Today’s News July 10, 2015

  • The Global War On Pensions Gets Personal – Scenes From A Dying Nation

    We have been warning about the 'global war on pensioners' for a while (most recently here, here, and here) but the soul-destroying images of Greek pensioners' hopes being crushed bring that central-bank-driven repression front-and-center…

    As The Wall Street Journal reports, fear is growing in Greece as the decisive hour nears for the nation…

    Greek banks will likely run out of cash by the end of the week, two senior Greek bankers said.


    “Not all banks will run out of cash at once,” one of the bankers said, “but they’ll all be out within hours of each other.”



    Shortages of medications are beginning to bite, compounding distress especially among older Greeks.


    Parents of babies and young children are stocking up on formula and other basic medications, pharmacists say.


    “In some cases, we have shortages because people are freaking out panic-buying. We’re trying to advise them against that,” said Mando Nikolopoulou, a pharmacist.


    “We’re seeing significant shortages in heart and blood-pressure medications, but I’m less worried about that because there are Greek-made generics that people can turn to when the branded ones run out for good,” she said. “But insulin, that’s critical—diabetics need it to survive, and we’re really low on stocks.”



    Yiannis Konstantinidis, a 74-year-old grandfather to two little girls, refused to join the queue, even though he could have done with an extra €60 ($66)—the maximum daily withdrawal amount under capital-control rules.


    “I brought the kids to have a bit of fun, to buy them ice cream,” he said as 6-year-old Chryssa pulled on his hand. “They may be young but they know something’s wrong. The television is playing at home all day, there are people lining up at the banks, they’re asking me ‘what’s happening, Grandpa?’”


    “I just want Tsipras to get a deal, any deal, but it looks like the Europeans are fed up with us now,” Mr. Konstantinidis said, adding he had voted with the minority of Greeks who backed the creditors’ proposals, which he believed would secure the country’s euro membership despite hitting pensioners like himself hard.

    Scenes from a dying nation…

    As Martin Armstrong adds,

    All mainstream news is painting the Greeks as the bad guys and the Troika as the savior of Europe. Quite frankly, it is really disgusting. Pictures of an elderly Greek pensioner have gone viral depicting what the Troika is deliberately doing to the Greek people trying to punish them for their own failed design of the Euro in a system that is just economically unsustainable.


    [The images above] expose the core of the issue of how ordinary Greeks are being tormented by EU politicians who pretend to care about people. This is not a Greek debt crisis, this is a Euro Crisis and they refuse to admit that what they designed was solely for the takeover of Europe at the cost of the future of everyone from pensioners to the youth.


    This is just the tip of the iceberg. We are facing terrible times ahead because socialism is completely collapsing. Government employees have lined their pockets and this is precisely the end game how Rome collapsed. It was not the barbarians at the gate. It was the the Roman army was not paid and they began hailing their various generals as emperor and the attacked cities who did not support their choice sacking their own people. Only after weakening themselves, then the barbarians came in for easy pickings. If Russia really wants to take Europe, all they have to do is be patient. They will self-destruct for the Troika cannot see any change in thinking for that means they must admit that they were wrong from the outset.

    *  *  *

  • Chinese Police Officially Launch Crackdown On Stock Sellers & Rumor Spreaders

    Not only has the Chinese regulator specifically asked all listed companies to submit reports, within the next two days, on the measures they will take to prop up their shares, according to the 21st Centruy Business Herald; but, as we warned yesterday, Chinese police have begun a “nationwide action plan” to work with stock regulator CSRC to crack down on now ‘illegal’ stock and futures trading. As SCMP reports, police are checking who sold off Ping An and PetroChina stocks in last 30 minutes of trading July 8 while Government was buying to boost index… Who needs QE? This is worse, much worse…


    * * *

    Which explains this…


    *  *   *

    And here is what Rabobank thinks…

    “China managed to stage an impressive equity rebound yesterday. One could call it a dead cat bounce, but we don’t even have an entire cat, so it was more parts of a dead cat bouncing, aided by news that anyone caught selling short would be arrested.


    To say that doesn’t look sustainable is an understatement, especially with PPI (Producer Price Index) slipping to -4.8 per cent (Year-on-Year), and CPI (Consumer Price Index) edging up to 1.4 per cent only on vegetable prices.”

  • Are Big Banks Using Derivatives To Suppress Bullion Prices?

    Submitted by Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler via,

    We have explained on a number of occasions how the Federal Reserves’ agents, the bullion banks (principally JPMorganChase, HSBC, and Scotia) sell uncovered shorts (“naked shorts”) on the Comex (gold futures market) in order to drive down an otherwise rising price of gold. By dumping so many uncovered short contracts into the futures market, an artificial increase in “paper gold” is created, and this increase in supply drives down the price.

    This manipulation works because the hedge funds, the main purchasers of the short contracts, do not intend to take delivery of the gold represented by the contracts, settling instead in cash. This means that the banks who sold the uncovered contracts are never at risk from their inability to cover contracts in gold. At any given time, the amount of gold represented by the paper gold contracts (“open interest’) can exceed the actual amount of physical gold available for delivery, a situation that does not occur in other futures markets.

    In other words, the gold and silver futures markets are not a place where people buy and sell gold and silver. These markets are places where people speculate on price direction and where hedge funds use gold futures to hedge other bets according to the various mathematical formulas that they use. The fact that bullion prices are determined in this paper, speculative market, and not in real physical markets where people sell and acquire physical bullion, is the reason the bullion banks can drive down the price of gold and silver even though the demand for the physical metal is rising.

    For example last Tuesday the US Mint announced that it was sold out of the American Eagle one ounce silver coin. It is a contradiction of the law of supply and demand that demand is high, supply is low, and the price is falling. Such an economic anomaly can only be explained by manipulation of prices in a market where supply can be created by printing paper contracts.

    Obviously fraud and price manipulation is at work, but no heads roll. The Federal Reserve and US Treasury support this fraud and manipulation, because the suppression of precious metal prices protects the value and status of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency and prevents gold and silver from fulfilling their role as the transmission mechanism that warns of developing financial and economic troubles. The suppression of the rising gold price suppresses the warning signal and permits the continuation of financial market bubbles and Washington’s ability to impose sanctions on other world powers that are disadvantaged by not being a reserve currency.

    It has come to our attention that over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives also play a role in price suppression and simultaneously serve to provide long positions for the bullion banks that disguise their manipulation of prices in the futures market.

    OTC derivatives are privately structured contracts created by the secretive large banks. They are a paper, or derivative, form of an underlying financial instrument or commodity. Little is known about them. Brooksley Born, the head of the Commodity Futures Trading Corporation (CFTC) during the Clinton regime said, correctly, that the derivatives needed to be regulated. However, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, Treasury Secretary and Deputy Secretary Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers, and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman Arthur Levitt, all de facto agents of the big banks, convinced Congress to prevent the CFTC from regulating OTC derivatives.

    The absence of regulation means that information is not available that would indicate the purposes for which the banks use these derivatives. When JPMorgan was investigated for its short silver position on Comex, the bank convinced the CFTC that its short position on Comex was a hedge against a long position via OTC derivatives. In other words, JPMorgan used its OTC derivatives to shield its attack on the silver price in the futures market.

    During 2015 the attack on bullion prices has intensified, driving the prices lower than they have been for years. During the first quarter of this year there was a huge upward spike in the quantity of precious metal derivatives.

    If these were long positions hedging the banks’ Comex shorts, why did the price of gold and silver decline?

    More evidence of manipulation comes from the continuing fall in the prices of gold and silver as set in paper future markets, although demand for the physical metals continues to rise even to the point that the US Mint has run out of silver coins to sell. Uncertainties arising from the Greek No vote increase systemic uncertainty. The normal response would be rising, not falling, bullion prices.

    The circumstantial evidence is that the unregulated OTC derivatives in gold and silver are not really hedges to short positions in Comex but are themselves structured as an additional attack on precious metal prices.

    If this supposition is correct, it indicates that seven years of bailing out the big banks that control the Federal Reserve and US Treasury at the expense of the US economy has threatened the US dollar to the extent that the dollar must be protected at all cost, including US regulatory tolerance of illegal activity to suppress gold and silver prices.

  • For The First Time Since It Was Mexico, California Now Has More Latinos Than Whites

    Two weeks ago, we highlighted a statistic that reflects the rapid demographic shift taking place in America. Non-Hispanic whites, Bloomberg reported, citing the Census Bureau, are no longer the majority in Americans under 5 years old. 

    Why does this matter or, perhaps more to the point, why do we mention it here? Because demographic shifts often have far-reaching consequences for the economy. Here’s what we said last month:

    Shifting demographics are affecting everything from the labor market, to homeownership, to race relations in America. 


    In “The ‘Illegal Immigrant’ Recovery” for instance, we documented the stunning fact that the US has added 2.3 million “foreign-born” workers, offset by just 727K “native-born” since December 2007. Because the “foreign-born” category includes both legal and illegal immigrants, it may well be that the surprise answer why America’s labor productivity has plummeted in recent years and certainly months, and why wage growth has gone precisely nowhere, is because the vast majority of all jobs since December 2007, or 75% to be specific, have gone to foreign-born workers. 


    As for the housing market, we recently cited data from the Urban Institute which shows that because the vast majority of new households in the next decade will be formed by minorities, and because minority groups tend to have lower homeownership rates, the overall homeownership rate in America — which has already retraced twenty years’ worth of gains — will likely slide further in the coming years.

    These are but two examples of how much demographic shifts matter. Against this backdrop we present the following chart and brief commentary from the LA Times with no further comment:


    The shift shouldn’t come as a surprise. State demographers had previously expected the change to occur sometime in 2013, but slow population growth pushed back projections. In January 2014, the state Department of Finance estimated the shift would take place at some point in March.


    Either way, the moment has officially arrived.


    “This is sort of the official statistical recognition of something that has been underway for almost an entire generation,” said Roberto Suro, director of the Tomás Rivera Policy Institute at USC.


    California is now the first large state and the third overall — after Hawaii and New Mexico — without a white plurality, according to state officials.


    “Where L.A. goes is where the rest of the state goes and where the rest of the country goes,” he said. “We announce, demographically speaking, the future for the rest of the country.”

  • China's Annotated Collapse Into Centrally-Planned Market Hell

    By now it is clear to everyone, even the most hardened neoliberals, that what is going on in China is nothing short of the complete collapse of a centrally-planned market into sheer chaos, a bubble which while punctuated by the occasional dead cat bounce, is now finished and it is only a matter of time before all the “nouveau riche” farmers and grandparents see all their paper profits wiped out and hopefully go silently into that good night without starting mass riots or a revolution.

    Since by some counts there are anywhere between 20 and 40 million of them, it could be a close call, one which the Politburo would dread to see to its fruition and as such the Chinese government together with the People’s Bank of China have engaged in the most desperate and unprecedented series of market bailouts, one which puts good ‘ole plain vanilla QE in the “quaint” category.

    But most curiously, it wasn’t until China literally threatened short (or any other for that matter) sellers with arrest last night, that the market finally staged a furious rebound.

    Will that rebound hold, or like every other dead cat bounce in history, fade quickly if not quietly into memory, we shall see over the next several days.

    In the meantime, for those curious what it looks like when a centrally-planned market devolves into complete chaotic hell despite the relentless intervention of the local authorities and central planners, look no further than the chart below…


    And while it may seem that China has literally thrown the kitchen sink at its “maliciously” crashing stock market (odd how there were no complaints about malicious buying on the way up…), the reality is that China still has quite a few tricks up its sleeve, starting with a plain vanilla rate cut, proceeding to expanded stock buybacks, a complete short-selling bank, and finally culminating with that inevitably Hail Mary of every central bank: “outright share purchasing.”


    The good news is that what China is doing should be a lesson to all other global markets, which to a lesser or greater extent, are all as manipulated, rigged and centrally-planned as China’s. Seen in this light, China is merely a harbinger of what is coming to a banana market near you…

  • 10 Very Strange Things That Have Happened In Just The Past Few Weeks

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

    Have you noticed that events have begun to accelerate?  Over the past few weeks, things have officially started to get very weird.  Chinese stocks are crashing, the Greek debt crisis is spiraling out of control, the New York Stock Exchange was down for about four hours on Wednesday thanks to a “technical glitch”, and global politicians have been acting very strangely.  After several years of relative calm, could it be possible that the second half of 2015 will usher in a time of chaos and confusion on a worldwide scale?  Personally, I have never been more concerned about a period of time as I am about the last six months of 2015.  And if I am right, what we have seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg.  The following are 10 very strange things that have happened in just the past few weeks…

    #1 On Wednesday, the New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines and the Wall Street Journal were all taken down by unexpected “technical glitches“.  Authorities are assuring us that hackers were not responsible for any of this.

    #2 In China, a full-blown stock market crash is unfolding.  The Shanghai Composite Index has plummeted more than 30 percent in less than a month, and the Chinese version of the NASDAQ has dropped by more than 40 percent.  The amount of “paper wealth” that has been lost in China is 15 times greater than the GDP of Greece.

    #3 Just the other day, hackers were able to hack into a German surface-to-air missile battery

    Well, this is absolutely terrifying. According to The Local, hackers attacked a German Patriot surface-to-air missile battery, like the one shown above, stationed along the Turkish-Syria border. The cyber attack caused the battery to carryout “unexplained” orders.


    It’s believed that cyber attackers managed to exploit the Patriot battery in two different ways. The first exploit was through the Sensor-Shooter-Interoperability, which controls interactions between the actual, physical missile launcher and its control system, while the other was on the guidance chip. These weaknesses could have allowed the hackers to steal data or, more worryingly, actually take control of the battery.

    #4 Earlier this week, Barack Obama told reports that “we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces“…

    #5 Just a few days ago, the U.S. Mint announced that they were sold out of American Eagle silver coins on the exact same day that the price of silver hit a new low for 2015.  How does that make any sense?

    #6 On June 30th, an unexpected blood moon was seen over a significant portion of the United States.  The following is an excerpt from a recent article by Caiden Cowger

    On June 30, 2015, a surprise blood moon appeared in the sky, that was only seen in the United States.


    According to the National Weather Service, large wildfires in Canada have been burning. Due to extremely high winds, smoke from these fires have traveled into the United States.


    According to NBC-Chattanooga“the smoke should remain in the higher atmosphere and not affect air quality, it gives the moon and sun a rosy glow.


    Here’s what causes the effect:


    As light from the moon or sun enters the atmosphere it gets scattered by particles like water, aerosols, and in this case smoke. Green, blue, and purple colors are sent in all directions but colors with longer wavelengths like red, orange and yellow continue through the atmosphere and remain visible to the human eye.”

    #7 Even though NASA recently stated that they know of “no asteroid or comet currently on a collision course with Earth” and that “no large object is likely to strike the Earth any time in the next several hundred years“,  NASA has teamed up with the National Nuclear Security Administration to try to figure out a way to use nuclear weapons to destroy asteroids that are threatening our planet.  If there is no threat, why spend so much time and energy on this?

    #8 A couple of weeks ago, we learned that Barack Obama has issued 19 “secret directives“.  What is Obama planning, and why won’t he let the general public know about it?

    #9 This week, Pope Francis called for the creation of “a new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the Earth are shared by everyone, not just exploited by the rich.”  So exactly what would such a “world order” look like?

    #10 The Greek people just overwhelmingly voted to reject austerity, so EU officials have responded by giving the Greek government a one week deadline to come to an agreement that will include even more austerity for the Greek people.  If the Greek government does not submit, EU officials are threatening them with bankruptcy, the collapse of their banking system and expulsion from the euro.

    Things promise to only get stranger from here.  One week from today, on July 15th, a massive military exercise known as “Jade Helm” begins.  More than 1,000 members of the U.S. military will be taking part in drills that will be conducted in the states of Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, California, Mississippi and Florida.

    Then in September comes the end of the Shemitah year, the fourth blood moon of this tetrad, the launch of a radical new sustainable development agenda at the United Nations that is being endorsed by the Pope, and a vote on a UN Security Council resolution that would formally establish a Palestinian state.

    And that is just the stuff that we know about.

  • Chinese 'Dead Cat Bounce' Fades, "Hostile Sellers" Appear As Goldman Warns "Not Yet Fully Purged"

    Amid the highest level Typhoon warnings, China's stock market continues to storm as only 49% of Chinese stocks are halted (down from 54%) as local analysts fear yesterday's bounce (just like last week's) was nothing but a dead cat bounce: "bounces like today prolong the timeframe to get that final bottom in place." For the 14th day in a row margin balances declined with the pace accelerating (down 10.9% yesterday alone) for a total over 36% decline so far. Seemingly on pain of death, someone is selling Chinese stocks as CSI-300 futures opened a mere 0.2% higher then sold off – no follow through for now. Goldman warned to expect another 30% decline margin balance and concludes, China "hasn't yet fully purged."

    In case you're wondering why we bounced yesterday (aside from the death threats to shorts)… It was a very technical bounce off the 200DMA…


    and for now there's no follow-through…


    Stroms are gathering…


    As more companies limp out from nehind the curtain of invincibility…


    Goldman noted the suspensions of shares are "really the key issue…"

    With a number of stocks suspended – we've had 32 percent of the market cap being suspended we haven't really had a clearing of price that's fully taken place and the deleveraging which has been going on hasn't yet fully purged


    That's really what we're looking for for a sign of a market bottom."

    Margin balances continue to plunge in accelerating manner… now down 36% from the highs…


    Where is all the margin concentrated (via SCMP)

    Goldman also noted margin balances still have a long way to go…

    "We think the rough equilibrium level would probably be about a trillion


    That would be where the margin balance relative to free float market cap would be commensurate with the level that we've got here in the U.S."


    Another 30% reduction in margin balances could happen in the next five days to two weeks

    And finally for some context on the week…


    Are you going to buy this dip?


    *  *  *

    And for those think it's over… it's not…


    And for China to get back to 'norms' there is considerably more left…


    As one local analyst warned…

    "Unfortunately, with bounces like today, this emotional and high-volume trading capitulation doesn't come to fruition. Then add to the mix the fact that half the stocks in China are halted and this bottom becomes harder to achieve," said Brett McGonegal, chief executive of Reorient Group, a Hong Kong-listed investment firm.


    "We were almost at the bottom and bounces like today prolong the timeframe to get that bottom in place."


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • New Greek Proposal Backtracks To Pre-Referendum Draft, Does Not Request Debt Haircut – Full Text

    There is nothing incrementally new or different to what we revealed earlier in the leaked Greek proposal (i.e., no actionable pension cuts, no debt "reprofiling") and as Bloomberg makes it all too clear in flashing red headlines:


    … or the one which 61% of the Greek people said no to.

    What's worse, the proposal will be promptly deemed as insufficient because as Merkel made clear in the past four days, the old proposal is no longer valid due to the collapse in the Greek economy since capital controls were imposed and will, ironically, have be far harsher to offset the slowdown in the economy. To make things worse, the proposed indirect (no direct ones) pension cuts, and lack of a request for debt relief will be certain to infuriate the Greek population.

    The broad strokes: a 3 year, €53.5 billion bailout program, including €35 billion of growth measures, lasting through June 30, 2018 requesting funds from the ESM, seeking to finally put the IMF off to the side.

    The program is heavy on revenue promises and lite on actual spending cuts. Greece hopes to achieve a 1% primary budget surplus in 2015, rising to 2%, 3%, and 3.5% by 2018, all of which are now impossible due to the total collapse of the economy in the past week.

    Among the tax reform will be a modest increase in corporate tax from 26% to 28%.

    The changes to the VAT system are as noted previously, keeping the VAT on hotels at 13% but raising it to 23% for restaurants; Greece also promises to eliminate discounts on islands, starting with the islands with higher incomes and which are the most popular tourist destinations.

    However, it is the pension side where the issues remain, and it is here that once again there is little actual direct reductions. Among the promises, most are the generic fluff previously agreed on:

    create strong disincentives to early retirement, incur penalties for early withdrawals, make all supplementary pension funds financed by own contributions; and so on.

    The good news for the Troika is that Greece will seek to "gradually phase out the solidarity grant (EKAS) for all pensioners by end-December 2019" – who will be impacted and when: "the top 20% of beneficiaries in March 2016." In other words another 9 months of non real action. The bad news for the Troika is that Greece will also "freeze monthly guaranteed contributory pension limits in nominal terms until 2021."

    More in the full proposal, but the truth is that while making some concessions, the Greek proposal may still be insufficient for Merkel, and certainly won't be sufficient for the IMF due to the lack of real pension cuts.

    Worse, Syriza will have to vote on this proposal tomorrow and explain to the people why nearly two thirds of them just voted No to a deal which the government itself is now hoping will pass.

    But worst of all, nowhere in the draft sent to creditors is there anything requesting or even hinting about Greek debt haircut, relief or even reprofiling.

    And all of this will happen as a massive Oxi demonstration takes place in front of government, so be on the lookout for a repeat appearance by the riotcam.

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    Full text below (via Amna)

    10/ 07/ 2015
    The full proposal submitted by the Greek government to the Eurogroup earlier on Thursday is the following:
    "Greece: Prior Actions
    Policy Commitments and Actions to be taken in consultation with EC/ECB/IMF staff:
    1. 2015 supplementary budget and 2016-19 MTFS
    Adopt effective as of July 1, 2015 a supplementary 2015 budget and a 2016–19 medium-term fiscal strategy, supported by a sizable and credible package of measures. The new fiscal path is premised on a primary surplus target of (1, 2, 3), and 3.5 percent of GDP in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. The package includes VAT reforms (¶2), other tax policy measures (¶3), pension reforms (¶4), public administration reforms (¶5), reforms addressing shortfalls in tax collection enforcement (¶6), and other parametric measures as specified below.
    2. VAT reform
    Adopt legislation to reform the VAT system that will be effective as of July 1, 2015. The reform will target a net revenue gain of 1 percent of GDP on an annual basis from parametric changes. The new VAT system will: (i) unify the rates at a standard 23 percent rate, which will include restaurants and catering, and a reduced 13 percent rate for basic food, energy, hotels, and water (excluding sewage), and a super-reduced rate of 6 percent for pharmaceuticals, books, and theater; (ii) streamline exemptions to broaden the base and raise the tax on insurance; and (iii) Eliminate discounts on islands, starting with the islands with higher incomes and which are the most popular tourist destinations, except the most remote ones. This will be completed by end-2016, as appropriate and targeted fiscally neutral measures to compensate those inhabitants that are most in need are determined. The new VAT rates on hotels and islands will be implemented from October 2015.
    The increase of the VAT rate described above may be reviewed at the end of 2016, provided that equivalent additional revenues are collected through measures taken against tax evasion and to improve collectability of VAT. Any decision to review and revise shall take place in consultation with the institutions.
    3. Fiscal structural measures
    Adopt legislation to:

    • close possibilities for income tax avoidance (e.g., tighten the definition of farmers), take measures to increase the corporate income tax in 2015 and require 100 percent advance payments for corporate income and gradually for individual business income tax by 2017; phase out the preferential tax treatment of farmers in the income tax code by 2017; raise the solidarity surcharge;
    • abolish  subsidies for excise on diesel oil for farmers and better target eligibility to halve heating oil subsidies expenditure in the budget 2016;
    • in view of any revision of the zonal property values, adjust the property tax rates if necessary to safeguard the 2015 and 2016 property tax revenues at €2.65 billion and adjust the alternative minimum personal income taxation.
    • eliminate the cross-border withholding tax introduced by the installments act (law XXXX/2015) and reverse the recent amendments to the ITC in the public administration act (law XXXX/2015), including the special treatment of agricultural income.
    • adopt outstanding reforms on the codes on income tax, and tax procedures: introduce a new Criminal Law on Tax Evasion and Fraud to amend the Special Penal Law 2523/1997 and any other relevant legislation, and replace Article 55, ¶s 1 and 2, of the TPC, with a view, inter alia, to modernize and broaden the definition of tax fraud and evasion to all taxes; abolish all Code of Book and Records fines, including those levied under law 2523/1997 develop the tax framework for collective investment vehicles and their participants consistently with the ITC and in line with best practices in the EU.
    • adopt legislation to upgrade the organic budget law to: (i) introduce a framework for independent agencies; (ii) phase out ex-ante audits of the Hellenic Court of Auditors and account officers (ypologos); (iii) give GDFSs exclusive financial service capacity and GAO powers to oversee public sector finances; and (iv) phase out fiscal audit offices by January 2017.
    • increase the rate of the tonnage tax and phase out special tax treatments of the shipping industry.

    By September 2015, (i) simplify the personal income tax credit schedule; (ii) re-design and integrate into the ITC the solidarity surcharge for income of 2016 to more effectively achieve progressivity in the income tax system; (iii) issue a circular on fines to ensure the comprehensive and consistent application of the TPC; (iv) and other remaining reforms as specified in ¶9 of the IMF Country Report No. 14/151.
    On health care, effective as of July 1, 2015, (i) re-establish full INN prescription, without exceptions, (ii) reduce as a first step the price of all off-patent drugs to 50 percent and all generics to 32.5 percent of the patent price, by repealing the grandfathering clause for medicines already in the market in 2012, and (iii)) review and limit the prices of diagnostic tests to bring structural spending in line with claw back targets; and (iv) collect in the full the 2014 clawback for private clinics, diagnostics and pharmaceuticals, and extend their 2015 clawback ceilings to 2016.
    Launch the Social Welfare Review under the agreed terms of reference with the technical assistance of the World Bank to target savings of ½ percent of GDP which can help finance a fiscally neutral gradual roll-out of the GMI in January 2016.
    Adopt legislation to:

    • reduce the expenditure ceiling for military spending by €100 million in 2015 and by €200 million in 2016 with a targeted set of actions, including a reduction in headcount and procurement;   
    • introduce reform of the income tax code, [inter alia covering capital taxation], investment vehicles, farmers and the self- employed, etc.;
    • raise the corporate tax rate from 26% to 28%;
    • introduce tax on television advertisements;
    • announce international public tender for the acquisition of television licenses and usage related fees of relevant frequencies; and
    • extend implementation of luxury tax on recreational vessels in excess of 5 meters and increase the rate from 10% to 13%, coming into effect from the collection of 2014 income taxes and beyond;
    • extend Gross Gaming Revenues (GGR) taxation of 30% on VLT games expected to be installed at second half of 2015 and 2016;
    • generate revenues through the issuance of 4G and 5G licenses.
    • We will consider some compensating measures, in case of fiscal shortfalls: (i) Increase the tax rate to income for rents, for annual incomes below €12,000 to 15% (from 11%) with an additional revenue of €160 million and for annual incomes above €12,000 to 35% (from 33%) with an additional revenue of €40 million; (ii)  the corporate income tax will increase by an additional percentage point (i.e. from 28% to 29%) that will result in additional revenues of €130 million.

    4. Pension reform
    The Authorities recognise that the pension system is unsustainable and needs fundamental reforms. This is why they will implement in full the 2010 pension reform law (3863/2010), and implement in full or replace/adjust the sustainability factors for supplementary and lump-sum pensions from the 2012 reform as a part of the new pension reform in October 2015 to achieve equivalent savings and take further steps to improve the pension system.
    Effective from July 1, 2015 the authorities will phase-in reforms that would deliver estimated permanent savings of ¼-½ percent of GDP in 2015 and 1 percent of GDP on a full year basis in 2016 and thereafter by adopting legislation to:

    • create strong disincentives to early retirement, including the adjustment of early retirement penalties, and through a gradual elimination of grandfathering to statutory retirement age and early retirement pathways progressively adapting to the limit of statutory retirement age of 67 years, or 62 and 40 years of contributions by 2022, applicable for all those retiring (except arduous professions, and mothers with children with disability) with immediate application;
    • adopt legislation so that withdrawals from the Social Insurance Fund will incur an annual penalty, for those affected by the extension of the retirement age period, equivalent to 10 percent on top of the current penalty of 6 percent;
    • integrate into ETEA all supplementary pension funds and ensure that, starting January 1, 2015, all supplementary pension funds are only financed by own contributions;
    • better target social pensions by increasing OGA uninsured pension;
    • Gradually phase out the solidarity grant (EKAS) for all pensioners by end-December 2019. This shall be legislated immediately and shall start as regards the top 20% of beneficiaries in March 2016 with the modalities of the phase out to be agreed with the institutions;
    • freeze monthly guaranteed contributory pension limits in nominal terms until 2021;
    • provide to people retiring after 30 June 2015 the basic, guaranteed contributory, and means tested pensions only at the attainment of the statutory normal retirement age of currently 67 years;
    • increase the health contributions for pensioners from 4% to 6% on average and extend it to supplementary pensions;
    • phase out all state-financed exemptions and harmonize contribution rules for all pension funds with the structure of contributions to IKA from 1 July 2015;

    Moreover, in order to restore the sustainability of the pension system, the authorities will by 31 October 2015, legislate further reforms to take effect from 1 January  2016; (i) specific design and parametric improvements to establish a closer link between contributions and benefits; (ii) broaden and modernize the contribution and pension base for all self-employed, including by switching from notional to actual income, subject to minimum required contribution rules; (iii) revise and rationalize all different systems of basic, guaranteed contributory and means tested pension components, taking into account incentives to work and contribute; (iv) the main elements of a comprehensive SSFs consolidation, including any remaining harmonization of contribution and benefit payment rules and procedures across all funds; (v) abolish all nuisance charges financing pensions and offset by reducing benefits or increasing contributions in specific funds to take effect from 31 October 2015; and (vi) harmonize pension benefit rules of the agricultural fund (OGA) with the rest of the pension system in a pro rata manner, unless OGA is merged into other funds. The consolidation of social insurance funds will take place by end 2017. In 2015, the process will be activated through legislation to consolidate the social insurance funds under a single entity and the operational consolidation will have been completed by 31 December 2016. Further reductions in the operating costs and a more effective management of fund resources including improved balancing of needs between better-off and poorer-off funds will be actively encouraged.
    The authorities will adopt legislation to fully offset the fiscal effects of the implementation of court rulings on the 2012 pension reform.
    In parallel to the reform of the pension system, a Social Welfare Review will be carried out to ensure fairness of the various reforms.
    The institutions are prepared to take into account other parametric measures within the pension system of equivalent effect to replace some of the measures mentioned above, taking into account their impact on growth, and provided that such measures are presented to the institutions during the design phase and are sufficiently concrete and quantifiable, and in the absence of this the default option is what is specified above.
    5. Public Administration, Justice and Anti Corruption
    Adopt legislation to:

    • reform the unified wage grid, effective 1 January, 2016, setting the key parameters in a fiscally neutral manner and consistent with the agreed wage bill targets and with comprehensive application across the public sector, including decompressing the wage distribution across the wage spectrumin connection with the skill, performance and responsibility of staff. (The authorities will also adopt legislation to rationalise the specialised wage grids, by end-November 2015);
    • align non-wage benefits such as leave arrangements, per diems, travel allowances and perks, with best practices in the EU, effective 1 January 2016;
    • establish within the new MTFS ceilings for the wage bill and the level of public employment consistent with achieving the fiscal targets and ensuring a declining path of the wage bill relative to GDP until 2019;
    • hire managers and assess performance of all employees (with the aim to complete the hiring of new managers by 31 December 2015 subsequent to a review process)
    • introduce a new permanent mobility scheme applied by Q4 2015. The scheme will promote the use of job description and will be linked with an online database that will include all current vacancies. Final decision on employee mobility will be taken by each service concerned. This will rationalize the allocation of resources as well as the staffing across the General Government.
    • reform the Civil Procedure Code, in line with previous agreements;  introduce measures to reduce the backlog of cases in administrative courts; work closely with European institutions and technical assistance on e-justice, mediation and judicial statistics
    • strengthen the governance of ELSTAT. It shall cover (i) the role and structure of the Advisory bodies of the Hellenic Statistical System, including the recasting of the Council of ELSS to an advisory Committee of the ELSS, and the role of the Good Practice Advisory Committee (GPAC); (ii) the recruitment procedure for the President of ELSTAT, to ensure that a President of the highest professional calibre is recruited, following transparent procedures and selection criteria; (iii) the involvement of ELSTAT as appropriate in any legislative or other legal proposal pertaining to any statistical matter; (iv) other issues that impact the independence of ELSTAT, including financial autonomy, the empowerment of ELSTAT to reallocate existing permanent posts and to hire staff where it is needed and to hire specialised scientific personnel, and the classification of the institution as a fiscal policy body in the recent law 4270/2014; role and powers of Bank of Greece in statistics in line with European legislation.
    • Publish a revised Strategic Plan against Corruption by 31 July 2015. Amend and implement the legal framework for the declaration of assets and financing of the political parties and adopt legislation insulating financial crime and anti-corruption investigations from political intervention in individual cases.

    Moreover, in collaboration with the OECD, the Authorities will:

    • Strengthen controls in public entities and especially SOEs. Empower the Line Ministries to perform robust audit and control inspections to supervised entities including SOEs.
    • Strengthen controls and internal audit processes in high spending Local Government Institutions and their supervised legal entities.
    • Strengthen controls in public and private investment cases funded either by national or co-funded by other sources, public works and public procurement (e.g. in health sector, SDIT).
    • Strengthen transparency and control processes and skills in tax and customs authorities.
    • Assess major risks in the public procurement cycle, taking in consideration the recent developments (Central Purchasing and e-Procurement: KHMDHS and ESHDHS) and the need to have a clear governance framework. Develop strategy according to the assessment(Q4 2015)
    • Implement strategy to mitigate public procurement risks.(Q1 2016)
    • Assess 2 specific sectors, Health and Public Works in order to understand the existing constrains related to corruption and waste risks and propose measures to address them. Develop and implement strategy. (Q4 2015)

    6. Tax administration
    Take the following actions to:

    • Adopt legislation to establish an autonomous revenue agency, that specifies: (i) the agency’s legal form, organization, status, and scope; (ii) the powers and functions of the CEO and the independent Board of Governors; (iii) the relationship to the Minister of Finance and other government entities; (iv) the agency’s human resource flexibility and relationship to the civil service; (v) budget autonomy, with own GDFS and a new funding formula to align incentives with revenue collection and guarantee budget predictability and flexibility; (vi) reporting to the government and parliament; and (vii) the immediate transfer of all tax- and customs-related capacities and duties and all tax- and customs-related staff in SDOE and other entities to the agency.
    • on garnishments, adopt legislation to eliminate the 25 percent ceiling on wages and pensions and lower all thresholds of €1,500 while ensuring in all cases reasonable living conditions; accelerate procurement of IT infrastructure to automatize e-garnishment; improve tax debt write-off rules; remove tax officers’ personal liabilities for not pursuing old debt; remove restrictions on conducting audits of tax returns from 2012 subject to the external tax certificate scheme; and enforce if legally possible upfront payment collection in tax disputes.
    • amend (i) the 2014–15 tax and SSC debt instalment schemes to exclude those who fail to pay current obligations and introduce a requirement for the tax and social security administrations to shorten the duration for those with the capacity to pay earlier and introduce market-based interest rates; the LDU and KEAO will assess by September 2015 the large debtors with tax and SSC debt exceeding €1 million (e.g. verify their capacity to pay and take corrective action) and (ii) the basic instalment scheme/TPC to adjust the market-based interest rates and suspend until end-2017 third-party verification and bank guarantee requirements.
    • adopt legislation to accelerate de-registration procedures and limit VAT re-registration to protect VAT revenues and accelerate procurement of network analysis software; and provide the Presidential Decree needed for the significantly strengthening the reorganisation of the VAT enforcement section in order to strengthen VAT enforcement and combat VAT carousel fraud. The authorities will submit an application to the EU VAT Committee and prepare an assessment of the implication of an increase in the VAT threshold to €25.000.
    • combat fuel smuggling, via legislative measures for locating storage tanks (fixed or mobile);
    • Produce a comprehensive plan with technical assistance for combating tax evasion which includes (i) identification of undeclared deposits by checking bank transactions in banking institutions in Greece or abroad, (ii) introduction of  a voluntary disclosure program with appropriate sanctions, incentives and verification procedures, consistent with international best practice, and without any amnesty provisions (iii) request from EU member states to provide data on asset ownership and acquisition by Greek citizens, (iv) renew the request for technical assistance in tax administration and make full use of the resource in capacity building, (v) establish a wealth registry to improve monitoring.
    • develop a costed plan for the promotion of the use of electronic payments, making use of the EU Structural and Investment Fund;
    • Create a time series database to monitor the balance sheets of parent-subsisdiary companies to improve risk analysis criteria for transfer pricing

    7. Financial sector
    Adopt: (i) amendments to the corporate and household insolvency laws including to cover all debtors and bring the corporate insolvency law in line with the OCW law; (ii) amendments to the household insolvency law to introduce a mechanism to separate strategic defaulters from good faith debtors as well as simplify and strengthen the procedures and introduce measures to address the large backlog of cases; (iii) amendments to improve immediately the judicial framework for corporate and household insolvency matters; (iv) legislation to establish a regulated profession of insolvency administrators, not restricted to any specific profession and in line with good cross-country experience; (v) a comprehensive strategy for the financial system: this strategy will build on the strategy document from 2013, taking into account the new environment and conditions of the financial system and with a view of returning the banks in private ownership by attracting international strategic investors and to achieve a sustainable funding model over the medium term; and (vi) a holistic NPL resolution strategy, prepared with the help of a strategic consultant.
    8. Labour market
    Launch a consultation process to review the whole range of existing labour market arrangements, taking into account best practices elsewhere in Europe. Further input to the consultation process described above will be provided by international organisations, including the ILO. The organization and timelines shall be drawn up in consultation with the institutions. In this context, legislation on a new system of collective bargaining should be ready by Q4 2015. The authorities will take actions to fight undeclared work in order to strengthen the competitiveness of legal companies and protect workers as well as tax and social security revenues.
    9. Product market
    Adopt legislation to:

    • implement  all pending recommendations of the OECD competition toolkit I, except OTC pharmaceutical products,  starting with: tourist buses, truck licenses, code of conduct for traditional foodstuff, eurocodes on building materials, and all the OECD toolkit II recommendations on beverages and petroleum products;
    • In order to foster competition and increase consumer welfare immediately launch a new competition assessment, in collaboration and with the technical support of the OECD, on wholesale trade, construction, e-commerce and media. The assessment will be concluded by Q1 2016.The recommendations will be adopted by Q2 2016.
    • open the restricted professions of engineers, notaries, actuaries, and bailiffs and liberalize the market for tourist rentals ;
    • eliminate non-reciprocal nuisance charges and align the reciprocal nuisance charges to the services provided;
    • reduce red tape, including on horizontal licensing requirements of investments and on low-risk activities as recommended by the World Bank, and administrative burden of companies based on the OECD recommendations, and (ii) establish a committee for the inter-ministerial preparation of legislation. Technical assistance of the World Bank will be sought to implement the easing of licensing requirements.
    • design electronic one-stop shops for businesses through analysing information obligations businesses have to comply with, structuring them accordingly and helping to design a project on developing the necessary ICT tools and infrastructure (Q3 2015). Setting up the institutional & co-ordination structure, identification of the business life events to be included, identification and mapping of information obligations & administrative procedures and training of officials (Q4 2015). Launch (Q1 2016)
    • adopt the reform of the gas market and its specific roadmap, and implementation should follow suit.
    • take irreversible steps (including announcement of date for submission of binding offers) to privatize the electricity transmission company, ADMIE, or provide by October 2015 an alternative scheme, with equivalent results in terms of competition, in line with the best European practices to provide full ownership unbundling from PPC, while ensuring independence. 

    On electricity markets, the authorities will reform the capacity payments system and other electricity market rules to avoid that some plants are forced to operate below their variable cost, and to prevent the netting of the arrears between PPC and market operator; set PPC tariffs based on costs, including replacement of the 20% discount for HV users with cost based tariffs; and notify NOME products to the European Commission. The authorities will also continue the implementation of the roadmap to the EU target model prepare a new framework for the support of renewable energies and for the implementation of energy efficiency and review energy taxation; the authorities will strengthen the electricity regulator’s financial and operational independence;
    10. Privatization

    • The Board of Directors of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund will approve its Asset Development Plan which will include for privatisation all the assets under HRDAF as of 31/12/2014; and the Cabinet will endorse the plan.
    • To facilitate the completion of the tenders, the authorities will complete all government pending actions including those needed for the regional airports, TRAINOSE, Egnatia, the ports of Pireaus and Thessaloniki and Hellinikon (precise list in Technical Memorandum). This list of actions is updated regularly and the Government will ensure that all pending actions are timely implemented.
    • The government and HRADF will announce binding bid dates for Piraeus and Thessaloniki ports of no later than end-October 2015, and for TRAINOSE ROSCO, with no material changes in the terms of the tenders.
    • The government will transfer the state's shares in OTE to the HRADF.
    • Take irreversible steps for the sale of the regional airports at the current terms with the winning bidder already selected."

    *  *  *

    And the market being incapable of comprehending that this will never be passed by either The Troika or The Greek government explodes higher…

  • Jade Helm Alert: Military Denies Media Requests To Cover "Texas Takeover"

    Between Greece’s tragic, Berlin-mandated descent into the Third World and the epic meltdown in China’s equity markets, it would be easy to forget that the US government is (re)annexing Texas next week. 

    For those unaware (or for anyone who might have lost track of the US Spec Ops schedule), the military is set to kick off Jade Helm 15 next Wednesday, which means the Lonestar lockdown is less than one week away. If you’re unfamiliar with the operation, here are the barebones basics:

    Jade Helm is an eight-week joint military and Interagency Unconventional Warfare exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado. Essentially, from July 15 to September 15 some military personnel are going to take a trip out west and pretend like they are conducting covert operations overseas. 

    On the surface, that doesn’t sound too exciting, but thanks to some very unfortunate wording in an official US military slide deck and an even more unfortunate map which designates Texas as “hostile” territory (of course the same map also identifies San Diego as harboring a militant insurgency, so the US Spec Ops Command probably assumed it wouldn’t be taken literally) quite a few Texans came to believe that the federal government was up to no good with Jade Helm. 

    The situation quickly spiraled out of control and became a veritable media circus after Texas governor Greg Abbott called up the state guard and “Texas Ranger” Chuck Norris pledged to defend the state from a Navy SEAL incursion. Topping it off was former Texas lawmaker Todd Smith — a 16-year veteran of the Texas House of Representatives and self-proclaimed Last of the Fact-Based Republican Mohicans — who, in a letter to Abbott, suggested that anyone who was suspicious of the federal government’s intentions in the state was a “hysterical idiot.” 

    With just six days to go until the government begins the exercise, expect the rumor mill to come alive because as The Washington Post reports, the media will be given no access to the drills. Here’s more: 

    Jade Helm 15, the controversial Special Operations exercise that spawned a wave of conspiracy theories about a government takeover, will open next week without any media allowed to observe it, a military spokesman said.


    Embedded reporters won’t be permitted at any point during the exercise, in which military officials say that secretive Special Operations troops will maneuver through private and publicly owned land in several southern states. Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, a spokesman for Army Special Operations Command, said his organization is considering allowing a small number of journalists to view selected portions of the exercise later this summer, but nothing is finalized.


    “All requests from the media for interviews and coverage of U.S. Army Special Operations Command personnel, organizations and events are assessed for feasibility and granted when and where possible,” Lastoria said in a statement released Wednesday to The Washington Post. “We are dedicated to communicating with the public, while balancing that against the application of operations security and other factors.”


    The exercise is scheduled for July 15 through September 15 and is expected to include more than 1,200 troops. Army Special Operations Command announced the exercise in March, saying its size and scope would set it apart from most training exercises. For months, some protesters have said Jade Helm is setting the stage for future martial law. 


    The Washington Post has several times requested access to observe the exercise, making the case to the military that first-hand media coverage would help explain the mission. Lastoria said it is not possible to allow a journalist to travel with Special Operations forces in the field, citing the isolated nature of the mission and the need to protect the identity of the forces involved.


    The military has granted access to Special Operations in the past, however. In one recent example, a journalist observed the exercise Robin Sage in North Carolina, writing a profile for Our State, a magazine. The exercise is considered a final test for Green Beret soldiers in training and calls for them to work through a scenario in which they organize a guerrilla force to overthrow the government of the fictional nation of Pineland.

    Got that? Basically, WaPo reasons that because one Kevin Maurer (reporting for was allowed to observe the imaginary overthrow of a made-up country called “Pineland” two and a half years ago in “backyard theaters of war across central North Carolina”, the paper should be allowed to observe whatever is or isn’t going on in Texas. 

    In any event, it’s clear that the military is intent on keeping prying eyes away from Jade Helm. We’ll leave it to readers to decide what that says about government accountability and transparency. 

    And to the US Spec Ops Command we say this: just because you’ve kept the media out, doesn’t mean no one is watching…

  • Baltimore Mayor Who Cracked Down On Excessive Force Fires Police Chief For Being Too Soft On Crime

    Two competing theories have emerged as to what effect the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, and Freddie Gray have had on policing in America. 

    One theory, dubbed the “Ferguson Effect,” says that police officers are now more reluctant to use force to counter illegal activity for fear of prosecution or, more poignantly, for fear of finding themselves cast as the villain that catalyzes widespread civil unrest. This effect, some say, has led to a dramatic increase in violent crime throughout the country.

    Others argue that the numbers simply do not support the idea that police have become “gun shy” so to speak. The Washington Post, for instance, cites data which shows that fatal police shootings have doubled compared to historical trends, with law enforcement now killing more than two people every day in the US. 

    While it’s possible to debate which theory more closely approximates prevailing conditions across the country, what’s not up for debate is the fact that crime has spiked in Baltimore in the months since the riots.

    Some attribute this to a dynamic similar to the Ferguson Effect, while some say it is the inevitable result of an increased supply of prescription painkillers which flooded the streets after pharmacies were looted during the city’s “purge,” but whatever the cause, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has had enough. Here’s more from NBC:

    Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake replaced the city’s police commissioner on Wednesday, saying the city needed to be more focused on suppressing a spike in violence in the months since the death of a man in police custody.


    Rawlings-Blake said the police department under Commissioner Anthony Batts had become too preoccupied with internal politics and not enough with stemming a surge in shootings and killings.


    “This was not an easy decision, but it is one that is in the best interest of Baltimore,” the mayor said in a late afternoon news conference. “The people of Baltimore deserve better. The brave men and women of our department who put their lives on the line to make our cities deserve better.”


    Baltimore, historically one of America’s most violent cities, has stumbled particularly hard, ending the first six months of the year with a 48 percent increase in homicides over the same period in 2014. That trend continued into July, with 10 killings in one week, including the shooting of three people Tuesday near the city’s University of Maryland campus.


    Since Gray’s death, the relationship between police and the city’s high-crime communities has suffered, making it harder for cops to patrol streets and investigate cases, officials say. Arrests have plummeted, sparking accusations of a deliberate police slowdown.


    From April 19 to the end of June, there were 80 homicides in Baltimore, nearly double the 42 committed during the same period last year, according to an NBC News analysis of city crime data through the first half of the year. By comparison, there were 53 homicides during that period in 2013, 48 in 2012, and 45 in 2011.


    The firing came a day after the police union that criticized Batts’ leadership during the riots, and Batts’ own announcement of an independent review of the riot response.


    “It is clear that the focus has been too much on the leadership of the department and not enough on the crime fighting,” the mayor said.


    Rawlings-Blake introduced Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Davis as his temporary replacement.


    “This is a time of refocusing and re-energizing and going after the folks who are harming this community,” Davis said.

    The irony here, of course, is that if there’s any truth at all to the “Ferguson effect” theory (and in Baltimore there probably is) law enforcement officials might be forgiven for being a bit confused as to what exactly it is they’re supposed to be doing. 

    Obviously no one is saying that police officers should simply stop doing their jobs every time an instance of alleged misconduct serves to put law enforcement under a microscope. That said, something seems a bit odd about instructing police to stand down in the middle of a riot one day and then firing the police commissioner for being too passive barely two months later. 

  • When The Going Gets Tough, The Feds Take Your Money

    Submitted by Bill Bonner via Bonner & Partners, (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

    Cash is King

    LONDON, England – “Cash is king.”

    So sayeth the Wall Street Journal, reporting on the situation in Greece. The use of cash for everyday transactions has increased 44% in the last two months.

    A brief update: The Greeks spoke on Sunday. “No,” they said. “We don’t want the government-spending cuts our creditors are demanding.”





    Then the finance minister resigned, riding off on a motorcycle. Today, the Financial Times reports that the Greeks are to be given one “last chance to avoid crashing out of single currency.”

    Greek output is plunging. The banks are running out of money. And Greeks are lining up at ATMs. The government won’t let them take out more than a lousy €60 ($65) a day.



    Greece: aborted recovery



    The only data point that is in an upward trend again since the change in government is the corruption index.


    An Important Breakthrough

    A fascinating article recently described how ride-sharing app Uber had “solved the major problem of capitalism.” What is the problem?


    There are millions of cars on the road. Most of them have four seats, but only one of the seats is usually occupied. And many of these private drivers would be happy to take you where you want to go, for less than what a taxi would charge.

    But you don’t get into those cars. You were told as a child never to get into a stranger’s car. You don’t know which of them you can trust to take you where you want to go.

    London’s black cabs solve the trust problem with a distinctive design and regulation. Drivers must pass the city’s legendary training course, “The Knowledge,” to get their license. When you get into a London cab, you have a high level of confidence that you will get where you are going in a professional manner.

    Uber solves the problem of trust in a different way – with an Internet-based rating system. Riders rate drivers out of five stars. Drivers rate passengers the same way. Both avoid folks with poor ratings.



    Uber app screen capture: riders are invited to rate drivers, using a 5 star system. Drivers with a rating of less than 4.6 are at risk of deactivation. The vast majority of Uber drivers has ratings between 4.7 to 4.8


    But capitalism made a much bigger breakthrough on the trust front thousands of years ago: It invented cash. Before modern money, transactions weren’t based on barter, as most people believe. Instead, they were based on a system of rudimentary credit.

    Without cash, you could trade only in a small group. And you had to rely on memory to recall who owed what to whom. With the advent of coinage you could trade with people you didn’t know. You gave up something. You got something – cash – in return. You could then use this cash to trade for something else later.

    This invention – money, usually based on gold or silver – was such a breakthrough, it made today’s elaborate market economies possible.


    silver stater

    One of the oldest coins in the world: a silver stater from the Kingdom of Lydia, led by the legendary King Croesus.


    Trust Is Disappearing

    But it’s only cash if you can put your hands on it. As the Greeks have just discovered, money in the bank is not cash. Cash is what you need when trust breaks down. With cash, you get optionality, as The Black Swan author Nassim Taleb puts it.

    With cash in your pocket, you can buy a gallon of gasoline or a share in a public company. It’s yours. You can do what you want with it. But cash in the bank?

    You don’t know. You have to trust that the system works… that the bank is solvent… and that it will give you back your money when you want it. Trust is rapidly disappearing in Greece. The Germans don’t trust the Greeks. The Greeks don’t trust the banks. Almost nobody trusts the government.

    What a great show! And very instructive.

    Cash is king in China, too. Chinese stocks paused yesterday after a three-week crash.  The government is doing all it can, say the state-run newspapers. But investors are wondering: Can they trust the Chinese feds to stem the bleeding?

    A Hong Kong-based fund manager is quoted as saying: “I believe the Communist party still has the final say over the stock market, even nowadays.”

    But wait, if government could stop market corrections, why do we ever have them? We don’t know. But there are times to trust… and times to distrust. There are times to own financial assets. And there is a time to own cash.

    This seems like a good time for cash …



    The time of deflationary confiscation is coming closer for the remaining Greek bank depositors. Those who kept their cash in safe deposit boxes at banks are out of luck too: the government has decreed they may not take it out. This is something one needs to keep in mind – if one wants to keep cash outside the banking system, one cannot leave it in a bank safe deposit box either. The government will confiscate it when push comes to shove and the banks need to be rescued.

    Photo credit: Reuters

  • Even The Economist Is Now Mocking Central Planning

    Buying stocks “is buying the Chinese Dream,” proclaimed a top brokerage after officials ‘promised’ a centrally-planned bull market for the on-the-verge-of-social-unrest-after-real-estate-collapse population… but instead they have lured them into a bear trap.


    Even The Economist sees the irony… as yet another centrally-planned market economy scars a generation of investors


    Source: The Economist

  • Free Trade Is Quantitative Easing For The Heroin Market

    Submitted by Daniel Drew via,

    The CDC just released a grim report about heroin abuse trends in the United States. The chart looks like the Federal Reserve's balance sheet. The report states, "During 2002-2013, heroin overdose death rates nearly quadrupled in the United States, from 0.7 deaths to 2.7 deaths per 100,000 population, with a near doubling of the rates from 2011-2013."

    Heroin Abuse

    As with any data point, there is usually a key subset group that drives the trend. The CDC elaborates,

    During 2002-2011, rates of heroin initiation were reported to be highest among males, persons aged 18-25 years, non-Hispanic whites, those with an annual household income below $20,000, and those residing in the Northeast.

    So the growing heroin epidemic is being driven by poor white millennial men living in the northeast, an area that includes the rust belt, where a once thriving manufacturing industry was decimated by free trade policies like NAFTA.

    Manufacturing Employees

    And it's not just a manufacturing industry issue. There simply are not enough jobs to go around.

    Job Shortage

    Meanwhile, Jeb Bush is making $500,000 from healthcare investments while criticizing the government policies that made those profits possible. This all seems like good investment strategy: Convince everyone that "free trade" is good, take their jobs, make them desperate enough to become heroin addicts, and then take the last bit of their money by profiting from their drug-related healthcare expenses. For some reason, the average person always seems to come out on the wrong side of quantitative easing.

  • Chart Of The Day: Bulls Better Hope It's Different This Time

    If earnings are the mother’s milk of stock bull markets, then the endless supply of talking heads bloviating on the next leg of the stock market rally being driven by a post Q1 renaissance in earnings growth (ever ready to pull out their hockey-stick forecasts) may want to look away from the following chart



    Despite 22 years of correlations (and obvious causations), asset-gatherers and commission-takers still think this time is different and channel-stuffing and ‘if we build it, they will come’ inventory overbuilds will be bought away in a swarm of freshfaced crappy creditworthiness consumers… not this time – as peak debt is now upon us.

  • A Union Divided: "More Europe" Means "More Germany"

    The tense division in Europe's union are becoming increasingly evident. Between Greece's "no" vote, yesterday's EU Parliament outbursts, and today's German parliament commentary it is clear that, as Bloomberg reports, the centerpiece of Merkel’s cure for Europe – fiscal retrenchment – has catalyzed her in the eyes of many as despite her calm but firm entreaties, an economic bully. “The lesson of this crisis is more Europe, not less Europe,” Angela Merkel said in 2012 as the integrity of the region’s monetary union was threatened by financial instability, but many, like Greece, have come to understand "more Europe" means something different: "more Germany."


    As Bloomberg reports,

    “The lesson of this crisis is more Europe, not less Europe,” Angela Merkel said in 2012 as the integrity of the region’s monetary union was threatened by financial instability, touched off by Greek debt, that was spreading through the euro zone’s weaker economies. By “more Europe,” the German chancellor meant a deepening of the continent’s noble mission—peaceful integration to ensure prosperity and democracy—of which the common currency, the euro, is the ultimate symbol.


    In the intervening three years, Greeks have come to understand “more Europe” as something different: “more Germany.” That was one of the few clear messages sent in a referendum on July 5 that had everything to do with Greek voters’ views on how Merkel had imposed her vision of Europe on the zone and if their troubled nation would be better served as part of its grand project, or not.

    The centerpiece of Merkel’s cure for Europe was fiscal retrenchment.

    It was an almost maniacal drive for reduced budget deficits and debt levels—the targets for which were already enshrined in euro zone agreements—combined with reforms to labor markets and welfare programs. Merkel believed that such policies would strengthen the euro zone’s financial position and competitiveness. The medicine may be bitter, but in the end, like an ailing patient, Europe would rise from its sickbed with renewed vigor.

    The result has been stagnation.

    Merkel’s insistence on a hard line isn’t masochism, just politics. One poll released in early July showed that 85 percent of Germans surveyed opposed making concessions to Greece. Merkel has faced resistance to a softer line from within her ruling coalition. Amid the recent bailout negotiations, one lawmaker from Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union derided the euro zone’s policy toward Greece as a “financial carousel.” Her hard-nosed finance minister, Wolfgang Schaüble, once said that Greece “cannot be a bottomless pit.” Such attitudes are fostered by a widespread perception among Germans that Greece is unworthy of their aid. “NEIN,” blasted a headline in the tabloid Bild earlier this year. “No more billions for greedy Greeks!” it insisted. Even the referendum results produced little sympathy. Shortly after the vote, Georg Fahrenschon, head of the association of German savings banks, said “the Greek people have spoken out against the foundations and rules of the single currency bloc.”


    Such sentiments have hindered efforts to tackle the crisis from the start.

    That German view—the euro zone’s problems aren’t of Germany’s making—has dictated Berlin’s approach toward the crisis. Merkel has played the unrelenting taskmaster, treating her beleaguered neighbors not as partners, but as spoiled children who could be set right only by the rod.

    Last year, French President François Hollande and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi advocated greater flexibility in the austerity program to promote job creation. “If everyone does austerity, we’ll have even slower growth,” Hollande groused in October. Merkel would have none of it. “We have had times in Europe with very high deficits and yet no growth, so we must learn from the past,” she said. When some European leaders proposed “eurobonds,” instruments backed by the zone to ease financing costs on individual states, Merkel rejected the idea.


    Even the IMF, in a June report on Greece’s finances, deemed the country’s debt load “unsustainable” and recommended relief. Merkel accepted only minor concessions to bailout demands, insisting that the Greeks impose further tax hikes and public spending cuts. She labeled her offer “generous.”

    Is it any wonder, then, that the Greeks said no?

    They may be only the first. Joblessness and recession have persuaded other voters in Europe to seek a new course. Gaining popularity in Spain, where unemployment is 22.5 percent, is the leftist political movement Podemos, which also seeks a fairer deal from the rest of Europe. “The problem isn’t Greece, the problem is Europe,” Podemos’s chief, Pablo Iglesias, said in late June. In Italy, Beppe Grillo, leader of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement, called for a referendum to decide if Italy should remain in the monetary union.

    Europe’s leaders characterized a no verdict in the Greek referendum as a vote against the idea of Europe. In fact, the resounding no was a vote against the existing harsh reality of membership in present-day Europe.

    As Bloomberg concludes, unless Europeans act as partners in their grand quest for solidarity, they will end up with less Europe, not more.


  • 3 Things: Correction, Interest Rates & Oil Prices

    Submitted by Lance Roberts via STA Wealth Management,

    Stocks: Is It Over Yet?

    While yesterday's suspension of trading on the New York Stock Exchange drew attention to the plunge in equity prices, the reality is that stocks have been in a correction since the all-time highs posted back in May. Of course, until yesterday's headlines, you may not have realized that the correction was in process as it has been "as slow as a turtle running in peanut butter."

    As Michael Kahn wrote at Barron's yesterday:

    "After months of sideways action and false moves, the Standard & Poor's 500 finally scored a true technical breakdown. It moved below the pattern that had held it in check since February, taken out the May low, and now dipped below the more important 200-day moving average for the second day in a row.


    In technical circles, the positive reversal of fortune left sizable 'hammers' on Japanese candlestick charts. In candle-speak, the market is hammering out a bottom and after a two-month slide it did look that it was time for a rebound. But as with many chart patterns, confirmation in the form of upside follow-through was needed to prove that the market had found a floor. That was not to be"

    The first chart is a DAILY chart of the S&P 500 index. The black dashed line is the 150-day moving average that has acted as primary support for the bull market advance (with the exception of the post QE3 end tantrum in October) since December, 2012. Importantly, after the markets failed to maintain its bullish consolidation (rising red dashed line) that began earlier this year, the subsequent breakdown found support at the long-term bullish trend. Unfortunately, the oversold bounce failed at the previous bullish consolidation support line, turned down and broke through the long-term bullish trend.

    Unlike the break of the long-term bullish trend in October of last year, which quickly recovered and scored new highs, that has not been the case as late. Each attempt to break back above the long-term bullish trend has failed so far.


    If we slow the price volatility down by looking at a WEEKLY chart, a very similar pattern emerges. The bullish market consolidation, long-term supports, and the recent breakdown are all evident. It is also worth noting that a majority of indicators are registering a "sell signal" which suggests that, at least in the near term, prices are likely headed lower.


    As shown in both charts above, the 2040 level is currently acting as critical support for the market. If the bull market cycle is to continue, the market must hold that level and move to new highs very soon. Another failure at lower highs, as in June, will confirm the current downtrend and suggest lower price levels in the not so distant future. Michael makes a good point on this:

    "In the past, any time the Fed assured the market it would not rush to raise rates, stocks benefited. Banks are telling us now that may not be true anymore. Weak fundamentals, rather than low interest rates, may be the driver over the coming months.


    The question for investors is whether this is a correction or the end of the cyclical bull market that began in 2009. Unfortunately, the answer is still not known although it is very likely that cash should be an important part of any portfolio at this time."

    I agree with that statement. I am not suggesting that investors become overly defensive in portfolio allocations currently. The market is getting oversold on both a short and intermediate term basis which provides the "fuel" for a reflexive bounce. That rally should likely be used to rebalance portfolio allocations, reduce aggressive "risk" postures and raise some cash to hedge against further turmoil until markets provide a more stable investment environment.

    At least things are starting to get interesting.

    Like I Said, Rates Aren't Going Anywhere

    I have consistently pushed back against the mainstream notion that longer-term interest rates were going to rise simply because the economic underpinnings do not support higher rates. To wit:

    "With economic growth running at exceptionally low rates, along with inflationary pressures and monetary velocity, interest rates will remain range-bound at low levels for quite some time. This is simply because interest rates are a reflection of the demand for credit over time, in weak economic environment higher rates cannot be sustained."


    "Therefore, the recent uptick, as recommended in last weekend’s newsletter, is now a buying opportunity for bonds."

    What perplexes me about the mainstream media is that while they focus on every facet of trading the market in stocks, they give little notice to the investing side of fixed income.

    As investors, we buy stocks because we think that the overall market is going to rise. This is why we benchmark our portfolio to some nebulous index that has absolutely nothing to do with our specific risk tolerances, goals and, most importantly, time horizons. However, just as the stock market index is used to gauge levels of "risk" exposure in stocks, interest rates provide exactly the same analysis for fixed income.

    The chart below, which I often discuss in the free weekly e-newsletter, shows the technical trading model for fixed income in portfolios.


    The circles highlight periods when interest rates have become extremely overbought or oversold. Unlike the stock market, interest rates have an inverse relationship to bond prices (as interest rates rise, bond prices fall) therefore, when rates are overbought, bonds are oversold and should be bought.

    Note: This analysis is less important if you are buying individual bonds and holding them until maturity. However, for the majority of investors that are using bond funds and bond ETF's, this analysis becomes critically important especially in navigating a long-term sideways trading range for rates going forward. (Read this for reasoning why rates are stuck over the next decade.)

    As shown above, the recent move higher in interest rates was simply a bounce from the extremely oversold levels witnessed at the beginning of this year when rates fell to 1.7%. However, despite the media's ongoing calls that the "great bond bull" was dead, the reality is that rates completed a very traditional 61.8% retracement of decline from April of last year.

    Given the current weakness in economic data, the overbought condition in rates currently, and the rising issues in China, it is highly likely that rates will potentially retest their lows by the end of this year. Regardless, investors need to start paying attention to the developing trading range of interest rates in the future.

    Oil Prices & Energy Stocks

    Besides interest rates, I also cover oil and energy prices on a regular basis in the weekly e-newsletter. Two week's ago I stated the following:

    "There are very few signs that the drop in oil prices, and subsequent pain to energy-related investments is over. As shown in the chart below, there is still a significant divergence between energy-related investments and the underlying commodity price. These two will likely reconnect at some point in the future as oil prices drop towards the high 40's potentially later this summer.


    Secondly, energy related investments have experienced the first of most likely several 'dead cat' bounces that will plague energy investments into the near future. There is still WAY too much exuberance due to "recency bias" to make energy a viable investment opportunity longer term. More pain in the sector will be required to flush out speculators before longer term investments can be made. There will be a good opportunity in the future, it most likely isn't now."

    The chart below shows the previous high correlation, as would be expected, between energy stocks and oil prices. The divergence in early 2014 is what prompted my call then to begin reducing exposure to energy stocks. While energy stocks are attempting to complete a 61.8% retracement and hold some level of support, the gap between oil prices and energy-related investments has yet to be filled.


    There is still a significant amount of unwinding left in the energy space as production is still far outstripping demand. If the collapse in China continues, it is possible that oil prices could drop into the low $40's putting additional pressure on energy company related earnings.

    Furthermore, exuberance is still high. Great buying opportunities come when the markets become convinced that oil prices and energy companies are "eternally dead." We are not there just yet.

  • Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Demands US Taxpayers "Show Humanity & Save Greece"

    When the going gets tough, the taxed get going and that is what Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz thinks should happen. In a Time op-ed, Stiglitz warns (likely correctly) that if Greece continues with austerity, it would be depression without end; and so his solution is simple… "The U.S. was generous with Germany as we defeated it. Now, it is time for the U.S. to be generous with our friends in Greece in their time of need, as they have been crushed for the second time in a century by Germany, this time with the support of the troika." Strawman much?



     If Greece continues with austerity, it would be depression without end



    As the Greek saga continues, many have marveled at Germany’s chutzpah. It received, in real terms, one of the largest bailout and debt reduction in history and unconditional aid from the U.S. in the Marshall Plan. And yet it refuses even to discuss debt relief. Many, too, have marveled at how Germany has done so well in the propaganda game, selling an image of a long-failed state that refuses to go along with the minimal conditions demanded in return for generous aid.


    The facts prove otherwise: From the mid-90’s to the beginning of the crisis, the Greek economy was growing at a faster rate than the EU average (3.9% vs 2.4%). The Greeks took austerity to heart, slashing expenditures and increasing taxes. They even achieved a primary surplus (that is, tax revenues exceeded expenditures excluding interest payments), and their fiscal position would have been truly impressive had they not gone into depression. Their depression—25% decline in GDP and 25% unemployment, with youth unemployment twice that—is because they did what was demanded of them, not because of their failure to do so. It was the predictable and predicted response to the austerity.


    The question now is: What’s next, assuming (as seems ever more likely) they are effectively thrown out of the euro? It’s likely that the European Central Bank will refuse to do its job—as the Central Bank for Greece, it should do what every central bank is supposed to do, act as a lender of last resort. And if it refuses to do that, Greece will have no option but to create a parallel currency. The ECB has already begun tightening the screws, making access to funds more and more difficult.


    This is not the end of the world: Currencies come and go. The euro is just a 16-year-old experiment, poorly designed and engineered not to work—in a crisis money flows from the weak country’s banks to the strong, leading to divergence. GDP today is more than 17% below where it would have been had the relatively modest growth trajectory of Europe before the euro just continued. I believe the euro has much to do with this disappointing performance.


    Managing the transition from the euro to the Greek euro may not be easy, but Argentina and others have shown how it can be done. The government would recapitalize the banks in the new currency, continue with capital controls, restrict bank withdrawals, and facilitate the transfer of money within the banking system from one party to another. The money inside the banking system would be slightly discounted (i.e. worth slightly less than cash—in the case of Argentina, the discount was a few percentage points for ordinary transactions). Pensioners would need to get special treatment.


    Meanwhile, Greece would begin the process of debt restructuring: Even the IMF says that it’s absolutely necessary. The Greeks might take a page from Argentina, exchanging current bonds for GDP-linked bonds, where payments increase with Greece’s prosperity. Such bonds align the incentives of debtors and creditors (unlike the current system, where Germany benefits from the weaknesses in Greece).


    Greece can easily survive without the funds from the IMF and the eurozone. Greece has done such a good job of adjusting its economy that, apart from what it’s paying to service the debt, it has a surplus. It isn’t even dependent on the IMF and the eurozone for foreign exchange: At least before the most recent stranglehold that Greece’s creditors had imposed, it was running a current account surplus of 1%—5% if we exclude oil exports. (What it was buying abroad in imports was 1% less than what it was selling in exports.) Especially if oil prices remain low, and if its lower “new” exchange rate attracts more tourists and encourages exports, it can weather the storm.


    After Argentina restructured its debt and devalued, it grew rapidly—the fastest rate of growth around the world except for China—from its crisis until the global financial crisis of 2008. Every country is different. Economists debate about how responsive exports and imports are to changes in exchange rates. Argentina benefited from a large increase in exports as a result of the commodity boom. There are, however, some striking similarities: Both countries were being strangled by austerity. Both countries under the IMF programs saw rising unemployment, poverty, and immense suffering. Had Argentina continued with austerity, there would have just been more of the same. The Argentina people rose up and said no. So, too, for Greece: If Greece continues with austerity, it would be depression without end.


    The U.S. was generous with Germany as we defeated it. Now, it is time for the U.S. to be generous with our friends in Greece in their time of need, as they have been crushed for the second time in a century by Germany, this time with the support of the troika. At a technical level, the Federal Reserve needs to create a swap line with Greece’s central bank, which—as a result of the default of the ECB in fulfilling its responsibilities—will have to take on once again the role of lender of last resort. Greece needs unconditional humanitarian aid; it needs Americans to buy its products, take vacations there, and show a solidarity with Greece and a humanity that its European partners were not able to display.

    *  *  *

    How long before this strawman becomes policy? What we have been told is a storm in a teacup by every asset manager under the sun now appears to be paniccing policymakers on both sides of the pond.



  • Bonds Thumped, Stocks Pump-n-Dump'd As Grexit Fear Tops China Cheer

    Today summed up…

    What started out so well… ended not so well… Some Malicious People Sold!!!


    Because today's rally was predicated on this!!!!

    Cash indices opened at the highs of the day and never looked back as the algos lifted The Dow green for the week for a few seconds of stop running… CNBC's Kelly Evans seriously said "We are finishing off the hghs today"…!!


    On the week, Nasdaq is worst…


    It's called Central Planning for a reason – crucially every attempt was made to keep S&P above 2055.93 (200DMA) and Dow above 17695 (200DMA) – IT FAILED!!!


    AAPL appeared to mini flash crash late on with very heavy volume (maybe China weakness and iWatch disaster is weighing?)… and had an ugly day… AAPL is nearing its 200DMA at 118.72



    Greek stock ETFs ramped today as did European stocks (thanks to SNB's helping hand) but Greek bonds traded for the first time in 2 weeks and it was ugkly…


    Something snapped at the US Open – The dollar rallied and US Stocks and Bonds were dumped…


    Treasuries were sold from the close last night and the dumping accelerated as US opened and once again after the weak 30Y auction… This was the 2nd worst day for 30Y yields since Nov 2013…+13bps


    The USDollar flatlined through Asia then dipped and ripped on Europe's open…


    As yet again SNB smashed swissy lower, buying USDs and enabling the ramp…


    Despite the dollar strength, commodities all gained on the day…


    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: It's different for now…

  • What Happens Next In Greece (In 2 Simple Charts)

    Over the course of six painful months, negotiations between Athens and Brussels have produced innumerable “deadlines”, “ultimatums”, and “last chance” summits, none of which have produced a lasting deal or a Grexit. In fact, until the deposit outflows started to accelerate and Greek PM Alexis Tsipras took the dramatic step of putting creditors’ proposal to a popular vote, many observers were beginning to lose interest, perhaps believing that the farce might just continue indefinitely. 

    This Sunday however, is being billed as the day; the deadline to end all deadlines and the very last chance for Athens to remain in the EMU. Meanwhile, pressure on Tsipras — who, according to The Telegraph, likely thought he would be drinking beer with Varoufakis over quiet lunches by now — is building from both sides, with far-left Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis swearing that the “referendum ‘no’ vote is not going to become a humiliating ‘yes'”, and Germany showing few signs of weakness. The intractable nature of the situation was brought into sharp relief earlier when MNI described Tsipras’ “new” proposal which, by all appearances, looks as though it will be unacceptable to Germany and to the harlinders within Syriza.

    In an effort to help cut through the confusion, we you bring you the following two graphics which shed some light on what lies ahead regardless of what transpires between now and Monday.

    From Deutsche Bank:

    From Bloomberg:

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Today’s News July 9, 2015

  • Utter Desperation: Chinese Police Vow To Arrest "Malicious Short Sellers"

    In what can only be described as total and utter desperation, China's Public Security Ministry and China Securities Regulatory Commission are discussing a plan to take action against "hostile short sellers"… (via Google Translate)

    [ Ministry of Public Security in conjunction with the recent Commission investigation of malicious short stock and stock index clues ] correspondent was informed on the 9th morning , Vice Minister of Public Security Meng Qingfeng led to the Commission , in conjunction with the recent Commission investigation of malicious short stock and stock index clues show regulatory authorities to the operation of heavy combat illegal activities .

    Which in English means…

    However, it appears thety are going to need to do more…

    *  *  *

    Just one question: Will the police also arrest the brokers who allowed their clients to lever up to extremes with no awareness of risk, encouraged by the government, buying the stocks of companies that make plastic umbrellas at x-thousand P/E multiples?

    *  *  *



    As we detailed earlier, China is a $hitshow again…

    With more than half of Chinese stocks halted or suspended, traders are scrambling to hedge the potential vacuum under prices when (or if) they ever open again. With options limited to non-existent in China, ETFs around the world are under pressure (with significant discounts to NAV everywhere). The cost of protecting against significant downside is now at its highest on record and the skew (difference between optimists and pessimists) has never been higher… This 'protection' has seemingly relieved some of the vicious cycle selling as yet another round of financing to backfill liquidity holes in broker balance sheets, but Chinese stock futures are trading 2-3% lower in the pre-open (less than might be expected as much driven by margin hike forced unwinds as much as sentiment).



    Pushing CSI-300 Index into the red for 2015…



    *  *  *

    But have no fear…

    Another day, another round of liquidity poured into the leverage black hole…


    And the politburo is getting serious!!


    Next come the orders on pain of death!!??

    And then there's this…


    That's not what is supposed to happen!!!

    But traders have been extremely active in their hedging…

    Crash risk has never been more expensive…


    While At-the-Money Vol has spiked to 4-year highs…


    Overnight saw Flash Crash come to China…

    Selling pressure is heavy on the ETFs with all major China ETFs trading well below their NAV (ASHR 4.6% below!!)

    And if you thought it was time to BTFD… consider this…

    Chinese stocks are still extremely rich relative to the rest of the world.

    *  *  *

    We have one simple question.

    How do say "unleash the Bullard" in Chinese?

    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Preparedness Critics Are History's Cannon Fodder

    Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

    The world is entering a kind of no man’s land, in between the realms of insane denial and utterly obvious crisis. Europe is now destabilizing amid the Greek soap opera (an event that I predicted in January would occur in 2015); China’s stock market bubble is bursting; and the U.S. dollar’s world reserve status is about to be decimated by the global shift toward the International Monetary Fund’s basket currency reserve system. I’m afraid I’m going to have to say this because I don’t know if anyone else will admit it: Alternative economic analysts were right, and the mainstream choir was either terribly wrong or disgustingly dishonest. However, as most of us in the liberty movement are well aware, being right is not necessarily a solution to disaster.

    At the forefront of alternative economics and constitutional vigilance are the people doing the real work in the movement: the preppers. These are the activists taking concrete action in the tangible world (as opposed to the ethereal laziness of the intellectual world) first to make themselves as independent as possible from the mainstream grid, thereby removing themselves as a potential refugee or looter in the event of national crisis. Second, they are the people mastering valuable and necessary skills that will allow them to rebuild any collapsed social and financial system. Third, they are the people most capable of defending our inherent freedoms and the principles of our founding culture, and they are the only people organizing locally for mutual aid and security. The fact of the matter is preppers are free, and almost everyone else is a slave — a slave to dependency, a slave to doubt, a slave to ignorance, a slave to fear and, thus, a slave to petty establishment authority.

    During the Great Depression, the vast majority of American citizens were rural, farm-oriented people with survival skills far beyond the modern American. “Prepping” in those days was ingrained in our society, rather than marginalized and labeled “fringe.” Today, the numbers are reversed, with a dwindling number of farm-experienced Americans and a vast wasteland of urban and suburban citizens — many with few, if any, legitimate skill sets. During the Great Depression, millions of people died of starvation and general poverty, despite the incredible number of people with rural survival knowledge. What do you think would happen to our effeminate; metrosexual; iPhone-addicted; lisping; limp-wristed; self-obsessed; Twitter-, texting-, video game-addled; La-Z-Boy-riding; overgrown-child culture in the event that another economic crisis even remotely similar were to occur? Yes, most of them would die, probably in a horrible fashion.

    Think about it for a moment. An incredible subsection of Americans do not know how to feed themselves; they do not know how to hunt; they do not know how to grow crops; they do not know how to repair any necessary items used for subsistence; they do not know how to build anything useful; they do not know how to shoot; they do not know how to defend themselves; they don’t even know how to cook a pot of rice properly. Their only skills involve parroting snarky remarks from their favorite lowest-common-denominator television and Web shows, building ample karma points on Reddit, and avoiding any stance contrary to what they perceive to be the majority opinion (which they also derive from mainstream media and websites).

    It is decidedly ironic given the uselessness of such people that it is often the worst subsections of the blind, deaf and dumb that choose to “critique” the prepper lifestyle as “disturbed” or “dangerous.”

    In my view, they are absolutely damned pathetic and should be looked down upon with utter contempt as the most concentrated example of slithering human misery ever to smear across the pages of history.

    But, hey, that doesn’t mean I wish them harm.

    People who are unaware and unprepared are not necessarily our enemies. At one time or another, we all were unaware of the underlying truths to our system and our future, until we woke up one day. On the other hand, there are some people who have truly evolved from the sickly and bitter bile scraped from the lower intestine of the grotesquely ignorant. These people are the anti-preppers.

    Anti-preppers are well aware of the philosophies and fact-based arguments of prepper activism; but rather than ignoring or dismissing us outright and moving on with their vapid lives, they instead seek to destroy preppers and the prepping ideal. Why? To understand that, you have to understand the nature of statists and collectivists because that it where these people root themselves and their twisted worldview.

    I recently read an article by Joshua Krause over at The Daily Sheeple in which he countered a mainstream hit piece article against preppers titled “Be prepared For preppers.” The article is itself an immensely disturbed display, first using typical and unimaginative ad hominem arguments to marginalize preppers, then mutating into a treatise on why preppers should all be exterminated.

    Krause did a fine job of dismantling the substandard and journalistically challenged propaganda essay, but I would like to go beyond the typical arguments of anti-preppers and into the mindset that drives them. I recommend you read “Be prepared for preppers” for good measure, being that it is a perfect example of the psychopathic nature of the common statist. Then, I would like to perform a little brain surgery here and peel away some layers of psyche so that you can understand why these people hate us so much.

    The Prepper Stereotype

    The sad reality is most anti-preppers I’ve dealt with in person have never even talked to a prepper face to face until they had met me. They tend to enter into an immediate debate posture with multiple assumptions in terms of what a prepper believes and how a prepper lives. This posture begins with an incredulous and sarcastic demeanor. And as they begin to realize that the prepper they are dealing with is smarter than they are, their attitude devolves into conditioned talking points and generally indignant frothing.

    Anti-preppers do not know or associate with real preppers. Rather, they derive their opinions of us from popular media, which is in most cases openly biased; episodes of “Doomsday Preppers” and other shows designed to make us look ridiculous; and Southern Poverty Law Center-influenced news articles loaded with carefully crafted slander. They rarely, if ever, confront a prepper or preppers on neutral ground and address facts or figures honestly.

    The bulk of what makes up the prepper stereotype is utter nonsense. But it reinforces the anti-prepper’s hateful inclinations, so they eat it up without question.

    They Hate Us Because Of Our Freedom

    Are anti-preppers “terrorists?” Yes, they are. It might sound harsh, but consider the attitude of the anti-prepper for a moment. He hates you because you have chosen a lifestyle that is independent from the system and ideology of which he chooses to remain a part. He hates you because you have a measure of freedom he does not have, but could have if only he had the guts to do something about it. He hates you because you do not want to participate in the meaningless game of collectivism he has spent his whole life attempting to master. He hates you because you are walking away from his system and doing your own thing. How dare you do your own thing!

    Many of us who appreciate libertarian-oriented ideals are proponents of the “non-aggression principle,” which, to summarize, states that respect for individual freedom is the paramount value of any society that seeks to sustain itself peacefully and indefinitely. Human society is not a nexus; it is not a hive. Society, if it is anything at all, is a collection of individual minds and souls acting voluntarily for the advancement the community, but never at the cost of personal liberty. Contrary to popular mainstream belief, the individual does NOT owe society a thing.

    Non-aggression requires that society will not violate personal liberty for arbitrary collective gain and that individuals will not use violence or coercion to forcefully mandate the participation of others. That is to say, you leave me to my dream and I leave you to yours. But if you try to deliberately trample my dream in order to enrich your own, I am then within my rights to bring a mighty friggin' hammer down on your skull until you leave me alone. Anti-preppers have no capacity to grasp this concept. To them, each human being is property of the larger group and defiance of the state is blasphemy.

    Such collectivists are also predictably devout followers of the religion of resource management, and often argue that preppers are in fact "horders" of resources.  Under this ideology, resources do not belong to the people who actually worked to earn them.  Rather, resources somehow belong to EVERYONE no matter how lazy they are, and must be constantly redistributed so that all people (common people, not elites) have the same exact amount.  They can never seem to define what exactly a "fair share" actually is, and I believe this is because as long as a "fair share" remains ambiguously up to them, they retain the ultimate power to take what they want whenever they want always under the rationale that yesterday you and I had enough, but today we again have too much.  The anti-prepper argument that "hording" is harmful to the collective and that all resources, even your food storage, should be managed by the group (the state), is THE propaganda model of the future.  Do not forget this because you will be seeing this propaganda take center stage very soon.

    Anti-preppers are often the kinds of social justice circus clowns that preach unerring tolerance and claim disdain for any form of discrimination, yet they are at the same time violently discriminatory against anyone who will not preach their particular collectivist gospel. The social collectivist model is by every definition a form of cultism, and in most cases the god of this cult is the state. It treats the state as an infallible omnipotent presence: mother and father, caretaker and disciplinarian.

    To refuse participation is to deny the collectivist god, and the kinds of horrors we read about of the religious zealotry of medieval Christian inquisitions pale in comparison to the death and destruction dealt by modern collectivists.

    Their worship of the state is energized by their love of its collective power – the state is the ultimate weapon to those who think they can successfully wield it.  The state has the ability to "legally" imprison and/or kill, and it has the ability to threaten such consequences against anyone who refuses to conform to the ideological whims of the people who exploit it.  Unless, that is, the victims of the state become revolutionaries.  This is the great fear of collectivists in terms of the prepper movement; they see us as potential revolutionaries that could conceivably extinguish their mechanism of control, and they don't like that one bit.

    The Psychotic Zealotry Of Anti-Preppers

    Many anti-preppers are not content only to attack the character of the prepper movement — at least, not anymore. You see, despite the rabid attempts to undermine the validity of prepping and dissuade the growth of the movement, preppers are now legion, with millions of active participants and effective alternative media experts who are dominating Web traffic and crushing traditional media into archaic bone meal. We have made the mainstream media a mainstream joke, and this does not sit well in the minds of statist adherents who once had the power to bottleneck all discussion. If we are so desperately fringe, there would be no need to write unprovoked hit pieces against us to begin with. Who are they trying to convince?

    Since they now know they cannot win the war of information, they increasingly foster fantasies of genocide. This quote (in reference to methods for solving the “prepper problem”) from the article linked above truly says it all:

    "Furthermore, consumed with the heady lust of their own unexpected survival (see any episode of The Walking Dead), and with only expired condoms at their disposal (not even Doom and Bloom stocks birth-control pills) these mouth-breathers will doubtless multiply rapidly, and, ergo, must be stopped before such an advent. That can mean only one thing: key preparation in any disaster for the rest of us (other than a map to all of Wal-Mart’s distribution warehouses) is this: be prepared to neuter preppers by any means available.

    … Not only will such noblesse oblige ensure a stronger gene pool going forward, but hey — those bastards have all the gear and food and fish antibiotics you’ll ever need."

    And there you have it: the comic book delusion of the anti-prepper, so desperate to stop us from stockpiling food and essentials, so disturbed by our local organization and ability to defend ourselves, that they would prefer to see us all “neutered,” i.e., killed. Note also the obsession with the sterilization of the gene pool as socialists in their psychotic fury often harken back to their fascist and communist forefathers.

    It is perhaps not coincidental that the people most in love with the state are often the first ones to be annihilated by it.  Avid lower echelon and middlemen agents of tyranny are in many cases exterminated by the very system they helped to dominance. If they do not meet their demise at the hands of the establishment, then they invariably meet their demise at the hands of those fighting against the establishment.

    The problem for anti-preppers is that most of them are weaklings and cowards who are incapable of carrying out their vision of a final program. They have always needed a warrior class mandated by the state to implement the killing they desire. Hilariously, this particular anti-prepper spends 80% of his article shoveling poorly written character assassinations like so much manure as if our concerns of crisis are inconsequential, then goes on to describe his idea of wiping out all preppers and stealing our supplies in the event that the system does collapse. If we are all such “kooks” and paranoid hillbillies, then why even entertain the notion of having us snuffed out so that our stores can be redistributed? Surely, such a collapse will never occur in the midst of our invincible American economy; and, thus, preppers are nothing more than harmless eccentrics wasting our money on boxes of food we won’t touch for another 20 years. Right?

    History does not support the assumptions of anti-preppers. And throughout history, anti-preparedness people tend to be the first to meet an early demise in the wake of fiscal and social collapse because they have no utility and because, frankly, no one really likes them. They also aren’t the brightest bulbs around (the guy actually thinks he’s going to find food at a Wal-Mart distribution center after a breakdown in civil order).

    Anti-preppers today are promoting violent action against preparedness culture because in the far reaches of their sickly subconscious, they know we are right and that we will not be controlled when the system breaks. These people accuse us of lusting after collapse, when it is in fact they who salivate over mass die-off scenarios in which they fantasize that they will somehow be the survivors despite the fact that they are born victims. They imagine a time when, after the “gene pool has been cleansed,” they will rebuild society as a perfect socialist utopia in which every ideology contrary to their own has been erased from all memory, leaving their ultimate prize: a blank slate world to do with as they wish.

    The goal behind the prepper movement is simple, not sinister; we seek to defuse crisis before it occurs by providing our own necessities without the need for a mainstream grid that could easily malfunction and a government that is corrupt beyond repair. If your neighbor is a prepper, be thankful, for you have one less person on your street to worry about as a potential looter during an emergency. If your neighbor is an anti-prepper, beware, for this person sees you as a potential source of supply and thinks you owe him merely because you have something he does not. The bottom line is if the world were full of preppers, there would be no such thing as crisis because there would be no lack of necessity or individual ingenuity. In the land of preppers, disaster vanishes. When was the last time an anti-prepper did anything to improve anything for anyone other than himself? Ask yourself which you would rather be in the end: ready for anything or ready for nothing?

  • The "Historic NYSE Halt" Post-Mortem: The Shock And Awe When It All Went Down

    What began as a glitch in pre-market trading turned into the NYSE’s longest trading halt since Hurrican Sandy battered the East Coast. The ever-increasing complexity of US equity markets combined with an ever-decreasing pool of greater fools leaves windows open on down days (for it appears these ‘glitches’ only ever occur on down days) for markets to break. While NYSE traders defended the very market structure they have abhorred in the past as evidence that today was “not a failure,” we can’t help but find CNBC’s Scott Wapner’s amusing remark that “if retail investors want low cost liquid trading they are going to have learn to live with it” the perfect post-mortem for a rigged system brimming with confident insiders ever excited to take mom-and-pop’s money.

    As Bloomberg reported,What began Wednesday morning with a seemingly workaday software glitch soon escalated into one of the most startling computer outages in Wall Street history — and, for the Big Board, a race against the clock.”

    At the 9:30 a.m. opening bell, traders’ orders for some stocks weren’t reaching the proper destinations for processing. Techies were frantic to fix the problem. At about 9:32 a.m., they succeeded.


    Two hours later, boom.


    One floor trader started shouting, “My handheld’s down! My handheld’s not working!” He and other traders hurried over to a ramp on the trading floor where NYSE executives usually meet with them to explain any problems. Not today. Three hours later, still nothing. Everyone was just standing around.


    “The order flow wasn’t being entered into the display books on the trading floor,” said Pete Costa, president of Empire Executions Inc. who’s worked at the exchange in downtown Manhattan for 34 years. “As soon as that happened, the exchange shut down to understand what was going on.”


    Every computer screen “went this pukey, canary yellow color,” Costa said. “That means the stock has stopped trading.”

    NYSE BREAK #1 Occurred shortly before the market open as the SNB-driven rebound from overnight weakness was beginning to fade…

    Stocks rallied into the open while the NYSE was broken.

    The issues were resolved shortly after the market opened… and stocks then plunged:


    The tumbling stock market meant there was only one option:

    NYSE BREAK #2 Occurred shortly before the European close…


    And once again… stocks ripped higher and the world rejoiced that Greece and China didn’t matter after all.


    But then, once that problem was resolved, stocks plunged again, which left only one option for the PPT which learned its lesson from China where if there is selling, just halt the stocks being sold.

    NYSE BREAK #3 – The Big One started shortly after the European close with stocks near the lows of the day…

    CNBC went into full “turmoil” mode:


    And this happened:


    The NYSE CEO told CNBC that he “didn’t know” if the early halts and glitches were related to the catastrophe that halted the entire exchange for almost 4 hours. Well as a help for him, here is a simple chart from Nanex that shows the last group of trades before the NYSE Blackout were in the same stocks they reported an issue with earlier in the day…


    Simply put – they were related.

    Why does the market break? Here’s why: an ever increasing level of complexity in the market structure (as machines game each other to death)…


    … Meets an ever-decreasing pool of greater fools:

    But why 4 hours?

    RUHLE:  Why not roll over to your fail system, your backup? 


    FARLEY:  We chose the least disruptive option for customers.  So if we had moved to our Disaster Recovery Center, which was an option, customers would have had to do a good deal of work to be able connect to that new Disaster Recovery Center. 


    Contrast that with what we chose to do, which was root out the problem, put a plan in place to fix it, fix it, reopen the New York Stock Exchange, and there was no work for the customers to do to connect to the New York Stock Exchange.

    So, to summarize, the NYSE has a disaster recovery center which… they choose not to use because it is an inconvenience to clients who would rather be unable to trade!

    Maybe there was a different angle altogether: with China crashing and halting 70% of the market, the US had just one response:

    Here is the “official” reason according to the NYSE CEO:

    RUHLE:  And do you attribute this to a system upgrade? 


    FARLEY:  I’m not 100 percent certain, because as I said, most of the day I spent with customers and staff.  There was a configuration problem in our system.  It likely had to do with an upgrade, but that is premature, and it’s something that will come about as part of a full analysis of the situation.

    Of course it’s not the first time NYSE has been halted (as MotherJones reports)

    It’s not the first time a random event has interrupted the 223-year-old stock exchange. Most memorably, the NYSE closed following V-J Day, when troops returned at the end of World War II, and for three full days after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. But the NYSE has closed for everything from the funerals of major world figures—such as Queen Victoria of England (1901), Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1968), and Richard Nixon (1994)—to extreme heat (August 4, 1917).


    Here is a brief history of events that halted trading at the New York Stock Exchange.


    September 1873: The collapse of the Jay Cooke & Company, a major financial institution, caused the New York Stock Exchange’s first closure, for 10 days, due to market calamity.


    July 1914: The start of World War I in Europe shuttered the exchange for four months, the longest closure on record.


    May 25, 1946: The NYSE shut down due to a railroad strike, part of one of the largest waves of strikes in US history.


    1967 – 1996: Over this span of 29 years, eight ferocious blizzards either delayed the opening bell or closed the exchange early.


    February 10, 1969: A snowstorm dubbed the “Lindsay Storm” shuttered the stock exchange for a day and a half amid 15.3 inches of snow.


    July 21, 1969: This closure was planned, to celebrate the Apollo 11 moon landing.


    July 14, 1977: The NYSE closed due to a major blackout across New York City.


    October 27, 1997: A failsafe instantaneously stopped all trading for 30 minutes after the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 350 points.


    May 6, 2010: The same circuit breaker that closed the NYSE in 1997 halted trading after a “flash crash” caused by automated high-frequency trading.


    September 11, 2001: Terrorist attacks closed the exchange through September 14. The exchange also closed exactly a year later to mark the anniversary of the attacks.


