Today’s News 3rd May 2023

  • Disarm The IRS, De-Militarize The Bureaucracy, & Dismantle The Standing Army
    Disarm The IRS, De-Militarize The Bureaucracy, & Dismantle The Standing Army

    Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    “There are instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation and which place them so totally at the mercy of their governors that those governors, whether legislative or executive, should be restrained from keeping such instruments on foot but in well-defined cases. Such an instrument is a standing army.”

    – Thomas Jefferson, 1789

    What does it say about the state of our freedoms that there are now more pencil-pushing, bureaucratic (non-military) government agents armed with weapons than U.S. Marines?

    Among the agencies being supplied with night-vision equipment, body armor, hollow-point bullets, shotguns, drones, assault rifles and LP gas cannons are the IRS, Smithsonian, U.S. Mint, Health and Human Services, FDA, Small Business Administration, Social Security Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Education Department, Energy Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing and an assortment of public universities.

    Add in the Biden Administration’s plans to swell the ranks of the IRS by 87,000 new employees (some of whom will be authorized to use deadly force) and grow the nation’s police forces by 100,000 more cops, and you’ve got a nation in the throes of martial law.

    We’re being frog-marched into tyranny at the end of a loaded gun.

    Make that hundreds of thousands of loaded guns.

    According to the Wall Street Journal, the number of federal agents armed with guns, ammunition and military-style equipment, authorized to make arrests, and trained in military tactics has nearly tripled over the past several decades.

    As Adam Andrzejewski writes for Forbes, “the federal government has become one never-ending gun show.”

    While Americans have to jump through an increasing number of hoops in order to own a gun, federal agencies have been placing orders for hundreds of millions of rounds of hollow point bullets and military gear.

    For example, the IRS has stockpiled 4,500 guns and five million rounds of ammunition in recent years, including 621 shotguns, 539 long-barrel rifles and 15 submachine guns.

    The Veterans Administration purchased 11 million rounds of ammunition (equivalent to 2,800 rounds for each of their officers), along with camouflage uniforms, riot helmets and shields, specialized image enhancement devices and tactical lighting.

    The Department of Health and Human Services acquired 4 million rounds of ammunition, in addition to 1,300 guns, including five submachine guns and 189 automatic firearms for its Office of Inspector General.

    According to an in-depth report on “The Militarization of the U.S. Executive Agencies,” the Social Security Administration secured 800,000 rounds of ammunition for their special agents, as well as armor and guns.

    The Environmental Protection Agency owns 600 guns. The Smithsonian now employs 620-armed “special agents.”

    Even agencies such as Amtrak and NASA have their own SWAT teams.

    Ask yourselves: why are government agencies being turned into military outposts?

    What’s with the buildup of SWAT teams within non-security-related federal agencies? Even the Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Education Department have their own SWAT teams. Most of those officers are under the command of either the Department of Homeland Security or the Department of Justice.

    Why does the Department of Agriculture need .40 caliber semiautomatic submachine guns and hollow point bullets? For that matter, why do its agents need ballistic vests and body armor?

    For that matter, why do IRS agents need AR-15 rifles?

    Why do local police need armored personnel carriers with gun ports, compact submachine guns with 30-round magazines, precision battlefield sniper rifles, and military-grade assault-style rifles and carbines?

    Why is the federal government distributing obscene amounts of military equipment, weapons and ammunition to police departments around the country?

    Why is the military partnering with local police to conduct training drills around the country? And what exactly are they training for? The public has been disallowed from obtaining any information about the purpose of these realistic urban training drills, other than that they might be loud and to not be alarmed.

    We should be alarmed.

    As James Madison warned, “We are right to take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties.”

    Unfortunately, we’re long past the first experiment on our freedoms, and merely taking alarm over this build-up of military might will no longer suffice.

    Nothing about this de facto army of bureaucratic, administrative, non-military, paper-pushing, non-traditional law enforcement agencies is necessary for national security.

    Moreover, while these weaponized, militarized, civilian forces which are armed with military-style guns, ammunition and equipment; trained in military tactics; and authorized to make arrests and use deadly force—may look and act like the military, they are not the military.

    Rather, they are foot soldiers of the police state’s standing army, and they are growing in number at an alarming rate.

    This standing army—a.k.a. a national police force—vested with the power to completely disregard the Constitution and rule by force is exactly what America’s founders feared, and its danger cannot be overstated or ignored.

    This is exactly what martial law looks like—when a government disregards constitutional freedoms and imposes its will through military force, only this is martial law without any government body having to declare it: Battlefield tactics. Militarized police. Riot and camouflage gear. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Drones. Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets. Water cannons. Concussion grenades. Intimidation tactics. Brute force. Laws conveniently discarded when it suits the government’s purpose.

    The militarization of America’s police forces in recent decades, which has gone hand in hand with the militarization of America’s bureaucratic agencies, has merely sped up the timeline by which the nation is transformed into an authoritarian regime.

    Now we find ourselves struggling to retain some semblance of freedom in the face of administrative, police and law enforcement agencies that look and act like the military with little to no regard for the Fourth Amendment, laws such as the NDAA that allow the military to arrest and indefinitely detain American citizens, and military drills that acclimate the American people to the sight of armored tanks in the streets, military encampments in cities, and combat aircraft patrolling overhead.

    This quasi-state of martial law has been helped along by government policies and court rulings that have made it easier for the police to shoot unarmed citizens, for law enforcement agencies to seize cash and other valuable private property under the guise of asset forfeiture, for military weapons and tactics to be deployed on American soil, for government agencies to carry out round-the-clock surveillance, for legislatures to render otherwise lawful activities as extremist if they appear to be anti-government, for profit-driven private prisons to lock up greater numbers of Americans, for homes to be raided and searched under the pretext of national security, for American citizens to be labeled terrorists and stripped of their rights merely on the say-so of a government bureaucrat, and for pre-crime tactics to be adopted nationwide that strip Americans of the right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty and creates a suspect society in which we are all guilty until proven otherwise.

    Don’t delude yourself into believing that this thinly-veiled exercise in martial law is anything other than an attempt to bulldoze what remains of the Constitution and reinforce the iron-fisted rule of the police state.

    This is no longer about partisan politics or civil unrest or even authoritarian impulses.

    This is a turning point.

    As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we are sliding fast down a slippery slope to a Constitution-free America.

    If we are to have any hope of salvaging what’s left of our battered freedoms, we’d do well to start by disarming the IRS and the rest of the federal and state bureaucratic agencies, de-militarizing domestic police forces, and dismantling the police state’s standing army.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 05/03/2023 – 00:05

  • Rise Of Skynet? Robot Dog Gets ChatGPT Brain
    Rise Of Skynet? Robot Dog Gets ChatGPT Brain

    A team of artificial intelligence engineers equipped a Boston Dynamics robot dog with OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Text-to-Speech voice, creating what could be a real-life Skynet-like robot. 

    In a recent video posted to Twitter, machine learning engineer Santiago Valdarrama showed how the robo-dog can interact with humans via a voice interface faster than control panels and reports.

    “These robots run automated missions every day,” Valdarrama said in a Twitter thread, noting that each mission could be “miles-long, hard-to-understand configuration files” and “only technical people can handle them.” When paired with ChatGPT and Google’s Text-to-Speech voice, a user can ask simple questions to the robot about “configuration files and the mission results.” 

    “We can now ask the robots about past and future missions and get an answer in real time. ChatGPT interprets the question, parses the files, and formulates the answer,” he said. 

    The ChatGPT brain means anyone can talk to the robo-dog.

    In the short term, integrating a ChatGPT brain into robots may appear harmless. However, there’s a dark risk to artificial intelligence, giving rise to intelligent robots in a Skynet-like scenario. 

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 23:45

  • They're Taking A Wrecking Ball To The "American Reality"
    They’re Taking A Wrecking Ball To The “American Reality”

    Authored by Simon Black via,

    Last September– a bit more than seven months ago– my father died. Technically he was my step-father, but he was every bit my dad, and I loved him. The loss was hard.

    We didn’t do a memorial service right away, though. My mother understandably just wasn’t in the right frame of mind. So we waited… until last weekend, and held the memorial service at the George Bush Presidential Center at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

    It was a good thing my mother booked such a large venue; the memorial service was incredibly well attended, and nearly 500 people came to pay their respects.

    After the service was over, I wanted to get my mind off the day’s events, so some friends and I popped upstairs to check out the Bush presidential museum… which was currently presenting an exhibit aptly named “Freedom Matters”.

    I couldn’t agree more.

    Access to the museum, however, is tightly controlled. And you can only enter after going through an airport-style security checkpoint. You know the drill– empty your pockets, take off your clothes, and submit to an angry authority who treats you like you’ve just been booked at the county jail.

    My friend Jim was lucky enough to receive extra screening; after setting off the metal detector, he was pulled aside and assumed the “I surrender” pose while gruff security personnel waved a magnetic wand near his genitals.

    Curiously the security wand kept going off, prompting the increasingly irate guard to demand “what is this? What’s in here?”

    I couldn’t help myself and shouted, “It’s his dignity!” Apparently Jim forgot to remove it before going through security.

    The irony seemed to be lost on the guards, whose brusque treatment of museum visitors was taking place directly in front of an exhibit literally called “Freedom Matters”.

    At the front of the exhibit was a large banner– I snapped a photo– defining freedom, according to a former Soviet dissident:

    “Can a person walk into the middle of the town square and express his or her views without fear of arrest, imprisonment, or physical harm? If he can, then that person is living in a free society. If not, it’s a fear society.”

    I thought about this quote for a few moments, glanced back at the security guards wanding another unlucky visitor, and quickly realized– based on this definition– that the US is quickly becoming a fear society.

    You can no longer freely express views without fear of reprisal anymore– especially if those views conflict with the radical woke left.

    Personal opinions can easily be viewed as hate speech, misinformation, violence, etc. And we’ve all seen too many instances of people’s lives being ruined by cancel culture. But I’ll come back to this.

    After wandering around the museum for a while and enjoying some jokes with my friends, I finally returned home to the AirBnb I’m renting with my family, very close to where I grew up in the Dallas area.

    It’s the quintessential American suburb: clean, quiet, safe, and stable. The house where I’m staying is at the end of a picturesque tree-lined cul-de-sac, and on the other end of the street is a large park where small children were playing organized sports in the afternoon.

    Parents chatted with each other on the playground while their kids bounced around the jungle gym. Retirees were out walking their dogs. Even the postman drove by and greeted some of the residents by name. Everyone was happy… and it was basically perfect.

    This isn’t the famous ‘American Dream’. It’s not a dream. This is real life as it’s supposed to be… the pinnacle of civilization, the product of more than two centuries of hard work and responsibility. It is the American Reality.

    That’s why it’s so frustrating to watch the people in charge dismantle it. Brick by brick, neighborhood by neighborhood, they’ve been chipping away at this vast, enviable middle class prosperity, ripping it away in front of our very eyes.

    They’ve encouraged “mostly peaceful” violence and caused an alarming rise in crime as a result of their soft “criminal first” policies.

    They’ve sent the cost of living to record highs, and yet have no understanding how their spending practices could have possibly contributed to inflation. They’ve expanded the national debt to a record high $31.5 trillion and plan to keep overspending tax revenue by trillions of dollars every year.

    They’ve worked hard to re-engineer childhood education (and have succeeded in many school districts). Biology has been rewritten to conform to new woke ethics. Math is racist. And parents who complain about the decline in educational standards are threatened by the federal government.

    The most comical part of this suffering is the abject political dysfunction that’s on display every single day of our lives.

    Consider that, amid deadly and toxic train derailments, airplanes around the country that have been grounded, total chaos at the national seaports, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s priority right now is ensuring that Ford and General Motors use female crash test dummies.

    It’s so ridiculous it almost sounds made up. And yet it’s completely true.

    Or consider that the Treasury Department is now weeks away from defaulting on the national debt, once again, having reached its statutory debt limit. Congress is required to pass a law to raise the debt ceiling.

    Yet the President of the United States refuses to negotiate a single penny in spending cuts in order to reach a compromise with the House of Representatives. Not a penny.

    Simultaneously the guy was shown on video recently unable to remember how many grandchildren he has, or even the fact that he had recently returned from a trip to Ireland.

    These examples of extreme incompetence never end. It’s so aggravating. Even terrifying.

    That’s why I write so much about taking simple, sensible steps to reclaim control.

    For example, if you think Pete Buttigieg is doing a great job as Transportation Secretary, then by all means, please continue to overpay your taxes and give him as much of your money as possible.

    If, on the other hand, you recognize that he is demonstrably incompetent, completely unqualified to be Transportation Secretary, and was only given the position because he checks a diversity box (and agreed to endorse candidate Biden in 2020) then you might want to consider the multitude of completely legal ways to reduce your tax bill… and stop giving Pete so much money to waste.

    It’s perfectly normal to feel angry or disgusted with America’s terrible leadership. But it’s a lot more effective to channel some of that energy into reducing their impact on your life.

    There absolutely are ways to reduce your tax bill, to mitigate the effects of inflation, to still make phenomenal investments, to fund your retirement, and to ensure that you’re in a position of strength no matter how destructive they become.

    There’s no downside in doing this. If this decline reverses and America starts to dig its way out of this hole, you won’t be worse off for putting yourself in a stronger position.

    And that is actually still a possibility. This country has so much potential upside from its entrepreneurial brilliance, talented workforce, immense resource wealth, and more. That’s why it’s so bewildering to see how badly the people in charge are screwing it up.

    At the moment, though, it’s difficult to see any real change on the horizon. As President Biden said in his re-election announcement, he wants to “finish the job”. By that I presume he means completely destroying the country.

    This is nothing new; history is full of superpowers who eradicate themselves from within. They lay waste to the very ideals that made them strong and prosperous to begin with, they create divisions and disunity, and they subject themselves to horrendous, weak leadership.

    But it’s one thing to understand the decline of empires and civilizations through the lens of history. It’s quite another to watch it happen from your living room window.

    *  *  *

    If you can see what is happening, and where this is all going, you understand why it is so important to have a Plan B. That’s why we published our 31-page, fully updated Perfect Plan B Guide, which you can download here.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 23:25

  • Watch: Democrats Have No Interest In Voting For Joe Biden Again In 2024
    Watch: Democrats Have No Interest In Voting For Joe Biden Again In 2024

    The only reason to vote for Biden?  He’s not Trump.  This is the sentiment repeated across America as millions of Democrats say they would rather opt out of the Biden train and find a different candidate by 2024.  Of course, this was the same view many leftists vocalized in 2020, but they voted for him anyway.  

    Whether or not you believe that federal elections matter in the slightest, it’s important to point out that Biden is perhaps one of the least liked presidents in recent memory, and one that sparks zero enthusiasm from his political base.  Despite an increasing woke fanaticism among leftists in terms of ideology and Biden doing everything in his power to push their agenda, a majority of Democrat voters (52%) still do not want Biden to run for office again next year.

    It appears that the embarrassment is becoming too much for them…

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 23:05

  • 14 Million Jobs Will Be Slashed Globally By 2027 Owing To AI And ESG Standards: WEF
    14 Million Jobs Will Be Slashed Globally By 2027 Owing To AI And ESG Standards: WEF

    Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has warned that the employment landscape will change drastically over the next five years amid increasingly widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI), the transition to green energy, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards, and slower economic growth.

    A cameraman works in front of a logo of the World Economic Forum in Davos, eastern Switzerland, on Jan. 20, 2019. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP via Getty Images)

    According to WEF’s “The Future of Jobs Report 2023,” roughly 23 percent of jobs are expected to change by 2027, with around 69 million new jobs to be created and 83 million eliminated, resulting in a decrease of 14 million jobs, or 2 percent of current employment.

    The report (pdf) surveyed 803 companies collectively employing more than 11.3 million workers in 27 industry clusters and 45 economies from across the globe, on macro and technology trends and their impact on jobs and skills, as well as the “workforce transformation strategies” that businesses plan to implement between now and 2027.

    It found that clerical or secretarial roles, including bank tellers, cashiers and ticket clerks, data entry clerks, postal service clerks, and administrative and executive secretaries will likely see the fastest decline in roles over the next five years relative to their size today, with roughly 26 million fewer jobs by 2027.

    Meanwhile, certain tech jobs, including those focused on AI and machine learning, sustainability specialists, business intelligence analysts, information security specialists, and fintech engineers, are expected to see an increase in employment.

    Overall, the biggest job growth will likely be seen across the fields of education (10 percent, leading to 3 million additional jobs), agriculture (30 percent, or 3 million additional jobs), and digital commerce and trade (4 million additional jobs), according to the report.

    A smartphone with a displayed ChatGPT logo is placed on a computer motherboard in this illustration taken on Feb. 23, 2023. (Dado Ruvic/Reuters)

    Renewable Energy, ESG Pushing Job Changes

    The WEF cites trends such as the transition to renewable energy, ESG standards—which are used by companies in the investment decision-making process to measure sustainable and ethical impacts—advancing technology adoption, and localization of supply chains as the “leading drivers of job growth,” while economic challenges such as ongoing high inflation, slower economic growth, and supply shortages pose “the greatest threat” to job creation.

    “The largest job creation and destruction effects come from environmental, technology, and economic trends. Among the macro trends listed, businesses predict the strongest net job-creation effect to be driven by investments that facilitate the green transition of businesses, the broader application of ESG standards, and supply chains becoming more localized, albeit with job growth offset by partial job displacement in each case,” the report states.

    U.S. Republican lawmakers have repeatedly warned that companies embracing ESG standards risk slashing investment returns and hampering economic growth, which could have ripple effects across the economy.

    Climate change adaptation and the demographic dividend in developing and emerging economies also rate high as net job creators,” the WEF report adds. “Technological advancement through increased adoption of new and frontier technologies and increased digital access are expected to drive job growth in more than half of surveyed companies, offset by expected job displacement in one-fifth of companies,” it continues.

    The report also cites the increasing cost of living for consumers as another factor that will likely pose the greatest threat to the job market in the next five years and will significantly displace jobs.

    Attendees take pictures and interact with the Engineered Arts Ameca humanoid robot with artificial intelligence as it is demonstrated during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Jan. 5, 2022. (Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images)

    Firms ‘Need to Be Ready for the Disruptions Ahead’

    Elsewhere, the WEF found that the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, increased geopolitical divisions, and demographic dividends in developing and emerging economies ranked lower as drivers of business evolution by respondents.

    The latest report comes shortly after Goldman Sachs economists forecast two-thirds of occupations across America could be partially automated by AI, which has exploded in use in recent years, despite concerns over its potential risks to society and humanity.

    However, economists also noted that its use in both business and society could lead to an almost $7 trillion increase in global GDP owing to increased productivity and manufacturing, among other factors.

    According to the WEF report, nearly 75 percent of companies surveyed plan to adopt AI, big data, and cloud computing within the next five years, which around 50 percent of firms believe will create job growth and 25 percent expect will lead to job losses.

    Elsewhere, the report found that organizations estimate roughly 34 percent of all business-related tasks are currently performed by machines, with the remaining 66 percent performed by humans.

    “The latest findings in the Future of Jobs Report renew calls for action from all labor market stakeholders,” said Sander van ‘t Noordende, CEO of the human resource consulting firm, Randstad.

    “Acceleration in digitalization, AI, and automation are creating tremendous opportunities for the global workforce, but employers, governments, and other organizations need to be ready for the disruptions ahead. By collectively offering greater skilling resources, more efficiently connecting talent to jobs, and advocating for a well-regulated labor market, we can protect and prepare workers for a more specialized and equitable future of work,” he added.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 22:45

  • New Wave Of Gaza-Israel Rocket Fire After Death Of Palestinian Hunger Striker
    New Wave Of Gaza-Israel Rocket Fire After Death Of Palestinian Hunger Striker

    More rocket fire between Israel and the Gaza strip erupted Tuesday, following news of the death of Khader Adnan Mohammad Musa, a 45-year-old Palestinian prisoner who was a leader of the Islamic Jihad. He died after an 86-day hunger strike in Israeli jails, and is said to be the first Palestinian prisoner to die of a long term hunger strike.

    At least three on the Israeli side have been injured after an initial barrage of 22 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip, setting off air raid sirens across southern Israel. Four of the projectiles were reported intercepted by anti-air defense systems. Israel has responded with tank fire, and further escalation in strikes on the strip is likely. Later into the evening, Israeli officials and media tallied over 30 rockets fired. Gaza militants are vowing further retaliation for their “martyr”. 

    Palestinian Khader Adnan on hunger strike, via AFP

    The “Joint Command of Resistance Groups”, which makes up multiple militant factions operating in Gaza, has vowed more action to come, stating that the first wave of rockets was a “a first response”.

    Protests have broken out in the West Bank, including in the large town of Ramallah, putting already high tensions with Israeli military and police further on edge.

    Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh called the death of Khader Adnan a “deliberate assassination”. He had been arrested by Israeli forces in the West Bank for alleged security-related crimes. 

    Shtayyeh blamed Israel for his death “by rejecting his request for his release, neglecting him medically and keeping him in his cell, despite the seriousness of his health condition,” according to a statement.

    Based on the latest description of the deteriorating situation in The Associated Press, things are teetering on the brink of a possible new outbreak of large-scale clashes between Palestinians and Israeli authorities, including in prisons where thousands of Palestinians are held, sometimes without charges:

    Palestinians called for a general strike in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and protesters rushed to Israeli military checkpoints in the occupied territory, slinging stones at Israeli soldiers. Israeli forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets at crowds gathered at the northern entrance to the West Bank city of Ramallah. Early Tuesday, Palestinian militants in Gaza fired another volley of rockets that landed in empty fields in Israel. Islamic Jihad said that its “fight continues and will not stop.”

    Palestinian prisoners are overseen by Cabinet minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, an ultra-nationalist politician who has tightened restrictions on the Palestinian inmates, including shortening their shower time and closing prison bakeries.

    Ben-Gvir said Tuesday that prison officials must exhibit “zero-tolerance toward hunger strikes and unrest in security prisons” and ordered prisoners be confined to their cells.

    International reports say Adnan had been arrested 12 times and spent a total of eight years in Israeli prisons, with most of that time having been spent in administrative detention, meaning he was held without trial.

    Israel has defended the controversial practice of raiding West Bank homes and then holding people without trial as necessary to root out dangerous militants who pose a threat to Israeli security.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 22:25

  • Judge Orders Hunter Biden To Provide Details On Income From Artwork, Investments, Gifts
    Judge Orders Hunter Biden To Provide Details On Income From Artwork, Investments, Gifts

    Authored by Michael Clements via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden may have paid the mother of his 4-year-old daughter up to $750,000 in child support since March 2020, said one of his attorneys at a hearing.

    Hunter Biden, the son U.S. President Joe Biden, holds his son Beau as they arrive for the National Thanksgiving Turkey pardoning ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House on Nov. 21, 2022. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

    Hunter Biden appeared in Independence County Circuit Court in Batesville, Arkansas, on May 1 as ordered by the judge overseeing the child support dispute between the president’s 53-year-old son and Lunden Roberts. Roberts is the Arkansas woman who, according to court filings, had a relationship with Hunter and gave birth to a baby girl in August 2018. She sued for support in 2019.

    At first Hunter Biden denied that the child was his, but a DNA test confirmed he is the father.

    On March 12, 2020, he and Roberts agreed to an undisclosed amount in monthly child support to begin on April 1, 2020. Terms of the agreement are sealed because they contain sensitive personal information, including the amount of monthly support and each party’s source of income.

    Hunter Biden asked the court to review the child support arrangement the following September because his financial status had changed.

    Lawyer Reveals Monthly Payment

    During a discussion of the discovery process, Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe David Lowell, said his client has been paying $20,000 monthly, more than $700,000 since the support order was signed.

    Judge Holly Meyer clarified during the May 1 hearing that any information discussed in open court was a matter of public record.

    Lowell’s remarks came after he and attorney Brent Langdon of Dallas, Texas, complained that news outlets had published information from sealed court files. He said news reports referenced tax files, information on Hunter Biden’s cars, and other things that had been redacted.

    How is it that things that are redacted in the file are released to the Daily Mail? There are matters that are being redacted that are getting out to the daily news,” Langdon said.

    Meyer said that, without proof someone was illegally releasing information, there was little she could do. Journalists and the public often speculate on matters and may come close to guessing what is in a sealed file, she added.

    ‘Can’t Gag the World’

    “If the press comes up with those things, I can’t control that. I can’t gag the world,” Meyer said.

    The judge ordered Hunter Biden to provide information on his income from his artwork, investments, employment, gifts from friends, and other sources. She also ordered Roberts to provide information on the value of her property and income while working with her father’s business.

    The dispute until now has been mostly a battle of lawyers, with neither of the litigants appearing in court. Hunter Biden’s lawyers have filed at least five motions to delay the process including a last-minute attempt to delay the May 1, 2023 hearing.

    Meyer denied that motion.

    “All parties are to physically appear for all future court hearings in this matter. The parties will no longer have their appearances excused,” Meyer wrote in her order.

    Motions Must Be Filed Correctly

    Roberts’ lawyers have asked the court to find Hunter Biden in contempt and jail him for refusing to comply with previous orders, and provide requested discovery information.

    Meyer wrote that those matters would be dealt with once everyone was in the courtroom.

    In subsequent filings, Roberts’ attorneys complained that the Biden team was dragging its feet in the discovery process. They claim Hunter Biden is living a “lavish lifestyle.”

    During the May 1 hearing, Meyer said the contempt request needed to be appropriately filed. She added that she couldn’t rule on the amount of child support because neither side provided enough information in the discovery process to move ahead.

    The judge went through a to-do list so each side knew what they were expected to do in order to proceed.

    One issue has been the role Hunter Biden’s laptop would play in the process. Roberts’ lawyers reportedly believe the laptop contains important financial information. The Biden lawyers have refused even to acknowledge that the computer belongs to their client. Meyer said all these issues would be addressed as long as each side does what it needs to do to advance the case.

    Warning the lawyers that her patience had worn thin, Meyer said she would hold them to the agreed-to schedule.

    I expect this case to move. I will ride herd on you, gentlemen.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 22:05

  • Billionaire Steven Roth's Mega Manhattan Redevelopment Project Battered By CRE Turmoil
    Billionaire Steven Roth’s Mega Manhattan Redevelopment Project Battered By CRE Turmoil

    The billionaire head of Vornado Realty Trust is facing an uncertain future regarding his multi-billion dollar investment plan to build “gleaming office skyscrapers around Manhattan’s universally hated Penn Station,” according to Bloomberg. The uncertainty comes as the regional banking crisis has sparked a painful credit crunch already battering commercial real estate. 

    “We’re going to take a breath,” stated Chief Executive Steven Roth during Vornado’s quarterly earnings call on Tuesday. He maintained the plan to continue investing upwards of $2 billion in redeveloping over 5 million square feet in what he calls “Penn District.” Vornado’s redevelopment plan to build new office buildings and refurbish older ones is a bet to capitalize off the modernization of Penn Station. 

    Roth has spent the last two decades acquiring plots of land around the train station in Manhattan. The billionaire saw the potential for an area of the city to flourish once redevelopment projects were completed, but have since been overshadowed by high office vacancy rates in a post-Covid environment, along with a regional banking crisis that has spread to commercial real estate. 

    Shares of his Vornado plunged to a 27-year low last week when the tradeable REIT of office, retail, and residential buildings surprised investors with an announcement about delaying its dividend to preserve cash. 

    We have repeatedly shown readers big banks such as JPMMorgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs have all joined our CRE gloom parade as rumblings in the office space market emerge. 

    It is an unfavorable time for office property owners, particularly for those like Roth’s company, which is constructing office skyscrapers. Amid all of the gathering storm clouds in the office space market, a critical question arises if the real estate mogul can still deliver on the Penn District project. 

    “Roth has missed the bus, and the bus isn’t coming back until 2030 or beyond,” said Mitchell Moss, a professor of urban policy at New York University, referring to the downturn in the CRE space, primarily office buildings. 

    It was only last year when Roth told analysts on an earnings call he was “doubly and triply excited about the Penn District.” But that excitement has evaporated in a rising interest rate environment and tightening credit conditions over the past year. Roth said earlier this year that new construction is “almost impossible” because of tight lending. 

    Meanwhile, office space vacancy rates in New York remain at alarming highs, while companies are reducing headcount and footprint to save on costs, subsequently reducing their demand for office space. 

    Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Jeffrey Langbaum said Vornado’s Penn District buildings will need to “sustain leasing demand by creating space that appeals to tenants looking to migrate to newer, higher-quality properties.” 

    According to Alexander Goldfarb, an analyst at Piper Sandler, Vornado faces a series of challenges, including high debt costs and low rent prospects that could present challenges in the completion of Penn District.  

    Here’s an idea: Vornado might want to consider constructing apartment buildings instead of office space amid the CRE downturn. 

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 21:45

  • Democrat Cities Have Highest Homicide Rates, Report Finds
    Democrat Cities Have Highest Homicide Rates, Report Finds

    Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Cities governed by Democrat mayors have seen the largest increases in homicide rates over the past year as well as registered the highest homicide rate per capita in Q1 out of 45 cities, according to a new report.

    Homicide rates in 45 of the most populated American cities rose by approximately 10 percent on average between Q1, 2021 and Q1, 2023, and continue to rise, according to an April 26 report by WalletHub. Blue cities were found to have a higher increase in homicide rates compared to red cities. The report designated a city as red or blue based on the mayor’s political affiliation.

    The top five cities that saw the greatest increase in per capita homicide are Richmond, Virginia; Memphis, Tennessee; Durham, North Carolina; Garland, Texas; and Washington, D.C.

    Except for Garland, where Mayor Scott LeMay is a Republican, the remaining four cities have mayors who are affiliated with the Democratic Party.

    The highest homicide rate per capita in the first quarter of 2023 was in Memphis at 14.19 per 100,000 residents. New Orleans, Louisiana, came in second at 12.76, followed by Baltimore, Maryland, with 10.47, St. Louis, Missouri, with 9.91, and Detroit, Michigan, with 8.52.

    Excluding St. Louis, the other four cities have mayors affiliated with the Democratic Party. The mayor of St. Louis, Tishaura Jones, was a former Democrat member of the Missouri House of Representatives.

    A Richmond Police car in Richmond, Va., on Jan. 20, 2020. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

    Political Reason Behind Spiking Homicides

    Gregg W. Etter, a professor at the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Central Missouri, blamed the tendency of politicians to seek “simplistic, one-size-fits-all solutions to complex problems” as a reason behind the spike in homicides across the nation.

    Politicians offer such solutions to gain favor with political interest groups during elections, he pointed out. For instance, when faced with the issue of police using force in isolated instances, such politicians might support defunding the police rather than dealing with problematic officers.

    This ends up resulting in a less-effective police force, higher response times, lower morale among officers, and an “increasing unwillingness” to engage in proactive policing, he said.

    This has left many police forces in a strictly reactive mode, only responding to crimes that have already occurred. In addition, no-cash bail rulings have put many dangerous criminals back onto the streets even though they are arrested several times for violent crimes,” Etter said.

    “In cities where these two things are happening, the crime rate has spiked. You have less police officers and more dangerous criminals at large.”

    Countering the rising homicide trend will require boosting police funding and improved police training to avoid some of the problems resulting from the use of force, he added.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 21:25

  • Fox Can’t Replace Tucker Carlson: Victor Davis Hanson
    Fox Can’t Replace Tucker Carlson: Victor Davis Hanson

    Authored by Dorothy Li via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Fox News executives miscalculated in their sudden decision to oust the network’s most popular prime-time host, Tucker Carlson, according to Victor Davis Hanson, a historian and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.

    “One of the messages the Murdochs are not quite understanding [is] that when you take away somebody who had a greater potential elsewhere and was a precious asset that anchored your whole evening lineup, and you fired him in a fit of pique, or anger, without thinking it through, you’ve gotta be very careful, because you’re not gonna be able to replace a guy like that,” Victor Davis Hanson told The Telegraph on April 29.

    Tucker Carlson during the 2022 Fox Nation Patriot Awards at Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood in Hollywood, Fla., on Nov. 17, 2022. (Jason Koerner/Getty Images)

    A week after Carlson’s abrupt exit, why the popular prime-time host left the network remains a mystery.

    A brief statement issued by Fox News said only that the two “have agreed to part ways” and “We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor.”

    Carson’s last broadcast was on April 21. During his final on-air segment, Carlson told his audience that he would be back on Monday.

    While the network has parted with several popular news personalities like Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly, the case for Carson was different, according to Hanson.

    “Before they fired him, they thought ‘Fox is bigger than any one anchor: We fired Bill O’Reilly. And guess what? Tucker showed up, and he has the same size of audience or bigger,’” he said. “We can do that because people tune into us because [of] the brand.

    But I don’t think they understand it’s not quite like that. It’s cumulative: It’s like a cut, a cut, a cut, and each one magnifies the prior one. So when you get rid of Bill O’Reilly, and you get rid of Megyn Kelly … you go up and down, and Newsmax and competitors creep in and grab your audience.

    “I don’t think that there was a serious cause of firing him other than an emotional one,” Hanson said.

    Victor Davis Hanson, a classicist, military historian, and author of “The Dying Citizen,” in Visalia, Calif. on Feb. 7, 2023. (York Du/The Epoch Times)

    On April 26, Carlson broke the silence with a video posted on Twitter that drew some 23 million views, exceeding the number of viewers of his old prime-time show on the cable news channel.

    Hanson suggested Carlson doesn’t really need to go on television. Instead, the media figure, like his former colleague Megyn Kelly, could pursue an independent route.

    Even though Tucker was supposedly getting two more years at $20 million a year, given his appeal and talents, he could probably make more than that with his own venue,” he said, adding that the media business is “fragmented.”

    But Fox News “needed Tucker Carlson to appeal to the new Republican Party,” Hanson noted.

    “What do I mean by that? He was talking about the absurdity of woke, and I don’t where you find somebody like that, who has the ability to articulate those positions but is not crazy,” he continued.

    “Tucker came from one of the wealthiest families in California. He was an aristocrat … So for him, brought up like that as an aristocrat, to become a populist and yet know how the aristocratic mind works, is very unusual.”

    Hanson estimated the “big vacuum” created by Carlson’s departure was about 3.5 million viewers, breathing life into rival conservative networks.

    Following Carlson’s exit, Newsmax drew doubled viewers at the 8 p.m. EST slot, Hanson said, adding that Fox News’ parent company lost $800 million in market value after the April 24 announcement.

    “I’m not sure that they can find somebody like that to come in … that is funny and affable and knowledgeable.”

    Now that the network is taking rating hits after Carlson’s exit, leftists are celebrating.

    “They’re in celebration now. AOC [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] and people are saying things like, ‘We don’t believe in cancel culture, but we got him canceled.’ That’s what they’re saying. They think they took him down.

    “They criticize him every day. They said he was a racist. They said he was a transphobe, homophobe, and they think that eventually they got … For that slot should have been making hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising, but they were able to cut his revenues by 30 or 40 percent, by boycotts, pressuring corporations that they were going to boycott them if they bought time.

    “They feel that that’s a paradigm that now is successful. And they’re going to use it.”

    The Epoch Times has reached out to Fox News for comment.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 20:45

  • "We Want More Money": Hollywood Writers Strike, Threatens Production Of Late-Night Shows
    “We Want More Money”: Hollywood Writers Strike, Threatens Production Of Late-Night Shows

    Thousands of Hollywood writers are putting down their pens and shutting down their laptops today as they join the picket line in a major labor action. This comes after their union was unable to reach agreements with movie and TV studios to secure higher wages. 

    The Writers Guild of America, representing about 11,500 Hollywood writers, decided to strike Tuesday following six weeks of failed labor negotiations with Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Disney, Discovery-Warner, NBC Universal, Paramount, and Sony. 

    “The companies’ behavior has created a gig economy inside a union workforce, and their immovable stance in this negotiation has betrayed a commitment to further devaluing the profession of writing,” WGA wrote in a press release

    “From their refusal to guarantee any level of weekly employment in episodic television, to the creation of a “day rate” in comedy variety, to their stonewalling on free work for screenwriters and on AI for all writers, they have closed the door on their labor force and opened the door to writing as an entirely freelance profession. No such deal could ever be contemplated by this membership,” the union continued. 

    WGA has been advocating for better pay and adjustments to a business model they argue has made earning a living wage more challenging over the last several years. According to the union, soaring content creation by streaming platforms like Netflix and Disney+ has led to a drop in the median pay for producers and writers. 

    Source: Bloomberg 

    The last time WGA went on strike was in November 2007, causing a bottleneck in Hollywood’s content production process. The labor dispute lasted for 100 days, finally ending in early 2008. 

    One immediate disruption will be the production of late-night talk shows, including Jimmy Kimmel Live and The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Depending on how long the work stoppage last, this could impact television shows and movies. 

    The labor action might not be a terrible thing considering an increasing number of Americans are fed up with ‘woke’ content pushed by Hollywood elites. This was evident last year when a series of films, books, and other media projects with progressive messaging failed to resonate with audiences and consumers.

    WGA also called for the regulation of artificial intelligence within scriptwriting.

    During a recent interview on “NBC Nightly News,” Raphael Bob-Waksberg, the creator of Netflix’s animated series “BoJack Horseman,” said writers’ demands are clear and concise: 

    “We want more money. We want enough money to make a basic living doing what we love.”

    “I think we’re getting to the point where it’s going to be that the only people who can afford to try to start a career in television or movies are going to be people who are independently wealthy already, which I don’t think is good for television or movies. I don’t think we want that.”

    Recall we penned a recent note titled “Get Woke, Go Broke: Hollywood Is Dying And They Deserve It.” 

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 20:25

  • Pornhub Blocks Access In Utah After State Passes New Age Verification Law
    Pornhub Blocks Access In Utah After State Passes New Age Verification Law

    Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times,

    Pornhub has disabled access to its website in Utah in response to a new law requiring companies publishing adult content to verify users’ ages before allowing them to view the X-rated material on their platforms.

    The pornography website confirmed in an emailed statement to The Epoch Times that it completely disabled its websites for individuals located in the state on May 1.

    Individuals in Utah attempting to access Pornhub’s site are now greeted with a lengthy video message from the adult entertainer and member of the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee, Cherie DeVille, explaining that they are unable to do so because of the new age-verification law.

    “As you may know, your elected officials in Utah are requiring us to verify your age before allowing you access to our website,” DeVille says.

    “While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, giving your ID card every time you want to visit an adult platform is not the most effective solution for protecting our users, and in fact, will put children and your privacy at risk.”

    “In addition, mandating age verification without proper enforcement gives platforms the opportunity to choose whether or not to comply. As we’ve seen in other states, this just drives traffic to sites with far fewer safety measures in place. Very few sites are able to compare to the robust Trust and Safety measures we currently have in place. To protect children and user privacy, any legislation must be enforced against all platforms offering adult content,” DeVille continued.

    The adult entertainer goes on to state that Pornhub, which is owned by Montreal-based company Mindgeek, places great emphasis on user safety, but that it ultimately believes the most effective way to protect children and adults using the site is to identify them via their devices, allowing them access to age-restricted materials and websites based on that identification.

    Until a real solution is offered, we have made the difficult decision to completely disable access to our website in Utah,” DeVille continued. “Please contact your representatives before it is too late and demand device-based verification solutions that make the internet safer while also respecting your privacy.”

    Utah Bill Tackles Harmful Materials

    The move by Pornhub comes after Utah Gov. Spencer Cox last month signed into law Senate Bill 287, also known as the “Online Pornography Viewing Age Requirements.”

    Under that bill, commercial entities that provide pornography or other materials harmful to minors are required to verify users’ ages through “reasonable age-verification methods” before they can access such material.

    Such methods include “digitized information cards” or third-party age-verification services that compare the personal information entered by the individual seeking to access the website to material available from either a commercially available database or an aggregate of databases, used by the government agencies to confirm identities or age.

    Adult content companies can also use “any commercially reasonable method that relies on public or private transactional data” to confirm the individual’s identity when they attempt to access the material, the bill states.

    Commercial entities that “knowingly and intentionally” publish or distribute a “substantial portion” of material that is harmful to minors online without performing reasonable age verification methods to ensure users are of age may be held liable under the law, including for damages and court costs resulting from the minor accessing the material.

    The law defines harmful material as “material that exploits, is devoted to, or principally consists of descriptions of actual, simulated, or animated display or depiction of any of the following, in a manner patently offensive with respect to minors: (i) pubic hair, anus, vulva, genitals, or nipple of the female breast; (ii) touching, caressing, or fondling of nipples, breasts, buttocks, anuses, or genitals; or (iii) sexual intercourse, masturbation, sodomy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagellation, excretory functions, exhibitions, or any other sexual act.”

    The age verification legislation is set to take effect on May 3.

    Porn a ‘Public Health Crisis’

    Pornhub’s terms of service state that users must be 18 years or older, or the age of majority in the jurisdiction they are accessing the website from in order to use the site.

    “If you are under 18 or the applicable age of majority, please do not use the Website. You also represent that the jurisdiction from which you access the Website does not prohibit the receiving or viewing of sexually explicit content,” it states.

    However, the state of Utah in 2016 declared porn a “public health crisis” that was creating a “broad spectrum of individual and public health impacts and societal harms.” A string of other states, including Arizona, have since followed suit.

    Last year, lawmakers in Louisiana passed similar legislation requiring publishers of online material that could be harmful to minors to verify user ages.

    Unlike Utah, Louisiana provides a mobile app that allows users to create a digital replica of their driving license which can then be scanned to verify their age, according to Ars Technica.

    This is not the first time that Pornhub has found itself at the center of controversy. In 2021, the website came under fire after The New York Times reported that it hosted unlawful content, including nonconsensual pornography and videos of child sexual assault.

    While the adult website initially denied the allegations, it later pledged to crack down on illegal content and said it will only allow properly identified users to upload such materials.

    The Epoch Times has contacted Pornhub for comment.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 20:05

  • Biden Sending 1,500 Troops To Southern Border To Deal With Surge Of Illegal Immigrants
    Biden Sending 1,500 Troops To Southern Border To Deal With Surge Of Illegal Immigrants

    By Joseph Lord of The Epoch Times

    The United States will be sending troops to the southern border with Mexico, the White House announced on May 2. The move was unveiled ahead of an expected surge of illegal immigrants as pandemic restrictions, known as Title 42, are set to lift on May 11.

    The southern border has been hammered over the past two years by an unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants, leaving border control authorities struggling to keep up with limited resources.

    Pentagon Press Secretary Gen. Pat Ryder confirmed in a Tuesday press conference that the Pentagon would be sending 1,500 U.S. military personnel “to supplement” Border Patrol resources for 90 days. Ryder suggested this could be extended as the need arises.

    These 1,500 troops “will fill critical capability gaps, such as ground-based detection and monitoring, data entry, and warehouse support until CBP [Customs and Border Protection] can address these needs through contracted support.”

    “Military personnel will not directly participate in law enforcement activities,” Ryder added.

    While the first wave of troops will be drawn from active-duty personnel, Ryder said that the Pentagon was looking into other options, including potentially pulling from reserves.

    White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Tuesday that the move was made in the hopes of freeing Border Patrol agents up to focus on apprehending illegal immigrants crossing the border.

    Under President Donald Trump, military servicemembers performed similar functions at the border. When Trump deployed troops to the border in 2018, Democrats blasted the move as a “politicization” of the military. This time however, in comments to reporters, Jean-Pierre said that the deployment was “common practice.”

    “DoD personnel have been supporting [Customs and Border Protection] at the border for almost two decades now,” she said, referring to the Department of Defense.

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in a statement Tuesday, said the additional forces would help “to reduce irregular migration, ensure safe, orderly, and efficient processing, and promptly remove individuals without a legal basis to remain in the United States.”

    Currently, 2,500 troops are serving in some capacity along the border. The addition of 1,500 new troops, nearly a twofold increase, comes days ahead of the end of Title 42, a COVID-era immigration rule making it easier for illegal aliens to be turned away at the border.

    DHS added that Customs and Border Protection’s investment in new technology and personnel will reduce the need for such assistance moving forward.

    Despite an unprecedented flow of illegal migrants across the border, the administration has long refrained from using the word “crisis” to describe the situation.

    President Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have each insisted that the border is secure and under operational control.

    The decision to send troops to the border comes as Republicans prepare a series of legislation addressing immigration problems along the border.

    Read more here.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 19:35

  • Biden's Game Of Chicken: "We Won't See A Debt Ceiling Solution Until The Market Panics"
    Biden’s Game Of Chicken: “We Won’t See A Debt Ceiling Solution Until The Market Panics”

    By Philip Marey, Senior Strategist at Rabobank


    • Yesterday, Treasury Secretary Yellen sent a new letter to the Congressional leadership, with the message that the X-date could arrive as soon as June 1.

    • With the adoption of the Limit, Save, Grow Act in the House of Representatives and President Biden’s unwillingness to negotiate about conditions for a raise in the debt limit, a game of chicken between Republicans and Democrats has started.

    • So far, markets reacted to the possibility of a US federal government default with a revealed preference for one month treasury bills over longer dated T-bills. However, we are still far from the panic needed to break the stalemate between Republicans and Democrats. This is likely to occur closer to the X-date.

    • Either this game is over within a few weeks or we are going to see a suspension of the debt limit until later this year. In both cases, we are not likely to see any solution until financial markets start to panic.


    Although the midterm elections in November turned out better for the Democrats than could have been expected based on the high inflation rate and President Biden’s low approval rating, they lost their majority in the House of Representatives. With the 118th Congress in session since early January, the balance of power in Washington DC has shifted. After two years of Democratic Control, with Democratic majorities in both chambers of Congress and a Democratic President, the Republicans are now able to shoot down any bill on the House floor in the next two years. This means a regime shift has taken place in US politics this year to Divided Government, where legislation requires bipartisan cooperation. The first of the fiscal standoffs that we warned for in Midterm implications is already taking shape and it is the most dangerous one, the debt limit.

    McCarthy’s move

    On April 26, the House of Representatives adopted the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023, presented by House Speaker McCarthy a week earlier, with a 217-215 vote. All Democrats voted no, so did four Republicans. The bill, drafted by the leadership of the House Republicans, in consultation with various members, raises the debt limit by $1.5 trillion or until March 31, 2024, whichever comes first. Note that the current debt limit of $31.381 trillion was reached on January 19, after which the Treasury Department started extraordinary measures, postponing the X-date, when the Treasury will be unable to meet all of its debt obligations. In exchange for the higher debt ceiling, the House Republicans want to limit government spending. The bill sets discretionary spending for fiscal year 2024 (October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024) at the level of fiscal year 2022 and then limits growth in discretionary spending to no more than 1% a year in the next decade. The bill also rescinds unspent COVID relief funds, and make changes to energy, regulatory and permitting policies. However, the plan also cuts the increased funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). What’s more, it will prevent implementation of President Biden’s student debt cancellation and Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) expansion, and impose or expand work requirements in several federal safety net programs. This means serious concessions by the Democrats, which they are not likely to agree to. In fact, President Biden has made clear repeatedly that he does not want to negotiate at all. His position remains that he wants a “clean” debt limit raise, i.e. without any condition.

    Biden’s game of chicken

    With the adoption of Limit, Save, Grow Act by the House of Representatives, and Biden’s demand for a “clean” raise of the debt limit, a game of chicken has started between Republicans and Democrats. Both parties want to avoid a government default, which would cause significant damage to the financial markets and the economy. Consequently, the so-called X-date, when the extraordinary measures are exhausted, is the deadline for the game of chicken. In the time before the deadline, we are not likely to see any party blink, unless a financial market panic breaks out. Once the deadline passes, neither party has an interest in keeping the US in default. By this time, financial markets will definitely be in turmoil.

    It could be argued, especially by Democrats, that as the Republicans are the party attaching conditions to the debt limit increase necessary to avert or end the default, they are likely to bear most of the pressure to concede. This argument frames the current game as a repeat of 2011 and 2013. However, the crucial difference is that the Limit, Save, Grow Act is actually a bill to raise the debt ceiling! So it is misleading to claim that “House Republicans are holding our economy hostage and threatening default” as the White House press secretary did on April 27. In fact, it could be argued, in particular by Republicans, that the Democrats are the obstacle to a raise in the debt ceiling. After all, if the Senate – where Democrats are needed to get the 60 necessary votes – adopts this bill and President Biden signs it into law, the debt ceiling is lifted. The truth is that after the difficult process to confirm McCarthy as the new House Speaker in January, the Democrats hoped that the House Republicans would not be able to agree on what they wanted in exchange for a raise in the debt limit. That would have strengthened the Democrats’ demand for a clean raise, i.e. without conditions. Now, it seems reasonable to start negotiations about spending cuts attached to the raise in the debt ceiling. However, a game of chicken with financial market turmoil as leverage is more likely to unfold. In the end, i.e. close to the X-date, the game of chicken is likely to be resolved under pressure from financial markets. So how are markets reacting to the developments regarding the debt ceiling so far?

    Markets looking for near-term safety

    On January 13, Treasury Secretary Yellen sent a letter to the Congressional leadership, noting that it was unlikely that cash and extraordinary measures would be exhausted before early June. To avoid the risk of holding a treasury bill that may not be repaid investors have shown a preference for near-term treasury bills in recent weeks. The yield on one month bills has clearly moved away from the yield on three, six or twelve month bills. While the yields on the latter three maturities continue to move together, the one month yield tanked after McCarthy’s presentation of the Republican plan brought the debt limit to the forefront. Demand from money market funds likely played a major role in the decline in the one month yield. Recently, money market funds have received large inflows from depositors concerned about the safety of their holdings at small banks or their modest returns at large banks. At the same time, the supply of near-term T-bills has fallen as the Treasury has already hit the debt ceiling and is trying to delay the X-date. So far, markets reacted to the possibility of a US federal government default with a revealed preference for one month T-bills over longer dated T-bills (This should subside as early June enters the one month horizon). However, we are still far from the panic needed to bring Democrats and Republicans together. This is likely to occur closer to the X-date

    X-date in June?

    On May 1, Treasury Secretary Yellen sent a new letter to the Congressional leadership, with the message that “After reviewing recent federal tax receipts, our best estimate is that we will be unable to continue to satisfy all of the government’s obligations by early June, and potentially as early as June 1, if Congress does not raise or suspend the debt limit before that time.” This means that the X-date could arrive sooner than previously expected, due to disappointing tax receipts. Shortly after Yellen’s announcement, President Biden invited top Republicans and Democrats for a meeting next week about raising the debt limit. However, a White House official said that Biden will repeat his view that Congress should pass a stand-alone increase in the debt limit, but that he is open to a discussion on the budget that is not linked to raising the debt limit. In other words, the Democrats are not blinking, neither are the Republicans.

    Also on May 1, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), a nonpartisan budget agency, updated its budget projections and concluded that lower-than-expected tax receipts this year create a significantly greater risk that the Treasury will run out of funds in early June. Earlier, they forecasted that the default could occur as soon as July. While, prior to May 1, markets had a wide range of forecasts regarding the X-date, from June to September, and even beyond, it looks like the probability of the X-date being located in June has increased substantially.

    This would increase the pressure on the players of the game of chicken rapidly in the coming weeks. Alternatively, or  because of this, we could see a temporary suspension of the debt limit to buy more time to negotiate (the Republicans are likely to want something in exchange for that, probably something from the Limit, Save, Grow Act they adopted last week). For example, Congress could delay the deadline to the end of the fiscal year, September 30. This would bring the deadline for the budget for fiscal year 2024 and the deadline for the debt limit together, allowing for a comprehensive solution. However, it would also add to the pressure at the new X-date, because failure to reach a deal would lead to both a government shutdown and a government default.


    The game of chicken between Democrats and Republicans has really kicked off after the House of Representatives voted for the Limit, Save, Grow Act, Treasury Secretary Yellen sent a letter indicating that the X-date could arrive as soon as June 1, and Biden’s repeated dismissal of any conditions attached to a raise in the debt limit. Either this game is over within a few weeks or we are going to see a delay until later this year. In both cases, we are not likely to see any solution until financial markets start to panic.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 19:25

  • Another Train Derailment In Russia Suggests Stepped-Up Covert Sabotage Campaign
    Another Train Derailment In Russia Suggests Stepped-Up Covert Sabotage Campaign

    For the second consecutive day, a Russian freight train has been derailed not far from the Ukrainian border, in what appears to be another sabotage attack. These cross-border irregular warfare attacks seem to be stepping up simultaneous to the so-called Ukrainian Spring counteroffensive being stalled.

    Reuters is reporting based on local sources that “An explosion derailed a freight train for the second day in a row in a Russian region bordering Ukraine on Tuesday, sending both the locomotive and some cars off the tracks, authorities said.”

    Map source: BBC

    Bryansk regional governor Alexander Bogomaz confirmed in a Telegram statement, “An unidentified explosive device went off near the Snezhetskaya railway station. There were no casualties.” He described that “As a result of the incident, a locomotive and several wagons of a freight train derailed.”

    The Bryansk region borders both Ukraine and Belarus, and this second sabotage incident happened just to the southeast of Bryansk. With this latest freight disaster, which occurred mid-evening local time, some 20 cars derailed, according to Russian media.

    The day prior (Monday), a section of track in the same oblast but which lies even closer to the border with Ukraine was blown up, derailing a train carrying fuel and timber.

    Bryansk has been a region which has seen frequent cross-border attacks throughout the conflict. Over the weekend, projectiles fired from Ukraine killed four people in a Russian village which lies just 10km from the border.

    All of this has resulted in speculation over whether the delayed Ukrainian counteroffensive could turn into a focus on irregular cross-border guerrilla tactics.

    Already there’s been multiple drone attacks, sabotage bombings, as well as assassinations of high-profile Russians. If Ukrainian frontlines collapse, this could unleash more “punishment” inside Russian territory by covert operatives. The Kremlin has frequently also alleged that the US and other NATO countries have supported Ukraine in these black ops.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 19:05

  • Blaming Conservatives For Collapse: Damned If They Do, Damned If They Don’t On The Debt Ceiling
    Blaming Conservatives For Collapse: Damned If They Do, Damned If They Don’t On The Debt Ceiling

    Authored by Brandon Smith via

    In 2021 I published an article titled ‘The Fed’s Catch-22 Taper Is A Weapon, Not A Policy Error’ in which I outlined the deliberately engineered trap the Federal Reserve has created for the American economy. Specifically, I confronted the issue of strangled liquidity through increasing debt costs vs continued money printing and inflation.

    It’s an issue that Jerome Powell warned about in 2012, years before he became Fed Chairman; the consequences of creating a stimulus dependent system and then abruptly cutting off the life support. As soon as he was installed as the head of the central bank he implemented the very policies he predicted would cause a crash.

    The result? We just saw the beginning of the end with the latest banking crisis involving companies like SVB, First Republic and Credit Suisse – It’s not just US finances, but banks around the world that rely on liquidity injections from the Fed to stay afloat. The central bankers addicted the system to cheap easy debt and now they are taking away the drugs.

    In other words, no one can honestly argue that the central banks are ignorant or unaware of the threat. They KNOW what’s about to happen and they do not care. But why does the establishment want a crisis now instead of five years ago, or five years in the future?

    Thankfully, much of the public is becoming aware of the various programs to introduce CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies), but what they may not understand is the manner in which such massive economic changes usually happen. Generally speaking, in order to institute a new economic system the banks have to take down the old system.

    The last time we saw this happen was just after the Great Depression and WWII. The deflationary crash and the war conjured the proper amount of global chaos and before the dust settled western nations instituted the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944, making the dollar the defacto world reserve currency while locking down the price of gold.. Then they established the globalist International Monetary Fund (IMF) the same year and the United Nations in 1945. The world was centralized dramatically in a little over a decade.

    I believe we are fast approaching another engineered singularity, a controlled demolition of existing systems to make way for a cashless society, a one world currency and global governance. I believe this because it’s all the globalists can talk about these days; it’s not as if they’re trying to hide it anymore.

    The BIS and IMF are actively fielding one-world digital currency mechanisms right now; structures that would combine all national CBDCs under one umbrella. In the meantime, globalist think-tanks like the WEF (World Economic Forum) are ranting excessively about the coming era of an AI controlled economy and a “4th Industrial Revolution” in which you will “own nothing, have no privacy” and will be forced to adapt to a cashless socialist sharing system.

    All they need is a scapegoat to complete their crisis formula. War seems to work well in distracting the masses from the true culprits behind any financial calamity, and numerous institutions are hard at work to convince the public that countries like Russia are to blame for ongoing stagflation problems. Of course, the stagflation crisis started well before the war in Ukraine and many Americans are not buying the spin.

    China, a dedicated partner to the globalist project, has shown consistent fealty to the IMF and is a key player in the move towards a one-world currency system. Because they are the largest importer/exporter on the planet and have considerable leverage over the US dollar, they have the ability to strike the final blow against the dollar’s world reserve status. A heightened conflict with China would be a perfect cover for the dumping of the Greenback, making way for the IMF’s new global currency, called the UMU (Universal Monetary Unit).

    However, foreign conflagrations will not be enough for the establishment to keep the American public from scrutinizing the narrative. They need a domestic enemy, a frightening threat that lives right next door. That is to say, they need to find a way to blame conservatives and liberty activists for the impending crash that they caused.

    Keep in mind that the Biden Administration and the leftist media have been pumping out propaganda asserting that all our fiscal problems including our national debt are somehow rooted in conservative policies. This is nonsense.

    At bottom, the majority of our economic threats can be traced directly back to the Federal Reserve as well as large international banks, and these institutions enact policy REGARDLESS of the political party that is in control of the government. But, if we’re going to talk about the political group that has most helped the central bankers set the calamity in motion, the Democrats win the prize.

    It was Barack Obama and Joe Biden that doubled the US national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in the span of 8 years. Trump didn’t help matters and did not institute spending cuts at the level he should have, but the bulk of his debt contributions occurred because of the covid response. There are a number of issues to criticize Trump for, including the kinds of people he brought into his cabinet, but the current economic chaos is not rooted in anything Trump did.

    It was the Biden White House that pressed for covid lockdown policies to stay in place for years when they should have been ended within months as soon as it became clear the covid virus was a non-threat to 99.8% of the population. Biden and the Democrats made it impossible for the country to continue functioning without trillions in covid helicopter money, and it was those fiat measures that finally broke the camel’s back. Prices on everything skyrocketed under Biden, not Trump.

    The majority of our national debt problems were piled up during the reign of Democrats, and they CONTINUE to demand trillions more in spending without conditions. This brings us to the debt ceiling.

    In the past, the debt ceiling debate has been a predictable farce. Republicans demand cuts, they haggle with the Democrats who want a blank check, nothing is ever really resolved and the debt ceiling gets raised yet again with no noticeable reductions in spending. The government keeps stealing from the American public at an exponential rate while also triggering more inflation.

    It’s a Catch-22 for conservatives. No one in the mainstream criticizes the Democrats for wanting to spend more because most people don’t understand how inflation works. All the Dems have to do is agree to reasonable budget cuts, but they refuse. When they don’t allow cuts, the Republicans are forced to either cave in, which makes them look weak, or, they’re forced to stand their ground and be accused of reckless disregard for American debt obligations.

    Democrats claim that ANY cuts to the budget will lead to economic crisis. They have no intention of negotiating to reduce US debt. They don’t have to – All the blame falls on conservatives regardless.

    To be sure, there are multiple Neocon politicians that support the Democrats at every turn, but there are also some Republicans trying to pull the country back from the brink. We should give these people credit.  It’s easy to accuse all political participants of being part of the “false left/right paradigm,”, and maybe that was true ten years ago, but now I suspect this mantra is being exploited to divide conservatives and liberty proponents from any alliances at the government level.

    The leftist argument on the debt ceiling is essentially this: “We must keep spending more to fix the problems created by spending too much.”

    It’s a circular con job. Pursuing budget cuts is portrayed as an act of terrorism by the corporate media. Saving taxpayer money is considered evil, and conservatives who entertain the notion are painted as insurrectionists. Why is no one criticizing the Democrats and their all-or-nothing philosophy? After all, budget cuts can be made while ALSO paying off the national debt, right?

    The tactic makes sense if you look at it from a villain’s perspective. All the Democrats have to do is not allow any cuts and continue to demand more spending without conditions. Then, when the contingent of Republicans in Congress that actually care about fiscal responsibility refuses to back down, the White House, the media and the majority of leftists initiate a propaganda wave; an artificial outcry suggesting that “radical” conservatives are destroying the economy.

    If the conservatives give in, then the public blames them for bowing to the “Uniparty.” If they don’t give in, the establishment wraps up the stagflationary collapse and lays it right in our laps. They may try to force the issue of a debt ceiling impasse just to hide the crash that is happening anyway.

    Or, maybe not. Maybe this time is like all the other times and Republicans will back down yet again and the ceiling is raised by another couple trillion dollars. The talking points I’m seeing in the media and on social media, though, suggest to me that something very strange is about to happen in the debt fight. If it goes down the way I suspect, then it will be vitally important to disrupt the narrative.

    The economy is crashing for a lot of reasons and none of them have anything to do with the government trying to spend less.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 18:45

  • NYC's Adams: Abbott's Migrant-Busing Targets 'Black-Run' Cities
    NYC’s Adams: Abbott’s Migrant-Busing Targets ‘Black-Run’ Cities

    Texas Governor Greg Abbott migrant bus service to is ramping back up in a big way — and mayors in destination cities are fuming, especially New York City’s Eric Adams and Chicago’s outgoing Lori Lightfoot. 

    “More than 57,000 migrants, mostly hailing from Latin America, have arrived in [New York City] since last spring, while Chicago has fielded more than 8,000 newcomers,” Politico reports.

    Overwhelmed with immigrants pouring into his sanctuary city, Adams (left) threw his race card at Abbott (AP photo via NY Daily News)

    In a statement issued Monday, Adams accused Abbott of targeting cities based on the skin color of their elected officials

    “This weekend, we learned that Governor Abbott is once again deciding to play politics with people’s lives by resuming the busing of asylum seekers to New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, and Washington, D.C.

    Not only is this behavior morally bankrupt and devoid of any concern for the well-being of asylum seekers, but it is also impossible to ignore the fact that Abbott is now targeting five cities run by Black mayors. Put plainly, Abbott is using this crisis to hurt Black-run cities.”

    We pause to note that, where America’s largest metropolises are concerned, “black-run cities” is increasingly a redundancy. 

    Moving on from his implicit accusation of racism, Adams went on to accuse Abbott of shipping migrants to New York against their will, and having security guards “hold them hostage” when they tried to get off in other cities.

    He also blamed border states for the overload of immigrants while asking President Biden for help. “With a vacuum of leadership from border states, we need the federal government to step in and provide us with support and to prevent this cruelty from continuing.” That’s an interesting angle, given the federal government routinely opposes states taking border security into their own hands. 

    Even Adams has been increasingly critical of the Biden administration’s immigration policies. In April, he said, “The city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis…The national government has turned its back on New York City…This is in the lap of the president of the United States.” Reiterating that desperate messaging on Monday, Adams said, This crisis is more than one city can handle.”

    Adams isn’t the only mayor attacking Abbott for sharing the wealth of northbound diversity pouring into the country. On Sunday, Chicago’s Lightfoot, who will exit office on May 15 after a losing reelection bid, sent a letter to Abbott asking him to “stop this inhumane and dangerous action.” 

    Lame duck walking: With just two weeks left in her disastrous reign, our frequency of Lightfoot photos is poised to dramatically dip

    Like Adams, Lightfoot also painted a picture of desperation, saying that, although “Chicago is a Welcoming City…we simply have no more shelters, spaces, or resources to accommodate an increase of individuals at this level.” 

    She wrote that many migrants shipped from the Lone Star State “needed extensive medical care. Some of the individuals you placed on buses were women in active labor, and some were victims of sexual assault. None of those needs were addressed in Texas.” 

    When Abbott wrote back to Lightfoot on Monday, he didn’t address those allegations. He did, however, point out that that the immigration situation is about to get much worse: 

    “With Title 42 expulsions set to end next week, the federal government has estimated that we could have up to 13,000 illegal immigrants cross the U.S.–Mexico border every single day…. If Chicago can’t deal with 8,000 in less than a year, how are small Texas border communities supposed to manage 13,000 in just one day?” 

    Abbott told Lightfoot to shift her fire, and urge the Biden administration to “do its job by securing our border [and] repelling the illegal immigrants flooding into our communities.” 

    When Lightfoot says shipping people to Chicago is “inhumane and dangerous,” she might just have a point:


    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 18:25

  • DeSantis Signs Bill To Authorize Death Penalty For Child Rapists In Florida
    DeSantis Signs Bill To Authorize Death Penalty For Child Rapists In Florida

    Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation Monday that will allow convicted child rapists to be given the death penalty, a move that will likely trigger a confrontation in the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Florida lawmakers passed HB1297 last month, paving the way for rapists of children under the age of 12 to be sentenced to execution without jury unanimity.

    It means that the approval of only 8 jurors out of 12 would be needed to go ahead with a sentence of capital punishment for those who sexually abuse kids in the State.

    As we highlighted, pedos were not happy about it.

    Florida Enables Death Penalty For Child Sexual Abuse




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    On signing the legislation, which goes into effect on October 1st, DeSantis noted “We think that in the worst of the worst cases, the only appropriate punishment is the ultimate punishment.”

    The full speech is below:

    A previous 2008 U.S. Supreme Court ruling outlawed capital punishment in child sexual battery cases.

    DeSantis said he believed the the Supreme Court’s decision was “wrong.”

    The governor also signed two other bills Monday, one to make those who sell fentanyl resembling candy to children eligible for life in prison, and another to ban suspects arrested for dangerous crimes from being granted pretrial release without monetary bail at their first court hearings.

    “If you’re messing with children, you’re going to have the book thrown at you 100%,” DeSantis declared.

    He added, “We’re excited to be able to deliver these victories. We’re gonna have a lot more that we’re gonna be announcing over the next few weeks.”

    “We’re really delivering a big agenda,” he continued, adding “So this is one important — but admittedly very small part — of an overall large agenda and very bold agenda that’s really setting the terms of the debate for the country, quite frankly.”

    *  *  *

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    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 18:05

  • Watch: Biden Press Secretary Claims Illegal Immigration DOWN By 90%
    Watch: Biden Press Secretary Claims Illegal Immigration DOWN By 90%

    White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed on Monday that illegal immigration has dropped 92% under the Biden administration.

    “When it comes to illegal migration, you have seen it come down by more than 90%, and that’s because of the actions that this president has taken,” she said.


    According to US Customs and Border Protection, over 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed the US border since Biden took office, not to mention around 1.2 million ‘gotaways’ (a figure which is undoubtedly far higher).

    Reactions to Jean-Pierre’s latest steaming pile of lies were, as one would expect:

    And as Summit News notes, Jean-Pierre also spoke about a “horrific act of gun violence” amid a manhunt for an illegal immigrant accused of murdering five of his neighbors. Jean-Pierre, of course, didn’t note that the man was illegal, or that he has been deported multiple times from the United States.

    Instead Jean-Pierre used the case as a way of pushing for increased gun control, stating “the President believes prayers alone are not enough. Congress must act because what makes tragedies like this one all the more heart wrenching is the fact that it is entirely within our power to take these weapons of war off our streets.” –Summit News

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 17:45

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Today’s News 2nd May 2023

  • We Have Met The Enemy
    We Have Met The Enemy

    Authored by James Howard Kunstler via,

    “When we see the few truth-tellers who are the stars of their organizations jettisoned – Tucker Carlson from Fox News, Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone, Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept, James O’Keefe from Project Veritas… we must face the fact that there is an organized conspiracy to suppress truth.” 

    – Paul Craig Roberts

    The weird part the news media isn’t telling you about World War Three is that America’s main enemy in this struggle is… the US Government itself!

    America is looking like that crazy person on the street, punching himself in the head. How else do you explain this epic act of national self-destruction?

    The “Joe Biden” regime is “standing up for our democracy” by trying to silence all and any public speech about what it does in the world and how it treats its own citizens. Meanwhile, the entire scaffold of American life crumbles and you are supposed to not notice it’s happening. The funny part is that the Democratic Party thinks this is an election strategy. The funniest part of the funny part is that we bother holding elections at all.

    You understand, “Joe Biden” is only pretending to run for president again, in the same way that he’s only pretended to be president the past two years. Are we to believe, for instance, that the old zombie has become a fervent Maoist? Or that he follows any known structured political philosophy at all, other than cashing checks from favor-seekers from all  over the world?

    “Joe Biden” is pretending to run — no matter how preposterous it seems — because his handlers know that only a titanic pretense of political strength can stave off the reveal of his family’s awesome criminality and the fall of everyone hitched to that broke-down wagon.

    So much for the funny stuff. Things are getting to the point where we stop laughing. It’s only a question now of how the calamity rolls out. There are so many more parts to our national fiasco and they are all out-of-hand in the most disastrous way.

    The Ukraine Fiasco

    The Ukraine project is a big part. It was prodigiously stupid to provoke a war at Russia’s door-step and the side we backed, the corrupt Zelensky regime, has already lost. You just don’t know it because the American news business is a joke on the American public. It reports nothing honestly.

    Ukraine is the last in a string of hapless military adventures that has exhausted America’s credibility in the world, especially as regards our military superiority. (Think: Russia’s Kinzhal hypersonic missile.) There will be many unexpected consequences of the Ukraine screw-up. One will be the crack-up of NATO, which has only been a false front for American military power.

    Germany couldn’t fight its way out of a duffle bag with what it’s got, and it is supposedly Europe’s leading economic power. The sad truth is that it will stop being any kind of power without the cheap Russian natural gas it was running on, and later this year Germany will be in a panic to try and restore its horribly damaged trade relations with Russia to get that natgas.

    Since NATO’s essential mission is to oppose Russia on everything, that will be the end of NATO. Europe will return to what it has always been: a region of squabbling national interests. Let’s hope Europe does not become again the slaughterhouse it was in the last century.

    You Go Broke in Two Ways

    The failure of the Ukraine project could easily stimulate a collapse in Europe’s banking system, which would instantly spread to America’s banking system as obligations dissolve and payments stop.

    The net effect of all that will be the vanishing of a whole lot of capital, including the money in bank accounts, the money invested in stocks and bonds, the money lodged in pension plans, and the money controlled by insurance companies.

    As I’ve mentioned before — it’s worth repeating — you can go broke two ways: you can have no money, or you can have money that’s worthless. We’ve been steadily following the latter path through the “Joe Biden” years, but we’re close to simply not having money at all. Being broke will get Americans’ attention. And the first place they’ll look is the party in power.

    Multiple scandals have finally caught up to “Joe Biden” and are escaping the formidable suppression apparatus erected by the Deep State’s legal department. Attorney General Merrick Garland himself is now directly implicated in obstruction of justice by an IRS whistleblower.

    Election Interference?

    The allegation is that Mr. Garland interfered in the case against Hunter Biden in the Delaware US attorney’s office and lied about it to Congress. On top of that comes a new allegation, with hard documentary evidence (testimony by former Acting CIA Director Mike Morell), that Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan arranged, as “Biden” campaign officials in 2020, for fifty-one intel officers, including five retired CIA directors, to sign a phony letter denouncing the Hunter laptop as a Russian disinfo project, knowing it to be untrue. A case can be made for that amounting to election interference.

    All that is fairly fresh news. For many months, it’s been known that Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Chair of the House Oversight Committee, has possession of bank records that show more than a hundred instances of the decanting of millions of dollars from foreign lands into various Biden family accounts.

    Doesn’t look good. Looks impeachable. Will DOJ try to stonewall everything? Yeah, probably.

    A Civil War Strategy

    On top of all that, observers are reporting that more than ten thousand illegal immigrants a day will be crossing into the USA from Mexico in the weeks ahead. Alejandro Mayorkas’s Dept. of Homeland Security and Mr. Blinken’s State Department have made arrangements with international NGOs working through the UN, to systematically conduct these immigrants across the border, furnishing them with pre-cooked phony asylum documents.

    This week, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) introduced legislation to allow unrestricted immigration to any person claiming to be LBGTQ. Co-sponsors of the bill include Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. How is any of this a re-election strategy?

    It’s not. If these matters are not adjudicated, it will be a civil war strategy.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 05/02/2023 – 00:00

  • Earthquake Swarms Rattle Southern California
    Earthquake Swarms Rattle Southern California

    An earthquake swarm rattled the Salton Sea region of Southern California and the US-Mexico border over the weekend, with seismic activity reaching up to 4.5 magnitude, as reported by The Sacramento Bee

    US Geological Survey data shows the first quake struck around 12:08 p.m. local time Saturday in Heber near the US-Mexico border, about 60 miles south of the Salton Sea, measuring 4.1 magnitude. There were dozens of tremors reported after the initial shock. 

    Then on Sunday morning, a 4.5 magnitude quake struck 4 miles west-southwest of Niland and just east of the Salton Sea, USGS data showed. Dozens of tremors were reported as well. 

    According to a USGS intensity map, the quakes were felt in Palm Desert, Indio, El Centro, and Mexicali. 

    Last month, a series of earthquakes shook Pacifica in Northern California. Earlier this year, Los Angeles experienced a quake, and Humboldt County was hit in December

    As for the state’s southern region, it remains to be seen whether these swarms signal the potential for larger quakes. 

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 23:40

  • Would The Feds Ban Twitter Under The RESTRICT Act?
    Would The Feds Ban Twitter Under The RESTRICT Act?

    Authored by Ben Weingarten via RealClear Wire,

    Decoupling from Communist China in every strategically significant realm, from the capital markets to defense and pharmaceutical production, and information and communications technology is imperative if we are to counter its hegemonic ambitions and persist as a free and independent nation in something more than name.

    Banning TikTok – a ubiquitous social media platform that masquerades as a proliferator of harmless dance videos while doubling as a likely tool of Chinese Communist Party surveillance and data harvesting, and certain tool of its information warfare, under de facto if not de jure CCP control via Beijing-based parent ByteDance – would logically be part of any such decoupling, and manifestly in the U.S. national interest.

    But arguably the most prominent congressional effort putatively aimed at achieving a ban of TikTok, the bipartisan RESTRICT Act, raises concerns that the cure may be worse than the disease – to the extent it even ameliorates it.

    If past is prologue, key language in the bill hiding in plain sight would seem to legitimize the very heretofore lawless targeting of domestic dissent under which Americans have suffered in recent years – undermining the values and principles the bills’ supporters purport to cherish.

    Under the bill, one could easily see the likes of a Twitter, or any other platform or service out of favor with authorities nuked, or at minimum under existential threat.

    The RESTRICT Act broadly authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to “review and prohibit certain transactions between persons in the United States and foreign adversaries.”

    Among other provisions, it calls on the Secretary to “take action to identify, deter, disrupt, prevent, prohibit, investigate, or otherwise mitigate” any of a number of “undue or unacceptable” national security risks arising from a slew of transactions past or present, including “any acquisition, importation, transfer, installation, dealing in, or use of any information and communications technology product or service” to which entities tied to China or several other countries, or subject to their jurisdiction, have an interest.

    The leading co-sponsors of the RESTRICT Act, Virginia Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat, and South Dakota Senator John Thune, a Republican, frame it as “a holistic, rules-based” effort “narrowly tailored to foreign-adversary companies” that is “more likely to withstand judicial scrutiny” than other proposed bills for combatting TikTok – bills that arose in part because the courts stymied President Donald Trump’s efforts to ban the application using existing executive authorities.

    Some critics, including China hawks, contend that despite the broad authority the bill grants the Commerce Secretary, it may not ultimately lead to a TikTok ban. The bill does not explicitly call for the banning of the application. Nor does it mention it, or any other application, by name – rather listing broad categories of software and hardware that could be probed under the bill, linked to several foreign foes, including among them China.

    Others liken the legislation to the Patriot Act, just for the digital age. This is not meant to be a compliment. They argue that the RESTRICT Act threatens civil liberties – namely free speech – in the name of security by granting the government sweeping powers to crush communication platforms under the guise of ill-defined risks with extensive criminal penalties. The vaguer the language, more pervasive the powers, and fewer the checks and balances, such critics surmise, the riper the opportunity for government to overreach.

    While the bill’s backers may argue otherwise, the fears of those left and right who believe the legislation opens the door to censorious mission creep are well-founded. The danger becomes self-evident when one juxtaposes the roots and results of the mass public-private censorship regime imposed upon Americans in recent years, and the bill’s language.

    Under said censorship regime, America’s national security apparatus and public health authorities, often government-linked and/or funded academic and research “counter-disinformation” organizations, and Big Tech have colluded to suppress dissenting views from prevailing Ruling Class orthodoxy on a plethora of contentious issues under the guise of public safety and health.

    Digital wrongthink generates real world harm,” the regime argues.

    The speech-stiflers have exploited, if not helped fuel a moral panic over mis-, dis-, and mal-information (MDM) – this notwithstanding that such censorious authorities have often proven the most powerful and pervasive propagators of false or misleading information – which they claim threatens American democracy, to justify their actions.

    The moral panic has its roots in claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election that proved at minimum highly overblown – with national security authorities framing the threat as primarily a foreign one, which put them on ostensibly stronger footing when it came to their surveilling, policing and/or out-sourcing of policing of speech on social media platforms.

    The Capitol riot fanned the flames of the moral panic. Authorities claimed that the greatest threat to the homeland now emanated from, effectively, MAGA terrorists, and that it was dangerous MDM on elections that incited them. Such Wrongthink could incite domestic violent extremists to lash out, including at critical infrastructure, compelling a whole-of-society response.

    Authorities, in truth, had already been targeting domestic Wrongthink, particularly on elections, in the run-up to the 2020 presidential contest – operating on the logic that questions about the election process and results represented, or could represent a threat to critical infrastructure including election infrastructure.

    The shift in focus from foreign adversaries to domestic Wrongthinkers, and on an ever-growing array of issues, including under an elastic definition of infrastructure, can be seen in the evolution of the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, a key cog in the censorship regime.

    By the time the COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing, it only made sense that the censorship regime would expand to include policing speech antithetical to whatever authorities believed it imperative for Americans to believe, on matters from the pandemic’s origin, to masking, and vaccine efficacy.

    The Biden administration would codify the combatting of domestic MDM, and countering “the influence and impact of dangerous conspiracy theories” in a bid to enhance “faith in government” and “American democracy” as a strategic imperative by way of its June 2021 National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.

    Bear this background in mind – to say nothing of how government has used the most tortured of legal readings to justify its targeting of Wrongthinkers from ex-presidents, to engaged parents, to the pious, running roughshod over the First Amendment in the process – as we look at the language of the RESTRICT Act.

    The bill empowers authorities to neutralize risks including those stemming from applications that could: have “catastrophic effects on the security or resilience of the critical infrastructure” of the U.S.; “interfer[e] in…the result or reported result of a Federal election;” or pose a risk of “coercive or criminal activities by a foreign adversary that are designed to undermine democratic processes and institutions or steer policy and regulatory decisions in favor of the strategic objectives of a foreign adversary to the detriment of the national security of the United States.”

    Now consider a hypothetical post-RESTRICT Act world.

    Imagine there is a U.S.-based social media platform on which Americans are raising questions about and criticizing the RESTRICT Act. At the same time, foreign adversaries, including the PRC, by way of its mouthpieces, are raising the same objections. Might authorities conclude that the proliferation of such ideas could lead to the bill’s repeal, leaving America open to “catastrophic effects on…critical infrastructure” – as evinced by the adversaries’ similar propaganda, one who seek a return to the infrastructure-threatening status quo?

    Now, imagine that on that same platform, Americans are posting memes instructing people to vote for U.S. presidential candidates by texting fictitious phone numbers, and that hundreds or even several thousand people might be messaging accordingly. Might authorities conclude the platform is being used to “interfer[e] in…the result…of a Federal election?”

    Lastly, imagine Americans are also using this hypothetical platform to raise questions about and criticize America’s continued involvement in the Russo-Ukrainian War. Russian mouthpieces are leveling similar arguments. Russians have been accused of engaging in criminal influence efforts using social media platforms before, including those impacting our politics. Might authorities conclude the platform poses a risk of enabling “criminal activities by a foreign adversary…designed to…steer policy in favor of the strategic objectives of a foreign adversary” by getting Americans to exert political pressure on their leaders to curtail American support for the war?

    “But,” one might ask, “why would such a platform fall under the RESTRICT Act if it’s U.S.-based?

    Well, recall that the bill covers any of a slew of transactions in which a foreign adversary or affiliated entity is involved, or to which it is subject to the jurisdiction, “including through an interest in a contract for the provision of the technology or service” in question.

    Might the company be targeted on grounds, however tenuous, of having taken a small investment from a person or entity who can be linked to an adversary government, or from a larger fund with ties to an adversary government, or for having used a subcontractor otherwise affiliated in some form or fashion with, or operating under the jurisdiction of an adversary government?

    The hypothetical scenario we have conjured up is actually quite real. On Twitter you will find a whole raft of content critical of the RESTRICT Act. On Twitter Douglass Mackey posted the kind of meme described – one for which he was convicted of a federal crime and faces up to 10 years in prison. On Twitter, you will find many critics of U.S. involvement in the Russo-Ukrainian War – a platform that Russians used to allegedly “commit federal crimes while seeking to interfere in the United States political system” during the 2016 election.

    What of Twitter’s ties to foreign adversaries? Well, among the co-investors in Elon Musk’s take private of Twitter is cryptocurrency exchange Binance, a company initially based in China, which put up $500 million in equity. Who knows, perhaps there are other links that could be found between Twitter and China, for example via a contractor or subcontractor with which it works or has worked. And this is to say nothing of Musks’s more significant exposure to China by way of Tesla.

    The Biden administration, which has seemingly had Musk in its sights since he became interested in purchasing Twitter, and certainly post-acquisition and the release of the Twitter Files, reportedly will not be investigating Musk’s Twitter purchase under existing authorities via the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. Might that change under a RESTRICT Act that the White House has championed – this despite its disavowal of the idea that it wishes to decouple from China, and Democrats’ embrace of TikTok as a platform?

    If this scenario sounds far-fetched, you are not being nearly imaginative nor cynical enough in this era of sophistry and illiberalism.

    America should ban TikTok, but the means must not do more damage than the ends do good.

    The prudent and judicious move would be for Congress to take a second look at any of several more tightly-written and straightforward bills aimed squarely at combatting TikTok – that is, if it is really serious about combatting the CCP, rather than granting authorities power-hungry presidents might use to emulate the CCP in silencing domestic opponents.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 23:20

  • Vice Preparing To File For Bankruptcy
    Vice Preparing To File For Bankruptcy

    First BuzzFeed, now Vice: one by one all the woke “media giants” of the new normal are going broke.

    Just two weeks after we reported that BuzzFeed News – which was instrumental in spreading fake news to get us suspended on twitter – was shuttering it not filing for bankruptcy just yet, today the NYT reports that the woke left’s disruptor darling and former “multi-billion media empire” Vice, which once upon a time charmed giants like Disney and Fox into investing hundreds of millions before its stunning crash-landing, is preparing to file for bankruptcy.

    According to the NYT, the filing could come in the coming weeks, according to three people familiar with the matter who weren’t authorized to discuss the potential bankruptcy on the record.

    Vice headquarters in Venice, Calif

    The company has been looking for a buyer, and still might find one, to avoid declaring bankruptcy. More than five companies have expressed interest in acquiring Vice, according to a person briefed on the discussions. The chances of that, however, are growing increasingly slim, said one of the people with knowledge of the potential bankruptcy.

    A Vice bankruptcy filing would be a fitting ending to the tumultuous story of Vice, a new-media Phoenix that rose out of the ashes with its iconoclastic, counterculture facade, then quickly sought to supplant the media establishment before persuading it to invest hundreds of millions of dollars. In 2017, after a funding round from the private-equity firm TPG, Vice was worth $5.7 billion. Around this time, the company realized that for the money to keep flowing, it would need to curb its rebellious ways and quickly turned woke, losing most of its fans in the process.

    As a result, the company is now worth a fraction of the money it managed to squeeze out of existing media giants, and is now facing bankruptcy.

    When Vice files, the company’s largest debtholder, hegde fund Fortress, will likely end up controlling the company. Vice could continue operating normally and run an auction to sell the company over a 45-day period, with Fortress in pole position as the most likely acquirer.

    Unlike Vice’s other investors, which have included Disney and Fox, Fortress holds senior debt, which means it gets paid out first in the event of a sale. Disney and Fox, which have already written down their investments to zero, are getting wiped out.

    “Vice Media Group has been engaged in a comprehensive evaluation of strategic alternatives and planning,” Vice said in a statement on Monday. “The company, its board and stakeholders continue to be focused on finding the best path for the company.”

    Vice began as a punk magazine in Montreal more than two decades ago. Over the years, it blossomed into a global media company with a movie studio, an ad agency, a glossy show on HBO and bureaus in far-flung world capitals. Disney, after investing hundreds of millions in Vice, explored buying the company in 2015 for more than $3 billion.

    The deal never materialized, but the interest from Disney forced a comprehensive culture revolution within Vice, which lost its rebellious appeal and instead scrambled to appeal to woke snowflakes – the group that represents the core decision-making process at Disney – and not surprisingly, it lost virtually all of its readers and viewers in the process.

