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Today’s News August 9, 2015

"Orwellian" FBI Says Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can't Access Submitted by J.D. Heyes via, The police and surveillance state predicted in the forward-looking 1940s classic “1984” by George Orwell, has slowly, but steadily, come to fruition. However, like a frog sitting idly in a pan of steadily-warming water, too many …

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Today’s News August 8, 2015

Economic Reality Now Catching Up To Market Fantasy Submitted by Brandon Smith via, In the mind of a schizophrenic person, internal elements of fantasy (negative and positive) are made manifest in the psyche and projected out onto the real world. Often, the daydream images of the mind are not merely images to them. Rather, …

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Today’s News August 7, 2015

GOP Debates Post-Mortem: Fiorina Wins Undercard; Trump Takes Title, Threatens Independent Run 17 Entered… Despite the onslaught of attacks from the other 16 GOP Presidential nominee candidates, Donald Trump came out the 'winner' in his usual brash manner threatening to run as an independent and able to dominate the conversation, pitbull back at any jibes, …

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Today’s News August 6, 2015

Paul Craig Roberts: A Prescription For Peace & Prosperity Submitted by Paul Craig Roberts, The question is often asked: “What can we do?” Here is a prescription for peace and prosperity. We will begin with prosperity, because prosperity can contribute to peace. Sometimes governments begin wars in order to distract from unpromising economic prospects, and …

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Today’s News August 5, 2015

Yield Purchasing Power: $100M Today Matches $100K in 1979 by Keith Weiner   I wrote a story about poor Clarence who retired in 1979, and even poorer Larry who retired last year. I created these characters to challenge the notion of calculating a real interest rate by subtracting inflation. The idea is that the decline …

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Today’s News August 4, 2015

Washington's "Fifth Columns" Inside Russia And China Submitted by Paul Craig Roberts, It took two decades for Russia and China to understand that “pro-democracy” and “human rights” organizations operating within their countries were subversive organizations funded by the US Department of State and a collection of private American foundations organized by Washington. The real purpose …

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Today’s News August 3, 2015

Chinese Economy Crashes To 2-Year Low; China Stocks Plunge, Asian Stocks Test 2015 Lows Yet again the endless reasurance from the talking heads of the world is proven fallacious as the crash in China's stock market has apparently crashed its economy. China's Manufacturing PMI final print for July collapsed to 47.8 – its lowest since …

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Today’s News August 2, 2015

Venezuela Increasingly Looks Like A War Zone Over the years, we have repeatedly poked fun at the transformation of Venezuela into a “socialist utopia” – an economy in a state of terminal collapse, where the destruction of the currency (one black market Bolivar is now worth 107 times less than the official currency’s exchange rate) …

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Today’s News August 1, 2015

Paying In A Broken World Submitted by Tom Chatham via Project Chesapeake, It is a common reaction to ask, how much is that, when we see something we want or need. The question is answered with some monetary figure that people will recognize and use to determine if they can afford it. But what happens …

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Today’s News July 31, 2015

Liar Loans Pop up in Canada’s Magnificent Housing Bubble Wolf Richter For a long time, the conservative mortgage lending standards in Canada, including a slew of new ones since 2008, have been touted as one of the reasons why Canada’s magnificent housing bubble, when it implodes, will not take down the financial system, …

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