Today’s News October 23, 2015

  • What If They Started A War And Everyone Came?

    Submitted by Peter Van Buren via,

    What if the U.S. had not invaded Iraq in 2003? How would things be different in the Middle East today? Was Iraq, in the words of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, the "worst foreign policy blunder" in American history? Let's take a big-picture tour of the Middle East and try to answer those questions. But first, a request: after each paragraph that follows, could you make sure to add the question “What could possibly go wrong?”

    Let the History Begin

    In March 2003, when the Bush administration launched its invasion of Iraq, the region, though simmering as ever, looked like this: Libya was stable, ruled by the same strongman for 42 years; in Egypt, Hosni Mubarak had been in power since 1983; Syria had been run by the Assad family since 1971; Saddam Hussein had essentially been in charge of Iraq since 1969, formally becoming president in 1979; the Turks and Kurds had an uneasy but functional ceasefire; and Yemen was quiet enough, other than the terror attack on the USS Cole in 2000. Relations between the U.S. and most of these nations were so warm that Washington was routinely rendering “terrorists” to their dungeons for some outsourced torture.

    Soon after March 2003, when U.S. troops invaded Iraq, neighboring Iran faced two American armies at the peak of their strength. To the east, the U.S. military had effectively destroyed the Taliban and significantly weakened al-Qaeda, both enemies of Iran, but had replaced them as an occupying force. To the west, Iran's decades-old enemy, Saddam, was gone, but similarly replaced by another massive occupying force. From this position of weakness, Iran’s leaders, no doubt terrified that the Americans would pour across its borders, sought real diplomatic rapprochement with Washington for the first time since 1979. The Iranian efforts were rebuffed by the Bush administration.

    The Precipitating Event

    Nailing down causation is a tricky thing. But like the June 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand that kicked off the Great War, the one to end all others, America's 2003 invasion was what novelists refer to as “the precipitating event,” the thing that may not actively cause every plot twist to come, but that certainly sets them in motion.

    There hadn’t been such an upset in the balance of power in the Middle East since, well, World War I, when Great Britain and France secretly reached the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which, among other things, divided up most of the Arab lands that had been under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Because the national boundaries created then did not respect on-the-ground tribal, political, ethnic, and religious realities, they could be said to have set the stage for much that was to come.

    Now, fast forward to 2003, as the Middle East we had come to know began to unravel. Those U.S. troops had rolled into Baghdad only to find themselves standing there, slack-jawed, gazing at the chaos. Now, fast forward one more time to 2015 and let the grand tour of the unraveling begin!

    The Sick Men of the Middle East: It’s easy enough to hustle through three countries in the region in various states of decay before heading into the heart of the chaos: Libya is a failed state, bleeding mayhem into northern Africa; Egypt failed its Arab Spring test and relies on the United States to support its anti-democratic (as well as anti-Islamic fundamentalist) militarized government; and Yemen is a disastrously failed state, now the scene of a proxy war between U.S.-backed Saudi Arabia and Iranian-backed Houthi rebels (with a thriving al-Qaeda outfit and a small but growing arm of the Islamic State [ISIS] thrown into the bargain).

    Iraq: Obama is now the fourth American president in a row to have ordered the bombing of Iraq and his successor will almost certainly be the fifth. If ever a post-Vietnam American adventure deserved to inherit the moniker of quagmire, Iraq is it.

    And here’s the saddest part of the tale: the forces loosed there in 2003 have yet to reach their natural end point. Your money should be on the Shias, but imagining that there is only one Shia horse to bet on means missing just how broad the field really is. What passes for a Shia “government” in Baghdad today is a collection of interest groups, each with its own militia. Having replaced the old strongman prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, with a weak one, Haider al-Abadi, and with ISIS chased from the gates of Baghdad, each Shia faction is now free to jockey for position. The full impact of the cleaving of Iraq has yet to be felt. At some point expect a civil war inside a civil war.

    Iran: If there is any unifying authority left in Iraq, it is Iran. After the initial 2003 blitzkrieg, the Bush administration’s version of neocolonial management in Iraq resulted in the rise of Sunni insurgents, Shia militias, and an influx of determined foreign fighters. Tehran rushed into the power vacuum, and, in 2011, in an agreement brokered by the departing Bush administration and carried out by President Obama, the Americans ran for the exits. The Iranians stayed. Now, they have entered an odd-couple marriage with the U.S. against what Washington pretends is a common foe — ISIS — but which the Iranians and their allies in Baghdad see as a war against the Sunnis in general. At this point, Washington has all but ceded Iraq to the new Persian Empire; everyone is just waiting for the paperwork to clear.

    The Iranians continue to meddle in Syria as well, supporting Bashar al-Assad. Under Russian air cover, Iran is increasing its troop presence there, too. According to a recent report, Tehran is sending 2,000 troops to Syria, along with 5,000 Iraqi and Afghan Shia fighters. Perhaps they’re already calling it “the Surge” in Farsi.

    The Kurds: The idea of creating a “Kurdistan” was crossed off the post-World War I “to do” list. The 1920 Treaty of Sèvres at first left an opening for a referendum on whether the Kurds wanted to remain part of what remained of the Ottoman Empire or become independent. Problem one: the referendum did not include plans for the Kurds in what became Syria and Iraq. Problem two: the referendum never happened, a victim of the so-called Turkish War of Independence. The result: some 20 million angry Kurds scattered across parts of modern Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria.

    That American invasion of 2003, however, opened the way for the Kurds to form a virtual independent statelet, a confederacy if you will, even if still confined within Iraq's borders. At the time, the Kurds were labeled America's only true friends in Iraq and rewarded with many weapons and much looking the other way, even as Bush administration officials blathered on about the goal of a united Iraq.

    In 2014, the Kurds benefited from U.S. power a second time. Desperate for someone to fight ISIS after Iraq's American-trained army turned tail (and before the Iranians and the Shia militias entered the fight in significant force), the Obama administration once again began sending arms and equipment to the Kurds while flying close air support for their militia, the peshmerga. The Kurds responded by fighting well, at least in what they considered the Kurdish part of Iraq. However, their interest in getting involved in the greater Sunni-Shia civil war was minimal. In a good turn for them, the U.S. military helped Kurdish forces move into northern Syria, right along the Turkish border. While fighting ISIS, the Kurds also began retaking territory they traditionally considered their own. They may yet be the true winners in all this, unless Turkey stands in their way.

    Turkey: Relations between the Turks and the Kurds have never been rosy, both inside Turkey and along the Iraqi-Turkish border.

    Inside Turkey, the primary Kurdish group calling for an independent state is the Kurdistan Workers party (also known as the PKK). Its first insurgency ran from 1984 until 1999, when the PKK declared a unilateral cease-fire. The armed conflict broke out again in 2004, ending in a ceasefire in 2013, which was, in turn, broken recently. Over the years, the Turkish military also carried out repeated ground incursions and artillery strikes against the PKK inside Iraq.

    As for ISIS, the Turks long had a kind of one-way “open-door policy” on their border with Syria, allowing Islamic State fighters and foreign volunteers to transit into that country. ISIS also brokered significant amounts of black market oil in Turkey to fund itself, perhaps with the tacit support, or at least the willful ignorance, of the Turkish authorities. While the Turks claimed to see ISIS as an anti-Assad force, some felt Turkey's generous stance toward the movement reflected the government’s preference for having anything but an expanded Kurdish presence on its border. In June of this year, Turkish President Recep Erdogan went as far as to say that he would "never allow the establishment of a Kurdish state in northern Syria."

    In light of all that, it’s hardly surprising that early Obama administration efforts to draw Turkey into the fight against ISIS were unsuccessful. Things changed in August 2015, when a supposedly anti-ISIS cooperation deal was reached with Washington. The Turks agreed to allow the Americans to fly strike missions from two air bases in Turkey against ISIS in Syria. However, there appeared to be an unpublicized quid pro quo: the U.S. would turn a blind eye to Turkish military action against its allies the Kurds. On the same day that Turkey announced that it would fight the Islamic State in earnest, it also began an air campaign against the PKK.

    Washington, for its part, claimed that it had been “tricked” by the wily Turks, while adding, “We fully respect our ally Turkey’s right to self-defense.” In the process, the Kurds found themselves supported by the U.S. in the struggle with ISIS, even as they were being thrown to the (Turkish) wolves. There is a Kurdish expression suggesting that Kurds have “no friends but the mountains.” Should they ever achieve a trans-border Kurdistan, they will certainly have earned it.

    Syria: Through a series of events almost impossible to sort out, having essentially supported the Arab Spring nowhere else, the Obama administration chose to do so in Syria, attempting to use it to turn President Bashar al-Assad out of office. In the process, the Obama administration found itself ever deeper in a conflict it couldn’t control and eternally in search of that unicorn, the moderate Syrian rebel who could be trained to push Assad out without allowing Islamic fundamentalists in. Meanwhile, al-Qaeda spin-offs, including the Islamic State, found haven in the dissolving borderlands between Iraq and Syria, and in that country’s Sunni heartlands.

    An indecisive Barack Obama allowed America's involvement in Syria to ebb and flow. In September 2013, on the verge of a massive strike against the forces of the Assad regime, Obama suddenly punted the decision to Congress, which, of course, proved capable of deciding nothing at all. In November 2013, again on the verge of attacking Syria, the president allowed himself to be talked down after a gaffe by Secretary of State John Kerry opened the door to Russian diplomatic intercession. In September 2014, in a relatively sudden reversal, Obama launched a war against ISIS in Syria, which has proved at best indecisive.

    Russia: That brings us to Vladimir Putin, the Syrian game-changer of the moment. In September, the Russian president sent a small but powerful military force into a neglected airfield in Latakia, Syria. With “fighting ISIS” little more than their cover story, the Russians are now serving as Assad's air force, as well as his chief weapons supplier and possible source of “volunteer” soldiers. 

    The thing that matters most, however, is those Russian planes. They have essentially been given a guarantee of immunity to being shot down by the more powerful U.S. Air Force presence in the region (as Washington has nothing to gain and much to worry about when it comes to entering into open conflict with the Russians). That allows them near-impunity to strike when and where they wish in support of whom they wish. It also negates any chance of the U.S. setting up a no-fly zone in parts of Syria.

    The Russians have little incentive to depart, given the free pass handed them by the Obama administration. Meanwhile, the Russian military is growing closer to the Iranians with whom they share common cause in Syria, and also the Shia government in Baghdad, which may soon invite them to join the fight there against ISIS. One can almost hear Putin chortling. He may not, in fact, be the most skilled strategist in the world, but he’s certainly the luckiest. When someone hands you the keys, you take the car.

    World War I

    As in imperial Europe in the period leading up to the First World War, the collapse of an entire order in the Middle East is in process, while forces long held in check are being released. In response, the former superpowers of the Cold War era have once again mobilized, at least modestly, even though both are fearful of a spark that could push them into direct conflict. Each has entangling regional relationships that could easily exacerbate the fight: Russia with Syria, the U.S. with Saudi Arabia and Israel, plus NATO obligations to Turkey. (The Russians have already probed Turkish airspace and the Turks recently shot down a drone coyly labeled of “unknown origin.”)

    Imagine a scenario that pulls any of those allies deeper into the mess: some Iranian move in Syria, which prompts a response by Israel in the Golan Heights, which prompts a Russian move in relation to Turkey, which prompts a call to NATO for help… you get the picture. Or imagine another scenario: with nearly every candidate running for president in the United States growling about the chance to confront Putin, what would happen if the Russians accidentally shot down an American plane? Could Obama resist calls for retaliation?

    As before World War I, the risk of setting something in motion that can't be stopped does exist.

    What Is This All About Again?

    What if the U.S. hadn't invaded Iraq in 2003? Things would undoubtedly be very different in the Middle East today. America's war in Afghanistan was unlikely to have been a big enough spark to set off the range of changes Iraq let loose. There were only some 10,000 America soldiers in Afghanistan in 2003 (5,200 in 2002) and there had not been any Abu Ghraib-like indiscriminate torture, no equivalent to the scorched earth policy in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, nothing to spark a trans-border Sunni-Shia-Kurd struggle, no room for Iran to meddle. The Americans were killing Muslims in Afghanistan, but they were not killing Arabs, and they were not occupying Arab lands.

    The invasion of Iraq, however, did happen. Now, some 12 years later, the most troubling thing about the current war in the Middle East, from an American perspective, is that no one here really knows why the country is still fighting. The commonly stated reason — “defeat ISIS” — is hardly either convincing or self-explanatory. Defeat ISIS why?

    The best Washington can come up with are the same vague threats of terrorism against the homeland that have fueled its disastrous wars since 9/11. The White House can stipulate that Assad is a bad guy and that the ISIS crew are really, really bad guys, but bad guys are hardly in short supply, including in countries the U.S. supports. In reality, the U.S. has few clear goals in the region, but is escalating anyway.

    Whatever world order the U.S. may be fighting for in the Middle East, it seems at least an empire or two out of date. Washington refuses to admit to itself that the ideas of Islamic fundamentalism resonate with vast numbers of people. At this point, even as U.S. TOW missiles are becoming as ubiquitous as iPads in the region, American military power can only delay changes, not stop them. Unless a rebalancing of power that would likely favor some version of Islamic fundamentalism takes hold and creates some measure of stability in the Middle East, count on one thing: the U.S. will be fighting the sons of ISIS years from now.

    Back to World War I. The last time Russia and the U.S. both had a powerful presence in the Middle East, the fate of their proxies in the 1973 Yom Kippur War almost brought on a nuclear exchange. No one is predicting a world war or a nuclear war from the mess in Syria. However, like those final days before the Great War, one finds a lot of pieces in play inside a tinderbox.

    Now, all together: What could possibly go wrong?

  • More Bad News For Millennials, Who Face "Great Depression" In Retirement

    Americans in their 20s and 30s are facing a retirement crisis that could plunge them back into the Great Depression, Blackstone President and COO Tony James said Wednesday. Appearing on CNBC's Squawk Box, James exclaimed "Social Security alone cannot provide enough for these people to retain their standard of living in retirement, and if we don't do something, we're going to have tens of millions of poor people and poverty rates not seen since the Great Depression." According to James, the solution is simple – government-imposed mandatory savings through a Guaranteed Retirement Account which employers are mandated to match (whose assets would be managed by?).


    Blackstone COO James explains…


    As CNBC details, the solution is to help young people save more by mandating savings through a Guaranteed Retirement Account system, he said.

    Right now, young people cannot save enough on their own because they face stagnant incomes and heavy student-debt burdens.


    The Guaranteed Retirement Account was proposed by labor economist Teresa Ghilarducci in 2007 as a solution to the problem of retirement shortfalls that inevitably arise when contributions are voluntary.


    A GSA system would require workers to make recurring retirement contributions, which would be deducted from paychecks. Employers would be mandated to match the contribution, and the federal government would administer the plan through the Social Security Administration.


    Ghilarducci has proposed a mandatory 5 percent contribution, but James said a 3 percent requirement rolled into GRAs could outperform retirement savings vehicles like IRAs and 401(k)s.


    He noted that a 401(k) typically earns 3 to 4 percent, while a pension plan yields 7 to 8 percent. The average American pension plan has a 25 percent allocation to alternative investments — including real estate, private equity and hedge funds — with the remainder invested in markets, he said.


    "The trick is to have these accounts invested like pension plans, so the money compounds over decades at 7 to 8 percent, not at 3 to 4," he said.


    A 25-year-old who earns 3 to 4 percent per year would retire with $75,000, not nearly enough to annuitize and live on, James said. A 7-percent-per-year investment would yield $200,000 at retirement, he said.

    Under the plan James is proposing, the government would offer a 2 percent guarantee on GRAs.

    "The key to it is taking that capital, setting up the Guaranteed Retirement Accounts and investing it well for the very long term," he said. "We have to do that and we have to do that professionally."

    And of course, who will that "professional" be? Why we assume Blackstone of course… And of course, with cash being banned by the time they retire, spending from a government-mandated savings account will be entirely free of oversight, we are sure.


    Except, 2 things – Millennials don't trust financial service providers OR The Government…


    While Blackstone claims Millennials will retire into a Great Depression without his and the government's help, it is student loans that are Millennials' biggest concerns

  • US Dollar Dumped Against Asian FX As Releveraging Chinese Send Margin-Debt To 6-Week Highs

    Chinese stocks are not as exuberant as European, Japanese (which are rolling over), and US markets at the open as they cling to unchanged for the day and week (despite margin debt rising to a six-week high). The main event in AsiaPac trading appears to be a huge re-entry into the EUR-ANY-EM-FX carry trade as The USDollar gets pummeled against Asian FX (despite EUR weakness). PBOC weakened the Yuan fix by the most in 8 days to its lowest in 2 weeks.


    Japanese stocks soared during the US session but are fading at the open…


    Chinese stocks flat in the pre-open…


    Even as Margin Debt hits a 6-week high…


    As The Dollar gets pummeled against Asian FX…


    and PBOC weakens the Yuan Fix…


    With Offshore Yuan pushing to 1-month lows…


    Finally, it's almost as if China never shook up the world's carry trading malarkey… only Chinese stocks are still feeling the pain…



    Charts: Bloomberg

  • New FBI Report Debunks Mythical "War On Police"

    Submitted by Carey Wedler via,

    Throughout the United States, Americans believe there is a “war on police.” A recent survey found 58% of Americans agree with this sentiment. A new, privately-funded billboard campaign hijacks the “Black Lives Matter” moniker to read “Blue Lives Matter,” highlighting powerful pushback from law enforcement sympathizers against activists.

    The FBI’s 2014 report, Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA), released this week, appears to support the notion that police officers are in danger and unduly targeted. The number of officers killed by individuals committing “felonious acts” jumped from 27 in 2013 to 51 last year, and police apologists are all but guaranteed to point to this increase as proof their concerns are justified. A deeper examination of the data, however, reveals that police are not only safe, but still running rampant in their liberal use of violence against the citizens they allegedly serve.

    In 2013, the FBI reported that 27 police officers were killed in the line of duty. By 2014, according to the new data, that number rose to 51. While this seems like a sharp uptick — in fact, it nearly doubled — the comparison on its own is misleading. Out of 536,119 officers included in the FBI’s 2014 analysis, .0095 percent  of the force was killed on the job — less than one percent.  While this represents an increase from the .005 percent of officers killed on the job in 2013 — the safest year for police in decades — neither figure signals an unrelenting assault on police officers.

    As the Washington Post explained:

    [W]hen police advocates say that 2014 saw an 80+ percent increase in homicides of cops over 2013, remember a few things: First, 2013 wasn’t just an all-time low, it was an all-time low by a significant margin. Second, the 2013 figure was so low that even a small increase will look large when expressed as a percentage. Third, the figure for the following year, 2014, (51 officers killed) was essentially consistent with the average for the previous five years (50 killed), and still lower than any five-year average going back to 1960. Fourth, again, 2015 is on pace (35 killings) to be lower than any year but 2013.”

    The nature of the officers’ deaths also provides insight into the “war on police”. Though the total number of officers murdered did increase from 27 to 51 from 2013 to 2014, the two biggest jumps came when officers were responding to disturbance calls or making traffic stops. In 2013, the number of officers killed during disturbance calls jumped from four to eleven, while traffic stop deaths increased from two to nine. In contrast, the number of ambushes on police officers — premeditated actions intended to hurt the officers — only increased by two, from five to seven. While this is nothing to celebrate, it actually constitutes a drop in the proportion of officers killed by ambush — the most intentional way to kill, or ‘wage war against’ — a cop. In 2013, 18.5% of all felonious deaths were a result of an ambush . In 2014, 13.7% of cops who died were ambushed.

    Perhaps most revealing, however, is the FBI’s data on officers “assaulted” on the job. The FBI lists a startling figure for 2014:

    Of 536,119 officers included in the report, 48,315 were assaulted. With 9% of all officers having been “assaulted,” on the job, it seems impossible to deny a concerted attack against law enforcement. However, that rate is lower than the previous year (9.3%). Further, the data becomes much less daunting when considering officers who were assaulted and injured as a result of the attack. In 2014, 13,654 officers reported sustained injuries from assault: just 2.5% of the entire force. This is also a small drop from the previous year, which saw 14,565 of 533,895 total officers injured (2.7%). This is an injury rate lower than that of construction workers, who clock in at 3.8%. Further, these figures do not take into account instances where officers claimed they were assaulted but in reality were not. There seems to be great potential for this discrepancy, especially since the FBI notes that “assailants used personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.) in 79.9 percent of the incidents.

    Interestingly, in both cases of assault and murder, the majority of assailants were white. In 2014, of 54 perpetrators, 42 were Caucasian while only 12 were African American. Two were Native American, one was Asian/Pacific Islander, and two were unknown. In 2013, 15 of 28 alleged killers were white — more than half. The government’s own data on attackers refutes another common, media driven falsehood: that rabid Black Lives Matter activists are spurring attacks against police.

    Regardless of the facts the FBI itself released this week, one overarching factor should be cause enough to silence those who lament a war on police: every single year, the FBI constructs its meticulous LEOKA report from thousands of police departments around the country, crafting dozens of charts and tables to break down and detail the manner in which officers died (full report here). There is currently no such system in place for regular civilians killed by police, though one community database places the total at 1,108 for 2014.

    In spite this dearth of information on who the government kills, the federal government only took action this month to attempt to record police shootings and deaths caused by officers — even though this problem has crippled communities, especially minority for years, if not decades. In contrast, despite the ongoing, intensive reporting by the FBI on police deaths, President Obama signed the “Blue Alert” law earlier this year to provide for even further calculation and analysis of threats and assaults to law enforcement. There is still no official total on the number of civilians killed by police.

    While many outlets in the media propagate the narrative that police officers are under attack, the government’s own data speaks for itself. Though loud voices may decry police accountability activists and millions of Americans concerned about police overreach, the FBI’s report only further justifies their outrage.

  • This Is What Happens After Three Years Of Negative Interest Rates

    It may seem extraordinary that in the aftermath of the infamous Kocherlakota “dots” the Fed is actively contemplating negative interest rates, but some may have forgotten that Europe has had NIRP since last June. In fact, the reason for today’s global risk-on rally, was Draghi’s hint – remember: Draghi did absolutely nothing, just suggested he may do more –  that in addition to extending the ECB’s QE program, the ECB may cut its deposit rate, already at -0.20%, to -0.30% or more.

    But when it comes to negative rates, the ECB is merely a late adopter. For the real pioneer one has to look further north in Denmark, where the central bank first adopted negative rates in the middle of 2012 to defend the krone’s peg to the Euro. And, as documented here before, Denmark cut rates not once, not twice, but three times in early 2015 in anticipation of the EUR collapse, pushing its interest rate to a record negative -0.75%.

    Denmark’s descent into NIRPdom is shown in the Bloomberg chart below.


    So what happens after 3 years of NIRP?

    Well, according to Bloomberg, you get the mother of all housing bubbles, one which makes even China blush:

    Property prices in Copenhagen have risen 40-60 percent since the middle of 2012, when the central bank first resorted to negative interest rates to defend the krone’s peg to the euro.”

    This should come as no surprise: recall that there are documented cases where Danish borrowers are paid to take on debt and buy houses as we explained in January in “In Denmark You Are Now Paid To Take Out A Mortgage“, so between rewarding debtors and punishing savers, this outcome is hardly shocking. Yet it is the negative rates that have made this unprecedented surge in home prices feel relatively benign on broader price levels, since the source of housing funds is not savings but cash, usually cash belonging to the bank.

    What is disturbing is that Denmark is reflating a gargantuan housing bubble less than 7 years since its last housing bubble popped:

    Denmark’s most recent housing bubble burst in 2008, with the subsequent price slide rivaling that seen in the U.S. subprime crisis. Thanks to generous welfare benefits, Danish households suffered only negligible foreclosure rates, unlike their U.S. counterparts.

    Some are starting to warn that the central bank’s primary strategy at keep the currency at bay is backfiring:

    The Danish regulator this month warned Danske Bank against pursuing a growth strategy in Sweden as the housing market there shows signs of imbalances. Price developments are now “highly distressing,” Klas Danielsson, the chief executive officer of Sweden’s state mortgage bank, SBAB, said on Thursday.

    He is not alone: “Denmark’s biggest mortgage bank says there’s a “real risk” Copenhagen is heading into a property bubble.” Though a collapse isn’t imminent, “the danger signals” mean that apartment prices in the Scandinavian city “could reach an unsustainable level relatively fast should the current pace of price gains continue,” said Joachim Borg Kristensen, a housing economist at Nykredit.

    Yes, after a 60% increase in 3 years, that is a safe assessment.

    However, following today’s tumble in the EUR, it is even safer to assume that Danish rates are about to go even more negative as the central bank scramble to defend its currency from even hotter money, and even more inflation. It also means that home prices are going to soar even more.

    “Given the current prospects of urbanization, as well as the outlook for the economy and interest rates, housing prices look set to continue rising,” Kristensen said. But that will probably happen at a “slower pace than has been the case thus far.”

    No, it won’t: PFA, Denmark’s biggest commercial pension fund, said on Thursday it will invest as much as 4 billion kroner ($607 million) in the country’s property market. It plans to treat the investment much like its bond portfolio, according to an e-mailed note. PFA is returning to the market after selling most of its property portfolio in 2006.

    We may not have economic tenure at Harvard but even we know what will happen to property prices in this scenario.

    And while the US may have had problems reflating its own housing bubble, Denmark has already achieved just that:

    “The hefty growth in both prices and sales of building projects is a worry because it could be driven by an anticipation of continued housing price gains,” Kristensen said. “The question is whether potential home buyers have exaggerated expectations when it comes to future price developments.”

    Finally, while we have no doubts how this latest housing bubble will end (in tears, for those wondering), one thing we find truly entertaining is Denmark’s inflation rate: as the following chart shows, the officially reported inflation in the northern European nation is a whopping… 0.5%

    So let’s get this straight: Copenhagen home prices rising at 12% per year (or more) and yet the Danish central bank is operating on the assumption that headline inflation is half of 1%?

    In retrospect, is it any wonder that when using such clearly ridiculous “data” on which to base decisions that have taken us beyond the zero-bound and into the Twilight Zone of monetary policy, that the world is now living inside the biggest asset bubble ever inflated…

  • Why Europe Is About To Plunge Further Into The NIRP Twilight Zone, And What It Means For Depositors

    In some respects, today’s ECB presser was a snoozer. Reporters asked the same old questions (some of which we’ve been asking for years) and, more importantly, there were no glitter attacks.

    Our ears did perk up however, when Mario Draghi admitted that, unlike the governing council’s last meeting, cutting the depo rate further into negative territory was indeed discussed. 

    This is significant for a number of reasons. At the general level, it shows that DM central bankers are ready and willing to plunge the world further into the Keynesian Twilight Zone. As we outlined last month, this means the Riksbank and the SNB are now on watch. If the ECB cuts again, the Riksbank will be forced to act as well and as Barclays recently opined, the SNB may be compelled to go nuclear on depositors, as removing the negative rate exemption for domestic banks would force them to pass along the “cost” to customers: 

    “In contrast, a cut in the ECB’s deposit rate further into negative territory likely would have a significant impact on the EURCHF exchange rate and provoke a more immediate response from the SNB. Indeed, we expect that a cut in the ECB’s deposit rate may have a greater effect on EURCHF than on other EUR crosses. Switzerland applies its negative deposit rate to only a fraction of reserves, currently about 1/3rd of sight deposits by our calculation. In contrast, negative deposit rates apply to all reserves held at the ECB, Riksbank and Denmark’s Nationalbank. Consequently, a cut to the ECB’s deposit rate likely has a larger impact both on the economy and on the exchange rate than a proportionate cut by the SNB. An SNB response to an ECB deposit rate cut could take one of two forms: 1) a further cut in its deposit rate and CHF Libor target range; or 2) the ‘nuclear’ option, removing all exemptions from the negative deposit rate. We think the latter is more likely and would have major implications for EURCHF.” Most retail (private) depositors at domestic Swiss banks still do not face negative interest rates, but we would expect that to change if the SNB removed exemptions of domestic banks on sight deposits at the SNB. A removal of domestic banks’ exemption from negative deposit rates likely would force Swiss banks to pass on negative deposit rates as it would increase the proportion of assets charged negative rates to over 20%.

    This is an important concept not only for what it says about the never-ending, tit-for-tat, beggar- thy-neighbor monetary policies that now pervade developed markets, but also for the degree to which it explains why NIRP has not yet led to a sharp increase in the demand for physical banknotes. Put simply: depositors haven’t yet felt the effects of the monetary insanity engendered by the global currency wars. 

    Deutsche Bank’s Abhishek Singhania and Oliver Harvey have taken a close look at the proliferation of NIRP at the Riksbank, the SNB, the Nationalbank, and the ECB on the way to positing that not only is zero not the lower bound, but in fact no one has hit the lower limit for rates as of yet. 

    First, there’s the obvious problem with negative rates. Namely, depositors will just take it to the mattresses (so to speak): 

    The main concern with further cuts to policy rates is the problem of the zero lower bound. In academic literature, the challenge for central banks operating near or at zero interest rates is that it is technically unfeasible to impose interest rates on cash. Depositors charged at negative rates can simply exchange electronic reserves into paper currency.

    Of course because fractional reserve banking is nothing more than a giant ponzi scheme wherein banks are perpetually borrowing short to lend long, instituting a rate negative enough to trigger a run on deposits would have the exact opposite effect from what central banks intended. That is, banks would be forced to sell assets to meet the outflows

    As well as losing control over monetary policy, central banks would see financial conditions tighten as banks were forced to sell assets to meet depositor withdrawals. In extremis, the effect could be compared to a bank-run preceding capital controls or large scale currency devaluation. However, due to the more incremental nature of the impact of negative rates (e.g. 25bp charge on deposit holdings rather than a multi percent devaluation), interest rates would need to be slashed deeply negative for depositor withdrawals to resemble much more than a jog.

    Obviously, if rates go negative enough to trigger a run that (literally) breaks the banks, then the lower limit will definitively have been reached, but at that point it will be too late. Back to Deutsche Bank:

    So far, the experiences of the four European economies under negative interest rates, including the Eurozone, suggest that this theoretical constraint has not been reached. The demand for coins and notes has ticked up slightly in recent months, but remains at fairly muted levels. 



    Why the lower bound constraint has yet to be reached, and how much more room there is to maneuver, is obviously crucial for the ECB and the three other central banks imposing negative rates. The main reason is that banks have not passed on negative policy rates to depositors. In none of the four economies are household deposit rates in negative territory, either for outstanding balances or new business. Why have negative nominal rates not passed through to depositors? 


    Banks are of course hesitant to charge depositors for deposits for fear of damaging relationships. Or, in Deutsche Bank’s more condescending parlance, “banks are very reluctant to pass on negative rates to households [because] retail depositors [are] least likely to understand the wider monetary policy context behind such a decision.” Right, they aren’t likely to understand why they should have to pay the bank to lend out their money at a spread that nets the bank a profit and the reason they aren’t likely to understand it is because, frankly, it makes absolutely no sense. 

    But the bank has to preserve its margins. With long-end rates falling on the asset side thanks to unconventional monetary policy, you either have to pass that along by reducing the rate you pay on your liabilities (i.e. deposits) or else your margins are going to get pinched – unless you find some other way to make up the difference, that is. 

    The indirect cost of negative rates for banks is through margins. In theory, as unconventional monetary policy pushes down yields on the asset side of the balance sheet, banks need to cut rates on the liability side to preserve margins. As banks are reluctant to cut deposit rates into negative territory for the reasons above, their net interest margin may suffer. 

    Right. So what’s the solution if it’s not passing along NIRP to depositors? 

    The SNB have noted that the consequence of introducing negative rates earlier this year was rising, not falling, mortgage rates as banks sought to protect falling liability margins by raising long-end rates. In a similar vein, Danish banks appeared to raise administration fees on new mortgages after rates first turned negative back in 2012. An analysis of long-end mortgage rates offered by banks across Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland suggests that at the long-end, rates have actually risen since the introduction of negative interest rates.

    Got that? NIRP is paradoxically causing mortgage rates to rise because banks fear a depositor backlash from negative rates. So, this is yet another example of the unintended consequences of unconventional monetary policy.

    We saw something akin to this in Sweden back in July when the Riksbank had sucked up so much high quality collateral via QE that the liquidity premium demanded by investors ended up pushing yields on 10-year govies higher in what amounted to the exact opposite of what the central bank intended. 

    Note once again that there’s no end to this. If the ECB cuts the depo rate further, then other NIRP countries will have to respond. If they don’t, their currencies will soar, threatening inflation targets. Case in point, from this morning:

    This means going deeper into NIRP, which, in light of the above, means rising borrowing costs right up until the breaking point when the hit to margins can no longer be offset. At that juncture, NIRP will have to be passed on to depositors lest NIM should simply flatline.

    What happens next is anyone’s guess but if depositors revolt and begin asking for their money back, banks’ maturity mismatched business model means there are only three available options, i) sell assets to meet withdrawals, ii) institute capital controls, or iii) ban cash. Welcome to the future.

  • ECB Putting Federal Reserve in a Bad Spot

    By EconMatters



    ECB Policy Press Conference


    I was watching a little of the ECB policy press conference this morning and there were a lot of thoughts that came out of that event which I may write about at a later date. However after the ultra-dovish ECB decision to signal to financial markets that they are going to add more stimulus in December with more bond buying in order to weaken the Euro currency, the US Dollar is back up to the 96.30 area on the DX, and financial markets haven`t really thought about the implications of this move by the US Dollar.


    Believe it or not: The Fed actually wants to raise rates now just to save face!


    Reading between the lines the Fed wants to raise rates in December to get back the ounce of credibility they once had as they have reiterated their intention of raising rates this year, and with the financial market once again ‘healed’ they are going to sneak in a 25 basis point rate hike, (maybe a lame 10 basis point rate hike if they completely wimp out on the rate hike) just to keep their original word of raising rates in 2015.


    Thanks A lot ECB, You just made the Fed`s job twice as hard


    The problem is with the ECB slamming the Euro trying to purposefully weaken the currency the US Dollar is already back to levels that were causing emerging markets to freak out, and the Fed to lose their nerve to raise rates in September which they had done a good job building in market expectations for a rate hike.


    The market sold off for the first time on a dovish Federal Reserve Meeting, and Fed members took notice of that and immediately tried to reassure markets that they were still committed to raising rates in 2015. I actually think the Federal Reserve is going to try and sneak in a rate hike, and this is a mistake right now given what the ECB is going to do in December at its policy meeting with regard to adding even more stimulus.


    Two Wrongs Cancel each other out right?


    The Fed is going to ‘rectify their wrong’ of the last meeting and raise rates and lose twice with regard to disappointing market expectations, and the US Dollar Index will jump back above 98, and I expect a sizable market selloff as the Dollar continues to strengthen as the Forex markets get hit with a double whammy of a Dovish ECB Meeting and a Hawkish Federal Reserve Meeting this December. And given year end positioning the Federal Reserve couldn`t pick a worse time to raise rates. Hopefully they will just make another stupid excuse, and avoid raising rates – the lesser of the two evils. But given they have become a complete joke with their forecasts regarding hiking rates, saving face is probably more important for them right now. Therefore, Wall Street and financial markets are probably going to get screwed on this one, and end up taking one for the team!


    Buy Some VIX Futures for December for Portfolio Protection


    Expect a totally surprised market when the Federal Reserve raises rates at its December policy meeting. The financial markets are as about as far from ‘pricing in’ of any rate hike for the December Meeting as they could be and frankly, the marker reaction will be fun to watch this December. And I really can`t blame this one on them as the Federal Reserve has gotten just plain loopy at this point. And listening to the ECB panel trying to justify more stimulus of bond buying in their herculean fight to save ‘low’ inflation from damaging European citizens was just pure comedy beyond a Monty Python skit. And at this point it is almost becoming a requirement for Central Bankers to just be plain Dodgy, Comical, Squirming in their Seats, Stupid, In Denial, Blatant Liars who look like Meth Abusers being questioned at the Press Conferences like a criminal in an interrogation room at the police station – even they don`t believe their own ‘shit’ these days that comes out of their mouths.


    Poor Mario Draghi: He didn`t look well


    A piece of advice for Mario Draghi just speak the truth, the ECB wants to weaken the Euro to boost exports by making them more competitive in trade, and they want to monetize the debt by trying to raise inflation because all of Europe`s Debt to GDP Ratios are a severe threat to European Solvency – the relativity game in both cases!


    At least with this answer I would  trust your competence as someone capable of holding such a position – although I don`t agree that QE and Debt Monetization actually is sound policy as it becomes self-defeating in promoting inefficient allocation of capital, and is in the end deflationary over the long haul.


    But when the reporter asked Draghi about why is low inflation such a bad thing for European consumers, and the panel trots out the argument of consumers delaying purchases crap, Draghi and company just come across as loopy, antiquated Meth induced pathologically untrustworthy and incompetent liars. Not the quality of individuals that should be in charge of monetary policy for the ECB!


    Low Standards for Central Bankers: Isn`t there Performance Review for this crowd?


    I think we should have the same standard that we have for Physicists, one can postulate all kinds of theoretical ideas, but when they fail in the experimental phase, they become set aside and replaced by better ideas that actually work in practical application in the field. Voodoo Economics of the last 25 years has failed, time to start promoting some economic ideas that actually work in the field. You know economic ideas that do a better job of more efficiently allocating capital to more productive purposes, as opposed to having large amounts of financial resources stuck as reserves in central banks and yield chasing electronic markets accumulating miniscule yields instead of promoting actual long term project growth for the world.

  • US Issues Childish Ultimatum To Iraq: "It's Either Us, Or The Russians"

    At this point, it’s become difficult to keep track of the myriad embarrassments Washington has suffered since the start of Russian airstrikes in Syria. 

    There’s the Russian Defense Ministry’s daily video series depicting strikes on “terrorist” targets which makes the US look incredibly inept given how little “coalition” bombing runs have accomplished over the course of more than a year. 

    There’s Iran’s overt involvement on the ground which is a slap in the face for Washington as it comes just a two months after the conclusion of the nuclear deal. 

    And let’s not forget about the fact that thanks to the terribly convoluted strategy Washington has attempted to implement whereby the US will i) provide behind the scenes support for Sunni extremist groups in Syria, ii) provide public support for Iran-backed Shiite militias fighting Sunni extremists in Iraq, iii) send weapons to Syrian rebels who are fighting the very same Shiite militias at Aleppo, America is literally trying to say that if you’re a Sunni extremist, you’re a friend if you’re in Syria but an enemy in Iraq and if you’re a Shiite militia, you’re a friend in Iraq but an enemy in Syria. 

    Through it all, we’ve said that the ultimate humiliation would be for Russia to essentially kick the US out of Iraq. Make no mistake, the conditions are ripe for Moscow to simply muscle Washington out of the way in the country the US claims it “liberated” a little over a decade ago.

    There are two main reasons why it will be easy for the Russians to move in, i) Baghdad sees that Moscow is serious about bombing ISIS and the US, for whatever reason, isn’t and ii) Iran essentially controls the Iraqi army and Iraqi politics.

    In short, this would simply be a sequel to the Russian-Iranian military operation in Syria and the logistics are already in place as Iran’s militias have been battling Sunni extremists in Iraq for years alongside the Iraqi regulars. The newly established intelligence sharing cell set up in Baghdad and jointly staffed by Russia, Syria, Iran, and Iraq is a precursor to what one Iraqi official hopes will be a “full-blown military alliance.” 

    Needless to say, the US understands all of the above and the last straw apparently came with Iraqi PM Haider al-Abadi said he would welcome Russian airstrikes. This week, Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, showed up in Iraq to evaluate the situation and in what can only be described as a childish display, told al-Abadi that Iraq would have to choose between the US and Russia when it comes to countering ISIS. Here’s CBS (because to fully appreciate the pettiness, you have to hear it from the Western media):

    The U.S. has told Iraq’s leaders they must choose between ongoing American support in the battle against militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and asking the Russians to intervene instead.


    Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Tuesday that the Iraqis had promised they would not request any Russian airstrikes or support for the fight against ISIS.


    Shortly after leaving Baghdad, Dunford told reporters traveling with him that he had laid out a choice when he met with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi earlier Tuesday.


    “I said it would make it very difficult for us to be able to provide the kind of support you need if the Russians were here conducting operations as well,” Dunford said. “We can’t conduct operations if the Russians were operating in Iraq right now.”


    He said there was “angst” in the U.S. when reports surfaced that al-Abadi had said he would welcome Russian airstrikes in Iraq. The U.S., Dunford said, “can’t have a relationship right now with Russia in the context of Iraq.”


    The choice given to Abadi in Iraq by Dunford on Tuesday is a clear indication that the U.S. is not willing to compete with Russia for airspace over two neighboring countries deeply intertwined in the same convoluted war.


    The U.S. and Russia put into practice new rules on Tuesday designed to minimize the risk of air collisions between military aircraft over Syria.


    Reuters reports that the U.S. ultimatum to Iraq puts Abadi in a difficult position, as his own country’s ruling political alliance and some powerful Shiite groups have been pushing him to request Russian air support.


    The news agency said a proposal to request Russian strikes had been put to Abadi last week, but that he was yet to respond.


    “Abadi told the meeting parties that it wasn’t the right time to include the Russians in the fight because that would only complicate the situation with the Americans and could have undesired consequences even on long-term future relations with America,” Reuters quoted a senior Shiite politician close to Abadi as saying.

    In other words…

    So once again, it looks as though the US is in panic mode and is willing to pull out all the stops in a desperate attempt to keep the Russians from bombing ISIS in Iraq. 

    There are several theories as to why Washington is so intent on keeping Moscow out. The common sense theory that requires no conspiratorial ruminations says that the US is desperate to avoid ceding Baghdad to Russia and the Pentagon knows that with Iran already effectively in control of the army and the government, Russia would find a very receptive military and political environment in Iraq. 

    For those inclined to think that in addition to any initial support (i.e. funding and training prior to the official formation of ISIS), the US is still supporting Islamic State, well then the worry for Washington is that Russia simply wipes them out. 

    Whatever the case, the story is ultimately the same in Iraq as it is in Syria. The US knows that Russia is effective at decimating opposition forces and for whatever reason, Washington is not keen on being a part of it. In Iraq, that unwillingness has now manifested itself in a childish ultimatum from the Pentagon to Baghdad.

    Draw your own conclusions.

  • THiS MaP IS THe TeRRiToRY…


  • Yellen & Kuroda Live In A "Fantasy Fiat World Divorced From Actual Business Conduct"

    Submitted by Jeffrey Snider via Alhambra Investment Partners,

    There must be a universal speech template included in the monetary textbook that is shared among the various central banks. On September 28, 2015, Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor of the Bank of Japan, delivered a speech that wasn’t just similar to the press conference Janet Yellen had endured only a week or so before, it was a close enough replica that if stripped of geographic references would have made it impossible to determine who was giving the speech. Kuroda did as Yellen did, making a specific point to emphasize how “robust” the Japanese economy was showing itself in 2015 before trying his best to explain away all the ways in which it was not.

    Saying, “First, domestic private demand has continued to be robust” Kuroda then listed factors that were only slightly related to “domestic demand.” Rather than find specific economic accounts performing as he suggested, the Governor was instead reliant on surveys. “Firms’ positive fixed investment stance could be confirmed by various survey results.”

    For Japanese households, Kuroda followed as his American counterparts by leading with the declining unemployment rate, assuming its validity and meaningfulness, and then trying to explain why household spending (demand) wasn’t following all that.

    In terms of household spending, private consumption is somewhat sluggish recently, reflecting bad weather in the April-June quarter. Nevertheless, as the employment and income situation has continued with its steady improvement and consumer sentiment is on an improving trend, private consumption seems to have remained resilient on the whole.

    Consumer “demand” remains “robust” except that it is easily distracted by Japanese weather (obviously not the same storms and snow apparently afflicting the US in the quarter before) and can only charitably be described as “resilient.” As nice as all that may sound, couched carefully as always improving, it doesn’t quite explain the steady and growing chorus expecting and now demanding still more QQE.

    Some of that is surely the “unexpected” detour of Japan’s export sector. As in the US, the Bank of Japan is blaming these unspecified “overseas” factors for the deviation in what was supposed to be building export momentum (though, it needs to be pointed out, the Bank of Japan makes no distinction about nominal growth due to the yen, leaving much illusory gains as if they were actual volume advances).

    Exports had increased for three quarters in a row since the July-September quarter of 2014, but have recently been more or less flat, due mainly to the effects of the slowdown in emerging economies (Chart 5). They are expected to remain more or less flat for the time being, but after that, they are likely to increase moderately, supported by the correction of the appreciation of the yen to date as emerging economies move out of their deceleration phase.

    He says exports were growing, but by any realistic account that was only yen-induced. Last August at Jackson Hole, Kuroda sounded exactly the same, which should be quite alarming given that he clearly never saw the “overseas” problem developing and he still has to project “global growth” as nearly all that is left of QQE now.

    Mr. Kuroda said that one reason for his optimism was an expectation that Japan’s exports would finally start to increase in coming months. One of the mysteries of the past year been [sic] the continued weakness in Japan’s exports, despite the sharp drop in the value of the yen, which lowers the price of Japanese goods on global markets.


    “The world economy is recovering and increasing its growth,” Mr. Kuroda said, pointing to estimates of faster growth from bodies such as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. “Given this good prospect of the world economy we expect Japan’s exports gradually to catch up.”

    Japan’s trade problem has instead only continued, as “this good prospect of the world economy” is nowhere to be found and leaving exports never quite matching or living up to the yen’s pathway. Exports only gained 0.6% in September while imports collapsed 11.1%; so much for internal “demand.” A good proportion of that decline was due to the 23% drop in imports from Australia, continuing a string of such heavy contraction dating back to March. Against that resource and raw material view, Japan’s imports from China still grew 1.1% in September, despite the yen, as offshoring of production continues to haunt the Japanese economy.

    ABOOK Oct 2015 Japan Trade Balance ABOOK Oct 2015 Japan Trade China

    That is a factor that Kuroda, belatedly, acknowledged in his speech but if only to suggest, at least in his mind, that such an impoverishing trend may be coming to an end (without expanding on why and for what reason other than a curious view on the currency). While never suggesting his own QQE as heavily responsible, he at least seems familiar with reality here.

    What is worth noting is that, as the excessive appreciation of the yen is corrected, Japanese firms — which had been prioritizing foreign investment — seem to be increasing their domestic investment. This is a big change. On the back of a marked improving trend in corporate profits and the effects of monetary easing, business fixed investment is projected to continue increasing moderately.

    It seems as if he is quite alone in that assessment, as the trade data from the past few months suggests the opposite. Not only does internal Japanese “demand” appear far less than robust, there isn’t much to suggest a shift in Japanese offshoring; though I am absolutely sure he could produce any number of “surveys” that indicate as much. All that was left from his speech was to acknowledge the “transitory” nature of Japan’s CPI, which he dutifully recited as a part of that “global growth” expectation.

    It isn’t often that a central banker is directly rebuked so firmly and immediately, but that is where we are as they attempt to hold the line on an optimistic future that careens further and further from reach.

    Japan’s annual export growth slowed to a crawl in September as shrinking sales to China hurt the volume of shipments, raising fears that weak overseas demand may have pushed the economy into recession.

    Ministry of Finance data showed exports rose just 0.6 percent in the year to September, against a 3.4 percent gain expected by economists in a Reuters poll.

    That was the slowest growth since August last year, following the prior month’s 3.1 percent gain. The weak yen helped increase the value of exports, but volume fell 3.9 percent, the third straight month recording an annual decline. [emphasis added]

    In what can only be a further slap to the optimism about QE of any kind, the slowdown in the current quarter is not limited to Japan’s exports alone, extending into business investment which is why the whispers of renewed recession for Japan have only grown louder and gained more and more confirmation. This idea of QQE, as it is with just QE, amounts to thinking fantasy as reality. Kuroda talks about export growth, but he is at great pains to avoid distinguishing nominal levels. Companies, even export companies, may have more yen in profit and revenue, but are actually doing, building and shipping less for it. That is an economic gain in the fantasy of a fiat world divorced from actual business conduct.

    Exports to the United States, a major buyer of Japanese products, rose 10.4 percent in September, led by shipments of cars. In volume terms, however, U.S.-bound exports fell 4.7 percent.


    ABOOK Oct 2015 Japan Trade US

    None of this should be a surprise given that yen interference and financialism on the scale of QQE amount to attempts at negative redistribution. Given what the Japanese have been subjected to in the past two and a half years of QQE, it is nearly criminal to suggest they need only more of it. None of it has worked as promised and stated, so what might have changed? Absolutely nothing except the arrangement of qualifiers and excuses that litter the same shared central bank speech delivered over and over of late. Kuroda says “robust”, Yellen proclaims “strong”, and both only confirm they live not of this world’s economy.

  • Treasury Warns Of "Humanitarian Crisis" In Puerto Rico If Congress Does Not Agree To Bailout

    “Puerto Rico is not Greece“… but it increasingly looks like it will be in a few weeks, thanks to US taxpayers who are about to foot the bill for yet another creditor bailout.

    As we reported last night, creditors of the insolvent commonwealth, hoping to get a bailout and the highest possible return on their bond investment courtesy of the US taxpayer, have been pushing to portray the fiscal situation in Puerto Rico as beyond repair, hoping to force the administration and Congress to act. As The NY Times reported, on Wednesday, Puerto Rico took the unusual step of announcing that talks over restructuring about $750 million of the island’s debt had broken off, a move that some creditors saw as posturing to Washington for help.

    Then, all day today, Puerto Rico’s leadership, realizing its interests are suddenly alligned with those of its creditors as a bailout is in everyone’s best interest, took the rhetoric up a notch when the island’s Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla said in written testimony for Senate Energy Committee that Puerto Rico will have negative cash balance of $29.8 million in November 2015, and then added that the Puerto Rico Government Development Bank may be unable to make its $355 million debt service. “These GDB bonds are supported by a guarantee from the Commonwealth, and the GDB, which faces its own liquidity crisis, is not expected to be able to make the payment on its own based on current information.”

    Others quickly chimed in: Puerto Rico Senate President Eduardo Bhatia said he would be in favor of “including everything” in a broad, comprehensive restructuring of the debt.

    In short: bail us out now or face the consequences of a domino effect of defaults which puts not only the creditors, but the island itself, in dire straits.

    The gambit is working. As we reported yesterday citing Bloomberg, “Obama is pressing for Congress to give Puerto Rico sweeping powers to reduce its $73 billion debt burden through bankruptcy, escalating administration involvement as the Caribbean island’s access to cash dries up.”

    Puerto Rico would be provided with a form of bankruptcy protection not now available to American territories. Administration officials also called for lawmakers on Wednesday to increase health-care funding for Puerto Rico, extend tax credits to the poor and put independent oversight in place to monitor the government’s budget.

    While Republican opposition to a broad bailout has been the base case, even that has been melting away in recent days: Bloomberg adds that the Republican leadership would be willing to grant Puerto Rico access to the bankruptcy courts only on a limited basis, and only with strings attached like the imposition of a federal “control board” to oversee the island’s finances.

    Control boards have been used in cases of severe municipal distress to take the power to spend public money out of the hands of elected officials. They do not generally have the powers that bankruptcy judges do to abrogate contracts, such as labor contracts and promises to repay debt.

    Or largely a technicality, one which would make Puerto Rico a comp to Greece, a “sovereign state” which is now de facto controlled out of Frankfurt and Brussels. Only in the case of Puerto Rico it would be the US taxpayers that are on the hook.

    So with the framework for the bailout largely in place, there is just one thing missing: the trigger that will push the last holdouts to agree.

    Luckily one already exist: the same one used to force the bailout of the banking system in 2008: an appeal to emotions, and a threat of dire consequences, unless a few conflicted parties get their way.

    This is precisely what happened today when as Reuters reports Treasury Secretary counselor Antonio Weiss warned that Puerto Rico faces a humanitarian crisis without federal action, as he appealed to Congress to help the debt-ridden U.S. territory, in comments to a Senate committee hearing on Thursday.

    In other words, bail out Puerto Rico or watch the island go up in a cloud or violent riots. But please, whatever you do, don’t call it a bailout:  “Weiss said that without action by Congress, Puerto Rico’s crisis would escalate and reiterated that the Obama administration’s policies were “not a bailout” for the island.

    Which, naturally, is the spin that the holdout Republicans should use to justify their action before their voters: bail Puerto Rico out… just don’t call it a bailout.

    The rest is already known: he repeated the key points of a plan released by the Treasury on Wednesday, saying Congress should provide tools for Puerto Rico to restructure its liabilities, increase Medicaid support and boost economic growth through tax credits. Again: it’s “not a bailout.”

    A key element of Treasury’s proposal is its endorsement of extending bankruptcy protections not only to Puerto Rico’s public agencies, but to the island’s government itself – a notion championed by some Puerto Rican leaders but seen as too radical to be politically practical.


    Cities, towns and municipal agencies can file for under the U.S. Chapter 9 bankruptcy code, while states cannot. Puerto Rico is exempt from Chapter 9 because it is a commonwealth. 

    And just in case it was lost, here it is again: “Bankruptcy is not a bailout,” Weiss said, according to testimony released ahead of his remarks. “Allowing Puerto Rico to resolve its liabilities under the supervision of a bankruptcy court involves no federal financial assistance whatsoever. Instead, bankruptcy requires shared sacrifice from both Puerto Rico and its creditors.”

    What he forgot to add is that with both Puerto Rico and its creditors being made whole on their bonds, and getting a backstop from the government, nothing will change, and the only sacrifice, very much unshared, will be by the usual patsy – US taxpayers.

  • Presenting America's New Debt Ceiling: $19,600,000,000,000

    Even as the bond market has been rather concerned about another possible debt ceiling showdown as we showed before, and which earlier today prompted the Treasury to announce the purposefully dramatic step of postponing the auction of 2 Year Notes next week, the reality is that one way or another, with an equity-driven wake up call for the GOP or without, the debt ceiling will be raised.

    The only question is how much.

    As a reminder, the reason why the total US debt held by the public hasn’t budged from $18.1 trillion since March 16, 2015 is because that is when the last debt ceiling limit was hit. In the seven month since, the US Treasury has been cruising along on emergency cash measures, even as the total debt – if only for reporting purposes – has not budged (in reality it has grown by about half a trillion).

    It will budge very soon, because no matter what the outcome of the upcoming week of debt ceiling negotiations, one thing is certain: the US has to be able to borrow more in order to survive.

    And as The Hill reported, when one gets beyond the traditional posturing, the outcome will be the following:

    The House is expected as early as Friday to vote on a conservative debt-limit proposal even though chances are slim that the plan can pass the Senate. 


    Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) told the GOP conference on Wednesday that he is expecting a vote on the Republican Study Committee (RSC) plan that would raise the debt limit to $19.6 trillion from $18.1 trillion and would run through March 2017.

    Who will be the Republican to submit the unpopular measure? Most likely the outgoing speaker John Boehner, who will seal his tenure with this final act:  “With only two weeks to go, the pressure is on the House to pass a measure that raises the nation’s $18 trillion debt ceiling amid a search for the next Speaker.”

    Yes, the republicans will pretend to demand concessions, such as a balanced budet and other “sound money” conditions…

    The proposal would require a House vote on a balanced-budget amendment by Dec. 31, would implement a short-term freeze on federal regulations through July 1, 2017, and would compel the House to remain in session without a break if spending bills aren’t done by Sept. 1.

    … but they won’t get them because the corporations pulling the strings of every D.C. politicians are the biggest beneficiaries from US debt-funded largesse, especially if one throws in the occasional contained or not so contained war.

    This means another victory for the Demorats who have required a “clean” debt raise. This is precisely what they will get, and why it will have to take place under John Boehner as Paul Ryan would surely tarnish his reputation with the Freedom Caucus if his first act is one seen as submission to the left.

    Which means that the only certain outcome from the melodramatic debt ceiling fight over the next several days, is the following: the US is about to have a brand spanking new debt ceiling, one that should last it until March of 2017: $19,600,000,000,000.

    If the chart below looks increasingly exponential, that is not a coincidence.

  • Paul Ryan Seals Republican Support, Declares Bid For House Speaker

    One week ago he said he has no interest in the Speaker position, but so much can change in one week. Moments ago Paul Ryan sent out a letter to the GOP announcing he would run for speaker of the house. And since he had previously said said he would only enter the speaker’s race if he could lock up support from three wings of the fractious party, in the space of just 3 days this week, he appears to have done just that.

    Letter below:

    And with that the question over who the next house speaker will be is answered.

    The only outstanding question now is how Ryan will handle the debt ceiling issue, which, however, as we said earlier is just a formality at this point, and the expansion of the U.S. debt ceiling target to $19.6 trillion is merely a matter of days.

  • Back From The Future: A Presidential Address At The End Of The Fourth Turning

    Submitted by Jimski via The Burning Platform blog,

    Presidential Address to the Nation
    President Pro Tem
    Former Secretary of Education

    My fellow Americans

    I speak to you today from the historic heart of our republic in Washington DC. The last year has seen such pain and misery for our country but at last we see and end to the conflict that has devastated not only America but the whole world. With the Accord signed by the new and old governments we will see a draw down in combat and in mass destruction readiness across the globe. The world has seen pain like no other time in history. Cities Lay in ruin and the people of the world cry out for peace. Peace is now at hand.

    The first nine months of combat saw a replay of the second world war in which men and machine fought across the globe. More resources we consumed or destroyed in that time then all the worlds wars in history. Tank battles and sea battles and men in trenches fighting for what they believed was right.

    We know now just how wrong everybody was.

    When the war finally came to American shores it unleashed more death than every single war in American history. The targeting of 8 American cities resulted in the destruction of 7 of them. Our people continue to die due to the radiological affects of these weapons. We will take a long time to heal but we will heal. 3 of the cities will be decontaminated and rebuilt. We are planning to isolate and quarantine the other 4 cities as not viable for reconstruction at this time. It is triage plain and simple.

    What we do know from the missile that targeted Washington and was shot down is that 4 enemies took part in the plot. Evidence shows that the Nuclear material was supplied by North Korea and the missile technology came from Iran. The ships used to launch the attack was funded and flagged by Saudi Arabia through many fake companies. The personnel who built the weapons and pushed the buttons were a cross section of radical Islamic Jihad’s from 21 different countries. Even American citizens were involved.

    I state that again, even American citizens were involved.

    The broad selection of people who carried out this attack all had one thing in common. A religion of Death and Hatred fundamentally incompatible with modern life on this planet. That is why Mecca is now a crater in the desert. The 3 missiles used 1 from the United States 1 from China and 1 from Russia will leave for all time a monument and a warning to the peoples of the world that hate will bring hate and death. The other 7 cities of the world we struck were destroyed because of irrefutable evidence of complicity in the attack. You unleashed this hell. We delivered it back.

    The bombs were not the only thing that caused destruction and death in our country. It seems we did a good job of that ourselves. In the 93 days since the attack more Americans were killed from riots and shortages than from the weapons. The systems that deliver food and energy stopped. Instead of banding together to help one another we turned on our neighbors with fist and knife and gun. We forgot what it means to be Americans. We forgot what it means to belong to a community. And most idiotically we took out our collective anger on those most able to help us through these times.

    Reports across the country all tell the same story. Murder of local officials and looting on a countrywide scale. The people most targeted seem to be a small group of Americans called Preppers. These people through religious tenant or just good old common sense had prepared for a situation like this but local populations rose up with anger. They thought that because someone prepared for the worst they must have had something to do with the attack. Tens of Thousands were murdered by mobs. The very citizens needed to rebuild are almost gone. And we did this.
    America did it to its self.

    We set up a system of Government that was broken to begin with. It allowed men in high places to loot the treasury. It allowed men in high places to grow a constituency that was beholden to the Government itself though entitlements and outright bribery. We had a population who’s sole purpose was to keep those in power IN POWER. A population of voters who lived to consume and yet never to produce. This was the downfall of the republic. An outside enemy surly struck us well but not unto death. That we did to ourselves.

    Hindsight is for the most part 20-20 and in the clarity of history we see the architects of the war. We surely had well meaning people who agreed to the redistribution of wealth due to a need to help others but as we dissect that last 20 years we see a trend and it is horrific in its nature. We see now the programs to help others were just a way to pilfer from the public treasury. Banks and corporations stole money from America for the sole purpose of a few more decimal points on a ledger. What did it get them? It is all toilet paper now. Sure some got away. You will not get far. We know who you are. We have the records. As one of my last executive orders I have dispatched special forces across the world with orders to kill on sight everyone one of you bastards that brought us to this point.

    Is this legal? We are so past legal I do not care anymore. You have destroyed our country. We are going to drag you down with us.

    This is why we are now a fractured county. We have 4 different people claiming to be the president of 3 different sections of what was the United States of America. I am the only cabinet member in the chain of succession laid out in the Presidential Succession Act of 1947.This leaves me with the title president but for the most part I am the President of Washington DC and what little Military that is left and did not mutiny. That is why I make the following pronouncement:

    I hereby call for a new continental congress to form a new government. Our founders of the old Government knew this would be a possibility, nay probability. We shall gather together and write out a new constitution. A constitution that will hopefully prevent this from ever happening again. And yet as a think on it man being a flawed being perhaps we can never get it right. Perhaps we are doomed to replay generational the mistakes of the old.

    The following statement statement is for the rest of the world:

    We are done with you. Yes we wronged you but we were driven by vain men who harmed us as well as you. Even the interventions across the globe were nothing more than a way to loot the treasury. In the guise of democracy and freedom we brought war and death. We are sorry. I am sorry.

    But we will not be picked over like a dead animal. We are alive and we are able to protect ourselves. We are at this moment recalling every combat unit, every embassy, every American citizen who wants to rebuild the nation and build a future. You will do well to remember that our farmers at one point fed our country and almost 20% of the rest of the world. We still have our agricultural roots although they are buried deep. We will uncover and once again feed a billion people but we will need time. We will need friends. We reach out to those who offer true friendship as we rebuild.

    To those of you who may plot more attacks on our country. At this point you risk the total annihilation of our species. If you truly want to see what a wounded America is capable of. I will push the damn button.

  • Too Big To Kick

    T-12 days till US default…



    Source: Ben Garrison

  • China's Red Capitalism Is The New Black Swan

    Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

    The proverbial peddlers of Florida swampland can now move over. They can’t hold a candle to the red suzerains of Beijing.

    The latter had drawn a line in the sand at 7.0% GDP growth. Conveniently enough, the “consensus” estimate of so-called street economists was pegged at 6.8% for Q3, thereby giving authorities one thin decimal point through which to thread a “beat” at 6.9%.

    By golly they did it!

    Even then, China’s Ministry of Truth had to fiddle down the GDP deflator to negative 0.5% (for the second time this year) in order to hit the bulls eye. And that’s exactly the point.

    No real world $10 trillion economy plagued with all of the turmoil evident in China’s whipsawing trade data or its volatile real estate development sector or its faltering rust belt and commodity-based industries can possibly deliver absolutely stable GDP numbers to the exact decimal point quarter after quarter.

    In fact, the odds that these reports represent anything other than goal-seeked propaganda are so overwhelmingly high that they perforce raise another more important question.  Why does Wall Street and its servile financial press not issue a loud collective guffaw when they are released?

    But no, the Wall Street Journal took it all very seriously, noting both the “beat” and China’s claim that the “miss” wasn’t a miss at all:

    The better-than-expected result—a Wall Street Journal survey of 13 economists forecast a median 6.8% gain—is likely to renew debate over the accuracy of China’s growth statistics…….Speaking at an event to promote entrepreneurism in Beijing on Monday, Premier Li Keqiang said “even though it was 6.9%, it is still a growth rate of around 7%.”

    Right. China’s #2 communist boss is out promoting the “enterprenurial spirit” while emitting central planning propaganda to the decimal point.

    You might find the irony exceptionally rich, but there is a larger message. Namely, the true size of China’s economy is unknowable to the nearest trillion or even several trillions. But that does not prevent most of Wall Street from taking seriously each and every word of China’s self-evidently clueless statist rulers spouting growth rates to the decimal point.

    In truth, Wall Street has become so intellectually addled from its addiction to central bank enabled gambling that it no longer has a clue about what really matters. That’s why the next crash will come as an even greater surprise than the Lehman meltdown, and will be far more brutal and uncontainable, as well.

    Yet the evidence that a China-led crash is on its way is hiding in plain sight. And what is being blithely ignored is not merely the blatant inconsistencies in its economic numbers—–such as the fact that electricity consumption has grown at only a 1.3% rate over the past year——or that its commerce with the outside world has shrunk drastically, with imports down by 23% and exports off by 3-6% in recent months.

    Instead, the evidence that China is a slow-motion trainwreck lies in the very consistency of its Beijing-cooked numbers. Apparently, no one has told its credit-happy rulers that printing precise amounts of new GDP quarter after quarter by issuing credit at double the rate of nominal income growth will eventually result in the mother of all deflationary collapses.

    Stated differently, if the pattern of debt versus GDP shown below is pursued long enough, the world’s greatest open air construction site will fall silent. Everything which can be built will have been delivered; any cash flow which can be encumbered with more debt will have been levered-up; any pretense that financial institutions are solvent will have given way too soaring defaults; and the Wall Street delusion that the primitive central planners of red capitalism had a iron grip on China’s runaway expansion will have been revealed as a snare and delusion.

    Accordingly, the only thing that really counted in yesterday’s release was that credit is still growing at nearly 12% or at 2X the 6.2% gain in nominal GDP. And as is also evident in the chart, this massive and aberrational debt versus income gap has been underway as far back as the eye can see.

    Indeed, its goes all the way back to Mr. Deng’s moment of enlightenment 25 years ago. That’s when he discovered a printing press in the basement of the PBOC and concluded that communist party power might better be preserved by running these presses red hot than by Mao’s failed dictum that power descends from the white hot barrel of a gun.

    In any event, why in the world would anyone in their right mind think this crucial chart can be extended toward the right axis much longer. Assume 10 more years of 12% credit growth, for example, and China will have $90 trillion of total debt or 50% more than the already staggering amount carried by the US economy.

    At the same time and given that China’s nominal GDP growth is descending in Gartman fashion from the upper left to the lower right, assume the very best outcome for nominal income. That is, posit that somehow China manages to achieve ten more years of this quarters’ 6% nominal growth. So doing, you get a mere $17 trillion of GDP.

    Everywhere and always, however, a 5X total leverage ratio on an economy is a recipe for crushing deflation. In fact, it has never happened before in modern times except for Japan after 1990; and Japan at least had some semblance of functioning markets separate from the state and the rule of commercial law, contracts and bankruptcy.

    By contrast, when China fully plunges into its inexorable deflationary spiral the rulers of red capitalism will have no choice except to resort to Mao’s preferred instruments of rule—–paddy wagons and machine guns—-in order to quell an outraged citizenry. After all, Mr. Deng told China’s newly ascendant capitalists that it is glorious to be rich, but did not explain that printing press prosperity ultimately results in a crack-up boom.

    Stated differently, the recent 18-month rise and then overnight collapse of $5 trillion of phony market cap in the Chinese stock market gave rise to utter panic and mindless expediency in Beijing, including a de facto bailout of billionaires. China’s red rulers apparently feared that the 90 million angry stock market speculators would be no match for its 70 million party cadres——especially since most of the latter were foremost among the former.

    Yet what will happen when China’s hideously inflated real estate and land values succumb to the deflationary wringer?  And hideous is not too strong a word: in many urban areas housing prices have reached 15-30X the median income.

    Well, there are 65 million drastically over-priced, empty apartments in China because its rulers told speculators and the rising middle class that housing prices could never fall——that they were the next best thing to a piggy bank. Accordingly, the last phase of China’s madcap construction boom is likely to be a manic spurt of prison building to accommodate the millions of irate citizens who are destined to experience China’s turbo-charged version of 1929.

    The other number number in the Q3 release that has been drastically misinterpreted is the reported 10.6% growth of fixed asset investment. Needless to say, this was described as “disappointing” when it is actually a screaming symptom of China’s terminally deformed economy. If it had any hope of avoiding a crash landing, fixed investment in its fantastically overbuilt public facilities and industrial capacity would be sharply negative, not still growing in double digits.

    Owing to the cardinal error embodied in Wall Street’s self-serving rendition of Keynesian economics, however, China’s fatal dependence on erecting economic white elephants and what amount to public pyramids in the form of unused airports, train stations, highways and bridges, is given hardly a passing nod. That’s because it is assumed that some way or another China will make the transition to a services and consumption based economy just like the good old shop-till-they-drop US of A.

    Let’s see. When China finally stops its borrowing binge, these putative shoppers will need to finance their purchases out of current incomes. Yet is not the overwhelming share of household income in China currently earned from the supply chain for fixed asset investment and construction and from the export of cheap goods to already saturated and debt-besotted DM markets?

    Just consider the fantastical reality that China’s 2 billion ton cement industry produced more in three years than did the US industry during the entire 20th century. When they finally stop building roads, apartments and factories, therefore, it is not just the cement kilns which will shutdown, but a whole network of gravel haulers, chemical plants, cement truck fleets, construction equipment suppliers, work site service vendors and much more reaching deep into the interstices of China’s hothouse economy.

    Likewise, when rebar and other construction steel demand collapses and the rest of the world throws up barriers to China’s surging steel exports, as it surely will and is already doing, the ricochet effects on China massively overbuilt 1.1 billion ton steel industry will be far-reaching. The incomes of coal barons and blast furnaces workers alike have already taken a pasting, and the downward spiral is just getting started.

    And wait until China’s newly minted auto dealer lots become backed-up with unsold cars as far as the eye can see. Then its 25 million unit auto industry will tumble into a depression unlike anything since 1929 when Detroit’s production plunged from 6 million cars/year to less than 2 million.

    All of those suddenly unemployed auto, steel, rubber, glass, upholstery etc. workers did, in fact, economically “drop”. But it wasn’t from an excess of shopping!

    In short, the affliction of Keynesian economics brought many ills to the modern world, but repeal of Say’s Law was not among them. You can have a one-time credit party, but when it inevitably ends, consumption spending defaults to that which can be financed from current incomes. Consumption is the consequence of production and income, not its cause.

    Yet crack-up booms eventually destroy the bloated and unsustainable incomes generated in the raw materials, capital goods and consumer durables sectors during the boom phase. Accordingly, even the red suzerains of Beijing can not get from here to there. The phantom incomes that resulted from paving nearly half of the Asian continent occupied by 20% of the world’s population must inevitably shrink, meaning that China’s consumption and service spending will falter, too.

    Stated differently, China’s red capitalism is the new black swan. There is nothing rational, stable or sustainable about it. Moreover, the consequence of its pending collapse will be literally earth shattering.

    That’s because in recent years it has accounted for a lot more than the one-third of global GDP growth conventionally cited. The latter is just a measure of border-to-border economic statistics.

    But the second and third order effects are equally large. From the bowels of Australia’s iron ore mines to the top of Dubai’s pointless 100 story office towers, the entire warp and woof of the global economy has been distorted and bloated by the central bank money printing spree of the last two decades, led by the red credit machines of Beijing. Everywhere economies have succumbed to over-building, over-consumption, over-financialization and endless dangerous, unstable speculation.

    So forget the cleanest dirty shirt meme or the preposterous Wall Street nostrum that the US economy has been “decoupled” from the rest of the world. That’s unadulterated hogwash, and its means that the stock market and risk assets are heading for a thundering crash.

    After the fact, of course, Wall Street will discover that the world economy was unexpectedly taken down when the suzerains of Beijing were unable to perpetuate the Red Ponzi.

    But just like last time during the mortgage and housing meltdown it was starring them in the face all along.  Here is what happened to the home ATM piggy-bank that fueled the Greenspan Boom and that gave rise to the Wall Street illusion that consumption spending is the motor force of economic life.

    From a peak mortgage equity withdrawal rate (MEW) at 9% of DPI or nearly $1 trillion per year prior to the crisis, MEW has been negative ever since. That is, it has subtracted from consumption, not added. Not one in one hundred Wall Street economists could have correctly projected this chart in 2007 when they were slobbering about the goldilocks economy.


    Needless to say, when it comes to the wounded elephant in the room this time around—-the tottering edifice of the Red Ponzi——they are still slobbering.

  • Putin Just Warned Global War Is Increasingly More Likely: Here's Why

    Vladimir Putin is basking in Russia’s triumphant return to the world stage. 

    What began with a land grab in Crimea and escalated with support for the separatists at Donetsk, culminated in Moscow’s dramatic entry into Syria’s protracted civil war.

    To be sure, the deplorable (not to mention comically absurd) strategy adopted by the US and its regional allies in Syria set Putin up for success. The situation was highly exploitable by anyone that’s strategically minded and thanks to the convoluted set of alliances Washington has built with groups that later turned out to be extremists, Moscow gets to achieve its regional ambitions while simultaneously fighting terrorism. Meanwhile, Washington, Riyadh, Ankara, and Doha are left to look on helplessly as their Sunni extremist proxy armies are devastated by the Russian air force. The Kremlin knows there’s little chance that the West and its allies will step in to directly support the rebels – the optics around that would quickly turn into a PR nightmare. 

    All of this has provided the perfect backdrop for Putin to begin what’s amounted to a lecture tour on how to conduct foreign policy.

    Soundbites have ranged from very serious commentary on why the West should not employ extremists to bring about regime change to comical jabs at the US and its allies who the Russian President last week accused of having “oatmeal brains” when it comes to Mid-East policy. 

    Speaking today at the International Valdai Discussion Club’s 12th annual meeting in Sochi, Putin delivered a sweeping critique of military strategy and foreign policy touching on everything from the erroneous labeling of some extremists as “moderates” to the futility of nuclear war. 

    “Why play with words dividing terrorists into moderate and not moderate. What’s the difference?,” Putin asked, adding that “success in fighting terrorists cannot be reached if using some of them as a battering ram to overthrow disliked regimes [because] it’s just an illusion that they can be dealt with [later], removed from power and somehow negotiated with.” 

    “I’d like to stress once again that [Russia’s operation in Syria] is completely legitimate, and its only aim is to aid in establishing peace,” Putin said of Moscow’s Mid-East strategy. And while he’s probably telling the truth there, it’s only by default. That is, peace in Syria likely means the restoration of Assad (it’s difficult to imagine how else the country can be stabilized in the short-term), and because that aligns with Russia’s interests, The Kremlin is seeking to promote peace – it’s more a tautology than it is a comment on Putin’s desire for goodwill towards men. 

    And then there’s Iran and its nascent nuclear program. Putin accused the US of illegitimately seeking to play nuclear police officer, a point on which he is unquestionably correct: The “hypothetical nuclear threat from Iran is a myth. The US was just trying to destroy the strategical balance, [and] not to just dominate, but be able to dictate its will to everyone – not only geopolitical opponents, but also allies.”

    Speaking of nukes, Putin also warned that some nuclear powers seem to believe that there’s a way to take the “mutually” out of “mutually assured destruction.”

    That is, Putin warned against the dangers of thinking it’s possible to “win” a nuclear war. Commenting on US anti-missile shields in Europe and on the idea of MAD, Putin said the following:

    “We had the right to expect that work on development of US missile defense system would stop. But nothing like it happened, and it continues. This is a very dangerous scenario, harmful for all, including the United States itself.  The deterrent of nuclear weapons has started to lose its value, and some have even got the illusion that a real victory of one of the sides can be achieved in a global conflict, without irreversible consequences for the winner itself – if there is a winner at all.”

    In short, Putin is suggesting that the world may have gone crazy. The implication is that the US believes it not only has the capacity to win a war against the nations Washington habitually places on its various lists of “bad guys” (i.e. Russia, Iran, and China), but that Washington believes America can win without incurring consequences that are commensurate with the damage the US inflicts on its enemies. That, Putin believes, is a dangerous miscalculation and one that could end up endangering US citizens. 

    So once again, this is Putin setting the narrative and jumping at every opportunity to portray Russia as a nation that’s not content to “lead from behind” (as so many have recently accused the US of doing). And once again, his assessment seems remarkably sober in a world that does indeed seem to have lost its collective mind. 

    Full speech (translated) below.

  • What Your High School Chemistry Teacher Never Taught You About Gold

    Submitted by Simon Black via,

    One of the more unfortunate developments in human civilization over the last century is the devolution of money.

    In fact, the word ‘money’ has now become synonymous with those funny pieces of paper that are conjured out of thin air by unelected central bankers.

    Or even more ridiculous, ‘money’ has become the electronic representation of that paper.

    Think about your bank account balance; it’s not like the bank has all that paper currency sitting in its vault.

    The ‘money’ in your account doesn’t even really exist. There’s just enough of a thin layer of confidence in the system (at the moment) that this is a widely accepted practice.

    It seems rather strange when you think about it. Though for thousands of years, early civilizations had some pretty wild ideas about money.

    There are examples from history of our ancestors using everything from animals skins, to salt, to giant stones, as their form of ‘money’.

    Though I suppose these weren’t any more ridiculous than our version of money– pieces of paper that don’t even really exist, controlled by unelected central bankers.

    Of course, over the last 5,000 years, there was at least one form of money that did make sense. And it stuck. I’m talking, of course, about gold.

    It’s no accident that gold has become the most consistent form of money in world history.

    The metal is uniquely suited to serve as currency, not only amongst precious metals, but compared against nearly everything else on the planet.

    You can see for yourself by taking a look at the periodic table of elements, the scientist’s catalog of everything the world has to offer.

    Many of the entries on the periodic table are immediately disqualified. Many elements are radioactive. Others are gasses that would be impossible to transport.

    Still others are colorless, and hence indistinguishable from air.

    Taking these out eliminates most of the list, and you’re left with just a few dozen metals.

    Most of these, however, like copper or iron, can be easily eliminated as well. They’re simply too common. And a form of money is useless if its in too much abundance… a lesson that modern central bankers have completely forgotten.

    Others (like cesium) are highly reactive and explode on contact with water, or at least corrode easily.

    Clearly a currency that kills its holder, or can’t even maintain its physical state without debasing itself, is rather useless.

    Even silver, which nearly passes every single test falters at the last point, because it tarnishes slightly in reaction to sulfur in the air.

    So out of all the elements we’re left with just one that’s just right: gold.

    Gold is inert and non-reactive. It’s stable. It holds its form over the long-term. It’s malleable and easily divisible. And it’s rare. But not too rare.

    Judging by its chemical properties, it’s no accident that gold became the most widely-used currency in history.

    Of course, defenders of the paper money concept call gold a “barbarous relic”, suggesting that it has no place in modern civilization.

    (Curiously, paper is also relic from long ago, dating back to the 2nd century AD in China. . .)

    Yes it’s true that gold is a very old concept. But so is the wheel. Language. Arithmetic. And many other ideas passed down from the ages.

    Just because something is ancient doesn’t mean it’s not RIGHT.

    Empires rise and fall. Governments and central bankers come and go. Paper currencies lose their dominance.

    But gold lasts.

    And if you hold a long-term view, and believe that the path to prosperity is not paved in debt and money printing it makes sense to consider holding at least a small portion of your savings in the metal.


  • In "Manifest Waste Of Time," Portugal Reappoints PM In Defiance Of Anti-Euro Left Coalition

    As those who followed our coverage of Greece’s protracted negotiations with creditors are no doubt aware, Berlin’s effort to tighten the screws on Alexis Tsipras and Yanis Varoufakis was just as much about sending a message to the rest of the EU periphery as it was about putting Greece on some kind of “sustainable” path to recovery. 

    Greece is going to be a German debt colony for decades to come and everyone knew that going in.

    The real risk was always that Spain, Portugal, and perhaps Italy would get the “wrong” idea about whether it’s possible to essentially threaten to expose the euro as dissoluble on the way to gaining leverage in debt negotiations with Brussels and the IMF.

    In other words, it seemed at times as though Greece was betting that the notion of the EMU as an unbreakable bond between member countries would ultimately prove to be so important, that the troika would bend over backwards to avoid Grexit.

    Of course it didn’t quite work out that way and the Greek people had their referendum “no” vote sold down the river by Tsipras.

    When it comes to Greece, Brussels and the IMF achieved what they set out to accomplish as soon as Syriza came to power in January: namely, they were successful in subverting the democratic process by using the purse string to turn Tsipras into a pandering technocrat and to gut Syriza of its more “radical” members like Panagiotis Lafazanis.

    The troika had hoped that Greece’s horrific experience during negotiations and the subsequent outcome which saw a beleaguered Tsipras reduced to a shadow of his former revolutionary self would be enough to deter leftists in other periphery countries from attempting to go down the Syriza route by shunning austerity and pushing for debt relief. As we put it a few months ago, the real question is whether or not the ATM lines, empty shelves, and gas station queues in Greece have had their intended psychological effect on Spanish (and Portuguese) voters. In other words, the question is whether the troika has succeeded in undercutting the democratic process outside of Greece by indirectly strong-arming the electorate. 

    Well, sorry Brussels, but it looks like Athens may have opened Pandora’s Box. On the heels of inconclusive elections held earlier this month, Portugal’s Socialist leader Antonio Costa is ready to align with the Communists and with Left Bloc to form a government in defiance of the Right-wing coalition. Here’s The Telegraph with more:

    Antonio Costa, Portugal’s Socialist leader and son of a Goan poet, has refused to go along with further pay cuts for public workers, or to submit tamely to a Right-wing coalition under the thumb of the now-departed EU-IMF ‘Troika’.


    Against all assumptions, he has suspended his party’s historic feud with Portugal’s Communists and combined in a triple alliance with the Left Bloc. The trio have demanded the right to govern the country, and together they have an absolute majority in the Portuguese parliament


    The country’s president has the constitutional power to reappoint the old guard – and may in fact do so over coming days – but this would leave the country ungovernable and would be a dangerous demarche in a young Democracy, with memories of the Salazar dictatorship still relatively fresh.


    “The majority of the Portuguese people did not vote for the incumbent coalition. They want a change,” said Miriam Costa from Lisbon University.


    Joseph Daul, head of conservative bloc in the European Parliament, warned that Portugal now faces six months of chaos, and risks going the way of Greece.


    Mr Costa’s hard-Left allies both favour a return to the escudo. Each concluded that Greece’s tortured acrobatics under Alexis Tspiras show beyond doubt that it is impossible to run a sovereign economic policy within the constraints of the single currency.


    The Communist leader, Jeronimo de Sousa, has called for a “dissolution of monetary union” for the good of everybody before it does any more damage to the productive base of the European economy.


    His party is demanding a 50pc write-off of Portugal’s public debt and a 75pc cut in interest payments, and aims to tear up the EU’s Lisbon Treaty and the Fiscal Compact. It wants to nationalize the banks, reverse the privatisation of the transport system, energy, and telephones, and take over the “commanding heights of the economy”.


    Catarina Martins, the Left Bloc’s chief, is more nuanced but says that if the Portuguese people have to choose between “dignity and the euro”, then dignity should prevail. “Any government that refuses to obey Wolfgang Schauble must be prepared to see the European Central Bank close down its banks,” she said.

    And more from FT:

    The appointment of a government led by the Socialist Party (PS) would represent a marked shift from the centre-right government that steered Portugal through a punishing bailout in collaboration with international lenders, to a leftwing alliance determined to roll back austerity.


    “Europe is watching and is very concerned,” said Mujtaba Rahman, head of European analysis at the risk consultancy Eurasia Group. “Having just stabilised Greece and heavily distracted by migrants, the last thing Europe needs is a renewed crisis in the south.”


    Mr Passos Coelho’s Forward Portugal alliance (PAF) won 38.6 per cent, the largest share of the vote, in the October 4 election, but lost its outright majority in parliament. This means a minority centre-right government could be brought down by the combined votes of left-of-centre parties.


    No government on the left or right could hope to survive without support from the PS, which won 32.3 per cent, leaving Mr Passos Coelho nine seats short of an overall majority in the 230-seat parliament.


    But talks, encouraged by the president, between Mr Costa and Mr Passos Coelho on PS support for a minority centre-right government have collapsed.

    In other words, this is the absolute worst case scenario for Berlin and Brussels and indeed this is precisely what the troika was trying to deter by adopting a hardline approach during the fraught negotiations with Greece. 

    Who could have seen this coming, you ask? Well, here’s what we said in July:

    In this way, while the outcome of the Greek situation is currently unknown, it has also become moot, because at this very moment, politicians from leftist movements in the periphery are drafting memos demanding that the IMF evaluate their own debt sustainability. Or rather unsustainability.

    And here’s our assessment from way back in May

    Perhaps it’s time for Greeks to ask themselves if this is the kind of “European” partner they want to bind their fate to: a partner that will do everything in its power to subvert a democratically elected government, even if, or rather especially if, it means a wholesale “bail-in” for Greek depositors, who may lose as much as 70 cents on every euro.


    After Greece is done soul searching, the people of Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland should ask the same question, because if we have a Grexit in two weeks, then these countries are next and indeed, Portugal’s Socialist Party is pledging to implement a “reverse policy” as it relates to austerity and relations with the Troika.

    So the takeaway from the above is that allowing the Left coalition to form a government risks throwing the entire EMU back into crisis mode, but attempting to restore the political status quo by decree means setting everyone up for a prolonged period of indeterminacy.

    Obviously that’s a lose-lose for Silva, but as of Thursday evening, a decision has been made. In what is bad news for anyone who hoped Portugal wouldn’t end up mired in an intractable political stalemate, President Anibal Cavaco Silva has appointed Pedro Passos Coelho to serve another term as PM.

    That’s bound to make the situation worse given everything noted above about the relationship between Costa and Coelho. As Communist leader Jerónimo de Sousa said earlier this week, appointing Coelho as prime minister would be “a manifest waste of time”.

    So here again, just like in Brazil and Turkey, we’re set to see political turmoil take center stage, and the EU will be forced to stand by and hope that Portugal remains “in the fold” so to speak when it comes to austerity and the outward appearance of fiscal rectitude. 

    Oh, and if you’re looking for someone who apparently did not think it was possible that the Left might end up banning together to make a serious political power play in Portugal, see below…

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Today’s News October 22, 2015

  • Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Are Making Us Fat and Giving Us Diabetes

    We documented in 2012 that that toxic chemicals in our food, water and air our causing an epidemic of obesity … even in 6 month old infants.

    No matter how lazy and gluttonous adults may have become recently, 6-month-olds can’t be lazy … they can’t even walk, let alone go to the gym.   And 6-month-olds can’t “binge” … Gerber doesn’t make corn dogs or milk chocolate truffles fried in beer batter.

    And we documented in 2012 that the same thing is being observed in animals … hardly your stereotypical couch potatoes.

    A study published last month in the journal Obesity Research & Clinical Practice found that it’s harder for adults today to maintain the same weight – even at the same levels of food intake and exercise – as adults in the 1980s. (As reported by the Atlantic and the Independent.)

    And last month, the prestigious Endocrine Society reinforced the argument that endocrine-disrupting chemicals are making us fat.

    As Medical Xpress reports:

    Emerging evidence ties endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure to two of the biggest public health threats facing society – diabetes and obesity, according to the executive summary of an upcoming Scientific Statement issued today by the Endocrine Society.




    The statement builds upon the Society’s groundbreaking 2009 report, which examined the state of scientific evidence on endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and the risks posed to human health.




    The chemicals are so common that nearly every person on Earth has been exposed to one or more. An economic analysis published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in March estimated that EDC exposure likely costs the European Union €157 billion ($209 billion) a year in actual health care expenses and lost earning potential.


    “The evidence is more definitive than ever before – EDCs disrupt hormones in a manner that harms human health,” said Andrea C. Gore, Professor and Vacek Chair of Pharmacology at the University of Texas at Austin and chair of the task force that developed the statement. “Hundreds of studies are pointing to the same conclusion, whether they are long-term epidemiological studies in human, basic research in animals and cells, or research into groups of people with known occupational exposure to specific chemicals.”




    Animal studies found that exposure to even tiny amounts of EDCs during the prenatal period can trigger obesity later in life. Similarly, animal studies found that some EDCs directly target beta and alpha cells in the pancreas, fat cells, and liver cells. This can lead to insulin resistance and an overabundance of the hormone insulin in the body – risk factors for Type 2 diabetes.


    Epidemiological studies of EDC exposure in humans also point to an association with obesity and diabetes, although the research design did not allow scientists to determine causality. The research offers insights into factors driving the rising rates of obesity and diabetes. About 35 percent of American adults are obese, and more than 29 million Americans have diabetes, according to the Society’s Endocrine Facts and Figures report.


  • Obama Unveils Roadmap To 'Bailout' Puerto Rico: "New" Bankruptcy Rules & Federal Fiscal Oversight

    America is not Greece, but judging from the Obama administration's just-unveiled plans to bailout Puerto Rico's disastrous debt situation, the American territory may have to sacrifice a little more sovereignty to get some relief. Obama is pressing for Congress to give Puerto Rico (PR) sweeping powers to reduce its $73 billion debt burden through a form of bankruptcy protection not now available to American territories and will also ask lawmakers to establish an independent body to monitor the island’s fiscal affairs (a la Troika). While the proposals likely face an uphill battle in Congress, as NYTimes reports, both Democrats and Republicans are under pressure to respond because Puerto Ricans are flooding the US, particularly in central Florida, and are becoming an increasingly important voting block in the 2016 presidential race.

    Puerto Rico is teetering under debt amassed from years of borrowing as the economy failed to grow and residents left for the U.S. mainland. Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla is seeking to persuade investors to accept less than they’re owed, saying tax increases and spending cuts alone won’t be sufficient to eliminate the government’s budget shortfalls.

    Creditors say that the island’s government has been seeking to portray the fiscal situation in Puerto Rico as beyond repair, hoping to force the administration and Congress to act. As The NY Times reports, on Wednesday, Puerto Rico took the unusual step of announcing that talks over restructuring about $750 milllion of the island’s debt had broken off, a move that some creditors saw as posturing to Washington for help.

    It appears to have worked… (as Bloomberg details)

    President Barack Obama is pressing for Congress to give Puerto Rico sweeping powers to reduce its $73 billion debt burden through bankruptcy, escalating administration involvement as the Caribbean island’s access to cash dries up.


    Puerto Rico would be provided with a form of bankruptcy protection not now available to American territories. Administration officials also called for lawmakers on Wednesday to increase health-care funding for Puerto Rico, extend tax credits to the poor and put independent oversight in place to monitor the government’s budget.

    The details of the proposals are sparse as yet, but as The NY Times adds, there is some willingness, particularly among top Senate Republicans, to work out a compromise on the bankruptcy issue, according to a person briefed on the matter.

    But the Republican leadership would be willing to grant Puerto Rico access to the bankruptcy courts only on a limited basis, and only with strings attached like the imposition of a federal “control board” to oversee the island’s finances.


    Control boards have been used in cases of severe municipal distress to take the power to spend public money out of the hands of elected officials. They do not generally have the powers that bankruptcy judges do to abrogate contracts, such as labor contracts and promises to repay debt.

    But any such move faces political headwinds…

    These changes “are going to be extremely hard to get through both the U.S. Congress and the Puerto Rican legislature,” said Matt Fabian, a partner at Concord, Massachusetts-based Municipal Market Analytics. “This is a Congress that gets almost nothing done. So to expect them to get something controversial done at the request of the administration right before an election is difficult.

    Though, there is a chance…

    Both Democrats and Republicans are under pressure to respond to the Puerto Rico crisis. Largely because of the island’s economic problems, Puerto Ricans are flooding the United States, particuarly in central Florida, and are becoming an increasingly important voting block in the 2016 presidential race.

    According to Bloomberg, Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew, National Economic Council Director Jeff Zients, and Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell said the steps are needed to revive Puerto Rico’s economy.

    “The decade-long recession has taken its toll on Puerto Rico’s finances, its economy, and its people,” officials said in the statement. “To reward work and break this vicious cycle, Congress should enact proven, bipartisan tools for stimulating growth and rewarding work to people living in Puerto Rico.”


    The situation in Puerto Rico “risks turning into a humanitarian crisis as early as this winter,” one senior administration official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to speak publicly.

    But, it is not just politicians that will be hard pressed to pass the bailout…

    The proposal is likely to meet resistance from many investors in the municipal bond market according to Brandon Barford, a partner at Beacon Policy Advisors LLC in Washington and a former Senate Banking Committee staffer.


    “Including ‘super Chapter 9,’ significant new social spending, and demands for respecting Puerto Rican public sector pensions when mainland pension funds would register losses from restructuring are all a bridge too far,” Barford said.

    Finally, there is the unintended consequences…

    Federal law allows for cities, counties, special districts and the like to seek bankruptcy protection if their states agree, but the states themselves are excluded. There are concerns that if Puerto Rico gains access to bankruptcy, fiscally troubled states like Illinois might try to follow suit.

    *  *  *
    So the bottom line is that Puerto Rico is Greece… laws will be changed to enable the proligate spending of the past to be bruched under the carpet, and Federal oversight of fiscal affairs (i.e. all government in a nation whose finances are so dire) will be handled by an 'independent' body (just like Troika) and that will enable Puerto Rico to borrow more (likely from the US taxpayer via some subsidized router) to fund what officials call "growth initiatives."

    “The situation in Puerto Rico is urgent,” one administration official said. “Without economic growth there is no path out.”

    So the same as the rest of the world then?!

    *  *  *

    But for now, we celebrate, President Obama will save the day…

  • Guest Post: The Nazification Of America Is Almost Complete

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

    Once upon a time America fought a great war to rid the world of the Nazis, but now we have become just like them.  In fact, I would venture to say that the Nazification of the United States is pretty much complete.

    As you will see below, we have a heavily socialized economy where tax rates are out of control and lots of freebies are given out just like the Nazis did.  And just like the Nazis, our society has become highly militarized and our government has become increasingly obsessed with watching, tracking, monitoring and controlling the general population.  But more than anything else, all of the pageantry and beauty in our society masks an evil which has grown to a level that is almost unspeakable.  The other day, my wife and I were watching some footage of the beautiful parades and celebrations that were held in Germany before World War II, and they certainly were very impressive.  But under the surface, a great evil was growing.  Just because something happens behind closed doors does not make it okay, and just like the Nazis, our society is about to learn an exceedingly painful lesson in that regard.

    Let’s start out by talking about the economy.  Most people tend to regard the Nazis as “far right”, but the truth is that they were socialists.  By heavily taxing and spending, the Nazis were able to temporarily restore economic prosperity after the great economic crisis that occurred under the Weimar Republic, and this helped fuel their wild popularity.  The following comes from Wikipedia

    In the midst of the Great Depression, the Nazis restored economic stability and ended mass unemployment using heavy military spending and a mixed economy. Extensive public works were undertaken, including the construction of Autobahns (high speed highways). The return to economic stability boosted the regime’s popularity.

    Just like the Democrats of today, most people don’t consider the Nazis to have been socialists, but that is precisely what they were.  I think that former game show host Chuck Woolery nailed it with some of his recent public statements

    Chuck Woolery, perhaps best known for being the host of the show “Love Connection” from 1982-94, also frequently takes to Twitter to express political viewpoints. In a recent series of tweets Woolery, 74, offered his opinion on politics, the size of government, and the political nature of the Nazi party:


    “Nazi is described as a right wing organization, Yet their were Socialists [sic]. They were left. But Chuck. But My BUTT.”


    “National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Nazi Party. Hitler. Need I go on?”


    “Maybe better. Democrats don’t value the country. They value the power of Government. There is a difference ya know.”

    I knew there was a reason why I always liked that guy.

    Just like Barack Obama and the Democrats, the Nazis loved to give out free stuff.  Kitty Werthmann was a child in Austria at the time the Nazis took over, and her description of the freebies the Nazis were handing out sounds very much like what the Democrats want to do today…

    Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing.

    I like free stuff too, but in the end someone always has to pay for all of that free stuff.  According to Kitty Werthmann, “our tax rates went up to 80% of our income“, and in America we are moving in the same direction.

    In the United States today, when you add up all federal taxes, all state taxes, all local taxes, all property taxes and all sales taxes, there are some Americans that actually pay more than 50 percent of their incomes in taxes.

    Somehow we still have the audacity to claim that we are not socialists even though that is exactly what we have become.

    And the Germans had their own version of Obamacare too.  The following is more eyewitness testimony from Kitty Werthmann

    Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna . After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.

    There is no way that you can get around it.  The Nazis were never on “the far right”.  The were always leftists, and they always hated capitalsim.  National Socialist theologian Gregor Strasser once made the following statement

    We National Socialists are enemies, deadly enemies, of the present capitalist system with its exploitation of the economically weak … and we are resolved under all circumstances to destroy this system.

    Not even Barack Obama or Bernie Sanders would make such an extreme statement today.

    And like the Nazis, our society has become highly militarized.

    Just prior to World War II, the Germans probably had the most powerful military on the entire planet, and they loved to use that military to push other countries around.  They stunned the entire world when they swept through Poland, and the lightning speed with which they defeated France changed the way war is waged forever.

    But just like the leftists in our own nation, the Nazis definitely did not want the general population to be armed.  Kitty Werthmann remembers very well what happened in Austria under the Nazis…

    Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.

    And just like the leftists of today, the Germans were extremely suspicious of individual liberty and freedom.  The secret police were everywhere, and anyone that was even suspected of anti-government activity was monitored very closely.

    Sadly, we are becoming just like the Nazis in this regard, only now we have the technological capability to take things so much farther.  Government control freaks are systematically watching us, tracking us, recording our phone calls and monitoring our emails.  It has gotten so bad that even 64 percent of all reporters believe that the government is spying on them.  We spy on our enemies, we spy on our friends (just ask the French and the Germans about this) and we even spy on the little old lady down the street.

    We have been sold the lie that we have to give up our privacy and our liberty in exchange for security.

    It is the same lie that the Nazis told.

    But perhaps our greatest similarity to the Nazi regime of the 1930s is our lust for blood.

    What the Nazis did behind closed doors was so horrific that it is hard to even speak about it.  Once the Holocaust was revealed, the world should have never allowed crimes against humanity like that to ever happen again.

    But they are happening.

    They are happening behind closed doors in America today, and most Americans are perfectly okay with this.

    In this country, millions of babies are being systematically murdered and their organs are being harvested.  Those organs are then sold off to the highest bidder and they are ultimately used in extremely bizarre scientific experiments.

    In recent months these crimes have been put on display for all the world to see, and yet the American people have not responded with outrage.  In fact, only 29 percent of Americans even want to cut off the hundreds of millions of dollars that Planned Parenthood is getting from the federal government every year.

    Do you know what that 29 percent figure tells me?

    It tells me that America is done.

    America is finished.

    And it turns out that Hitler was actually a huge fan of the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger.  As I have written about previously, it was Sanger that once said the following…

    “The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”

    Hitler echoed this sentiment when he penned the following in Mein Kampf…

    “The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring. . . represents the most humane act of mankind.”

    Of course those on the left are going to get very upset by all of this, and I am sure that some of them will leave some very nasty comments following this article.

    But the truth is the truth.

    And it isn’t just Democrats – most Republicans in Congress are in the exact same boat too.

    If we don’t want to be like the Nazis, we should stop acting like them, and that includes not pushing Christianity out of every area of public life.  The following information was uncovered by author Bruce Walker, the author of “The Swastika Against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity“…

    The Nazi tract Gott und Volk was distributed in 1941, and it describes the life cycle of German youth in the future, who would:  “With parties and gifts the youth will be led painlessly from one faith to the other and will grow up without ever having heard of the Sermon on the Mount or the Golden Rule, to say nothing of the Ten Commandments… The education of the youth is to be confined primarily by the teacher, the officer, and the leaders of the party.  The priests will die out.  They have estranged the youth from the Volk.  Into their places will step the leaders.  Not deputies of God.  But anyway the best Germans.  And how shall we train our children?  Thus, as though they had never heard of Christianity!

    Our nation is falling apart because we have rejected the values and the principles that were handed down to us by our forefathers.

    We have embraced the same lies that the Nazis embraced, and if we don’t turn around we will experience a similar fate.

    I think that the following excerpt from a recent RT editorial sums things up pretty well…

    The United States is in decline. While not all major shocks to the system will be devastating, when the right one comes along, the outcome may be dramatic.


    Not all explosives are the same. We all know you have to be careful with dynamite. Best to handle it gently and not smoke while you’re around it.


    Semtex is different. You can drop it. You can throw it. You can put it in the fire. Nothing will happen. Nothing until you put the right detonator in it, that is.


    To me, the US – and most of the supposedly free West – increasingly looks like a truck being systematically filled with Semtex.


    But it’s easy to counter cries of alarm with the fact that the truck is stable – because it’s true: you can hurl more boxes into the back without any real danger. Absent the right detonator, it is no more dangerous than a truckload of mayonnaise.

    But add the right detonator and you’re just one click away from complete devastation.

    Absent a major crisis, the United States may be able to keep going down this same road for a few years more.

    But I wouldn’t count on it.

    We have willingly chosen to tear down and destroy everything that our forefathers built, and we were convinced that we had a better way.

    Now decades of incredibly foolish decisions are starting to catch up with us, and yet we still persist in our stubbornness.

    So where do we go from here?

    What will the fate of America be?

  • NASA Warns: 99% Chance Of At Least A 5.0 Quake Hitting LA Within 30 Months

    If scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena are correct, a moderately-sized earthquake is expected within the next two-and-a-half years.

    As CBS LA reports, JPL experts predict a possible 5.0 magnitude quake in Los Angeles, but say it very well could be stronger.

    JPL geophysicist Dr. Andrea Donnellan, along with seven other scientists, has been using radar and GPS to measure Southern California’s chances for a sizable earthquake, and has made a sobering hypothesis about another big one.


    “When the La Habra earthquake happened, it was relieving some of that stress, and it actually shook some of the upper sediments in the LA basin and moved those a little bit more,” Dr. Donellan said.


    However, according to Dr. Donnellan, those strains remain, with enough power to produce an even larger quake in the same epicenter in La Habra.


    “There’s enough energy stored to produce about a magnitude 6.1 to 6.3 earthquake,” Dr. Donnellan described.

    The new NASA-led analysis of a moderate magnitude 5.1 earthquake that shook Greater Los Angeles in 2014 finds that the earthquake deformed Earth's crust across a broad region encompassing the northern Los Angeles Basin and northern Orange County. As Fox LA adds rather ominously,

     The shallow ground movements observed from this earthquake likely reflect strain accumulated on deeper faults, which remain locked and may be capable of producing future earthquakes.


    "The earthquake faults in this region are part of a system of faults," said Donnellan. "They can move together in an earthquake and produce measurable surface deformation, even during moderate magnitude earthquakes. This fault system accommodates the ongoing shortening of Earth's crust in the northern Los Angeles region.




    Tectonic motion across the Los Angeles region is distributed on an intricate network of horizontally and vertically moving faults that eventually release accumulated strain in the form of earthquakes, such as the destructive 1994 magnitude-6.7 Northridge earthquake.


    Donnellan said a future earthquake to release the accumulated strain on these faults could occur on any one or several of these fault structures, which may not have been mapped at the surface. "Identifying specific fault structures most likely to be responsible for future earthquakes for this system of many active faults is often very difficult," she said.

    *  *  *

    Seismologists at the US Geological Survey have questioned that probability, suggesting it may in fact be slightly lower, stating: “…the accepted random chance of a (magnitude five) or greater in this area in three years is 85 percent, independent of the analysis in this paper.”

    USGS uses different methods from radar and GPS, such as fault maps and models, to develop their results.

    Regardless of the discrepancy in percentage, scientists agree that the probability of at least a moderate-sized earthquake in Los Angeles over the next three years is high.

    “We all need to be prepared. That’s not new for LA.”

  • What Will Mario Draghi Announce Tomorrow: Here Is What Wall Street Thinks

    Tomorrow morning Mario Draghi is widely expected to if not announce an extension, or expansion, of the ECB’s QE program, than to at least jawbone sufficiently, and push the EURUSD lower from its recently anchored level in the 1.10-1.20 range. But what are the specifics of Draghi’s announcement: will he merely expand the monetization limit per security, as he did in early September, will he increase the universe of eligibile securities, or will he simply extend the maturity of the non-open ended QE from September 2016 to some indefinite date?

    It is unclear: the one thing we do know with certainty is what Draghi has said before he will never do, which is to buy gold.

    As to what he may do, there are many opinions. The following list, courtesy of Bloomberg, summarizes what the sellside universe believes Draghi will unveil in just under 12 hours:

    • Most banks expect ECB to ease policy further, probably as early as Dec. and in the form of a QE extension, according to analysts.
    • At this week’s press conference to be held in Malta, Draghi is expected to use dovish rhetoric, which may push EUR lower at least temporarily, while leaving monetary policy on hold
    • Further deposit-rate cut seen as most powerful tool to weaken EUR, even as economists assign low odds for this to be announced before yr end as it may require a worsening of euro-zone financial conditions
    • Expectations for more easing increased after ECB’s Nowotny said Oct. 15 that both headline and core CPI are ‘clearly’ missing central bank’s target, although the GC member said on Oct. 18 policy makers may not extend QE any time soon
    • Survey conducted by Bloomberg show economists expect ECB to step up QE by Jan. 2016. Below are more details of such expectations, based on published research and interviews:

    BARCLAYS (team incl. Nikolaos Sgouropoulos, Cagdas Aksu)

    • WHEN: Expect announcement of QE time extension in Dec. when ECB updates 4Q 2015 staff economic forecasts
    • HOW: ECB has 2 main options to provide more accommodation; first, making QE more expansive; second, introducing possibility of deposit rate cut more openly, or delivering it
    • First option more likely at this stage; the easiest way would be to lengthen end-date from Sept. 2016 by 6-9 months to 1Q-2Q 2017; this is already expected by mkt
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: Don’t rule it out but remains unlikely for next two meetings; a likely trigger for rate cut would be further material appreciation of EUR, possibly related to more signs that Fed will stay on hold for longer
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: Continuation of dovish rhetoric
    • ’’We think that it is just a matter of time until the ECB decides to drive EUR/USD lower’’

    CREDIT SUISSE (team incl. Christel Aranda-Hassel)

    • WHEN: More ECB monetary policy accommodation is in pipeline, probably in Dec.; EUR is key trigger for more action; if it trades above 1.15/USD and toward 1.20 in run-up to Thursday’s meeting, we would bring baseline Dec. QE extension forward to Oct. meeting
    • HOW: Baseline scenario is that ECB will state that QE is extended to March 2017 or beyond
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: Cutting the deposit rate further and/or increasing purchased amount would require a more significant deterioration in CPI outlook
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: Below and up to EUR/USD 1.15 in run-up to Thursday’s meeting, expect no action from ECB and a very dovish press conference, which leaves the door wide open for action in Dec.