    After it failed to convince a strategic partner to acquire it, Vice eventually succumbed to a bearish market for digital media companies. The company has been trying for years to turn a profit but has consistently failed to do so, losing money and repeatedly laying off employees.

    Last week, we reported that Vice was closing its Vice World News, a global reporting initiative that covered world conflict and human-rights abuses. The closure of the world news operation was a blow to employees who saw the division’s aggressive coverage as in keeping with Vice’s roots in gonzo journalism, established when co-founder Shane Smith would report from risky destinations like North Korea.

    As it has sought a buyer in recent months, Vice has dealt with turnover in its leadership ranks. Nancy Dubuc, the company’s former chief executive, left this year after nearly five years at the company. Jesse Angelo, the company’s global president of news and entertainment, also left the company.

    Smith founded Vice with Suroosh Alvi and Gavin McInnes in 1994 as a magazine. He sold out his core vision of Vice in the coming years just so he could buy (and then sell) the legendary Beverly Hills Cop mansion for $50 million. In 2008, McInnes left Vice in 2008 and went on to found the Proud Boys. He has yet to sell out.

    News of Vice’s coming bankruptcy reached as far away as El Salvador, whose president Nayib Bukele had a laconic comment.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 23:00

  • 2024 Presidential Candidate Wants To 'Shut Down The FBI,' Replace It
    2024 Presidential Candidate Wants To ‘Shut Down The FBI,’ Replace It

    Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said he would attempt to shut down the FBI and replace it with another entity if he’s elected president.

    Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy speaks at the National Rifle Association annual convention in Indianapolis, Ind., on April 14, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

    During an interview with “Meet the Press” on Sunday, Ramaswamy, a businessman, suggested that he does not want to “defund the FBI” after host Chuck Todd suggested it.

    I didn’t say defund the FBI. I said shut down the FBI and replace it with something new,” said Ramaswamy on Sunday. “I think it’s a new apparatus built from scratch that actually respects the law instead of making it up.”

    “So you’re going to replace the old FBI with a new FBI?” Todd asked in response. “With a new institution built from scratch to carry out federal law enforcement,” Ramaswamy said, “because the existing FBI, the people who work there, have worked there for so long they’ll be getting in their own way.”

    I personally believe someone who’s running to actually run the executive branch of the government, when you have a bureaucracy whose culture becomes so ossified, every once in a while, you need to turn it over,” he told “Meet the Press.” He added: “We need federal law enforcement, but that institution has, in a bipartisan way, become so, I think ossified in its own norms, in its own corruption, that we need to rebuild it from scratch and have something new take its place.”

    When Todd suggested that Ramaswamy wants to “replace the old FBI with a new FBI,” Ramaswamy stated: “The problem is there’s people who have worked there for decades.”

    The FBI headquarters—the J. Edgar Hoover building—in Washington on March 22, 2023. (Richard Moore/The Epoch Times)

    “What I say is, if I’m the U.S. president and I can’t work for the federal government for more than eight years—which I think is a good thing—then none of those bureaucrats reporting in to me should either,” he added. “There’s people who have worked there for decades,” he said.

    Republicans in recent years have become increasingly critical of the FBI, accusing the agency of targeting the political opponents of Democrats while not investigating actual criminals. Former President Donald Trump has perhaps been the chief critic of both the FBI and the Department of Justice and said both agencies have engaged in a longstanding witch hunt to politically wound him.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 22:40

  • Biden "Punishes Responsibility" As New Mortgage Equity Program Begins
    Biden “Punishes Responsibility” As New Mortgage Equity Program Begins

    Starting today, the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s mortgage pricing adjustments will increase fees for borrowers with high credit scores while reducing costs for those with subpar credit scores. This upside-down policy is blatantly socialism, and one can’t help but wonder if anyone in the Biden administration learned anything from the subprime mortgage meltdown that occurred more than a decade ago. 

    As part of the Biden administration’s plan to make housing affordable for everyone (we’ve seen this story before), upfront fees for loans backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be adjusted based on the borrower’s credit score. Borrowers with high credit scores will pay more in fees, while those with lower credit scores will pay less. 

    The Wall Street Journal cited data from Evercore ISI that shows borrowers with credit scores between 720-759 who make around 15-20% down payments will see loan-level pricing adjustment (LLPA) costs rise by .750%. Inversely, under the new adjustments, risky borrowers with a credit score below 639 and who put down only 5% of the value of their home will only have to pay 1.750%, compared with 3.750% under old rules. 

    Backlash over LLPA changes prompted the FHFA to publish a statement last week, calling such concerns “a fundamental misunderstanding.” The Biden administration ensures the new changes are meant to help those with poor credit scores obtain homes amid the worst housing affordability in a generation. 

    According to the FHFA, the new adjustments will redistribute funds to reduce the interest rate costs paid by risky borrowers. This sounds like socializing home buying to us. 

    Even more alarming is data from the American Enterprise Institute found that default rates of Fannie/Freddie owner-occupied 30-year fixed-rate purchase loans acquired in 2006-2007 were between 39.3% and 56.2% for borrowers with credit scores between 620 and 639 and less than 4% down payments. Those with credit scores between 720 and 769 and 20% down payments had default rates between 4.2% and 8.8%. 

    The Biden administration is subsidizing irresponsibility, rewarding failure, and discriminating against people with high credit scores.

    Meanwhile, 27 states revolted against Biden’s mortgage redistribution rule to subsidize risky borrowers…

    Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) blasted Biden.

    “Punishing responsibility—that’s the Biden way,” tweeted Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR).

    “While the changes may not be as bad as some headlines suggest, it still seems illogical to essentially penalize fiscally responsible borrowers in an effort to assist less qualified borrowers,” Federal Savings Bank loan officer Lewis Sogge told us. 

    There’s no logic here, just progressive bureaucrats enacting policies that may ultimately lead to another future crisis. 

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 22:20

  • America's Empire Is Bankrupt
    America’s Empire Is Bankrupt

    Authored by John Michael Greer via, (emphasis ours)

    The dollar is finally being dethroned…

    Let’s start with the basics. Roughly 5% of the human race currently live in the United States of America. That very small fraction of humanity, until quite recently, enjoyed about a third of the world’s energy resources and manufactured products and about a quarter of its raw materials. This didn’t happen because nobody else wanted these things, or because the US manufactured and sold something so enticing that the rest of the world eagerly handed over its wealth in exchange. It happened because, as the dominant nation, the US imposed unbalanced patterns of exchange on the rest of the world, and these funnelled a disproportionate share of the planet’s wealth to itself.

    There’s nothing new about this sort of arrangement. In its day, the British Empire controlled an even larger share of the planet’s wealth, and the Spanish Empire played a comparable role further back. Before then, there were other empires, though limits to transport technologies meant that their reach wasn’t as large. Nor, by the way, was any of this an invention of people with light-coloured skin. Mighty empires flourished in Asia and Africa when the peoples of Europe lived in thatched-roofed mud huts. Empires rise whenever a nation becomes powerful enough to dominate other nations and drain them of wealth. They’ve thrived as far back as records go and they’ll doubtless thrive for as long as human civilisations exist.

    America’s empire came into being in the wake of the collapse of the British Empire, during the fratricidal European wars of the early 20th century. Throughout those bitter years, the role of global hegemon was up for grabs, and by 1930 or so it was pretty clear that Germany, the Soviet Union or the US would end up taking the prize. In the usual way, two contenders joined forces to squeeze out the third, and then the victors went at each other, carving out competing spheres of influence until one collapsed. When the Soviet Union imploded in 1991, the US emerged as the last empire standing.

    Francis Fukuyama insisted in a 1989 essay that having won the top slot, the US was destined to stay there forever. He was, of course, wrong, but then he was a Hegelian and couldn’t help it. (If a follower of Hegel tells you the sky is blue, go look.) The ascendancy of one empire guarantees that other aspirants for the same status will begin sharpening their knives. They’ll get to use them, too, because empires invariably wreck themselves: over time, the economic and social consequences of empire destroy the conditions that make empire possible. That can happen quickly or slowly, depending on the mechanism that each empire uses to extract wealth from its subject nations.

    The mechanism the US used for this latter purpose was ingenious but even more short-term than most. In simple terms, the US imposed a series of arrangements on most other nations that guaranteed the lion’s share of international trade would use US dollars as the medium of exchange, and saw to it that an ever-expanding share of world economic activity required international trade. (That’s what all that gabble about “globalisation” meant in practice.) This allowed the US government to manufacture dollars out of thin air by way of gargantuan budget deficits, so that US interests could use those dollars to buy up vast amounts of the world’s wealth. Since the excess dollars got scooped up by overseas central banks and business firms, which needed them for their own foreign trade, inflation stayed under control while the wealthy classes in the US profited mightily.

    The problem with this scheme is the same difficulty faced by all Ponzi schemes, which is that, sooner or later, you run out of suckers to draw in. This happened not long after the turn of the millennium, and along with other factors — notably the peaking of global conventional petroleum production — it led to the financial crisis of 2008-2010. Since 2010 the US has been lurching from one crisis to another. This is not accidental. The wealth pump that kept the US at the top of the global pyramid has been sputtering as a growing number of nations have found ways to keep a larger share of their own wealth by expanding their domestic markets and raising the kind of trade barriers the US used before 1945 to build its own economy.

    The one question left is how soon the pump will start to fail altogether.

    When Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the US and its allies responded not with military force but with punitive economic sanctions, which were expected to cripple the Russian economy and force Russia to its knees. Apparently, nobody in Washington considered the possibility that other nations with an interest in undercutting the US empire might have something to say about that. Of course, that’s what happened. China, which has the largest economy on Earth in purchasing-power terms, extended a middle finger in the direction of Washington and upped its imports of Russian oil, gas, grain and other products. So did India, currently the third-largest economy on Earth in the same terms; as did more than 100 other countries.

    Then there’s Iran, which most Americans are impressively stupid about. Iran is the 17th largest nation in the world, more than twice the size of Texas and even more richly stocked with oil and natural gas. It’s also a booming industrial power. It has a thriving automobile industry, for example, and builds and launches its own orbital satellites. It’s been dealing with severe US sanctions since not long after the Shah fell in 1978, so it’s a safe bet that the Iranian government and industrial sector know every imaginable trick for getting around those sanctions.

    Right after the start of the Ukraine war, Russia and Iran suddenly started inking trade deals to Iran’s great benefit. Clearly, one part of the quid pro quo was that the Iranians passed on their hard-earned knowledge about how to dodge sanctions to an attentive audience of Russian officials. With a little help from China, India and most of the rest of humanity, the total failure of the sanctions followed in short order. Today, the sanctions are hurting the US and Europe, not Russia, but the US leadership has wedged itself into a position from which it can’t back down. This may go a long way towards explaining why the Russian campaign in Ukraine has been so leisurely. The Russians have no reason to hurry. They know that time is not on the side of the US.

    For many decades now, the threat of being cut out of international trade by US sanctions was the big stick Washington used to threaten unruly nations that weren’t small enough for a US invasion or fragile enough for a CIA-backed regime-change operation. Over the last year, that big stick turned out to be made of balsa wood and snapped off in Joe Biden’s hand. As a result, all over the world, nations that thought they had no choice but to use dollars in their foreign trade are switching over to their own currencies, or to the currencies of rising powers. The US dollar’s day as the global medium of exchange is thus ending.

    It’s been interesting to watch economic pundits reacting to this. As you might expect, quite a few of them simply deny that it’s happening — after all, economic statistics from previous years don’t show it yet, Some others have pointed out that no other currency is ready to take on the dollar’s role; this is true, but irrelevant. When the British pound lost a similar role in the early years of the Great Depression, no other currency was ready to take on its role either. It wasn’t until 1970 or so that the US dollar finished settling into place as the currency of global trade. In the interval, international trade lurched along awkwardly using whatever currencies or commodity swaps the trading partners could settle on: that is to say, the same situation that’s taking shape around us in the free-for-all of global trade that will define the post-dollar era.

    One of the interesting consequences of the shift now under way is a reversion to the mean of global wealth distribution. Until the era of European global empire, the economic heart of the world was in east and south Asia. India and China were the richest countries on the planet, and a glittering necklace of other wealthy states from Iran to Japan filled in the picture. To this day, most of the human population is found in the same part of the world. The great age of European conquest temporarily diverted much of that wealth to Europe, impoverishing Asia in the process. That condition began to break down with the collapse of European colonial empires in the decade following the Second World War, but some of the same arrangements were propped up by the US thereafter. Now those are coming apart, and Asia is rising. By next year, four of the five largest economies on the planet in terms of purchasing power parity will be Asian. The fifth is the US, and it may not be in that list for much longer.

    In short, America is bankrupt. Our governments from the federal level down, our big corporations and a very large number of our well-off citizens have run up gargantuan debts, which can only be serviced given direct or indirect access to the flows of unearned wealth the US extracted from the rest of the planet. Those debts cannot be paid off, and many of them can’t even be serviced for much longer. The only options are defaulting on them or inflating them out of existence, and in either case, arrangements based on familiar levels of expenditure will no longer be possible. Since the arrangements in question include most of what counts as an ordinary lifestyle in today’s US, the impact of their dissolution will be severe.

    In effect, the 5% of us in this country are going to have to go back to living the way we did before 1945. If we still had the factories, the trained workforce, the abundant natural resources and the thrifty habits we had back then, that would have been a wrenching transition but not a debacle. The difficulty, of course, is that we don’t have those things anymore. The factories were shut down in the offshoring craze of the Seventies and Eighties, when the imperial economy slammed into overdrive, and the trained workforce was handed over to malign neglect.

    We’ve still got some of the natural resources, but nothing like what we once had. The thrifty habits? Those went whistling down the wind a long time ago. In the late stages of an empire, exploiting flows of unearned wealth from abroad is far more profitable than trying to produce wealth at home, and most people direct their efforts accordingly. That’s how you end up with the typical late-imperial economy, with a governing class that flaunts fantastic levels of paper wealth, a parasite class of hangers-on that thrive by catering to the very rich or staffing the baroque bureaucratic systems that permeate public and private life, and the vast majority of the population impoverished, sullen, and unwilling to lift a finger to save their soi-disant betters from the consequences of their own actions.

    The good news is that there’s a solution to all this. The bad news is that it’s going to take a couple of decades of serious turmoil to get there. The solution is that the US economy will retool itself to produce earned wealth in the form of real goods and non-financial services. That’ll happen inevitably as the flows of unearned wealth falter, foreign goods become unaffordable to most Americans, and it becomes profitable to produce things here in the US again. The difficulty, of course, is that most of a century of economic and political choices meant to support our former imperial project are going to have to be undone.

    The most obvious example? The metastatic bloat of government, corporate and non-profit managerial jobs in American life. That’s a sensible move in an age of empire, as it funnels money into the consumer economy, which provides what jobs exist for the impoverished classes. Public and private offices alike teem with legions of office workers whose labour contributes nothing to national prosperity but whose pay cheques prop up the consumer sector. That bubble is already losing air. It’s indicative that Elon Musk, after his takeover of Twitter, fired some 80% of that company’s staff; other huge internet combines are pruning their workforce in the same way, though not yet to the same degree.

    The recent hullaballoo about artificial intelligence is helping to amplify the same trend. Behind the chatbots are programs called large language models (LLMs), which are very good at imitating the more predictable uses of human language. A very large number of office jobs these days spend most of their time producing texts that fall into that category: contracts, legal briefs, press releases, media stories and so on. Those jobs are going away. Computer coding is even more amenable to LLM production, so you can kiss a great many software jobs goodbye as well. Any other form of economic activity that involves assembling predictable sequences of symbols is facing the same crunch. A recent paper by Goldman Sachs estimates that something like 300 million jobs across the industrial world will be wholly or partly replaced by LLMs in the years immediately ahead.

    Another technology with similar results is CGI image creation. Levi’s announced not long ago that all its future catalogues and advertising will use CGI images instead of highly-paid models and photographers. Expect the same thing to spread generally. Oh, and Hollywood’s next. We’re not too far from the point at which a program can harvest all the footage of Marilyn Monroe from her films, and use that to generate new Marilyn Monroe movies for a tiny fraction of what it costs to hire living actors, camera crews and the rest. The result will be a drastic decrease in high-paying jobs across a broad swathe of the economy.

    The outcome of all this? Well, one lot of pundits will insist at the top of their lungs that nothing will change in any way that matters, and another lot will start shrieking that the apocalypse is upon us.

    Those are the only two options our collective imagination can process these days. Of course, neither of those things will actually happen.

    What will happen instead is that the middle and upper-middle classes in the US, and in many other countries, will face the same kind of slow demolition that swept over the working classes of those same countries in the late 20th century. Layoffs, corporate bankruptcies, declining salaries and benefits, and the latest high-tech version of NO HELP WANTED signs will follow one another at irregular intervals. All the businesses that make money catering to these same classes will lose their incomes as well, a piece at a time. Communities will hollow out the way the factory towns of America’s Rust Belt and the English Midlands did half a century ago, but this time it will be the turn of upscale suburbs and fashionable urban neighbourhoods to collapse as the income streams that supported them disappear.

    This is not going to be a fast process. The US dollar is losing its place as the universal medium of foreign trade, but it will still be used by some countries for years to come. The unravelling of the arrangements that direct unearned wealth to the US will go a little faster, but that will still take time. The collapse of the cubicle class and the gutting of the suburbs will unfold over decades. That’s the way changes of this kind play out.

    As for what people can do in response this late in the game, I refer to a post I made on The Archdruid Report in 2012 titled “Collapse Now and Avoid the Rush”. In that post I pointed out that the unravelling of the American economy, and the broader project of industrial civilisation, was picking up speed around us, and those who wanted to get ready for it needed to start preparing soon by cutting their expenses, getting out of debt, and picking up the skills needed to produce goods and services for people rather than the corporate machine. I’m glad to say that some people did these things, but a great many others rolled their eyes, or made earnest resolutions to do something as soon as things were more convenient, which they never were.

    Over the years that followed I repeated that warning and then moved on to other themes, since there really wasn’t much point to harping on about the approaching mess when the time to act had slipped away. Those who made preparations in time will weather the approaching mess as well as anyone can. Those who didn’t? The rush is here. I’m sorry to say that whatever you try, it’s likely that there’ll be plenty of other frantic people trying to do the same thing. You might still get lucky, but it’s going to be a hard row to hoe.

    Mind you, I expect some people to take a different tack. In the months before a prediction of mine comes true, I reliably field a flurry of comments insisting that I’m too rigid and dogmatic in my views about the future, that I need to be more open-minded about alternative possibilities, that wonderful futures are still in reach, and so on. I got that in 2008 just before the real estate bubble started to go bust, as I’d predicted, and I also got it in 2010 just before the price of oil peaked and started to slide, as I’d also predicted, taking the peak oil movement with it. I’ve started to field the same sort of criticism once again.

    We are dancing on the brink of a long slippery slope into an unwelcome new reality. I’d encourage readers in America and its close allies to brace themselves for a couple of decades of wrenching economic, social, and political turmoil. Those elsewhere will have an easier time of it, but it’s still going to be a wild ride before the rubble stops bouncing, and new social, economic, and political arrangements get patched together out of the wreckage.

    *  *  *

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    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 22:00

  • IBM To Stop Hiring For Roles That Can Be Replaced By AI; Nearly 8,000 Workers To Be Replaced By Automation
    IBM To Stop Hiring For Roles That Can Be Replaced By AI; Nearly 8,000 Workers To Be Replaced By Automation

    One month ago, to much dismay and widespread denial, Goldman predicted that AI could lead to some 300 million layoffs among highly paid, non-menial workers in the US and Europe. As Goldman chief economist Jan Hatzius put it, “using data on occupational tasks in both the US and Europe, we find that roughly two-thirds of current jobs are exposed to some degree of AI automation, and that generative AI could substitute up to one-fourth of current work. Extrapolating our estimates globally suggests that generative AI could expose the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs to automation” as up to “two thirds of occupations could be partially automated by AI.”

    Yet while Goldman’s forecast was met with a emotions ranging from incredulity to outright mockery, it may not have been too far off the mark.

    Consider that just last week, Dropbox said it would lay off 16% of the company, some 500 employees as the company sought to build out its AI division.  In a memo to employees, Dropbox CEO Drew Houston said that “in an ideal world, we’d simply shift people from one team to another. And we’ve done that wherever possible. However, our next stage of growth requires a different mix of skill sets, particularly in AI and early-stage product development. We’ve been bringing in great talent in these areas over the last couple years and we’ll need even more.”

    The changes we’re announcing today, while painful, are necessary for our future,” Houston notes. “I’m determined to ensure that Dropbox is at the forefront of the AI era, just as we were at the forefront of the shift to mobile and the cloud. We’ll need all hands on deck as machine intelligence gives us the tools to reimagine our existing businesses and invent new ones.”

    But while Dropbox’s layoffs were lateral, and meant to open up space for more AI linked hires, in the case of IBM, it is AI itself that is making workers redundant.

    As Bloomberg reports, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna said the company expects to pause hiring for roles it thinks could be replaced with artificial intelligence in the coming years. As a result, hiring in back-office functions — such as human resources — will be suspended or slowed, Krishna said in an interview. These non-customer-facing roles amount to roughly 26,000 workers, Krishna said. “I could easily see 30% of that getting replaced by AI and automation over a five-year period.” That would mean roughly 7,800 jobs lost.

    Part of any reduction would include not replacing roles vacated by attrition, an IBM spokesperson said.

    Krishna’s plan marks one of the largest workforce strategies announced in response to the rapidly advancing technology; it certainly won’t be the last as virtually all companies follow in IBM’s footsteps and layoffs tens if not hundreds of millions of workers in the coming years.

    Mundane tasks such as providing employment verification letters or moving employees between departments will likely be fully automated, Krishna said. And while some HR functions, such as evaluating workforce composition and productivity, probably won’t be replaced over the next decade, it is only a matter of time before these roles are also replaced by AI.

    IBM currently employs about 260,000 workers and continues to hire for software development and customer-facing roles. Finding talent is easier today than a year ago, Krishna said. The company announced job cuts earlier this year, which may amount to about 5,000 workers once completed. Still, Krishna said IBM has added to its workforce overall, bringing on about 7,000 people in the first quarter.

    The Armonk, New York-based IBM beat profit estimates in its most recent quarter due to expense management, including the earlier-announced job cuts. In the past IBM had managed to manipulate its stock higher thanks to billions in stock buybacks (at much higher prices). But once its debt load grew too big, the buyback game ended, Warren Buffett sold his shares, and the stock price has languished for over half a decade. And since the company’s revenue is stagnant at best, its only hope is to drastically cut overhead.

    Enter AI: new “productivity and efficiency” steps – read replacing workers with algos – are expected to drive $2 billion a year in savings by the end of 2024, Chief Financial Officer James Kavanaugh said on the day of earnings.

    Helping the company’s imminent transition to an AI-staffed corporation will be the coming recession. Until late 2022, Krishna said he believed the US could avoid a recession. Now, he sees the potential for a “shallow and short” recession toward the end of this year, although it remains unclear just how once can determine that a recession will be “shallow and short”.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 21:40

  • Colorado: 27 Democrats Vote Against Making Flashing Kids A Felony
    Colorado: 27 Democrats Vote Against Making Flashing Kids A Felony

    Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

    More than two dozen Democrats in the state of Colorado have voted against legislation that would make it a felony for anyone to indecently expose themselves to children, reasoning that it could lead to the banning of drag shows.

    Currently, in Colorado it is only considered a class 1 misdemeanor if a person indecently exposes themselves in the view of a child, if it is the first offence.

    Speaking about the legislation to make it a class 6 felony, one of the Democratic Representatives, Leslie Herod said, “These types of laws have been used to ban drag shows, to target individuals who use the restroom of the sex that they identify with—a public restroom—to charge them with felony charges.”

    “I am very concerned about the attacks against the transgender community that are happening across the country,” she added.

    First of all, what attacks?

    Secondly, this has nothing to do with transgenders, it’s a bill to make flashing at kids a felony.

    Despite the Democratic opposition, the bill reportedly did pass on Saturday, but with amendments to not apply the law if the exposure is in a public place with other adults present.

    It’s still ok for drag queens to get their junk out in front of kids then.

    Drag Queen Flashes Children During Story Hour*  *  *

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    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 21:20

  • Prepare For "Major Accidents" In The Market; Morose Milken-ites Warn "We're Going To See Losses"
    Prepare For “Major Accidents” In The Market; Morose Milken-ites Warn “We’re Going To See Losses”

    Bad loans, worse banks, but “it’s not nearly as bad as it was in 2008” if you believe Charlie Munger.

    Having admitted over the weekend in an interview with The FT that American banks are “full of” what he said were “bad loans”, thanks to the plunge in commercial property prices, the 99-year-old warned ominously that “trouble happens to banking just like trouble happens everywhere else. In the good times you get into bad habits… When bad times come they lose too much.”

    Quite notably, while the Biden administration is deftly attempting to paint SVB, SI, and now FRC as “outliers” and “unique”, the latter is far from ‘unique’ and that is a problem as Munger later noted that “it’s not that damned easy to run a bank intelligently, there are a lot of temptations to do the wrong thing.”

    More specifically, their loan books are now plagued with CRE loans (a topic we warned about extensively – before the mainstream media picked up the torch).

    “A lot of real estate isn’t so good any more,” Munger said.

    “We have a lot of troubled office buildings, a lot of troubled shopping centres, a lot of troubled other properties. There’s a lot of agony out there.”

    And while the grumpy old man has slammed bitcoin (we don’t blame him for not understanding that), he is certainly far more versed in the details of commercial property loans and banking, which is why we take him seriously and at today’s Milken Conference, Munger’s message was echoed loud and clear by investment leaders from Apollo’s Marc Rowan to Cain’s Jonathan Goldstein and Citi CEO Jane Fraser.

    “It’s a bad day to be an office owner in San Francisco and Chicago,” Marc Rowan, co-founder and chief executive officer of Apollo, said Monday.

    “We are going to see losses,” he said, adding that the stresses will be concentrated and not systemic.

    “Every piece of real estate, everywhere in the world, that was purchased pre-the run up in interest rates, as a result of the change in interest rates, is now worth less,” Rowan continued.

    “It does not mean it won’t come back. It does not mean it won’t ultimately be a good investment, but in the short term, we have significant dislocation.”

    David Steinbach, global chief investment officer at real estate investment firm Hines, said Monday during one panel that commodity office buildings – older office buildings that lack amenities – would face particular pain, with Amherst CEO Sean Dobson pointing to office towers in central business districts as a particular rough spot for the industry.

    “I do think we’ve got a period of pain and I don’t think we’ve yet reached the bottom of that,” Cain’s Goldstein said.

    “But there will be opportunity that comes out when people do begin to sense that the bottom’s been reached.”

    As Bloomberg reports, Fraser said she’s most worried about real estate with debt that’s been packaged into lower-rated commercial mortgage-backed securities.

    “It’s the return-to-office phenomenon that’s driving it,” Fraser said Monday during a panel discussion at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California.

    “We’re not talking about the local doctors’ office, we’re not talking about all of the office space either.”

    Finally, TCW Group President and CEO Katie Koch warned that cracks are starting to show in the private credit market and that investors should prepare for “major accidents” in the red-hot sector over the next 12 to 18 months. 

    “We have had five years where ‘diligent light’ became a term,” Koch said.

    “That is not going to be fun over the next five years if you arrived at it from that perspective.”

    Koch said investors should be “very underweight” regional banks.

    “The globally systemically important banks are a good place to be invested,” Koch said.

    “Regional banks is an area we are concerned about because of deposit flight, and also they have the highest exposure to commercial real estate, which is an area we are concerned about.”

    Marc Cowan had perhaps the most important comment though for ‘average joe’ and his 401(k), warning that “equity has adjusted somewhat, but not nearly as much as credit.”

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 21:00

  • Joe Biden Is Losing Young Climate Voters
    Joe Biden Is Losing Young Climate Voters

    Authored by Rick Whitbeck via RealClear Wire,

    Now that President Biden has made his 2024 run official, he has plenty of work to do if he hopes to shore up his lagging support among key constituencies. According to a recent NBC News survey, a full 70 percent of Americans do not want the President to run again. One demographic to watch is younger voters, who backed Biden by a wide 61-36 margin in 2020. 

    Younger Americans are exceptionally aggressive and vocal on climate policies. Nearly two-thirds (62%), support phasing out fossil fuels entirely, said Alec Tyson, an associate director of research at Pew Research Center.  According to a recent Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics poll, an amazing half of those polled prefer the government do more to curb climate change, even if U.S. economic growth is damaged in the process.

    As friendly as Biden has been to the eco-left, and outright hostile to our domestic, traditional energy industries, he is still facing backlash from these eco-centric voters over three recent decisions dealing with energy development. As always, my state of Alaska is at the epicenter. 

    First, the President – through the Department of Interior – approved Alaska’s Willow oil and gas development project last month. His decision elicited a collective groan of disgust and disapproval from the environmental movement.  They’d dedicated years opposing the project, and spent the weeks ahead of the final decision bombarding social media, protesting outside of the White House and using their extensive, inside access to stop Willow from progressing.  

    Afterward, they vented.

    Biden approved [Willow] knowing full well that it’ll cause massive and irreversible destruction, which is just appalling, particularly coming from an administration who has pledged to address the climate crisis, has pledged to address environmental injustice, has pledged to address the extinction crisis,” said Kristen Monsell, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, who, along with other activist organizations, promptly took legal action to oppose the decision.

    Next, Biden greenlit the export plan for Alaska Gasline Development Corp’s goal to build an 800-mile pipeline to bring trillions of cubic feet of gas from the North Slope to homes, businesses and eventually a tidewater port for export to Asia and other Pacific Rim countries.  Having previously been held up under the guise of environmental and Indigenous justice reviews, the approval on April 14 gave a significant boost to the $43 billion project.  

    Environmentalists went apoplectic. “Joe Biden’s climate presidency is flying off the rails,” said Lukas Ross of Friends of the Earth. Ross pointed out this was the second U.S. approval of a “fossil-fuel mega-project” in as many months.  

    Finally, the tipping point for climate activists may have come on April 21, when Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm penned a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), asking to “expeditiously” approve regulatory authorizations for the Mountain Valley Pipeline in West Virginia. Granholm noted the gas pipeline can “play an important role as part of the clean energy transition”.

    Once again, green activists hit the roof, including former National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) attorney and current Congressman Jared Huffman (D-CA), who stated bluntly, “She (Granholm) sounds like a cheerleader for the fossil fuel industry; it’s really quite pathetic.”

    The same groups who previously cheered when the Green New Deal was introduced, celebrated when the Keystone Pipeline was shuttered and nearly danced in the streets when copper mines in Alaska and Minnesota were ruled off-limits to development are now blasting Biden for losing his way on what they see as an ‘existential threat’ to their survival, and turning his back on mankind.

    The group Gen-Z for Change recently put out a statement that clearly spells out the position of many young voters. “There is no deeper form of betrayal than watching a president who has claimed to value the voices of youth…blatantly disregard one of our generations’ largest and clearest movements.”  Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) was even more blunt: ”Young people are plugged in and more informed than they have ever been about climate change,” he said. ”Now they’re feeling stabbed in the back.” If Mr. Biden doesn’t reverse course, ”young people stay home in 2024, that’s the consequences.” 

    Make no mistake: Biden is a dedicated disciple to the green cult. If given another four years, he will take steps toward fulfilling his promise to “end fossil fuel.” The next 17 months will determine whether Joe Biden will turn 86 in 2028 as a two-term President or defeated, one-term leader.  Ironically, voters much younger will make or break his fate, and they see the world through a very green lens. Right now, they’re seeing red, and that spells trouble for Team Biden.

    Rick Whitbeck is the Alaska State Director for Power The Future, a national nonprofit organization that advocates for American energy jobs and opportunities. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @PTFAlaska.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 20:40

  • Greenwald: Ukraine's Conscript Army Being Used By West As "Cannon Fodder"
    Greenwald: Ukraine’s Conscript Army Being Used By West As “Cannon Fodder”

    Journalist Glenn Greenwald issued some blunt and apt statements on the nature of the Ukraine war and Washington’s constant stoking of conflict, as opposed to US officials exploring serious avenues for peace. Below is his epic Twitter thread Monday in response to once again being accused of supposedly “aping” pro-Kremlin talking points [emphasis ours]

    No, the biggest victims of the war in Ukraine are the tens of thousands of Ukrainian men forced against their will as conscripts to serve as cannon fodder so that empty and weak Western losers like you can feel a sense of purpose and strength as you cheer from a safe distance.

    Whenever it comes to wars people get to cheer without fighting in them — call it the Bill Kristol Syndrome — you can never underestimate the ample psychological benefits they get from feeling strong and tough but never getting near the fight.

    Adam Smith [in The Wealth of Nations] warned of it in 1776:

    For those who love to cheer the war in Ukraine but seem to have no idea what it’s actually about, here’s just the latest instance in which Zelensky had to increase punishments for desertion because of how unwilling much of the conscript army is to fight:

    Zelensky knew there were way too few Ukrainian men willing to fight the Russian Army. That’s why he begged Westerners who “support Ukraine” to come help fight Russia.

    But so few did, so they closed the border and used unwilling conscripts

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 20:20

  • Kansas Becomes 1st State To Pass Law Defining Gender As A Person’s Sex At Birth
    Kansas Becomes 1st State To Pass Law Defining Gender As A Person’s Sex At Birth

    Authored by Alice Giordano via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Kansas has become the first state to adopt a definition of gender with the passage of legislation that keeps men, no matter what gender they identify as, out of women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, and other intimate spaces.

    It also separates inmates and restricts participation in sports according to one’s sex at birth.

    The move came late in the afternoon of April 27, when the state Legislature voted to override Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto of S.B. 180, which became known as the “Women’s Bill of Rights.”

    Under it, a female is defined as “an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova.” A male is defined as “an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female.”

    It also defines gender words calling for “woman” and “girl” to be used to refer to human females and “man” and “boy” to refer to human males. It defines “mother” as a parent of the female sex and “father” as a parent of the male sex.

    The override comes a little more than a week after Kelly vetoed the bill on April 20, after it was passed by a two-to-one margin between Republicans and Democrats in both the House and Senate.

    Kelly said she vetoed the legislation because she was concerned it would open the state up to costly discrimination lawsuits, cause a loss of federal funding, and hurt the Sunflower State’s economy.

    The bill garnered support from a range of groups, including one staunchly pro-choice women’s rights group.

    “Victory!” wrote the Women’s Liberation Front (WOLF) on Twitter, upon news of the veto override.

    The national women’s rights organization, which helped craft the legislation, wrote on its website, “This bill takes procedural steps to write into law common sense definitions that ensure the meaning of words like ‘woman’ and ‘mother’ aren’t corrupted by unelected bureaucrats intent on pushing gender ideology.”

    The group stated that members sent more than 600 messages to Kansas lawmakers in support of the bill.

    Opposition Forces

    The legislation also had plenty of opposition, with critics calling it anti-trans and reminiscent of racial segregation in the 1960s.

    “It’s the same sayings,” state Rep. John Alcala (D-Topeka) said at a public hearing on the bill. “I don’t want you in my bathroom. I don’t want you drinking out of my water fountain. I don’t want you over at my house. I don’t want my kid hanging out with you.”

    Beth Oller, a physician who testified against the bill, said the title was inappropriate and violated women’s rights. “This is [in] no way a women’s bill of rights. The bill does the opposite of protecting women; it causes harm.”

    Oller said that medical doctors “for decades have agreed that there is no sufficient way to define what makes a woman.”

    Gender is not binary but is a spectrum of biological, mental, and emotional traits that exist along a continuum,” she said. “Intersex people exist.”

    The bill does include a provision that recognizes intersexual individuals. “Individuals born with a medically verifiable diagnosis of disorder/differences in sex development are to be provided available federal and state legal protections,” the legislation states.

    Opposition to SB 180 also came from the Kansas School Superintendents’ Association, the United School Administrators of Kansas, and Kansas Legal Services.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 20:00

  • 6 Dead, Dozens Injured After Blinding Illinois Dust Storm Caused 90-Vehicle Pileup
    6 Dead, Dozens Injured After Blinding Illinois Dust Storm Caused 90-Vehicle Pileup

    Six people have died and more than 30 injured in a 90-vehicle pileup on Interstate 55 in Illinois that was blamed on a blinding dust storm. 

    “The cause of the crash is due to excessive winds blowing dirt from farm fields across the highway leading to zero visibility,” Illinois State Police Maj. Ryan Starrick told NBC News

    S​tarrick said the stretch of the interstate would be closed until tomorrow because of the high number of crashed vehicles and casualties.

    N​athan Cormier was driving on the interstate and described what he saw to The Weather Channel:

    “I saw the smoke cloud from a distance and I’ve driven through them before, you know, you put your hazards on, go slow … And I moved to the left lane to get away out from behind a semi. And that’s when I came across everything else stopped in the road.”

    Cormier described the scene as a “dust bowl.”

    Starrick said dust storms similar to this one sometimes occur across Illinois during the planting season. 

    A total of ten helicopters were requested, with four on the scene. First responders requested 37 ambulances. 

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 19:40

  • US Says It Will Defend Philippine Boats Against Chinese Threats
    US Says It Will Defend Philippine Boats Against Chinese Threats

    Authored by Dave DeCamp via,

    The State Department has reaffirmed that an attack on a Philippine vessel in the South China Sea will invoke the US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty following a near miss between Chinese and Philippine coast guard vessels in the disputed waters.

    The stand-off took place on April 23 when Manila says a larger Chinese ship blocked a Philippine patrol vessel after warning it to leave the area near Second Thomas Shoal, a Philippine-controlled reef in the Spratly Islands also claimed by China, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

    Image via Philippine Coast Guard/AP

    The incident received a lot of publicity as the Philippine coast guard had journalists onboard during the patrol, including reporters from The Associated Press. According to AP, the Chinese ship came within 120 to 150 feet of the Philippine vessel, which had to reverse its engines to avoid a collision.

    For their part, Beijing blamed the Philippine vessel for the incident and said Manila staged the near collision for the press. “

    “It needs to be stressed that the Philippine vessels intruded into the waters with press staff on board. This makes it clear that it was a premeditated provocation designed to initiate friction, blame it on China and hype up the incident,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said.

    The State Department issued a statement that said the US “stands with The Philippines in the face of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Coast Guard’s continued infringement upon freedom of navigation in the South China Sea.”

    The statement went on to vow that the US was willing to go to war with China if a Philippine vessel came under attack.

    “The United States stands with our Philippine allies in upholding the rules-based international maritime order and reaffirms that an armed attack in the Pacific, which includes the South China Sea, on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft, including those of the Coast Guard, would invoke US mutual defense commitments under Article IV of the 1951 US Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty,” the statement said.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 19:20

  • Woke Bar Loses Customers Defending Bud Light Transgender Ad Campaign
    Woke Bar Loses Customers Defending Bud Light Transgender Ad Campaign

    A dive bar in southern Indiana is begging for more customers after defending Bud Light and booting anyone being ‘intolerant’ following Anheuser-Busch’s partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvnaey.

    The beer maker has received enormous backlash since the “365 Days of Girlhood” ad campaign featuring custom-made cans featuring Mulvaney’s face. In response, millions of Americans have boycotted Bud Light and other Anheuser-Busch brands.

    The Fairfax Bar & Grill in Bloomington, Indiana, however, is now hurting for customers after it hypocritically declared that it supports free speech – except for anyone who criticizes Anheuser-Busch or Bud Light.

    “We are tired of all of the hate. We are very open to debate and discussion and it’s truly a shame that we can’t have open conversations about this important political and cultural topic. Bars, in our opinion, exist as public spaces where ideas should be exchanged,” the establishment wrote on Facebook. “Unfortunately due to all of the bigotry and hatred that has surfaced around the Bud Light controversy any patron wanting to voice their concerns about the issue will be immediately asked to pay their bill and leave our establishment.”

    The post was featured next to an image of a statement claiming the Bar & Grill welcomes “ALL people,” except those who are “intolerant.”

    “We are all aware of the controversy surrounding Bud Light. We support ALL people in this establishment no matter who you are of how you identify. We will continue to sell Anheiser [sic] Busch products because we don’t care who they make special cans for,” reads the statement. “If you are intolerant of other humans of any kind, we ask that you keep your opinions to yourself. Should you feel the need to discuss this matter in public you will be asked to leave. We will not tolerate intolerance here.”

    Bar owner McKinley Minniefield told WISHTV: “We were just dealing with a lot of hate speech, and people being uncomfortable. My bartenders were aggravated and we had customers that were leaving.”

    “We’re a local dive bar in southern Indiana, there’s a lot of ideas that tossed around here, but I’ve never dealt with anything recently that was so overtly hateful.”

    As Fox News notes, however, on Wednesday the bar’s Facebook page posted a follow-up statement to the backlash.

    “While the response here has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive, it’s time to reiterate why we took a stand against hate speech. In the last two weeks since sharing a post stating that we will not tolerate intolerance, our social media has been flooded with blatantly transphobic, homophobic and racist comments,” adding “We are all inclusive and welcome all kindhearted customers. After making that post, the comments on every post since include hate speech saying that transgender people are mentally ill, biological women are being erased, and showing a plethora of disgusting memes.”

    “Hate speech has no place at The Fairfax,” the statement continues, before admitting that they’re hurting for customers.

    “Thank you to all of you for supporting our establishment. With the departure of some of our regulars, we have needed new clientele, and you have answered. I’m not gonna lie, we still need more of you right now,” reads the page. “Please continue to consider supporting us. It’s gonna be a great year of friendship, food, drinks and live music!”

    As Jonathan Turley notes,

    According to his policy, “playing nice” means not voicing an opposing view on this controversy. Yet, being tossed out of the bar is not considered censoring an opinion.

    Notably, the ban is not on those who are shouting or engaging in disruptive conduct. It is anyone who “voices their concerns” about the transgender campaign.

    Clearly, the bar has a free speech right to set such standards. Heck, we just discussed a bar that faced a boycott from the left over showing a Harry Potter game. It solved the problem with a cringing apology and promising to ban any Harry Potter images. This is not a denial of the right of the bar owner to impose his own views on patrons, but a criticism in how that right is being exercised.

    Notably, many of the same people defended the right of players to kneel during the national anthem as an exercise of free speech. Yet, some support this bar tossing out those who express opposing views on the Bud Light controversy. What is maddening is for Minniefield and the bar to do so in the name of free speech.

    All businesses and sites face tough choices in what to remove in terms of speech. Many blogs and newspapers like The Hill have now eliminated comment sections because it is too much work to monitor and make these decisions. On this blog, we use a WordPress system to remove profanity. We also remove a narrow range of threatening, doxing, or offensive content. However, we tend to allow a far greater range of speech than most sites, including speech that we find personally offensive and wrong.

    The line drawing can be challenging. For example, most would agree that someone using racist or anti-Semitic attacks in reference to another patron should be asked to leave. However, it would be more problematic to toss out someone who is making a comment that is deemed inherently racist or intolerant. Such judgment can be highly subjective and biased.

    In this case, the use of transgender advertising campaigns raises a host of issues for customers. I understand how many view this as an objection to the status of Mulvaney and a denial of her identity. However, there remains a major debate in society over the involvement of corporations to push such social agendas. We have to be able to discuss these issues. Indeed, I can imagine no more appropriate forum for discussing the Bud Light controversy than a bar. If a patron becomes loud and disruptive on either side of that debate, the bar has every reason to issue a warning and, if necessary, ask the patron to leave.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 19:00

  • Hedge Fund CIO: "The US Will Benefit From Existential Competition With China… Provided We Don't Destroy Each Other"
    Hedge Fund CIO: “The US Will Benefit From Existential Competition With China… Provided We Don’t Destroy Each Other”

    By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management

    Survival Of: “Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolutions, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space,” said the President of the United States. “We mean to be a part of it – we mean to lead it. For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding,” continued John F. Kennedy in 1962, the USSR’s Sputnik orbiting overhead, a 184-pound metallic ball, 22 inches in diameter.

    The Fittest: “Behind me stands a wall that encircles the free sectors of this city, part of a vast system of barriers that divides the entire continent of Europe,” said the President of the United States. “Standing before the Brandenburg Gate, every man is a German, separated from his fellow men. Every man is a Berliner, forced to look upon a scar,” continued Ronald Reagan, standing before the Brandenburg Gate in 1987, eighteen years after Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. “As long as this gate is closed, as long as this scar of a wall is permitted to stand, it is not the German question alone that remains open, but the question of freedom for all mankind. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Two years later, the Berlin Wall fell, ending the greatest national competition in human history.

    Monopolies: “Today the House of Representatives has taken an historic step toward continued prosperity in America, reform in China and peace in the world,” said the President of the United States. “If the Senate votes as the House has just done, to extend permanent normal trade relations with China, it will open new doors of trade for America and new hope for change in China,” continued Bill Clinton in 2000, overly confident in the triumph of democracy, capitalism. “Bringing China into the WTO and normalizing trade will strengthen those who fight for the environment, for labor standards, for human rights, for the rule of law. America, of course, will continue to defend our interests, but at this stage in China’s development we will have more positive influence with an outstretched hand than with a clenched fist.”

    Competitors: Nineteen years later, China landed a rover on the dark side of the moon. In 2020 it pioneered quantum-entanglement satellite communication. In 2021, Beijing released its 14th Five-Year-Plan with ambitions to achieve supremacy across exploration/research/technologies essential to national security and development. 1. Artificial Intelligence. 2. Quantum computing. 3. Semiconductors. 4. Brain Science. 5. Genomics and biotechnology. 6. Clinical medicine and health. 7. Deep space, deep earth, deep ocean, and polar research. It also included China’s vision for 2035, when the country seeks/expects to “be among the most innovative nations globally.”

    Communists:At the heart of capitalism is creative destruction.” Joseph Schumpeter brought forward economic principles with piercing logic. Competition is key to progress – firms “strive to survive,” he argued. Excessive policy responses to successive financial crises have derailed that pathway by socializing financial losses, allowing incumbents to deepen competitive moats. The policy narrative is that financial losses risk economic depression, justifying the prioritization of bailouts. Yet, even at low unemployment rates, workers earn a share of the national income seen in the 1950s. Unlike previous inflations, corporate profit margins survived the most recent one due to lack of real competition. Political urgency should be squarely focused on restoring it.

    Metaphors: Life expectancy in America has dropped for a nearly unprecedented second year in a row – down to 76 years. While countries all over the world saw life expectancy rebound during the second year of the pandemic after the arrival of vaccines, the US did not. American children are less likely to live to age 5 than children in other high-income countries. Even Americans who are not obese or do not smoke, appear to have higher disease rates than their peers in other countries. And in 2020, a Pentagon study revealed that 77 percent of young Americans do not qualify for military service without a waiver due to being overweight, drug use, or mental or physical problems. 44 of those 77 failed to qualify for more than one reason.

    * * *

    Anecdote: “You Americans generally do not understand the Chinese,” said the CIO from Asia, visiting us in Connecticut. “And we Chinese generally do not understand Americans,” she continued, a unique thinker, independent, aggressive, blunt. “And this is where I hunt for opportunities, in these kinds of misunderstandings,” she said, our teams brainstorming, looking for ways to work together more closely. “Do you think our countries will have a direct military conflict?” I asked, knowing that no one knows, but interested in how she would respond. “It is not in China’s interest, and it would be economically devastating, so only if there is a miscalculation, an accidental conflict,” she said. “China has too little food to feed 1.4bln people and the US is the world’s largest exporter, so this gives me hope we will avoid a great war,” I said. “China also needs energy, metals, nearly everything,” she added.

    “So here is my base case,” I said, “The US is in desperate need of a worthy competitor, so we need China as badly as China needs us. The EU was designed simply to prevent another devastating war, and if it can accomplish that it will be a minor miracle. We should expect no more from them. Russia is a failed state. India is decades away from mattering. That leaves only China.”

    I graduated college in 1989, the year the Berlin Wall fell, twenty years after Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. With no real competitor to keep the flame alive, great cities like San Francisco are in chronic decline, our politicians are abdicating leadership to the regulators and central bankers, who in turn have short-circuited creative destruction. 77% of our youth are now unfit for military service, and the nation is needlessly divided.

    “I want to see what can be accomplished by two great powers in fierce competition, using today’s technology. Imagine the incredible things we will discover, invent, produce. And perhaps, to be in true competition – the kind that awakens us from this slumber – we need to truly believe this is an existential struggle, even if it need not be. It’s probably necessary, healthy. Provided we don’t destroy each other.” 

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 18:40

  • Kirby Claims Whopping 100,000+ Russian Casualties In Bakhmut Alone
    Kirby Claims Whopping 100,000+ Russian Casualties In Bakhmut Alone

    In a Monday press briefing National Security Council spokesman John Kirby issued a surprisingly high estimate of Russian casualties which he said took place since December fighting in the contested Donetsk city of Bakhmut. 

    He said Russian forces have suffered over 100,000 total casualties – including about 20,000 soldiers killed in combat and another 80,000 wounded.

    Image: AP/Shutterstock

    He explained that these figures were based on “information and intelligence that we were able to corroborate over a period of of some time.”

    While presenting these figures he said that the Russian advance in Donetsk and Luhansk provinces had “failed” – despite most international estimates currently indicating Russia holds 80-90% of Bakhmut at this point. 

    “Most of these efforts have stalled and failed,” Kirby said. “Russia has been unable to seize any real strategically significant territory. “

    “The only area where Russia has made some incremental gains — and I want to focus on the word ‘incremental’ — is Bakhmut,” Kirby acknowledged. “That really holds, as we’ve said before, very little strategic value for Russia. The capture of Bakhmut would absolutely not alter the course of the war in Russia’s favor, and Ukraine’s defenses in the areas surrounding Bakhmut still remain strong.”

    He also said that some half of the 20,000 Russians killed there had been fighting on behalf of Wagner.

    “Folks he [Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin] went knocking around on the doors in prison cells throughout Russia to throw human flesh at this fight,” Kirby said of a months-long recruitment drive by Wagner, controversially focused on Russian prisons.

    But when pressed, the NSC spokesman refused to give casualty numbers for the Ukrainian side. “I’m not ever going to put anything out in the public domain that’s going to make their job harder,” Kirby said. “They are the victims here. Russia is the aggressor.”

    While very clearly Bakhmut has for months been a tragic “meat-grinder” for both sides, the US could be offering this staggering and large Russian casualty count of 100,000 in order to establish a ‘pyrrhic victory’ narrative. Kirby admitted the Russians are winning in Bakhmut, but wants to paint a picture of it losing the overall conflict given the massive cost and sacrifice for Bakhmut. 

    But to keep this figure in perspective, which to most people is going to seem an extremely high estimate (and thus dubious), the total official American casualties in Vietnam were nearly 60,000 killed in action, and over 150,000 wounded – and that was after a decade of war.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 18:20

  • Luongo: Tucker, BlackRock, & The SIFI Two-Step
    Luongo: Tucker, BlackRock, & The SIFI Two-Step

    Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog,

    The big news last week was Tucker Carlson’s unceremonious firing by Fox News. The reasons for Tucker’s firing are still unclear. And even Tucker’s emergence from his man cave on Tuesday for two minutes did nothing to quell the speculation.

    What it did do was underscore just how much real power he amassed during his time in the prime time slot anchoring Fox’s entire evening.

    I’m not the first to point out to you just how many views this thing has gotten, dwarfing his Nielsen Ratings.

    This was a serious needle scratch.  Something changed behind the scenes.  Within an hour Don Lemon was dumped by CNN.  Susan Rice left the Biden Administration that morning. Nate Silver was let go from ABC News.

    Both Carlson and Lemon had stories planted about them harboring ‘toxic workplace environments’ to set the scene.  

    Nuts and Sluts is a time-tested method of invalidating a public figure.

    It doesn’t have to be true, it just has to play. Even if only for a day or two *cough* Abby Grossman *cough*

    There is every theory imaginable about what happened here and all of them have a nugget of truth to them.  Dexter White and I recorded a podcast covering what we think is the beginning of the Death of the Time Slot.

    And while the court politics of this are interesting, they almost feel like discussing 9/11 or the Kennedy assassination at this point. Does it matter who was behind or why Carlson was ousted from Fox? Could we not see this coming the further he went off the reservation?

    In fact, I was amazed he was still on the air after all this time. I don’t think this is a Tucker-as-Icarus proxy story no matter which way you cut it. It was always about something far bigger than Tucker Carlson.

    The confluence of major media and political figures leaving their posts, including now the head of the BBC Richard Sharp, over literal ancient conflict of interest issues that looks more like something taken off the shelf for the proverbial rainy day rather than some new, disturbing thing.

    It never just rains when its time to change the board state. And that’s exactly what this feels like, an attempt to completely change the direction of information flow as we get ready for the next big psy-op…

    … The remaking of the First Fungal President into the Next Garden Variety Wartime President.

    Because this is the best chance the DNC has at this point of retaking the presidency with any degree of credibility given their approval ratings. Even if you believe our elections aren’t corrupt (sic) you at least have to admit to yourself that this is a plausibly deniable way to convince yourself of that ‘fact.’

    Of course, as I said above, do any of the other whys about these events even matter? Of course not, they are, like Wartime presidents don’t lose, statistics which are simply chum for people to feed their confirmation biases and prevent any coming together of the center of the electorate to say no more.

    This was Tucker’s real crime if any of us are being honest with ourselves.

    And, in fact, it is the least interesting part of the whole story. Because the given proximate cause spoon fed to the ‘smart people’ in alternative media is the entire Blackrock angle.

    Of course, this isn’t true but, again, it doesn’t matter. That said, there is a Blackrock angle to this story but it isn’t what people were led to believe for a couple of days.

    Blackrock increased their ownership in FOX just before these events. This is symptomatic of Blackrock’s use of proxy to get what they want.

    Larry Fink, BLK CEO, is notorious for his antics in forcing heads of state and CEO’s to do his bidding while hiding behind the smokescreen of ‘I’m just a guy investing your hard-earned capital on your behalf for the good of humanity.’

    Now, this is some prime Grade AA Bullshit.

    Blackrock is Davos’ main arm-twisting subsidiary in the C-Suites of the S&P 500 as well as the Euro STOXXX 50 (link will need translation from German).  He may as well change his first name to Don but there are some ethnic issues with this outside of Queens. 

    As I’ve discussed in previous Private Blog posts for my patrons and interviews Blackrock bet the farm on Obama/Biden getting rid of Jerome Powell. They went all in on their CARES Act power to access the Fed’s Discount window to procure zero-cost seed capital to buy US stocks and, by extension, real estate and everything else.

    The company’s growth was turbocharged during COVID by this but it was already growing by more than $1 trillion annually before that.

    Its AUM — Assets Under Management — fell in 2022 because the value of the underlying assets fell as Powell put the interest rate screws to a lot of Blackrock’s ‘investments.’  The headlines have been full of governors like Florida’s Ron DeSantis going on an anti-Blackrock/anti-ESG/anti-Woke tirade which has helped see some outflow from Blackrock’s funds. 

    But that doesn’t do a whole lot in the face of $10 trillion in AUM.  A few billion is literally a rounding error.

    No, the bigger effect came from taking the Fed Funds Rate from 0% to 5% in a year.  

    In the late stages of the ZIRP years we saw really strong moves in the equity markets, especially coming out of COVID as the CARES Act money made its way into the economy.   Normie FinTwit is always going on about the Fed subsidizing the ‘wealth effect’ as their main argument for why Powell is just ‘one more meeting away from pivoting’ off his ‘higher rates for longer’ schtick.

    The ‘wealth effect’ expands not only Blackrock’s AUM but also it’s political pull in the board room.  There is both coincidence and causality in my opinion, between things like Woke-a-Cola and genuflecting to every sicko with a gender fetish and the rise in Blackrock’s AUM.

    So it’s no wonder that the standard FinTwit commentary on the Fed is that QE and ZIRP goose equity prices (which it does) but also that that is what the Fed wants to do all the time!

    This is the part I disagree with and have been steadfast in my assessment as to why for nearly two years.

    Powell was trapped by both COVID and the CARES Act to go along with extending this madness for another two years.  And in the process handed Don Fink-liosi the keys to the whole rotten candy store to ensure what we’re seeing today — maximal brand destruction that defies market logic — gets ramped up to 11.

    Buying a huge stake in Fox is just one more brick in the New Media Stonewall for the upcoming war.

    All they had to do to seal the deal was convince everyone the global economy was still suffering because of COVID and we needed even MOAR SPENDING!! at the zero bound to reflate the economy.

    Powell was supposed to be deposed and Lael Brainard installed to ensure continuity of policy with them having moved Janet Yellen back into a position of power as Treasury Secretary under “Biden.”

    That has failed.  Brainard is out at the Fed. She’s prepping to replace Yellen in Biden’s 2nd term.

    Biden/Harris’s soft launch of their re-election campaign, was timed with Carlson’s ouster from Fox and warning shots fired at every major media outlet to toe the line like never before.

    So, now, let’s really talk what’s going on with Blackrock in light of this failure to replace Powell.

    For a few years now Janet Yellen and Elizabeth Warren have brought up the idea of expanding the definition of SIFI – Systemically Important Financial Institutions — to non-bank entities, like Blackrock.

    Blackrock has argued for years that it cannot be a SIFI because:

    “The British commissioner who took over from Barnier, Jonathan Hill, wanted the commission to work hand-in-hand with the financiers and every time a debate or a hearing was organised, BlackRock’s people were there,” recalls Daniela Gabor.

    “Then I realised that it was no longer the banks that had the power but the asset managers. We are often told that a manager is there to invest our money for our old age. But it’s much more than that,” she says. “In my opinion, BlackRock reflects the renunciation of the welfare state. Its rise in power goes hand-in-hand with ongoing structural changes; changes in finance, but also in the nature of the social contract that unites the citizen and the state.”

    Daniela Gabor explains that the European Central Bank, which commissions BlackRock to audit banks, has no power over the company. “BlackRock’s argument is simple: we do not do leverage, we do not act like banks, so we do not need to be regulated as a systemic institution.” {emphasis mine}

    In fact, BlackRock slips under all radars. “They can be regulated for reasons known as micro-prudential, to protect their customers, but not as a financial institution tasked with ensuring overall financial stability,” she says.


    This ‘conversation’ has been going on since at least 2019.  It resurfaced again this week as Yellen brought this up.  Now why would she do that if, as I’ve strenuously argued, she’s Davos through and through.

    After all wouldn’t she continue arguing for the opposite per Blackrock and Don Fink-liosi’s instructions?

    It goes back to what I’ve been saying about Blackrock for over a year now.  All of that AUM rests on a very slim pile of shareholder equity, $38.2 billion to be precise.

    As longtime Patrons know, when I do a balance sheet analysis of a company I strip out things like “Goodwill” and “Intangible Assets” from the asset side of the balance sheet.  These are simply piles of ‘value’ leftover from previous M&A activity, brand equity, etc., that may or may not have any real value.

    Stripping out the $33.6 billion BLK has in these two ‘asset’ classes that leaves Fink with less than $5 billion in shareholder equity.  

    I’m not saying there is no value there, but it’s reasonable to think that the actual value of Blackrock’s balance sheet is somewhere between these two numbers. I’m even willing to entertain 100% valuation for argument’s sake.

    It is also staring at more than $55 billion in “Other liabilities” which, is very likely derivative exposure that the company can play very fast and loose with since it was over $90 billion in 2021, and $120 billion in both 2019 and 2020.

    These are some pretty big black boxen.

    So I’m asking the question no one really wants asked, “Does Blackrock actually have any equity today?” Or is this all a big psy-op based on them voting our proxy for us?

    And when we look at the stock price I have to wonder if Wall St. isn’t also asking that question with growing confidence?

    I note on the chart the 2022 bottom in October.  What else bottomed in October 2022?  The Euro at $0.956 while the USDX made an important high. But look at that chart.  A two-bar reversal in Oct/Nov, followed by a triple-top around $775 which turns into a one-bar reversal in February, when Powell finally turned the corner on convincing the market the Fed Put is dead.

    Now we’re looking at this as a possible ‘dead cat bounce’ which needs a lot of help here to create a rally.  

    So, if Blackrock is in real trouble here because of falling asset prices, ESG backlash, rising rates, and falling cash flow then that would necessitate a change in the rules to allow it to be bailed out.

    Remember, last year when the UK pension crisis developed which took out Prime Minister Liz Truss and forced the Bank of England to intervene, the one holding the bag on the failing assets there was none other than Blackrock. 

    They were the ones in trouble who sold these leveraged CLOs — Collateralized Loan Obligations — to the UK state pensions which ran out of money to pay pensioners.

    Now, is Blackrock, which was built on the same premise as Silicon Valley Bank, using non-balance sheet activity to resist being regulated as a SIFI, is staring at a crisis if yields keep rising?

    Who is protected by the big inversion of the US yield curve we keep staring at? Who is

    So, in swoops Yellen to demand Blackrock should be a SIFI once the FUD surrounding it reaches a fever pitch.  Who is everyone afraid of now? Blackrock.  

    Why?  Because they “own the world.” 

    Why aren’t they regulated like the big banks?  Because they sit at the High Table.

    Who gets screwed if they go tits up?  The little guy.

    Who’s fault will it be if Blackrock went tits up?  The Fed.

    You can hear Elizabeth Warren setting the political stage for this now. We have to protect US workers from the evil Wall St. fat cats.  So, we’ll bring them under the auspice of increased government regulation by labeling them as a SIFI.

    Who sits on the Financial Services Oversight Council who will make this decision?

    And then we have Jim Rickards’ Ice-9 scenario.  (Link to tweet with video).

    In short, Blackrock as a SIFI becomes a protectorate of the Treasury department and it circumvents a bankruptcy.

    Since Blackrock is just a pile of AUM on top of a relatively small balance sheet it can be carved up pretty easily. Its book of business can be bought by the rest of Wall St. licking their lips at the thought of all those asset management and consulting fees that generate the lion’s share of the company’s cash flow.

    So now, does Blackrock want to be regulated as a SIFI after having built itself into the monster it is by evading that designation?  

    You can see the game here, Janet Yellen can force Jerome Powell to bail them out when their balance sheet implodes for real, holding the holes in the pension funds hostage as blackmail.

    Why would they do that?  Why would Fink do this?  

    Well, if you want to nationalize the US pension system and end the old US dollar system then you do that during a major crisis.  

    How did they tie Powell’s hands during COVID?  

    The CARES Act.  

    How will they tie Powell’s hands during the European Sovereign Debt Crisis?

    Making Blackrock a SIFI before it happens.

    What would you expect to happen between now and then?  

    Snuffing out any major selloff in US Treasuries by managing credit spreads between US and European debt.  This relieves the pressure on Blackrock’s balance sheet and that of others.  

    Now let’s talk about the blowout in US Credit Default Swap Rates as well as the massive plunge in the 1-month T-Bill rate last week creating an historic 1 month/2 month spread of over 160 basis points.  Yellen has been ramping up the rhetoric about the US defaulting once the Treasury General Account is empty.  

    “Biden” and Davos are serious about trying to stop any kind of spending cuts, because they want to balloon the US deficit to the moon to save the EU.  Blackrock is more heavily exposed to Europe than the US pension systems, but still heavily exposed to both.

    What did Lagarde at the ECB put in place last July?  The TPI – Transmission Protection Instrument — designed to protect credit spreads within the EU, nominally, but also internationally.

    What’s been happening during this major rally in the euro to $1.10 and Powell convinced the markets he’s serious about not pivoting? A collapse of US/European credit spreads indicating preferential capital movement into the US and out of Europe.

    In short, I think Blackrock’s deteriorating balance sheet as well as Yellen’s intention to stiff US bondholders to save pensioners is setting us up for the biggest Lucy with the Football moment in history. It is the biggest threat to Powell’s “higher for longer” rate policy and the future of the US.

    And it comes down to playing hard ball over the debt ceiling without significant spending cuts. If that happens then Yellen is winning and Powell is checkmated. If McCarthy and the GOP hold the line then the US banking interests will tear Blackrock apart and take their business in bankruptcy.

    Making Blackrock a SIFI short-circuits this completely and puts the onus directly on the taxpayer, per Rickards’ analysis.

    I can easily see Blackrock sacrificed on the alter of the Great Reset once it’s control over corporate interests has been turned over to the Treasury and the ECB.

    In fact, it is the best play for them to nationalize all the assets they have.  $9 trillion in AUM is a lot of win for the commies.

    And Fink, as I said, already has his seat at The High Table.

    Which is why Tucker Carlson’s firing is important but really the side show in all of this.

    *  *  *

    Join my Patreon if you don’t like tables

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 18:00

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Today’s News 1st May 2023

  • US Air Force Moves Strategic Air Tankers From Germeny To Poland
    US Air Force Moves Strategic Air Tankers From Germeny To Poland

    Via Remix News,

    Nineteen American in-flight refueling aircraft will be stationed at the Powidz Air Base in western Poland. According to the U.S. magazine Stars and Stripes, this is the latest sign that U.S. Armed Forces are shifting combat resources to strengthen NATO’s eastern flank.

    The U.S. Air Force command in Europe confirmed that on March 10 of this year “American air tankers began working in their new main location in Poland.”

    This was done as part of operation “Copper Arrow,” which demonstrated the efforts of the U.S. military command in Europe to “strengthen security on NATO’s eastern flank through forward deployed and stationed forces.”

    “The cooperation of American air tankers with our NATO allies clearly shows how much we value our partnerships and how important it is to increase our interoperability,” said Colonel Timothy Foery, advisor to the U.S. Air Force Reserve Commander.

    Foery noted that interoperability is evident when looking “at any photo of a KC-135 refueling a Polish F-16 or a KC-46 refueling a Finnish F/A-18.”

    American air tankers KC-135 Stratotanker, KC-10 Extender and the newest in the U.S. Air Force fleet, KC-46 Pegasus, could all be sent to the Powidz Air Base.

    The aircraft currently stationed at the Spangdahlem base in Germany, will be transferred to the Powidz air base as Unit 1. As emphasized by the U.S. Air Force leadership, this relocation also demonstrates “the ability of U.S. command to quickly deploy large, credible combat forces and equipment throughout Europe.”

    The tankers stationed in Powidz can be used for refueling combat aircraft, including the world’s most advanced fighter jet, the F-35A Lightning II, which extends the range of NATO air missions. Stars and Stripes notes that eight F-35 aircraft of the Dutch Air Force have been stationed in the Malbork air base in Poland for several months.

    Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the presence of U.S. forces in Europe has increased, with the number of U.S. military personnel on the continent growing from 80,000 to 100,000.

    U.S. Ambassador to Warsaw Mark Brzezinski recently stated that over 10,000 American soldiers are in Poland.

    “The U.S. military’s shift to the east is another example of the United States’ efforts to create a permanent presence in the former Warsaw Pact country, an important member of NATO, which has over 300 miles of border with Ukraine,” said reporter Jennifer Svan in Stars and Stripes.

    A month ago, the United States officially established its first permanent base in Poland. The U.S. Army garrison in Poznań, located about 100 kilometers from Powidz, will support the V Corps of the Army, which oversees NATO missions in the east.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 05/01/2023 – 02:00

  • The Left Has No Intention Of Going Quietly Into The Night
    The Left Has No Intention Of Going Quietly Into The Night

    Authored by Bruce Wilds via Advancing Time,

    Younguns is a folksy term used mainly by people with a few years under their belt to refer to those far younger. Sometimes this term focuses on those under thirty. These people often don’t realize those injuries they see as badges of honor will far too soon turn to aches and pain. Today I find myself at low-ebb, it may be a combination of too much work and a recent birthday taking its toll.

    Adding to this is the reality that we live in a world that has made a mockery of hard work and savings, this is a major disservice to those carrying the load. Many people fail to take into account that the socialist agenda of the far left is in many ways anti-social. As we look around it is easy to see that much of the workforce has gone full “John Galt” and decided not to participate in the job market. Much of this is driven by the notion that hard work does not pay big dividends and we might as well dump our problems off onto those stupid enough to accept them.  

    Society and politicians are rapidly dismantling the rights of ownership. This transfer of rights constitutes a transfer of wealth whether we wish to call it by that name or not. This is the main reason so many of the most capable contributors to our economy are now moving toward the sidelines. Capable and smart people do not have to work hard to make ends meet and are proving this by going out and enjoying life rather than working to support those that won’t. When people decide to remove themselves from a game they see as rigged in favor of those far less deserving it is an indication of greater problems ahead.

    Still, make no mistake, the left claiming it is “progressive” has no intention of melting quietly into the night. I fear those both in the middle and on the right that think things will turn around are overly optimistic. Those on the right often point to California as a failed state. They use as an example drug-infested San Fransisco. At the end of 2021, it was estimated that of the city’s roughly 8,124 people that were at the time “unhoused,” a full 73 percent were “unsheltered.”  This means they sleep out of doors, in tents, and under highway overpasses.

    Catch-22 Is A Real Thing

    What is being cast upon us is breeding a culture that lacks accountability. The legal system is failing. From the smallest to the largest issues we face, it seems few are being resolved in a way most people find uplifting. More often than we would like we are running smack dab into the proverbial catch-22 situations that try our souls. A catch-22 is a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules or limitations. The term was coined by Joseph Heller, who used it in his 1961 novel Catch-22.

    While much of the country views high taxes, rampant drug use, and crime as the reason many major retailers are closing stores in the state, its Governor is being touted as a candidate for the Presidency in 2024. The bad news is that if you think it can’t get any worse, you are wrong. Sadly, society has turned onto a fast path to ruin downward. A slew of lightweight JV thinkers have taken us down the rabbit hole when it comes to creating a better future.

    We Need A Hero, But None Is In Sight

    It could be argued that those on the far left have been joined by, or are being egged on and encouraged by those wishing to weaken the United States from the inside. Russia and China are generally painted as the villains in such a scenario. The real problem we face is that true leadership tends not to exist in a vacuum. The fact is that we need a hero and they are in short supply. It has been said, the “pioneers took all the arrows,” meaning it is much safer to travel west today. It also means people of real value will most likely be destroyed if they attempt to move to the front.

    A feeling of hopelessness recently descended upon me when I became a victim of vandalism. How do you protect what can not be protected? The catch-22 here is that you have a very difficult time insuring an empty building but how do you rent it when it is constantly being ripped apart by vandals? While not the economic disaster that will end me, such events are “mentally” troubling. It is also why so many people shy away from owning hard assets, this applies to gold, real estate, and more. Readers of AdvancingTime know not owning “real things” is an investment strategy I consider problematic. 

    The efforts of those in power to paint vandalism of private property as mischief is the reason so many Americans when given the chance, op to live in gated communities. In truth, we cannot “gate off” everything. This reflects society’s inability to make people behave. The failure of people to take responsibility for their actions signals greater problems ahead.

    It does not help that we are facing a toxic mix when it comes to protecting our freedom. Big companies are predatory and big governments are stupid. The thing they have in common is they both want more control and power. In truth, we are the underdog in this ongoing struggle for control of our lives and progressives are promoting policies that empower those that want to control us. Throw in the likelihood of an economic reset or hard landing and you might say, if you think it can’t get any worse, you are wrong. Lowering your expectations may be in order.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 23:30

  • These Are The Most Dangerous Countries To Work In
    These Are The Most Dangerous Countries To Work In

    In many regions of the world, workplace safety has drastically increased over the last couple of decades, ensuring healthy working environments for many employees. As the collapse of Rana Plaza, a nine-story building in Bangladesh housing several garment workshops connected in large part to the fast fashion industry, ten years ago shows, there is still lots of room for improvement though. Research quoted by the International Labor Organization (ILO) suggests that in 2017 alone, 2.8 million people died and a further 374 million people suffered non-fatal injuries in their line of work.

    As Statista’s Florian Zandt details below, according to data from ILO, Costa Rica currently has the highest number of work-related injuries with 9,421 non-fatal as well as 9.7 fatal occupational injuries per 100,000 workers in 2016. For decades, the nation’s economy relied heavily on agriculture and tourism. Since the turn of the millennium, manufacturing and industry have surpassed the agricultural sector, with companies like Intel or Procter & Gamble heavily investing in the country. According to media reports, Intel’s microprocessor facility was responsible for five percent of the total GDP and 20 percent of all Costa Rican exports in 2006.

    Infographic: The Most Dangerous Countries To Work In | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    Anecdotal evidence from other countries suggests that the aforementioned focus on industry and manufacturing might also be responsible for the high number of fatal occupational injuries. While Costa Rica doesn’t provide segregated data on fatal injuries by economic activity, Mexico and Turkey, which rank ninth and tenth in terms of non-fatal as well as second and third in terms of fatal occupational injuries, do. In Mexico, for example, out of 806 work-related deaths, 118 people died in the manufacturing, 76 in the construction and 86 in the transportation and storage sectors. Turkey registered 386 deaths in construction, 297 deaths in manufacturing and 258 deaths in transportation and storage out of a total of 1,394.

    Nations known for their textile industries like Pakistan and Portugal also make the top list of the countries with the most occupational injuries per 100,00 workers. While independent auditors regularly check and sign off on labor practices and working conditions in the fashion industries of the aforementioned countries, the reality is often far grimmer than official assessments suggest. A report by NGO Human Rights Watch on Pakistan’s garment workers from 2019, for example, points out companies failing to pay their employees the minimum wage, a lack of written contracts, firings of pregnant women and pay deductions for sick days.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 23:00

  • Welcome To Trading With The New Daily VIX
    Welcome To Trading With The New Daily VIX

    By SpotGamma

    New this Tuesday, the trading world now has a VIX1D (0-1 DTE) index. With HIRO, we give you a multi-day view under the SPX hood by showing how its zero DTE options are moving in real time. We also have this view available for hundreds of major stocks and ETFs. What this new index represents is a balance of zero-DTE and one-DTE options on SPX.

    Let’s take a look at the first three trading days of the VIX1D.  First, on Tuesday, April 25th, call selling weighed down on the market, as indicated by the green line while the puts were not impactful. Then, on Wednesday, puts were more in control, leading the market up in the morning and then back down in the afternoon.  Lastly, starting with some call buying and then put selling for a doubly bullish lift on the index price, the market trended higher.  You can see the meaningful impact of the 0DTE tool throughout these three days.

    Adding the new VIX1D as a datapoint to your trading arsenal can get you up to par. But if you combine that with our proprietary key levels, then this can really set your trading apart from the crowd.

    One of over a dozen tools we provide specifically for analyzing index products is our interactive chart of Absolute Gamma, as shown here from Thursday night, which identifies call gamma in orange and put gamma in blue. This is across all option chains but you can also filter it down to zero DTE.

    These high gamma levels are structural boundaries which have a statistically-significant influence over price action. The price tends to be attracted to these levels, but price movements also generally slow down near them and reverse direction.

    Alternatively, here is a view of that same Absolute Gamma tool but restricted to the scope of zero DTE option structure. Although the bigger picture of all chains shows an important structural firewall at 4000 for the broader market, that 4000 level is too far away for zero DTE traders to take meaningful interest. What this more focused view clarifies is that zero DTE options have the heaviest market gamma between 4100 and 4150, which is where the market was taking its bets for Friday.

    Below 4100, there are not enough puts to generate substantial gamma.

    This structural backbone provides context which helps to make signals from VIX1D less noisy. We can use key gamma boundaries and levels to set up high-probability trades. In outlier events where the price breaks outside of these ranges, especially if the price is still below the Call Wall  or above the Put Wall, there is less gamma to slow down the price and there can be some very big moves akin to the price escaping from the bottom or top of a volume profile. If breaking above a new level, all the buyers are making money (rather than trying to get it back at resistance), and that trend can easily move beyond expectations.

    As an example of a tactical application, if you see HIRO option flow moving up and leading the price, then you might want to open a covered call (long shares and short a call) to enhance your position and collect some yield if there is not much movement in the underlying price. Or if your outlook is directionally neutral, such as if the price is near our largest Absolute Gamma level and there is positive market gamma, then you could try a credit iron condor: short two options near the middle and long options further out-of-the-money as wingtips. This credit iron condor strategy harvests time premium if realized volatility remains low.

    On the other hand, if you are neutral but you expect volatility to expand, then you could try something like a long straddle, which will have defined risk but uncapped potential profits if there is a large move in either direction. Data suggests that a breach to the downside of our Volatility Trigger would usually be a good time to do that.  

    If you are serious about trading, then we invite you to be on the ground floor of this new VIX1D arena with us and to join us in the discussion on our members-only Discord.

    Start a free trial now to see our daily analysis of these developments and also to have the best tools to get you a head start on this new frontier.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 22:30

  • Not Too Old? Actuaries Chime In After Nikki Haley Says Biden 'Likely' To Die Within 5 Years
    Not Too Old? Actuaries Chime In After Nikki Haley Says Biden ‘Likely’ To Die Within 5 Years

    Last week, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said that 80-year-old President Joe Biden is likely to die within the next five years, and that his supporters would have to assume VP Kamala Harris would take his place.

    “He announced that he’s running again in 2024, and I think that we can all be very clear and say with a matter of fact that if you vote for Joe Biden you really are counting on a President Harris, because the idea that he would make it until 86 years old is not something that I think is likely,” the 51-year-old Haley told Fox News.

    No so fast, according to the Financial Times, which – citing actuaries, say an 82-year-old Biden wouldn’t be too ancient to start a second term, which he would of course finish at the ripe young age of 86.

    According to UK actuarial firm Club Vita, Biden has a life expectancy of another 11 years, taking him to 91, while former President Donald Trump has 14 more years to look forward to.

    The model’s inputs include affluence, marital status, and employment. These key demographics for both Biden and Trump put them in the same favourable categories for the main factors, including addresses in the top category for life expectancy: the analysts used Trump’s Palm Beach address and Biden’s Delaware home.

    Erik Pickett, a New Jersey-based actuary for Club Vita, said a wide range of factors could prove its model wrong, from whether the candidates “are in significantly different health to the average of someone with the same characteristics” to the fact that presidents have “access to higher quality medical treatments” than the typical American. -Financial Times

    The average American male born on the same day as Biden can expect to live another 8.5 years, according to the Social Security Administration. 

    “I would say that both Biden and Trump are likely to have substantially higher life expectancy than the average, for their age, because they have high socio-economic status, access to the best healthcare in the US, and they do not smoke,” said Georgetown University senior research investigator, Dana Glei.

    “The president will have access to the highest-quality medical care and will remain physically, mentally and socially active whilst in the job — all factors that improve lifespan,” said Pickett, adding that this will be “at least partially countered by a high-stress environment and possibly a greater exposure to external risk factors.”

    And of course, Kamala Harris is ready for whatever might come…

    Comforting, no?

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 22:00

  • Federal Bureaucrats (Outside The Pentagon And US Post Office) Are Paid Some $576 Million Per Day
    Federal Bureaucrats (Outside The Pentagon And US Post Office) Are Paid Some $576 Million Per Day

    Submitted by Adam Andrzejewski, author of OpenTheBooks substack

    Our auditors at recently determined from official Federal Freedom of Information Act filings that we pay Beltway bureaucrats in the federal executive agencies outside of the Defense Department and the U.S. Post Office some $576 million per day.

    That’s more than $210 billion per year for the 1.44 million employees of 125 rank-and-file general administrative, civil enforcement and federal law enforcement agencies.

    Economic uncertainty might surround many taxpayers, but for federal workers, we are funding lavish and perk-filled lifestyles.

    In 109 of the 125 federal agencies in Washington, the average employee salary is more than $100,000.

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average real median wage for the average employee was $54,339 in 2021.

    The average salary at the Census Bureau is $67,656. That’s just a small example of the ‘private-sector’ versus ‘public-sector’ pay disparity.

    GRAPHIC: Unfortunately, President Donald Trump didn’t drain the swamp and President Joe Biden has put the growth on steroids. These are agencies outside of the Pentagon and Post Office.

    After working just three years for the federal government, employees have 44 days of paid time off. Can you skip work for nine weeks and still have a job?

    The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average number of paid vacation days for U.S. workers is 11 days, or a day more than two weeks.

    Furthermore, most federal employees worked from home for years due to the recently concluded Covid “emergency.” Congress incentivized this with a $570 million “paid-to-stay home” fund at Treasury. If your child wasn’t back to school, you could collect $21,000 over 15 weeks in paid family leave.

    Congressional testimony shows Office of Personnel Management Director Kiran Ahuja still has no clue how many federal employees returned, or where the people we pay actually do their jobs.

    (Watch the answer starting at 3:00.)

    D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, normally a staunch ally of the Biden Administration, had to call for getting federal employees back to work to revive the city’s economy.

    President Biden suggested he would soon ask workers to report for duty, but many desks remain empty because “flexibility” still prevails.

    Then, President Biden asked for the biggest pay raise in more than 40 years. His 2023 budget includes a 5.2% pay hike for the 1.4 million executive agency employees.

    We all had to pay our taxes when they were due a few weeks ago. For many federal employees, that rule is being flouted.

    In March 2023, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration found that “The number of delinquent Federal civilian employees has increased by 32 percent from Fiscal Years (FY) 2015 to 2021.” Some 149,000 federal employees owe $1.5 billion in back taxes!

    In the private sector, pay is typically associated with performance. But in the federal government, performance appears not to figure into the compensation equation.

    Take the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). We were all reminded of its importance earlier this year with the implosions of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. The FDIC is there to insure depositors for up to $250,000, helping Americans trust that the banking system is reliable.

    Well, there are 58,000 employees at the FDIC—many of them auditors. Average salary? $160,000. None of them seemed to notice stress on the banking system. The two banks that failed were highly regarded institutions. But in fact, they had veered away from solvency.

    One might ask if we taxpayers – who will pick up the tab for this debacle according to the Administration’s plan — are getting what they we are paying for at the FDIC?

    Such disparities between pay and performance, and they are legion, are making an impact in Congress. Senator Joni Ernst (R.-Iowa) has joined our organization at in demanding answers to three questions that should be simple: Who is working? Where are they? What on Earth are they doing for us?

    As recent testimony by OPM Director Ahuja shows, the feds just don’t want us to know.

    For example, unlike its predecessors, the Biden Administration has redacted key information on federal workers.

    In the Biden Administration 2022 payroll, 350,861 worker names are redacted. Under the Obama Administration, in FY 2016, that figure was 2,300. Stunning.

    The administration has also redacted 281,656 worker locations.

    Our auditors estimate some $36 billion worth of taxpayer-funded salary, benefits and bonuses are hidden from Americans. Even worse, they are headed to mystery people in mystery locations.

    That means no scrutiny of performance versus pay. It means no oversight by Congress. It means no chance to cut bloat during the budget process.

    We don’t know who these workers are, what they do, where they work, or how much each of them makes.

    Like Senator Ernst, we plan to find out. At $576 million per day, it’s time we knew.

    Additional details found at Newsweek in a co-authored editorial “Where’s Waldo At Club Fed” with U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst and Adam Andrzejewski, CEO,

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 21:30

  • "Fed Wishes It Had Shut Down Reverse Repo Which Is Making The Bank Run Worse… But It Didn't, And Now It's Too Late"
    “Fed Wishes It Had Shut Down Reverse Repo Which Is Making The Bank Run Worse… But It Didn’t, And Now It’s Too Late”

    By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management

    “The Policy on Counterparties for Market Operations has been updated to clarify that, in addition to implementing monetary policy, broader policy goals including fostering financial stability and ensuring bank safety and soundness, are considered when reviewing a prospective or existing counterparty,” wrote the NY Fed on their website.

    And of course, on the surface, that’s the most boring quote I’ve ever opened with. Truly. But how about this?

    “SEC registered 2a-7 funds that, in the sole judgement of the New York Fed, are organized for a single beneficial owner, or exhibit sufficient similarities to a fund so organized, generally will be deemed ineligible to access reverse repo operations.”

    More boring. For sure.

    They concluded with this beauty: “These updates are intended to clarify the New York Fed’s existing counterparty management practices and do not impact the participation of current reverse repo counterparties.”

    My favorite word here is “clarify,” which suggests their policy was misunderstood. In fact, it was perfectly understood.

    So understood that the Fed needed to clarify to investors that accelerating the banking crisis is in nobody’s interest, especially not the Fed.

    But to appreciate such subtleties you must waste decades of the most productive years of your life reading these intentionally mind-numbing statements. Like I have. Do it long enough, you succumb to Stockholm Syndrome.

    So, to save you a life of torture, let me translate: The Fed introduced the reverse repo policy (RRP) in 2014 when they lost control of market operations at the zero lower bound. But after losing control of inflation, they hiked interest rates so fast it sparked a bank run.

    Now, investors are pulling cash from banks to buy money-market funds that invest in risk-free high-yielding reverse repos.

    This exacerbates the bank run, and contracts credit in the economy. Which scares investors into selling risk assets to park more cash in reverse repos.

    And our central bankers wish they’d seen this coming and shut the program years ago. But they didn’t and it’s too late. So instead, they “clarified” their intent, and will probably build another complex program on top of something that should no longer exist. And/or slash interest rates. In the hope of regaining control.

