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Today’s News 12th October 2017

The European Countries With The Most Psychiatrists If Europe is driving you nuts, we have some simple advice… head to Finland! As Statista's Niall McCarthy notes, according to new Eurostat data released to mark World Mental Health Day, the European Union has about 90,000 psychiatrists in total and Finland has the most per 100,000 inhabitants (23.60) followed by Sweden …

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Today’s News 11th October 2017

What Saudis Hope To Get Out Of Russia Ties Authored by M.K. Bhadrakumr viaThe Strategic Culture Foundation, The mishap at the Moscow airport on Wednesday when the Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz arrived on a historic visit, was a wake-up call that even the most carefully choregraphed enterprises may hold unpleasant surprises. When Salman exited …

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Today’s News 10th October 2017

Are Russia And China Right On North Korea? Authored by Matthew Jamison via The Strategic Culture Foundation, With the nuclear standoff between North Korea and the United States having heated up significantly over the summer, it has been the Governments of Russia and China who have sought to be the responsible, mature and wise international …

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Today’s News 9th October 2017

A Mysterious Virus Has Infiltrated America's Drone Program There’s something deeply wrong at Creech Air Force Base, the notorious home of America’s drone program, where pilots remotely order US Reaper and Predator drones to unleash destructive missile strikes on unsuspecting villagers in Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and other war zones. Less than a week …

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Today’s News 8th October 2017

Fire Breaks Out On The Roof Of The New York Fed Dozens of firefighters are fighting a blaze which broke out on the top of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, NBC New York reports. The fire broke out sometime before 8:40 p.m. on the roof of the 14-story building at 33 Liberty St. …

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Today’s News 7th October 2017

Is Saudi Arabia's Grand Strategy Shifting? Authored by Andrew Korybko via Oriental Review, Even in this era of global paradigmatic changes, Saudi Arabia’s shifting grand strategy is perhaps one of the most surprising developments to occur thus far, but the fast-moving Russian-Saudi rapprochement is likely to provoke an Iranian “zero-sum” reaction which could complicate Moscow’s …

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Today’s News 6th October 2017

Germany's East Is Shrinking According to forecasts from the 'Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln', Germany's population is going to increase to 83.1 million by 2035. As Statista's Martin Armstrong notes, the main reason for this is the record number of immigrants and asylum seekers which arrived in the country in 2015. You will find more statistics at …

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Today’s News 5th October 2017

Fukushima Operator Given Green Light To Restart Nuclear Reactors Via, The Japanese utility Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has received approval to operate reactors for the first time since the 2011 Fukushima meltdown. On Wednesday, the Nuclear Regulation Authority said TEPCO’s two reactors in northern Japan met new and stricter safety standards. The authority unanimously approved the draft …

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Today’s News 4th October 2017

Caracas Or Catalan – Nightstick Democracy At Its Finest… Authored by Simon Black via, The last several days in Venezuela have been absolutely mind-blowing. Pretty much all the stories you’ve heard are true– countless people eating out of garbage cans, the appalling shortages of basic staples like food, medicine, and even soap… and the …

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Today’s News 2nd October 2017

Google Reports Record Level Of Government Data Requests Google has just released its biannual transparency report disclosing the number of requests governments send for users' private data. As Statista's Niall McCarthy details, in the first six months of this year, the search engine giant received 48,941 requests for data while 83,345 accounts were specified in those requests. You will …

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