the first half despite the grim and complex international environment.

    However, bear in mind that the 6.3% YoY growth rate – already quite a bit less than economists estimated – is less impressive when you consider it compares to a quarter in 2022 when Shanghai was under lockdown and other cities faced severe Covid-related restrictions.

    The rest of the major macro data was more mixed (though with a downside bias):

    • China June Industrial Output Rises 4.4% Y/Y; Est. 2.5% – BEAT (and improved from prior month)

    • China June Retail Sales Rise 3.1% Y/Y; Est. 3.3% – MISS (and slowed from prior month)

    • China Jan.-June Fixed Investment Rises 3.8% Y/Y; Est. 3.4% – BEAT (but slowed significantly)

    • China End-June Surveyed Jobless Rate Stands at 5.2% (flat from prior month)

    The growth of China’s home sales slowed, while property investment and new construction fell deeper, official data showed.

    • Home sales by value rose 3.7% from a year earlier in the first half of the year, slowing from an 11.9% increase in January to May, the National Bureau of Statistics said Monday.

    • Property investment fell 7.9% in the first half, compared with a 7.2% decline in the first five months.

    • New construction starts dropped 24.3% in the first six months, compared with a 22.6% fall in January to May.

    With China’s extreme Zero-COVID policies now in the distant past, the difficulties facing the world’s second-largest economy will further increase global growth fears and lead to increasing calls for Beijing to do more to shore up confidence (i.e. unleash broader stimulus measures).

    Ho Woei Chen, economist at United Overseas Bank says the GDP is “a big disappointment”:

    “But June data is still mixed. The industrial production was better than expected and picked up from May. The weak domestic demand will be of great concern and this will be the target for its monetary and fiscal stimulus.

    The problem with those demands is that credit (stimulus) actually rose more than expected

    Finally, and in fact probably even more critical than the actual GDP print, China’s youth unemployment rate rose to another new record high of 21.3% in June (dramatically worse than the 5.2% nationwide surveyed jobless rate)…

    Source: Bloombrg

    Of course, China does have a simple solution for this record youth unemployment“it is becoming increasingly uncomfortable that the world’s concerns of a coming war in Taiwan are intensifying at the very same time that China’s youth unemployment is surging.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 22:29

  • Got Meat?
    Got Meat?

    Meat is always on the menu in many parts of the world, as we can see when we map out meat consumption by country.

    How do countries differ in how much, and what type of meat, they eat? In this colorful graphic, Visual Capitalist’s Pallavi Rao discusses creator theWORLDMAPS; breakdown of the most consumed type of meat in every country in the world, using data from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

    Each color denotes a different category of meat – beef, pork, mutton, poultry, seafood, or other – with annual consumption calculated per capita in kilograms (kg).

    Let’s dig in to the data.

    Is Fish Considered Meat?

    Since meat is normally defined as the flesh of any animal (with the primary components being water, fat, and protein), that includes fish and other seafood.

    But whether fish is considered “meat” or not depends a lot on cultural practices and dietary preferences, and has varied throughout history. Some earlier definitions of meat focused only on mammals, for example.

    In Christianity for example, many denominations allow eating fish on fasting days when abstaining from meat. This was both due to distinctions between meat from warm-blooded land animals and cold-blooded animals (like fish), as well as the importance of fish consumption in parts of Europe where Christianity flourished.

    To account for both sides of the debate, we’ll cover meat consumption by country both with and without fish and seafood.

    The Most Consumed Meat by Country (Including Seafood)

    Just by glancing at the map and the below table, poultry stands out as the most popular meat by weight consumption in 70 countries, or about 40% of the entire database.

    Note: Other meat includes less frequently farmed animals like rabbit, horse, and camel, as well as game—meat from wild animals.

    Country Most Consumed Meat
    🇦🇫 Afghanistan Mutton & Goat
    🇦🇱 Albania Poultry
    🇩🇿 Algeria Mutton & Goat
    🇦🇴 Angola Fish & Seafood
    🇦🇬 Antigua & Barbuda Poultry
    🇦🇷 Argentina Bovine
    🇦🇲 Armenia Bovine
    🇦🇺 Australia Poultry
    🇦🇹 Austria Pork
    🇦🇿 Azerbaijan Poultry
    🇧🇸 Bahamas Poultry
    🇧🇭 Bahrain Poultry
    🇧🇩 Bangladesh Fish & Seafood
    🇧🇧 Barbados Poultry
    🇧🇾 Belarus Pork
    🇧🇪 Belgium Pork
    🇧🇿 Belize Poultry
    🇧🇯 Benin Fish & Seafood
    🇧🇹 Bhutan Bovine
    🇧🇴 Bolivia Poultry
    🇧🇦 Bosnia & Herzegovina Poultry
    🇧🇼 Botswana Other
    🇧🇷 Brazil Poultry
    🇧🇬 Bulgaria Pork
    🇧🇫 Burkina Faso Pork
    🇧🇮 Burundi Fish & Seafood
    🇨🇻 Cabo Verde Poultry
    🇰🇭 Cambodia Fish & Seafood
    🇨🇲 Cameroon Fish & Seafood
    🇨🇦 Canada Poultry
    🇨🇫 Central African Republic Bovine
    🇹🇩 Chad Bovine
    🇨🇱 Chile Poultry
    🇨🇳 China Fish & Seafood
    🇨🇴 Colombia Poultry
    🇰🇲 Comoros Poultry
    🇨🇬 Congo Fish & Seafood
    🇨🇷 Costa Rica Poultry
    🇨🇮 Côte d’Ivoire Fish & Seafood
    🇭🇷 Croatia Pork
    🇨🇺 Cuba Poultry
    🇨🇾 Cyprus Pork
    🇨🇿 Czechia Pork
    🇩🇰 Denmark Fish & Seafood
    🇩🇯 Djibouti Bovine
    🇩🇲 Dominica Poultry
    🇩🇴 Dominican Republic Poultry
    🇨🇩 DR Congo Fish & Seafood
    🇪🇨 Ecuador Poultry
    🇪🇬 Egypt Fish & Seafood
    🇸🇻 El Salvador Poultry
    🇪🇪 Estonia Pork
    🇸🇿 Eswatini Bovine
    🇪🇹 Ethiopia Bovine
    🇫🇯 Fiji Poultry
    🇫🇮 Finland Fish & Seafood
    🇫🇷 France Fish & Seafood
    🇵🇫 French Polynesia Poultry
    🇬🇦 Gabon Poultry
    🇬🇲 Gambia Fish & Seafood
    🇬🇪 Georgia Poultry
    🇩🇪 Germany Pork
    🇬🇭 Ghana Fish & Seafood
    🇬🇷 Greece Poultry
    🇬🇩 Grenada Poultry
    🇬🇹 Guatemala Poultry
    🇬🇳 Guinea Fish & Seafood
    🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau Pork
    🇬🇾 Guyana Poultry
    🇭🇹 Haiti Poultry
    🇭🇳 Honduras Poultry
    🇭🇰 Hong Kong Fish & Seafood
    🇭🇺 Hungary Pork
    🇮🇸 Iceland Fish & Seafood
    🇮🇳 India Fish & Seafood
    🇮🇩 Indonesia Fish & Seafood
    🇮🇷 Iran Poultry
    🇮🇶 Iraq Poultry
    🇮🇪 Ireland Pork
    🇮🇱 Israel Poultry
    🇮🇹 Italy Pork
    🇯🇲 Jamaica Poultry
    🇯🇵 Japan Fish & Seafood
    🇯🇴 Jordan Poultry
    🇰🇿 Kazakhstan Bovine
    🇰🇪 Kenya Bovine
    🇰🇮 Kiribati Fish & Seafood
    🇰🇼 Kuwait Poultry
    🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan Bovine
    🇱🇦 Laos Fish & Seafood
    🇱🇻 Latvia Pork
    🇱🇧 Lebanon Poultry
    🇱🇸 Lesotho Pork
    🇱🇷 Liberia Poultry
    🇱🇾 Libya Poultry
    🇱🇹 Lithuania Pork
    🇱🇺 Luxembourg Pork
    🇲🇴 Macao Fish & Seafood
    🇲🇬 Madagascar Fish & Seafood
    🇲🇼 Malawi Pork
    🇲🇾 Malaysia Fish & Seafood
    🇲🇻 Maldives Fish & Seafood
    🇲🇱 Mali Fish & Seafood
    🇲🇹 Malta Bovine
    🇲🇷 Mauritania Mutton & Goat
    🇲🇺 Mauritius Poultry
    🇲🇽 Mexico Poultry
    🇫🇲 Micronesia Fish & Seafood
    🇲🇩 Moldova Pork
    🇲🇳 Mongolia Mutton & Goat
    🇲🇪 Montenegro Pork
    🇲🇦 Morocco Poultry
    🇲🇿 Mozambique Fish & Seafood
    🇲🇲 Myanmar Fish & Seafood
    🇳🇦 Namibia Fish & Seafood
    🇳🇷 Nauru Fish & Seafood
    🇳🇵 Nepal Bovine
    🇳🇱 Netherlands Pork
    🇳🇨 New Caledonia Poultry
    🇳🇿 New Zealand Fish & Seafood
    🇳🇮 Nicaragua Poultry
    🇳🇪 Niger Bovine
    🇳🇬 Nigeria Fish & Seafood
    🇰🇵 North Korea Fish & Seafood
    🇲🇰 North Macedonia Poultry
    🇳🇴 Norway Fish & Seafood
    🇴🇲 Oman Fish & Seafood
    🇵🇰 Pakistan Bovine
    🇵🇦 Panama Poultry
    🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea Other
    🇵🇾 Paraguay Bovine
    🇵🇪 Peru Poultry
    🇵🇭 Philippines Fish & Seafood
    🇵🇱 Poland Pork
    🇵🇹 Portugal Fish & Seafood
    🇶🇦 Qatar Poultry
    🇷🇴 Romania Pork
    🇷🇺 Russia Poultry
    🇷🇼 Rwanda Fish & Seafood
    🇰🇳 Saint Kitts & Nevis Poultry
    🇱🇨 Saint Lucia Poultry
    🇻🇨 Saint Vincent & the Grenadines Poultry
    🇼🇸 Samoa Poultry
    🇸🇹 Sao Tome & Principe Fish & Seafood
    🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia Poultry
    🇸🇳 Senegal Fish & Seafood
    🇷🇸 Serbia Pork
    🇸🇨 Seychelles Fish & Seafood
    🇸🇱 Sierra Leone Fish & Seafood
    🇸🇰 Slovakia Pork
    🇸🇮 Slovenia Poultry
    🇸🇧 Solomon Islands Fish & Seafood
    🇿🇦 South Africa Poultry
    🇰🇷 South Korea Fish & Seafood
    🇸🇸 South Sudan Bovine
    🇪🇸 Spain Pork
    🇱🇰 Sri Lanka Fish & Seafood
    🇸🇩 Sudan Bovine
    🇸🇷 Suriname Poultry
    🇸🇪 Sweden Fish & Seafood
    🇨🇭 Switzerland Pork
    🇸🇾 Syria Mutton & Goat
    🇹🇼 Taiwan Poultry
    🇹🇯 Tajikistan Bovine
    🇹🇿 Tanzania Bovine
    🇹🇭 Thailand Fish & Seafood
    🇹🇱 Timor-Leste Pork
    🇹🇬 Togo Fish & Seafood
    🇹🇹 Trinidad & Tobago Poultry
    🇹🇳 Tunisia Poultry
    🇹🇷 Türkiye Poultry
    🇹🇲 Turkmenistan Bovine
    🇺🇸 U.S. Poultry
    🇦🇪 UAE Poultry
    🇺🇬 Uganda Fish & Seafood
    🇬🇧 UK Poultry
    🇺🇦 Ukraine Poultry
    🇺🇾 Uruguay Poultry
    🇺🇿 Uzbekistan Bovine
    🇻🇺 Vanuatu Fish & Seafood
    🇻🇪 Venezuela Poultry
    🇻🇳 Vietnam Fish & Seafood
    🇾🇪 Yemen Poultry
    🇿🇲 Zambia Fish & Seafood
    🇿🇼 Zimbabwe Bovine

    Fish & Seafood ranks as the second most popularly consumed meat in 56 countries, most of them with significant coastlines.

    Here’s a breakdown of how much of each type of meat is eaten per capita in each country, measured in kilograms.

    Country Poultry Pork Fish &
    Bovine Mutton
    & Other
    🇦🇫 Afghanistan 1.7 0.0 0.4 3.2 4.3
    🇦🇱 Albania 13.9 5.3 8.7 11.7 8.3
    🇩🇿 Algeria 6.4 0.0 3.8 3.8 8.4
    🇦🇴 Angola 8.4 7.0 14.1 3.4 1.1
    🇦🇬 Antigua &
    61.8 14.3 54.1 5.0 1.0
    🇦🇷 Argentina 46.2 14.4 6.8 46.9 2.6
    🇦🇲 Armenia 15.3 8.1 5.5 23.9 3.6
    🇦🇺 Australia 48.7 24.2 24.1 37.0 11.5
    🇦🇹 Austria 15.7 45.0 14.3 14.9 1.4
    🇦🇿 Azerbaijan 14.4 0.6 2.0 13.5 8.4
    🇧🇸 Bahamas 54.4 23.8 24.2 5.2 1.7
    🇧🇭 Bahrain 44.0 0.8 16.3 13.7 22.2
    🇧🇩 Bangladesh 1.6 0.0 26.7 1.3 1.4
    🇧🇧 Barbados 49.3 12.3 42.9 8.0 3.4
    🇧🇾 Belarus 32.2 39.2 11.8 18.6 0.4
    🇧🇪 Belgium 12.4 32.8 22.7 14.0 2.6
    🇧🇿 Belize 23.8 20.8 13.3 3.6 0.3
    🇧🇯 Benin 8.7 0.7 16.2 3.6 1.5
    🇧🇹 Bhutan 4.6 1.9 7.3 9.3 0.3
    🇧🇴 Bolivia 40.9 9.7 2.8 21.6 4.9
    🇧🇦 Bosnia &
    20.0 9.3 7.3 12.8 0.6
    🇧🇼 Botswana 3.5 0.5 2.6 10.2 14.3
    🇧🇷 Brazil 48.4 14.2 8.1 35.4 1.2
    🇧🇬 Bulgaria 21.5 30.0 7.4 3.5 2.0
    🇧🇫 Burkina Faso 9.5 15.2 8.9 5.3 4.3
    🇧🇮 Burundi 0.6 0.9 2.6 0.9 0.8
    🇨🇻 Cabo Verde 19.4 7.3 10.8 1.7 1.9
    🇰🇭 Cambodia 2.8 5.9 45.8 4.2 0.0
    🇨🇲 Cameroon 3.3 1.2 19.1 3.1 4.0
    🇨🇦 Canada 40.1 21.4 20.7 27.5 1.6
    🇨🇫 Central African
    2.6 4.1 7.4 20.8 10.4
    🇹🇩 Chad 0.5 0.2 6.6 27.5 18.7
    🇨🇱 Chile 36.1 22.1 14.8 23.7 1.3
    🇨🇳 China 15.6 35.5 39.9 6.8 4.2
    🇨🇴 Colombia 33.8 10.5 8.9 13.7 0.1
    🇰🇲 Comoros 26.8 0.1 14.3 3.0 1.2
    🇨🇬 Congo 23.2 6.8 24.5 1.9 8.1
    🇨🇷 Costa Rica 34.3 12.7 18.0 11.4 0.0
    🇨🇮 Côte d’Ivoire 2.9 1.0 23.2 1.4 6.5
    🇭🇷 Croatia 16.6 49.6 19.1 11.2 2.1
    🇨🇺 Cuba 37.7 21.6 6.1 7.4 4.9
    🇨🇾 Cyprus 28.4 36.8 25.5 5.9 4.6
    🇨🇿 Czechia 23.5 44.5 10.5 10.2 0.9
    🇩🇰 Denmark 24.6 13.5 26.5 24.3 1.3
    🇩🇯 Djibouti 3.6 0.1 3.5 6.2 5.4
    🇩🇲 Dominica 39.4 11.4 27.9 8.1 1.1
    🇩🇴 Dominican
    32.2 9.9 8.5 6.3 0.2
    🇨🇩 DR Congo 1.3 0.5 4.2 0.3 1.2
    🇪🇨 Ecuador 18.9 12.9 8.2 13.3 0.4
    🇪🇬 Egypt 14.3 0.0 27.1 7.4 1.5
    🇸🇻 El Salvador 25.9 4.7 6.5 8.2 0.0
    🇪🇪 Estonia 21.1 37.7 14.7 8.5 0.5
    🇸🇿 Eswatini 7.3 2.0 4.3 16.1 2.0
    🇪🇹 Ethiopia 0.6 0.0 0.5 3.8 3.5
    🇫🇯 Fiji 28.8 3.7 26.5 3.1 5.3
    🇫🇮 Finland 21.1 30.8 33.5 18.4 1.1
    🇫🇷 France 23.0 31.0 33.2 20.8 3.5
    🇵🇫 French
    48.8 14.3 47.3 21.4 3.7
    🇬🇦 Gabon 39.7 8.3 28.7 4.7 14.3
    🇬🇲 Gambia 10.6 0.3 25.2 3.4 1.1
    🇬🇪 Georgia 18.2 9.3 10.0 5.8 1.8
    🇩🇪 Germany 18.3 44.0 12.6 14.6 1.8
    🇬🇭 Ghana 11.6 1.2 24.9 1.6 4.2
    🇬🇷 Greece 25.6 25.0 21.7 14.5 9.4
    🇬🇩 Grenada 37.4 14.6 33.8 4.1 1.4
    🇬🇹 Guatemala 28.7 3.6 3.0 11.7 0.3
    🇬🇳 Guinea 2.7 0.2 9.7 8.2 2.8
    🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau 3.1 7.2 1.2 3.7 1.3
    🇬🇾 Guyana 41.4 5.0 25.0 4.2 1.2
    🇭🇹 Haiti 10.9 4.0 5.0 4.2 0.9
    🇭🇳 Honduras 21.6 5.0 2.6 6.0 0.1
    🇭🇰 Hong Kong 55.5 55.2 65.8 22.5 3.0
    🇭🇺 Hungary 29.8 48.3 6.4 4.6 0.3
    🇮🇸 Iceland 30.0 21.8 90.6 14.0 24.4
    🇮🇳 India 2.6 0.2 8.0 1.1 0.6
    🇮🇩 Indonesia 13.7 0.9 44.4 2.8 0.5
    🇮🇷 Iran 26.0 0.0 12.6 7.6 4.5
    🇮🇶 Iraq 5.4 0.0 3.6 3.1 1.7
    🇮🇪 Ireland 24.7 31.1 22.6 19.8 3.6
    🇮🇱 Israel 68.9 1.6 24.7 27.2 1.7
    🇮🇹 Italy 19.6 32.9 29.2 15.9 1.8
    🇯🇲 Jamaica 53.9 3.1 25.2 3.8 0.7
    🇯🇵 Japan 22.3 21.3 46.2 9.6 0.3
    🇯🇴 Jordan 26.1 0.0 5.1 6.8 4.8
    🇰🇿 Kazakhstan 21.2 8.2 2.8 26.6 15.9
    🇰🇪 Kenya 1.3 0.4 2.9 4.5 4.5
    🇰🇮 Kiribati 26.6 10.3 73.2 1.9 0.3
    🇰🇼 Kuwait 46.6 0.0 14.0 9.4 16.7
    🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan 5.2 2.1 1.1 14.9 10.0
    🇱🇦 Laos 6.6 13.5 24.1 8.4 0.5
    🇱🇻 Latvia 26.2 38.4 25.0 5.3 0.8
    🇱🇧 Lebanon 18.6 0.6 8.7 9.2 1.1
    🇱🇸 Lesotho 2.1 3.8 3.0 2.0 3.9
    🇱🇷 Liberia 11.3 5.3 4.3 0.4 2.1
    🇱🇾 Libya 32.8 0.0 14.3 2.9 6.5
    🇱🇹 Lithuania 33.3 50.7 33.1 5.9 1.1
    🇱🇺 Luxembourg 18.1 33.1 31.7 25.7 2.0
    🇲🇴 Macao 45.6 46.9 73.2 9.4 1.8
    🇲🇬 Madagascar 3.1 1.0 4.0 1.3 0.5
    🇲🇼 Malawi 5.7 11.8 10.1 2.9 3.1
    🇲🇾 Malaysia 50.2 7.4 54.7 6.0 1.0
    🇲🇻 Maldives 11.0 0.4 83.1 5.9 0.8
    🇲🇱 Mali 2.4 0.1 8.5 3.6 2.6
    🇲🇹 Malta 25.2 25.8 22.8 26.4 1.8
    🇲🇷 Mauritania 6.3 0.0 8.4 6.4 18.4
    🇲🇺 Mauritius 38.7 3.2 24.0 4.5 4.2
    🇲🇽 Mexico 35.9 19.1 13.6 14.6 1.5
    🇫🇲 Micronesia 38.2 16.2 47.4 4.9 0.2
    🇲🇩 Moldova 17.2 19.2 11.7 1.9 0.3
    🇲🇳 Mongolia 3.0 0.6 0.6 26.6 81.4
    🇲🇪 Montenegro 17.1 43.2 15.6 15.0 2.1
    🇲🇦 Morocco 24.0 0.0 18.4 7.7 6.9
    🇲🇿 Mozambique 3.8 3.1 13.4 0.6 0.1
    🇲🇲 Myanmar 29.9 20.1 45.0 9.3 1.7
    🇳🇦 Namibia 10.2 4.5 11.9 8.8 8.9
    🇳🇷 Nauru 51.0 28.2 51.0 19.1 6.9
    🇳🇵 Nepal 2.3 1.0 3.5 8.2 2.7
    🇳🇱 Netherlands 10.0 27.7 21.9 16.2 5.2
    🇳🇨 New
    40.9 17.4 23.4 17.7 2.3
    🇳🇿 New Zealand 26.0 25.2 26.4 18.6 15.3
    🇳🇮 Nicaragua 21.8 5.3 6.6 2.2 0.4
    🇳🇪 Niger 1.0 0.1 1.8 2.8 4.4
    🇳🇬 Nigeria 1.2 1.5 6.7 1.6 2.8
    🇰🇵 North Korea 1.8 4.3 11.0 0.8 6.7
    🇲🇰 North
    20.0 12.6 6.2 6.8 0.9
    🇳🇴 Norway 20.0 23.7 50.2 17.8 5.8
    🇴🇲 Oman 19.7 0.4 26.1 9.0 14.3
    🇵🇰 Pakistan 6.2 0.0 1.6 9.8 2.6
    🇵🇦 Panama 55.4 15.9 13.7 14.5 1.0
    🇵🇬 Papua
    New Guinea
    3.9 9.9 14.6 0.8 47.8
    🇵🇾 Paraguay 9.6 8.8 4.0 21.9 0.6
    🇵🇪 Peru 42.7 4.5 27.1 4.2 1.9
    🇵🇭 Philippines 15.9 14.5 29.1 3.1 0.3
    🇵🇱 Poland 32.9 55.0 12.5 1.5 0.1
    🇵🇹 Portugal 30.6 38.1 60.0 18.8 2.8
    🇶🇦 Qatar 54.3 1.2 21.1 8.4 12.1
    🇷🇴 Romania 23.9 34.5 8.3 5.2 2.7
    🇷🇺 Russia 30.8 28.2 21.7 12.9 5.1
    🇷🇼 Rwanda 1.5 1.0 4.6 2.7 3.2
    🇰🇳 Saint Kitts
    & Nevis
    48.7 15.5 38.8 2.9 2.5
    🇱🇨 Saint Lucia 57.6 14.9 33.6 3.8 2.0
    🇻🇨 Saint Vincent
    & the Grenadines
    74.7 11.3 19.4 7.8 0.7
    🇼🇸 Samoa 65.7 12.3 47.6 6.9 3.5
    🇸🇹 Sao Tome
    & Principe
    17.1 4.7 27.7 1.7 0.1
    🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia 43.0 0.0 11.7 4.4 7.7
    🇸🇳 Senegal 7.4 1.2 11.9 5.0 3.7
    🇷🇸 Serbia 14.1 37.3 6.7 6.1 4.1
    🇸🇨 Seychelles 36.9 13.7 56.8 9.2 2.7
    🇸🇱 Sierra Leone 5.4 1.0 25.5 1.3 1.9
    🇸🇰 Slovakia 16.9 38.8 10.2 5.8 0.9
    🇸🇮 Slovenia 30.4 25.8 13.2 15.3 1.1
    🇸🇧 Solomon
    6.1 4.4 28.1 1.8 0.1
    🇿🇦 South Africa 34.9 4.2 6.5 17.2 3.5
    🇰🇷 South Korea 22.8 38.4 55.3 16.9 0.5
    🇸🇸 South Sudan 4.3 0.0 2.9 12.4 4.3
    🇪🇸 Spain 33.6 52.6 40.8 12.3 3.4
    🇱🇰 Sri Lanka 10.4 0.1 29.0 1.2 0.1
    🇸🇩 Sudan 1.9 0.0 1.1 8.0 10.5
    🇸🇷 Suriname 49.6 8.0 16.5 4.4 0.3
    🇸🇪 Sweden 15.4 28.6 32.2 22.5 1.5
    🇨🇭 Switzerland 16.9 27.8 16.0 19.1 2.4
    🇸🇾 Syria 6.4 0.0 2.2 2.2 7.3
    🇹🇼 Taiwan 41.6 38.4 29.8 6.1 0.9
    🇹🇯 Tajikistan 3.5 0.1 0.7 25.8 7.8
    🇹🇿 Tanzania 1.5 0.3 6.4 7.8 1.6
    🇹🇭 Thailand 11.4 13.1 29.2 1.2 0.0
    🇹🇱 Timor-Leste 9.4 11.5 6.4 1.6 0.4
    🇹🇬 Togo 7.2 2.3 11.7 0.8 2.2
    🇹🇹 Trinidad
    & Tobago
    63.1 5.6 23.6 5.7 1.5
    🇹🇳 Tunisia 17.9 0.0 14.1 3.7 5.8
    🇹🇷 Türkiye 20.0 0.0 5.5 16.0 1.3
    🇹🇲 Turkmenistan 6.1 0.1 2.8 22.5 20.8
    🇺🇸 U.S. 58.7 30.6 22.8 37.9 1.4
    🇦🇪 UAE 31.1 0.0 25.4 6.7 10.4
    🇺🇬 Uganda 1.5 2.9 14.3 3.6 1.0
    🇬🇧 UK 32.7 24.0 17.9 17.4 5.0
    🇺🇦 Ukraine 24.9 16.7 13.8 7.2 0.7
    🇺🇾 Uruguay 21.0 14.1 9.1 19.4 3.5
    🇺🇿 Uzbekistan 3.1 0.2 4.0 31.6 6.1
    🇻🇺 Vanuatu 14.6 12.4 29.0 7.2 0.3
    🇻🇪 Venezuela 16.1 4.4 10.2 12.0 0.3
    🇻🇳 Vietnam 15.8 38.2 39.6 6.1 0.5
    🇾🇪 Yemen 11.2 0.0 3.0 3.0 4.5
    🇿🇲 Zambia 2.6 1.5 13.1 9.3 2.7
    🇿🇼 Zimbabwe 4.6 0.7 3.0 42.3 4.3

    The world’s largest consumers of meat per capita? Hong KongIceland, and Macao have the highest total meat consumption, all above 170 kg (370 lbs) per capita.

    We take a brief look through the biggest consumers of each type of meat below.

    Who Eats the Most Poultry?

    While the U.S. and China eat the most chicken by absolute numbers, the countries rank 7th and 112th respectively when it comes to poultry consumption on a per capita basis.

    Several island nations—St. Vincent and the GrenadinesTrinidad & TobagoSamoa—along with Israel eat more than 60 kilograms of poultry meat (about 15 large birds) per person on an annual basis.

    Regionally, poultry consumption can be seen spanning almost all of the Americas, as well as in the UK and former British colonies Australia and South Africa, and in the Middle East.

    Who Eats the Most Pork?

    Despite eating more seafood and poultry, Hong Kong leads the world in pork consumption per capita annually at 55 kg (121 lbs). This is almost equivalent to the average amount of retail pork harvested from a single 250 lb pig.

    Poland and Spain—who are also top pork producers—rank close behind Hong Kong with similar pork consumption numbers. Indeed, we can see pork as the most consumed meat in many European countries with local histories of pork foods, as well as in a few countries in Africa including Burkina Faso and one Southeast Asian country, Timor-Leste.

    Who Eats the Most Fish and Seafood?

    In the middle of the North Atlantic ocean, Iceland eats the most fish and seafood in the world, at a staggering 90 kg (nearly 200 lbs), per person per year. That also gives Iceland the crown for the highest per-capita consumption of any single type of meat.

    Behind Iceland are other island and high coastline nations, including the MaldivesHong KongMacao, and Portugal. Regionally we can see the importance of seafood reflected in East and South Asia, the Atlantic coastline of Africa, and the Nordic countries in Europe.

    Who Eats the Most Beef?

    Argentina’s 46-million-strong population eats nearly 47 kg (103 lbs) of bovine meat per person per year, the most by any country in the UN’s database.

    The South American country has a rich culinary history with beef, as cattle brought by Spanish settlers flourished on the grassy plains of the region. Such is cattle’s importance on the continent that the gaucho—a horseman engaged in cattle work—is a folk symbol in Argentina, Uruguay and parts of Brazil (which ranks 5th in beef consumption).

    The map of beef consumption highlights Central Asian countries including Uzbekistan and Eastern African countries including Ethiopia.

    Who Eats the Most Mutton & Other Meat?

    The people of Mongolia are unrivaled in their consumption of mutton and goat meat, devouring an impressive 66 kilograms (145 pounds) per capita annually. This voracious appetite for meat is deeply rooted in their heritage as a nation of skilled shepherds.

    Papua New Guinea, meanwhile, tops the “other meat” consumption rankings. The country is the largest producer of game meat in the world, due to its mostly rural and indigenous population relying on hunting. One 2023 study found that a sample of villages in the country primarily hunted wild deer and boar for meat, although marsupials like bandicoots, tree-kangaroos, and cuscus were occasionally hunted and consumed as well.

    Mongolia also ranks highly in consumption of other meat per capita, likely due to their traditional consumption of horse meat. The country produced just over 100,000 tons of horse meat in 2020, one-sixth of the country’s total meat production that year.

    Mapping Meat Consumption By Country, Without Seafood

    What happens to each country’s meat consumption habits if we remove fish and seafood from the dataset? The map, and the rankings change quite a bit.

    Most of the blue on the map is replaced with a wash of yellow, indicating the global popularity of poultry meat as a cheap and efficient source of protein. However, much of East Asia including China and European countries like France and Sweden consume more pork.

    The rankings for total meat consumption also shuffle.

    Country Total (With Seafood) Total (Without Seafood)
    🇦🇫 Afghanistan 9.6 9.3
    🇦🇱 Albania 47.8 39.1
    🇩🇿 Algeria 22.4 18.6
    🇦🇴 Angola 34.1 19.9
    🇦🇬 Antigua & Barbuda 136.2 82.1
    🇦🇷 Argentina 116.9 110.2
    🇦🇲 Armenia 56.4 50.9
    🇦🇺 Australia 145.6 121.5
    🇦🇹 Austria 91.2 76.9
    🇦🇿 Azerbaijan 38.9 36.9
    🇧🇸 Bahamas 109.3 85.1
    🇧🇭 Bahrain 96.9 80.6
    🇧🇩 Bangladesh 31.1 4.3
    🇧🇧 Barbados 115.8 73.0
    🇧🇾 Belarus 102.2 90.4
    🇧🇪 Belgium 84.5 61.9
    🇧🇿 Belize 61.8 48.5
    🇧🇯 Benin 30.8 14.6
    🇧🇹 Bhutan 23.4 16.1
    🇧🇴 Bolivia 79.9 77.1
    🇧🇦 Bosnia & Herzegovina 50.1 42.8
    🇧🇼 Botswana 31.1 28.6
    🇧🇷 Brazil 107.2 99.2
    🇧🇬 Bulgaria 64.3 56.9
    🇧🇫 Burkina Faso 43.2 34.3
    🇧🇮 Burundi 5.7 3.1
    🇨🇻 Cabo Verde 41.2 30.4
    🇰🇭 Cambodia 58.6 12.9
    🇨🇲 Cameroon 30.8 11.6
    🇨🇦 Canada 111.3 90.6
    🇨🇫 Central African Republic 45.1 37.8
    🇹🇩 Chad 53.5 46.9
    🇨🇱 Chile 97.8 83.0
    🇨🇳 China 102.0 62.1
    🇨🇴 Colombia 67.0 58.1
    🇰🇲 Comoros 45.5 31.2
    🇨🇬 Congo 64.5 40.0
    🇨🇷 Costa Rica 76.4 58.5
    🇨🇮 Côte d’Ivoire 35.0 11.8
    🇭🇷 Croatia 98.6 79.5
    🇨🇺 Cuba 77.6 71.6
    🇨🇾 Cyprus 101.1 75.6
    🇨🇿 Czechia 89.6 79.2
    🇩🇰 Denmark 90.1 63.7
    🇩🇯 Djibouti 18.9 15.4
    🇩🇲 Dominica 87.9 60.1
    🇩🇴 Dominican Republic 57.1 48.6
    🇨🇩 DR Congo 7.4 3.3
    🇪🇨 Ecuador 53.6 45.4
    🇪🇬 Egypt 50.3 23.3
    🇸🇻 El Salvador 45.4 38.8
    🇪🇪 Estonia 82.4 67.8
    🇸🇿 Eswatini 31.7 27.4
    🇪🇹 Ethiopia 8.4 7.9
    🇫🇯 Fiji 67.4 40.9
    🇫🇮 Finland 104.8 71.4
    🇫🇷 France 111.5 78.2
    🇵🇫 French Polynesia 135.4 88.2
    🇬🇦 Gabon 95.7 67.0
    🇬🇲 Gambia 40.6 15.5
    🇬🇪 Georgia 45.1 35.1
    🇩🇪 Germany 91.4 78.8
    🇬🇭 Ghana 43.5 18.5
    🇬🇷 Greece 96.2 74.5
    🇬🇩 Grenada 91.3 57.5
    🇬🇹 Guatemala 47.2 44.2
    🇬🇳 Guinea 23.6 13.9
    🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau 16.5 15.3
    🇬🇾 Guyana 76.8 51.8
    🇭🇹 Haiti 25.0 20.0
    🇭🇳 Honduras 35.4 32.8
    🇭🇰 Hong Kong 202.1 136.3
    🇭🇺 Hungary 89.3 82.9
    🇮🇸 Iceland 180.9 90.2
    🇮🇳 India 12.6 4.6
    🇮🇩 Indonesia 62.3 17.9
    🇮🇷 Iran 50.6 38.0
    🇮🇶 Iraq 13.8 10.2
    🇮🇪 Ireland 101.8 79.2
    🇮🇱 Israel 124.1 99.4
    🇮🇹 Italy 99.4 70.2
    🇯🇲 Jamaica 86.7 61.5
    🇯🇵 Japan 99.6 53.4
    🇯🇴 Jordan 42.8 37.7
    🇰🇿 Kazakhstan 74.7 71.9
    🇰🇪 Kenya 13.6 10.7
    🇰🇮 Kiribati 112.4 39.2
    🇰🇼 Kuwait 86.6 72.7
    🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan 33.2 32.1
    🇱🇦 Laos 53.1 29.0
    🇱🇻 Latvia 95.8 70.8
    🇱🇧 Lebanon 38.2 29.5
    🇱🇸 Lesotho 14.7 11.7
    🇱🇷 Liberia 23.4 19.1
    🇱🇾 Libya 56.5 42.2
    🇱🇹 Lithuania 123.9 90.9
    🇱🇺 Luxembourg 110.6 78.9
    🇲🇴 Macao 176.9 103.7
    🇲🇬 Madagascar 9.8 5.8
    🇲🇼 Malawi 33.7 23.6
    🇲🇾 Malaysia 119.4 64.7
    🇲🇻 Maldives 101.2 18.1
    🇲🇱 Mali 17.1 8.6
    🇲🇹 Malta 102.0 79.1
    🇲🇷 Mauritania 39.5 31.1
    🇲🇺 Mauritius 74.5 50.5
    🇲🇽 Mexico 84.7 71.1
    🇫🇲 Micronesia 106.7 59.4
    🇲🇩 Moldova 50.3 38.6
    🇲🇳 Mongolia 112.1 111.6
    🇲🇪 Montenegro 93.0 77.4
    🇲🇦 Morocco 57.0 38.6
    🇲🇿 Mozambique 21.0 7.6
    🇲🇲 Myanmar 106.0 61.0
    🇳🇦 Namibia 44.3 32.4
    🇳🇷 Nauru 156.2 105.1
    🇳🇵 Nepal 17.7 14.2
    🇳🇱 Netherlands 81.0 59.1
    🇳🇨 New Caledonia 101.7 78.3
    🇳🇿 New Zealand 111.4 85.0
    🇳🇮 Nicaragua 36.3 29.6
    🇳🇪 Niger 10.1 8.3
    🇳🇬 Nigeria 13.8 7.0
    🇰🇵 North Korea 24.6 13.6
    🇲🇰 North Macedonia 46.6 40.3
    🇳🇴 Norway 117.4 67.2
    🇴🇲 Oman 69.5 43.4
    🇵🇰 Pakistan 20.2 18.6
    🇵🇦 Panama 100.5 86.8
    🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea 77.0 62.4
    🇵🇾 Paraguay 44.9 40.9
    🇵🇪 Peru 80.5 53.4
    🇵🇭 Philippines 62.8 33.7
    🇵🇱 Poland 102.0 89.5
    🇵🇹 Portugal 150.2 90.2
    🇶🇦 Qatar 96.9 75.9
    🇷🇴 Romania 74.7 66.4
    🇷🇺 Russia 98.6 76.9
    🇷🇼 Rwanda 12.9 8.4
    🇰🇳 Saint Kitts & Nevis 108.5 69.7
    🇱🇨 Saint Lucia 111.9 78.3
    🇻🇨 Saint Vincent & the Grenadines 113.8 94.4
    🇼🇸 Samoa 135.9 88.3
    🇸🇹 Sao Tome & Principe 51.3 23.6
    🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia 66.8 55.0
    🇸🇳 Senegal 29.1 17.2
    🇷🇸 Serbia 68.3 61.6
    🇸🇨 Seychelles 119.2 62.5
    🇸🇱 Sierra Leone 35.0 9.5
    🇸🇰 Slovakia 72.7 62.5
    🇸🇮 Slovenia 85.7 72.5
    🇸🇧 Solomon Islands 40.5 12.4
    🇿🇦 South Africa 66.2 59.8
    🇰🇷 South Korea 133.8 78.5
    🇸🇸 South Sudan 23.9 21.0
    🇪🇸 Spain 142.7 101.9
    🇱🇰 Sri Lanka 40.8 11.8
    🇸🇩 Sudan 21.5 20.3
    🇸🇷 Suriname 78.8 62.3
    🇸🇪 Sweden 100.2 68.0
    🇨🇭 Switzerland 82.2 66.2
    🇸🇾 Syria 18.0 15.8
    🇹🇼 Taiwan 116.7 87.0
    🇹🇯 Tajikistan 37.9 37.2
    🇹🇿 Tanzania 17.6 11.2
    🇹🇭 Thailand 54.9 25.8
    🇹🇱 Timor-Leste 29.3 22.9
    🇹🇬 Togo 24.2 12.5
    🇹🇹 Trinidad & Tobago 99.5 75.9
    🇹🇳 Tunisia 41.4 27.3
    🇹🇷 Türkiye 42.8 37.3
    🇹🇲 Turkmenistan 52.2 49.4
    🇺🇸 U.S. 151.4 128.6
    🇦🇪 UAE 73.6 48.2
    🇺🇬 Uganda 23.3 9.0
    🇬🇧 UK 97.0 79.1
    🇺🇦 Ukraine 63.3 49.5
    🇺🇾 Uruguay 67.3 58.1
    🇺🇿 Uzbekistan 45.0 41.0
    🇻🇺 Vanuatu 63.5 34.5
    🇻🇪 Venezuela 43.1 32.9
    🇻🇳 Vietnam 100.2 60.6
    🇾🇪 Yemen 21.7 18.7
    🇿🇲 Zambia 29.3 16.2
    🇿🇼 Zimbabwe 54.9 51.9

    Hong Kong remains at the top, but the U.S. jumps up three spots to second place, with annual per capita meat consumption at 128 kg (282 lbs) when seafood isn’t included.

    Iceland and Macao drop to the top 15, while Australia, Mongolia, and Argentina climb into the top five. Other countries that preferred seafood dropped a lot lower, such as Japan, which fell 40 spots in the total consumption rankings when fish was removed.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 22:05

  • US, NATO Weapons Stockpile At "Dangerously Low" Levels: Top Air Force General
    US, NATO Weapons Stockpile At “Dangerously Low” Levels: Top Air Force General

    Authored by Mimi Nguyen Ly via The Epoch Times,

    The weapons stockpile of the United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies are becoming “dangerous low” with no “short term” solutions, according to a top U.S. Air Force commander.

    Gen. James Hecker, the commander of U.S. Air Forces Europe and Air Forces Africa, made the remarks at the Chief of the Air Staff’s Global Air & Space Chiefs’ Conference in London, reported Breaking Defense.

    The air force general urged NATO allies to think seriously about their stockpiles.

    “I think it’s very important that we kind of take stock of where we are in our weapons state across the 32 nations of NATO, and we’re getting way down compared to where we were,” Gen. Hecker said on a panel with the air chiefs of the United Kingdom and Sweden at the conference, reported the outlet.

    And it’s probably not going to get better—well, it’s not in the short term—but we’ve got to make sure in the long term we have the industrial base that can increase what we have,” he said at the July 12-13 event, urging all NATO nations to start making deeper investments.

    The United States is at “roughly half the number of fighter squadrons” it had compared to when it engaged in Operation Desert Storm, a U.S.-led operation that started in January 1991 as part of a response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the general said. He added there’s been a similar decrease in fighter squadrons for the UK.

    “So we don’t have nearly what we had at the heart of the Cold War,” he continued.

    “Now you add that we’re giving a lot of munitions away to the Ukrainians, which I think is exactly what we need to do, but now we’re getting dangerously low and sometimes, in some cases even too low, that we don’t have enough. And we need to get industry on board to help us out so we can get this going.”

    The United States has provided Ukraine over $41.3 billion in security assistance since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, according to the U.S. State Department as of July 7. This encompasses more than $15 billion in weapons and equipment taken from U.S. military stocks to Ukraine since the Russian invasion.

    It comes after the Biden administration last week announced it would send to Ukraine the controversial cluster munitions, which have since arrived in the country.

    The cluster munitions, after they are fired, open in midair and release bomblets over a wide area to strike several targets simultaneously. They can be delivered by planes, artillery, and missiles. More than 100 countries, including two-thirds of NATO allies, have banned such weapons because they can cause many civilian casualties.

    Cluster munitions can be fired using artillery that the United States has provided to Ukraine, and the Pentagon has a large stockpile of them that were facing decommissioning if it wasn’t for Ukraine’s voiced need for more ammunition.

    A man standing next to the remains of a missile that dropped cluster bombs in a residential housing complex in Sloviansk, Ukraine, on June 27, 2022. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

    The Biden administration said the cluster munitions will enable the Ukrainians to continue their war effort with the ordnance they need, while the United States and others who supply Ukraine ramp up their production of artillery shells to further assist Ukraine’s defense.

    “We don’t see this as a permanent solution but rather a bridge,” Colin Kahl, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, said at a July 7 press briefing.

    National security adviser Jake Sullivan said at a separate briefing: “We are reaching a point in this conflict, because of the dramatically high expenditure rates of artillery by Ukraine and by Russia, where we need to build a bridge from where we are today to when we have enough monthly production of unitary rounds that unitary rounds alone will suffice to give Ukraine what it needs.

    “So, as a result, this is the moment to begin the construction of that bridge so that there isn’t any period over this summer or heading into this fall when Ukraine is short on artillery and, being short on artillery, it is vulnerable to Russian counterattacks that could subjugate more Ukrainian civilians.”

    Mr. Sullivan stopped short of saying there was a shortage of artillery shells.

    Heidi Grant, Boeing’s director of business development, who was a former top official for the Pentagon’s weapons sales, told the panel in London that in order to start production lines, industry needs a “written, on-paper request” of what’s required, reported Breaking Defense.

    “It’s hard for us to make the investment unless we know that [the demand is] really there,” Ms. Grant added.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 21:30

  • Janet Yellen Consumed Psychedelic Mushrooms In China: Report
    Janet Yellen Consumed Psychedelic Mushrooms In China: Report

    Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen may have been tripping balls when she fervently bowed before a Chinese official last week, after the 76-year-old ate four portions of jian shou qing, a type of wild mushroom with unpredictable psychedelic effects.

    According to CNN, citing Chinese state media,Yellen nipped into a casual Beijing restaurant right after landing on July 6, where she apparently exhibited excellent skills with her chopsticks.

    Then she did this:

     “You thought you were walking straight but you just fell sideways,” one food expert told the Xinhua state news agency in a report about the mushroom’s potent powers, published after Yellen left the country.

    “I have a friend who mistakenly ate them and hallucinated for three days,” Dr. Peter Mortimer, a professor at Kunming Institute of Botany, told CNN.

    Yellen’s stop at an outlet of the Yi Zuo Yi Wang restaurant chain — the name means “In and Out” in English — sparked a flurry of posts on the Chinese social media network Weibo and a deluge of reservations, staffers said.

