How A Renewed Korean Conflict Is Going To Be Felt Around The Globe Authored by James Durso via, The United States and the Republic of South Korea have, until now, had identical interests in the Korean peninsula: defending against a North Korean attack on the South, and keeping the North’s regime at bay until …
Category: Economy
Aug 09
Today’s News 9th August 2017
Russia Launches $100 Million Bitcoin-Mining Operation In what some have called a “watershed” moment for bitcoin, Bloomberg reports that a company co-owned by an aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin is seeking to expand Russia’s bitcoin-mining industry, leveraging Russia's cheap energy to rival China as the world’s largest mining market. The company, known as Russian …
Aug 08
Today’s News 8th August 2017
Visualizing How Americans Get Healthcare Coverage With Obamacare firmly in the crosshairs of Republican lawmakers, the debate around U.S. healthcare is at a fever pitch. While there is no shortage of opinions on the best route forward, Visual Capitalist’s Jeff Desjardins points out that the timeliness of the debate also gives us an interesting chance …
Aug 07
Today’s News 7th August 2017
Imperial Folly Brings Russia And Germany Together Authored by Pepe Escobar via, The Empire of Whiners simply can't get enough when it comes to huff, puff and pout as the Empire of Sanctions. With an Orwellian 99% majority that would delight the Kim dynasty in North Korea, the "representative democracy" Capitol Hill has bulldozed its …
Aug 06
Today’s News 6th August 2017
Doug Casey On The End Of The Nation-State Authored by Doug Casey via, There have been a fair number of references to the subject of “phyles” in Casey Research publications over the years. This essay will discuss the topic in detail. Especially how phyles are likely to replace the nation-state, one of mankind’s worst …
Aug 05
Today’s News 5th August 2017
Paul Craig Roberts Warns "Trump Will Now Become The War President" Authored by Paul Craig Roberts, President Trump has been defeated by the military/security complex and forced into continuing the orchestrated and dangerous tensions with Russia. Trump’s defeat has taught the Russians the lesson I have been trying to teach them for years, and that …
Aug 04
Today’s News 4th August 2017
Even Some Allies Fear America While Machiavellian disciples argue that for a leader it's better to be feared than loved, the United States often sees itself as a benign hegemon, holding its shielding hand over the world, ever since she won the Second World War. In fact, as Statista's Dyfed Loesche notes, many people around …
Aug 03
Today’s News 3rd August 2017
Americans Spend The Most For Health Care, Still Die Young The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development just released its latest batch of data seeking to measure the quality of health care in each of its member states. The rankings show that although the US spends more per capita on health care than any of …
Aug 02
Today’s News 2nd August 2017
Sabotaging Russia-US Relations For Good Authored by Federico Pieraccini via The Strategic Culture Foundation, The strategy that the American deep state intends to employ to sabotage once and for all the possibilities of a rapprochement between the United States and Russia has been revealed. After months of debate over the bad state of relations between …
Aug 01
Today’s News 1st August 2017
When In Doubt, Nuke China Authored by Pepe Escobar via Asia Times, A situation in which the US military feels 'unhampered' has precedent – and, as General MacArthur's endeavors in Korea prove, it's something to be afraid of… The current collapse of the unipolar world, with the inexorable emergence of a multipolar framework, has enabled …