Today’s News July 29, 2015

  • Supply And Demand In The Gold And Silver Futures Markets

    Authored by Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler,

    This article establishes that the price of gold and silver in the futures markets in which cash is the predominant means of settlement is inconsistent with the conditions of supply and demand in the actual physical or current market where physical bullion is bought and sold as opposed to transactions in uncovered paper claims to bullion in the futures markets. The supply of bullion in the futures markets is increased by printing uncovered contracts representing claims to gold. This artificial, indeed fraudulent, increase in the supply of paper bullion contracts drives down the price in the futures market despite high demand for bullion in the physical market and constrained supply. We will demonstrate with economic analysis and empirical evidence that the bear market in bullion is an artificial creation.

    The law of supply and demand is the basis of economics. Yet the price of gold and silver in the Comex futures market, where paper contracts representing 100 troy ounces of gold or 5,000 ounces of silver are traded, is inconsistent with the actual supply and demand conditions in the physical market for bullion. For four years the price of bullion has been falling in the futures market despite rising demand for possession of the physical metal and supply constraints.

    We begin with a review of basics. The vertical axis measures price. The horizontal axis measures quantity. Demand curves slope down to the right, the quantity demanded increasing as price falls. Supply curves slope upward to the right, the quantity supplied rising with price. The intersection of supply with demand determines price. (Graph 1)

    Supply and Demand Graph 1

    A change in quantity demanded or in the quantity supplied refers to a movement along a given curve. A change in demand or a change in supply refers to a shift in the curves. For example, an increase in demand (a shift to the right of the demand curve) causes a movement along the supply curve (an increase in the quantity supplied).

    Changes in income and changes in tastes or preferences toward an item can cause the demand curve to shift. For example, if people expect that their fiat currency is going to lose value, the demand for gold and silver would increase (a shift to the right).

    Changes in technology and resources can cause the supply curve to shift. New gold discoveries and improvements in gold mining technology would cause the supply curve to shift to the right. Exhaustion of existing mines would cause a reduction in supply (a shift to the left).

    What can cause the price of gold to fall? Two things: The demand for gold can fall, that is, the demand curve could shift to the left, intersecting the supply curve at a lower price. The fall in demand results in a reduction in the quantity supplied. A fall in demand means that people want less gold at every price. (Graph 2)

    Supply and Demand Graph 2

    Alternatively, supply could increase, that is, the supply curve could shift to the right, intersecting the demand curve at a lower price. The increase in supply results in an increase in the quantity demanded. An increase in supply means that more gold is available at every price. (Graph 3)

    Supply and Demand Graph 3

    To summarize: a decline in the price of gold can be caused by a decline in the demand for gold or by an increase in the supply of gold.

    A decline in demand or an increase in supply is not what we are observing in the gold and silver physical markets. The price of bullion in the futures market has been falling as demand for physical bullion increases and supply experiences constraints. What we are seeing in the physical market indicates a rising price. Yet in the futures market in which almost all contracts are settled in cash and not with bullion deliveries, the price is falling.

    For example, on July 7, 2015, the U.S. Mint said that due to a “significant” increase in demand, it had sold out of Silver Eagles (one ounce silver coin) and was suspending sales until some time in August. The premiums on the coins (the price of the coin above the price of the silver) rose, but the spot price of silver fell 7 percent to its lowest level of the year (as of July 7).

    This is the second time in 9 months that the U.S. Mint could not keep up with market demand and had to suspend sales. During the first 5 months of 2015, the U.S. Mint had to ration sales of Silver Eagles. According to Reuters, since 2013 the U.S. Mint has had to ration silver coin sales for 18 months. In 2013 the Royal Canadian Mint announced the rationing of its Silver Maple Leaf coins: “We are carefully managing supply in the face of very high demand. . . . Coming off strong sales volumes in December 2012, demand to date remains very strong for our Silver Maple Leaf and Gold Maple Leaf bullion coins.” During this entire period when mints could not keep up with demand for coins, the price of silver consistently fell on the Comex futures market. On July 24, 2015 the price of gold in the futures market fell to its lowest level in 5 years despite an increase in the demand for gold in the physical market. On that day U.S. Mint sales of Gold Eagles (one ounce gold coin) were the highest in more than two years, yet the price of gold fell in the futures market.

    How can this be explained? The financial press says that the drop in precious metals prices unleashed a surge in global demand for coins. This explanation is nonsensical to an economist. Price is not a determinant of demand but of quantity demanded. A lower price does not shift the demand curve. Moreover, if demand increases, price goes up, not down.

    Perhaps what the financial press means is that the lower price resulted in an increase in the quantity demanded. If so, what caused the lower price? In economic analysis, the answer would have to be an increase in supply, either new supplies from new discoveries and new mines or mining technology advances that lower the cost of producing bullion.

    There are no reports of any such supply increasing developments. To the contrary, the lower prices of bullion have been causing reductions in mining output as falling prices make existing operations unprofitable.

    There are abundant other signs of high demand for bullion, yet the prices continue their four-year decline on the Comex. Even as massive uncovered shorts (sales of gold contracts that are not covered by physical bullion) on the bullion futures market are driving down price, strong demand for physical bullion has been depleting the holdings of GLD, the largest exchange traded gold fund. Since February 27, 2015, the authorized bullion banks (principally JPMorganChase, HSBC, and Scotia) have removed 10 percent of GLD’s gold holdings. Similarly, strong demand in China and India has resulted in a 19% increase of purchases from the Shanghai Gold Exchange, a physical bullion market, during the first quarter of 2015. Through the week ending July 10, 2015, purchases from the Shanghai Gold Exchange alone are occurring at an annualized rate approximately equal to the annual supply of global mining output.

    India’s silver imports for the first four months of 2015 are 30% higher than 2014. In the first quarter of 2015 Canadian Silver Maple Leaf sales increased 8.5% compared to sales for the same period of 2014. Sales of Gold Eagles in June, 2015, were more than triple the sales for May. During the first 10 days of July, Gold Eagles sales were 2.5 times greater than during the first 10 days of June.

    Clearly the demand for physical metal is very high, and the ability to meet this demand is constrained. Yet, the prices of bullion in the futures market have consistently fallen during this entire period. The only possible explanation is manipulation.

    Precious metal prices are determined in the futures market, where paper contracts representing bullion are settled in cash, not in markets where the actual metals are bought and sold. As the Comex is predominantly a cash settlement market, there is little risk in uncovered contracts (an uncovered contract is a promise to deliver gold that the seller of the contract does not possess). This means that it is easy to increase the supply of gold in the futures market where price is established simply by printing uncovered (naked) contracts. Selling naked shorts is a way to artificially increase the supply of bullion in the futures market where price is determined. The supply of paper contracts representing gold increases, but not the supply of physical bullion.

    As we have documented on a number of occasions, the prices of bullion are being systematically driven down by the sudden appearance and sale during thinly traded times of day and night of uncovered future contracts representing massive amounts of bullion. In the space of a few minutes or less massive amounts of gold and silver shorts are dumped into the Comex market, dramatically increasing the supply of paper claims to bullion. If purchasers of these shorts stood for delivery, the Comex would fail. Comex bullion futures are used for speculation and by hedge funds to manage the risk/return characteristics of metrics like the Sharpe Ratio. The hedge funds are concerned with indexing the price of gold and silver and not with the rate of return performance of their bullion contracts.

    A rational speculator faced with strong demand for bullion and constrained supply would not short the market. Moreover, no rational actor who wished to unwind a large gold position would dump the entirety of his position on the market all at once. What then explains the massive naked shorts that are hurled into the market during thinly traded times?

    The bullion banks are the primary market-makers in bullion futures. They are also clearing members of the Comex, which gives them access to data such as the positions of the hedge funds and the prices at which stop-loss orders are triggered. They time their sales of uncovered shorts to trigger stop-loss sales and then cover their short sales by purchasing contracts at the price that they have forced down, pocketing the profits from the manipulation

    The manipulation is obvious. The question is why do the authorities tolerate it?

    Perhaps the answer is that a free gold market serves both to protect against the loss of a fiat currency’s purchasing power from exchange rate decline and inflation and as a warning that destabilizing systemic events are on the horizon. The current round of on-going massive short sales compressed into a few minutes during thinly traded periods began after gold hit $1,900 per ounce in response to the build-up of troubled debt and the Federal Reserve’s policy of Quantitative Easing. Washington’s power is heavily dependent on the role of the dollar as world reserve currency. The rising dollar price of gold indicated rising discomfort with the dollar. Whereas the dollar’s exchange value is carefully managed with help from the Japanese and European central banks, the supply of such help is not unlimited. If gold kept moving up, exchange rate weakness was likely to show up in the dollar, thus forcing the Fed off its policy of using QE to rescue the “banks too big to fail.”

    The bullion banks’ attack on gold is being augmented with a spate of stories in the financial media denying any usefulness of gold. On July 17 the Wall Street Journal declared that honesty about gold requires recognition that gold is nothing but a pet rock. Other commentators declare gold to be in a bear market despite the strong demand for physical metal and supply constraints, and some influential party is determined that gold not be regarded as money.

    Why a sudden spate of claims that gold is not money? Gold is considered a part of the United States’ official monetary reserves, which is also the case for central banks and the IMF. The IMF accepts gold as repayment for credit extended. The US Treasury’s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency classifies gold as a currency, as can be seen in the OCC’s latest quarterly report on bank derivatives activities in which the OCC places gold futures in the foreign exchange derivatives classification.

    The manipulation of the gold price by injecting large quantities of freshly printed uncovered contracts into the Comex market is an empirical fact. The sudden debunking of gold in the financial press is circumstantial evidence that a full-scale attack on gold’s function as a systemic warning signal is underway.

    It is unlikely that regulatory authorities are unaware of the fraudulent manipulation of bullion prices. The fact that nothing is done about it is an indication of the lawlessness that prevails in US financial markets.

  • The End Draws Near For Syria's Assad As Putin's Patience "Wears Thin"

    Early last month in, “The Noose Around Syria’s Assad Tightens” we outlined the latest developments in the country’s prolonged civil war. Here’s what we said then: 

    The US-led alliance realizes very well that as long as Assad has to fight three fronts: i.e., the Nusra Front in the northwestern province of Idlib and ever closer proximity to Syria’s main infrastructure hub of Latakia, ISIS in the central part of the nation where militants recently took over the historic town of Palmyra, and the official “rebel” force in close proximity to Damascus, Assad’s army will either eventually be obliterated or, more likely, mutiny and overthrow the president, putting the Ukraine scenario in play.

    In short, the US and its Middle Eastern allies are simply playing the waiting game; watching for the opportune time to charge in and “liberate” Syria from whatever army manages to take Damascus first, at which point a puppet government will be promptly installed. 

    And make no mistake, the new, U.S.-backed regime will present itself as fiercely anti-militant and will be trotted out as Washington’s newest “partner” in the global war on terror. Of course behind the scenes the situation will likely resemble what happened in Yemen (Obama’s “model of success”) where, according to one account, Abdullah Saleh and his lieutenants not only turned a blind eye to AQAP operations, but in fact played a direct role in facilitating al-Qaeda attacks even as the government accepted anti-terrorism financing from the US government. 

    Of course no one in Washington will care to know the details, as long as the new regime in Syria is receptive to things like piping Qatari natural gas to Europe via a long-stalled pipeline, a project which will do wonders for breaking Gazprom’s energy stranglehold and robbing Vladimir Putin of quite a bit of leverage in what is becoming an increasingly tense standoff with the EU over Ukraine.

    On Sunday, Assad gave a speech in which he attempted to address concerns about the recent setbacks his army has suffered at the hands of the various groups fighting for control of the country. Here’s more from the LA Times’ Special correspondent Nabih Bulos reporting from Beirut

    Syrian President Bashar Assad delivered a sober assessment of the state of his forces on Sunday, acknowledging a manpower shortage and conceding troop withdrawals from some areas, but asserting that the military was not facing collapse.


    “Are we giving up areas?” Assad asked as he posed a series of questions about the government’s strategy. “Why do we lose other areas? … And where is the army in some of the areas?”


    The Syrian president endeavored to provide answers. But it was an open question whether his responses would reassure loyalists worried that the government could be losing its hold on the embattled country.


    The president also thanked his allies — notably Iran — while taking the West to task for supporting “terrorists,” the Syrian government’s standard term for the armed opposition fighting to wrest control of the country.


    The core areas under government control include the capital, Damascus, and the strategic corridor north to the cities of Homs and Hama and west to the Mediterranean coast, a pro-government stronghold.


    Syrian authorities have been actively seeking to increase military recruitment in recent months, a sign of the shortage of fighters across a sprawling battlefield that stretches from the country’s northern fringes to its southern tip, and from its western borders to its eastern frontier.


    In Damascus and other cities, prominent recruiting billboards depict stern-looking young men and women in full military gear exhorting others to enlist.


    “Our army means all of us,” declares one billboard.


    Other signs posted prominently depict soldiers providing vital security for children and families.


    Another billboard takes a more confrontational approach, asking a man who is watching a computer screen: “Sitting there and looking? What are you waiting for?”


    The presidential speech comes as the thinly stretched Syrian army has suffered a string of setbacks in the last few months, squeezing government forces into defensive positions in Syria’s northwest and in the south.


    Assad blamed the retreats on a lack of manpower, asserting that steps would need to be taken “to raise the [capacity] of the armed forces… primarily through calling the reserves in addition to recruits and volunteers.”


    One such step, Assad said, was the granting of an amnesty on Saturday to soldiers who had defected, so long as they had not joined armed opposition groups. The amnesty was also extended to draft dodgers, many of whom have left Syria to escape military service.


    Despite conceding setbacks, Assad maintained a confident tone, insisting that Army recruitment numbers had increased in the last few months and that “there is no collapse… and we will be steadfast and will achieve the missions.”


    “Defeat … does not exist in the dictionaries of the Syrian Arab army,” he insisted.

    Maybe not yet, but that could change quickly, especially if Assad were to lose the support of his most important ally, Vladimir Putin.

    As we noted last month, the key outstanding question is this: what is the maximum pain level for Russia, which has the greatest vested interest in preserving the Assad regime?

    We could have an answer to that very soon, as slumping commodities prices, falling demand from China (which was recently cited as the reason for “indefinite” delays to the Altai pipeline joint venture which would have delivered 30 bcm/y of Siberian gas to China), and economic sanctions from the West are squeezing Moscow and may ultimately prompt Putin to “consider the acceptability of other candidates” for the Syrian Presidency. Here’s WSJ with more:

    And with Russia’s economy battered by a plunge in oil prices and Western sanctions, the government may be considering both the strategic and economic benefits of changing its stance on Mr. Assad.


    But Fyodor Lukyanov, chairman of a Kremlin foreign-policy advisory council, said Russian policy makers are likely considering possible alternatives to the Syrian president.


    “They are looking at the acceptability of other candidates at this point,” he said, adding that he had not heard any names.


    If Moscow does provide an opening to broker a negotiated exit for Mr. Assad, it would be a dramatic turn in the conflict.


    Mr. Assad’s other major international backer, Iran, shows no signs of wavering in its crucial military and financial support for the Syrian regime. But the long-sought nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers reached earlier this month has also opened up the possibility of broader political cooperation between Tehran and the West on other regional issues such as the war in Syria.


    Hadi al-Bahra, a senior member of the Turkey-based opposition umbrella group the Syrian National Coalition, said his alliance discussed Mr. Assad’s political fate with Russian officials for the first time in a meeting last month led by Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov. Ahmed Ramadan, another senior coalition member, also attended that meeting in the Turkish capital Ankara.


    “We have been speaking with the Russians from the very beginning and we have not heard one word of criticism of Assad,” Mr. Ramadan said. “But now, the Russians are discussing the alternatives with us.”


    In addition to the Syrian opposition, Mr. Assad’s regional adversaries such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey have argued his ouster is essential to resolve the Syrian conflict and halt the spread of Islamic State militants.


    The Obama administration recently has pursued Russian cooperation on its goal of ousting the Assad regime based on intelligence assessments that the Syrian president is weakening. President Barack Obama spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 25 and July 15 on an array of issues including Syria.


    An exchange in a meeting last month between Mr. Putin and Syrian Foreign MinisterWalid al-Moallem suggested Moscow’s patience with Damascus might be running thin.


    According to an official Russian transcript carried on the Kremlin’s website, Mr. Putin pointed out the regime’s recent military setbacks and suggested Mr. Assad join forces with regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Mr. Moallem said the idea was farfetched.


    Russia has financial and political incentives to change course on backing Mr. Assad. The country has been politically isolated by Western sanctions. Lower oil prices and sanctions have taken a toll on the economy.

    So, as the Assad regime weakens in the face of dwindling manpower and is forced to resort to a military recrutiment drive complete with billboards designed to shame men into taking up arms against the various armies competing to conquer Damascus, Russia has not only seen the writing on the wall, but may be prepared to finally cut Assad loose. As for what happens next, see here

    *  *  *

    Full Assad speech from Sunday

  • Drivers, Beware: The Costly, Deadly Dangers Of Traffic Stops In The American Police State

    Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    “The Fourth Amendment was designed to stand between us and arbitrary governmental authority. For all practical purposes, that shield has been shattered, leaving our liberty and personal integrity subject to the whim of every cop on the beat, trooper on the highway and jail official. The framers would be appalled.”—Herman Schwartz, The Nation

    Trying to predict the outcome of any encounter with the police is a bit like playing Russian roulette: most of the time you will emerge relatively unscathed, although decidedly poorer and less secure about your rights, but there’s always the chance that an encounter will turn deadly.

    The odds weren’t in Walter L. Scott’s favor. Reportedly pulled over for a broken taillight, Scott—unarmed—ran away from the police officer, who pursued and shot him from behind, first with a Taser, then with a gun. Scott was struck five times, “three times in the back, once in the upper buttocks and once in the ear — with at least one bullet entering his heart.”

    Samuel Dubose, also unarmed, was pulled over for a missing front license plate. He was reportedly shot in the head after a brief struggle in which his car began rolling forward.

    Levar Jones was stopped for a seatbelt offense, just as he was getting out of his car to enter a convenience store. Directed to show his license, Jones leaned into his car to get his wallet, only to be shot four times by the “fearful” officer. Jones was also unarmed.

    Bobby Canipe was pulled over for having an expired registration. When the 70-year-old reached into the back of his truck for his walking cane, the officer fired several shots at him, hitting him once in the abdomen.

    Dontrell Stevens was stopped “for not bicycling properly.” The officer pursuing him “thought the way Stephens rode his bike was suspicious. He thought the way Stephens got off his bike was suspicious.” Four seconds later, sheriff’s deputy Adams Lin shot Stephens four times as he pulled out a black object from his waistband. The object was his cell phone. Stephens was unarmed.

    If there is any lesson to be learned from these “routine” traffic stops, it is that drivers should beware.

    At a time when police can do no wrong—at least in the eyes of the courts, police unions and politicians dependent on their votes—and a “fear” for officer safety is used to justify all manner of police misconduct, “we the people” are at a severe disadvantage.

    According to the Justice Department, the most common reason for a citizen to come into contact with the police is being a driver in a traffic stop. On average, one in 10 Americans gets pulled over by police. Black drivers are 31 percent more likely to be pulled over than white drivers, or about 23 percent more likely than Hispanic drivers. As the Washington Post concludes, “‘Driving while black’ is, indeed, a measurable phenomenon.”

    As Sandra Bland learned the hard way, the reason for a traffic stop no longer matters. Bland, who was pulled over for allegedly failing to use her turn signal, was arrested after refusing to comply with the police officer’s order to extinguish her cigarette and exit her vehicle. The encounter escalated, with the officer threatening to “light” Bland up with his taser. Three days later, Bland was found dead in her jail cell.

    You’re doing all of this for a failure to signal?” Bland asked as she got out of her car, after having been yelled at and threatened repeatedly. Had she only known, drivers have been pulled over for far less. Indeed, police officers have been given free range to pull anyone over for a variety of reasons.

    This approach to traffic stops (what I would call “blank check policing,” in which the police get to call all of the shots) has resulted in drivers being stopped for windows that are too heavily tinted, for driving too fast, driving too slow, failing to maintain speed, following too closely, improper lane changes, distracted driving, screeching a car’s tires, and leaving a parked car door open for too long.

    Motorists can also be stopped by police for driving near a bar or on a road that has large amounts of drunk driving, driving a certain make of car (Mercedes, Grand Prix and Hummers are among the most ticketed vehicles), having anything dangling from the rearview mirror (air fresheners, handicap parking permits, troll transponders or rosaries), and displaying pro-police bumper stickers.

    Incredibly, a federal appeals court actually ruled unanimously in 2014 that acne scars and driving with a stiff upright posture are reasonable grounds for being pulled over. More recently, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that driving a vehicle that has a couple air fresheners, rosaries and pro-police bumper stickers at 2 MPH over the speed limit is suspicious, meriting a traffic stop.

    Unfortunately for drivers, not only have traffic stops become potentially deadly encounters, they have also turned into a profitable form of highway robbery for the police departments involved.

    As The Washington Post reports, traffic stops for minor infractions such as speeding or equipment violations are increasingly used as a pretext for officers to seize cash from drivers.” Relying on federal and state asset forfeiture laws, police set up “stings” on public roads that enable them to stop drivers for a variety of so-called “suspicious” behavior, search their vehicles and seize anything of value that could be suspected of being connected to criminal activity. Since 2001, police have seized $2.5 billion from people who were not charged with a crime and without a warrant being issued.

    “In case after case,” notes The Washington Post, “highway interdictors appeared to follow a similar script. Police set up what amounted to rolling checkpoints on busy highways and pulled over motorists for minor violations, such as following too closely or improper signaling. They quickly issued warnings or tickets. They studied drivers for signs of nervousness, including pulsing carotid arteries, clenched jaws and perspiration. They also looked for supposed ‘indicators’ of criminal activity, which can include such things as trash on the floor of a vehicle, abundant energy drinks or air fresheners hanging from rearview mirrors.”

    If you’re starting to feel somewhat overwhelmed, intimidated and fearful for your life and your property, you should be. Never before have “we the people” been so seemingly defenseless in the face of police misconduct, lacking advocates in the courts and in the legislatures.

    So how do you survive a police encounter with your life and wallet intact?

    The courts have already given police the green light to pull anyone over for a variety of reasons. In an 8-1 ruling in Heien v. North Carolina, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that police officers can pull someone over based on a “reasonable” but mistaken belief about the law.

    Of course, what’s reasonable to agents of the police state may be completely unreasonable to the populace. Nevertheless, the moment those lights start flashing and that siren goes off, we’re all in the same boat: we must pull over.

    However, it’s what happens after you’ve been pulled over that’s critical. Survival is the key.

    Technically, you have the right to remain silent (beyond the basic requirement to identify yourself and show your registration). You have the right to refuse to have your vehicle searched. You have the right to film your interaction with police. You have the right to ask to leave. You also have the right to resist an unlawful order such as a police officer directing you to extinguish your cigarette, put away your phone or stop recording them.

    However, as Bland learned the hard way, there is a price for asserting one’s rights. “Faced with an authority figure unwilling to de-escalate the situation, Bland refused to be bullied or intimidated,” writes Boston Globe contributor Renee Graham. “She understood her rights, but for African-Americans in encounters with police, the appalling price for asserting even the most basic rights can be their lives.”

    So if you don’t want to get probed, poked, pinched, tasered, tackled, searched, seized, stripped, manhandled, arrested, shot, or killed, don’t say, do or even suggest anything that even hints of noncompliance when it comes to interactions with police.

    One police officer advised that if you feel as if you’re being treated unfairly, comply anyhow and contest it in court later. Similarly, black parents, advising their kids on how to deal with police, tell them to just obey the officer’s orders. “The goal,” as one parent pointed out, “is to stay alive.”

    It seems that “comply or die” has become the new maxim for the American police state.

    Then again, not even compliance is a guarantee of safety anymore. “Police are specialists in violence,” warns Kristian Williams, who has written extensively on the phenomenon of police militarization and brutality. “They are armed, trained, and authorized to use force. With varying degrees of subtlety, this colors their every action. Like the possibility of arrest, the threat of violence is implicit in every police encounter. Violence, as well as the law, is what they represent.”

    In other words, in the American police state, “we the people” are at the mercy of law enforcement officers who have almost absolute discretion to decide who is a threat, what constitutes resistance, and how harshly they can deal with the citizens they were appointed to “serve and protect.”

    As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, this mindset that any challenge to police authority is a threat that needs to be “neutralized” is a dangerous one that is part of a greater nationwide trend that sets the police beyond the reach of the Fourth Amendment. Moreover, when police officers are allowed to operate under the assumption that their word is law and that there is no room for any form of disagreement or even question, that serves to chill the First Amendment’s assurances of free speech, free assembly and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    Frankly, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a casual “show your ID” request on a boardwalk, a stop-and-frisk search on a city street, or a traffic stop for speeding or just to check your insurance. If you feel like you can’t walk away from a police encounter of your own volition—and more often than not you can’t, especially when you’re being confronted by someone armed to the hilt with all manner of militarized weaponry and gear—then for all intents and purposes, you’re under arrest from the moment a cop stops you.

    Sad, isn’t it, how quickly we have gone from a nation of laws—where the least among us had just as much right to be treated with dignity and respect as the next person (in principle, at least)—to a nation of law enforcers (revenue collectors with weapons) who treat us all like suspects and criminals?

    Clearly, the language of freedom is no longer the common tongue spoken by the citizenry and their government. With the government having shifted into a language of force, “we the people” have been reduced to suspects in a surveillance state, criminals in a police state, and enemy combatants in a military empire.

  • Chinese Stocks Rise After Government Injects $100bn Into Sovereign (Rescue) Fund; Sell-off 'Blame' Shifts To Hong Kong

    Despite the reassurances from western media and talking heads that China is unimportant (both its stock market and economy), Asian economies continue to show signs of contagion from China's slowdown as Thai exports weaken and Hong Kong trade tumbles. But it is the blame game that is top of mind tonight as Chinese regulators switch attention to Hong Kong brokers in their "investigation into malicious sellers." As SCMP's George Chen notes, first they blame a "foreign force," and now they blame Hong Kong, always careful not to blame themselves. After 3 down days, Chinese stocks look are opening slightly higher as there is little follow-through from yesterday's PPT rescue or today's panic-buying in US markets especilaly in light of an additional $100bn injection into the sovereign (rescue) fund.

    Just throw another 100bn at it…


    As a reminder, China closed on the weaker side overnight…

    But it appears the PPT save overnight and extension through the US session is not helping China at the open…



    Update: Buying pressure arrived shortly after the open ..

    • *CHINA'S CSI 300 INDEX SET TO OPEN UP 0.8% TO 3,839.96

    Not exactly the follow-through they would have hoped for…

    But here is the chart everyone is looking at…

    *  *  *

    As SCMP's George Chen explains, blame continues to project outward…

    Though as we saw yesterday,. any strength is being used by locals to sell (not short) into government strength as one farmer exclaimed – fighting back tears, "I have have ruined my entire family… I will nevere touch stocks again."

    *  *  *

    Furthermore, while Western media continues to stress how unimportant Chinese stocks (and the Chinese economy now apparently) is to US stocks and the US economy… it is, as Gavekal Capital explains, crucially important and more evidence  is building of a slowing Chinese economy permeating the rest of Asia…

    Today’s edition of our diary of weak Asian economic stats focuses on the recently released trade and industrial production numbers out of Thailand and the trade numbers from Hong Kong. The Thai economy is feeling the pain of the Chinese slowdown acutely even in the most high level economic statistics.


    picture 2


    picture 1


    Meanwhile the Hong Kong trade figures, which we view more as a proxy for Chinese trade given its intermediary port position connecting China with the rest of the world…


    picture 3


    …paint the picture of the weakest trade by volume since 2013.

    *  *  *

    But apart from that – everything is awesome judging by US equities.

  • Ron Paul Slams Gen. Wesley Clark: Is He Kidding, Internment Camps?

    Submitted by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institue for Peace & Prosperity,

    Last week, Retired General Wesley Clark, who was NATO commander during the US bombing of Serbia, proposed that “disloyal Americans” be sent to internment camps for the “duration of the conflict.” Discussing the recent military base shootings in Chattanooga, TN, in which five US service members were killed, Clark recalled the internment of American citizens during World War II who were merely suspected of having Nazi sympathies. He said: “back then we didn’t say ‘that was freedom of speech,’ we put him in a camp.”

    He called for the government to identify people most likely to be radicalized so we can “cut this off at the beginning.” That sounds like “pre-crime”!

    Gen. Clark ran for president in 2004 and it’s probably a good thing he didn’t win considering what seems to be his disregard for the Constitution. Unfortunately in the current presidential race Donald Trump even one-upped Clark, stating recently that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is a traitor and should be treated like one, implying that the government should kill him.

    These statements and others like them most likely reflect the frustration felt in Washington over a 15 year war on terror where there has been no victory and where we actually seem worse off than when we started. The real problem is they will argue and bicker over changing tactics but their interventionist strategy remains the same.

    Retired Army Gen. Mike Flynn, who was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency during the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, told al-Jazeera this week that US drones create more terrorists than they kill. He said: “The more weapons we give, the more bombs we drop, that just … fuels the conflict.”

    Still Washington pursues the same strategy while expecting different results.

    It is probably almost inevitable that the warhawks will turn their anger inward, toward Americans who are sick of the endless and costly wars. The US loss of the Vietnam war is still blamed by many on the protesters at home rather than on the foolishness of the war based on a lie in the first place.

    Let’s hope these threats from Clark and Trump are not a trial balloon leading to a clampdown on our liberties. There are a few reasons we should be concerned. Last week the US House passed a bill that would allow the Secretary of State to unilaterally cancel an American citizen’s passport if he determines that person has “aided” or “abetted” a terrorist organization. And as of this writing, the Senate is debating a highway funding bill that would allow the Secretary of State to cancel the passport of any American who owes too much money to the IRS.

    Canceling a passport means removing the right to travel, which is a kind of virtual internment camp. The person would find his movements restricted, either being prevented from leaving or entering the United States. Neither of these measures involves any due process or possibility of appeal, and the government’s evidence supporting the action can be kept secret.

    We should demand an end to these foolish wars that even the experts admit are making matters worse. Of course we need a strong defense, but we should not provoke the hatred of others through drones, bombs, or pushing regime change overseas. And we must protect our civil liberties here at home from government elites who increasingly view us as the enemy.

  • Trump Is "The Best Thing To Happen To Politics In A Long Time," Mark Cuban Says

    Make no mistake, Donald Trump has made an enormous splash in the early days of the race for the GOP Presidential nomination.

    Need proof? You could check out the polls…

    ..or just have a look at the cover of the latest New Yorker…

    …or simply tune in to the nightly news where you’re sure to hear the latest sound bite from the incorrigible billionaire, whose main advantage may be that he is simply “gaffe proof“, which would explain why a series of statements which would have likely amounted to political suicide for anyone else, have only served to boost his popularity.

    In any event, it appears as though Trump can now count on the support of a fellow billionaire because as The Hill reports, Mark Cuban now says “The Donald” is “the best thing to happen to politics in a long time.” Here’s more from Cuban:

    Up until Trump announced his candidacy the conventional wisdom was that you had to be a professional politician in order to run. You had to have a background that was politically scrubbed. In other words, smart people who didn’t live perfect lives could never run. Smart people who didn’t want their families put under the media spotlight wouldn’t run. The Donald is changing all of that. He has changed the game and for that he deserves a lot of credit. 

    And here’s Trump’s response:

    And just to prove that this is truly a man for whom the traditional rules of politics absolutely do not apply, we’ll close with the following two tweets:

  • The True Minimum Wage Is $0 Per Hour

    Submitted by Jeffrey Snider via Alhambra Investment Partners,

    The minimum wage is not what is commonly referred, as is being proven again as parts of the US experiment directly with this boundary. In New York, fast food workers have been given a $15 per hour minimum wage which is being celebrated by the same fast food workers who will bear the brunt of the experimentation. Some of them will be happy with the results, but there will be clear losers – the full wrath of redistribution is usually unseen which is why it persists.

    Twitter had been having fun on the other side of the country with a similar minimum wage diktat, as the University of California system mandates also a $15 per hour rate. Professors, who overwhelmingly lean in a favorable direction, are being shown this mathematical reductionism up close. One physics professor who in one tweet reiterated his support took the next to realize the logic of it.



    He currently pays $9-$10 per hour for six undergrad assistants now, but in order to conform to the new “minimum wage” command he will only be able to afford four, maybe three. In other words, the true minimum wage is $0 per hour.

    To think it is any different for a fastfood restaurant is naïve. Business owners paying their workers more by arbitrary government setting will not bring in offsetting revenue (a very close microcosm of all that belies “aggregate demand”). The cost of the law will be felt by fewer hours being worked, leading to rationing of the business operations (checkouts and those cooking in the back, meaning longer wait times and worse service) and, where possible, rising prices. None of this is surprising or especially insightful.

    And yet in 2015, six years into recovery, there is still a huge and heavy undercurrent of discontent that breaks out into this kind of nonsensical “solution.” There has been a resurgent trend toward Marxism already (dating back to Occupy Wall Street that survived in sentiment beyond that pitiful outbreak) that flares up here and there with the next great Marx replica (Picketty being the last, global vestige). In a real recovery, none of this counterproductive meandering would stand a chance. If the labor market were growing as it should, in sharp contrast to how it has been presented over the past year, minimum wage laws would be the furthest from the mainstream.

    The same goes with the sudden outbreak of robot envy/fear. In the case of fastfood workers, they may find themselves actually staring into that reality as beyond the short-term automated technology may be more cost-effective, and productive, than unskilled at $15. But by and large, in the overall economy, this raging tinge of disgruntlement about technology and jobs is of the same deficient impulse. In a truly functioning economy robots are quite welcome. Instead, what we have now, and have had for a decade and a half or more, gives way to this:

    The bleakest news involves manufacturing and service jobs. He reports that Foxconn, the primary maker of Apple products, plans to deploy up to 1 million robots in its factories. A chief Nike executive, meanwhile, thinks the solution to rising wages in Indonesia is “engineering the labor out of the product.” This would not only be more affordable, it might also silence criticism about horrendous working conditions in international factories that make beloved American products. Self-checkout aisles at the grocery store, Redbox movie rental kiosks, and touchscreen ordering at restaurants are all examples of the same trend.


    For those who claim that these changes simply move jobs from one sector of the economy to another, Ford points to statistics. Blockbuster once employed roughly 60,000 employees nationally. Redbox, in the entire Chicago area, has a staff of seven. A comparison between Google and General Motors is another instructive example. After adjusting for inflation, General Motors earned a profit of around $11 billion in 1979, when it employed 840,000 workers. Google, in 2012, earned almost $14 billion and employed fewer than 38,000 people. He offers many other examples suggesting that not every job lost in one area is gained in another.

    The relevant comparison is not GM to Google but rather GM to first Japan and then China, with all of Google, Silicon Valley and the like added to Wall Street and its legions of mathematicians, accountants, lawyers and offshoot day traders and house flippers (along with the burger flippers, bartenders and hospitality workers “serving” asset inflation) to pick up the “slack.” Monetary redistribution is entirely the problem, not shipping off low wage jobs overseas (and getting lower price products in return) and having the government artificially price the entirety of the bottom rungs.

    Innovation is the spur to all of it, so long as it doesn’t become entangled in exactly these kinds of socialist misdirections. In other words, the fear of robots is somewhat justified right now but only because innovation has run aground in the decades since financialism re-charted the overall economic course. The last time machines were “taking jobs” in such huge numbers it worked out very well not just for Americans but the rest of the world. There was once background fear of tractors as farming industrialized and reconstituted the entire workforce.

    In 1820, out of the estimated 2.88 million American workers, 2.07 million (72%) were farm workers. By 1880, non-farm workers outnumbered those in agriculture; in 1910, the number of farm workers in the US peaked in absolute numbers, amounting to then just less than a third of all labor; today, very few are employed in agriculture. Innovation through industrialization absorbed labor into new and once “impossible” endeavors, industry and products that were prior scarcely believed realistic and certainly beyond the reach of all but the richest. True economic growth, labor specialization as its core, should be welcomed even though it is highly messy and dynamic. The general upheaval is, over time, unquestionably received in higher living standards for everyone.

    The fear today should not be ATM’s removing tellers from bank branches, just as there are no more elevator operators working in moving cages amongst the nation’s taller buildings. The anxiety now is instead really about the serious lack of innovation that suddenly appeared right around the time hard money, and thus financial restraint, was banished so that various control elements could endeavor upon their utopian ideals of redistribution.

    In other words, across now more than a century of monetary recalculations, the object remains the same – to become what Marx called that “third party”, to be the wielder of a mathematical code that will break the conventions of the past and lead to a more or even most perfect economic existence. The problem, universally, is that value is not just some convention to be deciphered, it is essential and immutable. Monetarists have believed that money was that object, pliable and a perfect substitute across ages, but money is just the expression of a much deeper ethos, a physical stand-in for the dimension of value. Political socialism is to transform individuals into a cohesive singular entity; monetary socialism is to do the same, centered always on redefining value. We live today not with free market capitalism, or even a functioning eurodollar standard anymore, but what looks very much like the inevitable end of the third age of socialist monetary experimentation. Value, beaten, battered and bastardized, so far survives.

    Each of these ages of socialist economic direction has pressed further and further into the economic foundation. Where once an entire system of economy was redistributed by market forces into global modernism, we now live in communal fear of every form of job being “taken” toward even the slightest difference (what would have been slight hyperbole just a few years ago isn’t so much now). Perhaps the greatest rebuttal of these socialist ages is that now workers cling to mostly stasis of every kind (fastfood jobs are now as careers?), as job and labor opportunities are almost ancient concepts applied only to past remembrances of what it all used to be like (especially among the millennials; how must the economy look to all those stuck in school, endeavoring as college-educated baristas and living at home with mom and dad until after 30). There is no economic confidence because there has been no reason for it; the more that this is planned out by these kinds of intrusions into economic inner-workings the farther away from the utopian agenda (but not the totalitarian offshoot) we “progress.”

    Three AGES

    The economy has shrunk and with it the means to be hopeful about what should be natural – opportunity. Robots are not the problem, per se, and the minimum wage will always be zero; it is this “secular stagnation” of serial asset bubbles that have robbed the economy of its organic and natural vitality and spreadable vigor. Fix the obvious incongruity, monetarism most especially, of redistribution by government directive and economic growth will engulf and subsume what is really unnatural economic angst expressed in all these various and quickening counterproductive “solutions.”

    ABOOK July 2015 Payrolls FT Participation

    Some disquiet about the uneven progress of market beneficence has always been present, but what is unique about especially the past six to eight years is its pervasiveness and persistence. In other words, there will always be some that fear dynamism because, again, the widespread benefits aren’t readily apparent right away; but when so many are convinced in the opposite something is very, very wrong. The first step is to stop making the economy shrink and let opportunity, real opportunity not linked to asset market gambling and the fake recovery efforts, again take hold.

  • Caught On Tape: The Moment Diver Discovers $1 Million In Gold From 300-Year-Old Spanish Shipwreck

    Following the latest mass media assault on gold, capped with such trollbait pearls as “Gold is doomed” or the classic “Let’s Be Honest About Gold: It’s a Pet Rock” by the inimitable Jason Zweig (imitable perhaps only by the September 2011 version of Jason Zweig when, days after gold hit its all time high just shy of $2000, he famously said “Is Gold Cheap? Who Knows? But Gold-Mining Stocks Are“… since then gold-mining stocks are down 80%) we were more shocked that someone would actually bother to look for the worthless pet rocks (of which China allegedly just bought 600 tons) than actually finding them during a random dive in the sea.

    Which is precisely what happened.

    For several weeks the Schmitt family had a million-dollar secret on their hands. Last month, it recovered $1 million worth of sunken Spanish coins and jewels off the Florida coast.

    The Schmitts are subcontractors to 1715 Fleet-Queens Jewels LLC which since 2010 has the salvaging rights to a fleet of Spanish ships, aka the “1715 Fleet“, that wrecked off the Florida coast some 300 years ago. While $50 million has been pulled in from the fleet’s resting place so far, this is so far the biggest single haul.

    “One of the most amazing recoveries in 1715 Fleet History. Congratulations to the entire Schmitt family and the crew of the Aarrr Booty,” said 1715 Fleet on its Facebook page Monday.

    Some more details from the Fleet Society’s website: “Gold and silver in great quantity was homeward bound to Philip V when a hurricane destroyed his fleet along Florida’s coast. Some recovery in the aftermath still left much to be recovered beginning in the 1960’s and ongoing to this day.”

    “The treasure was actually found a month ago,” said Brent Brisben of 1715 Fleet-Queens Jewels LLC. Keeping the news under wraps was “particularly hard for the family that found it. They’ve been beside themselves.”

    The timing of 1715 Fleet’s announcement coincides with the 300th anniversary of the Spanish treasure fleet’s shipwrecks off the coast of Florida.

    Among the precious items recovered:

    • 51 gold coins
    • 40 feet of ornate gold chain
    • A single coin called a Royal made for the king of Spain, Phillip V. Only a few are known to exist, and the coin — nicknamed “Tricentennial Royal” — is dated 1715. Brisben said the extremely rare silver-dollar-sized coin is worth “probably around half a million dollars itself.”

    Queens Jewels owner Brent Brisben told the Daily News this discovery is of the biggest single hauls taken from the ship.

    Or, as the WSJ would call it, a whole bunch of pet rocks.

    Brisben gives 20% of everything found to the state of Florida and then splits the remaining treasure equally with the contractor that finds it. Brisben said he and his family will keep everything they have and save it for a special collection for the public.

    It’s believed there is still $400 million worth of treasure located below, he said.

    As the WSJ’s sister publication, MarketWatch adds, “the discovery comes almost 300 years to the day that the fleet wrecked. As for the history, the ships were sent to America to fetch gold and silver and under pressure to get back quickly, as the Spanish crown needed to replenish its coffers to finance wars. Sailing from Havana, Cuba on July 24, 1715, the ships crashed during a hurricane a week later near present-day Vero Beach, Fla. The Spaniards returned a few times, salvaging a great chunk of that treasure.”

    Three hundreds years later wars are financed by long strings of 1s and 0s, backed by the full faith of a government whose total unfunded obligations amount to over 5x the total amount of goods and services produced by said government.

    Back to the discovery, whose key components are shown below.

    Fifty-one gold coins and 40 feet of gold chains were found from a Spanish ship of the 1715 Fleet

    The total value of the haul is more than $1 million.

    About $50 million worth of treasure has been discovered since the 1960s.

    * * *

    But the biggest drama was the actual moment when Schmitt discovered the gold, captured conveniently in the video below.

  • Today's Anti-Capitalists Ignore The Fundamental Problems Of Socialism

    Submitted by Jonathan Newman via The Mises Institute,

    Anti-market and pro-socialist rhetoric is surging in headlines (see also here, here, and here) and popping up more and more on social media feeds. Much of the time, these opponents of markets can’t tell the difference between state-sponsored organizations like the International Monetary Fund and actual markets. But, that doesn’t matter because the articles and memes are often populist and vaguely worded — intentionally framed in such a way to easily deflect uninformed attacks and honest descriptions of what they are actually saying. In the end, they can all be boiled down to one message: socialism works and is better than capitalism.

    While most of it comes from the Left, the Right is not innocent, since the Right appears to be primarily concerned with promoting its own version of populism, which apparently does not involve a defense of markets. “Build bigger walls at the border,” for example, is not a sufficient response to “All profits are evil!”

    Instead of stooping to this level or simply resorting to “Read Mises!” (a more fitting response), we must show, yet again, that socialism — even under well-meaning political leaders — is impossible and leads to disastrous consequences.

    The Necessity of Profits, Prices, and Entrepreneurs

    Socialism is the collective ownership (i.e., a state monopoly) of the means of production. It calls for the abolition of private ownership of factors of production. Wages and profits are two parts of the same pie, and socialism says the profit slice should be zero.

    The inherent theoretical problems of socialism all emanate from its definition, and not the particulars of its application. However, the supporters of socialism define “collective,” as no exchange of the factors of production. And without exchange, there can be no prices, and without prices there is no way to measure the costs of production.

    In an unhampered market economy, the prices of the factors of production are determined by their aid in producing things that consumers want. They tend to earn their marginal product, and because every laborer has some comparative advantage, there is a slice of pie for everybody.

    If technological changes make certain factors more productive, or if education and training makes a laborer more productive, their prices or wages may be bid up to their new, higher marginal product. An entrepreneur would not like to hire or buy any factor at a price that exceeds its marginal product because the entrepreneur would then incur losses.

    Entrepreneurial losses are more important than many realize. They aren’t just hits to the entrepreneur’s bottom line. Losses show that on the market, the resources used to produce something were more highly valued than what they were producing. Losses show that wealth has been destroyed.

    Profits give the opposite signal. They represent economic growth and wealth creation. A profitable line of production is one in which the stuff that goes into producing some consumer good costs less than what consumers are willing to pay for the consumer good.

    As such, profits and losses are more than just important incentives, or cover in a conspiratorial capitalist class system; they are the only way to know that wealth is being created instead of destroyed in any line of production.

    Under socialism, there is a single owner that does not bid factors away from some lines of production and toward others. Nobody is able to say, with any shred of certainty, that a particular tool or machine or factory could be used to produce something else in a more effective way. Nobody knows what to produce or how much to produce. It’s economic chaos.

    Without Markets, We Can’t Know What or How to Produce

    Profits and losses guide and correct entrepreneurs in the process of producing things they expect consumers will demand. Without this information, including the costs of production specifically, entrepreneurs cannot engage in economic calculation, the estimation of the difference between future revenues and the costs of production necessary to gain those future revenues.

    Laborers are put to work in areas where they don’t have a comparative advantage. Farmers are sent to factories, and tailors are sent to the mines. Workers are in the wrong lines of production and have the wrong tools. Every morning, the economy looks like Robert Murphy’s capital rearranging gnomes just ransacked it.

    The Polish film Brunet Will Call lampooned situations like this throughout the movie, with consumer and capital goods in the most unlikely places. A butcher pulls an automobile’s clutch cable out of his freezer, and gives it to the main character, who pays for it with information on the whereabouts of a double buggy for someone’s newborn twins (at the flower shop, obviously).

    So the failure of socialism is not conditional on the culture, time, or place of the victims. Socialism is flawed at its core: the “collective” ownership of the means of production. As such, there is no way to enact a functioning, growth-inducing version of socialism anywhere. In practice, however, the theoretical problems of socialism give way to civil unrest, which is met with state force and results in a death toll higher than any official war ever fought.

    Without profit motives to produce, quotas must be put in place. With quotas, even in the cases where workers don’t lie about their production, chaos still reigns. For example, if a nail production quota is based on the number of nails, workers produce a lot of tiny, unusable nails. A nail quota based on weight would encourage workers to produce massive, but still unusable nails — a situation lampooned by this cartoon in Krokodil during the 1960s.

    Endless queues stretched across the USSR, filled with people looking for shoes even though shoe production in the USSR exceeded that of the US. The problem was all the shoes were too small, because shoe production was measured by number, with no regard for the sizes or designs consumers demand.

    The Wake of Socialism

    Some cases are funny; others are not. About seven million people died of starvation in the USSR just in 1932–33 (middle-of-the-road estimate based on manipulated data). The authors of The Black Book of Communism (1999) estimate the deaths of close to 100 million people are attributable to communist and socialist regimes. That’s more than 200 times the number of US deaths in WWII (and a case could be made that their deaths are attributable to socialism, too).

    Even today, in Cuba, the average wage is about $20 a month. In North Korea civilians are routinely rounded up by the dozens for public execution for the crime of watching South Korean TV smuggled into the country.

    When people are hungry and unhappy, the state cannot survive if the people know others are better off. The state uses propaganda, misinformation, and censorship to make an already captive citizenry even more confused and submissive.

    So count me surprised to hear fresh calls for socialism in 2015 — if the strong economic calculation argument and astronomical death toll haven’t turned the Left off of socialism, I don’t know what will. The idea is both bankrupt and deadly in both theory and practice.

  • The Rise Of The Yuan Continues: LME To Accept Renminbi As Collateral

    As far-fetched as the notion may be to those who are wedded – by choice, by misguided beliefs, or by virtue of being completely beholden to the perpetuation of the status quo – to idea that the dollar will forever retain its status as the world’s reserve currency, the yuan is set to play a critical role in global finance, investment, and trade going forward. 

    We’ve long argued that the BRICS bank, the AIIB, and to an even greater extent, the Silk Road Fund, will help to usher in a new era of yuan hegemony in international investment and trade. A number of recent developments support this, including Beijing’s push for the renminbi to play an outsized role in loans doled out through the AIIB, the denomination of loans from the BRICS bank in yuan, and China’s aggressive investment in Pakistan and Brazil via the Silk Road initiative (here and here).

    As for financial markets, China recently confirmed the impending launch of a yuan denominated gold fix which conveniently dovetailed with the LBMA’s acceptance of the first Chinese banks to participate in the twice-daily auction that determines London gold prices.

    Now, in the latest sign of yuan proliferation and penetration, the renminbi will be accepted as collateral by the LME along with the dollar, the euro, the pound, and the yen.

    Here’s WSJ with more:

    China’s domestic stock market may be in turmoil but the country’s currency, known as the yuan or renminbi, is making a seemingly relentless push deeper into the global financial system.


    The latest step: the London Metal Exchange, the world’s largest venue for trading metals where $15 trillion of metals was traded last year, is set to accept yuan as collateral for banks and brokers that trade on its platform.


    The Chinese currency joins the U.S. dollar, the euro, the British pound and Japan’s yen, which are all currently permissible as collateral on the LME’s platform.


    “In the commodities area, it makes absolute sense to start providing renminbi-denominated services,” said Trevor Spanner, chief executive of the LME’s clearing house business. “The renminbi is on its way to becoming one of the world’s most widely used currencies” he said.


    While largely a technical change, the LME move marks another milestone for China’s currency.


    The yuan is now the fifth most used currency for international payments, ranking number seven a year ago, according to data from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, a provider of payments services.


    A Bank of England survey on Monday showed that trading in yuan rose 25% in London in the six months to April this year, even as trading volumes in other currencies fell by 8% on average over the same period.

    The takeaway: irrespective of any damage China’s recent interventions into its domestic equity markets may have on the country’s SDR push, and regardless of whether the PBoC cash injection into CSF spooks the market and serves to accelerate short-term capital outflows, the internationalization of the yuan isn’t likely to be meaningfully derailed.

    We’ll leave you with the following quote from Dan Marcus, CEO of London-based currency trading platform ParFX who spoke to WSJ:

    “The rise of China’s currency on global markets is arguably the most significant development in currency trading since the introduction of the euro in 1999.”


  • There May Be Hope For The U.S. Yet: Caitlyn Jenner's Reality Show "No Ratings Bonanza"

    While (hopefully) not high on the agenda of readers more interested in what Janet Yellen will say tomorrow (and thus leak today) one of the more anticipated media events of recent days was Caitlyn Jenner’s new reality TV show “I am Cait” which premiered last night on E! and which supposedly chronicles former Bruce Jenner’s adjustment to life as a woman and transgender spokesperson.

    And while many were expecting blowout numbers from an America addicted to brain candy and passive-aggressive exhibitionism, the results were enough to inspire confidence that there may be some hope yet left for the United States.

    On one hand, TVline reports that “I Am Cait” topped Sunday cable rating with 2.7 million total viewers and a 1.2 demo rating – on par with Keeping Up With the Kardashians‘ most recent season premiere and leading the night in the demo (tying Adult Swim’s 11 pm Family Guy rerun).

    On the other, according to Reuters, despite its impressive Sunday-night cable topping viewership, the number of people who tuned in was a vast drop from the 17 million people who watched the former Olympic champion come out as a transgender woman in an April TV interview.

    It adds that “the first episode was no ratings bonanza. According to Nielsen data, almost three times as many Americans watched “Celebrity Family Feud” on ABC that night. The audience for “I am Cait” also suffered a marked drop from the almost 8 million people who watched the ESPY awards show on television two weeks ago on which Jenner, 65, was presented the Arthur Ashe courage award.”

    Not surprisingly, according to Nielsen Talent Analytics, which surveys about 1,000 Americans on a weekly basis, Jenner’s transition has not been universally welcomed, especially among older Americans. Then again using shock value to further a (well paid) personal agenda is nothing new: Donald Trump is currently using it with great effect and crushing the presidential primary field where nobody is quite sure how to respond to what some have said is the biggest trolling of the country by a presidential candidate in history. Which considering how broken the left-right political model is, may have come just on time to force America to re-evaluate just how applicable a “representative” political model that mainly panders to corporations and bankers actually is.

    And back to Bruce, pardon Cait, her “offensiveness” rating has gone from 16 percent to 26 percent since the initial coming-out interview in April, according to Nielsen, although those under 34 years old were more likely to consider Jenner successful (38 percent to 42 percent) and a role model (13 percent to 19 percent) now than a year ago.

    So maybe not hope for all, but some hope still.

    But don’t cry for Bruce: his show is sure to eventually become a monetary goldmine rivaling that other exercise in celebrity trolling, “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.” According to Business Insider, a 30 second ad spot in the premiere cost between $90,000 and $200,000, approaching the $344,000 which category killer “Big Bang Theory” charges for 30 seconds of its ad time.

    This means that Caitlyn’s take home from each episode is certainly in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not higher.

  • 3-Year-Old London Child Deemed "Extremist"; Placed In Government Reeducation Program

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    The United Kingdom has gone batshit crazy. There’s simply no other way to put it. I warned about Britain’s “war on toddler terrorists” earlier this year in the post: The War on Toddler Terrorists – Britain Wants to Force Nursery School Teachers to Identify “Extremist” Children. Here’s an excerpt:

    Nursery school staff and registered childminders must report toddlers at risk of becoming terrorists, under counter-terrorism measures proposed by the Government.


    The directive is contained in a 39-page consultation document issued by the Home Office in a bid to bolster its Prevent anti-terrorism plan.


    The document accompanies the Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill, currently before parliament. It identifies nurseries and early years childcare providers, along with schools and universities, as having a duty “to prevent people being drawn into terrorism”.

    Never fear good citizens of Great Britain. While your government actively does everything in its power to protect criminal financial oligarchs and powerful pedophiles, her majesty draws the line at toddler thought crime. We learn from the Independent:

    A three-year-old child from London is one of hundreds of young people in the capital who have been tipped as potential future radicals and extremists.


    As reported by the Evening Standard, 1,069 people have been put in the government’s anti-extremism ‘Channel’ process, the de-radicalization program at the heart of the Government’s ‘Prevent’ strategy.


    The three-year-old in the program is from the borough of Tower Hamlets, and was a member of a family group that had been showing suspect behavior.


    Since September 2014, 400 under 18s, including teenagers and children, have been referred to the scheme.

    The fact that this story broke on the same day that chairman of the UK’s Lords Privileges and Conduct Committee, Lord John Sewel, was caught on video snorting cocaine off the breast of a prostitute with a £5 note, is simply priceless. You just can’t make this stuff up.

    From the BBC:

    Lord Sewel is facing a police inquiry after quitting as House of Lords deputy speaker over a video allegedly showing him taking drugs with prostitutes.

    The footage showed him snorting powder from a woman’s breasts with a £5 note.


    In the footage, Lord Sewel, who is married, also discusses the Lords’ allowances system.


    As chairman of committees, the crossbench peer also chaired the privileges and conduct committee, and was responsible for enforcing standards in the Lords.


    Lord Sewel served as a minister in the Scotland office under Tony Blair’s Labour government.

    Tony Blair, why am I not surprised:

    Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 11.48.13 AM

    He has been a member of the Lords since 1996, and is a former senior vice principal of the University of Aberdeen.

    Here’s a clip, in the event you’re interested:


    The UK government is so far gone that it insists on protecting the public from toddlers, rather than protecting toddlers from powerful sexual predators. In case you need a reminder:

    In Great Britain, Powerful Pedophiles are Seemingly Everywhere and Totally Above the Law

    In Great Britain, Protecting Pedophile Politicians is a Matter of “National Security”

    Former BBC Host “Sir” Jimmy Savile Exposed as Major Player in Massive Pedophile Ring

  • Could Trump Win?

    Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

    The American political class has failed the country, and should be fired. That is the clearest message from the summer surge of Bernie Sanders and the remarkable rise of Donald Trump.

    Sanders’ candidacy can trace it roots back to the 19th-century populist party of Mary Elizabeth Lease who declaimed:

    “Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street, and for Wall Street. The great common people of this country are slaves, and monopoly is the master.”


    “Raise less corn and more hell!” Mary admonished the farmers of Kansas.

    William Jennings Bryan captured the Democratic nomination in 1896 by denouncing the gold standard beloved of the hard money men of his day: “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”

    Sanders is in that tradition, if not in that league as an orator. His followers, largely white, $50,000-a-year folks with college degrees, call to mind more the followers of George McGovern than Jennings Bryan.

    Yet the stagnation of workers’ wages as the billionaire boys club admits new members, and the hemorrhaging of U.S. jobs under trade deals done for the Davos-Doha crowd, has created a blazing issue of economic inequality that propels the Sanders campaign.

    Between his issues and Trump’s there is overlap. Both denounce the trade deals that deindustrialized America and shipped millions of jobs off to Mexico, Asia and China. But Trump has connected to an even more powerful current.

    That is the issue of uncontrolled and illegal immigration, the sense America’s borders are undefended, that untold millions of lawbreakers are in our country, and more are coming. While most come to work, they are taking American jobs and consuming tax dollars, and too many come to rob, rape, murder and make a living selling drugs.

    Moreover, the politicians who have talked about this for decades are a pack of phonies who have done little to secure the border.

    Trump boasts that he will get the job done, as he gets done all other jobs he has undertaken. And his poll ratings are one measure of how far out of touch the Republican establishment is with the Republican heartland.

    When Trump ridicules his rivals as Lilliputians and mocks the celebrity media, the Republican base cheers and laughs with him.

    He is boastful, brash, defiant, unapologetic, loves campaigning, and is putting on a great show with his Trump planes and 100-foot-long stretch limos. “Every man a king but no man wears a crown,” said Huey Long. “I’m gonna make America great again,” says Donald.

    Compared to Trump, all the other candidates, including Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, are boring. He makes politics entertaining, fun.

    Trump also benefits from the perception that his rivals and the press want him out of the race and are desperately seizing upon any gaffe to drive him out. The piling on, the abandonment of Trump by the corporate elite, may have cost him a lot of money. But it also brought him support he would not otherwise have had.

    For no group of Americans has been called more names than the base of the GOP. The attacks that caused the establishment to wash its hands of Trump as an embarrassment brought the base to his defense.

    But can Trump win?

    If his poll numbers hold, Trump will be there six months from now when the Sweet 16 is cut to the Final Four, and he will likely be in the finals. For if Trump is running at 18 or 20 percent nationally then, among Republicans, it is hard to see how two rivals beat him.

    For Trump not to be in the hunt as the New Hampshire primary opens, his campaign will have to implode, as Gary Hart’s did in 1987, and Bill Clinton’s almost did in 1992.

    Thus, in the next six months, Trump will have to commit some truly egregious blunder that costs him his present following. Or the dirt divers of the media and “oppo research” arms of the other campaigns will have to come up with some high-yield IEDs.

    Presidential primaries are minefields for the incautious, and Trump is not a cautious man. And it is difficult to see how, in a two-man race against the favorite of the Republican establishment, he could win enough primaries, caucuses and delegates to capture 50 percent of the convention votes.

    For almost all of the candidates who will have dropped out by then will have endorsed the last man standing against Trump. And should Trump be nominated, his candidacy would make Barry Goldwater look like the great uniter of the GOP.

    Still, who expected Donald Trump to be in the catbird seat in the GOP nomination run before the first presidential debate? And even his TV antagonists cannot deny he has been great for ratings.

  • Twitter Surges, Then Fades After Hours On User Growth Confusion: The Full Quarter In 6 Charts


    With many expecting Twitter to disappoint yet again after several quarters in which the company’s stock had a step-down reaction to earnings, moments ago TWTR beat virtually all-non-GAAP estimates, from revenue, to EPS, to EBITDA:

    • TWITTER 2Q REV. $502.4M, EST. $481.9M
    • TWITTER 2Q ADJ. EBITDA $120M, EST. $103.3M

    More importantly, everyone was focusing on user growth which on a headline basis was not bad…


    However, just like on previous quarters, TWTR decided to use a gimmick when counting users, to wit:

    “Average Monthly Active Users (MAUs) were 316 million for the second quarter, up 15% year-over-year, and compared to 308 million in the previous quarter. The vast majority of MAUs added in the quarter on a sequential basis came from SMS Fast Followers. Excluding SMS Fast Followers, MAUs were 304 million for the second quarter, up 12% year-over-year, and compared to 302 million in the previous quarter.”


    It took algos a few minutes to digest this fact, and as a result what was initially a solid 10% spike after hours, fizzled almost entirely, and as of this moment the stock had cut its after hours gains notably.



    Going back to the quarter, the non-GAAP numbers were generally not bad as follows.



    But are they good enough to justify a $25 billion market cap, especially when one remembers that virtually all the “profit” is in solidly in the non-GAAP arena.

  • American Enterprise in a Nutshell

  • 'Investors' Panic-Buy Stocks After Confidence Collapse Sparks Biggest Short-Squeeze In 6 Months

    China closes weak… Europe weak… US Consumer Confidence collapses… Energy credit risk increases dramatically… and stocks rip led by Energy in yet another epic short squeeze…


    We can't help but think this happens…


    It seems some think China was up last night… sure it was up off the lows… but is this really the backbone of a face-ripping rally in US Stocks…?


    And Japanese stocks hit a 2-week low…


    US Stocks traded weaker into the open… but once Consumer Confidence collapsed, Energy stocks went into full short squeeze mode and exploded everything higher…


    With cash indices all soaring…


    Getting everything back to green from Friday briefly… before Nasdaq and Small Caps faded back…and then a final ramp to get Nasdaq green on the week!


    As the big triple short squeeze hit…


    This was the biggest short squeeze in 6 months


    Much was made of the ramp in Energy stocks…  best day for Energy sector since Dec 2014…


    Well we've seen this before… BTFD once, shame on me… Energy Credit ain't buying it…


    And neither is WTI Crude!!!


    Yet another breadth indicator flashes red…


    Treasury yields rose on the day but rallied after the weak confidence data…


    The USDollar closed higher but once again flipped its regime at the EU close…


    Commodities all rose on the day with Copper and Crude popping most…


    WTI Crude tested a $46 handle overnight before its mini melt-up ahead of API tonight…



    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: No Corrections Allowed…


    Bonus Bonus Chart: The Collapse in Confidence Is Not Good News…


    Bonus Bonus Bonus Chart: You Are Here…

  • China and Greece Signal a New Round of Deflation

    Stocks rallied today because the Fed meets today and tomorrow and traders are conditioned to play for a rally into Fed meetings. Also, stocks had fallen for four days straight prior to this and so we were oversold in the near-term.

    The larger picture concerns the bursting of China’s stock bubble as well as the ongoing 3rd Greek bailout drama.

    Regarding China, anyone who actually bothered performing real analysis could have seen that the economic data coming out of that country was totally bogus. Indeed, back in 2007, current First Vice Premiere of China, Li Keqiang, admitted to the US ambassador to China that ALL Chinese data, outside of electricity consumption, railroad cargo, and bank lending is for “reference only.”

    With that in mind, China’s rail volumes had been collapsing at a pace not seen since the Asia Financial Crisis!


    Despite this, 99% of analysts believed China’s GDP was growing at 7%+. Those people piled into Chinese stocks and commodities… and they’ve since been eviscerated as the Chinese stock bubble burst and commodity prices plunged to 13-year lows.


    China has been the largest driver of global economic growth since 2009. With that country flirting with outright deflation, it's only a matter of time before global GDP tanks.

    As for Greece… the negotiations regarding a third bailout have officially begun. However, things have grown more complicated as former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis revealed that Greece had a “Plan B” in place that would allow it to switch from the Euro to the Drachma “at the flip of a switch.”

    Germany was already fed up with Greece’s debt problems before this. Now that it’s clear Greece is ready to pull the nuclear option and leave the Euro, Germany’s economic council has backed a plan to kick out “uncooperative” Eurozone members.

    When both sides in a negotiation begin to believe that not agreeing is the best solution, it’s only a matter of time before things break down in a serious fashion. This is why for many investment banks, a Grexit remains the “base case” scenario for this situation.

    At the end of the day, both China and Greece are signaling that a new round of deflation has begun in the markets. Stocks are bouncing today, but a tectonic shift has begun.

    It is now clear that Central Banks have lost control of some markets… and this loss of control will be spreading in the coming months, culminating in a market Crash that will make 2008 look like a picnic.

    If you've yet to take action to prepare for this, we offer a FREE investment report called the Financial Crisis "Round Two" Survival Guide that outlines simple, easy to follow strategies you can use to not only protect your portfolio from it, but actually produce profits.

    We are making 1,000 copies available for FREE the general public.

    We are currently down to the last 15.

    To pick up yours, swing by….

    Best Regards

    Phoenix Capital Research



  • Why Your Portfolio Does Not Perform Like The Indices (In 1 Simple Chart)

    The average S&P 500 stock is no longer keeping pace with the market’s movesas breadth becomes focused on a shrinking pool of FOMO stocks.



    Just add this to the list of charts that are flashing bright red “it’s over” signals…


    Chart: FBN Securities

  • Greece's Biggest Mistake Explained (In 1 Cartoon)





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Today’s News July 28, 2015

  • Municipal Madness

    From the Slope of Hope: Only a government employee could point to a 99.5% failure rate and declare it a success.

    Look no farther than my local newspaper this morning: the city of Menlo Park (which is an affluent superb like Palo Alto, but even whiter and more sheltered) spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on equipment to read the license plates of all the cars passing by certain intersections. (We’ll set aside the creepiness of the surveillance and just focus on the economics here.)

    The latest quarterly report came out, and out of 198,286 license plates read, 204 of them were brought to the attention of authorities as “wanted” vehicles. OK, cool. Looks like we’re getting some hits here and and go grab some criminals, right, boys?

    The problem is that 203 of the 204 weren’t “wanted” at all. The plates were all misread. There was one – count ’em, one – license plate out of the 198,286 which was indeed a plate from a stolen car, and the police captain (which, around here, is a quarter-million dollar year salary) assures the public that the license plate readers are “working properly” since, after all, they did button down one vehicle (which, if I may speculate, was probably worth, oh, about ten thousand bucks or so).

    Suffice it to say that the hundreds of thousands spent on the equipment – – to say nothing of the time and effort involved from the police force (each member of which enjoys a six-figure salary) probably is a substantially greater sum than the value of the single vehicle retrieved. Here ya go:


  • Global Plunge Protection Team Rescues Chinese Stocks Back To Unchanged At Break

    In what appears like a coordinated USDJPY-driven intervention, the Panic Plunge Protection Team has swung into action not once but twice tonight so far. After China opened down between 5% and 7%, and initial momentum bounce from USDJPY failed onlyt to be followed by a bigger more energentic push to get Shaghai Composite back to unchanged… but Chinese stocks are once again losing momentum…

    Double PPPT effort tonight…Spot The Difference


    But it appears to be fading fast… as dip-buyers cover into the government buying


    We're gonna need moar JPY selling…


    • *CHINA'S CSI 300 INDEX FALLS 0.2% TO 3,810.65 AT BREAK


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Introducing "Trickle-Out Oligarch Economics" – How Over $21 Trillion In Wealth Fled Offshore

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Before I get into the meat of this post, I want to make it clear that just because I point out the following doesn’t mean I like tax and think we need more of it. Rather, there are two main points I want to get across.

    1) Oligarchs create tax loopholes for themselves. Oligarchs control the politicians who write legislation to suit oligarch needs. Whenever you hear politicians talk about taxing the wealthy they mean the suckers in the top 10% who are not politically-connected oligarchs. The super rich will never be touched by such legislation. They will always have loopholes available to them. This is why the statement “we need higher taxes on the rich” is basically a bullshit political talking point.

    2) You’ll notice much of the wealth that has been moved offshore originated from dictators who bled their home countries dry of resources as their populations starved. Many of these dictators had the full support of the U.S. government throughout their decades in power, during which time they plundered and destroyed entire nations.

    Just remember that the next time you hear a super rich person call for more taxes. They never mean on themselves. Second, understand that the root of the problem is systemic. There are no easy fixes, the entire system needs a total reboot.

    From the Guardian:

    The world’s super-rich have taken advantage of lax tax rules to siphon off at least $21 trillion, and possibly as much as $32tn, from their home countries and hide it abroad – a sum larger than the entire American economy.


    James Henry, a former chief economist at consultancy McKinsey and an expert on tax havens, has conducted groundbreaking new research for the Tax Justice Network campaign group – sifting through data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and private sector analysts to construct an alarming picture that shows capital flooding out of countries across the world and disappearing into the cracks in the financial system.


    Using the BIS’s measure of “offshore deposits” – cash held outside the depositor’s home country – and scaling it up according to the proportion of their portfolio large investors usually hold in cash, he estimates that between $21tn (£13tn) and $32tn (£20tn) in financial assets has been hidden from the world’s tax authorities.


    “These estimates reveal a staggering failure,” says John Christensen of the Tax Justice Network. “Inequality is much, much worse than official statistics show, but politicians are still relying on trickle-down to transfer wealth to poorer people.


    “This new data shows the exact opposite has happened: for three decades extraordinary wealth has been cascading into the offshore accounts of a tiny number of super-rich.”


    In total, 10 million individuals around the world hold assets offshore, according to Henry’s analysis; but almost half of the minimum estimate of $21tn – $9.8tn – is owned by just 92,000 people. And that does not include the non-financial assets – art, yachts, mansions in Kensington – that many of the world’s movers and shakers like to use as homes for their immense riches.

    Since this doesn’t include non-financial assets, you can be sure the actual number is multiples higher. We have all seen how oligarchs worldwide are using houses and other tangible assets as overseas bank accounts. Recall:

    Welcome to Arcadia – The California Suburb Where Wealthy Chinese Criminals are Building Mansions to Stash Cash

    Introducing “Freeports” the Latest Way for Oligarchs to Store Their Assets

    Introducing Ghost Skyscrapers – NYC Real Estate Goes Full Retard

    In many cases, the total worth of these assets far exceeds the value of the overseas debts of the countries they came from.


    The struggles of the authorities in Egypt to recover the vast sums hidden abroad by Hosni Mubarak, his family and other cronies during his many years in power have provided a striking recent example of the fact that kleptocratic rulers can use their time to amass immense fortunes while many of their citizens are trapped in poverty.

    Mubarak, a close ally of the U.S. government all the way until he was toppled.

    The world’s poorest countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, have fought long and hard in recent years to receive debt forgiveness from the international community; but this research suggests that in many cases, if they had been able to draw their richest citizens into the tax net, they could have avoided being dragged into indebtedness in the first place. Oil-rich Nigeria has seen more than $300bn spirited away since 1970, for example, while Ivory Coast has lost $141bn.


    Assuming that super-rich investors earn a relatively modest 3% a year on their $21tn, taxing that vast wall of money at 30% would generate a very useful $189bn a year – more than rich economies spend on aid to the rest of the world.


    The sheer scale of the hidden assets held by the super-rich also suggests that standard measures of inequality, which tend to rely on surveys of household income or wealth in individual countries, radically underestimate the true gap between rich and poor.


    Milorad Kovacevic, chief statistician of the UN Development Programme’s Human Development Report, says both the very wealthy and the very poor tend to be excluded from mainstream calculations of inequality.


    “People that are in charge of measuring inequality based on survey data know that the both ends of the distribution are underrepresented – or, even better, misrepresented,” he says.

    What we need is fundamental systemic change. This means truly restructuring the entire financial system, from Central Bank power, to Wall Street funding both political parties, to lengthy jail sentences for financial criminals. If we do that, oligarchs won’t be able to parasitically amass billions so easily in the first place.

  • BuY THe PeoPLe'S DiP!























  • UK Government Admits 250,000 Porn Websites Visited On Parliament PCs

    Prime Minister David Cameron vowed in 2013 to block pornographic material from "the darkest corners of the internet."

    Cameron announced in July that most households in the UK would have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they chose to receive it.

    Online pornography was "corroding childhood" and "distorting" children's understanding of sex and relationships, he argued.


    The UK's biggest internet service providers have agreed to the filters scheme meaning it should cover 95% of homes.


    But one of Mr Cameron's advisers, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, said the plans were "absolutely ridiculous".

    It appears he better start at home…

    Thanks to a Freedom of Information request by the Daily Express, RT reports, over 247,000 attempts were made to visit X-rated websites from the UK Parliament’s computer network last year, with the numbers spiking during parliamentary recess in April

    Attempts to access more than 42,000 sites classed as pornographic were made during April alone last year, totaling more than 1,300 each day.



    The Freedom of Information request by the Daily Express found the second most active month was October 2014, where there were more than 30,000 attempts to access porn sites.


    The figures don’t show which sites were accessed or how long was spent on the pages.


    The findings add to the previous total of 350,000 in 2013.


    Taxpayers’ Alliance Chief Executive Jonathan Isaby said of the figures: “Some of these ‘visits’ are no doubt the product of pop-ups beyond anybody’s control, but the number is absolutely staggering.


    “One would hope that those attempting to access these sites at Parliament could keep their extra-curricular activities safely within their own four walls, as it’s not an appropriate use of time when it’s on the taxpayers’ tab,” he added.


    Speaking about the 2013 results, a House of Commons spokeswoman said: We do not consider the data to provide an accurate representation of the number of purposeful requests made by network users due to the variety of ways in which websites can be designed to act, react and interact and due to the potential operation of third party software.”

    *  *  *

    Rather stunningly, it also emerged that, a site where you can you rate the looks of members of parliament, was the most popular banned site at Britain’s Parliament.

    So, first The SEC and now UK Parliament… is it any wonder the world is turning to shit if every 'official' is 'busy' all day with other more uplifting things…

  • The Irony Of Market Manipulation

    Having gazed ominously at the extreme monetary policy smoke-and-mirrors intervention in bond markets, and previously explained that "the stock market is to important to leave to the vagaries of an actual market." While the rest of the world's central banks' direct (BoJ) and indirect (Fed, ECB) manipulation of equity markets, nobody bats an eyelid; but when PBOC steps on market volatility's throat (like a bull in a China bear store), people start complaining… finally. There is no difference – none! And no lesser Asian expert than Stephen Roach warns that we should be afraid, very afraid as he states, the great irony of manipulation, he explains, is that "the more we depend on markets, the less we trust them."


    BoJ is directly buying Japanese Stocks and the rest of the world's central banks are buying bonds with both hands and feet for the first time ever, central banks are set to monetize all global government debt, something we showed previously…


    But with China's heavy handed "measures" seemed to save the world (until the last 2 days)…

    9-Jul-15 Thurs CSRC:
    1) suspended reviews of IPOs & other secondary market fundraising activities from Jul 9;
    2) asked listcos to choose 1 out of 5 measures (including share buyback by major shareholders, companies and senior executives, employee stock buyback
    incentive & employee stock ownership) to protect share price.
    China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC):
    1) allowed banks to roll over matured loans pledged by stocks;
    2) encouraged banks to provide liquidity to China Securities Finance Corp Ltd. (CSFC) & offer financing to listed companies to buy back shares.
    China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC): insurance asset mgt companies should not demand early repayment from brokers for debt products on margin financing.
    Minister of Public Security & CSRC: to investigate malicious short selling activities on Jul 9.
    State-Owned Assets Supervision & Admin Commission (SASAC): asked provincial SASACs to submit daily report if local SOEs’ increased stock holdings starting Jul 9.
    CSFC: issued Rmb80bn short-term note in interbank market on Jul 9, yield at 4.5% p.a., duration at 3 months; and will purchase mutual fund products to stabilize liquidity.

    8-Jul-15 Weds PBOC: vowed to maintain market stability and avoid systematic financial risk. It will provide ample liquidity to CSFC via interbank lending, financial bond, pledge financing, and relending facilities.
    1) granted Rmb260bn credit quota to 21 brokers via pledged stocks to allow them buy more equities.
    2) by people close, CSFC is looking for >=Rmb500bn liquidity support from the PBOC.
    3) CSFC Chairman said it has sufficient liquidity to stabilize the market.
    4) CSFC to subscribe Rmb200bn active funds from 5 mutual funds to invest in smid cap stocks.
    5) CSFC to intensify efforts to buy small to mid-cap stocks.
    SASAC & MOF ordered central-owned SOEs and financial companies not to cut existing equity holdings and all central owned SOEs soon echoed with SASAC’ instruction.
    Huijin vows not to reduce existing securities holdings and will continue to buy ETFs.

    7-Jul-15 Tues CIRC: to allow insurers to invest more in blue chips stocks: 1) investment in a single blue chip will be capped at 10% of the insurers’ total assets as of last quarter, vs. the previous 5%; 2) equity investment will be capped at 40%, vs. 30%, but the 10% difference must be invested in blue chips. CSFC said it will buy more smid-cap stocks Several joint stock banks resumed funding to umbrella trust; but have lowered leverage to 1x vs previous 3x.

    6-Jul-15 Mon CFFEX took more measures to restrict index future trading by 1) capping the number of withdrawal of a single contract to 500/account/day; 2) raising margin for selling index futures of CSI500 from Jul 8 to 20% of contract price from 10% and up to 30% from Jul 9. CSFC to use Rmb120bn funds contributed by various brokers to buy ETFs. Social Securities Fund (SSF) vowed not to reduce existing equity positions in its portfolio.

    3 to 5-Jul-15 Fri-Sun Huijin purchased Rmb12bn ETFs

    • Margin financing: some brokers lowered threshold and loosened related policy.
    • Short selling: 1) several brokers suspended the business; 2) multiple unauthorized margin financing institutions said their total funding size was no more than Rmb200bn, and denied their involvement in short selling.
    • Index futures: 1) CFFEX suspended many shorting accounts; 2) will make transaction fees progressive based on transaction volume; bigger volume, higher fee rate.
    • Capital market fundraising: 1) State Council decided to suspend IPO and any secondary market fundraising above Rmb5bn until SHCOMP returns to 4,500 level; 2) CIRC required insurers to keep net buying stocks; 3) 21 brokers will invest Rmb120bn (15% of their net assets by 1H15) in blue chips ETFs and would not reduce their proprietary book if SHCOMP stays below 4,500; 4) 94 mutual fund management companies vowed to stabilize the market.
    • Disciplines: 1) Police is investigating three media outlets for spreading rumors; 2) the government vows to impose heavy penalties on cross-market manipulation activities. Government mouthpiece: Xinhua and People’s Daily both published articles today to call for investors’ confidence.

    2-Jul-15 Thurs CSRC said to investigate and “strictly” punish manipulations; Bloomberg reported CSRC has conducted examination on recent stock index future short selling activities. Brokers: some brokers loosened margin financing requirements eg cut margin ratio; extend margin financing duration period; raise collaterals discount ratio etc. Insurers have been buying blue chips stocks and ETFs since last Friday; though pace has moderated somewhat on Jul 2. Media reported that many mutual funds and privately raised funds also increased equity holdings.

    1-Jul-15 Weds Shanghai Stock Exchange (SHEX), Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZEX) & CSDC will cut transaction fees by 30% effective on Aug 1. CSRC granted brokers new financing channels, including: 1) All brokers, not limited to the trial 20 ones, can issue short-term bonds; 2) brokers can securitize their beneficiary rights of margin financing. Margin trading: loosened requirement that a margin account will be liquidated if the leverage ratio drops below 130%; brokers will have more liberty in such cases. CFFEX checked index futures trading by 38 QFII investors and 25 RQFII investors and it didn’t find “large scale” short selling activities in the market.

    30-Jun-15 Tues Asset Management Association of China (AMAC): 1) requested investors and fund managers to stay rational & not to panic; 2) quoted 13 leading private funds' heads to advocate A-share investment. Bloomberg first reported CSRC may suspend IPO to stabilize the market.

    29-Jun-15 Mon SSF: MOHRSS and MOF circulated a draft policy to allow basic pension fund to invest up to 30% into the A-share market; the consultation will end on 13 Jul 2015. People’s Daily said pension fund’s stock investment will be no more than Rmb150bn. CSFC said risks of margin financing & margin calls are relatively small.

    27-Jun-15 Sat PBOC cut interests rate by 25bps and cut targeted RRR for selected FIs, effective on 28 June.


    To July 7th… when selling was made "illegal"


    and since…

    • 22-Jul-15 China's Securities Finance Corp is now among the top 10 shareholders of at least 8 firms.
    • 21-Jul-15 Capital injection of $109b into 3 policy banks ($48b to China Development Bank, $45b to Export Import Bank, and $16 to Agricultural Development Bank).
    • 19-Jul-15 Increased regulations on internet financing and P2P lending. Client funds must be parked at established banks, and more disclosure and clearer warnings about risks required.
    • 16-Jul-15 Thurs China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) requests brokers’ proprietary trading to maintain net purchase on daily basis and it will allow brokers equity investment to exceed risk limit during special period. Report that roughly $483 billion was made available to China Securities Finance Corp to support the stock market was leaked ($209b of which from China's biggest banks).
    • 15-Jul-15 Weds China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd (CSDC) to extend business hours for major shareholders to increase their own companies stock holdings.
    • 13-Jul-15 Mon CSRC probed a leading vendor of trading system Hundsun Tech (600570 CH) for its possible facilitation of OTC margin financing; several large OTC margin financing lenders suspended businesses. China Financial Future Exchange (CFFEX) further tightened control over financial futures' trading: 1) if the market moves one-way for two consecutive trading days, it may tighten the trading via raising the margin, adjusting the trading limits and forcing account liquidation; 2) daily one-way trading of SH000905 Index will be capped at 1,200 bills.
    • 10 to 12-Jul-15 Fri-Sun CSRC instructed brokers to regulate external access to trading systems on Jul 12. Police: found clues that some trading companies might have manipulated stock futures. Cyberspace Admin: banned all advertisements illegally promoting unauthorized margin loans.

    So why did we not see this?


    Simple, because China just exposed the rest of the world's manipulation is not omnipotent. As Stephen Roach, writing at Project Syndicate, notes, market manipulation has become standard operating procedure in policy circles around the world. All eyes are now on China’s attempts to cope with the collapse of a major equity bubble. But the efforts of Chinese authorities are hardly unique. The leading economies of the West are doing pretty much the same thing – just dressing up their manipulation in different clothes.

    Take quantitative easing, first used in Japan in the early 2000s, then in the United States after 2008, then in Japan again beginning in 2013, and now in Europe. In all of these cases, QE essentially has been an aggressive effort to manipulate asset prices. It works primarily through direct central-bank purchases of long-dated sovereign securities, thereby reducing long-term interest rates, which, in turn, makes equities more attractive.


    Whether the QE strain of market manipulation has accomplished its objective – to provide stimulus to crisis-torn, asset-dependent economies – is debatable: Current recoveries in the developed world, after all, have been unusually anemic. But that has not stopped the authorities from trying.


    In their defense, central banks make the unsubstantiated claim that things would have been much worse had they not pursued QE. But, with now-frothy manipulated asset markets posing new risks of financial instability, the jury is out on that point as well.


    China’s efforts at market manipulation are no less blatant. In response to a 31% plunge in the CSI 300 (a composite index of shares on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges) from its June 12 peak, following a 145% surge in the preceding 12 months, Chinese regulators have moved aggressively to contain the damage.


    Official actions run the gamut, including a $480 billion government-supported equity-market backstop under the auspices of the China Securities Finance Corporation, a $19 billion pool from major domestic brokerages, and an open-ended promise by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) to use its balance sheet to shore up equity prices. Moreover, trading was suspended for about 50% of listed securities (more than 1,400 of 2,800 stocks).


    Unlike the West’s QE-enabled market manipulation, which works circuitously through central-bank liquidity injections, the Chinese version is targeted more directly at the market in distress – in this case, equities. Significantly, QE is very much a reactive approach – aimed at sparking revival in distressed markets and economies after they have collapsed. The more proactive Chinese approach is the policy equivalent of attempting to catch a falling knife – arresting a market in free-fall.


    There are several other noteworthy distinctions between China’s market manipulation and that seen in the West.


    First, Chinese authorities appear less focused on systemic risks to the real economy. That makes sense, given that wealth effects are significantly smaller in China, where private consumption accounts for just 36% of GDP – only about half the share in more wealth-dependent economies like the US.


    Moreover, much of the sharp appreciation in Chinese equity values was very short-lived. Nearly 90% of the 12-month surge in the CSI 300 was concentrated in the seven months following the start of cross-border investment flows via the so-called Shanghai-Hong Kong Connect in November 2014. As a result, speculators had little time to let the capital gains sink in and have a lasting impact on lifestyle expectations.


    Second, in the West, post-crisis reforms typically have been tactical, aimed at repairing flaws in established markets, rather than promoting new markets. In China, by contrast, post-bubble reforms have a more strategic focus, given that the equity-market distress has important implications for the government’s capital-market reforms, which are viewed as crucial to its strategy of structural rebalancing. Long saddled with a bank-centric system of credit intermediation, the development of secure and stable equity and bond markets is a high priority in China’s effort to promote a more diversified business-funding platform. The collapse of the equity bubble calls that effort into serious question.


    Finally, by emphasizing a regulatory fix, and thereby keeping its benchmark policy rate well above the dreaded zero bound, the PBOC is actually better positioned than other central banks to maintain control over monetary policy and not become ensnared in the open-ended provision of liquidity that is so addictive for frothy markets. And, unlike in the West, China’s targeted equity-specific actions minimize the risk of financial contagion caused by liquidity spillovers into other asset markets.


    With a large portion of China’s domestic equity market still closed, it is hard to know when the correction’s animal spirits have been exhausted. While the government has assembled considerable firepower to limit the unwinding of a spectacular bubble, the overhang of highly leveraged speculative demand is disconcerting. Indeed, in the 12 months ending in June, margin financing of stock purchases nearly tripled as a share of tradable domestic-equity-market capitalization.


    While Chinese equities initially bounced 14% off their July 8 low, the 8.5% plunge on July 27 suggests that that may have been a temporary respite. The likelihood of forced deleveraging of margin calls underscores the potential for a further slide once full trading resumes.


    More broadly, just as in Japan, the US, and Europe, there can be no mistaking what prompted China’s manipulation: the perils of outsize asset bubbles. Time and again, regulators and policymakers – to say nothing of political leaders – have been asleep at the switch in condoning market excesses. In a globalized world where labor income is under constant pressure, the siren song of asset markets as a growth elixir is far too tempting for the body politic to resist.


    Speculative bubbles are the visible manifestation of that temptation. As the bubbles burst – and they always do – false prosperity is exposed and the defensive tactics of market manipulation become both urgent and seemingly logical.


    Therein lies the great irony of manipulation: The more we depend on markets, the less we trust them. Needless to say, that is a far cry from the “invisible hand” on which the efficacy of markets rests. We claim, as Adam Smith did, that impersonal markets ensure the most efficient allocation of scarce capital; but what we really want are markets that operate only on our terms.

    Read more here…

    *  *  *

    As we concluded previously,

    The stock market is just too important to leave to the vagaries of an actual market now. Too much depends on good-looking numbers now. It must be guided and controlled, or else the stilts on which our global financial system balances become shakier and more visible. The market must be rendered increasingly meaningless simply because it's too meaningful to our current economic system.

  • China Carnage Continues; Investors "Lost & Concerned" Despite PBOC Reassurance

    “China’s market is so distorted, you can’t sell short very confidently and you can’t buy up very confidently either," warns one Hong Kong-based asset manager as despite massive "measures" and manipulation, Chinese stocks extend yesterday's stunning losses (CSI-300 -5% at the open, Shanghai -4.1%). As Bloomberg reports, investors “are concerned and lost," although government officials tried to claim the situation by explaining they will "continue efforts to stabilize market and investor sentiment, and prevent systemic risk." As stocks continued to fall, the market is summed up by the opposing views of one broker noting "China won't tolerate a worsening stock market, so those state-backed financial institutions may start buying," and another who warned "it's hard to start a new up move after a bubble bursts… I don't think they are able to prevent it falling."

    The PBOC is desperate to reasure on the fundamentals backing the bubble:


    But even after that, the market keeps crashing…

    • *CHINA SHANGHAI COMPOSITE SET TO OPEN DOWN 4.1% TO 3,573.14 and more…



    Bloomberg quotes another analyst who perfectly sums up the world…

    “The markets in China now are not really markets,” Donald Straszheim, head of China research at New York-based Evercore ISI, said on Bloomberg Television last week.


    “They are government operations.”

    But as one manager concluded, if state-run funds withdrew support to test whether shares could stabilize at current levels on their own, the resulting retreat may prompt the government to step back in immediately to prop up prices, said Hann, who oversees about $350 million. On the other hand, if policy makers are starting to unwind support measures to let the market play a bigger role, shares may have further to fall, he said.

    And here is CNBC from June 10th proclaiming how awesome the Chinese Stocvk Bubble was…

    Farmers are eschewing crops to plough their cash into the booming stock market, a journey by CNBC into the heart of rural China discovered



    Six months ago, apple farmer Liu Jianguo invested $8,000 into the Shanghai Composite, a big chunk of his life savings.


    "It's a lot easier to make money from stocks than farm work," he told CNBC's Eunice Yoon.



    The investment craze in Chinese rural areas comes as more retail investors play a bigger role in the market, encouraged by the Shanghai Composite rally which has risen 110 percent since last November.


    Moreover, the country's high degree of financial literacy is a key factor; China ranked first in the investment component of the MasterCard Financial Literary Index Report this April.


    "China is just beginning to catch up. In the United States 50 percent of families are investing in stock markets [whereas] in China, it's less than 9 percent," said Uwe Parpart, MD and head of research at Reorient Financial Markets.

    Maybe farmwork is better after all?

    As we noted earlier, clearly, this is has the potential to exacerabte capital outflows given the pressure it could put on the yuan. Nevertheless, "stabilizing" the market is likely to take precedence in the short-term which is why you should expect the plunge protection headlines to come fast and furious. And sure enough, just moments ago:

    And for comic relief, we'll leave you with the following comment from Finance vice-minister Zhu Guangyao, also from July 18: 

    "[The turmoil] has come to an end."

    Umm no, not so much!

    *  *  *

    There is only one thing left…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Elon Musk Is Preparing For The Killer Robot Wars Of Tomorrow

    “Starting a military AI arms race is a bad idea,” an open letter presented at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Buenos Aries and signed by such luminaries as Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk says.

    The letter looks to be an effort to dissuade governments from developing weapons systems with offensive capabilities that can operate “without human intervention.” The plea comes as the world begins to ask tough questions about AI amid frightening portrayals in cinema (Ex Machina) and real world (if rudimentary) efforts to build killer robots reminiscent of the T-1 terminator. 

    Although the letter notes that the world’s top AI researchers have no interest in unleashing Skynet, that’s precisely what will happen once an enterprising nation kicks off the “inevitable” AI arms race, experts say. Once these weapons find their way to the battlefield, the letter continues, it would then be only a matter of time before they hit the black market, at which point they would wind up in the hands of terrorists and all sorts of other unsavory individuals including dictators and tribal warlords. 

    Ultimately, the note is a call to action and suggests a ban on “offensive autonomous weapons.”

    The authors cite similar international agreements on chemical and biological weapons, space nukes, and lasers that blind people. But for everyone out there who enjoys a good drone strike debacle every now and again, don’t worry because the signatories (which also include Steve Wozniak and Noam Chomsky) are just fine with real-life Carrie Mathisons incinerating “terrorists” from the stratosphere (just forget about the occasional collateral damage).

    *  *  *

    Full letter

    Autonomous Weapons: an Open Letter from AI & Robotics Researchers

    Autonomous weapons select and engage targets without human intervention. They might include, for example, armed quadcopters that can search for and eliminate people meeting certain pre-defined criteria, but do not include cruise missiles or remotely piloted drones for which humans make all targeting decisions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has reached a point where the deployment of such systems is — practically if not legally — feasible within years, not decades, and the stakes are high: autonomous weapons have been described as the third revolution in warfare, after gunpowder and nuclear arms.

    Many arguments have been made for and against autonomous weapons, for example that replacing human soldiers by machines is good by reducing casualties for the owner but bad by thereby lowering the threshold for going to battle. The key question for humanity today is whether to start a global AI arms race or to prevent it from starting. If any major military power pushes ahead with AI weapon development, a global arms race is virtually inevitable, and the endpoint of this technological trajectory is obvious: autonomous weapons will become the Kalashnikovs of tomorrow. Unlike nuclear weapons, they require no costly or hard-to-obtain raw materials, so they will become ubiquitous and cheap for all significant military powers to mass-produce. It will only be a matter of time until they appear on the black market and in the hands of terrorists, dictators wishing to better control their populace, warlords wishing to perpetrate ethnic cleansing, etc. Autonomous weapons are ideal for tasks such as assassinations, destabilizing nations, subduing populations and selectively killing a particular ethnic group. We therefore believe that a military AI arms race would not be beneficial for humanity. There are many ways in which AI can make battlefields safer for humans, especially civilians, without creating new tools for killing people.

    Just as most chemists and biologists have no interest in building chemical or biological weapons, most AI researchers have no interest in building AI weapons — and do not want others to tarnish their field by doing so, potentially creating a major public backlash against AI that curtails its future societal benefits. Indeed, chemists and biologists have broadly supported international agreements that have successfully prohibited chemical and biological weapons, just as most physicists supported the treaties banning space-based nuclear weapons and blinding laser weapons.

    In summary, we believe that AI has great potential to benefit humanity in many ways, and that the goal of the field should be to do so. Starting a military AI arms race is a bad idea, and should be prevented by a ban on offensive autonomous weapons beyond meaningful human control.

    *  *  *

    And while we certainly agree that no one wants to live in a world where autonomous marauding robots roam the earth indiscriminately eliminating targets of their own choosing, we fear the revolution may have already begun… in Connecticut:

  • Chess Vs Checkers – John Kerry Edition

    Presented with no comment…




  • Beware, The Disappearing Retirement Fund

    Submitted by Jeff Thomas via Doug Casey's,

    As a general principle, I’ve always tended to avoid entrusting others with my money. I’ve avoided funds, as they are often based upon investments that are peaking or close to peaking. I’ve avoided pension funds, as they’re often structured in a similar manner.

    And whenever by law I’ve been required to be invested in such funds, they’ve rarely been successful over the long term. In the end, I would invariably have made more money by pursuing those investments that had great promise but at the time were unpopular (and therefore underpriced).