    October 29 – 30, 2012: The NYSE shut down while Hurricane Sandy battered the Eastern Seaboard. It was the first time a weather event closed the market for two full days in 124 years, after a snowstorm that dumped more than 40 feet of snow closed the exchange in 1888.

    And won’t be the last: as we wrote last year, the entire market is now like the infamous “social-network” stock CYNK that never existed: it too was pumped up to ridiculous valuations on no volume, not to mention no revenues, no profit and no employees … and then when the selling began it was quietly halted.


  • Japanese Investors Lose Faith In Draghi – Dump The Most Foreign Bonds In History

    Did the narrative just change? With the world’s investors having entirely lost faith in China’s ability to control its markets, it appears the omnipotence of global central banks is under scrutiny. First the so-called “contained” risks from Greek contagion are non-existent as despite the best efforts of The SNB (and ECB), European stocks and peripheral bonds have tumbled; and now Japanese investors have dumped over JPY 4 trillion foreign bonds in June – the most ever.



    One can’t help but wonder why, if Draghi’s QE was successful, why are foreigners not piling into risk assets en masse… but instead selling the most ever as apparently Greece matters after all.


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Why Grexit Is The Most Likely Outcome

    Submitted by Pieter Cleppe, initially published on the European Leadership Network

    Why Grexit is the most likely outcome

    Ahead of Greece’s referendum on a bailout plan in early July, EU decision makers, including Eurogroup Chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem, warned a “no” vote might lead to Greece’s exit from the Euro. After Greece’s overwhelming “no”, and Eurozone leaders’ latest ultimatums, there are a number of factors that indicate that “Grexit” may indeed be the most likely outcome.

    1. Greece is already in default to the IMF

    Last week, Greece defaulted on its obligations to the IMF, even if we technically would need to say it was put in “arrears”. Greece is the first developed country to do so. Currently, the Greek banking system is dependent on the ECB allowing the Greek Central Bank to issue loans to Greek banks through a scheme called Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA). As the name suggests, this funding can only be provided to deal with liquidity problems, so it cannot prop up insolvent banks. Greek banks are intimately linked with the insolvent Greek state, meaning they are insolvent themselves, meaning in turn that the ECB would need to cut off funding.

    The necessary two thirds majority needed within the ECB Governing Council to block the Greek Central Bank from creating euros to lend to Greek banks under ELA hasn’t been reached so far. As a result, the ECB has had to come up with all kinds of excuses, the latest being that it will only cut off ELA funding for Greek banks in case there is “no prospect of a deal”. The ECB’s excuses are likely to run out soon, especially if the Greek government defaults on payments to the ECB on 20 July. This week, the ECB restrained ELA a little more, but it’s expected to provide ELA funding at least until Sunday. Political cover would be needed for any further actions though.

    Greek pensioners are meanwhile standing at the gates. A logical outcome would be for the Greek government to pay them in “IOUs” or in a parallel currency, which could be used to pay for government services, for example health care, something which the outgoing Greek Finance Minister already suggested.

    Another problem is that Greek banks will be running out of actual physical bank notes, possibly by the end of this week. Closing banks is bad enough, but closing ATMs is a recipe for chaos. It would force the Greek government to print Drachmas, while uncertainty would reign during the transition period.

    2. Greece and the rest of the Eurozone are further apart than ever

    Given that Greece’s finance gap will only have grown bigger as a result of the economic damage inflicted by capital controls, Greek politicians likely will need to accept even more “austerity” than was on offer before the talks with creditors broke down. German Chancellor Merkel stressed earlier this week that Greek measures will have to “go beyond” what was demanded by the creditors before the referendum. How likely is this to happen in the face of the massive “no” vote? Costas Lapavitsas, the leader of the radical wing of Syriza, already warned that “the referendum has its own dynamic. People will revolt if [Tsipras] comes back from Brussels with a shoddy compromise.” Some Greek analysts think Tsipras doesn’t actually want a deal.

    It must be said that the so-called “austerity” was always more a synonym for monstrous tax hikes than for actual spending cuts. One of the recent Greek government’s proposals, for example, was to unleash 2.69 billion euro in tax hikes on the Greek private sector this year – perhaps hoping the money wouldn’t be raised anyway – while only cutting spending on “pensions” (which more than often seems to mean the pension administration, not actual pension payouts)– by 60 million euro.

    There is still a chance that Greece will back down completely in the next few days, giving up its demand for debt restructuring, which Merkel has called “out of the question”. The result of this would be that Greece would enter a new European Stability Mechanism (ESM) programme. So far however, it looks like the Greek government hasn’t come up with detailed proposals, apart from a general request for ESM support.

    It’s therefore more likely that the EU Summit this Sunday decides to exclude the country from the Eurozone and provide funds to make the transition to Drachma through the so-called “Balance of Payments” facility for non-euro states which has been used for Romania, Hungary and Latvia. The invitation of all EU member states to this Summit is already a sign that Grexit is likely, given that they would be needed to sign off on this scenario. In any case, whatever happens next, the fact that EU Commission President Juncker declared that “We have a Grexit scenario, prepared in detail” proves for the first time that the euro adoption is not irreversible.

    3. Capital controls are notoriously hard to unwind

    According to official Greek data , there was still almost 130 million euro deposited in Greek banks before capital controls were announced. If Greek banks were to reopen, few might trust they wouldn’t close again soon, potentially causing a run. As the ECB is unlikely to provide enough ELA funding for banks to open without a deal, and a deal itself still seemingly unlikely, the government in Athens will have to seriously consider printing its own currency should it ever want to open its banks again.

    4. The “no” vote protects the Eurozone’s politicians from looking like they pushed Greece out

    In the event of a Grexit, prepare for more blame games between Greece and the rest of the Eurozone. Now that the Greek people have sent a powerful signal that they desire a full-blown “transfer-union”, which is not on offer, it will be much harder to blame Eurozone politicians for refusing more transfers than the ones already conducted, through the ECB and bailout loans with low interest rates.

    How might Grexit playout?

    Eurozone countries could fly in periodical shipments of euro bank notes until the end of summer, in order to avoid a risk of social breakdown. This special “transition bailout” – possibly financed by future cuts to EU subsidies for Greece – could be decided, as a means of raising hopes for an orderly transition to the Drachma. There is also an alternative scenario in which Greece – after having defaulted and restructured its banks – uses the euro but doesn’t enjoy the cheap money from the ECB, like Montenegro.

    This would give Greece an incentive to stay in the EU – and NATO – and to play along when it is legally relegated to the “euro derogation” (the status of Bulgaria, Sweden and Poland) i.e. obliged to join the eurozone in the future. The fact that German Finance Minister Schäuble mentioned ahead of the referendum that a Greek “no” may lead to a “temporary” Grexit may refer to this potential scenario. The IMF and European Parliament President Schulz have been making noises about “IMF assistance” and “humanitarian aid”.

    It looks like this is finally it.

  • BRICS Bank Officially Launches As Sun Sets On US Hegemony

    Before the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and, to a lesser extent, the Silk Road Fund became international symbols for the end of Western economic hegemony, there was the BRICS Bank.

    Or at least there was the idea of the BRICS bank. 

    The supranational lender imagined by Russia, China, Brazil, India, and South Africa is, like the AIIB, largely a response to the failure of US-dominated multilateral institutions to meet the needs of modernity and offer representation that’s commensurate with the economic clout of their members. As Bloomberg points out, the countries’ combined economic output is now roughly equal to that of the US. “Back in 2007, the U.S. economy was double the BRICS,” Bloomberg notes.

    As a refresher, here’s how the Washington Post described the bank’s structure and purpose on the heels of last summer’s BRICS summit in Fortaleza:

    The NDB has been given $50 billion in initial capital. As with similar initiatives in other regions, the BRICS bank appears to work on an equal-share voting basis, with each of the five signatories contributing $10 billion. The capital base is to be used to finance infrastructure and “sustainable development” projects in the BRICS countries initially, but other low- and middle-income countries will be able buy in and apply for funding. BRICS countries have also created a $100 billion Contingency Reserve Arrangement (CRA), meant to provide additional liquidity protection to member countries during balance of payments problems. The CRA—unlike the pool of contributed capital to the BRICS bank, which is equally shared—is being funded 41 percent by China, 18 percent from Brazil, India, and Russia, and 5 percent from South Africa.

    On Tuesday, ahead of this year’s summit in Ulfa, the BRICS countries officially launched the new bank along with the reserve currency pool. Here’s WSJ:

    The group of five major emerging economies known as Brics launched a development bank on Tuesday ahead of a summit in the Russian industrial city of Ufa, where Russia seeks to demonstrate it hasn’t been isolated by Western sanctions.


    The long-planned development bank, aimed at financing projects mainly in member countries Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, will select its first projects to finance by the end of the year, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Tuesday. The countries’ national banks also signed a deal Tuesday to create a $100 billion reserve fund by the end of July that can be tapped in financial emergencies.


    The Bank of Russia said it signed an “operational agreement” with Brics counterparts to create a $100 billion pool of mutual reserves. The group agreed to create the fund in 2013 as an alternative to the International Monetary Fund, after seeing investors pull money away from emerging economies, causing their currencies to weaken.


    The currency pool would be drawn on by the central banks of Brics states whenever they suffered a shortage of dollar liquidity, helping them maintain financial stability, Russia’s central bank said.


    China will contribute $41 billion to the currency pool. Brazil, India and Russia will each provide $18 billion, while the remaining $5 billion will come from South Africa.

    The BRICS nations will also look to begin settling more trade in national currencies, a shift we highlighted recently in “The PetroYuan Is Born: Gazprom Now Settling All Crude Sales To China In Renminbi”, “PetroYuan Proliferation: Russia, China To Settle “Holy Grail” Pipeline Sales In Renminbi,” and “De-Dollarization Du Jour: Russia Backs BRICS Alternative To SWIFT.” This comes at a convenient time for Russia, which is attempting to diversify away from the dollar amid Western economic sanctions (recently extended into next year) imposed on Moscow in retaliation for the Kremlin’s perceived involvement in Ukraine. RT has more:

    BRICS countries will definitely start using their local currencies for mutual settlements quite soon, the head of Russia’s VTB bank Andrey Kostin told RT Wednesday at the BRICS summit in Ufa.


    “We definitely see a growing interest from the countries to make settlements in local currencies,” the CEO of Russia’s second biggest bank said. 40-50 percent of all the mutual settlements among the BRICS countries can be performed in domestic currencies, Kostin estimated, RIA reported.


    The Chinese yuan as the leading currency can be used in settlements among BRICS member states, Kostin said, adding that the Russian ruble can be used for that as well.


    He says there will be a growing interest from leading Russian exporters to the process of switching to national currencies.


    And of course no story about the BRICS bank (or the AIIB for that matter) would be complete these days without some mention of Greece and the possibility that Athens may be forced to look elsewhere for help in the event it’s driven out of the euro and Jean Claude-Juncker’s “humanitarian” plan B proves inadequate to keep the country out of the Third World after Berlin digitally bombs its citizens back to barter status. For today’s Russian/Chinese pivot allusion, we go to IBTimes

    Greece could get financing from the New Development Bank operated by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) if it buys a few shares of the institution to become a member. The bank, which is set to begin operations next April, is seen an alternative to Western financing.


    Deputy Russian Finance Minister Sergey Storchak said becoming a part of the bank would require Greek officials to make a political decision.


    “We do not have any co-relation between a contribution and an amount of funding,” Russian news agency Tass quoted Storchak as saying. “There is general agreement that the system of the countries’ assets will be balanced.”


    Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said Tuesday it is necessary for the new bank to “carve out a niche” since competition among international banks is intense.

    Yes, the bank must “carve out a niche”, and preferably one which takes every opportunity to undercut the influence of the US-dominated multilateral institutions that have defined the post-war world and served to underwrite six decades of dollar dominance. 

    So we suppose it’s not all bad news for China these days. Beijing may have a decelerating economy and a stock market collapse on its hands, but at the end of the day, the country now controls not one (AIIB), not two (Silk Road Fund), but three (BRICS bank) development banks, which gives Xi Jinping quite a few options when it comes to embedding the yuan in global investment and trade which, in the long-run, is far more important than where the SHCOMP closes on Thursday. 

  • Hong Kong Hammered As China Crash Contagion Continues

    Submitted by Pater Tenebrarum via,

    Efforts of Potent Directors Ignored

    When we first commented on the emerging problems with China’s market bubble, we warned that although a bounce from oversold levels was the most likely outcome, it wasn’t set in stone. It appeared to us that Chinese investors were especially prone to falling for the “potent directors fallacy” (a term coined by Robert Prechter of EWI many years ago) – the belief that powerful decision makers, in this case the central bank and the government – would be willing and able support the market no matter what.  Willing they have been – able, less so.



    Chinese retail investors are shell-shocked

    Photo credit: EPA

    For a long time it has been the general impression that due to its tight control over the banking system and other sectors in the economy, China’s leadership could just “order the markets around”. Investors who were aware of China’s enormous debt problems and its insanely overvalued real estate markets were regularly baffled by the fact that China’s mandarins were apparently capable of  arresting any decline in prices or any emerging credit blow-ups with the flick of a finger. Faith in their abilities is currently being shaken to its core. This is highly relevant to the asset bubbles currently underway in other countries, even though what happens in China has little direct effect due to the country’s closed capital account.



    China’s stock market crash just keeps going – the index has now reached an important lateral support level. It will probably bounce from there, but for a variety of reasons this is actually somewhat less certain than it would otherwise be – click to enlarge.


    The latest gambit of China’s central planners has been to replace the increasingly wobbly looking real estate bubble with a stock market bubble. The plan, as far as we can tell, was to enable state-owned companies to raise a lot of equity at favorable prices, so as to lessen the relative importance of their debt load, resp. enable them to deleverage by putting the proceeds of stock offerings toward paying down debt. However, the stock market bubble rested on an extremely shaky foundation: inexperienced retail investors and just as inexperienced fund managers were the main buyers, and they used plenty of margin to do so. Now they are in an unmitigated panic.

    How to Shoot Oneself in the Foot

    In their desperate effort to halt the decline in stock prices, China’s authorities have tried every trick in the book and then some. The latest gambit was initiated by listed companies, and may well have been the equivalent of shooting oneself in the foot: In order to stop stocks from declining further, many were simply suspended from trading. Some of those are suspended because they keep trading “limit down”, but in many cases the trading halts were requested by the companies themselves (the exchange must give its placet to such trading halt requests).

    As a result, some 27% of listed companies are currently no longer trading, representing approx. $1.4 trillion in market cap. This is reminiscent of the futile attempts to halt stock market declines in the US and Europe by banning short sales in 2008 (as well as on other occasions, e.g. in early 1932, a short selling ban that was followed by a 69% plunge in stock prices).

    As Bloomberg reports:

    “Chinese companies have found a guaranteed way to prevent investors from selling their shares: suspend trading.


    Almost 200 stocks halted trading after the close on Monday, bringing the total number of suspensions to 745, or 26 percent of listed firms on mainland exchanges, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Most of the halts are by companies listed in Shenzhen, which is dominated by smaller businesses.


    The suspensions have locked up $1.4 trillion of shares, or 21 percent of China’s market capitalization, and are becoming increasingly popular as equity prices tumble. If not for the halts, a 28 percent plunge in the Shanghai Composite Index from its June 12 peak would probably be even deeper.


    “Their main objective is to prevent share prices from slumping further amid a selling stampede,” said Chen Jiahe, a strategist at Cinda Securities Co.”


    Later, the number of halts requested increased to more than 1,200, the 21st Century Business Herald said, citing exchange data. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange will reject unjustifiable applications for suspensions, reported, citing an unidentified person familiar with the matter.

    As an aside, the assertion that the stock market rout has “erased at least $3.2 trillion in value” as most financial media are reporting is a rather unfortunate way of putting it. What has changed are merely stock prices. In a way, the previous “values” were largely fictional. They reflected the fact that many in China felt they had discovered a get-rich-quick scheme and were piling in. The “wealth” this has created was phantom wealth – nothing has changed about the underlying businesses just because their stock prices have soared, nor has any money been destroyed because they plunged – it has merely changed hands.

    Why are trading halts counterproductive? For one thing, as most of the suspensions concern small caps, investors are now trying to rescue themselves by selling big caps. For another thing, it deters new buying, because investors must fear that they will be locked out again from trading their shares at some point in the future – this has lowered the potential for a significant bounce. Also, while the decline has superficially slowed due to trading halts, the potential for an even bigger decline is now hanging over the market, as those holding suspended shares are likely to sell as soon as it is possible again.

    Another effect was that the spillover to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange has worsened considerably. The HSI has crashed by almost 2,100 points or 8.37% overnight:



    The HSI in Hong Kong begins to crash as well – click to enlarge.


    Why Are the Authorities Helpless?

    There is actually a good reason why China’s authorities have been unable to stop the crash so far, in spite of their otherwise well-known ability to influence markets and the economy. China is beginning to feel the lagged effect of the massive slowdown in money supply growth over recent years. This increasingly unmasks capital malinvestment in China and makes it more difficult to keep asset bubbles supported.


    M1 and M2 China-growth rates

    The year-on-year growth rates of the monetary aggregates M1 and M2 in China have collapsed to the lowest level in more than 15 years – click to enlarge.


    China’s authorities are now finding out that one cannot have everything at once. If a credit bubble is to be deflated, asset prices cannot grow to the sky at the same time. Rising stock and real estate prices require “fuel” in the form of money supply inflation, and a slowdown in credit extension automatically brings about a slowdown in money supply growth in the modern-day fractionally reserved fiat money system.

    As a result, even if the market should begin to bounce from here, it will very likely remain a “sell” until money supply growth has accelerated again for a while. This is however unlikely to happen anytime soon, as China’s banks are increasingly reluctant to add to their burgeoning credit problems (these don’t exist officially, but everybody knows they are simply masked by accounting tricks).

    Prime minister Li Keqiang wants to reform China’s economy and is also unlikely to order banks to massively increase their lending again. He may of course eventually well be outvoted by others in the politburo, but at the moment, he remains in charge of economic policy.  Note in this context that stock prices fell again on Monday after Li Keqiang failed to mention the stock market crisis in an official statement on the economy.


    No bubble can remain aloft without a heavy dose of monetary inflation. The fact that China’s authorities, including its central bank, have been unable to stem the decline stands as a stark warning to the many Western investors who seemingly believe that central banks are nigh omnipotent entities run by magicians. This is not the case. Once an asset bubble begins to burst, there there is nothing central bankers can do to stop it – and we have plenty of bubbles awaiting their turn in the barrel.



    China’s premier Li Keqiang: Apparently not sympathetic toward stock market speculators.

  • China Makes Selling For Big Investors Illegal

    With another bloody session in the books for China’s bursting equity bubble, it’s now abundantly clear that Beijing and the PBoC have lost control not only of the market but of the narrative as well, despite dozens of attempts to steer both in the “right direction.” 

    Having corralled selling by the National Social Security fund earlier this week and after discouraging local reporters from mentioning selling in the press, China has now made it illegal for big investors to dump shares over the next six months. Here are the details via Bloomberg: 

    China’s securities regulator banned major shareholders, corporate executives and directors from selling any of their stakes for six months, the latest effort to stop a $3.5 trillion rout in the nation’s equity market.


    Controlling shareholders and investors holding more than a 5 percent stake in a company will be prevented from cutting their holdings over that time period, the China Securities Regulatory Commission said in a statement.

    And here’s the official word from the CSCR (Google translated):

    Recently, the stock market fell irrational, for the maintenance of the capital market, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of investors, is now on the relevant matters are announced as follows: First, from now on within six months, the controlling shareholders of listed companies and shareholders holding more than 5% (hereinafter, saying large shareholders) and its directors, supervisors and senior management personnel shall not reduce shares held by the secondary market. Second, the major shareholders of listed companies and the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel who fails to reduce shareholdings in the Company, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will be given serious treatment. Third, the major shareholders of listed companies and the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel in the six months after the reduction of shares from shareholders with specific measures, separately.

    Yes, the stock market “fell irrational” lately. And by “irrational” the CSCR apparently means that temperament that tends to fall over people once they realize they’ve helped to faciliate a completely “irrational”, debt-fueled mania that’s sent valuations on many listings into the stratosphere and lured in millions of farmers and hairdressers who are now collectively leveraged to gills. 

    In any event, this, like every other move in China’s rapidly expanding plunge protection playbook, will fail miserably, meaning Beijing with ultimately be left with no choice but to “halt” whatever shares are still trading by the end of the week. 

    We can now add one more desperation measure to the annotated history of Chinese market intervention:


  • Two Things the US Government Got Right

    By Chris at

    In a shocking and uncharacteristic display of common sense, the US government has recently managed to pass two laws which are an absolutely fabulous idea.

    The legalization of marijuana in the US is the first one.

    I say this not because I’m a closet pot smoker; I don’t even reside in the US, but because Government’s involvement in deciding and having control over what we do and don’t put in our bodies is the height of absurdity.

    The leading cause of death in the Western world is not giggling stoners stumbling into oncoming traffic, it’s actually heart disease. We may as well ban deep fried food and TV…

    The second law they passed was the JOBS act, which, in a nutshell, allows everyday people to invest in private business while at the same time allowing private business to solicit capital from everyday people.

    Combining the two would certainly produce some interesting investment choices, especially if marijuana precedes the investment choice. Then again, this would be akin to drinking alcohol and gambling, which is about as American as apple pie. Let’s face it, without alcohol and gambling Vegas would consist of a single motel and gas station run by a guy with a lazy eye named Chuck.

    I bring this up since I recently received an email from a friend where he discussed both crowdfunding and marijuana.

    He had been debating whether the marijuana crowdfunding platforms are an “industry to watch.” Legislature changes often provide accelerant to glowing embers and the legalization of marijuana is no different.

    We all remember how crazy pot stocks got a few months back. In fact, we detailed this in a January edition of a private alert we put out on select trades we’re placing our personal capital into.

    At the time we determined that due to the asymmetry available we just HAD to short one which stood out. Specifically, a useless pump and dump candidate one of our editors of the alert service brought to our attention. The company in question was General Cannabis Corp (CANN).

    Easy pickings – find a company with little substance that is being run up on a deadly combination of BS and stupidity and you have yourself a candidate. What could possibly go wrong?

    What indeed?

    Investors who went long CANN as we went short in mid-January lost their shirts but no matter, they may have kept their underwear as it hasn’t completely disappeared. Rest assured, however, that we’ll get another series of amusing debacles before we all go in a box.

    Equity crowdfunding, like the now legalized marijuana industry, is relatively new so the question as to whether marijuana crowdfunding platforms are a sector to watch really isn’t a silly one.

    We’ve been very close followers of equity crowdfunding since its emergence, and are very well connected into the ecosystem so I thought I’d offer some insight into the industry as I see it.

    Before I proceed a caveat is in order. Seraph, the company Mark and I founded, are, together with our members, investors in a company that keeps a pulse on the equity crowdfunding marketplace and we’re vetting a number of candidates continuously in this space. We do therefore have a bias towards the industry as we have placed capital and are looking to do so again.

    It seems obvious to me that the vast majority of the crowdfunding platforms out there, while being run by well intentioned entrepreneurs, will absolutely never make any profits. And when the venture capital that is currently keeping them alive dries up they will simply disappear like a fading sunset over the horizon.

    Now, I’ve been accused of being too harsh on many of the platforms who are looking to raise money so I’m going to choose my words carefully. Here goes: most are crap and will die!

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m incredibly excited about crowdfunding in general and believe that the growth will continue. In part, because the financial architecture that has been built ensconcing Wall Street, brokers, various other “intermediaries” and political interests provide little value in our world today. People are fed up with them and increasingly distrusting of the financial institutions which we are told are “safe”.

    Quarter over quarter, investment via equity crowdfunding is experiencing tremendous growth, and as more laws and regulations are relaxed and people become aware of investment opportunities, we certainly hope – and expect – this growth to continue. There is a movement of capital globally from public to private and crowdfunding is but one conduit for these capital flows.

    Equity crowdfunding is a great experiment in the sense that for the first time since the Great Depression, non-accredited retail investors have access to privately listed investment opportunities.

    The United States and the United Kingdom acted nearly simultaneously in 2012, allowing equity-based crowdfunding in the US via the JOBS Act and in the UK through new regulations put in place through their Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

    While American accredited investors have been able to crowdfund for several years now, the American government finally implemented rules legalizing equity crowdfunding for non-accredited investors a few weeks ago. Government efficiency at its finest…

    The reason why, for the first time in almost 100 years, non-accredited retail investors suddenly became allowed to become angel investors is better answered by the guys who were instrumental in drafting the legislation and bringing about the concept itself. We discussed this some time ago with our colleagues Jason Best and Woodie Neiss and you can listen to their story here and here.

    Since 2012, the UK, US, and other markets have seen literally hundreds of equity crowdfunding platforms listing thousands of investment opportunities – with varying models.

    In a very general sense, four models of equity crowdfunding platforms have emerged:

    1) Platforms for Everyone

    Take any trip on the London tube today and – unless you’re blindfolded – you’ll not miss the advertisements from Crowdcube, which boasts nearly £90,000,000 in investments and nearly 190,000 people registered on their site. They continue to be a leading platform in this space. Crowdfunder and Seedrs are two other well-known platforms.

    These platforms accept investment in increments as little as £10, though the average investment is actually well over £1,500. They focus on the retail investor who I imagine would often be mom and pop investors. While there are tech and other startup-type businesses listed, investments can also be made into more established consumer goods and retail-type businesses.

    2) Platforms Geared Towards Sophisticated Investors

    Sites focused on accredited investors require much higher thresholds for investment. Jerusalem-based OurCrowd, has been very successful through a focus on Israel’s hi-tech scene. It has also been expanding listings outside of Israel as well. In the United States, CircleUp is another that comes to mind.

    3) Real Estate Crowdfunding

    People are claiming that the future of commercial real estate is in crowdfunding. Washington, DC-based Fundrise is the first and among the most notable.

    4) Niche markets

    There are also a host of specialty crowdfunding platforms. Some focus on agriculture and yes, others focus on growing other products… like marijuana.

    Buyer Beware

    At the end of the day, equity crowdfunding – like all forms of angel investing – is inherently very risky. You have to accept that you will lose more times than you’ll win but hope that your wins are many times bigger than your losses.

    Over the last 30 years early stage venture capital has outperformed stocks and bonds by a large margin, returning an average of 21.29%. This while, as I mentioned last week, up to 3/4 of early stage deals will fail.

    Investing in private early stage deals is extremely time consuming and difficult. It takes skill and lots of experience. I learn something new every day and I’m almost completely surrounded by veterans and due diligence from the moment I wake till late at night when I typically pen these articles to you. It’s not a part time thing! There are a few key ingredients that I think are worth pointing out to those interested in getting their feet wet.

    Do the Obvious

    I am no longer surprised by people losing money in private deals. Occasionally someone will bring me a deal saying it looks really good. I’ll hit them with some simple questions which any investor should have considered before wasting their or my time on.

    1. Have you done a background search on the people involved?
    2. Due diligence: have you asked for their financials, and if it’s a start-up with none to show, have they been in business before? If so, ask for the financials of that business. What competition do they have? This question the founders need to have done extensive work on. Have you called the company, bought their product, tested their service? You can learn a lot from finding out how they’re servicing clients right now.
    3. What terms are being offered? In early stage deals terms are way more important than valuation!

    Still interested in crowdfunding?

    We for sure are! Crowdfunding is a phenomenon that is changing the way that capital is being allocated. It is fundamentally better for individuals to make their own choices with their capital than it is for Governments or incestuous corporates tied to the government to do this for us.

    What I do think, however, is likely to happen is that there will be an entire host of investors getting burned, just like they do at Vegas or Macau. Many will believe that they’ll see the next Uber or Apple get listed on a crowdfunding site, and at the same time will be able to identify the deal.

    Furthermore, even if they identify the deal they will have no idea about the structure of the terms and can easily be wiped out by VCs funding the company in a Series B or C round where investor protections were never put in place.

    While it’s possible I’ve yet to see the early stage deals from close networks that cross our desks being posted onto any platforms, certainly in the early stages. I don’t see this changing.

    Small networks of industry professionals will continue to share deals with those closest to them before taking in capital from any outside sources. Human nature isn’t about to change and humans are social creatures.

    When Seraph gets a great deal we share it with those closest to us. Why would we do anything else? That’s human nature….

    Furthermore, founders are typically in search of smart capital that can help them build their business. This means connected money with skills and knowledge is always going to be at a premium. If you’re an entrepreneur raising capital and looking to grow your business obtaining that from a crowdfunding platform is much more difficult.

    The most promising investment opportunities will continue to be shared in tight, close-knit circles. They will, however, find their way onto crowdfunding platforms when they reach later stage financing rounds. When a company has in place the smart money and is just looking for expansion capital then I think the crowfunding sites are a sweet spot.

    Lastly, back to the original question that my friend was discussing – marijuana crowdfunded deals. I don’t see them as any different from a backed beans crowdfunded deal. Crowdfunding is merely a conduit.

    – Chris


    “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin

  • Caught On Tape: The Other Crisis Happening In Greece

    With all eyes firmly focused on pensioners at the gate and ATM lines, there is another – just as cruel and unusual – crisis occurring in Greece. Europe's immigration 'problem' is front-and-center on the island of Lesvos, as KeepTalkingGreece reports, unbelievable scenes as refugees try to raid a food truck. No, this is not Somalia…



    The incident took place when nearly 2,500 migrants hosted in the camp of Lesvos (Mytilene) municipality in Kara Tepe saw the catering truck approaching. They started to run for a plate with food.

    Reason fro the panic to be left hungry without food was a rumor claiming that catering service for refugees had stopped on the island of Samos due to debts.

    With hundreds of refugees and undocumented migrants arrive daily to Greece from Turkey, the situation has gone out of control.

    ?????? ??????????

    On Tuesday, another boat carrying people to Greece sank, more than 10 people went missing.

    Next to the Greek humanitarian and economic crisis and the country on the brink of collapse, there is also the Refugees Crisis. Europe is keeping eyes and ears closed, while Eurocrats like European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker are making ‘nice promises’ for aid and relocation to other EU countries.

    On the islands in Eastern Greece where the refugees arrive per boat and in other cities, many citizens have been set volunteers’ initiatives to help  refugees. The initiatives are been supported by local business that do whatever they can amid the worst financial crisis since 2010.



  • There's No Hope For A Deal "Priced In" Greek Bank Bonds

    With equity markets jumping vertically on every possible ‘hope’ of a deal – no matter what the consequence – we look to the asset class that is a) not driven by headline-reading algos and HFT, and b) is by far the most sensitive to reality – Greek Bank Bonds… and they are carnaging!!



    This is the asset to watch to judge ‘hope’ in Greece… not the S&P 500!!


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • What Greece, Cyprus, And Puerto Rico Have In Common

    Submitted by Gail Tverberg via Our Finite World blog,

    We all know one thing that Greece, Cyprus, and Puerto Rico have in common – severe financial problems. There is something else that they have in common – a high proportion of their energy use is from oil. Figure 1 shows the ratio of oil use to energy use for selected European countries in 2006.

    Figure 1. Oil as a percentage of total energy consumption in 20006, based on June 2015 Energy Information data.

    Figure 1. Oil as a percentage of total energy consumption in 2006, based on June 2015 Energy Information data.

    Greece and Cyprus are at the bottom of this chart. The other “PIIGS” countries (Ireland, Spain, Italy, and Portugal) are immediately above Greece. Puerto Rico is not European so is not on Figure 1, but it if were shown on this chart, it would between Greece and Cyprus–its oil as a percentage of its energy consumption was 98.4% in 2006. The year 2006 was chosen because it was before the big crash of 2008. The percentages are bit lower now, but the relationship is very similar now.

    Why would high oil consumption as a percentage of total energy be a problem for countries? The issue, as I see it, is competitiveness (or lack thereof) in the world marketplace. Years ago, say back in the early 1900s, when countries built up their infrastructure, oil price was much lower than today–less than $20 a barrel (even in inflation-adjusted dollars). Between 1985 and 2000 there was another period when prices were below $40 barrel. Back then, the price of oil was not too different from the price of other types of energy, so an energy mix slanted toward oil was not a problem.

    Figure 2. Historical World Energy Price in 2014$, from BP Statistical Review of World History 2015.

    Figure 2. Historical World Energy Price in 2014$, from BP Statistical Review of World History 2015.

    Oil prices are now in the $60 barrel range. This is still high by historical standards. Furthermore, much of the financial difficulty countries have gotten into has occurred in the recent past, when oil prices were in the $100 per barrel range.

    While countries with a large share of oil in their energy mix tend to fare poorly, at least some countries with a preponderance of cheap energy fuels in their energy mix have tended to do very well. For example, China’s economy has grown rapidly in recent years. In 2006, its share of oil in its energy mix was only 23.0%, putting it below Norway but above Poland, if it were included in Figure 1.

    Let’s look a little at what it takes for an economy to produce economic growth, and what goes wrong in countries with high energy costs. I should mention that high energy costs can occur for any number of reasons, not just because a country’s energy mix includes a large proportion of oil. Other causes might include a high percentage of high-priced renewables or high-priced liquefied natural gas (LNG) in a country’s energy mix. The reason doesn’t really matter–high price is a problem, whatever its cause.

    What Is Needed for an Economy to Grow

    The following reflects my view regarding what is needed for an economy to grow:

    1. A growing supply of energy products, either internally produced or purchased on the world market, is needed for an economy to grow.

    The reason why a growing supply of these energy products is needed is because it takes energy (human energy plus supplemental energy) to make goods and services.

    The availability of today’s jobs is also tied to the use of supplemental energy. High-paying jobs such as operating a bull-dozer, producing large quantities of food on a farm using modern equipment, or operating a computer, require supplemental energy in addition to human energy.  While jobs can be created that use little supplemental energy to leverage human energy (for example, manual accounting without electricity or computers, growing food without modern equipment, or digging ditches with shovels), these jobs tend to pay very poorly because output per hour worked tends to be low.

    To obtain growth in the number of jobs available to workers, a growing supply of energy products to leverage human energy is needed. Looking at the world economy, we can see that historically, growth in energy consumption is highly correlated with economic growth.

    Figure 3. World GDP in 2010$ compared (from USDA) compared to World Consumption of Energy (from BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2014).

    Figure 3. World GDP in 2010$ compared (from USDA) compared to World Consumption of Energy (from BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2014).

    In fact, we tend to need an increasing percentage growth in energy supply to produce a given percentage growth of GDP because the y intercept of the fitted line is -17.394, rather than 0.000. Back in 1969, 1.0% growth in the consumption of energy products produced 2.2% GDP growth. The fitted line implies that recently, the amount of GDP growth associated with one percentage growth in energy consumption is only 1.2% of GDP. This poor result is taking place, despite all of our efforts toward increased efficiency. Thus, as time goes on, we need more and more energy growth to produce the same level of GDP growth. This is a rather unfortunate situation that world leaders don’t mention. They tend to focus instead on the fact that the growth in GDP tends to be at least a little higher than the growth in energy use.

    2.  This growing energy supply must be inexpensive, in order to be able to create goods that are competitive in the world market. 

    Human energy is by its nature expensive energy. Humans require food, water, clothing, and housing to support their biological needs–we are not adapted to eating entirely uncooked food, or to living in climates that get very cold in winter, unless we have protection from the elements. Thus, wages must be high enough to cover these costs.

    Cheap supplemental energy provides a great deal more leveraging power than expensive supplemental energy. If we can leverage human energy with cheap energy such as wood or fossil fuels, it is easy to bring down the average cost of energy. (This calculation is made on a Calorie or Btu basis, for the sum of the energy provided by human labor plus that provided by supplemental energy.) If we are dealing with supplemental energy that is by itself high-cost, it is very difficult to bring down this weighted average cost. This is why high-cost oil, or for that matter high-cost supplemental energy of any kind, is a problem.

    If human energy can be leveraged with increasing amounts of cheap energy, it can produce an increasing amount of goods and services, ever more cheaply. In fact, this seems to be where economic growth comes from. These goods and services can be shared with many parts of the economy, including government funding, wages for elite workers, wages for non-elite workers, payback of loans with interest, and dividends to stockholders. If there are enough goods and services produced thanks to this increased leverage, all of the various parts of the economy can get a reasonable share, and all can adequately prosper.

    If there is not enough to go around, then there are likely be shortfalls in many parts of the economy at once. It is likely to be hard to find good paying jobs, for ordinary “non-elite” workers. Governments are likely to find it difficult to collect enough taxes. Governments may lower interest rates, or may take other steps to make it easier for businesses to continue their operations. Even with lower interest rates, debt defaults may become a problem. See my post, Why We Have an Oversupply of Almost Everything. The entire economy tends to do poorly.

    Ayres and Warr provide an illustration of how an increasingly inexpensive supply of energy can lead to greater consumption of that energy–in this case electricity–in their paper Accounting for Growth: The Role of Physical Role of Physical Work.

    Figure 4. Ayres and Warr Electricity Prices and Electricity Demand, from "Accounting for growth: the role of physical work."

    Figure 4. Ayres and Warr Electricity Prices and Electricity Demand, from “Accounting for growth: the role of physical work.”

    There is a logical reason why falling energy prices would lead to rising use of an energy product. If a person can afford to buy, say, $100 worth of energy and the cost is $1 per unit, the person can afford to buy 100 units. If the cost is $5 per unit, the person can afford to buy 20 units of energy. If it is the energy itself that aids growth in economic output (by moving a truck farther, or operating a machine longer), then lower energy prices lead to more energy consumed. This higher amount of energy consumed in turn leads to more economic output. This greater economic output is frequently shared with workers in the form of higher wages because of the workers’ “higher productivity” (thanks to the leveraging of cheap supplemental energy).

    When it comes to the cost of energy production, there are “tugs” in two different directions. In one direction, there is the savings in costs that technology can provide. In the other, there is the trend toward higher extraction costs because companies tend to extract the cheapest resource of a given type first. As the inexpensive-to-extract resources are exhausted, the cost of resource extraction tends to rise. We can see from Figure 2 that oil prices first began to spike in the 1970s. After some temporary “fixes” (shifting much electrical production away from oil to cheaper fuels, shifting home heating from oil to other fuels, and starting new extraction in Alaska, Mexico, and the North Sea), the problem was more or less solved for a while. The problem came back in the early 2000s, and hasn’t really been solved. Thus, most of the tug now is in the direction of higher costs of production.1

    Once oil prices rose, Greece and other countries that continued to use a high percentage of oil in their energy mix were handicapped because their products tended to become too high-priced for customers. Wages of customers did not rise correspondingly. Potential tourists could not afford the high cost of airline tickets and cruise ship tickets, because these prices depended on the price of oil. Even when oil prices dropped recently, airline companies have not reduced airline ticket prices to reflect their savings.

    Because of the high-cost energy structure, manufacturing costs have tended to be high as well. With fewer tourism jobs and few possibilities for making goods for exports, the number of good-paying jobs has tended to shrink. Without enough good-paying jobs, Greek demand for fuel products of all kinds dropped rapidly. (Demand reflects the amount of goods a person wants and can afford. Young people without jobs live with their parents, and thus do not buy new homes or cars, lowering consumption.)

    Figure 5. Greece's energy consumption by fuel, based on BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 2015 data.

    Figure 5. Greece’s energy consumption by fuel, based on BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 2015 data.

    Other countries that were positioned to add huge amounts of inexpensive energy were able to continue to continue to grow. The country that did this best was China. It was able to cheaply and rapidly ramp up its coal supply, once it entered the World Trade Organization in 2001. If Greece now adds production of goods, it needs to be able to compete in price with China and other goods-producers.

    Figure 6. China's energy consumption by fuel, based on data of BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015.

    Figure 6. China’s energy consumption by fuel, based on data of BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015.

    3. If the energy supply that a country plans to use is cheap, it doesn’t matter whether the energy supply is locally produced or not.

    If the energy supply that a country is locked into using is expensive, then using locally produced high-priced energy is “less bad” than using imported energy, but there is still a problem.

    If a growing supply of cheap energy is available, this can be used to leverage local human labor to produce inexpensive goods. This works well, regardless of whether the fuel is imported or not. Because imported energy “works” in such a situation, many island nations (including Cyprus and Puerto Rico) were able to develop their economies using oil as the energy base. These island nations typically did not have natural gas available, unless they imported expensive LNG. Coal and nuclear were also difficult to use, because power plants of these types are built on too a large scale to be suitable for on an island. But oil generally worked well, even if imported.

    Greece includes 227 inhabited islands, and thus is faced with many of the problems of an island nation. Back when oil was cheap, oil was an easy solution. It could be used for electricity and for many processes that require heat, such as baking bread, dying cloth, making bricks, and recycling metals.

    If a county is using imported oil, once oil becomes high-priced, there is essentially nothing that can be done to fix the problem. Devaluing the currency doesn’t work, because then oil becomes higher-priced in the new devalued currency. As a result, it still is prohibitively expensive to make goods, even after the devaluation. In fact, devaluing the currency also tends to make other imported energy products, such as LNG and solar PV panels, more expensive as well.

    With respect to previously purchased renewables, the ongoing cost is typically the debt payments for the devices used to generate this energy. How devaluation will affect these payments depend on the currency the debt is in. If these debt payments are in the country’s own currency, then devaluing the currency will not affect the payments (so devaluation won’t help reduce costs). If debt payments for renewables are in another currency (such as the dollar or Euros), then devaluing the currency will increase the cost, making the loans more difficult to repay.

    Even for an oil exporter like Saudi Arabia, high-priced oil is a problem, for a number of reasons:

    1. If the oil exporter uses some of its oil itself, the revenue that would have been gained by selling this oil abroad is lost. The government may be able to purchase the oil for essentially the cost of extraction, but it loses the extra revenue that it would gain by selling the oil abroad. This revenue could be used to fund government programs and new oil investment.
    2. The countries that import this high-priced oil tend to find their economies depressed, leading to less use of the oil. Thus, oil exports tend to become depressed.
    3. The price of oil may fall (and in fact has fallen, and may fall more), because of low demand. With low prices, it becomes difficult for exporters to collect enough revenue for government projects and investment in new supply.

    The reason why locally produced high-priced oil is “less bad” than imported oil is because jobs related to producing the oil tend to stay in the country. This is a plus, in itself. If there is a currency devaluation, wage costs and other local costs will be lower, making the energy product less expensive to produce. Unfortunately, production costs (including taxes needed to support government services) may still be above the market price, because of depressed demand.

    4. Debt helps increase demand for goods. But to make the debt repayable, these goods need to be made with low-priced energy products. 

    Ramping up debt for a country helps, but only if, with this debt, the country is able to profitably sell more goods and services in the world marketplace. Greece seems to have added debt, but wasn’t able to use this debt to create goods and services that could be sold cheaply enough that their prices would be competitive in the world market.

    China clearly has been willing to add huge amounts of debt to support all of its new industry and new homes it has built with the coal it has been extracting. There is no doubt that the growth in China’s debt has played a major role in extracting growing quantities of coal. Now China’s coal consumption is slowing for a number of reasons including overbuilding of factories, too much pollution, and higher cost of coal production. China’s slowdown in energy consumption is leading to a slow-down in economic growth, and may even lead to a hard crash.

    Greece has added a lot of debt in recent years, but this debt has not been used for ramping up the use of a new cheap supply of energy. Much of Greece’s debt seems to be for purposes such as bailing out banks. This doesn’t really tell us what is/was wrong with the economy to begin with. I would argue that high-priced fuel tends to make it difficult to make any kind of goods or services inexpensively enough to compete in the world market, and this is at least part of the problem. The result of this is that companies, no matter what they invest debt in, have a difficult time being profitable.

    The Greek government tries to cover up the country’s problems with programs that are funded by debt. Hidden subsidies may be occurring in several government-owned energy-related firms: Public Power Corporation of Greece (Greece’s largest electric utility), Hellenic Petroleum, DEPA Natural Gas, and ADMIE Grid Operating Company. There have been proposals to privatize these companies because they are poorly run. Whether or not they are poorly run, I expect that it will be very difficult to run them profitably, simply because of the inherent high-cost nature of the products they produce and workers’ lack of disposable income. This problem reflects the high cost of the underlying products they are producing.

    There have been some proposals to try to get energy costs down, including a proposal to install a new lignite coal-fired electric power plant. There is also a plan to connect four of the islands to the electric grid, so that the islands won’t have to depend on oil-fired electricity. Even if these changes are made, it is not clear that Greece’s energy costs will be low enough to produce goods that are competitive in the world market. For one thing, airplanes and cruise ships operate using oil, not electricity produced by lignite, so will not be affected by additional inexpensive lignite electricity production.

    From everything I can see, Greece’s debt needs to be written off. There is no way that the country can change its system to repay it. Greece can perhaps repay a little new debt, if it is channeled to support low-cost energy production to substitute for current high-cost energy.


    Most people don’t understand that our world economy runs on cheap energy. High-priced energy is not an adequate substitute, even if the high-priced energy is “low carbon” or claims to have a reasonably high EROEI (Energy Return on Energy Invested) ratio. Our world economy is sensitive to prices and costs, even if the current “politically correct” discussion ignores these matters.

    Economies that are part of our current system can’t get along without energy supplies, either. Humans have used supplemental energy since our hunter-gatherer days, when we learned to control fire. In fact, the use of large amounts of supplemental energy seems to be the way we are now able to support a world population of 7+ billion people.

    Given that the world economy runs on “cheap” energy, adding expensive energy production, no matter how “green” it may appear to be, does not solve a country’s financial problems. In fact, it likely tends to make its financial problems worse. There is no way that high-priced energy will produce goods and services that are competitive in the world market. In fact, it is doubtful that high-priced energy will return a high enough “profit” to pay its own way, in terms of having the ability to pay suitable taxes to support required government services, such as schools and roads. High-priced energy is instead likely to need government subsidies, both for initially building the devices and for helping citizens pay the ongoing cost of electricity.

    Greece clearly has a lot of problems besides its high-energy cost, including excessive pensions and inefficiently operated state-owned companies. To some extent, I expect that these other problems reflect the difficulty of creating goods that can compete profitably in the world economy. If there is no way businesses can successfully compete in the world economy, I can see why leaders would do whatever they could to keep the system operating. This might mean adding more debt, keeping staffing at government-operated companies at higher levels than needed, and providing overly generous pension programs.

    The thing that Greece has going for it is a relatively warm climate and a history of doing well with relatively little supplemental energy. Ancient Greece was known for its philosophy, literature and theatre, music and dance, science and technology, and art and architecture. Northern Europe, because of its cold climate, was not able to do very much until it added peat moss and coal as supplemental energy. Once these cheap supplemental energies were added, Northern Europe was able to industrialize, while Southern Europe lagged behind. If we are running into obstacles now with respect to fossil fuels, perhaps the advantage will again go back to people who live in warm enough climates that they can mostly live without supplemental energy.

  • Crisis Investing Visualized

    History does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes. This could not be truer for crisis investing. Between China’s stock market and the debt troubles of Greece and Puerto Rico, it is clear that we could be entering a time of potential financial crisis. Every situation is unique, but generally the types of asset classes that protect investors in times of crisis are not necessarily the same as those during a bull run. Therefore, it’s worth taking a look at five previous periods of distress to see the returns of conventional and alternative asset classes.



  • Click Here for a 5 Minute Vacation

    There is nothing even remotely helpful in this post regarding investing, finance, economics, or politics.  This is merely a 5-minute SFW vacation for your eyes.

    By way of background, the family and I recently traveled through France for 12 days.   (If you want to know where any picture was taken, just ask in the comments section).

    Click any image for larger version …

    Fr 4 

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  • Chinese Media Blames Soros, "Hostile" Foreigners For Stock Bloodbath

    Sinister forces are at work in China’s stock market, according to at least one “non-biased” Hong Kong newspaper. 

    To be sure, one might well be tempted to suspect that the inevitable unwind of a completely unsustainable (and by many measures, entirely insane) margin mania is to blame for the brutal selling that has, over the course of just three weeks, cost Chinese shares some $3.5 trillion in market value. But you’d be wrong, according to Ming Pao.

    Instead, the paper says, the same nefarious speculator who famously broke the BOE now has his sights set on bankrupting illiterate Chinese farmers. 

    Here’s more (Google translated for your amusement):

    George Soros sold short A-share stock market decline to stick to the mainland


    Failure to stick to the mainland stock market, the People’s Bank’s foreign hostile newspapers are suggesting that the initiator of short selling, the market rumors about George Soros and other short-selling A shares participate more rampant. In this round of decline in the futures market short is particularly evident, leaving the market to target the foreign capital. So foreign is really caused by the collapse of the culprit it?


    Soros have taken rumored sell A shares

    This isn’t the first time the recent collapse of China’s stock market has been blamed on “hostile”, short-selling foreigners. In fact, just four days ago, the pro-China, Taiwan-based China Times suggested that Morgan Stanley (whose “don’t buy this dip” call late last month didn’t do the SHCOMP any favors), Credit Suisse, and Bill Gross may be using “massive funds” to precipitate a sell-off. 

    Via China Times:

    Suspected hostile short-selling behind sell-off in China markets


    In a report on the Chinese news site, an analyst said the sell-off was similar to what took place in Hong Kong in 1997, when the territory’s benchmark Hang Seng Index plunged 60% after peaking at 16,673 points.


    The steep drop in share prices in Hong Kong in 1997 was caused by financier George Soros, who shorted both the Hong Kong dollar and the Hang Seng Index futures, the analyst said, adding that similar practices were observed in the last two trading sessions in China.


    According to the analyst, massive funds entered the futures market, building a short position and leading

    to declines in the stock markets. The size of the funds and the sophisticated trading methods are beyond the ability of Chinese institutional investors, the analyst said.


    In fact, Bill Gross of Janus Capital, a co-founder of global investment firm PIMCO, said in early June that the Shenzhen Stock Exchange’s Component Index presented perfect short-selling opportunities.


    At the time, the index was at a seven-year high but plummeted 30% on Gross’s comments. Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse have also been bearish on Chinese shares recently.



    The problem for China, as we’ve pointed out on several occasions this week, is that Beijing has lost all control of the narrative, which puts the Politburo in unfamiliar territory. Rhetoric intended to calm the millions of newly-minted day traders who flooded into the market in Q1 and the beginning of Q2 has largely failed to stop the rush to the exits. China’s highly leveraged retail masses are now ready to sell every rip in an effort to break even, a mentality that contrasts markedly with the BTFD bonanza that prevailed on Chinese exchanges right up until June.

    Now, each new policy maneuver only serves to make Beijing appear more desperate, which in turn inflicts further damage on investors’ fragile psyche, leading to still more selling and still more margin calls in a vicious cycle that has by no means run its course considering the hundreds of billions in margin debt investors have accumulated through backdoor channels such as umbrealla trusts and structured funds.

    Whether George Soros is capitalizing (in a very tax efficient way we’re sure) from the carnage we can’t say, but what we do know is that Soros, Gross, Morgan Stanley, and Credit Suisse are likely the least of China’s short-term problems.



  • 108 Greeks Executed For Abusing The Welfare System

    Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

    Thousands of years ago in Ancient Greece, it was a commonly held belief that the gods walked the earth among us humans.

    And that perhaps even Zeus himself might show up at your doorstep disguised as a vagabond.

    From this sprang the legendary sense of Greek hospitality, known as ‘xenia’.

    It meant that a complete stranger could walk into your home unannounced, and you had an obligation as the host to take care of him.

    To feed him. To house him. To bathe him. To let him freeload for as long as he needed.

    And since no Greek was willing to risk the wrath of the gods by being a bad host, xenia was one of their most important customs.

    Homer tells us of one famous instance of xenia in his epic poem The Odyssey.

    You’ll probably remember it from high school– the never-ending saga of Odysseus, King of Ithaca, as he makes his way home from the Trojan War.

    The war lasted ten years. Then Odysseus’ journey home lasted another ten years.

    And I think it’s the perfect analogy to the situation Greece finds itself in now.

    After the war, Odysseus’ fleet is blown off course by a massive storm during the voyage home, resulting in one misadventure after another.

    They’re captured by a savage Cyclops from whom they narrowly escape after blinding him with a wooden stake to the eye.

    His men become enchanted by magic fruit, causing them to completely lose their senses.

    Later they encounter cannibals who destroy nearly the entire fleet.

    Then the witch-goddess Circe turns half of his men into swine, and reverses her spell only when Odysseus agrees to be her sex slave.

    They pass by dangerous sirens, narrowly avoiding disaster by strapping their captain to the mast and stuffing their ears with beeswax.

    They barely fend off the six-headed monster Scylla, and then nearly all die at the whirlpool Charybdis, after which Odysseus is taken prisoner once again.

    He ultimately escapes, then almost dies (again) in a terrible storm (again) and gets shipwrecked (again), this time on the island of Scherie.

    It’s always something with this guy.

    I mean… seriously. Odysseus goes from one disaster to the next. Just like Greece today.

    Greece is in a never-ending crisis, going one misadventure to another.

    And right before they collapse, someone always comes to the rescue. The IMF writes a temporary bailout check, and Greece just barely escapes disaster… only to fall into another disaster.

    It happens over and over like a never-ending odyssey. Except that eventually it does end. And rather poorly.

    When Odysseus finally makes it back home to Ithaca after two decades away, he finds that he’s completely broke because 108 Greek men had been staying at his house and mooching off the estate.

    And as was Greek custom at the time, his wife Penelope had an obligation to take care of these men, all of whom abused the xenia tradition for their personal benefit.

    Modern Greece is legendary for its absurd public benefits.

    Hairdressers get to retire with full benefits on a taxpayer-funded public pension at age 50; dead people receive welfare benefits.

    This modern-day version of ‘xenia’ is an insane, easily abused system that’s brought Greece to bankruptcy.

    Odysseus responded by killing every one of 108 men who milked the system.

    The Greek government is certainly set on doing the same. But since they can’t identify any single perpetrator, they’re going after the entire nation.

    The capital controls the Greek government has implemented are punitive to nearly every man, woman, and child in the country. People can’t even access bank safety deposit boxes.

    And there’s clearly more punishment to come.

    This theme is not new. For thousands of years, nations have gone bankrupt from their own stupidity.

    And on the way down, they impose an escalating series of controls designed to keep the party going for just a little bit longer.

    Wage controls. Price controls. Capital controls. People controls.

    Greece is once again in this position, along with nearly every government in the West.

    Even the US has been narrowly escaping collapse for years. Government shutdowns are narrowly averted by some last-minute magic trick. Temporary emergency measures bail out the banking system. Etc.

    It’s an odyssey. But it too shall come to an end… rather poorly for those involved.

  • Bill Gross Misses His Own Big Short Call – Again

    Back in April, Bill Gross bet against Bill Gross — and lost. 

    After watching the yield on the 10-year German Bund crater to just 5bps in the wake of ECB QE, the (former) Bond King took to Twitter, calling Bunds the “short of a lifetime.” 

    The problem: he didn’t follow his own advice. 

    Instead, Gross bet that Bunds would remain range-bound over the short-term (perhaps believing that Mario Draghi’s bazooka would be enough to prevent a dramatic sell-off), a move that by the end of March, left him short puts that had risen by as much as 11,000% in the case of one contract, and 6,000% in the case of another, according to Bloomberg.

    “Gross — like the ECB — assumed the bursting of the Bund bubble would unfold over a longer period of time and in a measured fashion and so, he figured that in the interim he would take advantage of elevated premiums by selling puts. Unfortunately, his ‘short of a lifetime’ call sparked panic selling into a structurally thin market. That is, he made the right call but made the mistake of assuming the market is still to some degree efficient,” we remarked at the time. 

    Around six weeks after the Bund call, Gross made another prediction via the official Janus Twitter account:

    Shortly thereafter, this happened: 

    For anyone wondering whether the missed Bund opportunity taught Bill Gross a thing or two about the perils of betting against Bill Gross, the answer, according to Bloomberg, is “no” (or, “Oxi” for our Greek readers). Here’s more:

    Bill Gross, who recommended shorting the Chinese stock market last month before it plunged, didn’t actually do the trade.


    The Shenzhen Composite Index has fallen 38 percent since the famed Janus Capital Group Inc. money manager recommended shorting it last month. Gross chose instead to wager against both the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index and emerging market currencies that would be affected by falling stocks in China.


    “I was trying to stick to my knitting, and China wasn’t really my knitting,” he said in a telephone interview Wednesday.


    On the bright side for Gross, we suppose his name will now disappear from China’s short list of “hostile foreigners” suspected of conspiring to facilitate the bursting of the country’s margin-fueled equity bubble.

  • Stocks Slammed On Belligerent Merkel, Broken Markets, & Bearish Minutes

    Summing today up perfectly…

    *  *  *


    Shit Broke…


    The Dow and S&P both close back below their 200DMA…


    Stocks plunged and eviscerated all of the v-shaped recovery gains from yesterday…


    Cash markets remain notably lower post the "OXI" vote…


    Post-FOMC Minutes today… Bonds outperform and gold and stocks leaked lower…


    VIX surged back above 19.5…


    Treasury yields fell post minutes ending near the week's lows so far…


    The US Dollar leaked lower all day as early efforts by The SNB to stabilize Europe sent EURUSD higher…


    USDJPY plunged by the most in over 2 years…


    Commodities were once again very noisy. Copper, Silver, and Gold surged as stocks opened and crude slipped after DOE data…


    Crude gave up all of yesterday's "Iran deal is off" gains…


    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: The 1962-1966 S&P Analog (via @TheChartMeister )

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Today’s News July 8, 2015

  • Meanwhile, In "Success Story" Portugal

    Somehow, with over 33% of young people unemployed, Portugal is held up to be a ‘success story’ for Merkel’s Europe’s grand plan. With their stock market tumbling and bond yields (and spreads) soaring…



    Perhaps it’s time to realize nothing is fixed at all… as this image exposes all too clearly…

    Source: @sturdyAlex

    No, this is not a line at an Athens ATM; it is a soup kitchen in Porto, Portugal.

  • Moron Madness

    Submitted by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

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    We’re back from our vacation in Wildwood. I hoped for more relaxation, but it wasn’t to be. I rode my bike most mornings. I walked miles on the boardwalk with my wife and kids. We played the Cape May par 3 golf course. I went deep sea fishing with my youngest son. I made it to the beach twice. We made it to the Shamrock a few times, but we had more fun on the outdoor deck at Westy’s Pub. Watching an 85 year old couple who were barely 4 feet tall dancing like they did in the 1950’s to current pop hits was worth the price of admission. The scene brought a smile to the faces of anyone in the vicinity.

    I ate more pieces of white pizza from Mack’s than I can remember.

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    How I resisted getting more than one cup of peanut butter ice cream with chocolate jimmies at Kohr’s, I’ll never know.

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    We saw two outstanding displays of fireworks while we were there. The weekly fireworks are launched on the beach at my street, so we just need to go to the top deck or stand in the street to see the colorful display. The wind was blowing from the ocean, so the debris and ash floated onto our deck.


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    I always have mixed feelings about Wildwood. I love sitting on the deck early in the morning drinking my coffee and listening to the seagulls squawking. It is peaceful and relaxing sometimes. The weekends tend to be loud, with obnoxious day trippers invading. The paintball game on the boardwalk a block from my house perfectly describes the sights on the Wildwood boardwalk. Moron Madness (you shoot at a guy dressed up as Osama bin Laden) is an apt description for the Wildwood boardwalk.

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    It is tough to generalize about the thousands upon thousands of people walking/waddling on the Wildwood boardwalk. In the early morning hours, before 9:00 am, you see joggers, bikers, and mostly in-shape people on the boardwalk. This is the time when I find the boardwalk to be enjoyable. It’s quiet. The sun is coming up over the ocean. The dozens of tattoo parlors haven’t opened for business yet, and the freaks are at a minimum.

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    By 11:00 am the obese, tattooed, pierced, XXXL bathing suit wearing land whales have disconnected from their CPAP machines to hunt for donuts, soda and breakfast sandwiches.

    No one is safe as the thundering herd shuffles along, blocking bikers and joggers, as they grapple for position in front of the Dunkin Donuts on the boardwalk at my block. As they breathlessly anticipate the enjoyment of inhaling a dozen chocolate donuts with sprinkles, the incessant Mr. Softee music from next door is whispering to them – come buy a triple fudge sundae for lunch. It’s only $3.49. How can you pass up that deal?

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    This is just the beginning of temptation for the thousands of morbidly obese blobs straining the wooden structure known as the Wildwood boardwalk. The boardwalk is a veritable smorgasbord of funnel cake, fried oreos, fried cheesecake, tornado fries, lemonade, curly fries, corn dogs, zeppolis, fudge, cotton candy, salt water taffy, ice cream waffles, churros, pizza topped with cheese fries, triple fudge sundaes, and of course a large diet coke. How can 300 pound women in bikinis pass up the opportunity to do some carbohydrate binging?

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    The funniest “upscale” purveyor of toxic junk food is Wildwood’s only French establishment – La Bakerie. Where else could you find a Nutella Crepe, S’mores Crepe, Fried Snickers, Fried Twix, or Fried Nutter Butter? It’s like you’re actually in Paris.

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    I can’t help it that I’m an observer. I observe businesses, vehicles, street signs, clothing choices, and the people wandering the vast swaths of ‘Murrica. Liberals, progressives, Obama lovers, and control freaks have a problem with my observations because they don’t believe any behavior, clothing choice, or life choice should be judged, scorned or ridiculed. What we have here is a failure to communicate. I see ignorant, stupid, obese people who make bad life choices every day. They reveal themselves by their actions and their appearance. They stand out like a sore obese thumb in Wildwood. As I’ve noted earlier, there are many normal people in Wildwood, but it appears abnormalcy is winning. The dichotomy is most apparent on the weekends and holidays.

    The reason for this is quite simple. It costs $1,500 to $2,500 to rent a condo for a week in Wildwood. Only families with one or two working parents can afford to spend a week in Wildwood. This virtually eliminates black people. First off, there are few black two parent families. Secondly, there are even fewer black families with parents that work for a living. Therefore, you only see middle aged white parents and their kids strolling the streets and boardwalk during the week. When the weekend arrives Wildwood is inundated by day tripper white and black trash. Wildwood is the only free beach below Atlantic City. Stone Harbor, Sea Isle, Avalon, and Ocean City charge $5 or $6 per day per person to access their beaches. The Free Shit Army doesn’t like to pay, so they gravitate to Wildwood. Luckily, SNAP cards are not accepted at the food joints on the boardwalk, or Wildwood would look like West Philly.

    I actually enjoy taking a jaunt on the boards during the weekend to make note of the freaks, land whales, rapper wannabes, and the ignorant unemployable tattooed masses. I don’t have to exaggerate one iota regarding the sights that threatened to burn my corneas. My wife and kids can confirm all of my observations. Why do 250 pound girls think they can pull off wearing a bikini? Is there no shame? You shouldn’t be banned from the beach because you’ve eaten yourself to the size of a hippo, but for christ sake wear a one piece bathing suit and a moo moo. Why are so many poor people so fat? The number of waddling morbidly obese  unmarried women and their uncontrollable horde of bastard children is mind boggling. And why do these people find it amusing to feed seagulls on the boardwalk creating havoc and a bird shit attack on innocent bystanders? Do they have no sense of decorum or civility? Anyone who feeds a seagull on the boardwalk is an outright idiot.

    Idiots abound during the weekends in Wildwood. Moron madness sums it up nicely. The proliferation of tattoos amongst the ignorant is astounding. I certainly can understand soldiers getting a tattoo on their arm representing their unit or service as a form of comradeship. I understand motorcycle club members identifying themselves by a distinct common tattoo. But young girls with multiple tattoos on their legs, arms, necks, and backs is revolting and stupid. We saw an attractive young girl at the Shamrock bar with a full leg tattoo. When my wife saw it close up while in the restroom, she noticed it was faces of ghouls and vampires. What happened in her childhood to lead her to deform herself in such a manner? It reminds me of cattle being branded by farmers, except the cattle are human beings being herded and corralled by their government keepers and they brand themselves.

    I’m baffled as to why so many people feel the need to mutilate their bodies. These are lower class people with limited financial resources. Some of them have thousands of dollars worth of ink deforming their bodies. The combination of ignorance, illiteracy, mathematical incompetence, and no self respect is a toxic mixture destined to keep these people trapped in poverty and unemployable. I have a theory about why the poor feel the need to tattoo themselves. We live in an egocentric facebook culture where everyone is competing to be noticed. People are desperate for attention. The rich don’t get tattoos. They drive BMWs. They wear Rolex watches. They wear Armani suits. They live in McMansions. The poor can’t afford bling, real estate, or luxury cars. But they can finance tattoos with their credit card. The easily led, ignorant, lemming like masses are just following the lead of the other ignorant masses. You can’t teach stupid.

    The funniest aspect of the boardwalk is the tramcar – I hear “watch the tramcar please” in my sleep. After wolfing down a few fried oreos, washed down by a 32 oz lemonade, the tattooed masses hail down the tramcar to drive them the ten blocks to their motel rooms. They are too ignorant to understand the irony of being transported on something called the Boardwalk. 

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    There is nothing particularly wrong with the people enjoying themselves on the Wildwood boardwalk. They aren’t bad people. They aren’t committing crimes. They are spending money and keeping the economy going. But, I can pretty much guarantee you that not one of these people has ever visited The Burning Platform or would even understand the issues we debate every day. They are willfully ignorant. They don’t want to think about hard stuff. They have been dumbed down by our public education system. They have become obese by eating the toxic frankenfood peddled by mega-corporations. I noticed one heifer with one of those ugly Apple iWatches on her immense wrist. Where do these supposedly poor people find $500 to waste on an egocentric useless bauble. Ignorant Americans are addicted to status symbols because their lives are so shallow and their intellects are deficient. True self worth comes from within, not from what you wear, drive, or paint on your body.

    They have been brainwashed by their government with decades worth of propaganda that has sedated them, made them fearful of phantom terrorists, and supportive of blowing up people in foreign countries without a declaration of war. They actually believe the armed police forces roaming our streets kept us safe from a terrorist attack on the 4th of July. Their pea sized brains are unable to process the fact that more people have died in bathtub accidents since 9/11 then have died at the hands of terrorists. They don’t question, think or care about future generations. They don’t understand the long term financial implications of a country with $200 trillion of unfunded liabilities. They don’t even understand the term liability. It’s almost enough to make a man go to the Boardwalk Chapel and pray for the souls of the ignorant masses.

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    At least the merchants on the boardwalk are creative and retain a sense of humor. I’m sure some progressive politician from Washington D.C. would be offended by being told to grab a wiener. Or maybe in our new gay America, this joint would be celebrated by the LGBT community.

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    Coincidence or not? You decide.

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    Some boardwalk stores actually provide some hope. Teaching the masses on the boardwalk to disobey might take more than a shirt. I would estimate that 75% of the people strolling along the Wildwood boardwalk have never heard of Edward Snowden, let alone what he did. And of those who have heard of him, most buy the government storyline that he is a traitor. But 99.9% of these morons know the courageous story of Bruce Jenner’s transformation into a freak called Caitlyn. They are oblivious to the military industrial surveillance state they occupy. The militarization of local police forces doesn’t reach their radar screens. Miley Cyrus twerking videos are more important.

    They have no worries about the fact that Obama and the captured corrupt politician snakes slithering around the halls of Congress have added $7.6 trillion to the national debt since 2009, a 75% increase in six years. They care not that their president uses drones to murder people in foreign countries. They think having troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and dozens of other countries around the world is keeping them safe. They are happily unaware that the American empire overthrows governments on a regular basis if they don’t do what we tell them to do.

    It seems that everyone on the Wildwood boardwalk embraces the surveillance state. They all have tracking devices attached to their hands. Vacation used to mean leaving the office, disconnecting, relaxing, and recharging your batteries. With the proliferation of iGadgets, the masses have been trained by the Bernaysian propagandists to have the attention span of gnats. Rather than enjoying themselves on vacation, they have to prove to the world they are having fun. They “need” to check-in on Facebook. They must post selfies from the bar. They have to take a picture of their meal and tweet it to the world. The vacuous multitude are gloriously distracted from reality by their technological chains. The State is ecstatic, as the plebs wallow in bread and circuses (funnel cake & roller-coaster rides), and provide an electronic tracking signal for the NSA to exploit when necessary. The willfully ignorant masses will not disobey en-mass until they are no longer getting monthly government transfers, ATM machines stop spitting out $20 bills, and their credit cards come back declined.

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    After observing for too long, I needed a break. We had one particularly enjoyable walk that we captured in a few pictures. As you walk down the boardwalk towards North Wildwood the rides and games fade into the distance. It gets quieter and less congested. When we reached the end of the boardwalk we decided to keep going for another 15 blocks to The Rocks at 2nd & JFK Boulevard. There was no one on the path with us. It became quiet and peaceful. The moon was full and reflecting on the rippling waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

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    The sun was setting in the West providing an orange glow over the lighthouse and the bay in the distance.

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    The scene couldn’t have been more breathtaking. No people. No technological distractions. No noise pollution. Just the sea, the wildlife, the sand dunes, and a shining orb in the sky.

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    But then we had to walk back to reality. That is the dichotomy you experience in Wildwood. There is much to enjoy and savor, but it is overwhelmed by moron madness. I’ve come to believe that Aldous Huxley’s fears have been manifested on the boardwalk of Wildwood and across our entire nation. The masses don’t read books. We are inundated with so much useless information, we have been reduced to passivity and egotism. The truth is buried in a sea of irrelevance and our culture is based upon triviality. Our almost infinite desire for distractions and pleasure have produced a profoundly abnormal society. The ignorant masses are acting normally only in the context of living in a sick, demented, abnormal society.

    “The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. “Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.” They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” ? Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited

  • The Obama Jobs Recovery Spin (Explained In 1 Cartoon)

    We explained this in words (here and here), but here are the pictures…




  • Europe's Spiralling Game Of Chicken – Politics Always Trumps Economics

    Submitted by Ben Hunt via Salient Partners' Epsilon Theory blog,

    There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.
    Vladimir Lenin (1870 – 1924)

    In 1914, Europe had arrived at a point in which every country except Germany was afraid of the present, and Germany was afraid of the future.
    Sir Edward Grey (1862 – 1933)

    Last week’s email, “1914 is the New Black”, was the most widely read Epsilon Theory note to date, and given the weekend ’s events it bears repeating, as the echoes of 1914 are growing louder and louder. We are, I think, likely embarked on the death spiral phase of a game of Chicken, just as in the summer of 1914. The stakes are, for now at least, not nearly as cataclysmic today as they were a century ago, but the social and political dynamics are eerily alike.

    I’m often asked how to get a better take on a historical event like the lead-up to World War I, and the answer is that there’s no substitute for immersing yourself in what people were actually saying and writing at the time the events transpired. If you’re lucky, perhaps you’ll pick a period that also attracted the attention of a gifted historian like a Robert Caro or a David McCullough. Second best, I’ve found, is to find a gifted editor or anthologist to smooth the path a bit. One such anthologist is Peter Vansittart, who collected a wide range of original texts in his classic books, “Voices: 1870 – 1914” and “Voices from the Great War”. I’ve taken some of those texts and appended them below. They speak for themselves, I hope, to illustrate the defining characteristic of a spiraling game of Chicken – all sides begin to speak in terms of “having no choice” but to take aggressive actions to defend their own interests.

    Before the quotes, though, three other historical observations:

    1. The Austrian ultimatum to Serbia – long seen as the proximate cause of World War I – was accepted by the Serbian government almost in its entirety. Unfortunately, that “almost” part made all the difference. An important anecdote to remember the next time someone calls your attention to Tsipras’s acceptance of 90% of the Eurogroup reform ultimatum.
    2. Anti-establishment voters are always underrepresented in establishment polls. Noted segregationist and Alabama governor George Wallace won the 1972 Democratic Party primary in Michigan despite showing third in polls. Daniel Ortega and his Sandinista regime lost the 1990 Nicaraguan election by 10 percentage points to Violeta Chamorro despite leading by more than 10 points in every pre-election poll. The Syriza NO landslide was no surprise here, and this is an important phenomenon to keep in mind when you start to see opinion polls from Italy and France published over the next few days.
    3. Politics always trumps economics. My favorite 1914 quote in this regard is from Lord Cunliffe, governor of the Bank of England from 1913 – 1918, who famously declared that war was impossible because “The Germans haven’t the credits.” So what if Greek banks run out of euros? The Greek government will make their own, or maybe issue California-style IOUs and dare the Eurogroup to boot them out of the currency. If you think that an ECB squeeze can put this political genie back in the bottle, you’re making the same classic error as Walter Cunliffe did.

    And now the quotes.

    I held a council at 10:45 to declare war with Germany. It is a terrible catastrophe but it is not our fault. An enormous crowd collected outside the palace; we went on the balcony both before and after dinner. When they learned that war had been declared, the excitement increased and May and I with David went on to the balcony; the cheering was terrific.
    King George V (1865 – 1936)

    England alone carries the responsibility for peace or war, no longer us.
    Kaiser Wilhelm II (1859 – 1941)

    In this most serious moment I appeal to you to help me. An ignoble war has been declared to a weak country. The indignation in Russia shared fully by me is enormous. I foresee that very soon I shall be overwhelmed by the pressure brought upon me and be forced to take extreme measures which will lead to war. To try and avoid such a calamity as a European war, I beg you in the name of our old friendship to do what you can to stop your allies from going too far. — Nicky
    Tsar “Nicky” Nicholas II (1868 – 1918) in a letter to his cousin, Kaiser “Willy” Wilhelm II

    Now Tsarism has attacked Germany, now we have no choice, now there is no looking back.
    Kurt Eisner (1867 – 1919)

    Necessity knows no law; we must hack our way through.
    Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg (1856 – 1921) in a speech to German Reichstag

    The few neutral states are not sympathetic toward us. Germany has not a friend in the world, she stands utterly alone and has only herself to depend on. … How different it all was a few weeks ago, when we launched so brilliant a campaign – now a bitter disillusionment is setting in. And how much we shall have to pay for all that is being destroyed!
    Helmuth von Moltke the Younger (1848 – 1916) in a letter to his wife

    In this war it is a question … of German civilization against barbarous Slavdom.
    Helmuth von Moltke the Younger (1848 – 1916)

    The year 1914 in America seemed the crest of a wave of passionate idealism among young people, and of passionate selfishness among middle-aged people.
    John Cowper Powys (1872 – 1963)

    July 25: Unbelievably large crowds are waiting outside the newspaper offices. News arrives in the evening that Serbia is rejecting the ultimatum. General excitement and enthusiasm, and all eyes turn towards Russia – is she going to support Serbia? The days pass from 25 to 31 July. Incredibly exciting; the whole world is agog to see whether Germany is now going to mobilize.

    July 31: Try as I may I simply can’t convey the splendid spirit and wild enthusiasm that has come over us all. We feel we’ve been attacked, and the idea that we have to defend ourselves gives us unbelievable strength … You still can’t imagine what it’s going to be like. Is it all real, or just a dream?
    diary of Herbert Sulzbach, “With the German Guns” (1935)


  • China Crashes Most Since 2007 Amid "Panic Sentiment"; Over Half Stocks Suspended, PBOC Promises "Liquidity Support"

    Some context…

    For a record 12th day in a row, Chinese margin debt balances have dropped with today's 8.5% collapse the largest in history. As of last night, there were around 570/1694 Shenzhen stocks halted/suspended and hundreds more on the Shanghai bourse leaving more than 54% of all Chinese stocks frozen ($2.6 trillion or 40% of value). China continues to try to manage leverage down (raising margin requirements on stock futures) while encouraging speculation (easing rules for insurers to buy blue chips and financing the purchase of smaller company shares directly) and CYNK'ing the entire marketif it's not open, you can't sell it and the price cannot fall! It's not working as CSI-300 futures are now down 7.9% in the preopen.


    China appears to be trying to manage leverage…



    The problem is the collateral value is falling faster than the margin debt leaving "leverage" still at record highs…

    While encouraging speculation…


    China news is domninated by dozens of pages of this…

    • UPDATE: Trading halts have left 1544 companies, equivalent of 54.7% of the Shanghai Composite and Shenzhen Composite, suspended today. (@GregorHunter)

    With what we estimate is around 850-900 Shenzhen Composite stocks suspended (over half of the 1694 stocks in the index) and almost 25% of Shanghai Composite stocks, it appears China has resorted to the endgame in managing a collapse…

    if it's not open, you can't sell it and the price cannot fall!

    In other words – the whole Chinese market just got CYNK'd

    * * *

    It's not working…



    It looks like today could see China go red for the year…

    *  *  *

    China weakness and European rhetoric wearing S&P futures lower (down 11 points from cash close)…

    *  *  *

    Another day another attemnpt to stabilize…


    Just add this to the list of interventions…

    Perhaps if you just stare at it long enough, it will rise…


    Just remember this crash is telling us somethinmg about China…

    The stock market knows more than any individual investor, and China's is no exception.

    As NYU Professors Jennfier Carpenter and Robert Whitelaw told CNBC in January…

    This optimism should be taken seriously. This run-up is not a bubble, and so investors should not fear another crash.


    Our research shows that after a rocky first decade, which earned China's stock market a reputation as a casino, stock prices in China predict future profits as well as they do in the U.S. Moreover, this predictive power is highly correlated with China's corporate investment efficiency, suggesting that stock prices are teaching corporate managers important lessons as well. However, capital in China is still allocated almost entirely by its massive banking sector. It is time to untie the hand of the stock market, reform listing standards, streamline the IPO approval process now holding up over 600 firms seeking equity capital, and let the stock market allocate capital, too.

    Shut Up!!!

    As we detailed earlier – none of this was real or indicative of any real economic growth – it was all speculative ponzi and will not end well…

    Exhibit 1 – Based on 'fundamentals', The Shanghai Composite has a long way to go…


    Exhibit 2 – If Dr. Copper is right about the state of the world, The Shanghai Composite won't find support until it has fallen another 60%…


    Exhibit 3 – Judging by historical analogs, The Shanghai Composite will need to destroy all gains in the last 2 years before 'value' is once again seen…


    Chinese investor psychology has shifted. Period. The more the government intervenes to lift stock prices explicitly, the more local and professsional leveraged investors will use any strength to unwind their positions (profitably or unprofitably).

  • China Now Risks "Financial Crisis"; Loses Could Be "In The Trillions" BofA Says

    “Regarding the deleveraging process in the market, in our view the government started too late & without adequate preparation for the potential downside. We suspect because it didn’t know the true extent of shadow margin financing activities.” 

    That’s BofAML’s take on why Beijing is now throwing the kitchen sink at a Chinese equity market that’s sold off to the tune of 30% in the space of just three weeks, vaporizing $3 trillion in market value in the process.

    Zero Hedge readers are by now well versed in the relatively brief history of unofficial, backdoor Chinese margin lending. This shadowy world, which includes umbrella trusts, structured funds, and P2P lending, has served to funnel somewhere in the neighborhood of CNY1 trillion into Chinese equities.

    Apparently, the powers that be in China — who are quite adept at monitoring “threats” to the Party line and are quick to remove all traces of “objectionable” material from the internet — completely missed the giant margin bubble that was allowed to inflate outside of brokers’ books. A far more realistic explanation of course is that Beijing was well aware of what was going on but let it continue due to the fact that China’s world-beating equity rally was the only thing distracting the country from flatlining economic growth and a bursting real estate bubble.

    Whatever the case may be, the margin mania unwind is upon us and as noted earlier today, nothing seems to be able to stop it. Not suspending compulsory liquidation for unmet margin calls, not billions in committed market support from brokerages, not a PBoC backstop for the CFSC, and not even a ban on selling by the Social Security Council (we’ll see when the SHCOMP opens on Wednesday morning if banning bearish language has any effect). 

    As Chinese stocks climbed ever higher earlier this year, some commentators began to ask if a stock market collapse would have implications for the broader Chinese economy. In short, just about the last thing the country needs amid slumping global (not to mention domestic) demand is for a crisis of confidence in local equity markets to spill over into the real economy and derail consumer spending just as Beijing attempts to transition the country away from a smokestack model and towards an economic future characterized by services and consumption.

    Generally speaking, the consensus was that any fallout from the bursting of the equity bubble would largely be confined to the financial markets. Now, analysts are very quietly starting to suggest that if the sell-off doesn’t end soon, it could metastasize and spread “far beyond the stock market.”

    *  *  *

    From BofAML:

    The A-share correction: The damage could spread far beyond the stock market

    A dent to market’s faith in government role

    We believe that the biggest damage caused by the A-share market’s roller-coaster ride since the middle of last year has been to investors’ faith in the government’s ability to manage asset prices (stock, RMB, debt and even property) reasonably smoothly. The difficulty the government has faced to stabilize the stock market has demonstrated the downside of that faith. As a result, we expect many of these assets to be re-priced lower going forward. Also,the ripple effect from the market correction has yet to show up – we expect slower growth, poorer corporate earnings, and a higher risk of a financial crisis.

    Many assets in China may get re-priced lower

    We question the implementation of government policy in urging people to buy stocks. Regarding the deleveraging process in the market, in our view the government started too late & without adequate preparation for the potential downside (we suspect because it didn’t know the true extent of shadow margin financing activities) and it resorted to administrative control when the market turned down. So far, government measures have appeared to us to be behind the curve. As a result, we expect investors to assign less value to various perceived government “puts” going forward. The fall in the stock market could also make the government even more cautious towards QE and potentially using the property market or debt market to hold up growth, in our view – a burst of any of these bubbles, if fully developed, will be far more difficult to deal with than what’s happening in the stock market.

    Real economy & corporate earnings will suffer

    The net result of this volatile market is a transfer of wealth from the people on the street to the wealthy, including many major shareholders, who cashed out. We expect this will likely hurt consumption down the road. More critical is a potential distortion to credit flows due to the impairment to financial institutions’ balance sheets – as experience with Japanese banks shows, even if they don’t have to mark to market and book losses, their lending attitude may turn more cautious. Of course, the impact of a full-blown financial crisis in China, if it materializes, on the economy would likely be severe. On corporate earnings, other than the drag from slower growth, many companies may have to book stock-market related losses over the next few quarters by our assessment.

    A possible trigger for a financial crisis in China

    If the market continues to fall sharply, stock lending related losses could run into Rmb trillions, of which, banks and brokers may have to bear a meaningful share. These potential losses can be especially dangerous to brokers whose capital base is less than Rmb1tr. Even more important, the opaqueness of China’s financial system and the lack of clear definition of risk responsibility mean that contagion risk is high, similar to the subprime crisis. We had always considered the risk of a financial crisis in China as high. What has happened in the stock market has likely increased the risks considerably and also brought forward the timeline by our assessment – the leverage is much higher now and economic growth rate, potentially lower.

    *  *  *

    We’ll leave you with following chart from Morgan Stanley which should be enough to dispel the notion that the deleveraging in China might have run its course:

  • Merkel Mocks Greece And The Referendum: There Is Money, But The Deal Is Much Harsher Now (And No Debt Haircut)

    Another day came and went with no breakthrough in negotiations between Athens and Brussels as new Greek FinMin Euclid Tsakalotos reportedly showed up to Tuesday’s Eurogroup with nothing to discuss. 

    With the ECB tightening the screws on Greek banks and the German finance ministry as well as German lawmakers tightening the screws on Angela Merkel, the Chancellor is drawing a hard line toward the Greeks in the face of calls for debt writedowns from the IMF, Greek PM Alexis Tsipras and the Greek people. 


    More from Reuters: 

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday she hoped to have sufficient reform proposals from Greece this week to be able to ask the German parliament to approve negotiations on a new long-term aid programme for Athens.


    She said all 28 European Union leaders would meet next Sunday to discuss support for Greece provided Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras put forward detailed reform proposals along with a loan request by Thursday that were considered satisfactory.


    If the reform list was adequate and Greece took some prior actions to enact first measures, Merkel said she was sure that short-term finance could be provided to help Athens over its immediate funding needs.

    In other words, Merkel just told the Greeks yes, there is some money, but forget debt haircut, and the new deal is far harsher than what was on the table because the Greek economy is now imploding. Also, the deal will be 2-3 years at least to start, so even more austerity is on the table. So to all those who voted “Oxi”, if you want your deposits unlocked well… tough.

    The headlines keep coming hot and heavy, in which we find that Europe now thinks it is Greece’s god:


    As Bloomberg reports, “Sunday now looms as the climax of a five-year battle to contain Greece’s debts, potentially splintering a currency that was meant to be irreversible and throwing more than a half-century of economic and political integration into reverse. “We have a Grexit scenario prepared in detail,” European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said, using the shorthand for expulsion from the now 19-nation currency area.

    And just so it is clear who is calling the shots, here is Juncker explaining:


    What happens then?

    “Our inability to find agreement may lead to the bankruptcy of Greece and the insolvency of its banking system,” European Union President Donald Tusk said. “If someone has any illusions that it will not be so, they are naive.”

    And just in case Greece decides to disobey, Europe is ready to treat Greece as an African nation:


    The only good news for Greece, which was just clearly reduced to a vassal nation state of Europe, is that Merkel did not demand Tsipras’ head on a silver platter. Then again, if he does indeed fold, it may be the Greek people themselves who ask for it instead…

  • Cronyism Pays: Eric Holder Triumphantly Returns To Law Firm That Lobbies For Banks

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Trying to determine Barack Obama’s most corrupt, crony appointee presents a virtually impossible task. Every single person he’s appointed to a position of power over the course of his unfathomably shady, violent and unconstitutional presidency, has been little more than a gatekeeper for powerful vested interests. Obama’s job was to talk like a marxist, but act like a robber baron. In this regard, his reign has been an unprecedented success.

    All that said, if anyone is a top contender for the worst of the worst of the Obama Administration, it’s Eric Holder. As head of the Department of Justice, he was the one man who could’ve played an enormously positive role in American society, by punishing those responsible for creating the financial crisis that destroyed tens of millions of lives globally. Instead, he chose to actively protect the financial oligarchs and ushered in a tragic new era for these United States. One in which the world suddenly realized that the U.S. is little more than a glorified oligarchy. Essentially an aggressive Banana Republic armed with nuclear weapons and the swagger of a third world dictator.

    Holder’s list of failures and evidence shameless cronyism are virtually endless. I’ve covered many of them on this site. Here are just a few:

    The U.S. Department of Justice Handles Banker Criminals Like Juvenile Offenders…Literally

    Eric Holder Announces Task Force to Focus on “Domestic Terrorists”

    Eric Holder and the DOJ Have Spent Millions of Taxpayer Dollars on Unreported Personal Travel

    Elizabeth Warren Confronts Eric Holder, Ben Bernanke and Mary Jo White on Bankster Immunity

    Even Washington D.C. Insiders Admit Eric Holder is a Bankster Puppet

    Eric Holder Claims Emails Using Words ‘Fast and Furious’ Don’t Refer to Operation Fast and Furious

    For all his hard work protecting and coddling criminal financial oligarchs, Eric Holder was always going to be paid handsomely once he left office. That time has come. From the Intercept:

    After failing to criminally prosecute any of the financial firms responsible for the market collapse in 2008, former Attorney General Eric Holder is returning to Covington & Burling, a corporate law firm known for serving Wall Street clients.


    The move completes one of the more troubling trips through the revolving door for a cabinet secretary. Holder worked at Covington from 2001 right up to being sworn in as attorney general in Feburary 2009. And Covington literally kept an office empty for him, awaiting his return.


    The Covington & Burling client list has included four of the largest banks, including Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo.


    Covington was also deeply involved with a company known as MERS, which was later responsible for falsifying mortgage documents on an industrial scale. “Court records show that Covington, in the late 1990s, provided legal opinion letters needed to create MERS on behalf of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and several other large banks,” according to an investigation by Reuters.


    The Department of Justice under Holder not only failed to pursue criminal prosecutions of the banks responsible for the mortage meltdown, but in fact de-prioritized investigations of mortgage fraud, making it the “lowest-ranked criminal threat,” according to an inspector general report.


    When the firm moved to a new building last year, it kept an 11th-story corner office reserved for Holder.

    For all intents and purposes, he never really left Covington. He just took a sabbatical to protect the banksters for a few years.

    Holder is set to become among the highest-earning partners at the firm, with compensation in the seven or eight figures.

    Of course, Mr. Holder is not the only shameless crony to join Covington. It seems the firm almost makes a point to hire the most compromised, Washington D.C. parasites they can find. As the New York Times noted:

    Covington already employs a number of former Justice Department officials, including Lanny Breuer, the former assistant attorney general for the department’s criminal division under Mr. Holder; Mr. Breuer’s successor, Mythili Raman; and Michael Chertoff, a former assistant attorney general and secretary of Homeland Security.


    History shows that Breuer wouldn’t challenge bankers if they threw his own mother out on the street. Meanwhile, Chertoff is famous for trying to make a fortune by scaremongering the American taxpayer into buying his worthless Rapiscan naked body scanners.

    Moving along, let’s try to look on the bright side. With Holder gone, his replacement couldn’t possibly be worse, right? Wrong.

    Recall: Meet Loretta Lynch – Obama’s Attorney General Nominee Who Might be Even Worse than Eric Holder

    Now I’d like to say farewell to Eric Holder the only way I know how…

  • Presenting China's Plunge Protection Playbook

    Earlier today we were amused (but not at all surprised) to learn that Beijing’s latest strategy in the fight to rescue collapsing Chinese stock prices involves forbidding local media from using terms like “rescue the market” and “equity disaster”. Here’s a concise recap of the situation: 

    Officials in Beijing are in the throes of Politburo panic after watching some $3 trillion in market value disappear into thin (and probably polluted) air over the last three weeks. Amid the turmoil, China has resorted to an eye-watering array of policy maneuvers, pronouncements, and plunge protection schemes aimed at arresting the slide. 


    Nothing has worked; not suspending compulsory liquidation for unmet margin calls, not billions in committed market support from brokerages, not a PBoC backstop for the CFSC, not even a ban on selling by the Social Security Council. And when banning selling doesn’t work, you have to ban talking about selling.


    Indeed, it’s truly amazing to consider the lengths China has gone to over such a short period of time in a futile attempt to resurrect the margin-fueled equity bubble that has served as a convenient distraction for a country that might otherwise be focused on decelerating economic growth and a collapsing real estate bubble. 

    Because there’s still a long way to go before the panicked deleveraging in backdoor margin lending channels runs its course, we expect to see Beijing resort to still more desperate measures to arrest the slide. Meanwhile, Morgan Stanley — whose “don’t buy this dip” call might well have been the straw that broke the dragon’s back so to speak — is out with a detailed history of China’s plunge protection playbook. Below is a visual representation followed by the detailed breakdown.

    From Morgan Stanley:

    Taking action to stabilize the A-share market

    June 27: RRR cut and rate cut

    The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) announced cuts in the benchmark 1-year lending rate of 25bps to 4.85% and the 1-year deposit rate of 25bps to 2.00%, effective June 28, 2015. Meanwhile, the central bank also cut the RRR applied on qualified financial institutions with a focus on rural and/or SMEs loans by 50bps, and that on finance companies by 300bps. This is the first combined interest rate and RRR cut taken during this round of policy easing. Morgan Stanley expects the move to release around Rmb230bn of liquidity into the system.

    June 29: Up to 30% of US$570bn pension fund likely to be invested in stock market

    “Basic Rules of Pension Insurance Fund Investment Management ” has started to solicit feedback from the public. According to the preliminary draft, up to 30% of the fund could be invested in equities and equity-related investment products.

    June 30: 13 major private fund managers jointly voiced bullish views on A shares

    Thirteen major China private fund managers jointly announced that the core foundation for the A-share rally has not changed – stable monetary policy, structural reform, asset reallocation by Chinese households. The risk-return profile has improved after the recent correction and provided good investment opportunities for mature, rational investors. The joint announcement was organized by China Asset Management Association.

    June 30: Easing of regulations/rules on margin financing

    1. On existing margin financing through unofficial channels: CSRC announced that total underground margin financing is estimated to be Rmb500bn. The total amount of mandatory position closing during the previous two weeks was only Rmb15bn.

    2. On regulations/rules regarding margin financing through unofficial channels: CSRC announced that brokerage firms are allowed to provide data feed connection to web-based securities services operated by qualified third parties.

    Service providers that have been involved in rule-violating activities will need to go through reforms and rectifications. During this period, the service provider can continue providing service for the existing margin balance, but not grow any new business.

    3. On regulations/rules regarding margin financing through brokers: One major Chinese broker, Guo Tai Jun An, announced on its website that it had decided to adjust up the collateral conversion ratio for selective CSI 300 Index constituent companies (equity holdings that could be used as collateral for margin financing) and adjust down margin maintenance requirement, effective starting from July 1.