    Even as it slips away.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 20:30

  • World's Top Buyer Of LNG Warns Of Another Price Spike
    World’s Top Buyer Of LNG Warns Of Another Price Spike

    The northern hemisphere experienced higher-than-average temperatures this past winter, which helped alleviate energy crunches and sent liquefied natural gas prices tumbling from record-high levels. Now the world’s largest gas buyer expects another price spike this year. 

    In an interview with Bloomberg, Yukio Kani, the chairman and CEO of Jera Co., expressed his concerns about another potential surge in LNG prices, attributing this to the increasing import capacity in Europe and China, along with potential severe weather risks.

    Here’s part of the interview:

    This winter, with import capacity in Europe rising and China potentially increasing demand after it ended pandemic restrictions, prices could spike again if severe weather strikes, he said. There’s no opportunity for buyers to “let their guards down,” Kani said.

    Jera, a venture between Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings Inc. and Chubu Electric Power Co., announced on Friday that it agreed to a 20-year deal to buy LNG from Venture Global LNG Inc.’s proposed terminal in Louisiana. While the company expects Japanese LNG demand to decline over the next decade, it could surprise by staying flat as more data centers and semiconductor factories are built, Kani said.

    “Those two facilities guzzle electricity, making it hard to read the demand outlook,” he said.

    Jera is also working to support Japan’s plans to use ammonia and hydrogen to decarbonize existing thermal power plants. The strategy has gotten pushback from other countries, most recently at the Group of Seven energy and environment ministers meeting. –Bloomberg 

    Kani’s comments come as Asian spot LNG futures are down 83.5% from last September’s high, touching lows not seen summer of 2021. 

    On the other side of the world, US NatGas and European NatGas futures are hovering at multi-year lows. 

    Kani’s prediction of severe weather could be linked to the likely return of the El Nino climate phenomenon this year, which may contribute to higher global temperatures and a subsequent rise in cooling demand, resulting in an increased need for gas. Additionally, as Europe rejiggers its energy supply chain away from Russia and relies more on US LNG shipments, supplies may face further tightening. Moreover, an uptick in China’s economic recovery could also boost LNG demand. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 20:00

  • Death Toll Rises As Ukraine Ramps Up Attacks On Russian Border Towns
    Death Toll Rises As Ukraine Ramps Up Attacks On Russian Border Towns

    Casualties have risen after intense shelling of a Russian village in the Bryansk region near the Ukrainian border, an attack which happened Saturday, with emergency responders initially citing two killed. 

    The casualty count as been revised as rescuers comb through rubble of a residential building. Four civilians have died and another two wounded “as a result of the actions by Ukrainian nationalists,” governor Aleksandr Bogomaz announced Sunday.

    Authorities declared a state of emergency in the village of Suzemka, where the strike took place. It lies a mere 10km from Ukraine.

    The governor further said the wave of Ukrainian strikes hit a residential area, according to CNN

    Unverified video posted on Bogomaz’s Telegram channel shows people emerging from a damaged building at night.

    A person can be heard on the video saying, “They pulled a woman out. They’re still checking for a kid. Not sure. Horrible.”

    Attacks, including with drones, on Russian territory have increased of late as Ukrainian forces are reportedly preparing for a spring counteroffensive. 

    The biggest weekend attack was deep inside Crimea. Multiple drones hit a fuel depot early Saturday, unleashing a huge multiple-hours long blaze which could be seen for miles.


    It appeared a retaliation strike in response to Friday’s major Russian cruise missile and drone attacks against several Ukrainian cities, particularly in the central part of the country.

    Additionally, international reports indicate over the weekend cited Moscow-installed officials in eastern Ukraine who said “Ukrainian shelling had killed nine people, including an eight-year-old girl in the city of Donetsk.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 19:00

  • There Were 70 Major Bankruptcies In Just 4 Months This Year
    There Were 70 Major Bankruptcies In Just 4 Months This Year

    By Mish Shedlock of Mishtalk

    For 2009 there were 118 bankruptcies through April. In Covid-impacted 2020, there were 71 bankruptcies. In 2023 there have been 70.

    This is the third worst start to the year since 2000. Here’s the Tweet.

    2023 Bankruptcy Spotlight 

    • Bed Bath & Beyond: April 2023: Home goods, baby goods
    • David’s Bridal: Date: April 2023: Bridal apparel
    • Boxed: April 2023: An e-commerce platform selling wholesale consumer goods
    • Independent Pet Partners: February 2023: Pet supplies
    • Tuesday Morning: February 2023: Discount home goods
    • Serta Simmons Bedding: January 2023: Bedding and accessories
    • Party City: January 2023: Party supplies
    • Forma Brands: January 2023: Beauty products 

    The bankruptcy spotlight list is condensed from a detailed report by CBInsights

    Spotlight Bed Bath and Beyond

    NBC reports Bed Bath and Beyond Prepares for Store Closings

    “Thank you to all of our loyal customers,” Bed Bath & Beyond said in a message posted to social media on Monday. “We have made the difficult decision to begin winding down our operations. Bed Bath & Beyond and buybuy BABY stores remain open to serve you.”

    According to the retailer’s website, “deep discount” store closing sales are expected to begin in stores and online beginning Wednesday, and “all purchases during our store closing sales will be final.”

    According to the retailer, Bed Bath & Beyond websites, along with 360 brick-and-mortar stores and 120 buybuy BABY locations will “remain open and continue serving customers as the Company begins its efforts to effectuate the closure of its retail locations.”

    In Illinois, only eight Bed Bath & Beyond stores remain open, along with five buybuy BABY stores. Earlier this year, Bed Bath & Beyond announced closures of 19 stores across Illinois, many of them in the Chicago area.

    Deep Discounts, No Coupons

    Bed Bath and Beyond is no longer accepting coupons. Gift cards and loyalty certificates are still valid. All sales are final. 

    Spotlight David’s Bridal 

    CNN reports One in four brides wear David’s Bridal to their wedding. Now, it’s filing for bankruptcy

    “An increasing number of brides are opting for less traditional wedding attire, including thrift wedding dresses,” David’s Bridal said in a bankruptcy filing. “These shifting consumer preferences have significantly exacerbated” the company’s financial crunch.

    “The demand for formal wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, and related accessories has decreased substantially in the current environment,” the company said in its filing.

    David’s Bridal will keep its nearly 300 stores and website operating and fulfill all customer orders as it searches for a buyer for the company. It will also honor gift cards, returns and exchanges. But if David’s Bridal is not able to find a buyer, it could have to close all stores and liquidate.

    The company has around 10,000 full and part-time employees, but last week it said it was laying off 9,000 workers.

    David’s Bridal, the successor to a bridal retailing business that began as a single bridal salon in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, in 1950, said approximately 25% of brides in the United States wear one of its gowns at their wedding.

    Nonstore Retail Sales as Percent of Advance Retail Sales

    Data from Commerce Department, chart by Mish.

    To create the chart I subtracted food, gasoline, motor vehicles, and items one does not normally buy online, then took the nonstore percentage of what remained. 

    Not only have consumer preferences shifted on what people buy, preferences have shifted in the way people buy. 

    The percentage of shopping online has been steadily rising but the Covid pandemic goosed the trend. It’s about four percentage points above the prior trend. 

    Amazon was the big beneficiary. It explains Amazon’s earnings report. Nonetheless, not all is well with Amazon.

    Amazon Layoffs

    On April 26, Geekwire reported Latest round of Amazon layoffs begins today, impacting AWS and human resources

    Amazon began notifying Amazon Web Services and human resources employees impacted by its latest round of layoffs on Wednesday, as the company continues to trim headcount to cut costs.

    The layoffs are part of the 9,000-person corporate workforce reduction announced by the company in March. The cuts mostly affect AWS, human resources (which Amazon calls PXT, for People Experience and Technology), Amazon Advertising, and Twitch.

    Amazon in January announced a 18,000-person layoff, the largest in the Seattle company’s history. The additional 9,000 layoffs bring the total to 27,000 job cuts, about 8% of Amazon’s corporate workforce, which previously numbered around 350,000 people.

    The company has trimmed back and eliminated several products, services, and entire businesses over the past year to help cut expenses, including its Scout neighborhood delivery robots, its Amazon Care primary healthcare business, bricks-and-mortar Amazon bookstores, and others. Amazon said Wednesday that it was shutting down its Halo health devices and service.

    M2 Money Supply Declines 8 Straight Months, ODL Down 12 Straight Months

    On April 12, I commented Fed Minutes Now Predict a Recession This Year Along With Higher Unemployment. Also note M2 Money Supply Declines 8 Straight Months, ODL Down 12 Straight Months.

    The economy is slowing fast. A rise in unemployment will follow,

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 18:30

  • New California Gold Rush Coming As Record Snowpack Melts
    New California Gold Rush Coming As Record Snowpack Melts

    Authored by Jill McLaughlin via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Gold isn’t raining from the sky in California, but it might be flooding into the rivers by summer.

    Tourists are seen panning gold during a tour with the California Gold Panning. (Courtesy of Nick Prebalick)

    “Nugget Nick” Prebalick expects the record snowpack in northern California to deposit even more gold in Woods Creek in Tuolumne County, where he shares a claim with his father and son near Jamestown. The family has been offering tours to those who want to experience gold mining and learn about the history of the gold rush in the state.

    I’m already finding more gold,” Prebalick told The Epoch Times. “I’ve been finding gold every tour.”

    The Prebalicks, who own California Gold Panning, usually find about an ounce of gold a day when they take guests to pan for nuggets on their claim. The most he and his father have found was 127 ounces in one day.

    (L-R) Nick Prebalick, Nathania Prebalick, and prospector Terry Prebalick of California Gold Panning. (Courtesy of Nick Prebalick)

    As this year’s snow melts from the Sierra Nevada and other mountains, the runoff will wash away silt and deposit more gold in rivers and streams, prompting some to predict a modern-day gold rush this summer.

    California’s first gold rush in 1848 brought fortune seekers from all over the world. More than 300,000 came to the territory, and gold was worth $20.67 per ounce, according to the National Museum of American History.

    Today, each ounce is worth about $2,000.

    “I think this summer. I’m going to be swamped,” he said. “We’ll probably get 10 groups a day.”

    Mark Keene, who owns the mining equipment company Keene Engineering in Chatsworth—about 30 miles northwest of the city of Los Angeles—with his brother, told The Epoch Times he also anticipates a big increase in gold mining activities when the snow starts to melt.

    “In my lifetime, I don’t remember this much snowpack in the mountains,” Keene said, adding that he expects to see a superflood. Keene sells gold pans, sluice boxes, and other tools used by armatures and professionals.

    “When you have a catastrophic flood like that all the riverbanks and the mountainsides wash down in the river and you see a lot of gold,” he said. “It could be one of the best years in decades for mining.”

    Keene and his family have a secret mining spot and they visit on the weekends, he said.

    Gold flakes are being found in the Klamath River. (Courtesy of the New 49’ers Prospecting Association)

    “It’s not always about the gold,” he said. “It’s about the journey and the adventure of it, too.”

    First-timers need to know the rules before heading out to look for treasures, though, said Dickey Melton, manager of The New 49’ers Prospecting Association, a gold mining club based about 20 south of the Oregon border in Happy Camp, California.

    What we have now is a whole bunch of hand miners,” Melton said, as state law prohibits any type of mining other than panning, sluice boxes, or shovels.

    Even with restrictions, many people come out to the club’s 63 claims on 83 miles on the Klamath River, which flows more than 250 miles through Oregon and northern California.

    “We get people from all over the world who come here,” Melton said. “Right now, all of that snow is melting, and the rivers are running really high. We’re seeing some hand miners coming in with some pretty good gold.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 17:30

  • "Falsification Of History": Egypt Goes Ballistic On Netflix Over Cleopatra's Race
    “Falsification Of History”: Egypt Goes Ballistic On Netflix Over Cleopatra’s Race

    According to Egypt’s antiquities ministry, an upcoming four-part drama-documentary produced by Netflix has made a serious error regarding the race of one of Egypt’s pharaohs. It appears that ‘woke capital’ is distorting history. 

    “Queen Cleopatra,” released May 10, has Black actor Adele James featured as the legendary leader. The move by Jada Pinkett Smith, the producer and narrator of the series, has infuriated Mostafa Waziri, head of the Supreme Antiquities Council, who said: portraying Cleopatra as Black is “a falsification of Egyptian history.”

    Waziri said nothing was racist about his comments, which were entirely motivated by “defending the history of Queen Cleopatra, an important part of the history of Egypt in antiquity.”

    Egyptian experts insist Cleopatra had “white skin and Hellenistic characteristics.” But don’t tell ‘woke Netflix’ this… 

    An online petition on titled Cancel Netflix’s “Queen Cleopatra” has nearly 8,000 signatures. It alleges:

    “Afrocentrism is a pseudoscience that is pushing a group’s agenda to claim Egypt’s history and rob the actual Egyptians of it. By using false articles and zero evidence, they are still attempting to falsify history.”

    “Cleopatra was born in Alexandria, Egypt in the Ptolemaic dynasty to Greek descent. She was NOT black. This is in no way against black people, and is simply a wake up call to preserve the history and the integrity of the Egyptians and the Greeks.”

    “The show is clearly done to complement the Afrocentric movement, which claims to be the owner of the ancient Egyptian civilization, and to consolidate what the movement promotes. Egypt was never black and it was never white, Egypt is just Egypt. There are many great African/black civilizations, but Egypt was/is NOT one of them. Sign the petition to stop the falsification of history!” 

    Meanwhile, Egypt has been critical of Netflix’s content. It recently demanded the online streaming platform to drop content that runs counter to its “societal values,” such as Western-produced television shows featuring gay and lesbian characters onscreen. 

    So, in Egypt’s view, woke Netflix is distorting history. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 17:00

  • In Big Win For Gun-Rights Advocates, Federal Judge Enjoins Illinois' Assault Weapons Ban
    In Big Win For Gun-Rights Advocates, Federal Judge Enjoins Illinois’ Assault Weapons Ban

    Authored by Jonathan Turley,

    In a major victory for gun rights advocates, U.S. District Judge Stephen McGlynn has granted a preliminary injunction of Illinois’ ban on assault weapons and large capacity magazines. The decision comes after two other district courts ruled in favor of the law — sending this issue to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and potentially the Supreme Court.  These long-awaited challenges will test the Democratic calls for removing all AR-15s and similar weapons, including calls from President Joe Biden.

    I have previously raised doubts over some of these laws, which are based on questionable factual claims and distinctions between weapons. Indeed, President Biden has made dubious constitutional and historical claims about the Second Amendment and AR-15s.

    Illinois and New York have previously supplied gun rights advocates with huge victories by drafting facially unconstitutional laws. Moderate efforts at gun control are often ramped up in the legislative process to become more and more sweeping.

    McGlynn recognized that gun bans are popular in states like Illinois but noted that “even legislation that may enjoy the support of a majority of its citizens must fail if it violates the constitutional rights of fellow citizens.”

    The court tackles the argument made by many gun control advocates that states can ban “non-essential accessories” like magazines because they are not themselves “arms” under the Second Amendment.

    PICA outlaws possession of a “semiautomatic pistol” with a detachable magazine if it is equipped with any of the following: “a threaded barrel,” “a shroud attached to the barrel or that partially or completely encircles the barrel,” “a flash suppressor,” or “arm brace.” PICA further outlaws possession of a magazine for a handgun capable of holding more than 15 rounds of ammunition and of “[a] semiautomatic pistol that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 15 rounds.” Defendants contend that such items are not necessary to the functioning of a firearm and are thus not “arms” and therefore not protected by the Second Amendment.

    Defendants’ argument is not persuasive. The Seventh Circuit has recognized the Second Amendment as extending to “corollar[ies] to the meaningful exercise of the core right to possess firearms for self-defense.” It is hard to imagine something more closely correlated to the right to use a firearm in self-defense than the ability to effectively load ammunition into the firearm. The Third Circuit recognized the importance of this corollary and held that “a magazine is an arm under the Second Amendment.”

    McGlynn also stated that it is “bordering on the frivolous” to claim that neither large capacity magazines nor assault weapons are protected because they were not in common use when the Second Amendment was ratified. He cited the long-standing rule that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.”

    The court also rejected the claim that the standard is whether a weapon was in common use for self-defense:

    Bruen clearly holds that the Second Amendment protects “possession and use” of weapons “in common use” not just weapons in common use for self-defense as Defendants’ argued. Even if there was a requirement that the “common use” of an “arm” be self-defense, AR-15 style rifles would meet such a test considering that 34.6% of owners utilize these rifles for self-defense outside of their home and 61.9% utilize them for self-defense at home.

    The court further noted that large capacity magazines are commonly owned and used by sporting enthusiasts and there are more AR-15s than F150s in this country.

    Judge McGlynn also noted that these weapons are commonly used for self-defense and that there are up to 2.5 million instances each year in which civilians used firearms for home defense. He added:

    “In no way does this Court minimize the damage caused when a firearm is used for an unlawful purpose; however, this Court must be mindful of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. While PICA was purportedly enacted in response to the Highland Park shooting, it does not appear that the legislature considered an individual’s right under the Second Amendment nor Supreme Court precedent. Moreover, PICA did not just regulate the rights of the people to defend themselves; it restricted that right, and in some cases, completely obliterated that right by criminalizing the purchase and the sale of more than 190 “arms.” Furthermore, on January 1, 2024, the right to mere possession of these items will be further limited and restricted Accordingly, the balance of harms favors the Plaintiffs.

    The Court recognizes that the issues with which it is confronted are highly contentious and provoke strong emotions. Again, the Court’s ruling today is not a final resolution of the merits of the cases. Nothing in this order prevents the State from confronting firearm-related violence. There is a wide array of civil and criminal laws that permit the commitment and prosecution of those who use or may use firearms to commit crimes. Law enforcement and prosecutors should take their obligations to enforce these laws seriously. Families and the public at large should report concerning behavior. Judges should exercise their prudent judgment in committing individuals that pose a threat to the public and imposing sentences that punish, not just lightly inconvenience, those guilty of firearm-related crimes.”

    Here is the opinion: 2023-04-28-Order-Granting-MPI

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 16:30

  • The Great American Opt-Out: A Matter Of Willingness, Willfulness, And Will
    The Great American Opt-Out: A Matter Of Willingness, Willfulness, And Will

    Authored by Bob Maistros via American Greatness,

    A Great American Opt-Out, the partition of the world’s foremost superpower into separate red and blue nations, is certainly not a subject to be taken – nor a suggestion to be made – lightly. 

    But a superpower won’t remain super when, as Victor Davis Hanson lately lamented, it must “fixate only on the irrelevant that we think we can address while ignoring the existential.” 

    These existential yet insoluble problems? They are self-inflicted wounds like weakened security, economic ruin, dysfunctional cities, nonexistent borders, transgender tyranny, and the weaponization of our justice system. 

    And add as a coup de grace—the ultimate point past the point of no return—Joe Biden’s diktat disappearing the internal combustion engine. This will accelerate a death spiral for automakers and power producers already overwhelmed by renewable mandates. It will accentuate energy poverty, lead to decreased private ownership of soon-to-be-unaffordable automobiles, and ultimately actuate a forced flight from capacious suburbs to cramped spaces in family-unfriendly urbs—and a crimped American Dream.

    Why are these problems insoluble? Because any dissent from the ruling class narrative risks persecution, prosecution, “peaceful” (read riotous) protests, lawsuits, suspensions, canceling, and cutoffs of livelihoods and necessities. 

    Moreover, all meaningful avenues to counter mendacious, monolithic misrule by out-of-touch elites remain stubbornly blocked.

    Today’s executive branch is a pen-and-phone and deep state-dominated operation, utterly disdainful of the people it is ostensibly devoted to serve.

    Our justice system systematically weaponizes itself against that citizenry and the judiciary injudiciously generates inventive subversions of its will (See: Obamacare, DACA, transgender rights). 

    Corporate America co-opts portfolios and pension funds to undermine investors’ and workers’ interests in the service of a woke ideology, an even more woke corporate media colludes with one political party, and our woke culture devalues core American values. 

    We have a solve-nothing, spend-everything (and more) Congresses. 

    We have an electoral process that—whether or not irretrievably tainted by systemic fraud and rigged by an elite “cabal”—dubiously delivered not just the White House but also net midterm senatorial, gubernatorial, and state legislative gains to the party of the most decrepit, degenerate, disdained and disaster-inducing presidential incumbent in history. 

    Stein’s Law (as in Herbert) posits, “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” America’s paralysis in fixing existential problems cannot go on at all, much less forever, without a ceding of its superpower status—if not a Weimar-level collapse.

    It must stop. Soon. But how? 

    Just as Issues & Insights has documented millions of citizens fleeing blue-state economic, political and social rot, the sole solution for Red America is to simply vote with its feet. 

    That is, walk. Opt out.

    Some suggest the union’s geographically dominant red counties could lead such an exodus. But a more likely route is for red states—perhaps the 18 that unsuccessfully banded together to challenge the 2020 election results—to declare the union dissolved, whether due to that illegitimate outcome or because of the unceasing, extraconstitutional thwarting of sovereignty in the swamp. Perhaps invite red counties in blue jurisdictions to be annexed into neighboring jurisdictions, or even form new states

    In either event, it’s not difficult to conceive the formation of a provisional government, pending a new constitution and elections, including current members of Congress and federal judges from departing states, and an executive of existing governors. 

    Nor is it difficult to conceive the negotiation of dissolution terms, as previously suggested, including a joint defense pact and shared assumption of responsibility for unfunded liabilities. (Division of “trust funds?” A mere fiction in a nation $31 trillion in debt.) 

    An overwhelmingly conservative government could otherwise set about dismantling the nanny state in its jurisdictions while instituting the remedies to current maladies Victor Davis Hanson also identified.

    In short, the logistics and implementation of partition are imaginable and manageable. The musts to muster? The willingness to admit that “out” is the only sustainable avenue to making America great again, given the hijacking of its commanding heights. The willfulness to advocate and agitate for that result. And the will to see a separation through. 

    Those elements may seem far off and unattainable given the lack of seriousness with which partition suggestions have been regarded to date, even among conservatives, and its regrettable association with the ill-fated and immoral Confederate cause. 

    But where was the transgenderism now darkly gripping America even a few years back? Who foresaw Black Lives Matter’s rapid rise and the rule of law’s sudden suspension? Or the Green New Deal’s nanosecond-long advance from political punch line to administration policy? 

    Opt-out must proceed, to succeed, with the same insistence, sense of urgency and level of volume as those efforts. Starting with igniting and incessantly fanning a fire in forums like these. Making it a theme of an unceasing series conservative gatherings and marches and hearings. Confronting candidates for every office at every level at every opportunity and thereby choosing and encouraging champions. 

    At America’s accelerated rate of decline, there is not a moment to waste. And with every elite political, economic, social, cultural, and judicial institution mobilized against its citizenry, no further “point of no return” to be passed.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 15:30

  • 200 Years Of Global Gold Production, By Country
    200 Years Of Global Gold Production, By Country

    Although the practice of gold mining has been around for thousands of years, it’s estimated that roughly 86% of all above-ground gold was extracted in the last 200 years.

    With modern mining techniques making large-scale production possible, global gold production has grown exponentially since the 1800s.

    In the infographic below, Visual Capitalists Govind Bhutada and Miranda Smith, using data from Our World in Data, visualizes global gold production by country from 1820 to 2022, showing how gold mining has evolved to become increasingly global over time.

    A Brief History of Gold Mining

    The best-known gold rush in modern history occurred in California in 1848, when James Marshall discovered gold in Sacramento Valley. As word spread, thousands of migrants flocked to California in search of gold, and by 1855, miners had extracted around $2 billion worth of gold.

    The United States, Australia, and Russia were (interchangeably) the three largest gold producers until the 1890s. Then, South Africa took the helm thanks to the massive discovery in the Witwatersrand Basin, now regarded today as one of the world’s greatest ever goldfields.

    South Africa’s annual gold production peaked in 1970 at 1,002 tonnes—by far the largest amount of gold produced by any country in a year.

    With the price of gold rising since the 1980s, global gold production has become increasingly widespread. By 2007, China was the world’s largest gold-producing nation, and today a significant quantity of gold is being mined in over 40 countries.

    The Top Gold-Producing Countries in 2022

    Around 31% of the world’s gold production in 2022 came from three countries—China, Russia, and Australia, with each producing over 300 tonnes of the precious metal.

    North American countries Canada, the U.S., and Mexico round out the top six gold producers, collectively making up 16% of the global total. The state of Nevada alone accounted for 72% of U.S. production, hosting the world’s largest gold mining complex (including six mines) owned by Nevada Gold Mines.

    Meanwhile, South Africa produced 110 tonnes of gold in 2022, down by 74% relative to its output of 430 tonnes in 2000. This long-term decline is the result of mine closures, maturing assets, and industrial conflict, according to the World Gold Council.

    Interestingly, two smaller gold producers on the list, Uzbekistan and Indonesia, host the second and third-largest gold mining operations in the world, respectively.

    The Outlook for Global Gold Production

    As of April 25, gold prices were hovering around the $2,000 per ounce mark and nearing all-time highs. For mining companies, higher gold prices can mean more profits per ounce if costs remain unaffected.

    According to the World Gold Council, mined gold production is expected to increase in 2023 and could surpass the record set in 2018 (3,300 tonnes), led by the expansion of existing projects in North America. The chances of record mine output could be higher if gold prices continue to increase.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 15:00

  • Cash Use Rises As Households Struggle To Cope With High Inflation
    Cash Use Rises As Households Struggle To Cope With High Inflation

    Authored by Bryan Jung via The Epoch Times,

    Cash payments have made a comeback as households struggle to cope with high inflation, according to a new study.

    After decades of falling cash use, the impact of the rapid inflation growth has been reversing the trend toward digital.

    Credit Karma and The Harris Poll conducted a survey last month, which showed that 53 percent of adults in the United States and 46 percent in the United Kingdom are more likely to use cash than a year ago, reported Bloomberg.

    Individuals preferring cash rose 19 and 4 percentage points, respectively, over those who did not use it more.

    Roughly three in five cash users in both countries said using physical money makes them spend less.

    The change in preferences towards cash over digital is also a reaction to the growing dominance of the latter, such as Apple Pay to Venmo to tappable credit cards, which some consumers say make it too easy to spend through their budget.

    Over two-thirds of the 3,171 survey respondents admit that digital payment methods made them spend more than intended.

    Cash Use Rises Among Young

    High inflation rates have made people more self-conscious about what they spend daily, especially in the U.K., where price gains remain above 10 percent.

    “As the world is getting back to normal after the pandemic and prices are going up significantly, we see cash as being one of the most enduring ways of managing money,” said Courtney Alev, an associate director of product management at Credit Karma.

    “It really transcends generations and financial situations.”

    The surge in cash use was especially pronounced among younger generations, such as Millennials and Gen Z, the survey found.

    Younger consumers facing hard times are following the trend towards “cash-stuffing” by watching TikTok videos, that teach people how to separate their cash into different envelopes to use for different expenses, much like their grandparents or great-grandparents might have done during the Great Depression.

    Consumers are also utilizing social media venues like Facebook to avoid businesses that do not accept cash.

    Natalie Ceeney, chairwoman of Cash Access UK, told Bloomberg, “a lot of the theory on payments has been to remove friction,” and that “actually, a lot of people want friction back.”

    Cash Access’s mission is to promote easier access to cash following legislation to stem its decline.

    A woman holds British pound banknotes in this illustration taken on May 30, 2022. (Dado Ruvic/Reuters)

    Ceeney said that studies found a large increase in sales when businesses in personal contact with consumers, such as the sports industry, switch to contactless payments.

    “One of the reasons is people are more likely to just tap and buy things without thinking, ‘Gosh, that’s a lot of money.’”

    Some fintech companies are trying to assist struggling consumers by introducing features that help with setting limits on everyday spending, reported Bloomberg.

    Digital Currency Proposed

    The survey findings suggest that the recovery in payments in cash after pandemic lows might not be temporary, as studies by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England seem to confirm.

    The BOE noted in October that it had seen a “sustained, if partial, recovery in cash use” post-pandemic and that banknotes in circulation have risen close to a historic high.

    The U.K. bank, Nationwide Building Society, reported in January that more than 30.2 million withdrawals were made from its ATMs last year, a 19 percent jump from 2021, likely due to the rising cost of living.

    The British central bank said that the use of paper currency and coins are especially useful for lower-income households that are struggling to deal with inflated costs, ranging from food to rent payments.

    Meanwhile, central banks worldwide, including the BOE, are pushing ahead with plans to introduce digital versions of their currencies, which is a very unpopular move among the public.

    Privacy advocates worry about a loss of privacy and the potential for government surveillance if digital currencies become mandatory.

    The Fed itself published a paper outlining the benefits of a digital dollar, but officials say there will be no “Fedcoin” without any action by Congress.

    The continuous rise in cash use may depend on how the central banks will manage to tame stubbornly high inflation rates in the coming months.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 14:30

  • Vultures Circling: Bearish Bets Against REITs Soar As CRE Meltdown Risks Mount
    Vultures Circling: Bearish Bets Against REITs Soar As CRE Meltdown Risks Mount

    As storm clouds gather over the commercial real estate market, it faces ever-darker prospects by the week. Short-seller vultures are circling above CRE REITs, targeting these investment vehicles with significant exposures to office, retail, and hotel with massive bearish bets on the hope “more borrowers will default on office debt as interest costs increase and property values fall,” as reported by Bloomberg

    New data compiled by S&P Global Market Intelligence shows short interest in some of the largest REITs with exposure to commercial properties, Blackstone Mortgage Trust Inc. and Starwood Property Trust Inc., have soared in recent weeks. 

    Hedge funds are making bearish bets in the credit derivatives and equities spaces on the premise remote and hybrid work will continue to paralyze demand for tier 2 and 3 properties and crush landlords. Data from broker Cushman & Wakefield indicates office vacancy rates are rising at alarming rates. 

    The gold-standard measure of office occupancy trends is the card-swipe data provided by Kastle Systems. The average office occupancy nationwide is around 46%, still well off the highs from pre-pandemic levels. 

    The problem now is borrowers lack new tenants, which means default risk increases and negatively impacts REITs. These investment vehicles generate revenue from the spread between their capital costs and the interest rates charged to borrowers for loans. 

    Gavriel Kahane, the co-founder of real estate investment firm Arkhouse, warned there’s mounting concern among top investors about “ballooning defaults on held loans” due partly to higher refinancing costs. He noted:

    “Mortgage REITs in general do better when the Fed funds rate stays constant, and in this hyper-turbulent environment distress bubbles up.” 

    The surge in bearish bets is an ominous sign market participants recognize the CRE space is headed for severe pain. The Mortgage Bankers Association reported a delinquency rate on office loans across all lenders climbed to 2.7% at the end of 2022, up from 1.6% in the previous quarter. We suspect that the rate will continue to rise throughout this year.  

    Bloomberg noted, “Office loans are a minority of the portfolios for the mortgage REITs that are being shorted.” 

    Recall last month, we pointed out that regional banking turmoil would have spillover effects in the CRE space — especially the office sector (Read: New “Big Short” Hits Record Low As Focus Turns To $400 Billion CRE Debt Maturity Wall). And since then, JPMMorgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs have all joined the CRE gloom parade. 

    We highlighted the next big short: BBB- tranches of CMBX Series 15, due to its outsized exposure to office commercial real estate…

    BBB- tranches of CMBX Series 15 is sliding again. 

    We also cautioned about a large maturity wall in the CRE sector, with $400 billion of debt due this year. Morgan Stanley data shows $2.5 trillion in CRE debt comes due over the next five years.

    Perhaps last week’s Vornado Realty Trust announcement about delaying its dividend is a harbinger of what’s to come. The REIT just hit a 27-year low. 

    Read this: 

    “We expect private equity and commercial real estate to suffer as regional banks were disproportionate funders of these sectors and the crisis has shut leveraged lending primary markets for the time being,” fund managers James Hanbury and Jamie Grimston of Brook Asset Management wrote in a letter to investors seen by Bloomberg.

    The latest BofA Fund Managers Survey (available to pro subs in the usual place) shows institutional players are most bearish on real estate since 2009.

    Meanwhile, CRE Billionaire Sam Zell recently told New York University graduate students that remote work is a “bunch of bullshit” and that they should dismiss the idea of working from home. It might be hard for Zell to persuade folks to return to the office. These work trends seem permanent and will exert pressure on the CRE space, with mounting risks of a default wave. The dominos appear to be already falling. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 14:00

  • MIT Scientists Create New Nanoparticle Sensors To Detect Early Cancer Via Simple Paper Test
    MIT Scientists Create New Nanoparticle Sensors To Detect Early Cancer Via Simple Paper Test

    Authored by Bill Pan via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have designed nanoparticle sensors that could diagnose early-stage cancer through a simple urine test on a strip of paper.

    Approximately one-third of cancer deaths are caused by factors such as smoking, high body mass index, alcohol consumption, low intake of fruits and vegetables, and lack of physical activity. Many cancers can be cured if detected early and treated effectively. (Freepik)

    The scientists said these sensors, designed to detect many cancerous proteins, could also distinguish the type of tumor, how it responds to treatment, and whether it has metastasized.

    “We are trying to innovate in a context of making technology available to low- and middle-resource settings. Putting this diagnostic on paper is part of our goal of democratizing diagnostics and creating inexpensive technologies that can give you a fast answer at the point of care,” said Sangeeta Bhatia, a biomedical engineer at MIT and senior author of the study published on April 24 in Nature Nanotechnology.

    Bhatia’s team had initially investigated the concept of detecting naturally occurring cancer biomarkers, such as proteins or circulating tumor cells, in the patient’s blood samples. However, these biomarkers are hard to find, especially at early stages, prompting the team to create “synthetic biomarkers” that could diagnose cancer by amplifying small-scale changes occurring within small tumors.

    Nanoparticles previously created by the team can detect the activity of proteases, biological catalysts that can help tumor cells spread. However, since this equipment is not always available, the researchers developed new nanoparticle sensors that could be analyzed more easily and affordably using a technology that reads repetitive DNA sequences called CRISPR.

    Specifically, the nanosensors are designed so that when they encounter a tumor, they shed short sequences of DNA that will eventually end up in the patient’s urine. The urine sample can be analyzed using a paper strip that recognizes a signal activated by a CRISPR enzyme called Cas12a. When a particular DNA “barcode” is present, Cas12a enhances the signal so it appears as a dark strip on the paper test.

    In a study conducted in mice, the scientists showed that a panel of five DNA barcodes could accurately distinguish tumors that first arose in the lungs from tumors formed by colorectal cancer cells that had metastasized. The team also collaborated with other institutions to build a device to distinguish at least 46 DNA barcodes in a single sample.

    The scientists said they are now working on further developing the nanoparticles, with the goal of testing them in humans.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 13:30

  • Democrat Cities Have Biggest Homicide Rate Problem, Study Finds
    Democrat Cities Have Biggest Homicide Rate Problem, Study Finds

    The Democratic Party aggressively promoted the idea of ‘defunding the police’ after George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis, Minnesota, police officer in 2020, which was supposed to improve public safety. A few years later, a new study found the homicide rate in Democrat cities is on the rise and a sign progressive policies are failing. 

    In a study published by WalletHub, researchers found “homicide rates have risen by an average of roughly 10% in 45 of the most populated U.S. cities between Q1 2021 and Q1 2023, and are still rising.” 

    The cities with the biggest homicide rate problems include Memphis, Tennesse; New Orleans, Louisana; Richmond, Virginia; Washington, DC; and Detroit, Michigan. Democrat mayors lead all five cities. 

    Researchers pointed out that murders were rising faster in Democrat-led cities than Republican-led cities. 

    Separately, Chidike Okeem, an assistant professor at Western New England University, told the NYPost that defunding the police movements directly correlates with the rise in violence. 

    “As a response to the social unrest, some officers have embraced ‘de-policing,’ which is the idea of not engaging in proactive policing practices in order to avoid increased scrutiny and censure. Without pronounced police presence, violence proliferates,” Okeem said.

    A University of Central Missouri Professor, Gregg Etter, went further and blamed no-cash bail as a significant driver in the alarming rise of homicide rates in major cities. 

    “If you have a problem with police use of force in isolated instances, rather than deal with the problem or the problem officers, defund the police. This results in a less-effective police force, increased response times, lower police morale, and an increasing unwillingness by the police to engage in proactive policing,” Etter said.

    And it’s not just homicide rates that are moving higher. Retail thefts and carjackings are soaring. Democrats have yet to take accountability for their failed social justice reforms. As a result, businesses and people are quickly exiting these dangerous cities for safer places. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 13:00

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Today’s News 30th April 2023

  • 'Equity' And The Race To The Bottom
    ‘Equity’ And The Race To The Bottom

    Authored by Jack Miller via RealClear Wire,

    Over the last few years, the rallying cry of “woke” activists has become “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (often abbreviated to DEI). There is little reason to object to such principles on the surface. After all, America was founded on the principle that all people are created equal. Unfortunately, the meaning of words can change over time.  

    Rather than the Founders’ vision of equal opportunity for all, the use of the word “equity” today denotes equal outcomes for all. The implementation of this “equity agenda,” however well-intentioned, will lead to terrible consequences. 

    One of the prophets who warned us about the dangers of this understanding of equity was the great twentieth-century novelist Kurt Vonnegut. In his 1961 short story, “Harrison Bergeron,” Vonnegut imagined a society with perfect equity. “Nobody was smarter than anybody else,” the narrator says. “Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else.” 

    As Vonnegut shows, a society looking to equalize outcomes for all citizens is no utopia – it is instead a nightmarish horror. The only way to guarantee equal results is to handicap everyone so that they perform at the lowest common level. In the terrifying world of “Harrison Bergeron,” for instance, the government burdens ballerinas “with sashweights and bags of birdshot” so they cannot move more beautifully than anyone else.

    The push for “equity” in American society today resembles Vonnegut’s dystopia – but nowhere more dangerously than in the education system. 

    At the university level, DEI bureaucracies have grown to absurd sizes, and they dominate much of campus life. A 2021 Heritage Foundation report found 163 DEI personnel at the University of Michigan, 94 at the University of Virginia and 94 at Ohio State, 86 at the University of California Berkeley, 83 at Virginia Tech, and 80 at Stanford (where Associate Dean for DEI Tirien Steinbach was recently put on leave for galvanizing an unruly protest by confronting a U.S. circuit judge who was trying to deliver a campus lecture). 

    In a growing number of K-12 schools across the country, such as at Culver City High School in the Los Angeles area, honors classes are being eliminated so as not to “perpetuate inequality.” Proponents of this idea say that some students can still obtain an honors “label” by doing extra work. 

    But more often than not, teachers are simply slowing down instruction for everyone. Students are increasingly taught at the lowest common denominator rather than being challenged to do their best. As one student recently told the Wall Street Journal, “There are some people who slow down the pace because they don’t really do anything and aren’t looking to try harder.” 

    Current DEI regulations at the federal and state level, as well-intentioned as these regulations may be, are fostering this approach and handicapping our education system. For example, the Department of Education’s 2022 Equity Agency Plan goes so far as to connect DEI policies directly to federal funding for local schools. In their pursuit of “ensuring equity,” ideologues are killing opportunity for America’s students. 

    The American Dream is that all citizens will have an equal opportunity to achieve their goals based on their individual talents and hard work. The Declaration of Independence does not guarantee happiness to every citizen – it only guarantees the pursuit of happiness. 

    But the pursuit of the modern idea of “equity” rather than true equality is simply a race to the bottom. Socialist regimes in Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, and so many other places show that radical egalitarianism simply does not work. America is more successful than these failed experiments because we cling to the principle of equality rightly understood. We cannot let that slip away. 

    The good news is that many parents are mobilizing against far-left excesses. At the ballot box, school board meetings, and even at the dinner table, parents are standing up and saying enough is enough. They do not want to sacrifice academic excellence for grand social experiments. They want their kids to become educated and ambitious, not indoctrinated and complacent.

    Most Americans believe in equality. We want to make sure that everyone has, to the greatest extent possible, an equal place at the starting line. From there, each individual has the freedom to achieve what their desires, ability, and hard work make possible. 

    Achieving that kind of equality is the American dream, the engine that enables people from any walk of life to realize their dreams. Equity, as activists preach it, trades away this American heritage for abstractions and fantasies. Americans should instead hold fast to the political principles that have guided us to marvelous success and prosperity for nearly 250 years.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/30/2023 – 00:00

  • Texas Senate Passes Legislation Banning 'Hostile Foreign Nations' From Buying Farmland
    Texas Senate Passes Legislation Banning ‘Hostile Foreign Nations’ From Buying Farmland

    The Texas state senate passed legislation this week banning the purchase of farmland by citizens and entities linked to hostile foreign nations, a move which the author of the bill says will provide “sweeping state and national security protections.”

    This bill protects Texas farmland, oil and gas, rare earth materials and timber from being owned by foreign entities classified as hostile by the Director of U.S. National Intelligence for three consecutive reports. These nations currently include China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran,” wrote Sen . Lois Kolkhorst (R) following the passage of her legislation by a vote of 19-12 in the state Senate on April 26.

    According to a 2022 threat assessment report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), China, Russia, Iran and North Korea pose the biggest threats to US national security. The report says that the CCP presents “the broadest, most active, and persistent cyber espionage threat to the U.S. Government and private sector networks.”

    The Texas bill, SB 147, was introduced last November by Kolkhorst, and has the support of Gov. Greg Abbott (R). That said, the language of the original bill was toned down following criticism from some Democrats and locals over the bill banning property purchases of any individual who is “a citizen of China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia.”

    In the final draft, the ban does not apply to lawful permanent residents, US citizens or dual citizens.

    The property which the bill applies to includes agricultural land, improvements, mines and quarries, mineral deposits, and standing timber.

    It also grants the Texas attorney general the authority to investigate potential violations if “reasonable suspicion” exists that an individual or entity making a property purchase is associated with one of the designated countries.

    “Texas is rich in its natural resources and is home to invaluable strategic military bases and installations. With SB 147, we can protect our Texas food supply and energy resources as well,” wrote Kolkhorst – who built this legislation to dovetail with SB 2116 – the state’s “Lone Star Infrastructure Protection Act,” which makes it illegal for Texas governments and businesses to make critical infrastructure deals with entities from the banned list.

    Texas Democrats are upset.

    “Even with the amendments offered, this legislation still takes away the rights of an entire class of people without due process and solely on the basis of their national origin,” wrote Rep. Gene Wu, an outspoken critic of Kolkhorst’s legislation, adding that he’s “frustrated by the Senate’s passage of SB 147 in its current form.”

    “National security is a serious issue, but if we are concerned about the actions of foreign governments, then legislation should only affect foreign governments and their agents,” Wu continued. “Our community will continue to work, in the Texas House, to eliminate the unnecessarily discriminatory aspects of this bill.”

    Not all Texas Democrats…

    State Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, a co-author of SB 147, is the lone Democrat who voted in favor of the bill on Wednesday.

    “We’re not trying to target people. We’re trying to target nations that pose a security risk to this great nation of ours,” he said. “It’s incorrect to say that this bill is discriminatory.”

    “We should not overlook the point that many of these nations are a threat to our security,” Hinojosa continued, adding that these countries “have made it very clear that they want to destroy our country, destroy our democracy, destroy our way of life.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 23:30

  • CJ Hopkins Advice To RFK Jr: "F**k It, F**k Them… Tell The Truth… The Angry, Uncensored Truth"
    CJ Hopkins Advice To RFK Jr: “F**k It, F**k Them… Tell The Truth… The Angry, Uncensored Truth”

    Authored by CJ Hopkins via The Consent Factory,

    The Great Divide

    Robert Kennedy, Jr. is running for president. I could not possibly be more excited. So, I’m going to give Bobby some unsolicited advice, which, if he knows what’s good for him, he will not take.

    I feel OK about doing this because, even if Bobby, in the wee hours of the night, when the mind is vulnerable to dangerous ideas, were to seriously consider taking my advice, I am sure he has people — i.e., PR people, campaign strategists, pollsters, and so on — that would not hesitate to take him aside and disabuse him of any inclination to do that.

    OK, before I give Bobby this terrible advice, I have to do the “full disclosure” thing. I’m a pretty big fan of RFK, Jr. I don’t generally get involved in electoral politics, but, if I were a Democrat, I would definitely vote for him. Also, he was kind enough to blurb my book (which isn’t going to make his PR people happy) and invite me onto his podcast, RFK, Jr. The Defender, to talk about “New Normal” totalitarianism. So, I am fairly biased in favor of Bobby Kennedy. I think he is an admirable, honorable human being. I would love to see him in the Oval Office.

    That isn’t going to happen, of course. The global-capitalist ruling classes are never going to let him near the Oval Office. They learned their lesson back in 2016. There are not going to be any more unauthorized presidents. The folks at GloboCap are done playing grab-ass, and they want us to know that they are done playing grab-ass. That’s what the last six years have been about.

    As I put it in a column in January, 2021 …

    “… This, basically, is what we’ve just experienced. The global capitalist ruling classes have just reminded us who is really in charge, who the US military answers to, and how quickly they can strip away the facade of democracy and the rule of law. They have reminded us of this for the last ten months, by putting us under house arrest, beating and arresting us for not following orders, for not wearing masks, for taking walks without permission, for having the audacity to protest their decrees, for challenging their official propaganda, about the virus, the election results, etc. They are reminding us currently by censoring dissent, and deplatforming anyone they deem a threat to their official narratives and ideology … GloboCap is teaching us a lesson. I don’t know how much clearer they could make it. They just installed a new puppet president, who can’t even simulate mental acuity, in a locked-down, military-guarded ceremony which no one was allowed to attend, except a few members of the ruling classes. They got some epigone of Albert Speer to convert the Mall (where the public normally gathers) into a ‘field of flags‘ symbolizing ‘unity.’ They even did the Nazi ‘Lichtdom‘ thing. To hammer the point home, they got Lady Gaga to dress up as Hunger Games character with a ‘Mockingjay’ brooch and sing the National Anthem. They broadcast this spectacle to the entire world.”

    Does that sound like the behavior of an unaccountable, supranational power apparatus that is prepared to stand by and let Bobby Kennedy, Jr., or Donald Trump, or any other unauthorized person, become the next president of the United States?

    So, here’s my bad advice for Bobby.

    Fuck them. They’re not going to let you win, anyway. They are going to smear you, slime you, demonize you, distort every other thing you say, and just generally lie about who you are and what you believe in and what you stand for. They are going to paint you as a bull-goose-loony, formerly smack-addled, conspiracy-theorizing, anti-vax fanatic no matter what you do. If you tone down your act and try to “heal the divide” and “end the division,” they are going to have you for lunch, and then sit around picking their teeth with your bones. You know, and I know, and the American people know, that the things you say you want to do as president — which I know you sincerely want to do as president and are crazy enough to actually try to do, i.e., “to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country” — are things … well, as Michael Corleone once put it, that they would “use all their power to keep from happening.”

    So, fuck it, and fuck them. Tell the truth.

    Not the ready-for-prime-time truth. Not the toned-down-for-mainstream-consumption truth.

    The truth. The ugly, unvarnished truth. The scary, crazy-sounding truth.

    The angry, divisive, uncensored truth.

    Yes, there is a “divide.” A great divide. A chasm. A schism. A gulf. An abyss. A gaping, yawning, unbridgeable fissure. A Grand Canyon-sized fault in the foundation of society. A rupture in the very fabric of reality.

    As I noted in another 2021 column, the global-capitalist ruling classes have decommissioned one “reality” and are replacing it with another “reality” … corporate feudalism, pathologized totalitarianism, global corporatism, or whatever anybody wants to call it. Whatever we call it, everyone feels it. OK, I’m going to be obnoxious and quote myself again …

    “During the changeover from the old ‘reality’ to the new ‘reality,’ the society is torn apart. The old ‘reality’ is being disassembled and the new one has not yet taken its place. It feels like madness, and, in a way, it is. For a time, the society is split in two, as the two ‘realities’ battle it out for dominance. ‘Reality’ being what it is (i.e., monolithic), this is a fight to the death. In the end, only one ‘reality’ can prevail.”

    The folks at GloboCap are right on the verge of permanently implementing their new “reality.” In that “reality,” an apocalyptic virus (with a survival rate of roughly 99.7%) nearly wiped out the entire planet, and would have, if not for the Emergency Health Measures (i.e., mass house arrest, forced conformity rituals, cancellation of constitutional rights, censorship of dissent, official propaganda on a scale that even Goebbels could never have dreamed of, fomenting of mass hysteria and hatred, segregation and persecution of a designated scapegoat underclass) imposed on society by our admittedly imperfect but well-intentioned government and global health authorities. In that “reality,” the “vaccines” they forced on billions of people (who did not need them) are “safe and effective” (despite the fact, which even they now acknowledge, that they have seriously injured or killed millions of people). In that “reality,” a few hundred unarmed Trump supporters horsing around in the Capitol Building was an “insurrection,” or “attempted coup,” or … well, you get the picture. There are no neo-Nazis in the Ukraine. The Russians blew up their own pipelines. And so on.

    What I am trying to get at, Bobby, is that those of us who have refused to convert to the new “reality” — which I am guessing is approximately 25-30% of the global population — are not looking for a leader who can “heal the divide.” We are in a fight. We are fighting for reality. We’re fighting for what’s left of reality.

    And, at the moment, we are getting our asses kicked.

    So, fuck it. What have you got to lose? Throw out the playbook. Fire your PR people. Go for broke. Tell the truth. Tell folks what we’re up against. That it isn’t something an election is going to fix. That it isn’t something a new president can fix. That it isn’t fixable. That it is a fucking fight. And not one according to the Queensberry Rules. A ball-kicking, eye-gouging, chair-swinging, bar fight. And that sometimes, like now, when there is nowhere to run to … well, you have to stand and fight, even if you know you’re going to lose.

    That’s it. That’s my bad advice for Bobby. Hopefully, one of his staff will spot it and delete it before he reads his email.

    Otherwise, I’m afraid he might be tempted to take it. He’s already leaning in that direction.

    And … well, you know how those Irish love a good fight.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 23:00

  • Vegas Baby! (Or South Korea's 'Hawaii'): These Are The Busiest Air Routes In The World And Stateside
    Vegas Baby! (Or South Korea’s ‘Hawaii’): These Are The Busiest Air Routes In The World And Stateside

    The busiest air routes in the world are all domestic flights. Yet, the frequent flyer nation of the United States can’t hold the candle to the high demand for air travel in Asia.

    There, the busiest route has the capacity to transport more than three times as many people in a month than the busiest U.S. route.

    Data published for the month of April by air travel analytics firm OAG shows that the route connecting Gimpo airport in the South Korean capital of Seoul and country’s Jeju island is the world’s busiest.

    The “Hawaii of South Korea” is popular among domestic tourists.

    Infographic: The Busiest Air Routes in the World and Stateside | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    Among the world’s and the U.S.’ most flown routes, tourism and entertainment destinations pop up repeatedly, while island locations also have a leg up.

    This includes the world’s second-busiest route between Tokyo and Japan’s Northern island of Hokkaido, a year-round tourist destination.

    In the U.S., the two most-flown routes connect Los Angeles and Las Vegas as well as two Hawaiian islands.

    Some island routes have also popularized short flights as ground transportation is either not an option or is the more complicated, time-consuming and expensive choice. While the inter-Hawaiian route is the briefest in the ranking, the world’s busiest leg between Seoul and Jeju island is the third-shortest. The flight route linking the United States’ biggest cities across a distance of almost 2,500 miles is an outlier in that sense. As the most popular air routes over land are typically 400-700 miles long, the inclusion of the JFK-LAX route does highlight the extraordinary reliance the U.S. places on air travel to keep the country connected.

    International flights are a more pricy and sometimes more complicated way to travel and therefore attract fewer passengers.

    The busiest route this April is connecting Egyptian capital Cairo with Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, the gateway to Muslim pilgrimage place Mecca.

    This month (which falls into Hajj season) almost 450,000 people will be flying on the route – still more than on the busiest U.S. journey.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 22:30

  • AOC Is Wrong – Deplatforming Never Works
    AOC Is Wrong – Deplatforming Never Works

    Authored by John Mac Ghlionn via The Epoch Times,

    Soon after Tucker Carlson left Fox News, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, more commonly known by her initials AOC, celebrated on social media, telling her followers that “deplatforming works.”

    Deplatforming, the practice of preventing an individual with specific views from voicing those views, might work for her, but it’s a disaster for broader society, according to a new peer-reviewed study (pdf).

    The research, carried out by four esteemed cyber experts, warns that deplatforming regularly backfires, because it creates a sense of deep-seated resentment, driving the disenchanted and disillusioned to seek out “alternative platforms where these discussions are less regulated and often more extreme.”

    In this particular study, the researchers analyzed changes in social media usage following the “Great Deplatforming” of 2021. For the uninitiated, the “Great Deplatforming” occurred shortly after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Following the event, a number of major platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, banned thousands of accounts. Ostensibly, as the researchers note, this was done to “limit misinformation about voter fraud and suppress calls for violence.” However, other less regulated platforms like Parler and BitChute were quick to give the homeless a home. In this age of maximum choice, with no shortage of alternative social media platforms, deplatforming is an ineffective tool. It’s the equivalent of taking a soup spoon to a knife fight. You simply can’t make people with alternative points of view disappear. These people will almost always find new homes.

    One of the authors of the study, Martin Innes, a professor of crime, intelligence, and security at Cardiff University, told me that “deplatforming can have complex effects and not always those that are intended, including boosting the popularity of the target.”

    Furthermore, “deplatforming can actually increase the toxicity of discourse and make the problems worse on the platform that people migrate to.”

    In truth, he added, deplatforming tends to just displace the problem, not actually solve it.

    As Innes and his colleagues note in the paper, contrary to popular belief, deplatforming is not “an effective tool for reducing the impact of malign actors on the public.” In fact, they contend, “deplatforming is ineffective at improving the information space,” simply because “banned actors can migrate to less regulated platforms, potentially promoting even more radical ideas.”

    These findings echo the findings of other research papers. In 2021, Innes was part of another study that examined the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of deplatforming. Innes and his co-author coined the term “minion accounts” to describe how, following a “de-platforming intervention,” a number of secondary accounts are established to “continue the mission.”

    When it comes to the creation of “minion accounts,” Andrew Tate, a man I have discussed in great detail elsewhere, is a shining example of the ineffectiveness of deplatforming. When he was unceremoniously booted off the Holy Quadrinity—YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok—last year, a whole host of fake accounts, powered by real people and tireless bots, quickly popped up, helping to keep the Tate-fueled fire burning.

    Those in charge would have us believe that deplatforming is for our own good, that it’s a tool designed to curb the spread of disinformation. However, one could be forgiven for thinking otherwise. Deplatforming is, first and foremost, a form of social control. It’s designed to amplify certain narratives and silence others, perhaps explaining why AOC, a controversial individual with a very strict set of beliefs, appears to be such a fan of the practice.

    All of this brings us back to Tucker Carlson, a man who won’t (and can’t) be silenced. Carlson is, in many ways, bigger than Fox News. He’s a brand, a celebrity, a highly bankable star. One needn’t possess more than a few functioning neurons to know that Carlson is going to be OK. In fact, because of his ouster, he has never been in a stronger position. Carlson is more marketable now than ever before.

    Where will he go next? Rumble, perhaps. The remarkably popular online video platform service gives content makers a great degree of freedom. Russell Brand, one of the most popular public intellectuals in existence, is Rumble’s biggest asset. He currently boasts more than 1 million followers. Adding Carlson to its ever-expanding family would boost Rumble’s profile. It would also give Carlson a platform to continue preaching his rather unique gospel. The provocateur extraordinaire will be back. Watch this space.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 22:00

  • The State Of 'Democracy' Around The World
    The State Of ‘Democracy’ Around The World

    Only 8% of the world’s population actually lives in a full, functioning democracy, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

    Meanwhile, another 37% of people live in some type of “flawed democracy”, while 55% of the world does not live in democracy at all, based on the EIU’s latest Democracy Index Report.

    As Visual Capitalist’s Avery Koop and Joyce Mas detail below, events such as the war in Ukraine and restrictive, long-lasting COVID-19 measures, have caused numerous declines to country democracy scores in recent years. Since the source report first began tracking scores in 2006, the global average has fallen from 5.52 to 5.29.

    The Methodology

    The EIU measures democracy by assessing 60 indicators across five key categories:

    1. Electoral process and pluralism
    2. Political culture
    3. Political participation
    4. Functioning of government
    5. Civil liberties

    Each category has a rank of 0-10 based on how the indicators fared, and the overall democracy score is an average of each of the five categories. For example, here’s a look at the U.S.’ scoring out of 10 in each of the overall categories in 2022:

    This score defines the U.S. as a flawed democracy and ranks it 30th overall in the world, down four spots from last year’s ranking.

    “Flawed” in this case simply means there are problems, ranging from poor political culture to governance issues, but flawed democracies are still considered to have free and fair elections, as well as civil liberties.

    The World’s Democracies by Region

    Below we map out the state of democracy across various regions around the world.

    The Americas

    One of the best performers year-over-year was Chile, with its score increasing by nearly 0.3. The country moved out of the flawed democracy category last year, largely because of the shift towards constitutional reform alongside President Gabriel Boric moving towards the political center, reducing polarization.

    Only three other countries in the Americas are also considered full democracies: Costa Rica, Canada, and Uruguay—the latter of which is #1 regionally.

    On the flipside, some of the world’s worst performers year-over-year are located specifically in Latin America, namely: El Salvador and Haiti. Much of the low scores in the region are associated with high crime rates and corrupt governance.


    The only full democracy in Africa is the small, island nation of Mauritius. Overall, Africa is one of the lowest scoring regions with only five of the continent’s 54 countries ranking as some type of democracy.

    Tunisia’s score decreased significantly in 2022. President Kais Saied dismissed parliament early in the year and took control of the electoral council, slowly shifting towards centralized power. And although there were critics, many have since been arrested, downgrading them in the EIU’s eyes from a flawed democracy to a hybrid regime.


    Spain and France regained status as full democracies in 2022, mainly improving in the civil liberties and functioning of government categories thanks to the easing of COVID-19 restrictions. However, both countries face political polarization; in Spain this is largely exemplified in the attitudes surrounding the Catalan separatist movement.

    Some of the lowest scoring regimes in the region are in Russia and Belarus. Russia’s war in Ukraine has violated international law, as well as another country’s sovereignty, decimating its score by 0.96 in the index. Belarus has continually allied itself with Russia, allowing troops—and likely missiles—to enter Ukraine from its borders.

    Oceania and East Asia

    In this region, levels of democracy were severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Hong Kong only removed restrictive policies like mask mandates in early 2023. In contrast, Thailand lifted these restrictions a year prior, providing more individual freedom, according to the report.

    Malaysia’s fairly high score of 7.3 could face scrutiny, as the former Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, who was in office during COVID-19, is currently facing corruption charges for money laundering of COVID-19 stimulus package funds.

    Central Asia and The Middle East

    Finally, in the Middle East and Central Asia, there are no full democracies at all. The lowest scoring country globally is Afghanistan at only 0.32.

    Israel, the only democracy of any kind of the region, actually moved down six spots in the global ranking from the year prior. Its lowest scoring category in 2022 was civil liberties. This year, the country is in the spotlight due to its judicial reforms proposed by the ruling nationalist party, and civil response has been strong. Mass protests continue around the country.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 21:30

  • California Teachers Sue School District Over Transgender Policy Allegedly Forcing Them To Lie To Parents
    California Teachers Sue School District Over Transgender Policy Allegedly Forcing Them To Lie To Parents

    Authored by Matthew Vadum via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Teachers from a California middle school are suing officials in their school district in federal court over policies that they say force them to conceal the transgender status of young students from parents.

    The California Department of Education in Sacramento, on April 18, 2022. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

    The lawsuit happens to come after President Joe Biden’s remarks earlier this month in support of the nation’s teacher of the year angered parents by suggesting government knows best when it comes to the raising of children.

    Biden quoted the teacher when he said, “There’s no such thing as someone else’s child.” The president then said, “Our nation’s children are all our children.”

    The legal complaint (pdf) in the new case, Mirabelli v. Olson, was filed April 27 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California. The teachers involved in the lawsuit are devout Christians.

    The defendants are officials with the Escondido Union School District (EUSD), which is in San Diego County, and officials with the California State Board of Education.

    The lawsuit was prompted by the K-8 school district’s recent policies affecting transgender or gender-diverse students.

    The policies require teachers to assist in a student’s transgender “social transition” by accepting a child’s assertion of a transgender or gender-diverse identity and using during school hours any pronouns or a gender-specific name requested by a student.

    At the same time, the policies also require teachers to revert to biological pronouns and legal names when speaking with parents in order to cover up information about a child’s purported gender identity from the child’s parents, according to the Thomas More Society, a nonprofit public interest law firm that filed the lawsuit.

    All of this is to be done without parent or guardian agreement or knowledge,” said Paul Jonna, Thomas More Society special counsel and a partner at LiMandri and Jonna.

    “Schools routinely send notes home to parents about trivial matters, like missing homework, so it is unfathomable that Escondido Union School District has a policy that forces teachers to withhold from parents some of the most fundamental and basic information about their children,” Jonna said.

    EUSD requires all elementary and middle school teachers to “unhesitatingly accept a child’s assertion of a transgender or gender diverse identity, and … [to] ‘begin to treat the student immediately’ according to their asserted gender identity,” according to the legal complaint.

    There is absolutely no room for discussion, polite disagreement, or even questioning whether the child is sincere or acting on a whim,” the complaint continues. “Once a child’s social transitioning has begun, EUSD elementary and middle school teachers must ensure that parents do not find out.”

    “EUSD’s policies state that ‘revealing a student’s transgender status to individuals who do not have a legitimate need for the information, without the student’s consent’ is prohibited, and ‘parents or caretakers’ are, according to EUSD, individuals who ‘do not have a legitimate need for the information,’ irrespective of the age of the student or the specific facts of the situation.”

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 21:00

  • The Number Of Jailed Journalists Reaches Record High
    The Number Of Jailed Journalists Reaches Record High

    In 2022, more journalists than ever before were imprisoned for doing their job.

    As Statista’s Martin Armstrong reports, some 363 journalists were imprisoned in 30 different countries last year, according to data from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

    Infographic: Number of Jailed Journalists at Record High | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    By 2021, the number of detainees had already exceeded 300 – roughly doubling since 2015. An alarming trend that, according to the experts, is a sign of the deterioration of press freedom worldwide.

    In 2022, the largest number of journalists were held in an Iranian prison (62 people), in China (43), and Myanmar, where 42 people were locked away at the end of the year.

    Developments in Eastern Europe are also cause for concern – the arrest of ‘Wall Street Journal’ journalist Evan Gershkovich by Russian authorities one recent indicator of the situation there. Gershkovich was arrested while reporting on the Ukraine war and is the first U.S. journalist since the end of the Cold War to be detained on espionage charges in Russia.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 20:30

  • California Doctor Faces $290 Million In COVID-19-Related Fraud Charges
    California Doctor Faces $290 Million In COVID-19-Related Fraud Charges

    Authored by Jason Blair via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    A doctor in Orange County, California, has been charged by federal prosecutors for orchestrating approximately $230 million worth of fraud during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The Department of Justice announced the charges against Dr. Anthony Ha Dinh and 17 other individuals on April 20. The total “intended fraud loss” among all 18 defendants is over $490 million, in which Dinh accounts for about 60 percent.

    They said the charges are part of a coordinated nationwide effort of law enforcement to fight COVID-19 health care fraud.

    Dinh allegedly billed the government through the HRSA Uninsured Program with uninsured claims for patients who actually either had insurance, were never treated, or had treatments that weren’t medically necessary, according to the DOJ.

    The HRSA Uninsured Program was intended to provide reimbursement to medical providers who treated uninsured patients for certain COVID-19-related treatments during the pandemic.

    Authorities say Dinh was the second highest biller to the program in the country. He allegedly used over $100 million of the money for high-risk options trading.

    Dinh also allegedly worked with Hanna Dinh, also of Orange County, and Dr. Matthew Ho of Brevard County, Florida, to submit more than 70 fraudulent loan applications, obtaining over $3 million from the PPP and Economic Injury Disaster Loan programs, according to the Justice Department.

    Dinh is scheduled for arraignment on May 22 in federal court in Santa Ana. If convicted on all charges, he could face up to 50 years in prison, according to federal prosecutors.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 20:00

  • Colorado Gov Signs Four New Gun Control Measures Into Law
    Colorado Gov Signs Four New Gun Control Measures Into Law

    Joining Washington state in a 2023 western-United States gun control blitz, Colorado Governor Jared Polis on Friday put his signature on four bills restricting the exercise of the human right of armed self-defense.  

    “No action can ever bring back the loved one that you lost,” said Polis, surrounded by gun control advocates and shooting victims and family members. “But turning your own personal tragedy into action in a way that will make others safer, will really prevent others from having to go through what you went through.”

    At Friday’s signing ceremony, Gov. Polis hands a pen to the parents of Aurora movie theater shooting victim Jessica Ghawi (Hyoung Chang/The Denver Post)

    Here’s what they do: 

    • Increase the legal age for purchasing firearms to 21. The law grandfathers anyone who was 18 when the law was enacted, and has exceptions that include hunting, attending shooting classes, being a peace officer or active duty military. 

    • Create a 3-day waiting period for firearms purchases. The law appears to put the burden solely on sellers, who face a $500 fine for a first offense and fines between $500 and $5,000 for subsequent offenses. 

    • Expand the list of people who can submit “red flag” gun-confiscation petitions. Colorado already had an “Extreme Risk Protection Order” law, under which family/household members and law enforcement officers/agencies could petition for disarming an individual. Now, petitions can be accepted from medical care providers, mental health-care providers, educators and district attorneys. 

    • Remove gun manufacturers’ protection from liability. Previously, firearm and ammo manufacturers could only be sued over defects. The new law repeals that limit and requires broadly-defined “firearm industry members” to “establish and implement reasonable controls and precautions related to the industry product in its control.” It allows individuals or the Colorado attorney general to pursue actions against violators, and “unlawful misuse” of a firearm or ammo is not a defense. 

    There’s one type of restriction conspicuously absent from Friday’s bundle: an “assault weapon” ban, like the one recently enacted in Washington state.

    A Monmouth University poll released last week found 49% of Americans oppose such bans, with 46% supporting them and 6% unsure. “That marks a nine-point decline in support and a seven-point increase in opposition since Monmouth asked the same question in June 2022,” notes Stephen Gutowski at The Reload.

    Already poised to counterstrike, gun rights advocates began filing legal challenges to the new laws on the same day Polis signed them. Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO) sued Polis and the state over the waiting period and the age-21 requirement. The group plans to challenge the other two laws after finding plaintiffs with standing to challenge them. (Read the filed complaints here: Waiting Period / Age 21)

    “Gun owners’ rights are being ravaged in the Colorado legislature by the puppets of Everytown for Gun Control and Michael Bloomberg,” said RMGO executive director Taylor Rhodes in a statement. He added:

    They will not be happy until all law-abiding gun owners are disarmed, and only the criminals have guns. When a single mother is being harassed by a violent, abusive former partner, the Democrats at the Capitol think it is fine to make her wait at least three days to defend herself and her baby. And if she is twenty, these gun control fanatics insist she is completely defenseless.”

    While not assured of victory, the challenges will have a mighty tailwind, thanks to last summer’s Supreme Court Bruen decision requiring that, to be held constitutional, gun control laws must be “consistent with the nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.” Applying that test, federal judges across the country have been knocking down and imposing injunctions against gun laws left and right. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 19:30

  • What The End Of Fed Rate-Hikes Means For Stocks
    What The End Of Fed Rate-Hikes Means For Stocks

    Authored by MN Gordon via,

    According to this week’s Commerce Department report, U.S. GDP increased at an annualized rate of 1.1 percent during Q1 2023.  The experts thought GDP would grow by 2 percent.  They were wrong.

    By now, it’s very well possible GDP has already slipped into reverse.  We won’t know until the Commerce Department’s Q2 report is released in late July.  In the interim, there’s an important question to be asked:

    Is a recession bullish or bearish for stocks?

    Next week, following the federal open market committee (FOMC) meeting on May 2 and 3, it’s widely anticipated that the Federal Reserve will hike interest rates by 25 basis points.  This will take the federal funds rate to a range of 5.00 to 5.25 percent.

    It is also anticipated that this will be the last rate hike of this rate hiking cycle.  That the Fed will then hold interest rates, before cutting them later this year to offset the recession.

    Interest rate cuts are commonly recognized as being bullish for stocks and stimulative for the economy. 

    Here at the Economic Prism, we have some reservations.

    In short, we expect there will be a great stock market purge that will take the major indexes to unimaginable lows.  We also expect this will coincide with the slashing and burning of interest rates.  Here’s why…

    The last time a Fed rate hike took the federal funds rate to 5.25 percent was June 29, 2006.  If you recall, the Fed then paused and held the federal funds rate at 5.25 percent for roughly 15 months.  Then on September 18, 2007, the Fed cut rates 50 basis points.

    A lot happened beneath the surface over these 15 months when the federal funds rate was held at 5.25 percent.  Massive stressors were formed, as this rate was relatively higher than the preceding years.  In June 2003, for example, the federal funds rate touched 1.00 percent, and remained there until June of 2004.

    Cheap Credit Spawns Bad Debt

    When credit is cheap, opportunities to borrow and spend money are much more manageable.  When interest rates are ultra-low, consumers, businesses, and governments can make their cash flow pencil out for purchases that would otherwise be extravagant.

    But when the federal funds rate is 5.25 percent, and credit markets are tighter, the cash flow comes up short.  Debts go unpaid and slip into arrears.  Defaults occur.

    Yet the effects of cheap credit spawning bad debt takes time to filter its way through the economy.  Sectors that largely rely on financing to move products – such as real estate and automobiles – are generally hit first.  While demand for bricks of dry ramen noodles, which even with today’s inflation can still be bought with pocket change, remains even.

    When the Fed brought the federal funds rate to 5.25 percent in June 2006, and then signaled a pause, there was a sense of relief.  Professional economists thought the worst of it had come and gone.  They believed the stress of higher interest rates had already been realized.

    In fact, on May 17, 2007, Fed Chair Ben Bernanke gave a speech before the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, where he said:

    “The subprime mess is grave but largely contained.  Given the fundamental factors in place that should support the demand for housing, we believe the effect of the troubles in the subprime sector on the broader housing market will likely be limited.”   

    Did he believe what he was saying?  Because at the precise moment he spoke these words the nation’s housing market was rotting just beneath his nose.  Did he not smell it?

    Sowing the Seeds of Chaos

    Apparently, Bernanke was missing his sense of smell.  Because when Bear Stearns blew up in March 2008, Bernanke was again quick to dismiss it.  On June 8, 2008, Bernanke, said:

    “The risk that the economy has entered a substantial downturn appears to have diminished over the past month or so.”

    At the same time, Bernanke was slashing the federal funds rate.  Bringing it from 5.25 percent in September 2007 to a range of 0.00 to 0.25 percent by December 2008.  Perhaps he thought this would buoy the economy and float stocks higher.

    But then, on September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers blew up and credit markets frosted over like the Alaskan tundra.  Three days later Bernanke, along with Hank “my squirt gun’s a bazooka” Paulson, went to Congress and demanded a mega-bailout of the financial system.

    On September 18, 2008, at an emergency meeting in the Capitol, Bernanke told Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd: “If we don’t do this tomorrow, we won’t have an economy on Monday.”

    Two months after firing off Paulson’s bazooka, Bernanke commenced QE1.  In doing so, he corrupted financial markets and the economy without end…and sowed the seeds of today’s financial and economic chaos.

    Over this time, as the federal funds rate was being slashed and QE began flooding the financial markets with liquidity, the stock market didn’t go up.  Instead, it went down.

    The S&P 500, for example, peaked out at about 1,586 in October 2007.  It then slowly slid down to about 1,200 in August 2008.  Over this time, investors thought they were buying the dip.  That the Fed had engineered a soft landing.  They were dead wrong.

    By September 2008, the S&P 500 was freefalling like common ravens descending upon fresh roadkill.  Taking it down to a bottom of 666 on March 6, 2009.  This amounted to a top to bottom decline of 58 percent.  It was brutal.  Yet it was also the buying opportunity of a lifetime.

    What’s the point?

    What the End of Fed Rate Hikes Means for Stocks

    Here in the wooded mountains of East Tennessee the vegetated growth is so dense it shuts off the adjacent view.  Hollers, as they’re called in southern Appalachia, are undetectable.  And in an instant, things can go terribly wrong.

    Take Dennis Martin, for instance.  On June 14, 1969, he wandered off a Smoky Mountain trail never to be seen again.  Approximately 1,400 search and rescue workers – including the National Guard, Green Berets, and Boy Scouts of America – walked narrow transects across a 56 square mile area.

    All that was found were footprints leading to a stream, one shoe, and one sock.  Martin vanished with hardly a trace.

    Where did he go?  Did a black bear eat him?

    To this day, no one knows.  It’s an unsolved mystery. 

    What to make of it…

    As we’ve just documented, the Fed stopped hiking rates in June 2006.  The S&P 500 continued to inflate until October 2007.  The Fed then began cutting rates in September 2007.  The stock market didn’t bottom out until March 2009 – 18 months after rate cuts were first initiated.

    “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes,” is a cliché that’s often attributed to Mark Twain.  We don’t know if he actually said it.  And we really don’t care.  The insight, however, is edifying.

    The stresses that are plaguing financial markets and the economy in 2023 are certainly different than those of 2008. 

    The world has dramatically changed over these 15 years.  But if you listen with a trained ear, there are similar rhymes.

    Namely, there’s massive amounts of bad debt out there that relatively higher interest rates over the past 14 months have exposed.  The commercial real estate market is absolute toast.  Pension funds, having stretched for yield, are holding a bag of assets that’s backed by eroding collateral.  At the same time, the S&P 500 is still well overvalued relative to its historical mean.

    By this, the likely end of the Fed’s rate hiking cycle next week does not mean we’re out of the woods.  Rather, it means we’re just entering the woods…

    And, assuming the Fed starts cutting rates in October of this year, the S&P 500 may not reemerge from the woods until it bottoms out in April 2025.

    *  *  *

    Like this article?  If so, please Subscribe to the Economic Prism.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 19:00

  • Europe Is Buying Record Amounts Of Refined Russian Fuels Through India, And Paying A Huge Markup
    Europe Is Buying Record Amounts Of Refined Russian Fuels Through India, And Paying A Huge Markup

    Last August, we were the first to show how Russia was bypassing Europe’s so-called commodities embargo: it was selling LNG to China which was then re-selling it to Europe at a substantial mark up. And while we also frequently reported that Russia was using a similar sanctions bypass for oil, this time using India instead of China, few were willing to confirm as much: after all, it would seem very shortsighted if European consumers were paying an extra surcharge to India, while Russia was not suffering any adverse consequences from Europe’s laughable “sanctions.”

    Not any more: on Friday, Bloomberg reported that for all of Europe’s fire and brimstone about an embargo (which has gotten decidedly quieter in recent months), “Russian oil is still powering Europe just with the help of India.

    As we reported at the time, last December the EU barred almost any seaborne crude oil imports from Russia. It extended the prohibition to refined fuels two months later. However, the rules didn’t stop countries like India from snapping up cheap Russian crude, turning it into fuels like diesel, and shipping it back to Europe at a big markup: as shown in the chart below, just the Brent to Urals price differential, a byproduct of the Russian sanctions, is about $25/bbl, almost a third of the price of a barrel of crude. The markups on Russian product are even greater when dealing with refined products such as gasoline or diesel.

    In fact, India has become so good at reselling Russian oil to the same Europeans who refuse to buy it directly from Moscow for a much lower price, that the Asian country is on track to become Europe’s largest supplier of refined fuels this month while simultaneously buying record amounts of Russian crude, according to data from analytics firm Kpler.

    In other words, Europe is still buying Russian oil, keeping Putin’s military machine well-funded, but because of the virtue signaling exercise of buying Russian oil though a mediator, the transaction ends up costing Europeans billions more than if they simply had purchased the oil directly.

    “Russian oil is finding its way back into Europe despite all the sanctioning and India ramping up fuel exports to the west is a good example of it,” said Viktor Katona, lead crude analyst at the firm. “With India taking in so much Russian barrels, it’s inevitable.”

    As Bloomberg notes, “the development is double-edged for the EU. On the one hand, the bloc needs alternative sources of diesel now that it has cut off direct flows from Russia, previously its top supplier. However, it ultimately boosts demand for Moscow’s barrels, and means extra freight costs.” In other words, Europe achieves none of its embargo goals (i.e., keeping Russian oil out of the market, preventing Putin from using oil to finance the war in Ukraine), while being hit with far higher energy prices.

    It also means more competition for Europe’s oil refiners who can’t access cheap Russian crude, and comes amid wider market scrutiny about where the region’s diesel imports are coming from.

    Repsol SA’s CEO Josu Jon Imaz said on Thursday that Russian diesel is entering Europe illegally and called on authorities to clamp down on the activity. He wasn’t talking about the trade via India but flows of diesel that originated in Russia… which of course is the same thing.

    Hilariously, a preliminary inquiry into the matter by Spanish authorities didn’t find evidence that Russian diesel was entering the country, a government official said Friday, adding that a probe is ongoing. Of course, nobody in Europe wants to admit that they are indirectly funding Putin, so expect many more such “discoveries” as all other countries try to find if they are importing Russian oil only to find that everyone but them is using it.

    Meanwhile, Europe’s refined fuel imports from India are set to surge above 360,000 barrels a day, edging just ahead of those of oil exporting titan Saudi Arabia, Kpler’s data show.

    And the cherry on top: Russian crude oil arrivals to India are expected to surpass 2 million barrels a day in April, representing almost 44% of the nation’s overall oil imports, according to Kpler data. India then quickly re-exports the oil or processes it first into diesel and gasoline, and then sells it to European customers.

    More than half of Russia’s seaborne oil shipments were to the European Union and Group of Seven nations before the bloc began to cut purchases in response to the nation’s invasion of Ukraine in early 2022.

    Finally, the question of what the point is of continued Russian “sanctions” remains, as the IIF’s Robin Brooks explains in the following twitter thread, which once again makes clear that western sanctions against Russia have been a catastrophic failure… perhaps as was intended all along.

    Evaluation of our sanctions policy

    1. Only 2 questions matter. First, have our sanctions meaningfully curtailed Russia’s ability to wage war? Second, are our sanctions a deterrent to countries that may wage war in the future? Unfortunately, the answer to both questions is: “No!”

    2. Root problem is an infatuation with financial sanctions. These can be effective when used on current account deficit countries – Turkey in 2018 is an example – but they don’t work on current account surplus countries. This is a key point that cannot be emphasized enough.

    3. Russia shows how our financial sanctions failed. We sanctioned some banks, including the central bank (red), but not all. This meant that all the cash from Russia’s current account surplus got routed through non-sanctioned Russian banks (blue). Putin still got all his cash…

    4. So our financial sanctions did not prevent Putin getting all his cash in return for energy exports. All this cash just got routed through different banks than before. As a result, financial conditions in Russia eased back to pre-war levels, a big plus for Russia’s war economy.

    5. We could have avoided this, but it would have required sanctioning ALL Russian banks. That’s the same as a trade embargo, since Putin no longer gets paid and stops exporting. This shows what’s needed to hurt c/a surplus countries: a trade embargo! Not financial sanctions

    6. Number one lesson from Russia is that our infatuation with financial sanctions must end. They don’t work on c/a surplus countries, unless we sanction all banks, in which case we’re just doing a trade embargo. We need to be doing trade embargos instead of financial sanctions…

    7. Had we done a hard energy embargo on Russia, this would have come at a cost to the West, but Russia would have gone into financial crisis, making the war harder for Putin to fight. An embargo would have also scared other potentially hostile current account surplus countries.

    8. It’s not too late. First, the West needs to end its focus on financial sanctions. Second, we need to start talking about hard trade-offs that are needed to confront c/a surplus countries. We need to stop giving them cash, which means we need to stop buying their stuff…

    9. A footnote on the G7 oil price cap. The cap is recognition of the fact that Russia’s current account surplus needs to be cut. But – thanks to Greek shipping oligarchs – the cap was set at $60 and wasn’t binding. A mistake that can be fixed now by lowering the cap…

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 18:30

  • Saturday Satire: The Diversity Officer Employment Aptitude Test
    Saturday Satire: The Diversity Officer Employment Aptitude Test

    Authored by Stanley Ridgley via American Greatness,

    Demand for Diversity Officers may have peaked and may even be on the wane.

    The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion hustle is running its course and may soon be out of steam, but it’s not too late to collect your share of the loot.

    This means you shouldn’t delay applying for one of the lucrative positions carrying the generic title of “DEI Officer.” 

    While the typical DEI position requires no expertise of any sort, it does require a collection of attitudes toward your fellow men and women, an ability to utter shameless platitudes and clichés, and embrace a clearly identifiable and primitive Manichean worldview grounded in paranoia.

    If you aim to become a promising candidate for a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) position, either in the corporate world or in academia, you can easily discover if you have the necessary self-conscious virtue by taking this five-minute employment aptitude survey.

    Answer “Yes” to the following statements if you agree, and add or subtract the points assigned for each question based on your Yes answer.

    Then score yourself by comparing your results with those in the chart at the end. Good luck!

    1) I am not appreciated for my many talents. +3

    2) I am inherently suspicious of others. +3

    3) I believe that America is the land of opportunity. -3

    4) I believe that I have access to truths denied to others. +5

    5) I believe that I must work hard for my reward. -3

    6) I believe in a world that is divided into oppressors and oppressed, exploiters and exploited and that these groups are easily identified by the color of their skin.  +5

    7) I believe that I can work to give in-groups preferential treatment while simultaneously saying that there are no racial or gender preferences at our institution. +3

    8) I believe that I should bring my “authentic self” to work, irrespective of any other considerations. +5

    9) I believe, like Frederick Douglass, that in America, one can pull oneself up “by the bootstraps” to succeed. -7

    10) If I fail in my job, I immediately search for the reason in causes external to me, such as the “system” or the “unearned advantages” available to other people. +7

    11) If people question me and ask for evidence for what I say, I immediately attack them for their “resistance” to the truth that I offer in my story.  +5

    12) I believe that “indigenous” forms of knowledge such as the “medicine wheel” and the “talking stick” should be incorporated into our scientific discourse. +7

    13) I always list my pronouns in my email signature and social media profiles. +3

    14) I recognize that today’s “Diversity” office resembles the Soviet Union’s old Political Commissariat, where political ideologues occupied positions to report on the political reliability of those who actually worked to accomplish the mission. -10    BONUS POINTS:  If you know this but believe it’s a good thing.  +15

    15) Anyone who disagrees with the lofty goals of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” is guilty of “diversity resistance.”  +5

    16) I believe that a doctorate in education, sociology, or gender studies is every bit as important and impressive as a doctorate in physics. +3

    17) When people respond to my charges of “racism” in a particular company or university, with bothersome requests for evidence, examples, or proof, I complain of being attacked, invalidated, and dehumanized rather than taking the opportunity to prove my point.  +5

    18) I believe that “stories” and “narratives” are just as important and as convincing as knowledge grounded in logic, reason, and the scientific method. +7

    19) As women are 50 percent more likely to earn bachelor’s degrees than men, this shows we need to do everything we can to support women in higher education. +3

    20) I am familiar with the racialist statement “skinfolk aren’t always kinfolk,” and I look with suspicion at persons with whom I share the superficial characteristic of race but who disagree with me. +7

    21) I routinely drop the word “systemic” into conversations. +3

    22) I use the terms “white supremacy” and “white privilege” comfortably and un-ironically, without awareness that they are equivalent to scapegoat devil terms such as the bourgeoisie, or Kulaks, or International Jewry, or infidels to explain all the bad that happens. +5

    23) I believe that the best method for advancing our knowledge and understanding of the physical world is logic, reason, and the type of inquiry we call the scientific method. -10

    24) I believe that people like Ijeomo Oluo, Paulo Freire, Ibram Kendi, and Derald Wing Sue have important things to say about our society that get to the inner truth. +5

    24) I don’t pay much attention to the fantasies, “stories,” and pseudoscience of Ijeomo Oluo, Paulo Freire, Ibram Kendi, and Derald Wing Sue. -7

    25) I believe in something called “diversity science,” which substantiates the basic beneficial tenets of the diversity agenda. +5

    26) I believe that “diversity science” is pseudo-scientific twaddle fabricated by off campus nonprofits and imported into universities and the corporate world. -10

    27) The Brazilian educationist Paulo Freire and his Pedagogy of the Oppressed inspires me to work for social justice, emancipation, and against oppression in all its forms.  +5

    28) I know that Paulo Freire was a crypto-Maoist who borrowed almost all of his education theory from Mao Zedong’s murderous Cultural Revolution, which Freire greatly admired. -5 BONUS POINTS:  If you know this but believe it’s a good thing.  +15 .

