Today’s News 29th March 2016

  • Top German Journalist Admits Mainstream Media Is Completely Fake: "We All Lie For The CIA"

    With the increasing propaganda wars, we thought a reminder of just how naive many Westerners are when it comes to their news-feed. As Arjun Walia, of, notes,  Dr. Ulfakatte went on public television stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also adding that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his job.

    He recently made an appearance on RT news to share these facts:

    I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public.


    But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.

    It’s important to keep in mind that Dr. Ulfakatte is not the only person making these claims; multiple reporters have done the same and this kind of truthfulness is something the world needs more of.

    One (out of many) great examples of a whistleblowing reporter is investigative journalist and former CBC News reporter Sharyl Attkisson.

    She delivered a hard-hitting TEDx talk showing how fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.

    Another great example is Amber Lyon, a three-time Emmy award winning journalist at CC, who said that they are routinely paid by the US government and foreign governments to selectively report and even distort information on certain events. She has also indicated that the government has editorial control over content.

    Ever since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA-based initiative to control mainstream media, more and more people are expressing their concern that what we see in the media is nothing short of brainwashing.

    This is also evident by blatant lies that continue to spam the TV screen, especially when it comes to topics such as health, food, war (‘terrorism‘), poverty, and more.

    Things have not changed, in fact, when in comes to mainstream media distorting information and telling lies. They have gotten much worse in recent years, in fact, so it is highly encouraging that more people are starting to see through these lies, even without the help of whistleblowers like Dr. Ulfakatte.

    One great example is the supposed ‘war on terror,’ or ‘false flag terrorism.’ There are evenWikileaks documents alluding to the fact that the United States government planned to “retaliate and cause pain” to countries refusing GMOs.

    Mainstream media’s continual support of GMOs rages on, despite the fact that a number of countries are now banning these products.

    The list of lies goes on and on. It’s time to turn off your T.V. and do your own research if you are curious about what is happening on our planet. It’s time to wake up.

  • One Third Of UK Children Spend Less Time Outdoors Than US Prison Inmates

    Over the course of his campaign, Bernie Sanders has made it clear that criminal justice reform is something he cares quite a lot about.

    “I consider reforming our criminal justice system one of the most important things that a president of the United States can do,” the Vermont senator told a Chicago crowd in December. Sanders has called the incarceration rate in America “an international embarrassment,” and earlier this month, he said the following during a debate with Hillary Clinton:

    Where we are right now, is having more than 2.2 million people in jail — more than any other country on Earth. This is a campaign promise: At the end of my first term, we will not have more people in jail than any other country.”

    Given the high rate of incarceration in the US, it’s important that Americans don’t take their freedom for granted because, well, because the government won’t hesitate to throw you in jail. Once there, UN guidelines only require that you get to breathe fresh air for one hour a day – the standard minimum guidelines call for “at least one hour of suitable exercise in open air daily.”

    You can believe that inmates cherish that hour and you can imagine how shocked the residents of Indiana’s Wabash maximum security prison were to find out from researchers that one third of all children aged 5 to 12 in the UK play outdoors for less than 30 minutes each day, while a fifth of parents surveyed said their children don’t go outside at all.

    “Outdoor play isn’t happening,” the “Dirt Is Good” initiative found in a survey of 12,000 parents. “Almost a third of children play outside for 30 minutes or less a day and one in five don’t plan outside at all on an average day.” Watch below as inmates react to the study.  

    So what are kids in the UK doing instead? Why, staring at screens of course. “Children spend twice as much time on screens inside as they do playing outside,” the same study found. 

    But it’s not all bad news. Children in the UK are far more likely to be able to make up for lost time outdoors later in life than are kids in the US. The incarceration rate in the UK is around five times lower than it is in America.

  • These Energy Companies Are Most At Risk From The "Spring Redetermination"

    In late September, during the peak of fall borrowing base redetermination , many oil and gas companies got their first glimpse of just how bad their liquidity would get when as a result of collapsing commodity prices, the value of their collateral crashed when PV-10s plunged by up to 80% Y/Y as of December 2015…


    … and resulted in plunging access to secured liquidity as borrowings bases were eviscerated as much as 38% (for those unfamiliar with the basics of the semiannual redetermination process, the WSJ has a handy and brief 101).


    Incidentally, it would have been far worse if the Dallas Fed and OCC had not stepped in and told lender banks to take it as easy on the debtors as possible, and in some cases, even suspend market-based calculations for price decks. The reason for this kid glove treatment was that many banks were unprepared to reserve and write down the value of their energy loans down to fair values as of the fall. 

    Now, six months later, neither the OCC nor the (Dallas) Fed will be quite as generous and demand that banks act as a benevolent cartel. In fact, from what we have heard, it will be quite the opposite which explains the urgent scramble by many banks to force their debtor clients to issue equity and use the proceeds to repay secured loans.

    As such, the imminent spring redetermination may prove to be just the catalyst to push the recently latent energy crisis to the next level.

    So which companies are most at risk of a suddenly air pocket in liquidity? For the answer we go to a recent Bloomberg Intelligence slide deck prepared precisely for the purpose of showcasing the companies with maxed out credit lines. These are as follows:


    However, while these companies certainly have pulled the short stick, ironically they may not be the first to go: after all, at least they had the foresight of using up their entire available revolvers (and in the odd case of PostRock, more than 100% of it) – it doesn’t matter if now the banks decide to collapse their borrowing base – the funds have already been wired and good luck getting a refund.

    No, the companies most at risk may actually be those with that currently have some of the most highly utilized borrowing bases, ranging anywhere from 62% for Contango to 94% for Vanguard. It is these companies that will suddenly find themselves with zero incremental sources of liquidity as the banks proceed to whack anywhere from 30 to 50% of their borrowing base, leaving them scrambling to preserve liquidity and ultimately leading to bankruptcy court, in no small part under the pressure of secured and soon to be DIP lenders (and in most cases, the post reorg equity) who will demand the least amount of Enterprise Value be wiped out in the months before bankruptcy. Here are the names.


    We would be most worried about the near-term viability of the companies shown above: in our humble opinion these are the companies most at risk from the upcoming spring redetermination period.

    As for the companies shown below, we would not be quite as worried about them, although we are confident that in a few weeks time these “largest borrowing bases” will be substantially smaller.


    Finally, courtesy of Haynes and Boone, here is a less impartial perspective thanks to a poll of banks, PE firms, and oil service companies who were asked to share their thoughts on the upcoming spring redetermination. Among the key findings:

    • Overall respondents expect 79% of the borrowers to see a decrease in their borrowing base in spring 2016
    • Overall respondents, on average, expect to see borrowing bases to decrease by 38% compared to what they were in fall 2015
    • As to the most likely path to be taken by lenders and borrowers who face a borrowing base deficiency this spring: 36% of respondents said the would negotiate an amendment or extension with the lender; 31% said they would sell non-core assets; 15% said they would seek capital from a hedge fund or private equity fund; 4% said sell the company; 13% said restructure or declare bankruptcy

    Haynes and Boone slideshow:


  • Lessons From Brussels – America Should Get Out Of The Middle East

    Submitted by Justin Raimondo via,

    The vicious attack on the Brussels airport and metro underscores the futility of focusing on the Syrian “Caliphate” as the epicenter of terrorism: as I’ve been saying in this space since 2001, the snake has no head. Both al-Qaeda and now ISIS are protean entities with a vast geographical spread, and what the Brussels attack – and, before it, the Paris attack – show is that they have successfully colonized Europe.

    If the “Islamic State” proclaimed by ISIS was defeated and eliminated tomorrow, the terrorist and criminal networks that pulled off the Brussels attacks would still exist.

    The population of Brussels is nearly 25 percent immigrants from Muslim countries, primarily Morocco and Algeria. And as it turns out the two brothers who were the core of the ISIS cell were habitués of the now notorious Molenbeek neighborhood, which consists primarily of the descendants of immigrants who settled there decades ago. Poor, and beset by petty crime, it is a pool in which terrorist recruiters fish with much success. The Syrian civil war has become a cause that attracts young toughs with no prospects, who are looking for some sense of meaning – and a way to express their alienation from the larger society in which they live. Molenbeek was also the base for those who planned and carried out the Paris attacks – it is, in effect, a general headquarters for ISIS to carry out its European operations. Salah Abdeslam, the chief planner of the Paris attacks, fled there and found sanctuary for four months before being caught.

    In short, the problem of terrorism in Europe is an internal phenomenon, not something that comes from the outside. The Europeans imported it – and, as Germany’s welcoming of hundreds of thousands of refugees from the war-torn Middle East dramatizes, they are continuing to import it. Now they are living with the consequences.

    In response, various right-wing populist parties have emerged in Europe that focus on stopping immigration from Muslim countries: in France, Britain, and Germany the rise of the anti-immigration movement has liberal elites in a panic. And yet these movements are for the most part exercises in futility, because that horse is already out of the barn. France, for example, is not going to deport the millions of North African Muslims who have lived in the country for a generation and more: they are French citizens. The same goes for Britain, and all the former empires of Europe whose colonial adventures brought in large numbers of the colonized. Now they are learning – too late – that colonialism is a two-way street.

    What Brussels also showed is that the universal surveillance championed by the War Party as a necessary corollary of the “war on terrorism” would not have stopped the attacks: the ISIS cell consisted of two brothers, which not only ensured against infiltration but also made it next to impossible for any but the most intrusive surveillance to have had any effect. Indeed, the key to stopping the attacks was intelligence – which the Belgian authorities ignored. It turns out that Brahim el-Bakraoui had been deported from Turkey and the Belgians had been warned he was dangerous. They ignored the warning.

    The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz claims that the Belgian authorities had “advance and precise intelligence warnings” about the attack on the airport and the subway but failed to take sufficient action to prevent them. This highlights another lesson of the Brussels attacks: the European authorities are utterly incompetent and unprepared for the challenge they face.

    Beyond that, however, is a larger problem: the ISIS phenomenon is largely a creation of the Western powers and its allies in the Gulf. The Saudis, the Qataris, and the Kuwaitis have long been funding Wahabist extremism, and they are the real progenitors of the ideology that inspired the creation of al-Qaeda and ISIS. Furthermore, regime change in Syria has long been on the American-European agenda, with funding for ‘moderate” Islamist head-choppers flowing from the US Treasury directly into the pockets of extremist gangs in the region. The same enabling action took place in Libya, where – led by Hillary Clinton – the Obama administration sided with “pro-democracy” rebels who turned out to be terrorists.

    With the Syrian civil war as their training ground, the ISIS recruits of Molenbeek and other similar ghettos underwent the transformation from petty criminals to battle-hardened jihadists. And now they are swarming all over Europe, with reportedly thousands of them traveling back to Belgium, France, Britain, and elsewhere to wreak havoc in the name of their newfound cause.

    For us here in America, the lessons of the European tragedy are there to be learned. There is only one solution to the problem of terrorism and it doesn’t involve going abroad in search of monsters to destroy. The point is to make sure those monsters never reach our shores.

    Furthermore, we must withdraw from the Middle East – a possibility that doesn’t bear the economic consequences it once did, given the creation of new technologies that make domestic oil production far easier.

    We are spending billions defending and sustaining the Saudi monarchy and the Gulf states – some of the most repressive regimes in the world. And for what? The interventionists declare that America’s role as a “global leader” represents the defense of our values. But does a regime that beheads “infidels” represent American values? Indeed, there is no operative difference between the internal rule of the ISIS “caliphate” and the Saudi Kingdom. Yet we are obsessed with destroying the former and cuddling up to the latter.

    It’s too late for the Europeans, who are now forced to sleep in the bed they so assiduously made. It isn’t too late for America: we can learn the lesson of Brussels if only we have the will to do so.

  • With Hillary Clinton's Email Lies Unravelling, 147 FBI Agents Are On Her Heels

    Earlier this month, conservative legal advocacy group Judicial Watch released a series of documents obtained via an FOIA request which appear to prove that Hillary Clinton knew her BlackBerry wasn’t secure when she and her staff moved into Mahogany Row (the nickname given to the set of offices reserved for senior officials in the Department of State).

    E-mail exchanges between Senior Coordinator for Security Infrastructure Donald Reid and the NSA show Clinton was intent on obtaining a secure BlackBerry that she could use in restricted areas.

    Although Clinton would of course be given a desktop computer on which she could safely conduct state business, Reid said the Secretary had become “addicted” to her BlackBerry during her ill-fated 2008 Presidential campaign. “The issue here is one of personal comfort,” an e-mail from Reid reads. “S [Secretary Clinton] does not use a personal computer so our view of someone wedded to their email (why doesn’t she use her desktop when in SCIF?) doesn’t fit this scenario … during the campaign she was urged to keep in contact with thousands via a BB … once she got the hang of it she was hooked … now everyday [sic], she feels hamstrung because she has to lock her BB up.”

    When the NSA wasn’t receptive, long-time Clinton aid and BlackRock crony Cheryl Mills tried her hand at convincing security officials to find a work around for Clinton’s BlackBerry but she too was rebuffed. “The department’s designated NSA liaison, whose name was redacted from the documents, expressed concerns about security vulnerabilities inherent with using BlackBerry devices for secure communications or in secure areas,” AP recounts, adding that “Clinton began sending work-related emails through private accounts soon after, in March 2009.”

    Or so the story goes. In fact, however, Clinton may have begun using the private server housed in her basement before March. And while there’s some ambiguity, that would seem to contradict statements she made under oath.

    “Conservative legal watchdogs have discovered new emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server dating back to the first days of her tenure as secretary of State,” The Hill reports, referencing newly released messages turned up by Judicial Watch. “The previously undisclosed February 2009 emails between Clinton from her then-chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, raise new questions about the scope of emails from Clinton’s early days in office that were not handed over to the State Department for recordkeeping and may have been lost entirely.” Here, for instance, is a message dated February 13 that appears to reference the meeting Mills had with the NSA:

    Just to clarify, this is a problem because Clinton’s campaign has contended that she did not use the personal account prior to March and the publicly released e-mails begin on March 18. 

    Again, there’s some ambiguity here. “[Clinton] has previously acknowledged that she emailed with department officials before March 18, 2009, the date of the first email in the collection that former Secretary Clinton provided to the Department in December 2014,” a State Department official said last week. “Former Secretary Clinton has also indicated that she does not have access to work-related emails beyond those she turned over to the Department.”

    So essentially, the argument is that although there were indeed work related e-mails sent prior to March 18, Clinton could not access them to turn them over – or something. The story keeps changing. And indeed that’s the whole problem. At this point it’s abundantly clear that Clinton would have been far better off telling the truth from the very beginning and the fact that incremental information continues to surface certainly seems to suggest that the former First Lady fully intends to admit only what someone else can prove. That doesn’t exactly inspire much trust.

    “So now we know that, contrary to her statement under oath suggesting otherwise, Hillary Clinton did not turn over all her government emails,” Tom Fitton, the head of Judicial Watch said in a statement. “We also know why Hillary Clinton falsely suggests she didn’t use account prior to March, 18, 2009 — because she didn’t want Americans to know about her February 13, 2009, email that shows that she knew her Blackberry and email use was not secure.”

    While we would note that there’s a bit of confirmation bias going on there (i.e. Fitton said the messages he uncovered earlier this month were proof that Clinton knew her BlackBerry wasn’t secure and now he says the new e-mails are proof that that proof was indeed proof), Fitton is probably right. Clinton most likely would rather not have been forced to admit that she and Cheryl Mills essentially tried to browbeat the NSA into figuring out how to accommodate the BlackBerrys because the very fact that they had the conversation in the first place suggests Clinton and Mills knew the devices weren’t secure.

    But more importantly, it seems exceedingly unlikely that Clinton couldn’t have turned over the messages from February had she wanted to. That is, how is it that she had access to mail on her private sever from March 18 but not from the beginning of February? Did she permanently delete the messages? And if so, why? 

    Well the FBI intends to find out, because as a new Washington Post piece (which you’re encouraged to read in its entirety) details, the Bureau now has 147 agents on the case. “One hundred forty-seven FBI agents have been deployed to run down leads” WaPo writes, adding that “the FBI has accelerated the investigation because officials want to avoid the possibility of announcing any action too close to the election.”

    While we can always hold out some hope that Clinton will one day be held accountable and that someone, somewhere will dispel with the notion that America’s political aristocracy is above the law, we can’t help but suspect that we’ll never see Hillary Clinton in black and white stripes – unless it’s a pantsuit. 

  • Saudis To "Modernize" Economy As Interbank Rates Surge & Money Supply Collapses At Record Pace

    For the first time since January 2009, 12-month Saudi interbank rates have breached 2.00% – double the 1% lows of August.


    This 'stress' is also evident in the record pace of collapse of Saudi money-supply.


     While Riyal forwards have rallied back from extreme bets on devaluation, they remain concerning for Saudi officials who to undertake some deep and fundamental changes to their economy, reforms that no amount of browbeating from organizations like the IMF could induce.

    As's Nick Cunningham details, a new report from The Atlantic Council finds that the extensive decline in oil revenues is focusing minds in Riyadh. The fiscal pressure is forcing “the kingdom’s leadership to modernize the economy,” the report concludes.

    Saudi Arabia ran a fiscal deficit of about $98 billion in 2015, a figure that will decline only slightly to $87 billion this year. That deficit total is also probably closer to $120 billion in reality though, given that the costs from the war in Yemen were not included.

    The fiscal squeeze is forcing some changes. First, the Saudi government is looking at new taxes, including a 5 percent value added tax (VAT). That may seem like a run-of-the-mill austerity measure, but for Saudi Arabia it is a novel proposal: it will be the first tax imposed in the country.

    More to the point, the VAT is illustrative of where Saudi Arabia is heading. The Atlantic Council argues that the kingdom is starting to reform its economy in fundamentally positive ways. Low oil prices are forcing it to rely more upon taxes and less on oil revenues. That would start to make Saudi Arabia less of a “rentier state,” a country that has no need to build much of an economy because resource extraction is so lucrative. Rentier states often suffer from greater corruption and a deeper lack of responsiveness to the needs of the public, since abundant oil revenues mean that the government does not need revenue from its populace.

    Another major shift in Saudi Arabia could be the partial privatization of Saudi Aramco. Prince Mohammed bin Salman made news in early January when he told The Economist that the government was mulling over such a step. There has been a lot of speculation about why an IPO would be staged. Transparency appears to be a top concern. While Aramco routinely publishes operational data, detailing production figures, shipments, and downstream activity, the company reveals very little about its finances. “The most likely explanation for Saudi Aramco’s lack of financial transparency is that it wants to hide how much money is siphoned off to the royal family,” The Atlantic Council report suggests.

    By privatizing some Aramco assets (likely downstream) and cleaning up and publishing data from the company’s books, the Saudi government apparently is showing some recognition that its relationship with the public must change. “Naturally, the royal family is unlikely to find itself cut off from any of the oil benefits to which it is accustomed. However, what is likely to change is that the family will no longer see itself as able to access funds without being held responsible by the Saudi public.”

    Obviously, the downturn in oil prices is not exactly something that the Saudi government is happy about. Although it has about $616 billion in cash reserves, enough to finance its large fiscal deficits for years, Saudi Arabia is burning through those reserves at a rapid clip. In 2014, Saudi Arabia had $746 billion in reserves at its highest point.

    Also, the government’s perennial top concern is social stability. Having to introduce new austerity measures, reduce subsidies, raise some taxes, and generally acknowledge that the country’s luxurious days could be coming to an end, the fall in oil prices presents some new risks. As The Atlantic Council notes in its report, any instability in a country that accounts for 10 percent of the world’s oil production would be felt across the globe.

    Still, the reforms underway are long overdue, and in that sense, there is a silver lining in the crude price crash. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has succeeded in starting to build a more diversified industrial economy, with new facilities producing chemicals, fertilizers, aluminum, cement, and other industrial products. Up until now, however, economic diversification has not gone as far as it could. Part of the reason is that Saudi Arabia, as a “rentier state,” does not tax manufacturing, and thus, has had little incentive to promote its growth. For that matter, it has had little incentive to promote the growth of any non-oil sector of its economy.

    Now, the reforms underway – new taxes, subsidy cuts, and the partial privatization of Saudi Aramco – are making Saudi Arabia “increasingly resemble most modern economic states.”

    However, it is still early days and the reforms are far from assured. “Admittedly, complete change will not come overnight, but it is nonetheless being prodded on by the decline in income,” the report concludes.

  • The US Election 'Shame' Of Thrones

    It appears George R.R. Martin’s best-selling book series has a lot of similarities to the ‘ice’ and ‘fire’ of the current election campaign. Two powerful families (the establishment vs Bernie and Trump) of liars and honest men (and women) playing a deadly game for control of the ‘kingdom’…


    h/t @g_mastropavlos

  • Ron Paul: A European PATRIOT Act Will Not Keep People Safe

    Submitted by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

    It was not long after last week’s horrifying bombings in Brussels that the so-called security experts were out warning that Europeans must give up more of their liberty so government can keep them secure from terrorism. I guess people are not supposed to notice that every terrorist attack represents a major government failure and that rewarding failure with more of the same policies only invites more failure.

    I am sure a frightened population will find government promises of perfect security attractive and may be willing to allow more surveillance of their personal lives. They should pause a little beforehand and consider what their governments have done so far to keep them “safe.”

    The government of France, for example, has been particularly aggressive in its Middle East policy. Then-French President Sarkozy was among the most determined proponents of “regime change” in Libya. That operation has left the country in chaos, with much of the territory controlled by an ISIS and al-Qaeda that were not there before the “liberation.” As we learned last week from Hillary Clinton’s emails, Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron were much more concerned with getting their hands on Libya’s oil after the overthrow of Gaddafi. The creation of a hotbed of terrorism that could easily make its way to Europe was not important. They wanted to secure enormously profitable deals for well-connected French and English energy companies.

    Likewise, European governments have been very active in the five-year, US-led effort to overthrow the Assad government in Syria. This foolish move has boosted both ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria to the point where they nearly over-ran the country late last year. It has also led millions to flee their war-torn country for a Europe that has opened its doors with the promise of generous benefits to anyone who can make it there. Is it any surprise that so many hundreds of thousands took them up on the offer? Is it any surprise that in this incredible flood of people there may be more than a few who are interested in more than just free housing and a welfare check?

    Europeans should be demanding to know why their governments provoke people in the Middle East with aggressive foreign policies, and then open the door to millions of them. Do their leaders just lack basic common sense?

    Usually the so-called security experts who advise more government surveillance after a terrorist attack have a conflict of interest. They often benefit when the security state is given a bigger budget. Insecurity is the bread-and-butter of the security “experts.” But why is it that after a terrorist attack, governments are rewarded with bigger budgets and more power over people? Shouldn’t failure be punished instead of rewarded?

    As in the United States, the security crisis in Europe is directly tied to bad policy. Until bad policy is changed, no amount of surveillance, racial profiling, and police harassment can make the population safer. Europeans already seem to understand this, and as we have seen in recent German elections they are abandoning the parties that promise that the same old bad policies will this time produce different results. Hopefully Americans will also stand up and demand a change in our foreign policy before bad policy leads to more terrorist violence on our shores.

  • Japanese Retail Sales Plunge Most Since 2010

    Just one more cut in rates more negative and just a little more ETF buying and bond purchases and we are sure the Japanese will start spending as wages rise…


    4th monthly decline in a row and absent the tsunami and tax-hike reaction, this is the worst drop since Dec 2010…


    At what point do you just admit failure?

  • Full Metal Retard Part Deux: CIA-Backed Rebels Now At War With Pentagon-Armed Fighters In Syria's Aleppo

    It would be difficult to find a program that better exemplifies the word “failure” than the Pentagon’s “train and equip” effort in Syria.

    Last May, US Central Command issued a hilariously absurd press release outlining what was quite obviously going to be a disastrous effort to arm rebel fighters. “The US military and partner forces have begun training the initial class of appropriately vetted Syrian opposition recruits this week to support the effort to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL in Syria,” the PR read.

    The idea was to field a contingent of more than 5,000 fearsome warriors by the end of the year.

    (File photo: Dec. 17, 2012 Syrian rebels attend a training session in Maaret Ikhwan near Idlib, Syria)

    Long story short, the effort was a fiasco – a complete debacle – a hilarious screwup. First, Colonel Nadim al-Hassan and an unknown number of other fighters from “Division 30” were kidnapped in the Aleppo countryside in July. “A senior U.S. defense official confirmed the snatched fighters had gone through the initial vetting process to receive training in Turkey,” The Daily Beast wrote at the time. “But then, for reasons that remain unclear, they traveled to Syria before they were ready to do battle with ISIS.” Subsequently, al-Nusra simply arrested them at a checkpoint near Zahart al-Malkia.

    “We warn soldiers of (Division 30) against proceeding in the American project,” the al-Qaeda affiliate said in a statement distributed online. “We, and the Sunni people in Syria, will not allow their sacrifices to be offered on a golden platter to the American side.

    As humiliating as that most certainly was, it got far, far worse. In late September, rumors circulated that Division 30 commander Anas Ibrahim Obaid had defected to al-Nusra after he disappeared in Aleppo.

    Apparently, Obaid entered Syria from Turkey the day before with some 70 new graduates of the US program and a dozen or so four-wheel vehicles equipped with machine guns and ammunition. Although there are competing accounts as to what exactly happened next, Division 30 ultimately handed over all of the ammunition and the pickup trucks to al-Nusra in exchange for “safe passage.”

    They handed over a very large amount of ammunition and medium weaponry and a number of pick-ups,” one Abu Fahd al-Tunisi, an al-Nusra member, said on Twitter. “A strong slap for America… the new group from Division 30 that entered yesterday hands over all of its weapons to Jabhat al-Nusra after being granted safe passage,” he added.

    Yes, “a strong slap for America” that came just days after “a strong slap” for taxpayers who on September 16 learned that only “four or five” graduates of the $500 million program were still fighting in Syria.

    The program was understandably mothballed a few weeks later, but that doesn’t mean US-trained forces didn’t continue to rack up embarrassing battlefield losses to al-Nusra. In fact, it was exactly two weeks ago that al-Nusra took over Maarat Numan from Division 13 (one of the first rebel groups to receive US-made TOWs), confiscating anti-tank missiles, armored vehicles, a tank, and other arms in the process. “We congratulate [al-Nusra chief Mohammad] al-Jolani on this conquest!” Division 13’s leadership exclaimed, sarcastically on Twitter.  

    Throw in the fact that the FSA – not to mention all the other “moderate” rebels fighting in and around Aleppo – just got finished having their proverbial asses handed to them by Russia and Hezbollah and you’d think things couldn’t get much sillier for the Pentagon.

    But you’d be wrong. 

    As The LA Times reports, Pentagon-armed Kurdish units (so these are different fighters from those involved in “train and equip”) are now engaging in firefights with CIA-armed forces in what is surely the most ridiculous example of US strategy gone horriby (and hilariously) awry to date. 

    Syrian militias armed by different parts of the U.S. war machine have begun to fight each other on the plains between the besieged city of Aleppo and the Turkish border, highlighting how little control U.S. intelligence officers and military planners have over the groups they have financed and trained in the bitter five-year-old civil war,” the Times writes. “The fighting has intensified over the last two months, as CIA-armed units and Pentagon-armed ones have repeatedly shot at each other while maneuvering through contested territory on the northern outskirts of Aleppo, U.S. officials and rebel leaders have confirmed.” Here’s more: 

    In mid-February, a CIA-armed militia called Fursan al Haq, or Knights of Righteousness, was run out of the town of Marea, about 20 miles north of Aleppo, by Pentagon-backed Syrian Democratic Forces moving in from Kurdish-controlled areas to the east.


    “Any faction that attacks us, regardless from where it gets its support, we will fight it,” Maj. Fares Bayoush, a leader of Fursan al Haq, said in an interview.


    Rebel fighters described similar clashes in the town of Azaz, a key transit point for fighters and supplies between Aleppo and the Turkish border, and on March 3 in the Aleppo neighborhood of Sheikh Maqsud.


    The attacks by one U.S.-backed group against another come amid continued heavy fighting in Syria and illustrate the difficulty facing U.S. efforts to coordinate among dozens of armed groups that are trying to overthrow the government of President Bashar Assad, fight the Islamic State militant group and battle one another all at the same time.


    At first, the two different sets of fighters were primarily operating in widely separated areas of Syria — the Pentagon-backed Syrian Democratic Forces in the northeastern part of the country and the CIA-backed groups farther west. But over the last several months, Russian airstrikes against anti-Assad fighters in northwestern Syria have weakened them. That created an opening which allowed the Kurdish-led groups to expand their zone of control to the outskirts of Aleppo, bringing them into more frequent conflict with the CIA-backed outfits.

    The reference to “Kurdish-led” groups is a nod to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a make-believe alliance between the YPG and “Syrian Arabs.” As we noted last autumn in our classic post “Full Metal Retard: US Launches ‘Performance-Based’ Ammo Paradrop Program For Make-Believe ‘Syrian Arabs’“, there is no such thing as the SDF. The US was looking for a way to arm the YPG without enraging Erdogan, and so Washington tried to say that the Kurds had in fact joined forces with moderate Arabs in an ad hoc anti-Assad coalition. The Pentagon then promptly dropped 50 tons of ammo into the middle of the desert on pallets for the Kurds to retrieve (Erdogan saw right through the ruse, but that’s another story). “The group is dominated by Kurdish outfits known as People’s Protection Units or YPG,” the Times goes on to note. “A few Arab units have joined the force in order to prevent it from looking like an invading Kurdish army, and it has received air-drops of weapons and supplies and assistance from U.S. Special Forces.”