    July 1: Easing of regulations and rules on margin financing

    1. CSRC announced new rules on margin financing through a new version of “Brokerage Firm Margin Financing Business Management Rules”.

    a) Removes the requirement of margin calls with two business days when investor’s collateral market value falls below 130%, and that total value of collateral (existing + additional) needs to be above 150% of the financing amount.

    b) Allows brokerage firms and their clients to decide between themselves the requirement for the deadline and amount for margin calls.

    c) Allows more flexibility for brokers to treat investors’ collateral – forced liquidation is not mandatory any more.

    d) Brokerage firms are allowed to roll over existing margin financing contracts that are not longer than six months.

    2. The Shanghai Stock Exchange announced that real estate and equity ownership can be used as additional collateral if margin calls get triggered.

    July 1: Increase of shareholding by listed companies

    1. Increase of shareholding by major shareholders: Between June 15 and July 4, major shareholders of 182 A-share listed companies have increased their shareholding through secondary market purchase. There were more 20 listed companies announcing shareholding increases on July 3.

    2. Shares repurchase by A-share listed companies: China Vanke A (000002.SZ), TCL Corporation (000100.SH), Media Group (000333.SZ), BOE Technology (000725.SH), Bright Oceans Inter-Telecom Co Ltd (600289.SH)

    July 2: Reduction of equity trading transaction fee

    The Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Ltd announced reductions to A-share trading transaction fees: from 0.03% of transaction face value to 0.002% for Shanghai Stock Exchange, from 0.00255% to 0.002% for Shenzhen Stock Exchange, effective from August 1.

    July 3: China Securities Finance Corp Ltd (CSFC) capital increase and share expansion

    CSRC announced that CSFC will expand its registered capital from Rmb24bn to Rmb100bn. CSFC will raise funding from multiple channels in addition to stabilize capital market.

    * CSFC was founded in 2011 under the context of beginning of margin financing business in China. It is the only investment business entity in China that has been approved to practice margin refinancing. Its business is mainly focuses on: 1) raise financing to lend to brokers for their margin financing business; 2) provide a platform for insurance companies, mutual funds, strategic shareholders of listed companies to lend out their equity holdings.

    CSFC’s major shareholders include: Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges, China clearing, CFFEX, Dalian Commodity Exchange and Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange. Besides the refinancing business, it also tracks and monitors the overall margin financing business in China, analyzes market and credit risks, etc.

    July 3: Reduction of IPOs in terms of both numbers and the amount of capital raised

    CSRC announced at its press conference that the number of IPOs and the amount of capital to be raised through IPOs will be significantly reduced subsequently.

    July 4: 28 approved IPOs got suspended

    Twenty-eight approved IPOs that have been scheduled for subscription in July will be suspended. Subscription fund is returned to investors’ investment accounts on July 6.

    July 4: 21 major Chinese brokerage firms to invest Rmb120bn in blue chip ETFs

    Twenty-one major brokers announced that they will jointly offer minimum Rmb120bn to buy blue chip ETFs. These companies promised not to sell their positions as long as the SH Composite Index is below 4500.

    July 4: 25 major Chinese mutual funds to invest in equity funds managed by themselves

    Twenty-five mutual funds jointly announced:

    1) Chairmen and general managers of these funds promised to actively purchase equity funds managed by their own companies and hold shares for at least one year.

    2) Re-open funds whose subscription has been closed to offer investors more investment options

    3) Expedite equity funds’ application and distribution, and build positions with newly raised funds according to the funds’ mandates.

    * China Asset Management Association announced that by July 6 2015 57 mutual funds are reported to have committed Rmb2.2bn to equity funds managed by themselves. in total 62 mutual funds (including the 25 ones mentioned above) have made public announcements supporting the 25 mutual funds’ proposal.

    July 5: China HUIJIN’s investment in A-share ETFs

    China Central HUIJIN Investment Company announced on its website that it has been purchasing open-end A-share ETF index funds on the secondary market, and that it will continue relevant market operations.

    July 5th : CSRC announcement of tighter measures against market manipulation and rumor distribution activities

    CSRC announced at its press conference that:

    1. Plans for upcoming IPOs: There will be no new IPOs in the near term after the 28 approval IPOs got postponed. Processing of new IPOs will not stop; however, the number of new IPOs and the capital to be raised through these IPOs will be reduced significantly.

    2. Actions against shorting index future: CFFEX (China Financial Futures Exchange Inc) has restricted opening positions on CSI500 Index future contracts for some investment accounts. CSRC has required CFFEX to strengthen its inspection actions and coverage to collaborate with CSRC on illegal transactions and market manipulating trading activities.

    3. Actions against rumors: CSRC has initiated securities law targeted law enforcement actions against creating and distributing stock market rumors.

    July 5: China Securities Finance Corp Ltd (CSFC) to stabilize the market with liquidity support from PBOC

    CSRC announced that China Securities Finance Corp Ltd (CSFC) will raise funding through multiple channels and play an active role trying to stabilizing the market. PBOC will provide liquidity support for this purpose.

    * There is no specific limit attached to the liquidity support mentioned in CSRC’s announcement.

    July 6: CSI500 Index Future to have trading limit of 1200 lots

    China Financial Futures Exchange (CFFEX) announced a daily trading limit for CSI 500 index future (IC500), effective on July 7 2015. Investors can only buy up to 1,200 lots of CSI 500 index future contract for either long or short positions.

  • Financial Nonsense Overload

    Submitted by Dmitry Orlov via Club Orlov blog,

    “Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad” goes a quote wrongly attributed to Euripides. It seems to describe the current state of affairs with regard to the unfolding Greek imbroglio. It is a Greek tragedy all right: we have the various Eurocrats—elected, unelected, and soon-to-be-unelected—stumbling about the stage spewing forth fanciful nonsense, and we have the choir of the Greek electorate loudly announcing to the world what fanciful nonsense this is by means of a referendum.

    As most of you probably know, Greece is saddled with more debt than it can possibly hope to ever repay. Documents recently released by the International Monetary Fund conceded this point. A lot of this bad debt was incurred in order to pay back German and French banks for previous bad debt. The debt was bad to begin with, because it was made based on very faulty projections of Greece's potential for economic growth. The lenders behaved irresponsibly in offering the loans in the first place, and they deserve to lose their money.

    However, Greece's creditors refuse to consider declaring all of this bad debt null and void—not because of anything having to do with Greece, which is small enough to be forgiven much of its bad debt without causing major damage, but because of Spain, Italy and others, which, if similarly forgiven, would blow up the finances of the entire European Union. Thus, it is rather obvious that Greece is being punished to keep other countries in line. Collective punishment of a country—in the form of extracting payments for onerous debt incurred under false pretenses—is bad enough; but collective punishment of one country to have it serve as a warning to others is beyond the pale.

    Add to this a double-helping of double standards. The IMF won't lend to Greece because it requires some assurance of repayment; but it will continue to lend to the Ukraine, which is in default and collapsing rapidly, without any such assurances because, you see, the decision is a political one. The European Central Bank no longer accepts Greek bonds as collateral because, you see, it considers them to be junk; but it will continue to suck in all sorts of other financial garbage and use it to spew forth Euros without comment, keeping other European countries on financial life support simply because they aren't Greece. The German government insists on Greek repayment, considering this stance to be highly moral, ignoring the fact that Germany is the defaultiest country in all of Europe. If Germany were not repeatedly forgiven its debt it would be much poorer, and in much worse shape, than Greece.

    The brazen hypocrisy of all this cannot but have a destabilizing effect on Europe's politics, with the political center cratering and being replaced with radical left-right coalitions. Note how quickly France's right-wing presidential front-runner Marine Le Pen applauded the result of the Greek referendum organized by Greece's left-wing government. The disgust with officialdom that pervades the European Union is beginning to transcend political boundaries, making for strange bedfellows.

    In the end, finance—at any level—has to be about rules and numbers, or it becomes about nonsense. Break enough of your own rules, and your money turns to garbage, because in a world where money is debt and debt is garbage, money is garbage. But there is a proven method for solving this problem and moving on: it's called national bankruptcy. Greece is bankrupt; if its resolution brings on the bankruptcy of Spain, Italy and others, and if that in turn bankrupts the entire Eurozone, then that's exactly what must happen.

    But something else might happen instead. The Eurocrats are already appalled by the Greek show of democracy, and will work hard to derail any such democratic effort in the future using all of the means of political and economic manipulation at their disposal—all simply to muddle along for a bit longer, making the end-game, when it finally comes, all the more painful. I am sure that the Eurocrats plan to follow model of the British Civil Service, which reached its maximum staffing level right when the British Empire ceased to exist. Let's look for ways to not help them do this.

  • Just One Chart

    Brace yourselves…



    Chart: Bloomberg

  • VaRouFaKiS vs THe SQuiD…

  • Surprise! CEOs Are Getting Rich By Buying Back Stock

    By now, there should be no doubt about who to thank for the record highs US stocks have put in this year. Investors should direct their appreciation first to the FOMC and second to corporate management teams, who stepped in to provide the all important “flow” once the Fed began to scale back its asset purchases. 

    Of course the Fed has been a powerful enabler when it comes to corporate buybacks. Ultra low rates have sent investors searching far and wide for yield, which in turn makes corporate credit an attractive option in a world where risk free assets often yield an inflation-adjusted zero or worse, have a negative carry. The strong demand for corporate issuance coupled with investors’ Fed-induced “beggars can’t be choosers” mentality means companies have been able to issue debt at rock-bottom rates.

    The proceeds from debt sales have been funneled into buybacks and dividends as myopic (not to mention price insensitive) corporate management teams have focused squarely on artificially boosting the bottom line and of course, on boosting their own equity-linked compensation. 

    We’ve recounted this narrative ad nauseam this year and we’ve also gone to great lengths to explain how this dynamic serves to undermine top line growth by curtailing capex and thus ensures that if a real, demand-driven recovery ever does actually materialize, companies will be ill-prepared to capitalize on it. 

    But again, that’s just fine for corporate management teams because it’s all about instant gratification these days and if you needed further proof that US equity markets have become the preferred channel for transferring debt sale proceeds directly into the pockets of top management, Bloomberg has all the evidence you need. Here’s more:

    Buybacks and dividends are rising to records in the U.S., and for many chief executives, that means a fatter pay check — even if sales aren’t growing.


    Eleven of the 15 non-financial U.S. companies that spent the most on buybacks last year base part of CEO pay on earnings per share or total shareholder return, or both, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. These metrics get a boost when businesses return cash to investors, giving companies like International Business Machines Corp. and Cisco Systems Inc. added incentive to dole out cash to stockholders.



    Linking compensation to buybacks and dividends can encourage managers to sacrifice funds that could be used for long-term investments, economist William Lazonick said. It also raises the prospect that executives are being paid for short-term returns rather than running a business well.


    Tying pay to performance has long been considered a shareholder-friendly move that gives executives an incentive to ensure that the company is on solid footing. Investors such as Warren Buffett have applauded payouts when they consider shares to be undervalued. Large pension funds have welcomed pay incentives, like when Walt Disney Co. in 2013 changed the way it calculates CEO Bob Iger’s stock awards.


    Yet dividends and buybacks can prop up per-share earnings and total shareholder return — lifting CEO pay as a result — even in cases where sales are falling.


    The focus on shareholder value has “led to this really corrosive feedback loop between executive compensation and corporate behavior,” said Nick Hanauer, co-founder of venture capital firm Second Avenue Partners LLC. “When everyone around a board room can justify essentially any behavior to generate a higher stock price, no stone shall go unturned.”



    Average CEO compensation for the top 350 U.S. firms by revenue has climbed to $16.3 million last year, according to data from the Economic Policy Institute. That’s up from $15.7 million in 2013.


    Overall in 2014, non-financial companies returned almost $1 trillion in share repurchases and dividends. As a percentage of gross domestic product, that’s among the largest payouts on record.


    Not all investors are applauding the bonanza.


    Amid a bull market, shareholders may not be as concerned as they should about the potential boost that buybacks and dividends can give to CEO pay, said Robert Barbetti, head of compensation advisory for J.P. Morgan Private Bank in New York.

    “Boards and compensation committees should be thinking very carefully about the incentive plans and objectives that work long term.” 

    Yes, maybe they should, but when the Elio Leonis of the world are setting the standard by raking in $1.8 million without ever having to work a day (or an hour for that matter), expecting executives to think beyond next week may be asking far too much.

  • The Greferendum Shocker: Tsipras "Intended To Lose" And Is Now "Trapped By His Success"

    Call it game theory gone horribly chaos theory.

    It all started with a report by the Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, whose release of on the record comments by Yanis Varoufakis (which we noted was rather surprising) that Greece was contemplating a parallel currency and potentially nationalizing Greek banks over the weekend, was supposedly the catalyst that got the Greek finmin fired. As a reminder, this is what Varoufakis told AEP on Sunday night: “If necessary… issue parallel liquidity and California-style IOU’s, in an electronic form. We should have done it a week ago.” And this is what the WSJ said on Monday morning:

    … the premier decided to act after Mr. Varoufakis told a U.K. newspaper late Sunday that Greece might introduce a parallel currency and electronic IOUs similar to those issued previously in California. Mr. Varoufakis quickly backtracked on his comments to the Daily Telegraph, but his prime minister had had enough, the people familiar with the matter say.

    That was the first indication that the wheels had officially come off the Greek wagon.

    Moments ago, we got confirmation of just that, when in another surprising twist it was again the Telegraph’s Evans-Pritchard who reported that the Greek prime minister who decisively and unexpectedly pushed for a referendum on the last weekend of June, “never expected to win Sunday’s referendum on EMU bail-out terms, let alone to preside over a blazing national revolt against foreign control.

    He got just that, and in a landslide vote at that even though “he called the snap vote with the expectation – and intention – of losing it.”

    Also according to the Telegraph, “the plan was to put up a good fight, accept honourable defeat, and hand over the keys of the Maximos Mansion, leaving it to others to implement the June 25th “ultimatum” and suffer the opprobrium.”

    He had good reason: according to another Varoufakis quote provided by AEP, “[the Troika] just didn’t want us to sign. They had already decided to push us out.”  In other words, as we speculated in mid-June, the only question was who gets stuck with the blame, and when Tsipras called the referendum, he made it quite easy for Europe; it was even easier when Greece collectively voted “Oxi” to a referendum spun in Europe as one whether or not to remain in the Eurozone.

    There is more: with Tsipras having already checked out it was a case of “after me, the flood”

    This ultimatum came as shock to the Greek cabinet. They thought they were on the cusp of a deal, bad though it was. Mr Tsipras had already made the decision to acquiesce to austerity demands, recognizing that Syriza had failed to bring about a debtors’ cartel of southern EMU states and had seriously misjudged the mood across the eurozone.

    But it is what happened next that took everyone by surprise: “Syriza called the referendum. To their consternation, they won, igniting the great Greek revolt of 2015, the moment when the people finally issued a primal scream, daubed their war paint, and formed the hoplite phalanx.”

    Suddenly the stakes are even higher for Tsipras, who is “now trapped by his success.” According to Costas Lapavitsas, a Syriza MP, “the referendum has its own dynamic. People will revolt if he comes back from Brussels with a shoddy compromise.”

    Ironically, that is precisely why the market soared today after it tumbled early in the morning, because it appeared that the Greek finmin was doing just: accepting a shoddy compromise. Of course, it wouldn’t be the first time: the Greeks had come home with “compromise” deals on many previous occasions only to have Syriza tear them apart. And this time the stakes are higher not only for Tsipras but the entire party, which realizes it faces a mutiny by the people, mostly the young ones, those with little to lose, if some 60% of them voted against a deal “at any cost” just to see the government fall back to just such an outcome.

    The Syriza MP Lapavitsas is correct when he says that  “Tsipras doesn’t want to take the path of Grexit, but I think he realizes that this is now what lies straight ahead of him.

    In some ways Tsipras tried to backtrack: “The prime minister was reportedly told that the time had come to choose, either he should seize on the momentum of the 61pc landslide vote, and take the fight to the Eurogroup, or yield to the creditor demands – and give up the volatile Mr Varoufakis in the process as a token of good faith.”

    What would happen if Tsipras did decide to stick it to Europe, launch a parallel currency, sack the legacy central banker and nationalize the insolvent banks? We already laid out the key points previously but here it is again:

    They would “requisition” the Bank of Greece and sack the governor under emergency national laws. The estimated €17bn of reserves still stashed away in various branches of the central bank would be seized.


    They would issue parallel liquidity and California-style IOUs denominated in euros to keep the banking system afloat, backed by an appeal to the European Court of Justice to throw the other side off balance, all the while asserting Greece’s full legal rights as a member of the eurozone. If the creditors forced Grexit, they – not Greece – would be acting illegally, with implications for tort contracts in London, New York, and even Frankfurt.


    They would impose a haircut on €27bn of Greek bonds held by the ECB, and deemed ‘odious debt’ by some since the original purchases were undertaken by the ECB to save French and German banks, forestalling a market debt restructuring that would otherwise have have happened.

    None of that happened, instead Greece is now in full chaos mode.

    Events are now spinning out of control. The banks remain shut. The ECB has maintained its liquidity freeze, and through its inaction is asphyxiating the banking system.


    Factories are shutting down across the country as stocks of raw materials run out and containers full of vitally-needed imports clog up Greek ports. Companies cannot pay their suppliers because external transfers are blocked. Private scrip currencies are starting to appear as firms retreat to semi-barter outside the banking system.

    However, it is not just Greece which is sliding into total chaos – so is Europe itself, where the splits are becoming so obvious none other than the head of the German Institute for Economic Research said “What Is Happening Now Is A Defeat For Germany.”

    The entire leadership of the eurozone warned before the referendum that a ‘No’ vote would lead to ejection from the euro, never supposing that they might have to face exactly this. Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission’s chief, had the wit to make light of his retreat. “We have to put our little egos, in my case a very large ego, away, and deal with situation we face,” he said.


    France’s prime minister Manuel Valls said Grexit and the rupture of monetary union must be prevented as the highest strategic imperative. “We cannot let Greece leave the eurozone. Nobody can say today what the political consequences would be, what would be the reaction of the Greek people,” he said.


    French leaders are working in concert with the White House. Washington is bringing its immense diplomatic power to bear, calling openly on the EU to put “Greece on a path toward debt sustainability” and sort out the festering problem once and for all.


    The Franco-American push is backed by Italy’s Matteo Renzi, who said the eurozone has to go back to the drawing board and rethink its whole austerity doctrine after the democratic revolt in Greece. He too now backs debt relief for Greece.

    However, as if oblivious to these terminal developments within her own union, Merkel is already pushing onward and discussing plans for humanitarian aide and balance of payments support for the drachma: if there was any clearer indication that the Eurozone has been an abject failure, it would be the treatment of one of its member states as a 3rd world African banana republic even before it formally withdrew from its quasi-prison.

    Some within Syriza realize that it is all coming to an end, no matter if the can is kicked one more time (which it increasingly looks like it may be despite the referendum’s landslide vote):

    Mr Lapavitsas said Europe’s own survival as civilisational force in the world is what is really at stake. “Europe has not show much wisdom over the last century. It launched two world wars and had to be saved by the Americans,” he said


    “Now with the creation of monetary union it has acted with such foolishness, and created such a disaster, that it is putting the very union in doubt, and this time there will be no saviour. It is the last throw of the dice for Europe,” he said.

    … and yet, in the very end, the Greek prime minister who bluffed and unexpectedly won, now appears willing to concede just about everything to Merkel. Because even if the Telegraph’s entire article is based purely on speculation, it doesn’t explain the easy with which Tsipras seems to have folded not only on implementing reform as part of the harsher deal proposed by Merkel, but his admission that further debt relief now appears unlikely:


    And from the president of the European Council:

    Because in the end money talks, in this case €120 billion in hijacked unsecured liabilities known “deposits” and politicians walk. As for those millions of Greeks who gave Europe the symbolic middle finger on Sunday, their reaction when they just find out they were sold down the river once again will be all that matters.

    Yet in the end, Varoufakis’ line may again be the most important one: “they had already decided to push us out.” If true, then as Juncker threatened earlier not only will the last day for the Greek government be Monday, but so will the last day for Greece in the Eurozone.

  • Why GM Is Back Below Its IPO Price – Pictures From GM's China "Parking Lot"

    Despite broad and deep price cuts introduced earlier in the year, GM's sales in China were roughly flat in June continuing the streak of weakness since March (when GM changed its reporting to retail sales from wholesale delivery). This is the weakest start to a year for China auto sales since 2012 and GM's share price is now back notably below its 2012 IPO price. Judging by the massive volume of cars 'parked' in GM's Shenyang Liaoning lots, it is clear that automakers learned nothing from the last "if we build it, they will come" channel-stuffing inventory surging dysphoria that, among other things, led to their last bankruptcy… if only Chinese buyers would take up the credit terms like Americans.

    GM's stock is back below its IPO price…


    As sales in China slump… (as Reuters reports)

    General Motors Co vehicle sales in China were roughly flat for June as broad price cuts introduced earlier in the year failed to boost demand.


    GM and its Chinese joint-venture partners sold 246,066 cars in June, virtually unchanged from the same month a year ago, the U.S. automaker said in a statement on Monday.


    That compares with a 4 percent year-on-year drop in May sales and a 0.4 percent dip in April, when the automaker switched to reporting retail sales rather than wholesale data for China.


    GM has largely failed to counteract sluggish auto sales so far despite slashing prices on 40 models in May by up to 20 percent, as China's economy grows at its slowest rate in 25 years. The automaker also faces rapidly shifting tastes among Chinese consumers, now showing a pronounced preference for small, affordable sport-utility vehicles.

    As it appears there just is no more room to stuff inventories in its Shenyang, Lianing province parking lots  (as China has become the new car graveyard over the last 3 years)

    *  *  *

    And with allthis inventory, sales are a problem…

    For the market overall, sales for January to May rose only 2.1 percent from a year earlier, giving 2015 the slowest start since 2012, according to the most recent statistics available from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM).

    And finally, there is an even bigger probelm…


  • Disorderly Collapse – The Endgame Of The Fed's Artificial Suppression Of Defaults

    Submitted by Jeffrey Snider via Alhambra Investment Partners,

    The Federal Reserve under Alan Greenspan and then Ben Bernanke has escaped, largely, responsibility for the panic in 2008 mostly because there is no direct link between monetary policy and the housing bubble. The most stinging criticism that comes out of the era is Greenspan’s “ultra-low” interest rate setting for federal funds, but there is no smoking gun in the form of the “printing press” or bank “reserves.” In fact, bank reserves remain, somehow, the central focus of monetary policy even today when they should be taken for how big a mess the Fed created of the prior bubbles.

    There is no printing press in the basement of the Marriner Eccles building or even at the Open Market Desk of FRBNY in NYC. That does not mean, however, that monetary policy is absolved from the center of the biblical expansion of “dollar” reach and debasement (in both definition and scale). When you look at bank reserves, the immediate reaction, often more visceral than cerebral, is that there should be an enormous bout of inflation by now; that was, in fact, the first public and expressed criticisms of the QE’s.

    That view of “reserves” conflates what they actually represent. In the operational format alone, reserves are only what the Open Market Desk is doing of monetary policy at that time. In terms of the serial asset bubbles, they represent the onboarding of immense “money dealing” that took place in the latter 1990’s and early and middle 2000’s under the implicit but never-tested promises of monetary policy. In other words, the rise in reserves now was only to make explicit, in arrears, what was expected from bank balance sheets during the bubbles themselves.

    ABOOK July 2015 Fed Bubble Reserves

    In that respect, the increase in reserves post-crisis was not to unleash new inflation, consumer or asset, but rather to enumerate, and only partially, what it took to get past inflation going and maintaining. The Fed was only, through the QE’s, taking belated ownership of that which it implicitly aided of past “dollar” existence. Linking monetary policy to that inflation was not just the federal funds rate, but how that “communication” (as Janet Yellen tells it) was used in actual “money supply” circumstances.

    In March 2007, Richard Claiden, CFO of Primus Guaranty, delivered a presentation at the Richmond Fed’s Credit Markets Symposium that showed this monetary linkage in unequivocal detail. Credit spreads on the Dow Jones OTR 5-year CDX had fallen from near 80 bps in early 2003, at the bottom of the dot-com “cycle”, to almost 30 bps by early 2007.

    ABOOK July 2015 Fed Bubble DJ CDX

    The reason for that massive compression was what is familiar to any financial observer of the post-QE3 environment. Not only did Mr. Claiden refer to a “reach for yield” in March 2007 he also quantified what is perhaps the least appreciated aspect of wholesale monetary influence: clustering defaults.

    ABOOK July 2015 Fed Bubble Fed

    In the attempt to diminish the influence of the business cycle, the Fed uses monetary policy to influence bank and bond investors with regard to liquidity and risk. One of the major expressions of that is to artificially induce default clusters; there was a massive default wave in the nascent wholesale finance industry out of the dot-coms but then a serious absence of persisting defaults despite a relatively weak recovery thereafter. That disparity is covered by monetary policy influence which, in addition to “reach for yield” via rate repression, keeps many weaker businesses afloat long past the point at which they “should” fail. That isn’t, however, a permanent reduction of what orthodox economics perceives of a negative factor (when in fact it might rather be recognized, rightfully, as necessary creative destruction) only a temporary assuagement of defaults that instead cluster into the next cycle – which happened to be, not by coincidence, much, much bigger.

    Mr. Claiden and Primus were no outside observers to this problem, and his firm was expecting an uptick in spreads as mortgage problems grew somewhat more acute. The founder of Primus was the man who practically invented the swap, or at least the standardized version of it that became the bedrock of the entire derivatives industry. In May 2007, Tom Jasper, the CEO who in 1985 launched and became the first co-chairman of ISDA, was “toasting” to wider credit spreads and a much fatter return for Primus. The mortgage problems, he figured, would be grand for Primus’ main business which was writing credit protection.

    Because spreads were so thin and had grown thinner throughout Greenspan’s “conundrum”, Primus was forced (in their profit models) to lever up significantly. At the end of 2005, the company, which was a publicly-traded and listed stock, reported a total swaps portfolio of single name entities of $13.4 billion, a 28% increase over the end of 2004. That $13.4 billion came upon a base of just $69 million in cash and $560 million in available-for-sale securities. That was 21x leverage.

    By the time Bear Stearns had failed, Primus had $24.3 billion in swaps and just $774 million in cash and assets; or 31x leverage. Since Primus only sold protection on “high quality” companies, in other words those with the highest ratings, there was little perceived risk even with spreads thought to be rising in 2007. In fact, a good proportion of the protection was written against financial firms, meaning the largest banks including Lehman. As you would expect, the firm nearly went bankrupt by October 2008 and the panic, but survived long enough to be finally and fully unwound last year (again, models and math that were no match for reality). Mr. Jasper left the firm in 2010.

    While the current state of Primus’ liquidation gives us another anecdote about the eurodollar decay post-crisis, it was its buildup that turned monetary policy into actual money supply as it is/was understood and used in the eurodollar/wholesale model. Those credit default swaps that Primus was supplying at dirt cheap spreads allowed, artificially and mistakenly, other financial firms and banks to reduce risk in their credit portfolios – at least that was the way it was calculated in their models which translated directly into real financial power or what passes for money these days. That meant those firms, through the “supply” of risk absorption provided by Primus and others, could invest, warehouse and hold much more in terms of par and notional credit for a given “capital” base – the math became the means by which credit expanded so precipitously, traded as exchanged liabilities often in the form of derivative contracts.

    ABOOK June 2015 BIS Gross Notional CDS

    Without that supply, including and especially during the panic, the Fed has been forced to take over money dealing more directly, turning out numerical bank reserves in place of what was before just unspecified and held off-balance sheet, but very real, balance sheet capacity. The more the Fed suppressed via its interest rate measure, the more leverage firms like Primus had to supply to be profitable (or as profitable as their models demanded) – at the end of 2005, that 28% increase in the swap portfolio was how the firm increased ROE to 15%. If spreads had been more in line with actual economic reality, Primus may not have “needed” to use as much leverage and the “supply” of risk absorption capacity may have instead been itself reduced, halting even somewhat the massive expansion of subprime and others (since Primus was offering a great deal of swaps on financial firms, especially the bigger banks, those CDS were likely used as hedges against credit structures, including subprime, that were offered/sponsored by those very same firms; in other words, there is a great likelihood that Primus risk capacity was directly related to the subprime mortgage blowout, both up and then down).

    Nobody apparently learned much from the whole bubble-bust affair as banks and financial firms are at it again, this time in corporate debt. The artificial suppression of default, in no small part to perceptions of those bank reserves under QE (just like perceptions of balance sheet capacity pre-crisis), has turned junk debt into the vehicle of choice for yet another cycle of “reach for yield.” The supply, this time, is far less of the eurodollar variety and more through mutual funds – less banking, more personal sector. That may sound somewhat more comforting except that it is the weakened, perhaps fatally, eurodollar state that is, in the end, expected to support the whole corporate morass when the default cycle inevitably runs its course and the artificial cluster reappears. As retail investors might likely flee against expectations they never apparently conceived but should have given recent history, there won’t be much, if any, balance sheet capacity to boost appetites toward an orderly transition.

    In the past two bubble cycles, we see how monetary policy creates the conditions for them but also in parallel for their disorderly closure. It isn’t money that the FOMC directs but rather unrealistic, to the extreme, expectations and extrapolations. Once those become encoded in financial equations, the illusion becomes real supply. In that way, it appears as if central banks hold great power but little responsibility. The pathology, however, is there and apparent to any and all inquiry. All that is required is a contemporary frame of reference, including what and where the printing press is and resides.

  • When Does The Chinese Carnage Stop? (In 3 Charts)

    Chinese investor psychology has shifted. Period. The more the government intervenes to lift stock prices explicitly, the more local and professsional leveraged investors will use any strength to unwind their positions (profitably or unprofitably). The question is – when does this carnage stop?


    Exhibit 1 – Based on ‘fundamentals’, The Shanghai Composite has a long way to go…


    Exhibit 2 – If Dr. Copper is right about the state of the world, The Shanghai Composite won’t find support until it has fallen another 60%…


    Exhibit 3 – Judging by historical analogs, The Shanghai Composite will need to destroy all gains in the last 2 years before ‘value’ is once again seen…


    But apart from that, this must be a buying opportunity, right?


    Because if you don’t buy the dip, you’re a f##king idiot…

  • Thoughts On Greece … From Zimbabwe

    Late last month, after Greek PM Alexis Tsipras’ announcement that a referendum would be held on the terms of the country’s bailout, we noted that sadly, the supermarkets in Greece were beginning to resemble those of Venezuela as Greeks, anticipating an impending shortage of imported goods, stocked up on food staples:

    Many of the visuals and stories that emanate from Venezuela are to be expected, and are generally in line with the transformation of any normal nation to a socialist utopia. None however, are more poignant than the images of supermarkets and grocery stores that have been ransacked empty as a result of the collapsing currency, devastated supply chains and soaring inflation (supermarkets which have since imposed fingerprint scanners in what is no longer capital but food controls). We are sad to announce that what was once a Venezuela trademark has now transitioned to a country that until recently was among the most developed nations in the west: Greece. In clear rejection of Tsipras’ plea for calm, the Greek population stormed (now empty) ATMs, grocery stores and gas stations as they scrambled to obtain, or convert, paper currency into tangible products. 


    Now, with a depositor bail-in looking more likely by the day, and with redenomination risk rising materially, Greece is drawing unflattering comparisons to another country which knows the depths of economic despair all too well: Zimbabwe. 

    Presented below is a letter from writer, blogger, and Zimbabwean Cathy Buckle.

    *  *  *

    Dear Family and Friends,

    Seeing pictures of hundreds of people crowded around banks in Greece desperate to withdraw their own money from the banks has sent cold but sympathetic shivers down our spines here in Zimbabwe. Greek banks closed for a week, cash withdrawals from ATM’s restricted to a limited amount per person per day is all too familiar to Zimbabweans. We know exactly how this feels: the fear, anger, despair and disbelief that goes with watching your life savings evaporating and knowing there’s nothing you can do to save it.  How well we remember standing for hours at the banks and then only being able to draw out enough money to buy a single bar of soap.

    Zimbabwe has the dubious honour of being able to say “been there, done that” to almost every bad governance and economic crisis you can think of.  It’s been six years since Zimbabwe discontinued using the Zim dollar and began trading in the US dollar  and a few other international currencies but for the last few weeks we’ve been doing all the sums again, counting the zeroes and seeing if there’s anything we can salvage from our lost life savings.  

    When an announcement came in June that the old Zimbabwe dollar was to be demonetized there was a frenzy of rumours that this meant a new Zimbabwe dollar was going to be introduced. A return to the Zim dollar, old or new, is still probably the biggest fear of all Zimbabweans. As bad as things are for people now, at least we have an internationally accepted currency in our pockets and not a worthless currency which isn’t backed by gold reserves, which can be printed at will by an unaccountable government. 

    People outside of Zimbabwe have never really understood how we woke up one morning in February 2009 and found that all our bank balances had been reduced to zero. Regardless of whether we had millions, billions, trillions,  septillions or even octillions of Zim dollars in our accounts, it had all gone. Suddenly our bank balance was just ZERO and we were told to reactivate our accounts by depositing US dollars. Exactly the same thing applied to the huge piles of Zim dollars we had in boxes and bags in our homes : it had all become valueless paper, eroded to almost nothing by super-hyper-inflation and then suddenly worth ZERO.

    It’s taken six years for the government of Zimbabwe to put a value on the money that turned to ZERO in 2009 and frankly for most people, who had become paupers through hyperinflation anyway, it’s a pointless exercise. The Central bank announced that bank accounts with balances up to 175 quadrillion Zimbabwe dollars will be paid a flat amount of five US dollars; yes, just five US dollars. Bank balances of over 175 quadrillion will be paid at what we are told is the UN exchange rate of US$1 for every 35 quadrillion Zim dollars. (That’s US$1 ; Z$1,000,000,000,000,000 ) Cash customers can apparently walk into banks with their old Zim dollar notes and will, with “no questions asked,”  get US$1 for Zim$250 trillion.  For most of us the cost of the taking old notes to the bank will be more than the US cents we get back in our pockets.

    There is a “demonetization window” from the 15th June to the 30th September to exchange every 35 quadrillion Zim dollars we have into one US dollar and after that the Zim dollar will be officially dead, no longer legal tender.

    The Central Bank announcement says : “Demonitization is not compensation for the loss of value of the Zim $ due to hyper inflation, it is an exchange process.”  Compensation is a dirty word in Zimbabwe’s governance system  and it doesn’t apply at any level from farm seizures to compulsory 51% indigenization shareholdings to loss of life savings and pensions in hyper inflation.

    Looking at the conversion chart and seeing that I can get 0.04 US cents for every 10 trillion dollar note that I have, leaves my head swirling as lines of zeroes mount up on the page.  Is that a trillion, quadrillion or octillion I ask myself? I decide I’d rather keep the old bank notes in the cupboard so that I never forget what my government reduced me to after they’d stolen my farm and declared my Title Deeds null and void. So that I’d never forget what bad governance could do to a nation of  ten million people or how many thousands died needlessly while trying to survive Zimbabwe’s collapse.

    Until next time, thanks for reading, love cathy. 

  • Dow Swings 670 Points In V-Shaped-Hope-Recovery Despite Commodity Carnage


    *  *  *

    This happened… Remember Greece doesn't matter…


    The Dow dropped 350 points from its overnight highs to stop almost perfectly at the close of Europe (1130ET) and then abruptly rallied a stunning 320 points back…


    The S&P tested Sunday night's lows and the 200DMA before exploding higher…


    Who could have seen that coming?


    On the day, cash indices reversed perfectly on Europe's close…


    Leaving stocks mixed on the week, with Nasdaq underperforming…


    It appears that Oil was the momo igniter for stocks…


    And VIX briefly hit a 15 handle – well below Thursday's closing levels…


    Bear in mind that Greek stocks did not partake in the idiocy… but once US stocks astrted to roll, Greece caught up (so now we are seeing US equities lead Greek stocks fundamentally higher!!!)


    As US Stocks ramp was all EURJPY-driven once again (just like yesterday)


    Note that post-Tsipras' "Greferendum" announcement, Bonds remain the big winners…


    Treasury yields plunged early as shorts squeezed and safety was bid but once Europe closed… sell sell sell…


    The US Dollar collapsed into the close as EURUSD surged (for now good reason) and as we noted above EURJPY was running stocks today…


    It's pretty clear what (or who) was helping things along…


    Commodity prices plunged early on (led by crude and silver)

    Oil prices carnaged early on, then bounced after EIA data suggested higher demand and chatter that the Irtan deal talks were falling apart (and Europe's close)…


    As a reminder, shale stocks have been collapsing since Einhorn tried to bury PXD… (but they all v-shape recovered today)



    Charts: Bloomberg

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Today’s News July 7, 2015

  • THERE’S Your Hyperinflation!

    by Keith Weiner


    Hyperinflation is commonly defined as rapidly rising prices which get out of control. For example, the Wikipedia entry begins, “In economics, hyperinflation occurs when a country experiences very high and usually accelerating rates of inflation, rapidly eroding the real value of the local currency…” Let’s restate this in terms of purchasing power. In hyperinflation, the purchasing power of the currency collapses. Before the
    onset, suppose one collapsar buys ten loaves of bread. Soon, it buys only one loaf. Shortly thereafter, it buys only one slice. Next, it can only purchase a saltine cracker. Pretty soon the collapsar won’t buy any bread at all. Stick a fork in it, it’s done.

    kids playing with hyperinflated currency

    For example, the price of crude oil was cut almost in half (so far). There’s little to see if one looks at the purchasing power of the dollar, euro, Swiss franc, etc. Purchasing power, as conventionally understood, is doing just fine.

    Fed apologists are happily cooing about this. Last month, Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman said, “This is actually wonderful.” Last year, he was gloating, comparing people who predict runaway inflation to “true believers whose faith in a predicted apocalypse persists even after it fails to materialize.”

    And yet, all is not well in the realm of the central banks. Krugman may be right about prices, but nothing is wonderful. The economic downturn, which began in 2008, has been so bad that central banks persist in their unprecedented monetary policies. So if purchasing power isn’t collapsing, where can one find evidence of the problem?

    Yield Purchasing Power (YPP) shows how much you can buy, not with a dollar of cash, but with the earnings on a dollar of productive capital. No one wants to spend their life savings or inheritance. People are happy to spend their income, but not their savings.

    To come back to the analogy of the family farm, people should think in terms of how much food it can grow, not how much food they can buy by selling the farm. The tractor
    is good for producing food, not to be exchanged for it. Why, then, do people think of the purchasing power of their life savings, in terms of its liquidation value?

    If they want to live long and prosper, they should think of their yield purchasing power. Their hard-earned assets should provide income. And it is here, that hyperinflation has set in.

    Previously, I compared two archetypal retirees. Clarence retired with $100,000 in 1979, and Larry retired with $1,000,000 in 2014. Clarence was able to earn 2/3 of the median income in interest on his savings. Larry was nowhere near that. He would need over $100 million to do the same. In 35 years, the YPP of a 3-month CD fell more than 1,000-fold.

    The collapse in YPP suggests an analogy to hyperinflation. Look at how much capital you need to support a middle class lifestyle. Measured in dollars, the dollar price of this capital is skyrocketing.

    This skyrocketing price of capital has the same effect as hyperinflation: it undermines savings and causes people to eat themselves out of house and home.

    What does this mean for anyone with less than what they need to support themselves—$100M and rising? They must liquidate their capital, and live by consuming their savings. It’s terrifying to anyone in that position—which means anyone in the middle class.

    This problem is not well understood, because it masquerades as rising asset prices. The first tractor to go to the block fetched $1,000. The second went for $2,000. The farmland may fetch a few million. Everyone loves rising asset prices, and so in their greed and euphoria they miss the point.


    This article is from Keith Weiner’s weekly column, called The Gold Standard, at the Swiss National Bank and Swiss Franc Blog

  • Chinese Stocks Plunge Again, "VIX" Hits Record, "Nasdaq" Down 40% From Highs

    Despite all the hopes and prayers of illiterate farmers everywhere, Chinese stocks refuse to hold a bid and down 3-4% at the open amid suspension of around 160 individual securities. In the pre-open to open, Shanghai Composite is down 3.2%, Shenzhen is off 3.5%, and China's Nasdaq – ChiNext is down 3.8%. This leaves ChiNext down over 40% from its highs as the cost of insuring downside in Chinese stocks explodes to record highs. As China goes through the 1929 playbook to save its 'market', it appears "momentum" has shifted.


    Not a good start to the day…


    And the morning session ends NOT OFF THE LOWS…


    Some context for the moves…


    As we noted prerviously – psychology has shifted… every government-driven ramp is sold into by as many retail locals and foreign professionals as possible… and remember the local professionals are now stuck with losses as they are not allowed to sell.

    Which explains why downside vol costs explode… (if you're not allowed to sell stocks… what's your next move?)


    As Blomberg reports,

    The cost of options protecting against a 10 percent drop in the ETF was 11.5 points more than calls betting on a 10 percent increase on Monday, according to three-month data compiled by Bloomberg. The price relationship known as skew climbed to 11.8 points last week, the highest since the ETF started in November 2013.


    For Aberdeen Asset Management’s Nicholas Yeo, China needs to let fundamentals govern its stock market, not state directives.


    “International investors are skeptical that all the government measures are short-term, cosmetic,” said Yeo, the Hong Kong-based head of Chinese equities at Aberdeen Asset, which oversees about $491 billion worldwide. “If you want it to be a proper market, there should be less interference.”

    1929 Deja vu all over again…


    “The more resources authorities commit to propping up the stock market, the more they ratchet up the potential fall-out risks should the market continue to collapse,” said Andrew Wood, an analyst at BMI Research. “This could give rise to a crisis of confidence in the authorities’ ability to support both the stock market and the real economy.”

    And with 888 stocks down and only 29 up – PBOC is gonna need a bigger boat fund

    *  *  *

    On the bright side – though we are not sure of that – it seems the twice burned Chinese are greatly rotating their newly lost equity wealth back into real estate…Via ForexLive:

    Preliminary results from the China Household Finance Survey

    • 31.5% of respondents plan to reduce their stock holdings
    • 12.3% said they plan to increase their stock holdings
    • Remaining saying they do not plan to change their holdings
    • For Q2 4.8% of stock investors bought homes, compared with 2.3% recorded in Q1
    • Of those who bought property, 70% came from households that have made money in the stock market.

    The China Household Finance Survey is a quarterly survey carried out by researchers at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu.

    *  *  *

    Will they never learn?

  • Jade Helm, Terrorist Attacks, Surveillance & Other Fairy Tales For A Gullible Nation

    Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    “Strange how paranoia can link up with reality now and then.” – Philip K. Dick, A Scanner Darkly

    Once upon a time, there was a nation of people who believed everything they were told by their government.

    When terrorists attacked the country, and government officials claimed to have been caught by surprise, the people believed them. And when the government passed massive laws aimed at locking down the nation and opening the door to total government surveillance, the people believed it was done merely to keep them safe. The few who disagreed were labeled traitors.

    When the government waged costly preemptive wars on foreign countries, insisting it was necessary to protect the nation, the citizens believed it. And when the government brought the weapons and tactics of war home to use against the populace, claiming it was just a way to recycle old equipment, the people believed that too. The few who disagreed were labeled unpatriotic.

    When the government spied on its own citizens, claiming they were looking for terrorists hiding among them, the people believed it. And when the government began tracking the citizenry’s movements, monitoring their spending, snooping on their social media, and surveying their habits—supposedly in an effort to make their lives more efficient—the people believed that, too. The few who disagreed were labeled paranoid.

    When the government let private companies take over the prison industry and agreed to keep the jails full, justifying it as a cost-saving measure, the people believed them. And when the government started arresting and jailing people for minor infractions, claiming the only way to keep communities safe was to be tough on crime, the people believed that too. The few who disagreed were labeled soft on crime.

    When the government hired crisis actors to take part in disaster drills, never alerting the public to which “disasters” were staged, the people genuinely believed they were under attack. And when the government insisted it needed greater powers to prevent such attacks from happening again, the people believed that too. The few who disagreed were told to shut up or leave the country.

    Finally, the government started carrying out covert military drills around the country, insisting they were necessary to train the troops for foreign combat, and most of the people believed them. The few who disagreed, warning that perhaps all was not what it seemed, were dismissed as conspiracy theorists and quacks.

    By the time the government locked down the nation, using local police and the military to impose martial law, there was no one left in doubt of the government’s true motives—total control and domination—but there was also no one left to fight back.

    Now every fable has a moral, and the moral of this story is to beware of anyone who urges you to ignore your better instincts and trust the government.

    In other words, if it looks like trouble and it smells like trouble, you can bet there’s trouble afoot.

    For instance, while there is certainly no shortage of foul-smelling government activities taking place right now, the one giving off the greatest stench is Jade Helm 15. This covert, multi-agency, multi-state, eight-week military training exercise is set to take place from July 15 through Sept. 15 in states across the American Southwest.

    According to official government sources, “Jade Helm: Mastering the Human Domain” is a planned military exercise that will test and practice unconventional warfare including, but not limited to, guerrilla warfare, subversion, sabotage, intelligence activities, and unconventional assisted recovery. The training exercise will take place in seven different southwestern states: California, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Texas, Utah and Nevada.

    U.S. Army Special Operations Command will primarily lead this interagency training program but the Navy Seals, Air Force Special Operations, Marine Special Operations Command, Marine Expeditionary Units, 82nd Airborne Division, and other interagency partners will also be involved. Approximately 1,200 troops are expected to participate in these exercises.

    The training is known as Realistic Military Training because it will be conducted outside of federal property. The exercises are going to be carried out on both public and private land, with the military reportedly asking permission of local authorities and landowners prior to land usage. The military map listing the locations that will host the exercise shows Texas, Utah, and the southern part of California as “hostile territory.” According to U.S. officials, these three areas are marked as hostile to simulate environments where American troops are viewed as the enemy. The other areas on the map are marked as permissive, uncertain (leaning friendly), or uncertain (leaning hostile).

    Military officials claim that the southwestern states were chosen because this exercise requires large areas of undeveloped land as well as access to towns and population hubs. These states purportedly also provide a climate and terrain that is similar to that of potential areas of combat for the United States, particularly Iraq, Iran and Syria.

    Now the mainstream media has happily regurgitated the government’s official explanation about Jade Helm. However, there is a growing concern among those who are not overly worried about being labeled conspiratorialists or paranoid that the government is using Jade Helm as a cover to institute martial law, bring about total population control, or carry out greater surveillance on the citizenry.

    In the first camp are those who fear that Jade Helm will usher in martial law. These individuals believe that by designating the two traditionally conservative and Republican-dominated states, Utah and Texas, as hostile territory, while more Democratic states like Colorado and California are marked as friendly, the military plans to infiltrate the states with large numbers of gun owners and attempt to disarm them.

    Adding fuel to the fire is the mysterious and sudden temporary closures of five Walmart stores in Texas, California, Oklahoma and Florida, two of which are located near Jade Helm training sites. Those in this camp contend that the military is planning to use the Walmart stores as processing facilities for Americans once martial law is enacted.

    Pointing to the mission’s official title, “Jade Helm: Mastering the Human Domain,” there is a second camp that fears that the military exercises are merely a means to an end—namely total population control—by allowing the military to discern between friendly civilians and hostiles. This concern is reinforced by military documents stating that a major portion of Jade Helm training will be about blending in with civilians, understanding how to work with civilians, using these civilians to find enemy combatants, and then neutralizing the target.

    In this way, the United States military is effectively using psychological warfare to learn how people function and how to control them.

    As a study written by military personnel states, mastering the human domain, also known as identity processes, means “use of enhanced capabilities to identify and classify the human domain; to determine whether they are adversarial, friendly, neutral, or unknown.” The study later states that identity processes can be used to “manage local populations during major combat, stability, and humanitarian assistance and/or disaster relief operations.”

    While the military has promised that the work they are doing is aimed for use overseas, we have seen first-hand how quickly the military’s weapons and tactics used overseas are brought home to be used against the populace. In fact, some of the nation’s evolutionary psychologists, demographers, sociologists, historians and anthropologists have been working with the Department of Defense’s Minerva Initiative to master the human domain. This security research includes “Understanding the Origin, Characteristics, and Implications of Mass Political Movements” at the University of Washington and “Who Does Not Become a Terrorist and Why?” at the Naval Academy Post Graduate School. Both studies focus on Americans and the different movements and patterns that the government can track to ensure “safety and security.”

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is also working to infiltrate churches across the country to establish a Christian Emergency Network, carry out emergency training exercises to prevent and prepare for disasters (active shooter drills and natural disaster preparedness), and foster two-way information sharing, while at the same time instituting a media blackout of their activities. As the DHS continues to establish itself within churches, a growing number of churches are adopting facial recognition systems to survey their congregations, identify and track who attends their events, and target individuals for financial contributions or further monitoring. As the partnership between churches and the DHS grows, their facial recognition databases may be shared with the federal government, if that is not already happening.

    Finally, there is the third camp which fears that Jade Helm is merely the first of many exercises to be incorporated into regular American life so that the government can watch, study, and better understand how to control the masses. Certainly, psychological control techniques could be used in the future to halt protests and ensure that the nation runs “smoothly.”

    It remains to be seen whether Jade Helm 15 proves to be a thinly veiled military plot to take over the country (one lifted straight out of director John Frankenheimer’s 1964 political thriller Seven Days in May), turn the population into automatons and psychological experiments, or is merely a “routine” exercise for troops, albeit a blatantly intimidating flexing of the military’s muscles.

    However, as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the problem arises when you add Jade Helm to the list of other troubling developments that have taken place over the past 30 years or more: the expansion of the military industrial complex and its influence in Washington DC, the rampant surveillance, the corporate-funded elections and revolving door between lobbyists and elected officials, the militarized police, the loss of our freedoms, the injustice of the courts, the privatized prisons, the school lockdowns, the roadside strip searches, the military drills on domestic soil, the fusion centers and the simultaneous fusing of every branch of law enforcement (federal, state and local), the stockpiling of ammunition by various government agencies, the active shooter drills that are indistinguishable from actual crises, the economy flirting with near collapse, the growing social unrest, the socio-psychological experiments being carried out by government agencies, etc.

    Suddenly, the overall picture seems that much more sinister. Clearly, there’s a larger agenda at work here, and it’s one the American people had better clue into before it’s too late to do anything about it.

    Call me paranoid, but I think we’d better take James Madison’s advice and “take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties."

  • Russia Celebrates Independence Day By Flying Strategic Bombers 200 Miles Off California Coast

    As Americans stared heavenwards at the sound and fury of incendiary devices lighting the dark to celebrate their independence from an over-taxing monarchy, there were other fireworks going off in the skies above Alaska and California. As Fox News reports, two pairs of Russian bombers flew off the coast of California and Alaska – forcing the Air Force to scramble fighter jets to intercept both flights, according to two senior defense officials who did not confirm if the bombers were armed. As Free Beacon adds, it was the second time Moscow dispatched nuclear-capable bombers into the 200-mile zone surrounding U.S. territory in the past two weeks.


    Watch the latest video at


    As Fox News reports,

    While the United States celebrated Independence Day, two pairs of Russian bombers flew off the coast of California and Alaska — forcing the Air Force to scramble fighter jets to intercept both flights, two senior defense officials tell Fox News.

    The first incident occurred at 10:30 a.m. ET on July 4 off the coast of Alaska, Fox News is told. Two U.S. Air Force F-22 jets were scrambled from their base in Alaska to intercept two Tupolev Tu-95 long-range strategic bombers, capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

    The second incident occurred at 11:00 a.m. ET also on July 4, off the central coast of California. Two F-15s from an undisclosed location were scrambled to intercept another pair of Tu-95 Bear bombers.

    A spokesman for NORAD would not confirm if either pair of bombers was armed.

    As further adds,

    A defense official said the Pacific coast intrusion came close to the U.S. coast but did not enter the 12-mile area that the U.S. military considers sovereign airspace.


    The bomber flights near the Pacific and earlier flights near Alaska appear to be signs Moscow is practicing the targeting of its long-range air-launched cruise missiles on two strategic missile defense sites, one at Fort Greely, Alaska and a second site at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.


    In May, Russian Gen. Nikolai Makarov, the chief of the Russian General Staff, said during a Moscow conference that because missile defense systems are destabilizing, “A decision on pre-emptive use of the attack weapons available will be made when the situation worsens.” The comments highlighted Russian opposition to planned deployments of U.S. missile defense interceptors and sensors in Europe.


    The U.S. defense official called the latest Bear H incident near the U.S. West Coast “Putin’s Fourth of July Bear greeting to Obama.”


    Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, a former Alaska commander for the North American Aerospace Defense Command, said the latest Bear H intrusion appears to be Russian military testing.


    “It’s becoming very obvious that Putin is testing Obama and his national security team,” McInerney told the Free Beacon. “These long-range aviation excursions are duplicating exercises I experienced during the height of the Cold War when I commanded the Alaska NORAD region.



    “These are not good indications of future U.S. Russian relations.”


    Pentagon spokesman Capt. John Kirby said the incident occurred July 4. He said the “out-of-area patrol by two Russian long range bombers … entered the outer [Air Defense Identification Zone]” and the bombers “were visually identified by NORAD fighters.”


    Kirby said the bombers did not enter “sovereign airspace.” He declined to identify the specific distance the aircraft flew from the United States due to operational security concerns. He also declined to identify the types of aircraft used to intercept the bombers.


    In last month’s intercept of two Russian Tu-95 bombers, U.S. F-15s and Canadian CF-18s were used.

    *  *  *

    As Adm. Bill Gortney, the general at the head of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), told reporters in April,

    Russia was using its long-range bomber fleet to "message" the US about Moscow's international military capabilities.


    "They are messaging us. They are messaging us that they are a global power," Gortney said, while noting that the US does "the same sort of thing" to Russia in Europe.

  • The Biggest Winner From The Greek Tragedy

    Long after Greece has left the Eurozone and Germany is using the Deutsche Mark as its currency, the people of the two nations, antagonized to a level unseen since World War II, will be accusing each other of benefiting more from the brief but tumultuous period of the common currency.

    In reality, nobody had put a gun to Greece’s head and told it to lever up, enriching local oligarchs and corrupt politicians, taking advantage of credit that was artificially cheap only due to the common currency and an implicit monetary, if not fiscal, union.

    Germany, whose exports account for nearly 50% of GDP, on the other hand experienced an unprecedented exporting golden age, made possible only due to an artificial currency, the Euro, that was by definition created to be weaker than the Deutsche Mark and benefitted from any bout of weakness in Europe’s periphery, such as the past 5 years.

    The truth is, when things were good nobody second-guessed any decisions for a second, and since the rising economic tide lifted all boats, nobody cared.

    And then the tide rolled out, displaced by trillions in bad loans and gargantuan mountains of sovereign and financial debt, which ultimately would lead to the first, then second, then third and then an all-out cascade of sovereign defaults.

    Sadly, the losers – regardless of the propaganda and jingoist rhetoric – are the ordinary, common, taxpaying people of Germany and Greece (and every other European nation), who enjoyed a few brief years of artificial prosperity, which in retrospect was entirely due to debt, masked well by the “currency swaps” and other financial engineering concocted by banks such as Goldman Sachs, in clear violation of the Maastricht treaty which is now a long-forgotten memory of the founding ideals behind the Eurozone.

    For every loser there is a winner, and in the case of Greece and its tragedy, just as millions are about to lose everything, a few not only made billions but quietly, under the guise of “sovereign bailouts” transferred their entire risk onto the taxpaying public.

    They are shown in the chart below.


    It is that transfer of private-to-public risk, which is also the main reason why the public debt of so many European countries, not only Greece, whose debt is record high despite a default to its private creditors in 2012 and where only 10% of bailout proceeds ever made it to the actual economy…


    … but the entire periphery has soared in the last few years.


    Inevitably, there will be many angry people, because what is about to come to Europe will be hardship unlike anything seen in generations. Our suggestion: before neighbor takes it out on neighbor, study the following map closely because just like Libor was an impossible conspiracy theory until it was a proven fact, what is happening in Europe was propagated and effectuated by one bank more than any other.

    This one:


    Or, one can ignore this as merely yet another conspiracy theory. And that’s fine.

    But there is one critical, factual loose end that has to be investigated.

    Back in June 2012, the ECB, whose head was the recently crowned Mario Draghi who had less than a decade ago worked at none other than Goldman Sachs, was sued by Bloomberg’s legendary Mark Pittman under Freedom of Information rules demanding access to two internal papers drafted for the central bank’s six-member Executive Board. They show how Greece used swaps to hide its borrowings, according to a March 3, 2010, note attached to the papers and obtained by Bloomberg News. The first document is entitled “The impact on government deficit and debt from off-market swaps: the Greek case.” The second reviews Titlos Plc, a securitization that allowed National Bank of Greece SA, the country’s biggest lender, to exchange swaps on Greek government debt for funding from the ECB, the Executive Board said in the cover note. From Bloomberg:

    In the largest derivative transaction disclosed so far, Greece borrowed 2.8 billion euros from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in 2001 through a derivative that swapped dollar- and yen-denominated debt issued by the nation for euros using a historical exchange rate, a move that generated an implied reduction in total borrowings.


    “The Greek authorities had never informed Eurostat about this complex issue, and no opinion on the accounting treatment had been requested,” Eurostat, the Luxembourg-based statistics agency, said in a statement. The watchdog had only “general” discussions with financial institutions over its debt and deficit guidelines when the swap was executed in 2001.


    It is possible that Goldman Sachs asked us for general clarifications,” Eurostat said, declining to elaborate further.

    The ECB’s response: “the European Central Bank said it can’t release files showing how Greece may have used derivatives to hide its borrowings because disclosure could still inflame the crisis threatening the future of the single currency.

    Considering the crisis of the (not so) single currency is very much “inflamed” right now as it is about to be proven it was never “irreversible”, perhaps it is time for at least one aspiring, true journalist, unafraid of disturbing the status quo of wealthy oligarchs and central planners, to at least bring some closure to the Greek people as they are swept out of the Eurozone which has so greatly benefited the very same Goldman Sachs whose former lackey is currently deciding the immediate fate of over €100 billion in Greek savings.

    Because something tells us the reason why Mario Draghi personally blocked Bloomberg’s FOIA into the circumstances surrounding Goldman’s structuring, and hiding, of Greek debt that allowed not only Goldman to receive a substantial fee on the transaction, but permitted Greece to enter the Eurozone when it should never have been allowed there in the first place, is that the person who oversaw and personally endorsed the perpetuation of the Greek lie is none other than Goldman’s Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Goldman Sachs International from 2002 to 2005. The man who is also now in charge of the ECB.

    Mario Draghi.

  • What It Really Takes For a US-Iran Deal

    Authored by Pepe Escobar, Op-Ed via,

    Forget the mad spinning. Here it is, in a nutshell, what it really takes for Iran and the P5+1 to clinch a game-changing nuclear deal before the new July 7 deadline.

    Iran and the P5+1 agreed in Lausanne on a “comprehensive plan of action,” taking into account delicate constitutional considerations in both the US and Iran. A crucial part of the plan is the mechanism to get rid of sanctions. Lausanne – and now Vienna – is not a treaty; it’s an action plan. There will be a declaration when a deal is reached. But there won’t be a signing ceremony.

    The next important step is what happens at the UN Security Council (UNSC). All the concerned parties at the UNSC will endorse a declaration, and a resolution – which is still being negotiated – will render null and void all previous sanctions resolutions.

    As it stands, all the parties – except the US government – want to go to the UNSC as soon as possible. Washington remains, at best, reticent.

    Iranian negotiators have made it very clear at the table that Tehran will start implementing its nuclear restriction commitments – removal of a number of centrifuges, removal of the core of Arak’s reactor, disposal of uranium stock, etc. – immediately. The IAEA will be constantly checking Iran has complied with an extensive list.

    But it has to be a parallel process; the US and the EU must for their part and “take physical action”, tackling the complex mechanism of lifting all economic sanctions. Once again; a UNSC signature instantly erases all previous sanctions.

    And here is something crucial; all of this has been agreed in Lausanne. The work must be simultaneous, as stressed, in tandem, by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and EU representative Federica Mogherini.

    Those fateful parameters

    Meanwhile, we have the media centrifuges spinning like mad, as I described here. On the negotiating table, there are still skirmishes related to the US desire in trying to “prove a negative” – as in the “possible military dimensions” (PMD) of Iran’s nuclear program.Logically, you don't need to be a neo-Wittgenstein to see that’s impossible.

    The deadline extension from June 30 to July 7 is mostly about finding – rather, finding again – a “reasonable common narrative” inbuilt in the Lausanne framework, and even before.

    This means Washington should make the political decision to tone down repeated attempts to introduce new demands. Iranian officials admit, “we may have had disagreements on how we do simultaneous work,” but that’s part of Lausanne. New demands are not.

    In Lausanne, US Secretary of State John Kerry and Foreign Minister Zarif agreed on a “set of parameters” – after excruciating nine hours of debate.They also agreed, crucially, that both sides would refrain from humiliating one another publicly.

    The recent record shows that’s been the case – as far as negotiators and diplomats are concerned. On the other hand, US corporate media predictably has been wreaking the proverbial havoc.

    Which brings us to the clincher; Iranian negotiators have yet to detect a readiness of the US government to really change the “culture of sanctions” in the UNSC. And here a diplomatic consensus emerges, involving, very significantly, Russia and Germany; this agreement will be made – or broken – on one crucial point; whether the Obama administration wants to lift the sanctions or keep them.

    Watch the BRICS front

    The least one can say about what’s really happening in the Palais Coburg since this past weekend is that the Obama administration’s position is oscillating wildly. There seems to be – finally – some movement on the American side in the sense they feel a strategic interest in changing the situation.

    That will depend, of course, on the Obama administration’s evaluation of all factions operating in the Beltway establishment. Diplomats in Vienna agree Kerry is personally involved in trying to change the equation. So this means the ball is really in the US court.

    But all’s still murky; even oscillating wildly; the Americans continue to entertain what an Iranian official described to me as “buyer’s remorse” regarding what they agreed on Lausanne in the first place.

    Serious, key sticking points remain. The duration of the sanctions; confidentiality issues – as in the US, especially, respecting terms of access to Iranian military installations; and what’s defined as “managed access” under certain conditions.

    Also very crucial is the BRICS front at the P5+1. Neither China nor Russia wants to see any exacerbation of tensions, in Southwest Asia and beyond, because a deal is not clinched. The bottom line; with their eye in the Big Picture – as in Eurasia integration – both are committed to facilitate a deal.

    Until tomorrow, all remains in play. Obama has been spinning he doesn’t want a “bad deal”. That’s not the issue. The issue is Obama himself making the fateful political decision of abandoning the weapon of choice of US foreign policy; sanctions. Has he got what it takes to pull it off?

  • Are You Ready For The e-PATRIOT Act?

    Submitted by Mark Nestmann via,

    Earlier this month, news emerged that the US government had suffered its worst cyberattack ever.

    On June 4, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) revealed that hackers had penetrated its networks, possibly for many months. The data thieves stole personal information of up to 18 million current and former federal government applicants and employees.

    There’s a good chance the attack is even worse than what you’ve read about. The OPM hack included a database holding security clearance information on hundreds of thousands of federal employees and contractors. This database contains details of applicants’ financial and investment records, family members, and even names of neighbors and close friends.

    Another database that may have been breached includes criminal history, psychological records, and information about past drug use. The hackers might even have acquired detailed personal and sexual profiles obtained through lie detector tests.

    With all the talk of Edward Snowden and the supposed “irreparable” damage he did to US interests, this theft is a lot worse. While OPM doesn’t hold personnel records for the CIA, it does for other US intelligence agencies. The hackers now know the identity of hundreds of thousands of federal employees with security clearances. Not only that, they also have sensitive background information on each of them, which they could easily use for blackmail.

    Oh, and get this – the breach wasn’t actually discovered by the OPM. It was only uncovered during a sales demonstration by a security company named CyTech Services.

    So what does the Obama administration want to do to solve the problem?

    For starters, it’s proposed “economic sanctions” against China, which it holds responsible for the attack. We’ve seen how effective those were against Russia after the US imposed them last year in the wake of its takeover of Crimea. There’s no reason to think that sanctions against China will be any more effective.

    Obama administration officials, led by the FBI, also want to force US companies to insert “back doors” into their encryption products that the government can unlock with the appropriate key. That’s a horrible idea, because strong encryption is really the only certain way to protect sensitive databases from this type of attack. And of course, there’s a very real prospect that hackers might discover the back door. That’s happened on numerous occasions in the past.

    And Obama wants Congress to pass a bill to strengthen federal cybersecurity legislation. In April, the House passed its version of the bill and sent it to the Senate. Only a few days after the OPM hack, Senate leaders tacked on the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) to a defense bill to avoid debate on the measure. It didn’t work – the Senate failed to advance the legislation.

    It’s no wonder they didn’t want a debate. CISA provides liability protection for businesses that voluntarily share “cyberthreat” data with the government. But it also creates a back-door channel for government agencies to retrieve, analyze, and store enormous volumes of personal data. And since information sharing would be voluntary, the government would be able to obtain all of this information without a warrant. Think of it as an “e-PATRIOT Act.”

    Is there a better way? Yes.

    The biggest change needed is that both private companies and the feds should encrypt all data – everything. And they should use strong, peer-reviewed encryption protocols – not the watered-down variety with back doors that the Obama administration wants them to adopt.

    Sure, this will make life more difficult for the likes of the NSA and other spy agencies to carry out domestic surveillance. But investigators can still seize domestic phone records, email header data, and much more, without a warrant. Encrypting everything won’t affect access to this data.

    In the meantime, what can you do to protect your own data from cybersecurity breaches? As is often the case, some of the best solutions are outside the politically charged atmosphere of the US.

    First, subscribe to a robust virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt the data stream on your smartphone and your PC. I use one called “Cryptohippie.” The company’s only US presence is to authenticate connections to Cryptohippie servers in other countries. None of Cryptohippie’s servers are in the United States.

    Second, use an email program that facilitates transmission of encrypted messages. My personal choice is Thunderbird, along with a free plug-in called Enigmail. Once you exchange encryption keys with the people you correspond with, Enigmail automatically encrypts and decrypts your messages.

    Third, if you use webmail services, ditch US providers such as Gmail and the online version of Microsoft Outlook (formerly Hotmail). Use a non-US service that is serious about security and encryption. I use a company called Century Media, which has its servers in Switzerland, for this purpose, but there are many other choices.

    A good time to begin securing your electronic life would be today. The US government certainly isn’t going to do it for you.

  • Can China Keep Miami's Condo Bubble From Bursting?

    After Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign emptied the VIP baccarat tables in Macau causing gaming revenue to plunge 40% month after painful month, China’s stock market miracle might well have functioned as a convenient outlet for the gambling propensities of the country’s ultra rich.

    That all came to a rather unceremonious end three weeks ago when the unwind of as much as CNY1 trillion in backdoor margin lending triggered a terrifying 30% collapse in Chinese equities. 

    Fortunately for China’s ultra rich, dollar strength has served to completely eliminate the South American bid from Miami’s once-booming condo market. As a reminder, here is the situation in South Florida:

    As you can see, price increases leveled off in H1. The reason (according to Kevin Maloney, founder and principal of Property Markets Group who spoke to Bloomberg last month): “A very strong shift in the last year in the dollar … has literally pushed whole countries out of the marketplace.”

    Yes, whole Latin American countries (and maybe a few Russian oligarchs), but certainly not China, and what better way to shore up a market in which price appreciation has recently flatlined after three consecutive years of 15%+ gains than to lure in Chinese buyers who, having helped send Manhattan condo prices to nosebleed levels and who are perhaps now looking for less volatile places to park their fortunes having watched their domestic stock market take a nosedive, may now be looking for a fourth, fifth, or sixth home away from home. WSJ has more

    Wealthy buyers from Brazil, Venezuela and Argentina have fueled a real-estate frenzy in Miami in recent years, sending luxury-condo prices soaring. Now, Miami developers and real-estate agents are setting their sights on a more distant part of the world: China.


    In April, representatives for several Miami condo buildings made the 8,000-mile-trip to the Beijing Luxury Property Show, a trade show that attracted more than 5,200 wealthy Chinese to look at international properties. Sales agents for the Fendi Chateau Residences, a luxury development going up near Florida’s Bal Harbour, handed out brochures in Mandarin for condos priced from $5 million to $22 million. Nearby was Lauren Marks, the marketing coordinator for two luxury-condo buildings: Palazzo Del Sol and the forthcoming Palazzo Della Luna, on Miami’s Fisher Island.


    “I’m here on a fact-finding mission,” said Ms. Marks. “I’m trying to decide if this is the right place for us to facilitate a meaningful relationship with Chinese buyers.”


    Executives of the Miami Association of Realtors, the largest local group of the National Association of Realtors, were there, too, handing out Miami market data and gold palm-tree pins attached to a card with the tagline, written in Chinese, “Enjoy the unique taste of life.”


    Part of the reason for their journey: South American buyers, who comprise the largest foreign buying group in Miami, aren’t buying as rapidly anymore. A recent study by the Miami Downtown Development Authority found that sales of new condo units still under construction have slowed, in part because South American investors have less buying power, due to the increase of the U.S. dollar compared with South American currencies.


    Meanwhile, Chinese buyers are beginning to take a closer look at the city. “The Chinese are coming along very strong,” said Simon Henry, co-founder of, a China-based website that connects wealthy Chinese with overseas properties. “Miami looks relatively cheap compared with some of the big cities like San Francisco and New York.” Juwai says the average budget for Chinese buyers shopping for overseas properties on its site is $2.3 million.



    Currently, only 2% of international buyers in Miami come from China, according to the Miami Association of Realtors. But potential changes in Chinese investment policies, and the relatively strong Chinese yuan, are making the Chinese look like a good bet to Miami developers. The Chinese government is expected to begin raising annual limits on how much an individual can invest overseas from the current $50,000 cap—a rule often skirted.


    And Chinese buyers have become an increasingly dominant force in U.S. real estate overall. According to the National Association of Realtors, Chinese buyers recently surpassed Canadians as the top foreign buyers of homes in the U.S., purchasing $28.6 billion of properties in the 12-month period ending in March.

    There it is. The reason why Carlos Rosso, president of Related Group of Florida so confidently told Bloomberg last month that this time is “different” and that the current deceleration in condo price appreciation will not soon turn into a rout.

    In short, Miami condo developers are depending on the China bid to rescue the market from overbuilding much as the entire world depended on China to absorb oversupply in the lead up to the financial crisis. We’ll check back next quarter to see if an influx of Chinese buyers was enough to stop prices from posting their first Y/Y decline in seven years.

  • Russia Is Taking Full Advantage Of Greek Crisis

    Submitted by Nick Cunningham via,

    With Greece’s debt situation spiraling downwards, the European project is showing some cracks. The July 5 referendum could amount to a vote on whether or not Greece stays in the euro.

    In the meantime, the turmoil offers an opportunity for Russia to advance its interests. Of course, the EU is an absolutely critical trading partner for Russia, so if the bloc starts to fray at the seams, that presents financial risks to an already struggling Russian economy. Russia’s central bank governor Elvira Nabiulllina warned in June of the brewing threat that a Greek default would have on Russia. “We do consider that scenario as one of possible risks which would increase turbulence in the financial markets in the European market, bearing in mind the fact the European Union is one of major trading partners, and we are definitely worried by it,” she said in an interview with CNBC.

    With the economic fallout in mind, Russia does see strategic opportunities in growing discord within Europe. First, Russia is pushing its Turkish Stream Pipeline, a natural gas pipeline that it has proposed that would run from Russia through Turkey and link up in Greece. From there, Russian gas would travel on to the rest of Europe. Russia is vying against a separate pipeline project that would send natural gas from the Caspian Sea through Turkey and on to Europe.

    In mid-June, Alexis Tsipras met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Russia and Greece signed a memorandum following the meeting to push the project forward. Russia’s energy minister Alexander Novak emphasized that Gazprom would not own the section of the pipeline on Greek territory, a crucial fact that avoids heavy antitrust scrutiny from EU regulators.

    With an eye on the looming default, Russia agreed to finance the project, and Greek officials portrayed the project as economic assistance amidst its ongoing debt crisis.

    The pipeline remains in limbo. Despite Russian insistence that construction could begin in 2016 and be completed by 2019, the 2 billion euro project does not have firm commitments from Turkey, and it also still faces opposition within Europe, which is trying to wean itself off of Russian gas.

    But with Greece’s debt crisis hitting new lows, there remains the possibility that Russia could come to Greece’s aid if the latter starts to pull away from Europe. And Greece has tried to use a potential turn towards Russia as leverage in talks with Europe.

    To be sure, a Russian bailout for Greece is probably not in the cards, given Russia’s own financial troubles. And both Russian and Greek officials stressed that they did not discuss direct financial assistance when they met in June. Still, there are mutual benefits for both Russia and Greece in highlighting their relationship.

    Another way that Russia may be benefitting from the unravelling of Greece is the fact that the attention of European officials and the media have been diverted away from Gazprom’s latest maneuver in Ukraine. The Russian company cut off gas supplies to Ukraine, citing a pricing dispute. Gazprom slashed the discount that it provided to Ukraine for importing its gas, and without prepayment upfront from Ukraine, the Russian company has stated it will not supply gas.

    That is not the first instance in which Russia has turned off the taps, having done so in 2006 and 2008 as well. Russia cited pricing disputes in those cases as well. But those prior events also took place during a brutally cold winter, leaving parts of Eastern Europe to freeze. The message was clear: fall in line, or we will cut off your energy supplies.

    Of course, that sparked outrage in European capitals, leading to calls for greater European energy security. But after years of little progress, the conflict in Ukraine in 2014 kicked of a new era of icy relations between Russia and Europe, and renewed calls for energy independence from Russia.

    One would think that Russia once again cutting of gas flows to Ukraine would certainly raise howls across Europe, but the Greek crisis is sucking all of the air out of the room and crowding out media attention. The fact that the latest incident took place during summer and not winter helped damp down a European reaction, and Russia was careful to insist that Europe would not be affected. But the incident has passed with much less of a reaction than one might have thought.

    There are huge financial risks to Russia from chaos in the Eurozone, and the longer the crisis drags out the more likely there could be economic fallout for Russia. But Putin no doubt sees a silver lining in collapsing European unity.

  • In China, Hairdresser Bull Call Goes Horribly Wrong, Broker IPO Crashes 31%

    Around two weeks ago, Wang Weidong, who WSJ describes as “one of China’s top fund managers,” drew a crowd so large at the Grand Hyatt in Lujiazui that the building’s air conditioning unit was, much like the SHCOMP’s volume tracking software in April, overwhelmed by the sheer number of aspiring Chinese day traders in attendance.

    The message was clear: buy Chinese stocks.

    “The 4000 level was only the beginning of the bull market,” Wang said, implicitly suggesting that the greater fool theory of investing is the way to go if you’re trading on the SHCOMP or the Shenzhen. Wang even went so far as to suggest that anyone who chose to take a vacation instead of spending their holidays day trading was making a big mistake. “They say the world is too big and I need to go and take a look. I would say, the stock market is hot, so how can I leave it behind?” he asked.

    Anyone who took that advice — and you can bet quite a few of the 600 attendees did — was in for a rude awakening.

    Chinese stocks have suffered a brutal sell-off over the past three weeks as a massive unwind in the shadowy world of backdoor margin lending has overwhelmed official efforts to stop the bleeding and indeed, even a weekend move by the PBoC to pledge central bank support for increased margin lending (and yes, that is as ludicrous as it sounds) wasn’t enough to stabilize the market as evidenced by the SHCOMP’s wild ride on Monday.

    Here’s WSJ with more on why your hairdresser won’t always be right when it comes to identifying attractive entry points.

    On a hot, humid Sunday afternoon in mid-June, around 600 eager stock investors packed the largest ballroom at the Grand Hyatt in Lujiazui, Shanghai’s equivalent of Wall Street.


    With Chinese stocks at a seven-year high, the investors had gathered to listen to a talk by one of China’s top fund managers, Wang Weidong, of Adding Investment. The crowd was so large, the air conditioning couldn’t keep up and hotel staffers brought in chairs and bottled water for the sweaty participants.


    Today the Shanghai index and smaller, more-volatile indexes in Shenzhen are off more than a quarter from highs reached in June.


    Even after the peak, new investors opened millions of brokerage accounts so they could play the rally. Sophie Wang, a 32-year-old college art teacher in Nanjing, said in a recent interview that she opened her first stock trading account two weeks ago and bought some shares on “the advice of my hairdresser.”



    Ms. Wang said her holdings are down 32%. “I don’t really follow news on stocks that closely. My hairdresser said it was still a bull market and I needed to get in,” she said. 


    She said she didn’t know what to do when the market started falling and she is still holding her shares.


    The government has shown increasing concern about the selloff, but its efforts, including an interest-rate cut, have failed to stem the slide. On Saturday, Beijing took its most-decisive action yet, suspending initial public offerings and establishing a market-stabilization fund to spur stock purchases. The Chinese central bank also pledged to provide funding to support brokerages’ margin finance operations that allow investors to borrow cash to buy stocks.


    China has suspended IPOs before in hopes of boosting the market by way of cutting supply. This time, the stakes are higher because an estimated four trillion yuan ($645 billion) worth of IPOs was in the works, and Beijing had hoped to use a buoyant stock market to help heavily indebted companies raise cash.

    Speaking of IPOs, it appears as though brokers are just as ineffective at propping up their own shares as they are at providing plunge protection for the broader market, because as the following from Bloomberg makes clear, Guolian Securities’ debut did not go as planned

    Chinese brokerage Guolian Securities Co.’s shares tumbled in the worst major Hong Kong trading debut since 2011, even after China rolled out emergency measures to stabilize the nation’s stock market.


    Guolian closed 31 percent lower than its offer price at HK$5.51. 


    Guolian’s debut was the worst since 2011 for any Hong Kong initial share sale of at least $100 million, Bloomberg-compiled data show. While the securities firm’s shares were in part catching up with market declines since the stock was priced on June 26, investors are concerned that the Chinese slump isn’t over, Castor Pang, head of research at Core Pacific Yamaichi in Hong Kong, said by phone.

    Where we go from here is anyone’s guess because as we noted on Sunday evening, retail investor psychology has now suffered irreparable damage, meaning panicked hairdressers and banana vendors looking to sell the rips will be battling the PBoC for control of an insanely volatile market.

    In short, expect the wild swings investors have seen over the course of the last two months to continue and indeed to become even more exaggerated as the battle between Politburo plunge protection and frantic farmer selling heats up.

  • There is Only One Way Out For Greece

    Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,

    Brussels has been dead wrong. The stupid idea that the euro will bring stability and peace, as it was sold from the outset, has migrated to European domination as if this were “Game of Thrones”. Those in power have misread history, almost at every possible level. The assumption that the D-marks’ strength was a good thing that would transfer to the euro has failed because they failed to comprehend the backdrop to the D-mark.


    Germany moved opposite of the USA toward extreme austerity and conservative economics because of its experience with hyperinflation. The USA moved toward stimulation because of the austerity policies that created the Great Depression, which led to a shortage of money, and many cities had to issue their own currency just to function. The federal government thought, like Brussels today, that they had to up the confidence in the bond market and that called for raising taxes and cutting spending at the expense of the people. The same thinking process has played out numerous times throughout history. Our problem is that no one ever asks – Hey, did someone try this before? Did it work? This is why history repeats – we do ZERO research when it comes to economics. It is all hype and self-interest.


    1000 drachma


    Greece should immediately begin to print drachma. By no means has the introduction of a new currency been a walk in the park. There is always a learning curve, as in the case of East Germany’s adoption of the Deutsche mark, the Czech-Slovak divorce of 1993, and the creation of the euro itself . However, the bulk of transactions today are electronic, meaning we are dealing with an accounting issue more than anything. The euro existed electronically BEFORE it became printed money; Greece should do the same right now.




    The difference concerning East Germany and others was the fact that there was no history. This is more akin to the 1933 devaluation of the dollar by FDR whereby an executive order reneged on promises to pay prior debt in gold. This would be similar. The new drachma should be issued at two-per euro, only because the people will think the drachma should be worth less than a euro based on pride. If the new drachma is issued at par, the speculators will sell, assuming it will decline. Issue it at 50% and you will eventually see the opposite trend emerge once people see the contagion begin to spread.

    Brussels already cut off the banks in Greece. All accounts in Greece should be electronically switched to drachmas. Begin to issue printed drachma for small change. The umbilical cord to Brussels must be cut immediately for Greece to stand on its own. You cannot negotiate with people who will not change their view of the world, for their own self-interest will cloud their perspective.

    All EXTERNAL debt should be suspended. Any future resolution of debt should be reduced by 50% to account for the overvaluation of prior debt, thanks to the euro, and any interest previously paid should be deducted from the total loan.

    All income tax should be abolished and the only taxation should be indirect. A close examination of the cost of government should be carried out and as many aspects of government as possible should be privatized and put out for bid. For example, motor vehicle and police agencies can privatize, eliminating pensions paid by the government. The size of government must be addressed, or Greece will risk civil war between government workers and private citizens.

    Eliminating the income tax is critical and desperately needed for job creation. Small business must be profitable to begin to creating jobs and those who had to leave, whom are the nations’ brightest, will return. Bring your best talent home and build an economy.

    London Agreement signed Aug 1953

    Eliminating the debt is critical. Some 20 nations forgave all debt for Germany after World War II. The London Agreement on German External Debts, also known as the London Debt Agreement, was a debt relief treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and its creditor nations that concluded August 8, 1953.

    London Agreement 1953

    The London Debt Agreement covered a number of different types of German debt, both public and private, from before and after World War II. Some of them arose directly out of the efforts to finance the reparations system, while others reflect extensive lending, mostly by U.S. investors to German firms and governments. Those who forgave German debt: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Greece, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Pakistan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, South Africa, the United States, Yugoslavia, and others. The total amount under negotiation was 16 billion marks of debt, a result of the Treaty of Versailles after World War I, a debt that went unpaid during the 1930s that Germany decided to repay to restore its reputation. This was money owed to government and private banks in the U.S., France, and Britain. Another 16 billion marks represented postwar loans by the USA. Under the London Debts Agreement of 1953, the repayable amount was reduced by 50% to about 15 billion marks and stretched out over 30 years, and compared to the fast-growing German economy were of minor impact.

    Therefore, what enabled Germany to rise from the ashes is a successful model. Greece too must be debt free. End federal borrowing, suspend all debt, and do not accept any more bailouts from Brussels.

  • This Is How Much It Cost To Keep The Shanghai Composite Green For A Day

    Over the weekend, as China scrambled to put together a coherent plan to combat the vicious equity sell-off that has pruned nearly 30% off the market’s world-beating rally, we remarked that the entire effort looked quite similar to what took place in the wake of Black Thursday some eight and a half decades ago: 

    “The move by the broker consortium is reminiscent of an ill-fated 1929 effort by JP Morgan and others to support the US market after Black Thursday and is, according to some, doomed to fail because i) it is a laughably small effort compared to daily turnover in China, and ii) it targets the wrong kind of stocks.”

    The “consortium” refers to the 21 brokers who came together on Saturday and pledged 15% of their net assets to support the flagging Chinese stock market. The PBoC later (on Sunday) announced it would channel funds to the China Securities Finance Corp which will in turn use the cash to help brokerages expand their businesses and reinvigorate stocks. 

    The message was clear: stocks absolutely could not open red on Monday morning.

    Consider the following from BofAML which shows just how imperative it was for the SHCOMP to open green: “We suspect that the initial PBoC loans to CSFC will be used on Monday morning to fund the MSF until brokers’ funds arrive (by 11am on Monday as ordered by the CSRC).”

    In other words, the $20 billion or so in committed broker funds needed to be in place the second the market opened and not a minute later and if that meant the central bank had to front the money while the CSFC waited on the broker cash to clear then so be it. Here’s Bloomberg:

    21 Chinese brokerages had transferred at least 128b yuan to China Securities Finance Corp. as of 11am Monday, Shanghai Securities News reports on Weibo, citing Wang Min, deputy head of Securities Association of China.

    That explains the opening 8% ramp on the SHCOMP. Of course by the end of the session, whatever boost stocks received from early buying had almost entirely worn off, supporting the contention that, to quote one Bocom equity strategist who spoke to Bloomberg over the weekend, “that CNY120 billion won’t last for an hour in this market.” 

    With all of the above in mind, we bring you the following chart which, by way of comparison with the above-mentioned JP Morgan Black Thursday plunge protection team, shows you how effective China’s effort is likely to be.

  • Greece Fallout: Italy & Spain Have Funded A Massive Backdoor Bailout Of French Banks

    Submitted by Benn Steil and Dinah Walker via The Council on Foreign Relations,

    In March 2010, two months before the announcement of the first Greek bailout, European banks had €134 billion worth of claims on Greece.  French banks, as shown in the right-hand figure below, had by far the largest exposure: €52 billion – this was 1.6 times that of Germany, eleven times that of Italy, and sixty-two times that of Spain.


    The €110 billion of loans provided to Greece by the IMF and Eurozone in May 2010 enabled Greece to avoid default on its obligations to these banks.  In the absence of such loans, France would have been forced into a massive bailout of its banking system.  Instead, French banks were able virtually to eliminate their exposure to Greece by selling bonds, allowing bonds to mature, and taking partial write-offs in 2012.  The bailout effectively mutualized much of their exposure within the Eurozone.

    The impact of this backdoor bailout of French banks is being felt now, with Greece on the precipice of an historic default.  Whereas in March 2010 about 40% of total European lending to Greece was via French banks, today only 0.6% is.  Governments have filled the breach, but not in proportion to their banks’ exposure in 2010.  Rather, it is in proportion to their paid-up capital at the ECB – which in France’s case is only 20%.

    In consequence, France has actually managed to reduce its total Greek exposure – sovereign and bank – by €8 billion, as seen in the main figure above.  In contrast, Italy, which had virtually no exposure to Greece in 2010 now has a massive one: €39 billion.  Total German exposure is up by a similar amount – €35 billion.  Spain has also seen its exposure rocket from nearly nothing in 2009 to €25 billion today.

    In short, France has managed to use the Greek bailout to offload €8 billion in junk debt onto its neighbors and burden them with tens of billions more in debt they could have avoided had Greece simply been allowed to default in 2010.  The upshot is that Italy and Spain are much closer to financial crisis today than they should be.

  • Obamacare Sticker Shock Arrives: Insurance Premiums To Soar 20-40%

    Two months ago, we outlined why the CPI-boosting Affordable Care Act is on the verge of bankrupting that all important driver of the US economic growth engine — the American consumer.

    Put simply, inflation in medical care services costs hadn’t yet reared its ugly head because many insurers were as yet unable to gauge the full base-effect impact of Obamacare on their P&L. That, we said, was about to change: “After finally digesting the true cost of Obamacare, any recent insurance prime hikes will seem like a walk in the park compared to what is coming.


    Sure enough, insurers have now taken a close look at exactly how much socialized medicine is costing them.

    Not surprisingly, the picture isn’t pretty.

    In some cases, forecasters grossly underestimated the number of claims they would likely receive, and indeed, even a PhD economist can tell you that when the amount going out for claims is greater than the amount coming in via premiums, there’s a problem with the model and because staunching the outflow is effectively now forbidden, something has to give on the receivables side of the equation which means dramatically higher premiums.

    NY Times has the story:

    Health insurance companies around the country are seeking rate increases of 20 percent to 40 percent or more, saying their new customers under the Affordable Care Act turned out to be sicker than expected. Federal officials say they are determined to see that the requests are scaled back.


    Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans — market leaders in many states — are seeking rate increases that average 23 percent in Illinois, 25 percent in North Carolina, 31 percent in Oklahoma, 36 percent in Tennessee and 54 percent in Minnesota, according to documents posted online by the federal government and state insurance commissioners and interviews with insurance executives.



    The Oregon insurance commissioner, Laura N. Cali, has just approved 2016 rate increases for companies that cover more than 220,000 people. Moda Health Plan, which has the largest enrollment in the state, received a 25 percent increase, and the second-largest plan, LifeWise, received a 33 percent increase.


    Jesse Ellis O’Brien, a health advocate at the Oregon State Public Interest Research Group, said: “Rate increases will be bigger in 2016 than they have been for years and years and will have a profound effect on consumers here. Some may start wondering if insurance is affordable or if it’s worth the money.”


    The rate requests, from some of the more popular health plans, suggest that insurance markets are still adjusting to shock waves set off by the Affordable Care Act.


    Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico has requested rate increases averaging 51 percent for its 33,000 members. The proposal elicited tart online comments from consumers.

    “This rate increase is ridiculous,” one subscriber wrote on the website of the New Mexico insurance superintendent.


    In their submissions to federal and state regulators, insurers cite several reasons for big rate increases. These include the needs of consumers, some of whom were previously uninsured; the high cost of specialty drugs; and a policy adopted by the Obama administration in late 2013 that allowed some people to keep insurance that did not meet new federal standards.


    “Our enrollees generated 24 percent more claims than we thought they would when we set our 2014 rates,” said Nathan T. Johns, the chief financial officer of Arches Health Plan, which covers about one-fourth of the people who bought insurance through the federal exchange in Utah. As a result, the company said, it collected premiums of $39.7 million and had claims of $56.3 million in 2014. It has requested rate increases averaging 45 percent for 2016.


    The rate requests are the first to reflect a full year of experience with the new insurance exchanges and federal standards that require insurers to accept all applicants, without charging higher prices because of a person’s illness or disability.

    There you go. Precisely as we said, the ACA and of course the ballooning cost of new drugs proxied by Janet Yellen’s “stretched” biotech sector mean manidtorily insured Americans will now be charged more. Much more.

    But do not despair because where there’s an Obama there’s always “hope”. And on that note, we’ll leave you with the following, from the President:

    If insurance regulators “do their job, my expectation is that [rates hikes] will come in significantly lower than what’s being requested.”

  • Is It Slowing China Or Grexit That Is Driving Financial Market Price Changes?

    Submitted by Bryce Coward via Gavekal Capital blog,

    While some of the post Greferendum moves in financial markets could have been and were predicted by the financial punditry – lower euro, lower stocks, lower US bond yields, higher gold – the real moves have appeared elsewhere.

    Indeed, as of this writing the euro is only lower against the USD by less than .5%, the MSCI World Index is barely off by 1%, bonds are bid, but not emphatically, and gold is only marginally higher.

    The real moves have been in oil (WTI down 6.3% and Brent down 5%) and copper (down 3.9%).

    While at first glance this may strike one as odd, there could be something larger at work.

    Perhaps the more important catalyst for asset price changes of late is Chinese economic slowing rather than fears of Grexit?


    picture 2 picture 1


    As the charts above show, Chinese industrial output is closely related to oil and copper prices. Or said differently, oil and copper prices are closely related to Chinese economic activity and the slowing of which is having a direct impact on these growth sensitive commodities.

  • "Greece Is Coming To Your Neighborhood" Marc Faber Warns

    “Wake up people of the world and investors. Greece will come to your neighborhood very soon, maybe not this year, but next year or whenever it is, because the world is over infected. And defaults will follow, or they will have to create very high inflation rates.”

    That’s Marc Faber’s message to all of those who may still think that Greece doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. In an interview with Bloomberg TV, Faber talks Greece, China, and of course the Fed.

    On Greece:

    And everybody knows in the world that Greece cannot pay its debt at the current size. So what will happen, in my view, is either Greece will leave the EU and will suffer very badly for a few months, maybe even longer. There will be a cash shortage. Or the EU, and the ECB and the IMF will have to cut a significant haircut. And Tsipras proposed a haircut of something like 30 percent. I don’t think that’s enough. I think they will need a haircut of at least 50 percent.


    I think the likelihood of contagion is very high. And I have to say when you have a borrower, you also have a lender. And it’s actually, in my view, amazing how the EU kept on pumping money into Greece, partly also to bail out their own banks. And suddenly now the debt is no longer manageable.


    And I would say, wake up people of the world and investors. Greece will come to your neighborhood very soon, maybe not this year, but next year or whenever it is, because the world is over infected. And defaults will follow, or they will have to create very high inflation rates. 

    On China:

    Well my view was that after this 100 percent increase in Chinese stocks and huge speculation, and huge speculation on margin, margin index in China, the percent of the economy, was almost twice as large as in the U.S. So it was very large. And my view was that the market would fall from the peak by at least 40 percent.