    GOLDMAN SACHS (Dirk Schumacher)

    • WHEN: ECB may ease further at Dec. or Jan. meetings
    • HOW: By extending purchase program until mid-2017, with a tapering from Jan. 2017 onward
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: A sharp appreciation of EUR may prompt a further reduction in deposit rate; not base case scenario
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: On hold, Draghi to adopt a strongly dovish undertone: MORE
    • ’’Coming policy meetings are pivotal if the ECB wants to re-establish its credibility. It is decision time for the ECB’’ strategists incl. Robin Brooks say in client note

    BOFAML (team incl. Gilles Moec, Athanasios Vamvakidis)

    • WHEN: Pushes central case for QE2 from Oct. to Dec.: MORE
    • HOW: By Dec. ECB would probably need to deliver not only an extension beyond Sept. 2016 but also an expansion with “delta” in purchases possibly being directed toward corporate bonds
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: Don’t expect it; it would be a surprise for mkt as very little is priced in and Draghi said that deposit rate has reached its floor; an even lower rate may complicate QE implementation
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: It remains a “live” meeting; communication could be complicated for Draghi; if he comes out too hawkish, there is a risk that euro exchange rate could go through a knee-jerk leap
    • ’’We think the more the ECB waits, the more it will have to do to convince the market it can deliver on its price stability objective’’

    UNICREDIT (team incl. Marco Valli)

    • WHEN: More easing may be announced in first months of 2016, March at latest: MORE
    • HOW: Expect ECB to boost QE by another EU300b-400B after Sept. 2016
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: Think QE2 is much more likely than a deposit rate cut
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: Expect no action and dovish rhetoric, mainly intended to stem EUR appreciating trend
    • ’’It seems that a EUR/USD at 1.15-1.20 may represent a sort of pain threshold. This implies that dovish rhetoric is very likely to continue and, possibly, intensify this week’’

    BNP PARIBAS (team incl. Ken Wattret)

    • WHEN: Dec. is the most likely timing of a move, in tandem with review of ECB’s staff macroeconomic projections
    • HOW: Expect an extension of ECB’s asset-purchase program beyond Sept. 2016; also expect monthly volume of purchases to be increased by EU10b
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: It would come into play if changes to asset-purchase program fail to have desired effect on euro-area conditions: MORE
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: Press conference should leave the door ajar for a lower deposit rate, as ECB aims to lean against tightening of financial and monetary condition
    • ’’We would not rule out a surprise policy change as soon as this week. We put the chances at around 40%’’

    HSBC (Fabio Balboni)

    • WHEN: Expect program to be formally expanded in Dec.
    • HOW: By dropping the reference to Sept. 2016 and making it effectively open-ended
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: Unlikely as it would be in contradiction with policy of balance-sheet expansion
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: Expect ECB to forcefully reiterate commitment to expand program if necessary without delivering any actual change
    • ’’We won’t have a formal expansion of the size of monthly purchases for now. Otherwise, as the constraints become apparent, the ECB might face considerable credibility problems if inflation doesn’t revert quickly’’

    DEUTSCHE BANK (Mark Wall, Marco Stringa)

    • WHEN: ECB to act further in Dec.; changed call Oct. 2 saying that further QE is no longer just a risk: MORE
    • HOW: Expects a 6-month flexible extension of QE
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: QE extension is more likely than a deposit rate cut
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: Council will likely sound increasingly dovish, but is unlikely to take concrete action in absence of negative shocks
    • ’’A depo cut would need to be designed to incentivize lending to SMEs to be effective. Otherwise it might not compensate for the cost of the policy U-turn’’

    CREDIT AGRICOLE (Valentin Marinov)

    • WHEN: ECB may ease further in 1Q 2016
    • HOW: By extending duration of asset purchases beyond Sept. 2016, initially; also expect ECB to leave door open for increase in amount of monthly buying
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: Depo rate cut not part of Credit Agricole economists’ base case, though wouldn’t rule out another decrease to boost impact of any additional QE measures
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: On hold; ECB to downgrade economic outlook and signal QE would be extended beyond Sept. 2016; investors should watch for hints from Draghi that additional easing will be occurring before long
    • ’’We expect the ECB to extend QE in 1Q 2016 and this should help reinstate the negative relationship between EUR and QE’’

    NOMURA (Nick Matthews)

    • WHEN: ECB may ease further by March 2016 meeting, at the latest; whether policy makers act at Dec. meeting, or at least signal that further action may come in 1Q 2016, may be a close call given international developments and stronger EUR
    • HOW: By extending asset purchases to end-March 2017 or beyond
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: Don’t expect a depo rate cut to be part of ECB’s next round of easing
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: On hold; expect ECB to sound dovish and emphasize willingness and ability to act, if warranted; also see continued signal that focus for next round of easing remains on flexibility of asset-purchase program

    CITIGROUP (team incl. Guillaume Menuet)

    • WHEN: Baseline for Dec. meeting
    • HOW: Expect ECB to announce that it intends to extend or expand pace of asset purchases; an extension is the slightly more likely option
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: Not baseline; some unexpected EUR appreciation together with more evidence of EM mkts slowdown would likely prompt a re-think about whether -20bp deposit rate is really the lower bound
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: ECB will likely conclude that more time is necessary before announcing further policy easing
    • ’’Increasing the size of the public-sector purchase program on Oct. 22 remains a possibility for GC, but the hurdle seems higher’’

    MORGAN STANLEY (team incl. Elga Bartsch, Hans Redeker)

    • WHEN: If updated ECB forecasts in Dec. show there are renewed downside risks to CPI, ECB could act further
    • HOW: If ECB acts, expect combination of a reduction in depo rate and faster pace of purchases to be more effective than a simple extension of program; it also might be easier to agree on than an extension of purchase program well beyond Sept. 2016 for some of the hawkish members
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: Attach a probability of 1 in 3 to ECB acting this wk
    • If ECB was to embark on concrete policy actions, it would probably up pace of QE above EU60b/month, add to overall size of QE program beyond EU1.14t, and consider a reduction in deposit rate to widen the pool of eligible assets ECB can buy at shorter maturities
    • Say a 10bps ECB deposit rate cut is likely to be the most effective measure to limit the scope for EUR appreciation: MORE
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22:On hold, stressing its determination to act, if needed; expect ECB to open the door further to possible policy action at Dec.

    RBC (Timo Del Carpio, Peter Schaffrik)

    • WHEN: Dec.
    • HOW: Expect either a 6-mo. extension or even a rolling 6-mo. extension until further notice
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: EUR short end has become rich on the back of rate cut “fantasies”; if there’s any mention of “all options being open” would propel the market substantially higher and the short end even richer
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: On hold; the lack of a conclusive message from economic data mean policy bias to stay ’waiting and seeing’; MORE

    RBS (Giles Gale, Michael Michaelides)

    • WHEN: Expect QE to be both extended, possibly to March 2017, and accelerated to EU90b per month at the Dec. meeting
    • HOW: By extending beyond Sept. 2016 and increasing the monthly pace to EU90b
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: Not RBS’s base case
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: This meeting isn’t live for more action; GC members have been categorical as can be expected that extension isn’t yet on the table

    JPMORGAN (Gianluca Salford, Fabio Bassi)

    • WHEN: Most likely dates for further stimulus are Dec. this year and Jan. 2016
    • HOW: The bulk of any additional stimulus will have to come from an increase in govt bond purchases with main bottleneck coming from the low stock of German bonds; doubt ECB will be in a position to deliver more than an increase of the monthly pace to EU70b-EU80b and extension to Dec. 2016 or March 2017
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: It will be very difficult for ECB to deliver a rate cut after having delivered and maintained over past year a consistent message in which policy rates are at the floor lvls
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: Expect Draghi to keep his options open

    SUNRISE (Gianluca Ziglio)

    • WHEN: Best case for an extension is March
    • HOW: ECB may go for an extension; expanding size very unlikely as ECB will already find it hard to do EU60b/month at year-end
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: No as have said they are done on rates
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: Don’t expect much from ECB until year-end as bank needs to see how end of year/Jan. base effects on energy inflation play out early next year

    UBS (Reinhard Cluse)

    • WHEN: Don’t expect any change to QE, even in Dec.; base case is ECB will run QE in its current form or EU60b/month until Sept. 2016, followed by some form of tapering
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: No. When they cut last year, Draghi said it is at the lower bound, a sentiment Coeure repeated more recently so any cut would come at cost of ECB credibility
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: Not adding new stimulus may disappoint some mkt participants, making it important the ECB carefully calibrates its message; expect Draghi to leave door open for more accommodation in Dec.

    IHS GLOBAL INSIGHT (Howard Archer)

    • WHEN: Most likely ECB will extend QE, possibly in Dec.; if 3Q GDP growth holds up relatively well, may wait until New Year
    • HOW: Any further ECB action would be most likely through increasing and/or extending QE
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: Draghi has repeatedly stated that interest rates have reached their lower bound
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: Draghi will deliver a dovish message, saying ECB is focused on downside risks to euro zone inflation and growth

    ABN AMRO (Hyung-Ja de Zeeuw, Nick Kounis)

    • WHEN: Expect announcement of extended and larger ECB QE before yr-end
    • HOW: Will extend QE beyond Sept. 2016, increase monthly purchases to EU80b vs EU60b; list of eligible assets will be broadened to include more utilities: MORE
    • IS A DEPOSIT RATE CUT LIKELY: Don’t think that a deposit rate cut will be the ECB’s first port of call, but we think it is certainly an option at a later stage
    • EXPECTATIONS FOR OCT. 22: We could get a clearer idea of future ECB action

    * * *

    Clearly, nobody really has any idea what is about to happen tomorrow, yet one thing which is far more critical than any of the opinions voiced above, is that just like the Fed, the ECB too is trapped. On one hand, it is suffering a collapse in inflationary expectations, seen not only via the tumbling 5Y5Y, but through real 10Y yields.

    On the other hand, as the chart below shows, if the ECB announces an extension until September 2017, which is virtually guaranteed, the ECB will soon approach the limit of monetizable debt, especially in Germany, Portugal and Finland, as well as Slovakia and Slovenia, that the ECB can monetize without adversely impairing even further the already scarce liquidity of Europe’s bond market.

  • China Calms Fears, Says "Stock Plunge Is Normal Correction" As Panic-Buying Resumes On Japanese Open

    After last night's bloodbathery in China, analysts and officials are out en masse to ensure a newly re-leveraged Chinese investors that the "stock plunge is a normal correction." Disappointingly, Chinese stocks are barely bouncing at the open, which is not what we can say for Japan, where the mysterious uneconomic panic-buyer-of-first-resort appeared once again and smashed the Nikkei 225 200 points higher at the open (after weakness in the US).


    Japanese stocks meltup to catch up with USDJPY at the open, but are fading back…


    And after last night's carnage in China…


    Analysts are anxiously reeassuring everyone… (as Bloomberg reports),

    Investors shouldn’t be too pessimistic about market outlook as Wed.’s tumble was “normal correction” from previous strong run, analysts Luo Wenbo and Zeng Yan at Zhongtai Securities said in report.


    Some investors sold shares ahead of next week’s Party plenary session on concern gains were excessive, causing “herd effect” on Wed., report said


    Room for further downside is limited as liquidity is still adequate, reform motivation is strong and market sentiment has gradually picked up: report

    PBOC fixed the Yuan modestly weaker but the Offshore-Onshore spreads remains near 1 month wides…


    In addition, China’s central bank added funds to the banking system using six-month loans to keep borrowing costs down as a slowdown in the world’s second-largest economy spurs capital outflows.

    The People’s Bank of China supplied 105.5 billion yuan ($16.6 billion) to 11 commercial lenders on Wednesday using the Medium-term Lending Facility, according to a statement posted on its official microblog. The rate was 3.35 percent, the same as for similar-term funds injected in August.

    And The USDollar is slipping against Asian FX…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Capital Is Still Flowing Out Of China, Here's How Beijing Is Hiding It

    Earlier this month, we asked if the market was being deceived about the pace of capital outflows in China. 

    Our concerns came on the heels of a rally in EM FX and other assets that may have been fueled by a “better-than-expected” read on China’s reserve drawdown in September. The figure came in at “just” $43 billion, which of course made no sense because on one measure, outflows totaled more than that by the middle of the month. 

    This is important because as we outlined three weeks after the deval, the monthly read on China’s FX reserves has to a certain extent become the new risk on/off trigger for the market which means that if the data is unreliable or otherwise opaque, then investors will be operating with bad information. That is, what we really want to know is how much pressure there is in terms of capital outflows, and to the extent that China’s official FX reserve data doesn’t capture that, the data isn’t a useful indicator of where EM is headed on a more general level.

    As Goldman began to discuss in September, Chinese banks appear to be absorbing some of the outflows using their own books. Here’s how they explained the situation last week: 

    Given possible PBOC balance sheet management (e.g., short-term transactions and agreements between with banks, e.g., forward transactions, FX entrusted loan drawdown or repayment), we interpret the FX reserves data with caution, as it might not give a complete picture of the FX flow situation. The large gap between today’s data and the other PBOC data for September suggests that banks might have used their own spot FX positions to help meet some of the outflow demand, although banks’ overall FX positions might still have been squared with the PBOC via forward agreements.

    In short, our argument has been that much like the NBS will obscure any weakness below 7% in China’s GDP data, the PBoC will do “whatever it takes” (central bank pun fully intended) to make sure that the market doesn’t get wind of the fact that there’s still a tremendous amount of pressure in terms of capital outflows.

    Now, the word is apparently out. Here’s Bloomberg:

    The People’s Bank of China and local lenders increased their holdings in onshore forwards to $67.9 billion in August, positions that would boost China’s currency against the dollar. The amount is five times more than the average in the first seven months, PBOC data show. The positions are part of a three-stage process to support the currency without immediately draining reserves, according to China Merchants Bank Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc.


    Standard central-bank intervention to support a currency generally involves selling dollars and buying the home tender. In this case, China’s large state banks borrowed dollars in the swap market, sold the U.S. currency in the cash spot market and used forward contracts with the central bank to hedge those positions.


    “If you can intervene without actually diminishing your reserves, it’s somehow viewed as better,” said Steven Englander, global head of Group-of-10 foreign exchange-strategy in New York at Citigroup Inc. Such central-bank activity “may not look quite as dramatic as the sale of reserves, and they may prefer that optically,” he said.



    Using derivatives for intervention had the benefit of delaying any decline in the PBOC’s $3.5 trillion trove of foreign-exchange reserves, helping calm investors rattled by an economic slowdown and a slumping stock market. It was also faster as the monetary authority’s managers didn’t have to liquidate assets such as U.S. Treasuries to raise the dollars needed for direct yuan purchases.


    Major Chinese banks borrowed dollars in the onshore swap market in late August and September, and then undertook “heavy dollar selling” in the spot market, said Frank Zhang, head of foreign-exchange trading at Shenzhen-based China Merchants Bank. 

    The PBOC then came in to offset, or “square”, the positions with the banks, essentially taking on their trades onto its own balance sheet, according to Goldman Sachs.


    On a practical level, buying yuan forwards means the PBOC wouldn’t drain yuan liquidity out of the system as it would otherwise by buying its own currency in the spot market. Policy makers cut interest rates and the reserve-requirement ratio in August, partly to replenish the funds drained during intervention.


    “If you have a transaction that settles down the road, the actual liquidity impact in the short term may not be as dramatic,” said Citigroup’s Englander. “Down the road you can’t avoid it.”

    In the simplest possible terms (although really, this isn’t that complex a transaction to begin with), they’re just kicking the can in an effort to control the optics around the deval, which would be fine if everyone realized what’s going on, but rest assured they do not, because no matter how many Bloomberg or WSJ articles are published on the subject, the market (or the machines) will still read the headline figures and make a snap judgement about the extent to which the pressure on the yuan has mitigated. 

    At the end of the day, the takeaway is simply this: the narrative around Chinese capital outflows is extraordinarily important right now, and indeed, it’s influencing the Fed’s reaction function. Even as Beijing doesn’t necessarily want the Fed to raise rates, the PBoC doesn’t want to lose complete control of the narrative either, which is why you can expect to see more efforts on China’s part to mitigate near-term FX reserve burn, even if it means stacking the deck against the yuan down the road. And really, who can blame them? The entire world is involved in the largest can-kicking experiment of all time, so why should China’s central bank be any different?

  • Did Paul Volcker 'Save' A System That Was Simply Not Worth Saving?

    Submitted by Bill Bonner & Partners (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

    Disappearing Growth

    Investors are regaining their calm. A few weeks ago, it looked as though the end of the world had begun. We are talking, of course, about the world in which credit, stocks, and central bank reputations only go up.


    Eccles Building

    Fated to eventually become a house of ill repute: the Mariner Eccles building (Fed board HQ)

    Photo credit: AgnosticPreachersKid

    But after a big fright in August, investors recovered their relaxed madness. They concluded that there was nothing to worry about. They may be right. You never know. But our guess is that the end of the world has already begun… and they just can’t face it.



    The SPX, monthly – a proxy for the seemingly never-ending asset bubble. What if the end of the party is already here and people have just not noticed yet? – click to enlarge.


    Since the end of World War II, credit has been expanding in the U.S. At first, it was a healthy expansion. Young, middle-class families took out mortgages and ran up bills on “charge cards,” such as Diners Club and American Express.

    Then, in the late 1950s, came the first credit cards. This was accompanied by large increases in consumer credit. Until the 1970s, all was well, because wages were rising, too. And with so much new technology coming online, people believed their wages could only increase.

    Debt was no problem – neither for the nation nor for households. We would “grow our way out of it.” But a strange – and as yet not fully understood – new trend began in the 1970s. After accounting for inflation, incomes for most Americans dramatically tapered off.


    2-debt, debt and GDP

    Total credit market debt, federal debt and GDP – a non-problem on its way to becoming an intractable problem … – click to enlarge.


    The economy was slowing, too, after taking the effects of inflation into account. At first, this was thought to be temporary – a fluke, perhaps caused by the 1973 oil crisis. But the trend toward lower economic growth continued. Decade after decade, the trend in GDP growth was down. In most parts of the U.S., GDP per person peaked in the 1970s or 1980s.

    Remarkably, the average American working man earns less today than he did a half century ago (again, accounting for changes in consumer price inflation). That is not the same as saying that a person with a good job earns less today than he did in the 1960s.

    According to Census Bureau figures, the average inflation-adjusted wage for Americans in the top 5% of earners is up by more than 75% since 1967. Women earn a lot more, too.

    But good jobs have become scarce. The labor participation rates – the number of people who have jobs or are looking for jobs as a percentage of the people who are of working age – is at its lowest level since 1977.


    3-Labor force participation rate

    Labor force participation rate – at its lowest level since 1977. Something is clearly amiss – click to enlarge.


    Debt Goes Sour

    But although economic growth and most people’s incomes slipped, debt (the flip side of credit) kept growing. This was Stage II – the unhealthy phase of the credit expansion. No longer backed by broad-based wage increases, debt was expanding beyond the capacity of the economy – and borrowers – to repay it.

    Now we were asking for trouble. You may be wondering how this was possible. Why would lenders extend credit to people who couldn’t pay back? The answer: The fix was in.

    In 1971, President Nixon dramatically transformed the global monetary system. Under the previous Bretton Woods system, the dollar was backed by gold. And the major global currencies traded at fixed rates to the dollar… and by extension to gold.

    This meant a nation couldn’t get too far into debt… especially when it came to its trading partners. Trade surplus nations – which amassed dollars in return for net exports to the U.S. – could ask to redeem their dollars in gold. This caused gold to leave the overspending nation and flow to the creditor nation.

    That’s how the U.S. got so much gold in the first place. France and Britain spent more than they could afford on World War I. The U.S. sold them food, weapons, and fuel… and demanded gold in repayment. But by the 1960s, the shoe was on the other foot.

    The U.S. started spending money on both “guns and butter” – a Great Society at home and a war in Vietnam. Much of the spending to fund the war in Vietnam ended up as dollars in the hands of Vietnamese branches of French banks.

    French president de Gaulle warns of the dollar-centric monetary system that was leading to enormous debt growth and would one day lead to an uncontrollable crisis. He started coming for his gold shortly thereafter, ultimately exposing the fact that dollars were no longer fully backed by gold.


    And when, in 1965, president Charles de Gaulle sent the French navy across the Atlantic to pick up $150 million worth of gold in exchange for dollars, it was greeted like a long-lost relative at the reading of the will.

    Finally, with gold being airlifted from Fort Knox to meet foreign demands for payment, rather than honor Washington’s promise to convert dollars to gold, Nixon panicked and defaulted. Henceforth, anyone holding dollars was on his own …

    Nixon announces that the US will default on the gold exchange standard by “temporarily” suspending gold convertibility, while raising tariffs concurrently. Essentially he was telling a whole bunch of lies in the process, while proudly parading his appalling economic ignorance. This was called the “Nixon shock”. We’re not sure if people were more shocked about the lies or the ignorance, but surely many people must have wondered if it was April 1 instead of early August.


    “Tall Paul” Takes Over

    It all would have gone bad very fast. By April 1980, the annual rate of consumer price inflation was running at almost 15%. Gold soared as high as $800 an ounce. It looked as though Nixon’s new fiat money system would go off the rails soon – as all previous experiments with paper money had.

    Instead, in 1979, President Carter appointed Paul Volcker as Fed chairman. Volcker stepped in front of the runaway train and commanded it to halt. And it did. By January 1981, “Tall Paul” jacked up the federal funds rate – the key lending rate in the economy – not to 2%… or 4%… or even 8%. He set it at 19% – and placed the train squarely on the tracks again.

    We remember the howls of discontent. Volcker was “stifling the economy,” said the politicians. He was “killing jobs,” said the newspapers. He was causing “the worst downturn since the Great Depression,” said the economists. But Volcker didn’t budge. And when Ronald Reagan entered the White House in 1981, he backed Volcker.



    Paul Volcker applied tough medicine for about two years, but by the time he became Fed chairman, US true money supply growth had already been declining sharply for two years running. In other words, the main driver of price inflation was already in retreat when he entered the scene. Later, in 1982, he produced the biggest one year surge in the broad money supply aggregate TMS-2 that had been seen since the war, a feat never again repeated. While he fended off assorted yammering politicians in the first two years of his chairmanship, it is a good bet this was actually a mock battle to pull the wool over the eyes of the hoi-polloi. We won’t be able to shake his firmly cemented reputation as an “inflation fighter”, but it is not nearly as deserved as is commonly assumed. Plus, as Bill Bonner notes below, in the best case he saved a system simply not worth saving.

    Photo credit: John Duricka / AP


    Volcker announced his intention to squeeze inflation out of the system soon after he became Fed chairman. Bonds – which do well when inflation is low – should have rallied. Investors should have raced to lock in roughly 10% yield available on the 10-year Treasury note. Instead, bonds price fell… and bond yields rose.

    Then, as now, people were not aware – or were not willing to believe – that a major change had occurred. It wasn’t until 1982 that the bond market turned; finally, investors realized that it was a new world. Volcker saved the system. Bond yields – and interest rates – have been coming down ever since.

    Too bad he didn’t save a better system. Not many men can resist the appeal of free money. Americans proved they were no better at it than others. Falling interest rates and the paper dollar gave them a way to impoverish themselves – by spending money they hadn’t earned.

    They took the opportunity offered to them. They borrowed and spent… and drove the entire world forward at a furious pace. But now that stage is over.



    The “stability” of the “scientific monetary policy” in one stark image.

    Investors only realized in late 1981/early 1982 that the era of rising CPI inflation had ended – a reaction delayed by nearly two years. Something similar could well be happening now – an era is ending, they just don’t know it yet – click to enlarge.

  • From Russia With Love: Assad Unexpectedly Visits Putin In Moscow

    On Tuesday, we noted how absurd it is for Saudi foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir to suggest that it will be “difficult” for Iran to play a part in “resolving” Syria’s years-old civil war. Here’s how we put it yesterday:

    It’s rather strange for the Saudis to make statements like “it will be difficult for Iran to play a role in finding a solution to the conflict.” We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but Iran is already playing a role in finding a “solution” – they’re summarily wiping out the groups funded by the Saudis on the way to restoring the regime. If anyone is going to have a “difficult” time playing a part, it’s the Saudis. 

    That same logic applies to the US and any of Washington and Riyadh’s regional allies.

    With each passing day, the opportunity for the West and the Sunni axis to have some say in Syria’s political future slips away. As we’ve said on a number of occasions, Russia isn’t going to risk the lives of her troops and spend who knows how many tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars only to have the West dictate the terms of any political “transition” which may or may not take place once the smoke has cleared. 

    Indeed, several Western powers and some of the regional backers of the Sunni extremist groups battling the regime have already admitted that Assad may have to remain in power during a “transitional” period. 

    Now that Iranian ground troops are poised to take Aleppo in what amounts to a final push to restore Assad’s grip over the country, The Kremlin is already looking at how to go about shaping the country’s political future as Assad traveled to Moscow in what the media says is his first foreign visit since the start of the civil war. At a meeting with Putin, the two leaders discussed the “political process” and reviewed the progress in the fight against “international terrorists.” Here’s Bloomberg with more:

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad held talks in Moscow with President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday in his first known foreign visit since the civil war erupted in 2011, underscoring the growing Russian role in the four-year conflict.


    Almost a month into a Russian bombing campaign in support of Assad’s forces, Putin told the Syrian leader during the unannounced visit to the Kremlin that “there have been some major positive results in this fight” against the “international terrorists” battling government forces, according to a transcript released by Russia’s government.


    Ending the crisis requires “a political process with the participation of all political forces, ethnic and religious groups,” Putin said in comments shown on Russian state television on Wednesday. Assad, thanking Russia for its assistance, said the fight against “terrorism” is the “obstacle against any true political steps that could be taken on the ground.”


    Sami Nader, head of the Beirut-based Levant Institute for Strategic Affairs, said the trip to Moscow was Assad’s first foreign visit since the Syrian conflict began with an uprising against the regime in Damascus, and pointed to future Russian strategy ahead of any peace talks.


    It’s “Russia’s way of saying he is in our pocket, he is our asset and we will decide whether to keep him,” Nader said. “This is for sure a preparation for a deal and one more attempt by the Russians to embolden their bargaining position.”

    And so, just as we said from the beginning, Moscow’s move to muscle the West out of the way militarily has led directly to Russia hijacking the political negotiations as well.

    In short: Washington and its regional allies will be allowed to participate in a discussion with The Kremlin, but that’s as far as it goes. Russia will decide Syria’s political future in consultation with Iran and given the strategic importance for Tehran of ensuring that there’s a “friendly” government operating in Damascus, you can bet that whatever the solution ends up being, Washington, Riyadh, Ankara, and Doha will most assuredly not like it. 

    To the victor go the spoils.

    For now, we’ll close with one quote from Sergei Karaganov, dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics, and one amusing picture which we’ll leave it to readers to caption (note the ear-to-ear grins). 

    “The message to the world is that Russia solves problems and you don’t. If you want to solve problems, work with us.” 


  • Goldman Is Getting Nervous: "There Are Significant Risks To Our Forecast For Gold Price Weakness"

    When it comes to assets, economists, Wall Street, and central planners love them all… except one: gold. Forget about Bernanke’s hilarious sworn testimony that gold has “value only due to tradition”, and recall Mario Draghi’s QE announcement in December 2014 when asked what sorts of assets should be included in QE, his response: “we discussed all assets BUT gold.”

    Well of course the ECB will never buy gold – by its very nature, the precious metal stands for everything the legacy insolvent regime patched together with the superglue of money printing central-bankers, hates: prudent use of money and leverage, living within one’s means, and most importantly, saving not spending. Gold applied to the current regime where the world is drowning in about 3.5 times more debt than GDP would mean wiping out trillions in equity value that should not exist.

    It also makes impossible such monstrous abortions as $1 quadrillion in global derivatives which, like a house of cards, is only as strong as the weakest counterparty, and is why central banks around the globe have gone all in on the Greenspan/Bernanke/Yellen/Draghi put, and will never allow another major bank to fail again.

    Ironically, while the “very serious”, if laughable and totally discredited people, take every opportunity to bash gold, they are quietly buying up all the physical gold they can find, whether it is in London (where the local vaults are practically empty), or in Beijing or Bombay, which are the largest natural sources of demand for physical gold.

    Lately these same “serious” people are starting to get nervous, because while most other “commodities” have seen their prices plummet in the biggest crash since Lehman, gold just went green for the year. And the last thing the financial system, already teetering on the edge of global recession, can handle is another massive momentum wave out of “intangible” assets and into very real gold, like what happened in 2010 and 2011 before the BIS ended gold’s meteoric rise in September 2011.

    Enter Goldman, which moments ago admitted that while its “base case is still for higher US real interest rates, lower gold”, it may be wrong adding that “while our base case remains for higher US real rates and lower gold prices, there are significant risks that our forecast for gold price weakness is pushed out, should the Fed surprise us and remain on hold in December.”

    From Goldman’s Max Layton

    Gold has rallied by almost 8% since its July lows, leaving the price flat over the 2015 calendar year to date, which represents substantial outperformance relative to most other commodity prices (see chart below). Indeed, prices are near our forecast as we expected only a gradual decline in prices in 2015 (please see Central banks stall a more bearish gold outlook, published January 25, 2015).




    The rebound in the gold price was associated with a strong pickup in comex net speculative positioning (Exhibit 7). In July, August and early September, the net speculative long position build was associated with short covering of comex speculative positions, but more recently the rise in net speculative positioning has been associated with both new gold long positions and further short covering (Exhibit 8).


    Actually, no. The biggest reason for the recent surge in gold is a direct consequence of the Fed losing credibility, and confirming yet again that the market calls all the shots, even it means debasing the dollar and sacrificing the reserve currency. In other words, it means that the more Yellen avoids renormalizing monetary policy – and since she is trapped, even the most modest rate hike will lead to an immediate rate cut and/or QE, just like in the Japan experience from August 2000, the higher gold will rise.

    Goldman admits as much:

    Looking ahead, our economists continue to expect a 25 basis point rate hike at the December FOMC meeting, and for a further 100 basis points of rate increases during 2016. The Fed leadership has signaled that such a move is likely if the economy and markets evolve broadly as expected, and our economists’ forecast is similar to theirs. However, they are only about 60% confident. Most of the uncertainty relates to the possibility that the economic and market environment – or in a broad sense, “the data” – will be worse than the FOMC’s (and our) expectations.


    The low market-implied probability of a December hike of only 30%-40% probably reflects a mixture of concerns about the data (which we find reasonable) and a belief among some market participants that the FOMC will find an “excuse” to stay on hold even if the economy does fine (which we find unreasonable). The low market-implied probability is not a problem now, but Fed officials will need to find a way to move it much higher by the time of the meeting if they really do want to hike.


    The Fed’s rationale for wanting to start the normalization process is straightforward. In their view, labor market slack has diminished substantially, the link between slack and inflation is stronger than widely believed, and the funds rate is far below the longer-term equilibrium rate, so they need to get started well before the economy is back to normal.

    Goldman also finally admits that 7 years after it started, central-planning is not going quite as planned, with the biggest “risk” being another major move higher in the price of gold:

    While our base case remains for higher US real rates and lower gold prices, there are significant risks that our forecast for gold price weakness is pushed out, should the Fed surprise us and remain on hold in December.

    So in light of all this information, what does the TBTF hedge fund with the FDIC backstop want you to do? Why sell it to Goldman of course!

    Indeed, notwithstanding the fact that the “new normal” equilibrium in interest rates remains uncertain, a plausible range of scenarios all imply lower gold prices. Overall, our forecasts are unchanged, however we roll our forecasts along the existing price forecast path, such that our 3/6/12-month forecasts are $1,100/oz, $1,050/oz, and $1,000/oz, respectively.

    Right – so Goldman, which has been almost as wrong about its “economic recovery” forecasts as the Fed, not only is confident that “this time” it will get it right, but that gold will plunge even though in the sentence right before it the central banker-spawning hedge fund admits there as “significant risks” that its gold forecast will be “pushed out”… which is economist talk for “wrong.”

    And just in case Goldman is wrong, it would love to rid you of any barbaric relic you may currently have. So run, sell it all now, before it plummets to $1,000 or lower in the coming months. You won’t even have to look far for a willing seller: Goldman will buy all you have to sell.

  • Martin Armstrong Explains How To Create A Fairer System

    Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,

    This is the problem with taxation. Major public corporations can move their tax domicile offshore to avoid taxes legally. The average person cannot move his labor offshore to lower his taxes, which is a disadvantage we must address with tax reform. VAT is far worse than a sales tax. Every person in the chain must collect and file paperwork. It must require three times the number of people to administer such a system compared to a point of sales tax collection.

    But that issue aside, there should be ABSOLUTELY NO income taxes whatsoever. That not only eliminates government having to track everything, but it also eliminates the whole movement of capital solely for tax purposes. This is unfair, for the average person cannot send their labor offshore to avoid taxation without moving. Even then, that would only get an American the first $100,000 tax-free; after that, it would be subjected to U.S. income tax.

    The Founding Fathers of the United States revolted over taxation without representation. We are back to that now, for we are being taxed to pay interest to service debts from the last two generations. We had no right to vote on that spending, which took place before we were born. This is not a democratic process.

    There should be ONLY a retail sales tax EXCLUSIVELY for local government.

    Federal government should be prohibited from imposing ANY tax and it should be barred from borrowing money. The local tax will naturally be checked by the free market, for if they keep raising taxes, businesses will move to the next town and there goes the jobs. This will help to restrain government on a more practical level.

    Moreover, there should be NO PUBLIC SCHOOLS. All schools should be private for then there will be no mismanagement, crazy pension failures, or tax hikes to line their pockets. Schools should be by voucher and run by private industry just like Catholic schools, which were always known for having better education in the States.

    It is the teachers and their unions who have ruined society, as taxes are imposed on property and people cannot afford to retire in their home where they raised a family. They are forced to sell because they cannot afford taxes that never stop and only rise. PROPERTY TAXES must also be abolished.

    *  *  *

    Our problem is the total mismanagement of government. They promise and award themselves all sorts of perks, which reduces the quality of life for everyone else. We must look at the cause and that is the seriously flawed design of the financial-economic-governmental system.

  • Can Trump Be Stopped?

    Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

    Three months ago, this writer sent out a column entitled, “Could Trump Win?” meaning the Republican nomination.

    Today even the Trump deniers concede the possibility.

    And the emerging question has become: “Can Trump be stopped? And if so, where, and by whom?”

    Consider the catbird seat in which The Donald sits.

    An average of national polls puts him around 30 percent, trailed by Dr. Ben Carson with about 20 percent. No other GOP candidate gets double digits.

    Trump is leading Carson in Iowa, running first in New Hampshire, crushing the field in Nevada and South Carolina. These are the first four contests. In Florida, Trump’s support exceeds that of ex-Governor Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio combined.

    If these polls don’t turn around, big time, Trump is the nominee.

    And with Thanksgiving a month off, then the Christmas season, New Year’s, college football playoffs and NFL playoffs, the interest of the nation will drift away, again and again, from politics.

    Voting begins Feb. 1 in Iowa. Super Bowl Sunday is Feb. 7. And the New Hampshire primary will likely be on Tuesday, Feb. 9.

    We are only three months out, and Trump still holds the high cards.

    After months of speeches and TV appearances, he is a far more disciplined campaigner and communicator. In a year when a huge slice of the nation is disgusted with political correctness, wants to dethrone the establishment, wipe the slate clean and begin anew with someone fresh, Trump is in the pole position.

    His issues — secure the border, send illegal immigrants back, renegotiate rotten trade deals that shipped our jobs abroad — are more in tune with the national mood than pro-amnesty, Obamatrade or NAFTA.

    Wall Street Journal conservatism is in a bear market.

    Trump says he will talk to Vladimir Putin, enforce the nuclear deal with Iran, not tear it up on Inauguration Day, and keep U.S. troops out of Syria. And South Korea should pay more of the freight and provide more of the troops for its own defense.

    A nationalist, and a reluctant interventionist, if U.S. interests are not imperiled, Trump offers a dramatic contrast to the neocons and Hillary Clinton, the probable Democratic nominee. She not only voted for the Iraq war Trump opposed, but she helped launch the Libyan war.

    The lights are burning late tonight in the suites of the establishment tonight. For not since Sen. Barry Goldwater won the California primary in 1964 have their prospects appeared so grim.

    Can Trump be stopped?

    Absent some killer gaffe or explosive revelation, he will have to be stopped in Iowa or New Hampshire. A rival will have to emerge by then, strong enough and resourced enough to beat him by March.

    The first hurdle for the establishment in taking down Trump is Carson. In every national poll, he is second. He’s sitting on the votes the establishment candidate will need to overtake Trump.

    Iowa is the ideal terrain for a religious-social conservative to upset Trump, as Mike Huckabee showed in 2008 and Rick Santorum in 2012.

    But Carson has preempted part of the Evangelical and social conservative vote. Moreover, Sen. Ted Cruz, an anti-establishment man, is working Iowa and has the forensic abilities to rally social conservatives.

    Should Trump fall, and his estate go to probate, Cruz’s claim would seem superior to that of any establishment favorite.

    Indeed, for an establishment-backed candidate — a Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal — to win Iowa, he must break out of the single-digit pack soon, fend off Cruz, strip Carson of part of his following, then overtake Trump. A tall order.

    Yet, the battle to consolidate establishment support has begun. And despite his name, family associations, size of his Super PAC, Jeb has lost ground to Marco Rubio. Look to Marco to emerge as the establishment’s last best hope to take down Trump.

    But if Trump wins in Iowa, he wins in New Hampshire.

    The Iowa Caucuses then, the first contest, may well be decisive. If not stopped there, Trump may be unstoppable. Yet, as it is a caucus state where voters stick around for hours before voting, organization, intensity and endless labor can pay off big against a front-runner.

    In Iowa, for example, Ronald Reagan was defeated by George H. W. Bush in 1980. Vice President Bush was defeated by Bob Dole and Pat Robertson in 1988. Reagan and Bush I needed and managed comeback victories in New Hampshire. One cannot lose Iowa and New Hampshire.

    Thus, today’s task for the Republican establishment.

    Between now and March, they must settle on a candidate, hope his rivals get out of the race, defeat Trump in one of the first two contests, or effect his defeat by someone like Carson, then pray Trump will collapse like a house of cards.

    The improbabilities of accomplishing this grow by the week, and will soon start looking, increasingly, like an impossibility – absent the kind of celestial intervention that marked the career of the late Calvin Coolidge.

  • Saudi Arabia Will Be Broke In 5 Years, IMF Predicts

    As crazy as it sounds, the Saudis are going broke.

    Of course you wouldn’t know it if you read the account of King Salman’s latest visit to Washington which included booking the entire DC Four Seasons and procuring a veritable fleet of Mercedes S-Class sedans.

    You’d also be inclined to think that everything is fine if you simply looked at SAMA holdings (i.e. FX reserves) which still total nearly $700 billion. 

    The problem however, is the outlook. 

    Fighting wars costs money and so does bribing the citizenry to ensure you don’t get some kind of Arab Spring-type uprising. When you endeavor to artificially suppress the price of the export that is the source for your wealth and international prestige (all in an epic attempt to bankrupt the competition and secure geopolitical “ancillary benefits”) you don’t do yourself any favors from a financial perspective and now, the Saudis are staring down a massive budget deficit and a current account that’s in the red for the first time in ages.

    So while things may look on the up and up from an FX reserve perspective (even as the cushion is at its lowest level since 2013) and while the kingdom has plenty of capacity to borrow with a debt-to-GDP ratio of just a little over 2%, things are about to get ugly very quickly going forward and if Riyadh decides to plunge headlong into Syria’s civil war, it will only get worse. Note that while debt levels are likely to stay low relative to a world where countries like Japan are borrowing so much that the number of decimal places won’t even fit into a title, going from basically 0% to ~16% of GDP in the space of just 24 months isn’t exactly a good sign:

    The situation is in fact so dire that the Saudis have begun delaying payments to contractors in an effort to preserve cash. 

    On Wednesday, the IMF is out with a new report on the economic outlook for the Mid-East and the picture for the Saudis is not pretty. In short, Riyadh will burn through its cushion in less than 5 years under current conditions. Here’s more: 

    Sharply lower oil prices have significantly affected the fiscal prospects of oil exporters across MENA and the CCA.1 The Brent oil price is projected to average $53 a barrel in 2015, down from almost $110 a barrel in the first half of last year. Exporters’ fiscal balances have turned from sizable surpluses to large deficits, with MENA and CCA export revenues dropping by $360 billion and $45 billion, respectively, this year alone.



    For oil exporters, the main policy issue is fiscal adjustment and rebuilding buffers over the medium term. The Brent oil price is projected to recover only modestly to about $66 a barrel by the end of the decade, with MENA and CCA export receipts remaining $345 billion and $30 billion, respectively, below the 2014 level, even in 2020. In the absence of adjustment, fiscal balances will remain in deep deficit in most countries, with public debt ratios rising rapidly (red lines in Figure 4.2). 



    Even under the IMF baseline scenario, however, public debt ratios will continue to rise in many GCC and CCA exporters (blue lines in Figure 4.2). In a number of countries, mediumterm fiscal balances will fall well short of the levels needed to ensure that an adequate portion of the income from exhaustible oil and gas reserves is saved for future generations (Figure 4.3). Bahrain, Oman, and Saudi Arabia have medium-term fiscal gaps of some 15–25 percentage points of non-oil GDP, while conflict-torn Libya has a gap of more than 50 percent of non-oil GDP. 


    The large and sustained drop in oil prices has increased fiscal vulnerabilities in MENA and CCA oil-exporting countries. The issue of fiscal space has become critical as oil exporters decide how quickly to adjust their fiscal policies to the new reality of persistently lower oil prices. This box considers several alternative measures of fiscal space. A good starting point is the size of governments’ financial assets—commonly referred to as “fiscal buffers.” In general, countries with larger buffers can afford to maintain fiscal deficits further into the future, so as to reduce the impact of lower oil prices on growth. On current trends, however, all non-GCC MENA oil exporters are already projected to run out of liquid financial assets in the next three years (see Chapter 1). In, contrast, CCA oil exporters have at least 15 years’ worth of available financial savings,1 while GCC countries are split evenly between countries with relatively large buffers (Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates—more than 20 years remaining) and countries with relatively smaller buffers (Bahrain, Oman, and Saudi Arabia—less than five years).

    As a refresher, here’s BofAML’s sensitivity analysis which shows how long Riyadh’s SAMA reserves will last under various scenarios for crude prices and debt issuance:

    One important takeaway from the above is that if the Saudis were to burn through their reserves it would represent a nearly $700 billion global liquidity drain as Riyadh dumps its USD-denominated assets. That would amount to a complete reversal of the petrodollar virtuous circle that’s underwritten decades of dollar dominance and which has served to underpin the global economic order for as far back as most market participants can remember. 

    And while it’s by no means a foregone conclusion that oil prices will remain “lower for longer” as the Saudis are to a certain extent the masters of their own destiny in that regard, one thing worth noting is that not only is Iranian supply set to come back online, but Tehran seems determined to supplant Riyadh as regional power broker. Both of those eventualities will have very real consequences for crude prices and thus for the future of The House of Saud.

  • Undermining Property Rights In San Francisco

    Submitted by Pater Tenebrarum via,

    Expanding the Regulatory State with the “Anti Airbnb Measure”

    The best thing one can say about “Proposition F” is that it will be up to voters to decide on its adoption. However, it actually shouldn’t be up to them, because it concerns an issue that is really none of their business.

    Here is what it is about in a nutshell: as noted in this article, if the proposition is adopted, “you will be able to do anything in your bedroom, except rent it” (sic). Meaning, if one has a spare bedroom one occasionally rents out to travelers via Airbnb, one will in future no longer be able to do so – by law.



    San Francisco: a nice place, but housing and rental prices have become unaffordable for many people

    Photo credit: Alex Zyuzikov

    In short, other people will now decide what one can or cannot do with one’s own property. Given that this particular use of property doesn’t infringe on anyone else’s property rights in the slightest, there should not even be a debate over whether it should or shouldn’t be “allowed”.

    So what is behind this push to make life difficult for Airbnb, countless tourists and countless people who make a little money on the side with the help of Airbnb? In all likelihood it is a well-connected established business lobby. The main suspects are hotel owners, whose businesses are under threat from Airbnb’s competition.

    What makes this case especially bizarre are the utterly transparent lies used to argue in favor of adopting the measure, in combination with San Francisco’s terrible housing reality. Note that the interests that are actually behind the proposition are craftily hiding behind the “little guy” (whom they are about to trample on). As an aside, it should be seen as a huge red flag that Dianne Feinstein is all for it as well.



    Consumers love it: Airbnb


    According to the article linked above:

    “The measure would impose additional restrictions on short-term rentals. Supporters can claim to be the little guys because the deep-pocketed opposition — headlined by the home-sharing technology platform Airbnb — has $8 million to bury the less than $400,000 raised by the “yes” campaign, according to proponent Dale Carlson. Prop F does have high-profile supporters, notably Sen. Dianne Feinstein, but when the other side outspends you by a 20-1 ratio, you can call yourself the underdog.


    The No on F folks also stand for the little guy (or gal) who rents out a guest room to make ends meet. San Francisco Supervisor Scott Wiener says he opposes the measure because more and more of his constituents rely on Airbnb. Many are women, often older women, who are “house poor” and presently could not afford to buy the homes they bought years ago. They don’t want to take on a full-time roommate; they also enjoy the energy young travelers bring with them. “The one thing they have is that spare bedroom,” Wiener told the San Francisco Chronicle’s editorial board last month. If Prop F is approved, “they are going to get thrown under the bus.”


    The “yes” folks have a populist message. Former San Francisco City Attorney Louise Renne put it this way: “The short-term rentals, in my view, are reducing the housing stock.” Tourists don’t belong in residential neighborhoods, the “yes” side adds. Speculators are buying properties so that they can cash in by setting up pseudo-hotels that aren’t up to code. Something must be done.


    The “yes” side’s remedy, however, threatens to cut into the income of middle-class residents — people like architect Kepa Askenasy, who told me last year she was “just trying to survive in this beautiful city and do it in a way that’s positive for everybody.” Because City Hall adopted legislation championed by former Supervisor David Chiu, she registered with the city and pays the 14 percent hotel tax. Airbnb now pays about $1 million each month in taxes. Askenasy is proud that the San Francisco startup also threw in some $25 million that would have been levied as taxes if the Chiu legislation had taken effect earlier. Now, she said Thursday, critics should give the new rules time to work.


    What really frosts Askenasy is that a small group of city big shots wants to cut into her side business on the grounds that there is not enough affordable housing. City Hall failed to ensure there would be more homes for working residents. Large-scale developers did not build those homes. Somehow the proponents of Prop F are blaming the sharing economy — that is, entrepreneurial San Franciscans — for a housing shortage.”

    (emphasis added)

    As noted above, this “housing shortage” argument cannot be called anything but a brazen, transparent lie. Given house prices and rental prices in San Francisco, there can be only one reason for the housing shortage: over-regulation that is keeping the housing stock too small. One wonders moreover, if spare bedrooms can no longer be legally rented out, how exactly is this going to increase the housing stock?

    We were unable to find out what the proponents of the measure have in mind in this context. Perhaps the “city big shots” plan to have them confiscated, so they can decide who should stay there? After all, the property rights of their owners will already be violated, so surely they can be violated some more.

    Given that regulations are undoubtedly co-responsible for the fact that housing in SF has become unaffordable for average people (the Fed’s insane monetary policy is admittedly the chief culprit), how are even more regulations going to do the trick? Regarding the affordability of housing in SF, we are not exaggerating one bit: consider this story of a software engineer who is living in the streets in a rusty van because SF rents are simply out of this world.



    Median San Francisco home prices compared to California and nation-wide prices (by Paragon Real Estate) : a bubble for the history books.


    Apart from the fact that the proposition is an attempt to restrict the property rights of people and their ability to earn an additional income that they actually rely on and need in many cases, the point about tourism shouldn’t be neglected either. No back-pack tourists can possibly afford to stay in this hyper-expensive burg without the help of services like Airbnb. As the article notes:

    Keith Freedman rents out a spare bedroom and a Murphy bed in his apartment’s living room. He told me, “Most of the guests I get couldn’t afford to come to San Francisco and stay in a hotel.” Gag Airbnb and San Francisco becomes a town for well-heeled tourists only. If Prop F is approved, big government will dictate what people cannot do in their own bedroom – rent it out.

    (emphasis added)



    We have ceased to live in a free market economy a long time ago. The only sector of the economy that has managed to remain relatively free in many ways is the technology sector, because it innovates so rapidly that it tends to stay a step or two ahead of politicians and the oligarchies giving them their orders. They simply cannot catch up quickly enough with regulating all these innovations to death.

    Lately technology has begun to invade the turf of a number of established service businesses, such as banking (think Bitcoin, and now Bitgold as well), taxi services (Uber) and hospitality services (Airbnb). This provides us all with a reminder of how free market capitalism is actually supposed to work. In the market economy, no successful entrepreneur can rest on his laurels. He can be deposed from his exalted position at anytime by a start-up competitor offering a better or cheaper (or both) product to consumers.

    Should horse breeders and buggy whip manufacturers have been protected from the motor car? Should the inept US Post Office have been protected from the evils of email and instant messaging? The answer to such questions seems obvious enough. Why should an exception be made for taxis and hotels?

    Note here that such measures as a rule see nominally “capitalist” cronies and assorted socialists/collectivists happily working together: the former because they want to use the State to preserve their income by force, the latter because they want to stop economic progress, as they hope this will increase the number of State-dependents voting for them.

    Do not fall for their snake oil.


    save us

    Unfortunately a great many people don’t understand that asking the government for “help” is simply going to invite more of the same.

  • ISIS, Al-Qaeda Contemplate Syrian Militant Merger Amid Russian Advance: Kremlin

    If you’re looking to close on an M&A deal, now might be the time to do it before the cost of capital starts to rise. Sure, “liftoff” might have been delayed by a month (or 12) but you have to do your due diligence and make sure there are enough synergies to make it worth everyone’s time and effort.

    Critically, you’d hate to miss an opportunity to strike a potentially accretive deal while capital markets are still favorable, especially if you’ve recently found yourself in a compromising position vis-a-vis competitors. 

    We suppose the above helps to explain why, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, ISIS and al-Qaeda are contemplating a merger in the face of, how shall we say, “new entrants” in the race for Syrian market share. 

    Here’s more from RT:

    The Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday its intelligence had overheard Islamic State commanders talking to Al-Nusra Front about uniting forces against the Syrian Army.

    And that’s just fine with Moscow because unlike Washington, Riyadh, and Doha, The Kremlin is an equal opportunity extremist eliminator. Here’s the latest on Russia’s airstrikes

    In the course of the last 24 hours, aircraft of the Russian air group in the Syrian Arab Republic have performed 46 combat sorties engaging 83 terrorist facilities in the Hama, Idlib, Damascus, Aleppo and Deir ez-Zor provinces.


    Near Aleppo, a facility of the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist grouping with workshop for manufacturing of radio-controlled bombs as well as a depot with explosives were destroyed.


    After a pinpoint strike with guided air bombs and further detonation of explosives, the facility and 2 trucks, which had delivered tens of tons of explosives, were destroyed.


    Near Khan Shaykhun settlement located in the al-Ghab plain, a large field camp of the Jabhat al-Nusra grouping was detected by the air reconnaissance. An airstrike conducted by a Su-25 attack aircraft eliminated the terrorist object with all its facilities: accommodation and training areas of militants, as well as depots, automobile vehicles.


    In the Idlib province, a command-surveillance centre of the ISIS militants located on the Seryatel mountain was uncovered by reconnaissance UAVs. It used to carry out the control over the illegal armed groups at the battlefield as well as fire adjustment for mortar crews of militants. A strike of a Su-24M bomber aircraft hit the target.

    Yes, “it used to”, but not anymore. Here are the visuals.

    The question we have is this: will Washington (and the US media) still classify al-Nusra as “moderate” if they ally themselves with ISIS in the battle against the Russian “infidels?” And further, to the extent Riyadh and Doha (and perhaps Ankara) may be aiding al-Nusra, will that assistance continue in the event the group pulls off a militant merger with Islamic State?

    Of course perhaps the most critical question of all is this: if al-Nusra and ISIS merge, how many people will be laid off after the deal?

    And further, is the job market in Langley, Virginia robust enough to accommodate the new job seekers? 

  • Truth Is Being Suppressed By The Tools Of Money

    Excerpted from Artemis Capital Management letter to investors,

    Dorothy Thompson once said “peace is not the absence of conflict”. Never forget there is a form of peace and stability reinforced by a foundation of underlying volatility. Game theorists call this the paradox of the Prisoner’s Dilemma, and it describes a dangerously fragile equilibrium achieved only through brutal competition. The Prisoner’s Dilemma is the most important paradigm for understanding shadow risk in modern financial markets at the pinnacle of a multi-generational debt cycle unparalleled in the history of finance.

    In their masterwork tapestry entitled “Allegory of the Prisoner’s Dilemma” the artists Diaz Hope and Roth visually depict a great tower of civilization that rests upon a bedrock of human cooperation and competition across history. The artists force us to confront the fact that after 10,000 years of human civilization we are now at a cross-roads. Today we have the highest living standards in human history that co-exist with an ability to destroy our planet ecologically and ourselves through nuclear war. We are in the greatest period of stability with the largest probabilistic tail risk ever.

    The majority of Americans have lived their entire lives without ever experiencing a direct war and this is, by all accounts, rare in the history of humankind. Does this mean we are safe from the risk of devastating conflict on our own soil?

    In 1961, at the height of the Cold War, a B-52 bomber carrying two Mark 39 thermonuclear bombs accidentally crashed in rural North Carolina. A low technology voltage switch was the only thing that prevented a 4-megaton nuclear bomb with 250 times the yield of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima from detonating on American soil. In addition to killing everyone within the vicinity of the blast, the winds would have carried radioactive fallout over Washington D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York City. It is not inconceivable to imagine that, at the height of cold war, a weapon of that magnitude exploding randomly on the eastern seaboard would have triggered immediate accidental retaliation against the Soviets resulting in full scale Armageddon and the end of humankind as we know it. This is just one of many nuclear accidents during the cold war.

    Peace has a dark side. Peace can exist due to hidden conflict in the Prisoner’s Dilemma.

    Global Capitalism is trapped in its own Prisoner’s Dilemma; fourty four years after the end of the Bretton Woods System global central banks have manipulated the cost of risk in a competition of devaluation leading to a dangerous build up in debt and leverage, lower risk premiums, income disparity, and greater probability of tail events on both sides of the return distribution. Truth is being suppressed by the tools of money. Market behavior has now fully adapted to the expectation of pre-emptive central bank action to crisis creating a dangerous self-reflexivity and moral hazard. Volatility markets are warped in this new reality routinely exhibiting schizophrenic behavior. The tremendous growth of the short volatility complex across all assets, combined with self-reflexive investment strategies, are creating a dangerous ‘shadow convexity’ that will fuel the next hyper-crash.

    Central banks in the US, Europe, Japan, and China now own substantial portions of their own bond or equity markets.  We are nearing the end of a thirty year “monetary super-cycle” that created a “debt super-cycle”, a giant tower of babel in the capitalist system. As markets now fully price the expectation of central bank control we are now only one voltage switch away from the razors edge of risk.  Do not fool yourself – peace is not the absence of conflict – peace can exist on the very edge of volatility. 

    The middle class is unknowingly trapped in the Prisoner’s Dilemma and this is perhaps our greatest non-linear risk as a nation. America is built on the promise of upward mobility but that promise is increasingly becoming a lie.  Wealth inequality is at the highest level in 100 years and close to levels last achieved before the 1928 crash that led to the Great Depression.

    Today the top 0.1% of households now control an equivalent amount of the wealth as the bottom 90%. Since 1973, real family income for the top 1 percent has grown over 150% while incomes for the lowest 20% of earners has remained stagnant. The median household income adjusted for inflation in 2011 was just below its level from 1989 and $4,000 lower than in the year 2000.

    The illusion of a middle class prosperity has been sustained via low interest rates, consumer debt, and globalization.  Instead of helping the problem, accommodative monetary policy has accelerated this pace of income inequality in the US.

    “Economic inequality has long been of interest within the Federal Reserve System” said Janet Yellen during a April 2015 speech. Yellen has repeatedly argued that accommodative monetary policy reduces income inequality by lowering unemployment. While it is true that unemployment has declined, her conclusion assumes that lower wealth inequality and lower unemployment are correlated in some kind of linear fashion. In reality, the wealth gap peaked the year before the Great Depression started when the country was close to full employment and the joblessness rate was only 2.08%. The point is that full employment with extreme income disparity can and often does co-exist. If we measure the average income in a hypothetical village of 100 people, 99 of which have minimum wage jobs, the last of which is Warren Buffett, who employs the rest, you have income disparity and full employment. To this extent, Yellen’s argument that lowering unemployment somehow decreases the wealth gap is illogical. During Yellen’s September 17th, 2015 press conference she alludes to a mysterious academic paper that somehow proves otherwise, but I looked everywhere and couldn’t find that paper. I do have a non-academic paper entitled “Common Sense” that takes a very different view.

    Yellen’s treatment of the wealth gap problem is an example of mistakenly linearizing a non-linear problem. The Bernanke-Yellen Fed has achieved a linear decline in unemployment via exponential growth in the monetary base. When asset prices increase in a non-linear fashion the top 1% of wealthy families that own real estate, stocks, bonds, and have access to low rates will benefit disproportionately. When the middle class earns a dollar, they spend that dollar on goods and services that reach the real economy. When the top 1% earns a dollar that money is likely to be reinvested in assets.

    As a result, we have seen non-linear inflation in asset prices but no significant inflation in real wages or core CPI. With no wage inflation, global central banks are inclined to continue their rotation of devaluation further exacerbating this mad cycle and encouraging an even greater income gap and vast political risk. The policies of the Fed have simply exchanged nonlinear expansion of the wealth gap in exchange for a linear decline in the unemployment rate.

    What is clear is that Janet Yellen would make a terrible derivatives trader because she just does not seem to understand that you cannot hedge a nonlinear risk with the linear benefit. The current monetary experiment, left unchecked, will inevitably threaten the very fabric of our democracy. 

    The global economy is suffering from a cancer of debt-deflation, income inequality, and low growth. Instead of treating the root cause, policy makers have treated the symptom of asset price declines. Whenever the patient feels weak an increasing amount of policy drugs are required to maintain the illusion of stability to the point where the patient is addicted to the painkillers.

    In all instances, policy intervention has generated a short-term market fix at the expense of addressing the longer-term fundamental problems.


    The Federal Reserve has expanded its balance sheet $4.5 trillion to create middle class jobs but instead has incentivized asset bubbles and the highest wealth concentration since before the Great Depression.  The European Central Bank and Bank of Japan are pursuing quantitative easing to drive up asset prices rather than addressing the core issues of structural reform and weak demographics that are causing their deflation. European institutions rely on last minute ‘bail-outs’ and quantitative easing to avoid debt default while ignoring the necessary fiscal and philosophical integration required to make a unified Europe a success. China is struggling to shift from an export driven economy to a consumption driven economy despite decelerating growth, total debt growing four times faster than GDP, and the valuation of the Shanghai Composite at levels comparable to 2007.


    How does spending an estimated 10% of GDP, including $263 billion in direct stock market intervention, coupled with cheap real estate loans to build ghost cities, fundamentally address any of China’s real problems?

    The root cause of the cancer is never confronted and as a result, the fundamental health of the patient does not improve. Neither the doctors nor the patient wish to face the reality that difficult and painful therapy is needed to destroy the cancerous leverage in the system. The inevitable result of this denial will be the death of the patient.

  • Who Really Controls Iraq? Inside Iran's Powerful Proxy Armies

    When social media began to light up with pictures of Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani rallying Shiite militiamen and Hezbollah soldiers ahead of Russia and Iran’s joint effort to retake the city of Aleppo, some wondered where all of these fighters came from. After all, even though the IRGC has now all but admitted it sent soldiers to Syria for the offensive, it wasn’t as if the entire Iranian army marched in overnight and if you believe the reports from the frontlines, the ground force marching on Syria’s largest city looks quite a bit different from the depleted SAA which was all but decimated just two months ago. 

    Those who have frequented these pages lately know exactly where those troops came from. Some are Hezbollah fighters and the rest were ordered to the Syrian frontlines from Iraq by Soleimani himself. We predicted this would happen months ago and now that the social media selfies are beginning to show up, everyone now seems to be gradually discovering the plan we outlined in “Mid-East Coup: As Russia Pounds Militant Targets, Iran Readies Ground Invasions While Saudis Panic.” Here’s WaPo for instance:

    Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s elite Quds forces and the public face of Iran’s military intervention in the region, has ordered thousands of Shiite militiamen into Syria for an operation to recapture Aleppo, according to officials from three Iraqi militias.The militiamen are to join Iranian troops and forces from Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shiite militia, the officials said. The Iraqi Shiite militia Kitaeb Hezbollah has sent around 1,000 fighters from Iraq, one said.


    The Lebanese group Hezbollah and the Quds Force, which is part of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, have also sent reinforcements, he said. Last week, a U.S. defense official said hundreds of Iranian troops were near the city in preparation for an offensive.


    “It’s not a secret. We are all fighting against the same enemy,” said Saidi.


    His militia released a photo of Soleimani, the Quds Force commander, with its fighters near Aleppo on one of its social media accounts last week.


    “The operation is an extension for our operations in Iraq because it’s the same enemy, and when we hit them there it means that it will get results in Iraqi lands,” the Kitaeb official said. Soleimani “specifically requested they go there for the launch of the operation for Aleppo,” he said.

    But this is more than some general calling in favors from fanatical Khamenei followers operating across the border.

    The Shiite militias called to the fight in Syria control Iraq.


    Take for instance the recent battle to recapture the Baiji refinery from ISIS. Although badly damaged, the site has both strategic and symbolic significance and even as the victory was claimed by the Iraqi army, there were more Shiite militiamen fighting than Iraqi regulars. Here’s The New York Times:

    A spokesman for Shiite militias said that several thousand Shiite militiamen were fighting in and near Baiji, which is more than the estimated number of Iraqi soldiers also fighting there. 

    Tehran’s control of the militias mirrors Iran’s influence on Iraqi politics. Although PM Haider al-Abadi certainly wouldn’t put it in these terms, Iraq is now for all intents and purposes a large Iranian colony, an ironic twist of fate given Saddam’s invasion of Iran 35 years ago. 

    We bring all of this up because Tehran’s influence in Iraq will be one of the key issues going forward once Russia and Iran retake Western Syria for Assad. Once the regime’s key strongholds are secured, it seems very likely that Russia will begin bombarding ISIS positions in the East while Iran’s Shiite militias will simply drive Islamic State out of Syria and right over the border into Iraq where fighters from the very same militias will be waiting with weapons at the ready. ISIS will, in effect, be encircled. 

    It’s with all of that in mind that we bring you the following excerpts from a new Reuters feature report entitled “Power failure in Iraq as militias outgun state.” 

    Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, a Shi’ite, came to office just over a year ago backed by both the United States and Iran. He promised to rebuild the fragmented country he inherited from his predecessor, Nuri al-Maliki, who was widely accused of fueling sectarian divisions. Since then, though, even more power has shifted from the government to the militia leaders.


    Those leaders are friendly with Abadi. But the most influential describe themselves as loyal not only to Iraq but also to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Three big militias – Amiri’s Badr Organisation, Asaib Ahl al-Haq and Kataib Hezbollah – use the Iranian Shi’ite cleric’s image on either their posters or websites. Badr officials describe their relationship with Iran as good for Iraq’s national interests.


    Initially, Abadi had little choice but to lean on the Shi’ite paramilitary forces. They grew in power after Sunni extremist group Islamic State captured large parts of northern Iraq in June last year and Iraq’s top Shi’ite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, called for volunteers to fight Islamic State, which soon declared a caliphate straddling the border with neighbouring Syria.


    As the Shi’ite militias’ popularity surged, Abadi publicly lamented the lack of Western support. He made plain his desperate desire for help earlier this month after Iran and Russia opened offensives against the group in Syria. The prime minister said he would welcome Russian air strikes in Iraq as well. Abadi is looking not just to hurt Islamic State but to bolster his own position in Iraq.


    The Shi’ite militias, which dominate most frontlines, say they support the government and pose no threat to Iraq’s minority Sunni sect. The Popular Mobilisation Committee, or Hashid Shaabi, as the militias are collectively known, belongs “to the Iraqi government,” said Naim al-Aboudi, a spokesman for the Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia. “The Hashid doesn’t represent a sect. It represents all Iraqis.”


    But the militias make no secret of their independence from Baghdad. Militia leader Amiri warned in a televised interview last month that if the Shi’ite groups did not approve of U.S. military operations in Iraq, “We can go to Abadi and the government and … pressure them: ‘Either you will do this, or we will do that.’” Amiri did not specify what action his group would take.


    Abadi took office facing many challenges. He inherited a military that had all but collapsed. Three months before he became prime minister, Islamic State overran the army in Mosul, the largest city in the north. At its height, the militant group, which has used rape as a weapon of terror and executed Iraqi Shi’ites and Christians, controlled nearly a third of Iraq.


    Early on, Abadi struggled to work out what was left of the army and federal police. “There wasn’t really a good picture of how many soldiers, how many police he really had, and who the hell is really on the rolls,” said Lieutenant

    General Mick Bednarek, the senior U.S. military officer in Iraq from 2013 until July. Bednarek said Abadi and his defence minister worked hard on the issue and by November last year recognised the military was “ill prepared and lacking in leadership.”


    Abadi also turned to the militias for support. “He doesn’t like it,” said Bednarek, who retired in late August. “But he has to, because Iraqi security forces can’t do it alone.”


    The Hashid Shaabi now commands more than 100,000 fighters. On paper, it receives over $1 billion from Iraq’s state budget. Two Iraqi officials said the militias get additional funding from other sources, including Iran, religious clerics and political figures, but declined to give details. U.S. military officials believe large amounts of funding come from Iran.


    The Shi’ite militias have also made inroads within the government security apparatus.


    The Fifth Iraqi Army Division now reports to the militias’ chain of command, not to the military’s, according to several U.S. and coalition military officials. The division rarely communicates with the Defence Ministry’s joint operation command, from which Abadi and senior Iraqi officers monitor the war, the officials said.


    Iraqi security officers, Iraqi politicians and U.S. and Western military officers say the Interior Ministry has become another militia domain. The ministry came under the influence of Shi’ite militias previously, in 2005, and was accused of running death squads.


    Today it is run by Mohammed Ghabban, a senior member of the Badr militia. Badr fighters fought alongside Iranian soldiers in the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war. 

    One of the most important things to understand about this is that the US largely supports (in public at least) the Shiite militias fighting ISIS in Iraq. After all, to not support them publicly would be to support ISIS publicly and as we’ve seen, the US is hell bent on keeping up the charade that Washington hasn’t and isn’t providing aid to extremists. 

    Indeed, these are the same Shiite militias who dropped off an Abrams tank in the Green Zone for service last week. 

    And so you can begin to see just how absurd the situation is. The US is now supplying anti-tank weapons and other munitions to the rebels fighting in Aleppo and those weapons are being used to kill these very same Shiite militiamen who are driving US tanks, fighting alongside the Iraqi army, and indirectly receiving US assistance just across the border in Iraq.

    So thanks to Washington’s twisted foreign policy, they are friends on one side of the Syria-Iraq border and mortal enemies on the other.

    Of course they’re fighting ISIS in both countries. So what accounts for the Pentagon’s schizophrenia you ask? Simple: Bashar al-Assad doesn’t run Iraq. 

    We leave it to readers to speculate on what will happen once Assad is restored and ISIS vanquished. That is, Iran’s Shiite militias pretty much are the Iraqi military and they also effectively control the government, so once there’s no longer an excuse (i.e. ISIS) for the US to stick around, we wonder whether Washington will be content to simply cede the country it “liberated” to the Ayatollah. 

    Here are some recent images of the Shiite militias the Quds Force controls in Iraq:

  • VRX a sign of collapse of the greed bubble

    Companies used to build things.  Not because they were noble, but because they had no other choice.  Selling snake oil simply wasn’t possible on a large scale, for a long time; in the previous economy.  Now, like during the dot com boom, all you need is a phone, a website, and a power point machine.  Actual sales, or an actual product, it’s so 80’s.

    Today shares for VRX “Valeant” Pharmaceuticals was haled 4 TIMES:

    Valeant is using “a network of phantom captive pharmacies” connected to Philidor, with the same management and phone numbers, to create false sales and avoid auditor scrutiny, Citron alleged in its report.

    Valeant has released a statement responding to the allegations, noting that Philidor provides back-end services to and shares a call center with the “phantom” pharmacies such as R&O Pharmacy that Citron referenced. Shipments to pharmacies in Philidor’s network are not recorded in the company’s revenue, and inventory at these pharmacies is not included in consolidated inventory balance, according to the statement.

    But the good news for investors, this will make a monumental class action lawsuit, which are already starting to pile up from leading firms.  But this begs the question, are the markets going to be unwound in court?  Will the final trade be in a courtroom – not on a trading floor?

    How many more VRX are out there – hiding just under the noses of honest investors, in plain sight?  

    Or, is it the rules of the stock market, that ‘force’ companies to behave in such a way, in order to keep their past investors afloat?  

    Words such as “Enron style accounting” and the “Pharmaceutical Enron” are not an encouraging sign of stability:

    Valeant Pharmaceuticals has been crushed by investors after short-selling research-firm Citron called it the “pharmaceutical Enron.”

    The stock fell 39% before Valeant called Citron’s claims “erroneous.” That stopped the bleeding, but the stock still fell 19% to close the day at around $118 per share. Just two months ago, the stock was trading above $250.

    Citron alleged Valeant improperly benefited from a business relationship with Philidor, a pharmacy that distributes drugs for specialty pharmacies. Citron says Valeant filed fake invoices with Philidor to make its revenue appear greater than it is. Valeant is Philidor’s only customer, Citron points out.


    In a release Wednesday, Valeant said that Philidor is a legitimate distribution network through which Valeant sells some of its products.

    At least if the stock market is moving to the courtroom, we can still trade Forex!

    And yes – of course there are companies that build things – but their stock is selling for much greater times than it should be, due to their use of free QE money and Goldman derivatives.

  • QE vs Negative Rates: A Cost-Benefit Analysis Of The Monetary Twilight Zone

    The world may be at (or near) ZIRP, and in many cases mostly in Europe, NIRP, but that does not mean rates can not go any lower. In fact, the topic of “absolute zero”, or what is the very lowest interest rate central banks can go to, either outright via negative rates or synthetically via asset monetization, is the topic of the latest note by DB’s Abhishek Singhania titled “In search of absolute zero: why ZIRP central banks can still cut rates.”

    In the past month the Fed finally confirmed what we said in January, namely that it is only a matter of time before NIRP crosses the Atlantic and lands in the Marriner Eccles building, the one section in the report we found most interesting is DB’s comparison of the cost-benefit between QE and negative rates.

    And since either NIRP, or QE, or most likely both, are about to cross the Atlantic and make landfall in the US before the Fed
    is forced to launch the monetary helicopter, those who want to know what is
    really coming – no, not rate hikes – are urged to read this.

    Negative rates versus QE, a cost benefit analysis

    If there is more room for policymakers to cut rates further into negative territory, what are the pros and cons versus other monetary policies?

    1. Financial stability risks: Where an economy is highly leveraged or financial conditions loose, there may be an advantage to pursuing negative rates over asset purchases, at least in the short term. Asset purchases are designed to push down term premia and hence borrowing costs for the real economy. As we have seen, negative rates could actually help to reduce leverage by encouraging banks to raise borrowing costs. On the other hand, if central banks were to commit to keep rates negative for long periods, expectations of negative rates could become embedded and result in lower long term yields resulting in similar financial stability concerns.

    2. Assets available for unconventional QE: Further cuts to deposit rates may be more attractive where an economy does not have enough assets to sustain a large-scale asset purchase program. In the case of Sweden, for example, the Riksbank asset purchase program will have bought 20% of outstanding Swedish government bonds by the end of the year. Switzerland’s outstanding stock of government debt is even smaller. This is particularly problematic where buying other assets would have unwanted side-effects, such as the Riksbank buying covered bonds and exacerbating housing market risks.

    In the Eurozone, despite the concerns voiced by some ECB members over liquidity in Eurozone government bond markets, the ECB has much more room on a relative basis to extend its asset purchase program. At the very least the ECB can extend the current purchase programme by 12 months to Sep-17 without expanding the range of eligible assets or changing other parameters of the programme10.

    A related but different concern would be where central bank balance sheets have become sufficiently large for them to become concerned about capital losses. This is only a theoretical constraint, as a central bank could in practice operate with negative capital. In the case of Switzerland, however, concern over losses arising from a large balance sheet played an important role in the decision to abandon the open ended FX intervention.

    3. FX or credit conditions channel. Negative rates have tended to be a highly effective tool for weakening currencies. Short-end rates are more correlated to currency movements than long-end rates, likely because FX investors tend to fund positions using overnight or short-end rates rather than further down the curve (chart 31).


    Negative rates have also proved to be more effective that outright currency intervention. The contrasting experiences of Switzerland  and Denmark serve to underline this point. SNB’s approach of targeting the size rather than price of reserves failed to alleviate pressure on the EUR/CHF floor. It was only until the SNB finally cut rates into deeply negative territory that pressure on the Swiss franc has relented, and the currency has begun to depreciate. By contrast, the Nationalbank was able to effectively defend the peg between the Danish krone and euro by aggressively cutting rates at the same time as currency intervention.


    Negative rates appear to be much less effective in relaxing credit conditions in the overall economy. As we have noted, the experience of the four economies under negative rates suggests that borrowing costs may actually rise, not fall, for households once negative rates are implemented. Moreover, insofar as markets do not expect negative rates to be permanent, pass-through into assets with longer maturities may be limited.

    Finally, as Praet has argued, the impact of asset purchases in reducing term premium and via the portfolio rebalancing channel is likely to be maximized when the central bank has reached a lower bound11. In the absence of a floor on front-end rates and the potential for further rate cuts the scope for potential capital gains on fixed rate assets reduces the incentive for investors to move further out along the maturity and credit spectrum.

    4. Fragmentation: In the Eurozone case, deeply negative rates in combination with an active expansion of the ECB balance sheet may be additionally problematic. The excess reserves created via asset purchases are likely to flow back to banks in the core countries. This would imply that the burden of negative rates will be excessively borne by banks in the core countries. Making the deposit rates more negative would not necessarily incentivize banks in core countries to lend to banks in periphery as the opportunity cost for these banks will be the difference between market rates and the deposit facility rate rather than the absolute level of negative rates. This spread is already minimal and likely to get even smaller as excess liquidity increases.

    * * *

    In retrospect, when we said that NIRP is the functional equivalent of the the “Monetary Twilight Zone”, we were right: not only is there no getting out, but once you are in absolutely nothing makes sense any more. Good luck to anyone who still believes that “fundamentals” matter when making financial decisions.

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Today’s News October 21, 2015

  • Who on Wall Street is Now Eating the Oil & Gas Losses?

    Wolf Richter

    Banks, when reporting earnings, are saying a few choice things about their oil-and-gas loans, which boil down to this: it’s bloody out there in the oil patch, but we made our money and rolled off the risks to others who’re now eating most of the losses.

    On Monday, it was Zions Bancorp. Its oil-and-gas loans deteriorated further, it reported. More were non-performing and were charged-off. There’d be even more credit downgrades. By the end of September, 15.7% of them were considered “classified loans,” with clear signs of stress, up from 11.3% in the prior quarter. These classified energy loans pushed the total classified loans to $1.32 billion.

    But energy loans fell by $86 million in the quarter and “further attrition in this portfolio is likely over the next several quarters,” Zions reported. Since the oil bust got going, Zions, like other banks, has been trying to unload its oil-and-gas exposure.

    Wells Fargo announced that it set aside more cash to absorb defaults from the “deterioration in the energy sector.” Bank of America figured it would have to set aside an additional 15% of its energy portfolio, which makes up only a small portion of its total loan book. JPMorgan added $160 million – a minuscule amount for a giant bank – to its loan-loss reserves last quarter, based on the now standard expectation that “oil prices will remain low for longer.”

    Banks have been sloughing off the risk: They lent money to scrappy junk-rated companies that powered the shale revolution. These loans were backed by oil and gas reserves. Once a borrower reached the limit of the revolving line of credit, the bank pushed the company to issue bonds to pay off the line of credit. The company could then draw again on its line of credit. When it reached the limit, it would issue more bonds and pay off its line of credit….

    Banks made money coming and going.

    They made money from interest income and fees, including underwriting fees for the bond offerings. It performed miracles for years. It funded the permanently cash-flow negative shale revolution. It loaded up oil-and-gas companies with debt.

    While bank loans were secured, many of the bonds were unsecured. Thus, banks elegantly rolled off the risks to bondholders, and made money doing so. And when it all blew up, the shrapnel slashed bondholders to the bone. Banks are only getting scratched.

    Then late last year and early this year, the hottest energy trade of the century took off. Hedge funds and private equity firms raised new money and started buying junk-rated energy bonds for cents on the dollar and they lent new money at higher rates to desperate companies that were staring bankruptcy in the face. It became a multi-billion-dollar frenzy.

    They hoped that the price of oil would recover by early summer and that these cheap bonds would make the “smart money” a fortune and confirm once and for all that it was truly the “smart money.” Then oil re-crashed.

    And this trade has become blood-soaked.

    The Wall Street Journal lined up some of the PE firms and hedge funds, based on “investor documents” or on what “people familiar with the matter said”:

    Magnetar Capital, with $14 billion under management, sports an energy fund that is down 12% this year through September on “billions of dollars” it had invested in struggling oil-and-gas companies. But optimism reigns. It recovered a little in October and plans to plow more money into energy.

    Stephen Schwarzman, CEO of Blackstone which bought a minority stake in Magnetar this year but otherwise seems to have stayed away from the energy junk-debt frenzy, offered these words last week (earnings call transcript via Seeking Alpha):

    “And people have put money out in the first six months of this year…. Wow, I mean, people got crushed, they really got destroyed. And part of what you do with your businesses is you don’t do things where you think there is real risk.”

    Brigade Capital Management, which sunk $16 billion into junk-rated energy companies, is “having its worst stretch since 2008.” It fell over 7% this summer and is in the hole for the year. But it remained gung-ho about energy investments. The Journal:

    In an investor letter, the firm lamented that companies were falling “despite no credit-specific news” and said its traders were buying more of some hard-hit energy companies.

    King Street Capital Management, with $21 billion under management, followed a similar strategy, losing money five months in a row, and is on track “for the first annual loss in its 20-year history.”

    Phoenix Investment Adviser with $1.2 billion under managed has posted losses in 11 months of the past 12, as its largest fund plunged 24% through August, much of it from exposure to decomposing bonds of Goodrich Petroleum.

    “The whole market was totally flooded,” Phoenix founder Jeffrey Peskind told the Journal. But he saw the oil-and-gas fiasco as an “‘unbelievable potential buying opportunity,’ given the overall strength of the US economy.”

    “A lot of hot money chased into what we believe are insolvent companies at best,” Paul Twitchell, partner at hedge fund Whitebox Advisors, told the Journal. “Bonds getting really cheap doesn’t mean they are a good buy.”

    After the bloodletting investors had to go through, they’re not very excited about buying oil-and-gas junk bonds at the moment. In the third quarter, energy junk bond issuance fell to the lowest level since 2011, according Dealogic. And so far in October, none were issued.

    And banks are going through their twice-a-year process of redetermining the value of their collateral, namely oil-and-gas reserves. Based on the lower prices, and thus lower values of reserves, banks are expected to cut borrowing bases another notch or two this month.

    Thus, funding is drying up, just when the companies need new money the most, not only to operate, but also to service outstanding debts. So the bloodletting – some of it in bankruptcy court – will get worse.

    But fresh money is already lining up again.

    They’re trying to profit from the blood in the street. Blackstone raised almost $5 billion for a new energy fund and is waiting to pounce. Carlyle is trying to raise $2.5 billion for its new energy fund. Someday someone will get the timing right and come out ahead.

    Meanwhile, when push comes to shove, as it has many times this year, it comes down to collateral. Banks and others with loans or securities backed by good collateral will have losses that are easily digestible. But those with lesser or no protections, including the “smart money” that plowed a fortune into risks that the smart banks had sloughed off, will see more billions go up in smoke.

    Next year is going to be brutal, explained the CEO of oil-field services giant Schlumberger. But then, there are dreams of “a potential spike in oil prices.” Read… The Dismal Thing Schlumberger Just Said about US Oil

  • Things Are Getting Scary: Global Police, Precrime, & The War On Domestic "Extremists"

    Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be an anti-government extremist (a.k.a. domestic terrorist) in the eyes of the police.

    As such, you are now viewed as a greater threat to America than ISIS or al Qaeda.

    Let that sink in a moment.

    If you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution (namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign), you have just been promoted to the top of the government’s terrorism watch list.

    I assure you I’m not making this stuff up.

    Police agencies now believe the “main terrorist threat in the United States is not from violent Muslim extremists, but from right-wing extremists.”

    A New York Times editorial backs up these findings:

    Law enforcement agencies around the country are training their officers to recognize signs of anti-government extremism and to exercise caution during routine traffic stops, criminal investigations and other interactions with potential extremists. “The threat is real,” says the handout from one training program sponsored by the Department of Justice. Since 2000, the handout notes, 25 law enforcement officers have been killed by right-wing extremists, who share a “fear that government will confiscate firearms” and a “belief in the approaching collapse of government and the economy.”

    So what is the government doing about these so-called terrorists?

    The government is going to war.


    Only this time, it has declared war against so-called American “extremists.”

    After decades spent waging costly, deadly and ineffective military campaigns overseas in pursuit of elusive ISIS and al Qaeda operatives and terror cells (including the recent “accidental” bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan that left 22 patients and medical staff dead), the Obama administration has announced a campaign to focus its terror-fighting forces inwards.

    Under the guise of fighting violent extremism “in all of its forms and manifestations” in cities and communities across the world, the Obama administration has agreed to partner with the United Nations to take part in its Strong Cities Network program. Funded by the State Department through 2016, after which “charities are expected to take over funding,” the cities included in the global network include New York City, Atlanta, Denver, Minneapolis, Paris, London, Montreal, Beirut and Oslo.

    Working with the UN, the federal government will train local police agencies across America in how to identify, fight and prevent extremism, as well as address intolerance within their communities, using all of the resources at their disposal.

    What this program is really all about, however, is community policing on a global scale.

    Community policing, which relies on a “broken windows” theory of policing, calls for police to engage with the community in order to prevent local crime by interrupting or preventing minor offenses before they could snowball into bigger, more serious and perhaps violent crime. The problem with the broken windows approach is that it has led to zero tolerance policing and stop-and-frisk practices among other harsh police tactics.

    When applied to the Strong Cities Network program, the objective is ostensibly to prevent violent extremism by targeting its source: racism, bigotry, hatred, intolerance, etc.

    In other words, police—acting ostensibly as extensions of the United Nations—will identify, monitor and deter individuals who exhibit, express or engage in anything that could be construed as extremist.

    Consider how Attorney General Loretta Lynch describes the initiative:

    As residents and experts in their communities, local leaders are often best positioned to pinpoint sources of unrest and discord; best equipped to identify signs of potential danger; and best able to recognize and accommodate community cultures, traditions, sensitivities, and customs.  By creating a series of partnerships that draws on the knowledge and expertise of our local officials, we can create a more effective response to this virulent threat.

    Translation: U.S. police agencies are embarking on an effort to identify and manage potential extremist “threats,” violent or otherwise, before they can become actual threats. (If you want a foretaste of how “extreme” things could get in the U.S.: new anti-terrorism measures in the U.K. require that extremists be treated like pedophiles and banned from working with youngsters and vulnerable people.)

    The government’s war on extremists, of which the Strong Cities program is a part, is being sold to Americans in much the same way that the USA Patriot Act was sold to Americans: as a means of combatting terrorists who seek to destroy America.

    For instance, making the case for the government’s war on domestic extremism, the Obama administration has suggested that it may require greater legal powers to combat violent attacks by lone wolves (such as “people motivated by racial and religious hatred and anti-government views” who “communicate their hatred over the Internet and through social media”).

    Enter the government’s newest employee: a domestic terrorism czar.

    However, as we now know, the USA Patriot Act was used as a front to advance the surveillance state, allowing the government to establish a far-reaching domestic spying program that has turned every American citizen into a criminal suspect.

    Similarly, the concern with the government’s anti-extremism program is that it will, in many cases, be utilized to render otherwise lawful, nonviolent activities as potentially extremist.

    Keep in mind that the government agencies involved in ferreting out American “extremists” will carry out their objectives—to identify and deter potential extremists—in concert with fusion centers (of which there are 78 nationwide, with partners in the private sector and globally), data collection agencies, behavioral scientists, corporations, social media, and community organizers and by relying on cutting-edge technology for surveillance, facial recognition, predictive policing, biometrics, and behavioral epigenetics (in which life experiences alter one’s genetic makeup).

    This is pre-crime on an ideological scale and it’s been a long time coming.

    For example, in 2009, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released two reports, one on “Rightwing Extremism,” which broadly defines rightwing extremists as individuals and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely,” and one on “Leftwing Extremism,” which labeled environmental and animal rights activist groups as extremists.

    Incredibly, both reports use the words terrorist and extremist interchangeably.

    That same year, the DHS launched Operation Vigilant Eagle, which calls for surveillance of military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, characterizing them as extremists and potential domestic terrorist threats because they may be “disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war.”

    These reports indicate that for the government, anyone seen as opposing the government—whether they’re Left, Right or somewhere in between—can be labeled an extremist.

    Fast forward a few years, and you have the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which President Obama has continually re-upped, that allows the military to take you out of your home, lock you up with no access to friends, family or the courts if you’re seen as an extremist.

    Now connect the dots, from the 2009 Extremism reports to the NDAA and the UN’s Strong Cities Network with its globalized police forces, the National Security Agency’s far-reaching surveillance networks, and fusion centers that collect and share surveillance data between local, state and federal police agencies.

    Add in tens of thousands of armed, surveillance drones that will soon blanket American skies, facial recognition technology that will identify and track you wherever you go and whatever you do. And then to complete the circle, toss in the real-time crime centers being deployed in cities across the country, which will be attempting to “predict” crimes and identify criminals before they happen based on widespread surveillance, complex mathematical algorithms and prognostication programs.

    Hopefully you’re getting the picture, which is how easy it is for the government to identify, label and target individuals as “extremist.”

    We’re living in a scary world.

    Unless we can put the brakes on this dramatic expansion and globalization of the government’s powers, we’re not going to recognize this country 20 years from now.

    Frankly, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the landscape has already shifted dramatically from what it was like 10 or 20 years ago. It’s taken less than a generation for our freedoms to be eroded and the police state structure to be erected, expanded and entrenched.

    Rest assured that the government will not save us from the chains of the police state. The UN’s Strong Cities Network program will not save us. The next occupant of the White House will not save us. For that matter, anarchy and violent revolution will not save us.

    If there is to be any hope of freeing ourselves, it rests—as it always has—at the local level, with you and your fellow citizens taking part in grassroots activism, which takes a trickle-up approach to governmental reform by implementing change at the local level.

    Attend local city council meetings, speak up at town hall meetings, organize protests and letter-writing campaigns, employ “militant nonviolent resistance” and civil disobedience, which Martin Luther King Jr. used to great effect through the use of sit-ins, boycotts and marches.

    And then, while you’re at it, urge your local governments to nullify everything the federal government does that is illegitimate, egregious or blatantly unconstitutional.

    If this sounds anti-government or extremist, perhaps it is, in much the same way that King himself was considered anti-government and extremist. Recognizing that “freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed,” King’s tactics—while nonviolent—were extreme by the standards of his day. 

    As King noted in his 1963 “Letter from Birmingham City Jail”:

    [A]s I continued to think about the matter I gradually gained a bit of satisfaction from being considered an extremist. Was not Jesus an extremist in love—“Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, pray for them that despitefully use you.” Was not Abraham Lincoln an extremist—“This nation cannot survive half slave and half free.” Was not Thomas Jefferson an extremist—“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” So the question is not whether we will be extremist but what kind of extremist will we be. Will we be extremists for hate or will we be extremists for love?

    So how do you not only push back against the police state’s bureaucracy, corruption and cruelty but also launch a counterrevolution aimed at reclaiming control over the government using nonviolent means?

    Take a cue from King.

  • Professor Compares Law-Abiding Gun-Owners To Slaveholders, Calls For Them To Be Shot

    Submitted by Alex Thomas via,

    In what will go down as one of the most disgusting, hate filled articles ever published on the hard left clickbait rag, an author and liberal college professor has written a piece that calls for all gun owners to be shot. 

    No, you did not read that incorrectly and this is not hyperbole.

    The article, written by Coppin State University teacher D. Watkins, not only calls for all gun owners to be shot but also ridiculously compares them to slaveholders while claiming that there is no legitimate reason to own a weapon.

    Starting out the article with the writers dreams of charging five thousand dollars per bullet, Watkins then makes his position on gun ownership in America startlingly clear. (emphasis mine)

    Rock was definitely on point, $5000 bullets would be great but I’d take it a step further––I believe that being shot should be requirement for gun ownership in America. It’s very simple. You need to have gun, like taking selfies with pistols, can’t live with out it? Then take a bullet and you will be granted the right to purchase the firearm of your choice.


    If we could successfully implement this rule, I guarantee the mass shootings will stop. Watching cable news now in days makes me physically ill.


    Week in and week out we are forced to learn about another coward, who can’t stand to deal with the same rejection that most of us face–– so they strap themselves with guns and then cock and spray at innocent people. Heartbroken survivors and family member images go viral, as our elected officials remain clueless.

    He then goes on to attack the usual right wing boogeyman (Carson and Trump) before making yet another patently false statement that shows his complete ignorance on the actual facts of gun ownership. Watkins, like so many other clueless authoritarian liberals, simply does not understand gun ownership and its connection to freedom and liberty. (emphasis mine)

    Bullets are extremely hot and they hurt. I saw them paralyze, cut through faces, pierce children and take life. I have friends, relatives and loved ones be gunned down. Guns break apart families and ruin lives.


    Other than giving a coward the heart to stand tall, what’s the positive part of gun ownership? Other than the people in rural areas who use them to hunt for food, I have only seen them destroy, both in the suburbs and in our inner cities.

    Watkins only sees them destroy so the millions and millions of other American citizens who do not share his opinion should be shot!? It’s almost as if Watkins has decided to lift the veil and publish a piece chock full of the actual thoughts that liberal authoritarians share with each other on a regular basis.

    Not wanting to have his call for all gun owners to be shot to be the only unbelievably messed up thing in his hate piece, Watkins then compares all gun owners to slaveholders in a transparent attempt to label those he disagrees with as racists. (a tried and true tactic of the authoritarian left) (emphasis mine)

    Gun praisers are just like the people who were in favor of slavery back in the day – the elite, lazy and ignorant who weren’t being beaten, raped or in the field doing the work, so they were perfectly okay with involuntary servitude, which is a problem and why I think gun owners need to feel more– -they need a taste of the other side.

    Got that gun owners. You are elitists, you are lazy, you are ignorant, and most of all you are like a slaveholder for owning those terrible firearms!

    In case the reader thought that they may had just misread what the author meant in the beginning of the article, Watkins closes by reiterating his belief that all gun owners should be shot. (emphasis again mine)

    So if you love guns, if they make you feel safe, if you hold and cuddle with them at night, then you need to be shot. You need to feel a bullet rip through your flesh, and if you survive and enjoy the feeling­­––then the right to bear arms will be all yours.

    Ironically, this hate piece was published by a news outlet that routinely labels anyone that they disagree with as dangerous, violent racists. Apparently they are not worried about calling for millions of Americans to be shot just as long as those Americans are on the other side of the political isle.

    The above quoted piece is a perfect example of how gun control advocates really feel about millions of America gun owners and should be a wake up call to anyone still on the fence over whether or not gun control fanatics are just calling for “common sense” reform rather than full-scale confiscation and attacks on actual gun owners.

    It is also important to note that the call for gun owners to be shot is possibly tied directly to the recent promotion of Australian style gun control by the mainstream media. Australia initiated a massive mandatory buyback program (also known as confiscation by government force) after a mass shooting and one can imagine Americans would not be so keen to turn in their weapons if a similar law were passed in this country.

    Attempting to implement this type of gun control in the United States is an obvious recipe for civil war and gun owners who refuse to go along with the confiscation would be subject to violence at the hands of the government. (see all gun owners being shot)

    But hey, we are all just crazy right wing extremists for worrying about gun control, even as the media calls for mass confiscation and gun owners across the country to be shot.

  • Furious Germans Stage Massive Anti-Islam Protest: "The Concentration Camps Are Unfortunately Out Of Action"

    Over the past several months, we’ve warned repeatedly that Europe’s escalating migrant crisis threatens to set off a dangerous bout of scapegoating xenophobia. 

    Germany’s open door policy to asylum seekers has effectively been forced on other countries by decree, a move which could very well engender intense and possibly dangerous feelings of nationalism among citizens who disagree with Berlin’s approach to the crisis. We’ve already seen Hungary resort to razor wire fences, water cannons, and tear gas to keep migrants out and Budapest’s move to close its border with Croatia and Serbia has set off a Balkan border battle wherein no one can quite figure out the most efficient way to get the refugees to Germany without allowing their countries to be used as migrant superhighways. 

    Meanwhile, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is beginning to feel the heat at home. Recall the following from AFP

    Germany’s Angela Merkel is used to owning the room when she speaks to her party faithful, but the mood turned hostile when she defended her open-door refugee policy this week.


    In a heated atmosphere, some of the 1,000-odd members at the meeting warned of a “national disaster” and demanded shuttering the borders as Germany expects up to one million migrants this year.


    “Stop the refugee chaos — save German culture + values — dethrone Merkel,” read a banner at the congress late Wednesday in the eastern state of Saxony, the home base for the anti-foreigner PEGIDA movement.

    As Reuters notes, PEGIDA (which stands for Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West,) almost “fizzled out” earlier this year when the group’s leader Lutz Bachmann posted the following picture of himself on Facebook with the caption “He’s Back”:

    Now, thanks to the refugee crisis, PEGIDA is apparently “back” as well, as attendance at the group’s Monday night “gatherings” swells amid the influx of Syrian asylum seekers. Here’s Reuters:

    The German anti-Islam movement PEGIDA staged its biggest rally in months on Monday, sparked into fresh life on its first anniversary by anger at the government’s decision to take in hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East.


    But it has swelled again as Germany implements Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to accept a tide of refugees that could exceed a million this year, as she argues that Germany can not only cope but, with its aging population, will benefit in the long term.


    Police declined to estimate the number of protesters but media put it at 15-20,000, somewhat below a peak of around 25,000 in January. Around 14,000 counter-demonstrators urged people to welcome refugees rather than whip up opposition.


    PEGIDA supporters waved the national flag and carried posters bearing slogans such as “Hell comes with fake refugees” and “Every people should have its country, not every people a piece of Germany”.


    Gathering outside Dresden’s historic opera house, the Semperoper, PEGIDA supporters chanted “Deport! Deport!” and “Merkel must go!”.


    “We’re just normal people who are scared of what’s coming,” said 37-year-old Patrick, a car mechanic. “As a German citizen who pays taxes, you feel like you’re being taken for a ride.”

    And Bachmann was there on Monday, not dressed as Hitler. Here’s what he had to say to the crowd which reportedly handed him bouquets of flowers:

    “Politicians attack and defame us and the lowest tricks are used to keep our mouths shut. We are threatened with death, there are attacks on our vehicles and houses and we are dragged through the mud, but we are still here … And we will triumph!”


    While it’s not entirely clear what “triumph” means in this context, you can get a clue or two by simply taking a look at the following homemade sign which showed up at last Monday’s rally in Dresden:

    More from Deutsche Welle:

    The anti-“Islamization” movement PEGIDA marked its first birthday with a significant resurgence – and what many observers saw as a new radicalization. The new influx of refugees over the summer and a significant backlash against Merkel’s decision to open the borders to Syrians has apparently given the racist elements in the PEGIDA movement new confidence.


    Police put the attendance at Monday’s PEGIDA rally at between 15,000 and 20,000 people, with an equal number of counterdemonstrators, making this the largest turnout since the movement’s previous high point in February. But there was also a new aggression in the crowds: a Saxony police statement said the two sides threw “objects and fireworks” at one another, and said there were several attacks on officers themselves, who deployed pepper spray.


    The media’s attention was particularly drawn to a 25-minute speech by the German-Turkish writer Akif Pirincci, otherwise known for a cat-based crime fiction series and a libertarian blog called “The Axis of Good,” which has often been accused of racism.


    Pirincci’s extraordinary and occasionally vulgar ramble, all read from notes, included references to refugees as “invaders,” politicians as “gauleiters against their own people,” Muslims “who pump infidels with their Muslim juice” and a threat that Germany would become a “Muslim garbage dump.”


    After the crowd responded with shouts of “resistance, resistance,” Pirincci said, “Of course there are other alternatives – but the concentration camps are unfortunately out of action at the moment.” 

    You read that correctly, the man who stood up in front of 10-15,000 people and delivered a 25-minute rant complete with the suggestion that Germany should fire back up the concentration camps writes cat detective novels in his spare time…

    In any event, this is precisely what we meant when we said that feelings of intense nationalism could well lead directly to dangerous bouts of scapegoating xenophobia, and don’t expect anyone at a PEGIDA rally to be persuaded by the argument that the influx of Syrian refugees may help Germany overcome the economic hurdles it will soon face from challenging demographic shifts.

    We’ll leave you with a quote from Hungary’s Viktor Orban and some visuals from Monday’s rally.

    “Spiritually, Islam was never part of Europe. It’s the rulebook of another world.” 



    And more:

  • Hillary Would Be The "Most Disliked" President Ever

    With Joe Biden still undecided, perhaps the following chart will help make up his mind… for, if Hillary (with all her populist platitudes and elitist sponsorship) were to become Queen President, she will be the most unliked (least favorable) in recent history…


    Ironically, there is only one ‘contender’ who ranks lower…


    Source: Bloomberg

  • Europe Secretly Starts Imposing TTIP Despite the Public’s Overwhelming Opposition

    Submitted by investigative historian Eric Zuesse, author of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

    Europe Secretly Starts Imposing TTIP Despite the Public’s Overwhelming Opposition

    The terms of Obama’s proposed TPP ‘trade’ treaty with Asian countries won’t be made public until the treaty has already been in force for at least four years. The terms of Obama’s proposed TISA (Trade In Services Agreement) with 52 nations won’t be made public until the treaty has already been in force for at least five years. Obama’s proposed TTIP treaty with European countries has been so successfully hidden, that even the number of years it will be kept from the public isn’t yet known. Hello, international fascism — all in secret, until too late for the public to do anything.

    But in Europe, things are being rushed, just in case secrecy breaks and the treaty fails to pass. The European Union is already secretly imposing provisions from the secret Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) treaty, even before anyone has signed it, and even before it has been formally approved in any nation. This was revealed over the last weekend in two places:

    On the night of October 17th, Phillip Inman of the online version of the Guardian bannered (in an article that the Guardian  declined to publish in its printed edition), “Prospect of TTIP already undermining EU food standards, say campaigners,” and he reported that,

    Nick Dearden, director of anti-poverty group Global Justice Now, says the EU’s chief trade counsellor, Damien Levie, has let slip that free trade means undermining current minimum standards agreed by the EU.

    Dearden says that according to a report in the  [subscription-only] newsletter Washington Trade Daily, Levie told a conference held by US free market thinktank the Cato Institute [which is owned by America’s passionately anti-regulatory billionaire oil-investors, the Koch brothers] that genetically modified crops and chemically washed beef carcasses were being allowed into the EU ahead of a deal.

    According to the report, Levie said EU member states “have been stepping up case reviews and approving new genetically modified organisms [GMOs] with five new products approved so far”. …

    Levie … told the Cato Institute conference that neither side wants to reach anything less than a comprehensive economic agreement. He conceded the deal could founder on resistance from the US to include financial services in the deal and Washington’s reluctance to open local and state procurement to bids from EU businesses.

    Previously, information that was made public by wikileaks had made clear that in the negotiations over the TTIP, the U.S. has been the most aggresssive nation pushing for the ability of international corporations to shape national laws — this being the position that’s also favored by the Koch brothers.

    On October 18th, Lauren McCauley at Common Dreams headlined “TTIP Already ‘Rewriting the Rule Book’ for EU Food Standards, New Report Finds,” and stated that a progressive British organization, Global Justice Now, issued a study on October 18th, which noted that:

    US officials successfully used the prospect of TTIP to bully the EU into abandoning plans to ban 31 dangerous pesticides with ingredients that have been shown to cause cancer and infertility.

    A similar fate befell regulations around the treatment of beef with lactic acid. This was banned in Europe because of fears that the procedure was being used to conceal unhygienic  practices. The ban was repealed by MEPs in the European Parliamentary Environment Public Health and Food Safety Committee after EU Commission officials openly suggested TTIP negotiations would be threatened if the ban wasn’t lifted.

    On climate change, the European Fuel Quality Directive which would effectively ban Canadian tar sands oil [the world’s worst oil from a global-warming standpoint] has foundered in the face of strong US-Canadian lobbying around both TTIP and the EU-Canada CETA deal.

    As I reported on 2 February 2014:

    [The proposed] Keystone XL Pipeline wouldn’t contribute to U.S. energy-production, but instead to exports of the global-warming-dirtiest oil, from Canada, to Europe and South America. It would transport Alberta Canada’s tar-sands oil — half of which is owned by the Kochs — south to two Koch-owned refineries near the Texas Gulf Coast for transshipment mainly to Europe. President Obama is thus trying to get Europe to relax its anti-global-warming standards to permit their importation of this oil, which is the world’s absolute worst oil from the global-warming standpoint.

    Furthermore, “Currently, most Canadian tar sands exports are mainly limited to the U.S. Midwest market by a lack of transportation infrastructure.” This fact (the lack of “infrastructure” or transportation facilities to move the oil to the international market) keeps down not only the price the Kochs can get for their oil (since it can’t currently be sold on the international market); it also greatly lowers the sheer volume of it that they can sell (at any price), because the local Midwest oil market is small. Keystone XL would thus also enormously increase the annual sales-volume of this currently deeply landlocked oil.

    Moreover, if this filthy oil isn’t sold out fast, it won’t ever be sold at all; and here is why, as explained by no less than the Oil & Gas Sector Analyst at the world’s largest bank (in terms of assets):

    He says, “Between 60 and 80% of current fossil fuel reserves listed on global markets cannot be burned if we are to limit the rise in global temperature to 2 degrees [Celsius, or 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit],” and that’s the temperature-rise 97% of climatologists endorse as being the cut-off point that mustn’t be exceeded if the climate is to avoid going haywire with soaring heat and destroying the planet’s biosphere as humans have always known it.

    So: U.S. President Obama has been aggressively pushing for the largely-Koch-owned Canadian tar-sands oil to be allowed into European markets in order for that portion of their — and Exxon’s, etc. — oil reserves to be sellable at all, because it otherwise might not be.

    The Koch brothers are generally considered to be the biggest fundraisers for the U.S. Republican Party. On 5 January 2012, the Washington Post headlined, “Koch-backed political coalition, designed to shield donors, raised $400 million in 2012” and Matea Gold reported that, “The resources and the breadth of the organization make it singular in American politics,” and that, “Its funders remain largely unknown.” However, one self-admitted member,

    Jack Schuler, a Chicago health-care entrepreneur, attended one of the Kochs’ donor meetings in Beaver Creek, Colo., several years ago and has contributed about $100,000 a year to their efforts since then. “They came across as guys who are putting a lot of their own money into it,” Schuler said. “They are pretty soft-spoken, not screamers or screechers. They provide the leadership, the staff — without the framework, I wouldn’t do it on my own.”

    A large portion of that $400 million went to Republican Mitt Romney’s campaign against Barack Obama’s re-election bid. Obama supports the Kochs financially, though the Kochs preferred the self-declared Republican candidate.

    Thus, apparently, the Kochs have already won Obama’s success at defeating the EU’s fuel-quality standards, even if the TTIP gets turned down. The EU did it without needing to go all the way to put in place and effectuate the TTIP.

    NOTE: The headline to this article says “Despite the Public’s Overwhelming Opposition,” but the publicly available scientific polling on these secret treaties is also being gamed. Early on, the polls had asked respondents whether they approved of “free trade” or other such vagaries, and the public did. Then the polling just stopped, as if that was that, and Obama’s proposed ‘trade’ deals are popular. But the massive public demonstrations, etcetera, since then, against these treaties, have become increasingly clear that, to the extent people actually come to know about Obama’s proposed ‘trade’ treaties (especially in Europe, which isn’t quite as corrupt as is the U.S. and so fewer people are totally in the dark), they’re strongly opposed, and might even revolt violently if that’s the only way to stop the treaty from being approved. News such as you’re reading here has been submitted to the news-media in all Western countries, but only few publish it. The major advertisers have participated in the committees that drafted these treaties, and probably wouldn’t be pleased if their handiworks were known to the public in time to be blocked from going into effect.

  • Offshore-Onshore Yuan Spread At 1-Month Wides Hinting At Outflows As Japanese Stocks 'Mysteriously' Meltup At The Open

    Since China GDP was unleashed, Offshore Yuan (CNH) has weakened significantly relative to Onshore Yuan (CNY). After over 3 weeks of 'stability' with CNY and CNH on top of each other, it appears selling pressure has reappeared suggesting outflows are on the rise (despite PBOC's best efforts to hide/manage them) which may explain why Treasuries were so relatively weak today. The "will-never-learn" Chinese investors pile in once again extending the period of margin debt increases to the most since the peak of the bubble. AsiaPac stocks are mixed with China flat and Japan higher after a mysterious bidder lifted NKY 200 points instantly at the open. China strengthened the Yuan fix after 5 days of weakness.


    Offshore Yuan relative weakness suggest capital outflows are gaining pace once again…


    as PBOC strengthened the Yuan fix for the first time in 6 days…


    which may explain why Treasuries sold off so much today (on a relatively quiet equity day).


    Chinese investors continue to pile into stocks in a leveraged way…


    9th day in a row…


    As Chinese stocks continue limp back towards pre-devaluation levels…


    Japanese Stocks melted up to the 120 USDJPY tractor beam at the open…


    And why would Japanese stocks melt-up? Why disastrous trade data of course!!!!

    • Japan Sept. Exports Rise 0.6% Y/y; Est. +3.8%


    Which can only mean one thing!! More Stimulus, More Devaluatiuon, and More Einsteinian Insanity until it's all over.

    *  *  *

    Oh and with regard China's bond bubble…


    Nope, no bubble there.


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Banks Turn Down Deposits As Stealth NIRP Takes Hold

    Back in February, we noted that NIRP had officially (albeit technically) arrived in the US as JP Morgan announced it was preparing to charge some large institutional customers for deposits. 

    Between the squeeze ZIRP has put on NIM and regulations around so-called “hot money,” banks quite simply do not want certain types of deposits and when trying to talk customers out of putting their money in the bank didn’t work, some financial institutions simply resorted to charging fees.  

    As we discussed months ago, if the cost of funding isn’t zero, banks are no longer interested, which means if the Fed finally does raise short term rates, other sources of funding will be far more attractive. Besides, it’s not as if banks don’t have enough deposits. On the contrary, they’re inundated and deposit to loan ratios have plunged in the post-crisis years. Here’s how we put it earlier this year: So now that the Fed may be finally pushing back on the commercial banks, and telling them that the cost of deposit funding is about to go up, banks themselves are pushing back on the Fed, and signalling that thanks to the trillions in fungible QE liquidity, they don’t care if the Fed hikes rates, as they are now proactively seeking to purge deposits from their balance sheets.

    If you needed still more evidence that what one might call “stealth NIRP” has taken hold in America, consider the following from WSJ:

    U.S. banks are going to new lengths to ward off a surprising threat to their financial health: big cash deposits.


    State Street Corp., the Boston bank that manages assets for institutional investors, for the first time has begun charging some customers for large dollar deposits, people familiar with the matter said. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., the nation’s largest bank by assets, has cut unwanted deposits by more than $150 billion this year, in part by charging fees.


    The developments underscore a deepening conflict over cash. Many businesses have large sums on hand and opportunities to profitably invest it appear scarce. But banks don’t want certain kinds of cash either, judging it costly to keep, and some are imposing fees after jawboning customers to move it.


    The banks’ actions are driven by profit-crunching low interest rates and regulations adopted since the financial crisis to gird banks against funding disruptions.


    The latest fees center on large sums deemed risky by regulators, sometimes dubbed hot-money deposits thought likely to flee during times of crises. Finalized last September and overseen by the Federal Reserve and other regulators, the rule involving the liquidity coverage ratio forces banks to hold high-quality liquid assets, such as central bank reserves and government debt, to cover projected deposit losses over 30 days. Banks must hold reserves of as much as 40% against certain corporate deposits and as much as 100% against some deposits from hedge funds.

    Yes, that’s right, banks are forced to hold either Fed reserves or USTs to guard against the dangers associated with…cash.