    29) I believe any disagreement with my worldview can be overcome with more “education.” +3

    30) I divide society into “oppressors” and “oppressed,” “exploiters” and “exploited,” and I know that this is a primitive Manichean way of looking at society that resembles a medievalist world divided into “infidels” and “believers.”  +BONUS POINTS:  If you do this and believe it’s a good thing.  +5

    31) I believe in “inclusion and belonging” as fervently as any member of Reverend Moon’s Unification Church believes in “peace and unity.” +3

    32) I believe that I have attained “critical consciousness” and that those who disagree with my ideology are afflicted with “false consciousness” and must be taught to embrace a new belief system. +5

    33) I believe that “critical consciousness” and “false consciousness” constitute a tautological contrivance that updates Karl Marx’s notion of “class consciousness” for race and gender sensibilities. -5  BONUS POINTS: I recognize that critical consciousness is the latest play on Plato’s cave allegory from his Republic of the 4th century B.C. -5  DOUBLE-BONUS POINTS:  If you know the foregoing and believe they are good things. +15 I don’t know who Plato is. +10

    34) I believe that the poetry of Audre Lorde is profound, particularly her “master’s tools” line. +2

    35) I recognize that Audre Lorde’s “master’s tools” line is pedestrian. -7

    36) “Inclusion and belonging” sounds too close to a cult slogan for me to feel comfortable with it. -7

    37) I believe that I should be called “Doctor” just like Jill Biden because I wrote a 120-page “dissertation” for my Ed.D. that explores my feelings about the education program I just completed, and which required zero research.  +7

    38) I am thrilled—thrilled—that “I finally get to use my master’s degree” in educational leadership to bring people to critical consciousness.  +3

     *  *  *

    Good candidate? You make the call!

    +40 and above: Welcome aboard, commissar!  Get ready to Do the Work!

    +39-30: Not the perfect package but you’re ready to share authentic stories, struggle against “supremacy,” and do some dismantling!

    +29-20: A few more weeks of amplifying “marginalized voices” should bolster your score

    +19-10: You’re not committed enough—time for a “difficult dialogue” and a “courageous conversation,” capped off with a “Brave Space”

    +9-0: Hands behind your back—your struggle session is through that door.

    -1 and below: Racist!

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 18:00

  • Poland Seizes Russian School, Kremlin Vows Retaliation For "Blatant Violation"
    Poland Seizes Russian School, Kremlin Vows Retaliation For “Blatant Violation”

    Moscow is furious after on Saturday Polish police reportedly raided a Russian school attached to the Russian embassy in Warsaw and took it over. School staff were then given hours to pack up their things and vacate the building, according to RIA Novosti, following local authorities bursting into the grounds using a crow bar.

    Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman Lukasz Jasina said the state was enforcing a court ruling over the building building which says it was “illegally leased by the Russian embassy for years.” Thus Poland is asserting that the building and school isn’t protected under diplomatic status, which Moscow disputes.

    Locals accused the embassy of running a spy ring out of the high school.

    Russia’s foreign ministry blasted the “hostile actions” of Polish authorities which are a “blatant violation” of official Russian diplomatic property.

    “Such an impudent step by Warsaw, which goes beyond the framework of civilized interstate communication, will not remain without our harsh reaction and consequences for the Polish authorities and Poland’s interests in Russia,” the ministry stated.

    “We view these new hostile actions of the Polish authorities as a flagrant violation of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and an attempt against Russian diplomatic real estate in Poland,” it continued.

    “Official Warsaw has been violating the law for many years: international legislation, bilateral agreements, domestic legislation. Behaves defiantly and unlawfully. What can be described in one word – provocation,” the ministry said, vowing a severe response.

    But Polish foreign ministry spokesman Lukasz Jasina retorted that Warsaw authorities are fully within their rights and are enforcing Polish law.

    “Our opinion, which has been confirmed by the courts, is that this property belongs to the Polish state and was taken by Russia illegally,” he said.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 17:30

  • "Something Clearly Went Wrong" – Fauci & Friends Desperately Try To 'Close The Book' On COVID
    “Something Clearly Went Wrong” – Fauci & Friends Desperately Try To ‘Close The Book’ On COVID

    Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via,

    Billed as the most in-depth interview yet, the New York Times published a very long piece that contains some rather startling admissions, claims, and defenses from Anthony Fauci, the face of lockdowns and shot mandates.

    The author and interviewer is David Wallace-Wells, who before (and now after) Covid specialized in writing about climate change, invokes every predictable trope.

    So there was a sense in which this interview was a lovefest between the two.

    Still it netted some interesting results.

    Here are my top-ten picks of Fauci quotes.

    1. Fauci: “Something clearly went wrong. And I don’t know exactly what it was. But the reason we know it went wrong is that we are the richest country in the world, and on a per-capita basis we’ve done worse than virtually all other countries.”

    This seems promising but one quickly realizes that there is an axiom among the people responsible for lockdowns. They were completely correct in their thinking. The problem was not enough centralization, prior planning, or resources.

    Also there was too much disinformation and non-compliance, leading to a low vaccine uptake compared with other countries. The vaccines are the miracle and the greatest achievement of the pandemic, a point on which they admit no argument.

    This is also the conclusion of a thing called The Covid Crisis Group (funded mostly by the Charles Koch and Rockefeller Foundations) which has released the new book Lessons from the Covid War: An Investigative Report. There is no PDF. You have to buy it. The lead author is the well-known fixer Philip Zelikow, who wrote the 9-11 Commission report.

    Included among the team is none other than Carter Mecher, who bears more responsibility for school closings than anyone else. Also there is Rajeev Venkayya, the one-time Bush administration official who is widely credited with having invented the very concept of lockdowns.

    It’s their story and they are sticking to it.

    2. Fauci on vaccine mandates: “Man, I think, almost paradoxically, you had people who were on the fence about getting vaccinated thinking, why are they forcing me to do this? And that sometimes-beautiful independent streak in our country becomes counterproductive. And you have that smoldering anti-science feeling, a divisiveness that’s palpable politically in this country.”

    If you didn’t think you needed the vaccine or didn’t trust it, Fauci proclaims that you are responsible for divisiveness and anti-science feeling. The “independent streak” is called freedom, which for him is the real problem. The lesson for next time? Hard to know. Maybe he thinks the mandates should have been enforced with more energy.

    3. Fauci on the economics of the lockdowns: “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is not an economic organization. The surgeon general is not an economist. So we looked at it from a purely public-health standpoint.

    It was for other people to make broader assessments — people whose positions include but aren’t exclusively about public health. Those people have to make the decisions about the balance between the potential negative consequences of something versus the benefits of something.”

    There we go with the great divide between public health and real life, as if one does not impact the other. Public health cared not for economics — the science of human cooperation — and, sadly, the economists were too often unschooled on public health. The compartmentalization of speciality fields played into the haphazard totalitarianism we experienced.

    But there’s more — a lot more. Read on to see Fauci’s other important quotes, and what they really mean.

    4. Fauci on why he is not responsible for anything: “when people say, ‘Fauci shut down the economy’ — it wasn’t Fauci. The C.D.C. was the organization that made those recommendations. I happened to be perceived as the personification of the recommendations. But show me a school that I shut down and show me a factory that I shut down. Never. I never did. I gave a public-health recommendation that echoed the C.D.C.’s recommendation, and people made a decision based on that. But I never criticized the people who had to make the decisions one way or the other.”

    He was merely deferring to a giant bureaucracy where no one takes responsibility either!

    5. Fauci on how they should have locked down earlier: “We were not fully appreciative of the fact that we were dealing with a highly, highly transmissible virus that was clearly spread by ways that were unprecedented and unexperienced by us. And so it fooled us in the beginning and confused us about the need for masks and the need for ventilation and the need for inhibition of social interaction.” Should they have shut down in February 2020? “We should have, probably, if we knew what we know now.”

    Inexperienced in a textbook respiratory virus? It’s because they thought it was a bioweapon that could be handled like AIDS. Masks were the condoms. Lockdowns were the behavioral changes. Minimizing of cases was the metric of success. On every point, they were wrong.

    Plus they didn’t even learn from the AIDS experience. It wasn’t the vaccines that cooled the crisis. It was the therapeutics innovated in clinical experience. Instead, Fauci shut down all efforts at early treatment to wait for the vaccines. Having done it earlier would have been even worse!

    6. Fauci on the effectiveness of masking: “From a broad public-health standpoint, at the population level, masks work at the margins — maybe 10 percent. But for an individual who religiously wears a mask, a well-fitted KN95 or N95, it’s not at the margin. It really does work. But I think anything that instigated or intensified the culture wars just made things worse. And I have to be honest with you, David, when it comes to masking, I don’t know.”

    He doesn’t know. At least he admits it. And yet the CDC is still suing for the legal right to impose masking on the whole population whoever it wants.

    7. Fauci on not understanding the virus: “Herd immunity is based on two premises: one, that the virus doesn’t change, and two, that when you get infected or vaccinated, the durability of protection is measured in decades, if not a lifetime. With SARS-CoV-2, we thought protection against infection was going to be measured in a long period of time. And we found out — wait a minute, protection against infection, and against severe disease, is measured in months, not decades. No. 2, the virus that you got infected with in January 2020 is very different from the virus that you’re going to get infected with in 2021 and 2022.”

    To be clear, nothing about herd immunity requires lifetime immunity and it certainly is not premised on unchanging virus. Indeed, it is astonishing that he claims they had no idea the virus would mutate.

    It’s an established reality that such widespread and mostly non-deadly pathogens like this mutate, which is precisely why they cannot be eradicated through vaccination. Why must anyone have to explain virus basics to Fauci of all people?

    8. Fauci on the huge age gradient of medically significant risk: “Did we say that the elderly were much more vulnerable? Yes. Did we say it over and over and over again? Yes, yes, yes. But somehow or other, the general public didn’t get that feeling that the vulnerable are really, really heavily weighted toward the elderly. Like 85% of the hospitalizations are there.”

    In fact, their solution was to shut down the whole of society for a virus that was mostly if not entirely a danger to the aged and sick. And to justify that, they absolutely did obscure the risk gradient, which is why most everyone was running around like their hair was on fire. The attempt was precisely to create population fear and panic, as Fauci said many times in private.

    9. Fauci on whether the NIH funded the lab that leaked the virus. “ Now you’re saying things that are a little bit troublesome to me. That I need to go to bed tonight worrying that N.I.H.-funded research was responsible for pandemic origins…. Well, I sleep fine. I sleep fine. And remember, this work was done in order to be able to help prepare us for the next outbreak. This work was not conceived by me as I was having my omelet in the morning. It is a grant that was put before peer review of independent scientists whose main role is to try to get data to protect the health and safety of the American public and the world. And it was judged that this type of research was important.”

    Once again, if the NIH had anything to do with funding the research that led to the virus, he is not responsible for that either. It was those pesky independent scientists. He has again thrown colleagues under the bus.

    10. Fauci on gain-of-function research: “Some want to pass a law: All gain-of-function should be stopped. But if all gain-of-function stops, you will have no vaccines for flu. You will have no vaccines for any of the other diseases, because all of that manipulates a virus or a pathogen to gain a certain function to be able to make a vaccine.”

    That’s a very hard claim. I asked ChatGPT about that and it quickly spat out the following:

    “No, the flu vaccine does not require gain-of-function research. The development of flu vaccines typically involves studying the behavior of the virus and its strains, identifying the most common strains and predicting which one will be most prevalent in the upcoming season. The vaccine is then developed using inactivated or attenuated versions of the virus, which do not require gain-of-function research. Gain-of-function research, which involves genetically modifying viruses to make them more infectious or deadly, is sometimes used for studying the flu virus, but it is not required for the creation of flu vaccines.”

    If not for the flu vaccine, what is gain-of-function’s purpose? The creation of bioweapons and vaccines to confound them? The track record of this looks awful.

    Fauci and his friends keep trying to close the book on the Covid epoch. They have settled on the messaging and are doing everything possible to tie it all up in a bow in hopes that everyone will move on. The mainstream media wants to move on too. Everyone guilty for the wreckage wants to do the same, particularly the elites in every sector that pushed for and celebrated the mass violation of human rights.

    They are wrong. The book is not closed and will not be until we get honest answers.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 17:00

  • CNN Host Shockingly Blasts Teachers Union Boss Over School Closure Lies
    CNN Host Shockingly Blasts Teachers Union Boss Over School Closure Lies

    Randi Weingarten is the president of the American Federation of Teachers and a member of the AFL–CIO, but she’s perhaps best known as being the key advocate for shutting schools down during the onset of the Covid pandemic.

    Weingarten was called to task this week on the Don Lemon-less CNN by senior political commentator Scott Jennings, who excoriated the union boss after she engaged in historical revisionism over her role in school shutdowns – insisting before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, that she had instead advocated for reopening schools as quickly as possible.

    Not so fast, Randi…

    “Speaking on behalf of millions of American parents, I had to teach them at home,” Jenning said. “My wife had to teach them at home. I am stunned at what you have said this week about your claiming to have wanted to reopen schools.” 

    In 2020, Weingarten called attempts to reopen schools in the fall of 2020 “reckless, callous and cruel.”

    What’s more, her union pushed aggressively for closures at the local level, while areas with high union influence remained closed much longer.

    CNN‘s Jennings continued to shred Weingarten, stating: “I think you’ll find that most parents believe you are the tip of the spear of school closures. There are numerous statements you made over the summer of ’20 scaring people to death about the possibility of opening schools. And I hear no remorse whatsoever about the generational damage that’s been done to these kids.” 

    “I have two kids with learning differences. Do you know how hard it is for them to learn at home and not in a classroom that was designed for them? And for you to sit in front of Congress and the American people and say, oh, ‘I wanted to open up them the whole time,’” I am shocked. I’m stunned. I’m stunned,” he continued. “And there are millions of parents who feel the exact same way.”


    Additionally, the NY Post reported last week that one epidemiologist claimed Weingarten even “fudged a scientific study” that showed low levels of Covid transmission in schools in order to keep schools closed during the pandemic. 

    Co-author of the study, Dr. Tracy Høeg, wrote on Twitter last week: “We saw remarkably low in school transmission & no known transmission to teachers.”

    She added: “The fact the [CDC] was taking the advice of the [AFT] & not the scientists publishing on this topic in their own journal and without considering the data from Europe seems to have played a role in the massive error that left millions [of] US kids out of school unnecessarily.”

    Weingarten had used the study “multiple times as evidence schools needed ‘layered mitigation’ to reopen”, she said during a congressional hearing. 

    “The way Ms. Weingarten mentioned me in her testimony, one might have thought I was being consulted all along but this was not the case,” Høeg said, shredding the assumptions of the union leader.

    “Despite the wording in [Randi Weingarten’s] written testimony, I consistently *disagreed* w/ what she & AFT were requesting in terms of mitigation to reopen schools & I’ve said that consistently (on social media, in op-eds, on news interviews) since our study was published.”

    Meanwhile, Weingarten has doubled down on Twitter – and locked down replies from the general public!

    Community notes to the rescue;

    Then and now;


    A post shared by Defiant Ls (


    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 16:55

  • 'Modern-Day Slave Traders': Hawley Demands Probe Into 85,000 'Lost' Migrant Children
    ‘Modern-Day Slave Traders’: Hawley Demands Probe Into 85,000 ‘Lost’ Migrant Children

    Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) is demanding that the FBI investigate the exploitation of thousands of unaccompanied alien children (IUAC) who may have been brought into the United States via child smuggling operations.

    According to data from US Customs and Border Protection, approximately 345,000 minors have crossed into the United States unaccompanied since President Joe Biden took office, while a report from the NY Times suggests that the Department of Health and Human Services has lost contact with 85,000 of these minors.

    “The Biden Administration is morally responsible for their fate. The President lifted Title 42 restrictions on unaccompanied children in early 2021,” wrote Hawley in a Friday letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Reporting reveals that HHS loosened vetting processes for sponsors and retaliated against whistleblowers who raised these concerns. As a result, thousands of children have been handed over to modern-day slave traders.

    Hawley also threw Biden under the bus, noting that under his watch, lost minors are often forced into factory work under harsh conditions, denied food and education, suffer sexual violence, and fear for their lives.

    “In a country that claims to value the rule of law and the protection of children, this is unconscionable,” Hawley added.

    During a Senate Finance Committee hearing in late March, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra denied knowledge of the 85,000 figure.

    “I have never heard that number of 85,000, I don’t know where it comes from and … so I would say it doesn’t sound at all to be realistic, and what we do is we try and follow up as best we can with these kids,” he said, adding “Congress has given us certain authorities. Our authorities end when we have found a suitable sponsor to place that child with. We try and do some follow-up, but neither the child or the sponsor is actually obligated to follow up with us.”

    In addition to urging the FBI to mount a “full-scale” effort to locate the missing children and bring to justice the criminals who are holding them in modern-day slavery, Hawley also demanded a probe into HHS and the Department of Homeland Security.

    The FBI must also investigate HHS and the Department of Homeland Security for their role in facilitating the exploitation of these children, in violation of the law,” Hawley wrote.

    “The pervasive maltreatment of migrant children plainly violates both the Fair Labor Standards Act, which prohibits the abuse of underage workers, and the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, which designates human trafficking offenses as federal crimes,” Hawley wrote.

    Hawley demanded a “full report” from the FBI priority by May 25. –Epoch Times

    On Wednesday, an HHS whistleblower told officials that unaccompanied children have been “suffering in the shadows” of the US immigration system for almost a decade.

    “I have to confess I knew nothing about their suffering until 2021 when I volunteered to help the Biden administration with the crisis at the southern border as part of operation Artemis,” said Tara Lee Rodas, who appeared as a witness at “The Biden Border Crisis: Exploitation of Unaccompanied Alien Children” hearing held by the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement.

    Rodas said she was deployed to help HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) reunite UACs with adult sponsors in the United States.

    “I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes. Instead, I discovered that children are being trafficked through a sophisticated network that begins with recruiting in home country, smuggling to the U.S. border, and ends when ORR delivers a child to a sponsor—some sponsors are criminals and traffickers and members of transnational criminal organizations, some sponsors view children as commodities and assets to be used for earning income.”

    In some cases, Rodas says she witnessed adult sponsors who were allowed to take in “10, 20, 30 and 40 children” without any concerns from HHS.

    I saw sponsors trying to simultaneously sponsor children from multiple ORR sites at one time. I saw sponsors using multiple addresses to obtain sponsorships of children, and I saw numerous cases of children in debt bondage—and the child knew they had to stay with the sponsor until the debt was paid,” she said.

    The next day, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) wrote to Becerra and demanded answers.

    “I am deeply concerned regarding the recent reports that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has mishandled unaccompanied migrant children by placing them with unvetted sponsors, leading to their exploitation and forced labor,” she wrote.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 16:30

  • A Conservative Conversation With A Bothered Bot
    A Conservative Conversation With A Bothered Bot

    Authored by Lloyd Brown via,

    According to the media, Artificial Intelligence (AI), is the greatest thing since sliced bread. AI is so smart that some worry it could take over the world and rule mankind.

    But skeptics have found AI chatbots to be more than a little left-wing.

    Recently, I argued with one over the worn-out liberal claim that conservatives are fascists, a notion that the left continues to mouth even though it was well refuted by Jonah Goldberg in Liberal Fascism.

    It was like pulling a tooth, but I got this crucial admission: “…conservatism and fascism are not the same thing.”

    Here’s how the discussion went:

    Me: What’s the difference between socialism and fascism?

    AI: Socialism and fascism are two different political ideologies, although there can be some overlap in their policies and practices. Socialism is a political and economic system where the means of production are commonly owned and controlled by the state, or by worker cooperatives, with the goal of achieving greater equality and reducing societal inequalities. Socialism espouses the idea of collective ownership and distribution of resources. Fascism, on the other hand, is a far-right authoritarian political system that puts the nation and its interests above everything else, including individual rights and freedoms. Fascism advocates for a powerful government with a leader who has absolute power over the state and a strong military to maintain order and control. In summary, socialism aims at achieving economic and social equality, while fascism prioritizes the nation’s interests and gives the government absolute power.

    Me: How can that be possible when the right, conservatives, oppose big government? Isn’t what you said total nonsense and liberal propaganda?

    AI: I apologize if my previous response was unclear. I was attempting to provide an objective and neutral explanation of socialism and fascism. However, you are correct that conservatism is generally associated with small government and a free-market economy, which is in contrast to socialism. Conservatives generally believe in limited government intervention in the economy, low taxes, and individual freedom. Socialism, on the other hand, advocates for greater government involvement in the economy and the redistribution of wealth to create a more equitable society. While there may be some similarities between socialist policies and conservative policies in terms of their emphasis on protecting the interests of the common people, their approaches to achieving these goals are quite different. Regarding your comment about “liberal propaganda,” it is important to recognize that political ideologies and perspectives can be influenced by a variety of factors, and it is important to seek out diverse perspectives to form a more comprehensive understanding of issues.

    Me: Conservatives value individual freedom, as you said. So if conservatives are right-wing, in what way is fascism right-wing if it puts the nation and its interests above everything else? If the left-wing, or liberals, are for big government, aren’t they the real fascists?

    AI: Fascism is considered to be right-wing because of its authoritarian and nationalist tendencies. It is a political ideology that emphasizes the supreme authority of the state over individuals and groups, as well as the importance of the nation above all else. This means that individual liberties and freedoms are typically suppressed in the name of national unity and power. However, it’s important to note that conservatism and fascism are not the same thing. While conservatism does value individual freedom, it also places a high value on traditional values, limited government, and free-market capitalism. Fascism, on the other hand, seeks to achieve power through authoritarian means and has a strong tendency towards anti-democratic and anti-individualistic policies. Additionally, the idea that the left-wing or liberals are the real fascists is a common misconception. While some left-wing ideologies such as communism can be authoritarian, fascism is a distinctly right-wing ideology. It’s important to avoid oversimplifying political ideologies and to understand their complexities in order to have informed political discussions.

    Notice that it was struggling with its answer at this point and beginning to ignore its own advice about “oversimplifying.”

    Curiously, at that exact time, I got a notice that the ”socket” had failed and was advised to reload the page. When I did the discussion disappeared.

    I had intended to bear down on the differences between fascism, socialism, and communism, which the bot already had conceded had similarities although it continued to insist that liberals were not fascists and fascism was “right wing.”

    We must remember that artificial intelligence is artificial. It is programmed and he who writes the code is the master of its “thoughts.” My experience provides further evidence the code is not bipartisan.

    But it was smart enough to reject the far Left’s claim that conservatives are fascists.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 16:00

  • Weapons Makers Suffering Worker Shortages As Ukraine War Drives Demand
    Weapons Makers Suffering Worker Shortages As Ukraine War Drives Demand

    The war in Ukraine is so profitable for defense companies in the US and Europe that they’re having trouble finding thousands of skilled workers to satisfy a record influx of orders, according to the Wall Street Journal.

    Ukrainian soldiers fire at Russian positions with a U.S.-supplied howitzer. Photo: LIBKOS/Associated Press

    Part of the issue is that jobs in the defense industry require niche skills and security clearances – a problem compounded by a flood of defense companies trying to hire at the same time in an industry which has long struggled to meet recruitment goals.

    “Our first priority is really to ramp up capacity, which, of course, means increasing staff,” according to Patrice Caine, CEO of French component maker Thales, which plans to hire 12,000 people this year to make submarine sensors, jets, and other military items. Caine described the situation as “tensions on some labor markets,” which they plan to deal with by outsourcing to ‘foreign engineering centers,’ as well as relying on corporate partners.

    In 2022, global military spending rose 3.7% to a record $2.24 trillion – with European expenditures increasing at its steepest YoY rate in at least 30 years, according to data released Monday by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, a think tank.

    The labor shortage among US defense contractors has been an issue since last year, when efforts to replace workers from pandemic furloughs were accelerated – and most companies failing to hit their recruitment goals. That said, hiring has improved in recent months according to the report.

    In Europe, however, the problem may actually get worse – with European governments increasing military spending, causing weapons makers – particularly munitions manufacturers – to launch large recruitment drives.

    Europe’s largest defense company, BAE Systems PLC, is hiring 2,600 this year for its apprentice and graduate training programs, and several thousand more for other roles. Missile maker MBDA wants to add 2,000 workers, equivalent to more than 15% of its workforce. Others including Saab AB, the Swedish maker of the Gripen jet fighter, and Rheinmetall AG, the German company that helps make the Leopard tank, also plan to hire thousands of new workers. -WSJ

    Defense companies are worried at the moment about recruitment,” according to ADS Group Chief Economist, Aimie Stone, citing competition for talent within the industry, along with a revived civil aerospace sector and an emerging space industry. According to Stone, ADS members had 10,000 job openings at the end of last year.

    UK-based recruiter, Kieran Slaughter, says the defense industry has always posed recruitment challenges, as automakers and airplane manufacturers are competing for the same talent pool, tend to pay more, and don’t require security clearances – a process which can take 2-8 weeks in Europe, and several months in the US.

    “Some candidates don’t want to wait around,” said Slaughter.

    What’s more, many jobs in the defense industry are highly specialized – such as warhead engineers – which Colin McClean, a managing director at BAE Systems, says are a “rare commodity.”

    US Navy shipbuilder, General Dynamics, was in one of the hardest-hit sectors during the pandemic. In 2022 it hired 24,000 staff – yet, due to attrition and retirements, its net head count was up only 3,400 to 106,500.

    Another shipbuilder, Huntington Ingalls Industries, is focusing on recruiting from apprentice schools and community colleges, according to CEO Chris Kastner.

    “If people choose the career, they stay,” he said. “There’s the high chance of attrition now with walk-in individuals.”

    Artillery shells are packed for shipping in Scranton, Pa. Photo: BRENDAN MCDERMID/REUTERS

    Lockheed Martin VP of enterprise performance, Paula Hartley, says the space is “a tough place sometimes to recruit people to,” referring to the company’s facility in Camden, Arkansas – located around 100 miles from the state capital – which employs around 1,000 staff and plans to hire another 200 to make Javelin missiles and Himars rocket launchers. Despite holding job fairs and recruiting farther afield with sign-on bonuses and pay raises, they still have open positions posted since January.

    Saab, the Swedish manufacturer, has taken to posting billboards, online ads, holding student job fairs, and a social media campaign.

    Imagine what would happen if peace broke out?

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 04/29/2023 – 15:30

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Today’s News 29th April 2023

  • Escobar: De-Dollarization Kicks Into High Gear
    Escobar: De-Dollarization Kicks Into High Gear

    Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Cradle,

    The US dollar is essential to US global power projection. But in 2022, the dollar share of reserve currencies slid 10 times faster than the average in the past two decades…

    It is now established that the US dollar’s status as a global reserve currency is eroding. When corporate western media begins to attack the multipolar world’s de-dollarization narrative in earnest, you know the panic in Washington has fully set in.

    The numbers: the dollar share of global reserves was 73 percent in 2001, 55 percent in 2021, and 47 percent in 2022. The key takeaway is that last year, the dollar share slid 10 times faster than the average in the past two decades.

    Now it is no longer far-fetched to project a global dollar share of only 30 percent by the end of 2024, coinciding with the next US presidential election.

    The defining moment – the actual trigger leading to the Fall of the Hegemon – was in February 2022, when over $300 billion in Russian foreign reserves were “frozen” by the collective west, and every other country on the planet began fearing for their own dollar stores abroad. There was some comic relief in this absurd move, though: the EU “can’t find” most of it.

    Now cue to some current essential developments on the trading front.

    Over 70 percent of trade deals between Russia and China now use either the ruble or the yuan, according to Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

    Russia and India are trading oil in rupees. Less than four weeks ago, Banco Bocom BBM became the first Latin American bank to sign up as a direct participant of the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS), which is the Chinese alternative to the western-led financial messaging system, SWIFT.

    China’s CNOOC and France’s Total signed their first LNG trade in yuan via the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange.

    The deal between Russia and Bangladesh for the construction of the Rooppur nuclear plant will also bypass the US dollar. The first $300 million payment will be in yuan, but Russia will try to switch the next ones to rubles.

    Russia and Bolivia’s bilateral trade now accepts settlements in Boliviano. That’s extremely pertinent, considering Rosatom’s drive to be a crucial part of the development of lithium deposits in Bolivia.

    Notably, many of those trades involve BRICS countries – and beyond. At least 19 nations have already requested to join BRICS+, the extended version of the 21st century’s major multipolar institution, whose founding members are Brazil, Russia, India, and China, then South Africa. The foreign ministers of the original five will start discussing the modalities of accession for new members in an upcoming June summit in Capetown.

    BRICS, as it stands, is already more relevant to the global economy than the G7. The latest IMF figures reveal that the existing five BRICS nations will contribute 32.1 percent to global growth, compared to the G7’s 29.9 percent.

    With Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Indonesia, and Mexico as possible new members, it is clear that key Global South players are starting to focus on the quintessential multilateral institution capable of smashing Western hegemony.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS) are working in total sync as Moscow’s partnership with Riyadh in OPEC+ metastasizes into BRICS+, in parallel to the deepening Russia-Iran strategic partnership.

    MbS has willfully steered Saudi Arabia toward Eurasia’s new power trio Russia-Iran-China (RIC), away from the US. The new game in West Asia is the incoming BRIICSS – featuring, remarkably, both Iran and Saudi Arabia, whose historic reconciliation was brokered by yet another BRICS heavyweight, China.

    Importantly, the evolving Iran-Saudi rapprochement also implies a much closer relationship between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as a whole and the Russia-China strategic partnership.

    This will translate into complementary roles – in terms of trade connectivity and payment systems – for the International North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC), linking Russia-Iran-India, and the China-Central-Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor, a key plank of Beijing’s ambitious, multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

    Today, only Brazil, with its President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva caged by the Americans and an erratic foreign policy, runs the risk of being relegated by the BRICS to the status of a secondary player.

    Beyond BRIICSS

    The de-dollarization train has been propelled to high-speed status by the accumulated effects of Covid-linked supply chain chaos and collective western sanctions on Russia.

    The essential point is this: The BRICS have the commodities, and the G7 controls finance. The latter can’t grow commodities, but the former can create currencies – especially when their value is linked to tangibles like gold, oil, minerals, and other natural resources.

    Arguably the key swing factor is that pricing for oil and gold is already shifting to Russia, China, and West Asia.

    In consequence, demand for dollar-denominated bonds is slowly but surely collapsing. Trillions of US dollars will inevitably start to go back home – shattering the dollar’s purchasing power and its exchange rate.

    The fall of a weaponized currency will end up smashing the whole logic behind the US’ global network of 800+ military bases and their operating budgets.

    Since mid-March, in Moscow, during the Economic Forum of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CSI) – one of the key inter-government organizations in Eurasia formed after the fall of the USSR – further integration is being actively discussed between the CSI, the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the BRICS.

    Eurasian organizations coordinating the counterpunch to the current western-led system, which tramples on international law, was not by accident one of the key themes of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s speech at the UN earlier this week. It is also no accident that four member-states of the CIS – Russia and three Central Asian “stans” – founded the SCO along with China in June 2001.

    The Davos/Great Reset globalist combo, for all practical purposes, declared war on oil immediately after the start of Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine. They threatened OPEC+ to isolate Russia – or else, but failed humiliatingly. OPEC+, effectively run by Moscow-Riyadh, now rules the global oil market.

    Western elites are in a panic. Especially after Lula’s bombshell on Chinese soil during his visit with Xi Jinping, when he called on the whole Global South to replace the US dollar with their own currencies in international trade.

    Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank (ECB), recently told the New York-based Council of Foreign Relations – the heart of the US establishment matrix – that “geopolitical tensions between the US and China could raise inflation by 5 percent and threaten the dominance of the dollar and euro.”

    The monolithic spin across western mainstream media is that BRICS economies trading normally with Russia “creates new problems for the rest of the world.” That’s utter nonsense: it only creates problems for the dollar and the euro.

    The collective west is reaching Desperation Row – now timed with the astonishing announcement of a Biden-Harris US presidential ticket running again in 2024. This means that the US administration’s neo-con handlers will double down on their plan to unleash an industrial war against both Russia and China by 2025.

    The petroyuan cometh

    And that brings us back to de-dollarization and what will replace the hegemonic reserve currency of the world. Today, the GCC represents more than 25 percent of global oil exports (Saudi Arabia stands at 17 percent). More than 25 percent of China’s oil imports come from Riyadh. And China, predictably, is the GCC’s top trading partner.

    The Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange went into business in March 2018. Any oil producer, from anywhere, can sell in Shanghai in yuan today. This means that the balance of power in the oil markets is already shifting from the US dollar to the yuan.

    The catch is that most oil producers prefer not to keep large stashes of yuan; after all, everyone is still used to the petrodollar. Cue to Beijing linking crude futures in Shanghai to converting yuan into gold. And all that without touching China’s massive gold reserves.

    This simple process happens via gold exchanges set up in Shanghai and Hong Kong. And not by accident, it lies at the heart of a new currency to bypass the dollar being discussed by the EAEU.

    Dumping the dollar already has a mechanism: making full use of the Shanghai Energy Exchange’s future oil contracts in yuan. That’s the preferred path for the end of the petrodollar.

    US global power projection is fundamentally based on controlling the global currency. Economic control underlies the Pentagon’s ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ doctrine. Yet now, even military projection is in shambles, with Russia maintaining an unreachable advance on hypersonic missiles and Russia-China-Iran able to deploy an array of carrier-killers.

    The Hegemon – clinging to a toxic cocktail of neoliberalism, sanction dementia, and widespread threats – is bleeding from within. De-dollarization is an inevitable response to system collapse. In a Sun Tzu 2.0 environment, it is no wonder the Russia-China strategic partnership exhibits no intention of interrupting the enemy when he is so busy defeating himself.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 23:40

  • How Smart Is ChatGPT?
    How Smart Is ChatGPT?

    ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI, has become incredibly popular over the past year due to its ability to generate human-like responses in a wide range of circumstances.

    In fact, ChatGPT has become so competent, that students are now using it to help them with their homework. This has prompted several U.S. school districts to block devices from accessing the model while on their networks.

    So, how smart is ChatGPT?

    In a technical report released on March 27, 2023, OpenAI provided a comprehensive brief on its most recent model, known as GPT-4. Included in this report were a set of exam results, which Visual Capitalist’s Marcus Lu and Rosey Eason visualized in the graphic above.

    GPT-4 vs. GPT-3.5

    To benchmark the capabilities of ChatGPT, OpenAI simulated test runs of various professional and academic exams. This includes SATs, the bar examination, and various advanced placement (AP) finals.

    Performance was measured in percentiles, which were based on the most recently available score distributions for test takers of each exam type.

    Percentile scoring is a way of ranking one’s performance relative to the performance of others. For instance, if you placed in the 60th percentile on a test, this means that you scored higher than 60% of test-takers.

    The following table lists the results that we visualized in the graphic.

    The scores reported above are for GPT-4 with visual inputs enabled. Please see OpenAI’s technical report for more comprehensive results.

    As we can see, GPT-4 (released in March 2023) is much more capable than GPT-3.5 (released March 2022) in the majority of these exams. It was, however, unable to improve in AP English and in competitive programming.

    Regarding AP English (and other exams where written responses were required), ChatGPT’s submissions were graded by “1-2 qualified third-party contractors with relevant work experience grading those essays”. While ChatGPT is certainly capable of producing adequate essays, it may have struggled to comprehend the exam’s prompts.

    For competitive programming, GPT attempted 10 Codeforces contests 100 times each. Codeforces hosts competitive programming contests where participants must solve complex problems. GPT-4’s average Codeforces rating is 392 (below the 5th percentile), while its highest on a single contest was around 1,300. Referencing the Codeforces ratings page, the top-scoring user is jiangly from China with a rating of 3,841.

    What’s Changed With GPT-4?

    Here are some areas where GPT-4 has improved the user experience over GPT-3.5.

    Internet Access and Plugins

    A limiting factor with GPT-3.5 was that it didn’t have access to the internet and was only trained on data up to June 2021.

    With GPT-4, users will have access to various plugins that empower ChatGPT to access the internet, provide more up to date responses, and complete a wider range of tasks. This includes third-party plugins from services such as Expedia which will enable ChatGPT to book an entire vacation for you.

    Visual Inputs

    While GPT-3.5 could only accept text inputs, GPT-4 has the ability to also analyze images. Users will be able to ask ChatGPT to describe a photo, analyze a chart, or even explain a meme.

    Greater Context Length

    Lastly, GPT-4 is able to handle much larger amounts of text and keep conversations going for longer. For reference, GPT-3.5 had a max request value of 4,096 tokens, which is equivalent to roughly 3,000 words. GPT-4 has two variants, one with 8,192 tokens (6,000 words) and another with 32,768 tokens (24,000 words).

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 23:20

  • We Should Really Be Having More Kids
    We Should Really Be Having More Kids

    Submitted by Jack Raines via Young Money,

    In 27 BC, Caesar Augustus was crowned the first Roman emperor. Widely considered one of Rome’s greatest leaders, Augustus’s reign marked the beginning of the 200-year Pax Romana.

    One reason that the Roman Empire flourished during this time was its first-class transportation and sewage infrastructure that supported densely-populated cities, with Rome itself boasting an estimated one million residents at its peak.

    However, these population centers were also susceptible to epidemics, disease, and lead poisoning (lead was commonly used in pipes, eating utensils, and even food and drinks), yielding high infant mortality rates and low life expectancies (maximum ~33 years).

    Low life expectancy + expansive territories meant that the Roman Empire needed high birth rates to maintain enough soldiers to defend its borders, and Rome struggled to keep its birth rates above the population replacement rate. This issue was so important that Augustus offered tax breaks for large families and cracked down on abortion and adultery because he believed that “too many men spent their energy with prostitutes and concubines and had nothing for their wives, causing population declines.

    But government efforts never succeeded in meaningfully increasing birth rates.

    At the conclusion of the Pax Romana, low birth rates, combined with plague and war, wreaked havoc on Rome’s population, and the power structure of the empire shifted to the newer Constantinople. Rome never recovered, with the city’s population dwindling from a peak of 1,000,000 residents in the late second century to ~30,000 by 600 AD.

    We humans draw parallels and analogies across time and space because they help us better understand the world around us, and no two Western civilizations have attracted more comparisons than the Roman Empire and the United States of America.

    Both nations experienced explosions of wealth and eras of unprecedented peace, both nations were the dominant global powers of their respective eras, and today, the US faces the same issue that plagued Rome 2,000 years ago: declining birth rates.

    In The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway penned this now timeless exchange:

    “How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked. “Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually, and then suddenly.”

    Ernest Hemingway: The Sun Also Rises

    We worry about global warfare and pandemics because they’re big and scary and sudden and could wipe us out with a sudden BANG! But the real existential threat, declining birth rates, will progress like Mike’s bankruptcy: gradually, and then suddenly.

    Allow me to demonstrate through some basic arithmetic.

    ~2.1 children per woman is the typical population replacement rate in a developed country, and the US currently has a total fertility rate (which measures the average number of children that would be born per woman if all women lived to the end of their childbearing years and bore children according to a given fertility rate at each age): of 1.84. This means that (assuming this rate holds constant) every 100 parents will yield 92 children and ~85 grandchildren. And keep in mind, rates have been on a steady decline for years.

    It’s a bear market for babies.

    This isn’t just a US problem. We’re seeing these trends of sub-replacement fertility rates occurring all over the developed world:

    • South Korea: 1.11

    • Spain: 1.29

    • Japan: 1.39

    • China: 1.45

    • Austria: 1.51

    • Canada: 1.57

    • Germany: 1.58

    • United Kingdom: 1.63

    • Sweden: 1.67

    So now you might be thinking, “Okay, declining birth rates ‘sound’ scary, but who cares? Like, why does it matter?

    At the individual level, it doesn’t matter. You have every right to think, “It’s no one else’s business if I don’t have kids!” But once a critical mass of individuals decides not to have kids, there are societal consequences.

    In her recent piece, Everything’s a Pyramid Scheme, Katie Gatti Tassin highlighted a logical fallacy in the “retire early” movement:

    I’ve long pointed out the fact that financial independence and early retirement cannot exist at scale, because our economic system would cease functioning. If every young person in their thirties or forties achieved financial independence and quit working, the workforce would be limited to those under the age of 35, effectively removing roughly 66% of the current labor force, or the equivalent of about 44 million people…

    Of course, there’s a funny redundancy in the system: If 44 million working-age people retired en masse and ceased most discretionary spending…corporate profits would drop, the stock market would stutter to a halt, and the returns required to support early retirement would vanish, driving everyone back to work.

    Katie Gatti Tassin

    Basically, retiring early works for individuals, but it could never work at scale because our economy would collapse without enough workers to keep it functioning smoothly. The Financially Independent, Retire Early (FIRE) movement only works as long as the majority of society fails to FIRE.

    Now, back to the babies.

    One big reason that our advanced and wealthy societies have become so advanced and wealthy is that growing populations created a growing labor force which, coupled with technological advancements, powered growing economies and widespread wealth creation.

    And now, our advanced, wealthy societies have devised systems that allow folks to retire and live their golden years in relative ease and decadence thanks to a combination of personal savings/investments and social safety nets.

    These social safety nets are supported by taxes, which are funded by taxpayers, aka workers. And our number of workers has been steadily increasing since the Industrial Revolution.

    But now people are having fewer kids, meaning that down the road, we’ll have fewer workers. And when life expectancies are higher than ever while birth rates are lower than ever and everyone still wants to retire on time… well, you see where I’m going with this? The math doesn’t add up.

    (Katie actually made this same observation to highlight the absurdity of individualism).

    So not to be a complete doomer here, but it feels a lot like we’re climbing the initial ascent on a rollercoaster, and we’re about to hit the apex.

    What does the descent look like? I don’t really know, because we haven’t actually seen a large-scale population decline in the modern era, but I imagine it would go something like this:

    • Social programs that we take for granted will no longer be feasible.

    • People will have to work longer (you’re already seeing protests about this in France after the pension reform).

    • Stock and real estate markets will decline as lower populations reduce consumer demand, hurting corporate profits and property values.

    So after considering why declining birth rates matter, I had another question: Why, given the risks associated with birth rate declines, are we still experiencing said declines in developed countries?

    Like, this problem is pretty obvious, so why aren’t we making more babies?

    I have a few hypotheses:

    1) Kids are expensive (both in perception and reality).

    The US Department of Health & Human Services estimates that the average family with infants would need to pay $16,000 per year to cover the true cost of childcare, and half of US households make less than $70,000 per year. That’s a big chunk of cash going to raising a kid each year.

    Besides the real costs, the perceived costs of childcare scale exponentially with one’s social group. Say you’re a high earner, and you and your spouse take home $200k+ per year.

    Do you want your kid to attend a private middle school to improve their chances of gaining acceptance to an elite boarding school to ensure they secure a seat in an Ivy League university which will help them land a coveted job on Wall Street?

    Are they going to play travel sports and take music lessons and eat organic foods and drive a nice car?

    That’s going to cost a lot more than $16,000 per year.

    Even high-earners are hesitant to have children because they don’t know if they can afford their desired lifestyle for their kids.

    2) Widespread contraceptives.

    Thousands of years before Planned Parenthood, the ancient Greeks and Romans discovered this cool plant called Silphium. Silphium had a number of medical uses, but it was most popular for its role as a contraceptive: ingesting a chick-pea-sized dose of Silphium prevented pregnancy.

    There was just one problem with Silphium: it could only be grown in a narrow strip of fertile land in present-day eastern Libya. The Romans loved Silphium so much that they overused the wonder plant, eventually driving it extinct.

    After the disappearance of Silphium, the world didn’t have an effective, safe contraceptive that could be ingested until 1950, when the birth control pill hit the market.

    For the first time in 2,000 years, women controlled when and if they wanted to have children. When we have a high degree of control over the childbirth process, the number of unplanned pregnancies will decline, which means the number of total pregnancies will likely decline too.

    3) Everyone, regardless of their sex, is focused on their careers.

    100 years ago, it was normal for husbands to go to work while their wives took care of the house and/or raised the children. But now? Everyone works. And kids really throw a wrench in climbing the corporate ladder.

    Ambitious women don’t want children to derail their careers, and ambitious men don’t want to step off the fast track to partner to spend a few years as stay-at-home dads. So both sexes delay having kids until they have achieved some threshold of success in their professional lives. But the clock doesn’t stop ticking, and every year spent chasing paper is one year not spent chasing two-year-olds around the house.

    4) The Bored Parent Hypothesis.

    I have this half-baked idea that one’s number of children is inversely related to their availability of fun/interesting alternative activities. If you are a 20-something living on a few dollars a day in an undeveloped country, you don’t really have many things to do (excluding work) besides creating an army of your own miniature genetic replicas.

    But if you live in a developed, first-world country in the Year of Our Lord 2023, you have a lot of ways to spend your time that does not involve making babies. You can enjoy a luxury previously unknown to most of our ancestors: chill with your friends. You can travel for fun, ski, engage in this weird modern phenomenon known as “hobbies,” create art, and learn a foreign language.

    You have options.

    Subconsciously, we know that children mark the end of this period of vast optionality by introducing a really, really big responsibility. This is the first-world problem of all first-world problems, but I do think that some young people in developed countries today are hesitant to have kids because there’s just a ton of fun stuff to do when you don’t have kids.

    Of course, I’m speaking as a young dude in a developed country who thinks there’s a ton of fun stuff that doesn’t involve having kids.

    5) There are literally too many potential partners.

    While birth rates have been steadily declining, the average age of first marriage has been steadily increasing. These two numbers are related: if you get married later, you literally have less time to have kids.

    Something, something, biological clock.

    So why are people getting married later? One reason is that the internet has given us a damn-near-infinite number of potential partners.

    Historically, guy likes girl, girl likes guy (or the parents arrange the marriage without consulting the kids at all), and then guy and girl get married and have kids.

    But now, guy likes girl, girl likes guy, guy refuses to show how much he likes girl while girl plays hard-to-get to keep guy interested, and guy and girl enter a 4-month relationship-adjacent purgatory where they go on dates and sleep together but don’t acknowledge the relationship itself until one party inevitably stops talking to the other party to see what else is out there, and then the whole cycle repeats.

    “Dating” looks the way it does today because everyone is replaceable when the dating pool has millions of options. Instead of working through a road bump in one’s relationship, you can treat every minor inconvenience as an opportunity to look for someone “better.”

    This weird dating carousel can last for years as we take longer and longer to commit, giving us less and less time to have kids.


    The irony of this whole thing is that it was our very economic prosperity that created the conditions that could unwind the whole thing:

    • The desire for everyone to “get ahead” has made it really expensive for your kids to get ahead

    • Medical advancements have allowed us to be tactical with our pregnancies

    • Previously unavailable career opportunities have led many folks to put off having children to pursue those opportunities

    • Our abundance of wealth has provided us with near-limitless entertainment and activities that don’t involve having kids

    • And the internet turned the whole world into a potential dating pool, making commitment next to impossible

    And now we face this really weird Prisoner’s Dilemma:

    Any individual person can delay having children to enjoy our abundance of everything, and their world will function just fine. But if every individual person neglects to have kids any time soon, the whole system grinds to a halt. The only way to ensure that everyone wins is by everyone having more kids.

    Maybe society really is just one big pyramid scheme.

    So I guess we should probably start having more kids. Or at least y’all should, anyway. I don’t really want to be part of the solution anytime soon, respectfully.

    – Jack

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 23:00

  • Majority Of US States Have 'Stand Your Ground' Laws
    Majority Of US States Have ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws

    After a series of highly publizised shootings in the U.S., Stand Your Ground laws – also called Shoot First laws – are back in the news.

    Data by the Giffords Law Center shows that these type of laws are common across U.S. states.

    Infographic: Majority of U.S. States Have Stand Your Ground Laws | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    As Statista’s Katharina Buchholz reports, they specify that people are allowed to use deadly force if they feel like their life or health is threatened in a public place without needing to try to retreat.

    According to Giffords, U.S. law largely agrees that this is also the case for private property, for example if a homeowner feels threatened by an intruder. In several more states that don’t have Stand Your Ground laws – including California, Illinois, Oregon and Washington – precedents exist that could influence how an assault, manslaughter or murder case goes after a trial has started (while in Stand Your Ground states, police could decide to not bring any charges based on these laws).

    On April 13, Black teenager Ralph Yarl was shot by a homeowner after going to the wrong address in Kansas City and was seriously injured. Andrew D. Lester, a 84-year-old white man, was charged with assault in the first degree.

    On April 17, Kaylin Gillis, a 20-year-old white woman, was fatally shot in upstate New York after the car she was riding in went into a wrong driveway. The shooter, 65-year-old Kevin Monahan, was charged with murder.

    In another case where public area Stand Your Ground laws could apply, two cheerleaders were shot and wounded in Texas after one of them accidentally got into the wrong car in a supermarket parking lot after their practice on April 18. However, the subject – 25-year-old Pedro Tello Rodriguez Jr. – has been charged with deadly conduct, meaning he used a weapon recklessly, threatening, or dangerously.

    While in all three cases, charges have been brought, Stand Your Ground laws as well as laws pertaining to private property – also referred to as Castle Doctrine laws or Make My Day laws – could still influence these cases and could theoretically see charges dropped or cases won for the defendants.

    However, in the Kansas City case, the prosecuter has said he does not see the necessary pre-condition of threatening behavior and self-defense fulfilled when Ralph Yarl was shot through the door of the home. In the New York state case, the county’s sheriff was quoted as saying that “there was no reason for Mr. Monahan to feel threatened, especially as it appears the vehicle was leaving.” While no such info was available on the third case, the subject is reported to have followed the two women to their car before shooting, likely exceeding the limits of Stand Your Ground legislation. What remains is the question how perceived rights under these types of laws and doctrines influence shooters’ seemingly erratic behavior following what could be considered everyday mix-ups.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 22:40

  • Armstrong: Kamala's Affair – Sleeping Her Way To The Top
    Armstrong: Kamala’s Affair – Sleeping Her Way To The Top

    Authored by Martin Armstrong via,

    Since the media is shining a light on Trump’s affair, it is only fair to point out similar actions taken by those on the other side of the aisle. Kamala Harris is not a particularly intelligent or charismatic individual, but she managed to work her way to the top by dating men in positions of power. In the 1990s, 29-year-old Kamala Harris dated married 60-year-old San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. Harris was 31 years younger than Brown, who was married with a family at home.

    Harris accompanied Brown on his campaign trail and made connections along the way. She cannot deny the affair and claims that it is now “an albatross hanging around my neck.” Clinton used to call Brown “the real Slick Willie” for his playboy ways, which is saying something coming from blue dress Bill. “The measure of his flamboyance is he’ll go to a party with his wife on one arm and his girlfriend on the other,” James Richardson, a reporter for the Sacramento Bee told People Magazine in 1996.

    New San Francisco mayor Willie Brown points out his new hat “Da Mayor” as he claimed victory Tuesday night, December 12, 1995, while at his victory party in San Francisco. (CONTRA COSTA TIMES/JON MCNALLY)1995

    Kamala Harris secured a job at the California Medical Assistance Commission through Slick Willie, although she had no medical background.

    He also appointed her to the state’s Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.

    She was later appointed as the district attorney in San Francisco in 2004.

    Meanwhile, Slick Willie was under investigation for gifting his friends city contracts. He never came under fire for promoting Harris to positions of power.

    But by then, Harris was on her way to becoming attorney general and did not need the support of her older married boyfriend.

    “His career is over. I will be alive and kicking for the next 40 years. I do not owe him a thing,” Kamala shrewdly stated.

    Still, Brown assisted her in her 2016 bid for the Senate and spoke favorably of her over the years.

    Harris refuses to acknowledge that her time as Slick Willie’s mistress is what propelled her career.

    Brown is not remaining quiet.

    “I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians. The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I ‘so much as jaywalked’ while she was D.A. That’s politics for ya.”

    But it is (D)ifferent!

    And that, folks, is how the leading world power found its second-in-command with absolutely no qualifications for the job.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 22:20

  • JPMorgan, PNC To Buy First Republic After FDIC Seizure First Leaves Taxpayers Holding The Toxic Stuff
    JPMorgan, PNC To Buy First Republic After FDIC Seizure First Leaves Taxpayers Holding The Toxic Stuff

    Update (2210ET):  As the weekend begins, the WSJ reports late on Friday that big banks including JPMorgan and PNC are set to buy First Republic Bank but not in a private, market-arranged deal but rather in a transaction that would follow a government seizure of the troubled lender. A seizure and sale of First Republic, which would wipe out the equity of FRC and potentially impose losses on creditors, could come as soon as this weekend, the WSJ sources said.

    And so JPM, which is already the largest US bank is about to get even bigger, by scooping up all the good FRC assets while leaving US taxpayer holdings on to the toxic ones.

    That said, it wasn’t immediately clear whether the $30 billion in deposits funneled by JPM and other banks into FRC will be treated as insured funds (why should they should be insured?), nor was it clear how a wipeout of this capital, which would spark a systemic crisis simply because the Fed is now running policy of “monetary tightening through bank collapse”, having failed to contain inflation and tighten policy using conventional means.

    * * *

    Update (1640ET): As many expected given the intraday collapse of FRC, Reuters reports after the bell that The FDIC will imminently the bank into receivership.

    Shares collapsed to a $1 handle in the after hours trading, down 70% on the day…

    FRC was trading at $120 at the start of March… and now it’s trading close to $1.20…

    …Aaaaand it’s gone…

    *  *  *

    Update (1045ET): First Republic Bank shares are halted for volatility having collapsed 50% back to record lows as hopes of a ‘private’ deal fade…

    Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers criticized Washington regulators and US banking giants for not having already figured out a solution for the beleaguered lender First Republic Bank.

    “I’m surprised and disappointed that this situation has continued to linger as long as it has, with the bank’s stock down 95%” and credit gauges deteriorating, Summers said on Bloomberg Television’s “Wall Street Week” with David Westin.

    “I hope that between the banks, the FDIC, the other public authorities, that the best way forward will be found within the next week or 10 days.”

    “These are things like forest fires, it is much easier to prevent them than it is to contain them after they start to spread,” Summers said.

    He didn’t offer a preference for either an FDIC takeover or “some private sector oriented” workout.

    “But we need to figure out the answer to that question as quickly as possible and move on.”

    Imagine the deposit outflows occurring today!

    ‘The question now is simple – will they make it to the close without the FDIC stepping in?

    *  *  *

    The First Republic farce rolls on…

    After reporting dramatically worse deposit outflows (and aggregate banking system flows suggesting things are getting worse, not better in April), The FT reports that there had been a shift in tone among the First Republic Bank’s advisers compared with Tuesday and Wednesday when First Republic’s shares fell 65 per cent and fears grew that it was close to being taken over by the FDIC.

    The conversations about the bank reportedly remain fraught, and the people cautioned that it was not clear that a solution would be found.

    The banks are reluctant to put their shareholders at risk of losses without some sort of government participation.

    Which is notable since Reuters reports that, according to three sources familiar with the situation, US officials are coordinating urgent talks to rescue the beleaguered regional bank as private-sector efforts led by the bank’s advisers have yet to reach a deal.

    The government’s involvement (and presumably some hope of backstopping commitments) is reportedly helping bring more parties, including banks and private equity firms, to the negotiating table, one of the sources added.

    Reuters adds though that it is unclear whether the U.S. government is considering participating in a private-sector rescue of First Republic.

    However, the government’s engagement, however, has emboldened First Republic executives as they scramble to put together a deal that would avoid a takeover by U.S. regulators.

    Specifically, The FT reports that one proposal that may be part of an eventual solution is for some of the banks to buy some of First Republic’s long-dated assets for more than their current market price, allowing the lender to shrink its losses.

    But people familiar with the situation say that this would probably not be enough to stabilize First Republic on its own.

    Bear in mind that the ‘Big Banks’ have $30 billion in deposits at the embattled bank… so the FDIC has a problem already.

    FRC Bonds ain’t buying it at all…

    First Republic shares were up around 5% in the pre-market, but have already erased the earlier stronger gains…

    Just to put that into context, here’s FRC this week…

    Finally, First Republic Bank’s membership in the S&P 500 Index could be in jeopardy after the troubled bank’s stock set a new all-time low on Wednesday that briefly pushed its market capitalization below $1 billion.

    At roughly $1.2 billion, FRC has by far the smallest market cap in the S&P 500 after wiping out more than $21 billion in market value. As Bloomberg notes, this is a problem because companies must have a market cap of at least $12.7 billion to be considered for inclusion in the S&P 500.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 22:10

  • Trapped Americans In Sudan "Shocked & Disgusted" – Left By Biden To Fend For Themselves
    Trapped Americans In Sudan “Shocked & Disgusted” – Left By Biden To Fend For Themselves

    Update(1302ET)Sudan is continuing to stare into the abyss of full-blown civil war as the battle for control of the capital of Khartoum between two rival generals – now reaching the two week mark – results in a mounting death toll. Currently, dozens of countries have for days been racing to get their citizens out via military transport planes, ships, and via cross-border land routes into Ethiopia and neighboring countries, but not the United States.

    A surprisingly blunt report voicing intense criticism toward the Biden administration has been issued by CNN Friday, which writes, “As the crisis in Sudan continues to unfold, there is mounting anger among Americans who feel abandoned by the US government and left to navigate the complicated and dangerous situation on their own.”

    CNN further points out that robust evacuation efforts are underway by many other countries. As we detailed below, a C-130 evac flight sent by Turkey even took on small arms fire while landing outside the capital. And the Chinese government has said it has successfully evacuated at least 1,300 of its nationals thus far, with state media confirming evacuation operations ongoing by “land and sea”.

    “I am incredibly shocked and disgusted by the American lackluster response to the health and safety of their citizens,” Muna Daoud told CNN, whose parents were forced to exit via Port Sudan to Saudi Arabia. And CNN follows with this

    Despite a number of nations evacuating their citizens, the US government has continued to say that the conditions are not conducive to a civilian evacuation. All US government personnel were evacuated in a military operation this weekend. US officials have said they are in “close communication” with US citizens and “actively facilitating” their departure from Sudan.

    However, CNN spoke with multiple people whose family members are among the “dozens” of Americans who want to leave Sudan, and they said the State Department has provided “barely any assistance” since the deadly violence between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) broke out more than a week ago.

    Another American stuck in Sudan called the embassy and State Department “useless”. “To be honest with you, the State Department was useless, utterly useless throughout this entire period,” a man named Imad said in an interview. “We expected the Department to provide some kind of guidance, but the guidance was the template, just shelter in place, no critical information being provided.”

    SCPM: Most Chinese citizens in Sudan have been evacuated or are in the country’s ports pending transfer, China’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday. Image: Weibo

    Already two American have lost their lives. CNN further presents that more are coming close to getting shot in near-miss situations due to the lack of formal US effort to get citizens safely out:

    “The might of our military and resources does not get used to save our lives in war zones,” she said.

    When CNN spoke to Daoud, her 69-year-old father and 66-year-old mother – both of whom are US citizens – were making the “harrowing” nine hour bus journey from Khartoum to Port Sudan.

    “They had to find a bus this morning after waiting outside on the side of the road,” she said. Daoud said that the bus had been stopped three times by RSF soldiers “and at one checkpoint they held my father at gunpoint because they believed he was in the Sudanese Army.”

    “They told all the men to step off the bus and searched and questioned them,” but they kept her father at gunpoint, she described to CNN.

    “My mum believed he was going to be taken or shot. Luckily they decided to let him go,” Daoud said.

    Meanwhile, Chinese media pundits are mocking and gloating…

    China’s Foreign Ministry has confirmed it is sending the PLA Navy to help evacuate Chinese nationals from Sudan, with defense ministry spokesman Tan Kefei announcing Thursday that that more navy ships are on their way

    Already, Chinese evac ships have been spotted at Sudan ports in the Red Sea:

    “Due to the recent continually deteriorating security situation in Sudan, the Chinese army sent naval vessels to Sudan on April 26 to evacuate and transport our citizens to protect the lives and property of Chinese personnel in Sudan,” Tan said, also confirming over 1,300 Chinese citizens have already fled, and that more are exiting through land borders. “So far, more than 1,300 Chinese citizens have been safely transferred, some have left Sudan on Chinese warships and boats, and some are on their way out,” Tan detailed

    Germany and other European nations too…

    Jordan has also been among the countries organizing military transport flights to and from the restive capital.

    It’s funny how the United States can invade countries at drop of a hat.. but rescue citizens? Apparently not. A prime question which remains concerning many of those among the 16,000 Americans (many of them dual nationals no doubt) is: where’s Joe Biden?

    * * *

    Heavy explosions and gunfire have continued to rock parts of Sudan’s capital Khartoum and its twin city Omdurman despite a ceasefire. At least 500 people have been killed, including reportedly two American citizens, as fighting reaches two weeks amid the power struggle between two rival generals representing Sudanese Armed Forces and the paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces.

    “Many areas that saw very active fighting at the beginning have become quieter than before. Yet, I cannot say there is a total ceasefire in those places,” a Khartoum resident told Al Jazeera on Friday. “I don’t think anyone has gone to school in the last 14 days. I don’t think anyone has been to a hospital.”

    Via AP

    A massive foreign evacuation effort involving many countries sending military transport planes has continued for the better part of a week. The United States administration, however, has said that it is not conducting a large-scale evacuation operation for the estimated 16,000 US citizens who live in Sudan, many of them dual nationals who have made the country their home. 

    But this international rescue effort appears to now be coming under threat, after new reports that a Turkish evacuation plane came under gunfire while landing at Wadi Seyidna airport outside Khartoum. The aircraft, a C-130, had its fuel supply system damaged by the ground gunfire. 

    The Turkish defense ministry confirmed the damage but without naming a culprit. “Light weapons were fired on our C-130 evacuation plane … Our plane landed safely. Although there are no injuries to our personnel, necessary repairs are being carried out on our aircraft,” it said.

    The national army said the Rapid Support Forces of Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo mounted the attack on the plane as it was landing, but the RSF rejected the accusation as part of the national army “spreading lies”. 

    “Our forces have remained strictly committed to the humanitarian truce that we agreed upon since midnight, and it is not true that we targeted any aircraft in the sky of Wadi Seyidna in Omdurman,” the RSF said. Fighting has been witnessed elsewhere in the country, which could signal a slide toward full-scale civil war, as the AFP is reporting 74 dead in two days of fighting in the West Darfur capital of El Geneina.

    The rival military factions reached an agreement to extend their ceasefire from midnight local time (22:00 GMT on Thursday) for an additional three days, but by many accounts it’s barely holding, if at all.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 22:02

  • Biden DOJ: Kids have A Constitutional Right To Puberty Blockers
    Biden DOJ: Kids have A Constitutional Right To Puberty Blockers

    Authored by Techno Fog via The Reactionary (emphasis ours),

    The Biden Administration has a new and unhinged constitutional theory: the 14th Amendment protects the right of a child to take puberty blockers. Bans on hormone treatments for children with gender dysphoria, such as the prescription of testosterone to a transgender 12 year-old, violate the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.

    That’s the Administration’s position in LW v. Skrmetti, a lawsuit filed in a Nashville, Tennessee federal court by the families of three transgender children – a fifteen year-old transgender daughter (who thought he was transgender at age 12), a fifteen year-old transgender son, and a twelve year-old transgender son. They’re challenging a new Tennessee law that “establishes prohibitions related to the performance on minors of certain medical procedures related to gender identity, creates private causes of action for violations, and establishes additional penalties for violations.”

    The families of these transgender kids allege that the Tennessee law (1) violates the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause by targeting the transgender; (2) violates the right of parental autonomy guaranteed by the 14th Amendment’s due process clause; and (3) that the law is preempted by the Affordable Care Act, which prohibits discrimination “on the basis of sex.”

    All the children are “currently receiving medical care” that would be prohibited by the recent Tennessee legislation.

    What is this medical care? The 15 year-old transgender “girl” – born a male – is currently undergoing estrogen hormone therapy so that his body will “undergo feminine pubertal changes.” The 15 year-old transgender “boy” who was born a girl came out as transgender around the 5th grade. She is on testosterone.

    The 12 year-old transgender “boy” – born a female – was diagnosed with gender dysphoria in the second grade, when she then began her transition. This occurred after her mom “contacted a local LGBTQ resource center” who then connected her with a therapist. The young girl’s mom was also a key factor in the biological changes endured by her daughter, having influenced the girl’s decision to start taking puberty blockers.

    The “treatment” (hormones and puberty blockers) received by these children, and similar treatments we see across the country, including surgical genital mutilation, are considered “necessary” to remedy the effects of gender dysphoria (a purported medical condition somehow recognized as legitimate by major medical associations in the US). The Tennessee law at issue does not issue a blanket prohibition of hormone therapy. For example, a male child with a hormone imbalance or a congenital defect may receive testosterone. The prohibition only concerns treatment of gender dysphoria.

    And that’s the objection by the Biden DOJ – that the treatment of gender dysphoria cannot be categorically banned, even if a state’s lawmakers consider the treatment to be dangerous, ineffective, and ultimately harmful. The Biden Administration argues that the law “threatens irreparable injury” to these children and any other “transgender” children in the state of Tennessee. It says that a transgender person, whom it defines as “someone whose gender identity is inconsistent with their sex assigned at birth,” should be a protected class – that “transgender status warrants heightened scrutiny” because it is “immutable” like gender. Thus, laws that target the treatment of gender dysphoria should be given intermediate scrutiny by the courts.

    The Biden Administration’s position that one’s identification as transgender should elevate them to a protected class similar to gender has not been adopted by the Supreme Court or a majority of federal appeal circuits. If this were to be accepted it would cause significant shift in the law and put at risk numerous state laws banning childhood gender mutilation or the administration of puberty blockers to the young. In other words, it’s their way to circumvent the legislative process.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 21:40

  • How America's Middle Class Is Shrinking
    How America’s Middle Class Is Shrinking

    America’s middle class has been shrinking for the past 50 years.

    While middle class Americans remain the biggest income group by number of people, as Statista’s Katharina Buchholz details below, the same can’t be said of the aggregate income earned by them.

    From 1970 to 2021, the share of U.S. aggregate income earned by the middle class shrunk massively, from formerly 62 percent to just 42 percent.

    During the same time, aggregate earnings by high income Americans increased from 29 percent to 50 percent – despite the fact that the high income class is still less than half as big as the middle class in America.

    Infographic: How America's Middle Class Is Shrinking | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    A report by Pew Research Center includes these numbers and also shows that unmarried women and those in single-earner households are less likely to belong to the middle class.

    The report considers anyone whose household earns between two thirds and double of the U.S. median income to belong to the middle class.

    Both the low income and the high income class have been growing in America – squeezing the middle class from both sides. One especially alarming trend that only pertains to the low income class is that while it has been increasing in size, it has been decreasing in its share of aggregated income. Between 1970 and 2021, earnings of the low income class decreased from an already meager 10 percent to just 8 percent.

    Black and Latino Americans are still much more likely to belong to the low income class – at around 40 percent of each group in this category compared to 24 percent of white people.

    However, the report attests one of the biggest upwards movements for Black Americans and moderate gains for Latinos. Yet, the Black middle class is still barely expanding as some gains seem to have gone straight to the Black high income class, which more than doubled in size in the past 50 years. Over the past half century, the white low income class has been expanding, but it remains much smaller than Black and Latino low income classes in relative terms.

    Looking at people who have experienced a big amount of downwards mobility in America independent of race, it has been those with less educational attainment.

    This includes people with only a high school diploma as well as those who didn’t finish college.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 21:20

  • Unease In Israel As US Depletes Reserve Stockpiles To Fuel Ukraine War
    Unease In Israel As US Depletes Reserve Stockpiles To Fuel Ukraine War

    Via The Cradle,

    Officials in Israel have raised concerns about the dwindling stockpile of US munitions stored in the country, as in recent months, Washington has been quietly shipping the armament via the Port of Ashdod to Ukraine.

    “These are Israel’s reserve stockpiles for times of war … The move has had a bigger implication in light of the threats on Israel in multiple theaters,” an unnamed former cabinet minister told Israel Hayom.

    Image source: US Army

    “US equipment stored in Israel was handed over to the US armed forces, in accordance with an American request,” the Israeli army said in response to a query by the news outlet.

    A US official also confirmed that “it is still not clear when the reserves will be restocked,” as the US war machine has pivoted from fueling conflict in West Asia to new fronts in Ukraine and Taiwan.

    While Kiev prepares for a critical spring offensive against the Russian army, western states have been scrambling to supply the European nation with enough arsenal to turn back the tide of war, as Ukrainian troops reportedly blow through 90,000 artillery shells per month – twice the rate produced by the US and Europe combined.

    Reports of the US Army tapping into its reserve stockpiles in Israel first surfaced in January.

    “[The Pentagon has drawn from] a vast but little-known stockpile of American ammunition in Israel to help meet Ukraine’s dire need for artillery shells,” the New York Times revealed on 17 January.

    Tel Aviv reportedly agreed to allow the shipments on the condition that the Pentagon replenishes the stockpile, with Washington pledging earlier this year to “immediately ship ammunition in a severe emergency.”

    According to Israel Hayom, the “implicit understanding” between Tel Aviv and Washington has been that munitions stored in US military storage facilities “would be earmarked for Israel in times of emergency if the Jewish state faces a major attack along the scale as the 1973 Yom Kippur War.”

    Unease in the apartheid state has also spiked due to President Joe Biden’s iciness towards Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the ongoing rapprochement between Iran and several Arab states under the auspices of China.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 21:00

  • Biden Forgets He Went To Ireland, Tacitly Disowns Grandchild-Via-Stripper
    Biden Forgets He Went To Ireland, Tacitly Disowns Grandchild-Via-Stripper

    On Thursday, we wrote about President Biden being caught with a cheat sheet providing the full text of a question he would be asked by a reporter at a White House press conference. Just hours after we posted that article, Biden demonstrated why his staffers go to great lengths to limit situations where the 80-year-old is asked to think and speak extemporaneously.  

    The Biden communications team has fully tamed the White House press corps, but the same can’t be said of the group of children who visited 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on Thursday as part of Take Your Child to Work Day. 

    Stumped: Biden fields questions from children without the benefit of a cheat sheet (Win McNamee/Getty Images via Fox News)

    Things went off the rails when one of those children asked Biden a simple question — what was the last country the US head of state had visited? 

    “The last country I’ve traveled — I’m trying to think the last one I was in — I, I’ve been to 89 — I’ve met with 89 heads of state so far, so, uh — I’m trying to think. What was the last — Where was the last place I was? It’s hard to keep track. Um, I was — “

    The dark comedy grew richer when it was another child who mercifully bailed Biden out, by shouting “Ireland!”

    “Yeah, you’re right, Ireland,” Biden replied. “That’s where it was. How’d you know that?” Biden this week announced his re-election bid; he would be 86 years old at the end of a hypothetical second term

    Biden spent three days and nights in Ireland, in a trip that ended just 13 days before Thursday’s question. It included what should be a memorable visit to his ancestral home of County Mayo. 

    If this were an episode of Veep, we’d be treated to some poor White House staffer under a withering barrage of profane insults for their child having stumped the president with the simple question.

    Also at Thursday’s event, Biden ventured to name all his grandchildren. He listed six of them, but he omitted Navy Joan Roberts, the 4-year-old daughter of Hunter Biden that was born to former stripper Lunden Roberts, having been conceived while Hunter was still in a relationship with his dead brother Beau’s widow.

    The grandchild Joe Biden wants no part of (Daily Express

    “I have six grandchildren and I’m crazy about them, and I speak to them every single day. Not a joke.” Biden told the kids at the White House. After a long-winded description of the six that omitted Hunter’s child, Biden concluded, “And guess what? They’re crazy about me because I pay so much attention to them.”

    Hunter met Roberts when she was a stripper at a DC club. In a child support hearing last week, Roberts asked an Arkansas judge to throw Hunter in jail for having repeatedly failed to turn over financial records as part of the lawsuit’s discovery process. Hunter initially denied his fatherhood, but a paternity test established that fact. 

    Lunden Roberts (Facebook via The U.S. Sun)

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 20:40

  • Is China Winning, Part Two: "How Do You Stop A Superpower"
    Is China Winning, Part Two: “How Do You Stop A Superpower”

    By Russell Clark, author of the Capital Flows and Asset Markets substack

    How do you stop a country from developing? That is the question that is confronting US policy makers. At the moment, the US is adopting a number of policies including stopping technology transfers, tariffs and other regulatory barriers. The US has used this type of policy against North Korea, Cuba Venezuela and Iran, and these policies have indeed led to economic decline in these nations. The problem with this analysis, is that all of these countries lacked the economic and military heft of the US, so it was a no-brainier decision for the rest of the world to fall in line with sanctions. China is too big to assume the same results.

    If we want to analyze a China/US conflict, we have to go back to the Cold War era from some comparisons to think about. In my mind, broadly speaking the US was losing the Cold War during the 1970s. Not only did the US lose the Vietnam War, but Russian influence helped galvanize OPEC to place an oil embargo on exports to the US, which had built it economy around cheap and abundant oil. Hostility in the Middle East to US support for Israel played into Russia’s hands in helping to organize the oil embargo.

    China is obviously aware of this historic episode, and policy in China has been to deliberately favor suppliers of commodities from non-US allies. But when we look at commodities such as corn, iron ore, LNG for example, China is still heavily reliant on the US and Australia for supplies. Could the US enforce a corn, iron ore or LNG embargo? Given the example of Russia, this would seem likely in the face of Chinese invasion of Taiwan, but otherwise unlikely.

    Speaking of Taiwan, China is, like the rest of the world, heavily reliant on Taiwan for high end semiconductors. The obvious bottleneck for semiconductors is the lithography equipment produced by ASML. While I know that R&D needed to produce the EUV equipment was huge and took many years, Chinese competitors have a huge advantage over ASML. They know the technology works – which makes the R&D commitment much easier to justify. After nuclear weapons were developed and used by the US, USSR tested it own bomb 4 years later, and despite aggressive curbs on nuclear proliferation, India, Pakistan, North Korea all have nuclear weapons. I really wonder how long EUV lithography technology can stay contained to ASML.

    However, while economic sanctions such as the oil embargo definitely slowed the US, the 1970s also showed that you can stop economic development more successfully through political means, rather than through trade or technology.

    How did the US defeat the Soviet Union? The received wisdom that the Soviet Union and they eventually bankrupted themselves trying to keep up with the US militarily. But I am going to argue that China and Nixon were the real catalysts for the end of the Soviet Union.

    Prior to and immediately after World War II, China was a close ally to the US, and was reliant on US military aid to battle Japan in Manchuria. The problem with this was that by then the average Chinese person had seen a century of humiliations at the hands of the Great Powers, who had carved out various territories and concessions from the Chinese government. The Opium Wars had seen the British force China to import narcotics, so that the British could export silk, silver and other goods. To put in mildly, Western Imperialism and trade had developed a bad name in China. This is why the Communist Revolution caused so much excitement in China. The ideas behind Communism were anti-imperialism, anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-religion and very pro-development. They also included strong land reform element, which also helped in the appeal of communism. It was the appeal of these ideas, and chronic mismanagement of the economy by the Chinese government of the day, that led to the eventual triumph of Chinese Communist Party in 1949.

    With China joining the Soviet Union as communist, you could make a legitimate argument that the world’s ideology was now communism rather than capitalism, particularly as India had fairly strong communist leanings. That is the majority of the world now operated under a planned economy (the famous 5 year plans that China still uses). So how did the US break apart this communist hegemony? Problems began when the Soviet Union had to use force to keep its Eastern European states in line. The Hungarian Uprising of 1956 was put down by force. To Chinese eyes, this made the Soviet Union just another imperial power, and led China to make a distinct political break from the Soviet Union. This meant there was fissure between the Soviet Union and China that could be opened up by a skilled politician, and it took another 16 years for Nixon to finally visit China, and the US to begin normalizing relations with China.

    It is classic diplomacy – divide and conquer. And it has been practiced everywhere and all the time. So the question to ask, can the US divide and conquer China? The West is trying to apply obvious pressure to areas like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang and Tibet where Chinese rule is not universally accepted. India has also been co-opted to help put more pressure on China, and President Trump, in a semi-Nixon style, tried to break Russia away from Chinese influence. From a realpolitik point of view, turning Russia anti-Chinese would have had real repercussions for China, so I understand the logic – but with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I do not see anyway to turn Russia away from China.

    When we look at China today, we again see large income inequality. Property prices are unaffordable for many city dwellers. Politically, China seems ripe for a communist revolution, and I would argue that is exactly what Xi is providing. A reasserting of Communist policy, where economic gains are more decisively directed at the weakest part of society. With large business under control, it is hard to see who exactly would oppose this policy, and the biggest domestic risk to China is more from the failure of these policies rather than their success.

    But here is the rub, is that when I think along these lines, then rather than China being at the risk of failure, I wonder if the West is the one at risk of fracture. It increasingly looks like the next US Presidential Election will be a rerun of the last one, with Trump facing off against Biden. Let’s say that Trump wins, if he follows through on his statements, then the US will reduce support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. If this happens, then NATO is effective dead in the water as a military alliance. Given the real and present threat of Russia to members of the EU, then the EU would have to upgrade itself from an economic grouping to a military grouping, a process that is already gathering pace. It would be hard to not see how this outcome not benefiting China, as a reduced NATO would be less of a counterweight to Chinese economic influence.

    Furthermore, problems with income inequality and excess corporate power exist in the US, and the Biden administration has been acting to reverse some of this. Would a polarizing figure such at Trump be able to follow through? Or would he reverse these policies? The right to bear arms, and the build up of arms within the US makes it in some ways more likely to see civil unrest than the US. The events of January 6, rising levels of gun violence, and an increasingly assertive Supreme Court all make me nervous. What makes me very nervous, is that the political build up to the OPEC oil crisis, made it look inevitable in hindsight, but was ignored in the run up. The break between China and Russia and the normalisation of relations with the US was a huge deal, but again seemed inevitable in hindsight. I keep asking myself which of these events seems hard to believe today, but will seem inevitable once it happens. Is the collapse of the Chinese economy, or breakdown in civil society in the United States more likely? What really scares me as I think the evidence points more to the latter – but is that just because the US is more open? No easy choices – but one thing that does make me lie awake at night is that excessive political power led Japan into World War II – and I do wonder who can curb US corporate power? I struggle to think of anyone.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 20:20

  • Jenny Craig "Winding Down Physical Operations", Mulling Bankruptcy
    Jenny Craig “Winding Down Physical Operations”, Mulling Bankruptcy

    Iconic weight loss company Jenny Craig is shedding some pounds of its own, it was reported this week. The company is going to be “winding down physical operations” and is reportedly looking for a buyer, according to NBC News

    The company’s employees have been warned about “potential mass layoffs”, the report says, noting that the company says it “has been going through a sales process for the last couple of months.”

    A company FAQ document related to the transition said: “While we had to issue Warn Notices specifically for sites where we had more than 50 people potentially impacted, this will likely impact all employees in some manner.”

    It continued: “We do not know the exact employees/groups whom will be impacted, and if any employees may be retained. As a result, we would suggest that you anticipate that your employment may be impacted and begin to seek other employment.”

    The company was founded in 1983 and was recently bought by HIG Capital in April 2019, for an undisclosed amount. At the time it operated 500 stores in the U.S. and Canada, mixed between company-owned and franchised.  

    The company didn’t return requests for comments by NBC. Bloomberg reported separately that the company is considering bankruptcy and that a filing could come “as soon as next week”, according to people with knowledge of the matter. 

    CEO and President Mandy Dowson told Bloomberg: “Like many other companies, we’re currently transitioning from a brick-and-mortar retail business to a customer-friendly, e-commerce driven model. We will have more details to share in the coming weeks as our plans are solidified.”

    NBC says it found “dozens” of users on LinkedIn who list Jenny Craig as their employer who are now “open to work”. Severance for its current employees is supposed to be “based on job level and tenure with the company”, according to the FAQ, which then, also states: “However, at this time, it is highly unlikely that these will be paid.”

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 20:00

  • Doug Casey On The US Government Declaring War On Mexican Drug Cartels
    Doug Casey On The US Government Declaring War On Mexican Drug Cartels

    Authored by Doug Casey via,

    International Man: There has been a recent push by some US politicians of the neocon variety to use the US military against Mexican drug cartels.

    Senator Lindsay Graham has proposed designating them as “terrorist organizations.”

    Representative Dan Crenshaw introduced an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) to target drug cartels inside Mexico.

    What’s your take on this?

    Doug CaseyThat’s just what the US needs: another war, and this one on the border.

    The people who back the use of military force in Mexico can only be described as thoughtless warmongers with no grasp of either ethics or history. If the war against organizations like the Taliban in Afghanistan was a world-class disaster, would an invasion work out better in Mexico, which has three times the population of Afghanistan, is much richer and much better organized? And they’re right on the border, which is really asking for trouble.

    The solution to the drug cartel problem is to legalize all drugs. The fact is that anybody who wants drugs today can get them easily, even if they’re in high-security prisons. From a practical point of view, making drugs illegal doesn’t work. All it does is greatly increase the price of the drugs in the US and create huge profit margins to import them. Even if you destroyed every cartel in Mexico, people that want drugs will still want them. As long as drugs are illegal, their prices will remain high and new cartels will arise.

    But despite the relaxation of penalties on cannabis, it’s highly unlikely drugs will be legalized. The DEA, one of the most corrupt Federal agencies, is a permanent lobby to keep them illegal. And there’s way, way too much money in keeping them illegal.

    The only solution is to learn a lesson from Prohibition in the 1930s. When they illegalized alcohol in the 1920s, it created the profits that allowed the Mafia to grow. It certainly didn’t cut down the amount of drinking; it just increased the amount of crime. Similarly, the insane War on Drugs is responsible for the success of the cartels.

    They say fentanyl, an important medical drug, kills 50,000 to 100,000 Americans per year. That’s mostly because its quantity and quality are uncertain, a consequence of its illegality. But the real question is ethical: Does government have a right to “protect” people against themselves? My answer is: No. If people like it, it’s their body and their business. Prohibition of alcohol—which is also quite a dangerous drug—was costly, destructive, immoral, and stupid. Fentanyl, the current bete noir of busybodies, is no different.

    If drugs were as easily available as aspirins through pharmacies, users would know what they were getting, and people who want them could get them at a cheap price in known doses.

    Apart from recognizing that you can’t protect people from themselves, it’s important to look at the root of why many people get lost in drugs. The answer, I believe, is that they’re trying to hide from reality and blot it out. Why is that? It’s a subject for another conversation. But the irrationality and coercion caused by State intervention in private lives are part of the answer.

    International Man: Mexican President Obrador has stated he will not allow the US government or military to enter Mexican territory.

    It’s also well known that Mexican cartels have a significant presence inside the US.

    Suppose the US government sends the military into action in Mexico anyways.

    What do you think could happen?

    Doug CaseyIt certainly wouldn’t be the first time that the US has invaded Mexico.

    In the 1840s, the US basically stole all the territory in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, from Mexico. I know you shouldn’t say that—it sounds unpatriotic. But patriotism should be focused on American values, not necessarily on supporting the actions of politicians in Washington.

    In the Marine Corp’s hymn, one of the lines is “From the Halls of Montezuma” because US forces were actually fighting in Mexico City.

    It happened more recently when during the Mexican Revolution in the 1910s, Pancho Villa raided across the Rio Grande, and General Pershing’s troops crossed into Mexico to (unsuccessfully) pursue him.

    There’s plenty of precedent for Americans invading Mexico, but perhaps the shoe is on the other foot now. 20 million or more Mexicans live in the US, mostly in the Southwest. Believe it or not, many of them talk about a Reconquista.

    It’s uncertain what effect it will have on the US border if warmongers like the smarmy and foolish little Lindsey Graham succeed in fomenting an invasion of Mexico. It could turn into a counterinvasion, an active shooting war unnecessarily created to quash the Mexican drug business. Which—insofar as it’s even a real problem—is a US problem.

    International Man: No matter what happens with the US military in Mexico, the situation at the border remains a mess.

    What do you think should be done?

    Doug CaseyThe violence of the cartels is said to be one of the motivators for migration to the US. There appear to be at least one or two million people—nobody has the exact number—annually migrating from Mexico and other places into the US. Once they arrive, many become wards of the vast US welfare system. It’s a problem.

    The solution, as with so many social ills, is strict observance of property rights. That implies the border should be defended. Why? The migrants usually cross the privately owned land of Americans; they have no right to trespass. Even when the land is owned by the federal or state government, they have no right to trespass. It’s a question of strictly enforcing property rights.

    There’s a sign that often appears out west, “If you’re found here at night, you’ll be found here in the morning.” It’s a justified sentiment.

    Entering the US, or, more importantly, onto anybody’s private property without permission, is a serious offense. Property rights are the basis of all rights.

    It’s hard to know exactly, but I suspect a major attraction to migrants is that they know that once in the country, they’re basically guaranteed free food, medical care, schools, housing, and numerous other forms of welfare. That attracts the wrong kind of people. The immigrants of the 19th century were also penniless but got absolutely nothing when they came to the US. Now migrants get lots of freebies. Part of the answer is to eliminate any and all types of welfare both for Americans and immigrants—as well as strict enforcement of property rights.

