Today’s News November 22, 2015

  • US, French Aircraft Carriers Rush Toward Syrian Coast To Find Numerous Russian Warships Already There

    Two weeks ago, on November 5, and one week before the Paris terrorist attack, we reported that somewhat unexpectedly, France had dispatched its only aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle, to “the eastern Mediterranean for operations against Isis in both Syria and Iraq.”

    It was unclear just what these pre-emptive operations would be and why France is getting so dramatically involved in the campaign against ISIS. Not knowing the dramatic attack that was about to unfold (whose false flag origins have been quickly ignored as nobody has yet explained why a fake Syrian passport was found next to the suicide bomber), we speculated that this move had to do with the departure of the CVN-71 Theodore Roosevelt which had left the Persian Gulf region a month ago, leaving the entire 5th Naval Fleet without a US carrier presence for the first time in a decade.

    One week later, we found out that Paris may have had an advance hint of what was about to unfold when on the night of Friday 13 it all fell into place.

    But with the French aircraft carrier full steam ahead toward the Syrian coast, the US could not afford to leave the airborne defense of the region to the French, so it did what was just a matter of time: it weighed anchor on the CVN-75, Harry Truman which was deployed toward the Middle East where according to the Daily Press it will “fight the Islamic State.”

    USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) Deploys from Norfolk, Va. from on Vimeo.

    According to the Press, “the Truman is expected to reach the Persian Gulf before the year’s end. The U.S. has been launching air strikes into Iraq and Syria from aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf — at least until last month, when the USS Theodore Roosevelt left the area after an extended deployment. The two-month gap is the first in nearly a decade that the U.S. has had no carrier in the region.”

    While the Truman’s departure date was set more than a year ago, it came about six months earlier than first planned. In October 2014, it was announced that the ship would switch deployment cycles with the Norfolk-based USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, which required an additional 10 months in the shipyard.

    As the Navy Times reports, “there were no immediate changes to deployment orders as a result of Friday’s terror attacks, but there is great resolve among the sailors to support their French allies, said Capt. Ryan Scholl, Truman’s skipper. Scholl said his crew is ready to bring peace or “violent destruction.

    Something tells us it will be the latter.

    Once again, here is the ETA: Carrier Theodore Roosevelt left 5th Fleet in mid-October, leaving that region without a carrier until the Truman CSG gets there, which should be about six weeks, or just around the New Year.

    Then again, according to the latest Stratfor naval map, the Truman is already approaching Gibraltar. If accurate, it means the carrier will be next to Syria in a couple of weeks tops.

    Scholl offered assurance to coalition and U.S. forces still in the fight across Syria and Iraq as part of Operation Inherent Resolve.

    “The Harry S. Truman battle group will be there in due time and execute our mission successfully,” he said. “We hope that brings some peace of mind to the people that are out there, both our coalition partners as well as our troops on the ground, and it brings a hard-to-swallow, deliberate pause in our enemy.”

    Where things get very interesting is what the Navy Times says next:

    ISIS is not the only challenge that awaits the flotilla, which includes the cruiser Anzio, Carrier Wing Air 7, and destroyers Bulkeley, Gravely and Gonzalez. Russian, Chinese and Iranian marines have established their presence in Syria, and Russian warships from the Black Sea have relocated to the eastern Mediterranean to protect fighter jets conducting airstrikes in support of Syria’s Assad regime. In preparation, the strike group’s Composite Training Unit Exercise focused on adversaries that more closely resembled those of the Cold War.

    Russians and Iranians we knew about, but Chinese? Does the US Navy know something that has not been made public previously?

    While we await the answer, what we do know is that suddenly the east Mediterranean is about to become a warship and aircraft carrier parking lot, with the Truman and de Gaulle side by side, just as we predicted it would be a month ago when we said that the summer of 2013 naval scenario is unfolding once again.

    Then there are the Russians. Here’s the latest from Tass:

    Ten ships of the Russian Navy are involved in the anti-terrorism operation in Syria, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told President Vladimir Putin on Friday.


    “The naval group comprises ten ships, six of them are in the Mediterranean,” the minister said.


    Shoigu said the Caspian Flotilla warships on Friday launched 18 cruise missiles at terrorist positions in Syria hitting seven targets.


    “On November 20, the Caspian Flotilla warships launched 18 cruise missiles at seven targets in the Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo provinces of Syria. All the targets were hit,” Shoigu said.

    As we said: busy, and it’s only going to get busier.

    But the punchline is Russia is already treating the Syrian coastline as its own playground, and has imposed explicit no fly zones in the eastern Mediterranean as the following tweet reveals:

    What happens when both the French and the US navies, both packing dozens of airplanes, arrive and convert the Mediterranean off the Syrian coast into one big warship parking lot.

    We can only hope that the sudden confluence of goodwill and best intentions by the superpowers to crush ISIS is genuine instead of merely a ploy to get everyone in the same place and result in the biggest ever Gulf of Tonkin redux and an “accidental” sinking of one or more ships… with or without a fake Syrian passport planted next to it.

  • "Barrel Bombs" And Bullshit: The Tangled Threads Of Washington Lies About Syria And Russia

    Submitted by Robert Parry via,

    One way to view Official Washington is to envision a giant bubble that serves as a hothouse for growing genetically modified “group thinks.” Most inhabitants of the bubble praise these creations as glorious and beyond reproach, but a few dissenters note how strange and dangerous these products are. Those critics, however, are then banished from the bubble, leaving behind an evermore concentrated consensus.

    This process could be almost comical – as the many armchair warriors repeat What Everyone Knows to Be True as self-justifying proof that more and more wars and confrontations are needed – but the United States is the most powerful nation on earth and its fallacious “group thinks” are spreading a widening arc of chaos and death around the globe.

    President Barack Obama meets with his national security advisors in the Situation Room of the White House, Aug. 7, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

    President Barack Obama meets with his national security advisors in the Situation Room of the White House, Aug. 7, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

    We even have presidential candidates, especially among the Republicans but including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, competing to out-bellicose each other, treating an invasion of Syria as the least one can do and some even bragging about how they might like to shoot down a few Russian warplanes.

    Though President Barack Obama has dragged his heels regarding some of the more extreme proposals, he still falls in line with the “group think,” continuing to insist on “regime change” in Syria (President Bashar al-Assad “must go”), permitting the supply of sophisticated weapons to Sunni jihadists (including TOW anti-tank missiles to Ahrar ash-Sham, a jihadist group founded by Al Qaeda veterans and fighting alongside Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front), and allowing his staff to personally insult Russian President Vladimir Putin (having White House spokesman Josh Earnest in September demean Putin’s posture for sitting with his legs apart during a Kremlin meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu).

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Sept. 21, 2015.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Sept. 21, 2015.

    Not surprisingly, I guess, Earnest’s prissy disapproval of what is commonly called “man spread” didn’t extend to Netanyahu who adopted the same open-leg posture in the meeting with Putin on Sept. 21 and again in last week’s meeting with Obama, who – it should be noted – sat with his legs primly crossed.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with U.S. President Barack Obama in the White House on Nov. 9, 2015. (Photo credit: Raphael Ahren/Times of Israel)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with U.S. President Barack Obama in the White House on Nov. 9, 2015. (Photo credit: Raphael Ahren/Times of Israel)

    This combination of tough talk, crude insults and reckless support of Al Qaeda-connected jihadis (“our guys”) apparently has become de rigueur in Official Washington, which remains dominated by the foreign policy ideology of neoconservatives, who established the goal of “regime change” in Iraq, Syria and Iran as early as 1996 and haven’t changed course since. [See’s “How Neocons Destabilized Europe.”]

    Shaping Narratives

    Despite the catastrophic Iraq War – based on neocon-driven falsehoods about WMD and the complicit unthinking “group think” – the neocons retained their influence largely through an alliance with “liberal interventionists” and their combined domination of major Washington think tanks, from the American Enterprise Institute to the Brookings Institution, and the mainstream U.S. news media, including The Washington Post and The New York Times.

    This power base has allowed the neocons to continue shaping Official Washington’s narratives regardless of what the actual facts are. For instance, a Post editorial on Thursday repeated the claim that Assad’s “atrocities” included use of chemical weapons, an apparent reference to the now largely discredited claim that Assad’s forces were responsible for a sarin gas attack outside Damascus on Aug. 21, 2013.

    After the attack, there was a rush to judgment by the U.S. State Department blaming Assad’s troops and leading Secretary of State John Kerry to threaten retaliatory strikes against the Syrian military. But U.S. intelligence analysts refused to sign on to the hasty conclusions, contributing to President Obama’s last-minute decision to hold off on a bombing campaign and to accept Putin’s help in negotiating Assad’s surrender of all Syrian chemical weapons (though Assad still denied a role in the sarin attack).

    Subsequently, much of the slapdash case for bombing Syria fell apart. As more evidence became available, it increasingly appeared that the sarin attack was a provocation by Sunni jihadists, possibly aided by Turkish intelligence, to trick the United States into destroying Assad’s military and thus clearing the way for a Sunni jihadist victory.

    We now know that the likely beneficiaries of such a U.S. attack would have been Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front and the spinoff known as the Islamic State (also called ISIS, ISIL or Daesh). But the Obama administration never formally retracted its spurious sarin claims, thus allowing irresponsible media outlets, such as The Washington Post, to continue citing the outdated “group think.”

    The same Post editorial denounced Assad for using “barrel bombs” against the Sunni rebels who are seeking to overthrow his secular government, which is viewed as the protector of Syria’s minorities – including Christians, Alawites and Shiites – who could face genocide if the Sunni extremists prevail.

    Though this “barrel bomb” theme has become a favorite talking point of both the neocons and liberal “human rights” groups, it’s never been clear how these homemade explosive devices shoved out of helicopters are any more inhumane than the massive volumes of “shock and awe” ordnance, including 500-pound bombs, deployed by the U.S. military across the Middle East, killing not only targeted fighters but innocent civilians.

    Nevertheless, the refrain “barrel bombs” is accepted across Official Washington as a worthy argument for launching devastating airstrikes against Syrian government targets, even if such attacks clear the way for Al Qaeda’s allies and offshoots gaining control of Damascus and unleashing even a worse humanitarian cataclysm. [See’s “Obama’s Ludicrous ‘Barrel Bomb’ Theme.”]

    False-Narrative Knots

    But it is now almost impossible for Official Washington to disentangle itself from all the false narratives that the neocons and the liberal hawks have spun in support of their various “regime change” strategies. Plus, there are few people left inside the bubble who even recognize how false these narratives are.

    So, the American people are left with the mainstream U.S. news media endlessly repeating storylines that are either completely false or highly exaggerated. For instance, we hear again and again that the Russians intervened in the Syrian conflict promising to strike only ISIS but then broke their word by attacking Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front and “our guys” in Sunni jihadist forces armed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and the CIA.

    Though you hear this narrative everywhere in Official Washington, no one ever actually quotes Putin or another senior Russian official promising to strike only at ISIS. In all the quotes that I’ve seen, the Russians refer to attacking “terrorists,” including but not limited to ISIS.

    Unless Official Washington no longer regards Al Qaeda as a terrorist organization – a trial balloon that some neocons have floated – then the Putin-lied narrative makes no sense, even though every Important Person Knows It to Be True, including Obama’s neocon-leaning Defense Secretary Ashton Carter.

    The U.S. political and media big shots also mock the current Russian-Iranian proposal for first stabilizing Syria and then letting the Syrian people decide their own leadership through internationally observed democratic elections.

    Okay, you might say, what’s wrong with letting the Syrian people go to the polls and pick their own leaders? But that just shows that you’re a Russian-Iranian “apologist” who doesn’t belong inside the bubble. The Right Answer is that “Assad Must Go!” whatever the Syrian people might think.

    Or, as the snarky neocon editors of The Washington Post wrote on Thursday, “Mr. Putin duly dispatched his foreign minister to talks in Vienna last weekend on a Syrian political settlement. But Moscow and Tehran continue to push for terms that would leave Mr. Assad in power for 18 months or longer, while — in theory — a new constitution is drafted and elections organized. Even a U.S. proposal that Mr. Assad be excluded from the eventual elections was rejected, according to Iranian officials.”

    In other words, the U.S. government doesn’t want the Syrian people to decide whether Assad should be kicked out, an odd and contradictory stance since President Obama keeps insisting that the vast majority of Syrians hate Assad. If that’s indeed the case, why not let free-and-fair elections prove the point? Or is Obama so enthralled by the neocon insistence of “regime change” for governments on Israel’s “hit list” that he doesn’t want to take the chance of the Syrian voters getting in the way?

    Reality Tied Down

    But truth and reality have become in Official Washington something like Gulliver being tied down by the Lilliputians. There are so many strands of lies and distortions that it’s impossible for sanity to rise up.

    Another major factor in America’s crisis of false narratives relates to the demonizing of Russia and Putin, a process that dates back in earnest to 2013 when Putin helped Obama sidetrack the neocon dream of bombing Syria and then Putin compounded his offense by assisting Obama in getting Iran to constrain its nuclear program, which derailed another neocon dream to bomb-bomb-bomb Iran.

    It became ominously clear to the neocons that this collaboration between the two presidents might even lead to joint pressure on Israel to finally reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians, a possibility that struck too close to the heart of neocon thinking which, for the past two decades, has favored using “regime change” in nearby countries to isolate and starve Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Palestinian groups, giving Israel a free hand to do whatever it wished.

    So, this Obama-Putin relationship had to be blown up and the point of detonation was Ukraine on Russia’s border. Official Washington’s false narratives around the Ukraine crisis are now also central to neocon/liberal-hawk efforts to prevent meaningful coordination between Obama and Putin in countering ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria and Iraq.

    Inside Official Washington’s bubble, the crisis in Ukraine is routinely described as a simple case of Russian “aggression” against Ukraine, including an “invasion” of Crimea.

    If you relied on The New York Times or The Washington Post or the major networks that repeat what the big newspapers say, you wouldn’t know there was a U.S.-backed coup in February 2014 that overthrew the elected Ukrainian government of Viktor Yanukovych, even after he agreed to a European compromise in which he surrendered many powers and accepted early elections.

    Instead of letting that agreement go forward, right-wing ultra-nationalists, including neo-Nazis operating inside the Maidan protests, overran government buildings in Kiev on Feb. 22, 2014, causing Yanukovych and other leaders to flee for their lives.

    Behind the scenes, U.S. officials, such as neocon Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, had collaborated in the coup plans and celebrated the victory by Nuland’s handpicked leaders, including the post-coup Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, whom she referred to in an earlier intercepted phone call as “Yats is the guy.”

    Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, who pushed for the Ukraine coup and helped pick the post-coup leaders.

    Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, who pushed for the Ukraine coup and helped pick the post-coup leaders.

    Nor would you know that the people of Crimea had voted overwhelmingly for President Yanukovych and – after the coup – voted overwhelmingly to get out of the failed Ukrainian state and reunify with Russia.

    The major U.S. news media twists that reality into a Russian “invasion” of Crimea even though it was the strangest “invasion” ever because there were no photos of Russian troops landing on the beaches or parachuting from the skies. What the Post and the Times routinely ignored was that Russian troops were already stationed inside Crimea as part of a basing agreement for the Russian fleet at Sevastopol. They didn’t need to “invade.”

    And Crimea’s referendum showing 96 percent approval for reunification with Russia – though hastily arranged – was not the “sham” that the U.S. mainstream media claimed. Indeed, the outcome has been reinforced by various polls conducted by Western agencies since then.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses a crowd on May 9, 2014, celebrating the 69th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany and the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Crimean port city of Sevastopol from the Nazis. (Russian government photo)

    Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses a crowd on May 9, 2014, celebrating the 69th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany and the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Crimean port city of Sevastopol from the Nazis. (Russian government photo)

    The MH-17 Case

    The demonization of Putin reached new heights after the July 17, 2014 shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine killing all 298 people onboard. Although substantial evidence and logic point to elements of the Ukrainian military as responsible, Official Washington’s rush to judgment blamed ethnic Russian rebels for firing the missile and Putin for supposedly giving them a powerful Buk anti-aircraft missile system.

    That twisted narrative often relied on restating the irrelevant point that the Buks are “Russian-made,” which was used to implicate Moscow but was meaningless since the Ukrainian military also possessed Buk missiles. The real question was who fired the missiles, not where they were made.

    But the editors of the Post, the Times and the rest of the mainstream media think you are very stupid, so they keep emphasizing that the Buks are “Russian-made.” The more salient point is that U.S. intelligence with all its satellite and other capabilities was unable – both before and after the shoot-down – to find evidence that the Russians had given Buks to the rebels.

    Since the Buk missiles are 16-feet-long and hauled around by slow-moving trucks, it is hard to believe that U.S. intelligence would not have spotted them given the intense surveillance then in effect over eastern Ukraine.

    A more likely scenario of the MH-17 shoot-down was that Ukraine moved several of its Buk batteries to the frontlines, possibly fearing a Russian airstrike, and the operators were on edge after a Ukrainian warplane was shot down along the border on July 16, 2014, by an air-to-air missile presumably fired by a Russian plane.

    But – after rushing out a white paper five days after the tragedy pointing the finger at Moscow – the U.S. government has refused to provide any evidence or intelligence that might help pinpoint who fired the missile that brought down MH-17.

    Despite this remarkable failure by the U.S. government to cooperate with the investigation, the mainstream U.S. media has found nothing suspicious about this dog not barking and continues to cite the MH-17 case as another reason to despise Putin.

    How upside-down this “Everything Is Putin’s Fault” can be was displayed in a New York Times “news analysis” by Steven Erlanger and Peter Baker on Thursday when all the “fundamental disagreements” between Obama and Putin were blamed on Putin.

    “Dividing them are the Russian annexation of Crimea and its meddling in eastern Ukraine, Moscow’s efforts to demonize Washington and undermine confidence in NATO’s commitment to collective defense, and the Kremlin’s support of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria,” Erlanger and Baker wrote.

    Helping ISIS

    This tangle of false narratives is now tripping up the prospects of a U.S.-French-Russian-Iranian alliance to take on the Islamic State, Al Qaeda and other Sunni jihadist forces seeking to overthrow Syria’s secular government.

    The neocon Washington Post, in particular, has been venomous about this potential collaboration which – while possibly the best chance to finally resolve the horrific Syrian conflict – would torpedo the neocons’ long-held vision of imposed “regime change” in Syria.

    In editorials, the Post’s neocon editors also have displayed a stunning lack of sympathy for the 224 Russian tourists and crew killed in what appears to have been a terrorist bombing of a chartered plane over the Sinai in Egypt.

    On Nov. 7, instead of expressing solidarity, the Post’s editors ridiculed Putin and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi for not rushing to a judgment that it was an act of terrorism, instead insisting on first analyzing the evidence. The Post also mocked the two leaders for failing to vanquish the terrorists.

    Or as the Post’s editors put it: “While Mr. Putin suspended Russian flights on [Nov. 6], his spokesman was still insisting there was no reason to conclude that there had been an act of terrorism. … While Western governments worried about protecting their citizens, the Sissi and Putin regimes were focused on defending themselves. …

    “Both rulers have sold themselves as warriors courageously taking on the Islamic State and its affiliates; both are using that fight as a pretext to accomplish other ends, such as repressing peaceful domestic opponents and distracting attention from declining living standards. On the actual battlefield, both are failing.”

    Given the outpouring of sympathy that the United States received after the 9/11 attacks and the condolences that flooded France over the past week, it is hard to imagine a more graceless reaction to a major terrorist attack against innocent Russians.

    As for the Russian hesitancy to jump to conclusions earlier this month, that may have been partially wishful thinking but it surely is not an evil trait to await solid evidence before reaching a verdict. Even the Post’s editors admitted that U.S. officials noted that as of Nov. 7 there was “no conclusive evidence that the plane was bombed.”

    But the Post couldn’t wait to link the terrorist attack to “Mr. Putin’s Syrian adventure” and hoped that it would inflict on Putin “a potentially grievous political wound.” The Post’s editors also piled on with the gratuitous claim that Russian officials “still deny the overwhelming evidence that a Russian anti-aircraft missile downed a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine last year.” (There it is again, the attempt to dupe Post readers with a reference to “a Russian anti-aircraft missile.”)

    The Post seemed to take particular joy in the role of U.S. weapons killing Syrian and Iranian soldiers. On Thursday, the Post wrote, “Syrian and Iranian troops have lost scores of Russian-supplied tanks and armored vehicles to the rebels’ U.S.-made TOW missiles. Having failed to recapture significant territory, the Russian mission appears doomed to quagmire or even defeat in the absence of a diplomatic bailout.”

    Upping the Ante

    The neocons’ determination to demonize Putin has upped the ante, turning their Mideast obsession with “regime change” into a scheme for destabilizing Russia and forcing “regime change” in Moscow, setting the stage for a potential nuclear showdown that could end all life on the planet.

    To listen to the rhetoric from most Republican candidates and Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, it is not hard to envision how all the tough talk could take on a life of its own and lead to catastrophe. [See, for instance, Philip Giraldi’s review of the “war with Russia” rhetoric free-flowing on the campaign trail and around Official Washington.]

    A nuclear test detonation carried out in Nevada on April 18, 1953.

    A nuclear test detonation carried out in Nevada on April 18, 1953.

    At this point, it may seem fruitless – even naïve – to suggest ways to pierce the various “group thinks” and the bubble that sustains them. But a counter-argument to the fake narratives is possible if some candidate seized on the principle of an informed electorate as vital to democracy.

    An argument for empowering citizens with facts is one that transcends traditional partisan and ideological boundaries. Whether on the right, on the left or in the center, Americans don’t want to be treated like cattle being herded by propaganda or “strategic communication” or whatever the latest euphemism is for deception and manipulation.

    So, a candidate could do the right thing and the smart thing by demanding the release of as much U.S. intelligence information to cut this Gordian knot of false narratives as possible. For instance, it is way past time to declassify the 28 pages from the congressional 9/11 report addressing alleged Saudi support for the hijackers. There also are surely more recent intelligence estimates on the funding of Al Qaeda’s affiliates and spin-offs, including ISIS.

    If this information embarrasses some “allies” – such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey – so be it. If this history makes some past or present U.S. president look bad, so be it. American elections are diminished, if not made meaningless, when there is no informed electorate.

    A presidential candidate also could press President Obama to disclose what U.S. intelligence knows about other key turning points in the establishment of false narratives, such as what did CIA analysts conclude about the Aug. 21, 2013 sarin attack and what do they know about the July 17, 2014 shoot-down of MH-17.

    The pattern of the U.S. government exploiting emotional moments to gain an edge in an “info-war” against some “enemy” and then going silent as more evidence comes in has become a direct threat to American democracy and – in regards to nuclear-armed Russia – possibly the planet.

    Legitimate secrets, such as sources and methods, can be protected without becoming an all-purpose cloak to cover up whatever facts don’t fit with the desired propaganda narrative that is then used to whip the public into some mindless war frenzy.

    However, at this point in the presidential campaign, no candidate is making transparency an issue. Yet, after the deceptions of the Iraq War – and with the prospects of another war based on misleading or selective information in Syria and potentially a nuclear showdown with Russia – it seems to me that the American people would respond positively to someone treating them with the respect deserving of citizens in a democratic Republic.

  • Two Gepolitical Wrongs Do Not Make A Right

    Global geopolitics (and why it won't end well) explained in 57 words…

    The political left is happy to see people cross borders but would happily restrict the flow of capital and goods.


    The political right is happy to see capital and goods cross borders but would happily build a fence to restrict the flow of people.


    I’m afraid that the compromise might be to restrict people, capital and goods.

    *  *  *

    Source: Joe Calhoun

  • This Is How Far America Has Fallen

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 6.22.57 PM

    Give me liberty, or give me death!


    – Partrick Henry, American Founding Father, 1775


    They value their civil liberties more than they value life. I disagree with that. You want to be free and dead? I’d rather be not free and alive


    – Billionaire Hillary Clinton donor Haim Saban, 2015

    Just in case you’re wondering what the people bankrolling Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign think about civil liberties, you now have your answer.

    Here’s what billionaire Haim Saban had to say about civil liberties during an interview with The Wrap:

    What are people in Hollywood saying about the Paris terror attacks?


    Many members of the Hollywood community are very liberal and they value their civil liberties more than they value life. I disagree with that. You want to be free and dead? I’d rather be not free and alive. The reality is that certain things that are unacceptable in times of peace — such as profiling, listening in on anyone and everybody who looks suspicious, or interviewing Muslims in a more intense way than interviewing Christian refugees —  is all acceptable [during war]. Why? Because we value life more than our civil liberties and it’s temporary until the problem goes away. But to say this is shameful — I disagree.


    [ISIS] said, ‘We’re going to Paris,’ and they went to Paris. They’re saying they’re now going to Washington. Watch out, they might. I’m not suggesting we put Muslims through some kind of a torture room to get them to admit that they are or they’re not terrorists. But I am saying we should have more scrutiny. 

    Yes, because it’s so liberal to push a false Orwellian choice between freedom and safety. The entire concept of civilization and liberty revolves around the belief individuals never have to make such a sacrifice Indeed, America never would have been founded in the first place had the colonists accepted Saban’s infantile logic.

    How does this guy sound any different from George W. Bush or Dick Cheney? The answer is he doesn’t, which makes perfect sense because Hillary Clinton is a dyed in the wool neocon. Always has been always will be. Meanwhile, The Wrap highlighted just how important Haim Saban is to Hillary…

    TheWrap spoke to Saban about his support for the Democratic presidential frontrunner — he and and his wife, Cheryl, gave $2 million to Priorities USA Action, Clinton’s Super PAC, and hosted a fundraiser in May that netted another $2 million.

    In case you forget, I’ve highlighted Saban in the past. Recall the following from the post, Inside the Mind of an Oligarch – Sheldon Adelson Proclaims “I Don’t Like Journalism”:

    At the conference, which also featured top Democratic funder Haim Saban, Adelson also said Israel would not be able to survive as a democracy: “So Israel won’t be a democratic state, so what?” he asked Saban, adding that democracy, after all, is not mentioned in the Torah,and recommended that the country build a “big wall” to protect itself, saying, “I would put up a big wall around my property.”


    Saban and Adelson should buy The New York Times together in an effort to bring more “balance” to the newspaper’s coverage of Israel and the Middle East, Adelson suggested to wild applause. Adelson already owns Israel Hayom, a free Israeli newspaper widely seen as reflecting the positions of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is considered close to Adelson, and, more recently, news website NRG and religious newspaper Makor Rishon.


    Haim Saban, a media mogul and close Democratic ally of Hillary Rodham Clinton, criticized President Obama’s outreach to Iran, declaring that “we’ve shown too many carrots and a very small stick.”


    Still, Saban said that he thinks Clinton would repair the relationship and that he has told her he would spend “whatever it takes” to propel her into the White House. That includes giving millions of dollars to Priorities USA, a super PAC that helped Obama in 2012 and is revving up to aid Clinton in 2016.

    But hey…

    Screen Shot 2015-04-09 at 12.09.13 PM


  • Stagflation Ahead: Goldman Is "Unreservedly Disappointed" With Latin America

    As regular readers are no doubt aware, we’ve devoted quite a bit of time to covering Brazil’s unfolding economic meltdown. The latest data out this week showed GDP in “free fall mode” (to quote Barclays), inflation hitting double digits for the first time in over a decade, and unemployment soaring to 7.9% in August, up sharply from just 4.3% a year earlier. 

    In many ways, Brazil is representative of the problems facing EM as a whole. Slumping commodity prices, currency carnage, FX pass through inflation, sensitivity to decelerating Chinese demand and to Beijing’s yuan deval, Brazil has it all – they even have a seemingly intractable political crisis, and as we never tire of pointing out, idiosyncratic political risk factors have become an important part of the EM calculus (see Turkey and Malaysia for instance). 

    Because Brazil tends to dominate the discussion when we talk about Latin America, it’s sometimes easy to forget that the outlook for Brazil’s neighbors matters as well. Latin America is a net commodities exporter and we can learn a lot from observing the interplay between slumping prices for commodities, rising inflation, lackluster economic growth, and central banks forced by the prospect of rising prices to adopt procyclical, rather than counter-cyclical policies despite their weakening economies. 

    When last we checked in on Latin America as a whole, we said the following

    “…a plunging currency, FX pass through inflation, and a soft outlook for growth is a pretty terrible place to be in if you’re a central bank, but that’s exactly where things stand for the “LA-5” (believe it or not, that’s not a reference to the Lakers, it’s short for Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru), who very shortly will be forced to decide whether the risks associated with further FX weakness outweigh those of hiking rates into a poor economic environment.” 

    We went on to highlight comments from Goldman regarding the likely path for Latin American monetary policy given the factors outlined above.

    Now, Goldman is out with its latest take on the macro outlook for Latin America and unsurprisingly, the forecast is “uninspiring.”

    “Latin America’s growth performance has been eroding since 2010, and has unreservedly disappointed in recent years. Aggregate regional growth peaked in 2010 at above 6%, moderated steadily throughout 2011-13, and downshifted sharply to a significantly below-trend pace during 2014-15,” Goldman begins, adding that “unfortunately, the near future may not be more endearing as we do not envisage a major pickup in growth buoyancy and expect inflation to remain relatively high.” 

    Here’s a more comprehensive assessment:

    Given the shifting external backdrop, the region is unlikely to count on strong balance of payments dynamics to leverage and support a visible economic recovery. The expectation of low-for-longer commodity prices, weak non-commodity export demand, moderating FDI and portfolio inflows, and likely more expensive and selective access to external funding, may well demand additional current account adjustment. This would require further currency depreciation, higher domestic savings and contained investment (i.e., weak domestic absorption). Furthermore, we see virtually no room for additional countercyclical fiscal or monetary stimulus to support a more vigorous recovery.



    And here’s a big picture look at the growth/inflation outlook across the region:

    As you can see, the inflation/growth mix doesn’t look particularly favorable. As Goldman goes on to note, “Latin America is forecasted to grow an uninspiring +0.8% in 2016; a very shallow recovery from the -0.3% growth rate forecasted for 2015.” Consider the following graphic, which underscores the extent to which the region is performing well below trend:


    Subpar, disappointing growth that’s disastrously below trend and will remain marginally so through 2020. Got it. 

    Of course what you don’t want if you’ve got lackluster growth, is rising inflation because that sets the stage for the “S” word. Unfortunately, that’s where Latin America looks to be headed. Here’s Goldman on the inflation outlook: 

    Despite the weak growth dynamics, inflation is expected to remain high across LatAm. Average inflation ex-Venezuela is expected to reach 8.1% in 2016, down slightly from the forecasted 8.7% average for 2015.



    In Brazil, headline inflation is expected to end 2015 in double digits and to moderate gradually throughout 2016, albeit to a still very high 6.5% due to weak policy fiscal and monetary policy credibility, renewed deterioration of inflations expectations, additional BRL depreciation, lingering upward pressure on administered and regulated prices, strong inertial forces, and widespread formal and informal indexation mechanisms which introduce significant downward rigidity (stickiness) in price formation. 


    Overall, inflationary pressures across the Andean economies are expected to remain relatively high throughout 1H2016 given the expected lagged pass-through from currency depreciation and the impact from what is expected to be an intense El Niño weather phenomenon. 

    And finally, coming full circle to our original discussion of how high inflation and weak currencies have put regional CBs in a position of having to, at the least, remain on hold and more likely adopt procyclical policies despite the tepid outlook for growth, Goldman suggests that “the scope for monetary accommodation in the region in 2016” is limited at best. “In Brazil, sticky above-target inflation should limit the capacity of the central bank to ease monetary policy in 2016 [and] the central banks across the Andean region have been normalizing monetary policy during 2H2015 given persistent and generalized above-target inflationary pressures,” Alberto Ramos (the Goldman analyst who has a talent for making lists of Brazil’s myriad problems that are so long as to induce riotous laughter) adds.

    Last, but certainly not least, here’s how the FX situation will likely develop in 2016:

    Regional currencies have weakened significantly in 2014-15 and we expect further weakness in 2016. We expect most currencies to depreciate moderately in 2016 given the evolving global backdrop (low commodity prices with additional declines forecasted for copper prices, rising dollar yields, and strengthening USD), the unhappy domestic combination of low growth and high inflation, and a number of idiosyncratic factors.

    So while it’s probably too strong to equate the overall regional outlook with the stagflationary nightmare gripping Brazil, all of the above does indeed suggest that Latin America is stuck with a decidedly unfavorable growth-inflation outcome which is likely to worsen materially going forward. On that note, we’ll close with one last passage from Goldman:

    Despite the undistinguished growth outlook, in our assessment, the spectrum of risks is still tilted to the downside. In fact, the vector of risks is to a large extent not materially different from the risks the region was facing at the beginning of 2015, namely: (1) sharperthan-expected growth deceleration in China; (2) another leg down in commodity prices; (3) potential quasi-sovereign and private corporate sector forced deleveraging or balance sheet distress given heavy borrowing over the last few years and diminished profitability, and, last but not the least, (4) sharper-than-expected deceleration of capital inflows triggered by a strengthening USD, rising Dollar yields, and/or renewed bouts of volatility in international financial markets that could dampen sentiment towards emerging markets. 

  • The Syrian Refugee Situation Summed Up (Using M&Ms)

    Presented with no comment…



    Source: hope@ZeroKelvin via The Burning Platform

  • South Pacific Showdown? Japan May Send Warships To China Islands

    On Tuesday, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin told the press that contrary to the narrative being propagated by Washington and its allies in the South Pacific, Beijing had actually shown “great restraint” in the South China Sea. 

    China, Liu went on to explain, has tolerated the “occupation” of the disputed waters even as Beijing has “both the right and the ability to recover the islands and reefs illegally occupied by neighboring countries.” Essentially, Liu said China would be well within its rights to forcibly expel The Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam from the Spratlys. 

    Liu’s comments came ahead of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit held in Manila on Thursday and Friday.

    At the close of the Summit, Japanese PM Shinzo Abe met with President Benigno Aquino – who earlier this year compared the Chinese to Nazis – to discuss the possibility that Japan could provide Manila with “large ships” that the Philippines can use to patrol the South China Sea. 

    As Reuters reported on Friday, “the deal will mark the first time Japan has agreed to directly donate military equipment to another country, and is the latest example of Abe’s more muscular security agenda.” 

    “There was a request from President Benigno Aquino regarding the provision of large patrol vessels to the Philippine Coast Guard and Japan would like to consider the specifics,” Abe said in a statement.

    Reuters goes on to note that “rather than challenge Beijing directly by sending warships or planes to patrol the South China Sea, Japan is helping to build the military capacity of friendly nations with claims to parts of the waterway.”

    Well don’t look now, but Abe may soon move beyond the mere provision of ships to Japan’s allies. Here’s Nikkei with more:

    Tokyo will consider dispatching its Self-Defense Forces to the South China Sea, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told U.S. President Barack Obama here Thursday, suggesting a possible role for Japan in patrolling those tense waters.


    Abe said his government is watching how the situation in that body of water affects Japan’s national security. Several nations have competing claims to various islands in the South China Sea.


    “The United States-Japanese alliance is one of the lynchpins of our security as well as Japan’s,” Obama told reporters before his roughly 90-minute meeting with Abe, their first since the prime minister visited Washington in April.


    In their talk, Abe expressed support for what the U.S. calls “freedom of navigation exercises” in the South China Sea — sailing warships through waters claimed by China around islands it has built. Obama said America will continue to do so routinely.


    Japan will support countries with a stake in the situation and reject all unilateral actions that seek to change the status quo or raise tensions, Abe said.

    Bear in mind that in addition to the generally “frosty” relations between Tokyo and Beijing, Japan and China are at odds over Beijing’s construction of oil and gas exploration platforms close to disputed waters in the East China Sea: 

    Make no mistake, if Japan starts to conduct the same type of “freedom of navigation” exercises near the Spratlys that the US has now pledged to carry out at least twice per quarter, it will be more than Beijing can bear.

    The US is one thing, Japan is entirely another and if Ash Carter and The Pentagon are really looking to escalate a South Pacific conflict, they can certainly do so by encouraging Abe to send warships near Fiery Cross, Subi, and Mischief.

  • Largest Immigration Wave In Modern History Ends: More Mexicans Are Leaving The US Than Entering

    The 'Great Recession' was evidently so bad for the economy that it stopped the net influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico. For the first time since the 1940s, more Mexicans have been leaving the U.S. to return home than arriving, a reversal that brings down the curtain on the largest immigration wave in modern American history. As WSJ reports, the Pew Research Center figures released Thursday suggest that the surge in legal and illegal Mexican immigration that helped transform America – and remains a contentious issue on the presidential campaign trail – may have peaked for good.

    Pew Hispanic found that, according to official numbers, more than 800,000 undocumented workers came to the United States during 2009-2014 while more than 1 million fled the U.S. during the same period. It seems that employment became more difficult after the 2008 economic crisis, while Mexico’s economy actually improved.

    Apparently there are so few good jobs that many Mexican migrants – including both those that are legal and illegal – departed or stop coming in and turned instead to work in their home country where they can also be with family.

    According to Pew Research, best estimates and careful research show a dramatic change in illegal immigration:

    More Mexican immigrants have returned to Mexico from the U.S. than have migrated here since the end of the Great Recession, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of newly available government data from both countries. The same data sources also show the overall flow of Mexican immigrants between the two countries is at its smallest since the 1990s, mostly due to a drop in the number of Mexican immigrants coming to the U.S.


    From 2009 to 2014, 1 million Mexicans and their families (including U.S.-born children) left the U.S. for Mexico, according to data from the 2014 Mexican National Survey of Demographic Dynamics (ENADID). U.S. census data for the same period show an estimated 870,000 Mexican nationals left Mexico to come to the U.S., a smaller number than the flow of families from the U.S. to Mexico.



    Mexico is the largest birth country among the U.S. foreign-born population – 28% of all U.S. immigrants came from there in 2013. Mexico also is the largest source of U.S. unauthorized immigrants.



    A majority of the 1 million who left the U.S. for Mexico between 2009 and 2014 left of their own accord, according to the Mexican government’s ENADID survey data.

    While it is true that many immigrants are not officially counted and many estimates put the number of undocumented workers much higher than 12 or 13 million, that number is declining for the first time since the 1970s.

    This chart below tells a story that words alone cannot describe, and images of border crossings and protests fail to capture.


    The situation is economic much more than it is political. The Wall Street Journal suggests several factors have undermined the lure of the U.S.

    Mexican families have fewer mouths to feed as the country’s birthrate has declined to near replacement level, similar to that of the U.S., relieving economic pressure that motivated migrants to go north to find higher-paying jobs than are available in Mexico. Meanwhile, Mexico’s economy improved.


    "The days of mass immigration from Mexico are over," said Pia Orrenius, senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas who studies migration. "Slower population growth in Mexico along with a stable economy and an expanded public-safety net are developments that have trimmed the 'push factor.'"

    But, as's Mac Slavo writes,  the celebration of a historic turning of the tide for one of the most contentious issues in American politics may also herald the tough times ahead for Americans and everyone else working here, regardless of status.

    The jobs have essentially dried up, and things stand to get even worse if/when the next economic bomb drops. And that could be any day now.

    The writing is on the wall, the system is on edge, and something as simple as a Federal Reserve rate hike could mean financial desperation for millions upon millions of Americans.

    Perhaps surprisingly, many Mexican nationals no longer view life in the United States as a better opportunity, with many seeing it is as on-par with life in Mexico:

    While almost half (48%) of adults in Mexico believe life is better in the U.S., a growing share says it is neither better nor worse than life in Mexico. Today, a third (33%) of adults in Mexico say those who move to the U.S. lead a life that is equivalent to that in Mexico

    But with the receding tide of immigrants from south of the border may come larger and larger numbers of immigrants from China and India, as well as Islamic countries, including many technically skilled workers here on H-1B visas who are replacing American jobs.

    USA Today reports on the shift – not of overall immigration numbers, but of their sources:

    “The nature of immigration itself is beginning to change,” [Mark Hugo Lopez, director of Hispanic research at Pew Research] said. “It looks like Mexican migration is at an end.”


    The reversal of Mexican migration doesn’t mean that the United States is seeing fewer immigrants overall, just that their countries of origin are changing.


    The United States has seen a record number of Central Americans fleeing violence in the past few years, straining the country’s ability to process their requests for asylum. In addition, Lopez said, immigrants from China, India and other Asian nations are coming as students and high-tech workers. Eventually, Asians will become the dominant share of the immigrant population, he added.

    Though they claim to have now reversed their decision, Disney recently came under fire for decision to layoff all of its American workers – including those with decades of experience – and replace them with cheaper (but equally skilled) IT workers from India.

    The move, cancelled or not, is a sign of the times for a situation that may become more desperate and gloomy with each passing year for native American workers who once assumed relative wealth among the middle class, but are now fighting for survival.

    President Obama, for his part, has over-extended – well, abused really – his executive authority to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants from Mexico, but they too may soon prefer their country of origin – particularly if the coming financial implosion hits worst in the United States.

  • "It Looks Like A Warzone" – Army, APCs, Roadblocks Deployed In Brussels After Explosives, Chemical Weapons Found

    In the aftermath of last night’s warning of an “imminent” terror threat in Brussels when OCAM Crisis Center and the government raised the country’s terror alert to the highest level, today the escalation continues and the Belgian capital looks like not only a ghost town but something out of a Call of Duty warzone after authorities deployed special forces, and APCs, shut the metro, locked down shopping centers, closed sporting events, and warned the public to avoid crowds, train stations, airports and commercial districts because of a “serious and imminent” threat of an attack.

    As Reuters reports, a week after the Paris attacks carried out by Islamic State militants, of whom one suspect from Brussels is at large and said by authorities to be highly dangerous, Brussels was placed on the top level “four” in the government’s threat scale after a meeting of top ministers, police and security services.

    “The advice for the population is to avoid places where a lot of people come together like shopping centers, concerts, events or public transport stations wherever possible,” a spokesman for the government’s crisis center said.

    As AFP reported earlier, the spike in the terror threat is due to a risk of attacks by “weapons and explosives”

    The local security forces are taking no chances, and as can be seen on the photos below, APC have been deployed as the city barricades itself with the use of roadblocks at strategic locations.

    Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel declined to give the reason why the authorities raised the alert level but told a news conference the government would review the security situation on Sunday afternoon and that the decision to raise the threat level was taken “based on quite precise information about the risk of an attack like the one that happened in Paris where several individuals with arms and explosives launch actions, perhaps even in several places at the same time.” The metro system would remain closed until then, in line with the recommendation of the crisis center, he said.

    The reason for the dramatic escalation is that chemicals and explosives were among the items found in the during a police raid on Vandepeerboom Street area in the immigrant neighborhood of Molenbeek, a rundown area where Paris attacker Abdelhamid Abaaoud was suspected of operating a terrorist cell.

    L’Echo has more:

    A search was conducted on Friday at the home of a suspect placed under arrest, federal prosecutors said on Saturday. Some weapons have been discovered, but no explosives or explosive belt.


    The suspect was arrested Thursday in the series of searches carried out in Brussels. The person concerned is suspected of involvement in terrorist attacks and participation in activities of a terrorist group.

    The find came as Belgium’s capital entered a security lockdown. The government has warned that there could be a repeat of Paris-style attacks in the country’s capital, prompting the closure of subways in Brussels and the deployment of heavily armed police and soldiers.

    Fears that terrorists may use chemical or biological weapons quickly spread to Paris where according to the Guardian, security has been stepped up at key water supply sites in Paris, after the French prime minister warned the country could not rule out attacks from “chemical or biological weapons”.

    The heightened security comes as reports claim that biohazard suits have been stolen from a Paris hospital, the Telegraph reports. Eau de Paris, the municipal water company, yesterday told Le Parisien that access to its sites has been limited to only the necessary service personnel, and that they have been accredited by the defence ministry.

    Furthermore, we learned today that one more suspect from last Friday’s terror attack has been arrested in Brussels which has quickly emerged as the nerve center of last week’s Paris attacks.

    As Reuters further adds, the crisis center website said it was calling on local authorities to cancel large events, urge people to avoid crowds, postpone soccer matches, close the Brussels metro for the weekend and stepping up the military and police presence. Suspected militant Salah Abdeslam, 26, returned home to Brussels from Paris after the attacks, when his elder brother Brahim blew himself up at a cafe.

    Fears of the risk he still poses prompted the cancellation last week of an international friendly soccer match in Brussels against Spain. The crisis center said weekend games in the top two professional divisions should now be postponed.


    The alert level for the whole country was raised following the Paris attacks to level three out of four, implying a “possible or probable” threat. Previously, only certain sites, such as the U.S. embassy, were at level three.


    Belgium, and its capital in particular, have been at the center of investigations into the Paris attacks – which included suicide bombers targeting a France-Germany soccer match – after the links to Brussels emerged. Three people detained in Brussels are facing terrorism charges.

    As a reminder, French authorities have said the attacks were planned in Brussels by a local man, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 28, who fought for Islamic State in Syria and was killed in the siege of an apartment in the Paris suburb of St. Denis on Wednesday.

    Salah Abdeslam, who was from the same Brussels neighborhood of Molenbeek and is said by officials to have known Abaaoud in prison, was pulled over three times by French police but not arrested as he was driven back to Brussels early last Saturday by two of the men now in custody.

    As well as Abdeslam’s brother, a second man from Molenbeek, Bilal Hadfi, was also among the Paris suicide bombers.

    Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon told reporters he wanted a register of everyone living in Molenbeek because it was not clear at present who was there, with authorities conducting door-to-door checks of every house. “The local administration should knock on every door and ask who really lives there,” Jambon said. Curiously when Donald Trump suggests doing something comparable in the US, immediate comparisons with Hitler emerge.

    Meanwhile, as the photos below show, soldiers are already on guard in all key parts of Brussels, including at the institutions of the European Union headquartered in the city. Brussels is also home to the headquarters of NATO.


    Finally, Belgium’s interior ministry has released the following list of recommendations what the local population should do while the terror threat is at its highest level.

  • These Are The Stocks Most Hated By Hedge Funds (And Why You May Want To Buy Them)

    Back in the summer of 2013 we revealed what the best “alpha-generating” strategy was in a New Normal where hedge fund clustering would ultimately lead to such dramatic hedge fund hotel implosions such as what was seen in the third quarter (described in detail in “What Hedge Fund Panic Looks Like“) and where central banks themselves do their best to crush anyone who dares to short single names courtesy of $13 trillion in excess liquidity.

    But while buying the most shorted names (expecting furious central bank and HFT-catalyzed short squeezes) had been a great way to outperform the market in 2012 thru 2014, in 2015 this strategy took a back seat as suddenly the most hated names revealed that there was a reason why they were most hated, and plunged as the Fed’s determination to push stocks higher no matter the cost was put into question.

    However, now that the Fed et al have made it beyond clear a downtick is unacceptable even as hedge funds are dramatically underperforming the market and are all – absolutely all of them – rushing to buy the same 5 stocks into year-end due to FOMO, even the tiniest deviation from a priced to perfection market will make the Valeant hedge fund hotel collapse of Q3 seem like a dress rehearsal if F, or A, or N, or G or all of them were to be Philidored.

    It would also force a sequential scramble to cover shorts as margin calls are quietly and not so quietly administered on the increasingly underperforming hedge funds (for whom a crowdsourced margin call funding attempt will not be a feasible way out unlike novice E-traders).

    What does all this mean?

    Well, since central banks have made it abundantly clear they will not allow the S&P to drop even a few modest percent, and since going short the most beloved hedge fund names also carries with it the risk of substantial margin calls (not to mention inlimited downside) the best bearish trade into the year end is, paradoxically, to go long the most shorted names with the expectation that hedge fund blow ups will force domino-like, sequential short squeezes.

    In other words, the most bearish trade going into the year end period is to go long a handful of very specific stocks.

    So which are the stocks that have the highest hedge fund short interest as a % of market cap? For the answer we go to the latest hedge fund tracker by Goldman.

    The answer: first, here are the stocks with a sub $1 billion market cap:

    And next, the large, $1+ billion companies:

    We will equal-weight CIX this basket and see how it performs relative to the market over the next few weeks. We hope to provide periodic updates on how this trade, made possible thanks to the Fed totally breaking the market’s discounting function, is performing.

  • Caught On Tape: Russia Launches Cruise Missiles Against ISIS Targets

    Make no mistake, the Russian campaign against anti-Assad elements operating in Syria was what you might call “relentless” right from the very beginning. 

    From the time a Russian three star general strolled into the US embassy in Baghdad on September 30 and told whoever was there that airstrikes in Syria “start in 1 hour, stay out of the way”, Moscow has bombed militant targets day and night in hundreds upon hundreds of strikes using Su-34s, Su-25s and Su-24Ms to wreak havoc on anything that even looks like a rebel. 

    But as ruthless as the air campaign already was, the downing of a Russian passenger jet over the Sinai Peninsula by Islamic State’s Egyptian affiliate made the situation immeasurably worse (if you’re a militant) and as we noted on Wednesday, The Kremlin has now sent in the strategic bombers. 

    Tupolev Tu-95 Bear

    Tu-22 Blinder

    Tu-160 Blackjack

    In addition to the deployment of the strategic bomber fleet – which Moscow says will allow Russia to double the number of strikes it can launch – The Kremlin is also stepping up sea-based cruise missle attacks from the Caspian fleet. 

    As RT reports, “the Russian military has launched cruise missiles against Islamic State positions in Syria from both the Mediterranean and Caspian seas, one of which killed over 600 terrorists in the Deir Ex-Zor Province, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has said.” Here’s more:

    “On November 20, the warships of the Caspian Fleet launched 18 cruise missiles at seven targets in the provinces of Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo. All targets were hit successfully,” he reported to President Vladimir Putin.

    Overall, there are 10 warships taking part in the operation, six of which are in the Mediterranean.

    Over the past four days, Russian air forces have conducted 522 sorties, deploying more than 100 cruise missiles and 1,400 tons of bombs of various types, the minister stated.

    He added that a strike on a target in Deir ez-Zor utilizing multiple cruise missiles had killed more than 600 militants.

    Note that Paris attack mastermind Abdelhamid Abaaoud was Emir of War in Deir ez-Zor. 

    Having thus set the stage, we bring you a buffet of new footage showing all three strategic bomber variants in action as well as footage of the cruise missile strikes. 

    Bonus: the following clips purport to show the missiles hitting Idlib…

  • In China, Money Is Power… Literally

    While recent market turmoil in China has meant the government has been burning through its cash reserves at a record pace, for the electric utility plant in Yancheng; money is quite literally power as 3 billion yuan of outdated or damaged bank-notes are incinerated to generate electricity for Jiangsu province each and every year...


    Out with the old, in with the new: 3 billion yuan in outdated notes burned to provide electricity


    With the long-awaited introduction last week of China's crisp, new 100-yuan notes, you might catch yourself wondering, just where is all that old cash going?

    Some Chinese reporters asked themselves the very same question and it turns out that they are going up in flames.


    A photoseries published earlier today shows the steps that it takes to efficiently turn money into power. A truck first arrives at the electric power plant in Yancheng, Jiangsu province, filled with 3 billion yuan ($470 million) in outdated and damaged banknotes. The notes are divided into chunks by denomination. Each chunk is worth around 30,000 yuan.


    The chunks are first shredded into confetti and then mixed together with straw. The cash and straw then go together on a conveyor belt toward their doom inside an incinerator.




    An employee of the power company told reporters that each of these trucks carries 30 tons of banknotes and that they usually burn around 1,800 tons each and every year.

    Doing a little math, he said that 30 tons of cash generates 30,000 kWh, which is enough to provide electricity to a household for 300 months. Not like you can take it with you.


  • Guest Post: Ending Blowback Terrorism

    Authored by Jeffrey Sachs, originally posted at Project Syndicate,

    Terrorist attacks on civilians, whether the downing over Sinai of a Russian aircraft killing 224 civilian passengers, the horrific Paris massacre claiming 129 innocent lives, or the tragic bombing in Ankara that killed 102 peace activists, are crimes against humanity. Their perpetrators – in this case, the Islamic State (ISIS) – must be stopped. Success will require a clear understanding of the roots of this ruthless network of jihadists.

    Painful as it is to admit, the West, especially the United States, bears significant responsibility for creating the conditions in which ISIS has flourished. Only a change in US and European foreign policy vis-à-vis the Middle East can reduce the risk of further terrorism.

    The recent attacks should be understood as “blowback terrorism”: a dreadful unintended result of repeated US and European covert and overt military actions throughout the Middle East, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, and Central Asia that aimed to overthrow governments and install regimes compliant with Western interests. These operations have not only destabilized the targeted regions, causing great suffering; they have also put populations in the US, the European Union, Russia, and the Middle East at significant risk of terror.

    The public has never really been told the true history of Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, or the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Starting in 1979, the CIA mobilized, recruited, trained, and armed Sunni young men to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. The CIA recruited widely from Muslim populations (including in Europe) to form the Mujahideen, a multinational Sunni fighting force mobilized to oust the Soviet infidel from Afghanistan.

    Bin Laden, from a wealthy Saudi family, was brought in to help lead and co-finance the operation. This was typical of CIA operations: relying on improvised funding through a wealthy Saudi family and proceeds from local smuggling and the narcotics trade.

    By promoting the core vision of a jihad to defend the lands of Islam (Dar al-Islam) from outsiders, the CIA produced a hardened fighting force of thousands of young men displaced from their homes and stoked for battle. It is this initial fighting force – and the ideology that motivated it – that today still forms the basis of the Sunni jihadist insurgencies, including ISIS. While the jihadists’ original target was the Soviet Union, today the “infidel” includes the US, Europe (notably France and the United Kingdom), and Russia.

    At the end of the 1980s, with the Soviet retreat from Afghanistan, some elements of the Mujahideen morphed into Al Qaeda, Arabic for “the base,” which referred to the military facilities and training grounds in Afghanistan built for the Mujahideen by bin Laden and the CIA. After the Soviet withdrawal, the term Al Qaeda shifted meaning from the specific military base to the organizational base of jihadist activities.

    Blowback against the US began in 1990 with the first Gulf War, when the US created and expanded its military bases in the Dar al-Islam, most notably in Saudi Arabia, the home of Islam’s founding and holiest sites. This expanded US military presence was anathema to the core jihadist ideology that the CIA had done so much to foster.

    America’s unprovoked war on Iraq in 2003 unleashed the demons. Not only was the war itself launched on the basis of CIA lies; it also aimed to create a Shia-led regime subservient to the US and anathema to the Sunni jihadists and the many more Sunni Iraqis who were ready to take up arms. More recently, the US, France, and the UK toppled Muammar el-Qaddafi in Libya, and the US worked with the Egyptian generals who ousted the elected Muslim Brotherhood government. In Syria, following President Bashar al-Assad’s violent suppression of peaceful public protests in 2011, the US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other regional allies helped to foment a military insurgency that has pushed the country into a downward spiral of chaos and violence.

    Such operations have failed – repeatedly and frequently disastrously – to produce legitimate governments or even rudimentary stability. On the contrary, by upending established, albeit authoritarian, governments in Iraq, Libya, and Syria, and destabilizing Sudan and other parts of Africa deemed hostile to the West, they have done much to fuel chaos, bloodshed, and civil war. It is this turmoil that has enabled ISIS to capture and defend territory in Syria, Iraq, and parts of North Africa.

    Three steps are needed to defeat ISIS and other violent jihadists.

    First, US President Barack Obama should pull the plug on CIA covert operations. The use of the CIA as a secret army of destabilization has a long, tragic history of failure, all hidden from public view under the agency’s cloak of secrecy. Ending CIA-caused mayhem would go far to staunch the instability, violence, and anti-Western hatred that fuels today’s terrorism.


    Second, the US, Russia, and the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council should immediately stop their infighting and establish a framework for Syrian peace. They have a shared and urgent stake in confronting ISIS; all are victims of the terror. Moreover, military action against ISIS can succeed only with the legitimacy and backing of the UN Security Council.


    The UN framework should include an immediate end to the insurgency against Assad that the US, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey have pursued; a Syrian cease-fire; a UN-mandated military force to confront ISIS; and a political transition in Syria dictated not by the US, but by a UN consensus to support a non-violent political reconstruction.


    Finally, the long-term solution to regional instability lies in sustainable development. The entire Middle East is beset not only by wars but also by deepening development failures: intensifying fresh water stress, desertification, high youth unemployment, poor educational systems, and other serious blockages.

    More wars – especially CIA-backed, Western-led wars – will solve nothing. By contrast, a surge of investment in education, health, renewable energy, agriculture, and infrastructure, financed both from within the region and globally, is the real key to building a more stable future for the Middle East and the world.

  • El-Erian Says "The Market Believes Central Banks Are Our Best Friends Forever", Just Don't Show It "Figure 4"

    A recurring theme we have covered here over the past few weeks and months (most recently here), is that while stocks have soared since the September lows (first on bad payrolls news suggesting no rate hike, then on a Fed hint a rate hike is imminent, go figure), most other asset classes have ignored the furious rally, and none other more so than junk bonds and ETFs.

    This is shown both longer-term:

    As well as recently:

    And it’s decoupling in the leveraged loan segment too:

    And risk is perceived notably “differently” across equity and credit markets:

    That is happening even as the yield curve has furiously pancaked, suggesting the Fed is about to commit a major policy error.


    But that’s the topic of another post.

    For now, we are looking at the one asset class which according to Carl Icahn (who is famously quite short said asset class) remains the canary in the liquidity coalmine, namly junk bonds.

    It is here where according to the latest analysis by Citi’s Stephen Antczak things are going from bad to worse, not only in terms of underlying fundamentals (recall that as we showed a week ago, corporate leverage is at record high just as corporate cash flows are declining), but in terms of underlying market liquidity.

    In fact, for October Citi calculates that the spread between an illiquid and a liquid junk bond portfolio soared to just shy of 100 bps, the highest in this series’ history, and double the average of 48 bps. Presenting the infamous “Figure 4”:

    Liquidity premiums can be meaningful: In the current environment illiquid bonds can offer a sigificant spread premium to more liquid bonds. To illustrate, we created two HY portfolios, one comprised of 100 liquid issues and the other comprised of 100 illiquid bonds. We chose bonds to minimize rating, sector, and maturity differences (and note that we did not include any triple-C, energy, and basic materials CUSIPs, where factors such as potential recovery values may drive valuations more than liquidity).


    In Figure 4 we present the spread differences between the two buckets since April, and we see that on average the liquidity premium is 48 bp in HY. We see a significant premium in IG as well (Also noteworthy is that, for both markets, the premium tends to fluctuate dramatically).


    For those who have a tough time visualizing the real liquidity in the market, think 80/20, or rather 90/10 – 10% of all bonds account for 90% of the trades with an asymptotic distribution.

    Quote Citi: “in Figure 5 we plot the total number of block size trades over the past 3 months by CUSIP in the IG market, sorted from least traded to most traded. We see that the incremental number of trades by CUSIP is quite modest for most issues, but the gap is much, much larger for the most actively traded portion of the market. It’s a small number of bonds that really helps one to behave tactically.


    In other words, if one is long any of the names that comprise 90% of the entire bond market CUSIP universe, good luck liquidating if and when you have to, and good luck hoping to “eat” only a 100 bps spread in pricing, especially if and when the market goes bidless.

    But will the junk bond, or any other markets, go bidless as a result of plunging liquidity?

    That was the question posed at the Reuters Global Investment Outlook Summit in New York. Here is what the participants said, courtesy of Reuters:

    “The reason why volatility is going to be higher … you don’t have this huge blanket of liquidity in the world like you had for the last three or four years,” said Rick Rieder, chief investment officer of fundamental fixed income for BlackRock, which manages $4.5 trillion.


    Rieder noted that currency reserves in China were declining after several years of a reserve buildup in the world’s second-biggest economy that had resulted in money entering the U.S. financial markets in “huge size.”


    Scarce liquidity, partly as a result of curbs on banks’ ability to take risks and an increase in technology-driven trading, has contributed to events such as the Dow Jones industrial average losing more than 1,000 points in the first few minutes of trading on Aug. 24 and the Treasury market “flash crash” on Oct. 15, 2014.


    There is just not as much two-way flow in the markets as we saw pre-crisis, and I don’t think that’s getting better in 2016,” said Erin Browne, portfolio manager at Point72 Asset Management.  “Particularly where the Fed’s going to be raising rates, there is less liquidity in the market, there is the opportunity for more gap risk next year,” she said in reference to the risk of sudden declines in prices, and with it, sharp widening in bid-ask spreads.

    And if SAC, pardon “Point72” is worried about liquidity risk, well… that means that Citi’s “Figure 4” is about to get much worse.

    So what is one to do? According to Mohamed el-Erian, prayer to the Fed works: the same Fed which is about to take away the liquidity…

    Some investors remain under the illusion that the Fed is going to reassure markets during periods of distress, said Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic adviser at Allianz SE.


    “The market is comfortable that whenever we hit a hiccup, the Fed is going to come back in,” he said. “It’s very deeply embedded that central banks are our best friends forever.”


    He noted that, even though the U.S. central bank “wants to” normalize rates, people have expressed in recent weeks that they still believe that the Fed will engage in another round of quantitative easing. He reiterated, however, that low liquidity remained a risk and that there was a 30 percent probability of a U.S. recession in 2017.

    … just to give it right back when the next rerun of the August 24 market-wide flash crash arrives, only this time there is no subsequent rebound and everyone comes crying to Aunt Janet to make it all well again and unleaseh NIRP or QE4, or both.

  • Current Copper Price Below Cost of Production

    By EconMatters 


    Long Dollar Trade


    One of the common trades in financial markets these days is going long the US Dollar and shorting Commodities, especially the precious and industrial metals. This has been a bad year for commodities, and this trade has picked up steam with large fund flows the last 6 weeks.


    Schizophrenic Fed & Employment Reports
    This all turned around after the poor employment report of October 2nd, followed by some trade unwinding thinking the Federal Reserve may be on hold for the remainder of the year after the dismal October Employment Report. This resulted in about eight days of currency unwinds and around October 14th, Investors started putting the Long Dollar Trade back on as they realized the Fed still wanted to raise rates, and since China seemed to stabilize from a crashing standpoint, Fed Speak became hawkish to telegraph to financial markets that the December meeting was a potential live meeting for a rate rise. This trade really picked up speed when the November 6th Employment Report came in much stronger than anticipated with a robust 271,000 new jobs created for the previous month.


    Trading Algos & Paper Markets


    Oil has also been hit along with the metals but it has inventory issues to contend with and is in the midst of a price war for market share. But there is no such price war in the metals industry, and although China`s weakness has no doubt tempered demand, the precious and industrial metals are basically being hammered down in the paper markets by fund flows in this Long Dollar Trade. This trade has become such a reflexive trade, that if the US Dollar is strong, the trading algos just start attacking Gold, Silver, Copper, Aluminum, Platinum and Palladium. These metals by and large trade as a group with slight differences in the charts based upon any unique demand characteristics of the given metal.


    Soft Demand


    Demand hasn`t really fluctuated much for any of these metals the last six weeks, China and the global economy are just sort of trudging along with China`s rebalancing and the global economy growing somewhere in the area of 3.5%. But what has changed the last 6 weeks is the large fund flows into the US Dollar all trying to front run the Federal Reserve, and shorting the Euro, (which makes up the largest component in the US Dollar Index), with traders also front running Mario Draghi who has been telegraphing more future stimulus for the European Union.


    No Shale Technology for Copper Mining


    But at some point every asset has a price, it really comes down to price, markets often over shoot in one direction or the other, but ultimately, what is a ‘fair price’ given the dynamics in the market. Copper is an interesting market because it is being slammed down with Gold and Oil, and the supply side of the Copper market has had its issues in 2015, with supply constraints limiting new supply on the market. Most of the pressures have come from the demand side of the equation with China`s rebalancing. But Copper doesn`t grow on trees, and is actually rather difficult to get out of the ground and process from a cost perspective. The steps involved in actually processing Copper to get it in a marketable form are rather extensive and involve considerable resources. And with six straight weeks of slamming down by traders we have reached the low level of $2 on the Nymex December Futures contract.


    Marginal versus Production Processing Costs


    There are various estimates for what the Marginal Cost of getting Copper out of the ground is before supply is taken offline completely. But it is reasonable to assume that Copper is currently being priced well below the long term Production Cost of Processing the Industrial Metal, and a large component for this trend is strictly fund flows in the Long Dollar Trade.


    Path Forward for Copper


    I am not sure how much this trade has left in it for the near term, who literally knows with asset prices and financial markets these days. But my intuition is that this Long Dollar Trade will probably be pushed into the European Central Bank Decision regarding more stimulus measures and the Fed December Meetings regarding a 25 basis point hike. Also, two other contributing factors are the December 4th Employment Report and traders wanting to take profits before the actual event in early December.


    Buy the Rumor, Sell the News


    And given the fact that the Federal Reserve is probably going to go out of its way to talk dovish with a 25 basis point rate hike, almost a “One and Done” intended messaging given what the rest of the world is doing in this robust currency devaluation game; it probably means that traders buy the rumor, and sell the US Dollar hard after the actual news of a rate hike, at least in the near term.


    Short Covering Rally


    This is when traders will probably really unwind these Fund Flows with buying Gold hand over fist, covering the substantial shorts in the market, and simultaneously putting new money to work in Gold and the rest of the Industrial and Precious Metals. And if it starts getting cold Oil might even get a bid along with these commodities. We shall see how this all plays out in the market, but $2 Copper could be setting up for an ample short covering rally before 2015 ends!

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  • Chicago's John Hancock Building Fire Is Out, Police Report 1 Injured

    A fire burning in a residence on the 50th floor of the John Hancock Center in Chicago has been put out according to the city’s fire department. At least 6 ambulances were on scene responding to the initial situation. One injury has been confirmed by the Chicago Fire Department via Twitter.


    The infamous John Hancock building in Chicago is on fire. CNN reports, and the following tweets show, flames visible halfway up and enormous plumes of smoke amid the freezing Illinois air. The fire is in the northeast corner of what appears to be the 50th floor of the building. No details yet on the cause or of any injuries…

    AP reports,

    A fire has broken out high up in the John Hancock Center, one of Chicago's tallest skyscrapers.


    Flames could be seen shooting out of a window on the 50th floor Saturday.


    Chicago police say they were getting calls reporting the blaze from people inside the building. It has offices and residential units, along with a rooftop observation room popular with tourists.


    It's not clear whether anyone is hurt.


    The Fire Department's media office tweeted that the fire was under control and firefighters were ventilating the floor. A Fire Department spokesman could not immediately be reached to provide more details.

    *  *  *

    Authorities have shut down Michigan Avenue, which will be holding the Magnificent Mile Festival of Lights Parade Saturday evening.

    Images from the scene…



  • Recovery? "We Never Came Close"

    Economics is messy, rarely offering up a clear view of the economy. The chart below shows that Americans have taken on more revolving debt (credit cards basically) since March than they did the previous three years combined.

    ABOOK Nov 2015 Consumer Recession Revolving2

    As Alhambra's Joe Calhoun notes, this could be a positive or a negative and we won’t know until some time in the future.

    • It could be a reflection of confident consumers, readily taking on debt in an improving economy.
    • Or it could be that consumers are using their credit cards because they don’t have cash and this is a precursor to recession.

    That’s what happened in 2000 and 2007 but pointing that out these days gets you labeled a perma-bear. That might be a clue as to how one ought to interpret the data… but maybe not.

    The Fed has many problems with its attempt to convince the world that it has itself fulfilled its recovery mission. That self-reflected “mandate” is meant to include a masterful revisit to prior American infatuation with debt and credit. There was no more visible and visceral demonstration of those terms than the middle 2000’s, and it is the intent of monetary policy to get Americans back there. However, as Jeffrey Snider explains, in 2015, however, in the few areas where that has been found it does not identify monetary success but rather demonstrates even more how the theory never came close.

    Revolving credit has just surged this year, particularly starting in March. The numbers are staggering, as revolving credit balances, estimated and reported by the Federal Reserve itself, have jumped by more than $39 billion in the seven months ending with the update for September. By comparison, from the start of 2012 until February 2015, revolving credit balances expanded by about $44 billion; in just seven months this year consumers have indebted themselves by almost as much as they had in the more than three years before March.


    Economists are, as you would expect, nearly ecstatic over the impoverishment. To them, it signals the final capitulation of consumers to that which Janet Yellen has been professing since her term began. But there is a huge problem with that view; if consumers are borrowing, what are they doing with the balances?

    For the first time in at least a decade, imports fell in both September and October at each of the three busiest U.S. seaports, according to data from trade researcher Zepol Corp. analyzed by The Wall Street Journal. Combined, imports at the container terminals at the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Calif. and around New York harbor, which handle just over half of the goods entering the country by sea, fell by just over 10% between August and October.

    The declines came during a stretch from late summer to early fall known in the transportation world as peak shipping season, when cargo volumes typically surge through U.S. ports. It is a crucial few months for the U.S. economy as well: High import volumes can signal a confident view on the economy among retailers and manufacturers, while fears of a slowdown grow when ports are quiet.

    The mainstream wishes to belittle the “manufacturing recession” as if it is in and of itself with no major economic connotations. Further, we know retail sales have been among the worst in the entire quarter-century of data, “bested” in consumer atrocity only by the depths of the Great Recession, in exactly this period where revolving, credit card usage has spiked.

    ABOOK Nov 2015 Consumer Recession Revolving Credit YY

    It isn’t just importations, either, though that already confounds orthodox understanding as far as what should be happening in trade because of the relative “cheapness” via the dollar exchange. Trucking and shipping companies internally have been vocal in their questioning the dominant, happy rhetoric. In short, if consumers are in full indebted throat upon an orthodox rebirth of the mid-2000’s there isn’t anything out in the real economy to suggest it. There aren’t swelling quantities of goods being moved, fewer in fact, and even less as far as counted spending. There has been a tendency to suggest that consumers, if avoiding goods, have been binging upon services, but they sure aren’t going to be using their credit cards to pay their health insurance premiums or bank fees.

    Instead, this discontinuity can only be consistent where consumers are completely out of options. If there are noticeably fewer goods being shipped here and within here, the US, and borrowing has just exploded at the same exact time then it is rather easy to conclude far more of full recession than recovery.

    That is a point that is further bolstered by the continuing surge in auto loans (as well as student loans via the federal government). In other words, overall manufacturing is, to be blunt, already in the toilet to which even economists recognize despite the fact that auto credit remains at the heart of a relatively robust auto sector; what does that say about the real nastiness in manufacturing apart from autos? What does it suggest about consumers where student loans aren’t being applied toward the labor participation problem?

    ABOOK Nov 2015 Consumer Recession Revolving Govt

    As it is, economists still can’t make any sense of it since they are convinced (though becoming, significantly enough, less so as you can see below) of Yellen’s forthrightness.

    Economists are divided as to whether the peak season slump signals a short-term hiccup for the U.S. economy, or marks the start of a sustained period of weakness.


    Some say the slump is being driven by businesses that have cut back on imports because of a weak economic outlook, which could point to sluggish global growth ahead. Others say it is a side effect of a massive inventory buildup that took place earlier in the year.

    Those are actually two parts of the same process, not competing explanations. If businesses have indeed started to cut back, then inventory is the marginal driving force derived from lower sales that have driven inventory to such heights. Add to that such “sluggish” outlook the indebting nature of consumers just to keep the economy in a bad state rather than something obviously worse and it is no wonder commodities and money markets are speaking to unthinkable contradiction.

    In short, there is no way to reconcile the sudden surge in credit card usage with this magnitude of reduced trade in goods that ends with the US on a surging plane of booming vigor. The “dollar” warned of such behavior and inconsistency starting in the middle of last year, and come to find out the pieces are fitting and corroborating that warning more and more.

  • US Congresswoman Introduces Bill To Stop "Illegal" War On Assad; Says CIA Ops Must Stop

    Last month, US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard went on CNN and laid bare Washington’s Syria strategy. 

    In a remarkably candid interview with Wolf Blitzer, Gabbard calls Washington’s effort to oust Assad “counterproductive” and “illegal” before taking it a step further and accusing the CIA of arming the very same terrorists who The White House insists are “sworn enemies.” 

    In short, Gabbard all but tells the American public that the government is lying to them and may end up inadvertently starting “World War III.”

    For those who missed it, here’s the clip:

    That was before Paris. 

    Well, in the wake of the attacks, Gabbard has apparently had just about enough of Washington vacillating in the fight against terror just so the US can ensure that ISIS continues to destabilize Assad and now, with bi-partisan support, the brazen Hawaii Democrat has introduced legislation to end the “illegal war” to overthrow Assad. 

    Gabbard, who fought in Iraq – twice – has partnered with Republican Adam Scott on the bill. Here’s AP

    In an unusual alliance, a House Democrat and Republican have teamed up to urge the Obama administration to stop trying to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad and focus all its efforts on destroying Islamic State militants.


    Reps. Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat, and Austin Scott, a Republican, introduced legislation on Friday to end what they called an “illegal war” to overthrow Assad, the leader of Syria accused of killing tens of thousands of Syrian citizens in a more than four-year-old civil war entangled in a battle against IS extremists, also known as ISIS.


    “The U.S. is waging two wars in Syria,” Gabbard said. “The first is the war against ISIS and other Islamic extremists, which Congress authorized after the terrorist attack on 9/11. The second war is the illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad.”


    Scott said, “Working to remove Assad at this stage is counter-productive to what I believe our primary mission should be.”


    Since 2013, the CIA has trained an estimated 10,000 fighters, although the number still fighting with so-called moderate forces is unclear. CIA-backed rebels in Syria, who had begun to put serious pressure on Assad’s forces, are now under Russian bombardment with little prospect of rescue by their American patrons, U.S. officials say.


    For years, the CIA effort had foundered — so much so that over the summer, some in Congress proposed cutting its budget. Some CIA-supported rebels had been captured; others had defected to extremist groups.


    Gabbard complained that Congress has never authorized the CIA effort, though covert programs do not require congressional approval, and the program has been briefed to the intelligence committees as required by law, according to congressional aides who are not authorized to be quoted discussing the matter.


    Gabbard contends the effort to overthrow Assad is counter-productive because it is helping IS topple the Syrian leader and take control of all of Syria. If IS were able to seize the Syrian military’s weaponry, infrastructure and hardware, the group would become even more dangerous than it is now and exacerbate the refugee crisis.

    And make no mistake, Tulsi’s understanding of Washington’s absurd Mid-East policy goes far beyond Syria. That is, Gabbard fully grasps the big picture as well. Here’s what she has to say about the idea that the US should everywhere and always attempt to overthrow regimes when human rights groups claim there’s evidence of oppression:

    “People said the very same thing about Saddam (Hussein), the very same thing about (Moammar) Gadhafi, the results of those two failed efforts of regime change and the following nation-building have been absolute, not only have they been failures, but they’ve actually worked to strengthen our enemy.”

    Somebody get Langley on the phone, this woman must be stopped. 

    Here’s Gabbard speaking to CNN this week about Assad:

    So there’s hope for the US public after all.

    Perhaps if the clueless masses won’t listen to “lunatic” fringe blogs or Sergei Lavrov, they’ll listen to a US Congresswoman who served two tours of duty in Iraq and who is now telling Americans that The White House, The Pentagon, and most especially the CIA are together engaged in an “illegal” effort to overthrow the government of a sovereign country and in the process are arming the very same extremists that are attacking civilians in places like Paris.

    Good luck Tulsi, and thanks for proving that there’s at least one person inside that Beltway that isn’t either dishonest or naive. 

    *  *  *

    From Gabbard

     “Here are 10 reasons the U.S. must end its war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad:

    1. Because if we succeed in overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad, it will open the door for ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other Islamic extremists to take over all of Syria.  There will be genocide and suffering on a scale beyond our imagination.  These Islamic extremists will take over all the weaponry, infrastructure, and military hardware of the Syrian army and be more dangerous than ever before.
    2. We should not be allying ourselves with these Islamic extremists by helping them achieve their goal because it is against the security interests of the United States and all of civilization.
    3. Because the money and weapons the CIA is providing to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad are going directly or indirectly into the hands of the Islamic extremist groups, including al-Qaeda affiliates, al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham, and others who are the actual enemies of the United States.  These groups make up close to 90 percent of the so-called opposition forces, and are the most dominant fighters on the ground.
    4. Because our efforts to overthrow Assad has increased and will continue to increase the strength of ISIS and other Islamic extremists, thus making them a bigger regional and global threat.
    5. Because this war has exacerbated the chaos and carnage in Syria and, along with the terror inflicted by ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups fighting to take over Syria, continues to increase the number of Syrians forced to flee their country.
    6. Because we should learn from our past mistakes in Iraq and Libya that U.S. wars to overthrow secular dictators (Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi) cause even more chaos and human suffering and open the door for Islamic extremists to take over in those countries.
    7. Because the U.S. has no credible government or government leader ready to bring order, security, and freedom to the people of Syria.
    8. Because even the ‘best case’ scenario—that the U.S. successfully overthrows the Syrian government of Assad—would obligate the United States to spend trillions of dollars and the lives of American service members in the futile effort to create a new Syria.  This is what we have been trying to do in Iraq for twelve years, and we still have not succeeded.  The situation in Syria will be much more difficult than in Iraq.
    9. Because our war against the Syrian government of Assad is interfering with our being one-pointedly focused on the war to defeat ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the other Islamic extremists who are our actual enemy.
    10. Because our war to overthrow the Assad government puts us in direct conflict with Russia and increases the likelihood of war between the United States and Russia and the possibility of another world war.”

    *  *  *

    Oh, and if you needed another reason to like Tulsi, here’s a bonus 40 second clip for your amusement…

  • Mission Accomplished?

    Success… or?




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Today’s News November 21, 2015

  • Belgium Warns Of "Imminent" Terror Threat In Brussels: "Avoid Crowded Areas"

    Following the massacre that unfolded last Friday in Paris, Belgium has become a focal point for European authorities’ anti-terror efforts. 

    As we detailed in “Meet The 27-Year Old “Mastermind” Behind The Paris Attacks“, Abdelhamid Abaaoud began to figure prominently in discussions among Western intelligence officials after two of his operatives were killed in a January raid in Verviers.

    Abaaoud was born in Belgium, and partly due to the “fame” he achieved by orchestrating the ISIS operation in Paris, the entire world is now suddenly awake to the role Brussels plays in serving as a kind of terrorist incubator.

    Specifically, all eyes are on Molenbeek, a working class, immigrant neighborhood which Foreign Policy notes is separated from the historical district by a “breezy canal” and is but a 20 minute subway “hop” from Brussels’ European Quarter. 

    As The New York Times recounted earlier this week, “the assassination of the Afghan anti-Taliban commander Ahmed Shah Massoud, immediately before the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001; the train bombings in Madrid in 2004; and the killing of four people at the Brussels Jewish Museum in 2014; the foiled shooting on a high-speed train, the anti-terrorist raid in the eastern Belgian town of Verviers, the attack on a Paris kosher supermarket and, finally, the Nov. 13 attacks on the French capital — all had some connection to Molenbeek.

    In short, Molenbeek is to European terrorists what Charlestown is to bank robbers, although residents are understandably distressed about that rather unflattering characterization. 

    In any event, Belgium is now on high alert – literally. As AFP reports, Belgium has raised its terror alert level to the highest level for Brussels on Saturday. An attack, officials say, could be “imminent”:

    “Following our latest evaluation… the centre has raised its terror alert to level 4, signifying a very serious threat, for the Brussels region,” said a statement from OCAM, which comes a week after the Paris attacks left 130 dead.


    “The analysis shows a serious and imminent threat requiring specific security measures as well as detailed recommendations to the population,” OCAM, which is part of the Belgian Interior Ministry, said in the statement.

    Here’s the whole statement (Google translated):

    Following a new assessment of the OCAM performed this Friday, 20/11 at night, the terror alert level rose to a level 4, very serious, for the Brussels Region. Level 3 continue to apply to the rest of the country.


    The analysis shows indeed a serious and imminent threat that requires taking specific security measures as well as specific recommendations for the population.


    Advice to the population:


    Avoid places with high concentrations of people in the Brussels region (concerts, major events, train stations and airports, public transport, places of high commercial concentration).


    Facilitate follow the safety controls

    Do not post rumors: follow the official information from the authorities and police services

    In order to enable judicial inquiries to track their progress, no further details will be given. A communication from the Government will follow tomorrow morning.

    Yes, “no further details will be given.” Until a raid turns up a couple of Syrian passports that is.

  • Congress Wants To Seize Your Passport For Unpaid Taxes

    Submitted by Simon Black via,

    Sometimes you just have to stand in awe at the level of corruption and incompetence in government.

    Case in point, the new highway bill in the Land of the Free. And, trust me, you’ll love this.

    The latest version of the highway bill is called the “Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy Act.”

    And yes, they abbreviate it as the DRIVE Act.

    I cannot even begin to imagine how large the team of monkeys is that works on these silly acronyms. And as is typical for legislation, the more high sounding the name of the law, the more destructive its consequences.

    On the surface, the DRIVE Act aims to fund the federal transportation network and investments in highway infrastructure for the next several years, as well as recapitalize the Highway Trust Fund.

    Federal trust funds are supposed to responsibly and conservatively manage money that has been set aside for a specific purpose to benefit taxpayers.

    There are so many of these trust funds. There are the big ones like Social Security’s “Old Age Survivor’s Insurance” and “Disability Insurance” (which is literally days away from running out of money).

    And there are many more you’ve probably never heard about, like the “Black Lung” trust fund and the “Leaking Underground Storage Tank” trust fund.

    Most of these funds are insolvent, or at least pitifully undercapitalized, clearly proving the government to be one of the worst asset managers in history.

    The Highway Trust Fund is no exception: it has completely run out of money, and at this point literally has a ZERO account balance. The DRIVE Act intends to fix that.

    And even though it has nothing to do with funding highways, the bill also aims to re-authorize the Export-Import Bank.

    The Ex-Im Bank was created during the Great Depression and is designed to facilitate trade. That’s code for ‘boost the profits of Boeing and General Electric.’

    Even the government’s own Congressional Research Service found that “more than 60% of Ex-Im Bank’s loan guarantees, by dollar value, supported the sale of Boeing airplanes in foreign countries”.

    Ex-Im is essentially a gift on a golden platter from the taxpayers of the United States to a handful of mega-companies.

    The Bank’s charter lapsed earlier this year. But rather than let it die, they’re jumpstarting Ex-Im with even more taxpayer money.

    Clearly the government needs cash. They need to fund Ex-Im, the Highway Trust Fund, and all the improvements for America’s dilapidated infrastructure.

    And their solutions to address this cash crunch are nothing short of remarkable.

    For example, they plan to steal $300 million from the Leaking Underground Storage Tank trust fund (LUST… yes, that’s really what they call it), and transfer that money to the Highway Fund.

    The only problem is that LUST is insolvent. So they’re stealing from one insolvent trust to fund another insolvent trust. It’s genius!

    One of my favorite sections in the bill is a directive to sell off 100+ million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

    Only a politician could think to sell off oil supplies at a time when oil price is at multi-year lows.

    (It also really gives you a sense of how broke the government really is that they’re driven raise cash by selling off strategic assets.)

    Another gem buried in the 864 pages of the bill is a provision that allows the government to revoke your passport if they believe that you owe more than $50,000 in federal tax.

    There will be no judicial review, and no due process. You don’t get to go in front of a judge first to have a fair and impartial hearing over whether or not the government’s tax allegations are accurate.

    The language in the law is very clear: they can simply revoke your passport if you owe them money in their sole discretion.

    Once the law is passed, this would go into effect on January 1, 2016, and they claim it will generate $40 million per year in tax revenue.

    There was one more provision that proposed raising revenue from the biggest banks in America by reducing the dividend they receive from the Federal Reserve.

    Curiously, though, this specific provision was defeated yesterday after a heated committee meeting in Congress.

    So while the banks’ profits are off-limits, and the government will spend billions of taxpayer dollars to boost profits at Boeing, American citizens are threatened with having their passports revoked in order to raise money.

    It couldn’t be any more obvious how much the system is stacked against the little guy.

    They treat you like a dairy cow that exists only to be milked dry… like a medieval serf tied to the land and forced to serve his overlords.

    It’s revolting. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

    You can take sensible, rational steps to divorce yourself from this madness, or at least have a Plan B to protect yourself from it.

    If the government is threatening to take away your passport, for example, there are countless ways you can obtain another one from a country that will roll out the red carpet for you.

    If you’re sick and tired of having your income confiscated so that you can bail out big companies, there are completely legal steps you can take to reduce what you owe.

    It’s hard to imagine you’ll be worse off being more free and having more control over your life and finances.

  • For Sale: Apocalypse Bunker, Can Withstand 20 Kiloton Nuclear Blast; Furnished: Asking $17,500,000

    Earlier this week we presented the Oppidium: a concept doomsday shelter which would be located in the Czech Republic, catering exclusively to billionaires who could watch mushroom clouds wrap the earth in a radioactive glow just the way they like it: in posh opulence, as the following proposed images suggested:

    Interior bedroom of bunker

    Bunker swimming pool and garden using artificial lighting

    Underground bunker wine cellar

    And the bottom line:


    Upon some further recollection three things emerged: the Oppidium bunker is completely useless because i) it was all style over substance; ii) it was a marketing gimmick for its designer/seller, and iii) it doesn’t even exist yet and furthermore its completion cost further billions.

    But perhaps most importantly, the bunker was located in Europe, somewhere in the Czech heartland, and as such would be largely useless to the targeted customer base: uber-wealthy Americans with a penchant for if not immortality then outliving everyone else, and who would hardly have the time to reach it as the “Apocalypse-level” event unfolded.

    Addressing all of these concerns is an underground facility and bunker dubbed “The Facility” in Southeast Georgia, located two hours from Savannah, which just hit the market for a far more modest $17.5 million, and which most importantly, is in “move-in ready” shape.

    As BizJournals reports, the property (which is exclusively listed by Sister Hood of Harry Norman, Realtors Buckhead Office), was built in 1969 and fully renovated to government standards in 2012. Its address is undisclosed.

    According to Harry Norman, it is the only hardened and privately owned underground bunker of its kind in the United States. The property features a commercial 3-Phase power plant, in addition to its own 8Kw new solar backup system. The facility is also equipped with a $100,000 CCTV security system.

    “Above ground, The Facility offers 2,000 square feet of commercial space, a renovated 1,000-square-foot caretaker’s home and below ground the facility offers 14,000-square-feet of living and working space,” the company reported. “The Facility is 45 feet underground and certified to withstand a 20K ton nuclear blast.

    The Facility stands on 32 acres and has two levels of underground living space.

    Level two has four luxury apartments that are about 600-square-feet. The apartments are totally self-contained and have two full bedrooms, a kitchen and dining area, a living room with TV and internet and a large bathroom in addition to its own security, a HVAC system and environmental monitoring sensors. Level one of the underground facility has common areas similar to a luxury hotel, the company said.

    “Guests can enjoy the large home theater with seating for 15, a commercial grade kitchen, a recreation area, library and TV room,” Harry Norman reported. “The Facility is equipped with a full workshop, a separate business and conference center and fully equipped medical room.”

    In other words, unlike the Czech pipe dream, the Atlanta bunker can not only withstand a direct nuclear blast, but is move in ready right now – a key selling point which no other “concept” apocalypse shelters have as of this moment.

    Here is the full listing:


    And here is what $17,500,000 (price is negotiable) gets you.

    More images available here

  • Fed To Hold An "Expedited, Closed" Meeting On Monday

    Given how awesome everything appears to be, judging by stocks and the tidal wave of FedSpeak of the last week confirming that rates are rising in December, we found it at least marginally ‘odd’ that out of the blue,  The Fed would announce an ‘expedited, closed’ meeting on Monday…



    As we are sure to be told: “it’s probably nothing!”

  • No Joke! The Onion Predicted All Of This Back In 2003

    Submitted by Carey Wedler via,

    George W. Bush may think that a war against Iraq is the solution to our problems, but the reality is, it will only serve to create far more,” read a 2003 article on The Onion a week after then-President George Bush launched the Iraq War. While a wide variety of organizations and individuals also rebuked that invasion, the satirical newspaper offered one of the most accurate assessments to date. So accurate, in fact, it all but predicted the rise of the Islamic State.

    In the mock-debate piece, entitled, This War Will Destabilize The Entire Mideast Region And Set Off A Global Shockwave Of Anti-Americanism vs. No It Won’t,” The Onion highlighted the very real risks of war.

    As fictional debater Nathan Eckert warned:

    This war will not put an end to anti-Americanism; it will fan the flames of hatred even higher. It will not end the threat of weapons of mass destruction; it will make possible their further proliferation. And it will not lay the groundwork for the flourishing of democracy throughout the Mideast; it will harden the resolve of Arab states to drive out all Western (i.e. U.S.) influence.”

    He continued:

    If you thought Osama bin Laden was bad, just wait until the countless children who become orphaned by U.S. bombs in the coming weeks are all grown up. Do you think they will forget what country dropped the bombs that killed their parents? In 10 or 15 years, we will look back fondly on the days when there were only a few thousand Middle Easterners dedicated to destroying the U.S. and willing to die for the fundamentalist cause. From this war, a million bin Ladens will bloom.

    More than a decade into the chronic conflict, the Onion’s projects are eerily—albeit predictably—accurate. By 2006, national security experts were warning the war was inspiring further radicalism. One of the Boston Marathon bombers was radicalized by the Iraq War. The Charlie Hebdo shooters were also radicalized by Western intervention in the Middle East.

    As the Guardian pointed out earlier this year,there was no al-Qaida in Iraq until the US and Britain invaded. And the US has certainly exploited the existence of Isis against other forces in the region as part of a wider drive to maintain Western control.

    The Onion article poked fun at empty rebuttals many proponents of war offered at the time.

    “Why do you keep saying these things? I can tell when there’s trouble looming, and I really don’t sense that right now. We’re in control of this situation, and we know what we’re doing. So stop being so pessimistic,” wrote the fictional opposing debater, Bob Sheffer.

    But the United States was not in control—and the pessimism (read: realism) was warranted. The Islamic State has thrived not only because of radical Islam, but because of resentment sparked by American intervention. A recent report by The Nation details interviews the author conducted with imprisoned Islamic State fighters. Journalist Lydia Wilson explained that while most people in the West believe the Islamic State is rooted solely in religion, it has attracted fighters for other reasons:

    They are children of the occupation, many with missing fathers at crucial periods (through jail, death from execution, or fighting in the insurgency), filled with rage against America and their own government. They are not fueled by the idea of an Islamic caliphate without borders; rather, ISIS is the first group since the crushed Al Qaeda to offer these humiliated and enraged young men a way to defend their dignity, family, and tribe,” she wrote.

    As Eckert  opined in The Onion over 12 years ago:

    Is our arrogance and hubris so great that we actually believe that a U.S. provisional military regime will be welcomed with open arms by the Iraqi people? Democracy cannot possibly thrive under coercion. To take over a country and impose one’s own system of government without regard for the people of that country is the very antithesis of democracy. And it is doomed to fail.

    Just as proponents of war today dismiss long-term risks of continued intervention, the fictional Sheffer downplayed any negative consequences:

    No it won’t. It just won’t. None of that will happen,” he replied to Eckert.


    You’re getting worked up over nothing. Everything is going to be fine. So just relax okay? You’re really overreacting.

    This is not the first Onion piece to foreshadow real world events. Earlier this year, a satirical article published on the site predicted the United States would offer weapons to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to placate him following Obama’s progress on the United States’ nuclear deal with Iran.

  • Why Only Free Speech Gives Safe Space To The Oppressed

    Submitted by Dan Sanchez via,

    Social justice protests have been roiling American universities, even causing administrative heads to roll. To a significant degree, these campus uprisings have been characterized by an impulse to restrict speech and expression for the sake of creating “safe spaces” for marginalized groups. However, speech restriction is a double-edged sword that can just as easily injure the very people campus activists seek to help.

    The turmoil at the University of Missouri (Mizzou) in particular was sparked by racial incidents. And the protesters are closely aligned with the Black Lives Matter movement, which combats police brutality against black Americans.

    However, cops themselves have recently sought to restrict speech and expression in order to insulate that very brutality from criticism.

    As William N. Grigg wrote last year:

    The NYPD has now added its name to the roster of Officially Protected Victims by filing ‘hate crimes’ charges against 36-year-old Rosella Best, who had tagged police vehicles and a public school with anti-NYPD graffiti. Among the entirely defensible sentiments inscribed by Best are ‘NYPD pick on the harmless,’ ‘NYPD pick on the innocent,’ and?—?in a display of familiar but increasingly justified hyperbole?—?NAZIS=NYPD.’ (Assuming that Ms. Best used only ‘public’ property as her canvas, it’s difficult to identify an actual victim in this case.)