    That sounds strange on the surface, but it all comes back to the fact that fractional reserve banking is just one giant ponzi scheme. It’s a confidence game, plain and simple. I, the bank, take your money which I claim you can have back any time you want or need it, and then I go and lend that money out to someone else who might not pay it back for decades, if at all. If you – or, more accurately, a bunch of yous – come beating down the doors all wanting your money back at once, I won’t be able to give it to you because I lent it out to someone else. So the idea is to make banks guard against that possibility by identifying the types of depositors who are likely to come wanting large portions of their money back in a pinch and make financial institutions hold reserves against that funding. 

    Well, if I’m the bank and I’m going to have to hold reserves against your cash and on top of that my NIM is already in the doldrums, plus I’ve got plenty of deposits, plus the cost of deposit funding is about to rise possibly before I can realize any kind of rebound in my margins, why do I want your deposits when I’m already awash with fungible liquidity?

    The answer is: I don’t. 

    Here’s WSJ again:

    The push comes as the globe is awash in cash, reflecting soft economic growth and low interest rates that limit investment. Some asset managers have been increasing the amount of cash they are holding in their portfolios, in part because of an increased focus by the Securities and Exchange Commission on liquidity management in mutual funds.


    Domestic deposits at U.S. banks in the second quarter hit $10.59 trillion, up 38% from five years earlier, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. data show. Loans outstanding at U.S. banks as a share of total deposits tumbled to 71% from 78% in 2010 and 92% in mid-2007, before the financial crisis, the data show.


    Jerome Schneider, head of Pacific Investment Management Co.’s short-term and funding desk, which advises corporate and institutional clients, said that as a result of the bank actions, he and his customers have discussed as cash alternatives boosting investments in U.S. Treasury bonds, ultrashort-duration bond funds and money-market funds.


    When it comes to cash, Mr. Schneider said, “Clients have been put on warning.”


    Banks are struggling to generate returns for investors. A low-interest-rate environment squeezes bank profits by narrowing the spread between the rate they lend at and their borrowing, or funding, cost.


    Deposit fees are particularly significant at State Street because its primary business is custodying client assets, including holding cash for clients rather than seeking to lend out those funds, as other banks typically do.


    State Street customers earlier were told that fees were possible on accounts whose nonoperational balances had grown, the people familiar with the matter said. There is no minimum deposit size that triggers the fee, which varies and is applied case by case to new and existing clients, the people said.


    “The persistence of the current rate environment requires that we take action consistent with prudent financial management with certain accounts that continually maintain significant excessive cash balances,” State Street said in a statement to The Wall Street Journal.


    BNY Mellon and Northern Trust haven’t yet begun charging to hold clients’ cash, people familiar with the matter said.

    A Bank of New York spokesman said the bank hasn’t ruled out doing so in the future.


    Since last year, Bank of America Corp. has told some institutional clients that they will need to move their deposits or pay to keep them at the bank, people familiar with the matter said.

    And while small depositors are for the time being immune, anyone who has dealt with a TBTF bank in the post-crisis years knows that there are enough fees levied on a variety of services and transactions to take the real return on your savings into negative territory. 

    Of course everything described above represents a kind of de facto NIRP rather than de jure NIRP, but as those who followed last month’s FOMC decision closely are no doubt aware, one dot now suggests that the US is about to take an officially sanctioned trip into the Keynesian Twilight Zone:

  • Meet The New Generation Of Traders

    Having spent the last 5 years of his trading career "in short option spreads and Biotech," we are sure Tyler McCain and his Fed-fueled ilk are very well equipped to deal with whatever it is that The Fed has in store for the markets next…

    Good luck Tyler.


    Luckily, Tyler has corrected his initial Bio which showed his spreading options from the nursery…


    If only Tyler had a math Ph.D, Virtu would hire him on the spot – after all the HFTs are smart and they know that when the scapegoating begins, they will need a few sacrificial lambs besides just the algos to throw at the regulators.

    h/t @zzlangerhans

  • Show Of Hands: Who's Interested In A CDO Backed By A Pool Of Subordinated Community Bank Debt?

    It’s no secret that the global hunt for yield is herding investors into riskier and riskier assets fueling demand not only for traditional HY bonds, but for more esoteric paper as well such as auto- and student-loan backed ABS. 

    This is the inevitable consequence of seven years of ZIRP and now NIRP. With nowhere to run and an ocean of liquidity at their fingertips, investors search out opportunities in corners of the market where they might not normally have dared to tread. 

    Earlier this year, we noted that Goldman was set to resurrect the synthetic CDO with a marketing pitch that included the phrase “bespoke tranche opportunity.” Of course any time Goldman pitches you something as an “opportunity” it’s best to ask: “Yes, but is that for you or for me?” In other words: “Am I about to get muppetized here?”

    But the main draw for Goldman (and others) on these deals is that the underwriting fees are higher. What they’re essentially doing is allowing investors to try their hand at picking individual credits to bet on/against and if you’re good at that sort of thing, there might indeed be a chance for you to pick up a nice CDS premium. But if it turns out you aren’t as good as you thought you were when it comes to judging idiosyncratic credit risk in a dicey environment (see the Valeant case for an example of what can go wrong), well then you could get yourself into trouble. 

    In any event, the longer investors remain mired in ZIRP, the louder the calls will be for the creation of products that offer some semblance of yield. 

    As we said back in February, the Bloomberg piece that announced the Goldman deal was the latest installment in a series of articles that pop up every so often in the financial news media touting the resurgence of structured credit and, more specifically, CDOs. Cue another in this series. Via Bloomberg:

    Joshua Siegel is bringing back one of the most toxic financial vehicles ever devised and arguing that this time it’s going to be different.


    His StoneCastle Financial is among the hedge funds that are reviving the collateralized debt obligation, or CDO.

    CDOs stuffed with mortgages and their derivatives caused billions in losses around the world during the 2008 crisis.


    The CDO that StoneCastle put together is a little different. 

    Oh, really? How so?

    It’s backed by subordinated debt issued by about 35 community banks, some of them so small they don’t have credit ratings.

    Great. A collateral pool full of subordinated community bank debt. Sounds promising.

    But don’t worry, Siegel has done this before:

    This isn’t the first time Siegel pooled small-bank debt into a structured financial product. At Salomon Smith Barney in the late 1990s, he proposed bundling banks’ trust-preferred securities, a predecessor to subordinated debt, into so-called TruPS CDOs.


    The trick to doing it right, according to Siegel, is regional diversification.


    In a 2001 research report, Siegel divided the U.S. into five regions and wrote that the geographic diversity of the banks whose TruPS he used — picking debt from different areas — would make the CDOs safer.

    Yes, “geographic diversity would make it safer.” 

    You see this is just a derivative (no pun intended) of the same old argument everyone used to justify the supposed “safety” of anything backed by a mortgage in the lead up to the crisis. The contention is that while individually, the loans in the collateral pool may be crap, and while crap in isolation is just, well… crap, a bunch of crap pooled becomes “investment grade” and is thus “safer.”

    Of course that all fell apart in 2008:

    But banks failed all over the country in the 2008 credit crunch, throwing shade on Siegel’s original theory about regional diversification. Larry Cordell, a vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, said that’s because too many banks’ portfolios were concentrated in real estate and mortgages. They weren’t diversified enough, he said. The market for TruPS CDO collapsed. Some investors are still waiting to be repaid.

    But that’s not going to stop Siegel from doing the exact same thing again: 

    TruPS issuance has fallen to zero while publicly traded banks sold $12.3 billion of sub-debt, as it’s called, in 2013, about four times what they issued between 2009 and 2012, according to SNL Financial.


    Brett Jefferson, president of Hildene Capital Management in Stamford, Connecticut, said that sub-debt CDOs are simply a retooling of TruPS CDOs.


    “It’s a flavor of the old deals,” Siegel said. 

    It sure is, and we won’t blame anyone for whom that flavor has left a bad taste.

  • 5 Corporations Sucking California Dry During The Drought

    Submitted by Jake Anderson via,

    As most people in the country know by now, California is currently suffering from a severe, record-breaking drought. In fact, it’s the worst drought in 1,200 years. While Governor Jerry Brown recently issued a mandate for people to start conserving water, large corporations use up and waste vastly more water than individuals and small businesses, often in ways that are detrimental to the environment.

    Let’s take a look at five of the most massive corporations in California that are the worst culprits when it comes to wasting water:

    1. Nestle


    Nestle, once mainly known for its chocolate bars, is now becoming increasingly notorious for the way it uses up water in its bottled water products. Nestle, of course, has been criticized for using up water in drought-stricken third world countries. However, it is also doing this right at home in California. For example, one of the places where Nestle gets water is on the Morongo Reservation in the Cabazon region of the state. This is an area where groundwater levels of water have been steadily declining in recent years.


    2. Harris Ranch


    Harris Cattle Ranch is the largest producer of beef in California. At last count, it produced more than 150 million pounds of beef per year. While much of the attention on conserving water is focused on individuals, the fact is that more than 90% of the water used in California is used by agriculture. Cows consume more than twenty times as much water as humans. Crops such as soybeans and corn, which are heavily subsidized by the government, also use up massive amounts of water.


    3. Occidental Petroleum


    Occidental Petroleum is one of the oil companies in California that use enhanced oil recovery techniques, more commonly known as ‘fracking’. This is a practice that has become increasingly controversial due to potential health risks and suspected fracking-related seismic activity. Fracking also uses up large amounts of water. According to one estimate, a single well may use more than 5 million gallons of water to extract resources. Recent evidence also suggests that fracking companies have dumped waste water into aquifers, which contaminates the water with pollutants such as heavy metals and radiation.


    4. California Dairies, Inc.


    California Dairies, Inc. is the largest dairy processing cooperative in the state, producing 43% of California’s milk and 9% of the milk of the entire country. Along with beef, dairy production is another practice that uses up incredible amounts of water. It actually takes as much as 30 gallons of water to produce one gallon of milk.


    5. Paramount Farming


    Paramount Farming is the largest producer in the nation of nuts such as almonds and pistachios. Almond production alone uses up more water than is used by both residents and businesses in Los Angeles and San Francisco combined. Most nuts grown in California are exported to various parts of the world.

    California’s drought is a serious and complex issue. Solving it will take an effort on the part of many people, including individuals, politicians and businesses. When studying this issue, however, it’s important not to ignore the considerably more massive part played by large companies. We have seen what happens on a geopolitical level when vital resources begin to dwindle, and I’m not talking about Frank Herbert’s Dune, which features a planet in which the scarcity of water has made it the most precious of substances. People can help to conserve water in many ways. More importantly, in addition to using less water with everyday tasks, people can pay more attention to what type of products they buy and consume. If you are interested in the macro view of water conservation, consider boycotting the companies and industries listed above.

  • SPaCe BuSH…


  • PM-Elect Of 'US Ally' Canada Wastes No Time: Tells Obama Will Withdraw Fighter Jets From Syria, Iraq

    With the ink still damp on voter slips, newly crowned elected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wasted no time in fulfilling the first of his liberal "hope" and "change" promises. As AFP reports, hours after defeating Stephen Harper, Trudeau has told US President Obama that he will withdraw Canadian fighter jets from Syria and Iraq, though giving no timeline. So far, the US response is a mutedly diplomatic but tinged with guilt, "We have stood shoulder to shoulder with Canadian armed forces… in Iraq and Afghanistan," from the US State Department.

    "About an hour ago I spoke with President Obama," Trudeau told a press conference.


    While Canada remains "a strong member of the coalition against ISIL," Trudeau said he made clear to the US leader "the commitments I have made around ending the combat mission."


    Canada last year deployed CF-18 fighter jets to the region until March 2016, as well as about 70 special forces troops to train Kurds in northern Iraq.


    During the campaign, Trudeau pledged to bring home the fighter jets and end its combat mission. But he vowed to keep military trainers in place.


    His new Liberal government will be "moving forward with our campaign commitments in a responsible fashion," Trudeau said.


    "We want to ensure that the transition is done in an orderly fashion."

    Earlier on Tuesday, as Sputnink News reports, the US State Department addressed questions as to whether or not it was concerned that Canada's new government may not support US foreign policy regarding IS presence in Afghanistan.

    "These are all decisions the Canadian people have to make and Canadian legislators have to make… and their Prime Minister [has to make]," department spokesperson John Kirby told reporters.


    "We have stood shoulder to shoulder with Canadian armed forces…in Iraq and Afghanistan," he added.

    *  *  *

    While this move seems like a hope-y and change-y step forward, the lack of timeline leaves plenty of room for the neocons to knock on Trudea's door and shower gifts on an economy floundering on the verge of "Emerging Market" status (as HSBC analysts warned).

  • Then It Was BlackRock, Now It's Blackstone But The Result Will Be The Same

    Whether one calls it the latest glitch in the matrix, or yet another “market peak” indicator, the outcome will be the same.

    First, a flashback to the following October 17, 2006 Bloomberg story when BlackRock together with Tishman, announced it would buy Stuyvesant Town for $5.4 billion:

    Tishman Speyer Properties LP, the owner of New York’s Rockefeller Center, and BlackRock Realty won the auction to buy MetLife Inc.’s Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village, Manhattan’s largest apartment complex, for $5.4 billion.


    MetLife, the biggest U.S. life insurer, has been divesting Manhattan property holdings since last year, when it paid $11.8 billion for Citigroup Inc.’s Travelers Life & Annuity insurance business. MetLife sold its namesake building at 200 Park Avenue to closely-held Tishman Speyer in April, 2005, for $1.72 billion.


    “This is just a rare, rare opportunity” to buy 80 acres of Manhattan, said Robert White, president of Real Capital Analytics Inc., a New York-based real estate research firm. “Also, we’re in a period where a lot of real estate investors are flush with cash, so billion-dollar deals are not so uncommon anymore.”


    The sale may be the biggest real estate transaction in U.S. history, said Steve Murray, editor of Real Trends, a residential real estate communications company. The United States government paid $15 million for the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the equivalent of $277 million in today’s dollars, according to the historical price calculator The median price of new homes in the U.S. was $237,000 in August, up .34 percent from $236,200 a month earlier, according to the U.S. Census bureau. The median price of Manhattan condos rose 1.5 percent to $990,000 in the second quarter from $975,000 in the first, according to Miller Samuel Inc., the biggest Manhattan appraiser.

    Fast forward 4 years to 2010 when Blackrock and Tishman admitted a complete loss on their “rare, rare opportunity” investment:

    The partnership that bought the 80-acre property on the East River announced on Monday that it was turning the keys over to its lenders after it defaulted on its loans and the value of the property fell below $2 billion. Yet in walking away, the partners, Tishman Speyer Properties and BlackRock Realty, have left tenants in limbo and other investors with far bigger losses.


    “At the time, it looked like a sound investment,” said Clark McKinley, a spokesman for Calpers, the giant California public employees’ pension fund, which bought a $500 million stake in the property. “When the market tanked, we got caught.”

    And then, today, only it is no longer BlackRock, now it is Blackstone which is again buying Stuy Town for the same amount: $5.3 billion.

    Blackstone, working with Canada’s Ivanhoe Cambridge Inc., will acquire the 80-acre (32-hectare) enclave for about $5.3 billion, the company and city officials said Tuesday. That’s just under the record $5.4 billion that prior owners Tishman Speyer and BlackRock Inc. paid almost nine years ago before walking away from the mortgage in 2010, marking one of the biggest collapses in the last decade’s real estate boom.


    Blackstone — which has built itself into the largest U.S. single-family home landlord and is bulking up an apartment business — made its first multifamily purchase in Manhattan in September, leading a venture that acquired 24 buildings for $690 million. Gray said this month that he was bullish on the borough’s rentals because it’s too costly for many residents to buy.


    The transaction was formally announced at a press conference Tuesday featuring New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Blackstone real estate chief Jon Gray and City Councilman Daniel Garodnick, a lifelong resident of Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village.


    “We can now say to thousands of hard working people, thousands of families in Stuytown: Your future is now secure,” de Blasio said from a courtyard in the complex, flanked by long-time tenants who just learned of the deal. “You can afford your housing for the long haul.”

    Actually no: “The deal includes an agreement that would keep almost half of the more than 11,000 apartments affordable for 20 years.” Which means more than half will suddenly become unaffordable, once Blackstone yanks rents through before the ink on the title deed is even dry.

    As for the obligatory forecast:

    Stuyvesant Town is “so big, it’s so well located, there’s still so much upside in it that someone is still going to make a lot of money if you hang in there,” said Peter Hauspurg, chief executive officer of brokerage Eastern Consolidated, who isn’t involved in the deal.

    Or just call it a “rare, rare opportunity”, again.

    And because this time is not different, we eagerly look forward to 2019 when Blackstone is BlackRocked, and it too, suffers a complete loss on its “rare, rare opportunity” investment.

  • Confusion, Delusions, & Illusions

    Submitted by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

    Two recent surveys, along with numerous other studies and data, reveal most American households to be living on the brink of catastrophe, but continuing to act in a reckless and delusionary manner. There have certainly been economic factors beyond the control of average Americans that have resulted in real median household incomes remaining stagnant for the last 36 years. The unholy alliance of mega-corporations, Wall Street and bought off corrupt politicians have gutted the nation of millions of good paying jobs under the guise of globalization, while utilizing debt, derivatives and financial schemes to enrich themselves. The malfeasance of the sociopathic privileged class does not discharge the personal responsibility of citizens for living within their means. A lack of discipline, inability to delay gratification, failure to understand basic mathematical concepts, materialistic envy, absence of critical thinking skills, and a delusionary view of the world have left the majority of Americans broke and in debt.

    The data that captured my attention was how little the average American household has in savings. Roughly 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings and 21% don’t even have a savings account, according to a new survey of more than 5,000 adults conducted this month by Google Consumer Survey for personal finance website This dreadful data is reinforced by a similar survey of 1,000 adults carried out earlier this year by personal finance site, which also found that 62% of Americans have no emergency savings for a medical crisis, car repair, or unanticipated household expenditure.


    The fact is these are not highly unlikely scenarios. They happen every day as part of our routine existence. Everyone gets sick. Every car eventually needs new tires or an engine repair. Every home will need a new hot water heater or roof at some point. It is foolish and short sighted to not expect “unexpected” expenditures. Living in the moment and fulfilling your immediate desires may feel good today, but leaves you susceptible to disaster tomorrow. Gradually building a rainy day fund over time is what adults should do. Only immature children operate with no safety net. Everyone has an excuse for why they end up living on the edge, but the data exposes us to be an infantile nation of spendthrifts incapable of distinguishing between wants and needs. It might be understandable for young adults who are burdened by student loan debt and entry level jobs to have little or no savings, but the data for older Americans is most disturbing.

    It seems 51% of all Generation X adults between the ages of 35 to 54, in the prime earning years of their lives, have ZERO savings, the highest among all age cohorts, with over 20% of them not even having a savings account. This is incomprehensible and reveals an almost juvenile approach to life. Approximately 70% of all 35 to 54 year old households have $1,000 or less in savings. These are people who should have been working for the last 10 to 30 years. To not have put aside more than $1,000 is beyond irresponsible, and the justification of earning no interest on savings is disingenuous as they could have earned 5% up until 2008. This shocking state of affairs can’t only be laid at the feet of the evil bankers and rich corporate titans.

    Every person has to accept personal responsibility for their own life. There is one sure fire way to accumulate savings and that is to spend less than you earn. It sounds simple, but the vast majority of Americans have chosen to live beyond their means by allowing themselves to be lured into debt by the Wall Street debt peddlers and their Madison Avenue media maggots selling dreams to willfully ignorant delusional consumers. Consumer dependent corporations hawking autos, electronics, glittery baubles, fashionable attire, toxic processed sludge disguised as food, and other slave produced Chinese crap, require a vast unlimited supply of easy money debt to keep profits rolling in. And the Federal Reserve has been willing and able to accommodate them.

    Those who control the levers of this perverted economic system utilize Fed easy money, propaganda advertising messages, and the susceptibility of an oblivious populace, suffering from delusions of grandeur, to create generations of debt enslaved hamsters running on the wheel of life. But, we were not forced into this enslavement. Millions have chosen to live lives of quiet desperation in order to keep up with the Joneses. They would rather portray themselves as successful and wealthy, rather than make the necessary sacrifices required to achieve success and wealth. Everyone has the ability to live beneath their means. Millions have made the choice to do so. The chart above shows 10% to 20% of people do have $10,000 or more in savings, including young people. Many are average middle class Americans, not the despised 1%.

    It is certainly not easy to accumulate savings in an economy stacked against the working middle class, but it is possible. It requires self-discipline, deferring gratification, patience, budgetary skills, staying employed, and not coveting your neighbors’ possessions. The lack of short-term savings is not an isolated data point. It is representative of a nation of narcissistic live for today ne’er-do-wells who rarely concern themselves with the future or the consequences of their actions. They haven’t been putting all their spare cash into their retirement plans either. When you realize the typical household between the ages of 35 to 54 has less than $10,000 saved for their retirement, the mass delusion becomes clear. How could Boomers, who have worked for 30 to 40 years, and experienced the greatest bull market in history (1981 – 2001) have only $12,000 of retirement savings as they approach retirement?

    These are median figures, so half the households have even less retirement savings. It requires decades of living above your means to accumulate such little in savings. The apologists for the non-saving masses often argue Americans were utilizing their homes as a store of wealth to be used in retirement. This is just another false storyline, as the savings poor public used their homes like an ATM machine from 2001 through 2008, extracting hundreds of billions to spend on granite countertops, exotic Caribbean vacations, home theaters, BMWs, Olympic sized pools, bling, and new boobs for mommy. Equity in homes plunged from 60% to below 40% in the space of a few years and has only recovered to 55% after the Fed induced faux housing recovery. There are still millions of homeowners underwater, with the next leg down guaranteed to add millions more.

    The millions of American households living on the edge and headed for a poverty stricken old age have a million excuses for why they never saved a dime. These are the same people who will demand the government save them from their own foolishness and irrational life choices. They will demand the rich (anyone who worked hard, saved, and planned for their future) be taxed more, so they don’t have to live with the consequences of their reckless disregard for common sense and self-discipline. These people should have read some Shakespeare in high school, and maybe they wouldn’t be in this predicament.

    “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

    We are all responsible for our own lives and our own decisions. It isn’t complicated regarding how to save money. But it is hard. It requires simple math skills like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – concepts not thought too important in our government controlled educational system. It requires self-control, acting like an adult, and distinguishing between what you want versus what you need. It’s OK to splurge once in a while, but since around 1980, multiple generations have been binge spending in an orgy of debt debauchery unmatched in human history. Since 1980 the U.S. population has gone up by a factor of 1.42, GDP has expanded by a factor of 6.3, and consumer debt has exploded by a factor of 10. The amount of consumer debt per person in 1980 was $9,300. Today, the total is an astounding $65,200 per person, a 700% increase in 35 years. We owe $21 trillion of mortgage, credit card, student loan and other debt to the felonious Wall Street bankers. This nation has gone insane.

    “In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

    With a median household income of about $56,000 and median net wages per worker of $29,000 it is fairly easy to grasp the monthly inflow of a middle income household. In Median World, taxes will take about a 16% chunk out of those figures, so the median household ends up with about $4,000 of take home pay per month. If they own a median priced home of $189,000, their monthly mortgage payment would likely be about $850. Add another $200 to $300 per month for property taxes and you are on the hook for $1,100 per month. A median rent figure would be in the same ballpark, unless you live in SF, NYC or a few other overpriced markets. This is where many people go off course, allowing themselves to be lured into more house than they can really afford with low down payments guaranteed by the government, driving the monthly housing burden north of $1,500. McMansion envy has destroyed more lives in the last ten years than any other delusion.

    Food, clothing, utilities, and home upkeep expenses could total $1,500 per month for a family with kids. If one or both parents are stuck with student loan debt, a monthly payment of $200 to $400 would be normal. There isn’t much spare change left to fund their remaining needs, wants and desires. But their neighbors and coworkers are all driving new cars. They can’t be seen driving a used 10 year old clunker. People will think they’re poor. Shallow appearances are all that matter to a vast swath of America. According to, the average monthly payment on a new vehicle is $479. We can’t have one spouse driving a new car, while the other slums it on public transportation, so two newer cars will add another $900 or so of expenses to the monthly budget.

    Wall Street and the automakers are only too glad to offer those with good credit a 7 year 0% loan, guaranteeing a permanent status of being underwater on your loan until you must have that new model after four years, rolling the underwater loan into the next purchase. The permanent leasers convince themselves they are making a good deal as they sign their lives away every three years without understanding the financial implications of the leases. And then there are the 20% subprime auto buyers who pretend to pay until the repo man shows up in the middle of the night. This delusion of debt is how annual auto sales have soared from 10 million in 2009 to almost 18 million today.

    I’m on the road every day and it is mind boggling to see the number of newer $30,000 to $50,000 vehicles cruising the highways and byways of America. Even in the poverty stricken neighborhoods of West Philly, brand new BMWs, Cadillacs, and other $25,000 or more vehicles are parked in front of dilapidated hovels and low income housing complexes. Virtually none of these vehicles are owned outright. Americans are essentially renting their luxury wheels so they can appear successful. The way to become financially successful on a modest income is to buy used cars and drive them for ten or more years. The years of no car payment can be directed into savings. Very few people chose this path. That is why auto loan debt has now exceeded $1 trillion, up 40% since 2010. Wall Street wants you in perpetual debt and millions have bought it hook line and sinker. But at least they appear prosperous to their neighbors, while they’re really in debt up to their eyeballs.

    The choice to indulge in driving over-priced ornamental transportation basically leaves the average household with little or no discretionary income at the end of the month. But that doesn’t stop spendthrift nation from becoming addicted to their mobile phones and binge watching reality TV. The average American, who had never heard of a mobile phone in 1990, now can’t go 20 seconds without checking their phone. And they are paying through the nose for the privilege of staying terminally connected. We have smart phones for dumb people. Even welfare recipients without jobs, living in low income housing and dependent on food stamps, somehow find the funds to have a smartphone in their hand 24/7. Maybe directing those funds towards books might give them a better chance of exiting poverty.

    In one survey, 46% of Americans with mobile phones said their monthly bill was $100 or more and 13% said their monthly bill topped $200 per month. The average individual’s cell phone bill was $73 per month last year, a 33% increase since 2009, according to J.D. Power & Associates. When they aren’t texting, tweeting, or facebooking on their iGadgets, they are watching basic cable boob TV at average price of $100 per month, up 39% since 2010. But our connoisseurs of crapola need the NFL Package, HBO, Showtime, Netflix, and on demand porno. Tricked out smart phones and cable packages are not necessities. They are wants. Wasting $200 to $300 per month on narcissistic compulsions is a choice.

    Possibly the largest squandering of resources occurs on a daily basis, as Americans spend money they don’t have on $5 lattes, toxic fast foodstuff, craft beers, and whatever else strikes their fancy. According to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer expenditure surveys, the typical household spends $2,625 each year, or around $219 per month, on food away from home. Those in higher income brackets spend the most on restaurants at around $370 per month. Millennials, with the least amount of discretionary funds, view dining out as a social event, and choose fun and frivolity over finances. The concept of brown bagging your lunch for $1 rather than spending $10 at Paneras, or brewing a pot of coffee for 25 cents rather than paying $5 at Starbucks is inconceivable to the live for today credit card cowboys and cowgirls.

    Dining out is the ultimate personal choice and a huge factor in the non-existent savings of American households. Over the last two decades Americans have abandoned the frugality of buying food at the grocery store on sale, using coupons in favor of eating out at a hefty premium on a daily basis. The result has been a $10 billion gap in spending between groceries and dining out being obliterated by an army of live for today for tomorrow we can make the minimum payment on our credit card juveniles. Not only has this penchant for satiating their hunger contributed greatly to their lack of savings, but has been financed on their credit cards. That $25 Applebees dinner, financed at 18% interest over the next ten years ends up costing $54. Multiply this foolishness hundreds of times per year over decades and you understand why Boomers have less than $1,000 in savings accounts and $12,000 or less in retirement savings. It’s just math.

    The expenditures detailed above don’t include healthcare, entertainment, vacations, government extractions (tolls, fees, fines, taxes) and assorted other miscellaneous wastes of money. It is pretty clear the monthly outflow exceeds the monthly inflow for the majority of Americans. That is why the average household has credit card debt of $7,500 and those carrying a balance pay an average interest rate of 14% on their $16,000 ball and chain. This is on top of an average mortgage obligation of $155,000 and average student loan commitment of $32,000. The Wall Street hucksters are only too happy to help you finance a lifestyle well above your true means. They borrow from the Fed at .25% and charge you 10% to 20% for the use of credit created out of thin air. They always win. The willfully ignorant are thrilled they can now pay their IRS bill, property taxes, utilities, and just about every daily expense with a credit card. They fail to acknowledge the insanity of their chosen lifestyle path.

    I still remember something my sophomore English teacher Mr. McGrath taught the class, based upon the writings of Aristotle. Human beings are rational, sentient, living, corporeal substances. What separates us from animals is our ability to think and act in a rational manner, rather than just on instincts and urges. Based on what has occurred in this country over the last 35 years, I’m starting to question the rational part. It’s almost as if a mental illness has befallen a majority of Americans. The Deep State and their minions on Wall Street and the corporate media certainly attempt to mold and manipulate the minds of the masses, but at the end of the day people are free to disregard those messages and live meaningful lives on their own terms. Even though living above your means has become “normal”, it is only normal in relation to our profoundly abnormal society. Telling people the truth today is meaningless, as they don’t want their illusions destroyed. But destroyed they will be, when this teetering edifice of debt comes crashing down on their heads.

    “The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.” They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” Aldous Huxley – Brave New World Revisited

    “Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Economists Stunned By "Irrational Consumers" Who Used Gas Savings To Buy More Expensive Gas

    Over the past year, we have repeatedly given the quantitative answer that has stumped so many: where did all those overhyped US “gas savings” go, because they certainly did not go into the broader economy, or toward discretionary purchases, as countless economists had said they would. The answer: more gas.

    Gallup confirmed as much most last week when it reported that Americans’ reported changes in spending have remained stable in most categories of goods and services over the past year – except for gasoline, with 35% reporting they spent more on gasoline in the August-September period.

    Paradoxically, Gallup found the inverse of what had become erroneous conventional wisdom: “not only were Americans not spending more, they are spending less than they did in the past year on discretionary purchases such as retirement investments, leisure activities, clothing, consumer electronics, dining out and travel.”

    But while we knew the quantitative answer, namely that Americans bought more gas with their gas savings, we were missing the qualitative one. Courtesy of the NYT we now learn that not only did consumers not redirect their spending to other discretionary items, but engaged in an act that has stunned economists around the globe: they don’t just buy more gasoline; they bought more expensive gasoline!

    And this is how a product that was essentially a staple good, suddenly provided the satisfaction of a discretionary splurge, even though it is virtually the same just more expensive.

    The NYT explain this observation which is just the latest mockery of macroeconomist models, and once again shows why theory never applies to the real world.

    A new report by the JPMorgan Chase Institute, looking at the impact of lower gas prices on consumer spending, finds the same pattern as earlier studies. The average American would have saved about $41 a month last winter by buying the same gallons and grades. Instead, Americans took home roughly $22 a month. People, in other words, used almost half of the windfall to buy more and fancier gas.

    The refiners will be delighted:

    We know how that extra money was probably spent thanks to a separate 2013 study by the economists Justine Hastings of Brown University and Jesse M. Shapiro of the University of Chicago, who got their hands on detailed accounts of the purchases made by 61,494 households at an unidentified retail chain that also sold gas.


    Professors Hastings and Shapiro showed that households adjusted their gas consumption much more sharply in response to changes in gas prices than in response to equivalent changes in overall income. In the fall of 2008, for example, as gas prices fell amid a broad economic collapse, consumers responded as if the decline of gas prices were the more important event, significantly increasing purchases of premium gas.

    And this is where the head of every tenured economist living in their ivory academic tower, and tweaking economic models they themselves created and thus know the goalseeked answer apropri based on their own preset assumptions, explodes.

    This is not rational behavior. Americans spent about 4 percent of pretax income on gas in 2014. One might expect them to spend about the same share of any windfall at the pump — maybe a little more because gas got cheaper. Instead they spent almost half.


    Americans, in short, have not been behaving like the characters in economics textbooks.

    Inconceivable: after all academic central planners are in charge of the entire world – what would happen if suddenly it becomes common knowledge that the entire “New Normal” experiment has failed because the lifetime academic hacks inside the Marriner Eccles building don’t realize their theoretical models have zero applicability in the real world?

    At least when it comes to the “premium gas” paradox, there is an explanation:

    Researchers have found that people treat money as earmarked for particular kinds of spending, a tendency behavioral economists call “mental accounting.” If someone is buying rounds at the neighborhood bar, people tend to treat the money they didn’t spend as “beer money,” and sooner or later they tend to spend it disproportionately on beer. As a result, they end up drinking more beer than they had originally intended.


    The JPMorgan study compares gas spending between December 2013 and February 2014, when prices averaged $3.31 a gallon, with gas spending by the same people in the same period one year later, when average prices were one dollar lower. The study found that the average American spent $136 per month on gas during the high-price period and $114 per month on gas during the low-price period. While the price of gas fell by roughly 30 percent, spending on gas declined by only 16 percent.


    The study, based on the spending patterns of about one million JPMorgan customers, does not track the kind of gas consumers purchased. It shows that people bought more gas as prices fell, and that the increase in consumption is not sufficient to explain the entirety of the increase in spending on gas.

    And perish the thought someone actually saved it, but no fear: the upcoming negative interest rates will surely fix that pesky glitch in the economists’ model. Unless they don’t, and economists end up scratching their heads at even more “irrational” behavior:

    Moreover, this behavior was prevalent: 61 percent of the households made at least one irrational gas purchase. People “treat changes in gasoline prices as equivalent to very large changes in income when deciding which grade of gasoline to purchase,” they wrote.

    At the end of the day, though, the joke is on the consumers themselves: as the FTC notes, for most modern cars “splurging” on premium gas is usually a waste of money. At least the refiners are laughing all the way to the bank, as economists the world over continue to scream that any minute now “irrational” consumers will finally make the spreadsheet’s life easier, and engage in rational behavior.

  • How The Entire Short Volatility ETF Complex Could Be Wiped Out Overnight

    Excerpted from Artemis Capital Management letter to investors,

    Global central banking has artificially incentivized bets on mean reversion resulting in tremendous demand to short volatility.  The growth of short volatility exchange traded products (“ETPs”) since 2012 is nothing short of extraordinary and at the end of August, total short volatility assets exceeded long for only the second time in history. The rise of this short complex is intrinsically linked to the recent schizophrenic behavior of the VIX and adds significant shadow convexity to markets.

    Velocity Shares Daily Inverse VIX (“XIV”) is the largest of these short VIX ETPs and has a cult-like following among day traders. Although the product has gained +111% since 2012, when decomposed on a risk-adjusted basis, it basically resembles a 3x levered position in the S&P 500 index with more risk. As the short and leveraged volatility complex becomes more dominant it is contributing to dangerous self-reinforcing feedback loops with unknowable consequences.

    Many retail investors simply do not understand that short and leveraged volatility ETPs rebalance non-linearly (see below). To the casual observer it may appear that short and long assets counterbalance one another but this is not the case. For example if the first two VIX futures move 20% higher the short volatility ETP providers must buy an estimated 33% more volatility (vs. 25% for long) to balance that exposure. The first rule of derivatives hedging is that you never hedge a non-linear risk with a linear tool.  The mismatch means a large move in spot-volatility in either direction requires excessive buying or selling pressure whenever short volatility assets are dominant. Therein lies the problem. Falling volatility begets falling volatility and rising volatility begets rising volatility.

    The great unknown is that this massive short volatility animal that appears tame given a regular diet of central bank liquidity may turn wild when that liquidity is removed. The wrong ‘risk-off’ event may expose a hidden liquidity gap in the short VIX complex that could unleash a monster. Artemis has attempted to quantify this theoretical liquidity gap by gauging the percentage of VIX open interest and volume required by exchange-traded products for rebalancing.

    During recent market stress points such as October 2014 and August 2015 the short and leveraged volatility ETP complex required upward of 40-50% of the total liquidity of VIX futures as measured by average trading volume and open interest. Consider that the largest one day VIX move in history was the +64% jump that occurred on February 27, 2007 when the VIX went from 11.15 to 18.31. This was not even a period of high financial stress! If a similar volatility spike occurred today, given the current size of the short VIX complex, the ETPs by themselves would require an estimated 95% of the liquidity for rebalancing!

    This would drive the price of the VIX futures up further exacerbating the nonlinearity. The VIX futures market may struggle to absorb the demand for long volatility. Dealers seeking to plug the liquidity gap would purchase S&P 500 options and forward variance swaps. The excess buying pressure exerted from the short-volatility complex would then push spot-VIX higher contributing to panic selling in the underlying S&P 500 index and a vicious and self-reinforcing cycle of fear followed by horror.

    The recent bi-polar behavior in spot-VIX empirically supports the theory that a structural weakness now exists in this market by crowding of short volatility players. The shot across the bow for the short volatility complex came during the August 24th correction when SPX futures opened limit down and the CBOE struggled for 30 minutes to calculate the VIX. By the time the VIX level was finally calculated it opened 25 points higher at 53.29, before falling to 28 intra-day, then rebounding to 40.74 by the close, with the S&P 500 index down -3.9%.

    At the time of the crash, the assets in long VIX ETPs outnumbered shorts on a two to one basis however, the complex still required an estimated 25% to 46% of market liquidity between August 21 and 24th.  Markets delivered historic volatility-of-volatility despite relatively mild historical declines in the S&P 500 index.  It is important to understand that markets have experienced much more dramatic oneday losses across history than what occurred in August 2015. For example on August 8th 2011, the market suffered a oneday decline of -6.7%. September to December 2008 experienced ten declines of more than -5%, and on Black Monday 1987, the market fell an incredible -20.5% in one day. During the Black Monday 1987 crash implied volatility in the S&P 100 index more than tripled going from 36.37 to 150.19.

    If the VIX experienced any of these historic moves at current levels of short convexity the entire $2bn+ short volatility ETP complex would likely be wiped out overnight.

    Short volatility sellers ridicule the fact that the prospectus for the iPath Long Volatility ST Index (VXX) clearly states that the ETF has an expected long-term return of zero. They should ask themselves, is it better to know with certainty you are going to go bankrupt slowly, or be completely ignorant of the fact you will go bankrupt suddenly. 

  • Bonds & Stocks Drop Amid Crude Carnage; Bills, Biotechs, & Big-Boy-Toys Battered

    For everyone who rushed to the safety of stocks as T-Bills collapsed on US default fears…


    The moment when reality sets in… Stocks suddenly realize that a collapsing T-Bill market is NOT bullish…


    The last time 1-month yields were in this panic mode, VIX was over 20…

    *  *  *

    Trannies love weaker crude prices today… (guess what happens next)


    and algos did their best to drag stocks back to unch (Nasdaq was ugly – see below)…


    The last two days have been somewhat crazy in terms of equity futures swings…



    The last few days have been very 'odd' in VIX with gaps and craps everywhere…




    Biotechs Brusied…


    HOG Hammered…


    Tesla Tanked…


    "You get a short squeeze, you get a short squeeze… everyone gets a short squeeze"


    Treasuries were broadly ugly today… with the same selling until Europe closese pattern…


    As 10Y yield caught up to stocks OPEX-ramp (note we have seen this flush before, right before stocks give way)…


    The USD dumped and pumped to end the day unchanged against the majors… with JPY weakness pumping up stocks…


    But the USD held on to gains against Asian FX…


    Commodities were mixed with precious metals drifting higher (even as the USD gained) while crude tumbled… (of course the post-NYMEX close panic-buying ramp happened)


    WTI Crude (Dec contract) hit its lowest since October 2nd intrday today…back below $46…and back below the crucial 50DMA


    And Oil volatility and the underlying ETF are converging…


    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: In case you needed reminding.. fun-durr-mentals

  • Ferrari Prices IPO At $52 (Upper End Of Range), Raises $893 Million

    With the ticker symbol RACE, what could possibly go wrong?

    With Tesla tanking, what better option that this…


    There was some talk of a higher price…


    We just wanted an excuse to post pictures of the cars…

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Today’s News October 20, 2015

  • Peter Schiff’s Father Dies In Prison, Shackled To A Hospital Bed

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Most of you will be quite familiar with Peter Schiff. Fewer of you will know much about his father, Irwin Schiff, who was posthumously referred to as the “grandfather of the contemporary tax protest movement” in Forbes.

    Irwin was treated very poorly by his own country, particularly toward the end of his life when, despite being legally blind and dying of cancer, he was not permitted to die in peace amongst family members.

    His son Peter wrote the following as a tribute:

    My father Irwin A. Schiff was born Feb. 23rd 1928, the 8th child and only son of Jewish immigrants, who had crossed the Atlantic twenty years earlier in search of freedom. As a result of their hope and courage my father was fortunate to have been born into the freest nation in the history of the world.  But when he passed away on Oct. 16th, 2015 at the age of 87, a political prisoner of that same nation, legally blind and shackled to a hospital bed in a guarded room in intensive care, the free nation he was born into had itself died years earlier.


    My father had a life-long love affair with our nation’s founding principals and proudly served his country during the Korean War, for a while even having the less then honorable distinction of being the lowest ranking American soldier in Europe.  While in college he became exposed to the principles of Austrian economics through the writings of Henry Hazlitt and Frederick Hayek. He first became active in politics during Barry Goldwater’s failed 1964 presidential bid. His activism intensified during the Vietnam Era when he led local grass root efforts to resist Yale University’s plans to conduct aid shipments to North Vietnam at a time when that nation was actively fighting U.S. forces in the south. Later in life he staged an unsuccessful write in campaign for governor of Connecticut, then eventually lost the Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination to Harry Brown in 1996.


    In 1976 his beliefs in free market economics, limited government, and strict interpretation of the Constitution led him to write his first book The Biggest Con: How the Government is Fleecing You, a blistering indictment of the post New Deal expansion of government in the United States. The book achieved accolades in the mainstream conservative world, receiving a stellar review in the Wall Street Journal, among other mainstream publications.


    But my father was most known for his staunch opposition to the Federal Income Tax, for which the Federal Government labeled him a “tax protester.”  But he had no objection to lawful, reasonable taxation.  He was not an anarchist and believed that the state had an important, but limited role to play in market based economy.  He opposed the Federal Government’s illegal and unconstitutional enforcement and collection of the income tax.   His first book on this topic (he authored six books in total) How Anyone Can Stop Paying Income Taxes, published in 1982 became a New York Times best seller.  His last, The Federal Mafia; How the Government Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully collects Income Taxes, the first of three editions published in 1992, became the only non-fiction, and second and last book to be banned in America.  The only other book being Fanny Hill; Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, banned for obscenity in 1821 and 1963.


    His crusade to force the government to obey the law earned him three prison sentences, the final one being a fourteen-year sentence that he began serving ten years ago, at the age of 77.   That sentence turned into a life sentence, as my father failed to survive until his planned 2017 release date. However in actuality the life sentence amounted to a death sentence.  My father died from skin cancer that went undiagnosed and untreated while he was in federal custody.  The skin cancer then led to a virulent outbreak of lung cancer that took his life just more than two months after his initial diagnosis.


    The unnecessarily cruel twist in his final years occurred seven years ago when he reached his 80th birthday. At that point the government moved him from an extremely low security federal prison camp in New York State where he was within easy driving distance from family and friends, to a federal correctional institute, first in Indiana and then in Texas.  This was done specially to give him access to better medical care.  The trade off was that my father was forced to live isolated from those who loved him.  Given that visiting him required long flights, car rentals, and hotel stays, his visits were few and far between.   Yet while at these supposed superior medical facilities, my father received virtually no medical care at all, not even for the cataracts that left him legally blind, until the skin cancer on his head had spread to just about every organ in his body.


    At the time of his diagnosis in early August of this year, he was given four to six mouths to live.  We tried to get him out of prison on compassionate release so that he could live out the final months of his life with his family, spending some precious moments with the grandchildren he had barely known.  But he did not live long enough for the bureaucratic process to be completed.  Two months after the process began, despite the combined help of a sitting Democratic U.S. congresswoman and a Republican U.S. senator, his petition was still sitting on someone’s desk waiting for yet another signature, even though everyone at the prison actually wanted him released.   Even as my father lay dying in intensive care, a phone call came in from a lawyer and the Bureau of Prisons in Washington asking the prison medical representatives for more proof of the serious nature of my father’s condition.


    As the cancer consumed him his voice changed, and the prison phone system no longer recognized it, so he could not even talk with family members on the phone during his finale month of life.  When his condition deteriorated to the point where he needed to be hospitalized, government employees blindly following orders kept him shackled to his bed.   This despite the fact that escape was impossible for an 87 year old terminally ill, legally blind patient who could barley breathe, let alone walk.


    Whether or not you agree with my father’s views on the Federal Income Tax, or the manner by which it is collected, it’s hard to condone the way he was treated by our government.   He held his convictions so sincerely and so passionately that he continued to espouse them until his dying breath.  Like William Wallace in the final scene of Braveheart, an oppressive government may have succeeded in killing him, but they did not break his spirit.    And that spirit will live on in his books, his videos, and in his children and grandchildren.   Hopefully his legacy will one day help restore the lost freedoms he died trying to protect, finally allowing him to rest in peace.

    I’d like to end this post on a lighter note, by sharing one of my favorite clips of Irwin, a man unappreciated by his country and left to die and elderly man, shackled to a cold hospital bed.


    RIP Irwin Schiff.

  • THaR SHe BLoWS: WHaT THe BaNK'S GoT…


  • Syrian Showdown: Russia, Iran Rally Forces, US Rearms Rebels As "Promised" Battle For Aleppo Begins

    On Friday, we previewed the battle for Aleppo, Syria’s largest city prior to the war. 

    It’s now run by a hodgepodge of rebels and militants including al-Qaeda, the Free Syrian Army, and ISIS and for the Assad regime, regaining control of the city is absolutely critical. As Reuters noted last week, “the assault means the army is now pressing insurgents on several fronts near Syria’s main cities in the west, control of which would secure President Bashar al-Assad’s hold on power even if the east of the country is still held by Islamic State.” 

    In other words, if Assad can secure Aleppo, Iran and Russia will have successfully restored his grip on the country for all intents and purposes. 

    Here’s a look a map showing where Aleppo is in relation to Russia’s base at Latakia, along with the before and after images we highlighted last week which depict nighttime light emissions on the way to vividly demonstrating the effect the war has had on the city.

    For reference, this is one of Syria’s most war-torn areas. To give you an idea of what’s taken place there since the war began, we present the following stark visuals from in and around the city ca. 2012 (as you might imagine, it’s only gotten worse since):

    And here’s a short audio clip from NPR which explains why Aleppo matters (it’s largely objective and thus worth the three minutes):

    The offensive is also notable for the scale of Iran’s involvement.

    Between Hezbollah and Iranian forces, the battle for Aleppo is shaping up to be the largest ground operation orchestrated by Tehran to date. Underscoring how deeply involved Iran truly is, Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani (who we profiled here) showed up near the frontlines late last week to rally the troops. Here’s GOP mouthpiece Fox News (who are most assuredly not Soleimani fans): 

    Iran’s shadowy top military commander has been spotted in Syria addressing Iranian military officers and members of the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, according to photos that emerged Thursday on social media.


    Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani — the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps or Qods Force — was pictured rallying Iranian military and Hezbollah members in western Syria in photos that appeared on Twitter.


    On Thursday, Reuters confirmed Soleimani’s presence in the western province of Latakia in Syria. The news agency said Soleimani was seen addressing Iranian officers and Hezbollah fighters with a microphone while clad in dark-colored clothes.

    Here are the images Fox references:

    As WaPo, goes on to point out, some of the fighters called to Syria by Soleimani are from Iraq’s Shiite militias, supporting our contention that as soon as Syria is “secure” (whatever that means in this context), Russia and Iran will take the fight across the border, where militiamen loyal to Tehran are already battling Sunni extremists:

    Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s elite Quds forces and the public face of Iran’s military intervention in the region, has ordered thousands of Shiite militiamen into Syria for an operation to recapture Aleppo, according to officials from three Iraqi militias. The militiamen are to join Iranian troops and forces from Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shiite militia, the officials said. The Iraqi Shiite militia Kitaeb Hezbollah has sent around 1,000 fighters from Iraq, one said.


    The new arrivals shore up the position of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose beleaguered forces had been losing ground before Russia began launching airstrikes three weeks ago. Pro-government forces have claimed victory in a string of villages around the Aleppo in recent days, in a conflict that Shiite militias frame as a single regional struggle between Shiites and Sunni extremists from the Islamic State.


    “It makes no difference whether we’re in Iraq or Syria, we consider it the same front line because we are fighting the same enemy,” said Bashar al-Saidi, a spokesman for Harakat al-Hezbollah al-Nujaba, an Iraqi Shiite militia that says it has fighters around Aleppo. “We are all the followers of Khamenei and will go and fight to defend the holy sites and Shiites everywhere,” he said, referring to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.


    The Lebanese group Hezbollah and the Quds Force, which is part of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, have also sent reinforcements, he said. Last week, a U.S. defense official said hundreds of Iranian troops were near the city in preparation for an offensive.

    “It’s not a secret. We are all fighting against the same enemy,” said Saidi.

    His militia released a photo of Soleimani, the Quds Force commander, with its fighters near Aleppo on one of its social media accounts last week.


    “The operation is an extension for our operations in Iraq because it’s the same enemy, and when we hit them there it means that it will get results in Iraqi lands,” the Kitaeb official said. Soleimani “specifically requested they go there for the launch of the operation for Aleppo,” he said.

    And here’s a look at an airstrike map which delineates bombing runs by date, thus giving you an idea of the extent to which the Russians targeted Aleppo last week to soften up the rebels ahead of the offensive:

    Meanwhile, as Russia revved up the Sukhois and the shadow commander rallied the ground forces, the US rearmed the rebels. Here’s Reuters:

    Rebels battling the Syrian army and its allies south of Aleppo say they have received new supplies of U.S.-made anti-tank missiles from states that oppose President Bashar al-Assad since a major government offensive began there on Friday.


    Rebels from three Free Syrian Army-affiliated groups contacted by Reuters said new supplies had arrived since the start of the attack by the army backed by Iranian fighters and Lebanon’s Hezbollah.


    A number of rebel groups vetted by states opposed to Assad have been supplied with weapons via Turkey, part of a program supported by the United States and which has in some cases included military training by the Central Intelligence Agency.

    And so, with the proxy war lines clearly drawn, the battle has begun. Via WSJ:

    Syrian pro-regime forces backed by Russian airstrikes have expanded their ground offensive to the strategic city of Aleppo, one of the clearest signs yet of how Russia’s recent military intervention has emboldened President Bashar al-Assad and his loyalists.


    In the bitterly fought multi-sided war, Aleppo is among the most coveted prizes. Losing partial control of the city, which was once Syria’s largest and its commercial capital, was an embarrassment to the regime. But with the backing of Russian warplanes, Iranian forces and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah, Mr. Assad’s forces could now be in position to regain large parts of the city and the surrounding countryside.


    “I suspect Assad always wanted to take back Aleppo because it is such an important city and retaking it has such strategic and symbolic importance,” said Emile Hokayem, a Middle East analyst at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a London-based military and security think tank. “And it would deny the rebels a foothold in any major city.”


    Since Friday, the regime has netted a number of villages on the southern outskirts of the city and thousands of civilians are fleeing fighting in the area. On Sunday, the regime captured one additional village and U.S.-backed rebels destroyed two regime tanks using American-supplied weapons as they tried to stem the regime’s progress.


    The regime appears to be advancing westward toward the strategic highway linking Aleppo with the capital Damascus, rebels said.


    In a rare move, the offensive is being led by regime-allied Iranian fighters, according to Ahmad al-Ahmad, a spokesman for the moderate Islamist rebel group Faylaq al-Sham, which is involved in the battles.


    The city of Aleppo is now divided in two, with an array of rebel factions controlling the eastern half and the regime holding the western half.


    The regime’s ground offensives over the past two weeks have been led by fighters and military advisers from Iran and forces from Hezbollah, supplemented by Syrian security forces.


    So far the battles in Aleppo are concentrated in the southern countryside on multiple fronts pushing toward the crucial highway that links the city with the coastal province of Latakia and the central provinces such as Hama, rebels said.


    One of the goals of the offensive could be to prevent rebel reinforcements from Aleppo being sent to help fighters along other fronts. Rebels also report an amassing of pro-regime forces elsewhere in Aleppo province that could be aimed at cutting off the rebel supply route from Turkey.


    Such moves could severely weaken the array of rebel forces in Aleppo, which include Islamist groups such as Ahrar al-Sham and al Qaeda affiliate Nusra Front as well as U.S.-backed rebels.

    Note how shockingly close this is to an actual shooting war between the US/NATO and the Iran-Russia “nexus.”

    CIA-trained rebels are now using weapons supplied by the US to kill Iranian soldiers backed by Russian airstrikes. The fact that the ground invasion is now clearly run by Iran and Hezbollah means that one side of the “rebels vs. SAA” proxy label has been removed. This is now “rebels vs. Iran and Russia“, meaning there’s literally but one degree of separation from an outright NATO vs. Russia-Iran armed conflict. And don’t forget: the nation through which the US is suppliying the rebels at Aleppo (i.e. Turkey) just shot down a Russian drone. 

    And so, as we wait to see whether the US will finally step in on behalf of its proxy armies before they are routed in the most critical battle yet in the war for Syria, we leave you with a few still shots taken over the weekend in Aleppo.

  • Collapse Of The Western Financial System Looms As A "Strategic" Russian Default Is Possible

    Authored by Pepe Escobar, originally posted Op-Ed at,

    History may eventually decide the ‘New World Order’ started on September 28, when Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama had a 90-minute face off at the UN in New York.

    Irrespective of spin – “productive” according to the White House, “tense” according to a source close to the Kremlin – facts on the ground accumulated almost immediately.

    Putin did press Obama for the US to join Russia in a real grand coalition bent on smashing ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. The Obama administration, once again, relented. I detailed here what happened next: an earth-shattering game-changer in the ‘New Great Game’ in Eurasia, straight out of the Caspian Sea, that caught the acronym fest of US intelligence – not to mention the Pentagon – completely off-guard.

    So this was Putin’s first message to Washington, and the Pentagon/NATO combo in particular; your fancy ideas of stationing tactical nuclear weapons or expanding missile defense to Eastern Europe, or even Asia-Pacific, are just a mirage. Our cruise missiles are capable of wreaking real effective havoc; and soon, as this piece argues, there will be more hypersonic, high-precision long-range missiles added to the mix.

    Old habits don’t die hard – they remain in a coma forever. The Pentagon’s response to the facts launched from the Caspian Sea was to conduct an airdrop of light weapons to “a select group of vetted leaders and their units,” as in those famously non-existent Syrian “moderate rebels.” The weapons will inevitably be captured by assorted Salafi-jihadi goon outfits in no time.

    Then the British government was forced to deny a Murdoch-controlled Sunday Times “report” that British Tornadoes in Syria are now armed with air-to-air missiles to counter potential Russian aerial “attacks.”

    And to top it off, the proverbial “military experts” infesting US corporate media started spinning that we are only 30 seconds from World War III.

    The Glazyev nuclear plan

    A still apoplectic Pentagon will take time to absorb the new military facts on the Syrian ground – and skies. That will add to the utter desperation displayed by the ‘Masters of the Universe’ in the Washington/Wall Street axis – itching to break the China-Russia strategic partnership by all means necessary. Quite a feat when the Pentagon is still fighting World War II, with its weapons, ships and monster aircraft carriers displayed as sitting ducks against Russia’s new batch of missiles.

    But then there’s also Putin’s second – silent – message to Washington, which didn’t even have to be delivered in person to Obama. US intel though may have a hint about it, as they closely follow Russian media.

    It’s about Sergey Glazyev’s (presidential aide) plan for Russia’s immediate economic future here is a summary of the plan, in Russian. The plan was formally proposed to Russia’s Security Council. Here is a very good summary on how Russia’s Security Council works.

    There are at least three absolutely key points in Glazyev’s plan. We may summarize them like this:

    1. If the emerging trend of freezing private assets of Russian legal entities and individuals continues, Russia should consider full or a partial moratorium on the servicing of loans and investment from the countries involved in the freezing.
    2. The amount of foreign currency assets of the Russian Federation located in the jurisdiction of NATO countries accounts to more than $1.2 trillion, including short-term debt of about $800 billion. Their freeze may be partially offset by retaliation against NATO assets in Russia, which amounts to $1.1 trillion, including over $400 billion long-term. So this threat would be neutralized if Russian monetary authorities organized a timely withdrawal of Russian short-term assets in the US and the EU.
    3. Glazyev is adamant that the Russian Central Bank continues to serve the interests of foreign capital – as in the financial powers in London and New York. He contends that the high interest rates practiced by the Russian Central Bank led Russian oligarchs to borrow more cheaply from the West, making the Russian economy dependent, a debt trap which the West used to slowly squeeze Russia. Then the rigged Western oil and ruble collapse increased the pressure as debt service in ruble cost and interest doubled.
    Sergei Glazyev, Presidential Advisor for Regional Economic Integration © Ramil Sitdikov

    So what Glazyev proposes, essentially, is that Moscow must gain total control of its Central Bank, preventing speculators to move their credit around for non-productive purposes; Moscow should also establish currency controls; and must create a central organization of technological research to replace the loss of Western technology, imitating the US methodology of rolling out from its centralized military research those technologies that can be commercialized for the consumer market.

    The fact is Russia has lost access to Western credit and cannot roll over its debt with the creditors. So Russia will have to pay the principle and the interest as it comes due. That is a trillion dollars plus interest. Russia also cannot import anything from the West without paying double for it.  So arguably the country may be now in the very position it will be if Moscow opts for default. Thus, Russia would have nothing to lose by a default – as the damage is already done.

    A shock to the system

    Essentially, once again, a Russian default on a $1 trillion-plus debt to private Western parties remains a possible scenario discussed at the highest level – assuming Washington will persist in its anti-Russia demonization campaign.

    It’s clear the squeeze Russia is feeling has less to do with sanctions than the grip maintained by Western financial powers over the Russian Central Bank. The Russian Central Bank did create a debt trap by maintaining high interest rates in Russia while the West was lending at low interest rates.

    Needless to add, such a default, if it ever happened, would collapse the entire Western financial system.

    One should never forget the Big Picture; the Syria/Ukraine/sanctions saga runs in parallel to Russia-China and closer BRICS integration shifting the balance of geopolitical power. For the ‘Masters of the Universe’, this is beyond anathema. Enter, for instance, the use of cash settlement through their Wall Street proxies to raise the A shares of China to hysterical highs and then try to crash their entire stock market by a reverse cash settlement rig as in 1987.

    China is moving toward their own SWIFT payment system, not to mention a whole new Chinese-led set of international institutions independent of US control. Russia, for its part, recently passed a bill that would allow the seizing of foreign assets if Russian assets in the West are seized. As Glazyev pointed out, investment in Russia by the West are more or less equivalent to investments of Russia in the West.

    The ‘Masters of the Universe’ may keep insisting on using financial weapons of mass destruction. Russia, silently and with a few key facts in the Caspian Sea, is letting them know it’s ready for whatever scenario they can come up with.

    A less apocalyptic ending may be healthy. So here’s a popular joke in Moscow nowadays, as told by William Engdahl…

    Putin is back in the Kremlin after his meeting with Obama in New York. He tells an aide he invited Obama for a game of chess. And then he tells it how it works: “It’s like playing with a pigeon. First it knocks over all the pieces, then it shits on the board and finally struts around like it won.”


  • Chinese Economists Have No Faith In 7% Growth "Target"

    Earlier today in “The Truth Behind China’s GDP Mirage: Economic Growth Slows To 1999 Levels”, we pointed out that Beijing may be habitually understating inflation for domestic output, which has the effect of making “real” GDP less “real” than nominal GDP.

    This is what we’ve called the “deficient deflator math” problem and it raises questions about whether China is netting out import prices when they calculate the deflator. If they’re not, then the NBS is likely overstating GDP during periods of rapidly declining commodities prices. 

    If Beijing is indeed understating the deflator it’s not entirely clear that it’s their fault, as robust statistical systems take time to implement, especially across an economy the size of China’s. That said, there are plenty of commentators who believe that the practice of overstating GDP is policy and exists with or without an understated deflator. Put simply: quite a few people think China is simply lying about its economic output.

    To be sure, there’s ample evidence to suggest that Beijing’s critics are right.

    After all, the Li Keqiang index doesn’t appear to be consistent with the numbers coming out of the NBS and the degree to which the data tracks the Communist party’s “target” is rather suspicious (and that’s putting it nicely). 

    In effect, everyone is perpetually in an awkward scenario when it comes to Chinese GDP data. Economists are forced to “predict” a number that they know is gamed and while that’s pretty much always the case across economies (just see “double adjusted” US GDP data for evidence), with China it’s arguably more blatant than it is anywhere else, and one could run up a pretty impressive track record simply by betting with Beijing’s “target.” For China, the NBS is tasked with consistently reporting data that may bear no resemblance what so ever to the truth.

    Of course the more the fundamentals deteriorate, the more ridiculous the headline print looks and that will likely continue to be the case as the country attempts to mark a tough transition from an investment-led, smokestack economy, to a model driven by consumption and services.

    For all of the reasons delineated above, Chinese economists are calling for the target to be lowered to 6.5% going forward.

    Here’s China Daily:

    A further cut in GDP growth is being advised by economists for China’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) to pave the way for more reforms and the switch to a consumption-driven economy.


    They propose that the annual GDP growth target should be cut from about 7 percent to 6.5 percent. Some economists even see short periods of 6 percent growth as tolerable.


    The ideas are being floated ahead of a top leaders’ meeting later this month.


    In March, the government lowered the national GDP growth target of 7.5 percent last year to “around 7 percent” this year to allow the country to shed unwanted manufacturing capacity and for its transition from an export-led growth model to a consumption-driven one.

    Of course these economists were careful to justify and qualify their recommendations so as to avoid incurring the wrath of the Party:

    Slower GDP growth does not mean a weaker economy, said Yu Bin, an economist with the State Council Development Research Center, a government think tank. It is only natural because the service industry is comprising an increasing share of the economy.


    “The service industry generally has a lower demand for capital investment than manufacturing industry, and inevitably when translated in terms of GDP growth, you get a smaller figure,” Yu said.

    Yes, it’s only natural. What these economists aren’t saying is that while part of the “problem” is certainly related to a move away from China’s “old” model of economic growth, the real problem may be that worldwide growth is grinding to a halt as the world enters a new era in which sluggish global trade is set to become structural and endemic rather than transitory and cyclical. That’s bad news for an export-led economy and indeed, there’s a bit of reflexivity involved here. That is, the decelerating Chinese growth machine is itself a cause for the very dynamics that are causing the deceleration. 

    It’s with all of this in mind that we bring you the following clip from University of Peking economist Michael Pettis, whose outlook is apparently far more dour than his compatriots:

  • Chinese Officials Say "Unnecessary To Be Anxious" About Economy As Margin Debt Rises Most Since June Bubble Peak

    As everyone opined on China's 'goldilocks' GDP data all day long, perhaps the biggest news this evening was US Treasury's softer stance towards China's currency 'manipulation', as we noted earlier, saying Yuan is merely "below appropriate medium-term valuation," and sure enough offshore Yuan has strengthened since the report. China's 'official' mouthpiece Xinhua told the people it is "unnecessary to be anxious about China's economic growth." And finally, for the 8th straight day, Chinese margin debt rose today to its highest in over a month. This is the longest stretch of releveraging in 4 months – since the peak of the bubble. "Will they never learn?"

    He's back


    Offshore Yuan is strengthening since US Treasuries Yuan Report…


    But PBOC weakened the Yuan fix for the 3rd day in a row…


    Another day, another liquidaty injection…


    And then the China propaganda flowed:

    It is unnecessary to be anxious as China’s economic growth in the first 9 mos. was within expectations and adjustment directions, the official Xinhua News Agency says in a commentary on website.


    Chinese economy has enormous growth flexibility, market space and leeway

    And ironically, given the worst GDP print in over 6 years (and a 10 year low in Industrial Production)… Officials aid economic fundamentals are unchanged…

    Positive economic signs are increasing and economy has momentum, Xinhua reports, citing a meeting by the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

    Equity markets are lower (modestly)


    Shanghai Composite has retraced 50% of the post-Devaluation plunge…


    As US Futures drift on the back if IBM's collapse… (Dow -50 points)


    Weak China GDP sparked weakness in Aussie miners overnight and that is extending in today's market (following Glencore's tumble)…


    And finally, it appears another crash is needed to remind the Chinese of the perils of levering up in a bubble…



     "Will they never learn?"

    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Deutsche Bank Junior Trader Mistakenly Paid Hedge Fund Client $6 Billion In "Fat Finger" Error

    Just a day after flailing, scandal-ridden Deutsche Bank shocked investors with the latest corporate restructuring, one which saw its investment bank split in two and which saw the termination of its IB-head Colin Fan, the FT reports of another epic snafu involving the German megabank (with over $60 trillion in derivatives), which this past summer mistakenly paid a hedge fund client $6 billion in a wire transfer “fat finger” (just shy of the $7 billion Q3 loss the bank preannounced two weeks ago).

    According to the FT, the bank bank recovered the money from the US hedge fund the next day but, as it also notes, “the incident in its London-based forex team was an embarrassing blow for the bank, which is already under intense scrutiny from regulators.”

    The reason for the fat finger: some intern did not know the difference between net and gross:

    The $6bn trade was processed by a junior member of the bank’s forex sales team in June while his boss was on holiday, according to two people familiar with the matter. Instead of processing a net value, the person processed a gross figure. This meant the trade had “too many zeroes”, said one of the people.

    “Too many zeroes”, as everyone knows, is the technical term for you royally fucked up.

    The logical question is how not a single alarm went off before the “fat fingered” wire transfer was concluded: “the $6bn error raises questions about why it was not spotted under the bank’s “four eyes principle”, requiring every trade to be reviewed by another person before being processed.”

    The answer is that there simply is no supervision and no safeguards when it comes to such gargantuan sums of money flowing around.

    The bank reported the incident to the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and the UK Financial Conduct Authority. Two people familiar with the trade said such mistakes were surprisingly common, but ones of that size were rare. Deutsche declined to comment.

    In other words, with one fell swoop, a “junior banker” could singlehandedly have pushed the bank into insolvency had he dealt with a hedge fund that was not quite as willing to part with the outsized “gain.”

    The news explains why after surging yesterday on the latest round of disappointing restructuring news, which for DB are now an anual event…


    … DB’s stock promptly plunged in what some may say was another “fat finger” but was clearly exasperated sellers saying goodbye to a bank which clearly has no internal controls.


    The good news is that while “fat fingers” like that are “surprisingly common”, DB’s tens of trillions in gross derivatives are in sure hands.

  • Moving Toward A One World Government, A One World Economy And A One World Religion

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

    The global elite have never been closer to their goal of a united world.  Thanks to a series of interlocking treaties and international agreements, the governance of this planet is increasingly becoming globalized and centralized, but most people don’t seem alarmed by this at all.  In the past 30 days, we have seen some of the biggest steps toward a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion that we have ever witnessed, but these events have sparked very little public discussion or debate.  So please share this article with as many people as you can.  We need to wake people up about this before it is too late.

    From September 25th to September 27th, the United Nations launched a “new universal agenda” for humanity.  Those are not my words, they actually come directly out of the core document for this new agenda.  The Pope traveled to New York City to give the address that kicked off this conference, thus giving his considerable endorsement to this new plan.  Virtually every nation on the entire planet willingly signed up for the 17 goals that are included in this plan, but this stunning turn of events made very few international headlines.

    The United Nations is promising that if we all work together that we can turn our planet into some kind of “utopia”, but the truth is that all of this talk about “unity” masks a very insidious agenda.  The following comes from a recent piece by Paul McGuire, the author of a groundbreaking new book entitled “The Babylon Code”

    The UN is not asking permission, but issuing a command that the entire planet will commit to 17 sustainable development goals and 169 sustainable development targets designed to radically transform our world by 2030. The UN 2030 plan promoted by the Pope will advance Agenda 21 on steroids.


    Through a controlled media the mass populations will be told that this is all about saving the environment and “ending poverty.” But that is not the true agenda of Agenda 21. The true agenda of Agenda 21 is to establish a global government, global economic system, and global religion. When UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon spoke of “a dream of a world of peace and dignity for all” this is no different than when the Communists promised the people a “workers paradise.”

    For the general population, “the 2030 Agenda” has been rebranded as “the global goals”.  On September 26th, some of the biggest names in the music world (including Beyonce) promoted these new “global goals” at the “Global Citizen Festival” that was held in Central Park.  And you can watch a YouTube video where some of the most famous names on the entire planet urge all of us to get behind these new “global goals” right here.

    None of this is by accident.  We are being trained to think of ourselves as “global citizens” that belong to a “global community”.  Decades ago, most Americans would have been up in arms over something like this.  But now most people just seem to accept these changes passively.  Very powerful secret societies and international organizations have been moving us in this direction for a very long time, and most Americans simply have no idea what is happening.  Here is more from Paul McGuire

    The United Nations is a de facto global government and does not rule by the “consent of the governed.” The United Nations is a global government to which American politicians of both parties have surrendered our Constitutional rights. If you look at the Republican Presidential debates you see the vast majority of those running are “bought men and women.” They are there to do the bidding of their true masters, the international banking families and their interlocking secret societies. If a candidate has a different set of beliefs than the “Orwellian group think” which constitutes domestic and foreign policy, he is allowed to go only so far.


    Who are these powerful elite groups and the secret societies that run them? As we extensively document in our new book, The Babylon Code, co-authored by this author and Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, there exists a very real network of semi-secretive and secret groups. Groups like The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute of International Affairs, United Nations, Club of Rome, The Bilderberg Group, and others control presidents, prime ministers, media networks, politicians, CEO’s, and entire nations. You will almost never hear any substantive analysis by the media, which is controlled by these groups nor of attempts at holding them accountable by governments around the world.

    Another way that our planet is being “united” is through the use of international trade agreements.

    The ultimate goal is for the entire world to become a “single market” with uniform laws, rules and regulations.  But as we merge our economy with the rest of the globe, the United States has been losing tens of thousands of businesses and millions of jobs as the monolithic corporations that now dominate our economy shift production to areas where labor is much cheaper.  This is absolutely destroying the middle class, but very few people seem to care.

    Negotiations for one of the biggest international trade treaties that the world has ever seen recently concluded.  The Trans-Pacific Partnership, also known as “Obamatrade”, would represent a giant step toward a truly unified global economy.  The following is an excerpt from one of my previous articles

    We have just witnessed one of the most significant steps toward a one world economic system that we have ever seen.  Negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership have been completed, and if approved it will create the largest trading bloc on the planet.  But this is not just a trade agreement.  In this treaty, Barack Obama has thrown in all sorts of things that he never would have been able to get through Congress otherwise.  And once this treaty is approved, it will be exceedingly difficult to ever make changes to it.  So essentially what is happening is that the Obama agenda is being permanently locked in for 40 percent of the global economy.


    The United States, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam all intend to sign on to this insidious plan.  Collectively, these nations have a total population of about 800 million people and a combined GDP of approximately 28 trillion dollars.

    And do you want to know who pushed really hard to give Obama fast track negotiating authority so that these negotiations could be brought to a successful conclusion?

    It was the traitorous Republican leadership in Congress.  They did everything that they could to pave the way for Obamatrade.

    We are also seeing some stunning moves in the direction of a one world religion.

    In recent years, you may have noticed that it has become very trendy to say that all religions are just different paths to the same God.  In fact, many prominent religious leaders are now openly proclaiming that the two biggest faiths on the entire planet, Christianity and Islam, worship the exact same deity.

    For example, just consider what the Pope is saying publicly on this matter.  The following is an extended excerpt from one of my recent articles on End of the American Dream


    What Pope Francis had to say at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan has received very little coverage by the mainstream media, but it was exceedingly significant.  The following is how he began his address

    I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters: Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice. I would have wished my greeting to be warmer. My sentiments of closeness, my sentiments of closeness in the face of tragedy. The tragedy that they suffered in Mecca.

    In this moment, I give assurances of my prayers. I unite myself with you all. A prayer to almighty god, all merciful.

    He did not choose those words by accident.  In Islam, Allah is known as “the all-merciful one”.  If you doubt this, just do a Google search.

    And this is not the first time Pope Francis has used such language.  For instance, the following comes from remarks that he made during his very first ecumenical meeting as Pope…

    I then greet and cordially thank you all, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; first of all the Muslims, who worship the one God, living and merciful, and call upon Him in prayer, and all of you. I really appreciate your presence: in it I see a tangible sign of the will to grow in mutual esteem and cooperation for the common good of humanity.


    The Catholic Church is aware of the importance of promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – I wish to repeat this: promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – it also attests the valuable work that the Pontifical Council for interreligious dialogue performs.

    Pope Francis clearly believes that Christians and Muslims worship the exact same God.  And so that helps to explain why he authorized “Islamic prayers and readings from the Quran” at the Vatican for the first time ever back in 2014.


    What is happening is undeniable.

    We are steamrolling toward a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion.

    Of course we will not get there overnight.  It is going to take some time, and there are going to be quite a few bumps along the way.  In fact, I believe that our planet will experience an extreme amount of chaos before we actually get there.

    But every major crisis will be used as an excuse to advance this agenda.  Virtually every solution that the elite offer us will involve more globalization and more centralization.  We will be told that all of our problems will be solved if humanity will just come together in unity.

    For some, the goal of a “united planet” where we are all working together to eradicate things like poverty, war and disease makes all the sense in the world.

    For others, a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion would simply mean setting the stage for “one world tyranny”.

  • Confused About The War In Syria? Here Are Your Western Media-Sponsored Conflict Diagrams

    We’d like to think we do an admirable job of helping to shed light not only on who’s fighting who and why in Syria, but also of helping those interested get to the bottom of the ulterior motives that are ultimately driving the conflict. 

    At its most basic level, Syria’s civil war is about power politics and energy. The Western media will tell you that this is all the result of Bashar al-Assad resisting a “popular uprising.” Not to put too fine a point on it, but that’s fairly close to being an outright lie. As a leaked diplomatic cable from 2006 shows, the US has sought to destabilize the regime in Damascus by fomenting sectarian discord for the better part of a decade, a familiar strategy for the West when it comes to replacing governments Washington deems to be recalcitrant. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey have assisted in the effort.

    Because it’s in Tehran’s pocket, Damascus is a perpetual thorn in the side of the Saudis and removing Assad would not only pave the way for potential energy partnerships, but would also deal a serious blow to Iran’s sphere of influence in the Mid-East and cut off Tehran’s supply line to Hezbollah. 

    Of course the Kurds are also involved in the fight against the Sunni extremists angling for Assad’s ouster which complicates matters significantly given the tension between Ankara and the PKK. That dynamic is itself complicated by the fact that it isn’t entirely clear what Erdogan’s stance on ISIS actually is.

    As one Pentagon official put it a few months back, “it’s a friggin’ mess.” 

    That it is, and one that is largely of Washington’s own making because, as we’ve noted in the past, even if Bashar al-Assad isn’t the most benevolent leader in the history of statecraft (and he certainly is not), virtually anything would be better than what’s going on in Syria today. 

    Now that Russia is on the ground (or perhaps “in the air” is the better way to put it), the stakes have been raised and because the conflict is quickly becoming the biggest story in the world, we thought it an opportune time to present the following graphics from The New York Times which illustrate the various alliances and relationships among all of the parties involved.

    And because we wouldn’t leave you without a bit of humor, here’s the American media describing the US as ISIS’ “main adversary” while Russia (the country whose jets are killing ISIS fighters every day) is relegated to “secondary” status:

  • Step Aside Human: World's Second Biggest Mining Company Unveils Robot Trucks

    One week ago we were shocked to learn that while all other commodity miners, first and foremost Glencore, were copycatting US shale producers and scrapping capital spending as well as production across virtually every commodity class, one company would buck the trend when the world’s second largest miner Rio Tinto said it would not cut copper production, adding that it would be “illogical to hold back output and leave space in the market for higher-cost rivals.”

    “Why should I make cuts?” asked Rio Copper & Coal Chief Executive Officer Jean-Sébastien Jacques rhetorically.

    The logical answer to that question is that being constrained by the same labor costs as all his peers, Rio Tinto would have no choice but to limit the cash outflow.

    Logical, that is, assuming we had all the necessary information. We did not.

    Thanks to Xinhua, we have now learned something fascinating – in its attempt to evade the shackles of conventional fixed and variable costs, Rio Tinto has decided to begin eliminating humans from its “workforce” altogether.

    According to the Chinese state media, Rio Tinto has started using automated, driverless trucks to move iron ore in its Pilbara mines, controlled from an operations center 1,200 kilometers away in Perth. 

    Xinhua reports that “the world’s first commercial implementation of the technology removes high risk, repetitive roles which expose employees to fatigue while also reducing significant operating costs and maintaining consistency, said Rio Tinto Yandicoogina operations manager Josh Bennett.”

    “One of the biggest costs we have got it maintaining mobile assets, so we spend a lot of time on our operator training, education,” Bennett told the national broadcaster ABC.


    Rio Tinto now has 69 driverless trucks operating 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, estimating a saving of 500 work hours per truck per year.


    “So, there is obvious capital savings, in terms of setting up camps, flying people to site, there is less people so there is less operating costs, but there are some costs that come into running the system and maintenance of the system as well,” Bennett said.

    It’s not just well-paid drivers that suddenly became obsolete: the resources giant is also trialling unmanned trains and robot drills, aiming for a roll out of the machines to as many mine sites as possible in the next year.

    And where Rio Tinto is boldly going, all of its competitors are sure to follow: rivals BHP Billiton and local middleweight Fortescue Metals are also in on the act, trialling similar technology at their mines.

    While we were surprised at this development, others said this was a logical evolution in the displacement of humans with unpaid robotic replacement.

    Local market analysts have said the shift to autonomous vehicles was to be expected if Australian miners wanted to remain competitive through the cycle following “unrealistic” wage increases and increased scrutiny of safety concerns. Though the resource sector is developing driverless technology in a commercial closed circuit enterprise, it is in fact the automotive industry that is leading the technological advances.

    “Obviously it’s not public because there is a lot of money… and it’s a very competitive industry with different automotive manufacturers, therefore they keep it behind closed doors,” University of New South Wales associate professor of industrial automation and engineering, Jay Katupitiya, told Xinhua on Monday.

    So if thousands of commercial drivers find themselves without a job in the coming months and years, thanks the likes of Tesla, Apple and Google, who are “streamlining” even more costs, and creating massive “synergies” for shareholders.

    Global automotive manufacturers have recently created a new battleground in the technology market against the likes of Google and Apple, snapping up software experts in the race to develop a self-driving car for the consumer market.


    U.S. Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx, on the sidelines of the Frankfurt Auto Show in September, said he expected driverless cars to be widespread operation throughout the world within 10 years.


    High-end electric automotive manufacturer Tesla has taken the realization of that expectation a step further by releasing a software upgrade for the Model S four-door saloon’s autopilot system, to be released in European and Asian markets this week. The upgrade allows its cars to automatically change lanes by the touch of the indicator, managing speed and even hit the breaks.

    There are two clear outcomes of this technological innovation, one which we previewed back in 2012 with “I, Not Robot: Why The Rise Of SkyNet Leads To Automatic Unemployment For The People.”

    • The first is that the commodity mining space is about to see an unprecedented wave of layoffs, crushing the personal income of millions of households and leading to yet another surge in unemployment.
    • The second, is that the deflationary wave in the commodity sector is not only here to stay, but is about to get even worse as several layers in overhead costs are about to be eliminated, in the process lowering the breaking extraction costs for all commodity classes substantially lower.

    The bottom line is that any company that does not follow in Rio Tinto’s footsteps is doomed to a slow, miserable, cash-burning death, even if it means another major deflationary wave is about to be unleashed across the commodity sector, and “forcing” central banks around the globe to engage in far more easing in the years ahead as one after another central-planner desperately looks for the source of global deflation when it is right there, in front of their eyes.

  • "The Fed's Days Are Numbered" Ron Paul On The Crucial Issue "They" Don't Want To Talk About

    Via's Simon Black,

    Just had a great weekend in Dallas, where I had the pleasure of spending some time with Dr. Ron Paul.

    After our event on Saturday we sat down to record a quick podcast that I’m eager to share with you.

    In this quick audio session we covered his views on the biggest issues surrounding the Fed right now:

    • Why the Fed is not going to raise interest rates
    • How they’ve lost the power to manipulate markets
    • How they rig half of every transaction you make
    • The crucial issue that they don’t want people talking about
    • And how they’ve made us poorer

    You’ll definitely want to hear this.

    "All The Fed has is credibility" and, as Ron Paul expounds, by folding on a 25bps rate hike, it tells you how fragile this system is… built on a foundation of sand."


    Indeed, if stocks weren't held up, that would be another 'signal' of the fragility… "and that is why they created The Plunge Protection Team."


    By "manipulating the most important price in markets," Paul concludes, "we are at the climactic end of the 'system' that started in August 1971."

    Click image below for link to brief must-listen interview…

  • Fill In The Blank: Jamie Dimon Says "Banks Got _______ In The Financial Crisis"

    During an appearance on Bloomberg TV this afternoon, everyone’s favorite banker (and no that is not cockney rhyming slang) JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon, explains to Stepahnie Ruhle that banks “got tarnished” during the financial crisis


    We thought an alternative word (or two) was more appropriate…

  • Oct 20 – Fed's Williams: Decision on October will be taken at the meeting




    ONE WEEK AGO: 44/100 FEAR 


    Put and Call Options: FEAR During the last five trading days, volume in put options has lagged volume in call options by 26.68% as investors make bullish bets in their portfolios. However, this is still among the highest levels of put buying seen during the last two years, indicating fear on the part of investors.

    Market Volatility:  NEUTRAL The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is at 14.98. This is a neutral reading and indicates that market risks appear low.

    Stock Price Strength: FEAR The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is at 18.03. This is a neutral reading and indicates that market risks appear low.




    S&P 500 (ES) | NASDAQ 100 (NQ) | DOW 30 (YM) | RUSSELL 2000 (TF) Euro (6E) |Pound (6B) 







    CELG OCT WEEKLY4 CALL Activity 3k+ @$.35

    SNDK continued CALL Activity .. NOV 77.5 CALLS Active

    JAKK NOV 10 PUT Activity 1100+ @$1.55 on offer

    SCHW Director P    7,100  A  $ 28.5693

    CTRP.. SC13D/A Filed by Priceline .. 12.63%

    More Unusual Activity…



    Fed’s Williams: Decision on October will be taken at the meeting –BBG

    Italian newspaper says Fed’s Dudley doubts Fed can hike rates this year

    Richmond Fed’s Lacker cancels speech due to illness – Rtrs

    Fed’s Brainard urges easing regulatory burden for small banks – Rtrs

    US Tsy Sec. Lew: Worries There Could Be A ‘Terrible Debt Limit Accident’ – CNBC

    ECB’s Noyer: ECB’s QE program is working; running at the proper pace –Yahoo

    Treasury-Bill Rate Hits Seven-Month High as Debt Ceiling Looms –BBG

    Moody’s lowers oil price assumptions on oversupply and weakening demand

    Iran Official: Nuclear deal to be implemented this year – Rtrs

    Weight Watchers shares soar after Oprah investment –Rtrs

    Morgan Stanley shares sink after ugly earnings miss – CNBC



    Fed’s Williams: Decision on October will be taken at the meeting –BBG

    Italian newspaper says Fed’s Dudley doubts Fed can hike rates this year –MktWatch

    Richmond Fed’s Lacker cancels speech due to illness – Rtrs

    Fed’s Brainard urges easing regulatory burden for small banks – Rtrs

    US Tsy Sec. Lew: Worries There Could Be A ‘Terrible Debt Limit Accident’ – CNBC

    ECB’s Noyer: ECB’s QE program is working; running at the proper pace –Yahoo

    ECB won’t take decision on QE program this week –Rtrs Poll

    Bundesbank’s Nagel: Don’t Expect Dramatic Slowdown In China – Fidelity


    Treasury-Bill Rate Hits Seven-Month High as Debt Ceiling Looms –BBG

    American Demand for Its Own Debt Skyrockets –BBG

    ECB ABSPP: +EUR1.071Bn To EUR14.465Bn (Prev +EUR244Mn)

    ECB CBPP: +EUR1.474Bn To EUR126.101Bn (Prev +EUR1.824Bn)

    ECB PSPP: +EUR12.042Bn To EUR370.816Bn (Prev +EUR12.624Bn)


    Euro slides ahead of ECB meeting this week; dollar rises -Rtrs

    USD/JPY: Pair Fluctuates in Tight Range, Buck Faces Technical Hurdle –WBP

    USD/CHF: Buck Prolongs Rebound as Traders Stay Calm on China –WBP


    Oil down 3 percent; tumbling gasoline adds to China, Iran worries – Rtrs

    WTI futures settle at $45.89, down 2.9%

    NOC: Libya producing 440,000 bpd of crude oil – Yahoo

    Moody’s lowers oil price assumptions on oversupply and weakening demand

    Iran Official: Nuclear deal to be implemented this year – Rtrs

    Natural Gas Rises on Cold Weather –WSJ

    Gold Down on Dollar Strength, U.S. Interest-Rate Worries –Nasdaq

    Copper Falls on Weaker Chinese Growth Data –WSJ


    INDICES: U.S. stocks decline as energy selloff weighs on indexes

    INDICES: DAX Manages to Close in Green on Deutsche Bank’s Restructuring –WBP

    EARNINGS: Morgan Stanley shares sink after ugly earnings miss – CNBC

    EARNINGS: Hasbro Beats Earnings Mark in Latest Quarter – WSJ

    EARNINGS: Halliburton Posts Loss on North America Weakness – WSJ

    EARNINGS: Valeant raises full-year forecast after Q3 report – MktWatch

    EARNINGS: Genuine Parts profit and revenue hit by dollar – MktWatch

    BANKS: UK Bank Ring-Fence Unlikely to Cause Material Rating Gaps – Fitch

    CONS.DIS: Weight Watchers shares soar after Oprah investment –Rtrs

    TECH: China gives conditional approval to Nokia-Alcatel deal -Rtrs

    INDUSTRIALS: PWC looking for buyers for steel firm Caparo –Sky

    BANKS: Deutsche Bank in $6bn ‘fat finger’ slip-up –FT


    S&P Affirms India’s ‘BBB-‘ Rating, Outlook Stable – NDTV

    Brazil yet to decide on new fiscal target, minister says –Rtrs

    Saudi Arabia Seen Raising $32 Billion in 2016, Saudi Fransi Says –BBG

    Russian recovery hopes dashed as retail sales plunge –Rtrs

    S&P upgrade Ukraine to B- from CCC+; outlook stable from negative



  • Deflation = Debt + Demographics + Disruption… But Mostly Debt

    One week ago, we showed a quick and simple primer by Bank of America explaining why the pervasive global deflationary wave (in the monetary sense, not in the soaring rent and unprecedented tuition and drug costs – remember, those are simply hedonically adjusted away by the CPI to where they cease to exist) blanketing the world can be explained by the three Ds: debt, demographics and disruption.

    This is what BofA said:

    • Disruption: Technological innovation and disruption are driving many goods & service sector prices lower (rent & health care are two important exceptions); extending human life and the propensity to save; fostering wage and job insecurity.
    • Demographics: The size of the working population of the developed world peaked in 2011 and will fall from 833 million to 799 million by 2025, putting downward pressure on potential growth and inflation (Chart 3). And by 2050, the world’s “Silver Generation” will increase by 885 million people, many of whom will save more in anticipation of old age.
    • Debt: Minimal deleveraging since the GFC and a large debt overhang remain impediments to nominal growth; global debt as a % of GDP actually rose from 162% in 2001 to 211% in 2013, an all-time high.

    Today, a quick follow up is in order because as CLSA’s Chris Wood points out, by far the most important of these three “D’s” is debt.  Debt, which ironically, has been unleashed by the very central banks whose stated intention is to push core inflation to a stable 2% annual increase, and instead they have blanketed the world with an insurmountable cover of leverage which no longer can be “grown into” and thus can either be defaulted away or simply hyperinflated.

    Here is Chris Wood:

    A question raised by an investor in Canada this week makes it clear to GREED & fear that a point of clarification is due. This is that quanto easing is not the core reason that velocity has continued to decline. Rather the core reason is the excessive amount of debt in the system, an amount that has continued to grow since the financial crisis in 2008 as highlighted in a McKinsey report which attracted a lot of publicity when published earlier this year (see McKinsey Global Institute report “Debt and (not much) deleveraging”, February 2015). For the record, McKinsey estimated that aggregate global debt has grown by US$57tn from US$142tn in 2007 to US$199tn at the end of 2Q14, raising the ratio of global debt to GDP by 17 percentage points to 286% (see Figure 15).



    If the growing level of aggregate debt is the core reason for velocity’s decline, GREED & fear’s point is that the introduction of quanto easing has failed to combat the continuing decline of velocity but has in fact further contributed to it, as outlined in the manner discussed here last week. Meanwhile, the only way to get velocity to pick up in a benign way is to write off the debt by a meaningful amount. That would have helped in the 2008 global financial crisis if more losses had been imposed on creditors. There then would have been a V-shaped rebound in velocity similar to what happened in the Asian Crisis….



    …. But that obviously did not happen in 2008 as the policymakers demonstrated that they did not believe in capitalism. Otherwise, the only other way velocity picks up is by an unhealthy hyperinflationary surge reflecting a loss of confidence in central banks, an outcome that becomes more plausible the more extreme the resort to quantitative easing.

    This, in a few very simple sentences, explains what we have said all along: the longer the Fed and its peer banks engage in QE, ZIRP, NIRP, and other zero cost of debt-enabling policies, the longer the deflationary period will last, and the more violent the hyperinflationary endgame, as the inevitable helicopter money is finally unleashed, will be.

  • "Shadow Convexity" Means The Death Of Modern Portfolio Theory

    Excerpted from Artemis Capital Management letter to investors,

    Do not call upon spirits you are not capable of controlling… risk in risk parity

    The story of the sorcerer’s apprentice is a tale about the dangers of non-linearity and ‘shadow’ convexity. In the story, the apprentice became massively short “broom” convexity resulting in a dangerous overflow of liquidity. In fixed income terminology, the word ‘convexity’ describes the degree to which a bond is negatively exposed to rising interest rates in a non-linear fashion. Central banks and regulators have decided to invoke their own sorcery by buying bonds through quantitative easing and requiring stringent capital requirements for ‘too big to fail’ banks. The unintended consequence is that systemically important institutions are now warehousing massive amounts of convexity risk in assets with negative real returns. What would happen if rates increased 300 basis points in a year the way they did between 1979 and 1980? The result would be a -20% mark-to-market loss on a portfolio of supposedly “safe haven” securities!

    Now imagine if that crash in ‘safe haven’ bonds occurs simultaneously with a decline in equity prices…
    …all of a sudden we have a big global problem.

    Modern portfolio theory ignores massive ‘shadow’ convexity from a potential correlation breakdown in the relationship between stocks and bonds. Let us assume I have a little money to invest and I go to a qualified financial advisor for advice on investing for retirement. The adviser would likely tell me to diversify those assets according to a 60/40 split between stocks and bonds. The theory is that when times are good stocks go up but bonds underperform and vice versa.

    Therefore, I put my money in a 60/40 split, supposedly, because there is anti-correlation between stocks and bonds. Now let us assume I run an institution with hundreds of millions to invest and I can afford a more expensive financial advisor. The expensive financial advisor agrees with the general principal of a 60/40 stock and bond split but feels that we can do much better by leveraging the bonds so they match the stock portfolio weighted by their respective volatilities. The theory is that bonds outperform stocks on riskadjusted basis while exhibiting strong anticorrelation. The financial advisor calls this “risk parity” and shows me an incredible 20-year record of returns including gains in 2008.

    The entire global financial system is leveraged to the theory that stocks and bonds are always anti-correlated. Risk parity funds currently manage approximately $1.4 trillion of institutional assets globally based on this theory.  It is impossible to estimate how many trillions of dollars are managed according to the simple 60/40 mantra… but let us just assume something north of $1.4 trillion and something south of “more money than God”.

    Given the unfathomable amount of assets leveraged to this simple relationship, I decided to test the anti-correlation between equity and fixed income, or positive correlation between yields and stock prices, based on over 132 years of price data. The truth about the historical relationship between stocks and bonds is scary.

    Between 1883 and 2015 stocks and bonds spent more time moving in tandem (30% of the time) than they spent moving opposite one another (11% of the time). It is only during the last two decades of falling rates, accommodative monetary policy, and globalization that we have seen an extraordinary period of anti-correlation emerge between stocks and bonds unmatched by any other regime in history. Not only are stocks and bonds positively correlated most of the time but also there is a precedent for multi-year periods whereby both have declined.

    In the event stocks and bonds simultaneously lose value, the classic 60/40 portfolio will become a 100% loser and volatility will be the only asset class that is capable of protecting your portfolio.

    Risk parity strategies are viewed as defensive in nature by the institutional investor community due to their outperformance during the 2008 financial crisis. While the strategy can be very effective the thirty year track record hides significant risks. Risk parity derives alpha through a form of ‘shadow’ short convexity that includes leveraged exposure to:

    1. Short correlation between equity and fixed income;
    2. Short portfolio gamma through volatility rebalancing.

    To understand this risk we looked backward by estimating the performance of a classic 60/40 and a simple risk-parity portfolio across 100+ years of financial data. Risk parity faces significant tail risk 1 out of every 50 years. In the 20th and 21st century simultaneous positive returns occurred 63% of the time with negative stock and bond returns occurring in 2% of the years. The danger scenario whereby stocks and bonds decline in tandem (see lower left quadrant) occurred in the 1970s, late 1950s, 1940s, and between 1906 and 1909.

    Although simultaneous negative returns in both equities and fixed income is rare, the impact on the classic 60/40 and risk parity portfolios is potentially devastating. The chart below shows the worst rolling years for each portfolio since 1800. We only include periods when stocks and bonds fell simultaneously.

    The nightmare period for negative correlation occurred between 1906 and 1909 when the 60/40 portfolio experienced a -67% peak-to-trough drawdown and a simple risk parity strategy would have gone bankrupt. This analysis is not taking into account the harder to measure second ‘shadow’ convexity exposure of risk parity described herein as portfolio gamma. What is portfolio gamma? During periods of rising volatility risk parity portfolios are forced to deleverage. If $1.4 trillion of risk parity assets are deleveraging at the same time during a period of sustained stress in bonds and then stocks we would likely face a self-reflexive spiral of selling. The portfolio gamma is the hard to measure cost of reducing your risk exposure when everyone else is doing the exact same thing. Risk parity, like portfolio insurance in 1987, is self-reinforcing when widely adopted and arguably introduces fragility to markets. The size of the risk parity market questions whether the product may pose a systemic risk during a sustained period of negative stock and bond returns like 1906 to 1909, the late 1940s, or late 1970s. 

    The $1.4 trillion dollar question is…
    what would cause the relationship between stocks and bonds to completely melt down?

    The volatility of inflation appears to be a core driver of higher correlation between stocks and bonds. When inflation, as gauged by the consumer price index, is more volatile we tend to experience higher levels of stock and bond correlation as evidenced by data from 1885 to 2015. The early part of the 20th century, which experienced the most debilitating periods of stock and bond underperformance, was a period of wild fluctuations between inflation and deflation. The last three decades of extraordinary anti-correlation has been an era of falling rates, globalization, accommodative monetary policy, and very low volatility of CPI. The global economy is now at the zero bound whereby the effectiveness of competitive devaluations is coming into question.

    It is not hard to imagine a regime whereby central banks lose credibility or are not capable of moderating swings in inflation in a way consistent with the past three decades. Any period of sustained correlation failure will result in rising  volatility and selling pressure across bonds and stocks in a self-reflexive cycle.


    Modern portfolio theory relying on diversification and volatility targeting for alpha generation provides an illusion of safety but is simply exposing investors to alternative risks.  In exchange for price risk, investors are exposed to short correlation risk.  In exchange for lower portfolio volatility, investors are exposed negatively to portfolio gamma. Pure long convexity exposure is your only solution to this problem.

    There can be significant risk in risk parity… many providers are established and smart investors and hopefully are aware of these risks. There is nothing wrong with owning a risk parity portfolio, which has performed admirably over the past two decades, but based on any longer view of financial history you are an irresponsible fiduciary if you are not hedging it with some form of long convexity exposure.

  • Swedish Nazi Creates "Accommodation Centers" For Refugees As Turkey Insists "We're Not A Concentration Camp"

    There’s something tragically ironic about the fact that many of the refugees fleeing war-torn Syria have to make their way through Turkey in order to access the (increasingly arduous) Balkan route to the German “promised land.” 

    After all, it’s not exactly like Ankara has done much to help when it comes to promoting stability in Syria. Turkey, like the US, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, wants Bashar al-Assad gone and the Erdogan government has been variously accused of aiding and abetting ISIS for some time now. In fact, the PKK and HDP (with the latter using more politically correct language) has suggested that Ankara may be using ISIS to carry out suicide attacks against Turkish citizens in order to scare voters ahead of elections next month. 

    So, Syrian asylum seekers are effectively forced to traverse the country whose government has contributed mightily to their suffering. 

    Of course the borders in Eastern Europe are bursting with migrants and now that Hungary has closed her borders with both Serbia and Croatia, the people flow has been diverted and Slovenia has now become the choke point on the route north to Germany.

    And speaking of Germany, there’s a growing domestic backlash against the flow of asylum seekers into the country. The Iron Chancellor has of course made it abundantly clear that Germany will not be closing her doors to those fleeing the Mid-East, a position which has made Merkel something of a celebrity among Syrian refugees. At home however, Merkel’s approval rating dropped to a four year low this month suggesting that Berlin is testing voters’ patience with its stance on the migrant flows. 

    In an effort to ameliorate the “problem,” Merkel visited Turkey over the weekend and although there was progress on a plan that essentially calls for cash bribes from Brussels along with visa free travel for Turks in the Schengen, PM Ahmet Davutoglu (otherwise known as “that guy who Erdogan sends when it’s not really important“) has assured the world that despite the deal with the EU, Turkey is “not a concentration camp.” Here’s more from AFP

    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said on Monday his country was “not a concentration camp” and would not host migrants permanently to appease the EU, which wants Turkey to stop the flow of people to Europe.


    “We cannot accept an understanding like ‘give us the money and they stay in Turkey’. Turkey is not a concentration camp,” Davutoglu said in a live television interview a day after talks with Germany’s Angela Merkel on the migrant crisis.


    “I said this to Merkel too. No one should expect Turkey to turn into a concentration camp where all the refugees stay in,” he said.


    The talks had however resulted in a “positive response” to the government’s request for visa liberalisation, he said.


    And in exchange Davutoglu agreed that “illegal immigration should be properly kept under control, therefore we will set up joint mechanisms” to contain the historic flow of Syrians and others escaping conflict, persecution and poverty who use Turkey as a gateway to Europe.


    “We spoke of three billion euros ($3.4 billion) as ‘fresh money’ but it is not a fixed sum. Our (financial) needs may increase,” he said.


    Davutoglu insisted the European Union would have to implement its side of the deal before Turkey would play ball.


    “In the past, the EU got what it wanted, but didn’t keep its promises. The visa liberalisation has to take force,” he said referring to Turkey’s request for visa-free access for Turks to the EU’s Schengen zone.


    “We demanded the abolishment of the Schengen visa (for Turks) and got a positive response. It will happen in July 2016, negotiations are continuing. Things will become clear at the start of the 2016,” he said.


    His comments came as the migrant crisis intensified in Europe, with thousands of people streaming Monday into the Balkans, where tighter border controls caused bottlenecks and forced people to sleep in freezing temperatures.

    Ok, so Turkey is “not a concentration camp,” and that being the case, some good hearted Europeans are going to have to step up. 

    Fortunately, Sweden has lots of citizens who are willing to chip in – even Nazis. Here’s The Local:

    A man from northern Sweden who has praised Adolf Hitler on Facebook and participated in Nazi demonstrations has answered a call from Sweden’s Migration Agency for volunteers willing to offer accommodation to refugees.


    With Sweden currently taking in record numbers of refugees and even setting up a tent camp to deal with some of the new arrivals, Sweden’s Migration Agency (Migrationsverket) recently sent out a nationwide appeal for businesses and residents who may be able to provide shelter as the winter draws in.


    But according to an investigation by Swedish current affairs publication Expo and local newspaper Västerbotten-kuriren, the government agency has been given an offer by a surprising candidate, who has previously attended pro-Nazi protests and praised Adolf Hitler on social media.


    The two media have not named the applicant, but describe him as “in his 50s” and write that he has offered to start three different accommodation centres for refugees in Västerbotten in northern Sweden, in which is understood to be his home town.


    The man, who is understood to run his own business in the area told Expo that he had come round to the idea after being approached by the local officials and discovering that he could profit from the initiative.

    So, Turkey wants the world to know that it most certainly is not going to act as a concentration camp for migrants, and Serbia has made similar comments over the past two months.

    But in Sweden, there’s apparently at least one Nazi who is willing to set up as many as three “accommodation centers” for refugees. 

    We’ll close by simply saying that there are too many possible punchlines there to pick one winner, but on a more serious note, we would warn (again) about the potential for xenophobia and scapegoating here because it’s becoming more clear by the day that there is simply no way that Europe is going to be able to accommodate these people flows without something snapping somewhere.

    On the bright side for Sweden, perhaps they, like Germany, will have to issue more debt to accommodate the asylum seekers, giving the Riksbank a convenient way out of the current dilemma whereby the stock of government bonds isn’t large enough to allow for more QE without the market breaking. 

  • The 10 Jobs That Attract The Most Psychopaths

    Presented with no comment…(and no surprise)



    Source: Statista via The Burning Platform

  • Trump Extends Lead Over Jeb & The GOP Field, But Carson Looms

    The Donald, crushing the hopes of the status quo, has extended his lead among GOP Primary voters with 25% of the support (up from 21% in September). However, the latest WSJ/NBC poll finds Ben Carson coming on strong with 22% support. Aside from Rubio (13%, up from 11%), this leaves “the rest” of the crowd lagging horribly with Chris Christie, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, and John Kasich looking to go the way of ‘the Walker’.



    As The Wall Street Journal reports,

    Donald Trump and Ben Carson continue to broaden their appeal among Republican primary voters and have widened their lead over Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and many other more-experienced candidates, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds.


    Mr. Bush, once considered the GOP’s likely nominee, is also lagging behind his onetime protege, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who is emerging as the leading contender to rally the party’s establishment wing against the rise of insurgent outsiders such as Messrs. Trump and Carson.


    The new poll, conducted Oct. 15-18, underscores the durability—even the gathering strength—of anti-Washington candidates who had long been viewed as likely to be flash-in-the-pan political phenomena.



    Mr. Trump, the reality-television celebrity and businessman, was the first choice of GOP primary voters, with 25% support, up from 21% in a late September Journal/NBC News poll.


    Mr. Carson, the retired neurosurgeon, placed second in the new survey, with 22% support, a slight rise over last month despite controversy over statements he made that an observant Muslim shouldn’t be U.S. president.


    Behind them was Mr. Rubio, who rose to 13% in the poll from 11% last month. He was the only other GOP candidate to draw double-digit support.


    Mr. Bush, who led the field as recently as June, when he was first choice of 22% of GOP primary voters, drew 8% in the latest poll.

    We leave it to one Californian construction worker to sum it all up…

    “The circle [of people] that runs around staying in politics, they become so involved that they are not doing what they came to office to do anymore,” said Mr. Montagnoli, who said he couldn’t support Mr. Bush. “I think fresh people and nonpolitical people would do a lot better.”

  • Martin Armstrong Rages Against Socialism: "Government Has Replaced God"

    Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,


    Socialism v Capitalism


    The debate for socialism is simply that they regard it as unfair when anyone has more than another does.



    The solution is always to rob someone else to improve your own life. If you take this philosophy as your own, then you rob others because they have more, which is no different than robbing someone on the street or breaking into their home (a crime resulting in you living tax-free in prison). However, if you vote for politicians to degree the very same act as law, it somehow makes robbing other people legal. If they complain or assert rights, then they are greedy capitalists who worship their money more than your desire to rob them in claims of fairness.

    Socialism is a Sin

    Socialism violates the Ten Commandments which prohibits anyone from coveting what their neighbor has. Well, God must have had a bad day for he does not understand what is fair. If someone is smarter than others are, that is OK and God’s Will, but he should not have more material things. God obviously cannot be all knowing since Marx must be right. God clearly can’t understand what is fair. It was Julius Caesar who said man will believe only what he wants to believe. There is no changing his mind.

    Europe has a death wish. Since World War II, they have been infected with socialism that is reflected in the unemployment.

    European Socialism

    The highest unemployment is confined to nations with the highest degree of socialism. If you attack investments, you do not create jobs, and the end result is rather bleak. People are not getting married because they cannot find employment or earn enough to fund a family.

    Marriage Rate

    When will we wake up to this hatred of the so-called 1% and realize it is an excuse to keep politicians rich in tax revenues?

    So why do we put up with taxes anymore when they are only necessary at the local level and not federally? It is time for a major readjustment in this plague that has torn the world apart at the seams ever since Marx created the Progressive Era that manifested in Socialism and then Communism. I suppose it is like killing someone. If a cop does it, it’s OK. If you do it, it becomes a crime. Government clearly has replaced God. That’s the only explanation.

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Today’s News October 19, 2015

  • "Good News" – China GDP Beats Expectation Leaving Fed 'Relieved', Stocks Disappointed

    AsiaPac stocks were generally lower heading into the all-important Chinese macro data (S&P -6pts, Japan -0.7%, China -0.2%) as JPY erased Friday's ramp and crude dropped back below $47. The PBOC left the Onshore Yuan fix practically unchanged (following Friday's significant devaluation). Then the data hit… China GDP beat expectations (printing 6.9% YoY vs 6.8% exp) but is still the lowest growth since Q1 2009. Industrial Production missed (printing 5.7% YoY vs 6.0% exp). Retail Sales beat (10.9% YoY vs 10.8% exp). The initial reaction was kneejerk buying in USDJPY and stocks but that is fading as "good news" will relieve The Fed's angst over growth


    Before… USDJPY and S&P Futs lower (along with most of AsiaPac stocks, gold, and crude)


    Then the data hit…


    And then we had Chinese Retail Sales, which Beat expectations of a 10.8% YoY gain with an "easily explainable" +10.9% YoY

    And Chinese Industrial Production missed, printing +5.7% YoY(against expectations of a 6.0% YoY gain)

    And then the big one…

    38 "qualified" economists saw China's GDP between 6.9% and 6.4% (with a 6.8% median estimate)… notably China's monthly (higher frequency data based) estimate of GDP was 6.64%.. BUT CHINA GDP BEAT EXPECTATIONS printing +6.9%!! It's a Fall Miracle!!

    Bear in mind, as Bloomberg reports that China has tweaked how it reports gross domestic product to meet the International Monetary Fund’s data reporting standards.

    The National Bureau of Statistics will release output for each quarter on Monday, plus a cumulative reading. It previously released quarterly economic growth but didn’t specify GDP for each three-month period.


    The new figure makes it easier to calculate the change in output (unadjusted for inflation) in the last quarter from a year earlier, as the aggregate ones usually smoothed out volatility. This may signal a sharper third-quarter slowdown than the stable headline growth reading.

    In other words, what "changes" that historically were implemented that juiced historical GDP, are now evolving out of the data and detracting from what must be 'stellar' performance given the actual data beat expectations… Thus relieving an anxious Fed and opening the door to a December rate hike no matter what…

    *  *  *

    The reaction… disappointment…


    *  *  *

    There was one more significant data item out of China tonight – Fixed Assets Investment – which rose just 10.3% Cumulative YoY… the lowest growth since Dec 2000


    Because who needs CapEx after all? Oh wait… 50% of China GDP is CapEx (never mind though, we are sure all these numbers are 'accurate').