    Of course none of this should surprise anyone. The Kurds are looking to bridge the territory they control east of the Euphrates along the Syrian-Turkish border with that which they control in Aleppo and that means moving into the Azaz corridor (i.e. the grey area between the purple areas on the map below).

    The Kurd’s recent move to declare federalism will only make the push to unite their territory in northern Syria more urgent. 

    What makes this especially absurd is that Erdogan is firing on the YPG in and around Azaz. And by “YPG” we mean the Pentagon-backed “SDF.” So summing up, you have the Pentagon-backed Kurds fighting CIA-backed Islamists in an area where US-ally Erdogan is firing on the same Pentagon-backed Kurds.

    And believe it or not, that’s not the punchline. The punchline is that Obama is considering restarting the train and equip program which would mean that in addition to the Pentagon-backed Kurds fighting in close proximity to and sometimes against CIA-backed rebels, you’d have a separate group of Pentagon-backed fighters operating in the very same area and everyone would be dodging artillery fire from the Turkish army. 

    Perhaps an unnamed US official who spoke to the LA Times summed it up best: “This is complicated.”

    *  *  *

  • Is Trump Wrong About A Border Wall? One Stunning Chart Has The Answer

    Submitted by Jacob Bojesson via,

    Several European countries have erected fences to keep migrants out, and, according to the numbers, every case appears to have a large impact.

    Hungary was a popular pathway for refugees on their way to Germany during the fall. When the daily illegal border crossings were at 7,000 per day, Prime Minister Viktor Orban decided to erect a fence along the border to Serbia and Croatia.

    The result speaks for itself:

    Illegal border crossings in Hungary in October, 2015. (Hungarian Police/The Daily Caller News Foundation)
    When the fence went up Oct. 17, the influx went down to 870 from 6,353 only a day earlier. Illegal border crossing were steadily below 40 per day throughout the rest of the month. The number picked up slightly in February, after migrants destroyed part of the fence, but it remains in the low hundreds.
    Another successful example is Macedonia — the first step on the Balkan route, which separates Greece from the rest of the EU. Macedonia had more than 60,000 migrants enter the country in January. The migrant influx was cut significantly, leaving tens of thousands stranded in Greece. The desperation among refugees led to clashes with Macedonian military in late February.

    Germany’s rising anti-immigration party, Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD), proposed a fence along its border in March.

    AfD leader Joerg Meuthen mentioned several examples where fences work, particularly in Spain, where it forces North African migrants to take a long detour to get to Europe.

    “They have to go around the Mediterranean” to find a way in, Meuthen said at a rally, according to news agency AFP. “Yes, fences have an impact.”

    *  *  *

    Of course, as we previously noted that it wasn't just the fence that kept them out of Hungary… it was the tear gas, water cannons, and baton beatings AT the fence.

  • 2016 US Presidential Election Voter's Guide

    in this day-and-age of infinitesimally short attention spans, we thought the following flowchart would provide today’s Millennial voter a quick-and-dirty solution for making their decision come November…



    Source: The Burning Platform h/t Joe

  • US Drops Case Against Apple After FBI Successfully Hacks Terrorist's iPhone

    Dear Tim Cook, the DoJ and FBI will no longer require your assistance in unlocking the iPhone of Syed Farook who, along with his wife Tashfeen Malik, murdered more than a dozen people at an employee holiday party in San Bernardino last December. 


    As we outlined last week, Israel’s Cellebrite, a provider of mobile forensic software, was set to assist the Feds in their attempt to unlock the iPhone. “The government has now successfully accessed the data stored on Farook’s iPhone and therefore no longer requires the assistance from Apple,” the Justice Department said in a filing (embedded below). Here’s the mainstream media line from The New York Times:

    Yet law enforcement’s ability to unlock an iPhone through an alternative method raises new uncertainties, including questions about the strength of Apple’s security on its devices. The development also creates potential for new conflicts between the government and Apple. Lawyers for Apple have previously said that the company would want to know the method used to crack open the device. The government may make that method classified.


    “From a legal standpoint, what happened in the San Bernardino case doesn’t mean the fight is over,” said Esha Bhandari, a staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union. She noted that the government generally goes through a process whereby it decides whether to disclose information about certain vulnerabilities so that manufacturers can patch them.


    “I would hope they would give that information to Apple so that it can patch any weaknesses,” she said, “but if the government classifies the tool, that suggests it may not.”

    Right. Or this could all be nonsense. That is, Apple may have just made America an unwitting participant in an iPublicity stunt, as it were. As we suggested just five days ago, “the entire Apple ‘stand’ for privacy and consumer rights might be one big theatrical spectacle as both parties involved clearly were aware the iPhone can be penetrated with the right tools.” Here’s AP

    The FBI says it successfully used a mysterious technique without Apple’s help to break into an iPhone linked to the gunman in a California mass shooting.


    The surprise development effectively ends a pitched court battle between Apple and the Obama administration.


    The government told a federal court Monday without any details that it accessed data on gunman Syed Farook’s iPhone and no longer requires Apple’s assistance. Farook and his wife died in a gun battle with police after killing 14 people in San Bernardino, California, in December.

    Apple did not immediately comment on the development.


    A U.S. magistrate last month ordered Apple to provide the FBI with software to help it hack into Farook’s work-issued iPhone. The order touched off a debate pitting digital privacy rights against national security concerns.

    So just like that, it’s all over. No hard feelings. And all of this on the heels of what is almost sure to go down as one of the biggest product launch flops in company history. The timing of it all certainly leaves us with more questions than answers.

    306201341 DOJ Requests SB iPhone Order Vacated

  • Deutsche Bank: "We Expect The S&P To Be Between 1925 To 2100 Until The Election"

    Deutsche Bank may have gotten the corporate bond QE from the ECB that it so desired (even if it means another drop in negative rates) even if that did not help its stock rebound anywhere near to pre-crash levels, and its economist department may be gripped by a bout of raging schizhophrenia as erstwile permabull Joa LaVorgna is now one of the market’s bigger bears contrasted with super optimistic DB strategist Torsten Slok (who is seemingly unaware of what his year end bonus was) but that doesn’t prevent the bank from having a very outlook of where the market will be come the November general election, namely “range bound between 1925 to 2100.”

    Here is the latest outlook from DB’s strategist David Bianco

    We expect the S&P 500 to be range bound between 1925 to 2100 until after the US general election. We do not expect the S&P to fall back into correction territory as a double-dip correction already happened and it would likely take clear signs of an impending US recession or a new global shock to cause renewed investor panic.


    While April into May is usually a strong period for S&P 500 performance, we think upside is capped given that 1Q S&P EPS will be down y/y and likely sequentially, Fed speak is likely to be more hawkish especially upon further market gains, Brexit vote risk, and the usual summer softness especially given Presidential campaign headline and geopolitical risks.


    We are more comfortable that the dollar will not surge nea -term given the Fed lowered its 2016-2017 rate forecasts and the ECB and others acknowledge the limited benefits of negative interest rates and currency devaluation. However, we do not expect the dollar to fall as nothing like the Plaza Accord of 1985 has occurred. Moreover, we doubt a strong rebound in commodity prices.


    If the S&P 500 doesn’t reach a new low, then Feb 11 2016 marks the trough of this market correction. During this double dip correction, S&P was sold off -14.2% from May 21 2015 to Feb 11 2016 (183 trading days). It has been 28 trading days since the market trough, this compares to 119 average trading days between 5%+ S&P dips since 1960. This is supportive, but summer and fall are often weaker than usual in election years.

    * * *

    What is unsaid is that if DB’s forecast is just a little too optimistic, and if stocks indeed proceed to tumble, guess which European bank will be scrambling to get a bailout by a very unhappy German taxpayer…

  • Next Came Death: What The Moment Before A Bombing Looks Like

    Belgium. Iraq. Pakistan.

    Each of those countries was rocked by at least one horrific suicide blast last week. In Belgium, it was a crowded airport and metro. In Iraq, a soccer field. In Pakistan, a park popular with women and children.

    The combined death toll from those attacks alone: more than 130.

    Terrorism, by its very nature, is meant to instill fear. That means terrorists must be unpredictable, and to a certain extent indiscriminate in who and what they target. But today’s terror is in some ways fundamentally different in character than that which the world has witnessed in the past. Al-Qaeda, for instance, did not target the World Trade Center because they hated tall buildings and if their sole purpose was to kill 4,000 people, they could have figured out a far simpler way to do it.

    In Bin Laden’s eyes, the towers were an ostentatious symbol of capitalism – a monument to everything the “infidels” stood for, cherished, and sought to force upon the Muslim world. For him, more important than the number of people killed were the indelible images that will forever remain seared in America’s collective consciousness. Although civilized society likes to pretend that the victims will remain in the public’s thoughts and prayers for all eternity, Bin Laden knew that wasn’t true. Rather, he wanted to make sure that the phrase which is so often repeated after a tragedy – i.e. “we will never forget” – actually meant something when it came to his legacy. That necessitated the destruction of symbols, not people. Sure, you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs so “some” (maybe even several thousand) people would have to die, but the final number didn’t matter. It could have been 30, 300, 3,000, or 30,000. The point was to send a message. Does that make it any less horrific or in any way excuse it? Obviously not, but that isn’t the point.

    Many of the attacks we see today cannot be justified by an appeal to the kind of perverse, psychopathic logic that Bin Laden and his ilk so often employed. Bombing women and children at a crowded park in Lahore, killing fans at a soccer match, and targeting civilians standing in line at an airport Starbucks are senseless acts of violence – meaningless even in the minds of the murderous. Consider for instance that before his death, Bin Laden himself derided the brutal, indiscriminate violence employed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq which was the precursor to ISIS.

    None of this is to say that one terrorist is “better” than another, or that the world should long for the days when terrorism “made sense.” Rather, it’s simply to say that now more than ever, tragedy can strike anytime, anywhere. The term “targets” is now meaningless. The question isn’t “who or what should we hit?”, it is “who or what can we hit?”

    With that as the backdrop, consider the following collection of visuals from artist Simon Menner who, after combing through hours of footage from suicide bombs, car bombs and attacks, captured the following images of the very last frame before tragedy struck.

    From The Washington Post:

    “It is very absurd, but apparently the war needs a PR department to function,” artist Simon Menner said. Many new battlefields and weapons of war — drones, surveillance, snipers, cyberterrorism — are invisible and rely even more on media to affirm their existence and threat.


    Menner’s ongoing project, “Last Frame Before Blast,” dwells in invisible warfare. In combing through hours of found footage from suicide bombs, car bombs and attacks around the world, what he found most striking was the moment before a blast. A Russian street scene–the white car is about to blow up. A government office in Sri Lanka–a woman reaches into her sari to detonate her explosive vest.


    A photograph takes a split second in time, and stretches it into eternity. For those caught in Tuesday’s horrific attacks in Belgium, many would probably like nothing more than to return to that last moment of normalcy before the bombs shredded the Brussels airport.


    Menner’s frames captures a bit of this wistfulness. But they are also heavily pregnant with anxiety about where the blast will come from, and the knowledge that everything is about to change. “Once you perceive the threat it is almost indistinguishable from the real threat,” Menner said via email.

  • U.S. Lifted The Crude Oil Export Ban, And Exports Went… Down

    Submitted by Charles Kennedy via,

    Just over three months after the authorities lifted the four-decade ban on crude oil exports, the U.S. has actually exported less this year than it did over the same period the year before, when the ban was still in place.

    According to Clipper Data market intelligence cited by the Financial Times, we’ve seen a 5 percent decline in U.S. crude oil export volumes since the beginning of this year. The data suggests that on average we are exporting (waterborne) 325,000 barrels per day now, compared to 342,000 barrels per day during the first months of 2015.

    And there’s no official data yet—not since the beginning of this year, when the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) noted that during the week ending 22 January, the U.S. had exported just shy of 400,000 barrels of oil, which again was 25 percent less than what was exported for the same week in 2014.

    An oil tanker that reached a French port in January was the first post-ban delivery of U.S. crude oil, but things haven’t really picked up pace since then.

    January’s cargoes, totaling about 11.3 million barrels, marked a 7 percent decline from U.S. crude exports in December, according to data by the U.S. Census Bureau. Shipments during January went to Curacao and France, in addition to Canada, the primary destination. The total number of tankers that have set sail with U.S. crude oil will not be known until comprehensive data on February’s shipments is released by the U.S. Census Bureau.

    The immediate beneficiaries of the ban suspension are gas and oil companies such as Chevron and Exxon Mobil—among the most tireless lobbyers against the ban—and oil trading giants such as Vitol Group BV and Trafigura Ltd Pet.

    Europe and Asia are flooded with oil from Russia and the Middle East, though the first two shipments to leave the U.S. post-export ban went to Europe: one to Germany and the other to France, to be used in a refinery in Switzerland. Dutch media outlets reported in January that a tanker from Houston had reached Rotterdam port, but this remains just a drop in the global export bucket.

    In Asia, even China’s state-run Sinopec—the world’s second-largest refiner—has imported a consignment of U.S. oil, according to a Reuters source. Japan's Cosmo Oil was the first Asian buyer of U.S. oil, purchasing some 300,000 barrels of U.S. crude in mid-January, which will be delivered to its refineries in mid-April.

    The very first South American country that will import U.S. crude oil is Venezuela. In early February, Venezuela’s state-run oil company PDVSA imported a 550,000-barrel cargo of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) through its U.S.-based Citgo Petroleum affiliate. Venezuela started importing foreign crudes in 2014 amid a fall in its own production – buying mostly Angolan and Nigerian light grades.

    WTI is also expected to be exported to Israel, where Swiss commodities house Trafigura will ship some 700,000 barrels. Atlantic Trading & Marketing, the U.S. trading unit of French Total SA, has been planning an export cargo of U.S. crude from Cushing.

    Also, earlier this month, Exxon became the first U.S. oil company to export U.S. crude, sending a tanker from Texas to a refinery it owns in Italy.

    However, storage is now at the highest level in at least a decade. U.S., crude storage levels hit 487 million barrels in early November, closing in on the 80-year high of 518 million barrels in the last week of February. According to the EIA, about 60 percent of the U.S. working storage capacity is filled.

    Globally, the picture isn’t much better, with the International Energy Agency (IEA) saying that 1 billion barrels were added to storage in 2015 alone. OPEC has reported that crude oil stockpiles in OECD countries currently exceed the running five-year average by 210 million barrels.

  • It's Official: The Oil Surge Was Driven By The Biggest Short-Squeeze Ever

    Two months ago, just before crude dropped to 13 year lows, we warned oil traders that there is a constant short squeeze threat” because “oil shorts are at all-time highs, adding that “we have seen extreme short positioning building up in the oil futures market. The quantity of short positions opened is at an all-time high for Brent, and still high for WTI futures.”

    We also warned that “a positive surprise could happen quite sharply, as short positions are likely to be squeezed by a profit-taking move. On WTI, the in-the-money short positions are really dominating at the front end of the curve while out-of-the-money long positions are dominating at the long end of the curve: the front end of oil curve could thus be more exposed to some profit-taking.”

    It was, and just a few days later, the algos took this warning to heart and, courtesy of the most recurring headline (that of a “farcical” oil production freeze) as a recurring catalyst, unleashed an historic short squeeze. Actually make that a record short squeeze.

    Wait, that’s impossible: surely it was more than just shorts covering and oil rose because actual longs were piling in, one could say.

    One would be wrong, and it is now official: as crude soared 50% since Feb. 11, Bloomberg writes, the number of bets on increased prices has barely budged. “Instead, the upward pressure on prices appears to have come from traders cashing out of bearish wagers at an unprecedented pace. The liquidation of short positions during the last seven weeks covered by data from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission was the largest on record.

    “The rally has come from shorts getting scared out of their positions, and you’re not seeing a lot of money coming in on the long side,” said John Kilduff, partner at Again Capital LLC, a New York hedge fund focused on energy. “It really calls into question the fortitude and staying power of the rally.”

    The details: “short positions on West Texas Intermediate crude, or bets that prices will fall, have dropped by 131,617 contracts since Feb. 2, the biggest liquidation in CFTC data going back a decade. To close out a bearish position, traders buy back futures and options, putting upward pressure on prices. In the same period, bullish wagers fell by 971. In the past 10 years, there have been only two other seven-week short-covering streaks, CFTC data show. The first started in September 2009 and the second in December 2012. Both were much smaller than the recent one and were accompanied by oil rallies.”


    It gets better: as we showed previously, the irony is that as oil futures shorts were squeezed out, ETF longs actually declined instead of growing as absolutely nobody – except those who have to buy-in – believes this quote-unquote rally.


    Bloomberg notes that the rebound faltered a day after WTI prices touched a four-month high of $41.45 a barrel on March 22, tumbling 4 percent in New York after government data showed U.S. crude supplies surged the prior week to the highest level since 1930.

    Perhaps there are no more shorts left to squeeze, in which case watch out to the downside: “When energy markets get loaded to one side of the boat like that, you can have vicious reversals,” said Kilduff. And vice versa.

  • Dallas Fed Respondent Sums It Up: "Anyone Saying We're Not In Recession Is Peddling Fiction"

    Headlines will crow of the seasonally-adjusted 'beat' of expectations for the Dallas Fed survey (-13.6 vs -25.8 exp) but this is the 15th month in contraction (below 0) – something only seen in recession. Scratching below the surface we see employees, workweek, and capex all in contraction and forward expectations for new orders and employment tumbled. Perhaps that reality is what drove one respondent to rage, "anyone who says the economy is not in recession is peddling fiction."




    The Respondents…

    The instability of the domestic oil and gas exploration and production activity continues to wreak havoc on demand for our products. 


    Uncertainty is the main issue regarding oil pricing and refining cash flows.


    The positive March versus February comparison (as well as the six-months-ahead view) is due entirely to an extremely poor February. Volume remains well below monthly volume in the fourth quarter. Headcount was reduced in February, allowing remaining staff to return to a 40-hour workweek.


    We are expanding due to longer-term strategy. While we are spread among a plethora of general manufacturing nationwide, we are experiencing a major falloff of inquiries and orders in Texas directly related to the restricted price of oil.


    As a long-lead-time capital equipment manufacturer, we are working off backlog. Anyone who says the economy is not in recession is peddling fiction.


    It appears the oil and gas business won't be back for 12–18 months. We are actively pursuing other industries, with varying degrees of success depending on the industry. We may very well survive.
    We are looking into new markets as the deepwater drilling is pretty slow.


    We are generally just bumping along in a weak macro environment.


    Again, the dollar is too high affecting several of our customers, therefore creating a significant impact on our business. The uncertainty in business is huge, and everyone is holding cash including ourselves. We are not making investments on growth or capital expenditures at this time. Oil prices are also creating a major problem in the oil and gas industry, with consolidations and layoffs happening very frequently.


    We expect the weakening in the energy sector to ripple through to our primary end users in Texas. So far activity statewide has maintained some strength, but we are cautious that it will start to have a broader impact later in the year and into 2017. The degree to which the Texas economy holds up to the trouble in energy will be a testament to the alleged diversification in the state. We are preparing for the worst and hoping for better.


    Our export business continues to be our biggest challenge. The strong dollar will be an obstacle to growth for the foreseeable future. We are simply growing less competitive to our European challengers.


    One of our customers has changed its terms, which has caused us to lose coolers at the front of the store. The coolers are really the only place in the store where our gross margin exceeds our cost of service. Couple this giant hit with a general 1–3 percent long-term decline in soft drink sales, and the next year looks bleak.


    We have been told that companies are cutting their advertising budgets that affect printing. We are getting more phone calls from press and bindery operators looking for work. I am hoping this slowdown is short lived and that the economy improves in the next few months.


    Our turnover in the past year has been triple of the previous nine years: competitors poaching employees, retirements, people we put a ton of training into for two or three years moving out of state for family reasons, and other reasons. We're trying to build staff for new customers coming on board but can’t seem to hold our gains. It is very frustrating. I'm more optimistic about the year than I was in January.


    We have picked up in March but only because February was so dismal. We were super slow with many 3.5 to four-day workweeks in the plant. Activity is trying to pick up, and it appears we will be busier in the coming months than we have been.

    But apart from that, everything is awesome.

  • 2015 Ends With a Stratospheric P/E Multiple Of 23x

    The Q4 earnings season is over and the numbers are in the bag. The GAAP numbers that is, not the non-GAAP garbage that lately everyone from Warren Buffett, to Factset, even to the SEC (and of course this site since 2013) has been bashing.

    We wonder if they will continue bashing the GAAP numbers once they learn what they are, because as the charts below show, the earnings carnage on a real, unadjusted is simply unprecedented. Case in point: Q4 GAAP EPS just dropped even more from our previous estimate, and using IBES data, it is now down from 21 to 19.7, the lowest quarterly print since Q1 2010 when GAAP earnings were just 19.4 (and when the S&P was roughly half where it is now).


    What about on an LTM and full year basis? As the chart below shows, the growing trailing 12 month divergence in the past few quarters between GAAP and non-GAAP has grown to proportions not seen since the financial crisis. What one can say with absolute certainty is that unless oil rebounds, and does so fast, all those “one-time, non-recurring” pro forma addbacks which have kept the non-GAAP EPS of the S&P500 flat while GAAP has plunged, will very soon be revised sharply lower.


    Which brings us to the full year snapshot: what if Buffett, and Factset, and the SEC (and of course this website) are right and GAAP is the proper way of looking at earnings? Then we have a big problem, because instead of the 118.0 in 2015 non-GAAP S&P earnings, which translate into a P/E multiple of 17.3x as of today’s 2037 market close, the real, GAAP EPS of just 88.9 for the full year 2015 means the P/E multiple is now a gargantuan 22.9x!

    It also means that GAAP earnings for the broader market are at a level last seen in 2010 when, as noted earlier, the S&P 500 was trading at about half where it closed today.

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Today’s News 28th March 2016

  • Does The United States Still Exist?

    Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

    An address delivered to the Libertarian Party of Florida on March 23, 2016 in Destin, Florida

    To answer the question that is the title, we have to know of what the US consists. Is it an ethnic group, a collection of buildings and resources, a land mass with boundaries, or is it the Constitution. Clearly what differentiates the US from other countries is the US Constitution. The Constitution defines us as a people. Without the Constitution we would be a different country. Therefore, to lose the Constitution is to lose the country.

    Does the Constitution still exist? Let us examine the document and come to a conclusion.

    The Constitution consists of a description of a republic with three independent branches, legislative, executive, and judicial, each with its own powers, and the Bill of Rights incorporated as constitutional amendments. The Bill of Rights describes the civil liberties of citizens that cannot be violated by the government.

    Article I of the Constitution describes legislative powers. Article II describes executive powers, and Article III describes the power of the judiciary. For example, Article I, Section 1 gives all legislative powers to Congress. Article I, Section 8 gives Congress the power to declare war.

    The Bill of Rights protects citizens from the government by making law a shield of the people rather than a weapon in the hands of the government.

    The First Amendment protects the freedom of speech, the press, and assembly or public protest.

    The Second Amendment gives the people the right “to keep and bear arms.”

    The Third Amendment has to do with quartering of soldiers on civilians, a large complaint against King George III, but not a practice of present-day armies.?

    The Fourth Amendment grants “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures” and prevents the issue of warrants except “upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” The Fourth Amendment prevents police and prosecutors from going on “fishing expeditions” in an effort to find some offense with which to charge a targeted individual.

    The Fifth Amendment prohibits double jeopardy, self-incrimination, the taking of life, liberty, or property without due process and the prohibition of seizing property without just compensation.

    The Sixth Amendment guarantees speedy and public trial, requires that a defendent be informed of the charge against him and to be confronted with the witnesses, to present witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of an attorney.

    The Seventh Amendment gives the right of trial by jury to civil suits.

    The Eighth Amendment prevents excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishments.

    The Ninth Amendment says that the enumeration of certain rights in the Constitution does not deny or disparage others retained by the people. In other words, people have rights in addition to the those listed in the proscriptions against the government’s use of abusive power.

    The Tenth Amendment reserves the rights not delegated to the federal government to the states.

    The Tenth Amendment is a dead letter amendment. The Third Amendment protects against an abandoned abusive practice of government. The Seventh Amendment is still relevant as it allows damages in civil suits to be determined by a jury, once a protection against unfairness and today not always the case.

    The other seven amendments comprise the major protections of civil liberty. I will examine them in turn, but first let’s look at Section 1 and Section 8 of Article I. These two articles describe the major powers of Congress, and both articles have been breached. The Constitution’s grant of “all legislative powers” to Congress has been overturned by executive orders and signing statements. The president can use executive orders to legislate, and he can use signing statements to render sections of laws passed by Congress and signed by the president into non-enforced status. Legislative authority has also been lost by delegating to executive branch officials the power to write the regulations that implement the laws that are passed. The right that Section 8 gives to Congress to declare war has been usurped by the executive branch. Thus, major powers given to Congress have been lost to the executive branch.

    The First Amendment has been compromised by executive branch claims of “national security” and by extensive classification. Whistleblowers are relentlessly prosecuted despite federal laws protecting them. The right of assembly and public protest are overturned by arrests, tear gas, clubs, rubber bullets, water cannons, and jail terms. Free speech is also limited by political correctness and taboo topics. Dissent shows signs of gradually becoming criminalized.

    The Fourth Amendment is a dead letter amendment. In its place we have warrantless searches, SWAT team home invasions, strip and cavity searches, warrantless seizures of computers and cell phones, and the loss of all privacy to warrantless universal spying.

    The Fifth Amendment is a dead letter amendment. The criminal justice system relies on self-incrimination as plea bargains are self-incrimination produced by psychological torture, and plea bargains are the basis of conviction in 97% of all felony cases. Moreover, physical torture is a feature of the “war on terror” despite its illegality under both US statute and international law and is also experienced by inmates in the US prison system.

    The Fifth Amendment’s protection against deprivation of life, liberty, and property without due process of law has been lost to indefinite detention, executive assassination, and property takings without compensation. The Racketer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) passed in 1970. The act permits asset freezes, which are takings. The Comprehensive Forfeiture Act passed in 1984 and permits police to confiscate property on “probable cause,” which often means merely the presence of cash.

    The Sixth Amendment is a dead letter amendment. Prosecutors routinely withhold exculpatory evidence, and judges at prosecutors’ requests have limited attorneys’ ability to defend clients.The “war on terror” has introduced secret evidence and secret witnesses, making it impossible for a defendant and his attorney to defend against the evidence.

    The Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of excessive bail and torture are routinely violated. It is another dead letter amendment.

    It is paradoxical that every civil liberty in the Bill of Rights has been lost to a police state except for the Second Amendment, the gun rights of citizens. An armed citizenry is inconsistent with a police state, which the US now is.

    Other aspects of our legal protections have been overturned, such as the long standing rule that crime requires intent. William Blackstone wrote: “An unwarrantable act without a vicious will is no crime at all.” But today we have crimes without intent. You can commit a crime and not even know it. See for example, Harvey Silverglate, Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent.

    Attorney-client privilege has been lost. The indictment, prosecution, and imprisonment of defense attorney Lynne Stewart is a good example. The DOJ prevailed on her to defend a blind Muslim regarded by the DOJ as a “terrorist.” She was informed that “special administrative measures” had been applied to her client. She received a letter from the federal prosecutor informing her that she and her client would not be permitted attorney-client privilege, and that she was required to permit the government to listen to her conversations with her client. She was told that she could not carry any communications from her client to the outside world. She regarded all this as illegal nonsense and proceeded to defend her client in accordance with attorney-client privilege. Lynne Stewart was convicted of violating a letter written by a prosecutor as if the prosecutor’s letter were a law passed by Congress and present in the US code. Based on a prosecutor’s letter, Lynne Stewart was sentenced to prison. No law exists that upholds her imprisonment.

    Our civil liberties are often said to be “natural rights” to which we are entitled. However, in historical fact civil liberty is a human achievement that required centuries of struggle. The long struggle for accountable law that culminated in the Glorious Revolution in England in the late 17th century can be traced back to Alfred the Great’s codification of English common law in the 9th century and to the Magna Carta in the early 13th century. Instead of issuing kingly edicts, Alfred based law on the traditional customs and behavior of the people. The Glorious Revolution established the supremacy of the people over the law and held the king and government accountable to law. The United States and other former British colonies inherited this accomplishment, an accomplishment that makes law a shield of the people and not a weapon in the hands of the state.

    Today law as a shield of the people has been lost. The loss was gradual over time and culminated in the George W. Bush and Obama regime assaults on habeas corpus and due process. Lawrence Stratton and I explain how the law was lost in our book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions. Beginning with Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th century, liberals saw the protective shield of law as a constraint on the government’s ability to do good. Bentham redefined liberty as the freedom of government from restraint, not the freedom of people from government. Bentham’s influence grew over time until in our own day, to use the words of Sir Thomas More in A man for All Seasons, the law was cut down so as to better chase after devils.