    And I still maintain that — that the market will move lower before it starts to move up again. But I don’t think we’ll see a new high in China for some time.


    I think the economy is very weak by Chinese growth standards. And we’ve seen that also in industrial commodity prices. I think lots of sectors in China are no longer growing. 

    On ‘liftoff’:

    Well, as you know, the majority of Fed’s governors that are voting are those that always they will use any excuse to essentially delay a rate increase. 

    Full interview:

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  • Meanwhile, Back In Obama Legacy-Land

    Problems… “solved”




  • Why Greece Matters A Lot: The Case Of Europe's Falling Dominoes

    Over the weekend, we showed why contrary to unfounded speculation that Greece is entirely contained, there are still extensive linkages when it comes to the fallout a Grexit would reap if not directly on private commercial banks which over the years managed to offload their Greek exposure to the Europe’s taxpayers….

    … but on the sovereign economies of the Eurozone as well as the ECB, at first via the EFSF, then also via the SMP, the MRO, Target 2 and so on.

    Overnight, Barclays took this analysis and also showed the absolute national euro exposure to Greece broken down by bailout program and also as a % of respective host nation’s GDP. What it found is the following:

    And here is what it looks like when we redo our prior chart showing just European Grexit exposure via EFSF, to total sovereign exposure as a % of GDP. The total amount in question: €341 billion, or just about 3.4% of the €10 trillion in notional European GDP.


    But wait, rules-based Europe has “firewalls” now, all laid out and proper, so there can’t possibly be contagion.

    Only that’s not true: for example, two years after introducing the OMT, the ECB still does not even have a regular term sheet laying out the rules of what the purpose of the OMT is aside to be some massive, amorphous “whatever it takes” bazooka. And as for the ECB’s QE, it is all downhill from here as net issuance in Europe trickle to a halt, and the ECB risks crushing an already illiquid bond market by monetizing even more of it. Of course, it could engage in outright stock monetization but that would be the signal that the end of the current system is truly near.

    As for “rules-based”, we’ll just leave that to the ECB which just hiked Greek bank collateral effectively admitting the banks are insolvent, but not too insolvent, because now the ECB is officially and without doubt a political entity whose only purpose is to further political agenda.

    But that’s just the beginning, and as Barclays cautions investors have largely taken the view that even if the worst case scenario did unfold, the impact on portfolios would be manageable. At this point Barclays warns that it is perfectly plausible that this Sunday’s “no” vote may not follow the benign narrative that markets have largely adopted.

    Below are some of the scenarios where the contagion will be worse than any algo, not to mention central banker, expects:

    The backstops are not entirely infallible


    Some of the backstops, if needed, are either untested or incomplete. One example might be the new banking union. At present, the €55bn resolution fund is still 95% unfunded, deposit guarantee schemes are still mostly ex-post funded and there is still no pan-European deposit insurance. More importantly, holdings of peripheral debt on domestic bank balance sheets are rising substantially in recent years. In Italy and Spain, for instance, domestic government bonds as a percent of total bank assets have risen from 1.5% and 2.3% respectively in 2009, to 6.5% and 7.8% at end 2014 and February 2015 respectively. Any period of prolonged, significant peripheral stress would almost surely lead to some, perhaps significant, widening in bank credit spreads.


    As for the ECB’s OMT programme, it has never been tested and it is not quite the pure “lender of last resort” backstop many in the market have come to believe it to be. To start, ECB OMT purchases come with significant conditionality. Any country seeking this assistance must apply for a programme, which would almost surely come with fiscal and structural reform prescriptions.


    Greek exit and an official sector default would be new precedents


    The biggest risk for contagion, in our view, is that the Greek “no” vote would most likely set in motion two precedents – an exit and default of official sector debt – that have never really been stress tested in the euro zone, either technically, or perhaps more importantly, politically.


    Greek default would have a non-negligible effect on EA balance sheets… 


    As we have said in the past, a default on official sector debt would be large, but technically manageable, at about EUR195bn in bilateral loans and EFSF/ESM loans. In addition, SMP bonds held by the ECB amount to EUR27.7bn and Intra Eurosystem liabilities (mainly Target 2) amount to EUR118bn. Altogether, the official exposure to Greece amounts to about EUR340bn, nearly 3.5% of EA’s GDP, sizeable but probably manageable [ZH: and enough to push the Eurozone into a depression if the entire liability is written off].


    … while a default opens up a host of political risks that remain unanswered


    A default on the European loans could create considerable political backlash in EA countries against further support for periphery economies. Right-wing parties, such as AfD in Germany, Front National in France, Party of Freedom in the Netherlands, and True Finns in Finland, have repeatedly opposed bail-outs to periphery countries, especially to Greece. But even more moderate parties may question the bail-out mechanisms as the Greek default of 2012 was meant to be a one-off. Smaller countries are also unlikely to take it lightly as; as a percentage of their country GDPs, these countries would bear a larger share of the burden (eg, the Baltic countries).

    All of this puts into perspective today’s ECB decision to raise Greek haircuts, because as Goldman noted two weeks ago, it appears to have ultimately been the ECB’s intention to launch a controlled Grexit contagion, one where Europe will see a steep but not too dramatic drop in its GDP, and perhaps a triple-dip recession can be avoided once more with some new changes in the definition of what GDP is, all so Mario can pull a Kuroda from October 31, 2014 and increase the ECB’s QE just so European stocks rise higher, and just as importantly, the EUR slides even more (some 7 figures according to Goldman) toward parity which make both Europe’s – really Goldman’s – bankers delighted when gettting their year end bonus, and keep Germany’s exporters happy.

    As for the collateral damage, i.e., millions of broke Greeks who just lost everything, you know what they say about making a QE omelette.

    Curiously, the German government hasn’t published estimates of how much it could lose in case of a default, arguing that this scenario could unfold in too many different ways. However, as the WSJ reports, according to the Munich-based Ifo economic institute, total German exposure to Greece, including the loans and a host of other liabilities, at €88 billion while S&P estimates it at €91 billion. This is in line with the estimate shown above.

    According to Jens Boysen-Hogrefe, economist with Kiel-based institute Ifo, the hit “would hardly be noticeable for Germans.” He may be right, but where he is wrong is looking at Greece as an isolated case: since Europe is, or rather was, a union, one has to evaluate the combined impact of a third of a trillion in impaired assets across the Eurozone. For the vast majority of European nations, the effect of a “write-off” of 3-4% of GDP would be sufficient to launch a depression, which would then promptly drag Germany lower as well, adverse impact (and thus quite welcome to Germany) on the EUR notwithstanding.

    We just hope that the ECB has done its math right and what it believes will be the contained demolition of Greece does not spiral out into an out of control tumble of dominoes, because not even a hollow “whatever it takes” threat from Draghi would offset that, especially if and when the deposit run moves from Greece to Italy, Spain and the rest of the Europe.

  • "Greece Is Contained" Except In Crude, Copper, FX, US & EU Stocks, & Peripheral Bonds

    Seemed appropos…

    "Greece is contained" was the clear message desperately trying to be provided to the masses today as PPTs from all around the world lifted FX (and equities directly in some regions) in an effort to keep the dream alive… It didn't work!


    It started in China… and failed…


    Then Europe… and failed… (in stocks)


    With Spain, Portugal, and Italy dumped…


    and bonds…


    Then US… and failed…


    Don't get too excited about the bounce – we've seen it all before…


    Broken markets and VIXnado'd…


    FX markets turmoiled but it appears The ECB and BoJ had an 'understanding'…


    Here's how EURJPY was used to ingite carry trade-spewed momos into lifting stocks higher…


    Treasuries well well bid out of the gate as investors sought safety… then sold off into the European close… then yields ripped to the lows of the day…


    Commodities mixed…


    Crude clubbed like a baby seal…


    Some context for Crude today… Carnage!!


    Copper crashed…


    And finally – gold and silver! Makes perfect sense as all hell breaks loose for the precious metals to trot along the flatline ignoring all the noise as if some external factor was crushing the life-giving volatility out of the status-quo-meme-destroying prices…


    But apart from all that – Greece is priced in, Greece is contained, and Greece doesn't matter

    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: How do you say "Deja Vu All Over Again" in Chinese?

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Today’s News July 6, 2015

  • Silver Market Change Report 5 July, 2015

    The prices of the metals drooped further this shortened week (Friday was a holiday in the US, as the Fourth of July, Independence Day, occurred on Saturday). The S&P 500 index also fell this week, as did crude oil.

    Markets all over the world are beginning to feel shocks from Greece. As we write this, on Sunday evening Arizona time, the Greeks voted “No” to the terms of the bailouts offered them. The simple fact is that Greece cannot pay. What they cannot pay, they will not. What they don’t pay, has to be written off by whomever holds it as an asset. Some of these write-offs will obligate European governments to pay in more euros to recapitalize the now-insolvent entities. For example, countries like Spain that need bailouts themselves will have to contribute to the European Central Bank.

    A Greek default is not about the size of its GDP, but about the size of the holes blown out of various balance sheets, where Greek debts used to be marked as their assets. We don’t know precisely how much the Greek government, Greek central bank, Greek commercial banks, and other Greek debtors owe. According to Demonocracy, the total is €360 billion (and they have a very cool infographic to illustrate it). We suspect that, at the end of the day, the number turns out to be greater than that.

    The Greek default is a forcible contraction of credit (Keith’s definition of deflation), and bound to be negative for the prices of ordinary assets. That said, something extraordinary has occurred in the silver market this week.

    Read on, for the only accurate picture of the supply and demand conditions in the gold and silver markets, based on the basis and cobasis.

    First, here is the graph of the metals’ prices.

           The Prices of Gold and Silver
    Prices of gold and silver

    We are interested in the changing equilibrium created when some market participants are accumulating hoards and others are dishoarding. Of course, what makes it exciting is that speculators can (temporarily) exaggerate or fight against the trend. The speculators are often acting on rumors, technical analysis, or partial data about flows into or out of one corner of the market. That kind of information can’t tell them whether the globe, on net, is hoarding or dishoarding.

    One could point out that gold does not, on net, go into or out of anything. Yes, that is true. But it can come out of hoards and into carry trades. That is what we study. The gold basis tells us about this dynamic.

    Conventional techniques for analyzing supply and demand are inapplicable to gold and silver, because the monetary metals have such high inventories. In normal commodities, inventories divided by annual production (stocks to flows) can be measured in months. The world just does not keep much inventory in wheat or oil.

    With gold and silver, stocks to flows is measured in decades. Every ounce of those massive stockpiles is potential supply. Everyone on the planet is potential demand. At the right price, and under the right conditions. Looking at incremental changes in mine output or electronic manufacturing is not helpful to predict the future prices of the metals. For an introduction and guide to our concepts and theory, click here.

    Next, this is a graph of the gold price measured in silver, otherwise known as the gold to silver ratio. It ended unchanged this week.

    The Ratio of the Gold Price to the Silver Price
    Gold to silver ratio

    For each metal, we will look at a graph of the basis and cobasis overlaid with the price of the dollar in terms of the respective metal. It will make it easier to provide brief commentary. The dollar will be represented in green, the basis in blue and cobasis in red.

    Here is the gold graph.

           The Gold Basis and Cobasis and the Dollar Price
    Dollar price and gold basis

    The dollar rose (i.e. the price of gold, measured in dollars, fell). Scarcity (i.e. the cobasis, the red line) rose with the move. This is the pattern that repeats time and again. When speculators buy futures contracts, the price of the dollar falls and the scarcity of gold falls with it. This week, speculators sold gold, driving up the price of the dollar (to 26.67mg) and the scarcity of gold rose as well.

    The fundamental price of gold did not change at all. It’s still 30 bucks over the market price.

    Now let’s look at silver.

    The Silver Basis and Cobasis and the Dollar Price
    Dollar price and silver basis

    Last week, we said:

    “The fundamental price of silver rose a nickel this week. It’s $17.39. [thanks to a reader who caught the typo—the correct number was $15.39.]”

    And the price this week dipped several times to about $15.46. That is pretty darned close, and closer than it had gotten in years.

    In the big picture, the price did not move much on the week. However, look at that red cobasis line go. It was a mere 7 basis points last Friday. It ended this week at 100 bps. The cobasis of farther-out contracts also rose proportionally.

    Suddenly, the silver market is firm.

    Think like an arbitrager for a minute. It’s possible to earn 1% annualized, on a simple trade with no risk (as conventionally understood). Just sell a bar of silver and buy a contract for
    September delivery—called
    decarrying the metal. The trade matures in no more than 3 months, and you end where you started (plus the free 1% profit). Show us any other investment that pays so much for so little duration, and it will have “risk” written all over it.

    And yet, that trade is now offered in silver.

    We can name two reasons why the cobasis might skyrocket. One is that there is a risk. If your counterparty defaults, then you don’t get your metal back. You may get dollars. The exchange will insist the dollars are equivalent to the metal, but that’s small consolation.

    We do not believe this is the main problem now, because it’s not occurring in gold. If the banks were in imminent danger, the gold basis would not be quiescent.

    The other possible reason is that there’s a growing shortage of silver. Of course, in order to decarry silver, you have to have the metal. If it’s not available, you can just wistfully watch the rising cobasis.

    So now, for the first time in about two years, the fundamental price of silver is above the market price, about $0.35 over.

    We’re reminded of a dancing bear. It’s not a particular good dancer. What’s interesting is that it’s a bear. And it’s dancing. This is not a particularly big fundamental price premium over market. What’s interesting is that the fundamental price of silver is above the market.

    Unless you really like to trade the bleeding edge of a signal change, you may not want to jump in here. Silver’s newfound scarcity could disappear as rapidly as it appeared. And even if it’s stable, it does not mean that the fundamental price must necessarily skyrocket.

    We would recommend waiting to see what the markets bring us, not to mention the near-term fallout from Greece this week.


    Keith is speaking at FreedomFest this week in Las Vegas.


    © 2015 Monetary Metals

  • EuRo ACHiLLeS…

  • Volatility, Confusion Reign As PBoC Intervenes: Chinese Stocks Surge Then Tumble

    “Rainbows always appear after rains,” China’s state media said over the weekend, in a blatant attempt to create the conditions for a self-fulfilling prophecy when the country’s battered equity markets opened for trading on Monday. 

    China’s brokers and mutual funds each took steps on Saturday to help stabilize the market which has collapsed 30% in just three weeks, thanks in part to a massive unwind in the shadowy world of backdoor margin lending.

    On Sunday, the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced that China’s central bank is set to inject capital into China Securities Finance Corp which will in turn use the funds to help brokerages expand their businesses and reinvigorate stocks. Translation: China’s central bank is now underwriting brokers’ margin lending businesses. 

    Now, the trading week is officially underway and the above-cited “rainbow” thesis is being put to the test early and often as panicked housewives and banana vendors looking to sell the rips battle the PBoC for control of an insanely volatile market.

    As we noted earlier, it may now be too late to resurrect the bubble because the psychology has changed irreparably: “I didn’t sell at the peak because people all say the market will rise beyond 6,000 points,” Shao Qinglong, a public service worker who has already lost over a quarter of his capital investing in stocks, told Reuters, adding that all he is waiting for is for the market to recover enough for him to break even. “I’m now waiting for the market to rebound so that I can get out.”

    True to form, the SHCOMP opened sharply higher in a bout of post-PBoC euphoria before diving just seconds later, stabilizing, and then proceeding to crash anew, erasing most of the opening gains in a matter of minutes.

    One might have expected this. After all, the fact that the central bank was effectively forced to intervene over the weekend is precisely the opposite of something that would inspires confidence: a simple fact that not one central bank has grasped in the past 7 years.

    After all, the more backstops and interventions are required, the more fragile and less “fundamental” any given market is.

    Of course, the fact that throwing the kitchen sink at the problem has so far resulted in only a feeble rebound, one which most are taking as an opportunity to sell into, will hardly help. And keep in mind, even if stocks closed green today, there is a long way to go to recover the recent bubble highs, highs which everyone now knows are well, bubbly.

    With millions of shell-shocked, over-leveraged retail investors looking to cut their losses just as the PBoC funnels money to brokers to ramp up margin trading, expect the wild swings investors have seen over the course of the last two months to continue and indeed to become even more exaggerated as the battle between Politburo plunge protection and frantic farmer selling heats up.

  • Greferendum Caption Contest: Two For The Price Of One

    We were conflicted about today’s choice of a caption contest to summarize what was the most surreal day in modern European history: a day in which one nation voluntarily made the choice to take steps toward a severance of its ties with some 18 other nations through what was recently seen as an “irreversible” currency.

    So here are the two choices for today’s caption contest: we leave it up to readers to decide which is more appropriate.



  • Hillary Ropes Off "Everyday" Reporters, Creates Media Spectacle

    In case anyone forgot, Hillary Clinton — whose demands for a keynote speech appearance include a quarter of a million dollars, a private jet (“a Gulfstream 450 or larger), and $1,000 for a stenographer — is running for “everyday Americans.” 

    Presumably, these are the “folks” who make up the 83% of American workers classified by the BLS as “non supervisory” and probably include those whose job it is to report the news, which is why we were surprised (not really) to see that when it comes to “everyday” reporters, covering a Clinton rally means being herded along like cattle inside a moving rope pen which looks to have been designed to separate the former First Lady from ‘the rest of us’:

    *  *  *

    The media has predictably had a field day with the images. It’s not yet clear what impact the debacle will have on Clinton’s ability to “rope in” voters so to speak.

  • IOUs It Is: Why Greece May Have A Problem Printing "Rogue" Euro Banknotes

    Previously we reported that in a heretofore unknown exchange, Varoufakis told Telegraph’s Evans-Pritchard that “if necessary we will issue parallel liquidity and California-style IOU’s, in an electronic form. We should have done it a week ago.” Shortly thereafter, SocGen released a note in which it confirmed largely what the Greek finmin may have said, namely that “Greece is likely to issue a form of parallel currency.”

    Here is SocGen’s argument:

    Greece is likely to issue a form of parallel currency:

    • Indeed, the Greek government is already running a primary budget deficit and no other form of funding will be available in the coming weeks. It is worth noting that if the ECB was to decide to reduce or stop allowing Greek banks to roll-over Greek TBills, the issuance of IOUs would become even more crucial for the government.
    • On top of that, we believe that the IOUs may also be used to help alleviate the financial stresses on Greek banks, such as the issuance of promissory notes in IOU terms in return for the redenomination in IOUs of part of banks’ liabilities (including time deposits above a specified amount). In this case, the IOUs would most likely end up as the new Greek currency. Indeed, living with closed banks and frozen deposits cannot last long. The government would eventually offer (with a discount) the chance to convert blocked time-deposits in euros into cash deposits in IOUs. The government would just have to print new banknotes and coins to allow free deposit withdrawals.

    The idea of a parallel currency is not uncommon. In particular, IOUs have been used during periods of financial and economic stress, with extreme examples as some US states and Argentina (the latter eventually ending up with a massive devaluation of the peso).


    The academic literature presents several forms of parallel currency, with some creating a new form of securities, backed by the government’s ability to pay back its debt (e.g. California in 2009) and others backed by future taxes (similar to a tax credit).


    Unlike the former, the second category would have the advantage of not increasing the amount of debt owed by the Greek government. For example, the Greek government could pay part (let’s say 30%) of civil servant wages, benefits and pensioners in IOUs and part in euros. The IOUs could become a sought after asset if they offered a discount on tax payments (let’s say 5%). The IOU would be used in the Greek territory only. It could be used to trade basic needs (food, health, education, public services). However, the implementation and legal risks implied by the introduction of IOUs are elevated:

    • The logistical organisation needs to be put in place swiftly and smoothly while social order needs to be maintained;
    • As seen in Argentina, introducing IOUs could risk backfiring into full force devaluation. In the case of Greece, creating a parallel currency could be seen as a first step to Grexit (even with a Yes vote) and not as a temporary solution as in California. Conversely, if the IOUs introduced fail to be seen as a credible means of exchange or do not offer attractive characteristics, they would rapidly disappear in the private sector (as was the case in the Canadian province of Alberta in 1936-37).
    • The IOUs would be at risk of breaching the EU Treaty. Indeed, Article 128 states that “the banknotes issues by the ECB and the NCBs shall be the only such notes to have the status of legal tender within the Union”. As long as Greece remains within the EU, the IOUs could be used as a medium of exchange but would not have the privilege of a legal currency (Regulation 974/98).

    In this light, Greek IOUs now seem almost inevitable, especially since the other, “more nuclear” option, going rogue and printing Euro banknotes without the ECB’s approval, appears quite limited even if purely logisically.

    This is what the ECB says on the topic:

    Since 2002, euro banknotes have been produced jointly by the national central banks (NCBs) of the euro area. Each NCB is responsible for, and bears the costs of, a proportion of the total annual production in one or more denominations.

    The annual production of euro banknotes needs to be sufficient to meet expected increases in demand, such as seasonal peaks, and to replace unfit banknotes. It also has to be able to cope with unexpected surges in demand. Production volumes for the years ahead are calculated on the basis of forecasts provided by the NCBs and a central forecast made by the ECB, thus combining national expertise with a euro area-wide perspective. The figures calculated need to be approved by the Governing Council of the ECB.

    And here is the biggest reason why if Greece relied on this plan it may have serious problems: per the ECB, the only dispensation the Greek currency printer has is for €10 bills.

    Sadly, filling up holes worth tens of billions with “rogue” €10 bills would be problematic logistically, and we believe, Greece would run out of printing supplies long before it got to printing anywhere close to the required and desired amount, leaving aside all other questions of propriety and legality.

    So IOUs it is. The only question is how these shall be named. Last time we checked (in June 2012), the New Drachma (aka XGD) was briefly taken…

    … but after the summer of 2012 when the ECB was doing “whatever it takes” to show that the EUR is “irreversible” (only to prove three years later just how reversible it truly is) the XGD is once again available. Go for it Greece.

  • China "Crosses Rubicon" With Stock Bailout; BofA Says PBoC Risks "Hurting Its Credibility"

    Earlier today in “Panic: China Central Bank Steps In To Bailout Stocks As Underwater Traders Pray For A Rebound,” we noted (without much surprise) that the PBoC has officially taken the plunge. Late on Sunday, the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced that China’s central bank is set to inject capital into China Securities Finance Corp which will in turn use the funds to help brokerages expand their businesses and reinvigorate stocks. Translation: China’s central bank is now underwriting brokers’ margin lending businesses. 

    Although Beijing will surely contend that this does not amount to Chinese QE because the central bank isn’t actually adding equities to its balance sheet (or at least as far as we know), it certainly sounds as though the PBoC is now set to directly fund leveraged stock purchases by retail clients and if that doesn’t count as using the central bank’s balance sheet to monetize risk assets then we don’t know what does. 

    The move came after a consortium of brokers agreed on Saturday to commit 15% of their collective net assets to propping up China’s flagging stock market. The amount of support sums to just $19 billion and will be allocated to blue chip stocks, meaning, in no uncertain terms, that the initiative will be woefully inadequate to combat the rapid unwind of hundreds of billions of off-the-books margin trading. 

    And so, the fate of the market now lies squarely in the hands of the PBoC who, as BofAML notes, may have just “crossed the Rubicon.” 

    As we argued before, the A-share market may not bottom until the government, possibly via the PBoC, becomes the buyer of the last resort. It seems that the government might have just taken the first step in that direction on Sunday night with PBoC’s promise to provide liquidity support to stabilize the market. We expect the A-share market to rebound somewhat in coming days, especially large cap names. If that happens, we suggest investors sell into the rally, especially brokers. Fundamentally, with SHCOMP ex. banks trading at 31x trailing 12-month earnings, the market appears very expensive to us. We assess that there is still a fairly high chance that market may fall sharply again at certain point over the next few months, unless the PBoC makes an open-ended commitment to support the market. 


    What the government did over the weekend 

    Among the many things announced over the weekend to support the market, three are meaningful, in our view: 1) a de facto suspension of IPOs in the A-share market; 2) the set-up of an Rmb120bn market stabilization fund (MSF) by 21 major domestic securities houses, coordinated by the CSRC; and 3) the

    PBoC’s promise to provide liquidity support to China Securities Finance Corporation (CSFC). CSFC is the clearing house for margin financing and stock lending businesses in China and it’s also the sole provider of margin financing loan services to securities houses. Among the three measures, the third is by far the most important in terms of potential impact on market psychology by our assessment – we doubt that the first two alone would be able to stop a potential market rout on Monday. 


    Has PBoC crossed the Rubicon? 

    CSRC’s announcement on the liquidity support does not spell out how the liquidity will be used by CSFC, nor does it say anything about the size of the potential support. We suspect that the initial PBoC loans to CSFC will be used on Monday morning to fund the MSF until brokers’ funds arrive (by 11am on Monday as ordered by the CSRC). Local media reported that CSRC is confident of Rmb1tr inflows into the A-share market in short order. So it’s also possible that PBoC might have committed to provide a few hundreds of billions of Rmb for the time being by our assessment, with the balance of the inflows potentially coming from pension funds, insurers etc. At this stage, it doesn’t appear to us that PBoC is prepared to buy stocks itself or make its commitment to provide support open-ended. 

    While we would certainly agree that the PBoC has indeed “taken the first step in the direction” of becoming the buyer of last resort, we’re not so sure the distinction between the central bank “buying stocks itself” and providing the funds for brokers to facilitate margin trading is very meaningful.

    The central bank is effectively monetizing risk assets — the fact that the buyers are one degree removed from the PBoC is largely just a matter of optics. Also, we’re not at all sure that the central bank will not move very quickly to make its support “open-ended” — as discussed here on any number of occasions, Beijing simply cannot afford a stock market crash and thus will not go down without a fight.

    All of that said, the market’s reaction to what the PBoC probably thought would be a potent one-two punch (the simultaneous cut to both the benchmark lending rate and the RRR rate) was met with still more selling, which is of course just another example of central banks losing control (see Sweden for further evidence). On that note, we’ll close with the following warning from BofAML:

     If PBoC becomes the main source of market-supporting liquidity, we expect the central bank’s credibility to be hurt.

  • More Sellside Reactions To The Greek Referendum

    Today, Greeks sent a resounding message to Brussels, Frankfurt, and Berlin that they are not willing to acquiesce to further humiliation at the hands of creditors and that, even if it means braving the economic abyss in the short-term, the country is determined to salvage a better tomorrow from what, after today’s referendum, are the smoldering ashes of Greece’s second bailout program.

    Now, a stunned sellside — which had, over the past three months, very carefully tweaked their base cases to reflect the growing risk of Grexit — is scrambling to explain to nervous clients what happens next.

    Having heard from JPM earlier, we bring you the latest from Barclays, Deutsche Bank, and RBC.

    * * *

    From Barclays:

    A “no” vote means EMU exit, most likely

    We argue that an EMU exit would become the more likely scenario, even if Greece remaining in the euro area cannot be ruled out. Agreeing on a programme with the current Greek government would be extremely difficult for EA leaders, given the Greek rejection of the last deal offered. EA leaders accepting all Greek proposals would be a difficult sell at home, especially at the Bundestag or in Spain ahead of the general elections.

    How will the crisis play out? The bank liquidity crisis is likely to turn into a solvency crisis once the ECB shuts down ELA, probably no later than 20 July (when a EUR4.2bn payment to the ECB becomes due). Fiscal problems would become more acute; the government may be forced to issue IOUs, which effectively become a parallel currency to the euro. A new currency by the central bank of Greece is likely to eventually become necessary to inject both liquidity and recapitalise banks. At this stage, we would expect IOUs to be converted into the new Greek drachma (NGD).

    The NGD would likely depreciate significantly and hence many local companies (clearly those in the non-tradable sector) and households would need to default on their foreign currency debt, now including euro-denominated liabilities. Many of the domestic contracts that are now denominated in euros would also become unviable and need to be restructured. Non-performing loans would surge because of: 1) the negative balance sheet effects for firms and households; and 2) the local currency needed to pay euro debts would increase with the devaluation, exceeding the increase in local currency revenue. Likewise, the government would also be forced to default on its euro-denominated liabilities.

    Redenomination away from the euro would also cause massive transfers between agents, adding to the above-mentioned transfers between debtors and creditors. A majority of households with local accounts and savings will suffer substantial losses while cash rich agents with accounts abroad will be the big winners and could take advantage of the chaos to seize capital and production capacities. Given the weak state of the government, these redistributions would likely benefit the already oversized unofficial sector.

    In short, the existing contracting framework and financial infrastructure would be broken and need to be rebuilt. Inflationary finance would likely be used, to some extent at least, to replace the official finance that now supports Greece. Politically difficult fiscal and structural reforms would still be required to make the country more competitive, and promote economic growth.

    * * *

    From RBC:

    In a normal referendum the next steps would be binary––something happens or it doesn’t. But this is no ordinary referendum.

    We argued last week that the next steps for a ‘no’ or a ‘yes’ vote look superficially similar. The government and creditors will have to start negotiations on a third programme (since the second one expired on Tuesday). Both sides indicated they were willing to do so even in the event of a ‘no’.

    What happens on Monday?

    Various European-level meetings are expected to take place. These include a EuroWorking Group meeting (i.e. top-level officials from euro area finance ministries). This may then be followed by a eurogroup teleconference (i.e. finance ministers-level) to take stock of the situation. At the Leaders’ level, German Chancellor Merkel will meet French President Hollande for a bilateral in Paris, with both calling for a European Council summit to follow on Tuesday. Separate from the political proceedings, the ECB’s Governing Council is also expected to meet to discuss Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) for the Greek banking sector, though this meeting has not yet been confirmed.

    The first thing to watch is how Syriza responds

    On Thursday, Greek Prime Minister Tsipras claimed in the event of a ‘no’ outcome, he would be in Brussels within 48 hours signing a deal. In practice that is almost impossible––any new deal will need a lot of technical work so at best is a few weeks away. But in the first 48 hours there should be some sign of what willingness there is to compromise on both sides. If Tsipras takes a defiant tone (citing the democratic choice of the Greek people) we expect Europeans leaders to respond that they are also democratically elected (as they did after the January election). In that case we would expect the market reaction to worsen.

    The second thing to watch is how the ECB responds

    The Governing Council is expected to meet on Monday to take stock of the situation. A Greek government spokesperson revealed that the Central Bank of Greece would submit a request to the ECB for a further increase to the ELA facility limit, which currently stands at €89.4bn. This follows from various press reports, including Bloomberg, indicating that Greek banks were struggling to cope with deposit withdrawals even with the capital controls already in place. Note that prior to the weekend, the head of Greece’s banking association, Louka Katseli, said that ‘liquidity is assured until Monday, thereafter it will depend on the ECB decision.” She added that the liquidity cushion banks currently had stood at about EUR 1bn.

    We nevertheless consider there to be limited prospect of further extension to ELA at this stage, with the risks instead skewed towards the Governing Council restricting access to the facility, including by increasing collateral requirements further. An increase to the ELA limit was not a ‘given’ even if the referendum had yielded a ‘yes’ outcome, and as such a ‘no’ vote makes that decision even more difficult, in our view. Recall that ELA lending requires banks to post “adequate collateral”, and may only be provided to “illiquid but solvent” institutions. In the current environment, whether such conditions are satisfied is predicated in part on a judgment about the likelihood of a new financial assistance programme being agreed for the Greek sovereign.

    Does this mean euro exit?

    A ‘no’ outcome certainly increases the risk. This is particularly the case if the Greek government believes that it will have substantially more bargaining power with the institutions and brings more ‘red lines’ to the negotiating table. Much will depend on the tenor of discussions when they begin next week.

    *  *  *

    From Deutsche Bank

    There are three near-term implications of the results.

    First, the vote marks a big political victory for PM Tsipras. Today’s vote will allow the PM to maintain the political initiative within Greece, re-enforcing his leadership within the party as well as the government. It will be perceived by the government as a strong backing around its tough negotiating strategy.

    Second, the poll masks a deeply divided electoral body. The win to the “no” vote was decisive. But opinion polls over the last few days have continued to show an overwhelming support for euro membership. How this can be reconciled with the “no” vote and rising economic costs remains to be seen in coming days. Either way, the referendum process itself and the outcome has increased polarization in Greece. Political tension both within parliament and in potential political demonstrations will be ongoing and unpredictable.

    Third, the referendum result now requires Europe to more formally adopt a position on Greece, particularly given the size of the “no”. The European message on whether rejection is equivalent to Eurozone exit has not been consistent, with both Merkel and Schauble in particular not adopting this interpretation. A more clear reaction from Eurozone members should now be expected.

    Next steps

    In coming hours, the focus will shift back to the European response.

    Most imminently, Greek bank ELA liquidity is likely to be fully exhausted over the next few days, leading to an exhaustion of ATM cash reserves as well as an inability to finance imported goods via outgoing payments. The hit to the economy will be big. The Bank of Greece is holding a conference call with the Greek banks this evening to discuss the liquidity situation.

    The ECB is scheduled to meet tomorrow morning to decide on ELA policy. An outright suspension would effectively put the banking system into immediate resolution and would be a step closer to Eurozone exit. All outstanding Greek bank ELA liquidity (and hence deposits) would become immediately due and payable to the Bank of Greece. The maintenance of ELA at the existing level is the most likely outcome, at least until the European political reaction has materialized. This will in any case materially increase the pressure on the economy in coming days.

    On the political front, focus will now shift to whether the damaged relationship between Greece and Europe’s creditors can be repaired and the immediate prospect of a resumption in negotiations. PM Tsipras last week officially applied for a 3rd ESM program, but the application was rejected pending the outcome of the referendum..

    The risk is that relationships between Europe and Greece have been damaged to such an extent, that additional conditions are set before negotiations around an ESM program can be initiated. The overall ESM process will in any case take time. An ESM program requires prior ECB/IMF assessment of financing needs/debt sustainability as well as Bundestag parliamentary approval before talks around a staff-level agreement can begin.

    In the meantime, political developments within Greece will be just as important. The PM’s commitment to re-start negotiations will be tested tonight and tomorrow morning..

    The opposition, in the meantime, has been weakened. Influential New Democracy party member Bakoyiannis is reported this evening to have asked for former PM Samaras’ resignation to allow the party to re-group. The prospect of ongoing and unpredictable shifts in politics cannot be ruled out over the course of the next few weeks given rising pressure on the economy.

  • Greferendum Results In Landslide "No" Victory

    Update 2: with virtually all polling completed, the final result is 61.3% No, 38.7% Yes – a whopping rejection of Troika hegemony which may also be the final nail in any negotiations between Greece and the Eurogroup.

    Update: The Greek interior ministry vendor Singular Logic projects that “No” vote will prevail with over 61% of vote in Greek referendum.

    It would seem that the Troika’s fearmongering campaign backfired:




    It seems the early forecasts showing the No vote in the lead were right: according to the Ministry of the Interior, with over 90% of the vote counted, the “No’s” have it with well over 61% of the vote.

    Keep track of the votes as they come in live at the following page:

    Source: ekloges

  • S&P Futures Tumble 1.5% At Open: ES Down 33, Brent Under $60

    The number everyone’s been waiting for all afternoon is finally here: moments ago ES opened for trading after the holiday weekend and it’s not pretty, down 1.5% to 2035 in early illiquid trading. Expect many wild gyrations especially if China, which is set to open in three hours, is unable to halt its market crash having now thrown everything and the kitchen sink at the relentless selling.


    The SNB is already in place, ready to sell CHF and buy every EUR it can get its hands on to avoid another embarrassing incident:


    And here is Brent, sliding under $60 for the first time since April:

    We hope the NY Fed and its less than arms length Citadel ES spoofing relationship, or at least the SNB, will be up to the task of pushing futures higher as the overnight session progresses to preserve the artificial sense that “all is well” in a world that may never be the same again.

  • Eurogroup In Shock: Finance Ministers "Would Not Know What To Discuss" After Greferendum Stunner

    Just out from Reuters:



    There are no plans for an emergency meeting of euro zone finance ministers on Greece on Monday after Greeks voted overwhelmingly to reject the terms of a bailout deal with international creditors, a euro zone official said on Sunday.


    Asked whether a meeting of the Eurogroup was planned for Monday, the official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters: “No way. (The ministers) would not know what to discuss.”

    May we suggest containing the fallout, whether in capital markets or in the resurgent mood in the other PIIGS, as a primary topic?

    And meanwhile, while we symptahize with the Greeks officially telling the Troika to “fuck off”, they may have other liquidity problems of their own.

    Greeks cannot withdraw cash left in safe deposit boxes at Greek banks as long as capital restrictions remain in place, a deputy finance minister told Greek television on Sunday.


    Greece’s government shut banks and imposed capital controls a week ago to prevent the country’s banks from collapsing under the weight of mass withdrawals.


    Deputy Finance Minister Nadia Valavani told Alpha TV that, as part of those measures, the government and banks had agreed at the time that people would also not be allowed to withdraw cash from safe deposit boxes.

    Surely the Greeks bought enough gold and/or bittcoin ahead of this outcome. Surely

  • Greece Contemplates Nuclear Options: May Print Euros, Launch Parallel Currency, Nationalize Banks

    As we said earlier today, following today’s dramatic referendum result the Greeks may have burned all symbolic bridges with the Eurozone. However, there still is one key link: the insolvent Greek banks’ reliance on the ECB’s goodwill via the ELA. While we have explained countless times that even a modest ELA collateral haircut would lead to prompt depositor bail-ins, here is DB’s George Saravelos with a simplified version of the potential worst case for Greece in the coming days:

    The ECB is scheduled to meet tomorrow morning to decide on ELA policy. An outright suspension would effectively put the banking system into immediate resolution and would be a step closer to Eurozone exit. All outstanding Greek bank ELA liquidity (and hence deposits) would become immediately due and payable to the Bank of Greece. The maintenance of ELA at the existing level is the most likely outcome, at least until the European political reaction has materialized. This will in any case materially increase the pressure on the economy in coming days.

    All of which of course, is meant to suggest that there is no formal way to expel Greece from the Euro and only a slow (or not so slow) economic and financial collapse of Greece is what the Troika and ECB have left as a negotiating card.

    However, this cuts both ways, because while Greece and the ECB may be on the verge of a terminal fall out, Greece still has something of great value: a Euro printing press.

    It may not get to there: according to Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans Pritchard who quotes what appears to be a direct quote to him from Yanis Varoufakis, Greece will, “If necessary… issue parallel liquidity and California-style IOU’s, in an electronic form. We should have done it a week ago.

    California issued temporary coupons to pay bills to contractors when liquidity seized up after the Lehman crisis in 2008. Mr Varoufakis insists that this is not be a prelude to Grexit but a legal action within the inviolable sanctity of monetary union.

    In other words: part of the Eurozone… but not really using the Euro.

    That’s not all, because depending just how aggressively the ECB escalates events with Athens, Greece may take it two even more “nuclear” steps further, first in the form of nationalizing the banks and second, by engaging in the terminal taboo of “irreversibility” printing the currency of which it is no longer a member!

    Syriza sources say the Greek ministry of finance is examining options to take direct control of the banking system if need be rather than accept a draconian seizure of depositor savings – reportedly a ‘bail-in’ above a threshhold of €8,000 – and to prevent any banks being shut down on the orders of the ECB.


    Government officials recognize that this would lead to an unprecedented rift with the EU authorities. But Syriza’s attitude at this stage is that their only defence against a hegemonic power is to fight guerrilla warfare.


    Hardliners within the party – though not Mr Varoufakis – are demanding the head of governor Stournaras, a holdover appointee from the past conservative government.


    They want a new team installed, one that is willing to draw on the central bank’s secret reserves, and to take the provocative step in extremis of creating euros.


    “The first thing we must do is take away the keys to his office. We have to restore stability to the system, with or without the help of the ECB. We have the capacity to print €20 notes,” said one.


    Such action would require invoking national emergency powers – by decree – and “requisitioning” the Bank of Greece for several months. Officials say these steps would have to be accompanied by an appeal to the European Court: both to assert legality under crisis provisions of the Lisbon Treaty, and to sue the ECB for alleged “dereliction” of its treaty duty to maintain financial stability.

    And who “unwittingly” unleashed all of this?

     Mr Tsakalotos told the Telegraph that the creditors will find themselves be in a morally indefensible position if they refuse to listen to the voice of the Greek people, especially since the International Monetary Fund last week validated Syriza’s core claim that Greece’s debt cannot be repaid.

    Recall last week we asked “Did The IMF Just Open Pandora’s Box?” We just got the answer. Our advice to Mme Lagarde: avoid stays at the Sofitel NYC for the next few weeks.

    As for Europe: welcome to your own personal Lehman weekend. We hope you too enjoy making it all up as you go along, because you have officially entered the heart of monetary darkness.

  • The "Nightmare Of The Euro-Architects" Is Coming True: JPM Now Sees Grexit, Eurogroup "Split In Coming Days"

    Perhaps the best summary – or epitaph, some would say – of the shocking events that took place in Greece this afternoon, and the resultant falling dominoes that are about to be unleashed, was given by Slovakia’s finance minister Peter Kazimir, who summarized events as follows:

    He followed it up with a Dylan Thomas quote:

    We assume the next lines goes as follows:

    “Rage, rage against the dying of the “irreversible” currency”

    And while we laid out what Deutsche Bank’s 4 possible scenarios are in the case of the now confirmed “No” vote, here is JPM’s Malcom Barr with the bank’s latest take on Greece which is that at this point, a Grexit is JPM’s “base case”… and it only
    goes downhill from there.

    After the “big no”, euro exit is our base case

    • After the “big no” it is now a race between two forces: political pressure for a deal, versus the impact of banking dysfunction within Greece
    • Although the situation is fluid, at this point Greek exit from the euro appears more likely than not

    Early indications of the official result suggest the result is a “No” by a comfortable margin. What happens next?

    First, it will be important to see the tone of the immediate political responses both within Greece and outside. We would expect the tone to be somewhat more conciliatory on both sides. Hollande and Merkel are to meet tomorrow night to discuss the issue, and as we understand it, the Eurogroup is scheduled to meet on Tuesday. We expect that a split is likely to emerge in the coming daysThe Commission and France (and possibly others) will argue that negotiations should resume immediately with an aim of finding agreement. Others will find it more difficult to return to negotiations with a newly emboldened Tsipras in short order.

    In the German case, for example, the Bundestag has to be consulted before Mr Schauble can enter into discussions about a new program for Greece (as requested on 30th June). However, the Bundestag has just broken for summer recess, so any such vote will require a recall. We have seen reports that talks at a technical level between Greece and the creditors may restart tomorrow (Monday), but we can imagine that the Bundestag will express its displeasure if it feels those discussions are in-progress without their express consent.

    Second, there are reports of an emergency meeting between the ECB, Bank of Greece and Finance Ministry tonight, and at the latest the ECB will likely have to take a decision about ELA support tomorrow (if not tonight). Our base case is that the ELA total will simply be rolled on a day-to-day basis for now. It is extremely difficult for the ECB to justify increasing the region’s exposure to Greece at this point. That effectively means that the Greek banks are likely to run increasingly short of cash, and the acceptability of electronic forms of payments will diminish rapidly.

    The Bank of Greece and Finance Ministry has a joint committee working to prioritize payments out of Greece for essential imports. There are reports, however, that suggest the logistical problems arising from these procedures are biting. Importers are facing delays in seeing their requests to make purchases processed. And Greek exporters are finding it hard to get payment in euros from those they sell to, as their customers do not want to hold any euro balances within the Greek banking system. It is difficult to get a sense of the scale of these issues at this point. But our best guess is that these issues will multiply in the days ahead.

    This suggests that what we see next will be a race between two forces: political pressure to move toward an agreement despite resistance from a number of northern European parliaments, versus the increasingly unpleasant implications of a dysfunctional banking system on the other. This latter force is unpredictable: it may manifest itself in pressure on the government to stand down, or it may generate a more unified “siege mentality” within Greece. The July 20th payment of €3.5bn to the ECB as Greek bonds mature creates one possibly fixed point as we look forward, but our sense is that could be dealt with via a number of mechanisms if political talks are progressing (transfer of SMP profits, short-term ESM loan, for example).

    Our base case is that the pressures coming from a dysfunctional banking system in Greece will shorten the time horizon to negotiate a deal to a handful of weeks. As that pressure builds, there is likely to be a temptation to call a referendum in Greece on euro membership, and for the state to begin issuing I-O-Us or similar and giving these some status as legal tender. To the extent that pensioners and public sector employees find themselves being paid with such instruments, it takes the banks further away from solvency (they have liabilities in euros, but will have loans to individuals being paid or receiving “i-o-u” s which will be worth a lot less). Meanwhile, we expect at least some countries in the rest of the region (not least Germany) will not hurry over the design of a new program, and will find it difficult to get parliamentary assent for any such program.  

    This is a path that suggests to us that there is now a high likelihood of Greek exit from the euro, and possibly under chaotic circumstances. Perhaps the rest of the region will agree to a reasonably quick deal, or the ECB will raise ELA enough to retain minimal viability in the payments system. Perhaps the pressures of dysfunctional banks will force Mr Tsipras to stand down, and a deal is subsequently made. But for now, we would view a Greek exit from the euro as more likely than not.

  • Wall Street's Next Bonanza: Subprime Marriage-Backed Securities

    Submitted by Daniel Drew via,

    The last crash was caused by reckless investments in subprime mortgage-backed securities, an ingenious way to repackage and redistribute staggering amounts of credit risk to unsuspecting investors. After losing their house and their money, some investors may take comfort in their enduring marital relationships. Unfortunately, marriage is one of the riskiest bets of all, which makes it a prime, or should I say “subprime” target for Wall Street’s masters of innovation.

    After watching oil titan Harold Hamm pay his ex-wife $1 billion, I couldn’t help but wonder where he went wrong in the relationship department. Then again, he’s not exactly a shining example of risk management; he lost $10 billion in the oil price collapse, or the equivalent of 10 ex-wives. Most Americans can’t afford to pay their spouse $1 billion or even $15,000, which is the average cost of a contested divorce. Where there’s risk, Wall Street is not far away.

    One of the remarkable features of modern society is the seemingly endless amount of ways to repackage risk and distribute it to those who have a demand for it. The wacky world of the insurance industry seems to know no bounds. From vanilla products like car insurance to the ultra-weird like Troy Polamalu’s $1 million hair insurance, you never really know what you’re going to see next. While there are certainly notable individual examples of insurance oddities, nothing has the potential to create widespread effects like marriage insurance.

    Provided by Safeguard Guaranty, marriage insurance is sold in units for $15.99 per month, which covers $1,250 in potential divorce costs. That’s $192 per year for one “unit,” which gives the insurance company a break-even point of 6.5 years, not including overhead. They even have a divorce probability calculator that is based on over 20,000 interviews. Supposedly, it has an accuracy rate of 87%. They don’t elaborate on their formula, but you can get an idea of their inputs by answering some of the questions.

    If marriage insurance sales take off, it’s only a matter of time before Wall Street repackages it and sells it to investors via subprime marriage-backed securities. A boom in marriage speculation would ensue. Did you see your neighbor with his mistress last night? Buy some MBS credit default swaps on him and tell his wife what you saw. Is your other neighbor away from home a lot? Buy some MBS insurance on his wife, seduce her, and when they get divorced, you can cash in. Consider it “inside her” trading. Does it sound preposterous? It’s not any crazier than buying credit default swaps on poor people’s mortgages and making $15 billion when they become homeless. Remember, everything is fair in the “free market.”

  • Marine Le Pen, Anti Euro French Presidential Frontrunner, Applauds Greek Victory Over "EU Oligarchy"

    Ten days ago, before Varoufakis even announced his stunning break of negotiations with the Troika and proceeded to engage in a referendum which perhaps more symbolically than anything else just said a resounding “No” to the status quo, we said to Forget Grexit, “Madame Frexit” Says France Is Next: French Presidential Frontrunner Wants Out Of “Failed” Euro.

    Because while the ECB could at least in theory contain the Grexit fallout with a few hundred billion in bond (and stock, since Europe is pretty much fresh out of bonds it can monetize) purchases, it will not be able to halt the contagion once it spreads to Italy, Spain and Portugal. But once it reaches France, and Marine Le Pen engages in the same type of negotiations with the Troika as Greece just did, it’s all over.

    Unfortunately for the ECB, that’s precisely where it is headed because as Reuters just reported, “French far-right leader Marine Le Pen welcomed the early results of the Greek referendum on terms for a bailout from Europe as initial tallies showed the ‘No’ camp leading with results still being counted.

    Le Pen, the leader of the anti-immigration, anti-euro National Front party, said in a statement that the anticipated result was a victory against “the oligarchy of the European Union”.

    “This ‘No’ from the Greek people must pave the way for a healthy new approach,” said Le Pen.

    “European countries should take advantage of this event to gather around the negotiating table, take stock of the failure of the euro and austerity, and organize the dissolution of the single currency system, which is needed to get back to real growth, employment and debt reduction.”

    Here is why we suggest the ECB panic: Le Pen’s star has been on the rise in France and in Europe in the past year since her National Front party performed well in European parliamentary and French regional elections. Surveys suggest she could make the second-round run-off in the 2017 presidential election, if not win outright.

    She has sought to capitalize on discontent over Socialist President Francois Hollande’s handling of the economy and rising unemployment, and has made Europe’s management of the Greek crisis a particular target for critique.

    As a reminder, a recent Wikileaks NSA data dump showed that the French economy is in “Dire Straits”, and is “Worse Than Anyone Can Imagine” which just happens to be music to Le Pen’s ears.

    Finally, Le Pen’s platform supports the end of the common currency zone and a return to more national-based policies on everything from immigration to the economy.

    Greece just made it that much easier for Le Pen to achieve her goal.

  • Risk Off: FX Carry Trades Tumble, Euro Opens Under 1.10; USDJPY Under 121

    With nearly 60% of the Greek refrendum vote counted, and the No’s leading by a landslide 61%, it is clear that the Troika’s gambit failed, unless as Goldman wrote and we first noted, it was the ECB’s intention to force a Grexit all along, thus permitting the ECB to engage in more QE: QE which would in Goldman’s estimation, push the EURUSD down 7 big figures and further toward parity, sending global stocks soaring in one last central bank-inspired hurrah.

    For now, however, while the carry trades are in risk off mode, the drop is not nearly as dramatic, and the EURUSD is trading under 1.10…


    … while the USDJPY opened under 122.

    Should there be no official statement by the Eurozone fin mins or any support from the ECB, we anticipate the risk off mode will only accelerate overnight, especially if the PBOC fails to support Chinese markets tonight, which – with all due respect to Greece – is the far bigger catalyst to what happens in global stock markets tomorrow, because if the Chinese central banks has lost the market’s confidence all bets are off.

  • Greeks Flood Syntagma Square To Celebrate "No" Vote

    The Greek people have spoken and they saidOXI“! 

    So congratulations Greece: for the first time you had the chance to tell the Troika, the unelected eurocrats, and the entire status quo establishment, not to mention all the banks, how you really felt and based on the most recent results, some 61% of you told it to go fuck itself.

    Now, on the eve of a new era for Europe and what will likely be a turbulent stretch for financial markets across the globe, Greeks are celebrating in the streets of Athens. Here are the visuals:

    Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

  • Greek PM Calls Emergency Meeting For Bank Liquidity: MNI

    Congratulations Greece: for the first time you had the chance to tell the Troika, the unelected eurocrats, and the entire status quo establishment, not to mention all the banks, how you really felt and based on the most recent results, some 61% of you told it to go fuck itself.

    Now comes the hard part.

    Because at this point, with Greek banks all of them effectively insolvent, it is all up to the ECB: should Mario Draghi now announce an increase in the ELA haircut or pull it altogether as the ECB did with Cyprus, then a Greek deposit haircut bloodbath ensues. And judging by the latest news out of Market News, this is precisely what Tsipras is focusing on.

    According to MNI, Greece’s Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras has called an emergency meeting for Sunday evening, after the referendum vote result will be announced, to assess the situation in the banking sector and the liquidity shortage, a senior Greek official told MNI Sunday. 

    The source said that so far Tsipras has not had any communication with other EU leaders “but that could change in the coming hours.” Finance Minister Yiannis Varoufakis is currently meeting with the representatives of the Greek banking union to mull whether the banking holiday ,which expires Monday evening, should be prolonged and until when. 


    Greece’s government spokesman, Gavriel Sakellarides told Antenna TV that the Central Bank of Greece will submit Sunday evening a request to the European Central Bank for further Emergency Liquidity Assistance saying “there is no reason why we cannot get ELA” adding that “negotiations should start as soon as today with reasonable demands.” 


    The Greek source who spoke with MNI said that, according to his estimations, the No vote would be even higher than what the preliminary polls showed earlier. 


    The source also said that the EuroWorking Group, the aides of the Eurozone Finance Ministers, are expected to convene Monday and that the Eurogroup might also convene via teleconference to assess the situation. 


    A Banking source has told MNI that even when banks reopen capital controls are expected to be readjusted and imposed for a long period of time, until trust is restored and a deal with the creditors is being reached.

    The ball is now in the ECB’s court: will it let Greece keep the Greek ELA (or perhaps even raise it) to prevent an all out banking panic and allow Greek bank to reopen as Varoufakis promised, or will it cut the haircut or yank it altogether, starting the Greek depositor haircut as well as the falling dominoes we described yesterday…


    … Because as much as the ECB wants to deny it, the Euroarea is on the hook for more than 3% of its gross GDP, and perhaps far more once all the off balance sheet liabilities emerge…

    In other words, an uncontrolled Grexit at this point would surely lead to a Eurozone depression, one that not even an increase in the ECB’s massive bond (and perhaps stocks) buying would stem. Which, of course, was Varoufakis’ gamble all along.

  • The Central Bankers Dilemma: The Pendulum’s Back Swing

    Submitted by Mark St. Cyr

    The Central Bankers Dilemma: The Pendulum’s Back Swing

    Today, July 5th, a referendum is to be voted on in Greece as to whether they should vote “Yes” for the austerity measures demanded by the bankers of the Euro Zone (EZ.) Or, vote “No” against such demands. Where a “no” vote will in effect all but ensure an exit from it (whether voluntarily or not.) How this vote will come down no one knows. For when a populace is scared, many times they’ll vote blindly for what they perceive in the present as the lesser of two evils, and let longer term consequences be damned.

    On the other hand, when a populace is both scared and mad – what was at first thought to be implausible (i.e., against what many outsiders may perceive as in their best interest) within the confines and privacy of the voting booth. Anger, as well as a disgust for the present can over-rule. Where it’s the consequences of the moment that will be damned. Where an overwhelming affinity for the possible future suddenly reins supreme. Whether realistic or not.

    It is this latter point that catches most (i.e., outsiders looking in) flat-footed. Especially those that tend to think everything is based only in numbers, models, or rationality, and it’s ultimately controllable. This form of thinking implies: If you control the numbers, and can interpret the models – you can control the rationale, as well as an outcome.

    Not only is line of thinking rampant throughout academia. It is followed with a near religious zeal. However, there’s the inherent problem: Yes you can – till you can’t. And that’s where the most critical issue fails within Ivory Tower thinking. For they don’t ever contemplate, or anticipate the “till you can’t” part. For them it shouldn’t exist. Therefore – it mustn’t.

    Yet, anyone with just a modicum of business acumen knows all too well: More often than not what you’re convinced won’t happen; is exactly what will. Usually – at the most inopportune of times.

    Here is where we find many of the Central Bankers today. Suddenly their implied omnipotence is being turned on its head from “omnipotent” to “oppressive.” From “rescuer” of an economy to “destroyer.” And the distaste as well as grumblings against this Central authority is growing. Why? As I stated before: Central Banks are now perceived as “the body politic.” No-matter how much they rail against the inclusion. And the vitriol (as well as the impending implications) are just getting started in my opinion.

    Over the last week the IMF dropped what was for all intents and purposes a bombshell of a revelation. It stated (I’m paraphrasing) that Greece was indeed in need of a debt reduction (i.e., write-offs) just as much as it was in need of restructuring of those said debts. Otherwise, it would all be for naught because Greece would never be able to surmount them.

    This singular point has been at the heart of all Greece’s arguments. However, what has been argued back to Greece by the Troika has been nothing less than “Tough – deal with it. That’s your problem – not ours.” Well, it seems that’s not so much the case anymore. Regardless of which way the vote goes, it is the Troika itself that may find the problems are just beginning. And those problems are theirs.

    In a previous post I drew an analogy from the Iron Man 2 movie. The premise was: If one can make the gods bleed, no matter how small, people will not only will lose faith, but will turn on them. It seems Greece did in fact strike the first in what might be a mortal blow. Not so much with the degree of the initial cut, but with the ever-growing infectious nature to follow.  Even if Greece votes “yes” this Sunday – the damage has already been done to the EZ as well as the central banks within. While quite possibly to Central Banks everywhere.

    The revelation that the IMF concurred in secret with what Greece was proclaiming all along; while demanding the opposite; siding with the more austerity demands by their fellow members; as not only the people suffered but as the politicians themselves (i.e., ridiculed or voted out) will not be lost on Italy, Spain, Portugal, ____________ (fill in the blank.)

    Yet, as damaging as it is to have one of the three parts (e.g., Troika) acknowledging what Greece has been insisting was needed all along via a leaked document. To now have it leaked that all three were of the same conclusion yet: wouldn’t budge or acknowledge it? This is quite another, and will be used by any and all as an excuse (whether rightly or wrongly) to demand new terms. Or worse, like Greece – just refuse to pay until the bargaining table is reopened.

    Suddenly it’s not the borrowers that have a problem. Rather; it’s the other way around. And it’s only been days since these revelations. Yet, there’s now “blood” in this ever-growing pool. And that’s a problem no “bazooka” or “printing press” may be able to overcome. However, this is just Europe…

    In China the financial markets are tumbling faster than any other time in history since 2007. What many forget (and what the main stream financial media will not speak of) is that right before the financial crisis took hold here in the U.S., It was none other than China’s Shanghai Composite Index that was the harbinger of what lay ahead as it tumbled from that meteoric rise in ’07 to within a year – it would go on to lose some two-thirds of its value.

    Right before the crash the Chinese markets were assumed “unstoppable” (sound familiar?) as they went parabolic to near vertical assent when viewed on a chart. Then: they fell in spectacular fashion entering “bear market” statistical valuations in mere weeks (i.e., losing 20%.) This had never been seen since. That is – until now.

    Suddenly there are reports of extraordinary measures being allocated behind the scenes by China’s central banking authorities. The problem? So far, by all accounts – it ain’t working. The index continues to fall. Many of the components (I would like to say businesses however, there are far too many reports these “businesses” are in name only) that make up these composites are opening up daily to “limit down” selling pressures with no relief in sight.

    So much so it has been reported the only way for this rout to be reeled in is for the PBoC to directly “buy the market” in one form or another. Yet, the rout is so wide-spread, and so fierce (imagine 10’s of millions of first time traders all heading for the one and only exit door – all at the same time) that it is being openly questioned if the PBoC itself has the monetary firepower to overcome it. And just for perspective, China’s market isn’t some backwards market in size or scope those in the “general public” might think of when they first hear. For those not familiar: China’s market is number 2 in the world, right behind the U.S. And last time such a thing happened the contagion effects were here seemingly overnight – and the great financial meltdown of the U.S. markets were upon us.

    Is “this time it’s different?” Who knows, but one thing is for sure: The general public today is still enamored with the main stream media’s push that what ever “bad” happens in the world or markets: “The Fed. has their back,” or “The ECB” or “China’s growth will solve our malaise” or ______________(fill in the blank.)

    Today one thing is more certain than any other time before. With the Federal Reserve’s unwillingness to allow the markets to stand on their own feet, and not be so dependent on their interventionism with QE for years, and Zero interest rates for the same – the tool box may in fact be empty – at the most inopportune time.

    So here we are, once again, waiting or watching for what could possibly be the start of another contagion effect to ripple through the markets that has the potential of resembling 2008, or worse.  And the only thing to stand in its way will be the faith and/or belief in their omnipotence. For it seems – that’s all they have left. All while we watch the same crumble in the eyes of others across the waters as their Central Banks are being perceived daily more as villains or worse – inept.

    I’ve stated many times in what I’ve coined “the pendulum rule.” It’s not the first swing that can ruin you. It’s when you get up thinking you’ve dodged a one time fatal blow and act as if it can’t happen again. You don’t prepare. You don’t harden your resources. You act as if it were a one time only thing. And just when you’re at your most vulnerable – the back swing is what takes you out.

    It would seem the pendulum is indeed still swinging. What transpires from here once again – is anyone’s guess.

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Today’s News July 5, 2015

  • MaRaTHoN MeNSCH-auBLe

  • They Want To Use "Hate Speech Laws" To Destroy Freedom Of Speech In America

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

    Hate speech laws are going in all around the world, and progressive activists in the United States want to use these kinds of laws to destroy free speech in America.  You see, the truth is that these hate speech laws that are being implemented all over the planet are not just about preventing speech that promotes violence or genocide against a particular group of people.  Instead, these laws are written in such a way that anyone that says something that “offends” or “insults” someone else is guilty of “hate speech”.  Even if you never intended to offend anyone and you had no idea that your words were insulting, in some countries you can be detained without bail and sentenced to years in prison for such speech.  Today, there are highly restrictive hate speech laws in Canada, in Mexico and in virtually every single European nation.  The United States is still an exception, but the truth is that our liberties and freedoms are being eroded every single day, and it is only a matter of time until “hate speech laws” are used to take away our freedom of speech too.

    If you don’t think that this could ever happen in America, you should consider what the American Bar Association has to say on the matter.  This is the national organization that represents all of our lawyers, judges, etc.  So when the ABA speaks on legal matters, it carries a significant amount of weight.  The following is how the American Bar Association defines “hate speech”

    Hate speech is speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits.

    Did you catch that?

    If I say something that offends or insults you, there is a very good chance that I have just committed “hate speech” according to the ABA.

    And support for these kinds of laws is growing.  In fact, one survey found that 51 percent of all Democrats now support hate speech laws.  It is only a matter of time before progressives start pushing for them in a big way.

    Sadly, many of these progressives don’t even understand that our Constitution protects free speech.  Just consider what CNN anchor Chris Cuomo recently had to say about this

    Hate speech is not the same thing as free speech, wrote CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on the ultimate forum for public discourse: Twitter.


    Amid debate about free speech after a shooting at an anti-Muslim protest in Texas , a user tweeted at Cuomo: “Too many people are trying to say hate speech (doesn’t equal) free speech.”


    In response, Cuomo, who has a law degree, said, “It doesn’t. Hate speech is excluded from protection. Don’t just say you love the Constitution … read it.”

    No, I think that it is Cuomo that needs to read the Constitution.  The fact that he gets to deliver “the news” to millions upon millions of Americans is absolutely frightening.

    But without a doubt, we do need to have a conversation about “hate speech” in the United States.  If I offend or insult you, that does not mean that I “hate” you.  And if I disagree with you, that does not mean that I “hate” you either.

    Some of the things that are considered to be “offensive speech” these days are absolutely ridiculous.  For example, just consider the following excerpt from a recent article by Paul Joseph Watson

    Here’s an actual list of things that according to the University of Wisconsin are racist:

    – Asking someone where they are from or where they were born.

    – Telling someone they speak good English.

    – Telling someone that you have several black friends.

    – Saying that you’re not a racist.

    – Complimenting an Asian person by telling them they are very articulate.

    – Asking an Asian person for help with science or math.

    – Uttering the phrase “There is only one race, the human race.”

    – Saying that you think America is a melting pot and that when you look at someone you don’t see race.

    – Believing that the most qualified person, regardless of race, should get the job.

    – Thinking that every person, regardless of race, can succeed in society if they work hard enough.

    – Telling a black person who is being too loud to be quiet.

    – Telling an Asian or Latino person who is too quiet to speak up.

    – Mistaking a person of color for a staff member when you’re in a store.

    – Calling something “gay”.

    – Doing an impression of someone’s dialect or accent.

    Could you imagine going to prison for any of those “offenses”?

    But this is where our country is heading if we don’t stand up for our rights.

    Right now, the progressives are on a roll.  In the wake of the recent Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage, some progressives are already talking about going after the tax exemptions of churches that oppose it.  In fact, the New York Times recently published an article entitled “Now’s the Time To End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions“.

    But of course the ultimate goal is far more insidious.  In the end, they want to shut down all speech that offends them in any way

    The American Unity Fund is a heavily funded new super-PAC looking to blanket the country with LGBT anti-discrimination laws. In effect, those laws aim to wipe out any alternative voice to the LGBT agenda. The effort is being spearheaded by billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer and another wealthy hedge fund manager, Tim Gill.


    Gill’s operations—the Gill Foundation and Gill Action—have been dedicated to “nonpartisan” gains for the LGBT lobby on the legislative and judicial fronts.

    Those that do not believe that this could ever possibly happen in “the land of the free” should consider what has already happened in our neighbor to the north

    Anyone who is offended by something you have said or written can make a complaint to the Human Rights Commissions and Tribunals. In Canada, these organizations police speech, penalizing citizens for any expression deemed in opposition to particular sexual behaviors or protected groups identified under ‘sexual orientation.’ It takes only one complaint against a person to be brought before the tribunal, costing the defendant tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees. The commissions have the power to enter private residences and remove all items pertinent to their investigations, checking for hate speech.

    Of course the same kind of thing is already happening over in Europe as well.  For instance, one Christian pastor in Northern Ireland is being prosecuted for calling Islam “a doctrine spawned in hell”

    An evangelical pastor in Northern Ireland is under fire and will be prosecuted after calling Islam “satanic” and claiming that its doctrine was “spawned in hell” during a controversial 2014 sermon that streamed over the Internet.


    Pastor James McConnell, 78, of Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle in Belfast, Northern Ireland, made his comments — which included calling Islam “heathen” — in a sermon delivered last May, the BBC reported.


    “The Muslim religion was created many hundreds of years after Christ. Muhammad, the Islam Prophet, was born around the year A.D. 570, but Muslims believe that Islam is the true religion,” he preached. “Now, people say there are good Muslims in Britain. That may be so, but I don’t trust them.”


    McConnell continued, “Islam’s ideas about God, about humanity, about salvation are vastly different from the teaching of the holy scriptures. Islam is heathen. Islam is satanic. Islam is a doctrine spawned in hell.”

    Once such laws are in place in the United States, it won’t be difficult for the government to find you if you are committing “hate speech”.  As I have written about repeatedly, the U.S. government already monitors virtually everything that is said and done on the Internet.  The following is an excerpt from an article that was recently authored by Micah Lee, Glenn Greenwald, and Morgan Marquis-Boire

    The sheer quantity of communications that XKEYSCORE processes, filters and queries is stunning. Around the world, when a person gets online to do anything — write an email, post to a social network, browse the web or play a video game — there’s a decent chance that the Internet traffic her device sends and receives is getting collected and processed by one of XKEYSCORE’s hundreds of servers scattered across the globe.


    In order to make sense of such a massive and steady flow of information, analysts working for the National Security Agency, as well as partner spy agencies, have written thousands of snippets of code to detect different types of traffic and extract useful information from each type, according to documents dating up to 2013. For example, the system automatically detects if a given piece of traffic is an email. If it is, the system tags if it’s from Yahoo or Gmail, if it contains an airline itinerary, if it’s encrypted with PGP, or if the sender’s language is set to Arabic, along with myriad other details.

    And as I wrote about yesterday, western governments are already using paid trolls to identify and combat “extremists” on social media websites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

    We are rapidly becoming a “Big Brother” society, and if we don’t stand up for our freedoms and liberties now, it is inevitable that we will eventually lose just about all of them.

    Unfortunately, most of the population is absolutely clueless about all of this.  In fact, as Mark Dice demonstrated the other day, many Americans don’t even know what we are celebrating on the 4th of JulyAs a society, we have become extremely “dumbed down”, and we have lost connection to the values and principles that this country was founded upon.

  • This Is Why The Euro Is Finished

    Submitted by Raúl Ilargi Meijer of The Automatic Earth

    This Is Why The Euro Is Finished

    The IMF Debt Sustainability Analysis report on Greece that came out this week has caused a big stir. We now know that the Fund’s analysts confirm what Syriza has been saying ever since they came to power 5 months ago: Greece needs debt relief, lots of it, and fast.

    We also know that Europe tried to silence the report. But what’s most interesting is that this has been going on for months, as per Reuters. Ergo, the IMF has known about the -preliminary- analysis for months, and kept silent, while at the same time ‘negotiating’ with Greece on austerity and bailouts.

    And if you dig a bit deeper still, there’s no avoiding the fact that the IMF hasn’t merely known this for months, it’s known it for years. The Greek Parliamentary Debt Committee reported three weeks ago that it has in its possession an IMF document from 2010(!) that confirms the Fund knew even at that point in time.

    That is to say, it already knew back then that the bailout executed in 2010 would push Greece even further into debt. Which is the exact opposite of what the bailout was supposed to do.

    The 2010 bailout was the one that allowed private French, Dutch and German banks to transfer their liabilities to the Greek public sector, and indirectly to the entire eurozone‘s public sector. There was no debt restructuring in that deal.

    Reuters yesterday reported that “Publication of the draft Debt Sustainability Analysis laid bare a dispute between Brussels and [the IMF] that has been simmering behind closed doors for months.

    But that’s not the whole story. Evidently, there was a major dispute inside the IMF as well. The decision to release the report was apparently taken without even a vote, because it was obvious the Fund’s board members wanted the release. The US played a substantial role in that decision. Why the timing? Hard to tell.

    The big question that arises from this is: what has been Christine Lagarde’s role in this charade? If she has been instrumental is keeping the analysis under wraps, she has done the IMF a lot of reputational damage, and it’s getting hard to see how she could possibly stay on as IMF chief. She has seen to it that the Fund has lost an immense amount of trust in the world. And without trust, the IMF is useless.

    And while we’re at it, ECB chief Mario Draghi, who is also a major Troika negotiator, made a huge mistake this week in -all but- shutting down the Greek banking system, a decision that remains hard to believe to this day. The function of a central bank is to make sure banks are liquid, not to consciously and willingly strangle them.

    How Draghi, after this, could stay on as ECB head is as hard to see as it is to do that for Lagarde’s position. And we should also question the actions and motives of people like Jean-Claude Juncker and Jeroen Dijsselbloem.

    They must also have known about the IMF’s assessment, and still have insisted there be no debt relief on the negotiating table, although the analysis says there cannot be a viable deal without it.

    One can only imagine Varoufakis’ frustration at finding the door shut in his face every single time he has brought up the subject. Because you don’t really need an IMF analysis to see what’s obvious.

    Which is exactly why there is a referendum tomorrow: Alexis Tsipras refused to sign a deal that did not include debt restructuring. It would be comedy if it weren’t so tragic, most of all for the people of Greece. Here’s from Reuters yesterday:

    Europeans Tried To Block IMF Debt Report On Greece


    Euro zone countries tried in vain to stop the IMF publishing a gloomy analysis of Greece’s debt burden which the leftist government says vindicates its call to voters to reject bailout terms, sources familiar with the situation said on Friday. The document released in Washington on Thursday said Greece’s public finances will not be sustainable without substantial debt relief, possibly including write-offs by European partners of loans guaranteed by taxpayers. It also said Greece will need at least €50 billion in additional aid over the next three years to keep itself afloat. Publication of the draft Debt Sustainability Analysis laid bare a dispute between Brussels and the IMF that has been simmering behind closed doors for months.


    Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras cited the report in a televised appeal to voters on Friday to say ‘No’ to the proposed austerity terms, which have anyway expired since talks broke down and Athens defaulted on an IMF loan this week. It was not clear whether an arcane IMF document would influence a cliffhanger poll in which Greece’s future in the euro zone is at stake with banks closed, cash withdrawals rationed and commerce seizing up. “Yesterday an event of major political importance happened,” Tsipras said. “The IMF published a report on Greece’s economy which is a great vindication for the Greek government as it confirms the obvious – that Greek debt is not sustainable.”


    At a meeting on the IMF’s board on Wednesday, European members questioned the timing of the report which IMF management proposed at short notice releasing three days before Sunday’s crucial referendum that may determine the country’s future in the euro zone, the sources said. There was no vote but the Europeans were heavily outnumbered and the United States, the strongest voice in the IMF, was in favor of publication, the sources said.

    The reason why all Troika negotiators should face very serious scrutiny is that they have willingly kept information behind that should have been crucial in any negotiation with Greece. The reason is obvious: it would have cost Europe’s taxpayers many billions of euros.

    But that should never be a reason to cheat and lie. Because once you do that, you’re tarnished for life. So in an even slightly ideal world, they should all resign. Everybody who’s been at that table for the Troika side.

    And I can’t see how Angela Merkel would escape the hatchet either. She, too, must have known what the IMF analysts knew. And decided to waterboard the Greek population rather than be forced to explain at home that her earlier decisions (2010) failed so dramatically that her voters would now have to pay the price for them. No, Angela likes to be in power. More than she likes for the Greeks to have proper healthcare.

    Understandable, perhaps, but unforgivable as well. Someone should take this entire circus of liars and cheaters and schemers to court. They’re very close to killing the entire EU with their machinations. Not that I mind, the sooner it dies the better, but the people involved should still be held accountable. It’s not even the EU itself which is at fault, or which is a bad idea, it’s these people.

    But fear not, there’s no tragedy that doesn’t also have a humorous side. And I don’t mean that to take anything away from the Greek people’s suffering.

    Brett Arends at MarketWatch wrote a great analysis of his own, and get this, also based on IMF numbers. Turns out, the biggest mistake for Greece and Syriza is to want to stay inside the eurozone. The euro has been such a financial and economic disaster, it’s hard to fathom that nobody has pointed this out before. Stay inside, and there’s no way you can win.

    I find this a hilarious read in face of what I see going on here in Greece. It makes everything even more tragic.

    Stop Lying To The Greeks — Life Without The Euro Is Great


    Will the euro-fanatics please stop lying to the people of Greece? And while they’re at it, will they please stop lying to the rest of us as well? Can they stop pretending that life outside the euro — for the Greeks or any other European country — would be a fate worse than death? Can they stop claiming that if the Greeks go back to the drachma, they will be condemned to a miserable existence on the dark backwaters of European life, a small, forgotten and isolated country with no factories, no inward investment and no hope? Those dishonest threats are being leveled this week at the people of Greece, as they gear up for the weekend’s big referendum on more austerity.


    The bully boys of Brussels, Frankfurt and elsewhere are warning the Greek people that if they don’t do as they’re told, and submit to yet more economic leeches, they may end up outside the euro … at which point, of course, life would stop. Bah.


    Take a look at the chart. It compares the economic performance of Greece inside the euro with European rivals that don’t use the euro. Those other countries cover a wide range of situations, of course – from rich and stable Denmark, to former Soviet Union countries, to Greece’s neighbor Turkey, which isn’t even in the EU. But they all have one thing in common.



    During the past 15 years, while Greece has been enjoying the “benefits” of having Brussels run their monetary policies, those poor suckers have all been stuck running their own affairs and managing their own currencies (if you can imagine). And you can see just how badly they’ve suffered as a result.


    They’ve crushed it. Romania, Turkey, Poland, Sweden, Croatia — you name it, they’ve all posted vastly better growth rates than Greece. The data come from the IMF itself. It measures growth in gross domestic product, per person, in constant prices (in other words, with price inflation stripped out). Greece adopted the euro in 2001.


    And after 14 years in the same club as the big boys, they are back right where they started. Real per-person economic growth over that time: Zero. Meanwhile Romania, with the leu, has only … er … doubled. Everyone else is up. The Icelanders, who suffered the worst financial catastrophe on the planet in 2008, have nonetheless managed to grow.


    Yes, all data points have caveats. Each country has its own story and its own advantages and disadvantages. But the overall picture is clear: The euro has either caused Greece’s disastrous economic performance, or at least failed to prevent it.


    What I find amazing about the euro-fanatics is that they just don’t seem to care about facts at all. They carry on repeating the same claims about the alleged miracle cure of their currency, no matter what happens. You can hit them over the head with the latest IMF World Economic Outlook and they carry on droning, unfazed.


    I was in England during the 1990s when those people were warning that if the Brits didn’t give up the pound sterling and join the euro, they were doomed as well. For a laugh, I just went through news archives on Factiva and refreshed my memory.


    Britain without the euro would be an “orphan country,” petted, humored but ignored, warned one leading figure. Britain would lose all influence and status. It would become a marginal country outside the mainstream of Europe. It would lose “a million jobs.” Factories would close. The car industry would collapse. Foreign investors would walk away because of Britain’s isolation.


    Exports would plummet because of exchange-rate fluctuations. The City of London, Britain’s financial district, would lose out to Frankfurt. The London Stock Exchange would be reduced to a local backwater. Tumbleweeds would blow in the streets. (OK, I made that one up.)


    And here we are today. Since 1992, when the single currency project began taxiing for takeoff, the countries on board have seen total economic growth of 40%, says the IMF. Poor old Great Britain, stuck back at the departure lounge with its miserable pound sterling? Just 67%. Bah.

    This currency that Greece is fighting so hard to be part of is in fact strangling it. The reason for this lies in the structure of the EMU. Which makes it impossible for individual countries to adapt to changing circumstances. And circumstances always change. As a country, you need flexibility, you need to be able to adapt to world events.

    You need to be able to devalue, you need a central bank to be your lender of last resort. Mario Draghi has refused to be Greece’s lender of last resort. That can’t be, that’s impossible. there is no valid economic reason for such an action, it’s criminal behavior. But the eurozone structure allows for such behavior.

    In ‘real life’, where a country has its own central bank, the only reason for it to refuse to be lender of last resort would be political. And it is the same thing here. It’s about power. That’s why Greece’s grandmas can’t get to their meagre pensions. There is no economic reason for that.

    In the eurozone, there’s only one nation that counts in the end: Germany. The eurozone has effectively made it possible for Angela Merkel to save her domestic banks from losses by unloading them upon the Greeks. This would not have been possible had Greece not been a member of the eurozone.

    That this took, and still takes, scheming and cheating, is obvious. But that is at the same time the reason why either all Troika negotiators must be replaced, and by people who don’t stoop to these levels, or, and I think that’s the much wiser move, countries should leave the eurozone.

    Look, it’s simple, the euro is finished. It won’t survive the unmitigated scandal that Greece has become. Greece is not the victim of its own profligacy, it’s the victim of a structure that makes it possible to unload the losses of the big countries’ failing financial systems onto the shoulders of the smaller. There’s no way Greece could win.

    The damned lies and liars and statistics that come with all this are merely the cherry on the euro cake. It’s done. Stick a fork in it.

    The smaller, poorer, countries in the eurozone need to get out while they can, and as fast as they can, or they will find themselves saddled with ever more losses of the richer nations as the euro falls apart. The structure guarantees it.

  • "The US Needs War Every 4 Years To Maintain Economic Growth"

    “This is not a secret,” explains Kris Roman, director of geopolitical research center Euro-Rus, “The whole [US] economy is built on the military theme: to maintain its economic growth, the United States needs a war every 4 years, otherwise the economic growth slows down.” The Belgian expert believes that with the collapse of the USSR, NATO should have stopped existing, but somehow the alliance “has grown to the size of the Universe because the motto ‘The Russians are coming!’ is relevant again.”

    In the 25 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO has not forgotten even for a moment about the idea of an attack on Russia, Belgian political scientist and director of geopolitical research center Euro-Rus Kris Roman tells Sputnik News…

    “But they had no pretext. Now, due to the chaos in Ukraine, this opportunity appeared and it is actively developed. The older generation, which had been brought up on the propaganda against the Soviet Union, has already accepted the idea of ??an inevitable conflict with Russia,” Roman said.



    Roman said that when the Belgian defense minister had announced that 1,000 Belgian soldiers would be sent to the Baltic states in the event of a “potential Russian attack.”

    The United States has repeatedly criticized Europe for small contributions to the NATO budget, saying that the EU tries to save money at the expense of its military budget.

    “For America, this is unacceptable, because the whole economy of this country is built on the military theme — to maintain its economic growth, the United States needs a war every 4 years, otherwise the economic growth slows down, it’s not a secret. But the United States cannot fight alone, they need puppet-allies, but NATO members, which are suffering a crisis, cannot increase the budget allocations to the military budget, so Europe is under pressure,” Kris Roman said.

    Russophobia Reminds a Disease

    The Belgian expert noted that Russophobia is like a disease as “once infected, you become incurable.”


    The European analyst also commented on the information war aimed against Russia noting that it had been previously used with regard to Iraq and Libya.


    “It is no longer possible to lie and not be punished. Our media simply prefers to remain silent in order not to be caught lying. What they can say? That the Russians were right? That the Russian army is not there [fighting in Donbass], while the Ukrainian army is at war with its own people? They cannot say such things. The official motto is to blame Russia.”


    “Remember the downed Malaysian Boeing [MH17 that crashed near Donetsk in July 2014]? Our media began screaming that it is Russia’s fault when it was still falling. Now there are facts that the Russians did not do it, and, as a result, we no longer hear about the investigation. Silence says that the truth is not on the side of Belgian and European media. If they ever had something [regarding Russia’s involvement in the crash], they would have shouted it from morning to evening,” he concluded.

    *  *  *
    As Americans rest and celebrate their independence from the actions of an oppressively taxing monarchy, perhaps it is worth reflecting on the current oligarchy’s actions, reactions, and proactions.

  • Greece, China, & Russia – A Plan B For Tsipras

    Via Golem XIV,

    If the Greeks were to vote ‘No’ what would happen next?  Well no one can say. But here is a quick thought on what I hope the Greek government might have been exploring if they are excluded from the euro. It’s just food for thought nothing more.

    They have to be prepared to have a currency that does not depend on Europe supplying Euros. So they will need another currency – hopefully their own.  I think we can be sure no western company has been printing them. There are few such companies and there is, I think, no possibility that they would be able to keep secret a contract from Greece.  But both Russia and China can print notes. So would it not have been prudent to ask Putin to print up plane loads of Drachma and be prepared to fly them in?

    Who would back this currency?  Greece is not Great Britain with a long established reasonably trusted currency backed by a big slice of global financial trade. So I do not think they could launch an orphan currency which the drachma would be if it did not have some relation to a major clearing or reserve currency.

    For all Obama has, apparently, lobbied the EU to be more conciliatory towards Greece I am not sure he would leap at the chance to help Greece with its debt. He might of course. A chance to reenforce US power in that part of the world. But he already has power there so I doubt he would be willing to ‘pay’ much. Russia and China, however would gain much more by having Greece as a beach head in to the EU and, more importantly, into Nato.

    Russia  has already signed a large gas pipeline deal with Greece. The deal will make Greece the European terminal for the  so-called TurkStream which would be a southern counterpart for the NordStream which runs under the Baltic and has its European terminal in Germany. This pipeline would bring Russian gas to Europe cutting out Ukraine. A nice end run around the Western puppet government/influence in Ukraine (you decide which one you prefer).  It will also bring closer Russian ability to pipe gas from further east and from Iran. Which would also be an end run round the southern front of the Great Gas War being fought in Syria.

    Earlier this year Russian also signed a deal with Cyprus to give Russian ships access to Cypriot ports.

    So It would make sense to me that Russia might see advantage in helping Greece in the event of a ‘No’ vote.  But I do not think Russia is in much of a position to help financially. Their help can be practical and trade in gas and their reward is military. Greece and Cyprus together could perhaps get themselves a chip in the big game by being the key to allowing Russia to project military power in to Nato.

    Which raises the intriguing possibility that Russia might ask Greece is they could station some military hardware in Greece. Not something Greece would lightly say yes to. BUT if there was a ‘no’ vote and then Europe tried to get really vindictive or even started sabre rattling about ‘radical’ possibly ‘illegitimate’ leftist governments (AKA Syriza) might Syriza gain some advantage by letting it be known they might consider letting Russia dock missile carrying warships in their ports, or allow certain early warning systems on their territory? Or if  the Great Gas War, which is surely the new Cold War, where Ukraine is the new Germany divided East and West (all we need now is a wall somewhere), heats up and the US does deploy missile systems there, would Russia think it advantageous to befriend Greece so they could ask an indebted Greek government to allow Russia to retaliate with missiles right in the heart of Europe?  

    I realise this is pure speculation but it’s fun and I think it’s good to think the unthinkable now and again. Our leaders regularly do the unthinkable. We should at least think it.

    Anyway, I can see reasons why Russia would think it to their advantage to help Greece and have favours to call in.

    Then there is China.  China is too far away for military pretensions in the Med. Better to leave that to Russia. What China has is money. Just yesterday the director of the Quantitative Finance Department at China’s Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics, Mr Fan Mingtao, said in an interview,

    “I believe there are two ways to give Greece Chinese aid. First, within the framework of the international aid through EU countries. Second, China could aid Greece directly. Especially considering the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. China has this ability,”

    I don’t know if this is pure kite flying but it’s interesting. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a China led rival to the US led World Bank. America was very against it and hugely put out when various European and other countries defied America and merrily joined it. Led by Britain which is a founder member. This is a major step in China’s policy of projecting power abroad but also a major step in its campaign to either have the Yuan as a new reserve currency or position a new currency in which China and the Yuan are constituent backers.

    Again this is all speculation. But China is sick of America excluding it from governance of the World Bank and the IMF. Plus China will soon need – not just want – but need the Yuan to be at the very least a much more widely used settlement currency if not a full blown reserve currency. The reason I suggest this, is because of China’s ballooning domestic debt problem.  Back in 2011 I wrote about the way regional governments were largely outside of direct and effective central control particularly their issuance of debt (Making the New Sub Prime – Backdoor to China) and how that debt was going bad (China – 10.7 trillion Yuan of debt going bad).

    That analysis is, I think, now vindicated. That regional debt has now blown up and is on the point of taking many of China’s banks down with it. The central chinese government now has, I think, little choice but to backstop all that regional debt.  The hope is that this will  save their regional governments from defaulting and also bail out all the banks that are holding that debt and would be bankrupted by such a default. Essentially this is a colossal bank bail out much like they were obliged to do back in the 90′s and we did a decade later. I am not alone in thinking this is the dynamic at play. As reported in the Wall Street Journal and ZeroHedge,

    “The debt swap is effectively a debt restructuring for banks,” said Zhu Haibin, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.’s chief China economist.

    How big might this bail out get?

    Because the central government is ultimately responsible for guaranteeing local government debt, and because yields on the new muni bonds are so close to those on treasurys, the newly issued local government bonds are really just treasury bonds, meaning that, in essence, the supply of Chinese government bonds is set to jump by CNY2 trillion in the coming months. If all of the local government debt ends up being refinanced, the end result will be the equivalent on CNY20 trillion in additional treasury supply.

    What I foresee is that China’s new regional debt and bank bail out is forcing it in to what is essentially QE. The flow of Yuan is going to be vastly increased. A good idea would be to have lots of people ‘need’ these yuan and be keen to soak them up. That is what would happen if the Yuan becomes a new reserve currency or, failing that, if there is at least a greater use of the Yuan as a settlement currency for major international trades.

    Which brings me to my speculation about Greece and the report quoted above about China helping Greece via the new AIIB.  Might it not suit China, with its coming flood of new Yuan, to offer Greece a hand with a few Yuan. Greece might offer to conduct all its foreign trade in Yuan rather than dollars or Euros. Greece would benefit because it would not be beholden to America or Europe for a flow of their currencies. It could look to China instead. Russian would be happy with this because it has a settlement agreement with China. Any gas pipeline work could be financed in Yuan with chinese government backed Yuan loans. The AIIB could help Greece out with a loan to allow it to operate. Such a loan would not be blockable from Europe or America. Greece could default and still have operating money. China could spin it as almost humanitarian aid: The Chinese people reaching out to the desperate, impoverished but brave Greeks when the wicked capitalist Europeans would not.

    Greece would survive, have new powerful friends, have bargaining chips that neither Europe nor America could ignore , China would have projected the use of the Yuan right in to Europe and Russia would have more than a toe-hold for military power right inside NATO.

    If I was Tsipras or Varoufakis I would be on the phone right now.

  • A 21-Year-Old Greek Unloads: "I Am Terrified Of Tomorrow…It Feels Like An End"

    A letter to The FT… Presented with no comment…


    Memory. No memory of life before the financial crisis; politics has dominated it ever since. But now I can hardly remember life before Friday night. Fear. I am terrified of tomorrow, all I now see is black. Uncertainty, leading us through our days, every remainder of hope for a brighter future being destroyed by the minute. I look at my three-year-old niece, I envy her ignorance, I envy her age. I am 21 years old and the past few days I feel tired by life. A referendum that supposedly gives me the right to define my future, seems to have taken it away.

    There are hundreds of people queueing at the ATMs and petrol stations, there is silence in the streets, people’s faces are frozen. This is the reality since Friday night. There are, and have been for a long time, people literally starving. However, it seems that instead of their situation improving, the rest of us will have no different a fate.

    Families and friends divide in Yes and No camps. We are called to exercise our democratic right by voting on a referendum while having no tangible explanation of what will follow each decision. I see everyone I know ready to take this huge responsibility without even being prepared to do so. I notice us, arguing endlessly, everyone supporting their stance fervently, ego dominating minds and words, while having no clue as to what is really at stake.

    We all want the crisis to end, we all crave growth and happiness. I do not remember my parents being free of stress and anxiety in the past years. I do not remember not noticing shops closing every month, or the rapid increase of beggars in the streets. People that, before the financial crisis, never had to beg for anything. However, the past five days have been worse than all that has been so far. They say that all we hear is propaganda; but we have lost our trust in all sides, now everything seems to be lies.

    It feels like an end. The end of our lives as we knew them. Yes, the lives that, before Friday, we already thought could be better; now we realise they were better then. The only thing we truly wish for is that the worst is not yet to come.

    Iliana Magra

    Thessaloniki, Greece

  • Nomi Prins: In A World Of Artificial Liquidity – Cash Is King

    Submitted by Nomi Prins via,

    Global central banks are afraid. Before Greece tried to stand up to the Troika, they were merely worried. Now it’s clear that no matter what they tell themselves and the world about the necessity or even righteousness of their monetary policies, liquidity can still disappear in an instant. Or at least, that’s what they should be thinking.

    The Federal Reserve and US government led policy of injecting liquidity into the US and then into the worldwide financial system has resulted in the issuance of trillions of dollars of debt, recycling it through the largest private banks, and driving rates to 0% — or below. The combined book of debt that the Fed and European Central Bank (ECB) hold is $7 trillion. None of that has gone remotely into fixing the real global economy. Nor have the banks that have ben aided by this cheap money increased lending to the real economy. Instead, they have hoarded their bounty of cash. It’s not so much whether this game can continue for the near future on an international scale. It can. It is. The bigger problem is that central banks have no plan B in the event of a massive liquidity event.  

    Some central bank entity leaders have admitted this. IMF chief, Christine Lagarde for instance, warned Federal Reserve Chair, Janet Yellen that potential US rate hikes implemented too soon, would incite greater systemic calamity. She’s not wrong. That’s what we’ve come to: a financial system reliant on external stimulus to survive.

    These “emergency” measures were supposed to have healed the problems that caused the financial crisis of 2008 — the excessive leverage, the toxic assets wrapped in complex derivatives, the resultant credit and liquidity crunch that occurred when banks lost faith in each other. Meanwhile, the infusion of cheap money and liquidity into banks gave a select few of them more power over a greater pool of capital than ever. Stock and bond markets skyrocketed as a result of this unprecedented central bank support.

    QE-infinity isn’t a solution — it’s a deflection. It’s a form of financial subterfuge that causes extra problems. These range from asset bubbles to the inability of pension and life insurance funds to source longer term less risky long-term assets like government bonds, that pay enough interest for them to meet liabilities. They are thus at risk of rapid future deterioration and more shortfalls precisely because they have nothing to invest in besides more risky stock and lower-rated bond markets.

    Even the latest Bank of International Settlement (BIS) 85th Annual Report revealed the extent to which global entities supervising the banking system are worried. They harbor growing fears about greater repercussions from this illusion of market health (echoing concerns I and others have been writing about for the past seven years.)

    The BIS, or bank for the central banks was established during the global Great Depression in 1930 in Basel, Switzerland, when bank runs on people’s deposits were the norm. The body no longer buys into zero-interest rate policy as an economic cure-all. In their words, “Globally, interest rates have been extraordinarily low for an exceptionally long time, in nominal and inflation-adjusted terms, against any benchmark. Such low rates are the remarkable symptom of a broader malaise in the global economy.”

    They go on to note the obvious, “The economic expansion is unbalanced, debt burdens and financial risks are still too high, productive growth too low, and the room for maneuvering in macroeconomic policy too limited. The unthinkable risks becoming routine and being perceived as the new normal.”