    And earlier this year, the Fraternal Order of Police demanded that Congress extend such special protection to the federal level.

    Many critics of the police have been arrested and charged over Facebook posts. Matthew Townsend of Meridien, Idaho was prosecuted as a felon for a Facebook post warning of a “non-violent and legal shame campaign,” which was treated by the authorities as a “terroristic threat.” Thomas Smith of Arena, Wisconsin was arrested and charged with “unlawful use of a computerized communication system” for throwing nothing more than F-bombs and accusations of racism at local cops on Facebook. And there was a whole wave of arrests last year over fierce anti-cop online rhetoric following the police killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner and subsequent murders of police officers.

    In addition to arrests and prosecutions, cops have been orchestrating campaigns to have their social media critics shunned and fired. See the cases of restaurant workers Ashley Warden and Shawn Peterson.

    High profile cops from Wisconsin to Georgia have characterized Black Lives Matter as a “hate group,” and called for a crackdown on its “incitement.”

    Police (including the U.S. top cop, FBI Director James Comey) are also blaming the increase in violent crime in some cities on “the YouTube effect,” claiming officers are holding back from “proactive” (aggressive) policing for fear of having recordings of their violence go viral.

    Thus, ostensibly for the sake of “officer safety” (the blue brotherhood’s version of “safe space”), legislation has been proposed to make it a crime for ordinary people to point cameras at cops.

    Given these assaults by cops on the rights of individuals to combat police brutality through speech and the use of media, it is deeply troubling that allies of Black Lives Matter at Mizzou should have reacted to journalists trying to photograph their rally with threats of violence, and even police violence.

    While a crowd of protesters was physically forcing student photographer Tim Tai out of a public space on campus, one of the activists warned him, “They can call the police on you.

    After Tai was driven away, the journalist who video recorded the incident remained. Faculty member Melissa Click demanded that he leave, too. When the journalist refused, Click tried to enlist fellow activists to physically remove him, saying:

    Who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here!

    This was a “progressive” assistant professor of mass media calling for “muscle” to be deployed against a journalist in a public space!

    In addition to Black Lives Matter, the Palestine solidarity movement is yet another just cause championed by the campus left that is imperiled by threats to speech. Moreover, these threats are emerging on university campuses and are being justified on “social justice” grounds. Like the cops, defenders of the Israeli occupation of Palestine are seeking to restrict speech on an “anti-hate” basis in order to insulate the occupation’s brutality and atrocities from criticism. As Nora Barrows-Friedman recently reported:

    A member of the University of California’s governing body has called for the expulsion or suspension of students for expressing their views about Israel, under the guise of combating anti-Jewish bigotry.


    This comes as Israel lobby groups, flush with huge new injections of cash, are stepping up their efforts to silence the Palestine solidarity movement on campuses nationwide.


    “During a 17 September meeting of the University of California (UC) Regents to discuss a ‘statement of principles against intolerance,’ Richard Blum also threatened to have his wife, US Senator Dianne Feinstein, publicly criticize the university if it did not enforce penalties against perceived bigotry.


    “Feinstein’s criticism could put the university system under federal scrutiny.


    “Another regent, Hadi Makarechian, agreed, according to The San Francisco Chronicle, saying that without punishment, ‘we’re just stating a lot of stuff on paper.’


    “Blum and other regents, backed by Israel lobby groups, are pushing the university to adopt policies that free speech advocates warn could violate the First Amendment.


    “The Board of Regents had been due to vote on whether to adopt the US State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism as university policy at its meeting in July.


    “That definition is based on a ‘working definition’ of anti-Semitism once considered by a European Union body but later dropped.


    “Palestine solidarity and free speech advocates point out that the government definition conflates criticism of Israel with anti-Jewish bigotry. A key strategy of Israel advocates, they say, has been to urge university administrators to treat criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism as one and the same.

    Just as the cops are blaming Black Lives Matter and viral videos for “inciting” violence against police, the hard-right Israeli government and its champions throughout the world have similarly been accusing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and the online dissemination of documented Israeli brutality, of being “incitement” for terrorism against Israel. They are pushing to have such “incitement” restricted.

    And they are succeeding. In October, France’s highest court ruled that advocacy of BDS is illegal “incitement” and “hate speech.” And as Glenn Greenwald wrote in The Intercept:

    In May, CBC reported that Canadian officials threatened to prosecute BDS activists there under ‘hate speech’ laws, and after those officials denied doing so, we obtained and published the emails proving they did just that. The February Haaretz article described this troubling event in the U.K.: ‘In 2007, the British University and College Union said it would drop plans to boycott Israeli institutions after legal advisers said doing so would violate anti-discrimination laws.’ In 2013, New York City officials joined an (ultimately failed) Alan Dershowitz-led campaign to threaten the funding of Brooklyn College for the crime of hosting pro-BDS speakers.

    Again, restricting speech is a double-edged sword. As the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) warned:

    Free speech rights are indivisible.


    Restricting the speech of one group or individual jeopardizes everyone’s rights because the same laws or regulations used to silence bigots can be used to silence you. Conversely, laws that defend free speech for bigots can be used to defend the rights of civil rights workers, anti-war protesters, lesbian and gay activists and others fighting for justice.

    Many campus activists have lashed out in frustration at “free speech purism,” which they regard as misplaced in the context of institutionalized oppression. But it is extremely short-sighted to sacrifice universal principle on the altar of identity politics for the sake of marginalized groups.

    Once you accept the infringement of universal rights as an acceptable political weapon, it will be wielded more effectively by oppressors against the oppressed (cops against blacks, Israeli occupiers against Palestinians, etc.), and not the other way around. Authoritarian restriction is a game much better suited for the mighty than for the marginalized.

    If you replace the power of principle with the principle of power, it is the relatively powerless who will get the worst of it.

  • Friday Humor: Meet Phuc Dat Bich – The Aussie Man Who Is "Irritated" At Facebook Ban

    A 23-year-old from Melbourne had to upload a picture of his passport and vented his frustration on Facebook after they banned his account three times on the grounds his name was “false and misleading.”

    We can perhaps understand why…

    “I find it highly irritating the fact that nobody seems to believe me when I say that my full legal name is how you see it,” the post reads.


    “I’ve been accused of using a false and misleading name of which I find very offensive. Is it because I’m Asian? Is it?”


    “Having my Facebook shut down multiple times and forced to change my name to my ‘real’ name, so just to put it out there. My name.”

    The name, which is pronounced ‘Phoop Dook Bic’, is reportedly a common in Vietnam, despite the spectacular response it has received in Australia.

    * * *

    Of course, the more important question for Facebook is – is he a terrorist?

  • Even The 1% Is Hurting: Swiss Watch Exports Plunge Most Since Financial Crisis

    As the poor get poorer, so the saying goes, the rich get richer; and until recently that was not just true, but apparently mandated so by The Fed. However, the last few months have seen the so-called "1%" appearing to struggle a little in their largesse. As we noted previously, not only are luxury jet values dropping for the first time since 2009, London mansion prices plunging, San Francisco home sales collapsing, and Sotheby's laying people off, but now, as Bloomberg reports, Swiss watches – the ultimate in luxury extravagance – have seen exports crash by the most since the financial crisis.


    Swiss watch exports collapsed 12.3% YoY in October… the worst since the financial crisis and not seen outside of a US recession…


    “2015 has been one to forget for the watchmakers,” said Jon Cox, an analyst at Kepler Cheuvreux in Zurich. As Bloomberg reports,

    Swiss watch exports had their biggest decline in six years in October, led by a 39 percent slump in shipments to Hong Kong, the industry’s largest market.


    Shipments declined 12 percent to 2 billion Swiss francs ($2 billion), the Swiss customs office said in a statement Thursday.


    Exports to the U.S. dropped 12 percent.

    But aside from that, it appears only one thing has really benefited from The Fed's largesse (as demand for Diamonds and Fine Wine has crashed)


    The rich appear to be cinching up the purse strings, and as we concluded previously, that is not a good sign…

    So the rich are becoming less rich? To an extent, yes. Recent declines in commodity prices and emerging market debt have no doubt taken a bite out of some big portfolios. Meanwhile hedge funds, the preferred investment management vehicle of the uber-wealthy, have done badly for the past couple of years, with some high-profile implosions generating headlines.


    These disappointments have lowered the net worth of some big players and made others more cautious. Hence the lessened demand for the most pretentious assets.


    The impact on the global economy? Almost certainly bad, since the 1% are the marginal buyers of so many reference assets like blue-chip stocks and government bonds. To the extent that they grow cautious, the bid for a lot of things will be lower, cutting corporate profits, equity valuations and high-end asset prices.

    Put another way, when the only healthy part of an already-impaired system turns negative, everyone will feel the resulting pain.

    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Paris Attacks: Another False Flag? Sifting Through The Evidence

    Submitted by Joachim Hagopian via Global Research,

    What do the globalists do when they want to create, reignite and keep their war on terror fought indefinitely? They simply carry out a series of false flag attacks using Muslim terrorist stooges as their hired guns to do their damage. That’s what 9/11 was all about in the US, 7/7 in UK, the 3/11 train attack in Spain, the Hebdo Paris attack last January, and now this latest Paris encore reenactment part two.


    In any unsolved crime the first question asked is who benefits by motive with an actual means to execute the crime?


    In all of these tragic false flag events the global elite benefits in multiple ways. And it most definitely has the means by issuing marching orders to its owned and operated national governments, its favorite being the militaristic, brutal American Empire.


    The elite’s agenda to polarize and destabilize the world politically and militarily manifests through the US foreign policy of regime change, nonstop war through divide and conquer methodology (i.e., Shiites vs. Sunnis, Euro-nationals vs. foreign migrants, Christians vs. Muslims, light skins vs. dark skins) and economic austerity through unpayable high interest from predatory IMF bank loans to debtor nations from both the developing and developed world.  Through global theft and destruction, the ruling elite reigns supreme in absolute power.

    For decades after World War II US-NATO-Western European allies conspired and perpetrated state sponsored terrorism murdering their own citizens through a protracted series of Gladio operations originally designed to falsely accuse Communist groups in Italy. Spanning over thirty years with violent incidents throughout Europe and Turkey, Gladio-like false flag operations never stopped. Gladio at home took the form of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff’s Operation Northwoods that JFK abruptly halted, partially resulting in his own self-undoing, killing the diabolical military plot of murdering innocent US citizens in Miami and Washington DC in order to blame and start a war against Cuba. The US especially but numerous governments have regularly engaged in false flag operations killing their own to trigger wars, shape public opinion, conceal and divert attention away from citizens ever catching on to the dirty lowdown truth.

    The Friday the 13th Paris massacres were highly organized, committed by heavily armed, closely monitored terrorist professionals unleashed onto an unsuspecting, culturally diverse group of young Paris victims. The coordinated attacks seem to carry all the earmarks as state of the art false flag terrorism having had lots of previous practice, most notably the Paris Charlie Hebdo edition. But the growing anomalies stacking up once again turn out to be no different from its predecessors.

    All have promoted the same globalist agenda toward unlimited invasive authoritarian surveillance used to bring about increasing draconian measures in order to gain absolute tyrannical control over the populace. At the same time it exploits xenophobia and islamophobia amongst its citizenry that in turn increase hatred and tensions laying the groundwork for potential civil war. Today the elite is skillfully working its proven divide and conquer formula perfectly. In one fell swoop it creates the unstable conditions fomenting civil unrest and violent backlash that then increasingly justify oppressive, over-the-top counterterrorism and police state tactics that obliterate human rights.

    Finally, false flag terrorism launches a militarized backed by a globally legislative crackdown targeting all dissidence and activism exposing the governments’ false narrative of lies and propaganda, labeling and criminalizing the dissenting truth as homegrown terrorism.

    The surreptitiously obtained Syrian passport found so quickly after the fact in Paris has become a false flag trademark used in both Charlie Hebdo and 9/11. Because this pattern proved a serious liability for establishing any credibility, it was later disclosed that the passport actually came off the body of “a Syrian refugee,” as if that made MSM any more believable.

    Even before the passport fiasco, the alleged terrorist’s quote from a supposed witness “this is for Syria” was obviously disclosed by mainstream media to shape and manipulate public opinion into quickly blaming Syria, ISIS and Syria’s targeted leader Assad. And then long before any of this alleged (dis)info began surfacing, barely an hour into the attacks while still actively underway, President Hollande kept repeating three times in the next several hours what appeared to be his scripted lines already declaring that France was at war against already identified terrorist attackers from Syria before any investigation had even begun. This rapid sequence of events smacked of false flag.

    Furthermore, like the Hebdo attack earlier this year, reports immediately commenced disclosing that French intelligence had long been tracking the perpetrators prior to the attacks. Former antiterrorist judge Marc Trevidic in a Sunday interview claimed that French authorities knew of an impending terrorist attack being planned by Islamic State jihadists “at a French rock concert” as early as August.

    The judge had cross-examined militants three months earlier who revealed this rather critically important piece of information. This strongly suggests French intelligence had prior knowledge of the Friday night massacres. Turkey also warned the authorities in France twice about one of the three alleged suicide bombers but The Guardian reported that France only contacted Turkey for information after the Paris attacks. Again, it seems more than plausible that French security forces knew about the planned attacks but purposely failed to stop them or may have even played a sinister role in allowing them to occur.

    A couple of other striking parallels with 9/11, when the BBC reporter announced that Building 7 went down 20 minutes prior to the event, the Paris attack was described on twitter dated a full two days in advance of the November 13th killings. Also Wikipedia within two hours from the very onset of the attacks already had posted a fully detailed account complete with footnotes specifying “Syria” being mentioned by a witness, “5 or 6 terrorists”, and “3 suicide bombers” all from the get-go pointing to the big bad Muslim villains yet again. The clinching evidence was Wikipedia running an early story version at 23:06 specifying:

         In a televised statement at approximately 23:58 (local time), French President François Hollande declared

         a state of emergency and closing of borders for the whole of France.

    For that announcement on Wikipedia to be made nearly an hour prior to Hollande’s actual statement could suggest that Wikipedia was in fact being used by the French authorities as an information disseminator of a preplanned event, right away establishing an official narrative from the outset that Arab terrorists from Syria were the guilty murderers behind the attacks far in advance of the start of even a preliminary investigation.

    It’s also been recently learned like in several previous false flags that security forces in Paris were simultaneously undergoing another live action emergency drill earlier that same day (as in Charleston, Baltimore, Boston, 9/11). Patrick Pelloux, an emergency medical services specialist and one of the first responders to the attacks, confirmed in a radio interview that a live drill had been conducted that morning of the 13th. These co-occurring government events timed perfectly to overlap so called acts of terrorism cannot be considered purely co-incidental.

    Adding more weight to the false flag suspicion is the fact that just two weeks prior to Friday’s attack on October 29th CIA Director John Brennan met with his French counterpart along with UK’s MI6 former chief and former Israeli national security advisor. Additionally on Monday Brennan admitted that the international intelligence community expected a terrorist attack in Europe. Just as the Islamic terrorist mercenaries always “accidentally on purpose” leave their calling cards behind, so are the dirty CIA-Mossad fingerprints left indelibly written all over virtually every state sponsored terrorism on this planet. For years it’s been repeatedly demonstrated that US and Israeli intelligence forces have been covertly working directly with the Islamic State jihadists. NSA documents show that ISIS leader El Baghdadi was trained by Mossad. A recently captured IDF colonel was caught leading Islamic State forces. Overwhelming evidence has proven the US-Israeli-Saudi-Turkish-Gulf State connection to ISIS terrorists, documenting this intimate partnership in the manufactured war on terror.

    In late September after Putin outed Obama’s fake war against ISIS at the UN, then throughout October actually destroying ISIS where Obama only pretended, the lost face of a humiliated Emperor’s new clothes turned US war policy in the Middle East completely topsy-turvy. Obama’s dubious leadership sank to an international all-time low when Putin exposed America’s deliberately failed MENA policy. Allied nations were cutting their losses and announcing plans to pull out of Syria. US Empire of Chaos and Destruction was fast losing its global control, its coercive power to subjugate its Euro-puppets into blind submission seriously and overtly eroding.  On top of that, while Europe is still reeling from the refugee mass migration crisis directly caused by the US imperial aggression, they were marveling over grandmaster Putin’s bold stroke of finally kicking some Islamic State ass. Stalwart US Euro-ally Germany was already shifting gears warming its relations with Russia, unwilling to follow Washington’s disastrous lead down doomsday road.

    So what do the neocon goons in full damage control mode come up with?

    While US-Israel are holding joint military exercises in the Sinai desert, did they coordinate with ISIS to make sure it shoots down the Russian airliner as immediate Putin payback Then came Defense Secretary Carter’s Russia bashing threats from the Ronald Reagan Library followed just hours later a few miles away with the Trident missile’s Saturday night LA bright light show seen around the world as an exclamation threat to Russia and China to back off from challenging US Empire’s global hegemony.

    The DC warmongers are growing increasingly desperate, afraid of losing both their full spectrum dominance in the world as well as their precious proxy terrorist ally while Putin’s aid to Assad is putting the final kibosh on their fanatical OCD regime change operation.

    So Brennan meets up with French and Israeli intelligence to conjure up the next Paris false flag. And since Hollande’s been Washington’s loyal go-to lackey with Hebdo already under his belt, heading up France’s active role in the imperialistic assault on both Libya and Syria, with Paris terrorism #2 France now becomes US Empire’s key catalyst to pull off another massive 9/11-like attack, in fact the biggest in France since WWII and be the justified driving force behind this newest “coalition of the willing” stepping up its next phase of war in Syria against both Assad and Putin. US bombs being dropped over Syria are now being joined by bombs from French jets as well as Israeli and Saudi warplanes. Timed purposely on the heels of the Paris tragedy, the ongoing G-20 meeting with the world’s most powerful nations in Turkey has turned into a war council to drum up intensified world war effort against nemesis Assad and Putin.

    But the Western bombs are making sure that they do not destroy ISIS nor ISIS-controlled oil refineries selling black market oil to NATO member Turkey. Nor are they attacking the critical ISIS supply line in northern Syria that extends back into Turkey. It’s all too obvious that a renewed, heavily fortified allied offensive aggressively going head-to-head with Syrian and Russian forces clearly risks igniting a broader War.

  • Most Americans Hit "Peak Income" More Than 15 Years Ago

    After adjusting for inflation, the majority of Americans are worse off today than they were decades ago. The map below shows that median household income actually peaked at least 15 years ago in 81% of U.S. counties.


    Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist


    This visualization of household incomes is from an interactive map created by the Washington Post that allows users to zoom in on individual counties to see how income has changed over the years.

    Some of the more interesting revelations include:

    • Income peaked one year ago for many of the counties that are a part of the shale boom. This includes much of North and South Dakota, as well as parts of Texas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. Income in Washington, D.C. and neighboring Arlington County also peaked then.
    • In 1999, a total of 1,623 counties had their households reach peak income. The majority of these counties are in the Midwest and Southeast.
    • The most southern part of California and parts of New England both peaked around 25 years ago.
    • Many states along the Rocky Mountains such as Wyoming and Montana had counties that peaked roughly 35 years ago.
    • Household income peaked in upstate New York, the northern tip of California, and southern Nevada at the same time that humans were first landing on the moon in 1969.

    But we have one simple question…After reading all of the above, what is it exactly The Fed does?


  • Saudi Arabia Is An ISIS That "Made It": "The West Wages War On One, And Shakes Hands With The Other"

    One interesting thing about Washington’s strategy in the Middle East is the extent to which the US persists in its support of Saudi Arabia and steadfastly refuses to make meaningful strides towards reconciliation with Iran. 

    It’s not so much that anyone realistically expects Tehran to turn a corner on things like expanding press freedom or implementing judicial reform and everyone knows that regardless of how friendly Rouhani tries to be, the Ayatollah casts a long shadow. But at the risk of coming across as crass and/or short on nuance, Saudi Arabia still executes people in the streets with swords and promotes the same hardline ideology as that espoused by ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other Sunni extremists. Tehran and its Shiite crescent are the regional counterbalance to this and yet The House of Saud is welcomed with open arms at The White House, while Iran is forever branded a pariah state even as Riyadh and Doha funnel money to the very same militants who carry out attacks on Western targets. 

    With that in mind, we present the following Op-Ed by Kamel Daoud, a columnist for Quotidien d’Oran, and the author of “The Meursault Investigation.” 

    Originally published in The New York Times

    Saudi Arabia, an ISIS That Has Made It

    Black Daesh, white Daesh. The former slits throats, kills, stones, cuts off hands, destroys humanity’s common heritage and despises archaeology, women and non-Muslims. The latter is better dressed and neater but does the same things. The Islamic State; Saudi Arabia. In its struggle against terrorism, the West wages war on one, but shakes hands with the other. This is a mechanism of denial, and denial has a price: preserving the famous strategic alliance with Saudi Arabia at the risk of forgetting that the kingdom also relies on an alliance with a religious clergy that produces, legitimizes, spreads, preaches and defends Wahhabism, the ultra-puritanical form of Islam that Daesh feeds on.

    Wahhabism, a messianic radicalism that arose in the 18th century, hopes to restore a fantasized caliphate centered on a desert, a sacred book, and two holy sites, Mecca and Medina. Born in massacre and blood, it manifests itself in a surreal relationship with women, a prohibition against non-Muslims treading on sacred territory, and ferocious religious laws. That translates into an obsessive hatred of imagery and representation and therefore art, but also of the body, nakedness and freedom. Saudi Arabia is a Daesh that has made it.

    The West’s denial regarding Saudi Arabia is striking: It salutes the theocracy as its ally but pretends not to notice that it is the world’s chief ideological sponsor of Islamist culture. The younger generations of radicals in the so-called Arab world were not born jihadists. They were suckled in the bosom of Fatwa Valley, a kind of Islamist Vatican with a vast industry that produces theologians, religious laws, books, and aggressive editorial policies and media campaigns.

    One might counter: Isn’t Saudi Arabia itself a possible target of Daesh? Yes, but to focus on that would be to overlook the strength of the ties between the reigning family and the clergy that accounts for its stability — and also, increasingly, for its precariousness. The Saudi royals are caught in a perfect trap: Weakened by succession laws that encourage turnover, they cling to ancestral ties between king and preacher. The Saudi clergy produces Islamism, which both threatens the country and gives legitimacy to the regime.

    One has to live in the Muslim world to understand the immense transformative influence of religious television channels on society by accessing its weak links: households, women, rural areas. Islamist culture is widespread in many countries — Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Mali, Mauritania. There are thousands of Islamist newspapers and clergies that impose a unitary vision of the world, tradition and clothing on the public space, on the wording of the government’s laws and on the rituals of a society they deem to be contaminated.

    It is worth reading certain Islamist newspapers to see their reactions to the attacks in Paris. The West is cast as a land of “infidels.” The attacks were the result of the onslaught against Islam. Muslims and Arabs have become the enemies of the secular and the Jews. The Palestinian question is invoked along with the rape of Iraq and the memory of colonial trauma, and packaged into a messianic discourse meant to seduce the masses. Such talk spreads in the social spaces below, while up above, political leaders send their condolences to France and denounce a crime against humanity. This totally schizophrenic situation parallels the West’s denial regarding Saudi Arabia.

    All of which leaves one skeptical of Western democracies’ thunderous declarations regarding the necessity of fighting terrorism. Their war can only be myopic, for it targets the effect rather than the cause. Since ISIS is first and foremost a culture, not a militia, how do you prevent future generations from turning to jihadism when the influence of Fatwa Valley and its clerics and its culture and its immense editorial industry remains intact?

    Is curing the disease therefore a simple matter? Hardly. Saudi Arabia remains an ally of the West in the many chess games playing out in the Middle East. It is preferred to Iran, that gray Daesh. And there’s the trap. Denial creates the illusion of equilibrium. Jihadism is denounced as the scourge of the century but no consideration is given to what created it or supports it. This may allow saving face, but not saving lives.

    Daesh has a mother: the invasion of Iraq. But it also has a father: Saudi Arabia and its religious-industrial complex. Until that point is understood, battles may be won, but the war will be lost. Jihadists will be killed, only to be reborn again in future generations and raised on the same books.

    The attacks in Paris have exposed this contradiction again, but as happened after 9/11, it risks being erased from our analyses and our consciences.

  • Japan To Unleash Inflation… By Fabricating Data

    The great thing about statistics is that you can make them say pretty much whatever you want them to say. 

    Although good statisticians generally try to build in all kinds of safeguards to ensure that when they’re trying to draw conclusions based on data analysis, those conclusions are free of biases, that’s no good if you’re a government agency hell bent on conveying a very specific message to the general public (or to the market). 

    You see, goalseeked data is a key tool in the fight to “prove” that seven years of unconventional monetary policy hasn’t been for naught. After all, both Europe and Japan recently slipped back into deflation despite printing trillions in fiat money…

    …and earlier this week, Tokyo was forced to admit that despite all of the “Abenomics is working” rhetoric, the country has just entered its fifth recession in five years. 

    Clearly, some statistical “massaging” is in order. 

    China has long been the undisputed king of manipulated economic data and earlier this year, the BEA decided it was time to take a page out of the NBS playbook. With the help of Janet Yellen’s old friends at the San Francisco Fed and after an on air assist from Steve Liesman, the US government introduced the market to “residual seasonality” or, double adjusted GDP data.

    In simpler terms, after seeing it work so well for years in China, the US Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Statistics simply replaced all of its Excel models with just one function. The following:

    And visually:

    The moral of the story is that sometimes, when it’s a choice between everyone realizing that the emperor has no clothes and just making up the numbers, you should just make up the numbers because if you don’t, well, people may start to wonder what the point of printing trillions in fiat currency was other than to inflate the assets of the rich and exacerbate the gap between the haves and the have nots. 

    Sure enough, it now looks like Japan is set to follow in the footsteps of the BEA because as Reuters reports, when you’re stuck in deflation, sometimes the best thing to do is simply omit all the things for which prices are falling from your calculations. Here’s more:

    The Bank of Japan will release a new set of price indicators this month that reconfigures the way price trends are measured as the central bank seeks to show the country’s below-target inflation rate is due to volatile items such as energy.

    Importantly, a new consumer price index (CPI) will exclude energy costs, which have been falling, but include the costs of items such as processed and imported foods, which have been rising.

    See there? Eliminating Japan’s dreaded “deflationary mindset” is as simple as only including those items in the CPI that are getting more expensive. Back to Reuters: 

    The BOJ currently uses the government’s core CPI, which excludes fresh food but includes energy costs, as its key price measurement in guiding monetary policy.

    With core CPI now slipping due largely to slumping oil prices, the central bank began internally calculating a new index that conveniently shows inflation exceeding 1 percent in the past few months. That index strips away volatile fresh food and energy costs, but includes processed and imported food prices, which are rising.


    The BOJ said on Friday it will start publishing this month the new CPI, as well as other indicators such as one showing the ratio of goods seeing prices rise versus those that are falling, on a regular basis each month.

    Obviously, this is completely ridiculous and speaks to just how desperate Japan truly is now that the time clock on failed state status is about to tick under two years. 

    Of course you can manipulate the numbers all you like, but you can’t manipulate the underlying reality and eventually, papering over the problem with artifically inflated data will cease to be a viable option once things get bad enough and Excel simply crashes under the sheer ridiculousness of what it’s being asked to do.

  • Over-Reaching Government "Enables" Culture Warriors

    Submitted by Roger Barris via,

    Dispensing More “Free Stuff”

    I  have just finished reading an opinion entitled “A Birth-Control Morality Play Comes to Supreme Court” by Megan McArdle, the lonely voice of libertarianism over at Bloomberg View.

    The thrust of the article is to use philosophical hypotheticals to explain the violent reaction of some religious groups to the seemingly minor certifications required to escape the contraception mandate in the Affordable Care Act.  But the article makes another point, albeit in an oblique manner, which is more important.   In the “culture wars,” an overreaching government often fires the first shot.



    Cradle-to-grave nannying by the State has certain small drawbacks, but you’ll get used to them, serf.


    As McArdle says “My own intuition is that the Obama administration chose this fight….For one thing, contraception is an inexpensive routine purchase that is exactly the sort of thing that insurance shouldn’t cover (for the same reason your car insurance doesn’t cover routine service: you’d just end up pre-paying the service in the form of higher insurance premiums.)”  Here, McArdle is making the same point and in fact using the same example – great minds thinking alike, and all that – I used in my 2012 blog entitled “Contraceptive ‘Coverage.’

    As I pointed out earlier, contraception fails any reasonable definition of an insurable risk, being a “random undesirable event, usually of significant consequences.”  Since having sex is neither random nor (typically) undesirable, nor are the costs of contraception that significant, it cannot be “insured.”

    Frankly, using the language of insurance in this context is a transparent attempt to hide the political belief that the government should be dispensing, or forcing others to dispense, more “free stuff” behind a smokescreen of science and health care.  But as the old saying goes, in war, cultural or otherwise, truth is the first casualty.


    Obama Claus

    But there is! Gimme!


    The Road to Serfdom

    In addition to being economic and linguistic nonsense, contraceptive “coverage” also perfectly illustrates why libertarians like McArdle and me do not want the government engaging in these kinds of activities.  It is a reason advanced at length by Friedrich von Hayek, the Nobel Prize winning economist and social thinker, in his book The Road to Serfdom.  This was written a long time ago, but in today’s environment of heated partisanship, the argument is well worth repeating.



    In the early 1940s, Hayek became disenchanted with the direction economics had taken after Keynes. As a result, he never penned the definitive book on capital theory he had planned as a follow-up to his initial effort, the “Pure Theory of Capital”. This is a pity, but on the other hand, Hayek then focused on political theory and questions of knowledge, bequeathing us a great many influential and interesting works, inter alia “The Road to Serfdom”, an eloquent attack on the tyranny of the socialist welfare state, social engineering and central planning.


    Hayek argues that it is relatively easy to reach societal consensus on the basic functions of government.  A legal system and the police to enforce it.  A national defense.  Roads and other services that can be provided most efficiently by a monopoly.  Even, more controversially (at least among libertarians), support for basic education and some form of social “safety net” for the small portion of society that is truly unable to help itself.  And a relatively modest level of taxation to support all of this.

    However, there is no reason to believe that this consensus can be maintained when government pushes well beyond these bounds.  And this is precisely what we are observing with the contraception mandate, the funding of Planned Parenthood, and many other facets of the “culture wars.”

    Now I personally have no problem with contraception and abortion, but I have to recognize that there are other people who do.  In a libertarian world, people with these differing opinions and values can live side by side in reasonable harmony, each side following the famous Voltairian advice to disapprove of what someone says (or does), but defend to the death his right to say (or do) it.

    But this harmony breaks down when one group or the other seeks to put the heavy finger of government on their side of the scales.  In addition to all the utilitarian arguments for why the government should avoid this type of micro-managed social engineering, we libertarians believe that this is an independent reason for setting a high bar for these practices.

    Those who advocate for policies such as contraception mandates and the funding of Planned Parenthood, which almost certainly don’t belong in the government sphere on purely economic grounds, should also be required to justify the “culture wars” they will inevitably unleash.



    Home from the war …


    This is particularly true when, as in all wars, “tit for tat” quickly becomes the standard.  The left shoves Planned Parenthood and a contraception mandate down the throat of the right.  Then the right feels doubly justified in trying to impose their views on abortion and “intelligent design.”  The end result is a reduced sphere of freedom for everyone, including us innocent bystanders caught in the crossfires of their battles.

    For Hayek, the attempt to expand the sphere of government action, with the inevitable discord it produced, was a major factor behind the rise of anti-democratic politics in Weimar Germany.


    July 1931: Thousands are queuing at the branch offices of the Post Office Bank in Berlin to withdraw their savings. The Weimar Republic had long ceased to be fun, and both communist and nationalist groups were actively working to bring about its downfall and replace it with a dictatorship. Hitler’s party won this particular contest two years after this photograph was made.


    It was a major factor in The Road to Serfdom that led, in the case of Germany, to fascism.  However, we don’t have to go this far.  We only have to look at the gridlock in Washington and the rise of anti-Washington political candidates to realize that the same dynamic is at work in modern-day America.  Although thankfully for now in a less virulent form.

  • Average Annual Cost Of Specialty Drugs Now Exceeds US Median Household Income

    Earlier this month, we reported that Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), who together lead the Senate Special Committee on Aging, have opened a bipartisan investigation into pharmaceutical drug pricing. 

    In the crosshairs are Valeant, Turing, Retrophin, and Rodelis. 

    News of the investigation came after Turing CEO Martin Shkreli (who also founded Retrophin) decided to boost the price of a toxoplasmosis drug he bought by some 5000%. Valeant – also known for jacking up prices on acquired drugs – was thrust into the spotlight after a series of reports prompted scrutiny of the company’s apparently less-than-“limited” relationship with pharmacy Philidor.

    Whether Shkreli – who, you might have noticed, made a few moves this week in KaloBios that cost the E-trading Joe Campbells of the world a small fortune – realized it or not, his decision to raise the price of Daraprim from $13.50 to $750/pill may have been the tipping point for a market that has until now borne the rising cost of prescription drugs.

    Of course patients with insurance don’t foot the whole bill, but insurance companies aren’t running charity operations so ultimately, higher costs are passed on to consumers in the form of steeper premiums. 

    It’s against this backdrop that AARP has released a new study which shows that incredibly, the average annual cost of specialty drugs now exceeds the median US household income. As The Washington Post notes, “the study of 115 specialty drugs found that a year’s worth of prescriptions for a single drug retailed at $53,384 per year, on average, in 2013 — more than the median U.S. household income, double the median income of Medicare beneficiaries, and more than three times as much as the average Social Security benefit in the same year.”

    From the report:

    • The average cost of therapy was more than $53,000 per drug per year for specialty prescription drugs at the end-payer (retail) level in 2013. — This average annual cost ($53,384) is more than double the average annual cost ($25,857) for a specialty drug in 2006, the year Medicare implemented Part D
    • The average annual cost of therapy for one specialty drug in 2013 ($53,384) was greater than the median US household income ($52,250), more than twice the median income for a Medicare beneficiary ($23,500), and over 40 times higher than the average Social Security retirement benefit ($1,294) over the same time period.

    The report also notes that “retail prices for widely used specialty prescription drugs increased substantially faster than general inflation in every year from 2006 to 2013.” For instance, AARP points out that “in 2013, retail prices for 115 specialty prescription drugs widely used by older Americans, including Medicare beneficiaries, increased by an average of 10.6 percent. In contrast, the general inflation rate was 1.5 percent over the same period.”

    Holly Campbell, a spokeswoman for PhRMA, the trade group that represents the pharmaceutical industry, isn’t buying it. Campbell “called the report misleading and inaccurate because it fails to take into account the discounts and rebates that are applied to drugs through the negotiations between drug manufacturers, insurers and pharmacy benefit companies,” WaPo notes, adding that “she also critiqued the study’s methodology and pointed out that specialty medicines are used by a small number of people and account for a small share of total healthcare spending.”

    But that’s about to change, and Campbell probably knows it. Here’s AARP again: 

    Until recently, relatively few patients used specialty drugs. However, the US population is steadily aging and older adults typically use more specialty medications than younger populations. In addition, specialty drugs are increasingly being used to treat common chronic conditions that affect millions of Americans. Drug manufacturers are also developing more specialty drugs, which now represent 42 percent of the late stage research and development pipeline. Overall, these trends indicate that a much larger share of the population will use specialty prescription drugs in the future


     Experts have projected that specialty drug spending will increase by more than 16 percent annually between 2015 and 2018, and will comprise more than 50 percent ($235 billion) of total drug spending by 2018.

    And here’s a look at price increases in 2013 for widely used specialty drugs by company:


    Of course the industry will continue to insist that prices are generally indicative of how much has been invested during development, but what seems clear from the above and from stepped up lawmaker scrutiny, is that in many cases patients are simply being gouged which leads directly to, as AARP puts it, “increased health care premiums, deductibles, and other forms of cost sharing.” On top of that, “prescription drug price growth also increases spending for taxpayer-funded health programs like Medicare and Medicaid, which will eventually affect all Americans in the form of higher taxes.”

    Yes, “increased health care premiums, deductibles, and higher taxes,” but that’s fine because we’re all happy to subsidize the luxurious lifestyles of the world’s Martin Shkrelis, right?

    Meanwhile, the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s office announced a $390 million civil fraud settlement with Novartis on Friday and just to drive home how underhanded this industry has truly become, we’ll leave you with a few passages from the press release announcing the settlement: 

    Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York,announced a $390 million settlement against NOVARTIS Pharmaceuticals Corp. (“NOVARTIS”) in a civil fraud lawsuit based on claims that NOVARTIS gave kickbacks to specialty pharmacies in return for recommending two of its drugs, Exjade and Myfortic. 


    Starting in early 2007, NOVARTIS saw Exjade sales were far below internal targets because of low refill rates due, in significant part, to side effects that were more frequent and more severe than initially expected.  To increase Exjade refills and hit its sales targets, NOVARTIS leveraged its control over patient referrals to pressure BioScrip, Accredo, and US Bioservices to hire or assign nurses to call Exjade patients and, under the guise of education or clinical counseling, encourage patients to order more refills. 


    More specifically, as the Government contended, NOVARTIS knew that, when the pharmacies called patients, they emphasized the benefits of taking Exjade – for example, by telling patients that not taking Exjade would cause damage to their organs or lead to infertility – while understating the serious, potentially life-threatening risks of taking Exjade – for example, by not mentioning potential side effects like kidney and liver failure.  Indeed, NOVARTIS encouraged the pharmacies to promote Exjade refills in these ways even though FDA had characterized claims about Exjade preventing organ damage as “unsubstantiated.”


    In addition, the Government contended that, to incentivize the pharmacies to intensify their efforts to promote Exjade refills, NOVARTIS devised a scheme under which it allocated more patient referrals and gave higher rebates to pharmacies that obtained higher refill rates.  Indeed, NOVARTIS went forward with this scheme – which operated from 2008 to 2012 – even though it knew that the scheme presented risks of violating the Anti-Kickback Statute.

    Incidentally, WSJ reported this evening that Turing is now set to generously cut the price of Daraprim in half for hospitals, which we suppose means it will “only” cost $325 now as opposed to $13.50 before.

    *  *  *

    Full AARP report

    Price Watch Trends in Retail Prices of Specialty Prescription Drugs 2006 to 2013 Nov

  • Guest Post: The End Of Obamaworld

    Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

    In denouncing Republicans as “scared of widows and orphans,” and castigating those who prefer Christian refugees to Muslims coming to America, Barack Obama has come off as petulant and unpresidential.

    Clearly, he is upset. And with good reason.

    He grossly, transparently underestimated the ability of ISIS, the “JV” team, to strike outside the caliphate into the heart of the West, and has egg all over his face. More critically, the liberal world order he has been preaching and predicting is receding before our eyes.

    Suddenly, his rhetoric is discordantly out of touch with reality. And, for his time on the global stage, the phrase “failed president” comes to mind.

    What happened in Paris, said President Obama, “was an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share.”

    And just what might those “universal values” be?

    At a soccer game between Turkey and Greece in Istanbul, Turks booed during the moment of silence for the Paris dead and chanted “Allahu Akbar.” Among 1.6 billion Muslims, hundreds of millions do not share our values regarding women’s rights, abortion, homosexuality, free speech, or the equality of all religious faiths.

    Set aside the fanatics of ISIS. Does Saudi Arabia share Obama’s views and values regarding sexual freedom and the equality of Christianity, Judaism and Islam? Is anything like the First Amendment operative across the Sunni or Shiite world, or in China?

    In their belief in the innate superiority of their Islamic faith and the culture and civilization it created, Muslims have more in common with our confident Christian ancestors who conquered them than with gauzy global egalitarians like Barack Obama.

    “Liberté, egalité, fraternité” the values of secular France, are no more shared by the Islamic world than is France’s affection for Charlie Hebdo.

    Across both Europe and the United States, the lurch away from liberalism, on immigration, borders and security, fairly astonishes.

    But again, understandably so.

    Many of the Muslim immigrants in Britain, France and Germany have never assimilated. Within these countries are huge enclaves of the alienated and their militant offspring.

    Consider the Belgium capital of Brussels. Belgium’s home affairs minister Jan Jambon said his government does not “have control of the situation in Molenbeek.”

    Brice De Ruyver, a security adviser to a former Belgian prime minister says, “We don’t officially have no-go zones in Brussels, but in reality, there are, and they are in Molenbeek.”

    According to The Wall Street Journal, after the Paris attacks, “French security forces … conducted hundreds of antiterror raids and placed more than 100 suspects under arrest. … France has some 11,500 names on government watch lists.”

    How many of those 11,500 are of Arab descent or the Muslim faith?

    The nations of the EU are beginning to look again at their borders, and who is crossing them, who is coming in, and who is already there.

    And the world is reawakening to truths long suppressed. Race and religion matter. To some they are life-and-death matters. Not all creeds, cultures and tribes are equally or easily assimilated into a Western nation. And First World nations have a right to preserve their own unique identity and character.

    When Obama says that to prefer Christian to Muslim refugees is “un-American,” he is saying that all the U.S. immigration laws enacted before 1965 were un-American. And, so, too, were presidents like Calvin Coolidge who signed laws that virtually restricted immigration to Europeans.

    Barack Obama may be our president, but who is this man of the left to dictate to us what is “un-American”?

    Were presidents Harry Truman and Woodrow Wilson, who called ours a “Christian nation,” un-American? Did the Supreme Court uphold our “universal values” with Roe v. Wade in 1973 and the Obergefell decision on same-sex marriage last June?

    The race issue, too, has returned to divide us.

    Half a century after Selma bridge, we have “Black Lives Matter!” on college campuses claiming that universities like Missouri, Princeton, Yale and Dartmouth are riddled with institutional racism.

    Attention must be paid, and reparations made, by white America. And a new generation of academic appeasers advances to grovel and ask how the university might make amends.

    In Europe, tribalism and nationalism are on the march. Peoples and nations wish to preserve who they are. Some have begun to establish checkpoints and ignore the Schengen Agreement mandating open borders. Eastern Europeans have had all the diversity they can stand.

    With Syrian passports missing, with ISIS besieged in its Syria-Iraq laager and urging suicide attacks in New York and Washington, we may be witness to more terrorist massacres and murders in the States.

    The time may be at hand for a moratorium on all immigration, and a rewriting of the immigration laws to reflect the views and values of Middle Americans, rather than those of a morally arrogant multicultural elite.

    Obamaworld is gone. We live again in an us-versus-them country in an us-versus-them world. And we shall likely never know another.

  • Stocks Soar Most In 13 Months After Worst European Terrorist Attack In Over A Decade

    Quite a week eh? "I don't care… I want to trade size and be a big swinging dick… I'm gonna make it rain!!"


    A quick summary of the week…

    • Paris Population Down 130 people  – worst European terrorist attack since Madrid (190 people) in 2004
    • S&P Up 3.3% – best week since Bullard Bounce Oct 2014
    • EM Stocks Up 4.5% – best week in 2 months
    • Gold Down 0.4% – 5th weekly drop in a row, lowest since Oct 09
    • Silver Down 0.7% – 5th weekly drop in a row, lowest since July 09
    • Crude Down 0.5% – 5th drop in last 6 weeks, lowest since August
    • Copper Down 5.3% – worst week sicne Dec 2014, down 6 weeks in a row to lowest since April 2009

    *  *  *

    Let's start with stocks… From worst week of the year last week to best week since October 2014's Bullard Bounce…


    Futures show the real exuberance though… Sunday night's open marked the low after 100-plus people had been killed, and Paris was under martial law…Nasdaq +5% off Sunday night lows!!


    Which roundtripped stocks perfectly to the October Payrolls print…


    *  *  *

    The Devil's in the Divergences…

    Bonds and stocks…


    Credit and stocks…

    Trannies and oil…


    Credit and equity risk… (note the roll)


    Credit (cash) and equity risk…


    Stocks and the yield curve…


    And finally FX carry and stocks…


    A few individual stocks mattered today…

    Chipotle poisoned some folks…


    Hope is high that Valeant is fixed (thanks to a Citi debt upgrade)


    And then there's Netflix!!! Up almost 20% this week!!!! An $8.6bn rise in market cap in one week… the most ever.


    Tresury yields were extremely mixed – following FOMC Minutes – with 2Y up 8bps and 30Y -3bps on the week… 2Y highest weekly close since April 2010, 30Y yields lower for 2 straight weeks first time since August…


    For the biggest flattening in 4 months – 2s30s fell 12bps this week – almost to 7 month flats…


    Credit markets have now fallen 14 days in a row…


    The USDollar gained on the week – Draghi's whatever it takes today trumping odd post-FOMC weakness yesterday in the USD – AUD shot up this week…


    Commodities were all lower this week – as The USD gained – but copper was really ugly…


    Copper Carnage…



    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: Retail Deja Vu…


    Bonus Bonus Chart: Ponzinormous…

  • Weekend Reading: Differing Diatribes

    Submitted by Lance Roberts via STA Wealth Management,

    As expected, the market rallied from short-term support levels as the year-end rush to chase returns has started in full swing. To wit:

    "With the markets NOW oversold, it will be critically important that support at 2020 is not broken. The next critical level of support is the short-term moving average (dashed blue line) at 2010, and then 1990 at previous support levels from early this year. It will be important for the market to hold these current levels of support without violating it over the next few trading days to set up a more tradeable short-term rally.


    As shown in the chart below, the markets did not disappoint. Even with Japan slipping into its fifth recession in the last 5-years, despite massive infusions of capital, and the devastating attacks in Paris over the weekend, the market rallied strongly off of support as expected."


    "As we progress through the last two months of the year, historical tendencies suggest a bias to the upside. This is particularly the case given the weakness this past summer which has left many mutual and hedge funds trailing their benchmarks. The need to play "catch-up" will likely create a push into larger capitalization stocks as portfolios are "window dressed" for year-end reporting.


    This traditional "Santa Claus" rally, however, does not guarantee the resumption of the ongoing "bull market" into 2016."

    Importantly, while the "bias" of the market is to the upside, primarily due to the psychological momentum that "stocks are the only game in town," the mounting risks are clearly evident. From economic to earnings-related weakness, the "bullish underpinnings" are slowly being chipped away.

    While the Federal Reserve (Fed)'s most recent statement acknowledged continuing concerns around international developments, it left the door open to a December rate hike. With a renewed prospect for monetary policy divergence between the Fed and other central banks is once again pushing the dollar higher.

    Should the trend continue, a stronger dollar would represent a headwind for U.S. inflation, precious metals, and U.S. earnings growth, as discussed yesterday. Furthermore, a stronger dollar combined with a tightening of monetary policy will further impede earnings growth. The problem is that investors are overlooking this fact to their own peril

    But, that is just my opinion. This weekend's reading list is a compilation of interesting diatribes, both bullish and bearish, on the markets, Fed and the economy. 


    Don't Fear Rate Hikes Or Rising Dollar by Anatole Kaletsky via Project Syndicate

    “The US Federal Reserve is almost certain to start raising interest rates when the policy-setting Federal Open Markets Committee next meets, on December 16.


    Under these conditions, the direct economic effects of the Fed's move should be minimal. It is hard to imagine many businesses, consumers, or homeowners changing their behavior because of a quarter-point change in short-term interest rates, especially if long-term rates hardly move."

    Easy In, Hard Out  David Merkel via Aleph Blog 

    "Ugh. The conclusions of my last two pieces were nuanced. This one is not. My main point is this: even with the great powers that a central bank has, the next tightening cycle has ample reason for large negative surprises, leading to a premature end of the tightening cycle, and more muddling thereafter, or possibly, some scenario that the Treasury and Fed can't control. Be ready, and take some risk off the table."

    Did Goldman Sachs Find The Smoking Gun by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge

    "The staff attributed the lower long-run equilibrium rate to a slower rate of potential growth, a consequence of slower population growth and weak productivity growth. These comments might foreshadow another reduction in the median "longer-run" funds rate projection in the Summary of Economic Projections (SEP) in December.


    Participants also noted that the lower long-run equilibrium rate implies that the near-zero effective lower bound could become binding more frequently. As a result, "several" participants indicated that it would be "prudent" to consider "options for providing additional monetary policy accommodation" should the economic recovery falter."

    Gundlach – The Psychology Of A Rate Hike by Robert Huebscher via Advisor Perspectives

    Gundlach – Fed Hike "No Go" A Real Possibility by Jennifer Ablan via Reuters

    "'Certainly No-Go more likely than most people think. These markets are falling apart.' Los Angeles-based DoubleLine oversees $80 billion in assets under management.


    Gundlach cited a number of asset classes that are signaling deteriorating conditions: The S&P Leveraged Loan Index, which is at a four-year low, the SPDR Barclays High Yield Bond Exchange-Traded Fund "very near a four-year low" and the CRB Commodity Index at a 13-year low. 'You also have the Eurozone doubling down on stimulus. Fed raising rates? Really?'"


    20151116 lev100 0

    (Chart courtesy of ZeroHedge)



    Something Strange Is Happening With Rates by Daniel Kruger, Liz McCormick via Bloomberg


    Market Timing Is Back In The Hunt by Cliff Asness via Institutional Investor

    "Market timing, considered by many an investing sin, can be a virtue if employed modestly, using a combination of contrarian and trend-following strategies."

    A Pair Of Popular Stock Market Analogs? by Jesse Felder via The Felder Report

    An Earnings Inflection Point by Sam Ro via Business Insider

    "In a new note to clients, Morgan Stanley's Andrew Sheets writes that the trend in earnings growth is a 'key inflection' that he is watching.


    'Are earnings rolling over? We don't think so. Earnings growth has been weak in the US, EM and Europe. Yet on our forecasts, 3Q15 should be the nadir in EPS trends, as the drag from the commodity sector subsides.'"


    Without Buy Backs There Has Been NO EPS Growth by Bob Bryan via Business Insider

    The Stock Market Enters Its Final Bull-Market Stage by Simon Maierhofer via MarketWatch



    Models, Hemlines & Hamburgers As Economic Indicators by Sue Chang via MarketWatch

    “Since ancient times when Babylonians monitored monthly commodities prices as an economic barometer, mankind has sought to divine the health of the economy from an array of sources. Today, swimsuit models, hemlines, and even Twitter all have something to say about the economy — if we know what to look for.


    Some, like the coupon redemption rate, are intuitive. Others are more entertainment than economics: During recessions, for instance, Playboy centerfolds tend to be heavier, taller and older. And something as mundane as a new pair of underwear — particularly if you are a man — could indicate that good times are here."

    If The Economy Is Fine, Why Are So Many Imploding by Michael Snyder via Economic Collapse Blog

    Is The 1% Rolling Over? by John Rubino via



    The Total Cluelessness Of Student Protesters via Neil Cavuto via Fox News

    EY: Global Economy Uncertain, Fragile & Fragmented via CNBC



    “If you have large cap, mid cap, and small cap, and the market declines – you are going to have less cap.” – Martin Traux 

    Have a great weekend.

  • Artist's Impression Of Obama's Syrian Resettlement Plan

    “Refugee Roulette…”




  • Is This How The Next Global Financial Meltdown Will Unfold?

    Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

    In effect, a currency crisis is simply the abrupt revaluation of the currency to reflect new realities.

    I have long maintained that the structural imbalances of debt and risk that triggered the Global Financial Meltdown of 2008-2009 have effectively been transferred to the foreign exchange (FX) markets.

    This creates a problem for the central banks that have orchestrated the "recovery" by goosing asset bubbles in stocks, real estate and bonds: unlike these markets, the currency-FX market is too big for even the Federal Reserve to manipulate for long.

    The FX market trades roughly the entire Fed balance sheet of $4.5 trillion every day or two.

    Currencies are in the midst of multi-year revaluations that will destabilize the tottering towers of debt, leverage and risk that have propped up global growth since 2009.

    Though the relative value of currencies is discovered in the global FX market, there are four fundamental factors that influence the value of any currency:

    1. Capital flows into and out of the currency (and the nation that issues the currency).

    2. Perceived risk, specifically, will this currency preserve my global purchasing power (i.e. capital) or erode it?

    3. The yield or interest rate paid on bonds denominated in this currency.

    4. The scarcity or over-abundance of the currency.

    If we dig even deeper, we find that currencies reflect the income streams and assets of the issuing nation. Consider the currency of an oil exporting nation that has seen both its income from selling oil and the underlying value of its oil in the ground fall by more than 50%.

    Why shouldn't that nation's currency decline in parallel with the erosion of income and asset valuation? As a nation's income and asset base decline, there is less national income to pay interest on sovereign bonds, less private income to tax, and a reduced asset base for additional borrowing.

    This is especially true if the nation issued debt and/or currency profligately in good times. Recall that debt and currency are one in the same: if someone trades euros for a U.S. Treasury bond, they don't just own a bit of sovereign debt–they own the currency of the nation that issued the bond (in this case, the U.S. dollar).

    This is equally true of corporate bonds–all the debt is denominated in a specific currency, and owners of the bonds are not just betting that the interest will be paid and the bond redeemed at maturity, but that the underlying currency will not lose much of its global purchasing power.

    One proxy for the absolute destruction of commodity-based income streams and assets is the CRB Index. No wonder emerging economies that depend heavily on the export of commodities are cratering, along with the currencies they issue.

    Once participants become aware of the rising risk of holding a depreciating currency, the trickle out of a currency quickly becomes a torrent of fleeing capital.

    Once the perceived risk switches from risk-on to risk-off, the only way to prop up the currency is to raise the interest rates that bonds denominated in that currency yield.

    But raising interest rates has a brutally negative effect on the domestic economy, as higher rates choke off domestic lending, which then pushes the economy into recession.

    It's a no-win double bind, though, for doing nothing and letting one's currency implode drains the nation of capital and makes imports unaffordable. That matters when the imports are energy and/or food.

    When those become scarce and unaffordable, social disorder soon follows.

    The currency that has benefited from this reversal of capital flows is the U.S. dollar (USD):

    Debt/currency crises tend to trigger defaults and weakness in other currencies. We have a recent example of such a crisis: the Asian Contagion of 1997-98:

    Though that crisis was linked to Thailand's failed bid to support its currency's peg to the U.S. dollar, the current situation is actually far more fragile as the destruction of commodity income and valuation raises the risk of sovereign defaults, corporate bond defaults, and capital flight that deepens already severe emerging-market recessions.

    The bone-dry half-dead forest awaiting an igniting lightning strike is the global mountain of debt–debt which is no longer supported by current valuations of commodities and risk.

    In effect, a currency crisis is simply the abrupt revaluation of the currency to reflect new realities. That revaluation then raises the risk premium on debt denominated in that currency or owed in other currencies.

    As emerging market currencies decline, the income streams needed to service all the debt denominated in U.S. dollars declines, a self-reinforcing dynamic: as income and valuations fall, capital flees, pushing the relative value of the currency down even more, which further raises the risk premium that then triggers even more capital flight.

    The sums in play are so staggering (an estimated $11 trillion in emerging market debts denominated in other currencies) that even the Fed won't be able to stop the meltdown.

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Today’s News November 20, 2015

  • Caught On Tape: Russian Air Force Destroys Dozens Of ISIS Oil Trucks

    Earlier today we revisited Islamic State’s most important revenue stream: crude oil.  

    When US attack planes destroyed 116 ISIS oil trucks on November 16 (allegedly after dropping leaflets warning “innocent” drivers to scatter), it purportedly marked a shift in strategy. “Somehow”, the Obama administration had grossly underestimated the proceeds ISIS derives from the illicit oil trade while overestimating the damage US warplanes had inflicted on the group’s oil infrastructure. 

    Additionally, Bloomberg suggests the Pentagon routinely declined to take out tanker trucks for fear of collateral damage. “None of these guys are ISIS. We don’t feel right vaporizing them, so we have been watching ISIS oil flowing around for a year,” Michael Knights, an Iraq expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy told Bloomberg.

    There are a couple of things that should jump out at you there. First, it’s not exactly clear why it matters that the administration “underestimated” the amount of revenue ISIS derives from oil. That is, the difference between $100 million and $400 million per year would be quite meaningful if you were talking about a corporation here, but this is a terrorist group. Sure, it matters that they’re making four times more than you thought when it comes to assessing their operational capabilities (the more money you have, the more you can do), but it shouldn’t matter when it comes to formulating a strategy to cripple their ability to produce oil. It’s not like you can say “oh, well they’re only making $100 million per year, so that’s fine.. now if it’s $400 million, that’s where we’ll have to draw the line.”

    Second, since when is the US worried about collateral damage when it comes to taking out “terrorists?” As The Intercept laid bare in a series of recent investigative reports, 90% of those killed in drone strikes aren’t the target. It’s not as if the CIA isn’t aware of that statistic each and every time they pull the trigger on an MQ9 Reaper. 

    So sure, perhaps the US overestimated the effect its airstrikes were having on Islamic State’s oil production capabilities and perhaps The Pentagon was concerned with killing innocent truck drivers, but it could also be that, as Sergei Lavrov suggested earlier this week, the US has until now intentionally avoided hitting ISIS where it hurts in order to keep them in the game and ensure they can still be effective at destabilizing Assad. If you cut off the oil trade, they lose the ability to battle the regime.

    In any event, there are other pressing questions about ISIS and oil and we encourage you to read more in The Most Important Question About ISIS That Nobody Is Asking,” but for now, we turn to Russia and The Kremlin’s efforts to dent Bakr al-Baghdadi’s wallet.

    According to  Russian General Staff spokesman Colonel General Andrey Kartapolov, “around 500 fuel tanker vehicles transporting illegal oil from Syria to Iraq for processing have been destroyed by Russia’s Air Forces.” 

    “In recent years, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and other extremist groups have organized the operations of the so-called ‘pipeline on wheels’ on the territories they control,” Kartapolov continued, adding that “in just the first few days, [Russian] aviation has destroyed 500 fuel tanker trucks, which greatly reduced illegal oil export capabilities of the militants and, accordingly, their income from oil smuggling.” 

    Without further ado, the video from the Russian Defense Ministry:

  • How Islamic Extremism Was Born

    Submitted by Ben Norton via,

    President Ronald Reagan gestures while talking to Burhaneddin Rabbani, a spokesman for the Afghan Resistance Alliance, at the White House in Washington, June 16, 1986. (AP Photo/Dennis Cook)

    President Ronald Reagan gestures while talking to Burhaneddin Rabbani, a spokesman for the Afghan Resistance Alliance, at the White House in Washington, June 16, 1986. (AP Photo/Dennis Cook)

    History takes no prisoners. It shows, with absolute lucidity, that the Islamic extremism ravaging the world today was borne out of the Western foreign policy of yesteryear.

    Gore Vidal famously referred to the USA as the United States of Amnesia. The late Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai put it a little more delicately, quipping, “One of the delightful things about Americans is that they have absolutely no historical memory.”

    In order to understand the rise of militant Salafi groups like ISIS and al-Qaida; in order to wrap our minds around their heinous, abominable attacks on civilians in the U.S., France, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Nigeria, Turkey, Yemen, Afghanistan and many, many more countries, we must rekindle this historical memory. 

    Where did violent Islamic extremism come from? In the wake of the horrific Paris attacks on Friday, November the 13, this is the question no one is asking — yet it is the most important one of all. If one doesn’t know why a problem emerged, if one cannot find its root, one will never be able to solve and uproot it. 

    Where did militant Salafi groups like ISIS and al-Qaida come from? The answer is not as complicated as many make it out to be — but, to understand, we must delve into the history of the Cold War, the historical period lied about in the West perhaps more than any other.

    How the West cultivated Osama bin Laden

    We needn’t reach back far into history, just a few decades.

    A much-circulated photo of an article published in British newspaper the Independent in 1993 exemplifies the West’s twisted hypocrisy. Titled “Anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace,” it features a large photo of Osama bin Laden, who, at the time, was a close Western ally.


    The newspaper noted that bin Laden organized a militia of thousands of foreign fighters from throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and “supported them with weapons and his own construction equipment” in their fight against the USSR in the 1980s. “We beat the Soviet Union,” bin Laden boasted.

    The mujahedin, this international Islamic extremist militia organized and headed by bin Laden, is what eventually morphed into both al-Qaida and the Taliban.

    “When the history of the Afghan resistance movement is written,” the Independent wrote, “Mr Bin Laden’s own contribution to the mujahedin… may turn out to be a turning point in the recent history of militant fundamentalism.”

    Portraying bin Laden in a positive light, less than eight years before he would help mastermind the largest terrorist attack on American soil in decades, the British publication claimed that the “Saudi businessman who recruited mujahedin now uses them for large-scale building projects in Sudan.” In reality, bin Laden was setting the stages for what would be become al-Qaida.

    Unheeded warnings

    In Greek mythology, Cassandra was blessed with the power of prophecy, but cursed in that no one would ever heed her warnings. Eqbal Ahmad, the late political scientist, historian and expert in the study of terrorism, was a modern-day Cassandra.

    In a speech at the University of Colorado, Boulder in October 1998, Ahmad warnedthat the U.S. policy in Afghanistan would backfire:

    “In Islamic history, jihad as an international violent phenomenon had disappeared in the last 400 years, for all practical purposes. It was revived suddenly with American help in the 1980s. When the Soviet Union intervened in Afghanistan, Zia ul-Haq, the [U.S.-backed] military dictator of Pakistan, which borders on Afghanistan, saw an opportunity and launched a jihad there against godless communism. The U.S. saw a God-sent opportunity to mobilize one billion Muslims against what Reagan called the ‘Evil Empire.’


    “Money started pouring in. CIA agents starting going all over the Muslim world recruiting people to fight in the great jihad. Bin Laden was one of the early prize recruits. He was not only an Arab. He was also a Saudi. He was not only a Saudi. He was also a multimillionaire, willing to put his own money into the matter. Bin Laden went around recruiting people for the jihad against communism.


    “I first met him in 1986. He was recommended to me by an American official of whom I do not know whether he was or was not an agent. I was talking to him and said, ‘Who are the Arabs here who would be very interesting?’ By here I meant in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He said, ‘You must meet Osama.’ I went to see Osama. There he was, rich, bringing in recruits from Algeria, from Sudan, from Egypt, just like Sheikh Abdul Rahman. This fellow was an ally. He remained an ally.


    “He turns at a particular moment. In 1990, the U.S. goes into Saudi Arabia with forces. Saudi Arabia is the holy place of Muslims, Mecca, and Medina. There had never been foreign troops there. In 1990, during the Gulf War, they went in, in the name of helping Saudi Arabia defeat Saddam Hussein. Osama Bin Laden remained quiet.


    “Saddam was defeated, but the American troops stayed on in the land of the Ka’aba [the most sacred site of Islam, in Mecca], foreign troops. He wrote letter after letter saying, ‘Why are you here? Get out! You came to help but you have stayed on.’ Finally he started a jihad against the other occupiers. His mission is to get American troops out of Saudi Arabia. His earlier mission was to get Russian troops out of Afghanistan.”

    For bin Laden, Ahmad added, “America has broken its word. The loyal friend has betrayed. The one to whom you swore blood loyalty has betrayed you.”

    “They’re going to go for you. They’re going to do a lot more,” Ahmad warned, three years before the 9/11 attacks. “These are the chickens of the Afghanistan war coming home to roost.”

    We now know that Ahmad was right. But, like Cassandra, the powerful ignored his sagacious admonition, and suffered the horrific consequences.

    Extremist “freedom fighters”

    In the 1950s and ’60s, Afghanistan was a somewhat secular country in which women were granted relatively equal rights. What turned Afghanistan into the hotbed for extremism it is today? Decades of Western meddling.

    Throughout the 1980s, the U.S. government supported and armed bin Laden and his mujahedin in Afghanistan, in their fight against the Soviet Union. President RonaldReagan famously met with the mujahedin in the Oval Office in 1983. “To watch the courageous Afghan freedom fighters battle modern arsenals with simple hand-held weapons is an inspiration to those who love freedom,” Reagan declared.


    Those “freedom fighters” are the forefathers of ISIS and al-Qaida. When the last Soviet troops were withdrawn in 1989, the mujahedin did not simply leave; a civil war of sorts followed, with various Islamist militant groups fighting for control in the power vacuum. The Taliban came out on top, and established a medieval theocratic regime to replace the former “godless” socialist government.

    There are extremists in every religion, but they tend to be few in number, weak and isolated. Salafism, in its modern militarized form, has its origins in the 1920s, and even before. For decades, this movement remained weak and isolated. Yet, in the 1970s and ’80s, Western capitalist governments, particularly the U.S., came up with a new Cold War strategy: supporting these fringe Islamic extremist groups as a bulwark against socialism.

    The U.S. was by no means the only one to pursue such a strategy. Echoing the U.S. policy in Afghanistan, Israel in fact supported Hamas — now its sworn arch-enemy — when the Islamist group was first forming in the 1980s. Israel backed Hamas’ militant founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in order to undermine the secular socialist resistance of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

    “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” a former Israeli government official told the Wall Street Journal in a 2009 article titled “How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas.”

    This Cold War strategy ended up being successful: After the fall of the USSR, the secular socialist groups that dominated the resistance movements of the Middle East were replaced by Islamic extremists ones that had previously been supported by the West.

    It is not a coincidence that most of the secular countries in the history of the Middle East have been socialist of some sort. In contrast, the most reactionary countries — the countries where women are not granted equal rights and where the rule of law is based on Sharia — have frequently tended to be close Western allies. Why? The West was much, much more interested in preserving capitalism than it was in allowing secularism, gender equality and relative economic equality to flourish under socialism.

    Orientalist posturing

    Many pundits, including liberals, have argued that the Middle East, North Africa and Muslim-majority parts of South Asia are presently going through their parallel to the West’s Dark Age, a bloody period of religious extremism. They blame the rise of extremist groups like ISIS and al-Qaida on Islam itself, or on the Middle East’s supposedly “backward” culture, yet conveniently gloss over their own countries’ sordid histories and policies.

    There is much more than a tinge of racism in this orientalist idea that, for some reason, Muslims in the Middle East are centuries behind the englightened Christian West. This ludicrous claim does not stand up to even the most superficial historical scrutiny.

    For one, never mentioned is the fact that, only decades ago, most Middle Eastern countries were Western colonies. Their civilian populations were terrorized and brutalized by Western colonial powers.

    And, again, what were the most secular and modern governments in the history of the Middle East? It was almost always the Soviet-aligned or non-aligned leftist governments that were either enemies of the West or non-allies in the Cold War.

    Regardless of the critiques of these governments’ many problems, which is a separate issue, the reality is the Middle East was significantly more progressive and secular during the height of the Cold War than it is today. That’s not a coincidence. The U.S. and its allies destroyed secularism as part of their larger Cold War strategy.

    The Cold War bites back

    This Cold War strategy continues to bite back today, and hard. Because of this policy, we have now ended up with capitalist dystopias like those in Saudi Arabia, Qatar or the UAE — filthy rich oil states where businessmen are drowning in money while the migrant modern-day slaves upon which their economies are built die in droves, and theocratic monarchies imprison or even behead anyone who challenges the regime.

    The Gulf states remain some of the most reactionary and extremist countries on the planet, and they happen to be close Western allies. Saudi Arabia, in particular, is the fountainhead of militant Sunni Islamism — and yet the Obama administration has done more than $100 billion in arms deals with the Saudi monarchy in just five years. In fact, less than three days after the Paris attacks, the U.S. sold another $1.3 billion of bombs to Saudi Arabia — bombs it will likely use to drop on Yemen, where human rights organizations say it is committing egregious war crimes, and where the chaos created by the Saudi-led coalition is helping al-Qaida and ISIS expand into Yemen.

    Former U.S. Sen. Bob Graham has observed that modern Sunni extremist groups like ISIS and al-Qaida are “a product of Saudi ideals, Saudi money, and Saudi organizational support.” Government cables leaked by WikiLeaks demonstrate that the U.S. is well aware that al-Qaida and other Salafi groups are supported by rich Saudis.

    Let us not forget that Osama bin Laden was a millionaire businessman from a fabulously wealthy and prominent Saudi family with close ties to the kingdom’s royalty. He used that wealth to finance an international network of Islamic extremists that coalesced into al-Qaida.

    This doesn’t mean that the Saudi monarchy is pulling the strings above ISIS — which is now its enemy — but rather that its global proselytizing and funding of Wahhabi groups and institutions made these once fringe extremist groups much stronger and more mainstream.

    Ideologies are not devoid from material reality. Yes, there are extremists in every religion, but why do they not have the same power in other faiths? There is no such thing as an ideology independent of the material conditions and social forces that assert that ideology materially — that is to say, politically — in reality. Islamic extremism was violently imposed upon the Middle East through a mixture of imperial machinations and individual radicalization under tyranny and extreme poverty.

    Creating your enemies

    Western imperialism has a tendency to create its own enemies.

    Up until the 1990 Gulf War, throughout the Iran-Iraq War that consumed the 1980s, the U.S. supported Saddam Hussein — the very same dictator it would violently depose in 2003. Declassified CIA files show how the U.S. government helped Hussein when he was unleashing chemical weapons on Iranian civilians. The U.K. government allowed Hussein’s regime to create chemical weapons using agents that were sold to Iraq by British corporations. These Western-provided weapons were also used in Hussein’s campaign of genocide against the Kurds.

    Fast-forwarding two decades later, it is now widely acknowledged that the illegal U.S.-led war in Iraq — a catastrophic occupation that led to the deaths of at least 1 million people — destabilized the entire Middle East, creating the extreme conditions in which militant groups like al-Qaida spread like wildfire, eventually leading to the emergence of ISIS. The former head of intelligence for the U.S. Central Command and Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn,agrees. U.S. policies in Iraq “absolutely” strengthened Salafi militant groups like al-Qaida, Lt. Gen. Flynn conceded. “We definitely put fuel on a fire,” he lamented.

    New York Rep. Chuck Schumer remarked in 1991 that Saddam Hussein was “created in the White House laboratory with a collection of government programs, banks, and private companies.”

    Saddam Hussein was the first Frankenstein’s monster U.S. policy created in Iraq, al-Qaida was the second, and now ISIS is the third.

    Blaming Islam is projection

    The pundits in the West blaming Islam for the rise of extremism are projecting their own countries’ crimes onto the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims.

    The kinds of people who blame Islam and Muslims for the spread of extremism are the kinds of people who have utmost faith in Western empire. Even if they admit that it “sometimes” engages in problematic behavior, they, deep-down, believe Western empire to be fundamentally rooted in good will, in humanitarianism, in progress, in the proselytizing of civilization.

    This is the same logic that justified genocidal European colonialism, Western expansionism and Manifest Destiny, and the White Man’s Burden. And it is this same logic that promotes militarist policies and anti-Muslim and anti-refugee bigotries in response to Islamist militants’ attacks — only serving to further fuel the fire of extremism.

    These same pundits, the ones who blame Islam for the rise of ISIS and who have utmost faith in the putative good will of Western empire, would have wholeheartedly supported Osama bin Laden in the 1980s; these same pundits would have dubbed the father of al-Qaida a “freedom fighter” in his heroic battle against the evil Soviet Union.

    In the aforementioned speech, Ahmad articulated five kinds of terrorism. He lamented, however, that of these types, the focus in the media and the political system is almost always on just one: “political terror of the private group, oppositional terror” — which he points out is “the least important in terms of cost to human lives and human property.” “The highest cost is state terror,” Ahmad explained. He roughly estimated that the ratio of people killed by state terror versus those killed by individual acts of terror is, conservatively, 100,000 to one.

    If we truly want to end the abominable acts of violence perpetrated by extremist groups like ISIS and al-Qaida, we should take to heart the simple yet profoundcounsel of Noam Chomsky, another modern-day Cassandra: “Everybody’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s a really easy way: stop participating in it.”


  • "People Are Worried" – Chinese Authorities Arrest 'King Of IPOs' & 'Hedge Fund Brother No. 1'

    The arrests or investigations targeting the finance industry in the aftermath of China’s summer market crash have intensified in recent weeks according to Bloomberg, creating a climate of fear among China’s finance firms and chilling their investment strategies. As one professor of Chinese economy noted, "some in the political leadership sought to find scapegoats to blame" for the market crash which along with massive intervention "created uncertainty and anxiety that can only undermine the effort to make these markets work better."

    The high-drama highway arrest of a prominent hedge fund manager. Seizures of computers and phones at Chinese mutual funds. The investigations of the president of Citic Securities Co. and at least six other employees. Now, add the probe of China’s former gatekeeper of the IPO process himself.

    About a third of China’s futures-focused hedge funds had to stop trading as regulators restricted practices such as short-selling, but as Bloomberg details,

    Howbuy Investment Management Co. in September said it stopped providing data on premature fund liquidations because the information was too sensitive. The Shanghai-based fund research firm had previously said almost 1,300 hedge funds closed this year amid the stock rout.

    The authorities’ goal was to root out practices such as insider trading as part of China’s anti-corruption campaign, and a desire by "some in the political leadership to find scapegoats to blame" for the market crash, according to Barry Naughton, a professor of Chinese economy at the University of California in San Diego.

    “Together these are creating uncertainty and anxiety that can only undermine the effort to make these markets work better,” he said by e-mail.


    The government’s response to the market crash was intervention: state-directed purchases of shares, a ban on initial public offerings and restrictions on previously allowed practices, such as short selling and trading in stock-index futures. Next, high-ranking industry figures came under scrutiny as officials investigated trading strategies, decried “malicious short sellers” and vowed to “purify” the market.


    Policy makers say “now we’re innovating, so you can all come in — using high-frequency trading, hedging, whatever — to play in our markets,” Gao Xiqing, a former vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, told a forum in Beijing on Nov. 6. “A few days later, you say no, the rules we made are not right, there are problems with your trading, and we’re putting you in jail for a while first.”

    At least 16 people have been arrested, are being investigated or have been taken away from their job duties to assist authorities, according to statements and announcements compiled by Bloomberg News.

    In the latest probe announced last week, Yao Gang, a vice chairman at the CSRC, is under investigation for “alleged serious disciplinary violations,” the Communist Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said. Known as China’s "King of IPOs," he supervised China’s initial public offerings until earlier this year, when he changed to approve bonds and futures, according to Caixin magazine. He joins two other CSRC officials being investigated, one of whom, Zhang Yujun, was formerly the general manager of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges.


    The securities regulator carried out unannounced inspections of several Chinese investment firms including Harvest Fund Management earlier this month, taking away hard drives and mobile phones, according to people familiar with the seizures. Police in Shanghai also confiscated computers and froze $1 billion of shares in listed companies connected to Xu Xiang, the manager of Zexi Investment known as “hedge fund brother No. 1,” who was arrested Nov. 1 on a highway between Shanghai and Ningbo.


    Among Xu’s fellow money managers who performed well this year, anxiety has been palpable following his arrest, according to hedge fund manager Lu Weidong, chairman of Xinhong Investment based in China’s southern city of Dongguan. Lu’s Fuguo No. 1 fund was the best-performer among the 236 Chinese multi-strategy hedge funds from June to August, according to Shenzhen Rongzhi Investment Consultant Co., which tracks the data.


    It isn’t uncommon for Chinese money managers to trade on unpublished information, according to Lu. Everybody that ever traded on such tips would “restrain themselves a bit” going forward, Lu said by phone.


    “People are worried,” he said.

    "The extent of this round of clampdown in the financial industry has surpassed everybody’s expectations," Hao Hong, chief China strategist at Bocom International Holdings Co. in Hong Kong.said. "Over the longer term, the clampdown on corruption in the financial industry will level the playing field in the market for smaller investors."

    However, the arrests or investigations targeting the finance industry are creating a climate of fear among China’s finance firms and chilling their investment strategies.

  • Understanding The Power-Contest Between Aristocracies

    Authored by Eric Zuesse,

    At the core of global power stands the conflict between the Sauds and their Sunni clergy, versus the Iranians and their Shiite clergy.

    One can’t understand U.S.-Russian relations, nor much else of what is happening in the world, without knowing the relevant historical background; and the origins and nature of the Sunni war against Shiia are arguably the most essential part of that. Just how the United States came to back the Sunnis, and how Russia came to back the Shiites, in this war, will be discussed in subsequent articles.

    This great intra-Islamic conflict, little understood outside the Middle East, came into clearer-than-ever focus on 2 August 2013 when Sami Kleib at al-Monitor headlined "Saudi Arabia Tries to Cut a Deal With Russia Regarding Syria”, and he reported about Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud’s trip to Moscow, as the Director of Saudi Intelligence. It was an extraordinary private meeting, because the Sauds and the Russians have been enemies ever since the Sauds allied themselves with the Americans against the atheistic Soviet Union in 1945. Kleib wrote that:

    Like all Saudi Arabian leaders, Bandar wants to deal a blow to Hezbollah and weaken Iran. And they will do anything to accomplish that, including hitting President Assad’s regime.

    But why did Saudi Arabia change its mind and decide to send Prince Bandar to a country that “supports the genocide in Syria”?

    To find the answer, first look for Iran.

    Then, Kleib noted the central point:

    Saudi Arabia faced a choice: to reach an understanding with either Iran or Russia.

    Saudi Prince Bandar — sometimes called “Bandar Bush” because he was virtually accepted as a member of the Bush family — had been forced into a position of choosing between Russia and Iran as an ally to join with the Sauds’ war to dislodge Assad from Syria; and he chose Russia to become an ally with the Sauds, instead of choosing the Sauds’ ‘fellow’-Muslims, Shiite  Iran.

    Why did the Sauds choose Russia, over Islamic Iran, to join them?

    Russia, to the Sauds, represents (even today), as Kleib put it, “the ‘capital of communist atheism’.” (After all: Putin had once been a communist, though he was now a follower of the Russian Orthodox Church.) Iran, by contrast, represents the leadership of what to the Sunni Sauds is their real competition:  Shiite Islam.

    The Thirty Years War in Europe was fought between Catholics and Protestants, two competing wings of Christendom. It was a vicious and deadly war. Both sides of it were killing for the same God — just different clergies and their respective aristocracies.

    The civil war in Iraq after Bush invaded Iraq in 2003 was between Shiites and Sunnis; and they too were killing each other for the same God — just different clergies, and their respective aristocracies.

    Before the Sauds-Salafists (Wahhabists) can defeat atheists and former atheists (Russia), and also defeat non-Islamic religionists (such as the vast majority of Europeans and Americans), they must first settle their scores against the Shiites — above all, against Iran.

    Furthermore: the fundamentalist Salafist-Wahhabist Saud family, in 1945, allied with the Christian-majority nation of America, against the atheistic Soviet Union; and, today, Russia is (reverted to its being) an overwhelmingly Christian-majority nation; so, some of the Sauds’ sheer animus against Russians has, indeed, subsided a bit. However, by contrast, Iran has become (after the 1979 ousting of the American stooge Shah) assertively Shiite, which is, perhaps, to the Sauds, even more infuriating than is atheism.

    However, it actually goes much deeper back than that: It goes back to the deal in the year 1744, that the fanatical anti-Shia cleric Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab and the ambitious gang-leader Muhammad ibn Saud (the founder of Saudi Arabia) made, which established simultaneously the Saudi-Wahhabist nation and the Wahhabist sect of Islam, both of which are joined-at-the-head with Saud’s descendants, so as to constitute the existing nation of, actually, Saudi-Wahhabist Arabia. (It’s actually not only Saudi. The Sauds fulfill their contract, because, if they didn’t, the Wahhabist clergy would support a revolution to overthrow them.) This deal was the most clearly and succinctly described in the 1992 U.S.-Library-of-Congress-published book by Helen Chapin Metz, Saudi Arabia: A Country Study (and the highlighting of a sentence in it here is by me, not by Metz):

    Lacking political support in Huraymila [where he lived], Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab returned to Uyaynah [the town of his birth] where he won over some local leaders. Uyaynah, however, was close to Al Hufuf, one of the Twelver Shia centers in eastern Arabia, and its leaders were understandably alarmed at the anti-Shia tone of the Wahhabi message. Partly as a result of their influence, Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab was obliged to leave Uyaynah, and headed for Ad Diriyah. He had earlier made contact with [and won over to his hatred of Shiia] Muhammad ibn Saud, the leader in Ad Diriyah at the time, and two of  [Saud’s] brothers had accompanied  [Saud] when he [in accord with Wahhab’s hate-Shiia teachings] destroyed tomb shrines [which were holy to Shiia] around Uyaynah.


    Accordingly, when Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab arrived in Ad Diriyah, the Al Saud was ready to support him. In 1744 Muhammad ibn Saud and Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab swore a traditional Muslim oath in which they promised to work together to establish a state run according to Islamic principles. Until that time the Al Saud had been accepted as conventional tribal leaders whose rule was based on longstanding but vaguely defined authority.


    Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab offered the Al Saud a clearly defined religious mission to which to contribute their leadership and upon which they might base their political authority. This sense of religious purpose remained evident in the political ideology of Saudi Arabia in the 1990s.


    Muhammad ibn Saud began by leading armies into Najdi towns and villages to eradicate various popular and Shia practices. The movement helped to rally the towns and tribes of Najd to the Al Saud-Wahhabi standard. By 1765 Muhammad ibn Saud's forces had established Wahhabism — and with it the Al Saud political authority — over most of Najd.

    So: Saudi Arabia was founded upon hatred of Shiia Muslims, and it was founded upon a deal that was made in 1744 between a Shiia-hating fundamentalist Sunni cleric Wahhab, and a ruthless gang-leader Saud, in which deal the clergy would grant the Sauds holy legitimacy from the Quran, and the Sauds would finance the spread of Wahhab’s fanatical anti-Shiia sect.

    The Sauds are thus obsessed with Iran, and with its foreign Shiite allies, such as Assad in Syria, Houthis in Yemen, and Hezbollah in Lebanon — and want them all dead, if those Shiites won’t become subservient to Sunni clerics.

    The United States is (and since 1945 has been) allied with the Sauds. But the U.S. was now reaching out to Iran, for a deal on nuclear inspections. This antagonized the Sauds. So: the Sauds were considering the possibility of becoming allied instead with Russia against both Assad and Iran. This despite the fact that America’s aristocracy (such as the Bushes – see below) is obsessed to overthrow or else cripple Russia, so as to give the U.S. aristocracy virtually a power-monopoly over the entire world.

    That meeting between Bandar and Putin on 2 August 2013 was for the big-power stakes; it was for really history-shaping stakes. If Bandar had succeeded, then the post-World-War-II era (the U.S.-Saudi alliance especially) would have definitively ended; and, going forward, a Russia-Saud alliance, including the other Sunni-controlled nations — Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Turkey, etc. — would be at war to defeat Syria and other Shiite nations, especially their leader: Iran.

    The U.S. would have become odd-man-out: desperately trying to get Sunni Pakistan’s military (Pakistan’s aristocracy) to ally with the U.S. instead of with the Sauds. If Pakistan were to go with Saudi Arabia (such as, for example, the Wahhabist Taliban would hope), then Iran would be at war against not only the Arabic aristocracies to the west, but against the Pakistani aristocracy to the east. (Pakistan’s aristocracy mainly run the military, and so in order for Pakistan to go with Saudi Arabia, Pakistan’s aristocracy would be joining with, and would no longer resist, the Taliban and other Wahhabists in Pakistan. Pakistan would become a Saudi satellite state.) Also, the Afghan aristocracy, being Sunni, would be a part of the Saudi alliance (as they already largely have been, since at least 1979; Afghanistan is a Saudi satellite). Virtually the entire Islamic world would be united behind the Sauds.

    The U.S. would lose its influence in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. The EU would be the site of enormous conflicts between the old Christian majority and the flood of new Muslim refugees, most of whom would be Sunnis who would feel torn between their loyalties to Mecca versus to their new Christian-majority home-nation.

    The big losers, in other words, would be not only the clergy and aristocracy in Iran, but also the clergies and aristocracies in Europe and the U.S.

    Bandar Bush was actually angling for the defeat of the U.S., and not only of Iran. (He had been a major donor to Al Qaeda. George W. Bush’s Saudi buddy had contributed to financing the 9/11 attacks.)

    Putin said no. He refused Prince Bandar’s offer.

    The U.S. aristocracy continues trying to overthrow Putin and any nation’s leaders who cooperate with him. Previously, it was Gaddafi in Lybia, then Yanukovych in Ukraine. Now it’s Assad in Syria. Side-coups had also been attempted but failed in Venezuela, Ecuador, and possibly a few other countries.

    After the 13 November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris, the major world leaders met at the G-20 talks; and, in conclusion of the conference, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov summed up on November 17th by saying that:

    Analysis of the strikes delivered by the United States and its coalition at terrorist positions [in Syria] over the past year drives us to a conclusion that these were selective, I would say sparing, strikes and in the majority of cases spared those Islamic State groups that were capable of pressing the Syrian army. It looks like a cat that wants to eat a fish but doesn’t want to wet its feet. They want the Islamic State to weaken Assad as soon as possible to force him to step down this or that way, but they don’t want to see Islamic State strong enough to take power.

    In other words: even at the G-20 conference right after the Paris attacks, the U.S. remained more anti-Russian than anti-jihadist. Whereas the American public were vastly more anti-jihadist than anti-Russian, U.S. President Barack Obama was committed to the same policy that he had pretended — both to Russian leaders and to the American public — to be opposed to when he was running against Mitt Romney in 2012; and, as Romney put it: “This [Russia] is without question our number one geopolitical foe.” In America’s dictatorship, Obama’s repudiation of Romney’s statement turned out to have been a lie from Obama — Americans ‘elected’ there Romney merely in blackface.

    *  *  *

    In a previous article, “How America Double-Crossed Russia and Shamed the West,” I quoted the detailed account by Mary Louise Sarotte, about George H.W. Bush’s having double-crossed Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991 by having Bush’s agents tell Gorbachev that the U.S. had no aim of conquering Russia and that if Gorbachev would peacefully let the Berlin Wall fall and East Germany become absorbed into West Germany, then "NATO will not expand itself to the East.” However, when German Chancellor Helmut Kohl tried then to proceed that way to the end of the Soviet Union, Bush brought Kohl to Camp David and told him in private there, “To hell with that! We prevailed, they didn’t.” Kohl from that moment on worked as part of the American aristocracy’s continuing sub-rosa war to take over Russia — and NATO now virtually surrounds the eastern half of Russia. Kohl’s protégé Angela Merkel continues this.

    Bush’s successor Bill Clinton followed through on the senior Bush’s double-cross by bringing into NATO Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic. Bush’s son then brought in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Obama brought in Albania and Croatia, and he’s still trying to bring in Ukraine, after his coup there in February 2014, whose aim was largely to get that big one into NATO — plus to cut off Russia’s gas-supplies into Europe, which pass through Ukraine.

    Anyone who would deny that the U.S. aristocracy aren’t rabid to take over Russia is ignoring a lot of recent history, especially the most important parts.

    As regards the Saudi obsession to defeat Iran: The billionaire Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal was reported on 2 July 2015 to have said in Saudi Arabia’s newspaper Okaz (with highlighting here by myself, to indicate what I see as the most important parts):

    All my Muslim brothers and sisters must understand that it became a moral imperative for all inhabitants of war-torn Middle-East, namely Arabs, to desist their absurd hostility toward Jewish people.


    My sovereign, King Salman has instructed me to open a direct dialogue with Israel's intellectuals building amicable ties with our Israeli neighbors.

    The same English-language site then reported on 27 October 2015 that he said in Kuwait’s newspaper Al Qabas:

    I will side with the Jewish nation and its democratic aspirations in case of outbreak of a Palestinian Intifada (uprising) and I shall exert all my influence to break any ominous Arab initiatives set to condemn Tel Aviv, because I deem the Arab-Israeli entente and future friendship necessary to impede the Iranian dangerous encroachment. … The whole Middle-East dispute is tantamount to life and death for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from my vantage point, and I know that Iranians seek to unseat the Saudi regime by playing the Palestinian card, hence to foil their plots Saudi Arabia and Israel must bolster their relations and form a united front to stymie Tehran's ambitious agenda.

    I have been unable to find in English any record of a repudiation by Saudi King Salman of either of those comments. Talal’s statements come at a time when the U.S., Obama Administration, had negotiated an agreement with Iran about nuclear issues. A re-alignment of the key global aristocracies might result from this situation. The U.S. is willing to negotiate with Iran but refuses even to work together with Russia to defeat jihadists in Syria. (Or at least refused prior to the 13 November 2015 ISIS terrorism in Paris.) America’s attitude toward Russia has been unremittingly hostile, as if Russia had done anything that threatened the United States (except to respond to America’s/NATO’s aggressive moves against Russia, such as its overthrow of Ukraine’s government, next door). Clearly, America’s aristocracy have played their public as suckers; but a big debate in American politics these days is whether the U.S. should temporarily reduce its anti-Russian focus in order to increase its anti-jihadist focus after the November 13th Paris terrorist attacks.

    In order for the U.S. to end its war against Russia, a basic re-alignment of aristocracies would occur. The U.S., like Russia, would be aligned with Iran. Israel doesn’t want that to happen. Israel is aligned with the Sauds. Does Israel control U.S.? Will the American public continue to favor America’s being controlled by Israel? Will even American Jews continue to support America’s being controlled by Israel? America’s aristocratic Jews do, but will the vast majority, the others, or will they instead repudiate their aristocracies, not only American but Israeli? Or, instead, will America abandon Saudi Arabia and the other Sunni aristocracies, and Israel’s aristocracy; and, so, abandon the fundamentalist-Jewish apartheid state, and re-assert its own democracy?

    These are not only questions about America’s ideology — whether to be democratic, or instead aristocratic (as it has been since at least 1981). These questions are about America’s military and economic position in the world.

    The United States remains a part of the Saudi-Israeli-U.S. alliance; it remains fundamentally inimical to democracy. It remains as an aristocratically controlled nation, which accepts control of the public by a theocratic-aristocratic alliance via the state, and rejects control of both the aristocracy and the clergy by the public via the state. It sides especially with the aristocracy against democracy.

    However, even secular-democratic nations, such as Russia and a few others in Europe, are constantly under both aristocratic and theocratic threats. Much of Russia’s aristocracy crave to return to the Yeltsin years when the U.S. aristocracy controlled there. And Russia’s alliance with Iran is with a theocratic Shiite state, no authentic democracy.

    The key decision is for the U.S. aristocracy: whether to continue as dictators there, or, instead, abandon both the Sauds who control Arabia, and the Orthodox Jews who have come to control Israel. Barring that, there is no way in which the current soaring ‘defense’ budgets will head down again: ‘defense’ stocks will continue to rise, and services to the public will continue to erode. The world is headed for an increase in wars.

    The last U.S. President before 1981, Jimmy Carter, said recently that the United States is “just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president.” Changing this will be difficult if not impossible. The global aristocracies might not ‘win,’ but dislodging them from power is extremely unlikely. Their wars will continue to be our wars.

    The world’s 80 wealthiest individuals own half of the world’s wealth, and the way that this was calculated ignored the very wealthiest people entirely, including the wealthiest of all, King Salman of Saudi Arabia, whose actual wealth is certainly well in excess of a trillion dollars. So, the true number there wouldn’t be 80 individuals, but perhaps more like only 40, many of whose personal fortunes aren’t even calculated by Forbes, etc. But regardless of whether it’s instead as large as, say, 70, the wealthiest people need to grab wealth from some of the other wealthiest people in order raise their respective rank, as studies indicate to be the main motivation for the super-rich — rank instead of money per se. For example, “the richest 8.6% own $224.5T (trillion), while the poorest 91.4% own only $38.7T.” So, stealing from even a large number of individuals in the poorest 91.4% won’t likely increase the rank of a person who is in the top 100 worldwide — they’ve got to steal from each other, in order to raise their rank. Wars are the way that’s done. It’s an essential business for the global aristocracy, especially at the global top; and so, as the world’s wealth becomes more and more concentrated, more and more weapons will be sold. There’s just no other way for it to happen. Whether any of them are willing to go so far as nuclear war is another question. Bluffing is one thing; willingness to follow through with it, is something very different.

    *  *  *


  • Over Half Of New Yorkers Struggle To Make Ends Meet As "Tale Of Two Cities" Deepens

    Despite two years of liberal redistribution from Mayor de Blasio, the majority of New Yorkers continue to struggle to make ends meet mirroring his 2013 "tale of two cities" campaign theme. The NYTimes poll finds that only 20% are living comfortably while 51% are just getting by or finding it difficult to manage, and shows even greater disparities in quality of life across the city’s five boroughs.