    • We cut down the law so that we could better chase after the Mafia.
    • We cut down the law so that we could better chase after drug users.
    • We cut down the law so that we could better chase after child abusers.
    • We cut down the law so that we could better chase after “terrorists.”
    • We cut down the law so that we could better chase after whistleblowers.
    • We cut down the law so that we could better cover up the government’s crimes.

    Today the law is cut down. Any one of us can be arrested on bogus charges and be helpless to do anything about it.

    There is very little concern in legal circles about this. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) does attempt to defend civil liberty. However, just as often the ACLU is not defending the civil liberties in the Bill of Rights that protect us from the abuse of government power, but newly invented “civil rights” that are not in the Constitution, such as “abortion rights,” the right to homosexual marriage, and rights to preferential treatment for preferred minorities.

    An attack on abortion rights, for example, produces a far greater outcry and resistance than the successful attack on habeas corpus and due process. President Obama was able to declare his power to execute citizens by executive branch decision alone without due process and conviction in court, and it produced barely audible protest.

    Historically, a government that can, without due process, throw a citizen into a dungeon or summarily execute him is considered to be a tyranny, not a democracy. By any historical definition, the United States today is a tyranny.

  • Something Just Snapped In The VIX ETF Complex

    As TVIX, the double-levered long VIX ETF unleashed in Nov 2010, decays to record low prices…


    An unusual (and almost unprecedented) event has occurred. Just as we saw in Gold ETFs, and Oil ETFs, TVIX Shares Outstanding have exploded by a stunning 225% in the last 4 weeks… [the last 3 times TVIX has undeergone such an epic surge in demand marked a major turning point and led a violent surge in VIX]


    with the largest inflows (bearish bets) on record in the last week


    The entire VIX complex is perturbed as the huge bearish TVIX flows contrast with the complacency of the steepest term structure since Nov 2014 (post Bullard-Bounce)…


    And net speculative positioning at its shortest VIX (most bullish) in 2016…


    We saw this kind of manic ETF creation recently in Blackrock's Gold ETF, which forced them to halt creation – for lack of supply…



    In the case of the current scramble for TVIX units, forced buying of VIX futures (which explains the steepness of the futures curve) suggests VIX buying pressure is building…

    As Barron's adds, volatility is back, but too few investors even know it.

    Most are too focused on the CBOE Volatility Index's extraordinary collapse in recent weeks to 15 from about 28. When the VIX is low, as it is now, it tends to be interpreted as a green light to buy stocks. . .or a sign of investor complacency.


    Not enough people realize that the VIX is just a 30-day snapshot of expected returns for the Standard & Poor's 500 index. A more meaningful, if esoteric, indicator is the VIX futures curve, which offers a long-term view of the stock market's perceived risk.


    The curve has lately been flat, indicating little risk to owning stocks between now and more distant months. But the futures curve is now "upward sloping," as if sophisticated investors have suddenly regained visibility into what was an opaque stock market.


    Nothing bores people more than nerdy derivatives measures, including VIX futures curves. But you should add this volatility gauge to your arsenal of indicators if you trade options or want to be a smarter stock investor.

    Once again it appears the ETF tail is wagging the underlying market 'dog' as hedging with the 'cheapest' instrument – no matter how bad the basis – is the new normal. Remember, options markets are already medium term complacent and longer-term terrified.


    As detailed previously, the VXV has been around only since 2007. Over that time, the VIX/VXV ratio has dropped to 78% on 4 prior distinct occasions:

    • March 12-20, 2012 – The S&P 500 chopped sideways for a few weeks before falling some 9% over the next 2 months
    • August 13-22, 2012 – The S&P 500 chopped sideways for a few weeks before rallying by as much as some 4% over the next few weeks. 2 months later, the index had lost that entire gain, and another 4%.
    • December 5, 2014 – The S&P 500 immediately dropped 5% over the next 2 weeks before chopping sideways for several months.
    • March 20, 2015 – The S&P 500 dropped 2.5% over the next week before moving sideways for several months.

    Now there is no guarantee that stocks are about to hit an air pocket. However, given the (albeit limited) precedents, the track record in the short to intermediate-term following such readings has not been a positive one. In fact, following the prior 15 days with VIX/VXV readings below 79%, the S&P 500 was lower 3 months later 14 of the days by a median of -3.7%. The only positive return was the 1 point gain following the March 2015 occurrence.

    All in all, this may not be a Defcon 5 level red flag for the market. However, for a rally that has seen scant evidence of exuberance, this is at least one of the first indications of complacency.

  • Condaleeza Rice To Struggling Ukrainians: "Be Thankful You're Not In Liberia"


    Earlier this month while delivering a public lecture in Kiev, “The Challenges of an Ever-Changing World,” former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made an inspiring remark for anyone who might have been thinking that life in Ukraine was bad:

    “You should go to Liberia where the standard of living is much lower, and then you will be thankful.”

    Ironically, Forbes Ukraine reacted to this with a slightly perplexed analysis that nonetheless led to a conclusion of flawless logic: “Although Liberia has one of the weakest economies in the world, it lags only slightly behind Ukraine with respect to a number of macroeconomic parameters,” and the magazine supported its argument with some anemic statistics (failing however to mention that Liberia’s 85% unemployment rate is far worse than Ukraine’s, even today).

    The rapid deterioration of the Ukrainian economy over the past two post-Maidan years is no longer a taboo topic in the international press (the prominent US academic and former diplomat Nicolai Petro’s recent article in the Guardian made that crystal clear). But to make a long story short, the full picture looks even more depressing:

    People are scrambling to get out of Ukraine. A Kiev-based headhunting agency claims that according to their polls, 70% of the population does not see any future in Ukraine. Ten out of eleven (!!!) Ukrainians are ready to leave the country if offered a job abroad. Forty percent of Kiev’s white-collar workers do not see a secure future for themselves nowadays. Another opinion poll shows that compared to the pre-Maidan period, public pessimism is on the rise. Only 19% of the respondents expected 2016 to bring positive changes for Ukraine (down from 42% in 2013).

    These sentiments are quite understandable if we look at average incomes in Ukraine. According to official data from the finance ministry (as of March 2, 2016), the average salary in Ukraine is only 4,362 hryvnas per month (approximately 145 Euros). The minimum monthly wage is currently set at 1,378 hryvnas (46 Euros). Therefore, the vast majority of working people in Ukraine have to get by on a salary of 2,000-3,000 hryvnas (70-100 Euros) each month. And the number of employed is declining every day. In September 2015, Ukrainian Minister of Social Politics Valery Yaroshenko acknowledged that the unemployment rate had reached its highest point in the history of Ukraine as an independent country, with 23% of young Ukrainians unable to find work (in the parts of the Donetsk region that are controlled by Kiev the jobless rate does approach that of Liberia – 50%!).


    Northern Liberia

    Flag of Northern Liberia

    Low wages and high unemployment are not the only challenges an ordinary Ukrainian has to cope with. To meet the requirements of the IMF, the Ukrainian government must increase the rates it charges for housing and public utility services at least twice per year. As a result, in January 2016 the average bill per household jumped to 1,250 hryvnas – an 80% increase from 695 hryvnas a year ago. Thus, theoretically (and often factually) a family supported by only one working member and living in a modest apartment might need to survive on the beggarly 128 hryvnas – barely more than 4 Euros (!) – that is left each month after housing and utility costs have been paid! Indeed, taking into account some difference in its latitude (and climate) today’s Ukraine might rightly be called a Northern Liberia!

    Meanwhile the index of commodities prices in Ukraine rose 40.3% in 2015. And since this crisis coincided with a 15% cut in the pensions of retirees who work a side job (this “cost-saving measure” was announced by PM Yatsenyuk in January 2015), clearly the majority of elderly Ukrainians are now facing a disaster. So far they have managed to survive thanks to their personal savings, but that resource is drying up: according to the National Bank, in 2015 Ukrainians sold 2,233 billion USD and bought only 0.684 billion USD. Local experts estimate that Ukrainian citizens will exhaust their personal savings by the end of 2016.

    So it’s no wonder that Ukrainians are leaving their country en masse for Europe, mostly headed to Poland (around 400,000 crossed that border last year), in a desperate attempt to find any paid job. There they are cheated, abused, and cynically exploited, but they prefer to stomach such treatment rather than trying to eke out a miserable existence at home:

    Ukraine’s rapid deindustrialization is picking up speed. The abrupt severing of the traditional ties between Russian and Ukrainian businesses, due to suicidal Kiev-imposed regulations, resulted in a 10.7% decline in GDP in 2014 and another 13.4% drop in 2015. Foreign trade, both imports and exports, decreased by one-third. The naive expectations of the incumbent government in Kiev – that Ukrainian products could obtain access to European markets – have been torn to shreds (Nicolai Petro offers one anecdotal fact: Kiev’s biggest European export, under the agricultural quotas established by the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, is honey).

    This situation of social and economic degeneration, along with the ready availability of weapons smuggled out of what is known as the “ATO Zone,” has led to an unprecedented tsunami of criminal activity in Ukraine. In the two years since Maidan, the number of recorded criminal offenses has doubled there. In reality, marauding crowds, armed robberies, and street killings are becoming an everyday event and many incidents go unreported. According to the latest findings from the Hague Institute of Innovating Justice, 44% of Ukrainians do not trust their national judicial system or law-enforcement agencies. A number of nationalist gangs (volunteer battalions) seem to operate out of reach of the law and ignore any attempts by the public authorities to rein them in. The most recent scandals (amber-smuggling in the Rovno region, the blockade of Crimea, and the barriers set up to bar Russian transit trucks) are just the tip of the iceberg of the criminal activities of radical groups in Ukraine that have received media attention. Most criminal incidents do not make the headlines. For example there are around 100 cases currently languishing within the legal system against members of the Aidar battalion who have committed criminal offenses, including charges of serious war crimes in the Donbass, all of which are gathering dust in Ukrainian courts.

    Dutch football fans who used to visit Euro-2012 in Ukraine and now thoughtlessly sharing #TakIsJa hashtag, should understand that the country they saw 4 years ago does not exist anymore.

    There is effectively no state in Ukraine. The authorities are busy ingratiating themselves with every available power figure — the US Embassy, local oligarchs, Right Sector, and various Mafia groups — seeing in those the only keys to the government’s own legitimacy and ability to hold on to power. But one point that they apparently do not understand is that any government lacking public support on the ground and dependent on exterior agents is more vulnerable than they could ever imagine. Did the Liberian dictator Samuel Doe, who took power as a result of a US-backed coup d’etat in 1980, ever dream that in ten years he would be forced to eat his own ear and then be publicly executed by a rival tribe? The leaders of “Northern Liberia” may have their own political tracks, but not the final destiny…

    *“The love of liberty brought us here” is the national motto of Liberia.

  • Marc Faber Warns "Gold Will Be The Most Desirable Currency" As 'Terror' Spreads

    “Overall, I’d be rather cautious about investments in equities…”  the editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report told CNBC’s “Fast Money” traders this week.

    However, “over the last 12 to 24 months, many sectors have had huge declines,…And I see here, there are some opportunities.”

    “…US markets are over-valued.”

    Faber also added that “I still think the mining sector has embarked on a new bull market.”

    “[The U.S. dollar] is not a desirable currency,” Faber explains, “I think the most desirable currency will be gold, silver, platinum and palladium.”

    “I don’t understand why the world is so enthusiastic about the US Dollar…in the long-run the US dollar will be a weak currency.”

    Full interview below:

  • Mysterious Tombstone For Donald Trump Appears In Central Park

    As part of Trump’s blistering, unconventional and very unexpected rise to the top of the Republican presidential nominee ranks, he has seen his share of threats – some serious, most in jest – to both his person, and in some cases his life. Apocryphally, some commentators have predicted that a Trump presidency would be such a shock to the status quo that if successful in winning the presidency, he would never make to inauguration day alive.

    Today, such concerns were once again inflamed when a mysterious tombstone on behalf of Donald J. Trump (the date of death is blank: 1946 – …) was erected in Central Park.


    As Gothamist first reported, “someone erected a very classy Trump tombstone in the middle of Central Park this weekend, and were kind enough to leave his expiration date open to the fates.”

    Gothamist adds that “tipster Annie Reiss came upon the beautiful tribute to the presumptive GOP presidential candidate this morning near Sheep’s Meadow. “There were people taking pictures which is why I stopped,” she told us. “It was definitely provocative, strange for Easter morning.”

    The tombstone has the inscription, “Made America Hate Again.”

    As Mashable adds, plenty of people shared photos of the tombstone on social media, but no one seems to know what it means, other than “being a prank of questionable taste.”

    By evening, the tombstone had been removed by park officials. 

    According to Trump’s latest Tweets, he is either unaware, or doesn’t seem too worried about this implicit threat or poorly made joke; instead he is focusing his energy on the previously noted lawsuit which the real estate billionaire threatens to file against Ted Cruz for “stealing” delegates


    … as well as the ongoing “wife-gate” involving Heidi Cruz and Melania Trump:

    Once again, we can only imagine the shocked media reaction if a tombstone mysteriously emerged in one of the world’s busiest venues for any of the other presidential candidates.

  • The End of America's Two-Party System May Be Upon Us

    Submitted by Chris Perrin via,

    There’s a reason most parliamentary and presidential democracies have more than two political parties, and both Trump and Sanders are examples of why. Both nominee-hopefuls have increasingly come to represent polar opposites of the singular problem that the American two-party political system is suffering from: Stagnation.

    With only two parties, what this presidential race is showing is that there has been a tendency for those parties to become static and unbending in their policy, stance, and platform. Historically, one or both of the parties must then break, either because the progressive edges within the party force it apart, or voters start to see the party as inflexible and obsolete.

    It has happened before in the U.S., and it looks like it is happening again. The recent increase of voters registering as independent, as well as the parallel growth in independent candidates, is a good example of the level of dissatisfaction people and politicians now have with the GOP and Democratic Party. It is also an indication that American democracy is changing. Again.

    The inclusion of Sanders in the Democratic Party, Trump in the Republican, and the cataclysmic portrayal of them both in the media, has only confused the issue. This is particularly noticeable as Trump is often blamed for the imminent demise of the GOP as a relevant institution. With both candidates running for the nomination of their respective parties, the GOP and the Democratic Party appear internally fractured, split on major issues and confused as to their directions. This can only be the case in a two-party system.

    As a country with a long history of a two-party system, these internal party divisions can feel like a breakdown of sorts. In a multi-party system, however, the issue would not be so destabilizing. Although a multi-party democracy does have the down side of sometimes appearing to have too many parties and politicians to choose from, space exists within the system to have the centre-left (Democratic Party) and centre-right (GOP) represented, while far-left and -right candidates don’t tear the centrist parties apart from within.

    Whatever the new face of democracy in America, and whatever the future implications of the 2016 election, what is clear is that Americans are no longer content to be represented by parties too close together at the center of the political spectrum. At the very least, the fact that Trump and Sanders have gained so much traction throughout their respective nomination bids is a clear indication that the U.S. will not become a single-party state any time soon. That is at least something to be happy about.

  • The World Has 6 Options To Avoid Japan's Fate, And According To HSBC, They Are All Very Depressing

    Last week, when looking back at consensus economist forecasts for Japanese growth as of 1995, we compared what the pundits thought would happen, and what actually did happen: the result was what may have been the worst forecast of all time, leading to a 25% error rate in just five years later. It also unleashed the start of Japan’s three lost decades.

    But while laughably wrong economist forecasts are nothing new, a more troubling observation emerges when comparing the evolution of Japan’s 10Y yields start in the 1990s…


    …with those in the rest of the western world, which are slowly converging with Japan and the Y-axis.

    Looking at Japan’s miserable fate ever since the bursting of the 1980 asset bubble, HSBC’s Stephen Major recently said that “finding an explanation for Japan’s ongoing economic weakness is a bit of a ‘chicken and egg’ problem. Was the high level of debt associated with the bubble the key constraint on subsequent economic expansion? Or was the unexpectedly-weak economic expansion a key reason why debt was so indigestible? In truth, the causality ran in both directions, suggesting that Japan – at least in nominal terms – found itself caught in a ‘doom loop’, a world in which policy stimulus did little to help Japan return to the dynamism seen in earlier decades.

    King then extrapolates the case study of Japan’s “deflationary stagnation” to the “slow puncture” he observes in the rest of the developed world, and provides several ways of previewing of what may lie in store for the world if using Japan as the canary in the coalmine.

    As he says, the world economy’s slow puncture reflects five factors:

    • Ineffective monetary policy, most likely at the zero rate bound.
    • An absence of economic strength in other parts of the world, reducing the efficacy of exchange rate devaluation.
    • High levels of debt in both the private and public sectors implying (i) ongoing private sector deleveraging; (ii) limited room for fiscal action; and (iii) low fiscal multipliers as a result of Ricardian behaviour.
    • Low rates of nominal expansion and flat yield curves, both of which place downward pressure on bank profitability, thereby limiting the ability and willingness of banks to extend credit, particularly to more risky borrowers.
    • Persistent downward pressure on bank share prices, thanks in part to overly-optimistic revenue projections that, in turn, leave costs too high. Put another way, weak nominal growth is likely to leave the industry excessively large.

    In Japan’s case, escape from stagnation has proved difficult. Admittedly, the Japanese authorities were slow to recognise the nature of the problem in the early-1990s, cutting interest rates only slowly, offering little in the way of fiscal stimulus and dragging their feet on bank restructuring.

    In the late-1990s, however, the Japanese banking system was restructured, removing some of its initial ‘doom loop’ problems. Two decades later, the Bank of Japan, under Haruhiko Kuroda, has done exactly what many thought would eventually deliver results: massive balance sheet expansion, a clearly-articulated ambition to raise the inflation rate and a substantial currency devaluation. Yet, despite all this, the path for nominal GDP has barely changed. Perhaps those policies would have worked in a world where Japan was the only country facing deflationary stagnation. As deflationary stagnation has spread, however, the efficacy of these policies appears to have declined.

    This leads us to King’s rhetorical question du jout: “Given this disappointment, what options are available for the rest of the industrialised world?”

    This is his extended answer:

    Ultimately, policy has to deal with one of two variables. Either debt has to come down or income has to rise. Otherwise deleveraging is likely to persist and the air will continue to escape from the global economy. Low interest rates should, in theory, help on both counts. By reducing debt service costs, they should make it easier to reduce the outstanding stock of debt and, by making saving less attractive, they should encourage people to spend more. Yet if nominal economic activity still remains weak at the zero rate bound – as, indeed, it  has in recent years – other options may need to be pursued.

    Both quantitative easing and negative nominal interest rates can provide more support. Both, however, have their limitations.

    Quantitative easing may have lifted asset prices and stopped a 1930s-style meltdown but households and companies have mostly been unwilling to spend freely. Meanwhile, the main beneficiaries financially are those already asset rich who, typically, have a low marginal propensity to consume.

    If, for political, social and reputational reasons, banks find it difficult to impose negative interest rates on their depositors, negative interest rates in effect become a tax on banks.

    As a result, the banks’ willingness to take on more deposits will be lowered, limiting their role as financial intermediaries. Other things equal, if banks turn depositors away, the money will end up under the mattress (in which case, the velocity of circulation of money will decline, limiting the impact of negative rates on nominal GDP)

    So what else can be done?

    The fiscal option

    Central to Larry Summers’ argument in favour of ‘secular stagnation’ is the idea that weak demand will, in time, damage supply potential. It’s an old argument, based on the idea that under-utilised resources eventually decay thanks to ‘hysteresis’. Far better, therefore, to  deliver a boost to demand that will prevent resources from standing idly by. Higher demand will prevent supply from atrophying. Put simply, demand safeguards its own supply.

    It’s an attractive idea, partly because it offers a narrative of hope. Yet it has its weaknesses. Fiscal stimulus in Japan led to accusations of ‘bridges to nowhere’: in other words, infrastructure projects that had poor private and social returns and, on occasion, led to accusations of ‘pork barrel’ politics. Before the onset of the global financial crisis, Spain invested very heavily in infrastructure, yet the returns have been paltry at best given the shortfall in nominal GDP in recent years. Government debt levels across the developed world are already very high, suggesting that any attempt to increase government borrowing could be associated with Ricardian equivalence problems.

    Its biggest weakness, however, is that the policy prescription was tried before yet ultimately only brought instability in its wake.

    In 2000, the tech bubble burst. For a while, it looked as though the US was heading towards another Great Depression. Certainly, the fall in stock prices was on a similar scale to 1929. The recession that followed, however, was remarkably mild and recovery was soon underway, helped along by aggressive interest rate cuts and huge tax cuts – precisely the combination that supposedly brings secular stagnation to an end. For a while, the policies seemed to work. In hindsight, however, they merely masked early aspects of deflationary stagnation: the housing boom may have led to an acceleration in growth but the pace of economic expansion was weaker than in the 1980s and 1990s. And it all came to a sorry end in 2008. Asset price gains that cannot be validated through a sustained period of economic growth tend, ultimately, to be asset price bubbles.

    Put another way, if secular stagnation reflects weak growth, the problem began in the US in the early years of the 21st Century, before the global financial crisis. Yet proponents of secular stagnation argue that it began only with the onset of the financial crisis. The story looks good, but the dates don’t fit.

    The helicopter option

    The helicopter option is simple, easily implemented and, for some, offers the closest thing to a free lunch. It can easily be explained – if that’s the right word – using the identity found on the first page of a standard monetary textbook, namely MV?PT, where M is the stock of money, V is its velocity of circulation, P is the price level and T is the volume of transactions. In modern-day parlance, PT might best be labelled nominal GDP.

    Money doesn’t literally drop from helicopters but the effects are roughly the same. The government sells newly-issued debt to the central bank which, in return, provides newly-created money to the government. This newly-created money is either given away in the form of tax cuts or spent on, for example, infrastructure projects. The newly-created money boosts M while the tax cuts or spending increases more or less guarantee an increase in V. Put the two together and nominal GDP simply has to accelerate. Assuming – consistent with secular stagnation – that there is a sizeable output gap, there’s a good chance that the increase in nominal GDP will be reflected more through an increase in output than an increase in inflation.

    If this sounds too good to be true, that’s because it is. Output gaps are notoriously difficult to estimate in real time. The permanent output losses associated with the financial crisis are now considered to be far bigger than had been assumed in its immediate aftermath, suggesting that helicopter money could come with sizeable inflationary risks. Those would be amplified via the foreign exchanges, which  would doubtless deliver a ‘crash-landing’ for any currency subject to the helicopter treatment.

    In truth, helicopter money is likely to work only if it leads to higher inflation. Its success crucially depends on policymakers committing to being ‘irresponsible’. In the mid-1930s, countries managed to raise both inflation and inflationary expectations even in the depths of depression thanks to their departures from the Gold Standard, freeing them to loosen both monetary and fiscal policy in unprecedented fashion. Higher inflation, in turn, reduced the real value of nominal debts. Deleveraging faded, credit risks shrank, banks’ bad debts became less problematic, lending increased and, before long, recovery was on the way.

    Repeating the process today would not be easy. Abandoning – or raising – inflation targets would be no easy task: ageing populations typically are repulsed by inflation, largely because of its effects on fixed nominal incomes. Fear of higher inflation could also lead to panic buying, triggering an uncontrollable rise in V and, hence, a severe inflationary overshoot: it’s no coincidence that helicopter money and hyperinflation are mentioned in the same breath. And, ultimately, higher inflation would only work by penalising savers to benefit borrowers.

    Put another way, the pursuit of higher inflation through helicopter money is not much more than a re-distributional fiscal policy dressed up in monetary clothes. It is effectively a tax on wealth – mostly on forms of wealth that come with little in the way of inflation protection. It is therefore more likely to hit small savers and pensioners than property tycoons and those with large equity portfolios (both real estate and equities tend to outperform liquid assets during periods of relatively high inflation). In other words, helicopter money is a stealthy form of organised default, taking money away from creditors in the hope that debtors – faced with now-lower real debts – will spend more freely. Given the maturity of its slow puncture problems, Japan might be more willing than others to fly its monetary helicopters but, given the politics of its demographic situation, it would surely be a reluctant pilot.

    The default option

    In truth, this is not so different from the helicopter option. It is more relevant, however, for those countries which lack helicopter pilots. Specifically, default is an option for those national governments in the Eurozone that lack a printing press and are unable to prevent government debt from rising ever higher.

    To be fair, quantitative easing has, to a degree, reduced pressure on individual sovereigns. The risk hasn’t completely gone, however. At the time of writing, Greek and Portuguese 10 year bond yields were 9.6% and 3.0% respectively, compared with German yields at a remarkably low 0.17%. And the default option may become more pressing in coming years if, as seems likely, government debt levels continue to rise.

    Like inflation, default passes the problem from debtor to creditor. In doing so, it raises a whole series of new financial threats, most obviously the danger of a renewed erosion of trust within the financial system. As a result, it would further limit the power of monetary policy. Savers would seek to hide their money under the proverbial mattress and, as a result, velocity might fall further.

    Another option might be simply to cancel government debt held on central banks’ balance sheets rather than selling it back to the market. That sounds like a free lunch but it would presumably lead to expectations of higher inflation associated with a reduction in fiscal discipline over the long term: in that sense, the policy would be remarkably similar to helicopter money, particularly in terms of its exchange rate implications.

    The ‘liquidate’ option

    One of the undoubted triumphs of the post-financial crisis world has been the extent to which unemployment has declined in the US, the UK and Germany. Admittedly, not everyone has shared their good fortune: the increase in Greek unemployment in recent years, for example, is nothing short of scandalous: the lessons of the 1930s were clearly not learnt. Nevertheless, for some of the largest economies in the industrialised world, the employment consequences stemming from the financial crisis have been considerably better than was originally feared.

    However, given the slow pace of economic expansion in recent years, good news on unemployment implies bad news for productivity. Perhaps deflationary stagnation partly reflects an absence of supply.

    The standard dismissive response to this argument is to note that weaker supply, other things equal, implies a smaller output gap and, hence, higher inflation. And yet, in recent years, inflation has drifted lower. So the explanation for persistently weak growth cannot lie with supply.

    At this point, it’s worth coming back to Japan. If supply is weaker than expected, claims on future economic activity need to be reduced. One way to do this is indeed via inflation. The other is via declines in nominal asset values. The 1970s economic slowdown – in response to multiple oil shocks – was associated with inflation. Japan’s lost decades were associated with falling asset prices, deflation and weak nominal GDP growth. Weaker supply potential can thus be associated with both inflation and deflation: it all depends on how claims on future economic activity are reduced.

    In an era of rapid technological gains, why has productivity growth been so weak? Of the competing explanations – from mis-measurement through to an innovation shortfall – one is directly related to the amount of stimulus on offer since the financial crisis. Quantitative easing worked domestically through its effect on the value of real estate and financial assets, most obviously corporate bonds and equities. Higher values for financial assets meant that companies which, in other circumstances, would have been under pressure to reduce their costs could carry on with business as usual. Put another way, they could happily employ people who might otherwise have lost their jobs. Capital markets were thus no longer able easily to perform their central function, namely the efficient allocation of capital. Too much capital stayed in bloated and inefficient companies leaving too little to support the growth of smaller, more dynamic, enterprises. It was, perhaps, a western version of the Japanese ‘zombie company’ problem.

    At the beginning of the Great Depression, Andrew Mellon, the US Treasury Secretary, famously urged Herbert Hoover to ‘liquidate labour, liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers, liquidate real estate… it will purge the rottenness out of the system. High costs of living and high living will come down. People will work harder, live a more moral life. Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up from less competent people.’ To say the least, it probably wasn’t the best strategy. Nevertheless, Mellon still had a point. Zombie companies preserve inefficiencies and dampen enterprise. Their preservation limits the ‘creative destruction’ that Joseph Schumpeter famously described in his ‘Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy’.

    Acting on zombie companies may be one way of ending deflationary stagnation but, if badly managed, the situation could become even worse. Imagine, for example, that all companies within a particular industry suddenly recognised that the pace of nominal economic expansion would not be sufficient to support their current cost base. Imagine, as a result, that there was a prolonged wave of restructuring, associated with mass layoffs. The result would be an even lower level of nominal output, triggering a further wave of restructuring – unless, that is, the restructuring led to significant productivity spillovers.

    It might, therefore, be better to act on both supply and demand, forcing a greater degree of restructuring while, at the same time, offering a fiscal cushion, perhaps through a range of public works programmes. Put another way, neither supply-side reform nor demand-side stimulus will work unless they operate in conjunction with each other.

    The trade option

    One of the striking features of the post-financial crisis world has been the slowdown and then shrinkage in world trade. This is highly unusual. Although the pace of economic recovery has been soft, it is typically the case that world trade expands more quickly than world GDP in the recovery phase.

    Possible reasons for the weakness in world trade include (i) the attenuation of global supply chains either to reduce their fragility (following, most obviously, the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan) or in response to new technologies (3D printing may have led to renewed onshoring) (ii) an increase in ‘hidden’ protectionism associated with the aggressive imposition of ‘standards’ (iii) a reduction in trade finance in the post-financial crisis era; and (iv) an increase in uncertainty associated with the impact of currency wars.