    *  *  *

    Finally there is this utterly reflexive crap…


    And this…

    • *SURVEY BASED UNEMPLOYMENT STAYS AROUND 5.2%: SHENG (seems oddly familiar!!??)

    Charts: Bloomberg

  • The Sad Fate Of America's Whistleblowers

    Paul Craig Roberts believes Washington persecutes America's greatest patriots…

    John Kiriakou is an American patriot who informed us of the criminal behavior of illegal and immoral US “cloak and dagger” operations that were bringing dishonor to our country. His reward was to be called a “traitor” by the idiot conservative Republicans and sentenced to prison by the corrupt US government.


    Manning revealed US war crimes and after years of illegal pre-trial prison abuse was sentenced to 35 years in prison for keeping the vow to the US Constitution. Some of the idiot conservative Republicans thought the sentence was too light.


    Tom Drake was ruined, and he kept his complaints about NSA illegality within the chain of command.


    Julian Assange is confined by the US and UK governments in violation of international law to the Ecuadoran Embassy in London for doing his job and publishing leaked documents revealing the mendacity, immorality, and illegality of Washingtonn’s policies.


    Edward Snowden is protected by Russia against Washington’s retribution for revealing that Washington’s illegal and unconstitutional spying is universal and includes the personal communications of all of the leaders of Washington’s own vassal states.

    The American people accept the persecution of truth-tellers, because they have been brainwashed into believing that patriotism means defense of the government no matter what. As truth is so unfavorable to Washington, Americans believe that it must not be revealed, and if revealed, covered up, and those who reveal truth must be punished.

    A country with such a population as this is a police state, not a free country.

    It is an irony of history that a government and a population that believes truth must be covered up at all cost parades around the world acting as if Washington is the history’s agent for ?“bringing freedom and democracy to the world.”

    As John Kiriakou most recently noted at, history may smile on these guardians of the public trust, but during their lifetimes they remain outcasts…

     What is it about whistleblowers that the powers that be can’t stand?


    When I blew the whistle on the CIA’s illegal torture program, I was derided in many quarters as a traitor. My detractors in the government attacked me for violating my secrecy agreement, even as they ignored the oath we’d all taken to protect and defend the Constitution.


    All of this happened despite the fact that the torture I helped expose is illegal in the United States. Torture also violates a number of international laws and treaties to which our country is signatory — some of which the United States itself was the driving force in drafting.


    I was charged with three counts of espionage, all of which were eventually dropped when I took a plea to a lesser count. I had to choose between spending up to 30 months in prison and rolling the dice to risk a 45-year sentence. With five kids, and three of them under the age of 10, I took the plea.


    Tom Drake — the NSA whistleblower who went through the agency’s chain of command to report its illegal program to spy on American citizens — was thanked for his honesty and hard work by being charged with 10 felonies, including five counts of espionage. The government eventually dropped the charges, but not before Drake had suffered terrible financial, professional, and personal distress.


    This is an ongoing theme, especially in government.


    Chelsea Manning is serving 35 years in prison for her disclosure of State Department and military cable traffic showing American military crimes in Iraq and beyond. And Edward Snowden, who told Americans about the extent to which our government is spying on us, faces life in prison if he ever returns to the country.


    The list goes on and on.


    Baltimore Police Department whistleblower Joe Crystal knew what he was getting into when he reported an incident of police brutality to his superiors after witnessing two colleagues brutally beat a suspect. Crystal immediately became known as a “rat cop” and a “snitch.”


    He finally resigned from the department after receiving credible death threats.


    It’s not just government employees either. Whistleblowers first brought attention to wrongdoing at Enron, Lehman Brothers, Stanford International Bank, and elsewhere.


    And what’s their reward? Across the board, whistleblowers are investigated, harassed, fired, and in some cases prosecuted.


    That’s the conclusion of author Eyal Press, whose book Beautiful Souls: The Courage and Conscience of Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times documents the struggles of whistleblowers throughout history. Press’s whistleblowers never recover financially or professionally from their actions. History seems to smile on them, but during their lifetimes they remain outcasts.

    This is a tragedy. Blowing the whistle on wrongdoing should be the norm, not the exception.

    I recently visited Greece to help the government there draft a whistleblower protection law. The Greek word for “whistleblower” translates as “guardian of the public trust.” I wish our own government’s treatment of whistleblowers could reflect that understanding.

    Yet even legal guarantees of protection from prosecution and persecution aren’t enough — especially if, as in the case of existing law, national security employees are exempt from these safeguards.

    Instead, society must start seeing things differently. Like the Greeks, all of us need to start treating whistleblowers as guardians, not traitors. And if we value what freedoms we have left, we should demand that our government do the same.

  • "The Bankers Have Gone Through This Before. They Know How It Ends, And It’s Not Pretty"

    When even the commodity traders got caught in the crossfire of the energy rout – those supposedly smartest men (and women) in the room who were so smart, they not only never saw the commodity price crash nor did they hedge for any such possibility, leading to such snafus as both Glencore and Noble Group calling their investors and assuring them day after day that they won’t go bankrupt overnight – one question many have asked is how have the major banks gotten through unscathed so far.

    This is especially true when one considers that the energy exposure of the big 3 TBTF banks is just over $150 billion. According to Bloomberg calculations Citigroup’s energy portfolio, including loans and unfunded commitments, swelled to $59.7 billion as of June 30, Bank of America’s to $47.3 billion, and JPMorgan’s to $43.6 billion, according to company filings.

    And while some smaller banks such as Jefferies took massive charge offs on their energy prop book, which pushed Q3 FICC revenue negative for the first time ever, none of the big banks have disclosed any material, or even immaterial impairments on their tens of billions in energy loan books.

    One explanation, and by far the simplest and most logical one, is that banks floating on $2.5 trillion in excess reserves, can not reveal, or otherwise mark to market, their loan book simply because they are, well, soaking in liquidity. This is what happened in late 2008, when instead of excess reserves banks were huddled by the Fed’s discount window liquidity spigot, pledging such “collateral” as the stock of bankrupt companies (as we have previously shown). That, and also cranking up leverage to 35x, 40x or more. The repricing of all this leverage and Fed generosity once Lehman could no longer kick the can on its day to day funding, is what led to the great financial crisis. 

    This time, everyone is in on it, and if a TBTF bank fails, it will drag not only the Fed, but all central banks down with it, and everyone knows it, so why would or should Jamie Dimon bother telling the truth about his true energy exposure? It is not as if the regulators will make him tell the truth, even if they know he is lying: case in point – all those “unsavory” events that JPM has spent $35 billion in legal settlements “neither admitting nor denying” they happened.

    There is another explanation, one suggested by Bloomberg, namely that banks have allowed US shale producers, most of whom would otherwise already be insolvent, to kick the can by selling $61.5 billion in equity and debt in 2015, generating more than $700 million in fees. Half the money was raised to repay loans or restructure debt, the data show. This follows nearly half a trillion in loan originations and stock and bond underwriting in 2014.

    Case in point, Whiting Petroleum. Bloomberg has the details:

    When Whiting Petroleum needed cash earlier this year as oil prices plummeted, JPMorgan Chase, its lead lender, found investors willing to step in. The bank helped Whiting sell $3.1 billion in stocks and bonds in March. Whiting used almost all the money to repay the $2.9 billion it owed JPMorgan and its 25 other lenders. The proceeds also covered the $45 million in fees Whiting paid to get the deal done, regulatory filings show.

    In other words, JPMorgan was paid by its clients for the privilege of repaying JPM. Meanwhile the energy risk was offloaded to the dumbest men in the room, those who bought the stocks and bonds JPM had to sell. Which, naturally, is not how JPM sees it: “Being there for our clients in all market environments, particularly the tough ones, is something we feel very strongly about,” says Brian Marchiony, a JPMorgan spokesman. “During challenging periods, companies typically look to strengthen their balance sheets and increase liquidity, and we have helped many do just that.”

    Actually, what JPM did is find a way to offload its risk to third parties. As for the fate of Whiting, it all depends on where the price of oil goes:

    Analysts expect Whiting, one of the largest producers in North Dakota’s Bakken shale basin, to spend almost $1 billion more than it earns from oil and gas this year. The company has sold $300 million in assets, reduced the number of rigs drilling for oil to eight from a high of 24, and announced plans to cut spending by $1 billion next year. Eric Hagen, a Whiting spokesman, says the company has “demonstrated that it is taking appropriate steps to manage within the current oil price environment.” Whiting has said it will be in a position next year to have its capital spending of $1 billion equal its cash flows with an oil price of $50 a barrel.

    Maybe it will. For now, however, anyone who took advantage of the JPM underwritten stock and bond offerings, has lost dearly: “the stock is down 36 percent, as of Oct. 14, since the March issue, and the new bonds are trading at 94¢ on the dollar. More than 73 percent of the stocks and bonds issued this year by oil and gas producers are worth less today than when they were sold, data compiled by Bloomberg show.”

    In any event, it is clear that banks are taking advantage of the rabid chase for yield and FOMO, and while most are pitching an “imminent” rebound in the price of oil (over and over), are actively derisking their energy book, and letting others benefit from the upside should oil indeed surge. Or as Bloomberg summarizes it, “Banks’ sell-the-risk strategy underpins the shale oil boom.”

    Lenders extended low interest credit to wildcatters desperate for cash, then—perhaps remembering the 1980s oil bust—wheeled the debt off their books by selling new stocks and bonds to investors, earning sizable fees along the way. “Everyone in the chain was making money in the short term,” says Louis Meyer, a special situations analyst at Oscar Gruss & Son. “And no one was thinking long term about what they’re going to do if prices fall.”

    Still, something doesn’t quite add up: $700 million 2015 fees is about 0.5% of the total energy exposure by the big banks, if one trusts Bloomberg’s calculation laid out above. In the current illiquid, volatile market, that kind of capital loss can take place in minutes if not milliseconds. To say that banks have hedged their exposure through underwriting fees is naive, and while many banks have “urged” their clients to refi out of secured debt and into unsecured junk bonds, few have actually succeeded. In other words, banks are still massively exposed to the energy sector.

    Which is the opposite of Bloomberg’s argument which notes:

    When crude prices plummeted in the early 1980s, hundreds of banks failed across such oil-rich states as Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. This time around, banks were keen to limit their exposure to a boom-and-bust industry. Every year since 2009, about half the debt and equity sold by North American exploration and production companies was intended, at least in part, to restructure debt or repay loans, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Often the banks selling the securities were the ones getting repaid.

    Only that’s not really true, because while banks are deleveraging their energy exposure to the shale companies such as Whiting, they are massively adding energy exposure to such names as Glencore, Noble Group, Trafigura, whose credit lines they have been boosting by billions of dollars to avoid even one imploding in a liquidity supernove, one which shows just how naked everyone in the energy space truly is.

    So to say that banks have learned from the past, is disingenuous as best.

    And while we believe Bloomberg had best intentions when “explaining” away bank risk, we don’t buy it. To wit: when asked why lenders weren’t seeing more losses from energy defaults, BofA Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan said in a conference call, “A lot of that risk is distributed out to investors.” Perhaps Brian can explain just which investors, because aside from a few hedge funds here and there, we are talking tens of billions in losses.

    The final words belong to Oscar Gruss’s Meyer who says that “The bankers have gone through this before. They know how it works out in the end, and it’s not pretty. Most of the lenders have been more on top of things this time. They are not going to get caught short in the ways they got caught short before.”

    Unfortunately before every single crash someone says that bankers have learned their lesson, and every single time we find out – after the fact, and after billions in losses and/or taxpayer bailouts – that this never actually happened.

    But assuming that all this is correct (which we doubt) and that banks have indeed “passed the energy risk” to other investors, that may be the worst possible outcome: after all the Big 3 banks getting hit with a $150 billion charge will be painful but hardly lethal at a time when the Fed still has a few trillion in excess reserves on bank balance sheets. For them, it would be a pinprick. However, a few dozen billion in the hands of smaller investors, those who never directly benefited form the Fed’s QE generosity, and suddenly the ability to mask such losses becomes impossible (see Jefferies).

    Because the cascade of events that brings down even the biggest dominoes, always starts with the fall of the smallest one.

  • Yes, The US Government Really Is Bankrupt

    Submitted by Simon Black via,

    I’ve long-stated that the government of the United States is completely insolvent.

    And that is 100% true statement.

    The government’s own numbers show that official liabilities, including debt held by the public and federal retirement benefits, total $20.7 trillion.

    Yet the government’s assets, including the value of the entire federal highway system, the national parks, cash balances, etc. totals just over $3 trillion.

    In total, their ‘net worth’ is NEGATIVE $17.7 TRILLION… a level that completely dwarfs the housing crisis.

    If you include the government’s own estimates of the Social Security shortfall, this number declines to NEGATIVE $60 TRILLION.

    And it gets worse every year.

    Now, is this balance sheet an accurate reflection of reality? Do we really trust the bean counters to tell us what the United States of America is really worth?

    Surely there must be significant intrinsic value to the United States military, for example.

    Or the US government’s ability to collect taxes.

    Or what about the value of all the natural resources underground?

    These must all be HUGELY positive and would swing the government’s net worth back in the right direction.

    Guess again.

    The US military is certainly one of the best-trained and most effective forces in history.

    But it’s difficult to place a substantial value on it when the government can no longer afford to use it.

    And even when they do use it, the overall cost of doing so is negative.

    The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the taxpayers $4 trillion. But where’s the financial benefit?

    Aside from a few defense contractors profiting handsomely, the Chinese got most of the oil.

    ISIS ended up with much of Iraq. And Iran made out like a bandit, with the US government taking out its most threatening neighbors free of charge.

    Mission accomplished.

    Bottom line, even the best asset in the world can end up being a big liability if it’s used improperly.

    So what about the tax authority of the US government? If Uncle Sam can collect $3 trillion in tax revenue each year, surely that must count as a huge asset.

    And it absolutely is. If you conduct a Present Value calculation of the future tax revenue of the US government discounted by the official 2% rate of inflation, the US government’s ability to tax its citizens is ‘worth’ $150 TRILLION.

    But… if you’re going to count the government’s tax authority as an asset, you have to be intellectually honest and consider the expenses as liabilities.

    Think about it: yes, the government brings in tax revenue every single year. But for nearly every year over the last seventy years, they’ve spent far more money to deliver on the promises they’ve made to their citizens.

    Those promises are liabilities. And given the government’s spending history since the end of World War II, the liabilities far exceed the tax authority asset.

    More importantly, though, isn’t it a little bit scary to consider that the government’s #1 asset is its ability to steal money from you?

    Or that the only way the government can make its liabilities go away is by defaulting on the promises it has made to its citizens?

    That’s their only way out: steal from you, and default on you.

    *  *  *

    Join me in today’s very sobering (and inspiring) podcast as we dive deep into the government’s own numbers and discover the truth… and what you can do about it.

    (click image below for audio)

  • A CaSe OF ACuTe ZaKaRia: THe FooLS a TooL


  • Trump Says Yellen Keeping Rates Low To Protect Obama

    Make no mistake, what you saw with the Fed’s September meeting and subsequent (in)decision was an FOMC that simply froze like a deer in headlights. As we’ve documented exhaustively, there are no right answers and Janet Yellen only made it worse by, in Deutsche Bank’s words, “removing the fourth wall” and admitting that the committee is reflexive. 

    The Fed cannot hike for fear that a soaring dollar will accelerate EM outflows and plunge the world’s most important emerging economies into chaos. 

    But remaining on hold risks precipitating the very same outcome because by missing the window for liftoff, the FOMC has fostered an environment in which all EMs are constantly on their toes with no idea when or even if the “symbolic” 25bps hike will ever come. The attendant uncertainty engenders the very same capital outflows as a hike might. 

    And then there are of course considerations about what the FOMC is telegraphing about the risks to the US economy. September’s “clean relent” telegraphed a dour outlook and that, in turn, weighed on domestic risk (apparently bad news is bad news again). But hiking and thereby conveying a positive outlook for the US economy could well cause the dollar to soar (because if the ECB and BoJ are still easing, the policy divergence would be exacerbated in a liftoff scenario, giving the USD a strong tailwind) which would be a negative for some US corporates and could well weigh on the economy going forward. 

    So this is the impossible scenario the Fed finds itself in and it’s all complicated by the fact that we are heading into an election year. For his part, Donald Trump believes Yellen is deliberately delaying liftoff not because she is simply confused as to what to do, but because she’s trying to help the Obama administration. Here’s more via Bloomberg:

    According to Donald Trump, Janet Yellen’s decision to delay hiking interest rates is motivated by politics. 


    “This is a political thing, keeping these interest rates at this level,” Trump, the billionaire Republican presidential candidate, said in a Wednesday interview with Bloomberg Television’s Stephanie Ruhle. “Janet Yellen for political reasons is keeping interest rates so low that the next guy or person who takes over as president could have a real problem.”


    That problem spurred by raising rates, Trump argued, could be “a recession or worse.”


    On the other hand, Trump faulted the Federal Reserve for not having acted sooner. “Yellen is keeping rates too low, too long,” Trump said. 

    Here are some other highlights from the interview: 

    “Yellen is doing this with the blessing of the President because he doesn’t want to have a recession – or worse- in his administration.”


    “I’m a developer, I’m not complaining from my own standpoint, I’m just saying that at some point, you have to raise interest rates, you pay nothing. They are trying to put the recession – and it could be a beauty into the next administration.” 


    Now, it’s probably safe to say that Trump doesn’t understand just how convoluted the Fed’s reaction function has become at this point, which means he’s likely predisposed to thinking that the FOMC’s decision making is more political than it actually is. That’s not to suggest that the Fed is truly “independent” per se, it’s just to say that at this point, Obama’s legacy is probably not particularly high on the list of things that keep Janet Yellen up at night. 

    That said, there are very real questions as to whether the Fed will risk raising rates in an election year and on that note, we’ll leave you with some thoughts from BofAML as presented here first earlier this month.

    Via BofAML’s US Economics Team,

    Experience and independence both say “yes”

    A popular view among some market participants is that the Fed is unlikely to hike in a presidential election year. While many economic and market factors may influence when and how often the Fed hikes in the upcoming months, we do not expect the timing of US elections to play any meaningful role in the Fed’s policy deliberations. Neither historical experience during the past several hiking cycles, nor the Fed’s own desire for policy independence, suggests this will act as any constraint on the hiking cycle. Rather, we expect the Fed to gradually tighten policy in a data dependent manner during 2016 — regardless of how the political winds may blow.

    Recent history: most hikes during election years

    Historically, presidential election years have not precluded policy tightening by the Fed. Of the last five Fed hiking cycles, four either began during or continued into an election year. Two of these — 1988 and 2004 — started in an election year, some months before Election Day (in March and June, respectively). Two others — 1983 and 1999 — began the year before an election, with hikes continuing well into the following year. Both these hiking cycles stopped before Election Day (in August and May, respectively), perhaps fueling speculation about the Fed’s motives. But the Fed did not resume hiking once Election Day passed — in contrast to what one should expect if the Fed were temporarily holding back hikes around an election. Rather, each of these tightening cycles concluded as the Fed returned rates to a more neutral stance.

    Guarded independence

    Is past performance a good predictor of future policy? Given how strongly independence is held at the Fed, we suspect it is. Numerous studies show that politically independent central banks deliver the best inflation and growth outcomes, and Fed officials know that even the perception of political influence can undermine their best intentions. Rather than trying to avoid being news by keeping policy unchanged in an election year, the best strategy would be to move in a very deliberate, well-communicated and datadependent way — one that not only has nothing to do with the political cycle, but wouldn’t even give that impression. Indeed, if the Fed really wanted to minimize political pressure today, it is not at all obvious if the better choice would be to hike to appease its most vocal Congressional critics or to stand pat. Any action or inaction is bound to upset (at least) one party — so why even try?

    Unlikely variations on an unlikely theme

    Finally, the view that the Fed cannot or will not hike in an election year yields some unlikely implications for monetary policy. One is that the Fed has to get going very soon — and perhaps somewhat aggressively front-load rate hikes — in anticipation of sitting on its hands for some time. In contrast, Fed officials have warned that they don’t want to hike prematurely, and they have emphasized both a data dependent and gradual approach to normalizing policy. Another variation is that if the Fed delays this year, they won’t be able to lift off for nearly another year — and thereby put policy significantly “behind the curve.” But it’s hard to believe the Fed would choose to wait that long and potentially let inflation get out of control because of politics; recent speeches note the risks of hiking too late. In the end, while several factors could potentially delay Fed rate hikes, we very much doubt next year’s presidential election will be one of them.  

  • A Perilous Possibility: Weaponizing The Fed

    Authored by Mark St.Cyr,

    The world sits at a very precarious point once again in time. There is a very real possibility, as well as an ever-increasing chance one wrong unintended or misunderstood event could trigger an all out war of global proportions. Yes, I said it, and I don’t take it lightly. Nor do I say it cavalierly. As a matter of fact my blood ran cold just typing it. For the matter at hand, the players involved, the possibilities of doing just the slightest of wrong moves whether intentional or not. At precisely the wrong time; has the inherent risk of triggering world events in ways and at magnitudes not seen since (dare I say) WW2. And if you think that’s hyperbole – you’ve just not been paying attention.

    Currently as we sit events that were expressed by the main stream outlets as having no chance of ever happening (implying they weren’t worth contemplating) are not only happening – they’re turning out to be far more dangerous in both their escalation, as well as speed. The only thing rivaling my level for concern are the reasons being touted via both official, as well as media interpretations on why or, what is to be expected. The current double speak, plausible denials, moving of heavy armaments, ships, troop deployments, kinetic engagement, finger wagging from not one, but more than several world military powers has been breathtaking. All this over the course of just two or three weeks. The risks in my opinion for misstep with global ramifications haven’t been this perilous in decades.

    One of the real reasons for my concern stems from the players involved. I’m far more concerned and have a greater sense of foreboding when it appears the “intellectual” set are the one’s playing against adversaries or circumstances they themselves only understand through textbooks or debate. i.e., A relative example could be the proverbial college professor that teaches business theory and application yet, has never been outside the walls of academia.

    Back in April of 2014 the situation in Ukraine was all the media channels cared about. They touted how X, Y, and Z would be the obvious resolution. (X,Y, and Z represented everything breaking decisively, as well as matter of factually in the U.S.’s favor)  The problem was, anyone with any understanding of what one “thinks” should take place because they “believe” that it should be so; as opposed to actually looking at the situation, the players, the posture, and verifiable resolve through previous actions; it was clear to see the outcome was going to be far different from what the “intellectual” crowd proposed as well as believed.

    During that period I wrote an article titled “Why Intellectual Leadership Can Get You Killed” in that article I made one of the following arguments:

    “The intellectual prowess of the so-called “smart crowd” can not only be dwarfed by the truly ruthless leader, but can put both themselves as well as their company or followers in grave peril. For intellectuals think out processes far too much. Then do nothing.

    They’ll over think why someone would do X, Y, or Z. They put themselves into shoes that don’t fit, then spend more time contemplating if their opponents should be wearing leather vs rubber soles. All the while their opponent laughs running circles around them barefoot.”

    That first line could be used to describe the Fed.’s past inaction on rate hikes. For if you listen to the arguments made by the members themselves – over intellectualized the consequences is exactly what describes their reasoning and resulting decision. And the second? You could say the same for just how Ukraine ended. My premise was utterly mocked during this period – today it fits far closer to the ending results than even I dared think. Which is also the basis for my concern today.

    Currently the once advocated U.S. involvement in Syria is not only turning into an all out political humiliation, but what might be worse is it’s not coming at the hands of just a perceived or noted adversary. It’s also coming at the hands of another military power that for all intent and purposes is being held up as “a regime we can work with” as they work in concert against U.S. stated warnings to the contrary. I wish this all we had to worry about, but as usual, it’s not.

    Since our involvement in Syria (however it was achieved) one of the stated reasons why was for the goal of extinguishing terrorist threats seated there that could eventually turn up here. So far the progress has been seen, as well as reported, to be less than inspiring. Then suddenly not only is the U.S. brushed aside. It was basically told – move aside; and stay aside – while we show how it’s done. Moves like this, by these powers, on this level of stage and engagement are done precisely to test “intellectual” resolve against forceful resolve. A calculus not played for checkers or chess, but for far more dangerous games with onerous consequences.

    Add to this the simultaneous display of “Watch this!” alarm bells as Iran launched its newest long-range missile in an apparent thumbing-its-nose enticed provocation to any one caring to watch. All while the U.S. (and supposedly other U.N. bodies) are negotiating a weapons treaty. Forget about “the ink not even dry.” It’s not even fully signed.

    Concurrently as all this is playing out, it’s been announced the U.S. is indeed going to send warships to challenge China in an outright confrontation styled game of “who blinks first” to contest their proclamation that both the territory around and of the Spratly Islands is irrefutably theirs.

    Who on this earth believes this is the time to do such a provocation? I’ll tell you who: the intellectual set. That’s who. For the belief of “we can handle this” by debating and game playing override what begs clear, common sense, level-headed, outright caution. And that’s a problem on so many levels from my perspective.

    The warning signs of danger are flashing everywhere, but they seem to be falling not only deaf ears, but those that might be blind to the speed one misstep could turn every contingency plan – to absolute useless trash. These are the times I believe Mike Tyson summed up best, “Every one’s got a plan – till they get punched in the face.” I’m of the opinion we’re now walking round chin out, and chip shouldered. The problem is someone just might take the shot. And who, where, or why might not be exactly what the intellectual set ever contemplated. And that’s a very big concern.

    Then there’s what I stated in title of this article: The Fed. And here’s where things begin to rattle my cage even more. With the current global marketplace intertwined as tightly and as correlated to what happens with the U.S. Dollar as well as outright policy changes or stances by the Fed. The question begs to be answered or asked: Would or could the powers that be look to the Fed. and state (or demand) “Raise rates, drop rates, ___________ (fill in the blank) now!?”

    I think it would be crazy not to contemplate the possibilities of such a move out-of-the-blue, unannounced with what is transpiring currently. That’s why I intentionally used the word “weaponize.” For it’s one thing for the Fed. to try to dance the line of the body politic when decisions are being made. It changes into something far different if, or when – they are instructed to do something. Not asked, or advised.

    Currently it is more than fair to say the current language, as well as position of where they (the Fed.) believe policy should be heading is all over the board. Again, that’s to say the least. However, all this has to be wrapped up in the assumption the powers that be at the Fed. are making the choices whether one thinks they’re correct or wrong is a side argument.

    Wall Street, as well as the global markets are working from the assumption they need to game play what the Fed. and its players are stating. And I’m not saying that’s incorrect – it’s the possibility of that changing overnight by means of some outside dictate which may be demanded that’s the real reason for concern. For it changes everything where the resulting chaos of the markets could make ’08 look like a “good day” compared to what might transpire following such an intervention.

    Some will say or argue, “That wouldn’t happen for it would hurt us probably just as much as anyone else. That’s just crazy talk.” And there is a point to that argument. However, I will pose this rebuttal: If that were true; then why do people die in wars and infrastructure destroyed in epic proportions when both sides know exactly that – and do it anyway? This is precisely the way intellectual arguments are at first proposed, then result in consequences the proposers of that intellectual strategy get blindsided. Many times with appalling repercussions. Hence lies the reasoning for my concerns.

    Even if we take out all of the above, another overarching possibility that could throw the markets (whether from a misstep or, by design) into an outright tailspin of epic proportions and consequences overnight, fueled by a sudden carry trade unwind within the forex markets which could (if not would) simultaneously crush global equities. All of which could transpire via a HFT fueled algorithmic ignited frenzy brought on by an intentional media headline like: WAR! Think that’s crazy talk? Just look back to August for clues.

    With the way the current global markets are now predisposed to HFT – If one wanted to put a hurt on a presumed or proposed adversaries economy; why wait for sanctions to be reimposed or, tightened or, a number of other financial weapons that need to be brought for a vote or, announced or, whatever: when it could be done today through various other means with only a nod-of-the-head.

    This is the place we currently find ourselves. And if you own a business, regardless of size, you need to have contingency plans in at least a cursory overview understanding on actions to implement either for yourself, or with your people; for all hard plans usually go out the window the moment they’re needed. But understanding and contingency discussions ahead of time help quell panic during business disruptions.

    Circumstances can change rapidly as to what may or, may not be available in as much as operations funding, supply lines, currency exposure, and more. This holds true not only for the global entity, but also for small businesses. You need to be actively thinking “what if” scenarios if your serious about business during times like these. Others won’t understand and that’s fine – they aren’t in business: you are. It comes with the position.

    These are the circumstances of the day, and those circumstances have changed with the very real possibility that what was once taken as “We believe we have an idea of what the Fed. may do for the rest of the year.” Is now only part of the equation. With the current military changes, positioning, as well as rhetoric coming from global leaders around the world; what the Fed. may or, may not do or, signal – might be out of their decision-making process altogether. As implausible as this may sound today: It’s a risk that any prudent business person must now consider. Again, regardless of how far-fetched it might appear at first glance.

    I’m completely aware all the above will be argued away by many as “crazy talk” and that’s fine. However, seeing around corners or, trying to anticipate circumstances that have real chances for disruption on one’s business is a crucial requirement of any prudent entrepreneur, CEO, or solo-practitioner. There is no alternative – it falls on you. With that said I’ll ask you to ponder one last point.

    Back in May of 2014 I wrote an article titled “Will History Record The Ending Of QE As An Archduke Moment?” In that article I proposed why one needed to take prudent steps as to help prepare one’s business to possible global changing consequences that could come from nowhere with blinding speed. Where the consequences could have both local, as well as, global concerns. Again, like many before this was brushed out-of-hand, mocked, and shouted down as some form of “crazy talk” from some kind of “alarmist” or “Chicken Little.”

    Today? Since QE did in fact end, not only have the markets around the world sputtered and set off alarms bells; it’s now being widely reported via main stream media channels Russia and the U.S. are now engaging in a proxy war in Syria. Along with Iran who not only is also engaged in direct opposition to the U.S., but is also launching newly developed missiles in open defiance of U.S. concerns. All this while not only is the U.S. sending warships to challenge China’s claims around the Spratly Islands, it’s also been announced we are reversing policy in Afghanistan and staying with troops for who knows how long. And I didn’t even mention NATO jets or bases in other countries saber-rattling against Russian flyby’s. Or the Saudi’s who are also voicing troubling warnings towards Russia.

    This has all taken place in the course of two to three weeks. Not months, not years. And it’s seems to be getting worse – not better.

    If you started to at least begin taking precautions when I first warned, you would at the least have some form of contingency plan or idea of what preparations you may take if such events did ever take place. Those events have now moved from “possibly” to a razors edge of “highly plausible” if not outright likely.

    Bombs are dropped when no one expects. That’s a fact of war. And to not think that somewhere within the bowels of some “think tank” the “intellectual argument” isn’t being made or, considered which involves using the Fed. or a monetary equivalent to act as a first-strike capability weapon is ludicrous. When it comes to the world stage where global entities are out-rightly challenging one and other for supremacy, hegemony, or even respect – all considerations – and I do mean all will be on the table.

    The time for contemplating “what if’s” has passed. The time to prepare for “there’s a greater chance than not” is now the prudent policy. Your business now depends far too greatly like it or not to a Fed. policy move. The problem is – the Fed. could be the contingency that drops the first one. And there will be no announcement, no speech, no meeting, no nothing as to preempt its happening. All one can do is plan for the worst – hope for the best. But to ignore the possibility of either could be business suicide. Plain, and simple.

  • Clinton Considers Mandatory Gun "Buy-Backs" – Ignites Confiscation Concerns

    Just days after talk of President Obama's gun control executive orders, and following a disappointing showing at the Democrat Debate, Hillary Clinton has jumped back on the populist bandwagon suggesting that, as Fox reports, it is "worth looking into" mandatory gun buy-back programs like ones in Australia.  "This validates what the NRA has said all along," said Chris Cox, executive director of The NRA, with Clinton's comments making “very clear” that the underlying goal of gun-control advocates is confiscation.

    As Fox News reports,

    Hillary Clinton said Friday that mandatory gun buy-back programs like ones in Australia are “worth looking into,” sparking criticism that the Democratic presidential front-runner would, if elected, impose gun-confiscation efforts.


    Clinton made the comments during a campaign stop in Keene, N.H., when an attendee asked about Australia’s 1996 and 2003 buy-back programs that collected roughly 700,000 banned semi-automatic rifles and other firearms. 


    “I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level, if that could be arranged,” Clinton responded.

    “This validates what the NRA has said all along,” said Chris Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action. “The real goal of gun control supporters is gun confiscation.”

    Cox said Clinton’s comments echo recent ones by President Obama, making “very clear” that the underlying goal of gun-control advocates is confiscation.



    "Hillary Clinton just doesn’t get it," Cox said. "The NRA’s strength lies in our five million members and the tens of millions of voters who support the Second Amendment.


    "A majority of Americans support this freedom, and the Supreme Court was absolutely right to hold that the Second Amendment guarantees the fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms," he added. "Hillary Clinton's extreme views are completely out of touch with the American people."

    *  *  *

    *  *  *

    As a reminder, there is no correlation between murder rates and gun ownership/control


    Of course, when someone points out the lack of a correlation here, gun-control advocates are quick to jump in and say "but you didn't control for this" and "you didn't control for that." That's true. But what I do show here is that the situation is much more complicated than one would think from absurd claims like "states with fewer guns have fewer murders" and so on. Apparently, claims that new gun laws are commonsensical can't be true if the relationship between gun laws and murder rates require us to adjust for half a dozen different variables. In fact, by looking at the data, I could imagine any number of other factors that might be more likely a determinant of the murder rate than gun ownership.

    *  *  *

    As we noted previously, The Democratic Party's focus on guns has drawn fierce criticism from Republican White House hopefuls, who largely say mental health, and not gun control, is the correct policy response. They say Democrats are using the shootings to roll back Second Amendment rights.

    Meanwhile, just like in 2012, the threat of more gun control is having just the opposite effect of what the president intends, and as we reported earlier this week, gun sales are soaring in the aftermath of the most recent cluster of shootings. In fact, "gun sales this year could surpass the record set in 2013, when gun purchases surged after the December 2012 Sandy Hook murders."

    In the first nine months of this year, 15.6m of the background checks needed to purchase guns from federally licensed sellers have been processed, compared with the 15.5m applications in the same period in 2013, according to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

    Why the surge? Simple: "Once the public hears the president on the news say we need more gun controls, it tends to drive sales,” said Mr Hyatt, who owns one of the largest gun retailers in the US. "People think, if I don’t get a gun now, it might be difficult to get one in the future. The store is crowded."

    Because if you want something to be truly broken, just invite the government to "fix" it. Which is not to say that everyone is a loser – two clear winners from Obama's repeated attempts to enforce gun control are shown in the chart below.

  • CNN Anchor Demands Americans "Stop Swooning Over Putin"

    We’ll just put this bluntly: when you, as a country, do something incredibly stupid from a foreign policy perspective, you open the door for your global critics and adversaries to i) call you out on it publicly, and ii) use your gross incompetence and general disregard for anything that even approximates common sense, to their geopolitical advantage. 

    And make no mistake, in Syria, Washington, Riyadh, and Doha did something incredibly stupid.

    They financed, armed, and trained a hodgepodge of Sunni extremists in Syria in an attempt to destabilize a regime that was deemed to be unfriendly to the interests of the West and its regional allies. 

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but from the perspective of human suffering, the results have been simply horrific: hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced.

    From a reputational perspective, the results have been equally catastrophic. Not only did the US, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar have a hand in creating the group that ultimately morphed into what we never tire of characterizing as an insane band of white basketball shoe-wearing, black flag-waving, sword-wielding desert bandits bent on establishing a medieval caliphate, but subsequent efforts to arm and train “moderate” rebels were wildly unsuccessful, and the entire effort culminated in the embarrassing admission that the Pentagon’s latest “program” – designed to field 5,400 fighters by the end of the year – had only managed to produce “four or five” soldiers at a cost to the US taxpayer of $41 million.

    Finally, the US just threw up its hands and resorted to paradropping hundreds of tons of ammo into the middle of nowhere and hoping the “right” people pick it up.

    So one could be forgiven for being slightly enamored with the Russians at this juncture because in one extraordinarily elegant geopolitical chess move, Vladimir Putin has all at once i) exposed the fact that perhaps the US has ulterior motives for wanting to (gasp) keep ISIS around, ii) marked a triumphant return for Russia to the world stage, iii) strengthened Moscow’s relationship with Tehran ahead of the latter’s re-emergence as a force in the world of oil exporters, and iv) effectively restored Bashar al-Assad on the way to establishing a major Russian presence in the Mid-East. 

    And that’s in the space of, oh, let’s just call it three weeks. 

    This has been nothing short of a humiliation for Washington and just as Beijing simply instructed people not to sell when the SHCOMP rout embarrassed the Communist Party, the US wants you to know that it’s enough already with the Putin worship. Here’s CNN’s Fareed Zakaria: demanding that you to “Stop swooning over Putin”:

    From a WaPo op-ed:

    Vladimir Putin has the United States’ foreign policy establishment swooning.One columnist admires the “decisiveness” that has put him “in the driver’s seat” in the Middle East. A veteran diplomat notes gravely, “It’s the lowest ebb since World War II for U.S. influence and engagement in the region.” A sober-minded pundit declares, “Not since the end of the Cold War a quarter-century ago has Russia been as assertive or Washington as acquiescent.”


    It’s true that it has been a quarter-century since Moscow has been so interventionist outside its borders. The last time it made these kinds of moves, in the late 1970s and 1980s, it invaded Afghanistan and interfered in several other countries as well. Back then, commentators similarly hailed those actions as signs that Moscow was winning the Cold War. How did that work out for the Soviet Union?

    And now that we’ve given you a chance to thoroughly deride the American media for the anti-Putin line, we will once again prove that we are in fact fair and balanced. Here’s what Zakaria gets right: 

    Washington deposed Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq (Syria’s next-door neighbor, with many of the same tribes and sectarian divides). It did far more in Iraq than anyone is asking for in Syria, putting170,000 soldiers on the ground at the peak and spending nearly $2 trillion. And yet, a humanitarian catastrophe has ensued — with roughly 4 millioncivilians displaced and at least 150,000 killed. Washington deposed Moammar Gaddafi’s regime in Libya but chose to leave nation-building to the locals. The result has been what the New Yorker calls “a battle-worn wasteland.” In Yemen, the United States supported regime change and new elections. The result: a civil war that is tearing the country apart.

    Of course he then skips directly to this:

    Those who are so righteous and certain that this next intervention would save lives should at least pause and ponder the humanitarian consequences of the last three.

    To which we say: Fareed, you seem to have forgotten that it wasn’t Russia who trained and armed the groups who plunged Syria into civil war, it was the US and its regional allies.

    You might want to mention that next time before you go getting too “righteous and certain.”

  • "We Are Facing Social Unrest" – German Police Union Chief Demands Building Of Border Fence Around Germany

    One month after Germany implemented border controls with Austria in order to stem Europe’s worst refugee crisis in history, in a move that we predicted is the beginning of the end of Europe’s Schengen customs union, things are going from bad to worse. As we wrote on Friday, following the latest escalation in the European anti-Schengen falling dominoes which took place after Hungary closed off its border with Croatia only to unleash a new migrant passage through Slovenia, which is likewise expected to close its border shortly…


    … Germany’s untouchable until recently Iron Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing of a “national disaster” at home, where politicians across the spectrum increasingly demand shuttering the borders as Germany expects up to one million migrants this year, or else hinting it will be Merkel’s scalp.

    “The chancellor is walking on thin ice,” judged the conservative daily Die Welt, pointing to a “growing gap” between Merkel and the base of her centre-right Christian Democrats (CDU) who demand she stem the record influx. “The chancellor believes the nation can manage the crisis, but this belief is rapidly vanishing in the country,” said the newspaper.

    Popular unease with Merkel’s actions has also manifested itself in tumbling support for Merkel’s CDU, which according to a Bild poll, has seen its approval rating drop to 37%, the lowest since May 2013.

    But until now, despite rising anger, there has been no firm recommendation how to approach the unprecedented inflow of Syrian migrants, among which there are increasingly more frequent media reports of terrorists, either of ISIS or al Qaeda origin.

    That changed earlier today when none other than Germany’s police union chief, Rainer Wendt, called for a fence to be built along the country’s border to stem the flow of migrants.

    Wendt’s call is simple: end Europe’s customs union, one where cold war border fences are once again the norm.

    He told the “Welt am Sonntag” newspaper that after Germany led by example, other countries would then follow suit: the police union chief said the move would trigger a chain reaction in other European countries which have seen hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria and elsewhere flood over their borders.

    “If we close our borders in this way, Austria will also close the border with Slovenia. That’s exactly the effect we need,” Wendt, the chairman of the German Police Union (DPolG), is quoted as saying.

    Hungary enlisted prisoners and the country’s military to help construct a fence along its border with Serbia.

    Indeed it is, however such a domino effect would confirm what many have been saying for years, namely that Europe simply can not exist as a borderless zone.

    According to Deutsche Welle, the German then voiced support Germany’s plans to create temporary migrant transit zones along its border, which would see people filtered according to their likelihood of gaining asylum. But he said that would only work with a frontier sealed by a new fence.

    The transit zone concept has been criticized by one of the German chancellor’s main coalition partners, the Social Democrats (SPD), as inhumane and impossible to implement.

    Not surprisingly, Wendt’s comments contradict the German government’s fierce condemnation of a similar 3.5 meter (11.5 foot) fence built by Hungary, along its 175 kilometer (108 mile) border with Serbia , to keep irregular migrants out. The structure, which was finished last month, was accompanied by new draconian measures to punish anyone who tried to cross the frontier.

    And just to make sure that Merkel heard the police union chief, he also hinted at a veiled warning of what will happen if Merkel keeps ignoring the migrant crisis: Wendt said Germany was facing “social unrest” due to the large number of migrants entering the country.

    “Our internal (law and) order is at risk…Someone needs to pull the emergency brake now,” he cautioned.

    Germany expects more than 800,000 people to apply for asylum this year and has recently toughened its regulations surrounding the asylum process. But Merkel has ruled out placing limits on the number of refugees taken in, adding that she was convinced the country could cope.


    The southern German state of Bavaria, which has been inundated with refugees crossing from Austria, has threatened legal action against the Federal government, adding that it may consider sending migrants back across the border.

    Finally, for those wondering how this, too, is spun as bullish for stocks – just like everything else for the past 7 years – the answer is simple: since Germany will have to fund billion in social payments to accommodate all the new refugees, and since that spending will have to be funded with new debt, these incremental debt sales will provide the ECB with much needed debt which to monetize, which in turn will inject even more outside “money” into the stock market, if not the economy, and push the Eurostoxx, and why not the S&P500, to fresh all time highs.

    Once again, everyone wins, except for the traditional loser: the middle class.

  • The 'Problem' With Bernie Sanders

    Submitted by Yonathan Amselem via The Mises Institute,

    Bernie Sanders’s entry into the presidential race has sparked a nationwide conversation about socialism and its potential to remedy the real and perceived pathologies suffered by Americans. Throughout Sanders’s extensive political career, he has proudly labeled himself a socialist while being careful to distance his ideological roots from basket cases such as North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and other collectivist nightmares. Rather, as with most progressive socialists, he considers himself a “democratic” socialist sharing more in common with the relatively wealthy Scandinavian countries.

    It is interesting that progressives like Sanders can look at a rich country like Sweden and automatically conclude that the nation’s high living standards do not result from a laissez-faire past, low levels of national debt, monetary independence, no centrally mandated minimum wage, strong legal protection of property rights, a level-headed central bank, low corporate tax rates, or even Sweden’s gradual move toward more privatization in healthcare, social security, and education. Rather, progressives naturally assume that Sweden’s high living standards are a product of their high taxes and nationalized industries.

    But, imagine if LeBron James took up smoking. Any success on the court would be despite his destructive habit not because of it. Sweden’s economic success has come in spite of its socialism.

    I will focus on just one Scandinavian country, Sweden, given that it has often been touted by progressives as a sort of heaven-on-earth. A (very) brief history of this fascinating country might help us better understand Sweden’s current high living standards and the many ways in which Swedish socialism has set an unnecessary cap on the nation’s productivity.

    Sweden: From Crippling Poverty to Unheralded Prosperity Through Laissez-Faire Capitalism

    Some 250 years ago, the area we recognize now as “Sweden” was a frozen tundra inhabited by a huddled mass of starving peasants. Their lives were tightly controlled by a series of kings, aristocrats, and other men of artificially high esteem. As award-winning author, Johan Norberg points out in this excellent piece on Sweden, it took a series of classically-liberal minded revolutionaries to wrestle control from the elites and put Sweden on a path to prosperity.

    Licensing czars, an oppressive guild system, and a litany of other onerous regulations on free exchange were dramatically reduced or eliminated. In the century from 1850–1950, the population doubled and real Swedish incomes multiplied nearly tenfold. Despite the almost non-existence of a welfare state or any major state control of economic sectors, by 1950 Sweden was the fourth richest nation in the world. Sweden’s extraordinary growth during that century rivaled even that of the United States (Sweden was not a participant in the two World Wars). As a matter of fact, capital formation and wealth creation proved so abundant in Sweden during the global depression of the 1930s that even social democrats in the legislature practiced a form of salutary neglect to ensure the prosperity would continue. As with any other country, Sweden’s impressive capital stock was built by entrepreneurs operating in a free market system.

    Sweden’s Experiment with “Nordic Socialism” is Relatively New and Has Been Disastrous for Growth

    Big business looking for government protection worked alongside ambitious politicians and union leaders to force Sweden into adopting socialist policies in the decades following its impressive growth. Over time, government spending more than doubled and taxes in certain sectors were doubled or even tripled. Despite these calamitous changes, by 1970, the OECD still ranked Sweden as the fourth richest nation in the world. However, by 2000 Sweden sank to number fourteen. Dr. Per Bylund from Oklahoma State University has previously pointed out that from 1950–2005, Sweden did not add one net private sector job. Nordic Socialism has frozen a once entrepreneurial and prosperous people in time. With few exceptions, Sweden’s large businesses have very little incentive to innovate (and they have not), and many enterprises now survive purely on government contracts whose value is impossible to ascertain without a system of free exchange to establish prices for goods and services.

    Sweden has managed to live comfortably for decades despite its many heavy-handed socialist policies only because so much capital stock was created in the decades prior (not to mention a sane monetary policy). Yet this capital consumption is eroding Sweden’s wealth. In 2007, Professor Mark J. Perry from George Mason University pointed out that if Sweden were to be admitted as a 51st state to the Union, it would be the poorest state in terms of unemployment and median household income. Yes, even poorer than Mississippi. In fact Sweden’s current welfare state suppresses household incomes so effectively for Swedes that a 2012 IEA study found that American Swedes have roughly the same unemployment rate as Swedes in Sweden yet earn, on average, 53 percent more annually.

    In recent years, Swedish lawmakers have begun slowly privatizing chunks of their socialized sectors such as healthcare, social security, and education. Last year, Reason magazine pointed out that private health insurance has exploded in a country where cancer patients may wait up to a year for treatment in the state-run system. This trend has grown. Sweden, furthermore, has begun outsourcing education to private providers and seen not only a reduction of costs but an increase in parent satisfaction and learning outcomes for graduates.

    Bernie Sanders has Picked up the Wrong Lessons from the Nordic Model

    Bernie Sanders has stated now, and in the past, that he would like to see an America with universal healthcare, paid maternity leave, expanded social security through higher payroll taxes, mandatory vacation days and sick leave, free secondary education, and the enactment of a slew of other progressive policies. It seems he has only forgotten to promise yachts for the homeless.

    The underlying problem with socialists like Bernie Sanders is that they do not actually believe (or understand) in economics at all. As Ludwig von Mises himself has pointed out, socialism is not an economic theory — it is a theory of redistribution. Only free exchange can coordinate entrepreneurs and their resources in a way that creates actual goods and services that satisfy consumer needs and wants. Socialists like Bernie Sanders take no part in this process of wealth creation; they merely show up after the fact and demand title. Sweden has practiced this form of parasitic socialism on their accumulated wealth and it has significantly stifled Swedish productivity.

    Nordic-style policies advocated by Sanders have (predictably) restricted Sweden’s growth for decades. The notion that we can implement Nordic socialism in a nation of 320 million people without destroying labor mobility, taxing capital out of existence, and absolutely crippling innovation where it’s needed most is pure delusion. Sweden is slowly returning to its productive capitalist roots. We should do the same.

  • Global Debt And GDP: Spot The Odd One Out

    Actually, sorry, that was a trick headline: there is no odd one out, because when it comes to debt and GDP, it’s the same around the entire world.

    Source: Citi

  • Getting History Right – Saving Capitalism From Monetary Mismanagement

    Submitted by Doug Noland via Credit Bubble Bulletin,

    October 16 – Wall Street Journal (Alan S. Blinder and Mark Zandi): “Don’t Look Back in Anger at Bailouts and Stimulus… Logic dictates that the size of any stimulus be proportional to the expected decline in economic activity—which was enormous in the Great Recession. The Recovery Act and other stimulus measures were costly to taxpayers, and thus much-maligned. But the slump would have been much deeper without them. The Federal Reserve has also come under attack for its unprecedented actions, especially its quantitative easing or bond-buying programs. Yet QE lowered long-term interest rates and boosted stock and housing prices—all to the economy’s benefit.  


    Yes, QE has possible negative side-effects, but for the most part they have yet to materialize. Policy makers who botched the regulatory job before the crisis and shifted to fiscal restraint prematurely in 2011 can hardly be considered flawless. Yet one major reason why the U.S. economy has outperformed the plodding European and Japanese economies is the timely, massive and unprecedented responses of U.S. policy makers in 2008-09. So let’s get the history right.

    Getting “history right” has been a CBB focal point From Day One.

    In last week’s media barrage, Dr. Bernanke repeatedly stated that fiscal policy had turned contractionary – (or at best neutral) suggesting that fiscal stringency was a key factor in the Fed sticking with ultra-loose policies. In Friday’s WSJ op-ed, Blinder and Zandi write: “Policy makers who botched the regulatory job before the crisis and shifted to fiscal restraint prematurely in 2011.”


    Since the end of 2007, outstanding Treasury Securities (from Fed’s Z.1) have increased $8.302 TN, or 137%. As a percentage of GDP, outstanding Treasuries almost doubled to 83% (from 42%) in seven years. By calendar year, Treasury borrowings increased $1.302 TN (8.8% of GDP) in 2008, $1.506 TN (10.4%) in 2009, $1.645 TN (11.0%) in 2010, $1.138 TN (7.3%) in 2011, $1.181 TN (7.3%) in 2012, $858 billion (5.1%) in 2013 and $736 billion (4.2%) last year.


    In nominal dollars, Federal expenditures increased from 2007’s $2.933 TN, to 2008’s $3.214 TN, 2009’s $3.487 TN, 2010’s $3.772 TN, 2011’s $3.818 TN, 2012’s $3.789 TN, 2013’s $3.782 TN and 2014’s $3.897 TN.


    Federal expenditures spiked during the crisis and remain about a third above 2007 levels.


    “US Post Smallest Annual Budget Deficit since 2007” was a Thursday WSJ headline. “The deficit declined 9% from the prior year to $439 billion—around 2.5% of gross domestic product and below the average the U.S. has run over the past 40 years.”


    I remember all too clearly the jubilation that surrounded federal budget surpluses in the late-nineties. Supposedly, a disciplined Washington had made tough choices and finally put its house in order. There was even talk of Treasury completely paying off its debts. It was, however, all a seductive Bubble Illusion. In particular, receipts were inflated by Credit excess-induced capital gains taxes (on inflating stock and asset prices) and booming incomes (especially tech and finance related!). Actually, it all seemed obvious even at the time. It didn’t make sense to me that the Fed and analysts were so prone to misinterpreting underlying dynamics.


    Blinder and Zandi: “Yes, QE has possible negative side-effects, but for the most part they have yet to materialize.”


    There are myriad deleterious side-effects, and anyone paying attention would agree that many have begun to materialize. One prominent consequences of Federal Reserve rate manipulation has been the loss of the markets’ ability to discipline policymaking. How does it ever make sense to allow politicians access to years of virtually free “money”? Ominously, despite Treasury paying basis points to service a large chunk of our outstanding debts, the federal government is still running significant deficits. While outstanding Treasury debt has increased almost 140% in seven years, 2014 interest payments were up only 8% from 2007 (to $440bn). Government social payments, on the other hand, were up 48% from 2007 levels to $1.897 TN.


    Slashing Treasury borrowing costs is not the only way the Fed has temporarily boosted the U.S. fiscal position. Funding a nearly $4.5 TN Fed balance sheet with virtually interest-free funding is (for now) a “money”-making endeavor. Last year the Fed remitted “profits” back to Treasury to the tune of almost $100 billion. Reflationary monetary policies have also been instrumental in resurgent Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. A hiatus in loan losses allowed Fannie and Freddie to remit almost $140 billion in “profits” back to Treasury (funds that should have remained as a capital buffer).


    At this point, markets assume Treasury yields will not rise meaningfully in the foreseeable future. And, apparently, a deep recession remains out of the question. Yet Bubbles inevitably burst. Even a typical recession-induced slump in receipts and jump in spending would at this point see the almost immediate return of enormous federal deficits. Then ponder taking away Fed remittances to the Treasury and factor in another GSE bailout -and things deteriorate dramatically. A reasonable forecast would also incorporate a boost in defense spending. In a few short years federal debt would surpass GDP. Worse yet, at any time an unexpected surge in market yields would rather quickly endanger the balance sheets of the Treasury, the GSEs and the Federal Reserve – with nasty ramifications for the banking system, the economy and finance more generally.


    Blinder and Zandi: “Logic dictates that the size of any stimulus be proportional to the expected decline in economic activity—which was enormous in the Great Recession.”


    I am reminded of an invaluable “Austrian” insight (paraphrased): “The scope of the down cycle is proportional to the excesses of the preceding Credit boom.” From this perspective, there is major problem with conventional “logic.” These so-called “proportional” monetary and fiscal responses have over the past 25 years fueled serial Bubbles – and attendant progressively more dangerous Boom and Bust Dynamics. Especially when it comes to monetary policy, it was recognized a long time ago that the problem with giving central bankers too much discretion was that policy mistakes would invariably be followed by greater blunders.

    *  *  *

    It’s sad to see Capitalism under such attack in the national discourse. Washington seems only somewhat less despised than Wall Street. Somehow socialist ideas appeal to a growing number of Americans – especially the young. On this score, I’m content to be repetitive: Federal Reserve activism and inflationism bear primary responsibility.

    In this week’s Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton stated, “Sometimes Capitalism must be saved from itself” and “It’s our job to rein in the excesses of capitalism so that it doesn’t run amok and doesn’t cause the kind of inequities that were seeing in our economic system.”

    I’ll argue passionately the notion that politicians must save Capitalism from itself is the materialization of a dreadful “negative side-effect” of monetary mismanagement. If politicians are determined to get involved, they should foremost insist on sound money. Since politicians have throughout history demonstrated their proclivity for the exact opposite, Capitalism has been essentially entrusted to sound central bank principles. And while this may have not yet materialized to most, central banking has failed. It goes back to flawed doctrine where the Federal Reserve refused to address inflating Bubbles, preferring instead a policy of aggressive post-Bubble reflationary “mopping up.” It goes back to the Greenspan Fed’s tinkering with the markets to the Bernanke Fed’s crisis management QE to the Bernanke/Yellen/Kuroda/Draghi central bank non-crisis open-ended QE.

    Regrettably, I fully expect to be defending Capitalism throughout the remainder of my life. I’ll try to explain how Capitalism isn’t – wasn’t – the problem. The culprit instead was unsound finance and deeply flawed monetary management. In short, Capitalism cannot function effectively within a backdrop of unfettered cheap finance. Things appear miraculous during the boom, and then the bust discombobulates.

    Contemporary central bank rate administration essentially abandoned the self-adjusting and regulating market system for determining the price of finance – so fundamental to Capitalism. The results have been predictable: gross misallocation of real and financial resources, economic stagnation, financial fragility, wealth redistribution, rising social and geopolitical tension and central bankers absolutely incapable of extricating themselves from inflationism and market manipulation.

    I doubt there are too many traders or hedge fund operators these days that would argue against the Monetary Disorder Thesis. While the major indices appeared more quiescent this week, there remains plenty of instability below the surface. The week saw the broader market underperformed the S&P500. The Transports dropped 2%, while the Utilities gained 2%. The Biotechs were again notable for their inability to sustain a rally.

    The thesis remains that the global Bubble has been pierced. In a world of open-ended QE, unprecedented policy activism and Trillions of trend-following and performance-chasing finance, there will be erratic ebb and flow to market activity – including EM. There were more announcements of hedge funds closing shop this week. For the industry overall, I doubt the recent market rally has relieved much pressure. Many funds were likely caught up in the powerful equities, EM and commodities short squeeze.

    It seems apropos to note that shorting is not really the inverse of investing on the long side. The risk profiles are altogether different. On the long side, risk is limited. If an investor is right on the research and is willing to wait out market swings, risk is generally manageable. It’s another story on the short-side. Risk is unlimited. You can be right on the analysis but still lose money in a hurry if caught in the vortex of a powerful short squeeze dynamic.

    This short squeeze dynamic has come to wield significant general market impact. With hedge fund and ETF industry assets each now at around $3.0 TN, the level of trend-following trading activity is unprecedented. In theory, one would expect such a backdrop to spur market overshooting both on the upside and down. Except that central bankers have repeatedly backstopped the markets to ensure that downside momentum does not gather pace.

    In the past, the Fed and central banks used various backstop measures, including rate cuts, QE or simply talk of further policy loosening. Post-August “flash crash” market assurances have included the Fed delaying “lift off” and even chatter of negative rates. The ECB hinted at boosting QE. Chinese officials responded with a laundry list of stimulus and market controls.

    By repeatedly intervening to arrest market downside momentum, the Fed and central banks nurtured a backdrop conducive to powerful short squeezes. The current exceptionally speculative marketplace plays right into this dynamic. After all, few (if any) market themes offer the quick trading profit opportunities as squeezing the shorts. And with the faltering global Bubble and elevated risk generally, short positions and bearish hedges had been mounting in recent months.

    It’s worth recalling that Nasdaq went on its final speculative melt-up in early 2000, right in the face of rapidly deteriorating industry fundamentals. Short squeezes and a dislocation in equities derivatives played prominently. And there were some decent squeezes and a collapse in the VIX just prior to the 2008 fiasco. Just because the market is within striking distance of record highs does not indicate that the downside of a historic Bubble period isn’t materializing. It would be much healthier if (self-adjusting) markets were capable of letting some air out gradually.

  • "We're Out Of Yellow Bricks"

    Maybe Yellen can print some moar…




  • Malaysian Lawmakers Call For No Confidence Vote Against PM Amid Goldman Slush Fund Probe

    Back in August, it became readily apparent that the scandal surrounding Malaysia’s 1MDB threatened the political career and even the legacy of the country’s Prime Minister Najib Razak. 

    Street protests in Kuala Lumpur emboldened by loud calls from highly influential former PM Mahathir Mohamad suggested that, much like Brazil and Turkey, Malaysia is yet another example of an emerging economy wherein deteriorating fundamentals are set to conspire with idiosyncratic political risks to create the conditions for a descent into full-on crisis. 

    As a reminder, the development bank at the heart of the scandal benefited from early financing provided by Goldman, which used its connections with the PM to help secure deals that saw the bank effectively write 1MDB several large checks while simultaneously taking newly-issued debt onto its own books at a discount to par.

    The outsized underwriting “fees” have been the subject of some debate, but the real questions revolve around how some $700 million ended up in personal bank accounts linked to Najib. 

    The premier’s government has been variously accused of obstructing domestic investigations into 1MDB and now, the FBI is not only looking into the fund, but also into Goldman’s role in the financing, while authorities in Switzerland are asking their own questions.

    Meanwhile, the UAE has begun to look for billions in collateral payments that a subsidiary of an Abu Dhabi wealth fund supposedly received from 1MDB but which have apparently disappeared. 

    In short, it looks as though this was nothing more than a slush fund that everyone was dipping into and now, the whole thing is about to unravel. 

    On Sunday we learn that the opposition in Malaysia has called for a vote of no confidence against Najib. Here’s Bloomberg

    Malaysia’s opposition escalated pressure on Prime Minister Najib Razak over a multimillion-dollar funding scandal, seeking a no-confidence vote against him as parliament resumes after a four-month hiatus.


    While the motion faces obstacles even getting heard, let alone voted on, the opposition is looking to gain momentum from the vocal criticism of former premier Mahathir Mohamad, who has called on Najib to step aside.


    Najib retains the support of many divisional heads in his ruling party and in the budget is expected to increase handouts to the poor, many of them rural Malays, a core support base. Even so there are signs of discontent, including from former deputy premierMuhyiddin Yassin, whom Najib fired in July.


    People’s Justice Party lawmaker Hee Loy Sian said he filed the no-confidence motion over Najib’s failure to address claims he received funds linked to debt-ridden state investment company 1Malaysia Development Bhd. in his bank accounts. Najib has denied any wrongdoing, and he and investigators have both said the funds were political donations from the Middle East.


    “Najib has tarnished the country’s image in the world and caused investors to lose faith in the government,,” Hee wrote in the motion that was posted on the parliament website on Saturday. “Malaysians do not believe in this prime minister.”


    The opposition needs the support of 25 Barisan Nasional MPs in order to pass a no-confidence vote. However, the opposition alliance has itself been wracked by infighting for months over issues including one party’s push for Islamic criminal law in a state it governs. It remains divided after former leader Anwar Ibrahim was jailed for sodomy, a charge he denies.


    The no-confidence vote will be for “BN MPs to rebel if they would want any move against Najib to result in a new BN/UMNO majority government,” said Wong, referring to Najib’s United Malays National Organisation. “They will want the cake and eat it too, which then makes the mathematics of getting a rebellion much tougher.”

    Here’s a bit of color on the budget announcement (via Citi):

    PM Najib will announce Budget 2016 on 23 Oct. To mitigate elevated political risks, the focus will be on cushioning the pain to lower and middle income voters from fiscal reforms, whilst continuing with a more gradual path of fiscal consolidation to avoid risk of sovereign ratings downgrade. The 3.2% of GDP deficit target for 2015 announced in January will likely be reiterated, as stronger than expected GST and corporate tax revenues should offset a slump in petroleum income taxes, whilst allowing for flexibility for some overshoot in operating expenditure. The smaller 3% of GDP deficit target for 2016 will be predicated on higher GST collections, which will both offset a lower dividend from Petronas and be used to fund larger direct cash transfers to the poor. BR1M handouts are likely to be expanded to RM5.5-6bn from RM4.9bn, but still significantly less than the RM10-11bn of fuel subsidy savings. Though there are calls for cuts in tax rates, it would be more prudent to offer one-off personal tax rebates and targeted tax/GST reliefs instead. Likewise, any minimum wage hike should be accompanied by productivity-enhancement measures so as to preserve competitiveness. Reducing EPF employee contribution rate is likely the most cost-effective way of boosting disposable incomes and shielding domestic demand without burdening employers or the fiscal position.

    So ultimately, Najib will try to bribe poor voters with the budget in an effort to mitigate the political risks of the 1MDB scandal. 

    As we’ve said before, this is exactly what Malaysia does not need as it attempts to grapple with a ringgit that’s down 16% on the year and as the fundamental picture for the world’s most important emerging economies continues to deteriorate. The market hates uncertainty and the spectre of a no confidence vote certainly falls into the “uncertainty” category.

  • America's "Inevitable" Revolution & The Redistribution Fallacy

    Here’s the good news: The chaos and upheaval we see all around us have historical precedents and yet America survived.


    The bad news: Everything likely will get worse before it gets better again.

    That’s's Michael Goodwin's chief takeaway from “Shattered Consensus,” a meticulously argued analysis of the growing disorder. Author James Piereson persuasively makes the case there is an inevitable “revolution” coming because our politics, culture, education, economics and even philanthropy are so polarized that the country can no longer resolve its differences.

    To my knowledge, no current book makes more sense about the great unraveling we see in each day’s headlines. Piereson captures and explains the alienation arising from the sense that something important in American life is ending, but that nothing better has emerged to replace it.


    The impact is not restricted by our borders. Growing global conflict is related to America’s failure to agree on how we should govern ourselves and relate to the world.


    Piereson describes the endgame this way: “The problems will mount to a point of crisis where either they will be addressed through a ‘fourth revolution’ or the polity will begin to disintegrate for lack of fundamental agreement.”


    He identifies two previous eras where a general consensus prevailed, and collapsed. Each lasted about as long as an individual’s lifetime, was dominated by a single political party and ended dramatically.


    First came the era that stretched from 1800 until slavery and sectionalism led to the Civil War.


    The second consensus, which he calls the capitalist-industrial era, lasted from the end of the Civil War until the Great Depression.


    It is the third consensus, which grew out of the depression and World War II, which is now shattering. Because the nation is unable to solve economic stagnation, political dysfunction and the resulting public discontent, Piereson thinks the consensus “cannot be resurrected.”


    That’s not to say he’s pessimistic — he thinks a new era could usher in dynamic growth, as happened after the previous eras finally reached general agreement on national norms. But first we must weather a crisis that may involve an economic and stock-market collapse, a terror attack, or simply a prolonged and bitter stalemate.



    Piereson also considers possible ­elements of the next national consensus, including a renewed focus on growth instead of redistribution and a bid to depoliticize government.


    Read more here…

    But he is ultimately uncertain what will come next because we are far from reaching a consensus on almost anything. There are so many fault lines that the nation seems consumed by a conflict of all against all… and as James Piereson most recently detailed at, the Fallacy of Rediustribution remains among the highly divisive of all…

    Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring by venturing from New York to Iowa to rail against income inequality and to propose new spending programs and higher taxes on the wealthy as remedies for it. She again emphasized these dual themes of inequality and redistribution in the “re-launch” of her campaign in June and in the campaign speeches she delivered over the course of the summer. Clinton's campaign strategy has been interpreted as a concession to influential progressive spokesmen, such as Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, who have loudly pressed these redistributionist themes for several years in response to the financial meltdown in 2008 and out of a longstanding wish to reverse the Reagan Revolution of the 1980s. In view of Clinton's embrace of the progressive agenda, there can be little doubt that inequality, higher taxes, and proposals for new spending programs will be central themes in the Democratic presidential campaign in 2016.


    The intellectual case for redistribution has been outlined in impressive detail in recent years by a phalanx of progressive economists, including Thomas Piketty, Joseph Stiglitz, and Paul Krugman, who have called for redistributive tax-and-spending policies to address the challenge of growing inequalities in income and wealth. Nobel Laureate Robert Solow, of MIT, put the matter bluntly last year in a debate with Harvard's Gregory Mankiw, saying that he is in favor of dealing with inequality by “taking a dollar from a random rich person and giving it to a random poor person.”


    Public-opinion polls over the years have consistently shown that voters overwhelmingly reject programs of redistribution in favor of policies designed to promote overall economic growth and job creation. More recent polls suggest that while voters are increasingly concerned about inequality and question the high salaries paid to executives and bankers, they nevertheless reject redistributive remedies such as higher taxes on the wealthy. While voters are worried about inequality, they are far more skeptical of the capacity of governments to do anything about it without making matters worse for everyone.


    As is often the case, there is more wisdom in the public's outlook than in the campaign speeches of Democratic presidential candidates and in the books and opinion columns of progressive economists. Leaving aside the morality of redistribution, the progressive case is based upon a significant fallacy. It assumes that the U.S. government is actually capable of redistributing income from the wealthy to the poor. For reasons of policy, tradition, and institutional design, this is not the case. Whatever one may think of inequality, redistributive fiscal policies are unlikely to do much to reduce it, a point that the voters seem instinctively to understand.


    One need only look at the effects of federal tax-and-spending programs over the past three and a half decades to see that this is so. The chart below, based on data compiled by the Congressional Budget Office, displays the national shares of before- and after-tax income for the top 1 and 10 percent of the income distribution from 1979 through 2011, along with the corresponding figures for the bottom 20 percent of the income distribution. For purposes of this study, the Congressional Budget Office defined income as market income plus government transfers, including cash payments and the value of in-kind services such as health care (Medicare and Medicaid) and cash substitutes such as food stamps. The chart thus represents a comprehensive portrait of the degree to which federal tax-and-spending policies redistribute income from the wealthiest to the poorest groups and to households in between.



    The chart illustrates two broad points. First, the wealthiest groups gradually increased their share of national income (both in pre- and after-tax and transfer income) over this period of more than three decades. Second, and more notable for our purposes, federal tax and spending policies had little effect on the overall distribution of income.


    Across this period, the top 1 percent of the income distribution nearly doubled its share of (pre-tax and transfer) national income, from about 9 percent in 1979 to more than 18 percent in 2007 and 2008, before falling back after the financial crisis to 15 percent in 2010 and 2011 (some studies suggest that by 2014 it was back up to 18 percent). Meanwhile, the top 10 percent increased its share by one-third, from about 30 percent in 1979 to 40 percent in 2007 and 2008, before it fell to 37 percent in 2011. Through all this, the bottom quintile maintained a fairly consistent share of national income.


    Many will be surprised to learn that the federal fiscal system—taxes and spending—does not do more to reduce inequalities in income arising from the free-market system. Yet there are perfectly obvious reasons on both the tax and the spending side as to why redistribution does not succeed in the American system—and probably cannot be made to succeed.



    A 2008 study published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that the United States had the most progressive income-tax system among all 24 OECD countries measured in terms of the share of the tax burden paid by the wealthiest households. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the top 1 percent of earners paid 39 percent of the personal income taxes in 2010 (while earning 15 percent of the country's overall before-tax income) compared with just 17 percent in 1980 and 24 percent in 1990. The top 20 percent of earners paid 93 percent of the federal income taxes in 2010 even though they claimed 52 percent of before-tax income. Meanwhile, the bottom 40 percent paid zero net income taxes—zero. For all practical purposes, those in the highest brackets already bear the overwhelming burden of federal income tax, while those below the median income have been taken out of the income-tax system altogether.


    There is a more basic reason that the tax system does not do more to redistribute income: The income tax is not the primary source of revenue for the national government. In 2010, the federal government raised $2.144 trillion in taxes, with only 42 percent coming from the individual income tax. Forty percent came from payroll taxes, 9 percent from corporate taxes, and the rest from a mix of estate and excise taxes. Since the early 1950s, the national government has consistently relied upon the income tax for between 40 and 50 percent of its revenues, with precise proportions varying from year to year due to economic conditions. For several generations, progressive reformers have looked to the income tax as the instrument through which they aimed to take resources from the rich and deliver them to the poor. But in reality, in the United States at least, the income tax is not a sufficiently large revenue source for the national government to do the job that the redistributionists want it to do.


    And here's the rub: Payroll taxes fall more heavily upon working- and middle-class wage and salary income earners than upon the wealthy, whose incomes come disproportionately from capital gains or whose salaries far exceed the maximum earnings subject to those taxes. In 2010, the wealthiest 1 percent paid 39 percent of income taxes but just 4 percent of payroll taxes. The top 20 percent of earners paid 93 percent of the nation's income taxes but just 45 percent of payroll taxes. Meanwhile, the middle quintile paid 15 percent of all payroll taxes—but just 3 percent of income taxes. In other words, the more widely shared burdens of the payroll tax tend to mitigate the progressive effects of the income tax.


    An increase in the top marginal tax rate from 39.6 to, say, 50 percent might have yielded around $100 billion in additional revenue in 2010.(This assumes no corresponding changes in tax and income strategies on the part of wealthy households and no negative effects on investment and economic growth, which are risky assumptions.)


    That would have been real money, to be sure, but it would have represented only about one half of 1 percent of GDP (using 2010 figures) or less than 3 percent of total federal spending. This would not have been enough to permit much in the way of redistribution to the roughly 60 million households in the bottom half of the income scale.


    Turning to the spending side of fiscal policy, we encounter a murkier situation because of the sheer number and complexity of federal spending programs. The House of Representatives Budget Committee estimated in 2012 that the federal government spent nearly $800 billion on 92 separate anti-poverty programs that provided cash assistance, medical care, housing assistance, food stamps, and tax credits to the poor and near-poor. The number of people drawing benefits from anti-poverty programs has more than doubled since the 1980s, from 42 million in 1983 to 108 million in 2011. The redistributive effects of these programs are limited, however, because most funds are spent on services to assist the poor and only a small fraction of these expenditures are distributed in the form of cash or income.


    As it turns out, most of the money goes not to poor or near-poor households but to providers of services. The late Daniel Patrick Moynihan once tartly described this as “feeding the horses to feed the sparrows.” This country pays exorbitant fees to middle-class and upper-middle-class providers to deliver services to the poor.


    Why have matters devolved in this way? The American welfare state was built to deliver services rather than incomes in part because the American people have long viewed poverty as a condition to be overcome rather than one to be subsidized with cash. Many also believe that the poor would squander or misspend cash payments and so are better off receiving services and in-kind benefits such as food stamps, health care, and tuition assistance. With regard to aid to the poor, Americans have built a social-service state, not a redistribution state.



    And so, of the $800 billion spent on poverty programs in 2012, less than $150 billion was distributed in cash income, if one includes as cash benefit the tax rebate under the EITC. That is a grand total of 18 percent of the whole. The rest was spent on services and in-kind benefits, with the money paid to providers of various kinds, most of whom have incomes well above the poverty line.


    With respect to the recipients of federal transfers, the CBO study reveals a surprising fact: Households in the bottom quintile of the income distribution receive less in federal payments than those in the higher income quintiles. Households in the bottom quintile of the income distribution (below $24,000 in income per year) received on average $8,600 in cash and in-kind transfers. But households in the middle quintile received about $16,000 in such transfers. And households in the highest quintile received about $11,000. Even households in the top 1 percent of the distribution received more in dollar transfers than those in the bottom quintile. The federal transfer system may move income around and through the economy—but it does not redistribute it from the rich to the poor or near-poor.


    It is well known in Washington that the people and groups lobbying for federal programs are generally those who receive the salaries and income rather than those who get the services. They, as Senator Moynihan observed decades ago, are the direct beneficiaries of most of these programs, and they have the strongest interest in keeping them in place. The nation's capital is home to countless trade associations, companies seeking government contracts, hospital and medical associations lobbying for Medicare and Medicaid expenditures, agricultural groups, college and university lobbyists, and advocacy organizations for the environment, the elderly, and the poor, all of them seeking a share of federal grants and contracts or some form of subsidy, tax break, or tariff.


    This is one reason that five of the seven wealthiest counties in the nation are on the outskirts of Washington D.C. and that the average income for the District of Columbia's top 5 percent of households exceeds $500,000, the highest among major American cities.


    Washington is among the nation's most unequal cities as measured by the income gap between the wealthy and everyone else. Those wealthy individuals did not descend upon the nation's capital in order to redistribute income to the poor but to secure some benefit to their institutions, industries, and, incidentally, to themselves.


    They understand a basic principle that has so far eluded progressives: The federal government is an effective engine for dispensing patronage, encouraging rent-seeking, and circulating money to important voting blocs and well-connected constituencies. It is not an effective engine for the redistribution of income.


    James Madison wrote in the Federalist Papers that the possession of different degrees and kinds of property is the most durable source of faction under a popularly elected government. Madison especially feared the rise of a redistributive politics under which the poor might seize the reins of government in order to plunder the wealthy by imposing heavy taxes. He and his colleagues introduced various political mechanisms—the intricate system of checks and balances in the Constitution, federalism, and the dispersion of interests across an extended republic—to forestall a division between the rich and poor in America and to deflect political conflict into other channels.


    While Madison's design did not succeed in holding back the tide of “big government” in the 20th century, it nevertheless proved sufficiently robust to frustrate the aims of redistributionists by promoting a national establishment open to a boundless variety of crisscrossing interests.


    The ingrained character of the American state is unlikely to change fundamentally any time soon, which is why those worried about inequality should abandon the failed cause of redistribution and turn their attention instead to broad-based economic growth as the only practical remedy for the sagging incomes of too many Americans.

    * * *

  • Goldman Mocks "Constitutionally Dovish" Fed, Sees December Rate Hike Odds At 60% To Offset "Credibility Problem"

    One month ago, in the aftermath of the FOMC decision which stunned all WSJ-polled economists who were certain a rate hike was imminent by not hiking, instead blaming its on Chinese and global weakness, and when both the market and the credibility of the Fed were about to crack, Goldman did its part to restore the “BTFD” bid when it called, as we previously reported, that no Fed hike would come until at least mid-2016.

    A few short days later, as always happens when Goldman makes a contrarian call, this quickly became the new Wall Street mantra, and stocks soared as even more terrible economic news were unveiled.

    Then overnight, Goldman’s chief economist Jan Hatzius, who realizes that the only variable that matters for the Fed’s binary decision is where the S&P 500 is trading, and now that the S&P500 is solidly back above 2000 and is fast approaching its all time highs (not to mention is 30 points above Goldman’s year end price target of 2000) says that the possibility of a December rate hike is a substantial 60%, nearly double the Fed Funds futures implied rate of 30-40%, and suggests that yet another volatility risk flaring is in the immediate future, especially if there is even one economic data point in the coming weeks that is not an absolutely disaster.

    Of course, if Goldman is wrong, and the economy slips recession and goes straight into depression, then the S&P will not only open limit up, but hit new all time highs before one can say “global thermonuclear war is the best possible news stock bulls can get.

    None of this is news. What is news is that even Goldman dares to take a jab at the Fed’s credibility: to wit:

    the Fed may have developed a credibility problem by failing to follow through on guidance that it never actually provided!

    And not only that, but Goldman’s own chief economist dares to call the Fed’s bluff:

    A more likely reason for the difference is that some market participants have developed a view that the FOMC is just “constitutionally dovish” and will abandon its current guidance even if the economy does fine in the next two months.

    Will Yellen dare to admit that none other than Goldman – which benefits the most from easy money policy – and who is implicitly criticizing the Fed for not only losing credibility but is dictated entirely by asset price levels, is right – not to mention every “tinfoil blog” who has said this for years – and that the Fed is nothing more than a device to preemptively attack any market declines by assuring the BTFDers that the only way to profit in this broken market and depressed economy is to buy each and every market dip on what little faith remains in the US central bank?

    Look to Fed’s mouthpiece Jon Hilsenrath for any hints that after pushing the market higher at an epic pace in the past month on nothing bad bad after worse news, that the Fed has had enough of being the topic of derisive laughter among all Wall Street participants.

    Below is the full Hatzius note, in the form of a rhetorical Q&A, in which the Goldman chief strategist explains why the time to take profits on the latest “bad news is good news” whiplash has come.

    Q&A on Fed Liftoff

    • We still expect a rate hike at the December FOMC meeting. The leadership has signaled that such a move is likely if the economy and markets evolve broadly as expected, and our forecast is similar to theirs. However, we are only about 60% confident. Most of the uncertainty relates to the possibility that the economic and market environment—or in a broad sense, “the data”—will be worse than the FOMC’s (and our) expectations.
    • The low market-implied probability of a December hike of only 30%-40% probably reflects a mixture of concerns about the data (which we find reasonable) and a belief among some market participants that the FOMC will find an “excuse” to stay on hold even if the economy does fine (which we find unreasonable). The low market-implied probability is not a problem now, but Fed officials will need to find a way to move it much higher by the time of the meeting if they really do want to hike.
    • The Fed’s rationale for wanting to start the normalization process is straightforward. In their view, labor market slack has diminished substantially, the link between slack and inflation is stronger than widely believed, and the funds rate is far below the longer-term equilibrium rate so they need to get started well before the economy is back to normal. Consistent with this, even versions of the Taylor 1999 rule that focus on broad labor market slack and assume a low short-run equilibrium funds rate suggest that liftoff is appropriate soon.
    • Our own view is that it might make sense to start normalizing in December if we were perfectly confident in our baseline forecast for the economy. But uncertainty around that forecast still argues for waiting longer. The main reason is risk management. At or near the zero bound and with inflation well below target, easing policy in response to a renewed negative shock is both harder and more urgent than tightening in response to a positive shock. This means that there is a greater-than-normal incentive to avoid anything—such as an interest rate increase that ultimately turns out to be unwarranted—that could generate a negative shock.

    Today we discuss the possibility of a December funds rate hike in Q&A form.

    Q: Why do you still expect the FOMC to hike rates in December?

    A: Because the FOMC leadership has said that a rate hike by the end of the year is likely if the economy and markets evolve broadly as expected. Our near-term forecast is similar to theirs, so our baseline is also that they hike.

    Q: But didn’t they also signal a hike in the run-up to the September meeting and nevertheless decided to take a pass, despite good economic data?

    A: No, the September meeting was very different. First, the committee never clearly signaled a September hike, despite much commentary to the contrary. In fact, our interpretation of Chair Yellen’s June 17 press conference and her July 10 speech was that she had shifted her liftoff expectation from September to December even prior to the turmoil in global markets during August. Second, while the economic numbers between June and September broadly matched expectations, Fed officials have made clear that “data dependence” should be interpreted broadly and also includes shifts in financial conditions that could affect future numbers. Thus, the turmoil sealed the case against a move in September.

    Q: Aren’t you overstating the strength of the current signal from the FOMC for the December meeting? After all, Governors Brainard and Tarullo seem to have a very different view from Chair Yellen.

    A: True, but this is not a surprise. At the September meeting, 4 out of 17 participants projected no hikes until 2016 or later. Presidents Evans and Kocherlakota had already declared themselves to be part of that group. And once most other participants with past dovish leanings—including Boston Fed President Rosengren—had indicated their support for a 2015 hike, it seemed clear that Brainard and Tarullo were the other two 2016 hikers.

    Q: Whether or not it is a surprise, isn’t such open disagreement within the Board of Governors highly unusual historically? And doesn’t it undermine Chair Yellen’s authority?

    A: No, we don’t think so. The long-term history of the Board of Governors is not a good guide because the Yellen/Bernanke Fed is a very different institution from the pre-Bernanke Fed. Perhaps because of their backgrounds in academia—a world that prizes open debate—Yellen and Bernanke seem more comfortable with disparate views than their predecessors. And even within the Board of Governors there are instances of open disagreement in recent years that did not undermine the authority of the chair. For example, Governor Warsh wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal just after the “QE2” announcement in November 2010 that was highly critical of the committee’s decision (even though he had not formally dissented at the meeting). Nevertheless, Chairman Bernanke writes in his new book that he was “comfortable” with Warsh’s article at the time.

    The introduction of the dot plot in early 2012 has probably further enhanced the spirit of open debate because it forces every participant to write down an explicit funds rate path. Although the dots are technically anonymous, committee members have been moving in the direction of revealing their own policy preferences for some time, well before the recent Brainard and Tarullo comments. This is true not only for regional bank presidents but also for governors. For example, Governor Powell gave an interview shortly after the June 2015 meeting in which he (narrowly) projected a September hike, even though it seemed at that time (at least to us) that Chair Yellen had already moved to a December baseline.

    Q: Is the leadership starting to back away from a December hike? New York Fed President Dudley acknowledged on Thursday that the economy was slowing.

    A: Dudley did seem a bit less confident on growth—and rightly so, because the recent data really have been worse than expected. Largely because of the weakness in employment, retail sales, and the manufacturing surveys, our current activity indicator (CAI) for September stands at 1.8%, in line with our 1¾% estimate of potential GDP growth. If the economy really is slowing to a trend or sub-trend pace, then liftoff will probably shift into 2016.

    But such a conclusion still looks premature. Some of the timeliest indicators such as jobless claims and consumer sentiment in October have been quite strong, and part of the weakness in our CAI may reflect short-term noise, including a big drop in the (very volatile) household employment survey. And while payrolls really were materially softer than expected, the FOMC may have a lower “hurdle rate” for payrolls than we thought previously. In his CNBC interview last week, Dudley said that 120,000-150,000 jobs per month would probably be sufficient to push down the unemployment rate over time. Taken literally, this statement is close to a truism because most economists now probably agree that the “breakeven” pace of job growth is 100,000 or less. But the fact that he used these numbers suggests that the FOMC might view an average payroll growth pace of 150,000 (or perhaps even a bit less) as sufficient to meet its goal of “some further labor market improvement.” This is a slightly smaller number than we would have guessed.

    Moreover, it is not just growth that matters. The core CPI rose more than expected in September, and financial conditions have eased significantly since the September meeting. If we take a broad view of whether the environment is surprising on the upside or downside relative to the committee’s expectations, the jury is therefore still out.

    Q: What odds would you put on a hike in December?

    A: About 60% at this point. Most of the uncertainty relates to the possibility that the economic and market environment will significantly undershoot the FOMC’s expectations. We don’t expect this, but are not very certain. There is also some risk from the renewed fiscal uncertainty in Washington, although our baseline forecast remains that the debt limit will be extended and a government shutdown averted.

    Q: So why is the market only pricing 30%-40%? Are others so much more pessimistic about the economic environment than you?

    A: No, we don’t think that is the reason. Our near-term economic views are probably fairly similar to the consensus. A more likely reason for the difference is that some market participants have developed a view that the FOMC is just “constitutionally dovish” and will abandon its current guidance even if the economy does fine in the next two months. This view was probably strengthened by the outcome of the September meeting, which went against the predictions of many forecasters; two weeks before the meeting, 80% of economic forecasters were projecting a hike, and even on the eve of the meeting that share still stood near 50%. After the decision, some of these same forecasters then criticized the committee for its misleading communication in the run-up to the meeting. Thus, the Fed may have developed a credibility problem by failing to follow through on guidance that it never actually provided!

    Q: Is the low market-implied probability of a hike in itself a reason not to hike?

    A: If we are still around 30% on the day of the announcement, then the answer would be yes. We recently showed that the FOMC has a strong revealed preference for seeing rate hike decisions well discounted by the time of the meeting; since 1990, about 90% of all hikes were at least 70% discounted, and at least the last two “first hikes”, in June 1999 and June 2004, were practically 100% discounted. In our view, the FOMC will likely want a decision to hike on December 16 to be largely discounted if and when it occurs.

    Of course, there is still plenty of time for the market to change its mind about December, so the low market-implied probability is not a pressing issue at the moment. It is too early for Fed officials to jawbone the market strongly since a lot of the relevant information has yet to be released. But if the economy and markets evolve in a way that is similar to the FOMC’s expectations as of the September meeting but the market is still not pricing a hike after the November employment report released on December 4, then we would expect a strong effort from Fed officials to prepare the market for a hike.

    Q: Why does the FOMC even want to hike interest rates? Are they just desperate to get off the zero bound?

    A: No. In our view, the “one and done” strategy does not make much sense, and we suspect the FOMC agrees. The reason to hike is a desire to start the interest rate normalization process because the committee thinks it is sufficiently close to its goals. We do not believe that they would hike unless they were at least somewhat confident that they will want to hike again within the next three months.

    Q: Do you agree that it makes sense to start normalizing so soon?

    A: If we were perfectly confident in our baseline forecast for the economy, it might make sense to start in December.
    First, the labor market has improved rapidly, and we recently lowered our estimate of the structural labor force participation rate. As a result, we now think that the remaining amount of slack is no longer all that large. The broad underemployment rate U6 currently stands at 10.0%, about 1 percentage point above our estimate of its full-employment rate; adjusting for the greater volatility of U6, this is equivalent to about a ¾-point gap when translated into headline unemployment rate terms.

    Second, our recent research using both regional US data and cross-country data provides some a reasonable amount of support for the Phillips curve. Although the explanatory power of slack alone is still not huge, this does support the Fed’s view that further labor market improvement should eventually push inflation back to the target.

    Third, the current funds rate is far below our estimate of the longer-term neutral rate, so it makes sense to lift off from zero some time before the economy is at full employment and inflation back at the target. Consistent with all this, even versions of the Taylor rule that use U6 instead of the headline unemployment rate and build in a depressed short-term equilibrium funds rate suggest that the funds rate should rise above zero soon.

    Q: What’s the problem with getting started, then?

    A: Uncertainty around our forecasts combined with the fact that erring on the side of hiking too early looks riskier than erring on the side of hiking too late. At or near the zero bound for short-term rates and at a time when inflation is well below target, easing policy in response to a renewed negative shock is both harder and more urgent than tightening in response to a positive shock. This means that there is a greater-than-normal incentive to avoid anything—such as an interest rate increase that ultimately turns out to be unwarranted—that could generate a negative shock. Moreover, financial conditions have already tightened significantly and thereby done much of what the Fed typically hopes to achieve by lifting the funds rate (although some of this tightening has reversed in recent weeks). Finally, while our recent research finds a reasonable amount of support for the Phillips curve, there is still uncertainty about the strength of the link and the most appropriate measure of labor market slack. We therefore think it would be better to wait for confirmation—in the form of at least a modest pickup in wage and price inflation—that the economy is really starting to push up against resource constraints before starting the normalization.

  • Caught On Tape: Inside Iran's Secret Underground Missile Tunnels

    On Monday, in “Iran Openly Flouts Obama, Launches New Ballistic Missile,” we highlighted the The Emad, Tehran’s first precision-guided, ballistic missile with the capability and range to hit Israel. The weapon is a liquid-propelled rocket with a range of 1,056 miles, is apparently accurate to within about 1,600 feet, and can carry a 1,653-pound payload.

    Iran test-fired the Emad last weekend. Here’s footage of the launch:

    And here’s an excerpt from our analysis putting it in context given recent events:

    One of the truly interesting things about Iran’s stepped up involvement in Syria (be it through Tehran’s various Shiite militias, the Quds, or most visibly, via Hezbollah) is that it demonstrates an outright disregard for the nuclear deal. 


    That’s certainly not an attempt to scold Iran. In fact, it’s never been entirely clear why Washington gets to play world nuclear police with Tehran when history has definitively proven that if there’s any country that can’t be trusted with nuclear bombs, it’s the US. 


    That said, the Ayatollah’s ravings leave something to be desired when it comes to diplomacy and if you’re going to threaten to wipe entire countries off the map you shouldn’t necessarily be surprised when those other countries try to prevent you from obtaining a nuclear weapon.


    Well the ink on the deal is barely dry and not only has Iran i) effectively invaded Syria, and ii) flouted inspectors at Parchin, they’ve now test-fired a long-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile.

    As Michael Elleman of the US Institute Of Peace (and yes, we’re aware that there’s something oxymoronic about the name of that organization) reminds us, “Iran has the largest and most diverse ballistic missile arsenal in the Middle East.”

    Here’s a rundown of their arsenal, again from USIP

    • Shahab missiles: Since the late 1980s, Iran has purchased additional short- and medium-range missiles from foreign suppliers and adapted them to its strategic needs. The Shahabs, Persian for “meteors,” were long the core of Iran’s program. They use liquid fuel, which involves a time-consuming launch. They include:
    • The Shahab-1 is based on the Scud-B. (The Scud series was originally developed by the Soviet Union). It has a range of about 300 kms or 185 miles
    • The Shahab-2 is based on the Scud-C. It has a range of about 500 kms, or 310 miles. In mid-2010, Iran is widely estimated to have between 200 and 300 Shahab-1 and Shahab-2 missiles capable of reaching targets in neighboring countries.
    • The Shahab-3 is based on the Nodong, which is a North Korean missile. It has a range of about 900 km or 560 miles. It has a nominal payload of 1,000 kg. A modified version of the Shahab-3, renamed the Ghadr-1, began flight tests in 2004. It theoretically extends Iran’s reach to about 1,600 km or 1,000 miles, which qualifies as a medium-range missile. But it carries a smaller, 750-kg warhead.
    • Although the Ghadr-1 was built with key North Korean components, Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani boasted at the time, “Today, by relying on our defense industry capabilities, we have been able to increase our deterrent capacity against the military expansion of our enemies.”
    • Sajjil missiles: Sajjil means “baked clay” in Persian. These are a class of medium-range missiles that use solid fuel, which offer many strategic advantages. They are less vulnerable to preemption because the launch requires shorter preparation – minutes rather than hours. Iran is the only country to have developed missiles of this range without first having developed nuclear weapons.
    • This family of missiles centers on the Sajjil-2, a domestically produced surface-to-surface missile. It has a medium-range of about 2,000 km or 1,200 miles when carrying a 750-kg warhead. It was test fired in 2008 under the name, Sajjil. The Sajjil-2, which is probably a slightly modified version, began test flights in 2009. This missile would allow Iran to “target any place that threatens Iran,” according to Brig. Gen. Abdollah Araghi, a Revolutionary Guard commander. 
    • The Sajjil-2, appears to have encountered technical issues and its full development has slowed. No flight tests have been conducted since 2011. IfSajjil-2 flight testing resumes, the missile’s performance and reliability could be proven within a year or two. The missile, which is unlikely to become operational before 2017, is the most likely nuclear delivery vehicle—if Iran decides to develop an atomic bomb. But it would need to build a bomb small enough to fit on the top of this missile, which would be a major challenge.
    • The Sajjil program’s success indicates that Iran’s long-term missile acquisition plans are likely to focus on solid-fuel systems. They are more compact and easier to deploy on mobile launchers. They require less time to prepare for launch, making them less vulnerable to preemption by aircraft or other missile defense systems.
    • Iran could attempt to use Sajjil technologies to produce a three-stage missile capable of flying 3,700 km or 2,200 miles. But it is unlikely to be developed and actually fielded before 2017.

    Now that you have an idea of what Tehran’s capabilities are, we present the following video which gives you an inside look at one of Tehran’s secret underground missile facilities preceded by some color from Sputnik

    The state-run Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) channel was permitted to enter the base, located 500 meters below ground, and shoot the vido, which was aired on Wednesday, The Tehran Times newspaper reported.


    Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said during a visit to the site that


    “Iranian missiles of varying ranges are ready to be launched from underground bases once Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei orders to do so.”


    He added that Iran had built a number of missile arsenals throughout the country at depths of 500 meters.


    “We are not worried if the enemies of the Islamic Revolution use the newest and most advanced generations of satellites and spying equipment,” Hajizadeh emphasized.


    He further said that Iran plans to replace the current home-made missiles with new generations of long-range, advanced missiles, which run on liquid and solid fuel.


    “Those who threaten Iran with their military option on the table would better take a look at Iran’s ‘options under the table,’ namely the missile arsenals. Iran’s known military power is only the tip of the iceberg.”

    By the way, happy “Adoption Day” (via CNN):

    It’s Sunday, October 18, the day the Iran nuclear deal gets rolling.


    “Adoption Day” for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, as the deal is formally called, means that officials from Iran, the United States and other world powers involved in the deal get started turning it into reality.


  • Scandal-Plagued Deutsche Bank Terminates Head Of I-Banking As Part Of Sweeping Restructuring

    We first realized that something was off at Deutsche Bank in the summer of 2013, when long before the bank’s unprecedented management, regulatory and litigation problems surfaced, we first pointed out that while Europe was supposedly undergoing a “recovery” (a “recovery”… which led directly to NIRP and QE), Europe’s biggest bank was deleveraging its balance sheet at a pace suggestive of an economic recession if not depression. As the chart below shows, from nearly €900 billion in market value of derivatives (either asset or liability), DB had shrunk its net derivative book to just over €600 billion less than two years later.


    To be sure, the management team did try to lever up notably since then, with the Q1 positive and negative market exposure rising to the highest since 2014 courtesy of the ECB’s QE…


    … and then the biggest litigation scandal to hit the German bank dropped like a ton of bricks on DB’s head, resulting in a collapse in the balance sheet and leading not only to the prompt exit of its co-CEOs, Anshu Jain and Jurgen Hitschen, but to a whopping capital raise announcement and ever increasing billions in litigation fees and penalties, as it has emerged in the past year that Deutsche Bank was systematically rigging every single market it participated in but far  worse, not making virtually any profit in the process!


    Moments ago, Europe’s largest bank by assets and by gross notional derivatives, announced a raft of high-level management changes as part of an anticipated and sweeping restructuring of key divisions and senior-level committees.

    As WSJ reports, Colin Fan, the investment-banking co-head responsible for securities trading, will resign effective Monday. Garth Ritchie, the current global equities head, would be promoted to take his spot.

    As a reminder, this is the same Colin Fan who exactly one year ago was scolding his traders through a video clip that quickly went viral. As the FT remind us, Colin Fan, “is annoyed with traders who are giving his industry a bad name. He made that much clear in an internal video that swiftly went viral in May after being leaked to the Financial Times.”

    In the video, the 41-year-old faces the camera and scolds his employees, telling them he has “lost patience” with reckless messages similar to those discovered by global regulators and used in part to justify huge multimillion fines on banks like his own.


    “That almost caused my wife a heart attack,” he admits. “Somebody texted her and said ‘OMG, Colin’s video has gone viral’. The first thing she thought was: what stupid thing have you done that went viral?”


    The video was part of Mr Fan’s attempt to bring “cultural change” to Deutsche Bank: which, in non-banker speak, means stopping traders from saying stupid things.

    One year later, the 42-year old has realized that if you remove fraud and crime from the equation, banks are just not that profitable. And his hope that this is not the case, caused both the board and the market to lose patience with him.

    His replacement, Garth Ritchie will have oversight of global markets and trading and will also join a revamped management board.

    Besides Mr. Fan, other senior executives closely affiliated with former co-CEO Anshu Jain, who left in July, will leave, including Michele Faissola, currently head of the bank’s asset and wealth-management business.

    Why the dramatic change?

    According to the WSJ, “directors want to make Deutsche Bank less complicated and more responsive to regulators, following a series of financial and regulatory missteps.” Which probably means that the announcement of a massive gold rigging cartel, one in which Deutsche Bank was speculated to be among the ring-leaders, is also imminent.

    Under new co-chief executive officer John Cryan, Deutsche Bank is abolishing committees and streamlining how its main units are represented on the management board, which is responsible for overseeing strategy, compliance, personnel and governance of businesses globally.

    But the most profound change is that Deutsche Bank will split its investment bank into two pieces: one, the underwriting and advisory part, focused on mergers and other deals, corporate finance and transaction banking services such as cash management, and the other on trading and global markets.

    While not as profound as imposing an internal Glass-Steagall wall, or creating a “bad bank” (at least not yet), this may be the first step to much more dramatic org chart overhauls, some which will likely end up in splitting off depositor assets from risk-trading activity.

    WSJ also adds that the current investment-bank co-head Jeff Urwin will run the investment-banking division starting in January, with Mr. Ritchie overseeing the hived-off trading and markets division. Mr. Urwin will replace Stefan Krause, Deutsche Bank’s former finance chief, on the management board. Mr. Krause will leave the bank at the end of this month.

    DB’s new co-CEO JOhn Cryan said that “we want to create a better controlled, lower cost, and more focused bank that delivers long-term value to shareholders and great experiences to clients,” Deutsche Bank Chairman Paul Achleitner said the restructuring requires tough decisions, and that the bank “rarely underwent such a fundamental reorganization in its history.”

    Of course, this is merely the latest in a long series of Deutsche Bank restructurings, each of which has found it more and more difficult to generate substantial profits in the day and age of global pervasive QE. We expect the deleveraging process to continue as this latest management shake up realizes that unwinding (or otherwise novating) over €50 trillion notional in derivatives in an environment as illiquid as this one, is far more complicated than some macrotourists make it sound.

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Today’s News October 18, 2015

  • The Fall Of The Unipower: Russia Is Defeating More Than ISIS In Syria

    Submitted by Paul Craig Roberts,

    The distinguished and knowledgeable international commentator William Engdahl, in a superb statement, has expressed the view I gave you that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech on September 28 at the 70th anniversary of the United Nations changed the balance of power in the world. Until Putin’s speech the world was intimidated by the Washington Bully. Resistance to Washington brought swift retribution. In the Middle East and Africa it brought economic sanctions and military invasions that destroyed entire countries. In France and other US vassal states it brought multi-billion dollar confiscations of bank net worth as the price of not following Washington’s policies toward other countries.

    Other countries felt powerless in the face of the arrogant hegemonic Unipower, which from time to time replied to noncompliance with threats, such as US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage delivered to Pakistan, to bomb noncompliant countries “back to the stone age.”

    President Putin of Russia brought all that to end on September 28. He stood up before the world in the presence of the overflowing hubris of the hegemon and belled the cat.

    Putin denounced Washington’s threat to the sovereignty, and therefy the freedom, of peoples and countries. He denounced the heartless criminality of Washington’s destruction of the lives of millions of peoples on the basis of nothing other than Washington’s own arrogance. He denouced the illegality of Washington’s assauts on the sovereignty of other peoples, and declared that Russia can no longer tolerate this state of affairs in the world.

    Two days later he took over the war in Syria and began exterminating the Washington financed and equiped Islamic State. Cruise missiles launched from the Caspian Sea hit ISIL targets with pinpoint accuracy and showed Washington’s EU vassals that Washington’s ABM system could not protect them if Europe permitted Washington to force Europe into conflict with Russia.

    Washington’s response was more lies: “the missiles hit Iran,” said the idiots in Washington. The entire world laughed at the lie. Washington, some said, is whistling past its empire’s own graveyard.

    Putin’s declaration of multi-polarity was seconded by the President of China, who said in his understated mild way that every country must participate in shaping the future and not just follow the leadership of one.

    The hegemonic Unipower ceased to exist on September 28.

    This is a sea change. It will affect the behavior of every government. Even some of the craven vassals states, whose “leaders” are bought-and-paid-for, will move toward a more independent foreign policy.

    The remaining danger is the crazed American neoconservatives. I know many of them. They are completely insane ideologues. This inhuman filth has controlled the foreign policy of every US government since Clinton’s second term. They are a danger to all life on earth. Look at the destruction they have wreaked in the former Yugoslavia, in Ukraine, in Georgia and South Ossetia, in Africa, in Afghanistan and the Middle East. The American people were too brainwashed by lies and by political impotence to do anything about it, and Washington’s vassals in Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, and Japan had to pretend that this policy of international murder was “bringing freedom and democracy.”

    The crazed filth that controls US foreign policy is capable of defending US hegemony with nuclear weapons. The neoconsevatives must be removed from power, arrested, and put on international trial for their horrendous war crimes before they defend their hegemony with Armageddon.

    Neoconservatives and their allies in the military/security complex make audacious use of false flag attacks. These evil people are capable of orchestrating a false flag attack that propells the US and Russia to war.

    The neocons are also capable of plotting Putin’s assassination. The crazed John McCain, whom idiotic Arizonians keep returning to the US Senate, has publicly called for Putin’s death, as have other former federal officials, such as former CIA official Herbert E. Meyer, who publicly called for Putin’s removal “wih a bullet hole in the back of his head.” I am confident that the neoconservatives are plotting Putin’s assassination with their Chechen terrorist friends. Unlike the US president, Putin often presents himself in open situations.

    *  *  *

    Here is William Engdahl’s superb statement from the New Eastern Outlook, October 15, 2015.  It is clear that the neoconservatives are not sufficiently realistic to accept this change in the power balance and will resist it to the point of war.

    Putin is Defeating More than ISIS in Syria — William Engdahl

    Russia and its President, Vladimir Putin, a little more than a year ago, in July 2014 were the focus of attention in Europe and North America, accused, without a shred of forensic evidence, of shooting down an unarmed civilian Malaysian airliner over eastern Ukraine. The Russians were deemed out to restore the Soviet Union with their agreement to the popular referendum of Crimean citizens to annex into the Russian Federation and not Ukraine. Western sanctions were being thrown at Russia by both Washington and the EU. People spoke of a new Cold War. Today the picture is changing, and profoundly. It is Washington that is on the defensive, exposed for the criminal actions it has been doing in Syria and across the Middle East, including creating the recent asylum crisis in Germany and large parts of the EU.


    As a student of international politics and economics for most of my adult life, I must say the emotional restraint that Vladimir Putin and the Russian government have shown against tasteless ad hominem attacks, from people such as Hillary Clinton who likened Putin to Adolf Hitler, is remarkable. But more than restraint is required to bring our world from the brink or some might say, the onset of a World War III. Brilliant and directed action is essential. Here something extraordinary has taken place in the very few days since President Vladimir Putin’s September 28, UNGA speech in New York.


    What he said . . .


    What Putin said to the UN General Assembly must be noted to put what he and Russia did in the days immediately following into clear focus. First of all he made clear what the international law behind the UN Charter means and that Russia is scrupulously abiding by the Charter in actions in Syria. Russia, unlike the US, has been formally asked by the legitimate Syrian government to aid its war against terror.


    To the UN delegates and heads of state Putin stated, “The decisions debated within the UN are either taken in the form of resolutions or not. As diplomats say, they either pass or they don’t. Any action taken by circumventing this procedure is illegitimate and constitutes a violation of the UN Charter and contemporary international law.”


    He continued, “We all know that after the end of the Cold War the world was left with one center of dominance, and those who found themselves at the top of the pyramid were tempted to think that, since they are so powerful and exceptional, they know best what needs to be done and thus they don’t need to reckon with the UN, which, instead of rubber-stamping the decisions they need, often stands in their way.”


    Putin followed this with a clear message to Washington and NATO governments on the subject of national sovereignty, something anathema to many who embrace the Nirvana supposed to come from globalization, homogenization of all to one level: “What is the meaning of state sovereignty, the term which has been mentioned by our colleagues here?” Putin rhetorically asked. “It basically means freedom, every person and every state being free to choose their future. By the way, this brings us to the issue of the so-called legitimacy of state authorities. You shouldn’t play with words and manipulate them. In international law, international affairs, every term has to be clearly defined, transparent and interpreted the same way by one and all.”


    Putin added, “We are all different, and we should respect that. Nations shouldn’t be forced to all conform to the same development model that somebody has declared the only appropriate one. We should all remember the lessons of the past. For example, we remember examples from our Soviet past, when the Soviet Union exported social experiments, pushing for changes in other countries for ideological reasons, and this often led to tragic consequences and caused degradation instead of progress.”


    Those few words succinctly point to what is fundamentally wrong in the international order today. Nations, above all the one proclaiming herself Sole Superpower, Infallible Hegemon, the USA, have arrogantly moved after the collapse of the main adversary, the Soviet Union in 1990, to create what can only be called a global totalitarian empire, what G.H.W. Bush in his September 11, 1991 address to Congress called a New World Order. I believe with conviction that borders do matter, that respect for different cultures, different historical experiences is essential in a world of peace. That is as much true with nations as with individual human beings. We seem to have forgotten that simple notion amid all the wars of the past decades. Vladimir Putin reminds us.


    Then the Russian president goes to the heart of the matter. He lays bare the true activities of the Obama Administration in Syria and the Middle East in arming and training “moderate” Islamist terrorists to attack Washington’s bête noire, Syria’s duly-elected and recently re-elected President, Bashar al Assad.


    Putin states, “instead of learning from other people’s mistakes, some prefer to repeat them and continue to export revolutions, only now these are “democratic” revolutions. Just look at the situation in the Middle East and Northern Africa…problems have been piling up for a long time in this region, and people there wanted change. But what was the actual outcome? Instead of bringing about reforms, aggressive intervention rashly destroyed government institutions and the local way of life. Instead of democracy and progress, there is now violence, poverty, social disasters and total disregard for human rights, including even the right to life.”


    Then in a remark addressed to Washington and their NGO Color Revolutions known as the Arab Spring, Putin pointedly asks, “I’m urged to ask those who created this situation: do you at least realize now what you’ve done?“


    Putin, without naming it, addresses the US and NATO role in creating ISIS, noting with precision the curious anomaly that the sophisticated new US Treasury unit to conduct financial sanctions against terrorist organizations, has utterly ignored the funding sources of ISIS, their oil sales facilitated by the Turkish President’s own family to name just one. The Russian President stated, “…the Islamic State itself did not come out of nowhere. It was initially developed as a weapon against undesirable secular regimes. Having established control over parts of Syria and Iraq, Islamic State now aggressively expands into other regions. It seeks dominance in the Muslim world and beyond…The situation is extremely dangerous. In these circumstances, it is hypocritical and irresponsible to make declarations about the threat of terrorism and at the same time turn a blind eye to the channels used to finance and support terrorists, including revenues from drug trafficking, the illegal oil trade and the arms trade.