    As The New York Times reports, an atmosphere of economic anxiety pervades all areas of the city…

    Residents of the Bronx and Brooklyn shared the most pronounced sense of economic insecurity, and the lowest confidence in local government and the police — a distinctly different experience from the rest of the city.


    In those boroughs, nearly three in five residents said they were straining to make ends meet. In the Bronx, 36 percent said there had been times in the past year when they did not have the money to buy enough food for their family; only one in five said they and their neighbors had good or excellent access to suitable jobs.


    But if the city appears divided into broad camps of haves and have-nots, it was, perhaps surprisingly, the less privileged segments of New York that shared the most positive outlook on the future.


    Four in 10 Brooklyn residents said their neighborhood was getting better, and 36 percent of Bronx residents said the same. Manhattanites and Staten Islanders were most likely to say things were getting worse in their area.

    Government is not seen as addressing the problems that trouble these areas: In the Bronx, only one in five respondents gave local government high marks for meeting their needs. In Brooklyn, that figure was a bit higher, at 26 percent, compared with roughly a third in Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.

    “I feel like people who were born in this neighborhood stay here our whole lives,” Ms. Thomas said. “If it was true that we had opportunities for advancement, then all of us wouldn’t still be here 20 years from now.”

    Which reminds us of Margarent Thatcher's infamous line…

  • The Beginning Of The End For The Affordable Care Act? Largest US Health Insurer May Exit ObamaCare

    Tracking the slow motion trainwreck of Obamacare has become one of our preferred hobbies: below is just a random sample of headlines covering just the most recent tribulations of the “we have to pass it to find out what’s in it” Unaffordable Care Act:

    But the most surprising article we wrote was our explanation from three weeks ago explaining why “Your Health Insurance Premiums Are About To Go Through The Roof” showing that even insurance companies have been unable to earn a profit under Obamacare, as shown in the following chart:


    This was a stunning revelation because, after all, the Affordable Care Act was largely drafted by the insurance industry itself, and if for whatever reason, it itself was unable to capitalize on Obamacare, then it has truly been a disaster.

    Today we got confirmation of this when none other than the U.S.’s biggest health insurer, UnitedHealth, cut its 2015 earnings forecast with a warning that it was considering pulling out of Obamacare, just one month after saying it would expand its presence in the program.

    According to Bloomberg, “UnitedHealth Group would scale back marketing efforts for plans it’s selling this year under the Affordable Care Act, and may quit the business entirely in 2017 because it has proven to be more costly than expected.

    This was precisely what we cautioned on November 2.

    Fast forward to today when UnitedHealth said in a statement that “the company is evaluating the viability of the insurance exchange product segment and will determine during the first half of 2016 to what extent it can continue to serve the public exchange markets in 2017.”

    Needless to say, the implications for Obamacare – which has seen a surge in tangential problems in recent months – are dire: “A pull-back would deal a significant blow to President Barack Obama’s signature domestic policy achievement. While UnitedHealth has been slower than some of its rivals to sell Obamacare policies since new government-run marketplaces for the plans opened in late 2013, the announcement may indicate that other insurers are struggling, said Sheryl Skolnick, an analyst at Mizuho Securities.

    “If one of the largest and presumably, by reputation and experience, the most sophisticated of the health plans out there can’t make money on the exchanges, then one has to question whether the exchange as an institution is a viable enterprise,” Skolnick said.

    UnitedHealth further said it suspended marketing its individual exchange plans and is cutting or eliminating commissions for brokers who sell the coverage.

    What is surprising is that for UnitedHealth, its Obamacare-facing exposure is relatively limited: the company covers fewer than 550,000 people on the Obamacare exchanges. About 9.9 million people had insurance through the U.S.- and state-run insurance markets as of June 30. This means that all other insurance companies must be getting crushed, something which the market also noticed earlier today hitting the stocks of not only hospitals, such as CYH, HCA, LPNT, THC and UHS but also home health care providers as well such as AFAM, AMED, GTIV and LHCG.

    What is perhaps even more perplexing is the abrupt shift in posture: just last month, UnitedHealth had struck a more optimistic note. I think we’ll see strikingly better performance on the insurance exchange business” next year, Chief Financial Officer David Wichmann told analysts on an Oct. 15 conference call.”

    Perhaps he had not seen the P&L? Oh well, he certainly did in the subsequently 4 weeks.

    The rest of the story is well-known and has been covered here extensively in the past: the inability of businesses to turn a profit from Obamacare has meant that about a dozen non-profit “co-op” plans created under the Affordable Care Act have failed, after charging too little to cover the cost of patients’ medical care, and because an Obama administration fund designed to stabilize the market paid out just 12.6 percent of what insurers requested. And Anthem last month said some rivals were offering premiums too low to provide the coverage patients require and book a profit.

    At the end of the day, the worst news is not for the corporations, since Obamacare is not going away any time soon. It simply means that what until now were supposedly Affordable plans under Obamacare, will soon become (even more) Unaffordable as insurer after insurer hikes premiums dramatically in order to make the biggest US governmental intrusion into the private sector in recent decades profitable to shareholders.

    Or, as we explained three weeks ago, “Your Health Insurance Premiums Are About To Go Through The Roof

  • The Great Fall Of China Started At Least 4 Years Ago

    Submitted by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

    Looking through a bunch of numbers and graphs dealing with China recently, it occurred to us that perhaps we, and most others with us, may need to recalibrate our focus on what to emphasize amongst everything we read and hear, if we’re looking to interpret what’s happening in and with the country’s economy.

    It was only fair -perhaps even inevitable- that oil would be the first major commodity to dive off a cliff, because oil drives the entire global economy, both as a source of fuel -energy- and as raw material. Oil makes the world go round.

    But still, the price of oil was merely a lagging indicator of underlying trends and events. Oil prices didn‘t start their plunge until sometime in 2014. On June 19, 2014, Brent was $115. Less than seven months later, on January 9, it was $50.

    Severe as that was, China’s troubles started much earlier. Which lends credence to the idea that it was those troubles that brought down the price of oil in the first place, and people were slow to catch up. And it’s only now other commodities are plummeting that they, albeit very reluctantly, start to see a shimmer of ‘the light’.

    Here are Brent oil prices (WTI follows the trend closely):

    They happen to coincide quite strongly with the fall in Chinese imports, which perhaps makes it tempting to correlate the two one-on-one:

    But this correlation doesn’t hold up. And that we can see when we look at a number everyone seems to largely overlook, at their own peril, producer prices:

    About which Bloomberg had this to say:

    China Deflation Pressures Persist As Producer Prices Fall 44th Month

    China’s consumer inflation waned in October while factory-gate deflation extended a record streak of negative readings [..] The producer-price index fell 5.9%, its 44th straight monthly decline. [..] Overseas shipments dropped 6.9% in October in dollar terms while weaker demand for coal, iron and other commodities from declining heavy industries helped push imports down 18.8%, leaving a record trade surplus of $61.6 billion.

    44 months is a long time. And March 2012 is a long time ago. Oil was about at its highest since right before the 2008 crisis took the bottom out. And if you look closer, you can see that producer prices started ‘losing it’ even earlier, around July 2011.

    Something was happening there that should have warranted more scrutiny. That it didn’t might have a lot to do with this:

    China’s debt-to-GDP ratio has risen by nearly 50% in the past four years.

    The producer price index seems to indicate that trouble started over 4 years ago. China dug itself way deeper into debt since then. It already did that before as well (especially since 2008), but the additional debt apparently couldn’t be made productive anymore. And that’s an understatement.

    Now, if you want to talk correlation, compare the producer price graph above with Bloomberg’s global commodities index:

    World commodities markets, like the entire global economy, were propped up by China overinvestment ever since 2008. Commodities have been falling since early 2011, after rising some 60% in the wake of the crisis. And after the 2011 peak, they’ve dropped all the way down to levels not seen since 1999. And they keep on falling: steel, zinc, copper, aluminum, you name it, they’re all setting new lows almost at a daily basis.

    Moreover, if we look at how fast China imports are falling, and we realize how much of those imports involve (raw material) commodities, we can’t escape the conclusion that here we’re looking at not a lagging, but a predictive indicator. What China doesn’t purchase in raw materials today, it can’t churn out as finished products tomorrow.

    Not as exports, and not as products to be used domestically. Neither spell good news for the Chinese economy; indeed, the rot seems to come from both sides, inside and out. And no matter how much Beijing points to the ‘service’ economy it claims to be switching towards, with all the debt that is now deflating, and the plummeting marginal productivity of new debt, most of it looks like wishful thinking.

    And that is not the whole story either. Closely linked to the sinking marginal productivity, there is overleveraged overcapacity and oversupply. It’s like the proverbial huge ocean liner that’s hard to turn around.

    There are for instance lots of new coal plants in the pipeline:

    China Coal Bubble: 155 Coal-Fired Power Plants To Be Added To Overcapacity

    China has given the green light to more than 150 coal power plants so far this year despite falling coal consumption, flatlining production and existing overcapacity. [..] in the first nine months of 2015 China’s central and provincial governments issued environmental approvals to 155 coal-fired power plants — that’s 4 per week. The numbers associated with this prospective new fleet of plants are suitably astronomical.


    Should they all go ahead they would have a capacity of 123GW, more than twice Germany’s entire coal fleet; their carbon emissions would be around 560 million tonnes a year, roughly equal to the annual energy emissions of Brazil; they would produce more particle pollution than all the cars in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing put together [..]

    And new car plants too:

    China’s Demand For Cars Has Slowed. Overcapacity Is The New Normal.

    For much of the past decade, China’s auto industry seemed to be a perpetual growth machine. Annual vehicle sales on the mainland surged to 23 million units in 2014 from about 5 million in 2004. [..] No more. Automakers in China have gone from adding extra factory shifts six years ago to running some plants at half-pace today—even as they continue to spend billions of dollars to bring online even more plants that were started during the good times.


    The construction spree has added about 17 million units of annual production capacity since 2009, compared with an increase of 10.6 million units in annual sales [..] New Chinese factories are forecast to add a further 10% in capacity in 2016—despite projections that sales will continue to be challenged. [..] “The players tend to build more capacity in hopes of maintaining, or hopefully, gain market share. Overcapacity is here to stay.”

    These are mere examples. Similar developments are undoubtedly taking place in many other sectors of the Chinese economy (how about construction?!). China has for example started dumping its overproduction of steel and aluminum on world markets, which makes the rest of the world, let’s say, skittish. The US is levying a 236% import tax on -some- China steel. The UK sees its remaining steel industry vanish. All US aluminum smelters are at risk of closure in 2016.

    The flipside, the inevitable hangover, that China will wake up to sooner rather than later, is the debt that its real growth, and then it’s fantasy growth, has been based on. We already dealt extensively with the difference between ‘official’ and real growth numbers, let’s leave that topic alone this time around.

    Though we can throw this in. Goldman Sachs recently said that even if the official Beijing growth numbers were right -which nobody believes anymore- ”Chinese credit growth is still running at roughly double the rate of GDP growth”. And even if credit growth may appear to be slowing a little, though we’d have to know the shadow banking numbers to gauge that (and we don’t), that hangover is still looming large:

    China Bad Loans Estimated At 20% Or Higher vs Official 1.5%

    [..] While the analysts interviewed for this story differ in their approaches to calculating likely levels of soured credit, their conclusion is the same: The official 1.5% bad-loan estimate is way too low.


    The Bank for International Settlements cautioned in September that China’s credit to gross domestic product ratio indicates an increasing risk of a banking crisis in coming years. “A financial crisis is by no means preordained, but if losses don’t manifest in financial sector losses, they will do so via slowing growth and deflation, as they did in Japan,” said Chu. “China is confronting a massive debt problem, the scale of which the world has never seen.”

    Charlene Chu [..]


    and her colleagues at Autonomous Research in Hong Kong take a top-down approach. They estimate how much money is being wasted after the nation began getting smaller and smaller economic returns on its credit from 2008. Their assessment is informed by data from economies such as Japan that have gone though similar debt explosions. While traditional bank loans are not Chu’s prime focus – she looks at the wider picture, including shadow banking – she says her work suggests that nonperforming loans may be at 20% to 21%, or even higher.

    Looking at the producer price graph, we see that the downfall started at least 44 months ago, and that 52 months is just as good an assumption. And we know that debt rose 50% or more since the downfall started. That does put things in a different perspective, doesn’t it? (Probably) the majority of pundits and experts will still insist on a soft landing at worst.

    But for those who don’t, please consider the overwhelming amount of deflationary forces that is being unleashed on the world as all that debt goes sour. As the part of that debt that was leveraged vanishes into thin air.

    It’s ironic to see that it’s at this very point in time that the IMF (Christine Lagarde seems eager to take responsibility) seeks to include the yuan in its SDR basket. Xi Jinping’s power over the exchange rate can only be diminished by such a move, and we’re not at all sure he realizes to what extent that is true. Chinese politics are built on hubris, and that goes only so far when you free float but don’t deliver.

    To summarize, do you remember what you were doing -and thinking- in mid-2011 and/or early 2012? Because that’s when this whole process started. Not this year, and not last year.

    China’s producers couldn’t get the prices they wanted anymore, as early as 4 years ago, and that’s where deflationary forces came in. No matter how much extra credit/debt was injected into the money supply, the spending side started to stutter. It never recovered.

  • Subprime Auto Lending Soars As Fed Report Shows Spike In Loans To Underqualified Borrowers

    When last we checked in on America’s auto loan bubble (which recently ballooned past the $1 trillion mark) the “visionary” ex-Santander execs over at Skopos Financial had just finished selling some $154 million in paper backed by a collateral pool wherein 75% of the loans were made to borrowers with credit scores less than 600. 

    14% of the loans were made to borrowers with no credit score at all.

    That deal followed a $150 million securitization the company sold earlier this year in which a fifth of the borrowers had FICOs between 351 and 500. 

    What this represents is the resurrection of the infamous originate to sell model that was instrumental in exacerbating the housing bubble. Put simply: if you can offload the credit risk to investors, you don’t really care who you’re loaning money to. It’s moral hazard at its finest and it’s enabled by Wall Street’s securitization machine. 

    Skopos’ latest abomination of an ABS deal came just weeks after Comptroller of the Currency Thomas Curry warned that what’s happening in the auto loan market “reminds [him] of what happened in mortgage-backed securities in the run-up to the crisis.”

    Obviously the market isn’t nearly as large, but auto loan-backed ABS supply is expected to grow 25% this year. Here’s an up to date look at consumer ABS supply:

    Auto loan-backed issuance will only grow as the bubble expands … and boy oh boy, is it expanding: 

    Of course in order to keep the US car sales “miracle” alive and thus perpetuate the ridiculous myth of an American auto renaissance, lenders will need to continue to lower their underwriting standards. After all, the pool of creditworthy borrowers is finite and so in order to expand it, you need to make inelligible borrowers eligible and that means the proliferation of subprime lending. 

    In what amounts to evidence that the subprime auto problem is indeed growing, The New York Fed’s Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit (out today) shows that lenders extended more than $110 billion in auto loans to borrowers with credit scores below 660 over the past six months alone. You can view that figure in context by taking a look at the following chart:

    But don’t worry, because Phil Lebeau and Experian’s perma-auto-loan bull and senior director of automotive finance Melinda Zabritski will tell you that talk of a subprime auto loan bubble is nonsense (from a CNBC interview earlier this month): 

    Zabritski:I don’t see a bubble in subprime loans. This is a very steady market in terms of loans to high-risk borrowers.”

  • The Greatest Racket Of All Time

    Submitted by Pater Tenebrarum via,

    The Successes of the Global War on Terror

    One would think that the so-called “Global War on Terror”, which has been given fresh impetus by the Paris attacks, must be going swimmingly. What else could explain the great enthusiasm with which it is pursued? It may be recalled that it started in earnest after the WTC attack – also a declaration of war, as it was put at the time.

    As is often the case when Islamist fundamentalists strike, the actual attackers immolated themselves on occasion of the attack itself, making it impossible to exact retribution. Except by proxy, that is. This was playing right into the hands of those who had planned the attacks. It seems to us that they have ultimately succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Not to put too fine a point to it, our wise political leaders have evidently been outfoxed by a bunch of turbaned cave dwellers and goat buggerers in the Hindu Kush.


    bomb something

    Steve Bell on the reaction to the Paris attacks.

    To wit, between 2013 and 2014, the global death toll from terrorist attacks has increased by yet another 80%, setting a new sad record. So 15 years of bombing places far and wide to smithereens, engaging in extremely costly “nation building” exercises, droning assorted terrorist groups so thoroughly that selected Al Qaeda leaders can by now boast of having been killed up to 17 times (only to miraculously reappear again), have produced this by way of bottom line results:


    The result to date of 15 years of “Global War on Terrorism” – there is more terrorism than ever before – click to enlarge.


    This is eerily reminiscent of the US government’s “War on Poverty”, which stopped the decline in poverty dead in its tracks the moment it began, or the even worse effort known as the “War on Drugs”, which has done nothing to decrease the drug epidemic, but has given birth to the largest and most brutal criminal cartels the world has ever seen. Can people really be that stupid? Unfortunately the answer is yes, they can. This is only half of the answer though.


    Global Turr

    Death by terrorism in 2014. Not a single Western country even makes the list (and even now, France would not make it). The biggest number of victims can be found in places like Iraq and Nigeria. Boko Haram has killed even more people than ISIS in 2014 (the deaths in Iraq are not exclusively attributable to IS) – click to enlarge.


    The Greatest Racket of All Time

    The other half of the answer has been already been supplied decades ago by the legendary Smedley Butler: War is a racket. However, most people are blissfully unaware of how big a racket it actually is. It is in fact the greatest scam ever – even the more recent “climate change” scam is comfortably put in the shade by it.

    Why are all Republican presidential candidates (apart from two exceptions) and Democratic front-runner Billary alike loudly screeching for more war, in spite of the sobering evidence? When confronted with such seemingly intractable questions, it is usually a good idea to follow the money. Should the mafia be aware of the associated statistics, it is presumably green with envy. Readers should definitely take the time to read Tom Engelhardt’s recent article “It’s a $cam” in its entirety. Below we are presenting just a handful of morsels from the first few paragraphs:

    “Let’s begin with the $12 billion in shrink-wrapped $100 bills, Iraqi oil money held in the U.S. The Bush administration began flying it into Baghdad on C-130s soon after U.S. troops entered that city in April 2003. Essentially dumped into the void that had once been the Iraqi state, at least $1.2 to $1.6 billion  of it was stolen and ended up years later in a mysterious bunker in Lebanon. And that’s just what happened as the starting gun went off.


    It’s never ended. In 2011, the final report of the congressionally mandated Commission on Wartime Contracting estimated that somewhere between $31 billion and $60 billion taxpayer dollars had been lost to fraud and waste in the American “reconstruction” of Iraq and Afghanistan.


    In Iraq, for instance, there was that $75 million police academy, initially hailed “as crucial to U.S. efforts to prepare Iraqis to take control of the country’s security.” It was, however, so poorly constructed  that it proved a health hazard. In 2006, “feces and urine rained from the ceilings in [its] student barracks” and that was only the beginning of its problems. When the bad press started, Parsons Corporation, the private contractor that built it, agreed to fix it for nothing more than the princely sum already paid.



    Typically enough, the Khan Bani Saad Correctional Facility, a $40 million prison Parsons also contracted to build, was never even finished.



    And why stick to buildings, when there were those Iraqi roads to nowhere paid for by American dollars? At least one of them did at least prove useful  to insurgent groups moving their guerrillas around (like the $37 million bridge  the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built between Afghanistan and Tajikistan that helped facilitate the region’s booming drug trade in opium and heroin).



    The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) hired  an American nonprofit, International Relief and Development (IRD), to oversee an ambitious road-building program meant to gain the support of rural villagers. Almost $300 million later, it could point to “less than 100 miles of gravel road completed.” Each mile of road had, by then, cost U.S. taxpayers $2.8 million, instead of the expected $290,000, while a quarter of the road-building funds reportedly went directly to IRD for administrative and staff costs. Needless to say, as the road program failed, USAID hired IRD to oversee other non-transportation projects.”

    (emphasis added)



    Snapshot taken at a meeting of death merchant cronies.


    The article continues in this vein and believe it or not, the above was just the harmless stuff. It becomes even more absurd as one reads on. Not only do the numbers become ever more staggering, the failures become concomitantly greater and more bizarre (such as the $43 million compressed natural gas station in Afghanistan, similar to one built in neighboring Pakistan for $300,000, located in an area bereft of infrastructure capable of delivering natural gas; or the $8.4 billion pumped into an Afghan “drug eradication program”, which was followed by a hitherto unbroken string of record opium harvests).

    That is however not all. Even more astounding is the fact that most of the individuals who demonstrably bear personal responsibility for these cases of fraudulent theft of taxpayer funds have not only not been sanctioned, but have in fact been rewarded and promoted. As Engelhardt puts is:

    “In short, there turns out to be much good fortune in the disaster business, a fact which gives the whole process the look of a classic swindle in which the patsies lose their shirts but the scam artists make out like bandits.”

    We have long had a cynical view of government and its endless follies and outrages. There is little that can surprise us anymore. We must confess though that the sheer size and audacity of this racket still manages to impress us.

    The war on terror is the best racket yet – it is a gift that will likely keep on giving for a very long time. It possesses a certain fateful inevitability: Western governments go about poking assorted hornet’s nests, until the hornets come swarming out to sting us, providing fresh reasons to expand the war.



    Vicious circle


    This is not meant to imply that one shouldn’t defend oneself against terrorism, but it might be a good idea to reevaluate the strategy (as Justin Raimondo noted, at this juncture, simply quarantining IS may be worth considering). Doing more of what clearly hasn’t worked so far is certainly likely to keep the above mentioned racket going, but based on the evidence it isn’t going to achieve much else.


    Miscalculations Coming Home to Roost

    The conflict in Syria specifically has been characterized by miscalculations galore. It seems everybody is finally realizing that IS may be more of a threat than was hitherto assumed. As a number of governments in the region that are allied with the West have found out, they are in a situation akin to that the sorcerer’s apprentice found himself in. The spirits they have summoned are now ignoring their commands – and they can no longer get rid of them.


    mind of his own

    Good doggie…doggie?


    Arab potentates aren’t the only ones in the region beginning to wonder what they have cultivated next door in their eagerness to see Syrian tinpot despot Assad toppled. Even the Grand Poobah of Turkey has recently begun to sound a bit worried.



    Lettuce water this tender green shoot a bit….ouch!

    Cartoon via


    Addendum: Deep State Piping Up, Resurgent Putin

    Meanwhile, Deep State representatives are once again sensing an opening. They have already reiterated their nonsensical, nay, downright dangerous demand to do away with encryption on a “just trust us” basis (see the assessment of cyber-security specialist Brian Krebs here). The idea is totally hare-brained, i.e., par for the course for government bureaucrats.

    And wouldn’t you know, it’s all Edward Snowden’s fault, for having provided proof of the unconstitutional misdeeds of certain spook agencies. Presumably he has magically caused the French authorities to ignore warnings about the terrorists and the planned attacks they received from at least three different foreign intelligence services by inundating them with his traitor-rays from Moscow.

    Finally, in an exceedingly amusing development, Vladimir Putin appears to have morphed overnight from pariah and enemy du jour to the “go to man”/ “hottest ticket in town” on fighting IS (or the “problem solver who cannot be ignored”, as the FT averred). Not that he is doing anything different – he is also poking the hornet’s nest and getting stung in return. However, everybody knows he is different in at least one respect.

    As we remarked to a friend recently, whatever one thinks of Putin, it is clear that he is an implacable enemy of Islamist radicals. The Chechen war stands as a monument to his Machiavellian ruthlessness in dealing with such people. So-called collateral damage definitely wasn’t on his mind much. In order to pacify the place, he simply ordered his military to raze the capital Grozny. Once Grozny was reduced to sufficiently small pieces of rubble, the army combed the surrounding landscape and shot everything that moved funny. Then a sort of local mafia boss was installed as the new governor, to ensure the place remained pacified.



    Grozny after Putin makeover.

    Photo via


    We suspect that the Middle East is a different kettle of fish though. Restoring something akin to the decades of pan-Arab nationalist oppression seems a highly dubious proposition. Too much has happened, and the place is packed with armed groups that will continue to be at each other’s throats no matter what.

    Putin is merely acting in line with old KGB traditions though. Here is an excerpt from a 20 year old newspaper report on how the KGB treated Islamist kidnappers aligned with Hezbollah who had taken Soviet diplomats hostage in Lebanon and had made the mistake of killing one of them:

    “The incident began when four Soviet diplomats were kidnapped last September by Muslim extremists who demanded that Moscow pressure the Syrian government to stop pro-Syrian militiamen from shelling rival Muslim positions in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli. The militiamen, the Jerusalem paper said, did not cease their attacks, and the body of one of the Soviet diplomats, Arkady Katkov, was found a few days later in a field in Beirut.


    The KGB then apparently kidnapped and killed a relative of an unnamed leader of the Shi’ite Hezbollah (Party of God) group, a radical, pro-Iranian group that has been suspected of various terrorist activities against Western targets in Lebanon.


    Parts of the man’s body, the paper said, were then sent to the Hezbollah leader with a warning that he would lose other relatives in a similar fashion if the three remaining Soviet diplomats were not immediately released. They were quickly freed.


    The newspaper quoted “observers in Jerusalem” as saying: “This is the way the Soviets operate. They do things – they don’t talk. And this is the language Hezbollah understands.”

    (emphasis added)

    One could probably call that an exchange of messages of increasing intensity.


    Turkey G-20

    G 20 meeting – Putin the rediscovered “problem solver”. As an old KGB hand, he can at least be relied on to be utterly ruthless when combating Islamic extremists.

    Photo credit: FOCUS Online/Wochit


    Of course there remain differences over Assad’s fate, but they may be smaller than appears on the surface. Perhaps Syria will end up partitioned at some point, with Assad’s Alawite clan controlling the part that contains Russia’s Mediterranean port.



    It seems it is high time for a strategic rethink in the GWoT, but powerful forces are arrayed against it. Apart from the fact that a truly huge racket is at stake, the situation is also reminiscent of the proverbial guy with the hammer – everything looks like a nail to him. So we should reasonably expect more of the same, only in even grander style (as the so-called “surge” has shown, any successes tend not only to be temporary, but have a habit to soon give way to even greater disasters).

    At least we can all be comforted by recent news that there is no reason to worry about the euro zone. As Mish relates, Keynesian economist Nouriel Roubini has rediscovered the broken window fallacy by arguing that the Paris attacks will “help the euro zone economy”. What is it with these geniuses? Paul Krugman has made similar arguments after the WTC attack and the Katrina hurricane. Obviously, it would be best if we just nuked all our cities. We’d have growth out the wazoo!

    However, this is perhaps less surprising than it should be. No-one can accuse Keynesians (regardless which prefixes adorn them by way of sect differentiation, i.e., New, neo-, post-,…) of being founts of economic literacy. After all, their master thought aimless ditch digging and pyramid building were viable “economic policies”.


  • China's "Minksy Moment" – $1.2 Trillion In Ponzi Financing

    Early last month in “Chinese Cash Flow Shocker: More Than Half Of Commodity Companies Can’t Pay The Interest On Their Debt,” we highlighted a report from Macquarie which showed that for many Chinese corporates, debt service payments have simply become too much to bear in the current environment.

    As Macquarie put it “more than half of the cumulative debt in [the commodities space] was EBIT-uncovered in 2014, and all sub-sectors have their share in the uncovered part, particularly for base metals (the big gray bar on the right stands for Chalco), coal, and steel.”

    In short, last year about CNY2 trillion in debt was in danger of imminent default. 

    To be sure, this shouldn’t exactly come as a surprise. Lackluster demand (both domestic and international) combined with an acute excess capacity problem and an enormous amount of leverage spells disaster and as the growing number of defaults we’ve seen in China this year underscores, Beijing’s habit of bailing out anyone and everyone and the unspoken directive that compels Chinese banks to roll bad debt may no longer be enough to keep a lid on things. Meanwhile, multiple rate cuts are proving to be too little, too late. 

    So what do you do when you can’t service your debt? Well, you either default or you go into full ponzi mode and take out new loans to pay the interest on your old loans. Don’t look now, but that’s exactly what’s happening in China. 

    As Bloomberg reports, Chinese borrowers are set to take out some CNY7.6 trillion in new loans this year just to pay interest on their existing borrowings. That’s according to Beijing-based Hua Chuang Securities Co., whose data Bloomberg used to construct the following chart:

    Here’s more: 

    Chinese companies are struggling to generate the cash flow needed to service their obligations as economic growth slows to the weakest pace in 25 years and corporate profits shrink. While the debt burden has been eased by six central bank interest-rate cuts in 12 months and a tumble in corporate borrowing costs to five-year lows, the number of defaults in China’s onshore corporate bond market has increased to six this year from just one in 2014.


    China Shanshui Cement Group Ltd. became the latest company to default on yuan-denominated domestic notes last week as overcapacity in the industry hurt profits and a shareholder dispute stymied financing. State-owned steelmaker Sinosteel Co., which pushed back an interest payment on a bond last month, postponed it again this week.

    And so, as we pointed out more than 18 months ago, China is about to reach its Minsky Moment. Recall what Morgan Stanley said last March:

    It is clear to us that speculative and Ponzi finance dominate China’s economy at this stage. The question is when and how the system’s current instability resolves itself. The Minsky Moment refers to the moment at which a credit boom driven by speculative and Ponzi borrowers begins to unwind. It is the point at which Ponzi and speculative borrowers are no longer able to roll over their debts or borrow additional capital to make interest payments. Minsky states this usually occurs when monetary authorities, in order to control inflationary impulses in the economy, begin to tighten monetary policy. We would add that this monetary tightening often begins to occur at the time when the size of speculative and Ponzi borrowings have become so large that the demand for additional capital to keep these borrowers afloat becomes greater than the supply of such capital. We believe that China finds itself today at exactly this juncture.

    To be sure China is is certainly doing its best to forestall this eventuality. The PBoC for instance, is not seeking to tighten monetary policy and deflation is a bigger risk than inflation. Additionally, the local government debt swap program is a sweeping effort to address provincial governments’ inability to make interest payments on LGVF financing which in many cases came with punitive rates. 

    So while we may not have reached the breaking point just yet (i.e. the point at which borrowers can no longer obtain new financing to pay the interest on their existing obligations), we’re getting there and were it not for the flood of liquidity (the tightening effect of PBoC FX interventions notwithstanding) unleashed by a series of RRR cuts and the implementation of various short- and medium-term lending ops, China probably would have gone over the edge long ago. For a preview of what comes next (and some of what you’ll read below is already happening), here’s Morgan Stanley again:

    The unwind of this credit boom is likely in progress, and we expect it to pick up speed over the coming months and quarters. It will likely involve a steady drip of defaults and near-defaults as insolvent borrowers finally become illiquid. Market rates for all assets except central government bonds and central bank bills will likely continue to rise, reflecting increasing market fears of default by shaky borrowers. Asset values will likely begin to deteriorate as stressed borrowers attempt to sell assets to stay afloat. As a result, banks and other financial entities could begin to increase provisioning for bad debts and to reduce credit availability by gradually tightening credit standards. This could lead to a credit crunch where credit to the economy is choked off for all but the safest borrowers.

    Xi’s determination to show the world that China is set to liberalize capital markets will only serve to accelerate this dynamic as a free(er) market means allowing for more defaults.

    You were warned.

    We close with a quote from Shi Lei, the Beijing-based head of fixed-income research at Ping An Securities Co. who spoke to Bloomberg and who we imagine may be “summoned” for daring to offer the following assessment of the situation:

    “Some Chinese firms have entered the Ponzi stage because return on investment has come down very fast. As a result, leverage will be rising and zombie companies increasing.”

  • What Money Means

    Submitted by Adam Taggart via,

    There's no doubt that money is important. There's good reason why most of us devote a huge percentage of our lives to pursuing it.

    But there's much about money that is misunderstood.

    Many among the masses don't realize the intense and coordinated efforts currently being waged by central planners to trap and devalue our savings through financial repression. They're being fleeced without being aware of it — working harder and harder for less and less.

    Many others overvalue the impact money has on our happiness. They make all sorts of sacrifices in pursuit of money, but remain poor in the things that truly matter.

    In our new book Prosper!: How to Prepare for the Future and Create a World Worth Inheriting, we examine closely what true wealth is. Yes, money absolutely plays a critical part in it; but it is only one of several pillars — one of 8 Forms of Capital — that we identify as required for a rich life. Good health, purposeful work, meaningful relationships, a resilient lifestyle, self-worth, a supportive community — all of these ingredients are as important as money for overall happiness.

    We wrote Prosper! as a resource that those already "awake" to these insights can use to share with family and friends who aren't yet aware of them.

    And since money is a universal attention-grabber as a topic, we're making our chapter on Financial Capital available here for free — as a means of engaging someone you care about in the discussion. We think it's one of the best digests of what happening right now with our money system:


  • THe LoNe RaNGeR…
  • American Police Kill 3 People Per Day, Over 1000 So Far In 2015

    Submitted by Jennifer Baker via,

    The Guardian’s effort to track fatal shootings by American police, known as ‘The Counted,’ reached the 1000 mark this week. With an average of more than three Americans shot and killed by police per day, this shocking statistic should be a wake-up call to the gun-toting vigilante justice that’s being trained into United States police forces.

    In a country where its citizens are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, the nation’s police force operates as the judge, jury, and executioner at least three times a day by taking the lives of citizens without significant accountability for their actions.

    The United States government and U.S. citizens have never before had a comprehensive record of the number of people killed by law enforcement. Former U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder described the absence of a National data collection system to track fatal police shootings as “unacceptable.”

    Until journalists began tracking fatal police shootings this year, the only way that information was collected was by a ‘voluntary’ program run by the FBI through which law enforcement agencies may or may not choose to submit their annual count of “justifiable homicides,” which it defines as “the killing of a felon in the line of duty.”

    Between 2005 and 2012 just 1,100 of America’s 18,000 police agencies chose to voluntarily report a “justifiable homicide” to the FBI.

    For comparison, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 35 Police Officers have died on the job in firearm-related incidents in 2015.

    Saudi Arabia, known worldwide for its public beheadings, executed only 90 people in the entire year of 2014 according to reports by Amnesty International, when an average of over 90 people are killed by American police forces every 30 days.

    To further put the scale of this crisis into perspective, as the world rushes to war over the tragic deaths of 129 people killed earlier this week in Paris, United States police forces kill that many American citizens about every 40 days.

    The crisis is clear. The United States trains its police officers to act as public executioners with a laundry list of worn out excuses and aggressive police unions at the ready to battle any public backlash and assist Officers with avoiding accountability for their actions.

    A complete dismantling and total reconstruction of current policing systems seem the only available answer.

  • Dear Syrian Refugees: You Are Welcome In Baltimore, Mayor Says

    If there’s one thing that’s become abundantly clear in the six days since ISIS operatives turned the streets of Paris into a warzone and massacred dozens of concertgoers at the Bataclan, it’s that when it comes to lawmakers’ support for the sheltering of Syrian refugees, murdering Westerners on camera is one thing, but staging an all-out assault on civilians in the French capital is entirely another. 

    As of Thursday, more than half of US state governors have come out against the Obama administration’s plan to resettle 10,000 Syrian asylum seekers in the US and a recent poll suggests that some 53% of Americans oppose the plan as well. 

    You can expect the backlash to grow with each new ISIS propaganda clip threatening attacks on US soil. There have been two this week alone, with the first containing an explicit threat against Washington DC and the second a veiled threat against New York. How credible those threats are we have no idea (ask Langley), but both of the videos were plastered all over the mainstream US media which probably drove a metaphorical stake through the heart of Obama’s refugee plan. 

    While it’s true that states can’t physically prevent refugees from being relocated within their borders, House Speaker Paul Ryan is moving to stop the resettlement plan in its tracks and you can bet that GOP governors will do everything in their power to make the relocation process as difficult as possible for the federal government and that resistance could well be contagious, creating ill-will towards refugees. 

    However, in a world where hostility towards Syrian migrants is growing by the day, there’s one city that wants asylum seekers to know that they are welcome: Baltimore. 

    Here’s a statement out earlier this week from Mayor Stephanie-Rawlings Blake:

    Baltimore, Maryland and the United States have proud traditions of welcoming refugees seeking assistance from crises around the world. There are few among us who can claim that their ancestors were indigenous to the United States. Welcoming immigrants and New Americans is a critical part of my strategy to grow Baltimore, and I hope that refugees from Syria will look to our city as a potential place to call home.


    So there you go Syrian refugees, there’s hope for you in America after all. 

    That said, we do encourage you to scope out the neighborhood before deciding that Baltimore is the place you want “to call home,” because depending on where you are in the city and what the current state of race relations happens to be, you might wonder why you ever left the Middle East…

  • Hillary Clinton's Aides Demand Comedy Club Remove Video Making Fun Of Her

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    The one upside of Hillary Clinton becoming President, is that her endless stream of stupidity will result in more content for this writer than I could ever imagine.

    Hot off her recent debate performance in which she claimed that the reason she is owned by Wall Street is because of 9/11, her aides are now demanding a Hollywood comedy club take down a video of comedians mocking her.

    Just in case you have any doubt about what a Hillary presidency would look like, we learn from Judicial Watch:

    In what appears to be a first for a serious presidential contender, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is going after five comedians who made fun of the former Secretary of State in standup skits at a popular Hollywood comedy club.


    video of the short performance, which is less than three minutes, is posted on the website of the renowned club, Laugh Factory, and the Clinton campaign has tried to censor it. Besides demanding that the video be taken down, the Clinton campaign has demanded the personal contact information of the performers that appear in the recording. This is no laughing matter for club owner Jamie Masada, a comedy guru who opened Laugh Factory more than three decades ago and has been instrumental in launching the careers of many famous comics. “They threatened me,” Masada told Judicial Watch. “I have received complains before but never a call like this, threatening to put me out of business if I don’t cut the video.”


    Masada told Judicial Watch that, as soon as the video got posted on the Laugh Factory website, he received a phone call from a “prominent” person inside Clinton’s campaign. “He said the video was disgusting and asked who put me up to this,” Masada said. The Clinton staffer, who Masada did not want to identify, also demanded to know the names and phone numbers of the comedians that appear in the video. Masada refused and hung up. He insists that the comedy stage is a sanctuary for freedom of speech no matter who is offended. “Just last night we had (Emmy-award winner) Dana Carvey doing Donald Trump and it was hilarious,” Masada said.

    Now watch the video, accurately titled: Hillary Clinton vs. the First Amendment
    Let’s now make sure this video benefits from a huge Streisand effect.
    Should someone this thin-skinned, someone so weak she demands a safe space from humor, ever be considered for the Presidency?


  • Fed's Fischer Unleashes Schrodinger's FedSpeak – We Dare You To Make Sense Of This

    If you had any confidence in your ability to understand The Fed's future course of action, Fed vice-chair Stanley Fischer just destroyed it in a speech in San Francisco that beggars belief in its CYA hedgedness…

    While we continue to scrutinize incoming data, and no final decisions have been made, we have done everything we can to avoid surprising the markets and governments when we move, to the extent that several emerging market (and other) central bankers have, for some time, been telling the Fed to "just do it."


    Fed meetings are now 'getting interesting' as possible rate hike discussed


    In the relatively near future probably some major central banks will begin gradually moving away from near-zero interest rates

    All of this was said without a big "wink."

    So let's break down the confusion:

    First, this…

    • FISCHER: FED HAS TAKEN NO FINAL DECISION ON TIMING OF LIFTOFF (ok makes sense, data-dependent and all that)


    • *FISCHER: SOME MAJOR CENTRAL BANKS TO RAISE RATES IN NEAR FUTURE (well The ECB, BoJ, PBOC aren't so that means The Fed will? But you just said you hadn't decided yet?)

    Then this…

    • *FISCHER: FED HAS DONE EVERYTHING IT CAN TO AVOID SURPRISING MKT (by telegraphing a rate-hike in December – just like you did in September – even though you 'surprised' everyone then and just seconds ago said you hadn't decided… and had)

    And finally this…


    Ok, so greenlight from everyone else – it's on – do not be surprised… but then again we haven't decided yet so don't bet on it.

    * * *

    Is it any wonder that Gold and Treasuries were bid today as it becomes ever more clear that The Fed is entirely lost and a policy error is looming.

  • The Stunning Visualization Of The World's 3 Billion Barrel Oil Glut

    While talk of record backlogs of supertankers and an unprecented 3 billion barrels of crude oil stock-piles sound impressive – and are weighing on crude prices – the following stunning image provides some context for just what this means…


    If the 3 billion barrels of crude oil gluttiness was put into tankers, the line would reach a stunning  530 kilometers…

    Source: @JavierBlas

    *  *  *

    As we previously noted, via Bloomberg,

    Oil stockpiles have swollen to a record of almost 3 billion barrels because of strong production in OPEC and elsewhere, potentially deepening the rout in prices, according to the International Energy Agency.


    This “massive cushion has inflated” on record supplies from Iraq, Russia and Saudi Arabia, even as world fuel demand grows at the fastest pace in five years, the agency said. Still, the IEA predicts that supplies outside the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will decline next year by the most since 1992 as low crude prices take their toll on the U.S. shale oil industry.


    “Brimming crude oil stocks” offer “an unprecedented buffer against geopolitical shocks or unexpected supply disruptions,” the Paris-based agency said in its monthly market report. With supplies of winter fuels also plentiful, “oil-market bears may choose not to hibernate.”


    Total oil inventories in developed nations increased by 13.8 million barrels to about 3 billion in September, a month when they typically decline, according to the agency.



    The pace of gains slowed to 1.6 million barrels a day in the third quarter, from 2.3 million a day in the second, although growth remained “significantly above the historical average.” There are signs the some fuel-storage depots in the eastern hemisphere have been filled to capacity, it said.

    And the backlog of SuperTankers continues to surge – to record highs for this time of year…

    31 very large crude carriers head to U.S. ports, highest since last May and most for time of year in data going back to 2013, ship tracking information compiled by Bloomberg shows.



    In fact some firms ar enow breaking charters…Frontline terminates long term charter for tanker Mindanao


    Frontline agreed with Ship Finance International Limited to terminate the long term charter for Suezmax tanker Mindanao, and will receive a compensation payment of approximately $3.3 million from Ship Finance for termination of current charter


    Following this termination, the number of vessels on charter from Ship Finance will be reduced to 14 vessels, including 12 VLCCs and two Suezmax tankers


    The stock buffer is bearish and will probably set a lid on how much higher prices can go in 2016,” Torbjoern Kjus, an analyst at DNB ASA in Oslo, said by phone. “There’s a sizeable risk that we could run totally full,” in terms of storage capacity, he said

  • The Most Important Question About ISIS That Nobody Is Asking

    The question of how the Islamic State funds its sprawling caliphate has been discussed in the past: we first broke down the primary driver of ISIS revenue well over a year ago, in September 2014, when we explained that “ISIS uses oil wealth to help finance its terror operations.”

    Daily Signal’s Kelsey Harkness explained the breakdown as follows:

    According to the Iraq Energy Institute, an independent, nonprofit policy organization focused on Iraq’s energy sector, the army of radical Islamists controls production of 30,000 barrels of oil a day in Iraq and 50,000 barrels in Syria. By selling the oil on the black market at a discounted price of $40 per barrel (compared to about $93 per barrel in the free market), ISIS takes in $3.2 million a day.


    The oil revenue, which amounts to nearly $100 million each month, allows ISIS to fund its military and terrorist attacks — and to attract more recruits from around the world, including America.

    Most importantly, we added that to be successful in counterterrorism efforts, “the U.S. and its allies must “push the Islamic State out of the oil fields it has captured and disrupt its ability to smuggle the oil to foreign markets.”

    None of this was surprising to anyone, but what was quite surprising is that it took the allied forces over a year to take the oil revenue threat seriously and begin targeting the Islamic State’s oil infrastructure in earnest.

    Today, in an article titled “Why US Efforts to Cut Off Islamic State’s Funds Have Failed” Bloomberg tries to explain just how it is that despite a more than a year long campaign, ISIS funding remains as strong as ever, and notes that “the latest round of airstrikes are directly related to the administration’s new math. “You have to go after the oil, and you have to do it in a serious way, and we’ve just begun to do that now,” citing Benjamin Bahney, an international policy analyst at the Rand Corp., a U.S. Department of Defense-funded think tank.

    To be sure, there are other sources of revenue: Bloomberg correctly notes that “even if the U.S. finally weakens the group’s oil income, Bahney and other analysts in the U.S., the Middle East, and Europe contend, Islamic State has resources beyond crude—from selling sex slaves to ransoming hostages to plundering stolen farmland—that can likely keep it fighting for years.”

    Still, without a doubt, the dominant source of funds for the terrorists is oil, and not just oil, but a well-greased logistical machine that keeps thousands of barrels moving from unknown pumps to even refineries, and ultimately to smugglers who operated out of Turkey and other countries.

    Here is Bloomberg:

    Most often refined in Syria, the group’s oil is trucked to cities such as Mosul to provide people living under its black banner with fuel for generators and other basic needs. It’s also used to power the war machine. “They have quite an organized supply chain running fuel into Iraq and [throughout] the ‘caliphate,’ ” says Michael Knights, an Iraq expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, using the militant group’s religiously loaded term for itself. Because the U.S. apparently believed the real money for Islamic State came primarily via selling refined oil, rather than crude, last year’s strikes heavily targeted refineries and storage depots, says Bahney. He and other experts say that strategy missed an important shift: Militants increasingly sell raw crude to truckers and middlemen, rather than refining it themselves. So while Islamic State probably maintains some refining capacity, the majority of the oil in IS territory is refined by locals who operate thousands of rudimentary, roadside furnaces that dot the Syrian desert.

    Here is where it gets interesting: Bloomberg cites Pentagon officials who acknowledge “that for more than a year they avoided striking tanker trucks to limit civilian casualties. None of these guys are ISIS. We don’t feel right vaporizing them, so we have been watching ISIS oil flowing around for a year,” says Knights. That changed on Nov. 16, when four U.S. attack planes and two gunships destroyed 116 oil trucks.

    So any qualms about vaporizing “innocent civilians” promptly disappeared when the Pentagon realized that its 1+ year long campaign had been an epic debacle, that a suddenly surging ISIS was stronger as ever, and most importantly, that its critical revenue lifelines had been largely untouched for years. Perhaps they weren’t innocent civilians after all.

    It is still unknown if this recent crackdown on “dumping oil”, or crude which dramatically lowers the price of oil in global markets – it certainly is an odd coincidence that the price of Brent and WTI began its tumble last fall, just when the Islamic State made its dramatic appearance on the world scene – will have an effect and cut off the primary source of funds to ISIS.

    But what we have been wondering for months and what we hope some enterprising journalist will soon answer, is just who are the commodity trading firms that have been so generously buying millions of smuggled oil barrels procured by the Islamic State at massive discounts to market, and then reselling them to other interested parties.

    In other words, who are the middlemen.

    What we do know is who they may be: they are the same names that were quite prominent in the market in September when Glencore had its first, and certainly not last, near death experience: the Glencores, the Vitols, the Trafiguras, the Nobels, the Mercurias of the world.

    To be sure, funding terrorist states is not something that some of the most prominent names in the list above have shied away from in the past.

    Which one (or ones) are the guilty parties – those who have openly breached terrorism funding laws – we don’t know: it may be one, or more of the above, or someone totally different.

    At this point, however, three things are certain: whoever the commodity trading house may be that is paying ISIS-affiliated “innocent civilians” hundreds of millions of dollars for their products, they are perfect aware just who the source of this deeply discounted crude is. Crude so deeply discounted, in fact, it results in massive profits for the enterprising middleman who are engaging in openly criminal transactions.

    The second certainty: whoever said middleman is, it is very well known to US intelligence services such as the NSA and CIA, and thus to the Pentagon, and thus, the US government.

    The third certainty is that while the US, and Russia, and now France, are all very theatrically bombing something in the Syrian desert (nobody really knows what), the funding of ISIS continues unabated as someone keeps buying ISIS oil.

    We wonder how long until someone finally asks the all important question regarding the Islamic State: who is the commodity trader breaching every known law of funding terrorism when buying ISIS crude, almost certainly with the tacit approval by various “western alliance” governments, and why is it that these governments have allowed said middleman to continue funding ISIS for as long as it has?

  • Nike Just Did It

    Having suffered a little recently on the heels of retailer concerns, Nike – the best performer in The Dow this year – is surging back towards all-time record highs after unleashing a new share buyback program (upping the limit from $8bn to $12bn), a stock split and a dividend boost.





    NIKE, Inc. (NYSE:NKE) announced today that its Board of Directors approved a new four-year, $12 billion program to repurchase shares of NIKE’s Class B Common Stock. The Company anticipates that the current $8 billion share repurchase program will be completed before the end of fiscal 2016, and the new program will commence upon the completion of the current program.*

    Repurchases under the Company’s new program will be made in open market or privately negotiated transactions in compliance with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 10b-18, subject to market conditions, applicable legal requirements, and other relevant factors. This share repurchase plan does not obligate the Company to acquire any particular amount of common stock, and it may be suspended at any time at the Company’s discretion. NIKE had approximately 678 million shares of Class B Common Stock outstanding as of November 16, 2015.

    “In a growing sports industry, NIKE is the clear leader,” said Mark Parker, President and CEO of NIKE, Inc. “We are built for growth, while also staying committed to creating shareholder value over the long term. We’ve proven it time and again, having returned over $23 billion to shareholders over the last 14 years through share repurchases and dividends. Moving forward, we see even greater potential for NIKE as we continue to unlock new markets, new experiences and new products.”

    The Board of Directors also declared a quarterly cash dividend on the Company’s outstanding Class A and Class B Common Stock of $0.32 per share, on a pre-split basis, payable on January 4, 2016 to shareholders of record at the close of business on December 9, 2015. The dividend represents a 14 percent increase over the previous pre-split quarterly rate of $0.28 per share. This is the fourteenth year in a row the Company has increased its annual dividend, over which time the dividend has increased by a factor of more than 10.

    The Board of Directors also approved a two-for-one split of both NIKE’s Class A and Class B Common shares. The stock split will be in the form of a 100 percent stock dividend payable on December 23, 2015 to shareholders of record at the close of business December 9, 2015.

    Upon completion of the split, the outstanding shares of NIKE’s Class A and Class B Common Stock will increase to approximately 353 million and 1.36 billion, respectively, based on the outstanding shares as of November 16, 2015. The Company expects its common stock to begin trading at the split-adjusted price on December 24, 2015.

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Today’s News November 19, 2015

  • Meet The Institution Most Intent On Destroying American Freedom (Hint: It's Not ISIS)

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people.


    – James Madison, Founding Father and 4th President of these United States

    No outside force can end freedom in America. The only force that can end freedom in America, is the American government itself. This is the main lesson of the 15 years since 9/11.

    The notion that we must preemptively give up our freedoms to protect our freedoms is so remarkably infantile and irrational you’d think almost no one would fall for it. Yet fall for it they do.

    On the other hand if you are a serious person and want to examine where the real threat to American freedom and liberty resides, look no further than Washington D.C..

    From Foreign Policy:

    CIA Director John Brennan said Monday he suspects the Islamic State is currently working on more terrorist plots against the West following Friday’s attack in Paris that killed at least 129 people and injured hundreds more. He also criticized new privacy protections enacted after Edward Snowden’s disclosures about U.S. government surveillance practices.


    In his remarks, Brennan said the attacks should serve as a “wake-up call” for those misrepresenting what intelligence services do to protect innocent civilians. He cited “a number of unauthorized disclosures, and a lot of handwringing over the government’s role in the effort to try to uncover these terrorists.”

    Perhaps next time you shouldn’t unconstitutionally spy on everyone and lie about it.

    Brennan also said the United States had “strategic warning” about the terrorist attack in Paris, but did not provide details, other than to say it was “not a surprise.” He said he believed the attack was planned over “several months.”

    Sure, just give up a little more freedom and we’ll protect you next time. What an asshole.

  • Texan Turmoil – Visualizing The Growing (& Shrinking) Local Economies Across America

    The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) recently released its statistics on gross domestic product by metropolitan area for 2014. built a map to provide a 3D visualization of the GDP growth by metropolitan area, seen below. The higher the cone rising out of the map, the greater the GDP growth in that area.

    (click image for huge legible version)



    Take a look to the top 5 metro areas with highest growth:

    • Midland, TX had the highest GDP growth for any metropolitan area in the country at 24.1%.
    • Another Texas metro area, San Angelo, came in second with 11.4% GDP growth. San Angelo had 1.85% growth in durable goods manufacturing and 1.09% growth in professional services.
    • Lake Charles, LA came in third with 10.3% GDP growth. Lake Charles saw growth of 3.76% in the construction industry.
    • Greeley, CO was fourth in GDP growth at 9.9% with 3.65% growth in natural resources and mining.
    • Wheeling, WV rounded out the top five with 9.5% growth. Wheeling saw 7.93% growth from natural resources and mining.

    Furthermore, the Dallas metropolitan area had the highest GDP growth at 8.5% out of the top 10 metro areas by GDP.

    Which is a problem, as opposed to what Dick Fisher said – that the collapse in oil prices was a net positive for Texas – it has not been, at all…


    Which means all those superlatives above from 2014's economic growth are now gone! And not coming back anytime soon.

  • Indians Refuse To Give Their Gold To The Government: Only 30 Kilograms Take Part In "Gold Monetization Scheme"

    Two months ago we gave our most recent review of what we dubbed the soft launch of India’s gold confiscation program, when the government’s “voluntary”gold-to-paper backed bonds conversion went, well, gold: back then, Modi’s government approved the gold monetization plan and sale of sovereign bonds proposed several months ago by the Reserve Bank of India.

    The plans were first announced by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in February as measures to woo Indians away from physical gold. As Jaitley explained the deposited gold would be auctioned, used to replenish the Reserve Bank of India’s reserves or be lent to jewelers. Subsequently, gold “depositors” can redeem in gold or cash depending on the tenure. Said otherwise, an attempt to “fractionally-reserve” gold, which would then be used a source of gold rehypothecation in the country that despite all the government’s efforts, remains starved for physical gold.

    Now, one week after the gold scheme’s official launch, we take a look at how has it has done so far. In one word, so far the “gold monetization” plan has been a disaster with a laughable 30 kilograms in gold tendered by the people from physical into “government-backed” form.

    The Times of India has the details, and reports that in the first-week “collection by the government’s sovereign gold bond scheme has been rather tepid with less than Rs 10 crore being reported to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The scheme, which closes on November 20, allows investors to purchase between 2 and 500 grams of gold-equivalent.

    The spin was immediate: “bankers say that in any issue, savvy investors – including high net worth individuals – usually hold off until the closing date before locking in their funds.” Or maybe they don’t lock in their funds at all since giving the government your physical gold in exchange for a interest payment – in other words, converting gold into a paper asset with the government’s blessing – is about as stupid as it gets. 

    TofI adds that “the money raised through the sale of these bonds will form a part of government borrowing. According to sources, the RBI, which manages government borrowings, is keeping track of the collections and it has got a number of below Rs 8 crore until last weekend. Of this, around Rs 6.5 crore has been reported by banks and another Rs 1.35 crore by the Post Office. The government has fixed the issue price at Rs 2,684 per gram, which means that the gold-equivalent of the bonds is less than 30kg.

    The government has been aggressively marketing the scheme on three main points:

    • It is more remunerative than buying gold as the investor gets an interest of 2.75% in addition to getting returns equivalent to the value of gold on maturity. Incidentally this is far below the rate of inflation, so the nominal interest does not even cover rising prices). 
    • Second, there is no risk of theft since the gold is held in dematerialized form.
    • Thirdly, although the bond has an eight-year tenure, it offers liquidity as it is accepted as collateral and there is also a premature exit option at the end of five years.

    Alas, none of these appear to have had any impact on people’s willingness to part with bullion.

    Which brings us to our conclusion from two months ago, when we said that “the one thing to watch for is a shift in the posture of the Indian government: for now participation in the gold monetization scheme is voluntary, and largely geared to the general public with the 500 gram/year limit. But if and when the Modi cabinet starts “urging” the population, and certainly when threats of fines and/or prison time emerge, that is when we will finally have confirmation that the second coming of Executive Order 6102 has arrived.

    If and when that happens, expect a full-blown global press to obliterate the price of gold as the gold confiscation wave is finally unleashed, first in India then everywhere else.

  • The 1% Is Rolling Over

    Submitted by John Rubino via,

    Today’s financial world is a tough place for the average person but paradise for rich guys. As easy money raises asset prices, the owners of those assets make effortless profits. Then they buy expensive toys and trophy properties. Hence the recent boom in fine art, high-end real estate, yachts and private jets.

    But like all financial trends, this one has a limit, and that limit is now in sight. The 1%, it seems, is rolling over:

    Sotheby’s Offers Employees Voluntary Buyouts to Cut Costs

    (Bloomberg) – Sotheby’s is offering employees voluntary buyouts to cut costs after a drop in third-quarter revenue grabbed more attention from the company’s investors than its largest ever semiannual auction season.


    The auction house told employees in an e-mail Friday that if not enough employees make use of the buyouts, it may have to resort to layoffs. Sotheby’s didn’t say how many jobs it plans to cut.


    Shares of Sotheby slumped as much as 16 percent this week after the firm reported a 9 percent decline in third-quarter revenue.


    “Sotheby’s costs of doing business – increased staff, more expensive catalogue production, huge marketing and promotional costs, etc. – have to be balanced against the declining revenue from commissions,” said David Nash, co-owner of Mitchell-Innes & Nash gallery in New York and former head of Impressionist and modern art at Sotheby’s.


    San Francisco in housing ‘correction’

    (CNBC) – San Francisco homes are still some of the priciest in the nation, but sales of those houses are showing significant weakness. September sales were down 19.5 percent in the city from a year ago, according to the California Association of Realtors.


    "We’re going through a kind of correction, as we have a lot of new developments being built right now. The supply is definitely on the rise,” said Justin Fichelson, an agent at Climb Real Estate Group in San Francisco. “The market is not going to continue going up like we’ve seen in the past two years, because prices are already high.”


    London Mansion Prices Fall 11.5% as Home `Bubble’ May Have Burst

    (Bloomberg) – Prices of homes valued at 5 million pounds ($7.6 million) or more fell 11.5 percent on a per square foot basis in the third quarter from a year earlier, according to Richard Barber, a director at broker W.A. Ellis LLP, a unit of Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. Sales volumes across all homes in the best parts of central London dropped 14 percent in the period, the realtor said on Thursday.


    “The bubble may already have burst” for the most expensive homes, Barber said. Now, “36 percent of all properties currently on the market across prime central London are being marketed at a lower price than they were originally listed at, with the average reduction in price being 8.5 percent.”


    Luxury-Jet Market Value Seen Slipping for First Time Since 2009

    (Bloomberg) – Global long-term spending on private jets is starting to slow for the first time since 2009 as slumping commodity prices sap demand in emerging markets, according to an industry forecast.


    Deliveries for the 11 years ending in 2025 will be valued at $270 billion, Honeywell International Inc. said Sunday in its annual survey of the luxury-aircraft market. That’s down 3.6 percent from last year’s comparable projection, and snapped a streak of gains since the last U.S. recession ended.


    The decline reflects weakness in Brazil, Russia, India and China, the group known as the BRIC countries, and the impact of political conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, according to Brian Sill, chief of Honeywell’s business and general aviation unit. Delays in some new plane models are also pushing back demand, he said.


    Jet shipments will drop 2.6 percent to 9,200 planes, according to Honeywell, whose forecast had predicted fluctuations in deliveries but no drop in the planes’ list value in the post-recession years. Large planes that had spearheaded the recovery are now seeing slower growth.


    “We’re just slogging along,” said Janine Iannarelli, president of Par Avion Ltd., a Houston based plane brokerage. “There is a shortage of buyers, there’s limited activity and prices keep correcting.”

    So the rich are becoming less rich? To an extent, yes. Recent declines in commodity prices and emerging market debt have no doubt taken a bite out of some big portfolios. Meanwhile hedge funds, the preferred investment management vehicle of the uber-wealthy, have done badly for the past couple of years, with some high-profile implosions generating headlines.

    These disappointments have lowered the net worth of some big players and made others more cautious. Hence the lessened demand for the most pretentious assets.

    The impact on the global economy? Almost certainly bad, since the 1% are the marginal buyers of so many reference assets like blue-chip stocks and government bonds. To the extent that they grow cautious, the bid for a lot of things will be lower, cutting corporate profits, equity valuations and high-end asset prices.

    Put another way, when the only healthy part of an already-impaired system turns negative, everyone will feel the resulting pain.

  • BOHICA 2015

    BOHICA 2015

  • Brazil GDP In "Free Fall Mode", Get Ready For "Terrible" Q3 Print, Analysts Warn

    On Sunday in “Depression Tracker: Brazil Braces For Big Week Of Bad Data,” we warned that this was likely to be a rather harrowing week for anyone hoping to see a light at the end of the tunnel for the trainwreck that is Brazil’s collapsing economy. 

    Specifically, we previewed three data points, i) the IBC-Br monthly real GDP indicator, ii) IPCA-15 inflation, and iii) the IBGE October labor market report. The latter two prints are due tomorrow. We got the GDP tracker today. It was not pretty. 

    The the central bank’s output proxy showed real activity falling 0.5% m/m, the fourth straight month of declines. Here’s Goldman’s full breakdown:

    In annual terms, the monthly indicator of activity declined by a large 6.1% yoy in September and on a 12-month cumulative sum basis, real GDP contracted 2.8% yoy, close to the lows reached in 3Q2009.


    According to the IBC-Br, the statistical carry-over for growth in 2015 dipped to -3.6% (i.e., if the economy remains flat throughout 2015 at the September level real GDP will record a 3.6% contraction on average during the year).


    According to the central monthly real GDP indicator, which has been an imperfect indicator of the National Accounts quarterly GDP, real GDP declined 1.4% QoQ sa during 3Q2015 (adding to the-2.1% qoq sa variation recorded during 2Q2015). Hence,real GDP has now declined by four consecutive quarters. Finally, the carry-over for 4Q real GDP is at -0.6%, that is, were GDP to remain flat during Oct-Dec at the September level, real GDP would decline 0.6% qoq sa during 4Q2015.



    Barclays simply called it “free fall mode”, noting that “today’s result is due to the strong contraction in industrial production (-1.3% m/m sa) and retail sales (-1.5% m/m sa).” 

    Finally, here’s FT, quoting Capital Economics:

    Economic activity fell by 6.2 per cent in September from the same period a year earlier.


    That’s the biggest year-on-year drop on record, according to Capital Economics, and points to a third quarter contraction of nearly 5 per cent.


    Edward Glossop at Capital Economics said he expects Brazil’s third quarter GDP numbers “to be terrible”. He added:


    “Conditions are unlikely to have improved much at the start of Q4. October’s PMI data suggest that the slump in industry deepened, while the further deterioration in labour market conditions over the past couple of months suggests that consumption remained under pressure.”

    Q3 data is due on December 1.

    Bear in mind that this comes against a backdrop of worsening inflation. As we noted on Sunday, Goldman sees IPCA-15 inflation coming in at 0.87%. The implication: inflation would print somewhere in the neighborhood of 10.3% y/y (the worst in more than 10 years) and you when you put that together with everything noted above you get a stagflationary nightmare. 

    Truthfully, this is an unmitigated disaster of epic proportions and it just keeps getting worse. Until now, Goldman’s Alberto Ramos has been the undisputed king when it comes to producing lists of the country’s economic problems that are so long they induce riotous laughter. Well watch out Alberto, BofAML’s David Beker may be coming for your spot: 

    Leading activity indicators are persistently posting negative prints throughout the year, despite already being at record low levels, corroborating our call for a 3.3% yoy contraction in 2015. Tightened credit markets, high household indebtedness level, rising inflation and the ongoing labor market loosening should continue to drive purchasing power and confidence levels down, preventing a rebound in the near term. Accordingly, industrial production declined 10.9% yoy in September, posting the 19th consecutive negative print and returning to production levels from a decade ago. At the same time, retail sales contracted for the sixth time in a row in year-over-year terms, reaching a negative 6.2% yoy print. All in, these results indicate that activity indicators should continue to decline next year, reflecting a deeper and longer economic recession, with economic activity only starting to recover in late 2016.

  • Dead Unicorn Walking: Square IPOs At $9, 42% Below Latest Private Financing Valuation

    If having to slash valuations by 30% from the latest private financing round was not bad enough, Square's IPO just priced notably below the expected (already lowered) range of $11-13 (and even further below the $15.46 at which it raised private money last year):


    So from a private valuation around $6 billion to this, and along with Fidelity marking down its SnapChat valuation, it appears that without another massacre in a major city, risk appetite for these paper-behemoths may have gone the way of the mythical unicorn itself.

    Square most recently raised $180 million in private funding at $15.46 per share, in a multi-stage Series E round stretching from September 2014 through just last month.

    As Fortune reports,

    Square’s IPO comes at a time when it appears the company’s losses are growing and revenue growth is slowing. In its original S-1 filing with the SEC, Square reported a $77.6 million loss for the first six months of this year compared to a $79 million loss during the same period in 2014. Meanwhile, revenues rose to $560.5 million from $372 million during the same six months.


    In a more recent third quarter filing, Square posted a loss of $53.9 million on $332.2 million in revenue, indicating slower revenue growth and widening losses than before.

    As The Wall Street Journal reports,

    Skeptical investors forced Square Inc. to sell shares in its initial public offering for less than the mobile payments startup had hoped, dealing another setback to the battered market for new technology-company stock.


    The six-year-old company, founded and run by  Twitter Inc.  Chief Executive  Jack Dorsey, priced its shares at $9 late Wednesday. That is beneath the projected offering range of $11 to $13 and even farther below the $15.46 at which Square raised money last year from private investors.



    “This deal is representative of companies that are falling out of favor with investors,” said Jeremy Abelson, portfolio manager at Irving Investors. “These are companies that are spending a lot to grow their top line but still have a tough path to profitability.”

    *  *  *

    A bigger question, as we noted previously, is whether it will be a controlled demolition as unicorns everywhere are demoted to what we first dubbed "zerocorn" status in the coming days. To be sure, the VCs are desperate for a controlled demolition, and hoping the broader market ignores the euphoria that took place in Silicon Valley over the past 3 years, is now over, and that giddy investors overshot by at least 25-35% to the upside in the past several private funding rounds as everyone was rushing to pass the valuation hot potate to ever greater, and richer, fools.

    It remains to be seen how successful they will be, and just what the source of capital for hundreds of "$1+ billion"-valued, cash burning companies will be in lieu of generous VCs, and just how viable the second tech bubble will be if these hundreds of companies suddenly are forced to generate cash flow to fund themselves.

    One thing we know: there sure are many of them, as this infographic from the WSJ proves:


    *  *  *

    Which raises one interesting question…

  • Do you believe in terrorists?

    Westerners have a deep history of a culture of myths (see Joseph Campbell).  We love to believe in Santa Claus, “The American Dream,” the Tooth Fairy, housing market always goes up, and countless others.  So it’s easy for us to be ‘terrorized’ by a myth; that hiding behind every corner are evil ‘terrorists’ waiting to blow themselves up because ‘they hate our freedoms.’ 

    Already, evidence surfaces that doesn’t match our traditional image for what a terrorist act should look like, as pointed out by George Washington’s article on ZH:

    What do you think? False flag? Light-skinned, clean-shaven ISIS jihadis who went undercover to carry out the terrorist attack? Or local Europeans who were radicalized into jihad?

    Postscript:  The Mirror also notes that the terrorists looked like professional soldiers:

    “I would describe him as tall, with dark hair and also quite muscular.


    They looked like soldiers or mercenaries and carried the whole thing out like a military operation.

    Military operation or not, let’s take a step back how we got here, for those who can read and don’t have a TV.

    World War 2 and it’s climax defined the modern age and the century.  It is the most significant event, historically speaking for the last 500 – 1000 years.  How this event shaped the markets and modern capitalism; specifically – global trade, Forex, emerging markets, the concept model of the nation-state, and in one word – a complete paradigm shift.  

    Before WW2, nation-states waged war – these wars were all different but had several distinct characteristics.  There was always a winner, the winner basically wrote the terms of the agreement to end the war (taking various resources or land for themselves); it was usually financed through taxes or Rothschild type loans, and both sides were well defined.  Even when mercenaries participated, it was clear whose side was who.  Also it was clear, what the war was about – there was no ‘false flag’ events.  People mostly participated in war for survival, because they were forced to, or needed money and enlisted, or because their king told them to and they obey.  There was no TV, internet, or cameras attached to missiles.

    After WW2, only one single country remained intact, with infinite industrial capacity that easily switched to the consumer economy.  The United States of America had lost millions of lives in WW2, but the US was never invaded, factories remained, cities were not burned and bombed, a baby boom quickly expanded the population.  Resources were plentiful, and for 20 years the US was basically the only industrial superpower in the world.  This eventually led to the US Dollar based global Forex & payments system as we have today.  Breton Woods certainly would not have been in New Hampshire had it not been for this post WW2 dominance.  For all its benefits, this circumstantial gift left with it a seed of destruction; the military industrial complex.  

    Because now for the first time in history – war became a business.  Corporate America knew how to profit from war, in all manners.  Wall St. cozied up to Washington to form what would become the most powerful alliance of business & government in history (that ironically was a lot stronger form of Facism that these same forces destroyed in Europe a generation prior).  

    The peace after WW2 presented a problem for the military industrial complex – if there was no war, how could they profit from the war machine?  Enter Vietnam and George Morrison (father of Doors singer Jim Morrison):

    Daniel Ellsberg, who was on duty in the Pentagon the night of August 4, receiving messages from the ship, reported that the ship was on a secret electronic warfare support measuresmission (codenamed “DESOTO“) near Northern Vietnamese territorial waters.[12] On July 31, 1964, USS Maddox had begun its intelligence collection mission in the Gulf of Tonkin. Captain George Stephen Morrison (father ofDoors singer Jim Morrison) was in command of local American forces from his flagship USS Bon Homme RichardMaddox was under orders not to approach closer than eight miles (13 km) from the North’s coast and four miles (6 km) from Hon Nieu island.[13] When the SOG commando raid was being carried out against Hon Nieu, the ship was 120 miles (190 km) away from the attacked area.[13]

    So now we had a nice little war, where we could sell bell helicopters, and created the modern model for making ‘war business.’  After Vietnam it was easy to create an enemy.  Fast forward several conflicts and enter the ultimate enemy: Terrorists.  Terrorists are the dream of Neocons, warmongers, and anyone profiting from the war machine – because they are not connected to any ‘country’ – are always changing, nearly impossible to identify, have motives no one clearly understands, and can easily be bribed and manipulated to carry out the whims of Washington (in the case of Washington supported ISIS, to disrupt the Assad regime who has been on the black list since Libya.)  Who are Terrorists?  They can be anyone, operate anywhere, and always can be blamed on any mistakes made.  Plane crash, false flag – must be Terrorists!  They are the perfect enemy for the ‘war machine’.  And the middle east – a perfect playground.  “Washington” now can be replaced with some proper term for ‘global alliance’ enter recently to this game Russia, just learning how profitable war can be.

    Because practically, war is outdated.  A conventional war between any 2 nuclear powers would only create utter devastation, calculating which side would be more devastated is pointless, as the fallout would spread around the globe.  Also, countries such as Russia, the US, Germany, UK, have no real state enemies because of this, so keeping and maintaining a standing army of any kind – completely wasteful (except to keep the domestic population controlled by fear and opression, and the occasional cleansing of the genetic herd via in theater operations).  Hence the need for terrorists.

    In other words, false flag or not – Terrorists are the last frontier for the war machine created (and thus the modern Forex system).  It’s impossible to kill them, as they are an idea.  To end ‘terrorism’, we must end the war machine – dismantling this is very tricky!  Who are the real terrorists, suicide bombers, or news anchors constantly ‘terrorizing’ the population by making them afraid and worried around every corner a bomb will explode.  If we can overcome this huge mental challenge, we can really create a global panacea, a world without war, without currencies, without fraud.

    Just like with any system, the war machine needs our support.  To stop it – we need to stop being afraid, stop believing in it! Stop participating in it!  (But that’s not practical, because we like it.  It’s entertainment!)  So the philosophical question of the day is:  Do you believe in Terrorists?  At least have some decency if you do – don’t tell this fairy tale to your children.  Maybe they’ll grow up in a better world.

    Or to quote George Carlin, let’s accept it as a form of entertainment:

    The odds of your being killed by a terrorist are practically zero. So I say, relax and enjoy the show.

    You have to be realistic about terrorism. Ya gotta be a realist: Certain groups of people – Muslim fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, and just plain guys from Montana – are going to continue to make life in this country very interesting for a long, long time. That’s the reality. Angry men in combat fatigue talking to God on a two-way radio and muttering incoherent slogans about freedom are eventually going to provide us with a great deal of entertainment.

    Especially after your stupid fuckin economy collapses all around you, and the terrorists come out of the woodwork. And you’ll have anthrax in the water supply and sarin-gas in the air conditioners; there’ll be chemical and biological suitcase bombs in every city, and I say, “Enjoy it, relax! Enjoy the show! Take a fuckin chance. Put a little fun in your life.”


    To me, terrorism is exciting. It’s exciting! I think the very idea that someone might set off a bomb in Macy’s and kill several hundred people is exciting and stimulating, and I see it as a form of entertainment! Entertainment that’s all it is. Yeah! But – but I also know most Americans are soft, frightened, unimaginative they don’t realize there’s such a thing as dangerous fun. And they certainly don’t recognize good entertainment when they see it. I have always been willing to put myself at great personal risk for the sake of entertainment. And I’ve always been willing to put you at great personal risk for the same reason.

    As far as I’m concerned, all of this airport security, all the searches, the screening, the cameras, the question it’s just one more way of reducing your liberty and reminding you that they can fuck with you any time they want, as long as you put up with it. As long as you put up with it. Which means, of course, any time they want. Because that’s what Americans do now. They’re always willing to trade away a little of their freedom for the feeling, the illusion–of security.   -GEORGE CARLIN

    If state-sponsored armies left the middle east permanently (Now speaking of the US, UK, ‘coalition of the willing’ and now Russia), including the US support of Israel, ‘terrorism’ as we know it at least, would cease to exist.  We’ve been sold a load of snake oil, that somewhere lurking in the shadows of these elephant oil fields, are crazed muslims who believe in killing infidels.  Nothing could be farther from the truth!   

    When a company is discovered for wrongdoing – often a boycott can succeed in getting their attention (the other alternative, being lawsuits & litigation).  It is not different with the war machine.  It feeds off our energy, our fears, which determines our need to finance and support the military through taxes and other means (and supports our local TV companies through advertisements).  The point is that there is no winning ‘the war on Terrorism’ – it’s a paradox.  It’s a genius invention by the war machine akin to “Terminator” films – now for every $1 we put into the military the profit can be $2 or $3 – because the more wars we launch in the middle east, the more terrorists are created, thus a need for even more security & war spending.  If even a small % of our tax dollars was funneled through various CIA shells to finance ISIS (even if the purpose was to overthrow Assad or other Terrorists) – technically speaking it is financed by the American taxpayer (at least in part).  Again, technically speaking – that would put the US Government on the OFAC list (which they publish) – and would be severe AML violations.  All these paradoxes are the ultimate ‘fog of war’ to enable the war machine to go on, now a self-replicating artificial intelligence of its own.  The ultimate paradox – this situation has made it impossible to stand up against the defense industry (literally) – ensuring it’s nearly infinite survival.  

    Or – here’s an investing idea – if you think this is all a bunch of left wing nonsense – time to go long Defense stocks!  And at least you won’t have to worry about any class action lawsuits or other problems with an angry and disgruntled public (they can be disapeared by outsourced foreign sub-contractors).

    Think about this next time you’re listening to ‘riders on the storm’.

    “Riders On The Storm”

    Riders on the storm

    Into this house we’re born

    Into this world we’re thrown

    Like a dog without a bone

    An actor out on loan

    Riders on the storm


    There’s a killer on the road

    His brain is squirmin’ like a toad

    Take a long holiday

    Let your children play

    If you give this man a ride

    Sweet family will die

    Killer on the road, yeah

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  • The World's First Cashless Society Is Here – A Totalitarian's Dream Come True

    Submitted by Nick Giambruno via,

    Central planners around the world are waging a War on Cash. In just the last few years:

    • Italy made cash transactions over €1,000 illegal;
    • Switzerland proposed banning cash payments in excess of 100,000 francs;
    • Russia banned cash transactions over $10,000;
    • Spain banned cash transactions over €2,500;
    • Mexico made cash payments of more than 200,000 pesos illegal;
    • Uruguay banned cash transactions over $5,000; and
    • France made cash transactions over €1,000 illegal, down from the previous limit of €3,000.

    The War on Cash is a favorite pet project of the economic central planners. They want to eliminate hand-to-hand currency so that governments can document, control, and tax everything.

    This is why they’re lowering the threshold for mandatory reporting of cash transactions and, in some instances, simply making it illegal to pay cash.

    In the U.S., central planners ratchet up the War on Cash every time the government declares a made-up war on something else…a war on crime, a war on drugs, a war on poverty, a war on terror…

    They all end with more government intrusion into your financial affairs.

    Thanks to these made-up wars, the U.S. government is imposing an increasing number of regulations on cash transactions. Try withdrawing more than $10,000 in cash from your bank. They’ll treat you like a criminal or terrorist.

    The Federal Reserve is at the center of the War on Cash. Its weapons are inflation and control over the currency denominations.

    Take the $100 note, for example. It’s the largest bill in circulation today. This was not always the case. At one point, the U.S. had $500, $1,000, $5,000, and even $10,000 notes. But the government eliminated these large notes in 1969 under the pretext of fighting the War on Some Drugs.

    Since then, the $100 note has been the largest. But it has far less purchasing power than it did in 1969. Decades of rampant money printing have inflated the dollar. Today, a $100 note buys less than a $20 note did in 1969.

    Even though the Federal Reserve has devalued the dollar over 80% since 1969, it still refuses to issue notes larger than $100. This makes it inconvenient to use cash for large transactions, which forces people to use electronic payment methods.

    This, of course, is what the U.S. government wants.

    It’s exactly like Ron Paul said: “The cashless society is the IRS’s dream: total knowledge of, and control over, the finances of every single American.”

    Policymakers or Central Planners?

    On stories related to the War on Cash, you may have noticed that the mainstream media often uses the word “policymakers,” as in “policymakers have decided to keep interest rates at record low levels.”

    When the media uses “policymakers,” they are often referring to central bank officials. It’s a curious word choice. As far as I can tell, there is no difference between a policymaker and central planner.

    Most people who want to live in a free society agree that central planning is not a good idea. So the media uses a different word to put a more neutral spin on things.

    To help you think more clearly, I suggest substituting “central planners” every time you see “policymakers.”

    The World’s First Cashless Society

    In 1661, Sweden became the first country in Europe to issue paper money. Now it’s probably going to be the first in the world to eliminate it.

    Sweden has already phased out most cash transactions. According to Credit Suisse, 80% of all purchases in Sweden are electronic and don’t involve cash. And that figure is rising.

    If the trend continues – and there is nothing to suggest it won’t – Sweden could soon be the world’s first cashless society.

    Sweden’s supply of physical currency has dropped over 50% in the last six years. A couple of major Swedish banks no longer carry cash. Virtually all Swedes pay for candy bars and coffee electronically. Even homeless street vendors use mobile card readers.

    Plus, an increasing number of government restrictions are encouraging Swedes to dump cash. The pretexts are familiar…fighting terrorism, money laundering, etc. In effect, these restrictions make it inconvenient to use cash, so people don’t.

    So far, Swedes have passively accepted the government and banks’ drive to eliminate cash. The push to destroy their financial privacy doesn’t seem to bother them. This is likely because the average Swede places an unreasonable amount of trust in government and financial institutions.

    Their trust is certainly misplaced. On top of the obvious privacy concerns, eliminating cash enables the central planners’ latest gimmick to goose the economy: Negative interest rates.

    Making The Negative Interest Rate Scam Possible

    Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland all have negative interest rates.

    Negative interest rates mean the lender literally pays the borrower for the privilege of lending him money. It’s a bizarre, upside down concept.

    But negative rates are not some European anomaly. The Federal Reserve discussed the possibility of using negative interest rates in the U.S. at its last meeting.

    Negative rates could not exist in a free market. They destroy the impetus to save and build capital, which is the basis of prosperity.

    When you deposit money in a bank, you are lending money to the bank. However, with negative rates you don’t earn interest. Instead, you pay the bank.

    If you don’t like that plan, you can certainly stash your cash under the mattress. As a practical matter, this limits how far governments and central banks can go with negative interest rates. The more it costs to store money at the bank, the less inclined people are to do it.

    Of course, central planners don’t want you to withdraw money from the bank. This is a big reason why they want to eliminate cash…so you can’t. As long as your money stays in the bank, it’s vulnerable to the sting of negative interest rates and also helps to prop up the unsound fractional reserve banking system.

    If you can’t withdraw your money as cash, you have two choices: You can deal with negative interest rates…or you can spend your money. Ultimately, that’s what our Keynesian central planners want. They are using negative interest rates and the War on Cash to force you to spend and “stimulate” the economy.

    If you ask me, these radical and insane measures are a sign of desperation.

    The War on Cash and negative interest rates are huge threats to your financial security. Central planners are playing with fire and inviting a currency catastrophe.

    Most people have no idea what really happens when a currency collapses, let alone how to prepare…

    How will you protect your savings in the event of a currency crisis? This just-released video will show you exactly how. Click here to watch it now.

  • If We Want To Stop Terrorism, We Should Stop SUPPORTING Terrorists

    In the wake of the barbaric Paris terror attacks, everyone is arguing over what we should do to stop further terrorism.

    Some say we need more war against Islamic countries … or more spying … or more crackdowns on our liberties.

    In reality – despite what the talking heads may say – the methods for stopping future attacks are well known …

    I. Stop Overthrowing the Moderates and Arming the Crazies

    We know it’s a difficult concept to grasp, but if we want to stop terrorism we should – wait for it – stop supporting terrorists.

    Specifically, we’re arming the most violent radicals in the Middle East, as part of a really stupid geopolitical strategy to overthrow leaders we don’t like (more details below). And see this, this, this, this and this. And – strangely – we’re overthrowing the moderate Arabs who stabilized the region and denied jihadis a foothold.

    Indeed, the U.S. and its allies are directly responsible for creating and supplying ISIS.  As an internal Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document produced recently shows, the U.S. knew that the actions of “the West, Gulf countries and Turkey” in Syria might create a terrorist group like ISIS and an Islamic CALIPHATE.

    Indeed, the former head of the DIA explained:

    It was a willful decision [by America] to … support an insurgency that had salafists, Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood ….

    If we want to stop terrorism, we need to stop supporting the terrorists.

    II. Stop Supporting the Dictators Who Fund Terrorists

    Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest sponsor of radical Islamic terrorists.  The Saudis have backed ISIS and many other brutal terrorist groups. And the most pro-ISIS tweets  allegedly come from Saudi Arabia.

    According to sworn declarations from a 9/11 Commissioner and the Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry Into 9/11, the Saudi government backed the 9/11 hijackers (see section VII for details).

    Saudi Arabia is the hotbed of the most radical Muslim terrorists in the world: the Salafis (both ISIS and Al Qaeda are Salafis).

    And the Saudis – with U.S. support – back the radical “madrassas” in which Islamic radicalism was spread.

    And yet the U.S. has been supporting the Saudis militarily, with NSA intelligence and in every other way possible for 70 years.

    In addition, top American terrorism experts say that U.S. support for brutal and tyrannical countries in the Middle east – like Saudi Arabia – is one of the top motivators for Arab terrorists.

    U.S. and NATO-supported Turkey is also massively supporting ISIS, provided chemical weapons used in the jihadi’s massacre of civilians, and has been bombing ISIS’ main on-the-ground enemy – Kurdish soldiers – using its air force.  And some of the Turkish people also seem to be unsympathetic to the victims of terrorism.

    The U.S.-backed dictatorships in Qatar and Bahrain also massively fund ISIS.

    So if we stop supporting the tyrannies in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Bahrain, we’ll get a two-fold reduction in terror:

    (1) We’ll undermine the main terrorism supporters


    And …


    (2) We’ll take away one of the main motivations driving terrorists: our support for the most repressive, brutal Arab dictatorships

    What a concept!

    III. Stop Bombing and Invading When a Negotiated Settlement Is Offered

    The U.S. rejected offers by Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria to surrender … and instead proceeded to wage war.

    Security experts – including both conservatives and liberals – agree that waging war in the Middle East weakens national security and increases terrorism. See this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this.

    For example, James K. Feldman – former professor of decision analysis and economics at the Air Force Institute of Technology and the School of Advanced Airpower Studies – and other experts say that foreign occupation is the main cause of terrorism. University of Chicago professor Robert A. Pape – who specializes in international security affairs – agrees.

    So negotiating peaceful deals will drain the swamp of terrorists created by war and invasion.

    IV. Stop Imperial Conquests for Arab Oil

    The U.S. has undertaken regime change against Arab leaders we don’t like for six decades. We overthrew the leader of Syria in 1949, Iran in 1953, Iraq twice, Afghanistan twice, Turkey, Libya … and other oil-rich countries.

    Neoconservatives planned regime change throughout the Middle East and North Africa yet again in 1991.

    Top American politicians admit that the Iraq war was about oil, not stopping terrorism (documents from Britain show the same thing). Much of the war on terror is really a fight for natural gas. Or to force the last few hold-outs into dollars and private central banking.

    And the U.S. military described terror attacks on the U.S. as a “small price to pay for being a superpower“:

    A senior officer on the Joint Staff told State Department counter-terrorism director Sheehan he had heard terrorist strikes characterized more than once by colleagues as a “small price to pay for being a superpower”.

    We’ve fought the longest and most expensive wars in American history … but we’re less secure than before, and there are more terror attacks than ever (update).

    Remember, Al Qaeda wasn’t even in Iraq until the U.S. invaded that country. And the West’s Iraq war directly led to the creation of ISIS.

    If we want to stop terrorism, we have to stop overthrowing Arab leaders and invading Arab countries to grab their oil.

    V. Stop Drone Assassinations of Innocent Civilians

    Top CIA officers say that drone strikes increase terrorism (and see this).

    The CIA – the agency in charge of drone strikes – even told Obama that drone kills can increase terrorism.

    If we want to stop creating new terrorists, we have to stop the drone strikes.

    VI. Stop Torture

    Top terrorism and interrogation experts agree that torture creates more terrorists.

    Indeed, the leaders of ISIS were motivated by U.S. torture.

    Once again, we have a very current example: Charlie Hebdo-murdering Frenchterrorist Cherif Kouchi told a court in 2005 that he wasn’t radical until he learned about U.S. torture at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

    If we want to stop creating new terrorists, we have to stop torturing … permanently.

    VII. Stop Mass Surveillance

    Top security experts agree that mass surveillance makes us MORE vulnerable to terrorists.

    Indeed, even the NSA admits that it's collecting too MUCH information to stop terror attacks.

    Stop it.

    VIII. Stop Covering Up 9/11

    Government officials agree that 9/11 was state-sponsored terrorism … they just disagree on which state was responsible.

    Because 9/11 was the largest terror attack on the U.S. in history – and all of our national security strategies are based on 9/11 – we can’t stop terror until we get to the bottom of what really happened, and which state was behind it.

    Many high-level American officials – including military leaders, intelligence officials and 9/11 commissioners – are dissatisfied with the 9/11 investigations to date.

    The Co-Chair of the congressional investigation into 9/11 – Bob Graham – and 9/11 Commissioner and former Senator Bob Kerrey are calling for either a “permanent 9/11 commission” or a new 9/11 investigation to get to the bottom of it.

    The Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 and former Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee (Bob Graham) said that the Paris terror attack, ISIS, and other terrorist developments are a result of failing to stand up to Saudi Arabia and declassify the 9/11 investigation’s report about Saudi involvement in 9/11:

    The 9/11 chairs, Ron Paul, and numerous other American politicians have called for declassification, as well.

    Again, others have different ideas about who was behind 9/11. But until we get to the bottom of it, terror attacks will continue.

    IX.  Stop Doing It Ourselves

    The director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan – Lt. General William Odom said:

    By any measure the US has long used terrorism. In ‘78-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said the US would be in violation.

    (audio here).

    The Washington Post reported in 2010:

    The United States has long been an exporter of terrorism, according to a secret CIA analysis released Wednesday by the Web site WikiLeaks.

    Wikipedia notes:

    Chomsky and Herman observed that terror was concentrated in the U.S. sphere of influence in the Third World, and documented terror carried out by U.S. client states in Latin America. They observed that of ten Latin American countries that had death squads, all were U.S. client states.




    They concluded that the global rise in state terror was a result of U.S. foreign policy.



    In 1991, a book edited by Alexander L. George [the Graham H. Stuart Professor of Political Science Emeritus at Stanford University] also argued that other Western powers sponsored terror in Third World countries. It concluded that the U.S. and its allies were the main supporters of terrorism throughout the world.

    Indeed, the U.S. has created death squads in Latin America, Iraq and Syria.

    Some in the American military have intentionally tried to “out-terrorize the terrorists”. As Truthout notes:

    Both [specialists Ethan McCord and Josh Stieber] say they saw their mission as a plan to “out-terrorize the terrorists,” in order to make the general populace more afraid of the Americans than they were of insurgent groups. In the interview with [Scott] Horton, Horton pressed Stieber:

    “… a fellow veteran of yours from the same battalion has said that you guys had a standard operating procedure, SOP, that said – and I guess this is a reaction to some EFP attacks on y’all’s Humvees and stuff that killed some guys – that from now on if a roadside bomb goes off, IED goes off, everyone who survives the attack get out and fire in all directions at anybody who happens to be nearby … that this was actually an order from above. Is that correct? Can you, you know, verify that?

    Stieber answered:

    “Yeah, it was an order that came from Kauzlarich himself, and it had the philosophy that, you know, as Finkel does describe in the book, that we were under pretty constant threat, and what he leaves out is the response to that threat. But the philosophy was that if each time one of these roadside bombs went off where you don’t know who set it … the way we were told to respond was to open fire on anyone in the area, with the philosophy that that would intimidate them, to be proactive in stopping people from making these bombs …”

    Terrorism is defined as:

    The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

    So McCord and Stieber are correct: this constitutes terrorism by American forces in Iraq.  And American officials have admitted that the U.S. has engaged in numerous false flag attacks.

    Indeed, many top experts – including government officials – say that America is the largest sponsor of terror in the world … largely through the work of the CIA. And see this.

    Stop Throwing Bodies In the River

    Defenders of current government policy say: “we have to do something to stop terrorists!”

    Yes, we do …

    But we must also stop doing the 9 things above which increase terrorism. We have to stop “throwing new bodies in the river.”

    But the powers-that-be don’t want to change course … they gain tremendous power and influence through our current war on terror strategies.

    For example, the military-complex grows rich through war … so endless war is a feature – not a bug – of our foreign policy.

    Torture was about building a false justification for war.

    Mass surveillance is about economic and diplomatic advantage and crushing dissent.

    Supporting the most radical Muslim leaders is about oil and power … “a small price to pay” to try to dominate the world.

    A leading advisor to the U.S. military – the Rand Corporation – released a study in 2008 called “How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering al Qa’ida“. The report confirms what experts have been saying for years: the war on terror is actually weakening national security (see this, this and this).

    As a press release about the study states:

    “Terrorists should be perceived and described as criminals, not holy warriors, and our analysis suggests that there is no battlefield solution to terrorism.”

    We, the People, have to stand up and demand that our power-hungry leaders stop doing the things which give them more power … but are guaranteed to increase terrorism against us, the civilian population.

    Postscript:  It’s not yet clear whether any of the terrorists were “refugees”, and some say that ISIS WANTS to stop all refugees from leaving Syria and Iraq. However, we also take the risk of infiltration of refugee groups by terrorists very seriously.

    The bottom line is that we have to stop throwing new bodies in the river, so that we drastically reduce the amount of terrorists in the first place.

  • RBS Lays Out 10 Key Points For 2016, Warns "Political Risk" Will "Break" QE-Infinity Equilibrium

    As the global economy limps into 2016, the prospects for a sustained pickup in worldwide trade and/or a return to robust growth are decidedly grim. 