    Openness matters. We have surely learnt over the last few decades that economies that trade with one another are more likely to enjoy increases in living standards. We have also found, disappointingly, that global trade deals have become more or less impossible: the Doha trade round is dead in the water and there is nothing waiting in the wings to replace it.

    Still, there is hope. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership could lead to more integrated regional economies and, perhaps, greater cooperation between those regions. Over the long term, openness matters more than any variety of monetary or fiscal stimulus. The world needs to be protected from  protectionism. Sadly, it’s not obvious that it will be.

    The ‘wall’ option

    Should all else fail, the political narrative will shift. Indeed, it already is. If economies cannot easily be kick-started, nationalism is in danger of spreading. Whether it’s building a wall to prevent Mexicans from entering the US or passively watching as the Schengen  arrangements in Europe slowly crumble, trouble is brewing. Global markets are under threat precisely because policymakers have been unable to deliver the outcomes they had previously promised. Protectionism in all its many forms is never far away: under current conditions, it threatens to make an unwelcome return.

    * * *

    Which brings us to Stephen King’s rather pessimistic conclusions:

    The economic slow puncture was once associated with Japan alone. Persistent undershoots in nominal economic activity since the onset of the global financial crisis suggest that the problem has spread. As more and more countries succumb, so the ability to escape declines – as, indeed, Japan itself has discovered in the light of disappointments associated with Abenomics.  

    Devaluations simply pass deflationary pressures from one part of the world to another. What was once seen as monetary stimulus is now more typically described as the latest salvo in a protracted currency war. Central banks have seemingly lost the ability to bring inflation back to target.

    The good news is that much of the rest of the world does not share Japan’s cross-shareholding problem, reducing the threat from a ‘doom-loop’ intrinsically linked to the banking system. Still, continuous nominal GDP undershoots still create problems for bank profitability, leading to relative share price under-performance and, eventually, to downward pressure on equity markets as a whole, particularly where QE drugs are no longer freely available.

    The escape options are a mixture of the ineffectual, the limited, the risky, the foolhardy or the excessively slow. As Japan’s recent experiments have demonstrated, upping the monetary dosage alone is not enough to cure the affliction. Indeed, to the extent that monetary stimulus only encourages a further wave of risk-taking within financial markets – often outside of the mainstream banking system – it may only perpetuate unstable deflationary stagnation. A more sustained recovery is possible but to believe that central banks, on their own, can deliver such an outcome is surely a triumph of false hope over bitter reality.

  • Mexicans Burn Donald Trump Effigies To Celebrate Easter

    While The Donald may proclaim that "Hispanics love me," it appears some – that is to say hundreds – are not yuuge fans.


    As Reuters reports, Mexicans celebrating an Easter ritual late on Saturday burnt effigies of U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, as hundreds of cheering residents yelled "death" and various insults as they watched the explosion of the grinning papier-mâché mock-up of the real estate tycoon


    Media reported that Trump effigies burned across Mexico, from Puebla to Mexico's industrial hub Monterrey.

    The burning is part of a widespread Mexican Holy Week tradition where neighborhoods burn effigies to represent Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus Christ according to the Bible. The effigies are often modeled on unpopular political figures.



    "Since he started his campaign and began talking about immigrants, Mexico, and Mexicans, I said 'I've got to get this guy,'" said Felipe Linares, the artisan who crafted Trump and whose family has been making Judases for more than 50 years.



    Trump, the front-runner to win the Republican nomination for the Nov. 8 election, has drawn fire in Mexico with his campaign vow to build a wall along the southern U.S. border to keep out illegal immigrants and drugs, and to make Mexico pay for it.


    Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has said his country will not pay for the wall and likened Trump's "strident tone" to the ascent of dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

  • Trump Slams Cruz For "Stealing Delegates," Says American Politics "Is A Broken System"

    In the escalating war between "Lyin'" Ted Cruz and "Snivelling Coward" Donald Trump, reports that Cruz could end up with more delegates than Trump from Louisiana – despite The Donald's victory – have incensed the New York businessman. As Politico reports, Trump raged that Ted Cruz is trying to "steal" delegates, "because that's the way Ted works."

    GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Sunday said Sen. Ted Cruz is trying to "steal" delegates the New York businessman needs to become the presidential nominee of the Republican Party, which he called "a disgrace." As DailyCaller details,

    Appearing on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday, guest host Jonathan Karl asked Trump if Cruz was “trying to steal” the nomination from Trump because he might be leaving Louisiana with “as many as 10 more delegates… on the key committees that will write the rules for the Republican convention.”


    “Well, it tells you what a crooked system we have and what a rotten political system we have. And frankly, I’m so — I’m millions of votes more than — I have millions of votes more than ‘Lying Ted.’ I have millions — millions of votes more.”


    “I have so many millions of votes more,” Trump argued. “I’ve brought people into this party by the millions. You understand that. They voted by the millions more. It’s one of the biggest stories in all of politics.”


    “And what do I have,” Trump rhetorically asked. “I have a guy going around trying to steal people’s delegates. This is supposed to be America, a free America. This is supposed to be a system of votes where you go out, you have elections, free elections.”

    Continuing his rant, Trump claimed,

    “I won Louisiana and now I hear he’s trying to steal delegates. You know, welcome to, uh, the Republican Party.”

    “What’s going on in the Republican Party is a disgrace,” Trump claimed. “I have so many more votes and so many more delegates. And, frankly, whoever at the end, whoever has the most votes and the most delegates should be the nominee.”

    Full ABC Interview below (Fwd to 13:00 for "stealing" rant)…

    "He's trying to steal things because that's the way Ted works," Trump said. "The system is a broken system. The Republican tabulation system is a broken system. It's not fair."

  • "It's An Attack On Higher Education": Connecticut Seeks To Tax Yale Endowment As Plug To Surging Deficit

    One week ago, we observed an unexpected spike in the yield spread of Connecticut bonds over AAA-rate munis:


    There were two specific catalysts for the spike in yield:

    • First was last week’s disappointing bond auction, as a result of which CT bond risk has spiked to 65bps over the benchmark,  a record spread demanded by investors to take CT repayment risk. In the process CT, one of the states historically most preferred by the wealthy hedge fund community, became the 4th riskiest US state after NJ, IL, and PA. As Bloomberg noted at the time, the state’s $550 million general-obligation sale on March 17, which included debt due in 2026, priced to yield 2.52 percent, compared with an expected 2.37 percent based on Bloomberg’s Connecticut index.  
    • The second, and more troublesome, reason was that the state’s office of policy and management said two weeks ago that the budget deficit for the current fiscal year is $131 million, an increase of $111 million from the prior month’s estimate. Moody’s Investors Service dropped its outlook on the state to negative earlier in March. Worse, the state is facing a $266 million shortfall for fiscal 2016, according to the state Office of Fiscal Analysis.

    One week later, we find that the state with the ballooning budget deficit has taken proactive measures to fill said gap, even if the proposed measures are not particularly enticing for one of the highest profile tenants of the state: Yale University.

    According to Bloomberg, a proposed Connecticut bill would seek a share of Yale’s endowment gains as a source of state tax revenue. According to the introduced legislature, schools with funds of $10 billion or more, which is clearly aimed at Yale as that is the only university to fit the criteria. Yale’s record $25.6 billion fund is the second largest in U.S. higher education, behind Harvard University’s $37.6 billion.

    It’s not just the state which is seeking to collect a share of these generous returns: the richest college endowments, many at their highest values ever, also have drawn scrutiny from federal lawmakers. Last month, the U.S. Senate Finance and House Ways and Means committees sent a joint inquiry to the richest 56 private schools about endowments, seeking to understand the impact of their tax-exempt status on the price tag of higher education, among other issues.

    But back to CT, where legislators believe that taxing the endowment’s earnings could help close the state’s budget gap. “Supporters of the bill want Yale to spend more money to expand access to higher education and “create innovative, high-paying jobs,” Martin Looney, a Democrat who presides over the Senate and whose district includes Yale’s campus in New Haven, said in written testimony submitted for a committee hearing on March 22.”

    “It is our hope that these rich schools can use their wealth to create job opportunities, rather than simply to get richer,” Looney said, adding that Yale “possesses the resources to have an even greater impact on our economy.”

    To be sure, Yale and the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce urged legislators to reject the bill. Yale currently makes a voluntary payment to New Haven of more than $8.2 million annually, according to the school.

    Yale was particularly distressed, and Richard Jacob, the school’s associate vice president for federal and state relations, said in written testimony that the bill and a second one that would tax college property are a “specific attack on higher education.”

    Yale does have a point:

    “The proposed taxes on Yale would diminish the university’s ability to carry out its charitable mission and to enable and support growth in New Haven,” Jacob wrote. “Yale’s generous financial aid policies, which enable Yale College students to avoid any loans, and which waive any parent contribution for low-income students, exist because of the endowment.”

    Unfortunately, in a time when only the 1% are swimming, while the rest are sinking, any profitable entity becomes a target.

    Bloomberg adds that Yale’s endowment allocated $1.1 billion to the operating budget for the year ended June 30, according to the school’s annual report. The fund earned a return of 11.5% in the period, among the top performers of endowments. It returned an annualized 10 percent over the last decade.

    The school’s annual budget is $3.2 billion, including $2 billion in wages and benefits, and almost a third of Yale’s 13,000 employees live in New Haven, according to the school.

    The budget will promptly change if first the State, followed shortly by the Federal government, decide that it is only fair that well-endowed colleges such as Yale can double down as piggybanks for cash-strapped and money-losing entities, of which there are many within the government apparatus.

  • Has The Biggest Of All Bubbles Popped: Central Bank Omnipotence?

    Authored by Mark St.Cyr,

    Since the initial turmoil began with the onset of what is now referred to as “The great financial crisis,” one strategy has proven more profitable than any other. That strategy? BTFD (buy the f___n’ dip.)

    Regardless of what proprietary advice (short of insider trading,) nothing, as well as, nobody has had a track record worthy of comparison. All one has needed to do is, whenever a selloff occurred (as rare as they had been,) when “the dip” presented itself, the only thing to do was to “buy, buy, buy!”

    Forget 2/20 management. Forget stock picking. Forget listening to experts, economists, fund managers, et al. You would beat them all over the last 6+ years if you just BTFD, then bought some more. It had been that easy. However, if it was that easy – why didn’t everyone “just do it?” Easy…

    A great many (and I put myself squarely in this camp) still believed that the fundamental laws governing free markets and stocks were still at play. No one, and I do mean that as in nobody with a modicum of business acumen thought, let alone believed the extent, as well as, the vast amounts of money printed ex nihilo by the Fed. would go on not only for as long, but also, in the amounts to which it has.

    Now, today, some $4,000,000,000,000.00+ (i.e., over 4 TRILLION) later what has all this balance sheet accrual bought? Probably the bubble of all bubbles. The irony? That “bubble” is in the only true asset the Fed. had left. e.g., Confidence in their omnipotence. And it’s beginning to look more like it’s already popped with every passing FOMC meeting. And just as the name “bubble” implies – all it needed was the tiniest of pins to bring it crashing down. And it now appears a 25 basis point rate hike was just tiny enough.

    Since the ending of QE in late 2014 one thing about the “markets” has been crystallizing more and more for everyone to see. Even if they try to turn their heads, it can no longer be avoided: without central bank (and now that includes all CB’s) continuous intervention – there is no market. It all falls apart like the house-of-cards that it is.

    Again, without central bankers in one form or fashion continuously interjecting their willingness, as well as, openness as to do “whatever it takes” the markets will at first vacillate in place until they relent and plummet in unison causing conciliatory panicked responses from one central banker after another.

    However, the responses to these actions or statements as of late have been in a way I believe these monetary bodies not only never considered, but rather, never thought possible.

    Not only have they been creating doubt (as in saying one thing then doing the opposite) in their credibility, rather – their dictates are now having the complete opposite responses of their desired market reaction. i.e., Deliver a weaker currency inspired directive?  That currency actually spikes upward and running ever higher!

    This phenom first presented itself with the grandest of foolish monetary policies brought forth by central banking Keynesian devotees: Negative interest rates. e.g, NIRP.

    First it was the European Central Bank (ECB.) Then the Bank of Japan (BoJ.) Sure there have been others, but these are by far the “big players.” The result? Exactly the opposite of what had been anticipated.

    “Big bazooka” commentary from Mr. Draghi at the ECB along with “Banzai” styled implementation as witnessed via Mr. Kuroda at the BoJ saying one thing, than doing the exact opposite only a week later, has pushed not only confusion further into the financial markets, but also, sent global currency trades on a roller-coaster ride worthy of having its own theme park.

    Both the €uro as well as the ¥en strengthened. And not by little amounts either. The resulting spikes were so sudden, and with such ferocity, the resulting margin calls for those caught within its death grip suddenly found themselves sharing the same experience as those on the fictional planet Alderaan, “as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror – then were silenced.”

    You know who was more caught off guard with this move than those with positions on? The central banks themselves. All one needed for proof was the subsequent jawboning from one official after another to state emphatically: “Don’t worry, we got this!” (we think) As they tried desperately to reassure their “markets.”

    Again, for proof: all one needs is to remember Mario Draghi’s now infamous mea culpa when replying to whether or not his newest remarks were in reaction to the market’s response, e.g., “No not really. But not—well, of course. (Laughter.) And, It’s been pretty much the same only in different languages from one central banker after the next these past few months.

    Yet, the one central bank that has been near impervious to this “credibility” or “omnipotent” issue has been the Federal Reserve. That is to say – until now.

    Since the beginning of what is now considered “the zenith of unabashed central bank interventionism” few were willing to speculate, let alone admit, that without the Federal Reserve continuously pumping money in one form or another, while simultaneously keeping interest rates at the zero bound – the markets had no fundamental reason whatsoever to be at these current levels. Period. It was, and still is, a bubble created and encouraged by the central bank. Again – period. End of discussion.

    And nowhere has this phenom become more visible and undeniable as made manifest over the last 14+ months with “market” volatility and price movement. Currently, the only direction the “markets” have shown a propensity to go in both momentum, as well as, fury during this period has been – down.

    Currently up seems to only happen in response after some jawboning or implied immediate implementation. Where the theme is more mea culpa in nature. Rather, than fortitude or conviction of policy.

    In other words: the moment we get up to levels I coined “fortitude central” (i.e., 2050ish SPX) where the policy members begin to show backbone and imply: “Yep, we’re going to start withdrawing accommodation.”  The markets begin to reverse in unison. And as soon as it appears the level of 1800ish SPX is about to be breached? A reversal, or better said “capitulation of error” begins to show up (in unison) as one Fed. official after another begins touting backpedaling statements in one form after another. The real issue here?

    The “markets” and it’s real players (i.e., HFT’s along with their headline reading algo’s and stop running programs etc., etc.) not only know this. I believe – they now know how to front run it with deadly efficiency. Exacerbating the issue of credibility as well as omnipotence for the Fed. Or, stated differently – the “market” now not only can push the Fed’s hand – It now knows at what level it needs to exert the desired response at will.

    This phenom has now become so glaringly obvious even Fed. friendly publications such as Barron’s™ can’t avert from the obvious any longer as shown by their latest article titled, When The Fed’s Bullard Speaks, the Market Listens. All I’ll say is this: If the main stream financial press has finally figured it out – that’s usually your first sign that what ever bubble there was – has either already popped. Or, about too.

    But not too worry, after all, I didn’t even mention China and their forthcoming central bank omnipotent policies. Remember, they know how to control and manipulate a market and currency better than anyone. Just ask them. And if you don’t like what they state today? Don’t worry – they’ll change it again any day or minute from now. Again.

    But why be of concern? After all, it was the Fed. itself that just reiterated “international developments” is their first cause. So don’t worry. I’m sure they got this. Until 1800ish SPX that is. Then we’ll see just how much confidence to BTFD truly remains.

  • "Forgotten Sandlot" Or "The Next Dubai"? This Tiny African Nation Is Now A Geopolitical Hot Spot

    When last we checked in on Djibouti, the tiny east African nation of 900,000 people that shares a border with lawless Somalia to the south, and is separated from war-torn Yemen by just 13 miles of water across the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, China had just announced that the country would play host to Beijing’s first overseas military outpost.

    Nearly 5,000 miles from the Chinese capital, Djibouti is situated in a highly strategic, if exceedingly dangerous part of the world.

    The Bab el-Mandeb Strait is one of the planet’s most important oil chokepoints and thus there are any number of nations that have an interest in keeping it open and secure. Additionally, Djibouti’s location on the horn of Africa makes it an attractive base from which to conduct anti-terror operations in both Africa and the Mid-East.

    While some observers view China’s establishment of a military base in the country as a reflection of Xi’s efforts to i) project Beijing’s growing military prowess, and ii) serve notice that in the wake of the PLA’s unexpected visit to the besieged Yemeni port of Aden last year, China isn’t afraid to get involved in the region’s affairs, it’s worth noting that the Chinese are no strangers to Djibouti. China has been investing in the country’s infrastructure for years, most notably in the form of a $4 billion railroad connecting the country to the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa.

    And that’s not all.

    China is financing a railroad, as well as an expansion of port terminals, fuel and water pipelines, a natural gas liquefaction plant, highway upgrades, two proposed airports, and several government buildings,” Bloomberg writes, adding that “the new military installation will be a sort of insurance policy, a security station to protect its investments and extend its economic reach.”

    China is pitching its involvement in the country’s development as an extension of Xi’s ambitious “One Belt, One Road” initiative, which is essentially an expansive initiative that i) gives China an excuse to take a stake in any country that’s willing to accept FDI, and ii) creates a kind of pressure valve for Beijing’s excess industrial capacity.

    “China is explaining it as part of the ‘one road, one belt’ strategy, to help link Ethiopia to the sea,” one Western diplomat who has been briefed by Chinese officials on the Djibouti base, told Reuters this week. “China does not want to be seen as a threat.”

    And frankly, they probably aren’t. Or at least not any more of a threat than all of the other countries that have military outposts in Djibouti. Countries like the US, which unsurprisingly has the largest military presence of any nation and which uses its bases there as a launching pad for drone missions. “Djibouti is also the U.S. military’s regional hub for drones, and it sends thousands of Predators and Reapers across the region each year,” Bloomberg notes, before recounting a hilarious string of drone and spy plane mishaps that eventually led Washington to move the unmanned killing machines away from the country’s airport. Here are a few additional excerpts from Bloomberg’s latest on the country:

    [In the late seventies] Djibouti, a country about the size of New Jersey, had one paved road and less than a square mile of arable land. The Associated Press deemed it perfectly devoid of resources, “except for sand, salt, and 20,000 camels.” The New York Times guessed the new nation might get swallowed up by one of its neighbors—Ethiopia or Somalia, maybe—because it was “so impoverished that it cannot stand on its own.”


    Years passed, and those neighbors were too preoccupied with wars, famine, and civil anarchy to pay much attention to it. Such upheavals, and almost everything else, skirted Djibouti. Then the new century rolled around and, seemingly overnight, the country’s sleepiness became a valuable commodity.


    After Sept. 11, the U.S. military rushed to establish its first base dedicated to counterterrorism, and Djibouti was about the only country in the neighborhood that wasn’t on fire. Sitting beside the narrow Bab el-Mandeb strait—a gateway to the Suez Canal at the mouth of the Red Sea, and one of the most trafficked shipping lanes in the world—it provided easy access to hot spots in both Africa and the Middle East. A few years later, when Somali pirates started threatening the global shipping industry, the militaries of Germany, Italy, and Spain joined France, which has maintained a base since colonial times, by moving troops to Djibouti. Japan arrived in 2011, opening its first military base on foreign soil since World War II.



    U.S. soldiers can’t go anywhere without being reminded of the People’s Republic. On the drive to the clinic, I’d noticed lengths of black tubing lying by the side of the road. “That’s a new water pipeline to Ethiopia,” the driver said, “built by the Chinese.” Nobody knows how the new Chinese base will change things, mostly because its scale isn’t yet known, but traces of anticipatory tension are palpable. Several diplomatic officials and members of U.S. Congress have publicly fretted over China’s growing influence in Djibouti, speculating that it might signal an era of increased Chinese military engagement around the world. Kelly, the U.S. ambassador, told me that “snooping,” electronic or otherwise, will be an obvious concern around Camp Lemonnier.


    The Americans still have the largest foreign military presence in the country, but China’s intensifying interest in Djibouti is shifting the balance of influence.


    With a lineup of natural resources—along with a port on one of the most geopolitically significant straits in the world—[some] believe that in the next 20 years or so, Djibouti will become the next Dubai, a magnet for capital and free trade. To hear them talk, making billions by selling the world’s militaries on the country’s lack of incident was just the first step.


    “And why not?” asks Foreign Minister Mahamoud Ali Youssouf. “We have some assets that Dubai never had.”


    (Djibouti City)


    First, there’s that shipping lane. It’s busier than Dubai’s. Second, there are all those landlocked African countries stacked up behind it; they’re desperate for a portal to the wider world. Third, there’s the infrastructure. Not traditional infrastructure, which, China notwithstanding, is still in short supply, but rather digital infrastructure. Seven submarine fiber-optic cables, the kind that carry the vast majority of the world’s digital information, come ashore in Djibouti, making it the most important hub of connectivity in East Africa. “Forget gigabytes,” says Finance Minister Ilyas Moussa Dawaleh. “We offer terabytes.”


    The scouring Khamsin winds, which blow through the country from June to August, are being harnessed to power a 60-megawatt wind farm, and the pitiless sun, which beats down with near-kinetic force, will power solar energy developments and more than quadruple the country’s total domestic energy output. Within a decade, the government hopes to be the first country in Africa to be powered solely by renewable energy.

    One country that isn’t likely to be particularly enamored with China’s new military outpost is India. “If I were Indian I would be very worried about what China is up to in Djibouti,” a Western official told Reuters. “Djibouti enables China to base its long-range naval air assets there and these are capable of maintaining surveillance over the Arabian Sea as well as India’s island territories off the Western coast,” Indian army brigadier Mandip Singh says.

    Underscoring the point we made above (i.e. that the new base is an extension of the PLA’s move to dock in Aden last year when the Iran-backed Houthis set upon the city creating a humanitarian crisis) a diplomatic source in China says Beijing got the idea for the outpost when the Chinese ship that showed up across the Strait in Yemen ran out of supplies. “It’s a supply facility pure and simple,” the source remarked.

    Whatever the case, it will be interesting to watch Djibouti’s development in the years ahead. With al-Shabaab operating out of Somalia and Islamic State (not to mention al-Qaeda) maintaining a notable presence just across the Bab al-Mandeb as well as to the north and northeast in Africa, there are certainly a number of security concerns. Additionally, the contention that solar and wind power will help transform the country into “the next Dubai,” assumes alternative energy can create the same kind of prosperity the Emirates enjoy thanks to their vast stores of crude. That may be wishful thinking. If nothing else, it does appear that this “forgotten sandlot” (as Bloomberg calls Djibouti) will play a key geopolitical role going forward as a kind of regional hub where world powers jostle for influence – and that alone makes it worth paying attention to.

  • Bad – But Better Than What's Coming

    Submitted by John Rubino via,

    Talk about diminished expectations. Friday morning’s estimate of 1.4% Q4 GDP growth is being hailed as a pleasant surprise. Which is odd, considering that for most of the past century a number this low would have been seen as weak enough to require emergency action.

    And that’s just the headline number. Dig a little deeper and the picture — at least when viewed through a non-Keynesian lens — is of a system in crisis. Consider:

    Corporate profits are, as today’s Bloomberg puts it, sliding.

    Corp profits March 16

    Meanwhile (also from Bloomberg),

    A firm labor market and low inflation encourage households to keep shopping. Today’s fourth-quarter growth figure reflected more spending on services, particularly on recreation and transportation. “It’s really U.S. consumers who are powering the global economy forward at this point,” said Gus Faucher, an economist at PNC Financial Services Group Inc. in Pittsburgh.

    But if companies are earning less money, how likely is it that they’ll step up hiring going forward? Not very. And since today fewer Americans have full time jobs than in 2007 (making the current stellar 4.9% unemployment rate look like a cruel joke) a new round of mass layoffs will make the job market even more dire for anyone hoping to support a family with full-time work.

    “If profits remain depressed, the prospects for capex and hiring will come under greater pressure,” Sam Bullard, a senior economist at Wells Fargo Securities LLC in Charlotte, North Carolina, wrote in a research note.

    What are the chances of profits remaining depressed? Pretty good, considering that two of the big growth drivers of the past few years have been student debt and car loans. The former is, as everyone by now knows, at levels that consign a whole generation of kids to life in their parents’ basements — not a recipe for robust consumption.

    Car loans, meanwhile, are starting to look like subprime mortgages circa 2006:

    Unpaid subprime car loans hit 20-year high

    (CNN Money) – Americans with lower credit scores are falling behind on auto payments at an alarming pace.

    The rate of seriously delinquent subprime car loans soared above 5% in February, according to Fitch Ratings. That’s worse than during the Great Recession and the highest level since 1996.


    It’s a surprising development given the relative health of the overall economy. Fitch blames it on a dramatic rise in loans with lax borrowing standards that have helped fuel the recent boom in auto sales. More Americans bought new cars last year than ever before and the amount of auto loans soared beyond $1 trillion.


    Fitch points out that the subprime end of the market is where there’s increased competition to peddle loans. The ratings firm flagged an increase in loans to “borrowers with no FICO scores,” lower downpayments, and extended term lending.

    Toss in contracting global trade, turmoil in Europe and Latin America, and a grinding multi-month decline in US manufacturing output and the year ahead doesn’t look any better. Here’s the Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow measure of current growth, which shows a huge drop in just the past month:

    GDPNow March 16

    What does all this mean?

    Very simply, if you borrow too much money life gets harder and the things that used to work stop working. For a country, lower interest rates no longer induce businesses and individuals to borrow and spend, and government deficits no longer translate directly into more full-time private sector jobs. Growth slows, voters get mad, politics gets crazy, and generally bad times ensue.

    The only question is why this is a surprise to the people whose choices brought us to the edge of the abyss.

  • Five Years After Fukushima, 16 U.S. Cleanup Ships Are Still Contaminated With Radiation

    The Fukushima disaster was over five years ago, and may have been largely forgotten by the general public and the media (perhaps because the Japanese olympics are just four years from now), but its effects still linger. Perhaps nowhere more so than for those who took pare in the Fukushima clean up effort: as Starts and Stripes reports, sixteen U.S. ships that participated in relief efforts after Japan’s nuclear disaster five years ago remain contaminated with low levels of radiation from the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant.

    In all, 25 ships took part in Operation Tomadachi, the name given for the U.S. humanitarian aid operations after the magnitude-9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami on March 11, 2011. In the years since the crisis, the ships have undergone cleanup efforts, the Navy said, and 13 Navy and three Military Sealift Command vessels still have some signs of contamination, mostly to ventilation systems, main engines and generators.

    That’s the bad news.

    The good news is that the “normally accessible” areas have been largely cleaned. “The low levels of radioactivity that remain are in normally inaccessible areas that are controlled in accordance with stringent procedures,” the Navy said in an email to Stars and Stripes. “Work in these areas occurs mainly during major maintenance availabilities and requires workers to follow strict safety procedures.”

    All normally accessible spaces and equipment aboard the ships have been surveyed and decontaminated, Vice Adm. William Hilarides, commander of Naval Sea Systems Command, wrote to Stars and Stripes.

    “The radioactive contamination found on the ships involved in Operation Tomodachi is at such low levels that it does not pose a health concern to the crews, their families, or maintenance personnel,” Hilarides said.

    One may be allowed to be skeptical: after all Tepco and the Japanese government lied for years about the “safety” of the Fukushima aftermath, and only 5 years later was the severity of the situation finally revealed.

    The largest U.S. ship to take part in the relief operation was the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, which normally carries a crew of more than 5,000 sailors. In 2014, three years after the disaster, the Reagan’s ventilation system was contaminated with 0.01 millirems of radiation per hour, according to the Navy. Nuclear Regulatory Commission guidelines advise no more than 2 millirems of radiation in one hour in any unrestricted area, and 100 millirems total in a calendar year from external and internal sources in unrestricted and controlled areas, so full-time exposure on the Reagan would be below that.

    In the days after the tsunami hit the Fukushima complex, the plant suffered multiple explosions and reactors began to melt down. Officials from the NRC told Congress that extremely high levels of radiation were being emitted from the impaired plant. Japanese nuclear experts said winds forced a radioactive plume out to sea, and efforts to keep fuel rods cool using sea water caused tons of radiated water to be dumped into the ocean.

    The Reagan was dispatched to take part in relief efforts, arriving the next day. Navy officials say the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered supercarrier stayed at least 100 nautical miles away from the damaged plant, but many sailors have disputed the Navy’s accounting, saying they were so close that they could see the plant.

    The Navy has acknowledged that the Reagan passed through a plume of radiation. Navy images showed sailors with their faces covered, scrubbing the deck of the Reagan with soap and water as a precautionary measure afterward. The Reagan and sailors stayed off the coast of Japan for several weeks to aid their Japanese allies.

