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Today’s News 1st April 2017

Multiple Bubbles Are Going To Bring America To Its Knees: "The Warning Signs Are There" Authored by Daniel Lang via, If you’ve been paying attention to the ongoing degradation of the American economy since the last financial crisis, you’re probably flabbergasted by the fact that our economy has managed to make it this far …

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Today’s News 31st March 2017

Hispanic-Owned Businesses Dominate Bids For Trump's 'Xenophobic' Border Wall Trump’s proposed border wall has been described by many of the left as everything from “xenophobic” to just plain “racist” and pretty much everything in between.  That said, perhaps “equal opportunity employer” would be more accurate in light of a new analysis from the Wall Street …

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Today’s News 30th March 2017

Despite Record Highs, Brexit Still A Losing Bet For Dollar Investors One day after UK PM Theresa May officially unleashed the Article 50 letter proclaiming the beginning of the end of Britain within the EU, the UK stock market had rallied over 16% since the vote that elites said would bring armageddon. However, remove the …

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Today’s News 29th March 2017

Giulio Meotti: Islam, Not Christianity, Is Saturating Europe Authored by Giulio Meotti via The Gatestone Institute, Jihadists seem to be leading an assault against freedom and against secular democracies. Sunni Islam's most prominent preacher, Yusuf al Qaradawi, declared that the day will come when, like Constantinople, Rome will be Islamized. It is Islam, not Christianity, …

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Today’s News 28th March 2017

The Countries Where "Made In America" Really Matters With President Trump’s America First agenda, we thought it would be useful to understand which other nations value America highly. As Statista’s Martin Armstrong details, the Made-In-Country-Index (MICI) 2017 has shed light on the reputation of products produced in 49 countries (plus the EU) worldwide. In the overall …

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Today’s News 27th March 2017

Trump Handed Merkel $375 Billion Invoice For NATO Defenses During Recent Visit A couple of weeks ago we wrote several notes about German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s painfully awkward visit to the White House.  After meeting in private, the pair sat down in the oval office for a brief press conference where you could cut the …

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Today’s News 26th March 2017

McCain: "The New World Order Is Under Enormous Strain" It was a bumper day for John McCain when on Friday Donald Trump’s Republican nemesis gloated as Trump’s “art of the deal” collapsed in the last minute, after the President and Ryan-led effort to repeal Obamacare suffered what appears to be a terminal setback. In the …

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Today’s News 25th March 2017

Alex Jones Acquiesces to Alefantis, Broadcasts Apology to Comet Ping Pong for Covering Pizzagate The head conspiracy theorist has surrendered to a cadre of heavy hitting D.C. lawyers, employed by the humble pizza parlor keeper, James Alefantis. Earlier this week, Alefantis’ former gay lover, David Brock from Media Matters and Shareblue, suffered a heart attack. …

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Today’s News 24th March 2017

Six Dangerous Leftist Concepts Authored by via The Burning Platform, The left is intrinsically conflict-mongering. It always existed against a particular state of thing, whether real or fantasized. Early on, though, it dissimulated its conflictive essence by posing as positive or “progressive.” To this end, generations of leftists twisted language to give themselves a …

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Today’s News 23rd March 2017

Will Thursday's Final TLTRO Finally Spark Carry Trades? By Nick Kounis of ABN Amro Euro Rates Watch – Will the TLTRO spark carry trades? The last of the ECB’s TLTRO-II operations is expected to have a big take up, with the market expecting EUR 125bn, and some forecasts as high as EUR 300bn From a …

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