    As dubious as I tend to be of conventional investment schemes (and those who broker them), I am doubly dubious of any government-run scheme. Governments, historically, have proved to be poor money managers, and politicians tend to place more value on big promises that garner votes than on delivering on those promises.

    And so, I’m predictably biased as to the likelihood of any form of fund that any government may be involved in. Even if it’s structured well, which it may well not be, governments, if they have the power to do so, will tap into the fund, draining it of the intended recipient’s contributions, leaving the fund exposed, should a crisis occur.

    And, periodically, crises do occur. Presently, the First World is facing an economic crisis of unprecedented proportions.

    As someone who advises on internationalisation (the practice of spreading one’s self both physically and economically over several jurisdictions in order to avoid being victimised by any one jurisdiction), I’m regularly asked what the optimum level of diversification might be for an individual in a given situation.

    Whilst many of these individuals can unquestionably benefit from such diversification, there are quite a large number of people who are in the age sixty-and-over category who state that they’re hoping to get by solely on their Social Security and their pension. (If the investor is an American citizen, this often means a 401(k) or similar fund.)

    For these individuals, I’m afraid it’s difficult to provide encouraging advice, as their retirement is rooted in what I consider to be dead-end investments that will diminish drastically, or disappear, long before the individual reaches his own demise.

    Social Security

    The Social Security fund of virtually every country that has one is woefully underfunded. Typically, these funds have relied on the next generation’s contributions to pay for the benefits to those presently retired or retiring.

    Unfortunately, the original premise, back when Social Security was introduced, was that the population would always increase. During the baby-boomer years, benefits were ramped up dramatically, as there were so many younger workers per retiree.

    But now, that relationship has reversed. The baby-boom generation lasted for 18 years, so each year, for 18 years, the ratio of working people will diminish against those who have retired.

    Ergo, each year, those working will need to be taxed more heavily if the system is to continue. Unfortunately, at some point, we reach the tipping point and the concept itself is no longer viable. After that point, benefits will be reduced and, possibly, eliminated altogether.

    When retirees first hear this, their reaction is usually, “But that’s not fair. I paid in, all my life. They can’t do this to me.” Unfortunately, it is not a question of “fair”. It’s a question of arithmetic. The promised benefits will decline. As a result, those who are counting on Social Security to sustain them in their retirement will find themselves short.


    Similarly, pensions are at risk. Most pensions are invested, to a greater or lesser degree, in the stock market. Most funds pride themselves on being “diversified”, by which they mean that they are invested in a variety of stocks.

    Unfortunately, when a stock market crashes, good stocks often head south along with failing stocks, as brokers seek to save their skin by unloading portfolios. (This does not mean that some potentially solid stocks will not experience a recovery in time, but few will ride out a crash unaffected.)

    At present, the stock market is being propped up artificially and is overdue for a crash. Although it would be impossible to predict a date, a crash, if it occurs, would have a major and permanent effect on a pension scheme.

    But, wait… there’s more.

    As if these threats to planned retirement were not enough, there’s a further threat. As previously stated, many governments are financially on the ropes, and historically, when governments find themselves on the verge of insolvency, they invariably react the same way: go back to the cash cow for a final milking. Each of the jurisdictions that is in trouble at present, has, in its playbook, the same collection of milking techniques.

    One of those will have a major impact on pensions: the requirement that pension plans must contain a percentage of government Treasuries.

    Political leaders have already announced that there’s uncertainty in the economic system and pensioners may be at risk. Therefore, whatever else happens to their plans, it’s essential that a portion of them be guaranteed against failure. Therefore, legislation will be created to ensure that a percentage be in Treasuries, which are “guaranteed”.

    Sounds good. And people will be grateful. Unfortunately, the body that is providing the guarantee is the same body that has created the economic crisis. And if the government is insolvent, the “guarantee” will become just one more empty promise.

    Recently, the US Supreme Court ruled that employers have a duty to protect workers invested in their 401(k) plans from mutual funds that perform poorly or are too expensive. By passing this ruling, the US government has the power to seize private pension funds “to protect pensioners”. It also has the authority to dictate how funds may be invested.

    The way is now paved for the requirement that 401(k)s be invested heavily in US Treasuries. (Some are already voluntarily invested, as much as 80%.)

    Game Over

    And so, those who hope to fund their retirements primarily with Social Security and 401(k)s, may well find themselves virtually without retirement income.

    The question is whether this means “Game Over” for millions of Americans (and since similar developments are taking place in many other countries in the world, millions more in the EU, Canada, etc.)

    And, yes, it does mean “Game Over” for many, unless they choose to exit a system that is set to collapse like an old mine shaft, trapping its occupants.

    Still, there remains a brief window of opportunity, and that opportunity is to pay the penalty for exiting the system and internationalising whatever level of wealth can be salvaged.

    Ideally, this means physically moving to a jurisdiction where such conditions do not exist, but a more limited escape may be created by removing as much money as possible from the retirement fund, moving it to a less risky jurisdiction and converting it to those forms of wealth storage that are least likely to be targeted by rapacious governments and corrupt banks.

    Accepting the realization that the piggy bank will be less full is a painful one but is far less painful than to face the day when the piggy bank is all but empty.

  • Commodity Carnage Will Hurt These 10 States The Most

    As we’ve seen in Louisiana and West Virginia, the commodities downturn has had a real impact on state budgets. 

    Back in April for example, we explained how a sharp decline in oil tax revenue helped push LSU to the brink of bankruptcy and in West Virginia, the impact of falling coal prices has put significant pressure on the state’s books. 

    The commodities rout can be at least partly explained by a combination of two factors. Slumping demand from China (i.e. a cessation of the bid which, in the pre-crisis world, producers assumed would exist in perpetuity) and easy access to capital markets (thanks to ZIRP) have helped create a global deflationary supply glut which will likely put continued pressure on prices for the foreseeable future. Underscoring the depth of the downturn is the following table from Morgan Stanley:

    Amid the carnage, Bloomberg is out with a look at which US states will be hurt the most by the commodities “meltdown.” The following map shows what percentage of each state’s GDP is derived from energy, mining, and agriculture:

    Here’s more color from Bloomberg:

    In the brutal commodities meltdown, all U.S. states are not created equal.


    In fact, the impact has been vastly different. The Bloomberg Commodity Index last week reached a 13-year low and has plunged 61 percent since its peak in 2008. That matters a lot in, say, Wyoming, Louisiana, Texas and Nebraska. Not so much in New Jersey or Massachusetts, for example. 


    Wyoming is home to most of the top producing coal mines in the U.S. Its mining and agriculture industries generated 36 percent of its economic output in 2014, more than any other state, according to Moody’s Analytics’s calculations using Commerce Department data. 


    The top nine states on the map got  at least 10 percent of their gross state product from energy, mining and agriculture last year: Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana and South Dakota. Another six got more than 7 percent, compared to just 3.9 percent for the U.S. as a whole.


    New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island and Connecticut have almost none of their economies in those industries, just 0.3 percent or less.


    A year ago, Federal Reserve policy makers and many private economists viewed falling oil prices as an economic boom that would boost consumer confidence and spending. While there’s been some evidence of that in restaurant sales for example, it’s been partly offset by the slowdown in mining and farming that has reduced employment in a checkerboard of states.


    The commodities collapse has cut monthly employment gains in the U.S. by around 50,000 a month this year, estimates Mark Zandi, Moody’s chief economist in West Chester, Pennsylvania.


  • Why China Will End Up Like Japan

    Submitted by Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk via,

    When Nixon took the dollar off gold on August 15th 1971 he did not end the Bretton-Woods arrangement. On the contrary, he exacerbated the very same destructive effects that had forced him to renege on the promise to pay gold at a fixed exchange rate to the dollar in the first place. To fund wars and an ever expanding welfare state the custodian of the global reserve currency had fallen for the almost irresistible temptation to print excess dollars above and beyond what was prudent relative to bullion levels.

    After closing the gold window no such restrictions were there to notionally hold back the Americans. As long as international producers were and are willing to accept dollars as final payment for their goods and services the exorbitant privilege can continue.

    While it may seem like a boon for the US to be able to consume globally produced goods more or less for free it does come with nasty side effects. In essence, the exchange of something for nothing consumes- and misallocates capital on a grand scale. US producers, which must pay their suppliers and workers with real goods and services, cannot compete with foreigners that charge nothing more than a change in some electronic ledger somewhere in the fuzzy world of global banking.

    It is true that these changes charged for goods and services are claim on future US production, but that is a problem for tomorrow, not today, and tomorrow someone else will have to deal with it.

    We argue that tomorrow is getting real close, but that will be a discussion for another day. Here and now we will focus on global economic ramifications from American dollar emission.

    In the Bretton-Woods period dollars were pyramided on top of reserve gold holdings while another layer of fiduciary dollar claims were pyramided on top of the issued dollars in a fractional reserve banking system. In addition to this, Eurodollar claims abroad added another layer to the pyramiding of fiat money in the global reserve system. While a Eurodollar is in itself 100 per cent backed by actual dollars, further fiduciary claims to dollars, for which no dollars actually exists, are bread and butter in this system; hence the need for Federal Reserve SWAP lines in times of stress in financial markets.

    Bretton-Woods did pay lip service to gold as a monetary metal, but after 1971 even this loose connection was dissolved completely. There was nothing but a shortage of collateral to hold back an enormous expansion of various dollar claims all over the world; and with securitization only limited to the imagination of Wall Street, collateral shortages turned out to be mere illusory. In other words, limited financialisation in the decades during the Bretton-Woods and centuries of capital accumulation turned out to be a match made in heaven which spewed out collateral babies en masse as soon as the shackles from the barbarous relic was severed once and for all; setting the perfect stage of massive dollar claim issuance.

    As a side-note, we do not regard the so-called deregulation of the banking system from the 1980s as deregulation in the proper sense, but rather a Faustian Bargain between a state sponsored banking cartel and the state itself, in a ill-fated attempt to increase money velocity to fund pet projects and make credit readily available for the unworthy borrower (credit is not something that can be given to anyone, but something they already have through prior actions, deed and reputation).

    Needless to say, a profligate state with a printing press coupled together with a “deregulated” banking system financialising collateral as never before to expand dollar claims on top of the freshly printed money created excesses unimaginable under the proper Bretton-Woods system. In short, Nixon took the problems with Bretton-Woods and brought them to a completely new level.

    With nothing holding them back, dollar claims grew and grew as can be represented in the global current account chart below. From the early 1980s the US started to accumulate an increasing current account deficit, and Japan was the willing recipient of global dollar claims. The US manufacturing base got hollowed out in competition with the Japanese and domestic calls for unfair competition through Japanese currency manipulation grew ever louder due to the fact that global faith in the US dollar was restored after Volker successfully fought the great inflation from the 1970s; leading to a 50 per cent appreciation of the US dollar from 1980 to 1985. However, concerted action by France, the UK, the US and West Germany and Japan to depreciate the US dollar in relation to Japanese Yen and German Deutsche Mark signed September 22, 1985 at the Plaza Hotel in NYC reversed the five year old trend.

    The US dollar depreciated by 51 per cent from 1985 to 1987 and looked like it would break the back on the Japanese export miracle of the early 1980s. Not coincidentally, the global current account imbalance peaked in 1985 as the Plaza Accord got going.

    Japanese authorities panicked as their export dependent economy essentially came to a halt in the first half of 1986 with the economy in recession and the exchange rate appreciating rapidly. A sizeable Keynesian “stimulus” package was introduced to substitute domestic demand for waning foreign demand. Policy interest rates were reduced by about 3 percentage points; a large fiscal package was introduced in 1987, despite the fact that the economy showed signs of a robust recovery. In response to free money and centralised demand management the economy was actually booming again by 1987. Unsurprisingly, the free money found its way into existing assets as investing for an uncertain future was less of an option. In any case, the once lucrative export sector had accumulated massive overcapacity so there were few easy profit opportunities to be found.

    Stocks and urban land prices tripled between 1985 and 1989 as a constant stock of assets were chased by in increasing level of money. Speculation and flipping houses suddenly became the easy route to riches; even the stoic Mrs. Watanabe jumped the speculative bandwagon.

    The whole edifice obviously collapsed on the weight of its own absurdity and the Japanese, with firsthand experience of the wonders of Keynesian demand management, thought they could pull off the same trick again. New stimulus packages was tried, interest rates were dropped to the ZLB and early versions of quantitative easing all failed to reinvigorate the once mighty Japanese economy. All the pundits that had used their ruler’s on Japan’s GDP to claim it would be the world’s largest by 1999 were ridiculed and soon forgotten.

    Japan did everything wrong. They should allow bankruptcies, defaults, resource reallocation and unemployment. The dollar demand would not come back to support the export sector to the extent it had before the Plaza Accord. It was time to readjust the whole economic structure, but that would be painful in the short term, and the Japanese did not allow that to happen creating a zombie economy instead.

    CA all countries

    Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF),

    In 2008 the global financial crisis hit the world economy after a massive build-up of financial imbalances again rooted in dollar claim issuance. While global imbalances “only” reached about 1.5 per cent of global GDP in 1985 it had reached more than 2 per cent in 2008. Even worse, imbalances had been allowed to build up over almost 10 years, as opposed to only four back in 1985.

    Just as in 1985, political pressure on China to revalue its exchange rate was growing, and the Chinese responded accordingly, though more reluctantly than the Japanese did in 1985. When the bubble burst Chinese authorities had the option of going all in, or accept failure and massive social unrest. The choice was simple; an unprecedented monetary and fiscal “stimulus” package was the favoured option. By substituting domestic demand for collapsing foreign demand the Chinese believed they could avoid the consequences of years of market/reality suppression.

    It appeared to work just as it did in Japan, as the Chinese economy steamed ahead for several more years after 2008. Continued demand from China also helped desperate commodity producers which were set to years of pain after 2008. Instead, excess capacity continued to be piled on top of already malinvested resources for seven more years making the problems that much larger.

    It is all a mirage though. Just as in Japan, the Chinese will not allow the market process to do its magic to get the economy back on a stable footing. Draconian measures to stop the recent stock market rout are a clear testimony of that. In other words, the Chinese economy will resemble that of Japan, and it will do so very soon, if it is not already there. Global commodity producers will be crushed and once again all the pundits proclaiming Chinese global dominance with the Yuan as the new world reserve currency will be put to shame. It will not happen; the “miracle” will turn into a nightmare.

    Bus Cycles

    Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), International Monetary Fund (IMF),

    Concluding remarks

    Global “dollar” issuance looks like genuine demand based on prior production but it is not. Export powerhouses fall into the trap and think the domestic boom they are living through is because they are exceptional. Old socialist are celebrating the fact that alternative growth “models” can outpace freer societies in the west, but these are often nothing more than pragmatic command economies with little ability to change in times of hardship. Just as Japan thought they could go back to pre-Plaza Accord growth rates by holding on to the old ways in the 1990s, the Chinese will expect the growth miracle to return in 2016 with the “right” policies. It will not. China is heading straight into a zero growth environment, and will be mired there for years to come.

  • Majority Of Americans Now See Guns As The Solution To Mass Shootings

    Obama failed: in the aftermath of the 2012 Newtown, CT school massacre which left 26 unarmed, defenseless people dead, the president pushed as hard as he could to pass legislation that would enact strict gun control and further limit the applicability of the Second Amendment. Not only did he not succeed, but according to a 2014 Pew Research Poll there has been a 9% rise in the number of Americans who think gun ownership could “protect people from becoming victims of crime.”


    Incidentally, this conforms with what former Texas governor Rick Perry, and a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, said after last week’s deadly shooting at a Lafayette, La., movie theater when he claimed that Americans should be allowed to bring guns into movie theaters – and everywhere else – to prevent such crime.

    It is also a recapitulation of what NRA head Wayne LaPierre has said in the past: “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

    According to Pew, the recent shift was driven by republicans who have become even more convinced their outlook is correct: in the two years since the Newtown attack,  rose from 63 percent to 80 percent.

    The poll also marked the first time in two decades of Pew surveys that more Americans supported gun rights rather than gun control (though public opinion had been shifting that way for years).


    Incidentally, WaPo which caught these revelations first, despite its anti-gun bias was largely accurate in its conclusion: the findings “likely won’t move the needle on gun debate. Both sides can — and are — using these two most recent incidents to argue their points: Gun-control supporters say they prove that the background check system needs to be revamped and expanded, while gun-rights supporters say a slip in the system does not a trend make.

    It’s even clearer that gun laws likely won’t change when you zoom out to Americans’ overall feelings on guns; with every mass shooting, in fact, we seem to be embracing the idea of more guns rather than fewer.

    Which means that the biggest loser is none other than the president, for whom his way of gun-control was one of the key targets, so to say, of his tenure.

    It also means that current and future mass shootings will do nothing to change public opinion but merely further solidify beliefs. And while politicians debate who is right or wrong, and for what reason, many more innocent Americans will be, for whatever the reason may be, innocent casualties of what has become a very lethal political war.

  • A Philadelphia Story – 30 Blocks Of Squalor & Government Incompetence

    Submitted by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

    There were two accidents on the Schuylkill Expressway last Monday morning. You know what this meant. I had the pleasure of traveling to work on the scenic 30 Blocks of Squalor. The 30 blocks from 69th Street in Upper Darby to 39th Street in West Philly is a tribute to government incompetence, failed government policies, shoddy union labor practices and fiscal mismanagement.

    This entire thirty block trek could be completed in 5 to 10 minutes if the hundreds of union government drones in the Philadelphia Streets Department would get off their fat asses and timed the lights. The blocks are identical in distance. They don’t need advanced degrees in physics or calculus to set the lights to go green every ten seconds in order. They were timed in the 1970s and 1980s. Would smoothly flowing traffic be such a bad thing? Do they not care or are they really this incompetent? The first light at 61st Street was red when I arrived. It turned green and before you could touch the gas, it immediately turned yellow and red again. I wondered how long they’d allow this to go on. My guess would be days.

    I’ve noted in previous 30 Blocks screeds that Philadelphia put a thin veneer of blacktop on the entirety of Chestnut Street about two years ago. I’ve also detailed the dozens of water main breaks that occur on a regular basis under the streets of Philadelphia, causing tens of millions in property damage. This is how corrupt incompetent government drones run the show. They gloss over the long-term real structural problems with a thin veneer of cheap half assed faux solutions that provide the false appearance of fixing something.

    Ignoring the deeply rooted fundamental issues like crumbling hundred year old pipes and dangerous disintegrating Amtrak traintracks, while throwing down some blacktop, painting white bike lanes on streets where no one in their right mind would ride a bike, and installing wheel chair ramps on every corner even though a wheel chair could never navigate the crumbling trash strewn sidewalks, is the height of willful dishonesty and incompetence. Two years after smoothing over the bumps and potholes on Chestnut Street with tons of blacktop, driving the 30 Blocks of Squalor is now like driving in downtown Baghdad after a Sunni/Shia family reunion.


    There are gaping craters dotting the landscape along the entire putrid route of boarded up hovels, dying businesses with bars on every window, collapsing porches, sidewalks strewn with trash & debris, and murals of black people doing great things. The streets are literally collapsing into the rat infested sewers below. There is an occasional orange cone in front of the gaping holes, but most are unidentified until your car blows a tire or ruins their alignment. Cars come to sudden stops if they recognize the danger ahead. If the lights were timed this would be a real bummer. Luckily the average speed is 10 miles per hour, so you can usually survive the trek.

    What is the point in spending millions of taxpayer dollars blacktopping streets which are crumbling from below? Why not fix the problems below before applying the blacktop above? Because the city is bankrupt. The infrastructure isn’t crumbling because they don’t have enough money. It’s crumbling because they have chosen to spend taxpayer money on gold plated pensions and health benefits for union government workers and teachers. They’ve wasted hundreds of millions on public schools that only graduate 50% of those entering and most of those graduates are functionally illiterate. They spend millions painting murals, giving tax breaks to mega-corporations like Comcast, and building sports stadiums for billionaires. The corruption, mismanagement, incompetence and stupidity of politicians, government bureaucrats, and union officials is breathtaking to behold.

    Building 101 luxury low income townhouses in the midst of squalor, depravity, drugs, crime, and welfare mentality, with $27 million of taxpayer funds is the kind of waste created by liberal do-gooder politicians like Michael Nutter and Barack Obama. The $27 million should have been spent replacing ancient water mains before they burst and destroyed businesses and homes, costing the city and its citizens millions in lost business and property damage. The Mantua Square debacle gets better by the day. It was built using Obama’s $900 billion porkulus funds. It sits within one of Obama’s Promise Zones in the Mantua section of West Philly. Last month they found a dead body on the same block as Mantua Square. Ten people were shot a few blocks away on the same night. Does it sound like this low income housing estate has upgraded the neighborhood?

    I’ve previously noted the eight retail store outlets built into the project remain vacant three years after their construction. It seems if you build it in West Philly they won’t come. Not one black entrepreneur has launched the next Google or even a new hip hop clothing store. Mayor Nutter said these retail outlets would revitalize the neighborhood. This is how liberal lunatic politicians think. They actually think a business would open in a neighborhood where median household income is $18,000, drugs and crime are rampant, the population is uneducated and unemployed, and the city taxes are outrageously high. The mind of a liberal is a waste of brain cells.

    But the story has gotten even better in the last month. This gated monument to liberal waste has now proven to be another testament to government incompetence. It is located on Wallace Street between 35th and 36th Street. Virtually every morning, I make a right turn at 34th and Wallace and then make a left turn onto 36th to get to my job. The street began to sink at 34th and Wallace about a month ago. Someone put up three orange cones, but nary a government union drone from the Streets Department has arrived to fix it. Of course, this is just a minor pothole compared to the moon sized crater at 35th and Wallace. It began to sink months ago. Someone eventually filled it with some blacktop, but it now has grown to approximately 5 feet in circumference  and three feet deep. The residents have filled it with crates and miscellaneous debris. Multiply this one block by hundreds to get a feel for the deterioration of this city.

    In the last few weeks it seems the taxpayer is getting the opportunity to pay union construction workers more money to fix the incompetent shoddy work they did when building this low income paradise. The picture below, besides showing the vacant retail outlets, emphasizes the protruding windows on each unit. Keep in mind you paid $245,000 per townhouse, just three years ago. The union construction workers are now ripping off the facings of every protruding window section and replacing them. Evidently, every one must be leaking. You can be sure the place was originally built with requirements that minority contractors must be used. I’m sure the taxpayer is paying a 40% union labor premium for more shoddy repair work. But at least they’ll be slow so they can milk this job for a few months. Incompetence abounds in Philadelphia. There is no accountability, no brains, no common sense, and when they are done – no money.

    Into this crumbling city of bumbling fools we have Pope Francis arriving in late September. The city will be overwhelmed with 2 million more people than normal. It’s a gridlocked shitshow on a normal day. It will become an epic clusterfuck during this week. I will either use vacation time or work from home. The incompetence of government was on full display last week as SEPTA announced to great fanfare that people would need a special Pope Pass to ride SEPTA during his visit. They hired a vendor with $500,000 of taxpayer funds to build a website where people could purchase a pass. The site crashed 15 minutes after it was launched and hasn’t been back up since. I wonder if the taxpayer will get a refund.

    It seems the politicians, government bureaucrats, union bosses, school board, and civic leaders of Philadelphia have achieved hierarchical nirvana.

    “In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”

    Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Principle

  • When Scary Headlines Don't Scare – Climbing The Wall Of Complacency

    From "Scary Headlines Don't Deter Investors" by Bernard Condon, originally posted by Associated Press,

    The U.S. economy is growing at a painfully slow pace. Greece still threatens the euro. Chinese stocks have just pulled out of a frightening free-fall. Big companies in the U.S. are struggling to boost profits.

    You might think it's been a rough year for investors, but it's mostly been a smooth ride – and a profitable one.

    Money is flowing into bonds issued by the riskiest of companies, home prices in some big U.S. cities are soaring, shares of technology companies are still near all-time highs – even after a drop this week – and auction houses are enjoying record sales of art. A Picasso painting sold at Christie's for $179 million in May, the highest ever for an artwork at auction, prompting one dealer to exclaim, "I don't really see an end to it."

    Jack Ablin, chief investment officer of BMO Private Bank, thinks people have faced so many crises that they have become numb to fear. "Things have worked out," he says, "and that has emboldened investors."

    Maybe too much.

    For years, U.S. companies have kept profits rising by cutting costs to overcome slow sales. But they're lean now and it's getting harder to do that. In the past week, IBM, United Technologies, Caterpillar and Union Pacific fell after posting disappointing earnings or revenue for the latest quarter.

    "Ultimately, there comes a point where you can't cut more," says Kevin Dorwin, managing principal of San Francisco-based financial planner Bingham, Osborn & Scarborough. "You've got to grow the top line."

    After all results for the April-June period are tallied, analysts expect earnings per share for companies in the Standard and Poor's 500 index to drop from a year earlier, the first decline since 2009, according to financial data provider S&P Capital IQ. Revenue is forecast to fall for a second quarter in a row, nearly unheard of outside a recession, as Americans still hold back on spending six years after the financial crisis.

    It's gotten to the point that even the biggest bulls are conceding that, yes, after a tripling of prices since 2009, stocks are getting a tad expensive or, to use their delicate phrase, "fully valued."

    Homes in hot markets like Miami and Seattle are looking pricey, too. In San Francisco, prices have jumped 61 percent in just three years, according to the Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller index.

    People are also putting money into "high yield" bonds, so called because the iffy companies that sell them must offer fat interest payments to get you to open your wallet. Or at least they used to. So heavy has been demand for the bonds, that these companies are paying interest of 6.6 percent, versus 10 percent four years ago.

    James Abate, chief investment officer of Centre Funds, thinks investors are too confident, and maybe a little blind.

    Earnings per share jumped in previous quarters, he notes, partly because earnings were spread over fewer shares after companies bought back billions of dollars of them. He also complains that financial analysts have focused too much on "adjusted" earnings that leave out all types of one-time costs. That makes companies look more profitable than they are.

    He's bracing himself for disappointing earnings from many companies. "I think we're on the verge of an earnings recession," he says.

    Or maybe just a recession.

    Most economists scoff at the idea, but David Levy, one of the few who called the last global recession in 2007-2009, thinks another one is likely. Since he made that prediction, China has slowed dramatically, Brazil has fallen into recession, and five of the 10 biggest global economies are either in one or teetering on the edge. The economy of Canada, America's biggest trading partner, has shrunk for four straight months.

    Financial analysts are largely shrugging off the fears. They like that stocks in the S&P 500 index are trading at 17.6 times their expected earnings for the next 12 months, according to S&P Capital IQ. That earnings multiple, as it's called, is only slightly higher – meaning more expensive – than the 15-year average of 16 times.

    But that assumes the analysts are correct and profits will start growing again this year, then leap by double-digit percentages the next. It also assumes that the companies' versions of earnings, the "adjusted" ones that Abate so distrusts, are reliable.

    Of course, it might all work out in the end.

    U.S. employers are hiring at a solid pace, so it's possible all those extra paychecks will spark more spending and higher revenue and profits.

    History also suggests it's unwise to bet against a bull market that has stretched into a seventh year. Prices have kept rising despite two Greek debt crises, a near debt default by the U.S. government, and, recently, Beijing's failed efforts to avert a crash in its stock market.

    "You can always tick off a list of worries," says one optimist, Mike Ryan, chief investment strategist at UBS Wealth Management Americas, "but markets tend to climb a wall of worry."

    Or is it a wall of complacency?

    You'd have to go back 3 1/2 years to find the last time investors got really scared, selling enough to push the S&P 500 index into a "correction," or drop of at least 10 percent.

    Abate, of Centre Funds, thinks stocks will soon fall by that much, possibly more, and so he's bought an insurance contract for his fund that will pay off when they do. "We're not complacent," he says, "about the complacency."

    *  *   *

    Source: @BernardFCondon

  • Meanwhile, In Ethiopia

    China crashing, commodities plunging, emerging currencies imploding to levels last seen when LTCM blew up, Greece on the verge of deposit confiscations, the Apple Sachs Industrial average well in the red for the year, the US economy on the verge of an industrial recession, junk bonds bloodbathing, Donald Trump pulling ahead of Hillary… Meanwhile the president is in China’s African slave colony of Ethiopia… prioritizing.

  • "The Bucks Stop Here": Why Keynesian Economics Will Get Blamed For The Crash

    Submitted by Gary North via,

    For as long as the present economic system lumbers along, Keynesians will control the levers of power and influence. But when at last the system goes down in a heap, and central banks cannot restore the system, there will be a quest for answers.

    Keynesians have the long-run disadvantage of being in control of the tax-funded educational system. They are in charge of the major economic institution of our day, the Federal Reserve System. They will get blamed. When people's retirement plans are smashed, they are going to look for somebody to blame. That means Keynesians. The Keynesians will not be able to transfer this responsibility to somebody else. When you are in charge, the buck stops on your desk. In the case of Federal Reserve policy, it's not just the buck that stops on your desk. It's trillions of bucks.

    Academic economists never want to take responsibility for the outcome of their recommended policies. They always try to blame somebody else for not having implemented what the recommended. But when you come to the 14 people who are on the Federal Open Market Committee, which sets policy for the Federal Reserve, there is no place to hide. The FOMC almost always is unanimous in its policy recommendations. There may be one dissenter, but that's about it. So, there really is no place to hide. When the Federal Reserve finally is not in a position to restore economic growth by means of inflating the currency, Keynesians are going to get blamed.

    When you live by the Federal Reserve, you die by the Federal Reserve.


    I first began reading economics in 1958. Like so many of my contemporaries who began to study free market economics in that era, I was introduced to economics by The Freeman. The editor was a good writer, and he did not let bad writers' articles into the magazine.

    In 1960, I took my first course in college-level economics. The instructor seemed incompetent to me. In reviewing his economic textbook 55 years later, I am still convinced that he was indeed incompetent. He was never famous. He never got tenure. He disappeared into academic oblivion. He was a Keynesian.

    I understood from my time in that class that academic economics is not based on any kind of logic that the average person can follow. This is one of the advantages that free market economists have. John Maynard Keynes could write cogent prose, but The General Theory (1936) is incoherent. Yet it gained an army of academic followers. It is the classic case of the emperor who had no clothes.

    How did Keynes get his followers? Because he defended what the academic world wanted in 1936. It defended government intervention. Governments had been intervening for five years by the time the book was published. There was no academic defense of this intervention. Younger economists had become disillusioned with free market economics, because free market economists, with the exception of the Austrians, could not explain why the depression in 1936 was as bad as it was in 1931.

    In other words, there was a loss of faith among younger economist regarding the academic establishment of 1936. The older academic economists in 1936 could not avoid this responsibility. The buck stopped there. They never recovered. By 1946, the year of Keynes's death, among younger economists, Keynesianism was becoming dominant. With the publication of Samuelson's textbook in 1948, it became dominant. By 1950, Keynesians dominated the economics profession, and the old-timers who may not have agreed were unable to follow the logic of Keynesianism. They were unable to do the mathematics that Samuelson was able to do. They looked like old fogies. They in fact were old fogies. They were not Austrian fogies. They could not defend their position.

    Today, the Keynesians are in the position of the non-Austrian economists in 1930. Things look shaky, but not out of control. The Federal Reserve seems to be beyond criticism. Central banking runs the world, but the world is obviously in trouble.


    Keynesians are not good writers. When it gets down to explaining economic cause-and-effect to the average person, the Keynesians helpless. The average person cannot follow Keynesian logic. There is a reason for this: there is no logic to it. The General Theory is illogical.

    Most critics inside the academic establishment had been fearful of saying this directly. They may refer to the dense text of the book, but they do not come out and say that the book was completely illogical. That would mean that their colleagues are holding to a system that is, at bottom, illogical. This would be true, but would keep you from getting tenure.

    Outside of the Keynesian academic establishment, there have been a few people who have said that Keynes's book is incoherent, and there is no logic to his system. The best example is Henry Hazlitt, but he only said it in 1959, and almost nobody read the book: The Failure of the "New Economics." The book is never footnoted by scholars. It is a fine book, but it was not written for an academic audience. It was not written in academic jargon. This is why it had zero influence in academia. It never had enough book sales within the conservative movement to gain a reputation.

    By 1959, Keynesianism was dominant in academia. In fact, it had been dominant for at least a decade. Hazlitt was truly John the Baptist, crying in the wilderness. So, in the year of my high school graduation, there was virtually nothing available that anyone had heard of to refute Keynesian orthodoxy. It was like some freshman college student trying to find out what was wrong with Freud. Orthodoxy was entrenched in academia.

    Nevertheless, the Keynesians' dominance in academia does not make the system coherent. It only enables members of the academic establishment to lord it over outsiders and amateurs who did not pass the screening process that academia imposes on candidates for the classroom.

    The Keynesians have always made a point never to mention Austrian economics. This was true in the late 1940's. It was true in my days in the 1960's. It is also true today. Keynesians do not introduce students to the most consistently anti-Keynesian materials. In the classroom, students might get a cursory reference to Marx, but nobody ever makes students study Marx's theory of surplus value, and certainly nobody is ever asked to read Baohm-Bawerk's refutation. In the early 1960's, almost nobody in the classroom ever mentioned Milton Friedman. Today, I suspect that Friedman and the monetarists do get some attention, but the Keynesians control the departments, and therefore they control the selection of the textbook for the undergraduate course in economics.

    They control the certification process. Monetarists can get through, as long as their mathematics is good enough. Keynesians use mathematics to screen candidates for the M.A.. Mathematics inherently is not applicable to economic theory, for the assumption that makes math applicable is market equilibrium: human omniscience. Only the Austrians maintain that mathematics is inherently inconsistent with economics. They defend this as an issue of epistemology, but no other school of opinion believes this.

    This is why there was no way to get from The Freeman in 1958 to a Ph.D. There still isn't. The academic guild screens out most people who believe in the unhampered free market. But in doing this, they also screen out people who can communicate well. This is the Achilles heel of academic economics today.


    The students who get through the screening process have been forced to go through Keynesian economics and high-level mathematical training, neither of which leads to anything resembling the ability to communicate in English to an audience outside the academic guild.

    In other words, these people talk only to each other. Most professors in every field are tempted to enter into the world of jargon. They get tenure in a research university only by being able to communicate in this jargon. They have to get articles published in journals that are edited by specialists in the guild's jargon. At no stage of the academic process above the master's degree is there any attempt to communicate the truth of the guild to the public. Actually, there is almost no training in communications at all, at any level, but certainly above the freshman level. The materials introduced thereafter are designed to screen out people who can communicate to the general public.

    From the point of view of communicating to the general public, Keynesianism is at a distinct disadvantage. Keynesians espouse slogans. They tell us their goals. They insist that the government is capable of achieving these goals. But, as we look around ourselves, we see signs that the government is faltering.

    Back in the early 1970's, I met a very bright young man who was about 19 years old. He had become enamored with the free market by reading The Freeman. I was then on the staff of the Foundation for Economic Education, which published The Freeman.

    He told me that he had gone through an intellectual crisis. He had begun to doubt Austrian economics. He was told in college about the Keynesian system. So, he decided he would test the two theories of economics. He sat down to read Hayek's Road to Serfdom. Then he read Keynes's General Theory. He said that this exercise had cured him of Keynesianism.

    I think it would cure anybody who can think straight. Anyone who sits down to read Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State, and then reads the latest addition of Samuelson's economics textbook, is likely to come to the conclusion that he is not going to commit his life to defending Keynesianism.

    When you cannot communicate the logic of your position to an intelligent decision maker, and the key institution that you have defended has failed to deliver the goods, you are in trouble. So is the ideology you defend.

    The academic economists can get away with this, because funding is provided by taxpayers. Taxpayers have no say in any of this. The guild exists because of tax-funded education. This is true in every field. But in some fields, it is expected that you have the ability to communicate to the general public. The field of history is one of these. There are academic journals, and the journals are filled with narrowly focused articles. But historians are expected to be able to communicate the broad sweep of history to freshman students, which means that they have to be able to stand in front of a group and discuss historical cause-and-effect.


    Today, unlike 1958, there is a huge body of supporting material, both academic and popular. This material is available free of charge on the website of the Mises Institute. This is why I am optimistic about the long run future of economic discussion. Austrians are trained to discuss. Keynesians are not.

    The Austrian School has a tremendous advantage over Keynesians. In fact, it has an advantage over virtually all other schools of opinion. The Austrians can communicate in simple terminology the basic truths of their position. The graduate school level of communication is still accessible by people who read The Freeman, as long as they read carefully. The topics of the graduate school are probably not interesting to people who can read The Freeman, but if they ever do get interested, they have access to this body of material.

    The Ludwig von Mises Institute is proving this on a regular basis. It has a lot of Internet traffic. It has more traffic by far than the website of the American Economics Association. The reason for this is obvious: the authors write in order to be understood. They want intelligent laymen to be able to follow their arguments.

    There will come a time when it will pay to be able to communicate. In a time of economic crisis, which is surely coming, the economist who can communicate the logic of his position, and then persuade people to take action in terms of this position, is going to have an advantage over any economist who does not have this ability. It is a matter of both logic and rhetoric. The Keynesians are short on both.

  • Why Greece May Want To Reconsider Reopening Its Stock Market

    As The Greek government presses The ECB for 'permission' to reopen its stock market, it may want to reconsider. GREK, the Greek Stock Index ETF trading in US markets, is down over 3% today and has plunged to its lowest since the peak of the crisis in 2012 (near its lowest since 1989). Just as in China, The ECB (who is now very much in charge) seems to believe that if markets are not open for locals, then they have no 'real' idea just how bad things are.. and with National Bank of Greece stock trading at record lows (below $1), and the expectations of bail-ins looming, that is not what The ECB wants the people to see…

    Greece appears not to be 'fixed'…


    as Greek Stocks near their lowest since 1989


    As we noted previously,

    However, to understand what really happened, one should read the Bloomberg explanation, according to which it was the ECB which rejected proposals by Greek authorities to reopen country’s financial markets with no restrictions in place for both Greek and foreign traders, citing an Athens Exchange spokeswoman.


    Ministerial decree is now expected, setting some restrictions in use of money from Greek bank accounts for trading.


    And just like that, we wave goodbye to the Hellenic Republic, and greet the Mediterranean Vassal Province of Mario and Merkel. Because as of this moment, no Greek decision can be taken without the direct or indirect express prior approval of either the ECB and/or Berlin.


    And once the locals can finally cash out of the local banks which as we explained are an assured "doughnut" for existing equity investors pending either bankruptcy or massive dilution which will wipe out all existing stakeholders (the fate of depositors depends on whether a €25 billion source of liquidity can be found in very short notice) they will, which in turn will lead to another market closure for Greek stocks, only this time it will most likely be permanent.

    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Putin Trolls Obama, Says FIFA's Blatter Deserves A Nobel Prize

    For FIFA’s Sepp Blatter it has not been a good year thanks to the US Department of Justice which in May, years if not decades after the entire world knew full well that FIFA is the second most corrupt and criminal organization in the world after Wall Street, decided to step in and spoil the racketeering and bribery party of 79-year-old Swiss.


    It is not clear why the DOJ, which has trillions in overt and covert criminality still left to tackle just on the island of Manhattan (or perhaps not, now that the statute of limitations on virtually all crimes has run out) decided to crack down on football, although according to many the ultimate target of this particular crackdown was none other than Russia’s hosting of the 2018 World Cup, and therefore Obama’s arch nemesis, Vladimir Putin.

    So earlier today, it was Putin’s turn to troll not only the DOJ, but also Barack Obama who is currently in Ethiopia as part of his African tour when in an interview aired by Swiss broadcaster RTS on Monday Putin said that Sepp Blatter deserves a Nobel Prize for his stewardship of soccer’s governing body.

    On Saturday, at a meeting with Putin in St Petersburg, Blatter said that FIFA, facing a major bribery scandal, had passed a resolution offering full support for holding the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

    “We all know the situation developing around Mr Blatter right now. I don’t want to go into details but I don’t believe a word about him being involved in corruption personally,” he said.


    I think people like Mr Blatter or the heads of big international sporting federations, or the Olympic Games, deserve special recognition. If there is anyone who deserves the Nobel Prize, it’s those people.”

    Putin’s position is not surprising: in May, when the scandal broke, Putin harshly criticized the U.S. investigation into FIFA as meddling in matters that were outside its jurisdiction.

    He rekindled that criticism in the interview broadcast on Monday, and widened it to include Britain, noting that those two countries had bid to host the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.

    “The way there is this fight against corruption makes me wonder if it isn’t a continuation of the bids for 2018 and 2022.”

    It is, of course.

    As for Putin’s observation about Blatter’s Nobel price eligibility, he clearly is qualified for the “Peace” version – after all he hasn’t even droned thousands of innocent women and children to death – and considering how much Keynesian reconstruction, destructive as it may have been in the long-run, his World Cup awards have generated, not to mention illegal kickbacks for corrupt incompetent politicians, his “contribution” to the global economy and some of its most prominent thieves is well greater than that of Paul Krugman who is a mere op-ed scribbling dwarf by comparison.

    As such, it is about time the Nobel prize farce finally made a full circle, and award Blatter the Nobels for both Peace and Economics, two fields which in the New Paranormal are anything but what they seem.

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Today’s News July 27, 2015

  • Supply and Demand Report 26 Jul

    by Keith Weiner


    For those who are speculating on the dollar—i.e. most people—there was good news this week. The dollar rose almost a milligram, to 28.3mg gold. That’s a big gain, and welcome news for those who keep all of their eggs in the one dollar basket, perhaps because they don’t want to risk any of it on pet rocks.

    Yes, Jason Zweig at the Wall Street Journal actually said that. He couldn’t be more wrong—and yet he had a point. Wrong? Let me count the ways.

    One, per his title, he compares gold to a pet rock. A pet rock is either a useless knickknack, or else a fraud that preys on the irrational psychology of people in crowds. Gold is honest money, and the extinguisher of debt. Just because governments have banned it from the monetary system, does not make it either useless or a fraud.

    Two, he quotes a Barclays researcher saying that investors have become disillusioned with gold. Well, gold is not an investment. Even if one accepts the mainstream premise that gold is a commodity that you buy so you will make money—i.e. dollars—when it goes up, this is speculation. It is not investing. Our whole financial world is now stoned on the drug of zero interest rates. With no yield to be had, capital gain is all.

    Three, he says to own gold is an act of faith. Boy is this backwards! To go all-in on the debt of bankrupt governments is the real act of faith. And that is what one does, if one holds dollars or euros or pounds, etc.

    Fourth, he refers to inflation (by which he means rising prices) a few times. Gold purportedly has magical powers to fight inflation, but gold isn’t a “panacea” for it (straw man, much?) He later says gold is viewed as a hedge against inflation, but it does not go up as much as the alternatives (whatever those may be).

    I could go on, but I will stop here. Despite the cornucopia of errors, there is an excellent point buried in Zweig’s blog post.

    Suppose, as Zweig says, that everyone—or at least the current marginal gold trader—views gold as a speculative vehicle. In this view, it’s only useful to make bucks. Then, of course its price action is about as rational as the path of the planchette on a Ouija board. Everyone has the same price charts, and the same technical tools. Everyone can see the same trends. So when it is going up, it goes up. And when it is going down, it goes down.

    Of course, this may temporarily describe market conditions. But it in no way objectively describes gold.

    The price of gold dropped further this week, especially last Sunday night. We would guess that margin calls in China forced some liquidation. The price of silver did not drop as much, which is interesting in itself. Whomever was forced to liquidate either did not have a silver position, or else they have greater faith in that the price of the white metal will rise.

    The question is: did these hapless Chinese folks sell futures or metal? And we do not have to guess the answer to this question. We have the data to show it. Read on for the only accurate picture of the supply and demand conditions in the gold and silver markets, based on the basis and cobasis.

    First, here is the graph of the metals’ prices.

           The Prices of Gold and Silver

    We are interested in the changing equilibrium created when some market participants are accumulating hoards and others are dishoarding. Of course, what makes it exciting is that speculators can (temporarily) exaggerate or fight against the trend. The speculators are often acting on rumors, technical analysis, or partial data about flows into or out of one corner of the market. That kind of information can’t tell them whether the globe, on net, is hoarding or dishoarding.

    One could point out that gold does not, on net, go into or out of anything. Yes, that is true. But it can come out of hoards and into carry trades. That is what we study. The gold basis tells us about this dynamic.

    Conventional techniques for analyzing supply and demand are inapplicable to gold and silver, because the monetary metals have such high inventories. In normal commodities, inventories divided by annual production (stocks to flows) can be measured in
    months. The world just does not keep much inventory in wheat or oil.

    With gold and silver, stocks to flows is measured in decades. Every ounce of those massive stockpiles is potential supply. Everyone on the planet is potential demand. At the right price, and under the right conditions. Looking at incremental changes in mine output or electronic manufacturing is not helpful to predict the future prices of the metals. For an introduction and guide to our concepts and theory, click here.

    Next, this is a graph of the gold price measured in silver, otherwise known as the gold to silver ratio. The ratio moved down this week.

    The Ratio of the Gold Price to the Silver Price


    For each metal, we will look at a graph of the basis and cobasis overlaid with the price of the dollar in terms of the respective metal. It will make it easier to provide brief commentary. The dollar will be represented in green, the basis in blue and cobasis in red.

    Here is the gold graph.

           The Gold Basis and Cobasis and the Dollar PriceGold 

     Note that we transitioned to the October contract, as First Notice Day for the August future approaches.

    Look at the price of the dollar rising (i.e. the price of gold falling) and along with it the scarcity of gold rising. This answers the question we posed up top. The price action this week was driven by selling of futures.

    Our comment last week now seems well-timed:

    “Is this a good time to bet on gold? While other events could continue to dominate the fundamentals (temporarily), we can think of worse times for this trade.”

    Other events—we suspect credit conditions in China—did dominate. And the attractiveness of a gold position increased this week. The fundamental price is now more than $100 over the market price. This is no guarantee that the market couldn’t go lower. The basis is not a timing indicator. It is helping us measure value.

    The December contract, by the way, also entered backwardation this week.

    Now let’s look at silver.

    The Silver Basis and Cobasis and the Dollar Price

    The silver price dropped about 20 cents (i.e. the price of the dollar, measured in silver rose to about 2.12g silver). However, the cobasis actually fell. The December cobasis is nowhere near backwardation.

    The bottom line is that the fundamental price of silver fell even more. It is now dead even with the market price.

    We think it’s best to continue approaching silver with extreme caution. While the time is long past for shorting it (we never recommend naked shorting a monetary metal!) it is not the time for betting on silver either. We want to see either one more price drop, or else a steady increase in the scarcity of this metal to the market.


    © 2015 Monetary Metals

  • Meet The Kagans: Seeking War To The End Of The World

    Submitted by Robert Parry, via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,


    If the neoconservatives have their way again, US ground troops will reoccupy Iraq, the US military will take out Syria’s secular government (likely helping Al Qaeda and the Islamic State take over), and the US Congress will not only kill the Iran nuclear deal but follow that with a massive increase in military spending.

    Like spraying lighter fluid on a roaring barbecue, the neocons also want a military escalation in Ukraine to burn the ethnic Russians out of the east, and the neocons dream of spreading the blaze to Moscow with the goal of forcing Russian President Vladimir Putin from the Kremlin. In other words, more and more fires of Imperial “regime change” abroad even as the last embers of the American Republic die at home.

    Much of this “strategy” is personified by a single Washington power couple: arch-neocon Robert Kagan, a co-founder of the Project for the New American Century and an early advocate of the Iraq War, and his wife, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, who engineered last year’s coup in Ukraine that started a nasty civil war and created a confrontation between nuclear-armed United States and Russia.

    Kagan, who cut his teeth as a propaganda specialist in support of the Reagan administration’s brutal Central American policies in the 1980s, is now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a contributing columnist to The Washington Post’s neocon-dominated opinion pages.

    On Friday, Kagan’s column baited the Republican Party to do more than just object to President Barack Obama’s Iranian nuclear deal. Kagan called for an all-out commitment to neoconservative goals, including military escalations in the Middle East, belligerence toward Russia and casting aside fiscal discipline in favor of funneling tens of billions of new dollars to the Pentagon.

    Kagan also showed how the neocons’ world view remains the conventional wisdom of Official Washington despite their disastrous Iraq War. The neocon narrative gets repeated over and over in the mainstream media no matter how delusional it is.

    For instance, a sane person might trace the origins of the bloodthirsty Islamic State back to President George W. Bush’s neocon-inspired Iraq War when this hyper-violent Sunni movement began as “Al Qaeda in Iraq” blowing up Shiite mosques and instigating sectarian bloodshed. It later expanded into Syria where Sunni militants were seeking the ouster of a secular regime led by Alawites, a Shiite offshoot. Though changing its name to the Islamic State, the movement continued with its trademark brutality.

    But Kagan doesn’t acknowledge that he and his fellow neocons bear any responsibility for this head-chopping phenomenon. In his neocon narrative, the Islamic State gets blamed on Iran and Syria, even though those governments are leading much of the resistance to the Islamic State and its former colleagues in Al Qaeda, which in Syria backs a separate terrorist organization, the Nusra Front.

    But here is how Kagan explains the situation to the Smart People of Official Washington:

    Critics of the recent nuclear deal struck between Iran and the United States are entirely right to point out the serious challenge that will now be posed by the Islamic republic. It is an aspiring hegemon in an important region of the world.


    It is deeply engaged in a region-wide war that encompasses Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, the Gulf States and the Palestinian territories. It subsidizes the murderous but collapsing regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, and therefore bears primary responsibility for the growing strength of the Islamic State and other radical jihadist forces in that country and in neighboring Iraq, where it is simultaneously expanding its influence and inflaming sectarian violence.

    The Real Hegemon

    While ranting about “Iranian hegemony,” Kagan called for direct military intervention by the world’s true hegemonic power, the United States. He wants the US military to weigh in against Iran on the side of two far more militarily advanced regional powers, Israel and Saudi Arabia, whose combined weapons spending dwarfs Iran’s and includes – with Israel – a sophisticated nuclear arsenal.

    Yet reality has never had much relationship to neocon ideology. Kagan continued:

    Any serious strategy aimed at resisting Iranian hegemony has also required confronting Iran on the several fronts of the Middle East battlefield. In Syria, it has required a determined policy to remove Assad by force, using US air power to provide cover for civilians and create a safe zone for Syrians willing to fight.


    In Iraq, it has required using American forces to push back and destroy the forces of the Islamic State so that we would not have to rely, de facto, on Iranian power to do the job. Overall, it has required a greater US military commitment to the region, a reversal of both the perceived and the real withdrawal of American power.


    And therefore it has required a reversal of the downward trend in US defense spending, especially the undoing of the sequestration of defense funds, which has made it harder for the military even to think about addressing these challenges, should it be called upon to do so. So the question for Republicans who are rightly warning of the danger posed by Iran is: What have they done to make it possible for the United States to begin to have any strategy for responding?

    In Kagan’s call for war and more war, we’re seeing, again, the consequence of failing to hold neocons accountable after they pushed the country into the illegal and catastrophic Iraq War by selling lies about weapons of mass destruction and telling tales about how easy it would be.

    Instead of facing a purge that should have followed the Iraq calamity, the neocons consolidated their power, holding onto key jobs in US foreign policy, ensconcing themselves in influential think tanks, and remaining the go-to experts for mainstream media coverage. Being wrong about Iraq has almost become a badge of honor in the upside-down world of Official Washington.

    But we need to unpack the truckload of sophistry that Kagan is peddling. First, it is simply crazy to talk about “Iranian hegemony.” That was part of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rhetoric before the US Congress on March 3 about Iran “gobbling up” nations – and it has now become a neocon-driven litany, but it is no more real just because it gets repeated endlessly.

    For instance, take the Iraq case. It has a Shiite-led government not because Iran invaded Iraq, but because the United States did. After the US military ousted Sunni dictator Saddam Hussein, the United States stood up a new government dominated by Shiites who, in turn, sought friendly relations with their co-religionists in Iran, which is entirely understandable and represents no aggression by Iran. Then, after the Islamic State’s dramatic military gains across Iraq last summer, the Iraqi government turned to Iran for military assistance, also no surprise.

    Back to Iraq

    However, leaving aside Kagan’s delusional hyperbole about Iran, look at what he’s proposing. He wants to return a sizable US occupation force to Iraq, apparently caring little about the US soldiers who were rotated multiple times into the war zone where almost 4,500 died (along with hundreds of thousands of Iraqis). Having promoted Iraq War I and having paid no price, Kagan now wants to give us Iraq War II.

    But that’s not enough. Kagan wants the US military to intervene to make sure the secular government of Syria is overthrown, even though the almost certain winners would be Sunni extremists from the Islamic State or Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front. Such a victory could lead to genocides against Syria’s Christians, Alawites, Shiites and other minorities. At that point, there would be tremendous pressure for a full-scale US invasion and occupation of Syria, too.

    That may be why Kagan wants to throw tens of billions of dollar more into the military-industrial complex, although the true price tag for Kagan’s new wars would likely run into the trillions of dollars. Yet, Kagan still isn’t satisfied. He wants even more military spending to confront “growing Chinese power, an aggressive Russia and an increasingly hegemonic Iran.”

    In his conclusion, Kagan mocks the Republicans for not backing up their tough talk: “So, yes, by all means, rail about the [Iran] deal. We all look forward to the hours of floor speeches and campaign speeches that lie ahead. But it will be hard to take Republican criticisms seriously unless they start doing the things that are in their power to do to begin to address the challenge.”

    While it’s true that Kagan is now “just” a neocon ideologue – albeit one with important platforms to present his views – his wife Assistant Secretary of State Nuland shares his foreign policy views and even edits many of his articles. As she told The New York Times last year, “nothing goes out of the house that I don’t think is worthy of his talents. Let’s put it that way.” [See “Obama’s True Foreign Policy ‘Weakness.’”]

    But Nuland is a foreign policy force of her own, considered by some in Washington to be the up-and-coming “star” at the State Department. By organizing the “regime change” in Ukraine – with the violent overthrow of democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 – Nuland also earned her spurs as an accomplished neocon.

    Nuland has even outdone her husband, who may get “credit” for the Iraq War and the resulting chaos, but Nuland did him one better, instigating Cold War II and reviving hostilities between nuclear-armed Russia and the United States. After all, that’s where the really big money will go – toward modernizing nuclear arsenals and ordering top-of-the-line strategic weaponry.

    A Family Business

    There’s also a family-business aspect to these wars and confrontations, since the Kagans collectively serve not just to start conflicts but to profit from grateful military contractors who kick back a share of the money to the think tanks that employ the Kagans.

    For instance, Robert’s brother Frederick works at the American Enterprise Institute, which has long benefited from the largesse of the Military-Industrial Complex, and his wife Kimberly runs her own think tank called the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

    According to ISW’s annual reports, its original supporters were mostly right-wing foundations, such as the Smith-Richardson Foundation and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, but it was later backed by a host of national security contractors, including major ones like General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman and CACI, as well as lesser-known firms such as DynCorp International, which provided training for Afghan police, and Palantir, a technology company founded with the backing of the CIA’s venture-capital arm, In-Q-Tel. Palantir supplied software to US military intelligence in Afghanistan.

    Since its founding in 2007, ISW has focused mostly on wars in the Middle East, especially Iraq and Afghanistan, including closely cooperating with Gen. David Petraeus when he commanded US forces in those countries. However, more recently, ISW has begun reporting extensively on the civil war in Ukraine. [See “Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War.”]

    So, to understand the enduring influence of the neocons – and the Kagan clan, in particular – you have to appreciate the money connections between the business of war and the business of selling war. When the military contractors do well, the think tanks that advocate for heightened global tensions do well, too.

    And, it doesn’t hurt to have friends and family inside the government making sure that policymakers do their part to give war a chance — and to give peace the old heave-ho.

  • Can You Hear the Fat Lady Singing? – Part III

    By Chris at

    I love what I do! A recent get together filled with blonde stick insects and cologne covered chinos found me subjected to talk about “work at the office”:

    “What did you do at work today?”


    “Oh, nothing much, tried to look down the new girl’s top for a bit then I made some phone calls, you?”


    “Oh, much the normal, searched the web for our next vacation and found I can get a Filipino bride for a grand.”

    After only 10 minutes I was ready to leave.

    I then received a call from a friend which snapped me back into my world and cemented my decision to leave. This friend has been extremely successful trading Asian credit and I was eager to get his perspective on emerging market debt and in particular China.

    This brings me to my thoughts on emerging market currencies and debt, which I’d like to share with you today.

    It all starts with the dollar bull market which we’ve discussed previously at length. As Brad mentioned earlier this year:

    So while the US current account deficit continues to narrow there is absolutely going to be a shortage of USDs. There is $9 trillion of dollar denominated debt outstanding, well considering that it took a number of years to build up this debt, it is going to take more than just a few months to unwind, more likely a couple of years at least. If the US Federal Reserve were to raise rates this year it sure wouldn’t help the cause, rather it would throw accelerant on the smouldering liquidity fire!

    After a brief breather, the dollar looks set to take out new highs:


    This time around the dollar looks set to take out 100 on the Dollar Index. My thoughts today lie in what this may mean for various emerging market asset classes.

    Take a look at the MSCI Emerging Markets ETF:


    Support sits at 36 and we’re getting close!

    This is a function of a stronger dollar. The larger question lies in where the leverage in emerging markets may lie, remembering that the unwinding of the carry trade will be particularly severely felt where leverage is highest.

    Taking a step back for a minute and thinking about the events in Europe recently and the events we’ve just witnessed in China, it’s clear to me that central banks are out of control.

    Risk lies in with the fact central banks believe themselves omnipotent. This is only half of the problem. The majority of investors believe the central banks are actually omnipotentand that is the other half of the problem. Central bank omnipotence is at an all time high… or is it?

    If we look back in history, it’s littered, not with successful central bank intervention, but with central bank failures. For every action there is a reaction. Everything is connected. You can’t throw a stone into a pond and not get ripples. Similarly you can’t have central banks buying assets, or slashing interest rates or any other such action, without consequences for those actions.

    Last week I looked back at how the Asian crisis unfolded. That particular crisis was only 18 years ago, yet market participants seem to have forgotten the lessons. We know that central bank intervention in the face of a levered market which is unwinding can often be the precursor to an outright rout.

    I then spoke about China earlier this week and how easily and quickly the Chinese central bank stepped in to attempt to stabilise the stock market. That they acted so aggressively is far more concerning to me than the actions themselves. The consequences of this are ultimately a weaker remnimbi, and a weaker remnimbi threatens to exacerbate losses for investors that have been participating in the USD carry trade.

    Furthermore, as Chinese growth slows the temptation to slash interest rates and devalue the remnimbi, should it happen, puts additional pressure on competitive emerging market currencies. Countries such as Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, even India. Once again, a stronger dollar vis-à-vis these respective currencies threatens any levered capital invested in the bond markets to seek first to reduce exposures. This means selling the respective currencies and buying back dollars. This self-reinforcing cycle can quickly force margin calls and the global carry trade unwind threatens to get particularly “exciting”.

    It’s not difficult to imagine a scenario where as the dollar bull run gathers steam we may well see more and more emerging markets looking like Greece.

    Right now a number of emerging market currencies are looking like they’re getting ready to roll over. The repercussions could well be an emerging market bond rout. As such, we’ve been dipping our toes into shorting the iShares JP Morgan Emerging market bond ETF (EMB) with some long dated options.

    If nothing else, it’s a heck more interesting than boring cocktail parties…

    – Chris


    “It amazed her how much people wanted to talk at parties. And about nothing in particular.”– J.D. Robb, Holiday in Death

  • Donald Trump's Top 30 Insults

    Amid the 16 (yes sixteen!) candidates for Republican Presidential nominee, there is one, and only one, that stands above the rest in terms of sheer un-filtered, un-political, and some would say un-presidential outspoken-ness. In an oustanding aggregation of abuse, The Hill has documented Donald Trump's Top 30 insults (so far in the 2016 campaign alone).

    In no particular order…

    1. Former President George W. Bush: — “You mean George Bush sends our soldiers into combat, they are severely wounded, and then he wants $120,000 to make a boring speech to them?” asked Trump on July 9, after reports the former president charged a vets group for a speech. “Bush didn’t have the IQ [to be president],” he added on June 16.
    2. Former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fla.) — “I’m not a big fan. The last thing we need is another Bush,” Trump said on June 16. Trump's account also retweeted an insult to Bush’s wife on July 4th: “@RObHeilbron: @realDonaldTrump #JebBush has to like the Mexican Illegals because of his wife.” It was later deleted.
    3. Hillary Clinton — “Hillary Clinton was the worst secretary of State in the history of the United States," Trump told Business Insider. His account on April 16 also retweeted an attack on Clinton: “@mplefty67: If  Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?” Trump said a campaign staffer was responsible and deleted the tweet.
    4. Anderson Cooper — “What a waste of time being interviewed by@andersoncooper when he puts on really stupid talking heads like Tim O'Brien-dumb guy with no clue!” Trump tweeted on July 22 after his interview with the CNN anchor. During his interview, Trump told Cooper: "The people don’t trust you and the people don’t trust the media."
    5. Bill Cosby — Trump said he believed the sexual assault allegations against the comedian, calling him "guilty as hell." “I’ve known him, and I’ve never liked him,” Trump said in a July radio interview. “I think he is a highly overrated guy, both in talent and in many other ways,”
    6. Des Moines Register — After the paper called on Trump to drop out, he dismissed it as a "sophomoric editorial" and called their coverage "uneven and inconsistent, but far more importantly, very dishonest."
    7. Forbes Magazine “Why does a failed magazine like @Forbes constantly seek out trivial nonsense? Their circulation way down. @Clare_OC,” Trump tweeted on July 9.
    8. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) —"What a stiff, what a stiff, Lindsey Graham. By the way he has registered zero in the polls,” Trump said, at a campaign speech in Bluffton, S.C. on July 21. “A total lightweight. In the private sector, he couldn’t get a job. Believe me. Couldn't get a job. He couldn't do what you people did. You're retired as hell and rich. He wouldn't be rich; he'd be poor.” Trump also shared Graham's personal cellphone number and said he had begged him to help get on Fox News's "Fox and Friends." "What's this guy, a beggar? He's like begging me to help him with [the show] 'Fox and Friends.’” Trump said of Graham on "CBS This Morning," on July 21.
    9. Jonah Goldberg — “Jonah Goldberg @JonahNRO of the once great @NRO#National Review is truly dumb as a rock. Why does @BretBaier put this dummy on his show?” Trump tweeted, criticizing the conservative columnist on April 20.
    10. Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman — Trump said the Mexican drug lord would be no match for him. “Can you envision Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton negotiating with 'El Chapo', the Mexican drug lord who escaped from prison? …Trump, however, would kick his ass!” he tweeted on July 12. Trump later called in the FBI after a death threat from a Twitter account associated with Guzman.
    11. Arianna Huffington — “The liberal clown @ariannahuff told her minions at the money losing @HuffingtonPost to cover me as entertainment. I am #1 in Huff Post Poll,” Trump tweeted on July 18.
    12. Penn Jillette — After the magician and comedian criticized Trump, he responded on July 16, tweeting: “I hear @pennjillette show on Broadway is terrible. Not surprised, boring guy (Penn). Without The Apprentice, show would have died long ago.” He then followed up with, “I loved firing goofball atheist Penn @pennjillette on The Apprentice. He never had a chance. Wrote letter to me begging for forgiveness.”
    13. Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) — “What people don’t know about Kasich- he was a managing partner of the horrendous Lehman Brothers when it totally destroyed the economy!” Trump tweeted on May 20.
    14. Charles Krauthammer — “One of the worst and most boring political pundits on television is @krauthammer. A totally overrated clown who speaks without knowing facts,” Trump tweeted about the conservative writer and Fox News contributor on June 4. A tweet a day later called him a "dumpy political pundit" and took issue with Krauthammer's support for the Iraq war. Krauthammer brought on Trump's ire by mocking his then-low standing in the polls.
    15. Bill Kristol — When the Weekly Standard editor belittled Trump’s chances against Hillary, Trump responded on July 23, tweeting, “Bill, your small and slightly failing magazine will be a giant success when you finally back Trump. Country will soar!”
    16. Mitt Romney — “Why would anybody listen to @MittRomney? He lost an election that should have easily been won against Obama. By the way,so did John McCain!” Trump tweeted of the 2012 Republican nominee on July 18.
    17. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) — “He’s not a war hero,” Trump said at a rally on July 18. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” This followed a July 16 tweet saying, “@SenJohnMcCain should be defeated in the primaries. Graduated last in his class at Annapolis–dummy!” The insults came after McCain said Trump had "fired up the crazies" on immigration.
    18. Macy’s — Trump called for a boycott after the department store dropped his men’s clothing line. "I hope the boycott of @Macys continues forever. So many people are cutting up their cards. Macy's stores suck and they are bad for U.S.A.,” he tweeted on July 16. “Boycott @Macys, no guts, no glory. Besides, there are far better stores!” he tweeted later.
    19. Mexico  — Trump lambasted the southern neighbor. “The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems,” he said on May 30 at his campaign launch. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” The remarks led a number of businesses to cut their ties with him. He doubled down after the escape of a top drug kingpin. "It's a corrupt place," Trump said on July 17. "It's a terrible court system." "Let's put it this way," he added, "I'm not going to Mexico."
    20. President Obama — Trump has long said he is not sure Obama was born in the U.S. and slammed his policies, calling him the "worst ever president." Obama hit back at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner, mocking Trump who was in attendance. But Trump hasn't let up. During the Baltimore riots in April this year he tweeted: “Our great African American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore!” He also Obama to leave office early and golf on one of his many courses. “If he’d like to play, that’s fine. In fact, I’d love for him to leave early and play. That’d be a very good thing,” he said at his campaign launch in June. After the Chattanooga shooting, Trump pressed Obama to lower the flag for the victims. "We have a president who just can't say a few words: 'Put the flags at half-mast for the five Marines that were just killed.' Why? Why? Why?” Trump said at a South Carolina rally on July 21. “It's almost like, does he read the papers? Does he watch television?"
    21. Lawrence O’Donnell — “Dopey @Lawrence O’Donnell, whose unwatchable show is dying in the ratings, said that my Apprentice $ numbers were wrong. He is a fool!” Trump tweeted on July 16 of the MSNBC host.
    22. Former Gov. Rick Perry (R-Texas) — Perry has been a tough critic of Trump's rhetoric on immigration. “Rick Perry failed at the border. Now he is critical of me. He needs a new pair of glasses to see the crimes committed by illegal immigrants,” Trump tweeted on July 5th. On July 16, he added, “@GovernorPerry failed on the border. He should be forced to take an IQ test before being allowed to enter the GOP debate.” "He's doing very poorly in the polls. He put on glasses so people will think he's smart. And it just doesn't work! You know people can see through the glasses," Trump said at a rally on July 21.
    23. Former Gov. George Pataki (R-N.Y.) — Trump tweeted that Pataki "couldn’t be elected dog catcher if he ran again—so he didn’t!” Trump tweeted July 1. He followed up with: “.@GovernorPataki was a terrible governor of NY, one of the worst — would’ve been swamped if he ran again!”
    24. Karl Rove — Trump went off on the Republican strategist's record in 2012 record. “@KarlRove wasted $400 million + and didn’t win one race—a total loser.@FoxNews,” he tweeted on July 16, followed by “Irrelevant clown @KarlRove sweats and shakes nervously on @FoxNews as he talks ‘bull’ about me. Has zero cred. Made fool of himself in '12.” Trump even called out the network: “@FoxNewsYou shouldn’t have @KarlRove on the air—he’s a clown with zero credibility—a Bushy!”
    25. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) — “[Sanders] knows the country is ripped off. And I know the country is being ripped off,” Trump told The Hill on July 23. “The difference is that I can do something about it and he can’t. He’ll never be able to negotiate with China.”
    26. Republican National Committee — “The RNC has not been supportive. They were always supportive when I was a contributor. I was their fair-haired boy,” Trump toldThe Hill on July 23. “The RNC has been, I think, very foolish.”
    27. Chuck Todd —“I hear that sleepy eyes @chucktodd will be fired like a dog from ratings starved Meet The Press? I can't imagine what is taking so long!” Trump tweeted on July 12 about the "Meet the Press" host.
    28. Univision — “@Univision cares far more about Mexico than it does about the U.S. Are they controlled by the Mexican government?” Trump tweeted on June 26 after the network cut ties with him over his immigration remarks. “Has anyone seen the financials of @Univision. They are doing really badly. Too much debt and not enough viewers. Need money fast. Funny!” he followed up on July 11.
    29. The Wall Street Journal — Trump has had a long feud with owner Rupert Murdoch. After the paper questioned his candidacy, Trump tweeted on July 20: “The ever dwindling @WSJ which is worth about 1/10 of what it was purchased for, is always hitting me politically. Who cares!”
    30. Juan Williams — @TheJuanWilliams you never speak well of me & yet when I saw you at Fox you ran over like a child and wanted a picture,” tweeted Trump on July 3 of the Fox personality.

    Perhaps just as troubling for The Republican Party:

    Donald Trump leads in New Hampshire with 21% support of potential Republican voters, according to NBC News/Marist latest polls. Jeb Bush has 14%, and Scott Walker 12% in New Hampshire

    It appears abusing McCain's war-record did nothing to dent Trump's popularity (except in the media).

  • Clinton Favorability Plunges, Sanders Surges Amid Classified Emails Scandal

    Despite all her proclamations of new fairness doctrines, false promises of her truthfulness, and exclamations of 'everyday Americanism' Hillary Rodham Clinton is seeing her favorability ratings collapse. As populist as she dares to be, in the face of her donating captors, it appears the everyday American just isn't buying it as Gallup reports just 43% Americans view her favorably (down from 66% just a few years ago) while none other than Bernie Sanders is bounding up the popularity ladder, rising from 12% to 24% favorability in recent weeks.

    Via Gallup,

    Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' favorable rating among Americans has doubled since Gallup's initial reading in March, rising to 24% from 12% as he has become better known. Hillary Clinton's rating has slipped to 43% from 48% in April. At the same time, Clinton's unfavorable rating increased to 46%, tilting her image negative and producing her worst net favorable score since December 2007.

    Clinton, Clint-off…


    Clinton maintains a higher absolute favorable rating from Americans than any of her official rivals for the 2016 Democratic nomination. In contrast to the relative prominence of numerous candidates on the Republican side, she remains the only Democratic candidate known well enough by a majority of Americans for them to rate her, which helps Clinton maintain a higher overall favorable score.

    Sanders is still an unknown to a majority of Americans, with just 44% able to rate him compared with Clinton's 89%.

    Clinton's favorable rating has slipped slightly among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents since April, falling to 74% from 79%. This partly accounts for her overall decline in favorability among the public. The other factor is a drop among non-leaning independents, from 44% to 36%, while her image among Republicans and Republican leaners is essentially unchanged at 14%.

    Among Democrats and Democratic leaners, Clinton is currently viewed more favorably by older than younger adults, by nonwhites than whites and by liberals than moderates or conservatives. However, she retains solid majority favorable scores from all of these groups. And she enjoys equally high ratings from men and women as well as in each of the four major regions of the country.

    However, as Gallup concludes,

    Clinton's national image has taken a slight turn for the worse, which is also evident in her image among Democrats. But she remains the only Democratic candidate for president with a national name, and Clinton continues to stand head and shoulders above her next closest competitor — Sanders — in popularity for the presidential nomination.

    * * *


    *  *  *

    And it is not surprising Hillary remains the front-runner as Liberty Blitzkrieg's Mike Krieger reports yet another group of lobbyists are raising funds for her campaign…

    Earlier this week, we learned that lobbyists for Monsanto, Exxon Mobil, Microsoft and the Telecom industry are actively raising funds for the pantsuit revolutionary, Hillary Clinton. Today, we can add private prison companies to the list. Because private prisons are sooooooo progressive.

    From the Intercept:

    As immigration and incarceration issues become central to the 2016 presidential campaign, lobbyists for two major prison companies are serving as top fundraisers for Hillary Clinton.


    Corrections Corporation of America and the Geo Group could both see their fortunes turning if there are fewer people to lock up in the future.


    Richard Sullivan, of the lobbying firm Capitol Counsel, is a bundler for the Clinton campaign, bringing in $44,859 in contributions in a few short months. Sullivan is also a registered lobbyist for the Geo Group, a company that operates a number of jails, including immigrant detention centers, for profit.

    You ready?

    Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 3.08.33 PM

  • Chinese Stocks Extend Friday's Losses Following Drop In Corporate Profits

    Following the weakness in Friday's afternoon (China) session, tonight's open is decidedly shaky as Shanghai Composite open down over 2% and CSI-300 (China's S&P 500) is now down over 5%. This follows a year-over-year drop in China Industrial profits (-0.3%), the first since March as the small bounce in April and May is now done. Commodities are lower and silver saw a minor flash-crash shortlty after China opened.






    Silver saw a mini flash crash…


    But PMs are bouncing back now…



    Charts: Bloomberg

  • It's Really Very Simple…

    Submitted by Dmitry Orlov via Club Orlov blog,

    There are times when a loud cry of “The emperor has no clothes!” can be most copacetic. And so, let me point out something quite simple, yet very important.

    The old world order, to which we became accustomed over the course of the 1990s and the 2000s, its crises and its problems detailed in numerous authoritative publications on both sides of the Atlantic—it is no more. It is not out sick and it is not on vacation. It is deceased. It has passed on, gone to meet its maker, bought the farm, kicked the bucket and joined the crowd invisible. It is an ex-world order.

    If we rewind back to the early 1980s, we can easily remember how the USSR was still running half of Europe and exerting major influence on a sizable chunk of the world. World socialist revolution was still sputtering along, with pro-Soviet regimes coming in to power here and there in different parts of the globe, the chorus of their leaders' official pronouncements sounding more or less in unison. The leaders made their pilgrimages to Moscow as if it were Mecca, and they sent their promising young people there to learn how to do things the Soviet way. Soviet technology continued to make impressive advances: in the mid-1980s the Soviets launched into orbit a miracle of technology—the space station Mir, while Vega space probes were being dispatched to study Venus.

    But alongside all of this business-as-usual the rules and principles according which the “red” half of the globe operated were already in an advanced state of decay, and a completely different system was starting to emerge both at the center and along the periphery. Seven years later the USSR collapsed and the world order was transformed, but many people simply couldn't believe in the reality of this change. In the early 1990s many political scientists were self-assuredly claiming that what is happening is the realization of a clever Kremlin plan to modernize the Soviet system and that, after a quick rebranding, it will again start taking over the world. People like to talk about what they think they can understand, never mind whether it still exists.

    And what do we see today? The realm that self-identifies itself as “The West” is still claiming to be leading economically, technologically, and to be dominant militarily, but it has suffered a moral defeat, and, strictly as a consequence of this moral defeat, a profound ideological defeat as well.

    It's simple.

    How can they talk of the inviolability of private property while confiscating the savings of depositors in Cypriot banks?


    How can they talk of safeguarding the territorial integrity of countries while destroying, in turn, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine?


    How can they talk of free enterprise and then sign contracts to build ships but then refuse to deliver them because of pressure from Washington, as happened with Mistral ships which Russia ordered from France?


    How can they talk of democracy and then use naked threats against the premier of Greece—the birthplace of European democracy—forcing him to ignore the unprofitable results of the Greek national referendum?


    How can they talk about fighting racism while in the US they are constantly shooting mass quantities of unarmed Negros, all the while forbidding people to call them Negros.


    How can they accuse Serbs of genocide while refusing to acknowledge what they did to supposedly “independent” Kosovo, which has been turned into a European criminal enclave specializing in the production and distribution of narcotics?


    How can they talk about justice while the US maintains the largest prison population in the history of the world and has executed many people subsequently discovered to have been innocent?


    How can they accuse others of corruption after the colossal financial embarrassment of 2008, in the run-up to which obvious financial bubbles that were ready to bust were assigned the highest ratings?


    What has happened is the worst thing that could have possibly happened: in full view of the entire world, “Western values” have been demonstrated to be null and void.


    Are there any “Western values” left intact? Just one: the rights of sexual minorities. But it is not possible to maintain Western civilization on the strength of gay marriage alone.

    Is it any wonder then that the rest of the world is trying to put as much distance between itself and the morally bankrupt “West” as it possibly can, as quickly as it can? China is working on developing its own model, Russia is striving for self-sufficiency and independence from Western imports and finance, and even Latin America, once considered the backyard of the US, is increasingly going its own separate way.

    The ranks of the fools who are still buying the West's story are shrinking, while the ranks of the rebels are growing. There is the truth-teller Edward Snowden, who was forced to flee to Moscow to avoid persecution back home. There are European parliamentarians who recently broke ranks and visited Crimea. There are French and German military men who are volunteering to defend Eastern Ukraine against Western attack. There are the many European businessmen who came to the Economics Forum in St. Petersburg to sign trade deals with Russia, never mind what their politicians think of that.

    On the other side, the rapidly emerging new world order was recently on display in Ufa, capital of the majority-Moslem Republic of Bashkortostan in Southern Urals, Russian Federation. Leaders of more than half the world's population came there to sign deals, integrate their economies, and coordinate security arrangements. India and Pakistan set their differences aside and walked in through the door at the same time; Iran is next. “The West” was not represented there.

    Now that all Western values (other than the rights of sexual minorities) have been shown to be cynical exercises in hypocrisy, there is no path back. You see, it is a matter of reputation, and a reputation is something that one can lose exactly once. There is no path back. There is a path forward, but it is very frightening. There is the loss of control: Western institutions can no longer control the situation throughout much of the world, including, in due course, on their own territory. There is the abandonment of the Western narrative: Western pontificators, pundits and “thought leaders” will find that their talking points have been snatched away and will be reduced to either babbling apologetically or lapsing into embarrassed silence. Finally, there is the loss of identity: it is not possible, for the non-delusional, to identify with something (“The West”) that no longer exists.

    But the most frightening thing of all is this:

    behind a morally bankrupt civilization there are morally bankrupt people – lots and lots of them. Their own children, who will be forced to make their way in the world – whatever it turns out to be – will be as disrespectful of them as they were of their own vaunted civilizational values.

  • Energy M&A Hits A Brick Wall: Ex Shell-BG Megadeal, Q2 Deal Value Was Lowest Since 2008

    One of the few catalyst that had helped maintain a consistent bid under energy names in the first half of 2015, despite the dramatic drop in the price of oil in late 2014 and then again in the last several weeks, was persistent fears of an “unexpected” M&A bid which would crush any new or incremental shorts who would otherwise have been delighted to accelerate the downward momentum in the beaten down energy sector.

    The result was an epic surge in forward energy P/E multiples: ones which even put the “glamour” multiples to shame, and threatened to overtake the all time fwd multiple high as recently as a few months ago.


    However, now that the latest crude dead cat bounce is over, it is time to reassess just how credible a surge in energy M&A activity truly is. The answer, as the EIA’s energy blog reveals, is not very credible at all (especially when considering the disappointing for the industry development when Whiting Petroleum pulled itself off the block when it found no buyer and was forced to massively dilute its shareholders instead).

    In fact, if one excludes the gargantuan April merger between Shell and the BG Group, Q2 M&A activity was the slowest in since 2008! If the price of oil continues to decline, one can be certain that Q3 M&A activity will be a dead zone.

    From the EIA:

    The second quarter of 2015 exhibited the largest amount of oil companies’ merger and acquisition (M&A) activity by value since fourth-quarter 2012. The announced merger between Royal Dutch Shell and BG Group in early April accounted for $84 billion of the $115 billion quarterly total.


    Without the Shell-BG merger, however, the value of deals in the second quarter of 2015 would have totaled $31 billion, $18 billion higher than first-quarter 2015, which was the lowest since at least 2008. The 137 deals announced in the second quarter was the lowest number of deals since fourth-quarter 2008 and 42% below the 235 median quarterly number of deals over the previous two years, indicating less breadth of activity.



    Companies often merge with or acquire other companies or their assets in an effort to achieve longer term growth, economies of scale, access to new technologies, diversity of market exposure, or a combination of factors. The buying or selling company may see a valuable opportunity that aligns with its own goals and expectations in deciding to purchase or sell assets. Also, a company may feel that it could benefit from adding new assets that complement its current strengths or by developing expertise in a market segment it currently does not participate in.


    M&A deals vary in size and can sometimes take months of negotiating to complete. M&A activity often reflects how market participants view future opportunities. The availability and cost of financing as well as legal factors also play a critical role in the value and amount of M&A activity.

    And since with the exception of just one mega-deal, the merger and acquisition landscape has hit a brick wall, one needs no explanation to understand just how “market participants view future opportunities.”

  • Gold's Two Stories: Paper Markets Collapse… While The Retail Public Buys At A Record Pace

    Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

    We’ve seen some significant swings in precious metals over the last several years and if we are to believe the paper spot prices and recent value of mining shares, one would think that gold and silver are on their last leg. Last weekend precious metals took a massive hit to the downside, sending shock waves throughout the industry. But was the move really representative of what’s happening in precious metals markets around the world? Or, is there an effort by large financial institutions to keep prices suppressed? In an open letter to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission First Mining Finance CEO Keith Neumeyer argues that real producers and consumers don’t appear to be represented by the purported billion dollar moves on paper trading exchanges.

    With China recently revealing that they have added some 600 tons of gold to their stockpiles and the U.S. mint having suspended sales of Silver Eagles due to extremely high demand in early July, how is it possible that prices are crashing?

    As noted in Mike Gleason’s Weekly Market Wrap at Money Metals Exchange, while it appears that gold is currently one of the world’s most hated assets, the retail public continues to buy at a record pace:

    The paper market is telling one story. But the actual physical bullion market is telling quite another.


    The U.S. Mint has sold over 100,000 ounces of American Eagle gold coins so far in July. That’s the highest monthly demand volume registered since April 2013. And that’s just as of this week. There’s still another week left to go before the final sales tally for Gold Eagles comes in for the month of July. It could be one for the record books with 109,000 1-ounce Gold Eagles sold — with bargain hunters purchasing 6% of the U.S. Mint’s production from Money Metals Exchange.


    As for Silver Eagles, the U.S. Mint has given up on trying to keep up with demand. After brisk sales during the first week of July, Mint officials suspended deliveries of Silver Eagles to dealers. Sales of the popular coins are set to resume next week. But we expect the Mint will be unable to get its act together and keep up with demand.


    Listen: Full Interview With Chris Powell Of The Gold Anti-Trust Committee (GATA)

    It’s not clear exactly who is suppressing precious metals or why, but it is quite apparent that prices on paper exchanges are completely disconnected from reality, as retail buyers are taking this opportunity to scoop up gold and silver at prices that are 50% or more off their highs.

    But what happens next? That, of course, is anybody’s guess, but considering current prices and movements within the context of a broader economic crisis, there is a precedent for what we have seen in recent years.

    We need only look back to the recession of the 1970’s.


    You’ll notice that gold saw some significant price movements, not dissimilar to what we’re experiencing today. There were several down swings of 25% or more within the broader gold bull market. Most notably, take a look at what happened from 1975 to 1976. Gold shot up to nearly $200 an ounce, only to be pounded just twelve months later by 50% to a price of just over $100 an ounce.

    As the crisis accelerated in severity into the late 1970’s, complete with gas shortages, job losses and geopolitical tensions, we saw gold explode in value to a high of $850 by January of 1980.

    We’re not necessarily suggesting that gold will follow the exact same pattern. But history does rhyme, and the world again finds itself in serious financial, economic, and monetary crisis.

    As we’ve noted before, gold is and always has been the historical asset of last resort for preserving wealth. Should the current crisis accelerate as we saw in the 1970’s, the value of gold will likely rise accordingly. We may not be looking at a 700% increase in price like we did from 1976 to 1980, but there is a distinct possibility that we will witness serious gains in real value as crisis and panic unfold.

    You can’t eat gold and silver, of course. If crisis is coming we have always urged our readers to prepare themselves for disruption to credit-dependent commerce systems with reserves of food, emergency cash and other supplies. But having a physical asset with real monetary and barterable value in your possession is certainly an important strategic consideration going forward.

    It’s been said that an ounce of gold could buy 350 loaves of bread in Biblical times. Today, an ounce of gold still buys about 350 loaves of bread. However you slice it, whether the system falls into a deflationary depression like the 1930’s or an inflationary recession like the 1970’s, gold will maintain its purchasing power.

    Though past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future results, we have over 6,000 years of history backing gold’s legitimacy as a true mechanism of exchange.

  • In These 13 US Cities, Rents Are Skyrocketing

    Seven years ago, the American homeownership “dream” was shattered when a housing bubble built on a decisively shaky foundation burst in spectacular fashion, bringing Wall Street and Main Street to their knees. 

    In the blink of an eye, the seemingly inexorable rise in the American homeownership rate abruptly reversed course, and by 2014, two decades of gains had disappeared and the ashes of Bill Clinton’s National Homeownership Strategy lay smoldering in the aftermath of the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression.

    In short, decades of speculative excess driven by imprudence, greed, and financial engineering and financed by the world’s demand for GSE debt had come crashing down and in relatively short order, a nation of homeowners was transformed into a nation of renters. 

    It wasn’t difficult to predict what would happen next.

    As demand for rentals increased and PE snapped up foreclosures, rents rose, just as a subpar jobs market, a meteoric rise in student debt, tougher lending standards, and critically important demographic shifts put further pressure on homeownership rates. Now, America faces a rather dire housing predicament: buying and renting are both unaffordable. Or, as WSJ put it last month, “households are stuck between homes they can’t qualify for and rents they can’t afford.”

    We’ve seen evidence of this across the country with perhaps the most telling statistic coming courtesy of The National Low Income Housing Coalition who recently noted that in no state can a minimum wage worker afford a one bedroom apartment. 

    In this context, Bloomberg is out with a list of 13 cities where single-family rents have risen by double-digits in just the last 12 months. Note that in Iowa, rents have risen more than 20% over the past year alone.

    More color from Bloomberg:

    Landlords have been preparing to raise rents on single-family homes this year, Bloomberg reported in April. It looks like those plans are already being put into action.


    The median rent for a three-bedroom single-family house increased 3.3 percent, to $1,320, during the second quarter, according to data compiled by RentRange and provided to Bloomberg by franchiser Real Property Management. Median rents are up 6.1 percent over the past 12 months. Even that kind of increase would have been welcome in 13 U.S. cities where single-family rents increased by double digits.


    It’s more evidence that rising rents have affected a broad scope of Americans. Sixty percent of low-income renters spend more than 50 percent of their income on rent, according to a report in May from New York University’s Furman Center. High rents have also stretched the budgets of middle-class workers and made it harder for young professionals to launch careers and start families.


    “You’re finding that people who wouldn’t have shared accommodations in the past are moving in with friends,”says Don Lawby, president of Real Property Management. “Kids are staying in their parents’ homes for longer and delaying the formation of families.”

    And for those with short memories, we thought this would be an opportune time to remind you of who became America’s landlord in the wake of the crisis…

  • Raoul Pal: GroupThink Is Almost Ubiquitous (& The 1 Chart That Matters)

    Exceprted from Raoul Pal's exclusive Global Macro Investor letter,

    All together now

    From a very top-down perspective, I find it interesting that most macro funds tend to align themselves in groups that share ideas, however I find the uniformity of views amongst these groups somewhat troubling. That is not to say that everyone is wrong but that too many firms have the same views and same positions.

    The three groups tend to be:

    1. the newer New York macro and credit community,
    2. the older New York macro funds and,
    3. the London and Geneva crowd.

    All three tend to be somewhat distinct from each other but the views held within each group are similar.

    This is the groupthink effect.

    However, it is not totally ubiquitous as there are many who hold very different views. The very macro-orientated tend to be broader in their opinions than those who are crossing over into macro from credit, multi-strat or event driven.

    Summary of views

    The first group (and the majority with whom I met in NYC) have extremely similar views generally. These are as follows:

    • The US economy is fine and the lagged effect of lower oil prices on consumption is about to kick in along with real wage growth.
    • Inflation is going to rise with wage growth.
    • The European equity market is a better investment that the US market.
    • Chinese equities are a trade worth having on.
    • Japanese stocks are still an opportunity.
    • The Euro is going lower and the dollar higher.
    • Energy prices are going to rise.
    • Global growth is fine and EM is not much of a risk.


    In terms of positions, people were very light on dollar positioning, had zero bond exposure at best or were short, were long Chinese equities, long oil names, long German equities, long Japanese equities and generally long US equities. Many had on specific EM trades such as Argentina or Venezuela, Puerto Rico or Greece (yeah, it’s an EM now).

    I’m a tad different…

    Just to be clear, my views are startlingly out of consensus. My view is that shorting the Euro is the best risk reward trade in macro, US bonds are setting up to be a stunning opportunity on the long side, oil carries significant downside risk, the US and elsewhere are potentially heading into recession, equity volatility is highly likely, EM is a major risk and Germany is at the risk of leading Europe into a recession.

    Pure macro heaven (or hell)

    My overarching belief is that this is the most “pure macro” environment we have been in for over a decade, probably since the Asian Crisis in the late 1990s, and I just don’t think people understand what is going on.

    My entire thesis rests neatly on the US Dollar. Nothing else matters and if my view is wrong on that, then it is likely wrong on many things. What is really weird to me is that most people agree with my views on the dollar but don’t have the trade on, and were less versed on the macro knock-on effects of a strong dollar. Groupthink has tended to isolate particular parts of the US or global economy and ignore the bigger picture.

    My views
    In New York I presented a very different spin on the world to almost anyone else. I am wildly and comfortably out of consensus.

    I think that the dollar is the only thing that matters. My view remains that we are in the early stages of what will prove to be one of the biggest dollar bull markets in history, and it is going to reap devastation on the global economy…

    The Chart Of Truth
    If you care about one chart and one chart only that sums up the entire risk to the world it is this: the DXY is forming a perfect wedge. It is going to break during the summer and the dollar is going to explode higher… 



    If this wedge breaks then I think the dollar will finish the year around 110 to 115, which would be consistent with the pattern of other dollar bull markets with an annual gain of over 20%.

    In a nutshell
    So, as you will see from all of the points below (and above), I fear that many people may well be backing the wrong horses.

    Clearly I can be wrong, and for me to be proven wrong is pretty simple: if the dollar does not rally further then the status quo can be maintained and we can continue with this lacklustre global expansion for a while longer.

    If the dollar rallies again from here then it is game over and the exit doors are small.

     *  *  *

    While mostly cost-prohibitive for the average investor, here is Raoul Pal's exclusive Global Macro Investor July letter…

    Raoul Pal GMI July2015 Monthly

  • From Trump Tower To Clinton's Compound – The Homes Of The 2016 Presidential Candidates

    As dozens now vie for residence in the big white one of Pennsylvania Avenue, MarketWatch, courtesy of and CoreLogic, unveil the homes (since most own more than one) and mortgages of the 2016 presidential candidates. With homeownership rates at multi-decade lows, and the American Dream disappearing for most, it appears it pays to be in government – from Trump Tower and Clinton's Compounds to Bernie Sanders' underwater mortgages and Carly Fiorina's five fireplaces…


    Sen. Hillary Clinton (Democrat)

    Chappaqua, N.Y.

    Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State and Sen. Hillary Clinton own a five-bedroom, four-bathroom Dutch colonial–style home in Westchester County built in 1889 that was assessed at $375,000 in 2014. The home at 15 Old House Lane has 5,232 square feet of living area. Public records show the home was purchased in 1999 for $1.7 million with an adjustable-rate first mortgage of $1.4 million, according to CoreLogic. Zillow estimates the market value today at $2.3 million. (The low tax assessment for the home compared with its market value is another example of New York state’s well-documented phenomenon of inconsistent tax assessment schedules.)

    Washington, D.C.

    The Clinton’s four-bedroom, six-bath (plus and two half-baths) home at 3067 Whitehaven St. in Washington, D.C., is two and a half stories with 5,152 square feet of living space and a brick exterior. Built in 1951 near Washington’s Embassy Row, the house was purchased by the Clintons in 2001 for $2.85 million, financing $2 million of that sum with a 30-year adjustable rate mortgage at 7.25% from Citibank with a down payment of $855,000. A Satisfaction of Mortgage filed in 2007 indicates it was paid off. The house was valued for the 2014 tax year at $5,049,180, and its projected assessment for 2016 is $5,225,900, according to CoreLogic. Zillow estimates the house to have a market value of $5.76 million.

    Gov. Martin O’Malley (Democrat)


    Martin O’Malley and his wife, Katie, purchased a four-bedroom, four-bath, 2,726-square-foot Tudor house at 5304 Tilbury Way in the Homeland section of North Baltimore in December 2014 for their family, which includes four children. They paid $549,000 in 2014, with a 30-year first mortgage of $494,100, according to CoreLogic. The two-story house was built in 1928 and has a stone fireplace, nine-foot ceilings and a cherry-paneled family room.

    Sen. Bernie Sanders (Democrat)

    Burlington, Vt.

    A senator from Vermont and a former mayor of Burlington, Bernie Sanders and his wife, Jane O’Meara, have a four-bedroom, 2 ½-bath home in Chittenden County. The colonial-style home was built in 1981 and sold to Sanders in 2009 for $405,000, according to CoreLogic. The property has a 2013 assessed value of $321,900.

    Washington, D.C.

    Sanders and his wife also own a town house in the District. The 892-square-foot, one-bedroom, 1 ½-bath home with brick exterior was built in 1890. They bought it for $488,999 in 2007. The first mortgage was a 30-year conventional adjustable-rate mortgage for $391,200 at 5.88%. Records indicate there is also a $73,350 second mortgage on the property. The house has a taxable assessment of $480,970 for 2014 and a projected assessment in 2016 of $521,660.
    *  *  *

    Gov. Jeb Bush (Republican)

    Coral Gables, Fla.

    The former governor of Florida and his wife, Columba, live in the development of Almeria Row in Coral Gables, a suburb of Miami. They purchased their 3,485-square-foot, four-bedroom, four-bath town house in August 2011 for $1.3 million. Its assessed value in 2014 was $1.1 million. In July 2013, the Bushes refinanced their mortgage to a 30-year conventional loan for $754,000, according to CoreLogic.

    Sen. Marco Rubio (Republican)

    West Miami, Fla.

    The Florida senator, his wife, Jeanette, and their four children live in a four-bedroom, three-bath house in West Miami. The single-family home has 2,581 square feet of living area and was built in 2005. The Rubios paid $550,000. It has a porch, brick patio and swimming pool. After listing the house in 2013 for $675,000, the Rubios didn’t end up selling. In June 2015, they refinanced to a 30-year mortgage for $604,000. In 2014, the total value of the home was assessed at $430,936, according to CoreLogic and Zillow. Zillow estimates the house would sell today for $569,749.

