Author's posts

Today’s News 23rd February 2018

USA, USA, USA: America's 4G Network Is Ranked 62nd 'Best' In The World (Behind Macedonia) The United States takes pride in being a technological leader in the world. Companies such as Apple, Alphabet, IBM, Amazon and Microsoft have shaped our (digital) lives for many years and there is little indication of that changing anytime soon. …

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Today’s News 22nd February 2018

"We Primed Ourselves For Discord" – The Dangers Of Exaggerating Russia's Role In The 2016 Election As we’ve pointed out time and time again, anybody who has read the Mueller indictment would likely assume that Russian agents were orchestrating a sophisticated psy-op against the American people during the run-up to the 2016 vote – and …

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Today’s News 21st February 2018

History Lessons From Years Under Islamism Authored by Majid Rafizadeh via The Gatestone Institute, In Iran, my generation, the first after Islamism came to power, is called the Burnt Generation (Persian: Nasl-e Sukhteh). Our generation earned this name for having to endure the brutality of the Islamist and theocratic regime from the time we were …

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Today’s News 20th February 2018

Why Washington Struck Russian Contractors In Syria Submitted by Nauman Sadiq, On February 7, the US B-52 bombers and Apache helicopters struck a contingent of Syrian government troops and allied forces in Deir al-Zor that reportedly killed and wounded dozens of Russian military contractors working for the Russian private security firm, the Wagner group. In …

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Today’s News 19th February 2018

The US Is Executing A Global War Plan Authored by Finian Cunningham via The Strategic Culture Foundation, Washington is moving inevitably on a global war plan. That’s the grim conclusion one has to draw from three unfolding war scenarios. Ultimately, it’s about American imperialism trying to assert hegemony over the international order for the benefit …

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Today’s News 18th February 2018

Escalation In Syria – How Far Can The Russians Be Pushed? Authored by The Saker, Events in Syria have recently clearly taken a turn for the worse and there is an increasing amount of evidence that the Russian task force in Syria is being targeted by a systematic campaign of “harassing attacks”. First, there was …

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Today’s News 17th February 2018

Falsehoods And Lies: Inciting War Is A War Crime Via The Strategic Culture Foundation, The torrent of reckless false accusations against Russia made by the US and its NATO allies is hitting warp speed. This week saw more baseless allegations of Russian cyber attacks on American elections and British industries. There were also crass claims by US officials that …

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Today’s News 16th February 2018

Solar Storm Will Strike Earth Tonight, "Weak Power Grid Fluctuations" Possible Authored by Mac Slavo via, The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center forecasts an aurora could light up the sky above areas in the United State including Michigan and Maine.  A solar storm, which occurred Monday, is expected to strike Earth tonight. On Monday, the sun spit …

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Today’s News 15th February 2018

Paul Craig Robert Asks "Do Financial Markets Still Exist?" Authored by Paul Craig Roberts, For many decades the Federal Reserve has rigged the bond market by its purchases. And for about a century, central banks have set interest rates (mainly to stabilize their currency’s exchange rate) with collateral effects on securities prices. It appears that …

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Today’s News 14th February 2018

Apple Shipped More Watches Than Switzerland In Q4 2017 Despite the fact that the Apple Watch is consistently playing second (or third) fiddle to the iPhone in terms of public attention, the evidence suggesting that Apple has yet another hit product on its hands is piling up. According to estimates by market research firm Canalys, the Apple Watch had its …

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