    And what Putin is doing . . .


    Russia in the last weeks has completely out-maneuvered the diabolical, and they are diabolical, agenda of the Obama Administration not only in Syria but also in the entire Middle East and now in the EU with unleashing the flood of refugees. He openly reached out to invite Obama in their New York September 30 meeting to cooperate together in defeating ISIS. Obama stubbornly insisted that first Assad must go, despite the fact that Christine Wormuth, the Pentagon Undersecretary responsible for the Syrian war, confirmed Russian statements about Assad’s essential role today in any defeat of ISIS. She told the US Senate that Assad’s military “still has considerable strength,” adding, “it’s still the most powerful military force on the ground. The assessment right now is the regime is not in imminent danger of falling.”


    Now come the howls of protest from neo-con warhawks, like the ever-ready-for-war Senator John McCain, chairman of the NGO International Republican Institute of the democratic revolution exporting US-backed NGO, National Endowment for Democracy. Or we hear flaccid protests from President Obama. This is because Washington finds itself deeply exposed to the light of world scrutiny for backing terrorists in Syria against a duly-elected state leader and government. The US warhawks accuse Russia of hitting “the moderate opposition” or civilians.


    Emperor’s New Clothes . . .


    Russia’s Putin is playing the role ever so elegantly, even gracefully, of the small boy in the Hans Christian Anderson classic fairy tale from 1837, The Emperor’s New Clothes. The boy stands with his mother amid thousands of other villagers in the crowd outside the vain Emperor’s palace balcony, where the disassociated king struts around the balcony naked, thinking he is wearing a magnificent new suit of clothes. The boy shouts, to the embarrassment of all servile citizens who pretend his clothes are magnificent, “Mother, look the Emperor has no clothes!”


    What do I mean? In the first four days of precision bombing of select sites in Syria Russian advanced fighter jets firing Kh-29L air-to-surface laser-guided missiles that strike targets with a precision less than two meters, managed to destroy key ISIS command centers, munitions depots and vital infrastructure. According to the Russian Defense Ministry official reports, with photos, Su-34 bombers attacked an ISIS special training camp and munition depot near Al-Tabqa, Ar-Raqqah province,” a critical ISIS outpost captured in August, 2014 after bitter battles. “As a result of explosion of the munition depot, the terrorist training camp was completely destroyed,” the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman stated. Russian Su-25 jets have also attacked training camp of the Islamic State in the Syrian Idlib, destroying a workshop for explosive belt production.


    Moscow states its air force has “engaged 3 munition, fuel and armament depots of the illegal armed groups. KAB-500 aviation bombs detonated the munition and armament,” and they used BETAB-500 concrete-piercing bombs to destroy four command posts of the ISIS armed groups. The facilities with terrorists are completely destroyed,” the Moscow spokesman added. Russia’s aviation conducted 20 flights and carried out 10 airstrikes against facilities of the Islamic State (ISIL) terrorist group in the past 24 hours. Then Moscow announced they had also hit key outposts of other terror groups such as the Al Qaeda-franchise, Al Nusra Front.


    These are the so-called “moderates” that McCain and the Washington warhawks are weeping over. Washington has been creating what it calls the “New” Syrian Forces (NSF), which they claim is composed of “moderate” terrorists, euphemistically referred to as “rebels.” Imagine how recruitment talks go: CIA recruiter, “Mohammed, are you a moderate Islamist? Why yes, my dear CIA trainer. Please take me, train me and arm me in the fight against the ruthless dictator Assad and against ISIS. I’m on your side. You can trust me…”


    In late September it was reported that Major Anas Obaid a.k.a. Abu Zayd, on completing his CIA training in Turkey, defected from the train-and-equip program to join Jabhat al-Nusra (Al Qaeda in Syria) immediately on entering Syria. Incredibly, US officials admit that Washington does not track or exercise command-and-control of its Jihadist proxies once they enter Syria. Abu Zayd’s defection after being trained in advanced warfare techniques by the US, is typical. Other elements of the New Syrian Forces directly handed all their weapons to Nusra upon entering Syrian territory at the town of Atareb at the end of September.


    These latest “moderate” defections to join Al Qaeda’s Al-Nusra Front affiliate in Syria come less than two weeks after Gen. Lloyd Austin III, head of the US “war against ISIS,” during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Syria, admitted that the US military program that intended produce 5,400 trained fighters a year has so far only resulted in “four or five” who still remain on the ground and active in combat. The rest have all joined ISIS or Al Nusra Front of Al Qaeda, the US-backed “moderate opposition” to ISIL.


    What the successful Russian precision airstrikes have done is expose in all its ugly nakedness the Emperor’s New Clothes. For more than one year, the Obama Administration claims it has committed the most awesome airpower on the planet allegedly to destroy ISIS, which has been described as a “ragtag band of militants running around the desert in basketball shoes.”


    Curiously, until last week, ISIS has only expanded its web of power in Syria and Iraq under US bombings. Now, within 72 hours, the Russian military, launching only 60 bombing runs in 72 hours, hitting more than 50 ISIS targets, has brought the ISIS combatants into what the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman described as a state of “panic” where more than 600 have deserted. And, according to Moscow, the fight is only beginning, expected, they say to last three to four months.


    The Obama Administration has been training terrorists of Al Qaeda/Al Nusra, allegedly to fight ISIS, much like the disgraced General David Petraeus did in Iraq and Afghanistan along with Obama’s special ISIS coordinator, the just-resigned General John Allen. The US-trained “moderate” terrorists were being readied, it’s now clear to all the world, in reality, to battle Assad and open the way for a Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Syria and a real plunge into darkness for the world if that were to succeed.


    Now, with the truth in the open, exposed by the remarkable successes of a handful of Russian fighter jets in four days against ISIS, accomplishing more than the US “anti-ISIS coalition” in more than one year, it is clear to the world Washington has been playing a dirty double game.


    Now that hypocritical Obama Administration mask has been blown off with the precision hit of a Russian laser-guided Kh-29L missile. As German and other EU governments have admitted, much to the strong objection of Washington, Putin has demonstrated that Russia is the essential part of any peaceful resolution of the Syria war. That in turn has a huge bearing on the current asylum-seeker crisis in Germany and other parts of the EU. It also has a huge bearing on prospects for world peace. The Norwegian Parliament’s Nobel Peace Prize Committee, rather than consider John Kerry, might consider Vladimir Putin and Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoygu, for the prize.

  • China Vs. United States: A Visual Tale Of Two Economies

    The United States has had the world’s largest economy for about 140 years, and it roughly accounts for 22% of global GDP. However, in recent times China has overtaken the US by at least one measure of total economic strength, which is GDP based on purchasing power parity (PPP).

    Either way you slice it, the economies are the two strongest globally in absolute terms.

    That’s where the similarities end. While comparable in total size, the makeup of each economy is totally different. United States is a sophisticated and highly diversified economy that is based on services, finance, and consumption from the middle class. China has similar aspirations in the future, but right now it is resource-intensive growth engine making the transition from a manufacturing hub to a consumer-driven economy.

    Today’s infographic looks at the economic differences between each country: total reserves, foreign direct investment, demographics, imports, exports, GDP per capita, energy, education, and much more.


    For a larger version of this infographic, click here.

    Original graphic by: SCMP

  • Dollar Moves Shake The World: "Federal Reserve Could Start A Currency War"

    Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

    There is a war, a currency war, and the war is, ultimately, on us.

    In many respects, Americans have fallen far, and hard, from the liberty they once had.

    Rather than living under a sound currency, modern Americans live under an economic despotism. There are monopoly men who tightly control the money, and are all the more insidious in their subtlety, and quietness in the shadows.

    Today, things are so bad that they face economic enslavement and a rapid theft of their wealth through the debasement of the dollar’s value. Not only is the destruction of the dollar systematic and planned, but it is designed to leave Americans holding the bag. The money passes round and round, but it trickles down from the big banks, who are loaned the money free at zero percent interest by the Federal Reserve under its QE program, created to “fix” the 2008 economic crisis that nearly brought the world to its knees.

    Now, literally any action at all – especially including no action – by the Federal Reserve has a direct impact on the value of the U.S. dollar, and greatly determines the course of world events, and especially whether or not average people can pay the bills.

    According to The Street, it is an all out currency war that will have direct impact on budgets large and small:

    The stock market stays high because the Fed is not going to raise short-term interest rates. The Fed is not going to raise short-term interest rates because the U.S. inflation rate remains low. The inflation rate remains low because the value of the U.S. dollar is high. The dollar is strong because world commodity prices have fallen and have “driven up the dollar and held down U.S. import prices.”


    According to the Financial Times, the last three items mentioned are interrelated. Furthermore, it now seems as if momentum is picking up within the Federal Reserve to postpone any increases in it policy rate for an extended period of time. That inaction may not be the best decision in terms of the relative strength of currencies.




    According to this argument, the stock market should begin to fall because the Fed is raising interest rates

    The key connector here seems to be the relationship between the value of the U.S. dollar and any action that the Federal Reserve might take on raising short-term interest rates.

    The Fed is the only thing propping the stock market up – when, or if, it moves, there will be a crash, that will call bad debtors and impoverish entire social security systems. But things aren’t much better if they stay still, either. According to The Street:

    [I]f the Fed does not raise its target policy rate, other countries will have to take further action to ease up further on their economic policies. The European Central Bank will extend its quantitative easing. The Bank of England will not raise its policy rates.


    The Peoples Bank of China will attempt to achieve further ease so that the renminbi will fall against the U.S. dollar.


    In effect, this looks like a currency war, and the world cannot afford a currency war at this time.


    The Federal Reserve needs to take these things into consideration in making their policy decisions. They are, after all, the global reserve currency and they cannot avoid the responsibilities that go along with this position.




    If the Federal Reserve does not raise interest rates, the value of the US dollar will fall and this will have an impact on the commodity prices of emerging nations, causing import prices and U.S. inflation to rise.

    How did the Federal Reserve get so much power over the American economy – and that of the world’s? There have been many stages of the theft which are too numerous to list, but which are generally well known to those familiar with its odious origins as a design by the banking cartel.

    Started under conspiratorial circumstances back in 1913, the Federal Reserve has established itself as a private central bank for the country, though it is not part of the U.S. government. Since its inception, the Fed has driven the dollar down to just a fraction of its original value.


    Since the U.S. went off the gold standard under the shadow presidency of Henry Kissinger in 1971, the dollar has plummeted in status to a worthless piece of paper. Meanwhile, however, the dollar was the world reserve currency, and was the currency that traded for oil during a time of supply crisis, it has retained an accepted – and therefore valued – status so long as America dominated foreign policy (in part by managing more and more wars) and maintained its status.

    The banksters operated the monetary and financial system that led the world by trading in petrodollars, and in turn, forced oil rich nations like Saudi Arabia to invest on Wall Street, as well as reluctant powers like Japan, who were forced to open up their markets to foreign investment during the oil crisis.

    But now world power is shifting. The dollar is dying, and the Federal Reserve has become a leviathon that is too big to die, and too bloated to be effective. In its enormous capacity, it is facilitating the theft of TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars from the American people:


    Americans face a further decline in their standard of living in all cases, market-wide conditions that the Fed alone can determine. Their wealth is rapidly evaporating.

    If the Fed raises rates, the market will crash. On the otherhand, if it doesn’t raise rates, and continues indefinitely on its course of quantative easing, investors, middle class and working families, businesses, as well as pensions, benefit programs and insurance policies will also die a slow painful economic death.

    Already things are hovering dangerously on edge, and squeezing in tightly.

  • Mapping And Cataloguing The History Of ISIS-Inspired Attacks Across The Globe

    While there’s no doubt that the endless stream of propaganda emanating from The Kremlin is to a certain extent just Moscow basking in the glory of Russia’s triumphant return to the world stage in the name of eradicating terrorism and thus should be taken with a grain of salt, the near daily videos released by the Russian Defense Ministry clearly demonstrate that Russian warplanes are destroying something in Syria. 

    If even a portion of the bombing raids Moscow is broadcasting to the world on YouTube in fact depict successful strikes on ISIS positions, then it’s likely just a matter of time before the group fades into the annals of history. 

    On Friday alone, Russia claims to have destroyed 11 ISIS “command centers”. Here’s Sputnik:

    The Russian Aerospace Force has conducted 36 sorties over the past 24 hours, hitting 49 ISIL targets in the Syrian provinces of Hama, Idlib, Latakia, Damascus, Aleppo, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday. As a result, 11 ISIL command and operation centers have been destroyed.


    According to the Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman, on October 16 the Russian aviation launched strikes on underground hideouts, operation centers, home-made weapon production plants, firing positions, artillery, munition warehouses, ammunition and material supplies of the Islamic State jihadist group.

    And while it might be too early to write the ISIS obituary, the end seems to be nigh which is why we thought it a good time to offer the following “career” retrospective on the violence (false flag or no) the group has either caused or inspired across the globe. 

    Bear in mind, this is not a glorification of the group’s “achievements.”

    In fact, it’s the opposite. This is what happens when the West and its regional allies in the Mid-East attempt to destabilize governments by supporting extremists.

    Via The New York Times:


    Aug 20, 2015

    Egypt An ISIS affiliate claimed responsibility for bombing a branch of the Egyptian security agency.

    Aug 12

    Egypt An ISIS affiliate said it had beheaded a Croatian expatriate worker because of Croatia’s “participation in the war against the Islamic State.”

    Aug 10

    New Jersey A New Jersey man was arrested for allegedly trying to organize support for ISIS. 

    Aug 8

    Mississippi A newlywed Mississippi couple were arrested on charges that they tried to travel abroad to join ISIS.

    Aug 7

    Saudi Arabia ISIS claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing at a mosque that killed at least 15 people, including 12 members of a Saudi police force.

    July 29

    New York A man from Buffalo was arrested and charged with trying to join ISIS.

    July 28

    Florida A Florida man was charged with planning to bomb a public beach in Key West to show his support for ISIS.

    July 22

    Italy The Italian police arrested two men accused of plotting attacks on national landmarks in Italy and of posting threatening messages online in support of the Islamic State. 

    July 21

    United Kingdom A man who was allegedly planning on traveling to Syria to join ISIS was charged with plotting to run over an American serviceman stationed in Britain and then killing him with a knife. 

    July 20

    Turkey A Turkish citizen believed to have had ties to ISIS killed at least 32 people at a cultural center. 

    July 19

    Saudi Arabia The Saudi Interior Ministry announced that security forces had arrested more than 400 people believed to be connected to ISIS over the past few months. 

    July 16

    Egypt In what appeared to be the first attack on a naval vessel claimed by Sinai Province, the ISIS affiliate said it destroyed an Egyptian naval vessel and posted photographs on social media of a missile exploding in a ball of fire as it slammed into the vessel. 

    July 12

    Kosovo Following exhortations by ISIS to poison Kosovo’s food and water supplies, five people were in custody, suspected of a plot to contaminate the water supply in the capital, Pristina.

    July 11

    Egypt ISIS claimed responsibility for an explosion outside the Italian Consulate’s compound in downtown Cairo that killed one person. 

    July 10

    Turkey In early-morning raids in Istanbul and Sanliurfa Province, Turkish police seized automatic rifles, large ammunition packs and military uniforms and arrested 21 suspected ISIS members. 

    July 4

    Boston The son of a Boston police captain, described as mentally ill and devoted to the Islamic State, was arrested for allegedly plotting a series of deadly attacks. 

    July 1

    Egypt Militants affiliated with the Islamic State killed dozens of soldiers in simultaneous attacks on Egyptian Army checkpoints and other security installations in Egypt’s northern Sinai Peninsula. 

    June 26

    Tunisia At least one gunman disguised as a vacationer attacked a Mediterranean resort, killing at least 38 people at a beachfront hotel — most of them British tourists — before he was shot to death by the security forces. 

    June 26

    Kuwait A suicide bomber detonated explosives at one of the largest Shiite mosques in Kuwait City during Friday Prayer. 

    June 17

    Yemen An ISIS branch claimed responsibilty for a series of car bombings in Sana, the capital, that killed at least 30 people. 

    June 13

    New York A college student in Queens was charged with conspiring to support a foreign terrorist organization after an investigation found he was planning to attack various New York City landmarks on behalf of ISIS.

    June 11

    Massachusetts Two men were charged in Boston with conspiring to help ISIS. A third man was fatally shot the previous week by law enforcement officials who said he had threatened them with a large knife. 

    June 9

    Egypt ISIS’s Sinai province claimed responsibility for firing rockets toward an air base used by an international peacekeeping force.

    June 3

    Afghanistan ISIS is suspected of beheading 10 members of the Taliban.

    Full report from New York Times 

  • Who Will Be Blamed?

    It was one week ago, when we read with great curiosity (and commented on) a research report drafted by none other than the NY Fed called “The Liquidity Mirage“, which was not only a confirmation of our article from July explaining “How High Frequency Traders Broke, And Manipulated, The Treasury Market On October 15, 2014“, but a validation of all our work since we first wrote our inaugural post on the dangers from HFT on that long ago April 10, 2009: “The Incredibly Shrinking Market Liquidity, Or The Upcoming Black Swan Of Black Swans” (for those who have not read it, it may be an interesting read: over 6 years ago, when virtually nobody had head of HFT, it predicted just how the market would break under the weight of the fake liquidity provided by these very “liquidity provider” as it did for the first, and certainly not last, time on August 24).

    None of the authors’ conclusions were surprising: we have been repeating for years that what HFTs do is create a broken market topology at the micro level, where the noise of an infinite of HFTs algos becomes the signal in itself, and whenever a major countertrend move happens, the market simply shuts down as these “New Normal” liquidity providers are simply finely-tuned momentum creation and frontrunning machines, and most certainly not market makers.

    What was curious is that the NY Fed went one step further than the Joint Staff Report released in July of this year, which stopped just short of blaming HFTs for the October 2014 Treasury flash crash. The NY Fed report did not have such qualms and openly accused HFTs of generating the conditions that were necessary and sufficient for the October 15 2014 flash crash (and every other one both before and since following the implementation of Reg NMS). From the report:

    This situation, which we term the liquidity mirage, arises because market participants respond not only to news about fundamentals but also market activity itself. This can lead to order placement and execution in one market affecting liquidity provision across related markets almost instantly. The modern market structure therefore implicitly involves a trade-off between increased price efficiency and heightened uncertainty about the overall available liquidity in the market.”

    Our take:

    Goodbye to “fat fingers” being blamed for flash crashes, and welcome to the Heisenberg uncertainty market: you can have your 1 millicent bid/ask spreads… but you can’t have any real market depth at the same time.

    Which then leads to the logical and final question: why do this? Why admit (not only that we have been right all along), but that HFTs – far from a benign influence on the market – are a latent threat one which may lead at any given moment, to a market crash so profound the only recourse is “circuit breaking” the entire market?

    Our conclusion from a week ago is what we have said for the past 6 years: HFTs have become the perfectly willing and eager scapegoat, one which will be blamed for everything that is wrong when the next crash finally comes.

    In other words, from market predator HFTs are now one millisecond – and market crash – away from become regulatory prey. Why? Simple: so these culprit which have broken the market at the micro level deflect all attention from those responsible for breaking the market at the macro level: the central banks. This was our conclusion:

    In the aftermath of this report, one can be sure that the days of current market structure are numbered, and that the scene is now set to throw the book at the HFTs. The only thing that is missing is the appropriate catalyst. And what is better than an orchestrated, or ad hoc, market crash, one which exonerates the real culprit for the stock market bubble – the Federal Reserve – and unleashes populist anger by millions of investors who lose their net worth in an HFT instant, aimed squarely at the HFTs, and the 20-year-old math PhDs behind them?

    A few days ago, in his latest article “Invisible Threads: Matrix Edition“, Epsilon Theory’s Ben Hunt confirmed just that. To wit:

    you can bet that whenever an earthquake like this happens, especially when it’s triggered by two invisible tectonic plates like put gamma and call gamma and then cascades through arcane geologies like options expiration dates and ETF pricing software, both the media and self-interested parties will begin a mad rush to find someone or something a tad bit more obvious to blame. This has to be presented in soundbite fashion, and there’s no need for a rifle when a shotgun will make more noise and scatters over more potential villains. So you end up getting every investment process that uses a computer – from high frequency trading to risk parity allocations to derivative hedges – all lumped together in one big shotgun blast.…you use computers and math, so you must be part of the problem.

    Hunt may disagree with this blunt assessment, and he may revolt at the “prejudice” against the algos, but what he is missing is the far bigger question: why? Why is the “computer trading” crowd is being primed for the biggest fall ever. The answer is simple – someone has to be held accountable.

    Whether it is a scapegoat why Leon Cooperman crashed in August and blamed Ray Dalio’s “risk parity” trade, or why Ray Dalio indirectly blamed the Fed when “smart beta” suddenly became very dumb, or why the Fed, which will have seen trillions in fake paper wealth evaporate overnight, will need to deflect the anger of a few billion furious investors worldwide out for blood, someone will need to take the fall.

    That someone will be those who use “computers and math” to trade, or – as we have shown it repeatedly in the past for “soundbite” reasons – look like this:

    And best of all, you can’t arrest a vacuum tube, or lynch an algo: the market can wipe itself out… and nobody will go to prison.

    Which means that the only question is when will this scapegoating kangaroo court of diversion begin; answering that question will also answer when the next, and most epic yet, market crash will take place.

  • The Humiliation Is Complete: ISIS Fighters Cut Off Beards And Run Away As Russia, Iran Close In

    The thing about ragtag groups of militants that display a penchant for extreme violence is that in the absence of serious opposition, they can rack up gains at an alarming pace. 

    Of course there are plenty of (possibly credible) theories out there, which suggest that some of what you see in the videos released by ISIS is for show and we won’t endeavor to assess the degree to which the group’s brutality is real versus staged, but one thing is clear: regardless of who is funding, training, and/or supporting them, there are obviously fighters on the ground in the Mid-East waving the ISIS flag and committing atrocities in its name. 

    That works well when it comes to destabilizing fragile states that are already beset with sectarian bickering on the way to claiming large swaths of territory from a defenseless citizenry.

    But you can’t intimidate a modern fighter jet by waving around a sword and if you’re a newbie on the Mid-East militant scene, you can’t scare a three decade veteran by beheading a couple of people, which is why if you’re ISIS, the combination of the Russian Air Force and Hezbollah ground troops is absolutely terrifying.

    As we documented earlier today, Hezbollah and Iranian troops are advancing on Aleppo and Moscow is backing the offensive from the sky which means that the hodgepodge of anti-regime forces that control Syria’s largest city will almost (and we say “almost” because there are no sure things in war) certainly be routed in a matter of weeks if not days, which would effectively serve to restore the Assad regime in Syria.

    After that, the Russian bear and Qasem Soleimani will turn their eyes to the East of the country and at that point, it is game over for ISIS. 

    Apparently all of the above isn’t completely lost on al-Nusra and Islamic State fighters because if you believe the Russian media (and we’re not saying you should), Sunni extremists are now shaving off their beards and running for their lives. Here’s Sputnik:

    Hundreds of ISIL fighters are fleeing Syria for Turkey, as Russia’s Defense Ministry previously said, and reports are popping up that they are leaving their beards behind.

    Now obviously, these are just pictures of hair on the ground with razors, so that shouldn’t be interpreted as anything that even approximates definitive evidence of a full-on ISIS retreat but put yourself in the following situation for a moment. You’re a Sunni extremist and your regional and Western backers have just abandoned you. You are now under siege by the Russian Air Force. If you survive the air strikes you will soon have to come face to face with the fiercest, most experienced Shiite militia on the planet and if you somehow manage to survive that, well then you have to fight the Quds Force (“how do you shoot the devil in the back?).

    What would you do? 

    *  *  *

    We close with the perfect video clip analogy. The US is in the blue shirt, ISIS is in the red, star-spangled jumpsuit, and Russia, well… Russia is the bear.

    US to ISIS: “No, no, you can’t quit now, we just started. You got to give these people a show man“…

  • Mainstream Media Finally Admits Syrian Conflict Is US-Russia Proxy War

    Submitted by Nick Bernabe via,

    The Syrian civil war rages on, displacing as many as 11 million people and killing nearly 300,000 as the conflict reaches into its fifth year. Syria, a longtime ally of Russia, has been receiving material support from the Eastern giant since the 1940s. As Anti-Media reported last month,

    “Russia’s support for Syria dates back to 1946, when Russia helped consolidate Syria’s independence. The two countries mutually came to a diplomatic and military agreement in the form of a non-aggression pact, which was enacted on April 20, 1950. In this pact, Russia promised support to the newly-created Syria by helping to develop its military and by providing tactical support. Essentially, Russia and Syria have been cooperating for decades both militarily and economically, with Russia maintaining a naval base on the Syrian Mediterranean.”

    Meanwhile, the United States also has its own designs on the region. In 2013, President Obama, along with John Kerry, attempted to stir up enough public support for a direct regime change in Syria, tugging at the American public’s freedom-spreading, democracy-loving heart strings. This attempt at a public overthrow of the Syrian government failed, with Americans responding with the massive #NoWarWithSyria protest movement. However, the drive for regime change didn’t end just because the government stopped talking about it. The CIA continued to arm basically any group willing to fight against the Assad government. The Pentagon also tried (but failed), to manufacture an American-allied army out of so-called moderate Syrian rebels at the cost of $500 million — who, on paper would oppose ISIS, but in reality work to oust Assad.

    Russia, who has been a Syrian ally for decades, has remained steadfast in its support of the Assad regime — openly supplying weapons, aircraft, tanks, intelligence, and human resources in the form of military advisers. Russia also operates a naval base on Syria’s Mediterranean shores.

    By any measure, this is a textbook proxy war between military powers vying to maintain their own economic interests in the Middle East. However, five years later, it seems the corporate media is finally “realizing” this shadow war for what it is. Over the weekend, The Washington Post ran an article titled, Did U.S. weapons supplied to Syrian rebels draw Russia into the conflict?The article goes on to state:

    “American antitank missiles supplied to Syrian rebels are playing an unexpectedly prominent role in shaping the Syrian battlefield, giving the conflict the semblance of a proxy war between the United States and Russia, despite President Obama’s express desire to avoid one.”

    Then, on Monday, The New York Times published a piece titled “U.S. Weaponry Is Turning Syria Into a Proxy War With Russia.” The article admits that Syrian rebels are receiving abundant amounts of arms from the CIA, which are being used to fight the Russian-backed advance of Assad’s troops as he tries to take back Syria from the various rebel, Islamist, and terror groups that have overtaken much of countryside.

    Understanding that the U.S. public has been war-weary since the Iraq War debacle, Obama was forced to change his rhetoric from regime change in Syria to fighting terrorism in the form of ISIS. The ample fear-mongering provided by ISIS brutes gave Obama the public support he needed to renew America’s seemingly permanent war in Iraq while giving him a back-door into Syria. The U.S. is currently bombing both countries, joined by a coalition of 62 partners, with Russia now officially throwing its hat into the bombing bonanza ring.

    What should be clear is that the Unites States’ priority in the region is not to defeat ISIS, but instead to overthrow Assad. Clever rhetoric disguises America’s covert intentions, but the actions — and subsequent paper trail — paint a very clear picture of what is truly happening in Syria. WikiLeaks gives us some insight into the West’s designs on Syria, providing a window into the longtime campaign to oust Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad. A new book that analyzes diplomatic cables leaked by Chelsea Manning, The WikiLeaks Files: The World According to U.S. Empire, reveals the U.S. had a longstanding regime change policy in Syria that dates back long before the 2011 Arab Spring uprising that rocked the Middle East.

    “A December 13, 2006 cable, ‘Influencing the SARG [Syrian government] in the End of 2006,’ indicates that, as far back as 2006 – five years before Arab Spring protests in Syria – destabilizing the Syrian government was a central motivation of U.S. policy. The author of the cable was William Roebuck, at the time chargé d’affaires at the U.S. embassy in Damascus. The cable outlines strategies for destabilizing the Syrian government. In his summary of the cable, Roebuck wrote:


    ‘We believe Bashar’s weaknesses are in how he chooses to react to looming issues, both perceived and real, such as the conflict between economic reform steps (however limited) and entrenched, corrupt forces, the Kurdish question, and the potential threat to the regime from the increasing presence of transiting Islamist extremists. This cable summarizes our assessment of these vulnerabilities and suggests that there may be actions, statements, and signals that the USG can send that will improve the likelihood of such opportunities arising.’”

    These cables reflect an even older plan, which was detailed by Dan Sanchez at

    “A veritable ‘carpe chaos’ manifesto was written in 1996 for a Washington think tank by David Wurmser, an Israel-first neocon (but I repeat myself) who would later play a key role in the Bush administration’s drive to the Iraq War: advising Dick Cheney in the Vice President’s Office, assisting John Bolton at the State Department, and fabricating fanciful ‘connections’ between Iraq and Al Qaeda at the Department of Defense.


    In ‘Coping with Crumbling States: A Western and Israeli Balance of Power Strategy for the Levant,’ Wurmser made a case for ‘limiting and expediting the chaotic collapse’ of the Baathist governments in Iraq and Syria.”

    Declassified documents from the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) suggest that ISIS is simply a convenient  — and dare we say welcome — side effect of the West’s destabilization agenda in Syria and Iraq.

    proxy war

    View the entire DIA document on Syria and ISIS on Judicial Watch.

    Sanchez continued to describe this plan:

    “Then, after the 2011 ‘Arab Spring’ of popular uprisings reached Syria, ‘The Redirection’ went into overdrive. The US-led regional coalition (Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc.) has been strenuously trying to overthrow the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad since at least 2012 by heavily sponsoring an insurgency led by jihadists including Al Qaeda and ISIS.”

    The Wurmser plan seems to be materializing before our eyes in Syria.


    What is hidden beneath all of this information is why the United States wants Assad ousted from power so badly. The most obvious excuse was his open abuse of human rights. And while this was the exact story-line given to the U.S. public from our “friends” in the media, the rhetoric comes off as empty at best, considering the U.S. actively supported Saudi Arabia’s brutal crackdown of Arab Spring protesters. We learned during the Arab Spring that our Gulf State allies were allowed to kill as many pro-democracy protesters as they wanted (hell, we even supplied them with the weapons to do it), while any non-allies were not. Muammar Gaddafi learned this the hard way. Meanwhile, Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, a Saudi national, is awaiting execution by crucifixion for the crime of protesting the Saudi government during the Arab Spring. But crucifying a guy for protesting is fine with the United States because Saudi Arabia is one of our closest allies in the region. Repression is alright as long as it’s our guys doing it, right?

    With the mythical human rights argument out of the way, the following question emerges: What is the true agenda causing the U.S.-Russia proxy war in Syria? In short, it is resources, power, and hegemony.

    While nearly every war the U.S. involves itself in is sold as a humanitarian effort to either stop terrorism or spread democracy, studies show that countries with resources such as fossil fuels are over 100 times more likely to see foreign involvement in their internal conflicts. America is often the foreign force that arms and finances different sides of these conflicts. Coincidentally, in Syria, so is Russia.

    While this geopolitical scenario is rather complex, it makes perfect sense. The U.S. has been trying to contain Russia since World War II, and those policies of containment are still in effect today. America enjoys its role as the only remaining superpower and has an interest in maintaining that hegemony. To make things perfectly clear, this is the main driver behind the Syrian Civil War.

    Russia has somewhat of a monopoly over the gas supplies needed for Europe’s economy to operate. This gives Russia a semi-permanent economic base to fund its foreign policy agenda and maintain its own geopolitical strategy. The U.S. and its NATO allies want to end that monopoly, but in order to accomplish that, a pipeline must be built from the Sunni Gulf states, starting in Qatar, going through Jordan and Syria, and making its way into Turkey. From Turkey, the gas supplies will be distributed into Europe, effectively undermining Russia’s current arrangement with the European Union and placing its economy in a state of uncertainty. This would eventually lead to a flight of investment away from Russia and subsequently permanently damage what’s left of Russia’s resource-dependent economy. This explains Russia’s steadfast support for the Assad government. As The Guardian documented back in 2013:

    “Assad refused to sign a proposed agreement with Qatar and Turkey that run a pipeline from the latter’s North field, contiguous with Iran’s South Pars field, through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and on to Turkey, with a view to supply European markets – albeit crucially bypassing Russia. Assad’s rationale was ‘to protect the interests of [his] Russian ally, which is Europe’s top supplier of natural gas.’”


    Note the purple line which traces the proposed Qatar-Turkey natural gas pipeline and note that all of the countries highlighted in red are part of a new coalition hastily put together after Turkey finally (in exchange for NATO’s acquiescence on Erdogan’s politically-motivated war with the PKK) agreed to allow the US to fly combat missions against ISIS targets from Incirlik. Now note which country along the purple line is not highlighted in red. That’s because Bashar al-Assad didn’t support the pipeline and now we’re seeing what happens when you’re a Mid-East strongman and you decide not to support something the US and Saudi Arabia want to get done. (Map:

    Note the purple line which traces the proposed Qatar-Turkey natural gas pipeline and note that all of the countries highlighted in red are part of a new coalition hastily put together after Turkey finally (in exchange for NATO’s acquiescence on Erdogan’s politically-motivated war with the PKK) agreed to allow the US to fly combat missions against ISIS targets from Incirlik. Now note which country along the purple line is not highlighted in red. That’s because Bashar al-Assad didn’t support the pipeline and now we’re seeing what happens when you’re a Mid-East strongman and you decide not to support something the US and Saudi Arabia want to get done. (Map:

    Mnar Muhawesh of Mint Press News describes these pipeline plays in her article, “Migrant Crisis & Syria War Fueled By Competing Gas Pipelines”:

    “Knowing Syria was a critical piece in its energy strategy, Turkey attempted to persuade Syrian President Bashar Assad to reform this Iranian pipeline and to work with the proposed Qatar-Turkey pipeline, which would ultimately satisfy Turkey and the Gulf Arab nations’ quest for dominance over gas supplies, who are the United State’s allies. But after Assad refused Turkey’s proposal, Turkey and its allies became the major architects of Syria’s civil war.”

    It’s unfortunate that it took the corporate media all these years to “discover” that the United States and Russia are fighting a geopolitical proxy war in Syria. It remains to be seen how many more years and lost lives it will take for them to also “discover” that this proxy war is being fought over resources and power. It’s a sad state of affairs when the Western media provides humanitarian cover for the U.S. and NATO to fuel a brutal civil war – which has taken the lives of nearly 300,000 people – simply to create economic advantages for NATO states and allies while undermining stability in the Middle East – creating the greatest humanitarian catastrophe since World War II. And as millions of refugees continue to pour out of Syria into Europe and abroad, the NATO-dominated public of the E.U. and U.S. remain largely ignorant to the fact their own governments helped create the refugee crisis they so abhor.

  • European Vacation "2050"

    …with your hosts: ISIS



    Source: Ben Garrison

  • The Model Minority

    Submitted by Roger Barris via,

    Ivy League: Perfect Scores not Good Enough for the “Wrong Race”

    The Economist has run a lengthy article about Asian-Americans It begins with a description of Michael Wang, who had a perfect score in his college entrance (ACT) exams, who was ranked second academically out of 1,002 students at his high school, who was part of a chorus that performed at Barack Obama’s inauguration, who came in third place in a national piano championship, who was in the top 150 in a national mathematics competition, and who was in several national debating-competition finals.  Michael was rejected by six out of the seven Ivy League schools to which he applied.  Like many other members of this “model minority,” he is no longer willing to take this quietly.



    Michael Wang: too Asian and too perfect for the Ivy League schools. This is a typical example of modern-day socialism’s drive to allegedly “equalize opportunity”, a heading under which the incentive to make an effort to actually accomplish something in life is slowly but surely deadened among those showing the best abilities. Over time, it leads to decay in the population’s morals and intelligence, until you end up with a nation best compared to a ship of fools.


    Asian-Americans have suffered systematic discrimination, including as recently as World War II when 120,000 Japanese Americans were interned in camps as potential “fifth columnists” while no similar actions were taken against Americans of German or Italian ancestry.

    The article points out that the worst single incident of lynching in American history was actually directed against Chinese immigrants, when 17 were murdered in 1871.  Yet, as anyone who has walked the campuses of MIT, Caltech, Harvard or Stanford, or any other top-flight university, can attest, Asian-Americans are massively represented (44% of the recent incoming class at Caltech, which is routinely rated the number one school in the world).

    This is despite explicit discrimination which means that, as estimated by two Princeton academics, Asian-Americans need a Scholastic Aptitude Test (“SAT”) score about 140 points higher than a white candidate in order to be admitted to a private university, whereas African-Americans can have a result that is 310 points lower in order gain the same result.


    Americans of Japanese ancestry are loaded on a train on their way to a concentr… sorry, internment camp in WW2.


    And two University of Michigan researchers have produced a study which shows the difference is down to nothing more than hard work: they followed 6,000 white and Asian children from toddler through school.  They found small differences in initial cognitive abilities and the socioeconomic status of parents, but sizable gaps in effort that eventually produce large differences in academic results.

    After years of avoiding the issue, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case of Abigail Fisher versus the University of Texas in its next session.  Ms Fisher, who is white, is suing UT over its affirmative action policies which she claims unfairly denied her a position.  Her suit is backed by an amicus curiae brief submitted on behalf of 117 Asian-American organizations.  This follows a lawsuit by a group of Asian students against Harvard and the University of North Carolina.  Here is the gist of Harvard’s defense in this suit:

    “…a class that is diverse on multiple dimensions, including on race, transforms the educational experience of students from every background and prepares our graduates for an increasingly pluralistic world…”

    I suppose that this argument could be used to support the admission of almost anyone, including a few utter imbeciles since they too are part of our “pluralistic world,” although I think that Harvard restricts this policy to its professorial staff.

    But more importantly, what is the message that this sends for both over- and under-achieving students?  What does it teach our young about the relative merits of individual hard work versus political machinations?  And, from a strictly economic perspective, what are the implications of this for American success when we deliberately hinder investment in our most promising human capital?

    I have previously quoted Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts on this subject: “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discrimination on the basis of race.”  Let’s hope that he follows through in the Abigail Fisher case and that Justice Kennedy joins him, since we can reliable expect that the “Gang of Four” (Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayer and Kagan) will march in lock step to whatever nonsense Obama’s Department of Justice puts forth in defense of this indefensible practice.


    socialist supremes

    The four Supreme Court justices most likely to support socialist policies

  • NIRP Goes To Nippon: Japan Auctions 1 Year Paper At Most Negative Yield On Record

    Two weeks ago, on October 5 the financial punditry was dumbounded when – for the first time ever – the US Treasury sold $21 billion in 3-Month Treasury Bills at a yield of nothing, or 0.000%. And while the US had sold 1 month bills at zero yields before, this was the first time that investors were willing to fund Uncle Sam and give Jack Lew the privilege of holding their money not for 1 but 3 months without expecting anything in return.

    The subsequent weekly 3M auction this Tuesday also priced at a yield of 0.000%, leading many to ask if this is just a preview of negative interest rates coming to the US, something the Fed has been ever louder hinting at ever since the infamous negative dots on the dot plot (for our own take on whether NIRP is coming, read “Fed Opens Negative Interest Rate Pandora’s Box: What Happens Next“).

    Yet once again, when it comes to the dark hole of the zero lower bound (and beyond), Japan remains the harbinger of what is coming. “Dark hole”, because there is simply no escaping it, as Japan so vividly demonstrated back in August 2000 when, just like the US, after years of ZIRP, it tried to “telegraph” normalcy and hiked rates to a modest 25 bps, only to go right back down seven months later.


    What is surprising about Japan is that unlike most of Europe, which has opted to adopt a Negative Interest Rate Policy, or NIRP,  because unlike Japan or the US, it can’t push rates synthetically as negative via QE because Europe simply does not have enough sovereign paper to monetize, is that Japan whose monetary policy became a basket case years ago – for those keeping count Japan is currently on QE10…


    … it still hasn’t thrown in the “all-in” towel and announced negative rates.

    This may have officially changed yesterday, when in an auction that flew deep under the radar, Japan sold 1 Year (not 3 Month) Bills at the most negative yield in history, or -0.0418%, nearly doubly more negative the -0.0252% yield on the September 16 auction.

    To be sure, this may be more than just a simple bet that Japan is about to join Europe (and soon, the Fed) in unleashing negative rates. According to Tadashi Matsukawa, Tokyo-based head of fixed-income investment at PineBridge, “there appear to be inflows from overseas in Japan’s short- term securities because rates are negative in Europe and an early Fed liftoff looks unlikely in the U.S.”

    It’s not just the liftoff that is looking unlikely: another imminent catalyst that may be causing this scramble for Japanese Bills is the upcoming debt ceiling fight. As a reminder, absent a debt ceiling hike or another extension, the US will run out of “emergency” funds in the second week of November, and so it is imperative that a deal be concluded by November 3. With this looking increasingly uncertain, US bills that mature after the debt ceiling D-Day, some time around November 10, are starting to get sold off. WSJ has more:

    Concerns that the U.S. could run out of money next month rippled through the bond market Friday, marking a return to the worries of previous debt-ceiling standoffs. The yield on the U.S. Treasury bill maturing on Nov. 12 rose to 0.036% Friday, the highest since Aug. 19 and up from 0.005% Thursday. Prices fall as their yields rise.


    While yields remain ultralow, the trading is a reversal for a security whose yield for the past few weeks has often been below zero, reflecting outsize demand from money-market funds and other investors and a decline in bill issuance by the U.S. government.


    Congressional leaders appear increasingly unlikely to reach any kind of budget deal in time to ease passage of an increase in the federal borrowing limit needed by Nov. 3. Failure to reach a budget agreement by early next month would put pressure on Republican leaders and President Barack Obama over the terms of a debt-limit increase.

    To be sure, we have all seen this play out many times before, and “Friday’s trading marked a repeat of debt-ceiling showdowns in 2011 and 2013. Both times, yields on bills maturing around the debt-ceiling deadline spiked before falling once legislators agreed to increase the national borrowing limit.”

    In other words, just as we said one week ago, Keep an eye on T-Bill yields for the turning point when the market decides this situation is becoming serious.”

    According to the market (if only just the bond market for now, stocks continue to do their HFT momentum ignition-cum-short squeeze thing), it just started to get serious.

    And yet the irony is that it will have to get even more serious for the market to whip the GOP into action, and to come up with a debt ceiling solution. For now, the complacency among everyone that nothing can possibly go wrong is unprecedented which means the market itself may have to do the heavy lifting once again as it did in August 2011 when a debt ceiling deal seemed impossible until the S&P500 promptly tumbled 20% in no time.

    For now, however, any market tumult is reverberating very quietly and only in the Bill market – not only that of the US, but also the abovementioned Japanese record negative 1Y Bill yield. As can be seen in comparing the yield on the November 12 T-Bill with the auction yield on the Japanese 1 Year Bill, what may be pushing Japan further into NIRP is not so much concerns about Kuroda going “Full QEtard“, as much as the US defaulting on its debt.


    There is a third option: the BOJ is expected to make a critical announcement on October 30, which many believe will be increasing its QE10 (aka QQE) beyond the already expanded parameters (recall it was almost precisely one year ago, on October 31 when the BOJ increased its QQE for the first time, announcing it would monetize JPY 80 trillion monthly, up from JPY60-70 trillion).

    However, since even Japan has run out of willing sellers from whom it can buy Treasury paper, there is a possibility that Japan will merely go where Jordan, Draghi and Ingves have boldly gone before and announce negative interest rates.

    So to summarize what may be going on is the following, here are the three possible scenarios

    • Fears over a US debt default are forcing holders of short-term US debt to rush out of US Bills and go into Japanese short term paper
    • A US debt default, while unlikely, will require a market event “shock” to stir the complacent GOP out of its hypnotic trance that “Ms. Chairwoman will get to work”, and from stonewalling the passage of a debt ceiling extension, or even just the election of a speaker.
    • Japan may itself be approaching the limits of ZIRP and be on the verge of NIRP.

    And all this is happening while equities ignore absolutely everything taking place in the world and trade purely on technicals and “hope” for even more future liquidity flow out of central banks, because a global depression would be just what is needed to send the S&P to all time highs.

    The biggest irony is that it is no longer clear how the S&P500 would react to a US default: once upon a time, this would be the event that not only ends the dollar’s reserve status but wipes out trillions in market cap in an instant. This time, it just may send the market limit up…

  • UCLA Unleashes Absurd, Anti-Intellectual & Dangerous Attack On Campus Free Speech

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    One of the most dangerous trends in America today is occurring on college campuses. These are the places I grew up viewing as laboratories for free speech, youthful energy and resistance to the status quo.

    Unfortunately, what they’re turning into are anti-intellectual wastelands in which America’s supposedly “best and brightest” are being transformed into unthinking, mentally shackled, emotionally stunted automatons. The only thing being produced on college campuses these days seem to be frightened, thoughtless worker-bees, conditioned to shut-up and instinctively worship authority. Rather than teaching kids to think critically, administrators have created an environment where kids aren’t encouraged to think at all.

    For those of you who may have missed it, I’ve covered this topic before. See:

    Rutgers University Warns Students – “There is No Such Thing as Free Speech”

    A Professor Speaks Out – How Coddled, Hyper Sensitive Undergrads are Ruining College Learning

    Moving along, today’s piece relates to a recent incident on the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) campus. A fraternity-sorority party was held under the theme “Kanye Western,” in which partygoers wore costumes parodying Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian. Naturally, this was simply too much to handle for a vocal group of censorship-inclined students. As such, the accusations began to fly that the greek students wore blackface, and school administrators immediately moved to suspend the social activities of the fraternity and sorority before completing an investigation. 

    Interestingly enough, in the days that followed, it became clear that the students weren’t actually wearing blackface at all (not that it would have mattered from a free speech perspective). Conor Friedersdorf did an incredible job for making the case for free speech in his excellent Atlantic article. Here are a few excerpts:

    A half-century ago, student activists at the University of California clashed with administrators during the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, a series of events that would greatly expand free-speech rights of people at public colleges and universities.

    Today, activists at UCLA are demanding that administrators punish some of their fellow students for expressive behavior that is clearly protected by the First Amendment.


    What did UCLA students find so outrageous as to warrant the violation of the fundamental right to free expression? A “Kanye Western” theme party where students wore costumes that parodied rap superstar Kanye West and his celebrity wife, Kim Kardashian. For this, UC student activists would squander their inheritance.


    Perhaps 18-to-22-year-olds can be forgiven for failing to appreciate what’s at stake in their activism. But UCLA administrators cannot be forgiven for complying with student demands to punish this free expression—a glaring illustration of their low-regard for the First Amendment, California law, and liberal ideals.

    This is precisely the point. Young kids going to college are precisely that: Young kids going to college. Administrators are the ones who are supposed to be responsible for protecting free speech and upholding the U.S. Constitution within their spheres of influence, not pandering to hypersensitive students accustomed to always getting their way by merely shouting “racist” at whoever they happen to disagree with that week. Where are the adults in the room?

    Meanwhile, critics of the critics insist that West is a famous celebrity, not a stand-in for black culture; that stuffed butts were a reference to Kim Kardashian, who is white and of Armenian descent, not black; that there is nothing wrong with appropriating the dress of hip-hop culture, which is not the same as black culture; that it’s myopic for privileged student activists to focus on a frat theme party while living in a city plagued by police killings, homelessness, housing discrimination, and other injustices; that activists are giving Greek organizations too much power to set their agenda; and that college kids these days are oversensitive to the point of self-parody.


    It is salutary for collegians to contest such matters in the student newspaper, on campus, and on social media. Evidently, public discourse has changed some minds. Said the frat, “we sincerely apologize for the offense and hurt we caused to our fellow Bruins, especially those in the African American community … We are grateful for the dialogue we have had so far, and we intend to continue communicating with our fellow Bruins about how SigEp and Alpha Phi can make this a learning opportunity.”


    What’s unhealthy is the movement to suppress free speech at UCLA.

    This is another key point, and the issue that presents the greatest danger. By coddling students from opinions they may find offensive or hurtful, you are doing them a tremendous disservice. It would be far better to allow the student body to engage in debate and rational argument about such topics. This will teach kids to become critical thinkers and strong advocates for causes they believe in. Creating a sterile environment in which various opinions aren’t given the freedom to be expressed does a incalculable harm to these students, and fails to prepare them in any way for the real world.

    University administrators bear the most culpability. After hearing objections to the theme party, but before finishing an investigation into it, UCLA officials suspended the social activities of the fraternity and sorority, effectively punishing them without due process even as these same officials publicly acknowledged that they didn’t have all the facts. Moreover, university officials are abusing their authority merely by investigating protected speech in the first place. And the student newspaper is cheering them on, demanding in an editorial that the office of UCLA Fraternity and Sorority Relations take a more active role in preemptively clearing all party themes.

    Think about what sort of example this teaches the student body about due process and the rule of law. This is a total disaster and administrators should be fired for this.

    UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh, one of America’s foremost First Amendment scholars, has published several Washington Post items explaining why these reactions are legally dubious. “The suspension of the fraternity and sorority is likely unconstitutional,” he wrote. “Costumes that convey a message are treated as speech for First Amendment purposes (see, e.g., Schacht v. United States (1970)and Cohen v. California (1971)). And a university may not punish speech based on its allegedly racist content; see, e.g., Rosenberger v. Rector (1995), which holds that a university may not discriminate against student speech based on its viewpoint.”


    He adds that “interim speech restrictions imposed before a full investigation and adjudication have historically been seen as more constitutionally suspect (as so-called ‘prior restraints’), see, e.g., Vance v. Universal Amusement, Inc. (1980); and the prior restraint doctrine is applicable to restrictions imposed by universities, see Healy v. James (1972). But in any event, even setting aside the prior restraint doctrine, suspending an organization’s social activities because of the offensive message conveyed by the organization’s past speech violates the First Amendment.”


    In a followup post, he notes that the Supreme Court has unanimously held that student organizations have the right to express “the thought that we hate,” a far more offensive message than anything conveyed by the Greek organizations at UCLA.


    Students who value fundamental human rights, protecting unpopular activism, or safeguarding the political liberties of the least powerful among us ought to be lobbying for the most stringent free-speech protections possible, not undermining core human rights that have benefitted generations of marginalized people as a salve for outrage at a frat party. As the ACLU once explained in answer to the question of why it sometimes mounts defenses of speech that is racist or promotes intolerance.


    Restricting the speech of one group or individual jeopardizes everyone’s rights because the same laws or regulations used to silence bigots can be used to silence you. Conversely, laws that defend free speech for bigots can be used to defend the rights of civil rights workers, anti-war protesters, lesbian and gay activists and others fighting for justice. For example, in the 1949 case of Terminiello v. Chicago, the ACLU successfully defended an ex-Catholic priest who had delivered a racist and anti-semitic speech. The precedent set in that case became the basis for the ACLU’s successful defense of civil rights demonstrators in the 1960s and ’70s.


    The college students fighting to limit free speech or to punish free expression are courting tremendous harms that would ultimately fall disproportionately on the least powerful, most marginalized groups of the present and future––and as UCLA graduates, they are highly unlikely to be in either group, which may help explain their lack of concern for how their behavior could affect the less privileged. It is nevertheless incoherent for activists who say that they live in a system of white supremacy to empower state administrators to police speech at their discretion!


    But there is no “black point of view,” a prejudicial notion that is so easily refuted that it’s a wonder anyone invokes it. There are plenty of black people––a majority, I would wager––who understand better than many other Americans the importance of the First Amendment to the history of the civil-rights movement and the future of other civil-rights causes. As if to underscore that point, the Los Angeles Times highlighted an open letter sent to UCLA by Michael Meyers, president of the New York Civil Rights Coalition. He said that “as an African American civil rights leader” he had to speak out. “We are increasingly alarmed—and distressed—by the failure of public university officials to support free speech and diversity of opinion on campus,” he wrote in the letter to UCLA’s chancellor. “Diversity of opinion surely includes the right of students to contest orthodoxy and to poke fun at popular culture and celebrities.”That is exactly right, and UCLA administrators should publicly apologize for acting to the contrary rather than caving to the illegal demands of student activists.

    In case you missed it above, Connor brought up another key observation in this whole preposterous charade. He notes:

    It is nevertheless incoherent for activists who say that they live in a system of white supremacy to empower state administrators to police speech at their discretion!

    Indeed, I didn’t think I was the one to see the absurdity in the fact that students at UCLA who portray themselves as some sort of victim, are the same ones who wield such tremendous power at the university. So much so, that administrators suspended due process and violated free speech rights merely to massage their thin skins and empower their self-rightious behavior.

    How about the fact that it was America, a country with a sordid history of slavey and virtually no limits on free speech, which elected a black man President. Twice. Similarly, why is anti-Semitism so much more entrenched in parts of Europe than in the United States, despite all the “hate speech” laws across the pond. I’ll tell you why, because free speech works and censorship doesn’t.

    Indeed, the real victims in the saga are clear. The suspended fraternity and sorority, free speech, logic, and of course the UCLA student body as a whole.

    I’m speechless.

  • US Shocked To Find Russian Machine Gun With Iranian Ammo Attached To Abrams Tank

    Needless to say, what’s happening in Syria is a nightmare for those who have been forced by circumstance to bear witness to the intractable violence. The plight of the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the country is unfathomable and the situation facing those who remain is even worse.

    For military and political strategists in Washington, Syria’s civil war represents a different kind of nightmare. The Russia-Iran nexus is just about the worst possible outcome for the US, whose status as global hegemon was already fading in the face of an ascendant China. 

    Put simply, the partnership between Washington’s two worst geopolitical enemies represents a kind of “sum of all fears” scenario and to make matters worse, the alliance between Tehran and Moscow looks as though it will apply to Iraq as well, raising the spectre of the US being kicked out of the country it “liberated” after 9/11. 

    And while there’s nothing funny about the plight of the Syrian people, there’s quite a bit to laugh at when it comes to this latest (and perhaps greatest) US foreign policy blunder which is why we found the following bit from Defense News particularly amusing. Apparently, the Iran-backed (and US supported) Shiite militias battling ISIS in Iraq aren’t getting the kind of logistical support they need from Washington and so they have begun attaching Russian guns to Abrams tanks and firing Iran-stamped ammo. Here’s more:

    Earlier this month, Shia militiamen in Iraq dropped off an American-supplied Abrams tank at a US-supported repair facility where workers were surprised to find an attached Russian machine gun plus Iranian ammo, Defense News has learned.


    The MIA1 main battle tank — one of 146 frontline tanks the US sold to Baghdad — was transported through the Green Zone to a US-supported Iraqi service facility at al-Muthanna that was established as part of the Pentagon’s Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program.


    The tank was equipped with a Russian .50-caliber machine gun and Iranian-stamped 12.75-mm ammunition, according to a source at the facility.


    “Once all the ammo was removed, as per procedure, by Iraqi personnel, we noticed Iranian markings on the back of the shell casings. Seems they put a Russian machine gun with Iranian ammunition on an Abrams tank.”


    As Washington scrambles to adapt to the myriad, Iranian-backed Shiite militias fighting alongside its US-trained and -supplied partners in Iraq, new manifestations of shifting alliances may threaten the relevance of US end-use monitoring in that war-torn country.


    The US-Russian tank hybrid could constitute twin violations of Iraq’s FMS agreements with Washington, due to unauthorized use by Shiite militias and the unsanctioned addition of the Russian gun and Iranian ammo, Pentagon officials say.


    “Any time you do a foreign military sale, there’s a requirement that you do end-use monitoring, and it’s a violation if you do alterations,” Vice Adm. Joseph Rixey, director of the Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) told Defense News.


    Interviewed in Washington this week at the annual Association of the US Army conference, neither Rixey, the Pentagon’s FMS chief, nor Maj. Gen. Mark McDonald, chief of the US Army Security Assistance Command, had knowledge of the event recounted to Defense News. However, both men suggested that their Iraqi customers had an obligation to report such occurrences in a timely and accurate manner.


    “If they brought it into the maintenance facility, then that should be reported to our US folks there, and then we can have a discussion about how, ‘This is not what we’re going to do,’” McDonald said.


    McDonald was deputy commander at the time the Iraqi tank deal was concluded, and noted that the FMS contract includes a maintenance package that covers the facility in question. “We eventually got them to buy the maintenance and training package, so I do know there is an ongoing maintenance effort going on over there under our FMS contract, with a US company doing the maintenance.”


    The in-country source noted that it was the first time he had encountered the hybridization of the Abrams to accommodate the Russian gun and Iranian ammo.


    “It could be an isolated event or it could mark the beginning of something worrisome. It’s too early to tell … but given the strange bedfellows over there in the Amber Zone, you never know.”

    Yes, “you never know”, but what appears to have happened here is that because the Iran-backed Shiite militias are more adept than the Iraqi army on the battlefield, they’re the ones driving the tanks.

    As a reminder, here’s their assessment of America’s role in providing support for the ground campaign against ISIS in Iraq (via Reuters):

    Allied Iranian-backed Shi’ite militias who are leading the fight against Islamic State in Iraq, say the United States lacks the decisiveness and the readiness to supply weapons needed to eliminate militancy in the region.

    And so, because of this “lack of decisiveness and readiness”, the militiamen improvised and slapped a Russian machine gun on a US-supplied tank and loaded it up with Iranian ammo. 

    As noted above, these soldiers aren’t really supposed to be driving these things which makes the following description of what unfolded when they dropped it off for service down right hilarious: 

    “They brought it in through Iraqi checkpoints, back-rolled it off the trailer and then drove away.”


  • Silicon Valley's Ultimate Insider Warns Of "Subprime Unicorns… Managements Are Deluded"

    Authored by Michael Moritz, Chairman of Sequoia Capital, originally published Op-Ed via The Financial Times,

    The private and public worlds of technology collided this week with a set of stories about two very different companies: one a large business in its fourth decade, seeking to adjust to a new world; the other a much touted Silicon Valley start-up whose ambitious scientific claims were questioned in a devastating newspaper article. The former, Dell, and the latter, Theranos, illustrate the benefits and perils of life as a private company.

    Michael Dell had experienced many years as the head of a publicly traded company, which included some close encounters of the worst kind and a bruising battle with some dissident shareholders, before delisting in a leveraged buyout in 2013.

    Since then, relieved from the merciless roasting of the quarterly earnings call, he has had the freedom to undertake a long-term restructuring of his business. Mr Dell emerged from the shadows this week to announce his intention to purchase EMC, the large storage provider, in what would be the biggest technology takeover in history.

    If Mr Dell illustrated the benefits of privacy, Elizabeth Holmes, the chief executive and founder of Theranos, has just learnt that even for the head of a high-profile, secretive Silicon Valley company valued at $9bn, a light will eventually illuminate dark places.

    Ms Holmes formed Theranos in 2003 to provide health tests from a few drops of blood rather than what gushes out of several tubes. Ms Holmes ingeniously convinced some very accomplished people (including Oracle’s Larry Ellison) to furnish her company with about $400m and has persuaded two former US secretaries of state, a former US defence secretary and the former chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee to join her board of directors.

    That feat of persuasion may have been even more impressive than it seemed. The Wall Street Journal this week reported claims that the company’s proprietary technology — whose co-inventor committed suicide two years ago after telling his wife that it was not effective — is used only in a small fraction of the company’s tests, with others performed using standard laboratory equipment in a way that might produce inaccurate results. Former employees of Theranos told the newspaper they had been instructed to deal with regulatory checks on its test results in a way that might amount to cheating.

    Theranos contests these suggestions of scientific trickery and legerdemain. However, if they turn out to be true, the company could be mortally wounded — a development that might make technology investors sit up straight and be less credulous as they scrutinise investments.

    Life in the shadows of the private market has many benefits for emerging companies. It allows them to experiment, work out kinks in a product, lure talented people with attractively priced stock options, shield themselves from the scrutiny of predatory competitors and stutter in private until they can speak fluently in public. It is also a refuge to which people such as Mr Dell can retreat once their companies no longer offer public investors either the growth or predictably for which they yearn.

    But there is also a false sense of security provided by the private markets at a time when interest rates are negligible and many investors, particularly those who are either new to technology or have short memories, are all too willing to back start-ups whose premises house several baristas and where a dozen blends of tea (not to mention the sea-salt flavoured chocolate bars and bio-dynamically raised Anjou pears) are de rigueur. It is easier to conceal weaknesses, present an aura of invincibility and confound investors as a private company that can escape by making few disclosures than as a publicly traded one.

    One glance at the list of so-called unicorns — those private technology companies valued at more than $1bn — illustrates this point. A handful of these businesses will become the great, enduring companies of tomorrow. But a good number seem the flimsiest of edifices. Forget the fact that some of these valuations are illusory because the most recent investors have structured their investments as debt in all but name, meaning that they will stand to profit even if the company is worth far less.

    The more salient point is that for the past three or four years private investors have just been more forgiving than their public market counterparts, who, had they been presented with the most recent financial reports of a good number of these companies, would have decimated the stocks. In the past few quarters, the founders of several technology companies have discovered a far chillier reception as they tramped around on initial public offering roadshows than they were accorded in the private shadows.

    Most of the leaders of the subprime unicorns who continue to enjoy the fruits of the private market delude themselves about the difference between control and discipline. Some say that if their companies become public they will lose control. Google, Facebook and a raft of other companies with dual-class stocks put paid to that argument. What the heads of the subprime unicorns really mean is that the sort of disclosure required of a public company is the picture they do not want to view. But as Ms Holmes of Theranos discovered this week, eventually there is no place to hide.

  • Images From The Iraqi Frontlines: Iran-Backed Fighters Battle ISIS For Control Of Key Refinery

    One event that flew under the radar last month as Russia revved up its long dormant military juggernaut, was the intelligence sharing alliance struck between Moscow, Baghdad, Tehran, and Damascus. The deal called for the establishment of an intel command base in Baghdad and a rotating presidency. As Sputnik reported on September 28:

    “This shared intelligence base will be formed by the representatives of the chiefs of joint military staff of each of these four countries. … The first goal of the base is to gather intelligence regarding the region in the framework of fighting against this terrorist group. After the data is collected, it will be analyzed and will eventually be forwarded to the related organizations in the armed forces of each of these countries. The command of this base will rotate every three months between the member states and the first rotating president will be Iraq.”

    This initiative was purportedly behind the strike on an ISIS convoy that some initially believed had killed Bakr al-Baghdadi. Apparently, Baghdadi was not actually present, but nevertheless, the Iraqis are clearly excited about the joint intelligence initiative, presumably because the US hasn’t proven to be too “intelligent” an ally thus far. Consider the following from Reuters:

    Iraq has begun bombing Islamic State insurgents with help from a new intelligence center with staff from Russia, Iran and Syria, a senior parliamentary figure said on Tuesday about cooperation seen as a threat to U.S. interests in the region.


    The center has been operational for about a week, and it provided intelligence for air strikes on a gathering of middle-level Islamic State figures, Hakim al Zamili, the head of parliament’s defense and security committee, told Reuters.


    The new security apparatus based in Baghdad suggests the United States is losing clout in a strategic oil-producing Middle East, where it has been heavily invested for years.


    Iraqi officials, frustrated with the pace and depth of the U.S. military campaign against Islamic State, have said they will lean heavily on Washington’s former Cold War rival Russia in the battle against the Sunni Muslim jihadists.


    “We find it extremely useful,” the Iraqi official said. “The idea is to formalize the relationship with Iran, Russia and Syria. We wanted a full-blown military alliance.”


    Iran, a longtime Middle East adversary of the United States, already boasts deep influence in Iraq. Iranian military advisers help direct Baghdad’s campaign against Islamic State, which aims to expand its self-proclaimed caliphate in the Middle East.


    Washington, with a history of close security links with Baghdad, now worries the intelligence center may foster closer Russian-Iraqi ties, particularly with respect to operations against Islamist militants, a U.S. security official said.


    The Baghdad government, and allied Iranian-backed Shi’ite militias who are leading the fight against Islamic State in Iraq, say the United States lacks the decisiveness and the readiness to supply weapons needed to eliminate militancy in the region.

    Yes, “Iran boasts deep influence in Iraq, [its] military advisers help direct Baghdad’s campaign against Islamic State, [and] the Baghdad government and allied Iranian-backed Shi’ite militias say the United States lacks the decisiveness and the readiness to supply weapons needed to eliminate militancy in the region.” As we’ve documented extensively, this is all orchestrated and overseen by the Quds Force and the plan from day one appears to have been this: Tehran agrees to allow Russia to become the new Mid-East puppet master once the US packs up and leaves if Russia agrees to provide the military might needed for Iran to secure Syria and cement the IRGC’s stranglehold on Iraqi politics and military affairs. 

    So in short, what seems likely to happen here is that once Syria is secure, the Shiite militias under Iran’s control (including Hezbollah) will simply move on to Iraq to reinforce the Iran-backed militias operating there.

    As we demonstrated on Thursday, Russia now has the capability to strike targets in Iraq thanks to the new base at Latakia, so air cover shouldn’t be a problem.

    Given all of the above, we imagine we’ll be hearing a lot more about Iraq in the coming months and so, in an effort to begin taking a closer look at the activities of the Shiite militias operating in the country alongside the Iraqi army, we bring you the following from The New York Times who reports that the groups achieved a major strategic victory on Thursday when ISIS was driven from the Baiji refinery:

    Iraqi forces and the Shiite militias fighting alongside them announced Friday that they had retaken the oil refinery at Baiji from Islamic State militants, in some of the first significant progress against the extremist group after months of stalled efforts.


    “Baiji refinery has been completely liberated from Daesh,” a spokesman for Iraq’s counterterrorism service said.


    Iraqi officials insist that its recapture is a strategically important step, and a vital lift to morale, in the broader campaign against the Islamic State, which controls much of northern and western Iraq.


    Baiji and the nearby town of Siniya, which Iraqi forces said they had also taken, are on a major north-south route to Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, which was seized by the Islamic State in June 2014.


    “This battle is crucial,” Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Monday during a visit to Salahuddin, the province north of Baghdad that includes Baiji.


    The Iraqis appeared to have had more going for them this time. The push to retake Baiji came as Iraqi forces were mounting a parallel offensive to retake Ramadi, the capital of Anbar Province in western Iraq.


    The Iraqi military said it had encircled Ramadi, which United States military officials say is defended by an estimated 600 to 1,000 Islamic State fighters.


    The Shiite militias — formally known as the Popular Mobilization Forces — have not been given a role in the Ramadi operation for fear that their presence might antagonize the mostly Sunni population there. But the militias, some of which are backed and trained by Iran, played a major role in the Baiji operation.


    A spokesman for Shiite militias said that several thousand Shiite militiamen were fighting in and near Baiji, which is more than the estimated number of Iraqi soldiers also fighting there. 


    Shiite militia leaders have advertised their presence on the battlefield. Qais al-Khazali, the head of the Asaib Ahl al-Haq, a militia long supported by Iran, was filmed inside the captured refinery. Hadi al-Ameri, the leader of the Badr Organization, another Iranian-backed group, also played a visible role in the operation.

    And here are the images of the Shiite fighters who battled to retake Baiji (via Reuters):

  • After 6 Years Of Austerity, 36% Of Greeks In Poverty


    Thousands of austerity measures, dramatic cuts in incomes, incredible hikes in taxes. Five and a half years in deep recession. Three bailout agreements. And where do Greeks stand now?

    On top of the Eurozone when it comes to poverty. More than one out of three Greeks, that is “36% of the Greek population is at risk of poverty and social exclusion,” the EUROSTAT found out – the highest rate within the Euro Zone.

    The EUROSTAT data were released on the occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty which is ‘celebrated’ yearly on October 17th.

    What means poverty? Not enough food on the table, no adequate warm home in winter, difficulties to cover basic needs and pay utilities and health care, just to name a few.

    Oh and here is the Statistics we love: also the inability to afford to pay for one week annual holiday away from home.

    According to European union “directives’ poor is an individual or a family with available income of less than 500 euro per month. It can be 480 euro or Zero Euro.

    The detailed EUROSTAT poverty data for the entire EU is here.

    The rate of Greeks at risk of poverty and social exclusion was at 30% and 33% in the last two years. No surprise, it increased.

    *  *  *

    Still with the economic "boom" we are told to expedct from the flood of refugees (and Germany's pressure  on the Greeks to take more refugees), we are sure this will all end well…

  • China Officially Sold A Quarter Trillion Treasurys In The Past Year (Unofficially Much More) And What This Means

    Back in May, this website was the first to explain the “mystery” behind Belgium’s ravenous Treasury buying which in early 2015 had turned into sudden selling, and which we demonstrated was merely China transacting using offshore Euroclear-based accounts to preserve anonymity. Since then theme of Belgium as a Chinese proxy has become so popular, even CNBC gets it.

    Consequently, we were also the first to correctly warn that China had begun liquidating its Treasury holdings (a finding which left none other than Goldman “speechless”), which also helped us predict that China is about to announce its currency devaluation three days before it happened as the conversion of Chinese reserves from inert paper to active dollars hinted at a massive effort to stabilize the currency, and thus unprecedented capital outflows.

    As a result, the only data point which mattered in yesterday’s Treasury International Capital data release was not China’s holdings, which actually “rose” $1.7 billion in the month when China actively devalued its currency and then spent hundreds of billions to prevent the devaluation from becoming an all out FX rout, but the ongoing decline in Belgium holdings. As the chart below shows, Belgium, pardon Euroclear – which is a clearing house not only for China but many other EM nations who park their reserves in Belgium – sold another $45 billion in Treasurys last month, bringing the total to a dangerously low $111 billion, down from $355 billion at the start of the year.


    Lumping Belgium and China holdings into one, as we have done since May, shows that as expected, Chinese selling continued in August, and the result was another drop of $43 billion in TSY holdings in the month of August, which incidentally mirrors perfectly the previously announced decline in September Chinese FX reserves, which according to official data declined from $3.557 trillion to $3.514 trillion.


    According to the chart above, while to many Quantitative Tightening is a novel concept, the reality is that China (+ Euroclear) have been dumping Treasurys and liquidating reserves since January when total holdings peaked at $1.6 trillion last summer, and have since declined to $1.38 trillion. It means that China has sold a quarter trillion dollars worth of Treasurys in the past year, in the process offsetting what would have been about 25% of the Fed’s QE3.

    However, the real number is likely far greater.

    While China’s official (declining) FX reserve data (a real-time mirror of the TIC data from China’s perspective) is a useful guide to what is happening with China’s reserves (primarily US Treasurys, as well as European sovereigns and various other unclassified assets), it is also manipulated by the politburo which does not want to give an overly pessimistic picture of what is happening in China. As a result, a far more accurate representation of FX flows comes from the data showing FX purchases for the whole banking system (PBOC plus banks), as this number is far more difficult to rig.

    As we previously reported, in September FX purchases decreased by US$120 billion in September (vs. a decrease of $115bn in August). This is a troublin discrepancy with both official Chinese reserve data and US TIC data as the scale of decline in this data is significantly larger than that in PBOC’s FX reserves (-$43bn) and its foreign assets (-$42bn), suggesting that banks have resorted to their own spot FX positions to help absorb outflow pressure.

    More from Goldman:

    Given possible PBOC balance sheet management (e.g., short-term transactions and agreements between with banks, e.g., forward transactions, FX entrusted loan drawdown or repayment), we interpret the FX reserves data with caution, as it might not give a complete picture of the FX flow situation. The large gap between today’s data and the other PBOC data for September suggests that banks might have used their own spot FX positions to help meet some of the outflow demand, although banks’ overall FX positions might still have been squared with the PBOC via forward agreements. This also partly explains why new RMB loans exceeded RMB deposit generation by a large margin (of over RMB 1tn) in September, as shown in yesterday’s money and credit data–apparently corporates and households converted a large amount of their RMB deposits into FX. Overall, today’s data indicates that the outflow situation might have improved only modestly from August. Note that today’s data do not include information on possible forward transactions between the PBOC and onshore or offshore banks.

    The problem with China’s data – and incrasingly the US – is that it is completely unreliable. So to get a full picture of what really hapepned, we will have to wait for SAFE data on banks’ FX settlements on behalf of their onshore clients (due on October 22nd) to have a more complete view on the FX-RMB conversion trend among onshore non-banks. That report captures banks’ FX transactions vis-à-vis non-banks through both spot and forward transactions (for August this data showed an overall FX outflow of $178bn).

    But even with the incomplete picture we have, we can draw two conclusions:

    • Chinese FX outflows are actually accelerating, not slowing down, despite the PBOC’s (and TIC’s) best efforts to show that China has sold “only” $250 billion in Treasurys in the past year
    • Chinese TSY selling has so far not impacted price of 10Ys adversely because it took place in a time of “great unrotation” from stocks into safety assets, and a surge in global deflation fears provoked by… China. Now that the Politburo appears to have fooled markets that China is “fine” once again, and inflationary fears reemerge, preserving the bid for 10Y paper may not be quite so easy especially as China continues to fight capital outflows by selling reserves.
    • The recent data on rising Chinese credit creation had nothing to do with an improvement in the economy, and everything to do with covering the discrepancy between official (declining) capital outflows, and unofficial (increasing) capital outflows.

    Bottom line: China’s capital outflow is getting worse, not better, and continued to drag not only its economy lower, but accelerate China’s disposition of Treasury paper. Anyone hoping for a quick rebound in China’s economy will be severely disappointed.

  • The Smoking Gun: Silver & Gold Manipulation Exposed

    Submitted by Dave Fairfax via,

    Gold price suppression!

    The amount of ink spilled on this topic could fill a supertanker.  Goldbugs the world over believe in the suppression story as an article of faith, and indeed, the evidence that “something is happening” appears incontrovertible.

    Given how important the subject is to the bullion-owning community, and the volume of energy we expend talking (and talking, and talking, and talking) about it, how much information do we really have about what is actually going on?  Has anyone quantified suppression?  Do we know how, when, and how frequently it occurs?  Once a month?  Once a day?  What does it even look like?  For many of us it might be like that old Supreme Court Justice's definition of obscenity: I can't define it, but I know it when I see it.

    So, I'll take my best shot at defining suppression. Then armed with a definition, I should be able to discover how and when it takes place. To see how frequently it happens, and what the immediately observable effects are – as well as the apparent longer term effects of such events.  Does the fact that a suppression attack occurs means the price trend changes?  Is an attack prima facie evidence of successful control of prices over the long term?  And is anything else being suppressed, too?  Perhaps everything is being suppressed by our banking lords and masters!

    The visible attacks that we have all seen involve “someone” dumping (or buying) large numbers of futures contracts in the market when activity is relatively lighter than usual, with the intent of deliberately moving price.  Most goldbugs like to say that gold and silver suppression attacks occur in the “wee hours of the morning.”  Loosely translated, I take this to mean during non-US and non-London trading hours.  So that's the time range I will use: 4pm-3am Eastern; from just after US market close through to the London market open.

    So how do we define a deliberate act of suppression – or let me state it more neutrally – a “volatility event”?  The ones we have all seen involve a large spike down (or up) in a small increment of time.  I'll define this more specifically as at least a 0.5% move within a one-minute period.  So, at current prices, that's a $6 move in gold or a $0.08 move in silver that happens within one minute.  That's just the minimum amount – often the moves are much larger than that.

    Goldbugs tend to believe they are a heavily persecuted lot, with their favorite metal singled out for routine beatings.  Is there a factual basis for this feeling?  Or do volatility events occur for other futures contracts also?

    Others (including me!) have pointed out that volatility events happen to the upside as well as to the downside.  I have personally seen these spikes higher squeeze the shorts, thus driving prices even higher during non-US non-London trading hours.  Some goldbugs never seem to want to acknowledge these events; some have even claimed that “they don't happen!”  So do they happen?  That should be easy enough to prove or refute by looking at the trading records. And if such evidence indeed exists, how often do these volatility events take place compared to the downside moves?

    To answer all these questions, I wrote some software — as I'm a programmer by training. The program sorted through intraday price data for 9 different futures markets, with the data starting in late 2009 through today, and counted all the 0.5% 1-minute price spikes (either up or down) that happened during non-US non-London trading times.  Then, I entered them into a spreadsheet for analysis.  Let's take a look:


    total events: the total number of 0.5% 1-minute moves during the time period for that contract.

    # ev down/up: # of moves that ended lower, or higher than the starting price.

    chg down/up: aggregate dollar change for all up and down events for that contract.

    total change: aggregate chg up – chg down, in either dollars or points.

    So first of all, are there up events as well as down events?  The # ev up column says yes, definitely.  Silver had 402 up events, and 467 down events.  So it's not just a one way street down.  Those scoffing analysts are correct: the up-events really do happen.  And not just occasionally either!  That said, evidence also clearly shows there are more down events than up events for gold and silver (and also for Natgas, and the e-minis).

    Next, are gold and silver the only contracts that suffer volatility events during the wee hours of the morning?  No.  Many contracts received hundreds of similar-sized volatility events during the time period.   While it is true that silver received the most total events at 869, Natgas, Wheat, and Crude have all received more total events than gold, with Natgas coming in at #2 with 489.

    Could there be an active Natgas, Wheat, and Crude oil suppression campaign going on too?

    No.  There is one last critical part: the aggregated total change column.   If you sum the price changes for all events: chg down + chg up, you get to see the net price impact of all the events.   So for silver, the total change over the period is $53 up – $71 down = –$18.  Compare this with crude oil, which had $43 up – $41 down = +$2.

    What does this mean?  Even though silver had $53 in support from the 402 up events it received, it was also hit for $71 from the 467 down events it got: net effect -$18.  That's significant for something with a current price of $15.  In fact, when viewed as a percentage of silver's current price (the % change column), silver was far and away the hardest hit of all 9 contracts I investigated.  Gold's price impact was #2, at $379.  Crude actually had a positive effect, while Natgas was dead flat.  Even though Natgas had a large number of volatility events, the net effect on price was a wash.  The same is largely true for wheat, treasury bonds, and the e-mini futures.  Some experienced a mild positive effect, others a mild negative effect, but the effects were quite small relative to the current price of the underlying item.

    So goldbugs, take a victory lap!  Even though the scoffers were right – there are a large number of up events – the down events dominate for PM contracts and especially for silver.  You have been singled out for beatings!  Of course you already knew that, didn't you?  🙂

    So now that we've looked at the last 6 years in aggregate, and we've established that precious metals have definitely been singled out for “negative attention” compared to other contracts, its time to look at these events across time, to see if we can get answers to the other questions, such as: When do these events take place? What effect do they have on the price chart? Are they still happening? And if so – how often?

    First, let's look at the big picture.  Here are a pair of price charts for silver and gold over the five year time period, with the volatility events (red = down, blue = up, measured in dollars, weekly) overlaid.

    For silver, we can see four main events: a huge spike right near the 2011 peak, another spike that seems to coincide with the low in 2011, and a couple more in early-2013 that happened during the great gold smash of 2013.  We can also see that the red (the down spikes) usually is larger than the blue (the up spikes).

    Gold's picture is a bit different: a few smaller spikes appear during the uptrend, a couple appear right near the peak, and a massive spike appears right after the peak.  The largest spike in gold happens during the 2013 gold smash.  One last big spike occurs in 2015, about the time of the low at 1075.  As a general impression, gold has far more red than blue; this is borne out by the spreadsheet, which shows a 2:1 red:blue ratio.

    Anatomy of a Top

    The next goal is to dig deeper, and see how a volatility event storm affected price.  Does a volatility event line up with a big move down?  And what happens after?  Does price keep falling, or does it bounce right back up?  Do volatility events change trend?  If so – are there conditions?

    Silver has received the biggest total number of volatility events, and has received the largest negative impact as a percentage of price.  Let's look at the biggest spike, the infamous 2011 peak at $50 through the lens of volatility events, and try to see what might have gone on.  Did suppression cause the top?  It seems like it should have – but did it?

    On Sunday/Monday, April 25th , 2011, “someone” hit the market with 12 different volatility events totaling $3.15, which was at that time the largest single set of volatility events in the timeseries, the same day that silver ticked $50/oz.  As a result, silver printed a doji on the day.  Price fell the following day, but then a funny thing happened.  Price started moving higher again.  Three days after the big Sunday-evening silver smash, price was once again testing $50 – and in fact it had two shots at $50 without any volatility events appearing at all on days #4 and #5.  But those two shots at $50 failed, and on day #6 as price began to fade, “someone” came in with a truly absurd 51 events totaling $15.45 in impact that started the collapse in price down from the high.  Buyers still tried to buy the dip that day, and price only fell $2 – a minor miracle given the pounding – but the rock had started to roll down hill, and it didn't stop until price dropped a total of $15 over 5 days.

    Was the top “caused” by these volatility events?  Its hard to say.  Had the bulls been strong enough to push price over $50 in days #4 & 5, its likely the volatility event on day #6 would not have worked.  They don't seem to work too well during an uptrend.  The silver bulls had two free shots to move price above $50,  completely unopposed by any volatility events at all, and they failed.  Once they failed, that's when “someone” launched the second volatility event storm.

    Looking at the price chart alongside the volatility event chart, it does not look like a straightforward case of “someone successfully causing the top” through direct application of force.  First they used a stall to stop the upward momentum in a very extended market which resulted in the doji print, and then the buyers were unable to muster enough power to push prices higher, and then “someone” unloaded with maximum force once the buyer fatigue became apparent.  That's how I read the chart anyway.

    What would have happened had someone not unleashed the volatility storm on day #6?  We will never know.  The market would have eventually corrected at some point – no tree grows to the sky – but its hard to know how much higher it might have gone.


    *  *  *

    In Part 2: How To Protect Yourself & Profit From This Manipulation, we look further into the recent data to determine whether or not the downward manipulation of precious metals can continue as it has over the past few years. Bullion investors will be heartened to learn of the signs we're seeing that $1,05/oz gold may have been the bottom, and that brighter days may indeed lie ahead.

    True or not, though, the manipulation attempts are likely to continue for some time. We look at how bullion investors can position themselves to defend against the most predictable elements of these raids, and how brave souls interested in speculating may profit from them.

    Click here to read Part 2 of this report (free executive summary, enrollment required for full access)

  • With US Warships En Route To Islands, China Asks: "What On Earth Makes Them Think We Will Tolerate This?"

    The US is in a tough spot militarily. 

    In Syria, Russia and Iran have taken advantage of the fact that the plan hatched by the West and its regional allies to destabilize the Assad regime took far too long to develop. The idea was to foment discord and provide covert support for the various armed militias fighting to overthrow the government. But the effort is entering its fifth year and Assad is still there. Not only that, there have been a series of unintended (well, at least we hope they’re unintended) consequences. First, one of the rebel groups the West and its allies supported morphed into an insane band of white basketball shoe-wearing, black flag-waving, sword-wielding desert bandits. Second, the fighting created a horrific refugee crisis that now threatens to destabilize the whole of Europe. Sensing a historic geopolitical opportunity, Moscow and Tehran simply stepped in and outmaneuvered Washington. Now, the US basically has to decide whether it wants to go to war with Russia, because paradropping ammo into the middle of the desert isn’t going to be a viable strategy.

    Meanwhile, the US faces another superpower confrontation in the South China Sea.

    When Beijing began its land reclamation efforts in the Spratlys, we’re reasonably sure the Pentagon didn’t anticipate the extent to which the effort would quickly become a giant headache for Washington. 

    As a reminder, it’s not so much the dredging that has Washington’s regional allies in the South Pacific upset. Island building has been done before in the area. Rather, it’s the scope of the project that has everyone unnerved as Beijing has so far constructed over 3,000 acres of new sovereign territory atop which China has built everything from cement factories, to greenhouses, to runways. 

    Whether or not the US really cares about this is debatable although these shipping lanes are indeed critical for world trade. But with The Philippines and others crying foul, Washington is left with little choice but to put on a brave face lest the world should get the idea that China can just redraw maritime boundaries at will and establish a Sino-Monroe Doctrine in the process. 

    So finally, the US decided that it would sail some warships by the islands just to see if it can do so without getting shot at. 

    No, really. That’s the whole plan. “Let’s see how far we can push them.” 

    This is of course orchestrated under the guise of a freedom of navigation operation which, in a way, makes little sense because China has never threatened global trade. Then again, it’s fairly obvious that Beijing has some military role for the new islands in mind. 

    In any event, China hit back on Thursday, saying the PLA would “stand up and use force” if necessary should the US make a “mistake” with the whole warship plan.

    So in short, Washington is now in a staring contest with both Moscow and Beijing and both Russia and China seem to have gotten the idea that the US has lost its resolve lately and will probably blink first in both standoffs. 

    It’s with all of that in mind that we bring you the following rather amusing op-ed from Beijing out Saturday on Xinhua, presented below with no further comment:

    *  *  *

    Via Xinhua

    The United States’ provocative attempts to infringe on China’s South China Sea sovereignty are sabotaging regional peace and stability and militarizing the waters.


    The U.S. Navy is reportedly preparing to conduct “freedom of navigation” operations, sending warships within 12 nautical miles of Chinese islands in the South China Sea. The U.S. operations may take place within days, according to reports.


    Last month, in his response to China’s claim of sovereignty over the South China Sea, U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said the United States “will fly, sail and operate wherever the international law allows, as we do around the world.”


    White House Spokesman Josh Earnest said on Oct. 8 that U.S. warships patrolling close to artificial islands built by China in the South China Sea “should not provoke significant reaction from the Chinese.”


    Let us not forget that in October 1962, when the Soviet Union was building missile sites in Cuba — not even on U.S. soil — U.S. President Kennedy made it clear in a televised speech that the United States would not “tolerate the existence of the missile sites currently in place.”


    What on earth makes the United States think China should and will tolerate it when U.S. surface ships trespass on Chinese territory in the South China Sea?


    China will never tolerate any military provocation or infringement on sovereignty from the United States or any other country, just as the United States refused to 53 years ago.


    China’s stand on the South China Sea disputes is firm and clear. China’s sovereignty and claims of rights over Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters in the South China Sea have been formed over the long course of history and upheld by successive Chinese governments, and have adequate and solid historical and legal basis.


    Just as Article 15 of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea stipulates, delimiting the territorial seas of China and other countries in the South China Sea shall be in accordance with China’s “historic title” to the region.


    China has always been, in a constructive and effective manner, a firm upholder of the freedom of navigation as well as peace and stability in the South China Sea. And China has vowed to continue to do so in the future.


    China’s construction of civilian and public facilities on the Nansha Islands and reefs, which fall within the scope of China’s sovereignty, serves not only China but also coastal nations in the South China Sea.


    For instance, two lighthouses recently built on reefs in the region have helped guide passing vessels from around the world and significantly improved navigation safety.


    Contrary to U.S. claims, it will be the United States, as an outsider, that further provokes tensions in the South China Sea by sending soldiers and warships to Chinese territory in the name of “freedom of navigation.”


    This is not the first move by the United States to undermine the regional peace and stability that China has worked so hard for.


    Over the past several years, the United States has held frequent large-scale drills with its allies in the South China Sea, flexing their military muscles.


    According to the website of the U.S. Department of Defense, the country has deployed thousands of civilian and military officials, as well as a huge number of weapons, to the Pacific region.


    To destabilize the region and contain China, the United States has deliberately involved non-party nations, such as Japan, in the South China Sea issue and stirred disputes between China and other parties, including the Philippines.


    By no means will China let the provocateurs make waves in waters that should be characterized by peace, friendship and cooperation.


    Last year, the bilateral trade volume between China and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) exceeded 480 billion U.S. dollars.


    Concerned nations have no alternative but to jointly deal with disputes in the South China Sea that pose a threat to the development and prosperity of parties in the region.


    On Sept. 18, in response to remarks made by the commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific on patrolling the South China Sea, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said China, like the United States, upholds freedom of navigation in the waters.


    However, the spokesman stressed, China opposes any country’s challenge, in the name of freedom of navigation, to China’s sovereignty and security in the South China Sea.


    During a visit to Europe in March 2014, Chinese president Xi Jinping stressed that his country will “never stir up any trouble, but will resolutely safeguard its legitimate rights” when it comes to sovereignty and territorial integrity.


    Even though enhancing mutual trust and managing disputes through high-level visits and talks still remains the first option for China, the country will, without any doubt, adopt countermeasures against the United States if it doesn’t stop military provocations that infringe upon China.


    People with vision in Washington should and must see clearly China’s determination in safeguarding national sovereignty and regional security.


  • Prominent Veterans Group Just Called On US Public To Say No To War

    Submitted by Nick Bernabe via,

    A group of former U.S. service members called the Veterans For Peace issued a letter to the American public and President Obama today. In it, they outline reasons for the Unites States to immediately end the war in Afghanistan and elsewhere and call on the public to step in to ensure it happens. The entire letter is included below:

    President Obama’s decision to prolong the U.S. led war in Afghanistan only ensures U.S. responsibility for more death and destruction. Veterans For Peace condemns the decision and calls on the U.S. public to say no to more war.


    Today, President Obama commented, ‘I do not support the idea of endless war, and I have repeatedly argued against marching into open-ended military conflicts that do not serve our core security interests.’ But Veterans For Peace asks, what is this policy but endless war? The U.S. has been fighting in Afghanistan for over fourteen years. What can fewer than 10,000 service members do that more than 100,000 could not? Al-Qaeda is a non-factor in Afghanistan and the Taliban are Afghans. U.S. presence in Afghanistan ensures more Afghan deaths and delay in reduction of violence so that civil society can be rebuilt and peace and justice can begin to take hold. War, Mr. President, has not worked. If you don’t believe in endless wars and you want to be a true Nobel Peace laureate to be looked up to and admired for working for peace in the face of pressure to continue down the road of war, Bring Our Troops Home and put all of the weight and power of the U.S. behind building peace.


    In his remarks, the president referred to the Taliban and the people of Afghanistan as if they are two different groups. The truth is that the Taliban represent a portion of the Afghan people. The Taliban are Pashtun tribesmen. Pashtuns are also the majority in Afghanistan. This makes it very difficult to combat the Taliban as they have many sympathizers and supporters who may not actively fight the U.S. backed government, but will not support it.


    It is clear that U.S. led efforts in Afghanistan have given more people reason to join the Taliban. A Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 2009 question and answer piece explained, people… ‘join because the Afghan government is unjust, corrupt, or simply not there. They also join because the Americans have bombed their houses or shown disrespect for their values. For young people, joining the Taliban is a way to earn social status.’


    That was written six years past, and little has changed. Just two weeks ago on October 3, 2015 the U.S. bombed a Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Kunduz Afghanistan killing twelve medical staff, ten patients and wounding thirty-two others. This type of incident is not uncommon. Amnesty International’s 2014/15 Annual Afghanistan Report says, ‘ISAF and NATO forces continued to launch night raids and aerial and ground attacks, claiming dozens of civilian lives, despite completing the handover of responsibility for security to the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) in June 2013.’


    The report goes on to say.[sic] ‘There were significant failures of accountability for civilian deaths, including a lack of transparent investigations and a lack of justice for the victims and their families.’ An October 14th New York Times article reports that, ‘Mr. Ghani is not popular among Afghans. And the problems in his government — like corruption and incompetence — run so deep that fixing them will take years, possibly decades.’ Trust of the Afghan government has not increased among the people it claims to represent.


    It is true that anti-government forces are responsible for the vast majority of civilian deaths. However, continuing the war does not increase the possibility for reduction of violence to save lives. This makes coalition forces and the opposition complicit in every death. There is little chance of defeating the Taliban because they will not stop fighting until the foreign invaders are gone and there are not enough Afghans willing to possibly die in support of the U.S. backed national government.


    There is not a perfect solution to the tragedy of Afghanistan. War has been the norm for the people of Afghanistan for nearly 37 years. The answer to ending the violence there is political, not military. The U.S. must withdraw and give the nation of Afghanistan back to the people of Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan must form their own union. One we may not like, but is theirs. The international community must pressure the Afghan government, Taliban dominated or not, to follow international law and respect human rights. A real diplomatic effort must be brought to bear to end the violence so that the people of Afghanistan can rebuild civil society and create space for human rights activists to struggle for a just society.


    Concerns about the threat of ISIL in Afghanistan must be met with more effective efforts to end the violence and wars in Iraq and Syria. U.S. global policy of endless war is merging into a global response of violence. We need a global response that meets human needs and aspirations. War is not the foundation on which to build peace. U.S. efforts have proven that war is the breeding ground for more violence and hatred. We demand a peace plan, Mr. President. We are not war weary, we simply know it does not work.


    Finally, there are U.S. service members and families upon whose shoulders this failed and derived policy of endless war will continue to fall. U.S. military personnel have sacrificed enough in blood on the battlefield; wounded and killed. They are burdened with executing a no win strategy. When they come home they face unemployment, homelessness, recovery from physical and mental wounds and high rates of death by suicide. The Department of Veterans Affairs is already overwhelmed, unable to meet the needs of our brother and sister veterans. This policy ensures more of the same on the home front as well. Mr. President, it is clearly time to end this and all U.S. wars. Bring Them Home and Take Care of Them When They Get Here.”

    Veterans for Peace is a non-profit anti-war group whose members include U.S. military veterans. You can find their website here.

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Today’s News October 17, 2015

  • Guest Post: The False East/West Paradigm And The End Of Freedom

    Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

    People are desperate for leaders and heroes. This is an undeniable condition of human life and of human civilization. Some historians and social observers, however, seem to think it is enough to simply point out this condition and pretend as if they have made some grand declaration; as if they have come to the root of the problem of mankind. In their laziness, they have mistaken a symptom for the cause.

    Why do people so often demand leaders and heroic figures? What drives the institutionalization of hierarchy, celebrity and geopolitical idolization? I believe this condition is caused by three factors – fear, ignorance, and apathy.

    This is not to say that there are not people throughout history that are worth looking up to, or that looking up to a particular hero figure is wrong. Heroes and sometimes leaders can act as points of reference, helping us to aspire to greater personal accomplishment and extraordinary achievement. The problem is many historical figures labeled heroic are in fact monsters in masks paraded as saviors by history writers with agendas. Real heroes (in the past hundred years in particular) are most often unsung, and remain little known.

    This is why the idolization of puppet leaders is so disturbing to those of us in the Liberty Movement. We witnessed the blind militancy of the so-called “right wing” in the support of George W. Bush after 9/11, only to be led into quagmire, economic despair, and a surveillance state based on numerous lies. We then had to witness the insane cult-like fervor of the so-called “left wing” as Barack Obama took office, only to continue and accelerate the same draconian policies of the Bush Administration while conjuring new methods for the division and destruction of American society and prosperity.

    Yes, the Liberty Movement has examined every detail and is well versed in the horrors of the false Left/Right paradigm. Again, I'll have to quote the ever useful elitist member of the Council on Foreign Relations and mentor to former president Bill Clinton, Carroll Quigley, on this particular issue, from his book 'Tragedy And Hope':

    …The argument of two parties should represent opposed ideas and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinate and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method.”

    What truly disturbs me is that our movement can be so awake and aware of the false left/right paradigm while remaining astonishingly naïve and short sighted when it comes to the false East/West paradigm. And once again, I have to attribute this naivety to a desperation for heroes caused by fear and apathy.

    I have written on the reality that Eastern political interests are just as controlled by globalists as Western political interests for years. Readers can review the considerable amount of data and evidence I have collected on Russia and Vladimir Putin in particular and the ties between the East and international financiers and well known globalists in recent articles such as 'Russia Is Dominated By Global Banks, Too', 'False East/West Paradigm Hides The Rise Of Global Currency', and 'The New World Order And The Rise Of The East'.

    In fact, I predicted almost every aspect of the current Syrian crisis based on the knowledge that the East versus West dynamic was purely an engineered conflict designed to diminish American power and economic influence through the use of planned chaos, and I did this years before events were ever triggered in the region.

    I knew what was about to happen in Syria only because I understood one important fundamental – that there are no “sides” in any modern conflict, only proxies fighting on a global chessboard controlled by the same elitist interests. Syria represented a perfect catalyst for a planetary scale conflict triggered between East and West in a way that could divert attention from internationalists. Modern war, whether through kinetics or economics, is almost always theater designed to distract and terrorize the masses, which are the true target of any conflagration.

    We must set aside childish assumptions on war. Wars are not about resources. They are not about territory. They are not about the hegemony of any particular nation state. If you buy into such notions, you have been duped. No, war is about something much bigger. War first and foremost is a tool for the manipulation and molding of public psychology. As Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda said:

    The great enemy of any attempt to change men's habits is inertia. Civilization is limited by inertia.”

    War is meant to forcefully change the “inertia” of civilization, and thus, forcefully change the direction of civilization in a manner that benefits the engineers of the conflict.

    One great threat to the mechanism of globalism and the elites behind it is the liberty movement, which is slowly but steadily growing in popularity and influence as America edges ever closer to economic and sociopolitical oblivion. As the U.S. is homogenized, harmonized, and brought down to third world status for the benefit of a one-world system, resistance continues to grow.

    You see, one negative side-effect of the rush towards centralization and a single global power (often referred to by the elites as the “New World Order”) is that the harder the globalists push society toward their Utopian ideal, the more individuals (not controlled governments or political puppets) wake up to the threat. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The Liberty Movement is the equalizing reaction to forced globalization.

    In order for the elites to neutralize the threat we present, they must either destroy us or co-opt us. I believe the East/West paradigm is being used in part to attempt the co-option of liberty elements.

    Despite the fact that many liberty analysts are beginning to understand the nature of the false East/West paradigm and the truth behind the rise of Russia, the predictable escalation in Syria is energizing a strange brand of Putin-worship once again. Liberty elements WANT to believe that Putin is somehow in opposition to globalization, that he is somehow morally superior to the Obama Administration, and that Russia is on the side of right in the fight against ISIS and the evil Western empire.

    They want to believe this because they are afraid – they are afraid that they are alone in the fight against the NWO. They are afraid that they will have to commit to personal sacrifice and struggle against a vastly technologically superior opponent. They are afraid that they alone will have to take responsibility for America's destiny and that no great leader on a white horse is coming to blaze the path ahead of them.

    Because of this fear, they sometimes commit the crime of cognitive dissonance in order to protect their false belief in a heroic Putin. They will ignore the fact that Putin is a long time friend of Henry Kissinger, the most publicly vocal proponent of the “New World Order, and that Putin describes Kissinger as his “trusted foreign policy adviser”.

    They will ignore the fact that Russia's primary economic adviser is none other than the hitman of the international banking syndicate, Goldman Sachs, and that Goldman Sachs has been deeply involved in Russia's economic affairs since at least 1992, just after the fall of the Soviet Union.

    They will ignore the fact that Putin and Russia have allied closely with the IMF (an institution supposedly dominated by the U.S.). Putin and the IMF are so intertwined that it was Putin who demanded that the IMF take over the management of Ukraine's finances after the regional crisis began, and, it was the IMF that blatantly supported Putin's call for a change in Ukraine's bond status from private to “official”. Russia also demanded that Ukraine's debts be repaid in Special Drawing Rights, the global currency basket which the IMF plans to use to replace the U.S. dollar as the world reserve mechanism.

    They will also surely ignore the fact that Putin and the Kremlin have on multiple occasion called for the IMF to take over global management of the worlds financial systems through the implementation of the SDR as the new world reserve currency.

    And of course, the fact that Russia is a member of the Bank for International Settlements and the BIS is the policy dictator of ALL central banking (do I really need to quote Carroll Quigley on the BIS yet again?) does not bode well for the affiliations and intentions of Russia as a whole, yet we are still bombarded in the liberty movement with platitudes on how Putin is “sticking it to the bankers”. No, I'm afraid not. According to the evidence, Putin is just like Obama: Yet another whore for the internationalists. Post all the pictures you want of the guy holding an uzi or finishing a judo throw, but his public persona does not fit reality.

    The mainstream media in the U.S. has for the most part run on the narrative that Putin is the next Stalin, and if you are going to perpetuate a false East/West paradigm this makes perfect sense. But there is also a separate narrative being presented to the liberty movement and the rest of the world.

    The talking points coming out of outlets like RT (Russia Today), a media machine controlled by the Russian government, has for the past few years stolen brilliant observations by American liberty proponents and repackaged them as video fluff. Most of these observations are negative in their view of U.S. government policy as well as central banking dictatorship, and they are also entirely correct. The problem is, RT does not apply the same standards of journalistic skepticism to the Russian government or its ties to the central banking cabal.

    Time Magazine publishes pro-Putin articles naming him “man of the year” in every other nation where they have distribution, but removes these stories and covers when publishing in America.

    The general American public is being sold on the idea that Putin is a calculating danger to global stability and that Western governments must become more aggressive to counter the threat. The rest of the world and the liberty movement are being sold on the image of a benevolent Putin and a Russia standing firm against the corrupt war machine of the West, but this image simply is not real.

    The danger for the liberty movement in the near future is considerable. Our blind support of the false East/West paradigm makes us vulnerable to easy co-option, for if we as a movement are tricked into closely affiliating with Russia then we lose our identity as a force for American independence and become nothing more than an “Eastern created” faux revolution. Think it can't happen? Mainstream media outlets are ALREADY building the narrative. The Atlantic was the first, with an article directly connecting “right wing” movements and “conspiracy theorists” in the U.S. with Russian influence and propaganda.

    As the false East/West confrontation grows, the real purpose of such a crisis will become apparent. ISIS agents conveniently shipped out of Syria among millions of "refugees" before Russian forces finally decided to strike will wreak havoc in Western nations. Economic chaos will become prevalent.  The U.S. will lose the dollar's petro-status as the East subsumes Eurasia.  Fear of another world war will haunt public perception. The ever uneducated and terrified mass majority will become far less tolerant of intelligent dissent. And, the Fabian Socialists infesting global institutions will suggest a clever solution to the problem they created – the dissolution of all sovereign nations and the complete centralization of governance into the hands of a select few to save humanity from such destructive divisions.

    If you understand that a primary goal of globalists is to fully remove constitutional protections in America and assert a totalitarian framework, then you have to admit that a conflict with Russia is an excellent opportunity for them.  War fever makes men delirious and malleable, and outside threats make internal despotism more tolerable.

    In the meantime, if the liberty movement refuses to treat Russia with the same x-ray vision it has used against western governments (a Russia clearly working with international financiers and globalist institutions) then we make it far easier for the elitist propaganda machine to paint us as Eastern backed traitors rather than freedom fighters down the road, thus crushing our chances at garnering increased support from the public and awakening new voices.

    Mark my words, in the end we will not only be forced to rebel against centralization under our own criminal government; we will also have to rebel against criminal puppet governments everywhere. I have no doubt that when we see the ranks of the globalist enemy, there will be Russian faces standing right alongside Western oligarchs. Maybe then people will finally admit that the East/West crisis was a carefully crafted hoax all along.

  • "Its Not The Economy Stupid, It's The Dollar"

    "It's not the economy… it's the dollar" – That would appear to be the message from the companies of the S&P 500 who have reported in Q3. As FactSet reports, 18 of the 23 companies reporting so far have cited "the strong dollar" as having a negative impact on earnings. Not record domestic inventories (liquidation beginning), the plunge in world trade, not the economic collapse in take your pick of Brazil (depression), China (credit endgame), India (exports/imports crash), and so on…

    What is being missed here is that "The Dollar" is the symptom, not the cause of the problems. Capital is flowing for a reason to drive the USD stronger (or printed for a reason)… because the underlying economies are collapsing (yes and interest rate arb hopes).

    So if ever there was a reason for The Fed to NOT raise rates, the pressure from Corporate CEOs (through their various lobbying or newsletter-writing alumni) must be immense… which explains the sudden change of mind…


    *  *  *

    It appears, for now, financial engineering (buybacks) has kept the dream alive relative to the soaring USD vs Asian/EM countries (US growth opps); and "hopeful" projections have kept Forward estimates of earnings alive – even as The USD soars against the American companies' most favored growth nations…


    But at some point it's inevitable – unless there is a seismic shift in Fed Policy (QE4?) – that the USD's strength vs Asian/EM nations will crush earnings… and estimates will be unable to rise with even the biggest hockey-stick forecast.

    *  *  *

    Remember. crises often start slowly… then erupt suddenly; and equity markets are always (without exception) the last to figure it out.

    The credit cycle has well and truly rolled over…

    Charts: FactSet and Bloomberg

  • US Military Tank "Intrudes" Into Bombed 'Doctors Without Borders' Hospital, Destroys Potential Evidence

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 10.26.44 AM

    If you’re the U.S. military and you killed 22 people while intentionally bombing a Doctors Without Border hospital in Afghanistan, what do you do next?

    First, you deny all requests for an independent investigation. Check.

    Second, you go to the scene of the war crime and destroy evidence. Check mate.

    From NBC News:

    A U.S. tank “destroyed potential evidence” by forcing its way onto the ruined site of a hospital bombed by American forces in Afghanistan, the charity said.


    Doctors Without Borders, which ran the facility in Kunduz, said the tank’s “unannounced and forced entry” through the gates had also frightened staff and damaged property.


    The allegations came almost two weeks after a U.S. AC-130 gunship bombed the compound, killing at least 22 people including 12 members of staff.


    After the U.S. gave shifting explanations for the incident — which MSF has called a war crime — President Barack Obama apologized to the charity last week. The U.S. and Afghan governments have launched three separate investigations but MSF is calling for an international inquiry.


    The tank forced its way through the closed main gate of the bombed-out compound at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday (5 a.m. ET), according to the charity. MSF has since pulled out of the derelict site, but said one of its teams arrived earlier on Thursday to visit the crumbling building.


    It said the tank’s “intrusion” contravened an agreement between MSF and the joint investigation team that the charity would be “given notice before each step of the procedure involving the organization’s personnel and assets.”


    It added: “Their unannounced and forced entry damaged property, destroyed potential evidence and caused stress and fear for the MSF team.”


    So I guess now we know why Obama recently announced that he would be halting a planned troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

  • How To Survive The "Deep State"

    Submitted by Doug Casey via,

    A currency crisis is coming… Are you prepared?


    In Part 1, we detailed the powerful force that's ruining the country, what’s known as the "Deep State." In this, Part 2, we explain how to prosper during the "Deep State"… and lay out the actions you should take today…

    Almost everyone looks for a political solution to problems. However, once a Deep State situation has taken over, only a revolution or a dictatorship can turn it around, and probably only in a small country.

    Maybe you’re thinking you should get behind somebody like Ron Paul (I didn’t say Rand Paul), should such a person materialize. That would be futile.

    Here’s what would happen in the totally impossible scenario that this person was elected and tried to act like a Lee Kuan Yew or an Augusto Pinochet against the Deep State:

    First, there would be a “sit-down” with the top dogs of the Praetorian agencies and a bunch of Pentagon officers to explain the way things work.


    Then, should he survive, he would be impeached by the running dogs of Congress.


    Then, should he survive, whipped dog Americans would revolt at the prospect of having their doggy dishes broken.

    Remember, your fellow Americans not only elected Obama, but re-elected him. Do you expect they’ll be more rational as the Greater Depression deepens? Maybe you think the police and the military will somehow help. Forget it…they’re part of the problem. They’re here to “protect and serve” their colleagues first, then their employer (the State), and only then the public. But the whipped dog likes to parrot: “Thank you for your service.” Which is further proof that there’s no hope.

    Incidentally, an election year is coming up. So I’ll make a prediction, despite the fact that I don’t keep my finger on the pulse of what the Greeks called the hoi polloi and the Romans called the capite censi.

    Because we’ll be immersed in a gigantic financial and economic debacle by this time next year, the natives will be restless and looking for some real hope and change.

    They’ll clamor for an outsider who has all the answers. Therefore, Donald Trump will represent the right wing of the Demopublican Party and either Bernie Sanders or a general (yet to be identified), the left wing. I say a general because Americans both love and trust their military.

    So what should you do, based on all this? For one thing, don’t waste your time and money trying to change the course of history. Trying to stop the little snowball rolling down the mountainside might have worked many decades ago, but now it’s turned into a gigantic avalanche that’s going to smash the village at the bottom of the valley. I suggest you get out of the way.