    It was an extremely magical day,” the restaurant said of the secretary’s visit. –NY Post

    About that bow…

    “Never, ever, ever – An American official does not bow,” said former George W. Bush White House senior staffer Bradley Blakeman in response. “It looks like she’s been summoned to the principal’s office, and that’s exactly the optics the Chinese love.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 20:55

  • US Ready To Engage North Korea On Nuclear Program "Without Preconditions"
    US Ready To Engage North Korea On Nuclear Program “Without Preconditions”

    After a recent clear uptick in provocative North Korean missile launches, itself a response to increased joint US-South Korean military drills on the peninsula, national security adviser Jake Sullivan has said the Biden White House is ready to negotiate with Pyongyang “without preconditions” about its nuclear program.  

    “We have indicated to North Korea that we’re prepared to sit down and talk without preconditions about their nuclear program,” Sullivan told “Face the Nation” on Sunday, in comments coming just days after the north test launched an ICBM.

    For months, South Korean and Western officials have expressed alarm over what they see as a potential North Korean nuclear test happening soon. But Sullivan in his own fresh remarks said he’s not seen “any immediate indications” of this happening imminently.

    “But it would not come as a surprise that North Korea moved forward with another nuclear test,” he said.

    “With respect to its intercontinental ballistic missile capability, this is a capability they began testing several years ago,” Sullivan continued. “They have continued to test it. We watch all of those tests very closely to see how it is developing and we could coordinate extremely closely with our allies — with Japan and Korea —  to make sure that we are responding in lockstep to this threat.” 

    Sullivan called out China as well, warning of a regional escalation in nuclear build-up activities…

    “We’ve also made clear to China that it is the United States who is ready for diplomacy and North Korea who was not,” Sullivan said.

    “So from our perspective, China has a role to play here too, given its relationship with North Korea, to indicate to the North Koreans that its continued testing is destabilizing, and, frankly, is in fact only creating circumstances in which the United States our allies and partners have to step up our activities and posture to respond to the threat.”

    In recent years, the US and Japan began issuing joint affirmations of common nuclear defense.

    A White House statement in April 2021 for example spelled out: “The United States restated its unwavering support for Japan’s defense under the U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security, using its full range of capabilities, including nuclear.”

    So given this, Beijing is unlikely to quickly heed Washington’s call to rush to be direct mediator with the Kim Jong Un government.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 19:45

  • DeSantis Fires Roughly A Dozen Staffers With More On The Way
    DeSantis Fires Roughly A Dozen Staffers With More On The Way

    The 2024 presidential campaign of Ron DeSantis (R) has fired roughly a dozen staffers, with more expected in the coming weeks,’ after the Florida governor has failed to gain ground on former President Donald Trump less than two months after he entered the race.

    According to NBC News, those who were let go were described as mid-level staffers across several departments whose firings were related to cutting costs. The downsizing comes after the departures of David Abrams and Tucker Obenshain, veterans of DeSantis’ political orbit, as first reported by Politico.

    Sources from within the DeSantis campaign say that there’s an internal assessment that they hired too many staffers too early despite a $20 million haul during the first six weeks, and that costs needed to come down.

    Others within DeSantis’ political orbit have laid the blame at the feet of campaign manager Generra Peck, who spearheaded the governor’s 2022 midterm reelection bid.

    “She should be,” said one DeSantis donor.

    “They never should have brought so many people on, the burn rate was way too high,” said one GOP source familiar with the campaign’s thought process. “People warned the campaign manager but she wanted to hear none of it.”

    DeSantis stock isn’t rising,” added the donor. “Twenty percent is not what people signed up for.”

    The person noted that DeSantis has a penchant for switching out staff, which means that he has no core team that has worked together before. DeSantis had three different campaign teams for each of his three runs for Congress, and notably had a huge campaign shakeup during his first run for governor in 2018. –NBC News

    In response, DeSantis campaign spokesman Eric Romeo told NBC News; “Americans are rallying behind Ron DeSantis and his plan to reverse Joe Biden’s failures and restore sanity to our nation, and his momentum will only continue as voters see more of him in-person, especially in Iowa. Defeating Joe Biden and the $72 million behind him will require a nimble and candidate driven campaign, and we are building a movement to go the distance.”

    According to campaign finance reports filed Saturday, the DeSantis campaign had 92 people listed as being on the payroll for at least some period of time during the first fundraising period – the most of any GOP presidential candidate. This comes amid ‘huge payroll expenses’ and ‘fewer resources than originally thought.’

    As of now, DeSantis has $12 million in the bank – of which just $3 million can be used during the general election. Around $14 million of his Q2 haul came from donors who contributed the maximum legal amount. This means that around 2/3 of his early donors will be barred from giving directly to his campaign for the remainder of the race.

    Never Back Down, the pro-DeSantis super PAC, has said it will spend up to $200 million to boost the governor’s White House bid and has a significantly larger staff than the official campaign.

    The moment of potential reset comes ahead of a national finance committee meeting for DeSantis’ campaign Sunday in Tallahassee, which will bring the campaign’s brain trust together as they try to figure out how to chip into Trump’s massive GOP primary lead.

    The event will include a briefing at the campaign’s Tallahassee headquarters followed by a barbecue at the governor’s mansion, according to an invite reviewed by NBC News.

    Despite being on the campaign trail for nearly two months, DeSantis has been frustrating some supporters for his failure to make up ground against Trump.

    “Yeah, there are people grumbling about it, no doubt,” said one DeSantis donor. “There is an overall sense, including with me, that he just has not ignited the way we thought he would.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 18:35

  • Pronoun Lockdown: Almost Half Of Millennials Want Jail Time For "Misgendering"
    Pronoun Lockdown: Almost Half Of Millennials Want Jail Time For “Misgendering”

    Authored by Jonathan Turley,

    A recent survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Newsweek, found that 44 percent  of millennials (between ages 25-34) favor criminal charges for people who use the wrong pronouns for others or so-called “misgendering.” 

    We have previously discussed how misgendering is now a crime in countries like Great Britain.

    Misgendering has been referred to as an “act of violence” at some U.S. universities.

    There has been a concern that we are seeing the rise of a generation of censors, who have been taught since a young age that speech is harmful and even violent.

    Yet, hate speech is protected in the United States.

    Given that fact, it is astonishing to claim that a pronoun violation could lead to incarceration. Only 31 percent of the millennials disagreed with the proposition.

    They are not alone.

    Recently, Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), who is a lawyer, said that “if you espouse hate … you’re not protected under the First Amendment.”

    Former Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean declared the identical position: “Hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment.”

    Even some dictionaries now espouse this false premise, defining “hate speech” as “Speech not protected by the First Amendment, because it is intended to foster hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, place of national origin, or other improper classification.”

    If hate speech is constitutionally protected, pronoun use or misuse is also protected as a criminal matter.

    (There is ongoing litigation of the protection in an employment setting for civil liability or disciplinary action).

    Yet, the most serious concern is the inclination of this generation to use criminal laws to police such questions. 

    It reflects the erosion of free speech principles with younger generations. 

    That crisis of faith could prove disastrous with free speech in a virtual free fall in Europe.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 18:00

  • IRS Taking 'Swift And Aggressive Action' Against 'Delinquent Millionaires' For Tax Evasion
    IRS Taking ‘Swift And Aggressive Action’ Against ‘Delinquent Millionaires’ For Tax Evasion

    The IRS on Friday announced that it’s planning on pursuing “high-income individuals evading taxes,” and says it’s made millions in recoveries from such individuals despite coming under fire for targeting a higher percentage of lower-income Americans as part of its tax audits.

    The IRS is working to ensure [that] high-income filers pay the taxes they owe,” the agency said in a Friday press release. “Prior to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), more than a decade of budget cuts prevented IRS from keeping pace with the increasingly complicated set of tools that the wealthiest taxpayers use to hide their income and evade paying their share. The IRS is now taking swift and aggressive action to close this gap.”

    “In recent months, our Criminal Investigation team has closed a lengthy list of cases where wealthy taxpayers have been sentenced for tax evasion, money laundering and filing false tax returns.

    “Instead of paying taxes, these evaders spent money owed to the government on gambling at casinos, vacations and the purchase of luxury goods. For example, in one case alone, the person was ordered to pay more than $6 million in restitution.”

    The IRS says it’s closed around 175 delinquent tax cases regarding millionaires in the past few months, raising some $38 million in recoveries.

    “This is just the start. We will continue to go after delinquent millionaires as we ramp up enforcement capabilities through the IRA,” the agency statement continues.

    The IRS claims it has recently identified around 100 high-income individuals who were living in Puerto Rico without real residency for the purpose of securing potential tax breaks. The agency is also looking into taxpayers making use of Washington’s treaty with Malta to “improperly” claim tax exemptions.

    “The IRS of today is laser-focused on holding our highest-wealth filers, millionaires and billionaires, accountable for what they owe,” Commissioner Danny Werfel told reporters in a briefing.

    The Inflation Reduction Act, passed last August, had set aside $80 billion for the tax agency over a period of ten years to boost enforcement as well as improve operations and service. –Epoch Times

    The IRS has come under scrutiny for allegedly focusing more on lower-income families vs. wealthy ones, who will typically use complicated structures involving trusts and LLCs in order to minimize or avoid paying taxes.

    “The taxpayer class with unbelievably high audit rates—five and a half times virtually everyone else—were low-income wage-earners taking the earned income tax credit,” reads a Jan. 4 post by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), a nonprofit data research center at Syracuse University. “This credit is provided to offset the taxes for the lowest wage-earners in the country.”

    Among the lowest wage earners, the rate of income tax audits per 1,000 filers stood at 12.7 for the lowest income wage earners in FY2022, vs. 2.3% for everyone else.

    More via the Epoch Times;

    IRS’ Focus On Low-Wage Earners

    In a 2021 annual report (pdf) to Congress, National Taxpayer Advocate Erin M. Collins pointed out that in fiscal year 2019, over half the taxpayers that IRS subjected to correspondence audits only had total positive incomes of less than $50,000. “These taxpayers often face particular challenges navigating the correspondence audit process,” the report said.

    Low-income wage earners “have historically been targeted not because they account for the most tax under-reporting, but because they are easy marks in an era when IRS increasingly relies upon correspondence audits yet doesn’t have the resources to assist taxpayers or answer their questions,” TRAC said.

    TRAC pointed out that the IRS audits of millionaire taxpayers have fallen over the past decade. In 2012, 40,965 such taxpayers were audited by the IRS. By fiscal 2020, the number fell to 7,108.

    Meanwhile, the Democrat-backed IRA has faced criticism, with some arguing that the bill will increase IRS’ taxation focus on the middle and lower-income classes.

    Before passing the bill in August, an amendment was proposed by Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) stipulating that none of the $80 billion funds from the IRA set aside for the IRS could be used by the tax agency to audit taxpayers making less than $400,000 annually. The amendment was voted against by all 50 Democrat senators.

    In a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles P. Rettig, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wrote that the new funding “shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels.”

    However, as her directive is not in the bill, Yellen’s words do not have the force of law. “This has no teeth behind it,” said Preston Brashers, a senior tax policy analyst with The Heritage Foundation.

    Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) has estimated that the IRA can potentially amount to 1.2 million new taxpayer audits each year, out of which over 710,000 would be Americans making $75,000 or less annually.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 17:30

  • More On The Battle For Rare Earths And Critical Minerals
    More On The Battle For Rare Earths And Critical Minerals

    By Peter Tchir of Academy Securities

    Because this topic is such a major national security and macroeconomic concern, we wanted to follow up on last weekend’s T-Report and our latest SITREP. The change of mindset to one where nations and companies feel the “need” to control processes and inventories much better is real and has only just begun. We will, over time, see much of the “globalization” of the past few decades reversed as nations and companies identify what is critical to their mission and demand more “control” over certain things including rare earths, critical minerals, and chips.

    It will be inflationary as the capacity is developed and more of the overall environmental impact is considered, but the cost will be worth it as supplies will be more “secure.”

    An Anecdote

    I want to start with an anecdote from a participant (ESG specialist) at a recent Academy Geopolitical Summit.

    1. Australia mined lithium.

    2. Australia shipped the lithium to China to process.

    3. China processed the lithium into a form that can be used in batteries and other things.

    4. China shipped the processed lithium to Australia.

    Just think about some of the risk factors:

    • International shipping can be more time consuming and expensive than domestic freight, especially as ports get “backlogged” more frequently. That is a risk at the best of times, let alone when a country refuses access for some reason (like China during COVID).

    • International shipping likely requires more energy consumption (relying heavily on fossil fuels), which goes against what many countries and companies are trying to achieve.

    • The inability to process means that you are “captive” to a nation (or company) that you have no control over. The processing of this and many other rare earths and critical elements into a useable format is often quite “dirty” (energy and water use, etc.) from an environmental standpoint. If you are truly concerned about the environment, wouldn’t you want more control over the processing and to work with countries and companies that will enforce strict environmental standards?

    Now, Australia mines the lithium, processes it domestically, and then uses it in products that it is making domestically.

    While possibly more expensive, at least initially, many of the risks (that could not be controlled or hedged against) were eliminated by Australia.

    This “anecdote” is happening and will happen 100s of times in the coming years.

    Cost and Control

    “Cost” is not the only factor.

    • Cost cannot be narrowly defined. Risks (especially unhedgeable risks) need to be factored in better than they are.

      • Attribution, even when the work is done by third parties, is a concern for companies and a lack of control is bad.

    • Control. No one wants to feel as handcuffed as they did during COVID. Working with countries and companies that you can trust (or control) is increasingly important. The first time that this breakdown of supply chains occurred, everyone was in the same boat. However, if it happens again, companies (and countries) that are prepared will be in the driver’s seat.

    Nations and companies gave up significant control during this period of unprecedented globalization. There will be a slow unwinding of globalization because the “trust” in the system has been broken and will not be mended easily.


    Let’s start this section, meant to be about the ability to acquire supplies of rare earths and critical minerals, with a discussion about “blood diamonds.” It isn’t entirely clear how we segue from “cost and control” and “Australian lithium” to “blood diamonds,” but it is worth spending a minute or two on this topic.

    Nations and companies want to be able to secure and process the resources.

    That sounds simple on the surface (especially the acquisition part). We can extract them ourselves from our own land or we can acquire them from some other country that has access to them.

    But let’s just look at something as “obvious” as blood diamonds.

    We (in the “West”) can choose to avoid blood diamonds. We can also feel better about ourselves because our jewelry doesn’t come from the horrifying world of blood diamonds (I assume that there is an industrial equivalent to this argument).
    But the blood diamonds don’t go away because we won’t buy them.

    The Wagner Group allegedly benefits from the blood diamond trade. The Wagner Group offers “protection” and is supposedly paid at least in part with blood diamonds (seems entirely plausible). The West decreases the value of those blood diamonds by not buying them, which ironically (or sadly) probably means that the bad people have to collect more blood diamonds to pay the other bad people for their services.

    I am not saying that our stance on blood diamonds is wrong, but so long as a market of sufficient size remains for them, it may be naïve to think that we’ve “solved” anything.

    No one in the West wants blood diamonds, but blood diamonds probably helped the Wagner Group (and Russia) in the war in Ukraine. Life is complicated!

    I mention “blood diamonds” because unfortunately, in the battle to secure rare earths and critical minerals, countries and companies are likely to face many moral dilemmas. These are dilemmas that our main competitor (China) and our enemies (Russia, Iran) don’t have.

    Being brutally honest, we probably had to deal with many moral issues related to petroleum, but over time we have figured out a way to get the resources we need (by having a strong domestic industry for example). However, we will have to deal with these issues again.

    It would be nice if the acquisition of rare earths and critical minerals was a “walk in the park” and every source came from an area with an impeccable human rights record, a democratic political system, and a low Gini coefficient (a high Gini coefficient represents wealth inequality). However, they won’t all be found in countries like this and I’m not sure that many such countries even exist. It would also be nice if all the resource could be extracted in an environmentally friendly manner with no impact on the workers or regions from which the resources are being extracted. While that just isn’t likely, we can still make the efforts to make it happen (even if this will likely drive prices higher).

    There will be a real challenge for countries and nations to secure resources in a world that isn’t on a level playing field.

    We know what we will do when one nation invades another, but do we know what we will do when we lose mineral rights to players that just don’t care about the same things that we value?

    I don’t know the answer, but this subject will come up over and over again in many forms, and is something that we will need to grapple with as we try to balance the need for control/security with maintaining our ethical and moral standards.
    This is definitely a wildcard in my thought process, but I am optimistic that there are enough “good” sources in “good” countries that we can acquire and process what we need.


    Taking control of the processing seems like a “no-brainer” to me.

    While rare earths and critical minerals are important, they are relatively useless compared to the refined products.

    • We want the control and security of being able to process them into those refined products.

    • We want the control and security to oversee the refining process because then we can control the level of environmental risk associated with that processing.

    Seems easy, but there are many things that seem like no-brainers to me that get bogged down in politics or the courts, so one can only hope that we get there.

    Bottom Line

    • Deglobalization.

    • Steady inflation.

    • More “security” for us, our allies, and our companies.

    It is difficult to put a cost on “control” and “security,” but it is imperative on us (as nations and companies) to be prepared to pay that cost to “win” in the long run.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 17:00

  • US Virgin Islands Demands $190 Million From JPMorgan Over Jeffrey Epstein Relationship
    US Virgin Islands Demands $190 Million From JPMorgan Over Jeffrey Epstein Relationship

    The US Virgin Islands says it’s seeking at least $190 million from JPMorgan in its lawsuit accusing the bank of facilitating Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-trafficking operation.

    In a Friday court filing in Manhattan, the USVI also said it wants JPMorgan to commit to reforms that would prevent the bank from enabling human trafficking in the future. Epstein notably had a private island in the USVI where he brought many of his victims – and an unreleased list of associates who abused them.

    I am gratified that the victims have received some measure of compensation from the bank, but more needs to be done to hold JPMorgan Chase accountable and to ensure this does not happen to another generation of women and girls,” said USVI AG Ariel Smith in a statement, Bloomberg reports.

    Last month JPMorgan settled with a group of Epstein victims for $290 million without admitting liability. The USVI suit seeks damages over the bank’s relationship with the dead pedophile which spanned 1998 to 2013.

    The bank says the Friday filing by the USVI does not comport with previous “settlement conversations” between the parties, according to a spokeswoman, who added: “As for the USVI’s misdirected damages theories, they are not well-founded and are being challenged by JPM in court.”

    JPMorgan has argued that the USVI suit is flawed because the territory itself facilitated Epstein’s crimes. For instance, the bank has noted that Cecile de Jongh, the former first lady of the USVI, worked for Epstein and helped arrange visas and travel for women he brought there. Epstein in return paid the Skidmore College tuition for one of De Jongh’s children and provided many other benefits.

    According to its court filing, USVI is seeking $150 million in penalties from JPMorgan for allegedly facilitating Epstein’s sex trafficking. The territory said it also wants $40 million that it estimates JPMorgan earned in fees from managing Epstein’s accounts and the accounts of ultra-high net worth figures he referred to the bank. -Bloomberg

    In its filing, the USVI indicated that it will seek additional compensatory and punitive damages to be distributed to the victims.

    The territory has sought to block the bank from arguing in court that the USVI has “unclean hands” due to several times between officials and Epstein. According to the USVI, a state entity can’t be held liable for failing to protect specific individuals – only the general public.

    Both the settled suit and the USVI action concern the relationship between former JPMorgan executive Jes Staley and Epstein, who had – in Staley’s words, a “profound” relationship.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 16:30

  • Hedge Fund CIO: "Such Drama Should Remind Us To Do Those Things We Find Least Comfortable"
    Hedge Fund CIO: “Such Drama Should Remind Us To Do Those Things We Find Least Comfortable”

    By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management

    US District Judge Analisa Torres granted summary judgment to Ripple on claims by the Securities and Exchange Commission that it sold unregistered securities through sales to retail investors on digital asset exchanges.

    Torres reasoned that such investors did not know that Ripple was on the other side of the trade, so they could not have known or expected that Ripple would use the money to boost the value of its token (XRP).

    It was phenomenal news for Ripple, many other tokens, and for digital asset exchanges. The judge, however, also ruled that sales of XRP to institutional investors were unregistered securities.

    This second ruling was not in Ripple’s favor, but it had no bearing on digital asset exchanges. So, for Ripple, the news was mixed, but XRP nevertheless rocketed 75%.

    There is no greater gravitational force in financial markets than uncertainty, and after a 3yr legal battle with the SEC, it had largely lifted.

    Coinbase shares surged 25%, its largest one-day gain as a public company. Judge Torres’s ruling weakened the SEC’s case against Coinbase in dramatic fashion.

    Like all things in crypto, the moves are big, the cycles compressed. With no buyer of last resort, no central bank to bail you out, hostile regulators, frightened incumbent banks, and politicians with agendas that are difficult to comprehend, crypto markets are where the rawest lessons in investing can be learnt.

    On Nov 9th last year when Binance withdrew its bid to acquire FTX, Sequoia wrote down its $210mm investment to $0, and the SEC/DOJ opened investigations, the NYT ran this headline: “Is this Crypto’s Lehman Moment?”

    Markets plunged. Bitcoin fell to around $15,800. Ethereum hit $1,100. They’re now up 92% and 76% respectively.

    And on June 6th when the SEC sued Coinbase, its stock traded around $40 pre-market. It is up 133% from those lows and +200% from the Nov 9th panic lows.

    Such drama should remind us to do those things we find least comfortable. To lean against the crowd, its panic. To reflect on our own emotions so that we can deny them. In the pursuit of profit.  

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 16:00

  • CDC Used Journal To Promote Masks Despite 'Unreliable' And 'Unsupported Data': New Analysis
    CDC Used Journal To Promote Masks Despite ‘Unreliable’ And ‘Unsupported Data’: New Analysis

    Authored by Megan Redshaw, J.D. via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    A new analysis of studies in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) flagship scientific journal found the agency promoted the effectiveness of masks using unreliable data with conclusions unsupported by evidence.

    (Tami Chappell via Reuters)

    The preprint, published July 11 on MedRxiv, found the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) made positive findings about the efficacy of masks 75 percent of the time, despite only 30 percent of studies testing masks, and less than 15 percent having “statistically significant results.”

    No studies were randomized, yet the CDC in over half of their MMWR studies, made misleading statements indicating a causal relationship between mask-wearing and a decrease in COVID-19 cases or transmission, despite failing to show evidence of mask effectiveness.

    The inappropriate use of causal language in MMWR studies was directly adopted by then CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky to promote masks and recommendations urging Americans to mask up. The authors said their findings “raise concern about the reliability of the journal for informing health policy” and suggest bias within the journal.

    The MMWR, often called “the voice of the CDC,” is the agency’s primary vehicle for “scientific publication of timely, reliable, authoritative, accurate, objective, and useful public health information and recommendations.”

    The publication—subject only to peer review internally by the agency—is frequently used to draft national health policies. For example, mask requirements implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic for federal workers, travelers, schools, businesses, healthcare workers, and Head Start programs—“mirrored” CDC recommendations.

    Of the 77 reviews cited in the agency’s MMWR used to promote masks, researchers found the following:

    • Only 23 of 77 studies assessed the effectiveness of masks, yet 58 of 77 studies claimed masks were effective.
    • Of the 58 studies, 41 used “causal language,” and 40 misused causal language. Causal language is where an “action or entity is explicitly presented as influencing another” and should not be used in observational studies because these types of studies merely identify “associations” and cannot establish that the “associations identified represent cause-and-effect relationships.”
    • According to the analysis, the 40 studies that used causal language indicated with certainty that masks lower transmission rates, despite the fact their results, at most, found a correlation. In addition, 25 of the 40 studies didn’t even assess the effectiveness of masks. The one remaining study used causal language related to particle filtration on mannequins with “unknown relevance for human health.”
    • Of the 58 studies referenced above, only one mentioned conflicting data on mask effectiveness—the authors noted it was an international study primarily focused on influenza.
    • Four of the 77 studies had more cases in the mask group than in the comparator group, yet all four studies concluded masks were effective.

    None of the 77 studies assessed after 2019 were randomized, and none cited randomized data.

    Randomized studies are the “gold standard” for determining whether an intervention or treatment is effective. Instead, the CDC most commonly used observational studies without controls or comparison groups.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 15:30

  • "Shocking Number": Rivian Owner Sees $42,000 Repair Bill For Minor Accident
    “Shocking Number”: Rivian Owner Sees $42,000 Repair Bill For Minor Accident

    We’ve explained to readers that auto insurers are inflating premiums for their customers due to the skyrocketing costs associated with vehicle repairs. Some insurers are opting to write off electric vehicles even for minor incidents, as it’s uneconomical to fix these complex systems. For those insurers who do undertake the repairs on EVs, the expenses are shockingly high. 

    The latest example of insurers getting roasted on repairs is a report from The New York Times that says a Rivian owner said his R1T electric pickup truck was involved in a minor fender bender in February in Columbus, Ohio. The insurance company of the driver who struck Chris Apfelstadt’s R1T offered to pay about $1,600 for the repairs. 

    However, after the R1T was taken to a certified repair shop in Columbus, the costs soared to a whopping $42,000 — or about half of the starting price of the EV. 

    “A key reason is that the accident damaged a sleek panel that extends from the truck’s rear to front roof pillars. Repairing and repainting it set off a cascade of pricey work, including removing the interior ceiling material, known as the headliner, and front windshield,” NYT wrote. 

    Perhaps the high costs were also associated with “Rivian’s small size and youth”… and “like other auto start-ups, the company, which is based in Irvine, Calif., and delivered its first vehicles to customers in 2021, does not sell through franchised dealers and has had to build an independent repair network from scratch,” the paper continued. 

    Auto experts have said repairing EVs is more expensive than fixing gasoline vehicles. We penned a note in March titled Not ESG-Friendly: Insurers Junk Entire EVs For Minor Accidents. It only takes one minor accident to damage a battery pack, and if that occurs, it must be replaced at the cost of tens of thousands of dollars. 

    At the same time, auto insurance rates are soaring as the cost of fixing not just EVs but all vehicles has led to significant losses for big insurance companies over the last few years. America’s largest insurer, State Farm, lost 28 cents for every premium written in 2022. It posted a $13 billion underwriting loss for its auto arm. 

    If you’ve visited a vintage car show this summer, you’ve likely overheard chatter like, “I wish they still made cars like these.” We agree that incorporating technology into cars is beneficial, but the expense of maintenance and repair in the event of any malfunction or minor fender bender is astronomical. Decades ago, when vehicles had no microchips, anyone with the right tools and common sense could repair these simple machines and even change the oil. It’s becoming clear that complex automobiles have their downfalls. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 15:00

  • Russia, Iran Coordinating To Expel US Troops From Syria, Pentagon Says
    Russia, Iran Coordinating To Expel US Troops From Syria, Pentagon Says

    Via The Cradle,

    In a report released by Al-Monitor on Friday, a high-ranking US military official was quoted as saying that Russian and Iranian forces in Syria have been coordinating with the specific aim of forcing Washington’s troops to eventually withdraw from the country.

    The official said that “he’s seen signs that Russian military commanders in Syria have been quietly coordinating with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on long-term plans to pressure the United States to withdraw its forces” from Syria, Al-Monitor wrote. 

    Getty Images

    “There’s a confluence of interests between those three groups, the Iranians, the Russians, and the Syrians. I see evidence of operational-level planning between mid-level Quds Force leadership that’s operating in Syria [and] Russian forces that are operating in Syria,” the anonymous official told the outlet. 

    According to the official, the Russian-Iranian coordination in Syria centers around “collaborative planning, collaborative understanding, and intelligence sharing… [at the] mid-level to upper echelon” of Moscow and Tehran’s armies. 

    “Frankly, [it’s] the same sorts of things that we would do with our partners in the face of something we were trying to accomplish. We see them doing that on their side, as they try to think about how they sync the different things that different arms of them are doing in order to put that pressure on us,” the source added. 

    In recent months, Washington has continued to reinforce its occupation in Syria, particularly in the country’s oil-rich northeast. In occupied Hasakah, local sources told Syrian news agency SANA last week that large deliveries of US logistical equipment and cement recently made their way into the region. 

    Such reinforcements have been ongoing for months, particularly in the aftermath of the surge in Iranian-linked attacks against US bases in Syria this year.  According to Al-Monitor, “Pentagon officials deny their forces’ actions in Syria have had anything to do with Russian and Iranian provocations,” adding that the US believes its recent responses “have arrested the escalation cycle for now.”

    Over the past two years, attacks on US bases by Iran-linked groups in Syria have become commonplace. In early 2023 particularly, US military sites across Syria witnessed significantly increased levels of drone and missile attacks. 

    In March, one such strike resulted in the killing of a US military contractor at a base in Hasakah. In response, US forces bombed Deir Ezzor, killing several, including Syrian and, allegedly, Iranian military officers. Shortly after the US strikes, two more occupation bases were attacked. The attacks against Washington have “fallen silent” since the strikes on Deir Ezzor, Al-Monitor suggests

    US Army General Douglas Sims told reporters recently: “We don’t anticipate an issue, nor do we see a level of escalation we’re concerned about in Syria.” Nonetheless, the Al-Monitor report states US forces in Syria remain “vulnerable.”

    Last month, a leaked Pentagon document revealed that Russia and Iran have agreed to establish a joint operations room in Syria to coordinate a pressure campaign against the US military. 

    On March 25, Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar reported that “there is undeclared Russian-Iranian coordination to escalate against the US presence in Syria, to pressure the US and force it to decide to withdraw from its bases in the north and east of the country.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 14:30

  • How The 'Great Society' Destroyed The Nuclear Family Structure In One Chart
    How The ‘Great Society’ Destroyed The Nuclear Family Structure In One Chart

    Who destroyed the American family?

    The argument can be made that the Great Society programs initiated the destruction of the nuclear family structure. The blame starts with President Lyndon B. Johnson’s set of domestic programs in the mid-1960s that were used to fight ‘poverty’ but only discouraged work and destabilized families. 

    Six long decades of socialist welfare programs have aided in the break up of the nuclear family structure. In fact, a central tenet of Marxism is to dismantle this structure. 

    Remember, the Black Lives Matter organization and Marxism share similar goals. BLM stated in 2020 it wanted to abolish the family as we know it: 

    We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

    So clearly, there’s been a half-century war on the nuclear family. The latest US Census data shows that a record number of Americans live alone. 

    Census data shows 27.6% of all US-occupied households were one-person households in 2020, up from just 7.7% in 1940. The largest share of people living alone occurred between 1970 and 1980, when the percentage increased from 17.6% to 22.7%, right after the welfare programs started. 

    So what’s the result of progressives tearing down the nuclear family structure? Well, Just The News recently noted:

    First, the US has the highest rate of single-parent households in the world. Second, the connection between single-parent households and crime is very strong. According to research carried out by Jerrod Brown, a behavioral specialist at Concordia St. Paul, the extant literature “suggests that children raised in single-parent households experience more physical and psychological problems compared to those raised in two-parent households.” Moreover, he added, the “implications of homes in which fathers are absent may be important to explore for criminal justice and mental health professionals.”

    Maybe this whole Great Society experiment has gone terribly wrong. Let’s try something different. Maybe bring back the family unit and dial back welfare programs.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 14:00

  • Hollywood Actors Strike: "It's Only Going To Get Worse"
    Hollywood Actors Strike: “It’s Only Going To Get Worse”

    Authored by Catherine Yang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Summer blockbusters aren’t going to see any actors on red carpets and promotional events—the “Oppenheimer” cast attending the film premiere in the UK have just walked off to join the actors strike.

    SAG-AFTRA president Fran Drescher (L) and SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland speak during a press conference announcing a strike by The Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists in Los Angeles on July, 13, 2023. (Chris Pizzello/AP Photo)

    In a Thursday morning vote, the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) unanimously decided to strike. On July 14, the actors will picket.

    The historic walk-out comes after contract negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), which represents studios, fell apart midnight July 12, even after a federal mediator was called in at the eleventh hour. The contracts were originally set to expire June 30, but negotiations were extended 12 days.

    This is the first SAG-AFTRA strike in about 40 years, and the first time both actors and writers have been on strike together since 1960.

    Guild leaders described the crossroads as an existential one that many industries face. Namely, will technology eclipse human contribution?

    When businesses look to Wall Street for answers instead of their creative collaborators, that answer has become yes, according to Fran Drescher, SAG-AFTRA President and co-chief negotiator.

    “The eyes of labor are upon us. What happens here is important, because it’s happening across all fields of labor,” said Ms. Drescher at a press conference after the vote.

    “I went in in earnest, thinking we could avoid a strike,” she said. “The gravity of this move is not lost on me.”

    The entire business model has been changed by streaming, digital, AI—this is a moment of history, and a moment of truth. If we don’t stand tall right now we are all going to be in jeopardy of being replaced by machines and big business, who cares more about Wall Street than you and your family,” she said.

    Historic Deal?

    The big issues on the table had been streaming residuals and AI on top of the regular negotiations on minimum increases.

    AMPTP released its own statement after the actors’ announcement of a strike, claiming studios presented “a deal that offered historic pay and residual increases, substantially higher caps on pension and health contributions, audition protections, shortened series option periods, and a groundbreaking AI proposal.”

    Thursday morning, Disney CEO Bob Iger went on CNBC to criticize the union’s decision to walk out as “disruptive.”

    Disney CEO Robert Iger visits FOX Business Network’s ‘Markets Now’ at FOX Studios on Sept. 24, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images)

    “It’s very disturbing to me. We’ve talked about disruptive forces on this business and all the challenges we’re facing, the recovery from COVID which is ongoing, it’s not completely back. This is the worst time in the world to add to that disruption,” Mr. Iger said.

    “There’s a level of expectation that they have, that is just not realistic. And they are adding to the set of the challenges that this business is already facing that is, quite frankly, very disruptive.”

    SAG-AFTRA pushed back on AMPTP’s claims in a press conference held after Thursday’s vote.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/16/2023 – 13:30

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Today’s News 16th July 2023

  • IMF Hints At Allowing Countries To Use Chinese Yuan For Debt Repayment
    IMF Hints At Allowing Countries To Use Chinese Yuan For Debt Repayment

    Authored by Aldgra Fredly via The Epoch Times,

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has hinted that it may accept the Chinese Yuan as a currency for countries to settle their obligations with the IMF following Argentina’s recent debt repayment in yuan.

    IMF spokesperson Julie Kozack confirmed on Thursday that Argentina had paid off part of its debts—equivalent to $1.1 billion of the $2.7 billion that matured last month—with the IMF in Chinese currency.

    “As we have stated in the past, the Argentine authorities continue to remain current on their financial obligations to the IMF,” Ms. Kozack said at a press briefing.

    “The RMB is one of the five freely usable currencies that members can and have used to settle their obligations with the IMF,” she added, referring to the Chinese currency by its official name, the renminbi.

    Ms. Kozack said that negotiations on the $44-billion program are still ongoing.

    She denied that the IMF received a letter from China stating it would allow Argentina to use a swap line with the Chinese Central Bank to pay off its IMF dues.

    “Our team has been working intensively with the Argentine authorities to make progress toward the completion of the fifth review. And to help the authorities address a very complex and challenging situation,” she said.

    “In terms of the details of those discussions, because the teams are still in discussion, I will not pre-empt those discussions, and I will not get into the details other than to say that the discussions are frequent, and they are aimed at advancing the program.”

    “With respect to a couple of the other questions on the letter, [our] understanding is that there is no such letter,” Ms. Kozack added.

    The International Monetary Fund logo is seen outside the headquarters building during the IMF/World Bank spring meeting in Washington, on April 20, 2018. (Yuri Gripas/Reuters)

    Argentina’s Central Bank signed a deal with China last month to renew the 130 billion yuan ($18.4 billion) swap line for another three years, doubling the amount of freely accessible funds from 35 billion yuan ($5 billion) to 70 billion yuan ($10 billion).

    Argentina’s Ministry of Economy said the swap would be in a single tranche and freely available for any type of financial operation, adding that the country would look to promote more yuan spot and future operations.

    On June 29, the bank said it had incorporated the yuan as a currency accepted for deposits in savings banks and checking accounts, signaling a departure from the U.S. dollar as its sole official reserve currency.

    “Financial entities will thus be enabled to open bank accounts denominated in renminbi yuan,” the bank stated.

    The move comes as the South American nation’s foreign currency reserves plummeted due to a severe drought that has reduced grain exports, its major source of dollar earnings, and the peso currency has weakened under the weight of 109 percent annual inflation.

    Ahead of general elections in October, Argentina’s government is trying to rebuild reserves to make debt payments, cover trade costs, and meet economic targets under a $44 billion loan program with the IMF.

    Yuan Far From Dethroning Dollar

    Aside from Argentina, Brazil also signed an agreement with China earlier this year that would allow them to conduct trade and investments in their own currencies, further reducing the U.S. dollar’s dominance.

    Milton Ezrati, chief economist at Vested, a New York-based communications firm, said the deal is an attempt to elevate the yuan as an international currency, yet, “the yuan is a long way from an international reserve currency such as the dollar.”

    According to Mr. Ezrati, China does not have the financial markets to support financial arrangements in yuan, which is one of the requirements for a world reserve currency.

    “If you are the world’s reserve currency, as the dollar is, then traders all over the globe have to hold your currency, because that’s the way they do their business. If they hold your currency, they want a place to invest it,” he recently told “China in Focus” on NTD.

    Mr. Erzati contended that in such a case, traders in yuan might face difficulties in securing markets to invest in because China controls the flows of money into and out of the country.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 23:30

  • 'Reduce Population': Kamala Harris Verbal Slip-Up Corrected By White House
    ‘Reduce Population’: Kamala Harris Verbal Slip-Up Corrected By White House

    Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during the conclusion of the Investing in America tour at Coppin State University in Baltimore, Md., on July 14, 2023. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

    Vice President Kamala Harris mistakenly (?) suggested that one of the goals of investing in clean energy is population reduction.

    When President [Joe] Biden and I took office, we set an ambitious goal … to cut our greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 and to reach net-zero emissions by 2050,” Harris told an audience at Coppin State University in Baltimore on Friday.

    When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,” she continued.

    According to the official transcript, the 58-year-old Vice President meant to say ‘pollution,’ not ‘population.’

    More via the Epoch Times;

    Ms. Harris spoke at the event to address the Environmental Protection Agency’s $20 billion investment program across two grant competitions under the Biden administration’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund that aims to spark clean energy investments across the country.

    After clips of Ms. Harris’s verbal miscue emerged online, social media users and a number of Republican figures seized on the error to suggest the Biden administration was publicly calling to reduce the population in the United States.

    Responding to Ms. Harris’ verbal slip-up in a Twitter post, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) asked the vice president what exactly she meant by reducing the population.

    Abortion? Assisted suicide? Or what means are you suggesting to reduce population in order to help public health?” Ms. Greene wrote.

    Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), meanwhile, warned his followers on Twitter, asking: “Are you the population she wants to reduce?”

    “Kamala Harris admits she wants to reduce the population for environmental reasons,” Ohio state Sen. Michael Rull said in a post on Twitter. “That’s not just anti-American. That’s anti-human.

    Tesla CEO Elon Musk also commented on the vice president’s mix-up of the phrase, tweeting: “We need to increase population.”

    And once again, Kamala screws the pooch.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 22:55

  • Don't Believe The Leftist Media Narrative About The State Of The 2024 Race
    Don’t Believe The Leftist Media Narrative About The State Of The 2024 Race

    Authored by ‘Carpe Diem’ via American Greatness,

    To the surprise of no one, the leftist corporate media’s coverage of the 2024 presidential race has been abysmal. Predictably, their reporting is full of omissions, half truths, and wishful thinking. Once again, they only report their preferred narratives, in a desperate attempt to persuade stupid people and gullible news outlets into believing them, including Conservative Inc.

    As usual the leftist coastal elites are attempting to shape their perceptions into reality.

    Here are the two mainstream narratives thus far.

    • The first one says that Joe Biden, despite suffering from alarming rates of delirium and senility, while presiding over horrendous poll numbers will unequivocally be the Democratic nominee for President.

    • The second narrative says that no matter how early it is, Donald J. Trump has an insurmountable lead in the ever-expanding GOP field, and thus will be the Republican nominee for President for a third consecutive time. This despite the fact that the Iowa Caucuses are not occurring for another six months.

    Let’s analyze the first leftist corporate media narrative – that Joe Biden is the de facto nominee.

    As much as the objective journalists at the New York Times and Washington Post would like the gaffe-ridden career politician to remain in the White House, there are many plausible reasons why Team Biden, to the extent he even has a political operation, should be concerned.

    Let’s put aside the fact that under Biden’s watch he has overseen the worst border crisis in U.S. history, the highest inflation in four decades, a historic crime wave in Democrat run cities, a disgraceful and embarrassing exit from Afghanistan, weakness towards China, indecision and mismanagement towards the war in Ukraine, appeasement towards Iran, betrayal against Israel, pathetic pandering in defense of “LGBTQ rights,” including supporting providing life altering puberty blockers to minors, attempting to jail his leading political opponent for the same supposed “crime” that he committed, and let’s not forget, a corrupt family that sold our country out, while raking in millions from China, Russia, Ukraine and Romania.

    Yes, the Biden crime family makes the Gambino’s look cleaner than the Huxtables.

    If that list wasn’t bad enough, now factor in that even the people who somehow still support Biden’s disastrous job killing, energy industry destroying, unconstitutional student debt canceling, equity agenda, don’t want him to run for re-election.

    The geniuses in the media still can’t seem to figure out why Biden is so unpopular. Hmm, let’s see, it may have something to do with the fact that he looks weaker and frailer by the hour, and often says things that make zero sense to anyone on planet earth.

    But whenever the question of Biden’s age comes up, the media does their best to prop him up. Case in point—the recent Axios piece that hilariously tries to make Biden seem like a tough and demanding boss who is fully with it. Yes, according to the legacy media, even though Biden often appears unable to read coherently from the teleprompter, or seems constantly confused about where he is, evidently, behind closed doors, he’s really Logan Roy in his prime.

    The Axios piece also tries to humanize Biden by informing us that he isn’t always so “folksy” around his staff, and is prone to fits of rage, as if we haven’t seen him randomly start screaming during one of his many divisive speeches about the supposed threats of MAGA Republicans.

    The corporate media has barely mentioned that Biden essentially has a non-existent campaign, with no serious operation in place. Instead, they would rather discredit the rising popularity of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., by calling him an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist who is not to be taken seriously, and poses no serious threat to the incumbent. Say what you will about some of Kennedy’s peculiar stances, but at least he comes across as articulate and coherent.

    And what about the other leftist mainstream media narrative that Trump has all but wrapped up the GOP nomination?

    Once again, they would like this to be true, for their own cynical reasons. One, Trump is good for their ratings, and two, because they’re hoping for the same outcome from the 2020 election.

    There’s no denying the former president is in a strong position as of this writing, but if past precedent means anything, it’s way too premature to declare the race a done deal—especially when the number two challenger just delivered a historic landslide victory in what was once a swing state.

    There is nothing the coastal media elites would like more than to write off Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, before the first GOP debate has even occurred, because they know he has beaten the left on virtually every issue. Whether it was protecting jobs and businesses from draconian COVID lockdowns and unconstitutional vaccine mandates, keeping schools open and athletic dreams alive, removing inappropriate lesson plans that distort America’s history and sexualize children, actually enforcing our immigration laws, fighting for the life of unborn children, eliminating woke ESG, or providing Floridians with a record $2.7 billion tax relief package, the leftist corporate media knows he poses a legitimate threat to the Democrats reign of mass destruction.

    Remember, the same people telling us that the DeSantis campaign is already over before it’s even two months old are the same people who have spent the past four years calling him a fascist.

    We’re supposed to believe these same partisan journalists who disagree with virtually every single one of DeSantis’s policies, are rooting for his downfall and would never vote for him in a million years will give it to us straight? I don’t think so.

    These are the same dishonest hacks who lied to us about the Russian Collusion hoax, the same people who said that the BLM riots that made Minneapolis look like Nagasaki, circa July 1945, were “mostly peaceful,” the same people who advocated for lockdowns and school closures during COVID, and the same people who cover for Biden’s senility and his family’s corruption. But somehow, we’re supposed to believe that they’re fair and impartial arbiters of the state of the 2024 GOP race?

    The bottom line is, it’s still way too early to make any predictions, but it’s not too late to stop falling for the corporate media’s propaganda.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 22:20

  • CBDC "Is A Massive Threat To American Liberty" – DeSantis Vows To Kill FedCoin "On Day One" Of His Presidency
    CBDC “Is A Massive Threat To American Liberty” – DeSantis Vows To Kill FedCoin “On Day One” Of His Presidency

    In a lengthy interview with Tucker Carlson yesterday, at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis detailed his stance on various issues, including abortion, the environment in Florida, foreign policy, and the potential implementation of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

    Regarding the potential implementation of Central Bank Digital Currency, the Governor strongly opposes it and expresses his intention to block its adoption at both the state and national levels.

    He argues that it poses a threat to American liberties and could lead to a social credit system.

    “The federal government has a responsibility to protect us from foreign threats, but to turn the government on the American people, that’s the founding fathers’ worst nightmare.”

    And while he maintains that the imposition of a CBDC on Americans would require Congressional approval, he warned that “The Fed might try something unilaterally.” That he would not stand for:

    “If I am the president, on day one, we will nix central bank digital currency. Done. Dead. Not happening in this country,” DeSantis said to clarify his opposition to the technology.

    “They want to get rid of cash. They want no cryptocurrency. They want [CBDCs] to be the sole form of legal tender. It will allow them to prohibit ‘undesirable purchases’ like fuel and ammunition,” DeSantis contended, adding that “…they have said this publicly at like Davos and these other places

    The minute you give them the power to do this “they are going to impose a social credit system on this country,” the Florida Governor exclaimed, concluding ominously that “CBDC is a massive threat to American Liberty.”

    “On January 20th, 2025, [Central Bank Digital Currency] goes to the ash heap of history in this country.”