    Gov. Chris Christie (Republican)

    Mendham, N.J.

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has been in office since 2010, but he, his wife, Mary Pat, and their four children don’t live in the official New Jersey governor’s residence. The family lives in their 6,979-square-foot house in Mendham, N.J., which they bought in August 1998 for $775,000. Public records show the first mortgage was for $300,000 — a conventional, fixed-rate loan. They have since refinanced five times. The most recent loan was recorded in October 2008 for $400,000 — it is a 30-year adjustable-rate loan. The property assessed in 2014 for a total of $1.9 million and a market value of $2 million, according to CoreLogic.

    Gov. Bobby Jindal (Republican)

    Baton Rouge, La.

    The Louisiana governor and native of Baton Rouge still lives in his hometown — but not in a privately owned residence. Bobby Jindal and his wife, Supriya, and three children live in the state Governor’s Mansion, where they have resided since January 2008. The home was built in 1963 and has 12 bedrooms, 18 baths, two kitchens, a kitchenette, two dining rooms, a breakfast room and a receiving room for state affairs.

    Sen. Ted Cruz (Republican)

    Houston, Texas

    The junior senator, his wife, Heidi, and their two daughters live in a two-bedroom, 2 ½-bath luxury high-rise condominium unit with views of Houston, including the skyline. The Cruzes’ 19th-floor unit has 2,049 feet of living area and was built in 2003. Cruz and his wife bought it for $837,500 in September 2008 and financed $670,000 of it with a conventional, 30-year adjustable mortgage. In March 2011, public records show they refinanced $417,000 to a 15-year fixed-rate loan, according to CoreLogic data.

    Sen. Rand Paul (Republican)

    Bowling Green, Ky.

    The junior senator from Kentucky and his wife, Kelley, live in a four-bedroom, three-bath home with 4,206 square feet of living area. The white house with a gabled roof was built in 1994 and sits on a lush, tree-lined 1.99-acre lot. Its total value was assessed at $525,000 in 2014 with a land value of $257,500. In July 2014, the Pauls took a 10-year conventional mortgage out on the property for $172,500

    Rick Perry (Republican)

    Austin, Texas

    James Richard “Rick” Perry and his wife, Anita, spent the past 15 years living in the Texas Governor’s Mansion. When he left office this past January, the couple moved to a two-bedroom, two-bathroom town house in Austin while a new home is being built in Round Top, a community about 70 miles from the state capital in Fayette County.


    Sen. Lindsey Graham (Republican)

    Seneca, S.C.

    The South Carolina senator has been in office since January 2003 and has two residences: one in Washington and one in his home state. The latter is a 1,901-square-foot single-family ranch home in Seneca, S.C., built in 1989. He bought it for $164,000 in October 1993. In 2013, it was assessed at $213,230. A new, five-year conventional mortgage was recorded on March 2012 for $51,138.

    Washington, D.C.

    Graham also has a two-bedroom, two-bathroom 1,254-square-foot brick town house in Washington, D.C., that was purchased in 1997. Public records show the most recent mortgage is a 30-year conventional loan recorded June 21, 2012, for $207,000. The town house was assessed in 2015 at $560,910.

    Donald Trump (Republican)

    New York City, N.Y.

    Media personality and commercial property developer Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, live on Trump Tower’s top three floors, which are lavishly decorated in 24-karat gold and marble. The home was designed by Angelo Donghia in a style reminiscent of King Louis XIV with painted ceilings, ornate columns, opulent furnishings and crystal chandeliers. Trump took out a $100 million mortgage on the entire tower in 2012, New York City public records show.

    Palm Beach, Fla.

    The Mar-A-Lago Club in Palm Beach was initially a 126-room, 110,000-square-foot estate that Trump bought for $10 million in 1985. After a renovation, the home is said to have 58 bedrooms, 33 bathrooms, a 29-foot-long marble-top dining table, 12 fireplaces and three bomb shelters. Trump keeps private residential quarters at the club, which he calls his “home away from home.”

    He transferred the property to Mar-A-Lago Club Inc. in 1995 with a $10 million mortgage, according to CoreLogic.

    *  *  *
    It's good to be king… or even to try to be king.

    Source: MarketWatch

  • It's Not Just Margin Debt: Presenting The Complete Chinese Stock Market Ponzi Schematic

    Late last month in “The Biggest Threat To Chinese Stocks: Shadow Lending Crackdown“, we suggested that the pressure on Chinese equities – which at that point had only begun to build – was at least partially attributable to an unwind in the country’s CNY1 trillion backdoor margin lending edifice. 

    As we explained, brokerages were only allowed to facilitate margin trading for investors whose account balances totaled at least CNY500K, and even then, traders could only lever up 2X. Brokerages naturally looked for ways to skirt the rules, leading to the development of multiple off-the-books vehicles and creating a situation wherein the official headline figure for margin lending (around CNY2.2 trillion at the time) woefully underrepresented the actual amount of leverage behind China’s world-beating equity rally.  

    Put simply, precisely measuring the amount of shadow financing that helped China’s legions of newly-minted retail day traders make leveraged bets on the SHCOMP and Shenzhen is virtually impossible, as is determining how much of that leverage has been unwound and how much remains or has been restored thanks to Beijing’s explicit efforts to reignite the margin madness by pumping PBoC cash into CSF.

    For our part, we’ve suggested that regardless of what the actual figure is, the important point is that the unwind has probably just begun. In short: it seems unlikely that all of the leverage has been squeezed out of China’s exceedingly intricate shadow financing system. 

    As it turns out, BofAML agrees and is out with a valiant attempt to not only identify each shadow lending channel, but to quantify just how much leverage is built into the Chinese market.

    *  *  *

    From BofAML

    We estimate that margin outstanding, only from the seven channels that we can estimate reasonably, easily exceeds Rmb3.7tr. Assuming an average 1x leverage, it means that at least Rmb7.5tr market positions are being carried on margin, equivalent to some 13% of A-share’s market cap and 34% of its free float. Meanwhile, A-shares ex. banks are still trading at 36.6x 12M trailing PER. We believe that the government will struggle to hold up the market beyond a few months, unless it is prepared to let go some of its other policy objectives including RMB credibility. When the market ultimately settles at a level that can be sustained on fundamental reasons, we expect that the balance sheet of most financial institutions (FIs) may get impaired and the financial system may wobble, due to high contagion risk. 

    Leverage means relentless selling pressure.

    The seven channels mentioned above are margin financing (MF), stock collateralized lending (SCL), umbrella trust (UT), stock benefits swap (SBS), structured mutual fund (SMF), P2P and offline private fund matching. There are a few other difficult–to-estimate channels, such as banks’ corporate/personal loans that ended up in stocks, brokers’ proprietary desk and funds’ subsidiaries. We suspect that the size of these may be Rmb1-2tr. In addition, China Securities Finance Corp. (CSFC) might have borrowed Rmb1.5tr from banks & PBoC to buy stocks. All the leveraged positions may want to unwind at certain point given the inflated collateral value, in our view. Additional selling pressure may come from hedge funds with compulsory winding-down clauses, when the market heads lower.

    *  *  * 

    So there you have it – an estimated CNY3.7 trillion in still-outstanding margin via official and unofficial channels. We’ll have much more soon on how each channel is structured, where the biggest risks lie, and the broader implications not only for China’s stock market and economy, but for the renminbi as well.

    For now, we’ll leave you with the following rather ominous quote from BofAML:

    The risk is that the unwinding of the leverage will be disorderly – due to implicit guarantees behind most shadow banking financial products, investors could easily panic if they suffer from meaningful capital losses, by our assessment. 


  • Gold and Gibson's Paradox

    Submitted by Alasdair Macleod via,

    There is a myth prevalent today that the gold price always falls when interest rates rise.

    The logic is that when interest rates rise it is more expensive to hold gold, which just sits there not earning anything. And since markets discount future expectations, gold will even fall when a rise in interest rates is expected. With the Fed's Open Market Committee debating the timing of an interest rate rise to take place possibly in September, it is therefore no surprise to market commentators that the gold price continues its bear market. Only the myth is just that: a myth denied by empirical evidence.

    The chart below is of a time when the opposite was demonstrably true. From March 1971 to December 1979 the trends in both interest rates and the gold price rose and fell at the same time. It is worth noting that this occurred over more than one business cycle, so it is not a relationship which was cycle-dependant.

    Gold Interest Rates Chart

    The myth is therefore satisfactorily debunked.

    To understand why this relationship between interest rates and gold is not as simple as commonly believed, we must take the argument further to bring in commodities generally and visit the tricky subject of Gibson's Paradox. This paradox is based purely on long-run empirical evidence, when gold was transaction money, covering the two centuries between 1730 and 1930. It observes that the level of wholesale prices and interest rates are positively correlated. It is not the price relationship that is consistent with the quantity theory of money, which presupposes that interest rates correlate to the rate of price inflation instead of the price level itself. This maybe a reason why monetarists mistakenly argue, as we also discovered in the seventies, that central banks can manage the rate of inflation through interest rate policy. The common view in markets today about the relationship between interest rates and price inflation is wholly at odds with the longer-run evidence of Gibson's Paradox and accords with the more fashionable quantity theory instead.

    Gibson and his paradox are generally forgotten today, and those who centrally plan our money and markets appear unaware of the challenge it poses to their monetarist preconceptions. Keynes, no less, described Gibson's Paradox in 1930 as "one of the most completely established empirical facts in the whole field of quantitative economics", and Irving Fisher also wrote in 1930 that "no problem in economics has been more hotly debated". Even Milton Friedman agreed in 1976 that "The Gibson Paradox remains an empirical phenomenon without a theoretical explanation".*

    Resolving this paradox can be left to another time; instead we shall consider the implications by looking at price relationships between wholesale prices and interest rates in a post-gold world. The next chart is of producer prices measured in gold compared with one-year Treasury yields.

    Producer Prices Gold Chart

    I have taken the St Louis Fed's "Producer Price Index by Commodity for Crude Materials for Further Processing" to more closely reflect commodity price trends, and to reduce the additional considerations of changes in processing margins over time. The one-year interest rate is preferred to the original evidence of Gibson's Paradox, which used the yield on undated British Government Consols stock as being the only continual information on rates available, because we need to more firmly link the evidence to modern interest rate policies.

    Looking at the chart, it is hardly surprising that Gibson's Paradox was quashed from the time of the Nixon Shock in 1971, when the US unlocked a huge rise in the gold price by ending the Bretton Woods Agreement. Instead, the gold price took on a life of its own, driving down wholesale prices priced in gold for the next nine years. The rise in the index from 1980 to 2000 reflected gold's subsequent bear market when gold fell from $800 to $250, but the influence of Gibson's Paradox appears to have returned thereafter.

    This conclusion might be considered suspect; but the chart tells us that not only are producer prices at their lowest for thirty-five years when measured in sound money, the price level also coincides with zero interest rates. In theory, it accords precisely with Gibson's Paradox. So where do we go from here?

    There is only one way for interest rates to go from the zero bound, it being only a matter of time, time which according to the Fed is now running out. Commodity prices in their role as raw materials therefore seem set to rise with interest rates, if the Paradox is still valid. Furthermore, the evidence from this analysis suggests that wholesale prices are suppressed even more than the price of gold. This being the case, when the interest rate cycle turns the potential for higher raw material prices measured in dollars could be truly spectacular, even more so in the event the gold price rises at the same time, which seems likely in the event that financial markets become destabilised by higher interest rates.

    It is worth repeating at this point that the economic consensus, which adheres to the quantity theory of money and has been comforted by the apparent absence of consumer price inflation in the wake of the post-Lehman monetary expansion, takes a diametrically opposite view to that indicated by the Paradox. The prospect of a turn in the interest rate cycle is expected to drive the dollar's exchange rate higher still, weakening commodity prices and gold even further. In the language of the dealers, everyone is on the same side of the trade, meaning the dollar is technically over-bought and commodities over-sold.

    Gibson's Paradox says it will turn out otherwise, and it could be central to linking the cyclical relationship between interest rates, securities markets, and commodity prices. It becomes much easier to see how these relationships tie together. Rising interest rates would almost certainly be accompanied by a potentially large fall in overpriced bond and stock markets as speculative positions are unwound, the former even undermining bank solvency ratios.

    The flight of speculative capital from falling markets has to go somewhere, particularly if cash balances held in the banks are at a growing risk from systemic default. The Paradox tells us that these are the conditions for commodities to become the safe haven of choice for the highest levels of speculative money ever recorded since fiat currencies dispensed with their golden anchor. Ergo, Gibson's Paradox probably still holds.

    *All three quotes are taken from Barsky & Summers, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 1680, (August 1985).

  • How We Got Here – The 2008 Financial Crisis For Dummies

    It could never happen again, right?




  • Europe's New Colonialism: ECB Rejects Greek Request To Reopen Stock Market

    It has been one month since Greek capital controls were imposed, and as we explained earlier, Greece is nowhere closer to having its deposit limits lifted. In fact, with several more months of capital controls at least, the Greek banks are likely to suffer ongoing balance sheet impairments which will ultimately result in depositor bail-ins, with Germany already pushing for haircuts on deposits over €100,000.

    However, when it comes to banks there is at least still the illusion that Greece has some residual sovereignty. The reality is that it does not, as Greece is no longer an independent nation, and as of July 15, the Greek “In Dependence” day, every Greek decision needs to get pre-approval from both the ECB, Brussels and, naturally, Berlin.

    This was made very clear earlier today when Reuters reported that the Greek stock exchange will remain closed on Monday but might reopen on Tuesday after a one-month shutdown which started on June 29. “It’s certain that it will not open on Monday, maybe on Tuesday,” a spokesperson for the Athens Stock Exchange told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

    A spokesman for the Athens Stock Exchange said on Friday a proposal to reopen the bourse had been submitted to the European Central Bank for an opinion before a decision on the matter is made by the Greek finance ministry.


    Another person with direct knowledge of the matter confirmed that Greek authorities aimed to reopen the bourse on Tuesday.

    However, to understand what really happened, one should read the Bloomberg explanation, according to which it was the ECB which rejected proposals by Greek authorities to reopen country’s financial markets with no restrictions in place for both Greek and foreign traders, citing an Athens Exchange spokeswoman.

    Ministerial decree is now expected, setting some restrictions in use of money from Greek bank accounts for trading.

    And just like that, we wave goodbye to the Hellenic Republic, and greet the Mediterranean Vassal Province of Mario and Merkel. Because as of this moment, no Greek decision can be taken without the direct or indirect express prior approval of either the ECB and/or Berlin.

    Oh, and incidentally, Greece may be better off leaving its markets closed indefinitely because since the day Greece was “fixed”, the GREK ETF, which has been the only equity way to trade Greece, has sunk 15%.

    It has also managed to drag down the S&P 500 with it despite the Greek can having supposedly been kicked for at least a few more months.

    And once the locals can finally cash out of the local banks which as we explained are an assured “doughnut” for existing equity investors pending either bankruptcy or massive dilution which will wipe out all existing stakeholders (the fate of depositors depends on whether a €25 billion source of liquidity can be found in very short notice) they will, which in turn will lead to another market closure for Greek stocks, only this time it will most likely be permanent.

  • Reports Of Secret Drachma Plots Leave Tsipras Facing Fresh Crisis

    On Friday, we brought you the shocking story of the rebellion that never was in Greece. 

    According to FT, Former Greek Energy Minister and maverick among mavericks Panayotis Lafazanis convened a “secret” meeting at the Oscar Hotel in Athens on July 14 at which he attempted to convince Syriza hardliners (including, in FT’s words, “supporters of the late Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez [and some] old-fashioned communists”) to storm the Greek mint, seize the country’s currency reserves, and, if necessary, arrest central bank governor Yannis Stournaras. 


    Obviously, the plan was never implemented, but if the story is even partly true it betrays the degree to which Greece teetered on the edge of social upheaval and even civil war in the days that followed PM Alexis Tsipras’ decision to concede to creditors’ demands and abandon not only Syriza’s election mandate but the very referendum outcome he had himself campaigned for just days prior. 

    Now that Tsipras has succeeded in compelling Greek lawmakers to cede the country’s sovereignty to Brussels in exchange for the right to use the euro, tales of unrealized redenomination plots have come out of the woodwork so to speak, and now, in addition to the scheme described above and rumors that a return to the drachma was nearly financed by a loan from the Kremlin, we get a glimpse at yet another plan hatched behind the scenes, this time courtesy of a recorded conference call between Yanis Varoufakis and “members of international hedge funds.”

    Here’s the story from Kathimerini:

    Former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has claimed that he was authorized by Alexis Tsipras last December to look into a parallel payment system that would operate using wiretapped tax registration numbers (AFMs) and could eventually work as a parallel banking system, Kathimerini has learned.


    In a teleconference call with members of international hedge funds that was allegedly coordinated by former British Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont, Varoufakis claimed to have been given the okay by Tsipras last December – a month before general elections that brought SYRIZA to power – to plan a payment system that could operate in euros but which could be changed into drachmas “overnight” if necessary, Kathimerini understands.


    Varoufakis worked with a small team to prepare the plan, which would have required a staff of 1,000 to implement but did not get the final go-ahead from Tsipras to proceed, he said.


    The call took place on July 16, more than a week after Varoufakis left his post as finance minister.


    The plan would involve hijacking the AFMs of taxpayers and corporations by hacking into General Secretariat of Public Revenues website, Varoufakis told his interlocutors. This would allow the creation of a parallel system that could operate if banks were forced to close and which would allow payments to be made between third parties and the state and could eventually lead to the creation of a parallel banking system, he said.


    As the general secretariat is a system that is monitored by Greece’s creditors and is therefore difficult to access, Varoufakis said he assigned a childhood friend of his, an information technology expert who became a professor at Columbia University, to hack into the system. A week after Varouakis took over the ministry, he said the friend telephoned him and said he had “control” of the hardware but not the software “which belongs to the troika.” 


    Apparently, Varoufakis planned to take control of the computers first, then hack into the ministry’s software, steal the code, and design the parallel payments system. Here are excerpts from the call, again from Kathimerini, quoting Varoufakis:

    “The prime minister before he became PM, before we won the election in January, had given me the green light to come up with a Plan B. And I assembled a very able team, a small team as it had to be because that had to be kept completely under wraps for obvious reasons. And we had been working since the end of December or beginning of January on creating one.


    “What we planned to do was the following. There is the website of the tax office like there is in Britain and everywhere else, where citizens, taxpayers go into the website they use their tax file number and they transfer through web banking monies from the bank account to their tax file number so as to make payments on VAT, income tax and so on and so forth.


    “We were planning to create, surreptitiously, reserve accounts attached to every tax file number, without telling anyone, just to have this system in a function under wraps. And, at the touch of a button, to allow us to give PIN numbers to tax file number holders, to taxpayers. 


    “That would have created a parallel banking system while the banks were shut as a result of the ECBs aggressive action to deny us some breathing space.


    “This was very well developed and I think it would have made a very big difference because very soon we could have extended it, using apps on smartphones and it could become a functioning parallel system and of course this would be euro denominated but at the drop of a hat it could be converted to a new drachma.


    “But let me tell you – and this is quite a fascinating story – what difficulties I faced. The General Secretary of Public Revenues within my ministry is controlled fully and directly by the troika. It was not under control of my ministry, of me as minister, it was controlled by Brussels. 


    Ok, so problem number one: The general secretary of information systems on the other hand was controlled by me, as minister. I appointed a good friend of mine, a childhood friend of mine who had become professor of IT at Columbia University in the States and so on.  I put him in because I trusted him to develop this.



    “At some point, a week or so after we moved into the ministry, he calls me up and says to me: ‘You know what? I control the machines, I control the hardware but I do not control the software. The software belongs to the troika controlled General Secretary of Public Revenues. What do I do?’


    “So we decided to hack into my ministry’s own software program in order to be able break it up to just copy just to copy the code of the tax systems website onto a large computer in his office so that he can work out how to design and implement this parallel payment system.


    “And we were ready to get the green light from the PM when the banks closed in order to move into the General Secretariat of Public Revenues, which is not controlled by us but is controlled by Brussels, and to plug this laptop in and to energize the system.

    In short, Varoufakis claims Tsipras had pre-approved the creation of secret accounts for every tax filer (which, knowing Greece, might have left Varoufakis short on accounts for quite a few citizens). Greeks would be made aware of the accounts’ existence in the event the banking system ceased to function altogether, and Athens would effectively facilitate payments through the new system in defiance of the EMU. Clearly, this would not have been well received by Brussels – especially the bit about hacking their software – but ultimately, because the new system would be entirely controlled by Varoufakis’ finance ministry, it could be converted to the drachma immediately. 

    Kathimerini goes on the quote Varoufakis as saying that German FinMin Wolfgang Schaeuble intended to use Grexit as leverage to force France into supporting a system that ceded fiscal decision making to Brussels (which would of course mean giving Berlin more say over EMU countries’ finances):

    “Schaeuble has a plan. The way he described it to me is very simple. He believes that the eurozone is not sustainable as it is. He believes there has to be some fiscal transfers, some degree of political union. He believes that for that political union to work without federation, without the legitimacy that a properly elected federal parliament can render, can bestow upon an executive, it will have to be done in a very disciplinary way. And he said explicitly to me that a Grexit is going to equip him with sufficient bargaining, sufficient terrorising power in order to impose upon the French that which Paris has been resisting. And what is that? A degree of transfer of budget making powers from Paris to Brussels.”

    The new revelations raise serious concerns for Alexis Tsipras. The deep divisions within Syriza are by now well publicized, but reports of covert plans to establish parallel banking systems using tax filers’ IDs and the idea that elements within the ruling party plotted to seize billions in currency reserves and take control of the central bank have left some lawmakers demanding answers. Here’s Reuters:

    The center-right New Democracy party and the centrist To Potami and the Socialist Pasok parties, which all backed Tsipras in parliamentary votes on the bailout this month, demanded a response to the reports.


    “The revelations that are coming out raise a major political, economic and moral issue for the government which needs in-depth examination,” it said in a statement.


    “Is it true that a designated team in the finance ministry had undertaken work on a backup plan? Is it true they had planned to raid the national Mint and that they prepared for a parallel currency by hacking the tax registration numbers of the taxpayers?”


    Tsipras thus finds himself in an extraordinarily difficult spot. Passing two sets of prior bailout actions through parliament cost him dearly on the political front as more than 30 Syriza MPs defected on both votes. This means he’ll be forced to rely on the support of opposition lawmakers to govern going forward or at least until he can call for elections and get a “clean start” after the third troika program is formally in place.

    If Syriza’s political opponents come to believe that their efforts to back Tsipras on the way to keeping Greece in the euro are being subverted in secret by members of Tsipras’ own party, their support could dry up quickly leaving the PM with no support from either side of the aisle. 

    Given all of this, it’s easy to see why many analysts and commentators still belive that Grexit – and everything that comes with it both for Greece and for the EMU – is still the most likely outcome.

  • Forget Banks – GMOs Are The New "Too Big To Fail' System

    Authored by Mark Spitznagel and Nassim Nicholas Taleb, originally posted at The NY Times,

    Before the crisis that started in 2007, both of us believed that the financial system was fragile and unsustainable, contrary to the near ubiquitous analyses at the time.

    Now, there is something vastly riskier facing us, with risks that entail the survival of the global ecosystem — not the financial system. This time, the fight is against the current promotion of genetically modified organisms, or G.M.O.s.

    Our critics held that the financial system was improved thanks to the unwavering progress of science and technology, which had blessed finance with more sophisticated economic insight. But the “tail risks,” or the effect from rare but monstrously consequential events, we held, had been increasing, owing to increasing complexity and globalization. Given that almost nobody was paying attention to the risks, we set ourselves and our clients to be protected from an eventual collapse of the banking system, which subsequently happened to the benefit of those who were prepared.

    The fallacies used in the arguments against us at the time were as follows:

    First, we were said to be “against science.” Our adversaries invoked consensus among economists in favor of these methods, a serious fallacy. Had science operated solely by consensus, we would still be stuck in the Middle Ages. According to scientific practice, scientific consensus is used in telling us what theory is wrong; it cannot determine what is right. Nor can it apply to risk management, which requires much greater scrutiny.


    Second, we faced the argument that “more technology is invariably better,” a corruption of the notion of progress. In fact, only a small minority of technologies end up sticking; most fail because of some flaw identified over time.


    Third, we were told that had ideas such as ours prevailed in the past, they would have hindered risk-taking. Yet, the first rule of risk-taking is to not cross the street blindfolded.


    Fourth, toxic financial exposures were deemed to be “safe,” according to primitive risk models. But Fannie Mae went bust exactly because of overconfidence in its bad models (and, incidentally, after its bailout, appears to use the same risk models).


    Fifth, the system kept relying on “predictions,” not noticing that the past track record of predictions by central bankers and economists can be used to make astrologists look good. Yet the entire economic system rested on these flimsy predictions — while we were advocating a system that had isolated parts to withstand prediction errors.

    We were repeatedly told that there was evidence that the system was stable, that we were in “the Great Moderation,” a common practice that mistakes absence of evidence for evidence of absence. For the financial system to be viable, the solution is for it to resemble the restaurant business: decentralized, with mistakes that stay local and that cannot bring down the entire apparatus.

    As we said, the financial system nearly collapsed, but it was only money.

    We now find ourselves facing nearly the same five fallacies for our caution against the growth in popularity of G.M.O.s.

    First, there has been a tendency to label anyone who dislikes G.M.O.s as anti-science — and put them in the anti-antibiotics, antivaccine, even Luddite category. There is, of course, nothing scientific about the comparison. Nor is the scholastic invocation of a “consensus” a valid scientific argument.


    Interestingly, there are similarities between arguments that are pro-G.M.O. and snake oil, the latter having relied on a cosmetic definition of science. The charge of “therapeutic nihilism” was leveled at people who contested snake oil medicine at the turn of the 20th century. (At that time, anything with the appearance of sophistication was considered “progress.”)


    Second, we are told that a modified tomato is not different from a naturally occurring tomato. That is wrong: The statistical mechanism by which a tomato was built by nature is bottom-up, by tinkering in small steps (as with the restaurant business, distinct from contagion-prone banks). In nature, errors stay confined and, critically, isolated.


    Third, the technological salvation argument we faced in finance is also present with G.M.O.s, which are intended to “save children by providing them with vitamin-enriched rice.” The argument’s flaw is obvious: In a complex system, we do not know the causal chain, and it is better to solve a problem by the simplest method, and one that is unlikely to cause a bigger problem.


    Fourth, by leading to monoculture — which is the same in finance, where all risks became systemic — G.M.O.s threaten more than they can potentially help. Ireland’s population was decimated by the effect of monoculture during the potato famine. Just consider that the same can happen at a planetary scale.


    Fifth, and what is most worrisome, is that the risk of G.M.O.s are more severe than those of finance. They can lead to complex chains of unpredictable changes in the ecosystem, while the methods of risk management with G.M.O.s — unlike finance, where some effort was made — are not even primitive.

    The G.M.O. experiment, carried out in real time and with our entire food and ecological system as its laboratory, is perhaps the greatest case of human hubris ever. It creates yet another systemic, “too big too fail” enterprise – but one for which no bailouts will be possible when it fails.

  • Revenue Recession: Investors Are Paying Too Much For Growth, Barclays Says

    The myopia displayed by corporate America in terms of inflating short-term earnings at the expense of balance sheet leverage and long-term growth is now so pervasive that it’s become a major campaign issue for Hillary Clinton who recently unveiled a plan to forcibly break what she’s calling the “tyranny of the next earnings report” (for more on possible ulterior motives for Clinton’s decision to effectively tax shortsightedness, see here). 

    Zero Hedge readers are well aware of how ZIRP has served as a convenient excuse for price insensitive corporate management teams to borrow and plow the proceeds into EPS-inflating, equity-linked compensation-boosting buybacks. 

    This comes at a price. Capex (i.e. future productivity) and wage growth suffer even as investors are rewarded and executives are enriched.

    Of course buying back shares can obscure negative earnings trends but it can’t do anything to hide the fact that revenue growth is non existent and indeed, as FactSet reports, “the blended revenue decline for Q2 2015 is -4.0%. If this is the final revenue decline for the quarter, it will mark the first time the index has seen two consecutive quarters of year-over-year revenue declines since Q2 2009 and Q3 2009. It will also mark the largest year over-year decline in revenue since Q3 2009 (-11.5%).”

    Here with more on what certainly looks like a ‘revenue recession’ and on the excessive price investors are willing to pay for top-line growth, is Barclays.

    *  *  *

    From Barclays

    Paying for revenue growth

    Growth is not easy to find.

    In the U.S., the economy has failed to accelerate, with GDP growth stubbornly below 2.5%. It is worse in Europe and even China has slowed. Stagnant global economic growth, a strong USD, and lower oil prices have combined to cause revenue growth for the S&P 500 to fall. The first quarter of 2015 was the first quarter of negative sales growth for the S&P 500 since the financial crisis. 2Q15 is expected to be worse (Figure 2).

    Few sectors have been immune to the slow growth macro environment. Only health care continues to experience sales growth of more than 5%. Over the last 15 years there have not been many others times when only one sector was able to achieve more than 5% sales growth (Figure 3). 

    Considering the scarcity of growth it is rational for investors to pay for it. But, has the outperformance of growth gone too far? Is it now too expensive and poised to underperform? We see evidence that it is.

    In Figure 11 we show the median price-to-sales ratio for each quintile of the S&P 500 based on revenue growth. As shown, there is a substantial premium being charged for the fastest growing companies. This once again indicates that the price of growth is now high, in our opinion. 

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Today’s News July 26, 2015

  • Pre-Crime Is Upon Us – "Schools Assess Students' Threat Level" From Kindergarten Up

    Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

    Minority Report, eat your heart out. The real system is worse than anyone could have imagined.

    By now, everybody knows that the NSA and a host of other alphabet agencies are spying on Americans, collecting virtually every piece of communications data they exchange, regardless of whether or not they are “doing anything wrong.”

    But what are they doing with it?

    Apart from its value in consumer and marketing fields, the data is used to create “threat assessments” and put a black mark on the record of anyone who the authorities deem troublesome that will follow them throughout their career, and make it harder for individuals to get a job, qualify for a loan, travel, or enjoy the rights of a (now once) free society.

    MassPrivateI reports:

    Our government want us to believe that EVERY student is a potential threat and we need threat to stop them.




    Every student is given a “THREAT ASSESSMENT” by police and school administrators!


    Schools and police are using V-STAG to assess a ‘threat level:


    “The Virginia Student Threat Assessment Guidelines (V-STAG) is a school-based manualized process designed to help school administrators, mental health staff, and law enforcement officers assess and respond to threat incidents involving students in kindergarten through 12th grade and prevent student violence.”


    The war on terror is out of control! Watch out that kindergarten kid could be a threat!

    This program and others like it have been developed at the federal level, with FBI involvement, and coordinated across local, state and private organizations. The idea, unfortunately, is to implement this watch-and-flag surveillance grid across the system at every level, and with every institution that people must participate in.

    Hey, if it works for prisoners, it would be great for a once free society.

    The intent of schools to nurture children and help them to learn and grow into responsible adults has been subverted by an intrusive and paranoid surveillance system that considers every mistake to be a warning of crimes and misdeeds to come.

    And by treating everyone as a criminal before they even do anything, it probably creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    The Secret Service has the audacity to call threat assessing of kindergarten students a safety concern. “The Final Report And Findings Of The Safe School Initiative.”


    “The Safe School Initiative” was implemented through the Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center and the Department of Education’s Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program.


    Every student is being PROFILED and given a risk assessment rating, according to the Secret Services article titled “Evaluating Risk For Targeted Violence In Schools: Comparing Risk Assessment, Threat Assessment and Other Approaches.”


    What’s really being said is police and school administrators can put your kid(s) into mental health counseling which will follow them throughout their adult lives! Oddly there isn’t any mention of the school-to-prison pipeline!

    Meanwhile, this system is designed to expand throughout a student’s life and merge with other emerging “threat assessment” systems that follow adults in the general population as well.

    Colleges nationwide are using ‘Campus Teams’ to give their students sexual threat assessments, there is a “Legal Compliance and Sexual Violence Prevention Training” being held in Boston this July 27, 28th.


    “This training will address the critical intersection between compliance with federal laws to address sexual and intimate partner violence, and the role that threat assessment can play in effectively addressing these issues.”

    In adulthood, police departments and private employers are now also using threat assessment scores to profile and target against individuals who have raised red flags.

    Think it’s just those have committed crimes and demonstrated what bad people they can be? Think again. Dissidents, outspoken critics, competitors and opponents will all get flagged as the system is abused by its controllers and used to hammer down any nail that dares to stick up.

    This system will create a society of compliance and fearful people, not a free society free of crime and trouble.

    Whether or not this system can actually prevent crime remains unproven, but its ability to tarnish the record of individuals and place entire populations under preemptive suspicion is certain… and likely dangerous.



  • The Meaning Of 'Trust'

    Presented with no comment…




  • Should You Buy A House?

    Submitted by Ramsey Su via,

    Why Buy a House?

    Examining the reasons to buy a house today may give us some idea where the housing market is heading in the future.

    There are three reasons to buy a house:

    Reason 1 – Utility

    A house (any dwelling) is a shelter.  It provides enjoyment, a home to raise one’s family, or just a place to watch that big screen TV.  Utility is not quantifiable and it differs from household to household.


    Reason 2 – Savings

    If financed, a mortgage is a way of saving something every month until the mortgage is paid in full.  If paid for, the savings come in the form of “owners’ equivalent rent”, which is what the census bureau uses to measure inflation in housing.


    Reason 3 – Asset appreciation

    At 5% appreciation per year, a $100k house today will be worth $412k in 30 years. Even a more modest 3% appreciation would result in better than a double.

    house, modern


    Why Not to Buy a House

    Based on the reasons above, it appears to be a slam dunk decision.  Why would anyone not want to buy a house?  There are three obstacles:

    Obstacle 1 – Affordability

    Housing, as a percentage of household income, is too expensive.  A decade of ill-conceived government intervention and Federal Reserve accommodations prevented natural economic forces from driving house prices to equilibrium.  As a result, not only is entry difficult, but many are struggling and are stuck in dire housing traps.  Corelogic estimated that as of the 1st quarter of 2015, 10.2% of mortgages are still under water while 9.7 million households have less than 20% equity.


    Obstacle 2 – High Risk

    Say you are young couple that purchased a home two years ago, using minimal down financing.  The wife is now pregnant and the husband has an excellent career opportunity in another city.  The couple has insufficient savings and the house has not appreciated enough to facilitate a sale, which results in negative equity after selling expenses.  The house can become a trap that diminishes a life time of income stream.


    Obstacle 3 – “Dead zones”

    Say you live in the middle of the country, in Kane County Illinois.  For the privilege of living there, you pay 3% in property taxes.  That is like adding 3% to a mortgage that never gets paid down.  Your property would have to appreciate 3% per year just to break even. By the way, “appreciation” is unheard of in Kane County, good times or bad.  There are many Kane Counties in the US.  Real estate in these counties should be named something else and should not be co-mingled with other housing statistics.  Employment is continuing to trend away from these areas.  What is going to happen to real estate in these markets?



    The Kane County court house: where real estate goes to vegetate

    The factors listed above are nothing new.  They provide some perspective as to where are are heading.  Looking at each of the reasons and obstacles, they are all trending negatively.

    The country is spending too much on housing, a luxury that is made possible by irresponsible Fed policies.  50% debt to income ratios are just insane and Ms. Yellen has the gall to call mortgage lending restrictive.  Can we not see what is happening to Greece?


    Fed MBS holdings

    Mortgage backed securities held by the Federal Reserve System, a non-market central economic planning institution that is the chief instigator of house price inflation. Still growing, in spite of QE having officially ended – via Saint Louis Federal Reserve Research, click to enlarge.


    Real estate is an investment that matures over time.  The first few years are the toughest, until equity can be built up.  With appreciation slowing, not to mention the possibility of depreciation, it is taking much longer to reach financial safety.  The current base is weak, with too high a percentage of low equity and no equity ownership.  The stress of a recession, or just a few years of a flat market, can impact the economy beyond expectations.  The risks that might have been negligible once upon a time are much higher today.  Many who purchased ten years ago are still living with the consequences of that ill-timed decision today.

    By stepping back and looking at the big picture, we can see that real estate should be correcting and trending down.  The reasons why our grandparents bought their homes have changed.  Government intervention cannot last forever.  It will change from accommodation to devastation, when they finally run out of ideas.



    In summary, my working life had its origins in real estate and I am not trying to bite the hand that fed me.  However, the reality is that the circumstances that prevailed when I entered the market are non-existent today.  I seriously doubt that I would chose real estate as a career, or as an investment avenue, if I were starting over.  As for buying a house, I would consider it more of a luxury as opposed to an investment, and one has to be prepared for the possibility of it being a depreciating asset, especially if one decides to move.

  • Presenting The Most Ridiculous Things Ever Bought By Billionaires

    Despite the protestations of an indignant Ben Bernanke, seven years of global QE have not only failed to ignite the illusory “trickle down” wealth effect but have in fact served to widen the gap between the rich and the poor the world over.

    The explanation for this phenomenon is simple: when you deliberately inflate the value of the assets most likely to be concentrated in the hands of the wealthy, the class divide will grow in lockstep. 

    Perhaps the best evidence of the above can be found on Wall Street where Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein have now become billionaires. Because we wanted to do our part to help Jamie and Lloyd decide what to buy now that their wealth is virtually inexhaustible, we present the following video which counts down the 10 most absurd examples of conspicuous consumption in modern history.


  • Corporate Credit Crashing: Waiting On The Rest Of The Herd

    Submitted by Jeffrey Snider via Alhambra Investment Partners,

    With almost everything turning lower this week under “dollar” pressure, it is imperative to keep in mind the apex asset class. In 2007, it was the ABX indices and various mortgage related structures that signified the how far along everything was; in this cycle it is clearly corporate credit. The disarray starts in the riskiest pieces and then moves inward and eventually, if left unchecked, eroding too much underneath with which to support what was once believed perfectly safe. Once there is no place to hide, the turn really begins.

    Leveraged loan pricing, among the riskiest of the corporate bubble, had been somewhat tame, even unexpectedly so, as commodities ran aground under the weight of global “dollar” funding.

    ABOOK July 2015 Corp HYG

    In the past few days, however, leveraged loans (at least what is visible and represented by the index; it is very likely that less liquid issues are faring far more poorly) have been sold as have junk bonds. The market value portion of the S&P/LSTA US Leveraged Loan 100 fell 5 points just in the past two days, all the way to 965.

    ABOOK July 2015 Lev Loan

    Both junk bonds and leveraged loans are back down to prices far too close to the nadir of the last selloff in mid-December. That would seem to suggest, as UST’s (and the fast again flattening UST curve), that the broad credit and funding environment has turned far more toward that which prevailed in early December than the more benign mid-March to early May “pause.”

    Undoubtedly, there are economic concerns playing a significant part of the selloff but it may be liquidity that is the proximate catalyst (which is just another expression of those economic concerns combined with perceptions about the Fed’s proclivity to make it worse).

    ABOOK July 2015 Corp HYGREM

    The combined trend in liquidity and the apparently persistent impulse toward selling is a dangerous combination, as systemic capacity is extremely poor and the incongruence of corporate pricing to actual, non-QE delivered risk is as extreme. The divergence between this heightened form of “reach for yield” and what bearishness that beset the treasury market is beyond remarkable, as if there was open bifurcation in overall credit back in 2013. Dating to right around November 20 that year, all bonds were bid but for very different reasons.

    ABOOK July 2015 Corp Tale of Two Markets

    Corporate spreads, especially junk, compressed until the middle of last year – what a difference two years makes, as the corporate bubble is belatedly catching the warning of UST trading.

    ABOOK July 2015 Corp Baa Spreads

    The rising “dollar” has meant rising spreads, as the junk “curve” has actually retraced the entire taper euphoria. That is certainly a measure of the ongoing systemic reset for risk perceptions, but in the wider context there is perhaps a long way yet to go.

    In absolute terms, this move under the “dollar” is almost as severe as that in the middle of 2011…

    ABOOK July 2015 Derivative MS Inter v Domestic

    which triggered the renewed eurodollar decay and eventually two new QE’s: in 2011, this measure of risk spreads jumped 90 bps from February 2011 until the end of that September and the Fed’s renewed “dollar” swaps. The current decompression is already 74 bps dating back to July 2014.

    ABOOK July 2015 Corp Reach for Yield

    Again, it is the combination of liquidity (restrained and getting worse) and constant selling that ends up taking the next step.

    ABOOK July 2015 TIC Total

    ABOOK July 2015 Repo GC Repeat plus15

    The real danger is if this continues past some unknown critical mass the entire herd will turn and there won’t be much at that point to offer support – the dealers are already out as are banks more generally.

    As a reminder, the size of the “herd” really escapes imagination:

    ABOOK June 2015 Bubble Risk Subprime to Junk Lev Loans CLOs

  • In Key Decision, Junk-Rated Chicago's Pension Reform Bid Ruled Unconstitutional

    On Thursday, we previewed a critical court ruling involving Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel’s effort to cut pension expenses and plug a yawning budget gap. Here’s a brief recap of the story so far:

    Back in May, the Illinois Supreme Court set a de facto precedent for lawmakers across the country when a bid to cut pension benefits was struck down in a unanimous ruling. Anyone who might have been confused as to the significance of the decision got a wake up call from Moody’s when the ratings agency, citing the read-through for Chicago’s fiscal situation, downgraded the city to junk. This is part of a larger fiscal crisis in the country which has left almost half of US states facing funding gaps for the upcoming fiscal year. All told, the total pension shortfall across states and cities is anywhere between $1.5 trillion and $2.4 trillion depending on who you ask. 

    And here’s a recap of what was at stake in Friday’s ruling, courtesy of the Illinois Policy Institute

    A Cook County judge will rule on the legality of a 2014 pension law aimed at reforming two of Chicago’s underfunded city retirement systems. While the pension law included some much-needed reforms, such as an increase in the retirement age, if upheld the law ultimately would put Chicago residents on the hook for millions of dollars of tax increases.

    Well, those residents can relax for now, because as expected, Emanuel’s plan was determined to be unconstitutional by Rita M. Novak of the Cook County Circuit Court. The New York Times has more:

    A judge in Chicago ruled on Friday that a plan to change city workers’ pensions was unconstitutional. The case is being closely watched for its effect on the city’s uncertain finances.


    “This principle is particularly compelling where the Supreme Court’s decision is so recent, deals with such closely parallel issues and provides crystal-clear direction on the proper interpretation of the law,” Judge Novak wrote. The Constitution of Illinois provides that public pensions “shall not be diminished or impaired.”


    Pension costs in many American states and cities are growing much faster than the money available to pay them, causing a painful squeeze. Officials who try to restore balance by reducing pensions in some way are almost always sued; outcomes of these lawsuits vary widely from state to state.


    Some of the worst problems have been brewing for years in Illinois, particularly in Chicago, where the city’s pension contributions have long been set artificially low by lawmakers in Springfield, the state capital. With more and more city workers now retiring, a $20 billion deficit has materialized, and Friday’s ruling is seen as a setback to Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s efforts to close this gap and rescue Chicago’s credit rating.


    Officials in the mayor’s office said the city would appeal.


    “While we are disappointed by the trial court’s ruling, we have always recognized that this matter will ultimately be resolved by the Illinois Supreme Court,” said Chicago’s legal counsel, Stephen Patton, in a statement. “We now look forward to having our arguments heard there.”

    While we certainly understand the idea that cutting pension benefits amounts a breach of the so-called “implicit contract” between public sector employees and state and local governments, it seems as though the logic employed both by the workers and by the courts suffers from the same myopia and denial of economic realities that has helped saddle the world with a combined $19 trillion in debt. Put simply: if the pension system isn’t reformed, it will run out of money and no one will get anything. Here’s The Times again:

    “All city residents can be reassured that the Constitution — our state’s highest law — means what it says and will be respected, while city employees and retirees can be assured that their modest retirement income is protected,” said Ms. Lynch, the executive director of Afscme’s Council 31 in Chicago.


    Chicago said its pension overhaul would provide “massive net benefits” to workers if allowed to proceed. That was because the two pension funds at issue — one for laborers and one for general city workers — were heading toward certain insolvency. An insolvent system would be able to pay retirees only about 30 percent of their benefits.

    So for now, delay-and-pray wins and in all likelihood, Chicago will lose on appeal, meaning the city will sink further into insolvency while those that will be most affected when the pension ponzi finally collapses continue to object to the very reform measures that might save them. 

    Full decision below.

    Chicago Pension Ruling

  • Iran's Supreme Leader Has A Message For President Obama

    Presented with no comment…

  • Abenomics End Game: Thousands Protest In Downtown Tokyo, Demand Abe's Resignation As PM Disapproval Soars

    Considering that Shinzo Abe’s first reign as prime minister of Japan lasted precisely one year from September 26, 2006 until September 26 of the following year, when he voluntarily resigned due to diarrhea, the fact that he has managed to stay in power for nearly 3 years since ascending to power for the second time in December 2012 and unleashing the currency-crushing and market-surging policy of unprecedented debt and deficit monetization known as “Abenomics” is quite impressive.

    It also confirms that as long as the stock market keeps going higher politicians have nothing to fear even if it means a total collapse in living standards for the rest of the population.


    Yet even with the Nikkei pushing on 18 years highs, it appears that Abe may have reached his rigged market rating benefit cap, because even as the Nikkei was soaring, Abe’s approval rating was plunging.

    As we reported a month ago, “Abe Cabinet’s approval rating plunged to 39%, matching a record low, as more than half of voters oppose the new US-sanctioned military/security legislation being debated in the Diet…. As his popularity has waned, Abe has become more and more desperate to keep support and has, for the first time in 70- years, lower the minimum voting age from 21 to 18.”

    The overall decline in support was apparently attributable to the fact that 53 percent of the respondents oppose the security bills being deliberated in the Lower House. Only 29 percent support the legislation, the survey showed.


    Three constitutional law scholars said in the Lower House Commission on the Constitution on June 4 that the security legislation is unconstitutional. The Abe Cabinet countered their stance by releasing an opinion paper that said the bills do not violate the Constitution.

    Since then things have gone from bad to worse for Abe, whose popularity rating last week plunged to a record low, while the number of Japanese citizens who disapprove of his policies has finally surpassed 50%, and rose to 52.6% in a Sankei poll, while the poll shown below shows approval at just under 38% while dispparoval at 52%.


    It spilled over last night when after years of growing resentment to their premier who panders to the rich, to big exporters, to the Japanese military-industrial complex, and of course, to the US government and Goldman Sachs (whose idea Abenomics was from the very beginning) thousands of protestors rallied Friday night in downtown Tokyo in a campaign of “Say no to the Abe government,” targeting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s “runaway” policy. The protestors gathered at the Hibiya Park, Diet building and the prime minister’s official residence, shouting “Abe step down,” “definitely oppose war” and “protect constitution.”

    People hold up signs saying “No to the Abe administration” in a gathering at Hibiya Park in Tokyo on July 24, 2015. They expressed opposition to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s policies on a wide range of issues such as national security bills, the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade initiative and the planned relocation of a U.S. military base within Okinawa Prefecture.

    [Photos: Imagine China]

    According to CRI, the anger of the Japanese population was sparked ever since the Abe administration started to push forward a series of controversial security-related bills in parliament debates.

    On Friday, the Japanese bicameral Diet decided to set up a special panel at the upper house to debate the security bills. The legislation package was rammed through the lower house last week.


    The bills, if enacted, will allow Japan’s Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to exercise the right to collective self-defense, but Japan’s war-renouncing constitution bans the SDF from doing so.

    Japan’s former prime minister Tomiichi Murayama, who delivered a speech Thursday evening during a rally near the Diet, again participated in Friday’s demonstration, criticizing Prime Minister Abe for carrying out an autocratic politics and defying Japan’s democratic system.

    The former prime minister, who is famous for his 1995 statement offering an apology to countries that suffered Japan’s wartime atrocities, stressed that it is very proud for Japan to renounce war under the pacifism constitution.


    The security bills will be discussed at the upper house special panel from Monday. Latest polls showed that majority of Japanese people opposed the bills and about 90 percent of Japanese constitutional experts said the bills are unconstitutional.

    In the immediate aftermath of the forced passage the controversial bills in the lower house Abe’s approval rate tumbled 10 percentage points immediately while the disapproval rate surged to over 50 percent. 

    So what happens next? Unless Abe relents and pockets his military expansion ambitions, it is very likely that another massive, and career ending, blast of diarrhea is in the prime minister’s immediate future.

    But first, as we said one month ago, and now as others admit, Abe will do everything in his power to, well, stay in power. Which is quite limited, i.e., print more.

    As Bloomberg reports, expectations for further BOJ easing may increase amid a falling approval rating of PM Abe’s Cabinet, says Daisaku Ueno, Tokyo-based chief currency strategist at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities, in an interview. Uen adds that market participants are focusing on whether Cabinet’s approval rating can maintain key 30% level amid possible passage by upper house of security bills this summer and ahead of upper house elections in July 2016.

    His assessment: there is rising risk that BOJ will be pressured to ease policy further in autumn when govt is likely to struggle to find funding sources for its budgets.

    Which reveals one more important aspect of QE: in addition to being the only catalyst pushing stocks to record highs even as the global economy slides into recession if not outright depression, it has become the new normal politicians’ favorite and only means of holding on to power: if ratings plunge, print; if they continue plunging, print some more.

    By the time Abe is finally booted out of power, peacefully or otherwise, the Yen may well be at 200 which in turn will be the catalyst that finally destroys the already careening Japanese economy. But destroyed cataclysm and demographic disaster aside, at least the Nikkei will have hit all time record highs.

  • Trump & The Political Risk Of A 3rd Party In 2016

    Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,



    Historically, it has always been the Republican Party that splits. It has been a odd mixture of liberalism from the viewpoint of citizen rights before those of the government and the original constitutional goal of preserving the sovereignty of the states v the the Federalists. This liberal view has often taken the position of Libertarian whereas the so called “liberal” view of the Democrats is not liberal at all, it is liberal with other people’s money in the battle-cry of Marxism. This Republican “libertarian-ism” is what Trump is tapping into as is Bernie Sanders in the Democratic party. Both the traditional Republicans are owned by the NY banks as is Hillary Clinton, in who more people now distrust Hilary than trust her.



    This Republican “libertarian-ism” actually traces back to Thomas Jefferson – the ultimate anti-Federalist. Jefferson championed the Bill of Rights that both the Republicans and the Democrats no longer respect as demonstrated by Obama’s actions being indistinguishable from Bush regarding the NSA and both sides called Snowden a traitor.



    The humility of Jefferson further showing his Libertarian views can be demonstrated simply by reading his tombstone.  There is no mention of him being President of the United States. His accomplishments regarding liberty and for his home state are duly noted. He omitted any mention of being President since he was an anti-Federalist.

    The Party Republicans are  dreaming of chasing Donald Trump away since he is dominating the agenda and they want this to be politics as usual. What they fail to grasp is the rising resentment of politicians is the resurgence of Jeffersonian Libertarian-ism. Personally, I seriously doubt that mainstream Republicans will even allow Trump to take their ticket. I cannot imagine John Bohner not engaging in some covert action to try to prevent a Republican Trump ticket.

    The Republicans keep publicly rebuking the Trump for his inflammatory comments, yet he climbs in the polls. The very reason the majority of Democrats distrust Hillary Clinton is the foundation as to why Trump is so popular. They at least know he is not beholding to Goldman Sachs as both Bush and Hillary are most assuredly. There is no doubt that a Bush or Hillary victory in 2016 will be indistinguishable for both will represent business as usual.

    Where Rand Paul could have been a real contender, he seems to have lost his appeal for he too is trying to stay within the party and play politics as usual. The Republicans could chase Trump out and we could end up with a Trump third-party Libertarian surge. That would be the potential nightmare scenario for the GOP which our computer has been warning about for decades into 2016. NO, we are not advising Trump to answer the questions on this topic.

    A populist outsider with unlimited resources attacking the Republican and Democrat nominees in the general election will be perhaps the most interesting presidential election of all time. This will be really raising political hell and our computer has been projecting just that but at the same time a rise in the people voting for 2016 attracting votes from both Democrats fed up with Hillary and Republicans tired of politics as usual.

    The Republican Party mainstream establishment are out of touch and are not in tune with what is really happening. They cannot grasp they the emperor has no clothes. They are playing with disaster by trying to go after Donald Trump minimizing him and excluding him. They cannot see that times are changing – out with the old and in with the new.


    Trump has become a their favorite punching bag since launching his White House campaign. Questioning Sen. John McCain as a war hero was really spot on. He said:

    • Trump: “He’s not a war hero.”
    • Frank Luntz, interjecting: “He IS a war hero.”
    • Trump, chewing on his words, speaking quickly, with annoyance: “He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, OK?”

    A person who was a true War Hero did something magnanimous. McCain himself has acknowledged that he was a less-than-stellar Skyhawk pilot. He was a bit too reckless, and, had he made better decisions, might have avoided his shoot-down in 1967. Being captured does NOT make someone a war hero. If that is the standard, then it diminishes all those who received the Congressional Medal of Honor for being a real hero. So Trump was actually very correct and any Vet who respects those who went beyond the call of duty to save their fellow soldiers would agree calling McCain a war hero tarnishes the memory those who died saving their comrades by placing McCain in the same category. Sorry – Trump was right on that one.

    Trump has repeatedly declined to rule out a third-party White House run, saying in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper earlier this month that he’s constantly being asked to run as an independent. He has said that his decision to run as an Independent will depend on “how I’m being treated by the Republicans.”

    If Trump took up a Third-Party, it might be the biggest shot we have at saving the country insofar as it would at least turn Capitol Hill into a new playing field. It really would not matter who the Third-Party candidate would be, Washington needs to be shaken and stirred vigorously to let these people know being a “representative” is supposed to be OF THE PEOPLE, not of yourself, the Party, and government. Whatever it takes to upset the apple-cart, at this point, we need rather desperately for we are headed in a direction that will destroy our future and these morons are demonstrating that they do not get it and are pissed off at Trump for not playing their game of never telling anything the way it is, sugar coat everything, promise the moon, and deliver nothing.


  • Took 'Em Long Enough

    Barron’s just now, some 4+ years after Zero Hedge first called it out, presented with no further comment:

    ZH Note:  From “fringe bloggers” in August 2011

  • How Janet Yellen Is Orchestrating Her Own 'Big Crisis' Moment


    Janet Yellen seems to be absolutely obsessed with increasing the benchmark interest rates in the USA as she desperately tries to put her stamp on her legislature as Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve. Even though the American economy definitely isn’t as strong as she thinks it is – the increases in employment are mainly due to part-time jobs which aren’t even sufficient to cover the costs of life – Yellen is determined to increase the interest rate which has been at a historical low since the Global Financial Crisis erupted (see next image).

    Yellen Fed Funds Rate

    Source: Trading Economics

    This could have a devastating effect and in this article we will investigate the impact on a) the government finances and b) the stock market as a whole.

    But first, allow us to start with a general remark. The past few chairmen of the Federal Reserve have always created their own crises during their tenure, only to try to solve those crises themselves to go out with a bang. Ben Bernanke said there was no bubble in the housing prices and a few decades before Alan Greenspan had to ‘solve’ the 1987 crash, only to create his own technology bubble in the 2000’s.

    But, let’s go back to today’s situation. The Fed Funds Rate is at an all-time low and this results in lower borrowing costs for both the US government and the companies as the cost of debt is going down due to a lower risk-free interest rate. The interest expenses for the US government are now only marginally higher than 5 years ago, even though its total government debt has increased by 80% to $18T. The symbolic barrier of the government debt/GDP ratio of 100% has been reached a while ago, and now the risk of the snowball-effect is very realistic.

    Yellen US Debt

    Source: ibidem

    So, let’s keep it realistic and assume the total borrowing cost for the US government will increase by 1%. Nothing shocking, just one miserable percent. That’s absolutely not outrageous as the current interest on the 10 year government bond is 2.27%, but was more than twice as high in 2007, when it topped the 5%.

    10Y T note

    If the interest rate increases by one measly percent, the US will have to pay $180B in additional interest expenses. $180B. That’s approximately $560 per American citizen but as not every American pays taxes (kids for instance have no income and can’t pay taxes), it might be a more useful exercise to see what the impact would be per American.

    According to the St Louis Fed, there are approximately 205 million Americans in the ‘working age population’ category. So if the US government would push the higher cost of debt on the taxpayers, a working American would have to pay almost $900 per year in additional taxes. And that’s just to cover the increased interest rate and doesn’t contribute a single dollar to reduce the government’s budget deficit.

    The $900 per working person will have to come from somewhere, so it means the consumption pattern will change resulting in a lower purchasing power per person, lower demand for products and this a higher unemployment rate. A higher unemployment rate would mean those who still are working would see their taxes increase once again, and yes, a vicious circle is born!

    And it’s not just the public debt that is worrying us, but the corporate debt is also on the rise. Due to the low interest rates, companies have issued a record amount of debt. Not to make smart and strategic acquisitions, no. The majority of the debt was used to reward their shareholders with special dividends and share repurchases.

    Yellen FactSet

    Source: FactSet

    Not only will that debt have to be repaid, it will very likely have to be refinanced as well. And yes, once the interest rates start to increase again, it will be much more expensive to refinance that existing debt. We tried to find out how much debt the S&P500 will have to repay before the end of this decade, and the results are shocking.

    Yellen Debt S&P

    Source: JP Morgan and Bloomberg

    As you can see on the previous image, S&P 500 members will have to refinance approximately $2.5 TRILLION in the 2016-2020 timeframe. So if the interest rate increases by 1%, it will cost them $25B in additional interest expenses. But as the interest rates on corporate bonds usually increases faster than on government bonds, the damage will be much higher. A 1.75% yield increase means the S&P 500 companies will have to cough up almost $45B in interest expenses. Per year.

    Let’s single out one company as an example. According to the most recent balance sheet, General Electric has $250B in debt on its balance sheet. If the company would see the cost of debt increase by just 100 base points, it would result in an $2.5B higher interest expense. If you’d use an 1.75% higher cost of debt, General Electric would lose an additional $4.4B per year in interest expenses, resulting in a 25% drop in the pre-tax profit! And how do you think the market will react if companies would start to report double-digit net profit drops?

    Our bet: Janet Yellen is so obsessed with increasing the interest rates she doesn’t look at the bigger picture. The profit increases at the stock markets will come to a screeching halt and once the increased interest rate trickles down to the corporate debt market, most companies will see their profits drop by a double digit percentage.

    Yellen will push the domestic economy over a cliff, will then do her best to save the world right before the end of her tenure to start a successful career in giving lectures, at $200,000 a pop.

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  • "Jihadi John" Fears "Jealous" Terrorists Will Kill Him, Leaves ISIS

    When Top Gear front man Jeremy Clarkson left the show, the crowds of fanatical followers faded fast. When Zayn left One Direction, the band's insatiable devotees started to question their faith in the boy band's message. And so, as IB Times reports, the exodus of ISIS front-man "Jihadi John" from the terror group – citing irreconcilable differences with his "jealous" former terrorist colleagues – one wonders if the cracks of caliphate are starting to show…


    Britain's notorious, Kuwaiti-born, terrorist Mohammed Emwazi – known as Jihadi John – is on the run in Syria fearing the Islamist regime is going to kill him. As IB Times reports, Emwazi, from west London, is said to have been terrified by the publicity after he was identified as the murderer of British and American hostages.

    He may have joined a less well-known jihadist group somewhere in Syria, to try to keep a low profile.


    The Mirror reports that Emwazi is scared that "jealous" members of Islamic State may attack him, as well as being frightened of the British and US special forces hunting for him in the Middle East.


    The extremist is wanted for the gruesome killings of journalists and aid workers Stephen Sotloff, James Foley, David Haines, Alan Henning and Peter Kassig.


    Members of the SAS and US special forces have reportedly been given orders to capture Emwazi so he can be placed on trial, or to kill him if taking him prisoner is not practical.

    *  *  *
    It appears, perhaps, that Emwazi, who changed his name via deed poll, got too big for the ISIS 'band' and has not appeared in an Islamic State propaganda video, since Japanese journalist Kenji Goto was executed.

  • It's Official: The Bar Can No Longer Be Lowered

    Via The New Yorker’s Andy Borowitz,

    A group of scholars who have been monitoring the descent of the bar over the past few decades have concluded that the bar can no longer be lowered, the scholars announced on Friday.

    The academics, led by Professor Davis Logsdon, of the University of Minnesota, published their conclusion after their research definitively found that the bar had finally dropped to its lowest possible position.

    “For those who thought the bar still had room to be lowered, our findings resoundingly contradict that assumption,” Logsdon said. “The bar is now essentially flush with the ground.”

    Logsdon acknowledged that he and his fellow scholars have come under fire in the past for claiming that the bar could not be further lowered, specifically when they issued a paper to that effect after the selection of the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee in 2008.

    “We got that one wrong,” he said. “Clearly, the bar still had a way to go.”

    Now that the issue of whether the bar can be further lowered has been settled, Logsdon and his colleagues plan to examine the question of whether there is anything left to scrape at the bottom of the barrel. “Our findings are preliminary, but it appears that the answer is no,” he said.

    *  *  *

  • The Junk Bond Heatmap Has Not Been This Red In A Long Time

    It has been a tough year for equity investors: nearly seven months in and the S&P 500 has been caught in what may be its narrowest trading range in history, fluctuating between unchanged and up 4% for the year for the past 6 months (which is not unexpected for those who have said the only thing that matters for the US market is the growth, or lack thereof, of the Fed’s balance sheet).


    But while stock investors have nothing to write home about, and even less to expect in year-end bonuses (at least until Yellen inevitably launches QE4), for junk debt investors, especially those still holding energy bonds, the last 8 months has been a horrific roller coaster as can be seen on the chart below, which shows that energy credit spreads are once again on the verge of blowing out through 1000 bps.


    But for those equity investors caught in the artificial glare of the goalseeked stock market to appreciate how truly ugly it has gotten in the junk bond space, here is a heat map showing the YTD change in junk bond prices (relative box size indicates total outstanding debt amount) when seen in terms of either the 31 subsectors.


    … or the 805 issuer companies that make up Citi’s junk bond tracking universe.


    At some point, investors (using other people’s money) will tire of throwing good money after bad hoping to time the bottom tick in oil just right (and if oil tumbles in the $30, that may be just that moment) at which point the commodity capitulation which we noted previously, will spread away from just commodities and junk bonds, and spread to all sectors and products, including stocks. We can only hope this does not coincide with the Fed’s increasingly more amusing desire to rate hike imminently.

  • BRICS Bank, AIIB Pledge Partnership, Loans To Be Issued In Yuan

    Over the first half of the year, we’ve built on several narratives that we believe are critical when it comes to understanding how the intersection of geopolitics and economics is set to shape the world going forward.

    One of these narratives revolves around the extent to which three China-led ventures are set to supplant traditionally dominant supranational lenders on the way to embedding the yuan in international trade and investment. 

    The new ventures are the BRICS bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the Silk Road Fund. We’ve discussed each of these at length and we’ve also shown that in one way or another, they all represent a shift away from the multilateral institutions that have dominated the post-war economic order. 

    In short, they are a response not only to the IMF’s failure to provide the world’s most important emerging economies with representation that’s commensurate with their economic clout, but also to the perceived shortcomings of the IMF and ADB. In other words, they are far more than a new foreign policy tool for Beijing to deploy on the way to cementing its status as regional hegemon.

    The role of these new institutions in helping the yuan to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency (something which many still claim is an absurd proposition despite all evidence to the contrary) was made clear when, in April, we noted that although Beijing has sought to play down the degree to which the ventures will serve to help establish a new world economic order with China at the helm, the fact that Beijing “may encourage the $100b AIIB and $40b Silk Road Fund to issue loans directly in yuan” (via Bloomberg) and the fact that “the AIIB will establish a currency basket with China set to push for the yuan to take a prominent role” (via The South China Morning Post) suggested otherwise.

    Now that the AIIB and the BRICS bank have officially launched (see here and here) and are expected to begin operations soon, it appears that not only will the yuan play a key role for both lenders, but in fact, the two development banks may effectively merge. Here’s more via The BRICS Post:

    The BRICS New Development Bank will name its first investment in April next year and the first loan will be issued in yuan not dollar, top officials confirmed.


    The first president of the Bank, Kundapur Vaman Kamath said in Shanghai that the new lender will work closely with the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.


    “We have partnerships that we will forge with the AIIB, the national loan banks and indeed, the existing market loan banks,” he said.


    The NDB with about $50 billion in capital to invest in public infrastructure will compete with institutions where the US has considerably more influence—organizations such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.


    The paid-in reserves are planned to be denominated in each country’s currency. The Chinese renmimbi is also expected to replace the dollar at the BRICS Bank, especially for projects in Asia.

    And that is your de-dollarization du jour. While the IMF (and by extension, Washington) bickers with Berlin about just what went wrong with Greece’s first two bailouts and whether or not the third iteration is feasible without massive writedowns, the world’s new multilateral institutions are busy planning to make development loans in yuan. We’ll close with the following quote from Nomura’s Richard Koo:

    It is difficult to say at this point whether the AIIB will have a negative or a positive impact on the global economy. At the very least, however, the emergence of an international institution with a viewpoint different from that of western creditors will help enhance the quality of debate over emerging economies’ debt problems.

  • Venezuela's Hyperinflation Crack-Up Boom On Its Way To Outer Space

    Submitted by Pater Tenebrarum via,

    Why Stock Markets Are Not an Indicator of the Economy

    In a free unhampered market economy based on a sound monetary system – this is to say a market-chosen monetary system with a free banking industry and no central planning institution that is manipulating interest rates and determining the size of the money supply – the gains and losses of shares prices in the stock market will simply be a reflection of entrepreneurial profits achieved in the past, plus embedded expectations of profits likely to be achieved in the future.



    Nicolas Maduro, the hapless president of socialist Venezuela, here seen hung with all sorts of bling supposed to testify to his achievements.

    Photo credit: Prensa Presidencial

    Under the assumption that such a free market money system would be largely non-inflationary, this mixture of “historical record” and expectations would primarily be expressed by the relative prices of shares. The bulk of the returns achieved by investors would come from dividend payments, as a general inflation of “the market” would be nigh impossible.

    And yet, although the stock market as a whole would barely appreciate in price in nominal terms, the gains achieved in real terms as well as real economic growth, would be far stronger than they are under our current, centrally planned system of constant inflation. Moreover, economic progress would be far more equitable as well, as the reverse redistribution of wealth caused by inflationary policy wouldn’t exist.

    This is why a rising stock market tells us absolutely nothing about the state of the underlying economy in the present inflationary system. In fact, we once again have a real life example providing ample empirical confirmation of this assertion. Venezuela’s economy is in free-fall. Its desperate socialist government, in an attempt to satisfy the masses of voters who have voted for it in order to receive handouts, is resorting to ever more repressive economic policy and money printing on a truly gargantuan scale to at least keep up the appearance that bread and circuses will continue. It has long lost the last shred of credibility, as shortages of basic goods have become the major hallmark of the country’s economy.

    However, amid capital controls and a collapse of Venezuela’s currency on the “black” market, the country’s stock market is soaring:


    1-IBC General, log scale

    The IBC General Index in Caracas, monthly, log scale – click to enlarge.

    Since the beginning of 2015, the Caracas stock market is up by more than 300% – note that this index was trading at a mere 6 points in 2002 and currently stands at nearly 15,000 points. This is what is indicative of a crack-up boom – as the currency system implodes, a flight into real assets is underway and titles to capital are soaring in value when measured in terms of the currency that is about to cease functioning as a medium of exchange. This is happening in spite of the fact that most of the businesses behind the stocks listed on the exchange are in fact consuming their capital and are no longer making any real profits.

    A linear chart of the index shows the size of recent advance even more starkly:


    2-IBC General, linear candles

    IBC General Index monthly, linear chart – click to enlarge.


    Currency Collapse

    With oil prices under great pressure, the government of Venezuela can no longer finance its socialist program. Having nationalized countless companies and replaced their managers with cronies of the ruling party, while restricting the remaining private sector in every imaginable way – de facto creating a full command economy that is a mixture of the Marxist and fascist economic models, i.e. a mixture of Marxist state-ownership of the means of production with a fascist Zwangswirtschaft (literally: “coerced economy”) for what remains of the market economy – there is no way for the government to obtain the revenue it needs to keep its socialist system funded.

    Consequently, the only source of revenue for the government is the printing press of its central bank, which it is abusing quite liberally. There are several fixed exchange rates for the Venezuelan bolivar, which have long ceased to make even the faintest shred of sense. The reality is better reflected by black market exchange rates. keeps data on the black market in US dollars in the border town of Cucuta, which we are charting further below. In recent months, the bolivar has been in free-fall.



    Headquarters of the Central Bank of Venezuela in Caracas

    Photo credit: Caracasapie

    The plunge in the currency’s external value has become relentless:


    3-Venezuelan Bolivar

    Black market rate of the Venezuelan bolivar against the US dollar in the border town of Cucuta. The collapse of the currency is accelerating – click to enlarge.


    Venezuela’s official inflation data lack credibility, but even so they are giving an idea of how quickly the currency is depreciating internally as well. Below we show a chart of the official consumer price index from late 2007 to the end of 2014, based to 100 in December of 2007:


    4-Venezuela CPI

    Venezuela’s official consumer price index between December 2007 (=100) to December 2014. More recent data are not available yet (it is probably no surprise that there is some foot-dragging with respect to these data releases). In December 2014, the official annualized inflation rate had accelerated to a new high of 68.5%. We imagine that even the official rate of change of CPI must by now be well over 100% – click to enlarge.

    We don’t know what the actual rate of price inflation is at this time, but it seems likely that is is a multiple of the official rate. The recent increase in stock prices is in fact providing us with a good hint.



    Venezuela’s hyperinflation is reaching its final stages. It is probably already far too late for the government to stop the complete collapse of its currency. The bolivar is in the process of transforming from a medium of exchange to tinder for wood-stoves. Venezuelans who had the presence of mind to convert their savings into gold or foreign currency in good time are likely to survive the conflagration intact.

    Those who bought stocks on the Caracas stock exchange seem to have successfully side-stepped the effects of the devaluation as well, but they need a plan for the post-inflation adjustment crisis, which will bankrupt a great many companies very quickly. Also, the government can simply close the market down at any time if it doesn’t like what is happening there, so there is the ever-present danger of even more government interference as well.

    It is quite fascinating to see that in spite of numerous examples throughout history, governments never seem to learn. They all believe they can somehow overrule economic laws by diktat. This is not only true of Venezuela’s government, but of practically every government in today’s world. Central planning of money has been adopted everywhere. Venezuela merely shows us what the end game for every fiat money system looks like.

    At some point the State is overwhelmed by the promises it has made to its citizens. When it can no longer pay by means of confiscating private wealth, the printing press is always the last resort. Recently one actually gets the impression that it is often the first, rather than the last resort.

    In developed countries, people believe that the planners have everything in hand, and that their “price stabilization” rules will protect them from such outcomes. However, it should be clear that these rules will simply be abandoned in extremis. The independence of central banks exists only on paper – it will mean nothing in a perceived “emergency”. It is almost comical in this context that gold is being sold while most of the world’s major central banks are seemingly hell-bent on aping John Law’s Banque Générale Privée.



    Paper money endorsed by John Law – the grand-daddy of the hoary inflationism that has become the economic orthodoxy of modern times.

  • Hillary Agrees To Testify Publicly Over Benghazi Deaths

    With the FBI and DoJ now involved in yet another Hillary Clinton scandal – that she sent confidential emails from her personal email server – it seems the 'presidential' former Secretary of State has felt pressured to come somewhat clean. While some might argue "what difference does it make?" The Washington Post reports that Hillary Rodham Clinton will testify on Oct. 22 before the House select committee investigating her role in connection with the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya. The testimony – before the committee formed last year – will be in a open setting (apparently against the wishes for privacy that committee chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy initially requested).

    As The Washington Post details,

    Hillary Rodham Clinton will testify on Oct. 22 before the House select committee investigating her role in connection with the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said Saturday.


    The testimony will be public, Merrill said. It follows months of wrangling between the Republican-led committee and Clinton, whose allies accuse the panel of conducting a fishing expedition for damaging material that might be used against her as she runs for president in 2016.


    Clinton had long offered to testify in public, but the committee chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, had initially said he preferred a private interview. Although he said he was trying to keep the session from becoming a circus, Clinton's team objected on grounds that a closed session could allow Republicans to selectively leak unflattering details.


    Clinton's lawyer has also accused the committee of trying to drag out its investigation into 2016, the better to use it as a cudgel against the Democratic front-runner.


    U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three others were killed when militants overran two U.S. compounds in the restive Libyan city in September 2012, in the waning months of Clinton's term as secretary of state. She has long said she had no direct role in security decisions surrounding the U.S. facilities, but Republican critics claim that her State Department denied protections that might have prevented the attack.

    A spokesman for the committee said Clinton's lawyer sent a message last night to negotiate Clinton's appearance before the panel, requesting that the questioning be limited to the events surrounding the Benghazi attack.

    The committee says it disagrees, arguing that Clinton's email arrangement is relevant to the inquiry.

    Statement from Select Committee Communications Director Regarding Clinton Testimony

    Washington, DC— The Select Committee Communications Director Jamal Ware released this statement regarding reports about for Secretary Clinton’s testimony before the Committee:


    “Secretary Clinton's campaign may want to reach out to her lawyer, Mr. David Kendall, with whom the Committee has had ongoing conversations. As of last night, Mr. Kendall was still negotiating conditions for her appearance, writing: "The first is that, on the grounds of simple fairness and in order to make appropriate preparation possible, the scope of the questioning be consistent with the scope set forth in the resolution establishing the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi (H.Res. 567 (113th Cong. 2013-14))." The second condition was that despite the fact that the Department of State has been woefully recalcitrant in producing relevant documents, the hearing date would not change.


    “Previously, Mr. Kendall had agreed, while insisting she would appear only a single time before the Committee, that Secretary Clinton would answer all questions the Committee had about Libya, Benghazi, and her unusual email arrangement with herself.


    “Her email arrangement clearly falls within the scope of the Select Committee's jurisdiction, which is charged by the House under the Resolution to look at Executive Branch efforts to comply with congressional oversight as well as the administration's response in the aftermath of the tragic attacks in Benghazi.


    The Committee will not, now or ever, accept artificial limitations on its congressionally-directed jurisdiction or efforts to meet the responsibilities assigned to the Committee by the House of Representatives. Accordingly, once there is an agreement on the date and a better understanding of how, if at all, Secretary Clinton's lawyer's latest writing differs from previous ones, the Committee will announce said hearing date.

    Of course, given that she already lied…

    “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material,” Mrs. Clinton told reporters in March. “I’m certainly aware of the classified requirements and did not send classified material.”


    Today's data confirms that the former first lady lied and has indeed used her email to send out confidential data on at least one occasion, or rather four:


    "In a letter to members of Congress on Thursday, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community concluded that Mrs. Clinton’s email contains material from the intelligence community that should have been considered “secret” at the time it was sent, the second-highest level of classification. A copy of the letter to Congress was provided to The Wall Street Journal by a spokeswoman for the Inspector General."


    But the shocker is that the 4 emails were revealed when the Inspector General scoured through just 30 of Hillary's emails, suggeting that based on this random sample, Clinton was sending confidential data well over 10% of the time from her personal account!


    "The four emails in question “were classified when they were sent and are classified now,” said Andrea Williams, a spokeswoman for the inspector general. The inspector general reviewed just a small sample totaling about 40 emails in Mrs. Clinton’s inbox—meaning that many more in the trove of more than 30,000 may contain potentially secret or top-secret information."

    How can we trust that she will not simply lie once more…under oath.

  • Bubble, Bubble, Toil, & Trouble: When Authorities Buy Assets To Prop Up Markets

    Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

    The Central Planners who thought that buying shares to prop up the stock bubble was an excellent fix are about to find out the true meaning of toil and trouble.

    The actual line from Shakespeare's Macbeth is double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn, and cauldron bubble but for the purposes of analyzing what happens when authorities prop up market bubbles by directly buying assets, bubble, bubble, toil and trouble is also appropriate.

    China's authorities seem to have chanted Shakespeare's magical incantation nonstop this year, as the Shenzhen and other Chinese stock market indices have more than doubled. This chart illustrates what the Chinese authorities were aiming for: a bubble that just keeps expanding and never pops:

    But what actually happened was predictable: China's stock bubble burst. In response, Chinese authorities threw everything within reach into the market to stem the decline: criminalizing negative comments about stocks, loosening credit, enabling greater fools to post their homes as collateral for margin accounts, and the last and chillingly irreversible tool in the Central Planning Bubble Inflation Tool Kit, direct purchases of stocks: China Spends 10% Of GDP On "All Bark, No Bite" Stock Bailout:

    In gambling parlance, Chinese authorities doubled-down on their bet (there's your double, double) that they could save their bubble, bubble.

    The problem is that double, double leads to bubble, bubble which leads to double trouble, because once you start down the path of buying assets to prop up bubbly markets, there is no exit.

    As Sartre noted in No Exit, Hell is other people, which in the case of China's imploding stock bubble includes all the banana vendors who are now itching to sell Centrally Planned rallies to get their borrowed money off the table before the ball drops into a slot on the roulette wheel and they lose everything.

    Having accepted the poisoned chalice of buyer of last resort, Central Planners have no choice but to buy every share sold by every banana vendor who wants out.

    In other markets, the sellers might be hedge funds, private equity funds, pension funds or insurance companies. But the dynamic of private sellers realizing it's time to get out while the getting's good is the same in all post-bubble markets.

    That leaves Central Planners in a world of toil and trouble that is much like a financial Roach Motel–you can go in but you can't get out. The Central Planning fantasy is that after buying a huge chunk of the market to stabilize the bubble, private buyers will rush back in, allowing Central Planners to distribute (sell) their shares to the credulous banana vendors, pension funds, towns in Norway still sitting on the mortgage-backed securities they bought in the previous bubble, etc.

    This fantasy overlooks human psychology. A bubble is not just financial; it is a bubble of euphoria, confidence and greed. Once that bubble pops and is replaced by caution and fear, people want out–not just fickle banana vendors but professional asset managers.

    Central Planners have taken on an impossible task once they become the buyer of last resort: they have to keep buying to prop up valuations, but the pool of greater fools willing to take the inflated shares off the central planners is shrinking.

    The Central Planners can keep the market cauldron bubbling by buying assets hand over fist, but once they lower the fire of their buying, the bubbling stops and the market crashes.

    The Central Planners who thought that buying shares to prop up the stock bubble was an excellent fix are about to find out the true meaning of toil and trouble. Double, double, bubble, bubble, double trouble. The magical incantation isn't about saving markets, it's about destroying them.

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Today’s News July 25, 2015

  • Paul Craig Roberts: The Eroding Character Of The American People

    Submitted by Paul Craig Roberts,

    How can the life of such a man
    Be in the palm of some fool’s hand?
    To see him obviously framed
    Couldn’t help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land
    Where justice is a game.—Bob Dylan, “Hurricane”

    Attorney John W. Whitehead opens a recent posting on his Rutherford Institute website with these words from a song by Bob Dylan. Why don’t all of us feel ashamed? Why only Bob Dylan?

    I wonder how many of Bob Dylan’s fans understand what he is telling them. American justice has nothing to do with innocence or guilt. It only has to do with the prosecutor’s conviction rate, which builds his political career. Considering the gullibility of the American people, American jurors are the last people to whom an innocent defendant should trust his fate. The jury will betray the innocent almost every time.

    As Lawrence Stratton and I show in our book (2000, 2008) there is no justice in America. We titled our book, “How the Law Was Lost.” It is a description of how the protective features in law that made law a shield of the innocent was transformed over time into a weapon in the hands of the government, a weapon used against the people. The loss of law as a shield occurred prior to 9/11, which “our representative government” used to construct a police state.

    The marketing department of our publisher did not appreciate our title and instead came up with “The Tyranny of Good Intentions.” We asked what this title meant. The marketing department answered that we showed that the war on crime, which gave us the abuses of RICO, the war on child abusers, which gave us show trials of total innocents that bested Joseph Stalin’s show trials of the heroes of the Bolshevik Revolution, and the war on drugs, which gave “Freedom and Democracy America” broken families and by far the highest incarceration rate in the world all resulted from good intentions to combat crime, to combat drugs, and to combat child abuse. The publisher’s title apparently succeeded, because 15 years later the book is still in print. It has sold enough copies over these years that, had the sales occurred upon publication would have made the book a “best seller.” The book, had it been a best seller, would have gained more attention, and perhaps law schools and bar associations could have used it to hold the police state at bay.

    Whitehead documents how hard a not guilty verdict is to come by for an innocent defendant. Even if the falsely accused defendant and his attorney survive the prosecutor’s pressure to negotiate a plea bargain and arrive at a trial, they are confronted with jurors who are unable to doubt prosecutors, police, or witnesses paid to lie against the innocent defendant. Jurors even convicted the few survivors of the Clinton regime’s assault on the Branch Davidians of Waco, the few who were not gassed, shot, or burned to death by US federal forces. This religious sect was demonized by Washington and the presstitute media as child abusers who were manufacturing automatic weapons while they raped children. The charges proved to be false, like Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” and so forth, but only after all of the innocents were dead or in prison.

    The question is: why do Americans not only sit silently while the lives of innocents are destroyed, but also actually support the destruction of the lives of innocents? Why do Americans believe “official sources” despite the proven fact that “official sources” lie repeatedly and never tell the truth?

    The only conclusion that one can come to is that the American people have failed. We have failed Justice. We have failed Mercy. We have failed the US Constitution. We have failed Truth. We have failed Democracy and representative government. We have failed ourselves and humanity. We have failed the confidence that our Founding Fathers put in us. We have failed God. If we ever had the character that we are told we had, we have obviously lost it. Little, if anything, remains of the “American character.”

    Was the American character present in the torture prisons of Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, and hidden CIA torture dungeons where US military and CIA personnel provided photographic evidence of their delight in torturing and abusing prisoners? Official reports have concluded that along with torture went rape, sodomy, and murder. All of this was presided over by American psychologists with Ph.D. degrees.

    We see the same inhumanity in the American police who respond to women children, the elderly, the physically and mentally handicapped, with gratuitous violence. For no reason whatsoever, police murder, taser, beat, and abuse US citizens. Every day there are more reports, and despite the reports the violence goes on and on and on. Clearly, the police enjoy inflicting pain and death on citizens whom the police are supposed to serve and protect. There have always been bullies in the police force, but the wanton police violence of our time indicates a complete collapse of the American character.

    The failure of the American character has had tremendous and disastrous consequences for ourselves and for the world. At home Americans have a police state in which all Constitutional protections have vanished. Abroad, Iraq and Libya, two formerly prosperous countries, have been destroyed. Libya no longer exists as a country. One million dead Iraqis, four million displaced abroad, hundreds of thousands of orphans and birth defects from the American ordnance, and continuing ongoing violence from factions fighting over the remains. These facts are incontestable. Yet the United States Government claims to have brought “freedom and democracy” to Iraq. “Mission accomplished,” declared one of the mass murderers of the 21st century, George W. Bush.

    The question is: how can the US government make such an obviously false outrageous claim without being shouted down by the rest of the world and by its own population? Is the answer that good character has disappeared from the world?

    Or is the rest of the world too afraid to protest? Washington can force supposedly sovereign countries to acquiesce to its will or be cut off from the international payments mechanism that Washington controls, and/or be sanctioned, and/or be bombed, droned, or invaded, and/or be assassinated or overthrown in a coup. On the entire planet Earth there are only two countries capable of standing up to Washington, Russia and China, and neither wants to stand up if they can avoid it.

    For whatever the reasons, not only Americans but most of the world as well accommodate Washington’s evil and are thereby complicit in the evil. Those humans with a moral conscience are gradually being positioned by Washington and London as “domestic extremists” who might have to be rounded up and placed in detention centers. Examine the recent statements by General Wesley Clark and British Prime Minister Cameron and remember Janet Napolitano’s statement that the Department of Homeland Security has shifted its focus from terrorists to domestic extremists, an undefined and open-ended term.

    Americans with good character are being maneuvered into a position of helplessness. As John Whitehead makes clear, the American people cannot even prevent “their police,” paid by their tax payments, from murdering 3 Americans each day, and this is only the officially reported murders. The actual account is likely higher.

    What Whitehead describes and what I have noticed for many years is that the American people have lost, in addition to their own sense of truth and falsity, any sense of mercy and justice for other peoples. Americans accept no sense of responsibility for the millions of peoples that Washington has exterminated over the past two decades dating back to the second term of Clinton. Every one of the millions of deaths is based on a Washington lie.

    When Clinton’s Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, was asked if the Clinton’s regime’s sanctions, which had claimed the lives of 500,000 Iraqi children, were justified, she obviously expected no outrage from the American people when she replied in the affirmative.

    Americans need to face the facts. The loss of character means the loss of liberty and the transformation of government into a criminal enterprise.

  • Aussie Dollar Tests Long-Term Trendline As China Contagion Spreads

    Last week, we asked "Is Australia the next Greece?" It appears, judging bu the collapse in the Aussie Dollar, that some – if not all – are starting to believe it's possible after last night's 15-month low in China Manufacturing PMI. As UBS previously noted, China's real GDP growth cycles have become an increasingly important driver of Australia's nominal GDP growth this last decade. With iron ore and coal prices plumbing new record lows, a Chinese (real) economy firing on perhaps 1 cyclinder, and equity investors reeling from China's collapse; perhaps the situation facing Australia is more like Greece than many want to admit.

    Australian consumers are more worried about the medium term outlook than at the peak of the financial crisis, and rightfully so…


    As China plumbs new depths in manufacturing, just piling on Aussie's woes…



    The Dollar is rising this morning but all eyes are on AUD as it tests a very long-term trendline…

    h/t @RaoulGMI

    *  *  *

    As The Telegraph previously concluded, rather ominously,

    The problem is that Australia, after decades of effort to diversify, is looking ever more like a petrodollar economy of the Middle East, but without the vast horde of foreign currency reserves to fall back on when commodity prices fall.


    Instead, Australians must borrow to maintain the standards of living that the country has become accustomed to, which even some Greeks will admit is unsustainable.

    Charts: Bloomberg

  • The Eurasian Big Bang: How China & Russia Are Running Rings Around Washington

    Authored by Pepe Escobar, originally posted at,

    Let’s start with the geopolitical Big Bang you know nothing about, the one that occurred just two weeks ago. Here are its results: from now on, any possible future attack on Iran threatened by the Pentagon (in conjunction with NATO) would essentially be an assault on the planning of an interlocking set of organizations — the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), the EEU (Eurasian Economic Union), the AIIB (the new Chinese-founded Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank), and the NDB (the BRICS' New Development Bank) — whose acronyms you’re unlikely to recognize either.  Still, they represent an emerging new order in Eurasia.

    Tehran, Beijing, Moscow, Islamabad, and New Delhi have been actively establishing interlocking security guarantees. They have been simultaneously calling the Atlanticist bluff when it comes to the endless drumbeat of attention given to the flimsy meme of Iran’s "nuclear weapons program."  And a few days before the Vienna nuclear negotiations finally culminated in an agreement, all of this came together at a twin BRICS/SCO summit in Ufa, Russia — a place you’ve undoubtedly never heard of and a meeting that got next to no attention in the U.S.  And yet sooner or later, these developments will ensure that the War Party in Washington and assorted neocons (as well as neoliberalcons) already breathing hard over the Iran deal will sweat bullets as their narratives about how the world works crumble.

    The Eurasian Silk Road

    With the Vienna deal, whose interminable build-up I had the dubious pleasure of following closely, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and his diplomatic team have pulled the near-impossible out of an extremely crumpled magician’s hat: an agreement that might actually end sanctions against their country from an asymmetric, largely manufactured conflict.

    Think of that meeting in Ufa, the capital of Russia’s Bashkortostan, as a preamble to the long-delayed agreement in Vienna. It caught the new dynamics of the Eurasian continent and signaled the future geopolitical Big Bangness of it all. At Ufa, from July 8th to 10th, the 7th BRICS summit and the 15th Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit overlapped just as a possible Vienna deal was devouring one deadline after another.

    Consider it a diplomatic masterstroke of Vladmir Putin’s Russia to have merged those two summits with an informal meeting of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). Call it a soft power declaration of war against Washington’s imperial logic, one that would highlight the breadth and depth of an evolving Sino-Russian strategic partnership. Putting all those heads of state attending each of the meetings under one roof, Moscow offered a vision of an emerging, coordinated geopolitical structure anchored in Eurasian integration. Thus, the importance of Iran: no matter what happens post-Vienna, Iran will be a vital hub/node/crossroads in Eurasia for this new structure.

    If you read the declaration that came out of the BRICS summit, one detail should strike you: the austerity-ridden European Union (EU) is barely mentioned. And that’s not an oversight. From the point of view of the leaders of key BRICS nations, they are offering a new approach to Eurasia, the very opposite of the language of sanctions.

    Here are just a few examples of the dizzying activity that took place at Ufa, all of it ignored by the American mainstream media. In their meetings, President Putin, China's President Xi Jinping, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi worked in a practical way to advance what is essentially a Chinese vision of a future Eurasia knit together by a series of interlocking “new Silk Roads.” Modi approved more Chinese investment in his country, while Xi and Modi together pledged to work to solve the joint border issues that have dogged their countries and, in at least one case, led to war.

    The NDB, the BRICS’ response to the World Bank, was officially launched with $50 billion in start-up capital. Focused on funding major infrastructure projects in the BRICS nations, it is capable of accumulating as much as $400 billion in capital, according to its president, Kundapur Vaman Kamath. Later, it plans to focus on funding such ventures in other developing nations across the Global South — all in their own currencies, which means bypassing the U.S. dollar.  Given its membership, the NDB’s money will clearly be closely linked to the new Silk Roads. As Brazilian Development Bank President Luciano Coutinho stressed, in the near future it may also assist European non-EU member states like Serbia and Macedonia. Think of this as the NDB’s attempt to break a Brussels monopoly on Greater Europe. Kamath even advanced the possibility of someday aiding in the reconstruction of Syria.

    You won’t be surprised to learn that both the new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the NDB are headquartered in China and will work to complement each other’s efforts. At the same time, Russia’s foreign investment arm, the Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), signed a memorandum of understanding with funds from other BRICS countries and so launched an informal investment consortium in which China’s Silk Road Fund and India’s Infrastructure Development Finance Company will be key partners.

    Full Spectrum Transportation Dominance

    On the ground level, this should be thought of as part of the New Great Game in Eurasia. Its flip side is the Trans-Pacific Partnership in the Pacific and the Atlantic version of the same, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, both of which Washington is trying to advance to maintain U.S. global economic dominance. The question these conflicting plans raise is how to integrate trade and commerce across that vast region. From the Chinese and Russian perspectives, Eurasia is to be integrated via a complex network of superhighways, high-speed rail lines, ports, airports, pipelines, and fiber optic cables. By land, sea, and air, the resulting New Silk Roads are meant to create an economic version of the Pentagon’s doctrine of “Full Spectrum Dominance” — a vision that already has Chinese corporate executives crisscrossing Eurasia sealing infrastructure deals.

    For Beijing — back to a 7% growth rate in the second quarter of 2015 despite a recent near-panic on the country’s stock markets — it makes perfect economic sense: as labor costs rise, production will be relocated from the country’s Eastern seaboard to its cheaper Western reaches, while the natural outlets for the production of just about everything will be those parallel and interlocking “belts” of the new Silk Roads.

    Meanwhile, Russia is pushing to modernize and diversify its energy-exploitation-dependent economy. Among other things, its leaders hope that the mix of those developing Silk Roads and the tying together of the Eurasian Economic Union — Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan — will translate into myriad transportation and construction projects for which the country’s industrial and engineering know-how will prove crucial.

    As the EEU has begun establishing free trade zones with India, Iran, Vietnam, Egypt, and Latin America’s Mercosur bloc (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela), the initial stages of this integration process already reach beyond Eurasia. Meanwhile, the SCO, which began as little more than a security forum, is expanding and moving into the field of economic cooperation.  Its countries, especially four Central Asian “stans” (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan) will rely ever more on the Chinese-driven Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the NDB. At Ufa, India and Pakistan finalized an upgrading process in which they have moved from observers to members of the SCO. This makes it an alternative G8.

    In the meantime, when it comes to embattled Afghanistan, the BRICS nations and the SCO have now called upon “the armed opposition to disarm, accept the Constitution of Afghanistan, and cut ties with Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorist organizations.” Translation: within the framework of Afghan national unity, the organization would accept the Taliban as part of a future government. Their hopes, with the integration of the region in mind, would be for a future stable Afghanistan able to absorb more Chinese, Russian, Indian, and Iranian investment, and the construction — finally! — of a long-planned, $10 billion, 1,420-kilometer-long Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline that would benefit those energy-hungry new SCO members, Pakistan and India. (They would each receive 42% of the gas, the remaining 16% going to Afghanistan.)

    Central Asia is, at the moment, geographic ground zero for the convergence of the economic urges of China, Russia, and India. It was no happenstance that, on his way to Ufa, Prime Minister Modi stopped off in Central Asia.  Like the Chinese leadership in Beijing, Moscow looks forward (as a recent document puts it) to the “interpenetration and integration of the EEU and the Silk Road Economic Belt” into a “Greater Eurasia” and a “steady, developing, safe common neighborhood” for both Russia and China.

    And don’t forget Iran. In early 2016, once economic sanctions are fully lifted, it is expected to join the SCO, turning it into a G9. As its foreign minister, Javad Zarif, made clear recently to Russia's Channel 1 television, Tehran considers the two countries strategic partners. "Russia,” he said, “has been the most important participant in Iran's nuclear program and it will continue under the current agreement to be Iran's major nuclear partner." The same will, he added, be true when it comes to “oil and gas cooperation,” given the shared interest of those two energy-rich nations in “maintaining stability in global market prices."

    Got Corridor, Will Travel

    Across Eurasia, BRICS nations are moving on integration projects. A developing Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar economic corridor is a typical example. It is now being reconfigured as a multilane highway between India and China. Meanwhile, Iran and Russia are developing a transportation corridor from the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman to the Caspian Sea and the Volga River. Azerbaijan will be connected to the Caspian part of this corridor, while India is planning to use Iran’s southern ports to improve its access to Russia and Central Asia. Now, add in a maritime corridor that will stretch from the Indian city of Mumbai to the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas and then on to the southern Russian city of Astrakhan. And this just scratches the surface of the planning underway.