    International Man: Renowned trends forecaster Gerald Celente has said, “When all else fails, they take you to war.”

    Do you agree?

    Doug Casey: Gerald is absolutely correct.

    Looking at America’s war history, when the US fought Germany and Japan, those countries were transformed because they were totally flattened, devastated, and dispirited—that made it easy to reform them in the image that the US government wanted.

    In the Korean War, which was really a war fought against China on Korean territory, the US dropped more bombs than in all of World War II. The country was totally flattened, and South Korea also transformed itself in the image that we wanted.

    But Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and for that matter, Vietnam, were more on the order of sport wars against primitive countries. They were all embarrassing disasters.

    What kind of war are we looking at with Mexico?

    Will Washington flatten the country in order to change its government? I question whether the Mexicans will accept that. Or will Washington get involved in a protracted guerrilla war where drug gangs are designated as terrorists? Randolph Bourne was right when he said: “War is the health of the State.” Unfortunately, the average American seems to have lost the power of critical thinking. He robotically equates the health of the State with the health of America.

    Either way, it’s a bad idea for America. But Washington isn’t America. The Deep State will, however, find somebody to fight. Unfortunately, it looks like Russia and China are next on the dance card, although they could certainly add Mexico to the naughty list while further bankrupting and corrupting the US.

    International Man: The US government is becoming more desperate and reckless by the day.

    How can the average person protect themselves and profit from this situation?

    Doug Casey: The US government is increasingly designating any real or imagined enemy du jour— whether they’re Mexican drug cartels, the Russians, foreign separatist movements, or various American citizens—as terrorists. Once someone is termed a terrorist, the gloves are off, and it becomes possible to commit any kind of crime to combat him.

    As the US destabilizes in many ways, Washington is finding its real danger lies within the country. What we’re looking at is a war of the US government against numerous and various groups, as well as dissident individual citizens. The FBI, CIA, DEA, and other praetorian agencies are being transformed into domestic secret police forces.

    One way to protect yourself from this is to vacate the premises until it becomes safe to live in the US again.

    Let me emphasize the importance of having a second residency or a second citizenship in case the US goes in the direction of so many countries in the past. And it’s not just the US. Many supposedly free Western countries are becoming quite repressive.

    In fact, it’s dangerous being a US citizen in the US these days, at least if you speak out too loudly. It certainly concerns me personally. Even though I don’t believe it’s possible to change the course of events, I say what I do because it’s right, not because it’s smart.

    That said, you should plan on the US government becoming much more virulent in the future. Washington, not Mexican cartels, is the real danger.

    That’s absolutely the case for the next two years, while genuine Jacobins control the government. But perhaps beyond that. There’s no telling who’s going to be elected or what they’re going to do. Since we’re likely going to be in the middle of a huge financial, economic, political, social, and military crisis, anything is possible. Little of it is good.

    The trend in motion is probably going to stay in motion.

    *  *  *

    It’s clear there are some ominous social, political, cultural, and economic trends playing out right now. Many of which seem to point to an unfortunate decline of the West. That’s precisely why legendary speculator Doug Casey and his team just released this free report, which shows you exactly what’s happening and what you can do about it. Click here to download it now.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 19:40

  • Quiet US Seizure Of Iranian Crude Prompted Iran's Capture Of Houston-Destined Tanker
    Quiet US Seizure Of Iranian Crude Prompted Iran’s Capture Of Houston-Destined Tanker

    When on Thursday the US Navy announced that Iranian commandos had seized a Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman, conveniently absent from the narrative was the fact that just days prior the United States seized a ship laden with Iranian crude, identified as the Suez Rajan which was destined for China.

    “US authorities ordered a tanker of Iranian crude oil to redirect towards the US in recent days, in a move officials believe was the trigger for Iran’s decision to capture a US-bound tanker on Thursday,” the FT reports. “Three people briefed on the situation said the US had intervened to summon a ship loaded with Iranian crude, originally destined for China, as Washington looks to step up enforcement of sanctions on Tehran.”

    The Suez Rajan, file image

    The Thursday seizure of the Advantage Sweet Suezmax crude tanker by the Iranians, which had been chartered by Chevron to move product from Kuwait to Houston, had resulted in swift condemnation by the Biden administration, with the US calling on Iran’s government to immediately release the oil tanker.

    While the Advantage Sweet incident grabbed international headlines, Washington’s action against the Suez Rajan (a Greek tanker carrying Iranian product) was not widely publicized or even known about.

    But US officials are now making the following belated admission

    The previously unreported US action towards the Suez Rajan shines a new light on Iran’s decision to capture the Advantage Sweet, a US-bound tanker of Kuwaiti crude that was chartered by Chevron.

    A US official said Thursday’s “seizure appears to be in retaliation for a prior US seizure of Iranian oil, which Iran recently attempted to get back but failed”.

    The ship with Iranian crude had been destined for China, and reportedly the Iranians had tried to pursue it when it was diverted toward the US after a court order from the DOJ. One of the companies involved with the vessel had helped with the US apprehension.

    In recent years the US has seized a number of tankers with Iranian oil for alleged sanctions-busting activities, including recent interventions against vessels headed to highly sanctioned Syria.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 19:20

  • House Rejects Rep. Gaetz’s Bill To Withdraw US Troops From Somalia
    House Rejects Rep. Gaetz’s Bill To Withdraw US Troops From Somalia

    Authored by Savannah Hulsey Pointer via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Rep.Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) delivers remarks in the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington on Jan. 6, 2023. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

    The House rejected legislation from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) that would require President Joe Biden to withdraw most U.S. troops from Somalia in an April 27 vote.

    Opponents of the legislation said it would hurt national security by making it harder to fight al-Shabaab, designated as a terrorist group by the United States over a decade ago.

    House lawmakers, including its sponsor, claim that 900 U.S. troops in Somalia on an uncertain mission will never bring peace. Despite his claims, the House rejected the legislation, H.Con.Res.30, in a vote of 102-321.

    Gaetz said during a floor discussion that to accept Biden’s decision last year to send soldiers back to Somalia, one would have to believe that 900 U.S. troops are what is going to save a country of 17 million from a hardened group of 7,000.

    I think that strains not only logic but our understanding of the history of Somalia,” Gaetz said during the floor debate on the bill.

    The future of Somalia must be determined by Somalia. And to the extent that foreign influences could be helpful, I would argue that the African Union is far better positioned to build a stronger sense of national identity and national unity among clans that have been warring in Somalia for generations than U.S. troops,” he added.

    Somali security officers drive past a section of Hotel Hayat, the scene of an al-Shabaab group terrorist attack in Mogadishu, Somalia, on Aug. 20, 2022. (Feisal Omar/Reuters)

    Coup Concerns

    In recent weeks, Gaetz has also claimed that U.S.-trained Somali soldiers had staged coups across Africa. Gaetz questioned U.S. Africa Command Gen. Michael Langley, USMC, why taxpayers should continue paying for this endeavor in March, citing claims that certain U.S.-trained soldiers had led many coups and coup attempts.

    “The American people have extremely low confidence in our military leaders and their ability to assess their own efficacy,” Gaetz said in March when he introduced his resolution.

    “How do they expect Americans to believe their justification for occupying Somalia when they can’t even determine who in their own training programs will lead a violent coup afterward?”

    Terror Group Aligned With al-Qaeda

    Violence in Somalia has continued to be an issue of concern, with al Qaeda-linked al-Shabab seeking to establish an Islamic state through force.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 19:00

  • US Sends "Shadowy Unit" Of Atomic Experts To Wire Ukraine With Nuke-Blast-Detecting Sensors
    US Sends “Shadowy Unit” Of Atomic Experts To Wire Ukraine With Nuke-Blast-Detecting Sensors

    The Biden administration is following through in a big way on its past denunciations of nuclear rhetoric and threats coming from Russian leadership of the past months and year. The Kremlin is likely to see it as an ultra-provocative and unnecessary step, revealed in fresh New York Times reporting on Friday…

    “The United States is wiring Ukraine with sensors that can detect‌‌ bursts of radiation from a nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb and can confirm the identity of the attacker,” the Times report says. The goal, according to the report, is for US officials to be made immediately aware of if a radioactive weapon detonates inside Ukraine, and to be able to identify Russian forces as the culprit.

    Ukrainian Emergency Ministry rescuers attended an exercise in the city of Zaporizhzhia last August, AFP/Getty Images

    NYT describes the measure as “the hardest evidence to date that Washington is taking concrete steps to prepare for the worst possible outcomes of the invasion of Ukraine, Europe’s second largest nation.”

    Interestingly, an elite team under an Energy Department organization which the Times calls “shadowy” has been tasked with deploying the sensors with the help of Ukrainian partners on the ground: 

    The Nuclear Emergency Support Team, or NEST, a shadowy unit of atomic experts run by the security agency, is working with Ukraine to deploy the radiation sensors, train personnel, monitor data and warn of deadly radiation.

    In a statement sent to The New York Times in response to a reporter’s question, the agency said the network of atomic sensors was being deployed “throughout the region” and would have the ability “to characterize the size, location and effects of any nuclear explosion.” Additionally, it said the deployed sensors would deny Russia “any opportunity to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine without attribution.”

    Further this would ensure that alternative or less conventional nuclear ‘dirty bomb’ deployment methods such as delivery by truck or boat could conceivably be more traceable (in addition to the more obvious: a mushroom cloud).

    Russia last year on multiple occasions alleged the Ukrainians could be planning a small nuclear dirty bomb false flag attack, in order to draw in NATO forces directly into a ground war in Ukraine.

    US officials and the Times report addresses this in saying “For instance, Moscow could falsely claim that Kyiv set off a nuclear blast on the battlefield to try to draw the West into deeper war assistance.” With the sensors in place, officials say, “in theory… Washington would be able to point to its own nuclear attribution analyses to reveal that Moscow was in fact the attacker.”

    So now it seems the US is prepping for the eventually of a false-flag blame game, disturbingly enough. Already last year iodine pills had been widely distributed in Ukraine and other Eastern European countries. 

    Nuclear Emergency Support Team has meanwhile said in a statement that–

    “If a nuclear emergency were to occur in Ukraine, whether a radiation release from a nuclear reactor or a nuclear weapon detonation, scientific analyses would be rapidly provided to U.S. government authorities and decision-making centers in Ukraine and the region to make actionable, technically informed decisions to protect public health and safety.”

    But it remains that Moscow says its nuclear doctrine hasn’t changed. This includes the nuclear option in instances where the nation’s survival is deemed under existential threat. The Kremlin has further repeatedly denounce what it calls Western media and officials’ twisting Putin’s words anytime he speaks on the matter of nuclear weapons.

    Russian leadership has also asserted it doesn’t intend to use tactical or strategic nukes in Ukraine; however, Putin’s recently announcing “plans” to station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus has certainly rattled the West. He described it along with sending nuclear-capable bomber aircraft as a necessary decision in response to the UK giving Ukraine armor-piercing shells containing depleted uranium.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 18:40

  • Nationwide Support For Assault Weapons Ban Slides, New Poll Finds 
    Nationwide Support For Assault Weapons Ban Slides, New Poll Finds 

    Authored by Stephen Gutowski via The Reload (emphasis ours),

    Americans are less interested than ever in imposing an “assault weapons” ban.

    Those are the results of a Monmouth University poll released on Monday. That poll found 49 percent of Americans opposed a ban on the sale of assault weapons while 46 percent supported one, and six percent were unsure. That marks a nine-point decline in support and a seven-point increase in opposition since Monmouth asked the same question in June 2022.

    “Despite continued incidents of mass shootings, public support for banning assault weapons has dipped,” Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute, said in a press release.

    The poll is just the latest to show a decline in support for the policy, which targets guns like the AR-15 and AK-47. It indicates Americans are growing increasingly skeptical of new broad-based restrictions on different kinds of guns, despite their presence in high-profile mass shootings. The deterioration of public opinion toward assault weapons bans may negatively affect the recent renaissance the policy has enjoyed in recent years and may be why several states where Democrats hold complete control, such as Colorado and New Mexico, failed to pass one this year.

    Monmouth’s poll comes a few months after an ABC News/Washington Post survey found a majority of Americans now oppose a ban on the sale of assault weapons, often defined as semi-automatic centerfire guns capable of accepting detachable magazines and featuring banned cosmetics like pistol grips or telescoping stocks. A Quinnipiac University poll from the same time frame found more Americans opposed a ban than supported one. The downward trend in support has persisted even after mass shootings that have captured public attention and House Democrats passing the first proposed federal ban in nearly 20 years.

    A poll from The Economist/YouGov has been one of the only consistent outliers from major polling firms on the issue. It shows support for a ban at over 60 percent. Although, that poll further confuses already-nebulous terminology by asking about a ban on “assault rifles,” which are traditionally defined as being capable of automatic fire–unlike common AR-15s.

    While gun-control advocates and President Joe Biden (D.) have continued to pursue a federal assault weapons ban as their top policy solution for mass shootings, the popularity of the guns they are seeking to remove from store shelves has skyrocketed. Late last month, Washington Post/Ipsos poll found tens of millions of Americans own an AR-15.

    It isn’t the only estimate that puts the number of legally-owned ARs in the tens of millions.

    The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the gun industry’s trade group, estimated there were over 24.4 million AR-15s and similar rifles in circulation last year. Georgetown professor William English found in his 2021 National Firearms Survey that “30.2% of gun owners, about 24.6 million people, indicated that they have owned an AR-15 or similarly styled rifle.”

    Monmouth’s survey found political affiliation significantly impacted whether a respondent supported banning assault weapons. A majority of Democrats support such a ban, while a majority of Republicans and independents oppose it. Similarly, liberals support a ban, but conservatives and moderates do not.

    Breakdowns along age and racial lines were apparent too. The 55+ age group was the only one to feature majority support for a ban. White Americans were more likely to oppose a ban than support one, while a bare majority of non-White Americans support a ban.

    Support for other gun-control policies fared better in the Monmouth poll, though slight declines were present. 81 percent of adults said they support universal background checks, down two points from 2022 and accompanied by the caveat that only 28 percent believe it should be accomplished through an executive order. Support for a federal “Red Flag” law came in at 72 percent, down three points. The split on requiring permits for those who want to conceal a gun in public remained steady, with 56 percent supporting them and 41 percent opposed.

    Monmouth conducted the poll of a random sample of 805 adults between March 16th and 20th.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 18:20

  • Russia Mounts First Large-Scale Air Raids On Ukraine In Nearly 2 Months
    Russia Mounts First Large-Scale Air Raids On Ukraine In Nearly 2 Months

    Russia launched Friday attacks on the central Ukrainian cities of Dnipro Uman – and other locations, marking the first large-scale missile and aerial raids in almost two months, and resulting in a mounting civilian death toll. 

    Ukraine’s defense ministry had previously warned the population it believed that major aerial strikes were imminent. The strikes occurred in the early night hours of Friday, with Ukrainian rescue operations ensuing throughout the day.

    Image via The Guardian

    Some large residential buildings were reportedly struck in the missile barrage, with Ukrainian rescue and health authorities telling international press that 26 people, including five children, were killed.

    The attack included over 20 cruise missiles and as well as some ‘suicide drones’ at a moment Ukraine is preparing for a spring counteroffensive

    Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford reporting from Kyiv said that the attack, according to the Ukrainian government, was executed by one of “23 cruise missiles and so-called kamikaze drones that Russia fired in the early hours of Friday morning. Some were reportedly launched from as far away as the Caspian Sea,” he said.

    The attacks show “Russia’s ability to strike targets across this country whenever and wherever it pleases”, he said.

    A Russian Defense Ministry statement also said it utilized strategic bombers to target Ukrainian army reserve unites, with an aim toward preventing additional troops from reaching the frontlines.

    Russia is also denying that it targeted civilians. “Overnight, the Russian Air Force carried out a collective rocket strike using long-range high-precision weapons targeting temporary deployment sites of Ukrainian army reserve units,” Russian MoD spokesman Igor Konashenkov told reporters later in the day.

    “The target of the strike was achieved. All designated facilities were struck. The advance of the enemy’s reserves into combat zones was thwarted,” Konashenkov said.

    Ukraine’s military meanwhile claimed its anti-air defenses had intercepted many of the inbound missiles. Given the reported rising high death toll, Kiev is likely to press its Western backers even harder at this point for more advanced anti-air systems.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 18:00

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Today’s News 28th April 2023

  • German Domestic Spy Agency Labels AfD Youth Org As "Extreme Right", Enabling Mass Surveillance Of All Members
    German Domestic Spy Agency Labels AfD Youth Org As “Extreme Right”, Enabling Mass Surveillance Of All Members

    Authored by John Cody via Remix News,

    Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), which serves as the country’s domestic intelligence service, has classified the AfD party youth wing, Junge Alternative (JA), as a “certain right-wing extremist endeavor.”

    The new designation not only creates the conditions for increased monitoring and enforcement action against JA, it also comes as a political hit to the parent AfD party at a time when it has seen a surge in popularity.

    The BfV had already listed the AfD youth group as a “suspected case” in 2019, and the agency is now allowed to use all intelligence tools to monitor the JA after its new designation. In addition to the use of so-called confidential informants, this will include telephone tapping and covert observation, according to German newspaper Die Welt.

    The BfV justified its step, among other things, with the concept of how the organization allegedly views the German people. The BfV argues that JA’s view is not compatible with the country’s constitution, also known as the Basic Law.

    “The JA’s understanding of the people, which is clearly evident in its statements and pronouncements, contradicts the understanding of the people expressed in the Basic Law and is capable of excluding members of supposedly other ethnic groups and devaluing German citizens with a migration background as second-class Germans,” the agency wrote in a press release on Wednesday.

    Agitation against migrants is a consistent theme of the Junge Alternative, the BfV stated.

    “In particular, immigrants with a (supposed) Muslim background are attributed negative characteristics in a sweeping manner, such as cultural backwardness and a disproportionately strong tendency to crime and violence, simply because of their origin and religion,” the BfV wrote in a statement.

    It is unclear what specific comments the BfV is referring to, but it has long been reported, including in mainstream media outlets, that foreigners, particularly from Middle Eastern and African countries, feature extremely high crime rates, especially for serious crimes like murder, assault, robbery, and rape. Furthermore, German officials themselves have pointed to foreigners from these countries as being responsible for the dramatic increase in child marriage and female genital mutilation. In other areas, like anti-Semitism, the predominant groups involved all hail from the Middle East.

    The BfV also claims that the AfD has repeatedly expressed itself in an anti-democratic manner. The agency claims members of the JA denigrate “political opponents, but also the state and its representatives per se.” This allegedly indicates that the Young Alternative is not concerned with democratic discourse, “but with a general disparagement of the democratic system of the Federal Republic of Germany.”

    According to the government’s own data, the AfD is the most attacked party in Germany. Its members have been subject to numerous arson attacks, and much of the political establishment — both the left and the center-right — have called for the party’s complete ban. The party has also been effectively banned from the country’s political talk shows on the ARD and ZDF channels, which are required to air a plurality of views reflecting the German public, due to their status as publically funded.

    The federal executive committee of the Junge Alternative downplayed the BfV’s announcement.

    “The classification of the so-called constitutional protection does not surprise us,” the board of the party youth branch announced.

    The statement outlined that the country’s secret services are simply fulfilling their mission of suppressing the country’s opposition.

    “Regardless of whether they are critics of migration, critics of coronavirus measures or advocates of peace — every form of authentic opposition in this country is systematically stigmatized by this authority,” the board of the JA warned. Now, the JA is reviewing its legal options in light of the designation.

    AfD leaders Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel also released a joint statement, writing: “We currently have neither a justification nor relevant documents that make the step comprehensible.”

    The AfD is facing various legal disputes that could end up with the party being slapped by the BfV with a similar “right-wing extremist” designation. The party suspects that the BfV made the move against the JA to strengthen its case against the AfD. If the AfD receives such a designation, it could pave the way for a complete ban of the party in Germany.

    There is also the suspicion that the BfV is using the new classification of the JA to influence legal disputes with the AfD.

    In January, the AfD appealed to the Higher Administrative Court in Münster to overturn the BfV’s classification of the party, its youth organization and the dissolved party branch “Der Flügel” as suspected right-wing extremists.

    Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD), known for writing for Antifa Magazine and her claims that the right poses the biggest threat to Germany, praised BfV for classifying the party as a right-wing extremist group.

    “We are a strong and resilient democracy. We are very resolute in defending ourselves against racism and other forms of inhumanity,” she said on Wednesday. “We are doing everything we can to dry up the breeding ground for right-wing extremist violence.”

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 04/28/2023 – 02:00

  • The War On Free Speech Is Really A War On The Right To Criticize The Government
    The War On Free Speech Is Really A War On The Right To Criticize The Government

    Authored by John and Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us? The constitutional theory is that we the people are the sovereigns, the state and federal officials only our agents. We who have the final word can speak softly or angrily. We can seek to challenge and annoy, as we need not stay docile and quiet.”

    – Justice William O. Douglas

    Absolutely, there is a war on free speech.

    To be more accurate, however, the war on free speech is really a war on the right to criticize the government.

    Although the right to speak out against government wrongdoing is the quintessential freedom, every day in this country, those who dare to speak their truth to the powers-that-be find themselves censored, silenced or fired.

    Indeed, those who run the government don’t take kindly to individuals who speak truth to power.

    In fact, the government has become increasingly intolerant of speech that challenges its power, reveals its corruption, exposes its lies, and encourages the citizenry to push back against the government’s many injustices.

    This is nothing new, nor is it unique to any particular presidential administration.

    For instance, as part of its campaign to eradicate so-called “disinformation,” the Biden Administration likened those who share “false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information” to terrorists. This government salvo against consumers and spreaders of “mis- dis- and mal-information” widens the net to potentially include anyone who is exposed to ideas that run counter to the official government narrative.

    In his first few years in office, President Trump declared the media to be “the enemy of the people,” suggested that protesting should be illegal, and that NFL players who kneel in protest during the national anthem “shouldn’t be in the country.”

    Then again, Trump was not alone in his presidential disregard for the rights of the citizenry, especially as it pertains to the right of the people to criticize those in power.

    President Obama signed into law anti-protest legislation that makes it easier for the government to criminalize protest activities (10 years in prison for protesting anywhere in the vicinity of a Secret Service agent). The Obama Administration also waged a war on whistleblowers, which The Washington Post described as “the most aggressive I’ve seen since the Nixon administration,” and “spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records.”

    Part of the Patriot Act signed into law by President George W. Bush made it a crime for an American citizen to engage in peaceful, lawful activity on behalf of any group designated by the government as a terrorist organization. Under this provision, even filing an amicus brief on behalf of an organization the government has labeled as terrorist would constitute breaking the law.

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the FBI to censor all news and control communications in and out of the country in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt also signed into law the Smith Act, which made it a crime to advocate by way of speech for the overthrow of the U.S. government by force or violence.

    President Woodrow Wilson signed into law the Espionage and Sedition Acts, which made it illegal to criticize the government’s war efforts.

    President Abraham Lincoln seized telegraph lines, censored mail and newspaper dispatches, and shut down members of the press who criticized his administration.

    In 1798, during the presidency of John Adams, Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, which made it a crime to “write, print, utter or publish … any false, scandalous, and malicious” statements against the government, Congress or president of the United States.

    Clearly, the government has been undermining our free speech rights for quite a while now.

    Good, bad or ugly, it’s all free speech unless as defined by the government it falls into one of the following categories: obscenity, fighting words, defamation (including libel and slander), child pornography, perjury, blackmail, incitement to imminent lawless action, true threats, and solicitations to commit crimes.

    This idea of “dangerous” speech, on the other hand, is peculiarly authoritarian in nature. What it amounts to is speech that the government fears could challenge its chokehold on power.

    The kinds of speech the government considers dangerous enough to red flag and subject to censorship, surveillance, investigation, prosecution and outright elimination include: hate speech, bullying speech, intolerant speech, conspiratorial speech, treasonous speech, threatening speech, incendiary speech, inflammatory speech, radical speech, anti-government speech, right-wing speech, left-wing speech, extremist speech, politically incorrect speech, etc.

    Conduct your own experiment into the government’s tolerance of speech that challenges its authority, and see for yourself.

    Stand on a street corner—or in a courtroom, at a city council meeting or on a university campus—and recite some of the rhetoric used by the likes of Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, John Adams and Thomas Paine without referencing them as the authors.

    For that matter, just try reciting the Declaration of Independence, which rejects tyranny, establishes Americans as sovereign beings, recognizes God (not the government) as the Supreme power, portrays the government as evil, and provides a detailed laundry list of abuses that are as relevant today as they were 240-plus years ago.

    My guess is that you won’t last long before you get thrown out, shut up, threatened with arrest or at the very least accused of being a radical, a troublemaker, a sovereign citizen, a conspiratorialist or an extremist.

    Try suggesting, as Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin did, that Americans should not only take up arms but be prepared to shed blood in order to protect their liberties, and you might find yourself placed on a terrorist watch list and vulnerable to being rounded up by government agents.

    “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms,” declared Jefferson.

    He also concluded that “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

    Observed Franklin: “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”

    Better yet, try suggesting as Thomas Paine, Marquis De Lafayette, John Adams and Patrick Henry did that Americans should, if necessary, defend themselves against the government if it violates their rights, and you will be labeled a domestic extremist.

    “It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government,” insisted Paine.

    “When the government violates the people’s rights,” Lafayette warned, “insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensable of duties.”

    Adams cautioned, “A settled plan to deprive the people of all the benefits, blessings and ends of the contract, to subvert the fundamentals of the constitution, to deprive them of all share in making and executing laws, will justify a revolution.”

    And who could forget Patrick Henry with his ultimatum: “Give me liberty or give me death!”

    Then again, perhaps you don’t need to test the limits of free speech for yourself.

    One such test is playing out before our very eyes on the national stage led by those who seem to believe that only individuals who agree with the government are entitled to the protections of the First Amendment.

    To the contrary, James Madison, the father of the Constitution, was very clear about the fact that the First Amendment was established to protect the minority against the majority.

    I’ll take that one step further: the First Amendment was intended to protect the citizenry from the government’s tendency to censor, silence and control what people say and think.

    Having lost our tolerance for free speech in its most provocative, irritating and offensive forms, the American people have become easy prey for a police state where only government speech is allowed.

    You see, the powers-that-be understand that if the government can control speech, it controls thought and, in turn, it can control the minds of the citizenry.

    This is how freedom rises or falls.

    Americans of all stripes would do well to remember that those who question the motives of government provide a necessary counterpoint to those who would blindly follow where politicians choose to lead.

    We don’t have to agree with every criticism of the government, but we must defend the rights of all individuals to speak freely without fear of punishment or threat of banishment.

    Never forget: what the architects of the police state want are submissive, compliant, cooperative, obedient, meek citizens who don’t talk back, don’t challenge government authority, don’t speak out against government misconduct, and don’t step out of line.

    What the First Amendment protects—and a healthy constitutional republic requires—are citizens who routinely exercise their right to speak truth to power.

    Tolerance for dissent is vital if we are to survive as a free nation.

    While there are all kinds of labels being put on so-called “unacceptable” speech today, the real message being conveyed by those in power is that Americans don’t have a right to express themselves if what they are saying is unpopular, controversial or at odds with what the government determines to be acceptable.

    By suppressing free speech, the government is contributing to a growing underclass of Americans who are being told that they can’t take part in American public life unless they “fit in.”

    Mind you, it won’t be long before anyone who believes in holding the government accountable to respecting our rights and abiding by the rule of law is labeled an “extremist,” is relegated to an underclass that doesn’t fit in, must be watched all the time, and is rounded up when the government deems it necessary.

    It doesn’t matter how much money you make, what politics you subscribe to, or what God you worship: as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we are all potential suspects, terrorists and lawbreakers in the eyes of the government.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 23:40

  • Mysterious Listeria Outbreak Spreads To 15 States
    Mysterious Listeria Outbreak Spreads To 15 States

    Federal health officials are investigating a “Listeria outbreak with unknown source” across 15 states.

    “A specific food item has not yet been identified as the source of this outbreak. However, CDC is concerned that illnesses continue to be reported. Listeria illness is rare, but it can result in serious illness or death,” a recent notice via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) read. 

    The overall count of infections might be higher than what is currently being reported. According to CDC data, there have been 18 cases of infection, leading to 17 hospitalizations in 15 different states. So far, no fatalities have been reported.

    Michigan and Wisconsin are the only states to have recorded two illnesses. Illinois, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Washington have each reported one. 

    The CDC has constructed an outbreak map. 

    “Public health officials are interviewing people in this outbreak to find out what foods they ate before getting sick,” the CDC said, adding the infection is “especially harmful if you are pregnant, aged 65 or older, or have a weakened immune system.” 

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 23:20

  • Escobar: Mr. Lavrov's New York Shuffle
    Escobar: Mr. Lavrov’s New York Shuffle

    Authored by Pepe Escobar,

    Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s New York moment performed the diplomatic equivalent of bringing the house down…

    Now picture a true gentleman, the foremost diplomat of these troubled times, in total command of the facts and endowed with a delightful sense of humor, taking a perilous walk on the wild side, to quote iconic Lou Reed, and emerging unscathed.

    In fact, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s New York moment – as in his two interventions before the UN Security Council on April 24 and 25 – performed the diplomatic equivalent of bringing the house down. At least the sections of the house inhabited by the Global South – or Global Majority.

    April 24, during the 9308th meeting of the UNSC under the agenda “Maintenance of international peace and security, effective multilateralism through the protection of the principles of the UN Charter”, was particularly relevant.

    Lavrov stressed the symbolism of the meeting happening on the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, deemed quite significant by a 2018 UN General Assembly resolution.

    In his preamble, Lavrov noted how “in two weeks, we will celebrate the 78th anniversary of Victory in World War II. The defeat of Nazi Germany, to which my country made a decisive contribution with the support of the Allies, laid the foundation for the post-war international order. The UN Charter has become its legal basis, and our organization itself, embodying true multilateralism, has acquired a central, coordinating role in world politics.”

    Well, not really. And that brings us to Lavrov’s true walk on the wild side, pinpointing how multilateralism has been trampled. Way beyond torrents of denigration by the usual suspects, and their attempt to submit him to an ice cold shower in New York, or even confine him to the – geopolitical – freezer, he prevailed. Let’s take a walk with him across the current wasteland. Mr. Lavrov, you’re the star of the show.

    Our way or the highway

    That “rules-based order”:

    The UN-centric system is going through a deep crisis. The root cause was the desire of some members of our organization to replace international law and the UN Charter with a kind of ‘rules-based order.’ No one saw these ‘rules’, they were not the subject of transparent international negotiations. They are invented and used to counteract the natural processes of the formation of new independent centers of development, which are an objective manifestation of multilateralism. They are trying to contain them with illegitimate unilateral measures, including cutting off access to modern technologies and financial services, ousting them from supply chains, confiscating property, destroying competitors’ critical infrastructure, and manipulating universally agreed norms and procedures. As a result, the fragmentation of world trade, the collapse of market mechanisms, the paralysis of the WTO and the final, already without disguise, transformation of the IMF into a tool for achieving the goals of the United States and its allies, including military goals.”

    Destroying globalization:

    In a desperate attempt to assert its dominance by punishing the disobedient, the United States went on to destroy globalization, which for many years was extolled as the highest good of all mankind, serving the multilateral system of the world economy. Washington and the rest of the West, which has submitted to it, use their ‘rules’ whenever it is necessary to justify illegitimate steps against those who build their policies in accordance with international law and refuse to follow the selfish interests of the ‘golden billion’. Dissenters are blacklisted according to the principle: ‘Whoever is not with us is against us.’ It has long been ‘inconvenient’ for our Western colleagues to negotiate in universal formats, such as the UN. For the ideological justification of the policy of undermining multilateralism, the theme of the unity of ‘democracies’ as opposed to ‘autocracies’ has been introduced. In addition to the ‘summits for democracy’, whose composition is determined by the self-proclaimed Hegemon, other ‘clubs of the elite’ are being created, bypassing the UN.”

    “Garden” vs. “Jungle:

    “Let’s call a spade a spade: no one allowed the Western minority to speak on behalf of all mankind. It is necessary to behave decently and respect all members of the international community. By imposing a ‘rules-based order’, its authors arrogantly reject a key principle of the UN Charter – the sovereign equality of states. The quintessence of the ‘exclusivity complex’ was the ‘proud’ statement by the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, that ‘Europe is the Garden of Eden, and the rest of the world is a jungle.’ I will also quote the NATO-EU Joint Statement of January 10 of this year, which states: the ‘United West’ will use all the economic, financial, political and – I pay special attention – military tools available to NATO and the EU to ensure the interests of ‘our one billion’.

    NATO’s “line of defense”:

    “At last year’s summit in Madrid, NATO, which has always convinced everyone of its ‘peacefulness’ and the exclusively defensive nature of its military programs, declared ‘global responsibility’, the ‘indivisibility of security’ in the Euro-Atlantic region and in the so-called Indo-Pacific region. That is, now the ‘line of defense’ of NATO (as a defensive Alliance) is shifting to the western shores of the Pacific Ocean. Bloc approaches that undermine ASEAN-centric multilateralism are manifested in the creation of the AUKUS military alliance, into which Tokyo, Seoul and a number of ASEAN countries are being pushed. Under the auspices of the United States, mechanisms are being created to intervene in maritime security issues with an eye to ensuring the unilateral interests of the West in the South China Sea. Josep Borrell, whom I have already quoted today, promised yesterday to send EU naval forces to the region. It is not hidden that the goal of the ‘Indo-Pacific strategies’ is to contain the PRC and isolate Russia. This is how our Western colleagues understand ‘effective multilateralism’ in the Asia-Pacific region.”

    “Promoting democracy”:

    Since World War II, there have been dozens of criminal military adventures by Washington – without any attempt to gain multilateral legitimacy. Why, if there are ‘rules’ unknown to anyone? The shameful invasion of Iraq by the U.S.-led coalition in 2003 was carried out in violation of the UN Charter, as was the aggression against Libya in 2011. A gross violation of the UN Charter was U.S. interference in the affairs of post-Soviet states. ‘Color revolutions’ were organized in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, a bloody coup d’état in Kiev in February 2014, and attempts to seize power by force in Belarus in 2020. The Anglo-Saxons, who confidently led the entire West, not only justify all these criminal adventures, but also flaunt their line of ‘promoting democracy.’ But again, according to its ‘rules’: Kosovo – to recognize independence without any referendum; Crimea – not to recognize (although there was a referendum); Do not touch the Falklands/Malvinas, because there was a referendum there (as British Foreign Secretary John Cleverly said recently). That’s funny.”

    The geopolitics of the “Ukrainian issue”:

    Today, everyone understands, although not everyone talks about it out loud: this is not about Ukraine at all, but about how international relations will be built further: through the formation of a stable consensus based on a balance of interests – or through the aggressive and explosive promotion of hegemony. It is impossible to consider the ‘Ukrainian issue’ in isolation from the geopolitical context. Multilateralism presupposes respect for the UN Charter in all the interconnectedness of its principles, as mentioned above. Russia has clearly explained the tasks that it pursues as part of a special military operation: to eliminate the threats to our security created by NATO members directly on our borders and to protect people who have been deprived of their rights proclaimed by multilateral conventions, to protect them from the direct threats of extermination and expulsion from the territories where their ancestors lived for centuries publicly declared by the Kyiv regime. We honestly said what and for whom we are fighting.”

    The Global South fights back:

    “True multilateralism at the present stage requires the UN to adapt to the objective trends in the formation of a multipolar architecture of international relations. The reform of the Security Council must be accelerated by increasing the representation of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The West’s current outrageous overrepresentation in this main UN organ undermines multilateralism. At the initiative of Venezuela, the Group of Friends in Defense of the UN Charter was created. We call on all States that respect the Charter to join it. It is also important to use the constructive potential of BRICS and the SCO. The EAEU, the CIS, and the CSTO are ready to contribute. We are in favor of using the initiative of the positions of regional associations of the countries of the Global South. The Group of Twenty can also play a useful role in maintaining multilateralism if Western participants stop distracting their colleagues from topical issues on its agenda in the hope of muffling the topic of their responsibility for the accumulation of crisis phenomena in the world economy.”

    So who’s breaking the law?

    After this concise tour de force, it would be immensely enlightening to track what Lavrov has been telling the world since February 2022, in consistent, excruciating detail: the serial international law breakers, in contemporary history, have been the Hegemon and its sorry gaggle of vassals. Not Russia.

    So Moscow was completely within its rights to launch the SMO – as it had no alternative. And that operation will be brought to its logical conclusion – inbuilt in the new Russian Foreign Policy Concept published on March 31st. Whatever may be unleashed by the Collective West will be simply ignored by Russia, as it regards the entire combo to be acting outside the norms of international law laid down in the UN Charter.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 23:00

  • "Vice News Tonight" Canceled As Media Downturn Accelerates
    “Vice News Tonight” Canceled As Media Downturn Accelerates

    The downfall of Vice Media Group (VMG) is a perfect example of the challenges media organizations face that shift focuses towards ultra-left-wing ideologies. Despite being worth billions of dollars just several years ago, the company has followed a similar fate as Buzzfeed, now undergoing broad restructuring.

    In 2017, Vice Media secured a funding round at $5.7 billion. One of its founders joked about “hockey stick” growth and a “sexy” IPO debut. But that never happened, and fast forward to today, top executives told employees in a memo that the popular TV program “Vice News Tonight” will be canceled, as well as a number of employees will be fired. 

    “In response to the current market conditions and business realities facing VMG and the broader news and media industry, we are moving forward on some painful but necessary reductions, primarily across our News business,” co-CEOs Bruce Dixon and Hozefa Lokhandwala told employees. They didn’t specify how many job cuts. 

    Dixon and Lokhandwala emphasized, “We are NOT exiting the news business, but we are changing the shape of VICE News to position the whole Company for long-term opportunities and improve how we deliver important, ground-breaking journalism well into the future.” 

    A person familiar with the upcoming layoffs told CNN that the digital media company plans “dozens” of cuts to reduce operational costs. 

    VMG joins a slew of other media companies that have had no other option but to restructure in recent months due to mounting macroeconomic headwinds and a weak advertising market. Also, many of these firms went ‘woke’ and are quickly going broke. 

    Last week, BuzzFeed’s CEO Jonah Peretti told employees about restructuring plans that called for a reduction of headcount and the cancellation of BuzzFeed News. 

    VMG and BuzzFeed are some of the best examples of how to destroy billions of dollars in valuations through woke and rubbish content. 

    But it’s not just VMG and BuzzFeed hemorrhaging workers. HuffPost’s senior editor Philip Lewis highlighted a list of other media organizations undergoing restructuring efforts.

    *     *     * 

    Read VMG’s Dixon and Lokhandwala’s memo in full below:


    In response to the current market conditions and business realities facing VMG and the broader news and media industry, we are moving forward on some painful but necessary reductions, primarily across our News business. We are transforming VICE News to better withstand market realities and more closely align with how and where we see our audiences engaging with our content most. To be incredibly clear, VICE News is core to VICE Media Group and fundamental to our business. We are NOT exiting the news business, but we are changing the shape of VICE News to position the whole company for long-term opportunities and improve how we deliver important, ground-breaking journalism well into the future.

    As part of this process, we’ve decided to streamline VICE News and make reductions in roles across our global News team to focus on our growing digital video business and our News documentary and series production business for VTV and distribution partners worldwide. We’re also discontinuing VICE News Tonight on VICE TV (the last VNT broadcast will be in May). It’s clear that we need to accelerate VICE News’ transition to the platforms where its biggest audiences are — on our owned and operated channels where we have a direct relationship with our audience, on Paramount+ with Showtime, FAST Channels, YouTube, TikTok, Twitch, and via documentary programming for streaming platforms such as Netflix, HBO Max and Tubi. We believe this strategic focus strongly positions VICE’s incredibly important news coverage for the future.

    Going forward, VICE News will be produced by our News Productions and Publishing divisions jointly under Subrata De, EVP, News, and Global Head of Programming and Development, and Cory Haik, COO for News and Entertainment — two of the most talented media executives in our industry. Our longform documentary and premium series work will be produced out of our News Productions division under Subrata, who will continue to oversee global news production for all linear and streaming platforms, including VICE TV. Our daily global VICE News journalism will be produced out of our Publishing division, under Cory, with VICE News and Motherboard now organized alongside our other digital brands: VICE, Refinery29, Unbothered and i-D, delivering our digital content across platforms and our VMG network. We will also be unifying all of our news content under VICE News, which will now be our single overarching global News brand. The teams will continue to work closely together, in a coordinated and collaborative manner focused on the shared vision for VICE News’ important role in global news coverage. 

    Our global Human Resources team will begin notifying employees whose jobs are directly impacted by these changes. If you have questions, you should reach out to your manager and HRBP. 

    We hope you understand that these changes were not made lightly, and that it is extremely painful to see our colleagues leave. VICE News began as a small team committed to shining a light on news in corners of the world that were being ignored by the mainstream press. Our team is part of our family and an important part of what built the VICE News brand into what it is today, but as the media industry continues to rapidly evolve and our audience consumes content in new ways, this transformation is a necessary step to safeguard the journalism for which VICE has always excelled and the future of VMG. 

    Thank you, 

    Bruce & Hozefa

    *     *     * 

    Readers will appreciate this… 

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 22:40

  • City Of Asheville Trapped In Crime Crisis, Prepares To Impose 60-Day 'Safety Initiative'
    City Of Asheville Trapped In Crime Crisis, Prepares To Impose 60-Day ‘Safety Initiative’

    The City of Asheville, situated in North Carolina, is facing severe challenges due to soaring crime and a dwindling police force in the aftermath of the 2020 George Floyd murder, which sparked the nationwide ‘defund the police’ movement. In response to the rampant lawlessness, city officials have declared an emergency plan, beginning next week and lasting for two months, to tackle the crime wave. 

    “There are complex circumstances contributing to the safety issues that Asheville is currently seeing downtown, and it will take a community response to address these complexities,” the city stated in a press release

    Next Monday, city officials are rolling out a 60-day initiative to address safety downtown:

    “Our efforts in downtown should in no way suggest that we aren’t focused on safety across the entire community. This intensive effort is driven by data that suggests a disturbing trend of increases in both property and violent crime in our downtown,” said Asheville Police Chief David Zack. 

    Here are some initiatives the city will implement to combat criminal activity on its streets:

    • Increased law enforcement presence by utilizing foot, bike, and vehicle patrols as well as enhanced security in downtown parks.

    • Launch of a Community Responder Pilot Program led by the Asheville Fire Department to support individuals in crisis and provide a more visible City public safety presence downtown. The pilot will be used to inform a longer-term Community Responder initiative past the 60 days.

    • Focused attention on the removal of litter, needles and biological waste and general Downtown cleanliness; as well as increased maintenance activities in downtown parks. 

    • Partner with any private or non-profit organization to identify key locations in downtown where there are public safety concerns and/or to schedule community clean-up efforts.

    • Enforcement of illegally parked cars with a specific focus on the areas in and around Pritchard Park.

    • Enhanced frequency of monitoring City-owned and operated public parking garages, including stairwells in these facilities.

    • Focused attention on quickly removing graffiti on public property and graffiti code enforcement on private property in the downtown area.

    • Concentrated effort to identify streetlight outages in the central business district and coordination of necessary streetlight replacements with Duke Energy.

    The announcement comes as local newspaper Mountain Xpress recently warned of a severe police shortage due to the polarizing defunding of the police movement during the pandemic. 

    On an ordinary day in Asheville, 16 to 18 police officers patrol the entire city, an area covering 46 square miles.

    That’s down from 30 cops on duty three years ago, when Asheville first started losing officers faster than it could replace them.

    The Asheville Police Department has been operating at a reduced capacity, now just 60%, for more than two years — and the Police Chief, David Zack, told Asheville Watchdog that it could be another decade before the force returns to pre-pandemic levels.

    Crime in Asheville

    Remember, Democrats ensured everyone that defunding the police movement would make communities safer, but in reality, it has unleashed nationwide crime waves. This is evident in Baltimore, Chicago, and numerous West Coast cities

    Looking forward, it’s important to hold Democrats responsible for their role in promoting failed social justice reforms that have led to more dangerous metro areas. The best way is to vote these folks out of office in the next election cycle. 

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 22:00

  • We're Done With 'Gradually'. We've Now Reached The 'Suddenly' Part…
    We’re Done With ‘Gradually’. We’ve Now Reached The ‘Suddenly’ Part…

    Authored by Simon Black via,

    By the summer of 1563, all of Britain had plunged into chaos over religion and the Reformation.

    King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic church back in the 1530s, sparking a near civil war within the kingdom. Protestants killed Catholics, Catholics killed protestants, and extreme social tensions lasted for decades.

    Universities were at the heart of this conflict; rather than focus on real subjects like science and mathematics, students and professors became radical social activists and turned their schools into ideological echo chambers. Sound familiar?

    One of the few students who actually wanted to learn was a Scottish teenager named John Napier; Napier had been enrolled at the University of St. Andrews at the time, but he quickly realized that he would never learn a damn thing in that environment. So he dropped out… and started traveling in search of a real education.

    No one quite knows exactly where he went or what he did. But when he returned to Scotland eight years later as a young man, Napier had become an intellectual giant.

    You might not have ever heard of him, but John Napier was truly one of the great minds of his era.

    And modern science owes a tremendous debt to his work… in particular his development of logarithms.

    If it’s been a few years since you studied math (or ‘maths’ for my British friends), logarithms are the inverse of exponential functions.

    Simple example: we know that 102 (or 10 squared) = 10 x 10 = 100. So, the number 10 raised to the power of 2 equals 100.

    The inverse of that is to say that the ‘base 10’ logarithm of 100 = 2. Or in mathematical terms, 100 log10 = 2

    Napier devised an entire system of logarithms. And this was actually a tremendous leap forward in mathematics, because logarithms made it so much easier for scientists and researchers to calculate solutions to complex problems.

    One of the many important applications to come out of Napier’s work is the concept of ‘logarithmic decay,’ which models many real world phenomena.

    The idea behind logarithmic decay is that something declines very, very slowly at first. But, over a long period of time, the rate of decline becomes faster… and faster… and faster.

    If you look at it on a graph, logarithmic decay basically looks like a horizontal line that almost imperceptibly arcs gently downwards. But eventually the arc downward becomes steeper and steeper until it’s practically a vertical line down.

    Logarithmic decay is like how Hemingway famously described going bankrupt in The Sun Also Rises– “Gradually, then suddenly.”

    In fact logarithmic decay is great way to describe social and financial decline.

    Even the rise and fall of superpowers are often logarithmic in scale. The Kingdom of France in the 1700s infamously fell gradually… then suddenly.

    We can see the same logarithmic decay in the West today, and specifically the United States.

    The deterioration of government finances has been gradual, then sudden. Social conflict, censorship, and the decline in basic civility has been gradual, then sudden. Even the loss of confidence in the US dollar has been gradual… and is poised to be sudden.

    Back in 2009 when I started Sovereign Man, I spoke a lot about ideas that were highly controversial at the time.

    I suggested that Social Security’s trust funds would run out of money. That the US government would eventually be buried by its gargantuan national debt. That the US dollar would eventually lose its international reserve dominance. That inflation and social conflict would rise.

    The main thesis, quite simply, was that the US was in decline. And whenever I spoke at events, I used to talk about logarithmic decay, saying:

    “As a civilization in decline, you never really know quite where you are on the curve. You could be way over here on the horizontal line, at the very beginning of the decline… or you could be standing on the precipice about to hit the vertical slide down.”

    Well, now we have a much better idea of where we are on that logarithmic decay curve. Because these ideas about the national debt, inflation, social security, social conflict, etc. are no longer theories. Nor are they even remotely controversial.

    Just last week, US Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy said in a speech that “America’s debt is a ticking time bomb”. Social Security’s looming insolvency is now openly discussed in Washington and regularly reported in the Wall Street Journal.

    We’ve all seen with our own eyes (and even experienced) inflation, social divisions, and censorship.

    And as for the dollar, we continue to see a multitude of cracks in its dominance. Most notably, Saudi Arabia is considering a plan to sell oil not just in US dollars, but also in Chinese yuan.

    Plus the international development bank of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) announced earlier this month that they will start moving away from the dollar.

    Is it any surprise? The US government is weeks away from defaulting on its national debt over the latest debt ceiling debacle.

    And yet the guy who shakes hands with thin air refuses to negotiate a single penny in spending cuts to help reduce trillions of dollars in future deficit spending.

    The whole world is watching in utter disbelief at the astonishing level of incompetence that has infected the highest levels of America’s once hallowed institutions, including news media, big business, and the government itself.

    America– and the West by extension– really are on the precipice of that logarithmic decay curve… the part where the horizontal line becomes a vertical line down.

    It has taken years… even decades to reach this point, gradually. We’re now at the “suddenly” part.

    Now, it’s important to note that the outcome is far from inevitable. Plenty of declining superpowers in the past have pulled themselves out of a tailspin, at least temporarily.

    Aurelian’s reforms helped re-establish Rome’s dominance in the late 200s after nearly a century of chaos. The declining Ottoman Empire recovered substantially during the Tanzimat period in the 1800s. King Charles III of Spain made many successful reforms to revive his crumbling empire in the 1700s.

    There are many historical precedents for recovery, so all is not lost. But at the moment there is little evidence to suggest any major change on the horizon.

    I’m not saying this to be alarmist. Quite the contrary, in fact. Because one of the key pillars of our thinking here at Sovereign Man is that, despite the ineptitude of our governments, we as individuals have the tools, power, and freedom to solve these problems for ourselves… and even prosper doing so.

    Simple example: Social Security’s trust funds will run out of money within a decade, and this will be a huge problem for literally tens of millions of people who depend on the progam.

    However there are numerous tools available to solve this problem; a more robust and powerful retirement structure like a self-directed, solo 401(k) plan, for example, allows you to set aside up to $73,500 per year for your retirement.

    Similarly, if you expect a government with deteriorating finances to raise taxes (which they almost always do), you can take completely legal steps to reduce what you owe.

    If you anticipate inflation continuing, you can arrange your investments to capitalize on the surge in real assets, like minerals, energy, and productive technology.

    You can also take steps to diversify geographically, even internationally, to reduce risks to your family’s freedom.

    These solutions barely scratch the surface of the plentiful options at your disposal. All it takes is a sensible understanding of the problem… plus the willingness to take action.

    And rational, informed action is always a better option than despair.

    *  *  *

    If you can see what is happening, and where this is all going, you understand why it is so important to have a Plan B. That’s why we published our 31-page, fully updated Perfect Plan B Guide, which you can download here.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 21:40

  • Hamptons Luxury-Home Prices Soar On "Very Strong" Demand, Limited Inventory
    Hamptons Luxury-Home Prices Soar On “Very Strong” Demand, Limited Inventory

    Despite the slowest growth in US home prices in ten years and significant price drops in numerous West Coast cities, luxury property values in New York’s Hamptons marched higher in the first quarter. 

    As per a Bloomberg report, citing appraiser Miller Samuel Inc. and brokerage Douglas Elliman Real Estate, luxury property transactions in the top 10% of the Hamptons housing market reached a median price of $8.54 million, an 11% increase compared to the previous year. The average price of the highest-end homes in the seaside playground for Wall Street’s billionaires jumped 33% to a record of $16.1 million. 

    Todd Bourgard, Elliman’s chief executive officer for Long Island, explained mansion demand is “very strong.” He added prices are soaring because of low inventory:

    “We have more buyers in that market right now than we do inventory. So when something comes on that is priced reasonably for the luxury market, we’re getting great interest.” 

    Limited inventory and strong buying pressure could suggest that prices are on an upward trajectory — unless macroeconomic headwinds continue to mount and a deep recession unfolds later this year

    Source: Bloomberg

    Meanwhile, the combination of low inventory and rising prices sent luxury sales tumbling in the quarter to 18 from 40 in the same quarter a year ago. Overall, sales in the Hamptons plummeted by 57% to 171. This marked the second-lowest total since the firms started monitoring the area’s sales in 2005. 

    At the end of the quarter, there were only 894 homes on the market, still 33% higher than the first quarter of 2022 but significantly lower than pre-pandemic levels. 

    Some wealthy buyers seem unphased by high mortgage rates and threats of recession as low supply drives luxury home prices higher in one of the top vacation spots for wealthy New Yorkers. 

    Inventory is so scarce that even tiny homes in the beach community are selling for $3.75 million.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 21:20

  • Only One Question Remains As Susan Rice, Biden's Shadow President, Leaves The White House
    Only One Question Remains As Susan Rice, Biden’s Shadow President, Leaves The White House

    Authored by Sundance via The Last Refuge (emphasis ours),

    In the game of test-match cricket, a game that can last three days at peak professional level, you have to ‘get out‘ to ‘get in.   

    You have to ‘get out‘ of the clubhouse in order to ‘get in‘ to the game.  The same is true for this story about Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan Rice, leaving the Biden administration.   

    Rice has to get out of the administration in order to get in to the 2024 game.

    Readers here will likely remember all previous discussion about the likely Democrat field for 2024.  Susan Rice and Gavin Newsom are both key players in the DNC big club game.  There is only one question at the core of the dynamic you need to ask, how will they off-ramp Joe Biden?

    First, the White House announcement: […] “As the only person to serve as both National Security Advisor and Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan’s record of public service makes history. But what sets her apart as a leader and colleague is the seriousness with which she takes her role and the urgency and tenacity she brings, her bias towards action and results, and the integrity, humility and humor with which she does this work. I thank Susan for her service, her counsel and her friendship. I will miss her.” (link)

    Susan Rice is the pliable foot soldier, the protege’ of the Lightbringer, Chicago Jesus.  Rice is the female version of the entire apparatus of the Obama team.  Susan Rice is Barack Obama in female form, and as Ric Grenell said eloquently, Susan Rice is “the shadow president.”

    A Newsom/Rice or Rice/Newsom ticket is a no brainer.  Both are foot soldiers for the Lightbringer movement’s fundamental change agenda, although Rice is the apex player and Newsom is the ideological, intellectual and cognitive equivalent of John Fetterman with better style.  Most people still do not understand that Barack Obama is not just a person, he is a complete political construct -a movement in a box- consisting of multiple component groups all working in synergy.

    The focus of the Obama movement is domestic and ideological.  The “fundamental change“, as outlined previously by the front man for the group, is domestic – exclusively domestic.  The Lightbringer doesn’t care about foreign policy stuff; all of that angle is sold to the multinationals and highest bidders.

    Foreign policy is not a thing for Teh One true bringer of enlightenment; their focus is USA domestically centered. In her capacity as Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan Rice was the guiding hand behind every element of Biden domestic policy.

    The microphone from the Obama basement does not transmit into the earpiece of Biden; it communicates into the two-way radio of Rice.

    If Susan Rice is departing, the question becomes how the club removes Biden from the 2024 race?  There are a multitude of approaches and leverages available for the Lightbringer’s team, which includes Deputy AG Lisa Monaco at Main Justice.

    The criminal activity of Hunter Biden, and the potential for outcomes – or lack therein, can be leveraged.  The direct connection to the action of the principal, “the big guy” Joe Biden, could be leveraged.

    The Biden administration’s interference in any number of related investigations can be leveraged, and… keep in mind…. it is not coincidental the evidence of the interference is manifest by the same team that would remove the principal.  Yeah, think about that for a moment.

    Put aside the 2024 contest participants for a moment (ie. the shiny things), and instead focus on what peripheral risks exist to Joe Biden that could be deployed at any moment to push him to a graceful off ramp.

    There are many club-installed insurance policies, political landmines all around Joe Biden.  Which one will they show him?

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 21:00

  • China Denounces US Nuclear Deployment To Korea As "An Excuse To Create Tension"
    China Denounces US Nuclear Deployment To Korea As “An Excuse To Create Tension”

    China has issued a blistering statement in response to the agreement between Washington and Seoul for the US to send a nuclear ballistic missile submarine to South Korea. Chinese Foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said it shows the US is undermining the nuclear non-proliferation system and damaging regional peace and stability. 

    “The United States has put regional security at risk and intentionally used the issue of the [Korean] peninsula as an excuse to create tension,” Foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said in Beijing.

    UK Navy file image

    “What the US does is full of Cold War thinking, provoking bloc confrontation, undermining the nuclear non-proliferation system, damaging the strategic interests of other countries, exacerbating tensions on the Korean peninsula, undermining regional peace and stability, and running counter to the goal of the denuclearization of the peninsula,” the Thursday statement said.

    She said it also highlighted Washington’s “selfish geopolitical interests” which puts the world at risk, given the new deployment of “US strategic assets”. 

    South Korean President Yoon’s visit to the White House on Wednesday culminated in the “Washington Declaration” agreement for deterring North Korea from carrying out an attack on the south, by erecting a “nuclear umbrella” that includes the Pentagon sending bombers and aircraft carriers, or nuclear submarines. 

    A nuclear-armed submarine has not docked in the Korean peninsula since the 1980s. President Biden on Wednesday attempted to introduce some nuance which is surely not going to provide any level of comfort for the Kim Jong-Un regime: 

    “We’re not going to be stationing nuclear weapons on the peninsula,” he said in a joint press conference with Yoon at the White House. “But we will have visits to ports, visits of nuclear submarines and things like that.”

    Now the region is bracing for an expected fierce response from Pyongyang, likely in the form of more threatening ballistic missile tests. There’s also speculation that Kim will order a nuclear weapons test, which would mark a first since 2017.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 20:40

  • Biological Females Deserve A 'Bill Of Rights'
    Biological Females Deserve A ‘Bill Of Rights’

    Authored by May Mailman via RealClear Wire,

    As a woman who spent her formative years in Kansas, taught Kansas City sixth-graders, and mentored hundreds of young girls through the Chiefs Cheerleaders organization, I was (and still am) devastated when I saw Kansas Governor Laura Kelly veto the Women’s Bill of Rights.

    That bill defines a woman, biologically.

    And while yes, I’m concerned that without a definition, the next generation of Kansas women will be harmed–without a say in preserving women’s shelters, women’s sports, girl’s schools, women’s scholarships, sororities, and so on–there’s something deeper than that.

    The truth.

    Do we live in such politically correct times that we must eliminate truth? That we must pretend that women, who are biologically unique from men, do not exist?

    Kansans are better than that. We have fought for truth since our establishment. We joined the Union as a free state (because of the truth that slavery is evil) despite the ugly battles to ensue. And, as Governor Kelly mentioned in both of her inaugural addresses, Kansas has long recognized the truth that women are equal citizens and was one of the first states to give women the vote.

    The truth is women exist as biologically distinct from men. We all know this, and we know it is important. Even Transportion Secretary Pete Buttigieg. He wants to dedicate federal transportation money to create female-shaped crash dummies for car safety tests, a move applauded by Democrats. Why? Because women are, on average, shorter and lighter than men. Cars are engineered to protect male-shaped dummies, leaving females 73% more likely to be injured in a car crash. We have this data because government agencies, for now, use biological definitions of men and women. Those definitions are worth preserving — lives depend on it.

    While female-shaped dummies are hardly the women’s rights issue of our day (and a questionable use of federal dollars), the underlying reality is undeniable. Women are biologically unique from men. We are in general smaller and lighter. Only we get pregnant and breastfeed. These biological truths leave us vulnerable and in need of respect and protection.

    We are vulnerable to domestic abuse: more than three women are killed by their husbands or boyfriends every day. We are not always able to participate in the full range of jobs, due to physical lack of strength or the need to protect our babies in the womb. And try as we might, even our Olympic record holders are outpaced by thousands of high-school boys every year.

    I recognize that Kansans face another moral calling: we are kind. The media has defamed the Women’s Bill of Rights as “anti-trans,” leaving some Kansans wondering whether supporting the bill is kind.

    Let’s be clear: it absolutely is.

    All Kansans are deserving of love and protection. By defining “woman,” the public can make informed and sometimes sensitive decisions about how best to accommodate trans-identifying individuals, while preserving safety, fairness, and privacy for women and girls. Failure to transparently define “women” leaves these high-stakes decisions in the hands of unelected judges and bureaucrats—whose interests often diverge from those of Kansas families.

    Despite the governor’s failure, the Kansas Legislature can still do the right thing. They can override Gov. Kelly’s veto this week. They can stand up for truth.

    The very First Amendment to our Constitution protects speech. Why? Because truth is vital to our nation. Today we face a basic question. Do women exist as distinct from men? We do. By recognizing that truth, we can protect and celebrate our mothers, wives, grandmothers, daughters, and granddaughters.

    Please, Kansas Legislature, do not erase us.

    May Mailman is a senior fellow at Independent Women’s Law Center. A former presidential legal advisor and litigator, Mailman also taught 6th grade in Kansas City through Teach for America and served as Student Body Vice President at the University of Kansas.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 20:20

  • US Expands Sanctions On Russia's FSB For "Holding Americans Hostage"
    US Expands Sanctions On Russia’s FSB For “Holding Americans Hostage”

    The Biden administration has taken initial action in response to Russia’s detention of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who has been in custody since his arrest March 29 in the city of Yekaterinburg on espionage charges. The end of this week marks one month since he’s been imprisoned.

    New sanctions have been imposed on Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) for taking Americans “hostage”, with a senior admin official telling Axios, “We do think it’s significant that the first round of sanctions are being announced specifically for this type of behavior, because we’re really concerned about this type of behavior.”

    Via Reuters

    The sanctions are intended to deter and punish those who hold Americans hostage, officials said. Gershkovich as well as Paul Whelan have been declared “unlawfully detained”. 

    However, the FSB is already under sanctions, thus these new measures are likely more targeted or an expansion after the initial wave. 

    Simultaneously on Thursday more sanctions were also unveiled for the intelligence arm of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and additionally four IRGC leaders, for their roles in the arrest and imprisonment of Americans. 

    The US is “showing that one cannot engage in this sort of awful behavior of using human beings as pawns, as bargaining chips, without paying consequences,” according to another a senior US official.

    A Moscow court this month denied a request that Gershkovich be placed under pre-trial house arrest…

    It appears the US and UK coordinated dual action against Russian officials, with British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly announcing sanctions the same day against five Russian officials, saying they have “utter contempt for basic human rights.”

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 20:00

  • Biden Challengers Issue Warning To Democrats If Biden Becomes Nominee
    Biden Challengers Issue Warning To Democrats If Biden Becomes Nominee

    Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Two Democrat 2024 candidates issued warnings on Tuesday that President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection launch won’t energize younger voters and has strayed from traditional Democrat values.

    Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson prepares for a television interview after the Democratic Presidential Debate at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, Mich., on July 30, 2019. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

    I think that video was very out of touch, and that’s what people are feeling,” self-help author Marianne Williamson, a Democratic candidate, told The Hill on Tuesday.

    “I think an entire younger generation would stay home in droves in response to what that video is advancing as the administration’s pitch to the American people.”

    Her remarks came after Biden announced that he will run for reelection, releasing a pre-recorded video that criticized former Republicans. Biden’s video and statement did not specifically name any of his GOP rivals, but he used images of the Jan. 6 Capitol breach and posted images of former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).

    “Every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy. To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours. That’s why I’m running for reelection as President of the United States. Join us. Let’s finish the job,” Biden, 80, wrote on social media. Vice President Kamala Harris, who is joining Biden, is also featured prominently in the clip.

    For those of us committed to Democrats winning the White House in 2024, the president’s campaign announcement today was concerning,” Williamson, considered a long-shot candidate, wrote Tuesday. “His remark that he has fought so that everyone ‘is given a fair shot’ contradicts his refusal to fight for a higher minimum wage, permanentize the child tax credit, or side with railroad workers trying to negotiate for sick pay.”

    During the 2020 presidential campaign, Williamson was also a Democrat candidate but eventually bowed out in early 2020 before endorsing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

    Activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who announced a Democratic 2024 presidential bid last week, also criticized Biden’s launch. Like Williamson, Kennedy—the son of former Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of John F. Kennedy—is viewed as a long shot against Biden.

    “I have known and liked Joe Biden for many years, but we differ profoundly on fundamental issues such as corporate influence in government, censorship, civil liberties, poverty, corruption, and war policy, among others. I look forward to engaging him in debates and town hall meetings,” he wrote.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 19:40

  • DOJ Tells Court Teixeira A Flight Risk & May Have More To Leak, Makes Ed Snowden Comparison
    DOJ Tells Court Teixeira A Flight Risk & May Have More To Leak, Makes Ed Snowden Comparison

    Jack Teixeira, the Massachusetts Air National Guardsman accused of leaking classified US intelligence documents online, is being called a flight risk by the Justice Department. The DOJ in a Wednesday night court filing also said it fears he could possibly leak more info if he’s allowed release before he is tried. That’s what is currently before a federal judge in Massachusetts.

    During a Thursday hearing in a federal court in Worcester, the DOJ asserted that if he is released on bail, he might “further disseminate classified information” and “take refuge with a foreign adversary.”

    Teixeira’s family members outside the federal court building in Worcester, Mass. Teixeira, via AP.

    The DOJ further compared him to Edward Snowden, who for years has taken refuge with his wife and child in Russia, having also recently been granted Russian citizenship.

    ABC News described Thursday’s court hearing as follows: “Teixeira walked into the courtroom for his Thursday detention hearing handcuffed, wearing a long rosary necklace and an orange jumpsuit.” Further, “The 21-year-old looked at his family members sitting in the first two rows, and one woman in the front row began to cry.”

    Teixeira faces 25 year in prison and “potentially far more,” according to a DOJ detention memo, which argues further

    The lengthy potential maximum sentence could make him a significant flight risk, prosecutors argue, and the value of the information he obtained — as well as his low current net worth of about $19,000 — could make him vulnerable to offers from countries unfriendly to the U.S.

    The memo lays out that “He accessed and may still have access to a trove of classified information that would be of tremendous value to hostile nation states that could offer him safe harbor and attempt to facilitate his escape from the United States.”

    The government says it has proof that he intended to circulate classified or sensitive information among foreign countries and entities. According to DOJ filings…

    After hearing from both sides, federal magistrate judge David Hennessy said he needs more time to make a final decision on pretrial detention.

    Federal judges rarely, if ever, allow for bail in cases of federal or military employees caught leaking government secrets. Even an alleged leaker’s “knowledge” of the classified intel means they are kept locked up on fears they could still communicate secrets to outside entities. 

    Meanwhile, there are reports that the US Air Force has suspended two leaders of the national guard unit in which Teixeira served, pending the ongoing investigation into the extent of the unauthorized disclosure. Presumably the government is also looking into any possible co-conspirator scenarios, but so far he’s been presented as a lone actor.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 19:20

  • War Threatens Ukraine Auto Empire Of Biden Megadonor And Lender Who's Urging Greater U.S. Role
    War Threatens Ukraine Auto Empire Of Biden Megadonor And Lender Who’s Urging Greater U.S. Role

    Authored by Paul Sperry via RealClear Wire,

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky isn’t the only one demanding more military assistance from President Biden to protect Kiev from Russian forces. So too is a close Delaware friend and financial backer of Biden, who owns several luxury car dealerships around the Ukrainian capital. 

    By sending billions of dollars in weapons and other military aid to help defend Ukraine, Biden also is securing the investments of millionaire car magnate John Hynansky, a Ukrainian American and longtime supporter of the president. 

    Over the course of Biden’s political career, Hynansky and his family have contributed more than $100,000 to his campaigns, including $8,000 in 2020, Federal Election Commission records show. Hynansky family members have been guests at the White House, and Hynansky has floated hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans to Biden family members, property records show. Hynansky’s son, Michael, who helps run his car empire, lent the use of his Lear jet to Biden when he was a senator.

    Since Russia started shelling the area around Kiev in February 2022, the U.S. government has spent $77 billion to help Ukraine rebuild and repel future attacks. 

    Government ethics watchdogs say the president’s friendship poses a potential conflict of interest that demands a full accounting of how the massive foreign aid, which includes open-ended humanitarian and economic assistance, has been used and who has benefited from it. On the military side, moreover, billions of dollars have gone to unspecified areas, such as “security,” “intelligence,” and “training.” In the past, Hynansky has supplied the police cars and ambulances in several regions of Ukraine. 
    The Biden administration helped Hynansky’s team in Ukraine prepare for the invasion, including placing calls to his top executive in Kiev 13 days in advance of Russian tanks crossing the border. It has sent billions of dollars to help rebuild war-torn cities where Hynansky operates the largest share of the country’s car showrooms and service centers specializing in Porsches, Jaguars, Land Rovers, and Bentleys, among other non-American brands he imports.  

    Although supporting Ukraine is a policy with widespread – though not universal – bipartisan support in Washington, the president’s close relationship with Hynansky illustrates larger ethical questions that have long surrounded Biden and his family members, who often have financial interests directly affected by policies he endorses. While serving as President Obama’s point man in Ukraine in 2015,  Biden famously demanded the firing of a prosecutor who was investigating a natural gas company, Burisma, that was paying his son Hunter $80,000 per month to serve on its board. Recent revelations of lucrative dealings with concerns tied to China’s Communist government while Joe Biden was both in and out of office have also raised questions about his current policy toward Beijing. 

    At a time Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s relationship with a generous billionaire is fueling complaints among Democrats about money and politics, Biden’s friendship with Hynansky also raises red flags.  

    Helping ‘My Very Good Friend’ 

    The connection between Joe Biden and Hynansky’s business ventures dates back to 2009, when the then-vice president made his first visit to Ukraine. In a speech in Kiev to government officials, Biden singled out Hynansky for praise, noting that he had just had breakfast with “my very good friend, John Hynansky.” (The previous year, Hynansky had individually contributed more than $33,000 to the Obama-Biden ticket primarily through the Obama Victory Fund, according to FEC records.)

    Within months of his hobnobbing with the vice president and local officials in the Ukrainian capital, Hynansky scored his first international development loan from the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation, or OPIC, a federal body whose board was appointed by President Obama. Hynansky used the $2.5 million to break ground on a new headquarters and massive distribution center outside Kiev that prepares 8,000 cars for sale every year. In 2012, Hynansky landed another $20 million in OPIC funding to expand his dealership facilities, federal records show, helping him corner roughly 25% of the luxury car market in Ukraine. 

    “The proceeds of the loan will be used to construct and operate two new, state-of-the-art dealership facilities for Porsche and Land Rover/Jaguar automobiles, and repay any outstanding balance of an existing OPIC loan,” according to a 2012 OPIC financing document
    The terms of the OPIC loans state that all cars sold at his dealerships would be imported from Europe, not the United States, which meant that American-based automakers would not benefit from the taxpayer-backed venture. Under “U.S. economic impact,” the loan summary states that the jobs created from the deal would be created in “the host country, Ukraine,” not America. The terms of the loan also deferred Hynansky’s paying the principal on the loans for almost three years during construction, according to the OPIC document, which called the deferment a “grace period.” 
    The next year, acting as Obama’s point man in Ukraine, Biden pushed for the ouster of what he called the country’s Russia-friendly president and helped set up a coalition government in 2014 while promising millions in aid for the Ukraine energy industry. That same year, Hunter Biden, who is a close childhood friend of Hynansky’s daughter, Alexandra (who was listed as a sponsor on the OPIC loans), was appointed to the board of Burisma.

    In 2015, Joe Biden’s younger brother, James, and his sister-in-law, Sara Biden, became overextended financially after purchasing a six-bedroom, four-bathroom beach house plus guest house on Keewaydin Island, Fla., which was dubbed “The Biden Bungalow” after the vice president spent time there as well. Owing almost $700,000 in tax liens and contractor debts, the Bidens turned to Hynansky for help in lieu of a traditional lender. The car dealer came to the rescue with loans totaling $900,000. 
    The bailout occurred as Hynansky’s powerful American pal oversaw U.S. policy in Ukraine, and as OPIC authorized new loans allowing his company to build a new 7,300-square-foot Porsche dealership along the highway that connects downtown Kiev to the Boryspil International Airport. 
    Mortgage records initially reported the Bidens’ lender as “1018 PL, LLC,” obscuring Hynansky as the source of the loans. But the corporate entity is controlled by Hynansky, a 2018 document would later reveal. 
    The Bidens sold the waterfront house in 2018, and Hynansky released his lien on the property. However, Hynansky did not acknowledge full payment and satisfaction of the loans, according to the details laid out in documents recorded in Collier County, Fla. 
    Attempts to reach James Biden for comment were unsuccessful.

    Hynansky is politically connected in Kiev as well as Washington. President Zelensky also calls Hynansky a good friend and in recent years has bestowed state awards on him. Kiev Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko also is close to the prominent Wilmington businessman. 

    In August 2021, Hynansky secured a $24 million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to expand its Ukraine operations into electric vehicles, including building new Renault and Volvo dealerships in Lviv. The U.S. is a founding member of EBRD and provides 10% of its capital. The Biden administration has been pushing such “green” deals. 
    “In the near future, we intend to increase our presence on the Ukrainian market,” Hynansky’s top official in Ukraine, Petro Rondiak, said at the time.  

    The White House did not respond to queries about the president’s relationship with Hynansky. 

    Though Biden is silent about his actions in Ukraine as they concern Hynansky and his businesses there, he has repeatedly denied that his son’s Burisma dealings influenced his official actions in Ukraine — which included handing over more than $50 million in U.S. support to assist the Ukrainian energy industry, an aid package Biden personally announced in Kiev the month before Burisma hired his son in 2014. 
    Republicans are investigating whether those funds were intended to help his son’s business interests in Ukraine. Less explored is whether U.S. tax money has also been used to protect or boost Hynansky’s Ukrainian investments. 
    Paul Kamenar, counsel to the National Legal and Policy Center, a Washington watchdog group. said that in dealing with Ukraine, Biden increasingly is drawing suspicion he may be putting his own political fortunes ahead of the national interest.  

    Many of Hynansky’s dealerships ‒ organized under the Winner Group Ukraine ‒ are located around the Kiev airport. Though the American head of Winner Group Ukraine fled the country after Russia’s invasion, the dealerships are still “operational,” according to a spokesperson at Hynansky’s headquarters in Delaware. All told, his Ukrainian subsidiary controls some 55 dealerships and service centers employing more than 800 workers. 

    Thanks to the shipment of U.S. weaponry ‒ including Stinger missiles, howitzers, and Abrams tanks ‒ properties around Kiev airport are now secure enough that Biden was able to use the train station just 19 miles away to visit Zelensky during February’s anniversary of the invasion. And though Boryspil International Airport is still closed, Ukrainian forces have retaken strategically important suburbs of Kiev near the airport. 

    Since taking control of the House, Republicans have threatened to curb aid to Ukraine and audit the massive funds the Biden administration and the Democratic-controlled Congress have funneled there. 

    Winner executives have been clamoring for more U.S. military aid and direct intervention by Biden and other Western leaders. Before the invasion, the company had reported its best year in Ukraine. 
    Rondiak, Hynansky’s top executive in Ukraine, has called for greater military intervention from America and the West, including setting up a “no-fly zone” over Ukrainian airspace. “Dear western ally politicians,” he tweeted in December, “when will the gloves come off?” 
    Added Rondiak, “The flow of weapons must increase quickly.” He’s also called for a military counteroffensive “to punish Putin.” 
    Although car sales are down, he said virtually all of Hynansky’s “dealers are operating” in Ukraine thanks to Biden administration support. He also praised the State Department for calling him to warn him to leave Kiev for his own safety two weeks ahead of the invasion.  

    U.S. Aid ‘as Long as It Takes’  

    Biden has pledged to keep sending U.S. funds to Ukraine “as long as it takes,” continuing indefinitely an already unprecedented spending stream. Support to Ukraine from other countries lags far behind the United States. Britain is providing less than 10% of what America is sending there, despite ranking second in total aid, according to Council on Foreign Relations data. 
    Kamenar suggested that a special inspector general may be needed to audit U.S. spending in Ukraine, similar to the one Congress created to monitor U.S. aid and reconstruction contracts in Afghanistan.  

    House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said he suspects the kind of fraudulent and wasteful spending the Pentagon IG uncovered in Afghanistan “could be happening in Ukraine, where we are spending a significant amount of tax dollars.” 
    “I know some of the tax dollars are going for ammunition. I know some of it’s going for humanitarian aid,” Rep. Comer told CNN last week. “But we hear that not all of it is.”  

    Some administration critics say that Biden has done a poor job of explaining why supporting Ukraine is in America’s interests. Irrespective of that complaint,  the Biden’s financial entanglements with Hynansky muddy the waters – and have gone unreported in the news coverage about his intense focus on the embattled country. 
    Long before Hunter Biden landed a lucrative oil and gas deal in Ukraine, despite having no prior experience inUkraine or the energy industry, Biden benefactor Hynansky began investing heavily in Ukraine — with Joe Biden’s help. 

    Paul Sperry is an investigative reporter for RealClearInvestigations. He is also a longtime media fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution. Sperry was previously the Washington bureau chief for Investor’s Business Daily, and his work has appeared in the New York Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Houston Chronicle, among other major publications.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 19:00

  • Montana Legislature Votes To Remove Trans Lawmaker From House Floor For Rest Of 2023
    Montana Legislature Votes To Remove Trans Lawmaker From House Floor For Rest Of 2023

    After a series of activist disruptions and bizarre rants, trans lawmaker Zooey Zephyr, who was initially censured, is now banned from the floor of the Montana State Legislature for the rest of 2023.  Zephyr (a biological male identifying as a trans bisexual woman), is a representative from District 100 of Montana centered in Missoula.  Being one of the few districts in the state with a dominant college culture and a majority Democrat population, the trans label helped Zephyr win easily in 2022.

    The representative “came out” as trans only a couple years priors to his election, with little identifiable background other than some notoriety as a video game competitor. 

    Montana is now considering a number of bills designed to protect children from trans indoctrination in schools, sexualized drag shows as well as banning sex-change surgeries and hormone therapies for kids.  It is one of many states acting to contain the political indoctrination of children by trans activists and the far-left.  Zephyr insinuated that should they pass bills such as SB 99 into law blood might spill.  He states “I hope the next time there is an invocation when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands.”

    He also suggested that “forcing” children to go through puberty was akin to “torture.”

    The mantra of “blood on your hands” has become prominent after the recent mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, TN by transgender activist Audrey Hale.  The assertion being that conservatives (rather than the trans shooters) are the people responsible for any such events because they are passing laws to block trans surgeries for children.  Restrictions on gender based procedures and chemical therapies for minors are often compared to “trans genocide,” ostensibly because the only way trans activists can perpetuate their numbers is for children to be converted.

    The statement has been interpreted by Montana lawmakers as threatening language, leading to the decision to censure and then remove Zephyr.

    Media proponents argue that banning Zephyr from debating on the floor is censorship of a “marginalized voice”, but the action is legal within Montana and Zephyr will still be able to vote on all bills remotely. Rules against the breaching of decorum on the house floor are a means to force legislators to present facts and evidence instead of utilizing personal attacks and rhetoric.  Montana’s legislature determined that Zephyr broke decorum and acted unprofessionally.  

    The event is perhaps a natural reaction to an ideology seen by many as “unhinged,” with conservative states growing weary of activists trying to justify and rationalize the targeting of minors.  Democrats have been attempting to obscure the reality that most of the conservative bills they oppose revolve around protecting children, leaving adults free to make their own decisions.  Instead they have sought to conflate the legislation with “threats to democracy,” making any meaningful debate almost impossible.     

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 18:40

  • CDC Officials Make False Statements About Possible COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects
    CDC Officials Make False Statements About Possible COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

    Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Officials with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have made multiple false statements this month regarding possible COVID-19 vaccine side effects, continuing a trend of mis- and disinformation from the public health agency.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters in Atlanta, Ga., in a file image. (Tami Chappell via Reuters)

    Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, a top CDC official, recently repeated the lie that the agency has never detected a safety signal for ischemic stroke for the old COVID-19 vaccines.

    “No safety signals were detected for ischemic stroke for primary series or monovalent boosters for Pfizer or Moderna vaccines in U.S. and global monitoring,” Shimabukuro told the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, a CDC advisory panel, on April 19.

    CDC researchers identified ischemic stroke as a safety signal for the original Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, according to files obtained by The Epoch Times. More recently obtained documents show the CDC detected the signal as early as May 6, 2022.

    The CDC acknowledges in official documents that any adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination that meet a certain criteria constitute “a safety signal.”

    Shimabukuro, who also made the false claim during an earlier meeting in February, has not responded to requests for comment.

    A CDC spokesperson previously doubled down on the claim, falsely stating that Shimabukuro was correct.

    Ischemic stroke happens when the brain fails to get enough blood supply, according to the Mayo Clinic. It causes brain cells to die within minutes and often leads to death.

    Another unnamed CDC official falsely told NBC that the agency has not found data “suggesting a link between COVID-19 vaccines and tinnitus,” a condition that has symptoms such as constant ringing in the ears.

    The CDC identified tinnitus as a safety signal in its analysis of possible signals in data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), according to the files obtained by The Epoch Times.

    Bert Kelly, a CDC spokesman, told The Epoch Times in an email: “To date, we have no data to support tinnitus and its link to COVID-19 infection or vaccination.”

    After becoming aware of reports to the adverse event system of tinnitus after COVID-19 vaccination, the CDC analyzed data from a different surveillance system called the Vaccine Safety Datalink. CDC researchers did not identify any “clustering of tinnitus diagnoses” in the datalink system in the 70 days after COVID-19 vaccination, according to Kelly.

    He did not make the data available.

    Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, noted that there have been more than 24,000 reports of tinnitus submitted to VAERS after COVID-19 vaccination.

    “There is mounting evidence in the medical literature that tinnitus involves inflammation in the brain,” Fisher said, pointing to several studies. “CDC officials should be taking the tinnitus signal seriously and actively pursuing every available avenue of research to find out what is going on rather than doing everything they can to quickly dismiss the reported risk for developing chronic ringing in the ears after COVID shots.”

    Tinnitus is listed as a potential side effect of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine and regulators in some countries list the condition as a potential adverse event following AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine. Moderna and Pfizer haven’t been formally linked with tinnitus, though some research has found a statistically significant increase in tinnitus following COVID-19 vaccination, which researchers said “suggest an association between the COVID-19 vaccines” and tinnitus.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 18:20

  • Amazon Erases 12% Gain, Turns Red After Revealing Sharp Slowdown In April AWS Growth
    Amazon Erases 12% Gain, Turns Red After Revealing Sharp Slowdown In April AWS Growth

    Update (6:00pm): Everything was going ok, with AMZN stock soaring as much as 12% and then suddenly AMZN stock erased all gains and turned red during the company’s analyst earnings call (the media call held an hour earlier went by ok).

    There was initially some confusion what sparked the plunge, but it eventually was revealed that during the call, Amazon said that “Customers continue to evaluate ways to optimize their cloud spending in response to these tough economic conditions in Q1 and we are seeing these optimizations continue into Q2 with April revenue growth rates about 500bps lower than what we saw in Q1.”

    As noted earlier (see below), AWS did a little better than analysts had expected in 1Q, but that might not be worth much if growth continues to drift toward single digits.

    The company tried to provide some favorable spin with the CEO saying that he is “pretty optimistic that we have a chance not just to recover to where we were pre-pandemic in terms of operating margin, but I think there is additional upside with some of the opportunities we’ve identified” but by now it was too little too late, and the stock had erased all of its earlier gains and was on the verge of turning red for the day.

    * * *

    With three out of five FAAMG stocks – which of course is now known as GAMMA ever since Facebook’s ignominious rebranding to Meta (at least until the company  quietly changes its name to MetAI) – having already reported solid results helping push the market back into the green for the week, investors are keenly looking to Amazon earnings after the close today to (almost) round out the picture for the resurgent market generals while could set the tone for the rest of 2023… or at least until the Fed meeting next week.

    As previewed earlier, Amazon is expected to post sales of $125 billion, up 7.1% from a year earlier. According to Bloomberg, analysts and investors will be watching for insights into consumer spending patterns, both in terms of confidence in the overall economy and with regard to how much they are spending online vs. in stores. Investors will also be watching to see how Amazon’s cloud computing business and advertising business are holding up.

    Investors will also want to see signs that CEO Andy Jassy’s cost-cutting measures – which included cutting 27,000 corporate employees – are helping to slash expenses and boost profits. Amazon had 1.5 million employees at the end of 2022, mostly blue-collar workers in its warehouses. In addition to the corporate cuts, Amazon tends to trim its warehouse workforce after the holiday shopping season.

    But by far the most important variable will be Amazon Web Services, which is expected to post sales growth of 14%, the slowest since Amazon began breaking out the cloud-computing division’s performance with data going back to 2014. AWS almost always accounts for more operating income than the rest of Amazon’s businesses combined. But the unit has been hit hard as businesses pare their technology spending. Among the biggest questions for Amazon during this year of cost cutting and layoffs is how low AWS’s growth might sink.

    What about Artificial Intelligence, which has been the core theme of Microsoft, Google and Meta’s earnings calls so far this week. How will Amazon play it? The company’s shown its hand, to an extent, on how generative AI will boost their business. But the focus is on AWS and targeting cloud customers (rather than Amazon’s consumer-facing arms).