    These are troubling words coming from an organization that would have much preferred to deem central bank policies a success. Yet the BIS also states, “Global financial markets remain dependent on central banks.” Dependent is a strong word. How quickly the idea of free markets has been turned on its head.

    Further, the BIS says, “Central bank balance sheets remain at unprecedented high levels; and they grew even larger in several jurisdictions where the ultra low policy rate environments were reinforced with large purchases of domestic and foreign assets.”

    Central banks are not yet there, but rising volatility is indicative of the accelerating approach to the nowhere left to go mark from a monetary policy perspective. This, after seven years of a reckless Anti-Main Street, inequality and instability inducing, policy.

    Not only have the major banks been the main recipient of manufactured liquidity, they have also received consolidated access to our deposits, which they can use like hostages to negotiate future bailout situations. Elite bankers moan about the extra regulations they have had to endure in the wake of the financial crisis, while scooping up cash dispersed under the guise of stimulating the general economy.

    Central banks seek fresh ways to keep the party going as countries like Greece shut down banks to contain capital flight, and places like Puerto Rico and multiple states and municipalities face economic ruin. But they are clueless as to what to do.

    In this cauldron of instability and lack of leadership, cash is the one remaining financial possession that Main Street can translate into goods, services and security. That’s why private banks want more control over it.

    Banks Want Your Cash For Their Latent Emergencies

    One of the most inane reasons cited for restricting cash withdrawals for normal people is that they all might turn out to be drug dealers or terrorists. Meanwhile, drug-dealing-money-laundering terrorists tend to get away with it anyway, by sheer ability to use a plethora of banks and off shore havens to diffuse cash around the globe.

    Every so often, years after the fact, some bank perpetrators receive money-laundering fines.  For average depositors though, these are excuses for a bureaucracy built upon limiting access to cash whether from an ATM (many have $500 per day limits, some have less) or an account (withdrawals above a certain level get reported to the IRS).

    As Charles Hugh Smith wrote at Peak Prosperity recently, there’s a difference between physical cash (the kind you can touch and use immediately) and the electronic kind, associated with your bank balance or credit card cash advance limit.  If you hold it, you have it – even if keeping it in a bank means it’s probably slammed with various fees.

    Banks, on the other hand, can leverage your deposits or cash, even while complying with various capital reserve requirements. That’s not new. But the expanding debates about how much of your cash you get to withdraw at any given moment, is.

    The notion of a bail-in, or recourse to people’s deposits, is related to the idea of restricting the movement, or existence, of physical cash. Bail-ins, like any cash limitations, imply that if a bank needs emergency liquidity, your deposits are the place to find it, which has negative repercussion on your own solvency. This is exactly what the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, coupled with the creation of the FDIC sought to avoid – banks confiscating your money at the worst possible times.

    The ‘war on cash’ is thus really a war on the difference between the money you can hold on to and the money the banks can take away from you. The existence of this cash debate underscores the need for a personal policy of cash extraction from the big banks. Do you have one?

    In Part 2: They're Coming For Your Cash we detail out the growing threats to the liquidity that sustains the modern global banking system, and why it's more crucial than ever for people to consider extracting a portion of cash from their bank accounts. As existing liquidity streams dry up (as they are beginning to around the world), increasingly desperate banks will turn to the largest and most convenient source they know of: the collective cash savings we have on deposit with them.

    Click here to read Part 2 of this report (free executive summary, enrollment required for full access)


  • The Greek Bluff In All Its Glory: Presenting The Grexit "Falling Dominoes"

    Earlier today, Yanis Varoufakis reiterated his core thesis driving the entire Greek approach from day 1 of its negotiations with the Eurogroup: “Europe [stands] to lose as much as Athens if the country is forced from the euro after a referendum on Sunday on bailout terms.”

    This is merely a recap of what we said 4 years ago when in July of 2011 we explained “How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP“, recall:

    the bottom line is that for an enlarged EFSF (which is what its blank check expansion today provided) to be effective, it will need to cover Italy and Belgium. As AB says, “its firepower would have to rise to €1.45trn backed by a total of €1.7trn guarantees.” And here is where the whole premise breaks down, if not from a financial standpoint, then certainly from a political one: “As the guarantees of the periphery including Italy are worthless, the Guarantee Germany would have to provide rises to €790bn or 32% of GDP.” That’s right: by not monetizing European debt on its books, the ECB has effectively left Germany holding the bag to the entire European bailout via the blank check SPV. The cost if things go wrong: a third of the country economic output, and the worst case scenario: a depression the likes of which Germany has not seen since the 1920-30s. Oh, and if France gets downgraded, Germany’s pro rata share of funding the EFSF jumps to a mindboggling €1.385 trillion, or 56% of German GDP!

    Several years later, in anticipation of precisely the predicament Europe finds itself today, the ECB did begin to monetize European debt, which has since become the biggest European risk-shock absorber of all, and the one which the ECB is literally betting the bank on: just count the number of times the ECB has sworn it has the tools and can offset any Greek risk contagion simply by buying bonds.

    Unfortunately, it is not that simple.

    The reason is precisely in the contagion threat inherent in Europe’s alphabet soup of bailout mechanism as we explained four years ago in the post above, and as Carl Weinberg of High-Frequency Economics did hours ago in today’s edition of Barrons. Here is how the Greek contagion would spread, laid out in all its simplicity, should there be a Grexit, an outcome which the ECB could catalyze as soon as Monday in case of a “No” vote by raising ELA collateral haircuts:

    The [Greek] government appears ready to renege on its debt obligations. So Greece’s creditors are going to lose money—a lot of money. Since these creditors are public entities, the losses will be borne, initially, by the public.


    This crisis is about managing the resolution of bad Greek assets in a way that inconveniences creditor governments the least, forcing the least net new public borrowing, and minimizing financial system risks. The best way to do that is to avert a hard default, even if it means kicking the can down the road.

    That, once again, is the Varoufakis all-in gamble, a gamble which assumes the ECB will be rational enough (in a game theory context) to appreciate the fallout of a Grexit on Europe’s creditors. Here is a qualitative determination:

    Consider the ESM, Greece’s biggest creditor. Under its previous name, the European Financial Stability Facility, it loaned Greece €145 billion. If Greece defaults, the ESM, a Luxembourg corporation owned by the 19 European Monetary Union governments, will have to declare loans to Greece as nonperforming within 120 days. Accounting rules and regulators insist that financial institutions write off nonperforming assets in full, charging losses against reserves and hitting capital.


    Here’s the rub: The ESM has no loan-loss contingency reserves. Its only assets—other than loans to Greece—are loans to Ireland and Portugal. Its liabilities are triple A-rated bonds sold to the public. How do you get a triple-A rating on a bond backed entirely by loans to junk-rated sovereign borrowers? Well, the governments guarantee the bonds, and because they are unfunded off-balance-sheet liabilities, they aren’t counted in their debt burdens—unless borrowers default.


    If Greece defaults hard, governments will be on the hook for €145 billion in guarantees on those loans to the ESM. We expect credit-rating agencies to insist that these unfunded guarantees be funded. After all, unfunded guarantees are worthless guarantees.

    And the punchline:

    The strength of these guarantees is untested. Would the German Bundestag vote tomorrow to raise €35 billion by selling Bunds, the government debt, to cover Germany’s share of ESM losses on Greek bonds? That seems improbable. Bund sales of that scale, if they did occur, would flood the market, raising yields and depressing prices. If, instead, the Bundestag refused to cover its guarantees, then we would see a legal dust-up on a grand scale. With the presumption of valid guarantees, credit raters would have no choice but to downgrade ESM paper. Then losses would be borne by bondholders, and the ESM—the euro zone’s safety net and backstop—couldn’t raise money in the capital markets.

    In other words, Grexit would usher in a pandemonium of unheard proportions because when the ESM, EFSF and countless other bailout mechanism were postulated, none even for a minute evaluated the scenario that is being flouted with ease, and, paradoxically, by the ECB itself most of all: an ECB which stands to lose the most…

    A hard default would produce other losses to be covered. The ECB would have to be recapitalized after it writes off the €89 billion it has loaned the Greek banks to keep them liquid. The ECB would need to call for a capital contribution from its shareholders—the governments.

    … not to mention any last shred of confidence it may have had.

    But wait, there’s more:

    And don’t forget that Greek banks owe the Target2 bank clearinghouse, a key link in the interbank payment system, an estimated €100 billion. The governments are on the hook to make good that shortfall, too. The cash required to cover these contingencies would have to be funded with new bond sales.

    The conclusion is incidentally, identical to what Zero Hedge said back in the summer of 2011: “the ultimate loser in a Greek default would be the euro-zone sovereign-bond market, which is already vulnerable. ” The only difference is that this time, yields are near all-time lows, and durations are high. Ironically, even the smallest fluctuations in yield mean a volatile response in prices, and an immediate crippling of the bond market. Perhaps most ironic is that Europe’s bond market is far less prepared to deal with Greek contagion now than when Italian bonds were blowing out and trading at 7%, just because everyone has double down and gone all-in that the ECB can contain the contagion. If it can’t, it’s very much game over.

    This is what Varoufakis’ likewise all-in gamble on the future of Greece boils down to.

    And just so we have numbers to work with, here courtesy of Bawerk’s fantastic summary, is a way to quantify what a Grexit and the resultant falling dominoes would look like for Europe:


    Simplistic representation of falling dominos not enough? Then here is the full breakdown of implicit exposure every Euro Area country has toward a Greek exit, because it is not just the EFSF dominoes, it is also SMP, MRO, ELA, Target2, and oh my…

    And tying it all together, here is some more from “Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk“:

    The Germans, French and IMF alike reluctantly admit so much, but they cannot give the Greeks any debt relief because as soon as Greece starts to default on their obligations on the off-balance sheet guarantees extended by the euro countries the whole system could fall like dominoes. 

    The problem, however, is that the IMF already did admit that Greece does need at least a 30% haircut, implying that at least one member of the grand status quo, under pressure form the US, already got the tap on the shoulder and has been told to prepare for more falling dominoes. Which leads to even more questions:

    What would happen if Italy suddenly got an extra funding requirement of more than €60bn? Every euro apologist point to Italy’s primary surplus, but what good does that do when your debt is over 130 per cent of GDP and rising? The interest payment on that gargantuan debt load means Italy must cough up more than €75bn a year just to service liabilities already incurred. A primary surplus is a useless concept in a situation like the one Italy finds itself in. Adding another €60bn to Italy’s balance sheet could very well be the straw that breaks the Italian camel.


    The French would be on the hook for around €70bn just when they have agreed with the European Commission to “slash” spending to get within the Maastricht goal of 3 per cent, in 2017!


    Imagine the German peoples wrath when they learn that Merkel defied their sacrosanct constitution; a constitution that clearly state that the German people, through its Bundestag, is the sole arbiter of any act that have fiscal implications regarding the German people. The Bundestag did not approve the €42bn of ECB programs that have funded the Greek states excessive consumption.

    All this is purely theoretical. For the practical implications of the above “falling domino” chain, we go back to Carl Weinberg:

    What if a downgrade of ESM paper causes a hedge fund to fail, which triggers the demise of the bank that handles its trades? The costs of fixing failed institutions will also, of course, fall on governments. The ultimate cost of Greece’s default is yet to be seen, but it is surely larger than it seems.

    Contained? We think not. And neither does Varoufakis, which is why he is willing to bet the fate of the Greek people on that most critical of assumptions. The only outstanding question is what does Mario Draghi, and thus Goldman Sachs, believe, and even more importantly, whether the Greek people have enough faith in Varoufakis to pull it off…

  • Whole Foods, Half Lies

    Submitted by Salil Mehta via Statistical Ideas blog,

    Whole Foods has just been caught ripping-off customers, above and beyond their typical rip-off prices.  Whenever I shop at Whole Foods, up and down the Northeast, I observe that more than 2/3 of customers pay with bank cards.  Part of the issue with this payment method is that few customers then do what they should be doing.  Being a math guy for example, I always add up the prices of anything I am about to buy, before I get to the payment cashier.  It's not that hard! 

    And every couple of weeks, at all sorts of global merchants (from stores, to restaurants, to service companies), I come across price discrepancies.  I always feel obligated on behalf of all fellow consumers to notify the business staff (whose only incentive at the counter is to pump you for a loyalty discount card in exchange for your valuable personal data), and most of the time the "mistake" is in their favor.  Certainly not in anyone else's.  The "mistake" comes down to corporate heedlessness at best, and an obvious lack of respect for their customer's finances.  Many times I actually get a dirty look (like I am the jerk for catching their own error!), and only some of the time do I notice businesses promptly take the corrective actions so that no one else would be impacted.  If one mindlessly just throws over their bank card and personal data with every purchase, then (as we'll see below) they will often be overcharged.

    This particular news is happening with a company that already has a high-profile and checkered track record of doing good.  Just before the global financial crisis, CEO Mackey thought it was better to ignore his customers and mask his online identity with the alias "Rahodeb".  Squandering his time instead by falsely denigrating Wild Oats, and simultaneously falsely promoting Whole Foods.  In a similar playbook as they have today, this insulting set of affairs only came to an abrupt end when Whole Foods was busted.

    Also this news is happening with a company that is now suffering intense competition from better-priced competitors.  The organic marketplace is well-overdue for price reform.  As even billionaire investor Warren Buffett quipped recently "I don't see smiles on the faces of people at Whole Foods."  Though on a tangent, we don't see smiles on the faces of his Berkshire stockholders in recent years either (here, here).  Particularly if they then shop at Whole Foods afterwards, only to get served a second beat down.

    So what does Whole Foods' leadership finally do about the recent pricing scandal?  Create a feel-good advertisement!  No staff changes nor any attempt at financial regress for the systematic and ongoing misconduct.  They've already double bagged and taken home those ill-gains.  Here we see Walter Robb, and Rahodeb confusingly justify the "rigorous science" surrounding pricing a fruit in the 21th century:

    Straight up, uhhh, we made some mistakes.  We want to own that, and tell you what we are going to do about it … We know they are unintentional because the mistakes are both in the customer's favor and sometimes not in the customer's favor.  It's understandable that sometimes mistakes are made.  They are inadvertent.  They do happen.

    They also fictitiously blurt out to anyone mathematically illiterate, that in a "very, very small percentage" of times that errors occurred.  What's missing is that really in a "very, very, very small percentage" did this ever work in their customer's favor.  That's three "very's" using the thumbed-on Whole Foods scale.  Which is why eventually they were busted.

    This brings us to statistics on our blog, because it would be informative to show people the number of different ways Whole Foods -or similar merchants- can systematically cheat consumers, and still later hole up behind the lawyered company comments above.  We'll go through examples, each time merely using two hypothetical products for illustration.  We expose in each variation, how even the most fair mis-pricing will generally be "straight up" not fair.

  • With 6 Hours Until The Greek Vote, This Is Where We Stand

    With just hours to go until Greeks head to the ballot box to decide the country’s fate in the eurozone, the latest polls show a nation divided with only a half percentage point separating the “no” votes from the “yes” votes.

    Underscoring the ‘dead heat’ preliminary poll results, the yes’s and the no’s staged dueling protests in the streets of Athens on Friday night. All told, as many as 50,000 people participated in the competing demonstrations with PM Alexis Tsipras making an appearance at the “No” rally.

    As a reminder, this is the schedule for the referendum:


    • Polling stations will be open from 7am to 7pm local time and the result may be known before midnight
    • Pollsters haven’t confirmed if there will be exit polls; if there are any, they will come immediately after the polls close
    • Software distributor SinglularLogic, which has been hired to run the vote counting and data processing, should be able to provide an estimation of the winner a few hours after polls close
    • JPMorgan expects ~90% of votes will have been counted by midnight, based on past general elections in Greece; vote counting could be even faster this time as it’s a yes or no question

    And this is where things stand:

    *  *  *

    As noted earlier today, Athenians are restless and we can’t help but wonder what the scene will be in the streets of Athens on Sunday evening once the results are tallied and one of these two dueling groups is forced to acquiesce to the other’s vision of Greece’s future.

  • 5 Things To Ponder: Independence Day Reading

    Submitted by Lance Roberts via STA Wealth Management,

    This weekend's reading list is a smattering of articles to enjoy between your favorite beverage, grilled meat and really fattening desert. Just remember to go back to the gym on Monday.

    1) Grantham: Stocks Will Continue Upward Until The Election by Justin Kermond via Advisor Perspectives

    "Jeremy Grantham says equity valuations are heading toward the "two-sigma" level that is the requisite threshold for a true bubble. At some point – which is not imminent – he said a "trigger" will precipitate the reversion back to mean levels. The market will continue to deliver positive returns until the next election, according to Grantham.


    Grantham cited two major causes for the looming bubble: post-Bernanke U.S. Federal Reserve policy and a "stock-option culture" that has both elevated corporate margins and stifled normal levels of capital expenditure investment required to grow the economy."


    Read Also: The Last Crisis May Cause The Next One by Robert Samuelson via Real Clear Markets


    2) Why This Chinese Bubble Is Different by John Authers via FT

    "Whatever else, the incident demonstrated that China's market remains dominated by liquidity. It also showed how badly the authorities want an overextended stock market. So, to adapt an old market saw, perhaps everyone should buy A-shares on the basis of "don't fight the PBoC".


    Bulls, led by GaveKal Dragonomics, say for global investors, keeping out of China is "the world's most crowded trade". Ever since metals prices turned down four years ago, suggesting slower Chinese growth, western institutions have been wary. They missed out on last year's boom, explaining their reluctance to see A-shares suddenly appear in their benchmarks."

    Read Also: Putting The China Drop Into Perspective by Malcolm Scott via Bloomberg Business

    Read Also: Maybe It's Not So Different by



    3) Private Equity Is "Cashing Out" by Leslie Picker and Ruth David via Bloomberg

    "When financier Leon Black said his Apollo Global Management LLC was exiting "everything that's not nailed down" amid rising valuations, he made headlines. Two years later, other private-equity firms are following suit — dumping stakes into the markets at a record clip.


    Firms including Blackstone Group LP and TPG Capital Management have been capitalizing on record stock markets around the world to sell shares, mostly in their companies that have already gone public. Globally, buyout firms conducted 97 stock offerings in the second quarter, more than in any other three-month period, according to data compiled by Bloomberg."

    Read Also: Smart Money Is Cashing Out, What About You? by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge



    4) 15 Problems With Real World Portfolios by Ben Carlson via A Wealth Of Common Sense

    "Investment strategies have a tendency to look beautiful on paper and in marketing pitch books. You get to see return numbers, risk-adjusted results and pretty looking graphs that show how great things were in the past. I've yet to come across a strategy that couldn't be dressed up and made to look appealing by a skilled sales team or portfolio manager.


    While there's nothing wrong with trying to present your investment process so it stands out from the crowd, investors have to remember that the markets are never quite as easy as they look on paper or with the benefit of hindsight. Here are 15 reasons portfolios are always harder in the real world than what you'll see in a marketing pitch or back-test:"

    Read Also: When Market Returns Are Reliant On A Single Word by Jeff Erber via Real Clear Markets


    5) The Roseanne Roseannadanna Market by Dr. John Hussman via Hussman Funds

    "Much of the investment world seems to view present conditions as a "Goldilocks market" where economic growth is positive enough to avoid recession, but not fast enough to provoke the Federal Reserve to hike interest rates. Even if these views on economic growth and Federal Reserve policy are correct, it hardly follows that stock prices will advance. S&P 500 returns are only weakly correlated with year-over-year GDP growth and have near-zero correlation with year-over-year changes in earnings. Likewise, the stance of the Federal Reserve has much less power to distinguish investment outcomes than investors seem to believe, which they might realize even by remembering that the Fed was easing aggressively and persistently throughout the 2000-2002 and 2007-2009 market collapses.


    In contrast, we find profound differences in market outcomes across history depending on the combined status of valuations, market internals, and broader measures of market action (which include, for example, overvalued, overbought, overbullish syndromes)."


    Read Also:  The Single Most Important Element To Successful Investing by Jesse Felder via The Felder Report

    Have Another Slice Of Pie

    6 Conditions For A Global Bond Crisis by Bill Gross via Janus Funds

    A Compendium Of Tweeted Research by Meb Faber via Meb Faber Research

    The Current Oil Price Slump Is Far From Over by Arthur Berman via

    The Whole Story Of Factors + Asset Classes by Jason Hsu via Research Affiliates

    "Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom… Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution…but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: 'We will not go quietly into the night!' We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!" – Pres. Thomas Whitmore, Independence Day

    Have a great 4th of July holiday.

  • The Template for the End Game: Lies and Fraud Followed by Bail-Ins


    The Cyprus bank bail-in committed of early 2013 may seem like small deal to most US investors.


    After all, most Americans probably couldn’t even find Cyprus on a globe. And with the mainstream media spreading the narrative that the Cyprus bail-in was a one-time event that was meant to support the bank while punishing tax-dodging crooks, 99% of folks won’t think twice about the situation.


    However, the reality of what happened in Cyprus is a far different matter. And the reason that this reality has not been featured as headline news is because doing so would reveal the following:


    1)   European politicians are both corrupt and incompetent.

    2)   Those meant to assess the risk of any financial institutions don’t know what they’re talking about.

    3)   The average citizen will be screwed while politically connected insiders will be given the means to circumvent the law.


    Let’s assess these issues one by one.


    First off, the Cyprus bank “bail-in” was not some sudden event. The country first asked for a bail-out in JUNE 2012. Here’s the timeline.


    ·      June 25, 2012: Cyprus formally requests a bailout from the EU.

    ·      November 24, 2012: Cyprus announces it has reached an agreement with the EU the bailout process once Cyprus banks are examined by EU officials (ballpark estimate of capital needed is €17.5 billion).


    During the period of late June 2012 until November 2012, Cyprus’s problems were allegedly being assessed and nothing more. Throughout this period, NO ONE in a position of significant political or financial power suggested to Cypriots or anyone else who had money in the Cyprus banks that their money would be STOLEN.


    Instead, numerous bureaucrats came out to assure the public that this situation was under control and that the risks to the Cyprus banks would be carefully assessed.


    Then, in the span of a single week, a bank holiday was declared, bank accounts were frozen, and deposits were stolen.


    Here’s the specific sequence of events:


    ·      March 16 2013: Cyprus announces the terms of its bail-in: a 6.75% confiscation of accounts under €100,000 and 9.9% for accounts larger than €100,000… a bank holiday is announced.

    ·      March 17 2013: emergency session of Parliament to vote on bailout/bail-in is postponed.

    ·      March 18 2013: Bank holiday extended until March 21 2013.

    ·      March 19 2013: Cyprus parliament rejects bail-in bill.

    ·      March 20 2013: Bank holiday extended until March 26 2013.

    ·      March 24 2013: Cash limits of €100 in withdrawals begin for largest banks in Cyprus.

    ·      March 25 2013: Bail-in deal agreed upon. Those depositors with over €100,000 either lose 40% of their money (Bank of Cyprus) or lose 60% (Laiki).


    The most critical item to note about this timeline is that while the general public was assured that all was well, politically connected insiders were warned to get their money OUT OF THE BANKS


    One hundred and thirty-two companies reportedly had inside knowledge of Cyprus’ impending levy tax as they withdrew deposits worth US$916 million in the run-up to the bailout deal.


    The companies withdrew their savings in the two week period (between March 1 to March 15) leading up to the rescue deal that enforced heavy losses on wealthy depositors in Cypriot banks, according to Greek newspaper Proto Thema.


    Shortly after this the EU ministers and the IMF hammered out a 10-billion-euro (US$13 billion) bailout agreement with Cyprus, which included a one-time tax on deposits held in Cypriot banks.


    In the meantime all banks in Cyprus temporarily froze the amounts required to pay the tax on their clients’ deposits and stopped all transactions while the government negotiated the details of the agreement.


    The companies on the list withdrew their deposits in euro, USD, GBP and Russian rubles and later transferred to banks outside of Cyprus. The total amount withdrawn comes to US$916 million.



    So, nearly $1 billion worth of insider money escaped the Cyprus confiscation scheme. NONE of it was retiree savings. Ordinary individuals got screwed while politically connected insiders were able to get out scot-free.


    Now what’s truly amazing is that the Cyprus bank that collapsed was actually AWARDED BEST BANK for Private Banking by EUROMONEY Magazine. What was hailed as the BEST bank for private banking ended up being totally insolvent with 47% of deposits above €100,000 being converted into bank equity.


    Bank of Cyprus has been named as the Best Bank for Private Banking in Cyprus, by the internationally acclaimed magazine EUROMONEY


    Bank of Cyprus Private Banking ranked first among Cypriot, Greek and other international financial institutions operating in Cyprus in the Private Banking sector. This accolade classifies the Bank among the leading financial institutions offering Private Banking services and is yet another important international distinction for the Bank of Cyprus Group…


    This recognition by EUROMONEY is ever more important in today’s macroeconomic environment as it reaffirms the Bank’s ability to safely and successfully respond to its clients’ financial needs and emphasizes its clients’ loyalty and trust.



    Now, the political and financial elite in Cyprus and the EU will argue that bank deposits were not STOLEN because they were converted into equity in the bank at a rate of €1 per share. But being forced to change cold hard cash for equity in an insolvent bank is hardly cause for excitement.


    Indeed, the market, now well aware that the Bank of Cyprus is insolvent, has been dumping shares. So those depositors whose deposits were converted into equity are watching their savings evaporate as shares dive.


    Moreover, it’s not as though they were given the means to get their other deposits out of the bank:


    Last year, thousands of customers with money in Bank of Cyprus, including many British and Russians, became unwilling shareholders in the lender when their deposits were turned into equity as part of a controversial €10bn emergency rescue.


    Depositors saw 47.5 per cent of their money above a €100,000 threshold turned into equity.


    More than a third of their cash was then locked into six, nine and 12-month accounts. Shares in Bank of Cyprus have been suspended on the Athens and Nicosia stock exchanges since early 2013 and only one of the fixed term cash accounts has released all of the money due to customers.


    Éxito’s Ben Rosenberger and Michele Del Bo, who have previously arranged the sale of Lehman Brothers and Icelandic bank distressed debt, said that sellers had so far been mostly international clients who wanted to extract their money from the island by selling their deposits and shares to distressed debt funds.



    So when the bank wants to raise capital, which would dilute the equity holdings for former depositors. What were savings are now not only subject to the whims of the market, but can be actively diluted by capital raises.


    Again, we refer to the list we began this article with:


    1)   European politicians are both corrupt and incompetent.

    2)   Those meant to assess the risk of any financial institutions don’t know what they’re talking about.

    3)   The average citizen will be screwed while politically connected insiders will be given the means to circumvent the law.


    Cyprus matters because while countries may differ in specific cultural components, the monetary system in place is by and large the same around the world. And what happened in Cyprus should be seen as a template for what can happen elsewhere.


    Indeed, this is now playing out in Greece today.


    Greece’s current leadership was elected back in January. Since that time the country has been in an ongoing negotiation concerning its debt issues. Everyone knew Greece was broke, but again the process was dragged out.


    Then in the span of a single weekend, a bank holiday was declared… and now suggestions of a 30% haircut on deposits are being floated. And once again, it’s ordinary citizens who are being screwed.


    This process will be spreading throughout the globe going forward. Indeed, the FDIC has proposed precisely the same “bail-in” program if a “systematically important financial institution” were to go belly-up in the US.


    If you've yet to take action to prepare for this, we offer a FREE investment report called the Financial Crisis "Round Two" Survival Guide that outlines simple, easy to follow strategies you can use to not only protect your portfolio from it, but actually produce profits.


    We made 1,000 copies available for FREE the general public.


    As we write this, there are less than 50 left.


    To pick up yours, swing by….


    Best Regards


    Phoenix Capital Research








  • Will Greek Depositors Under €100,000 Be Spared In Case Of A "Bail-In"

    One week ago, we first explained that as the Cyprus bail-in “blueprint” scenario unfolds, the one final, and most important, remaining variable in the ongoing Greek drama, soon to devolve to tragedy, is how big the ECB’s ELA haircuts would be in the case of a No vote, which would be the first catalyst of a depositor haircut.


    Then, overnight, in a report since denied by both the Greek finance ministry and by the European Banking Authority Plan, the pro-Europe FT did yet another hit piece on Greece desperate to push those Greek voters on the fence ahead of tomorrow’s referendum to vote “Yes” (just think of the lost advertising revenue if say Deutsche Bank were to go under).

    Greek banks are preparing contingency plans for a possible “bail-in” of depositors amid fears the country is heading for financial collapse, bankers and businesspeople with knowledge of the measures said on Friday.


    The plans, which call for a “haircut” of at least 30 per cent on deposits above €8,000, sketch out an increasingly likely scenario for at least one bank, the sources said.

    Ignoring whether the FT is now merely a venue used by conflicted parties to publish pro-Europe, anti-Syriza hit piecestthat benefit “bankers and businesspeople with knowledge of the measures” and are promptly refuted, the article does bring up a relevant point: if the ECB does escalate the ELA collateral haircuts, something we analyzed in our own piece last week, what kind of haircut scenarios are possible, and will “insured” deposits under €100,000 be indeed made whole, or will the bail-in affect, as the FT suggested, everyone with over €8,000 in savings?

    Regarding the first part of the question, what are the possible scenarios, JPM had this to say yesterday when evaluating the history of bail-ins in Europe in recent years:

    If the deterioration in asset quality means there is no sufficient collateral to cover ELA claims, either the ECB (via its ELA residual claim) or domestic depositors will have to suffer a loss. Our understanding is that there are no clear rules on whether this ELA residual claim will be ranked above depositors or not. In fact EU policymakers adopted different and inconsistent approaches in the past when faced with bank insolvencies:

    1. In the case of Cypriot banks, depositors were hit while senior bond holders were spared, so seniority was not respected. ELA claims were also protected.
    2. Deposits of foreign branches were protected in the case of Cyprus while deposits of domestic branches were hit. This is the opposite of what happened to Iceland.
    3. In the case of Ireland, which also had a big banking system relative to the size of its economy, only sub debt holders, accounting for a very small portion of total creditors, were hit. No depositors were hit, in either domestic or foreign branches.
    4. In the case of SNS, sub debt holders were wiped out and reports suggest that the Dutch government came close to imposing losses on senior bond holders and was only prevented from doing so because of unsecured intergroup loans between SNS bank and Reaal insurance that would be subjected to the same losses as senior bond holders.

    In other words, Europe will do what it always does: make it up as it goes alone. However, one notable difference between Cyprus and Greece is that the former held the deposits of a number of wealthy Russian oligarchs, which skewed the deposit distribution a la the 80/20 rule, and permitted smaller depositors to be saved while the Russians took the bulk of the hits (an outcome which according to some led to the suicide of Russian billionaire in exile, Boris Berezovsky).

    Unlike Cyprus, Greece does not have the luxury of several massive depositors. In fact, according to JPM, the distribution of deposits appears to be relatively flat. JPM continues:

    … under a stress scenario of prolonged impasse, Greek depositors will be likely hit while ELA claims are protected. There is currently €120bn of deposits with Greek banks. A haircut increase on ELA collateral assets from our currently estimated level of 43% to 60%, for example, would require a €26bn deposit haircut or 20% of outstanding bank deposits assuming for simplicity no available buffer from shareholders or bond holders. A bigger increase in the collateral haircut, for example to 75%, would require a €50bn deposit haircut or 40% of outstanding bank deposits.

    Whereas we disagree with JPM’s calculation due to our baseline assumption that the current haircut level is more in the 48% region, we do agree with the directionality.  As a reminder, this was our own math as laid out last week:


    But what does this mean for ordinary Greeks, those who have negligible amounts still held by Greek banks despite our recurring pleas to withdraw their funds ahead of just this eventuality? Sadly, nothing good. Here is JPM’s conclusion:

    Could deposits below €100k be protected as it happened in Cyprus? The answer depends on the total amount of deposits above €100k. If there are enough of these large deposits above €100k, then most likely any required deposit haircut will be inflicted on these depositors only. There are no recent data on how big this universe of large deposits is. The most recent data from the European Commission suggest that at the end of 2012, covered (i.e. those below €100k) represented 75% of eligible Greek deposits. We suspect this number is now significantly higher leaving little room for depositors with less than €100k to be spared. And the reserves that the Greek state has to back its bank deposit guarantee are miniscule, likely not more than a couple of billions euros.

    Which means that unlike Cyprus, which was mostly a targeted punitive bail-in aimed almost entirely at Russian oligarchs, should the ECB indeed enact ELA haircuts which it may have to do as soon as Monday in the case of a No vote, it will be the ordinary Greeks who will see their already meager savings get haircut even more, anywhere between 30%, potentially up to 100% if the ECB were to announce the entire ELA no longer legal, pulls all funding and locks up Greek bank collateral.

    Will the ECB do that? We don’t know, however Varoufakis’ gambit is simple: should the ECB engage the full Greek haircut it will incite an immediate panic and risks a run on other peripheral banks and the true spread of Greek contagion to Italy, Spain, Portugal and all other economically crushed countries where an anti-austerity politician is a frontrunner for the next leadership position. Such as France.

  • The Surprising Demise of Reddit

    Well, it seems Ellen Pao managed to step in yet another bucket of syrup.

    This is going to require a bit of back-story……….

    Some people on the Internet really go for quantity. On their Twitter account, they follow hundreds of people. On Facebook, they connect with thousands of “friends.” And in their browser, they visit dozens of web sites each day.

    I tend to be a minimalist. I have precisely 100 friends on Facebook. If I decide I really want someone to be a friend, well, someone else is going to get the boot. On Twitter, even though I have over 13,000 followers, I follow only 8. And as for web sites, there are only three sites I visit repeatedly each day: Slope of Hope, ZeroHedge, and Reddit.

    In case you’ve been hiding in a cave somewhere, Reddit is one of the most frequently-visited sites on the web, and it was recently valued at half a billion dollars. It consists of myriad “subreddits” which focus on particular topics of interest, each of which is managed by unpaid (and evidently very dedicated) moderators. Readers can upvote and downvote tidbits of the web, bringing to the front page of reddit itself, or any particular subreddit, the most interesting articles and curiosities.

    There isn’t a day that goes by where I’m not entertained and better-informed thanks to reddit and the millions of people who make it possible. Similar to Wikipedia, it’s one of those delightful free gems on the web which isn’t slathered with advertising and is made possible mostly by the heart and hard work of its community. Slope of Hope, in a miniscule way, is very much like that.

    None of this would be especially interesting were it not for the shitstorm taking place at this very moment in the usually placid world of Reddit. To wit:


    As you’ve gathered from the above, a woman named Victoria Taylor was fired for reasons that have not been explained, and Redditors are absolutely freaking out about it.

    Victoria, pictured here, was the director of communications for the past couple of years. It strikes me as odd that the firing of one individual would cause such a revolt, but I don’t consider myself a “deep” Redditor at all. I have a parasitic relationship with the site, similar to “lurkers” on any site (including Slope). I contribute nothing to it. I don’t even upvote/downvote stuff. I just go there to read. So I don’t pretend to “get” the subculture there at all.

    But for some of the folks there, I’m sure this weekend is one they’ll remember on their deathbed. The Reddit community has never been particularly keen on the company’s Interim (and everyone emphasizes Interim) CEO, Ellen Pao, about whom I wrote a number of articles here on Slope regarding her widely-publicized sex discrimination lawsuit. In fact, they really, really, really hate her.

    It would be sort of like if every Sloper really couldn’t stand me, but they tolerated me only because my friend Dutch did such a great job – – – and then I fired Dutch. That’s sort of what’s going on.

    Now keep in mind Reddit isn’t some weird, edgy, nobody-ever-heard-of-it site like Slope. It’s a big, big site (which is why the likes of Time magazine are writing about what’s going on right now). The Reddit community is upvoting anything they can that has to do with (a) other companies that pissed off their customer base and lived to regret it (b) getting rid of Pao (c) general castigation of Pao.


    Want to know the real shame of this? A missed opportunity. And as a former Internet entrepreneur myself, I can’t help but shake my head at this one……….

    About a year ago, a couple of guys put together a site that does exactly the same thing as Reddit called Voat. The thing with communities is – – – once a community has a home, it stays there. Reddit is ranked as the 32nd most popular web site in the world. Want to know Voat’s rank? 20,100.

    So there’s no way Voat would have ever amounted to anything, because there’s no reason for anyone to leave reddit and go to Voat…………until this weekend. Suddenly everyone agitated to basically jump ship and make Voat the new Reddit. And while it’s virtually out of the question that this would have happened, Voat had an amazing opportunity to capture a meaningful chunk of those users. Even if it was only 5%, that would have make Voat a real business.

    But what folks are getting instead when they try to go to Voat is this:


    Thus, one of the top links on Reddit is this:



    The sad thing for Voat’s founders is that once they’ve finally got their infrastructure act together and can actually handle the traffic coming their way, this whole Reddit thing will have blown over. So they’ll have invested in a bunch of equipment and bandwidth, only to see themselves vault from 20,100th place to 19,900th. It’s a damned shame, and frankly, they’ve blown the opportunity of a lifetime.

    The most amusing subreddit of all right now is PaoYongYang. (Someone even made a painstaking claymation of Ellen Pao singing “Why Don’t You Go Over to Voat?”) Here’s what it looks like; you, uhhh, can kind of get the idea:


    There’s even a petition going around to dump Ellen Pao from Reddit which has garnered 100,000 signatures as of this writing. (“A vast majority of the Reddit community believes that Pao, “a manipulative individual who will sue her way to the top”, has overstepped her boundaries and fears that she will run Reddit into the ground”) Again, the community really, really hates her. Partly because of her sketchy husband. Partly because of the Kleiner lawsuit. But mostly because of the perception of how she treats the community.

    And that, frankly, is the principal point of this post (I’m not looking for excuses to put up pictures of Pao’s peculiar countenance). Community matters. Indeed, in this hyper-interconnected world in which we live, it matters more than ever. If you’re involved in any kind of Internet business, the relationship not only with your users but between your users is the glue that holds your enterprise together.

    The thing is, humans are a tribal lot, and they will gladly band together and turn against the people or institutions they feel have wronged them. On this day (I’m writing this on July 4), look no further than these lines from a document you may have heard about:

    ….all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

    Personally, I found Ms. Pao singularly unlikeable, based on everything I’ve read, and just as I hope our friends in Greece throw off the EU shackles with a resounding “Oxi!” vote on Sunday, I hope the Redditors succeed in their quest to kick Pao to the curb and send her back to Buddy Fletcher, where husband and wife can romantically contemplate whom they’d like to sue next.

  • Fed's Full Normalization Will Crush The Casino

    Submitted by Adam Hamilton via,

    The US Federal Reserve has been universally lauded for the apparent success of its extreme monetary policy of recent years.  With key world stock markets near record highs, traders universally love the Fed’s zero-interest-rate and quantitative-easing campaigns.  But this celebration is terribly premature.  The full impact of these wildly-unprecedented policies won’t become apparent until they are fully normalized.

    Back in late 2008, the US stock markets suffered their first full-blown panic in 101 years.  Technically a panic is a 20% stock-market selloff in a couple weeks, far faster than the normal bear-market pace.  In just 10 trading days climaxing in early October 2008, the US’s flagship S&P 500 stock index plummeted a gut-wrenching 25.9%!  It felt apocalyptic, the most extreme stock-market event we’ll witness in our lifetimes.

    This once-in-a-century fear superstorm terrified the Fed’s elite policymakers on its Federal Open Market Committee.  As economists, they are well aware of the stock markets’ powerful wealth effect.  With equities cratering, Americans could dramatically slash their spending in response to that devastating loss of wealth and the crippling fear it spawned.  And that could very well snowball into a full-blown depression.

    Consumer spending drives over two-thirds of all US economic activity, it is far beyond critical.  So the Fed felt compelled to do something.  But like all central banks, it really only has two powers.  It can either print money, or talk about printing money.  The legendary newsletter guru Franklin Sanders humorously labels these “liquidity and blarney”.  With stock markets burning down in late 2008, the Fed panicked too.

    Led by uber-inflationist Ben Bernanke, the Fed embarked on the most extreme money printing of its entire 95-year history to that point.  The FOMC cut its benchmark Federal Funds Rate by 50 basis points at an emergency unscheduled meeting on October 8th.  It lopped off another 50bp a few weeks later on October 29th.  And then on December 16th, it slashed away the remaining 100bp to take the FFR to zero.

    The federal-funds market is where banks trade their own capital held at the Fed overnight.  It’s that supply and demand that determines the actual FFR, so the Fed can’t set it directly by decree.  Instead the Fed defines an FFR target, and then uses open-market operations to boost funds supplies enough to force the FFR down near its target.  The Fed creates new money out of thin air to oversupply that market.

    When central banks force their benchmark rates to zero through money printing, economists call it a zero-interest-rate policy.  Once ZIRP is implemented, a central bank’s conventional monetary-policy tools are exhausted.  Once zero-bound, central banks can’t really manipulate short-term interest rates any lower.  So they continue printing money, but use it to purchase bonds to force long-term interest rates lower as well.

    Historically this was called monetizing debt, and was only seen in small countries that were economic basket cases.  Expanding the money supply so rapidly to buy government bonds naturally led to ruinous inflation.  But today this exact-same practice is euphemistically known as quantitative easing.  QE is truly the last resort of central banks once they succumb to ZIRP, the treacherous final frontier of money printing.

    The Fed formally launched QE for the first time ever on November 25th, 2008.  That was several weeks before ZIRP was born.  Because of intense political opposition to direct monetization of US government debt, the Fed initially started with mortgage-backed bonds.  But what later became known as QE1 was expanded to include US Treasuries in mid-March 2009.  This marked a watershed event in Fed history.

    By conjuring money out of thin air to buy up US Treasuries, the Fed was directly subsidizing the Obama Administration’s record deficit spending.  As it purchased Treasuries and transferred brand-new dollars to Washington, the federal government spent this money almost immediately.  That injected this vast new monetary inflation directly into the underlying US economy, creating tremendous market distortions.

    Nowhere was this more pronounced than in the US stock markets.  As the Fed expanded the money supply to buy bonds, its holdings rapidly accumulated which ballooned its balance sheet dramatically.  Even though this new inflation was flowing into the bond markets, it had a dramatic impact on the stock markets.  Since mid-2009, the S&P 500’s powerful bull market has perfectly mirrored the Fed’s balance sheet!

    Whenever one of the Fed’s three QE campaigns was in full swing, the stock markets rose in lockstep with bond purchases.  But whenever the Fed’s debt monetizations slowed or stopped, the stock markets consolidated or corrected.  This tight relationship between stock-market levels and the Fed’s balance sheet is incredibly important for investors and speculators to understand, as it has serious implications.

    In the coming years, the Fed is going to have to normalize both ZIRP and QE.  If the Fed drags its feet too long, the global bond markets will force it to act.  Normalizing ZIRP means dramatically hiking the Federal Funds Rate, and normalizing QE means selling trillions of dollars of bonds.  And only after both interest rates and the Fed’s balance sheet return to normal levels will ZIRP’s and QE’s impact become apparent.

    Today’s euphoric and complacent stock traders assume that the first measly quarter-point rate hike will end ZIRP, and that QE concluded in late October 2014 when the FOMC ended its QE3 campaign.  But nothing could be farther from the truth!  We are only at half-time for the most extreme experiment in US monetary policy in the Fed’s entire history.  The fat lady won’t have sung until ZIRP and QE are fully unwound.

    This full normalization is epic in scope, and will take the Fed years to accomplish.  Stock traders don’t appreciate how extremely anomalous both interest rates and the Fed’s balance sheet are today.  This chart reveals the scary truth.  It looks at the Federal Funds Rate and yields on 1-year and 10-year US Treasuries over the past 35 years or so.  And the Fed’s balance sheet since it was first published in 1991.

    The inflection points in interest rates and money supplies driven by the advent of ZIRP and QE are just massive beyond belief.  Short rates totally collapsed near zero, and the Fed’s balance sheet skyrocketed into the stratosphere.  The most extreme monetary policies in US history aren’t going to normalize easily.  And this process is going to cause great financial pain as stock and bond markets are forced to mean revert lower.

    Through its overnight Federal Funds Rate, the Fed utterly dominates the short end of the yield curve.  Note above how yields on 1-year US Treasuries track the FFR nearly flawlessly.  So just like during past Fed rate-hike cycles, the rising FFR is going to push up the entire spectrum of short-term interest rates.  And this normalization process will require a long series of rate hikes, not just today’s popular “one and done” fantasy.

    The very word normalization denotes something manipulated away from norms returning back to those very norms.  So defining “normal” FFR levels is important to get an idea of how high the Fed is going to have to hike.  Since late 2008’s stock panic scared the Fed into going full-on ZIRP for the first time ever, everything since is definitely not normal.  Nor were the super-high rates of the early 1980s, the opposite extreme.

    But between those two FFR anomalies was a 25-year window running from 1983 to 2007.  This quarter-century span is the best measure of normal we can get in modern history.  It encompasses all kinds of economic and stock-market conditions, including multiple severe crises.  Throughout all of it, the Federal Funds Rate averaged 5.5% on a weekly basis.  That is normal, where the Fed will eventually have to return.

    While today’s hyper-complacent stock traders are fixated on the Fed’s first rate hike in 9 years, that’s only 25 basis points.  The Fed needs to do a full 550bp of hikes!  At a mere quarter-point at a time, a full normalization would take 22 hikes!  And that’s probably how it will play out, as the Fed is too scared of roiling stock traders to hike faster.  The last Fed rate hike exceeding 25bp happened way back in May 2000.

    The Fed’s policy-deciding Federal Open Market Committee meets 8 times a year, and only raises rates at those scheduled meetings to minimize the risk of shocking the markets.  So the 22 quarter-point rate hikes required for full normalization would take nearly 3 years without any interruptions!  That’s an awfully-long time for higher rates and the resulting bearish psychology to weigh heavily on lofty stock markets.

    Despite the one-and-done hopes of stock traders today, it’s really risky for the Fed to start and stop rate hikes in an erratic fashion.  The more unpredictable any tightening cycle is, the more damage it will do to stock-market sentiment.  So this coming rate-hike cycle is likely to play out like the last one between June 2004 to June 2006.  Over that 2-year span the Fed hiked 17 times more than quintupling the FFR to 5.25%!

    While slashing the FFR to zero manipulated the short end of the yield curve, the Fed’s utterly-monstrous purchases of US Treasuries actively manipulated the long end.  The FOMC was very open about this mission, including a sentence about QE in its meeting statements that read “these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates”.  Excess bond demand forces long rates lower.

    Since the dawn of the ZIRP and QE era in early 2009, the yield on benchmark US 10-year Treasuries has averaged just 2.6%.  This rate is exceedingly important to US economic activity, as it determines the pricing of mortgages.  Artificially-low long rates have led to artificially-low mortgage rates, which fueled a boom in housing-related activity just as the Fed intended.  A full normalization will totally wipe this out.

    In that quarter-century span between the early 1980s rate spikes and the 2008 stock panic’s introduction of ZIRP, yields on 10-year Treasuries averaged 6.9%.  That is fully 2.6x higher than today’s manipulated levels!  As the Fed normalizes its balance sheet by letting its QE-purchased bonds mature and roll off, long rates will absolutely return to normal levels.  And the market and economic impacts will be adverse and vast.

    In mid-June, 30-year fixed-rate mortgage pricing climbed back over 4.0% as 10-year Treasury yields regained 2.4%.  That’s a 1.6% premium over what the US government can borrow for.  So when 10-year Treasury yields are fully normalized in the coming years, 30-year mortgage rates will likely soar to at least 8.5%!  That’s certainly not unprecedented, these rates averaged 8.1% throughout the entire 1990s.

    That wealth effect the Fed fears slowing consumer spending applies to housing prices even more so than stock-market levels, since far more Americans have most of their wealth in houses than in stocks.  Mortgage prices more than doubling would have a drastic impact on house prices, since people could only afford to borrow much less.  So the debt-fueled real-estate boom is going to collapse as rates normalize.

    Bond prices will crater too.  Regardless of the yields bonds were originally issued at, they’re bought and sold in the marketplace until their coupon yields equal prevailing rate levels.  So traders will dump bonds aggressively as rates mean revert higher, leading to steep losses in principal for the great majority of bonds that are not held to maturity.  And the Fed’s selling as it normalizes its balance sheet will exacerbate this.

    As the chart above shows, the Fed’s balance sheet naturally rises over time as this central bank inflates the supply of US dollars.  But its pre-QE trajectory was well-defined and relatively mild.  Once the Fed reached ZIRP and could cut no more, it launched QE which led to a balance-sheet explosion.  This too will have to mean revert dramatically lower in the Fed’s full normalization, with terrifying bond-market implications.

    In the first 8 months of 2008 before that once-in-a-century stock panic, the Fed’s balance sheet was averaging $849b.  At its recent peak level in mid-February 2015, all those years of QE bond buying had mushroomed it to $4474b!  That’s a 5.3x increase in just 6.5 years.  The great majority of that has to be unwound, or that vast deluge of new dollars will eventually lead to massive and devastating inflation.

    If the normal trajectory of the Fed’s balance sheet before the stock panic is extended to today, it suggests a normal balance-sheet level of around $1100b.  To return to there from today’s incredibly-high QE-bloated levels would require a staggering $3329b of bond selling from the Fed!  Even though it will take years for this to unfold, $3.3t of central-bank bond selling will force bond prices much lower.  And thus rates higher!

    Higher rates won’t just decimate the bond markets, but also wreak havoc in today’s super-overvalued and radically-overextended stock markets.  Higher rates hit stocks on multiple fronts.  They make shifting capital out of stocks into higher-yielding bonds more attractive, leading to capital outflows from the stock markets.  The higher debt-servicing expenses also directly erode corporate profits, leaving stocks more overvalued.

    But today’s main stock-market threat from rising rates is their impact on corporate buybacks.  These are the primary reason why the S&P 500 level so perfectly mirrored the ballooning Fed balance sheet of recent years.  American companies took advantage of the artificially-low interest rates to borrow vast sums of money not to invest in growing their businesses, but to use to buy back and manipulate their stock prices.

    Last year for example, stock repurchases by the elite S&P 500 companies ran a staggering $553b!  That was their highest level since the last cyclical bull market was peaking in 2007.  Since these buybacks are largely financed by cheap money courtesy of ZIRP and QE, the Fed’s normalization is going to just garrote buybacks.  And they are the overwhelmingly-dominant source of capital chasing these lofty stock markets.

    So the massive coming normalization of interest rates and the Fed’s bond holdings are very bearish for stocks as well as bonds.  That’s one reason why traders are so pathologically fixated on the next rate-hike cycle.  The smart ones know full well that it will end this Fed-conjured market fiction and lead to enormous mean reversions lower in both stock and bond prices.  Full normalization will spawn a bear market.

    Ironically the asset class that will benefit most from rate hikes is the one traders least expect, gold.  The conventional wisdom today believes gold is going to get wrecked by rising rates since it has no yield.  But just the opposite has proven true historically!  Gold is an alternative asset, and demand for these critical portfolio diversifiers soars when conventional stocks and bonds are struggling.  Like during rate hikes.

    During the Fed’s last rate-hike cycle between June 2004 and June 2006 where the Federal Funds Rate was more than quintupled to 5.25%, gold actually soared 50% higher!  And in the 1970s when the Fed catapulted its FFR from 3.5% in early 1971 to a crazy 20.0% by early 1980, gold skyrocketed an astounding 24.3x higher!  Higher rates really hurt stocks and bonds, rekindling investment demand for alternatives.

    The Fed’s inevitable coming full normalization of ZIRP and QE is going to be vastly more impactful than traders today appreciate.  When interest rates rise and the Fed’s bond holdings fall, there’s no way that stock and bond prices are going to remain anywhere near today’s lofty artificial central-bank-goosed levels.  The full normalization is going to greatly alter the global investing landscape, creating a minefield.

    The bottom line is the Fed’s post-stock-panic policies have been extreme beyond belief.  They have led to epic distortions in the global markets.  These markets are going to force the Fed to fully normalize the wildly-anomalous conditions it created with ZIRP and QE.  And with interest rates and the Fed’s balance sheet at such extreme levels today, the coming normalization will be very treacherous and take years to unfold.

    Today’s euphoric stock traders believe ZIRP and QE have been huge successes, but the jury is still out until they’ve run their courses and been fully unwound.  The most-extreme monetary experiment by far in US history is just at half-time now, the fat lady hasn’t even taken the stage.  The full normalization of ZIRP and QE is likely to be as negative for stock and bond prices as its ramping up proved positive for them.

  • A Pledge Of Allegiance For The New Normal America

    For the new normal America…

    I pledge allegiance to no flag, but to truth and morality…


    …which doesn’t seem to exist in the Divided States of America.


    And to no republic, for it stands for nothing; One nation, under surveillance,


    completely divided


    with Liberty and Justice destroyed


    and inalienable rights taken from us all.


    *  *  *

    However, there should be hope… As STA Wealth Management's Lance Roberts notes, as you celebrate the 4th of July with your family and friends, it is vitally important to remember exactly what we are supposed to celebrating. The following excerpts are from the Independence Day speech given by John Fitzgerald Kennedy (then just a candidate for Congress) on July 4, 1946. I encourage you to read the speech in its entirety.

    On The Religious Element

    "The informing spirit of the American character has always been a deep religious sense.

    Our government was founded on the essential religious idea of integrity of the individual. It was this religious sense which inspired the authors of the Declaration of Independence: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.'

    Our earliest legislation was inspired by this deep religious sense: 'Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion.'

    Today these basic religious ideas are challenged by atheism and materialism: at home in the cynical philosophy of many of our intellectuals, abroad in the doctrine of collectivism, which sets up the twin pillars of atheism and materialism as the official philosophical establishment of the State.

    Inspired by a deeply religious sense, this country, which has ever been devoted to the dignity of man, which has ever fostered the growth of the human spirit, has always met and hurled back the challenge of those deathly philosophies of hate and despair. We have defeated them in the past; we will always defeat them.

    On The Idealistic Element

    "In recent years, the existence of this element in the American character has been challenged by those who seek to give an economic interpretation to American history. They seek to destroy our faith in our past so that they may guide our future. These cynics are wrong, for, while there may be some truth in their interpretation, it does remain a fact, and a most important one, that the motivating force of the American people has been their belief that they have always stood at the barricades by the side of God.

    It is now in the postwar world that this idealism–this devotion to principle–this belief in the natural law–this deep religious conviction that this is truly God's country and we are truly God's people–will meet its greatest trial.

    Our American idealism finds itself faced by the old-world doctrine of power politics. It is meeting with successive rebuffs, and all this may result in a new and even more bitter disillusionment, in another ignominious retreat from our world destiny.

    But, if we remain faithful to the American tradition, our idealism will be a steadfast thing, a constant flame, a torch held aloft for the guidance of other nations.

    It will take great faith."

    On The Patriotic Element

    "From the birth of the nation to the present day, from the Heights of Dorchester to the broad meadows of Virginia, from Bunker Hill to the batteries of Saratoga, from Bergen's Neck, where Wayne and Maylan's troops achieved such martial wonders, to Yorktown, where Britain's troops surrendered, Americans have heroically embraced the soldier's alternative of victory or the grave. American patriotism was shown at the Halls of Montezuma. It was shown with Meade at Gettysburg, with Sheridan at Winchester, with Phil Carney at Fair Oaks, with Longstreet in the Wilderness, and it was shown by the flower of the Virginia Army when Pickett charged at Gettysburg. It was shown by Captain Rowan, who plunged into the jungles of Cuba and delivered the famous message to Garcia, symbol now of tenacity and determination. It was shown by the Fifth and Sixth Marines at Belleau Wood, by the Yankee Division at Verdun, by Captain Leahy, whose last order as he lay dying was "The command is forward." And in recent years it was shown by those who stood at Bataan with Wainwright, by those who fought at Wake Island with Devereaux, who flew in the air with Don Gentile. It was shown by those who jumped with Gavin, by those who stormed the bloody beaches at Salerno with Commando Kelly; it was shown by the First Division at Omaha Beach, by the Second Ranger Battalion as it crossed the Purple Heart Valley, by the 101st as it stood at Bastogne; it was shown at the Bulge, at the Rhine, and at victory.

    Wherever freedom has been in danger, Americans with a deep sense of patriotism have ever been willing to stand at Armageddon and strike a blow for liberty and the Lord."

    On The Individualistic Element

    "The American Constitution has set down for all men to see the essentially Christian and American principle that there are certain rights held by every man which no government and no majority, however powerful, can deny.

    Conceived in Grecian thought, strengthened by Christian morality, and stamped indelibly into American political philosophy, the right of the individual against the State is the keystone of our Constitution. Each man is free.

    • He is free in thought.
    • He is free in expression.
    • He is free in worship.

    To us, who have been reared in the American tradition, these rights have become part of our very being. They have become so much a part of our being that most of us are prone to feel that they are rights universally recognized and universally exercised. But the sad fact is that this is not true. They were dearly won for us only a few short centuries ago and they were dearly preserved for us in the days just past. And there are large sections of the world today where these rights are denied as a matter of philosophy and as a matter of government.

    We cannot assume that the struggle is ended. It is never-ending.

    Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. It was the price yesterday. It is the price today, and it will ever be the price.

    May God grant that, at some distant date, on this day, and on this platform, the orator may be able to say that these are still the great qualities of the American character and that they have prevailed."

    May you have a happy, safe and blessed "Independence Day."

  • Athenian Democracy vs. Neoliberal Gods

    Authored by Pepe Escobar, originally posted at,

    Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras allows the Greek people to decide their own fate via a democratic referendum. That’s enough to send the troika – the European Central Bank (ECB), the European Commission (EC), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) – into a paroxysm of rage. Here, in a nutshell, is everything one needs to know about the EU “dream”.

    Tsipras is, of course, right; he had to call a referendum because the troika had delivered “an ultimatum towards Greek democracy and the Greek people.” Indeed, “an ultimatum at odds with the founding principles and values of Europe.”

    But why? Because the apparently so sophisticated politico-economic web of European “institutions” – the EC, the Eurogroup, the ECB – had to come up with a serious political decision; and due, essentially, to their nasty mix of greed and incompetence, they were incapable of making it. At least EU citizens now start to get the picture on who their enemy is: the non-transparent “institutions” who supposedly represent them.  

    The – so far — 240 billion euro bailout of Greece (which featured Greece being used to launder bailouts of French and German banks) has yielded a whole national economy shrinking by over 25%; widespread unemployment; and poverty soaring to unprecedented levels. And for the EU “institutions” – plus the IMF – there was never any Plan B; it was the euro-austerity way – a sort of economic Shock and Awe — or the (desperation) highway. The pretext was to “save the euro”. What makes it even more absurd is that Germany simply couldn’t care less if Greece defaults and a Grexit is inevitable.

    And even though the EU operates in practice as a clumsy, reactionary behemoth, the puzzling spectacle remains of otherwise reputable intellectuals, such as Jurgen Habermas, denouncing the Syriza party as “nationalistic” and praising former Goldman Sachs golden boy, ECB president Mario Draghi.

    Waiting for Diogenes

    The July 5 referendum goes way beyond Greeks responding whether they accept or reject more humongous tax hikes and pension cuts (affecting many that are already below the official poverty line); that’s the sine qua non by the troika — qualified as “barbaric measures” by many a Greek minister — to unblock yet another bailout.

    A case can be made that a more pertinent referendum on July 5 would be posing this question: “What is the red line for Greece to remain part of the euro?” 

    Prime Minister Tsipras and Finance Minister Varoufakis turned upside down insistent rumors that they would accept any humiliation to remain in the eurozone. That only served to radicalize even more the German politico-economic elite – from Iron Lady Merkel to Finance Minister Schauble. Their not so hidden “secret” is that they want Greece out of the euro now.

    And that is leading quite a few Greeks — who still believed in the benefits of a supposedly common financial house – to slowly start accepting a Grexit. With their heads held high.

    The ECB has not gone totally nuclear – yet, crashing the whole Greek banking sector. But by de facto capping the Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) this past weekend, all hell will break loose if millions of Greeks decide to withdraw all their savings early this week, ahead of the referendum.

    The Bank of Greece, “as a member of the Eurosystem”, as a communiqué stressed, “will take all measures necessary to ensure financial stability for Greek citizens in these difficult circumstances.” This implies serious limits on bank withdrawals – thus allowing Greece to survive until referendum day.

    Still, no one knows what happens after July 5. Grexit remains a distinct possibility. Projecting further, and taking a leaf from Wagner’s Ring, it also seems clear that the euro “institutions” themselves have been adding fuel to the fire that may eventually consume the eurozone – a direct consequence of their zeal to immolate the Greeks just like Brunnhilde.

    What Greece – the cradle of Western civilization — has already shown the world should make their citizens proud; nothing like a shot of democracy to make the Gods of Neoliberalism go berserk.

    One may be tempted to invoke a post-modern Diogenes, the first homeless philosopher, with a lantern, looking for an honest man (in Brussels? Berlin? Frankfurt?) and never finding one. But instead of meeting the greatest celebrity of the day – Alexander the Great — let’s imagine another encounter as our post-mod Diogenes suns himself in an outdoor court in Athens.

    “I am Wolfgang Schauble, the Lord of German finance.”


    “I am Diogenes the Cynic.”


    “Is there any favor that I may bestow upon you?”


    “Yes. Stand out of my light.” 

  • Citigroup Just Cornered The "Precious Metals" Derivatives Market

    One week ago, when we scoured through the latest OCC quarterly derivative report (in which we find that the top FDIC insured 4 US banks continue to account for over 90%, or $185.5 trillion of all outstanding derivatives which as of March 31 amounted to $203 trillion; nothing new here), we found something fascinating: based on the OCC’s derivative update, JPM had literally cornered the commodity derivatives complex, when from “just” $226 billion in total Commodity exposure, JPM’s notional soared by 1,690% in one quarter to $4 trillion, or about 96% of total.


    Some, without even bothering to read the article, did what they always do when reacting to Zero Hedge articles: accused it of writing a “wrong” post first and asking questions later and coming up with some utterly incorrect response to show just how wrong Zero Hedge was because, guess what, the Office of the US Currency Comptroller had clearly “fat fingered” trillions in critical data which is far more logical.

    As usually happens in these situations, Zero Hedge was right (there was some tongue in cheek apology but hey, at least someone got to boost their traffic briefly by namedropping this web site; incidentally apology accepted), which could have been checked simply just by looking at bank call reports, in this case the quarterly Regulatory Capital report, schedule RC-R, which made it very clear that indeed JPM’s OTC commodity derivatives had exploded to $4 trillion.

    For those too lazy to check before tweeting, here is the number of OTC cleared “Other” commodity derivatives for JPM before, as of December 31:


    And after, as of March 31:


    Furthermore, while we await the OCC to respond to our inquiry (we aren’t holding our breath), nobody has disputed our claim (because it is purely factual) that as of Q1 the OCC decided to exclude Gold as a separate commodity category (see call reports above) and lump it in with Foreign Exchange for some still unexplained reason. It would appear that gold is money after all…

    So to summarize: as we reported first (and we would be delighted if other so called financial experts dedicated as much effort to digging through the primary data as they have to desperately try to disprove our article), JPM has indeed cornered the OTC commodity market, with its $4 trillion in “Other” commodity derivatives which amount to 96% of total. We don’t expect anyone to ask Jamie Dimon about this on the quarterly earnings call because this is one of those things one doesn’t want an answer to if one wishes to be invited to the next conference call.

    However, another big question remains: just what is Citigroup – not, not JPMorgan – with the Precious Metals category.

    Here is the chart showing Citigroup’s Precious Metals (mostly silver now that gold is lumped in with FX), exposure over the past 4 years. Of note: the 1260% increase in Precious Metals derivative holdings in the past quarter, from just $3.9 billion to $53 billion!


    For those of a skeptical bent the proof can be found in Citi’s own call report, which can be seen here as of March 31, 2015 vs December 31, 2014.

    Another way of showing what Citi just did with the “Precious Metals” derivative category, is the following chart which shows Citi’s total PM derivative exposure as a percentage of total.


    Soaring from just 17.4% to over 70%, there is just one word for what Citigroup has done to what the Precious Metals ex Gold (i.e., almost exclusively silver) derivatives market.


    So, the question then is: just what is Citigroup doing with its soaring Precious Metals (excluding gold) exposure, and why is such a dramatic place taking place at precisely the time when not only JPM is cornering the entire “Other” Commodity derivatives market in the form of a whopping $4 trillion in derivatives notional, but in the quarter after none other than Citigroup itself was responsible for drafting the swaps push-out language in the Omnibus bill.

    Screen Shot 2014-12-05 at 3.32.12 PM

    And also: how is it legal that JPM is solely accountable for 96% of all commodity derivatives while Citigroup is singlehandedly responsible for over 70% of all “precious metals” derivatives? Surely even by the most lax standards this is illegal, but what makes the farce even greater is that all of this taking place out of FDIC-insured entities!

    The final question, which we are absolutely certain will remain unanswered, is whether any of these dramatic surges have anything to do with the recent move in precious metals prices, or rather the complete lack thereof, even as Europe is on the verge of its first member officially exiting the Eurozone, and China’s stock market is suffering its worst market crash since 2008. Oh, and we almost forgot: with both JPM and Citi now well over 50% of the derivatives market in two critical categories, who is the counterparty!?

    We have inquired with the OCC about both the derivative moves of both JPM’s “commodity” and Citi “precious metals” surges, both rising by over 1000% in the past quarter. We will promptly inform readers if we hear back, which we won’t.

  • Happy Independence Day, Brought To You By The Chinese

    Home of the sugar babies and the land of free trade, happy Independence Day America…brought to you by the Chinese.

    Foreign Holders US Treasuries

    Global Net Trade


    Source: Daniel Drew’s

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Today’s News July 4, 2015

  • The Superpower Conundrum – The Rise and Fall of Just About Everything

    Submitted by Tom Engelhardt via,

    The rise and fall of great powers and their imperial domains has been a central fact of history for centuries.  It’s been a sensible, repeatedly validated framework for thinking about the fate of the planet.  So it’s hardly surprising, when faced with a country once regularly labeled the “sole superpower,” “the last superpower,” or even the global “hyperpower” and now, curiously, called nothing whatsoever, that the “decline” question should come up.  Is the U.S. or isn’t it?  Might it or might it not now be on the downhill side of imperial greatness?

    Take a slow train — that is, any train — anywhere in America, as I did recently in the northeast, and then take a high-speed train anywhere else on Earth, as I also did recently, and it’s not hard to imagine the U.S. in decline.  The greatest power in history, the “unipolar power,” can’t build a single mile of high-speed rail?  Really?  And its Congress is now mired in an argument about whether funds can even be raised to keep America’s highways more or less pothole-free.

    Sometimes, I imagine myself talking to my long-dead parents because I know how such things would have astonished two people who lived through the Great Depression, World War II, and a can-do post-war era in which the staggering wealth and power of this country were indisputable.  What if I could tell them how the crucial infrastructure of such a still-wealthy nation — bridges, pipelines, roads, and the like — is now grossly underfunded, in an increasing state of disrepair, and beginning to crumble?  That would definitely shock them.

    And what would they think upon learning that, with the Soviet Union a quarter-century in the trash bin of history, the U.S., alone in triumph, has been incapable of applying its overwhelming military and economic power effectively?  I’m sure they would be dumbstruck to discover that, since the moment the Soviet Union imploded, the U.S. has been at war continuously with another country (three conflicts and endless strife); that I was talking about, of all places, Iraq; and that the mission there was never faintly accomplished.  How improbable is that?  And what would they think if I mentioned that the other great conflicts of the post-Cold-War era were with Afghanistan (two wars with a decade off in-between) and the relatively small groups of non-state actors we now call terrorists?  And how would they react on discovering that the results were: failure in Iraq, failure in Afghanistan, and the proliferation of terror groups across much of the Greater Middle East (including the establishment of an actual terror caliphate) and increasing parts of Africa?

    They would, I think, conclude that the U.S. was over the hill and set on the sort of decline that, sooner or later, has been the fate of every great power. And what if I told them that, in this new century, not a single action of the military that U.S. presidents now call “the finest fighting force the world has ever known” has, in the end, been anything but a dismal failure Or that presidents, presidential candidates, and politicians in Washington are required to insist on something no one would have had to say in their day: that the United States is both an “exceptional” and an “indispensible” nation? Or that they would also have to endlessly thank our troops (as would the citizenry) for… well… never success, but just being there and getting maimed, physically or mentally, or dying while we went about our lives? Or that those soldiers must always be referred to as “heroes.”

    In their day, when the obligation to serve in a citizens' army was a given, none of this would have made much sense, while the endless defensive insistence on American greatness would have stood out like a sore thumb. Today, its repetitive presence marks the moment of doubt. Are we really so “exceptional”? Is this country truly “indispensible” to the rest of the planet and if so, in what way exactly? Are those troops genuinely our heroes and if so, just what was it they did that we’re so darn proud of?

    Return my amazed parents to their graves, put all of this together, and you have the beginnings of a description of a uniquely great power in decline. It’s a classic vision, but one with a problem.

    A God-Like Power to Destroy

    Who today recalls the ads from my 1950s childhood for, if I remember correctly, drawing lessons, which always had a tagline that went something like: What’s wrong with this picture?  (You were supposed to notice the five-legged cows floating through the clouds.)  So what’s wrong with this picture of the obvious signs of decline: the greatest power in history, with hundreds of garrisons scattered across the planet, can’t seem to apply its power effectively no matter where it sends its military or bring countries like Iran or a weakened post-Soviet Russia to heel by a full range of threats, sanctions, and the like, or suppress a modestly armed terror-movement-cum-state in the Middle East?

    For one thing, look around and tell me that the United States doesn’t still seem like a unipolar power.  I mean, where exactly are its rivals?  Since the fifteenth or sixteenth centuries, when the first wooden ships mounted with cannons broke out of their European backwater and began to gobble up the globe, there have always been rival great powers — three, four, five, or more.  And what of today?  The other three candidates of the moment would assumedly be the European Union (EU), Russia, and China.

    Economically, the EU is indeed a powerhouse, but in any other way it’s a second-rate conglomeration of states that still slavishly follow the U.S. and an entity threatening to come apart at the seams.  Russia looms ever larger in Washington these days, but remains a rickety power in search of greatness in its former imperial borderlands.  It’s a country almost as dependent on its energy industry as Saudi Arabia and nothing like a potential future superpower.  As for China, it’s obviously the rising power of the moment and now officially has the number one economy on Planet Earth.  Still, it remains in many ways a poor country whose leaders fear any kind of future economic implosion (which could happen).  Like the Russians, like any aspiring great power, it wants to make its weight felt in its neighborhood — at the moment the East and South China Seas.  And like Vladimir Putin’s Russia, the Chinese leadership is indeed upgrading its military.  But the urge in both cases is to emerge as a regional power to contend with, not a superpower or a genuine rival of the U.S.

    Whatever may be happening to American power, there really are no potential rivals to shoulder the blame.  Yet, uniquely unrivaled, the U.S. has proven curiously incapable of translating its unipolar power and a military that, on paper, trumps every other one on the planet into its desires.  This was not the normal experience of past reigning great powers.  Or put another way, whether or not the U.S. is in decline, the rise-and-fall narrative seems, half-a-millennium later, to have reached some kind of largely uncommented upon and unexamined dead end.

    In looking for an explanation, consider a related narrative involving military power.  Why, in this new century, does the U.S. seem so incapable of achieving victory or transforming crucial regions into places that can at least be controlled?  Military power is by definition destructive, but in the past such force often cleared the ground for the building of local, regional, or even global structures, however grim or oppressive they might have been.  If force always was meant to break things, it sometimes achieved other ends as well.  Now, it seems as if breaking is all it can do, or how to explain the fact that, in this century, the planet’s sole superpower has specialized — see Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, and elsewhere — in fracturing, not building nations.

    Empires may have risen and fallen in those 500 years, but weaponry only rose. Over those centuries in which so many rivals engaged each other, carved out their imperial domains, fought their wars, and sooner or later fell, the destructive power of the weaponry they were wielding only ratcheted up exponentially: from the crossbow to the musket, the cannon, the Colt revolver, the repeating rifle, the Gatling gun, the machine gun, the dreadnaught, modern artillery, the tank, poison gas, the zeppelin, the plane, the bomb, the aircraft carrier, the missile, and at the end of the line, the “victory weapon” of World War II, the nuclear bomb that would turn the rulers of the greatest powers, and later even lesser powers, into the equivalent of gods.

    For the first time, representatives of humanity had in their hands the power to destroy anything on the planet in a fashion once imagined possible only by some deity or set of deities.  It was now possible to create our own end times.  And yet here was the odd thing: the weaponry that brought the power of the gods down to Earth somehow offered no practical power at all to national leaders.  In the post-Hiroshima-Nagasaki world, those nuclear weapons would prove unusable.  Once they were loosed on the planet, there would be no more rises, no more falls.  (Today, we know that even a limited nuclear exchange among lesser powers could, thanks to the nuclear-winter effect, devastate the planet.)

    Weapons Development in an Era of Limited War

    In a sense, World War II could be considered the ultimate moment for both the narratives of empire and the weapon.  It would be the last “great” war in which major powers could bring all the weaponry available to them to bear in search of ultimate victory and the ultimate shaping of the globe.  It resulted in unprecedented destruction across vast swathes of the planet, the killing of tens of millions, the turning of great cities into rubble and of countless people into refugees, the creation of an industrial structure for genocide, and finally the building of those weapons of ultimate destruction and of the first missiles that would someday be their crucial delivery systems.  And out of that war came the final rivals of the modern age — and then there were two — the “superpowers.”

    That very word, superpower, had much of the end of the story embedded in it.  Think of it as a marker for a new age, for the fact that the world of the “great powers” had been left for something almost inexpressible.  Everyone sensed it.  We were now in the realm of “great” squared or force raised in some exponential fashion, of “super” (as in, say, “superhuman”) power.  What made those powers truly super was obvious enough: the nuclear arsenals of the United States and the Soviet Union — their potential ability, that is, to destroy in a fashion that had no precedent and from which there might be no coming back.  It wasn’t a happenstance that the scientists creating the H-bomb sometimes referred to it in awestruck terms as a “super bomb,” or simply “the super.”

    The unimaginable had happened.  It turned out that there was such a thing as too much power.  What in World War II came to be called “total war,” the full application of the power of a great state to the destruction of others, was no longer conceivable.  The Cold War gained its name for a reason.  A hot war between the U.S. and the USSR could not be fought, nor could another global war, a reality driven home by the Cuban missile crisis.  Their power could only be expressed “in the shadows” or in localized conflicts on the “peripheries.”  Power now found itself unexpectedly bound hand and foot.

    This would soon be reflected in the terminology of American warfare.  In the wake of the frustrating stalemate that was Korea (1950-1953), a war in which the U.S. found itself unable to use its greatest weapon, Washington took a new language into Vietnam. The conflict there was to be a “limited war.”  And that meant one thing: nuclear power would be taken off the table.

    For the first time, it seemed, the world was facing some kind of power glut.  It’s at least reasonable to assume that, in the years after the Cold War standoff ended, that reality somehow seeped from the nuclear arena into the rest of warfare.  In the process, great power war would be limited in new ways, while somehow being reduced only to its destructive aspect and nothing more.  It suddenly seemed to hold no other possibilities within it — or so the evidence of the sole superpower in these years suggests.

    War and conflict are hardly at an end in the twenty-first century, but something has removed war's normal efficacy.  Weapons development has hardly ceased either, but the newest highest-tech weapons of our age are proving strangely ineffective as well.  In this context, the urge in our time to produce “precision weaponry” — no longer the carpet-bombing of the B-52, but the “surgical” strike capacity of a joint direct attack munition, or JDAM — should be thought of as the arrival of “limited war” in the world of weapons development.

    The drone, one of those precision weapons, is a striking example.  Despite its penchant for producing “collateral damage,” it is not a World War II-style weapon of indiscriminate slaughter.  It has, in fact, been used relatively effectively to play whack-a-mole with the leadership of terrorist groups, killing off one leader or lieutenant after another.  And yet all of the movements it has been directed against have only proliferated, gaining strength (and brutality) in these same years.  It has, in other words, proven an effective weapon of bloodlust and revenge, but not of policy.  If war is, in fact, politics by other means (as Carl von Clausewitz claimed), revenge is not.  No one should then be surprised that the drone has produced not an effective war on terror, but a war that seems to promote terror.

    One other factor should be added in here: that global power glut has grown exponentially in another fashion as well.  In these years, the destructive power of the gods has descended on humanity a second time as well — via the seemingly most peaceable of activities, the burning of fossil fuels.  Climate change now promises a slow-motion version of nuclear Armageddon, increasing both the pressure on and the fragmentation of societies, while introducing a new form of destruction to our lives.

    Can I make sense of all this?  Hardly.  I’m just doing my best to report on the obvious: that military power no longer seems to act as it once did on Planet Earth.  Under distinctly apocalyptic pressures, something seems to be breaking down, something seems to be fragmenting, and with that the familiar stories, familiar frameworks, for thinking about how our world works are losing their efficacy.

    Decline may be in the American future, but on a planet pushed to extremes, don’t count on it taking place within the usual tale of the rise and fall of great powers or even superpowers. Something else is happening on Planet Earth. Be prepared.

  • Greeks Turn To Bitcoin To Dodge Capital Controls

    There is at least one legal way to get your euros out of Greece these days, to guard against the prospect that they might be devalued into drachmas: convert them into bitcoin. As Reuters reports, although absolute figures are hard to come by, Greek interest has surged in the online "cryptocurrency", as new customers depositing at least 50 euros with BTCGreece, the only Greece-based bitcoin exchange, open only to Greeks, rose by 400% between May and June.

    As Reuters reports,

    Using bitcoin could allow Greeks to do one of the things that capital controls were put in place this week to prevent: transfer money out of their bank accounts and, if they wish, out of the country.


    "When people are trying to move money out of the country and the state is stopping that from taking place, bitcoin is the only way to move any value," said Adam Vaziri, a board member of the UK Digital Currency Association.


    "There aren't any other options unless you buy diamonds, and that's very difficult to move."


    But Marinos said the bitcoin buyers' main aim was to shield their money against the prospect that Greece might leave the euro zone and convert all the deposits in Greek banks into a greatly devalued national currency. If voters reject the demands of international creditors in a referendum on Sunday, this becomes much more likely.


    "A lot of people are keeping all the bitcoins they buy on our platform, until they understand what to do with them," Marinos said. "In their eyes, now they have bitcoins, they're safe."

    *  *   *

    With Bitcoin having surged from $238 to $268 in the last few days since Greek PM Tsipras announced Greferendum, it is clear it's not just the Greeks that are losing faith in faith-based fiat currencies.


    Ironically, on June 20, Greece got its first bitcoin "ATM", in a family-run bookstore in Acharnes on the outskirts of Athens.

  • FBI Admits 11 Attacks Against Internet, Power Grid Lines In California This Year

    Submitted by Joshua Krause via,

    On Tuesday, someone broke into an underground vault in Sacramento, and cut several high-capacity internet cables. Nobody knows who this person is or why they did it, but since that time the FBI has revealed that it was not an isolated incident. They’ve been investigating 10 other recent attacks on the internet infrastructure of California, and they seem to be deeply troubled by the vulnerability of these cables.

    The FBI is investigating at least 11 physical attacks on high-capacity Internet cables in California’s San Francisco Bay Area dating back a year, including one early Tuesday morning.


    Agents confirm the latest attack disrupted Internet service for businesses and residential customers in and around Sacramento, the state’s capital.


    FBI agents declined to specify how significantly the attack affected customers, citing the ongoing investigation. In Tuesday’s attack, someone broke into an underground vault and cut three fiber-optic cables belonging to Colorado-based service providers Level 3 and Zayo.


    The attacks date back to at least July 6, 2014, said FBI Special Agent Greg Wuthrich.


    “When it affects multiple companies and cities, it does become disturbing,” Wuthrich said. “We definitely need the public’s assistance.”

    A security professional who was interviewed for that article, also suggested something that should perk the ears of any American that hears it.

    “When it’s situations that are scattered all in one geography, that raises the possibility that they are testing out capabilities, response times and impact,” Thompson said. “That is a security person’s nightmare.”

    The article goes on to compare these incidents to similar attacks that happened in Arizona last year, as well as California in 2009. However, they may be missing the bigger picture. This whole situation reminds me of an article I wrote just over a year ago about several attacks that were carried out against the power grid, which again, occurred in California and Arizona (weird right?). This included the very unsettling attack against a power station in San Jose, which wasn’t revealed until 10 months after the fact, and to date, there has been no explanation for the incident.

    Rather than a bomb, the San Jose attack turned out to be a frighteningly coordinated shooting. It’s estimated that 6 individuals approached the facility late at night armed with AK-47’s, and opened fire, but not before sneaking onto the property and disabling the alarm system. The attackers managed to disrupt a total of 10 transformers, and escaped just before police arrived. Investigators would later find more evidence of just how professional the attack was:


    “After walking the site with PG&E officials and FBI agents, Mr. Wellinghoff said, the military experts told him it looked like a professional job. In addition to fingerprint-free shell casings, they pointed out small piles of rocks, which they said could have been left by an advance scout to tell the attackers where to get the best shots.”

    It should be abundantly clear now that some organization out there is quietly coordinating small-scale attacks against America’s power grid and internet lines. In my previous article, I suggested that they’re probing our infrastructure for weaknesses, and gauging reaction times and security. I still think that may be the case.

    It’s possible that these attacks are all unrelated, but it sure doesn’t look like it to me. I won’t suggest who may be doing it since it’s impossible to know for sure, but it definitely looks like there is an organized effort of some kind to disable the electricity and communications of Arizona and California. We probably won’t know who it is until they get around to a full-scale attack, which given the vulnerability of America’s power grid, may be absolutely devastating.

  • The $100 Trillion Bond Bubble Just Burst

    The big story in the world is the bond bubble.


    For over 30 years, sovereign nations, particularly in the West have been buying votes by offering social payments in the form of welfare, Medicare, social security, and the like.


    The ridiculousness of this should not be lost on anyone. Politicians, in order to be elected, promise to allocate taxpayer funds on social programs that will benefit said taxpayers down the road (we’re simply talking about social spending, not infrastructure or other costs.


    The concept that taxpayers might simply just keep the money to begin with never enters the equation. And because everyone believes that they are somehow spending someone else’s money, they play along.


    When you believe that you are spending someone else’s money, it’s very easy to write a blank check, which is precisely what Western nations have been doing for years, promising everyone a safe and secure retirement without ever bothering to see where the money would come from.


    When actual bills came due to fund this stuff, Governments quickly discovered that current tax revenues couldn’t cover it… so they issued sovereign debt to make up the difference.


    And so the bond bubble was created.


    The large banks, that have a monopoly on managing sovereign debt auctions, were only too happy to play along with this. The reasons are as follows:


    1)   They can use these alleged “risk-free” assets as collateral to backstop tens of trillions worth of derivatives trades. A $1 million investment in your typical US Treasury can backstop over $15 million worth of derivatives if not more. The profits from the derivatives markets remains a primary source of revenue for the banks.


    2)   Sovereign Governments are only too happy to bail out the big banks if the stuff ever hits the fan on the trades that are backstopped by the sovereign debt (see 2006 onwards). Since the banks are the ones holding the sovereign debt, they can always threaten to dump bonds, which would render the whole social welfare Ponzi bankrupt (see what happened in Europe when sovereign bonds collapsed in 2011-2012).


    3)   In a debt-based financial system such as the current one, sovereign bonds are the senior most assets in the system. Those who own these in bulk are at the top of the financial food chain in terms of financial, economic, and political clout.


    Since it was rarely if ever a problem to issue sovereign debt, Governments kept promising future payments that they didn’t have until we reach today: the point at which most Western nations are sporting Debt to GDP ratios well north of 300% when you consider unfunded liabilities (the social spending programs mentioned earlier).


    Now, cutting social spending is usually considered political suicide (after all, the voters put you in office in the first place based on you promising to pay them welfare payments down the road). So rather than default on the social contract made with voters, the political class will simply push to issue MORE debt to finance old debt that is coming due.


    The US did precisely this in the fourth quarter of 2014, issuing over $1 trillion in new debt simply to pay back old debt that was coming due.


    This is how the bond market becomes a bubble. Between 2000 and today, the global bond market has nearly TRIPLED in size. Today, it’s north of $100 trillion in size. And it’s backstopping over $555 trillion in derivatives trades.


    There is literally no easy fix to any of this. The pain will be severe. And so everyone in charge of the important decisions (the political elite, the big banks, and the Central Banks) will push this as far as it can possibly go before taking the inevitable hit.


    Greece just took a hit… and once again it’s depositors that will take it on the chin. But this process is only just begun. Similar Crises will be spreading throughout the globe in  the coming months.


    If you’ve yet to take action to prepare for the second round of the financial crisis, we offer a FREE investment report Financial Crisis "Round Two" Survival Guide that outlines easy, simple to follow strategies you can use to not only protect your portfolio from a market downturn, but actually produce profits.


    You can pick up a FREE copy at:




    Best Regards


    Phoenix Capital Research





  • BofA's Dire Prediction: Only Direct Government Buying Can Save China Stocks Now

    Even after this somewhat catastrophic drop, BofAML warns the Chinese market looks expensive. Deleveraging is likely far from over, they add, concluding that the market is a “falling knife” and only direct buying by the government will mark the bottom.




    Via BofAML,

    Bottom likely when govt becomes buyer of last resort


    After reaching a peak of 5,166 on Jun 12, SHCOMP declined sharply by almost 30% to 3,687 within three weeks. The ferociousness of the sell-off even took us by surprise – although we have a 3,600 target for the index, we thought it would take another six months to get there. Given the momentum, the market bottom is highly unpredictable. As a result, we suggest investors stay on the sidelines for the time being. A few points worth highlighting:


    The market is now a “falling knife”: even after all the government directed marketsupporting measures since last Saturday, including comb rate/RRR cuts, CSRC’s loosening of margin lending control & its cracking down on shorting activities, and organized commentaries from high profile local fund managers, the market still dropped sharply on four of the last five trading days and fell decisively through the psychologically important 4,000 level for SHCOMP. The market has clearly lost its nerve and many investors appear to be rushing to exit.


    Drastic times calls for drastic measures: the government still has a few policies up its sleeve: it may get affiliated funds such as Huijin and the pension fund to buy, CSRC may suspend IPOs, insurance companies may be encouraged to enter into the market, MoF may cut stamp duty on stock transactions, and PBoC may announce more easing measures, among other possibilities. However, whether or when these policies can stabilize market sentiment is highly uncertain in our view – margin call pressure from unauthorized margin facilities appears enormous; even for those investors not under any immediate margin call pressure, they need to be convinced that the market will go up meaningfully for their leveraged positions to break even (due to high funding costs).


    Deleveraging in the market is likely far from over: margin outstanding only declined moderately from the peak of Rmb2.3tr on June 18 to Rmb2.1tr by July 2. Deleveraging from unregulated margin channels is likely to be more substantial. Nevertheless, looking at the relatively subdued turnover in recent days, we doubt a significant portion of the positions had been unwound. The 10% limit-down rule is delaying a market clearance.


    The government to become the buyer of the last resort? All the potential measures mentioned above will largely work on sentiment as direct inflows from these government affiliated entities will likely be moderate by our estimate. If the government fails to turn around sentiment quickly, it may have no choice but to become the buyer of the last resort in the market, similar to what HKMA did in 1998. Even then, things can be complicated: much of the unauthorized margins were used to buy small cap stocks. So the authority, with or without PBoC’s direct involvement, may have to buy stocks on a very large & very broad scale. If and when this happens, it will mark the true market bottom in the short term, in our view.


    Even after the fall, the market looks expensive: some short term technical bounces aside after things stabilize, we suspect that the A-share market may enter into a multiyear bear market. The large losses could hurt current investors’ psychology severely and it may be years before the pain fades and/or a new generation of investors with no such bad memory emerges. Meanwhile, SHCOMP is still trading at 17x trailing 12M PER (31x ex. banks), with economic growth stalling and market earnings rapidly decelerating.

    *  *  *

    As Deutsche adds,

    “so large are the losses for the 20 million accounts
    opened from mid-April to mid-June that in aggregate no money has been
    made for 2 years.”

    Now who could have seen that coming?


    Now it makes all the sense in the world that China stopped publishing data as we were the only ones who noticed.

  • Sugar Daddies Are Paying Their Share Of The $1.3 Trillion Student Loan Balance

    Submitted by Daniel Drew via,

    As noted previously, we are in a new dark age where college does not pay. At $1.3 trillion, the student debt balance is not getting any smaller. Facing a lifetime of debt slavery, the millennial generation is doing whatever they can to avoid homelessness. Whether it's stripping or working at Rent A Gent, all options are on the table. Now, they are flocking to Seeking Arrangement to prostitute themselves so they can pay for school. Since 2009, the number of student sugar babies has increased by 1,200%!

    The labor force participation rate for college graduates has been on a relentless downtrend.

    Bachelor Degree Labor Force Participation

    It is getting even more expensive to go to school. Even after adjusting for inflation, college costs have gone up more than 400% in the last 30 years.

    College Tuition

    The student loan balance has nearly tripled in the last decade.

    Student Loans

    Many young people don't see any good alternatives to going to school, so they jump in head first. Facing enormous bills, they turn to sites like Seeking Arrangement for help. These aren't just women either. 15% of student sugar babies are men, and plenty of sugar mommas are on the site too.

    Here are the numbers.

    Seeking Arrangement Stats

    And here are the sugar babies by major.

    Top Sugar Baby Majors

    The abundance of nurses on Seeking Arrangement shouldn't be surprising for regular readers. Personal care aides and nurses are the fastest growing jobs in America.

    Most New Jobs

    Here are the perks of Seeking Arrangement.

    Sugar Baby Perks

    And here are the sugar babies.

    Sugar Babies

    Previously, it was common for students to take food and service jobs, but soon, you will hear college students casually sharing their day with their sugar daddy. Welcome to the modern hooker economy.

  • Artist's Impression Of A Greek ATM

    It’s what goes unsaid that matters…



  • Arctic Drilling Future Now Rests On One Well

    Submitted by Charles Kennedy via,

    Royal Dutch Shell is nearing a start to drilling in the Arctic, but has run into some hiccups.

    The U.S. government decided that Shell cannot actually drill both of its wells in the Chukchi Sea as planned. The Interior Department said that doing so would run afoul of its rules that protect marine life. According to those regulations, which were issued in 2013, exploration companies cannot drill two wells within 15 miles of each other. Shell had planned to drill two wells in the Burger prospect within a 9 mile range.

    Environmental groups hoped that the Interior Department would throw out Shell’s drilling plan altogether, owing to the fact that the environmental assessment the agency conducted was based on the two-well drilling plan, according to Jennifer Dlouhy of Fuel Fix. Environmental groups argued that since the Interior Department didn’t actually conduct an assessment of a drilling plan consisting of just one well, the entire drilling program should be scrapped.

    Interior didn’t buy these arguments, but still ruled that Shell can only drill one well this summer. Shell reiterated that it would move forward with drilling the lone well in the Arctic this year, having committed around $1 billion for the program.

    Shell announced that it expects to be able to begin drilling by the third week in July after sea ice has melted sufficiently. Shell is still awaiting one last federal permit before it can begin drilling, and it is also awaiting the arrival of its second drilling rig in Alaska.

    Separately, several oil companies recently announced that they were putting their Arctic plans on ice. A joint venture between Imperial Oil, ExxonMobil, and BP decided to shelve plans for exploration in the Canadian Arctic. They had permits that will expire in 2019 and 2020, and the group says that they will not be able to drill before then. More research is needed and since the companies are running out of time, they have decided to suspend work and lobby the Canadian government for an extension.

    Last year Chevron decided to suspend its plans to drill in the Beaufort Sea after the collapse in oil prices made doing so unattractive. The move by Imperial and its partners likely puts any significant drilling in the Canadian Arctic on hold indefinitely.

    As such, Arctic drilling in North America will come down to Shell’s one well in the Chukchi Sea.

  • Gold Bullion Dealer Unexpectedly "Suspends Operations" Due To "Significant Transactional Delays"

    What makes the current sovereign default episode different from previous ones is the uncanny stability and lack of buying of “fiat remote” assets such as gold and silver, and to a lesser extent, digital currency such as bitcoin. Indeed, all throughout the Greek pre-default escalation and ultimately, sovereign bankruptcy to the IMF, it seemed as if there was an absolute aversion to the peak of Exter’s inverted pyramid.

    What is even more surprising about the lack of any gold price upside is that it is not due to lack of demand. Quite the contrary, because as Bloomberg wrote last week, “European investors are increasing purchases of gold as Greece’s turmoil boosts the appeal for an alternative to the euro.”