    Years ago, Vladimir Putin suggested that there could be a “Greater Europe” stretching from Lisbon, Portugal, on the Atlantic to the Russian city of Vladivostok on the Pacific. The EU, under Washington’s thumb, ignored him. Then the Chinese started dreaming about and planning new Silk Roads that would, in reverse Marco Polo fashion, extend from Shanghai to Venice (and then on to Berlin).

    Thanks to a set of cross-pollinating political institutions, investment funds, development banks, financial systems, and infrastructure projects that, to date, remain largely under Washington’s radar, a free-trade Eurasian heartland is being born. It will someday link China and Russia to Europe, Southwest Asia, and even Africa. It promises to be an astounding development. Keep your eyes, if you can, on the accumulating facts on the ground, even if they are rarely covered in the American media. They represent the New Great — emphasis on that word — Game in Eurasia.

    Location, Location, Location

    Tehran is now deeply invested in strengthening its connections to this new Eurasia and the man to watch on this score is Ali Akbar Velayati. He is the head of Iran's Center for Strategic Research and senior foreign policy adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. Velayati stresses that security in Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and the Caucasus hinges on the further enhancement of a Beijing-Moscow-Tehran triple entente.

    As he knows, geo-strategically Iran is all about location, location, location. That country offers the best access to open seas in the region apart from Russia and is the only obvious east-west/north-south crossroads for trade from the Central Asian “stans.” Little wonder then that Iran will soon be an SCO member, even as its “partnership” with Russia is certain to evolve. Its energy resources are already crucial to and considered a matter of national security for China and, in the thinking of that country’s leadership, Iran also fulfills a key role as a hub in those Silk Roads they are planning.

    That growing web of literal roads, rail lines, and energy pipelines, as TomDispatch has previously reported, represents Beijing’s response to the Obama administration’s announced “pivot to Asia” and the U.S. Navy’s urge to meddle in the South China Sea. Beijing is choosing to project power via a vast set of infrastructure projects, especially high-speed rail lines that will reach from its eastern seaboard deep into Eurasia. In this fashion, the Chinese-built railway from Urumqi in Xinjiang Province to Almaty in Kazakhstan will undoubtedly someday be extended to Iran and traverse that country on its way to the Persian Gulf.

    A New World for Pentagon Planners

    At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum last month, Vladimir Putin told PBS's Charlie Rose that Moscow and Beijing had always wanted a genuine partnership with the United States, but were spurned by Washington. Hats off, then, to the “leadership” of the Obama administration. Somehow, it has managed to bring together two former geopolitical rivals, while solidifying their pan-Eurasian grand strategy.

    Even the recent deal with Iran in Vienna is unlikely — especially given the war hawks in Congress — to truly end Washington’s 36-year-long Great Wall of Mistrust with Iran. Instead, the odds are that Iran, freed from sanctions, will indeed be absorbed into the Sino-Russian project to integrate Eurasia, which leads us to the spectacle of Washington’s warriors, unable to act effectively, yet screaming like banshees.

    NATO's supreme commander Dr. Strangelove, sorry, American General Philip Breedlove, insists that the West must create a rapid-reaction force — online — to counteract Russia's "false narratives.” Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter claims to be seriously considering unilaterally redeploying nuclear-capable missiles in Europe. The nominee to head the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Commandant Joseph Dunford, recently directly labeled Russia America’s true “existential threat”; Air Force General Paul Selva, nominated to be the new vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs, seconded that assessment, using the same phrase and putting Russia, China and Iran, in that order, as more threatening than the Islamic State (ISIS). In the meantime, Republican presidential candidates and a bevy of congressional war hawks simply shout and fume when it comes to both the Iranian deal and the Russians.

    In response to the Ukrainian situation and the “threat” of a resurgent Russia (behind which stands a resurgent China), a Washington-centric militarization of Europe is proceeding apace. NATO is now reportedly obsessed with what’s being called “strategy rethink” — as in drawing up detailed futuristic war scenarios on European soil. As economist Michael Hudson has pointed out, even financial politics are becoming militarized and linked to NATO’s new Cold War 2.0.

    In its latest National Military Strategy, the Pentagon suggests that the risk of an American war with another nation (as opposed to terror outfits), while low, is “growing” and identifies four nations as “threats”: North Korea, a case apart, and predictably the three nations that form the new Eurasian core: Russia, China, and Iran. They are depicted in the document as “revisionist states,” openly defying what the Pentagon identifies as “international security and stability”; that is, the distinctly un-level playing field created by globalized, exclusionary, turbo-charged casino capitalism and Washington's brand of militarism.

    The Pentagon, of course, does not do diplomacy. Seemingly unaware of the Vienna negotiations, it continued to accuse Iran of pursuing nuclear weapons. And that “military option” against Iran is never off the table.

    So consider it the Mother of All Blockbusters to watch how the Pentagon and the war hawks in Congress will react to the post-Vienna and — though it was barely noticed in Washington — the post-Ufa environment, especially under a new White House tenant in 2017.

    It will be a spectacle.  Count on it.  Will the next version of Washington try to make it up to “lost” Russia or send in the troops? Will it contain China or the “caliphate” of ISIS? Will it work with Iran to fight ISIS or spurn it? Will it truly pivot to Asia for good and ditch the Middle East or vice-versa? Or might it try to contain Russia, China, and Iran simultaneously or find some way to play them against each other?

    In the end, whatever Washington may do, it will certainly reflect a fear of the increasing strategic depth Russia and China are developing economically, a reality now becoming visible across Eurasia. At Ufa, Putin told Xi on the record: "Combining efforts, no doubt we [Russia and China] will overcome all the problems before us."

    Read “efforts” as new Silk Roads, that Eurasian Economic Union, the growing BRICS block, the expanding Shanghai Cooperation Organization, those China-based banks, and all the rest of what adds up to the beginning of a new integration of significant parts of the Eurasian land mass. As for Washington, fly like an eagle? Try instead: scream like a banshee.

  • US Mint Sells Most Physical Gold In Two Years On Same Day Gold Price Hits Five Year Low

    Three weeks ago, we reported that the US Mint had run out of physical silver on the same day silver plunged to its lowest price in 2015. This happened just days after the UK Royal mint announced that “during June, we experienced twice the expected demand for Sovereign bullion coins from our customers based in Greece.”

    While the surge in physical demand clearly did not explain the liquidation in the price of “paper” silver, we are still hoping that the OCC writes us back with an explanation why this happened, and maybe it can clarify also just how much more silver the mint will sell before it runs out of silver in inventory again as it did 20 days ago.

    We bring all of this up because just like 20 days ago when unstoppable demand for physical silver met an immovable paper silver selling object (with the “object” for now winning), so earlier today the price of gold tumbled to the lowest level in 5 years, some $1,072 per ounce, before it staged a dramatic comeback closing just under $1,100…


    … thanks in no small part to the illegal spoofing we noted earlier.


    And lo and behold, just like in the case of silver three weeks ago, today’s gold liquidation was not due to selling of physical metal. In fact, quite the contrary: according to the US mint, so far in July the mint has sold a whopping 143,000 ounces of physical gold – the most in over two years, or since April of 2013 – even as the price of gold briefly slid to the lowest level in 5 years.

    In other words, retail investors, who have bought over 7 million ounces of gold since January 2008 or the one third the total “held” currently by the GLD ETF, were eagerly buying up all the physical they could get their hands on, or said otherwise, “taking delivery” at the prevailing price, a process which practically assures that the US Mint will be out of gold in the next few days.

    We wonder when some central banks, the bulk of whose gold remains in “deliverable” format, decide to do the same? A few more down days in the stock market, coupled with a record high hedge fund short interest, and we just may get our answer.

  • The End Of The Supercycle? Commodity "Capitulation" Arrives

    In a note by BofA’s Michael Hartnett titled “When Supercycles end”, the bank looks at the latest EPFR fund flows and concludes that the wave of commodity “capitulation” revulsion selling has finally arrived.

    Specifically, looking at fund flows, the most recent week saw the biggest outflow from precious metals in four months and emerging market fund outflows reaching $10 billion over the last two weeks leading Hartnett to conclude that “capitulation is beginning in EM/resources/ commodities.”

    This is what the most recent flows looked like:

    The fund flow details indicate a “Great Rotation” out of commodities, Emerging Markets and, curiously, the US, and into bonds and continued flows into Europe, which has now seen 10 straight weeks of inflows with the latest one of $6.0 billion also the largest in the past 4 months.

    Inflows into fixed income have been across the board:

    • $1.9bn inflows to IG bond funds (first inflows in 3 weeks)
    • $0.5bn inflows to HY bond funds (2 straight weeks)
    • $0.3bn inflows to EM debt funds (modest inflows but largest in 11 weeks)
    • $2.1bn inflows to govt/tsy funds (3 straight weeks)
    • $0.2bn inflows to muni bond funds (first in 7 weeks)

    While in equities it has been a tale of two flow directions: out of the US and into Europe (and to a lesser extent Japan):

    • Japan: first outflows in 8 weeks ($0.5bn)
    • Europe: $6.0bn inflows (10 straight weeks & largest in 4 months)
    • EM: $3.3bn outflows (2 straight weeks)
    • US: $3.7bn outflows (outflows from both mutual funds & ETFs)

    By sector, inflows to secular growth areas of healthcare ($1.3bn) & technology ($0.4bn)

    To be sure, the best example of the paper flow capitulation is where else but gold, where in the past week algo, 1% of total gold/silver AUM has been wihdrawn!

    But while gold has seen its share of pounding in the past 5 years, it is modest compared to the revulsion experienced by companies that have economic exposure to Emerging Markets. As BofA notes US companies with high economic exposure to Emerging Markets at close to 13-year lows vs broad US equities.

    The last chart may also explains why Ray Dalio, after largely ignoring the bursting of China’s three bubbles (as shown here previously) finally threw in the towel, became bearish on China and admitted that “There Are No Safe Places Left To Invest.” It also explains why increasingly fewer are “buying the dip” across markets despite one-off superstars like GOOG and AMZN.

  • Jim Grant On Gold's Liquidation Sale: A "Vexing But Wonderful Opportunity"

    Via Valuewalk,

    Don’t tell Jim Grant, the publisher of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, that gold is a hedge.

    The author and publisher said the metal is much more dynamic; providing a trifecta of price, value and sentiment, and investors should have exposure to it.

    [G]old is an investment in monetary and financial disorder – not a hedge. You look around the world and you see exchange rates are properly disorderly, when you look around the world of lending and borrowing — we are in a regime of price control by another name, so-called zero percent rates and quantitative easing by the world central banks – we are in one of the most radical periods of monetary experimentation in the annals of money,” Grant told Kitco News Thursday.

    Grant added that it could be that it all works out, albeit a very “low probability.”

    “You want to have exposure to the reciprocal asset of the paper assets that are the most popular – so gold, to me, is now the conjunction of price, value and sentiment, and I am very bullish indeed.”

    Gold prices are on track for its longest run of losses since 1996. After reaching five-year lows this week, the metal was relatively quieter on Thursday with prices slightly rebounding on some bargain hunting in the spot market. Kitco’s spot gold was last up $0.60 at $1094.60 an ounce.

    Grant summed up the gold selloff as “Mr. Market having a sale,” and added that the downward spiral is “terrifically vexing but a wonderful opportunity.”

    He explained that no one knows the bottom for the metal and that should not be the sole focus.

    “The important thing to recall is why those of us who own it, bought it. What is it about gold that ought to make it appealing – when it seems to be absolutely the thing you don’t want to have.” He added that gold thrives in the face of monetary turmoil, disorder and uncertainty, noting, “I think we have all three of these things.”

    On the topic of U.S. Federal Reserve rate hikes, Grant said the central bank is in a hurry to raise rates.

    “The Fed feels it must act just for institutional pride; but, money supply growth is dwindling, the turnover rate of money likewise, the only thing that is dynamic in the world of money and credit is the issuance of more and more dubiously sourced debt, and more and more lenient terms,” Grant said. “What debt does is two things: it pushes forward consumption and pushes back evidence of business failure,” he added.

    Grant said he likes owning physical gold particularly South African Kruggerands. He added he is also the owner of “too many gold mining shares” for which he has, “a great deal of worry for the present but a great deal of conviction for the future.” Mining stocks have suffered even more since lower gold prices means less revenue per ounce of the metal for producers. The Market Vectors Gold Miners exchange-traded fund (GDX), which consists of stocks of gold-mining companies, was down $1.70, or 11%, to $13.72 on Thursday.

  • The FBI And DOJ Get Involved: Hillary Clinton Sent Confidential Emails From Her Personal Email Account

    It’s not that Donald Trump needed help in his juggernaut campaign across the GOP presidential primary with his lead in the double digits at last check, but moments ago the flamboyant billionaire got an unexpected present from the WSJ which may have just crippled the chances of his biggest democrat competitor as well, Hillary Clinton.

    WSJ reports that according to an internal government review Hillary Clinton, as former Secretary of State, “sent at least four emails from her personal account containing classified information during her time heading the State Department.”

    This is in reference to the long-standing investigation surrounding whether Clinton i) used bad judgment in opting for a personal, and far less protected, email device as Secretary of State and ii) whether she had – in direct contravention of State Department policies – sent out confidential data on her personal Blackberry.

    As a reminder, the Democratic presidential candidate has repeatedly denied sending out confidential emails from her own device, and instead used it purely in a permitted context. She has also repeatedly denied that the emails, which she has since “purged” despite receiving a Congressional subpoena to preserve, contained any sensitive materials, while deleting at least 30,000 emails which she specified were of a personal nature.

    “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material,” Mrs. Clinton told reporters in March. “I’m certainly aware of the classified requirements and did not send classified material.”

    Today’s data confirms that the former first lady lied and has indeed used her email to send out confidential data on at least one occasion, or rather four:

    In a letter to members of Congress on Thursday, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community concluded that Mrs. Clinton’s email contains material from the intelligence community that should have been considered “secret” at the time it was sent, the second-highest level of classification. A copy of the letter to Congress was provided to The Wall Street Journal by a spokeswoman for the Inspector General.

    But the shocker is that the 4 emails were revealed when the Inspector General scoured through just 30 of Hillary’s emails, suggeting that based on this random sample, Clinton was sending confidential data well over 10% of the time from her personal account!

    The four emails in question “were classified when they were sent and are classified now,” said Andrea Williams, a spokeswoman for the inspector general. The inspector general reviewed just a small sample totaling about 40 emails in Mrs. Clinton’s inbox—meaning that many more in the trove of more than 30,000 may contain potentially secret or top-secret information.

    But the worst news for Hillary is that not only the FBI but the DOJ are now getting involved:

    As a result of the findings, the inspector general referred the matter to the counterintelligence division of Federal Bureau of Investigation. An official with the Department of Justice said Friday that it had received a referral to open a investigation into the potential mishandling of classified information.

    It remains to be seen if anyone in the DOJ will take this case seriously even after these most seriously charges are brought forward, although if so, then the full banana republic farce of a nation where laws are meant only for some, will be exposed to the entire world to marvel at.

    As for the final twist, the person who was taked with “identifying and preserving all emails that could potentially be federal records on Benghazi” was none other than Cheryl Mills:

    If Congress really wants to get to the bottom of Hillary Clinton’s missing Benghazi and pay-to-play emails, it should call her consigliere Cheryl D. Mills to testify — under oath, and under the klieg lights.


    A hearing featuring Clinton will be a wasted show trial with a lot of political grandstanding.


    But Mills, who served as the former secretary of state’s chief of staff and counselor, knows where the bodies are  buried. After all, Hillary tasked her with “identifying and preserving all emails that could potentially be federal records.”


    In short, Mills “is in the middle of it,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.

    The same Cheryl Mills who, as we reported moments ago, is now dictating Clinton’s (and possibly US if Hillary is elected) tax policy and pushing it to be precisely what Blackrock, which is urging Clinton to revamp short-term capital gains taxes to benefit firms like Blackrock at the expense of activist investors, demands for one simple reason: she just happens to be on the Blackrock board of directors!

    To summarize: the person who was in charge of combing through all of Clinton’s emails, and who is now on Blackrock’s Board and is telling Hillary what us tax policy should be, either was incompetent or simply lied to her boss, a boss who lied to reporters if not under oath.

  • The Casino-fication Of Markets Is Pervasive & Permanent

    Submitted by Ben Hunt via Salient Partners Epsilon Theory blog,

    My favorite scene from Mad Men is the picnic scene from Season 2. The Draper family enjoys a lovely picnic at some park, and at the conclusion of the meal Don tosses his beer cans into the bushes and Betty just flicks the blanket and leaves all the trash right there on the grass. Shocking, right? I know this is impossible for anyone under the age of 30 to believe, but this is EXACTLY what picnics were like in the 1960’s, even if a bit over the top in typical Draper fashion. There was no widespread concept of littering, much less recycling and all the other green concepts that are second nature to my kids. I mean … if I even thought about Draper-level littering at a Hunt picnic today my children would consider it to be an act of rank betrayal and sheer evil. I’d be disowned before they called the police and had me arrested.


    Like many of us who were children in a Mad Men world, I can remember the moment when littering became a “thing”, with the 1971 public service commercial of an American Indian (actually an Italian actor) shedding a tear at the sight of all the trash blighting his native land.  Powerful stuff, and a wonderful example of the way in which Narrative construction can change the fundamental ways our society sees the world, setting in motion behaviors that are as second nature to our children as they were unthinkable to our parents. It’s barely noticeable as it’s happening, but one day you wake up and it’s hard to remember that there was a time when you didn’t believe that littering was a crime against humanity.


    This dynamic of change in meaning is rare, but it takes place more often than you might think. Dueling and smoking are easy examples. Slavery is, too. Myths and legends turned into nursery rhymes and fairy tales is one of my favorite examples, as is compulsory public education … a concept that didn’t exist until the Prussian government invented it to generate politically indoctrinated soldiers who could read a training manual. Occasionally – and only when political systems undergo the existential stress of potential collapse – this dynamic of change impacts the meaning of the Market itself, and I think that’s exactly what’s taking place today. Through the magic of Narrative construction, capital markets are being transformed into political utilities.

    It’s not a unique occurrence. The last time investors lived through this sort of change in what the market means was the 1930s, and it’s useful to examine that decade’s events more closely, in a history-rhyming sort of way. What’s less useful, I think, is to spend our time arguing about whether this transformation in market meaning is a good thing or a bad thing. It is what it is, and the last thing I want to be is a modern day version of one of those grumpy old men who railed about how Roosevelt was really the Anti-Christ. What I will say, though (and I promise this will be my last indication of moral tsk-tsking, for this note anyway), is that I have a newfound appreciation for why they were grumpy old men, and I feel keenly a sense of loss for the experience of markets that I suspect my children will never enjoy as I have. I suspect they will never suffer in their experience of markets as I have, either, but there’s a loss in that, as well. 

    It’s totally understandable why status quo political interests would seek to transform hurly-burly capital markets into a stable inflation-generation utility, as summed up in the following two McKinsey charts.

    Both of these charts can be found in the February 2015 McKinsey paper, “Debt and (not much) deleveraging”, well worth your time to peruse. Keep in mind that the data used here is from Q2 2014, back when Greece was still “fixed”, the Fed had not proclaimed its tightening bias, and China was still slowing gracefully. All of these numbers are worse today, not better.

    So what do the numbers tell us? Two things.

    First, there’s more debt in the world today than before the Great Recession kicked off in 2008. All the deleveraging that was supposed to happen … didn’t. Sure, it’s distributed slightly differently, both by sector and by geography – and that’s critically important for the political utility thesis here – but whatever overwhelming debt levels you thought triggered a super-cyclical, structural recession then … well, you’ve got more of it now.


    Second, it’s impossible to grow our way out of these debt levels. Japan, France and Italy would have to more than double their current GDP growth rates (and again, these are last year’s more optimistic projections) to even start to grow their way out of debt. Right. Good luck with that. Spain needs a triple. Even the US, the best house in a bad neighborhood, needs >3% growth from here to eternity to start making a dent in its debt. Moreover, every day you don’t achieve these growth levels is a day that the debt load gets even larger. These growth targets are a receding target, soon to be well out of reach for every country on Earth.

    The intractable problem with these inconvenient facts is that there are only three ways to get out from under a massive debt. You can grow your way out, you can inflate your way out, or you can shrink your way out through austerity and/or assignment of losses. Door #1 is now effectively impossible for most developed economies. Door #3 is unacceptable to any status quo regime. So that leaves Door #2. The ONLY way forward is inflation, so that’s what it’s going to be. There is no Plan B. What sort of inflation is most amenable to modern political influence? Financial asset inflation, by a wide margin. Inflation in the real economy depends on real investment decisions by real businesses, and just as in the 1930s most business decision makers are sitting this one out, thank you very much. Or just as in the 1930s they’re “investing” in stock buy-backs and earnings margin improvement, which doesn’t help real world inflation at all. What political institutions are most capable of promoting inflation? Central banks, again by a wide margin. Just as in the 1930s, almost every developed economy in the world has a highly polarized electorate and an equally polarized legislature. The executive may be willing, but the government is weak. Far better to wage the inflation wars from within the non-elected walls of the Eccles Building rather than the White House.

    Now … how to wage that inflation war with the proper Narrative armament? No one wants inflation in the sense of “runaway inflation”, to use the phrasing of doomsayers everywhere. In fact, unless you’re speaking apparatchik to apparatchik, you don’t want to use the word “inflation” at all. It’s just like Roosevelt essentially banning the word “regulation” from his Cabinet’s vocabulary. Don’t call it “regulation”. Call it “cooperation”, Roosevelt said, and even the grumpy old men will applaud. So today China calls it a “market malfunction” when their stock market deflates sharply (of course, inflating sharply is just fine). Better fix that malfunctioning machine! How can you argue with that language? But at least the political mandarins in the East are more authentic with their words than the political mandarins in the West. Here we now call market deflation by the sobriquet “volatility”, as in “major market indices suffered from volatility today, down almost one-half of one percent”, where a down day is treated as something akin to the common cold, a temporary illness with symptoms that we can shrug off with an aspirin or two. You can’t be in favor of volatility, surely. It’s a bad thing, almost on a par with littering. No, we want good things and good words, like “wealth effect” and “accommodation” and “stability” and “price appreciation”. As President Snow says in reference to The Hunger Games version of a political utility, “may the odds be always in your favor”. Who doesn’t want that?

    There are two problems with the odds being always in your favor.

    First, the casino-fication of markets ratchets up to an entirely new level of pervasiveness and permanence. By casino-fication I mean the transformation of the meaning of market securities from a partial ownership interest in the real-life cash flows of real-life companies to a disembodied symbol of participation in a disembodied game. Securities become chips, pure and simple. Now there’s nothing new in this gaming-centric vision of what markets mean; it’s been around since the dawn of time. My point is that with the “innovation” of ETF’s and the regulatory and technological shifts that allow HFTs and other liquidity game-players to dominate the day-to-day price action in markets, this vision is now dominant. There’s so little investing today. It’s all positioning.  And in a capital-markets-as-political-utility world, the State is now actively cementing that view. After World War I, French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau famously said that war was too important to be left to the generals, meaning that politicians would now take charge. Today, the pervasive belief in every capital in the world is that markets are too important to be left to the investors. These things don’t change back. Sorry.


    Second, if you’re raising the floor on what you might suffer in the way of asset price deflation, you are also lowering the ceiling on what you might enjoy in the way of asset price inflation. That’s what investing in a utility means – you’re probably not going to lose money, but you’re not going to make a lot of money, either. So to all of those public pension funds who are wringing their hands at this fiscal year’s meager returns, well below what they need to stay afloat without raising contributions, I say get used to it. All of your capital market assumptions are now at risk, subject to the tsunami force of status quo politicians with their backs up against the debt wall. Their market-as-utility solution isn’t likely to go bust in a paroxysm of global chaos, any more than it’s likely to spark a glorious age of reinvigorated global growth. Neither the doomsday scenario nor the happy ending is likely here, I think. Instead, it’s what I’ve called the Entropic Ending, a long gray slog where a recession is as unthinkable as a 4% growth rate. It’s a very stable political equilibrium. Sorry.

    We’ve been down this road before in the 1930s. But the historical rhyming I see is not so much in the New Deal policies that directly impacted the stock market as it is in the policies that established a real-life utility, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).  That’s because the nature of the existential threat posed by overwhelming debt to the US political system was different in the 1930s than it is today. When FDR took office, the flash point of that systemic threat was the labor market, not the capital market. Sure, the stock market took its hits in the Great Depression, but the relevance of the stock market to either the overall economic health of the country or – more importantly to FDR – his ability to remain in office was dwarfed by the relevance of the labor market. It’s another one of those changes in meaning that seems bizarre to the modern eye or ear. What, you mean there wasn’t 24/7 coverage of financial markets in 1932? You mean that most Americans didn’t really know what a stock certificate was, much less own one?  To succeed politically, Roosevelt had to change the meaning of the labor market, not the capital market, and that’s exactly what he did with the creation of the TVA.

    The TVA was only one effort in an alphabet soup of New Deal policies that FDR rammed through in his first Administration to change the popular conception of what the labor market meant to Americans. Other famous initiatives included the National Recovery administration (NRA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), and the common thread in all of these efforts was a VERY active Narrative management embedded in their process from the outset, with photographers and journalists hired by the White House to document the “success” of the programs. Everything I write in Epsilon Theory about today’s pervasive Narrative construction also took place in the 1930s, in amazingly similar venues and formats, down to the specific words used.

    The Narrative effort worked. Not necessarily in the permanence of the institutions FDR established (the Supreme Court declared the NRA unconstitutional in 1935, and the CCC faded into obscurity with the outbreak of World War II), but in the complete reshaping of what the labor market meant to Americans and what government’s proper role within the labor market should be. Yes, there were important things lost in FDR’s political achievements (and plenty of grumpy old men to complain about that), but let’s not forget that he was re-elected THREE times on the back of these labor market policies. If that’s not winning, I don’t know what is. And if you don’t think that lesson from history hasn’t been absorbed by both Clinton™ and Bush™, you’re living in a different world than I am.

    One last point on the TVA. It’s still around today as a very powerful and oddly beloved institution, and I think its lasting political success is due in large part to the fact that it – unlike the other alphabet soup institutions – was explicitly a utility. Who doesn’t like the stability of a utility in the midst of vast inequality? Who doesn’t like the odds being ever in their favor? The more that I see today’s policy impact on markets described in utility-like terms – words like “stability” and notions like “volatility is bad and a thing to be fixed” – the more confident I am that the TVA political experience of the 1930s is coming soon to the capital markets of today. Scratch that. It’s already here.

    So, Ben, let’s assume you’re right and that current events are rhyming with the historical events of the last time the world wrestled with an overwhelming debt load. Let’s assume that a politically popular shift in the meaning of markets to cement its public utility function is taking shape and won’t reverse itself without a political shock of enormous proportions. What’s an investor or allocator to do, other than become a grumpy old man? Look, the hardest thing in the world is to recognize structural change when you’re embedded in the structure. If reading Epsilon Theory has given you a new set of lenses to see the relationship between State and Market, then you’ve already done the heavy lifting. From here, it’s a matter of applying that open-eyed perspective to your portfolio, not of buying this or selling that! Everyone will be different in their particular application, but I think everyone should have three basic goals:

    1. shake out the category errors in your investment assumptions, understanding that we humans are terrible judges of causality, particularly when something has worked recently;
    2. re-evaluate your capital market assumptions for a further transformation of those markets into state-run casinos and political utilities, understanding that whatever crystal ball you’ve used in the past is almost certainly broken today;
    3. adopt an investment process or find investment strategies that can adapt to the structural changes that are already underway in capital markets, understanding that the patterns of belief and meaning we think are “natural” today can change in the blink of a central banker’s eye.

    Put simply, it’s time for some good new thinking on some good old ideas like diversification. It’s time to recognize the world as it is rather than lose ourselves in nostalgia for the world that was. Most of all, it’s time to call things by their proper names and stop demonizing words like “leverage” and “volatility”. These are tools, for god’s sake, neither good nor bad in and of themselves, and they’re tools we are all going to need to learn how to use if we want to be survivors in the Golden Age of the Central Banker. It’s time to get to work.

  • Did The Canary In The Credit Coalmine Just Croak: Capital One Credit Loss Provisions Soar By 60%

    Everyone knows Capital One’s trite soundbite: “What’s in your wallet?”

    Overnight, the market found out what’s in Capital One’s balance sheet, and it didn’t like it one bit.

    Yesterday, Capital One Financial reported earnings that fell well short of consensus: the $311 billion-company’s Q2 profit was $863 million, down 28% Y/Y. EPS was an ugly $1.50, $0.47 cents below the consensus estimate.  Surprisingly this earnings plunge took place even as overall revenue rose 4% to $5.7 billion.

    So what gives: a closer read through the numbers reveals that while average wages across the US are barely rising enough to cover inflation, Capital One felt the need to really incentivize its workfore with an increase in salaries and benefits 10 times higher than the national average, up 21%, to $1.4 billion, while marketing costs increased 16%, and professional-services fees grew 13%.

    At the same time headcount increased 7%, to 47,500 even though COF concurrently took a $147 million charge for the restructuring its benefits plan “as a result of the realignment of our workforce.” COF did not provide details on the workforce changes that led to the charge.

    End result: in moments, the stock wiped out all of its hard-earned gains for the year, and then some:


    But the biggest shocker was something else found between COF’s top and bottom line: a surge in provisions for credit losses: at $1.1 billion this was a jump of 21% from Q1 and up a whopping 60% from the year prior. It was also the biggest credit loss provision the credit card company has taken since Q2 2012.

    So the question: is this dramatic deterioration in COF’s loan book specific to the financial company which is nowhere near having a balance sheet big enough to mask its deteriorating loan book (or quality it for Too Big To Prosecute and/or Fail status), or is this a very loud, and very dead, canary in the credit coalmine, suggesting US consumers are suddenly unable to repay even their most basic purchases on credit?

    As for Capital One, we wonder: “Is that a blowing up loan book in your wallet”? We hope to have the answer over the next several quarters, especially if as the Fed’s leak today suggested, a rate hike, which will lead to even greater credit losses, is imminent.

  • It Cost The Koch Brothers Only $299,000 To Block Labeling Of Genetically Modified Foods

    In what may have been the most underreported event overnight, the House quietly passed legislation that would keep states from issuing mandatory labeling laws for foods that contain genetically modified organisms, often called GMOs. The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015, as the law is formally known, passed 275-150, creating a federal standard for the voluntary labeling of foods with GMO ingredients. And since clearly nobody wants to advertise they are using GMOs in their food, the number of “volunteers” will be precisely zero.

    As the Hill reports, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.), who authored the bill, called mandatory labeling laws — which have already passed in Vermont, Connecticut and Maine — unnecessarily costly given that GMOs have been deemed safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

    “Precisely zero pieces of credible evidence have been presented that foods produced with biotechnology pose any risk to our health and safety,” Pompeo said. “We should not raise prices on consumers based on the wishes of a handful of activists.”

    Well, sure. Then there is the curious case of a lobbyist who back in March proclaimed that Monstanto’s weedkiller “won’t hurt you”, only to promptly refuse drinking it on live it adding “I’m not stupid.”

    Somehow we doubt Mike Pompeo is stupid either, which is why he will use all his hard-earned lobby dollars to only purchase organic foods which do not have GMO ingredients, and which happen to be a premium food category, precisely for that reason. Which makes Pompeo’s statement even odder, considering the prices of non-GMO foods are already substantially higher.

    And while a minority was not willing to trade off healthy food for higher food prices, the victorious majority claimed a patchwork of labeling laws at the state level would drive up food costs.

    Citing a study from a Cornell University professor, the Grocery Manufacturers Association said state-level GMO labeling mandates would increase grocery prices for a family of four by as much as $500 per year and cost food and beverage manufacturers millions of dollars to change food labels and supply chain systems.

    Actually, where it would hurt manufacturers would be in the public’s revulsion to eating foods clearly labelled as being genetically modified, leading to a collapse in sales in this high margin food category, and forcing even higher non-GMO prices. Outcomes that would lead to a dramatic erosion in shareholder value for the owners of those companies who stood to lose the most should the Labeling act not pass in its current form.

    Owners such as the Koch Brothers and Monsanto.

    Last night’s passage of the anti-labeling law was the culmination of a very long and tedious process, one which started well over a year ago. In fact, as Andrea Germanos recalls, it all started last April, when in a move slammed as sealing “an unholy alliance between Monsanto and Koch Industries,” a Kansas congressman submitted legislation that would ban state-level GMO labeling laws.

    Called the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2014, the industry-supported legislation sponsored by Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo would “amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to food produced from, containing, or consisting of a bioengineered organism, the labeling of natural foods, and for other purposes.”

    At least between its 2014 name and the final 2015 version Pompeo and his backers added “Safe” to the front just in case the irony was lost on someone.

    Which brings us to the biggest winners from this law, and how Rep. Pompeo made a few very rich people even richer.

    Starting with the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA).

    According to The Center for Food Safety: “Koch Industries’ subsidiary, Georgia-Pacific, is a member of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, which donated more than $7 million against the recent Washington State ballot initiative to label GE foods. Monsanto, another GMA member, was the single largest contributor to that campaign. Between Washington State and California, Monsanto, GMA (including Georgia-Pacific), and others, have contributed over $67 million to keep consumers in the dark about GE foods.”

    Others quickly jumped onboard, especially those who would reap the biggest incremental profits such as biotech companies, and now the GMA and other industry groups like the Biotechnology Industry Organization are cheering Pompeo’s legislation.

    At the time, many were livid that a full-court press by a few corporations and even fewer billionaires would keep Americans in the dark as to the genetic content of the food they eat:

    “GMA’s selection of Congressman Pompeo as their champion shows how extreme the proposal really is,” stated Colin O’Neil, director of government affairs for Center for Food Safety. “Selecting Pompeo creates an unholy alliance between Monsanto and Koch Industries…”

    Well, today the unholy alliance won, and the GMA was delighted:

    “Today’s bipartisan passage of the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (HR 1599) clearly demonstrates the growing support for this critically important legislation,” said Pamela G. Bailey, president and CEO of the Grocery Manufacturers Association.  “We thank the sponsors of this bill, Congressmen Mike Pompeo (R-KS) and G.K. Butterfield (D-NC), along with Congressmen Mike Conaway (R-TX), Collin Peterson (D-MN), Fred Upton (R-MI) and the other members who supported it for standing on the side of consumer choice, science and fact-based labeling. We now call on the U.S. Senate to move quickly on a companion bill and pass it this year.”

    Finally, the question everyone is dying to get the answer to: how much did it cost the Koch Brothers to purchase Mike Pompeo and his bipartisan congressional peers, both republicans and democrats, and pass a law that would save the company billions in profits?

    The answer: $299,000

    Which is why the stock market with its annual return of 7% is for chumps. If you want to make the kinds of quadruple digit returns on investment, you better buy yourself a congressman.

    As for the general American population, well: your food may be every so slightly more mutated, but the good news is that it will remain as cheap and unhealthy as always.

  • Attention America's Suburbs: You Have Just Been Annexed

    Submitted by Stanley Kurtz via,

    It’s difficult to say what’s more striking about President Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation: its breathtaking radicalism, the refusal of the press to cover it, or its potential political ramifications. The danger AFFH poses to Democrats explains why the press barely mentions it. This lack of curiosity, in turn, explains why the revolutionary nature of the rule has not been properly understood. Ultimately, the regulation amounts to back-door annexation, a way of turning America’s suburbs into tributaries of nearby cities.

    This has been Obama’s purpose from the start. In Spreading the Wealth: How Obama Is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities, I explain how a young Barack Obama turned against the suburbs and threw in his lot with a group of Alinsky-style community organizers who blamed suburban tax-flight for urban decay. Their bible was Cities Without Suburbs, by former Albuquerque mayor David Rusk. Rusk, who works closely with Obama’s Alinskyite mentors and now advises the Obama administration, initially called on cities to annex their surrounding suburbs. When it became clear that outright annexation was a political non-starter, Rusk and his followers settled on a series of measures designed to achieve de facto annexation over time.

    The plan has three elements: 1) Inhibit suburban growth, and when possible encourage suburban re-migration to cities. This can be achieved, for example, through regional growth boundaries (as in Portland), or by relative neglect of highway-building and repair in favor of public transportation. 2) Force the urban poor into the suburbs through the imposition of low-income housing quotas. 3) Institute “regional tax-base sharing,” where a state forces upper-middle-class suburbs to transfer tax revenue to nearby cities and less-well-off inner-ring suburbs (as in Minneapolis/St. Paul).

    If you press suburbanites into cities, transfer urbanites to the suburbs, and redistribute suburban tax money to cities, you have effectively abolished the suburbs. For all practical purposes, the suburbs would then be co-opted into a single metropolitan region. Advocates of these policy prescriptions call themselves “regionalists.”

    AFFH goes a long way toward achieving the regionalist program of Obama and his organizing mentors. In significant measure, the rule amounts to a de facto regional annexation of America’s suburbs. To see why, let’s have a look at the rule.

    AFFH obligates any local jurisdiction that receives HUD funding to conduct a detailed analysis of its housing occupancy by race, ethnicity, national origin, English proficiency, and class (among other categories). Grantees must identify factors (such as zoning laws, public-housing admissions criteria, and “lack of regional collaboration”) that account for any imbalance in living patterns. Localities must also list “community assets” (such as quality schools, transportation hubs, parks, and jobs) and explain any disparities in access to such assets by race, ethnicity, national origin, English proficiency, class, and more. Localities must then develop a plan to remedy these imbalances, subject to approval by HUD.

    By itself, this amounts to an extraordinary takeover of America’s cities and towns by the federal government. There is more, however.

    AFFH obligates grantees to conduct all of these analyses at both the local and regional levels. In other words, it’s not enough for, say, Philadelphia’s “Mainline” Montgomery County suburbs to analyze their own populations by race, ethnicity, and class to determine whether there are any imbalances in where groups live, or in access to schools, parks, transportation, and jobs. Those suburbs are also obligated to compare their own housing situations to the Greater Philadelphia region as a whole.

    So if some Montgomery County’s suburbs are predominantly upper-middle-class, white, and zoned for single-family housing, while the Philadelphia region as a whole is dotted with concentrations of less-well-off African Americans, Hispanics, or Asians, those suburbs could be obligated to nullify their zoning ordinances and build high-density, low-income housing at their own expense. At that point, those suburbs would have to direct advertising to potential minority occupants in the Greater Philadelphia region. Essentially, this is what HUD has imposed on Westchester County, New York, the most famous dry-run for AFFH.

    In other words, by obligating all localities receiving HUD funding to compare their demographics to the region as a whole, AFFH effectively nullifies municipal boundaries. Even with no allegation or evidence of intentional discrimination, the mere existence of a demographic imbalance in the region as a whole must be remedied by a given suburb. Suburbs will literally be forced to import population from elsewhere, at their own expense and in violation of their own laws. In effect, suburbs will have been annexed by a city-dominated region, their laws suspended and their tax money transferred to erstwhile non-residents. And to make sure the new high-density housing developments are close to “community assets” such as schools, transportation, parks, and jobs, bedroom suburbs will be forced to develop mini-downtowns. In effect, they will become more like the cities their residents chose to leave in the first place.

    It’s easy to miss the de facto absorption of local governments into their surrounding regions by AFFH, because the rule disguises it. AFFH does contain a provision that allows individual jurisdictions to formally join a regional consortium. Yet the rule leaves it up to local authorities to decide whether to enter regional groupings — or at least the rule appears to make participation in regional decision-making voluntary. In truth, however, just by obligating grantees to compare their housing to the demographics of the greater metropolitan area, and remedy any disparities, HUD has effectively turned every suburban jurisdiction into a helpless satellite of its nearby city and region.

    We can see this, because the final version of AFFH includes much more than just the provisions of the rule itself. The final text of the regulation incorporates summaries of the many public comments on the preliminary rule, along with replies to those comments by HUD. This amounts to a running dialogue between leftist housing activists trying to make the rule more controlling, local bureaucrats overwhelmed by paperwork, a public outraged by federal overreach, and HUD itself.

    Read carefully, the section of the rule on “Regional Collaboration and Regional Analysis” (especially pages 188–203), reveals one of AFFH’s key secrets: It doesn’t really matter whether a local government decides to formally join a regional consortium or not. HUD can effectively draft any suburb into its surrounding region, just by forcing it to compare its demographics with the metropolitan area as a whole.

    At one point (pages 189–191), for example, commenters directly note that the obligation to compare local and regional data, and remedy any disparities, amounts to forcing a jurisdiction to ignore its own boundaries. Without contradicting this assertion, HUD then insists that all jurisdictions will have to engage in exactly such regional analysis.

    Comments from leftist housing activists repeatedly call on HUD to pressure local jurisdictions into regional planning consortia. At every point, however, HUD declines to demand that local governments formally join such regional collaborations. Yet each time the issue comes up, HUD assures the housing activists that just by compelling local jurisdictions to compare their demographics with the region as a whole, suburbs will effectively be forced to address demographic disparities at the total metropolitan level (e.g., page 196).

    When housing activists worry that a suburb with few poor or minority residents will argue that it has no need to develop low-income housing, HUD makes it clear that the regulation as written already effectively forces all suburbs to accommodate the needs of non-residents (pages 198–199). Again, HUD stresses that the mere obligation to analyze, compare, and remedy demographic disparities at the local and regional levels amounts to a kind of compulsory regionalism.

    HUD’s language is coy and careful. The Obama administration clearly wants to avoid alarming local governments, so it underplays the extent to which they have been effectively dissolved and regionalized by AFFH. At the same time, HUD wants to tip off its leftist allies that this is exactly what has happened.

    At one level, then, the apparatus of formal and voluntary collaboration in a regional consortium is a bit of a ruse. AFFH amounts to an annexation of suburbs by cities, whether the suburbs like it or not. Yet the formal, regional groupings enabled by the rule are far from harmless.

    Comments from housing advocates (pages 194–197), for example, chide HUD for failing to include a mention in AFFH of the hundreds of federally-funded regional plans already being developed by leftist activists across the country (the “Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant” program). These plans entail far more than imposing low-income housing quotas on the suburbs. They embody the regionalist program of densifying housing in suburb and city alike, and they structure transportation spending in such a way as to make suburban living far less convenient and workable. HUD replies that these plans can indeed be used by regional consortia to fulfill their obligations under AFFH.

    So a city could formally join with some less-well-off inner-ring suburbs and present one of these comprehensive regionalist dream-plans as the product of its consortium. At that point, HUD could pressure reluctant upper-middle-class suburbs to embrace the entire plan on pain of losing their federal funds. In this way, AFFH could force the full menu of regionalist policies—not just low-income housing quotas—onto the suburbs.

    There are plenty of ways in which HUD can pressure a suburb to bend to its will. The techniques go far beyond threats to withhold federal funds. The recent Supreme Court decision in Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project has opened the door to “disparate impact” suits against suburbs by HUD and private groups alike. That is, any demographic imbalance, whether intentional or not, can be treated by the courts as de facto discrimination.

    Just by completing the obligatory demographic analysis demanded by AFFH—with HUD-provided data, and structured according to HUD requirements—a suburb could be handing the government evidence to be used in such a lawsuit. Worse, AFFH demands that suburbs account for their demographic disparities, and forces them to choose from a menu of HUD-provided explanations. So if a suburb follows HUD’s lead and formally attributes demographic “imbalances” to its zoning laws, the federal government has what amounts to a signed confession to present in a disparate-impact suit seeking to nullify local zoning regulations. With a (forced) paper “confession” from nearly every suburb in the country in hand, HUD can use the threat of lawsuits to press reluctant municipalities to buy into a regional consortium’s every plan.

    Regionalists consider the entire city-suburb system bigoted and illegitimate, so there are few local governments that HUD would not be able to slap with a disparate-impact suit on regionalist premises. It’s unlikely that any suburb has a perfect demographic and “asset” balance in every category. All HUD has to do is decide which suburban governments it wants to lean on. With every locality vulnerable to a suit, every locality can be made to play the regionalist game.

    Leftist housing activists worry that AFFH never specifies the penalties a suburb will face for imbalances in its housing patterns. These activists just don’t get it. A thoughtful reading of AFFH, including its extraordinary “dialogue” section, makes it clear that HUD can go after any suburb, any time it wants to. The controlling consideration will be politics. HUD has got to boil the frog slowly enough to prevent him from jumping.

    It will take time for the truth to emerge. Just by issuing AFFH, the Obama administration has effectively annexed America’s suburbs to its cities. The old American practice of local self-rule is gone. We’ve switched over to a federally controlled regionalist system. Now it’s strictly a question of how obvious Obama and the Democrats want to make this change — and when they intend to bring the hammer down. The only thing that can restore local control is joint action by a Republican president and a Republican congress to rescind AFFH and restrict the reach of disparate impact litigation. We’ll know after November 8, 2016.

  • Howard Marks Interviewed: "There’s No Free Market Today"

    Earlier this year, Oaktree Capital Management’s Howard Marks asked what is perhaps the most important question for capital markets: “What would happen if a large number of holders decided to sell a high yield bond ETF all at once?”

    The answer, of course, is that fund managers would be left with a massive, non-diversifiable, unidirectional flow which would force them to either tap emergency liquidity lines with banks to meet redemptions or else risk selling the underlying bonds into an increasingly thin secondary market for corporate credit; the former option is a delay-and-pray scheme while the latter has the potential to trigger a sum-of-all-fears scenario wherein illiquidity quickly begets a fire sale.

    “The ETF can’t be more liquid than the underlying, and we know the underlying can become highly illiquid,” Marks warned.

    Recently, the “lonely contrarian” spoke to Goldman on topics ranging from manipulated markets to investor psychology. Here are some notable excerpts.

    *  *  *

    From Goldman’s “Fortnightly Thoughts”

    How can we understand investor psychology and use it to make investment decisions?

    It’s the swings of psychology that get people into the biggest trouble, especially since investors’ emotions invariably swing in the wrong direction at the wrong time. When things are going well people become greedy and enthusiastic, and when times are troubled, people become fearful and reticent. That’s just the wrong thing to do. It’s important to control fear and greed.  

    Why do behaviour patterns and mistakes recur despite the plethora of information available now? Are we doomed to repeat our mistakes?

    The bottom line is that even though knowing financial history is important, requiring people to study it won’t make a big difference, because they’ll ignore its lessons. There’s a very strong tendency for people to believe in things which, if true, would make them rich. Demosthenes said, “For that a man wishes, he generally believes to be true” Just like in the movies, where they show a person in a dilemma to have an angel on one side and a devil on the other, in the case of investing, investors have prudence and memory on one shoulder and greed on the other. Most of the time greed wins.  

    Is it volatility that’s made people scared of equity markets, particularly since 2000?

    Volatility goes in both directions but it’s declines that people dislike, not volatility. In 2000, people pursued growth but forgot to ask themselves ‘at what price?’ And in recent years they’ve been pursuing safety and income while ignoring the same question. Today the price being paid for the safety and income of bonds is among the highest in history. 

    How do you think about the current very low interest rate regime?

    Yes. The point is that today you can’t make a decent return safely. Six or seven years back, you could buy three to five-year Treasurys and get a return of 6% or so. So you could have both safety and income. But today, investors have to make a difficult choice: safety or income. If investors want complete safety, they can’t get much income, and if they aim for high income, they can’t completely avoid risk. It’s much more challenging today with rates being suppressed by governments. This is one of the negative consequences of centrally administered economic decisions. People talk about the wisdom of the free market – of the invisible hand – but there’s no free market in money today. Interest rates are not natural. They are where they are because the governments have set them at that level. Free markets optimise the allocation of resources in the long run, and administered markets distort the allocation of resources. This is not a good thing… although it was absolutely necessary four years ago in order to avoid a complete crash and restart the capital markets.

    Looking at the current scenario, is your level of caution and concern as high as it was during 2006-07?

    The worst things that occurred in 2006-07 are not happening as much today. But currently I’m just cautious, like I was in 2004-05. And some people might easily argue that I turned cautious too early. 

    If it’s human nature that causes the bubbles and crashes, do you think asset management should be done with more machines and fewer people?

    No, I disagree strenuously. People who doubt the existence of inefficient markets and the ability to profit from them may disagree with me. But if you think you’re operating in an inefficient market like I try to do, a lot can be accomplished by getting great people, developing an effective investment approach, hunting for misvaluations, keeping psychology under control, and understanding where you are in the cycle. I am not saying that everyone should try this. In fact, an algorithm or an index fund may work best for a lot of people. But at Oaktree, we don’t make heavy use of machines. We are fundamentalists and ours is a “non-quant shop.” As long as there are people on the other side making mistakes – failing to fully understand assets, acting emotionally, selling too low and buying too high – we’ll continue to find opportunities to produce superior risk-adjusted returns. This is something I’m very sure of. 

  • Fed "Accidentally" Released Dovish Confidential Market-Moving Forecasts, Blames "Glitch"

    First The ‘unaudited’ Fed leaks its FOMC minutes. Then they leak ‘inside-information’ to Nikkei’s latest addition, Medley Global advisors (and remain “above the law” with regard consequences. And now, The Fed admits it leaked full blown confidential economic projections (due to a code glitch), whose summary assessment is shown below as per the leaked file.

    While superficially, and as expected, the Fed is assuming a 1.26% fed funds rate in one year, suggesting about 3-4 rate hikes until then, with the first one according to the leaked documents taking place in Q3:

    … the overall strength of the economy is well weaker, and thus more dovish, than many of the permabulls had expected.

    As Bloomberg notes,


    The leaked projections were:

    • *FED STAFF PROJECTIONS SEE GDP 2.31% 2015, 2.38% 2016

    And these are the key projections as revealed in the leaked file (ZIP file can be found here). Note that the Fed expects a long-term 10Y rate of 4.25%, and potential GDP output to renormalize by 2020.


    Or in other words, quite more dovish than anyone expecting a strong, “escape velocity” surge in the economy had hoped for: certainly far weaker than what an imminent rate hike suggests.

    The impact of the “glitch” on the bond market can be seen the moment it hit by this dramatic move in the 2Year:


    As for the reason for the leak – simple – same as every other leak – a technical “glitch“:

    Economic projections prepared by Federal Reserve Board staff as background for the June 16-17, 2015, meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) were inadvertently included in a computer file posted to the Board’s public website on June 29. Because the information has already been released, the Federal Reserve is today providing general public notification and making those projections more easily accessible on our website within the FRB/US model package (ZIP) data folder.


    Approximately every three months, Federal Reserve Board staff update and publish on the Board’s website a package of computer code of the Board staff’s FRB/US model of the U.S. economy, including a set of illustrative economic projections based only on publicly available information.


    On June 29, an updated package of code was posted that inadvertently included three files containing staff economic forecasts that are confidential FOMC information. Two files contained charts of the staff’s projections for economic variables such as the unemployment rate, the core inflation rate, and gross domestic product growth as well as the staff’s assumption for the path of the federal funds rate target selected by the FOMC. Another file contained computer code used to generate a table displaying staff economic projections.


    The projections that were inadvertently released are staff projections that do not incorporate policymakers’ views, including their views on monetary policy. Policymaker views were set forth in the monetary policy statement and projection materials released on June 17 and in the minutes of the June FOMC meeting and the Summary of Economic Projections published on July 8.


    Consistent with the procedures in the FOMC’s Program for Security of FOMC Information, this matter has been referred to the Board’s Inspector General.

    But do not worry – despite the fact that they cannot upload a zip file in a timely manner, they are fully in charge of the world’s economic future.

  • What's Really Killing Capitalism

    Submitted by Bill Bonner via Bonner & Partners,

    Stifling Growth

    Zombies and cronies stifle the process of growth and wealth creation.

    To add wealth, you have to add knowledge. That is, you have to learn to do things better.

    The trouble with zombies is that they don’t want to learn. Learning is hard. And costly. Zombies just want to take the fruits of someone else’s learning.

    Likewise, cronies try to freeze the process of accumulating knowledge.

    New knowledge – accumulated by others – is threatening. It is what causes disruption. And what economist Joseph Schumpeter called “creative destruction.”

    Cronies fear this new knowledge and try to block it from ever happening – with subsidies, licensing requirements, and other regulatory impediments.

    George Gilder, in his latest book, Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How It Is Revolutionizing Our World, is that an economy is fundamentally a learning system, not a way for distributing wealth, believes that this obstructionism is a bigger threat to prosperity than debt.

    When Capitalism Fails

    Information, says Gilder, is always surprising. It tells us things we didn’t know.

    In an economy, the person who is the source of most important new information is the entrepreneur. He is the fellow who takes risks, builds a new business, and then – surprise, surprise – it works!

    The cronies want to stop him, before he undermines the value of their old assets and old business models with new information.

    The zombies want to drag him down, leeching on him so greedily that he runs out of energy.

    But without the entrepreneur, capitalism fails.

    Capitalism also fails when the information the entrepreneur relies upon is distorted.

    When the feds fiddle with interest rates, for example, they turn the most important signal in capitalism into misleading noise. Gilder:

    [I]nterest rates are noise, rather than signal. Interest rates near zero cause finance to hypertrophy, as privileged borrowers reinvest government funds in government securities. Only a small portion of these funds goes to useful “infrastructure,” while the rest is burned off in consumption beyond our means.

    Gilder believes the signals must move through channels – secured, but not corrupted – by government!

    Yes, government exists. It is going to provide “channels” – laws, property protection, speed limits, and so forth – whether we like it or not. And it will be better for us all if it just keeps the channels open and free from twists and tolls.

    But that is very different from providing “guidance.” Politicians don’t have the information or experience to provide guidance. They are zombies. They don’t want to learn the nitty-gritty details of real wealth building. They should just make sure basic laws – against murder, theft, and fraud – are enforced.

    And otherwise butt out.

  • Iran – Before & After The Nuclear 'Deal'

    Presented with no comment…




  • Another VA Scandal: GI Bill Funnels Taxpayer Money To Masturbation Classes, "Hate Churches" & More

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Iraq War veteran David Rodriguez steps into a softly lit classroom at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, crosses his legs and sits on a pillow in front of an altar decorated with a rope, a model of a penis and a statue of a Hindu god.


    Rodriguez, a retired Navy lieutenant commander who led an engineering battalion that dismantled roadside bombs, is here for a class on “sexual bodywork.” When instruction begins, he will join his classmates in practicing different forms of masturbation.


    “They do vulva massage and penis massage and anal massage,” said instructor Ariadne H. Luya, who holds a Ph.D. from the institute, an unaccredited graduate school founded in 1976 by an iconoclastic Methodist minister who amassed a large collection of erotic art and pornographic films, including child pornography, that is kept at the school.


    “We want to get people out of their ruts. Have you been masturbating the same way for 20 years?” she asked rhetorically. “How’s that going for you? Would you like to try something new?”


    Rodriguez is funding his studies with the GI Bill, which means taxpayers are covering his tuition to pursue a doctorate in human sexuality – more than $20,000 over the past two years.


    But in the absence of strong government oversight, Reveal has found a gold rush of 2,000 schools cashing in on the exemption. The list includes schools set up to make a profit by teaching blackjack, scuba diving, dog grooming, taxidermy and yoga. Many are owned by individuals who’ve gone bankrupt or failed to pay their taxes. A handful are owned by convicted felons…


    Back at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, the Rev. Ted McIlvenna, the school’s president, walks down a narrow hallway cluttered with erotic paintings and sculptures, pornographic magazines and reel after reel of pornographic films.


    “This is where we keep the kiddie porn,” he said, pointing at a 10-foot-long locked cabinet. “You have to have a doctorate to open it.”


    – From the Reveal article: GI Bill Pays for Unaccredited Sex, Bible and Massage Schools

    If you feel you’ve had enough Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) related scandals for one lifetime, you’ve come to the wrong place. I’m sure all Liberty Blitzkrieg readers will recall the huge outcry last year when it was revealed that some of those unfortunate Americans who sacrificed themselves in wars for imperial dominance and overseas profits, were left hung out to dry by the VA. So much so, that some vets even died while waiting for healthcare within the VA system.

    Not to worry though. Under the GI Bill, taxpayers are funding all sorts of “learning” at unaccredited schools, including masturbation classes at San Francisco’s Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, hate sermons at places such as the Oklahoma Baptist College and Institute, and all sorts of other scams run by convicted felons. I wish I was making this up.

    From the Center for Investigative Reporting’s Reveal:

    Iraq War veteran David Rodriguez steps into a softly lit classroom at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, crosses his legs and sits on a pillow in front of an altar decorated with a rope, a model of a penis and a statue of a Hindu god.


    Rodriguez, a retired Navy lieutenant commander who led an engineering battalion that dismantled roadside bombs, is here for a class on “sexual bodywork.” When instruction begins, he will join his classmates in practicing different forms of masturbation.


    “They do vulva massage and penis massage and anal massage,” said instructor Ariadne H. Luya, who holds a Ph.D. from the institute, an unaccredited graduate school founded in 1976 by an iconoclastic Methodist minister who amassed a large collection of erotic art and pornographic films, including child pornography, that is kept at the school.


    “We want to get people out of their ruts. Have you been masturbating the same way for 20 years?” she asked rhetorically. “How’s that going for you? Would you like to try something new?”


    Rodriguez is funding his studies with the GI Bill, which means taxpayers are covering his tuition to pursue a doctorate in human sexuality – more than $20,000 over the past two years. He says he wants to counsel veterans with sexual problems.


    Opinions may differ about whether Rodriguez’s degree is more or less valuable than other academic pursuits. But one thing is clear: His school does not meet the minimum standards that the U.S. Department of Education requires for receipt of other federal funds.


    The institute is eligible to receive money directly from the U.S. Treasury because the GI Bill does not require schools to be accredited – a formal process that typically includes extensive site visits and audits by an independent organization charged with upholding academic standards.


    But in the absence of strong government oversight, Reveal has found a gold rush of 2,000 schools cashing in on the exemption. The list includes schools set up to make a profit by teaching blackjack, scuba diving, dog grooming, taxidermy and yoga. Many are owned by individuals who’ve gone bankrupt or failed to pay their taxes. A handful are owned by convicted felons.


    The cost to taxpayers: more than $260 million from the time the new GI Bill took effect in 2009 until the end of 2014.


    Dozens of unaccredited Bible colleges benefit from the loophole, including one, the Oklahoma Baptist College and Institute, that is part of a church that was placed on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of hate groups. Its president, the Rev. Tom Vineyard, once declared that “50 to 60 percent of homosexuals are infected with intestinal parasites” and that “homosexuals account for half of the murders in large cities.” In December, Vineyard shot and killed a 14-year-old boy during what police said was an attempted burglary at his home. No charges were filed.


    “It boils down to this,” Van Buren said. “Your tax money paid me to fight a war and to sacrifice my family. For the rest of my life, I’ll be feeling the weight of that war. The education benefit I receive is part of that package, that I have the liberty to go where I want to go.”


    But some veterans advocates say such choices run counter to the purpose of the GI Bill, which is designed to help veterans succeed in civilian life.


    Reveal conducted extensive background checks on 100 unaccredited schools in 10 states that receive GI Bill money, including all of the top recipients and a sampling of others. More than a third were owned or run by individuals who had declared bankruptcy or failed to pay their taxes.


    In Georgia, GI Bill funds flowed to a construction academy whose president has declared bankruptcy twice and been arrested for assault. In New Jersey, they funded a for-profit nursing program whose president has faced five liens for unpaid taxes. In Pennsylvania, taxpayers paid for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans to attend a commercial trucking program whose president has lodged eight guilty pleas in traffic court, including driving an unregistered vehicle, driving a vehicle without proper inspection and speeding in a school zone.


    A handful of unaccredited schools are owned by convicted felons, including Royal Image Barber College, a Chicago-area beauty school whose founder, Corey Lewis, served four years in prison on charges of vehicular invasion and aggravated robbery. He also has declared bankruptcy twice in the past four years.


    The VA declined to discuss specific problems with any school, but in a statement, the agency argued that the “law sets no specific prohibitions against approving a program due to a school’s owner having declared bankruptcy, owed back taxes, or having been convicted of a crime in the past.”


    Back at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, the Rev. Ted McIlvenna, the school’s president, walks down a narrow hallway cluttered with erotic paintings and sculptures, pornographic magazines and reel after reel of pornographic films.


    “This is where we keep the kiddie porn,” he said, pointing at a 10-foot-long locked cabinet. “You have to have a doctorate to open it.”


    McIlvenna, who has been in business since 1976, says he will never seek accreditation from an organization approved by the Department of Education.


    “Accreditation is a bunch of crap,” he said. “They would never let me keep my library.”


    “We don’t take any federal money,” he said, “except for the veterans,” he quickly added – because it comes with no strings attached.

    Your taxpayer money at work. Speechless.


  • Syriza "Rebels" Planned To Ransack Greek Mint, Seize Cash Reserves, Arrest Central Bank Governor

    Earlier this week, in an FT op-ed, Eurointelligence’s Wolfgang Münchau said that in his estimation, an EMU exit remains the most likely outcome for Greece. The reason, Münchau explained, is that “[Greek PM Alexis] Tsipras ended up with another very lousy bailout deal. And this one suffers from the same fundamental flaws as its predecessors.” Münchau went on to describe, in vivid detail, how he believes a Grexit would unfold: 

    My own most likely Grexit scenario is a different one yet again. Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, hinted at this in his interview with the Financial Times last week when he said that he felt “something revolutionary” in the air. He is on to something. The most probable scenario for me is Grexit through insurrection.

    Whether he knew it when he penned those words or not, Münchau’s vision for Greece nearly unfolded just over a week ago when, according to FT, Syriza’s Left Platform (led by outspoken former Energy Minister Panayotis Lafazanis) met in at the Oscar hotel in a “shabby” downtown district of Athens and plotted to ransack the Greek mint, seize the country’s currency reserves, and arrest central bank chief Yannis Stournaras.

    It’s not entirely clear from the piece what the conspirators – who FT makes sure to mention included “supporters of the late Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez” and “old-fashioned communists” – planned to do next, but it certainly seems likely that if what you’re about to read is true, Greece came dangerously close to civil war last Wednesday. 

    Via FT:

    Arresting the central bank’s governor. Emptying its vaults. Appealing to Moscow for help.


    These were the elements of a covert plan to return Greece to the drachma hatched by members of the Left Platform faction of Greece’s governing Syriza party.


    They were discussed at a July 14 meeting at the Oscar Hotel in a shabby downtown district of Athens following an EU summit that saw Greece cave to its creditors, leaving many in the party feeling despondent and desperate.


    The plans have come to light through interviews with participants in the meeting as well as senior Greek officials and sympathetic journalists who were waiting outside the gathering and briefed on the talks.


    “Obviously it was a moment of high tension,” a Syriza activist said, describing the atmosphere as the meeting opened. “But you were also aware of a real revolutionary spirit in the room.”


    Yet even hardline communists were taken aback when Mr Lafazanis proposed that the Syriza government should seize control of the Nomismatokopeion, the Greek mint, where the bulk of the country’s cash reserves are kept.


    “Our plan is that we go for a national currency. This is what we should have done already. But we can do it now,” he said, according to people present at the meeting.


    Mr Lafazanis said the reserves, which he claimed amounted to €22bn, would pay for pensions and public sector wages and also keep Greece supplied with food and fuel while preparations were made for launching a new drachma.


    Meanwhile, the central bank would immediately lose its independence and be placed under government control. Its governor, Yannis Stournaras, would be arrested if, as expected, he opposed the move.


    As the details of the Left Platform meeting have leaked out, some political opponents are demanding an accounting.


    “Members of this government planned a trip to hell for Greeks,” said Stavros Theodorakis, leader of the pro-EU To Potami party. “They planned to raid the vaults of the people and invade the mint as if it were a Playmobil game. Alexis Tsipras must tell us the truth about what happened.”

    While the plan might have seemed straightforward enough on paper, and likely sounded like a good idea in the heat of the moment (assuming the meeting happened when FT says it did, Tsipras had betrayed the referendum outcome and agreed to hand over the country’s sovereignty to Berlin less than 48 hours earlier), it turns out that simply seizing the physical bank notes in the vault and firing up Greece’s euro printing presses wasn’t actually a viable option. “Anyone who tried to buy something with [those euros] would be at risk of being arrested for forgery,” one unnamed ECB official told FT, rather flatly. 

    Recall that just days before Tsipras arrived in Brussels for his “mental waterboarding”, Lafazanis had enthusiastically laid out the plans for Greece’s partnership with Russia on Gazprom’s Turkish Stream pipeline, exclaiming in the process that “Greece is no one’s hostage” and that “the Greek people’s No vote is not going to become a humiliating Yes.”

    (Follow me to the mint!)

    Lafazanis, FT notes, “visited Moscow three times as Mr Tsipras’s envoy after Syriza came to power in January. In return for signing up to a new gas pipeline project, he hoped for at least €5bn in prepayments of gas transit fees, according to people briefed on the initiative. But the Russians rejected the deal the week before the EU summit.” Some reports have also suggested that Moscow backed out of a deal to provide Athens with a loan to launch the new drachma.

    We’ll leave it to readers to digest the above and determine how close the Greek mint was to being commandeered by bloodthirsty (politically speaking that is) communists, but it’s worth noting that according to one bank official who spoke to FT, “it was all a fantasy.”

  • 5 Things To Ponder: Shades Of Risk

    Submitted by Lance Roberts via STA Wealth Management,

    Is it just me? Last week while on vacation, the markets surged back to all-time highs as the Greek and China problems were solved. Unfortunately, as I left white, sandy beaches and clear ocean waters behind me to return to reality – so did the markets. Either it is purely coincidental or I should head back to Mexico. Personally, I am hoping for the latter.

    As I discussed earlier this week (chart updated through Thursday's close):

    "While the prices did manage to break out of the downtrend that has contained the market since mid-May, so far that rally has failed to attain new highs. Furthermore, the previous oversold condition that acted as the "fuel" for the recent rally has been exhausted with the markets are now back to an extreme overbought condition. This suggests that there is likely very little upside currently and that investors should consider using this opportunity to engage in prudent portfolio management practices such as taking profits, reducing laggards, and rebalancing allocations."


    That advice has played out well as the markets have continued to deteriorate, along with a vast majority of internal measures. The question is now, and is the subject of this weekend's reading list, is the correction over? Or, is this just the beginning of something bigger?

    1) The Thinnest New High In Stock Market History? by Dana Lyons via Dana Lyon's Tumbler

    "When we posted yesterday's piece on the stock market's weak internals (If Beauty's On The Inside, This Market Wins The Ugly Contest), we weren't sure if things could get any worse – and by how much – with the major averages still able to hold near 52-week highs. Well, the answers were 'yes' and 'a lot'."


    Read Also: What Do 1987, 2003, 2009 And 2015 Have In Common by Chris Ciovacco via Ciovacco Capital


    2) Doubling Down On A Summer Correction by Michael Gayed via MarketWatch

    "This is not about opinion, and this is not a call. The odds simply favor some kind of heightened volatility, and volatility tends to coincide with corrections in stocks. Much like in July 2011 when stocks rallied and all seemed well before the Summer Crash of 2011 took place, so too a similar pattern and complacency is under way.


    Perhaps this is precisely how it needs to happen — suck everyone in, and then refresh the fear when it seems like all is well, and when no one expects it."

    Read Also: What's The Biggest Risk To Investors by Ben Carlson via A Wealth Of Common Sense


    3) The Nasdaq Is Flashing A Dot-Com Era Signal by Anthony Mirhaydari via The Fiscal Times

    "But beneath the surface, the situation is more vulnerable than it seems: By one measure, the Nasdaq is getting ahead of itself in a way not seen since just days before the dot-com bubble burst.

    On the Nasdaq 100, this was only the second time that the index was up 1 percent or more to a new 52-week high amid net declining issues. The other day was March 23, 2000, just days after the dot-com bubble peaked."

    Read Also: The Market Doesn't Care About Your Opinions by Joe Calhoun via Alhambra Partners

    Read Also: The Most Boring Stock Market In Decades by Michael Driscoll via WSJ MoneyBeat


    4) Magical Thinking Divorces Markets From Reality by James Grant via Financial Times

    "The modern financial animal is wont to assume that he or she lives in an age of science. Just peruse the economic research that the great central banks produce. Even the titles of the papers are incomprehensible. Surely, the wit of man and woman has conquered the mysteries of money.


    So much for appearances. The truth is we live in an age of pseudoscience. The central banks' forecasting models have failed to predict the future. Quantitative easing and zero per cent interest rates — policy centrepieces of the post-2008 era — have failed to restore what we used to call prosperity."

    Read Also: Market Deterioration & Full Cycle Investing by Dr. John Hussman via Hussman Funds


    5) China's Record Dumping Of US Treasuries by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge

    "The cumulative reserve depletion between Q3 2014 and Q2 2015 is $160bn after adjusting for currency changes. At the same time, a current account surplus in Q2 combined with a drawdown in reserves suggests that capital outflows from China continued for the fifth straight quarter. Assuming a current account surplus in Q2 of around $92bn, i.e. $16bn higher than in Q1 due to higher merchandise trade surplus, we estimate that around $142bn of capital left China in Q2, similar to the previous quarter.


    This brings the cumulative capital outflow over the past five quarters to $520bn. Again, we approximate capital flow from the change in FX reserves minus the current account balance for each previous quarter to arrive at this estimate (Figure 2)."


    Read Also: Investors Can't See Through Market Froth by John Plender via FT

    Other Interesting Reads

    Oil Warning: Crash Could Be Worst In 45 Years by Tom Randall via Bloomberg

    The Buffett Ratio Is Bearish by Ed Yardeni via Dr. Ed's Blog

    A Warning Signal For Growth Investors by Cam Hui via Humble Student Of The Market

    Are Stocks Overvalued? A Survey Of Equity Valuation Models by Chris Brightman via Research Affilliates

    "It wan't raining when Noah built the ark." – Howard Ruff

    Have a great weekend.

  • Stocks Suffer Worst Week Of Year Amid Biotech Bloodbath, Commodity Carnage, & Bond Buying

    This seemed appropriate…

    But "everything was awesome"?

    • Russell 2000 -3.1% – worst week since Oct 2014 (Bullard)
    • Dow -2.8% – worst week since Dec 2014
    • S&P -2.1% – worst week since Jan 2015
    • Trannies -2.8% – worst week since Mar 2015
    • Nasdaq -2.2% – worst week since Mar 2015


    Who is to blame for all this?

    Leaving The Dow comfortably red year-to-date…


    This is notable.. VIX was pressed notably lower into the close and stocks went nowhere – either Kevin Henry just lost his mojo OR traders are unwinding hedges and underlying exposures at the same time.. in other words – derisking in size!


    The Nasdaq tumbled to its 50DMA, Small Caps broke below 50DMA & 100DMA, pressing 200DMA, S&P broke its 50DM And 100DMA, pushing towards its 200DMA, Dow smashed below its 200DMA, Trannies back near 9 month lows.

    Ugly day…


    AMZN retraced over half its overnight gains…


    Biotechs… worst week/day in 3 months


    Buggered… 50 Biotech names (1/3rd) dropped over 4%


    After Biogen was battered… down 22% (worst day since July 2008)


    Treasury yields plunged on the week (except 2Y which inched higher)… 30Y yield's biggest drop since March


    The massive flattening in the yield curve (2s30s -27bps) is the biggest 2-week flattening since Sept 2011 (and biggest weekly drop since The Taper Tantrum)…


    The Dollar has been relatively quiet for the last 3 days as AUD plunges and EUR strengthens…


    Commodities were whacked all week but Friday afternoon saw gold & silver bid as Crude tumbled to 4-month lows…


    Crude crashes for 4th week in a row… (down 20%)


    Commodity carnage… year-to-date…(except higher gas prices!!)


    On the week: Bonds good, Stocks bad, Gold ugly…


    Charts: Bloomberg

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Today’s News July 24, 2015

  • Liberty Movement Needs More Innovations To Counter Technological Tyranny

    Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

    The great lesson from history that each consecutive generations seems to forget is that the tools of tyranny used outward will inevitably be turned inward. That is to say, the laws and weapons governments devise for supposed enemies abroad will ALWAYS and eventually be used against the people they are mandated to protect. There is no centralized system so trustworthy, no political establishment so free of corruption that the blind faith of the citizenry is warranted. If free people do not remain vigilant they will be made slaves by their own leadership. This is the rule, not the exception, and it applies to America as much as any other society.

    The beauty of the con game that is the “war on terror” is that such a war is ultimately undefinable. An undefinable war has no set enemy; the establishment can change the definition of the “enemy” at will to any culture, country, or group it wishes. Thus, the war on terror can and will last forever. Or, at least, it will last as long as corrupt elitists remain in positions of power.

    As I have outlined in past articles, most terror groups are creations of our nation's own covert intelligence apparatus, or the covert agencies of allied governments.

    ISIS is perhaps the most openly engineered terror organization of all time (surpassing Operation Gladio), with U.S. elites and purported anti-Muslim terror champions like Sen. John McCain and Gen. Paul Vallely making deals with “moderate” Free Syrian Army rebels who immediately turn out to be full fledged ISIS fighters (I'm sure they were not “surprised” by this outcome) and the Obama Administration blatantly funding and arming more “moderates” which again in turn seem to be crossing over into the hands of ISIS. Frankly, the whole idea that there is a moderate front in places like Syria where alphabet agencies reign supreme is utterly absurd.

    The bottom line – our political leadership, Republican and Democrat alike, created ISIS out of thin air, and now the American people are being expected to relinquish more individual liberties in the name of stopping this fabricated threat. Apparently, the Orwellian police state structures built under the auspices of the Patriot Act, the AUMF, the NDAA, FISA, etc. have not been enough to stop events like the Chatanooga shooting from occurring. So, what is the answer? Well, certainly not a reexamination of our insane foreign policy or an investigation into government funded false flag terrorism; that would make too much sense.

    Instead, the establishment claims we need MORE mass surveillance without warrants, tighter restrictions on individual freedoms, and even, according to retired General Wesley Clark, internment camps designed to separate and confine “disloyal” Americans from the rest of the population.


    Remember, all of this is being suggested in the name of stopping ISIS, but the language being used by political elites does not restrict such actions to ISIS related “extremists”. Once again, the war on terror is an ambiguous war, so ambiguous that internment camps supposedly meant for those the government labels POTENTIAL Islamic extremists could also be used for potential extremists of any group. Once the fuse is lit on the process of rendition, black bagging, internment, and assassination of citizens, any citizens, without trial, there will be no stopping the powder keg explosion to follow.

    I believe that the power brokers that dictate legal and political developments within our country are preparing to turn the full force of the police state machine against the American people, all in the name of protecting us, of course. I do not need their brand of “protection”, and neither does anyone else.

    It comes down to this – in the face of an increasingly advanced technological control grid, either liberty movement activists and freedom fighters must develop our own countermeasures, or, we will lose everything, and every generation after us will blame us for our inaction, if they remember us at all.

    Keep in mind a countermeasure must be decentralized. Bitcoin, for instance, is NOT a practical countermeasure being that it relies on a centralized and monitored global internet in order to function. It also does not encourage any tangible production capabilities or skill sets. Therefore, it does not provide for the function of a true alternative economy. It is a false solution and a useless countermeasure to a fiat currency based economy.

    A real countermeasure to a controlled economy, for instance, would be a localized barter economy in which people must develop ways to produce, rather than play make believe with digital cryptocurrencies.

    Countermeasures do not always have to be high tech. In fact, I am a staunch believer in the advantages of low tech solutions to high tech tyranny. As many are already aware, with the aid of Oath Keepers I recently developed a long term wearable cloak system which defeats FLIR thermal imaging, including military grade thermal imaging. Something which has never been offered on the civilian market before.

    But this is only one countermeasure to one major threat. I will continue to work on defenses in other areas in which I feel I am best qualified, however, the movement needs more R&D, and we need it NOW before it is too late. I would like to suggest some possible dangers, and how people with far more knowledge than myself could create tools for defeating tyranny. I would also like to examine some simple organizational countermeasures which EVERYONE should be undertaking right now.

    Community Defense

    This is an amazing countermeasure for the liberty movement because it removes the monopoly of state control over individual security. Nothing pisses off the establishment more than people taking individual and community defense into their own hands. Fear is the greatest weapon of a corrupt government, and if they can't keep you afraid because you are your own security, then they have lost considerable leverage over you.

    This dynamic is represented perfectly in the Oath Keepers Community Preparedness Team model, which has been utilized successfully in places like Ferguson, MO. Today, in the wake of the Chatanooga shootings, Oath Keeper teams are volunteering across the nation to stand guard (discreetly) at military recruiting offices. The recruiters themselves, who are forced to remain disarmed by the DoD, appear to be thankful for the Oath Keeper presence. This kind of effort shows those in the military that the liberty movement is not the great homegrown monster that the government and the SPLC have made us out to be. It also throws a monkey wrench into the use of false flag terrorism or terrorism funded by covert agencies (as ISIS is) as a means to herd the masses into totalitarianism in the name of safety.

    You might not be an engineer, or a tactician, but anyone can and should be organizing security teams for the places they live. Nothing could be more important.

    Community Food Reserve

    Am I talking about feeding your entire neighborhood or your entire town during a crisis? No, not necessarily. But, if you found an innovative way to make that possible, the rest of the movement would surely be grateful. Preppers do what they can for themselves and their families, but the bottom line is, if you are isolated and unorganized, all your prepping will be for naught. You are nothing more than an easy target and no amount of “OPSEC” is going to hide the fact that you will look well fed and healthy while everyone else doesn't. The solution to this is to organize community defense, as stated above, but to also organize a community food reserve.

    I highly suggest approaching already existing groups, like your local churches if they are willing to listen, and discussing the idea of food stores, water filtration, and shelter scenarios. If you can convince at least one community group to make preparations, you have just potentially saved numerous lives and stopped the exploitation of food scarcity as a means to dominate your local population during disaster.

    WiFi Radar

    Active WiFi based radar systems have been developed over the past several years which can see through walls (to a point) and potentially detect persons hiding in an urban environment. The number of radio frequency based radar projects coming out of the dark recesses of DARPA have been numerous, and each project appears to revolve around the goal of complete surveillance ability, or total information awareness. Such measures are not as effective against a technologically advanced opponent, but they could be very effective in dominating a lower tech civilian population.

    WiFi radar in particular is a rather disturbing concept, and not a field that I am personally well versed. I have seen some examples of radio-wave based personnel tracking and have not been all that impressed with the visual results, but this is only what has been made available to the public. Sometimes, the DoD will present a technology that does not work as well as they claim in order to strike fear in the minds of their enemies. That said, sometimes they also use tech tools that work far better than they let on.

    Luckily, radar countermeasure information is widely available to the public, and WiFi blocking and absorbing materials exist also. Liberty champions would do well, though, to look into active countermeasures along with passive, and devise methods for jamming WiFi radar altogether.

    RFID Matrix

    RFID chips are a passive technology but rather dangerous under certain conditions. With a grid of RFID readers in place in an environment such as a city, or a highway, a person could be tracked in real time every second of every day. He might not even know he is carrying a chip or multiple chips, the trackers being so small they could be sewn behind the button of a shirt.

    This is one threat which would probably have to be solved with higher technology. I have seen RFID jamming and “spoofing” done by civilian computer engineers, mostly from foreign countries. But, this should not just be a hobby for computer experts in technical institutes. The Liberty Movement needs portable RFID jamming and spoofing capability to ensure that these chips, which are set to be ingrained in almost every existing product in the near future from clothing to cars to credit cards, can be rendered useless.

    Drones Vs. Drones

    The predator drone is not the biggest threat on the block anymore in terms of surveillance ability. DARPA has been working on other drone designs similar to the A160 Hummingbird and the MQ-8 Fire Scout; lightweight helicopter-style UAVs that can stay in the air for up to 24 hours and provide overwatch in a 30 mile area. And lets not forget about JLENS surveillance blimps (also ironically referred to as "ISIS" Integrated Sensor Is The Structure project) which can and are outfitted with high grade cameras and radar that can be used to track people from 10,000 feet up in the sky.

    This is the future of combat operations and the lockdown of populations. Standard military units will be reduced as much as possible while UAVs will be deployed en masse. Air power has always been the biggest weakness of civilians seeking to counter corrupt governments, but this is actually changing.

    While they may be lower tech in certain respects, civilian based drones are actually keeping pace with military projects, if only because military projects are restricted by bureaucracy and red tape while civilians are encouraged and emboldened by profit motive. Range and elevation limitations in the civilian market are purely legal right now, and such limitations will be of no concern once the SHTF. For the first time in history, common people now have the ability to field an aerial defense.

    The DoD is well aware of this, and is already working on measures to counter enemy drones through their Black Dart and Switchblade program. The Liberty Movement needs its own Black Dart program.

    Long Distance Radio And Codes

    Regardless of the region they live, liberty activists should be developing their own radio code methods for secure communications. There are a few existing frequency hopping and coded radio systems out there on the civilian market, but these are short range units usually with around 1 watt of power. This makes them ideal for quick operational comms and difficult to listen in on simply because their range is so limited. That said, longer range radio communication will likely be essential for the spread of information from one region to the next, and no one should assume that regular phone and internet will be available in the future. News must travel somehow.

    This means HAM radio, using mobile repeaters to avoid triangulation, and old school coded messages. The R&D portion of this issue I believe needs to be in the use of an Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) for the liberty movement regionally and nationwide. This is a kind of “texting” through HAM radio, and combining this with traditional low tech cipher coding may be our best bet for long range secure comms. It could also help defeat drones that intercept standard messages and use voice recognition software to identify targets.

    Decentralized Internet

    Information sharing makes or breaks a society. Without the web, the liberty movement would not have found the success it has today, and the alternative media would not exist, let alone be outmatching the readership ratings of mainstream media sources that have otherwise dominated news flow for decades. Unfortunately, the web is NOT a “creative commons” as many people believe. It is, as Edward Snowden's revelations on the NSA proved, a highly controlled and monitored network in which there is essentially no privacy, even with the existence of cryptography.

    The great threat to the establishment is the possibility that people will begin building an internet separate from the internet; a decentralized network. Recently, an inventor named Benjamin Caudill was slated to release a device called “Proxyham”, designed to reroute wifi signals and remove the possibility of government monitoring of digital communications. Strangely, just before the release of Proxyham, Caudill pulled all devices with the intent to destroy them, and will not be releasing the source code and blueprints to the public as planned.

    Clearly, something or someone scared the hell out of Caudill, and he is rushing to appease them. We don't know who for certain, but my vote is the NSA. And if this is the case, it means his project and others like it are a threat to the surveillance state, and must be released to the public ASAP. If Caudill doesn't have the guts to do it, then the liberty movement must.

    An alternative internet would be a holy grail in the fight against tyranny, if only to show the world that people can indeed decouple from the system and create advanced networks themselves, and do it better than the establishment.

    These are just a few of the areas that require immediate attention from those with ingenuity in the liberty movement. The time for talk is over. The time for tangible action has begun. Beyond the need for immediate local organization by those preparing for social and economic breakdown, there is a desperate need for out-of-the-box thinkers to develop countermeasures to technological fascism. It's time for the movement to go beyond mere intellectual analysis and provide concrete solutions. There is nothing left but this.

  • Gold "Flash-Crashes" Again Amid Continued Commodity Liquidation As China Manufacturing Slumps To 15-Month Lows

    As Bridgewater talks back its now widely discussed bearish position on fallout from China's equity market collapse, Chinese stocks rose at the open (before fading after ugly manufacturing data). However, liquidations continue across the commodity complex in copper, gold, and silver. Though not on the scale to Sunday night's collapse, the China open brought another 'flash-crash' in precious metals. All signs point to CCFD unwinds, and forced liquidations as under the surface something smells rotten in China, which has just been confirmed by the lowest Manufacturing PMI print in 15 months.


    Gold flash crashed…


    As we noted previously, while the actual selling reason was irrelevant, the target was clear: to breach the $1080 gold price which also happens to be the multi-decade channel support level.


    As liquidations across the metals complex continue..


    Scotiabank's Guy Haselmann noted earlier…the plunging of the commodity complex is telling us that the China economy could be imploding. 

    Problems stemming from China are spreading further into more sectors and markets (various high yield sectors, emerging markets, EM and commodity currencies).


    As I wrote in my note Tuesday (Too Much of Everything), Zero interest rates have contributed to over-production, pressuring consumer prices lower.  Certainly, borrowing in the energy sector contributed to the over-supply of oil and look what has happened in that sector.   Now, weakening demand from China is accelerating the decent in most commodities.  Budgets of EM supplier-countries and commodity exporters are being materially impacted.  


    As commodities fall, the FOMC says that inflation targets are harder to obtain, leading to a self-perpetuating  belief that continued cheap money is needed. 


    Yet, claims fell to the lowest level since 1973, housing is strong, and auto sales are back to almost 17mm units (etc).  Clearly, the Fed has gotten itself into a difficult position.   By not lifting-off and taking their medicine in 2014 – market imbalances today are now bigger and the consequences greater.


    China is unfolding as the most important story of 2015 for markets. Stay alert.   Long-dated US Treasuries remain attractive and good place to hid.

    *  *  *

    It seems Guy may be on to something as Manufacturing just collapsed in China…


    All that stimulus, all those "measures" and Chinese manufacturing collapses at the fastest rate in 15 months; and it appears bad news is bad news still in China…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • The World Economy Visualized

    Via Jim Quinn's Burning Platform blog,

    If itsy bitsy pie slice – Greece (.33%) – can create this much worldwide economic havoc because of their unpayble level of debt, imagine what will happen when the truth is revealed about France (3.81%), Italy (2.88%), and Spain (1.88%). China’s (13.9%) entire economic model has been built upon debt and the world consuming their output.

    The world has run out of money to consume their shit. Japan (6.18%) is in the midst of a demographic and debt death spiral. The U.S. (23.32%) is living on borrowed time and the continued dominance of the USD. How long will it last? We are inhabiting in a world stacked with TNT run by monkeys with matches.

    Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

    Today’s data visualization is the most simple breakdown of the world economy that we’ve seen. Not only is it split to show the GDP of dozens of countries in relation to one another based on size, but it also subtly divides each economy into its main sectors: agriculture, services, and industry.  

    The lightest shade in each country corresponds to the most primitive economic activity, which is agriculture. The medium shade is industry, and the darkest shade corresponds to services, which tends to make up a large portion of GDP of developed economies in the world economy.

    To take it one step further, the visualization also shades the countries by continental geography, to easily see the relative economic contributions of North America, Europe, South America, Asia, Oceania, and Africa.

  • How Monsanto, Exxon Mobil, & Microsoft Lobbyists Are Bundling Funds For Hillary

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    The pantsuit revolutionary is at it again. Once again demonstrating her populist chops by employing the services of lobbyists to bundle millions in campaign funds. It’s no wonder opinion polls on her have been plunging as of late.

    We learn from Bloomberg that:

    When Barack Obama was running for the presidency in 2008—and later for reelection in 2012—he promised he wouldn’t take money from registered lobbyists, not even as bundlers. In the race to succeed him, Hillary Clinton is not following in his footsteps.


    The former secretary of state raised more than $2 million from 40 “bundlers”—fundraisers who get their contacts to give to campaigns—who were also lobbyists, according to financial forms released Wednesday by the Federal Election Commission. In all, the Clinton campaign raised $46.7 million between the beginning of April and the end of June.


    Clinton’s bundlers include some familiar names: Jerry Crawford, an outside lobbyist to Monsanto and Iowa kingmaker, put together another $35,000 or so. Tony Podesta, a mega-lobbyist who co-founded the Podesta Group and is the brother of Clinton’s campaign chair John, bundled almost $75,000.


    Other bundlers lobby for big companies including Microsoft (Fred Humphries) and Exxon Mobil (Theresa Fariello) or industry groups including the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (Daphna Peled). Another group includes former staffers for prominent Democratic politicians (including President Clinton) and politicians themselves, including former South Carolina Governor Jim Hodges. Lobbyist bundlers don’t have to disclose their employers, but the names appear on both Clinton’s disclosures and 2015 lobbyist registrations.

    She certainly knows how to diversify her portfolio when it comes to people who bribe U.S. Congress for a living.

    Clinton was the only Democrat running for president to have declared lobbyist bundlers as of Thursday. Two Republicans candidates, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Senator Marco Rubio, also filed disclosures on lobbyist bundlers, with Bush raising more than $228,000 from eight lobbyist bundlers and Rubio raising more than $133,000 from three lobbyist bundlers.


    Lobbyist participation in a campaign can be hard to avoid: Despite President Obama’s promise, the New York Times found in 2011 that at least 15 of his bundlers had strong links to lobbyists, including “overseeing” them, even if they weren’t registered themselves.

    But hey,

    Screen Shot 2015-02-23 at 1.09.30 PM

    *  *  *

    For related articles, see:

    Hillary Clinton Blasts High Frequency Trading Ahead of Fundraiser with High Frequency Trader

    Where Does Hillary Stand on the TPP? 45 Public Statements Tell You Everything You Need to Know

    Cartoons Mocking “Goldman Rats” and Hillary Clinton Appear All Over NYC

    Conversations with Everyday Americans – Hillary Launches $2,700 per Person “Grassroots” Fundraiser in Boston

    How UCLA Tried to Negotiate a Lower Speaking Fee, but Hillary Clinton Refused and Demanded $300,000

    All Hail Hillary – Iowa Students Locked in Classrooms as Clinton Arrives at College to Visit “Everyday Iowans”

    More Clinton Foundation Cronyism – The Deal to Sell Uranium Interests to Russia While Hillary was Secretary of State

    More Hillary Cronyism Revealed – How Cisco Used Clinton Foundation Donations to Cover-up Human Rights Abuse in China

  • The 'Fallout' From Fukushima Summed Up In 1 Disturbing Image

    If this is what is happening to a daisy now… good luck to the Olympic athletes in 5 years…


    Four years after the disastrous 2011 earthquake, subsequent tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear meltdown, this small patch of deformed daisies suggests all is not well no matter what Abe tells the world…




    We are sure everything is fine.. apart from

    Fukushima's nuclear fuel "missing"


    A specially designed robot 'dying' after just 3 hours of exposure, or


    2000x Normal radiation found in a Tokyo playground

    So what is really going in Fukushima?

  • Central Banks And Our Dysfunctional Gold Markets

    Submitted by Marcia Christoff-Kurapova via The Mises Institute,

    Many investors still view gold as a safe-haven investment, but there remains much confusion regarding the extent to which the gold market is vulnerable to manipulation through short-term rigged market trades, and long-arm central bank interventions. First, much of the gold that is being sold as shares, in certificates, or for physical hoarding in dubious "vaults" just isn't there. Second, paper gold can be printed into infinity just like regular currency. Third, new electronic gold pricing — replacing, as of this past February, the traditional five-bank phone-call of the London Gold Fix in place since 1919 — has not necessarily proved a more trustworthy model. Fourth, there looms the specter of the central bank, particularly in the form of volume trading discounts that commodity exchanges offer them.

    The Complex World of Gold Investments

    The question of rigging has been brought to media attention in the past few months when ten banks came under investigation by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the US Department of Justice in price-manipulation probes. Also around that time, the Swiss regulator FINMA settled a currency manipulation case in which UBS was accused of trading ahead of silver-fix orders. Then, the UK Financial Conduct Authority, which regulates derivatives, ordered Barclays to pay close to $45 million in fines against a trader who artificially suppressed the price of gold in 2012 to avoid payouts to clients. Such manipulations are not limited to the precious-metals market: in November of last year, major banks had to pay several billion dollars in fines related to the rigging of foreign-exchange benchmarks, including LIBOR and other interest-rate benchmarks.

    These cases followed on the heels of a set of lawsuits in May 2014 filed in New York City in which twenty-five plaintiffs consisting of hedge funds, private citizens, and public investors (such as pension funds) sued HSBC, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Bank Scotia, and Société Génerale (the five traditional banks of the former London Gold Fix) on charges of rigging the precious-metals and foreign-exchange markets. "A lot of conspiracy theories have turned out to be conspiracy fact," said Kevin Maher, a former gold trader in New York who filed one of the lawsuits that May, told The New York Times.

    Central Banks at the Center of Gold Markets

    The lawsuits were given more prominence with the introduction of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) on February 20, 2015. The new price-fixing body was established with seven banks: Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, UBS, HSBC, Barclays, Bank Scotia and Société Génerale. (On June 16, the Bank of China announced, after months of speculation, that it would join.)

    While some economists have deemed the new electronic fix a good move in contrast to behind-closed-door, phoned-in price-fixing, others beg to differ. Last year, the commodities exchange CME Group came under scrutiny for allowing volume trading discounts to central banks, raising the question of how "open" electronic pricing really is. Then, too, the LBMA is itself not a commodities exchange but an Over-The-Counter (OTC) market, and does not publish — does not have to publish — comprehensive data as to the amount of metal that is traded in the London market.

    According to Ms. Ruth Crowell, the chairman of LBMA, writing in a report to that group: "Post-trade reporting is the material barrier preventing greater transparency on the bullion market." In the same report, Crowell states: "It is worth noting that the role of the central banks in the bullion market may preclude 'total' transparency, at least at the public level." To its credit, the secretive London Gold Fix (1919–2015) featured on its website tracking data of the daily net volume of bars traded and the history of gold trades, unlike current available information from the LBMA as one may see here (please scroll down for charts).

    The Problem with Paper Gold

    There is further the problem of what is being sold as "paper" gold. At first glance, that option seems a good one. Gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs), registered with The New York Stock Exchange, have done very well over the past decade and many cite this as proof that paper gold, rather than bars in hand, is just as sure an investment. The dollar price of gold rose more than 15.4 percent a year between 1999 and December 2012 and during that time, gold ETFs generated an annual return of 14 percent (while equities registered a loss).

    As paper claims on trusts that hold gold in bank vaults, ETFs are for many, preferable to physical gold. Gold coins, for instance, can be easily faked, will lose value when scratched, and dealers take high premiums on their sale. The assaying of gold bars, meanwhile, with transport and delivery costs, is easy for banking institutions to handle, but less so for individuals. Many see them as trustworthy: ETF Securities, for example, one of the largest operators of commodity ETFs with $21 billion in assets, stores their gold in Zurich, rather than in London or Toronto. These last two cities, according to one official from that company, "could not be trusted not to go along with a confiscation order like that by Roosevelt in 1933."

