World War II was lucrative for the banksters funding both sides, but once again they needed the US to be involved actively. President Franklin D Roosevelt had campaigned for a third term of office in 1940 by pledging to keep America out of what he viewed the European War. In the 1930’s Japan had suffered a crippling recession and in 1931 invaded mainland China and in subsequent years took larger portions of China which was weakened by civil war. In September 1940 Japan became partners with Germany and Italy in the tripartite pact, which pledged mutual assistance should the United States enter the war. The US responded by halting Japan’s importation of petroleum, which amounted to around 90% of Japans needs. On July 2nd 1941 Japan invaded Indochina, the nearest alternative source of fuel. The USA retaliated by freezing all Japanese assets in the US. Roosevelt may have not wanted the US to enter the war, but the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) already were planning for war. In 1940 the CFR released a “War and peace studies project” declaring that “the United States should immediately declare that a state of war exists between this country and Germany”.
A 1940 gallup poll showed that 83% of the US public was still against intervention, so a good pretext had to be found to change their minds. Whilst proclaiming neutrality, Roosevelt sent warships and munitions to Britain, he ordered the occupation of Iceland to close it off to the Germans and authorised attacks on U-boats. He also approved loans to Japans enemy, nationalist China. Much of this was in violation of international war rules and was guaranteed to provoke the Axis powers.
On November 26th 1941 the Germans in Holland intercepted a private phone conversation between Churchill and Roosevelt. Churchill informed Roosevelt of a missing Japanese fleet and stated “I can assure you their goal is the fleet in Hawaii, at Pearl Harbour”. On December 4th Australian intelligence reported sighting the missing Japanese task force, including 6 aircraft carriers, moving toward Pearl Harbour but Roosevelt dismissed it as a rumour begun by pro-war Republicans.
On 7th December Japanese forces attacked Pearl harbour leaving 2,400 Americans dead, 1,200 wounded, four battleships sunk and a further three badly damaged, and many other smaller vessels and hundreds of aircraft destroyed. The following day Roosevelt addressed the US congress and America declared war. Roosevelt commissioned the Roberts commission who concluded a dereliction of duty on Pearl Harbour commanders.
The Problem: How do we get the USA to enter the war?
Thesis – Japan attacks US pacific fleet at Pearl Harbour
Antithesis – Public outcry, demanding action
Synthesis – US declares war