    What, you may ask, would I do if I were dictator of the U.S. and had absolutely no regard for my personal safety? Here’s a seven-part program, for entertainment purposes only:

    1. Allow the collapse of all zombie corporations – banks, brokers, insurers, and government contractors. The real wealth they supposedly own will still exist.
    2. Abolish all regulatory agencies. Although Boobus americanus believes they exist to protect him, and that may have been an intention when they were created, they, at best, serve the industries they regulate. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, for instance, kills more Americans every year than does the Department of Defense in a typical decade. The SEC, the Swindlers Encouragement Consortium, lulls the average investor into thinking he’s protected. They, and other agencies, extract scores of billions out of the economy to feed useless mouths in return for throwing sand in the gears of the economy.
    3. Abolish the Fed…you need a strong currency to encourage saving. Actually, you don’t need a currency at all. Gold is vastly better as money.
    4. Cut the size of the military by 90% and abolish the Praetorian agencies. In addition to bankrupting the U.S., the military is now a huge domestic danger, even while it’s mainly an instrument for creating enemies abroad.
    5. Sell essentially all U.S. government assets. Although some actually have value, they are all a drain on the economy. For instance, the U.S. Postal Service loses $5 billion a year, and Amtrak lost a total of $1.1 billion last year. The Interstate Highway System, airports and the air-traffic-control system, the 650 million acres of U.S. government land, and many thousands of other assets should all be distributed in shares or sold. This would liberate an immense amount of dead capital. The proceeds could be used to partially satisfy some government obligations.
    6. Eliminate the income tax, as a start, which will be possible if the other six things are done. The economy would boom.
    7. Default on the national debt and contingent liabilities. That’s somewhere between $18 trillion and $200 trillion. There are at least three reasons for that. First is to avoid turning future generations into serfs. Second is to punish those who have enabled the State by lending it money. Third is to make it impossible for the State to borrow in the future, at least for a while.

    I like this program from a practical point of view, because when a structure is about to collapse, it’s much wiser to conduct a controlled demolition than to just let it fall when no one expects it.

    But I also like it from a philosophical point of view because, as Nietzsche observed, that which is falling deserves to be pushed.

    There are, however, two very important reasons for optimism, science and savings.

    Science: Science and technology are the mainsprings of progress, and there are more scientists and engineers alive today than have lived in all previous history put together. Unfortunately for Western civilization, however, most of them are Asians. Most American PhDs aren’t in Rocket Science but Political Science, or maybe Gender Studies. Nonetheless, the advancement of science offers some reason to believe that not only is all this gloom and doom poppycock, but that the future will not only be better than you imagine, but, hopefully, better than you can imagine.


    Savings: Things can recover quickly because technology and skills don’t vanish overnight. Everybody but university economists knows you have to produce more than you consume, and save the difference, if you want to avoid starving to death. The problem is twofold, however. Most Americans have no savings. To the contrary, they have lots of debt. And debt means you’re either consuming someone else’s savings or mortgaging your own future.

    Worse, science today is capital intensive. With no capital, you’ve got no science. Worse yet, if the U.S. actually destroys the dollar, it will wipe out the capital of prudent savers and reward society’s grasshoppers. Until they starve.

    Of course, as Adam Smith said, there’s a lot of ruin in a nation. It took Rome several centuries to collapse. And look at how quickly China recovered from decades of truly criminal mismanagement.

    On the other hand, Americans love their military, and this heavily armed version of the post office seems like the only part of the government that works, kind of. So maybe the U.S. will start something like World War III. Then, the whole world can see a real-life zombie apocalypse. Talk about free entertainment…


    But let’s return to the real world. What should you do? And how will this all end?

    From a personal standpoint, you should preserve capital by owning significant assets outside your native country, because as severe as market risks are, your political risks are much greater.

    1. I suggest foreign real estate in a country where you’re viewed as an investor to be courted, rather than a milk cow. Or maybe a beef cow.
    2. Gold. It’s no longer at giveaway prices, but remains the only financial asset that’s not someone else’s liability.
    3. Look for depressed speculations. At the moment, my favorites are resource companies, which are down more than 90% as a group. And look to go long on commodities in general. Soybeans, wheat, corn, sugar, coffee, copper, and silver are probably near the bottom.
    4. Short bubbles that are about to burst. Like bonds, in general, and Japanese bonds denominated in yen, in particular. If you have a collectible car from the ‘60s that you hold as a financial asset, hit the bid tomorrow morning. Same if you have expensive property in London, New York, Sydney, Auckland, Hong Kong, or Shanghai, among other places.

    The Second Law to the Rescue

    From a macro standpoint, don’t worry too much. The planet has been here for 4.5 billion years and it has a life of its own. You don’t have to do anything to save the world. Instead, rely on the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

    There are very few laws I believe in, but this is one of them. There are many ways of stating the law, and its corollaries, but this isn’t an essay on physics. In essence, it states that all systems wind down over time. That entropy conquers all. That all systems collapse without constant new inputs of energy. And that the larger and more complex a system becomes, the more energy it requires. The Second Law is why nothing lasts forever.

    In human affairs, you can say stupidity is a corollary to the Second Law, in that it throws sand in the gears of society and accelerates the tendency of things to collapse. But stupidity doesn’t always mean low intelligence…most of the destructive sociopaths acting as top dogs have very high IQs. I want to draw your attention to more useful definitions of stupidity.

    One is an inability to predict not just the immediate and direct consequences of an action, which a typical six-year-old can do, but to predict the indirect and delayed consequences.

    An even more helpful definition is: Stupidity is an unwitting tendency towards self-destruction. It’s why operations run by bad people always go bad. And why, since the Deep State is run by bad people – sociopaths are actively drawn to it – it will necessarily collapse.

    The Second Law not only assures that the Deep State will collapse but, given enough time, that all “End of the World” predictions will eventually be right, up to the heat death of the universe itself. It applies to all things at all levels…including, unfortunately, Western civilization and the idea of America. As for Western civilization, it’s had a fantastic run. Claims of the politically correct and multiculturalists aside, it’s really the only civilization that amounts to a hill of beans.

    Now, it’s even riskier calling a top in a civilization than in a stock or bond market. But I’d say Western civilization peaked just before World War I. In the future, it will be a prestige item for Chinese families to have European maids and houseboys.

    As for America, it was an idea – and a very good one – but it’s already vanished, replaced by the United States, which is just one of 200 other nation-states covering the face of the Earth like a skin disease. That said, the U.S. peaked in the mid ‘50s and has gone down decisively since 1971. It’s living on stored momentum, memories, and borrowed Chinese money.

    Let me bring this gloomy Spenglerian view of the world to a close with some happy thoughts. You want to leave them laughing. Not everybody went down with the Titanic.

    Looking further at the bright side: Just being born in America in the 20th century amounted to winning the cosmic lottery…an accident of birth could have placed us in Guinea or Zimbabwe. On the other hand, if I wanted to make a fortune in today’s world, I’d definitely head to Africa.

    But just as the Second Law dictates that all good things, like America, must come to an end, so must all bad things, like the Deep State, in particular. That’s a cosmic certainty.

    Finally, it occurs to me that, while I hope I’ve explained why the Second Law will vanquish the Deep State, I’ve neglected to explain how whipped dogs can profit from the collapse of Western civilization. Well, it was a trick question. We all love the idea of justice, even if most people neither understand what it is, nor like its reality.

    The answer is that they can’t… parasites can only exist as long as their host. Which is actually the final piece of good news I want to leave you with.

    *  *  *

    Editor’s note: Nobody is better prepared to survive a currency crisis than Doug Casey. In his brand-new book, Going Global, Doug shares his favorite techniques, ideas, tips, and strategies…including the currencies that are in the best position to survive the coming inflationary storm (page 29)…the top U.S. bank for buying foreign currencies (page 131)…which foreign banks will let you safely open an account (page 117)…and much, much more.

    Right now, U.S. residents can get a free hardback copy of Going Global shipped to their homes. International residents will only receive the e-book. Click here to secure your copy now.

  • The Humiliation Is Complete: ISIS Fighters Cut Off Beards And Run Away As Russia, Iran Close In

    The thing about ragtag groups of militants that display a penchant for extreme violence is that in the absence of serious opposition, they can rack up gains at an alarming pace. 

    Of course there are plenty of (possibly credible) theories out there, which suggest that some of what you see in the videos released by ISIS is for show and we won’t endeavor to assess the degree to which the group’s brutality is real versus staged, but one thing is clear: regardless of who is funding, training, and/or supporting them, there are obviously fighters on the ground in the Mid-East waving the ISIS flag and committing atrocities in its name. 

    That works well when it comes to destabilizing fragile states that are already beset with sectarian bickering on the way to claiming large swaths of territory from a defenseless citizenry.

    But you can’t intimidate a modern fighter jet by waving around a sword and if you’re a newbie on the Mid-East militant scene, you can’t scare a three decade veteran by beheading a couple of people, which is why if you’re ISIS, the combination of the Russian Air Force and Hezbollah ground troops is absolutely terrifying.

    As we documented earlier today, Hezbollah and Iranian troops are advancing on Aleppo and Moscow is backing the offensive from the sky which means that the hodgepodge of anti-regime forces that control Syria’s largest city will almost (and we say “almost” because there are no sure things in war) certainly be routed in a matter of weeks if not days, which would effectively serve to restore the Assad regime in Syria.

    After that, the Russian bear and Qasem Soleimani will turn their eyes to the East of the country and at that point, it is game over for ISIS. 

    Apparently all of the above isn’t completely lost on al-Nusra and Islamic State fighters because if you believe the Russian media (and we’re not saying you should), Sunni extremists are now shaving off their beards and running for their lives. Here’s Sputnik:

    Hundreds of ISIL fighters are fleeing Syria for Turkey, as Russia’s Defense Ministry previously said, and reports are popping up that they are leaving their beards behind.

    Now obviously, these are just pictures of hair on the ground with razors, so that shouldn’t be interpreted as anything that even approximates definitive evidence of a full-on ISIS retreat but put yourself in the following situation for a moment. You’re a Sunni extremist and your regional and Western backers have just abandoned you. You are now under siege by the Russian Air Force. If you survive the air strikes you will soon have to come face to face with the fiercest, most experienced Shiite militia on the planet and if you somehow manage to survive that, well then you have to fight the Quds Force (“how do you shoot the devil in the back?).

    What would you do? 

    *  *  *

    We close with the perfect video clip analogy. The US is in the blue shirt, ISIS is in the red, star-spangled jumpsuit, and Russia, well… Russia is the bear.

    US to ISIS: “No, no, you can’t quit now, we just started. You got to give these people a show man“…

  • American Psycho – Has The United States Lost Its Collective Mind?

    Authored by Roberts Bridges, originaslly posted Op-Ed at,

    From Ferguson, Missouri to the deserts of Afghanistan the specter of US aggression is fueling the flames of civil strife and military conflict around an increasingly volatile planet. Much of the problem may be connected to the breakdown of the American psyche.

    Before attempting to shed some light on America’s mental condition, let’s open with a pop quiz question: What is the top-selling prescription drug in the US? Nope, it’s not Viagra, not Prozac, forget the Percocet. If you don't know, take a peek in the medicine cabinet because there’s a high chance it’s lurking in there, right behind that purple people eater. Yes, you got it. The top-selling drug in the Land of the Free and Disturbed is an antipsychotic, happily named Abilify.

    Once again: The top-selling drug in America is an antipsychotic. Now some might say that’s mental.

    “To be a top seller, a drug has to be expensive and also widely used,” Steven Reidbord M.D. wrote in Psychology Today. “Abilify is both. It’s the 14th most prescribed brand-name medication, and it retails for about $30 a pill. Annual sales are over $7 billion, nearly a billion more than the next runner-up.”

    Let those numbers seep into your brain for a moment: $7.2 billion dollars. $30 per pill. Although that might make for some laugh-out-loud late-night comedy, these numbers are no laughing matter.

    This on top of the latest statistic that shows prescription drug spending in the US exploded in 2014 to nearly $374 billion, a whopping 13.1 percent increase in growth, according to a new report from IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics.

    Aside from the fact that Americans are buying antipsychotic medication by the truckload, there’s another disturbing thing about Abilify: Nobody, not even the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has any idea what makes it effective. According to the USPI label that accompanies each bottle: “The mechanism of action of aripiprazole… is unknown. However, the efficacy of aripiprazole could be mediated through a combination of partial agonist activity at D2 and 5-HT1A receptors and… etc, etc.”

    In other words, millions of Americans are ingesting an antipsychotic drug that not even the scientific community can say exactly what makes it work. Is that not in itself the very definition of insanity?

    So where is the uproar, the protest, the media hype over this battle for the great American brain? Behind the wall of silence, there have been a few courageous experts who have broken rank with their colleagues – not to mention the omnipotent pharmaceutical industry – to blow the whistle on the abuse of psychiatric drugs in America.

    Professional backlash

    Joanna Moncrieff, an academic and practicing psychiatrist, is a long-standing critic of psychiatric drug treatment. Her 2009 book, The Myth of the Chemical Cure, was short-listed for the 'Mind Book of the Year.' In it, Moncrieff “exposes the traditional view that psychiatric drugs correct chemical imbalances as a dangerous fraud.”

    According to Moncrieff’s landmark study, psychiatric drugs 'work' by “creating abnormal brain states, which are often unpleasant and impair normal intellectual and emotional functions along with other harmful consequences.”

    As Jay Michaelson noted in The Daily Beast, administering such a powerful drug like Abilify “makes sense for their primary use: anti-psychotics like aripiprazole are administered to seriously ill people like schizophrenics. Abilify is a close cousin of Thorazine. Yet, now it’s the most profitable drug in America.”

    Indeed, the health risks associated with taking an antipsychotic drug like Abilify can make the cure look worse than the mental disease itself. In fact, the list of possible side-effects associated with America’s top-selling prescription drug makes for some uncomfortable reading.

    Here is a description of one of the 13 serious side-effects connected to this “blockbuster” drug: “Uncontrollable movements of face, tongue, or other parts of body, as these may be signs of a serious condition called tardive dyskinesia (TD). TD may not go away, even if you stop taking ABILIFY. TD may also start after you stop taking ABILIFY.”

    And here’s another potential for a Dr. Jekyll-type transformation into Mr. Hyde: “High fever, stiff muscles, confusion, sweating, changes in pulse, heart rate and blood pressure may be signs of a condition called neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), a rare and serious condition that can lead to death.”

    And they charge $30 dollars per pill for this? 'Yes, the disease has been cured, Mrs. Smith, but too bad Mr. Smith is no longer with us!'

    I was cynically waiting for Psychology Today to come out cheerleading for this exorbitant and potentially deadly antipsychotic drug, but instead Dr. Reidbord came down surprisingly hard not just on the drug, but on our national quest to find calm in a sea of prescription pills, as well as those relentless commercial forces that drive this warped behavior.

    “What does it mean to live in the Age of Abilify,” Reidbord asked. “First, that we’re still looking for happiness and peace in a bottle of pills, costs and risks be damned. Second, that there’s nearly no end to the money the U.S. health care system will spend on problems that can be addressed more economically. And third, it’s a stark reminder that commercial interests seek to expand sales and profits whenever possible.”


    Ever since the introduction in the 1950s of the world’s first antipsychotic drug, Thorazine, and later with the antidepressant, Prozac, as well as hundreds of other generic knockoffs, the drug industry has been busy supplying the overstressed American consumer with the ‘magic bullet’ to cure whatever ails them.

    Chemical-laced consumerism

    The US pharmaceutical industry enjoys a rare privilege, not to mention advantage over the average, angst-riddled American consumer: With the exception of New Zealand, it is the only country that allows prescription medication ads to be aired on television 24/7.

    Julie Ross of organized a petition drive to ban prescription drug commercials, and her reason makes clear-headed sense: “Drug companies spend $4 billion a year advertising… In addition to making pill popping seem like a normal necessity, prescription drug ads usually feature newer medications that have not had long term studies performed on them.

    "All too often, a drug is recalled years after it is introduced because it’s caused side effects ranging from hair loss to death.”

    According to the Centers for Disease Controls, every day in America, 44 people die from overdose of prescription painkillers. The CDC blames the overdose surge on a “dramatic increase in the acceptance and use of prescription opioids for the treatment of chronic, non-cancer pain, such as back pain or osteoarthritis (The most common drugs involved in prescription overdose deaths include: Hydrocodone (e.g., Vicodin), Oxycodone (e.g., OxyContin), Oxymorphone (e.g., Opana) and Methadone (especially when prescribed for pain).

    In 2013, nearly two million Americans abused prescription painkillers. Each day, almost 7,000 people are treated in emergency rooms for abusing the medication. Has the unbearable weight of the capitalist, dog-eat-dog system gone to America's head, or is something else at play?

    *Viewer discretion advised: Video contains mild profanity.


    People who take painkillers can become addicted with just one prescription, according to the CDC website. And once addicted, start packing your bags for the nearest detox center because getting unhooked can takes months, maybe years, maybe never.

    Although many prescription medications have worked miracles for millions of people, the “conundrum,” as Robert Whitaker, the author of “Anatomy of an Epidemic,” calls it, is that mental illness in American society is not showing any sign of going away. In fact, it is “skyrocketing.”

    “We should expect that the number of disabled mentally ill in the United States, on a per-capita basis, would have declined over the past fifty years… Instead, as the psychopharmacology revolution has unfolded, the number of disabled mentally ill in the United States has skyrocketed.”

    Most disturbing for Whitaker is that this “modern-day plague” of mental illness has “now spread to the nation’s children.”


    Despite a nationwide call for doctors to stop prescribing antipsychotic drugs for everything from schizophrenia to simple insomnia to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD] in children, Americans just continue with their doctor-supported drug binge.

    At some point, one soberminded individual may be tempted to ask: Is turning the American populace – courtesy of the multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry – into walking, talking chemical zombies, the very thing that the Pentagon is now preparing to battle?

    This is no joke or conspiracy theory: As CNN reported, the US Defense Department has devised a coordinated plan “should a zombie apocalypse befall the country.”

    “In an unclassified document titled “CONOP 8888,” officials from U.S. Strategic Command used the specter of a planet-wide attack by the walking dead as a training template for how to plan for real-life, large-scale operations, emergencies and catastrophes.”

  • Enough About Emails?

    Enough about everything else too?




  • "Shadow" Short Convexity: If You Short 'Fear', Be Prepared For 'Horror'

    Excerpted from Artemis Capital Management letter to investors,

    Pre-emptive strikes on financial risk through unconventional monetary policy amplifies ‘shadow’ short convexity leading to tail risks that are near impossible to gauge. Shadow short convexity describes an immeasurable fragility to change introduced when participants are encouraged to behave in a way that contributes to feedback loops in a complex system.

    Shadow convexity reinforces the dominant trend in a hidden non-linear way and effects all participants. The ultimate non-market example of shadow short convexity is the failure of communism and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Following decades of oppression, the wall literally and psychologically fell when crowds of East Germans gathered at checkpoints and border guards refused to use mass violence to suppress them. The wall collapsed organically and without violence after the suppressed desire for freedom became a self-reinforcing force of change that could no longer be denied.

    The ultimate market example of shadow convexity is the role of portfolio insurance in the 1987 Black Monday crash. The portfolio insurance strategy relied upon selling increasing amounts of financial futures to protect against drawdowns in equity markets. The greater the decline in the market the more financial futures were sold to offset the loss contributing to a non-linear feedback loop and causing a -20% single day decline in the S&P 500 index. 

    Modern markets contain many new sources of shadow short convexity stimulated by extraordinary global monetary policy.

    Examples include risk parity, volatility targeting, machine learning, and exchange traded products. All of these structural devices contain a “shadow gamma” or “shadow liquidity” by reacting to market conditions that they themselves influence resulting in self-reflexivity. Volatility targeting and risk parity strategies create feedback loops by increasing and decreasing risk exposure based on volatility observed in the recent past.

    As these strategies dominate markets they can begin to influence the same realized volatility used to make their initial risk decision. Risk parity is an example of a strategy that adds shadow short convexity to the system by leveraging short correlations between stocks and bonds.

    Machine learning technology is a tool utilized by many high frequency and quantitative trading firms, including Artemis, and relies on advanced statistical methods to recognize non-linear patterns in historical price data. There are many advanced algorithms with fancy names like “neural networks” and “random forests” but they all rely on the same limited history of financial data to make decisions.

    Quality data is always more important than the algorithm used. As machine learning gains widespread adoption the models may begin to recognize patterns in data that they themselves influence resulting in feedback loops.

    When a self-driving car uses visual pattern recognition algorithms to react to the road it does not adversely change the fundamental reality it was designed to respond to. Now imagine a fleet of self-driving cars that, upon first sign of any risk, avoid accidents by encouraging other drivers to collide with one another. Now you see the problem.

    Exchange traded products (“ETPs”) introduce self-reflexivity by creating a highly liquid security (listed stock) that tracks a potentially illiquid underlying instrument (e.g. high yield bonds, commodity futures). Exchange traded products with illiquid underlying assets remind me of a classic song from the Eagles because  “you can check out anytime, but you can never leave”. Leveraged ETPs also add to shadow short convexity by requiring non-linear exposure adjustments to linear moves in asset prices.

    When combined with a liquidity mismatch any period of sustained buying and selling becomes self-reinforcing. All of the above structures and systems introduce shadow convexity to markets that reinforce the dominant price direction in a non-linear way. This works very well when central banks are providing ample liquidity and reinforcing the status quo but it can and will cut in the other direction. Lower volatility drives lower volatility… and higher volatility drives higher volatility. Minsky once wrote that stability is the greatest source of instability. Shadow convexity is the reason.

    The concept of a ‘Black Swan’, defined as an extreme or rare event, has never been more relevant to markets, but the idea is so frequently abused in financial commentary that it risks becoming a cliché. The absurd meme that central banks have eliminated extreme tail risks through accommodative monetary policy, recently repeated by the head of research at a major bank, is part of the institutionalized narrative of moral hazard. By Taleb’s definition, Black Swan events are unpredictable, so how can a central bank prevent something they can’t even identify in the first place? More to this point the investment community has no consistent definition of what tail risk or high volatility even means. 

    Volatility is about fear… but extreme tail risk is about horror.  The Black Swan, as a negative philosophical construct, is when fear ends and horror begins.

    Fear is something that comes from within our scope of thought. True horror is not human fear in a definable world, but fear that comes from outside what is definable. Horror is about the limitations of our thinking.

    In the novella, “The Call of Cthulhu”, the horror author H.P. Lovecraft describes an ancient and malevolent entity hibernating deep within the earth the sight of which can drive a man to madness. The imprisoned Cthulhu will destroy the world upon its awakening and this is a source of subconscious anxiety for all humankind even if we are individually unaware of its existence.

    Cthulhu is a black swan. I’m sorry but the 2007-2008 financial crash was not a black swan. That is a collective lie propagated by policy makers so they don’t cry themselves to sleep at night. Many different people predicted and profited from the 2008 crisis including this author.

    A black swan is when things go from bad to uncontrollably bad, when a linear decline becomes an exponential decline. The black swan resembles what amateur screenwriters call the “all is lost moment”. It is not the first act of the horror movie when people start turning into zombies… it is the end of the second act when the hero realizes he is the only person left who is not a zombie.

    2008 was about the fear of failing banks and crashing markets… but the true horror was the impending collapse of the entire fiat money system that never came to be. That was the true black swan.

    The unpredictable horror of a black swan often occurs following a predictable period of fear. For example, the Black Monday 1987 crash was an unpredictable event that occurred within a predictable crash. In the late summer of 1987 the market was trending lower and financial stress conditions were rising rapidly. Volatility rose even before that fateful Monday increasing from 21.83 at the start of October to 36.37 the day prior to the big crash. By this point, the S&P 500 had already experienced a -14% peak-to-trough drawdown. Many investors ranging from global macro traders to systematic trend followers correctly predicted a crash. Nobody predicted the market would fall -20% in one day or that volatility would peak at 150. 

    Ironically, if the same price movement occurred today most people would short volatility and buy equities the day prior to Black Monday in anticipation of policy support.

    Most crises occur slowly and then suddenly. A devastating earthquake is a tremor that just didn’t stop… and Black Monday 1987 was a crash that just didn’t stop. To this extent sizing long volatility positions into a crisis can yield life changing returns at the right point. Today, due to the actions of central banks, everyone is doing the exact opposite…

    If you short fear you must be prepared for horror… in the Prisoner’s dilemma we are one step closer to HORROR

  • Caught On Tape: John McCain "Guarantees Russia Will Not Act" In Syria

    Someone once asked Vladimir Putin what he thought of Senator John McCain’s suggestion that the Russian president would one day go the way of Muammar Gaddafi. Here’s what Putin said:

     “McCain sat in a pit in Vietnam for several years, anyone would go nuts after that.”

    And while we’re not sure if we would go so far as to call McCain “nuts” – because that would effectively exonerate him and relieve him of any responsibility for what he says – we would certainly put him the category of “uber hawk” and we don’t mean he’s angling for an FOMC hike.

    As you might recall, McCain pushed hard for the ouster of Russian-backed Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine.

    The good Senator even went so far as to attend a rally at Maidan and proclaim that “America stands with Ukrainians”. 

    We all know how that turned out. 

    Yanukovych fled to Russia, separatists backed by The Kremlin got angry, and the hardliners from Maidan adopted a ruthless brand of nationalism on the way to forming anti-Russian militias that Kiev is completely incapable of controlling and the conflict festers to this very day.

    Oh, and Ukraine descended into economic chaos. 

    Of course McCain doesn’t have the best track record in Syria either. Rather than get into the specifics (because we’ve documented them on any number of occasions) or debate whether or not certain pictures were photoshopped, we’ll simply say that McCain adopted the same approach as he did in Kiev. That is, he openly supported “freedom fighters” without any apparent regard for how much pain and suffering the US causes when it deliberately seeks to destabilize regimes. 

    In Syria, McCain seems to have made another gross miscalculation: he assumed that US hegemony is as universally accepted today as it was two decades ago, which apparently led the Senator to underestimate The Kremlin and on that note, we present the following clip with no further comment:

  • The Mistake Of Only Comparing US Murder Rates To "Developed" Countries

    Submitted by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

    Much of the political thinking about violence in the United States comes from unfavorable comparisons between the United States and a series of cherry-picked countries with lower murder rates and with fewer guns per capita. We’ve all seen it many times. The United States, with a murder rate of approximately 5 per 100,000 is compared to a variety of Western and Central European countries (also sometimes Japan) with murder rates often below 1 per 100,000. This is, in turn, supposed to fill Americans with a sense of shame and illustrate that the United States should be regarded as some sort of pariah nation because of its murder rate.

    Note, however, that these comparisons always employ a carefully selected list of countries, most of which are very unlike the United States. They are  countries that were settled long ago by the dominant ethnic group, they are ethnically non-diverse today, they are frequently very small countries (such as Norway, with a population of 5 million) with very locally based democracies (again, unlike the US with an immense population and far fewer representatives in government per voter). Politically, historically, and demographically, the US has little in common with Europe or Japan.
    Prejudice about the "Developed World" vs "the Third World"
    But these are the only countries the US shall be compared to, we are told, because the US shall only be compared to “developed” countries when analyzing its murder rate and gun ownership. And yet, no reason for this is ever given. What is the criteria for deciding that the United States shall be compared to Luxembourg but not to Mexico, which has far more in common with the US than Luxembourg in terms of size, history, ethnic diversity, and geography?

    Much of this stems from outdated preconceived and evidence-free notions about the "third world." As Hans Rosling has shown, there is this idea of "we" vs. "them." "We" are the special "developed" countries were people are happy healthy, and live long lives. "Them" is the third world where people live in war-torn squalor and lives there are nasty, brutish, and short. In this mode of thinking there is a bright shiny line between the "developed" world and everyone else, who might as well be considered as a different species.

    In truth, there is no dividing line between the alleged "developed" world and everyone else. There is, in fact, only gradual change that takes place as one looks at Belgium, then the US, then Chile, and Turkey, and China, and Mexico. Most countries, as Rosling illustrates here, are in the middle, and this is freely exhibited by a variety of metrics including the UN's human development index.

    Once we understand these facts, and do not cling to bizarre xenophobic views about how everyone outside the "developed" world is too dysfunctional and/or subhuman (although few gun control advocates would ever admit to the thought) to bear comparison to the US, we immediately see that the mantra "worst in the developed world" offers an immensely skewed, unrealistic, and even bigoted view of the world and how countries compare to each other.

    While ignorance about true global poverty, life expectancy, and family planning are no doubt a source of some of these wrong-headed comparisons, one doesn't need to be the world's biggest cynic to recognize that the US is only compared to a selective list of countries because doing so offers a biased view of the United States that makes it looks like an especially crime-ridden place.

    But, we are never allowed to compare the US to middle income countries like Uruguay, Russia, or Mexico because that would show that the US is actually a remarkably safe place in global terms on top of having many more legally owned guns than those countries.

    Nevertheless, we've all heard it too many times to count: gun laws in the United States are "insane" because countries like Sweden and Luxembourg have far more restrictive gun laws and are much safer because of it. The US has the highest murder rate in the "developed world" — presumably because of its lax guns laws —we are told again and again.

    Few people who repeat this mantra have any standard in their heads of what exactly is the "developed" world. They just repeat the phrase because they have learned to do so. They never acknowledge that when factors beyond per capita GDP are considered, it makes little sense to claim Sweden should be compared to the US, but not Argentina.  Such assertions ignore immense differences in culture, size, politics, history, demographics, or ethnic diversity. Comparisons with mono-ethnic Asian countries like Japan and Korea make even less sense.

    But for an illustration of where this sort of thinking leads, let's look at this Washington Post article titled  “The U.S. has far more gun-related killings than any other developed country.”
    After mistakenly using the "gun related" killings rate instead of the murder rate (see below) the author, Max Fisher, carefully construct his comparisons so as to emphasize the gun deaths rate (which is implied to be as good as the murder rate) in the US. 
    As usual, no reason is given as to why the US should only be compared to “developed” countries, but then Fisher proceeds to add a few non-traditional comparisons to drive home the point as to how violent the US truly is, in his view.
    Fisher adds Bulgaria, Turkey, and Chile, which are middle-income countries. And that lets him make this graph: 
    Why Turkey and Chile and Bulgaria? Well, those countries are OECD members, and many who use the "developed country" moniker often use the OECD members countries as a de facto list of the "true" developed countries. Of course, membership in the OECD is highly political and hardly based on any objective economic or cultural criteria.

    But if you're familiar with the OECD, you'll immediately notice a problem with the list Fisher uses. Mexico is an OECD country. So why is Mexico not in this graph? Well, it's pretty apparent that Mexico was left off the list because to do so would interfere with the point Fisher is trying to make. After all, Mexico — in spite of much more restrictive gun laws — has a murder rate many times larger than the US. 

    But Fisher has what he thinks is a good excuse for his manipulation here.  According to Fisher, the omission is because Mexico “has about triple the U.S. rate due in large part to the ongoing drug war.”

    Oh, so every country that has drug war deaths is exempt? Well, then I guess we have to remove the US from the list.

    But, of course, the US for some mysterious reason must remain on the list, so, by “developed” country, Fisher really means “ a country that’s on the OECD list minus any country with a higher murder rate than the US.”
    At this point, we're reminded that Fisher (and no one else I’ve ever seen) has made a case for what special magic it is that makes the OECD list the one list of countries to which the US shall be compared. 
    More Realistic Comparisons Involve a Broader View of the World
    Why not use the UN’s human development index instead? That would seem to make at least as much sense if we’re devoted to looking at “developed countries.” 
    So, let’s do that. Here we see that the OECD’s list contains Turkey, Bulgaria, Mexico, and Chile. So, if we're honest with ourselves, that must mean that other countries with similar human development rankings are also suitable for comparisons to the US. 
    Well, Turkey and Mexico have HDI numbers at .75. So, let’s include other countries with HDI numbers either similar or higher. That means we should include The Bahamas, Argentina, Costa Rica, Cuba, Panama, Uruguay, Venezuela, Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, Estonia, and Latvia. 
    You can see where this is going. If we include countries that have HDI numbers similar to — or at least as high as — OECD members Turkey and Mexico, we find that the picture for the United States murder rate looks very different (correctly using murder rates and not gun-deaths rates):

    Wow, that US sure has a pretty low murder rate compared to all those countries that are comparable to some OECD members.  In fact, Russia, Costa Rica and Lithuania have all been invited to begin the process of joining the OECD (Russia is on hold for obvious political reasons).  But all those countries have higher murder rates than the US. (I wonder what excuse Fisher will manufacture for leaving off those countries after they join the OECD.)
    Things get even more interesting if we add American states with low murder rates.
    And why not include data from individual states? It has always been extremely imprecise and lazy to talk about the “US murder rate” The US is an immense country with a lot of variety in laws and demographics. (Mexico deserves the same analysis, by the way.) Many states have murder rates that place them on the short list of low-crime places in the world. Why do we conveniently ignore them? The US murder rate is being driven up by a few high-murder states such as Maryland, Louisiana, South Carolina, Delaware, and Tennessee. In the spirit of selective use of data, let's just leave those states out of it, and look at some of the low-crime ones: 
    We see that OECD members Chile and Turkey have murder rates higher than Colorado. Perhaps they should try adopting Colorado’s laws and allow sale of handguns and semi-automatic rifles to all non-felon adults. That might help them bring their murder rates down a little.
    But you know that’s not the conclusion we're supposed to come to.Comparisons can never work in that direction. The comparisons should only be used to compare the US to countries with restrictive gun laws and low murder rates. Comparisons with countries that have restrictive gun laws (and/or few private guns) and murder rates similar to or higher than US rates (i.e., Latin America, the Caribbean and the Baltic States.)
    Nevertheless, we have yet to see any objective reason why only OECD countries should be included or why countries similar in the HDI to Turkey and Mexico should be excluded.
    But before we wrap up, let’s look at the murder rates in all these countries alongside the number of civilian guns per 100 residents. (The x axis is civilian guns per 100 residents, and the y axis is murder rates in x per 100,000.)
    Here’s the scatter plot:
    Obviously, the US is big outlier in terms of guns per capita. But in terms of murder rate, it’s very much in the middle of these countries. 
    Things look even better for some areas of the US. If I include low-crime states, we get this (The x axis is civilian guns per 100 residents and y axis is murder rate in x per 100,000):
    Of course, if I added countries like Switzerland and Sweden, you’d see many more dots here near Bulgaria with low gun totals and very low murder rates. 
    But as no reason has ever been given as to why we should only compare to Western Europe,. Let’s compare the US to the rest of the Americas for a more realistic picture of the world beyond the OECD. When we do that, we get: 
    By comparison, the US look downright pacific. And why should not this comparison be made?
    Indeed, it makes more sense to compare the US to other states in the  Americas than to Europe or Japan. The US and most Latin American countries were settled in similar time periods. They are frontier countries settled mostly by European immigrants that displaced a native population (to varying degrees), and most of them gained independence from European imperial nations in a similar time period. They tend to have ethnically diverse populations, and many have been impacted by the slave trade that ended in the 19th century. 
    European countries share very few of these qualities in common with the US. 
    So, it would seem that the old diktat of “thou shalt only compare US murder rates to the approved 'developed' countries" is based on really no objective standard at all. And we should stop doing it.
    If we’re honestly trying to evaluate the nature of crime and violence in a comparative atmosphere, we cannot limit ourselves to a handful of countries that have very little in common with the US beyond a handful of economic indicators.
    *  *  *
    A Note on the Data: 

    Gun ownership levels are based on the Small Arms Survey data. This takes into account "registered" vs. "unregistered" civilian gun ownership in the countries surveyed.  Murder rates come from UNODC data.

    State by state data in the US is usually presented as a percentage of residents who are gun owners. worldwide, however, gun ownership is presented as numbers of guns per 100 residents. I attempted to make the two lists compatible by taking the percentage of gun owners and adjusting it to reflect the fact that there are about 2.8 guns per gun owner in the US (using Small Arms Survey Data for the US). Thus, in Wyoming, for example, we end up with a number of more than 130 guns per 100 residents.
    Now, let's address the bait-and-switch of using "gun-related killings" versus homicides, that is often used. These numbers include accidents and suicides. But of course, the reason most people are concerned about gun violence is because of homicides. Many people commit suicides with ropes and cars, but we don't talk about banning ropes and cars. Moreover, many people die from accidents involving power tools, ladders, and other items. Again, we don't talk about banning those things. The other statistic often used is "gun-related deaths." This also ignores the fact that the whole point of gun control (in the minds of most of the public) is to bring down the murder rate. It would be irresponsible to bring down gun murders and then ignore the overall murder rate.  After all, if the "gun murder" rate goes down, but the murder rate remains unchanged, then we find that little has been accomplished. It stands to reason that few murdered people think in their last moments "gee, at least I wasn't murdered with a gun."

  • "In Fed We Trust" Is Back: Risk Soars On Hopes Economy Collapses

    After yesterday's epic squeeze ramp into OpEx, and today's hanging-by-a-thread range on no volume, we couldn't help but think of this…


    And with this week's rally, valuations for the S&P 500 push back towards highs (P/E >18x once again)…


    And we warned what happens next…


    As Gold, Bonds, & Stocks all rise as The Fed rate-hike disappears over the horizon… From "rate-hikes are good for stocks" to "please njo rate hikes, we are not ready"!!!


    A very mixed bag for stocks this week… Trannies ugly (down 2.4% – worst week in 2 months, after last week's best week in 13 months) but Nasdqq up for the 3rd week in a row (the first 3 week gain since Feb 2015's big squeeze)…


    On the day,  futures drifted off the late spike highs overnight, spiked into the open (thanks to opex pinning), chopped around in a narrow range on dismal data before liftoff into the close sparked by crude into NYMEX Close then USDJPY lifted futures into p[anic-buying mode..


    On the day the late-day ramp dragged all but small caps (and Trannies) into the green… on terrible volume.. Today's exuberance blamed on hope for a shitty print from China on Sunday night!!


    Here's how the ramp was achieved – Crude's ubiquituous trend reversal into NYMEX Close tehn USDJPY hyper-beta into the close…


    VIX had quite a week (most notably in VXX – the VIX ETF)…


    This dragged S&P 500 just into the green post-QE3…


    "Most Shorted" stocks have seen another rampalicious squeeze in the last 24 hours into opex but end the week lower (after last week's record-breaking surge)…


    Valeant is a great example of today's illiquid insanity in stocks…


    And TWTR…


    Treasuries end the week lower in yield (with a notable flattening in 2s10s and 2s30s)…


    2s30s dropped 3bps on the week – the biggest flattening in 10 weeks...BUT 2s10s is now the flattest since May 2013…


    The USDollar continued to drift higher against the majors (extending yesterday's gains), faded during US pm session and ended the week lower…


    The USDollar also fell for the 3rd week in a row against Asian FX, almost fully retracing the China devaluation surge…


    Commodities were mixed on the week with crude tumbling (though bid today) to its worst week in 2 months and gold and silver rising (with copper limping lower)…


    Gold had its best week in the last 5 (and is up 4 of the last 5 weeks)… closing baove its 200-day moving average…


    The biggest mover across the commodity complex was in Coffee…biggest drop in almost 8 months…


    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: Bad news is officially Good news…


    Bonus Bonus Chart: Philosophical thought to end the week…

  • Capital Controls Blowback? Bitcoin Surges Back To Pre-China-Currency Wars Levels

    At $267, Bitcoin has retraced the entire plunge from China's initial devaluation entry into the currency wars and the Black Monday dump. It appears, just as we warned, that China's increasing crackdown on its – until now lax – capital controls has spurred demand for alternate 'currencies' that remain out of the control (for now) of governments – like gold…


    And Bitcoin…


    As we concluded previously, while China is doing everything in its power to not give the impression that it is panicking, the truth is that it is one viral capital outflow report away from an outright scramble to enforce the most draconian capital controls in its history, which – as every Cypriot and Greek knows by now – is a self-defeating exercise and assures an ever accelerating decline in the currency, which authorities are trying to both keep stable while also devaluing at a pace of their choosing. Said pace never quite works out.

    So what happens then: well, China's propensity for gold is well-known. We would not be surprised to see a surge of gold imports into China, only instead of going to the traditional Commodity Financing Deals we have written extensively about before, where gold is merely a commodity used to fund domestic carry trades, it ends up in domestic households. However, while gold has historically been the best store of value in history and has outlasted every currency known to man, it is problematic when it comes to transferring funds in and out of a nation – it tends to show up quite distinctly on X-rays.

    Which is why we would not be surprised to see another push higher in the value of bitcoin: it was earlier this summer when the digital currency, which can bypass capital controls and national borders with the click of a button, surged on Grexit concerns and fears a Drachma return would crush the savings of an entire nation. Since then, BTC has dropped (in no small part as a result of the previously documented "forking" with Bitcoin XT), however if a few hundred million Chinese decide that the time has come to use bitcoin as the capital controls bypassing currency of choice, and decide to invest even a tiny fraction of the $22 trillion in Chinese deposits… 


    … in bitcoin (whose total market cap at last check was just over $3 billion), sit back and watch as we witness the second coming of the bitcoin bubble, one which could make the previous all time highs in the digital currency, seems like a low print.

    We bring all this up in case there is any confusion why Bloomberg just carried a huge centerfold piece explaining why CDS-inventor Blythe Masters has suddenly become the digital currency's most vocal pitchman and is betting it all on bitcoin, in "Blythe Masters Tells Banks the Blockchain Changes Everything."

    Yes, bitcoin may be slowly but surely leaving the domain of the libertarian fringe, but in exchange it is about to be embraced as the most lucrative and commercial "blockchained" way to capitalize on what may soon become the largest capital outflow in history, with "pioneers" such as Blythe front and center to capitalize on each and every outflowing Bityuan.

  • Weekend Reading: Weighed, Measured And Found Wanting

    Submitted by Lance Roberts via STA Wealth Management,

    One of my favorite movies to watch with my son was "A Knights Tale" starring Heath Ledger. A rag to riches story about a boy given by his father to a Knight as a squire. However, after the Knight dies, the boy takes his place and fights his way to nobility. 

    During his adventure the villain, Adhemar, discovers William's secret identity and has him imprisoned for impersonating a knight. As William awaits his fate, Adhemar visits him in his cell.

    As I discussed yesterday, the "Fed Is Screwed"in their efforts to hike interest rates. With deflationary pressures on the rise, economic growth deteriorating and financial markets in turmoil the ability to tighten monetary policy has now passed. 

    This weekend's reading list is a compilation of views on the economy, the markets, and the Fed. Like William, it is becoming more apparent that they have each been "weighed, measured and found wanting."


    1) 5 Reasons Americans Are Unhappy by Quentin Fottrell via MarketWatch

    “One reason for all the unhappiness could be that wages are stagnant, and many people are still struggling to recover from the Great Recession.


    'Money is a little like health, you don't want to talk about it with your friends because there's a little bit of shame around it,' says Andrew Meadows, a San Francisco-based producer of 'Broken Eggs,' a documentary about retirement, and vice president of brand and culture at Ubiquity Retirement + Savings.


    Two recent studies carried out by independent pollsters say that more than 60% of adults have no emergency savings or less than $1,000 in their savings account. And among those who had savings prior to 2008, 57% said they'd used some or all of it in the Great Recession, according to a U.S. Federal Reserve survey of over 4,000 adults released last year. Some people think you need to have tens of thousands of dollars to start saving and investing, so rather than save or invest a little, they do nothing, Meadows says. 'They ask if there's going to be another crash.'"

    Read Also: American's Feeling Glum About Economy by Ronald Brownstein via The Atlantic


    2) Deflation = Debt + Demographics + Disruption by Tyler Durden via Zero Hedge

    Disruption: Technological innovation and disruption are driving many goods & service sector prices lower (rent & health care are two important exceptions); extending human life and the propensity to save; fostering wage and job insecurity.


    Demographics: The size of the working population of the developed world peaked in 2011 and will fall from 833 million to 799 million by 2025, putting downward pressure on potential growth and inflation (Chart 3). And by 2050, the world's 'Silver Generation' will increase by 885 million people, many of whom will save more in anticipation of old age.


    Record Debt: 'Minimal deleveraging since the GFC and a large debt overhang remain impediments to nominal growth; global debt as a % of GDP actually rose from 162% in 2001 to 211% in 2013, an all-time high.'"


    Read Also: Brainard Drops A Policy Bomb by Tim Duy via FedWatch


    3) The Fed & Government Setting Up Next Crisis by Stephen Moore via Washington Times

    “Here's the latest story line: bailouts, trillions of dollars of government spending and debt, easy money, and re-regulation of Wall Street ended the 2008 Great Recession. The myth took on new life last week when Ben Bernanke took a bow in The Wall Street Journal for in his mind saving the economy with his $3 trillion of quantitative easing and zero interest rate policy. No, actually this is what created the crisis. Don't be surprised if Mr. Bernanke receives a Nobel Peace Prize.


    As Peter Wallison of the American Enterprise Institute and other scholars have thoroughly documented, the crash of 2008 was caused by the Federal Reserve's easy money policies for nearly a decade, government housing policies that led to preposterous mortgage loans being issued, and massive overleverage of government, companies, and households.


    Why does any of this history matter? Since Washington doesn't understand what went wrong in 2007 and 2008, so the Fed, the White House and Congress are recreating the very same conditions for another financial bubble. If it pops, we could replay the same devastating effects as occurred during the first bubble in 1999 and 2000.

    Read Also: Bernanke's Incomplete Crisis Theory by Robert Samuelson via Real Clear Markets

    But Also Read: What If The Future Is Better Than We Think? by Ben Carlson via Wealth Of Common Sense


    4) Debt Ceiling Fight Could Get Ugly by Gary Halbert via Advisor Perspectives

    "Last week's scare over a possible government shutdown may have been just the warm-up act for a much bigger threat that could cause the Treasury to default on trillions of dollars of debt. The latest shutdown scare was narrowly averted by a last minute deal in Congress that angered its most conservative members, and some believe prompted House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) to step down. His presumptive replacement, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R- CA), abruptly announced Thursday that he would not seek the job for reasons that are still uncertain.


    Now, amid the House leadership vacuum, Congress remains paralyzed over a long list of contentious issues, from budget battles to a sweeping new trade deal. But unless Congress acts in the next few weeks to raise the government's legal borrowing limit, the Treasury will be forced to stop borrowing and paying its bills – potentially including interest on government bonds that have already been sold to investors."


    Read Also: Another Look At The Total Return Rollercoaster by Doug Short via Advisor Perspectives


    5) We Are Entering A Recession, But Not Really by Myles Udland via Business Insider

    ""'We are experiencing a profit recession without an economic recession,' Sløk wrote in an email on Thursday.


    'Lower energy prices and a higher dollar are hurting certain parts of corporate America at the moment, but with the China shock fading and the dollar and energy prices stabilizing it is becoming clearer that we are not about to enter an economic recession because the service sector — which makes up 85% of the US economy — is doing just fine.


    Or put differently, to generate an economic recession we need a much more broad-based slowdown across companies and that is not what we are seeing and hearing in the anecdotes during this earnings season.'"


    Read Also: It's Time To Start Talking About A Recession by Bob Byran via Business Insider

    Read Also: Revenue Recession Getting Worse by Stephanie Yang via CNBC

    Other Reading

    “Wall Street is a gambling house peopled with dealers, croupiers and touts on one side, and winners and suckers on the other” – Nicholas Darvas

    Have a great weekend.

  • Obama Withdraws Aircraft Carrier Support From Middle East Just As Russia Unveils Its Syrian Airbase

    One glance at the map below, showing the current distribution of U.S. naval assets, reveals something that has almost never happened at any time in the past decade:


    As the map shows, US aircraft carrier, CVN 71 Theodore Roosevelt is currently on its way out of the Persian Gulf, leaving just the LHD-2 Essex Amphibious Warfare ship group to defend the Persian Gulf and more importantly, leaving the hotly contested middle east without U.S. carrier-based air support for the first time in years.

    How did this happen?

    According to USNI News, the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group left U.S. 5th Fleet on Tuesday with no public timeline for when its replacement will reach the Middle East to continue U.S. air strikes against Islamic State in Iraq in Syria (ISIS) targets. While the CVN 71 The Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group is slated to be the next CSG bound for the Middle East, but the Navy would not specify a deployment time other than later this year, a service official told USNI News on Tuesday.

    “We’re not going to talk to future operations,” the official said.

    That said, the redeployment of the Roosevelt is not a surprise: two months ago the CNN Pentagon correspondent warned that this was coming:

    The U.S. Navy will not be able to keep an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf for much of the fall season, according to a Navy official.  The official said that’s because the Navy has to schedule needed maintenance after years of extended deployments and because of reduced spending due to mandatory budget cuts.


    While there have been so-called “carrier gaps” in the Persian Gulf before, this one will leave the Navy without the presence of a high-profile aircraft carrier just as a proposed nuclear deal with Iran is at center stage. It also comes as Iranian naval forces have conducted low-level harassment of U.S. and other shipping in the region.


    U.S. military officials insisted that there would be no impact on U.S. operations in the gulf because the Air Force can briefly send additional, land-based aircraft to the region if needed. Airstrikes against ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria are also largely undertaken by the Air Force. The Navy accounts for only about 20% of the ISIS strike missions.

    Whatever the reason, the Roosevelt is out of there, and the ship is now said to be bound for its new homeport at Naval Station San Diego, Calif.

    While in 5th Fleet, the Roosevelt CSG was the largest symbol in the U.S.-led anti-ISIS collation responsible for “1,812 combat sorties totaling 10,618 combat flight hours, taking on 14.5 million gallons of jet fuel and expending 1,085 precision-guided munitions,” as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, according to a Tuesday statement from the service.

    Which probably does not explain why in over a year, the US did less damage to ISIS then the Russian airforce has achieved in less than a month.

    As for the reason why suddenly the Persian Gulf has an unprecedented US carrier support gap in the middle east – one which could last for two months or well longer – it is because the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, which is slated to be the next CSG bound for the Middle East, has been delayed and the Navy would not specify a deployment time other than later this year, a service official told USNI News on Tuesday.

    Earlier this month the Truman CSG completed its Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX), the complex training exercise that certifies the strike group for deployment.Previous CSG and three-ship Amphibious Ready Group deployments were often extended to meet the demand of U.S. geographic combatant commanders (COCOMs) at the expense of maintenance setbacks and crew fatigue.

    Furthermore, this may be just the beginning of key US naval “gaps” across critical geographic regions:

    As the Navy continues to implement stricter deployment tenants, more gaps in Middle East carrier presence may emerge, several service leaders told USNI News in September. Last month Rear Adm. Jeffrey Harley, assistant deputy chief of naval operations for operations, plans and strategy (OPNAV N3/5B) told the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) that it would take a directive from the Secretary of Defense to the Navy to extend the deployment of a carrier to longer than seven months.


    While extending a carrier is always an option, another option would be “to reduce our global input as to what we can provide [to the combatant commanders] for a designated period of time, and mitigate that presence, that carrier presence, in some other way using our joint partners, using joint aircraft to cover a gap in time in which we may not have a carrier present,” Harley told the panel.

    Whatever the future of US naval “gaps” may be, one thing is clear: the departure of the Roosevelt comes at a particularly awkward time – just as Russia is setting up its own aicraft base in Syria.

    As we reported yesterday, “The start of Russian airstrikes in Syria has given new hope to loyalist forces in their battle against a host of rebel factions, including the Islamic State. Now Russia may expand these operations into Iraq if requested to do so by Baghdad. Indeed, from its position in Latakia, Russia has the range to strike Islamic State targets in Iraq, although further deployment of resources may be required to do so effectively.”

    More importanly, Russia can now also reach the all important global “choke point” of the Suez Canal within minutes, not to mention Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Baghdad, and – if propertly equppped – Bahrain, the headquarters of the U.S. Fifth fleet.

    In conclusion ,we take one final look at the map up top, and ask if on its way back to San Diego the Roosevelt will be the ship that Obama uses to send China a message as he has threatened to do, by sailing around the contested islands in the South China Sea, a move which China has warned twice it will be forced to retaliate against. Recall that yesterday China’s Global Times said that should Obama carry this out, it would be a “breach of China’s bottom line”.

    “If the US encroaches on China’s core interests, the Chinese military will stand up and use force to stop it,” the paper warned.

    In light of this upcoming showdown, one hopes that the USS Rosevelt won’t be known in history as the second coming of the USS Maddox.

  • Germany Faces "National Disaster" Over Refugee Crisis As Hungary Slams Shut Border With Croatia

    “Border control officers are exposed to strong migratory pressures.”

    That’s a quote from Georgi Kostov, the head of the interior ministry for Bulgaria where an Afghan man was shot and killed on Thursday, marking the first fatal shooting in Europe’s worsening migrant crisis. 

    Bulgarian border guards claim a warning shot ricocheted and injured the man. He later died. Draw your own conclusions.

    The official line from Bulgaria was this: “We are deeply shocked and regret the fatal incident. We are convinced that barriers, fences and police forces cannot solve the problems of people who are in a desperate situation.”

    That’s a nice sentiment, but not everyone shares it and one person who is certainly not intent on adopting an open door policy to refugees fleeing the war-torn Middle East is Hungarian PM Viktor Orban who, as we’ve documented extensively, has gone to great lengths to close his country’s borders with razor wire fencing and protect those fences with water cannons, tear gas, and rubber bullets. 

    Here’s a quote from an interview Orban gave today which pretty much sums things up as far as he’s concerned: 

    “Spiritually, Islam was never part of Europe. It’s the rulebook of another world.” 

    Make no mistake, the back and forth Balkan border battles between the states that are on the frontlines of the crisis have been raging for months, as Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia attempt to negotiate how to cope with Hungary’s hardline approach. Orban’s move to wall-off his country’s border with Serbia triggered an influx of asylum seekers into Croatia (remember, everyone’s trying to get to Germany), but Slovenia’s unwillingness to serve as a kind of migrant superhighway steered refugees right back into Hungary and so now, Orban is closing the border with Croatia. Here’s how we put it late last month: 

    Once it became clear that Hungary was fully prepared to turn its border with Serbia into a warm April night in Baltimore in order to defend Europe’s “Christian heritage” (to quote Orban), refugees simply rerouted through Croatia. Serbia has facilitated this noting that it simply does not have the resources to accommodate the migrants and even if it did, they do not want to settle in Serbia in the first place. Once Slovenia said it wouldn’t be a part of a migrant “corridor” to Germany, the stage was set for migrants to zigzag from Hungary’s border with Serbia into Croatia, and then back into Hungary.

    And here’s more from Bloomberg on Orban’s reaction after the EU failed to come to an agreement on closing off Greece to asylum seekers: 

    Hungary will seal its border with Croatia from midnight on Friday, expanding one of the European Union’s toughest set of measures to stem the influx of refugees, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in Budapest.


    “This is the second-best option,” Szijjarto told reporters. “The best option, setting up an EU force to defend Greece’s external borders, was rejected in Brussels yesterday.” 


    An EU summit on Thursday failed to reach a final agreement on recruiting Turkey to help control the flow of refugees as Russia’s bombing campaign in Syria threatens to push more people to seek safety. The bloc’s leaders also made little progress on how to redesign the system of distributing immigrants, forming an EU border-guard corps or on ensuring arrivals are properly processed.


    Hungary has extended an existing barbed-wire fence on its border with Serbia to cover its frontier with Croatia. Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned this week that his government would complete the barrier if EU leaders fail to agree on closing the Greek border, the main entry point for Syrian and other Middle Eastern refugees into the 28-nation bloc.


    Meanwhile, in Germany, Angela Merkel is beginning to feel the heat as lawmakers and party loyalists become increasingly impatient with the hundreds of thousands of migrants streaming into the country. More, from AFP:

    Germany’s Angela Merkel is used to owning the room when she speaks to her party faithful, but the mood turned hostile when she defended her open-door refugee policy this week.

    In a heated atmosphere, some of the 1,000-odd members at the meeting warned of a “national disaster” and demanded shuttering the borders as Germany expects up to one million migrants this year.

    “Stop the refugee chaos — save German culture + values — dethrone Merkel,” read a banner at the congress late Wednesday in the eastern state of Saxony, the home base for the anti-foreigner PEGIDA movement.

    Managing the refugee crisis has turned into Merkel’s greatest domestic political challenge since she took power almost 10 years ago, in November 2005.

    Long valued by the electorate for her level-headed leadership amid the eurozone turmoil, Merkel has scared many with her welcoming stance amid a growing sentiment that the boat is full.

    “The chancellor is walking on thin ice,” judged the conservative daily Die Welt, pointing to a “growing gap” between Merkel and the base of her centre-right Christian Democrats (CDU) who demand she stem the record influx.

    “The chancellor believes the nation can manage the crisis, but this belief is rapidly vanishing in the country,” said the newspaper.

    On Sunday, she jets off to Turkey to discuss with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan how to slow the inflow sparked by war and upheaval across the Middle East and North Africa, with almost 600,000 people arriving in Europe so far this year.

    On the home front, Merkel has bravely insisted “we can do it”, recalling US President Barack Obama’s campaign rallying cry of “Yes we can”.

    But many Germans — who in the summer greeted refugees at railway stations — are losing faith as thousands keep coming daily and improvised refugee centres are bursting at the seams, including tent cities exposed to below-zero temperatures as winter approaches.

    And here are two headlines which betray how desperate the situation is becoming:


    In short, there is now a very real threat that a cascading series of border closures will completely block the Balkan route (not to mention destroy Schengen forever) leading directly to i) possibly violent confrontations between migrants and border police, and ii) a dramatic shift in the people flow through Libya, which would mark a kind of “out of the frying pan and into the fire” scenario for Syrian refugees. 

    As for those who have already made it to Germany and other EU countries where they intend to settle, we reiterate our warning that anti-migrant sentiment could end up creating a dangerous bout of scapegoating xenophobia and on that note, we close with the following excerpt from Bloomberg:

    In another sign of backlash in the region, Czech President Milos Zeman said migrants from Muslim countries won’t respect local laws and will follow sharia, news website reported.


    “Adulterous women will be stoned; thieves will have their hands chopped off,” Zeman said while meeting employees of a butcher shop in eastern Czech Republic, Novinky said.

  • Russia, Iran Begin "Promised" Assault On Syria's Largest City In Final Bid To Restore Assad

    Earlier this week, we noted that Iran had reportedly sent “thousands” of troops to Syria in preparation for an offensive aimed at retaking the city of Aleppo. 

    With a population of more than 2 million, Aleppo was Syria’s largest city prior to the war and it’s now run by a hodgepodge of rebels and militants including al-Qaeda, the Free Syrian Army, and ISIS. 

    To get an idea of the effect the war has had on the city, have a look at the following before and after nighttime light emissions images:

    The battle is also notable for the scale of Iran’s involvement. Between Hezbollah and Iranian forces, the battle for Aleppo is shaping up to be the largest ground operation orchestrated by Tehran to date. 

    Here’s more, via Reuters

    Syrian troops backed by Hezbollah and Iranian fighters launched an offensive south of Aleppo on Friday, expanding their counter-attack against rebels across western Syria with support from Russian air strikes.

    Aleppo, a commercial and industrial hub near the border with Turkey, was Syria’s largest city before its four-year civil war, which grew out of protests against Assad’s rule.


    Control of the city, still home to two million people, is divided between the government and rebels.


    “This is the promised battle,” a senior government military source said of the offensive backed by hundreds of Hezbollah and Iranian forces which he said had made some gains on the ground.


    It was the first time Iranian fighters had taken part on such a scale in the Syrian conflict, he said, although their numbers were modest compared to the army force. “The main core is the Syrian army,” the source said.


    Hezbollah, which has supported Assad in several battles during the civil war, said the army was carrying out a “broad military operation” with support from Russian and Syrian jets. It made no mention of Hezbollah fighters in its brief statement.


    Two senior regional sources told Reuters this week that Iran has sent thousands of troops to Syria to bolster an offensive underway in Hama province and ahead of the Aleppo attack.

    And a bit more from AFP:

    Russian air cover is backing offensives by Syria’s army and allied militias in the central provinces of Homs and Hama, as well as Aleppo in the north and Latakia along the coast.


    On Friday, the Syrian army pushed south from the provincial capital Aleppo city, where control is divided between regime and rebels forces, as Russian air strikes pounded the villages of Al-Hader and Khan Tuman and nearby localities.


    “The Syrian army started a new front on Friday and advanced to take control of the villages of Abteen and Kaddar” about 15 kilometres (12 miles) south of Aleppo city, said Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman.


    He said “dozens” of Russian aerial attacks in the past 24 hours had struck the area, which is controlled by a patchwork of groups including rebels, Islamist fighters and Al-Qaeda’s Syria affiliate, Al-Nusra Front.

    Note also that Aleppo is near the so-called “anti-ISIS” zone that the US and Turkey humorously proposed to create a few months back, which means that Iran, supported by Russian air power, is now conducting an all-out ground assault very near territory Turkey likes to think it effectively patrols (if not controls). 

    But the real key here, is this (again from Reuters): “The assault means the army is now pressing insurgents on several fronts near Syria’s main cities in the west, control of which would secure President Bashar al-Assad’s hold on power even if the east of the country is still held by Islamic State.”

    In other words, if Iran and Russia manage to retake Aleppo (and you know they will because remember, thanks to Hezbollah, this isn’t a team that’s going to be confused by the vagaries of urban warfare), Assad’s rule is restored.

    Just like that. 

    From there, the situation would morph and what you would have is a kind of Wild West scenario, only in Syria “West” would mean “East” and Assad, Russia, and Iran, having secured most of the critical cities and territory, would be free to simply mount up and push east on a kind of search and destroy mission. 

    So apparently, the US and its regional allies in Riyadh and Doha have a couple of weeks to figure out what to do here or else this is going to be over and suddenly, Washington will find itself in the awkward position of having to negotiate for a transition away from an Assad government that has been fully restored. 

  • Martin Armstrong Warns: The Loss Of All Liberty Is Coming Faster Than You Imagined

    Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,

    UK Prime Minister David Cameron reflects the serious problem we have with politicians. Politicians have zero respect for our human rights for they only think about how they are going to raid our wealth to pay for their families and retirements at our expense. Cameron actually asked, “In our country, do we want to allow a means of communication we [the government] cannot read? My answer to that question is: ‘No, we must not’.”

    These people are highly dangerous. They only see government as the solution and do not grasp that we have rights. Government wants to eliminate all encryption because they are hunting money. You have a 1000 times greater chance of dying in a car crash than by a terrorist. They use terrorism as the great excuse to collect everything we do.

    How did the world function before the internet? Did they intercept every letter in the mail or record every phone call? Why is it that with the internet these people feel they have a right to listen and read everything we communicate? This is EXACTLY the same paranoia displayed by Stalin. Human rights do not simply vanish because we have entered the internet age. We still have rights that governments need to respect, but refuse because they are always desperately in need of more taxes to pay their bankers.

    The OECD has stated, “Co-operation between tax administrations is critical in the fight against tax evasion and a key aspect of that co-operation is exchange of information.” It’s all about money any nothing else.

    In 2010, the U.S. enacted legislation known as FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act), which is destroying the world economy and lowering economic growth globally. Effectively, FATCA requires foreign financial institutions around the globe to report account details of their U.S. customers to the U.S. tax administration. However, this requires foreign institutions to file that they do not have any American clients. The legal and cost issues of this approach imposed by the USA are being adopted by five other countries including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. FATCA has become a model for the intergovernmental cooperation in hunting taxes. The postwar economy was built on the free flow of capital. Americans cannot open accounts overseas because the penalties are far too stiff for failure to report any American to the U.S. authorities. They will be giving up everyone to their respective countries, which will be implemented in 2017.

    If we do not eliminate taxes and transform the monetary system into a new era where the cost of government is held to 5% of GDP and money is merely created to fund the cost of government, along with abolishing career politicians, we will lose everything.

    We are heading into the direction of a total loss of all rights simply because of taxes.

  • Obamacare's Latest Casualty: Largest Health Insurer On Colorado Exchange Abruptly Collapses

    This wasn’t supposed to happen.

    With the mainstream media, at least the majority that is left of center, flooded with story after story touting Obamacare’s success, the news coming this morning from Denver that Colorado’s largest nonprofit health insurer and participant in that state’s insurance exchange Colorado HealthOP is abruptly shutting down, forcing 80,000 Coloradans to find a new insurer for 2016, was a slap in the face for the Obama administration’s crowning achievement.

    According to AP, the health insurer announced Friday that the state Division of Insurance has de-certified it as an eligible insurance company. That’s because the cooperative relied on federal support, and federal authorities announced last month they wouldn’t be able to pay most of what they owed in a program designed to help health insurance co-ops get established.

    Wait, wasn’t the whole point behind Obamacare to subsidize health insurance for everyone, and especially the poor? Or was the whole point of the “Affordable” Care Act merely to herd as many Americans into the clutches of the few for-profits, after the non-profit cooperatives finally read the fine print and realized they have no chance of being profitable under the new regime?

    The plot thickens: in a statement announcing its closure Friday, Colorado HealthOP said it was “well on its way” to repaying some $72.3 million it has borrowed from the federal fund. The co-op reported a net loss of $23 million last year. In other words, the company burned through some $23 million in taxpayer funds and it didn’t even get a lousy shirt to show for it.

    Ironically, on the company’s website, we read the following about the Co-Op’s business model:

    if our revenues exceed our costs, the surplus will be reinvested to directly benefit members—through lower premiums, expanded benefits, or quality improvements.

    Well, no risk of that ever happening now. What the insurer failed to point out is that if costs exceed its revenues, it will be promptly liquidated and massive corporations will be the sole beneficiaries.

    Naturally, the CEO was furious: Colorado HealthOP CEO Julia Hutchins called the de-certification “irresponsible and premature.

    She is not alone – as it turns out HealthOP was just the fifth casualty of a program which with every passing months is being exposed as nothing but a tax-backed piggy bank for the mega insurance corporations. “The Colorado announcement makes the co-op at least the fifth in the nation to collapse. Similar nonprofit insurers have already failed in Louisiana, Iowa/Nebraska, Nevada and New York. A health insurance cooperative in Tennessee announced this week that it would stop offering new policies.

    Expect even more failures ahead of open enrollment for 2016 starts on November 1. The Colorado Division of Insurance must first certify insurers before they’re allowed to sell plans, so the de-certification essentially puts Colorado HealthOP out of business.

    Back to the HealthOP CEO who added that “the Division has let local and national politics hurt Coloradans’ access to low-cost healthcare options and assessed Colorado taxpayers with significant avoidable costs,” Hutchins said in the statement.

    Actually they became unavoidable the moment the deeply compromised and ideologically partisan Supreme Court imposed the Obamacare tax on Americans, with few if any realizing the monetary implications of the new insurance regime.

    While it won’t provide much comfort to Colorado HealthOp, which is now winding down, its board of directors has requesting that the state allow a board-appointed independent consumer protection ombudsman to assist through the shut-down.

    In other words, even more millions in taxpayer funds will now be spent to liquidate the health insurer.

    And while the lame duck president hardly cared as his legacy achievement will soon be some other president’s problem, Republicans quickly took to gloating and pointed to the co-op’s closure as “a sad but predictable outcome.

    “Taxpayers are on the hook for millions of dollars in loans given out to the CO-OP, money that will likely never be repaid,” U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner said in a statement after the announcement. “The years since Obamacare’s passage have been marked by crisis after crisis in healthcare, and it’s far past time for a new plan.

    But wait, there’s more. Now that the numbers are being crunched, and hyperbole and propaganda are finally making way for math, someone figured out that Colorado HealthOP’s closure could be bad news for everyone shopping on Colorado’s health insurance exchange.

    A Republican state lawmaker who serves on an oversight committee that has reviewed Colorado HealthOP’s finances, Rep. Lang Sias of Arvada, said “rates for everyone are expected to go up next year. Colorado HealthOP accounted for nearly 40 percent of the exchange’s total customers.”

    “They’re all going to be paying more, on average, I would expect,” Sias said.

    And as more Americans get letters in the mail such as the one below kindly informing them their health insurance premiums are rising by 60% crushing any desire to splurge modest “gas savings” on discretionary purchases…

    … expect complaints about soaring health insurance prices, to hit – first in Colorado and then everywhere else.

  • Full Metal Retard: US Launches "Performance-Based" Ammo Paradrop Program For Make-Believe "Syrian Arabs"

    On Monday, the Pentagon proudly announced that it had “successfully” delivered 50 tons (yes, tons) of ammo to rebels fighting the Assad regime in Syria. 

    Before going any further, it’s important to note that the move to publicly deliver ammunition to the groups fighting the Russians set off alarm bells even among the most mainstream of media with CNN running the following headline as though the notion that the conflict is just another proxy war were somehow “news”: “Syria’s ‘proxy war’ rages in towns near Aleppo, Syria.

    So “all” it took was for Russia to invade and for the US to brag about handing “tons” of ammo to the very groups Moscow is fighting for the clueless public to come to the shocking realization that Washington is effectively at war with Moscow in Syria. 

    Obviously that’s not news, as it’s been clear to anyone who knows anything about geopolitics for years, but what is news is the extent to which the ammo paradrops mark a new low point for Washington in terms of countering Assad. As we put it on Monday: 

    The US has now thrown in the towel on the ill-fated (and that’s putting it lightly) strategy of training Syrian fighters and sending them into battle only to be captured and killed by other Syrian fighters who the US also trained.


    The Pentagon’s effort to recruit 5,400 properly “vetted” anti-ISIS rebels by the end of the year ended in tears when word got out that only “four or five” of these fighters were actually still around. The rest are apparently either captured, killed, lost in the desert, or fighting for someone else. 


    Because this latest program was such a public embarrassment, the Pentagon had to come up with a new idea to assist Syria’s “freedom fighters” now that they are fleeing under bombardment by the Russian air force only to be cut down by Hezbollah.


    The newest plan: helicopter ammo. No, really. The US has now resorted to dropping “tons” of ammo into the middle of nowhere and hoping the “right” people find it. 

    In funnier terms: The US just paradropped 50 tons of ammo on pallets into the most dangerous place on the face of the planet with no way of ensuring that it falls into the “right” hands.

    The absurdity of that wasn’t lost on Putin, who offered the following critique on Tuesday: “U.S. air drops of weapons and ammunition intended for the Syrian Free Army, which is fighting Assad’s regime, could end up in the hands of Islamic State instead.”

    And then on Wednesday, Turkey pitched a fit, with PM Ahmet Davutoglu proclaiming that “Turkey definitely can’t accept weapons aid to groups linked to PKK.” 

    Of course that declaration from Ankara seemed to come out of left field because after all, the US claimed the ammo and weapons were retrieved by the “Syrian Arab Coalition”, not the YPG. 

    Well, as it turns out, the “Syrian Arab Coalition” (which apparently didn’t even exist until last Friday) conveniently merged with the YPG over the weekend.

    Consider the following from Reuters:

    A Kurdish militia in northern Syria has joined forces with Arab rebels, and their new alliance has been promised fresh weapon supplies by the United States for an assault on Islamic State forces in Raqqa, a spokesman said on Monday.


    The alliance calling itself the Democratic Forces of Syria includes the Kurdish YPG militia and Syrian Arab groups, some of which fought alongside it in a campaign that drove Islamic State from wide areas of northern Syria earlier this year.


    The Arab groups in the new alliance are operating under the name “The Syrian Arab Coalition” – a grouping which U.S. officials have said would receive support under a new U.S. strategy aimed at fighting Islamic State in Syria.

    Got it.

    What happened here is that the US knew it couldn’t directly arm the YPG without infuriating Ankara, so Washington tried to say that the YPG had now aligned itself with various (likely fictional) “Syrian Arab groups” and so therefore, Erdogan shouldn’t mind if the US hands them a few tons of weapons. 

    So yeah, the hits just keep on coming. In July, NATO agreed to allow Erdogan to crack down on the Kurds in exchange for access to Incirlik. But because the Kurdish PKK has ties to YPG, Ankara wouldn’t be happy with the US supporting the Syrian Kurds anymore. Of course some of the sorties the US intended to fly from Incirlik were almost certainly meant to support the YPG, so it’s unclear how anyone ever thought this was going to work from the beginning unless the US intended to fly missions in support of YPG from a Turkish airbase and then lie to Turkey about who those missions were supporting. 

    Once the “train and equip” program crashed and burned, the US wanted to arm the Kurds again. Unfortunately, we’re now two weeks away from elections in Turkey so there was no way Erdogan was going risk 50 tons of weapons and ammo being channeled to a group with ties to the PKK.

    Washington’s solution: create a fictional alliance between YPG and some “Syrian Arabs” who probably don’t even exist, and then use that alliance as a front. It was a make-believe militant merger.

    If you think that sounds too far-fetched, just consider the following out yesterday from Bloomberg

    American and Kurdish officials and Syrian Arab opposition leaders told us this week that ammunition said to have been for the Syrian Arab Coalition, a newly announced group of Sunni Arab brigades in northeastern Syria, had largely ended up arming the Kurdish Democratic Union Party and its associated military forces, known as the People’s Protection Units or YPG. That will aid the Kurds in fighting the Islamic State and cementing their control of Kurdish territory.


    One senior administration official who works on the issue told us that the White House knew that the coalition was likely to pass on most if not all of the weapons to the Kurds. The official, who called the Syrian Arab Coalition a “ploy” to arm the Kurds, said the White House knew they would receive the shipments because they controlled the area where the weapons were dropped. The U.S. did not ask the Arab coalition for any guarantees the weapons would stay in Arab hands, the official said.


    On Thursday,  Mutlu Civiroglu, a Kurdish affairs analyst, published an interview in which the YPG commander, Sipan Hemo, acknowledged his group had received the airdrops, which he said were important to its cause. “With this new support, the cooperation we have had for a year has reached a new level. And we hope to increase our work together even more, we hope to work strategically. So what we received was not big. But it is big for a new start,” Hemo said.

    Technically then, Washington is now paradropping tons of ammo on pallets to make believe “Arabs”.

    And because the US is never content to let sleeping foreign policy mistakes lie, the Pentagon is now set to double down on the helicopter ammo drops. Here’s AFP

    The US military is poised to boost its supply runs to rebels fighting Islamic State jihadists in northern Syria, a US official said Thursday, days after an initial air drop of ammunition.


    “There will be more deliveries but only if they can demonstrate that they have used it in an effective way against ISIL,” the official said, using an alternate acronym for IS.


    “As they demonstrate results, the packages will get heavier and US strikes will occur in places that are advantageous to their operations.”


    The official described the rebel-arming program as “performance-based.”

    So let’s attempt to sum all of this up. The US sanctioned a crackdown by Turkey on the Kurds ahead of Turkish elections in exchange for access to an air base. But allying with Turkey means Ankara won’t be pleased if the US helps the Kurdish YPG in Syria because if there’s anyone Erdogan hates more than Assad, it’s the Kurds. Once every other “plan” for countering the regime in Syria demonstrably failed, the US wanted to send weapons to the YPG. To avoid angering Erdogan, the Pentagon created a fictional group of “Syrian Arabs” then pretended that the YPG had formed an alliance with the make believe fighters to give Washington an out in case Ankara got mad. US planes then dropped the weapons into the desert and prayed the Kurds picked them up. 

    Now, the US is set to paradrop many more tons of ammo into the middle of nowhere, provided the “Syrian Arab Coalition” can show “results.” 

    So ultimately, this is a “performance-based” program under which Washington provides hundreds of tons (literally) of weapons and ammo to Arabs who don’t really exist. 

    No further comment.

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Today’s News October 16, 2015

  • How Do You Prepare A Child For Life In The American Police State?

    Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    “Fear isn’t so difficult to understand. After all, weren’t we all frightened as children? Nothing has changed since Little Red Riding Hood faced the big bad wolf. What frightens us today is exactly the same sort of thing that frightened us yesterday. It’s just a different wolf.” ? Alfred Hitchcock

    In an age dominated with news of school shootings, school lockdowns, police shootings of unarmed citizens (including children), SWAT team raids gone awry (leaving children devastated and damaged), reports of school resource officers tasering and shackling unruly students, and public schools undergoing lockdowns and active drills, I find myself wrestling with the question: how do you prepare a child for life in the American police state?

    Every parent lives with a fear of the dangers that prey on young children: the predators who lurk at bus stops and playgrounds, the traffickers who make a living by selling young bodies, the peddlers who push drugs that ensnare and addict, the gangs that deal in violence and bullets, the drunk drivers, the school bullies, the madmen with guns, the diseases that can end a life before it’s truly begun, the cynicism of a modern age that can tarnish innocence, and the greed of a corporate age that makes its living by trading on young consumers.

    It’s difficult enough raising a child in a world ravaged by war, disease, poverty and hate, but when you add the police state into the mix—with its battlefield mindset, weaponry, rigidity, surveillance, fascism, indoctrination, violence, etc.—it becomes near impossible to guard against the toxic stress of police shootings, SWAT team raids, students being tasered and shackled, lockdown drills, and a growing unease that some of the monsters of our age come dressed in government uniforms.

    Children are taught from an early age that there are consequences for their actions. Hurt somebody, lie, steal, cheat, etc., and you will get punished. But how do you explain to a child that a police officer can shoot someone who was doing nothing wrong and get away with it? That a cop can lie, steal, cheat, or kill and still not be punished?

    Kids understand accidents: sometimes drinks get spilled, dishes get broken, people slip and fall and hurt themselves, or you bump into someone without meaning to, and they get hurt. As long as it wasn’t intentional and done with malice, you forgive them and you move on. Police shootings of unarmed people—of children and old people and disabled people—can’t just be shrugged off as accidents, however.

    Tamir Rice was no accident. Cleveland police shot and killed the 12-year-old, who was seen playing on a playground with a pellet gun. Surveillance footage shows police shooting the boy two seconds after getting out of a moving patrol car. Incredibly, the shooting was deemed “reasonable” and “justified” by two law enforcement experts who concluded that the police use of force “did not violate Tamir's constitutional rights.”

    Aiyana Jones was also no accident. The 7-year-old was killed after a Detroit SWAT team launched a flash-bang grenade into her family’s apartment, broke through the door and opened fire, hitting the little girl who was asleep on the living room couch. The cops weren’t even in the right apartment. Ironically, on the same day that President Obama refused to stop equipping police with the very same kinds of military weapons and gear used to raid Aiyana’s home, it was reported that the police officer who shot and killed the little girl would not face involuntary manslaughter charges.

    Obama insists that $263 million to purchase body cameras for police will prevent any further erosions of trust, but a body camera would not have prevented Aiyana from being shot in the head. Indeed, the entire sorry affair was captured on camera: a TV crew was filming the raid for an episode of The First 48, a true-crime reality show in which homicide detectives have 48 hours to crack a case.

    While that $263 million will make Taser International, the manufacturer of the body cameras, a whole lot richer, it’s doubtful it would have prevented a SWAT team from shooting 14-month-old Sincere in the shoulder and hand and killing his mother.

    No body camera could have stopped a Georgia SWAT team from launching a flash-bang grenade into the house in which Baby Bou Bou, his three sisters and his parents were staying. The grenade landed in the 2-year-old’s crib, burning a hole in his chest and leaving him with scarring that a lifetime of surgeries will not be able to easily undo.

    No body camera could have prevented 10-year-old Dakota Corbitt from being shot by a Georgia police officer who tried to shoot an inquisitive dog, missed, and hit the young boy, instead.

    When police shot 4-year-old Ava Ellis in the leg, shattering the bone, it actually was an accident, but it was an accident that could have been prevented. Police reported to Ava’s house after being told that Ava’s mother, who had cut her arm, was in need of a paramedic. Cops claimed that the family pet charged the officer who was approaching the house, causing him to fire his gun and hit the little girl.

    Alberto Sepulveda, 11, died from one “accidental” shotgun round to the back, after a SWAT team raided his parents’ home. Thirteen-year-old Andy Lopez Cruz was shot 7 times in 10 seconds by a California police officer who mistook the boy’s toy gun for an assault rifle. Christopher Roupe, 17, was shot and killed after opening the door to a police officer. The officer, mistaking the Wii remote control in Roupe’s hand for a gun, shot him in the chest.

    These children are more than grim statistics on a police blotter. They are the heartbreaking casualties of the government’s endless, deadly wars on terror, on drugs, and on the American people themselves.

    Not even the children who survive their encounters with police escape unscathed. Increasingly, their lives are daily lessons in compliance and terror, meted out with every SWAT team raid, roadside strip search, and school drill.

    Who is calculating the damage being done to the young people forced to watch as their homes are trashed and their dogs are shot during SWAT team raids? A Minnesota SWAT team actually burst into one family’s house, shot the family’s dog, handcuffed the children and forced them to “sit next to the carcass of their dead and bloody pet for more than an hour.” They later claimed it was the wrong house.

    More than 80% of American communities have their own SWAT teams, with more than 80,000 of these paramilitary raids are carried out every year. That translates to more than 200 SWAT team raids every day in which police crash through doors, damage private property, terrorize adults and children alike, kill family pets, assault or shoot anyone that is perceived as threatening—and all in the pursuit of someone merely suspected of a crime, usually some small amount of drugs.

    What are we to tell our nation’s children about the role of police in their lives? Do you parrot the government line that police officers are community helpers who are to be trusted and obeyed at all times? Do you caution them to steer clear of a police officer, warning them that any interactions could have disastrous consequences? Or is there some happy medium between the two that, while being neither fairy tale nor horror story, can serve as a cautionary tale for young people who will encounter police at virtually every turn?

    No matter what you say, there can be no avoiding the hands-on lessons being taught in the schools about the role of police in our lives, ranging from active shooter drills and school-wide lockdowns to incidents in which children engaging in typically childlike behavior are suspended (for shooting an imaginary “arrow” at a fellow classmate), handcuffed (for being disruptive at school), arrested (for throwing water balloons as part of a school prank), and even tasered (for not obeying instructions).

    For example, a middle school in Washington State went on lockdown after a student brought a toy gun to class. A Boston high school went into lockdown for four hours after a bullet was discovered in a classroom. A North Carolina elementary school locked down and called in police after a fifth grader reported seeing an unfamiliar man in the school (it turned out to be a parent).

    Better safe than sorry is the rationale offered to those who worry that these drills are terrorizing and traumatizing young children. As journalist Dahlia Lithwick points out: “I don’t recall any serious national public dialogue about lockdown protocols or how they became the norm. It seems simply to have begun, modeling itself on the lockdowns that occur during prison riots, and then spread until school lockdowns and lockdown drills are as common for our children as fire drills, and as routine as duck-and-cover drills were in the 1950s.”

    These drills have, indeed, become routine.

    As the New York Times reports: “Most states have passed laws requiring schools to devise safety plans, and several states, including Michigan, Kentucky and North Dakota, specifically require lockdown drills. Some drills are as simple as a principal making an announcement and students sitting quietly in a darkened classroom. At other schools, police officers and school officials playact a shooting, stalking through the halls like gunmen and testing whether doors have been locked.”

    Police officers at a Florida middle school carried out an active shooter drill in an effort to educate students about how to respond in the event of an actual shooting crisis. Two armed officers, guns loaded and drawn, burst into classrooms, terrorizing the students and placing the school into lockdown mode.

    What is particularly chilling is how effective these lessons in compliance are in indoctrinating young people to accept their role in the police state, either as criminals or prison guards. If these exercises are intended to instill fear and compliance into young people, they’re working.

    Sociologist Alice Goffman understands how far-reaching the impact of such “exercises” can be on young people. For six years, Goffman lived in a low-income urban neighborhood, documenting the impact such an environment—a microcosm of the police state—on its residents. Her account of neighborhood children playing cops and robbers speaks volumes about how constant exposure to pat downs, strip searches, surveillance and arrests can result in a populace that meekly allows itself to be prodded, poked and stripped.

    As journalist Malcolm Gladwell writing for the New Yorker reports:

    Goffman sometimes saw young children playing the age-old game of cops and robbers in the street, only the child acting the part of the robber wouldn’t even bother to run away: I saw children give up running and simply stick their hands behind their back, as if in handcuffs; push their body up against a car without being asked; or lie flat on the ground and put their hands over their head. The children yelled, “I’m going to lock you up! I’m going to lock you up, and you ain’t never coming home!” I once saw a six-year-old pull another child’s pants down to do a “cavity search.”

    Clearly, our children are getting the message, but it’s not the message that was intended by those who fomented a revolution and wrote our founding documents. Their philosophy was that the police work for us, and “we the people” are the masters, and they are to be our servants. Now that has been turned on its head, fueled by our fears (some legitimate, some hyped along by the government and its media mouthpieces) about the terrors and terrorists that lurk among us.

    It’s getting harder by the day to tell young people that we live in a nation that values freedom and which is governed by the rule of law without feeling like a teller of tall tales. Yet as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, unless something changes and soon for the young people growing up, there will be nothing left of freedom as we have known it but a fairy tale without a happy ending.


  • Visualizing The Demise Of The Once Mighty Euro

    The European Union has always been primarily a political project. The idea of the union was to take peoples that had long and complicated histories, and to place them in a situation where they must work together and shed their differences in order to achieve success.

    From the political angle, it can be argued that this objective has been achieved. War and conflict within Western and Central Europe has mostly been stymied. Considering the continent’s lengthy history in these areas, this is great news.

    However, it’s particularly the countries that adopted the euro as common currency that put themselves into a more precarious economic position. The problem is simple: countries maintain certain political and fiscal responsibilities, but do not control the fate of their common currency.

    The result is that eurozone politicians have very different fiscal policies, but don’t have the flexibility of monetary policy to help accompany them. Some countries are trying to spend their way out of trouble, while others are maintaining strict austerity. Either way, the European Central Bank (ECB) controls the plight of the currency and can make unilateral decisions that have a big impact on every country. For example, in the beginning of June 2015, the ECB announced the minimum of a $1.14 trillion quantitative easing program that will add new currency units that together are larger than the economies of Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Finland, Luxembourg, and Slovenia combined.

    There has been an array of other problems plaguing the eurozone as well. The most notable of these was that Greece was admitted into the monetary union in the first place after fudging numbers on the Greek economy. Even though Greece makes up about 2% of the overall eurozone, the country has been in constant trouble that has threatened to undermine the entire union. (For a primer on this, read The Origin of the Greek Crisis)

    The euro itself has dropped precipitously, particularly in terms of USD but also in terms of GBP and CNY. In the beginning of 2008, a US dollar could buy only €0.65 euros. Today, on average through 2015, one US dollar can buy €0.91 euros.

    With European demographics getting more challenging by the year, and deflation stalking the eurozone, problems don’t seem to be going away for the euro. The crises in Ukraine and Greece continue on without much resolved, and the ECB is continuing on with its QE program. Meanwhile, the Refugee Crisis has created another political distraction that has its own challenges for the people of Europe.

    Will the shrinking euro be able to revert its course, or is Europe doomed to become the next Japan?

    Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

  • Russia And Iran Moving To Corner The Mideast Oil Supply

    Submitted by Steve Chambers via,

    It looks like Vladimir Putin and the ayatollahs are preparing to corner the world’s oil supply – literally.

    Last May I wrote on this site that Iran was in the process of surrounding the Saudi/Wahhabi oil reserves, along with those of the other Sunni Gulf petro-states.  I added that, “Iran’s strategy to strangle Saudi/Wahhabi oil production also dovetails with Putin’s interests.  As the ruler of the second largest exporter of oil, he would be delighted to see the Kingdom’s production eliminated or severely curtailed and global prices soar to unseen levels.  No wonder he is so overtly supporting Iran.”

    We’ve now seen Putin take a major, menacing step in support of the Iranians by introducing combat forces into Syria.  Many analysts argue that he’s doing this both to protect his own naval base at Tartus and as some sort of favor to the Iranians.  Are those really sufficient inducement for him to spend scarce resources and risk Russian lives, or does he have bigger ambitions in mind?  Given the parlous state of Russia’s economy, thanks in very large part to the recent halving of oil prices, he must relish the opportunity now presented to him, in an axis with Iran, to drive those prices back to prior levels.

    The Iranians, for their part, must welcome this opportunity as well, for two huge reasons: first, when sanctions are finally lifted, thanks to their friend in the White House, Iran’s oil production will only aggravate the current global excess oil supply, reducing their cash flow (although they will still repatriate the $150 billion released by the nuclear deal).  They and the Russians must both be desperate to find a way to prevent further oil price declines.  And second, Iran’s mortal sectarian enemies and rivals for leadership of all of Islam are the Saudi/Wahhabi clan, so the prospect of simultaneously hurting them while strengthening themselves must seem tremendously tantalizing.

    To achieve this, the Russian-Iranian axis can pursue the encirclement strategy of the Arabian Peninsula that Iran has already been overtly conducting, as I described in May, and is evident by referring to the map below.

    Iran and its allies already control the border across the Saudi/Wahhabi Kingdom’s northern frontier, although the Iranian grip on the Syrian portion is tenuous – hence the Russian intervention.  Now Iran is also fighting a bitter proxy war with the Kingdom in Yemen, where Iran is backing coreligionist Shi’ites.  From Yemen, Iran can also threaten the Bab-al-Mandeb that provides access to the Red Sea, multiplying the pressure it already exerts on the Kingdom by threatening the Strait of Hormuz at the entrance to the Persian Gulf from its own territory.

    Moreover, Iran is widely believed to be supporting the Shi’a who live on top of the Saudi/Wahhabi oil reserves in the Eastern Province.  The natural affinity between the Shi’a of Arabia and Iran has long worried the royal family and led them to discriminate against their Shi’ite subjects, fostering resentment among them.  Attacks on the Shi’a community early this year have increased tensions.  On top of all that, Iran is reportedly behind the recent Shi’a unrest in Bahrain, which Iran considers it lost “14th province” – much as Saddam viewed Kuwait in the late 1980s.

    With this being the current state of the Mideast chessboard, consider how the game can unfold.  With Russian assistance, Iran can save its Syrian puppet and reinforce its defensive enclave in the Allawite homeland in the northwest of its putative boundaries.  Then the combined forces of the axis can turn on ISIS, all the while boasting of doing the world a favor, and reduce its territorial control if not extirpate it entirely.  Of course, the Saudi/Wahhabis will probably do whatever they can to assist their vicious ideological offspring, but it would be hard to bet against the axis.

    As the axis pacifies Syria, it can then begin pressure the Saudi/Wahhabis and other Sunni petro-states to curtail their oil production enough both to accommodate the increased Iranian flow and to lift prices back to acceptable levels.  $100 a barrel must sound like a nice target.

    The axis’s initial pressure will probably be diplomatic, applied by both principal powers.  However, with Iran’s foothold-by-proxy in Yemen and their influence in the Eastern Province and Bahrain, it could easily foment more general violence against the Saudi/Wahhabis, even within the Kingdom itself.  Iran could likewise twist Bahrain’s arm and thereby rattle the cages of the lesser Sunni petro-states.  Then, by trading a reduction in oil for a reduction in violence, the axis could achieve its objective.

    If not, the Iranians could escalate the violence further.  Perhaps ideally from the Iranian perspective, the Saudi/Wahhabis would overreact and provide Iran with an excuse to strike directly at the geographically highly concentrated Arabian oil fields and support facilities.  Iran might not be willing to risk royal retaliation by attacking on its own, but it could be emboldened with Russian backing by air and sea, and perhaps even a nuclear umbrella.  In that scenario, the proud Arabs would be forced to bow to the will of their ancient Persian foes – particularly since it is obvious that the US under its current president could not be relied upon for support.

    An attack on the Kingdom’s fields would cause a severe and lengthy disruption of Mideast oil supply, which would dreadful for the rest of the world – but certainly not the worst-case scenario.  Such a disruption would precipitate another nasty global recession and could severely weaken the US, Europe, and China, all of whose economies are fragile and probably brittle.  Thus the damage inflicted could far outlast the disruption itself.  This could be yet another highly attractive incentive for Putin and his ayatollah allies.

    So, Putin and the ayatollahs have powerful motives to corner the world’s oil market and therefore the US and the rest of the world are facing an enormous risk.  The horrible pity of this is that the US could easily demonstrate the futility of the Russian-Iranian axis trying to take the world hostage with Mideast oil, simply by opening up our surface deposits of oil shales in the Rockies.  As I showed in this analysis last March, these resources could make Mideast oil irrelevant.

    The US’ surface oil shales are completely different from the deep shales that are accessed through directional drilling and fracking and that grab all the headlines; the deep shales are a mere side show in terms of reserves.  The surface shales hold up to 3 trillion barrels of oil versus about 50 billion barrels of tight oil accessed by fracking.  The total global proven reserves of oil are 1.6 trillion barrels, and the Canadian tar sands have 1.6 to 2.5 trillion barrels (although they're officially listed at 175 billion barrels, which are incorporated in the global total).  So, the US and Canada together essentially can triple the global supply of oil, and at prices in the $60-75/barrel range.  Meanwhile, Mideast reserves are about 800 billion barrels – half of Canada’s oil sands, perhaps less than a third of the US surface shales.  The world no longer needs the Muslim oil.

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of the Rockies surface shales sit on Federal land, and while George W. Bush opened up those lands for development, Obama rescinded that policy.  These reserves now sit almost entirely idle.

    As with any petroleum deposit, these surface shale reserves can’t be turned on with the wave of a wand.  But they can be opened for development with just a pen, and not even a phone.  For the protection of this country, and the good of the world, our current president should immediately open these reserves for development, with great fanfare.  If he will not use our military to protect our interests, he should at least use our economic weapons.

    There is no time to lose.  Russia is on the march, in unison with the emboldened and enriched Iranians, thanks again to our president.  Putin and the ayatollahs know they will enjoy only another 464 days with this president and that none of his likely replacements will be so complacent and flexible, to use his own term.  We should therefore expect that they will want to make as much hay as they can while the sun reflects off of Obama’s insouciant grin.

  • OBoZo DoN'T SuRF!


  • EM FX Party's Over: Dollar Rallies In Early Asia Trading As China's Bond Bubble Gathers Pace

    After two days of relative USD carnage in and across the emerging and asian FX markets, early AsiaPac trading this evening is seeing that trend revert with the Ringgit, Rupee, and Lira sliding. After-hours gains in US equity futures have been erased, despite USDJPY's continued BoJ-aided push higher (though it seems 119.00 is the new ceiling for now). China's government bonds remain extraordinarily bid (outperforming TSYs by almost 60bps in the last few weeks) with yields dropping to 6-year-lows, as corporate bond bubble fears rotate modestly back to govvies. Aussie miners are under pressure with Iluka Resources getting hammered on "excess capacity" warnings.


    The USDollar is rallying against Asian FX in the early going…


    And USDJPY has run stops and rolled over…


    Despite ongoing strength in Chinese equities (obeying the commands of The National team that "the correction is nearly over")…


    China 10Y yields have collapsed in the last few weeks (down 50bps outright and 43bps tighter than UST since 8/20 devaluation)


    The China-UST spread is nearing 100bps – its lowest in 4 years…


    Offshore Yuan signaled downward pressure on the fix and sure enough, PBOC weakened the Yuan…


    But it remains an ugly week for Aussia miners (with Iluka Resources gettting "Glencore"'d)…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • The Fog Of "Everything": Why America's Eternally Caught Off Guard In The Middle East

    Submitted by Tom Engelhardt via,


    That figure stunned me. I found it in the 12th paragraph of a front-page New York Times story about “senior commanders” at U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) playing fast and loose with intelligence reports to give their air war against ISIS an unjustified sheen of success: “CENTCOM’s mammoth intelligence operation, with some 1,500 civilian, military, and contract analysts, is housed at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, in a bay front building that has the look of a sterile government facility posing as a Spanish hacienda.”

    Think about that.  CENTCOM, one of six U.S. military commands that divide the planet up like a pie, has at least 1,500 intelligence analysts (military, civilian, and private contractors) all to itself.  Let me repeat that: 1,500 of them.  CENTCOM is essentially the country’s war command, responsible for most of the Greater Middle East, that expanse of now-chaotic territory filled with strife-torn and failing states that runs from Pakistan’s border to Egypt.  That’s no small task and about it there is much to be known.  Still, that figure should act like a flash of lightning, illuminating for a second an otherwise dark and stormy landscape.

    And mind you, that’s just the analysts, not the full CENTCOM intelligence roster for which we have no figure at all.  In other words, even if that 1,500 represents a full count of the command’s intelligence analysts, not just the ones at its Tampa headquarters but in the field at places like its enormous operation at al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar, CENTCOM still has almost half as many of them as military personnel on the ground in Iraq (3,500 at latest count).  Now, try to imagine what those 1,500 analysts are doing, even for a command deep in a “quagmire” in Syria and Iraq, as President Obama recently dubbed it (though he was admittedly speaking about the Russians), as well as what looks like a failing war, 14 years later, in Afghanistan, and another in Yemen led by the Saudis but backed by Washington.  Even given all of that, what in the world could they possibly be “analyzing”?  Who at CENTCOM, in the Defense Intelligence Agency, or elsewhere has the time to attend to the reports and data flows that must be generated by 1,500 analysts?

    Of course, in the gargantuan beast that is the American military and intelligence universe, streams of raw intelligence beyond compare are undoubtedly flooding into CENTCOM’s headquarters, possibly overwhelming even 1,500 analysts.  There’s “human intelligence,” or HUMINT, from sources and agents on the ground; there’s imagery and satellite intelligence, or GEOINT, by the bushelful.  Given the size and scope of American global surveillance activities, there must be untold tons of signals intelligence, or SIGINT; and with all those drones flying over battlefields and prospective battlefields across the Greater Middle East, there’s undoubtedly a river of full motion video, or FMV, flowing into CENTCOM headquarters and various command posts; and don’t forget the information being shared with the command by allied intelligence services, including those of the “five eyes“ nations, and various Middle Eastern countries; and of course, some of the command’s analysts must be handling humdrum, everyday open-source material, or OSINT, as well — local radio and TV broadcasts, the press, the Internet, scholarly journals, and god knows what else.

    And while you’re thinking about all this, keep in mind that those 1,500 analysts feed into, and assumedly draw on, an intelligence system of a size surely unmatched even by the totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century.  Think of it: the U.S. Intelligence Community has — count ‘em — 17 agencies and outfits, eating close to $70 billion annually, more than $500 billion between 2001 and 2013.  And if that doesn’t stagger you, think about the 500,000 private contractors hooked into the system in one way or another, the 1.4 million people (34% of them private contractors) with access to “top secret” information, and the 5.1 million — larger than Norway’s population — with access to “confidential and secret” information.

    Remember as well that, in these years, a global surveillance state of Orwellian proportions has been ramped up.  It gathers billions of emails and cell phone calls from the backlands of the planet; has kept tabs on at least 35 leaders of other countries and the secretary general of the U.N. by hacking email accounts, tapping cell phones, and so on; keeps a careful eye and ear on its own citizens, including video gamers; and even, it seems, spies on Congress.  (After all, whom can you trust?)

    In other words, if that 1,500 figure bowls you over, keep in mind that it just stands in for a far larger system that puts to shame, in size and yottabytes of information collected, the wildest dreams of past science fiction writers.  In these years, a mammoth, even labyrinthine, bureaucratic “intelligence” structure has been constructed that is drowning in “information” — and on its own, it seems, the military has been ramping up a smaller but similarly scaled set of intelligence structures.

    Surprised, Caught Off Guard, and Left Scrambling

    The question remains: If data almost beyond imagining flows into CENTCOM, what are those 1,500 analysts actually doing?  How are they passing their time?  What exactly do they produce and does it really qualify as “intelligence,” no less prove useful?  Of course, we out here have limited access to the intelligence produced by CENTCOM, unless stories like the one about top commanders fudging assessments on the air war against the Islamic State break into the media.  So you might assume that there’s no way of measuring the effectiveness of the command’s intelligence operations.  But you would be wrong.  It is, in fact, possible to produce a rough gauge of its effectiveness.  Let’s call it the TomDispatch Surprise Measurement System, or TSMS. Think of it as a practical, news-based guide to the questions: What did they know and when did they know it?

    Let me offer a few examples chosen almost at random from recent events in CENTCOM’s domain.  Take the seizure at the end of September by a few hundred Taliban fighters of the northern provincial Afghan capital of Kunduz, the first city the Taliban has controlled, however briefly, since it was ejected from that same town in 2002 In the process, the Taliban fighters reportedly scattered up to 7,000 members of the Afghan security forces that the U.S. has been training, funding, and arming for years.

    For anyone following news reports closely, the Taliban had for months been tightening its control over rural areas around Kunduz and testing the city’s defenses.  Nonetheless, this May, based assumedly on the best intelligence analyses available from CENTCOM, the top U.S. commander in the country, Army General John Campbell, offered this predictive comment: “If you take a look very closely at some of the things in Kunduz and up in [neighboring] Badakhshan [Province], [the Taliban] will attack some very small checkpoints… They will go out and hit a little bit and then they kind of go to ground… so they’re not gaining territory for the most part.’”

    As late as August 13th, at a press briefing, an ABC News reporter asked Brigadier General Wilson Shoffner, the U.S. deputy chief of staff for communications in Afghanistan: “There has been a significant increase in Taliban activity in northern Afghanistan, particularly around Kunduz.  What is behind that?  Are the Afghan troops in that part of Afghanistan at risk of falling to the Taliban?”

    Shoffner responded, in part, this way: “So, again, I think there's been a lot of generalization when it comes to reports on the north.  Kunduz is — is not now, and has not been in danger of being overrun by the Taliban, and so — with that, it's kind of a general perspective in the north, that's sort of how we see it.”

    That General Cambell at least remained of a similar mindset even as Kunduz fell is obvious enough since, as New York Times reporter Matthew Rosenberg reported, he was out of the country at the time. As Goldstein put it:

    “Mostly, though, American and Afghan officials appeared to be genuinely surprised at the speedy fall of Kunduz, which took place when Gen. John F. Campbell, the commander of coalition forces, was in Germany for a defense conference… Though the Taliban have been making gains in the hinterlands around Kunduz for months, American military planners have for years insisted that Afghan forces were capable of holding onto the country’s major cities.


    “‘This wasn’t supposed to happen,’ said a senior American military officer who served in Afghanistan, speaking on the condition of anonymity. ‘The Afghans are fighting, so it’s not like we’re looking at them giving up or collapsing right now. They’re just not fighting very well.’”

    It’s generally agreed that the American high command was “caught off guard” by the capture of Kunduz and particularly shocked by the Afghan military’s inability to fight effectively.  And who would have predicted such a thing of an American-trained army in the region, given that the American-backed, -trained, and -equipped Iraqi Army on the other side of the Greater Middle East had a similar experience in June 2014 in Mosul and other cities of northern Iraq when relatively small numbers of Islamic State militants routed its troops?

    At that time, U.S. military leaders and top administration officials right up to President Obama were, as the Wall Street Journal reported, “caught off guard by the swift collapse of Iraqi security forces” and the successes of the Islamic State in northern Iraq.  Peter Baker and Eric Schmitt of the Times wrote in retrospect, “Intelligence agencies were caught off guard by the speed of the extremists’… advance across northern Iraq.” And don’t forget that, despite that CENTCOM intelligence machine, something similar happened in May 2015 when, as Washington Post columnist David Ignatius put it, U.S. officials and American intelligence were “blindsided again” by a very similar collapse of Iraqi forces in the city of Ramadi in al-Anbar Province.

    Or let’s take another example where those 1,500 analysts must have been hard at work: the failed $500 million Pentagon program to train “moderate” Syrians into a force that could fight the Islamic State.  In the Pentagon version of the elephant that gave birth to a mouse, that vast effort of vetting, training, and arming finally produced Division 30, a single 54-man unit of armed moderates, who were inserted into Syria near the forces of the al-Qaeda-aligned al-Nusra Front.  That group promptly kidnapped two of its leaders and then attacked the unit.  The result was a disaster as the U.S.-trained fighters fled or were killed.  Soon thereafter, the American general overseeing the war against the Islamic State testified before Congress that only “four or five” armed combatants from the U.S. force remained in the field.

    Here again is how the New York Times reported the response to this incident:

    “In Washington, several current and former senior administration officials acknowledged that the attack and the abductions by the Nusra Front took American officials by surprise and amounted to a significant intelligence failure.  While American military trainers had gone to great lengths to protect the initial group of trainees from attacks by Islamic State or Syrian Army forces, they did not anticipate an assault from the Nusra Front. In fact, officials said on Friday, they expected the Nusra Front to welcome Division 30 as an ally in its fight against the Islamic State.


    “‘This wasn’t supposed to happen like this,’ said one former senior American official, who was working closely on Syria issues until recently, and who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss confidential intelligence assessments.”

    Now, if accurate, this is wild stuff.  After all, how anyone, commander or intelligence analyst, could imagine that the al-Nusra Front, classified as an enemy force in Washington and some of whose militants had been targeted by U.S. air power, would have welcomed U.S.-backed troops with open arms is the mystery of all mysteries.  One small footnote to this: McClatchy News later reported that the al-Nusra Front had been poised to attack the unit because it had tipped off in advance by Turkish intelligence, something CENTCOM’s intelligence operatives evidently knew nothing about.

    In the wake of that little disaster and again, assumedly, with CENTCOM’s full stock of intelligence and analysis on hand, the military inserted the next unit of 74 trained moderates into Syria and was shocked (shocked!) when its members, chastened perhaps by the fate of Division 30, promptly handed over at least a quarter of their U.S.-supplied equipment, including trucks, ammunition, and rifles, to the al-Nusra Front in return for “safe passage.” Al-Nusra militants soon were posting photos of the weapons online and tweeting proudly about them.  CENTCOM officials initially denied that any of this had happened (and were clearly in the dark about it) before reversing course and reluctantly admitting that it was so. (“‘If accurate, the report of NSF [New Syrian Forces] members providing equipment to al-Nusra Front is very concerning and a violation of Syria train-and-equip program guidelines,’ U.S. Central Command spokesman Colonel Patrick Ryder said.”) 

    To turn to even more recent events in CENTCOM’s bailiwick, American officials were reportedly similarly stunned as September ended when Russia reached a surprise agreement with U.S. ally Iraq on an anti-ISIS intelligence-sharing arrangement that would also include Syria and Iran.  Washington was once again “caught off guard” and, in the words of Michael Gordon of the Times, “left… scrambling,” even though its officials had known “that a group of Russian military officers were in Baghdad.”

    Similarly, the Russian build-up of weaponry, planes, and personnel in Syria initially "surprised" and — yes — caught the Obama administration “off guard.” Again, despite those 1,500 CENTCOM analysts and the rest of the vast U.S. intelligence community, American officials, according to every news report available, were "caught flat-footed" and, of course, "by surprise” (again, right up to the president) when the Russians began their full-scale bombing campaign in Syria against various al-Qaeda-allied outfits and CIA-backed opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.  They were even caught off guard and taken aback by the way the Russians delivered the news that their bombing campaign was about to start: a three-star Russian general arrived at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad to offer an hour’s notice.  (Congressional lawmakers are now considering “the extent to which the spy community overlooked or misjudged critical warning signs” about the Russian intervention in Syria.)

    The Fog Machine of American Intelligence

    You get the point.  Whatever the efforts of that expansive corps of intelligence analysts (and the vast intelligence edifice behind it), when anything happens in the Greater Middle East, you can essentially assume that the official American reaction, military and political, will be “surprise” and that policymakers will be left “scrambling” in a quagmire of ignorance to rescue American policy from the unexpected.  In other words, somehow, with what passes for the best, or at least most extensive and expensive intelligence operation on the planet, with all those satellites and drones and surveillance sweeps and sources, with crowds of analysts, hordes of private contractors, and tens of billions of dollars, with, in short, “intelligence” galore, American officials in the area of their wars are evidently going to continue to find themselves eternally caught “off guard.”

    The phrase “the fog of war” stands in for the inability of commanders to truly grasp what’s happening in the chaos that is any battlefield.  Perhaps it’s time to introduce a companion phrase: the fog of intelligence.  It hardly matters whether those 1,500 CENTCOM analysts (and all those at other commands or at the 17 major intelligence outfits) produce superlative “intelligence” that then descends into the fog of leadership, or whether any bureaucratic conglomeration of “analysts,” drowning in secret information and the protocols that go with it, is going to add up to a giant fog machine.