    Furthermore, shares in these entities represent only an indirect claim on a pile of gold. "Unless you are a big brokerage firm," writes economist William Baldwin, "you cannot take shares to a teller and get metal in exchange." ETF custodians usually consist of the likes of J.P. Morgan and UBS who are players on the wholesale market, says Baldwin, thus implying a possible conflict of interest.

    Government and Gold After 1944: A Love-Hate Relationship

    Still more complicated is the love-hate relationship between governments and gold. As independent gold analyst Christopher Powell put it in an address to a symposium on that metal in Sydney, October 2013: "It is because gold is a competitive national currency that, if allowed to function in a free market, will determine the value of other currencies, the level of interest rates and the value of government bonds." He continued: "Hence, central banks fight gold to defend their currencies and their bonds."

    It is a relationship that has had a turbulent history since the foundation of the Bretton Woods system in 1944 and up through August 1971, when President Nixon declared the convertibility of the dollar to gold suspended. During those intervening decades, gold lived a kind of strange dual existence as a half state-controlled, half free market-driven money-commodity, a situation that Nobel Prize economist Milton Friedman called a "real versus pseudo gold standard."

    The origin of this cumbersome duality was the post-war two-tiered system of gold pricing. On the one hand, there was a new monetary system that fixed gold at $35 an ounce. On the other, there was still a free market for gold. The $35 official price was ridiculously low compared to its free market variant, resulting in a situation in which IMF rules against dealing in gold at "free" prices were circumvented by banks that surreptitiously purchased gold from the London market.

    The artificial gold price held steady until the end of the sixties, when the metal's price started to "deny compliance" with the dollar. Still, monetary doctrine sought to keep the price fixed and, at the same time, to influence pricing on the free market. These attempts were failures. Finally, in March 1968, the US lost more than half its reserves, falling from 25,000 to 8,100 tons. The price of other precious metals was allowed to move freely.

    Gold Retreats Into the Shadows

    Meawhile, private hoarding of gold was underway. According to The Financial Times of May 21, 1966, gold production was rising, but it was not going to official gold stocks. This situation, in turn, fundamentally affected the gold clauses of the IMF concerning repayments in currency only in equal value to the gold value of such at the time of borrowing. This led to a rise in "paper gold planning" as a substitution for further increases in IMF quotas. (Please see "The Paper Gold Planners — Alchemists or Conjurers?" in The Financial Analysts Journal, Nov–Dec 1966.)

    By the late 1960s, Vietnam, poverty, the rise in crime and inflation were piling high atop one another. The Fed got to work doing what it does best: "Since April [1969]," wrote lawyer and economist C. Austin Barker in a January 1969 article, "The US Money Crisis," "the Fed has continually created new money at an unusually rapid rate." Economists implored the IMF to allow for a free market for gold but also to set the official price to at least $70 an ounce. What was the upshot of this silly system? That by 1969 Americans were paying for both higher taxes and inflation. The rest, as they might say, is the history of the present.

    Today, there is no “official” price for gold, nor any “gold-exchange standard” competing with a semi-underground free gold market. There is, however, a material legacy of “real versus pseudo” gold that remains a terrible menace. Buyer beware of the pivotal difference between the two.


  • China Furious Over Rig Pictures: "What Japan Did Provokes Confrontation"

    On Wednesday, we detailed China’s latest maritime dispute with a US ally. Just as the back-and-forth banter and incessant sabre-rattling over Beijing’s land reclamation activities in the Spratlys had died down, Washington and Manila passed the baton to Tokyo in the race to see who can prod the PLA into a naval confrontation first. 

    To recap, Japan apparently believes that China is strategically positioning rigs as close to a geographical equidistance line as possible in order to siphon undersea gas from Japanese waters.

    Here’s a map showing the position of the rigs and the line which divides the countries’ economic zones:

    And here are the rigs themselves:

    Tokyo’s position is that Beijing’s exploration activities violate a 2008 joint development agreement between the two countries. Beijing, on the other hand, “erroneously” believes it has the right to development gas fields located in its territorial waters.

    As we noted yesterday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga’s assurance that the spat would not endanger the slow thaw of Sino-Japanese relations didn’t sound convincing under the circumstances:

    The dispute won’t do anything to help Sino-Japanese relations and although Suga claims the issue won’t derail diplomatic progress, one has to imagine that Beijing has had just about enough of being told what it can and can’t do in what it considers to be territorial waters. 

    Sure enough, China has taken the rhetoric up a notch. Reuters has more:

    Japan’s release of pictures of Chinese construction activity in the East China Sea will only provoke confrontation between the two countries and do nothing for efforts to promote dialogue, China’s Foreign Ministry said.


    In a statement late on Wednesday, China’s Foreign Ministry said it had every right to develop oil and gas resources in waters not in dispute that fall under its jurisdiction.


    “What Japan did provokes confrontation between the two countries, and is not constructive at all to the management of the East China Sea situation and the improvement of bilateral relations,” it said.

    According to some accounts, China’s O&G development efforts are tied to a long-running island dispute between the two countries. Here’s Reuters again: 

    In 2012, Japan’s government angered Beijing by purchasing a disputed, uninhabited island chain in the East China Sea.


    Until then, Beijing had curtailed activities under a pact with Japan to jointly develop undersea resources in disputed areas.


    So, spiteful retailiation or legitimate exploration and development? We’ll let readers decide with the help of the following color from BBC on the history behind the Senkaku islands row.

    * *  *

    From BBC

    At the heart of the dispute are eight uninhabited islands and rocks in the East China Sea. They have a total area of about 7 sq km and lie north-east of Taiwan, east of the Chinese mainland and south-west of Japan’s southern-most prefecture, Okinawa. The islands are controlled by Japan.


    They matter because they are close to important shipping lanes, offer rich fishing grounds and lie near potential oil and gas reserves. They are also in a strategically significant position, amid rising competition between the US and China for military primacy in the Asia-Pacific region.



    Japan says it surveyed the islands for 10 years in the 19th Century and determined that they were uninhabited. On 14 January 1895 Japan erected a sovereignty marker and formally incorporated the islands into Japanese territory.


    After World War Two, Japan renounced claims to a number of territories and islands including Taiwan in the 1951 Treaty of San Francisco. These islands, however, came under US trusteeship and were returned to Japan in 1971 under the Okinawa reversion deal.


    Japan says China raised no objections to the San Francisco deal. And it says that it is only since the 1970s, when the issue of oil resources in the area emerged, that Chinese and Taiwanese authorities began pressing their claims.


    China says that the islands have been part of its territory since ancient times, serving as important fishing grounds administered by the province of Taiwan.

  • Hoisington On Bond Market Misperceptions: "Secular Low In Treasury Yields Still To Come"

    Submitted by Hoisington Investment Management's Lacy Hunt via,

    Misperceptions Create Significant Bond Market Value

    From the cyclical monthly high in interest rates in the 1990-91 recession through June of this year, the 30-year Treasury bond yield has dropped from 9% to 3%. This massive decline in long rates was hardly smooth with nine significant backups. In these nine cases yields rose an average of 127 basis points, with the range from about 200 basis points to 60 basis points (Chart 1). The recent move from the monthly low in February has been modest by comparison. Importantly, this powerful 6 percentage point downward move in long-term Treasury rates was nearly identical to the decline in the rate of inflation as measured by the monthly year-over-year change in the Consumer Price Index which moved from just over 6% in 1990 to 0% today. Therefore, it was the backdrop of shifting inflationary circumstances that once again determined the trend in long-term Treasury bond yields.

    In almost all cases, including the most recent rise, the intermittent change in psychology that drove interest rates higher in the short run, occurred despite weakening inflation. There was, however, always a strong sentiment that the rise marked the end of the bull market, and a major trend reversal was taking place. This is also the case today.

    Presently, four misperceptions have pushed Treasury bond yields to levels that represent significant value for long-term investors. These are:

    1. The recent downturn in economic activity will give way to improving conditions and even higher bond yields.
    2. Intensifying cost pressures will lead to higher inflation/yields.
    3. The inevitable normalization of the Federal Funds rate will work its way up along the yield curve causing long rates to rise.
    4. The bond market is in a bubble, and like all manias, it will eventually burst.

    Rebounding Economy and Higher Yields

    The most widely held view of these four misperceptions is that the poor performance of the U.S. economy thus far in 2015 is due to transitory factors. As those conditions fade, the economy will strengthen, sparking inflation and causing bond yields to move even higher. The premise is not compelling, as there is solid evidence of a persistent shift towards lower growth. Industrial output is expected to decline more in the second quarter than the first. This will be the only back-to-back decrease in industrial production since the recession ended in 2009 (Chart 2). Any significant economic acceleration is doubtful without participation from the economy’s highest value-added sector. To be sure, the economy recorded higher growth in the second quarter, but that was an easy comparison after nominal and real GDP both contracted in the first quarter.

    Adding to a weak manufacturing sector, other fundamentals continue to indicate that top- line growth will not accelerate further this year, and inflation will be contained. M2 year-over-year growth has slipped below the growth rates that prevailed at year-end. The turnover of that stock of money, or velocity, is showing a sharp deceleration. Presently M2 velocity is declining at a 3.5% annual rate, and there are signs that it may decline even faster. If growth in M2 or velocity subsides much further, then nominal GDP growth is unlikely to reach the Fed’s recently revised forecast of 2.6% this year (M*V=Nominal GDP).

    At year-end 2014 the Fed was forecasting nominal GDP growth to accelerate to 4.1% this year, compared with 3.7% and 4.6% actual increases in 2014 and 2013, respectively. In six months the Fed has once again been forced to admit it's error and has massively lowered its forecast of nominal growth to 2.6%. Additionally, the Fed formerly expected a 2.8% increase in real GDP and now anticipates only a 1.9% increase in 2015, down from 2.4% and 3.1% in 2014 and 2013, respectively. The inflation rate forecast was also lowered by 60 basis points.

    Transitory increases in long Treasury bond yields are not likely to be sustained in an environment of a pronounced downward trend in growth in both real and nominal GDP. However the expectation of lower long rates is also bolstered by the well-vetted economic theory of “the Wicksell effect” (Knut Wicksell 1851-1926).

    Wicksell suggested that when the market rate of interest exceeds the natural rate of interest funds are drained from income and spending to pay the financial obligations of debtors. Contrarily, these same monetary conditions support economic growth when the market rate of interest is below the natural rate of interest as funds flow from financial obligations into spending and income. The market rate of interest and the natural rate of interest must be very broad in order to capture the activities of all market participants. The Baa corporate bond yield, which is a proxy for a middle range borrowing risk, serves the purpose of reflecting the overall market rate of interest. The natural rate of interest can be captured by the broadest of all economic indicators, the growth rate of nominal GDP.

    In comparing these key rates it is evident that the Wicksell effect has become more of a constraint on growth this year. For instance, the Baa corporate bond yield averaged about 4.9% in the second quarter. This is a full 230 basis points greater than the gain in nominal GDP expected by the Fed for 2015. By comparison, the Baa yield was only 70 basis points above the year-over-year percent increase in nominal GDP in the first quarter.

    To explain the adverse impact on the economy today of a 4.8% Baa rate verses a nominal GDP growth rate of 2.6% consider a $1 million investment financed by an equal amount of debt. The investment provides income of $26,000 a year (growth rate of nominal GDP), but the debt servicing (i.e. the interest on Baa credit) is $48,000. This amounts to a drain of $22,000 per million. Historically the $1 million investment would, on average, add $2,500 to the annual income spending stream. Over the past eight decades, the Wicksell spread averaged a negative 25 basis points (Chart 3).

    Since 2007 however, the market rate of interest has been persistently above the natural rate, and we have experienced an extended period of subpar economic performance. Also, during these eight years the economy has been overloaded with debt as a percent of GDP and, unfortunately, too much of the wrong type of debt. The ratio of public and private debt moved even higher over the past six months suggesting that the Wicksell effect is likely to continue enfeebling monetary policy and restraining economic growth and inflation.

    Cost Push Inflation Means Higher Yields

    The second misperception is more subtle. The suggestion is that higher health care and/or wage costs will force inflation higher. It follows, therefore, that Treasury bond yields will rise as they are heavily influenced by inflationary expectations and conditions. Further, this higher inflation will cause the Fed to boost the federal funds rate.

    Some argue that health care insurance costs are projected to rise very sharply, with some companies indicating that premiums will need to rise more than 50% due to the Affordable Care Act. Even excluding the extreme increases in medical insurance costs, many major carriers have announced increases of 20% or more. Others argue that the six-year low in the unemployment rate will cause wage rates to accelerate.

    Four considerations cast doubt on these cost- push arguments. First, increases in costs for medical care, which has inelastic demand, force consumers to cut expenditures on discretionary goods with price elastic demand. Goods with inelastic demand do not have many substitutes while those with elastic demand have many substitutes. When an economy is experiencing limited top-line growth, as it is currently, the need to make substitute-spending preferences is particularly acute. Thus, discretionary consumer prices are likely to be forced lower to accommodate higher non-discretionary costs, leaving overall inflation largely unchanged.

    Second, alternative labor market measures indicate substantial slack remains and evidence is unconvincing that wage rates are currently rising to any significant degree. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report that looks at the “contingent workforce” (Wall Street Journal, May 28, 2015). These are workers who are not full-time permanent employees. In the broadest sense, the GAO found these workers accounted for 40.4% of the workforce in 2010, up from 35.3% in 2006. The GAO found that this growth mainly results from an increase in permanent part-timers, a category that grew as employers reduced hours and hired fewer full-time workers. The GAO also said that the actual pay earned was nearly 50% less for a contingent worker than a person with a steady full time job. The process portrayed in the study undermines the validity of the unemployment rate as an indicator because a person is counted as employed if they work as little as one hour a month. Additionally there is an upward bias on average hourly earnings due to the difference in hours worked between full-time and contingent workers.

    Third, corporate profits and closely aligned productivity measures are more consistent with declining, rather than strengthening, wage increases. After peaking in the third quarter of 2013, profits after tax and adjusted for inventory gains/losses and over/under depreciation have fallen by 16% (Chart 4). Over the past four years, nonfarm business productivity increased at a mere 0.6% annual rate, the slowest pace since the early 1980s. A significant wage increase would cut substantially into already thin profits as top-line growth is decelerating, and the dollar hovers close to a 12.5 year high. Together the profits and productivity suggest that firms need to streamline operations, which would entail reducing, rather than expanding, employment costs.

    Fourth, experience indicates inflationary cycles do not start with rising cost pressures. Historically, inflationary cycles are characterized by “a money, price and wage spiral” and in that order. In other words, money growth must accelerate without an offsetting decline in the velocity of money. When this happens, aggregate demand pulls prices higher, which, in turn, leads to faster wage gains. The upturn leads to a spiral when the higher prices and wages are reinforced by another even faster growth in money not thwarted by velocity. Current trends in money and velocity are not consistent with this pattern and neither are prices and wages.

    Normalizing the Federal Funds Rate

    A third argument is that the Fed needs to normalize rates, and as they do this, yields will also rise along the curve. It is argued the Fed has held the federal funds rate at the zero bound for a long time with results that are questionable, if not detrimental, to economic growth. Proponents for this argue that the zero bound may have resulted in excessive speculation in stocks and other assets. This excess liquidity undoubtedly boosted returns in the stock market, but the impact on economic activity was not meaningful. At the same time, the zero bound and the three rounds of quantitative easing reduced income to middle and lower range households who hold the bulk of their investments in the fixed income markets. Thus, to reverse the Fed’s inadvertent widening of the income and wealth divide, the economy will function better with the federal funds rate in a more normal range. Also, by raising short-term rates now, the Fed will have room to lower them later if t he economy worsens.

    Normalization of the federal funds rate is widely accepted as a worthwhile objective. However, achieving normalization is not without its costs. In order to increase the federal funds rate, the Fed will raise the interest rate on excess reserves of the depository institutions (IOER). Also, the Fed will have to shrink the $2.5 trillion of excess reserves owned by the depository institutions by conducting reverse repurchase agreements. This is in addition to operations needed to accommodate shifts in excess reserves caused by fluctuations in operating factors, such as currency needs of the non- bank public, U.S. Treasury deposits at the Fed and Federal Reserve float. If increases in the IOER do not work effectively, the Fed will then need to sell outright from its portfolio of government securities, causing an even more significant impact out the yield curve. The Fed’s portfolio has close to a seven-year average maturity.

    A higher federal funds rate and reduced monetary base would place additional downward pressure on both money growth and velocity, serving to slow economic activity. Productivity of debt has a far more important influence on money velocity than interest rates. Nevertheless, higher interest rates would cause households and businesses to save more and spend less, which, in turn, would work to lower money velocity. Such a policy consequence is highly unwelcome since velocity fell to a six decade low in the first quarter and another drop clearly appears to have occurred in the second quarter.

    These various aspects of the Fed’s actions would, all other things being equal, serve to reduce liquidity to the commodity, stock and foreign exchange markets while either placing upward pressure on interest rates or making them higher than otherwise would be the case. Stock prices and commodity prices would be lower than they otherwise. In addition the dollar would be higher than otherwise would be the case deepening the deficit between imports and exports of goods and services.

    Increases in the federal funds rate would be negative for economic activity. As the Fed’s restraining actions become apparent, however, the Fed could easily be forced to lower the federal funds rate, making increases in market interest rates temporary.

    The predicament the Fed is in is one that could be anticipated based on the work of the late Robert K. Merton (1910-2003). Considered by many to be the father of modern day sociology, he was awarded the National Medal of Science in 1994 and authored many outstanding books and articles. He is best known for popularizing, if not coining, the term “unanticipated consequences” in a 1936 article. He also developed the “theory of the middle range”, which says undertaking a completely new policy should proceed in small steps in case significant unintended problems arise. As the Fed’s grand scale experimental policies illustrate, anticipating unintended consequences of untested policies is an impossible task. For that reason policy should be limited to conventional methods with known outcomes or by untested operations only when taken in small and easily reversible increments.

    Bond Market Bubble

    The final argument contends that the Treasury bond market is in a bubble, and like all manias, it will burst at some point. In The New Palgrave, Charles Kindleberger defined a bubble up as …" a sharp rise in the price of an asset or a range of assets in a continuous process, with the initial rise generating expectations of further rises and attracting new buyers". The aforementioned new buyers are more interested in profits from “trading the asset than its use or earnings capacity”. For Kindleberger the high and growing price is unjustified by fundamental considerations. In addition Kindelberger felt that the price gains were fed by ‘momentum’ investors who buy, usually with borrowed funds, for the sole purpose of selling to others at a higher price. For Kindleberger, a large discrepancy between the fundamental price and the market price reflected excessive debt increases. This condition is referred to as “overtrading”. At some point, perhaps after a prolonged period of time, astute investors will begin to recognize the gap between market and fundamental value. They will begin to sell assets financed by debt, or their creditors may see this gap and deny the speculators credit. Charles Kindleberger called this process “discredit”. For Kindleberger, the word discredit was designed to capture the process of removing some of the excess debt creation. The phase leads into the popping of the bubble and is called “revulsion”.

    The issue in determining whether or not a bubble exists is to determine what constitutes fundamental value. For stocks this is generally considered to be after-tax earnings, cash flow or some combination of the two and the discount rate to put these flows in present value terms. Most experts who have addressed this issue of economic fundamentals have confined their analysis to assets like stocks or real estate. In the Palgrave article Kindelberger did not specifically cover the case of bonds. We could not find discussions by well- recognized scholars that explicitly defined a Treasury bond value or a market bubble. The reason is that there is no need.

    To be consistent with well-established and thoroughly vetted theory, the economic value of long-term Treasury bonds is determined by the relationship between the nominal yield and inflationary expectations, or the real yield. To assess the existence of a Treasury bond bubble one must evaluate the existing real yield in relation to the historic pattern of real yields. If the current real yield is well above the long-term historic mean then the Treasury bond market is not in a bubble. However, if the current real yield is significantly below this mean, then the market is in a bubble. By this standard, the thirty-year Treasury bond is far from a bubble. In the past 145 years, the real long bond yield averaged 2.1%. At a recent nominal yield of 3.1% with a year over year increase in inflation of 0.1%, the real yield stands at 3%, 50% greater value than investors have, on average, earned over the past 145 years. Indeed, the real yield is virtually the same as in 1990 when the nominal bond yield was 9%. Contrary to the Treasury bond market being in a bubble, errant concerns about inflation or other matters have created significant value for this asset class.


    In summary, economic theory and history do not suggest the secular low in inflation, or that its alter ego, Treasury bond yields, is at hand. The excessive debt burden, slow money growth, declining money velocity, the Wicksell effect and the high real rate of interest indicate that the fundamental elements are exerting downward, rather than upward, pressure on inflation. Inflation will not trough as long as the US economy continues to become even more indebted. While Treasury bond yields have repeatedly shown the ability to rise in response to a multitude of short-run concerns that fade in and out of the bond market on a regular basis, the secular low in Treasury bond yields is not likely to occur until inflation troughs and real yields are well below long-run mean values. We therefore continue to comfortably hold our long-held position in long-term Treasury securities.

  • 15 Years After Land-Grabs, Mugabe Invites White Farmers Back To Zimbabwe

    File this one away in the “when populism backfires” folder. 

    A little over a month after announcing that the Zimbabwean dollar – which, you’re reminded, was phased out in 2009 after inflation rose modestly to 500 billion percent – would be demonetized and exchanged at a generous rate of $5 for every 175 quadrillion, Zimbabwe will for the first time rethink the sweeping land grabs which began in 2000 and subsequently crippled the country’s economy.

    Many Zimbabwean farmers who have stopped growing food in favor of “green gold” (tobacco) fear they will starve this winter after a severe drought and a generalized “lack of knowledge” left them with a subpar crop that fetched little at auction. Here’s more from Rueters

    Thousands of small-scale farmers in Zimbabwe fear they will be going hungry this winter after abandoning traditional staples like maize, sorghum and groundnuts for tobacco, a cash crop known locally in this southern African nation as “green gold”.


    For 15 years after Zimbabwe’s agriculture sector collapsed in the face of President Robert Mugabe’s seizure of white-owned farms to resettle landless blacks, the tobacco industry has been booming, with farmers funded by private firms to grow tobacco.


    But this switch, coupled with the worst regional drought in nearly a decade, has left Zimbabwe in a precarious food situation. Many farmers have complained of low prices as the season ends while buyers argue the quality of the crop was poor.



    The tobacco industry has become the country’s biggest export earner with over 88,000 growers registered with the tobacco regulatory body, the Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board, in the 2014/15 season, up from 52,000 in 2012.


    But the returns are often uncertain and many farmers have been left disappointed.


    Industry figures showed that at the end of the selling season this month farmers sold 188.5 million kgs worth $555 million, down 8.5 percent from a year ago when the crop was worth $654 million.


    “It was a disaster,” said David Muyambo, 35, a father of four, who earned $74 from tobacco sales this season after investing $1,200 in his crop. “I need to buy food for my family and I have no money.”


    Muyambo blames his failure on erratic rains, which decimated his crop, as well as his lack of knowledge on how to apply fertilizer, remove suckers and cure the crop.


    Muyambo said he will never farm tobacco again.


    With more farmers focused on tobacco, Zimbabwe’s harvest of maize, a staple food, dropped by 49 percent in the 2014/15 season, the government said, which is set to exacerbate food shortages in Zimbabwe, once the bread-basket of the region.

    Against this rather dreary backdrop, the government is beginning to reconsider its stance towards white farmers and will, according to The Telegraph, “give official permission for some whites to stay on their land.”

    Via The Telegraph:

    Zimbabwe’s government has for the first time suggested it may give official permission for some white farmers to stay on their land, 15 years after it sanctioned widespread land grabs that plummeted the country into an economic crisis.


    Douglas Mombeshora, the Zanu-PF Lands Minister, said provincial leaders had been asked to draw up a list of white farmers they wanted to stay on their farms deemed to be “of strategic economic importance”.


    “We have asked provinces to give us the names of white farmers they want to remain on farms so that we can give them security of tenure documents to enable them to plan their operations properly,” Mr Mombeshora said. 


    More than 4,000 white farmers lost their land after Mr Mugabe lost a referendum to the new Movement for Democratic Change party and, in a bid to regain popularity, authorised land grabs by disaffected war veterans.


    Today, fewer than 300 white farmers remain on portions of their original land holdings in Zimbabwe and many of the seized farms lie fallow, meaning the former Breadbasket of Africa has to import food to feed its population.


    Among remaining farmers who have been recommended for a reprieve of Mr Mugabe’s edict that whites can no longer own land in Zimbabwe is Elizabeth Mitchell, a poultry farmer who produces 100,000 day-old chicks each week. 



    And so once again we see that necessity (a food shortage) breeds invention (rethinking populist land grabs), but lest anyone should believe that Mugabe has done a complete 180, we’ll close with the following advice given to supporters at a recent Patriotic Front rally:

    “Don’t be too kind to white farmers. They can own industries and companies, or stay in apartments in our towns but they cannot own land. They must leave the land to blacks.” 

  • Commodity Carnage Contagion Crushes Stocks & Bond Yields

    Summing up Mainstream media today…


    Where to start…

    Bonds – Good!


    Stocks – Bad!


    Commodities – Ugly!

    *  *  *

    Everything was red in equity index land today… Trannies worst day since January


    Stocks are all red for the week… Dow is down over 400 points from Monday's highs back below its 200DMA; S&P 500 cash is back below its 50DMA; and Russell 2000 broke below its 50 & 100DMA


    Financials have given up their earlier week gains (as rates flatten) and only builders remain green on the week…


    Leaving The Dow red for 2015…


    52-Week Lows are at their highest since 2014…


    On the week, the Treasury complex is seeing major flattening as the long-end collapses while short-end lifts on rate hike expectations…


    With 30Y retracing all "Greece is fixed" weakness…


    With 2s30s near 3 month flats…


    Maybe all that NIM hope is overprices after all…


    The US Dollar leaked lower on the day as EUR strengthened and cable weakened…


    Summing up th edetails across the FX space (courtesy of ForexLive)

    The dollar was mixed in trading today. It rose against the GBP and AUD, fell against the EUR NZD. and JPY, and was little changed vs the CAD and CHF.


    The cable was the big loser on the day and is closing near low levels after weak retail sales took some of the jubilance from thoughts of a quicker tightening.  BOE McCafferty did comment, however, that the BOE must be careful not to keeps rates too low for too long. EURGBP surged higher in trading today.


    In Canada, stronger than expected retail sales sent the USDCAD sharply lower, but oil price continued to fall  with WTI crude down 1.14% on the day at the close.  What was gained in the London morning session for the loonie (and after the release of the data) was taken all back by the close.


    The EURUSD rallied to new week highs (highest level since July 15th). The pair did find sellers against technical levels defined by the 50% retracement and the 100 day MA at the 1.1011 and 1.1000 respectively.


    Twenty-four hours after the RBNZ cut their rate by 25 basis points, the NZDUSD is ending the day up from 5 pm close at 0.6560 but off the London session highs at 0.6694. The pair is ending the NY session testing the 200 hour MA at the 0.6606 level.  Disappointment from not cutting 50 basis points sent the pair higher but lower rates are still expected between now and the end of the year.

    But that did nothing to support commodities…


    Copper now at 6 year lows


    And front-month crude getting close to cycle lows…


    *  *  *

    Scotiabank's Guy Haselmann provides some more ominous color…

    I believe the plunging of the commodity complex is telling us that the China economy could be imploding.  Problems stemming from China are spreading further into more sectors and markets (various high yield sectors, emerging markets, EM and commodity currencies).


    As I wrote in my note Tuesday (Too Much of Everything), Zero interest rates have contributed to over-production, pressuring consumer prices lower.  Certainly, borrowing in the energy sector contributed to the over-supply of oil and look what has happened in that sector.   Now, weakening demand from China is accelerating the decent in most commodities.  Budgets of EM supplier-countries and commodity exporters are being materially impacted.  


    As commodities fall, the FOMC says that inflation targets are harder to obtain, leading to a self-perpetuating  belief that continued cheap money is needed. 


    Yet, claims fell to the lowest level since 1973, housing is strong, and auto sales are back to almost 17mm units (etc).  Clearly, the Fed has gotten itself into a difficult position.   By not lifting-off and taking their medicine in 2014 – market imbalances today are now bigger and the consequences greater.


    China is unfolding as the most important story of 2015 for markets. Stay alert.   Long-dated US Treasuries remain attractive and good place to hid.

    *  *  *

    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: Protection costs are dramatically diverging between credit and stocks…

    As Bloomberg notes, the last time the VIX diverged from high-yield CDS this much was in August 2013, when investors were anticipating the Federal Reserve would start reducing its quantitative easing program. The equity volatility gauge jumped more than 70 percent in the next two months as the S&P 500 lost as much as 4.6 percent.


    Bonus Bonus Chart: The real fear index is the most complacent since before Lehman… (details on Implied Correlation here)

  • The Hard Truth: For Retail Investors, The NYSE Is Always Out Of Service

    Submitted by Nanex,

    1. Charts of the Event.

    On July 8, 2015 at 11:32:57, trades and quotes stopped updating from the NYSE. Trading eventually resumed at 3:10pm.

    Timeline up to the halt.

    Trades from NY-ARCA (red) and NYSE (blue) when NYSE halted (note the disappearance of the blue dots).

    NYSE trades when NYSE halted. (This is the chart Stephen Colbert used on the The Late Show)

    NYSE trades when NYSE resumed.


    2. Does the NYSE matter? The Importance of NYSE's Quote.

    On a typical trading day, quotes from the NYSE set the NBBO (National Best Bid/Offer) more than 60% of the time – beating out 10 other exchanges. You would think that losing NYSE's quote would severely impact the Retail Investor's trading experience.

    Below is the same chart as above but on the day of the NYSE halt. Right at the open we can see there's a problem. Then NYSE's quote disappears, mostly replaced by Nasdaq.

    There is also this excellent study of how trades fared among different exchanges, which is worth reading. What they found: the NYSE has great executions compared to other exchanges.


    3. The Halt's Impact on Retail Investors: Experts and Spin.

    "Even though the NYSE floor is down, the NYSE Arca exchange is still operating.
    A retail investor who wants to trade Exxon will see no impact from the outage.

    James Angel, Georgetown business school finance professor to Business Insider

    The article below is representative of how most main stream news media were spinning the NYSE halt story: Retail was having a rough day! It's hard to fault them, given how important NYSE's quote is for NYSE stocks.

    Later in the day, when no evidence surfaced of Retail Investors having trouble, a few began questioning the news spin.

    When it was clear that Retail Investors weren't impacted, the search was on for what was behind the miracle "success story".

    Without any evidence or a basic understand of retail order execution, some went so far as to claim stock market fragmentation saved the day. (We think Pisani got it dead wrong).

    Naturally, Modern Markets, the High Frequency Trading (HFT) Lobbyist, was quick to claim another benefit of HFT!
    They saved the day! Naturally. For a good look at how far lobbyists will go to spin a story (and probably more disturbing, how far a major network will let them), please watch this short video.


    4. The Hard Truth: To Retail Investors, the NYSE is Always Dark.

    A few of those who really understood where retail stock orders execute spoke the truth:

    But wait a minute, can Chris Nagy be right? After all, we know that the NYSE sets the best prices more than 60% of the time. Without NYSE's best prices, there had to be some harm, right?

    Retail orders execute on the NYSE, right?

    Well, in a word: NO.

    What the news media conveniently (or intentionally) forgot to ask and investigate:

    What really happens to the Retail Investor order?

    Answering part of that question is a simple matter of searching SEC required 606 reports from each retail broker.

    The following list is by no means complete. For brokers not listed, simply Google "BrokerName 606 Report".

    Here's what we found:

    1. Schwab Doesn't Route to NYSE

    2. Vanguard Brokerage Doesn't Route to NYSE

    3. E*Trade Doesn't Route to NYSE

    4. Fidelity Retail Brokerage Doesn't Route to NYSE

    5. Scottrade Doesn't Route to NYSE

    6. Credit Suisse (Private Client Services no less) Doesn't Route to NYSE (or anywhere else!)

    7. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Doesn't Route to NYSE

    8. Edward Jones Doesn't Route to NYSE

    9. Northern Trust Doesn't Route to NYSE

    10. Wells Fargo Doesn't Route to NYSE

    11. Lightspeed Doesn't Route to NYSE

    12. TradeKing Doesn't Route to NYSE

    13. Citigroup Doesn't Route to NYSE (Note: Citi isn't retail, but as they own ATD we found this very interesting)

    Now you know why Retail Investors didn't have a problem with the NYSE being out of service – retail orders rarely route to the NYSE.

    For Retail Investors, the NYSE is ALWAYS OUT OF SERVICE.

    Which leads to the inevitable question..


    5. Where Do Retail Investor Orders Go?

    The simple answer: to the highest contracted bidder. Stock "wholesalers" or internalizers like Citadel or Knight pay retail brokers lots of cash to execute retail trades, essentially creating a "third market". Why? Because in a high frequency trading world, where stock prices have never been more fuzzy to the end user, but crystal clear to those that spend enormous sums on colocation and PhD employees, it's never been easier to print money (not unlike Bernie Madoff's scheme in the 90's). But that is the subject of a much, much longer story. Someone should write a book.

    In the meantime, we strongly encourage you to read this fabulous guide, written by an industry insider. This guide shines much needed light on how Wall Street treats (games) each type of Retail Investor order.

  • US Recession Imminent – World Trade Slumps By Most Since Financial Crisis

    As goes the world, so goes America (according to 30 years of historical data), and so when world trade volumes drop over 2% (the biggest drop since 2009) in the last six months to the weakest since June 2014, the "US recession imminent" canary in the coalmine is drawing her last breath



    As Wolf Street's Wolf Richter adds, this isn’t stagnation or sluggish growth. This is the steepest and longest decline in world trade since the Financial Crisis. Unless a miracle happened in June, and miracles are becoming exceedingly scarce in this sector, world trade will have experienced its first back-to-back quarterly contraction since 2009.

    Both of the measures above track import and export volumes. As volumes have been skidding, new shipping capacity has been bursting on the scene in what has become a brutal fight for market share [read… Container Carriers Wage Price War to Form Global Shipping Oligopoly].

    Hence pricing per unit, in US dollars, has plunged 14% since May 2014, and nearly 20% since the peak in March 2011. For the months of March, April, and May, the unit price index has hit levels not seen since mid-2009.


    World trade isn’t down for just one month, or just one region. It wasn’t bad weather or an election somewhere or whatever. The swoon has now lasted five months. In addition, the CPB decorated its report with sharp downward revisions of the prior months. And it isn’t limited to just one region. The report explains:

    The decline was widespread, import and export volumes decreasing in most regions and countries, both advanced and emerging. Import and export growth turned heavily negative in Japan. Among emerging economies, Central and Eastern Europe was one of the worst performers.

    Given these trends, the crummy performance of our heavily internationalized revenue-challenged corporate heroes is starting to make sense: it’s tough out there.

    But not just in the rest of the world. At first we thought it might have been a blip, a short-term thing. Read… Americans’ Economic Confidence Gets Whacked

  • What's The Real Reason The Fed Is Raising Rates? (Hint: It's Not Employment)

    Submitted by Roger Thomas via,

    Sometime this fall, the Federal Reserve will begin a new tightening cycle.

    Publicly, Federal Reserve officials appear to be confident that the American labor market may be overheating or that inflation may be on the way in.

    Is this the case?

    In looking at Employment, Industrial Production, Consumer Prices, Capacity Utilization, Retail Sales, and the West Texas Intermediate price of oil, there's no evidence that the Fed should raise rates.

    What is the Fed worried about?

    Probably, and almost exclusively, it's financial asset price appreciation.

    Here's a review.


    A picture of employment growth against the Federal Reserve's target interest rate follows.  Interestingly, in past tightening cycles, employment growth was either accelerating or flat.

    That's not the case this time around.  Employment growth is decelerating, and has been decelerating since February 2015.


    Industrial Production

    A very similar story to Employment is present in the Industrial Production picture.  Except for one instance, Industrial Production growth is either accelerating or flat when the Fed raises rates.

    That's not the case this time around.


    Consumer Prices

    Here's the Consumer Price picture.

    As with employment, the Fed almost always raises rates when inflation is accelerating.

    That's not the case this time.


    Capacity Utilization

    Capacity Utilization has a very similar story to Industrial Production.


    Price of Oil

    Here's the oil price picture.

    A less interesting story emerges here, probably because, of the indicators mentioned here, oil is of least policy value.


    Retail Sales


    As with the other economic indicators already mentioned, a tightening cycle this fall would be quite odd when looking at Retail Sales growth.

    Retail Sales


    Summing Up the Non-Causes

    As indicated, it's probably not the real economy behind the Fed's thinking.

    *  *  *

    Here's what's really concerning Fed officials.

    Equity Values

    It's equity values that has the Fed concerned.

    The Fed sees it's ultra-low monetary policy as having been incredibly stimulative to financial assets.  And, they don't want another technology bubble.

    So, to avoid a technology bubble, now's the time to start raising rates.

    Since the last time the Fed started a tightening cycle, the S&P 500 is up 62%, about where the mid-90s experience of 63% was.  It's well short of the +191% in the late90s/early 2000s equity markets produced.  It's also better than the -21% experienced in the mid-2000s.

    s and p fed tightening

    Interestingly, the P/E ratio confirms a similar story.

    In looking at the Shiller P/E ratio, perhaps a better rule than the Taylor rule to predict Fed tightening moves today is the P/E ratio rather than inflation and unemployment.  Just think about it.

    It's an interesting experiment for the Fed this time around, being concerned about the financial economy more than the real economy.

    PE Fed

    Fed Conclusion

    Overall, although Federal Reserve officials publicly claim that the reason for impending rate hikes is that the American economy is doing well, there's not a lot of evidence, at least based upon prior tightening cycles, that it's the real economy the Fed is worried about.

    Rather, the pending beginning of the Fed's rate hiking season likely stems almost exclusively from concern about financial markets.

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Fed doesn't want another technology-type bubble (interesting that the Fed thinks it knows the intrinsic value of stocks better than the market).  At least, that's what the data appear to suggest.

  • A Stunning Look At California's Historic Drought – From The Air

    "Ugly brown rings where waves used to lap at the shore. Dry docks lying on desiccated silt. Barren boat ramps. Trickles of water." Those are just some of the disturbing images California's Department of Water Resources team saw in an aerial tour of Northern California's Folsom Lake, Lake Oroville and Shasta reservoirs released this week…


    The dramatic aerial views timelapsed from just a year ago show the level of devastation already… and it's not about to get any better…


    Click image below for interactive gallery…



  • Amazon Just Became Bigger Than Walmart: Here's Why

    MThe moment everyone has been waiting for has finally arrived, by which of course, we mean the moment when the market cap of AMZN would finally surpass Wal-mart.

    Just after 4pm Jeff Bezos’ Amazon reported number that were quite impressive at first blush. And at second blush as well. Among these: a whopping blow out beat on the topline of $23.2 billion in revenue, an increase of 27% from a year ago, and far above the $22.4 billion expected, which in turn resulted in Net income of $92 million, or EPS of $0.19. The street was expecting a loss of $0.14 per share.

    In terms of where the bulk of the growth and profitability came from, one word, or rather three letters: AWS (Amazon Web Services), also known as the “cloud”, whose net sales soared by 81% Y/Y to $1.8 billion generating a 21.4% operating margin and net income of $391 million up from $77 million a year ago.

    And while the quarter was good especially for AMZN the “web services” company, it was AMZN’s forecast for the future that was even more impressive: 

    The company now expects net sales to be between $23.3 billion and $25.5 billion, or to grow between 13% and 24% compared with third quarter 2014.  It also expects operating income (loss) is expected to be between $(480) million and $70 million, compared to $(544) million in third quarter 2014, although if the current quarter is any indicatiton this is some rather serious sandbagging.

    But words aside: here, in three charts is what happened, with the company that now employs a record 183,000 people:

    Worldwide net sales vs total Employees:


    Q2 operating and net income in context. Clearly the quarter was an outlier – the only question is why and how?


    And finally LTM Free Cash Flow. It appears Bezos does indeed have quite a bit FCF leverage if and when he wants it.


    Again our question: why convert AMZN from a growth to a free cash flow model now: the last time the company tried this it ended up being quite disappointed.

    For now, however, the algos love it, the shorts hate it and are scrambling to cover, and the result is an AMZN whose market cap has just jumped by over $40 billion to a record $268 billion.

    And, yes, It is now far bigger than Walmart.

  • The Ashley Madison Data Breach Explained

    Always a silver lining…




  • Is The Echo Housing Bubble About To Burst?

    Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

    Echo bubbles aren't followed by a third bubble.

    Speculative bubbles that burst are often followed by an echo bubble, as many participants continue to believe that the crash was only a temporary setback.

    The U.S. housing market is experiencing a classic echo bubble. Exhibit A is the Case-Shiller Housing Index for the San Francisco region, which has surged back to levels reached at the top of the first bubble:

    Exhibit B is the Case-Shiller 20 City Housing Index, which has notched a classic Fibonacci 62% retrace of the first bubble's decline.

    Several things pop out of the Case-Shiller San Francisco chart. One is the symmetry of the two stages of the initial housing bubble: the first leg rose 80% from 1997 to 2001, and the second leg also rose about 80% from 2003 to 2007.

    There is also a time symmetry, as each leg took about five years.

    The echo bubble has now inflated for roughly the same time period, and has almost fully retraced the 45% decline from the 2007 peak. Though recent buyers may hope this bubble will be different from all previous bubbles (i.e. it will never pop), history suggests the echo bubble will be fully retraced in a sharp decline lasting about two to three years, in rough symmetry with the collapse of the first housing bubble 2008-2010.

    The broader 20-city Case-Shiller Index reflects the same time symmetry: the echo bubble and the initial housing bubble both took about the same length of time to reach their zenith. Once again, we can anticipate a symmetrical decline that roughly parallels the 33% drop from 2007 to 2009.

    There is one key difference between the first bubble and the echo bubble: echo bubbles aren't followed by a third bubble. Markets often give second-chances, but they rarely offer third-chances.

  • Turkey Permits U.S. To Use Its Airbase For Air Strikes Against Syria

    Earlier we reported that in an apparent retaliation against Monday’s alleged suicide bombing and today’s follow up killing of a Turkish soldier on the border with Syria, the Turkish army launched what under normal conditions would be deemed a land invasion of Turkey when four of its tanks entered Syrian territory. Rhetorically, we asked in “one may wonder if NATO-member Turkey’s land invasion of Syria, which many have said was long overdue following months of rhetoric and belligerent posturing, under the pretext of ISIS “liberation”, has just begun.”

    A following report from the WSJ largely answers our question: citing unnamed defense officials, WSJ reports that after months of negotiations, “Turkey has agreed to let the U.S. military carry out airstrikes against Islamic State fighters from a U.S. air base near the Syrian border.”

    This is the same authoritarian president who has repeatedly cracked down against protesters using various less than media friendly means, and one whom Obama has lashed out at diplomatically. It appears that when pursuing grander visions, Obama is will to forgive anyone’s humanitarian record, or lack thereof, and do anything to achieve America’s real politik ambitions. 

    Like in this case: the deal, agreed to by President Barack Obama and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, will allow the U.S. to use Incirlik Air Base in eastern Turkey to send manned and unmanned planes to attack Islamic State fighters, the officials said. The two leaders spoke on Wednesday, the White House said.

    Use of Incirlik is part of a broader deal between the U.S. and Turkey to deepen their cooperation in the fight against Islamic State that is growing increasingly perilous for Turkey.


    On Thursday, Islamic State forces in Syria and the Turkish military engaged in a deadly cross-border battle that left at least one Turkish officer dead.


    “They’re in a counter-ISIL fight right across the border,” said one defense official, using one of the acronyms for Islamic State, which is also known as ISIS.

    And with that the northern wing of the anti-Syria, pardon anti-ISIS campaign is complete, with the US covering air sorties while Turkey will use NATO tanks to secure the ground and slowly but surely, together with the eastern front where the US will soon deplay troops, close in on Damascus to eliminate the biggest Syrian ISIS threat of them all: president Assad and his (and the Kremlin’s) stern anti-Qatar pipeline position.

  • The Hunt For The "Mystery" Gold "Bear Raid" Leader Begins

    In the immediate aftermath of Sunday night’s massive gold slam, which was oddly reminiscent of the great silver crash of 2011 when on May 1 just around 6:25pm, silver plunged by 15%, from $48 to $42 with no news or catalyst…


    … marking the all time high price of silver in the current precious metals cycle (that particular ‘malicious seller’ has never been identified) the promptly arranged narrative was that because the gold crash took place in the span of 30 seconds just before Chinese stocks opened and broke the gold futures market not once but twice, that it has to be a China-based seller with Reuters taking the lead and quickly pointing the finger with an article titled “Gold hits five-year low, under $1,100 on Chinese selling.”

    Ironically, the very same Reuters last night admitted that it had been wrong and that it was in fact: “New York sell orders in thin trade” that triggered the “Shanghai gold rout”:

    In early Asian trading hours on Monday, when typically only tens of contracts of gold are traded, investors dumped more than $500 million worth of bullion in New York in four seconds, triggering the market’s biggest rout in years.


    The sell-off began when one or more massive sell orders hit the price of gold on the CME Group’s Comex futures in New York a tenth of a second after 9:29 a.m. in Shanghai, triggering turnover of almost 5,000 lots of gold in a blink of an eye. That equates to 13 tonnes of gold, more than typically trades in hours during this time of day, and the selling knocked the price almost $20 to $1,100 per ounce during those four seconds. It marked the first leg of a dramatic 60-second sell-off that saw prices sink more than 4 percent to five-year lows.

    And just like that the narrative shifts again: instead of a Chinese seller, the real culprit appears to have been a US-based entity masking as a Chinese trader, around which the media then conveniently built a further goal-seeked “story” in which the Sunday night selling (by a US entity now) was the result of a PBOC announcement that its gold holdings had risen to “only” 1600 tons… however the problem is that all this had been known since Friday morning.

    So, fast forward to this morning when in yet another Reuters piece, we “find” that the narrative has shifted once more and that now, “traders from Hong Kong to New York are pointing the finger at others for being behind the move while struggling to unmask the mystery sellers.”

    In other words: the “hunt” for the great gold “bear raid leader” has begun.

    Singapore-based futures brokerage Phillip Futures declared “indiscriminate selling by Asian hedge funds at the stroke of the market’s open in Shanghai” as the chief cause of the price fall in a letter to clients.


    But the most well known Chinese funds denied involvement, and as futures trading is anonymous, dealers may never know who was buying and selling during those crucial seconds.


    Such details often only become available if regulators take action, and amid the regulatory scrutiny following China’s recent equity market tumbles, it’s unlikely any trader or fund will be eager to take credit for setting off another avalanche.


    The fact that the selloff occurred while Japan’s markets were closed for a holiday and U.S. and European traders remained on weekend leave served to implicate China-based dealers in the eyes of some market participants.

    At this point a Reuters source even dared to use the “M” word:

    “That move was aggressive manipulation. Somebody clearly wanted the market lower and timed it very well,” said a gold trader at a bank in Hong Kong, who saw parallels with the way funds have been linked to swings in copper.

    Of course it was, but instead of focusing on what truly matters let’s go chasing for red, literally, herrings…

    Chinese funds such as Shanghai Chaos Investment Co and Zhejiang Dunhe Investment Co were, according to traders, behind falls in copper, one in March last year when the metal fell more than 8 percent in three days, and again in January this year when copper slid almost 8 percent in two days.

    … herrings which however had nothing to do with the actual selling:

    Sources familiar with both Zhejiang Dunhe and Chaos, and at similar outfits, say that while China’s status as the dominant copper consumer left that market vulnerable to potential influence, China’s traders have no such sway over bullion.


    “Honestly, Chinese hedge funds are not as experienced as the overseas veterans and gold is more connected to U.S. dollar movement and well-dominated by Wall Street,” said a trader with a Shanghai hedge fund.

    Then, inexplicably, more truth:

    A London-based trader with an investment bank agreed the lead seller might not be from Asia. “The selling was on Comex and could also be a non-Chinese fund just executing in what they thought was an illiquid timezone to get the biggest move,” the trader said.

    Others got close to admitting what happened, but were stopped just short, instead falling back to what had already been set up as the false narrative:

    Vishnu Varathan, senior economist at Mizuho Bank, added “there’s a good real money presence in centres like Hong Kong and Singapore. But of course, the inside people who knew where the trades were executed probably have their reason for citing Chinese hedge funds, but I don’t think they were alone in this trade.”


    “I think one of the triggers was some disappointment with the amount of the buildup in China’s gold reserves so in terms of the proximity of that particular trigger and the markets that were open there was some involvement, I’m sure, but it may not be the full story,” Varathan said.

    For the record, here is what we said moments after the “bear raid” took place:

    Once again, as in February 2014 and on various prior cases, the fact that someone meant to take out the entire bid stack reveals that this was not a normal order and price discovery was the last thing on the seller’s mind, but an intentional HFT-induced slam with one purpose: force the sell stops.


    So what caused it?


    The answer is probably irrelevant: it could be another HFT-orchestrated smash a la February 2014, or it could be the BIS’ gold and FX trading desk under Benoit Gilson, or it could be just a massive Chinese commodity financing deal unwind as we schematically showed last March it could be simply Citigroup, which as we showed earlier this month has now captured the precious metals market via derivatives.

    We then added: “we won’t know for sure until the CME once again explains who violated exchange rules with last night’s massive orders.

    This is the same CME which took 18 months to admit that the almost identical market halting gold flash crash from January 6, 2014 was the result of potentially premeditated “flawed” algo trading which resulted in a disruptive and rapid price movement in the February 2014 Gold Futures market and prompted a Velocity Logic event.

    And, anticipating precisely today’s latest development in the great gold crash story, namely the pursuit of the perpetrators we also added: “there are many who do want to know the reason for the gold crash, which just like in January 2014 had a clear algorithmic liquidation component to it. Which means that until the CME opines on precisely who and what caused the latest gold market break, we won’t know with any certainty. That doesn’t mean that some won’t try to “explain” it.'”

    Such as Reuters, on several occasions.

    But the real answer, which almost certainly once again points to the trading desk of one Benoit Gilson in Basel, will surely never be revealed. Even in the January 2014 case, the CME stopped short of actually identifying precisely who had oredered the gold collapse instead leaving it broad as follows: “this failure resulted in unusually large and atypical trading activity by several of the Firm’s customers.”

    Which ones? Or perhaps the $64,000 answer to that question is what the central banks and the BIS, and hence the CME, will guard at all costs.

    Finally, as we also noted previously, “while the actual selling reason was irrelevant, the target was clear: to breach the $1080 gold price which also happens to be the multi-decade channel support level.

    So far this has almost succeeded, with gold repeatedly sliding just shy of $1080 but never actually breaching it. We expect this too support level to be taken out as what is now clear and accepted manipulation continues, which in retrospect, will merely afford those who buy gold for its true practical value, as insurance against a systemic collapse which is pretty close to where the Chinese central planners find themselves right now not to mention the imploding European monetary union, to buy more for the same paper price.

    As for the “great”, and greatly misdirecting, hunt for the “bear raid” leader, one which will never reveal the true culprit, bring it on – we can always do with some entertainment meant to distract the masses. In fact, we would not be at all surprised if some Indian trader out of his parent’s basement in a London suburb ends up going to prison for this while those guilty of chronic, constant manipulation continue to walk free…

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Today’s News July 23, 2015

  • 11 Signs That America Has Already Gone Down The Toilet

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

    Just when you think that the depravity of the United States cannot possibly get any worse, something else comes along to surprise us.  Many of the things that you are about to read about in this article are incredibly disturbing, but it is important that we face the truth about how far this nation has fallen.  There are times when I will be having a conversation with someone else about the state of our country, and the other person will say something like this: “Wow – America is really going down the toilet.”  At one time, I would have totally agreed with that.  But at this point I would have to say that we have already circled the bowl and have made it all the way through to the other end.  Our society is absolutely addicted to entertainment (most of which is utter trash), tens of millions of us are hooked on drugs (both legal and illegal), and we have murdered more than 56 million of our own babies.  Our financial system is consumed with greed, we treat our military veterans like human garbage, and most of our “leaders” in Washington D.C. are deeply corrupt.  In America today, 64 percent of all men view pornography at least once per month, it is estimated that one out of every four girls is sexually abused before they become adults, and we have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the entire industrialized world.  We like to think that we are an “example” to the rest of the world, but the only example that we are setting is a bad one.  The following are 11 signs that America has already gone down the toilet…

    #1 All over the United States, the body parts of aborted babies are being bought and sold, and the U.S. government gives the organization at the heart of this sick “industry” hundreds of millions of dollars a year.  This week, another incredibly shocking undercover video has been released which has given us even more evidence of what Planned Parenthood is really up to

    The most recent video shows a luncheon conversation with Dr. Mary Gatter, who currently serves as president of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Directors’ Council and Medical Director of Planned Parenthood’s Pasadena abortion clinic.


    In the video, Gatter is heard haggling over the price she will charge for intact fetal body parts and is concerned that she will be “low-balled.” She asks for at least $75 per specimen, but wants to see what other Planned Parenthood abortionists are getting to make sure she gets similar compensation so she can buy an expensive sports car.


    “It’s been years since I’ve talked about compensation, so let me just figure out what others are getting and if this is in the ballpark, that’s fine. If it’s still low, we can bump it up. I want a Lamborghini,” Gatter laughed.

    This is wickedness at a level that is almost unspeakable, and it is being bankrolled by the U.S. government.

    Let’s hope that “I want a Lamborghini” gets plastered all over the Internet hundreds of millions of times.  I encourage everyone to get on Facebook and Twitter and start blasting out messages like this one to everyone that they know…


    If we cannot even stop the U.S. government from funding this kind of evil, what possible hope is there for the future of this nation?

    According to WND, some members of this “industry” even receive monetary bonuses “based on the baby parts they harvest”…

    StemExpress, which is run by Planned Parenthood abortion doctor Ronald Berman, offers its procurement technicians bonuses based on the baby parts they harvest, according to the Center for Medical Progress. Larger bonuses are offered for more valuable body parts, classified as “Category A” parts, while smaller bonuses are given for “Category C” parts.

    This alone is enough to prove that America has gone all the way down the toilet.  But I will continue with the list…

    #2 Just a few days ago, we learned that hackers had stolen personal information from 37 million users on an adultery website known as Ashley Madison

    A hacking insider has told Sky News he thinks the people threatening to release personal details of users of an adultery website are bluffing and using the publicity as advertising to sell the data to the highest bidder.


    Hackers calling themselves Impact Team have stolen and leaked data from some of the Ashley Madison website’s 37 million users and are threatening to publish more.

    For now the group has released just 40MB of data, including some credit card details and several documents about its parent company Avid Life Media (ALM), it is reported.

    The big story here is not the hacking.

    Rather, the big story is the fact that 37 million of us have signed up to participate on a website that facilitates adultery.

    #3 Rates of violent crime are increasing by double digit percentages in many major U.S. cities in 2015, and some of the crimes being committed are almost too horrible to talk about.  Just consider the following example which comes from the Daily Mail

    A 22-year-old man and his 21-year-old girlfriend were walking along McNichols Road near Birwood Street on Thursday around 11:30pm when a group of three to six men approached them in the well-lit area, WWJ reported.


    The couple was allegedly forced behind a nearby business, where the six men robbed and stripped them of their clothes.


    Police say the violent men took turns sexually assaulting the woman and when the attack ended, the victims ran nude to a nearby liquor store for help.


    Another couple was attacked just a few hours later at 2:40am when a 21-year-old man and his 19-year-old girlfriend were walking in the area of McNichols Road and Pierson Street.


    Four men ordered them to the ground and then took took turns sexually assaulting the woman, forcing her boyfriend to watch, WWJ reported.

    Incredibly, these gang rapes barely made a blip on the news here in the United States.  There are so many similar crimes taking place all around us that there is nothing really “unusual” about these horrific rapes.

    #4 Under the Obama administration, our federal government has become absolutely obsessed with political correctness and is spending money in some of the most bizarre ways imaginable.  For instance, the feds recently spent $125,000 “to study adjectives that could be perceived as sexist or racist“.

    #5 Speaking of pouring money down the toilet, the Obamaphone program is a perfect example.  It turns out that all you have to do to get a free cellphone from the federal government is to show them someone else’s food stamp card

    The 2014 CBS4 investigation showed repeated instances of fraudulent activity and waste in the Lifeline program in Denver. It’s an FCC administered program designed to provide free monthly cellphone service to the needy so they can have cellphone service allowing them to seek employment or call for emergency help if needed. Recipients are required to show official documentation like Medicaid, housing assistance or food stamp cards verifying their low income status in order to receive the free phone service.


    But last year a vendor in Denver working under the FCC program had employees who volunteered to use someone else’s food stamp card to secure a free phone and service for a CBS4 producer who was not eligible for the program.


    Vendors typically receive $3 for every phone they are able to give out. In other cases, vendors said a CBS4 producer could simply show someone else’s electronics benefit card in order to secure a free phone and service.

    #6 Meanwhile, the government doesn’t even want to talk to normal, hard working citizens that just need a few questions answered.  According to a report that was just released, the IRS hung up on 8.8 million taxpayers that called in looking for help during this most recent tax season.

    #7 The federal government has made it exceedingly difficult for law-abiding people to immigrate to this nation legally, but meanwhile they have left our borders completely wide open and have actively encouraged people to immigrate illegally.  As a result, large numbers of criminals, drug dealers, gang members and welfare parasites have come pouring in.  According to one recent report, 2.5 million illegal immigrants have entered this country while Barack Obama has been in the White House…

    A new report estimates that 2.5 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States since Barack Obama took office in 2009.


    The Center for Immigration Studies released a study Monday citing data from the Center for Migration Studies, Pew Research Center and the Census Bureau that indicates 400,000 illegal immigrants on average have entered the country annually since 2009.


    From the middle of 2013 to May 2015 alone, 790,000 illegals have come into the United States. These undocumented individuals entered the country after President Obama unveiled a controversial executive order in 2012 to stop deporting young illegal immigrants who entered the country as children.

    And honestly, that 2.5 million number is probably on the low side.  These illegal immigrants are committing some of the most horrible crimes imaginable, and if you doubt this, just read this article.

    #8 Our society is being transformed into what I like to call “a Big Brother police state control grid”.  Just a few days ago, we learned of another example of this phenomenon.  The following comes from the New York Post

    A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”


    Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data on their health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods, even how their kids are disciplined in school — all to document “inequalities” between minorities and whites.

    What is truly sad is that so few Americans are actually upset that virtually everything we do is being watched, tracked and monitored.  For much more on all of this, please see this article.

    #9 Just recently, I authored a piece which railed about the fact that the average American citizen spends more than 10 hours a day plugged in to some form of media.  Many of us become extremely anxious if something is not playing at least in the background.  We spend endless hours watching television, listening to the radio, going to the movies, playing video games, messing with our smartphones and surfing the Internet.  Sadly, what most people don’t realize is that more than 90 percent of the “programming” that is being continually pumped into our brains through these various media outlets is controlled by just six absolutely enormous media corporations.

    #10 At the same time that the elite are endlessly pumping their twisted messages into all of our minds, they are becoming increasingly obsessed with controlling what the rest of us say.  In one recent article, I explained how support for “hate speech laws” in America is rapidly growing.  Today, 51 percent of all Democrats support these kinds of laws, and it is only a matter of time before liberal politicians start pushing really hard for the same kind of hate speech laws that have already been implemented in Europe and Canada.

    #11 On top of everything else, we have been stealing more than 100 million dollars an hour from future generations of Americans since Barack Obama entered the White House.

    Let that sink in for a moment.

    If someone were to write a movie script about the theft of 100 million dollars from a major financial institution, nobody would ever actually want to make that movie because such an amount would be too hard to believe.

    But this has actually been happening every single hour of every single day while Obama has been in power.

    In a frenzy of insatiable greed, we have been taking trillions of dollars that belong to our children and our grandchildren and spending it ourselves.  When you break it down, it comes to more than 100 million dollars every single hour of every single day.  This is a crime of unimaginable proportions, and if we lived in a just society a whole bunch of our “top politicians” would be going to prison for this.

    I could keep going, but I will stop for today.

  • Obama's Minimum Wage Utopia Just Hit A Brick Wall

    Who could have possibly seen this coming? Almost three years we first detailed how America has become an entitlement nation where "work is punished." It appears President Obama is about to discover this first hand as his populist 'raise the minimum wage' strategy is showing yet another major unintended consequence. On the same day as New York acts to mandate a $15 minimum wage for fast food workers, Seattle's $15 minimum wage law – which is supposed to lift workers out of poverty and off public assistance – has hit a snag. As Fox News reports, evidence is surfacing that some workers are asking their bosses for fewer hours as their wages rise – in a bid to keep overall income down so they don’t lose public subsidies for things like food, child care and rent. So not only is work 'punished' it is now 'disinentivized by mandate' as part-time America toils amid ever-rising costs of living.


    As we previously explained,

    This isthe painful reality in America: for increasingly more it is now more lucrative – in the form of actual disposable income – to sit, do nothing, and collect various welfare entitlements, than to work.


    This is graphically, and very painfully confirmed, in the below chart from Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (a state best known for its broke capital Harrisburg). As quantitied, and explained by Alexander, "the single mom is better off earnings gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045."



    We realize that this is a painful topic in a country in which the issue of welfare benefits, and cutting (or not) the spending side of the fiscal cliff, have become the two most sensitive social topics. Alas, none of that changes the matrix of incentives for most Americans who find themselves in a comparable situation: either being on the left side of minimum US wage, and relying on benefits, or move to the right side at far greater personal investment of work, and energy, and… have the same disposable income at the end of the day.

    And so, as Fox News reports, it is no surprise that the sudden gains in income from a government-mandated $15 minimum wage would tip some over the edge of their handouts entitlement… and thus dicincentize work altogether…

    Seattle’s $15 minimum wage law is supposed to lift workers out of poverty and move them off public assistance. But there may be a hitch in the plan.


    Evidence is surfacing that some workers are asking their bosses for fewer hours as their wages rise – in a bid to keep overall income down so they don’t lose public subsidies for things like food, child care and rent.


    Full Life Care, a home nursing nonprofit, told KIRO-TV in Seattle that several workers want to work less.


    “If they cut down their hours to stay on those subsidies because the $15 per hour minimum wage didn’t actually help get them out of poverty, all you’ve done is put a burden on the business and given false hope to a lot of people,” said Jason Rantz, host of the Jason Rantz show on 97.3 KIRO-FM.


    The twist is just one apparent side effect of the controversial — yet trendsetting — minimum wage law in Seattle, which is being copied in several other cities despite concerns over prices rising and businesses struggling to keep up.


    The notion that employees are intentionally working less to preserve their welfare has been a hot topic on talk radio. While the claims are difficult to track, state stats indeed suggest few are moving off welfare programs under the new wage.


    Despite a booming economy throughout western Washington, the state’s welfare caseload has dropped very little since the higher wage phase began in Seattle in April. In March 130,851 people were enrolled in the Basic Food program. In April, the caseload dropped to 130,376.


    At the same time, prices appear to be going up on just about everything.


    Some restaurants have tacked on a 15 percent surcharge to cover the higher wages. And some managers are no longer encouraging customers to tip, leading to a redistribution of income. Workers in the back of the kitchen, such as dishwashers and cooks, are getting paid more, but servers who rely on tips are seeing a pay cut.


    Some long-time Seattle restaurants have closed altogether, though none of the owners publicly blamed the minimum wage law.


    “It’s what happens when the government imposes a restriction on the labor market that normally wouldn’t be there, and marginal businesses get hit the hardest, and usually those are small, neighborhood businesses,” said Paul Guppy, of the Washington Policy Center.

    *  *  *

    As we previously concluded, with more than half of welfare spending going to working families…

    The irony here seems to be that because companies would rather spend their money on raises for "supervisors" and on stock buybacks which benefit the very same supervisory employees who are likey to own stocks (and which artificially inflate the bottom line), everyday taxpayers just like the ones who can't get a raise end up footing the bill via public assistance programs. The companies meanwhile, get to utilize nice little tricks like corporate tax inversions in order to avoid paying their share of the assistance handed out to the very same employees they underpay.

  • Greek Lawmakers Clear The Way For Formal Bailout Discussions

    Update36 Syriza lawmakers did not support the bill.

    As expected, the Greek parliament has approved a second set of prior measures, clearing the way for formal discussions on a third bailout program for the debt-stricken country.

    As Bloomberg notes, “several lawmakers of governing Syriza party, including Parliament Speaker Zoi Konstantopoulou, former deputy Finance Minister Nadia Valavani didn’t support bill.”

    As a reminder, Wednesday’s vote was largely a formality as the measures – which included EU rules on bank resolutions and civil justice reform – weren’t expected to be as contentious as those presented to lawmakers last week. Alexis Tsipras is desperately trying to regain the support of Syriza MPs who have refused to support the conditions creditors have attached to the €86 billion ESM aid package.

    Although negotiations will now likely begin within the next few days, another vote (on pensions and taxes for farmers) is expected during the first week of August.

    Earlier today, MNI – citing unnamed sources – reported that Tsipras will look to hold elections as soon as the third bailout is in place. Greek government officials promptly denied the report. 

    As a reminder, here’s what’s next for Greek politics, courtesy of Deutsche Bank.

    *  *  *

    From Deutsche Bank

    Potential political paths ahead

    We see the situation as potentially leading to three different political outcomes over the next few weeks.

    The first is near-term political instability that would put ESM negotiations on hold and return pressure on the Greek banking system ahead of the August 20th ECB bond redemption. This would be provoked by the PM tendering his government’s resignation either by losing additional government MPs in coming parliamentary votes or by losing support in the party’s Central Committee. Either would not necessarily cause a general election, with a government of national unity under very limited SYRIZA MP support possible until ESM talks are concluded (only 48 out of 149 MPs would be needed). Irrespectively, talks would be delayed, and the possibility of a more substantial shift in the SYRIZA position against the agreement could not be ruled out, whether before or after a new general election.

    The second potential outcome is a Greek PM decision to more aggressively position himself against internal party dissent and in favour of program implementation. This would likely involve a request from dissenting MPs to resign their parliamentary seats or, in case of refusal, exclusion from the SYRIZA parliamentary group. Such a decision would aim to consolidate the PM’s influence, with the ultimate aim of moving the party towards a more moderate direction in a future general election. Current electoral law stipulates that a general election within 12 months of the last one takes place under a “list” system, providing the Greek PM with the political cover to steer SYRIZA’s candidate list towards a more moderate direction.

    Still, any such decisions need to be approved by the party’s Central Committee. The latter is similarly responsible for excluding members from the party, even if the PM excludes MPs from the parliamentary group. Any such decision therefore requires the PM to take the risk of more formally splintering the party, with potential unpredictable results given his more uncertain influence over the party’s Central Committee

    The third – and what we believe the most likely outcome in coming weeks – is a continuation of the last few days’ status quo: persistent attempts by the PM to work through internal party dissent as well as the ESM negotiations, but without actively precipitating political change. In this instance the Greek PM would continue to preside over a de facto minority government, even if this is not explicitly acknowledged. A confidence vote may be called but dissenting MPs would still vote in favour and/or opposition parties would abstain. Any eventual ESM agreement would be ratified by a broad parliamentary majority, but with very strong SYRIZA dissents. Early elections could be called after. The benefit to this outcome is that near-term political uncertainty would be avoided, with dissenting and non-dissenting SYRIZA MPs as well as the opposition likely wanting to avoid near-term political instability. The cost would be that government commitment to the agreement would remain weak, maintaining the risk of a breakdown in negotiations as ESM negotiations get under way.

    Whatever the outcome above, events over the next few weeks are most likely to continue to be driven by the PM’s personal decisions as well as internal developments within SYRIZA. This will in turn depend on the ongoing economic and political cost of program implementation, with large upfront fiscal tightening already being legislated but additional fiscal and structural reform commitments needed to conclude the 3rd ESM program negotiations. The PMs own approval ratings will also matter, with opinion polls released after the negotiations continuing to show higher popularity ratings than other political leaders as well as a strong SYRIZA lead over other opposition parties. It remains to be seen how long this persists given the economic costs of the agreement, but the longer support is maintained, the greater the PM’s influence over internal party politics is likely to be.

    The endgame

    Irrespective of the near-term outcomes above, the inherent contradiction of program implementation by a government from within which the bulk of opposition originates will have to be resolved. It is unlikely that uncertainty around the stability of the Greek economy and banking system recedes until this is the case.

    Resolution could be led by Greek PM and current party president Tsipras moving SYRIZA in a more moderate direction followed by an early general election later this year after ESM negotiations have concluded. This would increase the odds of a government with greater commitment to implementation, irrespective of the electoral outcome. It would however risk a major splintering of the party or Tsipras’ own loss of authority in the process. An alternative is that the party retains its own internal contradictions, but that a government of national unity with broader-based participation is formed irrespectively. However, it remains unclear if this could materialize without an early general election, which the opposition may eventually request.

    Either way, implementation risks are likely to remain strong until greater political change materializes, likely driven by the strong internal contradictions within the current ruling party, but ultimately settled by the Greek PMs own political initiatives.

  • A Middle-East Game Of Thrones

    Submitted by Patrick J Buchanan,

    As President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is compared to Richard Nixon’s opening to China, Bibi Netanyahu must know how Chiang Kai-shek felt as he watched his old friend Nixon toasting Mao in Peking.

    The Iran nuclear deal is not on the same geostrategic level. Yet both moves, seen as betrayals by old U.S. allies, were born of a cold assessment in Washington of a need to shift policy to reflect new threats and new opportunities.

    Several events contributed to the U.S. move toward Tehran.

    First was the stunning victory in June 2013 of President Hassan Rouhani, who rode to power on the votes of the Green Revolution that had sought unsuccessfully to oust Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2009.

    Rouhani then won the Ayatollah’s authorization to negotiate a cutting and curtailing of Iran’s nuclear program, in return for a U.S.-U.N. lifting of sanctions. As preventing an Iranian bomb had long been a U.S. objective, the Americans could not spurn such an offer.

    Came then the Islamic State’s seizure of Raqqa in Syria, and Mosul and Anbar in Iraq. Viciously anti-Shiite as well as anti-American, ISIS made the U.S. and Iran de facto allies in preventing the fall of Baghdad.

    But as U.S. and Iranian interests converged, those of the U.S. and its old allies — Saudi Arabia, Israel and Turkey — were diverging.

    Turkey, as it sees Bashar Assad’s alliance with Iran as the greater threat, and fears anti-ISIS Kurds in Syria will carve out a second Kurdistan, has been abetting ISIS.

    Saudi Arabia sees Shiite Iran as a geostrategic rival in the Gulf, allied with Hezbollah in Lebanon, Assad in Damascus, the Shiite regime in Iraq and the Houthis in Yemen. It also sees Iran as a subversive threat in Bahrain and the heavily Shiite oil fields of Saudi Arabia itself.

    Indeed, Riyadh, with the Sunni challenge of ISIS rising, and the Shiite challenge of Iran growing, and its border states already on fire, does indeed face an existential threat. And, so, too, do the Gulf Arabs.

    Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown in the Middle East today.

    The Israelis, too, see Iran as their great enemy and indispensable pillar of Hezbollah. For Bibi, any U.S.-Iran rapprochement is a diplomatic disaster.

    Which brings us to a fundamental question of the Middle East.

    Is the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal and our de facto alliance against ISIS a temporary collaboration? Or is it the beginning of a detente between these ideological enemies of 35 years?

    Is an historic “reversal of alliances” in the Mideast at hand?

    Clearly the United States and Iran have overlapping interests.

    Neither wants all-out war with the other.

    For the Americans, such a war would set the Gulf ablaze, halt the flow of oil, and cause a recession in the West. For Iran, war with the USA could see their country smashed and splintered like Saddam’s Iraq, and the loss of an historic opportunity to achieve hegemony in the Gulf.

    Also, both Iran and the United States would like to see ISIS not only degraded and defeated, but annihilated. Both thus have a vested interest in preventing a collapse of either the Shiite regime in Baghdad or Assad’s regime in Syria.

    And, thus, Syria is probably where the next collision is going to come between the United States and its old allies.

    For Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel all want the Assad regime brought down to break up Iran’s Shiite Crescent and inflict a strategic defeat on Tehran. But the United States believes the fall of Assad means the rise of ISIS and al-Qaida, a massacre of Christians, and the coming to power of a Sunni terrorist state implacably hostile to us.

    Look for the Saudis and Israelis, their agents and lobbies, their think tanks and op-ed writers, to begin beating the drums for the United States to bring down Assad, who has been “killing his own people.”

    The case will be made that this is the way for America to rejoin its old allies, removing the principal obstacle to our getting together and going after ISIS. Once Assad is gone, the line is already being moved, then we can all go after ISIS. But, first, Assad.

    What is wrong with this scenario?

    A U.S. no-fly zone, for example, to stop Assad’s barrel bombs, would entail attacks on Syrian airfields and antiaircraft missiles and guns. These would be acts of war, which would put us into a de facto alliance with the al-Qaida Nusra Front and ISIS, and invite retaliations against Americans by Hezbollah in Beirut, and the Shiite militia in Baghdad.

    Any U.S.-Iran rapprochement would be dead, and we will have been sucked into a war to achieve the strategic goals of allies that are in conflict with the national interests of the United States. And our interests come first.

  • First China Arrests "Sellers", Now Bans "Defaulters" From Traveling

    In consequence-less America, the stigma of defaulting on one's personal responsibilities is a badge of honor for a risk-seeking public. No matter what, the government has your back if you want to buy a fridge, boat, or car – serial defaulter or not. However, hot on the heels of their proclamation that "malicious selling" of stocks is illegal, the Chinese government has extended its punitive measures against defaulting citizens, who are now banned from traveling on high-speed trains.


    This extends the already significant restrictions on 'defaulters' in place since last year (via Xinhua)

    People who fail to fulfill court orders will face travel, financial and employment restrictions, said the Supreme People's Court (SPC) here Thursday.


    The SPC has signed a memorandum with six central government departments and China Railway Corporation to impose harsher restrictions on defaulters, said Jiang Bixin, vice president of the SPC, at a press conference here.


    They will be banned from flying and traveling in upper-class sleeper train compartments, as well as taking positions as legal representative, member of the board, member of the board of supervisors and senior executive of a company, Jiang said.


    Besides restrictions on traveling and employment, the defaulters will face constraints when applying for a loan or opening a credit card.


    When a corporation becomes a defaulter, its legal representatives, chief executives and those directly responsible for fulfilling the obligation will be subject to the same restrictions as individual defaulters, according to Jiang.


    Refusing to implement court judgements has become quite rampant in China, he said.


    "About 70 percent of debtors do not willingly fulfill court judgements. This not only harms legal interests of obligees but also social morals and mutual trust among people," he said.


    By Wednesday noon, there were 55,920 on the SPC's blacklist of defaulters, about 46,500 individuals and 9,400 corporations.


    The SPC will work with police and regulators of banks, state-owned enterprises, civil aviation, and business, Jiang said.

    *  *  *

    So while the Chinese government embraces the painful downside of capitalism in its personal defaults (and recognizes the moral hazrd), it entirely ignores it when it comes to stock market downside… perhaps they are learning from America what really matters after all.

  • US Government Reinstates Arm Sales To Bahrain Despite Rampant Human Rights Abuses

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    One of the many destructive myths Americans like to tell themselves is that the U.S. government is a staunch defender of human rights and democracy around the world. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

    Yes its true, there are plenty of well intentioned individuals and organizations across America that do care very deeply about such things; the U.S. government just isn’t one of them. The facts on the ground clearly prove this to be the case. The only thing those in charge care about is raw imperial power and money. Of course, they know this. They also know that keeping the myth alive is extremely important in order to maintain the moral high ground and some degree of legitimacy in the eyes of the public.

    The most recent example of what a sham the government’s purported commitment to human rights is, was last week’s revelation that the State Department may be prepared to upgrade Malaysia’s trafficking in persons ranking just to move the TPP forward. Here’s an excerpt from the post, To Pass TPP, U.S. State Dept. Upgrades Malaysia’s Human Trafficking Ranking Despite Discovery of Mass Graves:

    Earlier this week, we wrote about a troubling move by the US State Department to “upgrade” Malaysia from a “tier 3″ country to a “tier 2″ country regarding human trafficking. This move came despite a near total lack of evidence of any improvement by Malaysia. In fact, just two months ago 139 mass graves were discovered for migrant workers who had been trafficked and/or held for ransom. And the US ambassador to Malaysia had publicly criticized the country for failing to tackle its massive human trafficking problem.

    Today, we learn about how the U.S. government has reinstated arm sales to Bahrain despite horrific human rights abuses. From International Business Times:

    “The government of Bahrain has made some meaningful progress on human rights reform and reconciliation.”


    With this flexible formulation, the US justified the decision to lift the hold on arms transfers to the Bahrain Defence Force and National Guard, which had been in a place in an effort to pressure the Bahraini regime to reform its violent tactics towards protesters.


    But even as State Department employees were drafting and editing the arms-release statement, the government of Bahrain was disabusing the Obama Administration of the notion that it had the slightest interest in human rights protections and political reconciliation.


    Two weeks before the decision, a court sentenced Sheikh Ali Salman, head of the opposition society al-Wefaq, to four years in prison for “inciting hatred” and “insulting public institutions” charges which Amnesty International dismissed outright. The day before the U.S. dropped its hold, the government sentenced another opposition leader, Fadhel Abbas, to five years in prison for tweeting his condemnation of the war in Yemen.


    Not three days after the statement, authorities arrested Majeed Milad, another participant in the erstwhile National Dialogue, on charges of “instigating hatred of the regime.” Lest a casual observer think this to be all party politics, Nabeel Rajab, the prominent nonviolent and nonpartisan human rights defender, was only just released for unspecified “health reasons” after languishing in prison since 2 April. Authorities also targeted him for unwelcome criticism of the Yemeni conflict.


    This, even as the State Department declared that Bahraini officials were “contribut[ing] to an environment more conducive to reconciliation and progress.”


    The unkindest cut of all for the State Department, however, came on June 11, when the Bahrain Interior Ministry arrested Ebrahim Sharif. On that day, authorities arrested the former leader of the secular opposition society Wa’ad (“Promise”), for “incitement to overthrow the government”.


    As evidence, officials cited a twenty-minute speech Sharif had delivered on 10 July. An examination of Sharif’s words reveals nothing in the way of incitement or coup-plotting, but rather the nonviolent dissidence to which the members of Bahrain’s democratic movement have held for years.

    Well at least they aren’t abusing American citizens or anything. Oh, wait.

    Nevermind that “prisoners,” plural, was a misnomer, that human rights activists like Abdulhadi al-Khawaja and Naji Fateel are still imprisoned. Nevermind that American citizen Taqi al-Maidan remains behind bars, suffering torture and maltreatment on unsubstantiated charges.

  • China's Record Dumping Of US Treasuries Leaves Goldman Speechless

    On Friday, alongside China’s announcement that it had bought over 600 tons of gold in “one month”, the PBOC released another very important data point: its total foreign exchange reserves, which declined by $17.3 billion to $3,694 billion.


    We then put China’s change in FX reserves alongside the total Treasury holdings of China and its “anonymous” offshore Treasury dealer Euroclear (aka “Belgium”) as released by TIC, and found that the dramatic relationship which we first discovered back in May, has persisted – namely virtually the entire delta in Chinese FX reserves come via China’s US Treasury holdings. As in they are being aggressively sold, to the tune of $107 billion in Treasury sales so far in 2015.


    We explained all of his on Friday in “China Dumps Record $143 Billion In US Treasurys In Three Months Via Belgium“, and frankly we have been surprised that this extremely important topic has not gotten broader attention.

    Then, to our relief, first JPM noticed. This is what Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, author of Flows and Liquidity had to say on the topic of China’s dramatic reserve liquidation

    Looking at China more specifically, it appears that, after adjusting for currency changes, Chinese FX reserves were depleted for a fourth straight quarter by around $50bn in Q2. The cumulative reserve depletion between Q3 2014 and Q2 2015 is $160bn after adjusting for currency changes. At the same time, a current account surplus in Q2 combined with a drawdown in reserves suggests that capital outflows from China continued for the fifth straight quarter. Assuming a current account surplus in Q2 of around $92bn, i.e. $16bn higher than in Q1 due to higher merchandise trade surplus, we estimate that around $142bn of capital left China in Q2, similar to the previous quarter.

    JPM conclusion is actually quite stunning:

    This brings the cumulative capital outflow over the past five quarters to $520bn. Again, we approximate capital flow from the change in FX reserves minus the current account balance for each previous quarter to arrive at this estimate (Figure 2).

    Incidentally, $520 billion is roughly triple what implied Treasury sales would suggest as China’s capital outflow, meaning that China is also liquidating some other USD-denominated asset(s) at a feverish pace. So far we do not know which, but the chart above and the magnitude of the Chinese capital outflow is certainly the biggest story surrounding the world’s most populous nation: what is happening in its stock market is just a diversion.

    At this point JPM goes into a tangent explaining what the practical implications of a massive capital outflow from China are for the global economy. Regular readers, especially those who have read our previous piece on the collapse in the Petrodollar, the plunge in EM capital inflows, and their impact on capital markets and global economies can skip this part. Those for whom the interplay of capital flows and the global economy are new, are urged to read the following:

    One way that slower EM capital flows and credit creation affect the rest of the world is via trade and trade finance. Trade finance datasets are unfortunately not homogeneous and different measures capture different aspects of trade finance activity. Reuters data on trade finance only aggregates loan syndication deals, which have mandated lead arrangers and thus capture the trends in the large-scale trade lending business, rather than providing an all-inclusive loans database. Perhaps the largest source of regularly collected and methodologically consistent data on trade finance is credit insurers (see “Testing the Trade Credit and Trade Link: Evidence from Data on Export Credit Insurance”, Auboin and Engemann, 2013). The Berne Union, the international trade association for credit and investment insurers with 79 members, includes the world’s largest private credit insurers and public export credit agencies. The volume of trade credit insured by members of the Berne Union covered more than 10% of international trade in 2012. The Berne Union provides data on insured trade credit, for both short-term (ST) and medium- and long-term transactions (MLT). Short-term trade credit insurance accounts for the vast majority at around 90% of new business in line with IMF estimates that the vast majority 80%-90% of trade credit is short term.



    Figure 4 shows both the Reuters (quarterly) and the Berne Union (annual) data on trade finance loan syndication and trade credit insurance volumes, respectively. The quarterly Reuters data showed a clear deceleration this year from the very high levels seen at the end of last year. Looking at the first two quarters of the year, Reuters volumes were down by 25% vs. the 2014 average (Figure 4). The more comprehensive Berne Union annual volumes are only available annually and the last observation is for 2014. These data showed a very benign trade finance picture up until the end of 2014. Trade finance volumes had been trending up since 2010 at an annual pace of 8.8% per annum (between 2010 and 2014) which is faster than global nominal GDP growth of 6% per annum, i.e. the trend in trade finance had been rather healthy up until 2014, but there are indications of material slowing this year. This is also reflected in world trade volumes which have also decelerated this year vs. strong growth in previous years (Figure 5).

    Summarizing the above as simply as possible: for all those confounded by why not only the US, but the global economy, hit another brick wall in Q1 the answer was neither snow, nor the West Coast strike, nor some other, arbitrary, goal-seeked excuse, but China, and specifically over half a trillion in still largely unexplained Chinese capital outflows.

    * * *

    But wait, because it wasn’t just JPM whose attention perked up over the weekend. This morning Goldman Sachs itself had a note titled “the Curious Case of China’s Capital Outflows“:

    China’s balance of payments has been undergoing important changes in recent quarters. The trade surplus has grown far above previous norms, running around $260bn in the first half of this year, compared with about $100bn during the same period last year and roughly $75bn on average during the previous seven years. Ordinarily, these kinds of numbers would see very rapid reserve accumulation, but this is not the case. Partly that is because China’s services balance has swung into meaningful deficit, so that the current account is quite a bit lower than the headline numbers from trade in goods would suggest. But the more important reason is that capital outflows have become very sizeable and now eclipse anything seen in the recent past.


    Headline FX reserves in the second quarter fell $36bn, from $3,730bn at end-March to $3,694bn at end-June. While we estimate that there was a large negative valuation effect in Q1 (due to the drop in EUR/$ on the ECB’s QE announcement), there was likely a positive valuation effect in Q2, which we put around $48bn. That means that our proxy for reserve accumulation in the second quarter is around -$85bn, i.e. the actual “flow” drop in reserves was bigger than the headline numbers suggest because of a flattering valuation effect. If we put that number together with the trade surplus in Q2 of $140bn, net capital outflows could be around -$224bn in the quarter, meaningfully up from the first quarter. There are caveats to this calculation, of course. There is obviously the services deficit that we mention above, which will tend to make this estimate less dramatic. It is also possible that our estimate for valuation effects is wrong. Indeed, there is some indication that valuation-related losses in Q1 were not nearly as large as implied by our calculations. But even if we adjust for these factors, net capital outflows might conceivably have run around -$200bn, an acceleration from Q1 and beyond anything seen historically.

    Granted, this is smaller than JPM’s $520 billion number but this also captures a far shorter time period. Annualizing a $224 billion outflow in one quarter would lead to a unprecedented $1 trillion capital outflow out of China for the year. Needless to say, a capital exodus of that pace and magnitude would suggest that something is very, very wrong with not only China’s economy, but its capital markets, and last but not least, its capital controls, which prohibit any substantial outbound capital flight (at least for ordinary people, the Politburo is clearly exempt from the regulations for the “common folk”).

    Back to Goldman:

    The big question is obviously what is driving these flows and how long they are likely to continue. We continue to take the view that a stock adjustment is at work, although it is clear that the turning point is yet to come. We will look at this in one of our next FX Views. In the interim, we think an easier question is what this means for G10 FX. This is because this shift in China’s balance of payments is sure to depress reserve accumulation across EM as a whole, such that reserve recycling – a factor associated with Euro strength in the past – is unlikely to be sizeable for quite some time.

    In other words, for once Goldman is speechless, however it is quick to point out that what traditionally has been a major source of reserve reflow, the Chinese current and capital accounts, is no longer there.

    It also means that what may have been one of the biggest drivers of DM FX strength in recent years, if only against the pegged Renminbi, is suddenly no longer present.

    While the implications of this on the global FX scene are profound, they tie in to what we said last November when explaining the death of the petrodollar. For the most part, the country most and first impacted from this capital outflow will be China, something its stock market has already noticed in recent weeks.

    But what is likely the take home message for non-Chinese readers from all of this, is that while there has been latent speculation over the years that China will dump US treasuries voluntarily because it wants to (as punishment or some other reason), suddenly China is forced to liquidate US Treasury paper even though it does not want to, merely to fund a capital outflow unlike anything it has seen in history. It still has a lot of 10 Year paper, aka FX reserves, left: about $1.3 trillion at last check, however this raises two critical questions: i) what happens to 10 Year rates when whoever has been absorbing China’s Treasury dump no longer bids the paper and ii) how much more paper can China sell before the entire world starts paying attention, besides just JPM and Goldman… and this website of course.

    Finally, if China’s selling is only getting started, just what does this mean for future Fed strategy. Because one can easily forget a rate hike if in addition to rising short-term rates, China is about to dump a few hundred billion in paper on a vastly illiquid market.

    Or let us paraphrase: how soon until QE 4?

  • "It's Laughable Really": Why No One, Especially Not Jamie Dimon, Will Be Held Accountable For London Whale

    A few weeks back, Bruno Iksil, the man whose name shall live in CDX trading infamy and whose nicknames will forever haunt the desks at JP Morgan’s taxpayer-sponsored, London-based hedge fund (known in polite circles as “CIO”), got a break when the UK’s financial watchdog dropped its investigation saying it didn’t have a strong enough case. 

    Apparently, the fact that Iksil was the driving force (if not the most senior of the employees involved) behind a trade so large it noticeably displaced the market doesn’t count as a “strong case.” Indeed, the simple fact that Iksil was known across trading desks as “Voldemort“, “The London Whale“, and perhaps most telling, “He Who Must Not Be Named,” might fairly be said to constitute a compelling bit of anecdotal evidence. Alas, the whale is now scott-free, having secured immunity in the US in exchange for cooperating with the investigation and having been exonerated in the UK. 

    As we noted in “Free Willy: FCA Drops Case Against London Whale,” junior trader Julien Grout and Iksil’s boss Javier Martin-Artajo are still theoretically on the hook for the trade which, as a reminder, saw CIO sell massive amounts of protection on IG.9 back in Q1 of 2012 in what ultimately became a rather poignant example of the old adage “if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”

    We say “theoretically on the hook”, because in all likelihood, Grout and Martin-Artajo will never have to face the music either. Here’s NY Times with more on why “in all likelihood, no one will be held legally accountable”:

    The case of the London Whale has ended — with a whimper.


    Last week, Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority took the unusual step of announcing that it was dropping its investigation and would take no further action against Bruno Iksil, whose risky bets on complex derivative contracts ended up costing JPMorgan Chase $6.2 billion in losses.


    Today Mr. Iksil, 48, faces no charges. He does not even face civil claims, which have a much lower standard of proof. Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan, disclosed in August 2013 that the government had entered into a nonprosecution agreement with Mr. Iksil, and that he would not be required to plead guilty to any crime. The Securities and Exchange Commission took no action against him. And now British regulators have dropped the case.


    The result has left many white-collar defense lawyers mystified, even as they profess admiration for Mr. Iksil’s lawyers. While Mr. Iksil has emerged scot-free, his immediate boss, Javier Martin-Artajo, a Spanish national, and Mr. Iksil’s lower-ranking assistant, Julien Grout, who is French, face criminal charges and civil claims. But Mr. Martin-Artajo is in Spain, where a court has refused to extradite him, and Mr. Grout is in France, which typically does not extradite its own citizens. Although the investigation in the United States officially remains open, it appears no one, in all likelihood, will be held legally accountable.



    And while it’s easy to write this off as yet another example of how no humans are ever held accountable for what happens when TBTF banks (with the implicit blessing of the US government via FDIC insurance) go all-in at the derivatives baccarat tables, the London Whale may also represent the tendency for regulators and prosecutors to place the blame on anyone but those who ultimately deserve it. Here’s the Times again:

    Far from being the rogue trader portrayed in early news coverage, Mr. Iksil emerges in government documents and interviews with people familiar with much of the evidence as a conflicted figure on the trading floor, troubled by conscience, even as he tried to please his bosses. They pushed him to undertake the risky derivatives trading that proved his undoing and caused the great losses. Then, as the losses mounted, he repeatedly warned his colleagues that they should be more forthcoming about their extent, to no avail.


    “It’s laughable, really, that so many banks have been prosecuted and it’s always the fault of a rogue trader, or an isolated trading desk,” said Brandon L. Garrett, a law professor at the University of Virginia and author of the book “Too Big to Jail.” “But when risky behavior is repeatedly tolerated or concealed, you have to wonder if higher-ranking people should have been targeted.”

    Yes, you do have to wonder about that.

    But as the ridiculous witch-hunt against flash crashing “mastermind” Nav Sarao proves, vested interests and well paid lobbyists will everywhere and always trump the truth, which is why, through it all, Jamie Dimon has not only managed to escape blame for the CIO fiasco, but has in fact become a billionaire in the interim. 

  • Peter Schiff: Currencies Depend On Faith, Gold Doesn't

    Submitted by Peter Schiff via Euro Pacific Capital,

    In his July 17th Blog, Let's Get Real About Gold, author and Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Zweig likened investor interest in gold with the "Pet Rock" craze of the 1970's, when consumers became convinced that a rock in a box would provide continuous companionship, elevate their social standing, and give them something hip to talk about at parties. Zweig asserts that investor faith in gold, which he argues is just another inert mineral with good marketing, is similarly irrational, and has kept people from putting money in the much more lucrative stock market.

    First off, Zweig's comparison of gold to equities as an investment vehicle sets up a false dichotomy. Gold is not an investment. It is, as Zweig indicates, nothing but a rock. But it is a rock that is extremely scarce, with highly desirable physical properties that have resulted in its being used as money for all of recorded human history. As a result, it should not be compared to stocks or real estate, but to other forms of money, such as any one of a number of fiat currencies now in circulation. Ironically, in a world awash in fiat currencies that are created at an ever increasing pace, and whose value is solely derived from faith in the issuing state, gold is the only form of money whose value does not require a leap of faith.

    I have no emotional attachment to gold. I don't use it to cover my walls, I don't run my fingers through it and laugh, I don't ask my wife to paint herself with it. What I do know is that before the world moved to a fiat monetary system in the latter half of the 20th Century, gold had become the money of choice for nearly every major culture in every age. This supremacy was based on gold's scarcity, its versatility as a metal, its unique and useful properties, its beauty, and its wide cultural acceptance as a hallmark of love, permanence, wealth and success. There can be little doubt that people will always be willing to desire and accumulate gold…for any of a variety of reasons. The only question is how much they will be willing to pay. On that point, reasonable minds can differ. But to imply that gold has no more intrinsic value than a pet rock, is to recklessly ignore reality.

    Up until 1971, the U.S. dollar was backed by the faith that the government would redeem its notes in gold. But, since then, that faith has been replaced by a simpler faith that others will always accept U.S. dollars in exchange for goods and services of real value. The transformation put the U.S. dollar in the same basket as all the other fiat currencies in the world whose value stems from the faith in the issuing government. In his piece, Zweigseems to assume that holding currencies is not an act of faith. But clearly this too involves a question of degree.

    Most investors would certainly prefer gold to Argentine Pesos, Ghanaian Cedis, or Venezuelan Bolivars. In reality, what Zweig is saying is that good fiat currencies (the U.S. dollar being the gold standard of fiat currencies) require no faith to buy and hold. But why is that?

    But the dollar's strength is supposed to derive from faith that the U.S. government will remain fiscally sound. There is little evidence that this will be the case. All of the traditional factors that determine a currency's value, i.e. trade balances, interest rates, government debt levels, economic growth, etc. should be putting downward pressure on the dollar. The U.S. government has done nothing to solve the nation's long-term debt crisis. Even the Congressional Budget Office admits that the Federal deficit will increase by an average of $35 billion annually until the end of the decade. By 2025, Trillion dollar plus deficits become entrenched (and those projections are based on economic growth assumptions that currently have proven to be far too optimistic.)

    Despite all this, the dollar has surged close to a 10-year high, based on the Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index. Wall Street has explained the dominance by pointing to troubles in Europe and Asia, saying that the dollar has its problems, but it is the "cleanest dirty shirt in the hamper." Analysts pointed to the expected higher interest rates from the Fed that would under-gird demand for the dollar as other central banks around the world were lowering rates. But that outcome has yet to materialize.

