Author's posts

Today’s News June 13, 2015

Round 1 Goes to We the People Fast track authority for TPP – which would have assured the passage of a horrible treaty – was voted down today. But Obama, Ryan and the powers-that-be are forcing Round 2 on Tuesday. Conservatives and liberals BOTH hate the TPP. It's literally We The People versus the oligarchy. …

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Today’s News June 12, 2015

Toronto’s Epic Condo Bubble Suddenly Turns into Condo Glut Wolf Richter The high-rise construction boom in Toronto has been evident for a while. It has been motivated by sky-high prices. In May, prices in Toronto rose another 5% from a year ago. For all types of homes, prices are now 42% higher than …

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Today’s News June 11, 2015

Why Greece Must Leave Submitted by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog, French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron and German Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel published a piece in the Guardian last week that instantly revived our long nourished hope for the European Unholy Union to implode and be dissolved, sooner rather than later. The two …

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Tyranny is not a wholly definable condition. There are many forms of tyranny and many levels of control that exist in any one society at any given time. In fact, the most despicable forms of tyranny are often the most subtle; the kinds of tyranny in which the oppressed are deluded into thinking that because …

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Today’s News June 10, 2015

How Could the Fed Protect Us from Economic Waves? by Keith Weiner Mainstream economists tell us that the Federal Reserve protects us from economic waves, indeed from the business cycle itself. In their view, people naturally tend to go overboard and cause wild swings in both directions. Thus, we need an economic central planner to …

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Today’s News June 9, 2015

What Is the REAL Risk from Terrorism? Preface:   Bad government policy has increased the level of terrorism. And corruption in our security agencies has allowed attacks to succeed which should have been stopped.  Even so, the levels of terrorism are still much lower than many assume.  Government officials and counter-terror experts may hype the terror …

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The official Bilderberg Group website has released the full attendee list and agenda for this year’s conference. As ever, the list of topics to be discussed is so vague as to almost be meaningless. Infowars will have full coverage of Bilderberg’s detailed agenda later today and for the rest of the week. 63rd Bilderberg conference to …

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Today’s News June 8, 2015

FIFA Confirms Russia Will Be Stripped Of 2018 World Cup If "Evidence Of Bribery" Emerges Ten days ago, when the FIFA scandal broke out, it took just a few hours to figure out what the US DOJ’s motive was. The answer was simple: stripping the 2018 (and 2022) World Cup hosts, i.e., Russia (and to …

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Today’s News June 7, 2015

"Literally, Your ATM Won’t Work…" By Bill Bonner Of Bonner And Partners Literally, Your ATM Won’t Work… While we were thinking about what was really going on with today’s strange new money system, a startling thought occurred to us. Our financial system could take a surprising and catastrophic twist that almost nobody imagines, let alone …

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Today’s News June 6, 2015

Ron Paul Stunned That George Soros Seeks To "Expand War In Ukraine" Earlier this week, using hacked and leaked documents and pdfs created by, among others, George Soros’ most recent wife who is less than half his age, we showed something fascinating: the puppetmaster behind the entire Ukraine conflict may be none other than George …

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