    Watch the full interview below (DeSantis’ discussion of CBDCs starts around 16:00):

    DeSantis’s criticism of CBDCs is not new. As the Florida governor, he signed legislation banning CBDCs from being recognized as legal tender in May.

    The presidential candidate has also urged other Republican-led states to introduce their own measures against CBDCs. In March, for example, he appealed to a coalition of 20 states to resist federal backing for the concept.

    He is not alone on the right, with Vivek Ramaswamy also expressing opposition to these centralized digital currencies.

    On the Democratic side, pro-Bitcoin candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has labeled CBDCs “instruments of control and oppression, [that] are certain to be abused.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 21:45

  • Oakland Eviction Moratorium Set To End Today
    Oakland Eviction Moratorium Set To End Today

    Authored by Dylan Morgan via The Epoch Times,

    The Oakland City Council approved a proposal on April 18 that will end Oakland’s COVID-19 eviction moratorium on July 15.

    The moratorium was put in place in March 2020 and protected tenants from evictions due to COVID-related rent debt. With the end of the moratorium, Oakland landlords will regain the power to evict tenants if they have just cause.

    Oakland was one of the last cities in the Bay Area to have the COVID-19 moratorium still in place.

    The April 18 council meeting lasted eight hours and resulted in a 7–1 vote. Noel Gallo was the only member of the council to vote against this proposal, as he wanted the moratorium to be removed on May 31, but ultimately his proposed amendment didn’t gain much traction.

    The proposal that was approved was introduced by Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas and Councilmember Dan Kalb and is a revised version of a proposal they introduced in March. Ms. Bas and Mr. Kalb sought to gradually remove the moratorium in September and have landlords prove that lease-violating tenants “caused substantial actual damage.”

    However, lobbying from landlords culminated in a compromise and the proposal.

    Mr. Kalb stated at the April 18 meeting, “I won’t say I’m thrilled with all the modifications, but part of the legislative process is the art of compromise in a fair fashion, as long as you still have a good end product.”

    Additionally, the proposal enacted new tenant protections to prevent a wave of evictions following the moratorium. This includes forbidding landlords from evicting tenants who owe less than a month of “fair market rent,” as defined by the federal government, and unpaid rent that took place during the moratorium, so long as the tenant can prove that it was a result of the pandemic.

    For a landlord to evict a tenant for violating the lease, the terms of the lease must be shown to be reasonable, with the tenant agreeing to them in writing.

    The proposal will also end the city’s moratorium on rent increases on July 1, 2024.

    This decision was the climax of weeks of protesting from landlords and tenants in an attempt to sway the decision in their favor. Landlords have been speaking out against the moratorium for a while now.

    A few months ago, local property owner George Wu began a hunger strike.

    According to The East Bay Times, Mr. Wu owns a triplex in San Leandro. He said the policy led to some renters falling behind on payments and to him accumulating $120,000 in debt.

    While protesting, he displayed signs that read, “Need rent to feed my family,” “My son needs tuition fee,” and “Eviction moratorium kills housing,” among other things.

    He told The East Bay Times he plans to protest at least a month or two, or even until death.

    Mr. Wu told The Epoch Times:

    “We landlords have it difficult too. Our wealth comes from our painstaking labor. I’m not against the government protecting tenants, but the government needs to find the middle ground. They need to come up with a better policy and protect us landlords. This way it would be a fair policy.”

    Oakland resident Seneca Scott sympathized with Mr. Wu and told The Epoch Times: “[The moratoriums] are theft, it is abuse of power, they are stealing our homes, and they have enabled people to not pay rent for three years. This moral hazard is the fault of the county and city. They have passed these laws; they have allowed people to steal from hardworking Americans.”

    Property owner Phyllis Horneman told The Epoch Times: “We have provided housing for low-income people for 50 years. This is the end. If this eviction moratorium doesn’t go away, we won’t re-rent because the next person will move in and just not pay the rent. And we can’t afford that. I mean, we’re getting pretty old here.”

    In March 2022, the Housing Providers of America, a coalition of landlords, sued Alameda County and Oakland to end the eviction moratorium.

    However, tenants view the moratorium much less favorably.

    According to the San Francisco Chronicle, one member of the Oakland Tenants Union said, “I don’t know if any of you have ever received an eviction notice, but until you do it is really hard to appreciate the sheer terror you’ll feel.”

    The Chronicle quoted another resident as saying, “Our lives should be worth more than somebody else’s profit.”

    The Chronicle reported that Attorney Leah Simon-Weisberg, with Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment Institute, a pro-tenants rights organization, believes this legislation possesses necessary tenant protections that will help with the transition of removing the moratorium. However, she is worried about “frivolous” evictions where tenants could be breached over minor offenses, and she said that she and other tenant advocates have been urging councilmembers to add plausible protections to put an end to this, the Chronicle stated.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 21:10

  • Berkeley Law Dean Caught Telling Class He'd Lie In Deposition About 'Diversity Hiring', Now Says He Was Joking
    Berkeley Law Dean Caught Telling Class He’d Lie In Deposition About ‘Diversity Hiring’, Now Says He Was Joking

    Via The College Fix,

    Video of prominent Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky telling his class during a lecture he’d lie in a deposition now says he was totally joking, and his class knows it.

    In late June, a short video of Chemerinsky was posted on social media in which he said to students:

    “I’ll give you an example from our law school, but if ever I’m deposed, I’m going to deny I said this to you. When we do faculty hiring, we’re quite conscious that diversity is important to us, and we say diversity is important, it’s fine to say that.”

    The video was posted by popular conservative scholar and activist Christopher Rufo under the wording: “Berkeley Law School dean Erwin Chemerinsky explains how he has secretly enacted a policy of racial discrimination in faculty hiring—which is illegal in California.”

    The video quickly went viral and has been viewed more than 3 million times, prompting nationwide headlines and much criticism.

    Chemerinsky, in a July 11 email to The College Fix, said he was not serious.

    “My comment about being deposed was a light-hearted comment to my students about my expectation that it was a private conversation in the classroom. I, of course, would always tell the truth in a deposition and I am sure my students knew that,” he said.

    Chemerinsky said the video excerpt is from a recording taken of a constitutional law class in the spring semester.

    Part of the controversy surrounding the video centered on what Chemerinsky said regarding diversity hiring, as Proposition 209 eliminated affirmative action in California in 1996, and voters reiterated that position in 2020 when they rejected an attempt to repeal the law.

    In the video, the dean tells his students he is “very careful when we have a faculty appointments committee meeting.”

    “Anytime somebody says, ‘We should really prefer this candidate or this candidate because this person would add diversity.’ Don’t say that. You can think it, you can vote it, but our discussions are not privileged, so don’t ever articulate that that’s what you’re doing.”

    Chemerinsky addressed those comments as well in his email to The Fix.

    “It was a recording of a part of a class discussion,” he said via email.

    “As per existing California law, the Berkeley Law School cannot and does not consider race in any of its hiring and admissions decisions. Those who were actually in the classroom and heard the entirety of my remarks—not one, isolated portion—fully understood that.”

    He added that “Berkeley Law does not consider race in any of its hiring or admissions decisions.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 20:00

  • A Broken Social Elevator?
    A Broken Social Elevator?

    Has the social elevator broken down?

    While income inequalities have been growing for several decades, social mobility has stalled.

    As Statista’s Anna Fleck details below, those at the bottom of the ladder are finding it increasingly difficult to climb the ladder, while the very rich are generally able to increase their wealth.

    An OECD study looked at the average number of generations needed for people born into the poorest families (among the poorest 10 percent) to reach the average income level in their country.

    With six generations required, France is one of the OECD’s poor performers – the average for the 30 countries analyzed being 4.5 generations. 

    Germany also fails to stand out for its social mobility, while upward mobility is on average a little faster in the United Kingdom, Italy and Switzerland (5 generations), as well as in Spain and Belgium (four generations).

    Among the OECD countries studied, the prize for social mobility goes to Denmark, where two generations on average are enough for an individual from a modest background to reach the average income level.

    Conversely, the highest inertia is measured in Colombia (11 generations to reach the average income), a country that offers comparatively few prospects for upward social mobility.

    Infographic: A Broken Social Elevator? | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 19:20

  • The Fact-Check Racket Finally Unravels
    The Fact-Check Racket Finally Unravels

    Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times,

    Before the COVID lockdowns, social media companies had started contracting with new third-parties organizations called fact-checkers to assist in “content creation.” Getting a pass meant the post or story was amplified but getting dinged for inaccuracy meant that the post would be throttled or deleted.

    For a while we believed it but certain revelations changed that. We came to realize that the posts labeled false were typically contrary to regime narratives. And a close look at the supposed refutation revealed that many points were very much in dispute. The companies developed a talent for seeming to reveal something false that was actually still debatable and interesting to consider. In most cases, what was declared false was still under consideration.

    As time went on, the attempts to censor became more brazen and obvious. Then the Twitter files and other FOIAs generated proof of what many suspected all along. These entities were funded either directly or indirectly by government or by other dark-money sources as quid pro quos for other relationships they had cultivated with interested parties.

    In other words, they were not some independent, science-based entities at all but rather hit squads with a hard political agenda. What was actually happening here was a form of censorship laundering. Government wants to censor but cannot so it turns to the social-media company to do the dirty work. To make this hand-in-glove racket less obvious, the companies would outsource to a fact-checking organization, making the lines of control even more blurry.

    Sometime within the last several months, the whole racket seems to have unraveled. I rarely see the fact-checks cited at all. Or maybe they are cited ironically: what is declared false came to be seen as a badge of honor, a confirmation of core truth. That might seem crazy but these are the times in which we live. Nothing is as it seems.

    At any one time, Brownstone and The Epoch Times deal with a range of ongoing fact-checks, some of which result in a hit piece but others just go away for no apparent reason. I’m coming to realize that the harassing emails themselves serve a purpose. They are designed to scare publishers and chill free speech. Risk-averse managers might be inclined not to run with a story rather than be put through the ringer and deal with possible reputation hits.

    It’s all become ridiculously predictable.

    Three days ago, a data maven who writes for Brownstone revealed a first look at some numbers he had been crunching over the CDC’s listing of COVID as cause of death. He initially sent the results to a private email list and I suggested we go with what he had discovered as an initial look.

    He had death certificates from Missouri and Massachusetts and was able to cross-check them with the same once they got into the hands of the CDC. He found thousands of instances in which COVID was not listed as cause of death in the coroner’s report but it was added directly by the CDC. The scale of the problem is vast. The implications of this are rather ominous. We’ve been relying on CDC data for three-plus years to understand the scope of COVID’s mortality.

    “The worst pandemic in 100 years,” they kept saying, and that might be true. But obviously the claim is highly contingent on correctly marking the cause-of-death codes. What Aaron Hertzberg found is that the CDC was changing the code to inflate the numbers. By how much it is hard to say but based on the data so far, this is a very serious problem with awesome implications for how we understand what happened to us.

    The immediate question concerns the decision-making at the CDC. We know that Deborah Birx, coronavirus task force coordinator, said from the podium that they would mark every death with COVID as being from COVID. That was in the spring of 2020 and had already set off alarm bells. Changing the cause of death to COVID from something else is next-level crazy.

    Under whose authority did the CDC act? Birx was not in charge of the CDC. Indeed, her power and status was always unclear. No question that she came to the White House by recommendation of Matthew Pottinger of the National Security Council. Also we know for certain that from March 13, 2020, onward, the NSC was the lead agency with the CDC reduced to operations. If the CDC had faced some formal order to mark COVID as cause of death regardless of what state certificates said, no one has ever seen such an order.

    The implications of all of this are rather ominous. And keep in mind that this discovery was not made by a whistleblower or a specialist in this field but an obsessive data maven from the citizen world who has a passion to get to the truth. If he is right, the documentation here implies a level of treachery that even I had not considered.

    I saw two reactions to the article once published.

    The most common reaction was that this is nothing new. Everyone knew this was happening the whole time. We saw the death numbers go up and up from COVID and equally down for every other cause. It was pretty clear that there was something fishy going on. So some people said that there is nothing surprising here. The CDC is capable of any degree of malfeasance.

    The other reaction was flat-out denial and accusing Brownstone and the author of simply making things up. Indeed, many people were outraged that we could or would ever suggest that the CDC was anything other than truth-telling.

    Watching all of this unfold, I began awaiting the arrival of the inevitable intimidating emails from fact-check organizations. Sure enough, they did arrive. They came to the author, to other scholars, to me personally, and everyone else. It was a true blitzkrieg. Maybe there was a time when I would have stopped my day and become defensive and answered them all, getting more data from the author and so on, and then worrying about the fallout. But this is not my first rodeo. At this point, it was easy to brush off all this drama as completely manufactured and fake. That’s exactly what I did.

    To be sure, if the author made mistakes, they should be corrected. I’m sure the author would be the first to do so. This kind of research is lonely and he would welcome others to join in his efforts. That’s how science works: a community shares data and strives to get closer to the truth. But that’s not what fact-checks are about. They start with the presumption that they know the truth and you do not, and then schoolmarm you to the point that you admit them to be correct.

    Here’s what I’ve concluded. Fact-check false really means: likely true but not what you are allowed to believe.

    A final footnote here. A major claim of the fact-checkers for more than three years is that it is a conspiracy theory and false that the Wuhan lab conducted gain-of-function research and that the virus was a result of that research and a likely leak. Fauci dismissed this for a very long time, and fact-checkers frequently cited him and said the claim was false.

    As a result of the Republican takeover of Congress, we’ve gained more access to the fullness of what was going on in those days. A committee has released an unredacted email dated Feb. 1, 2020, in which Fauci says that Wuhan was engaged in gain-of-function and that this virus might be the result.

    At this point, it’s reasonable to assume that nearly every official source on the virus was wrong or lying for years now.

    You probably know this. In any case, my intuition here is that we are only at the beginning of discovery of the fullness of the duplicity.

    The stakes are very high: American liberty suffered a grave blow during the COVID response.

    If the reason wasn’t the virus, what was it then?

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 18:40

  • Russia's FSB Says It Thwarted Ukraine-Linked Plot To Assassinate RT Editor-In-Chief
    Russia’s FSB Says It Thwarted Ukraine-Linked Plot To Assassinate RT Editor-In-Chief

    Russian media is widely reporting that RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan was targeted in an assassination plot, uncovered and thwarted by the country’s Federal Security Service (FSB).

    According to RIA Novosti, the FSB announced Saturday that members of a neo-Nazi group which goes by the name ‘Paragraph 88’ had been arrested in connection with the alleged plot, which apparently was busted before any attempt.

    RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan, via RT News

    Authorities said that the group was also preparing to target prominent Russian journalist and former presidential candidate, Ksenia Sobchyak.

    The neo-Nazi members were alleged to have “carried out intelligence at the addresses of work and residence of Simonyan and Sobchak” – or were allegedly casing their residences in preparation for some kind of attack.

    A report in TASS cited that six people have been detained in connection with the plot, and are expected to appear in a Moscow court.

    Simonyan put out a statement which was featured in RT. She explained, “The most important thing I want to say is that there are things worse than death. Dishonor is worse than death; treason is worse than death.”

    She also said that the detained young alleged perpetrators of the plot had been “brainwashed” – this after the FSB identified some of them as minors. According to claims made in RT:

    Earlier, the Russian Federal Security Service, which detained five members of a neo-Nazi group suspected of being behind the plan, released footage showing the questioning of an 18-year-old man. In the video, he was seen confessing to organizing a neo-Nazi group and later to taking orders from Ukrainian intelligence in exchange for money

    Simonyan commented further, “I am very sorry that a 18-year-old boy… was brainwashed in such a way… that he decided that caring for his people is compatible with taking money from Ukrainian intelligence to kill opinion leaders in his own country.”

    The FSB detailed that suspected plotters were preparing the assassination attempt “on the instructions of the Security Service of Ukraine for a reward of 1.5 million rubles ($16,600) for each murder.”

    The past year has proven that indeed there have been assassination plots targeting high profile Russians, with the deaths of Darya Dugina and war blogger Vladlen Tatarsky being foremost examples. These were widely believed to be operations backed by Ukraine intelligence in the context of the war, to instill fear on Russian decision-makers and the population.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 18:00

  • California Approves Math Curriculum Promoting "Social Justice" Over Standard Skills
    California Approves Math Curriculum Promoting “Social Justice” Over Standard Skills

    Authored by Caden Pearsen via The Epoch Times,

    The California State Board of Education approved a new math framework on July 12 that has generated controversy. Critics argue that the framework promotes teaching political activism to children instead of focusing on math skills and standards.

    The framework, outlined in a 1,000-page guidance document, underwent four years of revision and three drafts based on public feedback.

    The critics claim that the framework incorporates concepts of social justice, political activism, and environmental justice into the math curriculum. They argue that the emphasis on these topics detracts from the mastery of math skills.

    On the other hand, proponents, such as Mary Nicely, the state’s chief deputy superintendent of public instruction, believe that the framework provides equitable access to math instruction.

    “The framework has struck a great balance in new ways to engage students in developing a love for math while supporting those on an accelerated path,” Ms. Nicely said in a statement. 

    “Our State Superintendent is a champion of equity and excellence, and it is our core mission that every child—regardless of race, ZIP code, or background—has access to a quality education.”

    The guidance outlines key strategies such as structuring math instruction around integrated “big ideas,” emphasizing problem-solving and critical thinking, connecting math to real-world applications, incorporating culturally relevant content, fostering inquiry-based learning, and promoting fluency in math concepts and algorithms.

    Opponents of the framework, represented by, founded by private math tutor and former teacher Michael Malione, raise concerns about the lack of vetting for the concept of “big ideas” and the limited involvement of individuals with advanced math degrees in its development.

    Mr. Malione argues on his website that the framework’s focus on “social justice” will harm students and that it devotes too little attention to math content standards.

    “Typically, a curriculum framework would orient around the content standards regarding when and how they should be taught—to provide guidance to educators, parents, and textbook publishers. The SFR draft framework does not,” he states on his website.

    Mr. Malione points out that the framework promotes the use of math to explore concepts of fairness in relation to various social issues and encourages student political activism. It also emphasizes racial justice, equity, gender inclusivity, and trauma-informed pedagogy in math education.

    “One would think the proposed math framework would focus on describing how to convey the required math subject content in detail, but unfortunately, it does not,” his website states.

    The state’s framework from 2013, by contrast, devotes 66 percent “of its total text (approximately 7,200/10,900 lines of text) to implementing math content standards.”

    The California State Board of Education states that the framework aims to align math concepts across grade levels, ensure equal access to high school math pathways, provide multiple approaches to support student progress, expand course options, and develop data literacy skills.

    Linda Darling-Hammond, president of the California State Board of Education, praised the framework for its focus on excellence with equity.

    Change is imperative, she believes, as the United States has been ineffective and inequitable in teaching math.

    “We are one of the lower-achieving countries—and California is below the national average in its achievement in mathematics,” Ms. Darling-Hammon said, adding that this is an “area of great need, and change is imperative.”

    “The same old, same old will not get us to a new place,” Ms. Darling-Hammond added.

    On July 13, 2021, more than 1,000 people, including math and science professors, business professionals, and venture capitalists, signed an open letter from the Independent Institute to Gov. Gavin Newsom expressing concerns about certain elements of an earlier version of the framework. That letter appeared to force revisions to parts of the framework.

    Although revisions have been made to the framework, critics argue that it still maintains an emphasis on social justice principles, which they believe introduces political agendas into math teaching and may have detrimental effects. They claim that the framework replaces the traditional focus on math with a politicized approach.

    “It replaces a focus on ‘math class’ with something more akin to a sociology class, adopting a politicized stance of learning and applying math in a one-sided interpretation,” Mr. Malione states on his website.

    According to Bill Evers, director of the Center on Educational Excellence at the Independent Institute, the framework remained highly politicized after an earlier version was revised.

    In a previous statement to The Epoch Times, Mr. Evers said he believes that the curriculum emphasizes political and teaching dogma, with math problems still framed within social and environmental contexts.

    “They still want the teachers to be social justice warriors themselves, and they want them to turn out new social justice warriors and environmental activists,” he said.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 17:30

  • India Launches (Another) Lunar Mission To Explore South Pole
    India Launches (Another) Lunar Mission To Explore South Pole

    On Thursday of this week, India launched a rocket carrying a spacecraft for its lunar mission from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre located in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh Friday, in an ambitious second attempt at putting a lander and a rover on the moon amid several other global efforts to explore the lunar surface.

    Chandrayaan-3, the word for “moon craft” in Sanskrit, took off from a launchpad in Sriharikota with an orbiter, a lander and a rover, in a demonstration of India’s emerging space technology.

    India’s previous attempt to land a robotic spacecraft near the moon’s little-explored south pole ended in failure in 2019. It entered the lunar orbit but lost touch with its lander that crashed while making its final descent to deploy a rover to search for signs of water. According to a failure analysis report submitted to the ISRO, the crash was caused by a software glitch.

    The $140-million mission in 2019 was intended to study permanently shadowed moon craters that are thought to contain water deposits and were confirmed by India’s Chandrayaan-1 mission in 2008.

    Reaching the moon is something only three other nations have achieved.

    Infographic: Landing on the Moon | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    As Statista’s Martin Armstrong details, on September 14, 1959, The Soviet Union’s Luna 2 spacecraft became the first man-made object to make contact with the Moon – slamming into its surface and completing its lunar impactor mission.

    After that momentous achievement, the USSR shifted its focus away from impactors, and eventually became the first country, in 1966, to successfully complete a soft landing on the Moon.

    A few months later, NASA‘s Surveyor 1 became the first U.S. spacecraft to conduct a soft lunar landing – a mission which paved the way for the manned Apollo missions and eventually Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin becoming the first humans to set foot on the celestial body’s surface.

    Despite the USSR’s early space race dominance, the United States is still to this day the only country to have successfully landed humans on the Moon – having done so another five times after the famous Apollo 11 mission. Having fallen down the priority list of most space agencies since the heights of the sixties, landing on the Moon has come back into focus in recent years. China became the first country to soft land a spacecraft on the ‘dark’ or ‘far’ side of the Moon, when the Chang’e 4 lander touched down and deployed the Yutu-2 lunar rover in December 2018.

    India is the only other country to have landed on the moon by way of an impactor or lander mission (others have done so but only as the final stage of an orbiter mission, crashing down onto the surface with self-destruction their only objective).

    After orbiting the Moon for 312 days, Chandrayaan-1 deployed a moon impact probe in November 2008, releasing underground debris that, after analysis by the orbiter, confirmed the presence of water. The mission also made India the first to complete a hard landing on the lunar south pole.

    Off the back of this success, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) turned its attention to a soft lunar landing.

    In September 2019, Chandrayaan-2 crashed during a landing attempt, with the orbiter remaining operational.

    ISRO Director Sreedhara Panicker Somanath said, shortly after this week’s launch of Chandrayaan-3, that the Indian space agency has perfected the art of reaching up to the moon, “but it is the landing that the agency is working on.”

    If India is successful with Chandrayaan-3, they will be the first country to land near the Moon’s south pole, which has not been explored as much as other parts of its surface.

    The first part has gone well, India’s space agency says.

    But we will now need to wait until at least 23 August to see if India can do something no one else has ever done – and land on the south side of the moon.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 17:00

  • Are You Willing To Starve For The Greater Good?
    Are You Willing To Starve For The Greater Good?

    Authored by MN Gordon via,

    Central planners are pulling double shifts.  Contriving plans and proposals to control what you consume, how you travel and cook, where your money is spent, and much, much more.

    You know who we’re talking about.  The Davos WEF crowd.  The UN, IMF, World Bank, and central bankers.  Washington lobbyists, NGOs, public/private partnerships, technical advisory committees, nonprofits, and everything in between.  We’re also talking about your meddling neighbor, and many others.

    What’s their deal?  Do they think they’re making the world a better place?  And, if so, a better place for who – them or you?

    Could something more devious be guiding their advancements?

    In Das Kapital, for example, Karl Marx bemoans capitalism for exploiting labor to produce surplus value.  His main gripe was that 19th century laborers worked for mere wages while some factory owners got incredibly rich.

    To eradicate this class struggle, as he perceived it, Marx proposed a socialist mode of production coordinated through conscious economic planning.  He believed that distributing products “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” would bring about his vision of a workers’ paradise.

    Many people took the bait hook, line, and sinker.  They were all in.  The promise of something for nothing administered by the state was too enticing to pass up.

    Yet any country that has ever attempted to put these ridiculous ideas into practice has been left with an economy that fails to deliver the abundance for all which Marx advertised.  Moreover, this comes at the expense of individual freedom and liberty.

    Das Schnitzel

    In this regard, what would Marx think of the political economy that’s currently pervading much of the western world?

    Would he be in favor of the vast, elite political class that’s living off the surplus value produced by capitalism?  Would he deduce that the political class is, therefore, exploiting labor?

    Maybe this would be a troublesome conclusion for a man who’s writing serves as justification for using politics to direct capital and boss people around…so long as it’s for the greater good – whatever that may be.

    The growth of government in many countries over the last 120 years has been rather extreme.  And as governments have grown in scope and reach, a massive administrative state has been erected to advance its will.  This is all money down the rathole.

    National defense, especially in the United States, is the ultimate slayer of capital.  However, more recently, the supposed climate crisis has supplied a unique justification for massive government intervention, under the cover of providing for the greater good.

    Energy, transportation, finance, residential development, agriculture, mining, technology, appliances, media, education and on and on.  There’s hardly a sector of the economy that hasn’t been corrupted by climate crisis politics.

    The excuse it provides for government intervention on a grand scale seems to produce a religious experience among the conditioned masses.

    The examples range far and wide.  In Marx’s homeland, for instance, the German government is currently putting the final touches on its planned National Nutrition Strategy, as outlined in a recent paper titled, “Towards the Federal Government’s Nutrition Strategy”.

    The objective is to transform the food system, while fighting climate change and minimizing the slaughter of innocent animals. 

    This, in short, means replacing schnitzel consumption with plants.

    Future Primitive

    The strategy paper notes that Germany’s agricultural and food systems generate approximately one quarter of its greenhouse gas emissions.  And to meet its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2045 it needs to transform how food is produced.

    “The transformation of the entire food system towards a plant-based diet is the most important adjusting screw in the nutrition sector to achieve our national and international climate, biodiversity, and sustainability goals.”

    Organic farming and promoting seasonal, regionally grown, plant-based foods are some of the transformation strategies proposed.  We think the national nutrition planners are asking for trouble.

    Whenever a central planning authority has commanded what crops to plant, and the means and methods for agricultural production, disaster has followed.  In fact, top-down planning of food production has been responsible for the world’s greatest collective famines.

    The rollout of centralized agriculture by the Soviet Union was responsible for an estimated 6 to 9 million human deaths in the Soviet famine of 1930 to 1933.  Gosplan’s five-year plans missed the mark, spectacularly.  Alas, more struggle was needed.

    Similarly, Mao’s Great Leap Forward some 30 years later brought on the Great Chinese Famine.  As the production quotas of planned farming fell short, something rather curious happened.  The numbers reported to the central government increased.  Everything looked great on paper.

    But everything wasn’t great.  In truth, everything was terrible.  The human death toll estimates for this man induced starvation range from 15 to 55 million.

    Nonetheless, the planners are at it again.  All for the supposed intent of controlling the weather.

    Implementation of Germany’s National Nutrition Strategy is expected to begin in 2025.  Perhaps the country will succeed where others have failed, though it seems unlikely.

    Ultimately, it will depend on how far they take it.  The further they push it.  The more they will fail.  Here’s why…

    Are You Willing to Starve for the Greater Good?

    The economy is a complex living organism.  It continuously evolves and is always subject to change.  One relationship at one moment can be completely different at another moment.

    Supply and demand are incessantly adjusting and readjusting to meet the conditions of the market.  These continuous interactions provide a natural and efficient response to supply shortages and gluts.

    In the case of agriculture, in countries with minimal government interference the food supply is almost always in abundance.  Any shortages are quickly resolved.

    In an economy with minimal government interference, a farmer doesn’t look to a governing board to know what crops to produce.  He looks to prices.

    If the price of wheat is high.  That means the supply of wheat is low.  Thus, he plants wheat.  Because, at that moment, wheat is what people need most.  Price signals communicate this.

    But once the supply of wheat increases, and the price falls, he may look for other crop options to maximize the value of his land.  Perhaps milo, or some other cattle feed, is demanding a higher price.

    Consequently, he plants milo.  The cows then get fed, and an adequate supply of milk is brought to the market.

    But once the excess supply of harvested wheat has been consumed.  And its price increases.  He goes back to planting wheat.  Through it all, stomachs remain full, and prices remain within orbit.

    Central planners refuse to accept this bottoms up, organic disorder for naturally determining supply and distributing goods and services.  They want to step all over it.  They want to plan and control things.  They want to direct the flow of capital to preferred industries and providers.  And they want to take a cut from the action.

    And when the foolish planners attempt to circumvent market determined price signals, bad stuff happens.

    Sometimes the supply of a certain good crashes and its price skyrockets – and the planners blame the mess of their own making on greedy capitalists.  They may even try to exploit it through exacting a windfall profits tax.

    Occasionally, however, and when there’s a good enough excuse, the planners make things especially ugly.  And entire populations starve.

    Are you willing to starve for the greater good?

    *  *  *

    Is the Pentagon secretly provoking China to attack Taiwan?  Are your finances prepared for such madness?  Answers to these important questions can be found in a unique Special Report.  You can access a copy here for less than a penny.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 16:30

  • Over 130 Degrees!? Death Valley May Hit Hottest Temperature Ever Recorded On Earth
    Over 130 Degrees!? Death Valley May Hit Hottest Temperature Ever Recorded On Earth

    According to preliminary data from the World Meteorological Association, the beginning of July marked the world’s hottest week on record.

    Sunrise on Crematoria, Chronicles of Riddick

    Next week might be worse.

    In particular, California’s Death Valley could mark the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth with Scientific American warning that heat could surpass 130-degrees this weekend.

    Temperatures in Death Valley could rocket past their usual, already-mind-boggling typical values because of a heat dome that has trapped sizzling hot air over the southern tier of the U.S. Records could also be set in Las Vegas, Nev., Phoenix, Ariz. and parts of Southern California. Phoenix has already seen 14 days in a row with high temperatures at or above 110 degrees F, which is the third-longest such stretch on record. -Scientific American

    Hilariously, while Scientific American attributes the recent warming to “greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by humans burning fossil fuels,” the publication also notes that “The WMO, which keeps official global weather records, places the hottest temperature ever measured on Earth at 134 degrees F; this reading was taken in Death Valley on July 10, 1913.

    Ah yes, 1913. When greenhouse gasses emitted by man were [checks data] 90% lower than they are today.

    We digress.

    The record temperatures come amid a warning from the National Weather Service over “sweltering and dangerous heat” blanketing the West.

    Meanwhile in Las Vegas, emergency room doctors are seeing a flood of dehydrated construction workers, passed-out old folks and other victims of the intense heat, as the city’s all-time record of 117-degrees may also be breached this weekend.

    “We’ve been talking about this building heat wave for a week now, and now the most intense period is beginning,” the National Weather Service wrote on Friday.

    In fact, nearly one-third of Americans are under extreme heat advisories, watches and warnings, AP reports.

    “This heatwave is NOT typical desert heat due to its long duration, extreme daytime temperatures, & warm nights. Everyone needs to take this heat seriously, including those who live in the desert,” the NWS’s Las Vegas office said in a tweet.

    Phoenix, Arizona suffered through its 15th consecutive day of temperatures over 110 degrees on Friday, hitting a high of 116 by late afternoon. The longest stretch of temps above 110 degrees in the city was 18 days, recorded in 1974 (when scientists were convinced we’d all freeze to death due to global cooling).

    This weekend there will be some of the most serious and hot conditions we’ve ever seen,” said Phoenix’s chief heat officer (?), David Hondula, adding “I think that it’s a time for maximum community vigilance.”

    Stay cool out there.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 16:00

  • The Military Dangers Of AI
    The Military Dangers Of AI

    Authored by Michael T. Klare via Consortium News/

    A world in which machines governed by artificial intelligence (AI) systematically replace human beings in most business, industrial, and professional functions is horrifying to imagine. After all, as prominent computer scientists have been warning us, AI-governed systems are prone to critical errors and inexplicable “hallucinations,” resulting in potentially catastrophic outcomes. But there’s an even more dangerous scenario imaginable from the proliferation of super-intelligent machines: the possibility that those nonhuman entities could end up fighting one another, obliterating all human life in the process.

    The notion that super-intelligent computers might run amok and slaughter humans has, of course, long been a staple of popular culture. In the prophetic 1983 film “WarGames,” a supercomputer known as WOPR (for War Operation Plan Response and, not surprisingly, pronounced “whopper”) nearly provokes a catastrophic nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union before being disabled by a teenage hacker (played by Matthew Broderick). The “Terminator” movie franchise, beginning with the original 1984 film, similarly envisioned a self-aware supercomputer called “Skynet” that, like WOPR, was designed to control U.S. nuclear weapons but chooses instead to wipe out humanity, viewing us as a threat to its existence. Though once confined to the realm of science fiction, the concept of supercomputers killing humans has now become a distinct possibility in the very real world of the near future.

    December 2019: Testing Advanced Battle Management Systems equipment aboard the destroyer USS Thomas Hudner as part of a joint force exercise. (Defense Visual Information Distribution Service, Public domain)

    In addition to developing a wide variety of “autonomous,” or robotic combat devices, the major military powers are also rushing to create automated battlefield decision-making systems, or what might be called “robot generals.” In wars in the not-too-distant future, such AI-powered systems could be deployed to deliver combat orders to American soldiers, dictating where, when, and how they kill enemy troops or take fire from their opponents. In some scenarios, robot decision-makers could even end up exercising control over America’s atomic weapons, potentially allowing them to ignite a nuclear war resulting in humanity’s demise.

    Now, take a breath for a moment. The installation of an AI-powered command-and-control (C2) system like this may seem a distant possibility. Nevertheless, the U.S. Department of Defense is working hard to develop the required hardware and software in a systematic, increasingly rapid fashion. In its budget submission for 2023, for example, the Air Force requested $231 million to develop the Advanced Battlefield Management System (ABMS), a complex network of sensors and AI-enabled computers designed to collect and interpret data on enemy operations and provide pilots and ground forces with a menu of optimal attack options. As the technology advances, the system will be capable of sending “fire” instructions directly to “shooters,” largely bypassing human control.

    “A machine-to-machine data exchange tool that provides options for deterrence, or for on-ramp [a military show-of-force] or early engagement,” was how Will Roper, assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology, and logistics, described the ABMS system in a 2020 interview. Suggesting that “we do need to change the name” as the system evolves, Roper added, “I think Skynet is out, as much as I would love doing that as a sci-fi thing. I just don’t think we can go there.”

    And while he can’t go there, that’s just where the rest of us may, indeed, be going.

    Mind you, that’s only the start. In fact, the Air Force’s ABMS is intended to constitute the nucleus of a larger constellation of sensors and computers that will connect all U.S. combat forces, the Joint All-Domain Command-and-Control System (JADC2, pronounced “Jad-C-two”). “JADC2 intends to enable commanders to make better decisions by collecting data from numerous sensors, processing the data using artificial intelligence algorithms to identify targets, then recommending the optimal weapon… to engage the target,” the Congressional Research Service reported in 2022.

    AI and the Nuclear Trigger

    Initially, JADC2 will be designed to coordinate combat operations among “conventional” or non-nuclear American forces. Eventually, however, it is expected to link up with the Pentagon’s nuclear command-control-and-communications systems (NC3), potentially giving computers significant control over the use of the American nuclear arsenal. “JADC2 and NC3 are intertwined,” General John E. Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicated in a 2020 interview. As a result, he added in typical Pentagonese, “NC3 has to inform JADC2 and JADC2 has to inform NC3.”

    It doesn’t require great imagination to picture a time in the not-too-distant future when a crisis of some sort — say a U.S.-China military clash in the South China Sea or near Taiwan — prompts ever more intense fighting between opposing air and naval forces. Imagine then the JADC2 ordering the intense bombardment of enemy bases and command systems in China itself, triggering reciprocal attacks on U.S. facilities and a lightning decision by JADC2 to retaliate with tactical nuclear weapons, igniting a long-feared nuclear holocaust.

    2019 Terminator Dark Fate billboard ad in New York. (Brecht Bug, Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

    The possibility that nightmare scenarios of this sort could result in the accidental or unintended onset of nuclear war has long troubled analysts in the arms control community. But the growing automation of military C2 systems has generated anxiety not just among them but among senior national security officials as well.

    As early as 2019, when I questioned Lieutenant General Jack Shanahan, then director of the Pentagon’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, about such a risky possibility, he responded, “You will find no stronger proponent of integration of AI capabilities writ large into the Department of Defense, but there is one area where I pause, and it has to do with nuclear command and control.” This “is the ultimate human decision that needs to be made” and so “we have to be very careful.” Given the technology’s “immaturity,” he added, we need “a lot of time to test and evaluate [before applying AI to NC3].”

    In the years since, despite such warnings, the Pentagon has been racing ahead with the development of automated C2 systems. In its budget submission for 2024, the Department of Defense requested $1.4 billion for the JADC2 in order “to transform warfighting capability by delivering information advantage at the speed of relevance across all domains and partners.” Uh-oh! And then, it requested another $1.8 billion for other kinds of military-related AI research.

    Pentagon officials acknowledge that it will be some time before robot generals will be commanding vast numbers of U.S. troops (and autonomous weapons) in battle, but they have already launched several projects intended to test and perfect just such linkages. One example is the Army’s Project Convergence, involving a series of field exercises designed to validate ABMS and JADC2 component systems. In a test held in August 2020 at the Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, for example, the Army used a variety of air- and ground-based sensors to track simulated enemy forces and then process that data using AI-enabled computers at Joint Base Lewis McChord in Washington state. Those computers, in turn, issued fire instructions to ground-based artillery at Yuma. “This entire sequence was supposedly accomplished within 20 seconds,” the Congressional Research Service later reported.

    Less is known about the Navy’s AI equivalent, “Project Overmatch,” as many aspects of its programming have been kept secret. According to Admiral Michael Gilday, chief of naval operations, Overmatch is intended “to enable a Navy that swarms the sea, delivering synchronized lethal and nonlethal effects from near-and-far, every axis, and every domain.” Little else has been revealed about the project.

    “Flash Wars” and Human Extinction

    Despite all the secrecy surrounding these projects, you can think of ABMS, JADC2, Convergence, and Overmatch as building blocks for a future Skynet-like mega-network of super-computers designed to command all U.S. forces, including its nuclear ones, in armed combat. The more the Pentagon moves in that direction, the closer we’ll come to a time when AI possesses life-or-death power over all American soldiers along with opposing forces and any civilians caught in the crossfire.

    Such a prospect should be ample cause for concern. To start with, consider the risk of errors and miscalculations by the algorithms at the heart of such systems. As top computer scientists have warned us, those algorithms are capable of remarkably inexplicable mistakes and, to use the AI term of the moment, “hallucinations” — that is, seemingly reasonable results that are entirely illusionary. Under the circumstances, it’s not hard to imagine such computers “hallucinating” an imminent enemy attack and launching a war that might otherwise have been avoided.

    And that’s not the worst of the dangers to consider. After all, there’s the obvious likelihood that America’s adversaries will similarly equip their forces with robot generals. In other words, future wars are likely to be fought by one set of AI systems against another, both linked to nuclear weaponry, with entirely unpredictable — but potentially catastrophic — results.

    Not much is known (from public sources at least) about Russian and Chinese efforts to automate their military command-and-control systems, but both countries are thought to be developing networks comparable to the Pentagon’s JADC2. As early as 2014, in fact, Russia inaugurated a National Defense Control Center (NDCC) in Moscow, a centralized command post for assessing global threats and initiating whatever military action is deemed necessary, whether of a non-nuclear or nuclear nature. Like JADC2, the NDCC is designed to collect information on enemy moves from multiple sources and provide senior officers with guidance on possible responses.

    China is said to be pursuing an even more elaborate, if similar, enterprise under the rubric of “Multi-Domain Precision Warfare” (MDPW). According to the Pentagon’s 2022 report on Chinese military developments, its military, the People’s Liberation Army, is being trained and equipped to use AI-enabled sensors and computer networks to “rapidly identify key vulnerabilities in the U.S. operational system and then combine joint forces across domains to launch precision strikes against those vulnerabilities.”

    Picture, then, a future war between the U.S. and Russia or China (or both) in which the JADC2 commands all U.S. forces, while Russia’s NDCC and China’s MDPW command those countries’ forces. Consider, as well, that all three systems are likely to experience errors and hallucinations. How safe will humans be when robot generals decide that it’s time to “win” the war by nuking their enemies?

    Admiral Michael Gilday in 2020. (DoD, Lisa Ferdinando)

    If this strikes you as an outlandish scenario, think again, at least according to the leadership of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, a congressionally mandated enterprise that was chaired by Eric Schmidt, former head of Google, and Robert Work, former deputy secretary of defense. “While the Commission believes that properly designed, tested, and utilized AI-enabled and autonomous weapon systems will bring substantial military and even humanitarian benefit, the unchecked global use of such systems potentially risks unintended conflict escalation and crisis instability,” it affirmed in its Final Report. Such dangers could arise, it stated, “because of challenging and untested complexities of interaction between AI-enabled and autonomous weapon systems on the battlefield” — when, that is, AI fights AI.

    Though this may seem an extreme scenario, it’s entirely possible that opposing AI systems could trigger a catastrophic “flash war” — the military equivalent of a “flash crash” on Wall Street, when huge transactions by super-sophisticated trading algorithms spark panic selling before human operators can restore order. In the infamous “Flash Crash” of May 6, 2010, computer-driven trading precipitated a 10% fall in the stock market’s value. According to Paul Scharre of the Center for a New American Security, who first studied the phenomenon, “the military equivalent of such crises” on Wall Street would arise when the automated command systems of opposing forces “become trapped in a cascade of escalating engagements.” In such a situation, he noted, “autonomous weapons could lead to accidental death and destruction at catastrophic scales in an instant.”

    At present, there are virtually no measures in place to prevent a future catastrophe of this sort or even talks among the major powers to devise such measures. Yet, as the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence noted, such crisis-control measures are urgently needed to integrate “automated escalation tripwires” into such systems “that would prevent the automated escalation of conflict.” Otherwise, some catastrophic version of World War III seems all too possible. Given the dangerous immaturity of such technology and the reluctance of Beijing, Moscow, and Washington to impose any restraints on the weaponization of AI, the day when machines could choose to annihilate us might arrive far sooner than we imagine and the extinction of humanity could be the collateral damage of such a future war.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 15:30

  • First Tesla Cybertruck Rolls Off Production Line At Gigafactory Texas
    First Tesla Cybertruck Rolls Off Production Line At Gigafactory Texas

    Tesla tweeted early Saturday morning that the first Cybertruck rolled off the production line at Gigafactory Texas. Four years ago, Elon Musk unveiled the all-electric stainless steel pickup that has encountered a series of production delays. 

    “First Cybertruck built at Giga Texas!” Tesla tweeted around 0346 ET.

    During the November 2019 unveiling of the wedge-shaped truck, Musk estimated production would begin in late 2021, with more configurations entering production in 2022. However, production was postponed because of “adjustments.” 

    In recent weeks, Twitter users reported seeing an increasing number of Cybertrucks on the road.

    In May, Musk told shareholders at the company’s annual meeting that the Cybertruck was a tough product to design, but that “it will be great.”

    EV Blog Electrek recently said Tesla is “planning to produce 375,000 Cybertrucks per year and have release candidates by late August, according to communications they sent to suppliers.” 

    How long will it take for production to ramp up to fill the 1.5 million reservation holders? 

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 15:00

  • Number Of Virus Outbreaks On Cruise Ships Surging: CDC
    Number Of Virus Outbreaks On Cruise Ships Surging: CDC

    Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times,

    Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that incidence of a common stomach illness is on the rise on cruise ships.

    In an update posted several days ago, the federal agency is now listing 13 outbreaks of norovirus on cruise ships this year, which is the highest number of outbreaks recorded on cruises since 2012. The most recent reported norovirus outbreak was on June 20 on a Viking Cruises ship in which about 120 passengers and crew members reported being ill out of about 1,200 people who were on board.

    Viking Cruises recently told The Wall Street Journal that it believes the viral outbreak “originated from a shoreside restaurant in Iceland where a group of guests dined during their free time” rather than from someone on the ship.

    There were only four norovirus outbreaks on cruise ships during all of 2022, even as demand for cruises surged after COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns.

    Federal officials estimate that norovirus infects between 19 million and 21 million people each year on average.

    Norovirus is one of the most common viral illnesses on cruises, and it has sometimes been dubbed “the cruise ship virus” owing to widespread media coverage of outbreaks. However, the CDC noted that outbreaks on cruise ships account for a small number of all reported outbreaks of norovirus in the United States.

    In May, a Celebrity Cruises trip saw about 152 passengers and 26 crew members get sick with the virus, according to CDC figures. Another case in May also saw 246 passengers and 38 crew contract the virus, the data show.

    During a Princess Cruises voyage involving the Ruby Princess, about 10 percent of the 2,881 passengers on board displayed symptoms similar to norovirus, according to the CDC.

    It’s likely that more outbreaks will be reported in 2023. The Cruise Lines International Association industry group estimates that cruise passenger volume will reach 106 percent of 2019 levels, with some 31.5 million people expecting to take part.

    It remains unclear why there’s a surge in cases this year. The CDC hasn’t issued a comment on the matter, although a spokesperson told CNN that cruise ship travel declined significantly during the pandemic years and that outbreaks were fewer at the time.

    The CDC lifted its COVID-19-related risk advisory for cruise travel in March 2022.