    Global trade growth has lagged the already tepid pace of global output expansion for three years running, averaging just 3% per year. That’s half of the rate witnessed from 1983 to 2008. 

    Meanwhile, inflation expectations in developed economies have not rebounded, despite the best efforts of DM central bankers. And yet housing costs have soared in tandem with round after round of policy rate cuts and the global proliferation of QE, reflecting two things, i) central banks have learned nothing from the US housing bubble (that is, when you artificially suppress borrowing costs, housing prices soar), and ii) when you intentionally inflate bubbles in the assets most likely to be concentrated in the hands of the wealthy (i.e. financial assets), those bubbles spill over into other asset classes like real estate and high end art. 

    What should be apparent from the above is that all the Mario Draghis and Haruhiko Kurodas of the world are doing at this point is blowing bubbles on the way to creating more inequality and embedding ever greater amounts of risk into capital markets not only by driving up prices, but by sucking out liquidity.

    As for Main Street, there’s no “wealth effect” (where “wealth effect” refers to a kind of neo-trickle down economics catalyzed by QE). There’s only persistently slow growth, a jobs market that churns out more waiters and bartenders than it does breadwinner jobs, and a noticeably wider gap between the rich and the poor as exemplified by the fact that the billionaires of the world are paying $170 million for Modiglianis

    But the game is almost up. Central banks have monetized everything that isn’t tied down. Hell, Kuroda owns half of the entire Japanese ETF market. Rates are below zero and there’s only so much more NIRP banks are going to be able to stand before negative rates get passed on to depositors. Put simply: we’re approaching the Keynesian endgame and there’s still no growth, and no inflation (well, unless you count housing) and trade is collapsing. 

    Against this backdrop, RBS is out with 10 key points for 2016 and as you’ll see below, the overarching message is that the entire world is about to discover that the emperor(s) have no clothes.

    Note the last point (#10) as it, i) goes along with a previous note from Alberto Gallo in which RBS takes a close look at support for “radical” political parties in Europe (more on this here), and ii) makes a connection between recent economic outcomes in Europe, the ECB’s evolving experience with ZIRP, NIRP, and QE, and Japan’s lost decade.

    *  *  *

    From RBS

    These are our key views for 2016:

    1. There are limits to monetary policy. Central bankers will be tested in 2016. The economic equilibrium based on monetary stimulus, but lack of other measures is circular and fragile. Central bank balance sheets cannot grow indefinitely and forward guidance cannot target asset prices, without damaging credibility. Investors are growing increasingly wary of central bankers’ credibility, and worried about the effectiveness of further stimulus (ECB, BoJ) and their ability to reverse policy (Fed, BoE). 

    2. Fiscal stimulus, reforms and investment remain scarce. The result is more QE in Europe and Japan, and a very shallow reversal of policy in the US and UK. We expect the ECB to deploy more QE in December, extending the length of the programme and the list of eligible assets. We think the BoJ will continue expanding its balance sheet as well. Conversely, exiting QE will be difficult even in the regions where it is deemed most successful – the US and UK – given lack of balance sheet  deleveraging, or re-leveraging. Our economists expect the Fed to start hiking in December and to end at 1.5% at the end of 2016, with risks skewed to the dovish side, and the Bank of England to start hiking in August 2016. We think the impact of ECB QE2 will be temporary, as for QE1, due to persistent structural issues in the Eurozone economy. Despite convergence in periphery-core financial spreads, investment and loan volumes continue to decline, according to ECB data. The opportunity for US and European governments to build on the recovery is infrastructure investment and reforms, respectively. But what we are seeing is still too little, too late. 

    3. More QE means central banks will own an increasing share of assets markets. The ECB has already bought much of the free-float in European covered bonds, and the BoJ owns half of some stock ETFs in Japan. Without sovereign bond issuance, ECB QE demand will outpace bond supply by 2:1. This means the ECB will have to look for more assets (regional bonds, corporates), or that investors will be squeezed with lower yields or into other assets. However, given investment regulation, not every investor can move from asset to asset: some will have to learn to live with lower yields. 

    4. Market liquidity will decline further, also due to central bank buying of assets. This reduces both the free-float available, and the number of factors driving prices. Regulation will also continue to reduce dealers’ ability to make markets. 

    5. China’s top priority is reform, not stimulus: the slowdown will continue. A largescale stimulus is unlikely – instead, a long-series of reforms aimed at restructuring local governments, the financial sector, state-owned firms and at reducing corruption is what we are likely to see. If needed, Chinese policymakers have dry powder to smooth the landing, with cuts to the policy rate, bank reserve requirements or by using reserves. But the dry powder is not as much as it looks, compared to the length of the multi-year readjustment period for the Chinese economy. 

    6. China-dependent economies will get hurt: Brazil and Australia in particular. Brazil is the most vulnerable EM, on a combination of China exposure, dependence on $ debt, and political risk. Australia, still trading as a safe haven, is instead sitting on a very levered housing market and an export sector completely geared to China. 

    7. Banks will need to live with low interest rates. More disruption and consolidation is coming. This will challenge investment bank focused business models, and generally low-profitable banks. We see some opportunities from consolidation, e.g. in the Italian popolari. We are long, but avoid investment banks and EM-exposed banks. 

    8. Asset managers: liquidity optimisation and bye bye to passive investing. We see disruption in the asset management industry also. Passive strategies, IG in particular, will be replaced by ETFs. Active strategies will be increasingly detached from benchmarks. We look at liquidity optimisation as a way to build more efficient portfolios. 

    9. Deeper capital markets are part of the solution, but the solution is far away. A more flexible financial system, where debt restructuring is quicker and more efficient, could help economies to get out more quickly from a balance sheet recession. Despite the United Nations’ call for a common framework for sovereign restructuring, Greek restructuring will continue to be a purely political decision and to be procrastinated. 

    10. The equilibrium, for now, is QE infinity – but political risk could be the breaking point. Political risk could be the breaking point for the QE infinity equilibrium. Europe, unlike Japan, will not be able to go through a “lost decade” intact, given its political dynamics, elevated youth unemployment and rising radical parties. 

  • Why The Status Quo Is Doomed: Income Stagnates, Costs Rise

    Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

    Why are costs rising inexorably? The answer in most cases is simple: cartels.

    Even if nothing else doomed the status quo, the widening gap between household incomes and costs will push the corrupt contraption over the cliff by itself. The status quo (whatever you wish to call it) requires "growth" to sustain itself–growth in consumption, spending, sales, debt, asset valuations, profits and of course taxes, and ultimately all of those "growths" depend on household incomes.

    Incomes even for the most highly educated workers are stagnating:

    Adjusted for inflation, median household income is down significantly in the 'recovery":

    Some observers quibble that since this doesn't include food stamps and other transfer payments, it isn't accurate: in other words, it's not so bad if we include social welfare.

    If the status quo now depends on government payments to households to sustain "growth," then the system is nearing the cliff edge.

    Another trend that pushes the contraption closer to oblivion is income disparity: virtually all the non-welfare gains in income have gone to the top 5%, with most of those gains concentrated in the top 1%:

    We all know what's happened to major household expenses such as higher education, healthcare, rent/housing: they're soaring to the moon. Here's higher education:

    The status quo views additional healthcare spending as an unalloyed good thing, but as this chart (courtesy of B.C.) shows, rising healthcare costs correlate to recessions: it turns out paying $500 for a medication that cost $10 a few years ago isn't the kind of "growth" that the system needs to survive:

    Here's urban area rents:

    Why are costs rising inexorably? The answer in most cases is simple: cartels. Cartels and quasi-monopolies create artificial scarcities by limiting competition (usually via regulatory collusion with the government). This artificial scarcity enables the cartels to raise prices because consumers have no choice: the "competition" (i.e. the other members of the cartel) have the same prices for the same services.

    Take college as an example. The artificial scarcity is accreditation: if the institution isn't accredited, the diplomas it issues are worthless.

    Suppose (as I propose in my book The Nearly Free University and the Emerging Economy) that college diplomas were awarded on the basis of standardized exams and essay questions: the only thing that matters is what the student learned, not what bureaucratic hoops the cartel has erected to protect itself from real competition.

    As for healthcare, the cartel hides behind opaque pricing and complex billing that is paid by insurers or the government; the consumer has no choice and no access to the real costs.

    Many cartels are obscured by complex ownership arrangements. The majority of the mainstream media is famously owned by six corporations; this concentration of ownership (and thus of political influence) dominates the cartel-state-dominated American economy.

    Cartels will fight to the death to retain their privileges and profits. The status quo works just fine for them, and they will never let reform reduce their privileges, power or profits.

    But once the average household depends on government handouts just to remain nominally solvent, the slide over the cliff has already started.

  • Did Goldman Sachs Just Find The Smoking Gun In Today's FOMC Minutes?

    The market’s reaction to today’s FOMC Minutes was, to some, a little odd given the “December is on” hawkish narrative being sold to the public. Stocks rallied, longer-dated bonds rallied, gold managed gains, and the US Dollar sold off… not exactly the reaction one would expect from a ‘hawkish’ Fed statement. But there is one thing that would explain those moves… and it appears Goldman Sachs found it buried deep inside the 12 pages of Minutes…


    First, we know that macro and micro data had deteriorated notably from the September meeting to the October meeting…



    Second, the reaction across asset classes was ‘odd’ – Bonds and Stocks bid, Dollar down and gold up (and crude up)…



    So, what would create that kind of market response? We’ll let Goldman Sachs explain…

    Minutes from the October 27-28 FOMC meeting indicated that most FOMC participants thought that the conditions for liftoff “could well be met by the time of the next meeting.” The minutes also noted staff estimates that the short-run equilibrium real interest rate is currently around zero and the long-run equilibrium rate would likely remain lower than was the case in previous decades.


    1. Minutes from the October 27-28 FOMC meeting indicated that most Fed officials thought that the conditions for liftoff “could well be met by the time of the next meeting.” However, in part due to worries about “weaker-than-expected readings on measures of labor market conditions,” FOMC members agreed to wait for further information before raising policy rates. We expect that the stronger-than-expected October employment report will have assuaged many of these concerns, and that the committee now has a strong baseline to raise rates next month.


    2. The minutes noted that “a number of participants” pointed to various other reasons for avoiding a further delay in raising the funds rate. The reasons included signaling confidence in the economic outlook, reducing uncertainty in financial markets, reducing the risk of a buildup of financial imbalances caused by low interest rates, and avoiding a loss of credibility.


    3. The minutes included a discussion of staff presentations on the concept of “equilibrium” real interest rates (also known as the neutral/natural rate or r*). Consistent with earlier public comments from Fed officials, including Chair Yellen, the staff presentations estimated that the short-run equilibrium real rate was currently around zero. FOMC participants expected the short-run equilibrium real rate to rise over time, “but probably only gradually.” The minutes also suggested that participants’ views on longer-run equilibrium rates may be evolving: “it was noted that the longer-run downward trend in real interest rates suggested that short-run r* would likely remain below levels that were normal during previous business cycle expansions, and that the longer-run normal level to which the nominal federal funds rate might be expected to converge in the absence of further shocks to the economy … would likely be lower than was the case in previous decades.” The staff attributed the lower long-run equilibrium rate to a slower rate of potential growth, a consequence of slower population growth and weak productivity growth. These comments might foreshadow another reduction in the median “longer-run” funds rate projection in the Summary of Economic Projections (SEP) in December.


    4. Participants also noted that the lower long-run equilibrium rate implies that the near-zero effective lower bound could become binding more frequently. As a result, “several” participants indicated that it would be “prudent” to consider “options for providing additional monetary policy accommodation” should the economic recovery falter.

    In other words – as the bolded sections highlight –

    The Fed is admitting that the neutral rate (to which they will theoretically raise rates before re-easing) will remain lower for longer…

    …and therefore will reach ZIRP more frequently going forward…

    …which means, as they state, using “additional monetary policy accomodation.”

    Which means, unless The Fed wants to implement NIRP (which it appears it does not), they will have to do more QE, more frequently going forward

    …basically admitting that the rate manipulation transmission channel is defunct for all intent and purpose.

    *  *  *

    So what Goldman discovered was the ‘smoking gun’ admission that this is no normal recovery and what was once entirely extreme and experimental monetary policy will be the new normal… and that may be why stocks and bonds rallied and why the dollar dropped and gold and crude gained.

    Incidentally, all of this talk about the long-run equilibrium rate reminds us quite a bit of something Narayana Kocherlakota said back in July (that is, before he was replaced by Goldman alum and bailout architect Neel Kashkari). Recall this from Bloomberg:

    Increasing the supply of assets available to investors “would push downward on debt prices, and so upward on the long-run neutral real interest rate,” Kocherlakota said Thursday in Frankfurt in remarks prepared for delivery at a conference hosted by Germany’s Bundesbank.

    Lifting the so-called neutral rate, which prevails when Fed policy is neither stimulating nor restraining growth, would in turn benefit Fed policy makers by creating more space between the benchmark federal funds rate and zero, he said.


    “I want to be clear at the outset that I am not saying that it is appropriate for fiscal policymakers to increase the long-run level of public debt. I am simply pointing to one benefit associated with such an increase: It allows the central bank to be more effective in mitigating the impact of adverse shocks to aggregate demand.”

    So when the Fed talks about considering “options” in light of a lower long-term neutral rate, will one of those “options” be to encourage the Treasury to issue more debt? If so, we know a new regional Fed President that’s in good with the folks at Treasury…

  • "What Happens In Syria, Doesn't Stay In Syria"

    Obama drops that ‘C’ word again…




  • European Union Challenged From Right And Left, "Maybe Too Much To Endure"

    Submitted by John Browne via Euro Pacific Capital,

    The heinous ISIS attack in Paris is a game changer in Europe. In addition to the horrific amount of individual casualties, the attack has also threatened severe damage to the long term survivability of the European Union as a political entity. Based on the unpopularity and unfeasibility of immigration controls under the EU's Schengen Plan, the events have opened up the Union to renewed attacks from the right, just as its support from the left is crumbling as a result of opposition to EU-mandated fiscal austerity. This two-front onslaught may be too much for the Union to endure.

    Over the decades, Western Europeans had come to rely on the power of the United States to shield them from the chaos of the East. But it has become abundantly clear that America, particularly under President Obama, is not up to the task. Obama's now infamous claim that ISIS was merely a "JV Team" combined with his enduring lassitude in dealing head on with the growing threat of a radical Islamist proto-state in the heart of the Middle East has forced Europeans to consider taking the reins of their own defense.
    Unlike the lone wolf attacks in Boston and underwear bombers on planes in the United States, the Paris attack last week (as well as the Charlie Hebdo attack earlier this year) was highly sophisticated. (The explosives used in the attack, while simple to produce, are extremely difficult to handle once they are in their final form. The fact that its use was coordinated in simultaneous attacks while evading detection by anti-terrorist signals monitoring demonstrates an alarmingly high level of planning and control.) Initial evidence suggests the strategy was conceived in Syria, planned in Belgium and executed in France, reinforcing the idea that a high degree of transnational reach was available to the terrorists.
    In this environment, EU border control has become an issue of vital security. But the border control regulations that are part of the fiber of the European experiment are simply inadequate to stop the free flow of terrorists, both into the EU from abroad, and within the EU. Germany's stated goal of accepting 800,000 refugees from Syria this year, a policy that throws the door wide open for the immigration of potential terrorists, cannot coexist with the Continent's growing concern about Islamist terror attacks.
    In France, President Francois Hollande appears to have wrested from a hesitant President Obama the leadership of a frustrated West. France has now taken the lead in airstrikes against ISIS positions and has shown a greater willingness to work with Russia to do so. However, with regional elections in three weeks, Hollande faces a renewed challenge from Marine Le Pen, leader of the right wing National Front (NF) party. Despite facing charges for an anti-Islamic remark, Le Pen stands to make large electoral gains based on her Eurosceptic anti-immigration stance. The FN has been gaining traction for years, and last week's attacks could provide them with the fuel to become the most powerful party in France.
    In particular, it is surprising how the NF has also taken up some of the anti-EU sentiment usually reserved to the left wing. Le Pen has called for greater government welfare spending, austerity reductions, and increased trade protectionism, causes that have been championed by the left, especially in Southern Europe.
    Last week, Portugal's center-right minority government led by Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho was forced out of office after just two weeks. The prospect of continued EU-mandated austerity forced Coelho's Socialist partners to leave the coalition to join forces with the Communist and Green parties.
    Germany, Europe's economic engine long-admired for efficiency, high productivity and sound monetary views, recently has experienced a major internal political shock. Chancellor Angela Merkel emerged last year as the most powerful woman in the world and the undisputed leader of the 503 million people of the European Union, the world's third largest population after China and India. However, Merkel appears to have miscalculated massively with her pledge to accept so many refugees from the war-ravaged Middle East. In response to horrified public opinion, her center-right coalition has appeared to break political ranks, giving the impression even of chaos within Merkel's administration.
    The immigration situation is so bad that it has encouraged discussion of a possible early German election. The prospect has been raised that Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, a very tough moneyman keen on austerity, might re-challenge Merkel for the leadership of their Christian Democratic Union party. Replacement of the pro-EU Angela Merkel by Wolfgang Schaeuble likely would increase austerity pressures and ignite further strong left wing feelings against the EU. Austerity measures in Portugal and Greece are exposing already increasingly deep-seated Eurosceptic feelings.
    Further, the planned December EU summit meeting faces increasing opposition to the further integration of a single state. Increased German focus on internal politics will divert energy from forging a closer EU. Without German support, the Eurozone may quickly become a thing of the past.
    Rising Eurosceptic feelings and voting power are storm clouds for international investors. Increased doubts about EU solidarity could threaten even the perceived future of the euro, now the world's second currency. Signs of weakening EU cohesion could affect the value of many investments within the EU and around the world. In particular, absent their ECB subsidy, the prices of sovereign bonds of highly indebted periphery EU nations could come under intense pressure and thereby cause liquidity problems for EU banks.
    Even before the attacks in Paris, the world appeared to be entering a period of slow growth, with Japan, the Eurozone, and even the United States flirting with recession. Given the slowing trajectory economy, it is logical to suggest that the attacks in Paris could help pave the way for even greater activism from The Bank of Japan, The Federal Reserve, and the ECB. The monetary authorities would surely seek to help bolster economies that are being rocked by fiscal, political and strategic crises. In other words, the era of permanent global stimulus may continue for the foreseeable future.


  • Russia Explains To Clueless US Public Why Obama Can't Defeat ISIS

    Earlier this week, CNN’s senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta asked President Obama the following question at a press briefing: 

    “A lot of Americans have this frustration that they see the United States has the greatest military in the world, it has the backing of nearly every other country in the world when it comes to taking on ISIS. I guess the question is, and if you’ll forgive the language, but why can’t we take out these bastards?”

    Well Jim, the answer is quite simple and indeed, if you – or any other member of the mainstream media for that matter – would bother to look at things like the declassified Pentagon report that Judicial Watch turned up earlier this year, you’d be less confused.

    Allow us, once again, to provide you with the answers you seek, straight from the Pentagon ca. 2012: 

    …there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).”

    Translation: if Sunni extremists were to establish a proto-state in eastern Syria that would be great because it would destabilize Assad and cut off Iran from Hezbollah thus endangering the preservation of Tehran’s Shiite crescent. 

    For those who need a still simpler formulation: ISIS started out no different than any of the other rebels the US supports in Syria. They likely received guns, money, and training if not directly from the US, then from Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Washington seems to have had some idea that they would seek to capture and hold territory and as far as the Pentagon was concerned, that was just fine. Whether or not the CIA anticipated what would come next is up for debate, but make no mistake, US intelligence knew good and well this was a possibility and let it happen because ousting Assad was (and still is) the top priority. 

    So when the Jim Costas of the world ask “why can’t we take out these bastards?”, the answer is that if if we did, one of the main forces destabilizing the Assad regime would be gone and not only that, the US would no longer have an excuse to be in Syria, which would leave the country’s political future entirely up to Russia and Iran and that is a decidedly unpalatable outcome not only for Washington, but for Riyadh and Doha as well.

    It’s Occam’s Razor Jim: look for the simplest possible explanation and go with that. 

    Of course that explanation is simply too bad to be true for most Americans and so the public and the mass media will continue to exists in a state of perpetual bewilderment as to why 13 months of aerial bombardment hasn’t done anything to degrade the group.

    In case any of the above isn’t clear enough, Sergei Lavrov has commentary which may help to drive the point home, presented below without further comment:

    “Despite announcing ambitious plans for its coalition against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), the analysis of those [US-led] airstrikes during over a year lead to conclusion that they were hitting selectively, I would say, sparingly and on most occasions didn’t touch those IS units, which were capable of seriously challenging the Syrian army.”

    “Apparently, it’s a kind of a ‘honey is sweet, but the bee stings’ situation: they want IS to weaken Assad as soon as possible to make him leave somehow, but at the same time they don’t want to overly strengthen IS, which may then seize power.”


    “The US stance seriously weakens the prospects of Syria to remain a secular state, where the rights of all ethnic and religious groups will be provided and guaranteed,” 


    “Russia’s assessment of the US-led anti-terror operation in Syria is based on observations of specific results and there are little results, not to say there are none – except the fact that during this period [since August 2014] the Islamic State has grown on the territories they control.”

    Clear enough?

  • ISIS Posts Photo Of Bomb That Brought Down Russian Plane

    Moments ago, ISIS released the 12th issue of its magazine profiled here previously, which had a cover page with a clear enough title: “Just Terror


    But while it has the usual content full of pro-Jihad propaganda, some 66 pages of it, as well as numerous images to commemorate the martyrs for the ISIS cause, what was most stunning about this edition was ISIS admission of how it brought down the Russian airplane above Egypt’s Sinai peninsula, which as even Russia admitted yesterday, was the result of an ISIS bomb.

    On page 3, we find the following two photos: one shows what Dabiq alleges are passports belonging to the “dead crusaders obtained by mujahidin”…

    … and more troubling, is the image of the IED used to bring down the Russian airliner: a bomb concealed in a can of Gold beer.

    This corroborates what Russia FSB chief Aleksandr Bortnikov said: “traces of a foreign-made explosive substance” have been found.  “During the flight, a homemade device with the power of 1.5 kilograms of TNT was detonated.”

    And something else which is perhaps just as surprising: in the foreword to its magazine, ISIS says it had originally planned to bring down a plane “belonging to a nation in the American-led alliance” but changed its mind to blow up the Russian plane instead.

    On “30 September 2015,” after years of supporting the Nusayr in the war against the Muslims of Sham, Russia decided to participate directly with its own air force in the war. It was a rash decision of arrogance from Russia, as if it held that its wars against the Muslims of al-Qawqz were not enough offence. And so after having discovered a way to compromise the security at the Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport and resolving to bring down a plane belonging to a nation in the American-led Western coalition against the Islamic State, the target was changed to a Russian plane. A bomb was smuggled onto the airplane, leading to the deaths of 219 Russians and 5 other crusaders only a month after Russia’s thoughtless decision.

    For those curious about the authenticity of the photo, or to learn more about ISIS’ propaganda, the complete latest edition of the magazine can be found here, and is reposted below.

  • "We Should All Be Afraid" Of The 'Brutal' Commodity & Credit Volatility

    "The signals across asset classes are diverging incredibly," warns Macro Risk Advisors' Dean Curnutt, "and we should all be afraid." All of that volatility is rolling back into corporate credit and that, inevitably will dramatically impact equity markets (explicitly through higher funding costs weighing on earnings or implicitly through lower buybacks and higher risk premia), "the illiquidity and implied defaults that we are seeing in credit markets are not at all priced into a 2060 S&P."



    With commodities now glued at a 2-standard-deviation limit down trend (just as it was a limit-up trend into the last crash), volatility in this crucial asset class is literally exploding…


    and, if leveraged loans are any indication, crushing corporate credit markets…


    Curnutt is right that equities are massively mispriced.


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • ISIS Goes Full "Jackass", Tries To Shoot Down Fighter Jet With Pickup Truck Machine Gun

    The thing about ISIS is that for every time they do something absolutely horrific like say, massacre 50 people in the streets of Paris before gunning down another 80 in a concert hall, or blowing up a passenger jet, or say, drowning “confessed spies” in a cage, they do something completely ridiculous.

    It’s a dichotomy that makes the whole thing feel kind of surreal at times. 

    Case in point, around the same time the group released a clip of a captured SAA soldier being run over by a tank, they also released a video of themselves making flying landmines out of condoms which they apparently thought could be used to create a kind of sky minefield that would deter Russian fighter jets. 

    Then, for those who watched the video the militants released earlier this week threatening to attack Washington, you might have noticed that in the scenes with the soldiers standing in front of the armored truck, the guy on the right falls asleep standing up at least four separate times as the man in the center delivers an impassioned speech. 

    Well, in the true spirit of ISIS buffoonery, we present the following classic video which appears to depict ISIS militants attempting to shoot down a Russian fighter jet using only a truck-mounted machine gun and a spotter who uses his thumbs to gauge the distance. 

    But perhaps the best part is the narrator. Or actually, the captions which frame the entire spectacle as though it were a terrorist episode of Jackass. 


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Today’s News November 18, 2015

  • Heevy Gunfire, Injuries Reported In Northern Paris Amid Alleged "Police Raid" Seeking 9th Assailant

    Reports of heavy gunfire, substantiated by several videos appearing on Twitter and a local reporter,  has woken residents in the northern Paris region of Saint-Denis. Beginning at around 430am local time, lasting around 15 minutes, Le Parisien reporter Jean Gabriel Bontinck assumed the shooting was part of an ongoing police raid. Police are telling residents to stay indoors.


    French police earlier said that video footage of the Paris attacks reveals the presence of a ninth, previously unnoticed, jihadi, who could still be at large.


    The video shows the new suspect in a black Seat car with two other attackers, opening fire with assault rifles through its window at customers at a bar in central Paris. The car was later found abandoned in Paris suburb of Montreuil, with three AK-47 rifles in it.

    As CBS12 reports,

     There are multiple reports of heavy gunfire and possible explosions in the Saint-Denis area of Paris, CNN affiliate BFMTV is reporting.


    Swarms of police have an area of Saint-Denis blocked off and residents are being told to stay inside.


    French journalists are reporting this may be connected to a police raid in search of wanted fugitive in connection to the Paris attacks.


    CNN and AFP are reporting officers have been shot.


    The gunfire erupted around 4:30 a.m.

    The Guardian adds, What we know so far…

    “Heavy gunfire” has been reported in St Denis, a northern Paris suburb. St Denis is where the Stade de France, one of the targets of Friday’s attacks, is located.

    Shooting took place during a police operation reported to be linked to the search for the so-called “ninth attacker” – believed to be on the run.

    Some local media reports that a number of police officers have been injured in the operation; this has not been confirmed.

    Roads have been closed off and the police operation appears to be ongoing, with large numbers of police officers and police vehicles in the area.

    *  *  *

  • Caught On Tape: Russian Cruise Missile Flies Above Syria As Moscow Deploys Strategic Bombers

    Putin wasted no time to expand Russian military presence over both Syria and the middle east, when as reported earlier today, the Russian president expanded the military campaign against ISIS bombing targets in conjunction with the French air force.

    That was not the surprise.

    What was, is that for the first time since the launch of the Russian air campaign Russia used strategic, long-range bombers, the kind that can deliver not only cruise missiles but tactical nuclear weapons. The Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu confirmed as much when he said that Tupolev Tu-160, Tu-95MS strategic bombers are used in the strikes on ISIL targets in Syria.

    According to Interfax, “Tu-160, Tu-95MS, Tu-22 long-range aviation warplanes are used in the destruction of the gangs in addition to operational tactical aviation from the Russian territory,” Shoigu said at a meeting in the Defense Ministry chaired by Russian President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin on Tuesday.

    The Russian strategic bombers are using the Hmeimim airbase in Syria as their primary base.

    The commander of the Russian Long-Range Aviation Lt. Gen. Anatoly Zhikharev reported to Putin that all types of attack planes, which the Long-Range Aviation is armed with, are used, namely Tu-160 and Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers and Tu-22M3 long-range bombers to perform combat tasks in Syria.

    “The crews of strategic and long-range bombers are accomplishing the tasks to strike the sites in strict compliance with the plan of delivering the first massive air strike. Tu-160 and Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers have landed on their airfields upon accomplishing the combat mission. The maintenance and preparations of aircraft for future sorties are being conducted, the objective control materials are being analyzed,” Zhikharev said.

    The Aviationist blog adds that according to one of its sources “the long-range bombers the Russian Air Force has used against ground targets in Syria early in the morning on Nov. 17 were Tu-22M Backfire strategic bombers.” It adds that “the aircraft were allegedly launched from Mozdok airbase, in Ossetia, where as many as 6 Tu-22 Backfires were spotted on a recent deployment.”

    Curiously, Russia appears to have left a calling card that it has deployed strategic bombers: earlier today, social networks were abuzz showing images which were the alleged remains of a KH-555 missile found in Syria, the type of air-launched missile which, according to the Aviationist, “is mainly carried by Tu-95 Bear and Tu-160 Blackjack bombers (Tu-22s have been tested with the KH-555 but full integration is not completed or at least unknown), the long-range bombers that launched the attack on ground targets using those missiles may have been the Tu-95s or Tu-160s flying alongside the Backfires.”

    And here a clip of what is a Russian cruise missile (it may or may not have been the one whose remains are shown above) launched by one of the Russian strategic bombers currently operating above Syria.

  • Benjamin Netanyahu Will Be Arrested If He Ever Sets Foot In Spain Again

    Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

    Should Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ever set foot inside Spain, he – and six other current and former Israeli government officials – would be subject to arrest, thanks to a Spanish judge who effectively issued an arrest warrant for the group late last week.

    As to be expected, the Israeli Foreign Ministry was less than thrilled, as spokesperson Emmanuel Nachshon responded, according to The Jerusalem Post, We consider [the judge’s order] to be a provocation. We are working with the Spanish authorities to get it canceled. We hope it will be over soon.”

    At the heart of the matter for Spanish National Court Judge José de la Mata — and humanitarians worldwide — lies the 2010 attack by Israeli commandos on the civilian humanitarian ship, the Mavi Marmara, one of six vessels, carrying around 500 passengers total, in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

    The fleet was attempting to break through the Israeli blockade of Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid and construction materials on a small yet necessary scale, when the Mavi Marmara was attacked by Israeli security forces — commandos — who boarded and then shot and killed nine activists. A tenth activist died from injuries sustained during the raid — which occurred in international waters — after spending four years in a coma.

    In July, the International Criminal Court harshly criticized Gambian-born prosecutor Fatou Bensouda for failure to re-open the Mavi Marmara case despite a “reasonable basis” to believe war crimes had been committed. As the ICC judges stated,

    “The prosecutor should have accepted that live fire may have been used prior to the boarding of the Mavi Marmara, and drawn the appropriate inferences. This fact . . . may reasonably suggest that there was, on the part of the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] who carried out the identified crimes, a prior intention to attack and possibly kill passengers on board.

    A UN Human Rights Council investigation into the raid found “clear evidence to support prosecutions” of war crimes under the Geneva Conventions based on willful killing, torture, or inhuman treatment, and willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health. Youngest of the victims, 18-year-old Furkan Dogan, had been shot five times, including one shot to his face as he lay on his back, the UNHCR report concluded.

    According to The Latin American Herald Tribune, besides Netanyahu, de la Mata ordered police and civil guard to notify him should former Defense Minister Ehud Barak, former Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, former Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe Yaalon, former Interior Minister Eli Yishai, former Minister without Portfolio Benny Begin, and Vice Admiral Maron Eliezer (who headed the operation) ever step foot on Spanish soil.

    Though Netanyahu claimed at the time IDF forces had been attacked by the activists and thus acted in self-defense, the investigation found no medical evidence to substantiate that story. In fact, the UNHCR went a step further — echoing human rights organizations and activists worldwide — calling Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip “totally intolerable and unacceptable in the 21st century.”

  • To France From A Post-9/11 America: Lessons We Learned Too Late

    Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” ? Benjamin Franklin

    “Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”—Hermann Goering, German military commander and Hitler’s designated successor

    For those who remember when the first towers fell on 9/11, there is an unnerving feeling of déjà vu about the Paris attacks.

    Once again, there is that same sense of shock. The same shocking images of carnage and grief dominating the news. The same disbelief that anyone could be so hateful, so monstrous, so evil as to do this to another human being. The same outpourings of support and unity from around the world. The same shared fear that this could easily have happened to us or our loved ones.

    Now the drums of war are sounding. French fighter jets have carried out a series of “symbolic” air strikes on Syrian targets. France’s borders have been closed, Paris has been locked down and military personnel are patrolling its streets.

    What remains to be seen is whether France, standing where the United States did 14 years ago, will follow in America’s footsteps as she grapples with the best way to shore up her defenses, where to draw the delicate line in balancing security with liberty, and what it means to secure justice for those whose lives were taken.

    Here are some of the lessons we in the United States learned too late about allowing our freedoms to be eviscerated in exchange for the phantom promise of security.

    Beware of mammoth legislation that expands the government’s powers at the citizenry’s expense. Rushed through Congress a mere 45 days after the 9/11 attacks, the USA Patriot Act drove a stake through the heart of the Bill of Rights, undermined civil liberties, expanded the government’s powers and opened the door to far-reaching surveillance by the government on American citizens.


    Pre-emptive strikes will only lead to further blowback. Not content to wage war against Afghanistan, which served as the base for Osama bin Laden, the U.S. embarked on a pre-emptive war against Iraq in order to “stop any adversary challenging America’s military superiority and adopt a strike-first policy against terrorist threats ‘before they're fully formed.’” We are still suffering the consequences of this failed policy, which has resulted in lives lost, taxpayer dollars wasted, the fomenting of hatred against the U.S. and the further radicalization of terrorist cells.


    War is costly. There are many reasons to go to war, but those who have advocated that the U.S. remain at war, year after year, are the very entities that have profited most from these endless military occupations and exercises. Thus far, the U.S. taxpayer has been made to shell out more than $1.6 trillion on “military operations, the training of security forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, weapons maintenance, base support, reconstruction, embassy maintenance, foreign aid, and veterans’ medical care, as well as war-related intelligence operations not tracked by the Pentagon” since 2001. Other estimates that account for war-related spending, veterans’ benefits and various promissory notes place that figure closer to $4.4 trillion. That also does not include the more than 210,000 civilians killed so far, or the 7.6 million refugees displaced from their homes as a result of the endless drone strikes and violence.


    Advocating torture makes you no better than terrorists. The horrors that took place at Abu Ghraib, the American-run prison in Iraq, continue to shock those with any decency. Photographs leaked to the media depicted “US military personnel humiliating, hurting and abusing Iraqi prisoners in a myriad of perverse ways. While American servicemen and women smiled and gave thumbs up, naked men were threatened by dogs, or were hooded, forced into sexual positions, placed standing with wires attached to their bodies, or left bleeding on prison floors.” Adding to the descent into moral depravity, the United States government legalized the use of torture, including waterboarding, in violation of international law and continues to sanction human rights violations in the pursuit of national security. The ramifications have been far-reaching, with local police now employing similar torture tactics at secret locations such as Homan Square in Chicago.


    Allowing the government to spy on the citizenry will not reduce acts of terrorism, but it will result in a watched, submissive, surveillance society. A byproduct of this post 9/11-age in which we live, whether you’re walking through a store, driving your car, checking email, or talking to friends and family on the phone, you can be sure that some government agency, whether the NSA or some other entity, is listening in and tracking your behavior. This doesn’t even begin to touch on the corporate trackers such as Google that monitor your purchases, web browsing, Facebook posts and other activities taking place in the cyber sphere. We are all becoming data collected in government files. The chilling effect of this endless surveillance is a more anxious and submissive citizenry.


    Don’t become so distracted by the news cycle that you lose sight of what the government is doing. The average American has a hard time keeping up with and remembering all of the “events,” manufactured or otherwise, which occur like clockwork and keep us distracted, deluded, amused, and insulated from the reality of the American police state. Whether these events are critical or unimportant, when we’re being bombarded with wall-to-wall news coverage and news cycles that change every few days, it’s difficult to stay focused on one thing—namely, holding the government accountable to abiding by the rule of law—and the powers-that-be understand this. In this way, regularly scheduled trivia and/or distractions that keep the citizenry tuned into the various breaking news headlines and entertainment spectacles also keep them tuned out to the government’s steady encroachments on their freedoms.


    If you stop holding the government accountable to the rule of law, the only laws it abides by will be the ones used to clamp down on the citizenry. Having failed to hold government officials accountable to abiding by the rule of law, the American people have found themselves saddled with a government that skirts, flouts and violates the Constitution with little consequence. Overcriminalization, asset forfeiture schemes, police brutality, profit-driven prisons, warrantless surveillance, SWAT team raids, indefinite detentions, covert agencies, and secret courts are just a few of the egregious practices carried out by a government that operates beyond the reach of the law.


    Do not turn your country into a battlefield, your citizens into enemy combatants, and your law enforcement officers into extensions of the military. A standing army—something that propelled the early colonists into revolution—strips the citizenry of any vestige of freedom. How can there be any semblance of freedom when there are tanks in the streets, military encampments in cities, Blackhawk helicopters and armed drones patrolling overhead? It was for this reason that those who established America vested control of the military in a civilian government, with a civilian commander-in-chief. They did not want a military government, ruled by force. Rather, they opted for a republic bound by the rule of law: the U.S. Constitution. Unfortunately, we in America now find ourselves struggling to retain some semblance of freedom in the face of police and law enforcement agencies that look and act like the military and have just as little regard for the Fourth Amendment, laws such as the NDAA that allow the military to arrest and indefinitely detain American citizens, and military drills that acclimate the American people to the sight of armored tanks in the streets, military encampments in cities, and combat aircraft patrolling overhead.


    As long as you remain fearful and distrustful of each other, you will be incapable of standing united against any threats posed by a power-hungry government. Early on, U.S. officials solved the problem of how to implement their authoritarian policies without incurring a citizen uprising: fear. The powers-that-be want us to feel threatened by forces beyond our control (terrorists, shooters, bombers). They want us afraid and dependent on the government and its militarized armies for our safety and well-being. Most of all, they want us distrustful of each other, divided by our prejudices, and at each other’s throats.


    If you trade your freedom for security, the terrorists win. We’ve walked a strange and harrowing road since September 11, 2001, littered with the debris of our once-vaunted liberties. We have gone from a nation that took great pride in being a model of a representative democracy to being a model of how to persuade a freedom-loving people to march in lockstep with a police state. And in so doing, we have proven Osama Bin Laden right. He warned that “freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life.”

    To sum things up, the destruction that began with the 9/11 terror attacks has expanded into an all-out campaign of terror, trauma, acclimation and indoctrination aimed at getting Americans used to life in the American Police State. The bogeyman’s names and faces change over time, but the end result remains the same: our unquestioning acquiescence to anything the government wants to do in exchange for the phantom promise of safety and security has transitioned us to life in a society where government agents routinely practice violence on the citizens while, in conjunction with the Corporate State, spying on the most intimate details of our personal lives.

    The lesson learned, as I document in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, is simply this: once you start down the road towards a police state, it will be very difficult to turn back.

  • From Iraqi Jails To Paris Carnage – The Complete ISIS Timeline

    As it seems The West is losing its 'war on terror', with jihadi recruitment accelerating dramatically in the last few years, we thought the following timeline of how ISIS got here may be a useful reminder for when Washington once again reinserts itself 'on the ground' in the Middle-East…

    As BloombergBriefs notes, groups such as al-Qaeda and Islamic State call their violent campaigns jihad — holy war waged on behalf of Islam. Mainstream Muslims argue that jihad is mostly a spiritual obligation involving internal struggle. In this view, violent jihad is permissible only in extreme cases when sanctioned by legitimate authorities. Nevertheless, the militant jihadists are winning recruits.

    The number of groups engaged in violent jihad with the goal of creating their idea of purified Islamic societies grew to 49 in 2013 from three in 1988, a Rand Corp. study says. Their stated aim is to emulate Islam as practiced by the Prophet Muhammad’s early followers, known as the Salaf.



    The biggest jump in recruitment started in 2010 and corresponds with the Arab uprisings, which weakened government control in parts of North Africa and the Mideast. That gave jihadist groups opportunities to expand that trumped the power of any theological position. 

    But ISIS had been growing long before that…


    Source: BloombergBriefs

  • Every Position On The Spectrum Supports The Government's Propaganda

    Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

    This excellent article by Glenn Greenwald…

    Given all this, is there any mystery why “U.S. officials” and the military-intelligence regime, let alone Iraq War-advocating hacks like Jim Woolsey and Dana Perino, are desperate to shift blame away from themselves for ISIS and terror attacks and onto Edward Snowden, journalism about surveillance, or encryption-providing tech companies? Wouldn’t you if you were them? Imagine simultaneously devoting all your efforts to depicting ISIS as the Greatest and Most Evil Threat Ever, while knowing the vital role you played in its genesis and growth.


    The clear, overwhelming evidence — compiled HERE — demonstrates how much deceit their blame-shifting accusations require. But the more important point of inquiry is to ask why they are so eager to ensure that everyone but themselves receives scrutiny for what is happening. The answer to that question is equally clear, and disturbing in the extreme.

    …reminded me that I have meant to write about how every sort of interest attaches to the government’s propaganda in order to make its point.

    Greenwald shows how the Snowden haters in the US media seized on the Paris attack in order to blame Snowden. The American, indeed Western, media consists of the scum of the earth, and they all together are no match for Glenn Greenwald. Greenwald shows that they are so dimwitted that they cannot remember their previous stories long enough to save them from making laughing stocks of themselves when they gang up on Snowden.

    The presstitutes that constitute the Western media had a great incentive to buy in to the false story of the Paris attack, because they saw an opportunity to blame the attack on Snowden, who showed them up for what they are — whores who lie for the government for money.

    Likewise, anti-immigration web sites and political parties have a great stake in the false story of the Paris attack, because they can use it to emphasize the perils of allowing into a country people who don’t belong there.

    The leftwing buys into the government’s lies, because it proves their point that Western imperialism and neo-colonialism brings blowback. The oppressed colonies rise up and send death and destruction to the imperialist’s homelands. This is emotionally satisfying to the left even though it hands over to the government control over the population.

    As for the fearful, if the blacks are not going to murder them in their beds, surely the terrorists will. Only the government can make them safe by repealing all civil liberties. TV program after TV program — even RT — presents citizens testifying how they welcome being searched by the police, because it makes them safe. As Benjamin Franklin once said, those who give up liberty for safety will have neither. But this is over the heads of the fearful and the presstitutes.

    By now, my readers should be able to finish this story on their own.

    The Nazis and others have made it very simple and clear: fear is a control mechanism. Terrorism creates fear, and fear drives fools into the hands of the government that created the terrorism that created the fear.

    Go watch the movie, V For Vendetta. The British government unleashes a disease outbreak and uses the resulting fear to turn Britain into a police state. Movie producers, such as those who made V for Vendetta and The Matrix understand what is going on, but what percentage of the audience gets it?

    We have had by my last count 150 false FBI “sting operations,” that is, FBI orchestrated “terror plots” in which the FBI recruits half-wits to do such things as blow up the Sears Tower with fake bombs handed to them by the FBI.

    We have had the false flag 9/11 operation, the false flag Boston Marathon Bombing, the false flag Charlie Hebdo, the false flag Paris attack. All of these false flag operations were scripted long ago by Operation Gladio, by the Northwoods Project (use google and read about them), and so on.

    The Western world consists of a tyranny in which brainwashed nonentities live in a constructed reality.

    Can enough of these people be rescued to make a difference? That is the question.

  • The Fed's Failed Communication Strategy – More Than Half Of FedSpeak Is "Not Useful"

    Having recently shown The Fed to go 6 for 6 in a day of FedSpeak failures to spark animal spirits, it appears this is actually not so unusual for some members of The Fed. As WSJ found, when it comes to watching the Federal Reserve, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on Atlanta and San Francisco but for 9 of the policy-makers, economists rank their 'FedSpeak' as less than useful… with soon-to-be-replaced Kockerlakota the least useful Fed speaker of all

    A day of Fed Fails..



    But, as The Wall Street Journal reports,

    Public statements by the 17 policy makers who participate in Federal Open Market Committee discussions are closely watched for clues to the likely course of central-bank policy. But not all speeches are equally helpful for Fed prognostication. Some officials speak from places near the consensus-driven committee’s center, while others air personal views that are at odds with the Fed’s likely course of policy.


    Even sophisticated Wall Street traders often are tripped up—making trades that briefly move markets on the basis of remarks from officials with little influence or little indicative value.


    To help cut through the cacophony of voices, the Journal surveyed 42 private forecasters on how useful they found individual officials’ public remarks as they gauged the course of Fed policy.


    The red shaded region is Fed members who are less than useful


    Toward the bottom were two freshly minted Fed presidents, Robert Steven Kaplan of Dallas and Patrick Harker of Philadelphia. Both officials took office this year and neither has yet staked out public positions on monetary policy.


    Ranked last was the Minneapolis Fed’s Narayana Kocherlakota. He is set to retire at the end of the year after a tenure that saw his monetary-policy views undergo dramatic evolution; he went from dissenting against Fed stimulus efforts to becoming the Fed’s most vocal advocate for even more stimulus.


    He speaks frequently on monetary policy, but that hasn’t translated into influence. “I wish I had done a better job,” he told the Journal earlier this year. “I think we’d be better positioned policy-wise if I had done a better job of being persuasive.”


    Mr. Kocherlakota will be succeeded Jan. 1 by Neel Kashkari, the Minneapolis Fed announced Tuesday.

    *  *  *

    We suspect the red shading will drift further and further to the left as fed credibilty disappears as December looms.

  • Blowback – The Washington War Party’s Folly Comes Home To Roost

    Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

    Exactly 26 years ago last week, peace was breaking out in a manner that the world had not experienced since June 1914. The Berlin Wall – the symbol of a century of state tyranny, grotesque mass warfare and the nuclear sword of Damocles hanging over the planet – had come tumbling down on November 9, 1989.

    It was only a matter of time before the economically decrepit Soviet regime would be no more, and that the world’s vast arsenal of weapons and nuclear bombs could be dismantled.

    Indeed, shortly thereafter according to Gorbachev, President George H.W. Bush and Secretary Baker promised that NATO would not be expanded by “as much as a thumb’s width further to the East” in return for acquiescing to the reunification of Germany.

    So with its “mission accomplished” there was no logical reason why NATO should not have been disbanded in parallel with the Warsaw Pact’s demise, and for an obvious and overpowering reason: On November 9, 1989 there were no material military threats to US security anywhere on the planet outside of the suddenly vanishing front line of the Cold War.

    As it turned out, however, there was a virulent threat to peace still lurking on the Potomac. The great general and president, Dwight Eisenhower, had called it the “military-industrial complex” in his farewell address, but that memorable phrase had been abbreviated by his speechwriters, who deleted the word “congressional” in a gesture of comity to the legislative branch.

    So restore Ike’s deleted reference to the pork barrels and Sunday afternoon warriors of Capitol Hill and toss in the legions of beltway busybodies that constituted the civilian branches of the cold war armada (CIA, State, AID etc.) and the circle would have been complete. It constituted the most awesome machine of warfare and imperial hegemony since the Roman legions bestrode most of the civilized world.

    In a word, the real threat to peace circa 1990 was that Pax Americana would not go away quietly in the night.

    Ronald Reagan had called the dying Soviet Union an Evil Empire, but it was actually a passing freak of history. It had arisen by a fluke 72 years earlier—–almost to the day of the Berlin Wall’s fall—–only because Imperial Russia had been reduced to anarchy by the carnage of the Great War, enabling Lenin to storm the Winter Palace and install his own special Bolshevik brand of hell on earth.

    So the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991 meant the world could have reverted to the status quo ante. That is, to a normalcy of peace, liberal commerce and a minimum of armaments that had prevailed in the late 19th century. The 20th century curse of militarism, totalitarianism and global warfare was over.

    Needless to say, the sudden end to 20th century history posed an existential threat to Imperial Washington. A trillion dollar complex of weapons suppliers, warfare state bureaucracies, intelligence and security contractors, arms exporters, foreign aid vendors, military bases, grand poobahs and porkers of the Congressional defense committes, think tanks, research grants and much more——were all suddenly without an enemy and raison d’etre.

    As it has happened, Imperial Washington did find its necessary enemy in the rise of so-called “global terrorism”.

    But the everlasting truth is that the relative handful of suicidal jihadi who have perpetrated murderous episodes of terror like 9/11 and this weekend’s carnage in Paris did not exist in November 1989; and they would not be marauding the West today save for the unrelenting arrogance, stupidity, duplicity and mendacity of Imperial Washington.

    That is, the gates of hell have been opened by Washington’s senseless destruction of regimes in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan and elsewhere that refused to do its bidding. Yet not one of these backwaters of tyranny and economic and military insignificance posed any threat whatsoever to the safety and security of American citizens in Lincoln NE or Manchester NH.

    That the middle east and the Arab/Islamic world in particular is now a burned out zone of failed states and an incubator of barbaric religious and sectarian fanaticism is because Imperial Washington made it that way.

    So what has metastasized from the ruins left by American intervention is not an organized military threat or a tide of state sponsored attacks on the civilian life of the West; it is random blowback of the suicidal flotsam and jetsam that have been puked from the very same jaws of hell which Washington so foolishly opened.

    It did so under the banner of two stunningly false predicates. One of these was the long-standing Washington error that America’s security and economic well-being depends upon keeping an armada in the Persian Gulf in order to protect the surrounding oilfields and the flow of tankers through the straits of Hormuz.

    That doctrine has been wrong from the day it was officially enunciated by one of America’s great economic ignoramuses, Henry Kissinger, at the time of the original oil crisis in 1973. The 42 years since then have proven in spades that its doesn’t matter who controls the oilfields, and that the only effective cure for high oil prices is the free market, not the Fifth Fleet.

    Every tin pot dictatorship from Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi to Hugo Chavez in Venezuela to Saddam Hussein, to the bloody-minded chieftains of Nigeria, to the purportedly medieval Mullahs and fanatical Republican Guards of Iran has produced oil—-and all they could because they desperately needed the revenue.

    For crying out loud, even the barbaric thugs of ISIS milk every possible drop of petroleum from the tiny, wheezing oilfields scattered around their backwater domain. So there is no economic case whatsoever for Imperial Washington’s massive military presence in the middle east, and most especially for its long-time alliance with the despicable regime of Saudi Arabia.

    The truth is, there is no such thing as an OPEC cartel——virtually every member produces all they can and cheats whenever possible. The only thing that resembles production control in the global oil market is the fact that the Saudi princes treat their oil reserves not much differently than Exxon.

    That is, they attempt to maximize the present value of their 270 billion barrels of reserves, but ultimately are no more clairvoyant at calibrating the best oil price to accomplish that than are the economists at Exxon or the IEA.

    The Saudis over-estimated the staying power of China’s temporarily surging call on global supply; and under-estimated how rapidly and extensively the $100 per barrel marker reached in early 2008 would trigger a flow of investment, technology and cheap debt into the US shale patch, the Canadian tar sands, the tired petroleum provinces of Russia, the deep offshore of Brazil etc. And that’s to say nothing of solar, wind and all the other government subsidized alternative source of BTUs.

    Way back when Jimmy Carter was telling us to turn down the thermostats and put on our cardigan sweaters, those of us on the free market side of the so-called energy shortage debate said the best cure for high oil prices is high prices. Now we know.

    So the Fifth Fleet and its overt and covert auxiliaries should never have been there—–going all the way back to the CIA’s coup against Iranian democracy in 1953. It was in the name of protecting the oil fields that the Washington war machine installed the monstrous Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on the Peacock Throne and thereby inaugurated 25 years of plunder and Savak terror.

    Likewise, it was the Washington war machine that decided upon the “tilt to Saddam” in his 1980s war on the Islamic Republic, and which provided him with satellite based tracking and targeting services when he rained chemical weapons on barely armed Iranian forces.

    The truth is, there never were any Iranian “terrorists” at time the Berlin Wall fell. What existed was the smoldering hostility and nationalism that had arisen among the Iranian people after four decades of Washington intervention in their internal affairs, and a theocratic Shiite regime that had come to power owing to Washington’s foolish embrace of a brutal megalomaniacal tyrant.

    Even then, the rulers of Tehran had been ratified twice in honest elections. And they were far more civilized, constitutionally-minded and economically egalitarian than the absolute monarchs of the House of Saud, whose gluttonous opulence was unspeakable and whose medievalist Wahhabi regime of social repression and religious intolerance was (and is) deeply offensive to every value America represents.

    But having turned Iran into an enemy, Imperial Washington was just getting started when 1990 rolled around. Once again in the name of “oil security” it plunged the American war machine into the politics and religious fissures of the Persian Gulf; and did so on account of a local small potatoes conflict that had no bearing whatsoever on the safety and security of American citizens.

    As US ambassador Glaspie rightly told Saddam Hussein on the eve of his Kuwait invasion, America had no dog in that hunt.

    Kuwait wasn’t even a country; it was a bank account sitting on a swath of oilfields surrounding an ancient trading city that had been abandoned by Ibn Saud in the early 20th century. That’s because he didn’t know what oil was or that it was there; and, in any event, it had been made a separate protectorate by the British in 1913 for reasons that are lost in the fog of diplomatic history.

    Likewise, Iraq’s contentious dispute with Kuwait had been over its claim that the Emir of Kuwait was “slant drilling” across his border into Iraq’s Rumaila field. Yet it was a wholly elastic boundary of no significance whatsoever.

    In fact, the dispute over the Rumaila field started in 1960 when an Arab League declaration arbitrarily marked the Iraq–Kuwait border two miles north of the southernmost tip of the Rumaila field.

    And that newly defined boundary, in turn, had come only 44 years after a pair of English and French diplomats had carved up their winnings from the Ottoman Empire’s demise by laying a straight edged ruler on the map. So doing, they thereby confected the artificial country of Iraq from the historically independent and hostile Mesopotamian provinces of the Shiite in the south, the Sunni in the west and the Kurds in the north.

    In short, it did not matter who controlled the southern tip of the Rumaila field—–the brutal dictator of Baghdad or the opulent Emir of Kuwait. Not the price of oil, nor the peace of America nor the security of Europe nor the future of Asia depended upon it.

    But Bush the Elder got persuaded by Henry Kissinger’s  economically illiterate protégés at the national security council and his Texas oilman Secretary of State that the will-o-wisp of “oil security” was at stake, and that 500,000 American troops needed to be planted in the sands of Arabia.

    That was a catastrophic error, and not only because the presence of crusader boots on the purportedly sacred soil of Arabia offended the CIA-trained Mujahedeen of Afghanistan, who had become unemployed when the Soviet Union collapsed.

    The 1991 CNN glorified war games in the Gulf also revived another group of unemployed crusaders. Namely, the neocon national security fanatics who had mislead Ronald Reagan into a massive military build-up to thwart what they claimed to be an ascendant Soviet Union bent on nuclear war winning capabilities and global conquest.

    All things being equal, the sight of Boris Yeltsin, Vodka flask in hand, facing down the Red Army a few months later should have sent them into the permanent repudiation and obscurity they so richly deserved. But Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz managed to extract from Washington’s pyric victory in Kuwait a whole new lease on life for Imperial Washington.

    Right then and there came the second erroneous predicate. To wit, that “regime change” among the assorted tyrannies of the middle east was in America’s national interest, and that the Gulf War proved it could be achieved through a sweeping interventionist menu of coalition diplomacy, security assistance, arms shipments, covert action and open military attack and occupation.

    What the neocon doctrine of regime change actually did, of course, was to foster the Frankenstein that became ISIS. In fact, the only real terrorists in the world which threaten normal civilian life in the West are the rogue offspring of Imperial Washington’s post-1990 machinations in the middle east.

    The CIA trained and armed Mujahedeen mutated into al-Qaeda not because Bin Laden suddenly had a religious epiphany that his Washington benefactors were actually the Great Satan owing to America’s freedom and liberty.

    His murderous crusade was inspired by the Wahhabi fundamentalism loose in Saudi Arabia. This benighted religious fanaticism became agitated to a fever pitch by Imperial Washington’s violent plunge into Persian Gulf political and religious quarrels, the stationing of troops in Saudi Arabia, and the decade long barrage of sanctions, embargoes, no fly zones, covert actions and open hostility against the Sunni regime in Bagdad after 1991.

    Yes, Bin Laden would have amputated Saddam’s secularist head if Washington hadn’t done it first, but that’s just the point. The attempt at regime change in March 2003 was one of the most foolish acts of state in American history.

    The younger Bush’s neocon advisers had no clue about the sectarian animosities and historical grievances that Hussein had bottled-up by parsing the oil loot and wielding the sword under the banner of Baathist nationalism. But Shock and Awe blew the lid and the de-baathification campaign unleashed the furies.

    Indeed, no sooner had George Bush pranced around on the deck of the Abraham Lincoln declaring “mission accomplished” than Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a CIA recruit to the Afghan war a decade earlier and small-time specialist in hostage-taking and poisons, fled his no count redoubt in Kurdistan to emerge as a flamboyant agitator in the now disposed Sunni heartland.

    The founder of ISIS succeeded in Fallujah and Anbar province just like the long list of other terrorist leaders Washington claims to have exterminated. That is, Zarqawi gained his following and notoriety among the region’s population of deprived, brutalized and humiliated young men by dint of being more brutal than their occupiers.

    Indeed, even as Washington was crowing about the demise of Zarqawi, the remnants of the Baathist regime and the hundreds of thousands of demobilized Republican Guards were coalescing into al-Qaeda in Iraq, and their future leaders were being incubated in a monstrous nearby detention center called Camp Bucca that contained more than 26,000 prisoners.

    How a US prison camp helped create ISIS

    As one former US Army officer, Mitchell Gray, later described it,

    You never see hatred like you saw on the faces of these detainees,” Gray remembers of his 2008 tour. “When I say they hated us, I mean they looked like they would have killed us in a heartbeat if given the chance. I turned to the warrant officer I was with and I said, ‘If they could, they would rip our heads off and drink our blood.’ ”


    What Gray didn’t know — but might have expected — was that he was not merely looking at the United States’ former enemies, but its future ones as well. According to intelligence experts and Department of Defense records, the vast majority of the leadership of what is today known as ISIS, including its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, did time at Camp Bucca.


    And not only did the US feed, clothe and house these jihadists, it also played a vital, if unwitting, role in facilitating their transformation into the most formidable terrorist force in modern history.


    Early in Bucca’s existence, the most extreme inmates were congregated in Compound 6. There were not enough Americans guards to safely enter the compound — and, in any event, the guards didn’t speak Arabic. So the detainees were left alone to preach to one another and share deadly vocational advice.


    …….Bucca also housed Haji Bakr, a former colonel in Saddam Hussein’s air-defense force. Bakr was no religious zealot. He was just a guy who lost his job when the Coalition Provisional Authority disbanded the Iraqi military and instituted de-Baathification, a policy of banning Saddam’s past supporters from government work.


    According to documents recently obtained by German newspaper Der Spiegel, Bakr was the real mastermind behind ISIS’s organizational structure and also mapped out the strategies that fueled its early successes. Bakr, who died in fighting in 2014, was incarcerated at Bucca from 2006-’08, along with a dozen or more of ISIS’s top lieutenants.

    The point is, regime change and nation building can never be accomplished by the lethal violence of 21st century armed forces; and they were an especially preposterous assignment in the context of a land rent with 13 century-old religious fissures and animosities.

    In fact, the wobbly, synthetic state of Iraq was doomed the minute Cheney and his bloody gang decided to liberate it from the brutal, but serviceable and secular tyranny of Saddam’s Baathist regime. That’s because the process of elections and majority rule necessarily imposed by Washington was guaranteed to elect a government beholden to the Shiite majority.

    After decades of mistreatment and Saddam’s brutal suppression of their 1991 uprising, did the latter have revenge on their minds and in their communal DNA?  Did the Kurds have dreams of an independent Kurdistan that had been denied their 30 million strong tribe way back at Versailles and ever since?

    Yes, they did. So the $25 billion spent on training and equipping the putative armed forces of post-liberation Iraq was bound to end up in the hands of sectarian militias, not a national army.

    In fact, when the Shiite commanders fled Sunni-dominated Mosul in June 2014 they transformed the ISIS uprising against the government in Baghdad into a vicious fledgling state in one fell swoop. It wasn’t by beheadings and fiery jihadist sermons that it quickly enslaved dozens of towns and several million people in western Iraq and the Euphrates Valley of Syria.

    Its instruments of terror and occupation were the best weapons that the American taxpayers could buy. That included 2,300 Humvees and tens of thousands of automatic weapons, as well as vast stores of ammunition, trucks, rockets, artillery pieces and even tanks and helicopters.

    And that wasn’t the half of it. The newly proclaimed Islamic State also filled the power vacuum in Syria created by its so-called civil war. But in truth that was another exercise in Washington inspired and financed regime change undertaken in connivance with Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

    The latter were surely not interested in expelling the tyranny next door; they are the living embodiment of it. Instead, the rebellion was about removing Iran’s Alawite/Shiite ally from power in Damascus and laying gas pipelines to Europe across the upper Euphrates Valley.

    In any event, ISIS soon had troves of additional American weapons. Some of them were supplied to Sunni radicals by way of Qatar and Saudi Arabia. More came up the so-called “ratline” from Gaddafi’s former arsenals in Benghazi through Turkey. And still more came through Jordan from the “moderate” opposition trained there by the CIA, which more often than not sold them or defected to the other side.

    So that the Islamic State was Washington’s Frankenstein monster became evident from the moment it rushed upon the scene 18 months ago. But even then the Washington war party could not resist adding fuel to the fire, whooping up another round of Islamophobia among the American public and forcing the Obama White House into a futile bombing campaign for the third time in a quarter century.

    But if bombing really worked, the Islamic State would be sand and gravel by now. Indeed, as shown by the map below, it is really not much more than that anyway.

    The dusty, broken, impoverished towns and villages along the margins of the Euphrates River and in the bombed out precincts of Anbar province do not attract thousands of wannabe jihadists from the failed states of the middle east and the alienated Muslim townships of Europe because the caliphate offers prosperity, salvation or any future at all.

    What recruits them is outrage at the bombs and drones being dropped on Sunni communities by the US air force; and by the cruise missiles launched from the bowels of the Mediterranean which rip apart homes, shops, offices and mosques containing as many innocent civilians as ISIS terrorists.

    The truth is, the Islamic State was destined for a short half-life anyway. It was contained by the Kurds in the north and east and by Turkey with NATO’s second largest army and air force in the northwest. And it was surrounded by the Shiite crescent in the populated, economically viable regions of lower Syria and Iraq.

    So absent Washington’s misbegotten campaign to unseat Assad in Damascus and demonize his confession-based Iranian ally, there would have been nowhere for the murderous fanatics who pitched a makeshift capital in Raqqa to go. They would have run out of money, recruits, momentum and public acquiesce in their horrific rule in due course.

    But with the US Air Force functioning as their recruiting arm and France’s anti-Assad foreign policy helping to foment a final spasm of anarchy in Syria, the gates of hell have been opened wide. What has been puked out is not an organized war on Western civilization as Hollande so hysterically proclaimed in response to the mayhem of last weekend.

    It was just blowback carried out by that infinitesimally small salient of mentally deformed young men who can be persuaded to strap on a suicide belt.

    Needless to say, bombing wont stop them; it will just make more of them.

    Ironically, what can stop them is the Assad government and the ground forces of its Hezbollah and the Iranian Republican Guard allies. Its time to let them settle an ancient quarrel that has never been any of America’s business anyway.

    But Imperial Washington is so caught up in its myths, lies and hegemonic stupidity that it can not see the obvious.

    And that is why a quarter century after the cold war ended peace still hasn’t been given a chance and the reason that horrific events like last week’s barbarism in Paris still keep happening.

  • How The Turks Really Feel – A Moment Of (Un)-Silence

    Observing a moment of silence for the victims of last Friday’s massacre in the streets of Paris has become something of a global phenomenon at everything from sporting events to stock exchanges and generally speaking, everyone has been outwardly happy to oblige.

    Well, not Turkish soccer fans. 

    As Reuters reports (and as you’ll see below), the moment of silence for France was booed on Tuesday before what ended up being a disappointing match between Turkey and Greece.

    Turkish fans booed during the minute’s silence for the victims of the Paris attacks before their national team drew 0-0 with Greece in a friendly international soccer game on Tuesday.


    The mark of respect was observed at matches across Europe, including at Wembley where France faced England, after Islamic State militants struck Paris on Friday killing 129 people.


    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras watched the game together, in a sign of reconciliation between the two neighbours, whose relationship has suffered from hostilities in the past.


    It was the first time the two teams had met for eight years and the Turkish Football Federation had announced a string of additional security measures before the match at the Istanbul Basaksehir stadium, which was a 17,000 sell out.


    However, the occasion was a disappointment with both teams trying out new players in a game of few chances with former European champions Greece, who failed to qualify for the Euros, having just one goal attempt against Turkey’s 12.

    Perhaps the Turks are angry that there was no worldwide moment of silence observed after bombings in Ankara killed 102 and injured more than 400 just last month.

  • The World According To Trump

    With The Donald once again standing alone at the top of the polls (as Carson drifts lower)…


    Source: RealClearPolitics

    Perhaps it is time to refresh one’s opinion on Trump’s view of the world…


  • In Baltimore, Race Is The Deciding Factor In Mortgage Lending

    In many ways, the riots that left parts of Baltimore smoldering in late April were the culmination of 9 months of worsening race relations in the US. 

    The death of Eric Garner, the unrest in Ferguson, and the shooting of Walter Scott all served to create a palpable sense of distrust between African Americans and white police officers and when Freddie Gray died, the stage was set for a night of anarchy in the streets. A “purge” as it were. 

    In the wake of the riots, some were quick to point out that while much of what took place on the night of April 27 is inexcusable regardless of any mitigating socioeconomic factors, the anger and frustration in some predominantly African American communities emanates from a lack of opportunity. Put simply, social mobility for some minorities is severely constrained by myriad hurdles that in many cases prove to be all but insurmountable. That’s not an attempt to excuse antisocial behavior, and it’s certainly not to say that those who possess an iron will and uncanny resolve can’t succeed despite all odds, it’s simply to say that “equality of opportunity” doesn’t exist in America. Plain and simple.

    Recall that back in May, The New York Times (drawing on research from Harvard economists Raj Chetty and Nathaniel Hendren) took a look at income mobility and, by extension, the best and worst places to live in America.

    Here’s how we described the study at the time: The goal of the study (and its predecessors) is to determine the most effective way to imporove economic outcomes for low-income children. Here, the researchers “focus on families who moved across areas to study how neighborhoods affect upward mobility.” Unsurprisingly, Chetty and Hendren “find that every year of exposure to a better environment improves a child’s chances of success.”

    Here are some screenshots from the interactive map presented by The Times which should tell you all you need to know about social/ income mobility and Baltimore:

    In this context, we present a few excerpts from a New York Times piece out Monday which takes a look at a new study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition who looked at mortgage lending in Baltimore. 

    Perhaps not surprisingly, the Coalition found that the most important determinate for loans was the racial composition of the neighborhood. Not income. Not credt. But race. 

    Here’s more:

    The black population of Baltimore is double that of the white population. Yet in 2013, banks made more than twice as many mortgage loans to whites in the city as they did to blacks.

    The stark difference in mortgage lending, derived from the most recent government mortgage data, is the focus of a new study that will be released on Tuesday by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a consumer advocacy group.


    Still, the coalition says its analysis shows that the racial makeup of a neighborhood — and not income, for instance — is the most significant predictor of whether a loan gets made in Baltimore.

    “If lenders are not making loans in a community, the opportunities for people to work their way out of poverty is pretty slim,” said John Taylor, the coalition’s president. “In Baltimore, the prevailing factor behind who gets a mortgage is the racial composition of the neighborhood.”

    As The Times notes, “it has long been the case that the rate at which blacks get denied a mortgage is higher than that for whites” and indeed, there appear to be legitimate reasons for this. “According to the Fed’s analysis of the government mortgage data from 2013, banks said credit history was the reason behind 30 percent of their denials of black borrowers. For whites, banks said it was the cause in 22.5 percent of the cases,” NYT adds.

    But that’s not what’s going on in Baltimore. 

    First, here are the raw numbers (which should themselves give you pause even if you’re skeptical about the study itself):

    In 2013, 797 loans were made to blacks in the city, a seemingly tiny number considering that Baltimore’s black population totals almost 400,000. Some 2,000 loans were made to the city’s 175,000 whites.

    Here’s where it gets bad:

    In lower-income areas of Baltimore where minorities made up 10 to 19 percent of the population, 72 percent of mortgage applications were approved. But in lower-income areas where minorities made up more than 80 percent of the population, only 59 percent of applicants were approved.

    So we’re talking about low-income borrowers in both cases. In other words, t’s not about the borrowers’ ability to service the debt. Banks simply don’t want you buying houses in black neighborhoods. It looks to be as simple as that.

    Incredibly, the numbers are even worse for high-income borrowers:

    Higher-income borrowers in Baltimore were approved for 64 percent of the loans they applied for in areas where the minority population exceeded 80 percent. But the approval rate was 82 percent for higher-income borrowers in areas where minorities made up less than 10 percent of the population.

    In other words, even if you make a lot of money, the bank is far less likely to give you a loan for a house in a black neighborhood in Baltimore.

    Now admittedly, banks are likely just protecting their interests. That is, you don’t want to end up sitting on a book full of loans you made for homes that you think are likely to fall in value.

    But bear in mind that you can’t have it both ways. You can’t say, “ok take some initiative, work, build credit, buy a home, and do your part to lift your community out of the proverbial gutter“, and then at the same time say “well, then again, we can’t give you a loan because your neighborhood is mostly black.” That won’t work and will only serve to perpetuate the status quo. Here’s The Times again: 

    One of the chief concerns among consumer advocates is that banks have effectively written off certain neighborhoods. Lenders, for instance, may shun creditworthy borrowers in neighborhoods where blacks are the majority because they may not believe that house prices will rise by much in such areas. But if banks avoid economically challenged areas for that reason, it could make it more unlikely that house prices will rise.

    As always, we’re not taking one side or the other, but what the above does underscore is the fact that changing the circumstances which contribute (note we did not say “cause” we said “contribute“) to the types of social unrest we witnessed last April can be exceptionally difficult when the deck is stacked.

  • And Then There Were 13… Bobby Jindal 'Suspends' Presidential Campaign As Trump Tops Post-Paris Polls

    Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Tuesday said he was ending his presidential bid, saying “this is not my time.”

    Jindal had struggled to gain traction in the race, often failing to poll at even 1 percent in some surveys. He also underwhelmed in the money race, and had just $261,000 in the bank heading into October.

    As Politico reports, Jindal is the third Republican to suspend his campaign, after former Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker dropped out earlier this year.



    And as most of America says "Bobby who?", The Donald takes a commanding lead in post-Paris polls… (as The Hill reports)

    Donald Trump’s voter support is rising nationwide after last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris, a new poll says.


    Trump commands a 19-point lead over his competition for the GOP’s 2016 presidential nomination, according to the Morning Consult survey.


    The New York business mogul earns 38 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, it said Tuesday.


    “Pundits have gotten rich declaring the impending decline of Donald Trump — and they’ve been consistently wrong,” said James Wyatt, Morning Consult’s director polling.


    “Morning Consult isn’t the only poll that shows Trump still has life, and that the rest of the field needs to work overtime to catch him,” he added Tuesday.


    Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson trails the outspoken billionaire with 19 percent of that demographic.


    Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) are next, tying for third with 7 percent apiece.


    Former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fla.) rounds out the field’s top five, garnering 6 percent among respondents.


    Morning Consult said Tuesday that Trump’s poll numbers are surging from a dip last month.

    As RealClearPolitics noted,


  • World Gold Council Continues To Hide Insatiable Chinese Gold Demand

    Submitted by Koos Jansen via,

    The amount of gold withdrawn from the vaults of the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), which equals Chinese wholesale gold demand, accounted for 45 tonnes in the trading week that ended on 6 November. Year to date SGE withdrawals have reached an astonishing 2,210 tonnes, which is more than the full year record set in 2013 at 2,197 tonnes. With nearly two months of trading left in the Chinese gold market, SGE withdrawals are estimated to reach more than 2,600 tonnes.

    Shanghai Gold Exchange SGE withdrawals delivery 2015 week 43

    Please read The Mechanics Of The Chinese Domestic Gold Market for a comprehensive explanation of the relationship between SGE withdrawals and Chinese wholesale gold demand.

    If Chinese gold import will be higher than in 2013 remains to be seen. Two years ago China imported 1,507 tonnes in standard gold bars. According to my estimates China is on track to import 1,400 tonnes in 2015. This year’s SGE withdrawals can have been supplied by more recycled gold than in 2013 that in part replaces gold import.

    SGE withdrawals = mine + import + recycled gold supply.

    SGE withdrawals can only be supplied by domestically mined gold, imported gold or recycled gold (ie scrap). Because China is one of the few countries that doesn’t disclose its gold trade data we must estimate Chinese gold import from data provided by gold exporters such as the UK, Switzerland, Hong Kong and Australia. Their foreign trade statistics show China has net imported more than 1,032 tonnes of gold in the first three quarters of 2015. In addition, Chinese domestic mining output has been 357 tonnes, according to the China Gold Association, which is prohibited from being exported. Without counting scrap supply apparent physical gold supply in China was 1,389 tonnes in the first nine months of 2015, yet, the World Gold Council disclose Q1-Q3 Chinese gold demand at 736 tonnes. Again, for years in a row now, there is more than twice as much physical gold being supplied to China than what is presented as demand to the average gold investor by the authority on gold (the World Gold Council).

    China gold import + mine + SGE

    How can so much gold be supplied to China without someone buying it and thus being genuine demand? It cannot. Chinese gold demand as disclosed by the World Gold Council (WGC) is fallacious.

    Western consultancy firms have presented numerous arguments to explain the difference between SGE withdrawals and Chinese consumer gold demand, but none of them have proven to be complete. First it was industrial demand that should have caused the difference (WGC 2013), then it was stock movement change (GFMS 2013), then it was round tripping (WGC 2014), then it was gold leasing (WGC 2014), then it was official purchases (WGC 2013), then it was recycled gold (CPM Group 2014, GFMS 2015), even gold export from China has been tested to fool gold investors (PMI 2015). Although some of these arguments are partially true (read this post for an overview) they cannot fully explain the difference, which is at least 2,500 tonnes.

    Does the mainstream media ever investigate this odd discrepancy? Of course not, according to them gold is just a pet rock. Nobody cares about 2,500 tonnes of gold that have vanished into a black hole somewhere in China. Whilst, coincidentally, China is the second largest economy in the world that has stated the US dollar should be replaced as the world reserve currency. At the same time the global economy is still struggling to recover from the biggest financial crisis in recent history by printing money, which seems to do nothing more than buy time. But Western media refuse to connect the dots.

    Also note, none of the arguments listed above have been carefully described by the consultancy firms that presented them. A few sentences in a report from the World Gold Council were enough to convince the Financial Times to copy-paste the conclusion, although being factually incorrect. Never do the firms thoroughly describe the process of gold leasing or round tripping. Please, show me how gold leasing has inflated SGE withdrawals by 2,500 tonnes and I would be happy to further investigate the flows of gold through the SGE. The most recent sign from mainstream analysts with respect to this topic was communicated through a tweet. 140 characters achieved to set in motion a renewed wave of believe Chinese gold demand numbers make perfect sense.

    Doesn’t this subject deserve a little more debate? By the way, isn’t there a contradiction in “numbers complex” and “huge gap between SGE withdrawals and demand data is simple”?


    And there is more. Some analysts speculate the PBOC is the secretive buyer of the ‘surplus’ imported gold in China. I would not agree (click here, here and here for my posts on this subject) and I suppose the WGC agrees with me. From the WGC in 2014 [brackets added by me]:

    China’s authorities have a range of options when purchasing gold. They may acquire some of the gold which flows into China [required to be sold through the SGE]…. but there are reasons why they may prefer to buy gold on international markets: gold sold on the SGE is priced in yuan and prospective buyers – for example, the PBoC with large multi-currency reserves – may rather use US dollars than purchasing domestically-priced gold. The international market would have a lot more liquidity too.

    The WGC suggests the PBOC does not buy gold through the SGE, which implies official Chinese gold demand complements SGE withdrawals and thus the difference of 2,500 tonnes. But then the supply and demand balance from the WGC is still missing 2,500 tonnes. Or is it…?

    After six year of silence China’s central bank, the PBOC, announced in July 2015 it had accumulated 604 tonnes in official gold reserves (that jumped from 1,054 to 1,658 tonnes). In the books from the PBOC the 604 tonnes were added to their reserves in the month of June. Subsequently, in July, August and September the PBOC increased its reserves by 50.5 tonnes in total.

    The World Gold Council includes all official gold purchases in their Gold Demand Trends (GDT) reports. Below is the total supply and demand table from the WGC released in the GDT report released for Q3 2015.

    Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 3.40.53 pm

    As we can see central bank purchases are included, though if we look at total official gold demand for Q2 2015 it states 127.9 tonnes (Q3 2015 is 175 tonnes). Apparently, the World Gold Council did not include the 604 tonnes increment from the PBOC in their total supply and demand balance – and likely will not in any forthcoming balance. But the PBOC must have bought it from somewhere right? 604 tonnes couldn’t have fallen from the sky, it must have been supplied by disinvestment, mining output or scraps. Shouldn’t this demand by the PBOC have been disclosed somewhere in a supply and demand overview? We were already missing 2,500 tonnes from the WGC numbers and now we have to add another 604 tonnes.

    From the GDT Q3 report we can read:

    The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) confirmed in July that its gold reserves had expanded by over 50% since its last announcement in 2009. At 1,658t, that put China at number six in the global rankings. Subsequently, the PBoC has begun regularly to report changes to its gold holdings and has confirmed an additional 50.1t of purchases between July and September.

    Did you notice the WGC refrains from mentioning the PBOC bought 604 tonnes, but conveniently writes the PBOC had “its gold reserves … expanded by over 50 %”? This way another 604 tonnes are hidden from the World Gold Council’s total supply and demand balance, which in my opinion is nothing more than a vague mirage of true global gold supply and demand.


  • Mollycoddled

    From the Slope of Hope: I’ve been puzzling over the peculiar reaction the market had on Monday to the savage attacks that took place in Paris. Never would I have dared imagine that assets across the board would excitedly zoom upward following this brutal mass killing in one of the most beloved cities in the world. It just made no sense.

    This morning, as I was doing my usual 5:30 a.m. walk of my big dogs, it dawned on me:  the market rallied because it knew it was going to get pampered. Over the past several decades – – and the last seven years in particular – – the market as a whole has been trained by the central banks and national governments of the world that Big Daddy Is Going To Make Things Better, and that if bad things happen (like Long Term Capital Management, or the Internet bubble bursting, or AIG going up in flames, or the twin towers falling, or civilians in Paris being mowed down by automatic rifles) then the paternal overseers that are ostensibly our leaders will give us a kiss, put a band-aid on our boo-boo, and make it all go away.

    Let me digress by introducing you to this gentleman:


    A chubby old dude shaking hands with a Marine, right? Well, this is Mr. Jack Lucas. Let me tell you a bit about him.

    In the summer of 1942, World War II was heating up, and young Jack wanted to join the fight. The problem was that he was a 14 year old kid. He was a tough-looking hombre, though, so without even asking his mother, he went off to the Marine recruit depot, lied about his age, and was shipped off to Parris Island.

    Although he did superbly well in training, he grew weary of not getting involved in any actual fighting, so he went AWOL in early 1945 (a reward was posted for his capture). He sneaked aboard a boat and told an officer who he was. Instead of arresting him, the commander allowed him to stay, and Jack turned 17 years old (the age he claimed to be when he originally signed up) while at sea.

    A few days later, the craft landed off the coast of Iwo Jima. He and three other guys got on to the island and, hunkered down in a trench, they were attacked by Japanese. A grenade fell near them, and Jack Lucas threw his body over it. Observing a second grenade nearby, he grabbed it and shoved that under his body as well. (I think most of us would admit doing this would not be our first instinct). He quickly pushed the grenades into the volcanic ash beneath him, and they exploded.

    His buddies were certain he was dead, and they got the hell out of there, but, incredibly, Jack survived the blasts. He was evacuated to a hospital ship and was sent back to the United States. He underwent 21 different rounds of surgery, and the doctors deliberately left over 200 pieces of metal in his body (meaning, among other things, Mr. Lucas could never pass through an airport’s metal detector without some serious explaining).

    He was, at the age of 17, award the Medal of Honor by Harry Truman………..and then he went back to finish freakin’ high school. He went on the other military adventures later in life, including an instance in which neither of his parachutes deployed (he survived, naturally). So the old fellow you see above was a complete badass.

    Contrast that with today’s college students who are whining and screaming about “micro-aggression” and are all worked up that the victims in Paris are getting all the limelight while their bitch-fest has been shunted aside as uninteresting.


    Indeed, I had never heard the term “safe space” until just a few days ago, but apparently it’s a big deal these days. From what a gather, it’s a zone in which free speech is completely forbidden, for fear of hurting the feelings of some special snowflake. For instance:


    Two-spirited? I feel out of step with the times, I must say. And then there’s this:


    I could look up cisgender, but I’m not going to bother. Considering me “questioning”, which apparently entitles me to visit the aforementioned safe space.

    And let me be clear about something: I am anti-bullying, pro-civil-rights all the way. But, sweet Jesus on a cornbread muffin, people, don’t you think this is all a bit much?

    The way college students are demanding to be mollycoddled aligns perfectly with the attitudes of investors as well. They simply will not tolerate any meaningful down-move in the market, and the central bankers have pandered for so many years to this kind of thinking, they simply keep doing the same things month after month, year after year. The equity markets have become the ultimate “Safe Space” for adults.

    Thus, after the Paris attacks, the knee-jerk reaction (which lasted only moments, and was actually quite sensible in a normal world) was to sell everything except gold, which itself got bid up nicely. The collective mind, however, knew that the succubus Janet Yellen and her kind would swoop in and let equity investors suckle at the dangling teats of fiscal accommodation, thus eradicating any true price discovery and any risk for the soft-as-downy-fur traders out there.

    There is no free lunch, however, although it’s easy to understand after all this years why one might think otherwise. But if parents protect their kids too much, never letting them stand on their own two feet, you wind up with a guy in his mid-30s still living with his parents and trying to find himself. Such a man will, in fact, ultimately fail, because he was never allowed to grow up (and I daresay would have had his ass kicked all over the yard by 14-year-old Jack Lucas).

    So, too, will equity markets. They have been mollycoddled into a state of moral flabbiness. If in 2008 all support was taken away and the market was forced to cleanse itself as God intended, we would on this very day be enjoying true prosperity and be many trillions less in debt. As it is now, though, we have to simply wait it out, anticipating the day when equity “investors” finally realize that the safe space around them has disappeared, and there’s no brave soul around them who is going to throw their body on the grenades tumbling down around them.

  • Following Paris Terror Attacks, Only Three Things Are Guaranteed

    Submitted by Nick Bernabe via,

    France was victimized by a bloody terror attack on the evening of November 13th, 2015. ISIS, the self-proclaimed “Islamic caliphate,” has taken credit for the Paris terror attacks, which claimed the lives of at least 129 people and wounded another 415.

    The world is grieving, with millions on social media declaring their solidarity with France. Millions more are asking why so many are outraged now, when thousands of people are killed daily in conflicts the world over.

    In the aftermath of the attack, several realities have become clear. Taking history into account, three things will undoubtedly occur in response to the terror attacks in Paris.

    Yet More War

    The world is plagued by war, and following the Paris attacks, there is about to be a lot more of it. French President Francois Hollande quickly declared Friday’s terror attacks acts of war, making it clear through his actions over the weekend what the answer to those acts will be: bombs — and a lot of them.

    France carried out over 100 airstrikes in Syria on Sunday, with many more sure to come in Hollande’s “pitiless war” against those responsible for the attacks. France has already been involved with the civil war in Syria, fighting alongside the U.S. At the same time, it has stuck to the West’s talking point that Assad must be deposed for there to be a political solution to the conflict.

    On the other side of the Atlantic, the U.S. is gearing up to exploit the attacks in Paris by calling for more military intervention in Syria. First it was politicians, then the establishment media who called for a more direct response from the United States — up to and including a full-scale invasion of Syria.

    President Obama has already stymied such calls for a full-scale military operation in Syria, ruling out a ground invasion. “It’s best that we don’t shoot first and aim later,” he said. The president continued:

    “We play into the ISIL narrative when we act as if they are a state and we use routine military tactics that are designed to fight a state that is attacking another state. That’s not what’s going on here.”

    While this rhetoric is rather rational, it’s hard to believe the president will stick to his words, especially considering he proclaimed the U.S. would not deploy boots on the ground in Syria at least 16 times — only to do just that months later.

    As Anti-Media noted earlier today, Sunday’s entire Democratic presidential debate was intentionally shifted to focus on foreign policy and anti-terror measures — and the candidates responded with forcefully hawkish rhetoric (with the exception of Bernie Sanders).

    The information that seems to be missing from the entire conversation is that it was forceful foreign policy, accelerated by George W. Bush and continued by President Obama, that is directly responsible for the rise of ISIS in the first place. The short-sighted rhetoric political figures and media pundits are now spouting is highly reminiscent of post-9/11 fervor — and could lead to more of the same foreign policy blunders made in the years following 2001.

    Islamophobia, Xenophobia, and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment

    When an Islamic terrorist group attacks, the masses are quick to indict the entire religion — and the right-wing media is always there to fuel the flames of distrust and fear. The fact of the matter is that only a tiny minority of people who identify as Muslim commit terrorist acts. The likelihood of white Europeans and Americans alike committing an act of terror is exponentially greater than that of Islamic extremists (cops in the U.S. kill exponentially more than both of these groups combined).

    Distrust of Muslims has been growing in France for several years, and the Paris attacks have only served to amplify this xenophobia. Rallies for peace and solidarity in Paris over the weekend were interrupted by anti-Muslim protesters shouting, “throw out Islamists!”



    The “Jungle” refugee camp in Calais, France, which largely houses Muslims fleeing the war-torn Middle East, caught fire on Friday night. While the cause of the fire is still unknown, anti-immigrant groups in France took to social media to applaud the fire’s destruction.

    In the United States, many media outlets are fear mongering with anti-immigrant propaganda, and right-wing politicians are feeding right into it. At least half a dozen Republican governors have already announced plans to resist the settlement of Syrian refugees in their states in the wake of the Paris terror attacks. However, many people on social media are countering the fear mongering:


    Loss of Liberties in France and at Home

    The immediate response to the terror attacks in France was one of blatant militarism. As Anti-Media reported earlier today, the French government has deployed 10,000 troops to patrol the streets of France. President Francois Hollande announced his intention to extend the state of emergency for another three months, and a curfew has been enacted in Paris for the first time since WWII. These actions make a state of near-martial law a reality for Parisians. The French government also ordered 150 raids across the country against suspected terrorists, placing 104 people under house arrest.

    In the long-term, the French can expect to see their liberties eroded as their government continues to replace freedom with security, much like the U.S. did following 9/11 (see: Patriot Act). Prior to Friday’s attacks, the French government had already banned some forms of free speech and established an extensive surveillance apparatus, but further amplifications of these intrusions are likely to follow. Militarized police, “stop and frisk”-style tactics, and loss of privacy are all on the menu as the French government capitalizes on this tragedy to increase its control over the public.

    In the U.S., calls to increase already intrusive surveillance of the public have already begun. Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, said, “I think we need to restore the metadata program, which was part of the Patriot Act.” Though the bulk collection of the metadata of U.S. citizens was ruled unconstitutional last week by District Court Judge Richard Leon, CIA director John Brennan echoed Bush-era sentiments: speaking to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Brennan claimed that in the wake of the Paris attacks, the U.S. should roll back recent reforms made to protect the privacy of Americans from the NSA’s surveillance dragnet.

    While the world mourns the deaths of the innocent people who fell victim to the terror attacks in France, Western governments are busy making plans to wage further war and to reduce the freedoms of the very people victimized by the attacks in the first place. Meanwhile, misled patriots everywhere are clamoring to express their nationalistic fervor, bashing and attacking the very refugees their own governments created through foreign policy riddled with hubris.

  • Anonymous Kills 5,500 ISIS Social Media Accounts After Paris Terror Attack

    The "hacker collective" known as Anonymous is waging an all-out war against ISIS.

    So far, they've taken down more 5,500 ISIS-associated Twitter accounts  since the Paris terror attacks.

    This is crucial, since ISIS does a lot of its recruiting through social media.

    It seems like Anonymous is doing a lot more to unplug ISIS than the NSA and other Western intelligence services.

    Indeed, the top NSA official who created the NSA's global surveillance program told Washington's Blog that we should fire the U.S. intelligence agencies .. and hire Anonymous to protect us, instead.

  • Baltic Dry Index Crashes Near Record Low

    The Baltic Dry Index staged a recovery mid-year, hopefully rising amid promises of stability in China and an 'escape' velocity USA. All that centrally-planned hope and hype faith has been eviscerated on the altar of economic reality. With no ability to directly manipulate the Baltic Dry Index to 'pretend' everything is awesome, it remains among the best 'real' indicators of the state of the global economy… and it's in the toilet…


    From hope to nope…


    The Batlc Dry nears all-time record lows once again…


    In fact, for this time of year, it has never been lower…


    But apart from that, buy stocks because terrorism rocks and The Fed would not be raising rates unless everything was awesome, right?


    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: It's not just The Baltic Dry (or the China Containerized Feight Index), HARPEX has also collapsed to 2008 levels…Harpex for the 6,500 and 8,500 TEU ships are at the exact same level as their 2009 lows and trending lower

    But don't worry as talking heads will tell you it is all a supply problem… and nothing to do with demand… MAYBE they'll forget to mention the 'why' there is over-supply – because the freaking manipulations of market-based signals of demand create a massive mal-investment boom in shipbuilding!!!! </rant>

  • Crude Jumps After API Reports Modest Inventory Draw (First In 8 Weeks) Despite Another Big Build At Cushing

    After seven straight weeks of significant inventory builds, API reported a modest 482k draw. That was all the algos needed and WTI immediately ramped back above $41.00. However, what they likely missed was the 2nd weekly (huge) build in Cushing (1.5mm barrels) as we warned earlier on land storage starting to really fill…

    Cushing saw another big build…


    And crude reacted…


    As we noted earlier,

    In short: "The US is the last place with significant onshore crude storage space left."


    Which leads directly to Citi's conclusion: "'Sell the rally' near-term as fundamentals remain very sloppy and inventory constraints are becoming increasingly more binding."

    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Ted Cruz Prepares Refugee-Rejection Bill, Slams Obama's Plan As "Nothing Short Of Lunacy"

    Earlier today in “Refugee Blowback: More Than Half Of America’s Governors Oppose Entry Of Syrians,” we brought you a look at just how much effort the nation’s Republican governors are putting into fighting a losing battle against the Obama administration’s plan to settle some 10,000 Syrian asylum seekers.

    As a refresher, here’s a look at which states oppose the plan: 

    As we noted, this is all for political points, because in the final analysis, it’s not up to state and local officials as they “cannot”, to quote WaPo, “physically prevent refugees from being resettled in their areas.” And even if they could, why would they really want to? After all, these refugees were properly “vetted,” much like the “moderate” Syrian rebels the Pentagon sought to train earlier this year. 

    Of course the Paris attacks virtually ensure that no matter what federal law says, there’s going to be a fight over this and now, GOP Presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz is set to introduce a bill that would prevent Syrian refugees from coming into the US. Here’s WaPo:

    Cruz (R-Tex.) said after a campaign event here that the legislation is still being drafted and wouldn’t offer details of exactly what it would say. According to reports, Cruz told CNN that it would bar Syrian Muslim refugees from entering the United States.


    Cruz has said numerous times in the past few days that Muslim refugees from Syria should be resettled in majority Muslim countries in the Middle East.


    Cruz has said it is “nothing short of lunacy” to allow Syrian Muslim refugees  into the country, particularly after Friday’s Paris attacks.

    But while Muslims aren’t welcome under the Cruz plan, Christians apparently are:

    “There is no meaningful risk of Christians committing acts of terror. If there were a group of radical Christians pledging to murder anyone who had a different religious view than they, we would have a different national security situation,” Cruz said Sunday in Myrtle Beach, S.C.

    And here’s an incredulous Obama: 

    “That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion,” Obama said.