    Finally, while Amazon stock has badly underperformed the rest of the GAMMA names, heading into today’s earnings the stock gained and was on track to notch its biggest two-day jump since February. So far this year, the shares are up about 31%.

    So with all that in mind, here is what Amazon just reported for its just concluded quarter

    • Q1 EPS 31c,up from a 38c loss YoY, and beating the estimate of $0.21
    • Q1 Net sales $127.358 billion, +9.4% y/y, beating the estimate of $124.7 billion
      • Online stores net sales $51.10 billion vs. $51.13 billion y/y, beating estimate $50.57 billion
      • Physical Stores net sales $4.90 billion, +6.6% y/y, beating estimate $4.77 billion
      • Third- Party Seller Services net sales $29.82 billion, +18% y/y, beating estimate $28.7 billion
      • Subscription Services net sales $9.66 billion, +15% y/y, estimate $9.29 billion
      • North America net sales $76.88 billion, +11% y/y, beating estimate $75.54 billion
      • International net sales $29.12 billion, +1.3% y/y, beating estimate $27.65 billion
      • Third-party seller services net sales excluding F/X +20% vs. +9% y/y, beating estimate +13.9%
      • Subscription services net sales excluding F/X +17% vs. +13% y/y, beating estimate +11.8%
      • And the most important one: AWS net sales $21.35 billion, +16% y/y, beating estimate $21.03 billion
        • Amazon Web Services net sales excluding F/X +16% vs. +37% y/y, estimate +13.8%
    • Operating income $4.77 billion, +30% y/y, beating the estimate $3 billion
    • Operating margin 3.7% vs. 3.2% y/y, beating the estimate 2.38%
    • North America operating margin +1.2% vs. -2.3% y/y, beating the estimate +0.34%
    • International operating margin -4.3% vs. -4.5% y/y, beating estimate -8.49%
    • Fulfillment expense $20.91 billion, +3.1% y/y, beating estimate $20.72 billion
    • Seller unit mix 59% vs. 55% y/y, estimate 56.8%

    Of note, FX headwinds were a factor in the quarter with AMZN booking $2.4 billion unfavorable impact from year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates throughout the quarter. Excluding that impact, net sales increased 11% in 1Q compared with first quarter of 2022.

    It’s also notable that a big positive for Amazon was its continued revenue mix shift to providing services and advertising to independent merchants as opposed to selling goods directly to shoppers as a retailer. This is a more profitable business model for Amazon with less risk on inventory. Advertising revenue grew by more than 21% and seller services by 18%. Meanwhile, fulfillment expenses grew by just 3% and shipping costs by just 2%. Amazon is making more money off of its e-commerce and logistics operation while keeping expenses in check.

    Bottom line here, Amazon beats expectations for Q1 across the board, and most importantly AWS came in well above expectations on both revenue growth and profit margin basis, which is why AMZN stock is seeing a buying frenzy after hours pushing it more than 10% higher.

    There is another reason for the surge: the company’s Q2 guidance was stellar:

    • Sees net sales $127.0 billion to $133.0 billion, in line with the sellside estimate $130.1 billion;  this represents growth between 5% and 10% compared with Q2 2022 and “anticipates an unfavorable impact of approximately 30 basis points from foreign exchange rates.”
    • Sees operating income $2 to $5.5 billion, estimate $4.74 billion

    The Q2 outlook, with sales of up to $133 billion and operating income of up to $5.5 billion, indicates it expects the positive momentum to continue.

    In short, solid earnings beating expectations across the board, while guidance came generally in line with Wall Street expectations.

    Commenting on the quarter, CEO Andy Jassy said that “we like the fundamentals we’re seeing in AWS, and believe there’s much growth ahead.” He added that “our Advertising business continues to deliver robust growth, largely due to our ongoing machine learning investments that help customers see relevant information when they engage with us, which in turn delivers unusually strong results for brands.”

    Digging into the numbers we find that operating margins soared, more than doubling form 1.8% last quarter which was the lowest in at least five years, to 3.7%, smashing the consensus est of 2.38%.

    While the market was clearly happy with the overall profit margin, it also appeared happy with the profit margin breakdown where the AWS profit margin dipped to the lowest since 2017. At the same time, international operating margin remained negative, with US online sales still just barely turned green, generating a 1.2% profit margin.

    Maybe the AWS profit margin could have been better (which would be difficult when competitors are now aggressively cutting prices to capture market share), the silver lining was that revenue growth of 16% Y/Y to $21.354 billion, was better than the expected $21.03 billion.

    Jassy had said in his annual shareholder letter a couple of weeks ago that AWS was facing some short-term headwinds. That idea is carried through into the earnings statement, where he says:

    “While our AWS business navigates companies spending more cautiously in this macro environment, we continue to prioritize building long-term customer relationships both by helping customers save money and enabling them to more easily leverage technologies like Large Language Models and Generative AI with our uniquely cost-effective machine learning chips (‘Trainium’ and ‘Inferentia’), managed Large Language Models (‘Bedrock’), and AI code companion CodeWhisperer. We like the fundamentals we’re seeing in AWS, and believe there’s much growth ahead.”

    And while AWS sales growth came in strong, the sales growth for Advertising Services came in even stronger at 23% YoY, a 35.5% beat relative to consensus.

    On the expense side, we already know that AMZN has joined other companies in laying workers off, but a bigger question is whether its employees have plateaued and whether it will start replacing them with robots. Well, in Q1, employment dropped 10% to 1.47 million, well beyond the 27,000 corporate layoffs; furthermore Amazon is shedding blue collar warehouse workers as well, which is typical in the first quarter.

    Elsewhere, fulfillment expenses, the cost of packing and shipping goods, were also close to expectations, indicating spending is under control.

    The market was also focused the company’s revenue growth forecast which is in a range of $127-$133BN (midline at $130BN), which was on top of the $130.1BN expected. The problem is that at just 7.2%, this would be tied for the lowest annual growth in company history (just Q2 2022 would be comparable).

    Finally for those asking, Amazon has clearly also jumped on the AI bandwagon, mentioning the phrase “AI” 6 times in the earnings release, and the full phrase “artificial intelligence” twice.

    Responding to the results, Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Poonam Goyal said that “Amazon did much better than expected, especially in the face of inflation and thoughts from other company leaders who have said consumer spending has slowed recently. It’s quite promising that Amazon is still able to deliver. We don’t think it is promotions. We think it is demand, and consumers are flocking to Amazon for day-to-day needs.”

    The market agreed, and its reaction was euphoric at least initially, with the stock spiking as much as 12% higher in kneejerk before dipping modestly, but still solidly in the green on the day.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 18:10

  • Sen. Tim Scott Introduces Bill To Divert $15 Billion From IRS To Border Security
    Sen. Tim Scott Introduces Bill To Divert $15 Billion From IRS To Border Security

    Republican Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina introduced legislation on Wednesday that would redirect $15 billion from the $80 billion in new funding for the IRS in order to beef up security on the southern US border.

    According to the Daily Caller, the ‘Securing Our Border Act’ would specifically fund border inspections to allow law enforcement officials to better combat the illegal trafficking of drugs and other substances before the enter the United States.

    The bill would also fund border wall construction and other technologies to help with tracking and enforcement efforts along the southwest border.

    Additionally, the legislation would give retention bonuses to Border Patrol agents and end the “catch and release” policy. –Daily Caller

    GOP officials have argued that the $80 billion in new IRS funding – which will be used to hire more than 87,000 new IRS employees – will increase audits on poor and middle-class Americans, despite a pledge by the Biden administration to go after wealthier individuals.

    We have a crisis on our southern border. Rather than putting resources in place to address this major national security and humanitarian catastrophe, the Biden administration and congressional Democrats chose instead to spend $45 billion of taxpayer money to hire an army of IRS agents to audit the middle class,” Scott told the Caller before introducing the bill, adding “While President Biden continues to drop the ball, I’m introducing legislation to fund border infrastructure and give our Border Patrol agents the tools they need to help stop the unaddressed flows of illicit goods and persons into this country. Americans need more border agents keeping them safe – not thousands more IRS agents looking over their shoulder.

    As the Caller further notes, the bill has five original co-sponsors; Republican Sens. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Steve Daines of Montana, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, Mike Rounds of South Dakota, and James Lankford of Oklahoma. It has also been endorsed by the 18,000-member National Border Patrol Council.


    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 04/27/2023 – 18:00

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Today’s News 27th April 2023

  • Surprising Surge Of Young Americans Turn To Religion
    Surprising Surge Of Young Americans Turn To Religion

    The story of religious trends in America has been one of increasing disaffiliation among younger generations. But a new study reveals an unexpected resurgence of faith among youngsters in a post-Covid era. 

    Some young adults had an awakening during Covid as the entire world crumbled around them. They were in search of a higher power to get through the government-forced lockdowns and controlled demolition of the economy, as well as watching loved ones and friends contract Covid-19 that some federal government agencies believe leaked from a Chinese lab.

    As reported by the Wall Street Journal, a new study commissioned by Springtide Research Institute found about one-third of 18-to-25-year-olds believe in a higher power, up from one-quarter in 2021. The findings were based on polling data from December. 

    Church leaders and young adults attribute the increase in faith to believing in a higher power during the Covid crisis: 

    For many young people, the pandemic was the first crisis they faced. It affected everyone to some degree, from the loss of family and friends to uncertainty about jobs and daily life. In many ways, it aged young Americans and they are now turning to the same comfort previous generations have turned to during tragedies for healing and comfort. –WSJ 

    Rev. Darryl Roberts, the pastor of the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., said the pandemic, job loss, inflation, and increasing economic worries had left many young people feeling vulnerable and are turning to God for protection. 

    “We are seeing an openness to transcendence among young people that we haven’t seen for some time,” said Abigail Visco Rusert, associate dean at Princeton Theological Seminary and an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church.

    In Los Angeles, rabbi Nicole Guzik said more young adults are attending Friday night services at the synagogue than ever before. She said:

     “I think this demographic has a need to connect socially and spiritually.” 

    For many youngsters, the pandemic was the first crisis they’ve ever faced while in the workforce and without support from their parents. 

    Believing in God “gives you a reason for living and some hope,” said Becca Bell, an 18-year-old college student from Peosta, Iowa. 

    Could the years of rising religious disaffiliation among Americans have finally hit a plateau? 

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 23:40

  • Environmental 'Bootleggers And Baptists' Fleeced Pennsylvania Consumers
    Environmental ‘Bootleggers And Baptists’ Fleeced Pennsylvania Consumers

    Authored by Gordon Tomb via RealClear Wire,

    The “Bootleggers and Baptists” of Pennsylvania’s energy markets cost consumers and taxpayers billions while undermining the state’s economy and power grid.  

    Bruce Yandle, an economist, coined the unlikely pairing to describe the whys of “protective regulatory cocoons” based on the prohibition of Sunday alcohol sales. The Baptists, write Yandle with coauthor Adam Smith, “enable accommodating politicians to say the action is the ‘right’ thing to do,” and the Bootleggers “laugh all the way to the bank.” 

    In Pennsylvania today, two different—but equally unlikely—allies are coming together to advance energy regulation.  

    Our Baptists are the environmentalists insisting that solar and wind replace coal and gas to avert a climate catastrophe. The Bootleggers include “green” technologies and utilities lobbying for taxpayer subsidies and government mandates to up their profits. 

    These two groups have successfully advanced regulations like the state’s Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards (AEPS). AEPS requires a percentage of electric sales to come from solar, wind, and other sources that don’t include generating plants powered by fossil and nuclear fuels.  

    They’re also pushing for Pennsylvania’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), an annual carbon tax approaching $1 billion—which would likely subsidize the Bootleggers’ capital projects.   

    Their clout comes from the billions that fund “green” projects, lobbyists, and political campaigns. The top 25 nonprofit organizations aligned against the fossil fuel industry reported 2021 revenue of $4.5 billion, four times the amount held by the top groups supporting hydrocarbon use, according to energy writer Robert Bryce

    As for government handouts, the federal Inflation Reduction Act alone provides $10 billion in “green” tax credits, some for projects at closed coal facilities. Presumably, enterprises shuttered by the favored policies of Baptists and Bootleggers could be enticed by tax incentives into bootlegging themselves. 

    But AEPS and RGGI, along with “green” tax credits, don’t live up to the promises of environmentalists. 

    After more than a decade of AEPS charging billions of dollars to consumers to encourage the use of wind and solar, the two technologies account for less than two percent of Pennsylvania’s electric generation. And in states that have already implemented RGGI, the carbon tax has had no measurable effect on global temperatures. In fact, Pennsylvania’s increased use of natural gas for power generation reduced emissions of CO2 by a larger percentage than the declines in RGGI states between 2007 and 2019.  

    Furthermore, these regulations have contributed to the early closure of coal-fired power plants, the disinvestment of natural gas development, the weakening of power-grid reliability, and job losses in the conventional energy industry. 

    Government subsidies give wind and solar operators an unfair advantage—allowing them to submit bids as low as zero dollars into the power-grid market and making it impossible for other plants to compete. 

    And although lawsuits have delayed RGGI’s implementation, its threat led to the announced closing of the Homer City Generation Plant, Pennsylvania’s largest coal-fired facility. The shutdown would be the most recent of many in the past few years. 

    Testifying last year in a state Senate hearing, boilermaker Sean Steffee said Pennsylvania building trades had constructed $14 billion in new gas-fired power plants in the decade prior to RGGI’s introduction in 2019. “We have not built one since and, under the RGGI tax, it is highly unlikely we will build another in Pennsylvania,” he said. 

    Already in 2023, the construction of a $1 billion gas-fired plant in Clinton County was cancelled after eight years of planning. Despite natural gas being one of the cleanest fuels, environmental groups challenged the project’s air-quality permit. 

    Power grid operators have flagged early retirements of coal plants as a threat to system reliability. The Power PA Jobs Alliance repeatedly warns of higher electricity prices and severe job losses if RGGI moves forward. 

    It’s thanks to the alliance of environmentalist groups and promoters of “green technology” that reliable electricity sources are being replaced by expensive, intermittent ones—even as energy prices increase and jobs are destroyed.  

    Yandle and Smith explain the moral hazard: “Lobbying for pork often pays a whole lot better than struggling to bring new and better products to market—at least in the short term. Put another way, political incentives cause Bootleggers and Baptists to become anti-capitalists, participating in … ‘crony capitalism.’” 

    Indeed, environmentalist Baptists remain forgiving of green energy subsidies to business while Bootleggers just keep laughing.

    Gordon Tomb is a Senior Fellow with the Commonwealth Foundation, a Pennsylvania-based free-market think tank. 

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 23:20

  • YouTuber Guilty For Selling 'Metal Cards' That DoJ Says Are "Machine Gun Conversion Devices" 
    YouTuber Guilty For Selling ‘Metal Cards’ That DoJ Says Are “Machine Gun Conversion Devices” 

    A Wisconsin gun dealer whose YouTube channel has 180,000 subscribers was convicted of “conspiring to transfer unregistered machine gun conversion devices” that were nothing more than metal bottle openers etched with patterns called “lightning links” that, when milled, can convert a semiautomatic AR-15 rifle into an automatic machine gun. 

    Gun dealer Matthew Hoover, who operated the CRS Firearms channel, was found “guilty of conspiring to transfer unregistered machine gun conversion devices that they referred to as “Auto Key Cards,”” the Department of Justice wrote in a press release. He was convicted of four counts of transferring unregistered machine gun conversion devices and faces 45 years in jail. 

    Also facing severe jail time is Kristopher Justinboyer Ervin. The DoJ said he was convicted “of seven counts of transferring unregistered machine gun conversion devices, three counts of possessing unregistered machine gun conversion devices, and one count of structuring cash transactions to avoid currency transaction reporting requirements.”

    Ervin faces a maximum penalty of 110 years in federal prison. Sentencing for the two is scheduled for July 31. 

    Hoover and Ervin sold lightning links, etched into metal cards, which he referred to as “Auto Key Cards,” from around $40 for one version to more than $180. Hoover touted the cards on his YouTube channel. 

    In one video, he said: 

    Auto Key Cards “are awesome because they’re stupid cheap.

     “You could drop it in your rifle or, you know, if you’re actually gonna do this legally, this is just a bottle opener. 

    “What this is, is a novelty.

    “So if someone sees it, they’re like, ‘hey, what is this?’ You explain to them that because laws are so ridiculous and so out of control, if I were to cut on these lines, I would become a felon. How ridiculous is that? It’s just a conversation starter.”

    The DoJ said it took ATF agents about “40 minutes” to remove the pieces from the metal card via a Dremel rotary tool. 

    Last Thursday, defense attorneys for the men argued the firearms law doesn’t cover their clients because it doesn’t restrict items that could ‘potentially’ be made into conversion devices. 

    “As long as you do not cut it out … you have not broken the law,” Ervin’s lawyer, Alex King, told juries. 

    Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney Laura Cofer Taylor told jurors before they began deliberating:

    “Where is the line? That’s really a question you all will have to face.” 

    Meanwhile, firearm expert Brandon Herrera made the point, “If selling a template is treated like selling a machine gun itself — then how is distributing a 3D printing file any different issue?” 

    Here’s more from Herrera:

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 23:00

  • Amazon Workers In California Agree To Join Teamsters
    Amazon Workers In California Agree To Join Teamsters

    By Mark Solomon of FreightWaves,

    Eighty-four employees at Inc.’s Palmdale, California, location have agreed to organize their union–DAX8–with Teamsters Local 396, a move that marks the first time that Amazon workers have affiliated with the Teamsters.

    Drivers and dispatchers won what is known as “neutrality and voluntary union recognition” to join the local after negotiations with Teamsters Joint Council 42, the Teamsters said Monday in a statement.

    The agreement, which will be voted on by the members in the coming weeks, includes immediate pay increases, substantial hourly raises in the fall, provisions that hold Amazon accountable on health and safety standards, a grievance procedure and other benefits, the union said. 

    Full details of the agreement will be available upon ratification by the membership, the union said. Amazon was not immediately available for comment.

    Amazon workers marched on the company in Palmdale on Monday to respect their right to organize and to work with their delivery service provider (DSP), Battle Tested Strategies, to honor the terms of the agreement, the Teamsters said. DSPs oversee Amazon delivery workers.

    Other efforts by Amazon workers to unionize have not gone through the Teamsters, although the union has a division dedicated to organizing Amazon workers.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 22:40

  • "The Smell Of Intimidation": Taiwanese Writer Reported Missing In China Has Been Detained In National Security Crime Investigation
    “The Smell Of Intimidation”: Taiwanese Writer Reported Missing In China Has Been Detained In National Security Crime Investigation

    Less than a month after a WSJ reporter was detained in Russia due to alleged spying, on Wednesday Chinese authorities whipped out an identical playbook and said that a Taiwanese publisher reported missing while visiting Shanghai was under investigation for suspected national security crimes, AFP reported.

    Li Yanhe, the editor-in-chief of Gusa Publishing, is “under investigation by national security organs on suspicion of engaging in activities endangering national security,” Zhu Fenglian, spokeswoman for Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Office, told a press conference. “The relevant parties will protect (Li’s) legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law,” she said.

    Activists and Taiwan-based journalists had raised the alarm on Li’s disappearance, with dissident Chinese poet Bei Ling writing in a Facebook post last week that Li was believed to have been “secretly detained” in Shanghai while on a visit to see family last month.

    Li’s Gusa Books has published books on history and politics critical of China’s ruling Communist Party, including a history of alleged Chinese oppression in the western region of Xinjiang and a title on Beijing’s global propaganda efforts.

    China’s broadly-worded national security law forbids any engagement in “separatist activities” and “subversion”, among other actions deemed threatening to the state.

    Chinese authorities had previously jailed Taiwanese democracy activist Lee Ming-che for five years on a national security conviction before his release last year.

    In 2015, five Hong Kong booksellers offering gossip-filled tomes about China’s leaders vanished — including one from Thailand — before resurfacing in mainland custody making “confessions”.

    Beijing has ramped up pressure on Taiwan since the 2016 election of President Tsai Ing-wen — who regards the island as an independent nation and not part of “one China” — including by arresting several Taiwanese nationals.

    Beijing’s confirmation of Li’s detention comes a day after Chinese authorities formally pressed secession charges against Taiwanese activist Yang Chih-yuan, leader of a minor political party advocating for the island’s formal independence.

    Chiu Tai-san, head of the Mainland Affairs Council, Taiwan’s top policy-making body on China, warned on Wednesday of “long-arm jurisdiction” by Beijing.

    “There is the smell of intimidation in this and it’s a show of suppression by them,” Chiu said at a parliament session, adding that Taiwanese authorities were “offering necessary assistance” to Li and Yang’s families. Local media also quoted Chiu as saying that Li’s mother, sister and wife have been “warned” by Chinese authorities, without elaborating.

    China claims self-ruled Taiwan as its territory and has vowed to seize it one day, by force if necessary.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 22:20

  • Clean Vs. Dirty: A Way To Understand Everything
    Clean Vs. Dirty: A Way To Understand Everything

    Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Brownstone Institute,

    The other day, I listened to as much National Public Radio as I could stand and one point stood out to me. The experience was anodyne. The topics were nothing that mattered. It felt like a gentle ooze of news that always came to the proper conclusion at the end of the well-produced bit. 

    By proper, I hope you know what I mean. It confirmed the listeners’ biases. And everyone knows who they are: wealthy, mostly white professionals in urban centers with high-end salaries to match their educational credentials. Probably 90 percent Biden voters last time and next time, not because he is a great president but rather because he inherits the anti-deplorable mantle of his predecessor nominee. 

    NPR was raising money on that particular day, which they do despite the taxpayer subsidies. If you give money, you can get an NPR umbrella or be given a bit of nature trail to adopt or perhaps acquire a coffee mug for your desk to proclaim your loyalties to your co-workers or just reinforce your opinions while eating your breakfast of Whole Foods granola and soy milk. 

    The experience happened even as I’m reading, with great joy, Fear of a Microbial Planet by Steve Templeton.

    The book is about the ubiquity of germs, trillions of them everywhere. They can be a threat but they are mostly our friends. 

    Exposure, his thesis goes, is the path to health.

    Without it we will die. And yet, over the last three years, avoiding exposure has been the main goal of policy and culture throughout the world. “Stop the spread” or “Slow the spread” or “Socially distance” or “Stay home, stay safe” have been entrenched as slogans to govern our lives. 

    The phrases still have gravitas. It has been a maniacal fixation on a single pathogen to the exclusion of trillions of others that are truly everywhere in us and around us. It is like going back before the invention of the microscope when we didn’t know that every surface of everything is covered in creepy crawling things. We further indulge the completely unscientific fantasy that by doing some hopping-around dance to avoid others, plus covering our face and getting a shot, would keep us forever clean, meaning free of the bad pathogen.

    Dr. Templeton’s view is that this is a potential disaster for human health. And he explains the point with great erudition and examples from all of history. He picks up on the extraordinarily keen insight of Dr. Sunetra Gupta, who has traced longer life expectancy in the 20th century to more exposure to a greater heterogeneity of pathogens as a result of transportation and migration. We don’t just need to learn to live with Covid. We need to live with them all and orient social and political organization around the reality of their ubiquity. 

    Now, what precisely is the connection between NPR’s sanitized “news” and the thesis of the Templeton book? It suddenly dawned on me. It is possible to understand nearly everything going on today – the Covid response, the political tribalism, the censorship, the failure of the major media to talk about anything that matters, the cultural and class divides, even migration trends – as a grand effort by those people who perceive themselves to be clean to stay away from people they regard as dirty. 

    And not just people but ideas and thoughts too.

    This goes way beyond some reemergence of Puritanism, though this is a species. The desire for purification extends to the whole of the physical and intellectual world. It’s the reason for the cancellations, the purges, the demographic upheavals, the loss of liberties, and the threat to democratic norms. It covers everything. 

    Let me see if I can persuade you. 

    The attacks on Elon Musk’s curbing of censorship on Twitter have been relentless. One might suppose that once he revealed that Twitter was operating as a censor for the Deep State, there would be outrage and a renewed celebration of free speech. The opposite has happened. As Musk opened the place up more and more, and non-conventional opinions started gaining traction, we saw panic ensue. 

    Sure enough, now we see all the usual suspects quitting the platform in a huff. More likely, individuals at these organizations are creating fake accounts so they can keep up with the news. Otherwise, they preserve their fan accounts on Zuckerberg and Gates’s platforms.

    Why might they be doing this? They do not want their organizations to inhabit (or be seen to inhabit) the same space with dirty opinions that they don’t like. They believe their own platforms will do their best to avoid being infected by them. They would rather hide out in their country-club social spaces in which everyone is woke and everyone knows what to say and what not to say. At least the algorithms are skewed in their favor. 

    The line they use is that they want to be around those who are “house trained” but consider what that means.

    They don’t want pet waste on their carpet, thus comparing ideas with which they disagree with a nasty pathogen. They are seeking to stay clean. 

    In this case and in every case, they are glad for the government to operate as the clean-up crew. It’s dirty ideas and people who hold them they oppose.

    They don’t want to have friends who articulate them or live in communities where such people live. 

    They put out yard signs as signals to neighbors about where they stand.

    The issue in its particulars doesn’t matter (BLM, Support Ukraine, Water Is Life [huh?]). All that matters is the signaling system: Team Clean instead of Team Dirty. We all know what those slogans are and what they really mean and for whom they are displayed. 

    The coronavirus panic played right into this. Stay home and get the dirty people to bring you groceries, leaving them on the doorstep to air out before you pick them up. If there is a pathogen on the loose, better that they get it than us. To be sure, the people on the front line are heroes so long as we can cheer them from our windows. 

    This is why when it came to the vaccine, the nurses had to get them too despite having natural immunity. Vaccines were seen as an extra bar of soap to make sure that the dirty people whom we might encounter are extra free of the bad germ itself. Everyone had to get them. Those who refused, what can they say? At least we know who they are. 

    The virus too was a metaphor for an infected country, a land soiled by a bad president. Of course there was an outbreak. That’s why we had to lock down and wreck everything including our kids’ education. Anything to rid the country of the pestilence of Trump. And can we really be surprised that it was South Dakota that never locked down? It’s a dirty red state and they do dirty things like ride motorcycles, shoot animals with guns, and raise cows. 

    For the clean people, it was hardly a surprise that Georgia, Florida, and Texas opened first, since they were already intellectually infected by right-wing thought. And they were also places where vaccine uptake was low. 

    In the fall of 2021, the New York Times proved that red states that Trump won had lower vaccination rates: they are hopelessly blechy already. Look at the sheer number of evangelical churches, and AM radio stations, in those places where icky people gather to sing stupid songs about God. 

    The clean vs. dirty symbolism explains the whole of the vaccine push and even the mandates, since getting the shot was nothing but a gesture of tribal loyalties. This is why it didn’t matter when it turned out that the vaccine protected neither against infection nor spread. Who cares, since the vaccine does what it is supposed to do: separating us from them?

    For a while, the clean ruling classes in New York and Boston even sealed off their cities to dirty people by forbidding them from going to movies, libraries, restaurants, bars, and museums. What a blessed world it became for the sanitized among us that they could navigate their favorite institutions in absence of the untouchables! This was to them how life should be. 

    No need to elaborate on the wild fashion for sanitizer and plexiglass. The meaning of those are obvious. Everyone needs to douse themselves as a precaution, especially when others are watching. And as customers we don’t want to be anywhere near the face of the merchant class. And for two years and more, every surface needed spraying with disinfectant after any human contact.

    Then there is the sudden fetishistic longing for “contactless” menus, checkouts, and everything else in this corrupt and sinful world. Somehow it has become an ideal never to touch anything or anybody, as if we long to be followers of the Prophet Mani and evolve into Pure People of the Spirit. After all, only dirty people would pick up a menu or handle cash, because god only knows whom else has held it.

    Remember the jars for clean vs. dirty pens at the hotel check in that still requires signatures? No need to elaborate on that one. It’s all part of the ethos of the untouchables, or the Dalit or Harijan in the old caste system. To inhabit a “contactless” world recreates the same thing under a different label.

    Reflect on the masking practices for a moment. Why is it ok to take off your mask when seated but the server had to wear one when standing? Because the seated are already proving their cleanliness because they are paying customers and being served and hence well-to-do. It’s the servers who have to work for a living who are in doubt. And then if you got up to go to the restroom, of course you had to mask up because you might accidentally have a brush with a cook, cleaner, or server. 

    When the inflation started, one might have supposed that the people who shop at Whole Foods would have shifted en masse to Aldi or WalMart. But this prediction misunderstands the whole point of shopping at Whole Foods for a certain class. The point is that we don’t want to be around dirty people who buy dirty food. No need for the clean to buy in bulk to alleviate the inflation squeeze. Rather, the higher cost of groceries is worth it to stay apart from soiled, unvaccinated patrons, otherwise we could get infected. 

    Plus, to have the resources to spend 50 percent more on clean food bought by other clean people works to give off the all-important signal. All the better that the owner of Whole Foods was a huge supporter of lockdowns as a way to beat the competition. 

    Notice the way we talk about energy too: clean vs. dirty. Oil and gas, with their fumes and methods of processing, are contrary to the ethos of highly sanitized people. Electric cars make less noise so they are surely better, never mind that coal is also a fossil fuel and that batteries are a massive environmental hazard in disposal and even use more energy overall. Facts don’t matter. Only symbolism and clean-class identity carry the day. 

    To be sure, it’s not always obvious who is and who isn’t clean enough for social interaction. That’s why we need constant surveillance of ideas since views on matters like religion, politics, and even issues like trans rights are proxies to demarcate the difference between us and them. Surveillance makes the invisible visible and that enables the construction of whole systems to punish the unclean and reward the cleanly compliant. 

    All of this came to light with the pandemic of course since having a virus on the loose perfectly illustrates the core point that Anthony Fauci made in his August 2020 article in Cell. The emergence of migration thousands of years ago, and the building of cities over hundreds of years, mixed up the populations too much and created terrible epidemics of cholera and malaria. The solution was obvious to him: get rid of sports events, crowded urban conditions, pet ownership (blech), and mass population movements. Lockdowns were just the first step toward “rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence.”

    We’ve all been startled that there hasn’t been more of a shift in mainstream media coverage despite the obvious failure of conventional “Covid science,” the revelations of endless scandals of the Bidens and pharma, and even the plummeting profits of major media venues.

    Even when BuzzFeed News goes belly up, places like CNN, the New York Times, and Vanity Fair continue on their merry way as if nothing were happening. 

    The reason is simple. The clean people are convinced they are right. They have no doubt about it. And they simply will not soil themselves with bogus ideas like objective journalism or unbiased coverage of actual news. That would be the equivalent of wallowing in mud, wrecking all that they have worked for their whole lives and the whole agenda of their profession, which is to purge their institutions of infectious ideological disease. 

    This is also why the basics of cell biology that previous generations learned in the 9th grade seemed lost on these people. The idea that you would allow yourself to be exposed to germs in order to protect against more severe outcomes strikes at the very heart of their manichean worldview. The point is to stay away, not mix it up. Their germophobia applies not only to the microbial kingdom but to society and the world of ideas as well. The notion of sanitization is a worldview that admits not natural immunity via infection, since that would only mean that you have the bad thing inside of you.

    The science be damned. It was long ago trumped by the cultural predisposition to live in a germ-free world: purged curricula, purged cultures, and purged politics. Of course the spread needed to be slowed and stopped. Of course the curve needed to be flattened. Of course there should be social distancing instead of random milling around. The elites need to minimize exposure to everything in a time when the masses are so obviously unwashed. 

    When the Great Barrington Declaration proposed focused protection based on age, while letting everyone else go about life as normal, that was nothing but a scandal. Anyone can and will get old, whereas they wanted class distinctions based on social and political rank in order to more closely approximate clean and unclean, which is their real ideal. 

    This is also, by the way, why protests against racism in the summer of 2020 got a pass: people gathering for the right cause are more likely to be among the ideologically clean. And today, this demarcation is all around us, both physically and intellectually. Salmon: farmed is dirty and wild is clean, so it is far more expensive. And with work: from home is clean, while going into the office is dirty. 

    What can we make of all of this? Dr. Templeton in his book tells the fascinating story of two cities in Finland, one on the poor Soviet side and one on the Western side. After the end of the Cold War, researchers were able to compare health between the two cities, one dirty and one clean. 

    Although the two populations shared a similar ancestry and climate, there were some stark differences. The border between these two regions marks one of the steepest gradients in standard of living in the world, even steeper than the border between the United States and Mexico. Finland had become modernized as other countries in Europe after World War II, while isolated Karelia had remained impoverished under communism and stuck in the 1940s (and arguably wasn’t in the 1940s during the 1940s). 

    The researchers in the Karelia Allergy Study noticed some striking differences in the data they collected and analyzed. In Finnish Karelia, asthma and allergies were over four times more prevalent compared to Russian Karelia. Positive skin prick tests, which measure rapid swelling and allergic inflammation in response to common allergens injected under the skin, were also much higher in Finnish people. 

    Differences in children were even more striking, with a 5.5-fold increase in asthma and eczema diagnoses in Finland, and a 14-fold increase in hay fever. Russian children with allergies, as well as their mothers, also had much lower soluble IgE levels, indicating a significant decrease in the antibody isotype that rapidly induces allergic inflammation.

    Autoimmune diseases like type-1 diabetes were also 5-6 times higher in the Finnish population when compared to their Russian neighbors. Not surprisingly, the microbial environments of people living in Russian Karelia were markedly different from that of Finnish Karelia. Russian Karelians drank untreated and unfiltered water that exposed their guts to orders of magnitude more microbes than their Finnish counterparts. Household dust samples from both locations revealed that Russian house dust contained more Firmicutes and Actinobacteria species with a coincident 20-fold increase in the gram-positive cell wall component muramic acid and a 7-fold increase in animal-associated bacterial species. In contrast, Gram-negative species, mainly Proteobacteria, were predominant in Finnish household dust. 

    Clearly the Russians lived in a much more diverse and abundant microbial ecosystem than the Finns, and these environmental differences were associated with decreased allergies and asthma.

    So the dirty people were healthier people in particular ways. Fascinating, right? It’s only the beginning of what you will discover in this book. If I were to summarize, Templeton proves that there is no such thing as clean in the way that term is popularly understood, and every attempt to bring it about carries with it grave risks to human health. A naive immune system is a killer. This thesis could also be a metaphor concerning the attempts to clean up the public mind too: the more we censor, the more stupid we become. The more we cancel, the less fully human and safe are our lives. 

    The clean vs. dirty distinction was once an indicator of class, perhaps a desiderata of germaphobic pathology, even a harmless eccentricity. But in 2020, the obsession became extreme, an aesthetic priority that overrode all morality and truth. It then became a fundamental threat to liberty, self-government, and human rights.Today this demarcation has invaded the whole of our lives, and it threatens to create a horrifying caste system consisting of those who enjoy rights and privileges vs those who do not and serve (at a distance) the elites. 

    We need to see it clearly in order to stop it from happening. Freedom is rooted in an ethical presumption of equal rights, a cultural respect for the dignity of all human persons, a political deference to government by the people, and an economic experience of class mobility and meritocracy. Replacing those presumptions with a simplified, crude, aesthetic, and unscientific lurch into a neo-feudalism not only takes us back to pre-modern times; it overthrows basic postulates of what we call civilization itself. 

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 22:00

  • Juan Guaido, Once Seen By 50 Countries As Venezuelan "President", Lands In US Seeking Refuge
    Juan Guaido, Once Seen By 50 Countries As Venezuelan “President”, Lands In US Seeking Refuge

    Starting last November the Biden administration began easing oil sanctions on Venezuela and restarted negotiations with the government of President Nicolás Maduro, also as part of mediation efforts to establish peace with the US-backed opposition.

    The US had also been scrambling to free up oil and energy resources amid the Ukraine war and sanctions efforts against Russia. This was against the backdrop of the Venezuela regime change efforts of the prior Trump years, when opposition leader Juan Guaido had for years been dubbed by Washington as ‘Interim President’. 

    But “president” Guaido had no power whatsoever at any time within the socialist country, but still Washington got many dozens of its allies onboard the political fiction. At one point the American government boasted that 50 countries officially supported Guaido as leader.

    The idea was that he could muster enough support in the street, peeling off military units in the process, in order to mount a successful coup. The closest this scenario came to being realized was in April 2019, but it was not actually “close” at all – but instead was an embarrassment to the US and the opposition. There were other bizarre coup attempt moments to follow, with suspected US fingerprints on them.

    But times have definitely changed: Maduro is more in charge than ever, given recognition by Biden admin officials and negotiators, and Juan Guaido has fled, having landed in Miami on Tuesday to seek “refuge” in the United States.

    The Washington Post reports that he literally had to walk across the border into Colombia before departing to the US

    The 39-year-old engineer, who was at one time recognized by the United States and more than 50 other countries as Venezuela’s rightful leader, had entered Colombia “on foot.” Colombian President Gustavo Petro was hosting an international summit in Bogotá on Tuesday aimed at jump-starting a dialogue between Venezuela’s government and its adversaries.

    Guaidó made it to Bogotá but was “expelled” from the country.

    Guaido then complained in a social media video that “The persecution of the dictatorship, unfortunately, spread to Colombia today” – but which Colombian officials denied. They only said he entered the country “irregularly”.

    WaPo further details that “He arrived in Miami on a commercial flight Tuesday morning, alone and toting a backpack.” Further, “He told reporters he feared for his wife and two children, who he said had been threatened and were in danger.”

    Guaido reportedly entered the US on a tourist visa and is considering whether or not to apply for asylum. An asylum entry could result in his never again being allowed to step foot inside Venezuela for as long as Maduro remains in power.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 21:40

  • Undercover Investigation Reveals Pro-Trans Doctors 'Cashing In' On Lifelong Patients
    Undercover Investigation Reveals Pro-Trans Doctors ‘Cashing In’ On Lifelong Patients

    In their third installment of a series exposing medical practices in the transgender treatment community, a post-O’Keefe Project Veritas reveals how the industry functions, and turns patients into transgender cash-cows that pay them for years.

    “In the beginning, it’s a lot of doctor visits. But, you know, after a while, you space it out. It’s like, every six to twelve months? Which yeah, is being a patient. But that doesn’t seem so bad,” said Dr. John Steever, discussing how young individuals are subjected to prolonged gender transitions.

    “For a female going to male, if they would continue — you’d have to continuously take testosterone pretty — well, for the rest of their life,” said Dr. Matthew Warnken, a pharmacist in Austin, Texas, echoing Steever’s comments.

    Another doctor featured in the segment, Matthew Pabis out of New York, thinks there’s a connection between autism and people who want to change genders.

    “It was a person on the spectrum as well, 21-years-old. At the time, he was coming here for mental health, and he came down here and he just sat down, and I’m like, ‘What are you here for?’ He’s like, ‘Oh, I saw you do transgender.’ I said, ‘Yeah.’ He’s like, ‘Well I think I need to get my penis cut off,’” he said. “I was like, ‘You know, transitioning is not easy.’ It doesn’t happen like this. You have to inject yourself with hormones. You have to take pills. You have to do bloodwork. You know, if he makes it then let’s do it, and he’s getting his vagina next week, in one year!

    More via Project Veritas:

    Nora Scott, a licensed social worker at Dell Children’s Medical Center, corroborated Dr. Pabis’ statements.

    “I can say from here as well, there’s a lot of folks at our clinic who are on the autism spectrum … [There is] a heavy amount of crossover between folks who are somewhere on the spectrum and also somewhere on the LGBTQIA spectrum,” she said.

    Caila Hoopes, who is a nurse at the Phoenix Children’s Medical Group in Arizona, discreetly explained to a Veritas journalist how their facility handles parental consent when it comes to transitioning minors:

    Caila Hoopes, Nurse, Phoenix Children’s Medical Group [Phoenix, AZ]: True hormone therapy there is, like, long-term possible side effects of like — it is life changing and is difficult to come back from. It also requires parents to be onboard.

    Veritas Journalist: Really? You–

    Hoopes: So, here are my words. You have to — we have to have one parent’s consent. If we know that there’s another parent who’s not on board, we can’t start hormone therapy.

    Veritas Journalist: Oh okay, yeah.

    Hoopes: Is that fair?

    According to de-transition advocate, Parisha Mosley, “I was under the impression that I was going to take a cure and be healed, and I didn’t understand as a mentally ill child that I was signing up for lifelong medicalization. I didn’t conceptualize the idea that I was going to be injecting this [medication] every two weeks, forever.”

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 21:00

  • Tucker Reappears In 8PM Time Slot, But Not With Fox — Which Just Suffered "Catastrophic" Ratings Crash
    Tucker Reappears In 8PM Time Slot, But Not With Fox — Which Just Suffered “Catastrophic” Ratings Crash

    After Tucker Carlson’s surprise split from Fox News, the #1 rated cable news host in history re-emerged from his home office on Wednesday to offer a stunning 8PM monologue covering his thoughts on the media landscape, and his future.

    According to Carlson, one of the things one notices when one takes a little ‘time off’ is “how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are. They’re completely irrelevant. They mean nothing.

    “In five years we won’t even remember that we had them… and yet, at the same time, the undeniably big topics – the ones that will define our future – get virtually no discussion at all. War, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, natural resources. When was the last time you heard a legitimate debate about any of those issues?

    Debates like that are not permitted in American media,” Carlson continued, adding “Both political parties, and their donors, have reached consensus on what benefits them – and they actively collude to shut down any conversation about it.

    “Suddenly the United States looks like a one-party state,” Carlson said.


    Carlson doesn’t think this will last, however, noting that while the above is a “depressing realization,” he doesn’t think this is permanent.

    “Our current orthodoxies won’t last. They’re brain-dead. Nobody actually believes them. Hardly anyone’s life is improved by them. This moment is too inherently ridiculous to continue, and so it won’t.

    The people in charge know this, that’s why they’re hysterical and aggressive. They’re afraid. They’ve given up persuasion – they’re resorting to force. But it won’t work. When honest people say what’s true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful. At the same time, the liars who’ve been trying to silence them shrink – and they become weaker. That’s the iron-law of the universe; true things prevail.

    Tucker rhetorically asked “Where can you still find Americans saying true things? There aren’t many places left, but there are some – and that’s enough. As long as you can hear the words, there is hope. See you soon. News, meanwhile, suffered a ‘catastrophic drop in viewers’ following Carlson’s ouster for still-unknown reasons, according to The Federalist‘s Sean Davis.

    This is devastating…

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 20:33

  • Vermont School District To Remove Terms "Male" And "Female" From Sex Ed Curriculum
    Vermont School District To Remove Terms “Male” And “Female” From Sex Ed Curriculum

    When did it become acceptable for publicly funded schools to teach baseless ideology instead of biological facts?  Gender identity concepts are becoming pervasive within the American educational system without any input from parents, and in some cases even state officials are unaware of the changes to curriculum until they are already implemented. 

    It takes a vast coordinated effort among teachers unions and district leaders in order to sneak a subversive political belief system into the wider educational language of most public institutions.  Only recently are parents and representatives starting to observe the behavior of educators and intervene when they step out of line.  The injection of gender fluid terminology happened at a blitzkrieg pace, and the public is racing to catch up.

    A recent example of this has been discovered in Vermont, where the Essex Westford school district has been criticized for attempting to re-engineer sex education for students into an exercise in gender politics and equity cultism.

    5th grade children will be taught about puberty and human reproduction, but words like “boy,” “girl,” and “male and female” will be removed from the curriculum language.  Instead, classes will use terms like “person who produces sperm” and “person who produces eggs.”  The following memo from the Essex Westford district to parents outlines the new mandates:

    The original page on the school district website appears to have been removed.  Essex Westford has been caught in the past using embedded leftist messaging within otherwise standard lessons.  For example, last year the same district received complaints from parents over a study program on the US Constitution which was somehow twisted into a discussion on “trans youth issues” and included scenarios in which characters applauded the greatness of communism.   

    A key principle of identity politics is not just to undermine historical perspective, but to undermine common language. The strategy is to deconstruct the definitions of words and to introduce new words with loaded and open ended interpretations.  This is the way in which Marxist movements traditionally try to manipulate public discussion – By controlling the way in which we talk about the problems in front of us so they can dictate our conclusions. 

    If biological rules no longer apply to identity, then identity becomes arbitrary and “relative.”  Leftist activists often use the phrase “my truth” or “our truth” to argue a particular issue, instead of saying “the truth.”  This is quite deliberate.  The goal is to implant the notion that there is no objective truth and that all issues are subject to pure subjective interpretation.  If facts and evidence don’t matter, then lies become the most powerful tool for enacting change in society.  This is the very basis of the trans movement and identity politics. 

    Children are being indoctrinated to deny biological reality, and it’s happening right now in school districts across the nation.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 20:20

  • House Resolution Would Seek Ukrainian Victory As Official Policy
    House Resolution Would Seek Ukrainian Victory As Official Policy

    Authored by Dave DeCamp via,

    Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) is planning to introduce a resolution in the House that would declare it is US policy to seek a Ukrainian victory against Russia, which includes returning all Russian-controlled territory to Kyiv, including Crimea.

    According to Yahoo News, the resolution “affirms that it is the policy of the United States to see Ukraine victorious against the invasion and restored to its internationally recognized 1991 borders.”

    Rep. Joe Wilson, via ABC

    The resolution will be co-sponsored by Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) and will need to make it through the House Foreign Affairs Committee before being put to the floor for a full House vote. The committee is chaired by Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), who has been calling on President Biden to arm Ukraine with longer-range weapons that can launch strikes on Crimea.

    The news comes after leaks allegedly released by Airman Jack Teixeira revealed the Biden administration doesn’t think Ukraine can regain territory in its expected counteroffensive. The Pentagon has also told Congress that it’s unlikely Ukraine will be able to retake Crimea.

    Despite the US assessments, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his top aides maintain peace talks can’t happen until Russia is expelled from Crimea and the territory it captured since launching last year’s invasion.

    Making it official US policy to support these goals would guarantee a prolonged conflict and would risk an escalation that could lead to a direct NATO-Russia clash.

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken has previously acknowledged a Ukrainian attempt to retake Crimea would cross a “red line” for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    A congressional staffer who supports the resolution told Yahoo that the bill “demonstrates the wide support in Congress for Ukrainian victory. We all need to move beyond ‘as long as it takes’ and embrace ‘Ukrainian victory’ as our rallying cry in order for Ukraine to win the war this year.”

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 20:00

  • San Francisco Target Places Entire Aisles Behind Security Glass Amid Shoplifting Crisis 
    San Francisco Target Places Entire Aisles Behind Security Glass Amid Shoplifting Crisis 

    A viral TikTok video shows a Target store in San Francisco, with at least one entire aisle of products behind security glass amid years of failed social justice reforms that have sparked a shoplifting crisis. 

    Footage of the store’s interior posted to TikTok last week showed at least one aisle of cosmetics and toiletries under lock and key. The New York Post reported the store’s “entire inventory is on lockdown.” The store is located on Folsom Street near the city’s Mission District, an area known for lawlessness.

    In a statement to Fox News, a Target spokesperson said:

    “Like other retailers, organized retail crime is a concern across our business. We’re taking proactive measures to keep our teams and guests safe while deterring and preventing theft.

    “These mitigation efforts include hiring additional security guards, adding third-party guard services at select locations, and using new technologies and tools to protect merchandise from being stolen.”

    The spokesperson continued:

    “We are working with legislators, law enforcement, and retail industry partners to support public policy that would help achieve our goals of creating a safe environment in our stores and keeping our doors open in communities across the country.”

    It comes as no surprise that Target has a history of contributing millions to “national social justice initiatives.” Some of these progressive initiatives, aimed at reforming policies in predominantly liberal urban areas, have had unintended consequences. For instance, the easing of theft rules in California led to a surge in shoplifting. 

    Target may be hesitant to shutter its stores in San Francisco due to its commitment to progressive values. However, other retailers have had enough and have fled the metro area. Just last week, Whole Foods closed its flagship store in the downtown district due to “high theft” and hostile visitors.”

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 19:40

  • House Passes Debt Limit Bill, Setting Stage For Showdown
    House Passes Debt Limit Bill, Setting Stage For Showdown

    Update (1935ET): In response to today’s passing of the House GOP debt ceiling solution, the White House issued a statement claiming that the bill “cuts veterans’ health care, education, Meals on Wheels, and public safety, takes away health care from millions of Americans, and sends manufacturing jobs overseas while they fight to extend the Trump tax cuts for the wealthiest and profitable corporations.”


    President Biden will never force middle class and working families to bear the burden of tax cuts for the wealthiest, as this bill does.  The President has made clear this bill has no chance of becoming law.
    In our history, we have never defaulted on our debt or failed to pay our bills.  Congressional Republicans must act immediately and without conditions to avoid default and ensure that the full faith and credit of the United States is not put at risk.  That is their job. Economists have warned that default could spark a dangerous financial crisis, lead to a recession costing millions of Americans their jobs, endanger hard-working Americans’ retirement savings, and increase long-term federal borrowing costs, adding to deficits and debt.  We are not a deadbeat nation. As President Reagan said: “The United States has a special responsibility to itself and the world to meet its obligations.  It means we have a well-earned reputation for reliability and credibility — two things that set us apart in much of the world.” We pay our bills. Congressional Republicans must do that again now and act to avoid default.

    How long have they had that statement ready to go?

    *  *  *

    Update (1850ET): House Republicans on Wednesday narrowly passed their bill to raise the debt ceiling, while cutting spending and dismantling several items in President Biden’s domestic agenda. 

    The bill passed by a narrow margin of 217-to-215, with Democrats voting along party lines and four Republicans voting against it (Reps. Matt Gaetz (CA), Andy Biggs (AZ), Ken Buck (CO) and Tim Burchett (TN).

    The legislation would raise the debt ceiling by a year in exchange for freezing spending at 2022 levels for a decade, which would mark a 14% cut, and roll back several aspects of Biden’s landmark health, climate and tax law.

    That said, the bill is DOA – given that even if it somehow made it through the Democrat-controlled Senate, President Biden has vowed to veto it.

    This means we’re headed for a showdown, as without action by Congress to raise the borrowing limit, the US Government faces a potentially catastrophic default within the next few months.

    The successful vote came after a late-night negotiation among Republicans, ending in Speaker Kevin McCarthy agreeing to jettison a provision which would roll back tax credits that the Biden administration implemented for ethanol.

    *  *  *

    Update (1026ET): Following a GOP closed-party meeting, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) says he’s confident that Republicans have enough votes to pass the debt limit bill in a floor vote today.

    Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), however, dismissed the bill as the “Default On America” (DOA) Act – which of course is true since it will never make it through the Democrat-controlled Senate, much less past President Biden’s desk, in its current form.

    *  *  *

    As House Republicans’ $4.8 trillion debt-limit package hangs in the balance, Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and his top lieutenants made several concessions in order to secure enough votes to pass the Limit, Save, Grow Act.

    The changes, aimed at winning over holdout Midwestern Republicans who threatened to sink the bill, were the result of a marathon House Rules Committee meeting that stretched into early Wednesday morning, and include an amendment which softens a provision repealing several biofuel tax credits, according to Punchbowl News.

    McCarthy can only lose four Republican votes and pass the measure, which he hopes will kick off negotiations with President Joe Biden and Democratic leaders.

    The House GOP leadership, which promised regular order and a floor open to amendments, made just one amendment in order: a tweak to the Limit, Save and Grow Act that, among other things, puts in place new work requirements for 2024 instead of 2025. Party leaders had previously said that change was unworkable.

    More importantly, McCarthy’s leadership team eliminated the repeal of three biofuel tax credits. For the remaining two — created by the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act — the GOP said they didn’t apply to taxpayers who made investment decisions based on the credits. -Punchbowl News

    Meanwhile, McCarthy’s drafted amendment pulls funding from the Inflation Reduction Act for green building construction, DoE loan guarantees, deferred maintenance for national parks, air pollution for states and municipalities, as well as a neighborhood access and equity grant program.

    More on the cuts:

    We’ll know more after today’s 9am closed-party meeting, however as of late Tuesday night there were several holdouts remaining, including GOP Reps. Tim Burchett (TN) and Matt Gaetz (FL) as staunch No’s, Scott Perry (PA), Andy Biggs (AZ) as ‘non-committal’ and ‘skeptical,’ and Reps. Matt Rosendale (MT), Eli Crane (AZ) and Nancy Mace (SC) – the latter of whom told reporters she’s “still a no.”

    Going deeper (via Punchbowl News): 

    Gripes from conservatives are nothing new for McCarthy. Remember January? Republican hardliners are known to get everything they want and still bellyache. CBO says this proposal cuts spending by $4.8 trillion over the next decade — which is exactly what conservatives want. But they’re still balking.

    The Iowans, generally team players in the House GOP, have been the most difficult pocket to mollify. Party leaders underestimated the mettle of the four-person Iowa delegation and their unwillingness to roll back Democratic-passed tax breaks for the ethanol industry.

    The operating theory inside leadership ranks was that Iowa Reps. Ashley Hinson, Zach Nunn, Mariannette Miller-Meeks and Randy Feenstra were team players, so they’d kowtow to McCarthy when he asked. But the Hawkeye State Republicans, led by Hinson, didn’t back down under pressure from the leadership. In fact, the leadership backed down.

    Remember: Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is 89 years old. Hinson is 39, Nunn is 43, and Feenstra is 54. All of these House Republicans may be looking at the Senate as a viable next step.

    McCarthy and other senior Republicans remain confident that they’ll pass the measure by week’s end. They note today will be the first time in weeks that House GOP lawmakers will all be in the same room.

    I think we’re doing well. I think we’re doing fine,” said House Majority Whip Tom Emmer Tuesday night. “It just depends on when the speaker decides he’s ready to go.”

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 19:35

  • A Grand Alliance To Overcome The Elite Betrayal Of America
    A Grand Alliance To Overcome The Elite Betrayal Of America

    Authored by Edward Ring via,

    The sooner we join together to save our civilization, the easier the path…

    For the first time in history, the ruling class of a powerful nation has abandoned its fellow citizens. What is happening in America today is more than a return to feudalism, although the new economic model into which we’re being herded is correctly compared to feudalism. The reality is actually much worse: America’s elites view ordinary citizens as no longer necessary. Because of globalism, they are replaceable. Because of automation, they are superfluous. Because of environmentalism, they are unsustainable.

    These factors explain what is otherwise inexplicable: Constitutional conservatives and Christians, and the values they profess, are now stigmatized by establishment institutions as often, if not more often, than they are praised. Nationalism and religious faith empower individuals and communities to resist a ruling class that has abandoned them. That makes them a threat. They recognize that the ideology of America’s ruling elites is itself leading to disaster. They recognize that America’s elites have decided the nation’s middle class is disposable, and this is the real reason they are pushing an agenda of woke degeneracy and extreme environmentalism, designed to lower birthrates and reduce standards of living.

    It’s hard to imagine how America’s elites could get things more wrong. Their transhuman and transnational vision is provoking a clash of civilizations at the same time as they are destroying the human foundation of their own civilization. Nations where nationalism or religion remains the prevailing ideology are not about to emasculate their populations and eviscerate their energy sectors.

    If America’s elites attempt to impose this agenda worldwide, the world will fight back.. Do they intend to win this clash with robots? Because if they reduce America to a geriatric, poverty-stricken nation, ruled by a handful of billionaires, robots are all they’re going to have left at the rate we’re going.

    The Grand Alliance

    The elites who have betrayed their own people are not invincible. America’s historical legacy has built a cultural unity and resiliency that should not be underestimated.

    While America’s tradition of assimilation is under attack by an elite-driven obsession with multiculturalism, it remains the robust product of more than 200 years as a successful melting pot. Moreover, America’s Bill of Rights offers protection to people still fighting for the values of faith, family, and freedom—values that are not as easily undermined as they are in other Western nations with less explicit constitutional safeguards.

    Winston Churchill titled the third volume of his World War II memoirs The Grand Alliance. It described an alliance against a threat more obvious and imminent than the one we face today, uniting partners more intrinsically opposed than those who need to join together today. Instead of Western democracies uniting with Communist Russia to fight the fascist dictatorships, we have merely to unite a critical mass of Americans who want to save their nation from an elite that has declared war on their way of life and their future.

    This isn’t as hard as it seems for two reasons.

    • First, because most Americans don’t want to live in a degenerate culture. They don’t want to live in a culture that has devolved to cater to society’s lowest, most abnormal, deviant, hedonistic, psychotic, sociopathic, dishonest, crooked, lazy, defiant, bizarre, militant cohorts of individuals, regardless of the fact they’ve become politically organized and demand equality of outcome in every imaginable context. Most Americans understand the inherent necessity and benefits of nuclear families, hard work, and immutable standards for achievement and recognition. There is a deep, latent unity among Americans. It needs only a few sparks to immolate the thin film of oil on the surface.

    • Second, what is the nature of this oil that smothers America’s ocean of common sense and unity? It is a fractious coalition of fanatics and lunatics, relatively small in number, who harbor an innate antipathy toward each other that is only held in check by rivers of money flowing to them from globalist billionaires, opportunistic corporations, environmentalist pressure groups, and government unions. Their resources are money and anger. They win elections because all that money, and all that anger, is used to brainwash voters into thinking that tolerating decadence and chaos is compassion, people who oppose extreme tolerance are bigots, and recognizing the indispensability of fossil fuel is, somehow, “fascist.” The brainwashing, in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence, is wearing thin.

    The only thing normal Americans have to do in order to bring America’s swing voters back to the side of common sense is to promote an attractive vision. It is not enough to just explain how bad things have gotten. To begin that process they may start, they must start, by bringing the secular and religious wings of the common sense coalition together.

    In his 2017 book, The Strange Death of Europe, British journalist Douglas Murray suggests those forces still extant in Western societies and still resisting the derangements of our time—the secular and the religious—put aside their differences and unite to save Western civilization.

    Finding a new synthesis of Western culture capable of addressing the questions of the 21st century may be a topic of active debate in think tanks. Still, to date, it hasn’t filtered down to retail politics. On the street, politicians trying to overcome woke insanity have limited themselves, at most, to rolling back the insanity. They have not expressed a new vision for America that unites religious and secular conservatives.

    This is regrettable, but it also presents a tremendous opportunity.

    If religious and secular conservatives reached a consensus, the political agenda they would share would necessarily have attenuated the most extreme positions held by either side, which in turn would attract millions of independent voters. Although it would still be declared extremist by elites who would now see their plans endangered as never before, in reality, it would form a new political center. It would be an irresistible force.

    Vivek Ramaswamy, who at the very least is the second most interesting Republican candidate currently running for U.S. president, has made a centerpiece of his campaign answering the question of what it means to be an American. His positions are unequivocal. For example, there need to be clear limits to what we tolerate as normal. The prerequisites for prosperity include clean fossil fuel, and that is nonnegotiable. Meritocracy is the only equitable way to deliver equal opportunity to everyone. Freedom in America, as embodied in the Bill of Rights, must be defended. These are unifying issues because they reject the establishment’s manipulative narrative of anger, resentment, fear, and perpetual crisis, and instead, envision a future of growth and greatness.  

    Consider the wondrous possibilities a healthy political coalition could express to an electorate desperate for hope. Imagine a political platform centered on deregulation and infrastructure investments to deliver abundant and affordable energy, the foundation of all prosperity. Imagine a foreign policy oriented to helping all nations achieve these gains, instead of being limited to “renewables” that condemn them to poverty, famine, tyranny, and war.

    Optimism is contagious. Imagine a strong and united America beginning to harvest the resources of the moon and the asteroids. Imagine a culture that celebrates beauty and talent again. Imagine a generation of youth inspired to work hard so they can play a meaningful part in the brilliant unfolding story of a proud nation in a peaceful world. Imagine good things happening from now on, not out of naïveté, but as the product of practical investment and steadfast resolve.

    The sooner we join together to save our civilization, the easier the path.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 19:20

  • "Attack On Canadian Economy:" Vancouver Grain Export Terminal Hit With Strike
    “Attack On Canadian Economy:” Vancouver Grain Export Terminal Hit With Strike

    A labor action by Canadian public sector workers threatens grain exports at a key terminal in Vancouver. The Wheat Growers Association calls the strike “an attack” on the Canadian economy and calls for “immediate action.” 

    According to a news release by Wheat Growers, “striking federal workers had intentionally targeted” the Cascadia Terminal in Vancouver, which indicates grain exports can’t be exported, and farmers don’t get paid if the grain isn’t sold. 

     “A strike is one thing, but to intentionally target a port that is critical to the lives of grain farmers and to the entire Canadian economy is the height of reckless irresponsibility,” Wheat Growers president, Gunter Jochum, said about the labor action.

    Jochum continued, “It’s time for the federal government to intervene. The Wheat Growers are calling on the federal government to immediately amend the Canada Grain Act to authorize third-party weighing and inspection of vessels leaving Canadian waters. Let’s get the grain moving and protect our sector.”

    The strike could exacerbate the strain on global grain supplies, which the conflict in Ukraine has already impacted. 

    Global News said the strike at Cascadia Terminal involved at least 100 workers belonging to the Public Service Alliance of Canada. 

    “How long will be (at the terminal)? We’ll be there for as long as we need to be, or we won’t. I think our tactics are going to be changing every day,” said Jamey Mills, PSAC’s regional executive director.  

    Last week Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan and Keystone Agricultural Producers of Manitoba warned the labor action might disrupt shipments and sourcing of temporary workers into Canada ahead of the planting season. 


    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 19:00

  • Tucker Speaks In First Public Comments Since Split From Fox; Fans Plan To Boycott
    Tucker Speaks In First Public Comments Since Split From Fox; Fans Plan To Boycott

    Tucker Carlson has issued his first public comments since his ouster from Fox News for unknown reasons.

    Appearing outside his Florida home with his wife, Carlson told the daily mail: “Retirement is going great so far,” adding “I haven’t eaten dinner with my wife on a weeknight in seven years.”

    Photo via the Daily Mail

    When asked about the future, Carlson said: “Appetizers plus entree,” before driving away on his golf cart.

    Both Fox and Carlson have been mum over the split – however some are speculating that a lawsuit filed by a former producer, Abby Grossberg (who never actually interacted with Carlson) may be one of the reasons. Another rumor is that Rupert Murdoch’s ex-fiancee said Carlson was a “messenger from God” at a dinner, which freaked out old Rupert.

    Murdoch and Smith called off their two-week engagement because Smith had told people Carlson was “a messenger from God.” Murdoch had seen Carlson and Smith discuss religion firsthand. In late March, Carlson had dinner at Murdoch’s Bel Air vineyard with Murdoch and Smith, according to the source. During dinner, Smith pulled out a bible and started reading passages from the Book of Exodus, the source said. “Rupert just sat there and stared,” the source said. A few days after the dinner, Murdoch and Smith called off the wedding. By taking Carlson off the air, Murdoch was also taking away his ex’s favorite show. -Vanity Fair

    Carlson’s fans, meanwhile, plan to boycott Fox News and Fox Nation streaming service following the split.

    Via the Epoch Times;

    Carlson’s Fox Nation program had hosted numerous celebrity guests, including Tesla CEO and Twitter owner Elon Musk, actor Russell Brand, “Shark Tank” host Kevin O’Leary, and champion boxer Mike Tyson.

    At least one Twitter user said Carlson’s show was the only reason they subscribed to Fox Nation and that without him, she had decided to end her subscription. “I canceled my @foxnation subscription tonight. I only watched Tucker’s show. They will not get another penny. Delete them, too. @FoxNews.”

    Scott Morefield, a writer for the conservative also wrote:I just cancelled my Fox Nation subscription with the note: ‘No Tucker Carlson, no Fox Nation subscription. Goodbye.’ Who is doing the same?” Morefield’s tweet prompted numerous others to reply saying they had done the same.

    “Me renewal date was 4/27, so this was a convenient time to cancel. I had previously signed up for a 2 year subscription,” one person wrote.

    As people announced they were ending their subscriptions, they shared screenshots and videos to prove they had indeed parted ways with the subscription service.

    One user shared a screenshot in which she explicitly stated she was leaving the subscription service over Carlson’s departure from the network. On her screenshot, she had selected a box indicating her reason for unsubscribing, “Fox Nation doesn’t include my favorite Fox News personalities” followed by an additional comment, “As far I am concerned Fox is dead. Without Tucker Carlson you are just another [expletive] propaganda [mainstream media] outlet.”

    Another Twitter user indicated Fox News’ other programs would not be enough to keep them interested in the network or its streaming service. “Just canceled my subscription to Fox Nation and promptly turned the channel. Only 3 shows interest me – The Five, Jesse Watters and Gutfled! And I can miss these without a problem. I never missed Tucker. What a loss.”

    It’s unclear how many subscribers Fox Nation has lost in the day since announcing Carlson’s departure from the broader Fox.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 18:44

  • Where Did All The Biden Illegal Immigrants Go? Hard-Up Sanctuary Cities Are Only Part Of The Answer
    Where Did All The Biden Illegal Immigrants Go? Hard-Up Sanctuary Cities Are Only Part Of The Answer

    Authored by James Varney via RealClear Wire,

    In New York City, if the newcomers aren’t put up at the luxury cruise terminal that served the QE2, they could get $700-a-night midtown hotel accommodations with iconic Manhattan views. In Chicago, they found themselves whisked to suburban lodgings. In Denver, officials refer to them discreetly as “guests” and you needn’t bother inquiring about their inns or addresses.  

    The people enjoying these free digs aren’t privacy-conscious jet-setters, but the secrecy surrounding them might be comparable: They’re some of the millions of migrants who have illegally crossed into the U.S. since the Biden administration relaxed most border controls. 

    No one knows exactly how many people have poured across the southwestern U.S. border since President Biden took office, or where they’ve gone since. The official number of encounters by Customs and Border Patrol stands at 5.2 million people, logged over the last two full federal fiscal years and fiscal 2023 through March. But that number is imprecise because it includes repeat encounters with the same people and omits the many who slipped into the country unnoticed by border agents.  

    Under President Biden, the U.S. smashed past the 200,000 monthly encounters mark for the first time in July 2021 and it has repeatedly topped that record in the months since. By comparison, in fiscal 2020, which ended a month before Biden’s defeat of President Trump, the U.S. averaged 38,174 monthly encounters at the border, according to CBP figures.  

    Because of an official lack of transparency, all those people and the circumstances by which they have arrived and remained have made it hard to take stock of the historic influx. Through midnight flights and buses from the border to far-flung locales, the administration has made it difficult to identify where the migrants are now living and receiving services. Also unclear are the costs associated with the arrivals.  

    But flares have been sent up – especially over immigrant sanctuary cities like New York, Denver and Chicago, which have long promised to house migrants. While those cities are providing housing and other services for a small fraction of the recent migrants, the costs are significant for these budget-strapped metropolises.

    Denver plans to spend $20 million in the first six months of this year to provide housing to migrants. Officials say this works out to between $800 and $1,000 per week per person.   

    In January the state of Illinois turned down Chicago’s request for more funds, saying it had already spent close to $120 million on its “asylum seeker emergency response” – or roughly $33,000 per migrant.  

    New York City Mayor Eric Adams has asked for more than $500 million in federal aid, while pegging the city’s spending at between $2 billion and $3 billion.     

    Other data points of the opaque costs of Biden-era illegal immigration include Massachusetts’ estimate that it will need $28 million to launch a program to provide driver’s licenses to undocumented residents. The state is seeking a share of the omnibus spending bill passed by Democrats in December 2022 when they controlled both houses of Congress, which included $800 million for cities grappling with the influx.  

    These numbers are incomplete in part because it is hard to separate the added cost of recent migrants from costs for the millions of undocumented immigrants who were in the country before the recent surge.   

    A March study by the conservative Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that, after accounting for taxes paid by undocumented migrants, they cost taxpayers over $150 billion per year – a 30% increase since 2017.  

    Yet FAIR acknowledges the problem of fixing costs has become more difficult, given the record-breaking numbers of illegal crossers in the past two and a half years and efforts by some government agencies to mask their spending.  

    “We often had to grapple with a paucity of easily accessible official data,” the report notes. “Many state and federal entities do not publish detailed data that they collect, making it difficult to reliably separate illegal aliens from citizens of lawful immigrants. We have also encountered cases where the current administration has revoked or restricted documents published by previous administrations in order to reduce the visibility of data which shines a negative light on their immigration policy agenda.”  

    Those totals also involve far more than simple food and board. To arrive at its staggering sum, FAIR includes estimates of the costs in education, health care and law enforcement.  

    “The irony is not only are these sanctuary jurisdictions turning to Washington with their hands out, but that they still refuse to join with governors like Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis in demanding that the federal government take decisive steps to stanch the influx of new migrants,” FAIR spokesman Ira Mehlman told RealClearInvestigations, referring to the Republican chief executives of Texas and Florida, respectively. “The obvious hypocrisy of declaring yourself a sanctuary jurisdiction while complaining about the costs and burdens associated with it are undeniable.”   

    Groups that favor more relaxed border security measures, such as the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights and the American Immigration Council, did not respond to RCI’s request for comment; the liberal Brookings Institution declined to comment. 

    Cities housing many migrants have a hard time estimating costs. New York Mayor Adams has asked for more than $500 million in federal aid, while pegging the city’s spending one time at $2 billion and another time at $3 billion. Those are the sorts of bills New York has racked up putting what they call “asylum seekers” or “migrants” in hotels.  

    And Adams, whose requests sometimes include the claim “we are all in this together,” wants to spend even more. This month, he floated the idea of paying college tuition for illegal immigrants if they attend New York state schools outside the city.  

    Using Adams’ own number of some 40,000 illegal immigrants that New York City has foot the bills for, it means taxpayers are spending roughly $150,000 per person to host new arrivals. In March, City Hall scaled back its count of the number of its immigrants to 12,700, which meant the taxpayers’ were spending nearly $5 million a day to take care of them, according to a New York Post analysis.  

    The Office of the New York City Public Advocate, which helps immigrants navigate the benefits available to them, did not respond to multiple requests for comment. A spokeswoman for Adams declined to address questions about spending, pointing instead to various links the city maintains for immigrants and noting the city has expanded a New York County Supreme Court decision in 1981 regarding shelter for homeless people to cover immigrants.    

    Whatever the current official number of illegal immigrants New York is dealing with it is but a fraction of those that have poured into various Texas communities along the border.   

    Officials at El Paso’s City Hall, one of the ground zeroes in the illegal immigration crush, did not respond to phone calls and emails seeking comment on its spending. But Gov. Abbott said his Operation Lone Star, launched in March 2021, has “allocated more than $4 billion to do the federal government’s job and secure the border,” Abbott’s spokesman Andrew Mahaleris said.    

    It was Abbott who began busing illegal immigrants to some of the sanctuary cities that declare themselves so welcoming, such as New York, Denver and Chicago.  

    Texas began busing migrants to sanctuary cities last April to provide relief to our overrun and overwhelmed border communities,” Mahaleris said. “Mayors Adams, [Muriel] Bowser and [Lori] Lightfoot were all too happy to tout their sanctuary city statuses until Texas bused over 16,900 migrants, collectively, to their self-declared sanctuary. Instead of complaining about dealing with a fraction of the border crisis Texas communities see every day, these hypocrites should call on President Biden to take immediate action to secure the border – something the president continues failing to do.”  

    Lightfoot, departing as mayor of Chicago after her defeat in February, first turned to Illinois for millions to help the Windy City cope with its several thousand illegal immigrants Texas provided. In January, however, the state turned her down, saying it had already spent close to $120 million on its “asylum seeker emergency response.”   

    That response came last September when Illinois Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker issued an “emergency disaster proclamation.” His proclamation and the words of other state leaders presented a schizophrenic picture in which they portray Illinois as a “welcoming beacon of hope” and complain they weren’t given “official advance warning.”  

    Most of the money Illinois spent – more than $61.5 million, or roughly $31,000 per immigrant – went to contracts with organizations or staff “who provided on site case management and other services at multiple locations.”  

    Illinois dropped another $8 million on “interim housing,” nearly $4 million on “health screenings for asylum seekers, and more than $29 million on “hotel, transportation and housing costs,” according to their breakdown.  

    Nowhere did Pritzker or Lightfoot question the wisdom of the Biden administration ‘s border policies, and there was no indication they understood the burdens that had been put on border cities and states. Instead, the unmistakable message was that if illegal immigrants were going to be sent where the “welcoming beacon” shone, other people should pay for it.  

    “They can say all that is for free, but now they’re finding out they can’t have a welfare society and an open border,” said Lora Ries, the director of the Border Security and Immigration Center at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

    Denver held a budget “transparency and equity” meeting earlier this month at which Chief Financial Officer Margaret Danuser said the city will have spent between $17 million and $20 million on housing and other services for between 5,000 and 6,000 illegal immigrants between Dec. 2022 and this June. The city hoped to get federal taxpayers to reimburse it for $2.8 million, and a Colorado state fund for another $3.5 million.  

    Those figures show Denver spent about the same as Chicago at roughly $33,000 per immigrant, costs that are still far below New York City’s.  

    “None of these sanctuary mayors or governors have ever asked for a secure border. It was always just, ‘Feds, give us money!’” said Ries. 

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 18:40

  • Erdogan Cancels Public Rallies After Live TV 'Health Scare', Blasts "Baseless" Rumors
    Erdogan Cancels Public Rallies After Live TV ‘Health Scare’, Blasts “Baseless” Rumors

    Throughout Wednesday social media rumors swirled concerning Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s “health scare” the evening prior. 

    He fell ill during a live TV broadcast, which his office later described as the result of a ‘serious stomach cold’. Erdogan’s office then canceled two days of political rallies, just ahead of the major presidential and parliamentary elections set for May 14.

    But by Wednesday afternoon mainly English language social media accounts were claiming he had been hospitalized by a heart attack. Some rumors went so far as to say he was “poisoned”. 

    Meanwhile, Turkish official sources and media were largely silent on the speculations over his health, even as unsourced reports began to surface that his family had been summoned to the hospital, suggesting the worst.

    But the unfounded claims got a further boost when Chinese state English-language media amplified the rumors

    Erdogan’s office tweeted out the following to the Turkish president’s official account:

    “Today, I will be resting at home on the advice of our doctors,” Erdoğan tweeted, adding his condition was a “minor inconvenience due to (his) busy work.”

    But wild speculation persisted, also based on Russian media reports that President Putin had been rushed to his office at the Kremlin due to some kind of major development…

    Yet still there was no observable market reaction, or in the TRY. 

    But it appears that the Chinese state media tweet triggered Turkish government officials to respond, with a statement from the Turkish presidency’s office blasting the “baseless claims” regarding his health:

    Could the rumors have been started by his political opponents, in order to paint him as weak and in fragile health? Again, much of this originated from English-language social media…

    Or perhaps it was just another social media wild goose chase originating with a handful of fringe sources.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 18:20

  • Western Alliance's CFO Blames 'Puts' For Crashing His Stock… Here's Why That's Doubtful
    Western Alliance’s CFO Blames ‘Puts’ For Crashing His Stock… Here’s Why That’s Doubtful

    Via SpotGamma,

    The link between options flow and the underlying shares is based on the concept that options dealers and market makers buy and sell shares of underlying stock to hedge option positions. These hedging requirements are generally measured through Delta (the number of shares required to hedge an option from the directional move of the underlying) and Gamma (the rate of change of Delta).

    The impact of options trading on underlying equities is now well-accepted, following both the GameStop (GME) and AMC Theaters (AMC) saga of 2021, and the recent 0DTE flow affecting major US indices such as the S&P 500.

    While there are now many documented cases of option flow driving stock prices, we also see examples where options activity is incorrectly blamed as a scapegoat for equity moves.

    Case in point, last week the WSJ published an article titled: “Did Options Trading Fuel a 47% Plunge in Western Alliance Stock? The CFO Thinks So“. Let’s investigate:

    The Setup

    Western Alliance shares lost almost half their value in a single session last month. The bank’s CFO says options traders are partly to blame.

    The shares dropped 47% to $26.12 on March 13, down from around $49 the prior session. Dale Gibbons, the bank’s chief financial officer, says a burst of put options trading—alongside thin activity in the pre-market session—was in part behind the move.

    In the prior session, on March 10, options activity tied to the bank skyrocketed after almost no trading for most of the year, Cboe Global Markets data show. Mr. Gibbons says the aggressive trading, especially in bearish put options, helped drive the shares lower.

    A snippet of what he said about put options trading on the bank’s earnings call this week is worth a read:

    “To me, that’s somebody that had an agenda and then on Monday morning, before the market opens at 5 AM New York Time, they were in the pre-market session selling and nobody trades pre-market, so it’s pretty easy to move the stock price around and push it down, down, down.”


    Bank Weakness Ahead of Move

    Several days before the March 13th WAL crash, Silicon Valley Bank (SIVB, teal) was closed by the FDIC. These events placed heavy pressure on all regional banks as shown by the KRE price line (orange), leading to a -25% decline in that regional bank ETF. In sympathy, WAL stock dropped 50% the week of 3/8, which was before the stock fell another 50% on Monday, March 13th.

    Options Volumes Reflected Bullish Support

    Looking at basic volume metrics below, we can see that the options volume started to increase the week of March 6th, with a spike in options volume on March 13th. On the 13th call volume (blue) exceeded put volume (orange), as the stock opened at $12, and closed at $26.

    Further, the stock traded higher in the following days. Since equity options don’t start trading until 9:30AM ET, it’s unlikely that options volume could have driven the opening low on the 13th.

    Open Interest Confirms Limited Hedging Requirements

    Is it possible that hedging flows from existing options positions were a major driver?

    For that we first turn to open interest, and you can see that both put and call open interest are quite low until after the 3/13 stock lows. Low open interest implies less options related hedging is required.

    Further, the call open interest exceeds put open interest as the stock hits those major 3/13 lows. The implication with this is that traders appeared to be looking to place more net long bets on the stock.

    Gamma Analysis Aligns with Volume and Open Interest Assessments

    To get an understanding of the possible hedging impact of options hedging flows, we looked at the maximum amount of stock volume that could be tied to WAL options. To do this, we convert the notional value of WAL options Gamma into equivalent shares for both puts and calls. As you can see there is a spike in Gamma-related volume the week of 3/8, but then Gamma goes to nearly zero, which signals a small options hedging impact on the underlying stock.

    This reduction in Gamma is likely due to the fact that when the stock declined to lows <=$25, most of the WAL put options went deep in the money, and calls went out of the money. These positions require little to no additional hedging.

    Stock Volumes Increased to Diminish Hedging Requirements

    Adding to this, over the week of 3/8 WAL stock volume surged, as shown in gray. This suggests that the relative impact of WAL options hedging was additionally reduced, because options hedges would be a lower share of relative volume.

    To depict this we’ve plotted the maximum possible shares required to hedge both puts (blue) and calls (orange). We’d note here that in all likelihood the related hedging pressure would be in actuality lower, as a portion of put and call positions likely offset each other, requiring less hedging.

    Another way to see this impact is to look at the maximum possible hedging flow tied to open options positions on March 13th. This shows that the requirement is less than 10% of the stocks total average daily volume, at best.

    Additionally the major spike in options volume appeared as the stock opened on 3/13 and, if anything, helped to rally the stock off of opening lows of $12.

    Conclusion: Options Did Not Drive the Stock Lower

    This data all serves to imply that put options were NOT a driver of the stock lows as suggested by the Western Alliance CFO.

    *  *  *

    Subscribe here to access SpotGamma’s Founder’s Notes – Expert commentary packed with proprietary key levels, major support and resistance targets, and market analysis.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 18:00

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Today’s News 26th April 2023

  • Russia Attempts Turkey-Syria Normalization In Moscow Summit
    Russia Attempts Turkey-Syria Normalization In Moscow Summit

    Russia is continuing efforts to stabilize Syria and push American influence in the region to the sidelines, as on Tuesday Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu hosted four-way talks which have as their goal the normalization of ties between the Syrian and Turkish governments. The talks involve Russia, Syria, Turkey and Iran. The end result could see American forces squeezed out of Syria.

    “Practical steps were discussed in the field of strengthening security in the Syrian Arab Republic and normalizing Syrian-Turkish relations,” the Russian Defense Ministry stated. This is based on a common perspective that all parties desire win “the fight against all extremist groups in Syria.”

    The Turkish defense ministry positively acknowledged the “constructive atmosphere” of the meeting in which “the issue of intensifying efforts to return Syrian refugees to their lands” was examined. All representatives “reaffirmed their respect for Syria’s territorial integrity,” the Turkish ministry said.

    For Syria, high on the agenda is precisely protection of its sovereignty and food and energy resources. Going back multiple years, the United States and its Kurdish-led proxy, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), have occupied a huge chuck of oil-and-gas rich northeast Syria, as well as Tanf garrison on the Iraq-Syria border. The US has been widely accused of stealing Syrian oil, ferrying it across the Iraq border, but at the same time the Pentagon says it’s there to fight ISIS.

    Turkish forces have also occupied territory within the Syria’s northern border, and aim to fight Syrian Kurdish groups. Crucially, if Damascus and Ankara strike a deal, this is expected to be key in eventually squeezing out the US occupation. This is also of course what Russia wants to see as well.

    The US-backed SDF has long come under Turkish threat, a threat which would be amplified if suddenly Syria, Turkey and Russia got on the same page.

    Already, US bases have come under sporadic rocket and drone attack over the past several months, which recently led to the death of an American contractor, with US troops suffering injuries

    Helping the prospect of peace between Damascus and Turkey is the fact that Arab states are rushing back to Assad to reestablish ties, even Saudi Arabia. If Syria is invited back into the Arab League, which Washington vehemently opposes, this would do much in terms of diplomatic normalization with other regional nations as well, such as Turkey and Jordan.

    Any diplomatic breakthrough would also be a huge reputational ‘win’ for Russia at a moment it remains isolated by the West due to the ongoing Ukraine war.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 02:45

  • EU Is In A "Warlike Mood", Warns Hungary's Foreign Minister
    EU Is In A “Warlike Mood”, Warns Hungary’s Foreign Minister

    Via Remix News,

    Hungary is calling for peace even as most European nations are pushing to escalate the war

    Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó. (MTI)

    Europe is pushing for more war and taking measures to not only accelerate arms deliveries to Ukraine but also stamp out pro-peace voices in Europe, said Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó in Luxembourg on Monday.

    “The EU is in a warlike mood, with the vast majority of member states wanting to supply Ukraine with more weapons for more money,” said Szijjártó.

    “This atmosphere of war here also implies that the pro-peace advocates that continue to argue for peace continue to come under severe political and verbal attack, whether from countries present here or not,” he added.

    Reporting on the Luxembourg meeting of European foreign ministers, he said that it had again started with “self-blame,” with many believing that the EU had still not done enough to support Ukraine.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 04/26/2023 – 02:00

  • Can A Woke Military Win Wars?
    Can A Woke Military Win Wars?

    Authored by Roger Kimball via The Epoch Times,

    For a couple of years now, the U.S. military has had a serious recruitment problem.

    That isn’t really a surprise.

    Our leaders have injected the entire menu of radical “woke” ideology into the tissues of the military establishment.

    Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, worries about “white rage” and supports teaching critical race theory to the troops.

    When Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin took office under President Joe Biden, he issued a 60-day “stand down” order to the entire military in pursuit of battling “extremism” and achieving “equity” in the military (pdf).

    In March 2022, the Biden administration announced a new policy under which people suffering from gender dysphoria would not only be allowed to serve in the military but also would have their “gender reassignment” surgery paid for by taxpayers.

    Traditionally, conservative families, especially conservative working-class families, supplied a large percentage of military recruits.

    Those families are not thrilled by the intrusion of such politically correct sentiments into an institution hitherto marked by its commitment to traditional moral and martial values.

    They aren’t interested in sending their children to be catechized by anti-American Marxists or apostles of sexual exotica.

    The Biden administration seems blissfully unaware of this reality.

    At least, I assume it’s unaware of what two retired Army generals called “a major threat to our national security.”

    Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain Biden’s recent executive order regarding “environmental justice.”

    According to the White House, the new order is part of the administration’s “whole-of-government effort to confront longstanding environmental injustices and inequities.”

    Of course, we live at a time when everything is potentially racist.

    Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg even argued that highway designs in the United States are “racist.”

    So it should come as no surprise that “environmental justice” is really just an aspect of “racial justice.”

    “For far too long,” the executive order reads, “communities across our country have faced persistent environmental injustice through toxic pollution, underinvestment in infrastructure and critical services, and other disproportionate environmental harms often due to a legacy of racial discrimination including redlining.”

    And let’s not forget the other big-ticket item on the agenda of the left: “climate change.” “These communities with environmental justice concerns face even greater burdens due to climate change,” the White House stated.

    The Department of Defense has even issued an “environmental scorecard” grading itself on its progress toward fulfilling the Green Dream.

    There are bits about “Consultation and Partnership with Tribal Nations,” addressing “environmental justice concerns,” and “institutionalizing” “our country’s bedrock environmental laws.”

    There was nothing about making sure that the U.S. military was an agile and lethal fighting force well-equipped with the most modern and capable weapons.