    The multibillion-dollar ship, projected to last at least 50 years after its launch in 2001, then was taken offline for more than a year for “deep maintenance and modernization” at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility in Bremerton, Wash., according to Navy officials.

    “Procedures were in place to survey, control and remove any low-level residual contamination,” the Navy said. “Personnel working on potentially contaminated systems were monitored with sensitive dosimeters, and no abnormal radiation exposures were identified.” Upgrades and cleaning also took place at the ship’s next stop in San Diego.

    Sailors who performed the work said it entailed entering spaces deep within the ship, testing for high levels of radiation, and if it was found, sanding, priming and painting the areas. They say there were given little to no protective gear, a claim that the Navy denies.

    Of the 1,360 individuals aboard the Reagan who were monitored by the Navy following the incident, more than 96 percent were found not to have detectable internal contamination, the Navy said. The highest measured dose was less than 10 percent of the average annual exposure to someone living in the United States.

    Experts differ on the effects of radiation in general and, specifically, for those involved in Operation Tomodachi.

    Eight Reagan sailors, claiming a host of medical conditions they say are related to radiation exposure, filed suit in 2012 against the nuclear plant’s operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Co. The suit asserts that TEPCO lied, coaxing the Navy closer to the plant even though it knew the situation was dire. General Electric, EBASCO, Toshiba Corp. and Hitachi were later added as defendants for allegations of faulty parts for the reactors.

    A spokesman for TEPCO declined to comment for this story because of the sailors’ lawsuit, which was slated to go forward pending appeals in the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

    The illnesses listed in the lawsuit include genetic immune system diseases, headaches, difficulty concentrating, thyroid problems, bloody noses, rectal and gynecological bleeding, weakness in sides of the body accompanied by the shrinking of muscle mass, memory loss, leukemia, testicular cancer, problems with vision, high-pitch ringing in the ears and anxiety.

    The list of sailors who have joined the lawsuit, which is making its way through the courts, has grown to 370.

    In early 2014, Congress ordered Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Dr. Jonathan Woodson to investigate the claims.

    After a peer-reviewed study into the levels of exposure, Woodson reported back to Congress, defending the military’s response and safeguards. Any illnesses that sailors have developed since the operation are not a result of the relief campaign, he said.

    “There is no objective evidence that the sailors … experienced radiation exposures that would result in an increase in the expected number of radiogenic diseases over time,” Woodson wrote. “The estimated radiation doses for all individuals in the Operation Tomodachi registry, including sailors on the USS Ronald Reagan, were very small and well below levels associated with adverse medical conditions.”

    Furthermore, Woodson said, more sailors would have been sick if the levels were high enough to cause the illnesses cited. There were upward of 5,000 sailors aboard the Reagan at the time of the operation. He also said symptoms developed too early to be associated with the operation.

    Perhaps the assumption here is that the US government would not lie.

    But Shinzo Kimura — a professor at Dokkyo Medical University in Japan who has studied radiation exposure from Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Chernobyl and, now, Fukushima — said it wasn’t too early for sailors to show symptoms of exposure-related conditions. Doctors have seen conditions in children living near the plant that surfaced earlier than would normally be expected.

    Kimura, hired by the Nihonmatsu city government for his expertise in the field, was the first scientist on the ground taking readings in the wake of the Fukushima disaster. He said each person and the way their body is affected by radiation is different.

    While unable to definitively say if the sailors were sickened by the radiation, Kimura reasoned that the levels aboard the Reagan were high enough to cause illnesses. Otherwise, he said, why go through the bother of repeated cleanings to lower radiation levels?

    “It is impossible to speculate or calculate how much the doses were before the two decontamination works,” he said. “The U.S. military is very good at risk-management. Considering that, it is assumed that decontaminations were conducted twice because the levels were not favorable.”

  • Why America May Not Be Considered A "First World Country" Much Longer

    Submitted by Chris Perrin via,

    Before George Manuel published The Fourth World: An Indian Reality, the idea that any real differences existed among population groups in fully developed countries was still taboo. At the time, Indigenous rights were still something of a political non-issue, a blemish on a relatively clean looking statistical sheet that First World countries paid lip service to all too infrequently. Since then, an increasing amount of scholarship seeks to understand the differences between Fourth World populations living inside First World countries.

    The Fourth World, basically, are populations living within a state who have little or no representation by that state. These populations, from the standpoint of the First World, are generally impoverished and would not fit the criteria for a “First World” country. They are, essentially and literally, the oppressed. It is what we see as the Third World when we are looking at Africa and South America, hidden within the First World just outside our doors. Unfortunately, the Fourth World is growing.

    As Anthony J. Hall points out in his book The American Empire and the Fourth World, Indigenous populations are not the only peoples who are finding themselves marginalized within the North American Fourth World (p. 283). The ongoing Flint Water Crisis is just the most recent example of the state-sponsored expansion of the Fourth World, particularly as it looks so similar to something that might happen in the Third World.

    For African-Americans and Hispanic Americans, the Fourth World is an old reality with a new name. Since the economic collapse of 2008, Black and Hispanic populations have been increasingly marginalized, and the way the government once spoke about Indigenous populations must now be applied to other racial and ethnic groups. Where Indigenous peoples are confined to racially segregated Reservations, Black Americans are finding themselves increasingly limited to urban ghettos where First World opportunities are equally non-existent. Moreover, as Flint and the #BlackLivesMatter movement indicate, African-Americans and Hispanics are less and less represented by the state, clearly placing them within the boundaries of the Fourth World — boundaries that are quickly moving beyond the typical racial norm.

    The Occupy Movement represented a clear indication that the working poor, or precariat, is no longer feeling represented by the First World state. With this massive inclusion of a working-class, poor, ethnically diverse group, to the already and obviously marginalized, the population of Fourth World America at the very least rivals the population of First World America. And while the American government continues to nominally supply aid to the Third World, the Fourth World inside the U.S. is slowly being forgotten.

    While the First World criticises various governments in traditionally Third World continents as being unfair and corrupt — calling them out for their ongoing human rights abusesthe abuses being perpetrated on the Fourth World are constantly ignored, no matter how similar the two start to appear. Meanwhile, as the Governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, defines the Flint issue as a failure of government at all levels,” those governments still claim to represent the citizens of Flint and their best interests.

    If this is the representation a growing majority of people are subject to in America, then the way the First and Fourth World are understood needs to be reevaluated. More importantly, where the United States fits within the list must be reconsidered. Only when we begin to see our own situation from a new perspective can we learn how to fix it, or find a solution.

  • New Legislation Permits Authorities to Freeze Accounts and Use Them For Bail-ins

    The world will soon be facing a tsunami of defaults on bad debts. This will include municipal or local government defaults, governments “defaulting” on promises they’ve made to the people (Social Security, Medicaid), a default on the social contract between society and politicians such as the one in Cyprus (a default on the notions of private property and Democracy), stealth defaults on debts in the form of inflation and finally, of course, outright sovereign defaults.


    The sovereign defaults will come last; all other options will be tried first.


    The reason for this is that sovereign bonds (think of US Treasuries, German Bunds or Japanese Government bonds) are the senior most collateral posted by banks for the hundreds of trillions of Dollars worth of derivatives bets they’ve made with each other.


    The minute an actual sovereign default occurs in Europe, Asia or the US, then the large global banks will all be vaporized. End of story.  As is now clear, the Central banks do not care about ordinary citizens. They only care about propping up the big banks.


    This is why Cyprus decided to default on the social contract with its people and steal their funds rather than simply instigating a formal default. And it’s why in general we’re going to see Governments implementing more and more theft in the form of “taxes” (Cyprus called its theft a tax) in the future.


    Make no mistake, the words “wealth tax” mean freezing of assets and then taking some of your savings. Anyone with more than $100,000 in a bank account should be prepared for this.


    This will be sold to the public as either an attempt to tax those with a lot of money because it’s only fair that they put in more to bailout the nation OR as a form of financial terrorism e.g. “either you take a 7% cut on your deposits and the bank stays afloat or the bank crashes and you lose everything.”


    This will be spreading throughout the world, GUARANTEED.


    Spain, Canada (which allegedly has the safest banks in the world), New Zealand and now even Germany are implementing confiscation schemes for depositors in the event of a banking crisis.


    It can happen in the UK and the US as well. I am not writing that to simply scare people. The FDIC, working with the Bank of England published a paper proposing precisely these methods to deal with Systemically Important Financial Entities (SIFIs). The paper was published in December 2012. Below are some excerpts worth your attention:


    This paper focuses on the application of “top-down” resolution strategies that involve a single resolution authority applying its powers to the top of a financial group, that is, at the parent company level. The paper discusses how such a top-down strategy could be implemented for a U.S. or a U.K. financial group in a cross-border context…


    These strategies have been designed to enable large and complex cross- border firms to be resolved without threatening financial stability and without putting public funds at risk…

    Under the strategies currently being developed by the U.S. and the U.K., the resolution authority could intervene at the top of the group. Culpable senior management of the parent and operating businesses would be removed, and losses would be apportioned to shareholders and unsecured creditors. In all likelihood, shareholders would lose all value and unsecured creditors should thus expect that their claims would be written down to reflect any losses that shareholders did not cover. Under both the U.S. and U.K. approaches, legal safeguards ensure that creditors recover no less than they would under insolvency.


    An efficient path for returning the sound operations of the G-SIFI to the private sector would be provided by exchanging or converting a sufficient amount of the unsecured debt from the original creditors of the failed company into equity. In the U.S., the new equity would become capital in one or more newly formed operating entities. In the U.K., the same approach could be used, or the equity could be used to recapitalize the failing financial company itself—thus, the highest layer of surviving bailed-in creditors would become the owners of the resolved firm. In either country, the new equity holders would take on the corresponding risk of being shareholders in a financial institution. Throughout, subsidiaries (domestic and foreign) carrying out critical activities would be kept open and operating, thereby limiting contagion effects. Such a resolution strategy would ensure market discipline and maintain financial stability without cost to taxpayers.


    Title II of the Dodd-Frank Act provides the FDIC with new powers to resolve SIFIs [systemically important financial institutions] by establishing the orderly liquidation authority (OLA). Under the OLA, the FDIC may be appointed receiver for any U.S. financial company that meets specified criteria, including being in default or in danger of default, and whose resolution under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (or other relevant insolvency process) would likely create systemic instability.


    [In the US] Title II requires that the losses of any financial company placed into receivership will not be borne by taxpayers, but by common and preferred stockholders, debt holders, and other unsecured creditors, and that management responsible for the condition of the financial company will be replaced…


    [In the UK] The introduction of a statutory bail-in resolution tool (the power to write down or convert into equity the liabilities of a failing firm) under the RRD is critical to implementing a whole group resolution of U.K… But insofar as a bail-in provides for continuity in operations and preserves value losses to a deposit guarantee scheme in a bail-in should be much lower than in liquidation. Insured depositors themselves would remain unaffected. Uninsured deposits would be treated in line with other similarly ranked liabilities in the resolution process, with the expectation that they might be written down.



    So… if a large bank fails in the US, the FDIC steps in and takes over, replacing management, and works to shrink the bank by writing-down liabilities and converting debt into equity.


    In other words… any liability at the bank is in danger of being written-down should the bank fail. And guess what? Deposits are considered liabilities according to US Banking Law and depositors are creditors.


    So… if a large bank fails in the US, your deposits at this bank would either be “written-down” (read: disappear) or converted into equity or stock shares in the company. And once they are converted to equity you are a shareholder not a depositor… so you are no longer insured by the FDIC.


    So if the bank then fails (meaning its shares fall)… so does your deposit.


    Let’s run through this.


    Let’s say ABC bank fails in the US. ABC bank is too big for the FDIC to make hold. So…


    1)   The FDIC takes over the bank.

    2)   The bank’s managers are forced out.

    3)   The bank’s debts and liabilities are converted into equity or the bank’s stock. And yes, your deposits are considered a “liability” for the bank.

    4)   Whatever happens to the bank’s stock, affects your wealth. If the bank’s stock falls at this point because everyone has figured out the bank is in major trouble… your wealth falls to.


    Let’s say you have $1,000,000 in deposits at financial institutions ABC. When ABC fails, your deposits are converted into $1,000,000 worth of ABC’s stock (let’s say you get 1,000,000 shares valued at $1 each for $1,000,000).


    Now let’s say ABC’s shares fall in value from $1.00 to $0.50.


    You just lost $500,000 of your wealth.


    This is precisely what has happened in Spain during the 2012 banking crisis over there.

    And it is perfectly legal in the US courtesy of a clause in the Dodd-Frank bill.


    This is the template for what’s going to be implemented globally in the coming months.  When push comes to shove, it will be taxpayers, NOT Central Banks who are on the hook for the next round of bailouts.


    Indeed, we've uncovered a secret document outlining how the Feds plan to take hold of savings during the next round of the crisis to stop individuals from getting their money out.


    We detail this paper and outline three investment strategies you can implement right now to protect your capital from this sinister plan in our Special Report

    Survive the Fed's War on Cash.


    We are making 1,000 copies available for FREE the general public.


    To pick up yours, swing by….


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    Phoenix Capital Research


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  • Inflation Is Not Risen – It's The Cheapest Easter "Since Lehman"

    As christians remember the fall and rise of Jesus, there is another – perhaps more important to many – rising-and-falling thing to celebrate: Egg prices are the cheapest for Easter since at least 2008…


    While pork prices are soaring in China; in America, egg prices are tumbling…


    Just in time for Easter…(cheapest Easter for eggs since at least 2008)


    As Bloomberg notes,

    Wholesale prices at stores in the U.S. Midwest have averaged $1 a dozen since mid-February, or more than 60 percent below the all-time highs seen in mid-2015, when a record bird-flu outbreak led to the death of millions of hens.


    The egg industry “continues to rebuild,” and output is forecast to rebound by about 4 percent in 2016, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said March 9.

    Happy Easter everyone.

  • Al Jazeera Presenter Corners Saudi Ambassador – "Why Support Democracy In Syria But Not Saudi Arabia?"

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    This past week, Al Jazeera presenter Mehdi Hasan sat down with Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the UN. He asked him a very pointed question regarding why he supports democracy in Syria but not in Saudi Arabia.

    It’s a great question, and let’s just say the answer was not at all convincing.

    Too much media these days merely serves as public relations for the status quo. What Mr. Hasan does in this interview is exactly what journalists are supposed to be doing, but very rarely do in these United States:



    Speak truth to power. 

    Well done Mr. Hasan. The entire interview can be watched below…

  • Australian Dollar versus United States Dollar Currency Cross Analysis 3 27 2016 (Video)

    By EconMatters

    We look at the AUD/USD Currency Cross in this video. Will the AUD get back to parity with the USD? The AUD is off the 2016 lows, will it strengthen or weaken from here for the remainder of the year? This is the big question for currency traders after the rally off the January lows in the AUD.

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Today’s News 27th March 2016

  • Paul Craig Roberts On The Real Likelihood Of Nuclear War

    Via SputnikNews' John Harrison,

    Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan administration, shares his view that there is a real likelihood of a nuclear war breaking out. Below are the main points covered in this radio programme.

    (click image for link to full interview)

    "Firstly there is the Wolfowitz doctrine, which basically makes it clear that the United States should prevent the rise of any state that could present sufficient power to threaten American unilateral action. Russia has risen and has displayed such power….This is the reason for the constant demonisation of Russia’s leader. We have the number one candidate for the democratic Nomination Hillary Clinton, who now compares the President of Russia with Hitler….So what has happened is that every American president during my lifetime, especially Nixon and Reagan worked to create trust between the two major nuclear powers. But beginning with Clinton, the trust that had been achieved was progressively destroyed."

    "When you destroy trust between nuclear powers you recreate the possibility of nuclear war, either by intent, or miscalculation. So this is a reckless and irresponsible act on the part of Washington….The information war that is going on now is to prepare the American population and NATO countries allies for military conflict with Russia. This is part of the preparation of that. We now have high level people in the US government and military who go to Congress and say that Russia is an existential threat. This is rubbish!…You have to remember that before the wars started in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, it was the constant demonisation of the leaders of the governments, against Gaddafi, Hussein. When you see these kinds of demonisation it fits a pattern."

    "A hot war can come from a new cold war. Another factor is the American military industrial complex, with a turnover of a trillion dollars annually. Their entire revenues come from serving the war capability of US government. They have a huge interest in having a major enemy. They tried to make terrorists that enemy, but that is not serious enough, so this complex has great interest in recreating the Russian threat. From the neo conservative standpoint, they actually regard any country with an independent foreign policy to be a threat to the United States. So that part of the equation means that they can move the cold war into a hot war, it only takes a small amount of miscalculation. I don’t see how the Russian government can believe one word coming out of Washington."

    "Some neocons say: what’s the good of nuclear weapons if you can’t use them? They have a theory that the US has sufficient superiority to win a strike against Russia. If the US cannot win against a few thousand Taliban, it will not be able to win  a possible conventional war against the Red Army, it will go nuclear rather lose…. A nuclear war cannot be won."

    "The neoconservatives now have no competition, there is nobody out there apart from Washington wishing to take over the world… As long as the American vassal states that compromise the NATO accept it, they magnify the chance of a new massive war… Republican candidates are competing with each other to see who can treat Russia the most aggressively."

  • Visualizing Why Manufacturing Jobs Aren't Coming Back

    The market for industrial robot installations has been on a skyward trend since 2009, and it is not expected to slow down any time soon. According to the World Robotics 2015 report, the market for industrial robots was approximated at $32 billion in 2014, and in the coming years it is expected to continue to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of at least 15%.

    As VisualCapitalist's Jeff Desjardin notes, that means between 2015 and 2018, it’s anticipated that 1.3 million industrial robots will be installed worldwide. This will bring the stock of operational robots up to just over 2.3 million, mostly working in the automotive and electronics sectors.

    For how long can the global robot population continue to grow?


    Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist



    Perhaps the most interesting way to peek into the future of industrial robot installations is to look at potential sales in China.

    Currently, the world’s most populous nation has a density of robots that is about half of the world average, equal to just 36 robots for every 10,000 manufacturing workers in China.

    However, this is changing fast. It’s been the largest market for robots since 2013, and in 2014 the country bought 57,100 robots – the highest quantity ever recorded in a year. By 2018, one in every three robots in operation around the world will be in China.

    What will happen if China’s density approaches that of other robot industrial centers?

    Highly automated countries such as Germany, Japan, and South Korea all have robot densities that are multiples higher. South Korea, for example, has 478 industrial robots for every 10,000 workers – a ratio that is 13x higher than China’s.

    With this kind of potential for growth, it’s clear that this is only the start of the robot story.

  • The World's Most Famous Economic Hitman Confesses – They're Coming For Your Democracy

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Allen Dulles, the CIA director under presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy, the younger brother of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, and the architect of a secretive national security apparatus that functioned as essentially an autonomous branch of government. Talbot offers a portrait of a black-and-white Cold War-era world full of spy games and nuclear brinkmanship, in which everyone is either a good guy or a bad guy. Dulles—who deceived American elected leaders and overthrew foreign ones, who backed ex-Nazis and thwarted left-leaning democrats—falls firmly in the latter camp.


    But what I was really trying to do was a biography on the American power elite from World War II up to the 60s. That was the key period when the national security state was constructed in this country, and where it begins to overshadow American democracy. It’s almost like Game of Thrones to me, where you have the dynastic struggles between these power groups within the American system for control of the country and the world…


    Absolutely. The surveillance state that Snowden and others have exposed is very much a legacy of the Dulles past. I think Dulles would have been delighted by how technology and other developments have allowed the American security state to go much further than he went. He had to build a team of cutthroats and assassins on the ground to go around eliminating the people he wanted to eliminate, who he felt were in the way of American interests. He called them communists. We call them terrorists today. And of course the most controversial part of my book, I’m sure, will be the end, where I say there was blowback from that. Because that killing machine in some way was brought back home.


    – From the post: How America’s Modern Shadow Government Can Be Traced Back to One Very Evil Man – Allen Dulles

    Most readers will be familiar with John Perkins and his best-selling novel Confessions of an Economic Hitman. What you may not know, is he’s currently making the rounds warning us that all the corporatist mercenary tactics employed against third-world nations to financially benefit U.S. conglomerates are now being turned inward on American communities.

    He discussed some of this in a recent interview with Yes. Here are a few excerpts:

    Twelve years ago, John Perkins published his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, and it rapidly rose up The New York Times’ best-seller list. In it, Perkins describes his career convincing heads of state to adopt economic policies that impoverished their countries and undermined democratic institutions. These policies helped to enrich tiny, local elite groups while padding the pockets of U.S.-based transnational corporations.

    If economic pressure and threats didn’t work, Perkins says, the jackals were called to either overthrow or assassinate the noncompliant heads of state. That is, indeed, what happened to Allende, with the backing of the CIA.


    Perkins has just reissued his book with major updates. The basic premise of the book remains the same, but the update shows how the economic hit man approach has evolved in the last 12 years. Among other things, U.S. cities are now on the target list. The combination of debt, enforced austerity, underinvestment, privatization, and the undermining of democratically elected governments is now happening here.


    Sarah van Gelder: What’s changed in our world since you wrote the first Confessions of an Economic Hit Man?


    John Perkins: Things have just gotten so much worse in the last 12 years since the first Confessions was written. Economic hit men and jackals have expanded tremendously, including the United States and Europe.


    Back in my day we were pretty much limited to what we called the third world, or economically developing countries, but now it’s everywhere.


    van Gelder: So how has this switched from us being the beneficiaries of this hit-man economy, perhaps in the past, to us now being more of the victims of it?


    Perkins: It’s been interesting because, in the past, the economic hit man economy was being propagated in order to make America wealthier and presumably to make people here better off, but as this whole process has expanded in the U.S. and Europe, what we’ve seen is a tremendous growth in the very wealthy at the expense of everybody else.


    On a global basis we now know that 62 individuals have as many assets as half the world’s population.


    van Gelder: Is this the same kind of dynamic about debt that leads to emergency managers who then turn over the reins of the economy to private enterprises? The same thing that you are seeing in third-world countries?


    Perkins: Yes, when I was an economic hit man, one of the things that we did, we raised these huge loans for these countries, but the money never actually went to the countries, it went to our own corporations to build infrastructure in those countries. And when the countries could not pay off their debt, we insisted that they privatize their water systems, their sewage systems, their electric systems.


    van Gelder: I want to ask you about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and other trade deals. Is there any way that we can beat these things back so they don’t continue supercharging the corporate sphere at the expense of local democracies?


    Perkins: They’re devastating; they give sovereignty to corporations over governments. It’s ridiculous.


    I was just in Central America and what we talk about in the U.S. as being an immigration problem is really a trade agreement problem.


    They’re not allowed to impose tariffs under the trade agreements—NAFTA and CAFTA—but the U.S. is allowed to subsidize its farmers. Those governments can’t afford to subsidize their farmers. So our farmers can undercut theirs, and that’s destroyed the economies, and a number of other things, and that’s why we’ve got immigration problems.


    van Gelder: Can you talk about the violence that people are fleeing in Central America, and how that links back to the role the U.S. has had there?


    Perkins: Three or four years ago the CIA orchestrated a coup against the democratically elected president of Honduras, President Zelaya, because he stood up to Dole and Chiquita and some other big, global, basically U.S.-based corporations.


    He wanted to raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level, and he wanted some land reform that would make sure that his own people were able to make money off their own land, rather than having big international corporations do it.


    The big corporations couldn’t stand for this. He wasn’t assassinated but he was overthrown in a coup and sent to another country, and replaced by a terribly brutal dictator, and today Honduras is one of the most violent, homicidal countries in the hemisphere.


    It’s frightening what we’ve done. And when that happens to a president, it sends a message to every other president throughout the hemisphere, and in fact throughout the world: Don’t mess with us. Don’t mess with the big corporations. Either cooperate and get rich in the process, and have all your friends and family get rich in the process, or go get overthrown or assassinated. It’s a very strong message.

    That is how a once proud nation gets transformed into a rancid, oligarch-controlled Banana Republic.

    Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 10.03.46 AM

  • Hugh Hendry: "If China Devalues By 20% The World Is Over, Everything Hits A Wall"

    Once upon a time Hugh Hendry was one of the world’s most prominent financial skeptics, arguing with anyone who would listen that the status quo is doomed and that central planning will never work.

    Most famously, back in 2010 during a BBC round table discussion with Jeffrey Sachs and Gillian Tett when discussing Europe’s crashing experiment with the single currency, he said that we should “purge this system of its rottenness. Let’s take on a recession. It’s going to be tough, people are gonna lose their jobs. They are going to lose their jobs anyway. We can spread this over 20 years, or we can get rid of it over 3 years” before concluding “I recommend you panic.”

    Ultimately everyone did panic, which led to the single biggest episode of global QE and negative rates ever seen, resulting in ever louder speculation even among the most “serious” people that central bankers are now powerless.

    But perhaps most notably, Hendry was one of the biggest China bears, certain that the country’s massive overcapacity, insolvency and bad debt problems will result in disaster (back then China only had about 200% debt/GDP, it has since risen to over 350%). His Chinese skepticism led to his fund generating a 40% profit by late 2011.

    And then after a poor two year performance spell, Hendry had a historic burnout and threw in the towel on bearishness, infamously saying he can no longer “look at himself in the mirror“:

    “I may be providing a public utility here, as the last bear to capitulate. You are well within your rights to say ‘sell’. The S&P 500 is up 30% over the past year: I wish I had thought this last year… Crashing is the least of my concerns. I can deal with that, but I cannot risk my reputation because we are in this virtuous loop where the market is trending.”

    He proceeded to buy momentum stocks and 3D printer companies.

    Fast forward to the present, when countless hedge funds – key among them Kyle Bass’ Hayman Capital and Mark Hart’s Corriente – have become China megabears, expecting the country’s financial collapse and trading it by shorting the Yuan expecting a massive Yuan devaluation.

    It is here that Hugh Hendry has once again proven contrarian, even if it means agreeing with the dominant textbook meme of the day, namely that China can contain its economic hard landing, and in his most recent interview with RealVision’s Raoul Pal, he cautions against a Chinese devaluation saying that “tomorrow we wake up, I mean, I would jump out the hotel window if this was the scenario, but we wake up and China has devalued 20%. The world is over. The world is over.”

    What makes this interview doubly ironic is not just that Hendry is wildly contradicting everything he himself believed in a few short years ago, but disagrees with his interview host himself – recall that one month ago, we showed an excerpt from a Raoul Pal interview in which he previewed “the Big Reset” and laid out how the Kondratieff Winter would unwind, one in which China would play a prominent part.

    Whether Hendry is right or wrong remains to be seen: for now he has the powerful People’s Bank of China at his back which has been especially active recently especially after the PBOC stated recently it intends to crush all hedge funds who have shorted the Yuan even if it means slamming Chinese trade and the economy once again (as a reminder, one of the biggest reasons why China needs a weaker Yuan is not just the stronger dollar to which it is pegged but because its exports have been crashing against all of its trading partners making the need for a weak currency paramount).

    For now, as we showed just ten days ago, those short the Yuan have swung to wildly profitable to losing money as both the USD has slid and the Yuan has spiked, although both of these trades appear to be reversing now.

    Needless to say, Hendry disagrees with the China contrarians and believes that the way to fix the Chinese economy is through a stronger currency, even if there is no logical way how that could possibly work when China’s debt load is 350% of GDP while its NPLs are over 10% and rising.

    So, borrowing form a favorite Keynesian trope, one where when the countrfactual to his prevailling – if incorrect – view of the world finally emerges, Hendry is convinced that a 20% devaluation would lead to global devastation; the same way if Paulson did not get Congress to sign off on his three page term sheet that would lead to the “apocalypse.” Only unlike Paulson who only hinted at a Mad Max world, for Hendry the alternative to him being right is a very explicit doomsday scenario, as he explains in the following excerpt from his RealVision interview:

    Tomorrow we wake up and China has devalued 20%, the world is over. The world is over. Euro breaks up. The world is over. The euro breaks up. Everything hits a wall. There’s no euro in that scenario. The US economy, I mean everything hits a wall! Everything hits a wall!


    The dollar strength that you imagined is devastation because you just eliminated dollars. They’re a scarce commodity. You’ve wiped them out. And China is a pariah state.


    It’s a ‘Mad Max’ movie, right. OK, China gets to be the king in ‘Mad Max’ world. How appealing is that? There is no world after the tomorrow where China devalues by 20%. There is no world. Yeah, it’s looney tunes to believe that, people say, ‘oh wow, they needed to catch a break.’


    Their share of world trade has never been higher. They’re facing no pressure, immense terms of trade improvement, and you would destroy world trade. World trade is down 25%. You would probably have passport restrictions, the world is over.

    And while it is clear on which side of the Yuan Hugh is currently positioned (Hendry’s Eclectica is down 2.1% through March 18 and -5.9% YTD) either directly or synthetically, we can’t wait to see who is right in the end: China and its central bank (as well as Hugh Hendry) or reason and common sense (as well as some of the smartest hedge funds in the world).

    The RealVisionTV interview excerpt is below:

    To view the full interview, subscribe to Real Vision Television, which offers Zero Hedge readers a 7-day free trial.