    Maybe “we” don’t, but Ted Cruz does: 

    “I’ll tell you what’s shameful is that the president after seven years still refuses to utter the words radical Islamic terrorism [and] claims that somehow [it’s] a religious test. [It’s] not that at all. It is understanding the nature of the evil we face.”

    But it’s not just Ted Cruz (whose religious based test isn’t likely to win the day even among the GOP). New House Speaker Paul Ryan is also out calling for a review of the refugee plan. Here’s The New York Times:

    House Speaker Paul D. Ryan called Tuesday for the suspension of a program to accept Syrian refugees into the United States, and two influential senators announced a renewed push for a formal authorization of military force against the Islamic State as Congress moved to respond to the terrorist attacks in Paris.


    The developments on Tuesday suggested that the attacks in Paris had shifted the calculations on Capitol Hill, with potentially greater support for authorizing military force against the Islamic State. But there was also a fast-rising backlash, particularly among Republicans, against allowing Syrian refugees into the United States.


    Led by Mr. Ryan, the Republicans said there were grave reasons to fear that terrorists would be permitted to enter the country posing as refugees.


    “Our nation has always been welcoming,” Mr. Ryan said at a news conference. “But we cannot allow terrorists to take advantage of our compassion. This is a moment where it is better to be safe than to be sorry. So we think the prudent, the responsible thing is to take a pause in this particular aspect of this refugee program in order to verify that terrorists are not trying to infiltrate the refugee population.”

    You can see how that comes across as a bit more measured and (importantly) much more feasible than “maybe we should only let in the Christians”, because after all, what’s to keep a terrorist from simply lying and checking the “Christian” box on the entry form right along with the “Not A Suicide Bomber” box? 

    Not to be outdone, GOP frontrunner Ben Carson is out with a new anti-refugee ad in which the former neurosurgeon hilariously threatens to “defund Obama’s breakfast”: 

    And then finally there’s poor Jeb Bush, who is desperately seeking to come across as an island of sanity in a political arena gone batshit crazy on both sides of the aisle (via Bloomberg):

    “The answer to this is not to ban people from coming,” Bush said Tuesday in an interview with Mark Halperin and John Heilemann for Bloomberg Politics’ With All Due Respect. “The answer is to lead, to resolve the problem in Syria.”


    Bush stressed the United States shouldn’t allow in refugees “if there’s any kind of concern.” 


    “But I don’t think we should eliminate our support for refugees,” Bush added. “It’s been a noble tradition in our country for many years.”

    So yes folks, this has become a circus inside the Beltway and the sad thing about it is that at the end of the day, nearly (and we only say “nearly” because we would certainly hope that at least someone, either Republican or Democrat has actually taken the time to rationally weigh the importance of both national security and alleviating human suffering) everyone involved is simply jockeying for political points among their various constituents. 

    And this will go on and on and will invariably end up being inextricably linked to Obama’s executive action on immigration and, by extension, to the man who knows better than anyone that you can never let a good crisis go to waste, The Donald.

    Finally, we leave you with some food for thought, which we’ll let readers assess in the context of the current situation and interpret as they see fit:

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Today’s News November 17, 2015

  • Authoritarian Leftist "Activists" Demand The End Of Free Speech, Extensive Re-Education

    Submitted by Alex Thomas bia,

    Hard left authoritarians at Amherst College have issued a series of demands, under the threat of civil disobedience, that include the complete end of free speech on campus as well as extensive re-education for offenders.

    The demands, issued in support of the so-called uprising at the University of Missouri, read like a literal fascist manifesto and are conclusive proof that the mainstream media supported protests at multiple colleges over the last few weeks are not about racial equality but rather are about totally and completely shutting down the speech of anyone who disagrees with the opinions of the protesters.

    The fact that the group is attempting to get the President of a major university to sign off on re-education classes and punishment for anyone who speaks about free speech or says all lives matter is a startling reminder of the extreme authoritarianism that runs through the veins of the college hard left.

    Here are the demands. Take note of the outright fascism.

    We, Students of Amherst College, refuse to accept the negative social climate created towards our peers of color and other marginalized groups. We have begun this movement, Amherst Uprising, in an effort to change the status quo for a more just and inclusive environment within our campus. We demand that Amherst become a leader in the fight to promote a better social climate towards individuals who have been systematically oppressed. Student leaders acknowledge and support the demands previously stated and currently being presented. Furthermore, we demand the College acknowledge its ethical and moral responsibilities as an institution and community of our world. Amherst College should not be complicit in oppressive organizations and systems, no less.


    We as a compassionate student body have gathered to address the legacy of oppression on campus. If these goals are not initiated within the next 24 to 48 hours, and completed by November 18th, we will organize and respond in a radical manner, through civil disobedience. If there is a continued failure to meet our demands, it will result in an escalation of our response.


    1.    President Martin must issue a statement of apology to students, alumni and former students, faculty, administration and staff who have been victims of several injustices including but not limited to our institutional legacy of white supremacy, colonialism, anti-black racism, anti-Latinx racism, anti-Native American racism, anti-Native/ indigenous racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Middle Eastern racism, heterosexism, cis-sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, mental health stigma, and classism. Also include that marginalized communities and their allies should feel safe at Amherst College.


    2.    We demand Cullen Murphy ‘74, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, to issue a statement of apology to students, alumni and former students, faculty, administration, and staff who have been victims of several injustices including but not limited to our institutional legacy of white supremacy, colonialism, anti-black racism, anti-Latinx racism, anti-Native American racism, anti-Native/ indigenous racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Middle Eastern racism, heterosexism, cis-sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, mental health stigma, and classism


    3.     Amherst College Police Department must issue a statement of protection and defense from any form of violence, threats, or retaliation of any kind resulting from this movement.


    4.   President Martin must issue a statement of apology to faculty, staff and administrators of color as well as their allies, neither of whom were provided a safe space for them to thrive while at Amherst College.


    5.    President Martin must issue a statement to the Amherst College community at large that states we do not tolerate the actions of student(s) who posted the “All Lives Matter” posters, and the “Free Speech” posters that stated that “in memoriam of the true victim of the Missouri Protests: Free Speech.” Also let the student body know that it was racially insensitive to the students of color on our college campus and beyond who are victim to racial harassment and death threats; alert them that Student Affairs may require them to go through the Disciplinary Process if a formal complaint is filed, and that they will be required to attend extensive training for racial and cultural competency.


    6.     President Martin must issue a statement of support for the revision of the Honor Code to reflect a zero-tolerance policy for racial insensitivity and hate speech.


    7.     President Martin must release a statement by Friday, November 13th, 2015 by 5:00pm that condemns the inherent racist nature of the unofficial mascot, the Lord Jeff, and circulate it to the student body, faculty, alumni, and Board of Trustees. This will be followed up by the encouraged removal of all imagery including but not limited to apparel, memorabilia, facilities, etc. for Amherst College and all of its affiliates via a phasing out process within the next year.


    8.     Dean Epstein must ask faculty to excuse all students from all 5 College classes, work shifts, and assignments from November 12th, 2015 to November 13th, 2015 given their organization of and attendance at the Sit-In.


    9.     Do not threaten the jobs of the faculty, staff, or administrators that support our list of demands. Such threats will result in an escalation of our response.


    10.   The Office of Alumni and Parent Programs must send former students an email of current events on campus including a statement that Amherst College does not condone any racist or culturally insensitive reactions to this information.


    11.   Dean Epstein must encourage faculty to provide a space for students to discuss this week’s events during class time.


    Please acknowledge that all of these statements of apology are not the end all – that they are only a part of short-term healing and by no means achieve all of the goals we will set forth. We are in the process of finalizing long-term goals which we hope to collaborate on regularly with all members of the community.

    While most of the demands are ludicrous in their own right, demand number five literally calls for punishing students who want all lives to matter and who displayed this horrific flyer on campus.

    free speech flyer

    There you have it. The demands of the “Amherst Uprising” include literally disciplining and then reeducating students for speaking out in support of free speech.

    There is simply no middle ground here. You are either an outright fascist who wants to institute a kind of leftist thought police on college campuses or you are fighting against this.

    Leftist news outlets such as Salon have spent the last week publishing article after article about how the student protests are not about censorship, claims that we now know to be transparent lies. Any organization or person that gets behind these demands must be exposed. This is not the time to play nice.

  • "It's Getting Worse" – Visualizing 14 Years Of Terror In Western Europe

    Who is really winning the “war on terror”?



    Chart: The Economist

  • Copper Is Crashing In China

    Shanghai Copper is down 4.6%, hitting fresh cycle lows not seen since March 2009. No clear catalyst is evident for now aside from stronger USDollar, Codelco’s cuts, and more chatter of CCFD unwinds. If COMEX Copper holds these losses, it will be down for 10 straight days – the longest on record from what we could tell.

    Copper is crashing in China…


    To lows not seen since March 2009…


    The USDollar is pushing higher, weighing broadly on commodities. Also continued forced liquidations in CCFDsis not helping as hope for a low evaporates. However, it appears the Codelco cuts are the most prescient…

    Concerns metals demand is ebbing deepened as Codelco, the biggest copper producer, cut its surcharge for sales to China by 26 percent next year, according to two buyers. The reduction highlighted waning consumption in the Asian country.


    Obviously the tragic developments in Paris have caused a capital flight out of metal and into safety. Secondly, collapsing physical premiums for metal being imported into China really underscores how anemic demand is there.”


    China is facing an unprecedented drop in refined copper imports as a slowing economy erodes demand, according to one of the country’s largest buyers. Shipments to the country will shrink 10 percent next year, Stephen Huang, chief executive officer of trading house Arc Resources Co., said in an interview.

    Charts: Bloomberg

  • What Did VIX Know? The Mysterious Link Between Terrorist Attacks & Rising Risk

    Correlation is, of course, not correlation; but following our earlier coincidental chart on the extraordinary drop (and recent rise) in VIX today – after the worst terrorist attack in a decade…




    We found some additionally 'odd' research by,showing that this is not the first time that VIX has 'predicted' a terrorist attack

    Earlier today we published an analysis by Nik Crepaldi highlighting the fact that the VIX Index rose in the week preceding the Paris Attacks. Hereafter I extended the analysis to cover some of the most notable Al-Qaeda/ISIS-related terrorist acts since 9/11.

    But firstly, let us briefly define the VIX Index. VIX is a trademarked ticker symbol for the CBOE Volatility Index, a popular measure of the implied volatility of S&P 500 index options; the VIX is calculated by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). Often referred to as the fear index or the fear gauge, the VIX represents one measure of the market’s expectation of stock market volatility over the next 30-day period.

    Observed events

    • 13 November 2015: Paris Attacks
    • 7 January 2015: Charlie Hebdo Shootings, Paris
    • 7 July 2005: London Bombings
    • 11 March 2004: Madrid Train Bombings
    • 11 September 2001: World Trade Centre, New York


    As previously noted, VIX is intended to be a forward-looking index, predominantly focussing on US stocks. However, the author of this research observed the following:

    • in all the instances the Index increased in the 5 trading days prior to the terrorist event i.e. the VIX closing value on day -5 is always lower than the close on the day of the event;
    • with the except of 9/11, the VIX Index closed lower on the day following the attacks;
    • on 9/11 the VIX did not trade as the attacks struck the Twin Towers before the Chicago Stock Exchange opened. Additionally, normal trading activity did not resume until 17 September 2001.











    Preliminary conclusions

    The above mentioned patterns may indeed have happened by chance, i.e. other elements may have determined the VIX Index to increase prior to the terrorist acts (on the broad assumption that the markets, of course, could not possibly anticipate their occurrence)…

    Or not…

  • Japan's Problems Will Not Be Solved By More QE, RBS Warns

    One thing that became abundantly clear about QE long ago even if it hasn’t yet dawned on Mario Draghi or Haruhiko Kuroda, is that the practice of monetizing anything and everything that isn’t tied down (or that you can’t pry from the cold dead hand of an institutional investor), is subject to the law of diminishing returns. 

    Put simply: eventually it just stops working in terms of stimulating aggregate demand and/or boosting growth and inflation expectations.

    Unfortunately, the deleterious effects of QE are not subject to the same dynamic. 

    That is, when you print another say, €750 million to monetize everything from periphery EGBs to SSAs to munis, you invariably impair market liquidity on the way to creating the conditions for dangerous bouts of volatility (see the great bund VaR shock for instance). 

    Of course when you go full-Kuroda and simply corner the market for ETFs by stepping in to provide plunge protection at the first sign of Nikkei weakness, there’s no telling what kind of chaos you’ve set everyone up for once you step out of the market. Meanwhile, the mad dash to inflate the value of stocks and bonds has served to create enormous bubbles not only in those assets, but also in the things people who hold those assets are likely to buy when they get bored – like real estate and high end art. 

    In short, the drug addiction analogy (as cliche as it now is) still holds up remarkably well. For a drug addict, the benefits (i.e. the high) diminishes the more the addiction grows, but the harmful effects on the body do not. It’s the same thing with QE. The initial “high” wears off, but the asset bubbles only grow. 

    Nowhere is this more apparent than in Japan where just last night, we witnessed the unprecedented “quintuple recession”: 

    As if that wasn’t bad enough, Japanese business spending dropped 1.3% QoQ – its worst drop since Q2 2014.

    Of course the Nikkei is doing just fine, surging right alongside the BoJ’s balance sheet.

    In honor of Kuroda and his special brand of Peter Pan-inspired, neo-Keynesian madness, we present a bit of color from RBS’ Alberto Gallo on Japan and QQE.:

    QE infinity? Japan re-enters into recession; the Economy Minister suggests that labour unions are still stuck in a deflationary mind-set. The Japanese economy suffered a technical recession again in Q3, contracting -0.8% QoQ on an annualised basis, following a -0.7% drop in Q2.

    Inflation has also fallen back again, reaching 0% in September (below). One major reason for this is weak wage growth. 


    Why has QQE failed to boost growth and inflation for Japan? Cyclical tools are insufficient to tackle the country’s structural issues. Japan’s problem started in the 1980s, when firms increased debt by 14% of GDP per year to reach 130% of GDP by 1995 (BoJ). This was followed by two decades of slow corporate deleveraging, deflation/weak inflation, near-zero interest rates and compressed bond yields, albeit with few bond defaults. Under PM Abe, the Bank of Japan has stepped up monetary easing by initiating the Quantitative and Qualitative Easing (QQE) programme in April 2013 and expanding it in October 2014. 

    However, the issues faced by Japan are more structural, including an ageing population, low investment appetite for corporates and a widespread deflationary mindset as suggested by Amari. 


    Japan’s experience suggests that QE has its limits, and could bring a range of side effects, in our view. These include years of tepid growth (see below), the reduction in secondary trading liquidity, an increase in asset ownership by central banks (the BoJ now owns half of the national ETF market), potential formation of asset bubbles and social problems like inequality.



    Ok, so in other words: Kuroda isn’t going to be able cure the country’s structural problems which include the well worn issue of Japanese demographics as well the much maligned “deflationary mindset” which seems largely immune to the hum of the BoJ’s prinitng press. Nevertheless, Japan is all-in and is apparently prepared to keep the pedal to the floor until 2018 when, as we’ve documented extensively, the game will officially be up (see here for instance).

    In the meantime, as Gallo rightly points out, you can expect an impaired secondary market for JGBs, asset bubbles, and rising inequality (all outcomes we’ve discussed at great length) as Kuroda triples, quadruples, and quintuples down on policies that now seem to be producing around one recession per QE iteration. 

    Summed up…

  • The Saudis Are Stumbling (And They May Take The Middle-East Down With Them)

    Submitted by Conn Hallina via,

    For the past eight decades Saudi Arabia has been careful.

    Using its vast oil wealth, it’s quietly spread its ultra-conservative brand of Islam throughout the Muslim world, secretly undermined secular regimes in its region, and prudently kept to the shadows while others did the fighting and dying. It was Saudi money that fueled the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan, underwrote Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Iran, and bankrolled Islamic movements and terrorist groups from the Caucasus to the Hindu Kush.

    It wasn’t a modest foreign policy, but it was a discreet one.

    Today that circumspect diplomacy is in ruins, and the House of Saud looks more vulnerable than it has since the country was founded in 1926. Unraveling the reasons for the current train wreck is a study in how easily hubris, delusion, and old-fashioned ineptness can trump even bottomless wealth.

    Oil Slick

    The kingdom’s first stumble was a strategic decision last fall to undermine competitors by scaling up its oil production and thus lowering the global price.

    They figured that if the price of a barrel of oil dropped from over $100 to around $80, it would strangle competitors that relied on more expensive sources and new technologies, including the U.S. fracking industry, companies exploring the Arctic, and emergent producers like Brazil. That, in turn, would allow Riyadh to reclaim its shrinking share of the energy market. There was also the added benefit that lower oil prices would damage oil-reliant countries that the Saudis didn’t like – including Russia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Iran.

    In one sense it worked. The American fracking industry is scaling back, the exploitation of Canada’s tar sands has slowed, and many Arctic drillers have closed up shop. And indeed, countries like Venezuela, Ecuador, and Russia have taken serious economic hits.

    But it may have worked a little too well, particularly with China’s economic slowdown reducing demand and further depressing the price – a result that should have been entirely foreseeable but that the Saudis somehow missed.

    The price of oil dropped from $115 a barrel in June 2014 to around $44 today. While it costs less than $10 to produce a barrel of Saudi oil, the Saudis need a price between $95 and $105 to balance their budget. The country’s leaders, who figured that oil wouldn’t fall below $80 a barrel – and then only for a few months – are now burning through their foreign reserves to make up the difference.

    While oil prices will likely rise over the next five years, projections are that the price per barrel won’t top $65 for the foreseeable future. Saudi debt is on schedule to rise from 6.7 percent of GDP this year to 17.3 percent next year, and its 2015 budget deficit is $130 billion.

    The country is now spending $10 billion a month in foreign exchange reserves to pay the bills and has been forced to borrow money on the international financial market. Recently the International Monetary Fund’s regional director, Masood Ahmed, warned Riyadh that the country would deplete its financial reserves in five years unless it drastically cut its budget.

    Buying the Peace (While Funding War)

    But the kingdom can’t do that.

    When the Arab Spring broke out in 2011, Saudi Arabia headed it off by pumping $130 billion into the economy, raising wages, improving services, and providing jobs for its growing population. Saudi Arabia has one of the youngest populations in the Middle East, many of whom are unemployed and poorly educated. Some 25 percent of the population lives in poverty. Money keeps the lid on, but – even with the heavy-handed repression that characterizes Saudi political life – for how long?

    Meanwhile they’re racking up bills with ill-advised foreign interventions. In March, the kingdom intervened in Yemen’s civil conflict, launching an air war, a naval blockade, and partial ground campaign on the pretense that Iran was behind one of the war’s factions – a conclusion not even the Americans agree with.

    Again, the Saudis miscalculated, even though one of their major allies, Pakistan, warned them they were headed for trouble. In part, the kingdom’s hubris was fed by the illusion that US support would make it a short war. The Americans are arming the Saudis, supplying them with bombing targets, backing up the naval blockade, and refueling their warplanes in midair.

    But six months down the line the conflict has turned into a stalemate. The war has killed 5,000 people (including over 500 children), flattened cities, and alienated much of the local population. It’s also generated a horrendous food and medical crisis and created opportunities for the Islamic State and al-Qaeda to seize territory in southern Yemen. Efforts by the UN to investigate the possibility of war crimes were blocked by Saudi Arabia and the US

    As the Saudis are finding out, war is a very expensive business – a burden they could meet under normal circumstances, but not when the price of the kingdom’s only commodity, oil, is plummeting.

    Nor is Yemen the only war that the Saudis are involved in. Riyadh, along with Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, are underwriting many of the groups trying to overthrow Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. When antigovernment demonstrations broke out there in 2011, the Saudis – along with the Americans and the Turks – calculated that Assad could be toppled in a few months.

    But that was magical thinking. As bad as Assad is, a lot of Syrians – particularly minorities like Shiites, Christians, and Druze – were far more afraid of the Islamists from al-Qaeda and the Islamic State than they were of their own government. So the war has dragged on for four years and has now killed close to 250,000 people.

    Once again, the Saudis miscalculated, though in this case they were hardly alone. The Syrian government turned out to be more resilient than it appeared. And Riyadh’s bottom line that Assad had to go just ended up bringing Iran and Russia into the picture, checkmating any direct intervention by the anti-Assad coalition. Any attempt to establish a no-fly zone against Assad will now have to confront the Russian air force – not something that anyone other than certain US presidential aspirants are eager to do.

    The war has also generated a flood of refugees, deeply alarming the European Union, which finally seems to be listening to Moscow’s point about the consequences of overthrowing governments without a plan for who takes over. There’s nothing like millions of refugees headed in your direction to cause some serious rethinking of strategic goals.

    The Saudis goal of isolating Iran, meanwhile, is rapidly collapsing. The P5+1 – the US, China, Russia, Great Britain, France, and Germany – successfully completed a nuclear agreement with Tehran, despite every effort by the Saudis and Israel to torpedo it. And at Moscow’s insistence, Washington has reversed its opposition to Iran being included in peace talks around Syria.

    Bills Coming Due

    Stymied in Syria, mired down in Yemen, and its finances increasingly fragile, the kingdom also faces internal unrest from its long marginalized Shia minority in the country’s east and south. To top it off, the Islamic State has called for the “liberation” of Mecca from the House of Saud and launched a bombing campaign aimed at the Kingdom’s Shiites.

    This fall’s Hajj disaster – a stampede that killed more than 2,100 pilgrims and provoked anger at the Saudi authorities for their foot dragging on investigating it – have added to the royal family’s woes. The Saudis claim just 769 people were killed, a figure that no other country in the world accepts. And there are persistent rumors that the deadly stampede was caused when police blocked off an area in order to allow high-ranking Saudis special access to the holy sites.

    Some of these missteps can be laid at the feet of the new king, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and of a younger, more aggressive generation of Saudis he’s appointed to key positions. But Saudi Arabia’s troubles are also a reflection of a Middle East in transition. Exactly where it’s headed is by no means clear, but change is in the wind.

    Iran is breaking out of its isolation. With its large, well-educated population, strong industrial base, and plentiful energy resources, it’s poised to play a major regional, if not international, role. Turkey is in the midst of a political upheaval, and there’s growing opposition among Turks to Ankara’s meddling in the Syrian civil war.

    Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, is impaled on its own policies, both foreign and domestic. “The expensive social contract between the Royal family and Saudi citizens will get more difficult, and eventually impossible to sustain if oil prices don’t recover,” Meghan L. O’Sullivan, director of the Geopolitics of Energy project at Harvard, told the New York Times.

    However, the House of Saud has little choice but to keep pumping oil to pay for its wars and keep the internal peace. Yet more production drives down prices even further. And once the sanctions come off Iran, the oil glut will become worse.

    While it’s still immensely wealthy, there are lots of bills coming due. It’s not clear the kingdom has the capital or the ability to meet them.

  • Meet The 27-Year Old "Mastermind" Behind The Paris Attacks

    Behold! A terrorist “mastermind”: 

    That’s Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the 27-year old Belgian/ Moroccan that, as we outlined on Monday, is the alleged ringleader of the attacks that killed 129 in Paris last Friday. 

    Oh what a difference a decade makes. Compare and contrast: 

    But you know what they say, “you can’t judge a jihadist book by its cover,” and by all accounts, Abaaoud isn’t as friendly in person as he appears in the photos shown above – at least not if you’re an infidel. 

    Abaaoud apparently popped onto authorities’ radar screens after a January raid in Verviers, Belgium where police claimed to have disrupted an ISIS cell just prior to an attack. 

    “This was in the framework of an operation looking into an operational cell made up of people, some of whom coming back from Syria. The investigation made it possible to determine that the group was about to carry out major terrorist attacks in Belgium imminently,” prosecutor’s spokesman Thierry Werts said at the time. 

    Three people were targeted during the raid, two of whom were killed after a shootout with police. Here’s video footage shot by a neighbor:

    According to CNN, “Abaaoud, who lived at one point in Molenbeek — where several raids were conducted Monday — was apparently in touch by phone with the three ISIS fighters targeted in the January raid. In the weeks preceding that raid, Belgian counterterrorism agencies traced the calls to a cell phone in Greece that they believed was being used by Abaaoud.”

    Here is Abaaoud’s account of the battle as published in Dabiq (embedded below): 

    Dabiq: What happened on the day of the battle with the Belgian authorities? 


    Abaaoud: Abuz-Zubayr and Abu Khalid were together and had their weapons and explosives ready. The kuffar raided the place with more than 150 soldiers from both French and Belgian special forces units. After a gun battle that lasted about 10 minutes, both brothers were blessed with shahadah, which is what they had desired for so long. I ask Allah to accept them both.

    So commandos raided the safehouse and Abaaoud’s operatives were shot and killed. Got it. Here’s Abaaoud with the two men killed in Belgium:

    Anyway, Abaaoud was apparently the cell’s link to the ISIS senior command (the ones in Raqqa not the ones at Langley). According to Abaaoud (who quite possibly had delusions of grandeur at the time of the Dabiq interview), Belgium “gathered intelligence agents from all over the world” in a futile attempt to track him down after the Verviers raid.

    After being “chased by all those intelligence agents,” Abaaoud escaped to Syria after Allah “blinded [the authorities’] vision.”

    Shortly after the attacks, journalist Etienne Huver obtained Abaaoud’s cell phone (Abaaoud told Dabiq it was “lost” and later “sold” to a Western journalist). Huver aired the footage. Here it is:

    And here’s some color, Google translated from the original RTBF piece:

    An exceptional document 7 on A. The contents of the cell phone the most wanted man in Europe. Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the alleged sponsor of foiled attacks last week leading the jihad in Syria as if it were vacation. The fighting and atrocities and more.


    These images are not images of propaganda, it is the mobile phone of the contents of a jihadist wanted by all Europe, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the alleged sponsor of foiled attacks last week in Belgium.


    The first images are uplifting banality. Around pictures, charming images, some cartoons … Well no wonder, rather, a fairly standard inventory the contents of a GSM young Belgian. But from January 7, 2014, the data from this device indicate that looking to rent spacious, fast cars, obviously for a long drive.


    We do not find pictures of the trip in his phone but early February snapshots show that has arrived in Syria. Selfies of which is often seen smiling, posing with other fighters.

    As The New York Times reported back in January, “when Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the Belgian-born son of an immigrant shopkeeper from Morocco, went to Syria a year ago to wage jihad, nobody paid much attention.” It was only when “a few months later” Abaaoud brought his own 13-year-old brother to Syria, that people took notice. 

     The younger brother -who is apparently now known as “the youngest jihadi in the world” – left Belgium just after Abbaoud was seen dragging a pile of mutilated bodies from the back of pickup truck (depicted in the video above). Here’s more from The Times:

    Yasmina Abaaoud, Mr. Abaaoud’s older sister, a professional woman who does not wear a veil and now lives in a more upscale area of Brussels, said neither of the brothers who went to Syria ever showed a zealous interest in religion before their departure. “They did not even go to the mosque,” she said.


    The whereabouts of Mr. Abaaoud, also known as Abou Omar Soussi, is not known. His sister Yasmina said the family received calls last fall from Syria saying he had become a “martyr,” meaning he had been killed in battle. She said the family has not heard from him or the younger brother, now 14, since.


    But investigators now believe the “martyr” report was a ruse to try to throw Western intelligence services off his scent so that he could try to re-enter Europe.

    Yes, indeed that now appears to have been a “ruse.” 

    Reports also indicate Abbaoud was behind the train attack that was famously foiled by American soldiers, winning one the medal of honor. “One French official with direct knowledge of the investigation told The Associated Press that Abaaoud is believed to have links to earlier terror attacks that were thwarted: one against a Paris-bound high-speed train that was foiled by three young Americans in August, and the other against a church in the French capital’s suburbs,” AP reported earlier today.

    Whatever his role in the Paris massacre or in any other attacks recently perpetrated in the name of ISIS, the interesting thing here is that this most certainly is not a battle-hardened Mujahideen who earned his stripes fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan.

    No, Abbaoud is just a kid from Belgium. He’s the son of an immigrant shopkeeper from Morocco, he wasn’t religious (according to his sister), and he spent a year at Collège Saint-Pierre, a prestigious Catholic school. Here’s his school picture: 

    With all of the above in mind, we close with two quotes, one from a former classmate, describing Abaaoud and one from Abaaoud himself. 

    From a classmate (translated): “…he liked to do small silly things, it trifouillait in our lockers to put a bit of a mess, but never any flights. He got along well with everyone, it was often with a group of boys who loved playing football, set of classroom atmosphere. It was even a little flirty which was related quite normal with the girls in the class.”


    From Abaaoud: “Are you satisfied with the life you lead, a humiliating life, whether you are in Europe, in Africa, in Arab countries or in America? Are you satisfied with this life, with this life of humiliation? Only violent jihad [can] restore [your] pride and honor. You will find this only in your religion, only in jihad. Is there anything better than jihad or a martyr?”

  • The Delirium Of Milliards – How Monetary Heroin Tempts Hyperinflation

    Submitted by Jefff Thomas via,

    Recently, I received an article by Alasdair Macleod, entitled “Economics of a Crash.” It’s an excellent overview of what’s to come over the next few years.

    In reading the article, I was particularly taken by this reference:

    …we can more easily imagine central bankers being drawn into repeating the mistaken policies of Rudolf Havenstein, president of Germany’s Reichsbank in 1921-1923. In predicting this final crisis for any country that treads down the path of government corruption of its money, the economist von Mises described its manifestation as a crack-up boom, the boom to end all booms, when ordinary people finally realise the worthlessness of government currency and dump it as rapidly as possible for anything they can get hold of.

    Herr Havenstein is a forgotten man today, but he should not be. What he did as President of the Reichsbank in his day should not be forgotten, as the same conditions that existed in Germany back then are just around the bend once again.

    With the coming market crash (what we’ve witnessed recently is just a preview of what’s yet to come), we shall see significant deflation. The central banks, particularly the U.S. Federal Reserve, have for years promised that if deflation rears its ugly head, as it did following the 1929 crash, they will not hesitate to print money unceasingly until the problem is solved. Money creation will be possible at a rate never before seen in history. In 1922-1923 Germany, it was necessary to physically print bank notes and distribute them. Today, all that’s necessary is to type credits into a computer. Billions can be created overnight.

    When this money creation first occurs, there will be prominent support from the media that the central banks are doing what’s necessary to combat deflation. Everyone will support the idea, just as they did in Germany in the 1920s. Trouble is, it won’t work.

    One reason deflation takes place is due to a fall in aggregate demand. An economic crash creates a fear of spending, resulting in lower prices for goods and services. A major crash creates major fear, one that’s unlikely to be overcome by increasing the money in circulation. People will praise the increase in money, whilst continuing to avoid major personal spending. They instead will focus their spending on necessities, such as food, fuel, clothing, etc. The less necessary an item is, the less likely there will be purchasers. As a result, the price of such items will fall.

    Any asset that’s a luxury – boats, motorcycles, luxury homes, etc. will become difficult to unload, causing repeated drops in the asking prices over time.

    Money creation will seem to be a good solution, as it suggests that people will have more of the stuff to spend, but overcoming the fear will take considerable money creation. And money creation has a habit of creating a greater increase in the prices of those goods that people are already focusing their spending on, like consumable commodities. Therefore, commodities will rise in price whilst assets will remain down.

    Since the problem of deflation has not been solved, the central banks will do the only thing they know how to do, create even more money, which in turn creates more price increases in those commodities. Along the way, wages will need to rise to allow people to pay the new, higher prices but, historically, wages never keep pace when dramatic money creation is undertaken.

    The net result is that the average individual will find it harder and harder to put food on the table and fuel in the car, and, in order to cope, will lower the asking price on the assets he’s still trying to unload, which of course signals the central banks that more money creation is needed.

    Historically, this cycle never ends well, but how bad can it get? If we’re fortunate, the fear will be broken at some point by the creation of money. But before we heave a sigh of relief, it’s important to recognise that this happens rarely. And, to my knowledge, it has never happened in an instance in which the cause of the problem was insurmountable debt.

    After World War I, under the Treaty of Versailles, the war’s victors forced Germany to accept a repayment burden for causing the war. The debt level, as it was assessed, was so great that it was virtually impossible to pay. The German people were taxed to a degree that made it difficult to afford necessities. They responded by offering for sale any assets they felt they could do without.

    Enter Rudolf Havenstein, new President of the Reichsbank. Herr Havenstein set about the creation of more money and was widely praised for his action. This caused price increases in commodities, so he created more Papiermarks (the name for the German currency at the time) so that people could pay the increased prices. But the cycle described above kicked in. He then did the only thing he knew how to do, he kept printing.


    Thus began “The Delirium of Milliards,” Milliard being a term for billions. Prices of goods and services rose more and more quickly, as more money was supplied. By mid-1923, hyperinflation was in full swing. Prices rose daily and workmen were paid several times a day to allow them to spend the money, to get rid of it, buying anything tangible, to avoid holding the rapidly inflating fiat currency. Even though bills were printed in ever-higher denominations, people eventually needed baskets, even wheelbarrows, of bank notes to pay for daily needs. Eventually, it took 200 Five Milliarden Mark notes like the one pictured above, issued in Berlin in 1923, to pay for a loaf of bread.

    It’s important to recognise that Herr Havenstein received full support from everyone for his actions, the government, the war’s victors, the communist party, Hitler’s growing contingent, and the people themselves all supported the printing, as it was clearly the most immediate approach to the problem.

    Unfortunately, just as more heroin is the most immediate approach to the problem of heroin addiction, the printing of Papiermarks was headed toward an overdose.

    But, along the way, the hyperinflation created chaos throughout society. It brought out the worst in everyone, fear, greed, panic, class hatred, and corruption.

    Farmers produced bumper crops, but were loath to accept Papiermarks for their goods. Storehouses were full, but people in cities starved. City-dwellers rode out to the farms on their bicycles in gangs, stealing food and killing farmers and any livestock that they couldn’t carry with them. Gluttony became a legally punishable offense. Unlimited fines were imposed upon anyone deemed to be hoarding.

    Demands rose from many factions for a redistribution of wealth, each group thinking that the others should pay more. Transfer of funds was made illegal without government authorisation. All German capital abroad was confiscated. Social entitlements received diminished increases until the amounts being paid became worthless. The taxation system broke down. No one knew what to charge or what to pay.

    New banknotes were being delivered daily in boxcar loads. In October 1923, banknote circulation amounted to 2,496,822,909,038,000,000 and everyone called for more.

    It is this last fact that is most telling, that every group believed that the solution was simply more money. They failed to grasp that what was needed was to simply cease all manipulation of the system and let the free market return. Their failure assured that the only possible outcome was the collapse of the system.

    And so, as crazy as the above seems, it’s likely to happen again, as human nature is the same today as in 1923. Whether the extreme of hyperinflation will occur, we can’t be sure. What is certain however, is that each of us should be prepared.

  • This Is What A Billionaire's Apocalypse Shelter Looks Like

    Back in June we presented the latest (and only) product from Vivos: a company which specializes in creating the ultimate in luxurious Doomsday bunkers – both in the US (Indiana) and Europe (Germany) – which, however, are not only for the world’s wealthiest (read billionaires only need apply) but also for those who Vivos founder, California entrepreneur Robert Vicino, deems worthy: anyone can apply for a spot in the post-apocalypse world but only a select few will be admitted.

    So to all those who did not make the list and are terrified that once the Fed and its central bank peers finally lose control and the apocalypse begins to unfold, they will burn with the mere peasants in the resulting mushroom clouds, we have good news: there is a backup option.

    As Forbes reports, in a quiet valley in the Czech Republic, stand a complex surrounded by high walls, which is not visible at ground level and from the air appears to be nothing more than a boring administration center.

    This is The Oppidum, a massive 323,000 square foot property. Construction on the secret facility began in 1984, at the height of the Cold War, as a classified joint venture between the governments of what were then Czechoslovakia and The Soviet Union. It was built between 1984 and 1994, at a time when global instability and the possibility of weapons of mass destruction were entirely real, just as they are again today.

    Because the construction of the facility occurred at a time of heightened world tension, the enormous level of resources used to develop it would be all but impossible to match today. It is extremely unlikely that any government would approve a non-military structure of this size to be built today.

    Aerial rendering of The Oppidum Complex

    What lies hidden beneath, carved deep in the mountain is the largest residential doomsday shelter in the world.

    Just like Vivos Europa One, the Oppidum will be more than an underground bunker for dangerous times. It provides an above-ground residential estate in which the owners can maintain a high standard of living in a secluded area above ground during times of potential danger.

    Terrain cut rendering of the Bunker below the estate

    Again, just like Vivos’ products, the entrance is hidden so that only billionaires who know the secret handshake can go back to their post-apocalyptic 5-star hotel. No zombies allowed:

    The residents can enter the shelter by descending through a secret corridor to the bunker, sealing it with a blast door in less than a minute. It enables inhabitants to return quickly to the above-ground residence once the threat has passed.


    The below-ground Bunker of The Oppidum will be the area in which inhabitants can be isolated and protected from the threat of war, disease, natural disasters, or personal threats ranging from terrorists to zombies.

    Did we mention that billionaire will live here? That means that while it may be 6,000 degrees Kelvin outside, the inside better be draped in luxury.

    And it will be: the planned luxurious underground compound on two levels includes a total space of 77,500 sf with 13 foot high ceilings. The layout features one large 6,750 sf apartment  and six 1,720 sf apartments.

    Among the luxury features are an underground garden with simulated natural light, as well as a spa, swimming pool, cinema, library, and other leisure facilities. There will be offices and a conference room as well as medical and surgical facilities and supplies. Custom private vaults will also be designed to store valuables and personal art collections.

    The Oppidum complex will provide its owner with a safe haven for family, friends, business partners, other professionals, and staff in an above-ground residential estate before disaster strikes.

    Interior bedroom of bunker

    Bunker swimming pool and garden using artificial lighting

    Underground bunker wine cellar

    As Forbes adds, the location of The Oppidum is the foundation of its security. The Czech Republic is in central Europe and is surrounded by mountains. “The country is not a target of aggression by any other countries or organizations.” Well maybe not right this moment, but there is a funny story about what happened in 1939

    In any event, the hopes is that any potential conflict in the world is likely to avoid the Czech Republic or, at the very least, reach it at a later stage, which would enable the owners of The Oppidum to arrive at the compound and make preparations.

    First floor of the underground shelter

    Second floor of the underground shelter

    The entire Oppidum complex can be operated from an underground control center, with exclusive access to communications networks internally and to the outside world.

    Then again why bother: if the world truly suffers an apocalyptic event, there won’t be an “outside world.”

    So what’s the point?

    Well, assuming a “less than global extinction event“, i.e., a less catastrophic situation, the bunker will allow the inhabitants to survive natural or man-made disasters, or long-term power outages. The bunker will also be able to provide long-term accommodation for residents – up to 10 years if necessary – without the need for external supplies. This would involve large-scale stocks of non-perishable food and water, along with water purification equipment, medical supplies, surgical facilities, and communication networks with the outside world.

    Even so, a question emerges: is it really necessary? Furthermore, the entire complex is still incomplete and needs an (even bigger billionaire) buyer:

    “the underground levels of The Oppidum are in a newly reconstructed shell-and-core state.  Communication and other technologies are not yet in place.  They will be incorporated during the customization process.


    The above-ground section of The Oppidum is in its original condition, also ready to be customized to the buyer’s wishes. The buyer will be able to choose whether to commission The Oppidum project team to customize the facility or to do the customization of some or all of it independently.”

    Still, with the amount of discretionary funds held by the world’s 0.01%, we are confident someone will step up and purchase the “boutique post-apocalyptic hotel.”

    Who is the seller of the Oppidium concept?

    A Czech entrepreneur Jakub Zamrazil, with a successful track record in real estate development, sales and marketing. When Mr Zamrazil first toured the unique former military facility, he was impressed by its massive scale. He saw its potential to be transformed into the ultimate life-assurance solution and named it The Oppidum, from the Latin word meaning the main settlement in an administrative area of ancient Rome. The word was derived from the earlier Latin op-pedum, an “enclosed space”, used to describe fortresses that were constructed in Europe as early as the Iron Age.

    Mr Zamrazil joined forces with top professionals in the fields of security and luxury development to put together the concept of the ultimate life-assurance solution for the modern age. General Andor Šándor (Retired) is the security director and guarantor of the Oppidum project. He is a former Chief of the Military Intelligence Service of the Czech Republic, with the rank of Brigadier General.


    According to General Šándor, “The uniqueness of the bunker lies in the fact that it combines state of the art security with luxury and comfort. It is the largest known such facility on earth.”

    Why concept? Because while billionaires may or may not have a luxurious transition into the post-apocalyptic world, what they are really needed for right now is their money. Because as of this moment the Oppidium is nothing more than a largely useless Cold War structure, with a few potential floorplans and 3D room designs.

    Then again, the true believers of a graceful transition into the “post-apocalypse” will have no qualms about being fleeced. After all, if the end of the world is really coming, nothing will be more worthless than fiat paper: one may as well spend it now.

    Plus, don’t forget – priorities…


    The full promotional video of the Oppidium is below:

  • Chuck Norris: World War III Started Last Friday In Paris

    If you know anything about Chuck Norris (or his alter ego Walker Texas Ranger), you know that he’s not one to take things lying down. 

    Just look at what happened over the summer when, after a number of Texans got worried about the US Spec Ops Command’s Jade Helm 15 “exercises,” Norris warned The Pentagon that the drills came “a little too close to the backdoor of [his] ranch.” 

    A few months later, after Norris became “exhausted” with Tehran’s nuclear “antics”, Walker suggested that if he were allowed to speak for and act on behalf of the entire international community, the Bahamas would never obtain a nuclear weapon, Iranian drug dealers would never be given a 90-day heads up to hide their stash, and most importantly, Iran’s nuclear ambitions would be “sniffed” out and “pre-emptive strikes” would be launched.

    Well, in the wake of the Paris attacks, Norris is out with a new missive titled simply, “World War III?”

    No, really. Just click the link, you’ll see.

    In it, we get a history lesson, a quantitative assessment of Islamic State’s power vis-a-vis other Sunni extremist groups, and all sorts of semantic shenanigans. Below, find some highlights and commentary. 

    First, Norris says this:

    ...if you weren’t convinced before, now you know what a disorganized World War III looks like from the six simultaneous Paris terror attacks by ISIS that killed at least 129 precious souls and injured more than 300 more. And to think just a year ago, President Obama called ISIS “a jayvee team.” In fact, on Friday morning just before the attacks in Paris, President Obama again minimized ISIS’ power as he shared on “Good Morning America,” “I don’t think they’re gaining ground. What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. … We’ve [also] made some progress in trying to reduce the flow of foreign fighters…”


    Whoops. Another misdirected miscalculation.

    We’re not sure what a “misdirected miscalculation” is, and the word “convinced” doesn’t work with the phrase “now you know”, but Norris is correct that Obama had a rather unfortunate soundbite on Good Morning America and we think we understand what Chuck is trying to say. But just so we’re sure, let’s see if he can clear it up:

    I believe these coordinated murder sprees in Paris may go down in history like the Nazis’ invasion of Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, as the spark that lit the fuse for a wider European involvement in World War II. Though apples and oranges in warfare, the impact of ISIS in Syria and Iraq is comparable to Hitler’s annexation of Czechoslovakia and Austria, which caused great concern and condemnation but not greater European revolt.

    Ok, got it. ISIS taking territory in Syria and Iraq is a lot like Anschluss and the German occupation of Sudetenland. You see, late 1930s Germany was a rising industrial and military powerhouse capable of annexing entire states by decree. Much like ISIS, a ragtag group of desert bandits operating out of bombed out cities in the war-torn Middle East.

    But hey, at least Norris admits their style of warfare is “apples to oranges.” 

    It took the closer invasion of Poland to provoke a military battle from France and Great Britain. So, I believe, ISIS’ attacks on Paris will prompt Western nations and others to coalesce against ISIS like never before, especially for those countries whose victims lie among the dead and injured.

    Well, on that point we’d have to agree, although we think Chuck may be missing a thing or two when it comes to understanding the real motivation for Western troops going to Syria. 

    The expansion of ISIS’ footprint is undeniable. The jihadists possess a hundredfold the power of al-Qaida and, in their own estimation, are well on the way to Caliphate victory.

    Yes, they “possess a hundredfold the power of al-Qaeda.” We would love to know how Norris calculated that and we’d also like to know what “well on the way to Caliphate victory” means. Does that mean the Caliphate itself is nearly victorious? Or does that mean ISIS is soon to be victorious in realizing its goal of creating a Caliphate? Because if it’s the former, well, of course they’re going to say that – we’re sure that “by their own estimation”, ISIS is a lot of things. If it’s the latter, we suggest Norris take a look at a map of some real historical Caliphates and decide how close he thinks ISIS is to realizing their goal.

    In true Walker fashion, Norris goes out in a blaze of glory with four policy recommendations. 

    Number 1: Mr. President, we need you to quit sticking your head in the sands of cultural, military and religious ignorance and minimizing the power of ISIS. We need you to unleash the full force of the U.S. military and U.S. Intelligence to destroy it both domestically and abroad. We must triple the protection at all of our ports and borders. It is also imperative that nations around the globe join us in collectively stopping ISIS’ Caliphate.

    Right. It is imperative that nations around the globe “join in collectively stopping ISIS”, which is why it’s so damn curious that Washington steadfastly refuses to cooperate with Russia and Iran on doing just that.

    Number 2: We need the White House and major mainstream media to quit downplaying Islamic terrorism and playing politically correct cards by moving away from terms like terrorists and jihadists, and condoning Islamic extremism under the rubric of pacifying peaceful Muslims.

    Yeah, really. What’s with the lack of ISIS media coverage? Besides the fact that CNN has run nothing but ISIS coverage for 72 straight hours to the point that apparently, everyone other than Anderson Cooper and Erin Burnett just got to take three whole days off, and besides this…

    …it’s almost like no one cares. 

    Number 3: We do not need Washington to foolishly open its arms to Syrian refugees when we are in a war with ISIS. Are we naïve enough to believe that the jihadists aren’t packing the flood of Syrian refugees with their minions and importing their jihad into multiple nations around the world, including the U.S.?

    Honestly Chuck, who knows at this point and since we’ve covered it on any number of occasions, we’ll just leave it for now.

    Number 4: One year from now, we absolutely need a new (Republican) president who rebuilds and expands the U.S. military and U.S. Intelligence, fighting Islamic jihadists like never before, before they succeed in coordinated acts of terror in the U.S. that make Paris and even Sept. 11 seem like Islamic child’s play.

    Ah, yes and there it is. The obligatory political plug. Fair enough. Everyone is entitled to that every now and again we suppose.

    The irony here is that Norris’ premise may in fact be right. That is, what happened in Paris may very well be the spark that starts World War III and so on that point we have to give it to Walker: he seems to be drawing a plausible connection between Poland ca. 1939 and Paris 2015 although it’s not at all clear that he fully appreciates what might well be going on behind the scenes.

    If Norris is right and World War III did indeed start last Friday in Paris, the only question for ISIS now is this: will Walker be joining the fight? 

    Because if so, expect Raqqa to fall in about, oh, let’s just call it 14 minutes…

  • Nomi Prins: Crony Capitalism & Corruption – An Entirely Rigged Political-Financial System

    Via Jesse's Cafe Americain,

    Too big to fail is a seven-year phenomenon created by the most powerful central banks to bolster the largest, most politically connected US and European banks. More than that, it’s a global concern predicated on that handful of private banks controlling too much market share and elite central banks infusing them with boatloads of cheap capital and other aid.

    Synthetic bank and market subsidization disguised as ‘monetary policy’ has spawned artificial asset and debt bubbles – everywhere. The most rapacious speculative capital and associated risk flows from these power-players to the least protected, or least regulated, locales.

    There is no such thing as isolated 'Big Bank' problems. Rather, complex products, risky practices, leverage and co-dependent transactions have contagion ramifications, particularly in emerging markets whose histories are already lined with disproportionate shares of debt, interest rate and currency related travails.

    The notion of free markets, mechanisms where buyers and sellers can meet to exchange securities or various kinds of goods, in which each participant has access to the same information, is a fallacy. Transparency in trading across global financial markets is a fallacy. Not only are markets rigged by, and for, the biggest players, so is the entire political-financial system.

    The connection between democracy and free markets is interesting though. Democracy is predicated on the idea that every vote counts equally, and in the utopian perspective, the government adopts policies that benefit or adhere to the majority of those votes. In fact, it's the minority of elite families and private individuals that exercise the most control over America's policies and actions.

    The myth of a free market is that every trader or participant is equal, when in fact the biggest players with access to the most information and technology are the ones that have a disproportionate advantage over the smaller players. What we have is a plutocracy of government and markets. The privileged few don't care, or need to care, about democracy any more than they would ever want to have truly "free" markets, though what they do want are markets liberated from as many regulations as possible. In practice, that leads to huge inherent risk.

    Michael Lewis' latest book on high frequency trading seems to have struck some sort of a national chord. Yet what he writes about is the mere tip of the iceberg covered in my book. He's talking about rigged markets – which have been a problem since small investors began investing with the big boys, believing they had an equal shot.

    I'm talking about an entirely rigged political-financial system.

    *  *  *

    Nomi Prins explores bank conspiracy, collapse and the failure of the Federal Reserve…



  • "Nothing Makes Sense Anymore" Traders Fear Debt Market Distortions Signal "Something Big Is Brewing"

    In the last few months we have warned of the "perversions" in US money markets (here, here, and most recently here) adding that "to ignore them at your own peril." And now, as Bloomberg reports, it appears the mainstream is beginning to recognize that something very strange is going on in debt markets. Across developed markets, the conventional relationship between ('risk-free') government debt and other 'more risky' assets has been turned upside-down. "Everybody in the fixed-income market should care about this," warns a rates strategist and in fact, it’s hard to overstate how illogical it is when swap spreads are inverted, as JPM warns the moves in swap-spreads "should be viewed as symptomatic of deeper problems."

    As we stated before, a negative swap spread holds no interpretative meaning, the very fact of which is the most important element.

    In other words, we don’t have to figure out what the “market” is saying about a negative spread because it isn’t saying anything other than “something” is wrong (and very wrong with so many and deeper negative and compressed maturities).



    There are numerous reasons for this "nonsense" – as we detailed here, and as Bloomberg adds,

    “These kinds of dislocations can be expected to grow over time,” said Aaron Kohli, a fixed-income strategist at Bank of Montreal, one of 22 primary dealers that trade directly with the Fed. “The market structure and regulatory structure has evolved in a period with very low volatility. Once you take that away, it’s not clear what the secondary implications of that will be.”



    As the phenomenon becomes more widespread, it adds to evidence that it’s not just a one-off, according to Priya Misra, the New York-based head of global interest-rate strategy at TD Securities, another primary dealer.


    “Everybody in the fixed-income market should care about this,” she said.


    In the U.K., where the Bank of England is also debating whether to raise rates, the swap spread reached minus 0.05 percentage points on Nov. 12, the least since December 2013. The difference between 10-year Australian notes and comparable swaps fell to a record last week as speculation diminished the central bank will cut borrowing costs.


    “Traditional pricing and relative-value rules are breaking down,” said David Goodman, head of global capital markets strategy at Westpac Banking Corp.



    “This is not really just a somewhat esoteric story about interest-rate derivatives,” JPMorgan strategists led by Joshua Younger wrote in a Nov. 6 report. “Moves in spreads should be viewed as symptomatic of deeper problems.”


    Another potential problem is that inverted swap spreads may ultimately cause investors and borrowers to lose confidence in the bond market’s ability to correctly price risk and provide capital to those who need it, according to Steve Major, head of fixed income research at HSBC Holdings Plc.

    *  *  *

    Alhambra's Jeffrey Snider detailss,

    That presents enormous potential problems for the future outlook in all things “dollar.” Again, with interest rates pinned against ZIRP already and any lingering expectations for a rate hike (or somehow a series of them) can only serve as aggravation on this “demand” side for the math. In terms of economic expectations, the growing sense of recession amounts to the same if not more so as it would continue to adversely impact against credit spreads generally. In other words, by far the most likely modeled path for the future direction of at least pension liability discounting (along with the same in insurance company mechanics) is higher in almost every case – the only one where that wouldn’t be true is where the Fed sticks to “lower for longer” as the economy actually strengthens considerably.


    From that current midpoint, we can reasonably assume that both sides of the dark leverage imbalance will remain in their current directions; eurodollar dealers keep looking to exit while swap and hedging demand continues to sharpen. The resulting compressing swap spreads thus act as quite visible signal of continuing and further financial irregularity that only reinforces both sides of the trend to begin with – just as 2008. It goes until the imbalance forces a full-scale break, like that of August 24, with widespread and forced systemic rebalancing.


    When I wrote back in September that you ignore swap spreads at your own peril, this is one part that I had in mind – but it is not the only channel. Pension funds and insurance companies represent massive, unthinkably so, pools of both assets and offsetting liabilities that are highly, highly attuned to this math absurdity. Negative swap spreads all over the place, and getting more so, tell us that these huge pools are highly perturbed, as those spread “prices” represent the increasing cost (and reduced availability) of hedging against very real liability upset. Such a condition is, quite simply, highly dangerous. Math is money; and where there is less reliable math, there is less money and then geometrically less patience.

    Finally, we leave it to Bloomberg to conclude,

    The role of the bond market is to provide funding at the right rates for the real economy,” Major said. “That’s why the bond market exists — to help efficiently finance projects, businesses etcetera. If that efficiency is undermined, it’s not going to be a positive thing for the economy.”


    Whatever the reason, the severity of the distortions is unnerving many investors.


    “What there doesn’t appear to be is any single smoking gun that says why swap spread changes have been so dramatic,” said Thomas Urano, a money manager at Sage Advisory Services Ltd., which oversees $11 billion. The big question remains whether there is “something bigger brewing under the surface that so far hasn’t been pinpointed yet.”

  • Guest Post: The Western Roots Of Anti-Western Terror

    Authored by Brahma Chellaney, originally posted at Project Syndicate,

    The Islamic State’s horrific attacks in Paris provide a stark reminder that Western powers cannot contain – let alone insulate themselves from – the unintended consequences of their interventions in the Middle East. The unraveling of Syria, Iraq, and Libya, together with the civil war that is tearing Yemen apart, have created vast killing fields, generated waves of refugees, and spawned Islamist militants who will remain a threat to international security for years to come. And the West has had more than a little to do with it.

    Obviously, Western intervention in the Middle East is not a new phenomenon. With the exceptions of Iran, Egypt, and Turkey, every major power in the Middle East is a modern construct created largely by the British and the French. The United States-led interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001 represent only the most recent effort by Western powers to shape the region’s geopolitics.

    But these powers have always preferred intervention by proxy, and it is this strategy – training, funding, and arming jihadists who are deemed “moderate” to fight against the “radicals” – that is backfiring today. Despite repeated proof to the contrary, Western powers have remained wedded to an approach that endangers their own internal security.

    It should be obvious that those waging violent jihad can never be moderate. Yet, even after acknowledging that a majority of the Free Syrian Army’s CIA-trained members have defected to the Islamic State, the US recently pledged nearly $100 million in fresh aid for Syrian rebels.

    France, too, has distributed aid to Syrian rebels, and it recently began launching airstrikes against the Islamic State. And that is precisely why France was targeted. According to witnesses, the attackers at Paris’s Bataclan concert hall – where most of the night’s victims were killed – declared that their actions were President François Hollande’s fault. “He didn’t have to intervene in Syria,” they shouted.

    To be sure, France has a tradition of independent-minded and pragmatic foreign policy, reflected in its opposition to the 2003 US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. But after Nicolas Sarkozy became President in 2007, France aligned its policies more firmly with the US and NATO, and participated actively in toppling Libyan leader Muammar el-Qaddafi in 2011. And after Hollande succeeded Sarkozy in 2012, France emerged as one of the world’s most interventionist countries, undertaking military operations in the Central African Republic, the Ivory Coast, Mali, the Sahel, and Somalia before launching its airstrikes in Syria.

    Such interventions neglect the lessons of history. Simply put, nearly every Western intervention this century has had unforeseen consequences, which have spilled over borders and ultimately prompted another intervention.

    It was no different in the late twentieth century. In the 1980s, under President Ronald Reagan, the US (with funding from Saudi Arabia) trained thousands of Islamic extremists to fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. The result was Al Qaeda, whose actions ultimately prompted President George W. Bush’s invasion of Afghanistan and provided a pretext for invading Iraq. As then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted in 2010, “We trained them, we equipped them, we funded them, including somebody named Osama bin Laden….And it didn’t work out so well for us.”

    And yet, disregarding this lesson, Western powers intervened in Libya to topple Qaddafi, effectively creating a jihadist citadel at Europe’s southern doorstep, while opening the way for arms and militants to flow to other countries. It was this fallout that spurred the French counter-terrorist interventions in Mali and the Sahel.

    Having barely stopped to catch their breath, the US, France, and Britain – with the support of Wahhabi states like Saudi Arabia and Qatar – then moved to bring down Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, fueling a civil war that enabled the Islamic State to seize territory and flourish. With the group rapidly gaining control over vast areas extending into Iraq, the US – along with Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates – began launching airstrikes inside Syria last year. France joined the effort more recently, as has Russia.

    Though Russia is pursuing its military campaign independently of the Western powers (reflecting its support for Assad), it, too, has apparently become a target, with US and European officials increasingly convinced that the Islamic State was behind October’s crash of a Russian airliner in the Sinai Peninsula. That incident, together with the Paris attacks, may spur even greater outside military involvement in Syria and Iraq, thereby accelerating the destructive cycle of intervention. Already, the danger that emotion, not reason, will guide policy is apparent in France, the US, and elsewhere.

    What is needed most is a more measured approach that reflects the lessons of recent mistakes. For starters, Western leaders should avoid playing into the terrorists’ hands, as Hollande is doing by calling the Paris attacks “an act of war” and implementing unprecedented measures at home. Instead, they should heed Margaret Thatcher’s advice and starve terrorists of “the oxygen of publicity on which they depend.”

    More important, they should recognize that the war on terror cannot credibly be fought with unsavory allies, such as Islamist fighters or fundamentalist-financing sheikhdoms. The risk of adverse unintended consequences – whether terrorist blowback, as in Paris, or military spillovers, as in Syria – is unjustifiably high.

    It is not too late for Western powers to consider the lessons of past mistakes and recalibrate their counterterrorism policies accordingly. Unfortunately, this appears to be the least likely response to the Islamic State’s recent attacks.

  • Austerity And Anarchy: Tying Budget Cuts To Riots, Assassinations, And Attempted Revolutions

    If you’ve been paying attention, you know that the PIIGS are restless.

    By PIIGS, we of course mean the EU periphery where over the past month or so, things haven’t exactly been playing out the way Brussels would prefer from a political perspective. 

    Take Portugal for instance where, earlier this month, after what amounted to inconclusive elections in October, Socialist leader Antonio Costa joined up with the Left Bloc and the Communists to overthrow the Passos Coelho government just days after the PM was reappointed by President Anibal Cavaco Silva. 

    Whatever you want to say about the likelihood that Portugal sticks by its explicit and implicit promises to the troika, the odds that some manner of break with Brussels over austerity, debt, or both occurs down the road are now exponentially higher.

    This is precisely what Brussels and Berlin were hoping to deter by adopting a hardline stance towards the Greeks over the summer and indeed we may have gotten the first shot across the bow last week when some analysts reminded the world that should Portugal lose its last investment grade rating at DBRS, the ECB could theoretically cut Lisbon off from PSPP. 

    Meanwhile, in Spain, PM Mariano Rajoy is attempting to negotiate the Catalan independence bid while prepping for elections next month. In short, he needs to strike a delicate balance between being firm and coming across as autocratic. Either way, the political situation is fractious to say the least and the Catalonia “problem” only muddies the waters as the political establishment looks warily towards Pablo Iglesias and an ascendant Podemos. 

    Finally, in Italy, a recent poll showed that if elections were held today, comedian Beppe Grillo’s 5-Star movement would actually win. Here’s how Reuters summarized the situation earlier this month: 

    An opinion poll by the EMG polling agency put 5-Star on 27.3 percent, about five points behind Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s center-left Democratic Party (PD) on 32.2 percent, broadly in line with most other recent polls.



    But this would leave both the two leading parties below the 40 percent threshold needed to avoid a run-off. The EMG survey was the first to put 5-Star ahead of the PD in a second round of voting, finding that it would take 50.6 percent to the PD’s 49.4 percent.

    It’s not hard to trace the proximate cause here. The periphery electorate is sick and tired of enduring austerity and persistently high unemployment and if voters were tracking debt-to-GDP ratios, they’d probably be even more sick and more tired of it because as we never tire of mentioning, not only are the “recoveries” not real, the debt isn’t going down either.

    It’s the worst of all possible worlds.

    In light of the above, we bring you the following interesting commentary from RBS’ Alberto Gallo who has endeavored to put together a couple of interesting graphics, one of which depicts the incidence of social upheaval (described as either anti-government demonstrations, riots, assassinations, general strikes, and/or attempted revolutions) in Europe dating back to 1919 and broken down by depth of budget cut (i.e. how bad the austerity is/was). 

    *  *  *

    From RBS

    One question to ask is whether a link exists between economic stagnation and high unemployment with episodes of social unrest, both domestic and foreign. Research from VOX and CEPR analysing the occurrence of assassinations, riots, demonstrations and general strikes over the past 100 years suggests a link between social unrest and austerity and negative growth exists. 


    Even going by common sense, the story makes sense. Persistent low growth, high youth unemployment and increasing inequality have hurt Europe’s young generation. Youth unemployment is in double digits in most countries. The wealth gap between the haves and have-nots continues to grow: people below 35 years of age only own 5% of all financial assets, according to ECB data – putting them far away from the windfall of QE. Domestically, one symptom of this situation has been the radicalisation of European politics, with the protest vote rising in most countries, from Greece to Finland. 

    *  *  *

    Note in the last graphic shown above that not all “radical” parties are created equal. Podemos is one thing and Golden Dawn is entirely another.

    In fact, Golden Dawn’s rising popularity (they won nearly 17% among unemployed voters in Greece’s September snap elections) suggests that when the disaffected masses feel they have been let down by leaders who they thought promised change (i.e. Syriza), they will simply move further towards the end of the political spectrum in search of “salvation.” 

    What all of the above underscores is that this is a dangerous time for the EU. Not only is the periphery vulnerable to the type of political and social upheaval we saw in Greece over the summer, and not only is it exceedingly possible that sometime in the not-so-distant future, Brussels could find itself in yet another protracted debt negotiation with one of the PIIGS, but the entire dynamic is complicated immeasurably by the worsening refugee crisis and by the intense feelings that crisis now engenders as a result of the events that unfolded in Paris last Friday. 

    Get ready Europe, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

  • Are 'We' Bombing The Wrong Country?

    Presented with no comment…



    h/t @ianbremmer

  • "What Are The Markets Telling Us" – The Hedge Funds' Favorite Newsletter Explains

    Kiril Sokoloff’s “13D” has over the past decade carved out a niche for itself as the most insightful newsletter available, and with a price tag to match, it is almost exclusively distributed among the hedge fund community (those hedge funds which actually are making money, which these days it not many).

    However, 13-D has always been relatively cautious when making bold predictions. Not so much this time, when in his latest note he is about as bearish as we have seen him in years.

    This is what he says in his most recent observations of “What Are The Markets Telling Us?”

    What can we learn from the downturn in U.S. retail stocks? Our experience, supported by market history, suggests that broad and sustained equity bull markets often feature rotational characteristics as the favorable impact from rising liquidity alternates from one industry to another, generating a healthy advance in the broader market and stimulating investor risk-appetite. Bear markets also tend to feature rotational characteristics. During a broadening downturn––as measured by many of the internal leading market-indicators and market divergences––the destructive fallout from receding liquidity causes capital flows to become much more discriminating as investor risk-appetite diminishes.


    This shift in the character of the price-action leads to an outcome that is the opposite of what is seen during a healthy market advance. In other words, receding liquidity and waning risk-appetite tend to cause sudden air-pocket declines in entire industries, which can come as a shock to many market participants. This is yet another painful and important lesson that came from the four-plus year bear market in commodities. In this regard, we are highly intrigued by the sharp equity market selloff last August, as well as the recent sharp selloffs in the healthcare and retail sectors, in addition to the previous selloffs in the high-yield bond market.


    These downdrafts appear consistent with the months of warnings signaled by the deterioration in numerous leading-indicators, bearish divergences and broad evidence of waning investor risk-appetite, and they appear to fit the historical model regarding the rotational nature of broad market advances and downturns.


    If these selloffs are any guide, and if the market has indeed entered a broader downturn, we fear that any further significant dislocations could catch many market participants off-guard. Weeks and months of sideways price-action in a particular industry or sector––which causes investors to become complacent––can suddenly be followed by a sharp selloff that wipes out many months or years of price-appreciation.

    * * *

    To substantiate his sense of pervasive market weakness, Sokoloff provides several charts, including the JNK-to-BND ratio, the RCD vs the RYE, the XLI vs the XLY, and others, including most notably this take on the SPX vs the OEX and the RSP vs the SPY.

    CHART 1: S&P 500 (SPX) vs S&P 100 (OEX) and S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF (RSP) vs S&P 500 SPDR (SPY) – Weekly. Falling lines indicate diminishing investor risk-appetite. The charts below have been excellent guides in determining the broad market’s risk/reward dynamics and illustrate the view regarding the receding tide of liquidity. It should be noted that the broader RSP-to-SPY ratio has been leading the relatively-narrower SPX-to-OEX ratio.

    It is noteworthy and ominous that despite the large recovery in the S&P 500 from the August selloff, both ratios have continued to plunge and have registered new lows for the move. Notably, the RSP-to-SPY ratio appears to have formed a broad topping-pattern that looks roughly similar to the previous topping-pattern formed from 2005 to 2007. In 2007, the downtrend in the ratio accelerated once the support line was breached. If a similar pattern develops again, an eventual acceleration in the current downturn could herald rapid and unexpected selloffs in the stocks in sectors or industries that have questionable fundamentals or poor technical conditions––or where perceptions of financial-excess during the previous up-cycle could result in greater scrutiny by investors.

    Close appraisal of relative performance trends and weakening technical conditions could provide important clues regarding industries or sectors that could be most vulnerable to selloffs––as suggested by the sudden downdraft in retail stocks.

  • War Is Bullish: Stocks, Oil Surge Off Paris Panic Lows After Dismal Economic Data

    Stocks End Green – The Terrorists Lose!!


    This just seemed appropriate… (WARNING – Highly NSFW!!)


    Because if one thing says Buy Stocks – it's ISIS showing just how ineffective Western governments and intelligence is in the new normal, raising uncertainty, an unprecedented 5th recession in 5 years in Japan and dismal US Empire manufacturing data…


    Cash indices perfectly bottom-ticked as Europe closed…


    The Dow and S&P recovered all of Friday's losses…


    Of course the real reason for the rally is 'Gartman'!

    Dow Futures are up over 400 points from the opening lows…


    SUNE Sucked…


    And Clovis was crapped on…


    *  *  *

    "123" was really all that mattered to the machines in charge of the manipulation…


    But it was crude that really ran the show…


    VIX was clubbed like a baby seal… with all sorts of noisy tails…biggest drop in 4 weeks


    VXX dropped over 10% – the biggest single-day drop since October 2013!!!!


    Sell Vol when the terrorists strike…


    Credit markets continue to get crushed (with loans back at 5 year lows)…


    Treasury yields were not as excited as stocks… 10Y ended the day unchanged…


    Decoupling from stocks once again…


    Perhaps this is why… (near record net spec shorts)


    The USDollar rallied notably on EUR weakness… (1.06 handle)


    Commodities were very mixed with copper and PMs drifting lower as the dollar strengthened…


    Most notably crude again as algos could not help themselves…


    As Copper plunged to fresh lows not seen since April 2009 – down 9 days in a row!


    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: SKEW (tail risk) is once again blowing out but VIX (normal risk) is relatively fearful perhaps signaling another abrupt drop in stocks is due…

  • France’s Answer To Terrorism: The "Law Of Suspects"

    Submitted by Simon Black from Sovereign Man

    France’s answer to terrorism: The Law of Suspects

    On April 5, 1793, decorated French military commander Charles Dumouriez caused a sensational panic in Paris when he fled the country and defected to Austria.

    It had been nearly four years since French peasants stormed the Bastille, the event that historians generally regard as the start of the French Revolution.

    And hardly a week had gone by since without some major crisis, emergency, or tragedy in France.

    There were regular violent riots across the country– in Paris, other major cities, and even the rural countryside. Widespread massacres were commonplace.

    And given that one of the key goals of France’s new revolutionary government was to eliminate Christianity from the nation, civil war between religious factions broke out as well.

    To cap things off, France was under constant threat of foreign invasion.

    Austria and Prussia were not only waging conventional war against France, but both nations had sent highly trained agents to infiltrate French borders to pursue violence and chaos from within.

    It was exhausting. French people were living in perpetual fear, and the wanton death of innocents had become an unfortunately normal part of life.

    So when it was found that Dumouriez (a French citizen) had defected to the enemy, people hit their breaking points. Enough was enough. And they cried out to the government to save them.

    The government listened.

    The very next day, on April 6, 1793, the new French government established the Committee of Public Safety (though it was originally known as the Danton Committee).

    The Committee was given broad, emergency powers since it was a time of such crisis.

    And under the leadership Maximilien Robespierre, the French people got their protection.

    Robespierre passed the ‘Law of Suspects’, allowing the government to essentially imprison anyone they wanted for any reason.

    It was impossible to tell friend from foe back then; you never knew if someone was a loyalist, or a Christian, or an Austrian spy, or any number of counter-revolutionaries.

    So people were required to carry special certificates indicating that they were good and dutiful citizens. Those without would be imprisoned, and potentially executed.

    The University of Chicago estimates that nearly 30,000 either died in prison or were executed as a result of this law.

    Then there was the Law of the Maximum, which attempted to stabilize an ongoing financial crisis by fixing the prices of goods and services in the country. The law also imposed the death penalty on those who did not follow the rules.

    They also passed the Law of 22 Prairial, which awarded the Committee even more power to arrest, try, and execute anyone deemed to be suspicious or disloyal.

    The law also prevented anyone accused of a crime from being able to call witnesses or have defense counsel.

    Plus it required that ALL citizens report potentially suspicious or disloyal neighbors to the Committee. If you see something, say something.

    As you are likely well aware, this period in French history became known as the Reign of Terror, or often simply ‘the Terror’.

    Coincidentally, this is where the first modern use of the word ‘terrorist’ is found.

    Except that it wasn’t used to describe the counter-revolutionaries. Or the rebels. Or the foreign agents.

    It turns out that “terrorist” was originally a term used to describe the government officials who created and executed these oppressive tactics under the guise of keeping people safe from their enemies.

    Governments have a dangerous tendency to never let a serious crisis go to waste.

    The US government spent trillions of taxpayer dollars to fight a War on Terror that made the world less safe and Americans less free, all to protect them from a threat that has a statistical likelihood of 0.0%.

    (You’re far more likely to be shot by a police officer than to ever even see a terrorist.)

    Yes, the desire for revenge runs deep. And that’s understandable.

    But the greatest thing to fear is not men in caves. It is the consequent loss of freedom and the never-ending cycle of costly, destructive war.

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Today’s News November 16, 2015

  • How Do People Destroy Their Capital?

    I have written previously about the interest rate, which is falling under the planning of the Federal Reserve. The flip side of falling interest rates is the rising price of bonds. Bonds are in an endless, ferocious bull market. Why do I call it ferocious? Perhaps voracious is a better word, as it is gobbling up capital like the Cookie Monster jamming tollhouses into his maw. There are several mechanisms by which this occurs, let’s look at one here.

    Artificially low interest makes it necessary to seek other ways to make money. Deprived of a decent yield, people are encouraged (pushed, really) to go speculating. And so the juice in bonds spills over into other markets. When rates fall, people find other assets more attractive. As they adjust their portfolios and go questing for yield, they buy equities and real estate.

    Dirt cheap credit is also the fuel for rising asset prices. People can use leverage to buy assets, and further enhance their gains.

    And it’s wonderful fun. A bull market, especially one that is believed to be infinite—if not Fed-guaranteed—seemingly provides free money. All you have to do is buy something, wait, and sell it. You can get your capital back plus something extra.

    Many people spend most of this extra. This is their gain, their income. Their brokers, advisers, and other professionals also make their income off of it.

    However, there’s a contradiction. Common sense tells us that it should be impossible to consume without first producing something. How can this be possible? How can an entire sector of economy get away with it?

    It can’t. There is no Santa Claus. Something else is happening, something insidious.

    The falling-rate-driven bull market is a process of conversion of someone’s wealth into your income.

    Let’s look at how this works. Suppose Jennifer buys a condominium for a million bucks. If she pays cash, this is a large chunk of her life savings or inheritance. If she borrows to buy it, then she’s disbursing someone else’s savings. That saver has no idea what is being done with his savings. He probably thinks it’s safe in
    the bank

    Jen forks over this cash to the seller, David. Dave recovers his original cost to buy the asset, say six hundred grand. The rest, say four hundred, is profit. He goes out and uses much of the profit to buy a Ferrari, drink a 1983 Bordeaux, and dine on beluga caviar. Dave is driving, drinking, and eating Jen’s life savings.

    What was Jennifer thinking? Why did she place so much of her wealth into his hands of David, who will only consume a large part of it?

    Simple. Jen sees the bull market, and expects it to continue. She is hoping that after a while, she will sell at a profit. That is, she relies on the next guy to come along and give over an even larger chunk of wealth to her, so she can consume it. Maybe Ferraris aren’t her thing, but she fancies a cruise around the world, a diamond necklace, and she will enjoy some caviar too.

    Charles Ponzi is now infamous for having promoted a scheme, where people who buy in later are enabling the earlier participants to cash out with profits. Such schemes can’t go on forever, because they are cannibalizing the participants. They do not generate real profits by increasing production. There are mere transfers, converting the wealth of some into the income of others.

    Ponzi had nothing on the Fed, with its endless bond bull market, speculation, and capital destruction. Don’t blame Jennifer or David. Blame the Fed and its perverse game.


    Gold is an international issue from China to Switzerland to India. It’s also a national issue in the US, as it is part of the Republican primary debate. And it is an issue in Arizona, soon to become (we hope!) the third state to pass a gold legal tender law. Please come to the Monetary Innovation Conference in Phoenix on Tuesday. Keith will discuss his ideas about falling interest rates and how it’s hurting everyone from savers to retirees. Entrepreneurs will discuss the problems they’re solving using gold. Please click here to register

  • The Problem With Education Today, by JS Kim

    The institutional academic system is broken. We need less systemic, traditional education that only provides knowledge of low utility and more alternative education that provides the right high-utility knowledge to thrive during today’s global currency wars. We will be introducing the SmartKnowledgeU SmartWealth Academy before the end of this year as an alternate and competitive education choice to not only all college and university business and all graduate MBA programs, but also as an alternate choice to typical and expensive professional continuing education programs such as Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Financial Analyst programs, all of which we believe have very low utility in contributing to sound financial plans to cope with the ongoing Central Banking currency wars.


    What is the SmartWealth Academy? The SmartWealth Academy is an online academy that I designed to make much of the current traditional business curricula taught in brick and mortar classrooms today entirely irrelevant. Education is one of the most important determinants of financial success in life. Yet, even though I attended an Ivy League university in America and earned two Masters degrees, an MBA and a Master in Public Policy, were I 18-years-old again and just entering college, I would quite happily choose to forego both my Ivy League university education and any knowledge I gained during the course of my two Master degrees. Why? Today, academia has devolved into much more of a business and a social conditioning lab experiment than an education lab that produces educated young men and women. I designed the SmartWealth Academy to return education back to a purpose that is has not served in over a century– preparing boys and girls, young men and young women, and adult men and adult women with all the requisite knowledge necessary to understand, cope with, and prosper from the extreme socioeconomic paradigm shifts we are experiencing today, a mission that traditional academia miserably fails to accomplish. Today, my understanding of financial markets is so superior to my level of understanding at the time I earned my MBA, that I now realize that no traditional schooling at all would have left me in a far better position to understand how global financial markets truly operated and how to truly preserve and build wealth during the course of my lifetime. Instead, I had to waste several years of my life just deprogramming myself from the ridiculous garbage I learned in my MBA program and to rid myself of the inflexible mindset that my professors had programmed into me before I could even truly start to learn the truths I am aware of today.


    The dirty secret of the business academic world is that all the economic theory, marketing theory, accounting theory and statistical models they teach us in brick and mortar classrooms have very low utility in contributing to financial success later in life, though it certainly helps to provide for the multi-million dollar salaries of top University Presidents today. For example, the median earnings of alumni from my alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania, was reported at $78,000 a year in 2015. Comparatively speaking, University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann raked in in over $2.8 million in salary in 2014, or about 36 times the median earning of a Penn graduate. This, despite, the fact that nearly all university business programs don’t reveal any relevant knowledge about the inner workings and mechanisms of asset prices in capital markets today, but instead still feed students that pay up to $100,000 a year for MBA degrees, outdated curricula and theory that no longer apply to a world that has radically changed due to technological developments such as dark pools and HFT algorithms that provide bankers with excessive competitive advantages not only over their clients, but also with advantages to conceal bankers’ theft from their clients. I have always conceded that degrees offering specialized knowledge in medicine, architecture, engineering, etc. are still valuable, but as far as traditional business degrees are concerned, I find little value in these bloviated, low-utility degrees.


    In fact, more than five years ago, I wrote a 3-part series titled “The Astounding Failure of the US Educational System” and followed that series up with a 2011 article titled, “Everything I Learned About Succeeding in Business, I Learned Outside of the University Education System.”


    Reactions of disdain from many business school professors regarding these series of articles only reinforced my belief that most professors working within the confines of traditional brick and mortar classroom business curricula were inflexible, set in their ways, and shut off to the possibility that they contributed very little to their students’ understanding of how today’s opaque financial markets truly operate.


    I had concluded, after graduating from a top 15 MBA program in the US and a top 5 university, that the theory and case studies I learned in business school simply were not applicable to real world situations. Learning about the concepts of dark pools, high frequency trading algorithms, fractional reserve banking, the differences between sound money and unsound money, Central Bankers’ managed perceptions of asset price behavior, cognitive dissonance, and social conditioning, all topics that were self-taught outside the brick and mortar classrooms of business school, were integral in my ability to eventually free myself from the deceitful web of compliance and ignorance in which my traditional education had successfully entangled me. Albert Einstein once stated, “The value of an education … is not the learning of many facts, but the training of the mind to think something that cannot be learned from textbooks.” (Source: Frank, Phillip. Einstein, His Life and Times. Boston: De Capo Press, 2002.) Unfortunately, all traditional universities have devolved into the learning of facts, and often, the teaching of facts that are not even facts. For example, even though I attended so-called top-tier universities, I later discovered that 95% of the “facts” I learned about the monetary system and about the gold standard in school was completely wrong. So not only were the “facts” I learned of zero utility, but they actually were harmful to my understanding of how finance and capital markets actually operate, because they were wrong.

    A journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Mercedes Lynn de Uriarte, taught me one of my most valuable lessons in life at a young age. In my elective graduate-level journalism class, which consisted of a small group of about a dozen students, 11 of the 12 or so students always seemed to reach a consensus on most debated topics and would always jump all over the one student that had a differing opinion from the rest of us. Dr. Uriarte admonished all of us for ganging up on the one dissenting voice, pointing out that a room full of people with consenting opinions could often leave everyone blind, and that the one person that offered a dissenting voice was the most valuable person in the room. She lauded the one dissenting voice, right or wrong, for his was the only one that challenged the rest of us to exercise our brains, develop our critical thinking skills, and defend our positions on a regular basis. In fact, on the same day I posted this very article on my SmartKnowledgeU blog, ZeroHedge posted this video of a Yale University student, Jerelyn Luther, that literally screamed at a professor because she believed, of the professor, “It’s your job to create a place of comfort and home for the students”. Um, no it isn’t, confused student. If you truly believe that it’s the job of a professor to create a place of comfort and home for you, then you should have never pursued a learning experience and you should have just stayed within the sheltered confines and comfort of your parent’s home. The job of the professor, as so aptly pointed out by Dr. Uriarte, is to provide a learning environment that challenges, not coddles to, the comfort level of all students and develops their critical thinking skills.


    If you take the time to examine the radical shifts happening in wealth distribution in every country in the world today, there is no doubt that something is fundamentally wrong with the pillars of capital markets, banking and money in every nation today. According to studies conducted by Oxfam, in 2010 the richest 388 people owned the same wealth as half of the entire world. By 2015, this number had shrunk to just 80 people. And by 2016, Oxfam has predicted, using current data, that the richest 1% of people will own the same wealth as the rest of the 7.3 billion people in the entire world. Obviously these massive disparities in wealth are not happening because of hard work. There is no way 1% of the entire world can hoard as much wealth as 7.3 billion people just by working hard, as some of the privileged recipients of this massive wealth redistribution cycle, like Australian mining magnate Gina Rinehart, would have us foolishly believe.


    So what does wealth inequality have to do with education and our SmartWealth Academy? Everything. If you don’t understand why every nation in the world is experiencing, by leaps and bounds, the worst wealth inequality in human history, it is precisely because the knowledge we learn in business-focused school programs is generally of very low utility, and often even very harmful, to our ability to build wealth. There certainly is a very organized effort by the banking and political class to mislead us about how stock markets, commodity markets, real estate markets and real estate markets actually work. I learned this very quickly after graduating from an MBA program and entering the global banking industry, when I learned that nothing operated in the real world as I was taught to believe it did during my immersion in my classroom “education” environment.


    None of us will never learn the truth about how financial markets truly operate in any traditional academic classroom in the world, because the richest people in the world fund universities and colleges and they do not want us to learn these truths, because such truths plant the seeds of dissent, revolution and freedom. Most people do not even understand that Industrialists implemented mass institutional schooling during the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s to early 1800s as a means to fulfill their need for a steady mass supply of obedient and compliant workers to fill their factories. If you realize that this was the original intent of mass schooling, then it becomes infinitely easier to connect the dots and not to rest on the false and hollow laurels of graduating from a top-tier school as one’s answer in ever debate as to why one is correct and one’s opponent is wrong. Unfortunately, most teachers today do not even realize that they are complicit partners in an academic system designed to strip away critical thinking skills and instead replace critical thought, ingenuity and creativity with blind obedience and compliance to authority. Of course, there are always outstanding teachers and gifted students that survive and flourish within the academic system despite its social conditioning goals of instilling blind obedience and compliance to authority.


    No school should ever have a “gifted” program that separates students that teachers have identified as having more potential, from students that teachers believe to have less potential. Every teacher, if they were educating their students properly and encouraging the development of their critical thinking skills and creativity, would realize that every single one of his or her students is gifted, and they would not create a false and artificial distinction between “gifted” and non-gifted students. Universities often spit out students that think in alarmingly similar terms instead of producing students with a diversity of opinions, thoughts, and ideas. Though they exist, is indeed the rare student and rare teacher that successfully finds a way to overcome the extremely stifling limitations of traditional academic curricula to allow a student’s creativity to blossom. I have no doubt that if our high schools, universities, colleges and graduate programs encouraged real thought and education and fostered classroom environments that encouraged creativity and divergent thinking and allowed students to customize their own curricula that awakened their passions instead of killed them, that every year, universities around the world would graduate 100 Steve Jobs, 100 Elon Musks, 100 Jeff Bezoses, and 100 Herve Hoppenots. Instead, traditional brick and mortar academic institutions fail miserably today to educate and inspire us.


    In many cases, the institutional academic institution stops innovation dead in its tracks at its most basic level, when it is just an idea, never granting this idea the room to breathe and blossom and crushing all dissent to an accepted consensus. Unfortunately, innovation does not grow from consensus or an accepted methodology, but rather from radical, unproven ideas and from the ether of the unknown, the unchallenged and the realm of the previously impossible. When new ideas and beliefs are ridiculed, instead of tested and explored, we wallow in stagnant waters that kill creativity and innovation. Far too often today, I have found people dismiss any idea that clashes with their own beliefs without giving any credence that this new idea may be correct. And traditional academic education is largely responsible for this inflexible, privileged mindset in which we fail to ever challenge our current beliefs as possibly being erroneous. Just read the comments on YouTube of the below embedded video, and I am almost certain that there will at least be a smattering of comments that proves that our academic system churns out inflexible mindsets that hate to be challenged.


    As an illustration of this point, let’s briefly explore an article I wrote on my SmartKnowledgeU blog more than five years ago that academics, and especially university economic professors, absolutely ridiculed at the time I wrote it. Because I predicted economic conditions in America four years into the future back then, and it is now 5 years later, we can now determine, with the benefit of hindsight, if I was right or if the university economic professors were correct in ridiculing my sentiments, without exploring even the slightest possibility that they would be wrong and I would be right. Here is the link to my article, “Delaying a College Education in this Economy is the Right Choice”, so you can read this article for yourself if you would like to do so. In any event, during the time I wrote that article, in May of 2010, US President Obama and dozens of American university economic professors were stating that the US economic recovery was well on its way, following the 2008 economic crisis, referencing job creation reports, housing start data, and the recovering US stock market as “proof” that the job market would be outstanding for university graduates in just a few years.


    In stark contrast to this delusional viewpoint, I analyzed the data that the President and economic professors were quoting to build their argument of a strongly recovering economy, found the “official” government data of key economic indicators they were using to be highly suspect and greatly manipulated to build a false narrative, and therefore concluded the following. Here is a direct quote from my 2010 article:


    “Since college students are already likely to end up living back at home with their parents after they graduate, as the job horizon will appear no better in four years than it is today (unless you believe the drivel of government officials and economists), why not spend that time immersed in self-education of how the financial and monetary systems really work? In the process, students will save their parents tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, in tuition and save themselves the fate of being a sheep led to the slaughter by banking shills like Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Krugman and Jeffrey Sachs. Furthermore, students will be much better prepared to face the ongoing global economic crisis from not only a financial perspective but also from an educational perspective.”

    I recall giving a couple of public speeches about this topic in Asia in 2010, and I was again ridiculed by a few economic professors in attendance. There were also many that supported my viewpoint, but I want to emphasize that career academics were often the ones that most strongly opposed me and were the quickest to insist that my viewpoints were foolish and wrong. Their blind acceptance of “official” US data that produced a consensus view that the US economy was getting much better led to their vehement opposition of the points I made above. As I had already analyzed the “official” data, I informed them that the official data was highly manipulated to paint a picture that bankers and politicians wanted to sell the public, and I even offered to explain, by using unemployment and GDP statistics, of how greatly these official statistics were manipulated away from any version of reality.


    Instead of being interested in my non-consensus view, these professors stated that my views were very dangerous, because they might actually succeed in convincing potential students to delay college for four years and prevent them from entering, in their words, what they were certain would be, “one of the best job markets in US history”. These professors scolded me and told me that I would be responsible for ruining these student’s lives by preventing them from being ready to take advantage of one of the best US job markets in recent history. In fact, these professors were extremely upset that I even dared to challenge their views, because they were the self-anointed “authority” in such matters. To counter their arguments, my advice was never for the students to sleep all day, lie in bed and watch Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and House of Cards during all of their waking hours. My advice was for students to forego a four-year traditional university education and to spend that time engaging in self-education, concentrating on the subjects that would serve them and enable them to thrive in a continuing poor economy. I guess these professors believed that they were the only ones capable of providing students with this type of real education, even though history has proven these types of professors to be very rare at any traditional institution of academia.


    If these professors truly believed that the only classroom that mattered in a person’s educational life was a brick and mortar classroom, then they should not be teaching. Tell William Kamkwamba, a kid that grew up in a small Malawi African village that was completely off the grid, and who built 3 windmills from gathering adhesive from blue gum trees and foraging public dumps for PVC tubes, car and bicycle parts, that the only classroom that matters is a traditional one. For William Kamkwamba, the most important classroom was a virtual one that existed in his imagination. The 3 windmills young William built in the classroom of life have put his village on the grid today by generating enough electricity to light several light bulbs in his family’s house, power radios and a TV, charge his neighbors’ cellphones, and pump water for the village’s fields and homes. However, this was not only the case for William in his small village in Malawi, but this was most definitely the case for yours truly who attended an Ivy League university and top graduate programs. By far, the greatest amount of my real learning and valuable attained knowledge occurred outside, not inside of, the brick and mortar classroom.


    Here we are 5 years later in 2015 and here are the facts regarding my so-called“dangerous” advice that I provided in 2010. According to data gathered by David Pasch of Generation Opportunity, a non-profit organization that promotes economic opportunity in America, “If you look at the numbers starting in 2009, we’ve been in the longest sustained period of unemployment since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began collecting their data following World War II. This misconception that [the millienial generation] doesn’t want jobs or that we’re lazy and entitled is nonsense.” Pasch states matter-of- factly that millennials are receiving lower earnings compared with the nation’s median income, versus people of that age a decade ago. If you simply watch our SmartKnowledgeU_Vlog_009: Why It’s Such a Struggle to Make Ends Meet, you will actually discover that the reality of lower earnings is actually much more horrifying than it appears to be on the surface. Pasch continues: “We find that because of the difficulties facing millennials, they are delaying these important life decisions, like getting married, buying a home, starting a family.” A 25-year-old young American woman who recently earned a master degree is waitressing and sharing an apartment with a friend in Washington, D.C., while looking for a job better suited to her qualifications. She told Newseek magazine “It’s hard. They don’t want to pay you extra for your master’s. There are enough people with master’s degrees that they can require them.”

    The fact that my stance turned out to be correct and the stance of many academic professors in 2010 could have not turned out to be any more wrong speaks much more to the fact that the “knowledge” many economics professors are teaching in schools around the world today is simply wrong. Even worse than the fact that this knowledge will hurt the ability of the students they are teaching to survive our current global currency wars is the fact that these professors are typically inflexible to even the possibility that they could be wrong. Understand the right knowledge, and anyone, even a 6-year old, could have predicted the same things I correctly predicted back in 2010. Remain close-minded, and teach this same level of close-mindedness about economic concepts, and these professors will unfortunately lead their students down a path of ignorance and blind obedience to tyrannical authority in the future.


    The staff at the Carnevale Center at Georgetown recently stated that having a high school degree used to be enough to make it into the middle class, but that the bar is being set much higher today. They state that today’s generation is “the first generation that needs to have a college degree and experience to compete, before they even enter the workforce.” I highly disagree with this statement. The younger generation does not need a college degree to compete at all. The younger generation does not need MORE institutional classroom education of low utility, but it is in dire need of the right education to compete. But it is not just the younger generation that is indeed of real knowledge to survive. The older generation also needs the right education to understand how to properly preserve and grow the wealth they’ve saved as we enter a period of time in which the top 0.1% of every nation is seizing the entire nation’s wealth for only themselves. The older generation needs the right knowledge to know how to compete in a system that is rigged against them from the very start.


    It is for this very reason that I spent the past 10 years of my life designing the SmartWealth Academy to demonstrate to every student that he or she is gifted enough to accomplish whatever he or she desires in life, despite perhaps having been negatively reinforced multiple times as he or she passed through the academic system with the false notion that he or she was not smart enough. To learn more about our soon-to-be-launched SmartWealth Academy, how you can nominate a student for a free SmartWealth Academy scholarship, and win a free membership for yourself, please watch the video below.



    please click on the image above to watch the video


    About the Author: JS Kim is the founder and managing director of SmartKnowledgeU, a fiercely independent research, consulting and education firm focused on helping Main Street understand and avoid the fraud of Wall Street by exposing the fraud of the global banking industry. This year our fee-based services have managed to return positive yields ytd by strategically shorting gold and silver markets and US stock markets. Don’t forget to sign up for our free SmartKnowledgeU newsletter and subscribe to our SmartKnowledgeU YouTube channel to keep up-to-date with our market views.

  • The Problem With Education Today, by JS Kim

    We will be introducing the SmartKnowledgeU SmartWealth Academy before the end of this year as an alternate and competitive education choice to not only all college and university business and all graduate MBA programs but also as an alternate choice to typical professional continuing education programs such as Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Financial Analyst programs, all of which we believe have very low utility in contributing to sound financial plans to cope with the ongoing Central Banking currency wars.