    “Because cruise ships report illnesses to the CDC, there is more visibility and faster reporting to health authorities, which should not be confused to mean a higher incidence rate onboard,” a spokesperson for the Cruise Lines International Association told The Wall Street Journal last month.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters in Atlanta on April 23, 2020. (Tami Chappell/AFP via Getty Images)

    The highly contagious pathogen can cause gastroenteritis. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain, and they can appear one to two days after contracting the virus, according to officials.

    It’s generally spread via the accidental ingestion of small particles of fecal matter, eating food contaminated with the virus, touching contaminated surfaces and then touching the eyes or mouth, or being in direct contact with someone who’s sick with the virus, according to officials. The illness is generally more severe in older adults and young children, according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

    Severe cases of the stomach bug can result in dehydration caused by vomiting or diarrhea. However, deaths aren’t common.

    Officials recommend that passengers on cruise ships wash their hands more than they typically would. They’re also advised to stay hydrated on hot days and to avoid consuming uncooked vegetables, fruit with edible skin, and ice.

    The CDC also recommends disinfecting surfaces with bleach, handling and preparing food safely by washing fruits and vegetables well, cooking shellfish at a high enough temperature, and washing laundry with hot water.

    “This is an extraordinarily contagious virus,” Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University, said in a recent interview with CNN.

    “It takes but a few normal viral particles to initiate an infection in someone who’s exposed. In other words, this doesn’t take a large dose; it takes only a little bit.”

    One thing that passengers can do to mitigate the spread of the virus is to “postpone their trip if they’re not feeling well,” Mr. Schaffner recommended.

    “Try to limit the exposure of others on the front end, and take another cruise a month later,” he said.

    “You have this highly transmissible virus that’s introduced into an environment, the cruise ship, which is ideally designed for the rapid spread of a communicable disease.

    “I think a lot of the public don’t even understand norovirus, let alone how to begin to protect themselves.

    “They’re not taking those precautions, those good protection behaviors they learned over the pandemic.”

    In 2012, the CDC reported 16 outbreaks of the virus on cruise ships, according to reports.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 14:30

  • Crypto "Will Transcend International Currencies" BlackRock CEO Cheerleads As SEC Accepts Bitcoin ETF Application
    Crypto “Will Transcend International Currencies” BlackRock CEO Cheerleads As SEC Accepts Bitcoin ETF Application

    Having told Fox Business last week that the role of cryptocurrency was largely “digitizing gold,” suggesting US regulators consider how an ETF directly linked to Bitcoin could democratize finance, and has the potential to “revolutionize” the financial system; BlackRock CEO Larry Fink was once again doing the media rounds this week, expounding on his new (flip-flopped) role as crypto-cheerleader.

    From crypto-hater in 2017, the CEO of the world’s largest asset-manager is now telling anyone who will listen that crypto will transcend international currencies.

    “More and more of our global investors are asking us about crypto,” Fink said during an interview with CNBC’s Squawk on the Street on July 14.

    In Fink’s view, cryptocurrencies have a “differentiating value versus other asset classes” in helping diversify portfolios.

    “It’s so international it’s going to transcend any one currency,” noted the executive.

    As the world’s largest asset manager, and given Fink’s positioning among the globalist elite, one can’t help wonder at why the sudden shift – is this is ‘blow up the dollar, crash the world, force everyone to beg for global centralized currency bailout’ narrative playing out?

    “If you look at the value of our dollar, how it depreciated in the last two months and how much it appreciated over the last five years… an international crypto product can really transcend that,” he went on.

    “That’s why we believe there’s great opportunities and that’s why we’re seeing more and more interest. And the interest is broad-based [and] worldwide.”

    We believe we have a responsibility to democratize investing. We’ve done a great job, and the role of ETFs in the world is transforming investing. And we’re only at the beginning of that,” Fink stated in the interview.

    Great opportunities indeed, as shortly after Fink spoke, The SEC accepted BlackRock’s application for a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF). reports that the SEC’s acknowledgment indicates the commencement of the official review process for BlackRock’s ETF proposal.

    While it is an initial step in a lengthy regulatory journey, it signals the SEC’s readiness to explore the idea of a spot Bitcoin ETF and assess its potential market effects.

    “We are working with our regulators because, as in any new market, if BlackRock’s name is going to be on it, we’re going to make sure that it’s safe and sound and protected,” Fink added.

    On Friday, July 14, the regulator announced that it is also in the process of reviewing applications for various funds, including Wise Origin Bitcoin Trust, WisdomTree, VanEck and Invesco Galaxy.

    As a reminder, the SEC has yet to approve a spot Bitcoin ETF in the United States; however, in Canada, the financial product is already available. Three significant funds: Purpose Bitcoin, 3iQ CoinShares and CI Galaxy Bitcoin, have been approved by regulators in the country.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 14:00

  • US Sends Spy Plane Over Taiwan Strait In Fresh Provocation
    US Sends Spy Plane Over Taiwan Strait In Fresh Provocation

    Via The Libertarian Institute,

    A US Navy spy plane flew over the Taiwan Strait on Thursday as China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was conducting drills to the south of Taiwan.

    The US Navy’s Seventh Fleet announced the flight of the Navy P-8A Poseidon, and Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said the plane flew on the south side of the median line, an unofficial barrier that separates the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

    A US Navy P-8A Poseidon reconnaissance plane, file image.

    China said it tracked the US aircraft and accused the US of hyping the incident. “The troops of the PLA Eastern Theater Command have tracked and monitored the US aircraft in the whole course, and handled it in line with laws and regulations,” said a spokesperson for the PLA’s Eastern Theater Command.

    The US frequently sails warships through the Taiwan Strait, which China views as provocations. Surveillance flights have typically been less frequent but are becoming more common. The last known US flight over the Taiwan Strait took place in April.

    Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said PLA ships and planes conducted a third day of drills on Thursday. The ministry also said it detected Chinese aircraft crossing the median line, a barrier the PLA used to avoid but now regularly crosses.

    The PLA started regularly crossing the median line after then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) visited Taiwan in August 2022.

    Her visit provoked China’s largest-ever military exercises around the island, and the PLA has kept up the pressure as the US and Taiwan continue to boost military and diplomatic ties.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 13:30

  • Largest US Retailer Of Pool Supplies Warns Of Sliding Demand
    Largest US Retailer Of Pool Supplies Warns Of Sliding Demand

    Swimming pools and hot tub installations exploded during Covid as homeowners transformed their backyards into private oases. At one point, pool companies had a backlog of two years, but now that has all evaporated. The latest sign the pool bubble has deflated is the largest US retailer of swimming pool supplies and related products has warned about a slowdown in traffic.

    In a press release, pool supplies retailer Leslie’s Inc. slashed its annual forecast after reporting a slowdown in consumer traffic in the three months ended July 1. 

    “Our fiscal third-quarter results were well below our expectations as low double digit traffic declines in our Residential and Pro businesses drove negative comps across both discretionary and non-discretionary categories. While abnormal weather continued to pressure traffic levels, customer surveys conducted towards the end of the quarter also indicated increased price sensitivity and that consumers entered the pool season with a greater than normal amount of chemicals leftover from last year,” Leslie’s Chief Executive Officer Mike Egeck wrote in a statement. 

    “While the update does underscore a softer environment for the pool industry, we believe the issues are largely idiosyncratic to Leslie’s and independent retailers,” Stifel analyst W. Andrew Carter told clients this week. 

    The slowdown in pool sales sent Leslie’s shares down 30% on Friday. Other pool-related companies slumped as well on a weaker demand outlook. 

    And now, with pool demand sliding, we’ve noticed some hot tub companies are offering as much as a 40% discount for six to eight-person tubs. Another bubble has deflated as financial conditions get tighter and the consumers tap out. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/15/2023 – 13:00

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Today’s News 15th July 2023

  • Globalists Suggest "Finance Shock" And Climate Controls To Launch Their Great Reset
    Globalists Suggest “Finance Shock” And Climate Controls To Launch Their Great Reset

    Authored by Brandon Smith via,

    At the end of June government leaders and think-tank power brokers from around the world met at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris. Participants include United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva and World Bank President Ajay Banga.

    The supposed purpose of the summit was to find financial solutions to the goals of tackling poverty while simultaneously curbing “planet-heating emissions.” As with all climate change related events the discussion in Paris inevitably turned to international centralization of power and the formation of a global consortium to fix the problems that they claim sovereign nations cannot or will not fix.

    However, what I’m seeing more and more in the past couple years is a convergence of narratives – Central banks and international banks are now suddenly more concerned with carbon taxation and global warming than they seem to be concerned with stagflation and economic collapse. Likely because this was the goal all along and economic collapse is part of the plan.

    Globalists are now combining the climate change issue with international finance and monetary authority. In other words, they aren’t hiding the fact that the climate change agenda is part of the “Great Reset” agenda anymore. They are even suggesting that the threat of climate change be used as a springboard for giving global banks more power to dictate the circulation of wealth and for deconstucting the existing system so it can be replaced with something else.

    French President Emmanuel Macron told delegates at the Paris summit that “the world needs a public finance shock” to fight global warming while also creating “equity” for less wealthy nations. He also argued that the current system was not well suited to address the world’s challenges.

    Presenters at the event noted that the international economic framework had been battered by a number of crises, including the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, but focused on “the spiraling cost of weather disasters intensified by global warming” as a reason for the ongoing destabilization of financial systems.

    This is obviously nonsense, but it fits with the narrative programming that globalists are trying to engineer by linking economic decline to climate change. In reality, there is ZERO evidence that global weather events are any worse today than they were over a hundred years ago before carbon producing industries were widespread. There is no proven connection between carbon emissions and any specific weather phenomenon. The claim is a fraud. There is no man-made climate crisis, as I have outlined and evidenced in previous articles.

    But how many people will be fooled into thinking that there is a climate crisis, and what can that hysterical fear be exploited for?

    Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley (like many globalists) advocated for re-imagining the role of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in an era of climate dangers. She argues: “What is required of us now is absolute transformation and not reform of our institutions…”

    UN leader Antonio Guterres said the global financial system, which was conceived at the end of World War II under the Bretton Woods Agreement, was failing to rise to modern challenges and now “perpetuates and even worsens inequalities.” In other words, he is angling for a new woke Bretton Woods.

    “We can take steps right now and take a giant leap towards global justice,” he said, adding that he has proposed a stimulus of $500 billion a year for investments in sustainable development and climate action. There was also a plan presented to use the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights basket as a mechanism to boost global liquidity.

    Keep in mind that the fiat stimulus measures of central banks and the interest rate policies of global bankers are what caused the current economic crisis to begin with. It wasn’t covid, it wasn’t the war in Ukraine and it certainly wasn’t climate change. It was the banks and their use of monetary manipulation that triggered 40 year high inflation, and this has led to central banks hiking interest rates into economic weakness.  This strategy has consistently caused debt implosion and stock market disasters in the past. The bankers and the globalists are the source of the problem, they should not be put in charge of fixing it.

    Yet, here they are, trying to take control and institute a sweeping Reset plan for the calamity they created. But where is all of this leading?

    Last year the UN suggested that developed and emerging economies like the US and China would have to pay a kind of wealth/emissions tax of at least $2.4 trillion a year into a fund for climate change developments, and this wealth would be redistributed to poorer nations.  Redistributed by who?  Well, the globalists, of course.

    Other ideas on the table include taxation on fossil fuel profits and financial transactions to raise climate funds. Meaning, they plan to tax oil and gas until prices become so high that the general public will not be able to afford them.

    Macron in particular backed the idea of an international tax on carbon emissions from shipping, ostensibly to make overseas freight more expensive in order to reduce manufacturing demand.  This expands on the strict carbon rules already being implemented on European agriculture.

    These all seem like disjointed plans to simply inflate prices through different forms of taxation and force the public to consume less goods, but there is a much bigger scheme at play here. It’s important to understand that climate change is nothing more than a vehicle to deliver a fully centralized global economic system, likely under the control of the IMF, BIS, World Bank and the UN.

    The annual payments by wealthier nations into global institutional coffers is an act of tribute, a show of fealty. It’s also a way for groups like the IMF to create a system of greater interdependency. If vast sums of money are flowing through globalist institutions and they become the arbiters of how that wealth is redistributed, they can also build a system of rewards and punishments. They can punish countries that don’t follow their dictates and they can give advantages to countries that toe the line.

    In terms of a new Bretton Woods, I suspect that this is all culminating in a currency crisis which the globalists will use as an opportunity to finally introduce their CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) model. And once CBDCs are implemented their ability to dominate the populace will be complete. A cashless system with no privacy in transactions and the ability to shut down the buying power of individuals and groups at will? It’s a totalitarian’s dream scenario.

    It’s no mistake that the public is being constantly bombarded with global warming propaganda these days – The powers that be need an existential crisis as a fear generator. When people are afraid they don’t think rationally and will often turn to the worst possible leaders for relief. And a global threat requires a global response, right?

    Climate change disaster narratives (if the public embraces the propaganda) will allow for a wide array of systemic changes that have nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with financial dominance.

    National wealth taxation and redistribution. The imposition of the IMF and World Bank as a mediator for global funds. The use of the IMF’s SDR basket as a defacto global currency umbrella. The injection of CBDCs and a cashless society. None of these things would have any bearing on climate change even if it was a legitimate threat.

    But what about the scorched earth model?  If  the ultimate intent is to destroy the economy to the point that most industry dies, trade retracts and the population plummets because survival becomes untenable, then one might argue that the globalists are “saving the planet” by getting rid of people.  I suppose if you think keeping the population in perpetual third-world status will save us from global warming, then you might support such an agenda.

    Whether the goal is simply economic micro-management or the forced liquidation of production, the outcome would be more power for internationalists and less freedom and prosperity for everyone else.

    They can spin it however they want, but when the elites call for a “financial shock” they are really calling for a dramatic throttling of the system so that it can no longer maintain the existing populace. When they call for global taxation and tribute in the name of “equality” they are not trying to make everyone equally rich, they want everyone equally poor.

    And when they call for the centralized oversight of nations for the sake of saving the planet, what they really want is global governance.

    *  *  *

    If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch.  Learn more about it HERE.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 23:40

  • 'Help' Or 'Harm' – Visualizing Global Sentiment On AI
    ‘Help’ Or ‘Harm’ – Visualizing Global Sentiment On AI

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a revolutionary force with the potential to transform many aspects of our daily lives.

    So understanding how the average person feels about this technology is essential as it integrates further into society. 

    In the graphic below, Visual Capitalist’s Alan Kennedy and Sabrina Fortin, using data from Lloyd’s Register Foundation, we explore the findings of the World Risk Poll 2021: A Digital World.  

    The World’s Opinion is Divided

    In the poll, which had 125,000 respondents in 121 countries, people were asked if AI would ‘mostly help’ or it would ‘mostly hurt‘ people in their home country over the next 20 years.

    We’ve looked at the ratio of these responses below.

    A higher ratio above 1.0 indicates that more people think AI could ‘mostly help’, while a ratio below 1.0 suggests that the population has more skepticism towards the technology.

    Globally, the average ratio is 1.4, but significant differences can be seen when looking at each individual region.

    Notably, public opinion among the biggest economies appears split.

    When we dug into the data, we saw that the U.S. showed skepticism towards AI with a ratio of 0.9. In this case, the potential loss of jobs could possibly be the leading cause of apprehension.

    On the other hand, China expressed a ratio of 4.5, meaning for every 1 respondent that believes AI will ‘mostly harm’, 4.5 said AI would ‘mostly help’.

    Why is AI So Polarizing? 

    AI has always been a divisive subject, and even the media can’t settle on whether AI is akin to the chaotic and malevolent Ultron or the caring and cat-obsessed Lt. Cmdr Data.

    Consequently, it’s not just a person’s nationality or media consumption that impacts their stance on AI. A person’s life experience may also play a role in their perception of AI, more notably when it comes to religious views or access to the internet:

    Artificial intelligence has many philosophical ramifications, so it’s no surprise that only 32% of those who consider religion important believe AI will help. Conversely, 48% of non-religious people believe AI will ‘mostly help’.

    In 16 countries, the percentage of people who say AI will ‘mostly harm’ was higher among those who had experienced discrimination based on their race/nationality, skin color, or sex, compared to those who had not. Notably, these include three Northern European countries where overall perceptions of AI are among the most positive in the world: Norway, Denmark, and Sweden.

    An Uncertain Future

    Even though 39% of global respondents believe AI will ‘mostly help’ in the next 20 years, only 27% of those people believe they would feel comfortable behind the wheel of a self-driving car. This suggests that while people may be ready for AI as a tool, they may not be ready for it to control large parts of their life.

    With this in mind, understanding public opinion is crucial for policymakers and industry leaders to then shape the development and deployment of AI technologies in a manner that addresses these concerns. 

    Lloyd’s Register Foundation has created the World Risk Poll 2021 to help engineer a safer world, but the scope of this study goes beyond AI and personal data. In part two of this series, we’ll explore the World Risk Poll 2021: Safe At Work and unearth some startling trends regarding workplace harassment.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 23:20

  • Biden's ATF Sued For "Zero Tolerance" Policy Towards Gun Dealers
    Biden’s ATF Sued For “Zero Tolerance” Policy Towards Gun Dealers

    Submitted by Gun Owners of America,

    Earlier this year, Gun Owners of America leaked internal ATF documents, highlighting an unprecedented rate of Federal Firearms Licenses revoked by the Biden administration’s ATF. 

    In fact, since the enactment of ATF’s Zero Tolerance policy, there has been a 200% increase in FFL revocations. This is due to the agency’s new interpretation of the word “willful.” 

    Congress has made clear that, when revoking a license, ATF is required to prove that an FFL “willfully” violated the law before the statutory punishments can be levied. 

    This deliberate addition to the law by Congress presented a problem for ATF, as virtually all gun dealers are well-intentioned, law-abiding people who always attempt to comply with the law.  

    Therefore, to claim “willfulness” to violate the law by people who almost uniformly try to follow the law — ATF had to get creative.  

    Now, ATF claims that a single manual, potentially given to an FFL decades ago, proves that the FFL knew the law and thus “willfully” decided to violate it. 

    Whereas prior to the adoption of the Zero Tolerance policy, ATF would give a warning conference to firearms dealers who made mistakes on forms. Now, according to the new policy, the default action is to revoke the dealer’s license.  

    In other words, under the Biden Administration, ATF has changed its focus from regulating the gun industry to destroying it by whatever means possible — eliminating access to firearms by putting as many gun dealers as possible out of business.  

    In 2022, GOA & Morehouse Industries, a firearms business from North Dakota, filed a lawsuit against the ATF’s Frame and Receiver rule.  

    Not long after that, ATF initiated its first-ever inspection of Morehouse’s FFL. 

    The ATF agent assigned to the Morehouse inspection, Jacob Temp, mentioned to the licensee that around his office, the other agents joked about how the inspection would look like retaliation for the lawsuit.  

    The ATF’s inspection resulted in ATF issuing a notice of license revocation to Morehouse Industries. 

    It’s important to note that the supposed violations being used as cause for revocation did not in any way impact public safety, risk the transfer of a firearm to a prohibited person, or harm law enforcement’s ability to trace any gun. 

    So, in response to ATF’s egregious abuse of powerGun Owners of America and Morehouse Industries are suing the agency again — this time, over their illegal zero-tolerance policy.  

    Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, issued the following statement:  

    “This zero-tolerance policy towards lawful commerce guaranteed by the Second Amendment is just the latest example of this Administration weaponizing federal agencies against their political enemies. It also is just one more compelling piece of evidence to support gun owners’ demands that Congress defund the ATF.” 

    Sam Paredes, on behalf of the Board for GOF, added:  

    “It’s ridiculous that good people trying to make an honest living are facing this assault on their livelihoods simply over inconsequential paperwork errors. GOF is proud to be lending our support in defense of Bridge City Ordnance and all of those small businesses facing devastating consequences if this Administration’s hostility towards firearms is permitted to go unchecked.”  

    Gun Owners of America has had major success in the courts fighting against Biden’s executive actions. In May, GOA won a preliminary injunction against ATF’s pistol brace rule, making GOA members immune from enforcement.  

    *   *   * 

    We’ll hold the line for you in Washington. We are No Compromise. Join the Fight Now. 

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 23:00

  • Aspen's Mansion Market Hit By 'Deep Freeze' As Normalcy Returns
    Aspen’s Mansion Market Hit By ‘Deep Freeze’ As Normalcy Returns

    Aspen, Colorado’s luxury real estate market has cooled after a surge of wealthy folks fled US cities during Covid to the mountain resort town 8,000 feet above sea level. Bloomberg states year-to-date dollar volume for mansion contracts is down a whopping 40% compared to the same period last year as real estate faces a headwind thanks to a series of interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve. 

    Tim Estin, a broker with Aspen Snowmass Sotheby’s International Realty, wrote in a new report that Aspen real estate has dramatically slowed in the first half of 2023. 

    The market has returned to pre-pandemic “normalcy” of the 2016-2019 years, a theme mentioned throughout the year so far,” Estin wrote, adding “normalcy” means an “active market but not the explosive ‘urban exodus’ market of 2020-2022.” 

    Jennifer Banner, a Christie’s International Real Estate Aspen Snowmass broker, said, “Inventory is still historically low.” 

    Estin said there were 175 property listings as of June, an increase from record lows in 2022, yet still significantly below the June 2019 average of 318 listings.

    “Aspen is unique. We have very limited supply and great demand. So when we don’t have a lot of inventory to sell, our sales decrease. It’s not necessarily the lack of interest in being here; it’s the lack of options for potential buyers,” Steven Shane, a broker with Compass Inc., who, at the end of May, sold a $65 million mansion in downtown Aspen.

    Low inventory is the reason why prices have remained stable. Bloomberg said, “As of June 31, the average price per square foot of a single-family home in Aspen was $3,150, more than three times the figure in 2019: $1,048 per square foot. Between Q2 of 2022 and Q2 of 2023, the average home sale price per square foot was up 6%.” 

    Jonathan Miller, president and chief executive officer of appraiser Miller Samuel Inc., said, “Even though the majority of buyers pay in cash, Fed policy is reflective of not just mortgage rates, but also the financial markets. And this is a very affluent market. They watch the market, and it just adds a layer of uncertainty. As a result—whatever housing market you’re looking at in the US—nearly all of them have seen fairly large declines from unusually elevated levels in the past couple of years.”

    Brokers said high-end homes over $10 million should experience continued strength this year. Some expect prices to cool but will never return to a pre-pandemic level. “I believe there’ll be an adjustment, but certainly not to pre-Covid levels,” Shane said. 

    So a combination of tighter financial conditions and mounting macroeconomic uncertainty has sent a deep freeze through Aspen’s mansion market. 



    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 22:40

  • China Perfecting Techno-Totalitarianism For Export Around The World: Rep. Gallagher
    China Perfecting Techno-Totalitarianism For Export Around The World: Rep. Gallagher

    Authored by Eva Fu via The Epoch Times,

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is perfecting a techno-totalitarian regime for export to the rest of the world, Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) has warned.

    Chairman of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, Rep. Michael Gallagher (R-Wis.), speaks during an interfaith roundtable on the CCP’s threat to religious freedom in Washington on July 12, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

    The regime’s worsening repression of faith was in the spotlight at a roundtable hearing that the lawmaker hosted on July 12. One key takeaway, the chairman and other panelists of the House Select Committee on the CCP said, is that such abuses do not stop at Chinese borders.

    “Across the board, we’ve seen the Chinese Communist Party leverage access to their market and their economic power in order to coerce American companies, international companies,” Mr. Gallagher told The Epoch Times’ sister outlet NTD.

    The lawmaker made the comment in response to a question regarding a lawsuit against Cisco, accusing the California tech giant of aiding Beijing’s persecution of the spiritual group Falun Gong—which encourages people to live by the universal principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. Cisco allegedly gave the regime U.S. technology and components that allowed it to build a vast surveillance network. Over a dozen adherents, including one U.S. citizen, alleged that the resulting system tracked their Falun Gong-related activities online, leading to their arrest and torture in China.

    Surveillance cameras in Hangzhou, in east China’s Zhejiang Province on May 29, 2019. (STR/AFP via Getty Images)

    “The techno-totalitarian regime that the CCP is perfecting in China will not stay there. It’s a model increasingly they want to export around the world. And so we’re considering a variety of pieces of legislation to counter that,” Mr. Gallagher said.

    At the roundtable, representatives for Chinese Christians, Tibetans, and Uyghurs also spoke about their suffering at the hands of China’s communist party officials, with some, in the case of house church pastor Pan Yongguang, continuing even after they fled China.

    Pastor Pan Yongguang at Mayflower Church of China, who was granted asylum by the U.S. in April 2023, speaks during an interfaith roundtable on the Chinese Communist Party’s threat to religious freedom in Washington on July 12, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

    Mr. Pan and members of Mayflower Church in China’s Shenzhen city left China in October 2019. After arriving in South Korea, many from the group received threatening phone calls from CCP officials demanding they they return to China. Members were also followed in Thailand by suspected CCP agents, while their relatives in China faced harassment and interrogation, Mr. Pan said at the hearing. In February this year, he said that Chinese police officers visited his wife’s parents in central Chinese province Hunan in order to pressure her to urge Mr. Pan to return. The stress of the blackmail and concern for her elderly parent’s welfare caused Mrs. Pan to suffer a partial heart attack.

    “The Chinese Communist Party wants to dominate the world. If they achieved their goals, then what you see happening in China is going to happen around the world,” Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-Fla.), a member of the House China Committee, told The Epoch Times.

    Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-Fla.) speaks during an interfaith roundtable on the Chinese Communist Party’s threat to religious freedom in Washington on July 12, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

    He pointed to Hong Kong, where authorities arrested and later fined Cardinal Joseph Zen, 91, over a support fund for pro-democracy protesters. Incidents like this speak to the importance of speaking up about the regime’s abuses, Mr. Gimenez said, because what is happening in China right now could one day “be happening to you.”

    “You have to be subservient to the Chinese Communist Party” and if “you pose a threat to the Chinese Communist Party in any way, you’ll be persecuted, you’ll be in prison, and sometimes, you may even lose your life.”

    Multiple current and former U.S. religious freedom officials have already called attention to lobbying efforts on behalf of China that reach Washington, such as reports of big firms like Nike and Coca-Cola trying to weaken legislation banning imports from Xinjiang over forced labor concerns.

    The U.S. government needs to pay closer attention to such lobbying activities and stop multinational corporations from assisting the regime’s oppression, said Frederick Davie, vice chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

    Oncologist Dr. Weldon Gilcrease at the University of Utah previously told The Epoch Times that the leaders of his school’s health care system had intentionally refrained from speaking out on forced organ harvesting out of fear of economic retribution by Beijing.

    Frederick Davie, Vice Chair of U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom and Strategic Advisor to the President at Union Theological Seminary (NYC), speaks during an interfaith roundtable on the Chinese Communist Party’s threat to religious freedom in Washington on July 12, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

    To Davie, who earlier at the panel voiced concerns about the CCP using bilateral academic partnerships to make U.S. institutions “immune to the atrocities,” the incident was a case in point.

    “It just proves the point of the level of influence that the Chinese economic reach has around the world and in the United States,” he told The Epoch Times.

    American consumers have a part to play as well, noted Tony Perkins, former chair of the bipartisan religious freedom commission and president of the Family Research Council.

    “China is actually more repressive today than they were two decades ago, and the reason is they can afford to be as American consumers fund their repression,” Mr. Perkins said at the panel.

    Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, speaks during an interfaith roundtable on the Chinese Communist Party’s threat to religious freedom in Washington on July 12, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

    In his mind, the United States should have “no further economic transactions” with China until the human rights situation changes.

    “Americans have become addicted to cheap goods—a very materialistic society—but they need to understand that the profits from that are coming back to influence policy, both here and abroad,” he told The Epoch Times.

    “For our family, we read the label of where things are manufactured. And we do everything possible to keep from buying products from China, and we encourage others to do the same.”

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 22:20

  • Dylan Mulvaney Flees US To Peru For 'Safety' Only To Return Days Later To Attend LA Event
    Dylan Mulvaney Flees US To Peru For ‘Safety’ Only To Return Days Later To Attend LA Event

    Transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney claimed to have fled the US earlier this week for a third-world South American country because ‘she’ no longer “feels safe” in a first-world country amid the demise of Bud Light following her disastrous TikTok advertising partnership in April.

    Just for the sake of the ‘fact-checkers’ Peru is the 59th ‘safest’ country in the world for LGBTQ+ people, while USA is ranked 6th…

    Source: EqualDex

    However, Mulvaney has since made her way back to the US.

    The 26-year-old TikTok influencer who gets paid by ‘woke’ mega-corporations to promote their products while mocking women revealed Monday on TikTok she was at Machu Picchu. 

    Mulvaney said she is “solo traveling” in Peru to “feel something” — as to what that means, we have no clue. She said she left the US because she does not currently feel safe.  

    “I feel very safe here. It’s a little sad that I had to leave my country to feel safe, but that will get better eventually,” Mulvaney told millions of followers on the Chinese-owned social media platform. 

    “I came here to feel something. And I definitely have. I have done shaman ceremonies that were like 10 years worth of therapy, it was wild,” Mulvaney continued, adding, “I’ve seen a lot of llamas. The people here are so kind. I feel very safe here.”

    And only days later, Mulvaney returned Stateside to attend a Thursday red carpet for Outfest in Los Angeles.

    Remember all those celebrities who have said they’re fleeing America for good for whatever reason — but never do. Add Mulvaney to that list. As to the hype she was promoting about ‘not feeling safe’ — seems like the transgender influencer might have been peddling misinformation considering her return to the States was only days later. 

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 22:00

  • Targeted For Tyranny: We're All Suspects Under The Government's Pre-Crime Program
    Targeted For Tyranny: We’re All Suspects Under The Government’s Pre-Crime Program

    Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rurtherford Institute,

    “There is now the capacity to make tyranny total in America.”

    – James Bamford, journalist

    We’re all being targeted now.

    We’re all guilty until proven innocent now.

    And thanks to the 24/7 surveillance being carried out by the government’s spy network of fusion centers, we are all now sitting ducks, just waiting to be tagged, flagged, targeted, monitored, manipulated, investigated, interrogated, heckled and generally harassed by agents of the American police state.

    Although these precrime programs are popping up all across the country, in small towns and big cities, they are not making us any safer but they are endangering individual freedoms.

    Nationwide, there are upwards of 123 real-time crime centers (a.k.a. fusion centers), which allow local police agencies to upload and share massive amounts of surveillance data and intelligence with state and federal agencies culled from surveillance cameras, facial recognition technology, gunshot sensors, social media monitoring, drones and body cameras, and artificial intelligence-driven predictive policing algorithms.

    These data fusion centers, which effectively create an electronic prison—a digital police state—from which there is no escape, are being built in partnership with big tech companies such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon, which helped to fuel the rise of police militarization and domestic surveillance.

    While these latest expansions of the surveillance state are part of the Biden Administration’s efforts to combat domestic extremism through the creation of a “precrime” crime prevention agency, they have long been a pivotal part of the government’s plans for total control and dominion.

    Yet this crime prevention campaign is not so much about making America safer as it is about ensuring that the government has the wherewithal to muzzle anti-government discontent, penalize anyone expressing anti-government sentiments, and preemptively nip in the bud any attempts by the populace to challenge the government’s authority or question its propaganda.

    As J.D. Tuccille writes for Reason, “[A]t a time when government officials rage against ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ that is often just disagreement with whatever opinions are currently popular among the political class, fusion centers frequently scrutinize peaceful dissenting speech.”

    Indeed, while the Biden Administration was recently dealt a legal blow over its attempts to urge social media companies to do more to combat so-called dis- and mis-information, these fusion centers are the unacknowledged powerhouses behind the government’s campaign to censors and retaliate against those who vocalize their disagreement and discontent with government policies.

    Already, the powers-that-be are mobilizing to ensure that fusion centers have the ability to monitor and lockdown sectors of a community at a moment’s notice.

    For instance, a 42,000-square-foot behemoth of a fusion center in downtown Washington is reportedly designed to “better prepare law enforcement for the next public health emergency or Jan. 6-style attack.” According to an agency spokeswoman, “Screens covering the walls of the new facility will show surveillance cameras around the city as well as social media accounts that may be monitored for threatening speech.”

    It’s like a scene straight out of Steven Spielberg’s dystopian film Minority Report, set in 2054, where police agencies harvest intelligence from widespread surveillance, behavior prediction technologies, data mining, precognitive technology, and neighborhood and family snitch programs in order to capture would-be criminals before they can do any damage.

    Incredibly, as the various nascent technologies employed and shared by the government and corporations alike—facial recognition, iris scanners, massive databases, behavior prediction software, and so on—are incorporated into a complex, interwoven cyber network aimed at tracking our movements, predicting our thoughts and controlling our behavior, the dystopian visions of past writers is fast becoming our reality.

    Our world is now characterized by widespread surveillance, behavior prediction technologies, data mining, fusion centers, driverless cars, voice-controlled homes, facial recognition systems, cybugs and drones, and predictive policing (pre-crime) aimed at capturing would-be criminals before they can do any damage.

    What once seemed futuristic no longer occupies the realm of science fiction.

    The American police state’s take on the dystopian terrors foreshadowed by George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and Phillip K. Dick have all been rolled up into one oppressive pre-crime and pre-thought crime package.

    In this way, the novel 1984 has become an operation manual for an omnipresent, modern-day surveillance state in which ordinary Americans find themselves labeled domestic extremists for engaging in lawful behavior that triggers the government’s precrime sensors.

    The technocrats who run the surveillance state don’t even have to break a sweat while monitoring what you say, what you read, what you write, where you go, how much you spend, whom you support, and with whom you communicate and then classifying you as a danger.

    Computers now do the tedious work of trolling social media, the internet, text messages and phone calls for potentially anti-government remarks, all of which is carefully recorded, documented, and stored to be used against you someday at a time and place of the government’s choosing.

    In this way, with the help of automated eyes and ears, a growing arsenal of high-tech software, hardware and techniques, government propaganda urging Americans to turn into spies and snitches, as well as social media and behavior sensing software, government agents are spinning a sticky spider-web of threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports aimed at snaring potential enemies of the state.

    It’s also a setup ripe for abuse.

    For instance, an investigative report by the Brennan Center found that “Over the last two decades, leaked materials have shown fusion centers tracking protestors and casting peaceful activities as potential threats. Their targets have included racial justice and environmental advocates, right-wing activists, and third-party political candidates.”

    One fusion center in Maine was found to have been “illegally collecting and sharing information about Maine residents who weren’t suspected of criminal activity. They included gun purchasers, people protesting the construction of a new power transmission line, the employees of a peacebuilding summer camp for teenagers, and even people who travelled to New York City frequently.”

    In one Florida county, police have been using their precrime program to generate “lists of people it considers likely to break the law, based on arrest histories, unspecified intelligence and arbitrary decisions by police analysts.” Then, according to the Tampa Bay Times, deputies are deployed “to find and interrogate anyone whose name appears, often without probable cause, a search warrant or evidence of a specific crime. They swarm homes in the middle of the night, waking families and embarrassing people in front of their neighbors. They write tickets for missing mailbox numbers and overgrown grass, saddling residents with court dates and fines. They come again and again, making arrests for any reason they can.”

    The goal? “Make their lives miserable until they move or sue.”

    This is how the government is turning a nation of citizens into suspects and would-be criminals.

    This transformation is being driven by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the agency notorious for militarizing the police and SWAT teams; spying on activists, dissidents and veterans; stockpiling ammunition; distributing license plate readers; contracting to build detention camps; tracking cell-phones with Stingray devices; carrying out military drills and lockdowns in American cities; using the TSA as an advance guard; conducting virtual strip searches with full-body scanners; carrying out soft target checkpoints; directing government workers to spy on Americans; conducting widespread spying networks using fusion centers; carrying out Constitution-free border control searches; funding city-wide surveillance cameras; and utilizing drones and other spybots.

    Twenty years after being formed in the wake of 9/11, the DHS is a massive, costly, power-hungry bureaucracy working hard to ensure that the government is all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful.

    Yet here’s the thing: you don’t have to do anything illegal or challenge the government’s authority in order to be flagged as a suspicious character, labeled an enemy of the state and locked up like a dangerous criminal.

    In fact, all you need to do is use certain trigger words, surf the internet, communicate using a cell phone, drive a car, stay at a hotel, purchase materials at a hardware store, take flying or boating lessons, appear suspicious to a neighbor, question government authority, or generally live in the United States.

    The following activities are guaranteed to get you censored, surveilled, eventually placed on a government watch list, possibly detained and potentially killed.

    Use harmless trigger words like cloud, pork and pirates. Use a cell phone. Drive a car. Attend a political rally. Express yourself on social media. Serve in the military. Disagree with a law enforcement official. Call in sick to work. Limp or stutter. Appear confused or nervous, fidget, whistle or smell bad. Allow yourself to be seen in public waving a toy gun or anything remotely resembling a gun, such as a water nozzle or a remote control or a walking cane, for instance. Stare at a police officer. Appear to be pro-gun, pro-freedom or anti-government. Attend a public school. Speak truth to power.

    It’s just a matter of time before you find yourself wrongly accused, investigated and confronted by police based on a data-driven algorithm or risk assessment culled together by a computer program run by artificial intelligence.

    Before long, every household in America will be flagged as a threat and assigned a threat score.

    Without having ever knowingly committed a crime or been convicted of one, you and your fellow citizens have likely been assessed for behaviors the government might consider devious, dangerous or concerning; assigned a threat score based on your associations, activities and viewpoints; and catalogued in a government database according to how you should be approached by police and other government agencies based on your particular threat level.

    Combine predictive policing with surveillance, overcriminalization and precrime programs, then add in militarized police trained to shoot first and ask questions later, and as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, you’ll be lucky to escape with your life.

    If you’re not scared yet, you should be.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 21:40

  • There Could Be 24 CBDCs Live By 2030: BIS
    There Could Be 24 CBDCs Live By 2030: BIS

    Authored by David Attlee via,

    According to a survey by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), 93% of central banks are already researching central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and there could be up to 15 retail and nine wholesale CBDCs in circulation by 2030.

    Published earlier this week, the survey of 86 central banks was conducted from October to December 2022. It asked central banks whether they were working on a retail, wholesale or both types of CBDC, how advanced the work was, and their motivations.

    There could be as many as 24 live CBDCs by 2030. Source: BIS

    According to a survey, over half of the world’s central banks are conducting experiments or working on a CBDC pilot. Almost a quarter of all central banks are already piloting their retail CBDC projects, and the number of wholesale CBDCs in the works is much lower.

    Geoeconomically, nations within emerging markets and developing economies are leading CBDC adoption.

    Their share in piloting the retail (29%) and wholesale (16%) CBDCs almost doubles that of advanced economies, which stands at 18% and 10%, respectively.

    Both developing and advanced economies mostly share the motivation behind their CBDC projects — financial stability and cross-border payments efficiency. However, developing countries are more often driven by financial inclusion reasons.

    The share of central banks likely to issue a retail CBDC within the next three years grew from 15% to 18% in 2022. At the same time, 68% of central banks still state their unreadiness to issue a retail CBDC “any time soon.”

    To date, there are still only four CBDCs in circulation: in the Bahamas, the Eastern Caribbean, Jamaica and Nigeria. Yet, based on the central bankers’ answers, the survey predicts 15 retail and 9 wholesale CBDCs will be live by the end of this decade.

    At the end of June, the Reserve Bank of India reported ongoing negotiations with at least 18 central banks worldwide regarding the possibility of cross-border payments via its CBDC, the “digital rupee.”

    In July, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Innovation Center completed its proof-of-concept of a regulated liability network for a CBDC.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 21:20

  • Lott: Guns Are Not the Leading Cause of Children’s Deaths
    Lott: Guns Are Not the Leading Cause of Children’s Deaths

    Authored by John R. Lott Jr. via RealClear Wire,

    A favorite talking point from the Biden White House is that guns are the leading cause of death of children. The problem is that it is false.

    “The number one cause of death of the children in America is gun violence,” Vice President Kamala Harris claimed on June 2.

    Later the White House tweeted, “Guns are the #1 KILLER of CHILDREN.” President Biden has made the same claim multiple times this year.

    The Washington Post parroted this claim, running the headline: “Why guns are America’s number one killer of children.” Similarly, the NPR headline says: “Firearms overtook auto accidents as the leading cause of death in children,” and even the BBC got in on the act: “Gun deaths were the leading killer of US children in 2020.” Fact-checkers from Newsweek to Snopes also push these claims.

    The first question is: What is a child? For those under 18, vehicle deaths are consistently greater than those from firearms. Adding homicides, unintentional deaths, and suicides together shows 2,443 total deaths from vehicles and 2,218 from firearms. In 2021, there were again 2,668 vehicle and 2,519 firearm deaths. When we exclude justifiable homicides that are committed in self-defense, that number falls by several hundred. 

    So, even if we are counting 17-year-old gang members as “children,” the White House’s claim is incorrect. In 2019 and 2020, more minors died from suffocation.

    Homicides for all ages have been on the upswing across the country starting in 2020. Democrats blame this increase on guns while ignoring police budget cuts, refusal to prosecute violent criminals, bail reform, and mass release of many young, healthy inmates during the pandemic.

    Many people would even define children at even younger ages. But the claims by gun control advocates like Biden and Harris are only possible if they define everyone under 20 as children.

    For those under 20, firearm deaths exceed vehicle deaths for 2020 and 2021 when you use the CDC firearm homicide data. When you use the FBI data, the vehicle deaths exceed the firearm deaths for 2019 and 2020, and likely 2021, though the FBI data isn’t available for that year. The bottom line is that about a third of the firearm deaths for those under 20 involve homicide, where the victims are 18 and 19 years old. Approximately 20% involve homicides for 15, 16, and 17-year-olds. These deaths are largely gang-related, and even banning guns is unlikely to stop drug gangs from obtaining guns to protect their extremely valuable drugs.

    Nor does it make sense to blame rising suicides on guns. When gun bans are enacted, there are many other effective ways to commit suicide, such as hanging, walking in front of a train, jumping from a height, using explosives, or taking cyanide. Indeed, while gun bans are associated with drops in firearm suicides, there is no change in total suicides.

    With the FBI data, firearm suicides make up about 40% of all firearm deaths. So, for example, in 2020, for those under 20, removing suicides would reduce the number of firearm deaths – using the numbers from the CDC – from 4,253 to 2,960, and – using the FBI murder rate data – from 3,405 to 2,112.

    Banning guns might reduce firearm suicides and cases of self-defense, but it won’t reduce firearm murders. Indeed, a ban on guns, even a handgun ban like the ones we’ve seen in Washington and Chicago, inevitably makes things much worse. After every gun ban, murder rates have gone up.

    One would think that just once, out of simple randomness, murder rates would have gone down or remained the same after a ban. But whenever crime data are available from both before and after a ban, we can see that murder rates have gone up (often by huge amounts).

    Gun control advocates will tell you that Washington and Chicago weren’t fair tests. They will point out that criminals could still get guns in Virginia or Maryland, or in Illinois or Indiana. While that might explain why murder rates didn’t fall as promised, it doesn’t explain why murder and violent crime rates went up.

    Even island nations have fared no better. After the UK banned handguns in January 1997, its homicide rate rose by 50% over the following eight years. The rate returned to earlier levels only after a 14% increase in the number of police.

    Even more dramatic post-ban surges occurred in Jamaica and Ireland, with six or sevenfold increases in homicide rates.

    Democrats can’t accept their responsibility for increased violent crime in 2020 and 2021. They want to blame guns, and there’s no better way to do so than to keep claiming that guns are the number one killer of “children.”

    John R. Lott Jr. is a contributor to RealClearInvestigations, focusing on voting and gun rights. His articles have appeared in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, New York Post, USA Today, and Chicago Tribune. Lott is an economist who has held research and/or teaching positions at the University of Chicago, Yale University, Stanford, UCLA, Wharton, and Rice.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 21:00

  • The Achilles' Heel Of The JFK Assassination
    The Achilles’ Heel Of The JFK Assassination

    Authored by Jacob Hornberger via The Future of Freedom Foundation,

    The autopsy that the U.S. national-security establishment conducted on President Kennedy’s body has always been the Achilles heel of the assassination. That’s because the autopsy was fraudulent. But because the military “classified” the autopsy, forcing enlisted personnel to sign secrecy oaths and threatening them with court martial or criminal prosecution if they ever revealed what they saw or did, the military was able to cover up much, but certainly not all, of its autopsy fraud for decades. That cover-up came to a screeching halt during the 1990s during the term of the Assassination Records Review Board.

    When I began delving into the JFK assassination many years ago, I naturally read lots of books. Gradually, I became convinced that the assassination was a highly sophisticated regime-change operation orchestrated and carried out by the U.S. national-security establishment. I became convinced that it was no different in principle from other regime-change operations, especially ones that involved state-sponsored assassinations based on “national security,” such as those operations that targeted Iranian leader Mohammad Mossadegh, Congo leader Patrice Lumumba, Chilean Gen. Rene Schneider, Cuban leader Fidel Castro, and Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz.

    But I was trained as a lawyer. My professional career began as a trial attorney. I practiced law for 12 years. I tried both civil and criminal cases in both state and federal courts. These consisted of both jury and non-jury trials.

    While I became convinced that the Kennedy assassination was, in fact, a regime-change operation, I also believed that I could never walk into a courtroom and prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, which is the standard of proof required in a criminal case. I didn’t think that any of the assassination researchers had provided sufficient evidence to meet that burden. After many years of studying the assassination, I still believe that to this day.

    To be sure, there are lots of suspicious aspects to the assassination, such as the so-called magic-bullet theory. But for me, all those suspicious aspects, while convincing me of criminal culpability, were still not enough to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. 