  • From Marxist To Markets: Why Robber Barons Are "Safer Foes" Than Meddling Bureaucrats

    Authored by Chris Campbell, via,

    “Of all tyrannies,” C.S. Lewis once wrote, “a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.


    “It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.


    “The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

    There’s a sculpture on display in front of the Federal Trade Commission building in D.C.

    It was erected when Roosevelt was in office, depicting a man holding back a wild horse. It is called “Man Controlling Trade.”

    It, of course, implies that we need institutional protection from the overwhelmingly wild force of grocery lists and car salesmen.

    Man Controlling Trade Sculpture

    But, we know what you’re thinking. This metaphor is full of plotholes.

    For one: “Since trade is not really a wild horse,” Sheldon Richman points out in Reason, “but rather a peaceful and mutually beneficial activity between people, the Roosevelt administration’s propaganda purpose is clear.

    A more honest title would be ‘Government Controlling People.’ But that would have sounded a little authoritarian even in New Deal America, hence the wild horse metaphor.”

    The idea that government is necessary to “tame the beast” is not an unpopular one. But, Richmond goes on, “What’s looked over — intentionally or not — is that the alternative to a government-regulated economy is not an unregulated one.

    “The term ‘free market’ does not mean free of regulation. It means free of government interference, that is, legal plunder and other official aggressive force.”

    Rather than having a centralized decision-maker, individuals can (and should) voluntarily participate and create regulatory environments on their own. These voluntary decisions are what make up and regulate the market — not arbitrary and outdated restrictions and barriers.

    And, though a free market will have its bad players, they will be in the minority. The incentive to cheat and defraud, without a centralized power structure, will be lower and far less disastrous. And, better yet, the threat of violence won’t be baked into the cake.

    Rather, rules will be created by consent and not by agenda-driven third-parties with goons with guns and big cages.

    “Bureaucrats,” Richmond writes, “who necessarily have limited knowledge and perverse incentives, regulate by threat of physical force. In contrast, market forces operate peacefully through millions of cooperating participants, each with intimate knowledge of her own personal circumstances and looking out for her own well-being.”

    People, naturally, tend to value order and peace to chaos. And free markets, in the pursuit of self-interest, provide a way for humans to interact, create order and foment peace. But, Richmond goes on, those who forget that “liberty is the mother not the daughter of order, will be tempted to favor state-imposed order. How ironic since the state is the greatest creator of disorder of all.”

    Today, to drive this point home, we turn to Mr. Thomas Sowell.

    Sowell’s here to rap about his transformation from Marxism to the Markets. And show us why a robber baron is a much safer foe than a meddling bureaucrat… or worse, someone who sincerely believes they’re helping.

    Read on…

    From Marxist to the Market

    (by Thomas Sowell, via Capitalism Magazine)

    How and why had I changed from a young leftist to someone with my present views, which are essentially in favor of free markets and traditional values?

    In a sense, it was not so much a change in underlying philosophy, as in my vision of how human beings operate.

    Back in the days when I was a Marxist, my primary concern was that ordinary people deserved better, and that elites were walking all over them.

    That is still my primary concern, but the passing decades have taught me that political elites and cultural elites are doing far more damage than the market elites could ever get away with doing.

    For one thing, the elites of the marketplace have to compete against one another.

    If General Motors doesn’t make the kind of car you want, you can always turn to Ford, Chrysler, Honda, Toyota, and others. But if the Environmental Protection Agency goes off the deep end, there is no alternative agency doing the same thing that you can turn to.

    Even when a particular corporation seems to have a monopoly of its product, as the Aluminum Company of America once did, it must compete with substitute products.

    If Alcoa had jacked up the price of aluminum to exploit its monopoly position, many things that were made of aluminum would have begun to be made of steel, plastic and numerous other materials.

    The net result of market forces was that, half a century after it became a monopoly, Alcoa was charging less for aluminum than it did at the beginning. That was not because the people who ran the company were nice. It was because market competition left them no viable alternative.

    How you look at the free market depends on how you look at human beings. If everyone were sweetness and light, socialism would be the way to go.

    Within the traditional family, for example, resources are often lavished on children, who don’t earn a dime of their own. It is domestic socialism, and even the most hard-bitten capitalists practice it.

    Maybe some day we will discover creatures in some other galaxy who can operate a whole society that way. But the history of human beings shows that a nation with millions of people cannot operate like one big family.

    The rhetoric of socialism may be inspiring, but its actual record is dismal.

    Countries which for centuries exported food have suddenly found themselves forced to import food to stave off starvation, after agriculture was socialized. This has happened all over the world, among people of every race.

    Anyone who saw the contrast between East Berlin and West Berlin, back in the days when half the city was controlled by the Communists, can have no doubts as to which system produces more economic benefits for ordinary people.

    Even though the people in both parts of the city were of the same race, culture and history, those living under the Communists were painfully poorer, in addition to having less freedom.

    Much the same story could be told in Africa, where Ghana relied on
    socialistic programs and the Ivory Coast relied more on the marketplace, after both countries became independent back in the 1960s. Ghana started off with all the advantages.

    Its per capita income was double that of the Ivory Coast. But, after a couple of decades under different economic systems, the bottom 20% of people in the Ivory Coast had higher incomes than 60% of the people in Ghana.

    Economic inefficiency is by no means the worst aspect of socialistic government. Trying to reduce economic inequality by increasing political inequality, which is essentially what Marxism is all about, has cost the lives of millions of innocent people under Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and others.

    Politicians cannot be trusted with a monopoly of power over other people’s lives. Thousands of years of history have demonstrated this again and again.

    While my desires for a better life for ordinary people have not changed from the days of my youthful Marxism, experience has taught the bitter lesson that the way to get there is the opposite of what I once thought.

  • Belgian Media Explains What To Do During A Nuclear Disaster

    Electrabel is disgusted with the media. Why? Because in the aftermath of the Brussels attacks, the electric utility thinks journalists have made too much of the alleged threat to the country’s nuclear infrastructure.

    Hours after four attackers detonated explosives-laden belts and luggage in the Brussels airport and metro, reports began to surface that the Tihange and Doel nuclear power plants were being evacuated.

    That would have been alarming enough on its own, but last month it emerged that when Belgian authorities raided a home in Auvelais last November in connection with the Paris attacks, investigators recovered hours of surveillance footage apparently recorded by terrorists at the home of a top nuclear official. There’s now some speculation that the Bakraoui brothers (two of the four Brussels bombers) were involved in covertly monitoring the official’s home.

    Obviously, that suggests that the cell was (and probably still is) interested in either sabotaging a nuclear facility and/or obtaining radioactive material for the purposes of developing a dirty bomb. That’s not an attempt to sow panic, it’s simply the conclusion one comes to when told that terrorists were in possession of video tapes depicting the day-to-day routine of nuclear officials and their families.

    Electrabel would later say the Tihange had actually not been “evacuated” per se. Rather, non essential personnel were told they could go home.

    On Saturday, the utility became even more exasperated when Derniere Heure reported that a Tihange security guard had been shot in Charleroi and his access badge stolen. That report, Electrabel insists, is “false.”

    Translation: “Electrabel calls the greatest caution with regard to articles that have appeared Saturday morning.”

    “Electrabel deplores that its sites are being used regularly this week to illustrate articles without any link to the company or its 5,000 workers,” a statement reads. Hopefully the company doesn’t expect this “deplorable” state of affairs to improve any time soon because if you know anything about the history of Tihange and Doel (see here and here for more), you know why Belgians are worried.

    “It’s like talcum powder,” Matthew Bunn, a specialist in nuclear security at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, told The New York Times, regarding byproducts of isotopes like Cesium-137. “If you made a dirty bomb out of it, it’s going to provoke fear, you would have to evacuate and you have to spend a lot of money cleaning it up; the economic destruction cost could be very high.”

    Yes, “it’s going to provoke fear,” much like running a story about how to survive a nuclear terrorist attack when the public is already at wit’s end. But better safe than sorry we suppose and on that note, we present the following rather amusing piece from Belgian media which outlines how best to survive a nuclear disaster. Among the things you should do: grab the money and the iodine tablets. Among the things you should not do: help other people – until you’re sure you’re safe that is.

    From (translated)

    It is clear from this morning that there is no link between the murdered guard and nuclear terror investigation. But the message has a lot of people have put thinking. What should you do if terrorists indeed endorse a nuclear power plant?

    The government and the managers of nuclear sites work hard to keep safe nuclear plants and if there is an emergency, the operator will be as fast as possible to bring the situation under control at a technical level. The government will also make every effort to protect the population and the environment. But also as an individual you can protect yourself. The most important nuclear risk in our country are Doel and Tihange. The Study Centre for Nuclear Energy in Mol-Dessel and the National Institute for Radio Elements in Fleurus are risk zones. 

    To avoid exposure to radioactive material and to prevent exposure and contamination, hiding your best at a nuclear incident. Get to a central area of a building, close windows and doors and turn off ventilation. If possible, collect the most necessary (identity card, money …). Also make sure first that you are safe. If possible, you can help other people, but bring your own safety is not compromised. 

    If you’ve got to safety, it is important not unnecessarily to call the emergency services, so not inhibited urgent care. Also make sure there is enough food and drink, warm clothes, blankets, flashlight … make sure that you can at any time following the reports about the disaster.

    In a nuclear accident could release radioactive iodine. It can enter the body through the respiratory tract or contaminated food. The thyroid iodine stores until she is satisfied with it and allows that way for irradiation from within. Through this ongoing radiation increases the risk of cancer and other diseases significantly. By saturating the thyroid with non-radioactive iodine in the tablets, you can prevent your body absorbs radioactive iodine. Iodine tablets do not offer protection against other radioactive substances are absorbed by the body. Against these substances can protect your best to take shelter in time. Take the tablets only when the government recommends it. The tablets provide protection for 24 hours. 

  • I DiD NoT HaVe SeX WiTH THaT…


  • Another Volcker Moment? Guessing The Future Without Say's Law

    Submitted by Alasdair Macleod via,

    Some reflections to read over the Easter holidays

    With Japanese and Eurozone interest rates becoming increasingly negative, and the Fed backing off from at least some of the planned increases in the Fed funds rate this year, economists are reassessing the interest rate outlook.

    Economists lack consensus, with some expecting yet more easing, based on the apparent collapse in cross-border trade last year. The fact that the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank see fit to pursue increasingly aggressive monetary reflation is taken as evidence of underlying difficulties faced in these key economies. And lingering doubts about the sustainability of China’s credit bubble point to a high risk of a credit-induced slump in the world’s growth engine.

    Other economists, citing official US data and relying on the Fed’s statements, point out that unemployment levels have more than satisfied the Fed’s target, and that core inflation has picked up to the point where the Fed would be fully justified to increase interest rates over the course of this year, or risk overheating in 2017.

    These two opposite camps conflict in their forecasts, but where they fundamentally differ is in expectations of future economic growth. Far from displaying the highest levels of macroeconomic discipline, their diversity of opinion should alert us that their forecasts may lack sound theoretical foundation. The purpose of reasoned theory is to reduce uncertainty, not promote it. And the explanation for most of the failures behind modern macroeconomic thinking is the substitution of market-based economics by economic planning.

    The fact that today’s macroeconomics dismisses the laws of the markets, commonly referred to by economists as Say’s law, explains all. Subsequent errors confirm. The many errors are a vast subject, but they boil down to that one fateful step, and that is denying the universal truth of Say’s law.

    Say’s law is about the division of labour. People earn money and make profits from deploying their individual skills in the production of goods and services for the benefit of others. Despite the best attempts of Marxism and Keynesianism along with all the other isms, attempts to override this reality have always failed. The failure is not adequately reflected in government statistics, which have evolved to the point where they actually conceal it. So when an economist talks of economic growth being above or below trend, he is talking about a measure that has no place in sound economic reasoning, and that is gross domestic product.


    Gross domestic product in its current form is a relatively recent invention, dating from the 1930s. It was a gift to state-sponsored economists, needing a statistical justification for perfecting their theories of management of the economy. At last, here was a means of measuring the effects of economic policy, and therefore to adjust its future implementation based on evidence. The inconvenience of having to pander to markets had been dealt its final blow. Or so it was thought.

    GDP comes in various guises, but for our purposes, we can define it as the total monetary value of recorded and eligible transactions between two points in time. It tells you nothing more. It does not tell you anything about the reasons for those transactions. It tells you nothing about the future. Economists, politicians and laymen who talk of economic growth miss this point entirely. What GDP does tell you, and only tells you, is how much money has been spent on new products included in the statistics. And, assuming there is no change in the allocation of total spending between qualifying and non-qualifying items, the limitation is simply the total earnings and profits of individuals and businesses applied to the purchase of those products. This is not to be confused with economic progress, which is an entirely different thing.

    So ingrained is the belief that growth in GDP is a desirable objective, that it is akin to heresy to point out its utter meaninglessness. Assume for a moment that the GDP statistic captures all economic activity in a community, conventionally a nation state. Let us also assume that the quantity of money and credit is fixed, neither expanding nor contracting. And let us also assume that the trade balance is always zero. Therefore, all money earned, or made through profits, is spent or saved. Savings are deferred consumption, and through financial intermediaries, invested by businesses in capital goods and working capital. Logically therefore, the following must all be true:

    • All consumption is funded by income, whether it comes from salaries, entrepreneurial profits, income and profits on savings, or government benefits and subsidies.
    • All government spending must be financed by taxes or domestic savings. In other words, if the government increases its spending it must be at the expense of the non-government sectors. Therefore, an increase in government spending does not increase GDP.
    • Imports are paid for by exports.
    • Prices are free to reflect changes in demand for money, and changes in demand between different goods and services.

    It is now be obvious that GDP cannot change from one period to the next. An economy under these conditions is free to evolve, respond to consumer and investment demands, to progress, all with zero “growth”. Therefore, growth in GDP can only be an increase in the quantity of money deployed, and it cannot be anything else.

    This was broadly the situation when gold was money. Broadly, because there was also the cyclical effect of bank credit, which was formalised by the UK’s Bank Charter Act of 1844. At least it evened out over the cycle, and despite the ups and downs of bank credit, the British, European and American economies progressed, as consumers were offered and acquired improved goods throughout the industrial revolution, at least until the disruption of the First World War. This empirical example, which is fully explained by sound economic theory, confirms that the substantial leaps in economic progress at that time could not be quantified by GDP.

    This is not to say that disruption in the rate of economic progress does not cause changes in GDP in a fiat currency environment. But the relationship between changes in GDP and true progress is not predictable and is wholly unsuited as an economic indicator.

    Having established that GDP is simply a measure of the quantity of money spent on goods and services specified in the statistic, and nothing more, the basic goal of modern economists in a world of unlimited fiat currency is exposed as meaningless. This mistake is a source of considerable error, not only among policy-makers, but commentators as well.

    The Fed has accepted this by default, because it does not target GDP. Instead, it operates a dual mandate of price inflation and unemployment, as proxy indications for advance warning of when monetary stimulus should be moderated. And here again, the use of these statistics is no substitute for a proper understanding of price formation and the forces that drive employment. So we shall look at these in turn.


    This term is abused to the point where it is commonly assumed to mean a rise in prices. Rising prices may or may not be a symptom of inflation, which was originally defined by economists as a monetary phenomenon. To point out this confusion is important, because an expansion in the quantity of money and credit in fiat currencies is only one of three main factors that affect the overall price level:

    1. When the quantity of money and credit is increased and that increase is applied to the components of GDP or the consumer price index, it represents the application of new money, which in time devalues the previously existing money employed for the purposes of these statistics. It generates extra demand, which fades and reverses as the purchasing power of the currency falls to accommodate the increased quantity of money introduced. Further increases in the quantity of money are required to negate the tendency for demand to return to the previous level after the effect of the initial increase in the quantity of money wears off.
    2. When money and credit is withdrawn from activities not included in the GDP or CPI statistics, and then applied to goods and services which are included, the effect is to create a temporary increase in recorded demand as in the first case above. This time, the effect of expansion and subsequent contraction of demand can be detected in GDP and CPI statistics, while the effect of the withdrawal of money applied to non-GDP items is ignored.
    3. By far the most important factor driving prices is changes in the overall preference individuals have for holding a reserve of money. It is this factor which can either enhance a fiat money’s purchasing power, or lead to its total collapse, and is independent from changes in the quantity of money and credit in circulation. Changes in preference override the first two cases in a fiat money economy, and should be regarded as the most risk to currency stability.

    In all three cases, the change in prices comes from the money side of transactions and not that of goods. This is the exact opposite of the common belief that money is an unchanging constant behind all transactions, having a valid objective-exchange value, and that inflation is rising prices of goods. We have collectively taken the past attributes of gold as money, and applied them without modification to modern fiat currencies. It is illogical to regard the declining purchasing power of a fiat currency as only a long-term effect.

    The Fed’s open market committee is targeting an inflation rate of 2%, by which the members mean that they will attempt to achieve an outcome, through monetary policy, whereby prices expressed in dollars will rise by that amount. The correct description of their objective is they seek to reduce the dollar’s purchasing power in a controlled fashion. In pursuing this objective, they rely on the quantity theory of money, which was devised when gold was money, and is applied without modification for current fiat monies. In other words, ignoring inter-temporal factors, they assume there is sufficient correlation between changes in the quantity of money and credit, and the overall price level for the purposes of monetary policy. The relationship was broadly true in the days when gold was money, because its common role as money extended beyond national boundaries. Any tendency for changes in preference for or against it, varying its purchasing power in any one location, were therefore restricted by arbitrage.

    This cannot be true of a fiat currency, whose value as money is contained by national boundaries. In this case, changes in the relative preference expressed by consumers between money and goods are potentially the most important variable affecting the purchasing power of money, as described above.

    Attempts to manage the decline in a currency’s purchasing power are sure to fail, if only because it is not consumer preferences that are being targeted. If central bankers have missed this point, so have all the economists and commentators employed by the investment banks and by the media.

    Central bankers and economists fail to appreciate how changes in the general price level arise from the money side. The use of a statistic, such as the consumer price index, for inflation targeting is deceiving, misleading policy makers into believing that they can override Say’s law.


    So far, we have addressed fallacies behind the concept of GDP, the real objective of monetary policy, and also inflation statistics, which are one of the two proxies for GDP targeting the Fed uses. That leaves unemployment. Unemployment is an unnatural condition, because in accordance with the indisputable theory of the division of labour, people work to acquire from others their needs and wants. This is why without government intervention the unemployment problem tends to resolve itself.

    In the US, even a cursory analysis of the composition of unemployment statistics and the application of seasonal adjustments show them to be wholly unfit for purpose. But to complain about the veracity of unemployment statistics is to miss the more important point, that it is the contribution of the labour force to economic progress that really matters. When intelligent, skilled individuals are working as waiters and barmen, we can say the economy is in transition, because an increase in employment of this nature is probably temporary. When it has a sense of permanency about it and people are not retraining for newly-demanded skills, the economy is not evolving as it should, and progress is being blocked.

    Unemployment, being an unnatural condition, is fundamentally a problem created by the state. The state sets employment legislation, favouring the employee, with the consequence that employers are deterred from taking on staff they would otherwise freely employ. Many states tax employment, raising the cost of it above its use-value. France’s experience is a good example, where high employment taxes and restrictive regulation has resulted in permanently high unemployment rates. Central banks seek to counter these disadvantages by reducing the purchasing power of the currency, in an effort to encourage employers to employ, which has become the basic justification for monetary intervention. It amounts to beating everyone with a stick, then offering a monetary carrot while continuing to weald the stick.

    If the state stopped interfering with the labour market, unemployment would not be anything other than a short-term problem. Even if the state only desisted from further intervention, unemployment would tend to fall, because of the need and desire for people to work. It is natural for the unemployment rate to drift lower over time, so the fact that unemployment statistics, imperfect though they are, have reached the Fed’s target after eight years of zero interest rates, should not be a surprise.


    The likelihood that some economists will be right about the future course of interest rates should not be taken as evidence of their grasp of economic theory. However, we can conclude that the recent fall in the dollar’s purchasing power, expressed in energy and commodity prices, has reduced the likelihood of negative interest rates. If the dollar’s purchasing power falls much further, the market will expect higher interest rates, so this then becomes the likely outcome.

    The question will then arise as to whether or not the Fed will dare to raise interest rates sufficiently to stabilise the dollar's purchasing power. If the Fed delays, it could find itself facing a difficult choice. The level of interest rates required to stabilise the dollar’s purchasing power would not be consistent with maintaining the record levels of debt in both government and private sectors. Thirty-six years on it could be another Volker moment. It would surely be a mistake to think that Fed officials are unaware of this danger, and would recommend early action to avoid this outcome.

    Alternatively, if the dollar’s purchasing power begins to rise over the rest of this year, the Fed can defer interest rate rises, and perhaps introduce negative rates. It would be the most desired outcome for the Fed, being a continuation of indefinite economic suppression with a lower likelihood of financial crisis.

    It is changes in the dollar’s purchasing power that really matter, and forecasting interest rates based on GDP, consumer prices, or employment levels not only relies on bad, incomplete and misleading statistics, it has no basis in sound economic theory. It’s the course of markets, encapsulated in Say’s law, that should guide economists and commentators alike.

  • Nassim Taleb: "I Prefer Sanders To Trump But Absolutely No Hillary"

    It seems for Nassim "Black Swan" Taleb, less is more. After perfectly summarizing the circus that is the American Presidential election camapaign in 17 words last week, he appears to have gone one step further with a two-word summation: "No SHillary."

    Last week's epic Facebook rant…

    "The *establishment* composed of journos, BS-Vending talking heads with well-formulated verbs, bureaucrato-cronies, lobbyists-in training, New Yorker-reading semi-intellectuals, image-conscious empty suits, Washington rent-seekers and other "well thinking" members of the vocal elites are not getting the point about what is happening and the sterility of their arguments."

    To which he appended the following 17 perfectly succinct words:

    "People are not voting for Trump (or Sanders). People are just voting, finally, to destroy the establishment."

    And today, taking to Twitter, he offered some sane support to Donald Trump:

    But followed that up with:

    "I far prefer Bernie Sanders to Trump but absolutely no Hillary."

    To which he appended, so succinctly:

    "No SHillary"

    Which seems to sum it all up perfectly.

  • Europe Is Paying A Heavy Price For Complacency As Existential Crisis Deepens

    Via GEFIRA,

    Europe faces an existential crisis. Current European leadership and European leading elites have manoeuvred Europe into a situation that will spin out of control and result in a vicious circle of violence. History teaches that ethnic minorities can bring about unrest in the long run. The imams in Europe, very often in the payroll of Saudi Arabia or another Gulf country, take care that their fellow Muslims retain their religious integrity and keep themselves away from the infidels. Meanwhile European authorities struggle with a violent group criminals who converted to radical Islam and became even more dangerous. The Dutch jihadist reintegration approach helped, criminal and jihadist El Bakraoui to evade the Belgian justice system, before he blew himself up in Brussels. To understand what happening on the old continent, let us bring up the tree main topics, and then elaborate on them.

    1. The US, NATO, Brussels, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are in alliance to use terrorism in the proxy war against Syria, Russia and China. This policy has come home to roost. It is not Russia, as Hillary Clinton once said, but Turkey and Europe regret their policy in Syria1).
    2. Leaders from the Gulf countries support European Muslim communities with finance; in many cases Europe-based imams do not even speak any of the European languages. Surprising as it is, European leaders encourage Saudi Arabia, Qatar or Kuwait to meddle with European internal affairs by letting them to have a say in religious matters. Turkey’s government refers to the Turks that immigrate to Europe as the Turkish diaspora. Recep Erdogan, Turkey’s president, promotes Turkish nationalism among Turkish Muslims in Germany.
    3. Authorities fear the revenge of the populous against Muslim minorities. European ruling elites are terrified at the onslaught on minorities by uncontrolled mobs. There have been numerous attacks on mosques and refugee homes.

    1.  The Syrian proxy war comes to the street of the European capitals.

    In 2012,two years before the tragic events in Ukraine unfolded, a document of the Department of Defence obtained by “Judicial Watch” describes the situation in Syria as a proxy war with Russia, China and Iran on one side, and Western countries, the Gulf States and Turkey on the other2). Not only did the “Friends of the Syrian” alliance provide the Jihadists with arms, but NATO also supplied the Patriots air defence system to protect the supply routes into Syria. Christians in Europe already warned from the very beginning for the consequences of the war in Syria for the Christians there. A conservative Christian European newspaper wrote in 2013: “The decision of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and some European countries to provide the Syrian opposition with more weapons will also have significant implications for Christians in Syria.3)

    The European governments were ambivalent in their attitude and approach to Europeans that traveled to Syria in support of the different jihadist groups.
    Peter van Uhm, Commander of the Royal Netherlands Army until 2008, said in 2011: “I have nothing else than respect for the Dutch who go to fight in Syria”4) The primary concern voiced by Frans Timmerman, Vice-President of The European Commission, was that these young fighters could die in Syria.5) From the very beginning, National Security agencies in Europe were aware of the enormous risk these Jihadists posed to society. Not only did the “respected” European Jihadists spread terror among the poor Syrian and Iraqi population, but they were also a threat to Europeans if they returned to their country of origin.

    The Brussels suicide attacks are a direct consequence of this lenient European approach to the Jihadists. In 2013, a major Dutch newspaper wrote: “Jihad fighters who have come back from the Syrian Civil War are still not prosecuted in the Netherlands.” “According to various sources in the Dutch Muslim communities, Jihadists from Belgium also chose the ‘Netherlands-route, because of the milder approach of the Dutch authorities to such fighters.”6)  While this is not yet clear for the international mainstream media, Ibrahim El Bakraoui, the jihadist that blew himself in Brussels, wanted to be deported by the Turkish authorities to the Netherlands instead of Belgium, to avoid prosecution in Belgium. The Dutch authorities helped El Bakraoui to evade the Belgian justice system.

    Between 2012 and 2016 European Jihadists paraded in the social media in graphic images, holding cut-off heads while Dutch authorities try to socialize these very same terrorists. According to the Dutch National Television: “The Dutch Jihadists who have returned from Syria so far are not immediately arrested and prosecuted, but get help and support to reintegrate and rebuild their livelihoods. With this approach the authorities hope to prevent the cities to which the fighters have come from being further radicalized.” “The Dutch authorities have taken a range of administrative steps like assistance, helping the Jihad combatants in finding a job and education, and providing them with community activities for the youth. The idea is not to let the returnees alienate themselves from society; it is believed that repressive measures might further radicalize them.7) While the major of Amsterdam keeps on talking with returned jihadist, the city witnessed its first beheading. This month a young Moroccan boy was beheaded and his head was put on display at a busy street in Amsterdam. 8)

    This approach can only be understood if we assume that European governments warrant the behavior of their citizens in Syria and Iraq. The Dutch authorities are fully aware that the Jihadists from the Netherlands not only fought against the Assad army, they also knew that Dutch terrorist blew themselves up at a market in Baghdad somewhere in 2013. European authorities turn a blind eye to their fellow citizens who committed war crimes in Syria and Iraq. 

    2. Europeans allow foreign governments to meddle in its affairs

    Europe is not only confronted with a violent and cruel enemy that shows little respect for life, but it has also created an environment on the continent where Muslim extremism could blend into Muslim communities. A big part of the European Muslim community supports the Jihad in Syria. It is remarkable that Salah Abdeslam, one of Europe’s most wanted terrorists, could live in Brussels without anybody informing the authorities about him. While European authorities try to integrate minorities into the European society,  governments in Muslim countries try to undo this effort.

    Countries like Turkey, Saudi-Arabia and Qatar blatantly interfere in European domestic affairs. By financing mosques, Muslim foundations and providing the European Muslim community with imams, these countries try to exert their political and religious influence deep into the European heartland. Their political and religious message undermines the integration of the European Muslim community into the European society.

    According to the UK-based website Independent, the Belgium King personally was involved in the policy that leads to current situation in Brussel : “Keen to secure oil contracts, Belgium’s King Baudouin made an offer to Saudi King Faisal, who had visited Brussels in 1967: Belgium would set up a mosque in the capital, and hire Gulf-trained clerics. The 1967 deal gave the Saudis a 99-year, rent-free lease. The pavilion was refashioned by the Saudis, opening in 1978 as the Great Mosque of Brussels, as well as the seat of the Islamic and Cultural Centre of Belgium (ICC).” 9)

    Moderate Moroccans were handed over to the Saudi Salafists by the European elites. Since 1967, not much has changed. During the opening of a mosque in 2014 in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam, its mayor criticized the mosque for appointing an imam from Qatar instead of one from the Netherlands. Also, the German media reported the involvement of Saudi Arabia in a similar situation: “The Berlin Al-Nur organization is considered as an offshoot of the Lebanese part of the Muslim Brotherhood, which campaigns for an Islamic character of the states in the Middle East.”