    What is the SmartWealth Academy? The SmartWealth Academy is an online academy that I designed to make much of the current traditional business curricula taught in brick and mortar classrooms today entirely irrelevant. Education is one of the most important determinants of financial success in life. Yet, even though I attended an Ivy League university in America and earned two Masters degrees, an MBA and a Master in Public Policy, were I 18-years-old again and just entering college, I would quite happily choose to forego both my Ivy League university education and any knowledge I gained during the course of my two Master degrees. Why? Today, academia has devolved into much more of a business and a social conditioning lab experiment than an education lab that produces educated young men and women. I designed the SmartWealth Academy to return education back to a purpose that is has not served in over a century– preparing boys and girls, young men and young women, and adult men and adult women with all the requisite knowledge necessary to understand, cope with, and prosper from the extreme socioeconomic paradigm shifts we are experiencing today, a mission that traditional academia miserably fails to accomplish. Today, my understanding of financial markets is so superior to my level of understanding at the time I earned my MBA, that I now realize that no traditional schooling at all would have left me in a far better position to understand how global financial markets truly operated and how to truly preserve and build wealth during the course of my lifetime. Instead, I had to waste several years of my life just deprogramming myself from the ridiculous garbage I learned in my MBA program and to rid myself of the inflexible mindset that my professors had programmed into me before I could even truly start to learn the truths I am aware of today.


    The dirty secret of the business academic world is that all the economic theory, marketing theory, accounting theory and statistical models they teach us in brick and mortar classrooms have very low utility in contributing to financial success later in life, though it certainly helps to provide for the multi-million dollar salaries of top University Presidents today. For example, the median earnings of alumni from my alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania, was reported at $78,000 a year in 2015. Comparatively speaking, University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann raked in in over $2.8 million in salary in 2014, or about 36 times the median earning of a Penn graduate. This, despite, the fact that nearly all university business programs don’t reveal any relevant knowledge about the inner workings and mechanisms of asset prices in capital markets today, but instead still feed students that pay up to $100,000 a year for MBA degrees, outdated curricula and theory that no longer apply to a world that has radically changed due to technological developments such as dark pools and HFT algorithms that provide bankers with excessive competitive advantages not only over their clients, but also with advantages to conceal bankers’ theft from their clients. I have always conceded that degrees offering specialized knowledge in medicine, architecture, engineering, etc. are still valuable, but as far as traditional business degrees are concerned, I find little value in these bloviated, low-utility degrees.


    In fact, more than five years ago, I wrote a 3-part series titled “The Astounding Failure of the US Educational System” and followed that series up with a 2011 article titled, “Everything I Learned About Succeeding in Business, I Learned Outside of the University Education System.”


    Reactions of disdain from many business school professors regarding these series of articles only reinforced my belief that most professors working within the confines of traditional brick and mortar classroom business curricula were inflexible, set in their ways, and shut off to the possibility that they contributed very little to their students’ understanding of how today’s opaque financial markets truly operate.


    I had concluded, after graduating from a top 15 MBA program in the US and a top 5 university, that the theory and case studies I learned in business school simply were not applicable to real world situations. Learning about the concepts of dark pools, high frequency trading algorithms, fractional reserve banking, the differences between sound money and unsound money, Central Bankers’ managed perceptions of asset price behavior, cognitive dissonance, and social conditioning, all topics that were self-taught outside the brick and mortar classrooms of business school, were integral in my ability to eventually free myself from the deceitful web of compliance and ignorance in which my traditional education had successfully entangled me. Albert Einstein once stated, “The value of an education … is not the learning of many facts, but the training of the mind to think something that cannot be learned from textbooks.” (Source: Frank, Phillip. Einstein, His Life and Times. Boston: De Capo Press, 2002.) Unfortunately, all traditional universities have devolved into the learning of facts, and often, the teaching of facts that are not even facts. For example, even though I attended so-called top-tier universities, I later discovered that 95% of the “facts” I learned about the monetary system and about the gold standard in school was completely wrong. So not only were the “facts” I learned of zero utility, but they actually were harmful to my understanding of how finance and capital markets actually operate, because they were wrong.

    A journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Mercedes Lynn de Uriarte, taught me one of my most valuable lessons in life at a young age. In my elective graduate-level journalism class, which consisted of a small group of about a dozen students, 11 of the 12 or so students always seemed to reach a consensus on most debated topics and would always jump all over the one student that had a differing opinion from the rest of us. Dr. Uriarte admonished all of us for ganging up on the one dissenting voice, pointing out that a room full of people with consenting opinions could often leave everyone blind, and that the one person that offered a dissenting voice was the most valuable person in the room. She lauded the one dissenting voice, right or wrong, for his was the only one that challenged the rest of us to exercise our brains, develop our critical thinking skills, and defend our positions on a regular basis. In fact, on the same day I posted this very article on my SmartKnowledgeU blog, ZeroHedge posted this video of a Yale University student, Jerelyn Luther, that literally screamed at a professor because she believed, of the professor, “It’s your job to create a place of comfort and home for the students”. Um, no it isn’t, confused student. If you truly believe that it’s the job of a professor to create a place of comfort and home for you, then you should have never pursued a learning experience and you should have just stayed within the sheltered confines and comfort of your parent’s home. The job of the professor, as so aptly pointed out by Dr. Uriarte, is to provide a learning environment that challenges, not coddles to, the comfort level of all students and develops their critical thinking skills.


    If you take the time to examine the radical shifts happening in wealth distribution in every country in the world today, there is no doubt that something is fundamentally wrong with the pillars of capital markets, banking and money in every nation today. According to studies conducted by Oxfam, in 2010 the richest 388 people owned the same wealth as half of the entire world. By 2015, this number had shrunk to just 80 people. And by 2016, Oxfam has predicted, using current data, that the richest 1% of people will own the same wealth as the rest of the 7.3 billion people in the entire world. Obviously these massive disparities in wealth are not happening because of hard work. There is no way 1% of the entire world can hoard as much wealth as 7.3 billion people just by working hard, as some of the privileged recipients of this massive wealth redistribution cycle, like Australian mining magnate Gina Rinehart, would have us foolishly believe.


    So what does wealth inequality have to do with education and our SmartWealth Academy? Everything. If you don’t understand why every nation in the world is experiencing, by leaps and bounds, the worst wealth inequality in human history, it is precisely because the knowledge we learn in business-focused school programs is generally of very low utility, and often even very harmful, to our ability to build wealth. There certainly is a very organized effort by the banking and political class to mislead us about how stock markets, commodity markets, real estate markets and real estate markets actually work. I learned this very quickly after graduating from an MBA program and entering the global banking industry, when I learned that nothing operated in the real world as I was taught to believe it did during my immersion in my classroom “education” environment.


    None of us will never learn the truth about how financial markets truly operate in any traditional academic classroom in the world, because the richest people in the world fund universities and colleges and they do not want us to learn these truths, because such truths plant the seeds of dissent, revolution and freedom. Most people do not even understand that Industrialists implemented mass institutional schooling during the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s to early 1800s as a means to fulfill their need for a steady mass supply of obedient and compliant workers to fill their factories. If you realize that this was the original intent of mass schooling, then it becomes infinitely easier to connect the dots and not to rest on the false and hollow laurels of graduating from a top-tier school as one’s answer in ever debate as to why one is correct and one’s opponent is wrong. Unfortunately, most teachers today do not even realize that they are complicit partners in an academic system designed to strip away critical thinking skills and instead replace critical thought, ingenuity and creativity with blind obedience and compliance to authority. Of course, there are always outstanding teachers and gifted students that survive and flourish within the academic system despite its social conditioning goals of instilling blind obedience and compliance to authority.


    No school should ever have a “gifted” program that separates students that teachers have identified as having more potential, from students that teachers believe to have less potential. Every teacher, if they were educating their students properly and encouraging the development of their critical thinking skills and creativity, would realize that every single one of his or her students is gifted, and they would not create a false and artificial distinction between “gifted” and non-gifted students. Universities often spit out students that think in alarmingly similar terms instead of producing students with a diversity of opinions, thoughts, and ideas. Though they exist, is indeed the rare student and rare teacher that successfully finds a way to overcome the extremely stifling limitations of traditional academic curricula to allow a student’s creativity to blossom. I have no doubt that if our high schools, universities, colleges and graduate programs encouraged real thought and education and fostered classroom environments that encouraged creativity and divergent thinking and allowed students to customize their own curricula that awakened their passions instead of killed them, that every year, universities around the world would graduate 100 Steve Jobs, 100 Elon Musks, 100 Jeff Bezoses, and 100 Herve Hoppenots. Instead, traditional brick and mortar academic institutions fail miserably today to educate and inspire us.


    In many cases, the institutional academic institution stops innovation dead in its tracks at its most basic level, when it is just an idea, never granting this idea the room to breathe and blossom and crushing all dissent to an accepted consensus. Unfortunately, innovation does not grow from consensus or an accepted methodology, but rather from radical, unproven ideas and from the ether of the unknown, the unchallenged and the realm of the previously impossible. When new ideas and beliefs are ridiculed, instead of tested and explored, we wallow in stagnant waters that kill creativity and innovation. Far too often today, I have found people dismiss any idea that clashes with their own beliefs without giving any credence that this new idea may be correct. And traditional academic education is largely responsible for this inflexible, privileged mindset in which we fail to ever challenge our current beliefs as possibly being erroneous. Just read the comments on YouTube of the below embedded video, and I am almost certain that there will at least be a smattering of comments that proves that our academic system churns out inflexible mindsets that hate to be challenged.


    As an illustration of this point, let’s briefly explore an article I wrote on my SmartKnowledgeU blog more than five years ago that academics, and especially university economic professors, absolutely ridiculed at the time I wrote it. Because I predicted economic conditions in America four years into the future back then, and it is now 5 years later, we can now determine, with the benefit of hindsight, if I was right or if the university economic professors were correct in ridiculing my sentiments, without exploring even the slightest possibility that they would be wrong and I would be right. Here is the link to my article, “Delaying a College Education in this Economy is the Right Choice”, so you can read this article for yourself if you would like to do so. In any event, during the time I wrote that article, in May of 2010, US President Obama and dozens of American university economic professors were stating that the US economic recovery was well on its way, following the 2008 economic crisis, referencing job creation reports, housing start data, and the recovering US stock market as “proof” that the job market would be outstanding for university graduates in just a few years.


    In stark contrast to this delusional viewpoint, I analyzed the data that the President and economic professors were quoting to build their argument of a strongly recovering economy, found the “official” government data of key economic indicators they were using to be highly suspect and greatly manipulated to build a false narrative, and therefore concluded the following. Here is a direct quote from my 2010 article:


    “Since college students are already likely to end up living back at home with their parents after they graduate, as the job horizon will appear no better in four years than it is today (unless you believe the drivel of government officials and economists), why not spend that time immersed in self-education of how the financial and monetary systems really work? In the process, students will save their parents tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, in tuition and save themselves the fate of being a sheep led to the slaughter by banking shills like Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Krugman and Jeffrey Sachs. Furthermore, students will be much better prepared to face the ongoing global economic crisis from not only a financial perspective but also from an educational perspective.”

    I recall giving a couple of public speeches about this topic in Asia in 2010, and I was again ridiculed by a few economic professors in attendance. There were also many that supported my viewpoint, but I want to emphasize that career academics were often the ones that most strongly opposed me and were the quickest to insist that my viewpoints were foolish and wrong. Their blind acceptance of “official” US data that produced a consensus view that the US economy was getting much better led to their vehement opposition of the points I made above. As I had already analyzed the “official” data, I informed them that the official data was highly manipulated to paint a picture that bankers and politicians wanted to sell the public, and I even offered to explain, by using unemployment and GDP statistics, of how greatly these official statistics were manipulated away from any version of reality.


    Instead of being interested in my non-consensus view, these professors stated that my views were very dangerous, because they might actually succeed in convincing potential students to delay college for four years and prevent them from entering, in their words, what they were certain would be, “one of the best job markets in US history”. These professors scolded me and told me that I would be responsible for ruining these student’s lives by preventing them from being ready to take advantage of one of the best US job markets in recent history. In fact, these professors were extremely upset that I even dared to challenge their views, because they were the self-anointed “authority” in such matters. To counter their arguments, my advice was never for the students to sleep all day, lie in bed and watch Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and House of Cards during all of their waking hours. My advice was for students to forego a four-year traditional university education and to spend that time engaging in self-education, concentrating on the subjects that would serve them and enable them to thrive in a continuing poor economy. I guess these professors believed that they were the only ones capable of providing students with this type of real education, even though history has proven these types of professors to be very rare at any traditional institution of academia.


    If these professors truly believed that the only classroom that mattered in a person’s educational life was a brick and mortar classroom, then they should not be teaching. Tell William Kamkwamba, a kid that grew up in a small Malawi African village that was completely off the grid, and who built 3 windmills from gathering adhesive from blue gum trees and foraging public dumps for PVC tubes, car and bicycle parts, that the only classroom that matters is a traditional one. For William Kamkwamba, the most important classroom was a virtual one that existed in his imagination. The 3 windmills young William built in the classroom of life have put his village on the grid today by generating enough electricity to light several light bulbs in his family’s house, power radios and a TV, charge his neighbors’ cellphones, and pump water for the village’s fields and homes. However, this was not only the case for William in his small village in Malawi, but this was most definitely the case for yours truly who attended an Ivy League university and top graduate programs. By far, the greatest amount of my real learning and valuable attained knowledge occurred outside, not inside of, the brick and mortar classroom.


    Here we are 5 years later in 2015 and here are the facts regarding my so-called“dangerous” advice that I provided in 2010. According to data gathered by David Pasch of Generation Opportunity, a non-profit organization that promotes economic opportunity in America, “If you look at the numbers starting in 2009, we’ve been in the longest sustained period of unemployment since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began collecting their data following World War II. This misconception that [the millienial generation] doesn’t want jobs or that we’re lazy and entitled is nonsense.” Pasch states matter-of- factly that millennials are receiving lower earnings compared with the nation’s median income, versus people of that age a decade ago. If you simply watch our SmartKnowledgeU_Vlog_009: Why It’s Such a Struggle to Make Ends Meet, you will actually discover that the reality of lower earnings is actually much more horrifying than it appears to be on the surface. Pasch continues: “We find that because of the difficulties facing millennials, they are delaying these important life decisions, like getting married, buying a home, starting a family.” A 25-year-old young American woman who recently earned a master degree is waitressing and sharing an apartment with a friend in Washington, D.C., while looking for a job better suited to her qualifications. She told Newseek magazine “It’s hard. They don’t want to pay you extra for your master’s. There are enough people with master’s degrees that they can require them.”

    The fact that my stance turned out to be correct and the stance of many academic professors in 2010 could have not turned out to be any more wrong speaks much more to the fact that the “knowledge” many economics professors are teaching in schools around the world today is simply wrong. Even worse than the fact that this knowledge will hurt the ability of the students they are teaching to survive our current global currency wars is the fact that these professors are typically inflexible to even the possibility that they could be wrong. Understand the right knowledge, and anyone, even a 6-year old, could have predicted the same things I correctly predicted back in 2010. Remain close-minded, and teach this same level of close-mindedness about economic concepts, and these professors will unfortunately lead their students down a path of ignorance and blind obedience to tyrannical authority in the future.


    The staff at the Carnevale Center at Georgetown recently stated that having a high school degree used to be enough to make it into the middle class, but that the bar is being set much higher today. They state that today’s generation is “the first generation that needs to have a college degree and experience to compete, before they even enter the workforce.” I highly disagree with this statement. The younger generation does not need a college degree to compete at all. The younger generation does not need MORE institutional classroom education of low utility, but it is in dire need of the right education to compete. But it is not just the younger generation that is indeed of real knowledge to survive. The older generation also needs the right education to understand how to properly preserve and grow the wealth they’ve saved as we enter a period of time in which the top 0.1% of every nation is seizing the entire nation’s wealth for only themselves. The older generation needs the right knowledge to know how to compete in a system that is rigged against them from the very start.


    It is for this very reason that I spent the past 10 years of my life designing the SmartWealth Academy to demonstrate to every student that he or she is gifted enough to accomplish whatever he or she desires in life, despite perhaps having been negatively reinforced multiple times as he or she passed through the academic system with the false notion that he or she was not smart enough. To learn more about our soon-to-be-launched SmartWealth Academy, how you can nominate a student for a free SmartWealth Academy scholarship, and win a free membership for yourself, please watch the video below.



    please click on the image above to watch the video


    About the Author: JS Kim is the founder and managing director of SmartKnowledgeU, a fiercely independent research, consulting and education firm focused on helping Main Street understand and avoid the fraud of Wall Street by exposing the fraud of the global banking industry. This year our fee-based services have managed to return positive yields ytd by strategically shorting gold and silver markets and US stock markets. Don’t forget to sign up for our free SmartKnowledgeU newsletter and subscribe to our SmartKnowledgeU YouTube channel to keep up-to-date with our market views.

  • Paul Craig Roberts: "The Matrix" Extends Its Reach

    Submitted by Paul Craig Roberts,

    The remnant of the American left has again fallen in with the official terror story of the Paris attacks, because the official story serves the left-wing’s denunciatory needs. I see that the Russians as well are on board with the official story as it serves their posture that we must all unite against terrorism. Amazing. Washington can rely on the world’s total blindness.

    Within one hour of the Paris attacks and without any evidence, the story was set in stone that the perpetrator was ISIL. This is the way propaganda works.

    When the West does it, it always succeeds, because the world is accustomed to following the lead of the West. I was amazed to see, for example, Russian news services helping to spread the official story of the Paris attacks despite Russia herself having suffered so often from planted false stories.

    Has the Russian media forgotten MH-17? The minute the story was reported that the Malaysian airliner was hit by a Russian missile over eastern Ukraine in the hands of separatists, the blame was ascribed to Russia. And that is where the blame remains despite the absence of evidence.


    Has the Russian media also forgotten the “Russian invasion of Ukraine”? This preposterous story is accepted everywhere in the West as gospel.


    Has the Russian media forgot about the book by the German newspaper editor who wrote that every European journalist of consequence was an asset of the CIA?

    One would have thought that experience would have taught Russian media sources to be careful about explanations that originate in the West.

    So now we have what is likely to be another false story set in stone. Just as a few Saudis with box cutters outwitted the entire US national security state, ISIL managed to acquire unacquirable weapons and outwit French intelligence while organizing a series of attacks in Paris.

    Why did ISIL do this? Blowback for France’s small role in Washington’s Middle East violence? Why not the US instead?

    Or was ISIL’s purpose to have the flow of refugees into Europe blocked by closed borders? Does ISIL really want to keep all of its opponents in Syria and Iraq when instead it can drive them out to Europe? Why have to kill or control millions of people by preventing their flight?

    Don’t expect any explanations or questions from the media about the story that is set in stone.

    The threat to the European political establishment is not ISIL. The threats are the rising anti-EU, anti-immigrant political parties: Pegida in Germany, the UK Independence Party, and the National Front in France. The latest poll shows the National Front’s Marine Le Pen leading as the likely French president.

    Something had to be done about the hordes of refugees from Washington’s wars, or the establishment political parties faced defeat at the hands of political parties that are also unfriendly to Europe’s subservience to Washington.

    EU rules about refugees and immigrants and Germany’s acceptance of one million of the refugees, together with heavy criticism of those governments in Eastern Europe that wanted to put up fences to keep out the refugees, made closing borders impossible.

    With the Paris terror attacks, what was impossible became possible, and the President of France immediately announced the closing of France’s borders. The border closings will spread. The main issue of the rising dissident political parties will be defused. The EU will be safe, and so will Washington’s sovereignty over Europe.

    Whether or not the Paris attacks were a false flag operation for the purpose of obtaining these results, these results are the consequences of the attacks. These results serve the interests of the European political establishment and Washington.

    Is ISIL so unsophisticated not to have realized that? If ISIL is that unsophisticated, how did ISIL so easily deceive French intelligence? Indeed, can French intelligence be intelligent?

    Can Western peoples be so unintelligent to fall for a story set in stone prior to any evidence? In the West, facts are created by self-serving statements from governments. Investigation is not part of the process. When 90 percent of the US media is owned by six mega-corporations, it cannot be any different.

    As The Matrix grows in the absurdity of its claims, it nevertheless manages to become even more invulnerable.

  • An Infographic Look At Russia's Advanced Anti-Aircraft Missile Defense System

    A few days ago, The Daily Mail reported that Moscow had deployed S-400 air defense systems to Latakia. Here was the “proof”:

    And here’s some color from the article:

    Vladimir Putin has deployed an advanced anti-aircraft missile defense system to Syria with a range capable of taking down jets as far away as Tel Aviv. 


    The Russian military released photographs of the S-400 Air Defense System, known to NATO as SA-21 ‘Growler’, at the Latakia Airbase on the Syrian coast.


    The advanced missile system, which is understood to have a maximum range of 250 miles is capable of bringing down an aircraft at a maximum altitude of 90,000 feet – which is more than twice the height of a cruising passenger airliner.


    Russian analyst Yury Barmin said on Twitter: ‘Alleged S400 complex radar was spotted at the Russian air base in Latakia. Another “accidental” leak by Russia’s MoD. 


    ‘By deploying S400 to Latakia, Russia sends signal to Turkey and Israel but also creates a shield over Syria’s coastal areas.’


    The S-400 is also able to intercept cruise missiles and other potential airborne threats. 


    It is also believed to be a major threat to military aircraft such as the RAF Tornado and the US Air Force F-15 and F-16.

    The obvious implication there is that Russia has built up its capabilities at Latakia in order to threaten US, British, and now perhaps French fighter jets and maybe even to deter Israel from targeting Hezbollah.

    On the one hand, it’s not exactly like ISIS has an air force, but then again, do you really want to roll out your military hardware, build an airbase, and not have the capability to defend it when there are multiple nations (some of which are hostile) flying combat missions in the same country? 

    In any event, the Russian Defense Ministry has denied reports that there are S-400s in Syria. Here’s what Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov told foreign reporters visiting the base: 

    “You had the opportunity to see everything here with your own eyes…There are no S-400s here, and never have been.


    Before attempting to scare the British public and the world with the deployment of our S-400 air defense system here, they should have consulted Wikipedia or the site of the Russian defense ministry as to how this system looks like.”

    Well, because we’d hate for readers to get a similar scolding from Konashenkov, we present the following infographic which should tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the S-400:

  • Guest Post: Gold, Oil, & 'Grandmaster' Putin's Trap

    Via The Oriental Review,

    In December of last year we published an intriguing article by Dmitry Kalinichenko, “Grandmaster Putin’s Trap,” which has drawn far more attention from readers than we ever expected. It continues to be cited by many international political and economic experts. That article addressed Russia’s latent strategy to get rid of US bonds and use its petrodollars to buy monetary gold. It seemed for a while that the ruble’s nosedive late last year, coupled with the Kremlin’s reduced fiscal space, has left Moscow unable to pursue its plan to permanently diversify the international financial system. Nevertheless, taking a look at 2015, it turned out that Putin’s strategy is working quite well.

    Due to invisible market’s hand the gold-to-oil price ratio has more than doubled in the past two years. While in May 2014 it costed 12 barrels of oil to buy one ounce of gold, this ratio rose to 26 barrels/ounce in January 2015 (where it currently remains). By lowering the price of oil relative to gold, it looks like Wall Street & London’s City are trying to hamper Russian tactic of buying gold in exchange for oil and natural gas (gas prices are linked to oil via BTU). However, these actions fell short of their goals.

    Declining oil prices and a depreciating national currency have not led to a slowdown in the Bank of Russia’s gold purchases on the domestic market for rubles. Despite threats and sanctions, Russia has continued to add to its gold reserves. Bank of Russia bought a record 171 tons of gold in 2014 and another 120 tons in the first ten months of 2015. Consequently, by Nov. 1, 2015 the Bank of Russia had accumulated a total of 1,200 tons of gold in its reserves, which are officially the fifth largest in the world, although in reality Russia is actually in 4th place, as Germany is allowed to store only one-third of its reserves at home. In fairness it should be noted that China has not provided updated data on its gold reserves since 2009, when it officially possessed 1,054 tons. According to some estimates, Chinese reserves may have tripled since than.


    Monetary gold in Bank of Russia reserves since 1995, in millions US$. Source: CBR.RU


    The year 2014 brought Wall Street yet another unpleasant surprise. Russia emerged as the world’s second biggest gold producer, surpassed only by China. China and Russia’s global leadership in gold mining enables them to create their own currency and trading systems, built on a solid foundation of gold, which will be used by the BRICS countries as a universal unit of account and as a fixed measure of cost.

    Faced with the prospect of having to grapple with a powerful Russian-Chinese gold alliance soon that will call into question the dollar’s future as global reserve currency, the United States has begun to employ all its traditional punitive measures against a country that has dared to challenge America’s financial clout in the world. Ignore all the blather about “democratic values” – these measures are nothing but a way to force Russia to sell gold.

    The Russian people have heard Washington’s ultimatum and understand it perfectly: the US has imposed sanctions in order to oust the legitimate and democratically elected government in Moscow. But not surprisingly, the sanctions levied by the US against the Russian public – at great cost to the EU – have had the opposite effect. Russians have rallied around their nation’s leader, and China and Russia are now closer than ever before. The foreign policy of dictatorship of unmitigated arrogance, so fecklessly conducted by Washington, has had the expected consequences. By habitually and universally replacing the force of law with the right of force, the US has bungled away all of the political capital and credibility it had previously earned among the Russian and Chinese public.

    It is China’s support of Russia’s position that is neutralizing all of Washington’s attempts to lean on Moscow. Even if Russia is forced to sell gold, it will sell it … to China, meaning that it will remain within the “gold alliance.” It is noteworthy that President Xi Jinping’s September visit to the US has not led to any substantial agreements. China is well aware that if Washington is able to sever the alliance between Russia and China, the first action of a Russia’s hypothetic pro-US government would be putting an energy garrote on China’s neck. Wall Street needs to colonize Russia first in order to subsequently colonize China. China’s leaders understand this very well. Incidentally, the same fate awaits Europe, which is yet another geopolitical competitor of the US. However, unlike Beijing, Europe’s leaders have not yet figured this out.


    It is important to keep in mind that the dollar’s attacks on gold end always end the same way – in a painful knockout for the dollar. There have been no exceptions to this rule throughout monetary history. Nor will there be this time. Hence the well-known market rule: “Any maximum of the gold price is not the last one.” It would be naive to believe that this golden rule is unknown to that grandmaster of patience, Vladimir Putin, and to Xi Jinping. By systematically increasing their gold reserves, Russia and China are relentlessly moving forward to strip the US dollar of its status as a global reserve currency.

    America’s standard military solution won’t work in this situation. Russia is not Iraq, Libya, or Yugoslavia. Were the US to launch direct aggression against a country like Russia, that would be their last move ever. Therefore, the White House is trying to use radical militants from Muslim and European countries as cannon fodder. There was a time when that approach was more effective. In the mid-twentieth century, Wall Street & London’s City managed to drag Europe into a war against the Soviet Union using their protégé Hitler, whom they had literally brought to power in Germany. Today Ukraine and Syria are the theaters for America’s hot war against Russia, and the European Union is the theater for America’s economic war against Russia (it is noteworthy that while European entrepreneurs are suffering under the sanctions imposed on Russia, their American competitors are busy signing lucrative new deals with Moscow).

    Recently, European countries have begun to realize that Washington is simply conning them. After all, any product is, first and foremost, nothing but energy manifested in the form of a commodity. Taking its cue from America’s geopolitical ambitions, Europe is single-handedly reducing its own level of competitiveness. If we peel away the lofty slogans and declarations about “values” and just consider the dry economics of the matter, everything becomes clear: if the EU is cut off from its supply of cheap Russian energy, in addition to being cut off from the massive Russian market for its goods, Europe will not be able to survive in its present form.

    Wall Street & London’s City, as before, do not know what Putin has in mind. But everyone is quite certain that Putin is up to something, and whatever that is will surprise everyone and advance the interests of Russia and its allies.

    Trying to make sense of Putin’s and his counterpart Xi Jinping’s actions, Bloomberg published an interesting article six months ago about the future of the gold market:

    “It would probably have to be very different than an old gold standard,” Kenneth Hoffman, the Princeton-based head of global metals and mining research at Bloomberg Intelligence… “It wouldn’t be a traditional system where you walk into a bank and you walk out with an ounce of gold. It would have to be something new and different.”

    Predictions by leading Western media outlets about the imminent emergence of a Russian-Chinese alliance to revive the gold standard are heard often enough that they now seem like signals or even calls for such a step, addressed to Moscow and Beijing.

    Back in the 18th century, the philosopher and writer Voltaire stated: “Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero,” and he was absolutely right. There have been many different paper currencies throughout the history of mankind. But all of them, in one way or another, eventually reverted to zero and vanished. Those who lived during the reigns of such historical figures as Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin honestly believed that the currency existing at that time would remain in circulation forever. But not one of those currencies still exists. And all that today’s dollar and ruble have in common with their previous incarnations from 100 years ago is the fact that their names are unchanged.

    The modern dollar and ruble are entirely different currencies, with different purchasing power, and a different appearance. Some currencies die off suddenly, some revert to zero through gradual depreciation, but somehow or other they are all worth nothing in the end. Obviously, the enfeebled US dollar that has lost 98% of its purchasing power in the last 40 years (as just another unsecured pseudo-currency) is already on the brink of its natural devolution to zero.

    This argument is increasingly used by advocates of a return to the gold standard. However, they forget that all gold currencies previously in circulation eventually died just as surely as the paper currencies. Why did this happen, since the gold currencies were secured by the gold they physically contained? Because any gold currency is, first and foremost, a currency with a designated value, not money based on the weight of the gold contained in those coins!

    Gold currencies had a fiat value represented by the denomination embossed on them, which imposed a legal duty on all market players. This duty required that they use all gold coins exclusively as currency, with a face value specified and assigned by law. But eventually an inevitable inconsistency emerged between the market value of the gold contained in the coin in accordance with its weight vs. the fiat value of the denomination that was embossed on the gold coin itself. This inconsistency has spelled the end for every single form of gold currency throughout humanity’s monetary history. There are no exceptions to this rule, which is well known on Wall Street. It is critically important for that crowd that Russia and China be goaded into minting yet another doomed gold currency. As soon as Russia and (or) China issues such a gold currency, it will be immediately attacked by Soros and other speculators in Wall Street’s pocket like him. Whatever the face value, in rubles or yuan, that is embossed on the gold currency of Russia or China, after a while that value will begin to diverge from the value of the gold within the coin. It will become profitable for speculators to cyclically exchange paper currency for gold currency, which will deplete the country’s gold reserves and consequently lead to default.

    As the situation currently stands, there is no one in the world who can answer this ostensibly simple question: why, knowing that it is not feasible to mint a gold national currency, are Russia and China continuing the rush to build up their gold reserves? Right now no one in the world knows that…. except Putin himself and his colleague Xi Jinping…

  • College Campuses & "Safe Spaces" – Circling The Drain Of The Sanity Toilet

    Presented with little comment, aside to say, WTF!!!

    Having posted the following rather too honest (and hilarious) cartoon…

    Ben Garrison noted that Facebook has "censored" it from his pages…


    And then Paris happened, which appears to have upset the Social Justice Warriors at The University of Missouri… but not for the reasons you'd expect…

    Black Lives Matter and Mizzou protesters responded to the murder of scores of people in Paris at the hands of Islamic extremists by complaining about losing the spotlight and saying their “struggles” were being “erased.” Their struggles, remember, consist of a poop swastika of unknown provenance and unsubstantiated claims of racially-charged remarks somewhere near Missouri’s campus.



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    So debased has the language on American campuses become that these incidents, which many observers believe to be hoaxes, just like previous campus scandals celebrated by progressive media, are being referred to as “terrorism” and a “tragedy” by moronic 20-year-olds who have never been told, “No.”

    The creation of this special kind of narcisistic insanity was capttured by one artist…


    All of which implies the endgame for this idiocy unless common-sense somehow re-emerges…



    Source: @GrrrGraphics,, Breitbart

  • Depression Tracker: Brazil Braces For Big Week Of Bad Data

    Late last week, Brazil was back in the spotlight on speculation about the future of embattled finance minister Joaquim Levy. 

    The BRL can’t seem to decide if the uncertainty surrounding a Levy exit should outweigh any optimism around a Henrique Meirelles appointment, and it all comes against the backdrop of Brazil’s stagflationary nightmare that has plunged one of the world’s most important emerging economies into what, on some measures, certainly looks like a depression. 

    To be sure, the pace at which the situation continues to deteriorate in terms of Brazilian economic data has been something to behold and indeed, many fear the combination of rising unemployment and overleveraged households could be a ticking time bomb especially in places like the southern end of Sao Paulo, where, as Bloomberg documented last month, people like 43-year old steelworker Rossini Santos are now relying on unemployment insurance to service debt incurred to buy small homes and cars.

    This week, we’ll get a fresh look at three key Brazilian depression recession trackers: GDP, inflation, and unemployment. Here’s Goldman with the preview and a few charts which serve to underscore the malaise.

    *  *  *

    From Goldman

    The central bank will release on Wednesday the IBC-Br monthly real GDP indicator. We expect real GDP to decline 0.6% mom sa in September; the fourth consecutive monthly decline. This would be consistent with a 1%-plus qoq sa decline in real GDP during 3Q2015, and a contraction of real GDP during 2015 topping 3%. 

    IPCA-15 inflation will be released on Thursday and we forecast a high reading of 0.87%. Our forecast implies headline inflation would come in at a very high 10.3% yoy; which would be the highest print in more than a decade (since Nov 2003). 

    Finally, on Thursday IBGE will release the October labor market report. We expect the unemployment rate to increase to 7.6% in October, up from 4.7% a year ago and the highest print in seasonally adjusted terms since September 2009. We expect the labor market to deteriorate further in 2015 and 2016. 

    *  *  *

    So, running that down, it’s likely we’ll see, i) fourth consecutive monthly decline in GDP, ii) highest inflation print in nearly 11 years, iii) highest seasonally adjusted unemployment since September 2009. 

    As those who’ve followed this story closely may be aware, Goldman’s Alberto Ramos has a way of employing a kind of subtle, deadpan humor when it comes to explaining the situation in Brazil. The sad fact is that when you list all of the country’s problems, it invariably comes across as comical. Case in point:

    The recessionary dynamics are forecasted to extend into 2016. We expect the economy to continue to face strong headwinds from higher interest rates, exigent financing conditions, high inflation, significant labor market deterioration, higher levels of inventory in key industrial sectors, higher public tariffs and taxes, high levels of household indebtedness, weak external demand, soft commodity prices, political uncertainty, and extremely depressed consumer and business confidence.

    On the other hand…

    On the positive side, a more competitive exchange rate and weak domestic demand conditions should gradually lift the contribution of net exports to growth and provide a floor for the expected contraction of real GDP in 2015.

  • "It's Different This Time" Or "Same As It Ever Was"

    Authored by Mark St.Cyr,

    Over the past few years when it’s come to any criticism of business models, valuations, or other concerns encompassing the social media space, along with other dubious “hacking” inspired businesses emanating from Silicon Valley, the immediate rebuttal posed fell along the lines of first being looked as “you just don’t get it” (or just crawled out from under some rock) followed with, “It’s different this time.”

    If one posed any real push back as to move nebulous assertions out from the sky and back into more true ledger accounting? Those “looks” turned into outright disdain, and disgust followed with ridicule as the assertions of “It’s different…” and “You just…” morphed into closing statements as to implicitly cement the questioning door closed. For to go any further, it was a waste of their time and/or breath. After all, why try to prove you’re right when today’s version of the teenage “Because! Just because!” works just as handily.

    Over the past few years that defense has worked splendidly. Only problem? Just like with teenagers; there comes a time it no longer works. This is where the once go-to responses begin to work against – not for. Welcome to same as it ever was. Or, one could say, “Welcome back to reality.” Where nebulous business plans no longer attract attention never-mind – cold hard cash.

    As a matter of fact, what has been recently embraced as some entrepreneurial birthright in Silicon Valley (i.e., VC funding at the whim) seems to be going the way of “Because…” itself.

    You’re not hearing precise reasoning or explanations for it (although the reasons are as clear as day: No QE.) However, what you are beginning to now see are the inevitable storm clouds moving from the horizon, and making landfall. All one needs to do is get their heads out-of-the-clouds and start reading the writing on the walls right in front of them. For the messages they portend are writ large – if one wants to see. Here are a few that have caught my attention…

    A few weeks ago I was watching a Bloomberg™ morning show where the guest was one of social media’s well-known aficionados. (I’m not being coy by not naming, it really doesn’t matter) During the discussion there were a few things that struck me. One was the on air tension. It seemed the more the questioning – the more antagonist or dismissive the retorts became. Another was in response to a question about Twitter™. The response? “Do people even use Twitter any longer?” For he implied he’d already moved from there to another platform. Which in many ways validates what I’ve stated for years and have been publicly scorned for: “When the price is free – loyalty is as enduring as a Unicorn’s balance sheet is real.”

    Another point to ponder is this: Let’s put aside anything IPO for a moment and look directly at the VC funding meme. Remember (for it wasn’t all that long ago) when those in the VC world were being touted as some form of Superheros to the rescue? As a matter of fact one prominent website to this very topic sported a drawing depicting many as just that with capes, costumes, and more.

    It seems that maybe there’s just a few too many seeking their birthright VC money in today’s market environment.

    Just 12 months ago VC firms and others would be hosting “come one – come all” stylized events or meetings as to vet the latest group to be showered with some form of initial funding. The game (as I had written about previously) had morphed into more of a numbers game funded via the hot money provided by the Fed’s ongoing QE policy. i.e., Throw money at all of them, for the IPO’ing of just one will make all sins disappear. However, that meme is showing signs it to is going the way of “its different this time.”

    Today you don’t need to look deep (for it’s everywhere if you want to see.) All you need to do is look. There are articles sporting titles along the lines of “Why you shouldn’t seek VC money” and more. And not from obscure names. Some are from the very people who only months ago were depicting as VC superheros. Quite a shift and peculiar timing one might infer, no?

    So what about “everything social?” After all, social media is the “be all – end all” platform in which all dreams are made (and cashed out.) Again, after all, everyone still instinctively points to Facebook™ as the continuation of promised milk and honey. “Just look at their stock price!” is shouted. Another is “Just look at mobile: they’re killing it!” “You don’t understand: it’s different this time!” Sure it is. All I’ll point to for a contrasting argument is AOL™.

    Facebook currently sports a market cap larger than GE™, Johnson & Johnson™, Walmart™, and a host of others. These are not trivial companies by any stretch. However, there is one very distinct difference that should not be lost. They sell products and buy ads. Facebook primarily sells only ads (and all your data but that’s for a different discussion.) In the last bubble AOL also fell into this same paragon of ad-based business models. It was unique, email was “the hottest thing.” Banner ads (remember those) was the next be all, end all to advertising. Till – it wasn’t.

    AOL-Time Warner™ stood with a market cap of some $350 BILLION dollars in 2000. It was for all intents and purposes “the king” of ad sales in the every growing, and developing, tech based medium. Then, the bubble burst (i.e., the recession took hold) and ad sales literally dried up crushing AOL and anyone else supported purely on an “ad” model.

    Yet, let’s not forget about the one thing that takes place right before such a hatchet bears down on ad revenues that many just don’t contemplate. For AOL did have real ad sales as does Facebook. And right before the bottom fell out AOL was also (much like Facebook is today) being pushed ever higher in valuation.

    That “thing” is this: Right before the axe falls – the preceding volume of ad buying becomes more concentrated. Any and all peripheral ad money gets bundled and focused into one medium more than the others in what could be classified as a “Hail Mary” seasonal cycle buy. This is how I look at Facebook’s latest earnings report. The meme of “they’re just killing it/firing on all cylinders” hearkens to my ears just what happened before the implosion of “everything dot-com.”

    I am still of the belief the “everything social” is not “it’s different this time” but more of “the same as it ever was.”

    The latest retail sales report wasn’t bad – it was horrible. Once again missing expectations. But there’s a much bigger problem. More and more retailers are reporting abysmal earnings reports. Macy’™, Nordstrom™, Walmart™ and others are reporting nothing more than anyone with a shred of common sense knows intuitively as summed up so succinctly by retail maven Howard Davidowitz when speaking on the challenges of retail malls: “…what’s going on is the customers don’t have the fucking money. That’s it. This isn’t rocket science.”

    Current ad spending by retailers as of this writing I believe fits into the same description echoed by Mr. Davidowitz: It’s not rocket science.

    Facebook and a few others are going to be the go-to recipients of any and all “Hail Mary” ad buys for this coming earnings quarter and holiday season. Just like with what has taken place with previous assigned “Holy Grail” inspired ad platforms.

    If retail sales for this shopping season mirror anything close to what this past report portends? Again, just look to AOL post 2000 for hints. Ad revenue went from robust to abysmal in the blink of an eye.

    In 2001 AOL was still considered “the hottest, biggest, bad ass of everything ad/internet generating revenue.” By 2002 it’s $2.3 BILLION in ad revenue would be cut in half. Then just a year later it would fall even further to nearly cutting itself by another third if not half once again. Till finally AOL became “Who?”

    For comparison: Facebook is now just about the same size in market cap as AOL was in 2000. The parallels are striking if one dares to look back with any quantitative as well as qualitative analysis eschewing any “it’s different this time” reasoning.

    For further clues I’ll only point just a few more…

    First: Isn’t it just a little odd or, at the least something that makes you go Hmmmmm when none other than one of the most prominent cheerleaders of everything VC and/or social Marc Andreessen sells 73% of his Facebook stock in the last two weeks?

    If that doesn’t inspire a change in thinking maybe the following will. For if there’s anything to be gained for insight such as the much touted “front page article” to mark a bubble. How about the very week Facebook hit its peak share price the following was reported with great fanfare. To wit: President Obama announces launch of his very own Facebook page.

    Remember, government has been shown to be with near Swiss watch precision – the last to arrive to the party.

    Oh, and one last point just for a little more context. Remember I said at the beginning of this article to put aside anything IPO for the moment? I was scorned and ridiculed by many (especially those within The Valley itself) when I penned an article titled, “Crying Towels: Silicon Valley’s Next Big Investment Op” Yet, a funny thing has shown itself on its way to “Unicorn paradise.”

    The much-anticipated IPO of Square™ was announced. The issue? The price is some $2 BILLION less (i.e., at a 30% discount) to its latest private funding round for valuation. That while simultaneously the other company Mr. Dorsey is heading up as CEO (Twitter) once again falls below its IPO price. So now, with all that said, the only question one needs to ask and answer is this:

    It’s different this time? Or: same as it ever was?

    We’re going to find out much sooner than later. That I’m sure of.

  • Meet The Family That Just Spent Half Its Annual Income Paying For Obamacare

    Not a week passes without some incremental revelation showing precisely what happens when Congress passes a bill just to see what's in it.

    Well, since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, also known as the Obamacare tax, we have watched in horror as shocker after shocker are revealed.

    Some examples:

    Now we can add one more thing that "was in it": soaring deductibles, which give the fake impression of contained, low all-in costs… until one actually needs expensive medial help (and these days there is no other kind).

    The latest expose against Obamacare comes not from its usual nemesis, but the hard-left NYT, suggesting that even the ideological supporters of Obama's "crowning achievement" are losing faith. To wit:

    Obama administration officials, urging people to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, have trumpeted the low premiums available on the law’s new marketplaces.


    But for many consumers, the sticker shock is coming not on the front end, when they purchase the plans, but on the back end when they get sick: sky-high deductibles that are leaving some newly insured feeling nearly as vulnerable as they were before they had coverage.


    “The deductible, $3,000 a year, makes it impossible to actually go to the doctor,” said David R. Reines, 60, of Jefferson Township, N.J., a former hardware salesman with chronic knee pain. “We have insurance, but can’t afford to use it.”


    In many states, more than half the plans offered for sale through, the federal online marketplace, have a deductible of $3,000 or more, a New York Times review has found. Those deductibles are causing concern among Democrats — and some Republican detractors of the health law, who once pushed high-deductible health plans in the belief that consumers would be more cost-conscious if they had more of a financial stake or skin in the game.


    “We could not afford the deductible,” said Kevin Fanning, 59, who lives in North Texas, near Wichita Falls. “Basically I was paying for insurance I could not afford to use.” He dropped his policy.

    In other words, Obamacare's "affordable care" is affordable, as long as one doesn't actually have to use it!

    Here is the damage when one does:

    • In Miami, the median deductible, according to, is $5,000.
    • In Jackson, Miss., the comparable figure is $5,500.
    • In Chicago, the median deductible is $3,400.
    • In Phoenix, it is $4,000;
    • In Houston and Des Moines, $3,000.

    Considering far more than half the US population has less than $1,000 in savings, there are quite literally tens of millions of people who are one ER visit away from the poor house. And they are unhappy. But at least the liberal think tanks have words of advice:

    To those worried about high out-of-pocket costs, Dave Chandra, a policy analyst at the liberal-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, has some advice: “Everyone should come back to the marketplace and shop. You may get a better deal.”

    But you almost certainly won't, because the whole structuring of Obamacare was to lower future costs at the expense of a surge in deductible payments, aka the oldest trick in the insurance book. And America fell for it.

    So here is what happens when one does find out what is in the "affordable" care law, after it was passed.

    Meet Mr. Fanning, from North Texas, who said he and his wife had a policy with a monthly premium of about $500 and an annual deductible of about $10,000 after taking account of financial assistance. Their income is about $32,000 a year.

    The Fannings dropped the policy in July after he had a one-night hospital stay and she had tests for kidney problems, and the bills started to roll in.

    And just like that a family of two spent half their annual income on insurance and deductibles courtesy of the "Affordable" care act.

    It gets better:

    Another consumer, Anne Cornwell of Chattanooga, Tenn., said she was excited when Congress passed the Affordable Care Act because she had been uninsured for several years. She is glad that she and her husband now have insurance, because he has had tonsil cancer, heart problems and kidney stones this year.


    But with a $10,000 deductible, it has still not been easy.

    Her conclusion: "When they said affordable, I thought they really meant affordable," she said.

    Nothing more to add.

  • Companies Vs. Countries: Comparing US Corporate Market Caps To Emerging Markets

    Back in July, during the depths of Greece’s fraught bailout negotiations, BofA made a rather amusing observation:

    That’s pretty astonishing, although we’ll admit that during June and July, choosing between spending an afternoon in Athens and spending an afternoon in a Bed, Bath, and Beyond would have indeed been a tough call. 

    Well, if you’ve ever wondered how your favorite US corporations stack up against the entire MSCI free float market cap of the world’s emerging economies, BofAML has the complete map for your viewing pleasure, presented below without further comment:

  • What Hath The Fed Wrought?

    "Absent the performance on FOMC days, the stock market has gone nowhere in 17 years. If you're a believer in capitalism and free markets, you sit back and think about that statistic for a moment and ask yourself – 'have I really made any money without The Fed?'"


    Since gold peaked in 2011, there have been 37 Fed meetings (and minutes released 33 times) and 8 congressional testimonies. Removing the 164 days covered by these events (15% of the 1092 trading days since Sept 5 2011's gold peak), reduced gold's drop by almost half to just 25%.


    As Santiago Capital's Brent Johnson warns "never underestimate the power of The Fed" but in the long-run this is unsustainable as while The Fed has consistently forecast, promised, guaranteed that economic green shoots are showing up, they have been horribly wrong… and with December's meeting looming, their credibility is running on fumes.

    We have transitioned from free markets to centrally-planned and financially-engineered markets as the PhDs attempt to control the greatest monetary experiment ever undertaken. But they are almost out of runway… and they know it as mainstream market participants belief in their omniscience is rapidly fading.

    Watch the full presentation below as Santiago Capital's Brent Johnson transitions from the manipulated markets to the loss of trust and faith that is coming – "god help us all" he ominously concludes as he notes it is not important where gold trades now but where the precvious metal will trade when you do need it…


    Source: Santiago Capital

  • For The First Time Ever, Japan Enters A Quintuple-Dip Recession (Courtesy Of Abenomics)

    Because nothing says ‘successful monetary policy’ like 5 ‘technical’ recessions in 5 years…

    Japan 3Q GDP Falls Annualized 0.8% Q/q; Est. -0.2%


    As if this was not bad enough, Japanese business spending dropped 1.3% QoQ – its worst drop since Q2 2014…


    And finally – what is working…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Breadth, Buybacks, & The Piercing Of The "Grandaddy Of All Bubbles"

    Submitted by Doug Noland via The Credit Bubble Bulletin,

    The “Granddaddy of All Bubbles” thesis rests upon the view that the world is in the midst of the precarious grand finale of a multi-decade global Credit and financial Bubble. When a Bubble bursts, system reflation requires an even larger fresh new Bubble. This has repeatedly been the case going back at least to the “decade of greed” late-eighties Bubble in the U.S. These days the world confronts the terminal Bubble phase partially because of the unprecedented scope of the China and EM Bubbles. It’s simply difficult to imagine another more far-reaching Bubble.

    Also critical to the finale Bubble thesis is that the “global government finance Bubble” – encompassing unprecedented excesses in sovereign debt, central bank Credit and government market manipulation – has engulfed the very foundation of contemporary “money” and Credit. It’s again quite a challenge to envisage a new financial Bubble inflation cycle following a crisis of confidence at the heart of global finance.

    As I’ve posited repeatedly, the global Bubble has been pierced. There's more confirmation again this week.  The collapse in commodities and EM currencies along with the faltering Chinese financial Bubble mark an historic inflection point. Global policymakers have gone to incredible measures to stabilize market, financial and economic backdrops. Yet reflationary measures will continue to only further destabilize.

    When policy-induced “risk on” is overpowering global securities markets, fragilities remain well concealed (and my prognosis appears ridiculous). Fragilities, however, swiftly manifest with the reappearance of “risk off.”  Rather quickly securities markets demonstrate their proclivity for illiquidity and so-called “flash crashes.” So after an unsettled week in global markets, the critical issue is whether “risk on” is giving way to “risk off” dynamics.

    There is no doubt that a powerful “risk off” has again gripped commodities markets.

    Crude (WTI) sank 8.5% this week to $40.71, the low since the tumultuous August period. The “GSCI” Commodities Index dropped 4.0% this week, increasing 2015 losses to almost 19% while trading down to near August lows. The Bloomberg Commodities Index sank to an almost 16-year low. Copper prices this week sank 3.6%, trading to a new six-year low. Zinc also traded to a six-year low, with nickel at a five-year low. Unleaded gasoline dropped almost 10%. Wheat fell 5.3% and Corn dropped 4.0%.


    With commodities succumbing to another leg in an increasingly brutal bear market, worries quickly returned to EM. The Brazilian eal declined 2.1% this week and the Colombian peso sank 6.4%. The Russian ruble fell 3.5% and the South African rand declined 1.6%. Mexican stocks were hit 3.6%.


    November 9 – Bloomberg (Taylor Hall): “Debt in developing markets is estimated to have reached $58.6 trillion at the start of 2015, with credit in China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand exceeding that of Latin America, emerging Europe and the Middle East, according to the Institute of International Finance. Emerging-market debt has grown $28 trillion since 2009, according to the IIF… Global debt has soared $50 trillion during the period to surpass a total of $240 trillion, or 320% of gross domestic product, in early 2015. While credit has increased for almost all countries included in the new monitor over the past decade, debt-to-GDP ratios in developing Asia for non-financial corporate, household and financial corporate sectors have risen the most… Non-financial corporate sector debt in emerging markets has risen $13 trillion since 2009, increasing more than five-fold over the past decade to surpass $23.7 trillion in the first quarter of 2015. The advance has been most concentrated in emerging Asia, where it rose to 125% of GDP.”


    And with market attention seemingly returning to the world’s precarious debt overhang, “developing” Asian equities were hit hard this week. Stocks were down 4.2% in Taiwan (TAIEX), 2.8% in Singapore (STI), 2.8% in Thailand (SET), 3.1% in the Philippines (SE IDX), 2.1% in Indonesia (Jakarta Comp) and 1.6% in Malaysia (KLCI). Australian stocks (ASX 200) were hit 3.1% and New Zealand stocks (NZX 20) fell 1.7%. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Financial index dropped 2.6%, increasing its 2015 decline to 30.4%.


    Disappointing Chinese economic data (imports, exports, producer inflation, etc.) already had investors on edge. A (rapidly?) deteriorating corporate Credit backdrop was beginning to cause angst. And then Thursday’s Chinese Credit data was stunningly disappointing. October saw total Credit growth (“Total Social Financing”) cut by more than half. After September’s jump to $204bn, Credit growth slowed sharply to $75bn, the weakest month of Credit expansion since July 2014. New bank loans, at $81bn, were less than half of September’s $165bn. This is insufficient Credit to hold bust at bay.


    In short order, confidence that Chinese policymakers have everything under control has begun to wane. The view that Beijing can simply dictate Credit growth through mandates to the big state-directed lenders is being shaken by anecdotes of increasingly nervous bankers and cautious borrowers. Suddenly there’s talk of the Chinese “pushing on a string.”


    When global markets are in a bullish mood, commodities and EM currencies appear to have bottomed. Yields on energy, commodities and deep cyclical company debt around the globe seem enticing. “Developing” country debt is attractively priced. Chinese officials seem capable of ensuring 6.5% growth as far as the eye can see. China enjoys the capacity to stabilize its currency, inflation level and debt load. And stable Chinese growth will backstop commodities markets, EM markets and economies and the global economy (and markets!) more generally.


    But this optimistic view of things turns flimsy in a hurry. When crude and commodities begin to tank, large quantities of debt (company, country and financial) look increasingly suspect. King dollar takes off, putting added pressure on faltering commodities and EM (currencies, debt and stocks) Bubbles. And with the Chinese currency pegged to king dollar, the markets’ view of the China Credit situation can abruptly shift from “manageable” to “potentially very troubling.”

    And returning to the “Granddaddy Bubble Finale” thesis, the Chinese and EM Bubbles fundamentally changed the “producer” and “consumer” inflationary backdrops. Ultra-loose global finance has ensured massive overcapacity in too many things. It has created an unprecedented divergence between bubbling financial markets and weakening fundamental prospects. There’s way too much debt almost everywhere, a debt burden that central bankers would like to inflate away to more manageable levels. The Chinese are desperate for inflation to grow out of historic amounts of debt. They’ve been able to inflate out of debt troubles previously, and they’ve watched U.S. reflationary measures work their magic repeatedly.

    The bursting global Bubble is especially problematic for China. EM currencies have been devalued, while the U.S. and Chinese currencies have skyrocketed. The old reflationary measures no longer work. Loose “money” only exacerbates overcapacity, inequalities and financial Bubbles. The strong dollar further pressures global pricing, while adding to heightened Credit stress globally (certainly including EM dollar-denominated debt). Meanwhile, China’s currency peg to the dollar ensures the already vulnerable Chinese manufacturing complex becomes further uncompetitive. It ensures major problems related to the country’s enormous lending and investing boom in global resources. The resulting Credit stress only exacerbates disinflationary pricing pressures.

    In 2014 and again in August, it appeared China was to commence meaningful currency devaluation. In both instances acute financial stress forced Chinese officials to immediately backtrack. Trying to recover from the August fiasco, the Chinese have focused on currency stability. And when markets are in that optimistic state of mind, Chinese policy appears sensible and sustainable. But when “risk off” begins to take hold, China’s mountains of overcapacity and debt appear completely at odds with a strong currency – with a peg to king dollar – in a disinflationary global environment.

    It wasn’t only commodities and EM that succumbed to “risk off” this week. European stocks were down about 3%. U.S. stocks had a really rough week. The S&P500 declined 3.6%, with the broader market down even more. Selling was broad-based. Credit spreads also widened, most notably in high-yield. Junk bond funds saw flows reverse to sizable outflows. There were anecdotes of waning demand for leveraged loans, high-yield municipal debt and risky Credits more generally. Puerto Rico… Hedge fund performance… This is all consistent with heightened risk aversion and self-reinforcing pressure to de-leverage.

    * * *

    Which is especially cocnerning with breadth at near record lows…


    Leaving US equity markets balanced precariously atop an ever-decreasing ponzi of ever-increasingly mega-cap firms… (Top 10 firms in the S&P 500 gained equivalent of the losses of the remaining 490 firms year to date)


    Just what is The Fed to do now that the low-cost buyback bonanza is dying…


    Just ask Macy's or Nordstrom this week…


    *  *  *

    Confidence was so high that the bulls had essentially already taken a big year-end rally to the bank. “Risk off” into December would catch the bullish consensus completely flatfooted. “Risk off” would also catch most market operators un-hedged and over-exposed on the long side. “Risk off” would also complicate life for the Fed. Just when they had finally gathered the nerve to move, global markets turn sour. And perhaps the Fed has been whipsawed by the markets one too many times. But I still think global markets are being dictated much more by China than the Fed. And at this point, Chinese officials have the much more difficult decisions. Do they bite the bullet and start devaluing? Or do they stick with the peg and hope?

    My Friday writing has been interrupted by the news of terrible terrorist attacks in Paris. It’s a reminder of the increasingly hostile world in which we live. And it’s consistent with a darkening of the social mood in Europe, as well as here in the U.S. and around the world more generally. It’s also part of the troubling backdrop conducive to a problematic “risk off” when faith in global central bankers and Chinese officials wanes.

    November 13 – Bloomberg (Candice Zachariahs, Anchalee Worrachate and Lananh Nguyen): “…While dislocations may provide opportunities for investors, they also bring challenges, according to… Luke Bartholomew, an investment manager at Aberdeen Asset Management… 'The real worry about liquidity is that it behaves like a bad friend — it is there when you don’t especially need it, but as soon as you do need it, it disappears.'"

  • Dow Drops 140 Points, Bonds & Bullion Pop As Markets Open

    As futures markets reopen, a flight to safety bid is evident with gold ($1090) and bonds bid as US equity futures extend Friday's losses (erasing half of the October surge gains). The Dollar is modestly bid against the euro (EURUSD 1.06 handle looms) and oil is holding slightly in the green (war premium)…

    "Market uncertainty"


    Leaving Dow Futures down 140 points from Friday's close…


    And The S&P has erased half the October surge gains…


    As EURUSD tests back down to a 1.06 handle…

  • They're Coming For Your Cash

    Submitted by Mark Nestmann via,

    It might sound like a conspiracy theory spun by right-wing crazies. But judging by the increasing desperation of governments to reboot the world economy, it just might happen.

    “It” is the recall or confiscation of cash, i.e., dollars, euros, pounds, etc., in physical form. And a key justification that those calling for this radical measure cite is that it reinforces the ability of central banks to impose negative interest rates.

    Negative rates mean that lenders literally pay businesses and consumers to borrow money. They also penalize savers for hoarding it. The Danish and Swiss national banks have gone the farthest into negative territory, with interest rates of -0.75%. That means €100,000 in a euro-denominated account in Switzerland would be worth only €99,250 after one year. While these rates apply only to “excess reserves” banks maintain at the central bank, nothing stops banks from requiring depositors to share the pain.

    But that’s not enough, according to some economists. Citicorp’s chief economist, a technocrat named Willem Buiter, thinks the US needs much lower interest rates to push the economy out of the doldrums. He thinks negative interest rates around -6% would do the job. But there’s one condition: For his plan to work, he says, the government must abolish cash.

    It’s easy to understand why Buiter might not have warm and fuzzy thoughts about cash. After all, if your bank is taking 6% from your savings, $100 in your account would be worth only $94 at the end of one year, $88.36 after two years, and $83.06 after three years. On the other hand, a $100 bill with Ben Franklin’s picture on it would still be worth… well, $100. Buiter understands that as long as cash exists, no one will voluntarily keep their savings in accounts with negative interest rates.

    And Buiter isn’t the only one pointing out that outlawing cash could stimulate the economy, especially in a crisis. In a recent article, Michael Pento, president and founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies, observed:

    “Strategies such as pushing interest rates into negative territory, outlawing cash, and sending electronic credits directly into private bank accounts may appear more palatable in the midst of market distress.” (emphasis added)

    And the Fed seems to be catching on to the prospect of negative interest rates. At the latest meeting of the Fed’s Open Market Committee, at least one member suggested that negative interest rates might be worth considering.

    As for abolishing cash altogether, proposals to do so are much further advanced outside the US. Italy and France have banned allcash transactions over €1,000. Spain has banned cash transactions exceeding €2,500. Similar restrictions are in place in Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Mexico, Russia, Uruguay, and other countries.

    In the US, cash transaction limits don’t yet exist, but de facto limits already are enforced. I’ve received reports from several clients of interrogations by banks if they withdraw more than a few thousand dollars in cash from their accounts. And depositing or withdrawing more than $10,000 in cash from an account requires that banks (as well as other “financial institutions”) file a Currency Transaction Report with the IRS. “Structuring” a single cash transaction into multiple transactions to avoid this requirement is a crime. And if the circumstances surrounding a transaction above $5,000 are “suspicious,” financial institutions must file a Suspicious Activity Report.

    Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies consider cash holdings inherently suspicious. Under the Alice-in-Wonderland legal process of civil forfeiture, they can seize your cash if they believe that it’s somehow connected to a crime. That’s easy, since nearly 100% of cash circulating today contains tiny concentrations of narcotics residues – primarily cocaine. All police need to do is bring in a drug-sniffing dog to inspect the cash. If the dog alerts, police seize the cash. And under civil forfeiture rules, it’s up to you to prove that the cash has a legitimate origin.

    If the government decides to restrict cash transactions or outlaw cash altogether, how would they do it? Actually, efforts along this line are already well under way. Many airlines accept only credit or debit cards for inflight purchases. Louisiana forbids cash for some secondhand sales of scrap metal. A proposal in Wisconsin would ban cash payments for treatment at pain clinics.

    But for negative interest rates to really take hold, the Fed will need to step in. One proposal is for cash to be recalled in a very short period – as little as 10 days. Anyone turning in more than a relatively low threshold – perhaps as little as $1,000 – would be required to prove that the cash was generated legally and that all taxes on the income had been paid. Otherwise, 30% or more of the cash would be confiscated.

    It’s easy to be frightened by these proposals. But if governments think they can force us to accept negative interest rates on our savings by abolishing cash, they need to think again. It’s preposterous to assume that savers will passively accept outright confiscation of their assets via negative interest rates or a ban on cash.

    Instead, people will simply revert to other stores of value. The Yapese people who inhabit some of the Caroline Islands in the Pacific Ocean, for instance, once used giant stone disks as money. Some of the disks were as large as 13 feet in diameter.

    Other forms of “currency” are more convenient. For instance, at the end of World War II, a cigarette economy developed in occupied Germany. Cash was scarce, so ordinary Germans adapted by exchanging cigarettes for food and other necessities.

    Indeed, barter of all kinds flourishes when money is scarce. It will flourish even more if governments make a serious effort to abolish cash. And of course, ending cash will only encourage the growth of digital currencies such as Bitcoin.

    Finally, I believe that there will be significant movements of cash into precious metals – especially gold. If you don’t already own some gold in fully allocated form, now would be a good time to consider buying some.

  • The Fed Gave Wall Street The Lowest Rates In 5000 Years & All Main Street Got Was This

    It's simple – in theory – a central planning body, who knows what is best for the rest of society, lowers interest rates (to reduce the cost of capital, encourage entrepreneurial actvities, and stimuluate the economy – and therefore jobs – for the average joes and josephines of the world).

    So the 'smartest people in the room' cut interest rates, lowering the cost of capital to the lowest in 5000 years…


    But a funny thing happens when the world is saturated in debt, leveraged to the max, and liquidified by lenders of last resort… the textbook breaks!

    And the real economy "gets nothing"


    But do not let that stop them trying it again.

    Charts: BofAML

  • How Many More Recession Confirmations Do You Need?

    Submitted by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

    Despite the bogus BLS employment report last week (so the Fed could raise rates before the next financial crisis hits), all economic data confirms an economic recession. Corporate profits are falling, and their forecasts for next quarter are worse. Global trade is slowing dramatically.


    Oil prices and other commodities are plummeting to multi-year lows. Manufacturing and Services surveys are flashing red.


    China, Japan and European economies continue to suck wind. Layoff announcements by major corporations are up 40% over last year.

    A global deflationary recession is underway. Only a CNBC bimbo, shill or Ivy League educated economist isn’t bright enough to see it.

    Retail sales came out Friday morning and they were worse than dreadful. They confirmed the horrific quarterly reports from Macy’s, Nordstrom’s, and Kohl’s.


    Total retail sales grew a minuscule 0.1% from September and only 1.7% versus last year. It’s even worse than it looks. When you back out the subprime auto loan spurred auto sales (long term rentals), retail sales grew only 0.5% over last year.  That is far less than true inflation, so on a real basis retail sales are FALLING like a rock. This only happens during recessions. And it isn’t a one month thing. Retail sales, even including loan boosted auto sales, are flat over the last three months and up only 2.1% for the first 10 months of the year.

    The decline in gasoline sales due to plunging prices has contributed to the lousy retail sales numbers, but the storyline of the economic bulls was how this was going to boost the spending of consumers across the board. That storyline is as dead as an Obamacare patient. It seems all the gasoline savings immediately went to pay for the soaring cost of Obamacare, even though the BLS says there is no healthcare inflation. There are a few areas that jump out at me and paint an even darker picture:

    • Three of the strongest retail sales categories over the last year were auto sales, furniture sales, and building materials, with growth of 6.2%, 5.2%, and 4.3% respectively. The main reason these three areas have been relatively strong is because you don’t need cash, a minimal level of income, or even a job to make a purchase at these retailers. All you need is for the finance company employed by the retailer to approve you for a loan. The 7 year 0% auto loans go to those with decent credit. The subprime loans go to anyone that can fog a mirror. Every furniture retailer is offering 5 years with no interest payments for their Veterans Day sales. Lowes and Home Depot offer no interest for 12 or 24 months for any purchase over $500. It’s the Fed’s easy money 0% interest scheme that is producing this fake strength. The people “buying” those cars, sofas, and washing machines don’t have the money and when the bill comes due, the losses will be epic.
    • The powers that be should really start worrying after seeing the auto sales crash, despite huge incentives being offered by the desperate car dealers, along with the easy credit. It seems they may have saturated the market by giving away brand new cars to anyone with a pulse. At least the Repo companies will be booming over the next few years and used car prices should crash.
    • Another strong area has been restaurants and bars, with 5.5% year over year growth in October. This is significantly lower than the growth earlier in the year, but it is still decent. I believe this is the area that will be the last to crash. Older people are drowning their sorrows at bars. Young people, living with their parents, can’t afford houses, rent, or vehicles, but socializing with their friends using a credit card is still possible. Life has become so miserable for so many people, the only enjoyment they can find is going out to a restaurant or bar.
    • The last strong area is internet retail, with a 7.1% growth over last year. Despite state governments doing their best to crush internet retailers by adding sales tax to most transactions, consumers are staying away from malls in droves. Who would possibly want to drive miles to a crowded decaying mall, venture into a Sears, Kmart, or JC Penneys and deal with the low IQ drone employees, find out what you wanted is out of stock, or pay more than you would on-line? Amazon and the rest of the on-line retail establishment will continue to destroy bricks and mortar retailers.
    • Besides gas stations, only department stores and electronics stores have negative YTD sales after 10 months. The downward death spiral of Sears, Penney, Macys, Best Buy and many lesser retailers will not reverse. Their real estate is old, decrepit, and antiquated. After this Christmas season there will be announcements of hundreds of store closings, as ghost malls spook our suburban sprawl landscape.

    Lastly, one final chart to show even the most brainless twit on CNBC that we are presently in a recession, despite the rhetoric and propaganda being spewed by the dying legacy media. Look closely at where retail sales peaked and began to fall. Quantitative easing stopped on October 29, 2014. Shockingly, retail sales began falling and haven’t stopped. The trillions of fiat printed since 2008 has solved nothing.


    Doctor Bernanke and doctor Yellen injected a massive dose of adrenaline into a patient with cancer. The patient showed the appearance of recovery…


    but the cancer has metastasized and spread through the entire system.

    Competent doctors would have cut the cancer out by allowing bankrupt banks to liquidate and purging the system of cancerous debt. Instead they took steps to promote the proliferation and spread of the cancerous debt. Now the patient is terminal.

    If it looks like a recession, walks like a recession and quacks like a recession, it’s a recession.

  • Goldman Assesses EM's "Original Debt Sin," Finds Burnt Turkey

    Over the course of what can only be described as a protracted EM FX bloodbath – catalyzed, of course, by slumping commodity prices, the yuan deval, and threat of a Fed hike – one topic that’s been brought up repeatedly is that emerging economies with a large amount of foreign currency debt could find themselves in a decisively tough spot. 

    After all, if you’re sitting on a pile of USD-denominated liabilities and the currency you print crashes against the dollar, well then, you’ve got a big problem on your hands. This time around, most analysts point to better developed markets for local currency debt, which has allowed governments to avoid the so called “original sin” of becoming overly reliant of FX debt for funding. 

    Now, as we go into December, the market should be probably be asking more questions about what the potential for a soaring dollar means for emerging market balance sheets. As Bloomberg’s Richard Breslow put it last week, “emerging markets are not panicking, despite the Fed talk. The fall in their currencies in the last year and improved fiscal conditions are perceived as allowing them to withstand a Fed hike. Maybe wishful thinking but there you have it.”

    Yes maybe. On Sunday, Goldman is out with an interesting take on the “original sin” issue, noting that you have to look at the whole picture (i.e. NIIP) if you want to understand where EM balance sheets really stand. Here’s more:

    EM FX has been under pressure in 2015. For example, both the ZAR and the TRY have depreciated by 22% against the Dollar year-to-date.


    This is not all bad news…but from a sovereign balance sheet perspective (i.e., credit risk perspective), this development is a concern as many emerging economies have issued significant amounts of foreign currency denominated debt (the ‘original sin’) which rises in local currency terms when FX depreciates. 

    Many emerging economies issue debt in foreign currency (the ‘original sin’) to reduce interest rate payments or because the market will not fund them in their own currency. This makes the country’s debt dynamics vulnerable to sharp currency movements and, as a result, incentivizes the local central bank to hold FX reserves. Exhibit 3 illustrates the level of external debt across EMs, divided into FX and local currency.



    The large amounts of FX denominated debt, combined with the sharp FX movements, are a dangerous cocktail from a credit perspective. For example, a 10% TRY depreciation against the dollar will lead to a 3.5pp of GDP rise in Turkey’s external debt level (10% x 35% of GDP), all else being equal. Therefore, at first glance, it is no surprise that EM sovereign credit sold off in sync with EM FX over the summer. 


    But one also needs to assess the impact on external assets (e.g., FX reserves) when evaluating the credit implications of the sharp FX re-pricing. The asset side of the emerging markets net international investment position (NIIP) is illustrated in Exhibit 4. 



    Exhibit 5 illustrates the net external FX position (i.e., external assets minus FX dominated debt), divided into a USD, EUR and ‘other’ component. Within the CEEMEA region, Romania and Turkey are most vulnerable to generic currency weakness, as their net FX position is negative (in sharp contrast to Russia and especially South Africa). 


    In the simplest possible terms: Turkey doesn’t have enough in the way of external assets that can appreciate in an unfavorable FX environment to offset the pain said environment will have on the country’s pile of FX debt.

    Just how big of a problem is that for Ankara you ask? Here’s Goldman again: 

    So how have EM balance sheets been affected by the latest FX adjustment? Exhibit 6 illustrates the estimated change in the net international investment position following the EM FX adjustment in 2015 (for Russia since September 1, 2014). Turkey’s balance sheet (NIIP) has weakened by around 5pp of GDP following the large TRY adjustment, as the rise in the level of FX denominated debt dominated the rise in Turkey’s external assets.



    So you can add “balance sheet problem” to Turkey’s laundry list of troubling issues and what the above means, in a nutshell, is that if the dollar continues to appreciate against the lira, this is going to get materially worse.

    One important thing to note about this particular situation, is that Turkey has been reluctant to hike in order to arrest the lira’s decline. In fact, the central bank has on any number of occasions explicitly stated that it will follow the Fed. But when, back in August, Turkey attempted to release a “roadmap” of how its central bank intended to respond to policy normalization by DM central banks, the market wasn’t buying it, suggesting that if the Fed hikes, it may not be as simple as simpy saying “oh, ok, we’ll hike too.” That is, they may find themselves unable to catch up, portending still more lira weakness, exacerbating the problem outlined above.

    And for anyone who thinks that a “strong” AKP government is going to give the lira anything that even approximates lasting relief, or that further ECB easing will give the central scope to remain on hold (or even to cut) in the face of a Fed hike, we suggest you take a hard look at exactly what’s going on politically and militarily both within Turkey and on its borders. There are huge (and likely intractable) idiosyncratic risk factors here that could send the currency plunging at any time. And then there is of course sheer autocratic incompetence (via Reuters): 

    Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan renewed his call for lower interest rates on Sunday, saying they were too high to encourage investment and entrepreneurship, an argument likely to unnerve investors already worried about central bank independence.


    Long a champion of populist economics, Erdogan has repeatedly called for lower rates to spur growth, equating higher financing costs with treason.


    Economists say Turkey’s central bank needs to hike rates to rein in inflation. Its refusal to do so has sparked worries about political interference in monetary policy, helping send the lira currency to a series of record lows this year.

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Today’s News November 15, 2015

  • Time Is Running Out For Pax Americana

    Submitted by Rostislav Ischenko via The Oriental Review,

    The paradox of the current global crisis is that for the last five years, all relatively responsible and independent nations have made tremendous efforts to save the United States from the financial, economic, military, and political disaster that looms ahead. And this is all despite Washington’s equally systematic moves to destabilize the world order, rightly known as the Pax Americana.

    Since policy is not a zero-sum game, i.e., one participant’s loss does not necessarily entail a gain for another, this paradox has a logical explanation. A crisis erupts within any system when there is a discrepancy between its internal structure and the sum total of available resources (that is, those resources will eventually prove inadequate for the system to function normally and in the usual way).

    There are at least three basic options for addressing this situation:

    1. Through reform, in which the system’s internal structure evolves in such a way as to better correspond to the available resources.
    2. Through the system’s collapse, in which the same result is achieved via revolution.
    3. Through preservation, in which the inputs threatening the system are eliminated by force, and the relationships within the system are carefully preserved on an inequitable relationship basis (whether between classes, social strata, castes, or nations).

    The preservation method was attempted by the Ming and Qing dynasties in China, as well as the Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan. It was utilized successfully (in the 19th century) prior to the era of capitalist globalization. But neither of those Eastern civilizations (although fairly robust internally) survived their collision with the technologically more advanced (and hence more militarily and politically powerful) European civilization. Japan found its answer on the path of modernization (reform) back in the second half of the 19th century, China spent a century immersed in the quagmire of semi-colonial dependence and bloody civil wars, until the new leadership of Deng Xiaoping was able to articulate its own vision of modernizing reforms.

    This point leads us to the conclusion that a system can be preserved only if it is safeguarded from any unwanted external influences, i.e., if it controls the globalized world.

    The contradiction between the concept of escaping the crisis, which has been adopted the US elite, and the alternative concept – proposed by Russia and backed by China, then by the BRICS nations and now a large part of the world – lay in the fact that the politicians in Washington were working from the premise that they are able to fully control the globalized world and guide its development in the direction they wish. Therefore, faced with dwindling resources to sustain the mechanisms that perpetuate their global hegemony, they tried to resolve the problem by forcefully suppressing potential opponents in order to reallocate global resources in their favor.




    If successful, the United States would be able to reenact the events of the late 1980s – early 1990s, when the collapse of the Soviet Union and the global socialist system under its control allowed the West to escape its crisis. At this new stage, it has become a question of no longer simply reallocating resources in favor of the West as a collective whole, but solely in favor of the United States. This move offered the system a respite that could be used to create a regime for preserving inequitable relationships, during which the American elite’s definitive control over the resources of power, raw materials, finance, and industrial resources safeguarded them from the danger of the system’s internal implosion, while the elimination of alternative power centers shielded the system from external breaches, rendering it eternal (at least for a historically foreseeable period of time).

    The alternative approach postulated that the system’s total resources might be depleted before the United States can manage to generate the mechanisms to perpetuate its global hegemony. In turn, this will lead to strain (and overstrain) on the forces that ensure the imperial suppression of those nations existing on the global periphery, all in the interests of the Washington-based center, which will later bring about the inevitable collapse of the system.

    Two hundred, or even one hundred years ago, politicians would have acted on the principle of “what is falling, that one should also push” and prepared to divvy up the legacy of yet another crumbling empire. However, the globalization of not only the world’s industry and trade (that was achieved by the end of the 19th century), but also global finance, caused the collapse of the American empire through a policy that was extremely dangerous and costly for the whole world. To put it bluntly, the United States could bury civilization under its own wreckage.

    Consequently, the Russian-Chinese approach has made a point of offering Washington a compromise option that endorses the gradual, evolutionary erosion of American hegemony, plus the incremental reform of international financial, economic, military, and political relations on the basis of the existing system of international law.

    America’s elite have been offered a “soft landing” that would preserve much of their influence and assets, while gradually adapting the system to better correspond to the present facts of life (bringing it into line with the available reserve of resources), taking into account the interests of humanity, and not only of its “top echelon” as exemplified by the “300 families” who are actually dwindling to no more than thirty.

    In the end, it is always better to negotiate than to build a new world upon the ashes of the old. Especially since there has been a global precedent for similar agreements.


    Up until 2015, America’s elite (or at least the ones who determine US policy) had been assured that they possessed sufficient financial, economic, military, and political strength to cripple the rest of the world, while still preserving Washington’s hegemony by depriving everyone, including (at the final stage) even the American people of any real political sovereignty or economic rights. European bureaucrats were important allies for that elite – i.e., the cosmopolitan, comprador-bourgeoisie sector of the EU elite, whose welfare hinged on the further integration of transatlantic (i.e., under US control) EU entities (in which the premise of Atlantic solidarity has become geopolitical dogma) and NATO, although this is in conflict with the interests of the EU member states.

    However, the crisis in Ukraine, which has dragged on much longer than originally planned, Russia’s impressive surge of military and political energy as it moved to resolve the Syrian crisis (something for which the US did not have an appropriate response) and, most important, the progressive creation of alternative financial and economic entities that call into question the dollar’s position as the de facto world currency, have forced a sector of America’s elite that is amenable to compromise to rouse itself (over the last 15 years that elite has been effectively excluded from participation in any strategic decisions).

    The latest statements by Kerry  and Obama which seesaw from a willingness to consider a mutually acceptable compromise on all contentious issues (even Kiev was given instructions “to implement Minsk “) to a determination to continue the policy of confrontation – are evidence of the escalating battle being fought within the Washington establishment.

    It is impossible to predict the outcome of this struggle – too many high-status politicians and influential families have tied their futures to an agenda that preserves imperial domination for that to be renounced painlessly. In reality, multibillion-dollar positions and entire political dynasties are at stake.

    However, we can say with absolute certainty that there is a certain window of opportunity during which any decision can be made. And a window of opportunity is closing that would allow the US to make a soft landing with a few trade-offs. The Washington elite cannot escape the fact that they are up against far more serious problems than those of 10-15 years ago. Right now the big question is about how they are going to land, and although that landing will already be harder than it would have been and will come with costs, the situation is not yet a disaster.

    But the US needs to think fast. Their resources are shrinking much faster than the authors of the plan for imperial preservation had expected. To their loss of control over the BRICS countries can be added the incipient, but still fairly rapid loss of control over EU policy as well as the onset of geopolitical maneuvering among the monarchies of the Middle East. The financial and economic entities created and set in motion by the BRICS nations are developing in accordance with their own logic, and Moscow and Beijing are not able to delay their development overlong while waiting for the US to suddenly discover a capacity to negotiate.

    The point of no return will pass once and for all sometime in 2016, and America’s elite will no longer be able to choose between the provisions of compromise and collapse. The only thing that they will then be able to do is to slam the door loudly, trying to drag the rest of the world after them into the abyss.

  • Which Countries Pay The Most For Medicinal Drugs?

    USA! USA! USA! Exceptional America is #1 once again… oh wait!

    Why does America spend 35% to 90% more per capita than all other developed countries?


    There are numerous reasons, as Michael Snyder explains, if you have a health problem, even if it is just an imaginary one, some giant pharmaceutical company out there is probably making a pill for it.  According to shocking new research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 59 percent of all U.S. adults are on at least one prescription drug, and 15 percent of all U.S. adults are on at least five prescription drugs.  These numbers have never been higher, and they tell us that the United States is the most drugged nation on the entire planet.  And it turns out that pushing these drugs on the American people is extremely profitable.  For instance, Americans spent 100 billion dollars on cancer drugs alone last year.  That isn’t “million” with an “m” – that is “billion” with a “b”.  The profits that some of these pharmaceutical companies are making are absolutely obscene, and it is our pain and suffering that is making them rich.

    So why is prescription drug use rising so rapidly?  As noted above, 15 percent of us are now taking 5 or more of these drugs on a regular basis, but back in 1999 that number was sitting at just 8.2 percent.

    This newly released report blames much of the problem on obesity

    The population is getting older, but that doesn’t explain it, Kantor said. The pattern looks more related to obesity, which is steadily rising, More than two-thirds of the adult U.S. population is overweight or obese, and many suffer the heart disease, diabetes and other metabolic disorders that go along with being too heavy.

    And without a doubt, we have an epidemic of obesity in the United States.

    But the truth is that obesity is only part of the story.

    Drug use of all types is soaring, and commercials for the latest and greatest drugs seem to run around the clock on virtually every television network.  Here are some more specific numbers from this newly released report

    In the study, blood pressure drugs were among the most prescribed, increasing from 20% of adults in 1999-2000 to 27% in 2011-2012.


    Statins increased from 6.9% to 17%; antidepressants increased from 6.8% 13%; antidiabetic drugs increased from 4.6% to 8.2%;and tranquilizers and sedatives increased from 4.2% to 6.1%.

    The increase in the use of antidepressants really disturbs me.  They are often prescribed needlessly, and they can have some extremely negative side effects.

    In particular, I think that it is important to mention that nearly every single mass shooter in the United States in recent years has been on antidepressants.  The mainstream media never talks about this connection because the pharmaceutical companies purchase gobs of advertising time from them.  But the reality of the matter is that these drugs can cause people to behave in extremely irrational ways.  Even the Mayo Clinic admits this

    Most antidepressants are generally safe, but the Food and Drug Administration requires that all antidepressants carry black box warnings, the strictest warnings for prescriptions. In some cases, children, teenagers and young adults under 25 may have an increase in suicidal thoughts or behavior when taking antidepressants, especially in the first few weeks after starting or when the dose is changed.

    Of course that is a very watered down version of the truth, and if you start seriously digging into this you will soon discover a whole host of absolutely horrifying stories.

    Here are some more statistics about the drugging of America that come from one of my previous articles

    According to the CDC, approximately 9 out of every 10 Americans that are at least 60 years old say that they have taken at least one prescription drug within the last month.


    There is an unintentional drug overdose death in the United States every 19 minutes.


    In the United States today, prescription painkillers kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine combined.


    According to the CDC, approximately three quarters of a million people a year are rushed to emergency rooms in the United States because of adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs.


    The percentage of women taking antidepressants in America is higher than in any other country in the world.


    Children in the United States are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants as children in Europe are.


    A shocking Government Accountability Office report discovered that approximately one-third of all foster children in the United States are on at least one psychiatric drug.


    A survey conducted for the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that more than 15 percent of all U.S. high school seniors abuse prescription drugs.


    Many of these antidepressants contain warnings that “suicidal thoughts” are one of the side effects that should be expected.  The suicide rate for Americans between the ages of 35 and 64 rose by close to 30 percent between 1999 and 2010.  The number of Americans that are killed by suicide now exceeds the number of Americans that die as a result of car accidents every year.

    But the pharmaceutical companies are never going to stop what they are doing, because it is making them exceedingly wealthy. 

  • Rethinking Money As The Greater Depression Deepens

    Submitted by Doug Casey via,

    We talk a lot in these pages about what to do with one’s money, but I question whether most subscribers (forget about the public at large) have an adequate grasp of the basics. Without it, much of what we say may seem capricious or outlandish, crazy ideas readers tolerate only because we’ve been so right about the big trends. But the basics in speculating and investing are like the basics in martial arts: Just remembering them isn't enough; they need to be second nature. That means reviewing and practicing over and over.

    It's not an accident that we usually make good investment calls; the selections arise from a constant awareness of the basics. So I want to briefly review those fundamentals. Let’s start with gold. We’re very gold-oriented around here.

    You undoubtedly have a good position in gold. Many of your friends are aware that you’re a gold bug, and more than a few of them question your wisdom. Are you able to give them a succinct and cogent explanation not just for why gold is cyclically a good speculation, but why it’s money? I’ll wager the answer in many cases is, “No.”

    I say that because when I give a speech, I often offer a prize to the audience member who can tell me the five classical reasons gold is the best money. Quickly now; what are they? Can’t recall them? Read on, and this time, burn them into your memory.


    If you can’t define a word precisely, clearly, and quickly, that's proof you don’t understand what you’re talking about as well as you might. Here, we talk a lot about money, so it only makes sense to know the subject completely. So, what is money? The proper definition of money is: Something that functions as 1) a medium of exchange and 2) a store of value.

    Government fiat currencies can, and currently do, function as money. But they are far from ideal. What, then, are the characteristics of a good money? Aristotle listed them in the 4th century BCE. A good money must be all of the following:

    • Durable: A good money shouldn’t fall apart in your pocket nor evaporate when you aren’t looking. It should be indestructible. This is why we don’t use fruit for money.
    • Divisible: A good money needs to be convertible into larger and smaller pieces without losing its value, to fit a transaction of any size. This is why we don’t use things like porcelain for money; half a Ming vase isn’t worth much.
    • Consistent: A good money is something that always looks the same, so that it's easy to recognize, each piece identical to the next. This is why we don’t use things like oil paintings for money; each painting, even by the same artist, of the same size and composed of the same materials, is unique.
    • Convenient: A good money packs a lot of value into a small package and is highly portable. This is why we don’t use water for money, as essential as it is. Just imagine how much you’d have to deliver to pay for a new house, not to mention all the problems you’d have with the escrow.
    • Intrinsically valuable: A good money is something many people want or can use. This is critical to money functioning as a means of exchange; even if I'm not a jeweler, I know that someone, somewhere wants gold and will take it in exchange for something else of value to me. This is why we don’t, or shouldn’t, use things like scraps of paper for money, no matter how impressive the inscriptions upon them might be.

    Gold is uniquely well qualified for use as money. No other substance meets those five characteristics so well. Gold’s main use, contrary to the belief of some, isn't in jewelry or dentistry, although those uses are important. Its main use has almost always been as money. But gold's ancillary uses are growing in importance, because, given its physical characteristics, it’s a high-tech metal. Of the 92 naturally occurring elements, it’s the most resistant to chemical reaction, the most ductile, and the most malleable of all the elements. It's also highly reflective, and an exceptional conductor of both heat and electricity.

    There are lots of other advantages to gold as money. It’s by far the most private kind of money; gold coins, unlike paper currency, don't even carry serial numbers. That makes it truly untraceable. At current prices, it's more portable than cash, even in the form of $100 bills. It doesn’t retain traces of drugs, as does currency, which makes it less liable to arbitrary confiscation. Although efforts have been made to counterfeit gold bars, with tungsten filler and such, it’s much easier to authenticate than currency.

    And it’s becoming increasingly apparent to all the world that paper currencies are nothing but floating abstractions; they will not hold value. Paradoxically, gold is now far more useful as money than it was at $35, and becoming more useful than $100 bills. That will be even truer as it goes to $5,000 (my current guess) in terms of today’s dollars.

    Until quite recently, 90% of the world’s people were either flat-out prohibited from owning gold (Russia, China and the rest of the ex-communist world) or simply too poor to consider it (most Indians and other residents of the Third World). But these people are now allowed to own gold and have a fast-increasing ability to buy it. And they’re rapidly doing so. Their cultures have long histories with the metal and recent histories of living in a police state; they understand the value of real money. Although common people are now the biggest gold buyers, many governments and central banks are accumulating it as well.

    I expect that gold will soon become the preferred medium of exchange for many. Early adopters will include dealers in drugs, armaments, and other prescribed merchandise; these folks are very security conscious. They will be joined by all manner of people who just want to do business below government radar. And in the years to come, paper currency is gradually going to be eliminated by governments in favor of debit cards, credit cards, and other media of electronic transfer. Governments prefer these things, for obvious reasons; they make anything you buy or sell a matter of permanent record. People, therefore, are going to need a private way to trade when paper cash is unavailable.

    It’s not just that cash will be harder to come by and harder to use. People won’t want to hold it as inflation gets serious; as U.S. dollars are increasingly viewed as hot potatoes, people around the world will gradually go to gold. In 100 or so countries, the dollar is already the de facto currency for large purchases and long-term saving. What will people in these countries do as the dollar starts losing value rapidly? They won’t go back to their untrustworthy local currencies; their only reasonable alternative is gold. All these things will add to demand for the metal. This is good news for those who own gold in size now.

    The downside, of course, is that these same things will draw more attention to gold from the state, which doesn’t like to see competition to its currency. Will they, therefore, attempt to outlaw gold again? Or, more likely, regulate its use; perhaps by requiring all gold owners to register it and/or store it in approved facilities? Anything is possible.

    Right now, you can still move coins across most borders with relatively little risk or aggravation. There’s the $10,000 declaration rule, of course. But U.S. Eagles, for instance, have a $50 face value, and 200 of them are worth several hundred thousand dollars; although I don't suggest you carry anything like that with you for lots of reasons, even though it may be technically within the law. My guess is the rules will soon be modified to encompass market value and will be more strictly enforced. Already you can find jump-suited imperial troopers on the jetways of many international flights, ready to interrogate you and search your carry-on luggage for violations.

    You may be thinking to yourself, “I already know this stuff; I don’t need to hear it again.” That would be missing the point. Almost everybody, even gold bugs, has far too little gold to buy more. Most people have none at all. Pity the poor fools. Gold is going to be reinstituted as money within our lifetimes, simply out of necessity. But that can only happen at higher prices, since only about six billion ounces exist above ground in the entire world.

    Here’s the bottom line: Forget those ridiculous nostrums about having 5% of your portfolio in physical gold, for insurance. I’d say, have a very significant portion of your net worth in gold. And if you can manage it, keep most of it outside your home country. And get working on it as soon as you finish reading this.


    Now that we’ve defined what money is, let me further define what money is not: Debt. All U.S. dollars, which is to say Federal Reserve Notes, are debt. They are neither redeemable for anything by their issuer, nor is there a limit on how many can be created. They represent only a vague claim against the “good faith and credit” of the United States government, which is to say the government's ability to extract taxes from its subjects. But Uncle Sam has shown himself to be remarkably lacking in good faith and is currently embarked on a course to destroy his credit.

    Remember that the dollar is literally an “IOU nothing.” It’s true that your grocer and your barber have to accept the dollar because of “legal tender” laws, and because they currently wouldn’t know what else to take in payment. But that’s not true of foreigners, who own something like $10 trillion; they’re starting to look at them more and more as “trading sardines.”

    That’s a simple fact, and it has economic and investment implications we’ve written about extensively. Other currencies are no better; most are worse, and many of them are backed largely by dollars. Most countries’ currencies have only very little value outside of their issuer’s borders. Be glad you don’t have too many Zambian kwacha or Burmese kyat…

    Governments, however, are not the only ones who think that debt is money. It seems that many people who get a bunch of credit cards, enabling them to spend beyond their means, imagine that they have money. And they also think that owning the debt of others, like government bonds, means they have money. A bank deposit isn’t really cash; it’s a debt of the bank. There are several trillion dollars in money market funds; 100% of that money is invested in the short-term debt of banks, corporations and governments. I would be very leery of these things. Debt is not always repaid. Money, which is to say gold, simply “is.” That distinction is lost on almost everyone. Don’t be among them.

    Here, I want to emphasize something else you certainly know but may not have acted on. You not only want to own gold, you want to “short” the dollar. But trying to trade currencies and interest rate futures is not the way to do it; that approach is risky and entirely too focused on the short term.

    Here’s the smartest thing you can do with debt: Take out the largest, longest-term, fixed-rate mortgage you can on your home, especially with rates near all-time lows. You’ll win as the dollar is destroyed, and you’ll win as interest rates eventually go to the moon. And you’ll win as the asset you place the proceeds in appreciates.

    This last part is critical. Borrowing $500,000 and then frittering it away will only leave you renting in a trailer park. Take the money and buy gold. Or, perhaps, just leave it in secure short-term instruments that will earn the high interest rates that are always the companion of high inflation. That money also will be safest in a foreign jurisdiction, but if you keep it in the U.S., consider keeping it in an IRA or other tax-sheltered vehicle.