    Thus, in my opinion, those who cry “Conspiracy theory!” when one focuses on what happened in Dealey Plaza are essentially saying, “You don’t have enough evidence to convict the national-security establishment of this offense beyond a reasonable doubt.”

    Not so, however, with the autopsy. Once I came to the realization that the military establishment had conducted a fraudulent autopsy, it was “game over” and “case closed” for the national-security establishment.

    The fraudulent autopsy is the “back door” that establishes beyond a reasonable doubt criminal culpability of the national-security establishment in the Kennedy assassination.

    The reason for this is that there is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy. None! No one has ever come up with one and no one ever will. A fraudulent autopsy necessarily equates to cover-up. And the only entity that the national-security establishment would be covering up for would be itself, especially since the scheme for the fraudulent autopsy was launched at Parkland Hospital at the moment that Kennedy was declared dead. That was when a team of Secret Service agents, brandishing guns and stating that they were operating under orders, knowingly, intentionally, and deliberately violated Texas state law by prohibiting the Dallas County medical examiner, Dr. Earl Rose, from conducting an autopsy on the president’s body.

    That Secret Service team forced its way out of Parkland and took the president’s body to Dallas’ Love Field, where the new president, Lyndon Johnson, was waiting for it. Johnson transported the body to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, where it was delivered into the hands of the military. 

    Keep in mind something important: This was a murder case under Texas law. No federal agency, including the Pentagon, the CIA, the Secret Service, the FBI, or the Justice Department, had jurisdiction over this crime. Nonetheless, the military, which by this time had became a dominant force in American life, took control over the autopsy.

    The military’s autopsy fraud is detailed in my two books The Kennedy Autopsy and An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story.

    The following are three examples of the autopsy fraud:

    1. The ARRB discovered the existence of a Navy petty officer named Saundra Spencer, who worked in the Navy’s photographic lab in Washington, D.C. She worked closely with the White House in the development of social photography. Spencer was the epitome of professionalism, competence, and integrity. Jeremy Gunn, the general counsel for the ARRB, stated that of all the witnesses who came before the ARRB, Spencer was the most credible of them all. No one, either in or out of the military, ever questioned her professionalism, competence, and integrity.

    Spencer told the ARRB a remarkable story. She said that on the weekend of the assassination, she was asked to develop the photographs of Kennedy’s autopsy. She was told that the operation was “classified.” She had kept her secret for more than 30 years, until the ARRB released her from her vow of secrecy.

    When the ARRB showed Spencer the official autopsy photograph showing the back of JFK’s head to be intact, she stated that that was not the autopsy photograph that she developed. The photograph she developed showed a massive hole in the back of JFK’s head. That, of course, would imply a frontal shot, which was contrary to the official narrative.

    Spencer’s sworn testimony matched the statements of the treating physicians and several other witnesses at Parkland Hospital as well as witnesses at the Bethesda morgue, where the autopsy was carried out. I quote many of these witnesses in my book An Encounter with Evil. They stated that Kennedy had a massive, exit-sized wound in the back of his head. For example, Dr. Robert McClelland, one of the treating physicians stated, “I said, well, there is a wound in the back of his head here in the right side that’s at least five inches in diameter — a circular wound far in the back of his head.” Another example: Parkland Hospital physician Dr. Charles Carrico: “There was a large — quite a large — defect about here on his skull [pointing to the back of his head].” 

    If Spencer, Dr. McClelland, Carrico, and all the other witnesses were telling the truth — and I’m convinced they were — then there is only one inescapable conclusion that can be drawn — that the military’s official photograph showing the back on President Kennedy’s head to be intact was fraudulent. 

    2. The ARRB also discovered the existence of a man named Roger Boyajian, who, like Spencer, told the ARRB a remarkable story. He said that on the day of the assassination, he was a Marine Sergeant serving at the Bethesda National Naval Medical Center. He was ordered to go to the Bethesda morgue to provide security. 

    Boyajian, who, like Spencer, had been sworn to secrecy, told the ARRB that the president’s body was brought into the morgue at 6:35 p.m. That presented a problem because the undisputed official narrative is that the president’s body was brought into the morgue at 8 p.m., almost an hour-and-a-half later, in the heavy, ornate casket into which it had been placed at Parkland Hospital.

    Boyajian had reported this early introduction of the president’s body in an “after-action report” that he delivered to his superiors the week following the assassination. That military never turned over that report to the ARRB, as it was required to do under the law. But Sergeant Boyajian had kept a copy, which he delivered to the ARRB.

    At the risk of belaboring the obvious, the military had to be up to no good in sneaking the president’s body into the Bethesda morgue and then, an hour-and-a-half later, reintroducing the entry of the body into the morgue. 

    Was there corroboration for Boyajian’s extraordinary claim? Actually there was, and I detail it in The Kennedy Autopsy and An Encounter with Evil. Several Navy enlisted men stated that they carried the president’s body into the morgue in a light “shipping casket” rather than the heavy ornate casket into which the president’s body was placed in Dallas. Moreover, Lt. Col. Pierre Finck stated two times, including once under oath, that he was telephoned by Commander James Humes, the lead pathologist in the autopsy, at 8 p.m. inviting Finck to come to the morgue to assist with the autopsy. During that conversation, Humes told Finck that they already had x-rays of the president’s head. Since the undisputed official entry time of the president’s body was at 8 p.m., the only way that they could already have x-rays of the president’ head was if they were taking them after they sneaked the body into the morgue at 6:35 p.m.

    3. The ARRB also discovered that there were two separate brain examinations in the Kennedy autopsy, one of which could not possibly have been the brain belonging to the president. Again, the details are set forth in my books The Kennedy Autopsy and An Encounter with Evil. At the risk of belaboring the obvious, when the military is falsely claiming that there was only one brain exam and when the military is falsely representing a brain to be that of President Kennedy, it would be difficult to find a better example of autopsy fraud than that.

    As I stated above and as I have repeatedly emphasized over the years, there is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy. Once one concludes that the autopsy was fraudulent, he has automatically concluded that the assassination was orchestrated and carried out by the national-security establishment. There is no other reasonable conclusion that can be drawn.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 20:40

  • House Approves Ban On Transgender Procedures In Military, Repeals Abortion Travel Policy
    House Approves Ban On Transgender Procedures In Military, Repeals Abortion Travel Policy

    Authored by John Haughey via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    House conservatives are bundling the nation’s defense budget with “culture war” amendments they say are needed to reverse the Biden administration’s “woke” politicization of the military through “radical race theories” instituted in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs.

    The U.S. Capitol in Washington on July 6, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

    In the span of 10 hours on July 13, the Republican-led House repealed the Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) abortion travel policy, prohibited DOD health care programs from providing gender transition procedures, and introduced a host of other proposed add-ons targeting DEI programs—including several that failed—to a must-pass defense budget normally approved in bipartisan accord.

    Democrats resisted fiercely, contending the nation’s defense budget is being held hostage by a relatively small cadre—the 40-member House Freedom Caucus—manipulating its pivot in sustaining the GOP’s narrow 10-seat chamber majority to impose an “extreme right-wing agenda” onto the Pentagon and, eventually, the nation.

    That was the nub of repeated—and often heated—point-counterpoint exchanges during daylong deliberations on the House floor as the proposed $886.3 Fiscal Year 2024 defense budget, referred to as the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), was introduced for adoption with 370 proposed amendments.

    80 Hot-Button Amendments

    Both House and Senate armed forces adopted their versions of the proposed NDAA last month. The House did so in a 58–1 vote and the Senate 24–1.

    The annual defense budget is geared to be implemented when the new fiscal year begins on Oct. 1. The House is expected to formally adopt the NDAA by July 14 when it resumes deliberations at 10:30 a.m. after adjourning around 11:30 p.m. on July 13.

    Both chambers’ defense spending plans top out at the $886.3 billion requested in March by the Biden administration, but the Senate version of the NDAA—which will be introduced on the Democrat-led chamber floor next week—does not include the amendments in the House version targeting “woke” policies.

    Representatives in early afternoon began sorting through 80 proposed NDAA amendments dispatched to the floor by the House Rules Committee that morning. The day before, the panel had forwarded 290 proposed add-ons “en blanc,” meaning many are packaged for composite votes because they are not contentious.

    Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) listens during a hearing with the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Capitol Hill in Washington on July 11, 2023. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

    DOD Abortion Travel Policy ‘Illegal’

    Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) sought to repeal a DOD policy that reimburses expenses for service members who travel to obtain an abortion from a state where the procedure is restricted to a state where it is permitted. It was among the contentious add-ons adopted in a near-total partisan vote, 221–213.

    Mr. Jackson maintained the policy was installed by the Biden administration in October 2022 “to sidestep” the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2022 Roe v. Wade repeal to “not only expand abortion access but also leave American taxpayers on the hook to subsidize abortion services.”

    He said the policy is in direct violation of Section 1093 of U.S. Code Title 10 “which restricts funds made available to the DOD from being used for abortions.”

    Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-N.J.) called the amendment “a dangerous health care travel ban” for women serving in the military, noting 46 percent are now based in states where abortion is restricted or banned.

    A former Navy officer, Ms. Sherrill asked: “How am I supposed to recommend to young girls in my district that they should attend a service academy like I did when we know this amendment would mean they would be signing away their right to basic health care? This makes our service women pawns in [conservative Republicans’] extreme agenda and is a steppingstone to larger bans, restrictions, and wholesale disregard for women’s health care in America.”

    Reps. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.) and Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.)—in a theme Democrats would repeat all day and night—also argued the proposed amendment is “part and parcel” of a GOP plan to implement a federal abortion ban.

    House Armed Services Committee Chair Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) said the amendment simply repeals an illegal policy.

    “DOD’s abortion policy is a flagrant disregard to our moral principles. This is part of the Biden administration’s politicization of the military. It is completely unnecessary. It is clearly unlawful,” Mr. Rogers said.

    Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.), an Air Force veteran, called Democrats’ contention that repealing the policy is “somehow attacking women in the service” a “lie.”

    To say you would be somehow hurting someone’s rights in the military because you stand with life is pretty bizarre to me,” she said.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 20:20

  • Appeals Court Pauses Ban On Biden Admin's Censorship Of Social Media Companies
    Appeals Court Pauses Ban On Biden Admin’s Censorship Of Social Media Companies

    Good news: the senile occupant of the White House who occasionally moonlights as a president, will be allowed to order social media cos to censor any news about his crack-addicted son’s laptop again.

    That clear violation of the constitution is what a federal appeals court ruled today when it temporarily halted an order that would bar Biden admin officials from communicating with major social media companies while it considers the government’s request for a longer-term pause.

    Friday’s order came from a three-judge panel assigned to handle the government’s emergency request: Judge Carl Stewart, appointed by Bill Clinton; Judge James Graves, appointed by Barack Obama; and Judge Andy Oldham, appointed by Donald Trump. It didn’t note any dissents.

    The Justice Department is arguing that it should not be forced to comply with the nationwide injunction while it pursues a full appeal in the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeals court said on Friday that it will put the ban on hold, also known as an administrative stay,  while the government presses its case before the New Orleans-based circuit judges.

    The appeal will be placed on an expedited schedule while a panel of judges assigned to the case will decide on the government’s request to keep the nationwide injunction on hold until the case is finished, according to Friday’s order. The court didn’t specify a schedule for those next steps.

    As Bloomberg notes, if the 5th Circuit ultimately denies the Biden administration’s request for a pause, the Justice Department has signaled it will likely consider immediately petitioning the US Supreme Court to intervene, at which point Biden’s clear cut censorship of online content will become a critical issue.

    If the ban is allowed to move forward, deep state government agencies such as the FBI as well as the Department of Health and Human Services will be barred from contacting social media companies for “the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech.”

    The plaintiffs – the Republican attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri and individual users who say they faced repercussion for their online speech – have accused Biden administration officials of unconstitutionally coercing social media companies to take down unfavorable information about Covid-19.

    Recent revelations courtesy of the Twitter files demonstrated that over the past three years – a period starting around the time 53 disgraced spies lied on the record to prevent Hunter Biden’s notebook from trending on twitter – saw the US government transform into regime where any inconvenient truths or online criticism prompted immediate censorship and retaliation by weaponized government agencies such as the FBI and DOJ, a response formerly reserved for banana republices and fascist dictatorships.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 20:00

  • Why Are Republicans Greenhorns At Rounding Up Them Absentee Votes?
    Why Are Republicans Greenhorns At Rounding Up Them Absentee Votes?

    Authored by Steve Miller via RealClear Wire,

    “I can’t begin to understand what ballot harvesting is,” Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the former Republican House Speaker, said in an interview in the wake of a 2018 political upset in Orange County, California. Democrats had swept the congressional seats in one of California’s few Republican strongholds, largely due to a well-executed strategy of harvesting, or the collection and submission of ballots by someone other than the voter.    

    Three election cycles later, Republicans are still on the backfoot when it comes to the nation’s recent embrace of absentee, mail, and early voting. But what critics call “election month” looks likely to endure indefinitely after taking hold in pandemic-prompted voting procedures widely adopted in 2020, ostensibly as a health precaution to promote social distancing.   

    After President Trump’s defeat in 2020, Republican-led legislatures worked to turn back the emergency voting measures in many states, to mixed success, and – after an expected GOP wave fizzled in 2022 – the Republican Party has turned away from Trump’s vilification of absentee voting to essentially say, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”   

    We don’t want to wait till the fourth quarter to start scoring touchdowns when you have four quarters to put points on the board,” Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said last month in promoting the new strategy. “We have to change the culture among Republican voters.”   

    But a range of factors suggest that Republicans are a long way from implementing that change. This impression emerges from interviews with election veterans from both parties in a number of pivotal states; disclosures about the left’s prodigious fundraising for private assistance to local election offices; and Democrats’ reinvigorated focus on community organizing in dense urban areas. The latter is a tradition reaching back more than a century but exploited in recent cycles to overwhelm the GOP’s onetime edge in collecting absentee ballots from the elderly and members of the armed forces.  

    The left is about 20 years ahead on getting these votes,” said Michael Bars, executive director of the conservative Election Transparency Initiative. “You can say it’s an absentee, get-out-the-vote model, an absentee ballot chase or ballot harvesting. But they’re ahead.”  

    And catching up isn’t easy, an RNC official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity in giving a grim assessment of a ground game still unfamiliar to the GOP.  

    “Strangers going door-to-door met with a ton of resistance from Republican voters,” the official said. He was referring to a strategy shift in 2016 when “the RNC changed its field structure to resemble the work that the Obama campaign did in 2008 and 2012 by focusing on training people to be organizers, to put together teams that were part of the community.” It turned out that, with Republicans tending to live in suburban developments, soliciting was frowned upon, and even prohibited, while the Democrats were, as ever, more welcome in urban settings, visiting apartment buildings, public libraries, and residential centers.  

    With even McDaniel still saying she doesn’t like absentee voting, not every Republican official is embracing the message.   

    We promote in-person voting and we promote a message around in-person voting,” said Marci McCarthy, chairman of the DeKalb County (Georgia) Republican Party, in a jurisdiction that contains part of Atlanta and where President Biden won 83% of the vote in 2020. Nationally, 65% of the roughly 65 million absentee and mail-in voters said they voted for Biden in 2020.  

    The Golden State Lesson  

    After enacting new voting rules in 2016 that allowed harvesting, California Democrats in the 2018 midterms dispatched volunteers and paid staffers to neighborhoods rich in registered Democrats who had received an absentee ballot but had not returned it. Some of the agents collected up to 200 ballots at a time and turned them in for counting.   

    Results were delayed as the ballots trickled in – a harbinger of today’s prolonged ballot counts as more states rely on mail voting. But the result was eventually clear: a GOP drubbing in Orange County.  

    We got our asses handed to us,” said Jessica Millan Patterson, chair of California’s Republican Party, whose 2019 election to office was in part based on her vow to embrace harvesting for the party and avenge the Orange County defeat. “Democrats in California have normalized what would be considered voter fraud in the rest of the country. If I had my way, harvesting would be illegal, but we have to win more elections if we want to change laws.”  

    After taking over the party’s ground game, she coordinated each county party’s street teams, assembling paid staffers and volunteers to knock on doors of registered Republicans or those who have not registered but may be open to voting.   

    By 2020, local Republicans were holding “ballot parties” as part of campaign events, where people could hand over their ballots, specified in social media invitations as a “secure location, “ to be delivered to the election office.    

    The Opposition  

    Progressives defended their advantage. They followed their California triumph in 2018 with widespread ballot collection efforts in 2020’s presidential election and the 2022 midterms, where they largely thumped Republicans nationally, including holding the Senate despite widespread predictions that Republicans would sweep both houses of Congress.   

    Conservative critics contend that illegal harvesting was behind Democrat wins in Georgia and Arizona in 2020, although investigations failed to find illicit activity.   

    What they did find, though, was a well-oiled progressive machine with roots in community organizing, working with like-minded state administrations on ballot design, drop-box placement, and deploying lobbyists to push progressive voting strategies.  

    These are funded in part by $1 billion from nonprofits and individuals, the most influential of which is the Center for Technology and Civic Life, led by Tiana Epps-Johnson, a former fellow at the Obama Foundation who is joined at the center by staffers who learned their politics in progressive advocacy groups.  

    The voting strategy network is complemented by an impressive cadre of social media influencers. What was termed a “block by block street fight” by former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe in a 2020 book became a crusade for urban votes. Private funding distributed by the CTCL helped get-out-the-vote efforts in those areas by disproportionately allocating per-vote money to Democratic areas.   

    Ballot collectors go door-to-door in their targeted areas, working from a daily roadmap of “match backs,” or a list of voters who have received a mail ballot but have not yet cast it.  

    In Washington, Republicans start each election at zero and Democrats at 90,” said Don Skillman, co-founder of Voter Science, a voter data group based in Bellevue, Washington. “Democrats know who donors and voters are and where they are. They have an eco-system with this non-profit outreach and know who they are talking to.”  

    Washington’s state Republican party did not respond to an interview request. 

    The New Order  

    The evolving hybrid voting procedures vary widely from state to state and, depending on the ways they came about, may or may not reflect the state autonomy envisioned in the U.S. Constitution’s stipulation that “the Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof.”  

    Ballot harvesting is explicitly illegal in Mississippi,  while 11 other states have no law addressing the practice. Some states permit designated people, such as a relative or housemate, to turn in ballots, while 19 states allow a broader form of collection where voters can choose the person they want to act as their agent.  

    Republican lawmakers around the country have enacted numerous state and local laws since the pandemic-panicked 2020 national election in efforts to curb mail ballots and undo rules that allowed unpoliced mail ballot drop boxes, mass mailing of ballots and applications, and private grants to elections offices that helped progressives get out the vote.   

    Recent GOP forays into ballot collection include public embarrassments, such as 2018’s debacle in North Carolina, where Republican U.S. house candidate Mark Harris enlisted a Democratic operative with ballot harvesting skills. The caper ended up in voter fraud convictions against the harvester and the election results being tossed out.   

    Last year, a Republican ward leader in Philadelphia was ousted after it was alleged his campaign went door-to-door signing up mail-in voters, then having their ballots sent to the campaign headquarters.  

    Colorado and Wisconsin  

    Other states are just starting to embrace the collection strategy. In Colorado, where lawmakers last year sought to return the all-mail voting state to traditional, voting day elections, Republicans are trying to incorporate ballot collection into their ground game.    

    The 2024 election will be our first foray into ballot harvesting,” Colorado GOP party chairman Dave Williams told RealClearInvestigations. Williams is one of several state GOP leaders to confirm that voting mechanisms Republican voters were told just four years ago would ruin the integrity of voting will be embraced by conservative parties and candidates in 2024.  

    “It’s going to come down to getting enough money to ensure we can implement a [ballot collection] operation,” he said, adding that it will take “thousands” of volunteers to match the Democrats.  

    In Wisconsin, the Republican Party now sends mail ballot applications to its base voters as soon as early voting begins, encouraging them to cast their ballots from home. Harvesting in Wisconsin has been part of a legal back-and-forth and the courts will eventually determine its legality in the state, which has moved from swing state to reliably Democratic since 2018.  

    “If it is permitted, we will incorporate that into our ground game,” said Wisconsin state Republican Party executive director Mark Jefferson. “As much as we may not like the expansion of absentee and early voting, we have to use it.”  

    In a test for 2024, Jefferson said, the party used harvesting in the 2022 state Supreme Court race.  

    We turned out our base effectively,” he said. But the party lost both the race and its majority on the court in a progressive voter backlash to the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, which had asserted a constitutional right to abortion.  

    “Over the course of several cycles, I think we can get there,” Jefferson said, optimistic that the party can use collection and other progressive tactics to win elections. “In the meantime, I think we have to push it, but we also need to look for any opportunity to ensure that ballot integrity is still protected.”   

    The Costly ‘Match Back’ Game  

    A well-funded harvesting operation has the money to obtain updated “match back” files almost daily during a voting period. These updated voter lists are available to anyone, although a connection or relationship with the election administration office helps pry them loose. The money to pay for them comes from parties and candidates, or in some cases the activist nonprofits deploying ballot collectors.  

    “Some groups can afford to buy that file every day, especially in the urban areas,” said Michael Der Manouel Jr., former vice chairman of the California Republican Party. “And they can do it from election administrators who care about the outcome of the election, and most of them are Democrats.”  

    Obtaining the files is eased by a good relationship with the local election administrator, he added. In Wisconsin in 2020, the quest by progressive agents to retrieve the voter file daily was chronicled in a report generated during the state’s legislative inquiry into the November election.  

    Progressive groups have gained influence over election administrations through private grants, conferences and the designing of election materials including ballot applications and election department websites, all with an emphasis on voter recruitment and repeating Democratic talking points, such as purported “misinformation” and alleged “threats to democracy.”  

    Speakers at the conferences include representatives from the American Civil Liberties Union and representatives from the progressive group Democracy Now.   

    Most recently, four progressive nonprofit foundations have pledged to distribute $125 million in grants as The Election Trust Initiative, a subsidiary of the Pew Charitable Trusts, to provide private funding to elections offices over the next five years.   

    Their mission is to “strengthen the nonpartisan evidence, organizations, and systems that help local and state officials operate secure, transparent, accurate and convenient elections,” according to a press release.   

    The Biden Administration Wades In  

    The federal government is bolstering its newly created Election Community Liaison office, an arm of the U.S. Department of Justice, offering a salary of up to $183,000 for hires to, in part, pursue “election offenses.”    

    A member of President Biden’s cabinet also has connections to the move to change voting. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm in 2020 was on the board of the National Vote at Home Institute, a progressive nonprofit that has successfully pressured states through lobbying and funding to adopt more permissive mail voting. The group has also privately funded public elections departments through its grant program. Her one year on the board coincided with an increase in the institute’s revenue from $1.1 million in 2019 to $8 million during Granholm’s tenure.   

    Several other Biden administration appointees worked for progressive elections operations including Michelle Obama’s When We All Vote and the Voter Registration Project.  

    These groups have been part of a push toward mail voting and looser rules regarding ballot collection, combating Republican efforts to limit or regulate those practices.   

    “Republicans used to own absentee voting,” said Paul Bentz, a political consultant in Arizona, referring to traditional GOP efforts to collect the ballots of the elderly and military service members. “But they’ve given up that advantage.”  

    Critics of the GOP’s newfound strategy of ballot collection contend that it may be too late, at least to win in 2024.   

    “The nature of the left is to never stop fighting and usually their fight is smart,” said Scott Walter, president of the conservative Capital Research Center, which studies the influence of nonprofits on politics. “They have multiple think tanks dedicated to nothing but winning elections. And there are no Republican counterparts.”  

    While Republicans will engage in the same practices as their foes, “harvesting for Republicans won’t work,” said Der Manouel, the former vice chair of the California GOP.   

    “Republican voters don’t need to have their vote harvested. The only reason it works for Democrats is because they could never turn out their voters. What’s going to happen is Republicans are going to start doing this and find that they don’t have nearly enough ballots to harvest to make a difference.”   

    Contact Steve Miller at  

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 19:40

  • "Hunter Is Checking": Ukrainian Oligarch Accused Of Bribin' Bidens Got Help With Passport
    “Hunter Is Checking”: Ukrainian Oligarch Accused Of Bribin’ Bidens Got Help With Passport

    Joe and Hunter Biden golf with Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer (far left) and unidentified man (August 2014)

    Hunter Biden and pals attempted to help Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky obtain a US Visa right after then-VP Joe Biden’s son became a board member for the Ukrainian energy firm, the Daily Caller reports, citing emails.

    The emails in Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop archive show a coordinated attempt to obtain a visa for Zlochevsky while he was being investigated by Ukrainian authorities for corruption.

    Biden and some of his associates were potentially “engaging in registrable lobbying activity,” and one email indicates that Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) violations could have been occurring outside of the exchanges, a FARA expert who reviewed the emails told the Caller.

    Of note, Hunter worked with former Burisma board member Devon Archer, as well as Rosemont Seneca adviser Eric Schwerin, former Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP Partner Heather King and other business associates, to help Zlochevsky reapply for his visa after the State Department revoked it in 2014.

    According to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Zlochevsky is the “foreign national” who made 17 secret phone recordings of the Bidens as an insurance policy, and is involved in an alleged bribery scheme with the Biden family.

    Greene was one of several House Oversight Committee members who viewed a redacted version of an FBI FD-1023 form, in which an informant is said to have detailed the $10 million scheme. According to Greene, FBI Director Christopher Wray redacted the foreign national’s name, but that it’s very clearly Zlochevsky, as “within the same sentence, it says ‘him/Burisma.’

    “If you’re anyone who is familiar with the whole Burisma story and the information on the laptop, it’s easy to make the connection of who it is. It’s like a no-brainer … No one has refuted that it’s not him,” said Greene.

    Trying to get Burisma boss into the US

    In May of 2014, one month after Hunter was hired to sit on Burisma’s board for some $80,000 per month, Hunter and his partners interfaced with a Zlochevsky intermediary, Burisma board member Vadim Pozharskyi about the Zlochevsky’s visa application, according to the emails.

    On May 7, 2014, Pozharskyi emailed Archer to ask about “Nikolay’s visa issue” as a follow-up to “previous communications” between them. According to the report, “Pozharskyi frequently used the “Nikolay” moniker to refer to Mykola Zlochevsky in correspondence with Hunter Biden and his associates.”

    In late May of 2014, King, the former Boies Schiller partner, emailed Pozharskyi an update on Zlochevsky’s visa status from the Ukrainian embassy, saying that the embassy couldn’t reveal to a 3rd party why the visa had been revoked, but that “if Nikolai contacts them directly, they may provide him with further explanation.”

    Pozharskyi told King in early June that Zlochevsky was “prepared to apply to US embassy for US visa” and said he needed a reason to travel to the United States. Pozharskyi asked King’s company to send Zlochevsky an invitation to be “signed by one of companies lawyer/partner, namely H. Biden,” emails show. -Daily Caller

    Two reasons for that, firstly having Hunters [sic] name on invitation will invite embassy [sic] to consider carefully that application. Secondly If [sic] he is denied in obtaining visa, then your company, that actualy [sic] invited Nikolay could work with state department on this,” wrote Pozharskyi in response.

    Read the rest here…

    Summing things up nicely is Charlie Kirk, who said in a tweet:

    House Oversight member, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene, has confirmed that the “unnamed” foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden with $10 million, was none other than Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

    The now infamous FBI FD-1023 form provide by Wray had redacted Zlochevsky’s name but detailed a $10 million bribe to the Bidens with someone connected to Burisma.

    Putting it all together…

    We know that Zlochesvsky was already paying Hunter an exorbitant sum, $83,000/mo, to sit on the board of his Ukrainian energy company.

    We know Zlochevsky was facing a corruption investigation in Ukraine by prosecutor Viktor Shokin.

    We know then-Vice President Joe Biden accused Shokin of corruption.

    We know that then-VP Biden successfully threatened to pull a $1 billion US loan guarantee as leverage to push for Shokin’s removal.

    We know Shokin was replaced by Yuriy Lutsenko, who cleared Zlochevsky and Burisma of criminal charges in 2019.

    We know that Zlochevsky and his associates were eventually charged in 2020 for attempting $6 million in bribes to halt the ongoing investigation (the guy has a history of bribes).

    And we know that Zlochevsky was a rich, corrupt foreign oligarch who needed the type of help only connected, corrupt DC cronyism could deliver.

    And it all points to one conclusion: Joe and James and Hunter were willing to sell out American interests to keep the Ukrainian money flowing.

    And now hundreds of billions of your taxpayer money is flowing back to Ukraine.

    Get it, now?

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 19:25

  • Watch: Mike Pence Squirms As Carlson Dismantles Neocon Talking Points On Ukraine
    Watch: Mike Pence Squirms As Carlson Dismantles Neocon Talking Points On Ukraine

    Tucker Carlson utterly dismantled the necon talking points of Trump’s former Vice President Mike Pence, during an on-stage interview before a large audience of the FAMiLY Leadership Summit in Iowa on Friday.

    Rather than respond to Carlson’s criticisms about why tens of billions of taxpayer dollars are being spent on far-away Ukraine (which Carlson note is a country “most people can’t find on a map”) rather than focusing on protecting and restoring American cities in decline, a visibly irritated Pence instead vaguely said he could “do both”. Watch Pence squirm below, as the crowd loudly cheered Carlson’s question…

    Pence certainly didn’t bring the crown over to his side, which didn’t so much as clap during his pat, scripted answer.

    He also didn’t win any friends in bluntly stating (revealingly) that “American cities aren’t my concern.” Reporters with The National Review even noticed audible boos during Pence’s attempt at a response

    “I believe that it is in the interests of the United States of America to continue to give the Ukrainian military the resources they need to repel the Russian invasion and restore their sovereignty,” Pence said as several members of the crowd booed.

    Pence then tried to turn it around on Tucker, taking a swipe a the former Fox host:

    “Anybody that says that we can’t be the leader of the free world and solve our problems at home has a pretty small view of the greatest nation on earth. We can do both,” Pence said. “And as president of the United States we will secure our border we will support our military we will revive our economy and stand by our values and we will also lead the world for freedom under my administration.”

    Carlson was undeterred in demolishing what has come to be the obvious establishment stance (one of escalation in Ukraine), whether on the Republican or Democrat side.

    He took Pence to task on the Zelensky government’s crackdown on religious freedom in the wake of monks and priests being booted from their monasteries and churches for maintaining communion with the Russian Orthodox Church based in Moscow. 

    Apart from Ukraine, there were plenty of other moments where Carlson went gloves off, at one point laughing with scorn at the former vice president’s reluctance to deal with concerns of voter fraud.

    Watch: Below is the full clip from the back-and-forth on Ukraine…

    Kim Dotcom observed the following of the interview, specifically related to the moment Pence said coldly “That’s not my concern” when Carlson confronted him on most Americans wanting to solve serious problems at home first…

    “Pence just committed political suicide.”

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 19:20

  • Heat Is Radiating From A Huge Mass Under The Moon
    Heat Is Radiating From A Huge Mass Under The Moon

    Authored by Elijah Cohen via,

    In an unprecedented discovery, scientists have unearthed a colossal granite mass that has been gradually emitting heat, hidden beneath a lunar crater. This discovery is not a figment of science fiction, but a testament to the Moon’s volcanic past. While the Moon’s history of lava fields and eruptions is well-documented, the discovery of a more Earth-like volcano was a first, found beneath the Compton and Belkovich craters on the Moon’s far side.

    Granite, a rock type rarely found outside of Earth, has sparked excitement among the scientific community. On Earth, granite forms deep beneath the surface, typically under a volcano, where magma cools down and crystallizes. The formation of granite is significantly aided by the presence of water and plate tectonics.

    The research team utilized data from both Chinese and American lunar orbiters to uncover this heat-emitting mass beneath the lunar surface, revealing a volcanic process previously unseen on the Moon. “We used an instrument that observes microwave wavelengths, longer than infrared, sent to the Moon on both the Chinese Chang’E 1 and 2 orbiters. We found that one of these suspected volcanoes, known as Compton-Belkovich, was absolutely glowing at microwave wavelengths,” explained co-lead researcher Dr. Matt Siegler, of the Planetary Science Institute.

    The data revealed a 20-kilometer-wide silicon-rich surface feature, believed to be the caldera of this ancient volcano.

    The temperature in this area is 10°C warmer than its surroundings. However, this heat is not from magma beneath the surface, as the volcano’s last eruption was 3.5 billion years ago. Instead, the heat comes from radioactive elements trapped in the rocks.

    “We interpret this heat flux as resulting from a radiogenic-rich granite body below the caldera,” Dr. Siegler said.

    “We were a bit puzzled when we found it. Fortunately, my wife, Dr. Rita Economos, is the geochemist in the family, so with her guidance, we were able to piece together the probable geologic cause of the heat anomaly.”

    Dr. Economos further explained, “This find is a 50km wide batholith; a batholith is a type of volcanic rock that forms when lava rises into the earth’s crust but does not erupt onto the surface. El Capitan and Half Dome, in Yosemite in California, are examples of similar granite rocks which have risen to the surface.”

    The discovery of such a large granite deposit in an unexpected location suggests that there could be other areas of the Moon where granite can be found, and possibly in other parts of the Solar System as well.

    The Moon’s volcanic activity is a fascinating topic that has intrigued scientists for decades. The Moon’s volcanic history extends back nearly 3 billion years, much longer than most planets in our solar system. The lunar volcanoes are not like the ones we have on Earth. They do not spew out a significant amount of lava, but instead, they release gases like radon and argon.

    The Moon’s volcanic activity is believed to have played a crucial role in shaping its surface. The lunar maria, the dark plains seen on the Moon’s surface, are vast basaltic plains formed by ancient volcanic eruptions. These maria cover about 16% of the lunar surface, mainly on the near-side visible from Earth.

    The discovery of the heat-emitting granite mass adds a new dimension to our understanding of the Moon’s volcanic activity. It provides a glimpse into the Moon’s dynamic past and opens up new avenues for exploring lunar geology. This discovery also raises the possibility of finding similar geological features on other celestial bodies, further expanding our knowledge of the universe.

    The exploration of lunar volcanism also has implications for future lunar missions. Understanding the Moon’s geology can help in identifying suitable landing sites for spacecraft and potential resources for lunar bases. As we continue to explore the Moon and beyond, each discovery brings us one step closer to unraveling the mysteries of our solar system.


    *  *  *

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    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 19:00

  • Cycling's Global Governing Body To Ban Trans Athletes From Women's Races
    Cycling’s Global Governing Body To Ban Trans Athletes From Women’s Races

    The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), the governing body of sports cycling, announced on Friday that transgender female cyclists will not be allowed to compete in international women’s eventsif they have “transitioned after puberty.”

    “From now on, female transgender athletes who have transitioned after (male) puberty will be prohibited from participating in women’s events on the UCI International Calendar – in all categories – in the various disciplines,” the statement reads, according to Fox News

    According to a press release published Friday, the UCI decided to adapt the rule during a July 5th meeting with athletes and other experts, including human rights, scientific, and legal experts.

    “First of all, the UCI would like to reaffirm that cycling – as a competitive sport, leisure activity or means of transport – is open to everyone, including transgender people, whom we encourage like everyone else to take part in our sport,” UCI President David Lappartient said in the release.

    “I would also like to reaffirm that the UCI fully respects and supports the right of individuals to choose the sex that corresponds to their gender identity, whatever sex they were assigned at birth.”

    “However,” Lappartient noted – having got the politically-sensitive comment out of the way – The UCI “has a duty to guarantee, above all, equal opportunities for all competitors in cycling competitions.”

     “It is this imperative that led the UCI to conclude that, given the current state of scientific knowledge does not guarantee such equality of opportunity between transgender female athletes and cisgender female participants, it was not possible, as a precautionary measure, to authorize the former to race in the female categories,” Lappartient said.

    Common sense rules once again…

    The UCI’s decision comes just a day after a South Korean man who identifies as a transgender female has competed and won a cycling race to make a point that trans athletes are physically stronger, deeming them “selfish.”

    As The Epoch Times reports, Na Hwa-rin, 37, has undertaken gender reassignment surgery and was officially recognized as a woman in Seoul last year, including a reissue of his birth certificate in April. He competed and won a cycling competition at this year’s Gangwon Sports Festival in eastern Gangwon Province in the female category to prove a point, reported The Korea Times.

    I have no unresolved feelings over winning because that’s no longer what I want. My goal was to stir controversy and get my story heard by competing,” Mr. Na told the outlet on June 23.

    South Korea’s Na Ahreum sprints to cross the finish line in 38th position during the women’s cycling road race of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games at the Fuji International Speedway in Oyama, Japan, on July 25, 2021. (Michael Steele/AFP via Getty Images)

    In seeking to prove a point, Mr. Na described feeling “more relieved than triumphant” when he crossed the finish line of the race. He set out to demonstrate that biological men are physically superior when it comes to transgender athletes competing in female categories.

    Mr. Na outstrips his female competitors with his physicality, standing at about 5.9 feet tall and weighing roughly 158 lbs, with a skeletal muscle mass of 72 lbs, the outlet reported.

    Feeling embarrassed about his win, he told the outlet that he offered the female cyclists who lost to him energy drinks by way of an apology for stealing their glory. Mr. Na, who comes from a Christian family, noted that he chose that competition because it was a provincial event, not a professional race that could harm the career of a professional female athlete.

    “I am not honored. I am not proud of myself at all. I believe other transgender athletes would feel the same way,” he said. “They may not want to admit it,” he added, referring to international trans athletes, “but they’re being selfish. There is no honor as an athlete in that.”

    Mr. Na’s win drew support from LGBT advocates but sparked debate in South Korea about the fairness of men who identify as women competing against females in sports. His desire for fairness held him back from trying to qualify for the National Sports Festival.

    “I don’t want to make an issue to the point where I harm other people,” he said.

    Advocating for a ‘3rd Gender’ Sports Category

    Mr. Na developed a love for cycling by riding his bike around nine miles to school every day. He later competed professionally as a cyclist, winning competitions in the men’s categories.

    The sport gave me a sense of thrill and accomplishment and the catharsis of overcoming my limitations,” he said.

    He now advocates for a “third gender” category in sports competitions, believing that trans athletes should not compete alongside men and women.

    “It could be like how we have many weight divisions in some sports,” Mr. Na said. “Under the current binary system, women athletes will be discouraged and their hard work might not be recognized due to the participation of transgender athletes.

    At the same time, trans woman athletes, no matter how hard they worked, will never be truly honored for their wins,” he continued. “Honor is the goal that all athletes aspire to attain, but this is a situation where nobody will be honored. I think that shouldn’t happen.”

    Owing to the lack of gender-specific regulations for athlete qualification by both the Gangwon State Sports Council and the Korean Sports and Olympic Committee, Mr. Na was eligible to participate in the provincial competition, The Korea Times reported.

    Mr. Na now works as an asparagus farmer in his hometown, Cheorwon, located roughly 43 miles northeast of Seoul, bordering North Korea.

    He said that he began to experience symptoms of gender dysphoria at the age of 7. He would later, as a middle school student, be influenced by the country’s first transgender television celebrity to solidify his ideas of who he was and how he wanted to live.

    The controversy surrounding transgender athletes led the U.S. House of Representatives in April to pass legislation to prohibit taxpayer-funded institutions from allowing transgender athletes to compete in women’s and girls’ sports in schools. The bill was considered dead-on-arrival in the Senate and was expected to be vetoed by President Joe Biden if it managed to receive final approval from Congress.

    The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act sought to modify Title IX by defining sex as determined solely by an individual’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth. The bill bans federal funding recipients from allowing males to participate in women’s athletic programs or activities designated for females, to prevent sex-based discrimination in education.

    Supporters of the bill, and similar state-level legislation, frame the issue as protecting the integrity of female sports competition. Opponents frame it as bullying the transgender community.

    Meanwhile, the Biden administration has said that it will propose a regulation to largely prohibit bans on transgender sports participation. This came after around 20 states moved to ban transgender athletes from female sports.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 18:40

  • In Allegheny County, Progressives Are Now The Establishment
    In Allegheny County, Progressives Are Now The Establishment

    Authored by Zach Kennedy via RealClear Wire,

    A political powerhouse now rivaling Philadelphia as the bedrock of Democratic electoral strength in Pennsylvania, Allegheny County has been consistently trending more progressive. This past May’s primaries in Pennsylvania’s second-largest county added another layer of icing on a cake that’s been baking for nearly a decade: in Allegheny County, progressives are the new establishment.

    The seeds of progressive ascendance were planted in 2018’s Democratic primary, when Summer Lee toppled 20-year incumbent state Rep. Paul Costa, the brother of longtime state Senate Democratic leader Jay Costa. It was the first major win for Allegheny County progressives. In that same primary, Sara Innamorato bested ten-year incumbent state Rep. Dom Costa, a former Pittsburgh police chief and another member of the Costa political family. Both Lee and Innamorato were endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America.

    The following year, 2019, saw state Rep. Adam Ravenstahl, a four-term incumbent and brother of former Pittsburgh mayor Luke Ravenstahl, fall in the Democratic primary to 32-year-old challenger Emily Kinkead, while 20-year incumbent county councilman at-large John DeFazio lost his primary to Bethany Hallam, who campaigned on fracking bans and reforming the Allegheny County jail.

    These progressive victories put the “establishment” on notice. In Pittsburgh, Ed Gainey’s 2021 mayoral primary win over two-term incumbent Bill Peduto solidified the rise of the party’s left flank, which was further bolstered by Lee’s 2022 primary victory to succeed 28-year incumbent U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle. Lee was quickly anointed to “The Squad” in Congress, joining the ranks of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib.

    The progressive trend continued in May of this year, when Innamorato defeated longtime county treasurer and darling of the blue-collar trade unions John Weinstein, as well as 15-year incumbent city controller Michael Lamb (uncle of former U.S. Rep. Conor Lamb) for the Democratic nomination for county executive, the most powerful job in Western Pennsylvania. Innamorato cruised to victory on the back of endorsements from progressive politicians and labor groups such as U.S. Bernie Sanders and the SEIU.

    The primary also saw public defender Matt Dugan defeat longtime district attorney Stephen Zappala Jr., propelled by nearly seven-figure support from progressive billionaire George Soros. Erica Brusselars defeated two-term city councilman and longtime ward leader Anthony Coghill for the Democratic nomination for county treasurer, scoring endorsements from left-leaning organizations such as the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers and the Young Democrats of Allegheny County.

    And last summer saw establishment stalwart and chair of the county Democratic Party, Eileen Kelly, replaced as chair by Sam Hens-Greco, former chair of the powerful 14th Ward, the largest ward in the county and one of the most progressive. Hens-Greco’s running mate and now vice chair of the county Democratic Party, Morgan Overton, was the first black woman to chair the Young Democrats of Allegheny County.

    Allegheny County progressives now hold the mayor’s office, the 12th District congressional seat encompassing the city of Pittsburgh, and the power structure of the county Democratic Party – and they are heavily favored to win the county executive and district attorney positions this fall. Taken together, these holdings constitute control over the region’s most influential elected positions.

    Since 2018, we have seen a complete paradigm shift in Allegheny County politics, with progressives notching win after win and consistently taking more power from the party’s onetime establishment. After years of political organizing, the progressive wing has turned itself into the new establishment in Allegheny County government and politics.

    Time will tell how long the progressive trend continues, but one thing is certain: as they struggle with problems ranging from a declining population to rising crime, homelessness to food insecurity, Allegheny County residents are in desperate need of strong leadership from their elected officials. The new progressive establishment will be expected to deliver results.

    Zach Kennedy, a former Democratic operative, is a Pittsburgh native and has worked on high-level judicial, state, and federal campaigns in Pennsylvania.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 18:20

  • Liberals Lose It After Cornel West Tells CNN That NATO Is To Blame For Ukraine Crisis
    Liberals Lose It After Cornel West Tells CNN That NATO Is To Blame For Ukraine Crisis

    Left-wing activist and academic firebrand Cornel West appeared on CNN prime time Thursday night, and gave show host Kaitlin Collins a dose of reality not typically heard on the network when the issue of the Ukraine war is broached. West recently announced as a Third-party 2024 presidential candidate (seeking the Green Party’s nomination), so during the interview he was pressed on his foreign policy stance. 

    If Russia had missiles in Mexico and Canada, the United States government would probably blow them to smithereens because that’s how empires behave. We had the same challenge in Cuba in 1962. So what we end up with is a criminal invasion,” West stated firmly in the interview segment.

    West then lashed out at the ‘establishment Left’ and mainstream Liberals in general…

    “And I know that some of my left-wing comrades, ‘Oh it’s an invasion,’ but a criminal invasion provoked by the expansion of NATO, which is an instrument of U.S. global power,” he said. Collins then asked what practical steps he would take to resolve the Russia-Ukraine crisis:

    Collins: “Practically speaking, what would you accept in Ukraine? Like what? I mean, Trump claims he could fix it. What would that look like for you?”

    West: “Oh, what I would do, I would bring in the Chinese, the Turks, the African rulers. I would sit down with the Ukrainian leaders and say, we must stop this war, stop these war crimes, cluster bombs on a variety of different parties and make sure that we begin a diplomatic process for a just peace.”

    He described robust negotiations which would inevitably lead to territorial concessions, to get Russian troops to leave…

    “And that just peace is going to have some serious concessions across the board. Russian troops have to leave. There’s going to be debates over the territory. There going to be some kind of concessions over the territory, but stop the killing. Why?” West then answered his rhetorical question: “Because the Ukrainian brothers and sisters are precious and they are bearing so much of the suffering with this proxy war between the American empire and the Russian Federation.”

    So there’s responsibility and blame across the board. But the American empire does bear a significant responsibility here, even though it is not the sole or exclusive responsibility. And it’s in no way a pro-Putin [talking point,” he emphasized. 

    Perhaps entirely to be expected, the “outrage” and pile-one began as clips of the interview quickly went viral, with Mediaite declaring in a headline that the Ivy League professor was slammed by mainstream voices for being “No Different Than Trump, RFK Jr, Tucker Carlson”. Pundits at Politico and elsewhere naturally rolled out the ‘pro-Putin’ and ‘Kremlin agent’ trope, but without addressing the arguments.