    It’s difficult enough, of course, to peer into the future, to imagine what’s coming, especially in distant, alien lands.  Cobble that basic problem together with an overwhelming data stream and groupthink, then fit it all inside the constrained mindsets of Washington and the Pentagon, and you have a formula for producing the fog of intelligence and so for seldom being “on guard” when it comes to much of anything.

    My own suspicion: you could get rid of most of the 17 agencies and outfits in the U.S. Intelligence Community and dump just about all the secret and classified information that is the heart and soul of the national security state.  Then you could let a small group of independently minded analysts and critics loose on open-source material, and you would be far more likely to get intelligent, actionable, inventive analyses of our global situation, our wars, and our beleaguered path into the future.

    The evidence, after all, is largely in.  In these years, for what now must be approaching three-quarters of a trillion dollars, the national security state and the military seem to have created an un-intelligence system.  Welcome to the fog of everything.

  • The Latest Evidence That Global Trade Has Collapsed: India's Exports/Imports Plunge By 25%

    Late last month, India surprised 51 out of 52 economists when the RBI cut rates by 50bps. 

    Although economists have a reputation for being terrible when it comes to making predictions (getting it wrong perpetually is almost a job requirement), it’s difficult to understand how 51 of them failed to see a cut of that magnitude in the cards.

    After all, it was just a little over a month earlier when the Indian government’s chief economic advisor Arvind Subramanian told ET Now television that India may need to “respond” to China’s monetary policy stance. He also hinted at further export weakness to come.

    Here’s what the REER picture and the export picture looked like going into the RBI meeting:

    And here’s what Deutsche Bank had to say in August: 

    Currency competitiveness is an important factor in influencing exports performance, but global demand is even more important, in our view, to support exports momentum. Global demand remains soft at this stage which continues to be a key hurdle for exports momentum to gain traction. 

    Hence the outsized rate cut.

    So that’s what the picture looked like going into Thursday’s export data and unsurprisingly, the numbers definitively show that global trade is in freefall. Here’s Reuters

    India’s exports of goods shrank by nearly a quarter in September from a year ago, falling for a 10th straight month and threatening Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s goal of boosting economic growth through manufacturing.


    India’s economy, Asia’s third largest, is mostly driven by domestic demand, but the country has still felt the effects of China’s slowdown. Exports have dropped and consumer and industrial demand for imports has weakened.


    Imports fell 25.42 percent in September from a year earlier to $32.32 billion. Exports stood at $21.84 billion, according to data released by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry on Thursday.


    “We see no signs of revival in exports in the near future,” said Ajay Sahai, director general of the Federation of Indian Export Organisations. “We will be lucky if exports could even touch $265 billion to $270 billion for the whole year.”

    So yeah, both exports and imports fell by a quarter. That’s right, by a quarter.

    And so India finds itself in the same position as many other emerging economies in a world where trade is grinding to a halt: hoping that your own domestic demand for imported goods is even more abysmal than other countries’ demand for the goods you export just so the current account doesn’t collapse. Here’s Reuters again: 

    Policy makers were nonetheless relieved, because the trade deficit narrowed to $10.48 billion last month from $12.5 billion in August as gold and oil imports declined. For April-September, the trade deficit shrank to $85.36 billion from 497.17 billion a year earlier, the data showed.

    But as Goldman notes, even this dynamic may be set to disappoint because the expected benefit on the deficit from falling commodity prices is not as large as expected due to the fact that India… exports some commodities:

    Given the sharp decline in exports, we think the benefits of the commodity price decline on India’s trade balance may not be as large as widely perceived due to the significant commodity content within its exports.

    The takeaway is this: if you needed further evidence that global trade is in the doldrums and seemingly getting worse by the month, simply see the above. Of course the hope will be that the RBI’s easing will boost exports and further narrow the deficit, but again, this is just a race to the bottom with the entire world attempting to out-ease one another in a desperate attempt to stay ahead of the pace at which global demand is contracting. 

    There’s nothing positive (let alone sustainable) about that.

  • Russia Responds To French President's Renewed Attempt To Sell Ships To Moscow

    Two months after French president Hollande, under heavy pressure from NATO, decided to scrap a deal to deliver two Mistral helicopter carriers to Russia which were sold to Egypt instead (the same Egypt whose foreign reserves are plummeting, whose fiscal house is in total disarray, which just devalued its currency, and which could only afford the $1.1 billion purchase if the CIA handed its military dictator the cash via envelope), the same French President announced on Wednesday that he “expects to sell new warships to Russia in the near future.”

    Quoted by AP during a visit to the shipyard of Saint-Nazaire in western France, Hollande said that “Things went well with Russia, which has agreed to cancel the contract. And I even think we’ll get partnerships for new ships.” He didn’t specify whether they could be military ships. More from AP:

    Hollande came aboard one of the warships that was originally named the Vladivostok, in reference to the Russian port. The inscription on the hull has been erased and replaced by grey paint.

    The Mistral sale was supposed to be the biggest arms sale ever by a NATO country to Russia, until the deal fell apart because of the Ukraine crisis. France refunded the 950 million euros ($1 billion) already paid by Russia and sold the ships to Egypt, which signed a 950 million-euro contract last week.


    “I had to sell them to a country that needed to ensure its own security but didn’t threaten anyone,” Hollande said.


    The assault ships can each carry 16 helicopter gunships, 700 troops and up to 50 armored vehicles. They are due to be delivered to Egyptian authorities in March 2016.


    The ships are supposed to arrive in Egypt in summer 2016 but first they should be de-equipped of Russian-developed command, control and communication systems.

    Russia promptly responded with the following simple and brief message:

    Paris is looking to sell new ships to Russia, France’s President Francois Hollande said during his visit to the Saint-Nazaire shipyard.  The president, however, neglected to mention whether Russia is actually eager to purchase such hardware from France.

    Or, as it summarized all of the above: “Sale away.”

  • China Says Military Will "Stand Up And Use Force" If US Sends Warships To Islands

    Earlier this week, US officials indicated that they are set to go through with a plan to sail warships around China’s man-made islands in the Spratlys.

    “It’s just a matter of time when it happens,” one government source told WSJ.

    Over the course of the last six months, we’ve seen China’s land reclamation efforts go from oddity, to spectacle, to alleged “provocation”, to excuse for war as Washington feels compelled to come to the aid of its allies in the South Pacific who cried foul after it became apparent that this was no “normal” dredging effort. 

    In short, China has created some 3,000 acres of new sovereign territory and the US claims Beijing is effectively trying to redraw maritime boundaries on the way to establishing new military outposts. For its part, China denies the allegations and has responded with a peculiar mix of veiled threats (tweaking the wording of its official maritime strategy), not-so-veiled threats (telling a US spy plane with a CNN crew on board to “go now”), and humorous propaganda (a series of pictures from Fiery Cross depicting women, puppies, and gardens). 

    Despite efforts to de-escalate the matter when Xi visited the US this month, Beijing looks set to draw a line in the sand (no pun intended) when it comes to allowing the US to sail warships near the islands. Here’s AFP with more

    Chinese media slammed the US Thursday for “ceaseless provocations” in the South China Sea, with Washington expected to soon send warships close to artificial islands Beijing has built in disputed waters.


    Following a meeting of American and Australian officials Tuesday, US Defense Secretary Ash Carter warned Beijing that Washington will continue to send its military where international law allows, including the South China Sea.


    The remarks were backed by Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, who said the two countries are “on the same page.”


    An editorial in The Global Times, which is close to China’s ruling Communist party, condemned Washington’s “ceaseless provocations and coercion”.



    “China mustn’t tolerate rampant US violations of China’s adjacent waters and the skies over those expanding islands,” it said, adding that its military should “be ready to launch countermeasures according to Washington’s level of provocation,” it added.


    The warship or ships would pass within the 12-mile territorial limit China claims around the structures to demonstrate that US commanders do not recognise it.


    Such a move, the Global Times suggested, could be a “breach of China’s bottom line”.


    “If the US encroaches on China’s core interests, the Chinese military will stand up and use force to stop it,” the paper warned.

    There you go. It doesn’t get much clearer than that.

    Obviously, there’s little doubt that China will use these islands for some military purpose. Whether that purpose will be extremely limited (as Beijing has suggested without explicitly acknowledging the militarization of the reefs) remains to be seen. 

    One question that one might fairly ask here however, is whether the US really needs to sail by the islands just to see if can do so without getting shot at. It isn’t, after all, as though China is on the verge of using the Spratlys as a staging ground for an invasion of the entire South Pacific so one wonders whether it might not be better to wait until there is some legitimate purpose for a pass-by. That way, Beijing can’t point to a deliberate “provocation.”

    Whatever the case, we suppose we will see in the next week or so who blinks first. 

    *  *  *

    A little background on the latest developments with accompanying visuals…

    Despite the fact that China claimed to have largely completed its dredging efforts in the Spratlys in June, Bonnie Glaser, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, tells a different story. Here’s what Glaser has to say about a series of new images shown below and available at the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative:

    China is still dredging in the South China Sea. Satellite imagery of Subi Reef taken in early September shows dredgers pumping sediment onto areas bordered by recently built sea walls and widening the channel for ships to enter the waters enclosed by the reef. On Mischief Reef, a dredger is also at work expanding the channel to enable easier access for ships, possibly for future use as a naval base.


    This activity comes in the wake of assertions by China that its land reclamation has ended in the Spratly Island chain. On August 5, during the ASEAN Regional Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi told reporters, “China has already stopped. You look, who is building? Take a plane and look for yourself.” He did not pledge that China would refrain from construction and militarization on the newly-created islands, however.


    Wang Yi reiterated that China’s construction on the islands is mainly “to improve the working and living conditions of personnel there” and for “public good purposes.” To date, however, China’s activity appears focused on construction for military uses. Recently built structures on Fiery Cross Reef include a completed and freshly painted 3,000-meter runway, helipads, a radar dome, a surveillance tower, and possible satellite communication facilities.


    Apparent Chinese preparations for building lengthy airstrips on Subi and Mischief raise questions about whether China will pose challenges to freedom of navigation in the air and sea surrounding those land features in the future.


    The persistence of dredging along with construction and militarization on China’s artificial islands underscore Beijing’s unwillingness to exercise self-restraint and look for diplomatic paths to reduce tensions with its neighbors, the United States, and other nations with an interest in the preservation of peace and stability in the South China Sea. U.S. calls for all claimants in the South China Sea to halt land reclamation, construction, and militarization have been rejected by China, which views the status quo as unfavorable to its interests.


    On the eve of President Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States, Beijing appears to be sending a message to President Barack Obama that China is determined to advance its interests in the South China Sea even if doing so results in heightened tensions with the United States.

    And more from Gregory Poling, a fellow with the Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies and the Pacific Partners Initiative at CSIS and AMTI director.

    Earlier this year, the addition of an airfield on Fiery Cross Reef provided a more southerly runway capable of handling most if not all Chinese military aircraft. And in June, satellite photos indicated that China was preparing to lay down another runway at Subi Reef. New photos taken on September 3 show grading work at Subi, providing further evidence that runway construction there is planned. Meanwhile work at the Fiery Cross airfield is well advanced, with China recently laying down paint.


    Satellite photos taken on September 8 contain an unanticipated development, indicating that China may be preparing to construct another airstrip at Mischief Reef. These images show that a retaining wall has been built along the northwest side of the reef, creating a roughly 3,000-meter rectangular area. 

    And the new visuals:

    We’ll close with the following from Robert Kaplan, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security in Washington who spoke to Bloomberg

    “The Chinese have a classic Sun Tzu philosophy of incremental steps. Because it is small steps, the Americans and their allies will not be able to respond in a strong fashion because they will seem to be over reacting. That is what makes China’s approach so infuriating.”

  • There Goes The Final Pillar Of The US "Recovery": The Loan-Growth Paradox Explained

    With the manufacturing side of the economy now openly in recession (based not only on earnings call confessions, regional Fed surveys, but an inventory-to-sales spread that has never been greater and is screaming liquidation, as well as an energy sector that has been in freefall for the past year), and the US consumer – that 70% component of US GDP – slamming into a wall following not only three months of disappointing payrolls, non-existent wage growth, plunging retail sales, a high-end consumer that has stopped spending, and the lowest consumer confidence measured by Gallup in 2015, not to mention GDP itself, there were just two pillars of the so-called recovery that had not yet been crushed: housing and loan growth.

    Then yesterday, courtesy of the largest US mortgage lender, Wells Fargo, we learned that housing (all housing, not the tiny subset that is the all-cash “market” for ultra-luxury duplexes in NYC or San Fran which is only a function of how much laundered money Chinese oligarchs can park into the new “Swiss bank account” that U.S. real estate has become) was also rolling over after the worst quarter for mortgage applications in since the abysmal 2014.

    Which left commercial bank loans as the last remaining pillar of any so-called “recovery.”

    It was here, that after posing virtually no growth for over two years, starting in 2012, US bank lending, led by Commercial and Industrial or C&I lending growing at a double-digit pop, started to rise at an impressive pace, asking many to wonder: maybe the biggest driver for a sustainable economic recovery is in fact present, because where there is loan demand, there is velocity of money.

    Then a few years later, as the loan growth persisted with virtually no above-trend GDP growth to show for it, some – such as us – wondered: we know there is a “source of funds”, but what about the “use of funds.”

    The first flashing red flag appeared last July, when we reported that companies were using secured bank debt to repurchase stock: a stunning, foolhardy development, comparable to taking out a mortgage on one’s house and using the proceeds to buy deep out of the money calls on the S&P 500.

    This is what the FT said at the time:

    For the top 25 US commercial banks by assets, C & I lending grew by 10.5 per cent in the quarter to June 25 from the previous quarter, according to annualised weekly data from the Federal Reserve.


    This type of lending is an important source of business for the largest US banks, representing about a fifth of all loans made by the likes of Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, according to Citigroup research. While low interest rates have made business lending less lucrative, the relationships it forges open doors for the banks to sell other services such as treasury management, hedging and leasing.


    A second corporate banking executive at a large regional lender said: “The larger part of the usage in the market right now are loan refinancings where companies are paying dividends back out.” He added: “They’re requesting increased loans or usage under a lien in order to pay a dividend or equity holders of a company. Traditionally banks have been very cautious of that.”

    Incidentally we explained all of this back in April of 2012 when we laid out why there simply can not be capital spending-fueled growth, when corporate shareholders can make far greater and faster profits using funds to splurge on buybacks, dividends and M&A – uses of capital that generate little or zero actual revenue growth.

    After scratching our heads for a few weeks afterward, we let the subject go: after all there is no way banks would be lending companies secured loans to use the proceeds to cash out existing stakeholders, in the process asset-stripping the corporation. This would mean that the loan officers at these banks are either criminally stupid, or corrupt and have been bribed by the borrower to close their eyes when signing the dotted line and wiring the funds.

    We promptly forgot this bizarre tangent into the “use of loan funds”… Until today when we found that it was, indeed, all a lie and that the banks themselves had become complicit in perpetuating not only the worst possible capital misallocation, but being an accessory to the US stagnation, soon to be replaced with full-blown recession.

    This is what CLSA’s Chris Wood found when looking at the several most recent loan officer surveys:

    … from the standpoint of the corporate sector, zero rates tend to encourage financial engineering over capital spending while also allowing non-competitive businesses to survive for longer. The financial engineering incentive provided by such policies has been most evident in America where share buybacks and M&A activity have surged even as capital spending has continued to disappoint. Thus, the latest data shows that S&P500 share buybacks and dividends rose by 6.6% YoY to a record US$923bn in the year to June, while total reported earnings declined by 8.4% YoY to US$841bn over the same period.


    And here is the punchline:

    Similarly American banks, in terms of the quite impressive pickup seen in commercial and industrial (C&I) loan growth (see Figure 10), have been financing financial engineering, be it M&A or share buybacks, not capex. Thus, C&I loans rose by 10.7% YoY in September. Yet in the Fed’s July Senior Loan Officer Survey, 26% and 18% respectively of US banks reporting stronger C&I loan demand stated that the ‘very important’ reason for stronger loan demand over the past three months were financing needs for M&A and debt refinancing, compared with only 6% for capital investment (see Figure 11). Meanwhile, the lack of healthy creative destruction associated with zero rates has long been associated with the Japanese experience of so-called zombie borrowers.


    There is the explanation of the paradox of surging C&I (and overall) loan growth, which took place even as overall economic growth and capital spending never followed. The reason? All that secured C&I debt was going not toward growth capital spending, or even maintenance/replacement CapEx, but simply into financial engineering: M&A and debt refis, the first to cash out the CEO of the acquiring or target company (with the generous blessings of the lender bank), the second to lower the cost of debt so more cash could be retained however not to grow the business but simply to fund the equity portion of said M&A.

    Meanwhile the loan demand associated with actual economic growth: a paltry 6% of the total!

    And while we are delighted to close the loop on this last “leg” of the recovery stool, one which stuck our like a sore thumb against a rapidly deteriorating economic landscape, confirming that we are indeed facing a recession and a very ugly one at that since the Fed can no longer cut rates even as the “economic-impact” credibility of QE is gone, what is more important is that this should be a lesson to everyone to remember that when money is transferred or when a loan is made there are always two sides to the equation: a sources of funds, and a use of funds. Because while everyone was focusing on the former, nobody remember to look at the letter.

    It is the latter that has made all the difference to the US recovery, or complete lack thereof.

  • Nevada Shuts Down Fantasy Sports Sites: Apply For A Gaming License Or Face A Decade In Prison

    Earlier this week, the FBI and the Justice Department announced they were investigating whether the business models of daily fantasy-sports sites violate a Congressional exemption around the legality of transfers from financial institutions to online gambling sites.

    Effectively, sites like DraftKings and FanDuel rely on a loophole for “games of skill.” Here’s WSJ with the explanation

    The probe is in the preliminary stage, two people said. It is part of an ongoing discussion within the Justice Department about the legality of daily fantasy sites, in which customers pay entry fees to draft virtual sports teams that compete against each other for prize money based on the real-world performances of athletes. Congress in 2006 prohibited financial companies from transferring money to online gambling sites and several were shut down. But so-called games of skill were exempted. Fantasy-sports sites have since operated under that exemption.

    The idea, we suppose, is that betting on the “skills” of others is itself a “skill.” That is, if I know more about how the skills of say, one NFL player stack up against the skills of another NFL player, well then I too have a “skill”, and so therefore, sites which pay me to play my skills against the skills of other fans can exploit the above mentioned exemption.

    Obviously, that’s to a certain extent ridiculous, but whatever the case may be, the game (no pun intended) appears to now be up. Or at least in Nevada where you can gamble, but like the mob bosses who once ran the casinos, the state wants its cut of the action. Here’s AP:

    Nevada regulators have ordered daily fantasy sports sites like DraftKings and FanDuel to shut down, saying they can’t operate in the state without a gambling license.


    The decision comes amid growing backlash by investigators and regulators over the sites, which have grown in popularity in the past year.


    The sites insist they are skill-based games and not chance-based wagers, and are therefore not subject to gambling regulations.


    The state’s Gaming Control Board issued a notice Thursday saying the sites must stop offering their contests to Nevada residents effective immediately. Operators face felony fines and 10 years in prison.

    So there you have it FanDuel and DraftKings. Pay your protection money to run your gambling racket like everyone else. 

    Of course with a federal investigation looming, this is just the start of what, in sports terms, is likely to be a prolonged and deep slump for the industry – you can bet on that.


  • Be Very Afraid: "The 3 EM Debacles" Loom, HSBC Warns

    As the emerging world continues to wrestle with a by now familiar set of problems including falling commodity prices, a decelerating China, the threat of a Fed hike, and, importantly, idiosyncratic political risks, the attendant underperformance might well lead you to wonder if this is perhaps “the time for courage” (to borrow a Gartman-ism). 

    In other words, some might be thinking that now is the time to BTFD in either EM FX, equities, or credit. 

    Of course we would note that as bad as the picture is now – and it’s pretty bad – things can always, always get worse especially given the fact that two EM darlings and one key emerging Asia nation all face intractable political crises, a situation which increases the potential for some manner of black swan or tail event to come calling. 

    As a reminder, Brazil needs desperately to find some kind of (lasting) compromise between President Dilma Rousseff and house speaker Eduardo Cunha lest the government’s utter inability to negotiate on budget reforms should end up shattering any last vestige of confidence the market might have in the country. 

    Meanwhile, Turkey is mired in a civil war of its own making and protracted periods of violence, terrorism, and ethnic feuding simply can’t coexist with a strong economy forever. 

    Finally, in Malaysia, PM Najib is at risk of seeing his career and legacy crumble before his very eyes as he struggles to explain how $700 million from the country’s embattled development fund ended up in his personal bank account.

    We mention those examples because the BRL, the TRY, and the MYR have performed miserably, but as you can see from the above, the political risk factors are very real indeed which should give one pause before reaching out to catch the falling knife and which should also underscore the importance of making a concerted effort to understand the intersection between finance and politics before placing bets on a whim. 

    But make no mistake, at its most basic level, this is a story about the fundamentals and the fundamentals for EM are quite simply a disaster:

    • Global growth and trade have entered a new era characterized by structural, endemic sluggishness 
    • Thanks to loose monetary policy that has kept capital markets wide open to otherwise insolvent producers and thanks also to anemic global demand, commodity prices aren’t likely to rebound anytime soon
    • Because the Fed missed its window to hike, both a hawkish and a dovish Fed are likely precipitate capital outflows

    As it turns out, HSBC went looking for opportunities across EM and came to the same conclusions. 

    First, we have the five reasons for EM malaise:

    These are, in brief: collapse in global trade cycle, competitiveness problems (rising manufacturing unit labour costs), faltering domestic demand, downside risks posed by China, and the slump in commodity prices. 

    And this is leading directly to a convergence of DM and EM growth, but not because DM is performing well:

    The growth differential between EM and DM is still narrowing, not necessarily because DM is doing well but because EM is performing miserably. The leading indicators do not suggest any imminent improvement, either.


    That’s not the only place we’re seeing a “convergence” between EM and DM – they are also starting to look alike in terms of leverage:

    The situation becomes even more toxic when the EM leverage cycle is taken into account. Thanks to years of abundant and cheap external liquidity, EM has built up debt very rapidly, while the drivers of economic growth have shifted towards private sector (household and corporate) credit. 

    In many ways, EM is showing similar symptoms to its DM counterparts of weak economic performance and over- reliance on credit. The outcome is what we call the three EM debacles: de-leveraging, depreciation (or devaluation even de-pegging) and downgrades of credit ratings. 


    And now that the Fed has missed its window and, on top of that, changed its reaction function, uncertainty around the FOMC is greater than ever.

    The external environment was already unhelpful with a very weak global trade cycle, erratic capital flows – and recently mostly outflows – and the risks surrounding the Chinese economy. On top, there is now another layer of uncertainty relating to the Fed, which has been telegraphing the message of lift-off in 2015 throughout the year, only to see the markets constantly pricing out the possibility of the first hike, not to mention the loss of momentum recently in the US economy. Fed monetary policy and its communication is becoming increasingly a source of uncertainty. 

    The takeaway: “In sum, this is a precarious environment, and we do not recommend taking risky positions in the EM space.” 

    So coming full circle to our intro, this is, to quote the incomparable Gartman, “not the time for courage”

  • Whistleblower: 90% of Drone Fatalities Are Civilians

    A new US whistleblower reveals that 90% of all deaths caused by US drones are civilians.  And see this, this and this.

    The bigger picture:

  • Sanders And His Followers Are Not Outliers

    Submitted by Jeff Deist via The Mises Institute,

    Depending on one’s point of view, Bernie Sanders either held his own or boosted his chances against perceived front-runner Hillary Clinton in Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential primary debate. His message clearly resonated with the live audience, particularly his statements about raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour, global warming, and government-mandated paid childcare leave.

    Progressives are emboldened by Sanders, who reportedly draws upward of 20,000 people at events. He inspires them with his attacks on capitalism, happily calling himself a “Democratic Socialist.” And his economic plans, while a mess, appeal to their radical (and disastrous) notions of egalitarianism.

    Happily, there are murmurs of discontent — progressives like to eat their own. His crowds skew overwhelmingly white and older, leading to allegations that Sanders suffers from a whiteness problem. His home state of Vermont is laughably un-diverse and prosperous, home to woodsy limousine liberals who like the idea of urban living more than the reality. But nobody ever lost a political race purely for hypocrisy — and while Bernie’s brand of socialism might fade with the Birkenstock Boomer crowd, Occupy Wall Street millennials stand waiting.

    Regardless of whether Sanders ultimately secures the nomination, the size and energy of the Bernie phenomenon should not be underestimated. If anything, libertarians consistently misjudge the degree to which socialist thought is deeply rooted in the American psyche.

    Like Sanders, millions of American progressives hold these deeply statist and authoritarian beliefs:

    • changes in climate threaten human extinction;
    • fossil fuels should be banned, and alternative fuels should be mandated;
    • wealth and income should be forcibly redistributed;
    • no individual should earn more than a set amount of money each year;
    • welfare and entitlement programs should be vastly increased;
    • whole industries (healthcare, education) should be nationalized, while others (energy, banking) should be regulated to the point of de facto nationalization;
    • some form of global government should be installed;
    • a global wealth tax should be implemented;
    • private ownership of firearms should be banned;
    • anti-discrimination legislation should be applied to private religious organizations;
    • racial, gender, and sexual orientation quotas should be mandated on both public and private employers;
    • certain types of speech should be criminalized;
    • certain criminals should be subjected to greater penalties if motivated by “hate”;
    • social justice should be pursued by any means necessary; and
    • government should attempt to engineer equality of outcomes.

    These ideas, and the people who hold them, are not outliers in America. There are millions of rank and file progressives, mostly registered Democrats, who believe exactly as Bernie believes. They may prefer to vote for Hillary Clinton purely as a tactical matter because they are unsure the country is “ready” for full socialism, or because they think Hillary has a better chance of beating the hated Republicans in the general election.

    But average progressives and Democrats agree with Bernie Sanders across the board, whether they plan to vote for him or not.

    Do average Republicans and conservatives agree with Ron Paul? Do most registered Republicans really advocate eliminating income taxes, abolishing entire federal agencies, repealing the Federal Reserve Act, ending all foreign interventions, and drastically downsizing the US military? Are most conservatives, in their hearts, radically anti-state? The answer is no. Most conservatives are only nominally less statist, often more corporatist, and almost invariably more militarist than progressives.

    The reason is simple, though we tend to forget it: the twentieth century was a radically progressive century. Income taxes, central banking, social insurance schemes, demand-side Keynesian economics, and Wilsonian internationalism — all radical ideas — have become entrenched articles of faith over the past 100 years. When we talk about politics or economics today, we do so within a thoroughly progressive framework.

    The entire progressive agenda of the last century, which would have sounded outrageous to the libertarian-tinged ear of the average American in 1900, is now merely the baseline from which all government action originates.

    That’s why abolitionist libertarians are on the defensive in modern political discourse, while grandiose progressives are on the attack: the default position in American politics is for government to do something.

    So we shouldn’t downplay or minimize the success of progressives in shifting the landscape dramatically in favor of the state over the past century. Progressives never went away, despite the rhetoric of Ronald Reagan or Milton Friedman or Bill Clinton. The era of big government is still here, and it always was.

    So what should libertarians do, in an absurd progressive world obsessed with supposed global warming, inequality, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and privilege, ad nauseam?

    The answer could fill a book, but let me suggest we start by freeing ourselves of the burdens of politics. Our battle is for hearts and minds, not votes. While Democrats and Republicans fixate on candidates and their supposed policies, libertarians are free to remain psychologically and emotionally detached from the whole sordid process.

    And with that detachment comes freedom: the freedom to inspire, educate, and influence other people of good will without the divisive cloud of partisan politics creating suspicion and distrust. Once people know you’re not simply making arguments to support “your guy” — or any guy — they tend to view you more impartially and hence more favorably.

    A new era of liberty, peace, and prosperity will not be won at the ballot box. It will be won at ground level, individual by individual, as progressive ideas crumble in the face of unsustainable government debts, unsustainable government wars, and unsustainable government entitlements.

  • Tomorrow Is OpEx: What Happens Next?

    Presented with little comment aside to say “Fool me once, shame on you” but fool me eight times…

    Behold The OPEX Rallies…

    2015’s OPEX rallies haven’t failed yet to provide a tradabale downswing… is the market capable of withstanding one this time?



  • Oct 16 – Fed's Dudley: Uncertainty about China creates uncertainty about US outlook



    ONE WEEK AGO: 42/100 FEAR 


    Put and Call Options: FEAR During the last five trading days, volume in put options has lagged volume in call options by 25.06% as investors make bullish bets in their portfolios. However, this is still among the highest levels of put buying seen during the last two years, indicating fear on the part of investors.

    Market Volatility:  NEUTRAL The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is at 16.05. This is a neutral reading and indicates that market risks appear low.

    Stock Price Strength: FEAR The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is at 18.03. This is a neutral reading and indicates that market risks appear low.




    S&P 500 (ES) | NASDAQ 100 (NQ) | DOW 30 (YM) | RUSSELL 2000 (TF) Euro (6E) |Pound (6B)







    VXX OCT WEEKLY4 21.5 CALLS7K+ @$.58

    LOCK NOV 8 PUT Activity on the BID side

    LULU NOV 55 CALL Activity 2500 block @$1.20 on offer

    EDGE SC 13D Filed by NEW LEAF Ventures .. 8.2%

    TROX .. SC 13G Filed by Putnam Investments .. 13.2%

    More Unusual Activity…



    ECB’s Nowotny says new measures needed to boost inflation

    Fed’s Dudley dismisses -ve rates, says economy slowing

    Fed’s Dudley: Uncertainty about China creates uncertainty about US outlook

    Tsy Sec Lew: Extraordinary measures will be exhausted by 3/Nov

    ECB’s Draghi calls for Greek banks to get aid by 15/Nov

    ECB’s Constancio: Diverging Fed, Global MonPol a CBank Challenge

    BoE’s Vlieghe gets nod, but MPs stress need for BoE review

    US DOE Crude Inventory (WoW) Oct-09: 7562K (est. 2577K, prev. 3073K)

    EIA Natural Gas Storage Change Oct-09: 100 (est. 93, prev. 95)

    PBOC researcher sees yuan gains amid global money shortage



    Fed’s Dudley: Recent news suggests economy is slowing –ForexLive

    Fed’s Dudley: Uncertainty about China creates uncertainty about US outlook –FoerxLive

    US Tsy Sec Lew: Extraordinary measures will be exhausted no later than 3/Nov –ForexLive

    Fed buys $5.7bn MBS in the week, sells $200m

    ECB’s Nowotny says new measures needed to boost inflation –Rtrs

    ECB’s Draghi calls for Greek banks to get aid by 15/Nov –WiWo

    ECB’s Constancio: Diverging Fed, Global MonPol a CBank Challenge –MNI

    BoE’s Vlieghe gets nod, but MPs stress need for BoE review –FT

    Greece Dep FinMin Chouliarakis: Greek govt to ask for lowering annual debt servicing needs –SZ


    US Mortgage Rates Drop, But Just Barely, On Downbeat Economic News –Bankrate

    Portuguese bonds: Picking up speed (downwards) –FT

    Ireland NTMA Sees Lower 2016 Funding Target –MNI

    Fitch: Irish Budget Consistent with Improving Public Finances


    USD: Dollar sliding on data and policy split –FT

    EUR: Euro falls vs USD

    NZD: Kiwi dollar leads USD charge –DL

    EM FX: Mexico, Malaysia lead FX reserve falls in emerging markets ex-China –Rtrs


    WTI futures settle 0.6% lower at $46.38 per barrel

    US DOE Crude Inventory (WoW) Oct-09: 7562K (est. 2577K, prev. 3073K)

    US DOE Distillate Inventory (WoW) Oct-09: -1520K (est. -700K, prev. -2458K)

    US DOE Cushing Inventory (WoW) Oct-09: 1125K (est. 200K, prev. 98K)

    US DOE Gasoline Inventory (WoW) Oct-09: -2618K (est. -1250K, prev. 1910K)

    US DOE Refinery Runs (WoW) Oct-09: 01.50% (est. -0.48%, prev. -2.30%)

    EIA Natural Gas Storage Change Oct-09: 100 (est. 93, prev. 95)

    CRUDE: BARC says oil prices will recover quickly –MW

    UK faces worst energy supply crunch in a decade –FT

    COMMENT: How stock and bond indices could signal end of oil rout –FT

    Saudi Oil Minister Naimi: That demand for oil globally is improving –Rtrs

    Gold erases 2015 losses –BBG

    Antofagasta CEO: Copper near bottom as China absorbs supply, no plans to pare back mine production –BBG


    EARNINGS: Goldman Sachs Posts Weaker Results –WSJ

    EARNINGS: Citi beats expectations –CNBC

    EARNINGS: Philip Morris beats Q3 estimates –Benzinga

    EARNINGS: Blackstone Misses Q3 EPS By 5c –StreetInsider

    EARNINGS: US Bancorp profit rises in line with forecasts –MST

    EARNINGS: UnitedHealth Revenue Surges, But Bottom Line Flat –WSJ

    EARNINGS: Charles Schwab profit up 17 pct in third quarter –Rtrs

    BANKS: Deutsche Bank Said to Plan Sale of U.S. Private-Client Brokerage –BBG

    BANKS: Deutsche Bank Libor Probe Said to Rise to Former Trading Manager –BBG

    BANKS: UK banks to need 3.3 billion pounds more capital under BoE plan –Rtrs

    ACTIVIST: TeliaSonera Falls After Muddy Waters Questions Transparency –BBG

    LEGAL: EU to rule Starbucks, Fiat benefited from illegal tax deals -?WSJ

    LEGAL: Valeant subpoenaed by US prosecutors over drug pricing –Rtrs

    M&A: Vivendi takes stakes in Ubisoft and Gameloft –FT

    EM: China Construction Bank in talks to buy LME broker Metdist –Rtrs

    C&E: Glencore Plans More Debt Cuts to Help Win Upgrade in Credit Rating –WSJ


    PBOC researcher sees yuan gains amid global money shortage –Shanghai Sec News

    CHINA: Lower rates, slow economy spur China bank lending –FT

    Indonesia central bank holds key rate at 7.50% –BT


    Fitch Downgrades Brazil to ‘BBB-‘; Outlook Negative

  • 'New Snowden' Reveals Obama's Secret Drone Assassination Program

    It's been just over two years since Edward Snowden leaked a massive trove of NSA documents, and more than five since Chelsea Manning gave WikiLeaks a megacache of military and diplomatic secrets. Now, as explains, there appears to be a new source on that scale of classified leaks—this time with a focus on drones.

    On Thursday the Intercept published a groundbreaking new collection of documents related to America’s use of unmanned aerial vehicles to kill foreign targets in countries ranging from Afghanistan to Yemen.


    The revelations about the CIA and Joint Special Operations Command actions include primary source evidence that as many as 90 percent of US drone killings in one five month period weren’t the intended target, that a former British citizen was killed in a drone strike despite repeated opportunities to capture him instead, and details of the grisly process by which the American government chooses who will die, down to the “baseball cards” of profile information created for individual targets, and the chain of authorization that goes up directly to the president.


    All of this new information, according to the Intercept, appears to have come from a single anonymous whistleblower. A spokesperson for the investigative news site declined to comment on that source.


    But unlike the leaks of Snowden or Manning, the spilled classified materials are accompanied by statements about the whistleblower’s motivation in his or her own words.


    “This outrageous explosion of watchlisting—of monitoring people and racking and stacking them on lists, assigning them numbers, assigning them ‘baseball cards,’ assigning them death sentences without notice, on a worldwide battlefield—it was, from the very first instance, wrong,” the source tells the Intercept. “We’re allowing this to happen. And by ‘we,’ I mean every American citizen who has access to this information now, but continues to do nothing about it.”

    Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog digs into the dreadful details,

    Besides sharing my own personal insight into the goings on in this crazy world we live in, and where I think things are headed, the other primary purpose of Liberty Blitzkrieg is to highlight certain stories that readers may have missed or overlooked while dealing with all the ins and outs of everyday life.

    In a perfect world, every American would read the eight articles that comprise the Intercept’s drone investigation published earlier today; however, the reality is that simply isn’t going to happen. As such, I went ahead and read them myself, and what follows are some particularly juicy excerpts that will hopefully inspire readers to investigate further.

    The reason I think these articles are so important, is not because they are based on intel leaked by an additional whistleblower (i.e., not Snowden), but because you can’t read the information without concluding quite simply that the U.S. empire is completely and totally out of control. That the plethora of American military adventures overseas are not only not making us safer, but are in fact making us far more vulnerable.

    This information will be presented by providing the title of each article with a link, as well as author attribution, followed by relatively brief excepts. I hope you find all of this as interesting and concerning as I did.

    1. The Assassination Complex by Jeremy Scahill

    When the Obama administration has discussed drone strikes publicly, it has offered assurances that such operations are a more precise alternative to boots on the ground and are authorized only when an “imminent” threat is present and there is “near certainty” that the intended target will be eliminated. Those terms, however, appear to have been bluntly redefined to bear almost no resemblance to their commonly understood meanings.


    The first drone strike outside of a declared war zone was conducted more than 12 years ago, yet it was not until May 2013 that the White House released a set of standards and procedures for conducting such strikes. Those guidelines offered little specificity, asserting that the U.S. would only conduct a lethal strike outside of an “area of active hostilities” if a target represents a “continuing, imminent threat to U.S. persons,” without providing any sense of the internal process used to determine whether a suspect should be killed without being indicted or tried. The implicit message on drone strikes from the Obama administration has been one of trust, but don’t verify.


    The source said he decided to provide these documents to The Intercept because he believes the public has a right to understand the process by which people are placed on kill lists and ultimately assassinated on orders from the highest echelons of the U.S. government. “This outrageous explosion of watchlisting — of monitoring people and racking and stacking them on lists, assigning them numbers, assigning them ‘baseball cards,’ assigning them death sentences without notice, on a worldwide battlefield — it was, from the very first instance, wrong,” the source said.


    Additional documents on high-value kill/capture operations in Afghanistan buttress previous accounts of how the Obama administration masks the true number of civilians killed in drone strikes by categorizing unidentified people killed in a strike as enemies, even if they were not the intended targets. The slides also paint a picture of a campaign in Afghanistan aimed not only at eliminating al Qaeda and Taliban operatives, but also at taking out members of other local armed groups.


    “The military is easily capable of adapting to change, but they don’t like to stop anything they feel is making their lives easier, or is to their benefit. And this certainly is, in their eyes, a very quick, clean way of doing things. It’s a very slick, efficient way to conduct the war, without having to have the massive ground invasion mistakes of Iraq and Afghanistan,” the source said. “But at this point, they have become so addicted to this machine, to this way of doing business, that it seems like it’s going to become harder and harder to pull them away from it the longer they’re allowed to continue operating in this way.”

    2. A Visual Glossary by Josh Begley

    Over a five-month period, U.S. forces used drones and other aircraft to kill 155 people in northeastern Afghanistan. They achieved 19 jackpots. Along the way, they killed at least 136 other people, all of whom were classified as EKIA, or enemies killed in action.


    Note the “%” column. It is the number of jackpots (JPs) divided by the number of operations. A 70 percent success rate. But it ignores well over a hundred other people killed along the way.


    This means that almost 9 out of 10 people killed in these strikes were not the intended targets.


    Hellfire missiles—the explosives fired from drones—are not always fired at people. In fact, most drone strikes are aimed at phones. The SIM card provides a person’s location—when turned on, a phone can become a deadly proxy for the individual being hunted.


    A “blink” happens when a drone has to move and there isn’t another aircraft to continue watching a target. According to classified documents, this is a major challenge facing the military, which always wants to have a “persistent stare.”


    The conceptual metaphor of surveillance is seeing. Perfect surveillance would be like having a lidless eye. Much of what is seen by a drone’s camera, however, appears without context on the ground. Some drone operators describe watching targets as “looking through a soda straw.”


    As we reported last year, U.S. intelligence agencies hunt people primarily on the basis of their cellphones. Equipped with a simulated cell tower called GILGAMESH, a drone can force a target’s phone to lock onto it, and subsequently use the phone’s signals to triangulate that person’s location.

    3. The Kill Chain by Cora Currier

    The Obama administration has been loath to declassify even the legal rationale for drone strikes — let alone detail the bureaucratic structure revealed in these documents. Both the CIA and JSOC conduct drone strikes in Yemen, and very little has been officially disclosed about either the military’s or the spy agency’s operations.


    The May 2013 slide describes a two-part process of approval for an attack: step one, “‘Developing a target’ to ‘Authorization of a target,’” and step two, “‘Authorizing’ to ‘Actioning.’” According to the slide, intelligence personnel from JSOC’s Task Force 48-4, working alongside other intelligence agencies, would build the case for action against an individual, eventually generating a “baseball card” on the target, which was “staffed up to higher echelons — ultimately to the president.”

    Here’s what this “killing chain” of command looked like:

    Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 10.04.35 AM

    To quote Star Wars:

    “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.”

    In practice, the degree of cooperation with the host nation has varied. Somalia’s minister of national security, Abdirizak Omar Mohamed, told The Intercept that the United States alerted Somalia’s president and foreign minister of strikes “sometimes ahead of time, sometimes during the operation … normally we get advance notice.” He said he was unaware of an instance where Somali officials had objected to a strike, but added that if they did, he assumed the U.S. would respect Somalia’s sovereignty.

    Don’t make me laugh. A more idiotic statement has never been uttered.
    Obama administration officials have said that in addition to being a member of al Qaeda or an associated force, targets must also pose a significant threat to the United States.
    The study does not contain an overall count of strikes or deaths, but it does note that “relatively few high-level terrorists meet criteria for targeting” and states that at the end of June 2012, there were 16 authorized targets in Yemen and only four in Somalia.


    Despite the small number of people on the kill list, in 2011 and 2012 there were at least 54 U.S. drone strikes and other attacks reported in Yemen, killing a minimum of 293 people, including 55 civilians, according to figures compiled by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. In Somalia, there were at least three attacks, resulting in the deaths of at minimum six people.


    Some of those Yemen strikes were likely carried out by the CIA, which since mid-2011 has flown drones to Yemen from a base in Saudi Arabia and reportedly has its own kill list and rules for strikes.


    The large number of reported strikes may also be a reflection of signature strikes in Yemen, where people can be targeted based on patterns of suspect behavior. In 2012, administration officials said that President Obama had approved strikes in Yemen on unknown people, calling them TADS, or “terror attack disruption strikes,” and claiming that they were more constrained than the CIA’s signature strikes in Pakistan.


    The study refers to using drones and spy planes to “conduct TADS related network development,” presumably a reference to surveilling behavior patterns and relationships in order to carry out signature strikes. It is unclear what authorities govern such strikes, which undermine the administration’s insistence that the U.S. kills mainly “high-value” targets.


    Another factor is timing: If the 60-day authorization expired, analysts would have to start all over in building the intelligence case against the target, said a former senior special operations officer, who asked not to be identified because he was discussing classified materials. That could lead to pressure to take a shot while the window was open.


    A September 2012 strike in Yemen, extensively investigated by Human Rights Watch and the Open Society Foundations, killed 12 civilians, including three children and a pregnant woman. No alleged militants died in the strike, and the Yemeni government paid restitution for it, but the United States never offered an explanation.

    4. Find, Fix, Finish by Jeremy Scahill

    The CIA had long dominated the covert war in Pakistan, and in 2009 Obama expanded the agency’s drone resources there and in Afghanistan to regularly pound al Qaeda, the Pakistani Taliban, and other targets. The military, tasked with prosecuting the broader war in Afghanistan, was largely sidelined in the Pakistan theater, save for the occasional cross-border raid and the Air Force personnel who operated the CIA’s drones. But the Pentagon was not content to play a peripheral role in the global drone war, and aggressively positioned itself to lead the developing drone campaigns in Yemen and Somalia.


    In September 2009, then-Centcom Commander Gen. David Petraeus issued a Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Execute Order that would lay the groundwork for military forces to conduct expanded clandestine actions in Yemen and other countries. It allowed for U.S. special operations forces to enter friendly and unfriendly countries “to build networks that could ‘penetrate, disrupt, defeat or destroy’ al Qaeda and other militant groups, as well as to ‘prepare the environment’ for future attacks by American or local military forces.”

    Ah, our old friend General David Petraeus. Who recently left “public service” to make his riches on Wall Street, and who also recently suggested America ally itself with al-Qaeda to fight ISIS. Just in case you’re still confused as to just how deranged and inept U.S. foreign policy has become.

    In December 2009, the Obama administration signed off on its first covert airstrike in Yemen — a cruise missile attack that killed more than 40 people, most of them women and children. After that strike, as with the CIA’s program in Pakistan, drones would fuel the Joint Special Operations Command’s high-value targeting campaign in the region.


    When Obama took office, there had been only one U.S. drone strike in Yemen — in November 2002. By 2012, there was a drone strike reported in Yemen every six days. As of August 2015, more than 490 people had been killed in drone strikes in Yemen alone.


    It is the politically advantageous thing to do — low cost, no U.S. casualties, gives the appearance of toughness,” said Adm. Dennis Blair, Obama’s former director of national intelligence, explaining how the administration viewed its policy at the time. “It plays well domestically, and it is unpopular only in other countries. Any damage it does to the national interest only shows up over the long term.”


    During the period covered in the ISR study — January 2011 through June 2012 — three U.S. citizens were killed in drone strikes in Yemen. Only one, the radical preacher Anwar al Awlaki, was labeled the intended target of the strike. The U.S. claimed it did not intend to kill Samir Khan, who was traveling with Awlaki when a Hellfire hit their vehicle. The third — and most controversial — killing of a U.S. citizen was that of Awlaki’s son, 16-year-old Abdulrahman Awlaki. He was killed two weeks after his father, while having dinner with his cousin and some friends. Immediately after the strike, anonymous U.S. officials asserted that the younger Awlaki was connected to al Qaeda and was 21 years old. After the family produced his birth certificate, the U.S. changed its position, with an anonymous official calling the killing of the teenager an “outrageous mistake.”


    Lt. Gen. Flynn, who since leaving the DIA has become an outspoken critic of the Obama administration, charges that the White House relies heavily on drone strikes for reasons of expediency, rather than effectiveness. “We’ve tended to say, drop another bomb via a drone and put out a headline that ‘we killed Abu Bag of Doughnuts’ and it makes us all feel good for 24 hours,” Flynn said. “And you know what? It doesn’t matter. It just made them a martyr, it just created a new reason to fight us even harder.”


    Glenn Carle, a former senior CIA officer, disputes Flynn’s characterization of the Obama administration’s motive in its widespread use of drones. “I would be skeptical the government would ever make that formal decision to act that way,” Carle, who spent more than two decades in the CIA’s clandestine services, told The Intercept. “Obama is always attacked by the right as being soft on defense and not able to make the tough decisions. That’s all garbage. The Obama administration has been quite ruthless in its pursuit of terrorists. If there are people who we, in our best efforts, assess to be trying to kill us, we can make their life as short as possible. And we do it.”


    The study, which utilizes corporate language to describe lethal operations as though they were a product in need of refining and upgrading, includes analyses from IBM, which has boasted that its work for the Pentagon “integrates commercial consulting methods with tacit knowledge of the mission, delivering work products and advice that improve operations and creates [sic] new capabilities.”


    As the Obama era draws to a close, the internal debate over control of the drone program continues, with some reports suggesting the establishment of a “dual command” structure for the CIA and the military. For now, it seems that the military is getting much of what it agitated for in the ISR study. In August, the Wall Street Journal reported that the military plans to “sharply expand the number of U.S. drone flights over the next four years, giving military commanders access to more intelligence and greater firepower to keep up with a sprouting number of global hot spots.” The paper reported that drone flights would increase by 50 percent by 2019, adding: “While expanding surveillance, the Pentagon plan also grows the capacity for lethal airstrikes.”

    5. Manhunting in the Hindu Kush by Ryan Devereaux

    This piece requires a brief intro. It deals with U.S. covert operations on the Afghan/Pakistani border, a place where America had considerable ground support and intel. Nevertheless, what ended up happening is that the U.S. merely resorting to going after everyday street thugs they didn’t like who had nothing to do with al-Qaeda. All this did was create a vast army of newly created enemies.

    Despite all these advantages, the military’s own analysis demonstrates that the Haymaker campaign was in many respects a failure. The vast majority of those killed in airstrikes were not the direct targets. Nor did the campaign succeed in significantly degrading al Qaeda’s operations in the region. When contacted by The Intercept with a series of questions regarding the Haymaker missions, the United States Special Operations Command in Afghanistan declined to comment on the grounds that the campaign — though now finished — remains classified.


    The secret documents obtained by The Intercept include detailed slides pertaining to Haymaker and other operations in the restive border regions of Afghanistan, including images, names, and affiliations of alleged militants killed or captured as a result of the missions; examples of the intelligence submitted to trigger lethal operations; and a “story board” of a completed drone strike. The targets identified in the slides as killed or detained represent a range of militant groups, including alleged members of the Taliban and al Qaeda — but also local forces with no international terrorism ambitions, groups that took up arms against the U.S after American airstrikes brought the war to their doorsteps.

    Brilliant. Just brilliant.

    The frequency which “targeted killing” operations hit unnamed bystanders is among the more striking takeaways from the Haymaker slides. The documents show that during a five-month stretch of the campaign, nearly nine out of 10 people who died in airstrikes were not the Americans’ direct targets. By February 2013, Haymaker airstrikes had resulted in no more than 35 “jackpots,” a term used to signal the neutralization of a specific targeted individual, while more than 200 people were declared EKIA — “enemy killed in action.”


    In the complex world of remote killing in remote locations, labeling the dead as “enemies” until proven otherwise is commonplace, said an intelligence community source with experience working on high-value targeting missions in Afghanistan, who provided the documents on the Haymaker campaign. The process often depends on assumptions or best guesses in provinces like Kunar or Nuristan, the source said, particularly if the dead include “military-age males,” or MAMs, in military parlance. “If there is no evidence that proves a person killed in a strike was either not a MAM, or was a MAM but not an unlawful enemy combatant, then there is no question,” he said. “They label them EKIA.” In the case of airstrikes in a campaign like Haymaker, the source added, missiles could be fired from a variety of aircraft. “But nine times out of 10 it’s a drone strike.”


    According to the documents, raids performed on the ground during Haymaker were far less lethal than airstrikes and led to the capture of scores of individuals. Research by Larry Lewis, formerly a principal research scientist at the Center for Naval Analyses, supports that conclusion. Lewis spent years studying U.S. operations in Afghanistan, including raids, airstrikes, and jackpots, all with an eye to understanding why civilian casualties happen and how to better prevent them. His contract work for the U.S. military, much of it classified, included a focus on civilian casualties and informed tactical directives issued by the top generals guiding the war. During his years of research, what Lewis uncovered in his examination of U.S. airstrikes, particularly those delivered by machines thought to be the most precise in the Pentagon’s arsenal, was dramatic.


    He found that drone strikes in Afghanistan were 10 times more likely to kill civilians than conventional aircraft.

    “We assume that they’re surgical but they’re not,” Lewis said in an interview. “Certainly in Afghanistan, in the time frame I looked at, the rate of civilian casualties was significantly higher for unmanned vehicles than it was for manned aircraft airstrikes. And that was a lot higher than raids.”


    “When viewed from absolutely the wrong metric, the Americans were very successful at hunting people,” said Matt Trevithick, a researcher who in 2014 made more than a dozen unembedded trips to some of Kunar’s most remote areas in an effort to understand the province, and American actions there, through the eyes of its residents. The problem, he said, is that savvy, opportunistic strongmen maneuvered to draw U.S. forces into local conflicts, a dynamic that played out again and again throughout the war. “We knew nothing about who we were shooting at — specifically in Kunar,” Trevithick said. He understands the frustration of conventional U.S. forces who were dropped in places like Kunar. “I don’t blame them,” he said. “They’re put in an impossible situation themselves. But what happens is everyone starts looking like the enemy. And that means you start shooting. And that means people actually do become the enemy.”

    This is precisely why the Foundering Fathers warned us not to become involved in foreign entanglements. They are easy to start, far harder to get out of.

    After nearly a decade of war, thousands of operations, and thousands of deaths, some within the special operations community began to question the quality of the United States’ targets in Afghanistan. “By 2010, guys were going after street thugs,” a former SEAL Team 6 officer told the New York Timesrecently. “The most highly trained force in the world, chasing after street thugs.” Concerns that the U.S. was devoting tremendous resources to kill off a never-ending stream of nobodies did little to halt the momentum.


    Still, the documents’ assessment of Haymaker’s effectiveness was frank. A slide detailing the campaign’s “effects” from January 2012 through February 2013 included an assessment of “Objectives & Measures of Effectiveness.” The results were not good. Disruptions in al Qaeda’s view of northeastern Afghanistan as a safe haven and the loss of “key” al Qaeda members and enablers in the region were deemed “marginal.” Meanwhile, a comparison of Haymaker 1.0 (August 2011) with Haymaker 2.0 (February 2013) noted that al Qaeda faced “little to no local opposition” and enjoyed “relatively free movement” to and from Pakistan. Kinetic strikes, the slide reported, “successfully killed one [al Qaeda] target per year,” allowing the organization to “easily” reconstitute.


    Until recently, the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan had largely receded from public conversations in the U.S. This month, an American airstrike on a hospital run by the international organization Médecins Sans Frontières, offered a forceful reminder that the war, despite the Obama administration’s declaration in 2014, is far from over. Unleashed in the early morning hours of October 3, in the province of Kunduz, the U.S. attack killed at least a dozen members of the humanitarian group’s medical staff and 10 patients, including three children. A nurse on the scene recalled seeing six victims in the intensive care unit ablaze in their beds. “There are no words for how terrible it was,” the nurse said. MSF denounced the strike as a war crime and demanded an independent investigation.

    So how does Obama celebrate this war crime? By halting a withdrawal of troops from the country, announced today.

    Apparently, Obama wants to leave no hospital unbombed before retreating.

    The Kunduz attack underscored an ugly reality: After nearly a decade and a half of war, more than 2,300 American lives lost, and an estimated 26,000 Afghan civilians killed, the nature of combat in Afghanistan is entering a new, potentially bloodier, phase. In August, the United Nations reported that civilian casualties in Afghanistan “are projected to equal or exceed the record high numbers documented last year.” While most civilian casualties in the first half of 2015 were attributed to “anti-government” forces, 27 deaths and 22 injuries were attributed to airstrikes “by international military forces,” a 23 percent increase over last year, most of them, unlike the air raid in Kunduz, carried out by drones.
    Afghanistan’s northeastern border with Pakistan remains an active area of focus for the remaining U.S. special operations forces in the country. The Pech Valley, once a hotspot during the Haymaker campaign, continues to host a constellation of armed groups. Al Qaeda, the organization used to justify both the invasion of Afghanistan and the Haymaker campaign, reportedly enjoys a more pronounced presence in the valley than ever. “The al Qaeda presence there now,” according to a report by the United States Institute for Peace, “is larger than when U.S. counterterrorism forces arrived in 2002.”


    With JSOC and the CIA running a new drone war in Iraq and Syria, much of Haymaker’s strategic legacy lives on. Such campaigns, with their tenuous strategic impacts and significant death tolls, should serve as a reminder of the dangers fallible lethal systems pose, the intelligence community source said. “This isn’t to say that the drone program is a complete wash and it’s never once succeeded in carrying out its stated purpose,” he pointed out. “It certainly has.” But even the operations military commanders would point to as successes, he argued, can have unseen impacts, particularly in the remote communities where U.S. missiles so often rain down. “I would like to think that what we were doing was in some way trying to help Afghans,” the source explained, but the notion “that what we were part of was actually defending the homeland or in any way to the benefit of the American public” evaporated long ago. “There’s no illusion of that that exists in Afghanistan,” he said. “It hasn’t existed for many years.”

    6. Firing Blind by Cora Currier and Peter Maas

    report last year by retired Gen. John Abizaid and former Defense Department official Rosa Brooks noted that the “enormous uncertainties” of drone warfare are “multiplied further when the United States relies on intelligence and other targeting information provided by a host nation government: How can we be sure we are not being drawn into a civil war or being used to target the domestic political enemies of the host state leadership?”

    Indeed, we know this happens all the time. Again, another reason to not get involved in micromanaging the affairs of other nations.

    In 2011, for example, U.S. officials told the Wall Street Journal that they had killed a local governor because Yemeni officials didn’t tell them he was present at a gathering of al Qaeda figures. “We think we got played,” one official said. (The Yemeni government disputed the report.)

    7. The Life and Death of Objective Peckman by Ryan Gallagher

    This one also needs an intro. It deals with a UK citizen who had his passport revoked before being killed in a drone strike in Somalia.

    Kat Craig, a lawyer with the London-based human rights group Reprieve, told me that she believed there was “mounting evidence” that the British government has used “citizenship-stripping” as a tactic to remove legal obstacles to killing people suspected of becoming affiliated with terrorist groups.


    “If the U.K. government had any role in these men’s deaths — including revocation of their citizenship to facilitate extra-judicial killings — then the public has a right to know,” Craig said. “Our government cannot be involved in secret executions. If people are accused of wrongdoing they should be brought before a court and tried. That is what it means to live in a democracy that adheres to the rule of law.”


    Since 2006, the British government has reportedly deprived at least 27 people of their U.K. citizenship on national security grounds, deeming their presence “not conducive to the public good.” The power to revoke a person’s citizenship rests solely with a government minister, though the decision can be challenged through a controversial immigration court. When cases are brought on national security grounds, they are routinely based on secret evidence, meaning the accusations against individuals are withheld from them and their lawyers.


    “The net effect of the practice,” according to Craig, is “not only to remove judicial oversight from a possible life and death decision, but also to close the doors of the court on anyone who seeks to expose some of the gravest abuses being committed by Western governments.”


    There have reportedly been at least 10 British citizens killed in drone attacks as part of a covert campaign that, between 2008 and 2015, has gradually expanded from Pakistan to Somalia and now to Syria. Most recently, in late August, Islamic State computer hacker Junaid Hussain, a former resident of Birmingham, England, was assassinated on the outskirts of Raqqa, Syria, by a U.S. strike. Several days earlier, in another attack near Raqqa, the U.K. government deployed its own drones for the first time to target British citizens, killing Islamic State recruits Ruhul Amin and Reyaad Khan while they were traveling together in a car.


    It remains unclear whether, like Berjawi and Sakr, these targets had their British passports revoked before they were killed. Stack, the Home Office spokesperson, would not discuss the citizenship status of Hussain, Amin, Khan, or other Brits killed by drones. “We don’t talk about individual cases and also we don’t comment on matters of national security,” he told me.

    Shouldn’t they have to prove these are matters of “national security” to the public. Otherwise, they can just constantly make shit up. Which seems to be what all governments habitually do. It’s in their DNA.

    8. Target Africa by Nick Turse

    This article details the ever increasing U.S. military presence in Africa.

    Since 9/11, a multitude of other facilities — including staging areas, cooperative security locations and forward operating locations — have also popped up (or been beefed up) in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, GabonGhana, Kenya, Mali, Senegal, South Sudan, and Uganda. A 2011 report by Lauren Ploch, an analyst in African affairs with the Congressional Research Service, also mentioned U.S. military access to locations in Botswana, Namibia, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, Tunisia, and Zambia. According to Sam Cooks, a liaison officer with the Defense Logistics Agency, the U.S. military has struck 29 agreements to use international airports in Africa as refueling centers. These locations are only some of the nodes in a growing network of outposts facilitating an increasing number of missions by the 5,000 to 8,000 U.S. troops and civilians who annually operate on the continent.


    Africom and the Pentagon jealously guard information about their outposts in Africa, making it impossible to ascertain even basic facts — like a simple count — let alone just how many are integral to JSOC operations, drone strikes, and other secret activities. “Due to operational security, I won’t be able to give you the exact size and number,” Lt. Cmdr. Anthony Falvo, an Africom spokesperson, told The Intercept by email. “What I can tell you is that our strategic posture and presence are premised on the concept of a tailored, flexible, light footprint that leverages and supports the posture and presence of partners and is supported by expeditionary infrastructure.”

    If you search Africom’s website for news about Camp Lemonnier, you’ll find myriad feel-good stories about green energy initiatives, the drilling of water wells, and a visit by country music star Toby Keith. But that’s far from the whole story. The base is a lynchpin for U.S. military action in Africa.


    “Camp Lemonnier is … an essential regional power projection base that enables the operations of multiple combatant commands,” said Gen. Carter Ham in 2012, then the commander of Africom, in a statement to the House Armed Services Committee. “The requirements for Camp Lemonnier as a key location for national security and power projection are enduring.”


    Located on the edge of Djibouti-Ambouli International Airport, Camp Lemonnier is also the headquarters for Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), which includes soldiers, sailors, and airmen, some of them members of special operations forces. The camp — which also supports U.S. Central Command (Centcom) — has seen the number of personnel stationed there jump around 450 percent since 2002. The base has expanded from 88 acres to nearly 600 acres and has seen more than $600 million already allocated or awarded for projects such as aircraft parking aprons, taxiways, and a major special operations compound. In addition, $1.2 billion in construction and improvements has already been planned for the future.


    As it grew, Camp Lemonnier became one of the most critical bases not only for America’s drone assassination campaign in Somalia and Yemen but also for U.S. military operations across the region. The camp is so crucial to long-term military plans that last year the U.S. inked a deal securing its lease until 2044, agreeing to hand over $70 million per year in rent — about doublewhat it previously paid to the government of Djibouti.

    All of that money spent in Africa, while the citizens struggle back home and the middle class evaporates. This is the true cost of empire.

    One of the things I learned during my decade on Wall Street was the importance of management skills. Fortunately for me, most of my managers were exceptionally competent and knew how to deal with someone like me. A good manager doesn’t micromanage his or her people. A good manager is someone who viscerally understands people and can get the best out of each individual employee based on what makes them tick. They never employ a one size fits all approach.

    The worst type of manager is a micromanager. Everyone hates a micromanager, and that’s essentially what U.S. leadership does around the world. They are a bunch of middle management, micro-manager types pulling the strings of the strongest military on earth. The results of their incompetence and lack of wisdom are all around you.

    We as American citizens shouldn’t put up with it.

    *  *  *

    For related articles, see:

    Further Details Emerge on the Epic U.S. Foreign Policy Disaster that is Syria

    Additional Details Emerge on How U.S. Government Policy Created, Armed, Supported and Funded ISIS

    America’s Disastrous Foreign Policy – My Thoughts on Iraq

    Afghan President Hamid Karzai Slams U.S. Foreign Policy in Farewell Speech

    “Stop Thanking Me for My Service” – Former U.S. Army Ranger Blasts American Foreign Policy and The Corporate State

    More Foreign Policy Incompetence – U.S. Humanitarian Aid is Going Directly to ISIS

    Turkey Bombs Kurds Fighting ISIS, Then Hires Same Lobbying Firm Supporting U.S. Presidential Candidates

    How the Policies of U.S. Ally Egyptian Dictator, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Have Led to a Surge in ISIS Recruitment

    Accusations Emerge That the U.S. Is Aiding ISIS – The Latest “Conspiracy Theory” Circulating in Iraq

    The Forgotten War – Understanding the Incredible Debacle Left Behind by NATO in Libya


  • Over 5 Million Non-Existent Jobs: How $1.3 Trillion In Student Debt Broke The "Birth/Death Adjustment" Model

    One of the main reasons why the BLS has been massively overestimating job creation ever since great financial crisis, is due to the well-known birth-death adjustment, aka the CES Net Birth/Death Model, which quantitatively is shown on the chart below, has resulted in the “addition” of some 5.3 million jobs, that don’t actually exist, but are merely modeled by the BLS which continues to assume the same new business creation/destruction dynamics that existed before the crisis.


    The is a big problem with this core assumption, which has follow through effects not only for domestic fiscal policy, but also monetary policy (and explains why despite a 5.1% unemployment, there is zero wage growth, thus keeping the Fed pushing the ZIRP accelerator pedal years later), for the simple reason that as of this moment it is dead wrong.

    Here is what Gallup CEO, Jim Clifton, wrote several months ago looking at the trends in new business creation and destruction in the US.

    We are behind in starting new firms per capita, and this is our single most serious economic problem. Yet it seems like a secret. You never see it mentioned in the media, nor hear from a politician that, for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.


    The U.S. Census Bureau reports that the total number of new business startups and business closures per year — the birth and death rates of American companies — have crossed for the first time since the measurement began. I am referring to employer businesses, those with one or more employees, the real engines of economic growth. Four hundred thousand new businesses are being born annually nationwide, while 470,000 per year are dying.

    As Clifton adds “you may not have seen this graph before” and for good reason: it destroys the most sacred assumptions held by the BLS’ cubicled actuaries and various tenured economists locked up in their ivory towers: namely that the number of US business startups outnumbers the number of failures. This is no longer true!


    Here is what the above chart shows: until 2008, startups outpaced business failures by about 100,000 per year. But in the past six years, that number suddenly turned upside down. There has been an underground earthquake. As you read this, we are at minus 70,000 in terms of business survival. The data are very slow coming out of the U.S. Department of Census, via the Small Business Administration, so it lags real time by two years.

    Gallup adds that business startups outpaced business failures by about 100,000 per year until 2008. But in the past six years, that number suddenly reversed, and the net number of U.S. startups versus closures is minus 70,000.


    So what is causing this historic shift in US business creation.

    The are various answers, the most obvious of which is that the US never actually left the 2007 depression, whose effects continue to be papered over, literally, with some $13 trillion in global central bank liquidity, which have made life for the richest 0.1% better than ever at the expense of the middle class. 

    But the biggest culprit is also the one which over the past 7 years has become America’s latest credit bubble, last check rising to $1.3 trillion in debt: student loans.

    This is what Gallup finds when looking at the future of collapsing U.S. new business formation:

    the country can’t look to people coming out of college to reverse this trend because too many of them are strapped by student loan debt. Results of the 2015 Gallup-Purdue Index — a study of more than 30,000 college graduates in the U.S. — provide a worrisome picture of the relationship between student loan debt and the likelihood of graduates starting their own businesses.


    Among those who graduated between 2006 and 2015, 63% left college with some amount of student loan debt. Of those, 19% say they have delayed starting a business because of their loan debt. That percentage rises to 25% for graduates who left with more than $25,000 in student loan debt. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, nearly 16.9 million bachelor’s degrees were conferred in the U.S. over the past 10 years — a time frame that mirrors Gallup-Purdue Index analysis of recent graduates between 2006 and 2015.

    Putting these sad statistics into numbers, Gallup calculates that over 2 million graduates have said they have delayed starting a business because of their student loan debt. If even a quarter of them had done so, we would quickly recoup our average surplus of 120,000 new businesses annually.

    It would also mean that the BLS’s Birth/Death model would once again be accurate. However, as a result of record student debt, which is increasing at an accelerating pace of over $100 billion per quarter, not only is the birth/death adjustment wrong, but its “contribution” to the total number of jobs should be inverted.

    Which, incidentally, would reflect far more accurately the woeful state of the US labor market.

    Finally, we know we are spot on right with our assessment that student debt has become the primary culprit holding back the jobs (and businesses) recovery, because two days ago none other than Ben Bernanke said Bthat “student debt no threat to U.S. financial system.”

    And that is all you need to know why the biggest threat to the US financial system is none other than student debt (after the Federal Reserve itself, of course).

  • Mapping An Ungoverned World

    For those paying attention, you might have noticed that the world seems to be getting more and more ungovernable of late. 

    There are a variety of reasons for this – not the least of which is that in some states, outside governments are conspiring to destabilize regimes – but the phenomenon is manifesting itself across the globe.

    There is of course Syria, where a hodgepodge of rebels, militant groups, and extremists are battling to wrest control of the country from Bashar al-Assad. To quote Ban Ki-moon, there are parts of the country that one might imagine resemble “the worst circle of hell.” 

    There’s also Yemen, another theatre for the Mid-East proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, where the fight between Shiite militiamen and a Saudi-backed alliance that includes the UAE and Qatar has cost countless innocent lives and destroyed parts of Sana’a, a UNESCO world heritage site. 

    And how about Burkina Faso, the landlocked, West African nation which has seen more than its share of coups and countercoups over the past 12 months. 

    And then Libya, another US foreign policy "success" story.

    It is of course difficult to catalogue all of the cases where, for whatever reason, states become failed states, or where large swaths of territory become ungovernable, but Bloomberg has taken a shot at it.

    We present a few examples of what is truly a sweeping infographic below and encourage you to check out the entire presentation here.

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Today’s News October 15, 2015

  • Government Corruption Tops List of Americans’ Fears

    Time reports:

    Corruption of government officials is currently Americans’ number one fear, according to a recent survey by researchers at Chapman University.


    The researchers asked a random sample of 1,541 adults to rate the level of fear for 88 different fear options across a variety of domains (like crime and natural disasters). Based on their findings, here were the top 10 fears for 2015:

    • Corruption of government officials (58.0%)
    • Cyber-terrorism (44.8%)
    • Corporate tracking of personal information (44.6%)
    • Terrorist attacks (44.4%)
    • Government tracking of personal information (41.4%)
    • Bio-warfare (40.9%)
    • Identity theft (39.6%)
    • Economic collapse (39.2%)
    • Running out of money in the future (37.4%)
    • Credit card fraud (36.9%)

    Last month, Gallup found that 75% of Americans said they believe corruption is widespread in the government (up from 66% percent in 2009).

    Also last month, Gallup found that a record low 38% of Americans trust the government to handle domestic problems. And half of Americans think that the government is an immediate threat to us.

    We at Washington’s Blog are non-partisan and non-dogmatic. We don’t believe that government is inherently good or inherently bad.  We instead believe that each government has to be analyzed to determine its degree of honesty or corruption.

    Unfortunately, it is T-H-O-R-O-U-G-H-L-Y documented  that systemic corruption has destroyed America … as admitted by politicians on both sides of the political aisle.

    (Sadly, America is not alone … governments worldwide are sliding down into mud pits of corruption.)

    Postscript:  Mainstream politicians and media are trying to browbeat Americans into trusting our government more. For example, Time Magazine tries to make fun of Americans who don’t trust the government … by comparing them to people who believe in  aliens and the paranormal.

    Likewise, Obama frequently chides Americans for distrusting their government.

    But we Americans don’t trust our government because our government has repeatedly demonstrated through its actions that it is corrupt and untrustworthy.

  • Hilsenrath 'No Rate Hikes In 2015' Hint Sparks Buying Panic In EM FX And Japanese Stocks

    Between the plunging market-implied rate-hike probabilities and Fed-Whsiperer Jon Hilsenrath's WSJ piece this evening strongly hinting at no hikes in 2015, the 'relief' rally in Asian FX (and Japanese stocks) is – in a word – insane. If the world's central banks mandates are "price stability" in whatever format they believe that to manifest, they have well and truly failed. The Won has jumped most since 2011, Ringgit and Rupiah are soaring over 2%, and Nikkei 225 is up over 400 points from the US session close…

    The rate-hike odds are collapsing…


    And as WSJ's Hilsenrath notes, confirming the market's bias…

    The chances of a Federal Reserve interest-rate increase in 2015 are diminishing amid new signs of anemic economic activity, a disappointing development for central bank officials who have been hoping to move this year after a prolonged period of easy-money policies.


    Lackluster readings on consumer spending, inflation and jobs have virtually eliminated the chances of a move this month. Already, two Fed governors expressed doubts this week about whether the timing will be right this year, and the recent trove of data hasn’t reassured top officials about the economic outlook.

    Sparking panic buying in Nikkei 225…


    But EM FX is soaring against the USD…


    As the following chaos shows…



    We would note though that the USD weakness is starting to stall out any BoJ-hope-strewn JPY weakness which supports the world's equity markets…


    Between the pace of hot money flows and illiquidity, the yo-yo-ing "markets" are as fragile as anything we have seen since Lehman.


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Meet Allen Dulles: The "Psychopath" Who Created America's Modern Shadow Government

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Allen Dulles, the CIA director under presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy, the younger brother of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, and the architect of a secretive national security apparatus that functioned as essentially an autonomous branch of government. Talbot offers a portrait of a black-and-white Cold War-era world full of spy games and nuclear brinkmanship, in which everyone is either a good guy or a bad guy. Dulles—who deceived American elected leaders and overthrew foreign ones, who backed ex-Nazis and thwarted left-leaning democrats—falls firmly in the latter camp.


    But what I was really trying to do was a biography on the American power elite from World War II up to the 60s. That was the key period when the national security state was constructed in this country, and where it begins to overshadow American democracy. It’s almost like Game of Thrones to me, where you have the dynastic struggles between these power groups within the American system for control of the country and the world…


    Absolutely. The surveillance state that Snowden and others have exposed is very much a legacy of the Dulles past. I think Dulles would have been delighted by how technology and other developments have allowed the American security state to go much further than he went. He had to build a team of cutthroats and assassins on the ground to go around eliminating the people he wanted to eliminate, who he felt were in the way of American interests. He called them communists. We call them terrorists today. And of course the most controversial part of my book, I’m sure, will be the end, where I say there was blowback from that. Because that killing machine in some way was brought back home.


    – From the Mother Jones article: You Think the NSA Is Bad? Meet Former CIA Director Allen Dulles

    Many of you will be intimately familiar with the name Allen Dulles. Younger readers, of my generation or below, will be far less so. It is precisely because the youth of this nation remain so ignorant of the nefarious characters in America’s past, that David Talbot’s recently published book, The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, is so incredibly important.

    Mr. Talbot has been recently conducting invaluable interviews about the book with various media organizations. One of the best I’ve seen is with Mother Jones. Here’s some of what he had to say about America’s longest serving CIA director:

    But what I was really trying to do was a biography on the American power elite from World War II up to the 60s. That was the key period when the national security state was constructed in this country, and where it begins to overshadow American democracy. It’s almost like Game of Thrones to me, where you have the dynastic struggles between these power groups within the American system for control of the country and the world.


    I focused on those elements that I thought were important to understanding him. I thought other books covered that ground fairly well before me. But what they left out was the interesting nuances and shadow aspects of Dulles’s biography. I think that you can make a case, although I didn’t explicitly say this in the book, for Allen Dulles being a psychopath.


    They’ve done studies of people in power, and they all have to be, to some extent, on the spectrum. You have to be unfeeling to a certain extent to send people to their death in war and take the kind of actions that men and women in power routinely have to take. But with Dulles, I think he went to the next step. His own wife and mistress called him “the Shark.” His favorite word was whether you were “useful” to him or not. And this went for people he was sleeping with or people he was manipulating in espionage or so on. He was the kind of man that could cold-bloodedly, again and again, send people to their death, including people he was familiar with and supposedly fond of.


    There’s a thread there between people like Dulles up through Dick Cheney and [Donald] Rumsfeld—who was sitting at Dulles’s knee at one point. I was fascinated to find that correspondence between a young Congressman Rumsfeld and Allen Dulles, who he was looking to for wisdom and guidance as a young politician.


    Absolutely. The surveillance state that Snowden and others have exposed is very much a legacy of the Dulles past. I think Dulles would have been delighted by how technology and other developments have allowed the American security state to go much further than he went. He had to build a team of cutthroats and assassins on the ground to go around eliminating the people he wanted to eliminate, who he felt were in the way of American interests. He called them communists. We call them terrorists today. And of course the most controversial part of my book, I’m sure, will be the end, where I say there was blowback from that. Because that killing machine in some way was brought back home.

    How about Dulles’ role in the assassination of JFK? Talbot pulls no punches here either…

    To me it’s one of the greatest examples of media incompetence and negligence in American history. I even confronted Ben Bradlee about this, who was probably JFK’s closest friend in the Washington press corps and wrote a book all about JFK and their close friendship. “Why didn’t you, with your investigative resources, try to get [to] the bottom of it?” You should read what he says in Brothers, but basically it came down to, “Well, I thought it would ruin my career.”


    I think I have studied this about as much as anyone in my generation at this point, and my final conclusion after 50 years was we have to go there, we have to look at the fact that there’s a wealth of circumstantial evidence that says not only was there, at the highest level, CIA involvement. Probably in the assassination cover-up. But beyond the CIA, because the CIA wouldn’t have acted on its own.

    But the CIA are good guys now. Or so the propagandized American public believes…

    Now check out David’s interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now:

  • America #1? 36 Facts That Prove That The United States Is An 'Exceptional' Nation

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

    Is the United States an “exceptional” nation?  Well, the facts show that we are, but not for the reasons that you may think.  Now that it is election season, we have all sorts of politicians running around proclaiming that America is the greatest nation on the entire planet.  And just this week, Warren Buffett stated that “America’s great now — it’s never been greater“.  But is it actually true?  Is the United States still a great nation? 

    I would submit that the numbers suggest otherwise.  I love America, and in my opinion there is not much hope for us until we are willing to admit to ourselves just how far we have fallen.  The following are 36 facts that prove that the United States is an “exceptional” nation…

    #1 According to a brand new report that was just released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United States has the fattest population in the entire industrialized world by a wide margin.

    #2 That same report from the OECD also found that we are number one in child obesity.  In fact, at 38 percent our rate of childhood obesity is even higher than our overall rate of obesity.

    #3 According to USA Today, the obesity rate in the United States has more than doubled over the past 25 years.

    #4 The Washington Post has reported that Americans spend an average of 293 minutes a day watching television, which is the most in the world by a wide margin.   And as I have discussed previously, more than 90 percent of the “programming” that we absorb is created by just 6 enormously powerful media corporations.

    #5 One study found that the average American spends more than 10 hours a day using some sort of electronic device.

    #6 By the time an American child reaches the age of 18, that child will have seen approximately 40,000 murders on television.

    #7 The average young American will spend 10,000 hours playing video games before the age of 21.

    #8 Out of 22 countries studied by the Educational Testing Service, Americans were dead last in tech proficiency, dead last in numeracy and only two countries performed worse than us when it came to literacy proficiency.

    #9 In more than half of all U.S. states, the highest paid public employee in the state is a football coach.

    #10 The percentage of wealth owned by middle class adults is lower in North America than it is anywhere else in the world.

    #11 Almost half of all Americans (47 percent) do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

    #12 It turns out that Americans are very good at locking people away in prison.  At 716 per 100,000 members of the population, the United States has the highest incarceration rate on the entire planet by a very wide margin.

    #13 Approximately one-fourth of the entire global prison population is in the United States.

    #14 In 2014, police in the United States killed 1,100 people.  During that same year, police in Canada killed 14 people, police in China killed 12 people and police in Germany didn’t kill anyone at all.

    #15 One recently published study found that one out of every six young Americans has stolen something during the past year.

    #16 There are more car thefts in the United States than anywhere else in the world by far.

    #17 According to Fox News, approximately 70 percent of married men in the United States admit to having cheated on their wives.

    #18 Americans spend far more on health care than anyone else in the world, and yet we only rank 26th in life expectancy and our entire health care system has been transformed into a giant money making scam.

    #19 According to a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, nearly 70 percent of all Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and an astounding 20 percent of all Americans are on at least five prescription drugs.

    #20 According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 31 percent of all food in the United States gets wasted.  In case you were wondering, that amounts to approximately 133 billion pounds of food a year.

    #21 In 2013, women earned 60 percent of all bachelor’s degrees that were awarded that year in the United States.

    #22 A survey conducted by the Barna Group discovered that 77 percent of Christian men in America in the 18 to 30-year-old age bracket view pornography at least monthly.

    #23 There are more than 4 million adult websites on the Internet, and they get more traffic than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined.

    #24 70 percent of Americans do not “feel engaged or inspired at their jobs”.

    #25 When LBJ’s “War on Poverty” began, less than 10 percent of all U.S. children were growing up in single parent households.  Today, that number has skyrocketed to 33 percent.

    #26 In 1950, less than 5 percent of all babies in America were born to unmarried parents.  Today, that number is over 40 percent.

    #27 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 20 million new cases of sexually-transmitted disease in the United States each year.

    #28 Today, the United States has the highest STD infection rate in the entire industrialized world.

    #29 According to a survey that was just released within the last 30 days, only 29 percent of Americans want to cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood even after all of the shocking undercover videos that were released this year.

    #30 America has the highest rate of illegal drug use on the entire planet.

    #31 Doctors in the United States write more than 250 million prescriptions for antidepressants each year.

    #32 One survey of 50-year-old men in the U.S. found that only 12 percent of them said that they were “very happy”.

    #33 Every single year, the United States has the largest trade deficit in the entire world by a very wide margin.  But most Americans still don’t seem concerned that thousands of businesses and millions of good jobs have been leaving our country.

    #34 As you read this article, there are 102.6 million working age Americans that do not have a job.

    #35 We are supposed to have a government “of the people, by the people, for the people”, but only 25 percent of all Americans know how long U.S. Senators are elected for (6 years), and only 20 percent of all Americans know how many U.S. senators there are in total.

    #36 On average, we have been stealing more than 100 million dollars from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day since Barack Obama entered the White House.

  • China's Other Big Problem: 35 Applicants For One White Collar Job

    Over a year ago, the world’s most influential and central-banker spawning FDIC-backed hedge fund, Goldman Sachs, proudly revealed that despite 6 consecutive years of revelations of bank rigging, manipulation, fraud, bailout, crime and so on, there was no other job that the world’s most ambitious young people wanted to do more:

    As an investment bank, our main asset is our people and the advice and solutions that they provide to our clients. Great people build great relationships. And, we are fortunate to have a diverse group of young people from around the world who continue to view Goldman Sachs as a great place to begin and sustain their careers. For our latest analyst class, more than 43,000 candidates applied for 1,900 positions. We accepted about four percent of those applicants and of those receiving offers, more than 80 percent accepted.

    Or, as Lloyd Blankfein would proudly calculate, 23 applicants for every job opening.

    According to that logic, if working at Goldman is about as prestigious as it gets, then we know a job – based on unprecedented demand – that is even more prestigious: your average white-collar job in China, for which there were a record 35 application in the third quarter.

    Indeed, in the world’s most populous communist country where jobs used to be guaranteed – by definition – to anyone, in any walk of life, it has suddenly become next to impossible to progress up the career ladder, something which will result in great social angst and instability in the coming years.

    According to China Daily, competition for white-collar jobs became fiercer in the third quarter, with more than 35 job seekers contending for the same position on average. This is a jump from 26 and 29 in the first and second quarters this year, a Chinese human resources website said on Tuesday.

    The Daily cites’s third-quarter jobs report for white-collar workers, which  showed that demand for talent was shrinking with the slowdown of China’s economic growth. At the same time, more such workers were considering changing jobs, leading to more competition among job hunters, especially those in Northeast China and in second-tier cites.

    In Zhaopin’s competition index for major cities, Shenyang and Dalian, both in Liaoning province, and Changchun, Jilin province – all in Northeast China – ranked first, fourth and eighth.

    Zhu Hongyan, chief career consultant for the website, said that “the changing economic structure affects certain traditional careers. The need for professionals in certain fields declined, and some even disappeared.” Hongyan added that “Workers in these industries are forced to seek career opportunities in other ones, increasing competition in the market for job seekers.”


    Moreover, second-tier cities such as Chengdu, Sichuan province, Suzhou, Jiangsu province, Xi’an, Shaanxi province, and Tianjin are all among the top 10 cities with the most competitive job market.


    Beijing ranked ninth, while Shanghai ranked 18th.


    Zhu, the career consultant, said the trend of white collar workers shifting their jobs to fast-developing second-or third-tier cities has become more prominent because of the high pressures of working and living in larger cities, deteriorating environments and restrictions on cars and housing.


    “Regional preferential policies have helped second-and third-tier cities attract overflow industries and companies from the overcrowded metropolises, which have their own restrictions such as limited land and other resources,” Zhu said.

    “However, second-and third-tier cities do not have the same mature economic structure and industries as the metropolises,” added Zhu. “So not all job seekers can find satisfactory jobs.”

    And with 35 applicants for any one job, that is precisely what is happening.

    Worse, due to surging labor market competition and the drop of vacant positions for which there is demands – usually at the best paid positions in the labor chain – wages are about to tumble as employers realize they can pay anything they want: after all if someone quits, there are 34 other workers happy to replace him.

    This has two major impllcations:

    • first, with wages set to drop, yet another source of deflation is about to be unveiled;
    • second, as China’s economic collapse leads to increasingly less job opening , it inevitably means that social tensions and violence are set to rise in a country which see the migration of tens of millions of people from the heartland to the coastal cities.

    Finally, all those conflicting forecasts in 2011 that China may or may not hit wage parity with the US some time in 2016, well – we now know the answer: China may have reached its Lewis point, but now that the economy is on its way to a crash landing, it has solidly gone into reverse.

    (for those asking what China’s first problem is, well there are many to choose from, but if given just one option, we would repeat what we said last night when we reported that “CLSA Just Stumbled On The Neutron Bomb In China’s Banking System” – the country’s trillion in non-performing loans which nobody is talking about just yet).

  • Market Cycles And Collisions In A Non-Linear World

    Submitted by Keith Dicker of IceCap Asset Management, October 2015 letter to Clients


    Newsflash # 1: A few short weeks ago, Canada’s self-proclaimed biggest and best bank told clients: “much of the negative news from Europe is firmly rooted in the past” and that there is “more potential for upside for markets.”

    Result: European Stocks subsequently declined -13.5%

    Newsflash # 2: America’s biggest and best bank bragged: “global developed market equities should remain attractive”.

    Result: Global Stocks subsequently declined -11.3%

    Newsflash # 3: Britain’s biggest and best bank was all squiffy over markets, proclaiming: “Economic growth is gaining momentum” and “overall, we continue to prefer risk assets such as equities, high yield credit and EM debt.”

    Result: Global stocks subsequently declined -11.3%, High Yield Bonds subsequently declined -4.7%, and Emerging Market Debt subsequently declined -3.2%

    By now, most people are once again painfully aware that stocks, high yield bonds and emerging market bonds can actually go down as well as up. For stock investors, it has been a brutal 5 weeks with most markets dropping -10% or more.

    As a reminder, a -10% decline needs a +11.1% rebound to get back to where you started. Or from a more serious perspective, a -50% decline needs a +100% rebound to get back to where you started.

    The reason we share these very simple and obvious mathematical facts is due to the following intelligent investment insight: avoiding and limiting downside losses is a crucial aspect of investment management.

    Yet, as you can see from the market wisdom from the biggest Canadian, American and British banks – they completely ignore this very simple rule of investing.

    Instead, millions of investors are constantly bombarded with the seemingly innocuous market wisdoms:

    1. Buy the dip
    2. Invest for the long term
    3. Know your time horizon
    4. Invest regularly 

    And in our opinion, this is a real shame – a very, real shame. There certainly are times when these are words of wisdom. But, there are also times when they are not.

    By now, clients, non-clients, and peers are all familiar with our big view of the World. Our experience, perspective and research continues to conclude that global financial markets, the global economy and government fiscal balances are all converging to make everyone’s investment experience very different than that painted by the very big banks.

    Yet, the big banks continue to shamefully respond as if all is well. Considering the fact that central banks have kept interest rates at 0% for 7 years and the global economy continues to decline is the clearest of clear messages that the financial World isn’t quite right.

    And if that isn’t clear enough, just know that now many countries have begun to implement NEGATIVE interest rates to help stimulate their economies.

    Yet, we rarely read or hear any of these facts from the big banks. This of course can mean several things – none of which are complimentary:

    1 – the big banks feel the average investor isn’t intelligent enough to understand what is happening

    2 – the big banks cannot articulate the true state of the money World to their millions of clients

    3 – the big banks truly believe all is well, and that the World will always see a few bumps every now and then.

    As we all know, investment managers will ALWAYS make a few wrong decisions – it’s inevitable. Managing other people’s wealth can be a stressful responsibility. The good times are awesome. The bad times, not so much.

    However, if anyone has any aspirations to be an investment manager – this is THE most perfect time to realise your dream.

    Let us explain why.

    As of today, 100,000s of investment professionals around the World are following the age-old adage of buy and hold, buy the dip, stocks always outperform bonds, and never invest in currencies.

    Just steer the course and you’ll be fine, just fine.

    Unless of course, the ship you are in doesn’t have a rudder, a mast, a jib, a boom, a tiller or a keel. In truth, these ships are not really investment managers at all, instead they are asset gatherers.

    The difference being is that real investment managers are very focused on making investment decisions to preserve your capital during volatile times, while growing your capital during the good times.

    Asset gatherers on the other hand, are very focused on winning new clients and receiving new money to manage – after all, investment management IS a business.

    At these firms, the focus is on marketing and sales. They razzle and dazzle you with very nice commercials, brochures and presentations, as well as a splendid array of investment options.

    Yet, if you open your eyes and ears just enough, you’ll notice the difference and it mainly starts with investing for the long-term, buy and hold, and invest regularly – sadly, it ends the same way as well.

    In other words – investors hear the same old story, time and time again. This would be perfectly acceptable IF we lived in a linear World.

    The problem of course is that we DO NOT live in a linear World.

    While it is human nature to think and expect along linear lines, our World just doesn’t work that way. Instead, everything moves in cycles, some short and shallow, while other cycles are long and deep.

    What we are experiencing today is the likely turning point in a very long cycle of borrowing, borrowing and then borrowing some more.

    The capacity to borrow has reached the limit for many, yet our governments and central banks are desperate to keep the party going. Yes, despite foggy heads, tired legs and full bellies; governments and central banks continue to pour more drinks, dish out more food, all while playing even louder music.

    In some ways, the real question to ask your mutual fund sales person is whether the party has ended or is it just getting started?

    The real difference between the investment managers and asset gatherers is in their ability to truly understand market conditions, identify the key driving points, reposition your strategies and then to easily communicate the entire process.

    Let’s be honest here – the calm sailing and the good times ended in March 2000. That was the end of the most beautiful simultaneous bull market in both stocks and bonds ever known to mankind.

    For 18 stunning years prior to March 2000, financial markets everywhere, charmed everyone into believing that life as an investment manager was as difficult as a sail into a gentle, onshore breeze.

    And considering markets produced an average annual return of +15%, how could anyone not be happy?

    This was the way life should be.

    However, since March 2000, stocks plummeted -50%, then soared +100%, then crashed -56%, only to zoom +215%.

    So since March 2000, 16 years of buying the dip, investing for the long-term, knowing your time horizon, diversifying your portfolio, and investing regularly netted you a handsome annual return of +2%.

    This wasn’t the way life should be.

    So which is it? Do you expect stocks to always perform like they did from 1982 to 2000? Or, do you expect stocks to perform like they did from 2000 to 2015?

    Judging by their investment commentary, the big banks obviously believe in the 80-90s era. In reality however, the big banks believe in gathering your assets, and investing for the long-term, buying the dip…

    Collision Time

    Make no doubt about it – our economy and our debt loads have created a very uncomfortable environment for those in governments and central banks.

    Over the years, individuals, companies and governments of all kinds have borrowed to their hearts content. Subsequently, all of this borrowing gushed new money into our economies and swirled around, around and around.

    The good times became so great, they turned awesome.

    Politicians promised a chicken in every pot – yet, by borrowing and borrowing they delivered entire farms to their voters.

    Companies promised steady hours with steady pay – yet they delivered more jobs, more pay and more pensions.

    Not to be outdone, individuals goosed the system too, and enjoyed golden eggs year after year after year.

    It happened during the hippy-days of the 60s, and during the disco-days of the 70s. Of course, bumps also happened during the metal-days of the 80s and then again during the grunge-days of the 90s. Then American Idol took over and all was lost – well, all except the ineffective vision of our leading central bankers and government treasuries.

    While some people began their careers in the 1970s, even more started their investment careers in the 1980s; with more still in the 1990s and 2000s.

    Worse still, many of today’s investment young guns started their careers after the 2008 crisis.

    We share this perspective because every market expert today draws upon their years of wisdom to make very important investment decisions for you, your family and your pension plans.

    This would be great if everyone lived to be 300 years old and shared this much longer, and much richer experience with the World.

    Instead, our minds are trapped within a very narrow place in time which limits our ability to think and see things from a much broader and clearer perspective.

    Today, we have 3 enormously important market drivers steam rolling towards each other and when they collide, the distortions will be leave everyone dazed, confused, asking questions – and demanding answers.

    Sadly, the answers will be completely unsatisfying entirely due to an industry focused on linear thinking and obsessed with gathering assets. Fortunately, the key to understanding why the World has reached a precarious point in time is actually quite easy to achieve – just shed your mind of your tunnel visions and linear thinking, and open it to a World that is crystal clear.

    For starters, knowing and accepting that every market, every economy, and every society is interconnected will allow you to understand the events that are unfolding around us.

    Next, ignore the drivel from the talking heads and asset gathering machines. Then, know that every single time our World has experienced an economic bump, our governments and centrals always responded by:

    1) Borrowing more money to spend on special projects

    2) Cutting interest rates to make it cheaper for individuals and companies to borrow

    The result of 1) and 2) would be more money pumped into our economies which would inevitably help us recover from the little bumps.

    This happened like clock work in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s. Unfortunately, this clock has suddenly become broken. Yes, broken clocks are correct twice a day, but right now our global financial World is over 11 figurative hours away from that effusive goal.

    Over 60 years of borrowing and 35 years of cutting interest rates has left us with the mess we have today:

    1) Excessive debt loads for practically EVERY country

    2) ZERO and NEGATIVE interest rates

    Collision Time

    Linear thinkers not only see these as two separate market dynamics, but they also view it as two markets factors within every single, separate country and market.

    To proclaim that Greece doesn’t matter is tunnel vision.

    To believe China is an economic miracle is gullible.

    To conclude that lower interest rates and money printing will create a better World is pretty weak.

    Instead, we’ll show you how to liberate your mind and see the World as one continuous flowing market, where capital, ideas and innovation always seeks safety and avoids excessive risks and losses.

    We cannot stop what is coming, however if you escape the traps caused by linear thinking, the opportunity for your own personal schadenfreude is right around the corner.

    And it all starts with a collision:


    Here comes the recession

    Recently someone told us that if everyone simply acted with more optimism, then all of this gloom and doom would disappear.

    In one way, this is 100% correct. Positive thinking is great for a positive economy which leads to positive everything – more jobs, more bonuses, more raises, and more spending, and then rinse and repeat.

    Yet, all of this optimism can only carry an economy so far. Eventually mathematics take over, and soon thereafter one realises positive thinking doesn’t automatically give you a new job with more bonus, more raises which creates more spending.

    It’s funny how the loss of a bonus, or worse still, the loss of a job really affects the ole’ optimism gene by affecting it with something very different – pessimism.

    Suddenly, that vacation in Europe becomes a stay-cation. That new dream kitchen remains a distant dream. And the weekly eat-outs, turn into home pizza night (not that there’s anything wrong with home pizza night).

    As you can see, eventually mathematics always trumps optimism and pessimism too for that matter. Unfortunately, today’s market cycle – has the World sliding downwards and not upwards. Eventually the day will come when the opposite is happening, but we have to slump into the financial valley first – that’s just the way it works.

    * * *

    Continue reading in the full letter below:


  • What Has Generated Alpha This Year?

    It only makes sense in this "good news is bad news" market that the best outperformance this year has been achieved by being ultimately contrarian and fading the crowd. As BofAML warns, 2015 is another year of position-driven alpha as selling the 10 most-overweight stocks held by active managers and buying the 10 most-underweight stocks crated a stunning 17 percentage point spread this year



    BofAML sees risk this positioning trade continues.

    Consultants may be helping to perpetuate it, given they have honed in active share as a key metric for fund managers, which has forced managers into a crowded subset of similar holdings (typically smaller, more idiosyncratic stocks).

  • World's Largest Leveraged ETF Halts Orders, Citing "Liquidity Constraints"

    First The Bank of Japan destroyed the Japanese bond market, and then, back in May we warned that The Bank of Japan had 'broken' the stock market. Now, it appears the all too obvious consequences of being the sole provider of buying power in an antirely false market are coming home to roost as Nomura reports the "temporary suspension" of new orders for 3 leveraged ETFs – the largest in the world – citing "liquidity of the underlying Nikkei 225 futures market."

    Source: Nomura

    As Bloomberg reported previously on Nomura's funds,

    Money is being shredded at an unprecedented rate in a souped-up exchange-traded fund tied to Japan’s most famous stock index.


    Since mid-August, investors have poured a record $4.5 billion into the Next Funds Nikkei 225 Leveraged Index ETF, a security designed to rise or fall twice as fast as its namesake equity gauge. That’s too bad, considering that twice the Nikkei 225 Stock Average’s loss over that period comes out to about 21 percent.


    So fast have the country’s individual investors been plowing money into the fund that even as a fifth was lopped off its price, its market value more than doubled. It’s the largest security of its kind in the world, and is now big enough to affect the whole stock market as overseers rush to buy and sell securities to meet its price target, according to BNP Paribas Investment Partners Ltd.


    “They are taking up a larger proportion of the market,” said Tony Glover, head of the investment management department at BNP Paribas Investment Partners Japan in Tokyo. “Volatile markets are not great news with increasingly wider intraday swings. The funds are a big factor causing this.”


    The ETF has become more popular with traders than even Toyota Motor Corp., Japan’s biggest company. Average turnover for the ETF was about 250 billion yen ($2.1 billion) a day over the past two months, triple that of Toyota.

    *  *  *

    Who could have seen this coming? Well we did… numerous times…and here is the explanation…

    Two months ago, in “ETF Issuers Quietly Prepare For Meltdown With Billions In Emergency Liquidity,” we outlined the rather disconcerting circumstances that have led some large fund managers to quietly line up emergency liquidity facilities that can be tapped in the event of a sudden retail exodus from bond funds.


    "The biggest providers of exchange-traded funds, which have been funneling billions of investor dollars into some little-traded corners of the bond market, are bolstering bank credit lines for cash to tap in the event of a market meltdown. Vanguard Group, Guggenheim Investments and First Trust are among U.S. fund companies that have lined up new bank guarantees or expanded ones they already had, recent company filings show," Reuters reported at the time, in a story we suspect did not get the attention it deserved.


    At a base level, these precautionary measures are the result of the interplay between central bank policy and the unintended consequences of the post-crisis regulatory regime. ZIRP creates a hunt a for yield and simultaneously incentivizes companies (especially cash strapped companies) to tap the bond market while borrowing costs remain artificially suppressed. Clearly, this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The longer rates on risk free assets remain near, at, or even below zero, the more demand there is for new corporate issuance (the rationale being that at least corporate credit offers some semblance of yield). More demand means rates on corporate credit are driven still lower, and once yields on high grade issues get close to the lower limit, yield-starved investors are then herded into HY.


    All of this supply in the primary market comes at a time when liquidity in the secondary market for corporate credit is non-existent thanks to the shrinking dealer books that resulted from the government’s (maybe) well-meaning attempt to crack down on prop trading. The result: a crowded theatre with a tiny exit.


    This situation has been exacerbated by the proliferation of bond ETFs which have allowed retail investors to pile into corners of the fixed income world where they might not belong.

    All of the above can be summarized as follows.

    "MF assets too large versus dealer inventories" (via Citi)…

    … clear evidence of "structural damage in corporate bond trading liquidity" (via JP Morgan)…

    … and the rapid growth of bond funds in the post-crisis world (via BIS)…

    So given the above, the question is this: if something were to spook the market – a rate hike cycle for instance, or an October revolver raid on HY energy names, or an exogenous geopolitical shock – causing an exodus from these funds, what would happen to prices if fund managers were suddenly forced to transact in size in an illiquid secondary market in order to meet redemptions?

    "Nothing good", is the answer. 

    The solution is to avoid selling the underlying bonds – even when investors are selling their shares in the funds.

    But how is this possible? 

    To a certain extent, outflows in one fund can be offset by inflows to another. These "diversifiable flows" are one happy byproduct of the great ETF proliferation. Here's a refresher on how this works courtesy of Barclays.

    *  *  *

    Portfolio Products Replace Dealer Inventory

    While diversifiable flows limit the risks to portfolio managers in principle, the reality of the high yield market is more complicated. Managers have specific views on tenor, callability, sectors, covenants, and, most importantly, individual credits, such that actually finding buyers for specific bonds can be quite difficult. In the pre-crisis period, dealers ran large inventories that effectively facilitated the netting of flows across funds (Figure 1). A fund with an outflow would sell bonds into the dealer community, and funds with outflows would buy bonds out of the dealer inventory. When inventory is large, the fact that the specific bonds bought and sold did not match was largely irrelevant. Funds with outflows could sell the bonds of their choice, and the funds with inflows could pick investments from the large variety of inventory held by dealers.

    The matching problem has become more acute as dealer inventories have declined. Even funds can net flows in principle, dealers are much less willing to warehouse bonds, and are much more likely to buy only when they believe they can quickly offload the risk. Under this scenario, the fact that flows can theoretically be netted is of little practical use to fund managers – actually netting individual bonds is extremely difficult, particularly in the short time frame required by funds offering daily liquidity to end investors.

    This is where portfolio products come in. Investors can use portfolio products to fund outflows/invest inflows immediately and execute the necessary single-name bond trades over time as liquidity in the underlying bond market allows (Figure 2). In this scenario, funds with inflows and outflows simply exchange portfolio products, sidestepping the immediate need to trade single-name corporate bonds.

    *  *  *

    Ok great, so ETFs provide a kind of "phantom" liquidity if you will. There are two problems with this:

    • It only works when flows are diversifiable. Once flows become unidirectional, it all goes out the window.
    • It makes the underlying markets even more illiquid.

    Here's how we put it last month in "How Fund Managers Use ETF Phantom Liquidity To Avert A Meltdown"

    In other words, if I'm a fund manager, the idea that ETFs provide liquidity rests on the assumption that when I experience outflows, someone else will be experiencing inflows and thus I can sell ETFs and avoid offloading my bonds into an illiquid corporate credit market. Put another way: I am depending on new money coming into the market to fund redemptions from previous investors who are exiting the market, all so that I can avoid liquidating assets that are declining in value and that I believe will be difficult to sell. There's a term for that kind of business. It's called a ponzi scheme and just like all other ponzi schemes, when the new money dries up (so, for example, when HY bond ETF flows are all headed in the wrong direction), the only way to meet redemptions is to get what I can for the assets I have and when the market for those assets is thin (as the secondary market for corporate credit most certainly is), I may incur substantial losses. 


    Note also that the more often ETFs are used as a way of avoiding the underlying bond market, the more illiquid that market becomes, making the situation still more precarious in the event of a panic.

    So what is a fund manager to do?

    This is where we come full circle to the emergency liquidity lines mentioned at the outset. In order to avoid tapping the underlying illiquid bond market in a situation where flows are unidirectional, fund managers may instead pay out redemptions in borrowed cash.


    This is, to quote Citi's Matt King, "creative destruction destroyed."


    Only worse.



    That is, this represents the willful delay of a long overdue episode of creative destruction layered atop another delay of the much needed Schumpeterian endgame. Stripping out the metaphysics and philosophy references, that can be translated as follows: this strategy is yet another example of delaying the inevitable. If fund managers are forced to tap these liquidity lines it likely means investors have found a reason to sell en masse and if that reason turns out to be something that permanently impairs the value of the underlying bonds (as opposed to a transitory, irrational panic) then all the funds are doing by borrowing to meet redemptions is employing leverage to stave off the recognition of losses, which is ironically the same thing (in principle anyway) that the companies whose bonds they’re holding have done to stay in business. It’s a delay-and-pray scheme designed to avoid selling the debt of companies whose similar delay-and-pray schemes have run their course.

    In closing, it's important to note that no fund manager in the world will be able to line up enough emergency liquidity protection to avoid tapping the corporate credit market in the event of panic selling in the increasingly crowded market for bond funds. 

    In other words, when the exodus comes, the illiquidity that's been chasing markets for the better part of seven years will finally catch up, and at that point, all bets are officially off.

    *  *  *

    At the end of the day, one is reminded of what Howard Marks' recently said about ETFs: 

    "[They] can't be more liquid than the underlying and we know the underlying can be quite illiquid."

    We are about to get the real-life answer to Howard Marks' more critical question: "What happens when ETF Holders all sell at once?"

  • Paul Craig Roberts On The MH-17 Report: "Only An Idiot Would Believe It"

    Submitted by Paul Craig Roberts,

    When I read that the report on the downing of the Malaysian airliner over Ukraine was being
    put in the hands of the Dutch, I knew that there would be no investigation and no attention to the facts.

    And there wasn’t.

    I did not intend to write about the report, because Washington’s propaganda has already succeeded, at least in the Western world, in its purpose of laying the blame on Russia. However, the misrepresentation of the Dutch report by Western media, such as NPR, is so outrageous as to make the media the story and not the report.

    For example, I just heard NPR’s Moscow correspondent, Corey Flintoff, say that the missile that hit the airliner was fired by Ukrainian separatists who lack the technical ability to operate the system. Therefore, the missile had to have been fired by a Russian.

    There is nothing in the Dutch report whatsoever that leads to this conclusion. Flintoff either is incompetent or lying or he is expressing his view and not the report’s conclusion.

    The only conclusion that the report reaches is one that we already knew: if a Buk missile brought down the airliner, it was a Russian-made missile. The Dutch report does not say who fired it.

    Indeed, the report places no blame on Russia, but it does place blame on Ukraine for not closing the airspace over the war area. Attorneys have stated in response to the report that families of those killed and the Malaysian airline itself are likely to file lawsuits against Ukraine for negligence.

    Of course, there was nothing of this in Flintoff’s report.

    As I wrote at the time of the airliner’s destruction, the Western media already had “the-Russians-did-it” story ready the moment the airliner was reported to be shot down. This story was very useful to Washington in hardening its European vassal states into sanctions against Russia, as there was some dissent. What Washington has never explained and the Western media has never asked is: What motive did separatists and Russia have to shoot down a Malaysian airliner?

    None whatsoever. The Russian government would never allow such a thing. Putin would have immediately strung up those responsible.

    Washington’s story makes no sense whatsoever. Only an idiot could believe it.

    What motive did Washington have? Many. The demonization of Russia made it impossible for European governments to resist or abandon the economic sanctions that Washington is using to break economic and political relationships between Europe and Russia.

    The Russian manufacturer of the Buk missile has proven that if a Buk missile was used, it was an old version that exists only in the Ukraine military. For some years the Russian military has been equipped with a replacement version that has a different signature in its destructive impact. The damage to the Malaysian airliner is inconsistent with the destructive force of the Buk missile in Russian service. The reports were given to the Dutch, but no effort was made to replicate and verify the validity of the tests conducted by the manufacturer of the missile. Indeed, the Dutch report does not even consider whether the airliner was downed by Ukrainian fighter jets. The report is as useless as the 9/11 Commission’s report.

    Don’t expect any acknowledgement of this by the Western media, a collection of people who lie for a living.

    The reason that the West has no future is that the West has no media, only propagandists for government and corporate agendas and apologists for their crimes. Every day the bought-and-paid-for-media sustains The Matrix that makes Western peoples politically impotent.

    The Western media has no independence. An editor of a major German newspaper has written a book, a best-seller published in Germany, in which he states that not only he himself served the CIA as a reliable purveyor of Washington’s lies, but that every significant journalist in Europe does so also.

    Obviously, his book has not been translated and published in America.

    NPR, like all of Western media, has lost its integrity. NPR claims to be reader-supported. In fact, it is supported by corporations. Pay attention to the ads: “NPR is supported by xyz corporation working to sell you this or that product or service.”

    The George W. Bush regime destroyed NPR by appointing two Republican female ideologues to oversee NPR’s public function. The two Republicans succeeded in making job security, not reporting integrity, the motive of NPR journalists.

    As a person who worked with President Reagan to end the Cold War and associated nuclear threat, I am dismayed that the Western media has failed life on earth by resurrecting the prospect of nuclear armageddon.

  • OPeRaTioN OaTMeaL…


  • Whose FX Reserves Suffered The Most During The "China Tantrum"? Goldman Has The Answer

    In the four or so weeks after the August 11 China deval, all anyone wanted to talk about was FX reserves. 