    Yes, I know it’s a comfort living in a debt-free home. But even if it appears debt-free, your ownership is no more than an ambiguity. Try not paying the property taxes, and you’ll find out who really owns it. The bottom line is that, in a few years, as interest rates and inflation go up, you’ll see that mortgage as a gift.

    This relates to the issue of “cash” in dollars. There’s something to be said for being very liquid today and holding dollars, even though the dollars are a ticking bomb. But that’s simply because almost everything else in the world is overpriced.

    That sounds paradoxical, or perhaps even metaphysically impossible. How can “everything” be overpriced? It’s happening because trillions of currency units have been created all over the world in the last few years, and other asset bubbles are in process of inflation. People are holding dollars only because they’re liquid and they see no bargains elsewhere.

    Large, successful corporations, like Intel, Apple, Microsoft, and Exxon, each has scores of billions of dollars. The cash holdings of U.S. corporations are in the trillions. When the dollar starts losing value rapidly, the people running those corporations will panic and look for a place to hide from inflation. Many will buy their own stock, try to take over other companies, or buy raw materials for their own business. Others will just be deer in the headlights. (I don’t want to get into a discussion of where the stock market is going; there are titanic forces pulling it down as well as pushing it up. That’s a subject for a future article.)

    Let me reemphasize that the Greater Depression is still in its early stages. The low interest rates and relatively low inflation rates we’ve had recently aren’t going to last. They will soon be replaced by wildly fluctuating markets and rapidly depreciating currencies. We could have a catastrophic deflation, where trillions of currency units are wiped out. Or we could have a hyperinflation, as governments create trillions more of them. Or both phenomena in sequence.

    But, as bad as they are, those are just financial phenomena; what will be much, much more serious are things looming on the political, economic, social, and military fronts of the Greater Depression. These things are why I suggest you own more gold, even though it runs counter to my instincts as a bottom fisher to buy something that’s no longer cheap.

    The bottom line is that you want to get out of the dollar before everyone else does. Now is an excellent time to short the dollar with a long-term, fixed-rate mortgage. And put the proceeds in gold.

    *  * *

    Editor’s Note: Most people have no idea what really happens when a currency collapses, let alone how to prepare…

    Owning gold is essential.

    But there’s more to do to make sure your wealth doesn’t get wiped out in the coming financial tidal wave.

    How will you protect your savings in the event of a currency crisis?

    This video we just released will show you exactly how. Click here to watch it now.

  • Can "SPECTRE" And Trillions In Free Money Finally Save The Global Economy?

    It’s certainly no secret to anyone who frequents these pages that trillions in global QE have failed to engineer a robust worldwide economic recovery. Aggregate demand is still soft and global trade is stuck in what amounts to neutral.

    But the world’s central planners have a penchant for Einsteinian insanity and despite the glaringly obvious fact that QE long ago began to succumb to the law of diminishing returns, most DM central banks are ready to enact still more stimulus and persist in ZIRP (and NIRP) in what might as well be perpetuity in a race to the bottom of the effective lower bound and the top of central bank balance sheet lunacy. 

    In his latest missive, Grant Williams takes a look at the dynamic described above and how “SPECTRE”, “The Special Executive for Continually Trying to Resuscitate the Economy” (an amusing take on the villainous cabal from the Bond films) has gone about trying to “fix” it for going on seven years now. 

    *  *  *

    From Grant Williams

    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you SPECTRE – The Special Executive for Continually Trying to Resuscitate the Economy.

    This shady organization operates in plain sight but wholly above the law and, though the international flavour of its executive board is consistent with Fleming’s criminal franchise, the public face of SPECTRE shifts regularly.

    In short, not the sort of people you’d choose to do business with.

    Back in 2008, in the midst of a crisis of global proportions, Ernst Stavro Paulson and the enigmatic Dr.Yes brought SPECTRE out of the shadows and into the collective conscious of the world. They did so by seemingly offering a cunning solution to the fears that gripped mankind in the wake of the GFC—free money!

    Since then, an ever-widening group of SPECTRE luminaries has worked tirelessly to increase their grip on the world and to achieve their stated aim of world domination resuscitating the global economy.

    With Paulson & Dr. Yes now seemingly retired (presumably, the SPECTRE pension plan is both defined benefit and, at the very top levels, extremely generous), it has fallen to the organization’s #3, Emilio Dragho to take the reins—aided and abetted by the fearsome Rosie Outlook—and their lieutenants stationed in places as far-flung as London and Tokyo.

    But can the modern-day SPECTRE achieve their aims or will they, like Fleming’s villainous cadre be foiled—not by 007, but rather a global economy that simply refuses to bend to their will and get off its knees? 


    Rather than focusing exclusively on ‘growth,’ there are a great many ways of measuring economic ‘health’ and those benchmarks are perhaps a better indication as to what lies ahead.

    In the US, for example, the ground level data have been fairly poor.

    Manufacturing ISM is barely above recession levels and, while non-manufacturing has been strong in recent months, the divergence between them is a worrying sign given their tight historical correlation. 


    It’s beneath the surface where the real disconnects between perception and reality lie and there is nobody better at not only identifying such misalignments, but putting them in the perspective they so desperately need than the brilliant Stephanie Pomboy of MacroMavens who this week has very kindly allowed me to share a few short excerpts from a recent piece she published. 

    It was Stephanie’s final chart which had me breathing into a brown paper bag like a dowager having an attack of the vapours. Pray silence for the inventory-to-sales ratio: 


    [Before] I move a little farther down the list of those economies supposed to do the heavy-lifting in the next couple of decades, a few more observations as to the real health of the US:

    Full letter below

    Ttmygh 2015-11-08 Spectre s

  • The March Of The Cry-Bullies

    Submitted by Ben Garrison via,

    I like the fact that college students are angry enough to revolt against the massive debt being piled on their backs just because they want to get a college degree and a good job. They should be protesting because the expenses involved have gotten ridiculous. Then, if they do graduate, a great many of them can’t find employment. Too many are forced to remain living with their parents without a chance at the American Dream, which has now become just that—a dream.

    Unfortunately, too many of these young people are also upset about ridiculous things. They are part of a hypersensitive, hyper-politically correct group known as ‘Social Justice Warriors.’



    A few years ago when I first heard the term 'Social Justice Warrior,’ I wasn’t sure what it meant. I thought SJWs were doing some kind of noble, laudable work. I pictured them as volunteers at food banks. Maybe they were trying to help senior citizens get the prescription medicine they couldn’t afford. I pictured them trying to help the downtrodden in society. Instead, SJWs epitomize political correctness gone amuck. They are 'special snowflakes' who are also incredibly thin-skinned. They browbeat and scold others into giving up freedom of speech or expression. Want to wear a Halloween costume? You’d better check with the campus commissar of political correctness first. (Yes, the protesters want some sort of official on campus who will determine what can and cannot be said or done). Don’t want to date a tranny? What a hateful person you are!

    Now we hear terms such as ‘micro-agression’ which can mean a tone of voice or expression that might cause slight discomfort to the recipient. Micro-transgressors are vilified, shamed and screamed at. Slights don’t even have to be real—they only need be imagined. Political correctness has now become a form of mass insanity. Do you still say ‘Merry Christmas?’ Watch out! Did you accidentally call a man from China a ‘Chinaman?’ OMG—look out for the pearl clutchers—you’re a horrible human being who needs to be shunned! It doesnt’ matter if the man from China was offended or not. He probably wasn’t. After all, he’s a man and he came from China.

    What matters is YOU said the WRONG thing. During the Spanish Inquisition, people who said wrong things were labeled ‘heretics.’ A heretic was seen as someone who was contaminated with erroneous thinking. A heretic was going to go Hell. A heretic could be tortured because such a person had lost a connection with the omniscient church. Now that word is ‘racist.’ A racist can be scolded, driven out of jobs or forced to make a blubbering apology because they are no longer seen as connected with humanity. It doesn’t matter if the person is actually racist or not…all that needs to happen is for a SJW to perceive or imagine such a heinous transgression. It’s not only insanity, it can be amusing at times. The liberal scolds are now themselves being scolded by the generation they mollycoddled.

    Please, SJWs, if you really want to do something useful, hold a mass protest calling for the end of the Federal Reserve. You’d be doing all races a favor. It’s also time to END the tyranny of ‘political correctness.'

  • The Class War Has Already Started

    Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

    Here's what's obvious, but unacceptable: we need a new system.

    Pundits and apologists are quick to chastise anyone who even speaks of class war, as if the words alone might spark what the pundits and apologists fear.

    The pundits and apologists dread the words because they know the Class War has already started. The mainstream media's hope is that denial will somehow suppress the broader recognition that the fault lines in American society are cracking wide open.

    Last week's entries explained why increasing wealth/income inequality is the only possible output of the current social- political -economic order. All the proposed "fixes"–more regulations, more taxes, more bureaucracies, etc.– will fail because they are merely extensions of a failed system that optimizes inequality, monopoly, cronyism, stagnation, low social mobility and systemic instability.

    Here is my delineation of America's nine socio-economic classes:

    The Changing World of Work I: America's Nine Classes: Eight of the nine classes are hidebound by backward-looking conventions, neofeudal arrangements and a spectrum of perverse incentives and false choices.

    A few commentators see the fault lines and understand the Class War is already rumbling. Correspondent Mark G. submitted these two articles as examples of the widening divides between various classes in the U.S.:

    Are We Heading for an Economic Civil War?

    How the widening urban-rural divide threatens America

    In the first piece, Joel Kotkin describes the political capture of the Status Quo Imperial Democrats by the Left Coast media and tech culture of Silicon Valley and Hollywood, both of which have thrived in our hyper-financialized economy of 95% losers and 5% winners, and the Right Coast financiers, lobbyists, government bureaucrats and Wall Streeters who have benefited so handsomely from the hyper-financialization of the U.S. economy, politics, media and zeitgeist.

    This Class War is illustrated by this chart: a tiny financial-political Elite (the top 1/10th of 1%) now own as much wealth as the bottom 90%:

    The second piece describes the widening gulf between the wealthy cities vacuuming up global capital (NYC, San Francisco, West LA, Seattle, etc.) and opportunity-impoverished rural America.

    But these gaping divides do not fully explain the many fronts of the Class War. We can add another fault line–the one between those exploiting institutions to validate their indignation and victimhood, and those far from the feeding troughs of universities and state bureaucracies.

    The divide between those using the media and institutions to reward their indignation and victimhood crosses a variety of ethnic, religious and income lines, and as such it is a Cultural Divide with financial ramifications: one camp sees the Central State as the infinite feeding trough of benefits, lifetime employment, and power, while the other camp sees the Central State's limitless power as the primary threat to the well-being of the economy, nation and culture.

    The first camp revels in Bread and Circuses, and demands more; the second camp reviles Bread and Circuses and sees the demanding crowd in the Coliseum as proof the nation is fracturing/falling apart.

    Then there's the demographic divide between entitled retirees and the younger workers with stagnant incomes who must support the retirees "pay as you go" social programs (Social Security and Medicare).

    As I have tirelessly explained for years, the Social Security/Medicare "Trust Fund" is a fiction, a ledger entry of non-marketable securities. When Social Security runs a deficit, the deficit is filled by selling Treasury bonds– the same way any other program deficit is filled. The only way to pay for these programs is to increase the national debt. The "Trust Fund" is nothing but a propaganda Big Lie.

    The younger workers are chained to a system that is completely out of whack with the real-world demographics of an enormous generation of retirees who are living decades longer than the population the system was designed to serve, with medical care costs that are the financial equivalent of a runaway train.

    As painful as it might be to retiring Boomers, here's the perspective of those facing decades of taxes to pay for programs that can't possibly fund their retirement in the same fashion:

    Baby boomers are what’s wrong with America’s economy: They chewed up resources, ran up the debt and escaped responsibility.

    All of these fault lines result from one basic truth: the system is broken and cannot be reformed/fixed. As the pressures of a system that optimizes inequality, monopoly, cronyism, stagnation, low social mobility and systemic instability build, the fissures in our economy and society will widen.

    Here's what's obvious, but unacceptable: we need a new system. Not a system modified with tiny tweaks and a feeding trough filled with borrowed money–an entirely new system designed from scratch to be sustainable and with opportunities to build capital for all.

    This is why I wrote A Radically Beneficial World–to start the discussion of what a new system could accomplish, not just for the top .01% or top 10%, but for all of us.

  • Goldman's Clients Are Suddenly Very Worried About Collapsing Market Breadth

    Three days ago, just before the biggest market drop in weeks, we wrote an article attempting to answer “when does the market breakdown again” where we said the answer is in the advance-decline line….


    … for one reason:  the absolute collapse in market breadth had become the biggest threat to the rally since late September.

    BofA noted that “the rise in the US Dollar has had a bearish impact on global equity market breadth (many equity markets have done much better in local currencies) and this A-D line has not confirmed the global equity market rally. This is a major bearish breadth divergence and a classic sign of diminishing breadth for global equity market indices.”

    We added that what this “means that the central banks, whose only mandate is to keep the global market from crashing, is they will have to buy – either directly like the SNB and BOJ or indirectly/spoof like the NY Fed via Citadel – much more than just the E-mini and a handful of stocks to give the impression that the market is healthy when in fact, it is not.”

    For now they are failing.

    Which explains why suddenly the topic of collapsing market breadth is the biggest concern among Goldman’s clients.

    As Goldman’s David Kostin explains, narrow market breadth has been a recent topic of investor discussions.

    Clients are quick to point out similarities between the current low breadth environment and the narrow breadth regime that emerged during the tech bubble in the late 1990s. A narrow market exists when a few stocks drive the majority of the index-level return. Five firms – AMZN, GOOGL, MSFT, FB, and GE – totaling 9% of the equity cap of the index have accounted for more than 100% of the S&P 500 YTD return. Stated alternatively, without these stocks the index would have posted a 220 bp lower total return or -2.2% YTD.


    We introduce the Goldman Sachs Breadth Index (GSBI) to track market breadth (see Exhibit 1). The index utilizes S&P 500 constituent weights and 6-month returns to assign a market breadth value between 0 and 100. Readings below 5 indicate that market breadth is especially narrow.



    Our Breadth index currently equals 1, one of the lowest levels in the 30- year series. The Breadth index has stayed below 5 for at least two consecutive months just 11 times since 1985 (Exhibit 1). The typical episode lasted four months, with past episodes ranging from two months in 2007 to a high of 14 months during the tech bubble. The current exceptionally narrow breadth period is just one month old but is on track for a second month, so this environment could reasonably be expected to persist into early 2016.



    Factor analysis shows that high quality stocks tend to outperform in narrow breadth environments, although results were inconsistent. Using our long/short Micro Equity Factors (MEFs), we can evaluate the types of stocks that typically outperform in narrow breadth environments. Firms with strong balance sheets outperformed firms with weak balance sheets in 7 of 11 narrow breadth periods. Low volatility stocks also outperformed their higher volatility counterparts in 7 of 11 episodes. In contrast, the “lower quality” Russell 2000 index outperformed the S&P 500 during 8 of the 11 periods, the best factor hit rate (see Exhibit 3).




    The subsequent performance of stocks in a narrow breadth market has been mixed. Factor analysis shows that high momentum stocks outperformed low momentum stocks in 64% of narrow breadth episodes. During the six months leading into the 1994 low breadth episode, the top ten contributing stocks accounted for nearly 90% of the S&P 500 return. However, during the six months following the initial low breadth index reading, the median stock in the list fell by 4% while the S&P 500 returned 3% during the same period. The 1999 episode was a different story: The top 10 contributing stocks accounted for nearly 900% of the S&P 500 return ahead of the first low reading of our breadth index. The median stock surged by 62% during the subsequent six months and accounted for 51% of the index return and pushed the overall S&P 500 index up by 18% during that period.

    In other words, BTFD is nothing new.

    But is breadth a relevant indicator? That depends: just like there has not been a major market crash without a Hindenburg Omen, so market breadth has collapsed before every single prior recession. However, just like the H-Omen, breadth has had numerous false negatives, and 8 very narrow breadth periods ended without an economic contraction. To wit:

    On its own, narrow breadth is an unreliable indicator of a recession or market peak. Breadth was extremely narrow preceding each of the three recessions during the last 30 years, but the remaining eight narrow breadth periods ended in relatively healthy growth environments. While breadth was especially narrow before the market collapses of 2000 and 2007, the S&P 500 exited 7 of the 11 narrow breadth episodes in a positive fashion, with the median episode producing 6- and 12-month returns of 3% and 9%. In short, narrow breadth by itself does not appear to be a cause for investor concern.

    And while Goldman is eager to spin the bullish case, its clients are no longer as believing:

    On the other hand, clients continue to point to similarities between the current narrow breadth environment and that of the later years of the tech bubble. S&P 500 forward P/E currently equals 16.3x, near the highest level since the tech bubble. Mega-cap growth stocks explain a vast majority of the trailing 6- and 12-month S&P 500 return. Other similarities to the late 1990s provide a persuasive case for why mega cap outperformance will likely persist, at least in the near term. Modest US economic growth and peak margins should put a premium on stocks with perceived high secular growth prospects. 

    Or, said otherwise, Goldman’s clients are nervous because with just 5 stocks (!) propping up the entire market, the party is to end with a bang (especially for the small and mid-cap momos). And, as the action on Friday confirmed, the “market” is finally getting the memo.

  • Senate Quietly Passes Bipartisan Bill To Allow Conquest Of Space

    Submitted by Deirdre Fulton via,

    In a bipartisan bid to encourage commercial exploitation of outer space, the U.S. Senate this week unanimously passed the Space Act of 2015, which grants U.S. citizens or corporations the right to legally claim non-living natural resources—including water and minerals—mined in the final frontier.

    The legislation – described by IGN‘s Jenna Pitcher as “a celestial ‘Finders Keepers’ law” – could be a direct affront to an international treaty that bars nations from owning property in space. The bill will now be sent back to the House of Representatives, which is expected to approve the changes, and then on to President Barack Obama for his anticipated signature.

    Pitcher continued:

    The new Space Act allows ventures to keep and sell any natural resources mined on planets, asteroids and other celestial bodies. Commercial operations could reap trillions of dollars from mining precious metals like platinum, common metallic elements such as iron, and water, the “oil of space.”

    The vote was celebrated by the Google-backed “asteroid mining company” Planetary Resources, which lobbied hard for the legislation and says “the market in space is ripe to bloom.”

    Planetary Resources president and chief engineer Chris Lewicki added: “Throughout history, governments have spurred growth in new frontiers by instituting sensible legislation. Long ago, The Homestead Act of 1862 advocated for the search for gold and timber, and today, H.R. 2262 fuels a new economy that will open many avenues for the continual growth and prosperity of humanity.”

    “This off-planet economy,” he said, “will forever change our lives for the better here on Earth.”

    But there could be a snag. Along with Britain, France, and Russia, the U.S. is a signatory to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which reads in part: “Outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.”

    As Wired noted on Thursday,

    “[h]anding out the right to exploit chunks of space to your citizens sounds very much like a claim of sovereignty, despite the Space Act’s direct statement that ‘the United States does not thereby assert sovereignty or sovereign or exclusive rights or jurisdiction over, or the ownership of, any celestial body’.”


    “[O]n the one hand Congress is saying to these companies, ‘Go get these rights and we’ll defend you,’ and at the same time saying, ‘We’re making no sovereign claim of ownership’,” space lawyer Michael Listner told the Guardian.


    They’re trying to dance around the issue,” he said of U.S. lawmakers. “I tend to think it doesn’t create any rights because it conflicts with international law. The bottom line is before you can give somebody the right to harvest a resource you have to have ownership.”

    *  *  *

    How long before the US begins counting future net present vale of mined resources from Mars as current GDP? And will The ECB accept water-rights on Venus as collateral?

  • France's Far-Right Party Calls For Nation To "Re-Arm Itself", Revoke Muslims' Passports, "Eradicate" Radical Islam

    If there is one 'winner' from last night's terrible events in Paris, it is France's anti-EU, anti-immigration far-right wing Front Nationale party leader Marine Le Pen. Having already ascended to the lead in yet another poll ahead of France's 2017 elections, Le Pen came out swinging this morning call for France to "re-arm itself," stating that radical Islam must be "eradicated" from France. She further demanded that border controls be made "permanent" and binational Islamists must be depreived of their French passport.

    As Bloomberg notes:


    Which is all fine if this was some extreme and unpopular party, but in fact…

    Marine Le Pen Tops Another French Presidency Poll

    The Front National party in France are moving one step closer to seriously challenging for the country’s presidency. A new opinion poll reveals that their leader, nationalist firebrand Marine Le Pen, has topped yet another poll ahead of the elections in 2017.


    The IFOP poll in conjunction with Sud Radio and Lyon Capitale gives Ms. Le Pen a lead under three different scenarios, reflecting the panic setting into the French political establishment which is considering a ‘grand coalition’ of centre-left and centre-right parties to keep the Front National out.


    According to IFOP, if centrist politician Francois Bayrou and centre-right Nicolas Sarkozy ran, Ms. Le Pen would top the first choice in the multi-round election with 28 per cent of the votes. In second, the Republican Party’s Sarkozy (23), and in third, current president, socialist Francois Hollande (21).

    As John Rubino noted previously, there are two reasons for the rise of National Front and other anti-euro parties:

    1) The adoption of a common currency hasn’t delivered the broad-based prosperity that was promised. Instead, Germany has entered a golden age of soaring exports, massive trade surpluses and balanced budgets while most other eurozone countries have been unable to function with a currency they can’t devalue at will.


    2) The European Union’s decision to counter falling birthrates with rising immigration from Africa and the Middle East has, in the opinion of a growing number of Europeans, produced a two-tiered society in which a shrinking layer of liberal, pacifist, aging “natives” sits atop a growing, restless layer of newcomers who instead of assimilating are trying to impose their culture on traditional Europe.

    And then came the Paris attacks. The perps are Middle Eastern though it’s not clear what group they’re affiliated with. But no one seems to care whether it’s ISIS or al-Qaeda. Their ancestry is all that will matter in the next election, and any politician with an anti-euro, anti-immigrant platform will find a suddenly very receptive audience.

  • The Cost Of China's "Manipulated Market Stability" May Be Too High, BofAML Warns

    In August, we learned that even spending CNY1 trillion in plunge protection to prop up an equity market reeling from the unwind of a bevy of backdoor margin lending channels was woefully insufficient. The reason (or one of the reasons): the millions of semi-literate retail investors, housewives, and farmers that had poured money into the market and had previously been inclined to buy every last dip were suddenly selling every last rip in a desperate attempt to recoup their savings which had just been vaporized before their very eyes. 

    Ultimately, once Beijing had tried halting three quarters of the market and then throwing more than a trillion yuan at the “problem”, Chinese authorities just started arresting people. First short-sellers, then brokers, then journalists, and finally, just plain old sellers. 

    True, that’s not good for China’s international reputation from a kind of human rights/freedom of speech perspective, but when it comes to showing the world that you’re committed to liberalizing capital markets, it sure beats effectively nationalizing a whole collection of equities and halting 75% of trading. Not to mention the fact that when you’re trying to execute a “controlled” currency deval on your own terms and there’s already quite a bit of downward pressure, it’s not entirely clear that you want to be printing too many more trillions of yuan. 

    Of course even though China may have succeeded in “arresting” some of the pressure with its “kill the chicken to scare the monkey” witch hunt and thereby might possibly have avoided having to dump still more money into buying shares, to a certain extent the reputational damage was done from June-July when CSRC bought some CNY900 billion in shares. As we’ve put it before, that falls outside the bounds of manipulated market decorum even in a world that’s used to central banks providing plunge protection. 

    On Friday, BofA’s David Cui is out with a look back at China’s Q3 plunge protection and a look forward at what the numbers mean for the effort’s future. 

    *  *  *

    From BofA

    Largely based on top-10 shareholder information disclosed by A-share companies, we estimate that the government likely spent at least Rmb1.5tr in Q3 to support the market (Table 1). Given the potential damage to the PBoC’s and RMB’s reputation, economic growth and long-term financial system stability, we think it unlikely that the government has the resolve to keep buying if heavy selling pressure in the A-share market resumes at certain point. 

    The prices paid so far 

    Excluding ETF positions, the government and affiliated funds bought shares in at least 1,365 A-share companies in 3Q, representing 49% of the total number of A-shares and roughly 7% of the A-share market’s free float. Of this, by number of stocks, 58% are listed on the Main Boards, 26% on SME and 16% on GEM (Table 2); by market value, close to 90% is on the Main Boards, 7% SME and 3% on GEM (Table 3); by market cap in value, about 60% are in stocks with Rmb50bn+ market cap (Table 4); by sectors in value, some 40% are in financials and 20% in industries (Table 5); by trailing 12-month PE, about 30% is at 40x+ or loss-making and 20% at is 20-40x (Table 6); by yield, about half is at 0-1% (Table 7). We estimate that the government’s position, including ETFs, incurred a Rmb220bn loss as of Sept 30, but the loss had turned into a small gain by Nov 11, after the recent market rebound (Table 1). 

    The unintended consequences Leaving aside damage to its reform credentials, the government’s stock-buying program may negatively impact the economy and financial system: few central or commercial banks lend money to fund stock purchases, especially at this expensive valuation – this cannot be enhancing investor confidence in RMB; the related lending had contributed to an acceleration in M2 growth (13.5% YoY in Oct vs. 6.2% nominal GDP growth in 3Q); this excessive liquidity appears to be rushing into the tier-1 city housing market and the bond market.

    *  *  *

    Right, so nothing particularly new in the first few sentences there. China will be unwilling to continue the plunge protection because, i) it damages their reputation in terms of liberalizing capital markets, ii) printing trillions of yuan in the middle of an uncertain FX enviornment is probaby not the best idea, especially when you’re trying to “control” the deval, iii) there are potentially dangerous spillover effects into other “assets.”

    What is interesting is that CSRC had incurred a CNY200 billion loss as of the end of September. Although that loss appears to have been recouped, that speaks to the potential for disaster here should the A-share market take another turn for the worst. Consider one more table which shows that nearly a quarter of the national team’s massive portfolio was purchased at a PE of 40 or greater:

    Which brings us to BofA’s conclusion: 

    Selling pressure likely to resume This is because the A-share market is expensive and leverage in the market is still high.


    Ex. banks, the A-share market is trading at 32.4x trailing 12-month earnings. On leverage, we estimate that approximately Rmb8.9tr market value, including all the government’s positions, is either partially funded by borrowing or pledged for lending (Table 8). This is equivalent to around 43% of the A-share market’s free float. Given the high financing cost of these positions and the expensive valuation, we suspect that it could be a matter of time before heavy selling resumes.

    In other words, the CNY220 billion paper loss the CSRC was staring down at the end of September could end up looking small by comparison should things take a turn for the worst given valuations and given the amount of leverage still built into the market.

    Should massive losses materialize, we imagine the Politburo will be arresting a lot more Yao Gangs and other CSRC officials for “graft”…

  • 2008 Flashback: The Risk Of Redefining Recession

    Submitted by Lakshman Achuthan via The Economic Cycle Research Institute,

    Ignorance about recessions has taken hold because of a simplistic idea that a recession is two successive quarterly declines in GDP or, more broadly, a situation where we see some, but not all, of the typical markers of recession.

    Recession? Or just a slowdown? Some will tell you it doesn't much matter – that it's a distinction without a difference. Nothing could be further from the truth – or as dangerous a delusion.

    Ignorance about recessions has taken hold because of a simplistic idea that a recession is two successive quarterly declines in growth domestic product, a measure of the nation's output.

    The idea originated in a 1974 New York Times article by Julius Shiskin, who provided a laundry list of recession-spotting rules of thumb, including two down quarters of GDP. Over the years the rest of his rules somehow dropped away, leaving behind only "two down quarters of GDP."

    Like most rules of thumb, it's far from perfect. It failed in the 2001 recession, for example. At the time and until July 2002, data showed just one down quarter of GDP, leading policy makers to claim there had been no recession. Yet, later that month, revisions showed GDP down for three straight quarters. Complicating matters further, with the benefit of time, we now know that GDP actually zigzagged between negative and positive readings, never showing two negative quarters in a row.

    The far more important issue in 2001 was the loss of 2.7 million jobs – more than in any postwar recession. Even taking into account labor force growth, those job losses were greater than in most recessions over the past 50 years.

    Clearly, there are times when the reality of the economy outside your window is harsher than GDP might imply.

    In fact, if you insist on using a rule of thumb, you're better off "defining" recession as a period when the economy sees four straight months of job losses, since that rule has been much more accurate. However, like the GDP-based definition, even that is too narrow a rule.

    Any trustworthy definition of recession needs to encompass the key elements of the recessionary vicious cycle – output, employment, income and sales.

    While all government data are subject to revision, simultaneous reliance on all four of these aspects of the economy produces judgments that can stand the test of time.

    To appreciate why, we must first understand what a recession really is.

    A recession is a self-reinforcing downturn in economic activity, when a drop in spending leads to cutbacks in production and thus jobs, triggering a loss of income that spreads across the country and from industry to industry, hurting sales and in turn feeding back into a further drop in production – in effect a vicious cycle.

    That's why the proper definition of recession cannot be limited to GDP and industrial production, but must also include jobs, income and spending, all spiraling down in concert.

    To keep it simple, just look for the "Three P's" – a pronounced, pervasive and persistent downturn in the broad measures of those factors.

    Are we there yet?

    Having established the facts about recession, we'd like to offer our opinion about where we are in this business cycle.

    While GDP has yet to decline, we have already seen four straight months of payroll job losses. That suggests that the economy is on a recession track. And it implies that either one or both of the recent, slightly positive GDP estimates will be revised down to negative readings by next year. Or, we will see a negative GDP quarter or two later this year.

    But while the final determination of recession might be delayed by a year of more, our leading indexes have never been this weak outside a recession. If this is indeed a recession, policy makers would be remiss in assuming that this is an economic slowdown rather than a recessionary vicious cycle.

    Japan is a case in point. Not many know that Japan didn't experience sustained deflation until nine years after its asset bubble burst in 1989. Because of their misguided belief in the "two down quarters of GDP" recession definition, Japanese officials only belatedly recognized the reality of their 1997-1999 recession 15 months after it had begun, when that "rule" was finally satisfied.

    This enabled wrong-footed economic policy, resulting in a prolonged, severe recession that set off years of deflation. It's easy to see how definitional delusions can cause a lot of damage.

    Simply put, if an economy is in recession, economic stimulus can be provided without much concern about inflation, since recession always kills inflation. But if this were just a slowdown, such stimulus could set off an inflationary spiral.

    That's why it is essential not to be misled by a flawed rule of thumb, or imagine that it makes no difference to policy whether or not we are in a real recession. This is even truer in an election year, when politically expedient policy prescriptions are all the rage.

    This was originally published by CNN on May 6, 2008… and seemed rather appropriate once again.

  • Passport Found Next To Paris Suicide Bomber Belongs To Syrian "Political Refugee" Who Entered Greece

    Exactly two months ago we reported that as Europe’s biggest refugees crisis since World War II was getting worse with each passing day, suddenly Europe was flooded with reports of “ISIS Terrorists” posing as refugees.

    What we said we disturbingly prophetic when looking at the immediate consequences of Europe’s “infiltration” by the CIA-crated fighters meant to overthrow Assad’s regime, also known as ISIS. Specifically, we said “focus on the propaganda, [which] is in full crisis mode: A recent article in the UK Express Daily claimed that IS “smuggled thousands of covert jihadists into Europe.” It cited a January BuzzFeed interview with an IS operative who said the militants have already sent some 4,000 fighters into Europe under guise of refugees.

    This was the first of two punchlines, underlined for effect:

    “These speculations have not been confirmed by Western security officials, although that’s only temporary: as the need to ratchet up the fear factor grows, expect more such reports of asylum seekers who have penetrated deep inside Europe, and whose intentions are to terrorize the public. Expect a few explosions thrown in for good effect.”

    The second:

    “And since everyone knows by now “not to let a crisis go to waste” the one thing Europe needs is a visceral, tangible crisis, ideally with chilling explosions and innocent casualties. We expect one will be provided on short notice.”

    Overnight we got both numerous “chilling explosions” as well as “innocent casualties” on a sufficiently short notice, just as predicted.

    Just one thing was missing: a link between the Paris suicide bombers (for whose actions ISIS has already claimed responsibility) and refugees.

    That missing link appeared earlier today today, when the Greek government said that not only was a Syrian passport found next to the body of one of the suicide bombers in Paris yesterday, but that passport was registered on the Greek island of Leros, suggesting that the holder came into Europe claiming to be a political refugee according to Bloomberg.

    The passport was recorded by Greek officials on Oct. 3, Greek Deputy Citizen Protection Minister Nikos Toskas said on a statement posted on the ministry’s website Saturday. Toskas said he didn’t know whether the passport was later processed by other authorities elsewhere in Europe.

    The full statement, google translated:

    Statement by the Deputy Minister of Citizen Protection Nikos Tosca on terrorist attacks in Paris


    The Deputy Minister of Citizen Protection Nikos Toskas announces the following:


    “On the case of the Syrian passport found at the scene of the terrorist attack.


    We announce that the passport holder, had passed from Leros on 03.10.2015 where identified based on EU rules, as decided at the Summit on the refugee issue.


    We do not know if the passport was checked by other countries which are likely to be passed by the holder.


    We will continue the painstaking and persistent effort under difficult circumstances to ensure the security of our country and Europe, insisting on complete identification of passing through the refugee stream. ”

    A tangential point, and one again pointing to motive, is that also just two months ago, the Greek defense minister threatened that Greece would open borders to jihadis and other mideast terrorists, if there was no deal.

    And just to cement the “refugee link”, French newspaper Liberation also reported that an Egyptian passport was also found on one of the attackers the Stade de France.

    Now, we admit to not being experts on the nuances, or even basics, of “suicide bombing for terrorists 101“, but is bringing your own passport to an event that will be your last, really that crucial, especially when the passport is such a critical smoking gun?

    Also, if a suicide bomber blows up while carrying the passport, does the passport survive intact every single time or just on specific occasions?

    Whatever the reason, the trifecta has emerged: just as expected, the link between Syrian refugees, ISIS, and Terrorism has now been set in stone. And Marine Le Pen could not be any happier

    What happens next?

    One possible chain of events involves Syria suddenly finding full-blown NATO support for a renewed attack on Syria and, of course, Assad.

    And with the only French aircraft carrier already en route to Syria, and meant to support to mission against Assad ISIS, France is oddly prepared for an all out attack to take out the Syrian president. Most importantly, it now has the outraged, incensed public’s blessing to do just that.

    The second path of future events goes back to what we said on September 11 of this year when we predicted the French terrorist attacks:

    … the second key role of ISIS is also starting to emerge: the terrorist bogeyman that ravages Europe and scares the living daylight out of people who beg the government to implement an even more strict government apparatus in order to protect them from refugees ISIS terrorists.



    Certainly expect a version of Europe’a Patriot Act to emerge over the next year, when the old continent has its own “September 11” moment, one which will provide the unelected Brussels bureaucrats with even more authoritarian power.

    So far things are panning out precisely as we expected they would; we expect this chain of events to continue.

  • In Oregon There Are Now More Marijuana Shops Than Starbucks Or McDonalds

    Submitted by John Vibes via,

    In the state of Oregon, where marijuana for recreational purposes was legalized just over a month ago, there are already more retail marijuana shops than there are McDonald’s or Starbucks.

    According to Oregon’s Health Authority, there are 281 marijuana businesses in the state due to the fact that there was already a vast network of medical dispensaries there. When legalization kicked in, these dispensaries were able to quickly repurpose themselves as retail outlets. This allowed the industry to grow much quicker in Oregon than it did in Colorado or Washington.

    In Oregon, there were over 250 medical marijuana dispensaries that were immediately able to sell to recreational customers, while in Colorado there were just 24 retailers open on the first day of legalization — and Washington had only four.

    In fact, in Oregon, the cannabis industry is already becoming as visible as major fast food corporations, with more locations in the state than both Starbucks and McDonald’s. They have 248 and 205 locations, respectively.

    It is important to mention that many different businesses and owners make up the 281 marijuana shops across the state, while Starbucks and McDonald’s are individual businesses. For example, the total number of marijuana shops are not being compared to the total number of fast food or coffee shops, but to specific fast food and coffee corporations. However, it still shows how marijuana is quickly becoming a very important part of the economy and of pop culture.

    According to Business Insider, Oregon already has the second-highest number of medical marijuana patients, running close behind Colorado.

    The state sold over $11 million dollars worth of marijuana in the first week of legalization. The sales in Oregon in the first week actually outshined both Colorado and Washington.

    In Colorado, sales reached nearly $5 million in the first week, while Washington retailers made just $2 million in that state’s first week of sales.

    As with the retail locations in Colorado and Washington, many of Oregon’s shops are concentrated in major cities like Portland, with only a few locations in rural areas.

    The growing marijuana industry is not only extremely lucrative, but it is also a more gender-equal environment than many other businesses. As we reported last month, there are more female executives in the marijuana industry than there are in any other industry.

  • Who Said This On Friday? "ISIS Is Not Getting Stronger, We Have Contained Them"

    President Barack Obama seemingly downplayed the threat of ISIS in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that aired on Friday’s broadcast of “Good Morning America.”

    Stephanopoulos asked Obama if ISIS was gaining in strength, to which Obama denied they were.

    “I don’t think they’re gaining strength,” Obama responded. “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them.”

    via ABC…


    “Contained” – we are not sure that word means what you think it does.

    h/t @Jeff_Poor

  • A Storm Of Bad "Incoming Data" Strikes As The World Economy Rolls Over

    Submitted by John Rubino via,

    Brutal news is pouring in from pretty much everywhere.

    US retail sales are flat and wholesale prices are falling. Big retail chains are missing on earnings and seeing their shares plunge.

    Chinese nonperforming loans are soaring while imports, car sales and steel production are way down.

    Oil is flirting with multi-year lows as tankers wander the ocean with nowhere to offload their crude. Other commodities like aluminum and copper are back at 2009 levels and still falling.

    A general strike has paralyzed Greece and a far-left coalition is taking power in Portugal. Middle Eastern refugees keep pouring into Europe and no one seems to know where to put them. Eurozone growth is sliding back towards zero and the once-bulletproof Scandinavian countries are now the “sick men” of the region.

    Argentine inflation is 35%, Brazil’s political/economic crisis is threatening to topple the government, and a giant copper mine just dumped millions of gallons of toxic sludge on some Brazilian villages.

    Equities in Asia, Europe and the US are getting whacked as the sheer volume of bad news swamps the hope that European and Chinese QE programs will keep the asset price party going.

    The world, in short, is rolling over. Debt monetization on the scale so far attempted has failed to stop the implosion of tens of trillions of dollars of bad paper, growth has stalled and geopolitics has begun to resemble the parking lot of a British soccer match, with scary people doing random, incomprehensibly violent things and no generally recognized authority able to impose control. Elections are now fearful rather than hopeful prospects and anti-status quo parties in France, Britain, Italy and Spain have become serious contenders.

    And none of this is a surprise. It’s just what you get when you put monetary printing presses in the hands of governments and/or big banks. That is, soaring debt, increasing corruption and inequality as newly-created currency flows to the already-rich, political instability as the have-nots of the world decide they’ve got nothing to lose, and uncomprehending paralysis among sitting leaders who have only ever known easy money.

    It’s time for us all to go back and read Friedrich Hayek’s Road To Serfdom and to pay renewed attention to the relative handful of people who got it right, such as Ludwig von Mises…

    There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.

    …Hyman Minsky…

    Stability leads to instability. The more stable things become and the longer things are stable, the more unstable they will be when the crisis hits.

    … and of course Ron Paul:

    You cannot print money forever and deceive the markets forever. Eventually, the markets will rule and it’s only a question of when that will happen. Gold is your defense against the policies of the Fed.

  • Assad Condemns "Savage" Paris Attacks, Blames French Foreign Policy

    On the morning after the stunning and tragic wave of terror attacks that turned the streets of Paris into a veritable warzone on Friday evening, the French (not to mention the world) are searching for answers. 

    And we don’t mean in terms of assigning blame. ISIS has claimed responsibility and indeed, despite some early suggestions by terrorist “experts” that the attack looked more like the work of al-Qaeda, there was never any real question as to who would be blamed and who would take “credit.”

    Rather, the questions now revolve around how it could have come to this. Between last night’s massacre in the streets of Paris and a refugee crisis that to most Europeans probably seems to have come out of nowhere, it must appear to some as if the world has inexplicably descended into chaos over the past six or so months.

    Of course that’s not the case. The events that ultimately led to the enormous people flows into Europe and to Friday’s attacks in Paris have been unfolding in Syria for the better part of five years and because this probably isn’t the time for a scathing Western foreign policy critique on our part, we simply present comments below from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with not further comment. The first passages are from mid-September, the second from today. 

    *  *  *

    From September

    (via CNN)

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is blaming Western nations for fueling the refugee crisis by supporting opposition groups in his country’s bloody civil war.

    “If you are worried about them, stop supporting terrorists,” he said in an interview with Russian news organizations. “That’s what we think regarding the crisis. This is the core of the whole issue of refugees.”

    “Europe is responsible because it supported terrorism,” he said in the interview at his home in Damascus, the capital.

    The European Union in May 2013 ended an arms embargo on rebel groups fighting the Syrian government. The United States, meanwhile, has been offering limited support to moderate Syrian rebels in the fight against ISIS.

    “Can you feel sad for a child’s death in the sea and not for thousands of children who have been killed by the terrorists in Syria?” al-Assad said, referring to images of a dead Syrian boy that shocked the world. “And also for men, women, and the elderly? These European double standards are no longer acceptable.”

    Despite his bitter accusations, al-Assad said he was willing to shake hands with any leader who would join the fight against ISIS and hoped to cooperate with the West and Saudi Arabia in building a “real antiterrorist coalition,” the Russian news agency Interfax reported.

    He said his forces weren’t communicating or cooperating tactically with the U.S.-led coalition that’s carrying out airstrikes against ISIS positions in Syria and Iraq.

    “They cannot accept the reality that we are the only power fighting ISIS on the ground,” he said in reference to the United States. “For them, maybe if they cooperate with the Syrian Army, this is like a recognition or our effectiveness in fighting ISIS.”

    He accused the U.S. government of “willful blindness” on the matter.

    *  *  *

    From today 

    (via Reuters)

    Syrian President Bashar al Assad condemned Friday’s attacks in Paris and said that such acts of terror were similar to what his people had faced in years of violent civil war.

    “What France suffered from savage terror is what the Syrian people have been enduring for over five years,” the Syrian President was quoted as saying on state media and Lebanese TV station al Mayadeen

    (via AFP)

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said Saturday that French policy had contributed to the “spread of terrorism” that culminated in attacks claimed by the Islamic State group which killed 128 people in Paris.

    In a meeting with a delegation of French lawmakers in Damascus, Assad said France’s “mistaken policies… had contributed to the spread of terrorism.”

    “The terrorist attacks that targeted the French capital Paris cannot be separated from what happened in the Lebanese capital Beirut lately and from what has been happening in Syria for the past five years and in other areas,” he said.

    Assad was referring to twin bombings claimed by IS which killed 44 people on Thursday in the southern suburbs of Beirut, a stronghold of his Lebanese ally, Shiite militant group Hezbollah.

    Assad regards all the rebel groups fighting his forces inside Syria as “terrorists”, not just IS.

    Assad said he had “warned against what would happen in Europe for the past three years.”

    “We said, don’t take what is happening in Syria lightly. Unfortunately, European officials did not listen,” he said, in comments to the delegation broadcast by France’s Europe 1 radio.

    He said French President Francois Hollande “should change his policy.”

    “The question that is being asked throughout France today is, was France’s policy over the past five years the right one? The answer is no.”

  • Peter Schiff Warns "The Shadow Rate" Casts Gloom

    Submitted by Peter Schiff via Euro Pacific Capital,

    Nearly 92% of economists surveyed this week by the Wall Street Journal expect that our eight-year experiment with unprecedented monetary easing from the Federal Reserve will come to an end at the next Fed meeting in December. Since we have had the monetary wind at our back for so many years, at least a few have begun to question our ability to make economic and financial gains against actual headwinds. But in reality, the tightening cycle that the forecasters are waiting for actually started last year. Sadly, the markets and the economy are already showing an inability to handle it.

    While it’s true that we have yet to achieve “lift-off” from zero percent interest rates, rates have not been the only means by which the Fed has provided stimulus. We also have to account for the effects of Quantitative Easing (QE) and forward guidance of the Fed. Changes in those inputs over the past year have already created conditions of monetary tightening.

    QE has been the process by which the central bank expands its balance sheet (otherwise known as printing money) to buy government and asset-backed bonds on the longer end of the duration spectrum. In so doing, it is able to help hold down long-term interest rates, a result that it would be difficult to achieve by changes in the federal funds rate. Zero percent interest rates represent a loose monetary policy, but once at the zero lower bound, QE is the way the bank eases even further.

    Another big input is Fed “forward guidance.” This comes in the form of official and unofficial pronouncements from top Fed policy makers as to the possible trajectory of rates in the future. If the Fed communicates that rates will stay low, or QE will remain in place, for some time, then policy becomes looser still. Such assurances effectively remove near term interest rate risk, which stimulates financial activity. Ever since the Financial Crisis of 2008, the Fed has engaged in unprecedented forward guidance, without which monetary conditions could have been expected to be tighter.

    To account for these important factors, University of Chicago professors Cynthia Wu and Fan Dora Xia, constructed a model for the “Shadow Rate.” While the fed funds rate has remained between 0.0% and 0.25% ever since November of 2008 (Federal Reserve Board), the Shadow Rate moved much lower, factoring in the effects of QE and forward guidance. That rate got as low as -2.99% in May of 2014. (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, CQER, Shadow Rate)

    But the Fed’s QE tapering campaign, which gradually reduced the amount of securities purchased monthly by the Fed, effectively began a campaign of monetary tightening that helped push up the Shadow Rate sharply even as the fed funds rate itself did not budge. After QE was officially wound down in October 2014, the Fed began to change its forward guidance to actively suggest that a long-term campaign to lift interest rates would begin in 2015. This also worked to help tighten monetary conditions. As a result, the Shadow Rate moved up from -2.99% in May of 2014 to just -.74% in September of 2015, (FRB Atlanta, CQER, Shadow Rate) an increase of 225 basis points in just over a year.

    This is a fairly robust tightening trajectory that can be said to have clearly taken a toll. Since January of this year, the major market index, the S&P 500, has essentially been flat. While in contrast, it had been up by double-digits in five of the last six calendar years. Similarly, GDP growth has slowed considerably in the months since the QE program was finally tapered down to zero in October of 2014.

    U.S. stock investors may be complacent regarding the ability of the stock market to withstand higher interest rates. Their confidence may come from the fact that, historically, markets have not peaked until 12-24 months after the Fed begins to tighten. This assumes the tightening cycle begins with the first official rate hike. But if it really began with the increase in the Shadow Rate, then a December rate hike will already be 19 months into the tightening cycle! Plus, given how overvalued stocks may currently be, and the amount of corporate debt accumulated to finance share buybacks, this bull market may be far more vulnerable than most to higher interest rates.

    The last three times that the Fed had conducted a rate tightening cycle (1986-1989, 1994-2000 and 2004-2006), the increases in rates averaged 388 basis points. But those moves upward occurred when QE did not exist and when forward guidance was hardly a factor (the Fed only started doing press conferences in the last few years). So the tightening that has occurred to the Shadow Rate in the last year is already 58% of the size of the average of the last three tightening cycles.

    Created by Euro Pacific Capital with Data from Bloomberg

    If the Fed does as it has suggested it will, and takes fed funds up to 2.6% by the end of 2017 (which is the Fed’s own median forecast), then the total effective move (that includes the tightening of the Shadow Rate) would be a tightening of 559 basis points, well larger than the average of the last three tightening cycles. Does anyone really believe that our fragile and slowing economy can deal with that kind of headwind?

    Generally, the Fed tends to wait until the economy is on solid footing before tightening. For instance, in the 12 months prior to the 390 basis point tightening that occurred between 1986-1989, real GDP was 3.2%. GDP was 2.65% in 1993, the year before a six-year tightening cycle raised rates by 350 basis points. GDP was a solid 4.3% in 2003, the year before Alan Greenspan began raising rates in 2004, a move that took up fed funds by 425 basis points. But current GDP, which is somewhere around 2.0% over the past four quarters, is not nearly as robust. (Bureau of Economic Analysis)

    But what’s more concerning is the magnitude of the easing cycle that has gotten us to this point. It began in 2007, lasted a full 80 months, and took the effective fed funds rate (accounting for the Shadow Rate) down by 825 basis points. In contrast, the prior two easing cycles averaged 612 basis points and 34.5 months. This huge dose of stimulus is certain to have caused distortions in the economy that won’t be seen until we get more normalized levels of monetary policy. As Warren Buffet has most famously quipped, “We have to wait till the tide goes out before we see who has been swimming without bathing suits.”

    Since the Second World War, recessions have begun, on average, every seven years. Since the current recovery is already seven years old, how much longer should we expect this historically anemic recovery to last? If the slowdown occurs next year, can we really expect the Fed to remain on the sidelines and risk the possibility that the economy goes into a recession leading into a presidential election? Both the chairperson and vice chairman of the Fed are solidly associated with the left side of the political spectrum. Should we expect that they would be hesitant to support the markets and the economy and thereby create conditions that might help Republicans take the White House?

    Nevertheless, most people assume that rates are on the way up to 2% or more. But from my perspective it’s much more likely that the rates never get close to that level. I would argue that any positive rate of interest would be enough to stop this economy cold. Years of negative rates have so corrupted our economy that I believe it is now fully addicted and cannot survive under any other condition.

    Since this historically weak recovery is already decelerating, one might expect the removal of stimulus could cause the next recession to start quicker and be far deeper than any experienced in the past. Since the Fed may recognize this, the next easing cycle could likely start much sooner, and the accompanying monetary stimulus be much larger than just about anyone believes.

    Each of the last three easing cycles took rates lower than where they were at the end of the prior easing cycle. Given that the fed funds rate is at zero (and the Shadow Rate got to as low as -2.99%), one shudders to think how low the Fed is prepared to go the next time around. As a result, investors may want to consider re-positioning their assets for another period of possible monetary easing not a period of tightening, which I believe, in fact, is already well underway and will soon be a thing of the past. December is far less significant than what almost everyone has been led to believe.

  • Russian Track And Field Athletes Banned From International Competition

    Earlier this week, the “independent” anti-doping commission WADA found that Russia engaged in state-sponsored doping and more importantly, recommended that Russia’s track and field athletes be suspended from Olympic competition in 2016. Apparently, the corruption was “on a whole different scale” that involved extorting athletes and ultimately ended up “significantly changing the actual results and final standings of international athletics competitions.”

    The report includes allegations that Russian security services interfered with the Moscow doping lab ahead of the Sochi Winter Olympics as part of a conspiracy that involved all levels of Russian sport. During the Sochi Games, Russia pulled off a stunning turnaround from its performance in Vancouver in 2010, where it won 3 gold medals and 15 overall. In 2014 Russia won 13 gold medals and 33 overall, an unprecedented level of improvement.

    As we noted on Monday, “in the event that IAAF were to adopt the commission’s recommendation, Russia could be excluded from major competitions including the Olympics.” 

    Well, as it turns out, that’s exactly what happened because as WSJ reports, “track and field’s world governing body provisionally suspended Russia’s athletes from international competition indefinitely,” late on Friday evening. Here’s more:

    The suspension, which was expected, was approved by a vote of 22 to 1 by the international federation’s ruling council and takes effect immediately. It will prevent Russian track-and-field athletes from participating in all international events, including—as of now—the 2016 Rio Olympics in August.


    While condemning the Russians, Sebastian Coe, the newly elected president of the IAAF, said the federation had to work to fix a broken system.


    “We discussed and agreed that the whole system has failed the athletes, not just in Russia, but around the world,” Mr. Coe’s statement read. “This has been a shameful wake-up call and we are clear that cheating at any level will not be tolerated.”

    The Russians will be able to appeal, possibly in time to win back the “privilege” of competing in beautiful Rio where hopefully, the scent of feces will no longer linger in the air by the time the games roll around (of course giant public works projects don’t look to be in the cards given Brazil’s insistence on running a primary surplus): 

    However, as often happens in international sports when countries or teams are sanctioned, the International Association of Athletics Federations will set terms for what the Russians must do to have the suspension lifted, perhaps even in time for the Rio Olympics.


    The Russian federation can appeal the ban during the next month, with a ruling coming shortly after that. The federation could also take its case to the international Court of Arbitration for Sport.

    For their part, the Russians have taken steps to “clean up” the situation, while Putin and several individual athletes claim the ban punishes all of the nation’s participants for the actions of a few bad actors:

    Russian officials have urged international authorities not to punish a broad swath of athletes for the sins of a smaller group. President Vladimir Putin called on Russian authorities to hold people personally responsible rather than making innocent athletes pay for the wrongdoing of others.


    Russian pole-vaulting champion Yelena Isinbayeva, who has won two Olympic gold medals, called the situation sad in a statement released Friday by the All-Russia Athletics Federation.


    “The situation that the Russian team has ended up in is sad. But I urge against painting all athletes with the same brush,” Ms. Isinbayeva said, describing all of her own victories as honest, clean and deserved. “Taking away the right of innocent and uninvolved athletes to participate in international competitions under the auspices of the IAAF and at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro is unjust and unfair.”

    Of course this is just another example of the fox guarding the hen house. As WSJ goes on to point out, it was just last week when French authorities unveiled an nvestigation into the IAAF’s recently retired leadership, including its former president for various alleged criminal behavior including accepting bribes to cover up Russian doping results. 

    And if they were doing that, then who knows what else they were doing which in turn means that yes, this was probably exaclty what the Russians said it was initially, which is politically motivated move that’s inextricably related to a variety of geopolitical issues and you can probably put in the same file as the deliberate suppression of oil prices by the Saudis, economic sanctions, and the anti-trust suit against Gazprom.

    That’s not to say there wasn’t doping going on here, but just like all organizational corruption, everyone has something on everyone else and it’s just a matter of politics when someone’s card gets pulled. 

    In a supremely amusing bit of irony, The Guardian notes that in 1980, the abovementioned Sebastian Coe “a charismatic, supremely talented runner but yet to win a major championship medal, was approached privately by the British government and asked to boycott the Moscow Olympics in protest at the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Coe refused. He went to Russia. He won gold, ignited his own personal legend and has ridden the wave ever since.”

    History may not repeat itself, but it does often rhyme.

  • About 38% Of All The COMEX Gold In Hong Kong Left The Warehouses Yesterday

    Via Jesse's Cafe Americain,

    Roughly 21 tonnes, or 685,652 troy ounces of gold in .999 fine kilo bars, was withdrawn, net of a small deposit of 27,328 ounces, from the Brinks warehouse in Hong Kong yesterday.

    To put that into some perspective, that is the same amount of all gold in the entire JPM warehouse in the US.

    Now compared to the Comex US, in which very little gold bullion actually changes hands or goes anywhere, that is a huge number.  But Hong Kong is typically seeing large inflows and outflows of gold.  Because that is how the precious metals market has been manifesting in Asia since about 2007: not with endless chains of paper just changing hands in a grand game of liar's poker, but with the physical exchange of bullion.

    And most of that bullion leaves the warehouse and does not come right back, as Koos Jansen has explained repeatedly about the operations on the Shanghai Gold Exchange.  It is being accumulated on the mainland, and this probably does not include the PBOC official purchases.

    The point of this is that the price discovery in New York is becoming increasingly distinct from the actual physical supply and demand flows of bullion which are taking place in Asia.  As I have said, gold is 'trading like a modern currency' without respect to its nature as a commodity bound by physical supply.  The Fed et al. can print money, but they cannot print bullion.  That is the point of it.

    And that is a potentially dangerous development, especially with respect to a commodity that is being traded at a leverage in excess of 200:1.  And in the face of shrinking inventories of gold available for delivery at current prices in both New York and London.

    I have put the most recent report for all the US warehouses registered with Comex below that of Hong Kong.

    As the Comex told Kyle Bass, 'price' will take care of any imbalances.  Yes, just as smoothly and seamlessly as it did when the price of highly levered and risky paper corrected back to reality in 2008.  Ba-boom!

    Are you kidding me? That is what Kyle Bass said, not me.  "Just give me the gold."

    And if people should choose to stand for physical delivery given the relative scarcity, how much of a price adjustment might be required if they could even find any to be had without an onerous delay and in sufficient numbers?

    How many people, once again, are going to be allowed to walk blindly into another financial buzz saw caused by reckless gambling on Wall Street?   Are we willing to repeat the folly of MF Global on a grand scale?  Will the rest of the world be so cowed by the Banks as its investors?

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Today’s News November 14, 2015

  • Why The Neocons Hate The Donald

    Submitted by Justin Raimondo via,

    Most Americans don’t think much about politics, let alone foreign policy issues, as they go about their daily lives. It’s not that they don’t care: it’s just that the daily grind doesn’t permit most people outside of Washington, D.C. the luxury of contemplating the fate of nations with any regularity. There is one exception, however, and that is during election season, and specifically – when it comes to foreign policy –  every four years, when the race for the White House begins to heat up. The President, as commander in chief, shapes US foreign policy: indeed, in our post-constitutional era, now that Congress has abdicated its responsibility, he has the de facto power to single-handedly take us into war. Which is why, paraphrasing Trotsky, you may not be interested in politics, but politics is certainly interested in you.

    The most recent episode of the continuing GOP reality show, otherwise known as the presidential debates, certainly gave us a glimpse of what we are in for if the candidates on that stage actually make it into the Oval Office – and, folks, it wasn’t pretty, for the most part. But there were plenty of bright spots.

    This was supposed to have been a debate about economics, but in the Age of Empire there is no real division between economic and foreign policy issues. That was brought home by the collision between Marco Rubio and Rand Paul about half way through the debate when Rubio touted his child tax credit  program as being “pro-family.” A newly-aggressive and articulate Rand Paul jumped in with this:

    “Is it conservative to have $1 trillion in transfer payments – a new welfare program that’s a refundable tax credit? Add that to Marco’s plan for $1 trillion in new military spending, and you get something that looks, to me, not very conservative.”

    Rubio’s blow-dried exterior seemed to fray momentarily, as he gave his “it’s for the children” reply:

    “But if you invest it in your children, in the future of America and strengthening your family, we’re not going to recognize that in our tax code? The family is the most important institution in society. And, yes…


    ”PAUL: Nevertheless, it’s not very conservative, Marco.”

    Stung to the quick, Rubio played what he thought was his trump card:

    ”I know that Rand is a committed isolationist. I’m not. I believe the world is a stronger and a better place, when the United States is the strongest military power in the world.


    “PAUL: Yeah, but, Marco! … How is it conservative … to add a trillion-dollar expenditure for the federal government that you’re not paying for?


    ”RUBIO: Because…


    “PAUL: … How is it conservative to add a trillion dollars in military expenditures? You can not be a conservative if you’re going to keep promoting new programs that you’re not going to pay for.



    Here, in one dramatic encounter, were two worldviews colliding: the older conservative vision embodied by Rand Paul, which puts domestic issues like fiscal solvency first, and the “internationalist” stance taken by what used to be called Rockefeller Republicans, and now goes under the neoconservative rubric, which puts the maintenance and expansion of America’s overseas empire – dubbed “world leadership” by Rubio’s doppelganger, Jeb Bush – over and above any concerns over budgetary common sense.

    Rubio then descended into waving the bloody shirt and evoking Trump’s favorite bogeyman – the Yellow Peril – to justify his budget-busting:

    “We can’t even have an economy if we’re not safe. There are radical jihadists in the Middle East beheading people and crucifying Christians. A radical Shia cleric in Iran trying to get a nuclear weapon, the Chinese taking over the South China Sea…”

    If the presence of the Islamic State in the Middle East precludes us from having an economy, then those doing their Christmas shopping early this year don’t seem to be aware of it. As for the Iranians and their alleged quest for nuclear weapons, IAEA inspectors are at this very moment verifying the complete absence of such an effort – although Sen. Paul, who stupidly opposed the Iran deal, is in no position to point this out. As for the fate of the South China Sea – if we could take a poll, I wonder how many Americans would rather have their budget out of balance in order to keep the Chinese from constructing artificial islands a few miles off their own coastline. My guess: not many.

    Playing the “isolationist” card got Rubio nowhere: I doubt if a third of the television audience even knows what that term is supposed to mean. It may resonate in Washington, but out in the heartland it carries little if any weight with people more concerned about their shrinking bank accounts than the possibility that the South China Sea might fall to … the Chinese.

    Ted Cruz underscored his sleaziness (and, incidentally, his entire election strategy) by jumping in and claiming the “middle ground” between Rubio’s fulsome internationalism and Paul’s call to rein in our extravagant military budget – by siding with Rubio. We can do what Rubio wants to do – radically increase military expenditures – but first, he averred, we have to cut sugar subsidies so we can afford it. This was an attack on Rubio’s enthusiasm for sugar subsidies, without which, avers the Senator from the state that produces the most sugar, “we lose the capacity to produce our own food, at which point we’re at the mercy of a foreign country for food security.” Yes, there’s a jihadist-Iranian-Chinese conspiracy to deprive America of its sweet tooth – but not if President Rubio can stop it!

    Cruz is a master at prodding the weaknesses of his opponents, but his math is way off: sugar subsidies have cost us some $15 billion since 2008. Rubio’s proposed military budget – $696 billion – represents a $35 billion increase over what the Pentagon is requesting. Cutting sugar subsidies – an unlikely prospect, especially given the support of Republicans of Rubio’s ilk for the program – won’t pay for it.

    However, if we want to go deeper into those weeds, Sen. Paul also endorses the $696 billion figure, but touts the fact that his proposal comes with cuts that will supposedly pay for the hike. This is something all those military contractors can live with, and so everybody’s happy, at least on the Republican side of the aisle, and yet the likelihood of cutting $21 billion from “international affairs,” never mind $20 billion from social services, is unlikely to garner enough support from his own party – let alone the Democrats – to get through Congress. So it’s just more of Washington’s kabuki theater: all symbolism, no action.

    Paul’s too-clever-by-half legislative maneuvering may have effectively exposed Rubio – and Sen. Tom Cotton, Marco’s co-pilot on this flight into fiscal profligacy – as the faux-conservative that he is, but it evaded the broader question attached to the issue of military spending: what are we going to do with all that shiny-new military hardware? Send more weapons to Ukraine? Outfit an expeditionary force to re-invade Iraq and venture into Syria? This brings to mind Madeleine Albright’s infamous remark directed at Gen. Colin Powell: “What’s the point of having this superb military you’re always talking about if we can’t use it?”

    In this way, Paul undermines his own case against global intervention – and even his own eloquent argument, advanced in answer to Rubio’s contention that increasing the military budget would make us “safer”:

    “I do not think we are any safer from bankruptcy court. As we go further, and further into debt, we become less, and less safe. This is the most important thing we’re going to talk about tonight. Can you be a conservative, and be liberal on military spending? Can you be for unlimited military spending, and say, Oh, I’m going to make the country safe? No, we need a safe country, but, you know, we spend more on our military than the next ten countries combined.”

    I have to say Sen. Paul shone at this debate. His arguments were clear, consistent, and made with calm forcefulness. He distinguished himself from the pack, including Trump, who said “I agree with Marco, I agree with Ted,” and went on to mouth his usual “bigger, better, stronger” hyperbole that amounted to so much hot hair air.

    Speaking of Trumpian hot air: Paul showed up The Donald for the ignorant blowhard he is by pointing out, after another of Trump’s jeremiads aimed at the Yellow Peril, that China is not a party to the trade deal, which is aimed at deflecting Beijing. That was another shining moment for Paul, who successfully juxtaposed his superior knowledge to Trump’s babbling.

    This obsession with China’s allegedly malign influence extended to the next round, when foreign policy was again the focus. In answer to a question about whether he supports President Obama’s plan to send Special Operations forces to Syria, Ben Carson said yes, because Russia is going to make it “their base,” oh, and by the way: “You know, the Chinese are there, as well as the Russians.” Unless he’s talking about these guys, Carson intel seems a bit off.

    Jeb Bush gave the usual boilerplate, delivered in his preferred monotone, contradicting himself when he endorsed a no-fly zone over Syria and then attacked Hillary Clinton for not offering “leadership” – when she endorsed the idea practically in unison with him. Bush added his usual incoherence to the mix by averring that somehow not intervening more in the region “will have a huge impact on our economy” – but of course the last time we intervened it had a $2 trillion-plus impact in terms of costs, and that’s a conservative estimate.

    Oddly characterizing Russia’s air strikes on the Islamic State as “aggression” – do our air strikes count as aggression? – the clueless Marie Bartiromo asked Trump what he intends to do about it. Trump evaded the question for a few minutes, going on about North Korea, Iran, and of course the Yellow Peril, finally coming out with a great line that not even the newly-noninterventionist Sen. Paul had the gumption to muster:

    “If Putin wants to go and knock the hell out of ISIS, I am all for it, one-hundred percent, and I can’t understand how anybody would be against it.”

    Bush butted in with “But they aren’t doing that,” which is the Obama administration’s demonstrably inaccurate line, and Trump made short work of him with the now undeniable fact that the Islamic State blew up a Russian passenger jet with over 200 people on it. “He [Putin] cannot be in love with these people,” countered Trump. “He’s going in, and we can go in, and everybody should go in. As far as the Ukraine is concerned, we have a group of people, and a group of countries, including Germany – tremendous economic behemoth – why are we always doing the work?”

    Why indeed.

    Trump, for all his contradictions, gives voice to the “isolationist” populism that Rubio and his neocon confederates despise, and which is implanted so deeply in the American consciousness. Why us? Why are we paying everybody’s bills? Why are we fighting everybody else’s wars? It’s a bad deal!

    This is why the neocons hate Trump’s guts even more than they hate Paul. The former, after all, is the frontrunner. What the War Party fears is that Trump’s contradictory mixture of bluster – “bigger, better, stronger!” – and complaints that our allies are taking advantage of us means a victory for the dreaded “isolationists” at the polls.

    As for Carly Fiorina and John Kasich: they merely served as a Greek chorus to the exhortations of Rubio and Bush to take on Putin, Assad, Iran, China, and (in Trump’s case) North Korea. They left out Venezuela only because they ran out of time, and breath. Fiorina and Kasich were mirror images of each other in their studied belligerence: both are aspiring vice-presidential running mates for whatever Establishment candidate takes the prize.

    Yes, it’s election season, the one time – short of when we’re about to invade yet another country – when the American people are engaged with the foreign policy issues of the day. And what we are seeing is a rising tide of disgust with our policy of global intervention – in a confused inchoate sense, in the case of Trump, and in a focused, self-conscious, occasionally eloquent and yet still slightly confused and inconsistent way in the case of Sen. Paul. Either way, the real voice of the American heartland is being heard.


  • Context for Paris Terror Attack: U.S. and Its Allies C-R-E-A-T-E-D ISIS

    We are horrified by the terror attack in Paris, and send our prayers and good wishes to the French people (we were just there on a wonderful family vacation).

    Here’s the context that we dare the Western press to discuss: the U.S. and its allies CREATED ISIS. And see this.

    Postscript:  The First Question to Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It a False Flag?

  • The Buffet Backlash: Anger Builds At "Hypocrite" Billionaire Hiding Behind "Folksy" Facade

    Two days ago in “Billionaire Bitch Fight: Ackman Slams Munger, Buffett For Profiting Off Fat Americans” we highlighted an absurd back-and-forth exchange between Bill Ackman and Buffett’s incorrigible right-hand man Charlie Munger who called Valeant’s business strategy “deeply immoral.” 

    That jab struck a nerve with Ackman who at certain times over the past 45 or so days has suffered dramatic paper losses in a matter of seconds on his Valeant stake as the stock plunged, and so, the Pershing Square chief fired back, accusing Munger and Buffett of essentially promoting childhood obesity and profiting from fat Americans’ addiction to “sugar water.”

    As we noted on Wednesday, Ackman isn’t the first person to implicitly (or explicitly for that matter), call Buffett a hypocrite. Indeed, we’ve been keen to note just how convenient it is that the Obama administration has come out against the Keystone Pipeline on environment grounds while the administration’s friend Uncle Warren corners the railroad market. Of course the environment argument kind of goes out the window when Buffett-owned BNSF derailments seem to be a dime a dozen these days. 

    Perhaps the most poignant critique came earlier this year when Dan Loeb, speaking at the SkyBridge Alternatives Conference in May, said the following about Omaha’s favorite octogenarian: 

    “I love reading Warren Buffett’s letters and I love contrasting his words with his actions. He’s a very wise guy.”


    “I love how he criticizes hedge funds, yet he had the first hedge fund. He criticizes activists, he was the first activist. He criticizes financial services companies, yet he loves to invest in them. He thinks that we should all pay taxes, yet he avoids them himself.”

    Now, Ackman’s spat with Munger seems to have prompted WSJ to take a look at Buffett’s folksy hypocrisy. Here’s more:

    Behind the latest barbs is a paradoxical view of Mr. Buffett on Wall Street, where many people admire his investing record and envy his immense wealth—Mr. Ackman is a self-confessed fan who made his comments at a New York symposium to commemorate Berkshire. Yet many of the same people also say Mr. Buffett hides behind the image of a folksy, benevolent businessman while he pursues the same profit-maximizing deals that are the target of some of his attacks.


    There is even an adage in the investing community: “Do as Warren Buffett does, not as he says.”


    He routinely speaks out against the fees charged by hedge funds and investment banks, the tactics of activist shareholders, the danger of derivatives and the heavy use of debt by private-equity firms. He has needled Wall Street in 17 of his last 25 letters.


    Mr. Buffett also readily dispenses his views on politics, business, finance and other matters that have little to do with Berkshire directly. 


    Take taxes. Critics often accuse Mr. Buffett, a Democrat, of advocating higher taxes while pursuing tax-saving moves at Berkshire. Over the years he has taken public stances that inflamed Republicans, including urging Congress not to repeal estate and gift taxes and opposing tax cuts on dividends. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed article in the New York

    Timesarguing for higher taxes on the wealthy and pointing out that his office staff paid a higher tax rate than he did.


    Even as Mr. Buffett has supported tax increases, Berkshire has been a savvy navigator of tax rules. As of the end of 2014, the company had been able to defer $61.9 billion in cumulative corporate taxes by taking advantage of credits and other incentives—money that Berkshire invests and compounds until the taxes come due.


    Another tax-related criticism of Mr. Buffett emerged last year when Berkshire participated in a deal to merge Burger King with a Canadian company. Critics said Mr. Buffett was supporting an “inversion” deal that could eventually reduce U.S. tax revenue. Burger King executives have said the deal was driven by global ambitions rather than by tax savings.

    And then there’s the Heinz deal. Recall that back in August, we said “thanks uncle Warren” on the heels of reports which indicated it was time for Kraft employees to do their part to facilitate merger “synergies” in the wake of the Kraft-Heinz tie-up engineered earlier this year by Beuffett along with 3G. 

    In short, Kraft Heinz said it would lay off 700 workers at Kraft’s corporate headquarters in north suburban Northfield, part of a cost-cutting plan that would slash the combined entity’s headcount in the U.S. and Canada by 2,500 jobs.

    Earlier this month we got more of the same with CNBC reporting that Kraft Heinz will close seven plants and lay off 2,600 employees.

    Back to WSJ:

    Perhaps the best example of Mr. Buffett’s complex reasoning is his move in 2013 to team up Berkshire with Brazilian buyout firm 3G Capital for several joint acquisitions. 3G pushes for drastic change at the companies it buys, stripping costs, cutting jobs and installing new management. The partnership riled many shareholders of Berkshire, where subsidiaries operate with little interference and layoffs and management turnover are rare.

    As one Florida hedge fund manager told The Journal: “He has always been about: ‘How can I compound money at the fastest after-tax rate in a sustainable way?’”

    And to a certain extent that’s Buffett’s right as a successful capitalist, but when you publicly deride others for doing in some instances not only the very same things you do, but the very same things you do better than anyone else, well that’s a whole different story. 

    More importantly, when you are able to move deftly between the public and private sectors while influencing policymakers’ decisions along the way, it’s important you don’t appear to be profiting from those policy decisions – especially in a way that seems to undercut the reasoning the government employed when explaining those decisions to the public.

    And that looks like exaclty what’s going on with the Keystone Pipeline and Buffett’s railroads. 

    There have been three BNSF oil train derailments in the past 8 months, but at least the environment is safe because Obama finally pulled the plug on the “dangerous” Keystone XL pipeline…

  • The First Amendment Is Dying

    Submitted by David Harsanyi via,

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

    Unless we're talking about a white chocolate-paneled cake for a gay wedding or perpetual funding for "women's health" clinics because it's the "right thing to do."

    "or abridging the freedom of speech;"

    Unless that speech is used by boorish climate change denialists to peddle dirty fossil fuels and run capitalist death machines that wreck the Earth, by anyone engaging in upsetting hate speech or other forms of "aggression," by a wealthy person supporting candidates who undermine "progress," by a pro-life protester who makes people feel uncomfortable about their life decisions, by a cisnormative white male who displays insufficient appreciation for the "systematic oppression" that minorities experience in places of higher learning or by anyone who has a desire to undermine the state-protected union monopolies that help fund political parties.

    "or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,"

    Unless the press invades safe spaces designated by mobs or writes about incorrect topics at incorrect times.

    "and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    Unless someone is a member of a predesignated special interest group, he should report to the IRS before doing so.

    That's pretty much the state of the First Amendment today. Climate change, abortion, gay marriage, race, taxes, what have you, even in mainstream political debate, these interests outweigh your piddling concerns about the First Amendment. So the notion that a bunch of students and leftist professors would agitate to shut down free expression in a public space in Missouri because they feel their special issue trumps your antiquated list of rules is not particularly surprising.

    Now, we shouldn't overstate the problem. Most of us are able to freely engage in arguments and express ourselves without worrying about the state's interfering. This will not end tomorrow. But it is difficult to ignore how creeping illiberalism has infected our discourse and how not many people seem to care.

    The thousands of other University of Missouri students, for example, could have held a counter-protest against dimwitted fascists cloistered in safe spaces. Where are those student groups? Why was there no pushback from those kids—and really, there was none as far as I can tell, at either Missouri or Yale—against the bullies who want administrators fired for thought crimes? It can mean that students are too intimidated, too uninterested or not very idealistic about these freedoms. None of those things bodes well for the future.

    And where is the faculty, those brave souls who value the freedom to debate and champion sometimes-controversial ideas when mobs of students are making wild accusations against their school without any real evidence? Where are they when students shut down conservative, libertarian or not-progressive-enough Democrats from speaking at their schools?

    In fact, the campus police—not the hissy-fitting communications professor or the would-be authoritarian student—asked students to call authorities and report "incidents of hateful and/or hurtful speech" in detail. A school, the place where young people supposedly ponder challenging ideas, now has students reporting any instances of unsavory speech. What does "hurtful speech" entail anyway? Is it enough for someone to challenge your priggish worldview? Is it enough for someone to hurt your brittle feelings? And what is the consequence?

    You may also remember when Chris Cuomo of CNN, a lawyer, tweeted (since deleted) that "hate speech is excluded from protection" under the First Amendment. He wasn't alone.

    Not long ago, 51 percent of Democrats in a YouGov poll claimed to support criminalizing "hate speech." (A third of Republicans did so, as well.) Another study, by the First Amendment Center a few years back, found that nearly 40 percent of Americans said the First Amendment "goes too far" guaranteeing rights—a record high.

    People are scared. They're scared to be accused of bigotry or racism, an ugly accusation that is easy to level but impossible to disprove. It's a lazy but effective method of intimidation.

    So we can laugh at the confused millennial J-school major, but he is not alone. When the mayors of Chicago and Boston used their positions of power to keep Chick-fil-A out of their cities because of the CEO's thoughts on same-sex marriage, they were working under the same notion as kids who want to be in safe spaces where their worldviews remain unchallenged. (Using the state to punish a person or company for its beliefs is even worse.) When Bill Nye argues that climate change skeptics are nuts who hate science and should be ignored by any right-thinking person, he is attempting to convince you of something. When Nye contends that America needs to drum climate change skeptics completely "out of our discourse," he's no longer a liberal.

    Because what's happening on college campuses hasn't happened in a vacuum.

  • These Are America's Fattest States

    A couple of weeks ago, in what we said could be the “worst news” ever, the World Health Organisation added steak to (long) list of things that can give you cancer. As we pointed out at the time, America’s weight problem has become so bad, that nearly three quarters of men are either overweight or obese. But as we also noted, Americans are used to their sedentary lifestyle and have become accustomed to gorging themselves at meal time and if persisting in such creature comforts means shaving a few years off their lifespans well, for most people that’s probably a reasonable trade off so the whole heart disease/heart attack threat isn’t likely to be exceptionally effect. Hence the WHO decided it was time to break out the big gun: the “C” word. 

    Now, WalletHub is out with a new analysis that looks to “pinpoint where the weight problem is most prevalent” in America by comparing states on 12 “key” metrics. New statistics, the analysis notes, show that in 2014, some 83 million Americans were completely inactive, the highest number in seven years. With the holidays on the horizon, WalletHub figured it would do America a favor and identify the “problem” states so that residents might exercise a little discretion going back for seconds, or thirds.

    What was the methodology?

    In order to identify the states with the biggest weight problems, WalletHub’s analysts compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across two key dimensions, including “Obesity & Overweight Prevalence” and “Unhealthy Habits & Consequences.”

    Next, we compiled 12 relevant metrics, which are listed below with their corresponding weights.

    To obtain the final rankings, we attributed a score between 0 and 100 to each metric. The more points a state accrued, the bigger its weight problems are. Therefore, 100 points = the worst state. We then calculated the weighted sum of the scores and used the overall result to rank the states. Together, the points attributed to the two major dimensions add up to 100 points.

    The dimensions are as follows:

    Obesity & Overweight Prevalence – Total Points: 70

    • Percentage of Adults Who Are Overweight: Full Weight (~11.67 Points)
    • Percentage of Adults Who Are Obese: Double Weight (~23.33 Points)
    • Percentage of Children Who Are Overweight: Full Weight (~11.67 Points)
    • Percentage of Children Who Are Obese: Double Weight (~23.33 Points)

    Unhealthy Habits & Consequences: 30

    • Percentage of Residents Who Are Physically Inactive: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
    • Percentage of Residents with High Cholesterol: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
    • Percentage of Adults Eating Less than 1 Serving of Fruits/Vegetables per Day: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
    • Percentage of Residents with Diabetes: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
    • Percentage of Residents with Hypertension: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
    • Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption Among Adolescents: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
    • Death Rate Due to Obesity: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
    • Healthy-Food Access (percentage of urban-area residents with low income and living more than 1 mi. from a grocery store or supermarket): Full Weight (~3.75 Points)

    And as for the results, here’s an interactive map which shows the breakdown by state (the closer to one you are, the higher your state’s obesity rate):

    Source: WalletHub

    Here are the top 10 fattest states:

    Finally, the full 50 state breakdown:

  • JPMorgan's "Gandalf" Quant Nailed It Again

    Over the past 3 months, the name Marko Kolanovic, head of JPM's Quant Team, has become one of the most loved, or feared (depending on which way he is leaning) and respected on all of Wall Street for one simple reason: think Dennis Gartman, only correct every time. Well, the man Bloomberg calls "Gandalf" just did it again – "nailing" the top in stocks last week.


    There are three possible explanations for Kolanovic’s mojo:

    1. He’s Gandalf. This guy is truly a wizard who deciphers the quant tea leaves like few others out there.


    2. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. There are enough traders and investors out there who are so completely flummoxed by this market that they’re inclined to believe Marko’s take and trade accordingly.


    3. Random Luck. If you flip a quarter four times and it lands on heads four times, it doesn’t mean you’ve found a magic quarter.

    The reason, however, as we have profiled before, is simple: he has somehow succeeded in calling every single market inflection point since the August 24 flash crash, and we have documented them all:

    But his most prodigious call came on September 24 when we wrote "Bears Beware, JPM's Head Quant Just Flipped To Bullish: "The Technical Buying Begins." So it did, leading to the biggest market ramp in history, and biggest monthly point gain ever.

    But then, on November 5th, he said "The Rally Drivers Are Gone" and 'mysteriously' this happened…


    A reminder of his reasoning….


    In our reports in August, we forecasted the selling pressure from option hedging and pointed to the role various systematic strategies had in the selloff. In our note from September 24th, we predicted a reversion of these technical flows and their potential to lift the market. We believe that most of these equity inflows played out over the past month and were a significant driver of the October market rally.

    Just add a historic short squeeze and buybacks greater than even during last year's record, and you get the three catalyst that led to the massive rally since September. More importantly, according to Kolanovic the "technical inflows" that led to the rally are now over.


    After the September option expiry, investors rolled protection lower, and as the market moved higher, convexity in index option products declined. We estimate that hedging of index options during the week of September 28th contributed to ~$20bn of equity inflows. During the month of October, the gamma exposure of put options declined significantly (and gamma of call options increased), such that the net effect of option hedging has been muted since (and likely contributed to lower realized volatility given the imbalance of option gamma towards calls).

    Where did the inflows come from? Why the momos of course, as the best performing stocks were once again those which were going up because they were going up:


    Perhaps the most significant inflows came from trend following strategies, i.e. CTAs. As discussed in our previous reports, all of the equity momentum signals (short, medium and long term momentum) turned negative in late August. As a result, CTA Equity exposure (as measured by its equity beta) reached record short levels in mid-September. On October 2nd, short term momentum turned positive (e.g. 1M momentum) and shortly afterwards long term momentum turned positive as well (e.g. 12M momentum). This implied a significant re-levering of CTAs during the week of October 5th (which we observe from the sharp increase in CTA beta – as shown in Figure 1).



    At the end of October/early November intermediate equity momentum (e.g. 3M-6M) also turned positive, and this resulted in another large equity inflow from CTA strategies. Currently, all of the equity momentum terms are positive, which suggests that CTA equity exposure should be at the high levels observed in early summer (also confirmed with the short term beta of a CTA index to the S&P 500 in Figure 1). In short, trend followers made a full circle of equity investing from record long, to record short and  then long again over the past quarter. Our estimate of equity inflows from trend following strategies over the past month is ~$70-90bn.

    Then it was the constant vol traders, who too were caught in a feedback loop of buying stocks as vol dropped:


    Given the sharp decline in realized volatility, strategies that target constant volatility also had to re-lever. Figure 2 shows estimated equity exposure of Volatility Targeting strategies (our asset/signal assumptions about Volatility Targeting (VT) strategies are unchanged: ~$300bn in assets, with an average 8-9% target volatility).



    VT strategies likely started buying equities in late September and through October, at a pace of ~$5-8bn per week (or a total of ~$30-50bn). Given that levels of volatility are still below those observed in early summer, in theory, VT strategies could continue buying equities if volatility were to decline further. However, our view is that realized volatility is unlikely to drift much lower (e.g. to the summer lows), so any residual buying from VT strategies may not be sufficient to push the market much higher.

    And then, the infamous risk parity funds:


    Finally, we want to address Risk Parity strategies. Our estimate of assets following various versions of Risk Parity is ~$500bn. However, Risk Parity strategies employed by Hedge Funds may be substantially different from those employed by e.g. Pension funds (using risk parity in house as a longer term asset allocation method). For this reason, we use different models for ~$150bn in ‘HF-like’ risk parity assets (leverage >1, higher rebalance frequencies, and typically using volatility target overlays) and ~$350 in Risk Parity pension asset allocations (leverage < 1, slower rebalance frequencies and signals, and typically not using volatility targeting overlays). Figure 3 shows the equity exposure of a prototype ‘HF-like’ Risk Parity allocation, which indicates that these funds de-levered in August and September, but re-levered in October to finish at their pre-crash equity allocations.



    Equity inflows from these funds may have amounted to ~$20bn in October. Risk parity strategies that use slower signals (e.g. 12M covariances) did not materially change their equity exposures.

    His conclusion: the catalysts behind the furious, technically-driven October rally are now gone, but unlike mid-August, at least the likelihood of another flash crash is lower…


    Summarizing technical flows from option hedges, volatility targeting, CTA and Risk Parity funds, we believe that these strategies largely re-levered to pre August crash levels. This was a significant driver of the S&P 500 performance in October and hence poses some downside risk. Additionally, given the tight trading range over the past year, CTA signals have risk of changing on relatively small market moves (i.e. there is elevated ‘CTA gamma’). On the other hand, given the lack of a large put option gamma imbalance, and perhaps some residual buying from VT funds, near term the market is likely more resilient to the risk of another technically driven flash crash.

    … unless the Fed surprises: according to Kolanovic one person can overturn the cart, and that person is Janet Yellen if she once again confuses the market:


    Over the past year, macro momentum trades increased exposure to various liquid assets in anticipation of a rise in US rates. Example trades include going long USD and Developed Markets, and short Commodities and Emerging Markets. These macro trends have also percolated into equity long-short momentum trades which are currently short Energy, Materials and Industrials, and Long Health Care and Consumer Discretionary sectors. Several of these macro and stock trends are relying on an anticipated Fed tightening that would boost the USD and further weaken commodities and EM assets. The risk of this increasingly one dimensional positioning across CTAs, Macro and some of Equity Long-Short managers is that these trends don’t materialize and trades become too crowded. The result could be a sharp reversion as positions are exited.

    The only question then is: does the Fed want to risk such a "sharp reversion as positions are exited." The answer is revealed on December 16

  • French President Declares State Of Emergency, Enforces Curfew, Closes Borders, Reinforces Army

    In the wake of the stunning wave of bombings, shootouts, and hostage situations unfolding in Paris on Friday, French President Francois Hollande has closed the French border.

    Addressing the nation, President Francois Hollande called on everyone to remain strong and show “compassion and unity.”


    “There is much to fear, but we must face these fears as a nation that knows how to muster its forces and will confront the terrorists,” the president said.

    He has also declared a state of emergency and called for more army assistance.


    The dramatic move comes amid an ongoing situation in the streets of Paris that will likely go down in history as one of the more daring terrorist attacks in history. 

    A series of bombs echoed through the streets followed by sporadic gunfire. What unfolded afterwards turned the streets into a veritable war zone with dozens killed thus far and a hostage situation involving some 100 people. 

    The move to close the border will likely serve as a rallying cry for those who oppose the accommodation of the millions of refugees seeking asylum in Europe. 

    The President ended his speech with "Vive la Republique et Vive la France."

  • Something Went Wrong On The Way To The Future

    Submitted by Bill Bonner via Bonner & Partners (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

    Lies and Misunderstandings

    As we keep saying, you can get any opinion you want. The problem is you can also get any fact you want…



    Ford F-150, 1976 model. Sold for $5,000 back then. Reportedly did get people from A to B.


    Yesterday, our friend and economist Pierre Lemieux challenged the numbers in Monday’s Diary on the U.S. manufacturing recession:

    “You write, ‘In real terms, the typical man of working age in the U.S. earns less today than he did in 1975 – 40 years ago.’ Where did you get this data?


    Even the notably unreliable data of the Census Bureau on median family income are not that dark. All data I know show that, in the U.S., real incomes have grown over the last 40 years. I am sure it is the same in Europe. Some prices have increased, like home prices, relative to other prices, and it is quite certainly more difficult to buy a house now than back then.


    Most other things are easier to afford – including for the typical worker. This is confirmed by casual observation: Look at their cars, their TV sets, their boats, their vacations, their appliances, their restaurants (not to speak of computers). Look at their children’s cars, iPhones, shoes, etc. Indeed, look at their hunting or hiking boots with Thinsulate and Gore-Tex!”


    Real Median Income

    “Real median household income” as calculated by the Fed (based on inflation statistics that are more than just questionable). That the data nevertheless yield this downtrend is all the more remarkable. The reasons for this development are inflationary policy and other types government meddling with the economy – click to enlarge.


    In general, we have little confidence in numbers or statistics. Except in the world of science, where they mean something precise, they are mostly lies and misunderstandings. Many of them are plain wrong. Many are pure inventions. We don’t trust them – especially our own.

    You’d think it would be a fairly simple matter to tell if wages, after you account for inflation, have gone up. But it’s not. You can begin with the raw data. Then you need to adjust it for inflation… which is where the trouble comes in. How much is a 1975 dollar worth today?


    Dollar Purchasing Power

    Since the Fed has begun to “help us” in 1913 by providing “monetary stability”, the dollar’s purchasing power has crashed by 96% (this is what they themselves admit to). So a 1913 dollar is now worth 4 cents. According to the same statistic, a 1975 dollar is worth 21.9 cents, so since then the collapse amounts “only” to 78.1% – click to enlarge.


    Real Earnings

    We don’t want to mislead readers with faulty numbers, so we put the issue to our research team. “The data supports us,” says Bonner & Partners researcher Nick Rokke. “Real income for men was higher throughout the 1970s.”

    The data from the Census Bureau has the average American working man’s income, in 2012 dollars, at about $37,000 in 1972 – its highest level of the decade. Today, it is close to $34,000. We also have the news of lower incomes reported as “fact” in the New York Times on October 22, 2012:

    “[T]he real earnings of the median male have actually declined by 19% since 1970. This means that the median man in 2010 earned as much as the median man did in 1964 – nearly a half-century ago.


    Men with less education face an even bleaker picture; earnings for the median man with a high school diploma and no further schooling fell by 41% from 1970 to 2010.”

    But wait. It’s not that simple. Pierre again:

    “The data makes (a bit) more sense for males. But, as I suspected, the figures come from unreliable Census Bureau data. The Census Bureau gets it from its Current Population Survey, which amounts to asking people what they earn. This data is inconsistent with NIPA (National Income and Product Accounts) data, which contains multiple cross-checks (total income must be equal to total expenditure and to total value added). Note also that the Census data do not include in-kind transfers (such as food stamps, Medicaid, and employee benefits)…”



    Bill from Anchorage has the right idea


    Right. Add in the free company T-shirts and state welfare handouts, and you seem to have a working man who is better off. But he can’t be much better off. Just taking the unvarnished numbers, the average working stiff in 1975 earned $8,853 (in 1975 dollars). Now, he earns $36,302.

    Ford introduced its F-150 in 1975. We weren’t able to find an exact price, but it appears to have been sold at about $5,000. Today, an F-150 Super Cab sells for about $28,000.

    The average new home sold for $39,000 in 1975. Today, it sells for $364,100. In very raw terms, if a man wanted to buy a house and a car in 1975 he had to work just under five years to pay for them. If he wants a house and a car today, he has to work almost 11 years…


    Happier, Healthier, Richer?

    Whoa! This makes it sound like his real income has been cut in half. Of course, it’s never that simple. He gets more house and more car for his money today. Still, the remarkable thing is that we are doing this calculation at all.

    We shouldn’t be wondering about it. It should be obvious that we are all far better off today than we were a half-century ago. This should have been the easiest period in human history in which to make financial progress.

    Never before had there been so many inventors and entrepreneurs. Never before had they so much accumulated science and capital to work with. Never before had there been so many people making things… and so many consumers with money in their pockets to buy them.

    And never before were there so many earnest lawmakers, PhD economists, curious researchers, diligent policymakers, and nonprofit-employed do-gooders – millions of people all doing their level best to make us happier, healthier, and richer!

    Something seems to have gone wrong on the way to the future…



    It’s a case of too much GOSPLAN…

    Cartoon by Rube Goldberg

  • ECB Had 3 Accused Rate Manipulators In Crisis Focus Group

    Earlier this month in “Secret ‘Diaries’ Show ECB Board Members Met With Banks, Hedge Funds ‘Days’ Before Policy Meetings,” we brought you just the latest example of nefarious intermingling between central planners and a select group of private sector operators who essentially bet on policy. 

    As it turns out, top ECB officials met personally with “banks and asset managers” just “days” and sometimes “hours” before policy meetings. This rather disconcerting revelation came courtesy of ECB officials’ “diaries” and although you would have to be completely devoid of a healthy sense of skepticism and/or entirely naive to believe that no nonpublic information was passed at those meetings, that’s what Mario Draghi wants you to believe. Here’s an ECB spokesperson: “The same underlying principles — guarding against signalling future monetary policy — are of course applied to bilateral meetings. In any case, no market-sensitive information is disclosed by the ECB in any non-public forum.” 