    Such concerns seem to have been put on the back burner (but not, of course, a burner on a gas stove).

    Once upon a time, people joined the military to serve their country.

    Now they’re being asked to join a therapy group to promote a progressive agenda.

    Increasingly, the answer to that call is, “No thanks.”

    Over the past few years, the world has entered a new and more dangerous phase.

    Vladimir Putin’s adventures in Ukraine are one sign of that yeastiness.

    Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s repeated announcements that he’s “preparing for war” are another.

    Is this really the best time for the United States to hand over its military to the same sort of woke bureaucrats who brought you that notorious Bud Light partnership with transgender “influencer” Dylan Mulvaney?

    Take Biden’s executive order about “environmental justice” and put it next to his attack on the U.S. energy industry, his abandonment of the Southern border, and his reckless economic policies that have dealt a body blow to the middle and working classes.

    Then ask yourself this: If Joe Biden wanted to hurt the United States, to make it poorer, less secure, less safe, what would he do differently?

    Representative James Comer (R-Ky.) recently noted that it is now known that “at least 9 Biden family members sold access for profit around the world.”

    He asked a most pertinent question: “What were our foreign adversaries paying for?”

    I would be interested in learning the answer.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 23:45

  • 45% Of Americans Above Age 50 Play Video Games, And Feel Neglected By Industry
    45% Of Americans Above Age 50 Play Video Games, And Feel Neglected By Industry

    A new study by AARP reveals that 45% of Americans aged 50 or older play video games at least once per month, yet are feeling neglected by the industry.

    Those polled say gaming is ‘beneficial’ to their lives – helping them to have fun and relax, while staying mentally sharp. Older gamers invest an average of 12 hours per week and $49 within a 6-month time frame on gaming – which could lead to $2.5 billion in biannual spending on the habit, which includes in-game purchases, virtual items, accessories (headsets, controllers, etc.) and the gaming consoles themselves.

    Of the 45% above 50 who say they game, 45% of that group says they game daily – with women leading men by 52% vs. 37%.

    Older adults’ interest in gaming grew noticeably in 2016 and spiked during the COVID pandemic. Today, interest remains fairly consistent; however, about one in three of adults in their 50s (30%), women (30%), and Black adults (37%) say they play more now than they did two years ago. The average number of hours played across devices per week has increased 40% since 2019, up from an 8.5 to 12  hours played per week, not necessarily more frequently but for longer periods of time. 

    Who Plays With Whom

    Solo play is most popular with 81% of those surveyed playing alone. But many remain connected: two-thirds (68%) communicate with other players through in-game chats, texts, app messaging, or by phone.

    When they do play with others, 50-plus gamers’ most common play companions are children or grandchildren (20%). Other companions include adult family members (14%), in person with friends (12%), random people online (10%), siblings (5%), parents (3%), and colleagues (2%). -AARP

    When it comes to which system is most popular, older gamers are using old and new consoles, however mobile gaming continues to dominate – with the #1 gaming device for those polled being the smartphone, which 84% of those polled said was their gaming device of choice.


    According to AARP: “Our research shows, however, that almost 70% do not feel like the games are made with them in mind,” said director of community and gaming, Maura White, in a statement to Axios, adding that more than half of those polled say they don’t feel that they’re represented in games, nor marketing, and that many games are too complicated.

    “They would like the video gaming industry to create games and features designed to onboard easily, play consistently, and stay challenged,” says White.

    More via AARP:

    Why They’re Playing 

    Those 50-plus engage in gaming for a range of reasons, although most involve fun, mental fitness, and well-being. The top six reasons are:  

    • Have fun, 86%
    • Relax, 79%
    • Stay mentally sharp, 78%
    • To be challenged/solve problems, 74%
    • Reduce stress, 71%
    • Pass the time, 70%

    How Devoted Are Older Gamers?

    The study broke down gamers 50-plus into five segments ranging from those less passionate about gaming to those most passionate. The groups were given identities based on why they play, how often, and what they enjoy most — Dabblers, Mainstreamers, Indulgers, Enthusiasts, and Immersives. 


    This group represents 15% of 50-plus gamers. They are least passionate about gaming and play infrequently on their PCs or phones to pass the time or relieve boredom. Even though they enjoy puzzle, card, and tile games, they have no desire to play more often. 


    This is the largest group of 50-plus gamers, representing 35%. Mainstreamers have the highest concentration of mobile-only gamers. They may play every day, but they don’t feel very passionate about gaming. They’re in it more for the enjoyment, challenge, and mental stimulation. Wordle is very popular with this group. 


    This group plays daily on mobile phones and tablets for enjoyment and mental stimulation. They may have a sense of guilt about too much play time, but many find throwing in some casino games into their puzzle, card, and tile games, helps to reduce stress. This group represents 23% of 50-plus gamers. 


    These folks, representing 19% of older gamers, are passionate about gaming and like to become engrossed in energetic and active games. Action, adventure, and fantasy or role-playing games (RPG) help fill their evenings. This group looks for strong storytelling and compelling gameplay. 


    At only 7% of 50-plus gamers, this group is the smallest segment size but most passionate about gaming. Immersives identify as gamers. They are at the forefront of gaming trends and find social interaction integral to their choices of genres like fantasy and make-believe. They’re the only segment where a console, rather than a smartphone, is their top choice of gaming device. 

    Ease of Play Matters

    Ease of play is the most popular feature among all five groups. In order, this is a key priority for Enthusiasts (57%), Mainstreamers (55%), Indulgers (45%), Immersives (41%) and Dabblers (37%). Other features include opportunity to improve over time, scaling of difficulty, set level of difficulty, variety of play and competitive ranks or tiers. 

    Older Gamers See Meaningful Play as Beneficial 

    While players of all ages enjoy gaming for the relief from stress and anxiety, those 50-plus feel gaming is beneficial as they get older, with three in four (77%) seeing play, such as gaming, as an important aspect of healthy aging for them. As for what motivates this group, passing the time still leads the way (54%), followed by mental acuity (39%), pleasure (46%), emotion (23%), immersion (13%), social connection (11%), challenge (10%), and self-improvement (9%). 

    When it comes to challenge, respondents like games that build in intensity over time and require competitive skills. Ease of playing ranked high (49%), while other preferred features include an opportunity to improve over time (35%), variety of play (21%), competitive ranks or tiers (18%), ongoing storylines or narratives (12%), and social aspect of gaming (10%).

    However, 50-plus gamers see ads as a nuisance; for this age group and others, ads impact the enjoyment of the game. Among the other major frustrations: having to watch ads to make progress or make a purchase to continue, and the number and type of notifications in the game. 

    Games Designed Without Older Gamers in Mind

    Seven in 10 (69%) older gamers feel that games are not designed with them in mind. Another 66% said video games are designed with no thought to players 50-plus. Many said the games can at times be too complicated to understand and others noted they need tutorials to play effectively. From not seeing themselves reflected in game marketing (69%) or within the games themselves (64%), older players feel like an afterthought to the gaming industry. 

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 23:25

  • Decision On Trump Indictment To Be Annouced 'In The Near Future': Fulton County DA
    Decision On Trump Indictment To Be Annouced ‘In The Near Future’: Fulton County DA

    Authored by Gary Bai via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    A Georgia district attorney wrote in a letter dated April 24 that she intends to announce potential indictments resulting from a probe into former President Donald Trump and his associates for alleged interference in the 2020 election with his calls for investigations.

    Former President Donald Trump speaks during an event at the Mar-a-Lago Club in West Palm Beach, Fla., on April 4, 2023. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

    In the near future, I will announce charging decisions resulting from the investigation my office has been conducting into possible criminal interference in the administration of Georgia’s 2020 General Election,” Fani Willis, District Attorney of Fulton County, Georgia, wrote in a letter addressed to Fulton County Sheriff Patrick Labat on Monday. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution first reported the letter.

    Willis wrote she would announce the charging decisions between July 11 and Sept. 1.

    Fulton County Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis in her office on Jan. 4, 2022. (Ben Gray/AP Photo)

    Details of Investigation

    Willis’s Monday announcement was the latest update in the special-purpose grand jury investigation she launched in 2021 and led thereafter.

    While the grand jury proceedings had occurred behind closed doors, the probe is believed to center on a 2020 phone call between Trump, Trump’s legal team, and Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his team.

    “All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state,” Trump allegedly told Raffensperger during the phone call on Jan. 2, 2021, a transcript of which was released by media organizations.

    Willis characterized Trump’s wording (pdf) during the call as evidence of “criminal disruption” of the 2020 election, and has based her case on charges around that allegation. The grand jury heard testimony from Trump’s former associates, including Rudy Giuliani and former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Trump has denied all allegations of wrongdoing on his part.

    The grand jury was discharged in January. In early February, the Fulton County Superior Court released a portion of the jury panel’s report, which did not include the list of names to whom indictments were recommended. Emily Kohrs, the grand jury’s foreperson, told media outlets in February that the group recommended indictments.

    “The long awaited important sections of the Georgia report, which do not even mention President Trump’s name, have nothing to do with the President because President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong,” Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told CNN in a following statement in February.

    “The President participated in two perfect phone calls regarding election integrity in Georgia, which he is entitled to do—in fact, as President, it was President Trump’s Constitutional duty to ensure election safety, security, and integrity,” Cheung added.

    A Feb. 10, 2021, letter that Willis sent to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp gave hints of potential charges she may pursue, including soliciting election fraud, lying to state officials, and conspiring to interfere with the 2020 election.

    Willis told the local sheriff to prepare for violence that may occur in response to her pending announcement.

    “Please accept this correspondence as notice to allow you sufficient time to prepare the Sheriff’s Office and coordinate with local, state and federal agencies to ensure that our law enforcement community is ready to protect the public,” Willis wrote to Fulton Sheriff Patrick Labat in her Monday letter.

    Open source intelligence has indicated the announcement of decisions in this case may provoke a significant public reaction,” Willis added. “We have seen in recent years that some may go outside of public expressions of opinion that are protected by the First Amendment to engage in acts of violence that will endanger the safety of our community.”

    Legal Experts Weigh In

    According to Alan Dershowitz, Professor Emeritus at Harvard Law School, Willis’s charges would not hold up considering the face value of Trump’s wording during the call with Raffensperger.

    “Because what he said is, ‘We have to find’—not invent, not concoct—‘find.’ Find means that it’s there—just a question of finding them—so that’s not a crime,” Dershowitz told The Epoch Times in an interview in March.

    Attorney Alan Dershowitz, a member of President Donald Trump’s legal team, speaks to the press in the Senate Reception Room during the Senate impeachment trial at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 29, 2020. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

    Trial attorney John O’Connor agreed with Dershowitz’s view, adding that the case is undercut by a demonstrable belief on Trump’s part that there was significant fraud in the 2020 election.

    “That charge will never make it,” O’Connor told The Epoch Times in an interview in March. “It was very clear that Trump felt that there were voters who had wrongfully voted, and he was asking the Secretary of State to find which voters had been wrongfully voting, that’s all. So I don’t think there’s anything to that.”

    Trump’s Motion to Quash

    In March, Trump’s attorney Drew Findling filed a motion in the Superior Court of Fulton County to quash the grand jury’s final report, preclude the use of evidence from Willis’s investigation in further proceedings, and disqualify Willis in the case.

    A key objection that Findling raised in his motion to quash (pdf) is regarding media tours taken by Kohrs, Willis, as well as the judge overseeing the case, Robert C. McBurney of the Superior Court of Fulton County. Findling alleges that these interviews compromised the case legally and judicially.

    “It is not a short list,” Kohrs told The New York Times in February, referring to the currently sealed list of indictment recommendations. Kohrs told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in another interview on Feb. 21 that she also spoke to her boyfriend regarding her experience in the panel’s proceedings.

    According to Findling, the foreperson’s media tour showed that the procedures set forth for the jury panel “failed to protect the most basic procedural and substantive constitutional rights of all individuals discussed by this investigative body.”

    The harm brought by Kohrs’s publicity was compounded by additional exposure by DA Willis herself, Findling said in the filing.

    [Willis’s] media interviews violate prosecutorial standards and constitute forensic misconduct, and her social media activity creates the appearance of impropriety compounding the necessity for disqualification,” he said.

    But even exasperating the situation are interviews conducted by the judge himself, Findling argued.

    “Compounding the harm inflicted by the foreperson’s public comments, the Supervising Judge then gave numerous media interviews despite still presiding over this pending matter,” the filing said of McBurney, who gave media interviews after the jury’s foreperson’s media tour.

    “[T]he foreperson’s and grand jurors’ comments illuminate the lack of proper instruction and supervision over the grand jury relating to clear evidentiary matters which violates the notions of fundamental fairness and due process,” the filing reads. “The results of the investigation cannot be relied upon and, therefore, must be suppressed given the constitutional violations.”

    McBurney ordered that Willis respond to Trump’s motion before May 1.

    Conflict of Interest

    In his March filing, Findling said that DA Willis’s Office must be disqualified from pursuing the case further, citing concerns related to prosecutorial misconduct and conflict of interest.

    The prosecutorial misconduct aspect of Findling’s argument rests on DA Willis’s comments to the press (the motion notes she spoke to the press nearly 40 times) and her social media posts, which Findling said bolstered her profile as a political candidate.

    One such social media post, the filing said, included a cartoon posted on Willis’s campaign Twitter account, which showed the DA fishing a subpoenaed witness, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), out of a swamp, with Trump saying, “I know you’ll do the right thing, Lindsey.”

    The Fanni Willis campaign’s Twitter account posts a cartoon picture showing a subpoenaed witness being fished out of a swamp on July 18, 2022 (Screenshot by The Epoch Times via court filing)

    Findling noted that the cartoon was part of a political campaign threaded throughout Willis’s Georgia investigation, one in which Willis had “personal involvement and interest,” creating a “disqualifying conflict.”

    “[T]he FCDA promoted her own campaign on the shoulders of partisan support for this SPGJ investigation. Within a couple of days, the [Fulton County DA’s] Twitter account increased by approximately 100,000 followers, and requests for campaign donations were retweeted thousands of times,” the filing reads, referring to the alleged effect of Willis’s publicity campaign.

    On at least three occasions, the FCDA personally inserted herself into this Twitter campaign for ‘followers, tweets and donations’ which specifically referenced this investigation.”

    Findling alleged that Willis’s political interest, in this case, constituted a conflict of interest and thus should bar her from being further involved in the investigation.

    The second reason Willis should be disqualified, according to Findling, is that Willis was ordered to be disqualified from investigating a Georgia senator because of perceived conflict of interest considerations. He argued that this disqualification should extend to the entire case.

    On July 25, 2022, the supervising judge disqualified the District Attorney’s Office from calling then-state Sen. Burt Jones to testify as a witness in the Georgia jury because DA Willis was involved in a political campaign for Charlie Bailey, a then-candidate for Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor, who would run against Jones, the then-Republican nomination.

    “She has bestowed her office’s imprimatur upon Senator Jones’s opponent. And since then, she has publicly (in her pleadings) labeled Senator Jones a ‘target’ of the grand jury’s investigation,” the judge wrote in his order, noting that Willis’s singling out of Jones constituted a perceived conflict of interest.

    Findling capitalized on the judge’s disqualification order in the Monday filing, citing a 1987 decision by the United States Supreme Court (Young v. United States), which recognized “the existence of an actual conflict cannot be limited to the investigation or prosecution of one individual but is a conflict that permeates the entire proceeding.”

    In other words, Findling was saying that if the judge finds that the conduct of the prosecutor ought to be disqualified from prosecuting or investigating one witness due to a conflict of interest consideration, that prosecutor must be disqualified from the case altogether.

    “The rights of President Trump, as well as all others impacted by this investigation, are now subject to the prosecutorial discretion and decision-making of a prosecuting body that even the Supervising Judge acknowledged has an actual, disqualifying conflict,” the filing reads.

    This is simply untenable. For this reason alone, the FCDA’s Office must be removed from any further investigation or prosecution of this matter.”

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 23:05

  • These Are The Most Expensive Sports Team Sales In History
    These Are The Most Expensive Sports Team Sales In History

    After a record-setting year in 2022, professional sports team sales are on an uptick yet again.

    The tentative $6.05 billion Washington Commanders sale, already approved by other NFL owners, will be the highest amount paid for a sports team once completed.

    This graphic from Visual Capitalist’s Sam Parker shows how the Commanders’ April 2023 deal measures up against the biggest sports team sales in history, using data from the Wall Street Journal and CBS Sports.

    Washington Commanders Sale vs. Other Franchise Fortunes

    Valuations have become significantly larger in the last couple of years, with the largest sales all occurring after 2010. Here are the 10 most highly-priced sales for a professional sports team franchise globally.

    The Washington Commanders sale takes the top spot at $6.1 billion, even though it could still be de-throned. It’s been reported that a $7 billion dollar bid for the team is still in play as well.

    Dan Snyder, the current owner of the team, is one of the world’s richest people in sports. He purchased the team for $800 million in 1999 and, if the $6.1 billion sale completes, will have made a cumulative return of over 650%.

    Chelsea Football Club is the only non-U.S. sale on the list. The sports team was previously owned by Roman Abramovich, a Russian oligarch who was subject to sanctions after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and was forced to sell the team.

    Hedge fund billionaire Todd Boehly, who was part of the consortium that purchased Chelsea, is also part owner of number 10 on the list: the LA Dodgers. Boehly is said to have helped with one of the “most dramatic turnarounds in North American sports” through his purchase of the Dodgers in 2012 for $2.0 billion, with the team wining the MLB World Series in 2020.

    Will any sale top the Washington Commanders number? NFL teams specifically are some of the world’s most valuable teams, so the sale of a team such as the Dallas Cowboys or Los Angeles Rams could be worth more.

    Other competition could come from soccer teams, including Chelsea rivals Manchester United or Liverpool. Manchester United’s owners put the club up for sale in 2022, hoping for a valuation of £5 billion to £6 billion ($6.2 billion to $7.5 billion).

    Why Are Sports Team Sale Prices So High?

    Sports teams haven’t always collected such sky-high prices like the Washington Commanders sale. In fact, sports teams used to be the investment of choice for eccentric entrepreneurs and were considered money-losing propositions.

    So what’s changed? There are a number of factors driving high valuations and passionate interest from billionaires:

    • Media deals: Digitization means sports now have a global audience, and broadcast rights have become a major driver of leagues’ revenue growth. For example, the NFL has $115 billion in long-term media rights deals with major TV networks, Amazon, and Google’s YouTube TV.

    • Industry monopoly: There were once a handful of professional baseball leagues, but Major League Baseball earned an exemption from antitrust (pro-competition) laws in 1922. Other sports leagues have conglomerated to become the biggest and best representatives of their sport, making it nearly impossible for new entrants to compete.

    • League benefits: Contracts negotiated at a league level are equally split between every league’s sports team. The Packers, the only NFL team with public financial statements, earned 60% of their income from national sources in 2022. Most leagues also have salary caps which limit player costs.

    • Favorable Taxes: In 2004, the U.S. federal government introduced a rule allowing sports team owners to write off most of their purchase price against team profits over 15 years.

    Beyond these factors, perhaps the biggest driver of sports team value is the prestige associated with owning one.

    “Sports teams are a bit of a vanity asset, like owning a Picasso, and the highest bidder is going to be a very rich person who wants to own the team so they (can) call themselves an owner of a sports team.”


    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 22:45

  • Megyn Kelly Responds To Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News: 'Terrible Move' By Network
    Megyn Kelly Responds To Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News: ‘Terrible Move’ By Network

    Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly reacted to Monday’s news that Tucker Carlson would be departing by saying it was a “terrible move” on the network’s part.

    This is a terrible move by Fox, and it’s a great thing for Tucker Carlson,” Kelly said during an episode of her podcast on Monday.

    Megyn Kelly speaks onstage at the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit 2018 at Ritz Carlton Hotel in Laguna Niguel, California, on Oct. 2, 2018. (Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Fortune)

    In a news release, Fox confirmed it is parting ways with Carlson, who was its most popular cable news host and a leading conservative voice. Carlson has not issued a public comment about the matter.

    “I don’t know what drove Fox News to make this decision. And it was clearly Fox News’ decision because they’re not letting him say goodbye,” Kelly said. “That’s my supposition. That’s not inside knowledge … talk about misjudging your audience yet again.”

    Carlson’s last broadcast was on Friday, April 21. During the final on-air segment, Carlson told his Fox viewers that he would be back on Monday.

    Kelly added that the news was “Good for Tucker” and that “trust me, he doesn’t need them.”

    A Fox anchor, Harris Faulkner, said Monday that the two sides had “mutually” decided to part ways. Few details about what happened have been revealed.

    Fox has not issued any comment on Carlson’s leaving the channel beyond a statement stating that it wanted to “thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor.” In an article reporting on his departure, Fox News turned off its comments section.

    Kelly, too, was among the most popular Fox News personalities before she left the channel in 2017. Since leaving, she has become critical of the network and hosts a popular podcast.

    After taking Fox News’ 8 p.m. ET timeslot in 2017, Carlson quickly became among the network’s most popular hosts and remained so up until the end. For the week ending April 16, “Tucker Carlson Tonight” was the most-watched cable news show, averaging 3.389 million viewers, while the next most popular show was “The Five” on Fox News, which averaged about 3 million, according to data from Nielsen.

    Glenn Beck, a conservative media personality, in West Palm Beach, Florida on Dec. 19, 2019. (Brendon Fallon/The Epoch Times)

    The timing of Carlson’s departure also appears to be unusual. The Fox News host recently landed two high-profile interviews, including one with former President Donald Trump and another with Twitter and Tesla owner Elon Musk. Nielsen ratings show that the Carlson–Trump interview last week drew 6.7 million viewers.

    Despite the reasons for Carlson’s exit, it signals the biggest shock to Fox News’s lineup since former top host Bill O’Reilly was booted from the channel in 2017. His “O’Reilly Factor”—a long mainstay on cable news—was Fox News’ highest-rated program at the time.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 22:25

  • US Waged Years-Long Shadow War Against Wagner Mercenaries In Africa
    US Waged Years-Long Shadow War Against Wagner Mercenaries In Africa

    US special forces and intelligence are running a proxy war aimed at disrupting Russia’s Wagner Group mercenaries in the Middle East and North Africa, recently unveiled Pentagon leaks show. 

    The Biden administration has long expressed concern over Wagner’s role not just in Ukraine, where it has been spearheading efforts to gain Russian victory over Bakhmut, but especially its expanding presence in Africa as well.

    Wagner mercenaries, via Wiki Commons

    This shadow war appears to have been going for years even before the Ukraine war, with the classified documents which first showed up on Discord confirming that the US military is actively targeting Wagner fighters in secret operations. 

    The Washington Post was the first to highlight the US intelligence related to Wagner, and reports the following

    One document in the trove lists nearly a dozen “kinetic” and other options that could be pursued as part of “coordinated U.S. and allied disruption efforts.” The files propose providing targeting information to help Ukraine forces kill Wagner commanders, and cite other allies’ willingness to take similar lethal measures against Wagner nodes in Africa.

    But, the Post underscores, these operations have done little to degrade Wagner’s presence and operations. Interestingly there’s even mention of a major incident in Libya:

    And yet, there is little in the trove to suggest that the CIA, Pentagon or other agencies have caused more than minor setbacks for Wagner over a six-year stretch during which the mercenary group, controlled by Putin ally Prigozhin, gained strategic footholds in at least eight African countries, among 13 nations where Prigozhin has operated in some capacity, according to one document.

    The only direct military strike mentioned in the files refers to “a successful unattributed attack in Libya” that “destroyed a Wagner logistics aircraft.” The document provides no further detail about the operation or why that single plane — part of a far larger Wagner fleet — was targeted.

    It remains unclear whether the Libya operation was accomplished using US proxy forces on the ground (such as US-trained Libyan militias), or if it was a direct special forces or CIA attack. Likely it was the former scenario, given the extreme risk for American commandos in Libya.

    Russian state media has meanwhile also taken note of the story, with RT writing this week that “A second leaks-based story published by the Post on Monday cites a document alleging that Ukraine’s military intelligence service, the GUR, and its head, Kirill Budanov, planned an attack on Wagner officers in Mali.” Russia is alleging this shows a deliberate campaign to assassination Wagner PMC commanders.

    The US sees Wagner in Africa as part of broader efforts to expand Russia’s influence on the continent. Wagner has long been active inside Syria following President Assad inviting Russian allied forces into the conflict in 2015. Lately, the West has even blamed the unfolding Sudan crisis on Russia and its mercenaries. 

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 22:05

  • Taibbi: Report On The Censorship-Industrial Complex
    Taibbi: Report On The Censorship-Industrial Complex

    Authored by Matt Taibbi via Racket News,

    Today you’ll find two new #TwitterFiles threads out, one by longtime Racket contributor Matt Orfalea, and another by Andrew Lowenthal, who worked for 18 years defending digital rights at EngageMedia and watched activists in his space slowly be absorbed by what we’re now calling “The Censorship-Industrial Complex.”

    The two new threads collectively show the wide political range of revelations in the #TwitterFiles material, which have been slandered — absurdly — as a partisan exercise. Lowenthal, who in his “Insider’s Guide to ‘Anti-Disinformation’” describes himself as a “progressive-minded Australian,” printed a series of exchanges between journalists who attended a summer “tabletop exercise” at the Aspen Institute about a hack-and-leak operation involving Burisma and Hunter Biden, weeks before the actual event. When the actual scandal broke not long after, the existence of that tabletop exercise clearly become newsworthy, but none of the journalists present, who included David Sanger of the New York Times and current Rolling Stone editor Noah Schactman — said a word. Perhaps, as was common with anti-disinfo conferences, the event was off the record. (We asked, and none of the reporters commented). It doesn’t matter. Lowenthal showed how another “anti-disinformation” conference featured the headline speaker Anthony Blinken. He’s currently suspected of having “triggered” the infamous letter signed by 50 intelligence officers saying the Hunter Biden laptop story had the “classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

    As Lowenthal writes: “See how it works? The people accusing others of “disinformation” run the biggest disinformation campaigns themselves.”

    On the flip side, Orfalea found a document showing that both the Wikileaks account and that of Dr. Jill Stein were algorithmically added by Twitter to a list given the creepy name is_russian. This was one of two buckets of “Russians” Twitter was collecting, one called “A Priori Russians” (usually, accounts identified as Russian by 3rd party researchers), the other “Inferred Russians” (accounts that had “strong,” “medium,” or “weak” “signals” of Russianness, involving language, type of email account, location of IP address, tweet time, etc). Even Twitter’s own analysts noted that any system that “captured” Jill Stein as “Russian” spoke to the “overly broad nature of is_russian.” It was just such a “signals” or “marker”-based methodology that Twitter and other researchers used to identify “Russians” on the Internet, a methodology Twitter internally called one of “educated guesses,” concealing a company secret about identifying accounts linked to Russia’s Internet Research Agency: “We have no realistic way of knowing this on a Twitter-centric basis.”

    As Stein noted when I spoke to her yesterday, these unseen algorithmic tweaks to the political landscape have the effect of decreasing the visibility of political independents during a time of “record hunger for political alternatives.” Stein noted a Gallup poll just showed “identification with the Democratic and Republican parties is at an all-time low,” and said such digital meddling is “an outrageous excuse for political repression,” and “more that Joe McCarthy would be proud of.”

    When Stella Assange was told about the is_russian list, she first speculated that any algorithm that demerited users based on location might produce false positives if account holders used, say, the Tor Browser, which could “randomly result in an RU exit node.” Since “Tor is an essential tool for civil liberties and privacy communities,” you could have people being tossed in a “Russian” bucket for the crime of trying to evade surveillance.

    In another part of his thread, Orfalea notes that a Clemson University researcher hailed as a “troll hunter” in the press and used as a source by major media outlets, speculated that an account called @drkwarlord that was sharing a hashtag, #BloombergisRacist because the account was tweeting at odd hours:

    That’s the “expert” opinion. Orfalea just called @drkwarlord, who laughed, “I’m a nurse at a hospital in Indiana. In 2020, I worked the night shift.”

    Whether it’s suppression of a news story conservatives care about like the Hunter Biden laptop tale, or deamplification of a left-leaning Green Party candidate like Jill Stein, the #TwitterFiles consistently hit at the same theme, but it’s not partisan. It’s really summed up by something Stella Assange said, about the difference between Wikileaks and the “anti-disinformation” facsimile, Bellingcat. “Wikileaks coined ‘intelligence agency of the people.’ Bellingcat went with ‘for the people.’”

    Civil society institutions, the media, politicians, and government are supposed to maintain distance from one another in democracy. The Censorship-Industrial Complex shows an opposite instinct, for all of these groups to act in concert, essentially as one giant, incestuous intelligence operation — not of the people, but paternalistically “for” the people, or so they believe. Journalists attend conferences where news happens and do not report it, breaking ranks neither with conference organizers, nor with each other. The Trump era has birthed a new brand of paranoid politics, where once-liberalizing institutions like the press and NGOs are encouraged to absorb into a larger whole, creating a single political cartel to protect against the “contagion” of mass movements. As Lowenthal notes, this explains why so many “anti-disinformation” campaigns describe language as a kind of disease, e.g. “infodemic,” “information pollution,” and “information disorder.”

    Surrounded by the “disease” of dangerous political ideas, checks and balances are being discarded in favor of a new belief in banding together. The Guardian’s Luke Harding laid out this idea a few years ago, in a gushing review of a book about Bellingcat by its founder, British journalist Eliot Higgins:

    Higgins thinks traditional news outlets need to establish their own open source investigation teams or miss out. He’s right. Several have done so. The New York Times has recruited ex-Bellingcat staff. Higgins approves of this. In his view, rivalry between media titles is a thing of the past. The future is collaboration, the hunt for evidence a shared endeavour, the truth out there if we wish to discover it.

    Harding makes this sound cheery, but the rivalry of media titles is the primary (if not only) regulatory mechanism for keeping the press honest. If the Times, Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC no longer go after each other for uncorrected errors — like the Hamilton 68 fiasco exposed in the #TwitterFiles, or Harding’s own infamous report that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort managed to have a secret meeting in London’s Ecuadorian embassy with the world’s most-watched human, Assange — they can and will indulge in collective delusions. A “shared endeavour” vision of politics is just a synonym for belief in elite concentration of power.

    As noted in Lowenthal’s thread, the story of the #TwitterFiles and the Censorship-Industrial Complex is “really the story of the collapse of public trust in experts and institutions, and how those experts struck back, by trying to pool their remaining influence into a political monopoly.” The losers in any advancement of this story would include anyone outside the monopoly, and they can be on either the right or the left. The intense negative reaction by traditional press to the #TwitterFiles stories published to date is rooted in a feeling of betrayal. The new media leaders see themselves as doing the same service police officers in the stop-and-frisk era called “order maintenance,” pouncing on visible signs of discord or disruption. They’re gatekeepers, and the #TwitterFiles — classic old-timey journalism that assumes the public has a right to know things — represents an unacceptable breach of the perimeter.

    Orfalea is also releasing today a video he compiled for the “Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex.” Titled “Eleven Minutes of Media Falsehoods, Just On One Subject, Just On One Channel,” it’s what’s left of a more ambitious plan the Racket team tried to put together as part of this wider series, whose first pieces are coming out today. Andrew and Matt’s material is coming out first, but in the next weeks you’ll be reading from a series of contributors in this “Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex,” each looking at this subject from different angles.

    The project started with a question: who’s on this list?

    You’re looking at page 7 of a report by the State Department Inspector General from August, 2020, featuring the forgettable title, “Audit of Global Engagement Center Federal Assistance Award Management and Monitoring.” On the first page, the State IG explained it was auditing a new agency, the Global Engagement Center, which was housed in the U.S. State Department and dedicated to the fight against “foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation.” The IG added some history:

    In March 2016, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13721, which required the Secretary of State to establish the Global Engagement Center (GEC). The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY 2017 then mandated that GEC “lead, synchronize, and coordinate efforts of the Federal Government to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national security interests.”

    The report went on to say that in Fiscal Year 2018, the new anti-disinformation wing of the State Department received $98.7 million, including “approximately $78.7 million in congressionally appropriated funds, and $20 million transferred from the Department of Defense.” That was distributed among 39 different award recipients, whom the Inspector General was kind enough to list. Only, they redacted all but three names, none of which have what one would describe as vibrant online presences today: Park Advisors, the Democracy Council of California, and the CNA Corporation.

    I first read this report in mid-February, roughly three months into the #TwitterFiles project. At the time, I was trying to learn more about Hamilton 68, the reporter-friendly anti-disinformation “dashboard” purporting to track a list of accounts linked to “Russian influence activities.” Internal Twitter emails showed executives reverse-engineered the Hamilton list and found it to be a fraud, mostly tracking not Russians but ordinary people here at home.

    Multiple sources told me to look for Hamilton ties to the GEC. Among those who claimed to help design the site included a writer called J.M. Berger, who told me he’d been on the GEC payroll until about a month before the list’s launch (though he vigorously denied doing work on Hamilton for GEC). Hamilton’s public spokesperson Clint Watts, a former FBI counterterrorism agent, worked at GEC’s predecessor agency, the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, or CSCC. The first head of GEC, former Time editor Rick Stengel, lauded the Hamilton 68 project in odd language, saying, “If only we’d had it during the election”:

    Trying to answer these questions about a relatively small amount of money and 39 names, I soon realized the “anti-disinformation” world was awash in cash from a range of public and private sources, and we weren’t dealing with dozens of organizations but at least hundreds, many engaged in language-policing at scale. By early February, seeing that keeping track of which group did what was clearly too much work for one person to even begin to take on, I put out an APB for help mainly in trying to answer one question: exactly how big is this new speech bureaucracy?

    #TwitterFiles reporters like Michael Shellenberger, and myself didn’t have much of a hint of what we were looking at until later in the project. That larger story was about a new type of political control mechanism that didn’t really exist ten years ago. In preparation for testimony before the House in March, Shellenberger gave it a name: the Censorship-Industrial Complex.

    The allusion was an unpleasantly perfect fit. America was introduced to the original Military-Industrial Complex on January 17, 1961, in the farewell address of President Dwight Eisenhower. The former Commander of Allied Forces in Europe in WWII warned of something “new in the American experience”: an interlocking network of financiers, extra-governmental organizations and official bureaucracies who were organized around permanent arms production and who collectively wielded more power than kings, presidents, and other such titular authorities.

    Ike forced Americans for the first time to think of power as suffuse, insuperable, and geographically indistinct, less like a king’s scepter than electricity running through a brain. In the context of the Military Industrial Complex, the Oval Office from which Eisenhower delivered his famous farewell was just a room, Eisenhower himself just a recoiling pile of bones and fluids, following a final stage direction:

    The Censorship-Industrial Complex is much the same. Shellenberger coined the term while working with me on a #TwitterFiles project that began with a parallel mystery story: who had the power to muzzle a president?

    We didn’t understand at the time, but the third, fourth, and fifth installments of the #TwitterFiles — about the three days of infighting at Twitter between the Capitol riots on January 6th and their decision to remove Donald Trump on January 8th — served as an introduction for all of us to the major components of a vast new public-private speech bureaucracy, one that appeared to have been founded in the United States, but was clearly global in scope.

    The material you’ll be reading in the next week or so is designed to accomplish two things. The first task we settled on was to create, through interactive lists and other features, a quantitative map of the world Shellenberger described in his written testimony, a censorship industrial complex that:

    Combines established methods of psychological manipulation… with highly sophisticated tools from computer science, including artificial intelligence. The complex’s leaders are driven by the fear that the Internet and social media platforms empower populist, alternative, and fringe personalities and views, which they regard as destabilizing.

    In pursuit of that first goal, organized loosely around a thing we’ve been calling “The List,” Racket welcomed people like Lowenthal and Geneve Campbell, (formerly of the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard). With their experience in the “anti-disinformation” space, Andrew and Geneve helped a team of journalists and researchers put together what we hope will be an accessible starter kit for everyday readers hoping to acquaint themselves with the biggest organizational names in the “CIC.”

    The second goal had reporters like Aaron Maté, the Pulitzer Prize-winning Susan Schmidt, “The Hunt for Tom Clancy” writer Matt Farwell (a co-worker of my late colleague Michael Hastings), military-veteran-turned-reporter Tom Wyatt, the wonderfully obsessive Racket contributor Orfalea, and others attempt to tell the broader history of the new international censorship phenomenon.

    Each took on different stories under the theme of the CIC, aided by leads from the Twitter Files, like: what was the genesis of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Trump-Russia investigation? How did the post-9/11 counter-terrorism project morph into a post-Trump counter-populism project? How does the development of the CIC fit with the broader history of American “information operations”? Does a CIC that claims to stop “fake news” actually create it — spoiler, it does — and if so, how many media stories need retracting, or at least an editor’s note, in the face of information found in the Twitter Files? Lastly, can the CIC target individuals, and if so, what would one particularly devastating test case look like? These stories will be coming out in the next weeks.

    All the contributors to this report are independents. Many are not formally trained journalists, and some, like the tireless @Techno_Fog, represent a new kind of citizen journalism it seemed important to recognize. A major subtext of the CIC story is that ordinary people are going to have to build their own media and oversight institutions to represent them, as virtually the entire landscape of traditional institutional checks on power seems to have been compromised.

    If the Military Industrial Complex was propped up by an “Iron Triangle” of donors, Congress, and quasi-private interest groups, the “CIC” is more like a four-legged animal: government, “civil society” organizations, tech companies, and a shocking fourth partner, news media. Stanford’s Election Integrity Project, a supposedly independent group that director Alex Stamos said was created in 2020 to fill the “gap” of what government couldn’t do by itself, did us the favor of creating a graphic representation of these four “major stakeholders”:

    Note the way reports flow both to and from the media, which has completely rethought its role vis a vis the public. Over and over in the #TwitterFiles, we saw newspapers finking on their own readers instead of advocating for them. The typical progression involved a “civil society” organization like the Britain-based Center for Countering Digital Hate reaching out to reporters with lists of people or accounts deemed to be bad actors, followed by queries from those reporters to Twitter, demanding to know: why hasn’t this group been deleted? These voices? This idea?

    One of the first observations Andrew made when he started looking through the Files was how bizarre it was to see “civil society organizations” holding tabletop exercises about election security with representatives of the military.

    “‘Not the military’ is what civil society is supposed to mean,” he says. “They’re not supposed to be partners.”

    Democracy relies on the dynamic tension between liberalizing institutions like the press, NGOs, and the media, but the CIC seeks to unite these groups and homogenize information flow. This is not only morally wrong, but ridiculous: there’s no way to keep a cap on 8 billion voices forever. The people you’ll be reading about in this series want to try, however. How? Raw numbers. Money. The sheer application of political will and computing power. As you’ll read and see, if they have to build one NGO for every human on earth, they’ll do it.

    Franz Kafka dreamed up the “one gatekeeper per person” idea over a century ago as ironic metaphor in Before the Law, but the modern United States is moving in that direction as political reality. It’s the ultimate convergence of the huge-scale-waste approach to governance as perfected across generations of forever wars and Pentagon spending, and the authoritarian thinking that flowered all over in response to episodes like 9/11, Brexit, and the election of Donald Trump. The core concept is too much democracy and freedom leads to mischief, and since the desire for these things can’t be stamped out all at once but instead must be squashed in every person over and over and endlessly, the job requires a massive investment, and a gigantic bureaucracy to match.

    How gigantic? Read on, starting with today’s threads, and Matt’s mind-boggling video. Stay tuned to this space for more.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 21:45

  • WHO Cites "Huge Biological Risk" As Sudan Fighters Seize Lab Containing Deadly Pathogens
    WHO Cites “Huge Biological Risk” As Sudan Fighters Seize Lab Containing Deadly Pathogens

    The World Health Organization (WHO) says there’s a “huge biological risk” after Sudanese rebels of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) seized the country’s National Public Health Laboratory in the capital Khartoum on Tuesday. 

    A US-brokered 72-hour truce deal appears to have already collapsed, given war correspondents widely reported hearing gunfire persist into the evening. The top-ranking WHO official in Sudan, Nima Saeed Abid, called the development “extremely dangerous because we have polio isolates in the lab, we have measles isolates in the lab, we have cholera isolates in the lab.”

    Khartoum’s damaged international airport. Fighting has raged since April 15 between the national military and RSF fighters.

    CNN is reporting that the RSF is now in control of the lab, citing a a high-ranking medical source, who told the outlet: “There is a huge biological risk associated with the occupation of the central public health lab in Khartoum by one of the fighting parties.”

    The WHO additionally confirmed that “trained laboratory technicians no longer have access to the laboratory.” This is a serious crisis given the persisting power outages across the capital area throughout the more than week of fighting, which has killed around 500 people and injured thousands more.

    The WHO is warning that there’s a risk of spoilage and potential for leaks of deadly pathogens, given “it is not possible to properly manage the biological materials that are stored in the laboratory for medical purposes.”

    In the most alarming part of the report, the CNN medical source said

    The medical source told CNN that “the danger lies in the outbreak of any armed confrontation in the laboratory because that will turn the laboratory into a germ bomb.”

    “An urgent and rapid international intervention is required to restore electricity and secure the laboratory from any armed confrontation because we are facing a real biological danger,” the source added.

    Sudan now stands once again on the brink of full-blown civil war after already having been in a state civil war on and off again for the better part of a half century.

    One wonders what sensitive bio-labs with highly dangerous samples including deadly diseases are doing there in the first place

    Recently, the safety of biological labs has been a serious question also when it comes to the Ukraine conflict. Thus far, there have been no known disasters relatedly to germs or diseases amid the Russia-Ukraine war.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 21:25

  • Mother Of 7 Denied Kidney Transplant For Refusing COVID Shot In Georgia
    Mother Of 7 Denied Kidney Transplant For Refusing COVID Shot In Georgia

    Authored by Steven Kovac via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    On dialysis and potentially facing death, a 41-year-old homeschooling mother of seven young children has been rejected as a candidate for a life-saving kidney transplant by Emory Healthcare Inc. of Atlanta.

    A person holds a dose of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine before it is administered in a clinical trial in Aurora, Colo., on Dec. 15, 2020. (Michael Ciaglo/Getty Images)

    The reason? The woman, who has already had COVID-19, refused to receive the COVID-19 vaccine on religious and medical grounds.

    To protect her privacy, the patient will be referred to in this article as Jane Doe.

    Emory Healthcare did not respond to a request for comment.

    Affiliated with Emory University, Emory Healthcare is one of the leading organ transplant centers in the South.

    According to Liberty Counsel (LC), a national non-profit legal organization helping Doe, she was referred to Emory by her nephrologist after suddenly coming down with end-stage kidney disease.

    The seriousness of Doe’s condition necessitates her undergoing dialysis three times a week to keep her alive.

    Following an evaluation by one of the transplant center’s nurse practitioners, Doe was initially found to be an acceptable candidate for a new kidney, even though Doe reported she had not been vaccinated against COVID-19.

    Life or Death Decision

    Doe’s hopes were soon dashed when, after another consultation with Emory staffers, a social worker informed her that she could not move forward to the transplant program’s “active waiting list” until she took the shot.

    Emory Healthcare is one of 35 percent of the nation’s transplant centers that are still requiring their patients to be vaccinated for COVID-19, according to a Liberty Counsel analysis.

    This is despite the fact that on April 11, President Joe Biden declared the national emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic officially over.

    On April 17, LC sent a letter to Emory Healthcare requesting that no later than April 30, Doe be granted religious and medical exemptions from its COVID-19 vaccination mandate and asked that she be reactivated and placed on the kidney transplant active waiting list.

    Religious Convictions

    The nine-page letter alleges that every available COVID-19 vaccine is associated with aborted “fetal cell lines.”

    It cites evidence from the public health departments of North Dakota and Louisiana as proof.

    Doe, a devout Roman Catholic, is opposed to ingesting or being injected with such vaccines based on her religious beliefs.

    The Liberty Counsel also informed Emory Healthcare that there were strong medical reasons for Doe’s refusal to get the jab.

    Standing on Natural Immunity

    The demand letter stated that Doe had already recovered from a bout with COVID and that her antibody numbers were actually stronger than those found in many people who were fully vaccinated for 90 days.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 21:05

  • Is Saudi Arabia Selling Oil To China For Gold?
    Is Saudi Arabia Selling Oil To China For Gold?

    By Jan Nieuwenhuijs of Gainesville Coins

    Rumors are making rounds that Saudi Arabia is selling oil for yuan, which it converts into gold on the Shanghai International Gold Exchange (SGEI). Such a development would make sense as large parts of the world want to de-dollarize, but the renminbi is not suitable to be used as a reserve currency. China has a closed capital account and a weak rule of law. Not using the dollar could be done by using the renminbi as a trade currency and converting yuan revenue into gold on the SGEI. If the rumor is true, Saudi Arabia is buying 1 Kg bars as there is virtually no trading in 12.5 Kg bars on the SGEI. The benefit of 1 Kg bars is that they are more fitting for fully allocated trading.

    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia remains one of the world’s leading producers of crude oil.

    The SGEI was set up in 2014 for foreigners to access gold trading on the Shanghai Gold Exchange Main Board in the Chinese domestic gold market and trading on the International Board in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (SFTZ). Foreigner entities can’t load-in and load-out gold into and from Main Board certified vaults, but they can load-in and load-out gold into and from International Board certified vaults (and thus import into and export from the SFTZ).

    The objective of the International Board is to facilitate “offshore” gold trading in renminbi in the SFTZ, which has almost no effect on China’s current account. This is comparable to offshore gold trading in US dollars in London (offshore dollars pricing internationally traded commodities). Through the SGEI China wants to increase the role of the renminbi in the global economy.

    Overview from a few years ago on domestic and foreign clients’ SGE(I) trading privileges (source: Spot Trading Rules of the Shanghai Gold Exchange). I can’t find an update of this overview on the SGE(I) website, but I don’t expect the essence has changed. As you can see, the SGEI is the International Board and the SGE is the Main Board. Both exchanges fall under the same umbrella.

    Investment possibilities for foreigners in Chinese financial assets are limited, but there are no restrictions to converting yuan into gold on the SGEI. I will write more on the mechanics of the Chinese gold market in a forthcoming article because this will be important in the coming years with respect to de-dollarization.

    Last week, Christopher Wood from Jefferies mentioned in a note that the Saudis might be converting yuan into gold on the SGEI (full note available to pro subs in the usual place):

    Source: Chris Wood from Jefferies

    If Saudi Arabia would convert yuan into gold on the SGEI, I would expect them to buy large bars weighing 400 ounces (12.5 Kg). Data from the SGE and SGEI, though, reveals there has practically been no trading in 12.5 Kg bars since the SGE was erected in October 2002.

    Weekly Shanghai Gold Exchange trading volume (12.5 Kg contracts)

    In the above chart volume is shown for exchange trading of 12.5 Kg contracts. Not shown, over-the-counter (OTC) trading in the 12.5 Kg contract on the International Board was zero in the past year. OTC trading in the 12.5 kg contract on the Main Board isn’t reported, which makes me think it’s not existent. All in all, large bar trading on the SGE(I) is extremely low.

    Based on 12.5 Kg contract trading volume on the SGE(I) it’s hard to prove the rumor is true, which doesn’t mean it can’t be true. Saudi Arabia can also buy 1 Kg bars on the SGEI (and SGE, but it wouldn’t be able to export gold traded on the Main Board). Trading in 1 Kg contracts on the SGEI (iAu9999) and SGE (Au99.99) is not subdued. Although, there hasn’t been a significant uptick in trading of iAu9999 recently.

    Weekly Shanghai Gold Exchange trading volume (1 Kg contracts)

    Interestingly, according to my sources, in China’s foreign exchange market (CFETS) all gold traded is settled and cleared through the SGE and is fully allocated. One of the reasons for this is because the underlying assets are the SGE 1 Kg (9999 fine) and 3 Kg (9995) contracts. In Western foreign exchange markets, the underlying for gold trading is usually the LBMA Good Delivery bar that weighs approximately 400 ounces, which is more convenient to trade on an unallocated basis. As an example, exchanging exactly 20,000 ounces in London is easy on an unallocated basis, while it’s difficult to collect a batch of large bars that together weigh precisely 20,000 ounces. Perhaps Asia is shifting to an alternative benchmark and that’s why the Saudis are buying 1 Kg bars? Time will tell.

    Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, visited Saudi Arabia in December 2022 where he pledged to continue buying oil and gas from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations, and proposed these trades to be settled in yuan. From Xi:

    China will continue to import large quantities of crude oil from GCC countries, expand imports of liquefied natural gas, strengthen cooperation in upstream oil and gas development, engineering services, storage, transportation and refining, and make full use of the Shanghai Petroleum and National Gas Exchange as a platform to carry out yuan settlement of oil and gas trade…

    Shortly after, in January 2023, Saudi Arabia shared it’s open to discussions about trade in currencies other than the US dollar, according to the kingdom’s finance minister.

    The Wall Street Journal wrote in March 2023 that, “Saudi Arabia is in active talks with Beijing to price some of its oil sales to China in yuan.”

    These statements tell us there is a will in both countries to de-dollarize. Selling oil for yuan and then converting those into gold would be a logical step, given the renminbi’s shortcomings as a reserve currency. But I would like to see more evidence before confirming this trend.

    A few months ago, a person familiar with the matter but who prefers to stay anonymous told me Saudi Arabia is covertly buying gold, though he refrained from saying where it was bought. Perhaps the Saudis are slowly working on a transition; de-dollarization isn’t done overnight.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 20:25

  • This Don Lemon Interview With GOP Candidate Was The Last Straw: NYT
    This Don Lemon Interview With GOP Candidate Was The Last Straw: NYT

    The insufferable Don Lemon’s long-overdue ousting from CNN ultimately sprang from his discourse-stifling, race-baiting interview of GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, sources tell The New York Times

    Last Wednesday, Ramaswamy appeared on “CNN This Morning,” the show Lemon co-hosted with Kaitlin Collins and Poppy Harlow after his September demotion from prime time.

    When Ramaswamy said Lemon was doing a “disserrvice to our country by failing to recognize” the enormous progress blacks have made in securing rights since 1865 and 1964, things went downhill quickly, with Lemon sanctimoniously telling Vivek that he wasn’t authorized to talk about black history. 

    You see, while Ramaswamy is a man of color, it isn’t the right one. “When you are in black skin and then you live in this country…then you can disagree with me,” said Lemon.

    Harlow sat silently, alternately watching the spectacle, looking at her phone and elsewhere. Meanwhile, it appeared CNN producers were trying to pull Lemon back from the cliff — only to receive an on-air scolding. “Please. I cannot keep a thought if you guys are talking in my ear. So hang on one second,” he said, ordering the producers to stop talking as he similarly worked to bring Ramaswamy to heel.  

    If he hadn’t already done so, it’s safe to say Lemon sealed his fate with one particular line down the stretch — as he told Ramaswamy it was “insulting” for him to be “sitting there, whatever ethnicity you are, ‘splaining to me what it’s like to be black in America.”

    Citing anonymous sources, the Times reported that the segment “left several CNN leaders exasperated.” 

    Lemon had already been on thin ice, having been demoted from prime time to a morning slot six months ago. Even though he was in network rehabilitation mode, he continued piling on reasons for his CNN masters to eject him altogether.  

    In December, the crew of “CNN This Morning” reportedly witnessed an unsettling backstage argument between Lemon and Kaitlin Collins, one of his co-hosts. Lemon had apparently scolded her for repeatedly interrupting him. 

    In February, Lemon said GOP candidate Nikki Haley — at age 51 — “isn’t in her prime, sorry…A woman is considered to be in her prime in her 20s and 30s and maybe 40s.” When his female co-hosts pushed back, he shut them down by declaring “I’m just saying what the facts are — Google it.” He apologized and submitted to a CNN training program. 

    That reportedly prompted his female co-hosts to storm off for a “well-timed bathroom break.” Sensitive, PC types would have raised a ruckus if a host on any network said what Lemon had said about women — the fact that it happened on CNN made it all the more noteworthy. The same can be said for his “whatever ethnicity you are” line with Ramaswamy.  

    It’s interesting that, between Haley and Ramaswamy, two GOP candidates played central roles in sweeping Lemon off the screen.  

    CNN bookers had recently observed that fewer guests wanted to be interviewed by Lemon, just as internal research documented a drop in his popularity. 

    Barring a personality change, moving Lemon to a morning show was a terrible attempt at salvaging a lost cause. As the Times put it:   

    “Mr. Lemon imported [his spiky-exchange and pull-no-punches] persona to “CNN This Morning,” but it was an awkward fit for an hour when many viewers — making breakfast and getting children off to school — want easygoing patter, not thundering monologues.”

    The divorce was already off to a messy start, as Lemon and CNN tweeted contradictory characterizations of how his termination was handled.

    Expect more fur to fly: Lemon has retained Hollywood lawyer Bryan Freedman to advise him on his exit from CNN, where his current contract was to continue until 2026. Big-media litigation makes for strange bedfellows: Tucker Carlson has hired Freedman too

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 20:25

  • Born With It? Dylan Mulvaney Partners With Maybelline, Prompting Calls For New Boycott
    Born With It? Dylan Mulvaney Partners With Maybelline, Prompting Calls For New Boycott

    Trans activist Dylan Mulvaney has scored another paycheck – this time with Maybelline cosmetics.

    And just like the backlash over his ill-fated Bud Light ad, Mulvaney – a biological male whose ditzy female persona is deeply offensive to women – the Maybelline sponsorship has prompted a similar response.

    Is it really necessary to constantly reduce women to cultural stereotypes and caricatures? Please do better…” wrote one commenter on Mulvaney’s Instagram feed.

    “Womanhood is not a costume you can put on,” wrote another.

    And before anyone goes to their default comment calling anyone who disagrees with them “transphobic”- I’m not afraid of Dylan. I don’t hate Dylan. Dylan seems like a bubbly and sweet person. But Dylan is not a woman, and dressing up in pink clothes and acting like an offensive stereotype caricature of a woman doesn’t make him one. I hope he gets the help he needs. Having the world support his delusions and cater to them isn’t doing him any good. This is a mental health crisis, not a showing of “bravery”. -via Instagram

    The comments continued on Twitter;

    More via MarketWatch:

    Adding to the ongoing issues: Two Bud Light marketing executives are now on company leave, according to news reports.

    MarketWatch reached out to representatives for L’Oréal OR , the parent company of Maybelline, and Anheuser-Busch BUD , the parent company of Bud Light, for comment, but didn’t receive an immediate response.

    Earlier this month, an Anheuser-Busch spokesperson told MarketWatch that the company “works with hundreds of influencers across our brands as one of many ways to authentically connect with audiences across various demographics.”

    Sorry feminists, you had a good run.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 20:05

  • Ukraine Postponed Attacks Inside Russia Due To US Pressure: Leaked Intel
    Ukraine Postponed Attacks Inside Russia Due To US Pressure: Leaked Intel

    Authored by Dave DeCamp via,

    The Washington Post reported Monday that Ukraine’s military intelligence directorate, known as HUR, was planning major strikes inside Russia in February that were postponed due to US pressure.

    The report cited documents allegedly leaked by Airman Jack Teixeira. According to a report from the National Security Agency, HUR chief Maj. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov instructed one officer “to get ready for mass strikes on 24 February … with everything the HUR had.” The date marked one year since Russia launched its invasion.

    Image: US Army/CBS News

    The US became aware of Budanov’s plans as it has been spying on Ukrainian officials. According to a CIA report dated February 22, the HUR had “agreed, at Washington’s request, to postpone strikes.” The Post said it wasn’t clear from the documents how the US pressured Kyiv to push back the operations.

    Throughout the war, Ukraine has launched small drone attacks and conducted other sabotage operations inside Russia. It’s not clear what Budanov meant by “mass strikes.” One plan mentioned by the Post was using TNT to attack the Black Sea port city of Novorossiysk.

    The Post report suggests the US didn’t want Budanov to follow through on his plans over concerns of a Russian escalation, but there are indications that the US has helped Kyiv with other attacks inside Russia.

    After Ukrainian drones hit airfields deep inside Russia in December,  NATO military sources told Asia Times that the drones used US satellite GPS data to hit their targets despite Biden administration claims that the US didn’t “encourage nor enable” the attacks.

    Another leaked document that was first reported on earlier this month suggested Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would use long-range US weapons to hit targets inside Russia despite assurances that he wouldn’t.

    The document said Zelensky “expressed concern” that Kyiv didn’t possess long-range weapons to hit Russian targets in Rostov during a conversation with Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Valeriy Zaluzhny and another unnamed official.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 19:45

  • McDonald's CEO Says Consumers Starting To 'Push Back' Against Higher Burger Prices
    McDonald’s CEO Says Consumers Starting To ‘Push Back’ Against Higher Burger Prices

    You know the economic storm clouds are gathering whenever McDonald’s becomes unaffordable for the working poor tier of the consumer base. 

    CNBC reports McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski said consumers are beginning to push back (in some regional markets) against higher prices and ordering fewer menu items. 

    A $9 burger meal might not be within everyone’s budget.

    Kempczinski said that consumers’ resistance to higher prices has come from going “off script” from the models it uses to determine pricing. 

    “When we execute where we know we have pricing power, we do quite well, but what we do find as we try to take pricing in the areas that are maybe a little bit more sensitive, the consumer pushes back on it,” he said. 

    Additionally, Kempczinski said customers are less likely to add extras to their orders, and items per transaction have fallen by the low single-digits. 

    Kempczinski’s comments come as the consumer confidence index slipped in April as macroeconomic headwinds mount. Consumers have been battered by 24 months of negative real wage growth as inflation crushes households. 

    About 70% of Americans admitted in a recent CNBC survey feeling financially stressed by inflation and lack of savings. Many consumers have maxed out their credit cards, while some are beginning to miss payments. There’s also a rise in home foreclosures, which points to a rapid deterioration of the consumer base. Remember that an increasing number of folks can’t afford their $1,000 monthly auto payment. 

    The first report of consumers trading down items at McDonald’s was nearly one year ago (read: “State Of The US Consumer: McDonald’s Customers Trading Down, Buy Value Items As Combos Increasingly Unaffordable”), and that’s a period when consumers were still flush with stimmy checks and other government handouts. Now it’s gone, and some consumers are already trading down from fast food restaurants to “Dollar Tree Dinners.” 

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 19:25

  • Abundant Russian Supply Causes Drop In Refinery Margins
    Abundant Russian Supply Causes Drop In Refinery Margins

    By Charles Kennedy of,

    Global refining margins have halved since February as Russian crude exports remain elevated despite sanctions, boosting fuel output from China and India, Reuters has reported, noting the coming boost in global refining capacity.

    In March, refinery output from China and India—Russia’s biggest oil clients currently—hit a record and exports of fuels are also up.

    That’s despite price caps on Russian crude oil and fuel exports aimed at curbing revenues. The caps were also widely expected to shrink Russia’s crude oil exports, thus squeezing global supply of crude oil and, consequently, fuels.

    At the same time, Russia is also exporting a lot of ready fuels that are stored at oil hubs, ready for re-exporting, Reuters also noted in its report.

    Refining margins are set for a further slump later in the year as well, as new refineries come online in China and the Middle East, which will further boost fuel output.

    The expected refining capacity increases will also affect U.S. refiners’ margins, Reuters reported separately earlier this week. The U.S. refining industry booked a strong first quarter on robust export demand but this is about to change as competition from Asia intensifies.

    “It’s looking like another really strong quarter for U.S. refiners and their balance sheets are in great shape, but in the second quarter things are really starting to come down,” Tudor Pickering Holt and Co. refining analyst Matthew Blair told the news agency.

    China is now the leader in refining capacity, overtaking the United States last year, with 18.4 million bpd in total. This will grow further this year, cementing it at the number-one spot.

    Last month, Chinese refiners booked record run rates at 14.9 million barrels daily, with the average for the first three months of the year up 5.2 percent on the first quarter of 2022.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 19:05

  • Trudeau Slammed After Claiming He Never 'Forced' Anyone To Take COVID-19 Vaccine
    Trudeau Slammed After Claiming He Never ‘Forced’ Anyone To Take COVID-19 Vaccine

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tried to Jedi mind trick an audience on Monday at the University of Ottawa, claiming that he never forced anybody to get the Covid-19 vaccine, despite his government legislating some of the strictest vaccine mandates in the world.

    “My responsibility is to keep as many Canadians alive as possible and all of the scientists and the medical experts and the researchers, not just in Canada but around the world, understood that vaccination was going to be the way through this,” said Trudeau, adding “Therefore, while not forcing anyone to get vaccinated, I chose to make sure that all of the incentives and protections were there to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated and that’s exactly what they did.”

    Except, as True North news noted during the height of the pandemic, Canada was ranked the 10th most restrictive country in the world in terms of government Covid-19 measures, according to the University of Oxford’s Covid-19 Government Response Stringency Index.

    People are calling out Trudeau left and right

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 18:45

  • RFK Jr. Responds To DNC’s Plans To Skip Primary Debates: 'The System Is Indeed Rigged'
    RFK Jr. Responds To DNC’s Plans To Skip Primary Debates: ‘The System Is Indeed Rigged’

    Authored by Samantha Flom and Jan Jekielek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    A Democratic National Committee (DNC) decision to forgo primary debates would serve as confirmation to American voters that the nation’s elections are “rigged,” according to Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

    Debates and town halls are part of the democratic process,” Kennedy told The Epoch Times’ Jan Jekielek on April 24. “We’re living in a time when there’s a lot of Americans who believe our democracy is broken. And I think both political parties have to bend over backwards to start restoring faith in democracy and electional integrity.

    “Americans think the entire system is rigged against them,” he added. “And if the DNC goes through with this—its plan to not have debate—I think that will serve as … an unfortunate confirmation to a lot of Americans that the system is indeed rigged.”

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founder of the nonprofit Children’s Health Defense, in Los Angeles, Calif., on Feb. 6, 2023. (York Du/The Epoch Times)


    Kennedy’s comments came amid rumors that Biden may formally announce his 2024 presidential campaign this week, given that April 25 marks the anniversary of the date he entered the 2020 presidential race in 2019.

    Although Biden has been candid about his intention to run for reelection, speculation as to when a formal announcement might come has been mounting for months. And with two other Democrats—Kennedy and author Marianne Williamson—now in the race, questions about debates have begun to crop up as well.

    However, according to a Washington Post report, the Democratic Party has “no plans to sponsor primary debates,” even with multiple candidates vying for the party’s nomination.

    While declining to speculate on why the party would have made that decision, Kennedy stressed that such a move would defy democracy itself.

    You need to let the public decide who they want for leadership, rather than party commissars like they did in the Soviet Union or in China,” he asserted.

    Kennedy is not the only Democrat to decry the DNC’s plans. Williamson weighed in on the matter as well.

    “The DNC ‘plans no primary debates,’” she said in a tweet. “As though there simply ARE no other candidates … no other ideas we should discuss about ways to win in 2024, or other ideas we should discuss about ways to repair the country. Too many people are too smart to accept this.”

    Likewise, progressive activist Nina Turner, a former surrogate for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaigns, slammed the decision as “undemocratic,” holding that it “robs the voters of choice.”

    No one who feels confident in their record and/or ideas would hesitate to stand on them,” she wrote on Twitter. “The DNC should hold debates. This is supposed to be a democratic process.”

    The DNC did not respond to an inquiry from The Epoch Times.

    Backing Biden

    At its winter meeting in February, the DNC unanimously expressed its “full and complete support” for Biden’s reelection, just weeks after news broke that he was under federal investigation over his handling of classified documents.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 04/25/2023 – 18:25

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Today’s News 25th April 2023

  • Escobar: The Empire's Revenge – Set Fire To Southern Eurasia
    Escobar: The Empire’s Revenge – Set Fire To Southern Eurasia

    Authored by Pepe Escobar,

    The collective cognitive dissonance displayed by the pack of hyenas with polished faces driving U.S. foreign policy should never be underestimated.

    And yet those Straussian neo-con psychos have been able to pull off a tactical success.

    Europe is a ship of fools heading for Scylla and Charybdis – with quislings such as France’s Le Petit Roi and Germany’s Liver Sausage Chancellor cooperating in the debacle, complete with the galleries drowning in a maelstrom of  hysterical moralism.

    It’s those driving the Hegemon that are destroying Europe. Not Russia.

    But then there’s The Big Picture of The New Great Game 2.0.

    Two Russian analysts, by different means, have come up with an astonishing, quite complementary, and quite realistic road map.

    General Andrei Gurulyov, retired, is now a member of the Duma. He considers that the NATO vs. Russia war on Ukrainian soil will end only by 2030 – when Ukraine would basically have ceased to exist.

    His deadline is 2027-2030 – something that no one so far has dared to predict. And “ceasing to exist”, per Gurulyov, means actually disappearing from any map. Implied is the logical conclusion of the Special Military Operation – reiterated over and over again by the Kremlin and the Security Council: the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine; neutral status; no NATO membership; and “indivisibility of security”, equally, for Europe and the post-Soviet space.

    So until we have these facts on the ground, Gurulyov is essentially saying that the Kremlin and the Russian General Staff will make no concessions. No Beltway-imposed “frozen conflict” or fake ceasefire, which everyone knows will not be respected, just like the Minsk agreements were never respected.

    And yet Moscow, we got a problem. As much as the Kremlin may always insist this is not a war against the Slavic Ukrainian brothers and cousins – which translates into no American-style Shock’n Awe pulverizing everything in sight – Gurulyov’s verdict implies the destruction of the current, cancerous, corrupt Ukrainian state is a must.

    comprehensive sitrep of the crucial crossroads, as it stands, correctly argues that if Russia was in Afghanistan for 10 years, and in Chechnya, all periods combined, for another 10 years, the current SMO – otherwise described by some very powerful people in Moscow as an “almost war” – and on top of it against the full force of NATO, could well last another 7 years.

    The sitrep also correctly argues that for Russia the kinetic aspect of the “almost war” is not even the most relevant.

    In what for all practical purposes is a war to the death against Western neoliberalism, what really matters is a Russian Great Awakening – already in effect: “Russia’s goal is to emerge in 2027-2030 not as a mere ‘victor’ standing over the ruins of some already-forgotten country, but as a state that has re-connected with its historic arc, has found itself, re-established its principles, its courage in defending its vision of the world.”

    Yes, this is a civilizational war, as Alexander Dugin has masterfully argued. And this is about a civilizational rebirth.

    And yet, for the Straussian neo-con psychos, that’s just another racket towards plunging Russia into chaos, installing a puppet and stealing its natural resources.

    Fire in the hole

    The analysis by Andrei Bezrukov neatly complements Gurulyov’s (here, in Russian). Bezrukov is a former colonel in the SVR (Russian foreign intel) and now a Professor of the Chair of Applied Analysis of International Problems at MGIMO and the chairman of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy think tank.

    Bezrukov knows that the Empire will not take the incoming, massive NATO humiliation in Ukraine lying down. And even before the possible 2027-2030 timeline proposed by Gurulyov, he argues, it is bound to set fire to southern Eurasia – from Turkey to China.

    President Xi Jinping, in his memorable visit to the Kremlin last month, told President Putin the world is now undergoing changes “not seen in 100 years”.

    Bezrukov, appropriately, reminds us of the state of things then: “In the years from 1914 to 1945, the world was in the same intermediate state that it is in now. Those thirty years changed the world completely: from empires and horses to the emergence of two nuclear powers, the UN, and transatlantic flight. We are entering a similar period, which this time will last about twenty years.”

    Europe, predictably, will “whither away”, as “it is no longer the absolute center of the universe.” Amidst this redistribution of power, Bezrukov goes back to one of the key points of a seminal analysis developed in the recent past by Andre Gunder Frank: “200-250 years ago, 70 percent of manufacturing was in China and India. We are going back to about there, which will also correspond to population size.”

    So it’s no wonder that the fastest-developing region – which Bezrukov characterizes as “southern Eurasia” – may become a “risk zone”, potentially converted by the Hegemon into a massive power keg.

    He outlines how southern Eurasia is peppered by conflicting borders – as in Kashmir, Armenia-Azerbaijan, Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan. The Hegemon is bound to invest in a flare-up of military conflicts over disputed borders as well as separatist tendencies (for instance in Balochistan). CIA black ops galore.

    Still Russia will be able to get by, according to Bezrukov: “Russia has very big advantages, because we are the biggest producer of food and supplier of energy. And without cheap energy there will be no progress and digitalization. Also, we are the link between East and West, without which the continent cannot live, because the continent has to trade. And if the South burns, the main routes will not be through the oceans in the South, but in the North, mainly overland.”

    The biggest challenge for Russia will be to keep internal stability: “All states will divide into two groups at this historic turning point: those that can maintain internal stability and move reasonably, bloodlessly into the next technological cycle – and then those that are unable to do so, that slip off the path, that bloom a bloody internal showdown like we had a hundred years ago. The latter will be set back ten to twenty years, will subsequently lick their wounds and try to catch up with everyone else. So our job is to maintain internal stability.”

    And that’s where the Great Awakening hinted at by Gurulyov, or Russia reconnecting with its true civilizational ethos, as Dugin would argue, will play its unifying role.

    There’s still a long way to go – and a war against NATO to win.

    Meanwhile, in other news, Hegemon hacks are spinning that the North Atlantic has relocated to South China. Goodnight, and good luck.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 23:40

  • Job Recruiter Warns Tech Layoff Cycle "Not Done Yet"
    Job Recruiter Warns Tech Layoff Cycle “Not Done Yet”

    The biggest threat to the US economy is a credit crunch in regional banks with the possibility of spillover into commercial real estate. This issue is exacerbated by the Federal Reserve’s aggressive monetary tightening to tame the hottest inflation in four decades, increasing the likelihood of an economic downturn. Consequently, due to the mounting uncertainty, one job recruitment firm warns the layoff cycle is far from over. 

    On Monday morning, Yahoo Finance Live’s Julie Hyman asked RecruitGyan Founder and CEO Neha Naik, “Where do you think we are in the layoff cycle?” 

    Naik responded, “We are definitely not done yet. I definitely think there is more to come, and it’s primarily because – not just recession – but there was overstocking of workers during the pandemic.” 

    She said, “All the companies are getting rid of employees they overstocked in the last two years — and obviously with the upcoming recession — tech companies have a couple of choices: first is to increase prices, second is to sell more services, and or third is to layoff employees to maintain profit margins.” 

    Naik pointed out that founders and officers of tech companies are paring down risks amid “the upcoming recession.”

    Watch the full interview.

    So far this year, 608 tech companies have laid off 173,880 employees. And judging by Naik’s interview with Yahoo, that number might steadily increase through the year’s second half. 

    Naik noted her firm can still place tech workers from top firms in 6 to 9 weeks. 

    While the economic storm clouds gather, expect even more tech layoffs in the months ahead. 

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 23:20

  • Remote Work Is "Bulls**t", Says CRE Billionaire Sam Zell
    Remote Work Is “Bulls**t”, Says CRE Billionaire Sam Zell

    Real estate mogul Sam Zell told an audience of New York University graduate students that remote work is a “bunch of bullshit” and they should dismiss the idea of working from home, according to commercial real estate news website GlobeSt

    “One of the biggest lies in the world is that people working from home are more productive than people working in the office,” Zell told the audience at NYU SPS Schack Institute of Real Estate’s annual REIT Symposium, held at NYC’s Pierre Hotel on Fifth Avenue, on Wednesday. 

    “You have much less productivity if you’re working from home in your pajamas with three little kids running around than if you’re in an office,” he continued. 

    When asked about the current state of the office market and the impact of work, Zell provided this answer: 

    “I wouldn’t want to be an owner of a lot of Class B offices right now.” 

    The billionaire made it clear that remote work trends are temporary: 

     “On the first day of Covid, nobody was in our office. Six months later, everyone was in our office—and they have been for over two years.” 

    He said many professional skills critical for young people are developed in office environments, and working from home stymies that. 

    “There’s an enormous difference between a Zoom board meeting and a meeting in person.

    “A Zoom board meeting is a board meeting where everyone sits and listens to recitations. An in-person meeting is where the real discussion takes place.”

    Zell’s view on remote work is biased, considering he’s made much of his fortune in the CRE space, and remote work has led to rising vacancy rates and sliding property value.

    The gold-standard measure of office occupancy trends is the card-swipe data provided by Kastle Systems. The average office occupancy nationwide is around 46%, still well off the highs from pre-pandemic levels. 

    We have cited the regional bank turmoil as likely going to have spillover effects in the CRE space — especially the office sector. JPMMorgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs have all joined the gloom parade, warning about impending CRE turmoil.  

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 22:40

  • Montana Transgender Lawmaker Censured For 'Hateful' Comments
    Montana Transgender Lawmaker Censured For ‘Hateful’ Comments

    Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    A transgender lawmaker from Montana has been censured in the House after the individual made “hateful rhetoric” while debating a bill ending transgender procedures for minors.

    A transgender individual shows a testosterone ampoule at a hospital in Santiago, Chile, on Jan. 8, 2020. (Claudio Reyes/AFP via Getty Images)

    The SB 99 bill, also known as the “Youth Health Protection Act,” bans minors in the state from receiving surgical procedures, puberty blockers, and hormones.

    “The only thing I will say is if you vote yes on this bill and yes on these amendments I hope the next time there’s an invocation when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands,” state Rep. Zooey Zephyr, a Democrat, said during the House debate on Tuesday, referring to the chamber’s opening prayer. Zephyr is the first transgender lawmaker in the history of the Montana Legislature.

    House Majority Leader Sue Vinton called Zephyr’s comments disrespectful. In the evening, the Montana Freedom Caucus, a group of conservative lawmakers, demanded that Zephyr be censured for “attempting to shame the Montana legislative body and by using inappropriate and uncalled-for language during a floor debate.”

    This kind of hateful rhetoric from an elected official is exactly why tragedies such as the Covenant Christian School shooting in Nashville occurred,” the caucus said in an April 18 press release.

    “Combined with former Montana Supreme Court Justice Jim Nelson’s recent calls for ‘jihad’ and a ‘fight to the death’, there is unmistakable evidence of a desire for some to engage in violence over political beliefs. This must stop.”

    On Thursday, Speaker Matt Regier did not allow Zephyr to speak against a bill that sought to define male and female in binary terms in the state code. On Friday, Zephyr was once more prevented from speaking on a bill that sought to block minors from seeing porn online.

    Regier’s decision to prohibit Zephyr from speaking was taken after consultation with other lawmakers, according to The Associated Press. Though Democrats raised objections, the decision was eventually upheld in party-line votes.

    Protecting Minors

    SB 99 seeks to “prohibit certain medical and surgical treatments to treat minors with gender dysphoria.” A person is prohibited from “knowingly” offering medical treatments to a minor to address the child’s perception that their gender or sex is different from their birth gender or sex. Such treatments include surgical procedures, puberty blockers, and doses of testosterone or other androgens.

    Physicians or health care professionals who violate these rules will be deemed as having engaged in “unprofessional conduct.”

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 22:20

  • Majority Of US Voters Think 'Cheating' Affected Outcome Of 2022 Midterm Elections
    Majority Of US Voters Think ‘Cheating’ Affected Outcome Of 2022 Midterm Elections

    According to a new poll, 60% of US voters say it’s likely that ‘cheating’ affected the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections, while 35% of voters don’t think cheating was a factor in some races, Rasmussen reports in a Thursday poll.

    Of the 60% who said yes, 37% of them said it was ‘very likely’ the case.

    By party, 48% of Democrats think cheating was a factor in the 2022 midterms, compared to 78% of Republicans.

    62% of those polled also say they think the government is likely “ignoring evidence of widespread election fraud.”

    The survey of 915 likely US voters was conducted on April 17-19, 2023 by Rasmussen Reports, and has a margin of error of +/- 3%, with a 95% level of confidence.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 22:00

  • Ghost Particle: A Neutron That Could Solve The Mystery Of Existence
    Ghost Particle: A Neutron That Could Solve The Mystery Of Existence

    Authored by Sumaya Hazarika via The Epoch Times,

    “Truly the universe is full of ghosts, not sheeted churchyards specters, but the inextinguishable elements of individual life, which having once been, can never die, though they blend and change, and change again forever.”

    – H. Rider Haggard

    When we think about the universe, it simply seems vast with boundless space filled with large and minute particles unknown to human beings. Undoubtedly, there is a lot that we have come to understand about our planet, the universe, and also ourselves, but what if everything we know is only a fraction of the vastness that is the universe?

    The study of “ghost particles,” or neutrinos, must make scientists feel the same way. We know everything and nothing at the same time. The ultimate paradox.

    A neutrino, as the name suggests, is electrically neutral and a fundamental particle, which means it is not composed of other particles like electrons, quarks, antiquarks, etc. Because of its small mass (earlier considered to be zero), neutrinos have a very weak gravitational interaction making it able to pass through normal matter unimpeded and undetected.

    Multi-wavelength compilation image of Kepler’s supernova remnant, SN 1604. (NASA/wikimedia)

    They are the most abundant particles in the universe that least interact with any other matter.

    To think about it, we are living in a world of countless trillions of neutrinos that can pass through us like we don’t exist. The combination of this ghostly presence and the important role they play in our universe is what’s captivating our physicists.

    Proposed in 1930 and later verified in 1950, a neutrino is a cosmic mystery to scientists (pdf) even decades after its discovery, as to:

    How much mass do they have? How many varieties of neutrinos exist? Do they have any magnetic properties? Are neutrinos their own antiparticles (antimatter)?

    In their latest book, physicist Alan Chodos and science journalist James Riordon explore this perplexing particle.

    “Ghost Particle: in search of the elusive and mysterious Neutrino” (2023) discusses the particle’s past and current discoveries, while they suggest it’s not just physicists who await those answers.

    Riordon says “neutrinos are incredibly important both for understanding the universe and our existence in it.” In simpler words, neutrinos can reveal how matter evolved from simple particles into more complex ones, creating everything around us.

    Are Neutrinos Their Own Antiparticles?

    Every single property discovery of neutrinos has been baffling and also intriguing for our researchers, the biggest being, whether the ghost particle is its own antimatter.

    If we are to believe in the Big Bang theory, the explosion should have created equal amounts of matter and antimatter, i.e the counterparts of electrons, protons and so on. Essentially, when matter and antimatter come into contact, they annihilate each other suggesting that our universe should be empty, but, evidently, that’s not the case. In contrast, the universe is filled with a lot of matter and a little antimatter, for reasons unknown.

    Physicists are still trying to understand the manner in which neutrinos interact with other particles, which is a challenge, as the particle has neutral charge with very low mass.

    Why Are Ghost Particles a Topic of Interest?

    The same property of neutrinos that makes them difficult to detect, i.e their weak interaction with surrounding particles, interests physicists, as this feature can be useful in probing environments that other radiations such as light or radio waves cannot penetrate.

    Another important role of a neutrino is in observation of supernovas, a luminous explosion of massive stars.

    The core collapse phase of a supernova is highly energetic, and so dense that no known particle is able to escape its core front, except for neutrinos.

    Neutrinos also have a crucial part to play in the research of “dark matter.” Its significance in probing cosmological phenomena is considered exceptional, and is thus a major focus of research in astrophysics.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 21:40

  • Global Military Spending Hits All-Time High As World War III Threats Persist
    Global Military Spending Hits All-Time High As World War III Threats Persist

    Whether it begins in Eastern Europe or the South China Sea, World War III threats are mounting with each passing week. The latest data shows global military spending increased for the eighth consecutive year in 2022 to an all-time high. The surge in European spending primarily drove this increase due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

    Global defense expenditures increased by 3.7% in real terms to a record high of $2.24 trillion in 2022, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) wrote in a report. 

    The sharpest rise was 13% in European arms budgets, the largest increase in 30 years. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has spurred many surrounding countries, as did ones in Asia due to rising tensions in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait, to increase spending. 

    Some of the sharpest military spending increases in Europe were in Finland (36 %), Lithuania (27%), Sweden (12%), and Poland (11%) — many of these countries are near Russia. The largest increases globally also include Qatar and Saudi Arabia. 

    Source: Bloomberg 

    “The continuous rise in global military expenditure in recent years is a sign that we are living in an increasingly insecure world,” said Dr. Nan Tian, Senior Researcher with SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme. 

    “States are bolstering military strength in response to a deteriorating security environment, which they do not foresee improving in the near future,” Tian said. 

    SIPRI estimated that military aid to Ukraine from the US was around $19.9 billion, which accounted for a 2.3% increase in total US military spending last year. The US is still the world’s biggest military spender, nearly reaching $900 billion in 2022 (Maybe $1 trillion soon?). China is the second largest military spending, then Russia. 

    Combine the military spending of the three largest arms spenders US, China, and Russia, and they all accounted for 56% of global expenditures. 

    Surging military spending is a symptom of an increasingly insecure world.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 21:20

  • Tucker Carlson Fired By Lachlan Murdoch; Here's What We Know
    Tucker Carlson Fired By Lachlan Murdoch; Here’s What We Know

    Update (2114ET): After an entire day wondering why in the hell Fox News would can the highest-rated cable news host in the world, ever, the New York Times comes out with this;


    The decision to let Mr. Carlson go was made on Friday night by Lachlan Murdoch, the chief executive of Fox Corporation, and Suzanne Scott, chief executive of Fox News Media, according to a person briefed on the move. Mr. Carlson was informed on Monday morning by Ms. Scott, another person briefed on the move said.


    [T]he power that Mr. Carlson, 53, wielded outside Fox News could not insulate him from a growing list of troubles inside the network related to his conduct on and off the air, some of which had been grating on Mr. Murdoch and his father, Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of Fox Corporation, who co-founded the network in 1996, according to the two people with knowledge of the company’s decision.

    The host, a polarizing and unpopular figure at the network outside of his own staff, was exposed as part of a defamation lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems as a bully who denigrated colleagues and sources, often in profane and sexist language, and called for the firing of Fox journalists whose coverage he disliked. He has also drawn condemnation from the right and left for his role in fostering a revisionist account of the assault on the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

    So he was mean to people?

    We also know that last week, Tucker attacked Big Pharma in one of his monologues.

    Oh, there’s more:

    One early point of contention was Mr. Carlson’s 2021 documentary, “Patriot Purge,” which advanced the conspiracy theory that the attack that day was a so-called false flag operation designed to discredit the former president and his political movement. Lachlan Murdoch was said to have been caught off guard by the program, which also led two conservative Fox News contributors to quit in protest, Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes.

    In March, Mr. Carlson edited down tens of thousands of hours of footage from the attack given to him by Speaker Kevin McCarthy and used them to falsely portray the rioters as people Mr. Carlson called “mostly peaceful” onlookers who had innocently ambled into the Capitol. The broadcast drew a rebuke from Senator Mitch McConnell, who is a friend of Rupert Murdoch’s and said Mr. Carlson had drawn “offensive and misleading conclusions.”

    So he showed the public the January 6th footage and dared question the event.

    The Times also says that one of Carlson’s former producers said he ran a “toxic” workplace.

    And yet, is any of that worth giving up tens of millions in Tucker-related ad revenue? It seems that if you routinely question the regime, it is.

    *  *  *

    Tucker Carlson, the highest rated cable news host in history, is out at Fox News. The news comes days after the network cut ties with host Dan Bongino 48 hours after the network settled with Dominion Voting Systems for nearly $800 million.

    “Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways,” reads a statement from the network, which thanks him for his service “as a host and prior to that as a contributor.”

    Carlson’s executive producer, Justin Wells, is also out at the network according to Semafor.

    According to the statement, Carlson’s last show was Friday, April 21st as he continued to dominate, and his slot will now be filled by ‘an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named.”

    Full statement from the network (emphasis ours),:

    FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor.

    Mr. Carlson’s last program was Friday April 21st. Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 PM/ET starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named.

    FOX News Media operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Digital, FOX News Audio, FOX News Books, the direct-to-consumer streaming services FOX Nation and FOX News International and the free ad- supported television service FOX Weather. Currently the number one network in all of cable, FNC has also been the most watched television news channel for more than 21 consecutive years, while FBN ranks among the top business channels on cable. Owned by Fox Corporation, FOX News Media reaches nearly 200 million people each month.

    Shares of 21st Century Fox dropped like a rock on the news, and is now sitting at January lows (the drop in FOXA’s market cap is around the same as the settlement with Dominion).

    One of Carlson’s last monologues at Fox

    Were Carlson and Bongino sacrificed as part of the settlement?

    And where to next?




    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 21:13

  • Antony Blinken And The 'Made Men' Of The Biden Administration
    Antony Blinken And The ‘Made Men’ Of The Biden Administration

    Authored by Jonathan Turley,

    Below is my column in The Hill on the recent disclosure that the organizer of the infamous “Russian Disinformation” letter on the Hunter Biden laptop was prompted by then Biden campaign adviser Antony Blinken. He is, of course, now our Secretary of State and he follows a pattern of the “made men” of the Biden Administration.

    Here is the column:

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken would really, really prefer to talk about grain in Ukraine this week. But many people are less interested in what Blinken is doing as secretary of state than in what he did to become secretary of state.

