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Today’s News 23rd July 2016

THE SUBPRIME U.S. ECONOMY: Disintegrating Due To Subprime Auto, Housing, Bond & Energy Debt By the SRSrocco Report, The U.S. financial system continues to disintegrate even though most Americans hardly notice.  The system is being gutted from the inside out… much the same way a chronic disease weakens a patient even before any symptoms are …

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Today’s News 22nd July 2016

The New Middle East: Exit America Enter Russia Submitted by Ghassan Kadi via The Saker, Is the genie finally out of the bottle? A myriad of seemingly unrelated events and loose ends are converging in a manner that points in the direction of a huge win for Russian diplomacy in the Middle East, and we …

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Today’s News 21st July 2016

Sharia In Denmark Submitted by Judith Bergmann via The Gatestone Institute, "All the bullying happens in Arabic… The hierarchy of the Arab boys creates a very violent environment. … I have filmed the particularly vile bullying of a Somali boy. You can see the tears in his eyes. They are destroying him; it is very …

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Today’s News 20th July 2016

Austria Presidential Election Take II: Nice, Turkey Should Help Anti-Immigration Hofer On October 2 Submitted by Michael Shedlock via, Austria presidential election take II is coming up on October 2. It’s a rematch of the May 22 runoff that pitted anti-immigration candidate Norbert Hofer of the FPÖ party against Alexander Van der Bellen of …

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Today’s News 19th July 2016

Europe's Impossible Refugee Math: Brexit Was Mathematical Certainty Eventually Submitted by Michael Shedlock via, In a recent GMO commentary on Immigration and Brexit, founder Jeremy Grantham laid out precise reasons why Brexit was a mathematical certainty eventually. Curiously, Grantham thinks Brexit was a bad idea. On the second sentence, I disagree strongly. The following …

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Today’s News 18th July 2016

Why Hillary Clinton's Email Case Is Still Not Closed Authored by Eric Zuesse, originally posted at, Normally, when the head of the FBI under one President says something like «no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case», as the FBI reported regarding Hillary Clinton's emails, that would be the end of the matter; but Clinton actually still …

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Today’s News 17th July 2016

Surging "Intercommunity Confrontations" In France Mean "Civil War Is Inevitable" Submitted by Yves Mamou via The Gatestone Institute, For French President François Hollande, the enemy is an abstraction: "terrorism" or "fanatics". Instead, the French president reaffirms his determination to military actions abroad: "We are going to reinforce our actions in Syria and Iraq," the president …

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Today’s News 16th July 2016

India's 'Gold Shirt Man' Stoned-And-Sickled To Death By Mob Datta Phuge took the interwebs by storm three years ago when we introduced the $250,000 22-karat-gold-shirt-wearing 32-year-old Indian who proclaimed "I know I am not the best looking man but surely no woman could fail to be dazzled by this shirt?" showing the world that gold …

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Today’s News 15th July 2016

Piling On: EU's "Competition Enforcer" Lays More Charges On Google Submitted by Michael Shedlock via, The anti-free trade consortium in Brussels is leveling more charges at Google. The EU nannycrats just cannot stand or deal with a successful business that people like. The Financial Times reports Brussels Piles New Charges on Google as Vestager …

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Today’s News 14th July 2016

Endgame for Corporation USA without Trump Money doesn’t exist – as we explain in Splitting Pennies.  Money is an idea, an abstraction – a belief system.  A dogma.  So is a country.  In fact, a country IS a currency.  EU nations have given up their sovereignty to join the Euro (and we see how well …

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