    The Al-Nur mosque is influenced by Salafists and is a venue for people of different nationalities with different political and ideological environment. Close relations exist to Saudi Arabia. A Saudi sponsor enabled the purchase of the mosque building and supported the community financially.” Turkey’s government tries to prevent the Turkish population from integrating into the European community. Turkish nationalism is not limited to “Blut und Boden” (blood and soil) but it also includes religion. Erdogan likes to address the Turkish people abroad as the “Turkish diaspora”. While the Europeans are told to become “multi-cultural European,” immigrants get the opposite instruction from the rulers

    Also the Turkey’s government tries to prevent the Turkish population from integrating into the European society. Turkish nationalism is not limited to “Blut und Boden” (blood and soil) but it also includes religion. Erdogan likes to address the Turkish people abroad as the “Turkish diaspora”. While the Europeans are told to become “multi-cultural European”, immigrants get the opposite instruction from Turkey and the Arabic rulers. The Europeans decry France and German nationalism while at the same time extreme Turkish nationalism in Europe is encouraged by Erdogan, the de facto ruler of Turkey.10)

    3. European residents will take matters into their own hands.

    The slaughtering of Theo van Gogh by a radical Muslim in 2004, the eradication of the Charlie Hebdo publishers, are a message to Europe intelligentsia: “do not interfere with our religion.” Especially the murder of Theo van Gogh resembles the Salman Rushdie case. Theo van Gogh was killed for his artistic criticism of the role of woman in Islam. European left oriented intelligentsia are still grappling with the fact that precisely they became the targets while they are most sympathetic towards marginalised Arabic groups. In Europe, no publisher is willing to publish a genuine Islam critic without the consultation of an Islam expert. The publishing of a seemingly innocent book can turn out to become a deadly endeavour. We think it is a matter of time before the next generation of young academics and artist is willing to confront Islam as they have done with Christianity.

    The danger for European states are not only the terror attacks but also the consequences of these attacks. After every terror attack, the number of incidents against mosques increases. The European ruling elite is terrified of their own people. They are extremely sensitive to everything that can incite violence against the Muslim minorities. Two days before the Brussels attacks, Geert Wilders stood trial for chanting “We want fewer Moroccans”. But even Geert Wilders’s party (PVV), is afraid of the populace at large. The party has strong connections with the Israel lobby; it demands of its followers a 100% loyalty to Israel11). The Jewish community is at risk to become itself the victim of angry European mobs. The party does not accept members to such an extent that an attempt by one of its leaders to create a youth movement resulted in him being expelled12).

    Groups, like HoGeSa (Hooligans gegen Salafisten, Hooligans against Salafists) are ready to take the “burden” of revenge for the attacks on their shoulders, seeing that the German state structures are not able anymore to ensure the security of their nation. This can result in a carnage of Muslims in German cities, especially if one of the victims of a terror attack would be a far-right group member.

    HoGeSa was losing its popularity among radicals because of internal disputes, but it could be quickly revived amid terror attacks13). This group has already proven that it does not renounce violence, during the Cologne rally in October 2014 and during the Essen demonstration last September, they show up with baseball bats.14). In Germany violent threats are now mainly limited to refugee camps, but this can change overnight. If Germans lose their faith in the ruling establishment (as it is happening slowly with a growing popularity of the AfD party), groups like HoGeSa, or Hoolizei, might gain traction. The harbinger of the threat of violent uprising against Muslims haunts Germany. In Connewitz, near Leipzig, an Arab restaurant was demolished. According to Mail online “The mayor of a German city has spoken of ‘terror on the streets’ of his city after far-right thugs ran riot in scenes reminiscent of the anti-Semitic Kristallnacht attacks in 1938. Burkhard Jung, mayor of Leipzig, has condemned the ‘naked violence that took place’ after doner kebab fast food restaurants- were destroyed, cars were set- ablaze- and shop windows- were smashed- by around 250 hooligans of LEGIDA the local branch of PEGIDA, an anti-migrant, anti-EU organization.”These hooligan groups are not widely supported: the highest attendance of the HoGeSa demonstration was recorded in Cologne in 2014, when about 4000 people took to the streets. The Pegida movement (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West), though not radical, is able to attract even more than 20 thousand people.

    The 2011 proxy war against Russia, China and Syria backfires. The first people have been killed in the streets of Brussels and Paris. Amsterdam and Berlin will follow suit while in Leipzig we saw the first signs of a pogrom. We feel Mogherini, a member of the European ruling elite, and fully responsible for the mess, has all reason to break down in tears.

  • Krugman Goes To Japan, Scolds Abe For Worrying About Quadrillion Yen Debt Pile, Leaves

    Much like BoJ governor Haruhiko Kuroda, Paul Krugman thinks that the key for Japan when it comes to overcoming decades of deflation is a positive outlook.

    “Japan needs to reach a point where everyone believes that it has pulled out of deflation. And then if that can be believed, then it may be able to stay out of trouble thereafter,” he told an audience in Tokyo last September.

    That rather ridiculous pronouncement is reminiscent of something Kuroda said last summer: “I trust that many of you are familiar with the story of Peter Pan, in which it says, ‘the moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.’ Yes, what we need is a positive attitude and conviction.”

    In other words, Krugman and Kuroda believe that Japan can wish its way out of deflation. Krugman’s comments in Tokyo came around 10 months after he visited Japan in 2014. On that trip, he’s said to have helped convince PM Shinzo Abe to delay a planned sales tax hike. “That nailed Abe’s decision — Krugman was Krugman, he was so powerful,” Japanese economist Etsuro Honda said, recounting a meeting between the economist and the premier.

    Well, 16 months has passed since that fateful visit and virtually nothing has changed in Japan. In fact, the Japanese have since taken a further plunge down the Keynesian rabbit hole by taking interest rates negative and not only is inflation still languishing at essentially zero, stocks are some 20% off their highs and this month the yen actually hit its highest levels since Kuroda announced the second round of QE two Octobers ago.

    With the entire enterprise now falling apart, and with JGBs yo-yoing around like penny stocks as traders try to game BoJ POMO, Krugman was back in Tokyo this week to attend a panel discussion on the global economy with Abe and senior Japanese policy makers. There, the good professor called for Abe to scrap the sales tax hike and introduce more fiscal stimulus. NIRP, he said, is probably “a good idea.”

    Excerpts from Krugman’s speech can be found below.

    We are now in the world of pervasive economic weakness. In many ways, we are all Japan now. This complicates policy for everyone including Japan.


    We are seeing the difficulty in achieving goals through even very bold and unconventional monetary policy. Kuroda-san here, we will clearly need to speak about that. Monetary policy needs help from fiscal and possibly other policies but certainly on the fiscal side, and certainly does not need to be struggling against fiscal policy moving in the opposite direction. That is not just a Japanese issue but very much a global issue at this point.


    Despite everything, despite everything that Mr. Kuroda is doing, the rise in the yen, which is a very unfortunate development from Japan’s point of view, is driven by the weakness of other major economies.


    Monetary policy has been, in most places, the only game in town. It’s their line because fiscal policy has been politically paralyzed. Here, less so, but still in fact, of the three arrows by far the largest, so far has been monetary. Mr. Kuroda has done most of the lifting here. We are seeing the limits of monetary policy. We are seeing that it becomes difficult when you try the unconventional methods, we can argue this but it seems to be having diminishing effect. Negative interest rates, it is remarkable that that turns out to be possible. I do think it was the right move to make but it is very hard to push it further. The effects are proving to be limited. If we look elsewhere, if we look in Europe, despite another very able essential banker, the ECB seems to be losing traction. Here, as you know better than I, inflation expectation seems to be fading. Wage growth is not what it should be. We are seeing that the policy that has been the principle lever for trying to deal with this global weakness is not as effective as we had hoped and not as effective perhaps as it seems to be recently.


    Everything we have seen for the past seven years suggests that fiscal policy remains effective, especially effective in these circumstances. It has been very difficult to apply it, a few years of bad debt, political conflict, the Europe is divided among counties, the United States is divided between parties, but fiscal policy is effective and the global environment right now is one where economies really, really need fiscal support. The idea that one should be prioritizing long-run budget issue over fiscal support now seems to me to be extremely misguided. Obviously I am talking about the consumption tax here. Two points are following on all of that. You notice that I did not say anything about structural reform. That is not because I am against it but because structural reform seems largely beside the point on this crucial issue of boosting demand. Some kind of structural reform might spur private investment, which is good but that is rarely what is emphasized. Some other kinds of reform, the Abenomics, by expanding the future labor force helps to offset the demographic headwinds that the economies face. So all of that is good but I do worry that sometimes the talk of structural reform becomes an excuse not to deal with the primary immediate issue of sufficient demand, of fighting deflation or low-flation, inadequate inflation, which has got to rely on monetary policy. But as I said, that has limits and on fiscal policy which needs to be more focused on that immediate need than it has been.

    Ok, so there’s a whole lot of words to make one overarching point: the exceptional measures central bankers have undertaken in pursuit of boosting inflation and recovering demand lost to the global financial crisis aren’t working.

    As usual, Krugman doesn’t understand why anyone is worried about long-term sustainability when there’s so much room to be completely irresponsible in the myopic pursuit of short-lived surges in aggregate demand and inflation. Fiscal stimulus – i.e. helicopter money, i.e. pay people to dig holes and then pay other people to fill them up again – is what’s needed, Krugman figures. 

    When it came time for the Q&A, Abe gingerly told Krugman that Japan is getting slightly concerned about its debt burden, which, when measured in yen, has so many zeros that it barely fits on a 32” monitor. “About two years ago, I had a pleasure meeting with you, Professor Krugman. At that time, Japan was able to be going out of the deflation then we have set for ourselves the 2% inflation goal,” Abe began. “We were talking during that time that a rocket has to go out of the atmospheric region, which means that an escape velocity has to be earned in order to lift the Japanese economy out of deflation and we were looking for a good speed to do that.,” he continued. And then we got this: “We worry about the accumulated debt. That is a source of another concern. What to do about it?

    Yes, “what to do about it,” Professor Krugman? Predictably, Krugman’s answer was “spend more”:

    The case for spending now is quite strong despite the debt. It is true for multiple reasons. Fiscal stimulus is very important as an aid to monetary policy in breaking out of deflation. the concerns about the debt, I don’t want to wave away entirely but one thing we have learned from Japan but also from other advanced countries is that stable advanced nations that borrow in their own currencies have a very long road for them to have a fiscal crisis. People have been betting against JGBs since about 2000. All of them have suffered financial disaster. The robustness of the market is very strong. It is even hard to tell a story. If someone says Japan would be like Greece, tell me how that happens. You have your own currency. The worst that could happen would be that the yen would depreciate which would be a good thing from your point of view. I do not think that is a thing to be worried about.

    Whatever you say Professor. But sooner or later this madness has to end. Japan has been kicking the can for decades and demographic shifts would seem to suggest that the tax base will shrink while dependency on the state will rise. Meanwhile, the economy is stuck in what certainly appears to be a perpetual, never-ending recession while the country’s gargantuan debt pile presages a spectacular implosion sometime in the not so distant future.

    When Japan descends into failed state status two years from now, we wonder if Krugman will still be the revered figure he is today among Japanese policy makers. We also wonder whether, once everyone “ceases to believe they can fly,” it will be Kuroda or Abe who gets the blame for turning one of the world’s most “advanced” economies into a banana republic.

  • I Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Market

    Authored by Sean Corrigan, originally posted at,

    That usually perceptive and always interesting observer of the financial Zeitgeist, Bloomberg’s estimable Mark Gilbert, recently penned an article entitled: “Milton Friedman’s ‘Helicopter Money’ Is Looking Less Crazy.” In response, I mailed him the comments which follow (with light editing) here.

    After running through the standard complaints of the serial interventionists about how ineffective monetary policy has become (read: how we ordinary people keep frustrating their Olympian schemes), Mark concluded his piece:-

    ‘Zero or negative interest rates are failing to stir consumer prices, while the Fed’s attempt to normalize monetary policy looks likely to backfire embarrassingly. Because the money-machine isn’t doing what the rule book suggests it should, the engines of economic growth continue to splutter and misfire. So the argument that might in the end have the most appeal for Friedman is the one that, intellectually at least, appears to be the weakest: If everything else is failing, why not try helicopter money? ‘

    Why not, indeed? Well, here is a by no means exhaustive list of several reasons for not crossing yet another bridge too far in the mindless pursuit of a specific annual rate of change in a smoothed, filtered, hedonised, sampling of a wholly arbitrary collection of consumer goods and services, to the exclusion of all other goals, the repudiation of the lessons of past experience, and the complete abnegation of common sense.

    Firstly, given that every professional in financial markets would be horrified to suffer a mandatory dilution of their equity holdings, how do you imagine they and everyone else would react if they got similarly diluted in this manner in terms of that much more important element of their property, their money?

    Also, assuming that it were to be done and that when  done it did indeed give rise to an isolated if intense round of buying and consequent price readjustment—as its quack, would-be perpetrators so fervently hope—do you really imagine it would also magically dissolve all the locked-in impediments to the natural adjustment between supply and demand from which we suffer and which are what actually prevent people from making a better living for themselves, or from founding and running more flourishing businesses right now?

    How, too, could you guarantee that the damage done to the inevitable losers from such as crass act of redistribution would not be so extensive—and possibly so non-linear and self-aggravating—as not just to mitigate, but perhaps to entirely negate, the winnings of their luckier fellows?

    Looking at the sorry record of all the ongoing attempts at pushing the rate of change of the CPI index back to the mystical 2% p.a. level, can you also assure us that this phantasmagorical target will indeed be hit this time and that you will not just fuel another wasteful round of property buying, financial market speculation, crude manipulation of corporate balance sheets, public sector profligacy, or currency upheaval?

    Next, once you had undertaken such a far-reaching and—dare I say—Jacobin act of disruption, how could you ensure that trust in money would henceforth be regained so that it could resume its vital function both as medium of exchange and as unit of account? This is a key proviso because, without either, you must be aware that there can be no real hope of encouraging any sustainable economic growth after the initial inflationary impulse subsides.

    In light of all the above and given that the helicopter flight would be a nakedly political undertaking—and hence a thoroughly capricious act of will to power—how would you re-establish the sort of confidence in the continuity of law, of practice, and in the institutional framework that is also sine qua non for putting capital, whether corporate or individual, at risk over the longer horizons required for genuine material progress to be made?

    Respectfully, you can’t. So your helicopters are going to be launched by Admiral Simplificateur-Terrible from the decks of USS Pandora and will return after their mission to land at Fort Regime Uncertainty, accomplishing little which is positive and much which is actively deleterious in the meanwhile.

    ‘Less crazy’? Less crazy-seeming than heretofore, given the craziness already under way, perhaps. But less crazy, per se? No!

  • This Is What's Happening To People Who Live Near The Worst Gas Leak In US History

    Submitted by Carey Wedler via,

    On February 18, SoCalGas and the national media declared theworst methane gas leak in U.S. history” permanently sealed, but just over a month later, hundreds of Porter Ranch residents who evacuated — and are now returning home — are suffering the same symptoms they suffered when the gas leak was active. They are experiencing nausea, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, nosebleeds, and many, including children, are also experiencing a new ailment: irritated skin rashes across their bodies.

    Neither SoCalGas, which owns the Aliso Canyon facility, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, nor any other government agency has provided a concrete explanation for these continued symptoms. In fact, one of Los Angeles County’s top medical officials recently told local physicians to refrain from performing tests to determine what is causing the symptoms. Late last week, preliminary lab tests from an independent UCLA study found evidence of benzene, a carcinogen, in at least two Porter Ranch homes. Benzene was reported to have been released in the 100 metric tons of methane that spewed into the Los Angeles basin for four months — a fact SoCalGas previously attempted to downplay and withhold.

    Reemergence of Symptoms

    On March 4, Los Angeles City Councilmember Mitchell Englander issued a press release reporting the Department of Public Health had received at least 150 complaints of reemerging symptoms, including nosebleeds, dizziness headaches, nausea, and skin rashes. Now, the Health Department says it has received 300 complaints since residents began moving home after SoCalGas told them it was safe to do so.

    Many residents have said the rashes, which can be extensive, are new and did not occur during the initial, months-long gas leak from October to February. During that time, thousands of families were evacuated and the Department of Public Health received 700 health complaints. Others reported experiencing skin irritation before they relocated, though it appears to be more widespread now.

    Residents who left Porter Ranch for temporary housing accommodations and recently moved home told Anti-Media about their symptoms (many still have not moved home, fearful it is still unsafe). Helen Ritenour, a Porter Ranch resident who left the area in December, said that within two days of returning to their home, she and her family began feeling sick.

    The main symptoms are headaches, difficulty breathing, watery eyes, coughing and general fatigue. It feels like I’m in a thick fog of sorts that’s oppressive,she said. She and her husband were not eager to return home, still concerned about toxins in the area and the health of their newborn baby. But amid long delays receiving reimbursements from SoCalGas — and unable to charge more expenses on their credit card — they moved back to Porter Ranch. Ritenour told Anti-Media that like many other families, she and her husband have had to pay out-of-pocket for relocation services — and have experienced long delays receiving reimbursement checks.

    Gabriel Khanlian, a resident who serves as the Chief Technology Officer for Save Porter Ranch, a group formed in 2014 to fight the massive, aging, and leaking facility before the blowout even happened, also said he and his family have suffered symptoms since moving home.

    My daughter Tatiana keeps getting large rashes, red welts and bumps all over her body. Her skin is dry and her behavior has changed significantly and she is very cranky. She has a loss of appetite and is sleeping a lot more,” he said. “My sons, Jayden and Mason, have been getting bloody noses, headaches, upset stomachs, burning eyes, runny nose, dry skin.”

    gas leak

    He described other troubles they’ve had, noting his sons are experiencing “anxiety, fear, frustration, anger, and stress from not having the ability to play. Their personalities have changed majorly.

    He said his wife, who experienced symptoms during the initial methane gas leak, is now experiencing them more severely than before.

    Kyoko Habino, a Porter Ranch resident and co-founder of Save Porter Ranch, said:

    When I go home to pick up stuff or do a few things, within a few minutes, I start having a dull headache and coughing and having palpitations. Nosebleeds follow later on often. My partner has had headaches, fatigue, and a burning sensation in his chest at the same time I have. Our cat has had a nosebleed and vomited. When I am away from home, the headache goes away instantly. The cough and nosebleed stay for a while, and are gone after.

    Walter Arwood, a Porter Ranch resident, experienced nausea, among other symptoms:

    I am rolling over sick right now. My stomach has been so upset, I have gotten all the headaches back, my husband has had three nose bleeds in two days, and now a visiting relative was out of breath just walking up the stairs at my home. How is it safe?


    Arwood was evacuated during the methane gas leak and recently returned home. “Since we have moved back the symptoms have immediately returned,” he said. “Itchy skin is the only new thing.  We have all of our air purifiers on and the scrubber running and still it is happening.”

    Residents in surrounding areas, including Chatsworth and Granada Hills, have also reported a reemergence of symptoms.

    Sandy Crawford, a resident of Granada Hills, told CBS News in February — after the methane gas leak was sealed — that within a few hours of returning home, her youngest son had trouble breathing and suffered a nosebleed. Crawford moved her sons back to their hotel, and after trying again to move home and experiencing the same results, she returned to the hotel for a second time. She told Anti-Media they recently tried sleeping at home for a few nights and did not feel symptoms, but she remains afraid they could return. As a result, she is staying at the hotel.

    “Avoid performing any toxicological tests”

    Though these symptoms are pronounced, neither SoCalGas nor the Department of Public Health has offered a definitive explanation of what is causing them. In fact, Dr. Cyrus Rangan, Director of the Bureau of Toxicology and Environmental Assessment at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, recently issued a “Health Update” to “primary care, urgent care, internal medicine, and emergency medicine providers” in the area cautioning them against conducting tests on patients with symptoms.

    The advisory, dated Tuesday, March 8, requested that healthcare professionals “look for alternate etiologies other than air contamination,” and “avoid performing any toxicological tests,” claiming “these are not recommended and are unlikely to provide useful data for clinical evaluation of patients.”

    Rangan said in the notice that if no “alternative etiology” is found, doctors should consult with him. While it is an indisputable act of due diligence to recommend doctors check for other potential causes of symptoms, it is unclear why a top public health official would discourage doctors from performing tests to better understand illnesses among their patients.

    It’s not to steer the community away from thinking it’s not an environmental issue,” Rangan insisted to the Los Angeles Daily News, adding that, as the local paper summarized, “even when the gas was leaking he did not recommend that doctors perform toxicological tests because there is no test that can determine if a person was exposed to natural gas.”

    However, residents are concerned not just with methane, but with other contaminants found in it, from mercaptans to benzene to other toxic emissions (mercaptans are odorants added to natural gas to make it detectable, and are believed to have caused symptoms when the gas leak was active). Many found Rangan’s explanation to be insufficient and an attempt to ask doctors to “look the other way.”

    Further, his request that doctors refrain from conducting tests appears to contradict his own supplementary declaration provided for a hearing held last Friday to extend relocation benefits to residents, many of whom feel they were rushed out of temporary housing, evidently, before it was safe to return home.

    In that statement, Rangan referred to the continued illnesses as “perplexing,” proceeding to offer potential explanations not previously disclosed to Anti-Media when he spoke with us:

    It could be that there are persistent levels of contaminants still present in the community, or there could be other exposures in areas of the community that were missed in the external environmental monitoring, or perhaps gases may have saturated the soil at the Aliso Canyon facility or other substrates and are being released now that the source has been sealed.”

    In spite of Rangan’s multiple hypotheses, however, he has offered no definitive explanation, nor does it appear the Department of Public Health has seriously looked for one (meaning it could be helpful for physicians to run tests on their patients). Asked to investigate a persistent oily residue coating the outside of residents’ homes and the playground of at least one park, representatives sent from Public Health reported they found “no evidence of any oily residue and no health concern for residents or visitors.”

    When residents complained to Councilman Englander, representatives from his office confirmed the playsets were coated in oil and SoCalGas agreed clean the park. Three other parks were also shut down amid concerns about the residue, which Rangan insists is safe, aside from causing skin irritation. Mandi Bane, a lab assistant in Rangan’s office, told Anti-Media they have no intentions to test the soil in the community.

    Because of incidents like this — such as Dr. Rangan downplaying concerns about long-term side effects from mercaptans, though there is little research to support his assurances — some residents increasingly doubt Public Health’s commitment to helping the community. Many have complained they reported symptoms and received little more than packaged statements in response. Some received no response.

    Rangan’s office did conduct door-to-door surveys of residents two weeks ago to gather information on what could be causing the symptoms, an effort reported to be joined by state officials. Bane told Anti-Media they recorded over 200 reports and it would take time to process them before they could comment.

    Rangan’s office also requested outside assistance to conduct indoor air sampling, after it was  “determined that such a protocol is beyond the expertise of the Department of Public Health.

    Rangan first solicited the help of the EPA to conduct indoor air testing for contaminants, but it was expected to take until May to develop a protocol. Last week, however, Dr. Michael Jerrett, a professor and chairman of UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health, shared preliminary test results from a small sample of homes with Public Health. The independent study raised concerns about the presence of benzene, a known carcinogen, as well as hexane, in two homes. As a result of these findings, UCLA has partnered with Public Health and Dr. Jerrett and his team will begin sampling 120 homes in the coming days to conduct further analysis. According to a press release from the Department of Public Health posted Saturday:

    As a continuation of Professor Jerrett’s independent study, an indoor dust swab sampling was completed in seven homes. Benzene and hexane were found in two of the homes. Benzene and hexane, at certain levels, have known toxic effects on humans, but it is unknown whether the levels found are high enough to be of health concern. Professor Jerrett is sharing these findings with the community and will continue to conduct independent scientific analyses.


    As the Daily News explained, Jerrett’s results showed “higher and more variable concentrations of particulate matter in the outdoor air at locations close to the leak site compared to those farther away, according to the Health Department. Particulate matter is described as tiny pieces of solids or liquids in the air, such as dust, dirt, soot, or drops which can irritate the skin, eyes, nose, throat, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems.”

    SoCalGas, however, has failed to provide a conclusive explanation for residents’ illnesses. At a protest on Friday, March 4, which culminated outside the company’s Community Resource Center located in Porter Ranch’s main shopping center, SoCalGas spokeswoman Lisa Alexander spoke to Anti-Media about the reemergence of symptoms. She left the onus of responsibility on the Department of Public Health.

    You know, we recognize that people are saying that they have symptoms, and we hear that, we see the news stories, we’ve been in touch with Department of Public Health to inquire about that,” she said, adding that Public Health expected symptoms to decrease as the blowout’s emissions dissipated — and with them, the mercaptans.

    gas leak

    Is there one house that has been tested that shows a harmful level at this time?”

    SoCalGas, at the request of County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, agreed to conduct indoor air testing on a ‘random’ sample of 70 homes in Porter Ranch last week. Residents’ increasing distrust of the utility was further intensified when some residents reported they had received calls from the gas company to perform indoor testing on their homes, but were asked if they had legal counsel. If they said yes, multiple residents reported, they were told they were not eligible for the ‘random’ testing.

    Nevertheless, SoCalGas shared these test results at a relocation hearing last Friday to assert air quality had returned to normal. SoCalGas’ attorney James Dragna also reportedly cited the Department of Public Health as an authority on the matter.

    Matt Pakucko, president of Save Porter Ranch, spoke to local CBS radio station KNX shortly after the hearing:

    This is such propaganda by SoCalGas,” he said. “They used their indoor testing that they just performed over the last week as their main facts on the ground. But they have said themselves weeks ago, months ago, that the mercaptan and the methane — the only things they test for — would be long gone. So they went and tested what they knew would be long gone… I can’t believe the judge bought it.”

    Judge Emilie H. Elias reportedly asked, “Is there one house that has been tested that shows a harmful level at this time?” However, Dr. Jerrett’s results, which showed two homes with potentially hazardous levels of benzene, were not presented.

    Jerrett’s preliminary findings were shared with the county just before the hearing, and county attorney Deborah Fox expressed a desire to submit them to the court for an appeal this week.

    Though the media reported the judge’s ruling as a tepid victory for residents, who will receive one more week of paid relocation services, county attorney Deborah Fox had originally sought two months. She then sought a 30-day injunction, ultimately settling for a single week extension.

    Pakucko said of the ruling:

    Any sane person would say [the testing should be complete before a decision is made] … there are people reporting health issues, the cause of which has not yet been discovered.

    Save Porter Ranch and much of the community are campaigning to have the entire, 3,600-acre Aliso Canyon facility shut down.

    SoCalGas had previously been ordered to extend relocation services as residents began reporting symptoms again after the gas leak, a decision the company fought. Residents have also complained they have not yet been reimbursed for the months they were relocated, citing long waits, convoluted customer service, and financial strain caused by SoCalGas’ reimbursement process.

    On Tuesday, County Supervisor Michael Antonovich announced the court had suspended its Friday ruling, presumably in light of the county’s submission of Jerrett’s results. Los Angeles Times reporter Abby Sewell tweeted an update that residents now have until March 29 — an extra four days — pending further legal proceedings.

    As the legal battle continues, the difficulties of obtaining comprehensive, reliable air tests remain complicated by the fact that humans can smell mercaptans at lower levels than equipment can detect them. Pakucko told Anti-Media residents have consistently been reporting the smell of mercaptans, though SoCalGas spokeswoman Melissa Bailey assured Anti-Media via email there were no current leaks.

    Neither SoCalGas nor the regulatory South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCQAMD) offered an explanation to Anti-Media regarding elevations in methane emissions since the gas leak was sealed. They are not consistently high, but nevertheless contradict assurances from the gas company that air quality has returned to “normal.” For example, from March 17 to March 22, methane levels in the community exceeded 3 ppm (parts per million); SCAQMD, itself, says “Results greater than 3 ppm suggest some additional sources of methane.” A March 13 sampling of air at the site of the repaired well, SS-25, found methane levels at 46 ppm; according to SCAQMD, “results greater than 10 ppm suggest a considerable additional amount of methane is present.” Though SCAQMD cautions the levels of methane have been dropping since the methane gas leak was sealed in February, 46 ppm is still 43 ppm above ‘normal.’

    Further, a recently published government survey, initiated after the Aliso Canyon blowout, found 229 leaks in natural gas storage fields across California. Though the leaks were deemed minor, 66 were found at Aliso Canyon.

    As Porter Ranch residents continue to deal with the fallout from the months-long environmental disaster, communities around the country face similar battles. From the increasing number of communities plagued with unsafe levels of lead (among other chemicals) in their water and soil, to the radioactive leaks in New YorkFlorida, and elsewhere across the country, Americans face an increasingly apparent, non-partisan struggle against aging, dangerous infrastructure — and the apathetic, often negligent authorities and corporate hegemons responsible for maintaining it.

    In Porter Ranch, SoCalGas and public officials have, at least, begun to acknowledge something is still amiss in the community. As Pakucko told Anti-Media:

    They’ve stopped saying everything’s fine. I’ve got two words for ‘everything’s fine’: Flint, Michigan.

  • Anonymous Threatens To Expose Ted Cruz Prostitution Scandal

    There were many shots fired yesterday as the “wife feud” between Donald (and Melania) Trump and Ted (and Heidi) Cruz hit new lows, dragging none other than the National Enquirer tabloid into it and escalating the #CruzSexScandal into one of the most talked about topics on social media.