    Demand from Greek customers for Sovereign gold coins was double the five-month average in June, the U.K. Royal Mint said in an e-mailed statement., an online retailer, said sales on Saturday and Sunday were the highest since Cyprus limited cash withdrawals in 2013, driven by a jump in German, French and Greek buyers.


    Investors are searching for a safe haven after Greece imposed capital controls, closed banks and stopped selling gold coins to the public until at least July 6. Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday said Germany is still open to negotiations if Greece wants.


    “Most of our common gold coins are sold out,” Daniel Marburger, a director of Frankfurt-based, said by phone. “When people learned that the Greek banks will be closed, they started to think that it may not be such a bad idea to have some money in gold.”

    The bullion dealers themselves are enjoying a jump in sales to retail customers:

    GoldCore Ltd., which buys and sells bullion, reported coin and bar demand rose “significantly” on Monday. Sales to U.K. and Ireland today are about three times the average for the past three Mondays, the Dublin-based firm said in an e-mailed statement.


    The U.S. Mint has sold 61,500 ounces of American Eagle gold coins this month, the most since January.


    BullionVault, which says it operates the largest online physical gold trading platform, reported a jump in sales during the first half of this year, a sign of a broader increase.

    However, it is the “paper” gold market where things were most perplexing in recent months. Recall that, as Zero Hedge broke and first reported, in the first quarter of the year, or the same time the Syriza government took power, something very dramatic took place in the US derivatives market, where first JPM saw an absolute explosion of its commodity derivative holdings (a broad umbrella which is not broken down further):


    … coupled wih Citi’s surge in “precious metals” derivatives which soared from $3.9 billion to $42 billion.


    But what is most confusing is how even as physical metal demand clearly rose across Europe in the past few months and the price of paper gold actually declined, perhaps facilitated by some “hedged” derivative positions on the short side of precious metals, some bullion dealers have actually found it impossible to survive, and in the last few days at least one major gold bullion dealer, Bullion Direct, greeted customers with the following notice on its website:

    Bullion Direct has experienced significant transactional delays. To avoid further inconvenience or other adverse consequences to our customers, Bullion Direct is suspending its operations as it attempts to resolve those issues. We intend to keep you informed at this website. Thank you for your patience.


    Just what are “significant transactional delays” and how bad is the physical gold supply-chain if it can put at least one dealer out of business. Another question: is this a solitary failure by gold vendor due to a one-off problem with working capital, or is something more systemic about to be revealed in the gold bullion sales industry?

    We look forward to finding out, but in the meantime our advice to buyers of physical precious metals is the same as always: if you purchased it and you can’t hold it in your hand, it isn’t yours.

  • While the World Watches Greece THIS is Happening

    By Chris at

    Watching the ongoing Greek saga unfold is enough to make a blind man grimace. Capital controls which could be seen coming down the track like a freight train are but one more notch on the disaster stick called European Monetary Union.

    Why talk of Greek debt negotiations is even taking place at all is the height of absurdity. It’s akin to discussing how large an area of the desert should be dedicated to growing lettuces. The answer which no Eurocrat is prepared to acknowledge is, “Who cares? Nobody should be so daft as to grow lettuces in the desert”.

    Let’s all be honest, shall we. What we’re talking about here is foreign aid. It’s not about debt repayments. Nobody is getting repaid. Anyone still clinging to that hope is simultaneously still waiting for Santa to come down the chimney, the Easter bunny to show up and for “liberating” forces to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

    Let’s just table debt talks, call them what they are, which is foreign aid, and move this thing along. The problem with acknowledging the ugly truth is that German banks would then have to write down those “assets” on their balance sheets: “Jeez, it’d just be so much easier if we could keep them at par value and ensure we pick up that bonus at year end. And so we must endure more saga and carry on this game of pretense”.

    While I could spend time on Greece, what I’m more interested in is what few are paying attention to while this Greek saga unfolds.

    That is what is going on with the Chinese yuan.

    We’ve recently made the argument for a weakening yuan. My friend Brad and I both went up against the yuan late last year and Brad detailed his thinking in October of last year, then again in December, where he delved into the Chinese banking system, and once again in March of this year.

    That, ladies and gentlemen, is our current bias. We’re currently short. It’s important to establish one’s bias early on in order to attempt to understand any argument, so now you have ours. Often fund managers are selling a product which leads them into making decisions which have more to do with an agenda than with sufficient critical thought.

    Let me say therefore that we have an opinion right now. But since we are not selling any product, hopefully we can keep our minds open.

    Let’s see where we get to and then I’m going to show you why we have a decent crack at making money without having an opinion either way.

    By many accounts the yuan is one of (if not THE) most overvalued currencies in the world right now. But there are just as many well thought arguments arguing the opposite saying that it is indeed undervalued.

    Both sides have credible and well thought out ideas so let me attempt to summarise the most credible I’ve found.

    Why the Yuan will Rise

    Chinese policy makers are unlikely to let anything take place which rocks the yuan exchange rate boat.

    The yuan fell to 6.28 in early March of this year before the PBOC stepped in and threw $33 billion at the “problem”, reversing the decline and sending it back up to where it trades today around 6.21. They have around $4 trillion in reserves so if, like us, you’re a speculator looking at firepower this is well worth looking at. Clearly the monetary authority is prepared to dip into their vast currency reserves to offset capital outflows and stabilize the yuan.

    The IMF discussions around including the yuan into the SDR basket of reserve currencies (currently the dollar, euro, yen and pound) is something which China has long been courting. Right now, the yuan has posted it’s biggest monthly advance since December 2011, on the heels of or in anticipation of inclusion in the SDR basket by the IMF.

    Amongst other things, what is required is for the yuan to be “fairly valued”. Wild swings in the yuan –  whether up or down – would kill their chances of joining the hallowed ground of the other terrible units of payment.

    In order to meet their criteria it’s essential that the yuan remain stable. Another IMF criteria is that the currency is “freely usable”. In other words, free floating. I’ll come back to this in a minute as I think it’s something overlooked by many observers.

    Why the Yuan will Fall

    On the other side of this argument is the fact that China’s economy is slowing and is facing increased competition from regional players, such as Japan, who are playing the currency card, devaluing their currencies and sucking up export market share.

    A weaker exchange rate would help boost exports and while China is certainly moving towards a domestic consumer supported economy, they are not there yet and manufacturing and exporting to the developed world is still their “bread and butter”.

    Remember I mentioned that part of the IMF criteria is that the currency float freely?

    Well, many believe – and perhaps correctly – that when (or if) the yuan is added and floats freely there will be an almighty rush INTO the yuan. I’ve seen few who believe that this wouldn’t at least in the short-term allow the opposite to happen.

    Consider for a moment that most Chinese have been going to great lengths to get OUT of the yuan. Does it not make sense that when they are allowed to do so there will not be a decent amount of them quite excited with the prospect of moving out of yuan?

    In the simplest of terms the question boils down to the following…

    Upon inclusion into the IMF and a subsequent floating of the yuan, does capital flow into the yuan or out of it?

    The problem with China is that nobody knows the real numbers. Nobody!

    What are the insiders doing? They’re shoveling their money out of the country so fast it’s going to catch fire from the friction. This is what the insiders are doing. That doesn’t mean that suckers won’t come in the other way and we get a strong yuan rally. It’s certainly possible and maybe it’s even probable.

    Fortunately, the market is gifting us an opportunity right now and we don’t have to make that decision.

    I just got off the phone with Brad who told me about me the below pricing of an at the money call option on the yuan (or the offshore yuan, to be more specific). Currently, you’re paying 2.5% premium for a 12-month call option.

    USDCNH Call

    Now, take a look at the below chart. You’ll see that buying a 12-month at the money put we’re paying just 0.3%. You can buy 100,000 USD/CNH puts for 12 months at the money and it’ll cost you a mere $300!

    USDCNH Put

    To break even on the first trade we need the currency pair to move by 2.5% in our favour within 12 months and on the second trade we need the pair to move by just 0.3% to break even. Pardon me for saying so but that is almost as insane as the Eurocrats discussing Greek debt.

    Buying both is what traders term a “straddle” but don’t get hung up on terminology. The point is that for a 2.8% premium (2.5% + 0.3%) we can hold both positions. We don’t much care which way it moves but simply that it MOVES!

    What could make it move? Well, inclusion at the hallowed table of disreputable currencies currently making up SDRs or of course non-inclusion.

    Either of these events have the potential to create capital flows one way or the other causing the USD/CNH pair to move substantially more than a mere 2.8%.

    Or any of the reasons we delved into in our USD Bull Market report where we detailed why we are short the yuan.

    I’d suggest we’re likely to see MORE not LESS volatility over the next 12 months and the current lack of volatility being priced into the market is just the sort of golden gift which Brad looks for.

    – Chris


    “Eppur si muove (And yet it moves).” – Galielo Galilei

  • Egypt Is On The Edge Of Full Blown Civil War

    Via GEFIRA,

    In the last few days there were dozens of separate attacks in Egypt from the Sinai up to Cairo. Probably more than 60 people died while the Egyptian army used F16 attack plains to protect itself against it disgruntled population. It is clear that the Egyptian rulers will not be able to contain the current situation, today could be marked as the start of Egypt’s civil war.

    Democratic elected governments were violently overthrown, in Algeria, Egypt and  Palestinian territories. In Algeria the FIS  had won the first held elections with a convincing majority in 1990 and 1992. It has been removed from power in 1992 by a coup d’etat that was highly approved by the West. Probably 150.000 people died in the civil war that followed these events up.

    HAMAS winning the 2006 elections in the Palestinian territories resulted in a war among Palestinians and ended up with a split of Gaza and the West Bank

    In 2011 Morsi, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood won the first free elections in Egypt.

    In 2013 the first elected president of Egypt was removed by the army. There are clear signs that anti-democratic forces were deliberately destabilizing Egypt before the coup d’etat in 2013. In the running up of the July 3th coup by General Sisi an artificial oil shortages was created that contributed to the mass protest against the elected president of Egypt.

    The new army coup was financially supported by the Saudi rulers while the West was mute, the only vocalized opposition came from Turkey’s ruler MrErdo?an.

    Washington was silent about Egypt’s coup and even resumed the delivery of military hardware to the Egyptian rulers, at the same moment Morsi received the dead penalty during a mock process.  The situation in Egypt will be much worse than the situation that we saw in Algeria in 1992.

    Libya has been split in 3 parts, the by the West installed and recognized government in Tobruk could be seen as a supporter of the rulers in Cairo. The government in Tripoli is allied with the Muslim Brotherhood party and sees the government in Cairo as a threat to its existence. Both Governments do not rule Libya completely, big parts of Libya are under control of ISIS and other unregulated Islamist groups.

    The war that is coming to Egypt will not be limited to Egypt and will be an extend to Libya’s war, for the sole reason that a lot of fighters and weapons will come over from Lybia.

    The substantial amount of impoverished Egyptians are lacking any perspective and have nothing to lose. It is their party that has been removed from power in 2013.

    The Egyptian army is heavenly weaponized by the USA, there will not be any doubt that those weapons will end up in the hands of Islamist groups. The Egyptian conscript army will be a huge risk for the country’s leaders as army units might switch loyalty.

    Experienced fighters from Syria and Iraq will actively support their brothers in Egypt.

    The new generation of Islamist’s will utilize the internet in their advantage. They will use it to mobilize their supporters and build their case against the Egyptian army and their backers in Riyadh and Washington.

    The Internet will also be used for advanced communications and “crowd reconnaissance”. In Ukraine we have already seen how YouTube and mobile phones were used to pass on enemy’s positions. Modern professional armies are not prepared for new agile tactics that will be utilized by a new Islamic internet generation.

    As the Muslim Brotherhood is enjoying massive amounts of support we are expecting that the situation in Egypt will deteriorate at the same pace as we have seen in Syria.

    The Egyptian rulers will not be able to contain the current situation, today could easily be recorded as the start of Egypt’s big civil war.

    *  *  *


    Algerian Civil War Source Wikipedia
    Bouteflika said in 1999 that 100,000 people had died by that time and in a speech on 25 February 2005, spoke of a round figure of 150,000 people killed in the war.[5] Fouad Ajami argues the toll could be as high as 200,000, and that it is in the government’s interest to minimize casualties

    Egypt’s Gas Shortage Fuels June 30 Protests Al Monitor June 2013
    The latest gas crisis falls prior to the highly anticipated June 30 protests called by the Tamarrud movement demanding that Morsi step down for his failure to achieve any of the revolution’s goals

    Libya supreme court rules anti-Islamist parliament unlawful Source The Guardian 6 November 2014
    In a blow to anti-Islamist factions, Libya’s highest court has ruled that general elections held in June were unconstitutional and that the parliament and government which resulted from that vote should be dissolved.

    Mohammed Morsi death sentence upheld by Egypt court Source BBC 16 June 2015
    The sentence was initially passed in May, but was confirmed after consultation with Egypt’s highest religious figure, the Grand Mufti. The death sentences of five other leading members of the Muslim Brotherhood, including its supreme guide Mohammed Badie, were also upheld.

    Egypt Officially Announces ‘State Of War’ Source Egyptian Streets 1 July 2013
    In an official statement released by the Egyptian Armed Forces, 17 Egyptian soldiers were reported killed, in addition to 13 more who were injured. The statement added that 100 militants have been killed, in addition to destroying 20 of the militants’ vehicles.

    Sheikh Zuweid Death Toll: Egyptian Police Kill 9 In Cairo Suburb Raid As Assault On Sinai Town Comes To An End Source International Business Times 1 July 2015
    Egyptian police raided a home in a western suburb of Cairo on Wednesday, killing nine men who they said were armed and plotting a terrorist attack. The killings happened the same day an ISIS-affiliated group launched a major assault on Sheikh Zuweid, an Egyptian city in the Sinai Peninsula, resulting in at least 100 casualties. The assault ended Wednesday evening.

    Two Bomb Explosions Resonate Through Cairo Source Egyptian Streets 30 June 2015
    In an official statement, the Director of Civil Protection in Cairo, Magdy al-Shalaqany has confirmed that two bombs have detonated in Cairo’s 6th of October city, with a five minutes gap between the two explosions, reported AMAY.

    Islamist Blitz in Sinai Kills 64 as Egypt Sends Fighter Jets. Source Bloomberg 1 July 2015
    Egypt’s army struck at militants with fighter jets and attack helicopters after 64 security personnel were killed in Sinai on the bloodiest day of the country’s escalating war with Islamist insurgents.

  • Greece Has Spent A Half-Century In Default Or Restructuring

    On Thursday, we highlighted the pitiable plight of Greek businesses which, facing an acute cash crunch and suppliers unwilling to provide credit ahead of the country’s weekend referendum, are being forced to close the doors.

    The country’s banks are set to run out of physical banknotes “in a matter of days” according to a “person familiar with the situation” who spoke to WSJ and Constantine Michalos, the president of the Athens Chamber of Commerce, fears the country’s stock of imported goods will only last for two or three more weeks. 

    Meanwhile, Greeks have resorted to scavenging for food and picking through dustbins for scrap metal and as we noted on Wednesday, this is hardly a recent development in Greece. High unemployment has plagued the country for years , becoming endemic and relegating many Greeks to a life of perpetual and severe economic hardship.

    Indeed, as BofAML notes, a look back at the country’s history shows that Athens has been in default or some manner of debt rescheduling for nearly a quarter of the past two centuries. 

    The bank goes on to make a rather unflattering comparison between the implied market cap of Greek stocks on Monday and a certain US-based bath towel supplier: “The announcement of a bank holiday & capital controls caused a 20% drop in the local equity market (as implied by ETFs), putting the market cap of MSCI Greece on a par with that of Bed, Bath & Beyond.” 

    But Athenians are in no mood for backhanded humor, because as one 83-year old told WSJ this week, “Tsipras has turned this country into North Korea.” 

  • Greek Banks Considering 30% Haircut On Deposits Over €8,000: FT

    Last week in “For Greeks, The Nightmare Is Just Beginning: Here Come The Depositor Haircuts,” we warned that a Cyprus-style bail-in of Greek depositors may be imminent given the acute cash crunch that has brought the Greek banking sector to its knees and forced the Greek government to implement capital controls in a futile attempt to stem the flow.

    The depositor “haircut” would be a function of the staggered ELA haircut that the ECB could impose to escalate the rhetoric between the two sides, and could take place with as little as a 10% increase in the ELA collateral haircut from its current 50% level.

    Unfortunately for Greeks, the ECB has frozen the ELA cap, meaning that as of last Sunday, Greek banks were no longer able to meet deposit outflows by tapping emergency liquidity from the Bank of Greece. 

    Now, with ATM liquidity expected to run out by Monday and with the country’s future in the Eurozone still undecided, it appears as though Alexis Tsipras’ promise that “deposits are safe” may be proven wrong.

    According to FTGreek banks are considering a depositor bail-in that could see deposits above €8,000 haircut by “at least” 30%. 

    Via FT: 

    Greek banks are preparing contingency plans for a possible “bail-in” of depositors amid fears


    The plans, which call for a “haircut” of at least 30 per cent on deposits above €8,000, sketch out an increasingly likely scenario for at least one bank, the sources said.


    A Greek bail-in could resemble the rescue plan agreed by Cyprus in 2013, when customers’ funds were seized to shore up the banks, with a haircut imposed on uninsured deposits over €100,000.


    It would be implemented as part of a recapitalisation of Greek banks that would be agreed with the country’s creditors — the European Commission, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank.


    “It [the haircut] would take place in the context of an overall restructuring of the bank sector once Greece is back in a bailout programme,” said one person following the issue. “This is not something that is going to happen immediately.”


    Greek deposits are guaranteed up to €100,000, in line with EU banking directives, but the country’s deposit insurance fund amounts to only €3bn, which would not be enough to cover demand in case of a bank collapse.


    With few deposits over €100,000 left in the banks after six months of capital flight, “it makes sense for the banks to consider imposing a haircut on small depositors as part of a recapitalisation. . . It could even be flagged as a one-off tax,” said one analyst.


    Earlier, via Bloomberg:

    Liquidity for Greek bank ATMs after Monday will depend on the ECB decision, National Bank of Greece Chair Louka Katseli tells reporters in Athens.

    Meanwhile, Yanis Varoufakis swears this is nothing but a “malicious rumor”:

    And moments ago Bloomberg reported that according to an emailed statement by the Greek finance ministry, the “FT report on deposits bail in is outright lie, provocative, and targets undermining July 5 referendum” and as a resultt the “finance ministry demands Financial Tines to retract report.

  • Barack Obama Tells Another Whopper – He Did Not Create 12.8 Million Jobs

    Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

    America is better off when President Obama is out on the stump bloviating and boasting rather than in Washington actively doing harm. But the whoppers he just told the students at the University of Wisconsin are beyond the pale. Said our spinmeister-in-chief:

     And the unemployment rate is now down to 5.3 percent. (Applause.) Keep in mind, when I came into office it was hovering around 10 percent. All told, we’ve now seen 64 straight months of private sector job growth, which is a new record — (applause) — new record — 12.8 million new jobs all told.

    That’s a pack of context-free factoids. There is still such a thing as the business cycle, and only economically illiterate hacks—-like those who work on the White House speech writing staff—-would measure anything from the deep V-shaped but momentary bottom that happened to occur during Obama’s second year in office. What counts is not that we’ve had a bounce after a terrible bust, but where we are now on a trend basis.

    The answer is absolutely nowhere!

    We are now 29 quarters from the pre-crisis peak and total non-farm labor hours utilized by the US economy are no higher than they were in Q4 2007. In other words, if you use a common unit of measure—–labor hours rather than job slots which treat coal-miners and part-time pizza delivery boys alike—–there have been no new units of employment at all. Our teleprompter reading President is actually tooting his own horn about recycled hours and “born again”  jobs and doesn’t even know it.

    And, no, he can’t take credit for digging us out of the hole created by the Great Recession, either. The long, slow climb back to square one shown in the chart above was due to the natural resilience of our capitalist economy—notwithstanding the tax, regulatory and massive debt hurdles that Washington policies have thrown at it.

    The truth of the matter is that America’s employment machine has been failing for this entire century. As shown below, the number of non-farm labor hours utilized during the most recent quarter was only 1% higher than in the spring of 2000—-way back when Bill Clinton still had his hands on things in the Oval Office.

    In short, we have gone through two business cycles and have essentially added zero new employment inputs to the US economy.  And that marks a sharp and devastating reversal of previous trends. In fact, the BLS’ own data convey an out-and-out crisis that the President should have been lamenting, not a cherry-picked simulacrum of growth based on born-again, apples-and-oranges jobs slots.

    Thus, during the comparable 29 quarters after the 1990 business cycle peak (Q2 1990 to Q3 1997) non-farm labor hours had increased by 12% and during the same period of time after the 1981 peak (Q3 1981 to Q4 1988) labor hours expanded by 17 percent.  That’s what employment growth used to look like, and absolutely nothing like that has happened on Obama’s watch.

    When you get right down to it, however, even labor hours do not fully capture the actual jobs disaster happening in America. That’s because we keep shedding high productivity hours in the full-time  jobs sector in favor of low-skill, low-pay gigs in bars, restaurants, Wal-Marts and temp agencies.

    So notwithstanding another month of 200,000 plus headline job gains, here’s where we actually are. The number of breadwinner jobs—–full-time positions in energy and mining, construction, manufacturing, the white collar professions, business management and services, information technology, transportation/distribution and finance, insurance and real estate—-is still 1.7 million below the level of December 2007; in fact, it is still lower than it was at the turn of the century.

    Breadwinner Jobs- Click to enlarge

    Breadwinner Jobs- Click to enlarge

    There is no mystery as to how the White House and Wall Street celebrate year after year of “jobs growth” when the long-term trend of full-time, family-supporting employment levels is heading south. Its called “trickle-down economics”, and not of the good kind, either.

    What is happening is that the Keynesian money printers at the Fed are fueling serial financial bubbles. This generates a temporary lift in the discretionary incomes of the top 10% of households, which own 85% of the financial assets, and the next 10-20% which feed off the their winnings. Accordingly, the leisure and hospitality sectors boom, creating a lot of job slots for bar tenders, waiters, bellhops, etc.

    I call this the “bread and circuses economy”, but it has two problems. Most of these slots generate only about 26 hours per week and $14 per hour. That’s about $19,000 on an annual basis, and means these slots constitute 40% jobs compared to the breadwinner category at about $50,000 per year. Besides that, a soon as the financial bubble goes bust, these jobs quickly disappear.

    Bread and Circuses Jobs - Click to enlarge

    Bread and Circuses Jobs – Click to enlarge

    This is reason enough for Obama to pipe down on the boasting, but he actually went in the opposite direction claiming a big recovery in manufacturing jobs.

    And after a decade of decline, thanks to some of the steps we took…….we’ve added nearly 900,000 new manufacturing jobs. Manufacturing is actually growing faster than the rest of the economy. (Applause.)

    But that one is not even a whopper; its a bald-faced lie. There has not been one “new” manufacturing job created during Obama’s term in office; and, in fact, the 12.3 million manufacturing jobs reported for June was still 10% below the level of December 2007, and nearly 30% lower than the 17.3 million manufacturing jobs reported in January 2000.

    So the actual facts are not evidence of a trend reversal; they’re an exercise in political hogwash.

    Indeed, if you take the entire high-productivity, high-pay goods production sector—-energy, mining, manufacturing and construction—the trend is even worse. As shown below, the 19.6 million goods producing jobs in June was 5 million lower than in January 2000. Is there any wonder that the median real household income has declined by 7% over the last 15 years?

    Goods Producing Jobs - Click to enlarge

    Goods Producing Jobs – Click to enlarge

    Here’s the real truth beneath the bloviation issuing from stumping politicians and Wall Street stock touts alike. The June BLS report showed that the HES Complex (health, education and social services) generated another 48,000 jobs in June. This figure is nearly dead on the 42,000 monthly average for this sector since the turn of the century.

    The minor problem with that trend is these jobs pay on average only $35,000 per year—–a level that does not remotely support a middle class standard of living, especially after payroll and income taxes are extracted from this gross pay figure.

    The much bigger skunk in the woodpile, however, is that these jobs are almost entirely “fiscally dependent”. Yet the public sector in America is broke, and the total public debt just keeps on climbing higher.

    To wit, the 32.2 million jobs in the HES Complex are funded by $1.5 trillion annually of Medicare, Medicaid and other health and social services entitlements. On top of that there is also about $1 trillion of public sector education funding, $200 billion per year of government guaranteed student loans and $250 billion annually in tax subsidies for employer provided and individual health insurance plans and Obamacare tax credits.

    HES Complex Jobs - Click to enlarge

    HES Complex Jobs – Click to enlarge

    In effect, the public sector borrows and taxes to create low productivity jobs within the nation’s highly inefficient, wasteful and monopolistic health and education cartels—- but in the process squeezes everything else. In fact, there have been virtually no new jobs—even on a headcount basis—–outside of the HES Complex during the entirety of the 21st Century to date!

    Nonfarm Payrolls Less HES Complex Jobs - Click to enlarge

    Nonfarm Payrolls Less HES Complex Jobs – Click to enlarge

    One of these days the public sector is going to exhaust its capacity to tax and borrow, and to thereby finance job growth even in the HES Complex. Needless to say, Washington and Wall Street will be as clueless then as they are now.

    Meanwhile, the White House whoppers will keep on coming.

  • Fearing Spillover, ECB Moves To Shield Neighboring Banks From Greek Meltdown

    On Monday, in “Beggar Thy Neighbor? Greece’s Battered Banks Beget Balkan Jitters,” we took an in depth look at the potential for the Greek banking crisis to infect Bulgaria, Romania, and Serbia, where Greek banks control a substantial percentage of total banking assets. 

    We noted that yields on the country’s bonds had spiked in the wake of capital controls in Greece and the ensuing ATM run, a reflection of souring investor sentiment despite assurances from local banking officials that there was no risk of similar measures being implemented outside of Greece.  

    “Any action by the Greek government and the central bank to impose measures in the Greek financial system have no legal force in Bulgaria and can in no way affect the smooth functioning and stability of the Bulgarian banking system,” Bulgaria’s central bank said, in a statement. 

    Still, as Morgan Stanley pointed out nearly two months ago, “the risk is that depositors who have their money in Greek subsidiaries in Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia could suffer a confidence crisis and seek to withdraw their deposits. Although well capitalised and liquid, Greek subsidiaries in the SEE region may see difficulties providing enough cash if withdrawals are intense and become problematic. In case of a liquidity shortage, Greek subsidiaries in Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia would probably create the need for local authorities to step in. Local central banks and governments would most probably provide additional liquidity, but if panic behaviour develops it would mean that certain banks would either have to find a buyer or be nationalised. In this case, the national deposit guarantee schemes will have to repay guaranteed deposits and, in case of insufficient funds, the government will have to provide them.”

    Now, with Greece’s future in the EMU hanging in the balance, Bloomberg says the ECB has stepped up its efforts to shield Bulgaria from any fallout. Here’s more:

    The European Central Bank is set to extend a backstop facility to Bulgaria and is ready to assist other nations in the region to ward off contagion from Greece, according to people familiar with the situation.


    The ECB would provide access to its refinancing operations, offering euros to the banking system against eligible collateral, the people said, asking to remain anonymous because the matter is confidential. The ECB and the Bulgarian central bank declined to comment.


    Eastern Europe is at risk of tremors from Greece via ties ranging from trade to finance, with lenders from the debt-ridden country owning almost a third of banking assets in Bulgaria. The possibility of Greece abandoning the euro after shutting banks and imposing capital controls has left eastern European currencies among this week’s worst emerging-market performers.


    “The threat of ‘Grexit’ has understandably cast a dark cloud over the outlook,” for the region, London-based Capital Economics said last week in a note. “Ties with Greece are sizable in a few places, including Bulgaria and Romania.”


    Bulgaria and its banks have been a main focus of concern for European Union officials looking at potential fallout from the Greek crisis in the region, according to people familiar with their thinking. The yield on euro-denominated Bulgarian government debt due 2024 has jumped 25 basis points this week to 2.61 percent.

    It certainly appears as though the whole “Greece is contained” line is yet another example of a vacuous attempt to calm a panicked public by issuing hollow assurances from on high and compelling the media to parrot them to the masses in order to obscure the real risks — a strategy which works until the soup line photos start showing up on social media.

  • What It All Comes Down To On Sunday

    As expected (and as tipped here on Thursday immediately after news broke that an IMF study conducted prior to the imposition of capital controls in Greece suggests debt relief for Athens is necessary if anyone hopes to create some semblance of sustainability), Greek PM Alexis Tsipras is now leaning hard on voters to carefully consider the fact that one-third of the troika has effectively validated the Greek government’s position on creditor writedowns. 

    “This position was never proposed to the Greek government over the five months of negotiations, wasn’t included in final offer tabled by creditor institutions, on which people are going to vote on July 5,” Tsipras said in a televised address, making it clear to Greeks that the proposals they are voting on effectively do not reflect the views of the institution that is perhaps the country’s most influential creditor. 

    “This IMF report justifies our choice not to accept an agreement which ignores the fundamental issue of debt,” he added, driving the point home. 

    Clearly, this puts Europe, and especially Germany, in a rather unpalatable position. Many EU officials have for months insisted that IMF participation is critical if the Greeks hope to secure a third bailout. The IMF meanwhile, has stuck to a position first adopted years ago (something we’ve noted in these pages multiple times of late); namely that official sector writedowns will ultimately be necessary if Brussels hopes to finally put the Greek tragicomedy to bed. This means Brussels (and Berlin) will now be forced to choose between IMF involvement (which the EU says is a precondition for a deal) and haircuts (which the EU says aren’t possible).

    Here’s Barclays – a major investment bank – with its own confirmation that the IMF may have assured a No vote over the weekend.

    The document basically argues that OSI is a necessary condition in order to secure sovereign solvency with a high probability. This means that before the IMF re-engages in any lending activities with Greece, OSI will be required in the form of NPV debt relief.


    The timing of the publication of this report it is very important. Debt relief is something that the Greek authorities have repeatedly demanded; therefore, in a way this report can be interpreted as the IMF backing the Greek government’s demands. By extension, it could also be interpreted as supportive of a ‘No’ vote, which is what the Greek government is campaigning for. 


    We agree broadly with the analytical content of the report and the need for further OSI. This is in fact hardly new news. Europe has recognized since November 2012 that Greece needs further OSI to make debt dynamics sustainable with high probability. The IMF advice of an NPV haircut via a debt maturity extension (to 40 years) is in line with expectations.


    However, the critical point is that the IMF now requires debt-relief before it engages in a new programme, which confronts Europeans with a tough political decision. Many in Europe, including Germany, considered OSI as a future carrot in exchange for reforms today following good programme execution. Debt relief was conceived as a part of a third programme to be negotiated possibly with a new Greek government.


    At the same time, Germany has been adamant about the importance of IMF involvement in any financial support programme for Greece. Thus, Germany will now be confronted with a tough choice: to deliver on the IMF’s demand, ie to engage in OSI negotiations in the form of NPV debt relief, or give up on IMF involvement. We believe that there is mounting support across other member states for the OSI discussion, therefore, we believe that Germany may not be able to resist such discussions any longer.

    “I am guessing that this is a negotiating tactic ahead of the negotiations for a new programme for Greece. The IMF very well knows that a debt write-off is out of the question,” one unnamed EU official told MNI. 

    “The numbers are quite high, not in line with our assessment and our baseline scenario. We are examining different scenarios for the day after the referendum and provided the vote is Yes, we are ready to come up with solutions. But it is not going to be easy to agree. Certainly this report does not make it any easier,” another source said.

    It’s easy to see why Europe is reluctant to accept the IMF’s assessment. As discussed at length on Thursday, were Europe to go down the OMI road, Brussels would be opening Pandora’s Box. Here’s why:

    By now it should be clear to all that the only reason why Germany has been so steadfast in its negotiating stance with Greece is because it knows very well that if it concedes to a public debt reduction (as opposed to haircut on debt held mostly by private entities such as hedge funds which already happened in 2012), then the rest of the PIIGS will come pouring in: first Italy, then Spain, then Portugal, then Ireland.


    The problem is that while it took Europe some 5 years to transfer a little over €200 billion in Greek private debt exposure to the public balance sheet (by way of the ECB, EFSF, ESM and countless other ad hoc acronyms) at a cost of countless summits and endless negotiations, which may or may not result with the first casualty of the common currency which may prove to be reversible as soon as next week, nobody in Europe harbors any doubt that the same exercise can be repeated with Italy, or Spain, or even Portugal. They are just too big (and their nonperforming loans are in the hundreds of billions).


    As for the IMF’s position, Barclays notes that a permanent default by Greece would not be a trivial event, thus providing further incentive for the Fund to push for EU writedowns:

    With the IMF’s total resources being roughly USD760bn – USD420bn of which are considered the ‘forward commitment capacity’ – the IMF has the firepower to ‘survive’ a permanent default of Greece while maintaining sufficient resources to be able to lend out fresh credit for countries in need. However, it would make a significant dent in the ongoing IMF finances – eg, the interest paid on IMF loans is used to cover IMF’s operational cost – and would very likely create intense debate about Europe’s relationship with the IMF and the balance of power between DM and EM members. One question could also be whether or not the euro area IMF members should not in some way be liable for the outstanding Greek debts. In turn, this would also intensify a debate about the sharing of liabilities/solidarity within the euro area and the EU.



    So, thanks to a well-timed IMF report, Tsipras can now frame Sunday’s plebiscite as a simple Yes/No vote on Greece’s debt pile, which makes it far easier to vote “no.” 

    “Do you think Europe should forgive your debt, check box ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.” 

    That should be an easy choice, although it depends upon the Greek public understanding the significance of the IMF’s position which, as indicated above, Tsipras is doing his very best to facilitate. The bottom line: Sunday’s vote is about whether Greece will agree to remain a debt colony of Germany, pardon Europe, even as the IMF (and, paradoxically, Germany) agrees with Athens that the country’s debt is unsustainable.

    “No” means a lot of pain now and recovery later.

    “Yes” means less pain now but no hope of recovery ever. 

    *  *  *

    Choose wisely…

  • US Pushed For IMF Greek Haircut Study Release After Euro 'Allies' Tried To Block

    The timing of the release of The IMF’s ‘Greece needs a debt haircut no matter what’ report this week was odd to say the least. Being as it confirmed everything the Greek government has been saying and provided the perfect ammunition for Tsipras to spin Sunday’s Greferendum as a Yes/No to debt haircuts – something everyone can understand (and get behind). It is understandable then that, as Reuters reports, Greece’s eurozone allies tried to block the release of the damning report this week but the Europeans were heavily outnumbered and the United States, the strongest voice in the IMF, was in favor of publication, sources said. While The IMF concluded, “Facts are stubborn. You can’t hide the facts because they may be exploited,” one wonders if this move merely reinforces Goldman’s concpiracy theory.

    Euro zone countries tried in vain to stop the IMF publishing a gloomy analysis of Greece’s debt burden which the leftist government says vindicates its call to voters to reject bailout terms, sources familiar with the situation said on Friday. As Reuters reports, publication of the draft Debt Sustainability Analysis laid bare a dispute between Brussels and the Washington-based global lender that has been simmering behind closed doors for months.

    At a meeting on the International Monetary Fund’s board on Wednesday, European members questioned the timing of the report which IMF management proposed at short notice releasing three days before Sunday’s crucial referendum that may determine the country’s future in the euro zone, the sources said.


    There was no vote but the Europeans were heavily outnumbered and the United States, the strongest voice in the IMF, was in favor of publication, the sources said.


    The Europeans were also concerned that the report could distract attention from a view they share with the IMF that the Tsipras government, in the five months since it was elected, has wrecked a fragile economy that was just starting to recover.


    “It wasn’t an easy decision,” an IMF source involved in the debate over publication said. “We are not living in an ivory tower here. But the EU has to understand that not everything can be decided based on their own imperatives.”


    The board had considered all arguments, including the risk that the document would be politicized, but the prevailing view was that all the evidence and figures should be laid out transparently before the referendum.


    “Facts are stubborn. You can’t hide the facts because they may be exploited,” the IMF source said.

    *  *  *

    Quite simply this should be horrifying to not just The Greeks (who just discovered their supposed ‘allies’ tried to hide the truth from them and in fact negotiated in bad faith) but to all Europeans who by now must realize the union is not for them, it is for the few ruling elite and their corporate and banking overlords.

    Isn’t it time to Just Say No, if not to anything else than to being controlled by an unelected cabal of oligarchs whose only interest is making sure the wealthy get wealthier?

    Of course, taking a step back from the table, it is clear that a forced decision by Washington against the interests of its European allies – that is likely to engender more chaos and strengthen Greece’s ability to destabilize Europe – must have been done for ‘another reason’. Perhaps after all is said and done, the powers that be need chaos, need instability, need panic in order to ensure the public gratefully accept the all-in QE-fest that they want.

  • Do Share Buybacks Create Value? (Spoiler Alert: No)

    Submitted by Omid Malekan via,

    Stock buybacks have been in the news lately, as their growing size has lead to criticism, especially from politicians who believe they contribute to economic inequality. But the simplest critique of the practice of buybacks can be made on economic grounds, in terms of value created or destroyed.

    If you ask a seasoned investor to boil success down to one sentence, they’ll probably say “buy low and sell high.” Ask them to simplify even more, and they’ll say “buy value” – which usually correlates with buying something when its cheap. If we flip these maxims around then the worst kind of investing is to buy high. Expensive things do occasionally become more expensive –  but with greater risk.

    I have always been weary of buybacks, going all the way back to the last buyback boom before the financial crisis. My concern then was that by purchasing shares management was making a declaration, that this is a good time to buy our stock, as opposed to the past or the future. But if management knows that then it knows how to time the market, and if management knows how to time the market, then it’s better off running a hedge fund. Since management is instead running a company, it should focus on what it was hired to do and leave the stock market alone.

    Taking the practice to a more extreme measure, many large companies today are tapping the debt markets, borrowing money at record low rates and using the proceeds for buybacks. The practice is popular among blue chip companies like Apple and Microsoft, who despite their cash heavy balance sheets prefer the tax efficiency of financing buybacks with debt. The old me would find such a practice even more unwise, as it entails timing two markets at once, a feat even a seasoned hedge fund manager would have trouble pulling off. But the old me didn’t understand how buybacks really work.

    To call an action market timing is to imply participants care about price. They are buying today because today offers a good price whereas tomorrow might not. But executives doing buybacks don’t care about price. We know this because new buybacks are not announced with any limitations on share price. We are going to buy back $2 Billion worth of shares in the next quarter. What happens if share prices rises drastically beforehand? Management doesn’t care.

    We also know this because currently, with the stock market at all time highs, new buyback announcements have gone parabolic to amounts never seen before. The current level of buying recently surpassed that of 2007, at the previous peak of the market.


    But the buying has not been continuous, as companies took an extended break during the financial crisis while stock prices fell drastically. If you chart buybacks versus the overall stock market in the past 10 years you’ll find a neat correlation.

    For over a decade now corporate management has been doing the exact opposite of what constitutes good investing. If you include the fact that some of the companies buying back shares before the crisis were selling shares to raise capital during the crisis, and are now buyers again, then management has been buying high to sell low to buy high again.

    If you acted similarly in any other walk of life you would be the subject of ridicule and featured in finance books on what not to do. Imagine walking into a dealership and saying “I am going to buy this car, regardless of what price you quote me.” Then imagine selling that car at half the price, only to eventually buy it back at a premium.

    On Wall Street however such behavior is now the norm. Take the example of Royal Dutch Shell, which recently announced the acquisition of BG Group. The deal is mostly financed by Shell issuing new shares. It’s said to be accretive next year, as in increasing the company’s earnings and presumably its stock value. It also comes with a plan by Shell to buy back millions of its own shares in 2 years. So the company has promised to sell something today, drive up its value tomorrow and then buy it back next week.

    All of this would be laughable if not for the consequences. The net amount of buybacks executed in recent years has now surpassed $2 trillion. That’s $2 trillion in capital spent on an activity that at best creates no value and historically has destroyed it. As our business leaders continue to speculate on why the current recovery refuses to kick into high gear, they should look at wasteful buybacks as one possible impediment.

  • Massive "No" Demonstration Floods Athens' Syntagma Square As Tsipras Speaks – Live Webcast

    Shortly before Greek PM Tsipras spoke at today’s huge “No” rally on Syntagma square, scuffles in the crowds of protesters broke out and police have resorted to stun grenades and tear gas.

    As Reuters reported,Greek police threw stun grenades and scuffled with protesters in central Athens on Friday, as a rally got under way in support of a ‘No’ vote in a Sunday referendum on whether to endorse an aid deal with creditors. The scuffles involved a few dozen people, many dressed in black and wearing helmets but quickly appeared to calm.”

    Luckily, the violence was scattered and promptly dissipated.


    Instead it has been replaced with one of the biggest people gatherings on Syntagma square in history:

    Live Feed:

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Today’s News July 3, 2015

  • The German Press Does It Again: "Give Me The Money Or I Shoot"

    When a message needs to be sent by the powers that be, the German press can always be relied upon to send it, no matter how divisive (as they did here, here, and here). So it is no surprise that with the stakes appearing to have never been higher, Handelsblatt unleashes the following…

    Translated: “Give Me The Money Or I’ll Shoot”


    And this is how the Greeks promptly responded on Twitter…

    *  *  *

    Thank goodness they are all ‘partners’ in the ‘union’ of Europe…

  • Why Is the American Dream Dead In The South?

    Authored by Matthew O’Brien, originally posted at The Atlantic,

    The top 1 percent aren’t killing the American Dream. Something else is—if you live in the wrong place.

    Here’s what we know. The rich are getting richer, but according to a blockbuster new study that hasn’t made it harder for the poor to become rich. The good news is that people at the bottom are just as likely to move up the income ladder today as they were 50 years ago. But the bad news is that people at the bottom are just as likely to move up the income ladder today as they were 50 years ago.

    We like to tell ourselves that America is the land of opportunity, but the reality doesn’t match the rhetoric—and hasn’t for awhile. We actually have less social mobility than countries like Denmark. And that’s more of a problem the more inequality there is. Think about it like this: Moving up matters more when there’s a bigger gap between the rich and poor. So even though mobility hasn’t gotten worse lately, it has worse consequences today because inequality is worse.

    But it’s a little deceiving to talk about “our” mobility rate. There isn’t one or two or even three Americas. There are hundreds. The research team of Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Herndon, Patrick Kline, and Emmanuel Saez looked at each “commuting zone” (CZ) within the U.S., and found that the American Dream is still alive in some parts of the country. Kids born into the bottom 20 percent of households, for example, have a 12.9 percent chance of reaching the top 20 percent if they live in San Jose. That’s about as high as it is in the highest mobility countries. But kids born in Charlotte only have a 4.4 percent chance of moving from the bottom to the top 20 percent. That’s worse than any developed country we have numbers for.

    You can see what my colleague Derek Thompson calls the geography of the American Dream in the map below. It shows where kids have the best and worst chances of moving up from the bottom to the top quintile—and that the South looks more like a banana republic. (Note: darker colors mean there is less mobility, and lighter colors mean that there’s more).

    So what makes northern California different from North Carolina? Well, we don’t know for sure, but we do know what doesn’t. The researchers found that local tax and spending decisions explain some, but not too much, of this regional mobility gap. Neither does local school quality, at least judged by class size. Local area colleges and tuition were also non-factors. And so were local labor markets, including their share of manufacturing jobs and those facing cheap, foreign competition. But here’s what we know does matter. Just how much isn’t clear.

    1. Race. The researchers found that the larger the black population, the lower the upward mobility. But this isn’t actually a black-white issue. It’s a rich-poor one. Low-income whites who live in areas with more black people also have a harder time moving up the income ladder. In other words, it’s something about the places that black people live that hurts mobility.

    2. Segregation. Something like the poor being isolated—isolated from good jobs and good schools. See, the more black people a place has, the more divided it tends to be along racial and economic lines. The more divided it is, the more sprawl there is. And the more sprawl there is, the less higher-income people are willing to invest in things like public transit. 

    That leaves the poor in the ghetto, with no way out for their American Dreams. They’re stuck with bad schools, bad jobs, and bad commutes if they do manage to find better work. So it should be no surprise that the researchers found that racial segregation, income segregation, and sprawl are all strongly negatively correlated with upward mobility. But what might surprise is that it doesn’t matter whether the rich cut themselves off from everybody else. What matters is whether the middle class cut themselves off from the poor.

    3. Social Capital. Living around the middle class doesn’t just bring better jobs and schools (which help, but probably aren’t enough). It brings better institutions too. Things like religious groups, civic groups, and any other kind of group that keeps people from bowling alone. All of these are strongly correlated with more mobility—which is why Utah, with its vast Mormon safety net and services, is one of the best places to be born poor.

    4. Inequality. The 1 percent are different from you and me—they have so much more money that they live in a different world. It’s a world of $40,000 a year preschool, “nanny consultants,” and an endless supply of private tutors. It keeps the children of the super-rich from falling too far, but it doesn’t keep the poor from rising (at least into the top quintile). There just wasn’t any correlation between the rise and rise of the 1 percent and upward mobility. In other words, it doesn’t hurt your chances of making it into the top 80 to 99 percent if the super-rich get even richer.

    But inequality does matter within the bottom 99 percent. The bigger the gap between the poor and the merely rich (as opposed to the super-rich), the less mobility there is. It makes intuitive sense: it’s easier to jump from the bottom near the top if you don’t have to jump as far. The top 1 percent are just so high now that it doesn’t matter how much higher they go; almost nobody can reach them.

    5. Family Structure. Forget race, forget jobs, forget schools, forget churches, forget neighborhoods, and forget the top 1—or maybe 10—percent. Nothing matters more for moving up than who raises you. Or, in econospeak, nothing correlates with upward mobility more than the number of single parents, divorcees, and married couples. The cliché is true: Kids do best in stable, two-parent homes.

    It’s not clear what, if any, policy lessons we should take from this truism. As my colleague Jordan Weissmann points out, we don’t really have any idea how to promote marriage. We can try telling people how great it is to get hitched. We can even get rid of the marriage penalties some low-income couples face. But these won’t, and haven’t, been making more people exchange till-death-do-us-parts. And should we even want to? Steve Waldman points out that poor women know better than upper-middle-class people yelling at them to get married whether they should or not. They know whether their boyfriend would make a good husband, a good father, a good teacher. And they know that marriage is important. That they’re not getting married tells us something. Sometimes no match is better than a bad match.


    Flat mobility is the defining Rorschach test of our time. Conservatives look at it, and say, see, we shouldn’t worry about the top 1 percent, because they’re not making the American Dream any harder to achieve. But liberals look at it, and say see, we should care about inequality, because it can make the American Dream harder to achieve—and it raises the stakes if you don’t. But both want to increase upward mobility. It’s not enough to keep it where it was 50 years ago. We need to actually become the land of opportunity. 

    The American Dream is alive in Denmark and Finland and Sweden. And in San Jose and Salt Lake City and Pittsburgh. But it’s dead in Atlanta and Raleigh and Charlotte. And in Indianapolis and Detroit and Jacksonville. Fixing that isn’t just about redistribution. It’s about building denser cities, so the poor aren’t so segregated. About good schools that you don’t have to live in the right (and expensive) neighborhood to attend. And about ending a destructive drug war that imprisons and blights the job prospects of far too many non-violent offenders—further shrinking the pool of “marriageable” men.

    Because the American Dream is dead in too much of America.

  • Chinese Government "Losing Control": Stocks Are Collapsing, Hitting New Bear Market Lows

    As one local reporter put it, despite being told not to say anything negative, “the government appeared to have lost its ability to manage the market.” Chinese stocks are down 4-5% at the open, pressing new cycle lows with Shenzhen and CHINEXT now down 25% from last week.

    As The South China Morning Post reports, many investors said the government was at least partly to blame for the collapse because it encouraged them to go into the market – for months, state-owned media have issued daily commentaries to encourage people to load up on shares.

    And now the payback: even more utter carnage:


    The longer-term perspective:

    Leading to the local version of “brokers with hands on their faces”:

    As The South China Morning Post explains, a series of lifelines from Beijing failed to stop the slide in the mainland’s stock market on Thursday, with the key Shanghai Composite Index closing below the critical 4,000 mark for the first time in almost three months.

    Analysts warned that the nation’s leadership would pay dearly if it failed to stabilise the market and prevent millions of small investors from losing their life savings.


    “The government’s response to the fall confirms that it will use all the resources at its disposal to influence the market when things do not go the way it wants and potentially puts its legitimacy at risk,” said Steve Tsang, chair of the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham.


    The China Securities Regulatory Commission said last night that the stock market had recorded a significant drop, and the commission would launch an investigation into suspected market manipulation. Those suspected of committing an offence would be handed over to public security agencies.



    Since falling off a seven-year peak of 5,166.35 on June 12, the Shanghai index has lost about a quarter of its value, with the mainland equity markets heading into bear territory after fears of a tightening of margin lending induced a sharp correction.


    Turnover in Shanghai dropped to 732 billion yuan (HK$926 billion) on Thursday, down from 1.015 trillion yuan on Wednesday. More than 1,400 mainland stocks finished down, with large state-owned banks and oil majors the big exceptions. Shanghai-traded PetroChina rose 8.8 per cent to 11.68 yuan, while Sinopec gained 6 per cent to 7.18 yuan.


    All four big state-owned banks posted major gains as investors looked for safe havens.


    “The deleveraging process in the stock markets and the over-the-counter platforms trading shares and futures is ongoing, leading to a big price movement regardless of Beijing’s proactive monetary policies,” said Ben Kwong Man-bun, the head of research at brokerage KGI Asia.


    Those proactive policies included a fourth round of interest-rate cuts last weekend and the reduction in reserve requirements for some banks.


    Many investors said the government was at least partly to blame for the collapse because it encouraged them to go into the market. For months, state-owned media have issued daily commentaries to encourage people to load up on shares.


    Tsang said the government appeared to have lost its ability to manage the market.


    “Will the government be able to change market sentiment if its initial interventions prove ineffective? Time will tell,” he said.


    The central bank said it would pursue a prudent monetary policy and keep the economy growing at a “healthy” rate.

    And considering the HSBC Service PMI just plunged from 53.5 to 51.8, the lowest print of the year, that may be complicated especially if the government is truly helpless to halt the crashing stock market,

  • China Completes Airstrip On Reef, Builds Military Facility On Second Island

    China has reportedly completed an airstrip on Fiery Cross Reef, one of the islands Beijing has constructed in the South China Sea.

    Back in April, satellite images which appeared to show that construction had commenced on the runway set off alarm bells in the US and among Washington’s regional allies in the South Pacific. 

    Since then, China’s land reclamation efforts in the disputed waters around the Spratlys have sparked an international furor and touched off a war of words between Washington and Beijing, with the Pentagon assuring China that the US Navy will continue to operate as before in the region and the PLA claiming it will enforce a no-fly zone over the islands “if threatened.” 

    Although China recently claimed to have largely finished the dredging effort, construction atop the islands is moving forward and as Reuters reports, the airstrip on Fiery Cross, first spotted some three months ago, looks to be complete. Here’s more:

    China has almost finished building a 3,000-meter-long (10,000-foot) airstrip on one of its artificial islands in the disputed Spratly archipelago of the South China Sea, new satellite photographs of the area show.


    A U.S. military commander had told Reuters in May that the airstrip on Fiery Cross Reef could be operational by year-end, although the June 28 images suggest that could now be sooner.


    The airstrip will be long enough to accommodate most Chinese military aircraft, security experts have said, giving Beijing greater reach into the heart of maritime Southeast Asia.


    The latest photographs were taken by satellite imagery firm DigitalGlobe and published by the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. (


    AMTI said the airstrip was being paved and marked, while an apron and taxiway had been added adjacent to the runway.


    Two helipads, up to 10 satellite communications antennas and one possible radar tower were visible on Fiery Cross Reef, it said. The images also showed a Chinese naval vessel moored in a port.

    Here’s the latest image and commentary on Fiery Cross from AMTI

    As of June 28, 2015, China is expanding the construction of its island facilities on Fiery Cross Reef. The construction of a 3,000 meter airstrip is nearly complete. China continues to pave and mark the airstrip and an apron and taxiway have been added adjacent to the runway. Prior photos showed that a small lake existed in the middle of the island; this has since been filled in. Personnel are now visible walking around the island.A sensor array has also been constructed and additional support facilities are being built. Meanwhile, a naval vessel is moored in the port. The size of the island is estimated at 2,740,000 square meters. The island has a partially-developed port with nine temporary loading piers. The harbor area is approximately 630,000 square meters. Two helipads, up to 10 satellite communications antennas, and one possible radar tower are also visible. Also visible are two lighthouses and one cement plant.



    …and here’s more on Johnson South Reef

    South Johnson Reef was one of the first facilities to finish principal land reclamation. Since the seawalls have gone up, China has added a small port with limited berth space and two loading stations. The harbor area is approximately 3,000 square meters with an entrance 125 meters wide. There are two helipads on the reef and up to three satellite communications antennas. A large multi-level military facility is in the center of the reef with two possible radar towers under construction. Up to six security and surveillance towers are being built with four possible weapons towers also under construction. Agricultural facilities, a lighthouse, and a possible solar farm with 44 panels, in addition to two wind turbines, have been sighted.


    As for the Chinese foreign ministry’s contention that Beijing’s construction efforts are nearly complete, that remains to be seen and indeed, Reuters notes that construction is continuing on two nearby islets. Their names: “Subi” and “Mischief“.

    (Photo taken from Philippine military plane appears to show mischief at Mischief)

  • Government Trolls Are Using "Psychology-Based Influence Techniques" On YouTube, Facebook And Twitter

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

    Have you ever come across someone on the Internet that you suspected was a paid government troll?  Well, there is a very good chance that you were not imagining things.  Thanks to Edward Snowden, we now have solid proof that paid government trolls are using “psychology-based influence techniques” on social media websites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.  Documents leaked by Snowden also reveal that government agents have been conducting denial-of-service attacks, flooding social media websites with thinly veiled propaganda and have been purposely attempting to warp public discourse online.  If we do not stand up and object to this kind of Orwellian behavior, it is only going to get worse and worse.

    In the UK, the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG) is a specialized unit within the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).  If it wasn’t for Edward Snowden, we probably still would never have heard of them.  This particular specialized unit is engaged in some very “questionable” online activities.  The following is an excerpt from a recent piece by Glenn Greenwald and Andrew Fishman

    Though its existence was secret until last year, JTRIG quickly developed a distinctive profile in the public understanding, after documents from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that the unit had engaged in “dirty tricks” like deploying sexual “honey traps” designed to discredit targets, launching denial-of-service attacks to shut down Internet chat rooms, pushing veiled propaganda onto social networks and generally warping discourse online.

    We are told that JTRIG only uses these techniques to go after the “bad guys”.

    But precisely who are the “bad guys”?

    It turns out that their definition of who the “bad guys” are is quite broad.  Here is more from Glenn Greenwald and Andrew Fishman

    JTRIG’s domestic and law enforcement operations are made clear. The report states that the controversial unit “currently collaborates with other agencies” including the Metropolitan police, Security Service (MI5), Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), Border Agency, Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and National Public Order and Intelligence Unit (NPOIU). The document highlights that key JTRIG objectives include “providing intelligence for judicial outcomes”; monitoring “domestic extremist groups such as the English Defence League by conducting online HUMINT”; “denying, deterring or dissuading” criminals and “hacktivists”; and “deterring, disrupting or degrading online consumerism of stolen data or child porn.”

    Particularly disturbing to me is the phrase “domestic extremist groups”.  What does someone have to say or do to be considered an “extremist”?  For example, the English Defence League is a non-violent street protest movement in the UK that is strongly against the spread of radical Islam and sharia law in the UK.  So if they are “extremists”, how many millions upon millions of ordinary citizens in the United States would fit that definition?

    When conducting operations against “extremists”, psychology-based influence techniques are among the tools that JTRIG uses to combat them online.  The following comes from one of the documents that was posted by Greenwald and Fishman…

    Psychology-Based Influence Techniques

    In other words, these government trolls try to mess with people’s minds.

    And here is another document that was posted by Greenwald and Fishman that talks about how JTRIG uses YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to accomplish their goals…

    Government Trolls

    It is very disturbing to think that some of the people that we may be interacting with on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are actually paid government agents that are purposely trying to feed us propaganda and misinformation.

    And of course this kind of thing does not just happen in the United Kingdom.  In Canada, it has been publicly admitted that the government uses paid trolls to warp Internet discourse.  The following comes from Natural News

    You’ve probably run into them before — those seemingly random antagonizers who always end up diverting the conversation in an online chat room or article comment section away from the issue at hand, and towards a much different agenda. Hot-button issues like illegal immigration, the two-party political system, the “war on terror” and even alternative medicine are among the most common targets of such attackers, known as internet “trolls” or “shills,” who in many cases are nothing more than paid lackeys hired by the federal government and other international organizations to sway and ultimately control public opinion.


    Several years ago, Canada’s CTV News aired a short segment about how its own government had been exposed for hiring secret agents to monitor social media and track online conversations, as well as the activities of certain dissenting individuals. This report, which in obvious whitewashing language referred to such activities as the government simply “weighing in and correcting” allegedly false information posted online, basically admitted that the Canadian government had assumed the role of secret online police.

    You can actually watch a video news report about what is happening up in Canada right here.

    Needless to say, the U.S. government is also engaged in this kind of activity as well.  For instance, the U.S. government has actually been caught manipulating discourse on Reddit and editing Wikipedia.  When it comes to spying, there is nobody that is off limits for our spooks.  It just came out recently that we even spied on three French presidents, and they are supposed to be our “friends”.

    And just like the UK, the U.S. government has a very broad definition of “extremists”.  This has especially been true since Barack Obama has been in the White House.  If you doubt this, please see my previous article entitled “72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered ‘Potential Terrorists’ In Official Government Documents“.

    All of this is very disturbing.  Why can’t they just leave us alone and let us talk to one another?  Why do they have to spy on everything that we do and purposely try to manipulate public discourse?  Why do they have to be such control freaks?

  • NSA Leak Reveals Both Merkel And Schauble Saw Greek Debt As Unsustainable Even After Haircut

    Several days ago, we posted a NSA cable leaked by Wikileaks, in which then French finance minister Moscovici (currently a European commissioner) was admitted that the French economic situation was “worse than anyone [could] imagine and drastic measures [would] have to be taken in the next two years.” It has not improved since then.   

    Overnight, in another perhaps even more relevant to the current quagmire in Greece leak, Wikileaks has released another intercepted NSA communication between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her personal assistant reveals that not only Merkel, but Schauble, were well aware that even with a debt haircut (which took place in 2012 but only for private creditors and whose impact was promptly countered with the debt from the second bailout) Greek debt would be unsustainable. Technically, she did not use that word: she said that “Athens would be unable to overcome its problems even with an additional haircut, since it would not be able to handle the remaining debt.”

    She was right. And yet here she is, telling Tsipras and the Greek people that all Greece needs is to comply with the existing program when she knows well by her own admission that Greece is insolvent in its current state – precisely what Syriza is arguing and demanding be part of any deal.

    Because why bother making a deal if Greece will once again be in default a few months down the line, just as Varoufakis said earlier today.

    But where it gets really humorous is where the cable notes that even “Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble alone continued to strongly back another haircut, despite Merkel’s efforts to rein him in… with IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde described as undecided on the issue.”

    Fast forward to today and now Lagarde is decided, and the IMF admits a 30% Greek haircut is necessary. So, one wonders, why is Syriza getting hell for pushing what both Germany in 2011 and the IMF now admit has to happen in order to have a viable Greek nation. Unless, of course, they don’t want a viable Greek nation, and instead want a vassal state that is constantly on the brink of collapse and thus creating enough systemic risk to constantly push the EUR lower.

    Becuase, just in case anyone has forgotten, the real issue here is not the fate of Greece or even the rest of the PIIGS, but how can Germany continue enjoying a currency that is substantially weaker than what a far stronger, and export-crushing Deutsche Mark would be at this very moment.

    From Wikileaks:

    Eurozone Crisis: Merkel Uncertain on Solution to Greek Problems, Would Press U.S. and UK (TS//SI-G//OC/REL TO USA, FVEY)


    (TS//SI-G//OC/REL TO USA, FVEY) Discussing the Greek financial crisis with her personal assistant on 11 October, German Chancellor Angela Merkel professed to be at a loss as to which option–another haircut or a transfer union–would be best for addressing the situation. (The term “haircut” refers to the losses that private investors would incur on the current net value of their Greek bond holdings.) Merkel’s fear was that Athens would be unable to overcome its problems even with an additional haircut, since it would not be able to handle the remaining debt. Furthermore, she doubted that sending financial experts to Greece would be of much help in bringing the financial system there under control. Within the German cabinet, Finance Minister Wolfgang Schnaeuble alone continued to strongly back another haircut, despite Merkel’s efforts to rein him in, while France and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso were seen to be in favor of a gentler approach. European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet was solidly opposed, with IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde described as undecided on the issue. Finally, Merkel believed that action must be taken to enact a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT); doing so next year, she assessed, would be a major step toward achieving some balance in relief for banks. In that regard, the Germans thought that pressure could be brought to bear on the U.S. and British governments to help bring about an FTT.



    Full pdf

  • Shale Drillers About To Be "Zero Hedged" As Loss Protection Expires

    In many ways, the US shale industry is emblematic of why failing to normalize monetary policy after seven years of largesse can be extremely dangerous.

    As discussed at length in these pages and then subsequently everywhere else, access to cheap cash via capital markets allows otherwise insolvent producers to keep drilling even as prices collapse, creating what are effectively zombie companies (to use Matt King’s words) on the way to delaying the Schumpeterian endgame and embedding an enormous amount of risk in HY credit by flooding the market with supply just as demand from investors (who are delirious from hunger after being starved of yield by the Fed) peaks and secondary market liquidity continues to dry up. 

    This dynamic has served to create a supply glut in a number of industries and has suppressed commodity prices in a self-feeding deflationary loop.

    Thanks to SEC rules on how drillers are required to value their reserves, producers are effectively forced to overstate the value of their O&G businesses by nearly two-thirds, which can lead unsophisticated investors who don’t bother to read the 10K fine print to believe that the businesses are healthier than they actually are.

    Furthermore, the next round of revolver raids for the industry isn’t due until October, meaning investors may also believe the industry has easier access to liquidity than it actually does. As a reminder:

    As if all of the above weren’t enough, there’s yet another reason why the shale default cascade has thus far been forestalled, giving many the impression that perhaps a “crude” awakening (pardon the terrible pun) has been averted: hedges.

    Here’s Bloomberg with more on why some US shale drillers may soon be zero hedged (ahem):

    The insurance protecting shale drillers against plummeting prices has become so crucial that for one company, SandRidge Energy Inc., payments from the hedges accounted for a stunning 64 percent of first-quarter revenue.


    Now the safety net is going away.


    The insurance that producers bought before the collapse in oil — much of which guaranteed minimum prices of $90 a barrel or more — is expiring. As they do, investors are left to wonder how these companies will make up the $3.7 billion the hedges earned them in the first quarter after crude sunk below $60 from a peak of $107 in mid-2014.


    “A year ago, you could hedge at $85 to $90, and now it’s in the low $60s,” said Chris Lang, a senior vice president with Asset Risk Management, a hedging adviser for more than 100 exploration and production companies. “Next year it’s really going to come to a head.”


    The hedges staved off an acute shortage of cash for shale companies and helped keep lenders from cutting credit lines, many of which are up for renewal in October. With drillers burdened by interest payments on $235 billion of debt, $89 billion of it high-yield, a U.S. regulator has warned banks to beware of the “emerging risk” of lending to energy companies.


    Payments from hedges accounted for at least 15 percent of first-quarter revenue at 30 of the 62 oil and gas companies in the Bloomberg Intelligence North America Exploration and Production Index. Revenue, already down 37 percent in the last year, will fall further as drillers cash out contracts that paid $90 a barrel even when oil fell below $44.


    For SandRidge and other drillers, the hedges, required by some lenders, gave them enough time to cut spending. Costs in shale fields have fallen by 20 to 30 percent and productivity has increased as producers moved rigs to the most prolific regions. Producers were able to raise about $44 billion in equity and debt in the first quarter, according to UBS AG.


    “That postponed the day of reckoning,” said Carl Tricoli, co-founder of private-equity firm Denham Capital Management.


    At Goodrich Petroleum Corp., hedges accounted for 35 percent of revenue in the first three months of 2015. Most of its insurance runs out at the end of the year, company records show.

    In short, the last line of defense against terminal cash burn for the beleagured US shale complex is about to fall and when it does, it’s going to take bank credit lines down with it.

    This means October is the expiration date for heavily indebted US drillers and perhaps for HY credit as well, because once the defaults begin in earnest and HY spreads start to blow out, the BTFD-ing retail crowd will head for the exits, triggering a very non-diversifiable, unidirectional flow for bond fund managers who will then be forced to hold their noses and dive into the ever-thinner secondary corporate credit market.

    It is precisely at that point when everyone’s worst nightmares about shrinking dealer inventories and illiquid credit markets will suddenly be realized.

  • Trading Stocks – It's Easier Than Farmwork… And Porn

    While the Chinese recently found out that making money from trading is, in fact, not “easier than farmwork,” it appears in America, trading stocks is back en vogue… Meet 2014 Playmate of the Year, Kennedy Summers, who has given it all up to become a day trader…


    Brings to mind the terms “all in” and “tight stops”…

  • JPMorgan Banker: "We Can't Make Money Anymore…"

    Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

    Yesterday over coffee, a friend of mine leaked the news that JP Morgan’s private banking division here in Singapore is going to start charging negative interest rates.

    I almost fell out of my chair.

    He’s a successful hedge fund manager and one of their best customers. So when he received the notice, he rang up his private banker and demanded to know why.

    Between ridiculously low interest rates (banks are closing loans here for 0.9% or lower) and the increasing costs of compliance, “we can’t make money anymore…” was the response.

    It certainly paints a clear picture of how screwed up the entire financial system is.

    Compliance is a major component in this. Bankers around the world are buried up to their eyeballs in paperwork and regulations now.

    They can’t make a move or approve a single transaction without first doing anti-money laundering, terrorist financing, and tax evasion due diligence.

    Imagine it like this: your banker rings you up tomorrow and says,

    “The government of China requires us to have all of our depositors fill out this paperwork. So I need you to send this form back to me ASAP…”

    You’d probably think it was a joke.

    Or at a minimum think, “Wait, what? I’m not Chinese. You’re not a Chinese bank. Who cares about some stupid Chinese regulation?”

    And you’d be right.

    Except that’s precisely what the United States is doing right now.

    All over the world, bankers are contacting their customers and forcing them to fill out paperwork to comply with idiotic US government regulations. Even when there’s no connection to the US.

    Here in Singapore, the bankers are completely miserable about it.

    They’re so angry for having to call customers and say, “Yes I know you’re in India, and I know we’re in Singapore, and I know you’ve been a customer for 10 years. But you still have to fill out this US government form or else we’ll close your account.”

    It’s ridiculous– all of this because the US government is bankrupt.

    A few years ago they passed the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)– a major part of their crusade to stamp out tax evasion and bring in more tax revenue.

    FATCA is now in full force. Banks all over the world have been forced to enter into information sharing agreements with the IRS, meaning that they have to report on all of their customers and force them to fill out meaningless forms.

    Needless to say, this costs a lot of money.

    If you own a business, you can just imagine how frustrating and expensive it would be to have your employees toil away on senseless paperwork instead of… you know, doing real business.

    The US government tells us that all of these disclosure programs have brought in about $6.5 billion in tax revenue.

    Yet the costs of compliance are estimated to cost at least $8 billion, with some estimates over 10x higher.

    Now that’s a neat trick. Uncle Sam gets the money and passes off the costs to everyone else.

    And those who don’t comply with America’s rules are destroyed.

    The most blatant example of this was last year, when a French bank was fined $9 billion for doing business with countries that Uncle Sam didn’t like.

    Bear in mind, this was a French bank, not an American bank.

    They violated no French laws. Yet they had to pay the US government $9 billion for doing business with places like Cuba.

    (Ironically, Cuba is now BFFs with the United States, but it’s not like the bank is going to get a refund.)

    More recently, the US government destroyed an Andorran bank that was accused of weak anti-money laundering controls.

    And a few years ago they took down the oldest private bank in Switzerland.

    Every bank in the world has seen these incidents, and they’re scared. They could be next.

    And that’s why you can’t get a single financial transaction done anymore without first submitting a mountain of paperwork to prove that you’re not a terrorist. Or financing terrorists. Or laundering money. Or doing business with the Axis of Evil.

    Even outside of banking it has become utterly ridiculous.

    A friend of mine here runs one of the largest bullion depositories in Singapore; he wanted to buy some raw gold and have it made into bars, so he contacted a refiner.


    The refiner said, “Sure no problem. I just need you to send us some compliance documentation before we get started.”


    Then he sent a list of no fewer than 22 items that he needed to submit– copies of licenses, passports, certificates, etc.


    22 items. Just to have a refiner make some gold bars. Ridiculous.

    So obviously they’re not going to waste their time. Which means there’s some business that could have been done, but won’t, simply because of the compliance costs.

    The US government has really screwed the world on this. Paperwork is the priority. Not business.

    And all because America is bankrupt.

    This trip to Singapore has been very eye-opening for me as I’m just now starting to understand how much people within the financial system despise the US government.

    They feel like they’re being forced at gunpoint to be volunteer spies and tax collectors, simply because US politicians have been financially irresponsible.

    And to me, it’s the biggest sign yet that America’s financial dominance is coming to an end. They’ve essentially engineered it themselves by alienating the whole world.

    The transition isn’t going to be smooth. And it won’t happen overnight. But there will come a time, and likely soon, when the United States gets displaced.

    And the rest of the world can hardly wait.

  • 17 Year Federal Judge Savages 'War On Drugs': "This Is A War I Saw Destroy Lives… Makes No Sense"

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    The “war on drugs” is one of the most irrational, idiotic and destructive public policy failures in American history, and that’s saying a lot. I’ve covered this topic many times at Liberty Blitzkrieg, but nothing spells it out like the repentant words of a former federal judge, who admittedly ruined countless lives for no reason.

    From the Atlantic:

    ASPEN, Colo.—Former Federal Judge Nancy Gertner was appointed to the federal bench by Bill Clinton in 1994. She presided over trials for 17 years. And Sunday, she stood before a crowd at The Aspen Ideas Festival to denounce most punishments that she imposed.


    Among 500 sanctions that she handed down, “80 percent I believe were unfair and disproportionate,” she said. “I left the bench in 2011 to join the Harvard faculty to write about those stories––to write about how it came to pass that I was obliged to sentence people to terms that, frankly, made no sense under any philosophy.”


    She went on to savage the War on Drugs at greater length. “This is a war that I saw destroy lives,” she said. “It eliminated a generation of African American men, covered our racism in ostensibly neutral guidelines and mandatory minimums… and created an intergenerational problem––although I wasn’t on the bench long enough to see this, we know that the sons and daughters of the people we sentenced are in trouble, and are in trouble with the criminal justice system.”


    She added that the War on Drugs eliminated the political participation of its casualties. “We were not leveling cities as we did in WWII with bombs, but with prosecution, prison, and punishment,” she said, explaining that her life’s work is now focused on trying to reconstruct the lives that she undermined––as a general matter, by advocating for reform, and as a specific project: she is trying to go through the list of all the people she sentenced to see who deserves executive clemency.

    Enough is enough. Let’s end this stupidity once and for all.

    *  *  *

  • Greek Banks To Run Out Of Physical Cash "In A Matter Of Days"

    Over the past several weeks we’ve documented the acute cash crunch that’s crippled the Greek banking sector and ultimately brought the country to its knees. 

    Since March, Greek banks have subsisted on a slow liquidity drip administered by the ECB through the Bank of Greece. Once Syriza swept to power on an anti-austerity platform in January, it quickly became clear to Mario Draghi that accepting collateral backed by the full faith and credit of the new Greek government in exchange for cash loans wasn’t a safe bet and so, the ECB shifted the burden to the Bank of Greece, making it more expensive for the Greek banking sector to obtain emergency funding. 

    As the crisis unfolded and Athens’ negotiations with creditors became increasingly contentious, Greek banks began to bleed cash. Eventually it became clear that the banks were relying entirely on the Eurosystem to meet outflows.

    Meanwhile, banknotes in circulation surged, as cash usage jumped 44%, prompting Barclays to note that “the amount of banknotes in excess of the quota for Greece represents a liability of the BoG to the Eurosystem.” Essentially, we said, Greece was quietly printing billions of euros.

    Now, with the ECB holding steady on the ELA cap and the banking system still hemorrhaging deposits despite the imposition of capital controls, Greek banks are running out of cash — literally.

    WSJ has more:

    How long the remaining cash lasts and how unsettled Greeks become will be big factors in Sunday’s referendum on creditors’ demands for more austerity in exchange for more bailout funds. The tighter the squeeze, the more Greeks might vote “yes” to reconcile with creditors, analysts say.


    As of Wednesday, Greece’s banking system had about €1 billion in cash left, according to a person familiar with the situation. Even with the €60-a-day limit on ATM withdrawals from Greek’s closed banks, “it’s a matter of a few days” until the money runs out, this person said.


    By Wednesday, many ATMs in central Athens had constant lines of people waiting to withdraw their daily limit. The crunch has suffused the economy. Merchants report lower spending. Wholesalers can’t pay for supplies. Importers’ foreign counterparts won’t trade.


    Greece’s cash crunch hit small merchants first. They are less able to get credit from their suppliers, especially those dealing in perishable products that are continually imported. Christos Georgiopoulos owns a gourmet supermarket in Plaka, a picturesque Athens neighborhood frequented by tourists. He sells Champagne and Russian crab legs.


    Nobody is buying. “I haven’t had a single customer in two days,” he said Wednesday. He is shutting down his shop and says he doesn’t know when he will reopen. He gave some crab legs to his workers and is taking some home. “I haven’t paid my staff and don’t know if and when I will,” he added.


    Cash is king. “Now you have almost every cardholder going to the ATM every day,” said Stefanos Kotronakis of payment-processing provider ACI Worldwide in Athens, which operates systems that drive ATMs. “Cash has a higher value now.”


    Ellie Tzortzi, a partner at a Vienna-based digital-design and market research firm, is flying to Athens this weekend to pay her employees here in cash. “The last time I traveled with a wad of cash to pay someone’s salary was 10 years ago in Kosovo,” she said.

    And AFP has more color on the crisis facing Greek businesses:

    Greece’s dive into financial uncertainty is forcing struggling businesses to take unusual steps to survive, including hoarding euros in cash.


    The government’s announcement it was closing banks this week to stem a panicked rush to withdraw money, left many ordinary Greeks high and dry.


    “I put aside as much cash as possible” in advance, said an Athens baker Taso Paraskevopoulos, who had expected the controls to be imposed as the country staggered towards a default on a debt repayment to the International Monetary Fund.


    “I sometimes need hundreds of euros a day to pay suppliers and expenses, I can’t allow myself to be caught short,” he said, making it quite clear he blames the radical left ruling party SYRIZA for the crisis.


    The capital controls forbid money transfers abroad, except by express permission from the Finance Ministry.


    Businesses which import their raw materials have been the hardest hit, says Vassilis Korkidis, head of the National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce (ESEE).


    As unease spreads, getting ones hands on cash has become a sort of national sport, with businesses from restaurants to car mechanics telling customers paying by card is no longer an option.


    And what if the crisis drags on? asked Sotiris Papantonopoulos, head of online insurance broker Insurancemarket, which employs 70 people.


    Launched in 2011 despite the financial crisis, the company was in expansion and had intended to take on other 60 people in the coming months, “but now everything is on hold,” said Papantonopoulos, visibly upset after having to ask some of his employees not to come to work this week.


    “If the measures remain in place for two months, well close, it’s over.”

    So there you have it. The unthinkable — which we have of course been warning about for months — is unfolding before Europe’s very eyes. 

    The crisis has officially moved beyond the negotiating table and has now manifested itself in a shortage of physical banknotes and the inability of Greek businesses to stock the shelves, leaving all of those who accused the tin foil hat crowd of fearmongering to look on in horror as the ATMs go dark, imports grind to a halt, and Greece rapidly descends into the Third World.

    This is no longer speculation, it is a stark reality, and as Constantine Michalos, the president of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry told WSJ, “in one week, two weeks, three weeks, it will be finished.”

  • Church Elder Defrauds Investors With "Holy Spirit" Day Trading System

    Submitted by Daniel Drew via,

    Holy Spirit

    While it remains unclear if the Holy Spirit was behind these trades, one thing is for sure: When Charles Erickson's investors opened their recent statements, they said, "Holy Shit!"

    As reported by Ponzi Tracker, Charles Erickson of Uxbridge, Massachusetts was looking for a way to supplement his retirement income. Despite having no day trading experience, Erickson jumped head first into the E-Mini Russell 2000 futures contract. In testimony provided to the Massachusetts Securities Division, he said,

    It's going to sound a little strange to you, but … I believe the Holy Spirit showed me this system.

    Apparently, the machinations of the Holy Spirit are proprietary. When asked for further disclosure, he said, "I don't want to give my system away." However, he certainly had no reservations about letting his investors give their money away. He promised them monthly returns of 4%. It seems like a small number, but annually, that's about 50%. The 25 "investors" were convinced, and they gave him $3.5 million.

    The plan started unraveling in 2013 when Erickson sustained significant trading losses. He eventually halted payments in September 2014, and in December, he told investors he had "zero capital and almost zero assets." Erickson later disclosed that the "system" did not generate returns every month and that he would use reserves to pay other investors during those situations, which is the definition of a Ponzi scheme.

    Optimistic investors should consider this as a bump in the road. Eventually, we will see a "Holy Spirit ETF" that will work out the kinks in Erickson's system, and we'll all be on the road to riches.

  • "There Are Obvious Signs Of Distress" In The Manufacturing Industry

    In April, we noted the NACM's comments that "there are big, big problems" underlying the economy as a surge in unfavorable factors suggested credit conditions were tightening dramatically (only to see that data revised away suddenly). June's data has confirmed this weakness with credit rejections soaring to their highest since 2009 with the biggest spike in 9 years, with NACM CEO Kuehl exclaiming, "There are some obvious signs of distress in the manufacturing community, as the expected wave of consumer demand has yet to manifest… companies that have been awaiting it are getting in trouble with their creditors."

    As NACM reports,

    “This has been a tale of two directions,” Kuehl noted. “On the one hand, there is some hope for better numbers in the future as the favorables look better than in a long while. However, the present is not so positive, as the unfavorables are worsening, which signals that many companies are not in the shape they would like to be and are falling behind in their obligations.”

    5 of the 6 unfavorable factors for Credit Managers weakened dramatically…


    Among the unfavorable factors in NACM's credit index, "Rejections" have soared…


    The bad news came with the index of unfavorable factors…

    The overall reading dove from 51.4 to 49.2, a point not seen in more than a year and a dubious trip into contraction territory for the first time since September’s 49.9.


    The sub-readings illustrate the problem. The category of “rejections of credit applications” slid into the contraction at 49.5. That is a dramatic and alarming trend that suggests some in the new applicants pool are far from creditworthy. The category of “accounts placed for collection” traveled a similar path, from 51.6 to 48.3—it’s the first time in the contraction zone in more than three years for the category. “There are some obvious signs of distress in the manufacturing community, as the expected wave of consumer demand has yet to manifest,” Kuehl said. “As such, companies that have been awaiting it are getting in trouble with their creditors.”

    And for those who still believe 2015 is on its way to escape velocity (because why else would The Fed think about raising rates)… it's not!

    “The year-over-year trend is not encouraging,” Kuehl said. “There has been a distinct downward slide, and it is apparent that conditions were far better in mid-2014 than they are now. That was neither expected nor wanted at this stage of a recovery.”

    As Kuehl concludes, rather ominously,

     “The overall sense is that the long-delayed recovery has been taking its toll, as businesses are finding it harder and harder to struggle on."

    As we noted previously, despite all the IPO fanfare and claims of liquidity styill flowing, the big news is access to credit. It is suddenly very hard to get and this looks like the situation that existed at the start of the recession in 2008. The overall economy didn’t look all that bad in late 2008, except that there was a dearth of credit and that soon led to business failures and struggles.

    The pattern is the same whether one is discussing the manufacturing or service side—too many seeking credit that are not going to get what they are seeking—either because there are doubts as to their credit status or because those issuing credit are in a very cautious mood.

  • How Greece Has Fallen Victim To "Economic Hit Men"

    "Greece is being 'hit', there's no doubt about it," exclaims John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, noting that "[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call the corporatocracy … today we have a global empire, and it's not an American empire. It's not a national empire… It's a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule."



    John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, discusses how Greece and other eurozone countries have become the new victims of "economic hit men."

    John Perkins is no stranger to making confessions. His well-known book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, revealed how international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, while publicly professing to "save" suffering countries and economies, instead pull a bait-and-switch on their governments: promising startling growth, gleaming new infrastructure projects and a future of economic prosperity – all of which would occur if those countries borrow huge loans from those organizations. Far from achieving runaway economic growth and success, however, these countries instead fall victim to a crippling and unsustainable debt burden.

    That's where the "economic hit men" come in: seemingly ordinary men, with ordinary backgrounds, who travel to these countries and impose the harsh austerity policies prescribed by the IMF and World Bank as "solutions" to the economic hardship they are now experiencing. Men like Perkins were trained to squeeze every last drop of wealth and resources from these sputtering economies, and continue to do so to this day. In this interview, which aired on Dialogos Radio, Perkins talks about how Greece and the eurozone have become the new victims of such "economic hit men."

    Michael Nevradakis: In your book, you write about how you were, for many years, a so-called "economic hit man." Who are these economic hit men, and what do they do?

    John Perkins: Essentially, my job was to identify countries that had resources that our corporations want, and that could be things like oil – or it could be markets – it could be transportation systems. There're so many different things. Once we identified these countries, we arranged huge loans to them, but the money would never actually go to the countries; instead it would go to our own corporations to build infrastructure projects in those countries, things like power plants and highways that benefitted a few wealthy people as well as our own corporations, but not the majority of people who couldn't afford to buy into these things, and yet they were left holding a huge debt, very much like what Greece has today, a phenomenal debt.

    "[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call the corporatocracy … today we have a global empire, and it's not an American empire. It's not a national empire … It's a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule."

    And once [they were] bound by that debt, we would go back, usually in the form of the IMF – and in the case of Greece today, it's the IMF and the EU [European Union] – and make tremendous demands on the country: increase taxes, cut back on spending, sell public sector utilities to private companies, things like power companies and water systems, transportation systems, privatize those, and basically become a slave to us, to the corporations, to the IMF, in your case to the EU, and basically, organizations like the World Bank, the IMF, the EU, are tools of the big corporations, what I call the "corporatocracy."

    And before turning specifically to the case of Greece, let's talk a little bit more about the manner in which these economic hit men and these organizations like the IMF operate. You mentioned, of course, how they go in and they work to get these countries into massive debt, that money goes in and then goes straight back out. You also mentioned in your book these overly optimistic growth forecasts that are sold to the politicians of these countries but which really have no resemblance to reality.

    Exactly, we'd show that if these investments were made in things like electric energy systems that the economy would grow at phenomenally high rates. The fact of the matter is, when you invest in these big infrastructure projects, you do see economic growth, however, most of that growth reflects the wealthy getting wealthier and wealthier; it doesn't reflect the majority of the people, and we're seeing that in the United States today.

    "In the case of Greece, my reaction was that 'Greece is being hit.' There's no question about it."

    For example, where we can show economic growth, growth in the GDP, but at the same time unemployment may be going up or staying level, and foreclosures on houses may be going up or staying stable. These numbers tend to reflect the very wealthy, since they have a huge percentage of the economy, statistically speaking. Nevertheless, we would show that when you invest in these infrastructure projects, your economy does grow, and yet, we would even show it growing much faster than it ever conceivably would, and that was only used to justify these horrendous, incredibly debilitating loans.

    Is there a common theme with respect to the countries typically targeted? Are they, for instance, rich in resources or do they typically possess some other strategic importance to the powers that be?

    Yes, all of those. Resources can take many different forms: One is the material resources like minerals or oil; another resource is strategic location; another resource is a big marketplace or cheap labor. So, different countries make different requirements. I think what we're seeing in Europe today isn't any different, and that includes Greece.

    What happens once these countries that are targeted are indebted? How do these major powers, these economic hit men, these international organizations come back and get their "pound of flesh," if you will, from the countries that are heavily in debt?

    By insisting that the countries adopt policies that will sell their publicly owned utility companies, water and sewage systems, maybe schools, transportation systems, even jails, to the big corporations. Privatize, privatize. Allow us to build military bases on their soil. Many things can be done, but basically, they become servants to what I call the corporatocracy. You have to remember that today we have a global empire, and it's not an American empire. It's not a national empire. It doesn't help the American people very much. It's a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule. They control the politics of the United States, and to a large degree they control a great deal of the policies of countries like China, around the world.

    John, looking specifically now at the case of Greece, of course you mentioned your belief that the country has become the victim of economic hit men and these international organizations . . . what was your reaction when you first heard about the crisis in Greece and the measures that were to be implemented in the country?

    I've been following Greece for a long time. I was on Greek television. A Greek film company did a documentary called "Apology of an Economic Hit Man," and I also spent a lot of time in Iceland and in Ireland. I was invited to Iceland to help encourage the people there to vote on a referendum not to repay their debts, and I did that and encouraged them not to, and they did vote no, and as a result, Iceland is doing quite well now economically compared to the rest of Europe. Ireland, on the other hand: I tried to do the same thing there, but the Irish people apparently voted against the referendum, though there's been many reports that there was a lot of corruption.

    "That's part of the game: convince people that they're wrong, that they're inferior. The corporatocracy is incredibly good at that."

    In the case of Greece, my reaction was that "Greece is being hit." There's no question about it. Sure, Greece made mistakes, your leaders made some mistakes, but the people didn't really make the mistakes, and now the people are being asked to pay for the mistakes made by their leaders, often in cahoots with the big banks. So, people make tremendous amounts of money off of these so-called "mistakes," and now, the people who didn't make the mistakes are being asked to pay the price. That's consistent around the world: We've seen it in Latin America. We've seen it in Asia. We've seen it in so many places around the world.

    This leads directly to the next question I had: From my observation, at least in Greece, the crisis has been accompanied by an increase in self-blame or self-loathing; there's this sentiment in Greece that many people have that the country failed, that the people failed . . . there's hardly even protest in Greece anymore, and of course there's a huge "brain drain" – there's a lot of people that are leaving the country. Does this all seem familiar to you when comparing to other countries in which you've had personal experience?

    Sure, that's part of the game: convince people that they're wrong, that they're inferior. The corporatocracy is incredibly good at that, whether it is back during the Vietnam War, convincing the world that the North Vietnamese were evil; today it's the Muslims. It's a policy of them versus us: We are good. We are right. We do everything right. You're wrong. And in this case, all of this energy has been directed at the Greek people to say "you're lazy; you didn't do the right thing; you didn't follow the right policies," when in actuality, an awful lot of the blame needs to be laid on the financial community that encouraged Greece to go down this route. And I would say that we have something very similar going on in the United States, where people here are being led to believe that because their house is being foreclosed that they were stupid, that they bought the wrong houses; they overspent themselves.

    "We know that austerity does not work in these situations."

    The fact of the matter is their bankers told them to do this, and around the world, we've come to trust bankers – or we used to. In the United States, we never believed that a banker would tell us to buy a $500,000 house if in fact we could really only afford a $300,000 house. We thought it was in the bank's interest not to foreclose. But that changed a few years ago, and bankers told people who they knew could only afford a $300,000 house to buy a $500,000 house.

    "Tighten your belt, in a few years that house will be worth a million dollars; you'll make a lot of money" . . . in fact, the value of the house went down; the market dropped out; the banks foreclosed on these houses, repackaged them, and sold them again. Double whammy. The people were told, "you were stupid; you were greedy; why did you buy such an expensive house?" But in actuality, the bankers told them to do this, and we've grown up to believe that we can trust our bankers. Something very similar on a larger scale happened in so many countries around the world, including Greece.

    In Greece, the traditional major political parties are, of course, overwhelmingly in favor of the harsh austerity measures that have been imposed, but also we see that the major business and media interests are also overwhelmingly in support. Does this surprise you in the slightest?

    No, it doesn't surprise me and yet it's ridiculous because austerity does not work. We've proven that time and time again, and perhaps the greatest proof was the opposite, in the United States during the Great Depression, when President Roosevelt initiated all these policies to put people back to work, to pump money into the economy. That's what works. We know that austerity does not work in these situations.

    "What I didn't realize during any of this period was how much corporatocracy does not want a united Europe."

    We also have to understand that, in the United States for example, over the past 40 years, the middle class has been on the decline on a real dollar basis, while the economy has been increasing. In fact, that's pretty much happened around the world. Globally, the middle class has been in decline. Big business needs to recognize – it hasn't yet, but it needs to recognize – that that serves nobody's long-term interest, that the middle class is the market. And if the middle class continues to be in decline, whether it's in Greece or the United States or globally, ultimately businesses will pay the price; they won't have customers. Henry Ford once said: "I want to pay all my workers enough money so they can go out and buy Ford cars." That's a very good policy. That's wise. This austerity program moves in the opposite direction and it's a foolish policy.

    In your book, which was written in 2004, you expressed hope that the euro would serve as a counterweight to American global hegemony, to the hegemony of the US dollar. Did you ever expect that we would see in the European Union what we are seeing today, with austerity that is not just in Greece but also in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, and also several other countries as well?

    What I didn't realize during any of this period was how much corporatocracy does not want a united Europe. We need to understand this. They may be happy enough with the euro, with one currency – they are happy to a certain degree by having it united enough that markets are open – but they do not want standardized rules and regulations. Let's face it, big corporations, the corporatocracy, take advantage of the fact that some countries in Europe have much more lenient tax laws, some have much more lenient environmental and social laws, and they can pit them against each other.

    "[Rafael Correa] … has to be aware that if you stand up too strongly against the system, if the economic hit men are not happy, if they don't get their way, then the jackals will come in and assassinate you or overthrow you in a coup."

    What would it be like for big corporations if they didn't have their tax havens in places like Malta or other places? I think we need to recognize that what the corporatocracy saw at first, the solid euro, a European union seemed like a very good thing, but as it moved forward, they could see that what was going to happen was that social and environmental laws and regulations were going to be standardized. They didn't want that, so to a certain degree what's been going on in Europe has been because the corporatocracy wants Europe to fail, at least on a certain level.

    You wrote about the examples of Ecuador and other countries, which after the collapse of oil prices in the late '80s found themselves with huge debts and this, of course, led to massive austerity measures . . . sounds all very similar to what we are now seeing in Greece. How did the people of Ecuador and other countries that found themselves in similar situations eventually resist?

    Ecuador elected a pretty remarkable president, Rafael Correa, who has a PhD in economics from a United States university. He understands the system, and he understood that Ecuador took on these debts back when I was an economic hit man and the country was ruled by a military junta that was under the control of the CIA and the US. That junta took on these huge debts, put Ecuador in deep debt; the people didn't agree to that. When Rafael Correa was democratically elected, he immediately said, "We're not paying these debts; the people did not take on these debts; maybe the IMF should pay the debts and maybe the junta, which of course was long gone – moved to Miami or someplace – should pay the debts, maybe John Perkins and the other economic hit men should pay the debts, but the people shouldn't."

    And since then, he's been renegotiating and bringing the debts way down and saying, "We might be willing to pay some of them." That was a very smart move; it reflected similar things that had been done at different times in places like Brazil and Argentina, and more recently, following that model, Iceland, with great success. I have to say that Correa has had some real setbacks since then . . . he, like so many presidents, has to be aware that if you stand up too strongly against the system, if the economic hit men are not happy, if they don't get their way, then the jackals will come in and assassinate you or overthrow you in a coup. There was an attempted coup against him; there was a successful coup in a country not too far away from him, Honduras, because these presidents stood up.

    We have to realize that these presidents are in very, very vulnerable positions, and ultimately we the people have to stand up, because leaders can only do a certain amount. Today, in many places, leaders are not just vulnerable; it doesn't take a bullet to bring down a leader anymore. A scandal – a sex scandal, a drug scandal – can bring down a leader. We saw that happen to Bill Clinton, to Strauss-Kahn of the IMF; we've seen it happen a number of times. These leaders are very aware that they are in very vulnerable positions: If they stand up or go against the status quo too strongly, they're going to be taken out, one way or another. They're aware of that, and it behooves we the people to really stand up for our own rights.