    At the end of 2014 most investors had assumed that the Fed would begin raising rates in the First Quarter of 2015. But disappointing economic growth has led the Fed to continuously delay lift off. Nevertheless, investors still think that the hikes are just around the corner. In reaching this conclusion, they blindly accept that our economy can survive higher rates when all the objective evidence leads to the conclusion that it can't.

    In reality, faith in the dollar is based solely on the belief that the U.S. dominance of the global economy will continue indefinitely, no matter how deeply we go into debt, how low our interest rates remain, and how unbalanced our trade becomes.

    We have seen this movie before. When confidence in the infallibility of central bankers is high,mainstream voices tend to cast aside gold and put their faith in the judgment of man. In 1999, New York Times columnist Floyd Norris penned an article entitled, "Who Needs Gold When We Have Alan Greenspan?" Despite Norris' dismissal, the real answer to that question was "everyone". In the following 12 years, at its high, gold rallied 650%.

    From my perspective, the markets are now placing more misplaced faith in the wisdom of Janet Yellen than they had in Greenspan. As a result, gold is being shunned as it was back in 1999. Alan Greenspan's penchant for easing monetary policy to prop up financial markets led to the creation of two dangerous bubbles, the first in stocks in 2000, and then in real estate, which finally burst in 2007, leading to the Great Recession. Given that the easing of monetary policy made by Greenspan's successors has been much larger, one can only imagine what may be the enormity ofan economic disaster that looms on the horizon.

    So yes, in a way my investment decisions are based on faith, but not the same type of faith that the Wall Street Journal assumes. My faith is that governments and central banks will continue to run up debt and debase currencies until a crisis brings the whole experiment to a disastrous conclusion. There is simply no historical precedent to reach any other conclusion. I also have faith that human beings will always prefer a piece of gold to a stack of paper. Separate a paper currency from its perceived value and you just have a stack of paper and ink. However, if they would just print it on softer and absorbent stock and put it on rolls, it might have some intrinsic value if we run out of toilet paper.

  • What Do Greece and Louisiana Have in Common? The War on Cash

    More and more institutions are trying to make it harder for you to move your money into cash.


    Globally, over $5 trillion in debt currently have negative yields in nominal terms, meaning the bond literally has a negative yield when it trades. In the simplest of terms this means that investors are PAYING to own these bonds.


    Bonds are not unique in this regard. Switzerland, Denmark and other countries are now charging deposits at their banks. In France and Italy, you are not allowed to make cash transactions above €1,000.


    This sounds laughable to most people, but it is a reality in Europe… and in the US, in some regions. Louisiana has made it illegal to purchase second hand goods using cash.


    This is just the beginning. The War on Cash will be spreading in the coming weeks.

    The reasoning is simple. Most large financial entities are insolvent. As a result, if a significant amount of digital money is converted into actual physical cash, the firm would very quickly implode.


    This is precisely what happened in 2008…


    When the 2008 Crisis hit, one of the biggest problems for the Central Banks was to stop investors from fleeing digital wealth for the comfort of physical cash. Indeed, the actual “thing” that almost caused the financial system to collapse was when depositors attempted to pull $500 billion out of money market funds.


    A money market fund takes investors’ cash and plunks it into short-term highly liquid debt and credit securities. These funds are meant to offer investors a return on their cash, while being extremely liquid (meaning investors can pull their money at any time).


    This works great in theory… but when $500 billion in money was being pulled (roughly 24% of the entire market) in the span of four weeks, the truth of the financial system was quickly laid bare: that digital money is not in fact safe.


    To use a metaphor, when the money market fund and commercial paper markets collapsed, the oil that kept the financial system working dried up. Almost immediately, the gears of the system began to grind to a halt.


    When all of this happened, the global Central Banks realized that their worst nightmare could in fact become a reality: that if a significant percentage of investors/ depositors ever tried to convert their “wealth” into cash (particularly physical cash) the whole system would implode.


    None of these issues have been resolved. The big banks remain as leveraged as ever and at risk of implosion should a significant percentage of capital get pulled into physical cash.


    European banks as a whole are leveraged at 26 to 1. In simple terms, this means they have just €1 in capital for every €26 in assets (bought via borrowed money).


    This is why whenever things get messy in Europe, the ECB and EU begin implementing capital controls.


    Consider what recently happened in Greece. Depositors began to flee the banks in droves, so they declared a bank holiday. This holiday included safe deposit boxes… so all the bullion or physical cash Greeks had stashed there remained locked up… just like the “digital” money in their savings accounts.


    Again, it was impossible to get cash out of the banks… even cash that technically wasn’t “in the system” anymore but sitting in safe deposit banks.


    The US financial system isn’t any better. Indeed, the vast majority of it is in digital money. Actual currency is just a little over $1.36 trillion. Bank accounts are $10 trillion. Stocks are $20 trillion and Bonds are $38 trillion.


    And at the top of the heap are the derivatives markets, which are over $220 TRILLION.


    If you think the banks aren’t terrified of what this market could do to them, consider that JP Morgan managed to get Congress to put the US taxpayer on the hook for it derivatives trades.


    Mind you, this is the same bank that is now refusing to let clients store cash in safe deposit boxes.


    This is just the tip of the iceberg. As anyone can tell you, it’s all but impossible to move large amounts of money into cash in the US. Even the large banks will routinely ask you for 24 hours notice if you need $10,000 or more in cash. These are banks will TRLLLIONS of dollars worth of assets on their books.


    This is just the beginning.


    Indeed, we've uncovered a secret document outlining how the Fed plans to incinerate savings.


    We detail this paper and outline three investment strategies you can implement

    right now to protect your capital from the Fed's sinister plan in our Special Report

    Survive the Fed's War on Cash.


    We are making 1,000 copies available for FREE the general public.


    To pick up yours, swing by….


    Best Regards

    Phoenix Capital Research




  • "Two-Faced" Japan Accuses China Of Stealing Gas With Sea Rigs

    Over the course of the last several months, China has found itself at the center of a rather spirited international “debate” over the country’s land reclamation efforts in the disputed waters of the South China Sea. 

    To recap, Beijing has created more than 1,500 acres of sovereign territory in the Spratly archipelago by using dredgers to construct man-made islands atop reefs. Although China isn’t the first country to embark on reclamation efforts in the region, its projects have been described by the US and its allies as far more ambitious than those of its neighbors.

    The situation escalated rapidly when the Chinese Navy threatened a US spy plane with a CNN crew aboard. Shortly thereafter, the US claimed to have spotted artillery on one of the islands and the entire situation culminated in a hilarious propaganda campaign by the Chinese apparently designed to show that life on its new islands was really all about girls, gardening, pigs, and puppies. 

    Now, China finds itself at the center of yet another maritime dispute, this time over the construction of oil and gas platforms in the East China Sea. Reuters has more:

    China reserves the right to a “necessary reaction” after Japan issued a defense review that called on Beijing to stop building oil and gas exploration platforms close to disputed waters in the East China Sea, the Defense Ministry has said.


    In the paper issued on Tuesday, Tokyo expressed concern that Chinese drills could tap reservoirs that extend into Japan’s waters.


    “This kind of action completely lays bare the two-faced nature of Japan’s foreign policy and has a detrimental impact on peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region,” China’s Defense Ministry said in a statement issued late on Tuesday.


    China would further evaluate Japan’s defense review, or white paper, when the full text is issued and would then make a “necessary reaction depending on the situation”, it said.


    In an escalation of the spat, Japan released aerial photos of China’s construction activities in the area, accusing Beijing of unilateral development and a halfhearted attitude toward a 2008 agreement to jointly develop resources there.


    “China’s development activities in the East China Sea have shown no signs of ceasing. Given rising concerns within and outside of Japan over China’s various attempts to change the status quo, we have decided to release what can be released in an appropriate manner,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a regular news conference.

    Apparently “what can be released” are the following images:

    And here is a map showing where the rigs are located in relation to a demarcation line that separates the two countries’ exclusive economic zones.

    So what’s the problem, you ask? It seems as though all of the structures are on China’s side of the line. Here’s Bloomberg with more:

    Japan’s foreign ministry unveiled a map and photographs of what it said were 16 Chinese marine platforms close to Japan’s side of the disputed East China Sea.



    The platforms are on the Chinese side of a geographical median line that Japan contends should mark the border between their exclusive economic zones. Japan has long expressed concern that such developments could siphon gas out of undersea structures that extend to its own side.

    So essentially, Japan believes that China may be attempting to steal from Japan by building rigs right next to the line and sucking undersea gas back to the Chinese side. Or, in other words:

    As for Beijing’s take on the matter, the foreign ministry says its exploration activities are “justified, reasonable and legitimate.”

    Whatever the case may be, the dispute won’t do anything to help Sino-Japanese relations and although Suga claims the issue won’t derail diplomatic progress, one has to imagine that Beijing has had just about enough of being told what it can and can’t do in what it considers to be territorial waters. 

    *  *  *

    Full statement from Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Google translated): 

    In recent years, China has to revitalize the resource development in the East China Sea, as a government, the Chinese side of the geographic middle line during the day, it has been confirmed a total of 16 groups structures so far. 2 East China Sea exclusive economic zone and continental shelf boundary is is not yet defined, Japan is in a position of that should be carried out the demarcation that is based on the median line during the day. In this way, in a situation that is not yet defined boundaries, although the middle and at the Chinese side of the median line the day, it is extremely regrettable that the Chinese side has promoted the unilateral development activities. The government, for the Chinese side, it is possible to stop the unilateral development activities, it was consistent for the cooperation between Japan and China on the resource development of the East China Sea “in June 2008 agreement,” As to respond to early resumption of negotiations on the implementation of, it is where you are asking once again strongly. 

    Japan’s legal position on resource development in (Reference) East China Sea both in one day, based on the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, has the title of the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf from the territorial sea baseline to 200 sea miles . Since the distance between each of the territorial sea baseline during the day when you are face to face across the East China Sea is less than 400 sea miles, for the part of the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf up to 200 nautical miles both overlap, bounded by day intermediate agreement there is a need to define a. In light of the relevant provisions and international precedents UNCLOS, in order to define the boundary in such waters may define the boundaries based on the intermediate line is a the equitable solution. (Note: one sea mile = 1.852 km, 200 sea miles = 370.4 km) for two (1) this, the Chinese side, the demarcation in the East China Sea, a natural extension of the continental shelf, the East China Sea of characteristics such as mainland and the island of contrasts Based in and are going to should be carried out, after the demarcation is not recognized by the intermediate line, without the Chinese side shows the assumed specific boundary line, claim that the are naturally extended to the Okinawa Trough for the continental shelf doing. (2) On the other hand, it is a natural extension theory, in the 1960s, such as that used in the case law on the demarcation of the adjacent country continental shelf, is a concept that has been taken in the past of international law. Based on the relevant provisions and the subsequent international precedents of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which was adopted in 1982, upon the distance between the opposing countries to define the boundaries in waters of less than 400 nautical miles, the room found a natural extension theory rather, also, there is no legal meaning in the seabed terrain, such as the Okinawa trough (groove of the seabed). Therefore, the idea that can claim a continental shelf up to the Okinawa Trough, lacks evidence In light of the current international law. 3 standing on such premise to this, our country is, the border has been taken the position of the course and that our country has the ability to exercise sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the Japanese side of the body of water from at least the middle line in the waters of non-defined . This thing is totally without that abandoned the title of intermediate line beyond, last until the boundary is defined is for the time being that the exercise of the sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the waters to the middle line. Therefore, day middle of demarcation has not been made ??in the East China Sea, and, in a situation where the Chinese side does not recognize any claims relating to the middle line of our country, and exclusive economic zone of our country up to 200 sea miles from Japan’s territorial waters baseline no different in fact that has the title of continental shelf.

  • 'Trump'ing Political Success Through An Irate Silent Majority

    Submitted by Ben Tanosborn,

    Four years ago Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga rebirthed the musical-cicada of the 1937 song, “The Lady Is a Tramp”… which makes me think that maybe we could be facing in 2016 a reenactment of the 1968 presidential election, this time Donald Trump taking the role of George Wallace; a political musical that could appropriately be given the lyrical title, “The Politician Is a Trump.”

    Alabama’s Gov. Wallace, unable to represent the Democratic Party in the presidential election, created back then his own party: The American Independent Party; a party that by embracing Wallace’s views on segregation gave Richard Nixon ease-of-entry to the White House.  Donald Trump, with his equally verboten stand on immigration as Geo. Wallace was on segregation, is not likely to receive the seal of approval from the old guard in the Republican Party, which brings the possibility that Mr. Trump, in boastful arrogance, might decide to invest a few of his many millions in a third party candidacy which could add a new chapter to his book, “The Art of the Deal,” if elected; or create fresh material for his television pseudo-business repertoire, if turned down by the electorate.         

    Richard Nixon made hay of the term “Silent majority” back in November 1969 to defend his Vietnam War policy.  It has since been used by American politicians to legitimize and expand the nature of a non-descript huge following they claim as their own, quite often asserting the existence of magnified populism and an implied democracy.  Nixon’s baton seems to have been now passed to Donald Trump, as he submits his candidacy for the highest political office in the land, and grabs the microphone to broadcast his unfiltered stand on immigration.  A message that questionably-qualified experts in the media are quick to devour, then defecate, on a public more receptive to shallow issues dealing with celebrities than anything of social significance or depth.  

    In truth, there is no silent majority in the United States of America, and there has never existed one other than that represented by the number of converted-to-dust ancestors.  A collection of vocal minorities, yes; but most definitely not a political silent majority! [Oftentimes, however, low voter turnout may confuse us to the possible existence of a silent politically-indifferent majority; a topic worthy of study by our social scientists.]

    There are, nonetheless, silent substantial minorities bordering the majority rim on some specific critical issues that affect the body politic; their standing on those issues not adopted or represented by either of the two ruling parties openly because of political “incorrectness” or unsavory bigotry which politicians prefer to overlook or deny.  These days, the unwillingness, or incapacity, of the government to secure the nation’s borders from waves of economic invaders, negatively tagged as illegals by some, and positively by others as undocumented immigrants, is an issue not being properly, or directly, addressed politically by America’s Tweedledee and Tweedledum parties.

    It should come as no surprise when a politician, or would-be politician, unceremoniously breaks ranks with the party to claim leadership on a specific issue that overshadows the rest, and immigration seems to be one in our current political cycle, that such individual is going for broke, either because of his moral standing on such issue, or because he is powerful enough, usually through wealth, where personal risk is minimal or nonexistent.  Enter billionaire Donald Trump.  He may appear as a clown to the more sedate segment of the US population, but he’s nobody’s fool and can also break the straightjacket of an imposed political correctness simply because his wealth and power permit it.

    For all the polls taken on how Americans feel about almost any issue under the sun, a number of topics or issues seem out-of-bounds for pollsters; and how Americans in their diversity feel about immigration is one of them, remaining closeted so as not to create additional problems for an already fragmented society.  Trump, just like many others, senses that the majority of rank-and-file Republicans resent the do-nothing approach to resolve the ever-increasing number of illegal, or undocumented, residents, possibly exceeding 7 percent of the nation’s population.  And that the non-Latino rank-and-file Democrats probably hold a similar majority.

    Piling on by the dozen-and-a-half declared Republican candidates against outspoken Trump who’s now leading the pack might not be the best strategy for keeping the GOP whole.  And a rebuke by the Bobbsey Twins, war hawk senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain, will only fuel the existing party dissension.

    Much of Europe is facing the socio-economic-political reality of a Sub-Saharan economic invasion, just like the US is facing in its border with Mexico.  Politicians, whether in the EU or the US, must confront and resolve the problems created by such reality; and must do so at their career-peril… or a Trump-brand politician will replace them.

  • Americans Are Fleeing These US Cities In Droves

    What do El Paso, New York, and Chicago have in common? They are among the top 20 cities from which Americans are fleeing in droves…

    The map below shows the 20 metropolitan areas that lost the greatest share of local people to other parts of the country between July 2013 and July 2014, according to a Bloomberg News analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data. The New York City area ranked 2nd, losing about a net 163,000 U.S. residents, closely followed by a couple surrounding suburbs in Connecticut. Honolulu ranked fourth and Los Angeles ranked 14th. The Bloomberg calculations looked at the 100 most populous U.S. metropolitan areas.


    So what's going on here? As Bloomberg notes, Michael Stoll, a professor of public policy and urban planning at the University of California Los Angeles, has an idea.

    Soaring home prices are pushing local residents out and scaring away potential new ones from other parts of the country, he said. (Everyone knows how unaffordable the Manhattan area has become.)


    And as Americans leave, people from abroad move in to these bustling cities to fill the vacant low-skilled jobs. They are able to do so by living in what Stoll calls "creative housing arrangements" in which they pack six to eight individuals, or two to four families, into one apartment or home. It's an arrangement that most Americans just aren't willing to pursue, and even many immigrants decide it's not for them as time goes by, he said.


    El Paso, Texas, the city that residents fled from at the fastest pace, also saw a surprisingly small number of foreigners settling in given how close it is to Mexico.


    "A lot of young, reasonably educated people are having a hard time finding work there," Stoll said. "They're not staying in town after they graduate," leaving for the faster-growing economies."

    Source: Bloomberg

  • Kiwi Pops After RBNZ Cuts Rates, Citing Commodity Price Pressures

    While we know now that Greece is irrelevant, and China is irrelevant (fdrom what we are told by talking heads), it appears the commodity carnage of the last few months is relevant for at least one nation. Having already warned about Australia, it appears New Zealand has got nervous:


    The Central bank blames softening economic outlook driven by commodity price pressures. Kiwi interestingly popped on the news to 0.66 before fading back a little, despite RBNZ noting a further NZD drop is necessary.

    *  *  *


    and finally…


    Disappointly, Kiwi is rallying…


    RBNZ Governor Graeme Wheeler Cuts Key Rate to 3.0%: Statement

    The Reserve Bank today reduced the Official Cash Rate (OCR) by 25 basis points to 3.0 percent.
    Global economic growth remains moderate, with only a gradual pickup in activity forecast. Recent developments in China and Europe led to heightened uncertainty and increased financial market volatility. Particular uncertainty remains around the impact of the expected tightening in US monetary policy.
    New Zealand’s economy is currently growing at an annual rate of around 2.5 percent, supported by low interest rates, construction activity, and high net immigration. However, the growth outlook is now softer than at the time of the June Statement. Rebuild activity in Canterbury appears to have peaked, and the world price for New Zealand’s dairy exports has fallen sharply.
    Headline inflation is currently below the Bank’s 1 to 3 percent target range, due largely to previous strength in the New Zealand dollar and a large decline in world oil prices. Annual CPI inflation is expected to be close to the midpoint of the range in early 2016, due to recent exchange rate depreciation and as the decline in oil prices drops out of the annual figure. A key uncertainty is how quickly the exchange rate pass-through will occur.
    House prices in Auckland continue to increase rapidly, but, outside Auckland, house price inflation generally remains low. Increased building activity is underway in the Auckland region, but it will take some time for the imbalances in the housing market to be corrected.
    The New Zealand dollar has declined significantly since April and, along with lower interest rates, has led to an easing in monetary conditions. While the currency depreciation will provide support to the export and import competing sectors, further depreciation is necessary given the weakness in export commodity prices.
    A reduction in the OCR is warranted by the softening in the economic outlook and low inflation. At this point, some further easing seems likely.

    *  *  *

  • $900 Million Payday Is Billionaires' Reward For Crushing Twinkie-Maker's Labor Unions

    Two days ago we reported that according to the new Chief Restructuring Officer of America’s “first national supermarket chain”, Great Atlantic & Pacific, also known as A&P, Superfresh and Pathmark supermarkets, which just filed its second chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 5 years, it did so for one main reason: unions, and specifically legacy Collective Bargaining Agreements which made profitability for the (heavily levered) company impossible.

    While that argument is debatable, and as we said “if it wasn’t for unions, it would be something else, like loading up on massive amounts of debt to repay Yucaipa’s equity investment, which would then be unsustainable once rates rose and once interest expense became so high it soaked up all the company’s cash flow” one thing that is absolutely certain is that what A&P just did is a flashback to what Twinkies’ maker Hostess itself did as part of its November 2012 Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation.

    Then, too, the company sought to crush labor unions who “refused to negotiate in good faith”, and as a result the company went bankrupt, thereby ending all of its legacy labor agreements once and for all.

    Sure enough, freed of its cash-draining labor obligations, Hostess suddenly became a very attractive target and not only did it survive but it fourished when in 2013 Private Equity titan Apollo Global Management and billionaire investor C. Dean Metropoulos acquired the maker of Twinkies from liquidation.

    Very shortly thereafter, the equity investors did everything they could to reward themselves for an investment in the newly labor union-free company, which was quite viable as a standalone entity because demand for its products was as high as ever (the US will never have a problem with lack of obesity) and tried first to sell the company and then to take it public. They were unable do achieve either, so they decided to take a third route, one which takes advantage of the unprecedented debt bubble.

    As Bloomberg reports, “Hostess is selling $1.23 billion of term loans. Of that, $905 million will be used to pay a dividend to its shareholders, according to Standard & Poor’s. That’s more than double what they paid for the business.

    Translated: after investing $410 million in March 2013, two billionaires are about to make a $500 million return an investment they have held just over two years, with the blessing of a whole lot of debt investors. And all they had to do was pick up the carcass of a company which did nothing more than crush its unions.

    Somewhat snydely, we hope, Bloomberg adds that “the deal is just the latest example of how record-low borrowing costs from the Federal Reserve are encouraging risky companies to add cheap debt — sometimes to enrich private-equity firms — as investors clamor for yield.”

    Not sometimes: every time there is a bond bubble resulting from years of ruinous monetary policy and cheap rates, it is the equity backers who are left with all the profits. In this case, Apollo and Metropolous will make a more than 100% return over a holding period of less than two years.

    They are not alone: “So-called dividend deals reached almost $16 billion in the second quarter, the most in a year, according to Bloomberg data. The downside of the loans is they can increase a borrower’s risk of default by piling on debt, without any of the cash going to improving operations or boosting revenues.”

    “Dividends aren’t designed to create value for the company,” Moody’s Investors Service analyst Brian Weddington said by phone. “This is a return of capital and profits to the founding investors.”

    No, the value for the company, its equity sponsors will claim, came from their involvement, and indeed company operations did pick up modestly:

    Business at Hostess has improved since the buyout. Earnings have increased “substantially,” said S&P’s Chiem. Revenue has risen to more than $600 million, and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization to nearly $200 million, according to S&P. The snack business was able to cut costs by storing its products in a warehouse rather than delivering them directly to stores from where they’re made, according to Chiem.

    Happy with their achievement, which was only made possible as a result of the unbundling of the underlying business from its labor union ties, barely one year after their involvement, the billionaire owners sought to capitalize on their investment and Hostess began considering a sale last year, with sources saying in November that the business could fetch as much as $1.6 billion.

    The sale process went nowhere, as did a subsequent attempt to take Hostess public.

    So, why not follow the path of least resistance, and present credit investors using “other people’s money” with the chance to repay them. This is precisely what they did about to happen courtesy of Credit Suisse which is the lead underwriter on the new debt financing.

    Credit Suisse is leading the financing, which consists of an $825 million first-lien loan and a $400 million second-lien offering, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. It has asked investors to commit by July 30.

    But don’t say the new creditors, secured by a whole lot of Twinkies and Ho-Hos in company inventory, did not put up a fight demanding fair terms: “At a July 16 meeting held at Credit Suisse Group AG’s New York offices, potential investors were offered treats including Hostess orange cupcakes, according to three people with knowledge of the meeting. They were also offered an interest rate of as high as 7.75 percentage points” above LIBOR.

    End result: a company that went from 2x EBITDA leverage to an eye-popping 6x!

    For Hostess, the deal will triple debt levels to about six times a measure of earnings, according to an S&P report this month. Regulators including the Federal Reserve and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency said in their 2013 leveraged lending guidance that debt levels exceeding six times raise concern as they seek to curb risky underwriting.

    The irony is that Apollo would have pulled out even more cash if there wasn’t a leverage cap. Still, even with “only” 6 turns of EBITDA in debt, most know how this deal will end:

    The dividend demonstrates “a very aggressive financial policy,” S&P analyst Bea Chiem said in the report. The credit grader is keeping Hostess’s corporate rating at B, or five levels below investment-grade, on the view that the baker’s operating performance will continue improving. The junior-ranked loan being marketed is rated CCC+, or seven levels below investment grade.

    In short: we give Hostess about 1-2 years before it files Chapter 33: it third bankruptcy a first one in 2004 and the second one in 2012.

    Only this time there will be no unions left to blame: it will be all about the insurmountable leverage, and the rapacious greed of its PE sponsors to strip the company of all pledgeable assets and extract as much cash as possible in the shortest possible time, while layering what the IMF would clearly dub is insurmountable debt.

    But before you blame them, blame the creditors who made it possible: all those “investors” who were tempted with “Hostess orange cupcakes” to dump billions of other people’s money entrusted to then, just so they could generate a modest return.

    And before you blame these individuals who are merely looking after their year-end bonus which is contingent on beating some risk (or rather return)-free benchmark, blame the Fed whose 7 years of ZIRP has made this kind of asset strip-mining not only possible but an acceptable, daily occurrence.

    Because the end result is clear: after the unions were crushed, and Hostess emerged with a clean balance sheet, the fact that it already has 6x debt guarantees it will be bankrupt once again. The only question is when.

    The losers will be the thousands of non-unionized full and part-time workers at the company.

    The only winners: the billionaire investors who are about to get even richer thanks to none other than the Federal Reserve and an entire world filled with lunatic central bankers who have clearly taken over the asylum.

  • 12 Ways The Economy Is In Worse Shape Now Than During The Depths Of The Last Recession

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

    Did you know that the percentage of children in the United States that are living in poverty is actually significantly higher than it was back in 2008?  When I write about an “economic collapse”, most people think of a collapse of the financial markets.  And without a doubt, one is coming very shortly, but let us not neglect the long-term economic collapse that is already happening all around us.  In this article, I am going to share with you a bunch of charts and statistics that show that economic conditions are already substantially worse than they were during the last financial crisis in a whole bunch of different ways.  Unfortunately, in our 48 hour news cycle world, a slow and steady decline does not produce many “sexy headlines”.  Those of us that are news junkies (myself included) are always looking for things that will shock us.  But if you stand back and take a broader view of things, what has been happening to the U.S. economy truly is quite shocking.  The following are 12 ways that the U.S. economy is already in worse shape than it was during the depths of the last recession…

    #1 Back in 2008, 18 percent of all Americans kids were living in poverty.  This week, we learned that number has now risen to 22 percent

    There are nearly three million more children living in poverty today than during the recession, shocking new figures have revealed.


    Nearly a quarter of youngsters in the US (22 percent) or around 16.1 million individuals, were classed as living below the poverty line in 2013.


    This has soared from just 18 percent in 2008 – during the height of the economic crisis, the Casey Foundation’s 2015 Kids Count Data Book reported.

    #2 In early 2008, the homeownership rate in the U.S. was hovering around 68 percent.  Today, it has plunged below 64 percent.  Incredibly, it has not been this low in more than 20 years.  Just look at this chart – the homeownership rate has continued to plummet throughout Obama’s “economic recovery”…

    Homeownership Rate 2015

    #3 While Barack Obama has been in the White House, government dependence has skyrocketed to levels that we have never seen before.  In 2008, the federal government was spending about 37 billion dollars a year on the federal food stamp program.  Today, that number is above 74 billion dollars.  If the economy truly is “recovering”, why is government dependence so much higher than it was during the last recession?

    #4 On the chart below, you can see that the U.S. national debt was sitting at about 9 trillion dollars when we entered the last recession.  Since that time, the debt of the federal government has doubled.  We are on the exact same path that Greece has gone down, and what you are looking at below is a recipe for national economic suicide…

    Presentation National Debt

    #5 During Obama’s “recovery”, real median household income has actually gone down quite a bit.  Just prior to the last recession, it was above $54,000 per year, but now it has dropped to about $52,000 per year…

    Median Household Income

    #6 Even though our incomes are stagnating, the cost of living just continues to rise steadily.  This is especially true of basic things that we all purchase such as food.  As I wrote about earlier this year, the price of ground beef in the United States has doubled since the last recession.

    #7 In a healthy economy, lots of new businesses are opening and not that many are being forced to shut down.  But for each of the past six years, more businesses have closed in the United States than have opened.  Prior to 2008, this had never happened before in all of U.S. history.

    #8 Barack Obama is constantly telling us about how unemployment is “going down”, but the truth is that the  percentage of working age Americans that are either working or considered to be looking for work has steadily declined since the end of the last recession…

    Presentation Labor Force Participation Rate

    #9 Some have suggested that the decline in the labor force participation rate is due to large numbers of older people retiring.  But the reality of the matter is that we have seen a spike in the inactivity rate for Americans in their prime working years.  As you can see below, the percentage of males between the ages of 25 and 54 that aren’t working and that aren’t looking for work has surged to record highs since the end of the last recession…

    Presentation Inactivity Rate

    #10 A big reason why we don’t have enough jobs for everyone is the fact that millions upon millions of good paying jobs have been shipped overseas.  At the end of Barack Obama’s first year in office, our yearly trade deficit with China was 226 billion dollars.  Last year, it was more than 343 billion dollars.

    #11 Thanks to all of these factors, the middle class in America is dying In 2008, 53 percent of all Americans considered themselves to be “middle class”.  But by 2014, only 44 percent of all Americans still considered themselves to be “middle class”.

    When you take a look at our young people, the numbers become even more pronounced.  In 2008, 25 percent of all Americans in the 18 to 29-year-old age bracket considered themselves to be “lower class”.  But in 2014, an astounding 49 percent of all Americans in that age range considered themselves to be “lower class”.

    #12 This is something that I have covered before, but it bears repeating.  The velocity of money is a very important indicator of the health of an economy.  When an economy is functioning smoothly, people generally feel quite good about things and money flows freely through the system.  I buy something from you, then you take that money and buy something from someone else, etc.  But when an economy is in trouble, the velocity of money tends to go down.  As you can see on the chart below, a drop in the velocity of money has been associated with every single recession since 1960.  So why has the velocity of money continued to plummet since the end of the last recession?…

    Velocity Of Money M2

    If you are waiting for an “economic collapse” to happen, you can stop waiting.

    One is unfolding right now before our very eyes.

    But what most people really mean when they ask about these things is that they are wondering when the next great financial crisis will happen.  And as I discussed yesterday, things are lining up in textbook fashion for one to happen in our very near future.

    Once the next great financial crisis does strike, all of the numbers that I just discussed above are going to get a whole lot worse.

    So as bad as things are now, the truth is that this is just the beginning of the pain.

  • Ottawans Outed – 1 In 5 Found To Be "Cheating Dirtbags Who Deserve No Discretion"

    Canada's capital city, Ottawa, is, as MSN reports, also it's most potentially adulterous. Around 1 in 5 of the population is registered on Ashley Madisonthe recently hacked social network for married people looking for an affair. The hotbed of infidelity was also the seat of power: The top postal code for new members matched that of Parliament Hill, according to Avid Live chief executive Noel Biderman in a newspaper report published earlier this year.

    As Reuters reports,

    Canada's prim capital is suddenly focused more on the state of people's affairs than the affairs of the state.


    One in five Ottawa residents allegedly subscribed to adulterers' website Ashley Madison, making one of the world's coldest capitals among the hottest for extra-marital hookups – and the most vulnerable to a breach of privacy after hackers targeted the site.


    The hackers, who referred to customers as "cheating dirtbags who deserve no discretion," appear uninterested in blackmailing individual clients, unlike an organized crime outfit.


    The website's Canadian parent, Avid Life Media, said it had since secured the site and was working with law enforcement agencies to trace those behind the attack.


    "Everybody says Ottawa is a sleepy town and here we are with 200,000 people running around on each other," said municipal employee Jon Weaks, 27, as he took a break at an outdoor cafe near the nation's Parliament.


    "I think a lot of people will be questioned tonight at dinner," added colleague Ali Cross, 28.


    Some 189,810 Ashley Madison users were registered in Ottawa, a city with a population of about 883,000, making the capital No. 1 for philanderers in Canada and potentially the highest globally per capita, according to previously published figures from the Toronto-based company.

    However, Canada may have bigger problems…

    The hotbed of infidelity was also the seat of power: The top postal code for new members matched that of Parliament Hill, according to Avid Live chief executive Noel Biderman in a newspaper report published earlier this year.


    Biderman said capital cities around the world typically top subscription rates, a phenomenon he chalks up to "power, fame and opportunity," along with the risk-taking personalities that find themselves in political cities.


    The Ottawa mayor's office and city council either declined to comment or did not return emails.

    *  *  *



    We suspect 'overweighting' Canadian divorce lawyers and 'undereweighting' Canadian hotels would be the optimum pair to profit from this…

  • "Far Worse Than 1986": The Oil Downturn Has No Parallel In Recorded History, Morgan Stanley Says

    On Tuesday the market got yet another reminder of just how painful the “current commodity price environment” has been for producers when Chesapeake eliminated its common dividend in order to conserve cash.

    After noting the plunge in Chesapeake’s shares (to a 12-year low) we subsequently outlined why the US shale “revolution” is now running out of lifelines as hedges roll off and as the next round of credit line assessments looms in October.

    A persistent theme here – as regular readers are no doubt aware – has been the extent to which an ultra-accommodative Fed has contributed to a deflationary supply glut by ensuring that beleaguered producers retain access to capital markets. In short, cash-strapped companies who would have otherwise gone out of business have been able to stay afloat thanks to the fact that Fed policy has herded investors into risk assets.

    In a ZIRP world, there’s plenty of demand for new HY issuance and ill-fated secondaries, which means the digging, drilling, and pumping gets to continue indefinitely in what may end up being one of the most dramatic instances of malinvestment the market has ever seen

    Those who contend that the downturn simply cannot last much longer – that the supply/demand imbalance will soon even out, that the market will clear sooner rather than later, and that even if the weaker hands are shaken out, the pain for the majors will be relatively short-lived – are perhaps ignoring the underlying narrative that helps to explain why the situation looks like it does. At heart, this is a struggle between the Fed’s ZIRP and the Saudis, who appear set to outlast the easy money that’s kept US producers alive.

    Against that backdrop, and amid Wednesday’s crude carnage, we turn to Morgan Stanley for more on why the current downturn will be “worse than 1986.” 

    From Morgan Stanley

    Worse than 1986? Really?

    We have been expecting the current downturn to be as severe as the one in 1986 – the worst for at least 45 years – but not worse than that. Still, if oil prices follow the path suggested by the forward curve, our thesis may yet prove too optimistic.

    Our constructive stance on the majors is based on four factors: 1) supply – we expected production growth to moderate following large capex cuts and the sharp decline in the rig count; 2) demand – we anticipated that the fall in price would boost oil products demand; 3) cost and capex – we foresaw both falling sharply, similar to the industry’s response in 1986; and 4) valuation – relative DY and P/BV indicated 35-year lows.


    So far this year, we can put a tick against three of them [but] our expectation on supply has not materialised: US tight oil production growth has started to roll over, but this has been more than offset by OPEC, which has added ~1.5 mb/d since February. 

    On current trajectory, this downturn could become worse than 1986: An additional +1.5 mb/d is roughly one year of oil demand growth. If sustained, this could delay the rebalancing of oil markets by a year as well. The forward curve has started to price this in: as the chart shows, the forward curve currently points towards a recovery in prices that is far worse than in 1986. This means the industrial downturn could also be worse. In that case, there would be little in analysable history that could be a guide to this cycle. 



    [There are] strong similarities between the current oil price downturn and the one that occurred in 1985/86. The trajectory of oil prices is similar on both occasions. There were also common reasons for the collapse. 


    A high and stable oil price in the preceding four years stimulated technological innovation and led to a high level of investment. This resulted in strong production growth outside OPEC, exceeding the rate of global demand growth. When it became clear that OPEC would no longer rein in production to balance the market (as it did during both the Nov 1985 and Nov 2014 OPEC meetings) the price collapsed. 

    And although MS notes that similar to 1986, costs and capex are likely to come in sharply while demand growth should materialize, the supply side of the equation is not cooperating thanks to increased output from OPEC. 

    Due to the sharp slowdown in drilling activity and the high decline rate of tight oil wells, we expected production in the US to flatline and start declining in 2H. This seems to be happening: according to the US Department of Energy, tight oil production in June was 94 kb/d below the April level, and it forecasts further falls of 90 kb/d in both July and August.


    Now that capex is falling, we anticipated non-US production to be flat at best. Still, this has not yet been the case. At the time of our ‘Looking Beyond the Nadir’ report in February, OPEC production stood at ~30.2 mb/d. This increased substantially to 31.3 mb/d in May and 31.7 mb/d in June, i.e. OPEC has added 1.5 mb/d to global supply in the last four months alone.


    Our commodity analyst Adam Longson argues that the oil market is currently ~800,000 b/d oversupplied. This suggests that the current oversupply in the oil market is fully due to OPEC’s production increase since February alone. 

    We anticipated that OPEC would not cut, but we didn’t foresee such a sharp increase. In our view, this is the main reason why the rebalancing of oil markets had not yet gained momentum.

    If oil prices follow the path suggested by the forward curve, and essentially remain rangebound around levels seen in the last 2-3 months, this downturn would be more severe than that in 1986. As there was no sharp downturn in the ~15 years before that, the current downturn could be the worst of the last 45+ years.


    If this were to be the case, there would be nothing in our experience that would be a guide to the next phases of this cycle, especially over the relatively near term. In fact, there may be nothing in analysable history. 


    Needless to say, this does not bode well for everyone who has unwittingly thrown good money after bad on the assumption that the Saudis will cut production and trigger a rebound in crude.

    In addition to the immense pressure from persistently low prices, US producers also face a Fed rate hike cycle and thus the beginning of the end for easy money.

    Of course, the more expensive it is to fund money-losing producers, the less willing investors will be to perpetuate this delay-and-pray scheme, which brings us right back to what we’ve been saying for months: the expiration date for heavily indebted US drillers is fast approaching, and if Morgan Stanley thinks the oil downturn has no parallel in “analysable history,” wait until they see the carnage that will unfold in HY credit when a few high profile defaults in the oil patch send the retail crowd running for the junk bond ETF exits.

  • Commodisaster

    "Peak" Apple?

    And a quick message for Caesar's shareholders… (and AAPL Call buyers)…

    Stocks legged lower overnight on AAPL and MSFT, USDJPY helped them stage a rampaplooza as cash markets opened managing to get the S&P unahcnged for a brief moment…


    Cash indices on the day saw Small Caps (who have been big losers recently) outperform but the rest ended red..


    On the week, Trannies crept back into the green but The Dow remains the biggest loser as CAT, IBM, UTX, MSFT and AAPL weight it down


    Leaving The Dow back in the red for 2015…


    But that was not acceptable and so VIX was whacked to ensuire The Dow closed green for 2015…


    52 Week Lows continue to rise…


    As AAPL bounced off the 200DMA again


    Stocks decoupled from bonds early on – thanks to JPY – but recoupled later in the day…


    Treasury yields were mixed with the long-end testing down to 3.02% and the short-end selling off…


    As The Dollar bounced back…


    Commodities all suffered…


    Though silver held its own…



    Gold continues to tumble – 10 down days in a row is now the longest losing streak since 1996…


    Crude was clubbed over 3% on the day – testing a $48 handle and back at its lowest in 3 months… down 16 of the last 20 days


    Copper clubbed like a baby seal – down 7 of lats 9 days , hovering at cycle lows…


    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: Even more ominously for Copper – physical demand for withdrawals from inventory have collapsed…


    Bonus Bonus Chart: Lumber smashed again today and as a leading indicator is flashing red for new home sales…


    Bonus Bonus Bonus Chart: Any day now – clicks will beat bricks…

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Today’s News July 22, 2015

  • Greek Prime Minister Asked Putin For $10 Billion To "Print Drachmas", Greek Media Reports

    Back in January, when we reported what the very first official act of open European defiance by the then-brand new Greek prime minister Tsipras was (as a reminder it was his visit of a local rifle range where Nazis executed 200 Greeks on May 1, 1944) we noted that this was the start of a clear Greek pivot away from Europe and toward Russia.

    We further commented on many of the things that have since come to pass:

    Europe, for one, will be most displeased that Greece has decided to put its people first in the chain of priority over offshore bidders of Greek assets. Most displeased, especially since the liquidation sale of Greece is part of the Greek bailout agreement: an agreement which as the Troika has repeatedly stated, is not up for renegotiation

    But most importantly, even back then we explicitly said that in order for Greece to preserve its leverage (something it found out the hard way it did not have 6 months later), it would need a Plan B, one that involves an alternative source of funds, i.e., Russia and/or China, which could be the source of the much needed interim cash Greece needs as it prints its own currency and prepares for life outside the European prison.

    The Germans were not happy: A German central banker warned of dire problems should the new government call the country’s aid program into question, jeopardizing funding for the banks. “That would have fatal consequences for Greece’s financial system. Greek banks would then lose their access to central bank money,” Bundesbank board member Joachim Nagel told Handelsblatt newspaper.


    Well, maybe…. Unless of course Greece finds a new, alternative source of funding, one that has nothing to do with the establishmentarian IMF, whose “bailouts” are merely a smokescreen to implement pro-western policies and to allow the rapid liquidation of any “bailed out” society… Which naturally means that now Russia (and China) are set to become critical allies for Greece, which would immediately explain the logical pivot toward Moscow.

    Somewhat jokingly, on June 27, the day after Tsipras announced the shocking referendum decision, we repeated precisely this:

    As it turns out, none of this was a joke, and, if Greek newspaper “To Vima” is to be trusted, a “Plan B” involving an emergency $10 billion loan from Vladimir Putin which would be used to fund a new Greek currency, is precisely what Greece had been contemplating!

    According to Greek Reporter, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for 10 billion dollars in order to print drachmas.

    In other words, if true, then Greece did just as we said it should: approach Russia and the BRICs with a request for funding to be able to exit Europe’s gravitational pull…

    The newspaper report cited Tsipras saying in his last major interview to Greek national broadcaster ERT that “in order for a country to print its own national currency, it needs reserves in a strong currency.

    … however, somewhat surprisingly, both Moscow and Beijing said no:

    Moscow’s response was a vague mention of a 5-billion-dollar advance on the new South Stream natural gas pipeline construction that will pass through Greece. Tsipras also sent similar loan requests to China and Iran, but to no avail, the report said.

    The report continues:

    Tsipras was planning the return to the drachma since early 2015 and was counting on Russia’s help to achieve this goal. According to the report, Panos Kammenos, Yiannis Dragasakis, Yanis Varoufakis, Nikos Pappas, Panagiotis Lafazanis and other key coalition members were aware of his plan.


    In his first visit to Moscow, Tsipras condemned the European Union policy in Ukraine and supported the referendum of east Ukraine seeking secession. It was then that Germany realized Greece was prepared to shift alliances, something that would threaten the Eurozone cohesion. Tsipras was hoping that Germany would back down under that threat and offer Greece a generous debt haircut. At the time, Tsipras had the rookie ambition that he could change Europe, the report continued.


    It also spoke of a “geopolitical matchmaking” as Tsipras was introduced to Leonid Resetnikof, Director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, before the European Parliament elections in May 2014. The introduction was made by Professor of Russian Studies Nikos Kotzias, who later cashed in on his services by getting the chair of Foreign Affairs Minister.

    But the biggest stunner: it was Putin who declined the offer on the night of the referendum.

    The July 5 referendum was a test for Tsipras to see what the Greek
    people were thinking about Europe and the Eurozone. However, on the
    night of the referendum, word came from Russia that Putin did not want
    to support Greece’s return to the drachma
    . That was confirmed the days
    that followed. After that, Tsipras had no choice left but to “surrender”
    to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and sign the third bailout package.

    In other words it was not Tsipras’ failure to predict how Greece would react to the Greek referendum nor was it his secret desire to lose it as previously suggested (expecting a Yes vote and getting 61% “No”s instead), but a last minute rejection by Putin that lead to the Greek government’s capitulation, and the expulsion of Varoufakis who most certainly was the propagator of this plan.

    It also means that Merkel suddenly has a massive debt of gratitude to pay to Vladimir, whose betrayal of the Greek “marxists” is what allowed the Eurozone to continue in its current form. The question then is what is Vlad’s pro quo in exchange for letting down the Greek government (and handing over its choicest assets to the (s)quid), whose fate was in the hands of the former KGB spy.

    Finally, it is very possible that To Vima is taking some liberties with truth. For confirmation we would suggest to get the official story from Varoufakis, who lately has been anything but radio silent. If confirmed, this will certainly be the biggest and most underreported story of the year, one which suggests that the perpetuation of Merkel’s dream of a united Europe was only possible thanks to this man.


    If confirmed, first and foremost look for a growing schism between Europe and the US (which has clearly been pushing Merkel’s buttons via the IMF’s ever louder demands for a debt haircut not to mention Jack Lew’s rather direct intervention in the Greek bailout negotiations) and an increasing sense of friendly proximity between Berlin (and Brussels) and Moscow.

    The biggest loser in this game of realpolitik, once again, are the ordinary Greek people.

  • The American Nightmare: The Tyranny Of The Criminal Justice System

    Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    How can the life of such a man
    Be in the palm of some fool’s hand?
    To see him obviously framed
    Couldn’t help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land
    Where justice is a game.—Bob Dylan, “Hurricane

    Justice in America is not all it’s cracked up to be.

    Just ask Jeffrey Deskovic, who spent 16 years in prison for a rape and murder he did not commit. Despite the fact that Deskovic’s DNA did not match what was found at the murder scene, he was singled out by police as a suspect because he wept at the victim’s funeral (he was 16 years old at the time), then badgered over the course of two months into confessing his guilt. He was eventually paid $6.5 million in reparation.

    James Bain spent 35 years in prison for the kidnapping and rape of a 9-year-old boy, but he too was innocent of the crime. Despite the fact that the prosecutor’s case was flimsy—it hinged on the similarity of Bain’s first name to the rapist’s, Bain’s ownership of a red motorcycle, and a misidentification of Bain in a lineup by a hysterical 9-year-old boy—Bain was sentenced to life in prison. He was finally freed after DNA testing proved his innocence, and was paid $1.7 million.

    Mark Weiner got off relatively easy when you compare his experience to the thousands of individuals who are spending lifetimes behind bars for crimes they did not commit.

    Weiner was wrongfully arrested, convicted, and jailed for more than two years for a crime he too did not commit. In his case, a young woman claimed Weiner had abducted her, knocked her out and then sent taunting text messages to her boyfriend about his plans to rape her. Despite the fact that cell phone signals, eyewitness accounts and expert testimony indicated the young woman had fabricated the entire incident, the prosecutor and judge repeatedly rejected any evidence contradicting the woman’s far-fetched account, sentencing Weiner to eight more years in jail. Weiner was only released after his accuser was caught selling cocaine to undercover cops.

    In the meantime, Weiner lost his job, his home, and his savings, and time with his wife and young son. As Slate reporter journalist Dahlia Lithwick warned, “If anyone suggests that the fact that Mark Weiner was released this week means ‘the system works,’ I fear that I will have to punch him in the neck. Because at every single turn, the system that should have worked to consider proof of Weiner’s innocence failed him.”

    The system that should have worked didn’t, because the system is broken, almost beyond repair.

    In courtroom thrillers like 12 Angry Men and To Kill a Mockingbird, justice is served in the end because someone—whether it’s Juror #8 or Atticus Finch—chooses to stand on principle and challenge wrongdoing, and truth wins.

    Unfortunately, in the real world, justice is harder to come by, fairness is almost unheard of, and truth rarely wins.

    On paper, you may be innocent until proven guilty, but in actuality, you’ve already been tried, found guilty and convicted by police officers, prosecutors and judges long before you ever appear in a courtroom.

    Chronic injustice has turned the American dream into a nightmare.

    At every step along the way, whether it’s encounters with the police, dealings with prosecutors, hearings in court before judges and juries, or jail terms in one of the nation’s many prisons, the system is riddled with corruption, abuse and an appalling disregard for the rights of the citizenry.

    Due process rights afforded to a person accused of a crime—the right to remain silent, the right to be informed of the charges against you, the right to representation by counsel, the right to a fair trial, the right to a speedy trial, the right to prove your innocence with witnesses and evidence, the right to a reasonable bail, the right to not languish in jail before being tried, the right to confront your accusers, etc.—mean nothing when the government is allowed to sidestep those safeguards against abuse whenever convenient.

    It’s telling that while President Obama said all the right things about the broken state of our criminal justice system—that we jail too many Americans for nonviolent crimes (we make up 5 percent of the world’s population, but our prison population constitutes nearly 25% of the world’s prisoners), that we spend more money on incarceration than any other nation ($80 billion a year), that we sentence people for longer jail terms than their crimes merit, that our criminal justice system is far from color-blind, that the nation’s school-to-prison pipeline is contributing to overcrowded jails, and that we need to focus on rehabilitation of criminals rather than retribution—he failed to own up to the government’s major role in contributing to this injustice in America.

    Indeed, while Obama placed the responsibility for reform squarely in the hands of prosecutors, judges and police, he failed to acknowledge that they bear the burden of our failed justice system, along with the legislatures and corporations who have worked with them to create an environment that is hostile to the rights of the accused.

    In such a climate, we are all the accused, the guilty and the suspect.

    As I document in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, we’re operating in a new paradigm where the citizenry are presumed guilty and treated as suspects, our movements tracked, our communications monitored, our property seized and searched, our bodily integrity disregarded, and our inalienable rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” rendered insignificant when measured against the government’s priorities.

    Every American is now in jeopardy of being targeted and punished for a crime he did not commit thanks to an overabundance of arcane laws. Making matters worse, by allowing government agents to operate above the law, immune from wrongdoing, we have created a situation in which the law is one-sided and top-down, used as a hammer to oppress the populace, while useless in protecting us against government abuse.

    Add to the mix a profit-driven system of incarceration in which state and federal governments agree to keep the jails full in exchange for having private corporations run the prisons, and you will find the only word to describe such a state of abject corruption is “evil.” 

    How else do you explain a system that allows police officers to shoot first and ask questions later, without any real consequences for their misdeeds? Despite the initial outcry over the shootings of unarmed individuals in Ferguson and Baltimore, the pace of police shootings has yet to slow. In fact, close to 400 people were shot and killed by police nationwide in the first half of 2015, almost two shootings a day. Those are just the shootings that were tracked. Of those killed, almost 1 in 6 were either unarmed or carried a toy gun.

    For those who survive an encounter with the police only to end up on the inside of a jail cell, waiting for a “fair and speedy trial,” it’s often a long wait. Consider that 60 percent of the people in the nation’s jails have yet to be convicted of a crime. There are 2.3 million people in jails or prisons in America. Those who can’t afford bail, “some of them innocent, most of them nonviolent and a vast majority of them impoverished,” will spend about four months in jail before they even get a trial.

    Not even that promised “day in court” is a guarantee that justice will be served.

    As Judge Alex Kozinski of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals points out, there are an endless number of factors that can render an innocent man or woman a criminal and caged for life: unreliable eyewitnesses, fallible forensic evidence, flawed memories, coerced confessions, harsh interrogation tactics, uninformed jurors, prosecutorial misconduct, falsified evidence, and overly harsh sentences, to name just a few.

    In early 2015, the Justice Department and FBI “formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period…. The admissions mark a watershed in one of the country’s largest forensic scandals, highlighting the failure of the nation’s courts for decades to keep bogus scientific information from juries, legal analysts said.”

    “How do rogue forensic scientists and other bad cops thrive in our criminal justice system?” asks Judge Kozinski. “The simple answer is that some prosecutors turn a blind eye to such misconduct because they’re more interested in gaining a conviction than achieving a just result.”

    The power of prosecutors is not to be underestimated.

    Increasingly, when we talk about innocent people being jailed for crimes they did not commit, the prosecutor plays a critical role in bringing about that injustice. As The Washington Post reports, “Prosecutors win 95 percent of their cases, 90 percent of them without ever having to go to trial…. Are American prosecutors that much better? No… it is because of the plea bargain, a system of bullying and intimidation by government lawyers for which they ‘would be disbarred in most other serious countries….’”

    This phenomenon of innocent people pleading guilty makes a mockery of everything the criminal justice system is supposed to stand for: fairness, equality and justice. As Judge Jed S. Rakoff concludes, “our criminal justice system is almost exclusively a system of plea bargaining, negotiated behind closed doors and with no judicial oversight. The outcome is very largely determined by the prosecutor alone.”

    It’s estimated that between 2 and 8 percent of convicted felons who have agreed to a prosecutor’s plea bargain (remember, there are 2.3 million prisoners in America) are in prison for crimes they did not commit.

    Clearly, the Coalition for Public Safety was right when it concluded, “You don’t need to be a criminal to have your life destroyed by the U.S. criminal justice system.”

    It wasn’t always this way. As Judge Rakoff recounts, the Founding Fathers envisioned a criminal justice system in which the critical element “was the jury trial, which served not only as a truth-seeking mechanism and a means of achieving fairness, but also as a shield against tyranny.”

    That shield against tyranny has long since been shattered, leaving Americans vulnerable to the cruelties, vanities, errors, ambitions and greed of the government and its partners in crime.

    There is not enough money in the world to make reparation to those whose lives have been disrupted by wrongful convictions.

    Over the past quarter century, more than 1500 Americans have been released from prison after being cleared of crimes they did not commit. These are the fortunate ones. For every exonerated convict who is able to prove his innocence after 10, 20 or 30 years behind bars, Judge Kozinski estimates there may be dozens who are innocent but cannot prove it, lacking access to lawyers, evidence, money and avenues of appeal.

    For those who have yet to fully experience the injustice of the American system of justice, it’s only a matter of time.

    America no longer operates under a system of justice characterized by due process, an assumption of innocence, probable cause, and clear prohibitions on government overreach and police abuse. Instead, our courts of justice have been transformed into courts of order, advocating for the government’s interests, rather than championing the rights of the citizenry, as enshrined in the Constitution.

    Without courts willing to uphold the Constitution’s provisions when government officials disregard them, and a citizenry knowledgeable enough to be outraged when those provisions are undermined, the Constitution provides little protection against the police state.

    In other words, in this age of hollow justice, courts of order, and government-sanctioned tyranny, the Constitution is no safeguard against government wrongdoing such as SWAT team raids, domestic surveillance, police shootings of unarmed citizens, indefinite detentions, asset forfeitures, prosecutorial misconduct and the like.

  • Chinese Stocks Slide Into Red After Business Sentiment Crashes To 6-Year Lows

    After a modesly positive open, Chinese stocks have pushed back into the red after Chinese business sentiment collapsed in July. The MNI China Business Indicator fell a straggering 8.8pts to 48.8 in July (below 50 signifying pessimism) – the lowest since January 2009. It appears the encouraging bounce after the massive creduit injections into June has been eviscerated and future expectations also dropped 6.4 to 54.1 in July (below the long-run average). While bad news is good news for much of the rest of the world, for China, as it continues to try to project a strong underlying economy to sustain its still extremely rich stock market, bad news is bad news.


    Weakest business sentiment since Jan 2009…


    and stocks are not getting a bounce from the need for moar stimulus that this implies…


    The latest fall in overall sentiment outstripped the declines in the Production and New Orders indicators – although these both also fell significantly – suggesting that other factors, principally uncertainty brought on by the large correction in the stock market, may have played a part.

    So a Chinese stock market crash does matter after all?

    Charts: Bloomberg

  • US Economic 'Hope' Plunges To 10-Month Lows

    57% of Americans see the US economy "getting worse," according to Gallup's latest survey, sending 'hope' to its lowest since September. Overall economic confidence slipped once again, despite the Greek deal, now at its lowest since October. It appears rising gas prices trump the rising stock prices when it comes to the average joe in America.


    Americans More Negative About Economic Outlook Than Current Conditions

    Gallup's Economic Confidence Index is the average of two components: how Americans rate the current economy and whether they feel the economy is getting better or getting worse. As has been the case since March, Americans rated the outlook for the economy worse than they rated current economic conditions for the week ending July 19.

    The current conditions score was essentially unchanged from the week prior at -5. This was the result of 25% of Americans saying the economy is "excellent" or "good" and 30% saying it is "poor." Meanwhile, 39% of Americans said the economy is "getting better," while 57% said it is "getting worse."

    This resulted in an economic outlook score of -18, slightly below the -16 from the week prior, and the lowest weekly average since the week ending Sept. 21, 2014.

    Source: Gallup

  • Can You Hear the Fat Lady Singing?: The China Connection

    By Chris at

    Greece is connected to China by the very same thing which has been connecting sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll since Bretton Woods – dollars.

    Last week I shared some thoughts on the unintended consequences of actions taken in Europe and why Greece may matter as a result. There is zero chance that the actions taken will result in a stronger Europe, a stronger euro, or an economic strengthening in either Greece or the wider eurozone. Zero!

    As interesting as Greece and the euro is, my attention today is on China and how China may well be forced by events taking place globally to make some far reaching choices.

    Two scenarios have been widely discounted by the market with respect to China. The first is a remnimbi devaluation and the second is a hard landing for a slowing Chinese economy.

    We know that the Chinese economy is slowing. We know this because Beijing tells us it’s so. Their last numbers were that the economy has slowed to their growth target of 7%. Bang on their target rate. How convenient! Now of course these numbers are rubbish, but it’s telling that they’re acknowledging a slowing economy.

    We account for these government numbers in the same way we account for any government numbers: by acknowledging that underneath all the pompous sophistication of bureaucrats everywhere pulsates the brain of a tree shrew. The important takeaway is that they’re acknowledging they’re slowing.

    China’s Market Crash

    As everybody now knows, the Chinese stock market lost over 30% in 3 weeks wiping $2.8 trillion off the books. The only way to lose that much money in such a rapid period of time is by getting caught by your wife having hanky panky with her best friend.

    Shanghai Index

    Sure, investors who bought at the top are hurting, but consider that the stock market is up roughly 80% over the last 12 months, and this is AFTER the crash. Viewed with that timeframe and taken into context this is hardly problematic.

    This correction is nowhere near as big a concern as it would be if we had a similar occurrence take place in the US due to who is participating.

    80 – 90% of the domestic A-share market is made up of retail investors. Novices. This was a bubble waiting to burst as retail investors flooded the market with a record 40 million new brokerage accounts created in the last year. Not only were novices entering the market but they were entering it on margin. By June of this year margin lending as a percentage of market cap ran as high as 20%. While these investors make up the majority of the market they represent a small part of the population. The free float of China’s markets is about a third of GDP, whereas in the developed world this number is over 100%. A soaring stock market and a crashing stock market will have little effect on the vast majority of Chinese households. This is unlike the developed world.

    Essentially, this is a tiny portion of the market that got burned. It really needn’t be a problem unless someone does something stupid and causes unintended consequences. Sadly this is exactly what Beijing is doing.

    Is China or the US the Next Greece?

    Perhaps it’s simply a matter of timing and what’s racing across the news feeds but I’ve read quite a few articles about how the US and China are next after Greece. Debt levels are cited along with a host of other similarities. This is – how do I put this politely – rubbish. The US and China are NOT Greece. Even if the debt levels were the same the similarities end there. Greece cannot issue its own currency. In last week’s missive I mentioned that:

    Greece, however, no longer issues its own currency and as such there exists no release valve. Trapped in a deflationary spiral the economy continues to contract: 0.2% in the first quarter of this year following a 0.4% in the last quarter of 2014. When Greece joined the euro, they ceded monetary sovereignty to Brussels, and in doing so stuck a plug in its currency release valve.

    That makes Greece unique. The US, on the other hand, can print all the currency they want and pay their debts at par. Greece can’t do that. The bonds of the US, Japan and even China are not at all to be likened to the bonds of Greece. One needs to make a distinction between debt denominated in the country in questions own currency and debt denominated in some other currency.

    For countries sporting high debt levels and where simultaneously those debts are foreign denominated this can become a huge problem. Just ask that crazy woman in Argentina…

    The Asian crisis, which I discussed last week, is such an example whereby debts denominated in USD became unsustainable. Once the rout started a self-fulfilling trend developed whereby as the currencies in Southeast Asian nations moved lower this added multiples to the payments required on leveraged assets. A vicious unwinding of the carry trade.

    China’s Reaction

    What I find the most fascinating is not the correction in the Chinese stock market but the actions taken by the PBOC subsequently.

    This can only be described as outright panic. Consider the following actions taken.

    1. China Securities Finance Corp has lent $42 Billion to 21 brokers instructing them to buy blue chip stocks
    2. A $40 billion stimulus plan to “foster growth”
    3. Speeding up infrastructure spending.
    4. Capital controls by another name: controlling shareholders and board members are locked up for 6 months from selling stock.
    5. All new IPOs stopped
    6. PBOC slashed rates and eased reserve requirements.
    7. Chinese investors are now allowed to use their properties as collateral to buy stocks.

    Aside from the fact that they are doing exactly the opposite of what should be done I find it telling that they are so willing to slash rates and devalue the yuan.

    As mentioned, this needn’t be a problem if they simply let the market correct and find its equilibrium.

    They haven’t done that and this is what has caught my attention more than anything else.

    The Debt Component and What This May Mean for the Yuan

    Debt is important to understand as debt is the “gasoline” added to any trade. Debt, or more correctly put, leverage amplifies gains and losses and as such is both the prozac as well as the viagra of global markets. I wrote extensively about the US carry trade in our USD Bull Report but will summarise an important point.

    China boasts an estimated US$3 trillion borrowed and invested in various Chinese assets. A decline in those assets values materially affects investors who’ve leveraged their positions, but what really really matters is when the funding currency appreciates and those investors who are short dollars are forced to buy back their dollar positions.

    Now this is where Greece and China are interconnected. Greece, as mentioned, threatens to be a poster child of Europe and the euro. This is naturally bullish for the euro in the same way that spandex pants look good on Angela Merkel – not so much! 

    EURUSDThe euro against the USD

    In Europe we have intervention in the markets by Brussels. They may save Greece from introducing the drachma and devaluing it, and having German banks forced to realise losses but they can’t stop the market from devaluing the euro. Risk off is “on” and the dollar is moving higher.

    In China we have Beijing intervening in the markets and we have to wonder what those US$3 trillion in the USD carry trade are invested in and what they look like right now.

    Consider that globally we are seeing liquidity drying up and global capital flows moving into shorter term paper – US paper.

    Two months ago I wrote about capital moving into shorter maturity paper:

    Bond yields are rising sharply on the long end of the curve (long duration bonds) in favour of the short end. This is a rational move. Liquidity is crashing on all the long dated maturities and as you can see yields are breaking out. It makes perfect sense to sell the long end of the yield curve given the fundamentals. What we’re witnessing is that cash flooding into the shorter duration maturities.

    When looking to understand China I believe that the probability of of a devaluation of the yuan has just risen markedly.

    About the Yen?

    I would be remiss in mentioning the yen from any discussion on global capital flows. The yen goes lower. We’ve been saying that for 2 years now and I won’t rehash thoughts here. Few seem to understand that the devaluation of the yen exacerbates the probability of a Chinese hard landing and that increases the risks of a devaluation of the yuan.

    A rising dollar is globally deflationary. What happens when we get deflation in China?

    China absolutely cannot have deflation and will be stuck between attempting to maintain a strong currency and stimulating their economy. This threatens to rapidly become a situation where they run out of “palatable” options and the least painful will be to devalue the yuan. Both politically and economically it will be acceptable. Most importantly it will allow those in power to stay in power.

    To summarize, China has:

    • A huge USD carry trade which threatens to unwind
    • A trigger happy PBOC who have shown no restraint in slashing interest rates in order to support the market.
    • Increasing pressures being put on domestic competitiveness due to a strong currency

    Soros famously said to “find the premise which is false and bet against it”. When the market’s premise is false, coincidentally the pricing of assets reflects this. Looking at the futures and options markets right now the market is NOT expecting a Chinese devaluation. We think this is a mistake.

    The market typically has the collective mentality of a hive, and a pool hall understanding of the global interconnectedness that drives global capital flows. At the local level it believes in the ability of central bankers to forever prop markets. It believes in imposing rules and laws to circumvent free market forces, and it believes this because it views the world through the microcosm of an extremely limited timeframe and geography, much like a field mouse in a corn field surveying its landscape, unable to see the harvesters warming up.

    I will leave you with one last thought. This time from the brilliant Albert Edwards of SocGen

    We have long believed that China’s growth and deflation problems will necessitate a devaluation of the renminbi in a strong dollar environment. There is mounting evidence that this process may already be underway as the currency falls to a 28-month low against the dollar…


    In the current deflationary environment the Chinese authorities simply can no longer tolerate the continued appreciation of their real exchange rate caused by the dollar link.

    – Chris

  • China's Record Dumping Of US Treasuries Leaves Goldman Speechless

    On Friday, alongside China’s announcement that it had bought over 600 tons of gold in “one month”, the PBOC released another very important data point: its total foreign exchange reserves, which declined by $17.3 billion to $3,694 billion.


    We then put China’s change in FX reserves alongside the total Treasury holdings of China and its “anonymous” offshore Treasury dealer Euroclear (aka “Belgium”) as released by TIC, and found that the dramatic relationship which we first discovered back in May, has persisted – namely virtually the entire delta in Chinese FX reserves come via China’s US Treasury holdings. As in they are being aggressively sold, to the tune of $107 billion in Treasury sales so far in 2015.


    We explained all of his on Friday in “China Dumps Record $143 Billion In US Treasurys In Three Months Via Belgium“, and frankly we have been surprised that this extremely important topic has not gotten broader attention.

    Then, to our relief, first JPM noticed. This is what Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, author of Flows and Liquidity had to say on the topic of China’s dramatic reserve liquidation

    Looking at China more specifically, it appears that, after adjusting for currency changes, Chinese FX reserves were depleted for a fourth straight quarter by around $50bn in Q2. The cumulative reserve depletion between Q3 2014 and Q2 2015 is $160bn after adjusting for currency changes. At the same time, a current account surplus in Q2 combined with a drawdown in reserves suggests that capital outflows from China continued for the fifth straight quarter. Assuming a current account surplus in Q2 of around $92bn, i.e. $16bn higher than in Q1 due to higher merchandise trade surplus, we estimate that around $142bn of capital left China in Q2, similar to the previous quarter.

    JPM conclusion is actually quite stunning:

    This brings the cumulative capital outflow over the past five quarters to $520bn. Again, we approximate capital flow from the change in FX reserves minus the current account balance for each previous quarter to arrive at this estimate (Figure 2).

    Incidentally, $520 billion is roughly triple what implied Treasury sales would suggest as China’s capital outflow, meaning that China is also liquidating some other USD-denominated asset(s) at a feverish pace. So far we do not know which, but the chart above and the magnitude of the Chinese capital outflow is certainly the biggest story surrounding the world’s most populous nation: what is happening in its stock market is just a diversion.

    At this point JPM goes into a tangent explaining what the practical implications of a massive capital outflow from China are for the global economy. Regular readers, especially those who have read our previous piece on the collapse in the Petrodollar, the plunge in EM capital inflows, and their impact on capital markets and global economies can skip this part. Those for whom the interplay of capital flows and the global economy are new, are urged to read the following:

    One way that slower EM capital flows and credit creation affect the rest of the world is via trade and trade finance. Trade finance datasets are unfortunately not homogeneous and different measures capture different aspects of trade finance activity. Reuters data on trade finance only aggregates loan syndication deals, which have mandated lead arrangers and thus capture the trends in the large-scale trade lending business, rather than providing an all-inclusive loans database. Perhaps the largest source of regularly collected and methodologically consistent data on trade finance is credit insurers (see “Testing the Trade Credit and Trade Link: Evidence from Data on Export Credit Insurance”, Auboin and Engemann, 2013). The Berne Union, the international trade association for credit and investment insurers with 79 members, includes the world’s largest private credit insurers and public export credit agencies. The volume of trade credit insured by members of the Berne Union covered more than 10% of international trade in 2012. The Berne Union provides data on insured trade credit, for both short-term (ST) and medium- and long-term transactions (MLT). Short-term trade credit insurance accounts for the vast majority at around 90% of new business in line with IMF estimates that the vast majority 80%-90% of trade credit is short term.



    Figure 4 shows both the Reuters (quarterly) and the Berne Union (annual) data on trade finance loan syndication and trade credit insurance volumes, respectively. The quarterly Reuters data showed a clear deceleration this year from the very high levels seen at the end of last year. Looking at the first two quarters of the year, Reuters volumes were down by 25% vs. the 2014 average (Figure 4). The more comprehensive Berne Union annual volumes are only available annually and the last observation is for 2014. These data showed a very benign trade finance picture up until the end of 2014. Trade finance volumes had been trending up since 2010 at an annual pace of 8.8% per annum (between 2010 and 2014) which is faster than global nominal GDP growth of 6% per annum, i.e. the trend in trade finance had been rather healthy up until 2014, but there are indications of material slowing this year. This is also reflected in world trade volumes which have also decelerated this year vs. strong growth in previous years (Figure 5).

    Summarizing the above as simply as possible: for all those confounded by why not only the US, but the global economy, hit another brick wall in Q1 the answer was neither snow, nor the West Coast strike, nor some other, arbitrary, goal-seeked excuse, but China, and specifically over half a trillion in still largely unexplained Chinese capital outflows.

    * * *

    But wait, because it wasn’t just JPM whose attention perked up over the weekend. This morning Goldman Sachs itself had a note titled “the Curious Case of China’s Capital Outflows“:

    China’s balance of payments has been undergoing important changes in recent quarters. The trade surplus has grown far above previous norms, running around $260bn in the first half of this year, compared with about $100bn during the same period last year and roughly $75bn on average during the previous seven years. Ordinarily, these kinds of numbers would see very rapid reserve accumulation, but this is not the case. Partly that is because China’s services balance has swung into meaningful deficit, so that the current account is quite a bit lower than the headline numbers from trade in goods would suggest. But the more important reason is that capital outflows have become very sizeable and now eclipse anything seen in the recent past.


    Headline FX reserves in the second quarter fell $36bn, from $3,730bn at end-March to $3,694bn at end-June. While we estimate that there was a large negative valuation effect in Q1 (due to the drop in EUR/$ on the ECB’s QE announcement), there was likely a positive valuation effect in Q2, which we put around $48bn. That means that our proxy for reserve accumulation in the second quarter is around -$85bn, i.e. the actual “flow” drop in reserves was bigger than the headline numbers suggest because of a flattering valuation effect. If we put that number together with the trade surplus in Q2 of $140bn, net capital outflows could be around -$224bn in the quarter, meaningfully up from the first quarter. There are caveats to this calculation, of course. There is obviously the services deficit that we mention above, which will tend to make this estimate less dramatic. It is also possible that our estimate for valuation effects is wrong. Indeed, there is some indication that valuation-related losses in Q1 were not nearly as large as implied by our calculations. But even if we adjust for these factors, net capital outflows might conceivably have run around -$200bn, an acceleration from Q1 and beyond anything seen historically.

    Granted, this is smaller than JPM’s $520 billion number but this also captures a far shorter time period. Annualizing a $224 billion outflow in one quarter would lead to a unprecedented $1 trillion capital outflow out of China for the year. Needless to say, a capital exodus of that pace and magnitude would suggest that something is very, very wrong with not only China’s economy, but its capital markets, and last but not least, its capital controls, which prohibit any substantial outbound capital flight (at least for ordinary people, the Politburo is clearly exempt from the regulations for the “common folk”).

    Back to Goldman:

    The big question is obviously what is driving these flows and how long they are likely to continue. We continue to take the view that a stock adjustment is at work, although it is clear that the turning point is yet to come. We will look at this in one of our next FX Views. In the interim, we think an easier question is what this means for G10 FX. This is because this shift in China’s balance of payments is sure to depress reserve accumulation across EM as a whole, such that reserve recycling – a factor associated with Euro strength in the past – is unlikely to be sizeable for quite some time.

    In other words, for once Goldman is speechless, however it is quick to point out that what traditionally has been a major source of reserve reflow, the Chinese current and capital accounts, is no longer there.

    It also means that what may have been one of the biggest drivers of DM FX strength in recent years, if only against the pegged Renminbi, is suddenly no longer present.

    While the implications of this on the global FX scene are profound, they tie in to what we said last November when explaining the death of the petrodollar. For the most part, the country most and first impacted from this capital outflow will be China, something its stock market has already noticed in recent weeks.

    But what is likely the take home message for non-Chinese readers from all of this, is that while there has been latent speculation over the years that China will dump US treasuries voluntarily because it wants to (as punishment or some other reason), suddenly China is forced to liquidate US Treasury paper even though it does not want to, merely to fund a capital outflow unlike anything it has seen in history. It still has a lot of 10 Year paper, aka FX reserves, left: about $1.3 trillion at last check, however this raises two critical questions: i) what happens to 10 Year rates when whoever has been absorbing China’s Treasury dump no longer bids the paper and ii) how much more paper can China sell before the entire world starts paying attention, besides just JPM and Goldman… and this website of course.

    Finally, if China’s selling is only getting started, just what does this mean for future Fed strategy. Because one can easily forget a rate hike if in addition to rising short-term rates, China is about to dump a few hundred billion in paper on a vastly illiquid market.

    Or let us paraphrase: how soon until QE 4?

  • GOP Enters Panic Mode: Des Moines Register Calls For Trump To Withdraw From Presidential Race

    When Donald Trump announced he would give 2016 another try as a republican presidential candidate, the GOP saw him as a mild nuisance. Little did they appreciate just how big of a “nightmare” he would very soon become, a nightmare which now sees the flamboyant billionaire whose self-reported net worth fluctuates daily with a double digit percentage lead over his closest competitor Scott Walker.


    But the biggest mistake the GOP did is they inability to comprehend that either the US public enjoys being trolled, or is just so sick of the left/right paradigm, it will gladly latch on to anyone, even the most farcical, self-lampooning candidate, who promises a break from the old routine which has proven not to work for the common American.

    The latest confirmation that the Trump “nightmare” is causing not only sleepless nights but also panic attacks for a GOP that is scrambling to respond to the Donald’s juggernaut is not only open attempts at caricature, which however merely feed Trump’s ego and push him to troll his accusers even more, but to use the influential Des Moines Register, Iowa’s largest newspaper and a critical voice when it comes to endorsing, or panning, presidential candidates in this first caucus state, to call on Donald Trump to drop out of the 2016 presidential race.

    Officially the Register’s position was simply in escalation to the furor over the real estate magnate’s weekend comments about Sen. John McCain’s service during the Vietnam War. As Fox reports, in an editorial piece published late Monday, the Register said Trump’s comments were “not merely offensive, they were disgraceful. So much so, in fact, that they threaten to derail not just his campaign, but the manner in which we choose our nominees for president.”

    The paper, the most influential in the first-in-the-nation caucus state, went on to say that if “[Trump] had not already disqualified himself through his attempts to demonize immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, he certainly did so by questioning [McCain’s] war record.”

    Unofficially, it is called throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks.

    Following this weekend’s firestorm, Trump – who clearly enjoys playing the starring role in every social scandal – appeared to back off some of his comments Monday, telling Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly that “if there was a misunderstanding, I would totally take that back.” However, Trump also said he “used to like [McCain] a lot. I supported him … but I would love to see him do a much better job taking care of the veterans.”

    Whether Trump’s apology is sincere or not, the nationwide response he got for his comments, coupled with his popularity surge, will merely encourage him. And since for the real estate magnate, advertising is everything, the fact that he has become the only topic of discussion, whether at the water cooler or during the prime time news circuit, expect the Trump-eting to continue to whatever bitter end is in store.

    The Register, which broke a 40-year run of backing Democrats in presidential elections by endorsing Mitt Romney in 2012, was the latest voice to pile on Trump for his comments, joining veterans groups, Republican colleagues and President Obama’s spokesman, who defended McCain and called on Trump to apologize.


    Paul Rieckhoff, founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said Monday that Trump’s “asinine comments” were “an insult to everyone who has ever worn the uniform — and to all Americans.”


    White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said veterans “are entitled to an apology.”

    The bottom line is that the GOP did not take Trump seriously, which is precisely what he wanted. And now that underestimation is costing the GOP dearly, as it scrambles with damage control which merely adds insult to injury, because conventional retaliation that may have worked with any other candidate simply strengthens Trump.

    Then again, considering America’s artificially polarizing left/right model – all of it controlled by unelected corporations and bailed out Wall Street banks – has failed, and a vote for Trump is not “a vote for Trump” but a vote against America’s broken political system, perhaps it is the case that the president the US truly needs, and the one person the American electorate will select, is this guy.

  • Gold Warns Again

    Submitted by Jeffrey Snider via Alhambra Investment Partners,

    With all the problems right now beyond Greece and China, from Canada’s “puzzling” recession to Brazil’s unfolding disaster, and even the still-“shocking” US economic slump, it is interesting that gold garnered the most attention in early Monday trading. The fact that gold prices were slammed in Asian trading was certainly significant, but that really isn’t why gold is being highlighted all over the world. With gold prices at a five-year low, economists have some “market” indication that finally, they think, is moving in their favor, thus distracting, minutely, from all the global conflagration.

    “We have breached significant support levels, we know U.S. rate hikes are coming, there is no inflation and there is no catalyst to hold gold when other markets are doing better,” Societe Generale analyst Robin Bhar said.

    It is far more indirect than in 2013 when economists were positively crowing about the slams in gold, but the same basic setup remains even if almost coded; “U.S. rate hikes” are supposed to occur when the FOMC judges the US economy, and the globe by extension, quite sufficient so the drastic fall in gold is once more an indication, though indirect this time, that all will be well soon enough. You would think that after being so wrong about gold in 2013 that economists would be far more careful about appealing in that direction, and maybe they are since they have so far remained, as noted above, more muted than openly projecting great economic recovery with low gold prices this time.

    ABOOK July 2015 Dollar Gold ind

    That may itself be significant, in that while economists remain gold haters (literally) they aren’t, contra two years ago, declaring decisively its death as evidence of at the same time central bank omniscience. Of course, gold prices are not limited to simple-minded appeals upon interest rates or even differentials, as clearly mainstream commentary continues to have great trouble with gold behavior in any direction.

    The exact reason for the selling was unclear. Recent strength in the U.S. currency and expectations for higher U.S. rates have undermined the case for holding gold and other precious metals, while analysts also noted that China imported a record volume of gold in 2013 that has created an oversupply situation. Still, the swiftness of the decline surprised traders and resulted in two separate trade halts in U.S. gold futures.

    Again, 2013 provides a guide as to why gold prices may be declining in sharp moves, especially right at the open or in weaker trading hours, and it has very little to do with interest rates apart from fixed income suggesting the same factors about the “dollar.” Whether it is growing unease about the global economic picture or the “sudden” recurrence of financial irregularity almost wherever you wish to gaze, the “dollar” is once more wreaking havoc. This isn’t controversial at all, but somehow economists can miss that gold is global and universal collateral and when the eurodollar system is stressed it becomes activated in that manner. The correlations alone are strongly suggestive of these financial factors.

    ABOOK July 2015 Dollar Gold Real

    The relationship between gold and the real, for instance, is quite indicative of eurodollar financing trends. Apart from the sharp rise in gold just before the January 15 franc event, gold and the real have been almost inseparable in both timing and degree.

    The damage extends beyond that affiliation, however, as the “dollar” (bank balance sheet factors) is again moving quickly. Copper has been pushed back under $2.50 and crude oil, at least at WTI spot, is nearly back into the $40’s again for the first time in months (despite recent drawdowns in both inventory and production).

    ABOOK July 2015 Dollar Gold CopperABOOK July 2015 Dollar Gold WTI RecentABOOK July 2015 Dollar Gold WTI Less Contango

    In other words, there was a brief respite once Greece slipped on its noose and the Chinese rewrote their stock market, but that short enthusiasm hasn’t at all disrupted the renewed wholesale retreat. Since early to mid-May, the “dollar” has been spotty in its effects, but those negative pressures have clearly started to unify into renewed irregularity in late June and early July. In that respect, Greece and China may have just been visible sideshows of all that.

    ABOOK July 2015 Dollar Gold WTIABOOK July 2015 Dollar Gold RubleABOOK July 2015 Dollar Gold CHF

    Even the Swiss franc has found its way below 0.963, a low not posted since April. The catalyst may be the FOMC’s increased publicity about its preferred intentions to get “markets” to reflect the recovery and economy that isn’t there, but even that is rather unclear as eurodollar futures aren’t really anymore suggestive of that potential then they were back in March.

    ABOOK July 2015 Dollar Gold Euro Futures1ABOOK July 2015 Dollar Gold Euro Futures3

    The futures curve had sunk to an unusual level in early July (maybe that was Greece), so recent trading has simply pushed the curve back into the same cluster as dominated in May. In other words, it doesn’t appear, and certainly not decisive, that “higher U.S. interest rates” is actually being predicted here, rendering the mainstream ideas about gold once more grasping at straws.

    In my view, the “dollar’s” destructive tendencies here are more primal rather than exclusively policy-specific. I think in this accumulated view these “dollar” proxies suggest that regardless of the FOMC’s stated tendencies there is already more than a fair amount of volatility and disorder evident not just in these markets but in the global economy (“unexpected” only to economists). Thus, any perceptions about the FOMC raising rates (whatever they think they can) is just another element of amplification of that existing and underlying syndrome and distress.

    The initial “dollar” behavior after the March FOMC meeting strengthens that reading as I think it amounted to not better fortune but rather just some less distant hope that the without a suicidal FOMC “dollar” pressures might on their own ease and abate – that without a forced policy shift the underlying torment might be able to in shorter order resume more stable behavior and existence free from further depressive influence. The “dollar” and fixed income world had grown so bearish especially after December 1 that it was due for at least a minor retracement on even the most marginal of hope. I really believe that was the animating factor of credit and “dollars” out of 2013; that gold correctly predicted growing eurodollar problems that were parallel and related to fomenting economic decay. The FOMC’s role was simply to further antagonize those concerns, which they did repeatedly on the flimsiest of narratives.

    Yellen’s May 6 speech about stock bubbles and “reach for yield” was thus damaging in that respect; that the FOMC was instead going to push on with its amplification of negative pressure and send the world further into its tailspin regardless of how much discontent and disquiet was already evident.

    The action in gold in 2013 was a warning about the “dollar”, a warning that went completely unheeded yet has been largely fulfilled. Current gold prices and the rest of the “dollar’s” proxies are, if only in smaller doses this time, suggesting the same tendency. In short, while the magnitude might be diminished now that is only because the time component is so much shorter and the “wavelength” so much more widespread; the point of no-return may be at hand or already surpassed.

  • Obama Simply Switched from One War Crime Which Increases Terrorism to Another

    H20The Water Torture
    Facsimile of a woodcut in J. Damhoudère’s
    Praxis Rerum Criminalium,
    Antwerp, 1556

    It has now been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that specific type of torture which the U.S. used during the Bush years was a war crime.

    Top terrorism and interrogation experts agree that torture creates more terrorists.  Indeed, the leaders of ISIS were motivated by U.S. torture.  And French terrorist Cherif Kouchi told a court in 2005 that he wasn’t radical until he learned about U.S. torture at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.


    But all Obama has done is to transition to drone assassinations which – beyond any shadow of a doubt – are a war crime (more here and here), and create more terrorists than they stop.

    As the eminent historian  Alfred McCoy notes:

    Back in 2006 readers may well have dismissed that warning about “state-sponsored murder” as improbable, even irresponsible. But now this distinguished panel [which includes former FBI director William S. Sessions, former Army intelligence chief Claudia Kennedy, and former DEA director Asa Hutchinson] tells us that is exactly what has happened. Under President Obama, the torture issue has faded not from reform but because we are no longer taking prisoners since, as this report states, “the regime of capture and detention has been…supplanted in large measure by the use of drones.” By killing high value targets with drones, “the troublesome issues of how to conduct detention and interrogation operations are minimized.” In effect, we have slid down the slippery slope of human rights abuse to find extra-judicial killings awaiting us like an unwelcome specter at the bottom.

    Postscript: In reality, the Obama regime has simply replaced Bush’s torture techniques with ones “that emphasize psychological torture,” and by outsourcing torture to our “allies.”

    And Obama is committing other war crimes which increase terrorism, like – according to a group of CIA officers – arming Al Qaeda in Libya so they would overthrow Gaddaffi.

  • Wall Street Prepares To Reap Billions From Another Main Street Wipe Out

    On Monday evening, we noted that market participants are reducing the size of their trades and turning to derivatives in order to avoid the perils associated with what are increasingly illiquid markets. 

    While we’ve been pounding the table on bond market liquidity for years, the rest of the world (operating on the standard 2-3 year time lag) has just begun to wake up to how thin markets have become. Now, pundits, analysts, billionaire bankers, and incorrigible corporate raiders alike are shouting from the rooftops about the pitfalls of illiquidity. The secondary market for corporate credit has received the lion’s share of the attention (for reasons we outlined yesterday) and as Carl Icahn was at pains to explain to Larry Fink last week, ETFs are a large part of the problem. 

    The story is simple. Shrinking dealer inventories (the result of a post-crisis regulatory regime wherein the term “prop trader” is taboo) have made it harder to transact in size without having an outsized effect on prices for corporate bonds. Meanwhile, artificially suppressed borrowing costs and the attendant hunt for yield have led to record corporate issuance and voracious investor demand. In short, the primary market is booming while the secondary market has become a veritable no man’s land. If you need an analogy, try this: the crowded theatre is getting larger and more crowded while the exit keeps getting smaller.

    The proliferation of ETFs has made it easier for the retail crowd to chase yield in corners of the bond market where they might not have dared to venture before, and this has only served to create still more demand for things like high yield credit. 

    Now, with the US staring down a rate hike cycle, and with some corners of the HY market (see HY energy for instance) facing a number of insurmountable headwinds going forward, the fear is that the retail crowd will all head for the exits at once, leaving fund managers with a very nondiversifiable, unidirectional flow which will force them to sell the underlying assets into illiquid markets. Due to a generalized lack of market depth, that selling pressure has the potential to trigger a rout. Of course a sharp decline in prices would send still more panicked retail investors to the exits necessitating even more asset sales by fund managers and so on, and so forth.

    But don’t take our word for it, here’s WSJ with more on how Wall Street is preparing to profit from an unwind in Main Street’s ETF and mutual fund portfolios:

    Wall Street is preparing for panic on Main Street.


    Hedge funds are lining up to profit from potential trouble at some “alternative” mutual funds and bond exchange-traded funds that have boomed in popularity among retirees and other individual investors.


    Financial advisers have pushed ordinary investors into those funds in search of higher returns, a strategy that has come into favor as Federal Reserve benchmark interest rates remain near zero. But many on Wall Street worry the junk bonds, bank loans and esoteric investments held by some of those funds will be extremely hard to sell if the market turns, leaving prices pummeled in a rush for the exits.


    Concerns about such scenarios have been escalating for some time. Now, investment firms such as Leon Black’s Apollo Global Management LLC and Oaktree Capital Management LP are laying the groundwork to cash in if they come to pass.


    Apollo has been raising money from wealthy investors and portfolio managers for a hedge fund that snaps up insurance-like contracts called credit-default swaps that benefit if the junk bonds fall. In marketing materials reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Apollo predicted: “ETFs and similar vehicles increase ease of access to the high yield market, leading to the potential for a quick ‘hot money’ exit.”


    Guided by a similar outlook, Reef Road Capital Management LLC, led by former J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. proprietary trader Eric Rosen, has been betting against, or shorting, exchange-traded funds that hold junk bonds and buying options that will pay off if the value of these high-yield securities falls.


    The hedge funds are taking aim at what is regarded by many on Wall Street as a weak spot in the markets. “Liquid-alternative”” funds have emerged as one of the hottest products in finance, fueled by a promise to deliver hedge-fund-style investing to the masses. They use many of the same strategies as hedge funds, with wagers both on and against markets, but are open to less-wealthy investors with fees closer to mutual-fund standards.



    Liquid-alternative funds manage a cumulative $446 billion, according to fund tracker Lipper, up from $83 billion at the start of 2009. High-yield bond ETFs, another popular product, manage more than $38 billion, and in the week ended last Wednesday took in their biggest inflows on record at $1.5 billion, Lipper said.


    Activist investor Carl Icahn brought the issue to the fore last week, saying at an investment conference that he feared a bubble was expanding in junk bonds thanks to the rush into high-yield exchange-traded funds run by companies like BlackRock Inc.


    Managers of ETFs and liquid-alternative funds said they are well-protected against any tumult. Some have lines of credit to cover redemptions if needed and point to research showing that even during past crises, mutual-fund investors generally withdraw no more than 2% of assets each month.

    When Reuters first reported that fund managers were lining up emergency liquidity lines like the ones mentioned above, we smelled trouble and were quick to note that not only did that not bode well for the market, but that funding redemptions with borrowed cash is a fool’s errand and depends upon the market stress being transitory (see here and here). But beyond that, it betrayed the extent to which the country’s largest and most influential ETF issuers have become worried about just the type of meltdown the hedge funds mentioned above are banking on.

    If you want a candid take on just what the smart money thinks is ahead for all of the retail money that’s been herded into esoteric ETFs, we’ll leave you with the following from David Tawil, president of hedge fund Maglan Capital, who spoke to WSJ:

    “They are going to be toast. It will be one of our first levels of shorting the moment we start to see cracks, because it’s ripe with retail, emotional investors.”


  • 470,000 Vehicles At Risk After Hackers "Take Control & Crash" Jeep Cherokee From A Sofa 10 Miles Away

    In what is being called "the first of its kind," reports that hackers, using just a laptop and mobile phone, accessed a Jeep Cherokee's on-board systems (via its wireless internet connection), took control and crashed the car into a ditch from 10 miles away sitting on their sofa. As The Telegraph details, the breach was revealed by security researchers Charlie Miller, a former staffer at the NSA, and Chris Valasek, who warned that more than 470,000 cars made by Fiat Chrysler could be at risk of being attacked by similar means. Coming just weeks after the FBI claimed a US hacker took control of a passenger jet he was on in the first known such incident of its kind, the incident shows just how vulnerable we are to modern technology.



    As The Telegraph reports, the hackers (security experts) worked with Andy Greenberg, a writer with tech website, who drove the Jeep Cherokee on public roads in St Louis, Missouri

    In his disturbing account Greenberg described how the air vents started blasting out cold air and the radio came on full blast when the hack began.


    The windscreen wipers turned on with wiper fluid, blurring the glass, and a picture of the two hackers appeared on the car’s digital display to signify they had gained access.


    Greenberg said that the hackers then slowed the car to a halt just as he was getting on the highway, causing a tailback behind him – though it got worse after that.


    He wrote: ‘The most disturbing maneuver came when they cut the Jeep’s brakes, leaving me frantically pumping the pedal as the 2-ton SUV slid uncontrollably into a ditch.


    ‘The researchers say they’re working on perfecting their steering control – for now they can only hijack the wheel when the Jeep is in reverse.


    ‘Their hack enables surveillance too: They can track a targeted Jeep’s GPS coordinates, measure its speed, and even drop pins on a map to trace its route.’


    The hack was possible thanks to Uconnect, the Internet connected computer feature that has been installed in fleets of Fiat Chrysler cars since late 2013.


    It controls the entertainment system, deals with navigation and allows phone calls.


    The feature also allows owners to start the car remotely, flash the headlights using an app and unlock doors.


    But according to Miller and Valasek, the on-board Internet connection is a ‘super nice vulnerability’ for hackers.


    All they have to do is work out the car’s IP address and know how to break into its systems and they can take control.

    In a statement to Fiat Chrysler said:

    "Under no circumstances does FCA condone or believe it’s appropriate to disclose ‘how-to information’ that would potentially encourage, or help enable hackers to gain unauthorised and unlawful access to vehicle systems.


    ‘We appreciate the contributions of cybersecurity advocates to augment the industry’s understanding of potential vulnerabilities. However, we caution advocates that in the pursuit of improved public safety they not, in fact, compromise public safety."

    *  *  *

  • So You Say You "Don't" Want A Revolution?

    Submitted by Dmitry Orlov via Club Orlov blog,

    Over the past few months we have been forced to bear witness to a humiliating farce unfolding in Europe. Greece, which was first accepted into the European Monetary Union under false pretenses, then saddled with excessive levels of debt, then crippled through the imposition of austerity, finally did something: the Greeks elected a government that promised to shake things up. The Syriza party platform had the following planks, which were quite revolutionary in spirit.

    • Put an end to austerity and put the Greek economy on a path toward recovery
    • Raise the income tax to 75% for all incomes over 500,000 euros, adopt a tax on financial transactions and a special tax on luxury goods.
    • Drastically cut military expenditures, close all foreign military bases on Greek soil and withdraw from NATO. End military cooperation with Israel and support the creation of a Palestinian State within the 1967 borders.
    • Nationalize the banks.
    • Enact constitutional reforms to guarantee the right to education, health care and the environment.
    • Hold referendums on treaties and other accords with the European Union.

    Of these, only the last bullet point was acted on: there was a lot made of the referendum which returned a resounding “No!” to EU demands for more austerity and the dismantling and selling off of Greek public assets. But a lot less was made of the fact that the results of this referendum were then ignored.

    But the trouble started before then. After being elected, Syriza representatives went to Brussels to negotiate. The negotiations generally went like this: Syriza would make an offer; the EU officials would reject it, and advance their own demands for more austerity; Syriza would make another offer, and the EU officials would reject it too and advance their own demands for even more austerity than in the last round; and so on, all the way until Greek capitulation. All the EU officials had to do to force the Greeks to capitulate was to stop the flow of Euros to Greek banks. Some revolutionaries, these! More like a toy poodle trying to negotiate for a little more kibble to be poured into its dish, if it pleases the master to do so. Stathis Kouvelakis (a Syriza member) summed up the Greek government's stance: “Here’s our program, but if we find that its implementation is incompatible with keeping the euro, then we’ll forget about it.”

    It is not as if revolutions don't happen any more. Just one country over from Greece there is a rather successful revolution unfolding as we speak: what used to be Northern Iraq and Syria is controlled by the revolutionary regime variously known as ISIS/ISIL/Daash/Islamic Caliphate. We can tell that it is a real revolution because of its use of terror. All revolutionaries deserving of the name use terror—and what they generally say is that their terror is in response to the terror of the pre-existing order they seek to overthrow, or the terror of their counterrevolutionary enemies. And by terror I mean mass murder, expropriation, exile and the taking of hostages.