    What most didn’t immediately realize was that China’s new FX regime would, in the short-term anyway, end up leaving less of a role for the market in determining the yuan’s exchange rate not more. This is because – and we’re fond of quoting BNP’s Mole Hau on this – “whereas the daily fix was previously used to fix the spot rate, the PBoC now seemingly fixes the spot rate to determine the daily fix.” Because the market ultimately expects a much larger devaluation, the persistent pressure on the yuan caused the PBoC to have to intervene in the onshore and eventually, the offshore spot markets. That meant liquidating reserves. The sheer pace of the drawdown caught the world’s attention as suddenly, everyone woke up to what we began discussing last November when it became clear that the Saudi’s move to kill the petrodollar would lead directly to reserve liquidation across EM as commodity currencies and exporters were set to suffer from crude’s collapse. 

    Of course the yuan deval was especially bad news for emerging Asia where economies that were already suffering from slowing Chinese demand and slumping commodities were suddenly forced to grapple with a loss of export competitiveness as well. 

    Before you knew it, it was an all-out Eastern USD reserve liquidation party, leading some to ask what effect the drawdowns would ultimately have on UST yields because all else equal, FX reserve selling is just QE in reverse. As we noted on any number of occasions, this could have the effect of amplifying what would otherwise be a merely “symbolic” 25 bps Fed hike. That is, if the Fed hikes and triggers more EM outflows, well then they’ll be more USD paper selling (i.e. a loss of global liquidity) as FX managers move to support their currencies. 

    Against this backdrop, we bring you the following from Goldman who has endeavored to tally up currency intervention as a percentage of reserve money in Asia during what they’re calling the “China tantrum”. Note the rather scary looking figure for Malaysia, where it’s not just financial and economic conditions that threaten to tip the country into crisis, but a political scandal as well that has quickly mushroomed into a series of investigations across the globe that could ultimately cost PM Najib his career and legacy.

    *  *  *

    From Goldman

    When the mini-devaluation of the RMB surprised us and markets in early August, we argued strongly that this was a one-off adjustment that did not signal the beginning of a devaluation cycle. Markets disagreed and risk assets sold off hard in the weeks that followed. Asian FX was not spared amid the sell-off, with RMB proxies such as the MYR hit especially hard. There is always a challenge in reading price action in the moment, given that many Asian central banks use their official foreign exchange reserves to stabilize exchange rates. These actions are usually not known until months afterwards, when data on spot reserves and forward books become available. In this Global Markets Daily, we compile the full picture for Asian central bank intervention during what we are calling the ‘China tantrum’, the period from June to August when SHCOMP was already selling off. We compare the magnitude of reserve drawdowns to the ‘taper tantrum’, the period from June to August 2013.

    Many Asian central banks intervene not just in spot foreign exchange markets, but also in forward markets. Typically, these transactions consist of a spot/forward foreign exchange swap that results in the central bank having a forward USD asset. This kind of intervention leaves the central bank balance sheet unaffected and thus amounts to sterilized intervention. Many Asian central banks rely heavily on this kind of intervention, so it is important to factor this into the overall intervention picture. We look at the FX-valuation-adjusted decline in spot reserves between end-May and end-August (using the COFER data to adjust for valuation effects) plus the change in forward books over this period. We scale this proxy for official intervention by reserve money at the end of May, which helps control for differences in size across countries. After all, a $1bn drop in reserves is a different story for China compared with Malaysia.

    Relative to reserve money, foreign exchange intervention was most pronounced for Malaysia (43%), followed by Thailand (17%), Singapore (16%), South Korea (15%) and Indonesia (10%). Despite the seemingly large drop in China’s official reserves, this works out to be only 4% of reserve money, underscoring our view that developments there are more benign than meets the eye. Coupled with FX moves, these numbers paint a picture where depreciation pressure was most pronounced for Malaysia. With the exception of Malaysia, these reserve losses are comparable to 2013 when the ‘taper tantrum’ put depreciation pressure on currencies in the region.

  • Moral Hazard, "Supernormal" VIX Swings, And Why August 2015 Was Just An Appetizer

    Excerpted from Artemis Capital Management letter to investors,

    True knowledge is not what you know but certainty in what you do not. Volatility is simply about putting a price on that. Drawing from the famous quote by Donald Rumsfeld, former US Secretary of Defense(20), the trader of volatility must be able to identify “known unknowns” and “unknown unknowns” while simultaneously making a market in both. Modern volatility markets know that the global economy is facing deflation… but they also know that global central banks will be right there to respond to any crisis. The single most important “unknown unknown” today is any random event that may unexpectedly cause global central banks to withdraw their stated support of markets.

    Moral hazard has contributed to a significant build up in short and leveraged volatility creating a shadow ‘volatility gamma’ that reinforces the current trend in volatility direction. Rising volatility is followed by more rising volatility and vice versa. Volatility is crushed whenever a central bank responds to crisis and thereafter leverage is re-applied in even greater amounts in a cycle of moral hazard. The pattern is creating a pro-cyclical monster of short volatility that, if left unchecked will contribute to a repeat of the May 2010 Flash Crash or 1987 Black Monday Crash.  August 2015 was just an appetizer.

    In 2012 Artemis coined the term “Bull Market in Fear” to explain a regime of volatility defined by investor's willingness to pay almost anything to shield their portfolios from the next deflationary crash. Between 2013 and October 2014 we experienced a “Bear Market in Fear” defined by a rising short volatility complex and low risk premiums for selling variance. Ever since last fall, we have entered into one last dangerous phase in the volatility cycle. Forward volatility markets no longer fade volatility out of denial; they fade volatility out of the prospect of central bank support.

    This is a new era of hyper-moral hazard whereby a central bank reaction function is fully priced into option markets. Volatility markets do not believe central banks will let us fail. 

    For evidence, consider that the VIX futures markets faded the August VIX spike by the greatest margin in history.  The graph below shows the ratio of the VIX to the market’s one-month forward expectation of the VIX. The higher the ratio the greater the market’s confidence in volatility mean reversion. August 2015 dwarfed all other crises in mean reversion expectation including October 2008, May 2010, and August 2011. The entire VIX market was essentially one large leveraged bet that central banks would respond to the crisis… and it paid off! What if it didn’t?

    The VIX is experiencing epileptic seizures including erratic and violent outbursts up and down at the most frequent pace in history as new sources of structural short convexity interact with interventionist policy responses to crisis. The VIX has registered a quantifiable ‘supernormal’ (five standard deviation +) move up or down every three months over the last two years. 

    In July-August 2015 alone, we experienced the single largest multi-day drawup and drawdown in the history of the VIX index. Artemis ranks consecutive drawups and drawdowns (trough-to-peak or peak-to-trough) in volatility and models them as a power law distribution.  The distributions of a wide variety of physical, biological, and human phenomena closely follow this form. Examples include earthquakes, deaths in war and terrorism, populations of cities, solar flares, word frequencies in language, movie box office receipts, and asset price movements.  When you logarithmically rank the event magnitude of these natural and human phenomena the majority of observations will align linearly along the x-axis as a power-law function (see white line below). Violations of the power-law function are supernormal events because their results contain a degree of reflexivity that exceeds the exponential growth function. Examples of supernormal violations in power laws across other phenomena include death counts in WWII ranked among all wars, box office receipts of the movie Titanic, the Titanic disaster itself, the 9.2 Magnitude 1960 Chilean Earthquake, the population of Tokyo, the 1987 Black Monday Crash, and the 9/11 terror attack in NYC. Three of the top ten supernormal VIX increases and four of the top eight supernormal VIX decreases have occurred in the last year alone! The top eight ranked drawdown collapses in VIX have all occurred during the post-2012 monetary regime. Power-law violations in VIX to the downside and upside are now happening with regularity!

    Volatility markets are demonstrating deep uncertainty in the very nature of uncertainty itself. The schizophrenic behavior of volatility is a deep warning sign for policy makers that something is not right. Implied Volatility-of-the VIX (“CBOE VVIX”) reached the highest levels in history on August 24th, 2015. The volatility-of-VIX rose higher than levels achieved even during the 2008 financial crisis, 2010 Flash Crash, and 2011-debt downgrade crisis.

    Many will point to structural considerations as a driver including the proliferation of VIX exchange traded products and the new spot-VIX calculation methodology. While these are important factors, they are only part of the story.

    To understand why the volatility of volatility reached new highs we have to engage in deep meta-thinking about our reaction to change. Volatility provides exposure to our collective insecurity towards an unknowable future. Likewise, to short volatility is to express personal confidence in the status quo of market affairs despite a broader fear of change. To go long volatility is to express fear that change is coming.

    Volatility-of-volatility is simply the war between these two different modes of perception… shifting perceptions in the nature of uncertainty itself. If uncertainty is rising so should the VIX… but there is a very different type of uncertainty to evaluate … the uncertainty that central banks will intervene.  When global central banks seek to defend the status quo and mean reversion it becomes increasingly difficult to accurately gauge the probability of change in markets.  Volatility markets are now gaming central banks in addition to fundamental economic and technical conditions. If we are unclear from one moment to the next whether radical change or the status quo will prevail than volatility-of-volatility should logically rise. 

    Volatility mean reversion has been an abnormally profitable bet during the regime of pre-emptive strikes on financial risk. Following each tail event in volatility, we are experiencing another tail event in the magnitude of volatility declines. Central banks refuse to let volatility remain elevated and are quick to react to any crisis.

    Between August and September 2015 the VIX collapsed faster than ever before following a spike to 40 (see red line below) due to another massive stimulus response by central banks.  China cuts rates, devalued the Yuan, and purchased an estimated $263bn of equity (9.2% of freely traded shares) to artificially prop-up their stock market before a nationalistic military parade. Following China, the ECB expanded their QE program.  The graph below demonstrates the historic decline in volatility by showing the average, high, and low trajectory paths of the VIX the ensuing fifteen days following every implied volatility spike to 40.

    Likewise, the area chart below graphs the forward probability distribution of S&P 100 implied volatility (VXO) following a breach of the 35 barrier in spot-vol.

    As expected, implied volatility exhibits an exceptionally positively skewed distribution following a ‘risk-off’ event, but notice how the current trajectory of VXO lies on the far left of the distribution. Central banks refuse to let volatility remain elevated but this is creating a new set of shadow risks…Global central banking has artificially incentivized bets on mean reversion.

  • Fastenal CEO: "The Industrial Environment Is In A Recession – I Don’t Care What Anybody Says!"

    You know things might not be going particularly well when you’ve had three CEOs in the space of nine months, and that’s exactly what’s happened at nuts and bolts maker Fastenal which named current CFO Daniel Florness to the top spot on Tuesday.

    The move came after the company reported meager top and bottom line results for Q3 this week. 

    It’s not very difficult to understand why the company’s business has come under pressure. The slump in crude prices has put an enormous strain on its energy-related operations. Here’s some color from Credit Suisse who notes that in September, Fastenal saw its first Y/Y sales decline since 2009:

    Not surprising, FAST indicated the industrial outlook has deteriorated in particular during the month of September. In fact, September, was the first month since 2009 in which FAST experienced y/y declines. Along with the stronger dollar, FAST noted continued oil and gas headwinds, and heavy manufacturing. By geography, Texas took a step down and FAST noted slowing growth in Canada. Of FAST’s top 100 customers, 44 saw top line declines. Of the 44, 32 were negative by more than 10% and 17 were negative by more than 25%. FAST does not expect to see any improvement for the next several quarters and believes the industrial environment is in a recession.

    Now hilariously, Credit Suisse somehow managed to take that strikingly bad assessment and turn it into this title: “SteadFAST In the Face of Adversity.” But hey, it’s the sellside so it’s not like they were going to tell you to sell it. 

    Anyway, what struck us was the rhetoric on the call, especially the retort from new CEO Daniel Florness when William Blair analyst Ryan Merkel (no relation to any “pure hearted” German “lion mothers”) made the mistake of calling the current environment “non-recessionary”:

    Merkel: Then just lastly, Fastenal growing zero percent here in September and in a non-recessionary environment, it’s pretty surprising, I think, for a lot of us. But if we just step back and we think about quantifying some of the headwinds, and I don’t want to put words in your mouth but it seems to me, oil and gas customers are probably down, what, 30% this year. It might be a 3% headwind to sales. And then what about exports? I’ve got to think that’s an even bigger impact, but you tell me – and we’ve also got FX as a one-point headwind.


    Florness: Yeah, a couple things. First off, the premise of the question, I would argue that anybody selling into the industrial market is not selling into a non-recessionary environment. We are–


    Merkel: I agree. I agree with you there.


    Florness: The industrial environment is in a recession – I don’t care what anybody says, because nobody knows that market better than we do. You know, we touch 250,000 active customers a month. 


    Right now in the third quarter, 44 of our top 100 customers are negative. We have not lost any business with that group. They are negative in their spend. In some cases, they are negative because their business is very negative and they are somewhat negative with us. 


    Of that 44 that were negative, 32 of them were negative more than 10%. Of that 44 that’s negative, 17 of them were negative more than 25%. That’s a sign of a recessionary environment.

    So, two very simple, yet very critical takeaways:

    • the industrial sector is in a recession,
    • whatever you do, do not suggest to Dan Florness that Fastenal’s lackluster performance is related to anything other than the pitiable condition of the US economy

  • Russia Sends Its Only Aircraft Carrier To Syria, Signals It Is Just Getting Started

    As should be abundantly clear by now, The Kremlinis adopting a “slightly” different strategy when it comes to combatting terror in the Mid-East than that adopted by the US and its Western and regional allies. 

    The strategy of the US and its allies seems to go something like this: 1) covertly arm and train groups who you know might ultimately become terrorists because arming and training these groups may be a way to destabilize unfriendly regimes, 2) wait for blowback, 3) launch serious effort to combat terror if unfriendly regime has been “successfully” replaced by puppet government, or launch half-hearted effort to combat terror if situation still fluid and regime still clings to power. 

    Obviously, that strategy is prone to all types of problems, and sensing that the US and its allies might have finally met their foreign policy blunder Waterloo in Syria, Russia decided to call everyone’s bluff by launching a real war on terror. Of course, this war conveniently restores the regime of one of Moscow’s allies, but in the end the result is the same: anyone who is a terrorist and who is also fighting Assad in Syria is in for big trouble because Russia is using this is as an opportunity to reassert itself on the world stage and also to fire up a long-dormant military juggernaut. 

    Now, on the heels of hundreds of airstrikes accompanied by dramatic video footage as well as cruise missile attacks launched from Russian warships in the Caspian, The Kremlin is sending its lone heavy aircraft carrier into the fight. This is only the ship’s sixth deployment in history. 

     Here’s more from Flashnord (Google translated):

    Heavy aircraft carrier (heavy aircraft), “Admiral Kuznetsov” is Russia’s only aircraft carrier, the weekend will go from Murmansk to the shores of Syria, said FlashNord source in the Northern Fleet command.


    “The cruiser dock repair completed until the end of the week go to the coast of Syria, where he joined the operation to destroy the group” Islamic State “,” – a spokesman said.


    According to him, from May to August this year was held aircraft carrier dock repair 82 Shipyard in Roslyakovo (Murmansk region). Then, on a regular docked in Murmansk, he walked up to the restoration of full combat readiness.


    Since September 30, Russia carries out air operations in Syria with the aim of destroying the objects of the “Islamic state.”

    Here are some images:

    Here’s a bit of color via Reuters from earlier this year. Notably, the Kuznetsov isn’t known for being in particularly great working order which probably makes the chances of some kind of accident that much greater:

    When the Soviet Union launched Kuznetsov in 1985, it was a major technical accomplishment for the then-superpower. Moscow began assembling Varyag, a sister ship of Kuznetsov, around the same time. It also started work on a true full-size carrier, as big as anything the United States builds.


    But the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991 abruptly halted the carrier program.


    Russia was left with Kuznetsov as its sole flattop and, deprived of funds and Ukraine’s assistance, has struggled to keep the vessel in working condition. Since the ship was commissioned into frontline service in the early 1990s, Kuznetsov has deployed just five times. Each deployment, lasting between three and six months, saw the flattop sail from its home port in northern Russia around Europe and into the Mediterranean as a show of force and to demonstrate support for Russia’s allies in the region, including Syria.

  • "A Generation In Crisis" – The World Needs 5 Million Jobs/Month To Stymie Youth Extremism

    For over 3 years we have pointed out that the surging youth unemployment was Europe's (if not the world's) scariest chart, because the last thing Europe needs is a discontented, disenfranchised, and devoid of hope youth roving the streets with nothing to do, easily susceptible to extremist and xenophobic tendencies: after all, it must be "someone's" fault that there are no job opportunities for anyone. Well, as Bloomberg reports, The World Bank has an unsettling message for young people around the globe: unless we create 5 million jobs a month, the situation is going to get worse.

    As The World Bank notes, Unemployment in any form is a drag on an economy and society.

    It undercuts productivity, spending, and investment, stunting national growth. It contributes to inequality and spurs social tension. Joblessness and inactivity and the failure to tap into the economic aspirations and resources of young people carry an even higher price.


    As prospects dwindle, many face social exclusion, or see their emotional, mental, or physical health deteriorate.



    Young people account for roughly 40 percent of the world’s unemployed and are up to four times more likely to be unemployed than adults.



    When young people are not fully participating in the labor force or are NEETs, governments forgo tax revenue and incur the cost of social safety nets, unemployment benefits and insurances, and lost  roductivity. Businesses risk losing a generation of consumers. Social costs are ever mounting as well. The Arab Spring and subsequent youth-led uprisings in many countries, along with the rise of economic insurgency and youth extremism, demand that we explore the links between economic participation, inequality, and community security, crime, and national fragility through a lens focused on youth. What we see is a generation in economic crisis.


    Over the next decade, a billion more young people will enter the job market—and only 40 percent are expected to be able to enter jobs that currently exist. The global economy will need to create 600 million jobs over the next 10 years: that’s 5 million jobs each month simply to keep employment rates constant.

    In other words, even with that 'growth' we are going nowhere!!


    As Bloomberg reports,

    The youngest workers have been hit hardest by the financial crisis and the global recession of the last decade because they often held the temporary jobs, which offer less protection. The youth unemployment rate is projected to be 13.1 percent in 2015, compared with 4.5 percent for adults, according to the ILO.


    Global employers are looking not only for technical and academic skills, but also such qualities as being open, responsible or organized, …Young workers are often either overqualified or underqualified for their jobs, it said.


    "In emerging economies that are progressively more service-based, employers find a workforce population that lacks necessary skills," the report said. "Elsewhere, the problem is that many of the unemployed are highly educated but the market demands different competencies or more technical or vocational skills."


    At stake is the well-being of the entire global economy. Without an income, millions of young people slump into poverty. By delaying their entry into the workforce or accepting low-paying jobs, many limit their lifetime earning potential. When young people don't work, governments don't get the tax revenue and businesses fail to gain customers.


    "Social costs are ever mounting as well," the report said, citing youth-led uprisings in many Arab countries and the rise of economic insurgency and youth extremism. "What we see is a generation in economic crisis."

    *  *  *

    Full World Bank Report below…

    Toward Solutions for Youth Employment Full

  • A Third Of All Containers Shipped From Long Beach Port Are Empty

    In the past several months, it has been virtually impossible to make any sense of the conflicting trends involving US and global trade. On one hand, there is global trade, which as we have covered since the spring, has been in a state of consistent decline. Some example of this:

    And of course China’s terrible trade data for the past 5 months, which has seen the longest stretch of import declines since the financial crisis.

    In short: only an economist, either a tenured one or one employed by CNBC, is unable to see that the world is sinking into a global trade recession, with a economic one soon to follow.

    Where things get more complicated, however, is when looking at the US. Here, macro data throughout the summer had suggested more or less smooth sailing in the trade space, and it was only a week ago that the facade started to crack, following the ugly advance trade report, when as we reported there was a “16% Surge In August Trade Deficit; Imports Jump As Exports Drop.”

    But what really confused us, and others, was the “micro” reports from the ground. Take the following article from Bloomberg in September, in which we read that “Record Long Beach Port Traffic Shows Strength in U.S. Demand.” Some more details:

    The Port of Long Beach — which is poised to overtake neighboring Los Angeles next year to become the No. 1 shipping gateway in the country — had a record month in July, with cargo volume up 18 percent from July 2014. Figures being released later this month will show unprecedented traffic again in August, and early signs in September are “very very encouraging,” Jon Slangerup, the Long Beach port’s chief executive officer, said in an interview at Bloomberg’s offices in New York last week.


    Overall, the two ports are handling 4 percent more cargo this year than last, Slangerup said. With consumers showing no letup, he predicted a record year for Long Beach in 2015, taking out pre-recession highs set in 2007. West Coast ports are poised to regain share lost earlier in the year, when backlogs led clients to divert cargo to East Coast destinations like Savannah, Georgia, he said.

    The article’s punchline:

    When you look at the macros, you look at unemployment, consumer confidence, savings, available discretionary spending, all of those numbers suggest that we have more to spend,” Slangerup said. “The economy here is super strong relative to the rest of the world, and the strongest I’ve seen it in a very long time.”

    As it turns out, the economy was neither “super strong”, nor was “unemployment, consumer confidence, savings, or available discretionary spending” suggesting that we have more to spend. In fact just the opposite, because thanks to the WSJ we can now reconcile the seeming discrepancy between slowing macro and booming micro, at least as manifested by “record” west coast port traffic.

    According to the WSJ, “shipments of empty containers out of the U.S. are surging this year, highlighting the impact the economic slowdown in China is having on U.S. exporters. The U.S. imports more from China than it sends back, but certain American industries—including those that supply scrap metal and wastepaper—feed China’s industrial production.”

    The magnitude of the shipping container “contagion” is stunning: in September, the Port of Long Beach handled a near record 197,076 outbound empty boxes. “They accounted for nearly a third of all containers that moved through the port last month. September was the eighth straight month in which empty containers leaving Long Beach outnumbered those loaded with exports.

    As the chart below shows, the situation at LA and Long Beach is so dire, the amount of empty container has surpassed the 2008 crisis period, and is about to take out the all time highs from the peak of the 2006 credit bubble:


    And here is the “record” West Coast port traffic in all its unglory: as noted above, empty containers now amount to a third of all West Coast port traffic in the US.


    What is an empty container? The WSJ explains that after under normal conditions, containers filled with consumer goods are delivered to the U.S. and unloaded, they return to export hubs. There, they typically are stuffed with American agricultural products, certain high-end consumer goods and large volumes of the heavy, bulk refuse that is recycled through China’s factories into products or packaging.

    Not any more:

    Last month, however, Long Beach and the Port of Oakland both reported double-digit gains in exports of empty containers. So far this year, empties at the two ports are up more than 20% from a year earlier.

    A big reason for the collapse in trade is the strong dollar: the empties are shipping out at a faster rate at many U.S. ports, particularly those closely tied to trade with China, while shipments of containers loaded with goods are declining as exporters find it tougher to make foreign sales. That’s at least partly because the strong dollar makes American goods more expensive.

    The problem is spreading:

    Outbound empties have mounted this year at other big gateways, too. In August, the Port of Los Angeles, the country’s largest single container port, handled more than 225,000 empty outbound containers, counted in twenty-foot equivalent units, a standard maritime industry measure. That was 21% more than a year earlier. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey expanded its empty-container exports nearly 31.5% in the first eight months of this year, and empties outnumbered loaded container exports over that time.

    Suddenly the discrepancy between the ugly macro data and the

    Dollar-based or not, the end result is the same – global trade channels are rapidly slowing down.

    And it is not just empty containers that are being shipped out: overall containerized exports are also tumbling: “Long Beach’s containerized exports were down 8.2% this year through September, while Oakland’s volume of outbound loaded containers fell 12.7% from a year earlier in the January-September period.”

    This data certainly puts that “record” Long Beach port traffic in a different perspective. Others admit the same:

    “This is a thermometer,” said Jock O’Connell, an international-trade economist at Beacon Economics. “The thing to worry about is if the trade imbalance starts to widen.”

    It is starting to widen: the U.S. trade gap has expanded sharply in recent months as exports have slipped, growing 15.6% in August to a seasonally adjusted $48.3 billion, according to the Commerce Department. U.S. exports fell 2% in the month to their lowest level since October 2012.

    And as a reminder, net trade feeds directly into GDP, so the next time an idiot tells you that there are no direct linkages or contagion choke points between China and the US, feel free to take them to the Long Beach and show them the thousands of empty boxes whose contents one can label  simply as “recession”.

    There is, however, a silver lining: if the containers remain empty, and once the US slides back into depression, they can always be used for housing, just like now in San Francisco’s unicorn bubble mania.

  • "China Has No Reason To Rush To The Frontlines": Beijing Denies Syria "Rumors"

    In the weeks since Moscow joined the fight in Syria, in the process lending Iran’s ground troops a rather powerful hand in the form of airstrikes by the Russian air force juggernaut, there have been two questions on everyone’s mind, i) how would Washington respond?, and ii) will China get involved? 

    As for the first question, the US has responded in the only way they could given the situation the West and its allies got themselves into: with a confused message about how the US can’t accept Russia’s invite to coordinate efforts because somehow Moscow’s involvement is going to create more terrorism. 

    With regard to the China, early reports indicated that Beijing was indeed considering some manner of military “support.” For instance, late last month the pro-Assad Al-Masdar news said the following:

    On Tuesday morning, a Chinese naval vessel reportedly traveled through Egypt’s Suez Canal to enter the Mediterranean Sea; its destination was not confirmed.


    However, according to a senior officer in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) that is stationed inside the Syrian coastal city of Latakia, Chinese military personnel and aerial assets are scheduled to arrive in the coming weeks (6 weeks) to the port-city of Tartous – he could not provide any more detail.

    Three days later, Pravda reported that “according to Russian Senator Igor Morozov, Beijing has taken decision to take part in combating IS and sent its vessels to the Syrian coast.”

    “It is known, that China has joined our military operation in Syria, the Chinese cruiser has already entered the Mediterranean, aircraft carrier follows it,” Morozov allegedly said.

    Needless to say, if China were to join Russia and Iran in support of Assad in military operations against anti-regime elements, it would be a further embarrassment for Washington which is keen to pretend that it can counter what’s been pitched as military aggression on Beijing’s part in the South China. That is, were China to go into Syria while the US stood by and watched, it would send a message to Washington’s regional allies in the South Pacific that other than promising to send some ships to sail around the Spratlys, there’s really not much the Pentagon can or at least is willing, to do.

    But China is well aware that a dying hegemon is still a hegemon and while Beijing has made great strides over the past several years in terms of raising its presence on the world stage, simply invading Syria at the drop of a hat is a move that seems a bit too crass for Xi Jinping given his recent trip to the US and desire to promote social stability at home.

    Predictably, the Chinese are now out denying the Syria “rumors”. Here’s Reuters:

    China said on Wednesday it had no plans to send military ships to Syria to fight with Russian forces after reports in overseas media that it was planning to do so.


    Chinese media has picked up Russian and Middle Eastern news reports that China would fight alongside Russia in


    Syria, and that China’s sole aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, could participate too.


    Chinese media has also described these reports as speculative nonsense.


    Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying, when asked if China had or would send forces to Syria, told a daily news briefing that she had also noticed the reports.


    “I can tell you that as for China’s warships, for example the Liaoning, whether it has gone to join, for this issue, as far as I know, there is no such plan. At this time the Liaoning is in a phase of carrying out technical training and military exercises.”


    The Global Times, an influential tabloid run by the ruling Communist Party’s official People’s Daily, said in an editorial on Wednesday it was “unfounded rumour” that China would interfere militarily in Syria.


    “It’s not China that brought chaos to Syria, and China has no reason to rush to the frontlines and play a confrontational role,” it said.

    Remember, China has voted with Russia on the Security Council when it comes to Syria and there is no question which side Beijing supports. 

    Also, note that while the Politburo’s mouthpiece may have dismissed the reports as “speculative nonsense”, the other language there isn’t quite as committal and as we saw in Yemen, the PLA occasionally shows up out of the blue in surprising places. Besides Yemen, we’ve seen a plethora of examples this year of the PLA navy actively seeking to showcase China’s maritime prowess including a pass by the Alaska coast, the planned deployment of a nuclear sub, and of course the creation of 3,000 acres of new sovereign territory in the Spratlys. As brazen as it most certainly would be, another great way to make a splash (no pun intended), would be to send an aircraft carrier to Syria. 

    We’ll leave you with the following headline from Interfax:

    • CSTO, Iran, China agree on joint counteraction to ISIL

    *  *  *

    Maybe they’ll just send the girls from Fiery Cross

  • Oct 15 – US 10-year yields fall below 2% amid weak economic data



    ONE WEEK AGO: 37/100 FEAR 


    Put and Call Options: FEAR During the last five trading days, volume in put options has lagged volume in call options by 27.55% as investors make bullish bets in their portfolios. However, this is still among the highest levels of put buying seen during the last two years, indicating fear on the part of investors.

    Market Volatility:  NEUTRAL The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is at 18.03. This is a neutral reading and indicates that market risks appear low.

    Stock Price Strength: FEAR The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is at 18.03. This is a neutral reading and indicates that market risks appear low.




    S&P 500 (ES) | NASDAQ 100 (NQ) | DOW 30 (YM) | RUSSELL 2000 (TF) Euro (6E) |Pound (6B)







    VXX OCT WEEKLY4 21.5 CALLS7K+ @$.58

    LOCK NOV 8 PUT Activity on the BID side

    LULU NOV 55 CALL Activity 2500 block @$1.20 on offer

    EDGE SC 13D Filed by NEW LEAF Ventures .. 8.2%

    TROX .. SC 13G Filed by Putnam Investments .. 13.2%

    More Unusual Activity…



    PBOC dismisses talk its engaging in QE –Sec Journal

    Fed’s Beige Book: Economic activity continued to expand modestly

    Atlanta Fed GDPNow Tracker: 0.9% (prev. 1.0%)

    US CBO: Extraordinary measures seen lasting until H1 of Nov

    US House Bill raising debt ceiling possible before Boehner retirement –Rtrs

    US 10-year yields fall below 2% amid weak economic data

    Walmart: Our profits are going to fall next year

    Bank of America Swings to 3rd-Quarter Profit

    Wells Fargo Profit Edges Up for Quarter



    Fed’s Beige Book: Economic activity continued to expand modestly

    Atlanta Fed GDPNow Tracker: 0.9% (prev. 1.0%)

    Fed rake hike bets disappear further into 2016 –FT

    US House Bill raising debt ceiling possible before Boehner retirement –aide cited by Rtrs

    US CBO: Extraordinary measures seen lasting until H1 of Nov, debt limit may need to be increased earlier or later –BBG

    COMMENT: What a vanishing Fed hike means for the ECB, BoJ –FT

    PBOC dismisses talk its engaging in QE

    Germany cuts 2015 GDP forecast to 1.7% vs 1.8% prev –ForexLive

    UK FCA issues warning against unauthorized FX firm SMP Forex –ForexLive

    Japan’s Amari says it’s too soon to be speaking about new stimulus –ForexLive


    US 10-year yields fall below 2% amid weak economic data –CNBC

    Bonds rally as US consumers have sluggish September –FT

    UBS Sees Sovereign Assets Shrinking by $1.2 Trillion –BBG

    NY Fed Blog: Dealers play important role in the intertemporal intermediation of Treasury supply


    USD: Pain for dollar bulls as US retail sales underwhelm –FT

    EUR, JPY: EUR, JPY strengthen vs USD after Fed’s beige book –ForexLive

    GBP: Pound boosted by strong jobs data –BBC

    SGD: Singapore Central Bank Eases Policy by Adjusting Currency Band –BBG


    CRUDE: Oil down again; global glut worry offsets US output drop –Rtrs

    METALS: Gold rises to 3 month high –cnbc


    EARNINGS: Walmart: Our profits are going to fall next year –BI

    EARNINGS: Bank of America Swings to 3rd-Quarter Profit –NYT

    EARNINGS: Wells Fargo Profit Edges Up for Quarter –NYT

    EARNINGS: BlackRock Reports Lower Profit as Assets, Fees Drop –WSJ

    EARNINGS: Delta Beats Profit Estimates With Boost From Falling Fuel –BBG

    BANKS: US authorities examine Goldman Sachs role in 1MDB transactions –WSJ

    BANKS: Moody’s: 5 US regional banks’ credit pressured by low oil and gas prices; outlook negative

    BANKS: M&A boom still a bright spot for US banks –FT

    BANKS: UK banks may need billions of pounds in added capital –Sky

    TECH: Twitter names ex-Google executive Kordestani chairman –Rtrs

    Acquisitions bring Canon’s 5 trln-yen sales target back into view –Rtrs

    CONS DISC: PriceLine agrees to room-booking deal with TripAdvisor –Rtrs

    M&A: US yearbook maker Jostens sold for $1.5bn –FT


    JOBS: France asks Air France to drop job cut plans –BBG

  • The "Other" Shoe About To Drop

    A long way down…




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Today’s News October 14, 2015

  • Democratic Debate Post Mortem (In 1 Poignant Image)

    Sanders by a landslide…

    In the Polls..




    In Searches…


    And On Twitter…


    *  *  *

    So to sum up…It's lonely sometimes…



    *  *  *

    Some key excerpts…

    Jane Wells summed up one exchange perfectly as Hillary's alleged law-breaking was conveniently swept under the carpet…

    And Benghazi won the early rounds…

    But Wall Street "won" overall…

    Hillary and her average-American-ness…

    On College education affordability (and pretty much everything else)…

  • Gold Jumps As China Devalues Yuan By Most In 2 Months, "Boosts Reforms" Of Corporate Bond Bubble

    AsiaPac stocks are extending losses in early trading asit appears our fears about the Chinese coporate bond market bubble are also on the minds of Chinese regulators as they look to "boost reforms." After the PBOC has fixed the Yuan stronger for 8 straight days, the onshore and offshore Yuan has weakened appreciably in the last 24 hours and PBOC has devalued Yuan by 177pips  – the biggest in 2 months (as PBOC researchers push to "speed up Yuan internationalization" and implicitly inclusion in the SDR basket).


    Gold jumped on the Yuan devaluation…


    AsiaPac stocks are lower again…


    As fears rise of a bubble in Chinese corporate bonds…

    Reform it!


    Good luck, as Commerzbank's Zhou concludes…

    "Global investors are looking for signs of a collapse in China, which itself could increase the chances of a crash… This game can’t go on forever."

    *  *  *

    The Yuan has been 'fixed' stronger for 8 straight days… but tonight PBOC devalues Yuan by 177pips – the most in 2 months


    And PBOC reseeacrhers are pushing for rapid internationalization of Yuan (and inclusion in the SDR basket)… beginning their paper with the rather USD reserve Currency Status challenging statement:

    World History tells us that economic power is necessarily financial power, only to become the financial powerhouse before it can become an economic power.

    China must speed up yuan internationalization to develop the finance industry, PBOC research bureau head Lu Lei writes in People’s Daily.

    • The yuan needs to be included in the SDR basket, Lu writes
    • China’s current financial structure is dominated by indirect financing and doesn’t make enough sense, Lu writes
    • China should further improve stock market and increase the proportion of equity financing, Lu writes

    Financial power is the inevitable direction of sustainable development of economic power

    Charts: Bloomberg

  • What You're Supposed To Think Vs What You Think

    Authored by Jon Rappoport,

    I could trace my 30 years of investigative reporting as one long project emanating from what people are supposed to think.

    What they’re supposed to think about nuclear weapons, pesticides, medical drugs, vaccines, presidential elections, major media, the CIA, US foreign policy, mega-corporations, brain research, collectivism, surveillance, psychiatry, immigration…

    In each case, there are a set of messages broadcast to the population. These messages are projected to replace what people would think on their own, if left to their own devices.

    And in many cases, these messages have the same underlying theme: feel unlimited sympathy.

    Feel unlimited sympathy or else.

    In the area of immigration, for example, people are supposed to welcome endless numbers of refugees to their shores and cities and towns.

    If they don’t put out the welcome sign, they’re evil, they’re cold, they’re “capitalists,” they’re unloving, they’re cruel, inhumane.

    They’re immune to proper feelings of guilt and shame.

    There is also an interesting guilty “we” attached to the issue. “We” invaded other countries, “we” bombed populations, imposed devastating economic sanctions, launched corporate takeovers—and therefore “we” should now open our doors to these refugees.

    The government didn’t do these things. The State didn’t do these things. “We” did.

    “We” is a very, very popular collectivist concept. It assigns massive guilt, while somehow exonerating the political leaders of the collective.

    “We” is a great cheese glob that envelops all of us. “We” is a metaphysical construct that replaces “I.” There is no “I.”

    Therefore, what some “deluded individual” might think and decide and determine on his own—which could very well run counter to the “we”—is irrelevant.

    When it’s time to undertake wars on a grand scale, there is a George Bush who announces what the “we” wants. And when it’s time for the guilt and the sympathy and the bleeding heart, there is an Obama who announces what the “we” wants.

    In general, the “we” is there to convince the individual that he is useless and powerless against the advancing cheese glob. He need not bother thinking what he really thinks, because it would make zero difference. Much better to become part of the “huddled mass,” waiting for instructions on how best to serve humanity.

    Logic, rational consideration, the ability to analyze a line of thought and find flaws and gaps and deceptions? An outmoded concept that doesn’t apply to the “we.”

    You see, the “we” is something quite different. It proceeds by a) committed aggression or b) endless sympathy, depending on what is called for by our leaders.

    It moves like inexorable lava slowly leaking away from a volcano. The glob.

    It needs no individual intelligence. Making distinctions is unnecessary.

    And, one thinks, perhaps the solution to this wretched state of affairs is finding a different “we” to belong to. That will solve the whole problem.

    But the underlying solution, as formidable as it may seem, is: dismantle the whole “we.” Expose it for what it is. And reinstate the individual and what he does think, as opposed to what he should think.

    The cheese glob, the lava glob, the advancing fungus is the false construct. It was put there and massaged and stimulated to engage the individual and make him think he was excessively “privileged.” He was an outsider who couldn’t see the need and the joy of “belonging.”

    He was behaving like a criminal, even a terrorist. He was detracting from the power and the warmth and the humanity of the collective hearth.

    What most people take to be Reality is actually invented for the “we.”

    And to take all this a step further, Reality is meant to distract the individual from discovering the depth of his own power, which is to say, creative power.

    Every organized religion, every State, every so-called spiritual system and philosophy is built to derail the individual in this way.

    After all, Reality points to itself. Reality says, “Look at this. Look at me. Understand me. This is what you need to focus on. This is all there is.”

    And so it seems the main attribute of the individual is “perceiving what is.” Perceiving Reality.

    However, detaching one’s self from that prescription reveals another opportunity, vast in its possibilities:

    The ability to analyze the “we” and its many messages and discover what they are and how they are designed—and the capacity to imagine and invent new independent realities without end.

    The scope and range of what the individual can do, in this regard, is limited only by: what he can imagine.

    The psyop of all psyops seeks to bury this fact.

  • "Mommy, Am I Gonna Die?": Cop Aims For Dog, Shoots 4 Year Old, After Injured Mom Calls 911

    To Protect and Serve? When Whitehill resident Andrea accidentally cut her arm on glass, her sister frantically called 911, "I need a paramedic." Columbus Police Officer Jon Thomas responded to the house where he pulled out his gun and shot toward the family's dog (which he claims ran toward him), missed, and hit Andrea's four-year-old daughter Ava in the leg, shattering her bone.

    As The Columbus Dispatch reports, Andrea also revealed that the cop never apologized or asked if Ava was okay and immediately left after shooting her.

    A Columbus police officer accidentally wounded a 4-year-old girl in Whitehall on Friday when he fired at a charging dog, police said.


    A neighbor and the girl’s uncle identified her as Ava Ellis, who was taken to Nationwide Children’s Hospital, where police said she was in stable condition.


    The officer was at a house in the 4100 block of Chandler Drive investigating a hit-and-run case about 3:10 p.m., Columbus police spokeswoman Denise Alex-Bouzounis said.


    As the officer was walking from the home to his patrol car, a woman a few houses away called out to him, saying her sister and the girl’s mother, Andrea Ellis, had cut herself.


    The officer was at the doorway when a dog charged at him, Alex-Bouzounis said.


    The officer fired once, missing the animal but striking the girl in the right leg. It was unclear whether the girl was hit directly or by a ricochet. The officer has not been identified.

    Neighbors say the officer walked back to his patrol car after the shooting.

    “He seemed a little disoriented, like he was really bothered,” said Norman Jones, who called the police after hearing the shot. Columbus and Whitehall police arrived at the scene shortly afterward.


    “Mommy, am I gonna die?” four-year-old Ava Ellis asked her mother.

    The family created a Facebook page for Ava.


    As Salon reports, her mother Andrea wrote her account of the incident in a post. She names the police officer who shot her child, Jonathan Thomas, and says that, as soon as he saw the dog, who was eight to 10 feet away from him, he fired — in the direction of her eight-year-old niece and Ava.

    Officer Thomas claimed that the dog charged at him, but Andrea’s sister Brandie denies this, and says the pet was in the house when he shot at it.


    Andrea also revealed that the cop never apologized or asked if the four-year-old was okay and immediately left after shooting her. Neighbors have corroborated this account. Ava’s mother wrote:


    Officer Thomas then told my sister to stop yelling at him and walked back to his vehicle. Officer Thomas never said sorry, never said it was an accident, never said that he called for help or was going to call for help, never asked if Ava was ok, and never asked if he could check on Ava. Officer Thomas went back to his vehicle and started to pull away. My neighbors have even verified that he started pulling away before any help was there. Officer Thomas shot Ava and left knowing he shot Ava and not knowing the condition she was in.”

    The young girl was taken to a nearby hospital, and is in stable condition. The Inquisitr reported that Ava started school in a wheelchair, and may walk with a limp for the rest of her life… and will likely forever mistrust the police…


  • It Begins – Managed High Yield Bond Fund Liquidates After 17 Years

    Since inception in June 1998, UBS' Managed High Yield Plus Fund survived through the dot-com (and Telco) collapse and the post-Lehman credit carnage but, based on the press release today, has been felled by the current credit cycle's crash. After 3 years of trading at an increasingly large discount to NAV, and plunging to its worst levels since the peak of the financial crisis, the board of the Fund has approved a proposal to liquidate the Fund. While timing is unclear, this is the worst case for an increasingly fragile cash bond market as BWICs galore are set to hit with "liquidty thin to zero."


    Having survived 17 years…


    It's Over… (as The Fund Statement reads):

    Managed High Yield Plus Fund Inc. (the "Fund") (NYSE:HYF) announced today that the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Fund has approved a proposal to liquidate the Fund in 2016, subject to shareholder approval.


    After careful deliberation and a thorough review of the available alternatives, and based upon the recommendation of UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS AM”), the Fund’s manager, the Board has determined that liquidation and dissolution of the Fund is in the best interests of the Fund. A proposed plan of liquidation will be submitted for the approval of the Fund’s shareholders at a special shareholders meeting of the Fund, which will be scheduled to be held in April 2016. If the shareholders approve the proposed plan, the liquidation and dissolution of the Fund will take place as soon as reasonably practicable, but in no event later than December 31, 2016 (absent unforeseen circumstances).


    Further information regarding the liquidation proposal, including the plan of liquidation, will be included in the proxy materials that will be mailed to the Fund’s shareholders in advance of the shareholders meeting.

    *  *  *

    This is a nightmare for the corporate credit market, where, as we noted previously "liquidity is thin to zero."…

    …discussing illiquid corporate credit markets is easier if you find yourself among polite company. You see, the lack of liquidity in the secondary market for corporate bonds is a somewhat benign discussion because although it unquestionably stems from a noxious combination of regulatory incompetence and irresponsible monetary policy, myopic corporate management teams and the BTFD crowd, not to mention ETF issuers, have also played an outsized role, so there’s no need to lay the blame entirely on the masters of the universe who occupy the Eccles Building and on the "liquidity providing" HFT crowd that’s found regulatory capture to be just as easy as frontrunning.


    But while explanations for the absence of liquidity vary from market to market, the response is becoming increasingly homogenous. Put simply: market participants are simply moving away from cash markets and into derivatives. Where market depth has disappeared, it’s become increasingly difficult to transact in size without having an outsized effect on prices. This means that for big players – fund managers, for instance – selling into ever thinner secondary markets is a dangerous proposition. And not just for the manager, but for market prices in general.

    In Treasury markets, traders have turned to futures to mitigate illiquidty… 

    while corporate bond fund managers utilize ETFs and other portfolio products to avoid trading the underlying assets…

    With the stage thus set, Bloomberg has more on the move to smaller trades and cash market substitutes:

    Sometimes less is more. At least according to investment managers trying to navigate Europe’s credit markets.


    TwentyFour Asset Management capped a bond fund to new investors at 750 million pounds ($1.2 billion) and JPMorgan Asset Management, which is marketing a 128 million-pound fund, said smaller investments are more flexible in a sell-off. Other managers are also limiting the size of their trades and using derivatives to avoid getting trapped in positions.


    It’s become more difficult to buy and sell securities as Greece’s financial crisis curbs risk taking and dealers scale back trading activity to meet regulations introduced since the financial crisis. The Bank for International Settlements warned of a "liquidity illusion" in June because bond holdings are becoming concentrated in the hands of fund managers as banks pull back.


    "Liquidity is generally poor in corporate bond markets and in the U.K. market it’s thin to zero," said Mike Parsons, head of U.K. fund sales at JPMorgan Asset Management in London. "You don’t want to be in a gigantic fund where there’s potential for a lot of investors rushing for the exit at the same time. Smaller funds are more nimble."


    "Without enough strong liquidity, it’s hard to execute bond trades in sufficient size or price to move portfolio risk around quickly or cheaply," he said. "The bigger the position, the harder it is to find enough liquidity to sell it or buy it."


    Liquidity in credit markets has dropped about 90 percent since 2006, according to Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc. That’s because dealers are using less of their own money to trade as new regulation makes it less profitable.


    Euro-denominated corporate bonds got an average of 5.3 dealer quotes per trade last week, up from 4.5 recorded in January and compared with a peak of 8.8 in 2009, according to Morgan Stanley data. That’s based on dealer prices compiled by Markit Group Ltd. for bonds in its iBoxx indexes.


    Liquidity is especially bad in the U.K. corporate bond market, which is being abandoned by companies looking to take advantage of lower borrowing costs in euros and investors seeking securities that are easier to buy and sell.


    NN Investment Partners said it seeks to manage difficult trading conditions by diversifying positions and capping trade size. The Netherlands-based asset manager avoids owning large concentrations of a single bond and uses derivatives such as credit-default swaps or futures that are easier to buy and sell, said Hans van Zwol, a portfolio manager.


    "We really want to stay away from positions we can’t get out of," he said.

    The conundrum here is that the more reluctant market participants are to venture into increasingly illiquid cash markets, the more illiquid those markets become.

    And here are the fund's largest holdings…


    *  *  *

    Of course, this should not be a total surprise, in light of the near-record up/downgrade ratio…

    Credit-rating firms are downgrading more U.S. companies than at any other time since the financial crisis, and measures of debt relative to cash flow are rising.



    Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services downgraded U.S. companies 297 times in the first nine months of the year, the most downgrades since 2009, compared with just 172 upgrades.

    Deteriorating fundamentals…

    U.S. companies have increased borrowing to levels exceeding those just before the financial crisis, as firms pursue big acquisitions and seek to boost stock prices by buying back shares. According to one metric, the ratio of debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization for companies that carry investment-grade ratings, meaning triple-B-minus or above, was 2.29 times in the second quarter. That’s higher than the 1.91 times in June 2007, just before the crisis, according to figures from Morgan Stanley.

    “We’re seeing more widespread weakness across more industry sectors in the U.S.,” Ms. Vazza said. “It’s become broader than just the commodity story.”


    “The metrics that you measure health and credit by have peaked a while ago,” said Sivan Mahadevan, head of credit strategy at Morgan Stanley. “They are beginning to deteriorate.”

    *  *  *

    And as we noted earlier, the credit cycle has well and truly rolled over…


    And no lesser market veteran than Art Cashin is concerned, What are the signals you are looking for to stay on top in such a market?

     I continue to monitor the high yield market and see where that goes. The high yield market has been of some concern of the last several weeks. If that begins to show appreciable weakness than I would think the caution flags stay up.


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • 'Socialist' Sanders Vs 'Crony' Clinton: First Democratic Debate Begins – Live Feed

    Admittedly it's not Mayweather-Pacquiao, but Las Vegas is buzzing ahead of tonight's rumble-in-the-jungle between Bernie and The Battle-axe. While Joe Biden remains the most notable absentee (or will he?) there are three other 'debaters' to carry water and towels for Hillary and Bernie as they drag one another left-er and left-er and more populist-er. In the pre-fight Sanders has lobbed some awkward Iraq War questions at 'hawkish' Hillary but as Clinton's 2008 campaign manager notes, "she's rolled out Latinos for Hillary, Women for Hillary, and met the leadership of Black Lives Matter; she has checked a lot of boxes walking into this debate."

    It's not different this time..

    And it's getting worse…


    Search interest shows them neck and neck…

    *  *  *

    This seemed to sum up the pre-show rather well…

    *  *  *


    Live Feed (via CNN)… (click image below for link – if embed unavailable)


    USA Today offers six things to watch for during the debate…

    Hillary Clinton speaks in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Oct. 7, 2015. (Nati Harnik, AP)

    Hillary Clinton speaks in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Oct. 7, 2015. (Nati Harnik, AP)

    1. Steam from the Hillary grilling

    If the CNN debate moderators treat this as their chance to grill Clinton on live TV instead of carrying out an actual debate where other candidates are allotted plenty of time to make their case, “Democrats will likely be frustrated,” said Pat Rynard, a former Democratic campaign staffer from Iowa.

    Vice President Biden in the Oval Office on Oct. 7, 2015. (Mark Wilson, Getty Images)

    Vice President Biden in the Oval Office on Oct. 7, 2015. (Mark Wilson, Getty Images)

    2. The Biden shadow

    Even if he’s not on the stage, “Joe is a real part of the debate,” said Democrat Patty Judge, a former Iowa lieutenant governor.

    “Sadly,” added Rynard, “in terms of the media narrative, nothing in the debate may matter if Biden announces his intentions the next day and wipes out all the coverage. Hopefully that doesn’t happen, but it’s near when Biden has to make a decision for ballot purposes.”

    Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks during a campaign event on Oct. 9, 2015, in Tucson, Ariz. (Rick Scuteri, AP)

    Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks during a campaign event on Oct. 9, 2015, in Tucson, Ariz.
    (Rick Scuteri, AP)

    3. Sanders’ fidelity to fixed talking points

    The liberal messenger could miss an opportunity if he expounds only a dry, policy-heavy message, Democrats said.

    “He really refuses to deviate much from his economic inequality shtick on the campaign trail — which, to be fair, is a very powerful message that has gotten him far,” said Rynard, who writes about presidential politics on the website Iowa Starting Line. “(But) debates tend to favor interaction and candidates quick on their toes who can give punchy responses.”

    Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. (AP)

    Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. (AP)

    4. Two debates in one

    One debate will likely be a policy contest between Clinton and Sanders, both of whom have declined to stray into personal attacks, observers said.

    “She will continue to move herself to the left in order to appeal to undecideds and to those who are leaning to Sanders but not firmly in his camp,” Judge said of Clinton. “She will also try to continue to distance herself from the Obama administration to give herself room to take on Biden if he gets into the race.”

    The second debate could feature hard swings from the low-polling contenders, especially O’Malley, who has gotten increasingly personal in drawing contrasts with Clinton.

    Watch for gun control, trade, banks and foreign policy to take center stage, said Michael Cheney, a professor of communication and economics at the University of Illinois at Springfield.

    Martin O'Malley talks on stage during the New Hampshire Democratic Party State Convention on Sept. 19, 2015 in Manchester. (Scott Eisen, Getty Images)

    Martin O’Malley talks on stage during the New Hampshire Democratic Party State Convention on Sept. 19, 2015 in Manchester. (Scott Eisen, Getty Images)

    5. O’Malley’s moment?

    Many Democrats worry that Sanders’ “socialist” label and Clinton’s struggles with her email controversy would badly hinder them in the general election, Rynard said.

    O’Malley has run a serious campaign and impressed Democrats who go see him. But he barely attracts national media coverage, and many voters haven’t noticed him yet.

    Cutter said: “This is the last best chance for Martin O’Malley.”

    O’Malley needs to pull votes from Sanders, she said. “If he doesn’t distinguish himself as the person more likely to achieve results for a progressive agenda, rather than just a protest,” Cutter said, “then he’s out.”

    Democratic presidential candidates Jim Webb and Lincoln Chafee. (Getty Images)

    Democratic presidential candidates Jim Webb and Lincoln Chafee. (Getty Images)

    6. The invisible Democrats

    It’s now or never for Webb and Chafee, neither of whom do any real campaigning, Rynard said.

    “At this point, they’re just taking up space,” he said.

    Democrats said they’re hesitant to take either candidate seriously when even low-polling GOP candidates such as Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal and Lindsey Graham throw energy into reaching out to early state voters.

    But debates are fertile ground for earning a bump in the polls, strategists noted.

    “The best debaters,” Sefl said, “are those who don’t look like they rehearsed their one-liners thousands of times, and who know how to demonstrate command of the issues without being the annoying kid from class who always raised their hand to every question.”


    *  *  *

    Spot The Difference…


    We suspect this debate will be a little "drier" than The Trump Show, so here is a Drinking Game to make it a little more enjoyable…


    And for the kids and non-drinkers…


    Of course – as we noted earlier – the biggest 'donkey' in the room is…

  • CLSA Just Stumbled On The Neutron Bomb In China's Banking System

    Two weeks ago, using Macquarie data, we found something disturbing at China’s micro level: not only are a quarter of Chinese firms with debt unable to cover their annual interest expense currently…


    …. but when just looking at the commodity sector, roughly half of all companies are in the same dire straits, as a result of the collapse in commodity prices which translates into a drop off in cash flow which makes just the annual all-in cash interest payment impossible .


    Over the weekend, Hong-Kong based CLSA decided to take this micro-level data and look at it from the top-down. What it found was stunning.

    According to CLSA estimates, Chinese banks’ bad debts ratio could be as high 8.1% a whopping 6 times higher than the official 1.5% NPL level reported by China’s banking regulator!

    As Reuters reports, the estimate is based on analysis of outstanding debts for more than 2700 A-share companies (ex-financials) and their ability to repay loans. Or in other words, if one backs into the true bad debt, not the number given for window dressing purposes by Chinese “regulators”, based on collapsing cash flows, what one gets is a NPL that is nearly 10% of all outstanding Chinese debt.

    Reuters has some more details on the methodology:

    • Two consecutive years of a co’s interest coverage (EBITDA/interest expense) below 1x or losses for two successive years qualifies for debts to be treated as “bad” in CLSA’s analysis.
    • By these measures, wholesale & retail and manufacturing sectors boast the highest implied NPLs at 21.1% and 15.8% respectively, taking into account total debt
    • While China’s real estate sector has been the most aggressive in adding debt, profitability at developers in tier-1 cities has held up well, muting the overall NPLs for the sector
    • Developers in tier-2 and tier-3 cities, however, show high implied NPLs
    • As bad debts rise, burden falls on PBOC to ensure sufficient liquidity so that Chinese banks can gradually absorb the credit costs, CLSA says.

    Yes, the PBOC’s burden most certainly rises, and what a burden it is: here’s why.

    The chart below shows the history of total Chinese bank assets: as of the latest official data, the number is roughly $30 trillion.

    If one very conservatively assumes that loans are about half of the total asset base (realistically 60-70%), and applies an 8% NPL to this number instead of the official 1.5% NPL estimate, the capital shortfall is a staggering $1 trillion.

    In other words, while China has been injecting incremental liquidity into the system and stubbornly getting no results for it leading experts everywhere to wonder just where all this money is going, the real reason for the lack of a credit impulse is that banks have been quietly soaking up the funds not to lend them out, but to plug a gargantuan, $1 trillion, solvency shortfall which amounts to 10% of China’s GDP!

  • The Fukushima Wasteland: "Terrifying" Drone Footage Of Japan's Abandoned Nuclear Exclusion Zone

    While the world has had decades of opportunities to observe nature slowly reclaiming the consequences of human civilization, particularly at the site of the original nuclear disaster, Chernobyl, there has been far less media coverage for obvious reasons, of that other nuclear disaster, Fukushima, where as we reported last night, one year after giving up on its “ice wall” idea Tepco has renewed the strategy of encasing the radioactive sarcophagus in an ice wall.

    It was not precisely clear why this time the idea is expected to work after it was nixed last summer.

    What is clear is that something has to be done, because as renewed interest in the aftermath of the results of the 2011 disaster once again builds ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the public is realizing just how vast the Japanese wasteland truly is.

    And capturing just that, is this eerie drone overflight of the Fukushima graveyard shown in the clip below:


    For those curious for more, here, courtesy of photographer Arkadiusz Podniesinski who donned protective gear to visit the “terrifying” – in his words – ghost towns of Futaba, Namie and Tomioka last month, we get an up close an personal photo essay of this generation’s Chernobyl.

    This is what he found: supermarket aisles strewn with packets. A school blackboard covered with notes for an unfinished lesson. Cars tangled with weeds in an unending traffic jam.

    These are eerie pictures from inside the 20km exclusion zone around Fukushima nuclear plant, courtesy of Guardian.


    The photographer, Arkadiusz Podniesinski, stands on one of the main streets of Futaba. The writing above him says: “Nuclear energy is the energy of a bright future.”


    A street that has been taken over by nature. Four years after the catastrophe – which drove 160,000 people from their homes – much of the region is still too dangerous to enter.


    The KFC Colonel and mannequins left standing in a supermarket.  “Here time has stood still, as if the accident happened yesterday,” says Podniesinski of the most-contaminated areas.


    An aerial photograph of abandoned vehicles.


    An aerial photograph of dump sites, taken by a drone. Contaminated radioactive topsoil from the fields has been bagged for removal and there have been efforts to clean deeper layers. To save space, the soil is stacked in layers.


    A restaurant table with crockery left behind by guests. The huge task of decontaminating the area, site of the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986, continues. Thousands of workers move from street to street through villages, spraying and scrubbing the walls and roofs of houses.


    Car bumpers overgrown with weeds. Some of the people Podniesinski spoke to doubt the official line that the area will be safe again in 30 years. “They are worried that the radioactive waste will be there for ever,” he says.


    A classroom on the first floor in a school. There is still a mark below the blackboard showing the level of the tsunami wave. On the blackboard are words written by former residents, schoolchildren and workers in an attempt to keep up the morale of all of the victims, including “We can do it, Fukushima!”

  • Is Washington Actually Trying To Start World War III?

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

    Why has Barack Obama airdropped 50 tons of ammunition into areas that “moderate rebels” in Syria supposedly control?  This is essentially the equivalent of poking the Russians directly in the eyes.  Much of this ammunition will end up in the hands of those that the Russians are attempting to bomb into oblivion, and so to Russia it appears that we are attempting to make their job much harder.  And of course the truth is that there aren’t really any “moderate rebels” in Syria at all.  Nearly all of the groups that are fighting are made up primarily of radical jihadists and/or hired mercenaries. 

    Personally, I don’t see anyone over there that you could call “the good guys”.  At the end of the day, the U.S. supports just about anyone that wants to get rid of the Assad regime, and the Russians are working very hard to keep Assad in power.  Just like the civil war in Ukraine, the conflict in Syria is in great danger of being transformed into a proxy war between the United States and Russia, and many fear that these conflicts could eventually be setting the stage for World War III.

    The ferocity of Russian airstrikes in Syria has surprised observers all over the planet, and over the past couple of days these airstrikes have been extended to include some new areas

    Russian Air Forces have extended the range of their airstrikes on Islamic State positions in Syria to four provinces, focusing primarily on demolishing fortified installations and eliminating supply bases and the terrorists’ infrastructure.


    Over the last 24 hours Russian aircraft have attacked terrorist positions in the Hama, Idlib, Latakia and Raqqa provinces of Syria. In total, 64 sorties targeted 63 Islamic State installations, among them 53 fortified zones, 7 arms depots, 4 training camps and a command post.

    When I read reports like this, I am deeply troubled.  The Obama administration claims that it has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria for over a year.  So why in the world do these targets still exist?

    Was the U.S. military incapable of finding these installations?

    That doesn’t seem likely.

    So why weren’t they destroyed long ago?

    Did the Obama administration not want them destroyed for some reason?

    What seems abundantly clear is that the Russians are doing what the Obama administration was either unwilling or unable to do.  There is now mass panic among ISIS fighters, and thousands of them are fleeing the country

    An estimated 3,000 Islamic State fighters as well as militants from other extremist groups have fled Syria for Jordan fearing a renewed offensive by the Syrian army in addition to Russian airstrikes, a military official has told RIA news agency.


    “At least 3,000 militants from Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), al-Nusra and Jaish al-Yarmouk have fled to Jordan. They are afraid of the Syrian army having stepped up activities on all fronts and of Russian airstrikes,” the RIA source said.

    The mainstream media in the United States is not talking much about this, are they?

    But the U.S. media is reporting on this latest airdrop of ammunition to rebel groups in Syria.  For example, the following comes from CNN

    U.S. military cargo planes gave 50 tons of ammunition to rebel groups overnight in northern Syria, using an air drop of 112 pallets as the first step in the Obama Administration’s urgent effort to find new ways to support those groups.


    Details of the air mission over Syria were confirmed by a U.S. official not authorized to speak publicly because the details have not yet been formally announced.


    C-17s, accompanied by fighter escort aircraft, dropped small arms ammunition and other items like hand grenades in Hasakah province in northern Syria to a coalition of rebels groups vetted by the US, known as the Syrian Arab Coalition.

    If you were the Russians, how would you feel about this?

    I know how I would feel.

    And just as Joe Biden has previously admitted, the “moderate middle” in Syria simply does not exist.  The following is an extended excerpt from a piece that was originally written by investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed

    The first Russian airstrikes hit the rebel-held town of Talbisah north of Homs City, home to al-Qaeda’s official Syrian arm, Jabhat al-Nusra, and the pro-al-Qaeda Ahrar al-Sham, among other local rebel groups. Both al-Nusra and the Islamic State have claimed responsibility for vehicle-borne IEDs (VBIEDs) in Homs City, which is 12 kilometers south of Talbisah.


    The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports that as part of “US and Turkish efforts to establish an ISIS ‘free zone’ in the northern Aleppo countryside,” al-Nusra “withdrew from the border and reportedly reinforced positions in this rebel-held pocket north of Homs city”.


    In other words, the US and Turkey are actively sponsoring “moderate” Syrian rebels in the form of al-Qaeda, which Washington DC-based risk analysis firm Valen Globals forecasts will be “a bigger threat to global security” than IS in coming years.


    Last October, Vice President Joe Biden conceded that there is “no moderate middle” among the Syrian opposition. Turkey and the Gulf powers armed and funded “anyone who would fight against Assad,” including “al-Nusra,” “al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI),” and the “extremist elements of jihadis who were coming from other parts of the world”.


    In other words, the CIA-backed rebels targeted by Russia are not moderates. They represent the same melting pot of al-Qaeda affiliated networks that spawned the Islamic State in the first place.

    It has been well documented that many of these so-called “moderate rebel groups” in Syria have fought alongside ISIS and have sold weapons to them.  So this false dichotomy that Barack Obama keeps trying to sell us on is just a giant fraud.  The following comes from a recent Infowars report

    In September, 2014 a commander with the FSA admitted cooperating with ISIS and the al-Nusra Front.


    “We are collaborating with the Islamic State and the Nusra Front by attacking the Syrian Army’s gatherings in … Qalamoun,” Bassel Idriss said. “Let’s face it: The Nusra Front is the biggest power present right now in Qalamoun and we as FSA would collaborate on any mission they launch as long as it coincides with our values.”


    In July of 2014 a report in Stars and Stripes documented how the 1,000 strong Dawud Brigade, which had previously fought alongside the FSA against al-Assad, had defected in its entirety to join ISIS.


    The same month factions within the FSA — including Ahl Al Athar and Ibin al-Qa’im — pledged services to the Islamic State.


    Members of the Islamic State claim to cooperate with the FSA and buy weapons provided by the U.S.


    “We are buying weapons from the FSA. We bought 200 anti-aircraft missiles and Koncourse anti tank weapons,” ISIS member Abu Atheer told al-Jazeera. “We have good relations with our brothers in the FSA. For us, the infidels are those who cooperate with the West to fight Islam.”

    U.S. anti-tank weapons are playing a critical role in the Syrian conflict.  As reported by the Washington Post, U.S.-made anti-tank missiles are being used by the rebels to destroy lots of Russian-made tanks that are being used by the Syrian army…

    So successful have they been in driving rebel gains in northwestern Syria that rebels call the missile the “Assad Tamer,” a play on the word Assad, which means lion. And in recent days they have been used with great success to slow the Russian-backed offensive aimed at recapturing ground from the rebels.


    Since Wednesday, when Syrian troops launched their first offensive backed by the might of Russia’s military, dozens of videos have been posted on YouTube showing rebels firing the U.S.-made missiles at Russian-made tanks and armored vehicles belonging to the Syrian army. Appearing as twirling balls of light, they zigzag across the Syrian countryside until they find and blast their target in a ball of flame.

    Like I said earlier, this is looking more and more like a proxy war between the United States and Russia.

    Could that be what Obama actually wants?

    *  *  *

    Obama is poking China in the eyes lately too.  CNN is reporting that U.S. warships may soon be sailing into territorial waters around the Spratly Islands.  These are islands that the Chinese government claims ownership over, but the U.S. government disputes that claim, and Obama seems determined to flex his muscles in the area…

    The United States (US) may soon deploy war ships near China’s artificial islands in the South China Sea.


    It wants to send a message that it does not recognize China’s territorial claims over the area.


    This is according to a Financial Times report quoting a senior U.S. official who said its ships will sail within 12-nautical-mile zones that China claims as its territory around the Spratly Islands within the next two weeks.

    If Obama sends warships into that area, there is a very real chance that they could get shot at.  According to  Newsweek, the Chinese are saying that they will not permit U.S. ships to violate those territorial waters under any circumstances…

    We will never allow any country to violate China’s territorial waters and airspace in the Spratly Islands, in the name of protecting freedom of navigation and overflight,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said in response to a question about possible U.S. patrols. “We urge the related parties not to take any provocative actions, and genuinely take a responsible stance on regional peace and stability.”

    Such exchanges appear to be moving China and the U.S. toward a much feared, yet long expected, military confrontation. Just as unsettling, both sides seem confident they can prevail.

    Over the past couple of years our relations with China have really gone downhill very rapidly, and if the trading relationship between the two largest economies on the planet breaks down, that would have massive implications for the entire global economy.

    In addition to everything above, the civil war in Ukraine continues to rage on.  The United States funded, equipped, trained and organized the forces that violently overthrew the democratically-elected government in Ukraine, and then once those thugs (which actually included some neo-Nazis) took power, the Obama administration immediately recognized them as the legitimate government of Ukraine.

    The Russians were absolutely infuriated by this, and they have been providing soldiers, equipment and supplies to the rebel groups that are fighting back against this new government.  Of course the Russians deny that they are doing this, but it is exceedingly obvious that they are.

    The rebel groups that the Russians have been backing have been doing very well and have been steadily taking ground, and this is not how the power brokers in D.C. envisioned things playing out in Ukraine.  So in a desperate attempt to shift the momentum of the conflict, a bill is going through Congress that would provide “lethal military aid” to the government in Kiev.  Initially the bill would have provided 200 million dollars in lethal aid, but now it has been upped to 300 million dollars.  There are some that believe that the final figure will be significantly higher.

    Once this bill gets passed, it will be an extremely important event.  For the Russians, it will mean crossing a red line that never should have been crossed.  You see, the truth is that Ukraine is Russia’s most important neighbor.  Just imagine how we would feel if the Russians helped overthrow Canada’s government and then start feeding weapons to the new pro-Russian government that they helped install.  That is exactly how the Russians view our meddling in Ukraine.

    Earlier this year, I wrote an article in which I discussed an opinion poll that showed that 81 percent of all Russians now view the United States negatively, and only 13 percent of Russians have a positive view of this nation.  Not even during the height of the Cold War were the numbers that bad.

    The stage is being set for World War III, but most Americans are completely and totally oblivious to all of this because they are so wrapped up in their own little worlds.

    Most Americans still seem to assume that the Russians and the Chinese are our “friends” and that any type of conflict between major global powers is impossible.

    Well, the truth is that conflict has already begun in Ukraine and Syria, and tensions are rising with each passing day.

    It won’t happen next week or next month, but we are on the road to World War III.

  • ON To WaSHiNGToN…


  • HSBC Is Now "Highly Risk Averse" Amid Growth Worries, Loss Of Central Bank Put

    Earlier today, we brought you one graphic from HSBC which shows that based on at least one metric, the world is already in recession:

    That graph is part of a larger thesis HSBC has developed about how a confluence of circumstances have conspired to make asset allocation a somewhat vexing task. The so called “tricky trinity” is comprised of the following three factors:

    • Global growth is decelerating
    • The absence of a policy put
    • Risk premia offers a limited buffer 

    These are all ideas that we have of course discussed at great length. 

    As for decelerating global growth, here’s what we said earlier:

    …the entire world seems to be decelerating in tandem with China’s hard landing (which most recently manifested itself in another negative imports print). 


    For evidence of this, one might look to the WTO, whose chief economist Robert Koopman recently opined that “it’s almost like the timing belt on the global growth engine is a bit off or the cylinders are not firing.” And then there’s the OECD, which recently slashed its global growth forecasts. The ADB joined the party as well, citing China, soft commodity prices, and a strong dollar on the way to cutting its regional outlook. Even Citi has jumped on the bandwagon with Willem Buiter calling for better than even odds of a worldwide downturn.

    And here is HSBC: 

    At this point we find few investors that believe growth is likely to accelerate. Rather, consensus growth expectations have moderated significantly in recent months. Our leading indicators found a peak in June and have since declined gradually. As we pointed out in our most recent publication, the downturn has been fairly broad-based with peaking or past peak cyclical data in all regions and most types of data. Only consumer data continues to improve. However, given the broad-based decline in other data we doubt that consumers are going to be able to withstand this cyclical story.

    The global PMI story is similar and we can now see that the manufacturing sector numbers have fallen to a 26-month low, which has resulted in a deterioration of the service sector as well. That said, global PMI was still at an expansionary 52.8 in September. Growth on this metric is low but still positive. In effect, September data verifies the slowdown that our leading indicators started to highlight in July. While the current decline in manufacturing data is clearly in the minds of many investors, the slowdown in the service sector PMI is a cause for concern. That said, if our leading indicators are correct, we are unlikely to see a stabilisation of global growth numbers over the coming 3-6 months. This presents global asset markets with a significant growth problem at the time of fairly limited risk premia in US equity markets, for example. 


    On the absence of a policy put, the message is simple: central banks have lost credibility, but the market is still largely dependent on QE. The BoJ and the ECB will eventually have trouble finding enough supply to purchase, which means that they will have literally monetized everything that isn’t tied down and yet still, both the eurozone and Japan are mired in deflation. We’ve seen the same dynamic unfold in Sweden where, for the first time, QE actually broke and just three months later, the Riksbank is being forced to look at purchasing muni bonds just to avoid the possibility that the scarcity of collateral created by central bank purchases doesn’t end up causing things (yields, the SEK) to move in the “wrong” direction (i.e. higher). And of course there’s the Fed, which is stuck in the impossible position of accidentally accelerating EM capital outflows whether it hikes or whether it holds. In a market that’s still largely hooked on stimulus, it is not good when central planners run out of options, creditbility, and lose the narrative all at the same time. And that is exactly what’s happening now. 

    Back we go to HSBC:

    Clearly, in this slow growth outlook it is easy to rely on central banks to provide an economic put. However, as our eurozone economics and fixed income strategy team highlighted in The ECB & QE: Constraints will test credibility from 22 September 2015, there are constraints on what the ECB can do. The chief limitations are negative yields and the relative lack of Bunds in a capital key driven QE program. Most notably, it is worth highlighting that such constraints limit the ability of the ECB to defend a weak EUR or to reignite growth and inflation expectations.

    The ECB, however, isn’t the only central bank that faces constraints to its unconventional monetary policy program. Investors continually question the limits of the BoJ’s JPY80trn asset purchase program whilst giving the benefit of the doubt. At present the BoJ owns 30% of JGBs outstanding but at the current run rate that would reach 50% by December 2018. How long can the BoJ keep buying 100% of the government’s new deficit issuance? The BoJ will have to do this to meet its asset purchase target in 2015. At the same time, it is not clear who will sell to the BoJ going forward as the GPIF is close to being done with its rebalancing, whilst life insurers and megabanks are limited in their ability to reduce JGB dependence due to ALM and regulatory considerations. 

    As we look at the success of QE it appears that the marginal benefit of further monetary policy is constrained. As this prospect starts to affect consumers and corporates alike, their belief in economic fortunes starts to become more volatile. This behavioural effect on global growth is not fully priced into financial markets, in our view. If anything, the distribution of future economic outcomes is becoming more extreme. 

    Finally, on risk premia:

    Monetary policy in the post crisis period has been like one giant blanket that has kept investors sheltered from the stiff breeze of structural stagnation. This blanket has also encouraged investors to move further and further into riskier assets. In effect, risk premia has slowly been pushed down. The eurozone crisis and now the EM crisis highlight that depressed risk premia are unlikely to unravel in a slow and gradual manner. Rather, once risk premia reach unsustainable levels, then only one proverbial straw will break the camel’s back. At the moment, EM assets are in the maelstrom of this unravelling.

    There, ladies and gentlemen, is the “tricky trinity” and in a nutshell, the takeaway is fairly simple, so we’ll just leave you with the bank’s conclusion: 

    Going into year-end and looking at the financial landscape for 2016, we cannot help but remain highly risk averse.

    So sell it all we suppose. Or don’t. 

  • How To Create A Gun-Free America In 5 'Easy' Steps

    Submitted by Austin Bragg via,

    Want to create a gun-free America in 5 easy steps?

    Here's all there is to it:

    Step 1: Elect. For a gun-free America, the first thing you'll need is two-thirds of Congress. So elect a minimum of 67 Senators and 290 Representatives who are on your side.

    Step 2: Propose. Then, have them vote to propose an amendment to the Constitution which repeals Second Amendment gun rights for all Americans.

    Step 3: Ratify. Then convince the legislators of 38 states to ratify that change.

    At this point, the Second Amendment is history, but you've done nothing to decrease gun violence. All you've done is remove the barrier for Congress to act.

    Step 4: Legislate. You need to enact "common sense" reform.

    You can try to do what Australia did and…ban all guns? That's not at all what they did, but whatever, fuck it. Go big or go home, right?

    It will have to be passed by Congress and signed by the president.  

    Great! The law is passed and guns are now illegal.  The only thing left to do is…

    Step 5: Enforce. Guns won't just disappear because you passed a law. You need to confiscate some 350 million guns scattered among 330 Million Americans.

    Sure, you can try a buy-back program like Australia, but like Australia that will still leave behind anywhere from 60 percent to 80 percent of privately owned firearms.

    The rest you have to take.

    You'll need the police, the FBI, the ATF or the National Guard—all known for their nuanced approach to potentially dangerous situations—to go door-to-door, through 3.8 million square miles of this country and take guns, by force, from thousands, if not, millions of well-armed individuals. Many of whom would rather start a civil war than acquiesce.

    So inevitably gun violence, which is currently at a historic low, will skyrocket.

    But that is how you get a gun-free America in five easy steps.

    (For more in that vein, read this piece by Charles C.W. Cooke of National Review.)

  • Russia Releases New Airstrike Videos, Says "Most" ISIS Ammo, Heavy Vehicles Destroyed

    Don’t be deceived, there are always two sides (or more) to every propaganda war and as we’ve been careful to mention on the way to critiquing US foreign policy in Syria, just because what Washington says about the war is so completely absurd as to warp the mind, that doesn’t thereby mean that everything which comes out of The Kremlin’s spin team should be taken as gospel. So when you see the steady stream of Russian Defense Ministry videos that purport to show the destruction of an ISIS stronghold or weapons cache which supposedly has some strategic significance, you should take it with a grain of salt. 

    Having dispensed with the customary disclaimer, we’ll move swiftly to say that although it might not be easy to tell what, Russia is certainly blowing up something in Syria and the videos – especially when viewed in light of how inept they make the US air force look by comparison – are always worth a look. 

    Below, we present the latest videos from Russia’s airstrikes in Syria. One interesting thing to note is that this is Moscow claiming to have destroyed a large portion of ISIS’ ammo right around the time the US paradropped 50 tons of ammo to the “Free Syrian Army.” Time for another caveat: correlation does not equal causation. 

    Without further ado:

    And here’s RT with a bit of color on what you’re supposedly watching there:

    Islamic State militants have lost “most” of their ammunition, heavy vehicles and equipment in Russian airstrikes, the Defense Ministry said Tuesday. At least 86 ISIS targets were hit during 88 sorties in the last 24 hours.


    Sukhoi Su-24M and Su-34 bombers, together with Su-25SM ground support aircrafts targeted Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) sites in the provinces of Raqqah, Hama, Idlib, Latakia and Aleppo, according to the ministry. The jets hit command posts, ammunition and armament depots, military vehicles, plants producing explosives, field camps and bases.


    Su-24M bombers also targeted an IS field headquarters near the city of Anadan in the province of Aleppo from which the terrorists coordinated their activities. There was an ammunition depot at the site, the ministry said. 


    One more IS field post was destroyed near the city of al-Bab in Aleppo Province.

    We’ll close with a quote from… well… from who else?

    “[Western countries] say we are bombing false targets. On Sunday US air forces targeted a power station and a transformer in Aleppo. Why did they do it? Whom did they punish? What was the sense? That is unclear,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday.

  • What Keeps Neil Howe Up At Night: An Interview With The Author Of "The Fourth Turning"

    Underproduction, undercapacity, deflation, currency wars, demographics, falling birth rates” – those are the biggest fears which Fourth Turning author, and head of Saeculum Research Neil Howe, lays out in this interview excerpt courtesy of RealVision TV.

    While Howe goes on an interesting tangent on the one topic that will surely be absent from all presidential debates, namely the fact that migration into the US is “actually in huge decline“, and that the largest immigrant group into the US is Asian (after all someone has to buy those luxury NYC condos), what is more interesting are Howe’s parallels of the current economic situation to the Great Depression: “whole areas of the world no longer having a global superpower, no longer having global institutions that enforce orders so you have these huge areas of failed states and power vacuums and regional authoritarian governments – that’s exactly what people saw in the 1930s and we’re seeing it now in Russia, China, Iran doing whatever they want.”

    He continues:

    “Another interesting economic parallel is the crisis of overvaluation: in the 1930s it was the gold standard, for southern Europe it’s the Euro, and for China they have a fixed rate regime that they’re attending to too little too late. It’s the nature of an authoritarian regime to always to do too little and too late. Everyone is too timid to tell the person in power “this is what you need to do.” I think China faces an absolute choice between a huge devaluation to restimulate its economy, because becoming competitive I think the carry trade is going to go and I think even domestic savings are going to flee. If they don’t do that they have very few options left at this point. They have $3.5 trillion of reserves – you’ll be amazed how quickly that goes. So that’s another parallel.

    Of course no Howe interview would be complete without some observations on generational shifts:

    “And then there are some fascinating cultural parallels with the 1930s. Another thing that was true in the 1930s was that after the early 30s you saw a continuous decline in the crime rate. Crime began falling over the the course of the 30s: substance abuse, alcohol abuse began to fall, and this is true with Millennials today. And I tell people that Millennials are responsible today for the most dramatic and rabid decline in youth violence in American history. This is why so many young people are moving to cities, because they are safe again.”

    Will this trend reverse if and when the economy stumbles, as the full parallels to the sad conclusion of the 1930s play out?

    The answer is unclear, but for a fascinating, broad and unconventional perspective on where the economy is headed from one of the cult non-establishment figures, watch the full interview on RealVision’s website.

    Raoul Pal has generously given Zero Hedge readers an exclusive weekly trial so both the full Howe, and all the other fascinating interviews in RealVision’s database can be watched in their entirety. To do so, please click here and use the “zerohedge” trial code, at which point the full Howe interview can be seen via this link.

    Here is the excerpt with Neil Howe excerpt :

  • Oct 14 – Ex-Fed's Fisher: "FOMC has egg on its face"



    ONE WEEK AGO: 30/100 FEAR 


    Put and Call Options: FEAR During the last five trading days, volume in put options has lagged volume in call options by 26.86% as investors make bullish bets in their portfolios. However, this is still among the highest levels of put buying seen during the last two years, indicating fear on the part of investors.

    Market Volatility:  NEUTRAL The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is at 17.67. This is a neutral reading and indicates that market risks appear low.

    Stock Price Strength: FEAR The number of stocks hitting 52-week lows exceeds the number hitting highs and is at the lower end of its range, indicating fear.




    S&P 500 (ES) | NASDAQ 100 (NQ) | DOW 30 (YM) | RUSSELL 2000 (TF) Euro (6E) |Pound (6B)







    VXX OCT WEEKLY4 21.5 CALLS7K+ @$.58

    LOCK NOV 8 PUT Activity on the BID side

    LULU NOV 55 CALL Activity 2500 block @$1.20 on offer

    EDGE SC 13D Filed by NEW LEAF Ventures .. 8.2%

    TROX .. SC 13G Filed by Putnam Investments .. 13.2%

    More Unusual Activity…



    Fed’s Bullard: Liftoff is appropriate despite challenges

    Fed’s Tarullo: US Rate hike likely not appropriate

    Ex-Fed’s Fisher: FOMC has egg on its face

    Fed Discount Rate Mins: 8 votes to hike rate to 1% (vs 5 in July)

    NY Fed: Consumers See Lower Inflation, Spending Growth –BBG

    US NFIB Small Business Optimism Sep: 96.1 (est 95.5; prev 95.9)

    ECB’s Mersch: Near-term inflation may continue to hover near zero

    BoE new boy Vlieghe says weak inflation may delay rate rise

    BoE’s McCafferty: Downside pressures in prices seen as transitory

    Venezuela: Opec technical meeting to be held 21/Oct in Vienna; non-opec members Brazil, Russia, Norway among invitees



    Fed’s Bullard: Liftoff is appropriate despite challenges –ForexLive

    Ex-Fed’s Fisher: FOMC has egg on its face –CNBC

    Fed’s Tarullo: Rate hike likely not appropriate –CNBC

    NY Fed: Consumers See Lower Inflation, Spending Growth –BBG

    Fed Discount Rate Mins: 8 votes to hike rate to 1% (vs 5 in July)

    Fed Discount Rate Mins: 3 voted to hold discount rate at 0.75%

    Fed Discount Rate Mins: Minneapolis again voted to cut discount rate to 0.5%

    ECB’s Mersch: Near-term inflation may continue to hover near zero –Rtrs

    BoE new boy Vlieghe says weak inflation may delay rate rise –MW

    BOE’s McCafferty wants rates at a level that they can cut again –ForexLive

    BoE’s McCafferty: Downside pressures in prices seen as transitory –FXstreet


    Prices rise on growth fears, bets on later Fed rate hike –Rtrs

    Treasuries Wilder Than Ever as Ultrafast Bond Traders Rise Up –BBG

    Italian-German Bond Yield Spread Narrows to Least Since April –BBG

    China picks London for renminbi debt issue –Eftee

    Putin: IMF should provide additional $3 bln loan to Ukraine to repay its debt to Russia –TASS


    USD: Dollar bulls vexed by Federal Reserve rate outlook –FT

    COMMODITY FX: Weak Chinese data bogs down commodity FX –ET

    CNY: PBoC fixed yuan higher for an 8th straight day –FT

    GBP: Deflation takes pound down after M&A lift –FT


    Venezuela: Opec technical meeting to be held 21/Oct in Vienna; non-opec members Brazil, Russia, Norway among invitees

    WTI futures settle 0.9% lower at $46.66 per barrel

    CRUDE: IEA: Oil market glut will persist through 2016 as demand growth slows –FT

    METALS: Copper Prices Fall After Weaker-Than-Expected Chinese Import Data –WSJ

    EXCHANGES: China’s largest commodities exchange to build intl platform –FT

    USDA: NZ milk production seen declining –BBG

    EIA Drilling Productivity Report for October


    EARNINGS: J&J got slammed by the strong dollar again –BI

    EARNINGS: J&J plans to buy back shares up to $10bn –Yahoo

    M&A: GE to sell $30 bln specialty finance business to Wells Fargo –Rtrs

    M&A: Diageo to announce sale of wines unit –Sky

    M&A: EMC to pay Dell $2 billion as breakup fee in go-shop period –Yahoo

    LEGAL: SEC Prepares Civil Charges Against Mondelez in Cadbury Probe –WSJ

    AUTOS: Volkswagen announces ?750m spending cuts to fund product revamp –Guradian

    AUTOS: VW gloom hits German economic sentiment –FT

    PRIVATISATION: UK government sells ?591m stake in Royal Mail –FT

    TECH: Twitter Slashing Costs With Workforce Layoffs –Sky

    TECH: Bloomberg: U.S. Wants To End Apple E-Book Antitrust Monitoring –Nasdaq

    BANKS: Citi dials down risky block trading amid market turmoil –Rtrs



    Economists gloomier on Brazil’s inflation outlook –FT


  • 'America The Herd' Is Ever At Odds With 'America The Civilization'

    Submitted by Dan Sanchez via,

    “Make America Great Again” is the slogan for Donald Trump’s phenomenally popular presidential campaign.


    With it, Trump has tapped a deep well of frustration among American conservatives about the direction of the country under President Barack Obama.

    This longing for lost greatness especially concerns American foreign policy (although upon close examination Trump’s actual statements are less hawkish than those of his Republican rivals).

    Conservatives are sick of America looking weak on the world stage. They sense that Obama has transmitted his own lack of virility to the nation as a whole. 

    Many blame the spectacular and gruesome rise of ISIS on Obama for having pulled out of Iraq. The bad guys are on the rise, because our leader wasn’t “man enough” to stay and stand up to them. As the great George Carlin said:

    “This whole country has a manhood problem. Big manhood problem in the USA. You can tell from the language we use; language always gives you away. What did we do wrong in Vietnam? We pulled out! Not a very manly thing to do is it?”

    Masculine Trump promises to be different. Oh sure, he wouldn’t have invaded Iraq in the first place. But if he had inherited the occupation, he wouldn’t have pulled out until he had taken all of the country’s oil. A “real man” doesn’t leave until he gets what he wants.

    And now, so this narrative goes, Obama has “yielded,” on behalf of America, to both Cuba and Iran. Trump, who presents himself as a masterful business negotiator, sneered at Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran as, “one of the weakest contracts I’ve seen of any kind.”

    But perhaps most emasculating of all is Obama’s feeble showing next to the famously tough Russian president Vladimir Putin. Virile Vlad has taken Obama’s lunch money time and again.

    Putin frustrated Obama’s plan to launch an air war on Syria by calling Secretary of State John Kerry’s bluff over a chemical weapons deal with the Syrian regime.

    Putin countered the Washington-backed coup in Ukraine by swiftly annexing its Crimean province without firing a shot.

    And now, in a blitzkrieg campaign, Putin seems to be smashing in a matter of days the ISIS menace that Obama declared war on eight months ago.

    Many Americans look at Putin with a mix of fear, hate, and envy. They wish they had a leader like him, and hope Trump will fill that role. Trump himself has predicted that as president he will get along with his Russian counterpart, because Putin will respect him (perhaps as a fellow alpha male). In contrast, Trump added, Putin, “has absolutely no respect for President Obama. Zero.”

    It is conceivable that Obama feels he has something to prove as a spindly former community organizer, and that is why he has been susceptible to be pressured into foreign interventions by the neocons (like Victoria Nuland of the Ukraine debacle) and liberal interventionists (like Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power of the Libya debacle) in his administration (especially the above female ones), as well as his steely-eyed generals (like Stanley McChrystal and David Petraeus of the Afghan Surge debacle).

    And perhaps Obama’s non-martial inclinations have curbed his commitments to these foreign misadventures, preventing them from being quite as grandly calamitous as Bush’s, while at the same time making him look timorous and indecisive.

    It may be tempting to think that Trump is comfortable enough in his own masculinity to not start fights he can’t finish, and that this is why he strays from the GOP script on Iraq, Syria, and Russia.

    But ultimately it is a waste of time to pore over what candidates say on the hustings. Politicians are generally inveterate liars and manipulators whose policies in office rarely match their rhetoric, and often don’t even resemble it.

    What is important is why the rhetoric is successful: why it resonates with the public and what that says about the spirit of the times, which is what actually limits or enables the rapacity of government.

    What exactly are conservatives longing for when they clamor to Make America Great Again? What do they even mean by “America”?


    It could be any of three senses, each of which was expounded by the great American journalist Randolph Bourne in his 1918 essay “The State.”

    They could mean America the Country. According to Bourne, when speaking of country or nation:

    “We think vaguely of a loose population spreading over a certain geographical portion of the earth’s surface, speaking a common language, and living in a homogeneous civilization. Our idea of Country concerns itself with the non-political aspects of a people, its ways of living, its personal traits, its literature and art, its characteristic attitudes toward life.”

    Or they could mean America the State. According to Bourne:

    “The State is the country acting as a political unit, it is the group acting as a repository of force, determiner of law, arbiter of justice.”

    It is important to note that Bourne’s idea of the State is distinct from his idea of government, which is:

    “…the machinery by which the nation, organized as a State, carries out its State functions. Government is a framework of the administration of laws, and the carrying out of the public force. (…) That the State is a mystical conception is something that must never be forgotten. Its glamor and its significance linger behind the framework of Government and direct its activities.”

    And in wartime, the State eclipses all else, as the alarmed populace amalgamates into a herd, huddling and stampeding in unison under the guiding rod of government-as-shepherd:

    “Wartime brings the ideal of the State out into very clear relief, and reveals attitudes and tendencies that were hidden. (…) For war is essentially the health of the State. The ideal of the State is that within its territory its power and influence should be universal. (…) And it is precisely in war that the urgency for union seems greatest, and the necessity for universality seems most unquestioned. The State is the organization of the herd to act offensively or defensively against another herd similarly organized. The more terrifying the occasion for defense, the closer will become the organization and the more coercive the influence upon each member of the herd.”

    Bourne noticed a key problem for clearly thinking about these matters:

    “The patriot loses all sense of the distinction between State, nation, and government.”

    As a result, these terms have become thoroughly confused.

    The terms “patriotism” and “nationalism” as used by today’s arch-conservatives refer to attitudes that used to be called “jingoism.” So, what is today called “country” in the sense of “patriotism” and “nation” in the sense of “nationalism” is actually what Bourne referred to as “the State.”

    What is today called “the State” Bourne instead called “government.”

    And what Bourne meant by “country” and “nation” is a concept so neglected today, that it doesn’t really have its own name at all.

    It will clarify things if we adopt our own set of labels for Bourne's rigorous concepts: one that doesn’t confusingly contradict current usage as Bourne’s does, but also doesn’t have the deceptive Orwellian qualities of standard modern parlance.

    Our meaning should be unmistakable if we speak of America the Civilization, America the Herd, and America the Regime.

    Those who display the “Make America Great Again” injunction on baseball caps and bumper stickers are specifically hoping for a particular prospective government official to fulfill it. So, they are clearly not saying “Make the American Civilization Great Again.”

    Yet they are also saying far more than “Make the American Regime Great Again.” They are not merely concerned with the glory of the Federal government.

    What Trump’s supporters desperately want is to Make the American Herd Great Again. And by “Great,” they mean big, imposing, mighty, and fearsome.

    In a time of sparse grazing (that is, a deep economic recession), they are irrationally alarmed at perceived economic inroads being made by the Mexican and Chinese Herds.

    And in a time of military and diplomatic humiliation (see above), they are irrationally terrified that the Russian, Chinese, and Muslim Herds may someday supplant or even overrun them.

    They want their Herd’s military stampede to be irresistible and earthshakingly awesome again, and its huddle (immigration and trade barriers, the national security state, etc.) to be impenetrable and intimidatingly forbidding. And they are looking to Trump to restore these herd characteristics as the new strongman shepherd.

    This is why Trump’s vaunted masculinity is so important. His fans want their shepherd to have a firm hand, like a stern but protecting father.

    As Bourne explained:

    “There is, of course, in the feeling towards the State a large element of pure filial mysticism. The sense of insecurity, the desire for protection, sends one’s desire back to the father and mother, with whom is associated the earliest feelings of protection. It is not for nothing that one’s State is still thought of as Father or Motherland, that one’s relation towards it is conceived in terms of family affection.”

    And this is especially true in times of war such as ours. Bourne added that the wartime State’s…

    “… chief value is the opportunity it gives for this regression to infantile attitudes. In your reaction to an imagined attack on your country or an insult to its government, you draw closer to the herd for protection, you conform in word and deed, and you act together. And you fix your adoring gaze upon the State, with a truly filial look, as upon the Father of the flock, the quasi-personal symbol of the strength of the herd, and the leader and determinant of your definite action and ideas.”

    But in order for this filial piety toward the Herd to really take hold, there usually needs to be a figurehead with a face, a name, and a personality to function as a devotional focal point: a father-figure embodiment of the Herd itself. This was the function of Big Brother in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. And this is the function of Trump in his supporters’ dreams of an American Herd made great again.

    If America’s spooked-herd mindset continues to intensify, it could even turn the populist demagogue Trump into Nationalist America’s answer to Nationalist Italy’s Benito Mussolini: our “Il Douche” to their “Il Duce.”


    Conservatives need to snap out of their fight-or-flight response, take a moment to step out of the fevered haze of election season, and realize that there is no need or good reason to seek provision and protection in a Herd. (Class warrior leftists are also guilty of this in their own way.)

    The shepherds they bleat for don’t tend to their flocks for the sake of the protection and provision of the sheep, but for the sake of their own wool and mutton. And such regime herdsmen are the ones who set herds against each other in order to divide and rule.

    And protection and provision cannot be sustainably achieved through the bestial means of swarming and stampeding over outsiders. The “biological competition” (as Ludwig von Mises called it) of tribalism and warfare (both military and economic) is a zero-sum game. And it ultimately only endangers and impoverishes all by breaking down the positive-sum division of labor (social competition and cooperation), which is the rational and characteristically human means of attaining protection and provision.

    As Mises taught, civilization is based on the division of labor, which in turn depends on respect for individual property rights (including self-ownership): in a word, justice.

    The more that justice reigns, the more intensified and productive will be the division of labor, and the more the populace will be civilized: i.e., economically integrated, prosperous, and peaceful.

    Justice (liberty and property) is what makes a civilization great. And civilization is what makes a populace rich and safe. In short, being good is what makes a people truly great.

    Being good means peaceful and voluntary exchange, both commercial and cultural, to the enrichment of all, both material and spiritual.

    Being good means not making enemies throughout the world by bombing, starving, and subjugating potential fellow members of the ecumenical market society and excusing it as “foreign policy,” “global strategy,” and “collateral damage.”

    Being good means not pretending to have a partial claim over every single piece of private or “public” property under your government’s illegitimate jurisdiction, such that you can exclude others from it based on them being born under a different illegitimate jurisdiction.

    And as the left needs to realize, being good also means not raiding the coffers of other socio-economic “classes” simply because they have more than you, and excusing it as “addressing wealth inequality.”

    In other words, being good means acting like decent human beings, and not like a ravenous, paranoid, amoral Herd.

    America the Herd is ever at odds with America the Civilization. It is America the Herd that is keeping America the Civilization from feeling and being prosperous and safe. For too long, we have let our rulers ride us roughshod, using us to trample the economy and global tranquility with its economic and military interventions.


    Apocalyptic Islamophobes like to speak of a “Clash of Civilizations,” but that is a contradiction in terms. Civilization is a concept of natural, unforced harmony. It is Herds that clash, not Civilizations. Civilizational commonalities may determine who is considered in the fold. But it is the Herd dynamic that hurls the throngs against each other.

    And such clashes damage civilization in two senses. Civilization is degraded domestically, as the heterogenous dance of individuals yields the stage to the homogenous march of the horde.

    And civilization between the two peoples is shattered as well.

    There are many nested levels of civilization. Within the American civilization, there are distinctive sub-civilizations. The Midwest, the Northeast, the South, etc, each have their own recognizable subcultures and trading networks, even though they are also to some extent integrated with the broader American culture and trading network.

    All these civilizations are, in turn, integrated with a broader Western civilization. And Western civilization has certain cultural affinities and (especially) economic relationships with virtually all the rest of the world as well.

    So, no matter how distinctive two sets of people are, military and economic warfare between them breaks the bonds of civilization that culturally and materially enrich them both.


    Next time someone accuses you of “hating America” for denouncing beastly policies and the tribalism that endorses and enables such savagery, tell them, “I love America the Civilization, which is why I despise America the Herd. For you, it seems to be the other way around.”

    Make America good again, and the kinds of greatness actually worth having will naturally follow.

  • Bond Market Breaking Bad – Credit Downgrades Highest Since 2009

    Despite The Fed's best efforts to crush the business cycle, the crucial credit-cycle has reared its ugly head as releveraging firms (gotta fund those buybacks) and deflationary pressures (liabilities fixed, assets tumble) have led to a surging market cost of capital.

    As WSJ reports, softening U.S. corporate fundamentals have been largely overlooked but the markets for riskier debt have become snarled with rising downgrades and an increase in U.S. corporate defaults indicate “some cracks on the surface” of the domestic-growth outlook. In fact, in the latest quarter, the ratio of upgrades-to-downgrades is its weakest since the peak of the financial crisis in 2009.

    Falling profits and increased borrowing at U.S. companies are rattling debt markets, a sign the six-year-long economic recovery could be under threat.


    Credit-rating firms are downgrading more U.S. companies than at any other time since the financial crisis, and measures of debt relative to cash flow are rising.



    Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services downgraded U.S. companies 297 times in the first nine months of the year, the most downgrades since 2009, compared with just 172 upgrades.


    Meanwhile, the trailing 12-month default rate on lower-rated U.S. corporate bonds was 2.5% in September, up from 1.4% in July of last year, according to S&P.


    Analysts expect profits at large companies to decline for a second straight quarter for the first time since 2009.


    U.S. companies have increased borrowing to levels exceeding those just before the financial crisis, as firms pursue big acquisitions and seek to boost stock prices by buying back shares. According to one metric, the ratio of debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization for companies that carry investment-grade ratings, meaning triple-B-minus or above, was 2.29 times in the second quarter. That’s higher than the 1.91 times in June 2007, just before the crisis, according to figures from Morgan Stanley.

    “We’re seeing more widespread weakness across more industry sectors in the U.S.,” Ms. Vazza said. “It’s become broader than just the commodity story.”


    “The metrics that you measure health and credit by have peaked a while ago,” said Sivan Mahadevan, head of credit strategy at Morgan Stanley. “They are beginning to deteriorate.”

    *  *  *

    You Are Here…

  • JPMorgan Misses Across The Board On Disappointing Earnings, Outlook; Stealthy Deleveraging Continues

    Maybe we now know why JPM decided to release results after market close instead of, as it always does, before the open: simply said, the results were lousy top to bottom, the company resorted to its old income-generating “gimmicks”, it charged off far less in risk loans than many expected it would, and its outlook while hardly as bad as it was a quarter ago, was once again  dour.

    First, the summary results, in which JPM saw $23.5 billion in non-GAAP net revenues, because yes, JPM has a pre-GAAP “reported revenue” item which was even lower at $22.8 billion… 

    … missing consensus by $500 million, down $1 billion or 6.4% from a year ago.


    While the Net Income at first sight seemed to be a beat, printing at $1.68, this was entirely due to addbacks and tax benefits, which amounts to a 31 cent boost to the bottom line, while for the first time, JPM decided to admit that reserve releases are nothing but a gimmick, and broke out the contribution to EPS, which added another $0.05 to the bottom line.


    There were two surprises here: first, JPM’s legal headaches continue, and the firm spent another $1.3 billion on legal fees during the quarter – one assumes to put the finishing touches on the currency rigging settlement. Also, as noted above, instead of taking a credit charge, i.e., increasing reserve releases, JPM resorted to this age-old gimmick, and boosted its book “profit” by $450 million thanks to loan loss reserve releases, the most yet in 2015; ironically this comes as a time when JPM competitors such as Jefferies are taking huge charge offs on existing debt. It appears JPM is merely doing what Jefferies did for quarters, and is hoping the market rebounds enough for it to not have to mark its trading book to market.

    While the release of reserves helped JPM in this quarter, unless the economy picks up substantially next quarter, JPM’s EPS will be hammered not only from the top line, but also from the long-overdue rebuilding of its reserves which will have to come sooner or later.

    Completing the big picture, was something rather troubling we first noticed last quarter: JPM’s aggressive push to deleverage its balance sheet, by unwinding billions in deposits. Indeed, as the bank admits, it has now shrunk its balance sheet by a whopping $156 billion in 2015, driven by a massive reduction in “non-operating deposits” of over $150 billion. Perhaps the US does not need NIRP: it appears banks like JPM are simply saying not to deposits.


    Then stepping away from the bank, and looking just at JPM’s most important division, its Investment Bank, there were no major surprises there: Fixed Income Revenue crashed by $854 million Y/Y to $2.933 billion, which however was in line with sellside expectations. The silver lining: equity markets revenue of $1.4 billion posted a modest improvement of $173 million from Q3 2014.

    This is how JPM explained it:

    • Fixed Income Markets of $2.9B, down 11% YoY, excluding business simplification
    • Equity Markets of $1.4B, up 9% YoY, driven by strong performance across derivatives and cash

    The punchline:

    • Firm loans-to-deposits ratio of 64%, up 8% since year-end

    This was up to 61% last quarter, and is indicatively of the end of QE as the fed no longer pumps the company full of deposits without a matching loan increase.

    Perhaps the most interesting thing about this slide was JPM’s admission at the very end that it had suffered $232 million in credit costs “reflecting higher reserves driven by Oil & Gas.” Considering this was a decline from the $299MM cost from a year ago, one wonders just how (in)sufficient this will be if and when the oil rebound once again fizzles.

    Curiously, despite the most recent tumble in yields, JPM was happy to reported that after NIM rose by 2 bps last quarter, in Q3, “Firm NIM is up 7bps QoQ largely driven by positive mix impact of lower cash balances and higher loan balances.”

    Finally, the outlook: while hardly as dour as last quarter when as a reminder JPM said “for 3Q15, expect business simplification to generate YoY negative variance in Markets revenue of 9%, with an associated reduction in expense”, this time the revenue guidance cut is only 2%. We expect this number to prove insufficient if the current market volatility continues.

    JPM also said to “Expect 4Q15 YoY core loan growth to continue at 15%+/-.” So a 30% swing from top to bottom.


    Here is the full outlook for what was a quarter JPM would be happy to forget

  • Is This 2000, 2007 Or 2011?

    Submitted by Lance Roberts via STA Wealth Management,

    In last week's update, I discussed the short-term oversold condition that existed at that time. To wit:

    "As you can see, the markets did retest the late August lows, and when combined with the very oversold conditions, led to a frantic "short covering" rally back to previous resistance. It is worth noting that the recent market action is very similar to that of the August decline and initial rebound as well.


    Of course, the question that must be answered is whether we have seen the end of the current correction or is this just another "reflexive rally" that will fail?"

    The chart below is updated through yesterday's close.


    Currently, the bulls have clearly been in charge of the market. The question is for "how long?"

    While last week's FOMC minutes gave the "bulls" some confidence that the Federal Reserve is not removing its accommodative policy, it was the massive amount of short-interest (people betting on markets to fall) that provided the fuel. 


    The chart above, from ZeroHedge, shows the massive jump in short-interest that has to be covered as stock prices rise. When players are "short the market," bullish reversals in prices force traders to close out their positions by "buying" into the market. This fuels additional buying, which pushes prices higher, which forces more players to close out their short positions. This cycle continues until the "fuel" is exhausted. This is why market rebounds tend to be extremely sharp and fast, but also fade just as quickly.

    For a visualization think about the "Whoosh Bottle" where an air/gas mixture is fairly inert until ignited by a catalyst. (Vine by @scienceporn)

    That mixture of oversold market conditions, combined with a sharp rise in "short interest" in the market, was the perfect accelerant waiting on a match.  That match was the Fed failing to hike rates and a lack of China in the headlines. 

    However, there is a big difference between a fundamentally based "bull market" advance and a short-covering rally in a "bear market" cycle. While it is too early to say that we are indeed in a bear market, there are many indications such is indeed the case as I discussed yesterday in "4 Warnings."  

    • Profit margins have had a 60bp decline.
    • Margin debt has fallen below its moving average.
    • Valuations have started to contract.
    • Economic measures have fallen sharply.

    Add to those fundamental arguments the technical deterioration of momentum and relative strength in the market and a more worrisome picture emerges. 


    Importantly, despite many of the mainstream calls for a continued bull market, it is worth noting that historically the negative alignment of both the fundamental warnings and technical indicators have only occurred at the onset of more protracted bear market declines.

    Could this time be different? It's possible, particularly if the Federal Reserve once again intervenes with more liquidity driven monetary policy. However, such action by the Federal Reserve seems unlikely as they are focused on "tightening" monetary policy by hiking interest rates, rather than "loosening" it with additional liquidity. Of course, another sharp decline in the market that erodes consumer confidence will likely quickly change their stance. 

    Is This 2000, 2007 or 2011?

    One of the primary arguments by the more "bullish" media is that the current setup is much like that of 2011 following the "debt ceiling" debate and global economic slowdown caused by the Tsunami in Japan. 

    While there are certainly some similarities, such as the weakness being spread from China and a market selloff, there are some marked differences. 

    From a fundamental standpoint the Federal Reserve, along with the ECB, were actively engaged in pushing support for the financial markets globally. This is not the case today, as stated above.

    Furthermore, the economy was "saved" in Q3 and Q4 of 2011 by the warmest winter in 65 years that allowed for continued manufacturing and production during a period when inclement weather is generally a concern. This also coincided with the "reboot" in Japan which allowed for "pent up" demand to be filled. As we once again face an extremely cold winter period, as we saw in the last two, the outcome fundamentally is far different. 

    From a technical backdrop, there is a striking difference as well. In 2011, asset prices plunged on fears of a "debt default" coupled with the lack of liquidity following the end of QE 2. However, price momentum and the relative strength of the underlying market internals remained bullishly biased. 


    Currently, the technical deterioration is more aligned with the previous bear market cycle as "sell signals" have been registered for only the third time since the turn of the century. With only one "sell signal" not registered, the moving average crossover, there is a minor "hope" for the bulls at this juncture. However, given the steepness of the decent it is likely that signal will be registered in the weeks ahead if the "bulls" are unable to gain solid footing and push markets to new highs fairly quickly. 

    No matter how you want to view the market, it is hard to make the case that this is simply just a correction within an ongoing bull market cycle. As I quoted in yesterday's post (Edward Harrison):

    "We are now in the seventh year of a cyclical recovery and bull market. Shares have tripled in that time frame. I would say this means we are much closer to the end of the business cycle than the beginning.


    To me, the pre-conditions for this profits recession speak to downside risk, both for risk assets and for the real economy. None of the data speaks to recession in the real economy right now. We are seeing a slowing of job growth and likely of trend economic growth as well. But with a profits recession hitting, the potential for further downside is high."

    That view, combined with the fundamental and technical backdrop that is more aligned with historical bear market cycles, suggests that excessive risk taking currently is ill-advised. If the backdrop changes to a conducive environment, then that view will change accordingly. For now, it remains prudent to use rallies to reduce risk. Remember, it is always easier to get back into the market once the path higher is clear. Conversely, it is harder, and a bit pointless, to keep using rallies simply to make up previous losses. Getting "back to even" is simply not a viable long-term investment strategy.


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