    Right. “the same underlying principles” that led Benoit Coeure to tip off a non-public audience of hedge funds in London about PSPP frontloading.

    And then of course there was the story of Martin Mallett, the BOE’s chief currency trader who was let go last year after 30 years with the bank after it became apparent that he might have known traders were rigging FX markets for years before the scandal became public but nevertheless failed to escalate the issue. 

    Well now, we find out that the ECB – the same ECB where policymakers like to meet with banks and asset managers before major policy meetings, actually had three of the traders accused of gaming Euribor by Britain’s Serious Fraud Office on Friday in a group that helped the the bank craft its response to the financial crisis! From Reuters:

    The documents on the ECB website show that former Barclays euro money market desk head Colin Bermingham and Joerg Vogt and Ardalan Gharagozlou from Deutsche Bank – three of 10 people charged by the SFO on Friday – were part of the central bank’s Money Market Contact Group at the height of the crisis.


    The group regularly met and held conference calls as the central bank scrambled to stabilise markets that were threatening to push debt-strained Greece, Portugal, Ireland and even Italy and Spain out of the euro in 2010 and 2011.

    Amusingly, the 10 people charged include Deutsche Bank’s Christian Bittar who can’t seem to get away from his title as rate rigger par excellence (although that’s not the term Anshu Jain used, that’s the spirit of a conversation the ex-Deutsche CEO once had about Bittar with a colleague back in the good ol’ days). Here’s Bloomberg:

    U.K. prosecutors charged 10 former Deutsche Bank AG and Barclays Plc employees with manipulating a benchmark interest rate, including high-profile trader Christian Bittar, with an 11th facing indictment as soon as next week.


    Six traders from Deutsche Bank employees and four from Barclays were charged with conspiracy to manipulate the Euribor benchmark, the Serious Fraud Office said in a statement Friday. Another trader listed anonymously in court documents may also be charged, according to three people familiar with the case.


    Alongside Bittar, those linked to Deutsche Bank are Andreas Hauschild, Joerg Vogt, Ardalan Gharagozlou,  Achim Kraemer and Kai-Uwe Kappauf. Former Barclays employees Colin Bermingham, Carlo Palombo, Philippe Moryoussef and Sisse Bohart also face charges.

    Ok, so the ECB was regularly communicating with three traders who are now charged with manipulating Euribor. Here’s what Francesco Papadia, head of market operations at the ECB during the financial and euro zone debt crises has to say about the group: 

    “They helped understand what was going on beyond what you see on the screens.”

    If you follow financial markets and that doesn’t strike you as hilarious, then check your pulse. That is, we bet they did “help the ECB what was going on behind the screen”, after all, they were the ones colluding to fix the market! 

    In any case, we’ll have to see what the time frames were here and if there was any overlap between when the allegations stem from and when this ECB committee operated (it’s probably a better bet that the manipulation took place before the euro debt crisis), but in any case, we’ll close with the following amusing quote for now: 

    “The ECB plays no role in the setting of the Euribor rate,” the ECB said in a statement.

    Are you guys sure about that?…

  • Weekend Reading: Will They, Or Won't They?

    Submitted by Lance Roberts via STA Wealth Management,

    The past week has been fairly quiet as all eyes have turned to focus on the Fed and the expected rate hike at the December meeting. Will they, won't they, should they or shouldn't they? Those are the questions being hotly contested by the mainstream media on a daily basis.

    Of course, the reality is the Federal Reserve faces the huge obstacle of weak global growth and deflationary pressures which could very well keep them on hold well into 2016. The potential loss of credibility in the Fed by the markets could be the bigger issue to be concerned with.

    For now, we wait. The markets rapid surge in October has run into resistance as earnings season rapidly comes to an end. This is at a time when much of the economic data flow shows weakness and investors remain skittish following the summer bruising.

    While the markets have entered into the "seasonally strong" time of year, there is a marked difference between the current market environment and that of either the 2010 or 2011 summer corrections. In fact, the current market action as discussed earlier this week, is more reminiscent of a market topping process rather than a simple correction within an ongoing bull market. To wit:

     There is little evidence currently that the rally over the last couple of months has done much to reverse the more "bearish" market signals that currently exist. Furthermore, as noted by Jochen Schmidt, the current market action may be more indicative of market topping process."


    "Not unlike previous market topping action, the markets could indeed even register 'new highs,' as witnessed in both 2000 and 2007 before the major market correction begins. This is typically how 'bull markets' end by providing false signals and sucking in the last of those willing to 'buy the top.' The devastation comes soon after."

    There is sufficient evidence that warrants more caution by investors currently, and patience for a better entry point remains a virtue.

    As Gen. James Mattis once stated:

    "The problem with being too busy to read is that you learn by experience (or by your men's experience), i.e. the hard way. By reading, you learn through others' experiences, generally a better way to do business, especially in our line of work where the consequences of incompetence are so final for young men … Ultimately, a real understanding of history means that we face NOTHING new under the sun."

    Therefore, while we wait for the market to tell us what to do next, we shall read. 


    Jobs Report Greenlights Irrelevant Fed Rate Move by Louis Woodhill via Real Clear Markets

    To the FOMC, the whole point of raising the Fed Funds rate would be to prevent the economy from 'overheating.' So it would make sense for the markets to fall in anticipation of a policy move whose purpose was to slow economic growth.


    So, why the late recovery? It could be because, upon reflection, the markets realized that, as long as the FOMC is thinking of monetary policy in terms of the Fed Funds rate, it makes no difference what they do. If the economy were a car, the Fed Funds rate would be the rearview mirror. It is possible to turn it like a steering wheel, but it doesn't affect anything."

    As "FedExodus" Looms, Big Stock Gains Behind Us by Paul Vigna via WSJ MoneyBeat

    A Debate With Bernanke Over Fed Policies by William Cohan via DealB%k 

    Not A Done Deal by Joe Calhoun via Alhambra Partners

    "Stocks also belie this belief that the Fed finally has it right, that growth is finally accelerating and the real recovery is finally underway. Yes, stocks have rallied nicely the last few weeks and have nearly recovered from their August swoon. But all that has done so far is to bring stocks back to where they were in mid-August just before the sell off. While it is certainly possible that we will yet make new highs, I think it is important that momentum is not confirming the move higher except, again, in the very short term. Long term momentum indicators still show a market in the process of topping."

    Worst Case Scenario via Kessler Companies

    On To The Next Question by Tim Duy via Fed Watch


    The 60/40 Portfolio Is Dead In 2016 by Jeff Reeves via USA Today

    “The two big reasons that clinging to the old 60/40 formula is a bad idea, Puritz says, are a combination of short- and long-term factors.


    There's the historic low-interest-rate environment, but also the fact that people are living dramatically longer." 


     Now Is The Time To Go To Cash by Mitch Goldberg via CNBC

    "It isn't too late to sell. In fact, if an older client came to me today and wanted to sell stocks to raise cash, I would find it harder to argue against that strategy."

    Is Investor Sentiment Indicative Of Major Top? by Simon Maierhoer via MarketWatch

    Next 3-Weeks Will Decide 2016 For The S&P by Avi Gilburt via MarketWatch

    "As you can also see from the chart, if wave (iv) support holds, we should be going directly to the 2200 region before we see another larger consolidation, which then sets us up to target the 2300 region to complete wave (3) of wave V of Primary wave 3, potentially near the end of the year.


    I will warn you now that this would not be the preferable path for those who are bullish for 2016. Rather, if this is the path we take, then Primary wave 4 will take hold in the first quarter of 2016, will likely last for the remainder of 2016, and potentially take us back toward the 1800 region."

    Time For A Pause by Macro Man via Macro Man Blog

    The Next 1000-Point Down Day Is Coming by Kirk Spano via MarketWatch


    Decline And Fall Of America's Working Class by Noah Smith via Bloomberg

    “The paper highlights a very disturbing trend — death rates are increasing for white people in America, especially for working-class middle-aged whites. The increase looks like it has been going on since the late 1990s.


    Something very troubling and very unique is happening to American working-class whites.


    The immediate causes of the increase are not hard to identify. Drugs and suicide are the culprits. There is an epidemic of prescription painkillers, alcohol and heroin abuse among American whites."

    Despair, American Style by Paul Krugman via NYT

    Older American's Never More Miserable by Catey Hill via MarketWatch

    Social Security – The Long, Slow Default by Kirby Cundiff via Mises Institute


    Jim Grant – 2008 Crisis Didn't Come From Nowhere via Bloomberg

    Stanley Druckenmiller – The Chickens Will Come Home To Roost via CNBC

    Senator McCaskill Has A Message For Men (Humor…maybe?)


    “It is better to be approximately right, than precisely wrong” – J. Maynard Keynes 

    Have a great weekend.

  • Paris Under Siege: French Military Deployed After Shootout, Explosions Leave 60 Dead, 100 Hostages Taken – Live Feed
    There are now reports of multiple gunshots and "booms" inside the location where the hostages are being held.

    Update: Reports on social media indicate that the Louvre, Pompidou Centre & Les Halles may be under attack as well.



    A 4th event has occurred…

    * * *



    • @JeremyCliffe: Reports from Bataclan: some escaped, describing pools of blood and attackers using pump-action shotgun against crowd inside
    • @Reuters: BREAKING: U.S. security officials believe #Paris attacks were coordinated

    Syria has been implicated:

    • @FKrumbmuller: Shooter in #Bataclan said to have shouted "this is for Syria" #BFMTV #parisattacks


    As we previously detailed: reports are coming in fast and furious from Paris where witnesses have reported multiple explosions along with possible shootout in a restaurant near Place de la République.



    Explosions can be heard during the game…

    Fans are too afraid to leave the satdium, amassing on the field…




    France 24 is reporting that "masked armed men fired from all sides":


    From BFMTV:

    A shooting at the Kalashnikov has left several dead in a restaurant in the tenth arrondissement. At least seven people were injured, according to our information. According to a reporter on site BFMTV, bodies lying on the ground.


    The shots were heard near the metro station Goncourt. A large security cordon was established around the perimeter. The police are asking all residents to take cover in buildings and gradually close all the streets. They evacuated all the bars, restaurants and terraces nearby.


    The shooters or have not yet been apprehended.

    Here some images from the scene:

    It now looks as though there were at least three explosives.


    Here are the locatios of the 3 events…




    While it feels a little callous to mention it, we note dthat US equity futures are tumbling on this news…

  • Stocks, Commodities & Credit Collapse As Retail Rapture Wrecks Rate-Hike Hype

    But "hawkish" was "bullish"?


    Roughly translated….


    A Week of turmoiling…

    • S&P -3.2% – worst week in 3 months
    • Retail -8.2% – worst week in 4 years
    • VXX +17.9% – biggest week in over 2 months
    • VRX -8% – down 7 of last 8 weeks
    • AAPL -6.4% – worst week in 2 months
    • Financials -3.2% – worst week in 2 months.
    • Copper -3.5% – worst week in 2 months (down 5 in a row)
    • WTI Crude -8.7% – worst week since Dec 2014
    • HYG -1.7% – worst week in last 7 weeks
    • HY CDX +35bps – worst (non-roll) week since Decmber 2014
    • Long Bond +0.8% – best week in last 4
    • 5Y Yield dropped 5bps – most in over a month today

    Futures markets show a clear pattern throughout the week of US session weakness and overnight recovery…


    Nasdaq closed very ugly on the day…


    Which left Small Caps worst but everything red for the week…


    Retail pukefest…


    FANG FUBAR since FedSpeak began…


    TWTR back below its IPO price…


    And Camera-on-a-stick below its IPO price…


    Eveything is red since FOMC…


    Financials and Energy wewre ugly this week….


    As financial stocks catch down to credit once again…


    Stocks year-to-date…


    Once again "123" was the number that mattered… As soon as Europe closed, USDJPY ramped to 123.00 dragging S&P Futures with it… and then rolled over…


    Trannies caught down to Crude once again…


    Stocks are catching down to credit…


    Treasury yields closed down notably on the week after consistent early selling and late buying… (with today's rally the biggest of the week)


    The dollar ended the week modestly lower against the majors…


    Commodities were a bloodbath this week…notice the similar pattern in the USD and crude…


    Gold closed lower for the 4th week in a row – lowest weekly close since Jan 2010…


    Crude carnage…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Will 92% Of Economists Be Wrong Again?

    Three months ago, when looking at the predictive track record of US economists, we said that “if PhD economists were serious about getting things right, they would have a tough job. That goes double for PhD economists charged with making policy decisions based on their conclusions.”

    We furher explained that’s because economics (like sociology and political science and astrology) isn’t a real science. It’s a pseudo-science. And as is the case with other pseudo-sciences, it’s flat out impossible to discover laws and immutable truths, no matter what anyone told you in your undergrad economics course.

    Back then we were specifically looking at economist’s predictions about the Fed’s first rate hike, which based on a WSJ survey of “respected” economists, nearly 95% said the Fed would hike by September.

    It did not… once again showing just how truly clueless about a binary event a short 9 months in the future, economists truly are.

    * * *

    Where are we now? Here is the latest WSJ poll:

    About 92% of the business and academic economists polled by The Wall Street Journal in recent days said they expected the Fed to raise its benchmark federal-funds rate at its Dec. 15-16 policy meeting. Some 5% said the Fed would stay on hold until March and 3% predicted the Fed would keep rates at near-zero even longer.



    To summarize: in January, 95% of economists were wrong in their forecast about a binary event 9 months into the future.

    And now we have an even better bogey: should the Fed not hike rates on December 16, then we will know with certainty that over 90% of economists are unable to accurately forecast a simple yes/no event, which is due to take place in just over a month.

    No pressure.

    We, for one, can’t wait: should Yellen pull the rug on everyone again, it won’t be the Fed whose credibility will be terminally crushed: it has been for years. It will be that of the army of Fed sycophants, the sad souls whose job it is to perpetuate a failed and dying system, known as economists.

  • EU Commissioner's Dire Warning: "The Only Alternative To Europe Is War"

    While the saying goes "good fences make good neighbors," it appears the leadership of The EU is starting to get frustrated with the lack of acquiescence among some of the 'union's' newer or more marginal members. In a somewhat stunning statement, following ongoing and contentious meetings to discuss solutions to the migrant 'problem', EU Commissioner Timmermanns appeared to warn disagreeable member states, "There is an alternative to everything. I believe in EU cooperation because of all other forms in history have been tried to help Europeans get on better, and with the exception of this one, all other forms have led to war – so let's stick to this one."



    As Elsevier reports (via Google Translate),

    European leaders read the last few days the alarm about the survival of the European Union (EU). Prague said Commissioner Frans Timmermans (PvdA) Friday that the EU is only one alternative: war.


    "The only alternative to the EU is war," said Timmermans Friday gave a speech at a conference in Prague, said a reporter for The Times of London who attended the speech.


    Timmermans is the way Europe responds to the migration crisis' the biggest threat to the EU ever. The Commissioner underlined that countries should cooperate better when it comes to border controls. "Migration is part of life, but we must lead these movements together in the right direction," said Timmermans.


    Matching words Timmermans in the alarmist tone that European leaders were heard in recent days about the survival of the EU. Earlier this week, Timmermans at the House of Europe Lecture in Amsterdam that he fears for the survival of the EU. "I do not optimistic about doing that, because I'm just not. This is the first time in my conscious experience of European cooperation that I think: it could ever really be able beaches.


    Luxembourg Foreign Minister, who will chair the Council of the European Union on behalf of his country, spoke in an interview about identical words.


    The current migration crisis is the European ideal of free movement shaking on its foundations. EU President Donald Tusk said that the EU is engaged in "a race against the clock." "But we are determined to win this race," said Tusk. "As I warned earlier, the only way not to dismantle the Schengen ensure proper management of the external borders of the EU."


    The EU appears to be unable to curb migration flows. Because the borders are not guarded, seeing more and more countries are forced to protect their own borders. Even the welcoming Sweden went on Thursday to intensive checks on the southern border.

    Remember when Hank Paulson waved the "Mutual Assured Destruction" card in the face of the U.S. with his infamous "blank check" three page term sheet? Now, it's Europe's turn.

    What's worse, however, for things to devolve this much, it confirms that the European 'Union' is rapidly disintegrating, much more than the recent surge in barbed wire fences around European nations will demonstrate, and as Timmermanns warns, that means war.

  • What's Wrong With This Picture?

    Demand, Supply, or Outright Manipulation?



    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Never Forget

    Presented with no comment…




  • It's Official: Barack Obama Wants To "Help" You Manage Your Retirement Savings

    Submitted by Simon Black via,

    In 1875, right around the time the United States overtook the UK as the largest economy in the world, the American Express Company established the very first private pension plan in the US.

    American Express had a simple goal: attract the best and brightest employees by giving them retirement security.

    At the time, this was a revolutionary idea. The concept of “retirement” was practically martian.

    Back then, most people worked until they were no longer medically fit to do so.

    To voluntarily stop working and live out your golden years on perpetual vacation was a complete fantasy.

    But a century after American Express, thanks in large part to rising prosperity in the 20th century, retirement had become the norm.

    Private companies’ pension plans covered over 40% of the American workforce and millions of Americans were receiving Social Security by the 1970s.

    Then in 1974 the government passed the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, establishing Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) to help people save for retirement in a tax advantageous way.

    Fast-forwarding to 2015, we can see that none of this turned out quite like they’d expected. The state of retirement in America is now pretty abysmal.

    First and foremost, Social Security is desperately, woefully unfunded.

    Again, this is not Simon Black’s conjecture. The Treasury Secretary and the Labor Secretary both sign an annual report stating that Social Security is close to “trust fund depletion”.

    In fact one of Social Security’s major trust funds is literally days away from running out of money.

    Federal retirement trust funds across the board, like the Railroad Retirement Fund, are also nearly exhausted.

    Meanwhile, private companies have followed the government’s example, with many private pension funds similarly approaching insolvency.

    You see this frequently in the news as the cost of their pension funds push airlines and manufacturers into bankruptcy. They simply cannot pay their retirees.

    Not to worry, the federal government has an agency called the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to bail out guarantee insolvent private pensions.

    It’s like the FDIC for private pension funds.

    There’s just one problem. The PBGC itself needs a bailout.

    PBGC’s latest report shows a net financial position of NEGATIVE $62 billion, which is how much more they have in liabilities than assets. There’s another word for that: insolvent. So there goes that idea.

    Last, there are individual retirement plans, like IRAs and 401(k)s.

    Unfortunately, most Americans’ individual retirement plans are woefully underfunded.

    According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, the median IRA balance in the US was just $32,179 at the end of 2013.

    And the median amount saved by baby boomers amounts to just 13% of what their projected retirement needs are.

    But not to worry, once again the federal government is to the rescue.

    Last week the Obama administration officially rolled out its MyRA program.

    MyRA is a special form of IRA that ‘helps’ Americans save for retirement by making it easy for you to loan your money to the federal government.

    Like a retirement account, the idea is to save a little bit every month or every year to be set-aside in a tax-advantageous way for retirement.

    The big catch here is that for MyRA accounts, there’s only one investment: US government bonds.

    At present, US government bonds fail to pay interest rates that meet the government’s officially published rate of inflation.

    So with these MyRA accounts, when adjusted for inflation, you’re guaranteed to lose money.

    The Obama administration, of course, entirely dismisses this criticism, saying that these MyRA accounts are for “people who aren’t saving and who have a fear of losing their principal.”

    It’s pretty appalling when you think about it.

    Private pensions are nearing insolvency, and the government’s guarantee agency is insolvent.

    Public pensions and retirement funds are also nearing insolvency. And individual retirement funds are completely undercapitalized.

    This will become an epic retirement funding crisis..

    Yet the government ‘solution’ is to encourage Americans who are at risk of losing their retirement to loan their money to the greatest debtor that has ever existed in the history of the world at interest rates that don’t even keep pace with inflation.

    The government claims that MyRAs are guaranteed.

    But the only thing guaranteed is that you’ll lose money… whether through inflation, default, or confiscation.

    The lesson here is clear: don’t rely on the government for your retirement. YOU are a far more reliable manager of your own money.

    But as with anything, financial success starts with financial education.

    So before you invest your money, invest your time in learning about winning investment strategies, unconventional investments, and real retirement options.

    You might find that you could live in absolute luxury somewhere overseas for a tiny fraction of what it would cost you back home. (Colombia comes to mind)

    Or that you can generate substantial rates of return from buying high-yielding private businesses, or through asset-backed peer-to-peer lending programs.

    You won’t hear about any real solution from the government. But with a reset in thinking, that dream of sipping Mai Tai’s by the pool can still be a realistic vision.

  • Caught On Tape: Pollution 1 – 0 China

    Over the past 3 years, as a result of its accelerated launch into the industrial-age with no emission controls, China has been fighting an unprecedented war with air pollution, which as documented extensively before, has resulted in air quality in most Chinese  metropolitan areas which in virtually unbreathable, and which is estimated to kill 4,000 people per day. 

    Sadly, when it comes to its war with pollution, China keeps on losing the war. The latest proof comes from the following clip by Reuters showing that for all the grandiose talk out of Beijing, China is simply unable to have both an economy growing at 7% (really below 3%) and breathable air.

    Here’s the latest video from Reuters explaining why:


    And in stils:

  • The Recessions Are Underway

    Submitted by Andrew Zaitlin of Moneyball Economics

    “People’s confidence that the consumer can somehow offset this industrial recession that we’ve had is really being shaken to the core with the disappointing numbers from some of these major retailers”

          – James Abate, CIO of Centre Funds.

    Recessions Are Underway

    China drove the recent economic boom, just as it is behind the recent malaise. A turnaround in Chinese demand would certainly change things but the current data does not look promising.

    For China’s trade partners, it means recession today. Only Germany and the US look positioned to weather the storm. Expect the next macroeconomic leg down to start in January. Between now and then, data will continue to weaken incrementally. Expect urgent Central Bank intervention in Taiwan, Korea, Brazil, and Australia.

    It’s Not a US Recession… Yet

    The US economy may be only 30% dependent on exports, but a sudden drop still hurts. Especially when GDP is growing only 2%.

    The domestic hit this year from the downturn in commodities is well known. Falling prices and production immediately led to lower capital expenditure (CAPEX) spending on pipelines, extraction equipment, and so on. That extended to basic industrial component suppliers like pumps and fasteners, among others.

    US exports pulled down as global customers got whacked.

    After rising 2% from 2013 to 2014, non-petroleum exports suddenly contracted: down -3.5% year-to-date through August.

    • Metal Exports -$3B
    • Machinery Exports -$8B
    • Industrial Machinery -$3B or -5%

    While direct exports to China have fallen only $2B, the remaining drop is still China-related. The bulk of the export drop comes from commodity producing countries. Mexico and Canada account for $20B of the export drop and finished-goods producing countries that export to China (EU) account for $10B.

    Bottom line: You can’t strip out $34B from the US economy without significant blow-back. If oil and mining companies were the first to be hit, the second victim of China’s downturn has been industrial goods suppliers. The next wave will be operating expenditures (OPEX), in the form of temporary workers.

    The US Response: Slower Production

    Hats off to US producers for responding quickly. Businesses have dramatically curtailed factory expansion and spending on capital goods.

    The swift response is also a warning sign: if demand remains sluggish, additional cuts will come quickly.

    Capital goods spending has also dropped. Some of that comes from IT spending shifts (Windows 10 release has pushed out some IT spending, the Cloud is reducing hardware spending). Most of the drop is business retrenching in the face of an inventory overhang.

    Unfortunately, US producers are still behind the curve. While inventory production has slowed, demand is slowing even faster. US non-petroleum exports are contracting faster. The result: inventory overhang.

    US: Weak Exports, Sudden Downturn in Imports

    Not only have exports fallen to the lowest level since 2012; per the latest Census Bureau trade data through August, the pace is accelerating. That extends to exports minus food, autos, and oil which shrank 2X the rate of the previous six months.

    The worst is yet to come. For more recent data, we looked at the biggest ports on either US coastline: Los Angeles, Long Beach, New York, and Savannah. (The individual port data was distorted by the 1Q 2015 West Coast ports slowdown and subsequent re-routing of cargo shipments via East Coast ports. So we combined all ports to get a clear overview.)

    No surprise, the export story remains grim. Volumes continue to contract although the pace is flat, but this data includes oil exports and we know that they contracted in 4Q 2014 and 1Q 2015. Adjusting for oil and cargo, exports have probably contracted at a more constant pace. This means that it is possible that we are approaching a bottom of sorts.

    Big surprise, imports turned for the worse. September imports suddenly collapsed to 0% y/y. The China-facing ports of Long Beach (-2%) and LA (-9%) fared the worst. It’s the lowest level of shipments since 2009. Just a guess, but it fits the industrial slowdown story (not holiday shopping season related).

    Semiconductors: No Bottom and Continued Manufacturing Softness

    Back in August, Southbay Research noted that semiconductor companies were uniformly less bullish. Recent earnings calls have reinforced the less bullish picture, and no wonder: top-lines have begun to contract.

    Semiconductor companies are preparing for no growth. Silicon wafers are the basic building blocks of semiconductors. After surging last year, volume demand has collapsed from 11% in 2014 to barely 2% this year. Expectations are for 1% growth next year.

    The standard playbook says to start with CAPEX cuts. The top three semiconductor manufacturers announced CAPEX cuts in the last month:

    • Intel lowered CAPEX a further $500M, bringing total CAPEX budgets down from $11B last year to $7B.
    • Samsung cut CAPEX $2B or 20%.
    • TSMC to cut CAPEX $3B or ~30%.

    The reason: China demand is lower than expected. Last year was a boom time for semiconductor makers as the Chinese smartphone market continued to surge. In particular, a new cellular infrastructure roll-out boosted sales of higher end phones. However, actual demand was overstated. The desire to not miss out on a sale drove handset makers to over-order.

    “[There was] an artificial peak in retrospect meaning there was a lot of inventory being built up by our customers who all thought they were going to get a higher share… we had many customers thinking they were going to get a bigger share out of that.” -Jon Olson, XLNX CFO

    The result was that supply exceeded demand and inventories surged. As the CEO of TSMC put it, the sudden weakness was surprising. The smartphone supply chain spent the summer bleeding off excess inventory. But demand remains weak. The China smartphone market contracted in 2Q. TSMC now forecasts 0% semiconductor growth in 2016, down from the previous forecast of 3%, citing China as the reason for weakness.

    “Most of our customers are pretty optimistic about their own business… but growth has just slowed at least for now. And I think when you are CEO of the company and you take a look at what’s going on out there, you are sort of trying to save a little bit of money right now and waiting to see what happens.” -Don Zerio, CFO LLTC

    Indeed, recent semiconductor sales continue to contract, and that’s after we include the massive production ramping for the new iPhone release (heavy demand for chips).

    Expect more cost cutting and the start of layoffs. Beyond cutting back expansion plans, some companies are selectively shutting down production lines. Adding to the pain of excess capacity, more capacity is coming online. We expect layoffs and consolidation to accelerate into 1Q 2016. This is a great time for Chinese companies looking to hire talented engineers.

    Adjusting to Slower Chinese Demand

    “It’s not like [our customers have] seen a significant decline in demand. It’s just they haven’t seen the increase that they had originally planned.” -Richard Clemmer, CEO NXPI

    Global exporters and producers are in a recession. China’s iron ore imports epitomize the current situation as Chinese demand flattened. While technically that’s not a recession (demand quantity has not dropped), the impact feels the same (falling prices and profits) and the response is the same: cuts in OPEX and CAPEX.

    How did this all start? It began in late 2013, when China popped its credit bubble. The chilling effect was seen across the entire Chinese economy, from iron ore to housing prices. Everything proceeded to downshift in late 2013 as credit tightened. Credit bubbles tend to behave in the same way: hot money bids up assets and popping the bubble leads to over selling.

    china new home prices

    China’s bubble and current blow-back have some unique qualities:

    1. Significant global impact from changes in Chinese marginal demand
    2. Over reliance on real estate

    china home prices

    The origins of the bubble started with China setting course on returning to economic might by becoming a manufacturing powerhouse and having world-class infrastructure. Both objectives turned China into a capital intensive economy and a destination for global industrial suppliers (machinery, commodities, etc.). Loose monetary policy facilitated the growth.

    A boom in asset prices followed. This was partially the natural outcome of real demand driven by an unprecedented boom in consumption for domestic development and exports. It was also partially the outcome of credit bubble hot money that bid up asset prices.

    Trouble came from significant and extreme corporate gambling in real estate and commodities. Seeing ever-rising asset prices, Chinese companies saw an opportunity: using special access to cheap credit, they bought iron ore, copper, and real estate which they then used as collateral to buy more iron, copper, and real estate. Actual demand, together with this artificial demand, combined to create the impression that consumption was racing higher. A false high growth trajectory was established and then reality hit. First came monetary tightening. Then came the Chinese government’s 2014 infrastructure budget which called for no growth. Producers were hit hard but borrowers were hit even harder. In other words: a textbook popping of a credit bubble.

    • Overvalued assets get oversold and fall in price (commodities and real estate)
    • Discretionary spending gets squeezed (gambling in Macau)
    • Liquidity squeeze

    Commodities have been hit especially hard.

    1. Focus of corporate gambling: loss of big demand coupled with stockpile sell-off
    2. Factory production slowdown: unprofitable factories dependent on loans to stay afloat are suddenly facing liquidity crunch
    3. Sluggish infrastructure spending: slowdown in public sector projects and private sector real estate development

    Inventory adjustments define global trade through 2016. The market is still trying to discover the true levels of sustainable demand.

    • Today: Bleed inventory, push out expansion
    • Tomorrow: Reduce production and capacity

    The first step is dealing with excess capacity. Here’s that iron ore chart again. Demand was on a trajectory of 80M-90M tons, and capacity was expanding accordingly. Instead, demand has stopped at 70M tons. That’s 15%-20% excess capacity.

    china iron ore 2

    As China exports deflation, political reality takes over. The Chinese government talked a good game.

    When the new government took over in early 2014, one of its first moves was to emphasize the need for a more market-driven economy. In May 2014, President Xi stressed the point: a “decisive” role of market forces to allocate resources. We never believed it for a moment.

    Then reality hit. The normal market reaction to a manufacturing recession is to close factories, reduce capacity, and fire workers. But that’s politically impossible in China. Instead the government is saving companies and hoping to export its way to growth. The Chinese government could reignite demand through more infrastructure spending. That would create a bottom in prices. We’ll know in December when the 2016 budget gets released. Regardless of spending initiatives, monetary policy will be to weaken the yuan, provide easy credit, and support dumping of excess supply into global markets. This is all very deflationary for the US and EU.

    What This All Means

    In the near-term (4Q 2015-1Q 2016), bleed inventory. The sequence of events will be:

    • Push out factory expansion plans (CAPEX to drop)
    • Reduce production (cut back extra shifts, slow hiring)

    Longer term (2016-2017), cope with excess factory capacity. The sequence of events will be:

    • Stop factory expansion plans (severe CAPEX cuts)
    • Reduce production (shutter production lines, fire workers)

    Industrial layoffs have already started, but will begin in earnest in 1Q 2016. Companies have entered a wait-and-see mode which is a precursor to layoffs.

    This is a bearish place to be. Industrial company dividends are not at risk yet, but growth is very much under pressure. For the next 3-4 months, consider ETFs which are short Asia or short US industry.

    One risk to this strategy is that Asian stock markets may jump on various currency moves or Chinese stimulus. Another risk is that the current adjustments to lower demand start to wind down by 3Q 2016, which would create a temporary boost to industrial stock.

    The overall theme is excess supply, and it has yet to finish playing out across the ecosystem.

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Today’s News November 13, 2015

  • Did Russia Just "Gently" Threaten The USA?

    Authored by The Saker,

    Interesting stuff today.  A major Russian TV channel just aired a report about Putin meeting with his top military commanders.  I don’t have the time to translate what Putin said word for word, but basically he said that the USA had refused every single Russian offer to negotiate about the US anti-missile system in Europe and that while the US had initially promised that the real target of this system was Iran, now that the Iranian nuclear issue had been solved, the US was still deploying the system.  Putin added that the US was clearly attempting to change the world’s military balance.  And then the Russian footage showed this:




    According to the Kremlin, it was a mistakenly leaked secret document.  And just to make sure that everybody got it, RT wrote a full article in English about this in an article entitled “‘Assured unacceptable damage’: Russian TV accidentally leaks secret ‘nuclear torpedo’ design“. According to RT

    The presentation slide titled “Ocean Multipurpose System: Status-6” showed some drawings of a new nuclear submarine weapons system. It is apparently designed to bypass NATO radars and any existing missile defense systems, while also causing heavy damage to “important economic facilities” along the enemy’s coastal regions. The footnote to the slide stated that Status-6 is intended to cause “assured unacceptable damage” to an adversary force. Its detonation “in the area of the enemy coast” would result in “extensive zones of radioactive contamination” that would ensure that the region would not be used for “military, economic, business or other activity” for a “long time.” According to the blurred information provided in the slide, the system represents a massive torpedo, designated as “self-propelled underwater vehicle,” with a range of up to 10 thousand kilometers and capable of operating at a depth of up to 1,000 meters.

    Actually, such ideas are nothing new.  The late Andrei Sakharov had already proposed a similar idea to basically wipe out the entire US East Coast.  The Russians have also look into the possibility to detonate a nuclear device to set off the “Yellowstone Caldera” and basically destroy most of the USA in one shot.  While in the early years following WWII the Soviets did look into all sort of schemes to threaten the USA with destruction, the subsequent development of Soviet nuclear capabilities made the development of this type of “doomsday weapons” useless.  Personally, I don’t believe for one second that the Russians are now serious about developing such system as it would be literally a waste of resources.  So what is going on here?

    This so-called “leak” of “secret documents” is, of course, no leak at all.  This is a completely deliberate action.  To imagine that a Russian journalist could, just by mistake, film a secret document (helpfully held up for him by a general) and then just walk away, get it passed his editor and air it is laughable.  Any footage taken in a meeting of the President with his senior generals would be checked many times over.  No, this was a deliberate way to remind the USA that if they really are hell-bent on spending billions of dollars in a futile quest to create some kind of anti-missile system Russia could easily develop a cheap weapon system to still threaten the USA with total annihilation.  Because, make no mistake, the kind of long range torpedo being suggested here would be rather cheap to build using only already existing technologies.  I would even add that rather than setting such a weapon off the US coast the system could also be designed to fire off a secondary missile (ballistic or cruise) which could then fly to any inland target.  Again, such technologies already exist in the Russian military and have even been deployed on a smaller scale. See for yourself:


    Coming back to the real world, I don’t believe for one second that any type of anti-missile system could be deployed in Europe to shield NATO the EU or the US from a Russian retaliatory strike should the Empire ever decide to attack Russia.  All the East Europeans are doing is painting a cross-hair on themselves as these will be the very first targets to be destroyed in case of a crisis.  How? By use of special forces first and, if needed, by Iskander missile strikes if all else fails.  But the most likely scenario is that key components of the anti-missile system will suddenly experience “inexplicable failures” which will render the entire system useless.  The Russians know that and so do the Americans.  But just to make sure that everybody got the message the Russians have now shown that even a fully functional and survivable US anti-missile system will not protect anybody from a Russian retaliation.

    The sad thing is that US analysts all fully understand that but they have no say in a fantastically corrupt Pentagon.  The real purpose of the US program is not to protect anybody against a non-existing Russian threat, but to dole out billions of dollars to US corporations and their shareholders.  And if in the process the US destabilizes the entire planet and threatens the Russians – then “to hell with ‘em Russikes!  We are the indispensable nation and f**k the rest of the planet!”  Right?


    What happened today is a gentle reminder of that.

  • How To Know If You're A Fascist – Lessons From Yale & Mizzou

    Submitted by Bill Barlow via The Harvard Law Record,

    Usually, we at Harvard are more than happy to see Yale students make fools of themselves on camera. The video that emerged this week of Yale students screaming down one of their professors might make for a good laugh, if its implications were not quite so serious. It’s a scene we’ve seen played out far too often at college campuses in recent years, and it deserves to be called by what it is: a nascent form of fascism.

    In case you haven’t heard, Yale has recently endured a firestorm of protest after a lecturer that presides over one of the undergraduate colleges questioned whether concerns about the offensiveness of Halloween costumes had gone too far in impinging on free speech.

    In response, hundreds of protesters gathered on the quad, calling for Nicholas and Erika Christakis to be removed from their roles. Nicholas voluntarily came to discuss the matter with them, and soon, a crowd of students enveloped him.

    The video is chilling.

    One student is heard saying, “Walk away. He doesn’t deserve to be listened to.” When Nicholas started to explain himself, a student yells, “Be quiet!” and then proceeds to lecture him. When Nicholas calmly and politely says “I disagree,” the protestor explodes, screaming, “Why the fuck did you accept the position?! Who the fuck hired you?! You should step down!” Then, finally, “You’re disgusting!”

    The problem here isn’t that people disagree with what Nicholas said. The problem is that they are calling for reprisals against Nicholas and Erika simply for saying it. This recent movement of university students to use administrative procedures to punish speech with which they disagree should be called by its rightful name: proto-fascism.

    Several days later, students disrupted an event held by the William F. Buckley, Jr. program that was designed to highlight the importance of free speech. According to reports by the Yale Daily News, several attendees were spat on as they left.

    Once again, the problem isn’t that you disagree with what the event said (though, if you disagree with an event about the importance of free speech, that might be a cause for concern itself), but that you are using a tactic—spitting—that constitutes battery, and should never be used against someone for expressing beliefs that you disagree with.

    I understand that it can sometimes be difficult for college students today to tell the difference between fascist methods and non-fascist methods of advancing their beliefs and agendas. Luckily, I spent my senior thesis studying the rise of fascism in Europe, and am happy to give a few, easy tips about whether the activity you are engaged in adopts fascist tactics or not. To make it even easier, I’ve put it in table form:


    Of course, this isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s a good starting point. Ask yourself the question: Am I calling for people to be officially sanctioned because of what they believe, or am I committing a crime against someone because of what they believe? If the answer is yes, you are probably engaging in fascist tactics.

    Given the public outcry, it seems that the majority of people, including the majority of progressive liberals, believe that Yale students calling for the resignation of those professors have gone too far in punishing free speech. The problem is that no one is willing to stand up to them. If we are going to begin anywhere, we are going to begin by calling them by their rightful name.

    They are fascists.

    They are fascists.

    They are fascists.

  • Another Bubble Bursts: Ultra Luxury London Home Prices Tumble 12%

    In mid-September, when we looked at the Australian housing market, we said that in the aftermath of Beijing’s crack down on capital controls following its August currency devaluation, that “new Chinese ‘regulations’ may just kill Australia’s golden goose of ‘weath creation’ as Aussie’s largest trade partner sees its economy collapse.” More:

    While the Aussies themselves proclaimed a “war on cash,” it appears, as AFR reports, that Chinese purchases of Australian property have dropped significantly in the past month, according to agents, as buyers struggle to shift money out of the country following Beijing’s move to tighten capital controls. With Chinese banks now limiting any overseas transfer to USD50,000 – in an effort to control capital outflows – and with China dominating the Aussie housing market, one agent exclaimed, “it has affected 70 to 80 per cent of current transactions and some have already been suspended.”

    The results were immediate: “the tighter rules in China come as Sydney recorded its lowest auction clearance rate for the year this past weekend, while Melbourne has now recorded two weekends below the same time last year, according to Corelogic RP Data.”

    Two months later, the sudden withdrawal of Chinese hot and laundered money has just popped another housing bubble: perhaps the biggest one of all. London.

    Citing Richard Barber, a director at broker W.A. Ellis LLP, a unit of Jones Lang LaSalle Inc., Bloomberg reports that prices of homes valued at 5 million pounds ($7.6 million) or more fell 11.5% on a per square foot basis from the third quarter of 2014. Bloomberg is eager to assign the plunge on “the government’s stamp duty sales tax”, however that has been around for a while and only after the Chinese devaluation was there such a sudden drop in prices.

    What changed? Why China’s far more aggressive crackdown on the exporting of hot money, of course. Just like in Australia.

    The result has been sharp and acute: sales volumes across all homes in the best parts of central London dropped 14%, the realtor said on Thursday.

    “The bubble may already have burst” for the most expensive homes, Barber said. Now, “36 percent of all properties currently on the market across prime central London are being marketed at a lower price than they were originally listed at, with the average reduction in price being 8.5 percent.”

    According to the W.A. Ellis report, values across all homes in London’s best central districts rose 1.4 percent during the third quarter to 1,832 pounds a square foot, which means that the one segment most impacted was the one which also happens to be most desirable to offshore (read Chinese “all cash”) clients. 

    Neither the London housing bubble nor its sudden pop should come as a surprise to central bankers, either in the UK or in China. After all it is their easy money policies, and the creation of tens of trillions in excess deposits in banks via the reserve pathway (deposits which had to be parked in “safe” jurisdictions such as Swiss bank accounts until recently or in London/NY/SF/Vancouver real estate, that caused this.

    Sadly, and as usual feigning ignorance for the consequences of their actions, instead of finally admitting they are at fault, these same central bankers decided to take the easy way out and simply blame the market itself.

    Case in point BOE chief economist Andrew Haldane, who said on Thursday that the British housing market is “broken.”

    According to him, Britain needed to build around 200,000 new homes a year, and that its failure to build much more than half that, largely due to a lack of new public housing, had caused prices to rocket. “The UK housing market is broken,” he said at a meeting hosted by Britain’s Trades Union Congress. “There is a chronic and accumulated imbalance between demand and supply, and it is that which is sending skyward – and has sent skyward – house prices.”

    So a “broken market” leading to skyward prices due to lack of public housing (read even more debt creation and misallocation) – not a single word about price indescriminate foreign buyers benefitting from years of ZIRP and China’s 300 debt/GDP, not a single word about why private-sector builders are not building houses in the first place (after all if the demand was there, the private sector would have supplied the good).

    Just… “broken.”

    Sure – it’s easier to blame the market for being broken – and always in the passive voice – than taking responsibility for being the one whose policies broke it.

    And now, with the luxury bubbles in Australia and London popped and soon to be in tatters, we sit back and wait to see how long before it crosses the Atlantic, and such real abominations of the second housing bubble as Million Dollar Listing, can finally meet the fate of Wall Street Warriors.

  • US Flies B-52 Bomber Near China Sandcastles: "Get Away From Our Islands!"

    The Pentagon was pretty proud of itself when, late last month, Washington sailed a guided missile destroyer by Subi Reef, one of Beijing’s man-made islands in the South Pacific. 

    The “freedom of navigation” exercise was designed to prove to China that the US wouldn’t be deterred from sailing through the disputed waters near the Spratlys even as Beijing claims the islands it’s built atop reefs represent new sovereign territory. 

    To be sure, the Obama administration really didn’t have much of a choice. America’s regional allies have become extremely unnerved with regard to the islands and so it was ultimately incumbent upon The White House to green light the pass-by to avoid giving the appearance that the US will no longer stand with its “friends” against “aggression.”

    And while the PLA didn’t surround the USS Lassen nor fire upon it, Beijing was livid and Admiral Wu Shengli went so far as to tell US chief of naval operations Admiral John Richardson that this needs to stop now unless the US wants to go to war.

    Late this afternoon, reports surfaced that the US has now flown a B-52 bomber over or least “near” the islands. Here’s Reuters with more:

    A U.S. B-52 strategic bomber flew over Chinese manmade islands in the South China Sea recently and was contacted by Chinese ground controllers but continued its mission undeterred, the Pentagon said on Thursday.


    “We conduct B-52 flights in international air space in that part of the world all the time,” Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook told a briefing. “My understanding is there was one B-52 flight, I’m not even sure the date on it, but there was an effort made by Chinese ground controllers to reach out to that aircraft and that aircraft continued its mission. … Nothing changed.”

    And here’s a more colorful account from The Hill:

    The United States flew two B-52 bombers over the weekend near man-made islands constructed by China in the South China Sea, a U.S. official tells The Hill, in a clear challenge to China’s territorial claims to the area.


    The bombers made one pass within 12 nautical miles of the islands, the official said, in what the military refers to as a “freedom of navigation” operation.


    During the operation, the Chinese military radioed the bombers, telling them to “get away from our islands.” The bombers did not comply, according to the U.S. official. 


    Questioned by The Hill about the official’s account, Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook on Thursday confirmed that a B-52 incident with China near the islands took place, but declined to say when.


    Pentagon spokesman Navy Cmdr. Bill Urban later said the B-52s did not get within 12 miles of the man-made islands, and called the flight part of “routine operations.”

    As The Hill goes on to note, and as we reported earlier this week, this comes as China sends J-11BH/BHS fighter jets to Woody Island, south of Hainan in what one could be forgiven for believing is an attempt to discourage US military flyovers. 

    US military flyover like the one described above.

    So there you have it, the latest escalation in what frankly is becoming an increasingly dangerous (and largely uneccesary) game of chicken.

    We’d also note that the US has expressed its intention to conduct the destroyer operations twice per quarter, so one wonders how many times the B-52s will be flying over “near” the islands.

  • An Interactive Look At China's Massive Coal Bubble

    Submitted by Zachary Davies Boren via Greenpeace Energy Desk,

    China has given the green light to more than 150 coal power plants so far this year despite falling coal consumption, flatlining production and existing overcapacity.

    According to a new Greenpeace analysis, in the first nine months of 2015 China’s central and provincial governments issued environmental approvals to 155 coal-fired power plants — that’s four per week.


    The numbers associated with this prospective new fleet of plants are suitably astronomical.

    Should they all go ahead they would have a capacity of 123GW, more than twice Germany’s entire coal fleet; their carbon emissions would be around 560 million tonnes a year, roughly equal to the annual energy emissions of Brazil; they would produce more particle pollution than all the cars in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing put together; and consequently would cause around 6,100 premature deaths a year.

    But they’re unlikely to be used to their maximum since China has practically no need for the energy they would produce.

    Coal-fired electricity hasn’t increased for four years, and this year coal plant utilisation fell below 50%.

    It looks like this trend will continue, with China committing to renewables, gas and nuclear targets for 2020 — together they will cover any increase in electricity demand.

    Wasted trillions

    What looks to have triggered this phenomenon is Beijing’s decision to decentralise the authority to approve environmental impact assessments on coal projects starting in March of this year.

    But it’s been a problem years-in-the-making, driven by the Chinese economy’s addiction to debt-fuelled capital spending.

    Almost 50% of China’s GDP is taken up by capital spending on power plants, factories, real estate and infrastructure.

    It’s what fuelled the country’s enormous economic growth in recent decades, but diminishing returns have fast become massive losses.

    Recent research estimated that the equivalent of $11 trillion (more than one year’s GDP) has been spent on projects that generated no or almost no economic value.

    Since the country’s power tariffs are state controlled, energy producers still receive a good price despite the oversupply.

    And boy is it a huge oversupply: China’s thermal power capacity has increased by 60GW in the last 12 months whilst coal generation has fallen by more than 2% and capacity utilisation has fallen by 8%.

    With thermal power generation this year is equal to what it was in 2011, China has essentially spent four years building 300 large coal power plants it doesn’t use.

    Total spend on the upcoming projects would be an estimated $70 billion, with the 60% controlled by the ‘Big 5′ state-owned groups potentially adding 40% to company debt without any likely increase in revenue.

    Basically, if these plants get built China’s coal bubble will be inflating faster than ever.

    <img alt="Yellow river water pollution coal" data-facebook="" data-tweet="China's coal bubble:…” src=”” style=”height: 400px; width: 600px;” />


    Environmental impacts

    Because there’s no room for this much new coal, and because China is sticking to its 15% non-fossil fuel target by 2020, older plants will likely be closed.

    Because of that it’s unlikely the new fleet would cause a net increase in carbon emissions, particulate pollution or premature deaths.

    To appreciate the sheer scale of the plan, however, here are some of eye-watering stats:

    Assuming they operate the same number of hours per year as the most efficient Chinese coal plants did in 2012, these 155 would produce 96,000 tonnes of SO2 pollution, 124,000 tonnes of NOx and 29,000 tonnes of particulates per year.

    Modelling suggests that this would cause 6,100 premature deaths a year — that’s 150,000 over a 24-year operating life.

    Around Shenyang, where there are reports of record pollution levels 50 times worse than the World Health Organisation’s recommended limit, there are plans for five new coal plants.

    Annual carbon emissions of 560 million tonnes would equal 6% of China’s total CO2.

    But here’s an oft-overlooked consequence of these coal plants: water.

    Nearly half of the proposed power plants are in areas of extremely high water stress, a further 5% are in high water stress regions and another 6% are in arid places.

    Demanding at least 310-370 million cubic metres of water every year (which would meet the needs of 5-6 million city dwellers), these projects would exacerbate the conflict between urban, agricultural and industrial consumption.

    So they’re not only a waste of money.


  • "What We've Got Here Is A Failure To Communicate"

    The Fed goes 6 for 6 today as Bullard, Yellen,Lacker, Evans, Dudley, and Fischer (respectively) all manage to jawbone a looming rate hike without any confirmation of the "well everything must be awesome" meme to satisfy increasingly doubtful stock market worshippers…






    By the close, December rate hike odds had actually dropped very modestly to 66.0%. If these guys can't 'communicate' with one another, then how are investors (and algorithms) supposed to understand what they are doing?

  • Runaway Stories & Fairy Tale Endings: The Cautionary Tale Of Theranos

    Looking back at the build up and the let down on the Theranos story, the recurring question that comes up is how the smart people that funded, promoted and wrote about this company never stopped and looked beyond the claim of “30 tests from one drop of blood” that seemed to be the mantra for the company. While we may never know the answer to the question, Aswath Damodaran offers three possible reasons that should operate as red flags on future young company narratives

    1. The Runaway Story: If Aaron Sorkin were writing a movie about a young start up, it would be almost impossible for him to come up with one as gripping as the Theranos story: a nineteen-year old woman (that already makes it different from the typical start up founder), drops out of Stanford (the new Harvard) and disrupts a business that makes us go through a health ritual that we all dislike. Who amongst us has not sat for hours at a lab for a blood test, subjected ourselves to multiple syringe shots as the technician draw large vials of blood, waited for days to get the test back and then blanched at the bill for $1,500 for the tests? To add to its allure, the story had a missionary component to it, of a product that would change health care around the world by bringing cheap and speedy blood testing to the vast multitudes that cannot afford the status quo.


    The mix of exuberance, passion and missionary zeal that animated the company comes through in this interview that Ms. Holmes gave Wired magazine before the dam broke a few weeks ago. As you read the interview, you can perhaps see why there was so little questioning and skepticism along the way. With a story this good and a heroine this likeable, would you want to be the Grinch raising mundane questions about whether the product actually works?


    2. The Black Turtleneck: I must confess that the one aspect of this story that has always bothered me (and I am probably being petty) is the black turtleneck that has become Ms. Holmes’s uniform. She has boasted of having dozens of black turtlenecks in her closet and while there is mention that her original model for the outfit was Sharon Stone, and that Ms. Holmes does this because it saves her time, she has never tamped down the predictable comparisons that people made to Steve Jobs.



    If a central ingredient of a credible narrative is authenticity, and I think it is, trying to dress like someone else (Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett or the Dalai Lama) undercuts that quality.


    3. Governance matters (even at private businesses): I have always been surprised by the absence of attention paid to corporate governance at young, start ups and private businesses, but I have attributed that to two factors. One is that these businesses are often run by their founders, who have their wealth (both financial and human capital) vested in these businesses, and are therefore as less likely to act like “managers” do in publicly traded companies where there is separation of ownership and management. The other is that the venture capitalists who invest in these firms often have a much more direct role to play in how they are run, and thus should be able to protect themselves. Theranos illustrates the limitations of these built in governance mechanisms, with a board of directors in August 2015 had twelve members:




    I apologize if I am hurting anyone’s feelings, but my first reaction as I was reading through the list was “Really? He is still alive?”, followed by the suspicion that Theranos was in the process of developing a biological weapon of some sort. This is a board that may have made sense (twenty years ago) for a defense contractor, but not for a company whose primary task is working through the FDA approval process and getting customers in the health care business. (Theranos does some work for the US Military, though like almost everything else about the company, the work is so secret that no one seems to know what it involves.)
    The only two outside members that may have had the remotest link to the health care business were Bill Frist, a doctor and lead stockholder in Hospital Corporation of America, and William Foege, worthy for honor because of his role in eradicating small pox. My cynical reaction is that if you were Ms. Holmes and wanted to create a board of directors that had little idea what you were doing as a business and had no interest in asking, you could not have done much better than this group of septuagenarians. 
    Bottom Line
    I would like to believe that I would have asked some fundamental questions about the science behind the product and how it was faring in the FDA approval process, if I had been a potential investor or journalist. However, it is entirely possible that listening to the story, I too would have been tempted to go along, wanting it so much to be true that I let hope override good sense. Some of my worst mistakes in investing (and life) have been when I have fallen in love with a story so much that I have willed a happy ending to it, facts notwithstanding.

    The question of whether Theranos makes it back to being a valuable, going concern rests squarely on the science of its product(s).

    • If the Nanotainer is a revolutionary breakthrough and what it needs is scientific fixes to become a reliable product, there is hope. But for that hope to become real, Theranos has to be restructured to make this the focus of the business and become much more transparent about the results of its tests, even if they are not favorable. Ms. Holmes has to scale back many of her high profile projects (virtuous and noble though they might be) and return to running the business.
    • If the Nanotainer turns out to be an over hyped product that is unfixable, because it is scientifically flawed, Theranos has a bleak future and while it may survive, it will be as a smaller, low profile company. The investors who have put hundreds of millions in the company will lose much of that money but as I look at the list, I don’t see any of them entering the poor house as a consequence.

    There is a chance that the lessons about not letting runaway stories stomp the facts, never trusting CEOs who wear only black turtlenecks and caring about governance and oversight at even private businesses may be learned, but I will not hold my breath expecting them to have staying power.

    Excerpted from Musings On Markets, read more here…

  • Here Is The Biggest, And Most Underreported, Risk Facing China

    When it comes to the laundry list of China “hard-landing” risk factors, after many years, even the mainstream media has finally gotten it mostly right:

    • a slowing economy crippled by soaring debt, now over 300% of GDP
    • an economy which is overly reliant on fixed investment
    • an artificially high exchange rate which is adversely impacting exports and impairing trade, in a “beggar thy neighbor” world everyone is rapidly devaluing their own currency
    • the feedback loop of plunging commodity prices and highly levered domestic corporation which can not pay their annual interest expense payments at current prices of industrial commodities, leading to surging business failures and defaults
    • a burst housing bubble which recently popped (although slowly growing again)
    • a burst stock market bubble which recently popped (although slowly growing again)
    • Non-performing loans, as high as 20%, and metastssizing across the Chinese banking sector

    And much more.

    However one risk, perhaps the biggest one, which has so far flown deep under the radar, is also the biggest one – which may explain why so few have noticed it – namely social discontent, resulting from a breakdown in recent “agreeable” labor conditions, wage cuts and rising unemployment, leading to labor strikes and in some cases, violence.

    Over the past few months we have chronicled several such incident which suggest that the labor market is rapidly becoming China’s biggest risk factor, such as:

    But the best confirmation just how serious the employment situation in China is getting comes courtesy of the China Labour Bulletin website, which tracks the number of largely unreported labor protests and strikes across China.

    Presenting exhibit A demonstrating how, quietly, deteriorating employment conditions have become a gaping risk for China’s politburo: the total number of strikes over the past 5 years:


    And for those who prefer a hands on experience, here is an interactive tracker of every single reported strike that has been caught by the website over the past 5 years:

    We wonder: just how much “more exponential” will China’s “strike chart” have to get before everyone else finally notices?

  • Veterans Affairs Paid Out $142 Million In Cash Bonuses Immediately Following Deadly Scandal

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 10.24.29 AM

    The Department of Veterans Affairs doled out more than $142 million in bonuses to executives and employees for performance in 2014 even as scandals over veterans’ health care and other issues racked the agency.


    The agency paid more than $380,000 in 2013 performance bonuses to top officials at hospitals where veterans faced long delays in receiving treatment, including those under investigation for wait-time manipulation.


    In Tomah, Wis., the former chief of staff of the VA medical center there, Dr. David Houlihan — whom veterans nicknamed the “Candy Man” because of his prolific prescribing of narcotics — received a $4,000 bonus in December. That was nine months after an inspector general investigation report concluded he was prescribing alarmingly high amounts of opiates. And it was four months after Marine Corps veteran Jason Simcakoski, 35, died of “mixed-drug toxicity” as an inpatient at Tomah after he was prescribed a fatal cocktail of medications, including opiates. The inpatient pharmacist supervisor also received a $1,050 bonus in December. A spokesman for the Tomah VA declined to comment. The VA moved last month to fire Houlihan. A lawyer who represented him did not respond to a message Tuesday seeking comment.


    In Augusta, Ga., VA financial manager Jed Fillingim was awarded a $900 performance bonus. He drew scrutiny from Congress last year after news reports revealed he admitted drinking and driving a government truck to a VA meeting in 2010 and a co-worker fell from the truck and was killed.


    – From the excellent USA Today article: Veterans Affairs Pays $142 Million in Bonuses Amid Scandals

    For several months in 2014, one of the biggest stories in America revolved around revelations of incompetence and death at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Specifically, an internal VA investigation admitted at least 23 veterans died while waiting for care, and that 120,000 were being affected by delinquent care. The FBI subsequently launched a criminal probe into the VA, and here’s what the White House had to say about the entire affair:

    A summary of the review by deputy White House chief of staff Rob Nabors says the Veterans Health Administration must be restructured and that a “corrosive culture” has hurt morale and affected the timeliness of health care. The review also found that a 14-day standard for scheduling veterans’ medical appointments is unrealistic and that some employees manipulated the wait times so they would appear to be shorter.

    So how did the VA respond to its shocking and deadly mismanagement of U.S. veterans’ affairs? By spending $142 million in cash bonuses to its employees, some of whom should have clearly been fired, if not jailed. Thank you U.S. taxpayer.

    From USA Today:


    WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs doled out more than $142 million in bonuses to executives and employees for performance in 2014 even as scandals over veterans’ health care and other issues racked the agency.


    Among the recipients were claims processors in a Philadelphia benefits office that investigators dubbed the worst in the country last year. They received $300 to $900 each. Managers in Tomah, Wis., got $1,000 to $4,000, even though they oversaw the over-prescription of opiates to veterans – one of whom died.


    The VA also rewarded executives who managed construction of a facility in Denver, a disastrous project years overdue and more than $1 billion over budget. They took home $4,000 to $8,000 each. And in St. Cloud, Minn., where an internal investigation report last year outlined mismanagement that led to mass resignations of health care providers, the chief of staff cited by investigators received a performance bonus of almost $4,000.

    Yes, you read that right: $1 billion over budget. Somebody got paid…

     In all, some 156,000 executives, managers and employees received them for 2014 performance.


    The agency paid more than $380,000 in 2013 performance bonuses to top officials at hospitals where veterans faced long delays in receiving treatment, including those under investigation for wait-time manipulation. “Rewarding failure only breeds more failure,” he said Tuesday. “Until VA leaders learn this important lesson and make a commitment to supporting real accountability at the department, efforts to reform VA are doomed to fail.”


    Miller spearheaded – and the House passed – a measure last year that would have eliminated bonuses for VA senior executives for five years. But ultimately the House and Senate compromised on legislation that still allows the VA to hand out up to $360 million annually to executives, managers and employees.


    Overall, the agency awarded $276 million in incentives in 2014, including retention and relocation payments, rewards for saving money on travel and coming up with inventive ideas, according to committee data.

    The cash bonuses of $142.5 million were tied to performance reviews.

    Now here are some of the more egregious examples of bonus payments highlighted by USA Today:

    Tomah, Wis., the former chief of staff of the VA medical center there, Dr. David Houlihan — whom veterans nicknamed the “Candy Man” because of his prolific prescribing of narcotics — received a $4,000 bonus in December. That was nine months after an inspector general investigation report concluded he was prescribing alarmingly high amounts of opiates.  And it was four months after Marine Corps veteran Jason Simcakoski, 35, died of “mixed-drug toxicity” as an inpatient at Tomah after he was prescribed a fatal cocktail of medications, including opiates. The inpatient pharmacist supervisor also received a $1,050 bonus in December. A spokesman for the Tomah VA declined to comment. The VA moved last month to fire Houlihan. A lawyer who represented him did not respond to a message Tuesday seeking comment


    In Augusta, Ga., VA financial manager Jed Fillingim was awarded a $900 performance bonus. He drew scrutiny from Congress last year after news reports revealed he admitted drinking and driving a government truck to a VA meeting in 2010 and a co-worker fell from the truck and was killed.  Fillingim resigned from the VA after the incident but was rehired in March 2011, WRC-TV reported. A spokesman for the VA Medical Center in Augusta, Brian Rothwell, said Fillingim is not employed there.


    In St. Paul, Minn., VA benefits office director Kimberly Graves received a bonus of $8,697 for 2014 performance. A VA inspector general report issued in September this year concluded Graves improperly used her authority to engineer a switch into her current post in October 2014. IG investigators concluded she also improperly received an additional $129,000 related to the move. Graves pleaded the Fifth Amendment and declined to answer questions at a House VA Committee hearing last week.

    Of course, this is just the latest example of government bureaucrats not only being “above the law,” but actually being rewarded for criminal behavior. The incentive structure throughout government, Wall Street, and big business generally is that “crime pays,” which is exactly why we’re seeing more and more of it. It will only get worse, until we grow up as a culture and demand accountability.

    Until then…

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  • Japan Was Just Added To List Of "Partially Dangerous" Places For Tourists To Visit In The World

    Whether it is because of Abe’s shift to a newly militaristic doctrine or simply its proximity to a more sabre-rattling China is unclear, but Britain’s Foreign Office just added Japan to its list of “dangerous” or “partially dangerous” countries.



    As ValueWalk’s Vikas Shukla notes, the list of “high risk” countries includes Syria, Yemen, Tunisia,
    Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Congo, Libya, Burundi, Chad, Central African
    Republic, Guinea, Somaliland, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Niger,
    Mauritania, and the Palestinian territories.

    Japan among partially dangerous countries

    Then there are 45 countries that are partially dangerous.
    Surprisingly, Japan has been included in this list. Parts of Russia,
    including areas of Chechnya and regions near the border with Ukraine,
    are also deemed dangerous. Here’s the full list of 45 “partially
    dangerous” countries.

    • Algeria
    • Angola
    • Armenia
    • Azerbaijan
    • Bangladesh
    • Burkina Faso
    • Burma (Myanmar)
    • Cambodia
    • Cameroon
    • Colombia
    • Djibouti
    • Ecuador
    • Egypt
    • Eritrea
    • Ethiopia
    • Georgia
    • Haiti
    • India
    • Iran
    • Israel
    • Ivory Coast
    • Japan
    • Jordan
    • Kenya
    • Kosovo
    • Lebanon
    • Madagascar
    • Malaysia
    • Mali
    • Nepal
    • Nigeria
    • Pakistan
    • Philippines
    • Republic of Congo
    • Russia
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Sudan
    • Tajikistan
    • Thailand
    • Turkey
    • Uganda
    • Ukraine
    • Venezuela
    • Western
    • Sahara

    If you have already booked tickets to any of these countries, you may want to reconsider it.

  • This All Has A Familiar Ring To It


    The recent new highs on the $NDX accompanying the recent rally off of the August and September lows have been accompanied by bullish headlines. $SPX 2300+, $DJIA 20K, etc. And it is true the action in some stocks is truly awe inspiring.

    Yet all the action has an oddly familiar ring to it and it may not be bullish. While most traders today haven’t really lived through the 2000 bubble older hats like me have institutional memory. Back then it was the “horsemen” of stocks that seemed to defy gravity and just kept pushing higher to stratospheric valuations. Yet back then the leadership was ever more narrowing and oddly enough we are now finding ourselves at a very similar spot.

    And not only is the leadership narrowing, but it is happening at exactly the same price level.

    In the $NDX chart below the horizontal red line is representing the exact same price as 15 years ago, right at the market’s peak of the year 2000. Note the negative divergence on the bullish percentage of stocks in the $COMPQ (click chart to zoom in). New highs with fewer stocks participating:


    It is of course the $COMPQ that did not confirm news highs during this recent rally:



    Not even close. Does this all point to an imminent crash similar to 2000? I can’t know, nobody can, but we can observe that the recent rally excels in non participation as opposed to participation.

    On an equal weight basis both $RSP and $XVG indicate significant weakness:



    Insiders are not buying:



    And high yield? $JNK and $HYG are not playing along either:



    Now here’s where it gets interesting. The leaders that have been driving this rally are vastly disconnected from their moving averages and very overbought. Just a basic reconnect to their weekly 5EMA and 8MAs risks a 5-10% correction in these stocks.

    Weekly chart examples:





    Extended much? You decide. But all these factors together have a very familiar ring to them.

    But before you think this issue is one of tech only, it is not. It’s one of haves versus have nots. And this large negative divergence extends to large cap stocks across the board as seen here in the $OEX:


    The big difference now compared to 2000? All the central banks are “all in”, although the ECB may add to its QE program in December.

    Last time central banks came to the rescue of a sharply correcting market by cutting rates. Who will be coming now?

  • Can't Afford To Buy A House? Buy It Anyway Housing "Experts" Advise

    “In metros with high-income growth, unaffordable mortgage payments can become affordable within a few years,” writes Trulia Housing Economist Ralph McLaughlin in a blog post titled “For Millennials, Buying an Unaffordable Home Isn’t Always a Bad Idea”. 

    Now first, buying an unaffordable home is always a bad idea, just like buying an unaffordable anything. 

    Sure, it might one day become affordable, but saying it’s a good idea to buy something that you can’t afford because circumstances could eventually conspire to make you richer is like saying it’s a good idea to quit your day job and become a traveling magician because there’s a chance people will love your act. After all, on this logic, one could buy a Ferrari because there's a chance you could win the lottery next week (well, unless you're playing in Illinois where they'll pay you in IOUs).

    In other words, you can justify anything you want by saying it might turn out ok, but the flaw in that logic seems to have escaped McLaughlin (who has a Ph.D. in Planning, Policy, and Design from the University of California at Irvine) because as you’ll read below, he thinks millennials should consider buying houses where mortgage costs are too high as a percentage of their income on the assumption that based on local trends, their incomes will eventually rise. Here’s more:

    In many housing markets where most workers see strong wage and income growth – New Haven, Conn., Providence, R.I., and Newark, N.J., among them – mortgage payments actually shrink as part of the monthly budget and can become affordable within just a few years and, in some places, in just a few months. 


    We’ve crunched the numbers to identify where, and when, buying an unaffordable home might not be such a terrible idea. To do this, we’ve identified metros: 

    • Where the median home is feasibly unaffordable to millennial households (25-34 year olds), that is, where initial mortgage payments exceed 31% the federal government’s definition of unaffordable 
    • And those payments don’t exceed 43% of income, the limit a vast majority of lenders place on new mortgages 
    • And finally, we projected lifecycle income growth of millennial households to calculate the number of years it would take for mortgage payments to drop below 31% of a household’s income. 

    It gets still better. Here's a look an infographic which shows you how many it would take in select areas of the country for your mortgage payment to become "affordable":

    And here's a chart from Bloomberg which shows New Haven and Providence (mentioned above by McLaughlin as places millennials may want to consider if they want to buy above their means):

    So just to be clear, Trulia is saying that it would be a good idea for millennials to buy a house they can't afford in New Haven and Providence because in 3 years it will be "affordable." Here's how Trulia came up with these figures:

    Second, we’ve estimated projected 30-year income growth of millennial households. To do so, we looked at the percentage difference in median household income between households aged 25-34 and households aged 55-64 in each metro using 2014 American Community Survey Data. We annualized this percentage over 30 years to get an idea of how much income growth a 25-34 year old can expect over their career, and then, assuming an inflation rate of 2%, use it project future monthly income for the median 25-34 year old household. 

    That's it? You just took a look at what older people make versus younger people and annualized it? What happens if that changes? What happens if there's another deep recession? You're looking at a 30-year time frame here. Anything could happen to income trends in these areas over three decades. Not to mention the fact that while losing one's job is always a bad thing when it comes to making mortgage payments, it's made that much worse if you've bought a house you can't afford.

    Trulia does go on to show that there are plently of places where buying a home is easily affordable now – like pristine Detroit – and based on the same income analysis, you'd have plenty of cushion the event circumstances change. We recommend millennials choose wisely when it comes to overreaching based on simplistic analysis lest you should end up not being able to make the payments, because then you might find yourself in the market for a rental and with current asking prices in that market going parabolic, you might soon find yourself back in your parents' basement.

  • World's Largest Hedge Fund Dumped 31% Of Its US Equity Holdings In The Third Quarter

    The world’s biggest hedge fund, Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater Associates got into some hot water in the past few months when it was accused by many members of the underperforming “hedge fund hotel” club for being the “risk parity” catalyst that sent the market tumbling in August, and perhaps for being the catalyst for the August 24 market crash.

    And while the bulk of Bridgewater’s asset are in various commodities and futures, most of which are never reported to the public, earlier today it did disclose its long holdings in public equities when it filed its latest 13F. Perhaps those accusing Bridgewater of being the market-moving catalyst did have a point, because after posting a total AUM of $10.8 billion at June, this total declined by a whopping 31% to just $7.5 billion as of September 30.

    Here is what Brigewater was dumping (and adding).

    Bridgewater sold 41% of its holdings in the world’s two largest EM ETFs in the third quarter amid a rout in developing-nation assets.  Specifically, it cut its investments in Vanguard Group Inc. and BlackRock Inc.’s ETFs to a combined 104 million shares, from 175 million in the previous three-month period.

    The value of the ETF holdings dropped more than 50 percent to $3.4 billion as a result of share price declines and the divestments.

    In other words, if anyone is looking for the culprits behind the aggressive ETFlash Crash of August 24, Bridgewater may indeed be a good starting point.

    As a result of this major unwind in Emerging Market exposure, Bridgewater’s total US public equity holdings dropped 31%.

    As Bloomberg adds, the company has said the impact of emerging-market losses is likely to be more widespread than in the crises of the 1980s and 1990s because investors have more money invested in developing markets. Of course, that also means that the company’s prior belief in an EM resurgence has gone the way of the “beautiful deleveraging.”

    The reduction in the emerging-market investments marked a sharp reversal after Bridgewater had steadily boosted its holdings in recent years.

    Its holdings in the $36 billion Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF dropped to 67.4 million shares by September, from a peak of 116.2 million in December. It had 19 million shares in June 2011.

    The hedge fund’s investment in the $23 billion iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF fell to 36.5 million shares from 80.1 million a year earlier.

    Also notable: Bridgewater’s SPY holdings declined by 230,000 shares, which happened at the same time as Dalio was buying up single name constituents of the ETF. Was that the risk-imparity pair trade?

    Finally, note that while Bridgewater was buying up single names as it was selling ETFs, it also sold half its AAPL stake.

    Altogether, a dramatic deleveraging and gross derisking over the third quarter. The question is whether now that Bridgewater has once again rerisked, it will repeat the whole exercise all over again leading to the next market crash.

    Finally, here is a break down of Bridgewater’s top 10 publicly held equities.

  • Get Ready For Crazy

    Submitted by Jeff Thomas via,

    Recently, the Honduras homes and businesses of the family of Jaime Rosenthal were raided by the Honduran government. The properties themselves were seized and other assets taken. The family-owned bank was also seized and has been forced into liquidation, creating potential financial crisis for its 220,000 clients.


    Throngs of angry clients, unable to go about their personal and professional business, have blocked surrounding streets, demanding the release of their savings.



    In response, the government has promised that each depositor will have the opportunity to withdraw up to US$9,600 from other banks, beginning with the smallest depositors.

    At first glance, those of us who live in the First World may regard this sort of crazy seizure as typical Third World governmental behaviour, but, in recent years, the First World has been changing. We’ve witnessed banks and governments confiscating depositors’ funds, increasing capital controls, and instituting asset forfeiture laws that have turned police departments into looters. They’ve created dramatically increased powers for all authorities, leading the populace to live in fear of detention or arrest for the smallest perceived infraction.

    Some First World governments have taken a decidedly Third World turn.

    And in this instance we see an ironic twist: The raids in Third World Honduras were a direct result of the legalised shakedowns that are occurring in the First World.

    With the understanding that the U.S. government now seizes the assets of those they charge with a crime (and sometimes with no charge having been made), the government of Honduras undertook their seizure of the Rosenthals’ assets as a preemptive act, after one of the Rosenthals had been arrested in the U.S.

    In essence, what we’re seeing is one government acting in a totalitarian manner to preempt another government acting in a totalitarian manner. Worse, the latter government is that of the U.S., once regarded as the leader of the Free World.

    In discussing the event with a colleague in Honduras, I was advised that, as she is British, she has come to assume that the First World, into which she had been born, was more developed, more civilised than the Central American country in which she now resides. Although she was aware of the 2013 bank confiscation in Cyprus and has heard rumblings of new restrictive laws in the EU and U.S., she had not pieced together the fact that, whilst Third World countries continue to develop, the First World is going in the opposite direction and is beginning to pass the Third World level on their way down.

    The First One to Make the Grab Gets the Spoils

    The Honduran government said in a statement that it conducted the raids and closed the bank because it “wants to prevent the transfer of assets during the investigation.”

    It would seem that they were content to leave the future of the Rosenthal businesses to the free market, but were not willing to allow the U.S. government to seize substantial assets that make up a part of the Honduras economy. The choice, then, was to either allow the U.S. plunderers to seize assets located in another country, or to become the plunderers themselves. In essence, “I don’t wish to see my neighbour robbed, but if I know someone’s coming to my neighbourhood to rob him, I’ll rob him myself first.”

    If this were to be the only incident of its kind, it wouldn’t be worth the effort to provide comment. However, it may well be a bellwether of events to come. Certainly, those who seek public office (in all or at least most countries) are far more focused on their own benefit than the well-being of their constituents. As such, if they feel that the squeeze is on (be it a political, military or monetary squeeze), we can expect them to behave in a manner that’s intended to save their own skin, not that of their people.

    Historically, such conditions begin with a few small warnings, such as the one in Honduras, then, at some point, bubble over quickly. The “crazy” period is usually brief, usually a few years at most, then it burns itself out after the wealth has disbursed.

    If this premise is correct, we can predict a period of increased looting by governments in general. We already know that the leading jurisdictions of the First World are in serious economic trouble and are instituting draconian measures at home in order to grab what they can from their citizens on their way down. In addition, they’re spreading their reach throughout the world under the auspices of organisations like the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development to loot assets in other countries under the pretence that they constitute “the good guys,” whilst the rest of the world constitutes, “the bad guys.”

    The real truth, of course, is that “the good guys” are in no way better than the rest of the world; they merely have more power and, at least for the present, have the ability to presume their good guy status through force.

    By extension, we can anticipate that, as the Great Unravelling progresses, we shall see actions being taken by governments and financial institutions worldwide that we’ve never seen in our lifetimes. An aggressive action taken by one entity will cause a knee-jerk reaction by the target entity and, in some cases, chain reactions will occur. In addition, as in Honduras, we shall see preemptive aggressive actions taken in the belief that another entity may move first. Along the way, a sense of what is morally right will lose its importance. In its place, we shall see a “Nice guys finish last,” ethic come to the fore. Those who behave the most honourably in this period will become the foremost victims of those whose ethics have, until the present, been more the product of convention than conviction.

    The looting of the tribes is nothing new. It goes back throughout history. It flourishes during crisis times, then subsides, as productivity reasserts itself.

    The question that remains is what to do during the crisis period, when, it seems, everyone is going after each other’s possessions.

    History tells us that the vast majority of people hunker down and hope that they’re not victimised too badly. In the end, they generally end up as casualties to a greater or lesser degree.

    Others vote with their feet. Throughout history, whenever there’s been turmoil in some countries, there have been other countries where the government and/or society is less aggressive and less rapacious. The same is true today. There are many jurisdictions where those who plan ahead can either move permanently, or merely plan to wait out the storm.

  • US Government Shocked To Find Job Openings Continue To Surge Above Actual Hires

    Something odd is happening in the US labor market.

    As the BLS reports in its latest JOLTS report, “the number of hires has exceeded the number of job openings for most of the JOLTS history” which should make intuitive sense for any normal, “growing” economy, where the labor market works as expected. However, as JOLTs also adds, “over the past year, this relationship has changed as job  openings have outnumbered hires for several months.”

    This is how this shocking inverted relationship looks like:


    What is really happening is that hires have plateaued and at 5.049MM in September, were the lowest since April! The last time we have seen such a dramatic peak in hiring was in 2005-2006, just before the economy and the market crashed.

    Is the labor market rolling over?

    The JOLTs economists at the BLS are very confused, as the following shows:

    Hires exceeded job openings for over thirteen years, between December 2000 and July 2014. Job openings exceeded hires for the first time in August 2014, although hires then outnumbered job openings for the next five months. Since February 2015, however, this new relationship has persisted with job openings exceeding hires for eight consecutive months


    At the end of the most recent recession in June 2009, there were 1.3 million more hires throughout the month than there were job openings on the last business day of the month.


    In September 2015, there were 477,000 fewer hires throughout the month than there were job openings on the last business day of the month.

    So what is going on here? Simple: a broken labor market, in which as a result of 94 million people out of the labor force, most of whom have been out of a job for years and have lost their “hirability”, US businesses are unable to grow and fill open slots, as a result hiring is sliding. And, since hiring is so low, the other end of the job pipeline, separations, are also painfully low.

    Which means that workers have little ability to negotiate wage hikes using the threat of quitting and finding a better paid job elsewhere, due to precisely this dislocation in the labor market.

    Worst of all, with every passing month this dislocation is getting worse and continues to press down on wages: which is precisely the conundrum the Fed has been unable to solve and is the reason why the missing piece in the US economic puzzle “wage growth”, refuses to appear.

  • Black Fridays Matter

    Submitted by Lance Roberts via STA Wealth Management,

    Small Business Not Optimistic About Spending

    The perennial hopes of a strong retail shopping season are once again upon us. As always, the National Retail Federation (NRF) is kicking of the season with their always cheerful holiday forecast. To wit:

    "The National Retail Federation announced today it expects sales in November and December (excluding autos, gas and restaurant sales) to increase a solid 3.7 percent to $630.5 billion — significantly higher than the 10-year average of 2.5 percent. Holiday sales in 2015 are expected to represent approximately 19 percent of the retail industry's annual sales of $3.2 trillion. Additionally, NRF is forecasting online sales to increase between 6 and 8 percent to as much as $105 billion."


    To no great surprise, since the NRF is an industry trade group, their forecasts are generally much more optimistic than reality eventually turns out to be. 

    For a more "realistic" expectation of retail sales over the next couple of months, we might want to look at data from actual retail businesses. The National Federation of Independent Business Small Business Survey shows a substantially different outlook from retailers.


    As shown, the percent of businesses surveyed expecting higher sales over the next three months is declined sharply from the beginning of the year. Not surprisingly, when forward expectations decline so do actual nominal sales.

    Furthermore, if we look at "control purchases," which also excludes gas, food and autos, we see that actual activity in the economy is at levels more normally associated with recessionary environments. 


    Given the current deflationary backdrop, the sharp decline in imports and weak wage growth, it is quite likely that actual retail sales will likely disappoint the NRF's forecast of a "shopping season significantly above the 10-year average."

    Regardless, I do suspect that consumers will once again be breaking out the credit cards and maxing out the remaining limits. The "shopping party" of chasing deals over a 36-48 hour "shopping day" has become a holiday tradition. Unfortunately, it is the "hangover" that hurts when the bills come due.

    But it is truly important to remember that for retailers all #BlackFridaysMatter


    Debt Funded Buybacks Failing To Boost Performance

    I have written many times in the past about the use of debt-funded share buybacks as a method to boost bottom line earnings reports even as top-line revenue remains weak. Since 2009, the reported earnings per share of corporations has increased by a total of 190%. This is the sharpest post-recession rise in reported EPS in history. The issue is that the sharp increase in earnings did not come from a similar surge in revenue that is reported at the top line of the income statement. Revenue from sales of goods and services has only increased by a marginal 23% during the same period. To wit:

    "For profitability to surge, despite rather weak revenue growth, corporations have resorted have resorted to using debt to accelerate share buybacks. The chart below shows the total number of outstanding shares as compared to the difference between operating earnings on a per/share basis before and after buybacks."


    "The reality is that share buybacks create an illusion of profitability. If a company earns $0.90 per share and has one million shares outstanding – reducing those shares to 900,000 will increase earnings per share to $1.00. No additional revenue was created; no more product was sold, it is simply accounting magic."

    This point was further made by Mike Bird via Business Insider in a discussion of a recent report from Goldman Sachs:

    "US corporations have loaded up on a lot of debt since the financial crisis. In fact, America's corporations have doubled their total debt levels, according to a note Tuesday from analysts at Goldman Sachs. The debt has been raised by American firms to fund mergers and acquisitions and to buy back their own shares."


    Over the last several years, corporations have been extremely effective at slashing costs to boost bottom line earnings. However, as I have stated many times, the benefits of cost-cutting, wage suppression and artificially manipulating bottom line earnings through share repurchases, are finite. Eventually, weak top-line growth will be reflected in bottom line earnings.

    As reality begins to catch up with "earnings fantasy," the performance of the "buyback index" is showing relative underperformance in recent months as compared to the index as a whole. (Note: that chart below is a total return calculation to put both indices on an equal scale.)


    As Goldman notes:

    "Following the crisis, imbalances of all types have been created. Chief among them, in our view, is the re-leveraging of America and the quiet growth of goodwill, as a percentage of assets on balance sheets. While neither poses an immediate terminal risk to the health of corporate America the changing nature of corporate balance sheets does raise the question, again, about the lack of organic growth and reinvestment post the crisis. Taken a step further, the spectre of rising rates, potential global disinflation (dare we say "deflation"?), declining operating profits and wider credit spreads continues to create near-term consternation for weak balance sheet stocks."

    That brings me to EBITDA.


    EBITDA Is A Trap

    I have written in the past about the fallacy of using EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amoritization) due to the ability to fudge/manipulate the number. To wit:



    "As shown in the table, it is not surprising to see that 93% of the respondents pointed to "influence on stock price" and "outside pressure" as the reason for manipulating earnings figures. For fundamental investors this manipulation of earnings skews valuation analysis particularly with respect to P/E's, EV/EBITDA, PEG, etc."

    Ramy Elitzur, via The Account Art Of War, recently expounded on the problems of using EBITDA.

    "Being a CPA and having an MBA, in my arrogance I thought that I am well beyond such materials. I stood corrected, whatever I thought I knew about accounting was turned on its head. One of the things that I thought that I knew well was the importance of income-based metrics such as EBITDA and that cash flow information is not as important. It turned out that common garden variety metrics, such as EBITDA, could be hazardous to your health."

    The article is worth reading and chocked full of good information, however, here are the four-crucial points:

    1. EBITDA is not a good surrogate to cash flow analysis because it assumes that all revenues are collected immediately and all expenses are paid immediately, leading, as I illustrated above, to a false sense of liquidity.
    2. Superficial common garden-variety accounting ratios will fail to detect signs of liquidity problems.
    3. Direct cash flow statements provide a much deeper insight than the indirect cash flow statements as to what happened in operating cash flows. Note that the vast majority (well over 90%) of public companies use the indirect format.
    4. EBITDA just like net income is very sensitive to accounting manipulations.

    The last point is the most critical. The tricks to manipulate earnings are well-known. A difficult quarter can be made easier by releasing reserves set aside for a rainy day, recognizing revenues before sales are made, slashing costs, buying back shares, etc. More importantly, these "accounting gimmicks" can account for as much as 10% of the reported earnings per share numbers. So, before you jump off the "EBITDA Bridge", you may want to take a much closer look at the real underlying picture.

    Just something to think about.

  • Nordstrom Plummets After Abysmal Results, Slashing Guidance

    If there were any questions if the US consumer was merely “strong” or “quite strong”, after the abysmal results from Macy’s first, and moments ago, Nordstrom, they should all be safely swept away now.

    Any time a company starts its press release with a blatant mea culpa… run. Like in the case of Nordstrom: “The Company’s third quarter performance was below Company expectations, reflecting softer sales trends that were generally consistent across channels and merchandise categories.”

    What happened was ugly: the company reported revenue of $3.24 billion, a miss to the $3.38 billion expected, and EPS of $0.42, nearly 50% below the expected $72. Q3 EBIT likewise crashed from $262 million to $151 Y/Y, as comp store sales of 0.9% were massively below the 3.6% expected.

    Amusingly the retailers are unable to keep their lies straight – on one hand you have Macy’s blame the warm weather for plunging sales, and here you have JWN saying costs were among its best sellers: “Nordstrom comparable sales, which consist of full-line stores and, increased 0.3 percent. The top-performing merchandise category was Cosmetics. In addition, coats, younger customer-focused departments and dresses continued to reflect strength in Women’s Apparel.”

    Considering we already mocked the “it’s the weather” bullshit, there is little we can add.

    Where things get really bad though, is when looking at the acceleration in markdowns and the surge in inventory:

    Gross profit of $1.1 billion, or 33.9 percent of net sales, decreased 163 basis points compared with the same period in fiscal 2014, primarily due to higher markdowns in addition to the planned impact of higher occupancy costs related to store growth and the increased mix of Nordstrom Rack. Ending inventory increase of 8.0 percent...

    But wait, there’s more because just before the abysmal earnings report the Company paid a special cash dividend of $900 million, or $4.85 per share of outstanding common stock on October 27. Better to do that when the stock is higher rather then lower, eh?

    It gets better: “the Company expects to initiate share repurchase for the remaining net proceeds beginning in the fourth quarter…. . For fiscal 2016, the Company estimates the net financial impact, including the share repurchase impact, to be approximately neutral to earnings per diluted share.”

    And the punchline:

    On October 1, 2015, Nordstrom’s board of directors authorized an additional $1.0 billion share repurchase program. During the third quarter, the Company repurchased 3.5 million shares of its common stock for $250 million. A total of $1,486 million remains available under its existing share repurchase board authorizations. The actual number, price, manner and timing of future share repurchases, if any, will be subject to market and economic conditions and applicable Securities and Exchange Commission

    And to think it could have waited just a few weeks and gotten 15% more for its money consiering the absolutely collapse in JWN stock after hours.


    … but no, its management team had to go ahead and buyback half a billion of its shares in 2015 at an average price of $72, a -26% return that is even worse than that of Bill Ackman.

    Finally, and not unexpectedly, JWN slashed its outlook across the board confirming just how “strong” the US economy really is.


    Three weeks ago we asked a simple question.

    We now have the answer.

  • "Sell Mortimer": Stocks Tumble Most In 6 Weeks, Back To Red For 2015

    Given this…


    And the fact that The Dow is down over 500 points from last week's highs…


    We suspect the message to Fed Speakers from "the bulls" is…

    Or this…


    The biggest issues today were the collapse in credit, crude, and copper; but stock weakness dragged the S&P 500 into negative territory for the year…


    On the day, Fed speak dragged us lower along with carnage in copper, crude and credit but towards the close USDJPY snapped and EURUSD broke 1.08 and seemed to extend the losses in stocks…


    Biotechs broke below the 50DMA…


    VRX closed at the lows of the day…


    VXX surged…


    And erased all the gains post-Payrolls (so good news is bad news after all)… with the S&P leading the way…


    And Bonds are now outperforming post-payrolls…



    Crude's carnage is starting to wake up Dow Transports traders (again!!!)…


    Today saw HY Credit spreads widen over 15bps – the biggest jump (for a non-roll day) since Dec 2014…


    And stocks are catching down to credit…


    Bonds & Stocks appear to be recoupling…


    FX markets were noisy but the main message wqas dumping dollars…


    And notice EURUSD tested up to 1.08 twice and broke 3rd time…


    Commodities were big news today…


    First gold crashed to 2010 lows, before spiking back higher…


    Then crude crumbled to the late-August lows…


    And Copper continues to get clubbed…7th down day in a row…having tagged perfectly the 50DMA before plunging



    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: What Happens Next-er?


    Bonus Bonus Chart: What Happens Next-er?

  • Welcome To Crickhowell – The Entire Welsh Town That Just Went 'Offshore'

    Submitted by Simon Black via,

    On September 25, 1794, US President George Washington issued a proclamation authorizing the use of military force against a group of defiant citizens.

    It had all started a few years before when a handful of politicians had succeeded in passing an excise tax on liquor, something that became known as the Whiskey Tax.

    The Whiskey Tax was the brainchild of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, who was under pressure to pay off the government’s debts from the Revolutionary War.

    The thing is, much of the debt had been originally owed to soldiers who fought in the war. They had been paid in IOUs, many of which had been scooped up by bankers in New York for pennies on the dollar.

    Hamilton had family connections to prominent New York banks– the first example of Wall Street infiltrating the Treasury Department. It wouldn’t be the last.

    (Over 200 years later, the American taxpayer would again be on the hook to bail out banks.)

    Back then the Whiskey Tax was a big deal. America was a ‘whiskey nation’.

    Whiskey was such a prevalent part of American culture in the 1790s, in fact, that it was even commonly used as a medium of exchange in parts of the country.

    So you can imagine that the government’s intent to tax whiskey distillation was met with pockets of staunch opposition, especially once people found out that the entire reason for the tax was to pay back the New York bankers.

    In some cases the opposition was militant. Parts of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia swelled with local resistance to the point that people began physically assaulting federal tax collectors and forming rebel militias.

    Washington eventually had to dispatch federal troops (which he personally commanded) to put down the insurrection.

    The rebels lost. But this conflict between government and the taxpayer continued to run deep.

    It still exists to this day. It’s ingrained in the DNA of the nation, and in every free individual around the world.

    At its core, taxation is an elaborate form of theft based on deeply flawed premises that we all have a claim on each others’ earnings, and that the government knows how to spend your own money better than you do.

    There are certainly some places where people do receive value for the taxes that they pay.

    Norwegians are commonly cited as tolerating their incredibly high levels of taxation because they receive relatively good quality medical care, education, etc. in return.

    But for most people in the West, taxes fund wars, debt, dropping bombs on brown people by remote control, and yes, bailing out banks.

    It’s perfectly natural to be enraged at such immoral waste, and people deal with it in different ways.

    Some take the approach that if we’re going to be screwed then we should all be screwed together, equally.

    They throw childish temper tantrums when anyone uses perfectly legal means to reduce their taxes, labeling them ‘tax dodgers’.

    Usually this is an emotion grounded in petty jealousy and ignorance, wanting everyone to be equally miserable, and failing to realize that tax mitigation solutions are open to everyone.

    Right now there’s actually an entire town in Wales called Crickhowell that is ‘protesting’ how big businesses use the tax code to slash what they owe.

    They’re angered that Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc. pay very little tax.

    And to voice their frustration, the butcher, the baker, and candlestick maker decided to employ the exact same tax strategies used by big companies to reduce their own tax burdens.

    As the proprietor of the local smokery put it, the plan is “jolly clever.”

    Clever indeed. Because they’ll soon realize the tremendous power and freedom of using completely legal solutions to keep more of what you’ve earned.

    Doing this is not immoral or unpatriotic.

    In fact, if you believe that your government makes your country worse off and less free, then reducing the financial resources available to them is a highly effective expression of patriotism.

    Rather than people whining about everyone else paying less tax, it would be a much better use of time to learn about ways to reduce their own taxes.

    This is a far more powerful way of voicing your opposition to a government than standing in a voting booth. And you’ll be better off financially as well.

    To be fair, most of these concepts aren’t far fetched or complicated.

    How many of us have gone shopping at a duty-free store in order to save a few bucks from not paying taxes?

    Plenty of people already incorporate businesses in no-tax states like Delaware. Or they’ll work in a place like Boston (high tax) but live nearby in New Hampshire (zero tax).

    There are plenty of other solutions. US taxpayers who live on investment income can move down to the beach in Puerto Rico and pay 0% tax.

    Or you can move abroad and earn over $100,000 per year (per spouse) tax free.

    There are also more complicated solutions such as setting up captive insurance companies to reduce business profits tax, trust structures to eliminate estate tax, and much more.

    These aren’t ‘loopholes’ where you need teams of lawyers to misuse or take advantage of some cryptic language in the tax code.

    It’s all right there in black and white, part of the law.

    Criticizing a very sensible, legal strategy to keep more of what you earn is like criticizing someone for driving the speed limit, claiming that it’s some sort of traffic ‘loophole’.

    There are completely legal options out there for everyone. Taking advantage of them just makes sense.

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