    Just so that you understand me correctly, let me stress at the outset that I am not a revolutionary. I am an observer and a commentator on all sorts of things, including revolutions, but I choose not to participate. Remaining an observer and a commentator presupposes staying alive, and my personal longevity program calls for not being anywhere near any revolutions—because, as I just mentioned, revolutions involve mass murder.

    Good old Uncle Joe.
    The kids loved him.

    In the case of the French revolution, it started with liberté-égalité-fraternité and proceeded swiftly to guilliotiné. The Russian revolution of 1917 remains the gold standard for revolutions. There, thanks to Uncle Joe, so-called “red terror” went on and on, eventually claiming millions of victims. Mao and Pol Pot are also part of that revolutionary pantheon. The American revolution wasn't a revolution at all because the slave-owning, genocidal sponsors of international piracy remained in power under the new administration. Nor does the February 2014 putsch in the Ukraine qualify as a revolution; that was an externally imposed violent overthrow of the legitimate government and the installation of a US-managed puppet regime, but, as in the American Colonies, the same gang of thieves—the Ukrainian oligarchs—continue to rob the country blind just as before. But if the Nazi thugs from the “Right Sector” take over and kill the oligarchs, the government officials in Kiev and their US State Dept./CIA/NATO minders, and then proceed with a campaign of “brown terror” throughout the country, then I will start calling it a revolution.

    * * *

    The fact of mass murder does not automatically a revolution make: you have to make note of who is getting killed. So, if the dead consist of lots of volunteers, recruits, mercenaries, plus lots of nondescript civilians, that does not a revolution make. But if the dead include a good number of oligarchs, CEOs of major corporations, bankers, senators, congressmen, public officials, judges, corporate lawyers, high-ranking military officers, then, yes, that's starting to look like a proper revolution.

    Other than big huge pools of blood littered with the corpses of high-ranking representatives of the ancien régime, a revolution also requires an ideology—to corrupt and pervert. In general, the ideology you have is the ideology you make revolution with. It stands to reason that if you don't have an ideology, it's not really a revolution. For instance, the American Colonists had no ideology—just some demands. They didn't want to pay taxes to the British crown; they didn't want to maintain British troops; they didn't want limits on the slave trade; and they didn't want restrictions on profiting from piracy on the high seas. That's not an ideology; that's just simple old greed. With the Ukrainian “revolutionaries,” their “ideology” pretty much comes down to the statements “Europe is wonderful” and “Russians suck.” That's not an ideology either; the former is wishful thinking; the latter is simple bigotry.

    Taking the example of ISIS/ISIL/Daash/Islamic Caliphate, they are Islamists, and so the ideology they corrupt and pervert is Islam, with its Sharia law. How? Islamist scholars have been most helpful by compiling this top-ten list:

    1. It is obligatory to consider Yazidis as “People of the Scripture.”
    2. It is forbidden in Islam to deny women their rights.
    3. It is forbidden in Islam to force people to convert.
    4. It is forbidden in Islam to disfigure the dead.
    5. It is forbidden in Islam to destroy the graves and shrines of Prophets and Companions.
    6. It is forbidden in Islam to harm or mistreat Christians or any “People of the Scripture.”
    7. Jihad in Islam is a purely defensive struggle. It is not permissible without the right cause, the right purpose, and the right rules of conduct.
    8. It is forbidden in Islam to kill emissaries, ambassadors, and diplomats — hence it is forbidden to kill journalists and aid workers.
    9. Loyalty to one’s nation is permissible in Islam.
    10. It is forbidden in Islam to declare a Caliphate without consensus from all Muslims.

    But, as Lenin famously put it, “If You Want to Make an Omelet, You Must Be Willing to Break a Few Eggs.” And if you want to make a revolution, then you must be willing to pervert your ideology. Those Islamist scholars who eagerly exclaim “That's not Islam! Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance!” are missing the point: the ideology of ISIS/ISIL/Daash/Islamic Caliphate is still Islam—revolutionary Islam.

    The example of ISIS/ISIL/Daash/Islamic Caliphate is germane to the topic of Greece, because it is a contemporary example of what is definitely a revolution, and it is taking place just one country over from Greece. But the ideology of Syriza is not Islam—it's socialism, and philosophically they are Marxists. And so a better example for Syriza to follow, were they to suddenly stop being Europe's pathetic poodles and don the mantle of fearless, heroic revolutionaries, is still the good old Russian revolution of 1917.

    * * *

    As I mentioned, one of the most important tools of a revolution is terror. In Russia, revolutionary terror was called “red terror,” which, the revolutionaries claimed, arose in opposition to “white terror” of the Russian imperial regime, with its racist bigotry (Jews weren't allowed in any of the major cities), numerous forms of oppression, some major, some quite petty, and rampant corruption. An interesting feature of the Russian revolution is that the terror started several years prior to the event.

    Let us pause for a second to consider why revolutionary terror is necessary. A revolution is a drastic change in the direction of society. Left alone, society tends to worsen its worst tendencies over time: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, the police state becomes more oppressive, the justice system becomes more riddled with injustice, the military-industrial complex produces ever less effective military hardware for ever more money, and so on. This is a matter of social inertia: the tendency of objects to travel in a straight line in absence of a force acting at an angle to its direction of motion. The formula for inertia is


    where p is inertia, m is mass and v is velocity.

    To make a radical course change, revolutionaries have to apply force, counteracting the social inertia. To make it so that it is within their limited means to do this, they can do two things: reduce v, or reduce m. Reducing v is a bad idea: the revolution must not lose its own momentum. But reducing m is, in fact, a good idea. Now, it turns out that, with regard to social momentum, most of the mass that gives rise to it resides in the heads of certain classes of people: government officials, judges and lawyers, police officers, military officers, rich people, certain types of professionals and so on.

    The rest of the population is much less of a problem. Suppose some revolutionaries show up and tell them that

    • they don't have to worry about paying taxes (because we are confiscating the property of the rich),
    • medicine and education are now free, 
    • those with mortgages can stop making payments; they automatically own their real estate free and clear
    • renters now automatically own their place of residence,
    • employees are automatically majority stockholders in their businesses,
    • they should fill out an application if they want a free (newly liberated) parcel of land to farm,
    • there is a general amnesty and their loved ones who have been locked up are coming home,
    • ration cards are being issued to make sure that nobody ever goes hungry again,
    • the homeless are going to be moving in with those whose residences are deemed unduly spacious,
    • they are now their own police and are in charge of patrolling their neighborhoods with the revolutionary guards available as back-up, and
    • if any non-revolutionary authorities, be they the former police or the former landlords, come around and bother any of them, then these traitors and impostors shall face swift, on-the-spot revolutionary justice.

    Most regular people would think that this is a pretty good deal. However, government officials, the police, military officers, judges, prosecutors, rich people whose property is to be confiscated, corporate officers and shareholders, those living on fat corporate or government pensions, etc., would no doubt think otherwise. The revolutionary solution is to take them as hostages, exile them, and, to make an example of the most recalcitrant and obstructive, kill them. This dramatically reduces m, allowing the revolutionaries to effect drastic course changes even as v increases. I compiled this list because it would be such an easy sell—piece of cake, a slam-dunk, a no-brainer. But I lack the uncontrollable desire to smash eggs and the insatiable appetite for omelets. As I mentioned, I am no revolutionary—just an observer.

    In the run-up to the Russian revolution, from 1901 through 1911, there were 17,000 such casualties. In 1907, the average toll was 18 people a day. According to police records, between February 1905 and May 1906, there were among those killed:

    • 8 governors
    • 5 vice-governors and other regional administrators
    • 21 chiefs of police, heads of municipalities and wardens
    • 8 high-ranking police officers
    • 4 generals
    • 7 military officers
    • 79 bailiffs
    • 125 inspectors
    • 346 police officers
    • 57 constables
    • 257 security personnel
    • 55 police service personnel
    • 18 state security agents
    • 85 government employees
    • 12 clergy
    • 52 rural government agents
    • 52 land-owners
    • 51 factory owners and managers
    • 54 bankers and businessmen
    Good old Zinka
    Schoolteacher, Revolutionary, Assassin

    Clearly, these terrorist acts must have had some not inconsiderable effect in softening the target, making the government overthrow easier. This was not an accident but a matter of well-articulated revolutionary policy. The concept of “red terror” was first introduced by Zinaida Konoplyannikova, a rural schoolteacher who first got on the police radar for being an atheist and was later convicted as a terrorist for shooting a notorious general-major at point-blank range. At her trial in 1906, she said this: “The [Socialist-Revolutionary] Party has decided to counter the white, yet bloody, terror of the government with red terror…” She was executed by hanging that same year, aged 26.

    After the revolution, red terror became government policy. Here is Lenin's response to being questioned by Communist party members about his “barbaric methods”: “I reason soberly and categorically: what is better—to imprison a few tens or hundreds provocateurs, guilty or innocent, acting consciously or unconsciously, or to lose thousands of soldiers and workers? The former is better. Let them accuse me of any deadly sins and violations of liberty—I plead guilty, but the interests of the workers win.”

    Grandpa Lenin belting out a tune
    Grandpa Trotsky going wild on the harmonica

    Trotsky produced a particularly crisp definition of “red terror.” He called it “a weapon to be used against a social class that has been condemned to extinction but won't die.”

    Estimates of the exact number of victims of “red terror” vary. Robert Conquest claimed that between 1917 and 1922 the revolutionary tribunals executed 140,000 people. But the historian O. B. Mozokhin, after an exhaustive study of the data available from government archives, put the number at no more than 50,000. He also noted that executions were the exception rather than the rule, and that most of those executed were sentenced for criminal rather than political acts.

    But this was nothing compared to what Stalin unleashed later on. The ideological foundation of Stalin's terror was “intensification of class struggle at the culmination of the building of socialism,” which he articulated at the plenum of the Central Committee in July of 1928. According to his logic, USSR was economically and culturally underdeveloped, surrounded by hostile capitalist states, and as long as there remained the threat of foreign military intervention with the goal of reestablishing the bourgeois order, only the preventive destruction of the remnants of “bourgeois elements” could guarantee the security and independence of the USSR. These elements included former police officers, government officials, clergy, land-owners and businessmen. The peak of Stalin's repression occurred in 1937 and 1938. During these two years 1,575,259 people were arrested, of which 681,692 were shot.

    You may be forgiven for thinking of Stalin as a psychopathic murderer, because he was certainly that, but more importantly he was a competent, and sufficiently ruthless, head of a revolutionary state. For a revolutionary regime, killing too many people is rarely a problem, but killing too few people can easily prove fatal. To play it safe, a revolutionary should always err on the side of murder. This attitude tends to pervade the entire power pyramid: if you give Stalin a memorandum recommending that 500 priests get shot, and Stalin crosses out 500 and pencils in 1000 in red pencil, then you better find 500 more priests to shoot, or the number becomes 1001 and includes you.

    This guarantee of security and independence did seem to hold. After all, there was a subsequent invasion by a hostile bourgeois capitalist state (Germany) and bourgeois order was temporarily reestablished on the territories it occupied. But there was nobody left to instigate anti-revolutionary rebellion elsewhere in the USSR because most of the would-be counterrevolutionaries were by then dead.

    Of course, this took a terrible toll on society. Here is what Putin had to say on the subject of “red terror”: “Think of the hostages who were shot during the civil war, the destruction of entire social strata—the clergy, the prosperous peasants, the Cossacks. Such tragedies have recurred more than once during the history of mankind. And it always happened when initially attractive but ultimately empty ideals were raised above the main value—the value of human life, above the rights and liberties of man. For our country this is especially tragic, because the scale was colossal. Thousands, millions of people were destroyed, sent to concentration camps, shot, tortured to death. And these were primarily people who had their own opinions, who weren't afraid to voice them. These were the most effective people—the flower of the nation. Even after many years we feel the effect of this tragedy on ourselves. We must do a great deal to make sure that this is never forgotten.”

    Given that the price is so high, perhaps it would be better after all if we just sat quietly, allowed the rich get richer as the poor get poorer, watched listlessly as the environment got completely destroyed by capitalist industrialists in blind pursuit of profit, and eventually curled up, kissed our sweet asses good-bye and died? Good luck selling that idea to young radicalized hotheads who have nothing to lose—except maybe you, if you happen to stand in their way as they change the world! No, revolution is here to stay, and one of its main weapons is terror. No matter how well we remember, the annihilation of counterrevolutionary social elements is bound to recur.

    * * *

    Getting back to Greece and Syriza: what if Syriza were not just a particularly fluffy breed of miniature Europoodle but actual honest-to-goodness revolutionaries, ready to do whatever it takes? How would they act differently? And what would be the result?

    Well, one thing that comes to mind immediately is that they wouldn't try to stay in the Eurozone—they would seek to destroy it. The solution is simple: no Eurozone—no Euro-debt—no problem. There is a general principle involved: never accept responsibility for that which you cannot control. Speaking from experience, suppose you invite a plumber to fix your toilet, and the plumber finds that the toilet has been Mickey-moused in multiple ways by an incompetent amateur. In this situation, the professional thing for the plumber to do is to completely obliterate that toilet. Now the solution becomes simple: install a new toilet.

    Here's a very simple one-two punch which Greece could have delivered instead of futile attempts at negotiation:

    1. Immediately announce an open-ended moratorium on all debt repayment, taking the position that Greece has no legitimate creditors within the Eurozone—it's all financial fraud at the highest levels. After a few months, the fake bail-out financial entities that magically convert garbage Eurozone debt into AAA-rated securities (because they are guaranteed by Eurozone governments) are forced to write off Greek debt. In turn, Eurozone governments, being pretty much broke, balk at refinancing them out of their national budgets, showing to the world that their guarantees aren't worth the paper they are written on. There follows a bond implosion. Shortly thereafter, the Euro goes extinct, and along with it all Eurozone debt.


    2. Start printing Euros without authorization from the European Central bank. When accused of forgery, make the forgery harder to detect by changing the letter at the front of the serial number from Y (for Greece) to X (for Germany). Flood Greece and the rest of the Eurozone with notionally counterfeit (but technically perfect) Euro notes. As the Euro plummets in value, institute food rationing and issue ration cards. Eventually convert from the now devalued and debased Euro to a newly reintroduced Drachma and reestablish trade links with the now “liberated” former Eurozone countries using trade deals based on barter and local currency swaps with gold reserves used to correct any minor imbalances.

    Could this have been done without any “red terror”? I doubt it. Greece is very much oligarch-ridden; even the celebrated former Syriza FM Yanis Varoufakis is the son an industrial magnate. The Greek oligarchs and the rich would have had to be rounded up and held as hostages. Numerous people in the government and in the military have a split allegiance—they work for Europe, not for Greece. They would have had to be sacked immediately and held incommunicado, under house arrest at a minimum. No doubt foreign special services would have run rampant, looking for ways to undermine the revolutionary government. This would have called for drastic preemptive measures to physically eliminate foreign spies and agents before they could have had a chance to act. And so on. This wouldn't have been a job for fluffy mini-poodles. As Stalin famously put it, “Cadres are the key to everything.” You can't make a revolution without revolutionaries.

  • Obamanomics? More Chidren Live In Poverty Now Than During Crisis

    For all the back-patting exuberance over manipulated record high stock prices and record periods of illusory job gains, it appears the administration and its Obamanomics forgot one important thing – the children! As USA Today reports, a higher percentage of children live in poverty now than did during the Great Recession, according to a new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation released Tuesday.

    “Where you grew up is similar to where you end up when you’re an adult,” Bloome said. “That helps perpetuate racial segregation.”


    As USA Today reports,

    About 22% of children in the U.S. lived below the poverty line in 2013, compared with 18% in 2008, the foundation's 2015 Kids Count Data Book reported. In 2013, the U.S. Department of Human and Health Service's official poverty line was $23,624 for a family with two adults and two children.


    “The fact that it’s happening is disturbing on lots of levels,” said Laura Speer, the associate director for policy reform and advocacy at the Casey Foundation, a non-profit based in Baltimore. “Those kids often don’t have the access to the things they need to thrive.” The foundation says its mission is to help low-income children in the U.S. by providing grants and advocating for policies that promote economic opportunity.

    As AECF details,

    Millions of low-income U.S. families with children face considerable daily obstacles that can threaten the entire family’s stability and lead to lifelong difficulties for their kids. A family-supporting job that provides a steady source of parental income and opportunities for advancement is critical to moving children out of poverty.



    But having a job, even one that pays enough to support a family, is only part of the solution. Working parents need access to paid time off to adequately care for themselves and their children. Access to affordable, high-quality, flexible child care is critical for all working parents with young children, but the need is especially great for those parents working in low-paying jobs with irregular, often erratic work hours.


    Even several years after the recession ended, the number of children living in low-income working families continues to increase. In 2013, one in four children, 18.7 million, lived in a low-income working family in the United States. This is 1.7 million more than in 2008. And, 27 percent of children in low-income working families are younger than age 6.

    *  *  *

  • 'Buffett' Says Sell; BofAML Asks, Should We Listen?

    When Janet Yellen speaks, investors buy stocks (whether she tells you stock valuations are 'substantialy stretched' or not). When Warren Buffett speaks, investors listen… so when his favorite indicator is flashing a huge "sell signal" trading 80% 'expensive' to its long-term average, perhaps, as BofAML suggests, it is time to listen.


    On most measures, the S&P 500’s valuation remains elevated relative to history, the exceptions being Price to Normalized EPS and P/FCF. From an asset allocation standpoint, the S&P still looks attractive vs. bonds and small-caps, but trades at an historical premium to oil and gold.


    As if that was enough, BofAML further explains…

    One metric used by some (including Warren Buffett) to gauge whether the stock market is overextended is the Market Cap to GDP ratio. We show this using S&P 500 market cap below…

    While there are other variations…


    All of which are highly correlated and illustrate similar trends. The S&P 500 market cap to GDP ratio is 1.03, over 80% above its historical average since 1964.

    However, BofAML, provides a "different this time" silver lining – this metric may have limited utility:

    Problems with the numerator and denominator: Market Cap/GDP is analogous to Price/Sales, with all of its shortcomings and more. Price/Sales ratios do not account for structural changes in profit margins, which has been the case for the S&P 500, chiefly due to lower taxes, lower interest expense, and higher operating margins in Tech. Meanwhile, using market value or stock price as the numerator is not consistent given that sales accrue to the entire company and not just equity stakeholders. Enterprise value is more appropriate, and is particularly important today given lower leverage ratios vs. history.


    Geographic exposure differences: The S&P has increasingly derived sales and profits from overseas, and has thus become more tied to global GDP than US GDP. Comparing market cap to global GDP (since 1980), this metric trades a much lesser premium to its average – 30%, vs. 60% using US GDP over the same period.


    Mix differences: Many sectors (such as Tech, Industrials and Energy) carry a much larger weight within the US equity market than they do within the US economy. US GDP is also much more services-oriented, while S&P 500 profits are more goods-oriented.

    *  *  *
    So – no don't listen to anyone or anything apart from "buy" – when has that ever ended badly.

  • Three Huge Reasons Why the Fed Cannot Let Rates Normalize

    The Fed continues to dangle hints of a “rate hike” in front of investors… but the reality is that as far as any significant raise in rates, its hands are tied.


    True, the Fed may raise rates from 0.25% to 0.3% or possible even 0.5% sometime in the next 24 months… but these moves will be largely symbolic.


    There are three reasons for this:


    1)   There are over $555 trillion in interest-rate based derivatives trades sitting on the big banks balance sheets globally.


    2)   The US Dollar carry trade is over $9 trillion in size.


    3)   Many Western welfare states would go bankrupt if rates normalized.


    Regarding #1… the Fed cannot risk a significant rise in rates, as doing so would potentially burst the bond bubble. Bonds have been in a bull market for over 30 years now. Today, globally the bond market is over $100 trillion in size. And there are over $555 trillion in derivatives that trade based on these bonds.


    This is why former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke admitted that rates would not normalize anytime during his “lifetime” during a closed-door luncheon with several hedge funds last year. For rates to normalize (meaning rise to the historic average of 4%+) would trigger a derivatives implosion. Bernanke knows this. And current Fed Chair Janet Yellen knows it too.


    Given that ALL of the Fed’s actions over the last seven years have been devoted to propping up the insolvent big banks (insolvent due to their massive derivatives portfolios), the Fed cannot and will not risk any interest rate surprises.


    Regarding item #2 (the US Dollar carry trade), there are over $9 trillion in borrowed US Dollars sloshing around the financial system. These are effectively US Dollar (shorts) as when you borrow in one currency to fund a carry trade you are effectively shorting that currency.


    US Dollar deposits yield 0.25%. The Yen yields 0.001%, while the Euro yields negative 0.2% and the Swiss Franc yields negative 0.75%.


    In simple terms, the US Dollar is extremely attractive as a store of value relative to most major world currencies. This is why capital has been flowing into the US Dollar, pushing the US Dollar to a 10 year high.


    The flip side of this is that every upward move the Dollar makes against other currencies puts more pressure on the $9 trillion worth of US Dollar carry trades. This is why the US Dollar’s rally has been so aggressive: because much of it was carry trades blowing up forcing traders to cover their US Dollar shorts.

    On that note, the US Dollar is currently breaking out against most major world currencies.



    This is already a big enough concern that the Fed has been mentioning it in FOMC communiqués. Any rate hike will only INCREASE the interest rate differential between the US Dollar and other major world currencies… which in turn would drive even more capital to the US Dollar… and put even more pressure on the $9 trillion US Dollar carry trade.


    Finally, regarding #3 (the impact of interest rates on welfare states)… it is no secret that most western nations are bankrupt due to excessive social welfare expenses. Most nations rely heavily on the bond markets to fund their social spending patterns as tax revenues don’t come anywhere near enough to cover them.



    In the US, a 1% increase in interest rates means over $100 billion more in interest rate payments. The US is already running a deficit (meaning that it spends more than it takes in via taxes) and has been for most of the last 20 years. As the above charts who, most Western developed nations are in similar situations.


    If the Fed began to let rates normalize it would render numerous nations insolvent.  Every asset under the sun trades based on its risk relative to Us Treasuries (the so called “risk free rate”). If US yields rise, so will yields around the world.


    And the world cannot afford that.


    In short, the world is awash with debt. The bond market has ballooned up to $100 trillion in size. And most nations are struggling to service their debt loads even with rates at historic lows.


    At some point, the bond bubble will burst. And when it does, entire countries will go bust.


    If you've yet to take action to prepare for this, we offer a FREE investment report called the Financial Crisis "Round Two" Survival Guide that outlines simple, easy to follow strategies you can use to not only protect your portfolio from it, but actually produce profits.


    We are making 1,000 copies available for FREE the general public.


    We are currently down to the last 25.


    To pick up yours, swing by….



    Best Regards




  • Meet The Newest Enemy Of Your Financial Privacy: George Clooney

    Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

    I’m at a complete loss for words.

    I keep waiting for the deep baritone of that guy who voices all the action movie trailers to chime in. But it doesn’t come. Because this all real.

    I’m talking about the trailer George Clooney has just released to promote his new non-profit, entitled THE SENTRY.

    (Yes, they use all-caps. It sounds like a great name for the next Marvel superhero movie.)

    THE SENTRY is an initiative that “seeks to disrupt and ultimately dismantle the networks of perpetrators, facilitators, and enablers who fund and profit from America’s deadliest conflicts.”

    Wow, eliminating genocide sounds like an incredibly noble cause. Of course, in order to do so, Mr. Clooney’s aim is break down financial privacy.

    There’s been a long-standing war against financial privacy for years.

    As western governments have slid further into bankruptcy, they’ve made coordinated efforts to interdict privacy across the world through tax information exchange agreements, black lists, and turning bankers into unpaid spies.

    Plus they’ve been extremely clever in their marketing campaign, working tirelessly to associate financial privacy with some of the worst elements of society.

    At first, their propaganda suggested that only people interested in financial privacy were guilty of tax evasion. Then organized crime. Then terrorist financing.

    Now it’s genocide.

    This is really insane. Privacy is completely natural and part of our most basic social edicts.

    Privacy is why it’s taboo to discuss how much money you make. It’s why we thrive on keeping secrets and knowing other people’s secrets.

    Privacy is normal. And for years it was something that used to be the rule, not the exception. Especially in regards to finance.

    That was the origin of the term “private banking”. It wasn’t about money laundering. It was about being a grown adult and keeping your business to yourself.

    Now they’ve destroyed the concept to the point that anyone who seeks out financial privacy is suspect of tax evasion. Or organized crime. Or terror financing. Or now genocide.

    And it’s not just finance; it’s privacy in all things.

    Here in Europe the British Prime Minister wants to outlaw encryption technology… because apparently only terrorist criminals and ISIS members use secure email.

    What’s even more bizarre is how a guy like George Clooney even has a say in the global financial regulations.

    Yes, Ocean’s Eleven was very entertaining.

    But I’m completely baffled at how George Clooney has any influence over my financial privacy. Or anybody else’s except for his own.

    Ominously, THE SENTRY has been among the first that I’ve seen which specifically mentions gold as a means of illicit finance.

    And governments have already taken dramatic steps to criminalize the holding of physical cash.

    Apparently they want to ensure that your only financial option is to deposit your money with a shaky bank in a bankrupt country earning a rate of interest that fails to keep up with inflation.

    Now, I think we can all agree that dictators are bad people (as are rapists, murderers, pedophiles, fraudsters, and corrupt politicians). And stopping them is a nice idea.

    But the road to tyranny is always paved with the stones of good intentions.

    Because no matter how many financial regulations get passed, and no matter how far the dictators are chased by Mr. Clooney on his white horse, the fact remains that bad people will always find the resources to do bad things.

    And in the meantime, the crusade to save the world only serves to make everyone else less free.

    This war on privacy is a war on freedom. And it’s getting totally out of control.

  • Apple Plunges Despite EPS Beat On iPhone Sales Miss, Drop In China Sales, Weak Guidance And Strong Dollar Warning

    Apple is important. Perhaps the most important company not only for the Dow Jones, but because it also happens to be the largest company by market cap, in the world. As such nobody will be happy that moments ago AAPL reported results which were in a word, lousy.

    It wasn't so much the earnings, because the EPS of $1.85 was a modest beat of expectations of $1.81, while revenues also beat consensus of $49.4 billion fractionally, printing at $49.6 billion; the margin also beat slightly coming at 39.7% above the exp. 39.5%.

    The problem was in the detail, with 47.5 million iPhone shipments missing expectations by 1.3 million units, even as both iPad (whose ASP came at $415 below the $426 expected), and Mac units coming in as expected.

    But the biggest surprise was in China, where as we warned previously, the Apple euphoria appears to have ended with a bang, with greater China sales tumbling by 21% from $16.8 billion to $13.2 billion. And keep in mind this was in the quarter when the Composite was hitting multi year highs, and the July crash was not even on the horizon.

    As for the cherry on top it was the company's guidance which now sees Q4 revenue at $49-$51 billion, or below the $51.1 bn consensus estimate, with the CFO adding that the strong USD is finally getting to the company, warning that Apple "faced a difficult foreign exchange environment."

    And all this happened in a quarter in which AAPL bought back $10 billion of its own stock.

    The above in charts:



    Unit shipments:


    Geographic breakdown:




    Finally, AAPL's net cash (excluding steadily rising debt) remains flat:


    As expected, there was no mention of either the iWatch or Apple TV. Or a new buyback.

    * * *

    And here, from the WSJ, is a reminder why AAPL is so very crucial to not only the tech sector, but the entire market:

    No company produces bigger profits than Apple Inc. Likewise, no company contributes more to the profit picture of the S&P 500 than Apple.


    Apple is a leviathan of a company that is a major contributor of profits in corporate America. Its fortunes, also, are inextricably intertwined with two of the biggest growth markets that exist, smartphones and China. That makes it a bellwether. Because of its success, Apple is also an out-sized member of the S&P 500. We noted yesterday that the stock comprises about one percentage point of the S&P 500's 3.5% gain for this year (before Tuesday's selloff). It is also, due to its massive profits and market-cap weighting within the index, the largest single contributor to S&P 500 profits. By a long shot.


    Now, there certainly isn't anything to be worried about here. Apple is expected to earn about $1.80 a share, or about $10.4 billion, on nearly $50 billion in sales, and as usual with this company, the only real question is by how far will it exceed Street estimates.


    Apple is projected to single-handedly give the tech sector all of its earnings growth this quarter, just edging it up by 0.2%. Without Apple, the sector would see a contraction of 6%.


    It has a big impact on the overall market as well. Since the third quarter of 2011, Apple, for every single quarter, has comprised no less than 3% of the S&P 500's operating earnings, according to data from S&P Dow Jones Indices. It accounted for 2.87% of the index's operating earnings of $25.29 in September 2011, and has ranged higher since then. In the first quarter of 2015, it comprised 5.97% of the $25.81 operating profit. In the fourth quarter of 2014, it was 7.62% of the $26.75 profit.


    Think of its this way. If all 500 of the companies in the index contributed an even amount, Apple's earnings would account for about 0.2% of the overall profit. On the contrary, Apple is by far the single biggest contributor to the index's earnings. The next largest contributor is J.P. Morgan, which is contributed about half of that, at 64 cents. For comparison sake, this is what other tech names are contributing: Microsoft Inc. (estimated): 52 cents, IBM: 42 cents, Google Inc.: 38 cents; Cisco Systems Inc. (estimated): 32 cents, Intel Corp.: 32 cents.

    The result, AAPL is down over 7% after hours (and Nasdaq futures down 1.2%), with the 200DMA serving as support for now, so all those hoping for the "leviathan" break out will have to wait until the next quarter, or the release of the iWatch 2.0, whichever comes first.

  • How A Pork Bellies Trader And Milton Friedman Created "The Greatest Trading Casino In World History"

    “I held in my hand the Holy Grail for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The most influential economic mind of the twentieth century provided the CME with the intellectual foundation upon which to build its financial superstructure.”

    Nixon’s estimable free market advisors who gathered at the Camp David weekend were to an astonishing degree clueless as to the consequences of their recommendation to close the gold window and float the dollar. In their wildest imaginations they did not foresee that this would unhinge the monetary and financial nervous system of capitalism. They had no premonition at all that it would pave the way for a forty-year storm of financialization and a debt-besotted symbiosis between central bankers possessed by delusions of grandeur and private gamblers intoxicated with visions of delirious wealth.

    In fact, when Nixon announced on August 15, 1971, that the dollar was no longer convertible to gold at $35 per ounce, his advisors had barely a scratch pad’s worth of ideas as to what should come next. 

    Its first attempted solution was a Burns-Connally hybrid known as the Smithsonian Agreement of December 1971. The United States needed precisely a $13 billion favorable swing in its balance of trade. This was not to be achieved the honest way—by domestic belt tightening and thereby a reduction of swollen US imports that were being funded by borrowing from foreigners. Instead, America’s trading partners were to revalue their currencies upward by about 15 percent against the dollar.

    Connally’s blatant mercantilist offensive was cut short in late November 1971, however, when the initially jubilant stock market started heading rapidly south on fears that a global trade war was in the offing. 

    As it turned out, a few weeks later Connally’s protectionist gauntlet ended in an amicable paint-by-the-numbers exercise in diplomatic pettifoggery. The United States agreed to drop the 10 percent import surtax and raise the price of gold by 9 percent to $38 per ounce. 

    Quite simply, the United States had made no commitment whatsoever to redeem paper dollars for gold at the new $38 price or to defend the gold parity in any other manner. At bottom, the Smithsonian Agreement attempted the futile task of perpetuating the Bretton Woods gold exchange standard without any role for gold. 

    During the next eight months, further international negotiations attempted to rescue the Smithsonian Agreement with more baling wire and bubble gum. But the die was already cast and the monetary oxymoron which had prevailed in the interim, a gold standard system without monetary gold, was officially dropped in favor of pure floating currencies in March 1973.

    Now, for the first time in modern history, all of the world’s major nations would operate their economies on the basis of what old-fashioned economists called “fiduciary money.” In practical terms, it amounted to a promise that currencies would retain as much, or as little, purchasing power as central bankers determined to be expedient.

    In stumbling to this outcome, Nixon’s advisors were strikingly oblivious to the monetary disorder they were unleashing. The passivity of the “religious floaters” club in the White House was owing to their reflexive adherence to the profoundly erroneous monetarist doctrines of Milton Friedman.

    A Friedmanite Fed would keep the money growth dial set strictly at 3 percent, year in and year out, ever steady as she goes. 

    Friedman’s pre-1971 writings nowhere give an account of the massive hedging industry that would flourish under a régime of floating paper money. This omission occurred for good reason: Friedman didn’t think there would be much volatility to hedge if his Chicago-trained central bankers stuck to the monetarist rulebook.

    Most certainly, Friedman did not see that an unshackled central bank would eventually transform his beloved free markets into gambling halls and venues of uneconomic speculative finance. 

    It thus happened that Leo Melamed, a small-time pork-belly (i.e., bacon) trader who kept his modest office near the Chicago Mercantile Exchange trading floor stocked with generous supplies of Tums and Camels, found his opening and hired Professor Friedman. 


    Leo Melamed was the genius founder of the financial futures market and presided over its explosive growth on the Chicago “Merc” during the last three decades of the twentieth century. 

    At the time of the Camp David weekend that changed the world, the Chicago Merc was still a backwater outpost of the farm commodity futures business.

    The next chapters in the tale of Melamed and the Merc are downright astonishing. In 1970, Melamed made an intensive inquiry into currency and other financial markets about which he knew very little, in a desperate search for something to replace the Merc’s rapidly dwindling eggs contract. The latter was the core of its legacy business and was then perhaps $50 million per year in annual turnover.

    Four decades later, Leo Melamed’s study program had mushroomed into a vast menu of futures and options contracts—covering currencies, commodities, fixed-income, and equities, which trade twenty-four hours per day on immense computerized platforms. The entire annual volume of the old eggs contract is now exceeded in literally the blink of an eye.

    The reason futures contracts on D-marks and T-bills took off like rocket ships is that the fundamental nature of money and finance was turned upside down at Camp David. In effect, Professor Friedman’s floating money contraption created a massive market for hedging that did not have any reason for existence in the gold standard world of Bretton Woods, and most especially under its more robust pre-1914 antecedents.

    When currency exchange rates were firmly fixed and some or all of the main ones were redeemable in a defined weight of gold, exporters and importers had no need to hedge future purchases or deliveries denominated in foreign currencies. The spot and forward exchange rates, save for technical differentials, were always the same.

    Even more importantly, the newly emergent need of corporations and investors to hedge against currency and interest rate risk caused other fateful developments in financial markets; namely, the accumulation of capital and trading resources by firms which became specialized in the intermediation of financial hedges. Purely an artifact of an unstable monetary régime, this new industry resulted in prodigious and wasteful consumption of capital, technology, and labor resources.

    The four decades since Camp David also show that the Friedmanite régime of floating money is dynamically unstable. Each business cycle recovery since 1971 has amplified the ratio of credit to income in the system, causing the daisy chains of debt upon debt to become ever more distended and fragile.

    Currently, the daily volume of foreign exchange hedging activity in global futures and options markets, for example, is estimated at $4 trillion, compared to daily merchandise trade of only $40 billion. This 100:1 ratio of hedging volume to the underlying activity rate does not exist because the currency managers at exporters like Toyota re-trade their hedges over and over all day; that is, every fourteen minutes.

    Due to the dead-weight losses to society from this massive churning, the hedging casinos are a profound deformation of capitalism, not its crowning innovation. They consume vast resources without adding to society’s output or wealth, and flush income and net worth to the very top rungs of the economic ladder—rarefied redoubts of opulence which are currently occupied by the most aggressive and adept speculators. The talented Leo Melamed thus did not spend forty years doing God’s work, as he believed. He was just an adroit gambler in the devil’s financial workshop—the great hedging venues—necessitated by Professor Friedman’s contraption of floating, untethered money.


    According to Melamed’s later telling, by 1970 he had “become a committed and ardent disciple in the army that was forming around Milton Friedman’s ideas. He had become our hero, our teacher, our mentor.”

    Thus inspired, Melamed sought to establish a short position against the pound, but after visiting all of the great Loop banks in Chicago he soon discovered they weren’t much interested in pure speculators: “if you didn’t have any commercial reasons, the banks weren’t likely to be very helpful.”

    The banking system was not in the business of financing currency speculators, and for good reason. In a fixed exchange rate régime the currency departments of the great international banks were purely service operations which deployed no capital and conducted their operations out of hushed dealing rooms, not noisy cavernous trading floors. The foreign currency business was no different than trusts and estates. Even Melamed had wondered at the time whether “foreign currency instruments could succeed” within the strictures designed for soybeans and eggs, and pretended to answer his own question: “Perhaps there was some fundamental economic reason why no one had before successfully applied financial instruments to futures.”

    In point of fact, yes, there was a huge reason and it suggests that while Melamed might have audited Milton Friedman’s course, he had evidently not actually passed it. There were no currency futures contracts because there was no opportunity for speculative profit in forward exchange transactions as long as the fixed-rate monetary régime remained reasonably stable.

    Indeed, this reality was evident in a rebuke from an unnamed New York banker which Melamed recalled having received in response to his entreaties shortly before the Smithsonian Agreement was announced. “It is ludicrous to think that foreign exchange can be entrusted to a bunch of pork belly crapshooters,” the banker had allegedly sniffed.

    Whether apocryphal or not, this anecdote captures the essence of what happened at Camp David in August 1971. There a motley crew of economic nationalists, Friedman acolytes, and political cynics supinely embraced Richard Nixon’s monetary madness. In so doing, they opened the financial system to a forty-year swarm of “crapshooters” who eventually engulfed capitalism itself in endless waves of speculation and fevered gambling, activities which redistributed the income upward but did not expand the economic pie.

    As it happened, Melamed did not waste any time getting an audience with the wizard behind the White House screen. At a luncheon meeting with Professor Friedman at the New York Waldorf-Astoria on November 13, 1971, which Melamed later described as his “moment of truth,” he laid out his case.

    After asking Friedman “not to laugh,” Melamed described his scheme: “I held my breath as I put forth the idea of a futures market in foreign currency. The great man did not hesitate.”

    “It’s a wonderful idea,” Friedman told him. “You must do it!”

    Melamed then suggested that his colleagues in the pork-belly pits might be more reassured about the venture if Friedman would put his endorsement in writing. At that, Friedman famously replied, “You know I am a capitalist?”

    He was apparently a pretty timid capitalist, however. In consideration of the aforementioned $7,500, Melamed got an eleven-page paper that launched the greatest trading casino in world history. It made Melamed extremely wealthy and also millionaires out of countless other recycled eggs and bacon traders that Friedman never even met.

    Modestly entitled “The Need for a Futures Market in Currencies,” the paper today reads like so much free market eyewash. But back then it played a decisive role in conveying Friedman’s imprimatur.

    In describing the paper’s impact, Melamed did not spare the superlatives: “I held in my hand the Holy Grail for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The most influential economic mind of the twentieth century provided the CME with the intellectual foundation upon which to build its financial superstructure.”


    Source: The Great Deformation by David Stockman

  • Earnings Avalanche: CMG, GPRO, YHOO, MSFT All Lower After Hours

    Unleash the talking head spin…


    Yahoo misses and cuts guidance…

    • *YAHOO 2Q ADJ. EPS 16C, EST. 19C
    • *YAHOO SEES 3Q ADJ. EBITDA $200M-$240M, EST. $279.7M
    • *YAHOO SEES 3Q REV EX-TAC $1B-$1.04B, EST. $1.07B

    Micorosft beat bottom, missed top line…

    • *MICROSOFT 4Q ADJ. EPS 62C, EST. 58C
    • *MICROSOFT 4Q UNEARNED REV. $25.32B, EST. $25.96B

    Chipotle beat bottom line but missed comps and revenues…

    • *CHIPOTLE 2Q COMP SALES UP 4.3%, EST. UP 5.8%
    • *CHIPOTLE 2Q EPS $4.45 , EST. $4.43
    • *CHIPOTLE 2Q REV. $1.2B, EST. $1.22B

    GoPro beats but fails to raise guidance, reiterating prior margins

    • *GOPRO 2Q REV. $419.9M, EST. $395.2M
    • *GOPRO 2Q ADJ. EPS 35C, EST. 26C

    And the result…

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Today’s News July 21, 2015

  • You'Re FiReD!






  • General Wesley Clark Suggests Putting "Disloyal Americans" In Internment Camps

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    If these people are radicalized and don’t support the United States, and they’re disloyal to the United States, as a matter of principal that’s fine, that’s their right. It’s our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict.


    – General Wesley Clark in a MSNBC interview

    Noting that the recent tyrannical, entirely anti-American comments made by General Wesley Clark during a MSNBC interview are statist and disturbing would be the understatement of the century.

    What General Clark is advocating in no uncertain terms is that the U.S. rewrite it laws to allow for the internment of Americans who the government feels have engaged in thought crime. Mind you, laws on the books are sufficiently strong to punish people engaged in actual criminal behavior. What Clark is suggesting is forcibly separating people based on their political views.

    Sure, he couches it in the war against ISIS (an entity created by U.S. government foreign policy), but once you make it policy to disappear people based on one particular type of thought, it will quickly spread to other undesirable political views.

    Please share this video with everyone you know. It’s that crazy:


    The interview is so fascist, desperate and creepy you wonder why General Clark is willing to say such totalitarian things. Does he owe powerful people favors for his crime of telling the truth about the Iraq war  many years ago when he outed U.S. Plan To Invade Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran right after 9/11?

    Perhaps he has to make certain amends to his overlords, recall that he took a job with financial giant Blackstone a couple of years ago: Meet the Military-Industrial-Wall Street Complex: Blackstone Hires General Wesley Clark.

    Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 9.35.34 AM


    I wonder, did MSNBC mention that General Clark works for Blackstone? Moreover, what should happen to foundations that accept money from countries directly funding ISIS? Should their founders also be placed in internment camps? Seem like Hillary and Bill might qualify for such treatment: Hillary Clinton Exposed Part 2 – Clinton Foundation Took Millions From Countries That Also Fund ISIS.

    With generals like these…

  • The Greek Economy Is Finished! A Quarter Of Firms Shifting Abroad

    Capital controls imposed by the Greek government are taking a heavy toll on Greek businesses, according to a new report from Endeavour Greece. With over two-thirds of respondents reporting a "significant drop in revenues," and 1 in 9 firms forced to suspend production due to shortages of raw materials (unable to buy due to capital controls), the problems created by The Greek government's action seem asymmetric as almost a quarter (23%) of firms are now "planning to transfer their headquarters abroad for security, cashflow, and stability reasons."



    As ekathimerini reports,

    Endeavour Greece, a non-profit group that supports entrepreneurs, found that 58 percent of the 300 companies it surveyed between July 13 and July 17 reported a "significant impact on their operations caused by the limitations imposed to cross-border transactions."


    "Many of these companies cannot import raw material or have access to foreign services and infrastructure," the group said in a statement, adding that 23 percent "plan to transfer their headquarters abroad for security, cash flow and stability reasons."


    More than two thirds of the companies – 69 percent – reported a "significant drop in turnover," with 11 percent forced to decrease or suspend production due to shortages of raw materials.


    Greece imposed a raft of capital controls on July 29, closing the banks and restricting cash withdrawals in a bid to prevent a disastrous bank run from draining money out of the financial system.


    Banks reopened on Monday and restrictions on cash withdrawals have been partially relaxed, though the capital controls remain in place.


    Endeavour Greece reported that businesses were facing "significant impediments" due to the continuing ATM limits, but on "a smaller scale."


    Nearly half of the companies – 45 percent – said they had been forced to postpone payments to suppliers.

    This offers little hope for a silver lining as the nation is hollowed out. As Jeffrey Sachs notes, the formula for success is to match reforms with debt relief, in line with the real needs of the economy.

    A smart creditor of Greece would ask some serious and probing questions. How can we help Greece to get credit moving again within the banking system? How can we help Greece to spur exports? What is needed to promote the rapid growth of small and medium-size Greek enterprises?


    For five years now, Germany has not asked these questions. Indeed, over time, questions have been replaced by German frustration at Greeks’ alleged indolence, corruption, and incorrigibility. It has become ugly and personal on both sides. And the creditors have failed to propose a realistic approach to Greece’s debts, perhaps out of Germany’s fear that Italy, Portugal, and Spain might ask for relief down the line.


    Whatever the reason, Germany has treated Greece badly, failing to offer the empathy, analysis, and debt relief that are required. And if it did so to scare Italy and Spain, it should be reminded of Kant’s categorical imperative: Countries, like individuals, should be treated as ends, not means.


    Creditors are sometimes wise and sometimes incredibly stupid. America, Britain, and France were incredibly stupid in the 1920s to impose excessive reparations payments on Germany after World War I. In the 1940s and 1950s, the United States was a wise creditor, giving Germany new funds under the Marshall Plan, followed by debt relief in 1953.


    In the 1980s, the US was a bad creditor when it demanded excessive debt payments from Latin America and Africa; in the 1990s and later, it smartened up, putting debt relief on the table. In 1989, the US was smart to give Poland debt relief (and Germany went along, albeit grudgingly). In 1992, its stupid insistence on strict Russian debt servicing of Soviet-era debts sowed the seeds for today’s bitter relations.

    Germany’s demands have brought Greece to the point of near-collapse, with potentially disastrous consequences for Greece, Europe, and Germany’s global reputation. This is a time for wisdom, not rigidity. And wisdom is not softness. Maintaining a peaceful and prosperous Europe is Germany’s most vital responsibility; but it is surely its most vital national interest as well.

  • New Obama Initiative To Ban Guns For Some Social Security Recipients, Veterans, And Disabled

    Submitted by Brandon Turbeville via,

    Whenever one thinks the Obama administration’s war on the Second Amendment couldn’t get any more insane, Barack Obama prances onto the stage to prove everyone wrong yet again.

    This time, it is not merely a carefully planned and orchestrated jig on the graves of mass shooting victims or pathetic whining about “gun crime” and the amount of time he must give regarding the issue. It is a push to ban a large number of Social Security benefits recipients from owning guns.

    That’s correct. When the Obama administration can’t get its way by attacking gun owners head on, it merely turns to extorting the elderly and disabled whom it holds hostage via their need to receive Social Security benefits – benefits I might add, that are owed to them.

    Thus, the Obama administration is pushing to prohibit Social Security benefit recipients from owning firearms if they “lack the mental capacity to manage their own affairs,” a move which the Los Angeles Times reports would affect millions of people whose disability payments – for one reason or another – are handled by other people.

    The idea is to bring the Social Security Administration under the jurisdiction of laws that regulate who gets reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), a database that was initially supposed to pertain to illegal immigrants, drug addicts, and felons.

    Of course, it should be pointed out that, with the exception of illegal immigrants, prohibiting American citizens who are not confined to a prison cell from owning weapons is itself unconstitutional. Clearly, the push to add the Social Security Administration and thus millions of SS recipients under this new policy is unconstitutional as well.

    Nevertheless, it is difficult to remember a time when a Presidential administration even pretended to be concerned with what the US Constitution had to say about anything.

    As the Los Angeles Times reports,

    A potentially large group within Social Security are people who, in the language of federal gun laws, are unable to manage their own affairs due to "marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease."

    There is no simple way to identify that group, but a strategy used by the Department of Veterans Affairs since the creation of the background check system is reporting anyone who has been declared incompetent to manage pension or disability payments and assigned a fiduciary.

    If Social Security, which has never participated in the background check system, uses the same standard as the VA, millions of its beneficiaries would be affected. About 4.2 million adults receive monthly benefits that are managed by "representative payees."

    The move is part of a concerted effort by the Obama administration after the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn., to strengthen gun control, including by plugging holes in the background check system.

    The Obama Administration and Social Security Administration have been crafting this new policy in relative secret. Finally informed about the issue, the National Rifle Association and the National Council on Disability are both opposing the initiative, the latter in opposition due to the fact that millions of disabled Americans will have their rights eviscerated as a result of this policy. Of the many enrolled who may be affected, disabled veterans are among the high risk category for having their Second Amendment violated.

  • Chinese Stocks Tumble As Labor Market Starts To Crack

    While the rest of the world attempts to convince themselves that a Chinese stock market bubble and bust is at worst irrelevant, CapitalEconomics notes, evidence that the labor market is coming off the boil arguably matters more to China’s economy. Chinese stocks futures are down 2% in today's pre-open after yesterday's whipsaw action as 'exit plans' for the stabilization were discussed (dumping stocks) and then denied (surging stocks) shows just how fragile (and quickly and entirely addicted to China's new 'measures' investors have become); but as BofAML warned earlier, selling pressure will likely remain relentless. Now that the spell is broken, we expect that many holders may want to sell to the forced buyers in the market.

    So not fear there will be plenty of liquidity…


    While the market may need more than just moderate amounts. As while yesterday's stability bounce helped,. futures are pointing lower as we open tonighht…



    The real economy (goalseeked headline data aside) appears to be showing further cracks… (via CapitalEconomics)

    The equity market has received all the attention recently but evidence that the labour market is coming off the boil arguably matters more to China’s economy. There was a big fall in the ratio of job openings to job seekers in Q2 and slightly fewer new jobs were created in the first half of 2015 than a year before.



    None of this is evidence of major stress and other indicators remain upbeat – for example, migrant wages are still rising at near 10% y/y. But the leadership is aware that economic changes are often only reflected in labour markets with a lag and it is already responding. Alongside broad policy easing, the government has introduced tax breaks for migrants setting up companies, cheap loans for start-ups, a reduction in employers’ social insurance contributions, and tax incentives and subsidies for some firms hiring workers.

    *  *  *

    Finally we have Goldman sounding the alarm for iron ore…




    Prices seen at $49/ton in Q3 2015, $48 in Q4, $46 in Q1 2016 and $44 in Q2 2016, bank says in report.


    “We expect seaborne supply to increase sequentially over the next two quarters and to gradually overwhelm the weak demand from Chinese steel mills,” bank says


    While housing starts in China bounced back and infrastructure has overtaken property as largest end-market for steel, improvement during 2H 2015 may not be strong enough to support iron ore prices, Goldman says

    Not great news for Australia.


  • Charting The Slow, 30-Year Death Of The US Middle Class In A Global Context

    When it comes to the favorable aspects of capitalism, one thing is clear: with the largest concentration of millionaires and billionaires from around the globe, the US is second to none when it comes to letting the entrepreneurial spirit flourish and rewarding it (and letting the rich get even richer).

    Unfortunately, when it comes to the malignant, “crony” aspects of capitalism, the US is also the world’s undisputed leader.

    Because while we have shown previously that over the past 30 years median incomes in the US have barely grown (indicative of a middle class whose income has been largely stagnant for some 35 years), we have never before shown just what how this middle class “stasis” looks like in comparison to other developed nations. Now, thanks to Max Roser and “Our world in Data“, we know. Sadly, in this particular sample of median income growth since 1980, the US is dead last, behind such countries as the UK, Canada and even Spain and France!


    Of course, the chart above does not mean that the entire US population have seen their wealth stuck at virtually the same level in the past 35 years. Only 90% of it. As for the remaining, top 1%, the past 35 years is precisely when the sky became the limit…


    … and perhaps also why, as we wondered previously, there is nothing more hated by the very same 1% who have benefitted the most from the unbridled proliferation of credit money since the advent of the Greenspan regime, than the gold standard.

  • "The Spell Is Broken" In China, Selling Pressure To Remain "Relentless": BofAML

    Just three days ago, we outlined the series of events that ultimately led Beijing to transform China Securities Finance Corp into a half-trillion dollar, state-sponsored margin trading Frankenstein.

    To recap, two weeks ago the PBoC said it was set to inject capital into China Securities Finance Corp., which is effectively a subsidiary of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. “China’s central bank is now underwriting brokerages’ margin lending businesses,” we said, before driving the point home with this: “The PBoC is now in the business of financing leveraged stock buying.”

    Since then, the plunge protection funds channeled through the CSF have ballooned and on Friday, China’s commercial banks agreed to lend another CNY209 billion to the margin finance vehicle. All in, the CSF has around $483 billion in available funds it can use to “support” Chinese stocks. 

    Amusingly, China sounded the all clear on Monday as officials claimed that “timely measures” had arrested (perhaps literally) the panic and restored “order” to the market. If “order” means the conditions which persisted prior to June, then we suppose margin trading that totals nearly 20% of the free float market cap and straight-line, limit up buying is just around the corner.

    China is apparently so confident that three week’s worth of unprecedented (and comically absurd) intervention has stabilized the situation and repaired what we still contend is irreparable damage to the collective psyche of the Chinese retail investor, that the PBoC is set to wind down the CSF’s plunge protection activities just days after several commercial banks pledged billions more in support for the margin lender.

    The CSRC is “studying stock stabilization fund exit plan,” Bloomberg reported on Monday morning, citing Caijing. The market’s response was not favorable:



    Although Chinese stocks closed green after the CSRC said it would “continue to focus on stabilizing [the] market and preventing systemic risks,” it seems clear that China’s unsustainable equity bubble is … well, rather unsustainable without explicit government support.

    That of course is bad news for China in terms of its push to liberalize markets and promote the yuan in international investment and trade by projecting an air of stepped up transparency and market-based reforms. 

    BofAML has more on why Beijing’s attempts to support equities will ultimately fail (note the reference to the “broken spell” which is another way of saying what we said weeks ago about the change in retail investors’ mentaility) and on the negative effect intervention has on China’s international reputation. 

    *  *  *

    From BofAML

    The A-share market may see another leg down within months

    Forces holding up the market may not last long

    In our view, the short-term stability in the A-share market was achieved at the expense of: 1) the government’s reform credentials and 2) the wallets of state-directed entities, including brokers, banks, insurers and the PBoC. Faced with relentless selling pressure, neither of these two can last long, in our opinion. As a result, we expect the market to experience another leg down, possibly within months

    The price for the short-term market stability is heavy.

    Essentially, how the government stabilized the market was by limiting selling activity and then using state-directed money to buy broadly in the market (Table 1, a detailed list of the government’s market-supporting measures since late June). At the peak, roughly half of the A-shares were suspended from trading (Chart 1) and the police heavy-handedly investigated selling activities, especially in the index futures market. Meanwhile, banks may have provided an Rmb2tr credit line, in addition to the PBoC’s lending, to the China Securities Finance Corp (CSFC) for it to buy stocks directly or indirectly. Based on media reports, CSFC had probably spent at least Rmb860bn by Jul 17 to support the market.

    Reform credential is important to the government.

    What happened in recent weeks has made many question the government’s reform resolve. As a result, we believe that the government’s desire to roll back the administrative controls is strong.

    Given the expensive market valuation, the Prisoner’s Dilemma dictates that most state directed buyers may want to stop buying and reduce their stock exposure as soon as possible. That means that the buyer of the last resort will be the PBoC, via direct lending to the CSFC or by underwriting bank loans to the CSFC. If this practice persists for long, it may do the PBoC’s reputation irreversible damage and hurt RMB’s globalization. In addition, loans to the CSFC may crowd out bank lending in the real economy by using up their loan quotas.

    Selling pressure will likely remain relentless.

    Now that the spell is broken, we expect that many holders may want to sell to the forced buyers in the market. In addition, although difficult to assess accurately, due to a lack of data, we estimate that around 1/5 of the free float is still carried on margin. The high margin cost means that selling pressure is high as long as investors do not expect the market to go up significantly.

  • Pay Attention Greece: Puerto Rico Refuses To Pay Creditors Before It Fully Funds Its Citizens' Needs

    While Greece may be “contained” for the time being, the only reason why its creditors were eager to collaborate on an expedited basis with the humiliated Syriza government is because as we noted earlier, of the €7.1 billion bridge loan released to Greece €6.8 billion would promptly be used to repay Greece’s creditors including the ECB for whom an event of default would be unthinkable unlike the IMF.

    The sad part, as we laid out in “The Unspoken Tragedy In The Upcoming Greek Bailout” is that both with the bridge loan(s) and the actual €86 billion (or more) EFSF bailout still to come, the vast majority of funds will be used to repay creditors, and even that wouldn’t be sufficient hence the need to put €50 billion in Greek assets in escrow as a repayment pledge for all incremental overages.

    Said otherwise, very little if anything from Europe’s generous third bailout would actually reach the Greek people yet again (and quite likely there would be a funding deficiency hence the need to sell assets).

    Compare that to the position taken by Puerto Rico today, when its budget director said the commonwealth won’t redirect cash from its operating budget to make debt payments, in the process “ratcheting up the pressure to restructure the island’s $72 billion debt burden” as Bloomberg reports.

    The comments from Luis Cruz, director of the Office of Management and Budget, come as Standard & Poor’s slashed its rating on the Public Finance Corp.’s bonds to CC from CCC-, calling an Aug. 1 default on the securities a “virtual certainty.”

    Puerto Rico has $36.3 million of Public Finance Corp. debt maturing Aug. 1 that needs to be repaid through legislative appropriation and as previously reported, Puerto Rico said last week the agency failed to transfer $36.3 million to a trustee to cover the Aug. 1 debt payment because the legislature didn’t appropriate the funds.

    The junk-rated island must first pay health, security and education expenses, Luis Cruz, director of the Office of Management and Budget, said during a press conference Monday in San Juan.

    “It is the government’s priority to provide public services and we will not be transferring funds from these assignments to pay the debt,” Cruz said.

    “We all know the difficult situation we are facing in terms of cash flow,” Cruz added, “And we have to decide how we handle that cash flow and our priority is to provide services to citizens: health, safety, education.

    Bloomberg adds that last month the island’s legislators approved a budget for the fiscal year that began July 1 that doesn’t include $93.7 million to repay debt-service costs on PFC bonds. “The legislature did create a fund that the Government Development Bank can use to repay debt. The bank, which handles the island’s borrowing deals, must ask the legislature before it can access that money. The legislature doesn’t reconvene again until mid-August, after the bonds mature. Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla doesn’t plan to call a special legislative session to bring lawmakers back earlier to discuss the Aug. 1 payment, Cruz said.”

    David Hitchcock, a S&P analyst in New York, wrote that “A default on the PFC bonds would be further demonstration of increasing unwillingness to pay debt in full and also raises the potential for future unequal treatment between various types of bondholders.”

    And while it would be easy to say that Puerto Rico and Greece are comparable, the reality is that unlike the soon to be default island, Greece truly did have, and still has, a gun to its head, as a result of its unwillingness to prepare for the Plan B it itself was eager to escalate to, namely existing in a world without the financial backing of the ECB which it found the hard way, means capital controls, bank runs, and a paralyzed financial system.

    Which is why Puerto Rico is lucky that its creditors are largely inert entities – mostly municipal funds and a few activist hedge funds – who have no leverage over the island. Which is why PR can default on them without fear of retaliation – surely the US will never throw the commonwealth out of the Dollarzone, whether permanently or “temporarily”, and why Greece can only stand and watch as two case studies emerge: one of an insolvent state which can at least prioritize its own population over the demands of foreign creditors, and another insolvent state, whose creditors can take advantage of the European monetary “union” which for Greece is now a prison, and set any and every demand they want, knowing full well they can crush the local economy all over again with just one ELA-limiting press release.

    In this regard, it is quite clear that Schauble was joking when he offered to trade Greece, which has zero leverage over its creditors (at least until it implements plans for existence outside of the Eurozone) for Puerto Rico, whose creditors have zero leverage over the island.

    Finally, we hope the Greek government is watching and learning, and taking appropriate measures so that it too can, at least once, prioritize its own people’s needs over those of a global banking oligarchy.

  • 42 Billion Reasons Why Putin's Time May Be Running Out

    Russian municipal bond risk is surging once again (at 6-week highs) heading towards crisis-levels as Bloomberg reports numerous regions (including Chukotka – across from Alaska, Belgorod -near Ukraine, and three North Caucus republics) are prompting concerns as debt-to-revenue levels top 100% (144% in the case of Chukotka).

    Risk is on the rise once again…


    The clock is ticking for President Vladimir Putin to defuse a situation he set off in 2012 with decrees to raise social spending. That contributed to a doubling in the debt load of Russia’s more than 80 regions to 2.4 trillion rubles ($42 billion) in the past five years and it all rolls within the next two to three years.


    As Bloomberg details, threats to municipal finances are snowballing as sanctions over Ukraine choke access to capital markets, forcing local governments to fund social outlays with costlier bank loans.

    While regional debt sales are down 53 percent so far this year, Moody’s Investors Service estimates borrowing will grow as much as 25 percent in 2015, driven by spending on health care, education and utilities.


    The squeeze is putting regions in jeopardy. They’re facing “an increasing likelihood of defaults,” S&P warned in June. At least one non-rated local government delayed a principal repayment on a bank loan in the first quarter, it said.


    “A default by a large region could block market access for the Finance Ministry itself,” said Karen Vartapetov, associate director of S&P’s Moscow office. “Right now the federal center has an opportunity to help regions. In three years, there may be fewer resources, while regional debt may be bigger, and that will result in greater risks.”


    Local administrations are running a 625 billion-ruble deficit, up 42 percent from 2014, according to S&P. Seventy-five regions had a budget gap last year, the Higher School of Economics in Moscow said in a May report.

    Even The Russian Central Bank is nervous…

    “Because of the high debt burden, access to market sources of financing may be partly closed for some regions,” it said. “In addition, these regions may have difficulties with refinancing existing debt because banks are becoming more selective in assessing regional risk.”

    Charts: Bloomberg

  • The Case Of China’s Missing Gold

    Following China’s official revelation on Friday that, for the first time since April 2009, it increased its gold holdings by “only” over 600 tons – supposedly in one month, which goes without saying is impossible and confirms how even the PBOC not only cooks its books but is willing to confirm that it does so – many have sprung to ask: what is really going on behind the scenes at the central bank which even Bloomberg’s conservative estimates saw its gold tripling to over 3,510 tons.

    Perhaps the answer is very simple: while many assume that the only reason China revealed (some of) its latest gold holdings is to further bolster its case for admission into the IMF’s Special Drawing Right, the real reason why the PBOC may have resorted to telegraph to the world that it has much more gold is simply to prop up its markets.


    Recall what little-noticed quote Reuters cited on July 3, just as Chinese stocks were plummeting 7% on a daily basis, with index futures halted limit down, and half of Chinese stocks halted from trading:

    The Shanghai Composite Index plummeted more than 7 percent at one point in early trade. It ended the morning session down 3.3 percent at 3.785.6 points, heading for a weekly loss of nearly 10 percent. “This is a stock disaster. If it’s not, what is it?” said Fu Xuejun, strategist at Huarong Securities Co.


    The government must rescue the market, not with empty words, but with real silver and gold,” he said, saying a full-blown market crash would endanger the banking system, hit consumption and trigger social instability.

    Perhaps all the PBOC did was take Fu’s advice, and gently pull the curtain on what its true holdings are for no other reason than to restore confidence in its balance sheet and from there, to stabilize the market.

    Incidentally, this is precisely what we said on Friday when the PBOC stunner hit the wires. Recall what China SAFE’s official explanation was for the unexpected revelation:

    Gold as a special asset, with multiple attributes financial and commodities, together with other assets to help regulate and optimize the overall risk-return characteristics of international reserves portfolio. From the perspective of long-term and strategic perspective, if necessary, dynamically adjusted international reserves portfolio allocation, safety, liquidity and increasing the value of international reserve assets.

    And as we further noted “China had to wait until its stock market was crashing to present the “systemic stability” bazooka: gold. Because in revealing a surge in its gold holdings, the PBOC is hoping to finally provide that final missing link that will boost investor sentiment, and get people buying stocks all over again.”

    And now that the seal has been finally broken after so many years, and since today’s update indicates that Chinese gold numbers are clearly goal-seeked with a specific policy purpose – to boost confidence – we await for the PBOC to start leaking incremental gold holding data every month (and especially in months when the market crashes) which will bring us ever closer to what China’s true gold holdings are.

    So perhaps it is a simple case of revealing the PBOC owns more gold than expected simply to preserve some more confidence after engaging in an unprecedented series of “plunge protecting” events few of which have had much success (at least until threats of outright arrests of sellers emerged).

    Then another potential explanation was offered by Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard who late today quoted Sharps Pixley’s analyst Ross Norman as saying that “the level of gold reserves announced by China massively understates the country’s true holdings. “We think they have at least twice as much, maybe even 4,000 tonnes,” he said. “Sharps Pixley said a “seismic change” is under way in the bullion markets as economic power shifts to the East, boosting gold prices over time.”

    A division of the People’s Liberation Army mines gold and transfers the metal to the Chinese finance ministry, acting outside normal commercial channels. The government also buys gold directly from Chinese producers. This is an internal transaction and is therefore not necessarily recorded in China’s external reserves.

    Then AEP goes on to quote David Marsh, from the monetary forum OMFIF, who said “China would risk unsettling the world gold market if it revealed bullion reserves of 2,000 or 3,000 tonnes. This might be interpreted as an unfriendly move against the dollar at a “delicate time.”

    And from a purely logical standpoint, it would be far more sensible for the PBOC to reveal just a fraction of its gold holdings, whether it was to stabilize its stock market or to boost its chances of SDR admission, than to expose the entire vault, especially if it wanted to buy more: it doesn’t take rocket surgery to realize that one can buy more assets for cheaper, if one is not exposed as amassing a huge position in a given asset.

    So the next question is if China does indeed have more gold than is represented, and if the PBOC is simply exposing its holdings one month at a time for whatever reason (especially since we know the PBOC did not buy 600+ tons in the month of June), then where is this gold “hidden” or, rather, where did all of China’s gold – the thousands of tons both mined domestically and imported over the past five years – go?

    One answer is presented by Louis Cammarasno in the following Smaulgld blog post:

    The Case Of China’s Missing Gold

    • The People’s Bank of China Updates Its Gold Reserve Holdings
    • Chinese Gold reserves jump 604 tons from 1,054 tons last reported in 2009 to 1,658 tons.
    • Many gold observers ask – ‘Is that it’?
    • Since 2009 China has mined over 2,000 tons of gold and imported over 3,300 tons of gold through Hong Kong*.
    • Where did it all go?

    The Case of China’s Missing Gold

    On July 17, 2015, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) updated its gold reserves holdings for the first time since 2009. The PBOC reported adding 604 tons of gold to their reserves bringing the total from 1,054 tons to 1,658 tons.

    The PBOC announcement was widely anticipated as a pre-requisite of China’s application for inclusion in the International Monetary Funds’ (IMF) Special Drawing Rights (“SDRs”).

    China’s announced gold reserves are a respectible amount, but far lower than what many gold observers believe China has.

    1,658 Tons of Gold – Good Enough For the IMF?

    Having large gold reserves are not required to be in the SDR. England is in the SDR and has just over 310 tons of gold.

    We have argued that China’s primary objective is not acceptance into the SDR but rather to establish a viable parallel international financial structure to rival the IMF.

    We think China holds a portion of its gold at the PBOC as reserves with the rest held elsewhere in China.

    The PBOC’s updated gold reserves are five times more than England’s and certainly enough to show the financial heft required for admission to the SDR. The PBOC doesn’t need to report thousands of tons of gold to get into the SDR and they don’t need to upstage their largest single country trading partner, the United States at this point (whose stated gold reserves are 8,135 tons).

    China’s recent update to its gold holdings put it in fifth place among gold holding nations.

    How China Reported The Update to its Gold Reserves

    The PBOC’s addition of more than 600 tons of gold to their reserves showed up as a single entry in June 2015!

    Unlike Russia that reports increases in its gold reserves monthly (that we catalogue here), the PBOC chose to include all of the increase in its gold reserves since 2009 in just one month.

    The People’s Bank of China supposedly added 1,943,000 ounces of gold (approx 600 tons) to its reserves in June.

    How Much Gold is There in China?

    The additional amount of gold that the PBOC reported doesn’t seem to square with publically available reports on the amount of Chinese gold production and imports.

    Chinese Mining Production

    China is now the world’s largest gold mining nation and exports virtually none of it.

    China has produced over 2,000 tons of gold since 2009.

    Chinese Mining Reserves

    There’s plenty more where that came from!

    On June 25, 2015, Zhang Bignan Chairman and Secretary General of the China Gold Association presented this slide at London Bullion Market forum indicating that China’s gold mining reserves were approximately 9,800 tons.

    According to the Chairman and Secretary General of the China Gold Association, China has over 9,800 tons of gold in mining reserves.

    Chinese Gold Imports

    China has also ramped up its gold imports significaly since 2009. From 2010 to May 2015 net Chinese gold imports through Hong Kong were well over 3,300 tons.

    Chinese gold imports through Hong Kong have amounted to over 3,300 tons since 2009.

    *China also imports an undisclosed, but large amount of gold through Shanghai.

    Chinese Gold Trading on the Shanghai Gold Exchange

    In addition to massive gold production and imports, China also operates the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) a major physical gold trading hub. Withdrawals of physical gold on the SGE to date in 2015 are well over 1,200 tons and over 9,000 tons since January 2009.

    Withdrawals of physical gold on the Shanghai Gold Exchange are well over 1,200 tons year to date in 2015.

    Who’s Got the Chinese Gold?

    If Chinese gold mining production and imports through Hong Kong and Shanghai don’t end up at the PBOC, where is it?

    The Chinese People

    A good portion of Chinese gold is with its citizens. The famed gold crazed “Da Ma” or Chinese housewives who buy any dip in gold prices supposedly hold a good portion of the nation’s gold. Some estimate that Chinese citizens hold thousands of tons of gold. One estimate claims Chinese citizens hold 6,000 tons of gold.

    Chinese State Owned Banks

    Perhaps another chunk of the Chinese nation’s gold is held in other state owned banks, not necessarily with the PBOC, such as the Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, China Development Bank and Industrial and Commerical Bank of China all located, like the PBOC, in Beijing, China.

    Chinese Sovereign Wealth Fund

    The China Investment Corporation (CIC), also located in Bejiing, is a sovereign wealth fund responsible for managing part of the People’s Republic of China’s foreign exchange reserves. The CIC has $746.7 billion in assets under management and reports to the State Council of the People’s Republic of China.

    Off Balance Sheet Accounting?

    The CIC lists $225.321 billion in finacial assets and about $3.130 billion of “other assets” on its balance sheet. It’s possible that some of these “assets” are in the form of gold.

    The CIC has three subsidiaries: CIC International (responsible for internatonal equity and bond investments), CIC Capital (direct investments) and Central Huijin (equity investments in Chinese state owned financial institutions and state owned enterprises).

    Central Huijin owns significant equity stakes in each of: Agricultural Bank of China (40.28%), Bank of China (65.52%), China Construction Bank(57.26%), China Development Bank (47.63%) and Industrial and Commerical Bank of China (35.12%).

    For a gold backed Chinese Remnimbi 1,658 tons of gold reserves are insufficient, but for admission to the SDR are perfectly adequate.

    If indeed China holds gold with the CIC and/or with any of the Chinese state owned banks, the PBOC could roll up that gold on to its own balance sheet in order to show more gold reserves quickly and easily in one month with a single entry.

  • Desperate California Farmers Turn To "Water Witches" As Drought Deepens

    You know it's bad when… With most of California experiencing "extreme to exceptional drought," and the crisis now in its fourth year, state officials recently unleashed the first cutback to farmers' water rights since 1977, ordering cities and towns to cut water use by as much as 36%. With the drought showing no sign of letting up any time soon, and the state’s agricultural industry suffering (a recent study by UC Davis projected that the drought would cost California’s economy $2.7 billion in 2015 alone), Yahoo reports farmers have begun desperately turning to "water witches" who "dowse" for water sources using rods and sticks.

    As Yahoo reports,

    With nearly 50 percent of the state in “exceptional drought” — the highest intensity on the scale — and no immediate relief in sight, Californians are increasingly turning to spiritual methods and even magic in their desperation to bring an end to the dry spell. At greatest risk is the state’s central farming valley, a region that provides fully half the nation’s fruit and vegetables. Already, hundreds of thousands of acres have been fallowed, and farmers say if they can’t find water to sustain their remaining crops, the drought could destroy their livelihoods, cause mass unemployment and damage the land in ways that could take decades to recover.

    Meet Vern Tassey…

    Vern Tassey doesn’t advertise. He’s never even had a business card. But here in California’s Central Valley, word has gotten around that he’s a man with “the gift,” and Tassey, a plainspoken, 76-year-old grandfather, has never been busier.



    Farmers call him day and night — some from as far away as the outskirts of San Francisco and even across the state line in Nevada. They ask, sometimes even beg, him to come to their land. “Name your price,” one told him. But Tassey has so far declined. What he does has never been about money, he says, and he prefers to work closer to home.


    And that’s where he was on a recent Wednesday morning, quietly marching along the edge of a bushy orange grove here in the heart of California’s citrus belt, where he’s lived nearly his entire life. Dressed in faded Wranglers, dusty work boots and an old cap, Tassey held in his hands a slender metal rod, which he clutched close to his chest and positioned outward like a sword as he slowly walked along the trees. Suddenly, the rod began to bounce up and down, as if it were possessed, and he quickly paused and scratched a spot in the dirt with his foot before continuing on.


    A few feet away stood the Wollenmans — Guy, his brother Jody and their cousin Tommy — third-generation citrus farmers whose family maintains some of the oldest orange groves in the region. Like so many Central Valley farmers, their legacy is in danger — put at risk by California’s worst drought in decades. The lack of rain and snow runoff from the nearby Sierra Nevada has caused many of their wells to go dry. To save their hundreds of acres of trees, they’ll need to find new, deeper sources of water — and that’s where Tassey comes in.

    *  *  *
    Tassey is what is known as a “water witch,” or a dowser — someone who uses little more than intuition and a rod or a stick to locate underground sources of water. It’s an ancient art that dates back at least to the 1500s — though some dowsers have argued the origins are even earlier, pointing to what they say is Biblical evidence of Moses using a rod to summon water. In California, farmers have been “witching the land” for decades — though the practitioners of this obscure ritual have never been as high profile or as in demand as during the last year.

    It’s an energy of some sort. … Like how some people can run a Ouija board. You either have it or you don’t. You can’t learn how to get it, but if you do have it, you have to learn how to use it,” he said. “It took me years to get my confidence. … At first, you are a bit leery of telling someone they are going to have to go dig a $50,000 hole. What if nothing is there? But over time, I learned to trust.”

    Across the Central Valley, churches are admonishing their parishioners to pray for rain. Native American tribal leaders have been called in to say blessings on the land in hopes that water will come. But perhaps nothing is more unorthodox or popular than the water witches — even though the practice has been scorned by scientists and government officials who say there’s no evidence that water divining, as it is also known, actually works. They’ve dismissed the dowsers’ occasional success as the equivalent of a fortunate roll of the dice — nothing but pure, simple luck. But as the drought is expected to only get worse in coming months, it’s a gamble that many California farmers seem increasingly willing to take.

    *  *  *

    As Gaius Publius (via Down woith Tyranny blog) concludes, here's what's more likely to happen…

    The social contract will break in California and the rest of the Southwest (and don't forget Mexico, which also has water rights from the Colorado and a reason to contest them). This will occur even if the fastest, man-on-the-moon–style conversion to renewables is attempted starting tomorrow.


    This means, the very very rich will take the best for themselves and leave the rest of us to marinate in the consequences — to hang, in other words. (For a French-Saudi example of that, read this. Typical "the rich are always entitled" behavior.) This means war between the industries, regions, classes. The rich didn't get where they are, don't stay where they are, by surrender.


    Government will have to decide between the wealthy and the citizenry. How do you expect that to go?


    Government dithering and the increase in social conflict will delay real solutions until a wake-up moment. Then the real market will kick in — the market for agricultural land and the market for urban property. Both will start to decline in absolute value. If there's a mass awareness moment when all of a sudden people in and out of the Southwest "get it," those markets will collapse. Hedge funds will sell their interests in California agriculture as bad investments; urban populations will level, then shrink; the fountains in Las Vagas and the golf courses in Scottsdale will go brown and dry, collapsing those populations and economies as well.


    Ask yourself — If you were thirty with a small family, would you move to Phoenix or Los Angeles County if the "no water" writing were on the wall and the population declining? Answer: Only if you had to, because land and housing would be suddenly affordable.

    All of which means that the American Southwest has most likely passed a tipping point — over the cliff, but with a long way to the bottom to go.

  • Liquidity Is "Thin To Zero": Worried Bond Managers Shrink Trades, Dodge Cash Markets

    It would be no exaggeration to say that with the exception of Grexit and the spectacular collapse of the Chinese equity bubble, bond market liquidity is now the most talked about subject on Wall Street. The focus on illiquid markets comes years (literally) after the subject was first discussed in these pages, but over the past several months, pundits, analysts, billionaire bankers, and incorrigible corporate raiders alike have weighed in. 

    Make no mistake, the liquidity problem is pervasive (i.e. it exists across markets) and generally stems from a combination of central bank largesse, HFT proliferation, and the (possibly) unintended consequences of the post-crisis regulatory regime. 

    Thus far, illiquidity in Treasury and FX markets has been somewhat of a delicate subject as an honest assessment of the conditions that led to last October’s Treasury flash crash and that help explain similar gyrations in the currency markets invariably entails placing blame squarely with central bankers and algos run amok, and that risks upsetting both the central planning committees that are now in charge of business cycle “management” and the deeply entrenched HFT lobby. 

    As such, discussing illiquid corporate credit markets is easier if you find yourself among polite company. You see, the lack of liquidity in the secondary market for corporate bonds is a somewhat benign discussion because although it unquestionably stems from a noxious combination of regulatory incompetence and irresponsible monetary policy, myopic corporate management teams and the BTFD crowd, not to mention ETF issuers, have also played an outsized role, so there’s no need to lay the blame entirely on the masters of the universe who occupy the Eccles Building and on the “liquidity providing” HFT crowd that’s found regulatory capture to be just as easy as frontrunning. 

    But while explanations for the absence of liquidity vary from market to market, the response is becoming increasingly homogenous. Put simply: market participants are simply moving away from cash markets and into derivatives. Where market depth has disappeared, it’s become increasingly difficult to transact in size without having an outsized effect on prices. This means that for big players – fund managers, for instance – selling into ever thinner secondary markets is a dangerous proposition. And not just for the manager, but for market prices in general.

    In Treasury markets, traders have turned to futures to mitigate illiquidty… 

    while corporate bond fund managers utilize ETFs and other portfolio products to avoid trading the underlying assets…

    With the stage thus set, Bloomberg has more on the move to smaller trades and cash market substitutes:

    Sometimes less is more. At least according to investment managers trying to navigate Europe’s credit markets.


    TwentyFour Asset Management capped a bond fund to new investors at 750 million pounds ($1.2 billion) and JPMorgan Asset Management, which is marketing a 128 million-pound fund, said smaller investments are more flexible in a sell-off. Other managers are also limiting the size of their trades and using derivatives to avoid getting trapped in positions.


    It’s become more difficult to buy and sell securities as Greece’s financial crisis curbs risk taking and dealers scale back trading activity to meet regulations introduced since the financial crisis. The Bank for International Settlements warned of a “liquidity illusion” in June because bond holdings are becoming concentrated in the hands of fund managers as banks pull back.


    “Liquidity is generally poor in corporate bond markets and in the U.K. market it’s thin to zero,” said Mike Parsons, head of U.K. fund sales at JPMorgan Asset Management in London. “You don’t want to be in a gigantic fund where there’s potential for a lot of investors rushing for the exit at the same time. Smaller funds are more nimble.”


    “Without enough strong liquidity, it’s hard to execute bond trades in sufficient size or price to move portfolio risk around quickly or cheaply,” he said. “The bigger the position, the harder it is to find enough liquidity to sell it or buy it.”


    Liquidity in credit markets has dropped about 90 percent since 2006, according to Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc. That’s because dealers are using less of their own money to trade as new regulation makes it less profitable.


    Euro-denominated corporate bonds got an average of 5.3 dealer quotes per trade last week, up from 4.5 recorded in January and compared with a peak of 8.8 in 2009, according to Morgan Stanley data. That’s based on dealer prices compiled by Markit Group Ltd. for bonds in its iBoxx indexes.


    Liquidity is especially bad in the U.K. corporate bond market, which is being abandoned by companies looking to take advantage of lower borrowing costs in euros and investors seeking securities that are easier to buy and sell.


    NN Investment Partners said it seeks to manage difficult trading conditions by diversifying positions and capping trade size. The Netherlands-based asset manager avoids owning large concentrations of a single bond and uses derivatives such as credit-default swaps or futures that are easier to buy and sell, said Hans van Zwol, a portfolio manager.


    “We really want to stay away from positions we can’t get out of,” he said.

    The conundrum here is that the more reluctant market participants are to venture into increasingly illiquid cash markets, the more illiquid those markets become.

    At the end of the day, one is reminded of what Howard Marks’ recently said about ETFs: 

    “[They] can’t be more liquid than the underlying and we know the underlying can be quite illiquid.”


  • Why America's First National Supermarket Chain Just Filed For Bankruptcy, Again

    Back in December 2010, we were “stunned” when we learned that in a what was a clear case of a supermarket chain unable to pass through costs to consumers, the Great Atlantic & Pacific Company (“Great Atlantic”, “A&P” or the “Debtors”), which in 1936 became the first national supermarket chain in the US, would file for bankruptcy adding that “it is ironic that instead of passing through costs supermarkets are instead opting out to default”. Although perhaps even back then it was clear to A&P that the capacity of US consumer to shoulder higher prices is far worse than what the mainstream media would lead everyone to believe.

    Fast forward to last night, when less than five years after its first Chapter 11 filing (and three years after emerging from a bankruptcy in March 2012 as a privately-held company part owned by Ron Burkle’s Yucaipa with a clean balance sheet including $490 million in new debt and equity financing), overnight Great Atlantic, which controls such supermarket brand names as A&P, Waldbaum’s, SuperFresh, Pathmark, Food Basics, The Food Emporium, Best Cellars, and A&P Liquors – filed for repeat bankruptcy, or as it is better known in restructuring folklore, Chapter 22.

    So what happened in the intervening 5 years that caused the company which employes 28,500 workers (93% of whom are members of one of twelve local unions and who are employed by A&P under some 35 separate collective bargaining agreements) to deteriorate so badly that it burned through all of its post (first) petition cash and redefault?

    In one word: unions.

     Because just like in the case of comparable Chapter 22 (and subsequently liquidation) case of Twinkies maker Hostess, so A&P is blaming the unwillingness of its biggest cost center, its employees, to negotiate their way out of what will be an event in which at least half the company’s employees will be laid off.

    Here is the full story, as narrated by Christopher W. McGarry, Great Atlantic’s Chief Restructuring Officer:

    [Great Atlantic is] one of the nation’s oldest leading supermarket and food retailers, operating approximately 300 supermarkets, beer, wine, and liquor stores, combination food and drug stores, and limited assortment food stores across six Northeastern states. The Debtors’ primary retail operations consist of supermarkets operated under a variety of wellknown trade names, or “banners,” including A&P, Waldbaum’s, SuperFresh, Pathmark, Food Basics, The Food Emporium, Best Cellars, and A&P Liquors. The Debtors currently employ approximately 28,500 employees, over 90% of whom are members of one of twelve local unions whose members are employed by the Debtors under the authority of 35 separate collective bargaining agreements (collectively, the “CBAs”). As of February 28, 2015, the Debtors reported total assets of approximately $1.6 billion and total liabilities of approximately $2.3 billion.



    A&P was founded in 1859. By 1878, The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company (A&P)—originally referred to as The Great American Tea Company—had grown to 70 stores. A&P introduced the nation’s first “supermarket”—a 28,125 square foot store in Braddock, Pennsylvania—in 1936 and, by the 1940s, operated at nearly 16,000 locations. The Tengelmann Group of West Germany’s purchase A&P in 1979 precipitated an expansion effort that led to the acquisition of, among others, a number of Stop & Shops in New Jersey, the Kohl’s chain in Wisconsin, and Shopwell. Due to a series of operational and financial obstacles, including high labor costs and fast-changing trends within the grocery industry, by 2006 A&P had reduced its footprint to just over 400.


    In 2008, A&P acquired its largest competitor, Pathmark Stores, Inc., in an effort to continue expanding its brand portfolio and, in doing so, became the largest supermarket chain in the New York City area. A&P continued to experience significant liquidity pressures on account of burdensome supplier contracts, overwhelming labor costs, and other significant legacy obligations. Moreover, A&P had become highly leveraged and was unable to operate as a profitable company.

    Did we mention this is the second Great Atlantic bankruptcy in under five years? Yes, we did.

    This is the Debtors’ second bankruptcy in just five years. A&P previously filed the 2010 Cases seeking to achieve an operational and financial restructuring. The 2010 Cases were difficult and challenging. Unfortunately, despite best efforts and the infusion of more than $500 million in new capital in the 2010 Cases, A&P did not achieve nearly as much as was needed to turn around its business and sustain profitability. For example, during the 2010 Cases, A&P decided against closing approximately 50-60 underperforming stores in their supermarket portfolio in favor of preserving the jobs in those stores. Instead, A&P pursued a financial restructuring and negotiated a reduction in labor and vendor costs to attempt to return these stores to profitability. Those efforts have failed. Similarly, A&P did not seek to address its multi-employer pension and certain other significant legacy obligations. These obligations have been a drain on the Company for the entire post-emergence period. From February 2014 through February 2015, A&P lost more than $300 million.

    Which was more than half of the total exit funding Great Atlantic obtained as part of its first bankruptcy process.  And now comes the blame:

    In addition to their weak performance, the Debtors’ businesses remain plagued by other limitations that have prevented them from operating in an efficient and profitable manner. Among other things, most of the Debtors’ CBAs contain “bumping” provisions that require A&P to conduct layoffs by seniority, i.e., by terminating junior union members before more senior members. Bumping provisions also have an inter-store component: upon the closing of a store, terminated union employees are permitted to take the job of a more junior employee at another store (resulting in the most junior employee at that store losing his or her job). As a result, the closing of one store results in increased salaries—the same high salaries that may have in part precipitated the store closing—being transferred to another (possibly profitable) store. In fact, the Debtors have continued to operate certain stores that regularly operate at a loss because continuing to operate such stores at a loss is less costly to A&P than the bumping costs (combined with other “legacy” costs) that would be triggered by closing such stores.

    It’s not just the unions: A&P takes at least some blame for being unable to properly invest CapEx into growth, instead squandering its cash on unresolved cash drains: look for this excuse to be prevalents during the mass bankruptcies to follow in the next few years when hundreds of companies which are buying back stock now will lament loudly they did not invest in their own future instead.

    The Debtors’ deteriorating financial condition has also been compounded by the fact that, since emerging from the 2010 Cases, their unsustainable cost structure has prevented them from investing sufficiently in their businesses at a pivotal time in the competitive grocery industry, when their peers were investing heavily in new stores and existing store remodels, robust pricing initiatives, and were introducing technological advances and other initiatives to customize and improve the consumer experience. For example, under its plan of reorganization in the 2010 Cases, A&P was projected to invest over $500 million in capital improvements during the ensuing 5-year period. Since emergence, due to insufficient capital and declining operations, among other things, the Debtors have been able to deploy capex at scarcely more than half that rate. As a result, many of the Debtors’ stores have remained outdated and/or underinvested, making it difficult to attract and retain new customers during a crucial time of rebranding and rebuilding

    And then, once the market realized A&P was in dire straits, it didn’t take long for the “JCPenney effect” to materialize and for suppliers to tighten vendor terms, draining the company of even more cash:

    In addition to the historical pressures on their liquidity, as news of the Debtors’ continued financial challenges recently began to permeate throughout the market, a number of the Debtors’ suppliers and vendors began contacting management and demanding changes in payment and credit terms. Certain of the Debtors’ vendors have negotiated reduction in trade terms while others have demanded that the Debtors pay cash in advance as a condition for further deliveries. Although the Debtors have been working diligently with their advisors to resolve open vendor issues and avoid supply chain interruption, the actions taken by these vendors have further diminished the Debtors’ cash position by approximately $24 million in the weeks prior to the Commencement Date. Furthermore, on July 14, 2015, C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc. (“C&S”) – the Debtors’ primary supplier of approximately 65% of all goods – issued a notice of default for non-payment of the $17 million deferred paymen.

    The end result of this escalation of bad management decision and intransigent labor unions: “cash burn rates averaging $14.5 million during the first four periods of Fiscal Year 2015”  which gave the company no choice but “to commence these Chapter 11 Cases as the only viable alternative to avoid a fire sale liquidation of the company.”

    But why not try to do what the company tried in 2010 with its first bankruptcy, and get it right this time? Here is what happened the last time A&P bet on a post-bankruptcy existence:

    Upon emergence from the 2010 Cases, the Debtors had $93.3 million of cash on their balance sheet and were prepared to invest in the growth of their business. In an effort to distance their businesses from the specter of bankruptcy, the Debtors designed and implemented an integrated marketing campaign intended to show customers that they had successfully emerged from bankruptcy and were prepared to move forward by offering highquality, localized products and enhanced services. The campaign entailed temporary price reductions and promotional advertising of the same through print, television, and radio. The Debtors’ investments did not, however, achieve the desired returns. Although the Debtors’ strategy drew more customers to their stores, such efforts were at the expense of margin income and the Debtors were not building productive, long-lasting relationships with their customers.


    The Debtors’ thwarted attempts to attract and retain a new customer base compounded with their lingering legacy obligations drove down sales throughout many of their stores and negatively impacted their bottom line. During the first six months of fiscal year 2012, the Debtors were losing approximately $28 million per month. In an effort to turnaround their businesses, the Debtors’ management team launched a business strategy intended to restore stability and offset increasing post-restructuring liquidity pressures by scaling back the temporary price reductions they had implemented in certain of their stores because such reductions were showing diminishing marginal returns, setting up better controls over cash management, and monetizing a number of their real estate assets. Over a period of six to ten months, the Debtors generated over $200 million in asset sales, including sale leasebacks, while only relinquishing a handful of stores. The proceeds from these sales were used largely to pay down debt, while also giving the businesses with a slim liquidity buffer.


    The Debtors’ business strategy showed signs of success and, by the end of fiscal year 2013, the Debtors had $192 million in cash, EBITDA was in the range of $121 million, and four-wall EBITDA was approximately $228 million. Still, due to the increasing competitive nature of the industry, during the same year, sales were down by 7.6% when compared to the prior year.

    And this was during a period when the US economy was allegedly growing like gangbusters. Still, Yucaipa did not enjoy the prospect of losing its entire investment and pushed the company to sell itself. That did not work out:

    After stabilizing their businesses during fiscal year 2013, the Debtors’ private equity owners began to evaluate potential strategic alternatives and, in Spring 2013, the Debtors retained Credit Suisse AG (“Credit Suisse”) to review such alternatives, including a possible going concern sale of the company. Credit Suisse initiated contact with a number of potential buyers and financial sponsors and marketed an equity-based sale of the company. Although the Credit Suisse marketing process garnered meaningful interest in the Debtors’ assets, the Debtors did not receive a viable offer for the stock of the company. The Debtors and their advisors ultimately determined that selling assets in smaller or one-off sales was not the best way to maximize recoveries and protect the interest of stakeholders, including their thousands of employees. Accordingly, plans to sell the Debtors’ businesses were placed in a state of suspension.

    Right, they were concerned about the thousands of employees, sure.

    In any event, then came the endgame, right at a time when the US recovery had never been stronger if one listens to the propaganda media:

    The Debtors continued to suffer declining revenues. The Debtors showed a net loss of $305 million in Fiscal Year 2014, compared with a net loss of $68 million in Fiscal Year 2013. The Debtors generated a negative EBIT of -1.9% of sales or $105 million in Fiscal Year 2014, compared to a positive EBIT of 1.1% of sales, or $62 million, in Fiscal Year 2013. In 2014, the Debtors experienced a sales decline of approximately 6% when compared with 2013, and the trend continued into 2015.


    The Debtors determined that they may continue to lose up to $10 to 12 million in cash per period during 2015. Additionally, the recent tightening of vendor terms has adversely affected working capital by approximately $24 million. Those situations  would make them unable to maintain sufficient liquidity to meet the minimum cash requirements during 2015. Based on preliminary projections, the Debtors expected EBITDA of approximately $40 to $50 million in the 52 weeks ending February 29, 2016 (“Fiscal Year 2015”). With maintenance capital expenditures (approximately $35 million), higher cash contributions for workers’ compensation payments than expense (approximately $17 million), pension contributions greater than the actuarially-calculated book expenses (approximately $17 million), the tightening of accounts payables terms (approximately $24 million) and an eroding sales base, the company projected it would be unable to satisfy the $38 million in interest and principal due during Fiscal Year 2015.

    So here is the CRO’s summary of the two key factors that precipitated Great Atlantic’s second, and final, bankruptcy. Chief among them: labor unions:

    • Inflexible Collective Bargaining Agreements [aka Unions]. In addition to mandating direct labor costs, the CBAs contain a variety of different work rules that have functioned to hamstring the Debtors’ operations. For example, as stated above, most of the CBAs contain “bumping” provisions that require the Debtors to hire employees from a closed store  location at a different nearby store and replace less senior employees at such store. Because any healthy store in close proximity to a store that is closing must take on the increased costs of retaining more senior level employees, “bumping” costs make it difficult and, in some cases, financially impractical, to close unprofitable stores notwithstanding that such stores continue to strain the Debtors’ balance sheet. For instance, one of the Debtors’ stores in Hackensack, New Jersey loses approximately $4 million per year but, under the applicable CBA, closing that store would require the Debtors to “bump” certain senior employees to a number of nearby stores— increasing labor costs by around $1.5 million per year. Preliminary analysis conducted by the Debtors’ advisors indicates that closing Initial Closing Stores alone could generate bumping costs as high as almost $14.8 million—making it more efficient to keep these stores open, absent relief from such provisions pursuant to the MA& Strategy.
    • Crippling Legacy Costs. Historically, the Debtors’ legacy costs have not been aligned with the operating reality of their  businesses. The Debtor’ labor-related costs make up 17.75% of sales while the total merchandising income before any warehousing/transportation and operating expenses is 35.48% of sales.

    And then there was the usual red herring excuse:

    • Competitive Industry. The Debtors also continue to face competitive pressure within the supermarket industry. For the reasons set forth herein, upon emerging from the 2010 Cases, the Debtors had a diminished capacity to invest in long-term  capital projects. Thus, as the Debtors’ competitors realized new technology platforms, remodeled and enhanced their stores, and implemented localization strategies geared toward tailoring each store to specific neighborhood needs, the Debtors have not been able to invest in creating an operational distinction between their various “banners” and tailor stores to customer needs.

    Which brings us to what happens next to Great Atlantic, which instead of simply throwing more good money after bad and hoping for a different outcome this time, is filing bankruptcy to break all existing labor union collective bargaining agreements (CBAs). Briefly, the company had conducted a pre-petition asset sale process and found that the best it can do is find buyers for just 120 stores, which employ 12,500 employees, for an aggregate purchase price of almost $600 million as part of a Stalking Horse process.