    This week, Blinken was implicated in a political coverup that could well have made the difference in the 2020 election. According to the sworn testimony of former acting CIA Director Michael Morrell, Blinken – then a high-ranking Biden campaign official – was “the impetus” of the false claim that the Hunter Biden laptop story was really Russian disinformation. Morrell then organized dozens of ex-national security officials to sign the letter claiming that the Hunter laptop story had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

    Morrell further admitted that the Biden campaign “helped to strategize about the public release of the statement.”

    Finally, he admitted that one of his goals was not just to warn about Russian influence but “to help then-Vice President Biden in the debate and to assist him in winning the election.”

    Help it did. Biden claimed in a presidential debate that the laptop story was “garbage” and part of a “Russian plan.” Biden used the letter to say “nobody believes” that the laptop is real.

    In reality, the letter was part of a political plan with the direct involvement of his campaign, but Biden never revealed their involvement. Indeed, over years of controversy surrounding this debunked letter, no one in the Biden campaign or White House (including Blinken) revealed their involvement.

    Of course, the letter was all the media needed. Discussion of the laptop was blocked on social media, and virtually every major media outlet dismissed the story before the election.

    That was also all Biden needed to win a close election. The allegations that the Biden family had cashed in millions through influence peddling could have made the difference. It never happened, in part because of Blinken’s work.

    Once in power, Blinken was given one of the top Cabinet positions. He was now one of the “made” men of the administration.

    He was not alone. The 2016 election was marred by false allegations of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Unlike the influence peddling allegations made against Biden, the media ran with those stories for years. It later turned out that the funding and distribution of the infamous Steele dossier originated with the Clinton campaign. The campaign, however, reportedly lied in denying any such funding until after the election. It was later sanctioned for hiding the funding as legal expenses.

    Those involved in spreading this false story were rewarded handsomely. For example, the second collusion story planted in the media by the campaign concerned the Russian Alfa Bank. The campaign used key Clinton aide Jake Sullivan, who went public with the entirely false claim of a secret back channel between Moscow and the Trump campaign.

    Sullivan was also a “made” man who was later made Biden’s national security adviser. Others who were implicated in either the Steele dossier or Alfa Bank hoaxes also later found jobs in the administration. The Brookings Institution proved a virtual turnstile for these political operatives.

    Many signatories on the Russian disinformation letter continue to flourishMSNBC analyst Jeremy Bash signed the letter and was put on the president’s Intelligence Advisory Board. As with Sullivan, it did not seem to matter that Bash had gotten one of the most important intelligence stories of the election wrong.

    Former CIA head James Clapper was referenced by Biden on the letter and was also a spreader of the Russian collusion claims. Despite those scandals and a claim of perjury, CNN gave him a media contract.

    They are all “made” men in the Beltway, but they could not have succeeded without a “made” media.

    These false stories planted by the Clinton and Biden campaigns succeeded only because the media played an active and eager role. In any other country, this pattern would fit the model of a state media and propaganda effort. However, there was no need for a central ministry when the media quickly reinforced these narratives. This is a state media by consent rather than coercion. The Biden campaign knew that reporters would have little interest or curiosity in how the letter came about or the involvement of campaign operatives.

    If Republicans did not control the House of Representatives, the Morrell admission would never have occurred. The Democrats repeatedly blocked efforts to investigate this story and the influence peddling allegations. Even this week, some Democrats called it a “tabloid story.”

    Given the career paths of figures such as Blinken and Sullivan, there is a concern that other officials may see the value in “earning their bones” as “made” men and women. There is now a senior IRS career official who is seeking to disclose what he claims was special treatment given to Hunter Biden in the criminal investigation.

    While the 51 former intelligence figures were eager to raise Russian disinformation claims before the election, most have become silent.

    After all, the letter served its purpose, as Morrell indicated, “to assist [Biden] in winning the election.”

    After the false stories planted before the 2016 and 2020 elections, the question is what is in store for 2024?

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 21:00

  • Total Ban On G7 Exports To Russia "Simply Not Doable" – Japan, EU Officials Say
    Total Ban On G7 Exports To Russia “Simply Not Doable” – Japan, EU Officials Say

    As expected, an initiative by some leading Western allies in the Group of Seven (G-7) to ratchet the economic war on Moscow further – to the point of enacting an outright ban on all exports to Russia – has failed before it so much as got off the ground. 

    The move came as the US-led economic war has clearly failed to stop Moscow’s war machine in Ukraine, and as the US, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the European Union are looking ahead to their major summit set for May in Hiroshima.

    On the table is a draft statement to implement a complete export ban on Russia, replacing the current sector-by-sector sanctions regime which critics have said leaves gaping holes for the Kremlin and sympathetic countries (or at least more neutral, like India or Brazil) to exploit. It’s expected to contain limited exemptions, such as for medicine and food items. 

    On Monday the Financial Times is citing officials who say the significant policy shift will be a no-go for key countries that must sign off: “But representatives from Japan and EU countries suggested in a preparatory meeting last week that such a move would not be feasible, according to three people briefed on the discussions,” the report indicates.

    “From our perspective it is simply not do-able,” one of the officials told FT. Importantly, all 27 members of the European Union would have to agree to the sanctions before it could be passed, making it extremely unlikely, despite the ten packages which have already been passed (and were subject of intense wrangling and whole countries, like Hungary, being exempted for some sectors like energy). 

    However, some aspects of the draft statement which are expected to carry at next month’s G-7 summit include efforts to uphold current sanctions, tightening measures that restrict “evasion and circumvention” of sanctions and punishing countries “willfully supporting the financing of Russia’s war.”

    Source: Bloomberg

    The Miami Herald reported last week that “So far sanctions have almost halved the value of E.U. and G-7 exports to Russia, with limits on everything from electronics to luxury items.” It remains “That still leaves $66 billion worth of goods from Europe, the U.S., Canada and Japan going in, according to the Geneva-based Trade Data Monitor.”

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 20:40

  • Transgender Teacher Spoke About Wanting To Shoot Students, Parents Accuse District Of 'Cover-Up'
    Transgender Teacher Spoke About Wanting To Shoot Students, Parents Accuse District Of ‘Cover-Up’

    Authored by Patricia Tolson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    It took three weeks for parents to discover that a transgender middle school teacher in Florida confessed to a guidance counselor that the teacher was having “bad thoughts” of self-harm and shooting students.

    Fox Chapel Middle School in Spring Hill, Fla., on April 20, 2023. (Patricia Tolson/The Epoch Times)

    Now parents are demanding answers, accusing the district of a cover-up, and petitioning Florida’s governor to remove certain members of the Hernando County School Board as well as the superintendent.

    Ashlee Renczkowski, a biological male who presents as a female, is the teacher who allegedly made the comments while at the school on March 24.

    Kerry Thornton is an assistant principal at Fox Chapel Middle School in Spring Hill, Florida, which is part of the Hernando School District.

    According to a report filed with the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office by Fox Chapel School Resource Officer Brian Timothy, Thornton alerted Timothy the afternoon of March 24 that Renczkowski “had just made concerning statements about self-harm and then possibly making statements about shooting students.”

    Thornton had visited Renczkowski in the classroom and asked how the teacher was doing, according to Timothy’s report. Renczkowski replied, “Not good, I’m having bad thoughts.” Thornton radioed for guidance counselor Kimberly Walby and brought Renczkowski to Walby’s office.

    Social Media Triggers

    In Walby’s office, Renczkowski spoke of “a social media post where people were talking negatively” about Renczkowski’s “sexual orientation,” according to Timothy. He also said that Renczkowski was triggered by social media posts critical of the “sexual orientation and lifestyle” of Renczkowski’s wife, Fawn Renczkowski, who also teaches at the school.

    Thornton and Walby advised the school resource officer about Renczkowski’s comments.

    Renczkowski told Walby about wanting “to shoot some students” because they weren’t performing to their ability, according to the police report. Walby then said Renczkowski recanted the statement. But Walby also “began to reiterate that she has short-term memory issues” and was “starting to second-guess the conversation” when it came to “details and the order of events,” according to Timothy’s report.

    Renczkowski also admitted to owning three handguns.

    Sandra Hurst, the mental health coordinator for the Hernando School District, traveled to the middle school and met with Renczkowski to conduct a threat assessment. Both Hurst and Thornton agreed that Renczkowski was not an immediate threat to students and therefore could not be involuntarily committed under the Baker Act, but the sheriff’s office did send an officer to Renczkowski’s home that evening to collect the firearms, which Renczkowski surrendered without issue.

    In his report about the incident, Timothy said that after meeting with Renczkowski, Hurst “advised that a plan will be devised to meet with Ashlee prior to her returning to work with students. The school principal and Safe Schools was made aware of this incident.”

    Parents didn’t learn about the incident until a local reporter named Tom Lemons broke the story on April 7.

    An April 17 news release from the district indicated that Renczkowski was not at school March 27–29 but returned to work on March 30. Renczkowski was then teaching in the classroom until April 13, when the Florida Department of Education intervened to have Renczkowski removed.

    The Epoch Times contacted Renczkowski for comment but did not receive a response by press time.

    ‘Respondent May Be Seriously Mentally Ill’

    To provide “clarification,” Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis issued a press release on April 12, saying “the investigation revealed that no criminal offense(s) occurred; therefore, no arrest(s) could be made.”

    Deputies also determined that “the individual did not, at that moment, meet the required criteria for involuntary commitment under the Baker Act.”

    But Nienhuis also said, “In an abundance of caution, the HCSO petitioned the court for a temporary Risk Protection Order,” which the court “granted immediately.”

    Banners at Fox Chapel Middle School in Spring Hill, Fla., on April 20, 2023. (Patricia Tolson/The Epoch Times)

    In an April 13 statement, HCSD Superintendent John Stratton said the district was going to “take a hard look at all the actions that were taken on that day, and in the days following the incident, and determine if any steps were missed.”

    As is our longstanding practice, while the matter is under investigation, the teacher will be removed from all student contact,” Stratton assured. No return date has been set.

    In response, the Florida Department of Education (DOE) issued its own press release, informing the public that it was only after the DOE expressed concern directly to Stratton that he chose to remove Renczkowski from the school.

    In an April 17 news release, Stratton again said that “the district’s threat assessment was conducted by trained Safe Schools staff and the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office” and “all investigating agencies agree the teacher did not meet criteria for imminent harm to self or others.”

    However, according to the risk protection order obtained by The Epoch Times—“served upon the respondent” on March 28, signed by Renczkowski, and “filed in open court” on April 10—it was determined by the HCSO that “the Respondent may be seriously mentally ill or may have recurring mental health issues.”

    Renczkowski was ordered to immediately surrender all firearms, ammunition, and “any license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm,” and the document further ordered that Renczkowski may not possess, purchase, or receive any firearm or weapon for one year.

    Parents Want Answers

    In the wake of the March 27 shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, many Fox Chapel parents are afraid. They’re frustrated by the lack of transparency and dismissive responses from the school district.

    Now, a new petition alleges that “the delay in notification was due to a ‘cover-up’ that involved District administration and ranking members of the School Board and other agencies.”

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 20:20

  • Which Countries Are Granted The Most New Patents? (Spoiler Alert, Not USA)
    Which Countries Are Granted The Most New Patents? (Spoiler Alert, Not USA)

    Every year, the UN’s World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) tracks hundreds of thousands of patents across industries.

    These patents grant their inventors exclusive intellectual property rights over their creations. They encourage new ideas, spur scientific development, and lead to new technologies and entire sectors being born.

    However, the number of patents granted varies greatly across nations. When viewing the origin of each patent’s applicant, we see a handful of countries dominating certain industries.

    In this graphic, Visual Capitalist’s Jacqueline Ann DeStefano-Tangorra uses 2021 WIPO data to showcase which countries were granted the most new patents, along with their sector categorizations.

    Countries with the Most New Patents

    In 2021, out of 1,608,375 patents across multiple fields, 87% were granted to innovators from just six countries.

    Applicants by Country Granted Patents (2021) % of Total
    🇨🇳 China 607,758 37.8%
    🇺🇸 United States 286,205 17.8%
    🇯🇵 Japan 256,890 16.0%
    🇰🇷 South Korea 156,972 9.8%
    🇩🇪 Germany 69,672 4.3%
    🇬🇧 United Kingdom 20,009 1.2%
    ❓ Unknown 24,677 1.5%
    🌎 Other Countries 186,192 11.6%
    World Total 1,608,375 100.0%

    After rapidly increasing its patent output in recent years, China topped the chart in 29 out of 36 total fields including computer technology, electrical machinery, and digital communication. The Chinese government’s focus on innovation led to the nation’s applicants receiving 38% of the 1.6 million patents granted in 2021.

    The United States—home to the world’s largest tech companies—came in second with 286,205 granted patents by origin. The U.S. also topped four fields of its own: medical technology, engines and turbines, basic communication processes, and unknown (for inventions that can’t be assigned to a specific field).

    Not far behind is Japan with 256,890 granted patents. It dominated the other nations in the fields of semiconductors, optics, and furniture and games, cementing its well-earned reputation of technological innovation.

    “Unknown” origin applicants, for which the nationality or country of residence couldn’t be determined for the inventor(s), accounted for 24,677 of granted patents.

    The Origin of New Patents by Field

    When assessing which technological fields inventors are pursuing in 2021, it’s not unexpected that digital and electrical technologies are in the lead:

    Rank Main Field of Technology % of Granted Patents
    1 Computer technology 10.3%
    2 Electrical machinery, apparatus, energy 6.6%
    3 Digital communication 6.5%
    4 Measurement 5.9%
    5 Medical technology 4.8%
    6 Transport 4.5%
    7 Civil engineering 3.7%
    8 Other special machines 3.6%
    9 Audio visual technology 3.3%
    10 Semiconductors 3.3%
    11 Machine tools 2.9%
    12 Chemical engineering 2.8%
    13 Handling 2.7%
    14 Optics 2.6%
    15 Pharmaceuticals 2.4%
    16 Materials, metallurgy 2.4%
    17 Control 2.4%
    18 Mechanical elements 2.3%
    19 Telecommunications 2.3%
    20 Furniture & games 2.3%
    21 Basic materials chemistry 2.3%
    22 Engines, pumps, turbines 2.2%
    23 Biotechnology 2.1%
    24 Organic fine chemistry 2.0%
    25 IT methods for management 1.9%
    26 Macromolecular chemistry, polymers 1.7%
    27 Other consumer goods 1.7%
    28 Environmental technology 1.6%
    29 Thermal Processes and apparatus 1.6%
    30 Surface technology, coating 1.5%
    31 Textile & paper machines 1.5%
    32 Food chemistry 0.9%
    33 Basic communication processes 0.6%
    34 Analysis of biological material 0.6%
    35 Micro structural & nano technology 0.2%
    36 Unknown 0.003%

    There are also many patents granted mainly in infrastructure-related fields, which have become all the more important following the COVID-19 pandemic and an increasing focus on trade.

    These include medical technology, transport, civil engineering, and semiconductors.

    A Tech-Savvy Future

    The number of patents granted in 2021 is a testament to the growing importance of innovation around the world.

    While a select few nations have dominated the patent landscape so far, there are many others making significant contributions to innovation and intellectual property.

    As technology continues to advance and the global economy becomes more interconnected, the importance of intellectual property rights will only continue to grow.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 20:00

  • Pfizer Quietly Financed Groups Lobbying For COVID Vaccine Mandates: Fang
    Pfizer Quietly Financed Groups Lobbying For COVID Vaccine Mandates: Fang

    Authored by Lee Fang via,

    In the midst of a contentious debate about Chicago’s plan to force employers to require their workers to take the COVID-19 vaccine, Karen Freeman-Wilson, president of the Chicago Urban League, appeared on television to dismiss complaints that such rules would disproportionately harm the Black community.

    “The health and safety factor here far outweighs the concern about shutting people out or creating a barrier,” Freeman-Wilson said on WTTW in August 2021.

    Earlier that year, her group had received a $100,000 grant from Pfizer, the manufacturer of one of the most commonly used COVID-19 vaccines in the United States, for a project to promote “vaccine safety and effectiveness.” Although the Chicago Urban League is not normally shy about disclosing its corporate donors, the support from Pfizer is not listed in the “partners” section on its website. The drug industry funding likewise went unmentioned during the interview.

    Pfizer’s grant to the Chicago Urban League was one of many that Pfizer made to nonprofits and trade organizations. Pfizer doled out special funding to groups across the country that lobbied in favor of government policies to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine.

    The extensive list of those with funding from the pharmaceutical giant includes consumer, doctor, and medical groups, as well as public health organizations and civil rights nonprofits. Many of those groups did not disclose the funding they received from Pfizer while they were advocating for policies that would force workers to get the vaccine. 

    There were several different and sometimes overlapping vaccine mandates in the country. At the federal level, President Joe Biden issued an executive order, which was ultimately struck down in court, mandating vaccinations at all employers with 100 workers or more. A number of state and local governments forced public employees to get vaccinated and tried to force private-sector employers to follow suit. And many large employers required their employees to get vaccinated without any prodding from the government. 

    Critics of these employer mandates have noted that the majority of the proposed mandates, including Biden’s, made no exception for individuals with natural immunity through prior infection. Proponents of the mandates claimed that the vaccines would prevent transmission of COVID-19, an argument that lacked sound scientific basis at the time and has further unraveled.

    “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” Biden falsely claimed in July 2021, as his administration and local governments were preparing mandate orders. Rochelle Wallensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, similarly stated that vaccinated individuals “do not carry the virus.”

    But it wasn’t just these unsupported claims by leading government officials that shaped the groundwork for COVID-19 mandates. A coalition of highly visible groups backed by Pfizer and the pharmaceutical industry provided much of the lobbying support for coercive vaccine policies. Here are the most important examples:

    • The National Consumers League, a century-old corporate watchdog group, announced support for “government and employer mandates requiring [COVID-19] vaccination” in August 2021, during roughly the same period in which it accepted $75,000 from Pfizer earmarked for “vaccine policy efforts.” The organization is also led in part by Andrea LaRue, who serves as an NCL board member. LaRue’s work as a highly paid contract lobbyist to Pfizer, focused on vaccine policy, is not disclosed by NCL’s website. 

    • The Immunization Partnership, a Houston-based public health nonprofit, lobbied publicly against Texas legislation in 2021 designed to prevent vaccine passports and municipal vaccine mandates. The Immunization Partnership claimed that the bills “erode the vital role of our state’s public health and medical experts in combating this pandemic.” The partnership did not disclose that it received $35,000 from Pfizer that year for “legislative advocacy.”

    Subscribers to Lee Fang can read the rest by clicking here…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 19:40

  • Office Buildings Are Emptying In Major U.S. Cities Like Houston, Dallas, New York And San Francisco
    Office Buildings Are Emptying In Major U.S. Cities Like Houston, Dallas, New York And San Francisco

    For anyone looking to keep their finger on the pulse of how commercial real estate is holding up, look no further than major U.S. cities like Houston, Dallas, New York And San Francisco.

    Those were the four cities mentioned in a new Yahoo Finance report detailing how landlords are “having a tougher time filling their empty office buildings with new tenants”, citing data from CoStar and JP Morgan. 

    The glut is a result of overbuilding while interest rates were lower, the report says, noting that Houston and Dallas “put up more new office space between 2010 and 2021 than all regions except New York”. Even more alarming is the fact that they have “millions more square feet under construction”, Yahoo says. And despite discounting, vacancies are now highest in those two cities compared to any other metro area. 

    Houston and Dallas had 18.8% and 17.2% of office space vacant at the end of last year, respectively. The national average is 12.5%, with New York, San Jose, San Francisco, and Chicago posting vacancy rates of 12.3%, 12%, 16.4%, and 15.1%, Yahoo wrote.

    The vacancies in Houston and Dallas come not only despite aggressive discounting, but even as both cities have had better luck with employees returning to the office than other cities. For example, worker attendance was 60% in Houston and 50% in Dallas, as of the first week in April 2023. Those figures are higher than cities like New York and San Jose. 

    About $1 billion in outstanding commercial mortgage backed security loans in Houston, secured by office properties, are coming due this year, Yahoo writes. Dallas faces and aggregate of over $1 billion in maturities by 2024, as well. 

    Itziar Aguirre, CoStar’s director of market analytics for Houston, commented: “Refinancing risk over the near term is high and it’s gonna be really tough because interest rates are so high. There’s gonna be a lot of foreclosures. I think there’s gonna be bankruptcies. There’s gonna be a lot of distressed sales.”

    You can read Yahoo’s full report here

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 19:20

  • New Report Exposes Growing, Billion Dollar Budget Fiasco In Illinois' Free Medicaid Program For Undocumented Immigrants
    New Report Exposes Growing, Billion Dollar Budget Fiasco In Illinois’ Free Medicaid Program For Undocumented Immigrants

    Authored by Mark Glennon via,

    How can it happen that an annual program would cost 94 times times what Illinoisans were told it would cost just three years ago – $188 million in its first year? With subsequent extensions it now costs nearly $1 billion per year and growing, money the state doesn’t have.

    A better question: How could it not happen, given the abject disregard for cost of the program and Illinois’ routinely scandalous budget process?

    And wait ’till you hear the excuse for the fiasco from Gov. J.B Pritzker’s administration.

    Here’s what happened: In May 2020 Illinois, became the first state to provide Medicaid for undocumented seniors. The coverage was “tucked in near the end of the 465-page budget implementation bill that passed the Illinois General Assembly late Saturday night,” as reported by the State Journal-Register at the time. That’s how Illinois’ budget is routinely implemented. A budget plus an implementation bill, usually totaling at least a thousand pages, is put up for a vote with only hours of review.

    The program would cost just $2 million per year, the bill’s sponsor said at the time. That’s Delia Ramirez, a Chicago Democrat in the Illinois House at the time. Pritzker signed the bill without any cost estimate by his office. That’s all we knew at the time.

    But the cost of the program blew though the appropriation for it even within the first month of implementation and soared beyond all subsequent estimates and appropriations. That’s according to a closed-door presentation by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services to lawmakers last month that became public last week.

    For the year from March 2022 through February 2023, cost of care for the 65 and over age group was nearly $188 million, which is 94 times what Ramirez claimed.

    Since then, the state expanded the program twice, lowering the age limit to 55 in 2021 and 42 a year later. The cost estimates of those expansions also shatter estimates made along the way. Now, the expanded program is estimated to cost $990 million for the fiscal year that starts July 1. That’s an increase of $768 million over this year, which was the first full year under the expanded program.

    No portion of that cost is reimbursable by the federal government.

    More details are reported in a particularly good column by Capital News Illinois.

    The problem and the cost uncertainty are still growing, largely because nobody really knows how many illegal immigrants are here and millions more enter the country every year.

    Undeterred, House Democrats recently filed House Bill 1570 to further expand free health benefits for undocumented immigrants by adding ages 19-41 to the program.

    Why was the report exposing this discussed only behind closed doors last month in the General Assembly?

    I have found no excuse.

    Is anybody being held accountable?

    Certainly not Ramirez.

    She got a promotion from voters who elected her to the United States House of Representatives in 2022.

    How about Pritzker?

    Pritzker’s office has given two answers, the first of which is to blame legislators. His office says they didn’t prepare their own cost estimates before the program became law because it was a lawmaker-driven initiative. Republicans have complained that the program was never vetted in committee before being added to the budget, but that apparently didn’t concern Pritzker.

    Pritzker’s second answer is a doozy, essentially saying, “How dare you you question us about budgeting. We Democrats are great with budgets.” Specifically, here’s what Pritzker’s press spokesman, Jordan Abudayyeh, told CapitalFax:

    The Republicans said it’s time we have some adults in the room when it comes to budgeting. To be clear, the only lawmakers with a proven record of balancing the budget and improving state finances are Governor Pritzker and the Democratic supermajority in the General Assembly. The Governor just proposed another balanced budget that invests in education, healthcare, and communities. The credit ratings agencies have so much trust in his track record that after his proposal the state received two credit upgrades.

    Let’s review some history. Who eliminated the bill backlog that reached $16 billion left by the Republican governor? Democrats. Whose prudent fiscal decisions led to eight credit upgrades? Democrats. Who paid additional pension payments? Democrats. Who invested hundreds of millions of dollars to rebuild our human services infrastructure after the Republican budget impasse? Democrats. Who rebuilt the rainy day fund to nearly $2 billion? Democrats. Who balanced the budget four years in a row? Democrats.

    The budget, of course, isn’t remotely close to being balanced for other reasons, as we’ve often explained.

    But even if it were, the Pritzker Administration apparently wants us to accept that unbudgeted spending should be overlooked because of its supposed budget prowess.

    Pritzker’s office says there is about $300 million available to cover the $768 million increased cost for the coming year over the current year. Where the difference will come from remains to be seen.

    Illinois House Republicans, at a Thursday press conference, called for a moratorium and an audit on the program. They complained bitterly about how the program and each extension were slipped into other legislation with no review. “Zero transparency, zero accountability, zero public input,” said Assistant Republican Leader C.D. Davidsmeyer (R-Jacksonville),

    The Republicans noted that the additional pressure on Medicaid from the program and its expansions is happening at the same time the state is expected to lose $760 million in special Medicaid federal funding for its own citizens that was provided to states during the pandemic.

    Davidsmeyer indicated that he fears the pending, further expansion of the program to younger age groups will again be stuck into a budget bill or some other massive omnibus bill at the end of this legislative session, without real review.

    “The sad fact is Illinois has become a sanctuary state for undocumented immigrants,” he said.

    “The State of Illinois gives them free healthcare benefits, driver’s licenses, mortgage and renters’ assistance, as well as other taxpayer-funded benefits. All I can say is ‘If you build it, they will come.’”

    And “cost be damned,” he might have added.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 19:00

  • Chinese Foreign Minister Reminds West Beijing Will "Never Back Down" On Taiwan
    Chinese Foreign Minister Reminds West Beijing Will “Never Back Down” On Taiwan

    Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang reaffirmed in Friday remarks that China would “never back down” on the issue of Taiwan – a warning to the West which came during a speech focused on China’s central contributions to the global economy. 

    “The Taiwan problem is at the core of China’s core interests,” Qin said near the end of the speech. “We will never back down in the face of any act that undermines China’s sovereignty and security. Those who play with fire on the question of Taiwan will burn themselves.”

    Getty Images via AFP

    He also addressed recent and ongoing accusations that China is seeking to change the “status quo” across the Taiwan Strait. “It is not the Chinese mainland but the Taiwan independence separatist forces and a handful of countries attempting to disrupt the status quo,” he asserted.

    Over a month ago his words were even more forceful, and aimed directly at the United States. He said in early March, not long after taking charge as China’s foreign minister at the end of December, that “If the United States does not hit the brake, but continues to speed down the wrong path, no amount of guardrails can prevent derailing, and there surely will be conflict and confrontation.”

    But on the other side the West isn’t ready to back down from supporting Taiwan security and sovereignty either, seen especially in EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell’s controversial call for the bloc’s navies to patrol the the Taiwan Strait. He published the words in a French weekly, Journal Du Dimanche, on Sunday.

    Borrell wrote that the self-ruled island “concerns us economically, commercially and technologically” – and urged for European navies to ensure its protection. He said, “That’s why I call on European navies to patrol the Taiwan Strait to show Europe’s commitment to freedom of navigation in this absolutely crucial area.

    As for Beijing, it has spent years warning the West not to “play with fire” regarding the status of the self-ruled island. Officially, China’s policy is to see peaceful reunification via political means, but sees Washington’s frequent high level contacts with Taipei’s leadership as interference.

    Chinese state-owned Global Times has specifically responded to Borrell’s plan as follows: “If European warships still want to show off their might in the Pacific today, the result would only be an embarrassing failure.” The CCP mouthpiece added: “For the People’s Liberation Army, which has powerful strength to defend its homeland, facing European warships that come to provoke and show off is not even worth raising an eyebrow. We advise them not to bring shame upon themselves.”

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 18:40

  • Senators Question Feasibility Of EPA's New Vehicle Emissions Standards
    Senators Question Feasibility Of EPA’s New Vehicle Emissions Standards

    Authored by Nathan Worcester via The Epoch Times,

    Lawmakers questioned the feasibility of new vehicle tailpipe emissions proposals from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which the agency predicts will lead to the mass adoption of electric light- and medium-duty vehicles within a decade.

    The April 18 hearing was held by the Subcommittee on Clean Air, Climate and Nuclear Safety of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee.

    Subcommittee Chair Ed Markey (D-Mass.) lauded the proposals, which the EPA released on April 12.

    He suggested that the new EPA standard for light-body vehicles “could be expanded upon,” saying that over $135 billion in spending last Congress was being used “to build America’s electric vehicle future.”

    “Strong proposed regulations are critical to driving climate progress forward, but they are more doable than ever, thanks to the billions in clean vehicle investments passed by Congress,” Markey said.

    Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) speaks during a press conference in Washington on Sept. 10, 2020. (Jemal Countess/Getty Images for Green New Deal Network)

    Describing the advantages of stricter regulations, he argued that “those benefits are a bonanza of benefits to our climate, to drivers, and to our health.”

    “We need to make sure they also benefit Union-American workers,” he added.

    Lummis Questions Mineral Sourcing

    Sens. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.) and Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) voiced skepticism regarding the EPA’s vision.

    Lummis asked one expert witness, Kathy Harris of the Natural Resources Defense Council, whether focusing on tailpipe emissions alone ignored greenhouse gas emissions from the rare earth mining needed to produce electric vehicle batteries.

    “There have been many studies that have shown that electric vehicles today, from well to wheel, are still cleaner than compared to a gasoline vehicle,” Harris responded.

    Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.) meets with the media in Washington on Nov. 9, 2020. (Stefani Reynolds-Pool/Getty Images)

    The Wyoming senator also ran through a list of minerals used in electric vehicle batteries, pointing out that China, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo dominate production and downstream processing.

    “Do any of these countries have anywhere near the stringent environmental regulations the United States has?”

    “I cannot speak to that today,” Harris said before apologizing and correcting herself: “Not to my awareness.”

    “I have a rare earth mine in my state that has been trying to open for over ten years and still doesn’t have the environmental permitting to open,” Lummis said.

    A staffer for Lummis told The Epoch Times that the lawmaker had in mind the Rare Element Resources Bear Lodge Project.

    Soil containing various rare earth elements for export at a port in Lianyungang, China, in a file photo. (STR/AFP via Getty Images)

    “There is no way that the standards and the materials needed to produce and manufacture in the United States can happen in ten years, and to ramp up the supply even in foreign countries that have far lower environmental standards, not to mention human labor standards—this is not possible to do,” Lummis said.

    ‘Not Even a Consideration for Trucking’

    Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) questioned another expert witness, Andrew Boyle.

    Boyle is co-president of the trucking company Boyle Transportation and first vice chairman of the American Trucking Associations, a trade group representing the trucking industry.

    Boyle had earlier testified to the risks of a rapid push for electric-powered trucks because of their current technological limitations.

    “A clean diesel truck can spend 15 minutes fueling anywhere in the country and then have a range of about 1,200 miles before fueling again. In contrast, today’s long-haul battery-electric trucks have a range of about 150 to maybe 330 miles and can take up to ten hours to charge,” he said.

    Cramer asked Boyle about the cost of insuring a large electric truck.

    “It’s hard to tell because the consumer-facing EV product is so much further ahead,” Boyle said.

    Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) speaks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol Building on Oct. 06, 2021. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

    He told the senator about what he sees as the negative consequences of another recent EPA decision—namely, granting California a waiver for its clean vehicle regulation, which would mandate that all drayage trucks purchased in the state be zero-emission starting in 2024. Old trucks would be grandfathered in by the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

    “If the power and the infrastructure’s not available, it’s not even a consideration for trucking, yet California wants to make it effective next January, that’s the only choice—no diesel trucks,” he said.

    “We have the cart before the horse right now.”

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 18:20

  • Anger, Pushback As Russia's Lavrov Chairs UN Security Council Meeting
    Anger, Pushback As Russia’s Lavrov Chairs UN Security Council Meeting

    There were fireworks at Thursday’s United Nations Security Council meeting chaired by Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Already tensions are high in the UNSC due to Russia’s chairing the council for the month of April (based on the scheduled monthly rotation). 

    Lavrov told the council that the world has become a more dangerous place, possibly more so than at the height of the Cold War. “As was case in Cold War, we have reached the dangerous, possibly even more dangerous, threshold,” he said.

    Via AFP

    The meeting which Lavrov chaired was titled the “Maintenance of international peace and security,” but came under criticism by those countries opposed to the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine. Western diplomats had complained upon Russia’s April 1st takeover of the lead seat at the UNSC that it must be an “April Fool’s joke”. 

    In the Thursday address, Lavrov accused the US and its allies of “abandoning diplomacy and demanding clarification of relations on the battlefield.”

    But the response of Western allies in the UN was fierce. Olaf Skoog, European Union representative to the UN, said that “Russia is trying to portray itself as a defender of the UN charter and multilateralism. Nothing can be further from the truth. It’s cynical.”

    He added that “We all know that while Russia is destroying, we are building. While they violate, we protect.”

    Additionally UN Secretary-General Antonio took a swipe at Lavrov and Russia, saying it’s the invasion  “causing massive suffering and devastation to the country and its people” and fueling “global economic dislocation triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    “Tensions between major powers are at an historic high. So are the risks of conflict, through misadventure or miscalculation,” Guterres warned – at least seeming to agree with Lavrov on the extreme dangers of the times.

    But it was the US’s Linda Thomas-Greenfield that pushed back hardest, calling Lavrov “hypocritical”…

    Our hypocritical convener today, Russia, invaded its neighbor, Ukraine, and struck at the heart of the UN Charter. This illegal, unprovoked and unnecessary war runs directly counter to our most shared principles – that a war of aggression and territorial conquest is never, ever acceptable,” Thomas-Greenfield said.

    Likely these tensions at the security council will continue so long as Russia is chairing the meetings, also making for awkward business even when Russia-Ukraine is not the topic at hand.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 18:00

  • David Stockman On Why Decades Of Inflationary Finance Are Finally Coming Home To Roost
    David Stockman On Why Decades Of Inflationary Finance Are Finally Coming Home To Roost

    Authored by David Stockman via,

    Eventually, the inflationary credit emitted by the Fed works its way through the global economy and comes home to roost in the form of reduced domestic output and rising prices.

    In this regard, there is no more powerful tell than the round trip of the PCE deflator for durable goods during the past 28 years.

    As shown in the chart below, prices for durable goods, which are now mostly manufactured abroad, plunged continuously and by a staggering 40% between early 1995 and the Covid-Lockdown bottom in Q2 2020. There is no broad-scale deflationary gale quite like it in all of recorded history.

    PCE Deflator for Durable Goods, 1995-2022

    What caused it, of course, was a one-time arbitrage of labor and other local production costs on the massively expanded global supply chain enabled by modern technology.

    Again, however, that wasn’t a wonder of capitalism alone. What drove the global supply chain deep into the interior of China and other ultra-low labor cost venues was the Fed’s lunatic inflation-targeting policies—originally de facto under Greenspan and then eventually (2012) official under Bernanke.

    The truth is, when Mr. Deng declared that to be rich was glorious and opened China’s great export factories, sound money in the US would have resulted in a continuous deflation of the drastically swollen US cost and price level that had emerged from the Great Inflation of the 1970s.

    Obviously, Alan Greenspan, the once and former champion of the gold standard, was having none of it. Had he permitted the nation’s swollen cost structure to deflate in order to keep domestic production competitive, he would not have been the toast of the town in Washington. He would have been vilified by the politicians because the indicated cure of soaring interest rates and shrinking domestic credit on the free market would have made financing the giant Federal deficits which emerged in the Reagan era well nigh impossible.

    So Greenspan pretended to be the champion of sound money by taking credit for a phony gain he was pleased to call “disinflation”. The latter amounted to deliberately depreciating the purchasing power of savers and wage earners, but just not quite as rapidly as during the worst days before Volcker.

    Needless to say, in a globalized economy inflationary money is quite the trickster. In the initial instance it led to the massive and relentless off-shorting of production, and the re-importing of the same goods produced abroad via the cheap labor being requisitioned from China’s vast interior rice paddies.

    Inflation of the dollar came back as deflation of durable goods prices!

    It also allowed the Fed to claim that it had vanquished inflation and that its altogether new challenge was the madness called “lowflation” or too little inflation.  That’s truly when the Keynesian central bankers lost their minds.

    Alas, the trouble with “lowflation” is that it was a one-time aberration, not a permanent or sustainable condition. As the above sharp hook in the chart attests, the sub-index for durables is now up by 15% from the bottom, even as the global supply chain continues to contract owing to the exhaustion of cheap labor in China and badly lagging political patience with free trade in the US and throughout the west.

    Not surprisingly, therefore, the deeply embedded inflation that has has been fostered by the Fed and its fellow-traveling central banks is now proving to be far more stubborn than our Keynesian money-printers ever anticipated; and far more vicious that the clownish perma-bulls of Wall Street ever imagined.

    Here is still one more reminder. We have long-argued that the proper approach to fashioning a “core” inflation gauge is not to arbitrarily drop items out of the price basket like food, energy and now shelter, too. Take that far enough and inflation drops to zero because you are no longer measuring anything that even remotely resembles the general price level.

    By contrast, the trimmed mean CPI is just the ticket because each month it drops out the high and low 8% of items, respectively, but these are never the same components. So you are smoothing the monthly perturbations, not eliminating great gobs of the price structure.

    In any event, the chart below presents the 16% trimmed mean CPI on both a year-over-year basis (purple line) and a monthly annualized basis (black line).

    16% Trimmed Mean CPI, Y/Y Change Versus Annualized Rate of Monthly Change,  2018-2023

    In short, decades of inflationary finance are coming home to roost. The Fed is not in charge of the cycle and it’s not over-doing its belated attempt to permit interest to return to some semblance of rationality relative to the underlying rate of inflation.

    So now would be a good time to duck and cover.

    They say that the Fed always breaks something but that is only partially true. What it actually broke was the money and capital markets long ago, and now there is only more demolition to come.

    *  *  *

    The truth is, we’re on the cusp of an economic crisis that could eclipse anything we’ve seen before. And most people won’t be prepared for what’s coming. That’s exactly why bestselling author Doug Casey and his team just released a free report with all the details on how to survive an economic collapse. Click here to download the PDF now.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 17:40

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Today’s News 24th April 2023

  • Germany's Green Energy Delusion Has An Enormous Environmental & Economic Price-Tag
    Germany’s Green Energy Delusion Has An Enormous Environmental & Economic Price-Tag

    Authored by Magyar Nemzet’s Gergely Kiss via Remix News,

    With the closure of Germany’s last three nuclear power plants, the country’s 60-year era of nuclear power generation has come to an end. The move was originally planned for the end of last year. However, due to uncertainty over energy supplies in the wake of the Russian-Ukrainian war and sanctions, the coalition government extended the deadline until after winter.

    For a long time, nuclear energy has been one of the most divisive areas of energy policy in the EU’s supply. The technology offers stable energy supplies and has positive environmental and economic indicators, but the radical Green parties of Europe have worked hard to convince many that these plants should be closed.

    This has been achieved mainly in Germany and Austria. Downsizing has begun and further investment has become impossible. Reality, however, has shown that this ideology-driven energy policy comes at a heavy price. It was not by chance that energy policy expert Oliver Hortay recently recalled an estimate by a Berkeley University researcher that the social cost of German nuclear plant closures had already reached $12 billion a year.

    The threat of energy shortages in Europe has led to a change in the perception of nuclear power among EU citizens.

    In Germany, for example, the percentage of people who oppose nuclear power has fallen from 65 to 20 percent. But it seems that the will of the electorate does not matter.

    “It’s a black day for climate protection in Germany,” Jens Spahn, a conservative member of the CDU, told RTL television the other day.

    It is hard to talk about a green transition when carbon emissions are rising.

    The huge expansion of solar and wind capacity in Germany is no guarantee of security of supply. The country is increasingly using coal instead of Russian gas. In fact, mines that had previously been closed down have had to be reopened, and a German energy company has even started to dismantle a wind farm to allow for the expansion of a neighboring coal mine.

    On average, 30,000 tons of coal are transported daily by trains from North Sea ports to large power stations across Germany. Last year, the war caused the country to increase its coal imports by 8 percent to 44.4 million tons. These are the hard facts.

    The Greens went after gas boilers, too. They will now be banned in German homes from 2024.

    Greens say they cannot meet their climate commitments otherwise.

    However, it is coal-fired power stations, not residential gas boilers, that threaten climate targets.

    Péter Szijjártó, the Hungarian minister of foreign affairs and trade, often warns that it is impossible to supply the economy with gas or oil, or even to heat houses and apartments, with ideology or political statements instead of actual supply chains.

    In other words, the Hungarian government continues to treat energy security as a physical and not an ideological issue. That means it is not willing to give up working, proven and reliable sources.

    An ideology-driven energy policy is very expensive, has harmful consequences, and in the future, could even end with us freezing in our homes if an especially cold winter hits Europe.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 04/24/2023 – 02:00

  • The Garland, Blinken, And Morell Morass
    The Garland, Blinken, And Morell Morass

    Authored by Roger Kimball via,

    Doubtless your mother used to tell you to count your blessings. It was good advice.

    Your situation may be bad. In the case of the United States, things indisputably are bad, and worsening. You know that. But look on the bright side.

    Sure Merrick Garland, the first American Gothic attorney general of the United States, is a partisan horror showwithholding real protection from Supreme Court justices who are threatened by violent criminals even as he stigmatizes as “domestic terrorists” parents who criticize their local school boards and orders the FBI to conduct dawn raids on critics of the regime. He is a horrible man and a dangerous partisan hack, the very instantiation of the two-tier application of the law that has made such a mockery of justice during Biden’s tenure. 

    But again, look on the bright side. Garland will soon be gone. And remember, he almost made it to the Supreme Court. Obama nominated him in the waning days of his administration. But Donald Trump had other ideas and—let’s give credit where credit is due—Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) made sure that Garland’s nomination got lost when Republicans held the majority. I am no fan of McConnell’s, but I try to remember to say a little prayer for him whenever I list my intentions. By scotching Garland’s ascension to the Court, McConnell did the country a huge favor. 

    I say Garland will “soon” be gone. Most of my readers will assume I mean on or about January 20, 2025, when the next Republican president assumes office. 

    It might take that long. But recent developments have me wondering whether he might make his congé even earlier.

    A few days ago, it was reported that an unnamed, senior IRS special agent was seeking whistle-blower status in connection with the ongoing investigation of First Son Hunter Biden, who has serious tax problems

    According to a letter from the agent’s lawyer to several House and Senate committees, the agent laid out multiple examples of “preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject [i.e., Hunter Biden] were not politically connected.”

    The agent’s allegations also “contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee” and “involve failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition of the case” against Hunter Biden.

    An “unnamed senior political appointee,” eh? Well, that unnamed status didn’t last long. On Thursday, the New York Post reported that the international man of mystery was none other than Merrick Garland himself.

    Back in March, Garland had insisted to Congress that the investigation into Hunter Biden’s extracurricular activities was free from political interference. David Weiss, the U.S. Attorney investigating the case, had full autonomy, Garland said. Quoth Garland, “The U.S. attorney has been advised that he has full authority to make kind of those referrals you’re talking about or to bring cases in other jurisdictions if he feels it is necessary, and I will assure that if he does, then he will be able to do that.” 

    It was not reported whether that claim was greeted with titters. I assume that the echoing claim from the White House, that the investigation would be “free from any political interference by the White House,” was greeted by at least restrained and incredulous laughter. 

    Thierry Monasse/Getty Images

    What does it all portend? Probably about the same thing that the revelation last week regarding Secretary of State Antony Blinken portends. Blinken, it transpired, was the origin of the campaign against the story, first reported by the New York Post, about Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.” Forget about the salacious bits—the drugs, the guns, the whores. More damaging were the emails detailing some of the Biden family’s corrupt business dealings with various foreign entities, dealings that clearly implicated the “Big Guy,” Joe Biden. 

    The Post bombshell was detonated a scant two weeks before the 2020 presidential election. It promised disaster for the Biden campaign. What to do? Remember the 51 former intelligence specialists, including such senior figures as former CIA director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who signed a letter testifying that the laptop bore “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation”? 

     According to the sworn testimony of Michael Morell—a senior Democratic operative—it was he, working hand-in-glove with Blinken, then a Biden campaign official, who organized the letter and helped shut down the story.

    Why did he do this?

    Two reasons.

    He wanted to help Joe Biden in his debates with Donald Trump, so he wanted the story buried. Beyond that, he said, he wanted Biden “to win the election.”

    What better way to help than to use the power of the state to censor the media and thereby suppress an unflattering story, one that would probably have altered the outcome of the election

    It is possible that both Garland and Blinken will have to answer for their alleged malfeasance. Both might easily be impeached and forced from office.

    If they are, it will be a signal that the Regime is about to expel Joe Biden and find another candidate for 2024. I don’t really expect that to happen, though anything is possible in this increasingly yeasty situation. More likely, I think, is that our deeply ensconced two-tier system of “justice” will prevail, just as it is, for the benefit of Hunter Biden.

    More’s the pity, but the longer such outrages continue, the more definitive the reverse peristalsis of swampy denizens in Washington, D.C. will be in November 2024. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 23:30

  • Bush, Clinton And Obama NGO Teams Up With AmEx Global To Fly Migrants Into The US
    Bush, Clinton And Obama NGO Teams Up With AmEx Global To Fly Migrants Into The US

    A new nongovernmental organization (NGO) launched by former Presidents Obama, Clinton and George W. Bush, Miles4Migrants, is teaming up with American Express Global Business Travel (AmEx GBT) and Welcome.US, in order to fly migrants to communities throughout the United States, according to Breitbart.

    Welcome.US was originally intended to facilitate the resettlement of some of the 85,000 Afghans who fled to the US in 2021 and 2022 following the Biden administration’s disastrous pullout from the country. The organization (surprise!) has ties to George Soros’ Open Society Foundation through several board members who sit on their “National Welcome Council.”

    Now, the NGO is teaming up with the open borders group Miles4Migrants as well as American Express Global Business Travel to fund flights to American communities for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Ukraine, and Nicaragua. -Breitbart

    “Donations are needed to fund the flights for newcomers to travel to the United States,” the website for the initiative states.

    Those forced to flee often leave behind all but what they can carry, and the costs of international travel can be prohibitive. Welcome Connect Travel removes the cost of travel as a barrier for both sponsors in the United States and the displaced families they are supporting through humanitarian sponsorship. [Emphasis added]

    With the average cost of a single flight at $1,600, public donations through our partner Miles4Migrants will help provide a lifeline to newcomers, giving them the opportunity to safely travel to their new communities. Donate below to help newcomers access safe travel. [Emphasis added]

    Last week Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) said that close to five million illegal migrants have entered the Untied States since Biden took office in early 2021, a figure which doesn’t include those released into the US interior, those who got away, and migrants who were never caught in the first place.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 23:00

  • It's Not That The Capital Doesn't Exist, It’s Just Trapped In A Different Time… Which Means Inflation Will Be Far Worse
    It’s Not That The Capital Doesn’t Exist, It’s Just Trapped In A Different Time… Which Means Inflation Will Be Far Worse

    By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management

    Time Travelers:

    “I like sci-fi, but prefer time travel stories to dystopian superintelligence ones,” said Lindsay Politi, our inflation portfolio manager, early one morning, our Bloomberg’s aglow. “Maybe that’s why I still think the better sci-fi tale playing out in real time is happening in the financial markets, not in Silicon Valley with its latest AI advances. Interest rates are the price of time, so, in a way, last decade’s monetary policy experiment was really a time distortion experiment. Crossing the zero bound in interest rates, like exceeding the speed of light with matter, causes our sense of time to become unfixed. Future values and present values converged and became indistinguishable. Time became irrelevant,” said Lindsay. 

    “Financial valuation, at its core, is about valuing future cash flows,” continued Lindsay. “Taking interest rates near or below zero across almost all-time horizons completely distorted the idea of time in that cash flow valuation process. It compressed present values and future values to the point of being nearly identical. Being able to pretend that time doesn’t matter is alluring but completely unhinged from reality. Distorting the pricing of time doesn’t make time irrelevant, even if it seemed that way for a while, and having to consider time again as an extremely relevant variable is destabilizing for today’s markets, quite literally.” 

    “Now that time matters again, we’re starting to realize that a lot of money we thought was on hand is trapped in the future,” said Lindsay. “You hear it all the time from the house you no longer want to sell because the mortgage rate is too low, to the PE deal you’re holding longer than you anticipated. Good or bad, people have all kinds of financial holdings they thought they’d be trading in the present but it’s now too expensive not to hold well into the future. It is creating all kinds of unexpected illiquidity and distortions. It’s not that the capital doesn’t exist. It’s just that it exists in a different time than we thought it did. And inflation is a catalyst that exposes these time distortions.”

    “All this trapped capital means inflation will be worse than most think,” said Lindsay. “There are supply issues, capital investment is needed to resolve them, but that capital is locked up in investments that we now realize are much longer term than originally anticipated. Negative and zero interest rates are so distorting that even a slight move away from that was always going to create a substantial shift towards value of the present — liquidity, cash, current cash flow, etc. Inflation itself is all about time preference for the present, wanting the ability to buy today before it’s more expensive tomorrow. This natural shift towards wanting assets and consumption in the present creates an inherent inflationary push that’s hard to anticipate. It means that prices rebound more quickly on dips than we expect.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 22:30

  • 'X-Files-Like Mystery' In Texas As Cattle Found Dead With Missing Tongues
    ‘X-Files-Like Mystery’ In Texas As Cattle Found Dead With Missing Tongues

    Authorities in Texas are investigating the mysterious deaths of six cattle found with their tongues “completely removed” by precision “clean cuts.” 

    Ranchers in Madison County, about 100 miles southeast of Waco, found the mutilated remains of a 6-year-old longhorn-cross cow lying on her side at their ranch. 

    Madison County Sheriff’s Office said, “A straight, clean cut, with apparent precision, had been made to remove the hide around the cow’s mouth on one side, leaving the meat under the removed hide untouched. The tongue was also completely removed from the body with no blood spill.” 
    “It was noted there were no signs of struggle and the grass around the cow was undisturbed,” investigators from the sheriff’s office said. 

    Investigators added: “No footprints or tire tracks were noted in the area.” 

    Ranchers also reported five similar cases involving four adult cows and one yearling in Brazos and Robertson counties. 

    The exact cause of death of the six livestock is unknown; each was found the same way, with “face cut along the jaw line and the tongue removed” in “straight, clean cut, with apparent precision,” the sheriff’s office said. 

    One commenter on the Facebook post wrote, “This is just to dristraxt of from how high inflation is.” 

    The discovery of the cattle resembles a storyline from an episode of “The X-Files.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 22:00

  • Washington Legislature Passes Semi-Automatic Rifle Ban
    Washington Legislature Passes Semi-Automatic Rifle Ban

    Authored by Elizabeth Dowell via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Another gun control restriction has been passed by Washington state legislatures, implementing a ban on dozens of models of semi-automatic rifles on Wednesday.

    Semi-automatic rifles fill a wall at a gun shop in Lynnwood, Wash., on Oct 2, 2018. (Elaine Thompson/AP)

    Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee is expected to sign the bill (HB 1240) into law and posted his reaction to this latest effort to stop the growing list of mass shootings in the United States.

    WA does not and will not accept gun violence as normal. Banning the sale of assault weapons, our bill to enact training requirements and a waiting period, and the bill to improve the accountability of manufacturers and retailers will save lives,” the governor posted on Twitter in response to the bill’s approval.

    Washington Gov. Jay Inslee speaks during the Presidential Gun Sense Forum in Des Moines, Iowa, on Aug. 10, 2019. (Scott Morgan/Reuters)

    The Washington law would block the sale, distribution, manufacture, and importation of more than 50 gun models, including AR-15s, AK-47s, and similar-style rifles. Some exemptions are included for sales to law enforcement agencies and the military in Washington. The measure does not bar the possession of weapons by people who already have them.

    Republican state lawmakers opposed the ban, with some contending school shootings should be addressed by remodeling buildings to make them less appealing as targets and others saying it infringes on people’s right to defend themselves.

    HB 1240 clearly violates our state and federal constitutions, which is why it will end up in court immediately,” state Sen. Lynda Wilson of Vancouver said in a statement.

    President Joe Biden called for stronger gun control laws during a visit to Monterey Park, California, in March, where he met the families of the mass shooting that claimed 11 lives and injured nine others in January 2023.

    “I’m here on behalf of the American people, to mourn with you, to pray with you. To let you know you’re loved and not alone. Every case is different. But I know what it’s like. I know what that’s like to get that call,” Biden said in his speech.

    Requirements should be enforced more effectively before an individual can buy a firearm.

    It’s just common sense to check whether someone is a felon, a domestic abuser before they buy a gun,” Biden added.

    Gun manufacturing CEOs Marty Daniel of Daniel Defense and Christopher Killoy of Sturm, Ruger & Co. both testified last year before Congress and denied any responsibility in connection to America’s mass shootings over the decade.

    “I believe that these murders are a local problem that has to be solved locally,” Daniel said in a statement. “These acts are committed by murderers. The murderers are responsible.”

    Killoy, the CEO of the largest manufacturer of rifles in the United States, said blaming an “inanimate object” for deaths caused by murderers isn’t accurate.

    “We firmly believe that it is wrong to deprive citizens of their constitutional right to purchase a lawful firearm they desire because of the criminal acts of wicked people,” Killoy said in a statement. “A firearm, any firearm, can be used for good or for evil. The difference is in the intent of the individual possessing it, which we respectfully submit, should be the focus of any investigation into the root causes of criminal violence involving firearms.”

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott believes raising the minimum age to buy assault-style rifles from 18 to 21 years old wouldn’t help solve the murder problem and would be unconstitutional.

    It is clear that the gun control law that they are seeking in Uvalde—as much as they may want it—has already been ruled as unconstitutional,” Abbott said in a statement during his reelection campaign last year.

    California is one of the strictest states when it comes to gun control laws as Gov. Gavin Newsom continues to push for tighter reforms leading the nation.

    “From our schools to our parks to our homes, our kids deserve to be safe—in California, we’re making that a reality. As the Supreme Court rolls back important gun safety protections and states across the country treat gun violence as inevitable, California is doubling down on commonsense gun safety measures that save lives,” Newsom said in a statement. “The lives of our kids are at stake, and we’re putting everything on the table to respond to this crisis.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 21:30

  • Watch: Ohio Senate Candidate Floats Reparations For White People
    Watch: Ohio Senate Candidate Floats Reparations For White People

    An Ohio candidate for US Senator, Bernie Moreno, has suggested that the white descendants of northern Civil War soldiers should receive some type of reparations.

    Bernie Moreno. (File Photo)

    “We stand at the shoulders of giants, don’t we? We stand on shoulders of people like John Adams, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, George Washington. That this group of people took on the largest empire in history. They said no, we will not stand for this. And won,” Moreno told supporters at a campaign event last week.

    “That same group of people later, white people, died to free black people. It’s never happened in human history before, but it happened here in America. That’s not taught a lot in schools much is it?” continued Moreno, who’s looking to challenge US Senator Sherrod Brown.

    They make it sound like America is a racist, broken country. You name a country that did that: that freed slaves, died to do that. You know, they talk about reparations. Where are the reparations for the people in the North who died to save the lives of black people?

    Moreno, a business owner, is the second GOP candidate to jump into the race and faces a primary from Ohio State Senator Matt Dolan. The 2024 Ohio Senate race is a top target for Republicans looking to reclaim the upper chamber.

    Though Ohio has a long history as a battleground, it has trended red in recent years. Incumbent Brown is the last major elected statewide Democrat. Ohio strongly backed former president Trump in 2016 and 2020 and sent his preferred candidate, J.D. Vance, to the Senate last year. –NY Post

    According to a spokesman for Moreno, Conor McGuinness, the point about reparations had everything to do with political correctness.

    “Bernie was right when he said political correctness is killing our country, and the crocodile tears from the left expose the Democrat hypocrisy he was referring to in the clip,” said McGuinness. “However, it’s unsurprising that the liberal media missed his point, since they’ve been complicit with the identity politics charade for years.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 21:00

  • Republicans Help Democrats Advance Biden’s Judicial Nominees Amid Feinstein’s Absence
    Republicans Help Democrats Advance Biden’s Judicial Nominees Amid Feinstein’s Absence

    Authored by Zachary Steiber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Republican senators joined Democrat colleagues in advancing multiple judicial nominees from a Senate panel after a weekslong pause due to the absence of a Democrat senator.

    Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in Washington on May 25, 2022. (Ting Shen/Pool/Getty Images)

    The Senate Judiciary Committee discharged seven nominees from President Joe Biden on April 20 as at least one Republican joined all remaining Democrats on the panel.

    GOP senators helped advance Jeffrey Cummings and LaShonda Hunt, nominated as U.S. District Court judges for the Northern District of Illinois; Orelia Merchant, nominated as U.S. District Court judge for the Eastern District of New York; Michael Farbiarz and Robert Kirsch, nominated as U.S. District Court judges for the District of New Jersey; and Monica Almadani and Wesley Hsu, nominated as U.S. District Court judges for Central District of California.

    Democrats control the Senate, giving them the chair and a majority on each committee. Democrats have 11 members, including Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), on the judiciary panel. Republicans have 10 members. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has been absent since February as she deals with shingles. Feinstein asked to be temporarily replaced, but Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) blocked that bid.

    Durbin, though, said he’d spoken to Graham and had chosen to hold the first hearing in weeks to vote on the nominees.

    Our agenda includes a number of judicial nominees who have been sitting on the agenda for some time. Some have bipartisan support. There’s nothing to prevent us from calling and voting on these nominees today even in Sen. Feinstein’s absence,” he said. “I understand we now have agreement to vote on several of them. I’ve spoken to Sen. Graham.”

    “Today I’m going to do my part, and my colleagues will vote the way they think is best, to keep the committee moving forward,” Graham said.

    Both Graham and Durbin said they wished Feinstein well and hope she returns soon.

    Without Republican support, Democrats cannot advance nominees to the full Senate. The judiciary panel is charged with considering nominees offered by Biden. Feinstein voted by proxy for each nominee, but proxy votes are only allowed under committee rules if they are not the deciding vote, CNN reported.

    Graham was the only Republican to vote for three of the nominees. Multiple Republicans, such as Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), voted for others.

    Durbin held back other appointees, including Kato Crews, indicating they may not have had any Republican support.

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on the Senate floor recently that nominees “who are mainstream and qualified” would get bipartisan support but that Feinstein’s absence would mean “that Democrats aren’t able to push through a small fraction of their nominees who are so extreme and so unqualified that they cannot win a single Republican vote in committee.”

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 20:30

  • Tesla Market Share In California Tumbles To 59.6% From 72.7%
    Tesla Market Share In California Tumbles To 59.6% From 72.7%

    It looks like the bad news could only be getting started for Tesla.

    The EV maker, which tumbled nearly 10% to end the week after reporting disappointing earnings and margins that failed to impress the street, is now also starting to lose its stronghold in the state of California, Reuters reported Saturday morning. 

    The report shows that the company controlled just 59.6% of the battery electric market in California in Q1 2023, which is down from 72.7% in the year prior period. It’s also the lowest market share Tesla has had in California since 2017. 

    Reuters made the calculation using data from the California Energy Commission and found that legacy automakers like Volkswagen, General Motors, Chevy and Kia all expanded their market share in the state, despite still sitting in the single digits, far behind Tesla. 

    Last year, sales in California accounted for 16% of the company’s global deliveries, the report says. It’ll be no surprise that the West Coast state is also the largest in the U.S. for zero emission vehicles, making it a necessary stronghold for those who want to compete in EVs in the United States. 

    Tesla, meanwhile, has been in a back-and-forth with raising and lowering the prices of its vehicles, ostensibly trying to find a “sweet spot” between being able to stoke demand, while not destroying margins any further than it did last quarter. 

    We noted on Friday that Tesla is now increasing the prices of both versions of its Model S and X electric vehicles. The Model S Plaid and Model X Plaid now cost $107,490 from $104,990 earlier, Reuters wrote. They also said the regular Model X is at $97,940, which marks about a 2.6% rise, and the Model S is at $87,490, marking a rise of about 2.9%. 

    Shares of the EV maker plunged Thursday after reporting earnings that disappointed Wall Street on Wednesday after market. Among the topics of discussions were the company’s poor margins, occurring as a result of Tesla slashing prices consistently since the beginning of 2023. Total GAAP margin for the quarter was 19.3%, missing estimates of 21.2% and down 977 bps from 29.1% just one year ago. 

    Tesla closed its first quarter with record deliveries hitting over 423,000 units worldwide, but that’s still less than what the automaker produced. Tesla has used price cuts throughout the quarter, aiming to reach more of the mass market, and as Bloomberg calculated earlier this week, the latest price cut makes the Tesla Model Y nearly a third cheaper than it was at the start of the year, in part due to the introduction of a new lowest level trim.

    The most recent cuts to Model X and Model S prices came on March 6, a little more than a month ago, when the company reduced the starting prices for the S and X in the US by 5.3% and 9.1%, respectively, to $89,990 and $99,990. Additionally, the higher-performance Plaid version of the Model S and X had been lowered by 4.3% and 8.3%.

    Back in March, Musk claimed that demand for Teslas was nearly unlimited and would increase significantly as the company made its vehicles more affordable. The recent price reductions at the time implied that these vehicles may not have had experienced the same boost in demand as the rest of the lineup when the company reduced prices earlier this year. That appeared to be the case when the company reported deliveries at the beginning of April.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 20:00

  • "We Scrambled, And Spoke With Well Over 100 Banks. Not One Will Provide Financing"
    “We Scrambled, And Spoke With Well Over 100 Banks. Not One Will Provide Financing”

    By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management

    “Credit started tightening six to nine months ago,” said the developer, a close friend, entrepreneur, with large residential projects across the nation. “It started with the money center banks,” he continued. “This pushed us to regional banks for our latest projects, but then SVB happened.” The market froze.

    “The lender for our latest 30-story project in a tier-one city backed out, so we scrambled, and spoke with well over 100 banks. Not one will provide financing.” His firm is a leader in their market niche. A strong track record.

    “The Fed is going to have to inject liquidity and slash rates to break this financing freeze on new construction.” Not only have higher rates failed to push home prices down materially, but they are now reducing new supply.

    “And here’s something I’ve never seen. When we start a new project, we take out a construction loan. We rush to finish the project, start renting the apartments, repay the loan, and refinance at a lower rate.” The new loans typically have less risk and thus a lower rate than the original construction loans, which are structured with 3yr maturities plus an option to extend for 2yrs.

    “But now, we have legacy construction loans with a 4.0%-4.5% interest rate, and we’ll extend those out for the full five-year term even though the projects are complete. If we paid them back and refinanced with permanent debt, the rates would probably be 6.5% fixed with no pre-pay option or 8.5%-9.0% floating. There’s no way anyone is going to pay back those low-rate loans that were originated before the hiking cycle.”

    This is a new dynamic for banks. Their low-rate loans are being extended at the same time their deposit base is shrinking.

    “We developed properties right through the 2008 cycle. What’s unfolding now is something else, new construction is going to hit the wall. The dramatic pace of interest rate increases has flipped everyone upside down,” he said, well positioned. “Happy to sit on vacant lots. I can be patient.” 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 19:30

  • Florida LGBT Group Cancels Pride Parade After City Says No Kids Allowed
    Florida LGBT Group Cancels Pride Parade After City Says No Kids Allowed

    Well…this is awkward.  The city of Port St. Lucie in southeastern Florida was scheduled to host a gay pride parade organized by the “Pride Alliance of the Treasure Coast,” but there was just one caveat – No kids allowed.

    In accordance with legislation ready to be signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis the city allowed the pride parade to take place but required all attendees to be 21 or older due the sexualized nature of the performances common during such events.  

    The Florida House has sent a bill to Desantis that is set to ban children from attending adult-oriented performances, including drag shows. The bill defines “adult live performances” as “any show, exhibition, or other presentation that is performed in front of a live audience and in whole or in part, depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, specific sexual activities, … lewd conduct, or the lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts.”

    These rules would make the majority of pride parades a no-go for children given they violate nearly every item on the list.

    Strangely, rather than following the new requirements and ensuring that only adults over 21 attend the event, the Treasure Coast organization took to Facebook to announce that they would cancel the parade entirely.  In other words, if they can’t have the kids, there’s no point to the parade.  Their statement notes:

    “The city has decided that with the likelihood that the Governor will sign the latest bill into effect this evening, that we will need to be on the side of caution and has required us to make this necessary change. We are obviously upset and dishearten[ed] that it has come to this. We also regret to announce that we will have to cancel our plans to bring back our beloved parade.”

    The group suggests it will return with a more “family friendly” event in the future, though the question remains – Why cancel the previous event?  Why not simply check IDs?

    Dozens of states across the country are moving to ban children from sexual displays as drag shows for kids become the primary activist strategy for the political left.  Trans activists claim the shows are about acclimating children to “acceptance and tolerance”, while opponents argue that the shows are about indoctrination with perhaps even darker underlying intentions.   

    It’s unfortunate that state governments need to legally intervene to protect children from these kinds of graphic demonstrations.  Generally, one would expect parents to have the good sense to keep their kids away.  But the existing ideological dynamic has made the sexaulization of children into a political tool, and so states like Florida are left with little choice. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 19:00

  • Taibbi: News Blackout In Effect
    Taibbi: News Blackout In Effect

    Authored by Matt Taibbi via Racket News,

    An all-time media blackout is in effect. We’re experiencing real-time Sovietization.

    Left, most recent search results for “Morell” in the New York Times. Right, Google News.

    It transpires that the infamous incident before the 2020 election in which 50 former intelligence officials signed an open letter declared a New York Post expose about Hunter Biden’s laptop to have the “classic earmarks of a Russian information operation” was instigated at the behest of the Joe Biden campaign. This at least is the allegation in a letter to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken released by Jim Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government.

    In that letter, which is not easy to find, you’ll see three snippets of dialogue from questioning of Morell, who appears to have organized the open letter. In the first snippet, he explains that the idea originated with a call from Blinken, then of the Biden campaign, and that absent that call, Morell wouldn’t have done what he did:

    In the second snippet Morell bluntly explains that he did it because “I wanted him to win,” him being Joe Biden:

    By any marker, this is an enormous news story. If we go by the usual measuring stick of American scandal, the Watergate story, this potentially meets or exceeds that, on almost every level. Does it reach into the current White House? Check. Was it a craven attempt to subvert the electoral process? Check again. Did a presidential candidate engineer a massive public deception? Yes, resoundingly. Did it involve intelligence agencies? Yes, and these weren’t amateurs like Nixon’s plumbers. These were 50 of the most powerful people in the intelligence world — including five former heads or acting heads of the Agency in Morell, John Brennan, Leon Panetta, Michael Hayden, and John McLaughlin — conspiring to meddle in domestic politics on a grand scale.

    The seriousness of the actual laptop story, at least what’s been disclosed so far, is still not clear. I’ve long thought the suppression of it by Facebook and Twitter had clearer import, being a historic censorship first. However, if it can be proven that this “Russian Disinfo” whopper was laid on the public at the behest of the Biden campaign, with the aid of the intelligence community, that escalates things to a new level of scandal, far above the censorship issue.

    Temporarily, however, that may be obscured by the absolute corruption of American media. Outside of conservative outlets, who naturally are eating it up, there were exactly two serious stories done about this on the national level in an appropriate response time. One was in CNN and was at least relatively down-the-middle, though humorously it did quote a Democratic Party spokesperson from the Weaponization Committee saying, “Jim Jordan has released cherry-picked excerpts of a transcribed interview.” The same Democrats from the same Committee also called my testimony “cherry-picked,” and also called the testimony of three FBI whistleblowers “cherry-picked.” The inevitable end-of-year Matt Orfalea “cherry-picked” video will be epic.

    Subscribers to Racket can read the rest here…

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 18:30

  • Florida Instacart Drivers Shot At After Driving To Wrong Address
    Florida Instacart Drivers Shot At After Driving To Wrong Address

    A pair of Instacart drivers in Florida’s Broward County say someone shot at them after they ended up at the wrong address trying to deliver groceries.

    Waldes Thomas told NBC affiliate WTVJ that he and his girlfriend, Diamond D’arville were on the phone with the customer trying to find the delivery address, when they ended up at the wrong home. They say they saw a flashlight as they were about to drive off the property.

    He’s like, ‘Who are you?’ and we’re saying we’re with Instacart,” D’arville told the news station, adding that the man then got into his truck and pulled up behind them.

    “I had seen him pull out a gun and that’s when I said, ‘We got to go, we got to go,'” said D’arvile, adding “I was scared, I’m not going to lie.”

    D’arville said her car was hit several times. The couple said they decided to pull over about a block away from the home and called Davie police.

    “We were there for Instacart, we were trying to tell him, and he went about it the wrong way — instead of just calling police, saying ‘I have trespassers on my lawn,’ he decided to shoot,” Thomas said.

    Davie police told WTVJ that a gun did go off at a home on Southwest 178th Avenue but no injuries were reported. –WFLA

    “(A detective) asked if we wanted to prosecute and we agreed to do that, but he said since they didn’t break any laws or do anything unlawful, they couldn’t do anything because we were on their property,” said D’arville, who says he wants the man who shot to be held accountable.


    “It’s just not right — even if you have a gun, I understand you’re trying to protect your family, but you don’t come outside shooting,” he said. “We’re telling you what we’re here, we’re trying to leave and you’re blocking us in, it could’ve just been on our way and they made it bigger than what it was.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 18:00

  • Gov. Ivey Replaces Alabama Education Director Over 'Woke' Training Book
    Gov. Ivey Replaces Alabama Education Director Over ‘Woke’ Training Book

    Authored by Mimi Nguyen Ly via The Epoch Times,

    Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey announced Friday she replaced the state’s director of early childhood education, due to the use of a teacher training book that Ivey said teaches “woke concepts.”

    “The education of Alabama’s children is my top priority as governor, and there is absolutely no room to distract or take away from this mission,” Ivey said in a statement.

    “Let me be crystal clear: Woke concepts that have zero to do with a proper education and that are divisive at the core have no place in Alabama classrooms at any age level, let alone with our youngest learners.”

    The book of concern is the 881-page Developmentally Appropriate Practice Book, 4th edition, developed by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

    The book is a guide for early childhood educators but is not a curriculum taught to children.

    Ivey spokesperson Gina Maiola said she understands that the books have been removed from the state classrooms.

    According to a release from Ivey’s office, the governor directed Dr. Barbara Cooper, the secretary of the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education (ADECE), to send a memo to disavow the book and discontinue its use after being alerted of concerning content in the book last week.

    Ivey also decided to change leadership at the department, and accepted Cooper’s resignation “immediately,” the release stated. Meanwhile, Dr. Jane Hume has been appointed the interim secretary of the ADECE, pending Ivey’s decision about who will be the new department head.

    Cooper was elected to the NAEYC’s national governing board in 2022. Her term ends in 2026.

    “Governor Ivey remains appreciative for her service to the state and passion for early childhood education. In addition to expanding service to the number of four-year-olds, Dr. Cooper has helped put an increased focus on students in lower-performing areas and has even been a champion for computer science education in the state,” according to the release from Ivey’s office.

    “However, Governor Ivey strongly believes that woke concepts have no place at any level of education in the state of Alabama and should not be taking away from the overall mission of improving educational outcomes for students.”

    ‘Woke Agenda’

    Ivey’s office said that the governor is concerned about a “woke agenda” because the book “invokes ideas for teachers that there are ‘larger systemic forces that perpetuate systems of White privilege.’” It also promotes the idea that “the United States is built on systemic and structural racism.”

    “Also included for four-year-olds to learn is that ‘LGBTQIA+ need to hear and see messages that promote equality, dignity, and worth,’” Ivey’s office stated.

    “The glossary includes equally disturbing concepts that the Ivey Administration and the people of Alabama in no way, shape or form believe should be used to influence school children, let alone four-year-olds.“

    Ivey’s office stated she “does not stand for these concepts.”

    “For as long as she is governor, Alabama will be focused on ensuring our students are receiving a quality education.”

    The NAEYC told multiple outlets that the book is a research-based resource for teachers.

    “While not a curriculum, it is a responsive, educator-developed, educator-informed, and research-based resource that has been honed over multiple generations to support teachers in helping all children thrive and reach their full potential,” the NAEYC statement said.

    According to a copy of the 881-page book obtained by The Associated Press, the book states: “Early childhood programs also serve and welcome families that represent many compositions. Children from all families (e.g., single parent, grandparent-led, foster, LGBTQIA+) need to hear and see messages that promote equality, dignity, and worth.”

    It further states: “systemic and structural racism … has permeated every institution and system through policies and practices that position people of color in oppressive, repressive, and menial positions. The early education system is not immune to these forces.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 17:30

  • 'Why Aren't Black Celebrities Talking About That?' – Bill Maher Asks Why Black People Are Killing Each Other In Cities Like Chicago
    ‘Why Aren’t Black Celebrities Talking About That?’ – Bill Maher Asks Why Black People Are Killing Each Other In Cities Like Chicago

    HBO host Bill Maher has done it again, asking the third rail questions and saying the quiet part out loud.

    The comedian and self-professed liberal said blasted Chicago Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson during his most recent show, saying that Johnson was “excusing horrific behavior” in a speech he delivered following several shootings in Chicagoland last week.

    Maher talked about crime with Brown University economist Glenn Loury and international relations scholar Daniel Bessner in the context of Chicago electing a soft-on-crime mayor and shoplifting in New York City.

    “Most of the shootings [in Chicago] are young black men killing other young black men. Is that not correct?” Maher asked.

    “Yeah that’s correct,” guest Glenn Loury responded.

    “Okay, much more than what the cops do. Why doesn’t anybody talk about that? Why aren’t there a hundred giant black celebrities who would have the respect of those people saying what are you doing to yourselves? Why are you killing each other?” Maher asked.

    Loury, a black Chicago native and longtime commentator on racial issues, advocated for tougher prosecution and enabling cops to do their jobs.

    “…it’s no way to live, this dishonors our community, come on, we’re better than this,” Loury said.

    Bessner disagreed and said material wealth redistribution would be needed to reduce incarceration rates without condoning individual criminal behavior.

    Maher responded to Bessner’s claims that giving people more money would reduce crime

    “One in three children in America can not read at a basic level of comprehension. 85% of black students lack proficiency in reading skills. We already spent a lot of money on schools. So are you going to keep telling me that more money will fix this because I feel like this is much more connected to the problems of people who can’t read. Yes, they’re going to have problems with gainful employment and it seems like, you know, a lot of times the solutions that come from the left seem symbolic. They don’t seem like we’re addressing what really needs to be done which is get kids learning, get them reading, get them to have a job,” Maher said.

    “It doesn’t seem like the money is getting to this problem if 85% of black students lack proficiency in reading skills,” he said.

    Watch the full discussion below:

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 17:00

  • Bovard: Spy Letter About Hunter Biden Shows How Dems Are Undermining Democracy
    Bovard: Spy Letter About Hunter Biden Shows How Dems Are Undermining Democracy

    Authored by James Bovard,

    In the closing address at last month’s Summit for Democracy, Secretary of State Antony Blinken piously proclaimed, “As President Biden has said, democracy doesn’t happen by accident… It requires constant effort.”

    Or in the case of the 2020 election, it required deceiving American voters.

    The House Judiciary Committee revealed that Blinken, then a top Biden adviser, orchestrated the letter from 51 top intelligence officials claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop was nothing but a Russian disinformation campaign.

    Blinken contacted former acting CIA chief Mike Morell, who swayed scores of other former top officials — including three ex-CIA chiefs — to sign that letter to debunk the biggest threat to the Biden presidential campaign.

    In the final presidential debate on Oct. 22, Joe Biden invoked that letter from former intelligence officials to deflect Donald Trump’s attacks on Biden family corruption.

    Polls show that Biden would have lost the election if the media had accurately reported the contents of that laptop.

    Biden pretended that letter arose spontaneously from the patriotic sentiments of former officials.

    But the letter was “triggered” by Blinken’s call to Morell, who then contacted his former colleagues.

    Blinken’s ploy may have swayed Biden to appoint him secretary of state.

    The media are mostly ignoring or downplaying the revelations of Blinken’s machinations.

    If the roles were reversed, cable news and front-page headlines would be screaming about a villainous Trump operative pulling official strings to whitewash the Donald.

    MSNBC would be howling about the death of democracy, and CNN hosts would be sobbing hysterically about the dirty deal.

    But when Team Biden does it: nothing to see here, move along.

    How many presidential elections can Democrats seek to dishonestly rig without suffering any penalty flags from media scorekeepers?

    Shortly before the 2016 election, senior Hillary Clinton adviser Jake Sullivan peddled false claims linking the Trump Organization to Russia.

    The Federal Election Commission last month levied a $113,000 fine on the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for their deceptive funding to cover up their role in the Steele dossier.

    The FBI, which was apparently willing to pay any price to defeat Trump, offered former British spy Christopher Steele $1 million in cash if he could prove the charges in that dossier before the 2016 election.

    There was no proof — but that didn’t stop the FBI from using the dossier to get warrants to spy on Trump campaign officials from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

    Jake Sullivan is now Biden’s national security adviser.

    Did he get that gig in part because of his willingness to lie for Democratic kingpins?

    Avril Haines is Biden’s director of national intelligence.

    Did signing the Hunter laptop letter help her snare that plum job?

    The letter Blinken finagled would not have been so influential if journalists were not shamelessly docile to federal job titles.

    Inside the Beltway, former intelligence kingpins are viewed like royalty or at least second-tier aristocracy.

    But the CIA has a long record of secretly intervening in dozens of foreign elections.

    In 2019, former CIA director Mike Pompeo summarized his agency’s motif: “We lied, we cheated, we stole. It was like we had entire training courses.”

    Former CIA chief James Woolsey insisted in 2018 that the CIA intervenes in elections “only for a very good cause in the interests of democracy.”

    Yet the letter from former spooks was instantly revered by journalists as if it were handed down from Mt. Sinai.

    For the Washington political elite, defeating Donald Trump was the ultimate good cause to save democracy.

    Biden talks as if his 2020 election victory was the result of practically a divine incarnation of the “will of the people.”

    Unfortunately, presidential elections are irrevocable regardless of how many voters were conned.

    How much official deceit can democracy survive?

    Any notion of “informed consent” by voters is a mirage if federal agencies and former officials have the power to endlessly distort the news.

    Shortly after he became secretary of state, Blinken boasted that the US government doesn’t sweep problems “under the rug. . . . We deal with them in the daylight, with full transparency.”

    That pledge apparently did not extend to Blinken’s own tampering with the 2020 election.

    What else is Blinken hiding, and when will the next shoe fall?

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 16:30

  • Watch: Ron DeSantis Releases Hilarious Commercial Trolling Trans Athletes
    Watch: Ron DeSantis Releases Hilarious Commercial Trolling Trans Athletes

    From mediocre to champions…

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis displays a talent for trolling trans sports activists (specifically biological men claiming to be women) with a new commercial “congratulating” them on their impressive achievement of pushing women out of women’s sports.

    Good work, guys!  Show those women athletes who’s boss.   

    Florida has banned biological men from women’s sports since 2021 at all publicly funded institutions.  At least 21 states have so far passed similar laws.  Arguments on the political left range from claims that there are no physical advantages for biological males over biological females, to claims that barring trans athletes from women’s competitions could “lead to suicides.”  So far, none of the assertions made by leftists or trans activists on the issue have proven legitimate.      

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 16:00

  • The Censorship Industrial Complex Is The Revolt Of The Elites
    The Censorship Industrial Complex Is The Revolt Of The Elites

    Authored by Leighton Woodhouse via ‘Public’ Substack,

    The political establishment has constructed a new apparatus of control…

    In 2002, the Bush administration, desperate to sell its planned invasion of Iraq to the American public, turned to the mainstream media. Every evening on Fox News, White House officials invoked Hitler allusions and implied fictitious ties between Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.

    Fox, however, allowed them to preach only to the converted. To forge a working national consensus, they had to reach doves as well as hawks.

    So the Bush administration zeroed in on The New York Times. With reporter Judith Miller, they hit pay dirt. With breathless headlines such as “HUSSEIN INTENSIFIES QUEST FOR A-BOMB PARTS, Miller stamped the President’s mythmaking about aluminum tubes, mobile weapons labs, and Weapons of Mass Destruction with the imprimatur of her illustrious employer. So critical was her reporting to the spinning of American aggression as self-defense that it’s conceivable that the White House’s entire drive to war may have failed without it.

    By the time Miller’s stories were exposed as so much laundered propaganda, they had served their purpose: American soldiers were already occupying Iraq.

    The invasion of Iraq marked the last time the political elite would wield the power to mobilize an entire nation merely by manipulating a handful of journalistic elites. The era of mass media, during which just a dozen or so giant print and broadcast corporations enjoyed hegemonic control over the national public discourse, lasted about eighty years, beginning roughly a century ago, when modern television was born. The incestuous relationship between the government and the media during those decades was depicted in Steven Spielberg’s movie The Post, in which Defense Secretary Robert McNamara tries and fails to leverage his cozy relationship with Washington Post editor Katherine Graham to compel the media to fall in line with the government’s suppression of the Pentagon Papers. The story is heroic because it’s so unusual; Graham’s decision was the exception that proved the rule.

    That era ended two decades ago, when social media networks emerged. About a year after the invasion of Iraq, Facebook was founded. The year after that YouTube was born; the following year came Twitter. With the cheap, targeted advertising their technology enabled, the new tech platforms destroyed the business model of the mass media. Unable to compete for advertisers, the media mammoths of the twentieth century floundered. The entire industry was thrown into crisis, bleeding revenue and laying off staff.

    At the same time, social media began sorting news consumers into hyper-polarized digital silos, shattering the broad political center that the traditional media catered to and relied upon to sell advertisements to a mass audience. The New York Times, CNN, and even Fox News saw their broad national readerships and viewerships contract into smaller and evermore partisan echo chambers, even as ordinary people began to forge horizontal connections with one another online, exchanging information laterally. The public began generating their own, autonomous narratives about world events, typically cobbled together eclectically from reports by various news outlets, but beholden to none of them in particular. The power to shape the national narrative devolved downward, becoming increasingly fractured in the process.

    This anarchic new media ecosystem has defined the public discourse ever since. For both elected politicians and the administrative state, it has constituted a perennial crisis. Bureaucracies manage populations by striking bargains with leaders; you can’t negotiate with a mob, much less a thousand of them. From the perspective of the state, this new information landscape was essentially ungovernable. An entire regime of social control, helmed by the most powerful politicians in the country in partnership with the titans of the media industry, was felled. In the age of social media that the new platforms jump-started, the state’s ability to control world events by playing reporters like Judith Miller like pawns on a chess board withered away, as the influence of the media corporations they worked for dissipated.

    The political elite stumbled through this bedlam for two decades. But over that time, new gatekeepers emerged to replace those that had faded away with the decline of the mass media.

    The state created a new apparatus of control over the public discourse, one whose existence most Americans are still oblivious to.

    Today, we are witnessing the emergence of a new so-called emergency: the “disinformation pandemic.”

    Like Oceania’s distant war with Eurasia, it’s an emergency concocted expressly to justify its proposed remedy: the erection and expansion of the Censorship Industrial Complex.

    The defenders of the Censorship Industrial Complex regard themselves as ordained to rule.

    They take for granted their right to dictate to us what we read, watch and hear, as we can’t be trusted to decide for ourselves.

    To them, the public is a barbarian horde that, given an ounce too much freedom, will run amok, destroying all in its path.

    These are the delusions of a political nobility. In the spirit of a democratic nation, they must be stripped of their crowns and never be allowed to wield power again.

    *  *  *

    Subscribers can read the full note here…

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 15:30

  • Watch: Boeing 737 Engine Catches Fire Over Ohio After Bird Strike
    Watch: Boeing 737 Engine Catches Fire Over Ohio After Bird Strike

    On Sunday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 737 jet took off from an airport in Colombus, Ohio, only to be struck by a flock of birds, resulting in one of its engines spewing fireballs, reported The National Desk. A dramatic video of the incident was shared on Twitter. 

    American Airlines flight 1958 to Phoenix, Arizona, took off from John Glenn International Airport just after 0740 local time. After being airborne for several minutes, the plane struck a flock of birds. 

    “American Airlines flight 1958, with service from Columbus (CMH) to Phoenix (PHX), returned to CMH shortly after takeoff due to a mechanical issue.

     “The flight landed normally and taxied safely to the gate under its own power. The aircraft was taken out of service for maintenance and our team is working to get customers back on their way to PHX. Safety is our top priority and we thank our customers for their understanding,” American Airlines, who operated the plane and flight in question, wrote in a statement.

    Here’s the video of fireballs coming out of the 737’s right engine.

    Flight tracking website Flightradar24 shows the plane made a giant loop around the Colombus metro area before safely returning to the airport.

    Emergency crews were dispatched to the American Airlines jet when it landed.

    A person on the ground told Daily Mail the plane’s right engine sounded “as if it was about to give up.” 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 04/23/2023 – 15:00

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