    But journalist Glenn Greenwald pointed out that it’s “Absolutely hilarious how angry and confused establishment liberals are than an actual, life-long, committed left-wing scholar would vehemently oppose the CIA/NATO proxy war in Ukraine.”

    “They barely exist in the US and are so rarely heard from that liberals can’t comprehend it,” Greenwald added while underscoring that West’s breakdown of the situation is something mainstream media consumers are very rarely exposed to.

    Anger and outrage!…

    * * *

    Remember when Christiane Amanpour began yelling at Wolf Blitzer about what you are allowed to say or not say concerning Ukraine over CNN airwaves?

    Ed Snowden summarizes where things stand…

    For another, albeit similarly fiercely independent angle…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 18:00

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Today’s News 14th July 2023

  • Continental Shift Coming: The World's Most Populous Countries
    Continental Shift Coming: The World’s Most Populous Countries

    According to United Nations’ latest projections of global population, India surpassed China as the world’s most populous country in April 2023.

    Having gradually closed the gap to China from more than 200 million people in 2000 to little more than 10 million in 2022, Statista’s Felix Richter reports that the UN Population Division predicts India’s population to reach 1,429 million in July 2023, surpassing long-time leader China by 3 million people.

    In recent years, China’s population growth has slowed down notably due to its one-child policy before reaching an inflection point in 2022, when China’s population declined for the first time since 1961, when three years of famine had decimated the country’s population.

    Infographic: Continental Shift: The World's Most Populous Countries | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    For India, which is currently expected to continue growing until the 2060s, its new position as the world’s most populous country will come with a new set of challenges, both domestically and internationally. These challenges include providing access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities to an ever-growing number of people, all while finding its role in the global political and economic landscape.

    Looking beyond India and China, the UN predicts a continental shift in population growth over the next few decades.

    With Europe’s population already declining and Asia’s and Latin America’s growth expected to turn negative in the 2050s, Africa is set to be the largest driver of global population growth for decades to come.

    By 2100, five African nations are expected to join India, China, and the United States among the world’s 10 most populous countries, with Nigeria projected to reach a population of half a billion before 2080.

    This demographic shift at the global level will require new approaches to managing resources, promoting sustainable development, and addressing issues such as poverty, inequality and access to healthcare and education.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 02:45

  • Rampant Corruption Is One Reason Behind Ukrain's Failed NATO Bid
    Rampant Corruption Is One Reason Behind Ukrain’s Failed NATO Bid

    Via Remix News,

    The EU wants Ukraine to clean up its act…

    Ukraine must implement reforms to fight corruption and strengthen its institutions if it wants to be eligible to join NATO, said Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, during the second day of the NATO summit in Vilnius.

    Von der Leyen encouraged Ukraine to implement further reforms and pledged the support of the European Union. According to Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet, von der Leyen’s statement “said in plain language that there was still so much corruption and opacity in Ukraine’s institutions that it could not yet get the green light to join NATO or the European Union.” However, the paper also noted that von der Leyen noted the country’s efforts were appreciated and it had made a lot of progress.

    The European Commission already identified systemic corruption in Ukraine in 2021. Although the EU had launched a number of initiatives to reduce the potential for corruption and proposed a wide range of measures, the EU commission’s report at the time found that no progress had been made on this issue in 2021.

    At that time, there was a significant decline in the judiciary, and anti-corruption institutions were also under threat, according to the report. The authors also noted that oligarchs and vested interests are the biggest problem, as they are an obstacle to the rule of law and economic development in Ukraine.

    Brussels is keen to bring Ukraine into the European Union. However, even EU officials do not dare mention in their reports anything concrete or substantial to suggest that Ukraine is ready for integration, and Von der Leyen’s remarks indicate that the situation has still not improved.

    As Remix News reported last week, the Federation of Employers of Ukraine, representing Ukrainian entrepreneurs, issued an appeal to President Volodymyr Zelensky, demanding action to curb the abuse of power by government officials. The abuse of power by military officials and judges has crossed all lines, according to Ukrainian entrepreneurs, who are calling for the establishment of a public registry to identify corrupt officials. They further argue that corruption on an unprecedented scale is eroding Ukraine’s defensive capabilities.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/14/2023 – 02:00

  • Democrats Baseless Lies Are Responsible For Today's Divisiveness
    Democrats Baseless Lies Are Responsible For Today’s Divisiveness

    Authored by ‘Carpe Diem’ via American Greatness,

    For as long as I can remember, the Democratic Party has claimed to be a champion for all Americans, particularly for the working class, minorities and for those who are considered marginalized, oppressed or downtrodden.

    But somewhere between fighting to keep slavery alive (Andrew Johnson); deliberately reducing the number of black civilian employees from the federal workforce and airing a film that glorified the Ku Klux Klan at the White House (Woodrow Wilson); throwing Japanese Americans into internment camps during World War II (Franklin Delano Roosevelt); promoting a culture of government dependence, poverty and fatherlessness (Lyndon Johnson);  creating racial tension by declaring cops racist—leading to further destruction of our inner cities, while mocking legitimate concerns of disgruntled blue collar midwesterners frustrated by decreasing wages, lack of employment opportunities—and an opioid epidemic hollowing out their communities (Barack Obama); the intentional failure to enforce our country’s immigration laws, contributing to a four decade high of inflation by spending trillions of taxpayer dollars on Democrat pet projects that mostly help special interest groups, referring to roughly half the country as violent extremists and weaponizing the Department of Justice—to throw his leading political rival in prison (Joe Biden); it seems fair to say the Democratic Party has fallen well short of being a champion for anyone, except for its own desperate attempt to stay in power at any and all costs.

    For a party that abhors the Founding Fathers and seeks to delegitimize their contributions, rejects and regards the principles of the Constitution as meaningless, and regularly criticizes the country for failing to live up to its stated goal of forming a more perfect union, perhaps it might be time for the Democratic Party to look itself in the mirror.

    The entirety of the Democratic Party platform in 2023 is predicated on fear mongering and based on easily verifiable lies about the Republican Party.

    It typically sounds something like this: Republicans want to make it harder for minorities to vote, they only want to give tax breaks to the wealthy, they’re banning books and ignoring inconvenient aspects of American history, they don’t want poor kids to be able to go to college, they’re anti-immigration, they want to deprive Americans from receiving healthcare, they don’t believe trans people exist, they don’t think women have a right to make their own medical decisions, and police are writ large racist and randomly hunting down black people, etc.

    Not a single one of those absurd claims, which are promulgated regularly in the pages of The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other leftist propaganda outlets has one iota of credibility. But that hasn’t prevented Democrat politicians, Hollywood, academia and the legacy media from repeating these erroneous charges into ad nauseum.

    Take, for instance, the ridiculous claim that Republican led states like Georgia want to make it harder for minorities to vote. Considering that the Peach State just set a record for voter turnout in the Midterms—in which over one million people voted—Republican leaders did a pretty poor job of discouraging citizens from casting their ballots.

    It is hardly discriminatory to require every single American to present a valid form of ID that clearly verifies who the individual is. Nothing about that is inherently racist, but it certainly is racist to imply that black people for some reason either do not have an ID, or do not possess the means to obtain a driver’s license. If the DMV is suddenly denying licenses to black people—one would imagine the Biden DOJ would have started an investigation.

    But I digress.

    What about the Democrats’ fallacious charge that Republicans only want to give tax breaks to the wealthy? Once again, that is simply not borne out by any shred of evidence.

    An analysis of IRS tax data showed that the Trump tax cuts disproportionately benefited those earning less than $50,000 per year. Those with an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $15,000 to $50,000 saw an average tax cut of 16 percent to 26 percent in 2018, while those who earned $50,000 to $100,000 received a tax break between 15 percent to 17 percent.

    Those earning between $100,000 to $500,000 in AGI saw their personal income taxes decrease by around 11 percent to 13 percent and no one with an AGI of at least $500,000 received an average tax cut above 9 percent. The average tax cut for those in income brackets starting at $1 million was less than 6 percent.

    In other words, under Trump’s tax plan, the more money an individual earned, the higher their income was effectively taxed. But don’t let the facts get in the way of the Democrats narrative.

    How about the Biden White House’s specious claim that Republicans are banning books and refusing to teach about slavery? In reality, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis removed books from libraries and classrooms in 23 school districts across the state that contained pornographic content and other types of violent and inappropriate material. One would think the Democrats would be fine with keeping pornography away from elementary schools, but apparently not.

    Furthermore, under statute, s. 1003.42(2)(f), F.S. It is a requirement for Florida schools to teach African American history. But teaching students about slavery is different from segregating a classroom along racial lines into groups of evil white “oppressors” and “oppressed,” groups, while pontificating to seven year olds that America remains an irredeemably racist country. Sadly that remains the Democrats preferred view of this country.

    What about the now irrelevant Bernie Sanders and his ilk who claim Republicans don’t want poor kids to be able to go to college. For starters those from upper income families would have likely benefited more than lower income households if Biden’s failed attempt to unconstitutionally cancel billions of dollars of student loan debt had passed—so it would not have even helped those who it was intended to benefit.

    Second, not everyone wants to go to college, but for those who do wish to go, the taxpayers should not be subsidizing those who obtain useless degrees in topics like feminist, gender and sexuality studies, which will almost certainly lead to graduates becoming dumber, while remaining unemployed without any tangible skills.

    How about the Democrats’ sophist charge that Republicans are anti-immigration? In reality they’re not against immigration, they’re against illegal immigration! It is not compassionate to let millions of unvetted migrants pour across our country, while they suppress our wages, overwhelm public resources, commit violent crimes, and traffic in drugs and humans. It is not a serious argument to justify support for illegal immigration by proclaiming that migrants are more willing to do jobs other Americans are less likely to want to do. There is nothing humane about failing to secure our southern border or treating citizens from other countries better than we treat our own.

    What about the Democrats who foolishly claim Republicans want to deprive Americans from receiving healthcare? The reality is, socialized healthcare is a disaster that will cause millions of Americans to lose their healthcare plans, while lowering the quality of care. It will almost certainly raise the cost of coverage and increase wait times. Just ask all the Canadians who would rather spend money and travel to the U.S. so they can be treated for cancer or surgery sooner.

    How about the Democrats who claim that Republicans don’t believe trans people exist? For starters, anyone can identify as whatever they want, but that does not make it reality. I can go around telling people I’m a giraffe, but I do not have the right to compel people to believe me. Second, when the delusions of a small group of people threaten the competitive nature of women’s sports, and can lead to inappropriate locker room interactions, that is when the charade should immediately end. The Democratic Party has long claimed to care about empowering women, but lately they seem to be more interested in empowering men who say they are women.

    What about the Democrats who claim Republicans don’t think women have a right to make their own medical decisions? Most of the American public supports a 15 week ban on abortion—which means most people are in favor of protecting the innocent life of an unborn child—while also ensuring the safety of the mother. Unfortunately, the Democrats do not view an unborn child as a human, even if it has a heartbeat. The party that supposedly cares about human beings supports abortion on demand, up until and including the birth of a child. That does not seem too charitable.

    How about the Democrats false claim that police are writ large racist and randomly hunting down black people? This is simply not borne out by the data. There is zero evidence that black people are killed by police at a higher rate than white people are. In fact the evidence shows that a police officer is 18 ½ more likely to be killed by a black male, than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer. but that hasn’t stopped Democrat demagogues from repeating the lie anyway to further divide the country for political gain.

    So which groups benefit from Democratic policies?

    Outside of Democrat special interest groups, the president’s corrupt son, and our chief adversaries around the world, I can’t think of anyone. But it’s clearly not me or you.

    Do children living in inner cities who attend failing public schools controlled by Democrat teachers unions who wanted to keep them home during COVID? How about those living in high crime areas where the police are nowhere to be found after Democrat politicians spent years defaming and defunding them? How about Jewish communities, who have faced a rise in antisemitic attacks, while Democrat politicians consistently side with Israel hating terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah? What about the Asian community that the Democratic Party now penalizes for scoring too high on standardized exams in order to achieve a more “equitable” racial quota. How about those who support pro-life groups? How about everyday Americans who have been crushed by Bidenflation and the Left’s war on American energy production? What about those who did not want to lose their job or business—due to their refusal to take a COVID vaccine that does not appear to work the way the “health experts” told us it would.

    The Republican Party is far from perfect, but the Democratic Party is plain evil.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 23:40

  • Endgame: US Federal Debt Interest Payments About To Hit $1 Trillion
    Endgame: US Federal Debt Interest Payments About To Hit $1 Trillion

    There was a shocking number in today’s latest monthly US Budget Deficit report. No, it wasn’t that US government outlays unexpectedly soared 15% to $646 billion in June, up almost $100 billion from a year ago…

    … while tax receipts slumped 9.2% from $461 billion to $418 billion, resulting in a TTM government receipt drop of over 7.3%, the biggest since June 2020 when the US was reeling from the covid lockdown recession; in fact never have before tax receipts suffered such a big drop without the US entering a recession.

    Needless to say, surging government outlays coupled with shrinking tax revenues meant that in June, the US budget deficit nearly tripled from $89 billion a year ago to $228 billion, far greater than the consensus estimate of $175 billion. One can only imagine which Ukrainian billionaire oligarch’s money laundering bank account is currently enjoying the benefits of that unexpected incremental $50 billion US deficit hole: we know for a fact that the FBI will never get to the bottom of that one, since they can’t even figure out who dumped a bunch of blow inside the White House – the most protected and surveilled structure in the entire world.

    And with the monthly deficits coming in higher than expected and also far higher than a year ago, it is also not at all surprising that the cumulative deficit 9 months into the fiscal year is already the 3rd highest on record, surpassed only by the crisis years of 2020 and 2021: at $1.393 trillion, the fiscal 2022 YTD deficit is already up 170% compared to the same period last year.

    Again, while sad, none of the above numbers are surprising: they merely confirm that the US is on an ever faster-track to fiscal death, but not before the Fed is forced to monetize the debt once again (one wonders what financial crisis the Jekyll Island folks will invoke this time to greenlight the next multi-trillion QE).

    No, the one number that was truly shocking was found all the way on page 9, deep inside Table 3 of the latest Treasury Monthly Statement: the only highlighted below, and which shows that in the 9 months of the current fiscal year, the US has already accumulated a record $652 billion in gross debt interest.

    This number was more than 25% higher compared to the Interest Expense payment for the comparable period a year ago, which amounted to $521 billion.

    Soaring interest rates, driven by the panicked Fed’s scramble to undo its epic policy failure of 2020 and 2021 when the Fed kept rates at zero for far too long while injecting trillions into various asset bubbles, have been the key driver of the deficit, with the Federal Reserve boosting its benchmark rate by 5% since it began hiking in March last year. Five-year Treasury yields are now about 3.96%, versus 1.35% at the start of last year. As lower-yielding securities mature, the Treasury faces steady increases in the rates it pays on outstanding debt: that’s right – even when the Fed starts cutting rates, due to the delay of rolling over maturing debt, actual interest payments will keep rising for the foreseeable future.

    For context, the weighted average interest for total outstanding debt at the end of June was only 2.76%, a level that’s not been surpassed since January 2012, according to the Treasury. That’s up from 1.80% a year before, the department’s data show, and if the Fed indeed keeps rates “higher for longer”, the blended rate on the debt will surpass 4% in one year.

    That would be a complete disaster for the US, and it would mean that interest payments on total US debt of $32.3 trillion would hit $1.3 trillion within 12 months, potentially making interest on the debt the single biggest US government expenditure and surpassing social security!

    But we don’t even have to wait that long until the exploding interest on US government debt becomes a major talking point ahead of the coming presidential elections. According to the St Louis Fed’s FRED and the BEA, the interest payments by the Federal Government have now surpassed $900 billion for the first time ever, and within a quarter will hit probably rise above $1 trillion, a historic benchmark that will probably begin the countdown to the US Minsky Moment.


    One of the most incompetent puppets in the Biden admin (and there are countless), Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, has played down concerns about higher rates. She has instead flagged that the ratio of interest payments to GDP, after adjustment for inflation, remains historically low. The problem with Yellen’s argument is that GDP will crater after the next recession (which will also spark the next financial crisis, one which Yellen will not live to see), but US debt will never again drop in either absolute or relative terms, as the good folks at the CBO have been so kind to make clear to even such intellectual midgets as the former Fed chairwoman.

    In short, the endgame has now arrived, and all the US can do now is rearrange the deck chairs .

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 23:20

  • Former NBA Player Says He Lost $50 Million In Earnings After Speaking Out Against CCP
    Former NBA Player Says He Lost $50 Million In Earnings After Speaking Out Against CCP

    Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Former NBA player Enes Kanter Freedom has claimed to have lost roughly $50 million in salaries and possible endorsements after his career ended abruptly when he spoke out against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

    Boston Celtics center Enes Kanter Freedom, looks towards his team’s bench during the first half of an NBA basketball game, in Boston, on Dec. 1, 2021. (Charles Krupa/AP Photo)

    The basketball player made the claims in a hearing on July 11 before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC), which is chaired by both Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) and Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.).

    Tuesday’s hearing, titled “Corporate Complicity: Subsidizing the PRC’s Human Rights Violations,” centered on the alleged human rights abuses taking place in China, including genocide, forced organ harvesting, forced labor, internet censorship, and mass surveillance.

    It also focused on how international businesses and corporations that seek to operate in China or maintain access to the Chinese market often find themselves at risk of being complicit in such human rights abuses.

    According to my manager, I lost around $50 million dollars, with all the NBA contracts and endorsement deals that I could’ve signed,” the sportsman said.

    I sleep in peace at night knowing that I did the right thing. My only question is: How can the biggest dictatorship in the world, China, control an 100 percent American-made company and fire an American citizen?” he added.

    China’s ‘Brutal Dictator’

    During Tuesday’s hearing, Mr. Kanter told lawmakers that he has, over the past 11 years, often spoken out about the human rights violations in his home country of Turkey, where he said there were “many innocent people being prosecuted” by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s regime, including his own relatives.

    He later moved into activism toward China following a “simple basketball camp” in New York, during which he was asked by the parent of one child why he had not spoken out about the CCP’s alleged abuses against members of the Uyghur and other Muslim minority groups.

    A 2022 report published by the U.N.’s Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) found a number of “serious human rights violations” may have been committed against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, China. The United States has also accused the CCP of genocide. China has repeatedly dismissed the claims as a smear campaign.

    Enes Kanter Freedom, human rights advocate and former NBA basketball player, testifies before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China at a hearing about “Corporate Complicity: Subsidizing the PRC’s Human Rights Violations” in Washington on July 11, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

    Mr. Kanter told lawmakers that after being questioned by the parent, he began researching the CCP’s alleged human rights abuses against members of the Uyghur group and others, at one point speaking to a concentration camp survivor who detailed her experience of torture, gang rape, forced sterilization, and abortion methods in such camps.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 23:00

  • Did Costco Hit Bud Light With "Death Star"?
    Did Costco Hit Bud Light With “Death Star”?

    Social media users have noticed a mysterious “asterisk” in the upper-right-hand corner of Bud Light price tags at various Costco stores. Some users have referred to this asterisk as the “death star,” suggesting that the discount retailer might not replenish its stock once the inventory is depleted.

    There are numerous confirmations that the asterisk on price tags at Costco stores is a sign that the particular item won’t be restocked. KrazyCoupon Lady and Marie Clark, editor of the shopping site CostContessa, confirmed this over the years. 

    What needs to be confirmed is if the members-only warehouse retail chain is abandoning Bud Light products due to the possibility of collapsing demand and worsening backlash after Bud Light sponsored trans-TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney ‘celebrating’ one year of womanhood in April.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 22:40

  • FDA Approves 1st Over-The-Counter Birth Control Pill Amid Falling US Birth Rates
    FDA Approves 1st Over-The-Counter Birth Control Pill Amid Falling US Birth Rates

    Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours)

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in White Oak, Md., on June 5, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

    U.S. officials have approved the first over-the-counter birth control pill, which will let people purchase contraceptive drugs from the same store aisles as Tylenol and aspirin as the birth rate in the United States continues to drop.

    On Thursday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said that it cleared Perrigo’s once-a-day Opill to be sold without a prescription. It’s the first such drug that can be used over-the-counter, and there are no age restrictions.

    Hormone-based pills, the most common form of birth control in the United States, have been used by tens of millions of women since the 1960s, with all of them requiring a prescription—until Thursday.

    “Today’s approval marks the first time a nonprescription daily oral contraceptive will be an available option for millions of people in the United States,” Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni, the head of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement Wednesday. “When used as directed, daily oral contraception is safe and is expected to be more effective than currently available nonprescription contraceptive methods in preventing unintended pregnancy.”

    The pill’s manufacturer, Perrigo, called the FDA action a “milestone” as well as a “giant leap for women’s empowerment” in a statement posted online after the agency’s approval. The firm said that it would make it “accessible and affordable to women and people of all ages.”

    Today’s approval is a groundbreaking expansion for women’s health in the U.S., and a significant milestone towards addressing a key unmet need for contraceptive access,” Frederique Welgryn, a Perrigo official, said in the statement.

    But Ireland-based Perrigo did not announce a price. Over-the-counter medicines are generally much cheaper than prescriptions, but they typically aren’t covered by insurance.

    Forcing insurers to cover over-the-counter birth control would require a regulatory change by the federal government, which left-wing groups are urging the Biden administration to implement.

    Elaborating, the FDA said that it approved the pill, in part, because it may reduce the number of “unintended pregnancies.”

    Nonprescription availability of Opill may reduce barriers to access by allowing individuals to obtain an oral contraceptive without the need to first see a health care provider. Almost half of the 6.1 million pregnancies in the U.S. each year are unintended,” the agency said. “Unintended pregnancies have been linked to negative maternal and perinatal outcomes, including reduced likelihood of receiving early prenatal care and increased risk of preterm delivery, with associated adverse neonatal, developmental and child health outcomes.”

    The drug’s availability “may help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and their potential negative impacts,” the FDA added in the statement.

    Declining US Birth Rates

    Over the year, there have been numerous studies in the United States and other countries suggesting that increased access to contraception such as birth-control pills can lead to a decline in fertility and birth rates. A 2021 study published in JAMA Network found that birth rates among women with employer-given health insurance dropped significantly after the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, eliminated the need for copays and other patient fees for birth control.

    The study results suggest that free, reliable birth control reduced unintended pregnancies, the authors note. About half of all pregnancies in the population at large are unintended, and birth rates from unintended pregnancies are much higher among low-income women than other income groups,” says a UCLA writeup of the JAMA study.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 22:20

  • Hummer EV Hype Fades In One Chart
    Hummer EV Hype Fades In One Chart

    The hype around the GMC Hummer EV is quickly fading. Secondary markets, such as the popular car-selling website Bring A Trailer had people listing these “supertrucks” in early 2022 for lofty premiums versus MSRP. Demand was red hot, and production was limited, which drove up values but more than a year later, prices have tumbled.

    On April 1, 2022, months after the Hummer EV was released, a Hummer EV Pickup Edition 1 was sold on Bring A Trailer for a whopping $275,000. Those who locked in reservations bought the EV for around $100,000 MSRP (and the smart ones sold on the secondary market). And in the months ahead, these supertrucks were still being bought for over $200,000 and have sustained prices around $150,000 since. 

    The question remains whether secondary prices can hold up at high premiums at a time when GM’s Factory Zero plant in Michigan ramps up production. 

    GM Authority has learned that GMC Hummer EV production increased considerably this past April, with more than 3,000 units produced over the course of the 2023 calendar year. –GM Authority

    With the production of the 2024 GMC Hummer EV SUV underway, those older models might have trouble commanding such lofty values. 

    Yet another sign the EV bubble is deflating. We noted the other day that the “number of unsold electric vehicles at dealers in the second quarter tripled compared to the past year, signaling a weakened demand for the segment.” Sliding demand could be due to high borrowing costs. 

    Meanwhile, Tesla appears to be winning the EV price war, forcing competitors to shift prices lower. Those who paid substantial markups to be the first to own the Hummer EV but didn’t have a reservation and bought on the secondary market might regret their purchases at some point as prices will continue to slide.

    Just wait until people realize the cost associated with charging a Hummer EV…

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 22:00

  • Ray Epps To Be Criminally Charged For Role In January 6th, Blames Tucker
    Ray Epps To Be Criminally Charged For Role In January 6th, Blames Tucker

    Ray Epps, a man who was seen goading Trump supporters to storm the Capitol on January 6, 2021, will be criminally charged, according to Epps’ attorney.

    The impending charges were revealed in a Wednesday lawsuit filed by Epps against Fox News, which accuses former host Tucker Carlson of defaming him.

    “…in May 2023, the Department of Justice notified Epps that it would seek to charge him criminally for events on January 6, 2021—two-and-a-half years later,” reads the filing. “The relentless attacks by Fox and Mr. Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in the criminal charges.”

    In March, Epps hired attorney Michael Teter – formerly of Perkins Coie, the firm notorious for helping the Clinton campaign hatch the Steele dossier and collaborating with the FBI to push the Trump-Russia hoax. Teter immediately sent a letter to Carlson demanding that the former Fox News host retract “false and defamatory statements” that Epps was a J6 government plant.

    Epps, 62, was identified as a key instigator of the riot who has long been suspected of being a fed (or a fed asset), told his nephew in a text message: “I was in the front with a few others. I also orchestrated it.

    Last year he told Congressional investigators: “At that point, I didn’t know that they were breaking into the Capitol,” adding “I didn’t know anybody was in the Capitol. … I was on my way back to the hotel room.”

    In two interviews with the FBI in 2021, Epps explained his actions on Jan. 5 and Jan. 6. He admitted he was guilty of trespassing on restricted Capitol grounds and confessed to urging protesters to go to—and into—the Capitol on Jan. 6.

    Epps also told members of the Committee that he found himself playing peacekeeper between Trump supporter “Baked Alaska” and the police – who called Epps a Fed.

    “I was trying to find some common ground,” said Epps. “This guy was trying to turn people against me…he was calling me ‘boomer,’ and it’s his generation’s fault that we’re in the position we’re in.”

    Despite the admissions, the FBI never arrested Epps and he was not charged by the U.S. Department of Justice with any Jan. 6 crimes. The non-action has fueled a crop of theories that he might have been working for the FBI or another agency.

    Epps has repeatedly denied those suggestions through his attorney.

    Speculation that Epps was a ‘fed’ intensified after a Revolver News reported with the headline: “Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol

    Revolver also determined, and will prove below, that the the FBI stealthily removed Ray Epps from its Capitol Violence Most Wanted List on July 1, just one day after Revolver exposed the inexplicable and puzzlesome FBI protection of known Epps associate and Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes. July 1 was also just one day after separate New York Times report amplified a glaring, falsifiable lie about Epps’s role in the events of January 6.

    Lastly, Ray Epps appears to have worked alongside several individuals — many of them suspiciously unindicted — to carry out a breach of the police barricades that induced a subsequent flood of unsuspecting MAGA protesters to unwittingly trespass on Capitol restricted grounds and place themselves in legal jeopardy. -Revolver News

    And so, according to Epps’ legal team, Tucker Carlson is the reason the Biden DOJ is about to charge him.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 21:45

  • Biden Mobilizes 3,000 Reservists To Europe To Augment 'Operation Atlantic Resolve'
    Biden Mobilizes 3,000 Reservists To Europe To Augment ‘Operation Atlantic Resolve’

    President Joe Biden today issued an executive order approving the mobilization of select reserve forces with up to 3,000 personnel, augmenting the armed forces in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve.

    By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 121 and 12304 of title 10, United States Code, I hereby determine that it is necessary to augment the active Armed Forces of the United States for the effective conduct of Operation Atlantic Resolve in and around the United States European Command’s area of responsibility.  

    In furtherance of this operation, under the stated authority, I hereby authorize the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Homeland Security with respect to the Coast Guard when it is not operating as a service in the Navy, under their respective jurisdictions, to order to active duty any units, and any individual members not assigned to a unit organized to serve as a unit of the Selected Reserve, or any member in the Individual Ready Reserve mobilization category and designated as essential under regulations prescribed by the Secretary concerned, not to exceed 3,000 total members at any one time, of whom not more than 450 may be members of the Individual Ready Reserve, as they deem necessary, and to terminate the service of those units and members ordered to active duty.

    This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

    Here’s the Atlantic Council’s description of Operation Atlantic Resolve: reports that this operation will be designated as a contingency operation, said Army Lt. Gen. Douglas A. Sims II, Joint Staff director of operations, during a press briefing today.

    “This new designation benefits troops and families with increases in authorities, entitlements and access to the reserve component forces and personnel,” Sims said.

    “This [executive order] reaffirms the unwavering support and commitment to defend NATO’s eastern flank in the wake of Russia’s illegal and unprovoked war on Ukraine,” Sims said.

    So, first Abrams tanks were ‘no’, then F-16s were a red-line we wouldn’t cross, then cluster bombs were a war-crime, and now as close to ‘boots on the ground’ as we have been in a war against Russia?

    Many questions arise about this action – Why reservists and not active military? (is it somehow less ‘boots on the ground’-ish if they are reservists?) Why now? (is another major Hunter Biden headline about to drop?)

    At first blush, this may appear to be nothing significant to the casual observer. Maybe the reserves will just be there in a “support” or “advisory” capacity. But they will be there.

    And as Lincoln Brown warns via PJ Media, one must ask oneself if a precedent is being set.

    It takes an act of Congress to declare war. Historically, the president must go to the legislature and ask for a declaration. But Biden is taking advantage of his office to mobilize select portions of the military and send them to Europe, bypassing the need to even so much as consult with Congress. Is it an attempt to hide or secure something? Or is it merely an act of a self-obsessed and deluded president and cabinet?

    Whatever the case may be, one should be disturbed at the thought of Joe Biden and his advisors pushing toy soldiers around a map of Europe. All the while oblivious to what is at stake. Not just for the nation but for the world. In a worst-case scenario, this is not going to be like D-Day, as horrific as that was. This will not be General Patton racing across Europe with his tanks to be the first to cross the Rhine. This will not even be like Vietnam or any of the recent conflicts in the Middle East.

    This could potentially be unlike anything we have experienced before. And it is past time that cooler and saner heads on both sides of the aisle made this terrible old man and his ambitious, tone-deaf sycophants stand down.

    Finally, bear in mind that Congressman Matt Gaetz has been warning that the Biden administration of “sleepwalking our great country into a world war.”

    Is this the next escalatory move? Yet another prod of the bear?

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 21:39

  • These Are The Safest Cities In America
    These Are The Safest Cities In America

    The phrase “small town America” often conjures up images of white picket fences, well-trimmed lawns, and big houses. But how safe is modern-day suburbia in America?

    Some of the smallest places in the country can actually be among the most dangerous. Take for example Bessemer, Alabama, with a population of around 26,000 and a violent crime rate of 33.1 per every 1,000 residents.

    That said, there are many small cities that are true havens for families across the United States. Visual Capitalist’s Avery Koop uses this map to showcase the safest cities in the U.S., using FBI data and Census Bureau populations compiled by NeighborhoodScout in 2023.

    Note: The source only considered cities with a population of 25,000 or higher. This report is based on total index crimes reported in each city, which includes arson, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, murder, rape, armed robbery, and aggravated assault.

    Top 100 Safest Cities in the U.S.

    40% of the cities in the ranking are located in Northeastern states, which are typically rated the “safest” based on FBI data.

    Here’s a closer look at the Top 10:

    One quarter of the safest cities are located in Massachusetts, with the vast majority clustered around Boston.

    The median population of the cities and towns in the top 100 is just 32,000, and few widely-recognized cities make the list. Carmel, Indiana (#60) is the only city with a population above 100,000 to make the rankings. This would seem to follow the logic that bigger cities are more dangerous, but our map covering the most dangerous cities in America shows that many small cities were just as dangerous, and some even more.

    Regardless, small towns can truly be idyllic. For example, a person’s chance of falling victim to crime in Ridgefield, Connecticut, the safest ranked city in the U.S., is just 1-in-510. That’s an overall rate of fewer than two incidents of crime per every 1,000 residents.

    One surprising observation from the data is that many of the safest U.S. cities are in very close proximity to some of the most dangerous.

    One example that illustrates this is Detroit, which ranks as the sixth most dangerous city in America. Despite this, as shown on the map above, there are four communities nearby that have some of the lowest crime rates in America.

    In other words, America’s metro areas contain much contrast, and these insights provide valuable information for individuals and families seeking secure places to live across the country.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 21:20

  • US Government Moves Nearly 10k Bitcoin Worth Over $300 Million Related To Silk Road Seizure
    US Government Moves Nearly 10k Bitcoin Worth Over $300 Million Related To Silk Road Seizure

    Authored by Tristan Greene via CoinTelegraph.,com,

    The government previously promised to liquidate approximately 40,000 remaining BTC from the seizure in “four more batches” over the remainder of the calendar year…

    A cryptocurrency wallet associated with the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) moved approximately 9,825.25 Bitcoin worth around $299 million in a series of transactions on July 12. 

    It’s unclear at this time whether the transactions, which appear to have ultimately propagated to at least 101 new wallets, were sent to exchange addresses for sale or remain in the custody of the Justice Department.

    DOJ Bitcoin transactions. Source: Screenshot via

    Initially, approximately 9,825 of the Bitcoin associated with the Silk Road seizure moved in a pair of transactions sent to three addresses at around 1:00 pm UTC. The bulk of the coins — 8,200 BTC worth nearly $250 million as of the time of this article’s publication — were sent to a single address, which subsequently split the total amount across 101 separate addresses a little over an hour later:

    An 8,200 BTC transaction from a wallet that received coins originating from the DOJ. Source: Screenshot via

    The U.S. government previously revealed that it had plans to offload the rest of its BTC from the Silk Road seizure over the course of four batch transactions throughout the remainder of the calendar year.

    According to current on-chain data, it’s possible the U.S. government could be testing liquidity strategies. One account associated with batch transactions conducted on March 7, 2023 appears to have profited in the amount of $237,934,919 on 30,174.7 in BTC holdings not currently associated with the July 12 batch of transactions.

    However, another account that received 9,825.6 BTC from the DOJ during the March 7 batch distributed those coins among 101 accounts. The same account later joined 599 other accounts to send a total of approximately 0.1 BTC (about $3,032 as of the time of this article’s publication) to yet another account, which then spread its holdings of approximately 51 BTC across 37 addresses.

    An approximately 51 BTC transaction from a wallet that received coins originating from the DOJ. Source: Screenshot via

    While speculation abounds about the exact nature of the transactions, which now span some 800-plus wallet addresses, the sheer number of transactions and associated wallets makes tracking exactly what the U.S. government is doing with each coin an increasingly challenging endeavor.

    This lack of certainty has led some members of the crypto community to fear that BTC is being “nuked” or that the U.S. government’s wake-inducing coin movement will ripple throughout the cryptocurrency economy and cause investors to abandon what some see as the early stages of a bull run.

    Other enthusiasts have dismissed such commentary as unnecessary fear, uncertainty and doubt based on the lack of tidal movement — more than six hours after the transactions were clocked, BTC has seen less than 1% of market movement.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 21:00

  • Chipotle Tests "Autocado" Robot To Streamline Guacamole Prep
    Chipotle Tests “Autocado” Robot To Streamline Guacamole Prep

    From drive-thru to kitchens to automated kiosks, major restaurant chains are testing artificial intelligence and automation to streamline operations with one goal: eliminating unreliable low-wage and low-skilled workers. 

    Everyone’s favorite Chipotle Mexican Grill is the latest example of technology pouring into its kitchen. The company announced it was testing “Autocado,” an avocado-processing robot that cuts, cores, and peels avocados in half the time. 

    “Chipotle currently has individuals dedicated to cutting, coring, and scooping avocados. On average, it takes approximately 50 minutes to make a batch of guacamole,” Chipotle wrote in a press release. Autocado, developed in collaboration with Vebu Labs, a California-based robotics startup, can prep a batch of avocados in as little as 25 minutes.

    Across North America and Europe this year, the company estimates it’ll use 4.5 million cases of avocados, equivalent to more than 100 million pounds of fruit. The manpower used to make guacamole is enormous, and it appears Autocado is a move by the company to streamline costs. 

    “We are committed to exploring collaborative robotics to drive efficiencies and ease pain points for our employees,” said Curt Garner, Chief Customer and Technology Officer at Chipotle.

    Garner continued, “The intensive labor of cutting, coring, and scooping avocados could be relieved with Autocado, but we still maintain the essential culinary experience of hand mashing and hand preparing the guacamole to our exacting standards.”

    In addition to Autocado, Chipotle is testing Chippy, an autonomous tortilla chip maker created by Miso Robotics. The goals are simple: leverage automation technology to streamline kitchen operations to save costs. 

    The end goal of every major restaurant chain is to incorporate vast amounts of automation to eliminate human workers. Robots can’t get sick, nor can they form unions and strike. 

    Goldman told clients in late March that AI could spark millions of job losses in the coming years. The full report is available to pro subscribers in the usual place.



    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 20:40

  • DC Council Passes Emergency Bill As Crime Rates Soar
    DC Council Passes Emergency Bill As Crime Rates Soar

    Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times,

    Washington, D.C. Council voted on July 11 to pass an emergency public safety bill granting judges and law enforcement officials more power as part of efforts to address soaring crime rates in the area.

    The bill, known as the “Prioritizing Public Safety Amendment Act,” was put forward by Councilmember Brooke Pinto and passed Tuesday in a 12–1 vote.

    Just one council member—Janeese Lewis George, a Democrat—voted against the measure, which will remain in effect for 90 days after it is signed into law by Mayor Muriel Bowser.

    Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser speaks at a news conference in Washington, on March 15, 2021. (Andrew Harnik/AP Photo)

    Under the emergency public safety bill, council members aim to prevent crime and violence by establishing a “rebuttable presumption in favor of pre-trial detention” system for adults who previously committed a violent crime.

    Through that system, it will be deemed necessary to detain such individuals who commit new violent crimes, pending their trial date, if a court finds there is “probable cause” that the individual committed the crime of violence.

    Similarly, juveniles who commit specific dangerous crimes or crimes of violence, regardless of whether or not they were armed, will also be detained pending trial under the new measure.

    The district will allow increased access to private security cameras throughout the district under the measure, and raise the amount of reimbursement residents can get for installing private security cameras outside of their homes.

    New Firearm Offence

    Additionally, the bill clarifies that pretrial GPS monitoring data can be used as evidence against defendants in court, and makes misdemeanor arrest warrants extraditable when suspects leave the District after committing a crime.

    Perhaps one of the biggest elements of the bill is that a new offense of “endangerment with a firearm” will be created, making it a felony for someone to fire a gun in public.

    A string of other measures are included in the bill aimed at protecting victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence, and generally bringing down crime levels.

    Ms. Pinto praised the passing of the “common-sense legislation” in a statement late Tuesday where she thanked government leaders for taking “tangible steps” to help keep the city safer over the summer.

    A Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police vehicle is parked on the other side of police tape on March 23, 2020. (Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo)

    “Today’s vote sends a clear message that the current state of crime and violence cannot be tolerated and that our government is working together to make DC residents safer,” Ms. Pinto said.

    “We must continue to build on the legislation we passed today to better invest in preventative tools and interrupt cycles of violence. However, this legislation is a major step forward in our efforts to create a safer DC for all our residents,” the council member added.

    In a separate statement, Ms. Bowser said the new legislation will “fill gaps in our criminal justice system and, in doing so, will increase accountability for violent and criminal behavior and make our city safer.”

    “We know that a safer DC is possible and our community is in agreement that the status quo is unacceptable,” Ms. Bowser said.

    “People getting killed on our streets is unacceptable. People getting their cars or property stolen at gunpoint is unacceptable. Parents being afraid to let their children play outside or seniors being afraid to walk to the bus stop is unacceptable.”

    The passing of the new safety bill comes as crime rates have soared across D.C. according to police data, with homicides up 17 percent year-on-year, and sexual abuse up 35 percent.

    Robberies are also up 52 percent annually and violent crime is up 33 percent overall, according to the Metropolitan Police Department data. Motor vehicle theft and arson are also up 117 percent and 300 percent, respectively.

    Police and demonstrators clash in downtown Washington after a limo was set on fire following the inauguration of President Donald Trump, in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 20, 2017. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

    Opposition to Safety Bill

    However, not everyone welcomed the new measure. During Tuesday’s vote, Ms. George argued the legislation would likely do little to substantially reduce crime in D.C. and branded the pretrial detention aspect of the bill “reckless,” telling fellow council members that she fears the provision could see more people being held in jail.

    “There is no credible evidence that pre-trial detention would make D.C. safer. We’re doing the same thing we did in 1994,” said Ms. George.

    “We have books on this, we have scholarly articles on this. It’s the same reaction … we cannot make the same mistake. This is how mass incarceration happens. Bit by bit. We do not need to choose between bad strategies or nothing.”

    Despite her objections, an amendment introduced by Ms. George to strike out the pre-trial detention for adults provision was voted down by council members.

    Criminal justice reform organizations including the D.C. Justice Lab also opposed the measure.

    “Every summer, crime goes up. Every summer, someone tries to introduce an emergency bill to do something about it. And every summer, these bills fail to make any difference. And it’s because they’re not tailored to what actually works to reduce crime,” said Emily Cassometus, the director of government and external affairs for D.C. Justice Lab.

    “In D.C., we know that locking more people up and that having big, sweeping generalizations doesn’t work. We know that having really specific targeted interventions does, and that giving people support and resources does,” Ms. Cassometus added.

    The passing of the bill follows a string of shootings in D.C. in July, including that of Ahmad Yar, a former interpreter who served alongside U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan for a decade before fleeing his native country when the Taliban rose to power.

    Mr. Yar was shot last week while working his shift as a Lyft driver. He was taken to hospital where he later died of his injuries.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 20:20

  • These Are The World's Top 40 Largest Military Budgets
    These Are The World’s Top 40 Largest Military Budgets

    In the final year of World War II, the U.S. spent about 38% of its GDP on its military.

    When adjusted for inflation, the military budget over those four years of war came to a staggering $4.1 trillion in 2020 dollars.

    And as Visual Capitalist’s Pallave Rao and Joyce Ma detail below, almost 80 years later, modern day military spending isn’t much of a far cry from World War II budgets.

    The top spenders have continued to increase their military capabilities, while war in Ukraine has caused countries in the region to re-evaluate their budgets as well.

    In 2022, global military budgets hit an all-time high of $2.2 trillion, according to data released by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the eighth consecutive year of increase. This post looks at the top 40 largest military budgets in the world.

    The Largest Military Budgets in 2022

    The United States accounts for almost 40% of global military expenditures, with its 2022 spend coming to $877 billion.

    Here are the top 40 largest military budgets in the world for 2022 in U.S. dollars:

    Rank Country Military Budget (Billions) % of World
    Military Spend
    1 🇺🇸 U.S. $876.9 39.0%
    2 🇨🇳 China $292.0 13.0%
    3 🇷🇺 Russia $86.4 3.9%
    4 🇮🇳 India $81.4 3.6%
    5 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia $75.0 3.3%
    6 🇬🇧 UK $68.5 3.1%
    7 🇩🇪 Germany $55.8 2.5%
    8 🇫🇷 France $53.6 2.4%
    9 🇰🇷 South Korea $46.4 2.1%
    10 🇯🇵 Japan $46.0 2.1%
    11 🇺🇦 Ukraine $44.0 2.0%
    12 🇮🇹 Italy $33.5 1.5%
    13 🇦🇺 Australia $32.3 1.4%
    14 🇨🇦 Canada $26.9 1.2%
    15 🇮🇱 Israel $23.4 1.0%
    16 🇪🇸 Spain $20.3 0.9%
    17 🇧🇷 Brazil $20.2 0.9%
    18 🇵🇱 Poland $16.6 0.7%
    19 🇳🇱 Netherlands $15.6 0.7%
    20 🇶🇦 Qatar $15.4 0.7%
    21 🇹🇼 Taiwan $12.5 0.6%
    22 🇸🇬 Singapore $11.7 0.5%
    23 🇹🇷 Türkiye $10.6 0.5%
    24 🇵🇰 Pakistan $10.3 0.5%
    25 🇨🇴 Colombia $9.9 0.4%
    26 🇩🇿 Algeria $9.1 0.4%
    27 🇮🇩 Indonesia $9.0 0.4%
    28 🇲🇽 Mexico $8.5 0.4%
    29 🇳🇴 Norway $8.4 0.4%
    30 🇰🇼 Kuwait $8.2 0.4%
    31 🇬🇷 Greece $8.1 0.4%
    32 🇸🇪 Sweden $7.7 0.3%
    33 🇧🇪 Belgium $6.9 0.3%
    34 🇮🇷 Iran $6.8 0.3%
    35 🇨🇭 Switzerland $6.1 0.3%
    36 🇴🇲 Oman $5.8 0.3%
    37 🇹🇭 Thailand $5.7 0.3%
    38 🇨🇱 Chile $5.6 0.2%
    39 🇩🇰 Denmark $5.5 0.2%
    40 🇷🇴 Romania $5.2 0.2%

    China, ranked second in absolute terms, accounts for another 13% of world military expenditure at $292 billion.

    Russia, India and Saudi Arabia round out the top five biggest military budgets in 2022. Add in the UK to the mix (#6 rank), and these countries all had military expenditures that made up at least 3% of global spend.

    Comparatively, the lowest budgets on the top 40 ranged include Romania at $5.2 billion, Denmark at $5.5 billion, and Chile at $5.6 billion. They each account for just 0.2% of the world’s military budgets in 2022, and of course there are many countries with even smaller spends.

    Largest Military Budget Increases in 2022

    Russia’s position as the third-largest military spender is a recent development, as the country’s military spend had a 9% increase between 2021 and 2022, according to SIPRI estimates.