    In other words, one failed acquisition and one failed bankruptcy later, A&P is about to go from 300 supermarkets to at most 120, and over 15,000 workers or well over half of the work force is about to be laid off.

    The irony is that if it wasn’t for unions, it would be something else, like loading up on massive amounts of debt to repay Yucaipa’s equity investment, which would then be unsustainable once rates rose and once interest expense became so high it soaked up all the company’s cash flow (a harbinger of what is coming for the rest of US corporations who have rushed to issued trillions in debt just to pay their shareholders).

    And, sure enough, the Union wasted no time in responding: The United Food and Commercial Workers Union, which represents A&P’s 30,000 employees, called on the company and any potential buyers to “do what is right” for the membership.

    “As difficult as this bankruptcy process is, our message to A&P is a simple one. For the sake of the men and women of A&P, now is the time for A&P and any potential buyers to focus on doing what is right for our hard-working members and their families,” the union said.


    “Our hard-working members are not just employees — they are the heart and soul of these stores. They are committed to their success and determined to make them even stronger. We look forward to working with any company that will do what is right by our members and their families.”


    Addressing the members themselves, the union said, “We understand the uncertainty and concern that this bankruptcy announcement brings. We want our members and their families to know we are here to help in every way we can.”


    The UFCW also said it expects A&P “to stay in business during this bankruptcy process and honor its responsibilities to its employees … The UFCW and UFCW local unions will work hard to ensure that the process for selling stores protects our members’ jobs, working conditions and benefits.


    “We will also hold A&P to its commitments to involve UFCW in the sales process [and] protect union contracts and these good jobs.”

    Good luck.

    In conclusion, one can’t help but wonder if current events that are taking place behind the non-GAAP facade of America’s public companies, what is going on at A&P is far more indicative of the true state of the economy, an economy where due to both legacy constraints, bad management and, naturally, a deteriorating economy for all but the top 1%, the best that companies can do is support at most half their employees… after filing for bankruptcy of course.

    Full A&P affidavit below

  • 95% Of The Real Estate Market In Greece Is "All Cash"

    When PM Alexis Tsipras announced that he was set to put Greece’s creditors’ proposals to a popular vote, lines quickly formed at ATMs despite the fact that the referendum call came after midnight local time. And while the long queues served as a poignant reminder of just how worried the Greek people truly were about the future, the more shocking images surfaced around 24 hours later when the shelves at Greek grocery stores began to resemble those of another socialist paradise: Venezuela. 

    The empty supermarket shelves and long waits at gas stations presaged the acute credit crunch that accompanied the imposition of capital controls. Ultimately, the Greek economy was crippled as vendors, unable to obtain credit from suppliers, faced the possibility that they would have to close the doors if they couldn’t manage to keep the shelves stocked. In short, an economy already in free fall slipped into a terminal decline. 

    There’s quite a bit of disagreement about whether or not more austerity will succeed in returning Greece to growth – some say the situation can only get worse under the terms of the proposed third bailout agreement while creditors insist that the mandated “reforms” are meant to put Greece back on track. Whatever the case, the country remains, for now, stuck in what can only be described as a depression which is why we weren’t entirely surprised to hear that half of Athens’ real estate agents have been forced to close their doors as the property market in Greece is now almost completely dependent upon buyers who can afford to pay cash. Here’s Bloomberg with “a day in the life of a Greek realtor.”

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  • Trump Lead Surges In Polls, Again

    Since last week's FOX News poll, Donald Trump has extended his gains dramatically in the race to be GOP Presidential nominee. According to ABC-Washington Post latest poll, 24% of Republicans prefer Trump (up from 18% last week) with Scott Walker nudging ahead of Jeb Bush. Notably the poll was taken from Thursday to Sunday and so does include some reaction from Trump's McCain comments…



    As Jim Kunstler concluded earlier,

    I’ve proposed for many years that we are all set up to welcome a red-white-and-blue, corn-pone Nazi political savior type. I don’t think Donald Trump is it. But he will be a stalking horse for a far more skillful demagogue when the time comes. There’s a fair chance that the wheels will come off the banking and monetary system well before the 2016 election. Who knows who or what will come out of the woodwork before then.

    *  *  * 

    *  *  *

    Here's Martin Armstrong on the matter


    Trump is hitting very hard, clearly tapping into the emerging anti-establishment politician trend. He bluntly states, “Who do you want negotiating with China? Trump or Bush?” You could expand that to Hillary. Her negotiations amount to how much they are willing to donate to her questionable charity. People setup such charities because they have money to give back TO society, like Bill Gates. The Clintons started their charity when they were broke. Who is the charity really benefiting and why did Hillary shakedown countries as Secretary of State to pile in money to their questionable charity?

    MSNBC keeps trying to focus on Trump’s comments on Mexico. They give him tons of airtime in an attempt to discourage people from voting for him, but they may be creating the exact opposite. Despite what everyone says, he is tapping into the increasingly popular view that everyone is starting to feel, having had enough of politicians, or at least the ones with a brain.

    *  *  *

  • Oil and Coal Indicate the Global Economy is in a Free Fall

    In the US, Coal has become a political hot button. Consequently it is very easy to forget just how important the commodity is to global energy demand. Coal accounts for 40% of global electrical generation. It might be the single most economically sensitive commodity on the planet.


    With that in mind, consider that Coal ENDED a multi-decade bull market back in 2012. In fact, not only did the bull market endbut Coal has erased ALL of the bull market’s gains (the green line represents the pre-bull market low). For all intensive purposes, the last 13 years were a wash.



    Those who believe that the global is in an economic expansion will shrug this off as the result if the US’s shift away from Coal as an energy source. The US accounts for only 15% of global Coal demand. The collapse in Coal prices goes well beyond US changes in energy policy.

    What’s happening in Coal is nothing short of “price discovery” as the commodity moves to align itself with economic reality. In short, the era of “growth” pronounced by Governments and Central Banks around the world ended. The “growth” or “recovery” that followed was nothing but illusion created by fraudulent economic data points.


    We get confirmation of this from Oil.


    For most of the “so called” recovery, Oil gradually moved higher, creating the illusion that the world was returning to economic growth (demand was rising, hence higher prices).



    That blue line could very well represent the “false floor” for the recovery I mentioned earlier. Provided Oil remained above this trendline, the illusion of growth via higher energy demand was firmly in place.


    And then Oil fell nearly 60% from top to bottom in less than six months.



    As was the case for Coal, Oil’s drop was nothing short of a bubble bursting. From 2009 until 2014 Oil’s price was disconnected from economic realities. Then price discovery hit resulting in a massive collapse.


    Moreover, the damage to Oil was extreme. Not only did it collapse 60% in a matter of months. It actually TOOK out the trendline going back to the beginning of the bull market in 1999.


    This is a classic “ending” pattern. Breaking a critical trendline (particularly one that has been in place for several decades) is one thing. Breaking it and then failing to reclaim it during the following bounce is far more damning.


    We’ve just took out this line AGAIN a week or so ago. Oil will be dropping down to $30 per barrel if not lower.


    In short, the era the phony recovery narrative has come unhinged.  We have no entered a cycle of actual price discovery in which financial assets fall to more accurate values. This will eventually result in a stock market crash, very likely within the next 12 months.


    If you've yet to take action to prepare for this, we offer a FREE investment report called the Financial Crisis "Round Two" Survival Guide that outlines simple, easy to follow strategies you can use to not only protect your portfolio from it, but actually produce profits.


    We are making 1,000 copies available for FREE the general public.


    We are currently down to the last 25.


    To pick up yours, swing by….



    Best Regards


  • Martin Armstrong: "Little By Little These People Are Destroying Everything That Made Society Function"

    Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,


    Germany Replacing Bank Cards Eliminating Cash Withdrawals



    The game is afoot to eliminate CASH. We have been informed with reliable sources that in Germany where Maestro was a multi-national debit card service owned by MasterCard that was founded in 1992 is seriously under attack. Maestro cards are obtained from associate banks and can be linked to the card holder’s current account, or they can be prepaid cards.

    Already we find such cards are being cancelled and new debit cards are being issued. Why? The new cards cannot be used at an ATM outside of Germany to obtain cash. Any attempt to get cash can only be as an advance on a credit card.


    Little by little, these people are destroying everything that held the world economy together.

    Their hunt for spare change for tax purposes is undermining every aspect of civilization. This will NEVER END NICELY for they can only think about their immediate needs with no comprehension of the future they are creating.

    Indeed – somebody better pray for us, for those in charge truly do not know what they are doing.


    We serious need to hit the Cntrl-Alt-Delete button on government.

    This is total insanity and we are losing absolutely everything that made society function.

    Once they eliminate CASH, they will have total control over who can buy or sell anything.


  • California Regulators Slap Farmers With Record $1.5 Million "Water-Taking" Fine

    In what seems a lot like a strawman for just how much they can pressure the population, AP reports California water regulators proposed a first-of-its-kind, $1.5 million fine for a group of Central Valley farmers accused of illegally taking water during the drought. This would be the first such fine for holders of California's oldest (most senior) claims to water, and follows suits from the farmers to the government arguing their 'law changes' are illegal.


    As AP reports, the State Water Resources Control Board said the Byron-Bethany Irrigation District in Tracy illegally took water from a pumping plant even after it was warned there wasn't enough water legally available.

    The move by the board was the first against an individual or district with claims to water that are more than a century-old, known as senior water rights holders.


    The action reflects the rising severity of California's four-year drought that has prompted the state to demand cutbacks from those historically sheltered from mandatory conservation.


    The Byron-Bethany district serves farmers in three counties in the agriculture-rich Central Valley and a residential community of 12,000 people relying on water rights dating to 1914.


    District general manager Rick Gilmore said he did not know a penalty was coming and wasn't aware of the details.


    "Perhaps the state water resources control board is not taking into account we purchased supplemental supplies," he said.

    The district has sued the state over the board's June warning to immediately stop taking water because the watershed was running too dry to meet demand.

    Several irrigation districts have filed unresolved legal challenges to stop the curtailments demanded by the state.


    Among them is the West Side Irrigation District, which claimed a victory in a ruling last week by a Sacramento judge who said the state's initial order to stop pumping amounted to an unconstitutional violation of due process rights by not allowing hearings on the cuts.


    Superior Court Judge Shelleyanne Chang also indicated, however, that the water board can advise water rights holders to curtail use and fine them if the agency determines use exceeded the limit.


    West Side is a small district with junior water rights, but the ruling also has implications for larger districts with senior rights.


    West Side's attorney Steven Herum said the order issued Thursday was prompted after the judge sided with his client.


    "It is clear that the cease-and-desist order is retaliatory," Herum said. "It's intended to punish the district."

    The board has sent out more than 9,000 notices across parched California warning there wasn't enough water entitled under rights.

    The water board issued a cease-and-desist order last week against the West Side Irrigation District, also in Tracy, to immediately stop taking water. That district also had filed a lawsuit challenging the board's cuts, but the state denies it's retaliating against the agency.


    Courts have not yet settled the question of whether the board has authority to demand cutbacks from farmers, cities and individuals with California's oldest claims to water.

    *  *  *

    Of course we suspectthe proposed fine will be reduced but it is likley testing the waters with just how much a fine is required to scare the people into not exercising their senior rights to water. But as Gaius Publius (via Down woith Tyranny blog) concludes, here's what's likely to happen next…

    The social contract will break in California and the rest of the Southwest (and don't forget Mexico, which also has water rights from the Colorado and a reason to contest them). This will occur even if the fastest, man-on-the-moon–style conversion to renewables is attempted starting tomorrow.


    This means, the very very rich will take the best for themselves and leave the rest of us to marinate in the consequences — to hang, in other words. (For a French-Saudi example of that, read this. Typical "the rich are always entitled" behavior.) This means war between the industries, regions, classes. The rich didn't get where they are, don't stay where they are, by surrender.


    Government will have to decide between the wealthy and the citizenry. How do you expect that to go?

    *  *  *

    We suspect the tipping point in this situation is looming soon as tensions between the government's tyrannical law changes (albeit due to historic weather conditions) become unbearable for the citizenry.

  • What Happened The Last Time The Mainstream Media Unleashed The Anti-Gold Artillery

    With the mainstream media onslaught against precious metals climaxing this weekend as WSJ's Jason Zweig proclaimed gold "like a pet rock," describing owning gold as "an act of faith," we thought it worthwhile looking back at the last time 'everyone' was slamming gold and entirely enthused by the omnipotence of central bankersMay 4th, 1999 – "Who Needs Gold When We Have Greenspan?"

    Over 16 years ago, The New York Times' Floyd Norris unleashed the last big gold slamming piece topping a period of precious metal bashing…

    Who Needs Gold When We Have Greenspan?


    Is gold on its way to becoming just another commodity? The people who run the world's financial system are doing their best to secure that fate for the metal that once was viewed as the only ''real'' money.


    The process of removing the glitter from gold has been a gradual but inexorable one, and is one of the most telling counters to the argument that national governments are less important in this era of globalization. Much of the world is now quite happy to accept the idea that a greenback backed by Alan Greenspan is just as good as one backed by gold.


    Certainly gold's reputation as a store of value has eroded. At the peak of the gold frenzy in 1980, an ounce of gold cost $873, precisely that day's level of the Dow Jones industrial average. Now the Dow is at 11,014.69, about 38 times higher than the $287.60 price of gold.


    Actually, that measurement understates the amount by which stocks have outperformed gold. If you had owned stocks all those years, you would have received substantial dividends. If you owned a lot of gold, you got no dividends but did have to pay storage fees for the stuff.


    That is, in fact, how the central bankers of the world look at gold these days. Michel Camdessus, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said last week he expected the fund to sell gold for the first time in two decades. The Clinton Administration is pushing for such sales by the I.M.F. to help finance a laudable program to forgive debts owed by very poor countries.


    The money received from the gold sales is to be invested in Government securities that will provide income, and that income will pay off the loans. The implicit assumption is that gold, which does not pay interest, is a lousy investment.


    A couple of weeks ago, the Swiss electorate voted to begin untying the Swiss franc from its gold backing. The Swiss central bank could begin selling gold as early as next year. Once again, the argument was that selling gold was a way to find easy money for good deeds. To those who still view gold as the only real money, having the Swiss defect is a bit like discovering that Rome is embracing Protestantism. It is the last place that should happen.


    But it is happening, and it seems likely that more central banks — like the Australian and Dutch banks — will join those that have already begun selling gold.


    The argument against retaining gold is that its day is past. Once it was useful as a hedge against inflation that would hold its value when paper currencies did not. Now financial markets have their own sophisticated ways, using exotic derivative securities, to hedge against inflation.


    Once gold served as protection for investors against governments that debased their currencies. Now there is plenty of debasing going on — the Brazilian real is down 27 percent this year — but the lesson people have drawn is to believe in the dollar. There is growing support for the idea that all of Latin America should adopt the dollar as a currency.


    Dollarization, as that idea is called, amounts to a sort of a gold standard without gold. There would be a universal money whose value was based not on gold in the vaults, but on the wisdom of Mr. Greenspan and his successors at the Federal Reserve. Few fear that one of those successors might resemble G. William Miller, the Fed chairman in the late 1970's who seemed to have no idea how to slow inflation.


    If the demonetization of gold continues, the price is likely to keep falling as central-bank sales more than offset any increase in demand from jewelers or industrial users. That could change if it turns out that central bankers are not the geniuses they are now deemed to be. But for now, the world believes in Mr. Greenspan and sees little need for gold.

    What happened next? A 650% run over the next 12 years:


    Not to mention a complete about-face by the very same Alan Greenspan:

    Remember what we're looking at. Gold is a currency. It is still, by all evidence, a premier currency. No fiat currency, including the dollar, can match it.



    And the question is, why do central banks put money into an asset which has no rate of return, but cost of storage and insurance and everything else like that, why are they doing that? If you look at the data with a very few exceptions, all of the developed countries have gold reserves. Why?

    As we concluded previously,

    So here's a thought Jason: instead of quoting a Barclays analyst why "a lot of investors have become disillusioned with gold" and why "safe-haven demand hasn’t been strong enough to lift prices, but has only been strong enough to keep them from falling", maybe you can try to figure out why that is the case.


    Start by making a few phone calls to Citi or JPM and find out why their commodity/precious metal derivatives exploded as they did – as can be factually seen in the OCC's Q1 report – at a time when gold has not only not risen following a surge in global risk, but has tumbled to its lowest value since 2010.


    Because that's what actual "reporters" do – they report, something the WSJ may have forgotten.

    It appears the mainstream media's total indoctrination of a narrative handed down by the central bank… in the face of central bank hording of gold – once again shows the desperation of the status quo to keep the dream alive (and suppress any signs of fragility) as The Fed moves to tighten.

    Paraphrasing The New York Times from the 1999 lows in gold,

    If the demonization of gold continues, the price is likely to keep falling as central-bank buys are nmore than offset byu paper manipulation. That could change if it turns out that central bankers are not the geniuses they are now deemed to be. But for now, the world believes in [Mrs. Yellen] and sees little need for gold.

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Today’s News July 20, 2015

  • Governments Worldwide Will Crash the First Week of October … According to 2 Financial Forecasters

    Two well-known financial forecasters claim that virtually all governments worldwide will be hit with a gigantic economic crisis in the first week of October 2015.

    Armstrong Painting
    Martin Armstrong (Click for Larger Image)


    Martin Armstrong is a controversial market analyst who correctly predicted the 1987 crash, the top of the Japanese market, and many other market events … more or less to the day.   Many market timers think that Armstrong is one of the very best.

    (On the other hand, he was jailed for 11 years on allegations of contempt, fraud and an alleged Ponzi scheme. Armstrong’s supporters say the government jailed him on trumped-up charges as a way to try to pressure him into handing over his forecasting program).

    Armstrong has predicted for years that governments worldwide would melt down in a crisis of insolvency and lack of trust starting this October. Specifically, Armstrong predicts that a major cycle will turn on October 1, 2015, shifting investors’ trust from the public sector and governments to the private sector.

    Unlike other bears who predict that the stock market is about to collapse, Armstrong predicts that huge sums of capital will flow from bonds and the Euro into American stocks.  So he predicts a huge bull market in U.S. stocks.

    Edelson Paint Painting
     Larry Edelson (Click for Larger Image)


    Edelson is another long-time student of cycle theory.  (Edelson – a big fan Armstrong – has also studied decades of data from the Foundation for the Study of Cycles.)

    Edelson is predicting the biggest financial crisis in world history – including a collapse of government solvency – will start on October 7, 2015 – the same week as Armstrong’s prediction – when the European Union breaks up.

    Are Armstrong and Edelson right or wrong?

    We don’t have long to wait to test their very public predictions …

  • Chinese Stocks Nosedive After Stabilization Fund Exit Comments

    Just when officials proclaimed Chinese stocks “the safest in the world,” and added that “the stock market rout has been ended by timely measures,” CSRC announces that they are studying an exit plan for the stock stabilization plan… and carnage ensues…



    Even ChiNext has give up its gains…


    We await the “just kiding” denial very soon.

    Chart: Bloomberg

  • Concentrated Wealth + Widespread Stupidity = End Of Democracy

    Authored by Eric Zuesse,

    Today’s America is not a democracy:

    That terrific investigative news report by Paul Blumenthal at Huffington Post, on 9 November 2013, penetrated beyond what the U.S. oligarchy — or more traditionally called aristocracy — requires its dark-money groups to disclose to the Federal Election Commission; and so Blumenthal researched also into what dark-money groups are required to report to the IRS (America’s tax-authorities). 

    This way, Blumenthal was able to discover, for example, that a "dark-money shell game allowed the Wisconsin Club for Growth to influence the elections with both its own ads and those of seemingly unrelated conservative groups with different public agendas. … The trail of cash moving from dark money nonprofit to dark money nonprofit can be traced, in part, through public records of the groups contributing it,” but only by accessing both FEC and IRS public records. And, even then, the picture was incomplete, because the 5-Republican bare majority, on the infamous pro-aristocracy 2010 U.S. Supreme Court Citizens United decision, by five traitors to the U.S. Constitution (which all judges are sworn to protect), prohibits public access to a complete picture of how (like in that Wisconsin election) a few psychopathic billionaires, plus millions of faith-driven fools they sucker with myth-affirming lies, can destroy government of the people, by the people, for the people, and turn it instead into government of the people, by the aristocracy, for the aristocracy. Blumenthal also showed the same billionaires+suckers system replacing democracy in other states. (Today’s Greece is a more extreme case of the same thing. Perhaps what’s today in Greece will betomorrow in America.)

    On 27 August 2012, the Republican commentator, Mike Lofgren, headlined in The American Conservative, “The Revolt of the Rich,” and he dumped upon his fellow conservatives for being now traitors to democracy in America. Anyone who thinks that America is still a democracy, and that the U.S. hasn’t descended into being ruled by the money of billionaire psychopaths in both Parties, needs to see that testimony by this passionate (lower-case “d”) democrat, who "served 16 years on the Republican staff of the House and Senate Budget Committees.” That same month, his stellar book was published: The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted. As one Amazon reader-review of that work accurately describes it: "Throughout the book he tells of some of his interactions with unnamed elected officials, but primarily he focuses on specific people in government … — Republicans like Bush, Cheney, Abramoff, Gingrich, Bachmann, the Koch Brothers; and Democrats like Obama, Rubin and Geithner. (Hint — you don't want to be mentioned in this book.)” Lofgren is refreshingly, sometimes shockingly, honest.

    Lofgren had first gone public earlier, on 3 September 2010, about his abandonment of the Republican Party. He headlined then at truthout, "Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult.” This is how he explained why he had left the Party:

    I left because I was appalled at the headlong rush of Republicans … to embrace policies that are deeply damaging to this country's future; and contemptuous of the feckless, craven incompetence of Democrats in their half-hearted attempts to stop them. And, in truth, I left as an act of rational self-interest. Having gutted private-sector pensions and health benefits as a result of their embrace of outsourcing, union busting and "shareholder value," the GOP now thinks it is only fair that public-sector workers give up their pensions and benefits, too. Hence the intensification of the GOP's decades-long campaign of scorn against government workers. Under the circumstances, it is simply safer to be a current retiree rather than a prospective one.


    If you think Paul Ryan and his Ayn Rand-worshipping colleagues aren't after your Social Security and Medicare, I am here to disabuse you of your naiveté.[5] They will move heaven and earth to force through tax cuts that will so starve the government of revenue that they will be "forced" to make "hard choices" – and that doesn't mean repealing those very same tax cuts, it means cutting the benefits for which you worked. …


    They prefer to rail against those government programs that actually help people. And when a program is too popular to attack directly, like Medicare or Social Security, they prefer to undermine it by feigning an agonized concern about the deficit. That concern, as we shall see, is largely fictitious. Undermining Americans' belief in their own institutions of self-government remains a prime GOP electoral strategy. …


    As for what they really believe, the Republican Party of 2011 believes in three principal tenets I have laid out below. The rest of their platform one may safely dismiss as window dressing:


    1. The GOP cares solely and exclusively about its rich contributors. The party has built a whole catechism on the protection and further enrichment of America's plutocracy. Their caterwauling about deficit and debt is so much eyewash to con the public. …


    2. They worship at the altar of Mars. While the me-too Democrats have set a horrible example of keeping up with the Joneses with respect to waging wars, they can never match GOP stalwarts such as John McCain or Lindsey Graham in their sheer, libidinous enthusiasm for invading other countries. …


    3. Give me that old time religion. Pandering to fundamentalism is a full-time vocation in the GOP. Beginning in the 1970s, religious cranks ceased simply to be a minor public nuisance in this country, and grew into the major element of the Republican rank and file.

    He lambastes today’s Democratic Party for its constant me-tooism. Just consider that the most Republican, pro-aristocratic, international-trade bills ever, are the three, TPP, TTIP, and TISA, that the ‘Democrat,’ Barack Obama, is ramming through into U.S. law, with almost solid Republican support in both the House and the Senate, and with only a minority but just enough Democrats to get them over the line. They will be the worst legislative acts in world history, and they are profoundly anti-democratic and pro-aristocratic (and are being rammed through under an unConstitutional Republican-pushed and aristocratic Democrat-passed 1974 law. But there is no new American Revolution, to throw out those traitors, to end the American Counter-Revolution that started with Richard Nixon (his Trade Act of 1974) and that’s being culminated by the Clintons and now Obama. None of this would happen if millions of Americans weren’t very stupid, very full of faith, not science — they’re accepting a Government that will actually produce hell for their own children, and for all future generations. All of this being done to enrich billionaires today. And, to lock in rule by billionaires in the future. Forget equal opportunity — that’s not what an aristocracy wants; that’s what it blocks.

    Not only billionaires are behind this, however. They couldn’t do it if there weren’t many millions of suckers who vote for their corrupt candidates, in both Parties — candidates on the take, such as Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and all Republican politicians — candidates who speak truth only in private to their sponsors, like Obama did on 27 March 2009 when he told Wall Streeters cloistered in the White House, “I’m not out there to go after you. I’m protecting you. … I’m going to shield you from public and congressional anger. … My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.” He said this to the top financial executives who had overseen frauds that had collapsed America’s and many of the world’s economies. And he fulfilled on that promise to America’s all-time-biggest crooks. But the overt Republican, McCain, was just as much in the aristocracy’s pocket as Obama was. This is what it means to live in an aristocracy, no democracy at all: it’s a type of dictatorship, a dictatorship not only by the richest, but by deception. In that Presidential contest (2008), there was no anti-aristocracy candidate in the general election, and almost all intelligent people voted for Obama because of his lies to the public; they couldn’t be blamed for believing his lies, because (unlike Hillary Clinton) he didn’t have enough of a public record for even intelligent people to know that he’s actually a fascist. And, so, virtually all of the fools voted in that election instead for the man who said, “Bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran.” (They’re dangerous fools; but, in a democracy, even dangerous fools have the right to vote.)

    This is how democracy has died in America. The formula is simple: billionaires + their (and their many clergy’s) suckers = aristocracy. The ‘Kingdom of God on Earth’ is just a front for the billionaires behind the screen, who receive their moral acceptability from preachers of some crackpot Scripture, regardless whether it’s the Bible or Ayn Rand, but preachers bought-and-paid-for all the same, who say “It’s God’s will,” or “They earned it.” The result is, in any case, an aristocratic dictatorship, no sort of authentic democracy whatsoever. And, when even the Democratic candidate has gotten there by a string of lies and no substantive record on which voters can know that his assertions don’t match his real beliefs or commitments, the voters are trapped by the aristocracy: they’ve got nothing else to go on but the aristocracy’s lies, and the aristocratically owned ‘news’ media’s stenographic transmissions of their politicians’ lies to the public.

    That’s how the American Counter-revolution (since 1974) was done. It’s how democracy ended in America.

    The American Revolution (1765-83) overthrew Britain’s aristocracy here. But now, the American people need to overthrow America’s own aristocracy, or else simply accept fascism (rule by an aristocracy). If America, under that condition, will be peaceful, then it can only be the peace of the graveyard — democracy’s graveyard.

    The aristocracy is aiming to lock it in. The situation for democrats is now desperate.

    Fools think that because aristocrats compete with each other, they’re not essentially united against the public. The propaganda by aristocrats is believed, as if looking behind the curtain were some type of no-no.

    Anybody intentionally bringing children into a world like this has to be either an aristocrat, or a fool — or callous. (After all, an aristocrat’s child might be able to be largely insulated from the hell that’s now virtually inevitable to come.)


  • Gold, Precious Metals Flash Crash Following $2.7 Billion Notional Dump

    The last time gold plummeted by just over $30 per ounce (dragging down silver and bitcoin with it) and resulted in a crash so furious it led to a “Velocity Logic” market halt for 10 seconds, was on January 6, 2014. Many said this was just perfectly normal selling, although we explicitly said (and showed) that it was a clear case of an HFT algo gone wild (following an order to do just that and slam all sell stops) when someone manipulated the market and repriced gold substantially lower.

    Precisely one month ago, some 18 months after the incident, the Comex admitted as much, when it blamed the collapse on “unusually large and atypical trading activity by several of the Firm’s customers and caused the mass entry of order messages by Zenfire, which resulted in a disruptive and rapid price movement in the February 2014 Gold Futures market and prompted a Velocity Logic event.” Curiously despite the “errant” order, gold did not rebound because the entire purpose of the selling slam was to reset the prevailing price far lower. This is what the Comex said in Disciplinary action 14-9807-BC:

    Pursuant to an offer of settlement Mirus Futures LLC (“Mirus” or the “Firm”) presented at a hearing on June 16, 2015, in which Mirus neither admitted nor denied the rule violations upon which the penalty is based, a Panel of the COMEX Business Conduct Committee (“BCC”) found that it had jurisdiction over Mirus pursuant to Exchange Rule 418 and that on January 6, 2014, Mirus failed to adequately monitor the operation of its trading platform (Zenfire), and connectivity of its trading system (Zenfire) with Globex. This failure resulted in unusually large and atypical trading activity by several of the Firm’s customers and caused the mass entry of order messages by Zenfire, which resulted in a disruptive and rapid price movement in the February 2014 Gold Futures market and prompted a Velocity Logic event.


    The Panel found that as a result, Mirus violated Rules 432.Q. (Conduct Detrimental to the Exchange) and 432.W.

    We bring this up because moments ago, just before 9:30pm Eastern time or right as China opened for trading, gold (as well as platinum, silver, and virtually all precious metals) flashed crashed when “someone” sold $2.7 billion notional in gold, resulting in a 4.2% or about $50 to just over $1,086/oz, the lowest level since March 2010.







    Once again, as in February 2014 and on various prior cases, the fact that someone meant to take out the entire bid stack reveals that this was not a normal order and price discovery was the last thing on the seller’s mind, but an intentional HFT-induced slam with one purpose: force the sell stops.

    So what caused it?

    The answer is probably irrelevant: it could be another HFT-orchestrated smash a la February 2014, or it could be the BIS’ gold and FX trading desk under Benoit Gilson, or it could be just a massive Chinese commodity financing deal unwind as we schematically showed last March

    … or it could be simply Citigroup, which as we showed earlier this month has now captured the precious metals market via derivatives.


    Whatever the reason, gold just had its biggest flash crash in nearly two years, as a targeted stop hunt launched by the dumping of $2.7 billion notional in product, accelerates the capitulation of the momentum buyers (and in this case sellers) pushing gold to a level not seen almost since 2009.

    The price appears to have rebounded after the initial shock, up about $20 from the intraday low of $1,086 but we expect that to be retested shortly, and for gold to plunge further into triple digits, at which point gold miners will simply cease to produce the metal whose all-in production cost is in the $1100 and higher range, when it will also become clear that only derivatives and “paper” are the marginal “price” setters.

    But perhaps the biggest irony of the night is that moments before the flash crash, the PBOC revised its shocking Friday announcement revealing its gold holdings had increased by 57%. As Bloomberg said:


    Previously, this was said to be 53.31 million ounces or 10,000 ounces lower, confirming China is literally just making up gold inventory “numbers” as it goes along, and clearly buying ever more physical while the price of paper precious metals conveniently plunges ever lower.



    And now:

    One thing is certain: the PBOC will be quite grateful to whoever (or whatever) was the catalyst for the latest and greatest gold flash crash as well.

  • Is Australia The Next Greece?

    Australian consumers are more worried about the medium term outlook than at the peak of the financial crisis, and rightfully so.

    Source: @ANZ_WarrenHogan

    As The Telegraph reports, by the end of the first quarter this year, Australia’s net foreign debt had climbed to a record $955bn, equal to an already unsustainable 60pc of gross domestic product, and is set to rise as RBA's bet that depreciation in the value of the country’s currency would help to offset the decline in its overbearing mining industry hasn’t happened to the extent they would have wished.



    Furthermore, as UBS explains, China's real GDP growth cycles have become an increasingly important driver of Australia's nominal GDP growth this last decade. With iron ore and coal prices plumbing new record lows, a Chinese (real) economy firing on perhaps 1 cyclinder, and equity investors reeling from China's collapse; perhaps the situation facing Australia is more like Greece than many want to admit, as Gina Rinehart, Australia’s richest woman and matriarch of Perth’s Hancock mining dynasty stunned her workers this week: accept a 10% pay cut or face redundancies.



    The government in Canberra and the Reserve Bank of Australia, The Telegraph explains,  had bet that depreciation in the value of the country’s currency would help to offset the decline in its overbearing mining industry. However, that hasn’t happened to the extent they would have wished.

    Last month Gina Rinehart, Australia’s richest woman and matriarch of Perth’s Hancock mining dynasty delivered an unwelcome shock to her workers in Western Australia: accept a possible 10pc pay cut or face the risk of future redundancies.


    Ms Rinehart, whose family have accumulated vast wealth from iron ore mining, has seen her fortune dwindle since commodity prices began their inexorable slide last year. The Australian mining mogul has seen her estimated wealth collapse to around $11bn (£7bn) from a fortune that was thought to be worth around $30bn just three years ago.


    This colossal collapse in wealth is symptomatic of the wider economic problem now facing Australia, which for years has been known as the lucky country due to its preponderance in natural resources such as iron ore, coal and gold. During the boom years of the so-called commodities “super cycle” when China couldn’t buy enough of everything that Australia dug out of the ground, the country’s economy resembled oil-rich Saudi Arabia.


    However, a collapse in iron ore and coal prices coupled with the impact of large international mining companies slashing investment has exposed Australia’s true vulnerability. Just like Saudi Arabia, which is now burning its foreign reserves to compensate for falling oil prices, Australia faces a collapse in export revenue.


    Recently revised figures for April show that the country’s trade deficit with the rest of the world ballooned to a record A$4.14bn (£2bn). That gap between the value of exports and imports is expected to increase as the value of Australia’s most important resources reaches new multi-year lows. Iron ore is now trading at around $50 per tonne, compared with a peak of around $180 per tonne achieved in 2011. Thermal coal has also suffered heavy losses, now trading at around $60 per tonne compared with around $150 per tonne four years ago.


    For an economy which in 2012 depended on resources for 65pc of its total trade in goods and services these dramatic falls in prices are almost impossible to absorb without inflicting wider damage. The drop in foreign currency earnings has seen Australia forced to borrow more in order to maintain government spending.


    The respected Australian economist Stephen Koukoulas recently wrote of the dangers that escalating levels of foreign debt could present for future generations. Could a prolonged period of depressed commodity prices even turn Australia into Asia’s version of Greece, with China being its banker of last resort instead of the European Union.

    As UBS further explains, China's real GDP growth cycles have become an increasingly important driver of Australia's nominal GDP growth this last decade.

     The property-driven slowdown in China's GDP growth is continuing to having a disproportionately large negative impact on Australia's economy. This is because China clearly remains Australia's largest export destination, having peaked at a record high ~? share of total exports last year (equivalent to ~7% of GDP), but more recently retracing sharply to the current 28% share. This reflects the >20%y/y drop in Australia's nominal exports to China in FY15 – which is on track to subtract ~1¼%pts y/y from nominal GDP.


    In contrast, FY14 export values surged 26%y/y, adding 1¼%pts y/y to nominal GDP. Notably, this turnaround entirely reflects collapsing prices, which more than offset surging volumes. (Indeed, this overall fall in export values is despite a boom in Chinese tourism arrivals which are currently growing ~20%y/y.)


    Weak Chinese demand remains a key downside risk for not only Australia's economy but also the RBA & AUD outlook. The weakness in Chinese growth is having the most obvious negative impact on Australia because our basket of exports is (almost) uniquely concentrated in commodities (back down to ~? share), where China is generally the marginal price-setter. Indeed, after iron ore alone reached a 30% share of total Australian exports in 2013, the recent renewed collapse in iron ore prices saw its export share drop back closer to 20%. The price effect has been a key driver behind Australia's terms of trade collapsing by ? since its peak in 2011.


    This negative income shock is weighing heavily on Australia's fiscal position, which has seen its deficit consistently worse than expected over that period; as well as leading to a 'capex cliff', which has seen the RBA cut rates and drag the AUD/USD down to a 6-year low. Indeed, an ABS survey of the outlook for mining investment in FY15/16 implies a ~37% collapse which could directly subtract a massive 2%pts y/y from nominal GDP. As such, weak Chinese demand remains a key downside risk for not only Australia's economy but also the RBA & AUD outlook (with the latter still expected to depreciate further to 0.70USD ahead).

    *  *  *

    As The Telegraph concludes, rather ominously,

    The problem is that Australia, after decades of effort to diversify, is looking ever more like a petrodollar economy of the Middle East, but without the vast horde of foreign currency reserves to fall back on when commodity prices fall.


    Instead, Australians must borrow to maintain the standards of living that the country has become accustomed to, which even some Greeks will admit is unsustainable.

  • Chinese Stocks Drop'n'Pop After Officials Confirm "Stock Market Rout Stopped By Timely Measures"

    With shenanigans in precious metals, investors are rushing back into the safety of Chinese high beta idiotmakers stocks…

    Shanghai Composite Tops 4000 Once again


    One wonders if gold manipulation played a hand…


    After two days of deleveraging and a squeeze into the expiration of CSI-300 Futures pushing Chinese stocks higher, the grandmas and farmers have decided now is an opportune moment to once again start adding margin debt. Who is to blame? Simple – Chinese officials have confirmed that “the stock market rout is over thanks to their timely measures.” Futures opened modestly higher but are fading as the cash open looms…


    Rest assured world…



    And so, after 2 days of rationality, PBOC reports,


    As the Chinese just can’t help themselves…

    CSI-300 hovering flat (China’s S&P 500)

    CHINA FTSE A50 (China’s Dow) lower….


    Finally, here is a brief explanation from Stratfor on the political consequences of China’s stock market collapse:

  • Lies, Damned Lies, & Inflation Statistics

    Submitted by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

    The government released their monthly CPI report this week. Even though it came in at an annualized rate of 3.6%, they and their mouthpieces in the corporate mainstream media dutifully downplayed the uptrend. They can’t let the plebs know the truth. That might upend their economic recovery storyline and put a crimp into their artificial free money, zero interest rate, stock market rally. If they were to admit inflation is rising, the Fed would be forced to raise rates. That is unacceptable in our rigged .01% economy. There are banker bonuses, CEO stock options, corporate stock buyback earnings per share goals and captured politician elections at stake.

    The corporate MSM immediately shifted the focus to the annual CPI figure of 0.1%. That’s right. Your government keepers expect you to believe the prices you pay to live your everyday life have been essentially flat in the last year. Anyone who lives in the real world, not the BLS Bizarro world of models, seasonal adjustments, hedonic adjustments, and substitution adjustments, knows this is a lie. The original concept of CPI was to measure the true cost of maintaining a constant standard of living. It should reflect your true inflation of out of pocket costs to live a daily existence in this country.

    Instead, it has become a manipulated statistic using academic theories as a cover to systematically under-report the true level of inflation. The purpose has been to cut annual cost of living adjustments to Social Security and other government benefits, while over-estimating the true level of GDP. Artificially low inflation figures allow the mega-corporations who control the country to keep wage increases to workers low. Under-reporting the true level of inflation also allows the Federal Reserve to keep their discount rate far lower than it would be in an honest free market. The Wall Street banks, who own and control the Federal Reserve, are free to charge 18% on credit card balances while paying .25% to savers. The manipulation of the CPI benefits the vested interests, impoverishes the masses, and slowly but surely contributes to the destruction of our economic system.

    A deep dive into Table 2 from the BLS reveals some truth and uncovers more lies. Their weighting of everyday living expenditures is warped and purposefully misleading. Let’s look at the annual increases in some food items we might consume in the course of a month, living in this empire of lies:

    • Ground Beef – 10.1%
    • Roast Beef – 11.8%
    • Steak – 11.1%
    • Eggs – 21.8%
    • Chicken – 3.7%
    • Coffee – 3.4%
    • Sugar – 4.2%
    • Candy – 4.6%
    • Snacks – 3.5%
    • Salt & Seasonings – 5.3%
    • Food Away From Home – 3.0%


    Despite these documented increases, the BLS says food inflation only ran at 1.8% in the last year. They show large decreases in pork, seafood, dairy, and vegetable prices. I grocery shop every week. I buy milk, fish, and vegetables and the prices have not fallen. The price of pork products has decreased from all-time highs, but is still well above prices from a few years ago. The BLS fraudulently keeps the food price increase lower by assuming you switch from beef to pork when the price of beef soars. That assumption does not lower the price of food. The assumption essentially builds in a lower standard of living for you in their model of the world. The other ridiculous assumption is the weighting for food eaten away from home. Giving this a weighting of 5.8% is outrageous when everyone knows obese Americans are chowing down at Taco Bell and the millions of other purveyors of toxic food sludge multiple times per day.

    If you are like me, you probably need to live someplace. Food and shelter are the most basic of needs in a society. But according to the BLS they account for less than 50% of your expenses. Let’s examine some shelter related costs to see how badly the BLS is lying in this area:

    • Rent – 3.5%
    • Owner’s Equivalent Rent – 3.0%
    • Insurance – 3.1%
    • Water, Sewer, Trash – 4.7%
    • Household Operations – 3.6%

    There is so much wrong with the BLS data, I don’t know where to start. The rental market has been on fire since 2012. Builders are erecting apartments at a breakneck pace. Independent, non-captured, neutral real estate organizations show rents surging to all time highs, growing by 5.1% on an annual basis. Real rents in the real world have grown by 14% since 2012. The BLS says they’ve grown by 9%. Who do you believe?

    It’s funny how the mysterious owner’s equivalent rent calculation spits out a 3% increase in the last year. National home prices, based on Case Shiller data and NAR data shows prices up between 5% and 10% in the last year and up by 25% since 2012. Mortgage rates have risen to 4% from the low 3% range. Property taxes are soaring across the country as indebted localities rape taxpayers to pay for their gold plated government benefits and pensions. Evidently the BLS just ignores prices, mortgage payments, and real estate taxes when calculating their lies.

    The final outrage is the weighting applied by the BLS to the owners equivalent rent. It accounts for 24% of the CPI calculation, virtually the same as it did in 2007. In case you haven’t noticed, the home ownership rate has plunged to 22 year lows since 2007, as millions of foreclosures booted people out of homes and millions of millennials are so loaded with student loan debt and stuck with low paying Obama jobs that home ownership is a distant dream. How can the BLS continue to weight home ownership at the same level when the percentage of rental units has soared?

    There is no question the BLS should have dramatically increased the weighting of rental housing. In reality, the large increases in rental rates and the surge of rental households reflects a much higher inflation rate than is being reported by the government. The BLS figure is a blatant lie. The recent report from the Center for Housing Studies reveals the falsity of the government reported propaganda. Over 20.7 million renter households (49.0%) pay more than 30% of their income on housing. More than a quarter of all renter households, or 11.2 million, spend more than 50% of their income on housing. The median US renter household earned $32,700 in 2013 and spent $900 per month on housing costs. Renter housing costs are gross rents, which include contract rents and utilities. If the median renter household spends 33% of their income on housing costs how can the BLS give it only a 7.2% weighting in the CPI calculation?

    The Center for Housing Studies report drives a stake into the heart of the manipulated, politically massaged, false data put out by the BLS to keep the masses sedated and their bosses fat, happy and rich:

    Over the span of just 10 years, the share of renters aged 25–34 with cost burdens (paying more than 30 percent of their incomes for housing) increased from 40 percent to 46 percent, while the share with severe burdens (paying more than 50 percent of income) rose from 19 percent to 23 percent. During roughly the same period, the share of renters aged 25–34 with student loan debt jumped from 30 percent in 2004 to 41 percent in 2013, with the average amount of debt up 50 percent, to $30,700.

    The faux journalists in the dying legacy media act baffled by the continued real decline in retail sales when the answer is staring them right in the face. True inflation in essential living expenses combined with declining real wages and increasing debt burdens has left the average household with little or no money to spend.

    The next blatantly manipulated false data is related to healthcare. Let’s peruse some this detailed inflation data:

    • Prescription Drugs – 4.8%
    • Non-Prescription Drugs – Negative 1.6%
    • Medical Equipment – 0.0%
    • Medical Care Services – 2.3%
    • Hospital Services – 3.5%
    • Health Insurance – 0.7%

    Anyone living in the real world knows Obamacare has resulted in a tremendous increase in demand for drugs, medical services, and medical equipment. Health insurance companies, drug companies, drug wholesalers, hospital corporations, and drug stores are reporting record profits as their stock prices hit all-time highs. When was the last time you saw prices drop or stay flat in the healthcare arena?

    It is patently outrageous for the BLS to report an annual health insurance cost increase of a mere 0.7%. The annual cost of employee sponsored health insurance is 6.3% higher than last year, with the employee portion skyrocketing by 8.0% based on real data in the real world. I work for the largest employer in Philadelphia, with the most negotiating clout against insurers, and my portion has gone up by 10% to 20% annually for the last five years. Everyone working for a company has experienced the same or higher increases.

    Even the Obamacare exchanges are seeing double digit premium increases in many states. Studies from Price Waterhouse Coopers and McKinsey found increases in average premiums between 6% and 10% across the country. It takes major cajones for the BLS to report 0.7% health insurance inflation, but their job is not to report factual information. Their job is to keep the ignorant masses ignorant of their plight. The bigger the lie, the more likely it is to be believed. The even more ridiculous aspect to the BLS data is that health insurance is weighted at .75% in the CPI calculation. The median household income in this country is $52,000. Employees are paying approximately $4,000 in health insurance per year on average. That is 7.7% of their income. The BLS weighting is absurd. Using a true inflation rate and true weighting would add at least 2% to the CPI figure.

    Another area that impacts every American every day is transportation. People need to drive or take public transportation in order to live their lives. Here are some more crucial inflation data points from the BLS:

    • New Cars – 1.2%
    • Used Cars – Negative 0.7%
    • Gasoline – Negative 23.3%
    • Vehicle Leasing – Negative 1.1%
    • Vehicle Insurance – 5.1%
    • Parking & Tolls – 2.4%
    • Public Transportation – Negative 3.2%

    So we have near record levels of new auto sales, driven by subprime auto debt and 7 year 0% financing, with average vehicle prices at all-time highs, and the BLS reports prices only went up 1.2% in the last year. Edmunds, the authority in auto data, says prices went up 2.6% in the last year. Do you believe the BLS model or real data from the real world, broken down by automaker and vehicle? The even more ridiculous contention is that used car prices fell. I’ve bought two used cars in the last year and I can attest that prices are not falling. Edmunds reported that used car prices have risen by 7.1% in the last year. Leases as a percentage of total auto sales is also at record levels. Does this really jive with a decrease in leasing expenses? I think not.

    There are 254 million passenger vehicles registered in the United States. We have a record level of auto loan debt totaling $1 trillion and a record level of auto leases. According to Edmunds, the average monthly car payment is $479. That is $5,748 per year. That equals 11% of the median household income. Why would the BLS only give this category a 5.7% weighting? Bankrupt states across the country have been jacking up tolls. The BLS says they went up by 2.4%. My beloved state of Pennsylvania has increased them by 10% per year for the last three years. The BLS says the cost of public transportation is plummeting. Has a Amtrak or any municipal public transportation system EVER reduced fares? Not a chance. They need more revenue to fund the government pensions of their union employees.

    There are a few other categories that might be of interest to you:

    • Banking Fees – 5.9%
    • College Tuition – 3.4%
    • Childcare – 4.3%
    • Sporting Events – 8.8%
    • Pet Care – 3.5%
    • Cigarettes – 2.5%
    • Alcohol Served Away from Home – 4.0%

    Isn’t it delightful that your friendly neighborhood Wall Street bank gets free money from the Fed, charges you 18% on your credit card balance, pays you nothing for your deposits, and then jacks up your bank fees? The relentless inflation in college tuition is being driven by the relentless doling out of student loans by the Federal Government to people who aren’t intellectually capable of completing college level material. The $1.4 trillion of student loans will never be repaid. The taxpayer will be on the hook for hundreds of billions in write-offs.

    To celebrate the near zero inflation reported by your friendly government drones at the BLS take your family of four to a baseball game, spending $160 for tickets, $25 to park your car, $20 for two warm beers, $10 for two sodas, $24 for four hot dogs, and $10 for an order of cheese fries. Make sure you toast Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen and the rest of the Federal Reserve governors who have purposefully reduced the purchasing power of your dollar by 96% over the last century.

    You know your true level of inflation. You know it’s not 0.1%. You know it’s somewhere between 4% and 10%. You know your government is lying to you. You know the captured corporate media perpetuates the lies. You know those in control of the government must lie to keep their Ponzi scheme going. You know they are just following the Edward Bernays playbook. They want you to believe it’s for your own good. Do you think it’s for your own good?

    “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda – 1928

  • Janet Yellen Was Half Right

    Just over a year ago, Janet Yellen did the unthinkable. In a moment of clarity, The Fed called out two darlings of the momentum-chasing euphoria-driven stock buying frenzy for 'special' treatment when Yellen uttered the Cramer-mind-blowing fact that "small cap social media and biotech stock valuations were substantially stretched." It appears, judging by today's market, that she was half right


    The equal-weighted basket of nine social media stocks (Angie's List, Demand Media, Groupon, Jive Software, King Digital, Pandora Media, United Online, Yelp, and Zynga) is down 23% since Yellen's truthiness (underperforming the broad small cap universe by almost 32%). However, Small cap Biotechs have soared rather than stalled – now up almost 89% since The Fed chair's drubbing.


    Of course – she is actually right about both but timing is everything (just ask Greenspan) as small cap biotech valuations move on to be "substantially stretched"-er.


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • How The Fed And Wall Street Are Eating Their Seed Corn

    Submitted by Mark St.Cyr,

    When it comes to the stock market these days the overriding theme you hear from the financial media is “You’ve got to get in.” Another is, “Buy on the dips and average in.” Or, “You can’t profit if you aren’t in it” and more. So many more it would fill its own multi-volume set. However, there was some truth to many of those quips just a few years ago. Today, the amount of hidden reality to the actual destruction of one’s wealth is far more factual than any will let on. Let alone reveal.

    I hear and speak to a lot of entrepreneurs who are absolutely mystified by not only the rise in the markets since the financial crisis in 2008. Rather, what many just can’t wrap their heads around is: “If the markets are a reflection of the economy. Then how in the world did we get up here?”  That line of thought I rendered down to be the overwhelming theme when discussing the current state of business affairs throughout the economy. This confusion is coming from a group of people who at one time would seek out Wall Street aficionados for insight or expertise. Today, they tend more to distrust what they hear. For what they lack in stock market expertise   – they make up in spades with an acutely precise B.S. meter honed by years of business acumen. And many confirm today; it’s off the charts far more than they can ever remember. So much so, as to avoid stepping in any of it – they just avoid it all together.

    At one time entrepreneurs were not only sought out by Wall Street, rather, entrepreneurs did the same in kind. Before the advent of 401K plans and more it was entrepreneurs with the sale of their business, or profits from something else that fueled many a brokerage firms bottom line. And in many cases that relationship did well for both sides. There was true expertise needed to help one navigate the pitfalls of exactly how and where one was to put their money to work (usually a substantial amount such as after a business sale etc.) in relative safety as to finance the remainder of one’s years. Today, not only in much of that expertise gone – so too is the safety.

    There’s probably no better example of this than what transpires at any bank branch today (those that are left that is). Opening a checking or savings account? You used to be incentivized to do so. But what this initial transaction is really designed for today is more along the lines of “a soft opening” to ask…”So, do you have a 401K account elsewhere?” Then the sales pitch is on by some seemingly just out of grad school quota seeking “financial adviser” with an array of pamphlets, jargon, and sales phrases anyone with any financial sense can see through. “Index this… diversify that…dividend paying yields ” and on and on. Along with whatever might be the latest tagline from the financial shows.

    This is the true face of Wall St. today. As much as Wall St. would like to think of itself as it was in the glory days of a Gordon Gekko – that image is long gone. Today, what most people see is nothing more than some recent college grad trying desperately to say anything that might convince one to switch 401K accounts as to possibly make this months quota. For if not they too will have to join the hordes of recently dislocated tellers they once worked with. And the numbers show this to be true because not only is the vast majority not switching – they aren’t even staying, let alone “getting in.”

    Let’s use a few scenarios that are emblematic to the challenges facing the likes of both the recently cashed out entrepreneur as well as a recent retiree of any sorts. I’ll use the dollar amount of $3,000,000.00 ($3MM). To some this may seem high, to others it’s not all that great. However, for many entrepreneurs it’s an amount easily understood as well as feasible. I also use if because it’s a representative amount even Julian Robertson of Tiger Management™ has used to describe the dilemma many entrepreneurs find themselves in with navigating today’s financial morass.

    (The following of course is over simplified, I mean it as such. However, the questions, answers, as well as premise can not be over stated as to their importance.)

    The “buy and hold” strategy. Sounds great, makes perfect sense – unless you can’t hold. Retirement for many means just that: no more working to generate income. Income is now derived via their stock holdings. If one doesn’t sell (e.g., their stocks) – there’s no money to eat. Better to “stay and hold” in one’s business and take their chances rather than try to “cash out” and place their livelihoods (i.e., money) in someone else’s hands. Especially what constitutes as today’s “investment adviser.”


    “Buy stocks that pay out dividends!” Again, sounds great and seems to solve the problem of the above. Problem is, in a stock rout, what’s the first thing companies cut? Dividends. You had just better hope and pray the companies that do cut – aren’t the ones you were sold. Or, you’re now cut out. But not too worry, they say skipping a meal or two here and there is healthy. And that’s what you’ll need to remember when there’s no food on the table because – there’s no “dividend” in the mailbox. I’ll also add: it’s probably safe to assume in another financial rout, the “financial adviser” that sold you those “dividend” plays is no longer employed themselves. So calling them for further “advice” might be more challenging than it is frustrating.


    “Buy the dips!” Sure, there’s only one problem. If there is a “dip” doesn’t that mean the markets lost value? So if one didn’t sell at the heights where is the money to buy on the dip? And if one is selling on the high to fund retirement as to eat and pay bills: That money is now gone. There is no money to now “buy the f’n dip!”


    “A stock market correction of 20% to 30% is a gift to buy great companies that are now on sale!” No. A 20% to 30% market correction is a loss of $600,000.00 to just shy of  $1,000,000.00 of ones net worth. More than likely a “net worth” that was to be “worth” food to eat, and pay living expenses.


    “If you’re nervous about the markets just be diversified.” This line means squat. Diversified as in what? Other markets? Other vehicles? Lot of good that did during the financial crisis of ’08 when everything was going down and coming apart together. And if one believes the markets to be more stable today, and better fortified to withstand another such calamity, even one only half as extreme – I have some beautiful oceanfront property here in Kentucky I’d love to sell you. Cheap!


    Don’t like the “markets?” Don’t worry – you can be safe in bonds. Only problem? Today they pay next to nothing. The bigger problem? Tomorrow they may charge you. All while having to be willing to accept: if you want out sooner than later – it’s gonna cost you a plenty if that sooner is at the wrong time. But don’t worry. It’s not like you need to eat or pay bills anytime sooner or later, right?


    Want to keep your money as safe as possible? “Keep it in liquid instruments such as C.D.’s or savings accounts here at our bank.” Unless of course it’s over $100K. Then depending on the bank not only might you have to pay for the privilege, if they deem you have too much they might ask you to take your money elsewhere. Why? Easy. Your “cash” is now a hindrance that needs to be protected as well as accounted for. And that’s not what a “bank” is in business for any longer. Silly you for thinking “bank” today means anything what “bank” meant in the past.


    “Don’t like banks? Put you’re money in a money market!” Right. Only problem there is after the financial meltdown of 2008 where it was shown a great deal of distress was caused by funds needing to keep 1 for 1 notional values in their cash accounts, it’s now been deemed that pesky thing of trying to preserve someones cash balance was just too hard. So a new rule was implemented where this pesky detail is no longer relevant. Now if your “cash” value in a money market account resembles an equation of cents on the dollar rather than a dollar for a dollar – oh well; it is 2015 after all. And the times – they have a changed. I’ll bet you didn’t even get a toaster when you opened that six or seven figured account. So there should be no need to whine about not having any bread to cook in it. After all it’s no longer even clear when you may gain or regain access to it (if there’s anything left) in another market rout. For any doubts on this just look to the bottom of your latest statement. it’s written right there in black and white. (Just have your 10X magnifying glass at the ready is all I’ll say.)

    I could go on and on, yet I believe, you get the point. Ask just one of the above scenarios to what constitutes a “Wall St. maven” today and I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts you’ll hear more back peddling or more evasive, jargon laced, mumbo-jumbo – it will have you questioning humanity itself let alone just financially.

    What both Wall Street in general as well as the Federal Reserve has wrought is a market so adulterated, so anemic, and so mistrusted the euphemistic “money on the sidelines” has more in common with nursery rhymes than it does with anything reality based. There is no money on the sidelines. Nobody wants “in” to this market. Anyone with half a brain and a modicum of common sense wants out – and the outflow numbers show it still to be true.

    “Buying the right index, diversification, and thinking like a billionaire” is not only nonsensical in today’s marketplace. It can cause one a whole lot of pain when one is unable to fully comprehend as well as separate euphemisms for real world panic and dismay.  All one needs to do is look east to see just how well that type of thinking is doing in China today. For “bubbles” no matter the culture when it comes to one’s money “pop” the same way: First panic – then distrust – then the repeating of another euphemism that sometimes lasts for generations: Never trust a bank or the markets. Never, ever, ever!

  • French President Calls For The Creation Of United States Of Europe

    On Friday, SocGen’s Albert Edwards was confused: when describing the events of last weekend, when Greece seemed on the verge of being “temporarily” exiled from Europe thus confirming once and for all that the Euro is in fact quite reversible, it was not Germany against France, a France whose total government liabilities assure that its countdown to sovereign insolvency is just a few years behind that of Greece…

    … but France alongside Germany, playing the good cop to Schauble’s now traditional “Dr Evil” routine. To wit:

    [what] surprised me over the weekend was France’s position. I was not in any way surprised that Germany was able to gather a huge number of allies to its camp, with its traditional fiscally conservatively minded allies such as Finland, Holland and Austria, as well as many central European governments. I was not even surprised that other countries previously crushed by austerity, Spain, Ireland etc., were firmly in the Germany camp too. But I was really surprised that French authorities did not stand up to say what was happening was unacceptable, unsustainable, and indeed unfair, and that they would have no part of it.


    The reason why I am surprised that France went along with this extreme and humiliating austerity programme – and the effective removal of sovereignty forced on Greece – is simply its own self-interest, for France could itself end up in the firing  line. The problem France will surely find further down the road is that its own debt dynamics and sustainability is also highlyquestionable. Estimates we have used before with calculations for the present value of unfunded liabilities (as a % of GDP) show that actually it is not Spain or Italy that have the worst long-term debt sustainability issues; it is the US and France, and then next in line, surprisingly, Germany.

    We said that we found France’s capitulation “far less surprising: ultimately Hollande’s sole focus was to preserve near-term stability (and his job) at any cost, if only until the 2017 French elections, which he is guaranteed to lose. Even if the French fiscal and solvency situation deteriorates dramatically over the next two years (and it will because as we showed in June, France has now had 80 consecutive months of record unemployment as a result of yet another socialist economic failure), by the time the world wakes up it will be someone else’s problem, most likely that of Marine Le Pen, at which point the only way to resolve the French “problem” will by through the printing of French Francs.”

    Today Bloomberg confirmed just that, when it reported that instead of seeking a mathematical resolution to France’s unsustainable government liability brick wall, Hollande is now likewise prepared to follow in Tsipras’ footsteps and hand over French sovereignty to a German-led European “government” if it means extending the unsustainable French status quo as long as possible. To wit:

    French President Francois Hollande said that the 19 countries using the euro need their own government complete with a budget and parliament to cooperate better and overcome the Greek crisis.


    “Circumstances are leading us to accelerate,” Hollande said in an opinion piece published by the Journal du Dimanche on Sunday. “What threatens us is not too much Europe, but a lack of it.”

    In other words, France just called for the creation of the United States Of Europe, where the dominant power (Germany) is in charge, and where the people of all the smaller, weaker countries, pardon pro forma European states, are merely slaves. See Greece.

    And speaking of Greece, somehow we doubt the insolvent nation, which justt last week just handed over its sovereignty to Germany and Brussels, feels there is a “lack of Europe.

    While the euro zone has a common currency, fiscal and economic policies remain mostly in the hands of each member state. European Central Bank President Mario Draghi made a plea this week for deeper cooperation between the euro members after political squabbles over Greece almost led to a rupture in the single currency.


    Countries in favor of more integration should move ahead, forming an “avant-garde,” Hollande said.


    “Europe has let its institutions weaken and the 28 European Union member countries are struggling to agree to move ahead,” Hollande said on Sunday in a text which was also a homage to his mentor Jacques Delors, a former European Commission President who proposed similar ideas. Draghi called for the creation of a shared treasury within 10 years in a joint proposal with politicians.

    Well, of course Draghi would call for that: after all, the more “globalized” end markets are, and the greater the stock of monetizable debt collateralized by a supergovernment, the greater the profits for Goldman (followed shortly thereafter by a global government controlled by the Inner Party; call it “Oceania” for lack of a better made up word).

    Not to mention that what would happen in Hollande’s “avant-garde” world is that Germany will have achieved its World War II goal of taking over Europe without firing a single shot, with every other country, first Greece now France, and everyone inbetween, handing over its sovereignty to the Bundestag (not to mention to German exporters) to run the show.

    As for Hollande, and his all time low approval rating, his immediate concern is not how to hand over Paris to Berlin, but how to prevent Marine Le Pen aka “Madame Frexit” from taking his seat in two years because as we wrote before the Greek referendum was even announced, “Forget Grexit, “Madame Frexit” Says France Is Next: French Presidential Frontrunner Wants Out Of “Failed” Euro.”

    Greece is now a sideshow even as its economy implodes completely and the country ultimately exits the Euro – the real question is can Germany build on the Hollande momentum to finally implement a Berlin-controlled, Frankfurt-funded “government” before Le Pen crushes the European dream, or nightmare as it is better known in Greece and for the half of Europe’s peripheral youth who are permanently unemployed, once and for all.

  • China Destroyed Its Stock Market In Order To Save It

    Submitted by Patrick Chovanec via,

    During the Vietnam War, surveying the shelled wreckage of Ben Tre, an American officer famously remarked, “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.” His comment came to epitomize the sort of self-defeating “victory” that undoes what it aims to achieve.

    Last week, China destroyed its stock market in order to save it. Faced with a crash in share prices from a bubble of its own making, the Chinese government intervened ruthlessly, and recklessly, to turn those prices around. Its heavy-handed approach seemed to work, for the moment, but only by severely damaging far more important goals and ambitions.

    Prior to the crash, China’s stock market had enjoyed a blissful disconnect from reality. As China’s economy slowed and corporate profits declined, share prices soared, nearly tripling in just 12 months. By the peak, half the companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges were priced above a preposterous 85-times earnings. It was a clear warning flag — one that Chinese regulators encouraged people to ignore. Then reality caught up.

    At first, when prices began to fall, the central bank responded by cutting interest rates and bank reserve requirements — measures to inject more money that had never failed to juice the market. But prices continued to fall. Then the government rallied the major brokerages to form a $19 billion fund to buy shares and waded directly into the market to buy stocks too. A few stocks rose, but most fell even further.

    The relentless crash was intensified by a new factor in Chinese markets: margin lending. Chinese punters were borrowing in large sums, from both brokerages and more shadowy sources — like “umbrella trusts” and peer-to-peer lending websites — to buy shares, with the shares themselves as collateral. At the peak, according to Goldman Sachs, formal margin lending alone accounted for 12 percent of the market float and 3.5 percent of China’s GDP, “easily the highest in the history of global equity markets.” Margin loans served as rocket fuel for the market on its way up, but prices began to fall and borrowers received “margin calls” that forced them to liquidate their positions, pushing prices down further in a kind of death spiral.

    Chinese regulators, who had been trying (ineffectually) to rein in risky margin lending, now suddenly reversed course. They waved rules requiring brokerages to ask for more collateral when stock prices fall and allowed them to accept any kind of asset — including people’s homes — as collateral for stock-buying loans. They also encouraged brokerages to securitize and sell their margin-lending portfolios to the public so that they could go out and make even more loans. All these steps knowingly exposed major financial institutions, and their customers, to much greater risk. Yet no one will borrow if no one is confident enough to buy, and the market continued to fall, wiping out nearly all its gains since the start of the year.

    By this point last week, China’s state media was talking openly of a “war on stocks.” And in that war, China’s leaders chose to employ the nuclear option: In effect, they closed down the market and outlawed selling. As of the morning of July 10, about half of China’s 2,800 listed companies filed to suspend trading. Many of their owners had pledged shares as collateral for corporate and personal loans and were facing margin calls that would cause them to lose control of their companies. Chinese regulators also banned major shareholders from selling any shares for the next six months. Additionally, they directed companies to start buying back their own shares and instructed state-run banks to provide whatever financing was needed.

    But the real turn in the market came when China’s Ministry of Public Security — the no-nonsense tough guys normally tasked with cracking down on political dissent — announced that it would arrest what it called “malicious” short-sellers. It was clear, however, that this meant anyone whose selling (not just “short” selling) interfered with the government’s efforts to boost prices. The announcement cast a chill over the market. I have heard multiple reports of Chinese brokers refusing to accept sell orders for fear of angering the authorities. So when we say China’s stock market stabilized, we need to put quotation marks around the word “market.”

    China’s temporary success at manipulating a share-price rebound has come at a terrible longer-term cost.

    Two years ago, China’s leaders adopted “market forces will be decisive” as the guiding principle behind a much-lauded push for reforms needed to reinvigorate China’s slowing economy. That principle now lies in ashes.

    For years, China has dreamed of Shanghai’s becoming a global financial center. Now, one analyst at the global investment firm Julius Baer told the Financial Times, “confidence in the local Chinese equity market has been shattered and is unlikely to come back anytime soon.” Just a few weeks ago, observers confidently predicted it was “inevitable” that domestic Chinese stocks would soon be added to the major global indices that serve as benchmarks for professional investors. Today, with a mere rump of China’s stock market trading at all, and with investors afraid they will be thrown in prison for selling at the wrong time for the “wrong” price, it’s inconceivable.

    It didn’t have to be this way. Some compare China’s intervention to the U.S. Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), but the difference is striking. TARP didn’t try to stop market prices from falling; it focused on containing the damage. If Chinese authorities identified a large securities firm that was at risk of failing from bad margin loans and stepped in to prevent a chain reaction, that would make more sense — and do a lot less damage — than trying to prop up the entire stock market by fair means and foul. Memories are short, but in 2007, China allowed an equally large stock bubble to collapse without its economy suffering irreparable harm. Caixin, one of China’s most prominent financial magazines, argued recently that this time around, the government “had no reason to intervene” to prevent a much-needed market correction and had grossly overreacted.

    China needs a functioning stock market that allocates investors’ capital to the most promising enterprises. This means prices that aren’t obedient to the whims of the state, or the party. China may have arrested the stock market’s fall by threatening to arrest sellers. But when it did that, it destroyed the town it was trying to save.

  • Russia Unveils "Terminator T-1" Inspired Killer Robots

    The first time Russia’s armed forces demonstrated the Platform-M combat robot was one year ago in mid-June 2014, when in the course of military drills by the Baltic Fleet near Kaliningrad, the robotic combat platforms, armed with grenade launchers and Kalashnikov rifles saw their first action, executing their military missions alongside their live colleagues.


    But what is the Platform-M aside from looking like a very angry, heavily armed version of Wall-E, or a predecessor of the T-1 Series terminator? As explained by RBTH, “the Platform-M is a remote controlled robotic unit on a crawler” one which resembles the protagonist of the 2008 Pixar computer animation WALL-E as well as the original T-1 terminator.

    The Terminator Series T-1

    The affinity between Platform-M and the animated character can also be seen in the robot’s prototype, which appeared on the Russian internet in an animated presentation. In the video, the robotic vehicles, which resemble Platform-M (only on wheels instead of tracks), easily destroy a force of enemy militants armed with NATO weaponry.

    According to some data provided by the Russian military, the Platform-M unit is supplied with “a differentiated defensive chassis and a firing platform and can carry out combative tasks during the night without unmasking instruments.”
    The robot is armed with the famous Kalashnikov rifle made in Izhevsk and four grenade launchers.

    At the Progress Scientific Research Technological Institute of Izhevsk, where it was made, the “crawling creation” was given the following assessment: “Platform-M is a universal combat platform. It is used for gathering intelligence, for discovering and eliminating stationary and mobile targets, for firepower support, for patrolling and for guarding important sites. The unit’s weapons can be guided, it can carry out supportive tasks and it can destroy targets in automatic or semiautomatic control systems; it is supplied with optical-electronic and radio reconnaissance locators.”

    As RBTH adds, Russian robotic technology has existed since the days of the Moon rovers. Back in 1964 the Russian Air Force acquired a system of long-range pilotless photo and radio technological reconnaissance called the DBP-1. This reconnaissance machine, launched from western parts of the country, could carry out its assignments over all of Central and Western Europe.

    In 1973 the Soviet Union initiated the first state scientific and technological program devoted to the creation and implementation of industrial robots. Consequently, by 1985 the USSR had 40 percent of the world’s industrial robots at its disposal, having surpassed the U.S. These units were guided by network-centric principles and artificial intelligence was embedded in the military sphere.

    Still, many had believed that Russia was years behind the envelope when it comes to putting advanced robotic technology on the battlefield. Until today, when a video showcased Russia’s latest military equipment in Sevastopol, ranging from the “Bastion” air defense and anti-ship complexes missile system to sniper rifles and special ops naval guns, also showed none other than the Platform-M combat robot mingling among the population of this most important Crimean city.

    Now all that is needed is for some hacker to penetrate the Platform-M firewall and take control of a small army of these units and then we can finally move the Terminator series into the non-fiction section.

  • Creator Of Internet Privacy Device Silenced: "Effective Immediately We Are Halting Further Development"

    Submitted by Mac Slavo via,


    (Pictured: Proxyham by Benjamin Caudill / Rhino Security Labs)

    Data collection and invasive monitoring of American citizens has been at the forefront of government activities for decades. After revelations by Edward Snowden in recent years, the fringe conspiracy theorists who warned of Big Brother surveillance and had been laughed at by the general population were finally proven right.

    But despite the literal hundreds of thousands of pages of information about government snooping and the Congressional “investigations” that followed, nothing has been done to curb the unabated violations of Americans’ Constitutional rights to be secure in their homes and personal effects.

    Thus, as always, the free market began developing its own solutions. Earlier this year an inventor by the name of Benjamin Caudill announced a device he dubbed the ProxyHam which was going to literally change everything about how those concerned with privacy could connect to the internet:


    Rhino Security Labs via HackRead

    What Caudill had built is a device that would mix up your personal WIFI signal in such a way that no one, not even the National Security Agency, could track down where it originated.

    That, of course, is not something the government wants in the hands of ordinary citizens, and the events of the last week show exactly how dangerous of a device this is to the Big Brother Surveillance State.

    Just hours before Caudill was to reveal a fully-functioning ProxyHam at the DefCon hacking conference his presentation was abruptly cancelled. No reason was given and Caudill posted several cryptic Tweets that left many baffled.

    The device had been disappeared, the company was cancelling production on retail units, and the source code and blueprints would no longer be released to the public.


    Some have suggested that a private business approached Caudill before the conference and made him an offer for retail distribution.

    But the more likely scenario, given what we’re privy to about the device and the government’s incessant need to know everything about everyone, is that someone made Caudill an offer he couldn’t refuse. Hackread explains:

    There’s another possibility of this sudden cancellation i.e. intrusion by the government. Maybe that is the reason why Caudill is not discussing the reason behind this halt. Even though the security firm was “excited” to unveil ProxyHam at Def Con.


    Steve Ragan of CSO Online said:


    Incidents like this give us clear insight into what the goals of government surveillance are. As we noted in 2011, well before the Snowden revelations, everything we do is monitored.

    They want to know everything. They want to monitor everyone. And they will stop at nothing to accomplish their goals.

    But despite these obvious attempts to maintain tight, centralized control over the populace, the hacking community has never been one to just sit back and take it from the tyrants in charge. John McAfee, known for creating one of the first virus security programs for computers, has also been working on a new gadget that would create a “dark web” of interconnected devices designed to shield individuals from government monitoring. The device, according to McAfee would cost less than $100.

    The cat is out of the bag with the ProxyHam and its abilities. It shouldn’t be long before source codes and blueprints for similar gadgets begin appearing on the open market.

    The government can push all it wants. Freedom loving people will always push back.

  • The Complete Guide To ETF Phantom Liquidity

    Two months ago, in “ETF Issuers Quietly Prepare For Meltdown With Billions In Emergency Liquidity,” we outlined the rather disconcerting circumstances that have led some large fund managers to quietly line up emergency liquidity facilities that can be tapped in the event of a sudden retail exodus from bond funds. 

    “The biggest providers of exchange-traded funds, which have been funneling billions of investor dollars into some little-traded corners of the bond market, are bolstering bank credit lines for cash to tap in the event of a market meltdown. Vanguard Group, Guggenheim Investments and First Trust are among U.S. fund companies that have lined up new bank guarantees or expanded ones they already had, recent company filings show,” Reuters reported at the time, in a story we suspect did not get the attention it deserved. 

    At a base level, these precautionary measures are the result of the interplay between central bank policy and the unintended consequences of the post-crisis regulatory regime. ZIRP creates a hunt a for yield and simultaneously incentivizes companies (especially cash strapped companies) to tap the bond market while borrowing costs remain artificially suppressed. Clearly, this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The longer rates on risk free assets remain near, at, or even below zero, the more demand there is for new corporate issuance (the rationale being that at least corporate credit offers some semblance of yield). More demand means rates on corporate credit are driven still lower, and once yields on high grade issues get close to the lower limit, yield-starved investors are then herded into HY.

    All of this supply in the primary market comes at a time when liquidity in the secondary market for corporate credit is non-existent thanks to the shrinking dealer books that resulted from the government’s (maybe) well-meaning attempt to crack down on prop trading. The result: a crowded theatre with a tiny exit.

    This situation has been exacerbated by the proliferation of bond ETFs which have allowed retail investors to pile into corners of the fixed income world where they might not belong. 

    All of the above can be summarized as follows.

    “MF assets too large versus dealer inventories” (via Citi)…

    … clear evidence of “structural damage in corporate bond trading liquidity” (via JP Morgan)…

    … and the rapid growth of bond funds in the post-crisis world (via BIS)…

    So given the above, the question is this: if something were to spook the market – a rate hike cycle for instance, or an October revolver raid on HY energy names, or an exogenous geopolitical shock – causing an exodus from these funds, what would happen to prices if fund managers were suddenly forced to transact in size in an illiquid secondary market in order to meet redemptions?

    “Nothing good”, is the answer. 

    The solution is to avoid selling the underlying bonds – even when investors are selling their shares in the funds.

    But how is this possible? 

    To a certain extent, outflows in one fund can be offset by inflows to another. These “diversifiable flows” are one happy byproduct of the great ETF proliferation. Here’s a refresher on how this works courtesy of Barclays.

    *  *  *

    Portfolio Products Replace Dealer Inventory

    While diversifiable flows limit the risks to portfolio managers in principle, the reality of the high yield market is more complicated. Managers have specific views on tenor, callability, sectors, covenants, and, most importantly, individual credits, such that actually finding buyers for specific bonds can be quite difficult. In the pre-crisis period, dealers ran large inventories that effectively facilitated the netting of flows across funds (Figure 1). A fund with an outflow would sell bonds into the dealer community, and funds with outflows would buy bonds out of the dealer inventory. When inventory is large, the fact that the specific bonds bought and sold did not match was largely irrelevant. Funds with outflows could sell the bonds of their choice, and the funds with inflows could pick investments from the large variety of inventory held by dealers.

    The matching problem has become more acute as dealer inventories have declined. Even funds can net flows in principle, dealers are much less willing to warehouse bonds, and are much more likely to buy only when they believe they can quickly offload the risk. Under this scenario, the fact that flows can theoretically be netted is of little practical use to fund managers – actually netting individual bonds is extremely difficult, particularly in the short time frame required by funds offering daily liquidity to end investors.

    This is where portfolio products come in. Investors can use portfolio products to fund outflows/invest inflows immediately and execute the necessary single-name bond trades over time as liquidity in the underlying bond market allows (Figure 2). In this scenario, funds with inflows and outflows simply exchange portfolio products, sidestepping the immediate need to trade single-name corporate bonds.

    *  *  *

    Ok great, so ETFs provide a kind of “phantom” liquidity if you will. There are two problems with this:

    • It only works when flows are diversifiable. Once flows become unidirectional, it all goes out the window.
    • It makes the underlying markets even more illiquid.

    Here’s how we put it last month in “How Fund Managers Use ETF Phantom Liquidity To Avert A Meltdown“:

    In other words, if I’m a fund manager, the idea that ETFs provide liquidity rests on the assumption that when I experience outflows, someone else will be experiencing inflows and thus I can sell ETFs and avoid offloading my bonds into an illiquid corporate credit market. Put another way: I am depending on new money coming into the market to fund redemptions from previous investors who are exiting the market, all so that I can avoid liquidating assets that are declining in value and that I believe will be difficult to sell. There’s a term for that kind of business. It’s called a ponzi scheme and just like all other ponzi schemes, when the new money dries up (so, for example, when HY bond ETF flows are all headed in the wrong direction), the only way to meet redemptions is to get what I can for the assets I have and when the market for those assets is thin (as the secondary market for corporate credit most certainly is), I may incur substantial losses. 


    Note also that the more often ETFs are used as a way of avoiding the underlying bond market, the more illiquid that market becomes, making the situation still more precarious in the event of a panic.

    So what is a fund manager to do? 

    This is where we come full circle to the emergency liquidity lines mentioned at the outset. In order to avoid tapping the underlying illiquid bond market in a situation where flows are unidirectional, fund managers may instead pay out redemptions in borrowed cash. 

    This is, to quote Citi’s Matt King, “creative destruction destroyed.”

    Only worse.

    That is, this represents the willful delay of a long overdue episode of creative destruction layered atop another delay of the much needed Schumpeterian endgame. Stripping out the metaphysics and philosophy references, that can be translated as follows: this strategy is yet another example of delaying the inevitable. If fund managers are forced to tap these liquidity lines it likely means investors have found a reason to sell en masse and if that reason turns out to be something that permanently impairs the value of the underlying bonds (as opposed to a transitory, irrational panic) then all the funds are doing by borrowing to meet redemptions is employing leverage to stave off the recognition of losses, which is ironically the same thing (in principle anyway) that the companies whose bonds they’re holding have done to stay in business. It’s a delay-and-pray scheme designed to avoid selling the debt of companies whose similar delay-and-pray schemes have run their course. 

    In closing, it’s important to note that no fund manager in the world will be able to line up enough emergency liquidity protection to avoid tapping the corporate credit market in the event of panic selling in the increasingly crowded market for bond funds. 

    In other words, when the exodus comes, the illiquidity that’s been chasing markets for the better part of seven years will finally catch up, and at that point, all bets are officially off.

  • What's Scarce Geopolitically: Stability, Ways To Get Ahead, & Innovation

    Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

    Conserving what is failing is not a path to stability.

    What's in demand but scarce is valuable. This is one of those scale-invariant principles: businesses large and small want what's scarce and in demand, because that's what generates profits.

    What's abundant but not in demand is cheap. What's scarce but not in demand is ignored. Capital, talent and profits flow to whatever is scarce and valued as an engine of wealth creation.

    Geopolitically speaking, tangible assets have self-evident value: seas between your borders and potential enemies, a wealth of natural resources, and so on. But equally important are intangible assets: the human, social and symbolic capital of the people, culture and institutions of the nation.

    What seems scarce in the world is not just a specific tangible asset or intangible form of capital, but a mix that provides stability, ways for average citizens to get ahead and fosters innovations that can quickly spread through the society and economy.

    We could say engines of wealth creation are scarce, but if the wealth isn't distributed somewhat broadly, or the source of the wealth is not innovation but extraction of resources, any stability is temporary or illusory: resources run out, and wealth inequality fuels social and political instability.

    What's exceptional is a mix of assets and attributes that yield the stability needed for for people to get ahead, a playing field that's level enough for people to get ahead, and a culture of innovation, because ultimately only innovation increases productivity, and increasing productivity is the only sustainable source of wealth.

    For example, cheap energy is a gift to its owners and consumers; but eventually cheap energy is consumed and what's left becomes expensive. Innovation is needed to extract more work from the remaining energy.

    There is no one combination that yields Stability, Ways for Everyone to Get Ahead and Innovation; a variety of potentially successful models exist. Resource-poor Japan, for example, has been stable and wealthy for decades, despite a sclerotic economy.

    But as history speeds up and volatility increases, some elements of that mix become increasingly important. Resources that are suddenly unavailable due to weather or crises elsewhere can derail stability, so autarky (self-sufficiency) in key assets starts becoming consequential.

    By default, most institutions are conservative; they avoid rapid changes out of caution. It's a safe bet that what worked in the past will work in the future. But as history speeds up, clinging to "this is the way we've always done it" can become a losing strategy.

    How big is the slice of the culture and economy that spurs and spreads innovation–not just technological innovation, but social innovation? If that slice is tiny, then the society simply doesn't have the capacity to absorb innovations fast enough to change direction. If only 1% of a society and economy are encouraged to innovate, experiment and fail, that tiny slice simply doesn't have the mass to move the 99% in time to avoid instability.

    The Pareto Principle suggests that a minimum 4% of the society/economy must be actively innovating to eventually influence 20% of the society/economy, which then influences 80%. If 20% of a society/economy mutates/adapts rapidly due to the fast cycling of innovation, experimentation and failure, that nation has an exceptional advantage over other societies/economies that lack the ability to respond/adapt to changing circumstances.

    When what's worked for decades no longer works, the ability to find solutions and quickly distribute those solutions will make a profound difference in stability, ways to get ahead and innovation. Innovation disrupts the old ways, and that means some people will lose their jobs. The distribution of opportunity and wealth (ways to get ahead) are as critical as stability and innovation: the society/economy must have mechanisms for enabling those disrupted by change to adjust and find their footing.

    Another way of saying all this is: it's not wealth that counts, it's the engines of wealth creation that count, and the distribution mechanisms for that wealth. Wealth dissipates or is consumed if it isn't renewed; wealth that flows into the hands of the few at the expense of the many triggers instability.

    Those nations with the greatest stability, meritocracy and engines of innovation/dispersal of innovation will naturally attract capital and talent from nations that cannot muster up a mix of capital and attributes that generate Stability, Ways to Get Ahead and Innovation.

    We tend to assume that the key to stability is keeping everything the same, but as history speeds up, stability will require maintaining an active sector of instability that cycles efficiently through innovation, experimentation and failure and rapidly distributes what's faster, better cheaper.

    Conserving what is failing is not a path to stability. As Charles Darwin observed, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most adaptable to change."

  • "The Streets Of Athens Will Fill With Tanks": Kathimerini Reveals Grexit "Black Book" Shocker

    Over the course of six painful months, round after round of fraught negotiations between Greece and its creditors produced all manner of speculation about what a “Grexit” would actually entail. 

    With no precedent to turn to for guidance, mapping out the implications of an exit from the currency bloc was (and still is) a virtually impossible task, but the collective efforts of the sellside, the mainstream media, political analysts, and economists did manage to produce a veritable smorgasbord of diagrams, decision trees, flowcharts, and schematics, in a futile attempt to map the complex interplay of politics, economics, and financial concerns that would invariably follow if Athens decided to finally break off its ill-fated relationship with Brussels.

    And it wasn’t just outside observers drawing up Grexit plans. Despite the fact that EU officials denied the existence of a “Plan B” right up until German FinMin Wolfgang Schaeuble’s “swift time-out” alternative was “leaked” last weekend, no one outside of polite eurocrat circles pretends that a Greek exit wasn’t contemplated all along and indeed Yanis Varoufakis contends that Athens was threatened with capital controls as early as February if it did not acquiesce to creditor demands. 

    Now, in what is perhaps the most shocking revelation yet about what EU officials really thought may happen in the event Greece crashed out of the EMU and unceremoniously reintroduced the drachma, Kathimerini is out with a description of what the Greek daily calls the “Grexit Black Book,” which purportedly contained the suggestion that civil war would breakout in Greece in the event the country was forced out of the currency bloc.

    Here’s more (Google translated):

    On the 13th floor of the building Verlaymont in Brussels, a few meters from the office of the European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, stored in a special security room and in a safe Greece’s exit plan from the Eurozone. There, in a multi-page volume, written in less than a month from 15-member team of the European Commission, answered questions on how to tackle such an outflow, including, as shocking as it may sound, even the possibility of the country out of the Treaty Schengen, and not only being driven outside the euro, but also outside the EU


    According to European official, in that the European Commission Summit already had a bound volume, a multi-page document, which described the Greek prime minister, before the start of the session, by the same Mr. Juncker with all the details of a Grexit , giving him to understand the legal and political context of such a decision. In multipage document in accordance with European official who has the ability to know its contents, there are detailed answers to 200 questions that would arise in case Grexit.


    These questions, as he explains official, are interrelated, as an exit from the euro would create a cascade of events, which would evolve in a relatively short time. From  the drachmopoiisi economy to foreign exchange controls that would take place at the country’s borders and which will ultimately lead at the exit of Greece from the Schengen Treaty.


    The authors of the draft, according to European official, conducted under conditions of absolute secrecy. A special group of 15 people of the European Commission, by direct contact with Greece started to prepare, and was also in direct contact with a number of senior officials and DGs in the European Commission who had expertise in specific areas. The writing of the project started when the expiry date of the program (end of June) was approaching, so it is the Commission prepared for every eventuality, and by the time the referendum was announced, Friday, June 26, the relevant procedures were accelerated. The weekend of the work referendum intensified, so now two days later, Tuesday of that Synod, the project has been finalized.


    According to well-informed source, involved in creating the plan worked “suffer the pain” as typically describe the “K” and “overwhelmed” because they could not believe that things had reached this point, and most of them had direct involvement with the Greek rescue programs. The European Commission also was hoped that even until the last minute solution would be found as members of this group knew better than anyone the consequences exit of Greece from the Eurozone and understand the cost of such a decision. One of those involved with direct knowledge of Greek reality in the critical phase of the training, he said the rest of the group that “if implemented this plan, the streets of Athens will sound tracks of tanks.”

    Sight unseen, it’s not entirely clear what is meant by “will sound the tracks of tanks,” and we assume the suggestion is not that the EU and its constituent member states would somehow seek to orchestrate a military takeover of the Greek state in the event Athens makes the ‘wrong’ decision about EMU membership. 

    Rather, the suggestion seems to be – and again this is simply an interpretation based on the information presented by Kathimerini – that Brussels was of the opinion that the referendum results together with the divergent rhetoric emanating from Greek lawmakers on the right and far-left betrayed the degree to which the Greek people were deeply divided. Although Tsipras’ concessions will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for politics and Greek society in general, it looks as though Brussels feared that the economic malaise that would have resulted from redenomination might have triggered widespread social unrest that would ultimately have to be brought under control by the Greek army. 

    We’ll leave it to readers to determine both the accuracy of our interpretation and the degree to which the “secret” document’s mention of “tanks” represented an accurate assessment of the situation versus yet another attempt to scare Tsipras into capitulating, but one thing is for sure, even mentioning the possibility that “the streets of Athens” will be occupied by the military doesn’t seem like something one “partner” would say to another.

  • Inside Look At US Government Cyber Security

    Do you feel safe?




  • Can You Hear the Fat Lady Singing? – Part I

    By Chris at

    Raoul Pal, author of the Global Macro Investor and the co-founder of Real Vision TV, is one of my favourite thinkers and investment minds. Regrettably I’ve not met him… yet, though I’ve been fortunate enough to meet his business partner Grant Williams, who is both smart, genuine and intellectually curious.

    One of the concepts Raoul discusses is “The Law of Unintended Consequence”. You can and absolutely should go watch it on Real Vision TV!

    The unintended consequences of the very decisions being made right now at a macro level set the stage for some particularly catastrophic outcomes. This relates in particular to Europe and China which I’ll delve into over the next few weeks.

    Global debt

    The chart above shows the incredible increase in global debt since 2000. The bond market, powered by a powerful combination of kryptonite, dilithium crystals and central bankers who have completely misread the market forces is beginning to crack around the edges.

    It’s worth remembering that absolutely no nation has ever survived a debt crisis and it’s equally important to understand that global debt is now about twice the size of the ENTIRE world economy – something the world has never dealt with before.

    Greece with 177% debt to GDP just came dangerously close to exiting the euro. Greeks themselves voted to regain their sovereignty but in the end Tsipras caved in to Eurocrat pressure. For the Eurocrats, an unelected group of intellectually challenged but progressively greedy group of bureaucrats, the last thing they need is citizens of Europe choosing their own outcomes. That would mean a rise of multiple fringe political groups. Greece had to be pulled into line and though it’ll inevitably and finally assist in the downfall of the entire European Union, for now it keeps an increasingly angry Europe glued together… just that little bit longer.

    The release valve for a country at risk of defaulting on its debt is the currency.

    Greece, however, no longer issues its own currency and as such there exists no release valve. Trapped in a deflationary spiral the economy continues to contract: 0.2% in the first quarter of this year following a 0.4% in the last quarter of 2014. When Greece joined the euro, they ceded monetary sovereignty to Brussels, and in doing so stuck a plug in its currency release valve.

    Greece GDP Growth

    Tourism, for example, makes up 18% of Greek GDP and remains relatively uncompetitive since everything is still priced in euros. If Greece threw off the shackles of the euro they’d be printing drachma with abandon, defaulting on their debts, and Germans and Brits would be turning lobster pink on their beaches while overindulging on ouzo.

    As unbalanced as the pink Germans and Brits would be this would allow for a re-balancing of the market. But it isn’t going to happen and Greece will remain in deflation, except it’ll do so now with ever increasing debts. This promises to simply increase the deflationary forces in play and create a much larger problem in the near future.

    These are some of the unintended consequences of the euro and the decisions being made across Europe. This is important since Greece is but one of 19 of the 28 member states officially using the euro.

    Greece is fairly meaningless on its own. It accounts for just 2.5% of European GDP – about the same as Maryland in the US. Inconsequential some say.

    But why Greece matters can be seen from the following chart:

    Debt EU

    Clearly Greece has bedfellows. What happens in Greece has the potential to become a trigger point and poster child for what happens elsewhere in Europe.

    Global capital flows are probably THE most important macro factor we look at.

    Right now we don’t see global capital flows within the EU states quite so clearly since they’re all using the same currency. Where we do see movement is in the spread between Bunds and both other member state bonds but particularly US bonds.

    Gavekal wrote an interesting piece on the topic of the widening spread between German and US bonds here. If you look at the chart below taken from Gavekal you’ll see the widening spread between German Bund’s and the US 10-year bond.


    Bond holders are puking risk and they see risk particularly in European member states debt but they see risk in Europe in general and this includes Germany. This is a clear sign of stress in the system.

    An Asian Example

    The Asian crisis which began in Thailand provides a text book example of how over-indebted economies can unravel with the speed of a bush fire.

    February 5th, 1997, was the date that Somprasong Land, a Thai property developer, announced that it had failed to make a scheduled $3.1 million interest payment on an $80 billion Eurobond loan. Much like the Greeks are now tied to the euro, the Thai baht was pegged to the dollar plugging the currency release valve.

    Currency traders saw the anomalies much like bond traders currently see the anomalies between European countries, and began betting against the baht. The Thai central bank spent $5 billion defending the baht, reducing their currency reserves to $33 billion, before the Thai government bowed to the pressures allowing the baht to float freely. Once this took place the Thai debt bomb blew out as many debts priced in dollars became unpayable and the Baht collapsed.

    Much like Europe of today, the entire Asian region had taken on unsustainable levels of debt and once Thailand had “shown the way” it didn’t take long for a wave of selling hit Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea and Japan.

    Similarly, consider that the Latam crisis in the early 80s was a direct result of the huge dollar bull market. Currency trends tend to be self-reinforcing in nature which is also why they tend to last longer than other market trends.

    This is what Raoul refers to as “unintended consequences”.

    As we’ve detailed in our Dollar Bull Report we believe we’re in a dollar bull market. The reasons for this are many though the largest by far is an unwinding of the USD carry trade, something I explained in “The Anatomy of a Carry Trade Bubble”.

    Credit bubbles and fixed exchange rates never end well. We have the mechanics of both in Europe. Greece is simply a symptom of a much larger problem. Yes, it’s small but that may be missing a more important point.

    Greece matters since the repercussions from what takes place in Greece increase the probability of the following happening:

    • Debt holders, largely German banks, risk having to mark to market existing debt held on their balance sheets at par.
    • Political fringe parties in neighboring European countries will be provided a blueprint to rally political support and exit the euro.
    • Investors noticing all of the above will actively look for the next “ugly girl” to eliminate for the EU popularity contest.
    • High levels of debt historically lead to war. Taking away release valves for this debt increases the probability of war.

    We’re already in a USD bull market and any of the above will only add fuel to this fire.

    Next week I’ll explain how I see this relating to China.

    – Chris


    “Politics is tricky; it cuts both ways. Every time you make a choice, it has unintended consequences.” – Stone Gossard

  • Caught On Tape: Pro Surfer Attacked By Shark On Live TV

    If you thought your day was bad, remember: it can always get worse as pro surfer Mick Fanning found out earlier today when during the final of the World Surfing League’s J-Bay Open in South Africa, he was attacked by a shark.

    Perhaps for the first time ever, the stunning encounter was captured on live TV. But most amazing, after Fanning felt the shark attack, he “punched” the shark in the back, which then promptly lost interest and Fanning got away completely unscathed.

    From CBS:

    “I felt something grab, got stuck in my leg rope, and I instantly just jumped,” a still-shocked Fanning said immediately after the incident. “It just kept coming at my board.”


    The Australian three-time world champion was lifted out of the water by a rescue jet ski mere seconds after the attack, which happened when he was paddling out to catch his first wave.


    “I just saw fins, I didn’t see teeth,” he said. “I was waiting for the teeth to come at me. I punched it in the back.”


    The WSL issued an official statement following the incident: “We are incredibly grateful that no one was seriously injured today. Mick’s composure and quick acting in the face of a terrifying situation was nothing short of heroic and the rapid response of our Water Safety personnel was commendable — they are truly world class at what they do.”


    The competition was canceled following the attack.

    The full dramatic encounter shown here.

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