    You mentioned the recent example of Iceland . . . other than the referendum that was held, what other measures did the country adopt to get out of this spiral of austerity and to return to growth and to a much more positive outlook for the country?

    It's been investing money in programs that put people back to work and it's also been putting on trial some of the bankers that caused the problems, which has been a big uplift in terms of morale for the people. So Iceland has launched some programs that say "No, we're not going to go into austerity; we're not going to pay back these loans; we're going to put the money into putting people back to work," and ultimately that's what drives an economy, people working. If you've got high unemployment, like you do in Greece today, extremely high unemployment, the country's always going to be in trouble. You've got to bring down that unemployment, you've got to hire people. It's so important to put people back to work. Your unemployment is about 28 percent; it's staggering, and disposable income has dropped 40 percent and it's going to continue to drop if you have high unemployment. So, the important thing for an economy is to get the employment up and get disposable income back up, so that people will invest in their country and in goods and services.

    In closing, what message would you like to share with the people of Greece, as they continue to experience and to live through the very harsh results of the austerity policies that have been implemented in the country for the past three years?

    I want to draw upon Greece's history. You're a proud, strong country, a country of warriors. The mythology of the warrior to some degree comes out of Greece, and so does democracy! And to realize that the marketplace is a democracy today, and how we spend our money is casting our ballot. Most political democracies are corrupt, including that of the United States. Democracy is not really working on a governmental basis because the corporations are in charge. But it is working on a market basis. I would encourage the people of Greece to stand up: Don't pay off those debts; have your own referendums; refuse to pay them off; go to the streets and strike.

    And so, I would encourage the Greek people to continue to do this. Don't accept this criticism that it's your fault, you're to blame, you've got to suffer austerity, austerity, austerity. That only works for the rich people; it does not work for the average person or the middle class. Build up that middle class; bring employment back; bring disposable income back to the average citizen of Greece. Fight for that; make it happen; stand up for your rights; respect your history as fighters and leaders in democracy, and show the world!

  • Jobs Jolt Sparks Bond Bid; Stocks Skid As "Day Of Greckoning" Looms

    A little premature but…


    Deja Vu all over again…


    Greece still doesn't matter…


    Stocks limped higher into the payroll print – running stops above yesterday's highs… then dropped to yesterday's lows before trying to melt up into the last illiqui hour…


    Small Caps were weak out of the gate today…


    On the week, Small Caps are worst…


    But since the peak of "Greece is rescued" last weekend, Trannies are the biggest loser…


    Bonds rallied on the weaker than expected payrolls data, stocks slowly caught down, accelerated by the comments by The IMF…


    European risk is now double that of American stocks – the highest spread in 13 years…


    Social media darlings continue to take it on the chin (not Yelp's big dump today)…


    Bond yields ripped lower on the jobs data, stabilized then squeezed into the close… NOTE that 30Y tagged unchanged perfectly before payrolls snapped yields lower…


    The US Dollar drifted sideways to lower with a jolt lower on the jobs data…


    Commodities were mixed but had some precious metal turmoil aroun dthe jobs data…


    Gold & Silver ended the week lower after a number of crazy moves…


    Crude was whipsawed as rig count increases and Iran Deal rumors dominated any BTFD hopes… on target for the worst week in 4 months – lowest weekly close sicnce April 17th



    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: Feeling spooked?


  • "It Could Never Happen Here" – America Is Not Greece

    Tick, tock… "it could never happen here?"



    But as Jared "The 10th Man" Dillian writes on MauldinEconomics, a financial crisis of similar magnitude will happen in the US someday… it's just a matter of when…

    I was watching the 6 o’clock news and saw images of closed banks in Greece and people lined up at ATMs. I’m sure you did, too.

    This must seem surreal to most people because it seems so remote. But put yourself in these people’s shoes for a second. You have money in the bank. Suddenly you can’t get to it. After standing in long lines, you can only get 60 euros at a time, which isn’t going to last you very long.

    What if you didn’t plan adequately and haven’t stashed away any cash? The banks will be closed for a while. What happens?

    How do you pay for rent? Or food?

    How does your employer pay you?

    Do you go homeless? Or hungry?

    Do you get really angry, take to the streets, blame someone or something (probably the wrong thing), break stuff, set things on fire?

    Will Greece descend into anarchy?

    It might.

    Doomsday Preppers

    Of course, not everyone in Greece is hurting. Many people saw this coming and took action. They took all their money out of the banks, put it under the mattress, or maybe stored it in a safe. Maybe they bought gold, or diamonds, or something else. These people aren’t standing in lines at ATMs. They aren’t going to go homeless or hungry.

    But these people get a pretty bad rap—at least here in the US, where we call them “doomsday preppers.” Or “bunker monkeys.” Or “conspiracy theorists.” Or “gold bugs.” They take a beating.

    Jim Rickards tweeted the other day, “I’ll bet there a lot of Greeks saying, ‘I wish I had bought some gold.’” Truer words have never been spoken.

    This week’s issue of The 10th Man is not a gold promotion, but rather a broader discussion about how you can prepare for financial catastrophe. People keep fire extinguishers and first aid kits in their cars. They test their smoke alarms twice a year. They purchase flood insurance or, in my neighborhood, hurricane shutters.

    Why would you do all these things but just leave your money in the bank and hope for the best?

    I have studied all kinds of financial crises in all parts of the world, from depressions to hyperinflations. The thing they all have in common is that people who do not prepare get crushed. People who are not appropriately paranoid get crushed.

    There is such a thing as being too paranoid (if everything you own is in gold and hard assets, you can miss out on some meaty returns in financial assets), but a little paranoia is healthy. For a few years, I had a pretty concrete escape plan, with assets, just in case.

    In case of what?

    In case of anything.

    No Sympathy Whatsoever

    I don’t feel sorry for Greece. I don’t feel sorry for the people in the ATM lines. They have had years to prepare for this day. Most people in similar situations don’t have so much time. I’m shocked that the banks had any deposits left at all.

    Probably what will happen is that the banks will require a Cyprus-like bail-in and the depositors will take a massive haircut, getting only a fraction of what they once owned. There are no wealthy Russians to go after. The burden will fall on ordinary Greeks.

    It’s also hard to feel badly for a nation of people who have chosen to pursue this ruinous political path—people who cast 52% of their votes for communists or neo-Nazis, and who have proven completely unable to take any responsibility for what has transpired.

    Greece will probably respond to the failure of extreme-left Syriza by electing even more extreme politicians. It seems likely that they will choose a strongman to “get things done.” I think people fail to understand how totalitarianism can happen in the 21st century. Think of this as a YouTube tutorial video on the subject.

    Full Faith and Credit

    A financial crisis of similar magnitude will happen in the US someday. The only question is whether it will happen in 20 years or 50 or 100 or 200. But it is a virtual certainty. My only hope is that I won’t live long enough to see it.

    Still, I know how to prepare for it. You know, in the old days before deposit insurance, people used to keep their money in five to ten different banks to diversify their counterparty risk. If a bank was perceived to be less creditworthy, the banknotes would trade at a discount.

    I think that in the days of FDIC and various investor protections, we are lulled to sleep, believing that things really are safe when in reality, they are not. We were hours away from a complete and total financial collapse when the Reserve Primary fund broke the buck and there was a run on the money market mutual funds. We were that close.

    After those dark days in 2008, I vowed that I’d never be in that position again.

    You do sacrifice investment returns when you do this kind of stuff. Cash or gold or diamonds doesn’t yield anything. But then again, nowadays, neither do bonds. Don’t let the financial media shame you into thinking that taking basic emergency precautions to protect yourself financially is somehow “crazy.”

    You can overdo it, though. You don’t need that many cans of pork and beans.

  • Did The IMF Just Open Pandora's Box?

    By now it should be clear to all that the only reason why Germany has been so steadfast in its negotiating stance with Greece is because it knows very well that if it concedes to a public debt reduction (as opposed to haircut on debt held mostly by private entities such as hedge funds which already happened in 2012), then the rest of the PIIGS will come pouring in: first Italy, then Spain, then Portugal, then Ireland.

    The problem is that while it took Europe some 5 years to transfer a little over €200 billion in Greek private debt exposure to the public balance sheet (by way of the ECB, EFSF, ESM and countless other ad hoc acronyms) at a cost of countless summits and endless negotiations, which may or may not result with the first casualty of the common currency which may prove to be reversible as soon as next week, nobody in Europe harbors any doubt that the same exercise can be repeated with Italy, or Spain, or even Portugal. They are just too big (and their nonperforming loans are in the hundreds of billions).

    And yet, today, in a stunning display of the schism within the Troika, it was the IMF itself which explicitly stated that Greece is no longer viable unless there is both additional funding provided to the country, which can only happen if there is another massive debt haircut.

    This is what the IMF said:

    Even with concessional financing through 2018, debt would remain very high for decades and highly vulnerable to shocks. Assuming official (concessional) financing through end–2018, the debt-to-GDP ratio is projected at about 150 percent in 2020, and close to 140 percent in 2022 (see Figure 4ii). Using the thresholds agreed in November 2012, a haircut that yields a reduction in debt of over 30 percent of GDP would be required to meet the November 2012 debt targets. With debt remaining very high, any further deterioration in growth rates or in the mediumterm primary surplus relative to the revised baseline scenario discussed here would result in significant increases in debt and gross financing needs (see robustness tests in the next section below). This points to the high vulnerability of the debt dynamics.

    And the kicker:

    • “these new financing needs render the debt dynamics unsustainable.”

    Bingo, because that is, in a nutshell, precisely what Tsipras and Varoufakis have been claiming since day one. As expected, a Greek government spokesman promptly said that the IMF report is in line with the Greek government’s view on debt.

    What makes the IMF report even more odd, is not so much its content and position which have been largely known for quite some time now, but its timing: just three days before the Sunday referendum, Tsipras now has prima facie evidence to wave in front of the Greek people and say “see, we were right all along.”

    It is exactly the case that only a “No” vote at this point would allow Greece to continue a negotiation which has already seen one of the three Troika members side with the Greek position. Should Greece vote “Yes”, it will make any future negotiation with the Troika impossible, and while the country will get a few months respite the resultant bank run after the bank reopen with the ECB’s blessing will mean that all Greece will do is buy itself a few months time. Only this time all the debt will still be due.

    And, should hey vote “Yes”, this time the Greeks will only have themselves to blame for all the future pain, pain which will continue well after the mid-point of this century.

    But ignoring Greece for a minute, what the IMF’s “debt sustainability analysis” has just done is open the door for every single other comparably insolvent peripheral European nation to knock on Christine Lagarde’s door and politely ask: “Mme Lagarde, if Greece is unsustainable, then why aren’t we?

    Because as the chart below shows, the debt situations of all the other peripheral European nations is just as “unsustainable.”


    In this way, while the outcome of the Greek situation is currently unknown, it has also become moot, because at this very moment, politicians from Spain’s Podemos to Italy’s Five Star movement are drafting memos demanding that the IMF evaluate their own debt sustainability. Or rather unsustainability.

    Perhaps more importantly, these same politicians will now dangle the prospect of an IMF admission that they, too, deserve a haircut as the catalyst to be elected into power. After all who can refuse that their life would be made so much better if only the country was permitted to selectively “default” on €50, €100, €200 billion or more in debt? Just elect this politician, or that, and watch your living standard soar…

    And since the IMF has no choice but to agree that just like Greece all these nations are accordingly drowning in debt, Syriza’s sacrifice (assuming Tsipras fails to outnegotiate Merkel) will not have been in vain. In fact, it may very well end up that today the IMF opened up the Pandora’s box, one which, more than a Grexit, will destroy Merkel’s “united Europe” legacy.

  • Friday Humor: How To Use A Fax Machine

    Hillary Clinton figuring out how to work a fax machine… and this is who may become America’s next President?


  • China State Official Hints Beijing May Bailout Greece

    On Monday, after Greek PM Alexis Tsipras’ dramatic referendum call sparked a run on Greek ATMs, grocery stores, and gas stations, we did our part to help ameliorate the situation by sending a subtle message to Athens:

    Indeed, now may be an opportune time to tap Beijing for a few billion given that China officially launched the AIIB this week. As a reminder, the success of China’s AIIB membership drive was a political disaster for The White House, which expended considerable effort to discourage US allies from supporting the new China-led venture.

    As such, it would be difficult to imagine a more fitting pilot program for the world’s newest supranational lender than a rescue package for the birthplace of Western democracy which has been brought to its knees by that most Western of all multilateral institutions, the IMF. 

    And while any funding to Greece from China would likely be channeled through the Silk Road fund (at least for now, given that the AIIB is just a few days old, officially), any aid from Xi Jingping’s deep pockets to Athens would represent a spectacular coup on both an economic and political level.

    While the world is by now likely incredulous about the prospects for a Greek “Eastern” pivot (around a half dozen Russian headfakes have made us somewhat numb to the idea), Chinese assistance might be more likely than Europe cares to admit. Sputnik News has more:

    China may help Greece directly through its new financial instruments, director of the Quantitative Finance Department at China’s Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics told Sputnik China.


    Goldman Sachs predicted in a report published on Wednesday that in a worst-case scenaria China’s exports would decline 2.2 percent as a result of Greece’s economic crisis. Other than exports to Greece itself, the crisis could also hurt the economies of nearby countries, where Chinese businessmen have also made considerable investments.


    “The Greek crisis has an undoubtedly seriously influence on China’s trade with Greece and investment into the country. But I think that European countries together with China can help Greece overcome the problems that arose,” Fan Mingtao said.


    “I believe there are two ways to give Greece Chinese aid. First, within the framework of the international aid through EU countries. Second, China could aid Greece directly. Especially considering the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. China has this ability,” Fan added.

    And while it’s impossible to overstate how hilariously ironic it is that Communist China could be the world’s best hope for preventing the birthplace of Western civilization from careening into the Third World, there’s a more subtle joke here as well. We’ll let readers discern what that joke is with the help of the following graphic:

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Today’s News July 2, 2015

  • US Police More Concerned About "Anti-Government" Domestic Extremists Than Al-Qaeda, Study Finds

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Screen Shot 2015-07-01 at 2.43.11 PM

    U.S. law enforcement agencies rank the threat of violence from anti-government  extremists higher than the threat from radicalized Muslims, according to a report released Thursday by the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security (TCTHS).


    The report, “Law Enforcement Assessment of the Violent Extremism Threat,” was based on survey research by Charles Kurzman, professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and David Schanzer, director of TCTHS and associate professor of the practice at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy.


    The survey — conducted by the center with the Police Executive Research Forum — found that 74 percent of 382 law enforcement agencies rated anti-government extremism as one of the top three terrorist threats in their jurisdiction. By comparison, 39 percent listed extremism connected with Al Qaeda or like-minded terrorist organizations as a Top 3 terrorist threat.


    – From Duke’s Sanford School of Public Policy

    Since September 11, 2001, the frightened and emotionally pliable American public has gullibly relinquished its civil liberties and free heritage in order to allow the U.S. government to wage unaccountable and unconstitutional war again Al-Qaeda and radical Islamic terrorism across the world.

    Many of us have warned for years, that preemptively giving up freedoms to protect freedom could only make sense to a propagandized, ignorant public completely clueless of human history. We warned that any totalitarian apparatus implemented to fight an outside enemy, would ultimately be turned around and used upon the public domestically. We already know this is happening with the NSA’s bulk spying and data collection, and we are starting to see a proliferation of the meme that “domestic extremists are more dangerous than Al-Qaeda,” spreading from the mouths of a corrupt and paranoid political class. I’ve covered this topic on several occasions, for example:

    The “War on Terror” Turns Inward – DHS Report Warns of Right Wing Terror Threat

    Eric Holder Announces Task Force to Focus on “Domestic Terrorists”

    Rep. Steve Cohen Calls Tea Party Republicans “Domestic Enemies” on MSNBC

    New Hampshire City Requests a Tank to Deal with “Domestic Terrorist” Groups Like Occupy Wall Street and Libertarians

    It’s Official: The FBI Classifies Peaceful American Protestors as “Terrorists”

    If all that’s not enough to convince you we’ve got a problem, I bring to you conclusions from the recently released study, “Law Enforcement Assessment of the Violent Extremism Threat.” This study was based on a survey conducted by Charles Kurzman and David Schanzer, who recently penned an op-ed in the New York Times. Here are some excerpts from their article:

    In a survey we conducted with the Police Executive Research Forum last year of 382 law enforcement agencies, 74 percent reported anti-government extremism as one of the top three terrorist threats in their jurisdiction; 39 percent listed extremism connected with Al Qaeda or like-minded terrorist organizations. And only 3 percent identified the threat from Muslim extremists as severe, compared with 7 percent for anti-government and other forms of extremism.


    The self-proclaimed Islamic State’s efforts to radicalize American Muslims, which began just after the survey ended, may have increased threat perceptions somewhat, but not by much, as we found in follow-up interviews over the past year with counterterrorism specialists at 19 law enforcement agencies. These officers, selected from urban and rural areas around the country, said that radicalization from the Middle East was a concern, but not as dangerous as radicalization among right-wing extremists.


    Law enforcement agencies around the country are training their officers to recognize signs of anti-government extremism and to exercise caution during routine traffic stops, criminal investigations and other interactions with potential extremists. “The threat is real,” says the handout from one training program sponsored by the Department of Justice. Since 2000, the handout notes, 25 law enforcement officers have been killed by right-wing extremists, who share a “fear that government will confiscate firearms” and a “belief in the approaching collapse of government and the economy.”


    Meanwhile, terrorism of all forms has accounted for a tiny proportion of violence in America. There have been more than 215,000 murders in the United States since 9/11. For every person killed by Muslim extremists, there have been 4,300 homicides from other threats.

    Perhaps if the police didn’t harbor such negative thoughts about the general public, there wouldn’t be as many citizens killed by police. The recent tally is up to 463 killed so far in 2015, or an average of 2.5 Americans killed by police every day.

    Finally, I came across the following excerpt from a recently published National Journal article:

    Senate Democrats are calling for Congress to shift its focus from solely jihadist-fueled terrorism and hold hearings on the threats from domestic groups in upcoming weeks. And the Department of Justice has already opened up a domestic-terrorism investigation into the Charleston church shooting.

    The real enemy of the corrupt corporate state is none other than, “we the people.”

  • Red China Goes Redder, Stocks Tumble Despite Government Ban On Bearish Talk

    Despite more liquidity injections (CNY35 billion 7day RevRepo), archaic deals for brokerages to manipulate their balance sheets, and local reporters noting China's propaganda ministry ordering state media to publish only positive opinions about the stock market, not to criticize, Chinese stocks are in red once again. The record streak of margin debt declines continues and although futures were driven up early on, any strength has been sold into as unwinds wreak havoc on the ponzi wealth creation scheme. All major indices are in the red with Shenzhen (home of the 500%-club) the worst, down around 2% (though as CNBC would say "off the lows").

    Despite this…


    Stocks can't catch a bid…


    China Realized Volatility remains extremely elevated…


    But VIX (implied volatility) has come off highs (though remains in a high risk regime)…


    Seems like now – heading into the morning session close – would be a good time for some manipulation. Because if not this looks awfully ominous…



    On a side note, Mizuho warns that since 2000, SHCOMP has never exceeded its recent high within 6 mos. of losing at least 15%; it will take longer for mainland investors to regain risk appetite.


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Payrolls Preview: Goldman Expects Jobs Data To Disappoint

    Despite much hopeful banter among the mainstream media, Goldman forecast nonfarm payroll job growth of 220k in June, notably below consensus expectations of 234k.


    This is roughly in line with Goldman's expectations for below average job growth over the remainder of 2015. Employment indicators were mixed in June: reported job availability, the employment components of most manufacturing surveys, and ADP employment growth improved, but jobless claims and job cuts both rose slightly and online job ads declined. Overall, the June data point to a gain below the very strong 280k increase in May.


    Arguing for a stronger report:

    • Manufacturing employment indicators. The employment components of the major manufacturing surveys were better on net in June, though many remain at somewhat soft levels. The employment components of the ISM manufacturing (+3.8pt to 55.5), New York Fed (+3.4pt to +8.7), Richmond Fed (+1pt to +4), Kansas City Fed (+8pt to -9), Dallas Fed (+7pt to -1.2), and Markit PMI surveys improved, while the employment components of the Chicago PMI and Philly Fed (-2.9pt to 3.8) surveys declined. Payroll employment growth in the manufacturing sector picked up a bit to 7k in May but has averaged just 4k over the last four months, below the average gain of 15k seen over the last year. While the manufacturing sector is more exposed to international trade than the services sector and appeared to suffer from the strong dollar earlier in the year, manufacturing indicators have improved recently.
    • Job availability. The Conference Board's labor differential—the net percent of households reporting jobs are plentiful vs. hard to get—improved by 2.3pt to -4.3 in June, close to the post-recession high.
    • ADP report. ADP employment rose 237k in June, above consensus expectations. ADP uses outside information to filter its raw data, and some of the strength could reflect the prior-month nonfarm payrolls print. In general, initial print ADP estimates have not been strong predictors of initial print total payroll gains reported by the Labor Department. However, we have found somewhat stronger correlations between ADP and nonfarm payrolls for some industries, in particular trade, transportation and utilities, which saw a solid 50k gain in the June ADP report.

    Arguing for a weaker report:

    • Jobless claims. The four-week moving average of initial jobless claims in the payrolls reference week rose 10k to 277k. Encouragingly, however, in states with large energy industries such as Texas, Oklahoma, and North Dakota, weekly claims have declined somewhat following large increases in prior months.
    • Online job ads. According to the Conference Board's Help Wanted Online (HWOL) report, both new and total online job ads fell in June following large increases in May. The decline in job ads in June occurred across all geographic regions. Among occupational categories, the largest declines came in office and administrative support and in sales.
    • Job cuts. Announced jobs cuts reported by the Challenger, Gray and Christmas report rose modestly in June on a seasonally adjusted basis, reflecting increases in cuts in the chemical and retail industries. Averaging across May and June, job cuts–which tend to be an early indicator of actual layoffs–declined a bit from the previous months, due mostly to a normalization of energy-sector job cuts, but remain slightly on the higher side of recent norms.

    Neutral factors:

    • Service sector surveys. The ISM nonmanufacturing and Markit PMI service sector surveys are not yet available for June. Fed surveys were mixed, with the employment component of the New York Fed survey rising sharply (+15.3pt to 20.3), while the employment components of the Richmond Fed (-3pt to +8) and Dallas Fed (-3.3pt to +5.6) surveys declined. Service-sector employment gains rose to 256k in May and averaged 212k over the last year.

    We expect the unemployment rate to decline one-tenth to 5.4% in June, from an unrounded 5.508% in May. The headline U3 unemployment rate declined by 0.8pp over the last year and the broader U6 underemployment rate declined by 1.3pp. Looking further ahead, we expect U3 to reach 5% by early 2016 and U6 to reach our 9% estimate of its full employment rate by the end of 2016.

    We expect a softer 0.1% increase in average hourly earnings for all workers in June as a result of calendar effects. Average hourly earnings for all workers rose 2.3% over the year ending in May, while average hourly earnings for production & nonsupervisory workers rose 2%. We see some preliminary signs of a pickup in wage growth, which we expect to reach about 2.75-3% by year-end, still below our 3.5% estimate of the full employment rate.

    Source: Goldman Sachs

  • A Short History: The Neocon "Clean Break" Grand Design & The "Regime Change" Disasters It Has Fostered

    Submitted by Dan Sanchez via,

    To understand today’s crises in Iraq, Syria, Iran, and elsewhere, one must grasp their shared Lebanese connection. This assertion may seem odd. After all, what is the big deal about Lebanon? That little country hasn’t had top headlines since Israel deigned to bomb and invade it in 2006. Yet, to a large extent, the roots of the bloody tangle now enmeshing the Middle East lie in Lebanon: or to be more precise, in the Lebanon policy of Israel.

    Rewind to the era before the War on Terror. In 1995, Yitzhak Rabin, Israel’s “dovish” Prime Minister, was assassinated by a right-wing zealot. This precipitated an early election in which Rabin’s Labor Party was defeated by the ultra-hawkish Likud, lifting hardliner Benjamin Netanyahu to his first Premiership in 1996.

    That year, an elite study group produced a policy document for the incipient administration titled, “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.” The membership of the Clean Break study group is highly significant, as it included American neoconservatives who would later hold high offices in the Bush Administration and play driving roles in its Middle East policy.

    “A Clean Break” advised that the new Likud administration adopt a “shake it off” attitude toward the policy of the old Labor administration which, as the authors claimed, assumed national “exhaustion” and allowed national “retreat.” This was the “clean break” from the past that “A Clean Break” envisioned. Regarding Israel’s international policy, this meant:

    “…a clean break from the slogan, ‘comprehensive peace’ to a traditional concept of strategy based on balance of power.”

    Pursuit of comprehensive peace with all of Israel’s neighbors was to be abandoned for selective peace with some neighbors (namely Jordan and Turkey) and implacable antagonism toward others (namely Iraq, Syria, and Iran). The weight of its strategic allies would tip the balance of power in favor of Israel, which could then use that leverage to topple the regimes of its strategic adversaries by using covertly managed “proxy forces” and “the principle of preemption.” Through such a “redrawing of the map of the Middle East,” Israel will “shape the regional environment,” and thus, “Israel will not only contain its foes; it will transcend them.”

    “A Clean Break” was to Israel (and ultimately to the US) what Otto von Bismarck’s “Blood and Iron” speech was to Germany. As he set the German Empire on a warpath that would ultimately set Europe ablaze, Bismarck said:

    “Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided?—?that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849?—?but by iron and blood.”

    Before setting Israel and the US on a warpath that would ultimately set the Middle East ablaze, the Clean Break authors were basically saying: Not through peace accords will the great questions of the day be decided?—?that was the great mistake of 1978 (at Camp David) and 1993 (at Oslo)?—?but by “divide and conquer” and regime change. By wars both aggressive (“preemptive”) and “dirty” (covert and proxy).

    “A Clean Break” slated Saddam Hussein’s Iraq as first up for regime change. This is highly significant, especially since several members of the Clean Break study group played decisive roles in steering and deceiving the United States into invading Iraq and overthrowing Saddam seven years later.


    The Clean Break study group’s leader, Richard Perle, led the call for Iraqi regime change beginning in the 90s from his perch at the Project for a New American Century and other neocon think tanks. And while serving as chairman of a high level Pentagon advisory committee, Perle helped coordinate the neoconservative takeover of foreign policy in the Bush administration and the final push for war in Iraq.


    Another Clean Breaker, Douglas Feith, was a Perle protege and a key player in that neocon coup. After 9/11, as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Feith created two secret Pentagon offices tasked with cherry-picking, distorting, and repackaging CIA and Pentagon intelligence to help make the case for war.

    Feith’s “Office of Special Plans” manipulated intelligence to promote the falsehood that Saddam had a secret weapons of mass destruction program that posed an imminent chemical, biological, and even nuclear threat. This lie was the main justification used by the Bush administration for the Iraq War.

    Feith’s “Counter Terrorism Evaluation Group” trawled through the CIA’s intelligence trash to stitch together far-fetched conspiracy theories linking Saddam Hussein’s Iraq with Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda, among other bizarre pairings. Perle put the Group into contact with Ahmed Chalabi, a dodgy anti-Saddam Iraqi exile who would spin even more yarn of this sort.


    Much of the Group’s grunt work was performed by David Wurmser, another Perle protege and the primary author of “A Clean Break.” Wurmser would go on to serve as an advisor to two key Iraq War proponents in the Bush administration: John Bolton at the State Department and Vice President Dick Cheney.

    The foregone conclusions generated by these Clean Breaker-led projects faced angry but ineffectual resistance from the Intelligence Community, and are now widely considered scandalously discredited. But they succeeded in helping, perhaps decisively, to overcome both bureaucratic and public resistance to the march to war.

    On the second night of war against Iraq, bombs fall on government buildings located in the heart of Baghdad along the Tigris River. Multiple bombs left several buildings in flames and others completely destroyed.

    The Iraq War that followed put the Clean Break into action by grafting it onto America. The War accomplished the Clean Break objective of regime change in Iraq, thus beginning the “redrawing of the map of the Middle East.” And the attendant “Bush Doctrine” of preemptive war accomplished the Clean Break objective of “reestablishing the principle of preemption”

    But why did the Netanyahu/Bush Clean Breakers want to regime change Iraq in the first place? While reference is often made to “A Clean Break” as a prologue to the Iraq War, it is often forgotten that the document proposed regime change in Iraq primarily as a “means” of “weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria.” Overthrowing Saddam in Iraq was merely a stepping stone to “foiling” and ultimately overthrowing Bashar al-Assad in neighboring Syria. As Pat Buchanan put it:

    “In the Perle-Feith-Wurmser strategy, Israel’s enemy remains Syria, but the road to Damascus runs through Baghdad.”

    Exactly how this was to work is baffling. As the document admitted, although both were Baathist regimes, Assad and Saddam were far more enemies than allies. “A Clean Break” floated a convoluted pipe dream involving a restored Hashemite monarchy in Iraq (the same US-backed, pro-Israel dynasty that rules Jordan) using its sway over an Iraqi cleric to turn his co-religionists in Syria against Assad. Instead, the neocons ended up settling for a different pipe(line) dream, sold to them by that con-man Chalabi, involving a pro-Israel, Chalabi-dominated Iraq building a pipeline from Mosul to Haifa. One only wonders why he didn’t sweeten the deal by including the Brooklyn Bridge in the sale.

    As incoherent as it may have been, getting at Syria through Iraq is what the neocons wanted. And this is also highly significant for us today, because the US has now fully embraced the objective of regime change in Syria, even with Barack Obama inhabiting the White House instead of George W. Bush.

    Washington is pursuing that objective by partnering with Turkey, Jordan, and the Gulf States in supporting the anti-Assad insurgency in Syria’s bloody civil war, and thereby majorly abetting the bin Ladenites (Syrian Al Qaeda and ISIS) leading that insurgency. Obama has virtually become an honorary Clean Breaker by pursuing a Clean Break objective (“rolling back Syria”) using Clean Break strategy (“balance of power” alliances with select Muslim states) and Clean Break tactics (a covert and proxy “dirty war”). Of course the neocons are the loudest voices calling for the continuance and escalation of this policy. And Israel is even directly involving itself by providing medical assistance to Syrian insurgents, including Al Qaeda fighters.

    Another target identified by “A Clean Break” was Iran. This is highly significant, since while the neocons were still riding high in the Bush administration’s saddle, they came within an inch of launching a US war on Iran over yet another manufactured and phony WMD crisis. While the Obama administration seems on the verge of finalizing a nuclear/peace deal with the Iranian government in Tehran, the neocons and Netanyahu himself (now Prime Minister once again) have pulled out all the stops to scupper it and put the US and Iran back on a collision course.

    The neocons are also championing ongoing American support for Saudi Arabia’s brutal war in Yemen to restore that country’s US-backed former dictator. Simply because the “Houthi” rebels that overthrew him and took the capital city of Sanaa are Shiites, they are assumed to be a proxy of the Shiite Iranians, and so this is seen by neocons and Saudi theocons alike as a war against Iranian expansion.

    Baghdad is a pit stop on the road to Damascus, and Sanaa is a pit stop on the road to Tehran. But, according to the Clean Breakers, Damascus and Tehran are themselves merely pit stops on the road to Beirut.

    According to “A Clean Break,” Israel’s main beef with Assad is that:

    “Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil.”

    And its great grief with the Ayatollah is that Iran, like Syria, is one of the:

    “…principal agents of aggression in Lebanon…”

    All regime change roads lead to Lebanon, it would seem. So this brings us back to our original question. What is the big deal about Lebanon?

    The answer to this question goes back to Israel’s very beginnings. Its Zionist founding fathers established the bulk of Israel’s territory by dispossessing and ethnically cleansing three-quarters of a million Palestinian Arabs in 1948. Hundreds of thousands of these were driven (sometimes literally in trucks, sometimes force marched with gunshots fired over their heads) into Lebanon, where they were gathered in miserable refugee camps.

    In Lebanon the Palestinians who had fled suffered an apartheid state almost as rigid as the one Israel imposed on those who stayed behind, because the dominant Maronite Christians there were so protective of their political and economic privileges in Lebanon’s confessional system.

    In a 1967 war of aggression, Israel conquered the rest of formerly-British Palestine, annexing the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and placing the Palestinians there (many of whom fled there seeking refuge after their homes were taken by the Israelis in 1948) under a brutal, permanent military occupation characterized by continuing dispossession and punctuated by paroxysms of mass murder.

    This compounding of their tragedy drove the Palestinians to despair and radicalization, and they subsequently lifted Yasser Arafat and his fedayeen (guerrilla) movement to the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), then headquartered in Jordan.

    When the king of Jordan massacred and drove out the PLO, Arafat and the remaining members relocated to Lebanon. There they waged cross-border guerrilla warfare to try to drive Israel out of the occupied territories. The PLO drew heavily from the refugee camps in Lebanon for recruits.

    This drew Israel deeply into Lebanese affairs. In 1976, Israel started militarily supporting the Maronite Christians, helping to fuel a sectarian civil war that had recently begun and would rage until 1990. That same year, Syrian forces entered Lebanon, partook in the war, and began a military occupation of the country.

    In 1978, Israel invaded Lebanon to drive the PLO back and to recruit a proxy army called the “South Lebanon Army” (SLA).


    In 1982 Israel launched a full scale war in Lebanon, fighting both Syria and the PLO. Osama bin Laden later claimed that it was seeing the wreckage of tall buildings in Beirut toppled by Israel’s “total war” tactics that inspired him to destroy American buildings like the Twin Towers.

    In this war, Israel tried to install a group of Christian Fascists called the Phalange in power over Lebanon. This failed when the new Phalangist ruler was assassinated. As a reprisal, the Phalange perpetrated, with Israeli connivance, the massacre of hundreds (perhaps thousands) of Palestinian refugees and Lebanese Shiites. (See Murray Rothbard’s moving contemporary coverage of the atrocity.)


    Israel’s 1982 war succeeded in driving the PLO out of Lebanon, although not in destroying it. And of course hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees still linger in Lebanon’s camps, yearning for their right of return: a fact that cannot have escaped Israel’s notice.

    The Lebanese Shiites were either ambivalent or welcoming toward being rid of the PLO. But Israel rapidly squandered whatever patience the Shiites had for it by brutally occupying southern Lebanon for years. This led to the creation of Hezbollah, a Shiite militia not particularly concerned with the plight of the Sunni Palestinian refugees, but staunchly dedicated to driving Israel and its proxies (the SLA) completely out of Lebanon.

    Aided by Syria and Iran, though not nearly to the extent Israel would have us believe, Hezbollah became the chief defensive force directly frustrating Israel’s efforts to dominate and exploit its northern neighbor. In 1993 and again in 1996 (the year of “A Clean Break”), Israel launched still more major military operations in Lebanon, chiefly against Hezbollah, but also bombing Lebanon’s general population and infrastructure, trying to use terrorism to motivate the people and the central government to crack down on Hezbollah.

    This is the context of “A Clean Break”: Israel’s obsession with crushing Hezbollah and dominating Lebanon, even if it means turning most of the Middle East upside down (regime changing Syria, Iran, and Iraq) to do it.

    9/11 paved the way for realizing the Clean Break, using the United States as a gigantic proxy, thanks to the Israel Lobby’s massive influence in Congress and the neocons’ newly won dominance in the Bush Administration.

    Much to their chagrin, however, its first phase (the Iraq War) did not turn out so well for the Clean Breakers. The blundering American grunts ended up installing the most vehemently pro-Iran Shiite faction in power in Baghdad, and now Iranian troops are even stationed and fighting inside Iraq. Oops. And as it turns out, Chalabi may have been an Iranian agent all along. (But don’t worry, Mr. Perle, I’m sure he’ll eventually come through with that pipeline.)

    This disastrous outcome has given both Israel and Saudi Arabia nightmares about an emerging “Shia Crescent” arcing from Iran through Iraq into Syria. And now the new Shiite “star” in Yemen completes this menacing “Star and Crescent” picture. The fears of the Sunni Saudis are partially based on sectarianism. But what Israel sees in this picture is a huge potential regional support network for its nemesis Hezbollah.


    Israel would have none of it. In 2006, it launched its second full scale war in Lebanon, only to be driven back once again by that damned Hezbollah. It was time to start thinking big and regional again. As mentioned above, the Bush war on Iran didn’t pan out. (This was largely because the CIA got its revenge on the neocons by releasing a report stating plainly that Iran was not anything close to a nuclear threat.) So instead the neocons and the Saudis drew the US into what Seymour Hersh called “the Redirection” in 2007, which involved clandestine “dirty war” support for Sunni jihadists to counter Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah.

    When the 2011 Arab Spring wave of popular uprisings spread to Syria, the Redirection was put into overdrive. The subsequent US-led dirty war discussed above had the added bonus of drawing Hezbollah into the bloody quagmire to try to save Assad, whose regime now finally seems on the verge of collapse.

    The Clean Break is back, baby! Assad is going, Saddam is gone, and who knows: the Ayatollah may never get his nuclear deal anyway. But most importantly for “securing the realm,” Hezbollah is on the ropes.

    shocking-images-iraq-war-001 3.23.13

    And so what if the Clean Break was rather messy and broke so many bodies and buildings along the way? Maybe it’s like what Lenin said about omelets and eggs: you just can’t make a Clean Break without breaking a few million Arabs and a few thousand Americans. And what about all those fanatics now running rampant throughout large swaths of the world thanks to the Clean Break wars, mass-executing Muslim “apostates” and Christian “infidels” and carrying out terrorist attacks on westerners? Again, the Clean Breakers must remind themselves, keep your eye on the omelet and forget the eggs.

    Well, dear reader, you and I are the eggs. And if we don’t want to see our world broken any further by the imperial clique of murderers in Washington for the sake of the petty regional ambitions of a tiny clique of murderers in Tel Aviv, we must insist on American politics making a clean break from the neocons, and US foreign policy making a clean break from Israel.

  • "When People Jump In Even Though It's Overpriced, That's A Bubble" Shiller Warns

    Bob Shiller moves beyond his normal fence-sitting perspective and goes full Marc Faber in this brief clip. Noting that his CAPE indicator of equity market valuation is flashing red (highest since 1929, 2000, and 2007), Shiller warns it is “when people jump into stocks even though they know valuations are high… that’s a bubble,” slamming CNBC’s rosy perspective reflecting that this is the same as the dotcom rise. Notably he warns specifically “The US equity market is one of the highest in the world,” and now is a good time to diversify away from it. Additionally Shiller warns of the slowing momentum in the housing market… warning that mean-reversion is likely with risk for further decline.

    Shiller also slams the bull$hit addage that “booms don’t die of old age…” warning that inventories across goods-producing industries are building worryingly…

    As Shiller explains…

  • Russia Or China – Washington's Conflict Over Who Is Public Enemy #1

    Submitted by Michael Klare via,

    America’s grand strategy, its long-term blueprint for advancing national interests and countering major adversaries, is in total disarray. Top officials lurch from crisis to crisis, improvising strategies as they go, but rarely pursuing a consistent set of policies. Some blame this indecisiveness on a lack of resolve at the White House, but the real reason lies deeper. It lurks in a disagreement among foreign policy elites over whether Russia or China constitutes America’s principal great-power adversary.

    Knowing one’s enemy is usually considered the essence of strategic planning. During the Cold War, enemy number one was, of course, unquestioned: it was the Soviet Union, and everything Washington did was aimed at diminishing Moscow’s reach and power. When the USSR imploded and disappeared, all that was left to challenge U.S. dominance were a few “rogue states.” In the wake of 9/11, however, President Bush declared a “global war on terror,” envisioning a decades-long campaign against Islamic extremists and their allies everywhere on the planet. From then on, with every country said to be either with us or against us, the chaos set in. Invasions, occupations, raids, drone wars ensued — all of it, in the end, disastrous — while China used its economic clout to gain new influence abroad and Russia began to menace its neighbors.

    Among Obama administration policymakers and their Republican opponents, the disarray in strategic thinking is striking. There is general agreement on the need to crush the Islamic State (ISIS), deny Iran the bomb, and give Israel all the weapons it wants, but not much else. There is certainly no agreement on how to allocate America’s strategic resources, including its military ones, even in relation to ISIS and Iran. Most crucially, there is no agreement on the question of whether a resurgent Russia or an ever more self-assured China should head Washington’s enemies list. Lacking such a consensus, it has become increasingly difficult to forge long-term strategic plans. And yet, while it is easy to decry the current lack of consensus on this point, there is no reason to assume that the anointment of a common enemy — a new Soviet Union — will make this country and the world any safer than it is today.

    Choosing the Enemy

    For some Washington strategists, including many prominent Republicans, Russia under the helm of Vladimir Putin represents the single most potent threat to America’s global interests, and so deserves the focus of U.S. attention. “Who can doubt that Russia will do what it pleases if its aggression goes unanswered?” Jeb Bush asserted on June 9th in Berlin during his first trip abroad as a potential presidential contender. In countering Putin, he noted, “our alliance [NATO], our solidarity, and our actions are essential if we want to preserve the fundamental principles of our international order, an order that free nations have sacrificed so much to build.”

    For many in the Obama administration, however, it is not Russia but China that poses the greatest threat to American interests. They feel that its containment should take priority over other considerations. If the U.S. fails to enact a new trade pact with its Pacific allies, Obama declared in April, “China, the 800-pound gorilla in Asia, will create its own set of rules,” further enriching Chinese companies and reducing U.S. access “in the fastest-growing, most dynamic economic part of the world.”

    In the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the military strategists of a seemingly all-powerful United States — the unchallenged “hyperpower” of the immediate post-Cold War era — imagined the country being capable of fighting full-scale conflicts on two (or even three fronts) at once. The shock of the twenty-first century in Washington has been the discovery that the U.S. is not all-powerful and that it can’t successfully take on two major adversaries simultaneously (if it ever could). It can, of course, take relatively modest steps to parry the initiatives of both Moscow and Beijing while also fighting ISIS and other localized threats, as the Obama administration is indeed attempting to do. However, it cannot also pursue a consistent, long-range strategy aimed at neutralizing a major adversary as in the Cold War. Hence a decision to focus on either Russia or China as enemy number one would have significant implications for U.S. policy and the general tenor of world affairs.

    Choosing Russia as the primary enemy, for example, would inevitably result in a further buildup of NATO forces in Eastern Europe and the delivery of major weapons systems to Ukraine. The Obama administration has consistently opposed such deliveries, claiming that they would only inflame the ongoing conflict and sabotage peace talks. For those who view Russia as the greatest threat, however, such reluctance only encourages Putin to escalate his Ukrainian intervention and poses a long-term threat to U.S. interests. In light of Putin’s ruthlessness, said Senator John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a major advocate of a Russia-centric posture, the president’s unwillingness to better arm the Ukrainians “is one of the most shameful and dishonorable acts I have seen in my life.”

    On the other hand, choosing China as America’s principal adversary means a relatively restrained stance on the Ukrainian front coupled with a more vigorous response to Chinese claims and base building in the South China Sea. This was the message delivered to Chinese leaders by Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter in late May at U.S. Pacific Command headquarters in Honolulu. Claiming that Chinese efforts to establish bases in the South China Sea were “out of step” with international norms, he warned of military action in response to any Chinese efforts to impede U.S. operations in the region. “There should be… no mistake about this — the United States will fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows.”

    If you happen to be a Republican (other than Rand Paul) running for president, it’s easy enough to pursue an all-of-the-above strategy, calling for full-throttle campaigns against China, Russia, Iran, Syria, ISIS, and any other adversary that comes to mind. This, however, is rhetoric, not strategy. Eventually, one or another approach is likely to emerge as the winner and the course of history will be set.

    The “Pivot” to Asia

    The Obama administration’s fixation on the “800-pound gorilla” that is China came into focus sometime in 2010-2011. Plans were then being made for what was assumed to be the final withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq and the winding down of the American military presence in Afghanistan. At the time, the administration’s top officials conducted a systematic review of America’s long-term strategic interests and came to a consensus that could be summed up in three points: Asia and the Pacific Ocean had become the key global theater of international competition; China had taken advantage of a U.S. preoccupation with Iraq and Afghanistan to bolster its presence there; and to remain the world’s number one power, the United States would have to prevent China from gaining more ground.

    This posture, spelled out in a series of statements by President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and other top administration officials, was initially called the “pivot to Asia” and has since been relabeled a “rebalancing” to that region. Laying out the new strategy in 2011, Clinton noted, “The Asia-Pacific has become a key driver of global politics.  Stretching from the Indian subcontinent to the western shores of the Americas… it boasts almost half of the world’s population [and] includes many of the key engines of the global economy.” As the U.S. withdrew from its wars in the Middle East, “one of the most important tasks of American statecraft over the next decade will therefore be to lock in substantially increased investment — diplomatic, economic, strategic, and otherwise — in the Asia-Pacific region.”

    This strategy, administration officials claimed then and still insist, was never specifically aimed at containing the rise of China, but that, of course, was a diplomatic fig leaf on what was meant to be a full-scale challenge to a rising power. It was obvious that any strengthened American presence in the Pacific would indeed pose a direct challenge to Beijing’s regional aspirations. “My guidance is clear,” Obama told the Australian parliament that same November. “As we plan and budget for the future, we will allocate the resources necessary to maintain our strong military presence in this region. We will preserve our unique ability to project power and deter threats to peace.”

    Implementation of the pivot, Obama and Clinton explained, would include support for or cooperation with a set of countries that ring China, including increased military aid to Japan and the Philippines, diplomatic outreach to Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and other nations in Beijing’s economic orbit, military overtures to India, and the conclusion of a major trade arrangement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), that would conveniently include most countries in the region but exclude China.

    Many in Washington have commented on how much more limited the administration’s actions in the Pacific have proven to be than the initial publicity suggested. Of course, Washington soon found itself re-embroiled in the Greater Middle East and shuttling many of its military resources back into that region, leaving less than expected available for a rebalancing to Asia. Still, the White House continues to pursue a strategic blueprint aimed at bolstering America’s encirclement of China. “No matter how many hotspots emerge elsewhere, we will continue to deepen our enduring commitment to this critical region,” National Security Adviser Susan Rice declared in November 2013.

    For Obama and his top officials, despite the challenge of ISIS and of disintegrating states like Yemen and Libya wracked with extremist violence, China remains the sole adversary capable of taking over as the world’s top power.  (Its economy already officially has.) To them, this translates into a simple message: China must be restrained through all means available. This does not mean, they claim, ignoring Russia and other potential foes. The White House has, for example, signaled that it will begin storing heavy weaponry, including tanks, in Eastern Europe for future use by any U.S. troops rotated into the region to counter Russian pressure against countries that were once part of the Soviet Union. And, of course, the Obama administration is continuing to up the ante against ISIS, most recently dispatching yet more U.S. military advisers to Iraq. They insist, however, that none of these concerns will deflect the administration from the primary task of containing China.

    Countering the Resurgent Russian Bear

    Not everyone in Washington shares this China-centric outlook. While most policymakers agree that China poses a potential long-term challenge to U.S. interests, an oppositional crew of them sees that threat as neither acute nor immediate. After all, China remains America’s second-leading trading partner (after Canada) and its largest supplier of imported goods. Many U.S. companies do extensive business in China, and so favor a cooperative relationship. Though the leadership in Beijing is clearly trying to secure what it sees as its interests in Asian waters, its focus remains primarily economic and its leaders seek to maintain friendly relations with the U.S., while regularly engaging in high-level diplomatic exchanges. Its president, Xi Jinping, is expected to visit Washington in September.

    Vladimir Putin’s Russia, on the other hand, looks far more threatening to many U.S. strategists. Its annexation of Crimea and its ongoing support for separatist forces in eastern Ukraine are viewed as direct and visceral threats on the Eurasian mainland to what they see as a U.S.-dominated world order. President Putin, moreover, has made no secret of his contempt for the West and his determination to pursue Russian national interests wherever they might lead. For many who remember the Cold War era — and that includes most senior U.S. policymakers — this looks a lot like the menacing behavior of the former Soviet Union; for them, Russia appears to be posing an existential threat to the U.S. in a way that China does not.

    Among those who are most representative of this dark, eerily familiar, and retrograde outlook is Senator McCain. Recently, offering an overview of the threats facing America and the West, he put Russia at the top of the list:

    “In the heart of Europe, we see Russia emboldened by a significant modernization of its military, resurrecting old imperial ambitions, and intent on conquest once again. For the first time in seven decades on this continent, a sovereign nation has been invaded and its territory annexed by force. Worse still, from central Europe to the Caucuses, people sense Russia’s shadow looming larger, and in the darkness, liberal values, democratic sovereignty, and open economies are being undermined.”

    For McCain and others who share his approach, there is no question about how the U.S. should respond: by bolstering NATO, providing major weapons systems to the Ukrainians, and countering Putin in every conceivable venue. In addition, like many Republicans, McCain favors increased production via hydro-fracking of domestic shale gas for export as liquefied natural gas to reduce the European Union’s reliance on Russian gas supplies.

    McCain’s views are shared by many of the Republican candidates for president. Jeb Bush, for instance, described Putin as “a ruthless pragmatist who will push until someone pushes back.” Senator Ted Cruz, when asked on Fox News what he would do to counter Putin, typically replied, “One, we need vigorous sanctions… Two, we should immediately reinstate the antiballistic missile batteries in Eastern Europe that President Obama canceled in 2009 in an effort to appease Russia. And three, we need to open up the export of liquid natural gas, which will help liberate Ukraine and Eastern Europe.” Similar comments from other candidates and potential candidates are commonplace.

    As the 2016 election season looms, expect the anti-Russian rhetoric to heat up. Many of the Republican candidates are likely to attack Hillary Clinton, the presumed Democratic candidate, for her role in the Obama administration’s 2009 “reset” of ties with Moscow, an attempted warming of relations that is now largely considered a failure. “She’s the one that literally brought the reset button to the Kremlin,” said former Texas Governor Rick Perry in April.

    If any of the Republican candidates other than Paul prevails in 2016, anti-Russianism is likely to become the centerpiece of foreign policy with far-reaching consequences. “No leader abroad draws more Republican criticism than Putin does,” a conservative website noted in June. “The candidates’ message is clear: If any of them are elected president, U.S. relations with Russia will turn even more negative.”

    The Long View

    Whoever wins in 2016, what Yale historian Paul Kennedy has termed “imperial overstretch” will surely continue to be an overwhelming reality for Washington. Nonetheless, count on a greater focus of attention and resources on one of those two contenders for the top place on Washington’s enemies list. A Democratic victory spearheaded by Hillary Clinton is likely to result in a more effectively focused emphasis on China as the country’s greatest long-term threat, while a Republican victory would undoubtedly sanctify Russia as enemy number one.

    For those of us residing outside Washington, this choice may appear to have few immediate consequences. The defense budget will rise in either case; troops will, as now, be shuttled desperately around the hot spots of the planet, and so on. Over the long run, however, don’t think for a second that the choice won’t matter.

    A stepped-up drive to counter Russia will inevitably produce a grim, unpredictable Cold War-like atmosphere of suspicion, muscle-flexing, and periodic crises. More U.S. troops will be deployed to Europe; American nuclear weapons may return there; and saber rattling, nuclear or otherwise, will increase. (Note that Moscow recently announced a decision to add another 40 intercontinental ballistic missiles to its already impressive nuclear arsenal and recall Senator Cruz’s proposal for deploying U.S. anti-missile batteries in Eastern Europe.) For those of us who can remember the actual Cold War, this is hardly an appealing prospect.

    A renewed focus on China would undoubtedly prove no less unnerving. It would involve the deployment of additional U.S. naval and air forces to the Pacific and an attendant risk of armed confrontation over China’s expanded military presence in the East and South China Seas. Cooperation on trade and the climate would be imperiled, along with the health of the global economy, while the flow of ideas and people between East and West would be further constricted. (In a sign of the times, China recently announced new curbs on the operations of foreign nongovernmental organizations.) Although that country possesses far fewer nuclear weapons than Russia, it is modernizing its arsenal and the risk of nuclear confrontation would undoubtedly increase as well.

    In short, the options for American global policy, post-2016, might be characterized as either grim and chaotic or even grimmer, if more focused. Most of us will fare equally badly under either of those outcomes, though defense contractors and others in what President Dwight Eisenhower first dubbed the “military-industrial complex” will have a field day. Domestic needs like health, education, infrastructure, and the environment will suffer either way, while prospects for peace and climate stability will recede.

    A country without a coherent plan for advancing its national interests is a sorry thing. Worse yet, however, as we may find out in the years to come, would be a country forever on the brink of crisis and conflict with a beleaguered, nuclear-armed rival.

  • The "Smartest Money" Is Liquidating Stocks At A Record Pace: "Selling Everything That’s Not Bolted Down"

    Just over two years ago, at the Milken global conference, the head of Apollo Group Leon Black said that “this is an almost biblical opportunity to reap gains and sell” adding that his firm has been a net seller for the last 15 months, ending with the emphatic punchline that Apollo is “selling everything that is not nailed down.

    Roughly at that time the great stock buyback binge began, which coupled with two more central banks entering the stock levitation “wealth effect” bonanza, provided ample opportunity for the biggest asset managers in the world to sell into.

    But while we knew that both “vanilla” institutions and hedge funds were actively selling in the public markets, it was not until last week when we got the most candid glimpse of just how much. We described it last week when citing Bank of America who said that “BofAML clients were big net sellers of US stocks in the amount of $4.1bn, following four weeks of net buying. Net sales were the largest since January 2008 and led by institutional clients—after three weeks of net buying, institutional clients’ net sales last week were the largest in our data history.


    Today, we got definitive confirmation that the truly “smartest money in the room”, those who dabble not in the bipolar public markets but in private equity had indeed started “selling everything that is not nailed down” several years ago hitting a climax this past quarter, when Bloomberg reported that two years after Leon Black’s infamous statement, “other private-equity firms are following suit – dumping stakes into the markets at a record clip.

    According to Bloomberg data, firms including Blackstone Group and TPG have been “capitalizing on record stock markets around the world to sell shares, mostly in their companies that have already gone public. Globally, buyout firms conducted 97 stock offerings in the second quarter, more than in any other three-month period.

    And who are these core investors selling their equity stakes to: mostly to the companies themselves


    … but what’s worse, as directors and ultimate decision-makers, they are forcing their very companies to lever up even more to fund these buybacks of “insider” stock!


    Since Black made his comments in April 2013, the MSCI World Index has gained 18%, stretching valuations even higher. Bloomberg adds that “headwinds that threaten to rattle global equities are everywhere — from the Greek and Puerto Rican debt crises to an eventual increase in U.S. interest rates” but in a world in which central banks are the first and last backstop to a market drop, there is “no risk”… which is why the insiders are taking every advantage to liquidate.

    “It’s clear that we are currently in an environment of frothy valuations,” said Lise Buyer, founder of IPO advisory firm Class V Group.

    Her disturbing punchline: “The insiders – those with the most knowledge – are finding this a very good time to take some money off the table.

    This year, private-equity firms sold $73 billion of their buyouts to the public, a record amount over a six month period, Bloomberg data show.

    Some examples:

    The biggest such deal this year came in May when Blackstone sold 90 million shares, or $2.69 billion worth, of hotel-chain Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. in a secondary offering. Blackstone took the company private in 2007 for $26 billion and did an IPO in December 2013, raising $2.7 billion. After the latest sale, Blackstone’s stake in Hilton fell to 46 percent from 82 percent before the IPO, Bloomberg data show.


    The largest European exit so far this year was the $2.46 billion IPO of online car dealership Auto Trader Group Plc in London, where Apax Partners sold shares. In Asia, private-equity firm China Aerospace Investment Holdings Ltd. sold 2.3 million shares in a $2.12 billion IPO of China National Nuclear Power Co.

    Which leads to a paradox: the PE firms, now focused on selling the remainder of their equity positions in massive peak credit bubble LBOs from the 2006-2007 period via secondaries have nothing left to take public, and as a result  they’re doing fewer initial offerings: PE-backed IPOs have had the slowest start to the year since 2010, selling $8.2 billion in stock.

    The reason: “many of the larger companies that were swooped up during the buyout boom that ended in 2007 have already gone public. Today’s selling is largely private-equity owners getting out of those assets.

    “It’s been a lot more about harvesting public positions than creating new ones through IPOs,” said Cully Davis, co-head of equity capital markets for the Americas at Credit Suisse Group AG. “The markets are open and the financial sponsors are pretty astute about timing their exits.”

    In other words, the insiders are not only selling, they are liquidating every last share they can find.

    In an echo of Leon Black, Frank Maturo, vice chairman of equity capital markets at UBS AG, said, “Private equity is selling everything that’s not bolted down. With the robust valuations in today’s market, they are accelerating monetizations of companies they own.”

    But what does the smart money know, anyway… aside, of course, from selling when they can not when they have to.

    And now back to CNBC and their paper-money “trader” talking heads saying there is only upside from here to eternity. Let’s see if we have these right: “the money is still on the sidelines”, “there is a wall of worry”, “Greece is a dip-buying opportunity”, actually “everything is a dip-buying opportunity”, “stocks are not a bubble, it is bonds that are a bubble”, “the economic recovery is just around the corner” and “99% percentile valuations are just slightly stretched if you seasonally-adjusted them enough times.”

    That about covers it.

  • "Heartbreaking" Scene Unfolds At Greek Banks As Pensioners Clamor For Cash

    1,000 Greek bank branches chanced a stampede in order to open their doors to the country’s retirees on Wednesday.

    The scene was somewhat chaotic as pensioners formed long lines and the country’s elderly attempted to squeeze through the doors in order to access pension payments.

    As Bloomberg reports, payouts were rationed and disbursals were limited according to last name. Here’s more

    It’s a day of fresh indignities for the people of Greece.

    About a third of the nation’s depleted banks cracked open their doors after being closed for three days. But all they did was ration pension payments, hours after the country became the first advanced economy to miss a payment to the International Monetary Fund and its bailout program expired.


    On the third day of capital controls, a few dozen pensioners lined up by 7 a.m. at a central Athens branch of the National Bank of Greece, an hour before opening time. They were to receive a maximum of 120 euros ($133), compared with the average monthly payment of about 600 euros. Many left with nothing after the manager said only those with last names starting with the letters A through K would get paid.


    “Not only will I have to queue for hours at the bank in the hope of getting 120 euros, but I’ll have a two-hour round trip,” said Dimitris Danaos, 77, a retired local government worker who was making the bus journey from his home outside the Greek capital to the suburb of Glyfada. 

    AFP has more color:

    In chaotic scenes, thousands of angry elderly Greeks on Wednesday besieged the nation’s crisis-hit banks, which have reopened to allow them to withdraw vital cash from their state pensions.


    “Let them go to hell!” said one pensioner waiting to get his money, after failed talks between Athens and international creditors sparked a week-long banking shutdown.


    The Greek government, which closed the banks and imposed strict capital controls after cash machines ran dry, has temporarily reopened almost 1,000 branches to allow pensioners without cards to withdraw 120 euros ($133) to last the rest of the week.


    The move has again sparked lengthy queues at banks across Greece — and outrage from many retirees who are regarded as among the most vulnerable in society, exposed to a vicious and lengthy economic downturn.


    Under banking restrictions imposed all week, ordinary Greeks can withdraw up to 60 euros a day for each credit or debit card — but many of the elderly population do not have cards.


    Another customer, a retired mariner who asked not to be named, told AFP he had no cash to buy crucial medicine for his sick wife.


    “I worked for 50 years on the sea and now I am the beggar for 120 euros,” he said.


    “I took out 120 euros — but I have no money for medication for my wife, who had an operation and is ill,” he added.


    Here’s a look at the scene at National Bank in Athens courtesy of The Telegraph:

    As we outlined in detail earlier this morning, the latest polls show a slim majority of Greeks plan to vote “no” in the upcoming referendum (which, as far as we know, will still go on). Many analysts and commentators say a “oxi” vote would likely lead to a euro exit and with it, far more pain for the country’s retirees.

    Indeed, as we noted on Tuesday in “For Greeks, The Nightmare Is Just Beginning: Here Come The Depositor Haircuts,” Goldman has suggested that only once Syriza’s “core constituency of pensioners and public sector employees” sees the cash reserves (to which they have heretofore enjoyed first claim on) run dry, will they “face the direct implications of the liquidity squeeze the political impasse between Greece and its creditors has created. And only then will the alignment of domestic political interests within Greece change to allow a way forward.”

    And so, as sad as it is, the scene that unfolded today in front of the roughly one-third of Greek bank branches which opened their doors to pensioners, may have been preordained by the powers that be in Burssels because as we said yesterday evening, breaking Syriza’s voter base may have been necessary in order for the Troika to finally force Tsipras to relent or else risk being driven from office, after capital controls and depositor haircuts force public sector employees to collectively cry “Uncle”, beg Europe to take it back, and present Merkel with Tsipras and Varoufakis’ heads on a proverbial (and metaphorical, we hope) silver platter. 

  • Who Will Be The Last To Crash?

    Submitted by Paul Rosenberg via,

    This is the question that astute investors are forced to ask themselves these days. No reasonable person believes that a system of ever-expanding debt can resolve painlessly. It simply cannot happen… not, at least, until 2+2 stops equaling four.

    But the international money system, while deeply interconnected, can implode in sections. In fact, it’s highly unlikely that it will crash as a single unit.

    So, if you have significant moneys to invest, you end up coming back to our question: Who will be the last to crash? Once you decide that, you can concentrate your assets in that place, hoping to come through the crash with at least most of your value intact.

    Let’s look at several aspects of this:

    #1: Background statistics:

    • World debt is upwards of $200 trillion, and growing steadily. World GDP is $70-some trillion, only about a third of the debt. This debt will not be paid back. Massive amounts of debt will have to be written off in losses.

    • US debt is north of $18 trillion. (Amazingly, *cough*, it hasn’t changed in months *cough*.) Forward promises are north of $200 trillion, meaning that a child born today is responsible to repay $625,000. And since roughly half the US population pays no income tax… and presuming that this newborn will be a member of the productive half… he or she is born $1.25 million in debt. Such repayments will never happen. Most of those debts will not be repaid.

    • Japan is worse off than the US. The UK is bad. Many EU countries are worse.

    These numbers, by the way, are ignoring more than a quadrillion dollars of derivatives and lots of other monkey business. (Rehypothecation, *cough*, *cough*.)

    #2: No one wants to rock the boat.

    Informed men and women understand that the entire system is unstable. Probably a majority of them are simply hoping that it holds together until they die. A few dream that magical new inventions will kick-start the system into a new orgy of debt, blowing an even larger super-bubble that lasts through their hopefully longer lifetimes.

    But informed people also know that the system stands almost wholly upon confidence. If the sheep get scared enough to run away, the whole thing ends… and no one is ready for it to end.

    So, heavy investors speak in soothing tones. They don’t want to spook the masses.

    #3: We’ve already had warning shots.

    Last year, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a horrifying paper, called The Fund’s Lending Framework and Sovereign Debt. That paper, in turn, was based upon one from December of 2013, called Financial and Sovereign Debt Crises: Some Lessons Learned and Those Forgotten.

    The December 2013 document, right at the start, says that “financial repression” is necessary. Here’s what it says (emphasis mine):

    The claim is that advanced countries do not need to resort to the standard toolkit of emerging markets, including debt restructurings and conversions, higher inflation, capital controls and other forms of financial repression… [T]his claim is at odds with the historical track record of most advanced economies, where debt restructuring or conversions, financial repression, and a tolerance for higher inflation, or a combination of these were an integral part of the resolution of significant past debt overhangs.

    So, in order to fix debt overhangs – currently at horrifying levels – financial repression is not just an option, but required.

    And of course, they’ve already had a trial run, when they stole funds directly from individual bank accounts in Cyprus.

    The IMF report goes on to say:

    [G]overnments can stuff debt into local pension funds and insurance companies, forcing them through regulation to accept far lower rates of return than they might otherwise demand.

    [D]omestic defaults, restructurings, or conversions are particularly difficult to document and can sometimes be disguised as “voluntary.”

    We have a pretty good idea of what’s coming down the pike.

    But again, Goldman’s Muppets are not to be told about this. And truthfully, most of them don’t want to know.

    #4: We have no view of what’s happening in the back rooms.

    People make large bets on what Janet Yellen and the Fed will decide next, but when we do that, we overlook something very important:

    Yellen is merely an employee of the Federal Reserve, not an owner. And we don’t know who the owners are.

    We do know that the Fed is owned by private banks, and that it has a monopoly on the creation of US currency, but we really don’t know who owns the shares. The true owners are almost certainly reflected in the roster of primary dealers, who skim Federal Reserve units as they’re being made, but we don’t know much more than that.


    Who are the people that Yellen takes orders from?

    What do these people want?

    What are their long-term positions?

    Who might they protect, aside from themselves?

    We don’t have real answers to any of these questions. From our perspective, the guts of the machine are hidden behind a curtain.

    #5: The US is playing to win.

    One thing we do know is that the US has a strong hand. Within a general deflationary situation, the Fed can print away. And they’re propping up the US markets quite well… for now.

    Feeling their power (after all, they can blow up more stuff than anyone else!), the US is throwing their weight around, forcing nearly every bank in the world to play by their rules. (Think FATCA and fining foreign banks.) And for the moment, it is working.

    Bullying everyone else over the long term may, however, not be viable. No one – especially people like Putin and the Chinese bosses – likes to be slapped around in public. And they are not powerless.

    Conclusion: Most Bets Are on the US

    Europe isn’t looking good. Japan isn’t looking good. The UK is holding, but as mentioned above, its numbers are horrible. Switzerland seems to be in-between strategies. China has problems. Russia has problems. The BRICS have never been stable.

    That leaves the US. My impression is that most serious investors would rather hold dollars than yen or euros; most big businesses too. Their bets are on that the US will crash last.

    So, are the Fed and the US Treasury doing this intentionally? Are they quietly pulling the pins out from under the others, making sure that they’ll be the last currency standing? I have no inside information, but I’d bet on it.

    Remember, the gang on the Potomac has most Americans believing that whatever they do overseas is pure and holy. Furthermore, 99% of their serfs will reflexively obey any order they give. So, why shouldn’t they play dirty? They have the best bombs and a somnambulant public.

    For now.

  • Black Churches Are Burning Across The South, Arson Eyed

    Following the murder of nine African American churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina last month, we said the following about the current state of American society:

    The riots that left Baltimore in ashes in late April and the massacre that occurred last week at the historic Emanuel AME church in Charleston serve as vivid reminders of the extent to which American society now teeters perpetually on the edge of social upheaval. Increasingly, those who feel ‘the system’ has somehow failed them are turning to violence as a means of addressing their grievances, which betrays a complete lack of faith in the government’s ability to help create the conditions under which groups and individuals with divergent interests can coexist without sinking into a Hobbesian state of nature. 

    We then made the following admittedly stark prediction: “Ultimately, it appears America has become a country wherein everyone feels marginalized and/or aggrieved in one way or another. In the absence of a dramatic societal reboot, we fear social instability is likely here to stay.”

    That assessment appears to have been quite accurate because over the course of just two weeks, six predominantly African American churches in the US have burned, with authorities suspecting arson in several of the blazes. NY Times has the story:

    Ivestigators sifted through the burned-out shell of a black church here on Wednesday, trying to determine the cause of a fire that has left residents here anguished.


    Williamsburg County officials said the fire at the Mount Zion A.M.E. Church, which took more than two hours to extinguish, began around 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday and burned through the church’s roof. Lightning storms moved through the area overnight.



    The fire came as the authorities in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee investigated blazes at other churches, most of them predominantly black. Although the authorities have concluded that some of those fires were arson, officials have not yet described any of the episodes as hate crimes.


    One of the fires was caused by lightning and another was electrical. Investigators also said there was no evidence that the fires at the churches were linked.

    Still, it’s difficult to ignore the trend — especially in light of recent events. Indeed, Mount Zion has burned to the ground before. 20 years ago, two Ku Klux Klan members pleaded guilty to civil rights charges on the heels of a fire at the church. Here’s AFP:

    “There are still a lot of questions to be answered,” Williamsburg County chief deputy sheriff Stephen Gardner told reporters in Greeleyville when asked Wednesday about the cause of the Mount Zion fire.


    “We haven’t ruled anything in or anything out at this point,” added Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent Craig Chilcott, as sniffer dogs helped police and fire investigators comb through the church ruins.


    Mount Zion last burned to the ground in June 1995, in a fire that prompted the arrest of two Ku Klux Klan members in their early 20s.


    The pair got prison terms after pleading guilty to federal civil rights charges, while the church won a $37.8 million lawsuit against the Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and its South Carolina leader.


    “Because of its prominence in the African-American community, the church has historically been a target of arson and destruction by bigots and white supremacists,” said the department’s National Church Arson Task Force, launched by then-president Bill Clinton in the aftermath of the 1995 Mount Zion fire.

    In addition to the fire at Mount Zion, Glover Grove Baptist Church in Warrenville, South Carolina burned down on June 26, Briar Creek Road Baptist Church in North Carolina was reduced to ashes on June 24, God’s Power Church Of Christ in Macon, Georgia was found on fire with the front doors wired shut on the 23rd, and bales of hay as well as a church van were set alight in front of College Hill Seventh Day Adventist church in Knoxville, Tennessee on June 21. Here are the visuals:

    *  *  *

    So while the jury is still out (so to speak) on whether there is indeed some discernible connection between the incidents shown above, it does appear that at least some of these fires were set intentionally which would seem to be further evidence that the fabric of American society may be ripping apart at the seams and we suspect that when December rolls around and we once again review the most-read posts of the preceding 12 months, we’ll find that for the second year running, “civil unrest” is a common thread.

  • Bank Of England Warns Greece "Threatens To Trigger Market Selloff That Could Ripple Through The Global Economy"

    Early last week we presented something rather shocking: a note by Goldman Sachs suggested that as a result of the ECB’s QE failure to push the EUR lower and with bond yields having risen instead of falling since the launch of the ECB’s QE in March, and perhaps due to a perplexing conflict between the ECB and the Bundesbank when it comes to debt monetization, a Greek default sparking contagion blowout risk, not to mention a “seven big figure” tumble in the EURUSD, may be just what the ECB needs.

    On one hand, the Goldman assessment was not surprising: after all the bank’s top trade for 2015 has been that the EUR will go much lower from current levels so in many ways it was self-serving. But, what’s far more stunning is that Goldman, accurately, assessed the ECB’s needs in light of what is increasingly seen by many as a QE program that is faltering just 4 months after its launch, and the direct implication was evident: for all the posturing and bluffing from Greece that it won’t be blackmailed, it may have fallen precisely in a trap set by none other than the ECB.

    The only hurdle was getting the Greeks to accept the blame for the failure of the negotiations which happened, at least in the perspective of the Eurozone, when Tsipras announced the referendum after midnight on Friday. Merkel herself admitted as much earlier:


    In other words, when it comes to Europe, Greece lost the blame game, and just like the Ukraine civil war last year, became an unwitting catalyst greenlighting Germany’s concession to ECB QE, this time it may be Greece that launches the next step in the ECB’s master plan: not just QE but more QE.

    This is precisely what Goldman’s Franceso Garzarelli, co-head of macro and markets research, admitted earlier today in an interview on Bloomberg TV, when he said that the ECB “will have to go big” if the situation in Greece worsens and leads to wider peripheral bond yield spreads.

    He added that a close call or “no” vote at referendum will cause spread widening which as a result of the complete lack of bond liquidity borne out of the ECB’s intervention and soaking up of government bond collateral, “the market is not deep enough to accommodate a rotation in risk at this point in time.

    How ironic: what Goldman is saying that the more the ECB intervene, the more it will have to intervene. Which, of course, is very convenient for all those who stand to benefit the most from more ECB – entities such as Goldman Sachs…

    In terms of specific markets, Garzarelli said that the 10Y Italian yield at 3% would be a sign ECB may move. He added that the market is currently “frozen” with Italy-Germany spread trading in a range because the direct risk from Greece is low, i.e., “if you have Greek risk on at the moment it’s because you want it”; because there is hope of an agreement and because expectation the ECB will limit contagion. The clear circularity of the last argument is too obvious to even note it.

    And perhaps just to emphasize Goldman’s point, earlier today another (ex) Goldmanite, this time the one in charge of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, directly refuted Obama who said Greece is not a “major shock” to the US economy, admiting this morning that “the outlook for financial stability in the U.K. has deteriorated in recent days as the crisis in Greece intensifies, underscoring how the Mediterranean nation’s debt troubles are reverberating outside the eurozone.”

    As the WSJ reported, when “presenting the BOE’s twice-yearly Financial Stability Report, the central bank’s governor Mark Carney said the risks associated with Greece and its failure so far to reach a deal with its international creditors have grown acute, and threaten to trigger a selloff in financial markets that could ripple through to the wider global economy.”

    Mr. Carney told reporters that although U.K. banks’ direct exposure to Greece through loans and deposits is minimal, that doesn’t mean the British economy would necessarily be immune to the fallout should Greece exit the eurozone.


    “The situation remains fluid, and it is possible that a deepening of the Greek crisis could prompt a broader reassessment of risk in financial markets,” Mr. Carney said. That could ultimately hurt the confidence of businesses and households in Britain, he said.


    The BOE has been working with the U.K. Treasury and authorities across Europe to draw up contingency plans to shield the U.K. economy from harm, Mr. Carney said, although he declined to elaborate. He did say regulators have in stepped up their scrutiny and engagement with the U.K. branches of some Greek lenders.


    On Wednesday, U.K. Treasury chief George Osborne said Britain is hoping for the best but “preparing for the worst.”


    “We stand ready to do whatever is necessary to protect our economic security at this uncertain time.”

    Conveniently, if only for all those 0.01% of the economy who benefit directly from QE, so does the ECB: it is, in fact, ready (and would be delighted) to “go big”…

    …. in case Greece votes “Oxi” on Sunday which would mean that, for the second time in the 21st century, Goldman wins and Greece loses.

  • The Current Oil Price Slump Is Far From Over

    Submitted by Arthur Berman via,

    The oil price collapse of 2014-2015 began one year ago this month (Figure 1).  The world crossed a boundary in which prices are not only lower now but will probably remain lower for some time. It represents a phase change like when water turns into ice: the composition is the same as before but the physical state and governing laws are different.*

    Daily Crude Oil Prices Through June 2015
    Figure 1. Daily crude oil prices, June 2014-June 2015.  Source: EIA.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    For oil prices, the phase change was caused mostly by the growth of a new source of supply from unconventional, expensive oil. Expensive oil made sense only because of the longest period ever of high oil prices in real dollars from late 2010 until mid-2014.

    The phase change occurred also because of a profoundly weakened global economy and lower demand growth for oil. This followed the 2008 Financial Collapse and the preceding decades of reliance on debt to create economic expansion in a world approaching the limits of growth.

    If the cause of the Financial Collapse was too much debt, the solution taken by central banks was more debt. This may have saved the world from an even worse crisis in 2008-2009 but it did not result in growing demand for oil and other commodities necessary for an expanding economy.

    Monetary policies following the 2008 Collapse produced the longest period of sustained low interest rates in recent history. As a result, capital flowed into the development and over-production of marginally profitable unconventional oil because of high coupon yields compared with other investments.

    The devaluation of the U.S. dollar following the 2008 Financial Collapse corresponded to a weak currency exchange rate and an increase in oil prices.  The fall in oil prices in mid-2014 coincided with monetary policies that strengthened the dollar.

    Prolonged high oil prices caused demand destruction. This also allowed the expansion of renewable energy that could compete only at high energy costs. Concerns about global climate change and its relationship to burning oil and other fossil energy threatened the future interests of conventional oil-exporting countries. OPEC hopes to regain market share from expensive unconventional oil and renewable energy, and to renew demand for oil through several years of low oil prices.

    OPEC increased production in mid-2014, and decided not to cut production at its November 2014 meeting   By January 2015 oil prices fell below $50 per barrel.

    Most observers expected a sharp reduction in U.S. tight oil production after rig counts fell with lower prices. Production fell in early 2015 but recovered as new capital poured into North American E&P companies. This and the partial recovery of oil prices into the mid-$60 per barrel range gave expensive oil another day to survive and fight.

    If capital continues to flow to unconventional oil companies and OPEC’s resolve stays firm, oil prices could average near the present range for many years. Oil prices will probably fall in the second half of 2015 as the ongoing production surplus and weak demand overcome the sentiment-based belief that a price recovery is already underway.

    Oil prices must inevitably rise as unconventional production peaks over the next decade and oil-exporting countries increasingly consume more of their own oil. Politically driven supply interruptions will inevitably punctuate the emerging new reality with periods of higher prices.

    For now, however, we have crossed a boundary and notions of normal or business-as-usual should be put aside.

    A New Supply Source and Over-Production 

    The main cause of the price collapse of 2014-2015 was over-production of oil.  Most of the increase came from unconventional production in the United States and Canada–tight oil, oil sands and deep-water oil. From 2008 to 2015, U.S. and Canadian production increased 7.65 million barrels per day (mmpbd). During the same period, non-OPEC production less the U.S. and Canada decreased 2.85 mmbpd and OPEC production increased 1.79 mmbpd (Figure 2).

    OPEC-Non-OPEC-US & Canada_World Liquids Production Since 2008
    Figure 2 . World liquids production since 2008 and the relative shares for the U.S. & Canada, OPEC and non-OPEC less the U.S. and Canada.
    Source: EIA and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    North American unconventional and OPEC conventional production increased almost 4 mmbpd in 2014 alone (Figure 3).

    U.S. + Canada and OPEC Liquids Production Since January 2014
    Figure 3. U.S. + Canada & OPEC Liquids Production Since January 2014. Source: EIA and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    Through 2013, unconventional production growth was matched by decreases in OPEC production mostly from supply interruptions due to political events (Figure 4). The result was that prices remained high despite increases in unconventional production.

    U.S. + Canada & OPEC Liquids Production Growth, 2011-2015         
    Figure 4. U.S. + Canada & OPEC Liquids Production Growth, 2011-2015. Source: EIA and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    OPEC responded to defend its market share in mid-2014 by increasing production. Prices started falling in late June 2014 from $115 per barrel (Brent) and reached a low in late January 2015 of $47 per barrel after OPEC decided not to cut production at its November 2014 meeting.

    Unconventional production slowed and fell in early 2015. Then, prices increased beginning in February and Brent has averaged $63 per barrel since May 1 (WTI average $59 per barrel). Over-production continues as different parties struggle for market share, for cash flow to survive, or both.

    If high oil prices created the conditions for unconventional oil to grow and challenge OPEC’s market share, then prolonged low oil prices must be part of OPEC’s solution.  By keeping prices below the marginal cost of unconventional production (about $75 per barrel), OPEC hopes that expensive oil production will decline along with the fortunes of the companies engaged in these plays.

    Decreased Demand and Demand Destruction 

    OPEC is as concerned about long-term demand as it is about market share. Oil is the only major source of revenue for many OPEC countries and low demand, potential competition from other fuel sources, and the effect of a perceived link between oil use and climate change are existential threats.

    Demand growth for oil has been declining since the late 1960s (Figure 5).  OPEC hopes to stimulate demand through low oil prices back to the peak levels that existed before the price shocks of the 1970s and 1980s.

    World Liquids Demand Growth
    Figure 5. World Liquids Demand Growth.  Source: BP, EIA and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    Demand destruction followed periods of high oil prices from 1979-1981 (Iran-Iraq War) and from 2007-2008 (demand growth from China).  2010-2014 was the longest period in history–33 months–of oil prices above $90 per barrel in real dollars (Figure 6). Since 2011, demand growth has fallen to only 0.5% per year so far in 2015 (Figure 5).

    CPI WTI GT $90 26 March 2015
    Figure 6. Crude oil prices more than $90 per barrel in 2015 dollars. Source: EIA, Federal Reserve Board and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    Prolonged low oil prices may restore growth to the global economy accomplishing what the central banks have failed to do since 2008. If successful, interest rates should rise and this may restrict the flow of capital to unconventional E&P companies. Most of the capital provided to these companies comes from high-yield (“junk”) corporate bond sales, preferred share offerings, and debt. In a zero-interest rate world (Figure 7), these provide yields that are are much higher than those found in more conventional investments like U.S. Treasury bonds or money market accounts. If interest rates increase with a stronger economy, capital may flow to more productive investments that offer yields that are more competitive with higher risk tight oil offerings.

    Federal Funds Rate & CPI-Adjusted Oil & NG Price June 2015
    Figure 7. Federal funds interest rates January 2000-June 2015 and Brent crude oil price.
    Federal Reserve Board, EIA and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    Over-Production Continues

    The over-production that began the oil price collapse continues and has gotten worse. The global production surplus (production minus consumption) has gone on for 17 months and has grown from 1.25 mmbpd in May 2014, just before prices began to fall, to almost 3 mmbpd in May 2015 (Figure 8).

    World Liquids Production Surplus or Deficit & Brent Crude Oil Price_June 2015
    Figure 8. World liquids production surplus or deficit and Brent crude oil price. Source: EIA and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    We may take some comfort that the rate of increase has slowed but it is difficult to explain the increase in prices over the last few months based on supply and demand.

    The production supply surplus that is largely responsible for the current oil-price collapse is not a trivial event that will likely go away soon unless production is cut either by unconventional producers or OPEC. Earlier production surpluses in May 2005 and January 2012 were higher than today but were short-lived and related to specific non-systemic factors (Figure 9).

    World Liquids Production Surplus or Deficit and Brent Price in 2015 Dollars
    Figure 9.  World liquids relative production surplus or deficit and Brent price in 2015 dollars, 2003-2015. 
    Source: EIA and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    The present supply imbalance is structural and persistent. The only comparable episode in recent history was the production deficit immediately before the 2008 Financial Collapse that lasted 11 months. It was driven by growing Chinese and other Far East demand and by dwindling oil supplies following the peak of conventional production in 2005.

    For now, OPEC appears committed to continued over-production to achieve its goals. Its production increased 1.4 million barrels of liquids per day during the last year (Figure 3) and some analysts suggest it might increase by an equal amount again in coming months.

    Meanwhile, U.S. production has not fallen much so far. Production from the main tight oil plays fell about 77,000 bpd in January 2015, was basically flat in February and increased 51,000 bpd in March (Figure 10). This is partly because companies are high-grading well completions in the best parts of the plays. It is also because of the backlog of drilled but uncompleted wells that are being brought on production at a fraction of the incremental cost of drilling new wells.

    Tight Oil Play Prod & New Wells Added 13 June 2015
    Figure 10. Oil production from tight oil plays in the U.S. Source: Drilling Info and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    But the most significant factor is that capital flow to U.S. unconventional plays has increased. Figure 11 shows that almost $17 billion in equity offerings flowed to U.S. oil companies in the first quarter of 2015, more than in any other period since 2010. The percent of E&P equity rose to over 10% of overall issuance from an average of about 4-5% over the last decade. This can only be explained because there are no alternative investments with comparable yields and that investors believe that they are buying assets that are somehow viable at current oil prices.

    Q1 Funding for E&P from NOIA Presentation 17 June 2015
    Figure 11. Capital available to U.S. E&P companies in the first quarter of 2015. Source: Wall Street Journal.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    Tight oil companies have made the case that through increased efficiency and lower service costs that their economics are better at lower oil prices today than they were at $90 per barrel prices a few years ago. First quarter (Q1) financial results do not support this claim.

    In fact, tight oil companies are losing more than twice as much money in Q1 2015 as they were in 2014. On average, companies that were spending $1.40 for every dollar they earned from operations last year are now spending $3.20 for every dollar earned (Figure 12).

    Sampled E&Ps Q1 2015 vs 2014 Capex-CF June 2015
    Figure 12. First quarter (Q1) 2015 vs. full-year 2014 capital expenditures-to-cash flow from operations ratio.
    Source: Google Finance and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    Follow The Money

    The strength of the U.S. dollar provides a simple and generally reliable way to cut through the complex factors that govern oil prices. A negative correlation exists between the strength of the U.S. dollar and the price of oil (Figure 13). This correlation is particularly strong beginning in about 1997.

    CPI Adjusted Oil Prices & Federal Reserve Broad Dollar Index 25 June 2015
    Figure 13.  U.S. Federal Reserve Board broad dollar index and CPI-adjusted Brent and WTI crude oil prices.
    Source:  Federal Reserve Board, EIA and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    The relationship is key to understanding the current oil-price collapse. Figure 14 shows the daily exchange rate of the U.S. Dollar and the Euro in relation to Brent and WTI crude oil prices.  The onset of price decline coincided with a stronger U.S. dollar beginning in June 2014 that may be related to the end of quantitative easing and to an improving U.S. economy.  The recent increase in oil prices in 2015 corresponds to weakening of the dollar that may reflect disappointingly weak first quarter 2015 U.S. GDP growth.

    USD-Euro Brent & WTI 2010-2015
    Figure 14. U.S. dollar/Euro exchange rate, Brent and WTI prices. Source: EIA, Oanada and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    The standard explanation for the relationship between the dollar and oil price is that global oil transactions are carried out in U.S. dollars. When the dollar is weak against other currencies, oil prices are higher and when the dollar is strong, oil prices are lower. In other words, a stronger U.S. economy and currency may reduce oil prices and vice versa. While the observation is accurate, the explanation is more complex.

    Oil and other commodities are hedges against economic risk and uncertainty. Oil prices increase and decrease as risk perception rises and falls. High oil-supply risk or “fear premiums” generally manifest as short-lived, upward price spikes that are quickly integrated into forward price expectations. Following the initial shock of oil-supply risk, U.S. Treasury bond and related “flight-to-safety” investments tend to lower oil price trends as the U.S. dollar appreciates.

    Supply and demand balance operates as a first-order cycle against which economic uncertainty and geopolitical risk fluctuate as second- and third-order cycles. When a  first-order supply imbalance coincides with second- or third-order economic or geopolitical factors, an upward or downward price-cycle may develop. Higher energy costs are a weight on the economy that may lower currency values.  Conversely, lower energy costs may lift the economy and currency values.

    The U.S. is the world’s largest economy and the U.S.dollar is the world reserve currency. This makes the U.S. dollar a fairly reliable reflection and measure of all of these factors.

    The 2014-2015 oil price collapse may be understood then as a supply surplus that occurred at a time of a strengthening U.S. economy (low economic uncertainty) and relatively low geopolitical risk (Figure 15).  The additive effect of these three cycles was a sharp decline in oil prices.

    World Liquids Relative Surplus or Deficit & WTI Price 2003-2015
    Figure 15. World liquids production or surplus, Brent price and U.S. dollar index.
    Source: EIA, Federal Reserve Board and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    Are Low Oil Prices Long or Short Term?

    Oil price collapses in 1981-1986 and 2008-2009 are the only analogues for the present price situation (Figure 16). So far, the current price collapse seems more similar to 1981-1986 than to 2008-2009.

    OPEC & Non-OPEC Oil Production, Consumption and Oil Price
    Figure 16. The 1981-1986 and 2008-2009 oil price collapses in the context of OPEC and
    non-OPEC oil  production, oil consumption and Brent crude oil price in 2014 U.S. dollars.
    Source: BP, EIA and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    1981-1986 was a long-term event. The price collapse itself lasted for 5 years but oil prices remained below $90 per barrel in real dollars until 2007, almost 27 years.

    2008-2009 was a short-term event. Prices began falling in July 2008 and reached a low point in December 2008. Prices recovered and reached $90 per barrel in April 2010 and $100 per barrel in March 2011. Then entire cycle from $90 per barrel and back again lasted a little more than 2 years.

    The oil price collapse of the 1980s was similar to the present price collapse because the primary cause was a new source of supply. Non-OPEC production exceeded OPEC production in 1978 as new supply from the North Sea (U.K. and Norway), western Siberia (Russia), the Campeche Sound (Mexico) and China came on line. Unlike the present, the new supply was inexpensive conventional oil.

    Oil prices had increased in 1979-1981 to more than $90 per barrel in real dollars because of supply interruptions at the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war. This caused approximately 4.3 mmbpd of demand destruction. Lower demand and continued supply growth from non-OPEC countries caused a production surplus beginning in 1982.

    Oil prices fell from $106 per barrel in 1980 to $31 per barrel in 1986. OPEC cut 10 mmbpd of production between 1980 and 1985 with no effect on falling oil prices. In 1986, OPEC decided to increase production to protect market share, abandoning its role as “swing producer.”

    Although neither the volume of new supply or the amount of demand destruction during the current price collapse are as great as 1981-1986, they are more similar than to 2008-2009.

    The 2008-2009 oil price collapse was part of an overall crash of the entire global economy. High oil prices in 2007 and 2008 were due to a large and persistent production supply deficit because of high demand from China and the Far East, and dwindling supplies following the peak of conventional oil production in 2005 (Figures 15 and 17). The surplus had nothing to do with new supply but was completely due to decreased demand from a collapsing global economy. The surplus only lasted for 6 months and never approached the level seen in 2014-2015 (an OPEC production cut  in early 2009 limited the length of the surplus and possibly its magnitude).

    World Liquids Relative Production Surplus or Deficit & Brent Price
    Figure 17. World liquids production surplus of deficit (12-month moving average) and Brent oil price. Source: EIA and Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    (Click image to enlarge)

    High oil prices preceding the 2014-2015 price collapse began because of supply interruptions resulting from the Arab Spring. Brent price reached a maximum of $129 per barrel in April 2011 at the height of the Libyan Civil War. These events corresponded with a period of U.S. currency devaluation following the 2008 Financial Collapse and an extraordinarily weak U.S. dollar (Figures 13 and 15). The additive effects of a supply deficit, economic uncertainty and geopolitical risk resulted in high oil prices.

    Case histories neither predict the present or the future but offer guidelines. These two case histories simply suggest is that the present period of low oil prices is more similar to that of the 1980s and 1990s than to that of the 2008-2009 period. That similarity means that the current phenomenon is likely to be a relatively long-term event.


    The availability of capital to fund unconventional production is the key to how long low oil prices will last going forward. If the flow of capital continues, then the production surplus and lower oil prices will also continue, assuming that OPEC is able to maintain higher production levels and that demand growth remains relatively low.

    Eventually, price will win and unconventional production will fall. The market will rebalance and prices will rise. If oil prices stay low for long enough, demand will increase to support those higher prices. I doubt that prices will increase to levels before mid-2014 barring politically driven shock events. $90 per barrel appears to be the empirical threshold price above which demand destruction begins.

    It is more difficult to predict how the second- and third-order effects of economic uncertainty and geopolitical risk may affect supply and demand fundamentals and, therefore, price.  These are the wild cards that could change the  outcome that I describe.

    The most likely case is that oil prices will decrease in the second half of 2015 and that financial distress to all oil producers will increase. The hope and expectation that the worst is over will fade as the new reality of prolonged low oil prices is reluctantly accepted.

    We have had a year of lower oil prices. Based on available data, I see no end in sight yet. The market must balance before things get better and prices improve. That can only happen if production falls and demand increases. That will take time.

    We have crossed a boundary and things are different now.

  • China Races To Rescue Stocks As Margin Mania Unwind Wreaks Havoc

    As outlined earlier today, Chinese equities re-plunged on Wednesday, retracing Tuesday’s bounce and returning stocks to their post-PBoC crash levels, hit on Monday after a desperation dual rate cut failed to trump margin jitters and ATM lines in Greece. 

    As tipped in “The Biggest Threat To Chinese Stocks: Shadow Lending Crackdown”, margin trading above and beyond officially sanctioned broker limits has likely added somewhere between CNY500 billion and CNY1 trillion to the official (and already stratospheric) CNY2.2 trillion in margin lending that’s poured into the market since last summer. Here’s BofAML on shadow lending and why it’s important going forward.

    Based on limited available data, we estimate that SHCOMP could drop to the 2,500 range (some 40% down from the current level) for large-scale margin call to be triggered at the broker-run margin financing facilities (MFs). However, this doesn’t mean that margin call is not a serious risk right now. In our view, the selling pressure so far has mainly come from stock-related borrowings via various unofficial channels where the leverage is much higher. 


    Besides MFs, there are many forms of leverage for stock purchases, including umbrella trust, financing companies, P2P platforms, stock-collateralized loans, wealth management products tied to stocks’ performance, and even some personal, SME and corporate loans might have been diverted to buy stocks. The size of the other forms of leverage can easily be double or triple of that of MFs’ by our estimate (A-share fund flows analysis, Jun 8). In our view, these leverages are more risky than MFs because they are less transparent and lightly regulated, if at all – for example, anecdotally, we saw many cases of 10x leverage vs. less than 1x at MFs; and also unlike MFs, the other borrowings are often used to buy small caps which tend to be more speculative. 