    On the other side of Russia’s invasion, Ukraine was the top 40 military budget with the largest annual increase in 2022, surging nearly six and a half times above its 2021 expenditures.

    Country % Change
    Rank Change
    🇺🇦 Ukraine 640% +25
    🇶🇦 Qatar 27% +2
    🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia 16% +3
    🇧🇪 Belgium 13% 0
    🇳🇱 Netherlands 12% 0
    🇸🇪 Sweden 12% -1
    🇵🇱 Poland 11% 0
    🇷🇺 Russia 9.2% +2
    🇩🇰 Denmark 8.8% +3
    🇪🇸 Spain 7.3% -1
    🇳🇴 Norway 6.2% 0
    🇮🇳 India 6.0% -1
    🇯🇵 Japan 5.9% -1
    🇮🇷 Iran 4.6% +5
    🇨🇳 China 4.2% 0
    🇬🇧 UK 3.7% -2
    🇨🇦 Canada 3.0% -1
    🇸🇬 Singapore 2.8% +1
    🇩🇪 Germany 2.3% 0
    🇮🇩 Indonesia 1.3% 0
    🇨🇴 Colombia 1.1% -1
    🇺🇸 U.S. 0.7% 0
    🇫🇷 France 0.6% -2
    🇬🇷 Greece 0.6% -1
    🇨🇭 Switzerland 0.4% -1
    🇹🇼 Taiwan 0.4% -1
    🇦🇺 Australia 0.3% -1
    🇵🇰 Pakistan -2.0% -3
    🇰🇷 South Korea -2.5% +1
    🇷🇴 Romania -2.6% +1
    🇴🇲 Oman -3.0% +1
    🇩🇿 Algeria -3.7% -1
    🇮🇱 Israel -4.2% -1
    🇮🇹 Italy -4.5% -1
    🇨🇱 Chile -6.2% -3
    🇧🇷 Brazil -7.9% -1
    🇲🇽 Mexico -9.7% 0
    🇰🇼 Kuwait -11% -4
    🇹🇭 Thailand -11% -5
    🇹🇷 Türkiye -26% -6

    Ukraine’s dramatic increase represents the highest single-year jump ever recorded by SIPRI, painting a vivid before-and-after picture of a nation engaged in conflict.

    Although no other country comes close in matching Ukraine’s surge in defense spending, Qatar saw a substantial increase of 27% over the last year, marking a continuing trend over the last decade of significantly bolstering its military.

    Additionally, Saudi Arabia, along with four European nations (Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Poland), have registered year-over-year changes of over 10%.

    On the flipside, 13 of the nations with the largest military budgets decreased spend from 2021, including top 15 spenders such as South Korea, Italy, and Israel.

    The largest drop was seen by Türkiye, with an estimated 26% reduction in military budget. This drop may be linked to Türkiye’s inflation problem, which saw prices rise 72.3% in 2022—effectively decreasing the purchasing power of their currency in relative terms to other nations.

    The Specter of War in Europe

    With an ongoing conflict in the region and large financial powerhouses, its no surprise that eight of the top 10 countries with the most significant increases in military spending are located in Europe.

    Consequently, European military budgets have reached levels not witnessed since the end of the Cold War.

    And amid escalating geopolitical concerns, countries in Asia such as IndiaJapan, and China have also ramped up their defense spending. This is an indication of simmering global flashpoints such as India and China’s border skirmishes, the longstanding South China Sea territorial conflict, and concerns surrounding Taiwan’s sovereignty.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 20:00

  • Does Anyone Care Anymore?
    Does Anyone Care Anymore?

    Authored by James Rickards via,

    Is Ukraine still a thing for Americans? Of course, a brutal and tragic war is going on there with momentous geopolitical consequences. But do Americans care?

    Attention spans are short, and Americans have already moved on to stories about political scandals, the next election, and the usual celebrity glamour gloss. Outside of the U.S. warmonger elites and a few critics (myself included), Americans don’t seem to care.

    That’s a mistake. The war is as hard fought as ever and the geopolitical stakes are even higher than at the start of the war as we keep climbing up the escalation ladder.

    Today I’ll look at the military situation, the economic sanctions, the bigger picture of global recession, and the impact of the war on energy prices.

    Almost nothing in this report is being covered by The New York Times, the Washington Post or other legacy media. Their coverage consists almost exclusively of lies propagated by the State Department, CIA or MI6 and should not be taken seriously except by counterintelligence experts interested in knowing what the U.S. and UK are lying about.

    The Counteroffensive Disaster

    On the battlefield, Ukraine is losing badly and is in danger of having its offensive military capacity annihilated. The famous Ukrainian spring counteroffensive has met with disaster and been reduced to a series of impotent pinprick attacks.

    The original Ukrainian plan was to punch through Russian defenses with an “iron fist” armored attack, retake the city of Melitopol, and from there reach the Sea of Azov. This would cut Russia’s land bridge (from Rostov-on-Don to Crimea) and divide Russian forces into two groups that could not reinforce each other.

    This would open the way for Ukraine to take more territory and possibly retake Crimea itself.

    The Ukrainian counteroffensive began on June 4. The iron fist quickly turned into a piñata. From the outset, Ukrainian armor was badly mauled in Russian minefields. Additional damage was done by Russian artillery, missiles and aviation.

    Over a month into the offensive. Ukrainians are still fighting in a gray zone short of the first of three Russian fortified lines. If the offensive went according to plan, the Ukrainians would have broken through these forward positions in the first couple of days. But here they are.

    They claim to have taken a few villages, but some are no more than a single farmhouse. None are of strategic importance.

    The Russians are repelling the Ukrainians, in most cases inflicting high casualties and loss of Ukrainian armored vehicles and tanks. It’s a war of attrition that Ukraine will certainly lose.

    Western Duds

    What about all those advanced weapons the U.S. and its NATO allies have been sending to Ukraine?

    Well, they don’t work as expected, they’re easily destroyed by the Russians, the training periods take too long to be of any short-term use, or that they haven’t yet been manufactured or delivered.

    Look at the fancy Patriot air defense systems we sent Ukraine. The Patriot systems cost $1 billion each, but at least two have been destroyed by Russian hypersonic missiles.

    And after some initial successes, the HIMARS precision artillery systems we gave Ukraine have proven ineffective because the Russians have successfully jammed the GPS transmissions, so the missiles go off-course. Eventually they’re destroyed by Russian artillery.

    In some cases, reportedly, the Russians have actually been able to redirect the projectile back in the direction of where it was launched. Talk about a boomerang!

    The bottom line is that while the U.S. military was knocking down mud huts in the Middle East and Afghanistan, Russia was developing high-tech weapons to counter the best weaponry that NATO has on hand. NATO tanks and other armored vehicles have certainly not made much impact.

    Kill the Children!

    The U.S. is now promising to deliver cluster munitions to the Ukrainians. These are heavy bombs (shells in this case) loaded with hundreds of smaller bomblets that detonate shrapnel in all directions. They’re banned by almost every country in the world because they kill and maim civilians indiscriminately.

    A certain percentage of these bomblets fail to detonate initially, but remain active. Civilians come along later, often children, who trigger the explosions. The U.S. will send older cluster munitions, meaning the dud rate will be even higher, leaving behind even more unexploded bomblets that will kill civilians.

    But the U.S. still will be sending them to Ukraine on orders from Joe Biden.

    The military failures by the U.S. and NATO go beyond losses on the battlefield. By supplying so much equipment to Ukraine, the U.S. has depleted its own arsenals. It’ll take years to retool assembly lines and restock the arsenals.

    Shooting Yourself in the Foot

    In the meantime, the U.S. will find itself short of weapons and ammunition in case of a war with China or a wider war in Europe.

    Meanwhile, the impact of economic sanctions on Russia has been the reverse of what the U.S. intended. I advised my seminar at the U.S. Army War College of this likely outcome over a year ago, and I repeated the warning at my seminar last month.

    Russian oil sales are near all-time highs; they have simply shifted their sales from Europe to India and China. Russian financial reserves are at all-time highs also, despite asset freezes by the U.S. The Central Bank of Russia has moved its asset allocation toward physical gold along with Chinese yuan and Indian rupees.

    The Russian economy is expected to outperform the U.S. economy in 2023 based on World Bank estimates. The EU and Japan are already in recession and the U.S. is likely entering one, if not there already.

    The sanctions have failed badly and have hurt the U.S. economy more than the Russian economy. Since U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen does not understand international economics or the impact of sanctions, one should expect the damage imposed on the U.S. to get worse.

    Escalate, Escalate, Escalate

    Despite military and economic losses suffered by Ukraine and its Western backers, many want to double down rather than negotiate a possible peace settlement. They simply cannot entertain the possibility of a Russian victory.

    This means the greatest danger now is not losing ground, but instead engaging in escalation that might lead to World War III. For example, Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute has recommended giving Ukraine tactical nuclear weapons.

    Given Russia’s success (at high cost) and U.S. escalation, the short-term prospects for peace talks are low. More likely the war will drag on into late 2023 before actual talks begin.

    By then, Russia will have the upper hand because the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be badly depleted, Russia will have taken additional territory and Biden will be looking for a face-saving way out of the fiasco ahead of the presidential elections.

    The ace in the hole for Putin will be the coming winter of 2024. Last winter was unusually mild in Europe and the EU muddled through with the energy supplies it could muster. The weather may not be so cooperative next year. Russia may be more ruthless when it comes to actually turning off the natural gas supplies.

    The Only Winner in a 1970s-Style Economy

    This convergence of factors could lead to much higher energy prices even as the U.S. and EU fall into a severe recession. The combination of weak growth and high prices is called stagflation, last seen in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It could happen again.

    This is one of the worst economic outcomes possible. It means losses for stocks (because of recession), losses for government bonds (because of inflation), losses for corporate bonds (because of business failures), and major losses for commercial real estate (because of low occupancy rates and mortgage defaults).

    The only winner, as was the case from 1977 to 1980, is gold.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 19:40

  • "Not Some Fringe Theory": Flip-Flopping Virologist Thought Lab Leak "Highly Likely" Before Toeing Fauci's Line
    “Not Some Fringe Theory”: Flip-Flopping Virologist Thought Lab Leak “Highly Likely” Before Toeing Fauci’s Line

    Dr. Kristian Andersen, the virologist who initially told Anthony Fauci that Covid-19 appeared to have been ‘engineered,’ only to flip-flop 72-hours later after Fauci ‘prompted‘ Andersen and other scientists to create a paper arguing against the lab-leak theory, told colleagues that a lab leak was ‘highly likely’ and ‘not some fringe theory.’

    Andersen notably appeared before Congress on Tuesday, where he carefully bullshitted his way through a minefield of questions from Republican lawmakers, while Democrats – apparently uninterested in anything except tribal narratives, provided cover.

    In advance of Anderson’s testimony, House Republicans published a cache of messages as part of a government report, however the Daily Mail has received several damning Slack messages from February 2, 2020 – the day Twitter banned Zero Hedge for suggesting a lab leak – that weren’t part of that release, in which Andersen told colleagues “The main issue is that accidental escape is in fact highly likely – it’s not some fringe theory.”

    He also admitted that he found it “strange” that Covid-19 emerged in Wuhan, China – located hundreds of miles from a cave where the closest strain to COVID-19 was found.

    During testimony, Andersen said that ‘facts’ changed his opinion on the lab leak – though he couldn’t point to anything specific.

    The question of whether the global outbreak began with a spillover from wildlife sold at the market or leaked out of the Wuhan lab just eight miles across the Yangtze River has given rise to fierce debate. Some studies point to a natural spillover at the Huanan wildlife market. Positive swab samples of floors, cages and counters also track the virus back to stalls in the southwestern corner of the market (bottom left), where animals with the potential to harbour Covid were sold for meat or fur at the time. -Daily Mail

    The Wuhan Institute of Virology is notably a 40-minute drive from the Hunan wet market in Wuhan, where the virus first emerged. The city itself is more than 800 miles from the Yunnan cave where Covid-19’s closest relative was found, making natural transmission less likely.

    Andersen was a co-author of the Proximal Origin report, which was published days after a conferenced call with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins and others – who had been funding research to manipulate bat Covid to make it more transmissible to humans.

    Fauci notably offshored banned gain-of-function research to make bat coronaviruses more transmissible to humans.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 19:20

  • Homicides Soar 96% In Washington State After Passage Of Gun Restrictions
    Homicides Soar 96% In Washington State After Passage Of Gun Restrictions

    Authored by Patricia Tolson via The Epoch Times,

    Data shows that the number of homicides in Washington State skyrocketed after Second Amendment Rights were restricted.

    According to a report released July 10 (pdf), the rate of murders, violence, and property crimes rose across Washington state in 2022, while the number of law enforcement officers available to respond and protect citizens decreased.

    Specifically, the report revealed there were 394 murders in 2022, an increase of 16.6 percent over 2021 and the highest number of murders since the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs (WASPC) began recording this data in 1980. In addition, homicides increased 96 percent since 2019 and violent crimes increase by 8.9 percent.

    During a July 10 press briefing, WASPC Executive Director Steve Strachan said that residents are more concerned about crime because it’s starting to affect them “in a real way in their real life.”

    He specifically addressed the rise in homicides, up 16.6 percent, with an all-time high number of 394 people being murdered in 2022.

    “With that increase of 16.6 percent, compared to 2021 to that all-time high of 394, that is 96 percent more murders than we had in 2019,” Strachan said.

    A slide shown during a media availability session hosted by the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs on July 10, 2023. (WASPC/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)

    Strachan also noted that Washington State suffered a net loss of nearly 500 police officers or 4.4 percent of its force in 2021. The per capita loss in officers per 1,000 citizens was down to 1.38, “which was the lowest on record and also the lowest in the nation.”

    Things did not improve in 2022.

    Strachan said net statewide law enforcement staffing went down by an additional 70 officers, bringing the per capita number down to 1.36 per thousand, “again the lowest on record and again the lowest in the nation.”

    It was the 13th straight year that Washington State had the lowest police staffing numbers in the country.

    A slide shown during a media availability session hosted by the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs on July 10, 2023, reflecting the decrease in the number of law enforcement officers per capita. (WASPC/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)

    Assaults on officers went up 20 percent, rising from 1,968 incidents in 2021 to 2,375 incidents in 2022. There was a 5-year trend of increased assaults on law enforcement, going down only slightly (by 59 incidents) during the pandemic lockdowns.

    While the total population of Washington State increased by 93,262, the number of law enforcement officers decreased from 10,736 to 10,666 in 2021. This placed Washington in last place nationwide for the number of officers per thousand residents. There were also 2,375 reported cases of officers assaulted in 2022—an increase of 20.7 percent. Two officers were killed on duty.

    In the meantime, Seattle’s City Council cut the police budget by nearly 20 percent in 2020, falling short of their goal to gut law enforcement funding by 50 percent. According to reports, “the agency has been in a tailspin ever since.”


    In a July 10 press release in response to the WASPC report, Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, says the 96 percent increase in homicides since 2019 is “damning proof that billionaire-backed gun control measures were, as we predicted, false pie-in-the-sky promises.”

    “Passage of Initiative 594 in 2014 and I-1639 in 2018 have accomplished nothing other than to create massive impairments, which we believe are unconstitutional, for law-abiding Washington citizens,” Gottlieb said further.

    Initiative 594 (pdf) imposes background checks on firearms purchasers and mandates that only licensed dealers may sell or transfer firearms to unlicensed persons.

    Initiative Measure No. 1639 (pdf), filed on May 2, 2018, places restrictions on the purchase of “semiautomatic assault rifles,” requires the purchaser to have “undergone training within the past five years,” and subjects the purchaser to a waiting time between 10 to 60 business days. The law further mandates that gun dealers may not deliver a pistol to a purchaser “until the purchaser produces a valid concealed pistol license and the dealer has recorded the purchaser’s name, license number, and issuing agency” in “triplicate.”

    Gottlieb says the WASPC data proves that all of that has “backfired.”

    “These findings really validate everything we’ve said about all of the gun control measures that the State of Washington has passed, either by initiative or legislative process,” Gottlieb asserted, noting how the numbers prove that gun violence and homicides escalated after the state passed measures to restrict gun rights.

    “This was the highest homicide rate recorded since 1980,” He said.

    “So all of these so-called gun control measures that were going to stop violence in the State of Washington have backfired.”

    He also proposed that when Americans are allowed to exercise their Second Amendment Rights freely, crime rates go down, specifically in Constitutional Carry states.

    An analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data by the United States Conceal Carry Association and released in October of 2022 showed that states that allow some form of permitless or Constitutional Carry have “fewer total and gun-related homicides.”

    Conversely, Gottlieb said crime rates in “Democrat-controlled states” where gun control laws restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens from bearing arms go up dramatically.

    “Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, we’re seeing it all over the country,” Gottlieb reflected.

    “You are less safe when you do not have a means of self-defense.”

    For Gottlieb, one of the primary struggles faced by gun rights advocates is that they are competing against “a legacy media with a gun-control agenda, and they only push one side of the equation.”

    “They don’t let our data flow out to the public so the average citizen doesn’t know that all of the gun violence they’re hearing about is happening because gun laws don’t work,” he explained.

    “The data doesn’t lie. But you won’t see the Sheriff’s report or our press release in response to the report on the legacy media.”

    Gottlieb also discussed how most mass shootings take place in “gun-free” zones.

    Data compiled by the Crime Prevention Research Center confirmed that 97.8 percent of all mass shootings between 1950 and 2018 occurred in gun-free zones.

    Not much has changed.

    In May of 2022, the Crime Prevention Research Center reported that 96 percent of mass shootings occurred in gun-free zones.

    “These numbers shouldn’t surprise anyone,” Gottlieb said. “They always tell us we’ll see all kinds of carnage without gun control. But we’re not going to see that because we aren’t seeing it in the 26 states that have permitless carry.”

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 19:00

  • Republicans Accuse Biden of 'Anti-Israel' Policies As Relations Hit Low Point
    Republicans Accuse Biden of ‘Anti-Israel’ Policies As Relations Hit Low Point

    At a moment the relationship between the Biden White House and the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is continuing to deteriorate over what the US admin has called the latter’s ‘extreme’ stances, Republicans have lashed out, charging Biden with ‘anti-Israel’ Policies.

    Fourteen Republican US senators are holding up confirmation of State Department officials, they have announced, until the White House reverses its “antisemitic boycott of Israel”.

    Image source: Politico 

    Republican Senators Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, James Risch, and Tom Cotton penned a letter addressed to Biden and Secretary Blinken which said, “It is untenable for State Department officials to continue testifying to Congress that they support the US-Israel relationship and then – once out of view – to push policies designed to undermine that relationship.”

    The Biden administration has recently made moves to in effect boycott Israeli goods and technology which are based in occupied West Bank locations. This as the president and his top officials have denounced Israeli settlement expansion.

    Axios reported last month that the Biden administration “notified Israel two weeks ago that it was reimposing a ban that prohibits U.S. taxpayer funding from being used in any research and development or scientific cooperation projects conducted in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, according to three U.S. and Israeli officials.”

    Further, Axios described, “The Biden administration’s decision reverses a Trump administration policy from late 2020 that allowed U.S. taxpayer funding to be used for science and technology projects in the settlements for the first time since 1967.”

    The White House has also criticized Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul initiative, which Israeli opponents as well as tens of thousands of Israelis who have taken to the streets say will destroy checks and balances and given the ruling far-right coalition unprecedented power over the judiciary.

    The GOP Senators wrote further, “This guidance in particular puts Americans’ safety, security, and prosperity at risk because it politicizes and undermines cooperation on science and technology, including in areas such as defense and medicine where also our Israeli allies have proven themselves critical partners.” 

    They are urging for the Biden administration to immediately repeal the policy and restore the Trump-era one.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 18:40

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Today’s News 13th July 2023

  • The Death Games Of Ukraine
    The Death Games Of Ukraine

    Authored by David Patrikarakos via UnHerd,

    Down in a bunker a little way back from the Ukraine frontline, I am watching a staple of modern warfare: a drone attack in real time.

    The command centre is a small room with three TV monitors, two of which are divided into four screens. All are showing drone footage from different parts of the front’s 20 kilometres of trenches. Four men sit in front of the screens. Two men sit off at the side — one on a laptop, one manning a two-way radio. In the centre of the room stands Bereza, the Brigade commander, barking voicenotes into his phone.

    Two of the screens go black and a message pops up: “Your livestream will play again as soon as it’s available. Get Ready!”  I’m told it happens all the time. The screens cut in and out for all manner of unpredictable reasons. But, then, the image reappears and we are looking at a forest. A Russian tank is on the move — changing direction and wheeling around. The men inside this room are trying to destroy it. Their constant banter —  about girls and weapons — doesn’t seem to affect the focus with which they pursue the tank. One man shouts into the radio; Bereza growls into his phone. A screen goes black again. “Your livestream will play again as soon as it’s available. Get Ready!”

    A screen flashes with light. Then billowing smoke. The men whoop and cheer. I have just seen a successful strike. Dima grins. The atmosphere is electric but also strangely banal. The exclusively male cohort, the puerile jokes, the screens, the repeated invocation to “Get Ready!”. It’s like they are all playing a video game.

    “This is modern war, David” says Dima. “The war online.”

    In some respects, 21st-century warfare began the first time a US MQ-1 Predator UAV (that’s an unmanned Aerial Vehicle) drone flew over the Taliban’s positions to photograph the scene below. The Americans realised drones could be used for more than snooping. They could be modified for combat, armed with missiles and other incendiary devices. China, Iran and Turkey joined the arms race, and now they flood the market with their own cheap and effective drones.

    For any state fighting without the wealth of the United States and China (which is everyone else), what is cheap and effective is also necessary. Out in Ukraine, the skies throng with Chinese-made DJI Mavics, Iranian Shaheds, Russian Orlan-10s and Turkish Bayraktar TB2s. Drones may not have the same payload or firepower as a fighter jet, but then again you can’t buy a fighter jet on the internet. For the price of one F-35, you can buy 55,000 DJI Mavic 3s. For less established militaries, drones offer the chance of levelling the field to at least some degree.

    I spot a DJI Mavic 3 drone amid the scattered clothing, food and weaponry in the Dnipro 1 base. It’s not more than around 13×12 inches. This is a civilian camera drone — anyone can buy it online for around $3,000. If resource constraints breed creativity, then the Ukrainians are becoming artists. When I covered the battle of Bakhmut, an officer there explained to me how his unit could take out a multi-million-dollar T90 Russian tank by simply buying a Mavic online and fitting it with a small explosive. The Ukrainians have become masters of modifying consumer drones for conflict; of weaponising the everyday into something far more potent.

    There is an atmosphere of relaxed watchfulness here. The sound of shells and rockets is distant but constant. The soldiers are fighting the Russians up close with tanks, rockets, artillery, sometimes even rifles. And always drones. Some, including the Iranian-made HESA Shahed 136 that the Russians use, are designed to directly strike targets. These are generally expensive — though the Shahed comes in at around $10,000 upwards, which makes it affordable enough to be expendable (only increasing their threat). But the Ukrainians mainly use drones as “eyes in the sky” — they use the cheaper camera ones to spot enemy targets and then call in their coordinates to other units, mainly artillery, to enable them to strike them more accurately. When ammunition and equipment stocks are low, firing must be accurate. On the front, there are few second chances.

    “If I had had this technology in 2014, Putin would not have been able to occupy any of our territories. Fact,” says Dnipro 1 commander Yuriy Bereza. “The most important thing now is online comms. The most important thing is that I can see the reality on the ground.” He’s whittling a piece of cardboard with a knife, which he waves it around for emphasis as he makes his point. “When soldiers are on the front they are stressed and often give the wrong information, but with a drone I can see the situation calmly on the screen… I see the reality, the truth of it all — from above. It impacts how quickly I can make a decision. And whoever is quicker wins.

    “It’s incredible how drones are changing the war. If I turn on my phone – a rocket will come out of the sky and land on me. The Russians can track it and they have orders to kill me. So many things in war now are about WhatsApp, Facetime, Signal — wars are being run out of phones. And if you leave a phone on in the wrong place you can die.”

    The next morning after coffee, Bereza calls over a soldier who introduces himself as Oleksiy and who was part of the team last night. He is a studious-looking man who before the war was, like Dima, an IT engineer. Once those fighting here would have been the most physically impressive. Now they are recruited for their digital skills. Contemporary conflicts now require different types of soldiers — and they’re neither AI-generated nor Olympians.

    He explains that what I had seen yesterday was part of a multi-pronged mission to stop two Russian tanks trying to destroy Ukrainians positions on the zero line while simultaneously trying to draw the unit’s attention away from an attack from the other side. “My role is to coordinate the direction of fire and to give tasks to the different units around me. Those who pilot the drone; those who analyse the coordinates; those who shoot — all of them I coordinate on the battlefield.”

    He picks up a book from the table. “Look at this book on how to be a commander. It’s several years old, but we need to react to events as they are now. Military doctrine is like a computer program, it needs to be updated every six months. Drones are the best for choosing tactics, not tomorrow, but right now.”

    And you need to be creative. Last night one of the tanks managed to get away but they got the other one by sending the drone up to follow it in real time and then send its coordinates to the artillery as it moved. They could direct their fire in such a way that while they didn’t hit it directly, they forced the tank onto a mine, blowing it up. The whole operation took about three minutes. How would they have done this operation without drones?  “Before drones,” he replies, “the only eyes we had were of the infantry. We sucked.”

    What about the air force? He smiles. “Well, for a start the Russians also have more planes. But even so, maybe you can hear a tank from a plane, but you cannot work out where it is. Especially if the tank is hidden and then two minutes later comes out of its hiding place — and the Russians use jamming systems to disguise their movements, but we use drones from a big distance to get around this. Drones allow us to watch the battle in real time.” The benefits drones bring are more than just narrowly military. For a start, there is the question of morale. One of the unit’s key tasks, Oleksiy explains, is to aid their infantry. “When they see us over their heads, [they know] we are protecting them, so they are happier to stay on their frontlines positions, because they know we can be there in one minute,” he says. This, in the end, it’s what it’s all about in war: speed. And drones, if used properly, give you that. Right now, the Ukrainians are reaping the rewards.

    The Russians are neither stupid nor technologically naive. According to reports, Ukraine is losing around 10,000 drones per month to Russian electronic warfare. When I spoke to Dima earlier in the year, he told me how much better the enemy was getting at jamming and disrupting his attacks and how much more advanced they were in medium-range drones. Now, 18 months on, despite all their problems, the Russians remain in the field and they are getting better. They have significant technological capabilities — and, crucially, they are learning from their mistakes.

    The Ukrainians, meanwhile, are forced to crowdfund for drones (and indeed other equipment). The Russians, bereft of international or often popular domestic support, are reliant on Moscow to keep delivering. It does so inadequately and with little concern for its own men. But its artillery is still firing, and its drones are still in the air. And as the counteroffensive intensifies all the way up and down the line of contact, it is becoming clear that whoever wins the drone wars will come to hold the upper hand in the war — perhaps for good.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/13/2023 – 02:00

  • Here's What's Really Behind The Global Reset And Sustainable Development Agenda 2030
    Here’s What’s Really Behind The Global Reset And Sustainable Development Agenda 2030

    Authored by Chris Macintosh via,

    Captive in the so-called 15-minute cities, eat bugs and no meat, immerse in the metaverse, and a never ending feed of pharmaceuticals, and all that by force, otherwise your universal basic income (UBI) gets cut off.

    Energy? Dirty.

    Lower motorway speeds and driving ban in plan to tackle oil reliance. Here’s an extract from Daily Echo article

    Lowering motorway speed limits and introducing driving bans on Sunday are ideas being suggested to cut Britain’s reliance on oil.

    The ideas are part of a ten-point plan proposed by the International Energy Agency in a bid to reduce global oil demand by 2.7 million barrels per day.

    Motorway speed limits would be reduced by 6 mph across the country under the proposals, while the plan also suggests a ban on driving in cities every Sunday.

    This is horseshit! It has nothing to do with “reducing reliance on oil” and everything to do with the WEF and UN “sustainable development Agenda 2030.”

    You know what’s going to happen? The existing stream of folks leaving countries implementing these policies will turn into a flood (more on this in a minute). With it will come capital controls, because the sociopaths driving this agenda will never see their own policies as the problem. No, it’s always those silly peasants who are the problem.

    In case you’re wondering… that’s you.

    Meat? Dirty.

    Irish considering massive cattle culling. We are flabbergasted that killing 200,000 head of cattle is even a consideration…

    Wasn’t Ireland “famous” for its potato famine? You would think that people would learn from history. I am coming to the view that little/nothing is learnt by studying history.

    When will folks wake up to this delusional stuff going on? Perhaps when their living standards take a bat to the knees.

    In any event, the Irish merely considering the elimination of 10% of their cattle herd highlights just how strong this climate narrative is. But it’s not solely an Irish issue. This cancer has spread to all of the West.

    Upcoming Steak Prohibition.

    German authorities have advised residents of Germany to consume no more than 10 grams of meat per day, as discussed in an article published by Eastern Herald

    The black market trade in steaks is going to be absolutely loco. When they told us we’d eat the bugs, they didn’t mention the word “willingly.”

    Here’s how it works in case you’ve not figured it out or if you need to explain things to friends who have perhaps thus far been gullible enough to buy into the entire “the world is going through a climate crisis” and life itself will end in [pick your suitable date]” hogwash.

    The financial considerations that need to be made in order to meet idiotic green energy targets mean that all things that currently sustain life itself (energy and food being at the top of the list) become uneconomical and are shut down.

    This is creating the greatest convexity I’ve ever seen in my career. In fact, it is the greatest I’ve ever seen relative to my readings of history going back hundreds of years. What is obvious is the sectors coming under attack. What is more challenging is determining from an investment standpoint the jurisdictions/countries which will ultimately repudiate this Malthusian genocidal eugenic agenda.

    More lies regarding the “renewable energy transition”.

    We need ‘+330 mines in 12 years’ to feed battery demand according to Stockhead.

    Yeah, it ain’t gonna happen. Simple math, which a 10-year-old should be able to do, reveals that this entire charade is not only going to fall short. It is not going to come anywhere near close, which begs the question: what is it that is planned?

    The answer is that the sociopaths at the UN and in Washington have no real intent for the peasants to continue with their current standard of living. They intend for us all to live in our 15-minute cities, eating bugs, immersed in the metaverse, and hooked up to a neverending feed of pharmaceuticals, which we’ll be forced to take, otherwise your UBI (universal basic income) gets cut off.

    That is their plan, and it is currently under implementation. It is surprisingly successful. The pushback is rather mediocre, and that is more easily understood by the 4th Turning. By and large, the West is in a fourth turning. People are fat, well fed, lazy physically and intellectually. Unprepared to sacrifice their relative comforts, they will be largely sacrificed. The next generation will have to come out stronger. This may happen in some places. We can certainly hope so. What is also possible and not discussed much is that a long dark age could take hold. Certainly it’s happened before.

    What I do know is that nothing happens in a vacuum… and we are seeing this. The weakening of the entire Western middle class is being met with both emigration of the awake and typically wealthy class to pockets which are benefitting from the collapse.

    *  *  *

    The Western system is undergoing substantial changes, and the signs of moral decay, corruption, and increasing debt are impossible to ignore. With the Great Reset in motion, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, IMF, WHO, World Bank, and Davos man are all promoting a unified agenda that will affect us all. To get ahead of the chaos, download our free PDF report “Clash of the Systems: Thoughts on Investing at a Unique Point in Time” by clicking here.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 23:40

  • Hong Kong Warns Of Japanese Seafood Ban If Fukushima Dumps Nuke Water Into Ocean
    Hong Kong Warns Of Japanese Seafood Ban If Fukushima Dumps Nuke Water Into Ocean

    Last week, the UN nuclear watchdog gave Japan the “greenlight” to dump ‘treated’ radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima plant into the ocean. The plan upset China, the biggest buyer of its seafood exports, and has since sparked concerns in Hong Kong. 

    On Wednesday, Hong Kong’s Environment and ecology department head Tse Chin-wan warned if Japan discharges 500 Olympic swimming pools of treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean, that would trigger a ban on imports of all frozen, refrigerated, dried, or otherwise preserved aquatic products, sea salt, and unprocessed or processed seaweed, according to Reuters

    The threat of a ban comes one day after Hong Kong leader John Lee said the city would ban seafood products from a “large number” of Japanese prefectures if Tokyo decided to discharge the treated radioactive water. 

    Fukushima Nuke Plant Water Tanks 

    Last week, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concluded that Japan’s plans to release treated radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean are consistent with international safety standards. 

    Almost immediately, that didn’t sit well with China, the largest buyer of Japan’s seafood exports, who said it would increase monitoring of edible products from Japan and continue bans on seafood imports from 10 prefectures. The General Administration of Customs said this was a move to prevent contaminated food from hitting Chinese supermarkets. 

    Meanwhile, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin addressed the issue on Tuesday during a press briefing: 

    “If some people think that the nuclear-contaminated water from Fukushima is safe to drink or swim in, we suggest that Japan save the nuclear-contaminated water for these people to drink or swim in instead of releasing it into the sea and causing widespread concerns internationally.” 

    If Tokyo decides to dump the Fukushima water, and China and Hong Kong tighten restrictions on food imports from Japan, let’s hope none of this questionable seafood ends up in the US. 


    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 23:20

  • Supreme Court Revives Whistleblowers' Medicare, Medicaid Fraud Lawsuits
    Supreme Court Revives Whistleblowers’ Medicare, Medicaid Fraud Lawsuits

    Authored by Matthew Vadum via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    The Supreme Court resurrected two whistleblower lawsuits against companies for allegedly defrauding Medicare and Medicaid.

    The U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington on June 7, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

    The cases concern the federal False Claims Act (FCA), a key tool the government uses to combat health care fraud, and “scienter,” a legal term meaning prior intent or knowledge of wrongdoing.

    Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) has called the FCA “the centerpiece of the government’s anti-fraud arsenal.”

    The new orders followed the court’s unanimous decision on June 1 to reinstate whistleblower actions against pharmacy operators SuperValu and Safeway for allegedly overcharging the government by filing false Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement claims for prescription drugs they sold.

    That ruling, United States ex rel. Schutte v. SuperValu, held that the scienter requirement under the False Claims Act, which asks whether an accused party “knowingly” filed a “false” claim with the government, refers to the party’s knowledge and subjective beliefs, as opposed to what an objectively reasonable person may have believed.

    Sometimes called the Lincoln Law, the FCA was enacted in 1863 to deal with defense contractor fraud during the Civil War.

    The act currently provides that anyone who knowingly files false claims with the government is liable for triple damages plus a $2,000 penalty for each false claim.

    The FCA allows the government to pursue perpetrators on its own and for private citizens to sue those who defraud the government on behalf of the government in what are known as qui tam suits. Such private citizens, who are called relators, may be awarded part of what the government recovers.

    To prove scienter under the statute, the government or the whistleblower must demonstrate that the company acted “knowingly,” or with “reckless disregard,” or “deliberate ignorance” of the law in question.

    On June 30, in Olhausen v. Arriva Medical LLC and United States ex rel. Sheldon v. Allergan Sales LLC, the Supreme Court summarily granted the petitions of two whistleblowers while at the same time skipping over the oral argument phase when the merits of the case would have been considered.

    The court issued unsigned orders in the two cases in a flurry of eleventh-hour rulings as it wrapped up its regular term and recessed for the summer. The court did not explain why it made the two new decisions. No justices dissented.

    At the same time, the court vacated the judgments of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Olhausen and of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit in Sheldon, remanding those respective cases to those lower courts in light of its decision last month in United States ex rel. Schutte v. SuperValu.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 23:00

  • MyPillow Auctioning Off Equipment After These Big-Box Retailers Canceled Mike Lindell
    MyPillow Auctioning Off Equipment After These Big-Box Retailers Canceled Mike Lindell

    MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says that his company is auctioning off hundreds of pieces of equipment and subleasing manufacturing space after several big-box retailers and shopping networks ditched the company’s products over Lindell’s personal views.

    Lindell, a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump who has gone to great lengths to dispute the results of the 2020 election, told the Star Tribune that he’s lost $100 million from ‘attacks by the box stores.’

    “It was a massive, massive cancellation,” said Lindell. “We lost $100 million from attacks by the box stores, the shopping networks, the shopping channels, all of them did cancel culture on us.”

    The stores which dropped MyPillow products include;

    • Walmart
    • Bed Bath & Beyond
    • Slumberland Furniture

    Now, Lindell is selling over 850 pieces of ‘surplus equipment’ online, including sewing machines, industrial fabric spreaders, conveyor belts, electric forklifts, and more.

    As the Tribune notes, the auction doesn’t appear related to a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit against MyPillow and Lindell brought by Dominion Voting Systems, which alleges Lindell defamed the company as part of his campaign to show that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged.”

    Lindell has not backed down from his assertions that there was something wrong with the 2020 election and its results. He said he plans to host an event next month detailing a new way to hold elections.

    But the ongoing controversy over his claims has forced major shifts in his business. After some shopping networks dropped his products, the company has moved to direct sales, shooting new television commercials and trying to boost its presence through email marketing, radio spots and direct mailing. -Star Tribune

    According to Lindell, the company is also subleasing some of its manufacturing space because the packaging for direct sales is different than what the company required when producing products for large retailers.

    “We kind of needed a building and a half, but now with these moves we’re making, we can get it down to our one building,” he said.

    “If the box stores ever came back we could have it if we needed it, but we don’t need that,” Lindell continued. “It affected a lot of things when you lose that big of a chunk [of revenue].

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 22:40

  • Chinese Military May Have Had COVID-19 Virus In Its Possession As Early As September 2019
    Chinese Military May Have Had COVID-19 Virus In Its Possession As Early As September 2019

    Authored by Joe Wang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    According to the World Health Organization, there have been 6,947,192 confirmed COVID-19 deaths globally as of June 28. Of those, 1,127,152 occurred in the United States, making the number of Americans killed by the virus more than 19 times the number of American soldiers killed in the Vietnam War.

    The P4 laboratory (L) on the campus of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, on May 27, 2020. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images)

    And yet, over three years since the beginning of the pandemic, we still don’t know where the virus originated. The fear is that the next time around, the number of deaths could be much higher; because we didn’t learn from this pandemic, we wouldn’t be as prepared as we should for the next one.

    This fear is shared by all Americans. That is probably why in March, the U.S. Congress unanimously passed the “COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023,” requesting that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) “declassify all information relating to potential links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origin of COVID-19.” “The ODNI must submit to Congress an unclassified report with all such information with redactions only as necessary to protect sources and methods,” the new law says.

    On June 23, ODNI released a 10-page report titled “Potential Links Between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Origin of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” As someone who has been following this development closely, ODNI’s report told me nothing beyond what I already knew, except for one little gem on page 5: that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) had developed a technique that “left no traces of genetic modification of SARS-like coronaviruses.”

    Some of the WIV’s genetic engineering projects on coronaviruses involved techniques that could make it difficult to detect intentional changes,” the report stated.

    Why did the WIV want to develop such a technique? Scientists at the institute had been publishing their research on viruses in the best scientific journals, including on “genetic modification of SARS-like coronaviruses,” so it didn’t look like they wanted to hide what they had been doing. Maybe what they published was only part of their research, and they wanted to conceal the research they didn’t publish? What would that be?

    Before the ODNI report, U.S. investigative journalists revealed in early June that three WIV researchers, Ben Hu, Ping Yu, and Yan Zhu, were allegedly the first COVID-19 patients, having fallen ill in the fall of 2019. They were reportedly conducting research on SARS-like viruses and engaging in “gain-of-function” experiments. Gain-of-function, which involves altering the properties of a pathogen in order to study its potential impact on human health, increases the infectiousness of viruses and/or makes them more lethal.

    The WIV denied such allegations. “The recent news about so-called ‘patient zero’ in WIV are absolutely rumors and ridiculous,” Ben Hu told the journal Science in June.

    I was hoping that the ODNI report would shed more light on the origin of SARS-CoV-2. It didn’t, but a patent application I found through a web search strongly suggests that the Liberation Army (PLA) had the genetic sequence of the virus in its possession as early as September 2019. This would fit well with the allegation that the three WIV scientists were infected by the virus in the fall of 2019.

    It’s worth noting that the same allegation was made by the Department of Justice in a fact sheet published Jan. 15, 2021, which said the U.S. government had “reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak.”

    Officially, World Learned of Virus in January 2020

    The first cases of the atypical pneumonia (later known as COVID-19) were reported in Wuhan in December 2019. The news was soon supressed by the Chinese Communist Party, as China was preparing to celebrate the Lunar New Year—a time that no bad news is allowed. Whistleblowers like Dr. Wenliang Li were punished. Officially, Chinese virologists did not have a chance to study the novel virus until early January 2020.

    On Jan. 11, 2020, Professor Yong-Zhen Zhang’s group from Fudan University in Shanghai submitted the genome sequence of SARS-CoV-2 to GenBank (accession number MN908947.1) in Maryland. Prof. Zhang obtained the virus by collecting bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from a 41-year old male patient in Wuhan, who had been admitted to hospital on Dec. 26, 2019. Chinese state media reported his death on Jan. 11, 2020.

    Jan. 11, 2020, was the day that SARS-CoV-2 officially became known to the world. WHO announced that it had received the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus from the Chinese regime and would soon make it public.

    (Dana Brillante)

    PLA’s Warp Speed Vaccine Research

    On Feb. 24, 2020, Dr. Yusen Zhou and 10 other inventors from the PLA’s Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology in Beijing filed a patent application (number 202010112679.9) titled “Novel coronavirus titled “COVID-19 vaccine, preparation methods and applications.” The application described in detail the design of the vaccine, the method to produce the vaccine, and the immunogenicity of the vaccine.

    I am a vaccine scientist who worked for one of the world’s largest vaccine companies for more than 10 years, and I spearheaded SARS-CoV-1 vaccine development in 2003. I was stunned by the speed these PLA inventors were able to not only study the new virus and develop and test a vaccine so quickly, but also put together a patent application in merely 44 days (from Jan. 11 to Feb. 24)!

    Vaccine development is an arduous process, usually taking about 10-15 years on average to accomplish. Before COVID-19, the fastest a vaccine that had ever been developed was the mumps vaccine in 1967, which took four years.

    Of course, the U.S. government’s “Operation Warp Speed” made it possible for vaccine companies to accelerate their processes, which we now know compromised safety and effectiveness. Moderna published their Phase I/II clinical data on July 14, 2020, and Pfizer published theirs on Aug. 12, 2020. Then in December of that year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines Emergency Use Authorization.

    When I worked in the vaccine industry, I was the liaison between R&D (Research and Development) scientists (which I was also a member of) and our in-house lawyers in the IP (Intellectual Property) office. I was personally involved in the filing of dozens of patent applications. Normally, patent applications should be filed as soon as scientists discover something new, useful, and non-obvious—the three properties patent lawyers stress that scientists keep an eye out for and document.

    A patent application can be filed before a vaccine is tested and granted for distribution. One could argue that the PLA’s application was “provisional,” meaning it would serve as a placeholder so that experimental results could be added later when available, hence it is possible that it only took 44 days to draft their patent application.

    Yes, when things move extremely smoothly, a patent application could be put together in about one and a half months. However, the PLA’s filing contains real experimental data that would take time and effort to perform and collect. This makes it extremely unlikely that the scientists only received access to the virus information on or after Jan. 11, 2020.

    Telling Timeline

    If the PLA did have access to the virus, maybe they got the information from Prof. Zhang before he submitted the genetic sequence to GenBank, or maybe they got it elsewhere. Or it could be that since the scientists are with the PLA, how they obtained the virus constitutes a military secret.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 22:20

  • Is Amazon Prime Day One Giant "Marketing Scheme"?
    Is Amazon Prime Day One Giant “Marketing Scheme”?

    Today marks the final day of Amazon Prime Day. Customers are scouring the e-commerce website for the best deals. So far, there have been hefty discounts on certain appliances and electronics. However, some Twitter users have raised concerns about potential ‘misleading advertising’ strategies by vendors.

    Twitter user Chad|Money Matters has brought to our attention possible deceptive marketing tactics by an Amazon vendor. The item in focus is an Ottman footstool sold by the Amazon Basics Store. He posted a screenshot of the item selling for $69.08 on Monday, one day before Prime Day. On Tuesday, the first day of Prime Day, the item was listed for the same price but had a red label reading “37% off … Prime Day Deal” and was marked down from a typical price of $110.40.

    Amazon price tracking website Camelcamelcamel shows prices for the Ottman footstool were around the $69 mark throughout June, then days before Prime Day rocketed to $109.80. 

    Twitter users weren’t thrilled by this development. 

    “Wait, are you suggesting it’s all just a marketing scheme and it’s not really about great savings,” one person said. 

    Someone else said, “Amazon prime day just tried to scam me. They showed me an item that I bought before, but raised up the price artificially then told me that they lowered the price making it the same, but tricking that it’s cheaper.” 

    “I did some research here. I have software tools that can verify price. This was 78.00 and more a while ago. But the true recent price was 69.00 and today its $65.63. $3.00 off which is really nothing. Its been Prime exclusive 69.00 for a while,” another Twitter user said. 

    The folks at the Federal Trade Commission should take a look at this.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 22:00

  • Secret Service To Brief Congress On Thursday As Biden White House Accused Of "Cocaine Cover-Up"
    Secret Service To Brief Congress On Thursday As Biden White House Accused Of “Cocaine Cover-Up”

    Authored by Debra Heine via American Greatness,

    Biden critics are accusing the White House of a “cocaine cover-up” as the Secret Service investigation into “CocaineGate” drags on with no resolution.

    Amid growing skepticism regarding the trustworthiness of the “ongoing investigation,” the Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Tuesday didn’t have an update for reporters.

    “Do you have any update on the investigation into the cocaine at the White House?” a reporter inquired.

    “I don’t have any updates,” Jean-Pierre responded. “I just don’t have anything updated. I would refer you to the Secret Service on that particular question.”

    The USSS have not been answering to press inquiries about the discovery, however, telling news outlets that they cannot comment on ongoing investigations. The Secret Service will be briefing Congress on Thursday, after House Oversight Chairman James Comer Comer fired off a letter to USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle demanding to be briefed on the White House security failures that led to the “unacceptable and shameful” discovery of cocaine in the West Wing.

    Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) also called for a briefing in a letter on July 5.

    “If the White House complex is not secure, Congress needs to know the details, as well as your plan to correct any flaws,” the Republican senator wrote, demanding a list be provided of every individual who has access to the White House without passing through a security screening.

    According to the Daily Mail, Cotton has not yet received a reply from Cheatle.

    Details about where the cocaine baggie was found have changed multiple times since the discovery was made on July 2.

    Initially, a spokesman for the USSS told reporters that Secret Service officers “located an unknown item on the White House complex.” Then, an audio recording from the Hazmat team sent to the White House  to investigate the substance indicated it was located in the library. Next, the White House said it was found in the highly trafficked West Wing lobby.

    White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday strongly suggested that a member of the public on a tour may have left the drug in a “heavily-traveled area” of the West Wing.

    “This is a heavily, heavily trafficked – heavily traveled to be more accurate – area of the campus of the White House. And it is where visitors to the West Wing come,” Jean-Pierre insisted.

    “I just don’t have anything else—I’m not going to speculate on who it was.”

    Finally, on Thursday, NBC News reported that the contraband was found in a cubby near the “much more secure” West Executive entrance—not the West Wing lobby.

    According to NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, “average people just can’t get in” where the cocaine baggie was found.

    Although fingerprint and DNA analysis were done last week on the “dime-sized zipper baggie” the drug was found in, no results have yet been shared. The investigation was expected to be concluded by Monday.

    Now, some are accusing the Biden White House of engaging in a cover up to protect the culprit.

    On Fox News Monday,  Rep. Pat Fallon (R-Texas) said the Biden White House is refusing to hand over the results of the finger print analysis.

    “If the cocaine was found on a bag, doesn’t it have fingerprints on it? And how long would it take to answer that question? Weeks, days, hours?” asked Fox News host Martha MacCallum.

    “I asked some of our State Troopers, Texas Rangers and Sheriffs—those kinds of people who do this for a living—and they all said to me that on very porous surfaces like bags and envelopes, you’ll be able to determine within an hour if there’s fingerprints on it,” Rep Fallon replied.

    “By my math we’re 192 hours from the time it was discovered yet we don’t know.” Fallon noted that “if there were no fingerprints, they could have told us immediately.”

    The Texas congressman also said the fingerprints may have been run through a database and pointed out that the cocaine was found in an area “where high level aides and staffers are,”
    most of whom “have been fingerprinted at one time or another.”

    Fallon told MacCallum that the Secret Service “very well may already know who it belongs to and aren’t sharing with us.”

    Kash Patel, a former House Intelligence Committee staffer, and chief of staff to the acting United States secretary of defense under President Donald Trump, told former Trump official Sebastian Gorka on Tuesday that local law enforcement, not just the Secret Service, should be involved in the investigation.

    “The White House is subjected to law enforcement and we’re talking about felony levels of narcotics,” he said.

    In an interview with Just the News, former FBI agent and acting commissioner of the Customs and Border Protection Agency Mark Morgan said last week that the White House cocaine mystery should take “about 30 minutes to solve.”

    “I was there countless times, I put my cell phone in that exact box that they’re talking about. I know it well. Oftentimes, there is a marine that’s standing there. This literally should take them about 30 minutes to solve,” Morgan said on Wednesday.

    According to former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, the culprit has to be a member of the Biden family because everyone else has to go through a strict security checkpoint. “It had to be one of the protectees—there’s no other explanation,” Bongino declared in a video posted on Rumble. “That would never have gotten through the checkpoint. Not a chance in Hell.”

    On Friday, even an MSNBC reporter questioned the Secret Service’s line that the mystery may never be solved, saying it’s “hard to believe” the Secret Service can’t figure out who brought the cocaine to the White House, given the heavy security.

    “The cocaine cover-up is officially ridiculous,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton in a video commentary posted onto Twitter.

    Cheatle will brief members of the powerful House Oversight Committee on Thursday at 10 a.m., the Daily Mail reported.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 21:40

  • Waiting For 'Buyers To Come': Unsold Electric Vehicles Piling Up In Car Dealerships, Says Report
    Waiting For ‘Buyers To Come’: Unsold Electric Vehicles Piling Up In Car Dealerships, Says Report

    Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    The number of unsold electric vehicles at dealers in the second quarter tripled compared to the past year, signaling a weakened demand for the segment, said a recent report by leading auto-dealer data company Cox Automotive.

    Tesla Model Y vehicles sit on the lot for sale at a Tesla car dealership in Austin, Texas, on May 31, 2023. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

    In second quarter 2023, the average inventory for electric vehicles (EVs) topped more than 92,000 units on the ground at dealer lots, according to the 2023 Cox Automotive Mid-Year Review presentation. This is up 342 percent compared to second quarter 2022. During this period, the new “EV days’ supply,” which refers to the average number of days a warehouse holds inventory before selling it, rose 166 percent, to 92 days from 38.5 days. While the pace of EV sales is up, it is “not rising as fast as inventory builds,” said Jonathan Gregory, senior manager, Economic and Industry Insights.

    Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are facing a “field of dreams moment,” he stated. “They have built inventory, and now they wait for buyers to come. This is one of the hottest topics we’ve had this year.”

    Brands like Jaguar, Infiniti, and Lincoln had the highest days of supply, at over 100 days. The lowest numbers were seen among Toyota, Honda, Kia, and Lexus, with each brand having less than 30 days of supply.

    Ford Motor Company’s electric F-150 Lightning on the production line at the Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn, Mich., on Sept. 8, 2022. (Jeff Kowalsky/AFP via Getty Images)

    Tesla continued to dominate the luxury EV segment with a market share of 25.5 percent, followed by Mercedes at 12.5 percent, BMW at 12.2 percent, and Lexus at 11 percent. Among EVs priced above $50,000, Ford held the biggest share at 22.1 percent, followed by Chevrolet at 12.1 percent.

    Unlike other parts of the world, U.S. citizens remain on the sidelines when considering an EV purchase.

    According to an April 2023 report by consumer intelligence company JD Power, more Americans are unwilling to buy EVs. In March, 21 percent of new vehicle shoppers said they were “very unlikely” to consider an EV, up from 17.8 percent in January.

    During this period, the proportion of people who said they were “very likely” to buy an EV remained flat at around 26 percent.

    “Lack of public charging infrastructure and price have been the top two concerns for the past 10 months, along with related issues involving range anxiety, time required to charge, and power outage and grid concerns,” the report said.

    Dealer-Customer EV Expectations Diverge

    While inventory is building up at dealer lots, a study by Cox Automotive found a wide gap between dealers and customers regarding future expectations of EV use.

    According to Cox Automotive’s 2023 Path to “EV Adoption: Consumer and Dealer Perspectives” study, even though 53 percent of consumers see EVs as a future and that such vehicles will replace gas engines over time, only 31 percent of dealers held such a view.

    Nearly half (45 percent) of dealers surveyed feel that EVs still need to prove themselves in the marketplace,” said a press release on June 27.

    In addition, the study also found that while customer interest in EVs is rapidly rising, sales continue to remain far lower in comparison. The research found that 51 percent of consumers were considering a new or used EV even though electric vehicles are only expected to make up less than 8 percent of total new vehicle sales this year.

    Cox Automotive is expecting the sale of new EVs to surpass one million units for the first time in 2023. According to the firm’s Dealer Sentiment Index, the biggest factor which held back EV dealers during the second quarter was the state of the economy. This was followed by interest rates, limited inventory, market conditions, and credit availability for consumers.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 21:20

  • Joe Biden’s Climate Policies Weaken The U.S. And Strengthen China
    Joe Biden’s Climate Policies Weaken The U.S. And Strengthen China

    Authored by Andy Pudzer & Sanjai Bhagat via RealClear Wire,

    President Biden’s commitment to end fossil fuels has been ineffective in reducing the demand for oil – but very effective in both weakening the U.S. and empowering our primary global adversary, China. Assuming that a reduction in global carbon emissions is necessary to fight “climate change” (a disputed proposition), it nonetheless makes little sense environmentally, economically, or strategically to hobble the American fossil fuel sector (cancelling pipelines, discouraging financing, restricting leases, and slow walking permits) before sufficient sources of renewable energy with a proven capacity to meet global demand can be demonstrated.  

    In its World Energy Outlook 2022, even the International Energy Agency (IEA) warned that if the supply of oil “were to transition faster than demand, with a drop in fossil fuel investment preceding a surge in clean technologies, this would lead to much higher prices – possibly for a prolonged period.” The IEA’s warning had the advantage of being written after the war in Ukraine threatened worldwide energy supplies, which, more effectively than any desk-top research, demonstrated the global economic threat posed by a too-rapid retreat from fossil fuels.

    Worldwide demand for crude oil is currently forecast to hit an all-time high in 2023. China’s demand, in particular, is surging. In May, the IEA “revised up” its forecast for growth in global demand, with “China accounting for nearly 60% of global growth in 2023.”  

    In the U.S., 79% of energy consumption comes from fossil fuels, while 13% comes from renewable energy sources, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). That’s after tens of billions of dollars in government spending in support of renewables, particularly wind and solar, which combined account for a mere 5% of our energy consumption. The bottom line: so-called renewables are insufficient – and lack the necessary dependability – to meet our energy needs. 

    Despite this heavy fossil fuel dependence, over the past two decades carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S. have declined by 15% while China’s have grown by 216%, according to the EIA. The U.S. emissions reductions were due, in great part, to an increase in the use of inexpensive and clean-burning natural gas, which, thanks to fracking, the U.S. has and can produce in abundance. 

    If the goal is actually to reduce global carbon emissions without causing global economic chaos, increased use of dependable and abundant American natural gas makes far more sense than curtailing U.S. production and spending billions on unreliable and expensive “renewable” energy sources. Let’s face it, if renewables were economically viable, dependable, and available in sufficient supply, the Chinese would be using them. In fact, they have every incentive to do so. 

    Most of the processing of the minerals needed for electric-vehicle batteries happens in China. Using wind, solar, and batteries for energy production and transportation requires significantly more metals (three times more copper, seven times more rare earths, 19 times more nickel, 25 times more graphite, and 42 times more lithium) than natural gas, oil, or coal production and transportation. The U.S. mines and processes a negligible amount of these metals, which primarily come from countries such as Australia, China, Congo, and Indonesia. Notably, 60% of rare earths are mined in China. Chemical processing, battery components, and assembly are mostly done by Chinese companies. China also processes 87% of rare earths, 65% of cobalt, 58% of lithium, and 40% of copper.

    As a result, China’s economy has benefitted significantly from the global push toward renewable energy. Of the 12.7 million jobs worldwide related to renewable energy, 5.4 million jobs are in China, 0.9 million in the U.S., and 1.2 million in Europe. Of the worldwide jobs related to solar energy manufacturing, 68% are in China, as are 48% of jobs related to wind power. 

    To further reduce U.S. carbon emissions, the Biden administration proposes spending hundreds of billions to increase our dependence on unreliable wind and solar power. This plan is set forth in the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, a green energy bill that does virtually nothing to reduce inflation. According to a summary of the act by Senate Democrats, the bill would “reduce carbon emissions by roughly 40% by 2030.” 

    But there would be consequences. Using a clone of the Biden’s EIA’s energy model,  a Heritage Foundation study found that reducing carbon dioxide emissions 44% by 2030 would cause 1.2 million in annual average job losses in the U.S., plus an aggregate GDP loss of $7.7 trillion through 2040 – or $87,000 per family of four. Average household electricity expenses for American families would increase by 23%. All to replace reliable and abundant energy sources that have been reducing U.S. carbon dioxide emissions for two decades. 

    Biden’s energy policies are needlessly weakening the U.S. and strengthening China. Since the 1970s, with the help of its innovative energy industry, America has won independence from OPEC. It makes no sense to implement policies that weaken our economy while once again putting our access to energy at the mercy of a hostile and even more dangerous adversary.

    Andy Puzder is the former CEO of CKE Restaurants and a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and Pepperdine University, and he is a member of RealClearEnergy’s Brain Trust, a group of strategists offering insight and guidance on today’s critical energy topics. 

    Sanjai Bhagat serves on corporate boards, is author of Financial Crisis, Corporate Governance, and Bank Capital (Cambridge University Press), and Professor of Finance at University of Colorado.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 21:00

  • Data Brokers To Be Barred From Selling Your Location Data Under Proposed Massachusetts Law
    Data Brokers To Be Barred From Selling Your Location Data Under Proposed Massachusetts Law

    A law under consideration in Massachusetts would ban data brokers from selling cell phone location data, Gizmodo reports.

    For those who have been living under a rock, data brokers are constantly selling cellular location data to various entities, including state, federal, foreign, and local governments. While the data is supposed to be anonymized, it can very easily be de-anonymized.

    The Location Shield Act would outlaw “selling, leasing, trading, or renting location data” in the state of Massachusetts, and would require companies to obtain user consent if they want to collect or process such data. Noncompliance with the law would expose companies to state legal action via the AG’s office, along with class-action litigation.

    The law appears to have been catalyzed by the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade. Ever since federal protections for abortion were abolished, the issue of data privacy has taken on new relevance for women. Rights advocates fear that digital evidence of all sorts (including, potentially, data of the kind that the Shield Act tackles) may be used to prosecute women for breaking abortion laws. As a result, a number of rights groups, including the ACLU and Planned Parenthood, pushed for the adoption of the Shield Act, partially as a means of protecting abortion-seekers from prosecution, should they choose to travel to the state for medical procedures. Massachusetts is considered a safe haven for women from other states who may travel there to seek abortions. -Gizmodo

    “Every day, unregulated data brokers buy and sell personal location data from apps on our cellphones, revealing where we live, work, play, and more. To protect our privacy, safety, access to abortion and other essential health care, Massachusetts needs to ban this practice now by passing the Location Shield Act,” wrote the ACLU on its website

    Now to see if it passes, and if so, whether other states will follow suit.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 20:40

  • CCP Poised to Expand Security Footprint In Latin America With New Port In Argentina
    CCP Poised to Expand Security Footprint In Latin America With New Port In Argentina

    Authored by Autumn Spredemann via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    China’s rapidly expanding military and surveillance initiatives across Latin America have become more than just a thorn in the side of Washington.

    A building with The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd (ICBC) logo is seen in Buenos Aires on Nov. 26, 2018. (Marcos Brindicci/Reuters)

    In Argentina’s southern tip, Tierra del Fuego, on June 5, Governor Gustavo Melella greenlit a”multi-purpose” Chinese-operated port facility through decree  3312/22, which entered the provincial legislature the same day. The country currently houses a Chinese military-run facility operating in the remote Neuquén Province.

    Final approval is still needed from the national government and the undersecretary of ports, waterways, and merchant Marine to move forward.

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-affiliated company involved in the port facility is Shaanxi Chemical Industry Group. Though civilian on the surface, the U.S. State Department expressed concern over Beijing’s prioritization of “military-civilian fusion,” a state strategy that forces Chinese companies to share technology and assets with the CCP military.

    In the agreement signed by Melella, it states, “The smooth construction of the project will be exemplary for the investment of Chinese companies in southern Argentina.”

    In March, top U.S. military officers, including U.S. Southern Command Gen. Laura Richardson, warned that China’s “aggressive” expansion in Latin America isn’t some long-term threat to U.S. interests and security.

    It’s happening right now.

    “The PRC [People’s Republic of China] has expanded its ability to extract resources, establish port, manipulate governments through predatory investment practices, and build potential dual-use space facilities,” Ms. Richardson said during a March 8 House Armed Services Committee hearing.

    Like-minded security analysts and a former Argentine government official have expressed similar concerns over potential military and surveillance applications of China’s new port being built in the town of Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego.

    Ideally situated near the Straights of Magellan, a CCP port facility in Rio Grande offers direct access—and potential control—over the world’s second most important shipping lane between the Western and Eastern hemispheres.

    Secondary Benefits

    Cuba is a good lens for understanding how CCP projects with Latin American governments typically unfold.

    Interstingly, the Rio Grande project was approved a week before The Wall Street Journal published a story discussing China’s “Project 141” initiative—the regime’s blueprint for how it intends to grow a global military and logistical support network.

    One of the projects identified was a joint China-Cuba spy facility near Havana. The Biden administration later confirmed the existence of a Chinese spy base operating in Havana since 2019.

    “I believe there is an integral alliance at all levels between the CCP regime and the Castro-Canel regime. We know training is taking place. It’s documented,” regional analyst and author Orlando Gutiérrez-Boronat told The Epoch Times.

    Military and surveillance cooperation between China and Cuba isn’t anything new, but Mr. Gutiérrez-Boronat believes a deeper level of security engagement between the two nations offers a means of helping Cuba’s communist government a way to hold fast to its faltering grip on power.

    We know that Chinese companies quickly acted to cut internet access in Cuba during the popular uprising of July 11, 2021,” he said, adding, “I think the regime seeks the Chinese presence in order to guard itself from its own people.

    People wave Cuban and PRC flags as several Chinese Navy vessels enter the port of Havana on Nov. 10, 2015. (Yamil Lage/AFP via Getty Images)

    But Cuba’s regime isn’t the only Latin American government on the ropes with its own people. As the October presidential election closes in, insiders say Argentina’s Peronist government is scrambling to create economic stability in a bid to stay in power.

    And cooperation with CCP security initiatives is part of the deal when it comes to cashing the checks they write.

    “Evan as a private port facility, the opportunities it creates are important for those running that facility,” Evan Ellis, a Latin America research professor for the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, told The Epoch Times.

    Mr. Ellis noted that while China’s engagement in the region is mostly economic, the CCP is “increasingly operating in strategic spaces” with secondary benefits and military purposes.

    And the Rio Grande facility in Tierra del Fugeo offers an enticing opportunity for strategic and military applications.

    China has never hidden their desire to create military options,” Mr. Ellis said.

    While dual-use port facilities in Rio Grande and the China-Cuba surveillance project may not seem like huge steps forward, Ellis noted the CCP is definitely “stepping up their game.”

    For China, Ellis says it’s all about creating “strategic options.”

    Selective Patriotism

    Presently, there’s no more eager friend of China than Argentina’s Peronist regime. Within the leftist government, controversial politician and Vice President Cristina Kirchner is Peronism’s greatest champion.

    self-described “militant” Peronist, Ms. Kirchner’s disastrous economic practices during her presidency from 2007 to 2015 laid the policy foundation for the nation’s current astronomical inflation. In June, Argentinian economist Carlos Perez predicted the country’s inflation would average 147 percent in 2023 while the GDP is expected to fall up to 3.5 percent.

    Today, Argentina’s peso has plummeted dramatically. The currency’s official exchange rate has devaluated more than 100 percent in the past year amid international loan defaults, dwindling foreign currency reserves, and soaring poverty rates.

    But Ms. Kirchner’s supporters remain loyal at both the legislative and civilian levels. Among the cornerstone philosophies of “Kirchnerism”—as it’s locally known—is a favorable disposition toward China’s interests.

    And Tierra del Fuego’s Governor Melella is an ardent disciple of “Kirchnerism.”

    “His position is very pro-China,” former Argentinian government official and political analyst Fabian Calle told The Epoch Times.

    The debate surrounding the port aside, Mr. Calle thinks the national government may still approve the Rio Grande project. He says the current stall is due to ongoing negotiations for a new round of loans and repayment extensions from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF).

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 20:20

  • Biden Administration Helping CCP By Restricting Domestic Mining: Minnesota Senator
    Biden Administration Helping CCP By Restricting Domestic Mining: Minnesota Senator

    A Minnesota state senator says that the Biden administration’s restrictive stance towards domestic mining projects is making the US dependent on the Chinese Communist Party.

    “We need to change the narrative on mining in this country,” said Sen. Tom Bakk in an appearance before the House Ways and Means Committee on July 10. “It’s contrary to their own objectives.”

    Mr. Bakk testified during a field hearing in Kimball, Minnesota. He said northeast Minnesota has the largest deposits of copper, cobalt, nickel, platinum group metals, and other products the renewable energy industry needs.

    Mr. Bakk said the United States could be a net exporter of these items. The CCP’s July 3 announcement of new state controls that restrict exports of germanium and gallium, elements used in producing high-performance computer chips, shows it is willing to disrupt supply chains, he said. –Epoch Times

    “It’s bad for Minnesota; it’s bad for the country. Frankly, I think it’s bad for the world,” said Bakk, who added that the Biden administration has severely hobbled mining in the United States, leaving China with a monopoly.

    “It’s urgent that we stop putting up roadblocks to domestic mineral production because our ability to avoid devastating supply chain disruptions and build a greener future depends on it,” he said, referring to the Duluth Complex in the northeast tip of the state near Lake Superior.

    Bakk said that mining has been a significant industry in the area for 140 years, and that it could be once again with the growing interest in green technology, as the rich deposits could not only be used for domestic needs, but exported to other countries.

    “That deposit would have supported several generations of miners,” said Bakk, adding that the US Government seems to be divided on its support for green energy.

    On one hand, President Joe Biden told American auto workers last September that they would be building electric cars.

    “Companies have announced new investments of more than $36 billion in electric vehicles and $48 billion in batteries manufacturing in the U.S.,” said Biden.

    Joe Biden speaks at the 2022 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Mich., on Sept. 14, 2022. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

    But for that to happen, the Biden administration needs to allow domestic mining of raw materials.

    “It’s a fact of life; if you don’t get the minerals, you won’t be able to complete them,” said Bakk.

    More via the Epoch Times;

    Mining Leases Canceled on Duluth Complex

    Mining had yet to take place on the site to that point.

    In 2018, the Trump administration reversed that decision and renewed the leases. In January 2022, the Interior Department determined that the Trump decision violated the law, did not consider the U.S. Forestry Service’s consent authority, and failed to consider all possible environmental impacts.

    Not only were the leases canceled, but all mining operations in the forest were prohibited. This includes any studies related to mining.

    According to Mr. Bakk, this will cause the kind of environmental damage the lease opponents want to prevent. At the same time, it will make the United States more vulnerable to the CCP. He said importing the products would have an added environmental impact.

    “Consider the greenhouse gas emissions associated with [importing the metals],” he said.

    China Has Too Much Control

    Mr. Bakk said the best way for America to address climate change is with its raw materials.

    “The data is clear. We need to mine these materials, and we’re going to successfully combat the negative effects of climate change,” he said.

    Committee member Rep. Pete Stauber (R-Minn.) agreed with Mr. Bakk. He expressed concern over China’s willingness to engage in trade wars with the United States and the rest of the world. He said the United States is squandering an opportunity to become more prominent internationally and to solidify its relations with other countries.

    “China has a long history of engaging in trade wars with the United States and other countries, and the world is increasingly dependent on critical minerals.

    We have an incredible opportunity to export these minerals to allies and partners around the globe, lessening the grip of countries like China and global supply chains,” Mr. Stauber said.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 20:00

  • Samsung Fights Back Against Beijing's Tech Theft, Sues Chinese Firm BOE Over Patent Infringement
    Samsung Fights Back Against Beijing’s Tech Theft, Sues Chinese Firm BOE Over Patent Infringement

    Authored by Lisa Bian and Sean Tseng via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Amid escalating tension between South Korea and China, Samsung has drawn attention by pulling out of the Shanghai Mobile World Congress for the first time in six years and initiating its maiden patent lawsuit against Chinese company BOE. The moves come in the wake of repeated allegations of technology theft by China against Samsung’s technology.

    A woman walks past a new flagship store of Samsung Electronics at the Gangnam district in Seoul on June 28, 2023. (Jung Yeon-je / AFP via Getty Images)

    Samsung Display took a decisive step on June 26, instigating a patent infringement lawsuit against BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. (BOE), China’s premier display company. The lawsuit, filed in the Eastern District Court of Texas, asserts that BOE had unlawfully appropriated four of Samsung’s patented organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display technologies that it uses in the iPhone 12.

    This legal action marks Samsung’s first patent lawsuit against BOE after it repeated warnings against unauthorized appropriation of Samsung’s technology.

    BOE is a public company with its headquarters in Beijing’s Yizhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone, and its business empire spans displays, sensors, smart systems, and health services.

    In the lawsuit, Samsung Display articulated its grievance, stating that BOE has infringed upon the company’s patent rights by selling panels identical to those that Samsung Display has utilized for the iPhone 12 in the U.S. market.

    This litigation extends the ongoing legal feud between Samsung Display and BOE that surfaced last year.

    In May 2022, Samsung Display issued a notice of patent infringement to BOE, followed by a complaint with the International Trade Commission (ITC) against 17 U.S. component wholesalers in December of that same year.

    Samsung sought to ban the use of counterfeit components and display panels allegedly based on its sophisticated OLED patents, including one on its “Diamond Pixel” technology.

    The move was triggered by U.S. smartphone repair shops using both genuine Samsung Display panels and counterfeit Chinese products when replacing iPhone 12 OLED display panels. It requested the U.S. tribunal ban 17 U.S. smartphone parts wholesalers from importing such parts and panels that allegedly use its patented technology into the United States.

    Confronted with this unfavorable situation, BOE retaliated in May this year by filing a counterclaim against Samsung Display’s and Samsung Electronics’ Chinese legal entity. The lawsuit, filed with a court in Chongqing, China, accused Samsung Display of plagiarizing its OLED display panel technology.

    South Korean public opinion suggests that Samsung Display, having grown weary of the CCP’s alleged acts of thievery, decided to retaliate with a countersuit.

    A woman looks at accessories of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 displayed on a wall during a media preview event for a new flagship store of Samsung Electronics at the Gangnam district in Seoul on June 28, 2023. (Jung Yeon-je/AFP via Getty Images)

    Grappling With Significant Losses Due to China’s Brazen Technology Theft

    Beijing’s alleged global technology theft operation wreaks havoc worldwide, with South Korea, an electronics industry powerhouse, bearing the brunt of its onslaught. Samsung Electronics, a global leader in semiconductors and OLED display panels, struggles to protect its technology.

    A recent large-scale technology theft by Beijing, revealed to be of significant detriment to South Korea, exemplifies the severity of the situation.

    In mid-June, South Korea’s Suwon District Prosecutor’s Office filed a lawsuit against a former Samsung Electronics executive surnamed Choi for allegedly stealing design data from a Samsung Electronics semiconductor factory and attempting to build a replica factory in China.

    Choi, 65, a South Korean tech industry veteran, reportedly received approximately $360 million from the Chengdu government to establish a semiconductor company in China, recruiting over 200 key personnel from Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix.

    Choi was once lauded with titles for his innovation, hands-on approach, and round-the-clock dedication. However, this time, the government that honored him as a national tech hero is accusing him of industrial espionage on a grand scale.

    Prosecutors described the defendant in a statement as an “undisputed top domestic expert in semiconductor manufacturing.”

    “The data, which Samsung Electronics obtained through more than 30 years of research and development, is worth 300 billion to trillions of won (about $200 million to billions). It is not only a company’s trade secret but also a national core technology,” prosecutors said.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 19:40

  • China Warns NATO Must Not Ever Expand Into Asia-Pacific
    China Warns NATO Must Not Ever Expand Into Asia-Pacific

    China is furious at signals it is observing at the Vilnius summit regarding potential future NATO expansion into the Pacific region, and into China’s ‘own backyard’ of southeast Asia.

    Beijing on Wednesday vowed a “resolute response” if NATO should ever expand this far east. China’s mission to the European Union issued a scathing statement following the NATO communique published Tuesday. “The China-related content of the communique disregards basic facts, wantonly distorts China’s position and policies, and deliberately discredits China. We firmly oppose and reject this,” China’s diplomats said.

    Via Reuters

    Specifically, the NATO communique said, “The PRC employs a broad range of political, economic, and military tools to increase its global footprint and project power, while remaining opaque about its strategy, intentions and military build-up.”

    “The PRC’s malicious hybrid and cyber operations and its confrontational rhetoric and disinformation target Allies and harm Alliance security,” it added. 

    The Chinese mission had emphasized in its response that it opposed NATO’s “eastward movement into the Asia-Pacific region,” while warning that, “Any act that jeopardises China’s legitimate rights and interests will be met with a resolute response.”

    Certainly Beijing is also very closely following the presence of four regional allies of the US, including Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol–all who were in attendance at the major NATO summit in Lithuania.

    Starting in May, Kishida talked up future NATO membership for his country, but plans to open a NATO liason office in Tokyo were halted this week.

    “Nato appears to have shelved plans to open a liaison office in Tokyo, a proposal that had been discussed as part of the western military alliance’s plans to deepen cooperation with partners in the Asia-Pacific but which was strongly opposed by China,” The Guardian writes Wednesday, after there was no mention of the office anywhere in the lengthy communique.

    A sentence acknowledging the NATO liaison office had reportedly been included in an initial draft of the communique, and survived multiple rounds of editing, but did not make it into the final publication.

    With the already raging controversy over Ukraine’s future in NATO (or lack thereof), perhaps the Western allies weren’t ready to deal with China’s wrath at this time? 

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 19:20

  • MbS To Blinken: 'No' To Israeli Normalization, 'Yes' To Syrian Reconciliation
    MbS To Blinken: ‘No’ To Israeli Normalization, ‘Yes’ To Syrian Reconciliation

    Authored by Hasan Illaik via The Cradle,

    In his interview with CNN on July 9th, US President Joe Biden announced that “we are still far away” from reaching agreements to normalize Saudi-Israeli relations, establish a Saudi civilian nuclear program, and a Washington guarantee for Saudi security.

    What Biden revealed was based primarily on his feedback from a June 7th after-midnight meeting held in Jeddah between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

    During their tete-a-tete, the two men spent an hour and forty minutes discussing various issues of mutual interest. But the first goal of the meeting was to improve US-Saudi relations, which have not yet reverted to pre-2018 levels when the US accused MbS of masterminding the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

    Image: SPA

    New US ‘rules’ on engaging with Saudis

    US Ambassador to Riyadh Michael Ratney is the policy architect leading the charge to improve bilateral relations. Sources familiar with the contents of Saudi diplomatic reports tell The Cradle that Ratney has previously sent the US State Department a set of “rules” which he believes will help improve relations between his country and Saudi Arabia. 

    The first of these rules is to stop targeting MbS personally. There is a longstanding Saudi tradition of zero tolerance for disparagement of the country’s ruler, whoever he may be, by any external state. Ratney noted that while MbS can live with US criticism of Saudi politics, he will not tolerate criticism of him personally because he sees it as an attempt to undermine his rule and destroy his image. The US ambassador made clear that continued attacks on bin Salman will hinder the improvement of relations between Washington and Riyadh. 

    Ratney’s second rule is to change the way US officials communicate with the crown prince. American envoys have typically been very reserved when holding talks with the Saudi rulers (king or crown prince), not delving into the details of vital issues, which they reserve for discussions with ministers and advisers. Ratney advised that discussions with MbS should be detailed and that US proposals should be clear.

    Blinken came to Saudi Arabia having adopted his ambassador’s recommendations. In his meeting with MbS, he outlined the issues clearly. The Cradle reviewed part of the content of their discussions pertaining to two US policies: the project to normalize Israeli-Saudi relations, and Washington’s desire to thwart improved ties between Riyadh and Damascus.

    The American demands were direct: We want a normalization agreement between you and Israel; your rapprochement with the Syrian regime is useless at this stage.

    ‘No’ to normalization with Tel Aviv

    According to The Cradle’s Arab and western diplomatic sources, Blinken asked his host: “Why don’t you do with Israel what you did with Iran?”

    MbS’ response was equally direct. On the issue of a ‘peace agreement’ with Israel, he replied with three points, which Blinken later reported were unclear in terms of their order of importance: 

    First, the Saudi crown prince clarified that King Salman bin Abdulaziz still opposes an agreement with Tel Aviv. Second, MbS reported that fruitful communication continues between Saudi and Israeli authorities – such as allowing the passage of civilian aircraft into Saudi airspace and lifting the ban on Israeli players in international sporting events – with the following caveat: 

    “But these contacts will not soon lead to a peace agreement and normalization. We remain committed to the Arab Peace Initiative (the 2001 Beirut Summit Initiative), which is to grant the Palestinians an independent State in exchange for a comprehensive peace. Israel has treated the Abraham Accords as an incentive to ignore the Palestinians and undermine the foundations of the peace process with the Palestinians, rather than seeing them as an opportunity to enhance the chances of reaching a lasting peace. The Israeli government is approving more settlement projects, compounding the obstacles to any future solution.”

    Therefore, from MbS’ perspective, Saudi Arabia has yet to see a reason to abandon its own Arab peace initiative. Third,  the sources say, the Saudi crown prince asked his American guest: 

    “Why should we give you an agreement with Israel? For what? You refuse our having a peaceful nuclear project. Since your administration came to power, you have revoked the Houthi designation as a terrorist organization. You are demanding a reduction in the price of oil to the detriment of our interests. So why do you expect us to give you a peace agreement with Israel? We are ready to go even beyond normalization with Israel, and achieve regional integration for Tel Aviv, but only if it serves the interests of our country.”

    MbS: ‘We will invest in Syria’

    On Syria, MbS stressed two things in his discussion with Blinken. The first was Saudi Arabia’s direct security interest. He said that the illicit flow of drugs to the kingdom is a threat to the security of its people: 

    “This is one of our priorities. We know as well as you that the number one source of Captagon is Syrian territory. You have issued a special law to combat the export of Captagon from Syria, and you have considered that the smuggling of this drug harms the interests of the United States. We believe that a solution to this crisis is not possible without communication and coordination with the Syrian government. In this sense, we see it as in our interest to improve our relationship with the Syrian government.”

    MbS’ second point addressed future Saudi investments in Syria, which Washington seeks to prevent in order to uphold and deepen its economic siege on the country. The Cradle’s diplomatic sources say Blinken was told point blank: 

    “The war that was aimed at toppling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is over. You know our orientation to ensure stability throughout the region. We are ready to invest in Syria to prove to the Syrian people who secure their interests and the prosperity of their country. This is beneficial to regional stability, as it will weaken non-Arab forces in Syria,”  – a possible reference to Iran, Turkiye, and Russia.

    Sources familiar with the content of US-Saudi meetings say that Saudi officials no longer use anti-Iranian rhetoric in their meetings since the signing of the Beijing-brokered Iran-Saudi rapprochement agreement on 10 March, 2023.

    US-Saudi differences magnified

    On both issues – normalization with Israel and reconciliation with Syria – Blinken had clear points of disagreement with MbS. The US secretary of state reiterated that his country still believes in a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine, rejects plans to expand settlements in the West Bank, and continues to seek a solution to the conflict while upholding Israel’s security needs. 

    Blinken pointed out that the Biden administration is pressuring the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, citing the US president’s refusal to receive him in the White House since his return to power. And he has praised the Saudi advances with Israel, pointing out that these must be strengthened in order to reach a peace agreement ultimately. 

    Regarding Syria, Blinken stressed that any openness to Assad means granting him a pass on all the crimes that he has committed, and strengthens Iran’s position in Syria. Opening up to Damascus without a political solution, he argued, makes the Syrian government, and behind it, Iran and Russia, more intransigent in the face of its opponents. 

    US pressure will continue

    But Blinken did not hesitate to put his own spin on his private discussion with MbS two days after the meeting, again pushing the issue of Saudi-Israeli normalization, this time in public: “We will continue to work  for it to push it in the coming days, weeks and months.” In saying so, he eliminates any deadlines for when this could happen, just as Biden did in his CNN interview.

    Regardless of what MbS relayed to Blinken, it appears that Washington will continue to pressure its allies to reach normalization agreements with Israel, a policy crafted to isolate Palestinians and their demands for a just, negotiated solution.

    The US will also continue to seek to tighten its devastating economic blockade of Syria in order to prevent the government in Damascus from extending its authority over all of its territory, to obstruct the post-war reconstruction of the country, or to force Syria to change its strategic direction. Despite the war’s end, Washington still hopes to extract concessions from Syria that it could not force through military means. 

    It appears, however, that these US policies do not line up with MbS’s current ambitions and vision of Saudi interests, particularly given the monumental geopolitical shifts taking place both in West Asia and the rest of the world. 

    But do not mistake this for a Saudi rebellion against US decisions. While Washington wants a comprehensive agreement for normalization and peace quickly, MbS is merely slowing the process down, demanding high prices for any concessions. At the same time, he has granted Israel liberties in various fields, free of charge, in a way that guarantees him protection from US pressure on the one hand, and on the other hand, continued Israeli support for him in US decision-making circles.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 19:00

  • Disney's Feminist Indiana Jones Sequel Bombs Hard – Media Pretends They Don't Know Why
    Disney’s Feminist Indiana Jones Sequel Bombs Hard – Media Pretends They Don’t Know Why

    Disney’s $4.05 billion acquisition of the once venerated Lucasfilm in 2012 was initially seen as a potential goldmine for the company that would bring them billions in revenues for decades to come.  However, much like their ill fated acquisition of 21st Century Fox, Disney made a host of errors in the handling of their newfound creative properties.  The primary error being that they did not care about the franchises they were purchasing.  

    Disney thought that in buying Lucasfilm they were actually buying the fandom that comes with it, but you can’t buy the fans and force them to consume your poorly written fodder, as much as corporations surely wish they could.  This same stunted manner of thinking was also revealed to be a driving force behind Amazon’s conquest of the Lord Of The Rings properties – The idea that if you build it, no matter how terrible it is, the fans will come watch it because they are simpering cattle.  

    Well, this didn’t turn out to be true for Amazon or Disney because they weren’t actually buying a fandom, they were taking on the stewardship of beloved classic characters.  And once a company mistreats those characters, either out of stupidity, lack of talent or because they have a political agenda, the fans are out the door along with their precious box office cash.  

    Disney’s next mistake was putting a rabid feminist like Kathleen Kennedy at the helm of some of the biggest franchises in Hollywood history.  Kennedy is perhaps best known as Steven Spielberg’s coffee girl, a secretary that he himself noted was not very good at her job.  Somehow, she managed to weasel her way into assistant producing in her 20s (who knows what she did to climb the ladder so quickly).  

    Looking at her production credits people might think Kennedy is incredibly accomplished, but few if any of her successes occurred without a major director like Spielberg closely monitoring and controlling each project.  And once she was truly on her own, the bombs started rolling in.  

    The latest and perhaps greatest failure by Kennedy is ironically the last franchise IP that Lucasfilm had yet to ruin:  Indiana Jones.

    Disney’s Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny was clearly a forced scheme to bring back a favored male hero and replace him with a narcissistic female protagonist that spouts woke rhetoric.  It’s the same formula Disney and Lucasfilm have been using with every major reboot for the past several years.  But now, it’s beginning to cost them…

    Dial Of Destiny has generated a dismal box office of around $250 million, and Disney needs a projected $900 million just to break even (this includes marketing costs).  The movie is now on track to becoming one of Disney’s worst flops of all time.  

    The massive initial cost of making the film ($300 million) crippled Lucasfilm’s chances from the very beginning.  The inclusion of notorious woke activist Phoebe Waller-Bridge as the actress slated to take the reins of the franchise didn’t help matters.

    Based on serial TV shows and pulp comics from the 1940s and 1950s, the appeal of George Lucas’ Indiana Jones movies was that they brought men’s adventure stories to life on the big screen.  Indiana Jones is an archetype of the courageous explorer willing to take risks in the pursuit of discovery, all while defeating the bad guys and getting the girl along the way.  It wins with audiences because the premise is simple and the characters are well written.  

    The best way to destroy such a successful formula is by complicating it with personal politics, as well as putting a feminist in charge of a man’s fantasy tale.       

    The rise of woke marketing and agenda based storytelling in Hollywood hit its peak early, with 2016 being the “coming out party” year for far-left ideology in films.  Hollywood has always been annoyingly progressive in their messaging, but they were usually kept in check by the business side of movie making.  Bringing in the box office meant keeping your politics to yourself, to a point. But, by 2016 production companies apparently determined that they now cared more about asserting their cultism than making profits.

    Both American and foreign audiences have caught up to the game, and this has resulted in 2023 becoming one of the worst seasons for big studio films in recent memory. In the meantime, the establishment media continues to pretend as if they don’t know why this is happening.  They no longer have covid lockdowns to blame for poor theatrical showings and are scrambling to come up with a rationale.  

    The reason is, of course, easy to see for everyone outside of Southern California and the corporate media – Get woke, go broke.  They’ll never admit it, but they also can’t hide it.  The epic fail of Dial Of Destiny might just signal the final death knell for woke Hollywood.     

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 18:40

  • 'Crucified': Black Georgia State Rep Switches To Republican Party
    ‘Crucified’: Black Georgia State Rep Switches To Republican Party

    Authored by David Zuckerman via American Thinker,

    Mesha Mainor represents District 56 in the Georgia state House of Representatives.  On July 11, Ms. Mainor announced that she was leaving the Democrat party to become a Republican member in the Georgia House.  Here is part of her statement, quoted at Breitbart:

    My name is Rep. Meisha Mainor and today I made the decision to leave the Democrat Party. I represent a blue district in the city of Atlanta so this wasn’t a political decision for me. It was a a MORAL one. I will NEVER apologize for being a black woman with a mind of my own.

    The Breitbart report said that Ms. Mainor felt “crucified” by her Democrat colleagues when she backed school choice and opposed defunding police.  Here is another part of her announcement, quoted by Fox Digital:

    “When I decided to stand up on behalf of disadvantaged children in support of school choice, my Democrat colleagues didn’t stand by me,” Mainor explained of her decision in a statement to Fox News Digital.

    “They crucified me. When I decided to stand up in support of safe communities and refused to support efforts to defund the police, they didn’t back me. They abandoned me.”

    For far too long, the Democrat Party has gotten away with using and abusing the black community,” she added. “For decades, the Democrat Party has received the support of more than 90% of the black community. And what do we have to show for it? I represent a solidly blue district in the city of Atlanta. This isn’t a political decision for me. It’s a moral one.”

    For present purposes, I focus on the key sentence, exalting individual liberty, in Ms. Mainor’s declaration of separation from Georgia Democrats: “I will NEVER apologize for being a black woman with a mind of my own.”

    In fifteen words, Rep. Mainor sums up what the Democrat party — local, state, and federal levels — is all about.  The Democrat party has become a despotic clique, intolerant of free, independent thought.  To be a Democrat, as Ms. Mainor makes clear, one must endorse the party line — with intent to crush alternative viewpoints.  To be a Democrat, one must regard every institution in American life, public or private, as subservient to the will of the empowered despots.

    Ms. Mainor raised a personal banner of freedom, joining the party of freedom, exactly one week after U.S. district judge Terry A. Doughty (whose name, literally, means “brave and persistent”) stood tall against the White House and its federal minions in defense of the First Amendment, the hallmark of the spirit of American liberty.

    And what is the First Amendment all about if not protecting the right of every single citizen to have “a mind of my own”?

    Those five words are abhorrent to the totalitarians of the left, for whom the population should have all the diversity, in terms of ideas, of mindless robots.

    To be candid, this writer thought, reading of Ms. Mainor’s decision to leave the despotic party for the freedom party, that this was a significant switch in the U.S. House of Representatives.  That the switch is at the state level in Georgia is not to be downplayed, however.  Bear in mind that Georgia has a state prosecutor ready to be of assistance to the Despotic Clique in Washington with yet another political prosecution of Donald J. Trump.  Ms. Mainor’s protest against the monolithic mindset among Georgia Democrats cannot be other than an embarrassment to the groupthinkers who hold sway in the Peach State.

    To borrow from Winston S. Churchill, the decision of Mesha Mainor to switch to the Republican Party is clearly not the end of rule by the Despotic Clique in Washington, but it may augur the beginning of the end of Bidenism.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 18:20

  • Trump Blasts Cluster Bombs For Ukraine: 'Biden Dragging US Into WW3!'
    Trump Blasts Cluster Bombs For Ukraine: ‘Biden Dragging US Into WW3!’

    Former President Donald Trump, who currently leads in polling for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has blasted President Biden’s decision to approve sending cluster bombs to Ukraine, saying this week that Biden is “dragging” the American People “into World War III” with this latest escalation.

    “Joe Biden should not be dragging us further toward World War III by sending cluster munitions to Ukraine—he should be trying to END the war and stop the horrific death and destruction being caused by an incompetent administration,” he said in the Tuesday statement.

    “These unexploded cluster munitions will be killing and maiming innocent Ukrainian men, women, and children for decades to come, long after the war—we pray—has ended,” Trump continued.

    Both President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken have acknowledged this week that Ukraine is running out of ammunition. Biden had told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Friday that the transfer is necessary because Kyiv is “running out of ammunition” after 500 days of war, a grim milestone reached Saturday.

    “It was a very difficult decision on my part. And by the way, I discussed this with our allies, I discussed this with our friends up on the Hill,” he explained. He then bluntly stated: “The Ukrainians are running out of ammunition.” 

    Trump in his fresh statements addressed this admission as well, saying that if true, this “only further emphasizes the urgency of immediately deescalating this bloody, dangerous, and out of control conflict.”

    “It certainly means we should not be sending Ukraine our last stockpiles at a time when our own arsenals, according to Crooked Joe Biden, are so perilously diminished,” the former president argued, stressing again that handing tens of billions over to Kiev has “tremendously weakened” the US.

    “Joe Biden is needlessly and dangerously leading us into World War three, which would be a nightmare beyond imagination—obliteration!” Trump concluded.

    Meanwhile, the opposite point of view was voiced in interviews this week by Trump’s own former VP…

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/12/2023 – 18:00

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