    The “umbrella trusts” mentioned above are a particularly noxious vehicle that effectively allows retail investors to borrow from unsuspecting depositors to make leveraged bets on stocks. As a reminder, here’s how they work: Brokerages are only allowed to facilitate margin trading for investors whose account balances total at least CNY500K, and even then, traders can only lever up 2X. Clearly that’s no fun, so brokerages naturally looked for ways to skirt the rules. Umbrella trusts offered a way around the restrictions and while the mechanics can be made to sound complex, the idea is actually quite simple. An umbrella trust is set up like a CDO. The senior tranche is sold by banks to clients who receive a fixed payout (like a coupon payment), only instead of CDS premiums (in the case of a synthetic structure) or cash flows (from a cash structure), the ‘coupon’ payments are generated by equity investments in the subordinated tranches, which are used by brokerages to skirt margin restrictions. In other words, the guys holding the senior tranches are financing the stock trades of the guys in the junior tranches.

    Late last year, the South China Morning Post described the products as follows: 

    This is how it begins. A trust company sets up an umbrella structured trust to cater to various stock speculators who want more than what the official margin finance limits will allow.


    Under the trust are different units that are nothing but stock “pools” managed by the speculators. He or she puts up 40 yuan and gets 100 yuan from some so-called preferred investors to make the bet. That is 250 per cent gearing; it varies with different units.


    The unit is then distributed to the man in the street through the banks. An unsuspecting you will become the preferred investor. Your return is capped at 6 per cent and the rest is for the speculator.


    The only “protection” you have is the margin call made by the trust company on the speculator in the event of a market fall. He or she is solely responsible for topping up the margin. The so-called protection is, however, false. The product’s documentation provides zero information on the identity of the speculator or his financial strength in case of a margin call. Neither does it detail the stock portfolio nor its liquidity in case of forced sale.


    If the market goes south, one will end up with nothing. “I couldn’t even begin to call it a high or low-risk product, as all necessary information is missing,” a private banker in Hong Kong said.

    But umbrella trusts and structured funds aren’t the only way investors can skirt official margin trading restrictions in China. As Bloomberg reports, P2P loans — which have exploded in popularity in the US and are now being securitized — have also become popular among Chinese traders looking to “amplify” their bets.

    Via Bloomberg:

    As more Chinese jumped into the market in the hope of instant wealth, peer-to-peer websites offering loans for stock investing have mushroomed. They are among a multitude of sources of leverage outside of traditional margin financing that threaten to complicate any efforts to prevent an unruly reversal of China’s stock market boom, which is already faltering.


    “While we can regulate margin finance within a brokerage, for those financing activities which are not within the securities houses, it’s very difficult to regulate,” said Ronald Wan, the chief executive officer of Partners Capital International, an investment bank in Hong Kong.


    The perils of debt-fueled trading were underscored in past weeks, as the unwinding of margin loans helped drive China’s benchmark index into a bear market.


    Online peer-to-peer, or P2P, lending accounts for just a small part of total leverage, yet it has expanded rapidly and attracted the type of investors who can least afford losses — those that don’t qualify for traditional margin loans.


    About 40 online lenders helped arrange more than 7 billion yuan of loans for stock purchases in the first five months of 2015, according to Shanghai-based Yingcan Group, which tracks China’s more than 1,500 such credit providers. Lending volumes surged 44 percent in May from April, Yingcan estimates.


    The sites are popular because they allow high levels of leverage, and lack the restrictions brokers impose on margin finance accounts, such as high deposits and limits on the types of stocks against which clients can borrow.


    “The threshold for lending on peer-to-peer websites is lower, this suggests that investors who borrow through these sites tend to be weaker financially,” said Shen Meng, a Beijing-based director at Chanson & Co., an investment bank.


    Zhang the investor says he can borrow up to five times his capital using P2P sites, while brokers only allow leverage of up to three times. He can also take positions in an almost unlimited number of stocks, while brokers only extend margin finance for 900 of the shares traded in Shanghai and Shenzhen.

    As should be abundantly clear from the above, China’s equity miracle is in large part attributable to the leverage employed by retail investors who have used a bewildering variety of unofficial channels to avoid margin restrictions. As the market cracks and as the media shines new light on the shadowy vehicles investors use to pyramid risk, the unwind appears to have begun. In a testament to just how determined China is to keep the bottom from falling out, the China Securities Regulatory Commission is now racing to implement new margin trading rules and cut fees. From Bloomberg again:

    China announced additional steps aimed at boosting equity markets, including speeding up the introduction of new margin-trading rules and cutting stock-transaction fees, after markets tumbled again on Wednesday.


    The China Securities Regulatory Commission will no longer require brokerages to force the sale of stock held by clients with insufficient collateral, and will allow “reasonable rollover” in margin trading, it said on its microblog on Wednesday. China’s two bourses will reduce the fees by 30 percent starting Aug. 1, the Shanghai Stock Exchange said on its microblog the same day.


    “While the reduction in transaction fee is symbolically supportive, easing margin requirements is more significant potentially as it may reduce the level of margin calls and forced selling,” Tony Hann, who manages $350 million as head of emerging markets at Blackfriars Asset Management Ltd. in London, said by e-mail.


    Brokerages can securitize the right to profit from margin trading and short selling operations, the CSRC said. The regulator also said it will also let all brokerages sell short-term bonds, expanding a pilot program.


    China Securities Depository & Clearing Co. will trim transaction fees by 33 percent on Aug. 1, it said in a statement on its website.

    So, Beijing is set to “rollover” margin trading much as it does NPLs, which is simply another attempt on the part of the Politburo to forestall the deleveraging process, only this time the kick-the-can approach is being applied to brokerages as opposed to bank balance sheets.

    Meanwhile, it appears as though the country’s securities regulator is set to support the issuance of what amount to brokerage fee-backed securities, a structured credit abomination insane enough to make even the most corrupt Wall Street trading desks cringe. 

    Leverage your dream“…


  • U.S. Admits Paying Terrorists For Services Rendered In Syria

    Submitted by Brandon Tourbeville via,

    When researchers such as myself have reported that the United States is funding al-Qaeda, Nusra, ISIS and other related terror organizations in Syria, we were not kidding. Still, despite the fact that even the U.S. government itself has admitted that it was funding terroristsdirectly and indirectly through Saudi Arabia, the suggestion was met with disbelief, ridicule, or either entirely ignored.

    Now, however, the United States government has admitted that it funds terrorists on the ground in Syria yet again, this time placing an individual dollar amount on the assistance provided.

    According to the Pentagon, Syrian “rebels” being trained and “vetted” by the United States are receiving “compensation” to the tune of anywhere between $250 to $400 per month to act as America’s proxy forces in the Middle East. Reuters reports that the payment levels were confirmed by the Pentagon and also that the Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter and Navy Commander Elissa Smith both separately admitted the fact that these “new” terrorists are receiving a stipend.

    Reuters also reported on alleged obstacles the Pentagon claims it is facing regarding the ability to train the death squad volunteers due to a lack of ability to “vet” them appropriately as well as a bizarre incident where fighters abandon the mission after having received training from the US military. The reason provided by the Pentagon was that the fighters did not want to sign a contract to avoid fighting Assad. But, in the same report, the Pentagon states that there was no such contract – only one requiring them to “respect human rights” and “the rule of law,” so the reason provided for the disappearance of these fighters lacks legitimacy. One can only speculate as to where these “trainees” disappeared to.

    Of course, “human rights” and the “rule of law” have never been concerns before, even as the United States has funded, armed, trained, and directed jihadists on the ground from the very beginning of the Syrian crisis. Neither has there been any concern over the presence of “moderate” rebels that have never actually existed in Syria. After all, it should be remembered that the United States own Defense Intelligence Agency was recently forced to release and declassify documents which admitted that not only did the US know that the “rebellion” was made up of al-Qaeda and Nusra forces but that these organizations and similar groups were attempting to create a “Salafist principality” in the east of Syria and West of Iraq. The DIA docs also show that the US was supporting all of these efforts. In reality, of course, the US was directing these efforts.

    Make no mistake, the United States is not funding “moderate vetted rebels” to fight ISIS or al-Qaeda. The US is funding jihadist terrorists and mercenaries to work alongside ISIS and al-Qaeda (if they are not members of these organizations already) to overthrow the secular government of Bashar al-Assad. Virtually every person of a moderate persuasion in Syria has long come over to the side of the Syrian government. Indeed, there was never such a thing as a moderate rebel in Syria to begin with and the reality on the ground has not changed since.

    Thus, revelations that the United States is funding a mercenary army to overthrow Assad is nothing new. The only revelation contained in these recent reports are the chicken feed denominations of money that the terrorist savages are accepting for their services in barbarity and treason on behalf of the agenda of the Anglo-American world order.

  • Desperate Greeks Resort To Scavenging Through Garbage To Find Food

    Earlier today we documented the “heartbreaking” plight of Greece’s retirees who have been reduced to lining up in front of Greek banks hoping for a chance to collect a portion of their pensions. Some went away empty handed (there were reports that only those whose last names began with “A” through “K” were paid on Wednesday) and those who did manage to leave with cash were only allowed to access a third of their usual payouts. 

    This comes as Greeks may (and we emphasize “may”, because nothing is certain and the Greek government has bent over backwards to claim that deposits are “safe”) face a Cyprus-like depositor bail-in in the weeks ahead. 

    But as bad as all of the above is, it gets still worse, because as The Telegraph reports, the beleaguered Greek populace has been reduced to collecting scrap metal and scavenging for food.

    Here’s more:

    Piled high with rubbish congealing in the summer heat, municipal dustbin R21 on Athens’ Sofokleous Street does not look or smell like a treasure trove.


    But for Greece’s growing army of dustbin scavengers, its deposits of rubbish from nearby stores and grocery shops make it a regular point of call.


    “Sometimes I’ll find scrap metal that I can sell, although if I see something that looks reasonably safe to eat, I’ll take it,” said Nikos Polonos, 55, as he sifted through R21’s contents on Tuesday morning. “Other times you might find paper, cans, and bottles that you can get money for if you take them back to the shops for recycling.”



    One reason for R21’s popularity is because it is just down the road from a church soup kitchen, where the drug-addicted, the poor and homeless queue up for meals three times daily.


    Mr Polonos, a quietly spoken man of 55, is typical of the new class of respectably destitute. He lost his job as a construction worker three years ago, when Greece’s building boom dried up, and in the current climate, cannot see himself finding paid work in the foreseeable future.


    Yet he dresses as smartly as he can in second-hand trousers and shirt, and does not see himself as any kind of vagrant.


    “I don’t want to ever look like him,” he said, gesturing to a tousle-haired drug addict slumped in a doorway near the soup kitchen. “I never believed I would end up like this, but as long as Greece is in this terrible situation, my construction skills are not in demand. A lot of my friends are doing what I do now, and some people I know are even worse off. They have turned to drugs and have no hope at all.”


    Perhaps the most tragic thing about the above is that, as noted in the video, this is hardly a recent development in Greece.

    High unemployment has plagued the country for years and has indeed become endemic, relegating many Greeks to a life of perpetual and severe economic hardship. One can only hope that whatever the outcome of this weekend’s referendum turns out to be, both Athens and Brussels will recognize the need to arrest what has become an outright humanitarian crisis.

  • What If Gold Is Declared Illegal?

    Submitted by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

    The Beginning of the End

    Over the weekend, the lines in Greece stretched along the street. Around the corner. Down the block. Lines to get cash. Lines to buy gas. Lines of people eager to get their hands on something of value. Food. Fuel. Cash. Pity the poor guy who was last in line …

    … the poor taxi driver, for example, standing behind 300 other people, trying to get 200 lousy euros out of an ATM. Like a tragic nightclub customer … among the last to smell the smoke. By the time he headed for the exit, it was clogged with desperate people, all struggling to get through the same narrow door at the same time.


    last in line

    Being the last in line usually means you have waited too long.

    Image via, Al Capone’s Soup Kitchen, Chikago 1931

    Remember: When a bear attacks in the woods, you don’t have to be faster than the bear. You just have to be faster than at least one other hiker…

    Likewise, you don’t have to be the first one to get your money out of an ATM. You just want to be sure you get your money before the machine runs out of cash. And when a bear attacks Wall Street, you don’t have to be the first to sell. But you definitely don’t want to be the last.


    storming the bank

    People storming a bank in Shanghai in December 1948. The paper currency had just crashed, and the Kuomintang decided to make a distribution of 40 grams of gold per person. People desperately wanted to obtain their gold before the banks ran out.

    Photo credit: Henri Cartier-Bresson


    The Dow lost 350 points on Monday – its biggest point drop in two years. On Tuesday, Greece was expected to default on a $1.7-billion payment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). And on the other side of the planet, analysts are looking at “the beginning of the end for Chinese stocks.”

    We doubt it is the beginning of the end. More likely, it is just the end of the beginning. On Friday, the People’s Bank of China cut rates to a record low, after stocks in Shanghai slipped 7% in a single day (the equivalent of about 1,300 points on the Dow).

    Analysts expected a big rally in response to the rate cut. Instead, the Shanghai Index plunged again on Monday, dropping 3%. Greece… China… said one commentator interviewed by Bloomberg: “You have a potentially very ugly situation this week.”

    Our guess: Stocks in the U.S. and China have topped out. Old-timer Richard Russell, who has been studying markets since 1958, agrees:

    “I believe the top has appeared, like the proverbial thief in the night. The Dow has fallen below the 18,000-point level, and is now negative for the year.

    The Transports, which have led the way recently, are down triple digits for today and are only 89 points above the critical level of 8,000. The Nasdaq has closed under 5,000. At the market’s close, gold was up 5.3 at 1,179.”



    Dow Transports Average and Industrial Average – the trannies have been declining for months, and following this big divergence, a first Dow Theory sell signal has now been given with the Industrials undercutting their previous reaction low as well, via StockCharts, click to enlarge.


    When Gold Is Declared Illegal …

    But wait … What about silver and gold? As regular readers know, we recommend having some cash on hand in case of a monetary emergency. But a reader asks:

    “In the same vein as your reader’s question as to what good cash is when it’s declared illegal, what good is gold when gold is declared illegal?”

    First, precious metals aren’t illegal, so far. Second, making something illegal doesn’t necessarily make it unpopular. President Roosevelt banned gold in 1933. The feds wanted complete control of money. The dollar was backed by gold. So getting control of the dollar meant getting control of gold.

    Once the feds had the gold, they could devalue the dollar by resetting the dollar-gold price from $20 to $35. In an instant, people lost more than 40% of their wealth (as measured by gold).



    FDR’s infamous gold grab. Under the cover of an economic emergency, the government executed one of the most brazen acts of theft yet witnessed in a democracy.


    That ban lasted for 42 years. It ended in 1975, largely because of our old friend Jim Blanchard. Jim set up the National Committee to Legalize Gold and worked hard to get the ban lifted.

    Today, the feds don’t need to outlaw gold. It is regarded as “just another asset,” like Van Gogh paintings or ’66 Corvettes. Few people own it. Few people care – not even the feds. They are unlikely to pay much attention to it – at least, for now.

    That could change when the lines begin to grow longer. Smart people will turn to gold… not just in time, but just in case. It is a form of cash – traditionally, the best form. You can control it. And with it, you can trade for fuel, food, and other forms of wealth. Lots of things can go wrong in a crisis. Cash helps you get through it.

    Generally, the price of gold rises with uncertainty and desperation. Gold is useful. Like Bitcoin and dollars in hand (as opposed to dollars the bank owes you), gold is not under the thumb of the government … or the banks. You don’t have to stand in line to get it. Or to spend it.

    Yes, as more and more people turn to gold as a way to avoid standing in lines, the feds could ban it again. But when we close our eyes and try to peer into a world where gold is illegal, what we see is a world where we want it more than ever.



    Buy it as long as nobody cares about it. By the time they care, you’ll want to have as much as possible.

  • NSA Leak: "Washington Is Negotiating With Every Nation That Borders China… So As To 'Confront' Beijing"

    Another “Wikileak” of a confidential NSA intercept, and yet another crucial insight into the vision not only behind the Obama administration’s desperate push for the Trans Pacific Partnership, but the strategic thinking – if one may call it so – when it comes to the entire US approach to global trade and commerce. Which may well explain why global trade has been imploding in recent years, masked first by just US QE and then by QE from all “developed” central banks.

    The synopsis:

    Intercepted communication between French Minister-Counselor for Economic and Financial Affiars Jean-Francois Boittin and EU Trade Section head Hiddo Houben, reveals Boittin’s discontent with U.S. approach towards a WTO pact. Additionally Houben stated that the TPP (being an American initiative) seems devised as a confrontation with China.

    EU Officials Perceive Lack of U.S. Leadership on Trade Issues, Skeptical of Pacific Initiative (TS//SI//OC/NF)


    (TS//SI//OC/NF) Washington-based EU trade officials ascertained in late July that the U.S. administration is severely lacking in leadership when it comes to trade matters, as shown by the absence of a clear consensus on the future course of the WTO Doha Development Agenda (DDA). French Minister-Counselor for Economic and Financial Affairs Jean-Francois Boittin expressed astonishment at the level of “narcissism” and wasteful contemplation currently on display in Washington, while describing the idea of scrapping the DDA in favor of another plan–which some U.S. officials are seen to favor–as stupefying. The Frenchman further asserted that once a country makes deep cuts in its trade barriers, as the U.S. has done, it no longer has incentives to offer nor, as a consequence, a strong position from which to negotiate with emerging nations. Boittin’s interlocutor, EU Trade Section head Hiddo Houben, after noting the leadership void in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, declared that with regard to the disagreement within his host government on DDA, a political decision must be made about what direction is to be followed. On another subject, Houben insisted that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is a U.S. initiative, appears to be designed to force future negotiations with China. Washington, he pointed out, is negotiating with every nation that borders China, asking for commitments that exceed those countries’ administrative capacities, so as to “confront” Beijing. If, however, the TPP agreement takes 10 years to negotiate, the world-and China-will have changed so much that that country likely will have become disinterested in the process, according to Houben. When that happens, the U.S. will have no alternative but to return to the WTO. Finally, he assessed that this focus on Asia is added proof that Washington has no real negotiating agenda vis-a-vis emerging nations, including China and Brazil, or an actual, proactive WTO plan of action.




    EU diplomatic


    Z-3/OO/531614-11, 011622Z

    Source: Wikileaks

  • Athens On The Potomac – It Could Never Happen Here, Right?

    Submitted by John Gabriel via,

    Financial experts in New York, London, and Brussels have tut-tutted Greece’s economic travails as Athens considers its future with the European Union. Why did they borrow so much money? How can they ever pay it back? Do they think that much debt is sustainable?

    Instead of pointing fingers at the innumerates running Athens, they should consider our own situation. Jason Russell of the Washington Examiner shows how America’s debt projections look suspiciously like Greece’s recent history.

    With all the chaos unravelling in Greece, Congress would be wise to do what it takes to avoid reaching Greek debt levels. But it’s not a matter of sticking to the status quo and avoiding bad decisions that would put the budget on a Greek-like path, because the budget is on that path already.


    A quarter-century ago, Greek debt levels were roughly 75 percent of Greece’s economy — about equal to what the U.S. has now. As of 2014, Greek debt levels are about 177 percent of national GDP. Now, the country is considering defaulting on its loans and uncertainty is gripping the economy.


    In 25 years, U.S. debt levels are projected to reach 156 percent of the economy, which Greece had in 2012. That projection comes from the Congressional Budget Office’s alternative scenario, which is more realistic than its standard fiscal projection about which spending programs Congress will extend into the future.


    If Congress leaves the federal budget on autopilot, debt levels will soar. Instead, spending must be reined in to avoid a Greek-style meltdown.

    While we’re right to be concerned about 2040, the U.S. is in deep trouble now. Yet if you mention the debt to most Americans, they’re either confused or indifferent. “But Obama lowered the deficit.” “Just print more money.“ “It’s Reagan’s fault!”

    Since most graphs look like this, I created my own user-friendly debt chart focused on three big numbers: Deficit, revenue and debt. (My first version was published a couple of years ago. This one is updated with the most recent figures).

    U.S. Debt Chart

    It’s an imperfect analogy, but imagine the green is your salary, the yellow is the amount you’re spending over your salary, and the red is your MasterCard statement.

    The chart is brutally bipartisan. Debt increased under Republican presidents and Democrat presidents. It increased under Democrat congresses and Republican congresses. In war and in peace, in boom times and in busts, after tax hikes and tax cuts, the Potomac flowed ever deeper with red ink.

    Our leaders like to talk about sustainability. Forget sustainable — how is this sane?

    Yet when a conservative hesitates before increasing spending, he’s portrayed as a madman. When a Republican offers a thoughtful plan to reduce the debt over decades, he’s pushing grannies into the Grand Canyon and pantsing park rangers on the way out. While the press occasionally griped about spending under Bush, they implore Obama to spend even more.

    When I posted the earlier version of this chart, the online reaction was intense. A few on the right thought I was too tough on the GOP while those on the left claimed it didn’t matter or it’s all a big lie. Others told me that I should have weighted for this variable or added lines for that trend. They are free to create their own charts to better fit their narrative and I’m sure they will. But the numbers shown above can’t be spun by either side.

    All of the figures come from the U.S. Treasury and math doesn’t care about fairness or good intentions. Spending vastly more than you have, decade after decade, is foolish when done by a Republican or a Democrat. Two plus two doesn’t equal 33.2317 after you factor in a secret “Social Justice” multiplier.

    If our current president accumulates debt at the rate of his first six-plus years, the national debt will be nearly $20 trillion by the time leaves office. That is almost double what it was when he was first inaugurated.

    Like many Americans, I haven’t had the privilege of visiting Greece. Unfortunately, Greece will be visiting us unless we change things and fast.

  • Stocks Surge Despite Dashed Hellenic Hope, Crude Carnages

    Seems appropriate once again…


    China did not help..


    But today was all about Greece again, and CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera summed it up perfectly:

    "Stocks are rallying on hopes of a deal. There is no deal! There will be no deal! Everyone's gone home"

    Another day, another hope-driven spike that ends in tears and recriminations… The Dow got a lift as it broke stops through its 200DMA and Nasdaq back above 5000


    The late day ramp was all machines ramping VWAP – as volume utterly collapsed…


    VIX was clubbed like a baby seal… (notice the flash crash early on seemed to signal again) because why not sell Vol ahead of NFP


    On the week, stocks remain driven by Greece and nothing else – not even today's mixed data (maybe NFP tomorrow will change that)


    Futures show the mess more clearly…


    The extent of hope is seemingly impossible to comprehend as GREK – the Greek ETF – manage to get all the way back to unchanged on the week!!!! Before giving up all its gains on the day…


    Airlines were Baumgartner'd on news of a DoJ collusion probe…trading at the lowest since October 2014…


    Depsite the carnage in crude to 11-week lows…


    High Yield bonds and stocks did not play well with each today…


    Treasury yields rose notably (seemingly led by Bunds weakness as Europe rallied into its close on hope of Greek deal)…


    The US Dollar Surged today led by EUR weakness (but where were all the talking heads today about how EURUSD is showing how GREXIT doesn't matter?)


    For some context on Crude's move today, Silver slipped but copper and gold were flat…


    Charts: Bloomberg

    Bonus Chart: Ahead of tonight's China open, some food for thought…

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Today’s News July 1, 2015

  • Early China Strength Fades Fast As Margin Debt Plunges Most In 3 Years

    Following the much-celebrated (and massive 13% swing low-to-high) bounce yesterday at the hands of a desperate PBOC, the morning session ended with an early boost fading. Shanghai margin debt has now suffered the longest streak of declines in 3 years and as BofAML warned they “doubt that this marks the end of the de-leveraging process in the stock market given that much of the leveraged positions are yet to unwind.”

    With both Manufacturing and Services PMIs printing above 50, stimulus is now clearly aimed at maintaining the bubble but as BofAML concludes, “after this adverse experience, we expect many investors will be much more cautious before investing into the stock market, we will be surprised to see a return of the unbridled enthusiasm of investors any time soon.”


    Not the follow through everyone was hoping and praying for after Greece defaulted…


    To summarize:

    We doubt that this marks the end of the de-leveraging process in the stock market given that much of the leveraged positions are yet to unwind. We believe that the chance is high that we have seen the peak of this round of the rally in the A-share market.


    We suspect that the government will be less blatant in urging investors to buy stocks going forward after seeing the potential damage that a leverage-fueled market can do.


    After this adverse experience, we expect many investors will be much more cautious before investing into the stock market, using leverage.


    The air had probably been let out of the balloon and we will be surprised to see a return of the unbridled enthusiasm of investors any time soon.



    In our view, the selling pressure so far has mainly come from stock-related borrowings via various unofficial channels where the leverage is much higher. Besides, sentiment also plays a decisive role – if many leveraged buyers believe that the bull market is over, they may be inclined to sell due to the high interest cost burden.


    Overall, we don’t think that the deleveraging process in the stock market has run its course and the market may stay volatile in coming weeks.

    *  *  *

    Longer term, the psychological damage from the two-week long sharp market decline may linger for a while. This means that any market rebound will unlikely be strong in our view.

  • Paul Craig Roberts Rages: Truth Is Now A Crime Against The State

    Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

    The entire Western edifice rests on lies. There is no other foundation. Just lies.

    This makes truth an enemy. Enemies have to be suppressed, and thus truth has to be suppressed.

    Truth comes from foreign news sources, such as RT, and from Internet sites, such as this one.

    Thus, Washington and its vassals are busy at work closing down independent media.

    Washington and its vassals have redefined propaganda. Truth is propaganda if it is told by countries, such as Russia and China, that have independent foreign policies.

    Propaganda is truth if told by Washington and its puppets, such as the EU Observer.

    The EU Observer, little doubt following Washington’s orders, has denounced RT and Sputnik News for “broadcasting fabrications and hate speech from their bureaus in European Union cities.”

    Often I appear on both RT and Sputnik. In my opinion both are too restrained in their reporting, fearful, of course, of being shut down, than full truth requires. I have never heard a word of hate speech or propaganda on either. Washington’s propaganda, perhaps, but not the Russian government’s.

    In other words, the way Washington has the news world rigged, not even independent news sites can speak completely clearly.

    The Western presstitutes have succeeded in creating a false reality for insouciant Americans and also for much of the European Union population.

    A sizable percentage of these insouciant peoples believe that Russia invaded Ukranine and that Russia is threatening to invade the Baltic States and Poland. This belief exists despite all intelligence of all Western governments reporting that there is no sign of any Russian forces that would be required for invasion.

    The “Russian invasion,” like “Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction and al Qaeda connections,” like “Assad of Syria’s use of chemical weapons against his own people,” like “Iranian nukes,” never existed but nevertheless became the reality in the Western media. The insouciant Western peoples believe in non-existent occurrencies.

    In other words, just to state the obvious noncontroversial fact, the Western “news” media is a propaganda ministry from which no truth emerges.

    Thus, the Western World is ruled by propaganda. Truth is excluded. Fox “news,” CNN, the NY Times, Washington Post, and all the rest of the most accomplished liars in world history, repeat constantly the same lies. For Washington, of course, and the military/security complex.

    War is the only possible outcome of propaganda in behalf of war. When the irresponsible Western media brings Armageddon to you, you can thank the New York Times and the rest of the presstitutes for the destruction of yourself and all your hopes for yourself and your children.

    Stephen Lendman, who comprises a good chunk of the remaining moral conscience of the West, explains the situation:

    EU Bashes “Russian Propaganda”

    by Stephen Lendman


    Western major media march to the same drummer – dutifully regurgitating managed news misinformation garbage, willfully burying hard truths on issues mattering most.


    Alternative sources beholden to truth and full disclosure operate by different standards – engendering ire among Western nations wanting their high crimes suppressed – bashing sources revealing them.


    The EU Observer (EUO) claims independent credentials while supporting policies responsible news sources denounce.


    Independently reporting hard truths isn’t its long suit. Its editor, Lisbeth Kirk, is the wife of former Danish European Parliament member Jens-Peter Bonde. Human Rights Watch’s European and Central Asian advocacy director Veronika Szente Goldston calls its journalists “the most in-your-face in Brussels.”


    EUO irresponsibly bashed Russia’s Sputnik News and RT International – two reputable sources for news, information and analysis – polar opposite Western media propaganda.


    It shamelessly called their reporting valued by growing millions “broadcasting fabrications and hate speech from their bureaus in EU cities.”


    It touted plans by EU officials to counter what they called “use and misuse of communications tools…play(ing) an important role in the dramatic political, economic and security-related developments (in) Eastern (European countries) over the past 18 months.”


    It drafted a nine-page “action plan” intended to convey “positive” messages. It’ll increase funding to blast out Europe’s view of things more effectively.

    It wants EU policies promoted in former Russian republics the old-fashioned way – by repeating Big Lies often enough until most people believe them.

    A new EU foreign service cell called East StratComTeam operating by September will run things – functioning as a European ministry of propaganda.


    It’ll “develop dedicated communication material on priority issues…put at the disposal of the EU’s political leadership, press services, EU delegations and EU member states.”


    Material circulated in Russia and other EU countries aims to let news consumers “easily understand that political and economic reforms promoted by the EU can, over time, have a positive impact on their daily lives” – even though precisely the opposite is true.


    It wants so-called benefits Europeans enjoy explained to people continent-wide. Will millions of unemployed, underemployed and impoverished people buy what’s plainly untrue from their own experience?


    Sputnik News, RT, US independent sources like the Progressive Radio Network and numerous others steadily gain audience strength at the expense of scoundrel media people abandon for good reason.


    Growing numbers want truth and full disclosure on things affecting their lives and welfare. Politicians in Western countries want ordinary people treated like mushrooms – well-watered and in the dark.


    RT’s editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan said “the European Union is diligently trying to stifle the alternative voice of RT, at a time when in Europe there are hundreds of newspapers, television channels and radio stations, which set out only one point of view on what is happening in the world.”


    The BBC is Fox News with an English accent. US so-called public radio and broadcasting are no different – telling listeners and viewers everything except what they most need to know.


    Simonyan explained “Britain (has) an entire army brigade of 1,500 men…whose tasks include the fight against Russia on social networks. NATO has a task force aimed at countering Russian influence throughout the world.”


    “Only recently, Deutsche Welle launched a 24-hour television channel in English to counter RT. At the same time, nearly all the major Western media, including the BBC, DW and Euronews have long disseminated their information in the Russian language, while Radio Liberty, funded directly by the US government, broadcasts in Russian.”


    “(I)f after all this, the EU still complains that they are losing the ‘information war’ against Russia, perhaps it’s time to realize that” growing numbers of people are fed up with being lied to.


    People want reliable sources of news, information and analysis unavailable through mainstream Western sources using propagandists masquerading as journalists.

  • Goldman Just Crushed The "Strong Fundamentals" Lie; Cuts EPS, GDP, Revenue And Profit Forecasts

    In the past week, the one recurring theme among the permabullish parade on financial propaganda TV has been to ignore the closed stock market and banks in suddenly imploding Greece, the situation in Puerto Rico, the recent plunge in US stocks which are now unchanged for the year, and what may be the beginning of the end of the Chinese bubble and instead focus on the “strong” US fundamentals, especially among tech stocks – the only shiny spot an an otherwise dreary landscape (and definitely ignore the energy companies; nobody wants to talk about those). So we decided to take a look at just what this “strength” looks like.

    Well, we already saw the collapse in hedge fund hotel Micron Technology, which plunged 30% after it slashed its guidance last week. Alas that may be just the beginning. Here are the year-over-year revenue “growth” estimates for some of the biggest tech companies in Q2:

    • Hewlett Packard: -7.3%
    • IBM: -14.2%
    • Microsoft: -5.5%
    • Intel -4.5%
    • Texas Instruments -1.1%
    • Western Digital -7.2%
    • Ericsson -19.6%
    • Qualcomm -13.9%
    • NetApp -11.3%

    And that is the best sector among the “strong fundamentals” story.

    In fact, the only bright light in the entire tech space may well be AAPL whose sales are expected to grow 29%. We wish Tim Cook lot of strength if the recent Chinese market crash has dampened discretionary spending and demand for AAPL gizmoes in China. He will need it.

    But what’s worse is that while reality will clearly be a disaster, there is always hype and always hope that the great rebound is just around the corner, if not in Q2 then Q3, or Q4, etc.

    This time even the hype is be over because none other than the most influential bank on Wall Street, the one all other sellside “strategists” religiously imitate, Goldman Sachs, just slashed its EPS and S&P500 year end price forecast for both 2015 and 2016.

    Here is Goldman with its explanation why it is lowering S&P 500 EPS:

    We reduce our near-term earnings forecasts to incorporate diminished US GDP growth, a stronger dollar, and lower crude prices. Since October 2014 when we published our previous EPS forecast, expected 2015 real GDP growth has declined by 70 basis points (to 2.4% from 3.1%), the trade-weighted US dollar has strengthened by 9%, and crude prices have dropped by nearly 30%. In response to these macro headwinds and two additional quarters of realized earnings data, we lower our 2015 EPS target by $8 to $114 (from $122) and reduce our 2016 EPS by $5 to $126 (from $131). Energy EPS alone will decline by $8 in 2015, from $13 to $5.


    We maintain our 2015 S&P 500 target of 2100. Reduced EPS growth will be offset by a stable P/E. We previously forecast higher earnings with a P/E contraction. Our new EPS forecast is $114 (down from $122) reflecting slower GDP growth than we had originally assumed, a stronger US dollar, and a collapse in Energy company profits. S&P 500 will post just 1% EPS growth in 2015…. Initial Fed hike in December will allow P/E to end 2015 at an elevated 16.7x

    So earnings are bad and getting worse, but for Goldman that is not a reason to cut its S&P forecast simply because the economy is weaker than expected and also getting worse which means the rate hike originally forecast to take place in June is now set to take place in December, and thus boost P/E multiples (it won’t of course but that will be Greece’s fault).

    We maintain our S&P 500 price target of 2100 for 2015, as the negative impact of our lower EPS is offset by a later-than-previously-expected Fed hike. Our US economics team now believes the first hike will take place in December rather than September. S&P 500 P/E, which is historically rich, will stay elevated through the remainder of 2015, but will compress when the Fed starts its tightening cycle in December. Looking forward, S&P 500 will rise alongside earnings, increasing 5% in 2016 and 2017 to 2200 and 2300, respectively

    So… the combination of deteriorating earnings and an even bigger slowdown in the economy ends up being a wash and keeping the S&P year end price target at 2100.

    Ah, the magic of financial Goldman’s financial gibberish.

    So aside from Goldman’s 21x forward multiple (because 114 non-GAAP is about 100 GAAP which means Goldman is expecting a 21 Price to GAAP Earnings multiple) simply due to the Fed’s hike delay from June to December, is there any good news?


    In fact, this is what Goldman’s David Kostin has to say: “Macro headwinds diminish 2015 earnings growth prospects. S&P 500 sales will fall by 2% in 2015, the first annual decline in five years. Margins will slip to 8.9%. Energy is a drag on both sales and margins.” Let’s just focus on the “near-term” slip before we worry about the “long-term rebound.”

    And before the intrepid questions of “this is only due to energy” arise, here is Goldman explaining that the weakness was broad, and impacted every single sector.

    We lowered 2015 EPS levels in all 10 sectors, with Energy and internationally-exposed Information Technology declining most. We trimmed nearly $2 from our 2015 Energy EPS estimate after further cutting both expected sales growth and margins (see Exhibit 1). Information Technology EPS was cut by $2, due to the sector’s leverage to diminished economic growth and foreign exchange risk (60% of sector revenues generated abroad versus 33% for S&P 500).

    But wait, there’s more: because in addition to its EPS forecast, Goldman also slashed its GDP and the 10Y yield forecast as well.

    We expect US GDP will grow at an average annualized rate of 2.4% in 2015 and 2.8% in 2016. In contrast, last October our assumed growth rates for the US economy equaled 3.1% and 3.0% for 2015 and 2016, respectively (see Exhibit 2). While our previous assumptions incorporated a sizeable 18% decline in crude oil prices, the actual decline has been twice as large, averaging 36% on a year-over-year basis.


    So ok, Goldman had a 25% error in its forecast in just under 9 months. Does that mean that the vampire squid is even remotely remorseful or concerned about the credibility of its 2017 and 2018 (yes, 2018) forecasts?  Not at all: those are expected to remain completely unchanged on the back of some of the highest EPS gains in recent history. In fact, putting in context, Goldman now expects just 1% EPS growth in 2015 which will then magically soar to 11% in 2016 before “stabilizing” to a “modest” 7% annual EPS growth rate.

    We expect S&P 500 operating EPS of $134 (+7%) in 2017 and $143 (+7%) in 2018. We expect S&P 500 ex-Financials and Utilities revenue will increase by 6% in 2017 and by 5% in 2018. Coupled with stable margins of 9.3%, ex-Financials and Utilities EPS should rise by 6% and 5%, respectively. We assume Financials and Utilities EPS growth of 10% during 2016 and 13% in 2017.

    With just a little hyperbole, we can say that the only way S&P EPS will grow at that pace is if the S&P ends up buying back half its float.

    But while one can double seasonally adjust non-GAAP BS until a massive loss becomes a huge profit, one item can not be fabricated: sales. It is here that Goldman has far less to say for obvious reasons.

    Our new forecast assumes Energy sales will shrink 32%, pulling aggregate S&P 500 sales growth into negative territory for the first time in five years. We expect S&P 500 sales per share to decline by 2% in 2015, in line with consensus.

    Yes you read that right “sales per share”, because if buybacks can boost Non-GAAP earnings, why not revenues too. 

    If there is a silver lining on the horizon it is one: “We forecast Health Care will grow sales faster than consensus expects.”

    The corporations thank you Obamacare.

    * * *

    So to summarize: the first revenue drop for the S&P in 5 years, a major downward revision in EPS now expecting just 1% increase in 2015 EPS, a 25% cut to GDP forecasts, a machete taken to corporate profits and 10 Yields, and not to mention double digit sales declines for some of the most prominent tech companies in the world.

    And that, in a nutshell, is the “strong fundamentals” that everyone’s been talking about.

  • The Air We Breathe

    From the Slope of Hope: A few years ago, I was chatting with an acquaintance of mine who happens to be pretty rich. I don’t know the exact figure, but his net worth was probably something like $80 million. He was definitely in “ultra-high net worth” territory and quite obviously never needed to work another day in his life.

    He was bemoaning to me the fact that if he hadn’t sold his energy company so early, he would be “a billionaire by now.” My heart didn’t exactly ache for the guy, but his complaint (which these days I think is referred to as a “humblebrag“) made an impression.

    I was reminded of this last week, when I was reading in Quora an article about the definition of “success.’ One of the respondents related a conversation he was having with a friend who had $2 billion and was complaining that he wasn’t worth as much as Larry Page, who is worth $15 billion.

    What is it about money such that people are never satisfied? Most of us have heard about the study that shows that money does, in fact, correlate closely with happiness, up to a level of income about $40,000 per year (adjusted for your location). After that, the marginal benefit begins to fall off, and after a certain amount, it gets fairly meaningless.

    It certainly makes sense that, say, a young adult out of college making $60,000 per year is probably a lot more content and satisfied than someone working at Shake Shack for $25,000 per year. But it also makes sense that an investment banker making $900,000 per year is probably no happier than the person who likewise is making $35,000 per year less. Money, at that level, has stopped moving the happiness dial.

    An interesting metaphor hit me, which I’d like to offer for your consideration: the air we breathe. Imagine for a moment that we treated air the same way we treat money.

    What I mean by that is that air is: what if it was unevenly distributed? Most people would have enough to fill their lungs day to day and get by. Some people might wheeze and gasp, barely hanging on. Others suffocate to death. And a few have stockpiled enough air for fifty lifetimes………or a hundred…….or a million.

    How would we, as as race, feel about this? We might witness Mark Zuckerberg breathing freely and without a care, confident that in his secret underground caves, he has a stockpile of the oxygen he requires just in case he lives for the next fifty million years. And yet we pass on the street bodies of people who have violently died, having suffocated for want of air.

    This, clearly, would be unacceptable, because not only would we be outraged that any human on the planet couldn’t get enough to breathe, but also because, frankly, Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t need air for the next fifty million years. The air, we would all agree, has to be shared.

    But we don’t need to agree to this because, happily, the availability and distribution of air for our lungs isn’t within the domain of human decision-making. It’s widely- and freely-distributed, doesn’t cost anyone anything to use, and not only would it be impractical to “hoard” it, but doing so would be silly.

    The air we breathe, then, is the idealized expression of socialism. From each his according to his abilities (which, in this case, are naught). To each according to his needs (which are more or less the same). Air is a fair resource, and occasional debates about pollution notwithstanding, it’s something that seven billion people share peaceably.

    Now I realize that air isn’t the same as cash, and I’m as fond of the latter as the next fellow. And, let me assure you, I’m not proposing the wisdom of a government making sure we all have the same quantity of assets. That little 80-year experiment was kind of a flop that created untold misery and put the entire human species at risk of extinction. Luckily, we got past it.

    But all the same, I can’t help but think of this little analog and wonder to myself if it might help yield some insight as to the foolhardiness of human greed and the limits of covetousness any wise person need pursue. The pursuit of success that leads to creating employment, good jobs, a better world, and all that happy hoo-ha is perfectly good, and if it happens to make you rich along the way, well, that’s just icing on the cake.

    But remember that there’s really only so much of that stockpiled oxygen in your caves that you really need, and it might do you some good to share some of it (at your own discretion, not by government edict) now and then. Hyperventilation can’t hold a candle to the good feelings of helping out a fellow traveler here on our little planet.

  • The Care And Feeding Of A Financial Black Hole

    Submitted by Dmitry Orlov via Club Orlov blog,

    A while ago I had the pleasure of hearing Sergey Glazyev—economist, politician, member of the Academy of Sciences, adviser to Pres. Putin—say something that very much confirmed my own thinking. He said that anyone who knows mathematics can see that the United States is on the verge of collapse because its debt has gone exponential. These aren't words that an American or a European politician can utter in public, and perhaps not even whisper to their significant other while lying in bed, because the American eavesdroppers might overhear them, and then the politician in question would get the Dominique Strauss-Kahn treatment (whose illustrious career ended when on a visit to the US he was falsely accused of rape and arrested). And so no European (never mind American) politician can state the obvious, no matter how obvious it is.

    The Russians have that pretty well figured out by now. Yes, maintaining a dialogue and cordial directions with the Europeans is important. But it is well understood that the Europeans are just a bunch of American puppets with no will or decision-making authority of their own, so why not talk to the Americans directly? Alas, the Americans too are puppets. The American officials and politicians are definitely puppets, controlled by corporate lobbyists and shady oligarchs. But here's a shocker: these are also puppets—controlled by the simple imperatives of profitability and wealth preservation, respectively. In fact, it's puppets all the way down. And what's at the bottom is a giant, ever-expanding, financial black hole.

    Do you like your black hole? If you aren't sure you like it, then let me ask you some other questions: Do you like the fact that your credit cards still work, or that you can still keep money in the bank and even get cash out of an ATM machine, or that you are either receiving or hope to eventually receive a pension? Do you like the fact that you can get useful things—food, gas, airline tickets—for mere pieces of paper with pictures of dead white men on them? Do you like the fact that you have internet access, that the lights are on, and that there is water on tap? Well, if you like these things, then you must also like the financial black hole, because that's what's making all of these things possible in spite of your country being bankrupt. Perhaps it's a love-hate relationship: you love being able to pretend that everything is still OK even though you know it isn't, and you wish to enjoy a bit more of the business-as-usual before it all goes to hell, be it for a few more days or another year or two; but you hate the fact that eventually the black hole will suck you in, after which point things will definitely… suck.

    In the United States, so far the black hole has been sucking in individual families (although it does sometimes suck in entire cities, like Detroit, Michigan, or Bakersfield, California, or Camden, New Jersey). With the help of the fraudulent mortgage racket, it sucks in houses, and spits them out again encumbered with bad debt. With the help of the medical industry, it sucks in sick people and spits them out again, bankrupt. With the help of the higher education racket, it sucks in hopeful young people, and spits them out as graduates, with worthless degrees and saddled with mountainous student debt. With the help of the military-industrial complex, it sucks in just about anything and spits out corpses, invalids, environmental damage, terrorists and global instability. And so on.

    But the black hole can also suck in entire countries. Right now it's busy trying to suck in Greece, but it's having a hard time with it, because Greece is, of all things, a democracy. This has the black hole's puppets in quite a state at the moment, and starting to clamor for “regime change” in Greece, so that Greece can be made to capitulate before the black hole gets hungry.

    The way the black hole sucks in entire countries is as follows. If the black hole doesn't have enough to suck in for a period of time, it gets hungry and makes the financial markets go into free-fall. The financial instruments of countries that happen to be farther away from the black hole—out on the periphery—fall faster. In search of a “safe haven,” money floods out of these countries and into the “core” countries that are clustered tightly around the black hole—the US, Germany, Japan and a few others. The black hole gobbles up this money, but is then hungry for more. But since the periphery countries are now financially too weak to resist, they can easily be turned into black hole fodder. This is done by saddling the country with a foreign debt it can never repay, then forcing it to keep making payments against this debt by making it a condition for maintaining a financial lifeline—keeping the banks open, the ATMs stocked, the lights on and so on. To be able to make the payments, the country is forced to dismantle its society and economy through the imposition of austerity, to privatize everything in sight turning it into collateral for more loans, and to surrender its sovereignty to some transnational organizations, such as the IMF and the ECB, which are directly involved in the care and feeding of the black hole.

    Who is in charge of all this? you might ask. If all there is is the black hole, the puppets charged with its care and feeding, and its hapless victims, then who is making the decisions? Well, it turns out that the black hole is sentient. But it is also very, very stupid. And the way is enforces its will is by destroying the minds of its puppets—by making them unable to understand certain things. However, stupidity is a double-edged sword, and in enforcing its will in this manner the black hole also thwarts its own purpose.

    For example, some time ago the black hole happened upon a rather large item it wanted to suck in, but couldn't. The item is called Russian Federation. It controls a huge territory that is full of all sorts of natural resources the black hole would love to turn into loan collateral and suck in. The problem is that it is full of Russians, who are a difficult people for the black hole's puppets to deal with. They keep telling the puppets to please keep their toes on the other side of that red line over there, and if they don't then click goes the safety on their guns, precluding further discussion.


    This situation calls for negotiation, but the black hole, which, as I mentioned, is very, very stupid, has just one negotiating tactic. It makes its demands, and then waits for the other side to capitulate. If that doesn't work, it applies pressure: imposes sanctions, attacks the currency, complicates financial transactions, arrests the country's foreign assets and so on—and waits for the other side to capitulate. And if that doesn't work either, then the country gets bombed to rubble by NATO or, if NATO doesn't want to come along, by the US alone. That generally works, but in the case of Russia it doesn't. But the black hole, if you recall, is very, very stupid, so it keeps trying anyway. As it does, the minds of its puppets get really warped, to a point where they don't understand what's going on at all.


    For example, everybody knows by now that pressuring Russia doesn't work: according to Newton's Third Law, every action produces an equal and opposite reaction, and Russia is big enough that pushing it doesn't cause it to move at all—it just causes whoever is pushing it to hurt themselves. It's like trying to shift the Earth's orbit by jumping off a chair while keeping your knees locked—which is a good ploy if you are clamoring for medical attention. In fact, the Russians are rather grateful for the sanctions, because now they have a reason to finally get serious about investing in domestic economic development and self-sufficiency. But the puppets, having had their minds warped by the black hole, cannot see that, so they just keep pushing, wrecking their own economies in the process.


    Since the sanctions don't work, it is time to exercise the military option. Doing so requires concocting a casus belli—a reason to go to war. The black hole does this by hallucinating: Russia invaded Crimea!—sure, a few hundred years ago, and has been there ever since, most recently based on an international agreement, but never mind! (Oh, and legally Crimea was never actually made part of the Ukraine because Nikita Khrushchev botched the paperwork when handing it over.) OK, never mind that, but then Russia invades the Ukraine!—on every day that has the letter “D” in it, but it's very sneaky and withdraws its troops before anybody can snap a single picture of them there. OK, never mind that either, but then Russia is poised to invade Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and maybe Poland too. Invade how? You mean like take a bus to the music festival in J?rmala? Consider it done, but the festival is already over and the invading music fans are back home. OK, never mind that either. But the puppets keep saying “Russian aggression!” over and over again. It's the brain damage caused by proximity to the black hole. Look at this poor guy, for instance. He keeps flapping his lower jaw, going “Russian aggression! Russian aggression!” while trying to self-soothe by fondling the rump of his imaginary pet cow. God help him.

    Back to the real world: the poor puppets are unable to understand that there is no military option when it comes to Russia: it's a nuclear power with an excellent strategic deterrent, a well-defended territory, and no aggressive intentions against anyone. But the puppets, with their warped minds, cannot see that, and so they pile various kinds of obsolete military junk along Russia's borders, and are even threatening to bring into Europe the entirely obsolete Pershing medium-range nuclear missiles. They are obsolete because the Russians now have the S-300 system with which to shoot them all down. The military option just isn't going to work, but don't tell that to the puppets—they cannot absorb such information without sustaining further neurological damage.

    Back to Greece: tiny Greece certainly isn't mighty Russia, but it nevertheless refused to capitulate to the demands of the black hole. It was asked to completely wreck its society and its economy as a condition for maintaining its financial lifelines from the IMF and the ECB. Most inconveniently for the black hole and its puppets, Greece is not some obscure “third world” country peopled by dark-skinned people you wouldn't want your daughter to marry, but a European nation that is the cradle of European civilization and democracy. Greece managed to elect a government that tried to negotiate in good faith, but the puppets don't negotiate—they demand, threaten and cause damage until they get their way—or until their heads explode.

    This one will be interesting to watch. If the black hole does succeed in sucking in Greece, then which country is next? Will it be Italy, Spain or Portugal? And, as that process continues, at what point will enough people say that enough is enough? Because when they do, the black hole will shrivel up. It's not a real black hole that's made up of incredibly dense matter—so dense that its gravitational field traps even light. It's a fake black hole, made up of everyone's combined greed. It has greed at its core, and fear all around it, and it sustains itself by feeding on fear. If it can continue sucking in people, families and entire countries, it can keep the greed at its core alive, but if it can't, then the greed will also turn to fear, and it will shrivel up and die. And I hope that when it dies all of its brain-damaged puppets will snap out of it, realize how deluded they have been, and go find something useful to do—farm sheep, grow vegetables, dig for clams…

  • Chinese QE Calls Officially Begin: Bond Swap "Sucks Liquidity", "Contributes To Stock Slump", Broker Claims

    On Monday, we highlighted what we called an “insane” debt chart and explained what it means for the PBoC. Here’s a recap:

    China has launched a bewildering hodge-podge of hastily construed easing measures that can’t seem to get out of their own way. Perhaps the most poignant example of this is how the country’s massive local government debt swap effort — which, as a reminder, aims to restructure a provincial government debt load that amounts to 35% of GDP — is effectively making it more difficult for the PBoC to keep a lid on rates, even as the central bank has embarked on a series of policy rate cuts. 


    Despite it all, China will likely continue to cut rates over the course of the next six months in a futile attempt to avert an economic and financial market collapse. In the end, the only recourse will be ZIRP and ultimately QE.


    With that in mind, consider the following chart from SocGen which shows the projected supply for local government bond issuance in China. If the new muni bonds issued as part of the debt swap program are effectively treasury bonds — as Citi contends— then ask yourself the following question: how effective can benchmark rate cuts possibly be in terms of keeping a lid on rates with CNY20 trillion in new supply of what are effectively treasury bonds flooding the market? The answer is “not very effective,” which means that someone will need to soak up that supply directly. Enter Chinese QE.


    As a reminder, we’ve long said China’s LGB refi initiative would eventually form the backbone of Chinese QE. Here is what we said in March when the program was in its infancy: “It seems as though one way to address the local government debt problem would be for the PBoC to simply purchase a portion of the local debt pile and we wonder if indeed this will ultimately be the form that QE will take in China.” Similarly, UBS has suggested that when all is said and done, the PBoC will end up buying the new munis outright. From a March client note:

    Chinese domestic media citing “sources” saying that the authorities are considering a Chinese “QE” with the central bank funding the purchase of RMB 10 trillion in local government debt. In fact, the “sources” seem to be some brokerage research reports speculating ways of addressing the stock of local government debt, following the MOF announcement that local governments have been given a RMB 1 trillion quota to issue bonds to replace other forms of local government debt.

    And so, here we are barely a month into the new LGB debt swap initiative (which, you’re reminded, has already morphed into a Chinese LTRO program after the PBoC, recognizing that banks would be generally unwilling to take a 300bps hit in the swap, promised to allow participating banks to pledge the new munis for cash loans which can then be re-lent in the real economy at 6-7%) and the calls have begun for outright QE. Here’s Bloomberg:

    PBOC should directly or indirectly buy local gov bonds to ease concern that long-term interest rates will climb and help lower leverage, Haitong Securities analysts led by Jiang Chao write in a note today.


    Local govts will use up 150-200b yuan of debt swap quota per week: Haitong


    About 1.4t yuan of quota remaining, to be used up in 7-8 wks: Haitong


    China may announce 3rd installment of debt swap quota in 4Q: Haitong


    Local debt issuance sucks liquidity, reduces banks’ capital to buy bonds, contributes to stock slump: Haitong

    Note that this rather hyperbolic appeal for implementing full-on QE in China checks all the boxes: there’s a reference to bond market illiquidy, an assertion about constraints on bank balance sheets (which, with credit creation stalling in China, is a big deal), and most importantly, a contention that somehow, the LGB debt swap program is contributing to the implosion of China’s all-important equity bubble. 

    A few more ‘independent’ assessments like these is likely all the PBoC will need to justify joining the global QE parade.

  • No End In Sight For Higher-Education Malinvestment

    Submitted by Doug French via The Mises Institute,

    Those of us leaning in the Austrian direction see bubbles and malinvestments around every corner and assume, wrongly as it turns out, the market will right these wrongs lickety-split. But, for the moment a rational market is no match for cheap money. “Any college that is thinking about capital expansion, now is a very good time,” Robert Murray, an economist at Dodge Data told the Wall Street Journal. “Several years down the road, the climate might not be as good.”

    Now being a good time because stock market gains have pumped up endowments, “and low interest rates have created a favorable environment for colleges to build,” writes Constance Mitchell Ford. The campus building boom marches on.

    In 2014 colleges and universities commenced construction on $11.4 billion worth of projects, a 13 percent increase from the previous year. It’s the largest dollar value of construction starts since the heady days of 2008.

    Ms. Ford’s piece highlights a $2 billion project at Cornell and sixteen new buildings at Columbia worth $6 billion. But here in Auburn, Alabama the campus has been a construction zone since 2008 when I arrived. Multiple new dorms, a basketball arena, a fancy student center, and various new classroom buildings have been constructed at a time when funding from the state has been cut back. What’s now underway is the largest scoreboard in college football, with a plan to expand the stadium next.

    Back in the 1985–86 school year, full time tuition at Auburn for a non-resident was $2,585. Thirty years later it is now $28,040. That’s a compounded annual growth rate of 8.27 percent.

    According to Bloomberg, college tuition and fees have increased 1,120 percent since records began in 1978, and the rate of increase in college costs has been “four times faster than the increase in the consumer price index.”

    Tuiton at state schools is rising even faster says Peter Cappelli, professor of management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He told Becky Quick on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” the cost of an education has risen 50 percent faster at state schools versus private in roughly the last decade.

    Cappelli said a critical question is whether students will graduate in the first place, noting that only 40 percent of full-time students earn a degree within four years, and 30 million — and perhaps as many as 35 million — young adults do not finish their studies.

    Unfinished college is as useful as an unfinished building.

    College degrees are similar to what Austrians call higher-order goods. It’s believed a student will gain knowledge and seasoning in college, making him or her more productive and a candidate for a high-paying career. The investment of time and money in knowledge are undertaken for the payoff of higher productivity and a high future income. Higher education is the higher-order means to a successful career.

    The assumption is those high-pay jobs, (A) will require a college degree, and (B) they will be plentiful when the student graduates. Borrowing $100,000 to earn a law degree is a malinvestment if the student ends up writing briefs for $15 per hour. A recent graduate of the Charleston School of Law put fliers on cars announcing that he or she had borrowed $200,000 to attend school and is now working at Walmart for $35,000 a year.

    A post on the “Above The Law” blog revealed, “As of the 2013–2014 academic year, the total cost of a three-year J.D. degree from Charlotte Law was $123,792.00, while the median loan debt per graduate was $159,208.00. Just 34 percent of the class of 2014 was employed in full-time, long-term jobs where bar passage was required. …”

    “More college graduates are working in second jobs that don’t require college degrees,” writes Hannah Seligson in the New York Times, “part of a phenomenon called ‘mal-employment.’ In short, many baby-sitters, sales clerks, telemarketers and bartenders are overqualified for their jobs.”

    Ludwig von Mises wrote in Human Action,

    The whole entrepreneurial class is, as it were, in the position of a master builder whose task it is to erect a building out of a limited supply of building materials. If this man overestimates the quantity of the available supply, he drafts a plan for the execution of which the means at his disposal are not sufficient. He oversizes the groundwork and the foundations and only discovers later in the progress of the construction that he lacks the material needed for the completion of the structure. It is obvious that our master builder’s fault was not overinvestment, but an inappropriate employment of the means at his disposal.

    As it is now, parents and students still have the belief that college is the way to, if not riches, at least a well-paying career. In a 2011 piece for with what turned out to be the hasty title of “The Higher-Education Bubble Has Popped” I quoted PayPal founder and early Facebook investor Peter Thiel, who questioned the value of higher education. He told TechCrunch,

    A true bubble is when something is overvalued and intensely believed. Education may be the only thing people still believe in in the United States. To question education is really dangerous. It is the absolute taboo. It’s like telling the world there’s no Santa Claus.

    Like most bubbles this one is being fueled by debt. USA Today reports, 40 million borrowers owe $29,000 each, totaling $1.2 trillion outstanding. Student loan debt is easy to get, but hard to get rid of. It’s hard to pay back without a high salary, nor can it be bankrupted away. “Government either guarantees or owns most of the student loans and has the power to sue and to garnish wages, tax refunds, and federal benefits like Social Security when borrowers default,” Kelley Holland writes.

    Defaults are plentiful. In the third quarter of last year, the three-year default rate was roughly 13.7 percent, with the average amount in default per borrower just over $14,000.

    These debtors “are postponing marriage, childbearing and home purchases, and … pretty evidently limiting the percentage of young people who start a business or try to do something entrepreneurial,” says Mitch Daniels, president of Purdue University

    I administer funds for a small scholarship for graduating high school seniors in my old home town. This year, for the first time, an applicant wrote that he needed financial help for college because his father, a veterinarian, can’t help his children because he’s struggling to make payments on his own student debt.

    The college boom is not just on campus. Student housing developers have been riding the college boom as well. Two years ago in a piece for The Freeman, I wrote about developers cashing in building dorms. These developers have even found Auburn, with its population of only 50,000. A project called 160 Ross has long-time residents in an uproar with its high density. But as much as locals don’t like it, students have snapped up units at $599 a bed.

    That rack rate has large student housing developers coming to town and CV Ventures is ready to break ground for a six-story mixed-used project on just one acre featuring 456 beds, stumbling distance from the college bars, with a Waffle House across the street.

    Meanwhile, everyday we hear about how online courses being the death knell for brick-and-mortar institutions. For the moment traditional colleges seem safe. “Because traditional campuses offer peer and teacher interaction,” writes Ron Kennedy, “as well as a plethora of other important benefits often sought by traditional, college-aged students, there will remain a need for traditional education.”

    More importantly, Kennedy continues, “Research has shown that students who interact face-to-face with their instructors and other students tend to be more academically balanced than their online counterparts. This is one reason why most employers still prefer students who have attended traditional campuses.”

    Trees don’t grow to the sky and neither will tuition. However, it’s doubtful young people will suddenly stay home with their parents and work toward degrees taking online classes. Parents who can afford it want to relive their college days vicariously through their kids.

    The higher education bubble continues to inflate.


  • For Greeks The Nightmare Is Just Beginning: Here Come The Depositor Haircuts

    With capital controls already imposed on Greece, some have wondered if this is as bad as it gets. Unfortunately, as the Cyprus “template” has already shown us, for Greece the nightmare on Eurozone street is just beginning.

    As a reminder, over the past few months there have been recurring rumors that as part of its strong-arming tactics the ECB may eventually move to raise the haircuts the Bank of Greece is required to apply to assets pledged by Greek banks as collateral for ELA. The idea is to ensure the haircuts are representative of both the deteriorating condition of Greece’s banking sector and the decreased likelihood that Athens will reach a deal with its creditors.

    Flashback to April when, on the heels of a decree by the Greek government that mandated the sweep of “excess” cash balances from local governments to the Bank of Greece’s coffers, Bloomberg reported that the ECB was considering three options for haircuts on ELA collateral posted by Greek banks. “Haircuts could be returned to the level of late last year, before the ECB eased its Greek collateral requirements; set at 75 percent; or set at 90 percent,” Bloomberg wrote, adding that “the latter two options could be applied if Greece is in an ‘orderly default’ under a formal ECB program or a ‘disorderly default.’” 

    While it’s too early to say just how “orderly” Greece’s default will ultimately be, default they just did if only to the IMF (for now), in the process ending their eligibility under the bailout program and ending any obligation by the European Central Bank to maintain its ELA or its current haircut on Greek collateral, meaning the ECB will once again reconsider their treatment of assets pledged for ELA and as FT reported earlier today, Mario Draghi may look to tighten the screws as early as tomorrow:

    When the Eurozone’s central bankers meet in Frankfurt on Wednesday, they could make a decision which some officials fear could push one or more of Greece’s largest banks over the edge.


    The European Central Bank’s governing council is poised to impose tougher haircuts on the collateral Greek lenders place in exchange for the emergency loans. If the haircuts are tough enough, it could leave banks struggling to access vital funding.


    The ECB on Sunday imposed an €89bn ceiling for so-called emergency liquidity assistance, effectively putting the Greek banking system into hibernation. If, to reflect the increased risk of default, the ECB now applied bigger discounts to the Greek government bonds and government-backed assets which lenders use as collateral, that could leave banks struggling to roll over those emergency overnight loans.


    Some on its policy-making governing council feel that Athens’ exit from a programme — notwithstanding its 11th-hour request for an extension and third bailout — leaves the ECB with little choice but to take actions that would, in effect, cut the Bank of Greece’s emergency support to Greek lenders.


    Some eurozone officials fear that the position at Greece’s biggest lenders is so tight the ECB could be in danger of pushing some weaker banks over the edge if tougher haircuts are imposed.

    Recall that in mid-June, Greek banks were said to have had as much as €32 billion in ELA eligible collateral that served as a buffer going forward. Since then, the ELA cap has been lifted by around €5 billion, meaning that a generous estimate (and we say “generous” because according to JPM, Greek banks ran out of ELA collateral weeks ago) puts the buffer at a little more than €25 billion. 

    As the haircut rises, that buffer disappears and once the discount applied to the collateral reaches a certain level, an implied depositor haircut materializes. Why? Because by simple balance sheet rules, assets must match liabilities (leaving a token €0.01 for shareholder equity) and once the haircuts eat through the collateral buffer, the implied value of Greece’s pledged assets (currently at around €125 billion) will quickly fall below the value of Greek banks’ unsecured liabilities which sit at around (but really under) €120 billion as of the date capital controls were imposed in Greece over the weekend. These liabilities are better known as “deposits.”

    At that point, a depositor haircut is required.

    Although the collateral haircuts aren’t public, the face value of pledged collateral is (it can be found on the BoG’s balance sheet) as is the ELA cap, meaning it’s possible to estimate the current haircut and, starting with the assumption that a generous €25 billion buffer remained as of the ECB’s Sunday freeze of the ELA ceiling at €89 billion, project the implied depositor bail-in for different collateral haircut assumptions.

    Here is the summary sensitivity analysis indicating what a specific ELA haircut translates to in terms of deposit haircut.


    Another way of showing this dynamic is presenting the ELA haircut on the X-axis and the corresponding deposit haircut on the Y-axis once the critical “haircut” threshold of 60% in ELA haircuts is crossed.

    As can be seen raising the haircut to 75% implies a €33 billion (or 37%) depositor bail-in or “haircut”, while raising the haircut to 90% implies a €67 billion (or 55%) hit.

    Note that the latter scenario looks quite familiar to what happened in Cyprus, and indeed that’s not at all surprising because if, as Dijsselbloem himself said, Cyrpus is a “template“, then the next step after capital controls is a depositor bail-in. 

    And while we wish we could have some good news for the Greek population, this outcome may have been preordained by none other than Goldman whose Hugh Pill, who on June 28 suggested the following:

    The core constituency of the current Greek government — pensioners and public employees — has enjoyed the first claim on remaining government cash reserves. Only when those cash reserves are exhausted will that constituency face the direct implications of the liquidity squeeze the political impasse between Greece and its creditors has created. And only then will the alignment of domestic political interests within Greece change to allow a way forward.

    And as Goldman’s former employee and current head of the ECB is about to have his way, the pensioners and public employees will be the first to suffer – first with capital controls and then with ever increasing haircuts on their deposits.

    In other words, in order for the Troika to finally achieve its goal of either forcing Tsipras to relent or inflicting enough pain on Syriza’s “core constituency of pensioners and public sector employees” to compel them to drive the PM from office, after capital controls come the depositor haircuts, first small, then ever greater until Greece collectively Cries Uncle and begs Europe to take it back while presenting Merkel with Tsipras and Varoufakis’ heads on a proverbial (and metaphorical, we hope) silver platter. 

  • How China Lost an Entire Spain in 17 Days

    By EconMatters


    Concerned about a tumbling equity market, PBOC moved to cut both interest rates and the reserve requirement ratio for banks over the weekend.  However, increasingly wary of a market bubble in China, investors still sent Shanghai Composite spiraling down another 3.3% on Monday after the dramatic 7.4% plunge last Friday despite the support from the central bank.



    Chaos on Three Continents


    Investors are also unnerve by the latest development of Greece just days before a total default and Grexit out of EU, and the news that Puerto Rico could become another Greece of the U.S. facing a financial crisis and cannot pay back its $70 billion in municipal debt.


    Read: China’s $370 Billion Margin Call


    VIX Spike


    MarketWatch reported that VIX spiked 33% to above 18, the highest since February, implying that investors are very nervous about the chaos going around.


    Beijing Targets Soft Landing?


    If you think U.S. stocks are lofty trading at an average of 16 times last year’s earnings, the average Chinese stock is now trading at 30 times earnings.


    Analysts at HSBC think the China’s central bank was trying to engineer a “soft landing” for stocks. But this could be a difficult balancing act trying to shore up investors’ confidence while keeping a lid on the speculative fever among Chinese retailer investors (Remember those Chinese housewives who bought up 300 tons of gold and made Goldman Sachs swallow their gold selling recommendation?)



    Read: Is China Under The Skyscraper Curse?



    $1.3 trillion, an Entire Spain, in 17 Days

    The Shanghai Composite has fallen 21.5% since its June 12 peak wiping out ~ $1.3 trillion in market cap. To put this in perspective, Quartz pointed out that the ~ $1.3 trillion loss in market cap, in 17 days, is close to the combined market capitalization of Spain’s four stock exchanges, and it’s not even counting losses in Shenzhen, China’s other major bourse.


    Size Does Matter 

    Greece has been the center of financial market attention for the past few months.  With a record $370 billion in margin trades, the Chinese stock market is looking even more ominous.


    Only time will tell if Beijing’s able to turn the situation (i.e. slowing economy with a bubbling equity market) around.  But if the world’s biggest trading nation suddenly has a crisis of some sort, it would be a catastrophe of a different scale.  Size does matter when it comes to financial collapse, and China could do far worse damage than any Grexit or PIIGS debt default.


    Chart Source: Quartz


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  • When Disruption Gets Too Disruptive

    With massive strikes in France and now drivers shooting passengers, Uber is making headlines everywhere. While some might say any publicity is good publicity (and any disruption is good disruption), for the firm valued at $50 billion (with a stunning operating loss of $470 million and revenues of only $415 million) perhaps there is a limit to both press and disruption…


    As Bloomberg reported yesterday from a recent prospectus:


    And that's what makes Uber worth $50 billion to the Shubik Dollar Auction private equity holders.

    And, as Bloomberg details, Uber has a multitude of problems…

    Uber also routinely upsets regulators, which are challenging or banning the company from California to India. Last week, French President François Hollande said Uber's service is illegal and called for it to be dismantled. The latest bump in the road involves drivers in China scamming Uber via fake fares. Uber faces challenges practically everywhere, and we’ve mapped out some of the highlights below.



    Perhaps – given this global furore – Uber's disruption is too disruptive.

    And now this…

    A Florida Uber driver has been reportedly suspended pending a police investigation after he broke the company’s anti-gun policy and shot a passenger who was allegedly choking him during an argument.


    Clearwater police are investigating after the passenger in an Uber vehicle was allegedly shot Sunday night during an altercation with the driver, 74-year-old Steven Rayow. Passenger Marc Memel, 60, was shot in the foot and treated and released from a local hospital, a local NBC affiliate reported.


    “There was a gentleman sitting in his car and there was like blood dripping out of the car so I was concerned what was going on,” Justin Smith, who works at Union Burger on Mandalay Avenue, told the station. “I came back inside to get a couple of rags to just to make sure he wasn’t bleeding out or anything, but it wasn’t nothing like vital.”


    Police spokesman Rob Shaw said: “The driver basically told us that the passenger started choking him. He had his hands around his neck, and in fear of losing consciousness, that’s when the driver of the car pulled out a gun, and in the ensuing struggle, that gun went off.”


    Police said Mr. Rayow is a retired New York City Police officer and has a concealed weapons permit.


    A new Uber policy prohibits riders or drivers from possessing a gun. An Uber spokesman said Mr. Rayow’s access to the Uber platform has been removed, NBC reported.


    Sunday’s incident is a glaring example of why Uber needs to be regulated, with drivers getting a level 2 background check, Public Transportation Commission Executive Director Kyle Cockream told NBC.

    *  *  *

    Problems aside, Uber was raising a $1.5 billion funding round as recently as May that would value the closely held technology company at $50 billion.

    The six-year-old company has recently begun to put more cash toward hiring lobbyists.

  • A 14 Year Old Explains Why Socialism Fails

    Via Shrey's Finance blog (reportedly a 14 year old Brit's thoughts),


    Socialism is one of the biggest breakout economic ideologies of the 20th century. Although the UK general election was won by capitalists, socialism has more advocates than ever before, as a growing contingent are proposing a redistribution of wealth. You just need to look at the 250,000 people who protested on Saturday against the Conservatives’ cuts; only for them to announce £12 billion of welfare cuts a short time later. It is easy to see from this that socialism is becoming increasingly popular in modern society as more and more people are becoming aware of the perceived inequality that exists between the affluent 1% and the rest. However, I am of the opinion that socialism cannot work in modern society, or any society, for that matter, and my reasons are below.

    Firstly, socialism does not reward hard work. Say, for example, that Raj works twice as hard as Mark. Surely Raj should be entitled to twice the pay that Mark gets. However, they both get the same. Over time, Raj will grow wise to the unfairness which is blighting his life, and he will work the same amount as Mark, as, after all, they do not get proportional rewards for their labour. This creates a culture of entitlement where everyone feels as though they need rewards for minimal, or no, work. This undermines the basic human principle of “work hard, reap rewards”, and means that laziness is promoted, which can only start a chain reaction towards a gradually more irresponsible society. This means that even the young children, growing up, know that whatever they do, they will just earn the same as someone else and so do not need to work hard, as there is no hope of a large reward, so work ethics stagnate.


    Moreover, socialism will also undermine innovation. The great innovators of society, such as Bill Gates, are, mostly, the ones who become members of the 1%. This shows that innovation and producing products which people actually want to buy reap gigantic financial rewards, which is part of the reason that innovation is at an all time high these days. If innovation is not so heavily rewarded through the Socialist “redistribution of wealth”, people will not want to innovate anymore, as they are getting the exact same rewards as the non-innovators, the people who, frankly, add nothing to society. This kills innovation as the rewards are going equally to everyone, in effect, rewarding the non-producers and punishing the producers. It is like, as I read on another website, taking the average of a class and giving everyone in the class the class average. Of course, the worse students in the class would jump at this proposition, however the top students would not be so joyful. This is exactly what socialism stands for, except on a larger scale.


    Finally, socialism, contrary to popular belief, undermines the basic moral values of a person and promotes instant gratification. As people, after some years in a socialist society, will be predisposed to getting something for nothing almost instantaneously, they will not want to slog to get what they want and instead will become almost like a small child to his parents, in that they want everything very quickly, having done almost no work to actually achieve it. Now take the example of the small child, and just think that even adults are subscribing to this ideology! This behaviour is toxic in a modern society and will slowly kill the hard working, positive nature that characterised the American Dream. To an extent, we are already seeing this with the Obama administration, with the American public slowly becoming disaffected a-la Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye. Why should they work if they can get everything from the state?

    Herein lies the problem with socialism, in that the bad eggs are rewarded and the good eggs are punished. Is this the kind of society we would like to promote? I think not.

  • Ukraine Halts Russian Gas Purchases After Price Talks Fail

    It has been a bad day for deals and deadlines all around: first Greece is about to enter July without a bailout program and in default to the IMF with the ECB about to yank its ELA support or at least cut ELA haircuts; also the US failed to reach a nuclear deal with Iran in a can-kicking negotiation that has become so farcical there is no point in even covering it; and now moments ago a third June 30 “deal” failed to reach an acceptable conclusion when Russia and Ukraine were unable to reach an agreement on gas prices at talks in Vienna on Tuesday. As a result, Ukraine is suspending its purchase of Russian gas.

    According to RT, Russian Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak and Ukraine’s Energy and Coal Minister Vladimir Demchishin both admitted to reporters that the negotiations had born no fruit. Demchishin added that there would be a new round of talks in September.

    Meanwhile, Ukraine’s energy company, Naftogaz, will stop buying gas from Russia as of Wednesday, July 1.

    “As of June 30, 2015, the agreement between Naftogaz and Gazprom runs out, and conditions for continued supply of Russian gas to Ukraine have not been agreed upon; Naftogaz will no longer be purchasing gas from the Russian company,” a press release by Naftogaz said.

    The Russian minister seemed unhappy and said it was politically motivated and there were no grounds for it.

    So what will prevent Ukraine from simply siphoning off Russian gas transiting its territory for Europe? Nothing, except its word: 

    Naftogaz gave assurances that “the transit of Russian gas through Ukrainian territory to Gazprom’s European clients will continue in full, according to contracts agreed.”

    Russia will not increase the discount it has offered to Ukraine on gas purchases, Novak told the media. “The price of $247 [per cubic meter of gas] is completely uncompetitive, that is why we are very surprised that Ukraine wants a much lower price – it is out of line with the current market environment.” He stressed that the price “is not subject to correction.”

    Ironically, even as Kiev will begin counting down the days until the winter, Russia will continue direct supplies of gas to Ukraine’s southeast, the Donbas separatist region which has been all but forgotten by the Ukraine capital due to the ongoing civil war on location. It has been doing so since February, when Kiev claimed that it could no longer supply gas to the conflict-torn regions due to damaged pipelines.

    While Gazprom insists that Kiev is still responsible for paying for the gas that goes to Donbas, it probably should not hold its breath.

    Incidentally, just like the Eurogroup launched shock treatment on Greece with capital controls first and shortly deposit haircuts, all in order to force the Greek government to resign by peaceful means or otherwise, the Kiev government, just as broke and about to default on its own bonds, may have just lit the fuse under its own cabinet, because while nobody needs heating in the summer when it is hot, in 5 months it will get very cold and as Greece has shown a desperate people are unpredictable.

    Should the gas cutoff continue well into the cold winter, it just may be the catalyst that forces the revulsion against a regime that has so far done the bidding of the US State Department, if not so much its own people.

  • Tuesday Humor: Merkel's Desktop

    Mouse finger poised and yet

  • "Off The Grid" Indicators Suggest US Economy Not Ready For 'Liftoff'

    Via ConvergEx's Nicholas Colas,

    You’re probably sick of hearing about Greece, so today we’ll offer up something completely different.  Every quarter we review a raft of unusual and less examined datasets with an eye to refining and adding perspective to our more traditional macroeconomic analyses.


    This quarter’s assessment of everything from large pickup truck and firearms sales to Google search autofills for “I want to buy/sell” shows a U.S. economy that is reasonably strong but growing only very slowly.


    The chief areas of concern: Food Stamp participation is still very high at 45.6 million Americans (14% of the total population) and indicators like used car prices and large pickup sales are flat. 


    One good piece of news going into the July 4th long weekend: our Bacon Cheeseburger Index – a proxy for popular food prices – is down 3.7% from last year, led lower by declining bacon prices (down 18%). 

    If you are in the investment game for a few years or more, you pick up enough in the way of economics knowledge to be dangerous.  You can quote the difference between U-6 and U-3 unemployment with ease, outlining a whole range of theories about which one the Fed really watches more carefully.  You can quote the yield on the 10 U.S. Treasury versus its German and Japanese counterparts and what those spreads have done in the last few weeks.  And no one parses a Fed statement like you can…  Seriously.  No one.

    But how about some real world questions to test your knowledge of, well, the real world that Americans actually inhabit?  You know – like actual people.  Not the world of statistics and trend graphs. For example, do you know:

    The price of a pound of ground beef?  Your first answer should not be a price.  It should be a question: chuck or beef?  Yes, there can be a difference, usually based on the amount of lean meat in the grind.  The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics survey of food prices for May shows a price of $4.31/lb for “Chuck” and $4.14/lb for beef, up 15-19% over last year.


    The price of a new Chevy Silverado full-sized pickup truck?  As with beef, this is a trick question.  You should ask: what towing capacity, and are we talking 2 door, double cab, or crew cab?  Short box or standard?  A real work truck, with crew cab, standard bed and V-8 is $40,211 according to the company’s website.  Add the bucket front seats and a nice stereo and you are at $42,000, before applicable sales taxes.  For reference, a reasonably equipped Mercedes C-Class sedan is about the same price.


    How much is dinner at Cracker Barrel?  No tricks this time – and there are over 600 locations to choose from, so don’t tell me you’ve never heard of the place.  The “Country Dinner Plate” is $7.69, which includes a main dish (choices include fried chicken livers and 2 interpretations of a catfish fillet), two sides and corn muffins or buttermilk biscuits.  You can check out their website for other menu items – they all look like good home cooking to me.

    Now, none of these will ever be market-moving information, but chances are good that you now have a few more heuristic wrenches for your economic tool box.  A shiny new pickup truck with a contractor’s company name on the door shows that business is good.  Like the better part of $50,000 new truck good.  And two pounds of ground beef in the supermarket is close to $10 – real money to most Americans.

    In this spirit of staying connected to things actual consumers do, every quarter we review a range of “Off the grid” economic indicators.  We don’t expect anyone will be reworking their econometric models to incorporate them.  That’s not the point.  Rather, they are meant to provide a series of windows into the actual state of the U.S. economy.  We’ve included several charts and graphs immediately after this note, but here is a summary of the data.

    U.S. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.  Despite the notional recovery of the American economy since 2010, there are just as many Americans enrolled in SNAP (once known as food stamps) as July 2011: 45.6 million men, women, and children as of March 2015 (most recent data available).  The good news, such as it is, is that this number is down from the peak of 47.7 million in June 2013.  Of the current enrollees in the SNAP program, 16 million (35% of the total) are children.  That number was just under 10 million in 2007.


    Our takeaway: one of the most vivid examples of how stretched many American households remain and a worrisome fact if the U.S. economy experiences an economic shock in the next few years.


    Used Car Prices.  The price of 2-3 year old used cars has stayed remarkable firm since 2011, according to Manheim Auto Auctions proprietary sales data.  This goes counter to many “Smart money” calls for the value of used cars to decline over the last 12 months.  This is important because buoyant used car prices help support new car sales through strong trade-in values.



    Our takeaway: one of the most important positives for U.S. auto industry, not only with respect to new car sales, but also low payment terms on leases and even used car financings.


    Background Checks for Firearm Sales.  The current year may well set a new record for the number of instant background checks for firearm sales, as tracked by the Federal Bureau of Investigations.  As of May 2015 (latest data available), the run rate stands at 21.5 million.  That is higher than the 21.1 million of 2013, which is the current record. Not every background check results in a sale, but in our experience most of them do.  Prior to the Financial Crisis, annual background check counts never exceeded 10 million. Since 2007, there have been over 100 million such checks with the majority certainly representing a firearm sale.  There are approximately 250 million adults in the U.S.


    Our takeaway: obviously a deeply contentious issue throughout the country, it pays to remember that firearms are not cheap and buying one is a reasonably large financial outlay.  The typical rifle or shotgun is several hundred dollars, and the most popular full-power rifle in America – the AR-15 – costs over $1,000 new.  So we are talking about a lot of money spent on firearms in 2015 and the continuation of a trend that is now almost a decade long.


    Precious Metal Coin Sales.  The U.S. Mint publishes their sales for gold and silver coins on a monthly basis, and both are pretty slack at the moment.  The dollar value of 1 ounce gold coins (Eagles) is just $52 million on a rolling 6 month basis, right where it was in early 2009.  At its peak, the Mint was moving close to $200 million/month on average in mid-2013.  Silver coin sales show a similar trend, with an average of $57 million/month sold over the last 6 months versus over $100 million/month average in mid-2011.


    Our takeaway: precious metal coin sales spike when Americans grow concerned over the health of the global financial system.  Those concerns seem to be at a low tide just now.  We’ll see what the Greek debt negotiations might do to that confidence, as well as when and if the Federal Reserve chooses to increase interest rates.


    U.S. Mutual Fund Flows.  Despite a pretty consistent bull market for U.S. stocks since March 2009, mutual fund investors have been just as consistent at reducing their holdings of this asset class.  The second quarter of 2015 continues the trend, with $34 billion in outflows for April and May.  Much of that money went to overseas equities (at least on a net basis), where funds dedicated to those investments saw $30 billion of inflows.


    Our takeaway: prior to 2007, mutual fund inflows and absolute performance were tied at the hip.  This is no longer the case, with stronger flows into international equities and fixed income funds.  This quarter simply continued that trend, which we view as largely demographic.


    Job Quits and Consumer Confidence.  As we point out in our monthly JOLTS review, the percent of workers who quit versus being fired is a strong indicator of near term consumer confidence as measured by the University of Michigan survey.  As the accompanying chart shows, confidence has run out ahead of quits.


    Our takeaway: consumer confidence is set for a near term decline to match the long term relationship with quits.


    Pickup Truck Sales.  We use full sized pickup truck sales as a proxy for the health of small business in America.  Since the Financial Crisis, monthly sales of such vehicles have risen from 70,000/month to over 170,000/month now.  The most recent readings, however, show zero percentage growth from last year.


    Our takeaway: Ford is in the middle of a major changeover of its full sized pickup product, and supply issues have slowed production and limited availability. For example, Ford dealers have 83 days supply versus 88-92 for GM and 89 for Dodge.  We’ll have to wait another few months to see if the slowdown in full sized pickup truck sales is permanent or simply supply-related.


    Google Autofills.  One of our favorite “Off the grid” indicators, this simply lists the top items Google suggests for simple phrases like “I want to buy” or “I want to sell” when entered into the company’s search engine.  On the “Buy” side, “House” and “stock” routinely trade places for #1 – this time around “House” wins.  And, thanks to Mad Men (I am told by reliable sources), “The world a coke” is in second place this quarter.  The most commonly entered things people want to sell: “Car”, “House” and “Kidney”.  Yes, the last one makes a regular appearance in these lists, along with “Hair” and “eggs”.


    Our takeaway:  not much change here since mid-2013, showing a healthy level of demand for traditional items.  And it is illegal to sell your kidney.  Hair and eggs are legal, however.


    Bacon Cheeseburger Inflation Index.  Saving the best for last, we average the price changes from the Consumer Price Index for beef, cheese and bacon.  This time around, bacon is down 18% year on year, but beef (at least according to the CPI) is up 10%. Cheese is basically unchanged (down 1.1%).  That means that the cost of a bacon cheeseburger is 3.7% lower than a year ago, a welcome change from the +10% increase last year at this time.


    Our takeaway: With so many pockets of food inflation rearing their heads this July 4th weekend, enjoy something that is cheaper than Independence Day 2014. I will take mine medium well, please.

    So enjoy the barbeque and try not to think about the Greek drama for a few days. It will be here when you get back. Promise.

  • Crude Slips On Surprise API Inventory Build

    After 8 weeks of drawdowns in crude inventories, API reports a 1.9 million barrel build in the past week. Crude’s response is a 60c drop for now…


    A crude build after 8 weeks of draws…


    And the result…

  • Fed Examines Wealth Redistribution Program; Decides It's Not Worth It

    For seven long years the Fed has aggressively defended a monetary policy regime explicitly designed to inflate the type of assets most likely to be concentrated in the hands of the wealthy. 

    Despite the protestations of the man under whom these policies were implemented, the gap between the rich and everyone else has grown in post-crisis America. For evidence of this look no further than latest data on US household income, which shows that while the 0.001%, the 0.01%, the 0.1%, and the 1% have all nearly recovered their pre-crisis share of the national income, the bottom 50% of US filers’ share is not only lower than it was in 2007, but is in fact lower than it was in the depths of the crisis.

    For further evidence of the ballooning wealth divide, simply consult the St. Louis Fed, where researchers recently opined that the American Middle Class “is under more pressure than [anyone] thinks.” The related study shows the fate of Middle Income America diverging sharply from that of the country’s “thrivers” (the name the Fed gives to society’s upper echelon). 

    And while those who, like Janet Yellen, understand how important it is to accumulate assets are doing quite well thanks to multiple iterations of unbridled money printing, the “wealth effect” — which was supposed to be the transmission mechanism whereby trillions in central bank liquidity would find its way to Main Street — simply never materialized. So, with housing becoming more unaffordable by the day and wage growth stagnant for 83% of workers, the San Francisco Fed apparently decided it was time to think about redistributing some of the hundreds of billions the FOMC has generated for America’s ultra rich in order to help out the have-nots and jump start consumer spending. Spoiler alert: after careful consideration, the bank decided redistribution probably isn’t worth the trouble. Here’s more:

    *  *  *

    From The Stimulative Effect Of Redistribution

    The idea of taking from the rich and giving to the poor goes back long before the legend of Robin Hood. This kind of redistribution sounds desirable out of a sense of fairness. However, economists often judge a policy less on whether it is fair, and more in terms of whether it is efficient or inefficient, as well as whether it stimulates or slows economic activity.


    The starting point for our simple estimate is the Consumer Expenditure Survey, which gives an annual picture of complete consumption patterns for U.S. households. The solid black line in Figure 1 plots the share of income that households consumed in 2013. The survey ranks households by income from low to high and divides them into 10 groups called deciles, with the 1st decile showing households in the bottom 10% of the income distribution, and the 10th decile showing households in the top 10%. Spending is then averaged for each decile of the income distribution. The shaded areas below the solid line reflect the share of income spent on different major expenditure categories.



    The figure suggests that households at the lower end of the income distribution spend more than twice what they make. At the upper end, households spend about two-thirds of what they make. Given this large difference in the propensity to consume between low- and high-income households, we consider the economic impact of levying a $1 tax on the rich and transferring it to the poor. This would reduce the high-income household’s spending by about $0.66 and increase the low-income household’s spending by $2, assuming each group spent additional dollars at their average rates. On net, it would create an increase in spending of more than $1.25. Even if the average for households in the bottom decile is overstated and they simply consume all the income they make, Figure 1 suggests every $1 of redistribution from the top earners to the bottom one-third of the income distribution would boost spending by at least $0.33.


    There are still two main reasons why this result overstates the stimulative effect of redistributing income.


    By definition, income equals consumption plus savings. In addition to the consumption and income data we used to calculate the propensity to consume in Figure 1, the Consumer Expenditure Survey also contains data on household savings. One can calculate an alternative measure of propensity to consume using the sum of consumption and saving as the measure of income rather than the income reported in the survey. The resulting alternative profile of the propensity to consume across the household income distribution is shown by the dashed black line in Figure 1. This alternative measure results in a flatter profile of the propensity to consume than the conventional measure, largely because the estimates for low-income households are much lower. The revised estimates suggest these households report consumption and savings levels that are consistent with a substantially higher income than they report in the survey. At the other end of the distribution, high-income households tend to underreport their consumption, especially for basic items like food. This results in an understatement of their propensity to consume (Aguiar and Bils 2011).


    Combining the measurement biases at the lower and upper ends of the income distribution suggests that the actual profile is much flatter than the initial one we discussed. 


    Our discussion of the permanent income hypothesis touched on the importance of access to credit for household consumption levels relative to income. If households have access to credit then they are able to smooth their spending in response to a temporary negative shock to income. Even if they do not have access to credit, households can still self-insure by setting aside savings to cover expenses in times of unexpected income losses. In both cases, peoples’ consumption decisions are driven mainly by their permanent income, and so a high propensity to consume in 2013 may simply reflect a temporary loss of income. The fact that households at the low end of the income distribution can consume substantially more than they earn may also suggest that they have more access to credit than is apparent. In this case, the simple back-of-the-envelope calculation may overstate what fraction of additional income these households would consume.


    There is evidence that differences in propensities to consume this additional income across households are smaller than commonly assumed. 

    To summarize, the San Francisco Fed took a stab at quantifying whether a small levy on the rich would have an outsized impact on the propensity of the lower and middle classes to spend, and once they determined that the answer was probably “yes”, they went back and adjusted a few things to ensure the data was an ‘accurate’ representation of reality only to determine that in fact, people’s propensity to spend doesn’t really vary that much across tax brackets, so therefore, redistributive policies probably wouldn’t do much for the economy after all. Conclusion: it’s probably just as well that the rich keep that dollar as opposed to giving it to the poor.

  • Stocks Turmoil To End Q2 With Worst Run Since Lehman

    Overheard at The PBOC, The SNB, The ECB, and The Fed…


    Before we start, it is worth noting that this is the first consecutive quarterly loss for Trannies since Lehman…


    S&P 2067.89 was all that mattered today – for the biggest US equity market to avoid its first quarterly loss since Q4 2012… It Failed!!


    Q2 ends with crude the big winner, bonds the big loser, and stocks and gold modestly lower…


    Q2 saw Dow Transports ugly, Dow Industrials lower, and S&P teetering on the brink. Small Caps managed a small gain as Nasdaq outperformed…


    Biotechs (healthcare) dominate Q2 with Financials and Discretionary ekeing out gains. Utes were monkey-hammered and Tech closed lower on the quarter…


    Ugly quarter for bonds… (30Y up 57bps in Q2!, 2Y +8bps)


    *  *  *

    Year-to-Date, the picture does not change too much with bonds the laggard, Crude #winning, Silver flat, gold and stocks down…


    And Trannies are a disaster in 2015…


    Year-to-Date, 2Y and 5Y yields are still lower but 30Y is up 37bps…


    *  *  *

    Overnight China hope provided some news chatter into the open…


    But Greece dominated…

    On the day, stocks went into full schizophrenia mode as the inevitable default and Merkel's "Nein" was whipsawed by rumors of a last minut deal and of Greeks suspending the referendum…


    From pre-Greferendum, US equity indices are all lower still…


    With Financials, Materials, and Tech worst…


    FX markets remain "well managed" post Greece…


    Treasury yields appeared to be pulled and pushed between safety bids and month- and quarter-end positioining… (ECB Sells 'em, Fed Buys 'em)


    Crude rallied as the Iran Deal deadline was delayed (again) but bullion limped lower and Copper slipped…


    You can't keep an over-priced irrationally bid Biotech bubble down… Investors saw bonds rallying and stocks volatility, were stunned by the moves around Greek rumors and decided to pile into the safety of Biotechs…


    Chasrts: Bloomberg

  • The US Constitution (2015 Edition)

    Presented with no comment…




  • Who Could Have Seen This Coming?

    It appears Central Bank omnipotence is under threat once again….


    Cross-Asset-Class Volatilities… equities finally catch up to reality.


    It appears you can only hold an ever-expanding balloon of exuberance underwater for so long.


    Charts: Bloomberg

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