    To be sure, Trump washed his hands of the affair saying “I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend total innocence. Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz.”

    Cruz was adamant, repeating that the Enquirer article linking him to five women is “garbage, complete and utter lies” and that “it’s tabloid smear, and it is a smear that has come from Donald Trump and his henchmen,” a perturbed Cruz told reporters at a press conference in Wisconsin.

    On this one occasion, however, Trump may be telling the truth because the source of the original Cruz rumor is none other than Donald Trump’s old nemesis, the same hacker collective which recently released his social security and phone number, Anonymous.

    As the following YouTube clip released on March 15, the Anonymous hacker group warned Ted Cruz last week to leave the race “or else.”


    As part of its #OpCruz assault, the hacker collective threatened to release information on Cruz engaging with prostitutes if he did not leave the race. Some of the highlights from the clip:

    Mr. Cruz, we are now demanding that you exit this race within 24 hours, or Anonymous will release all of the information we have found. 


    It’s time that we tell America what’s hiding behind the curtain.


    Have you heard of the expression “candy wrappers”? Do you recall visiting prostitutes?


    Mr. Cruz, we are now demanding you exit this race immediately or Anonymous will release all of the information that we have found. Your so-called underground acts that you think were done in the dark, will be brought out for all the public to see. It will be sent to every media outlet to publicize your disgusting behavior.


    We assure you it will go viral on every social media platforms in a matter of minutes. Mr. Cruz your disgusting campaign ends now; your campaign to gain power with ulterior motives that include your wife will also be exposed.


    There is nothing from your past that won’t haunt you.”

    In other words, the Anonymous #OpCruz started long before Trump and the Enquirer got involved, and in fact was already active when the Cruz SuperPAC released the first naked photo of Melania Trump early last week.

    Judging by a twitter account linked to anonymous, it may well have been an Anonymous leak to the Enquirer that started it all, in which case all of Cruz’ accusations aimed at Trump (such as even this most bizarre one) are slanderous, although there is no way to know for sure.


    The question now is whether Anonymous will carry through with its threat, and release the factual backing of its accusations either directly or via media outlets, just as it did in its feud with Trump, or will it quietly back down.


    The latest tweets from the Anonymous-linked twitter account suggest that something big may be indeed imminent:

  • Bombshell: King Of Jordan Blames Turkey For Terror In Europe, Says Israel "Looks Other Way" On Al-Qaeda

    When Vladimir Putin told the world that ISIS gets a significant portion of its funding by selling oil to Turkey, he had just finished meeting with Jordan’s King Abdullah.

    The King is no stranger to confronting the jihadists. Last year, Abdullah threatened to fly combat missions against Islamic State himself following the release of a horrific video that depicted a Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage.

    Here is the picture the King sent to the militants:

    In January, Jordan agreed to share intelligence with Russia in the fight against ISIS and when the French began flying sorties against the extremists following the Paris attacks, their staging ground was an undisclosed Jordanian location.

    In short, Jordan has at times appeared to be more genuine in its commitment to fighting extremism than say, the Saudis, whose determination to spread Wahhabism adds fuel to the ideological fire that drives the groups the kingdom claims to be fighting. “The global war — what I call the Third World War by other means — is one that is a generational one,” Abdullah told CNN in January. “Not only inside Islam, as we as Muslims gain the supremacy against the crazies, the outlaws, of our religion, but also reaching out to other religions that Islam is not what they have seen being perpetuated by 0.1% of our religion.”

    On Friday, we learn that Abdullah met with US lawmakers in secret during the week of January 11 and disclosed that British SAS forces as well as Jordanian soldiers had been on the ground fighting ISIS in Libya since at least the beginning of the year. “Jordanian slang is similar to Libyan slang,” Abdullah said, explaining how his men have been able to assist the British in cleaning up the mess NATO made in Libya which, you’re reminded, became a lawless wasteland in the wake of the uprising that toppled Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.

    But the revelation that British SpecOps were fighting in Libya wasn’t the most interesting thing to emerge from the meeting which purportedly included John McCain, Bob Corker, the chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee, and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Indeed, according to notes seen by The Guardian, Abdullah also implicated Erdogan in perpetuating Sunni extremism as well as purposefully sending terrorists to Europe. The King also suggested that Israel is allowing al-Nusra to operate on its borders because Netanyahu views the al-Qaeda affiliate as a counterweight to Hezbollah.

    Below, find the bullet points from The Guardian presented with no further comment because frankly, nothing further need be said here.

    The memo indicates that Abdullah also told US lawmakers:

    • The Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, “believes in a radical Islamic solution to the problems in the region” and the “fact that terrorists are going to Europe is part of Turkish policy, and Turkey keeps getting a slap on the hand, but they get off the hook”.
    • Intelligence agencies want to keep terrorist websites “open so they can use them to track extremists” and Google had told the Jordanian monarch “they have 500 people working on this”.
    • Israel “looks the other way” at the al-Qaida affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra on its border with Syria because “they regard them as an opposition to Hezbollah”.

  • You Are (Still) Here

    Buybacks blacked out, option expiration ramp over, and real investors fleeingwhat happens next?

    Dip, Jawbone, Rip… Repeat…


    And close-up…


    But this time it’s different, 150 days of almost perfect correlation and co-movement means nothing – right?

  • Trump Aide "Spills The Beans" On Heidi Cruz As Media Goes Crazy Over #CruzSexScandal

    The “wife” feud, which initially many though was merely a sideshow between Donal Trump and Ted Cruz, has taken a quick turn for the ugly and is escalating dramatically with every passing day, and now that even the National Enquirer has entered the fray, has rapidly devolved to nothing less than the surreal twilight zone.

    For those who need a primer of what is rapidly becoming the biggest “issue” in the presidential race, here is a reminder, courtesy of our post from last night “Tough Guy Ted Warns “Sniveling Coward” Trump: “Leave My Wife Alone“:

    • Phase 1: Cruz Reps “Cross The Line”, when a “SuperPAC” run by a Cruz supporter launched a Trump ad campaign showcasing a naked posing Melania Trump
    • Phase 2: Trumps Warns Cruz: “Lyin’ Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!”
    • Phase 3: Cruz firez back, warning Trump: Don’t Do The Same Thing To Me That [My Reps] Just Did To You (Or Else!).
    • Phase 4: Trump Goes There, retweeting an image “comparing” Heidi Cruz and Melania Trump
    • Phase 5: Cruz Goes Full Rambo, says  ‘Donald, you’re a sniveling coward and leave Heidi alone.’

    Or, as we summed up, “a Cruz fan uses naked images of Trump’s wife to disparage him to saintly ‘Utah-ans’; Trump pissed; Cruz warns Trump not to reciprocate; Trump shows ugly picture of Cruz’s wife; Cruz unleashes inner Hulk as Trump dares to do what Cruz reps did to him.”

    That was just the last few days.

    And then the tabloids jumped on board.

    Overnight, Trump-linked National Enquirer, alleged that the Texas senator is “hiding five different mistresses.” According to its source, identified as a “Washington insider,” “private detectives are digging into at least five affairs Ted Cruz supposedly had,” and “the leaked details are an attempt to destroy what’s left of his White House campaign.” The supposed affairs are detailed in the Enquirer’s most recent print issue.

    Though unconfirmed, the rumor sparked chatter across social media Friday with the hashtag #CruzSexScandal, with reactions, as expected, ranging from one end of the spectrum to the other. 

    Considering the source, we doubt there is much veracity to the alleged “Cruz sex scandal”, although the tabloid has had its share of “broken” news stores in the past.

    As was to be expected, Cruz immediately denounced the article as “garbage, complete and utter lies” and accused his opponent Donald Trump of being the source of the story as Reuters reports.

    “It’s tabloid smear, and it is a smear that has come from Donald Trump and his henchmen,” a clearly perturbed Cruz told reporters at a press conference in Wisconsin, as the battle for the Republican presidential nomination reached new levels of personal rancor.

    Trump issued a statement saying he was not responsible for the article.

    “I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend total innocence,” Trump said in the statement. “Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz.”

    In other words, just as Cruz had “nothing” to do with the first naked photo of Melania that started off this latest scandal, so Trump had “nothing” to do with the Enquirer article.

    Alas, the damage for Cruz may already have been done: the article exploded on Twitter overnight on Thursday. By Friday morning #CruzSexScandal was a worldwide trending topic on Twitter.

    And while Trump has distanced himself from the Enquirer article, very much the same way Cruz distanced himself from the original attack ad, an aide to Donald Trump on Friday did fulfil the businessman’s threat to “spill the beans” on Republican presidential rival Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi.

    As The Hill first reported, Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson rattled off a list of attacks three days after Trump first made the threat. 

    Spilling the beans is quite simple when it comes to Heidi Cruz,” Pierson said in an interview with MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki. 

    “She is a Bush operative; she worked for the architect of NAFTA, which has killed millions of jobs in this country; she was a member on the Council on Foreign Relations who — in Sen. Cruz’s own words, called a nest of snakes that seeks to undermine national sovereignty; and she’s been working for Goldman Sachs, the same global bank that Ted Cruz left off of his financial disclosure,” Pierson said. 

    “Her entire career has been spent working against everything Ted Cruz says that he stands for,” she added. 

    Cruz spokeswoman Alice Stewart responded to the remarks in a statement to The Hill, saying, “There’s no low the Trump campaign won’t go.”

    Earlier in the MSNBC interview, Pierson said “this isn’t about Heidi Cruz, this is about Melania Trump. Melania Trump was the one that was attacked.”

    Incidentally, she is right, even though that means that this most hypnotic scandal in the republican presidential primary race – and perhaps any US presidential race yet – is nowhere close to over as neither candidate can possibly concede defeat on a topic that is “near and dear” to the heart as one’s wife.

  • Thunder CLOuds Arrive: 6 CLOs Hit Triggers, Fail Tests

    Over the past several months, we’ve kept a close eye on post-crisis CLOs or, CLO 2.0s, as they’re affectionately known. In the interest of not recounting the story in its entirety here (i.e. for the sake of brevity), here’s a list of posts those interested should review:

    Issuance fell off a cliff in the wake of the crisis, but eventually rebounded, and by 2014, issuance was running at a $124 billion per year clip (comparable to auto loan-backed ABS annual supply, for reference). Supply slipped to around $95 billion last year and then, well, then it all fell apart.

    The percentage of CLO assets carrying a negative ratings outlook jumped five-fold in just three months to 12.6% according to Moody’s and as Morgan Stanley has been keen to document, the market is literally crumbling.

    As of the end of February, the median US CLO 2.0 equity NAV stood at -1.99 with the number of CLO 2.0 deals’ equity tranches currently having NAV below zero soaring by 30% from 348 to 453.

    Over the same period, the underlying asset deterioration continued, we went on to note. By February 29, the median CCC assets in US CLO had reached 4.30% from 3.90% in January. Needless to say, this trend will only continue as the debt-laden US O&G space continues to spiral into oblivion. “Among the 180 loan issuers with price drops larger than 5 points in February, we see 32 issuers in Oil & Gas,” Morgan Stanley warns, before adding that “851 CLO transactions have exposure to these 180 issuers, with a median exposure of 7.07% in the CLO 2.0 space across 654 deals.”

    To determine how it will all play out, we can take a look at history. Let’s go to Morgan Stanley one more time:

    From late 2007, CLO equity investors suffered from a sharp decline in loan prices followed by a rapid increase of asset downgrades. The number of US CLOs failing junior OC triggers climbed and led to an increasing number of deals missing payments to equity tranches. The proportion of deals cutting off payments to equity tranches peaked in 2Q 2009, right after the bottoming of loan prices and the peak of loan downgrades in 1Q 2009.

    Got it. So the credits in the collateral pool suddenly all sour at once, the triggers are hit, and the subordinated tranches are a really bad place to be. Take a look at the red line here:

    That’s missed payments to the equity tranches when the market blew up in the wake of the crisis (i.e. that’s CLO 1.0s). The question is how long before that dynamic plays out in 2.0s. As we noted late last month, Moody’s and S&P have delivered their first downgrades of post-crisis CLOs. Here’s a look at the tranches affected by Moody’s decision: 

    Now, we learn that Silver Spring and Silvermore, along with four other CLO 2.0s are failing their interest diversion tests. That is, they’ve hit their triggers and payments to the equity tranches are in jeopardy pending how things look next month. Here’s Deutsche Bank: 

    Looking at interest diversion tests, there hasn’t been any diversion of cash interest payments to the equity tranche of post-crisis CLOs so far, but it will come down to the status of these tests for the payment dates in April. Right now there are six CLOs failing their interest diversion tests. One of those, Jamestown IV, is just barely failing the test. Three other deals have coverage right above their respective interest diversion triggers, see Figure 20.



    Apart from these deals most other CLOs still have a good buffer before tripping interest diversion tests. Out of the 589 post-crisis broadly syndicated CLOs that have interest diversion tests and are still in their reinvestment period we find twenty deals (including the three mentioned in Figure 20) that have a buffer of one point or less before tripping the test. Other deals have a larger buffer. Figure 21 shows how well the 589 deals are covered, in terms of passing the interest diversion test. We show the data normalized by the initial collateral balance. The graph shows each deals collateral test par value relative to the initial collateral balance plotted against their interest diversion trigger, normalized the same way. Finally, the red line shows where the trigger lies, so the distance from the red line to the blue dot representing each line represents the interest diversion test buffer.


    Despite Deutsche’s attempt to strike an upbeat tone, what the above means is that the market is beginning to crack and if you get anything out of Morgan Stanley’s recent series of updates, it should be that it won’t be long before there’s (much) more trouble in OC trigger land. 

    Meanwhile, issuance was actually up this month, but we wouldn’t get too excited about the prospects for the leveraged loan market – supply was still some five times lower than last March.

    So keep the faith we suppose and remember: Citi can’t imagine how CLO mezz could possibly be any more attractive.

    Oh, and don’t forget that next month banks will reevaluate credit lines on RBL for the beleaguered O&G sector. We’ll leave it to readers to determine for themselves what that means for CLO 2.0s, but we will give you a hint. Match up the following table with the “Deal Name” column in Figure 20 shown above.

  • Bitcoin Market Technical Analysis and Commentary – 2 26 2016 (Video)

    By EconMatters

    We delve into the technicals of the Bitcoin Market in this video.

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They may not yet be the present, but they’re certainly the future. These young, uninitiated minds will someday soon become our politicians, doctors, scientists, chefs, television producers, fashion designers, manufacturers, and, one would hope, the new proponents of liberty. But are they ready for it?

Time after time, particularly on college campuses, millennials have proven to be little more than entitled, spoiled, anti-intellectual brats who place far too much emphasis on feelings and nowhere near enough emphasis on critical thinking. To the millennial, words are cause for the creation of safe spaces, alternative ideas must be stifled, and anything they perceive to be a microaggression is enough to send them spiraling into a state of mental distress.

It’s time millennials understood these 7 harsh realities of life so we don’t end up with a generation of gutless adult babies running the show.

1. Your Feelings Are Largely Irrelevant
Seriously, nobody who has already graduated college cares about your feelings. That means that when you complain to your boss because your co-worker mis-gendered you, he’s probably not going to bend over backwards to bandage your wounds. Given feelings are entirely subjective in nature, it’s completely unreasonable to demand everyone tip-toe around you to prevent yours from being hurt. The reality is that people will offend you and hurt your feelings, and they won’t stop to mop up your tears because they shouldn’t have to. Learning to accept criticism, alternative viewpoints, and even outright insults will make you happier in the long run than routinely playing the victim card.

2. You Cannot Be Whatever You Want To Be
This is a comforting lie parents have started telling their children to boost their morale in school. Unfortunately, millennials are now convinced it’s true, especially as society has now decided to push this narrative as well. The reality is if you’re 17 years old and still can’t figure out basic division, you’re not going to be a rocket scientist. If you’re overweight and unattractive, you’re not going to be the quarterback’s prom date. If you lack fine motor skills, you’re not going to be a heart surgeon. It’s okay to accept that you cannot be whatever you want to be. In fact, once you accept this, you’ll be able to focus on the things you can be — the things you really are talented at.

3. Gender Studies Is A Waste Of Money
You heard me. While some millennials taking useless degrees will claim they’re beneficial for teaching or research positions, the reality is that they just put themselves several thousands dollars in debt to learn how to be a professional victim. While you’re struggling to make ends meet after graduation because nobody who pays more than minimum wage is interested in your qualifications and you’re drowning in student loan debt, be sure to check out the next harsh reality before you start complaining.

4. If You Live In America (or UK), You’re Already In The 1%
That’s right. Even though you work at McDonald’s for minimum wage because you got a useless, outrageously expensive college degree, you’re still far better off than the vast majority of the planet. Don’t believe me? Fly to Uganda and check out the living conditions there. Fly to China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran, Russia, and even European countries like Ukraine and Greece, and you’ll quickly discover just how well-off you really are. While it may be cool these days to dump on capitalism, it’s the only reason you aren’t already worse off.

5. You Don’t Have A Right To It Just Because You Exist
That includes healthcare, guaranteed income, and somewhere to live. Just because you’re here and breathing doesn’t mean society owes you anything. Like the billions of people who lived before you, working hard is a better guarantor of wealth and the ability to comfortably take care of yourself than begging society or the government to do it for you. Demanding healthcare be a right, for example, is equivalent to demanding government force the taxpayer to pay for it. While that may seem like a good idea in theory, it only leads to rationing of care when costs become unsustainable, which negatively impacts not just your health, but everyone else’s, too.

6. You DO Have The Right To Live As You Please — But Not To Demand People Accept It
By contrast, you do have the right to live however you please, so long as it’s within the confines of the law. If you want to cross-dress, smoke marijuana, drink lots of alcohol, have lots of sex, and, yes, even go to school for gender studies, then by all means, go for it. Government should not be allowed to legislate people’s behavior as long as it doesn’t infringe upon someone else’s rights, but that doesn’t mean society isn’t allowed to have an opinion.You don’t have the right to demand people keep their opinions about your lifestyle to themselves, especially if you’re open and public about it. I have as much of a right to comment on the way you live your life as you do to actually live it. Your feelings are not a protected right, but my speech is.

7. The Only Safe Space Is Your Home
No matter where you go in life, someone will be there to offend you. Maybe it’s a joke you overheard on vacation, a spat at the office, or a difference of opinion with someone in line at the grocery store. Inevitably, someone will offend you and your values. If you cannot handle that without losing control of your emotions and reverting back to your “safe space” away from the harmful words of others, then you’re best to just stay put at home. Remember, though: if people in the outside world scare you, people on the internet will downright terrify you. It’s probably best to just accept these harsh realities of life and go out into the world prepared to confront them wherever they may be waiting.

Today’s News 26th March 2016

  • Was This The Worst Economist Forecast Of All Time

    When it comes to predicting the future, there has traditionally been a stealthy contest between economists and weathermen as to who is the worst predictor of coming events. Lately, there was some confusion when economists – this includes central bankers and market “strategists” –  tired of being humiliated in public for their terrible predictions, decided to become Monday Morning weathermen (ironically, none more so than those who competed with Groundhog Phil and lost) and blame their lack of foresight on the weather.

    This led to even more humiliation for said economisseds (sic) and entertainment for everyone else.

    But there is little confusion about what may have been the worst economic forecast of all time. For the answer go to Japan, and back 30 years in time, just after Japan’s mega asset bubble burst when in their desperation to preserve the myth that “all is well”, economists were “predicting” how little Japan’s growth would be impacted as a result of the burst bubble.

    They were all wrong.

    As HSBC’s Stephen King points out, nowadays, Japan’s “lost decades” are seen to be a blindingly-obvious consequence of the bursting of Japan’s late-1980s stock market and land price bubbles (ahem China). At the time, however, few managed to predict what was apparently so obvious in hindsight.

    Which brings us to what probably is the worst economic forecast of all time: in the mid-1990s, the forecasting consensus had every confidence that nominal Japanese GDP would rise 25% over the next five years. Consensus was wrong: by 2000, nominal GDP was more than 24% lower than had been projected five years earlier.

    Did the forecast humiliation end there? Oh no. 

    The gap between forecast and reality got bigger and bigger thereafter. In fact, over 30 years later, Japan’s nominal GDP and GDP per capital now is where it was 30 years ago even as Japan has piled up a total debt load that is now over 400% of GDP.

    Finally, as a consequence, bond yields fell further and further, continuously undershooting forecasts.


    Does this look familiar? If not, recall this chart?

    And this:

    Comical economists aside, “Japanification” is precisely what is happening to the rest of the “developed world” as global growth continues to deteriorate, global debt grows and the only short-term resolution is to keep rates as low as possible… and now, negative across 28% of the entire world.

    This weekend we will lay out HSBC’s thoughts on what “turning Japanese” means for the rest of the world. Spoiler alert: only bad things.

    In the meantime we ask, when will “economists” be finally laughed off the global stage for the charlatan comedians they all are?

  • "Satanic Cocktail" Of Nails And Acetone Used In Devilish Brussels Bomb Design

    Nearly four days have passed since four men detonated explosives-laden belts and luggage in the Brussels airport and metro killing nearly two dozen people and injuring hundreds and there’s still quite a bit of ambiguity regarding who exactly is dead, who’s still at large, and who was at the scene in the first place.

    Part of the confusion stems from the fact that the attackers who died in the blasts were strewn all over the crime scene in pieces, but authorities did manage to determine that among those who blew themselves up were brothers Khalid and Ibrahim El-Bakraoui, one of which was the subject of an Interpol red notice and the other was flagged by Turkey as a “foreign fighter” and deported. Also thought to have been killed in the airport bombings: bombmaker Najim Laachraoui, who is said to have played an instrumental role in building the explosives used in the Paris attacks.

    Following the bombings, the taxi driver who delivered Ibrahim Bakraoui, Laachraoui, and a third assailant to the airport called the police. The driver became suspicious when the men were reluctant to let him assist with their luggage which he described as exceptionally heavy. The driver then led police back to the apartment in Schaerbeek (the site of Friday’s sweeping police operation) where he had picked the three men up. On the fifth floor, authorities found 33 lbs of explosives, 180 liters of chemicals, guns, a suitcase full of nails, and an Islamic State flag. Nothing suspicious about that.

    Apparently, the apartment was a bomb making factory and in it, the Bakraouis (possibly with the help of Laachraoui or another bombmaker), built the TATP-based explosives used in Tuesday’s attacks. TATP, or triacetone triperoxide, has become an ISIS favorite and for those unlucky enough to find themselves in close proximity when it’s detonated, it’s bad news. Dubbed “the mother of Satan” by Palestinian militants, the white powder is cheap to make and the ingredients are impossible to trace, making it ideal for the clandestine activities of the Islamic State cells operating under the radar of European anti-terror police.

    “Used in the 2005 London bombings and the Nov. 13 Paris attacks, and found in a series of foiled bomb attempts in Europe since 2007, TATP appears to be Islamic State’s explosive of choice,” Reuters writes. Here’s more:

    Making a TATP bomb, although a more lengthy process than the fertilizer-based explosives used by other European militants, is cheap and simple and recipes and videos by chemistry buffs abound on the Internet. It was discovered by a 19th century German chemist and is very powerful, even in small quantities.


    All the ingredients – acetone found in cleaning products, hydrogen peroxide found in wood bleach and sulphuric acid used to unblock kitchen pipes – were available at one Brussels hardware store this week for less than 40 euros ($45).


    Nails and bolts can be added to increase the bomb’s impact and afterwards stuffed into bags and taped into suicide belts.


    It goes undetected by airport scanners, leaving authorities to rely on sniffer dogs. Though the bombs can have a strong smell — the bombers’ taxi driver said he smelled chemicals on the ride to the airport — there were few such dogs in the Brussels’ airport check-in area on Tuesday when the men detonated the explosives hidden in holdalls on baggage trolleys, according to several witnesses, including an airport worker.

    Ehud Keinan, an Israeli scientist who has spent 35 years studying TATP, said that as little as 4 kg could produce the kind of devastation seen in Brussels.


    “It is very easy to make, not like a conventional bomb,” said Keinan, the dean of chemistry at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa.


    “You don’t need to be part of a large organization or need training to do this.”


    Still, one of the three Brussels suspects, Najim Laachraoui, a 25-year-old Belgian who blew himself up in the airport attack and is suspected of making suicide vests for Paris, had studied engineering at university and excelled in lab work.


    Within two weeks of the July 2005 London attacks, the British chemical industry and British hardware stores stepped up their reporting of suspicious or large purchases of chemicals.


    However, in France, the explosive precursor hydrogen peroxide is sold legally as a way to clean private swimming pool water and no one is considering banning nail varnish remover.


    “If you go into any pharmacy in Brussels, you can buy 50 ml of acetone. If you go into a hundred pharmacies, you can get that much more,” said Peter Newport, the chief executive of Britain’s Chemical Business Association, which sits on the European Commission’s expert group on regulating precursors.

    “There are actually very few bombmakers in the grand scheme of things,” Brian Castner, a former Air Force explosive ordnance disposal technician and author of the book “All the Ways We Kill and Die,” tells The Washington Post. “Once one finds a successful way to construct these things, they [can] mass produce.”

    “While there are bomb-building manuals available on the Internet, Castner added that a competent terrorist cell would not rely on them; instead, recruits apprentice with master bombmakers in places such as Syria and Iraq before returning to their home countries,” WaPo continues. “And in Afghanistan and Iraq, the United States has targeted bombmakers.”

    For the scientifically inclined, here’s a detailed description of “mother of Satan” from Tech Insider

    One reason TATP is difficult to detect is because it does not contain nitrogen, a key component of homemade “fertilizer” bombs that security scanners are now very good at finding.


    Each molecule contains only hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon — some of the most common elements on Earth — shaped in a ring.


    The explosive power of TATP has puzzled scientists since its discovery in 1895. Unlike nitrogen-based bomb materials, which store up energy as they’re cooked into explosive form, TATP can be made at room temperature — no flames required.


    So where does it get its explosive energy, if not by heating?



    It wasn’t until 2005 that Keinan figured out detonating TATP is more like a massive air blast than a fire bomb. When a crystal of the explosive is rattled hard enough, each solid molecule instantly breaks into four gas molecules.


    “Although the gas is at room temperature, it has the same density as the solid, and four times as many molecules, so it has 200 times the pressure of the surrounding air,” according to the release about Keinan and his colleagues’ 2005 study of TATP.


    “This enormous pressure — one-[and-a-half] tons per square inch — then pushes outward, creating an explosive force” on par with TNT, states the release.


    “In a TATP explosion, the gas molecules give up their energy of motion to the surroundings, in the process creating the shock wave that does the damage.”

    So an extremely powerful (if unstable) explosive powder that’s easily synthesized from cheap, readily available, not to mention completely legal ingredients. “There are so many valid uses by the public of these substances,” the aforementioned Peter Newport admits. Right, but there aren’t a lot of uses for 40 gallons of acetone and eight gallons of hydrogen peroxide (the quantities found in the Schaerbeek hideout) and as The New York Times notes, US officials are curious as to “how the terrorists were able to elude detection” while obtaining those quantities of precursors – “especially during a manhunt for Salah Abdeslam.”

    The answer, of course, is that Belgian authorities have proven themselves to be completely incompetent and, as we wrote earlier today, have now simply resorted to arresting people first and asking questions later in an increasingly desperate attempt to get out ahead of the next attack which we imagine was probably planned weeks ago in a Molenbeek apartment amongst empty bottles of nail polish remover, loaded Kalashnikovs, and half-empty pizza boxes. 

    As for the public, we implore you to do your part by following the advice that’s prominently displayed on signs plastered all over New York’s Grand Central Station: “If you see something, say something.” In this context we suppose that means that if you see the guy shown below buying a bottle of nail polish remover (or worse, a can of Nutella), call the police immediately…

  • The Slow, Inevitable Collapse Of The Two-Party System

    Submitted by Russell Whitehouse via,

    In this election year, it’s clear that a seismic political shift is rumbling through America.  Widespread discontent for the status quo is surfacing from both the left and right.  A year ago, it would have been impossible to envision a card-carrying socialist and a pre-WWII style populist mounting legitimate presidential campaigns (much less without Super PACs).  Now, far-left and far-right sentiments are emerging from the underground as perfectly palatable options to Middle America.  Establishment darlings like Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush & Marco Rubio have faced extreme pressure from the New Normal in their respective political tents.

    It has become clear that the traditional 2-party system in America is starting to erode.  Sanders’ supporters view Clinton as too untrustworthy & beholden to Big Business.   Meanwhile Trump’s blue-collar base has rejected rank-and-file Republicans as being too unsympathetic to their economic concerns, while his surprising chunk of the evangelical contingent is refuting the Bush-flavored puritanism of Ted Cruz.  Conversely, Clinton’s supporters reject Sander’s bold platform as delusional and Cruz’s base is increasingly being filled by #NeverTrump neocon purists and Romey-ite country club Republicans.

    One can see political parallels across the pond, in the UK’s 2015 Parliamentary elections.  The two main parties in Westminster Palace, Conservative and Labour (roughly equivalent to the GOP and Democrats), were shaken up by two popular insurgencies.  UKIP, the UK Independence Party, rose up from the rising flames of the relatively conservative British heartland’s fears of free trade in the EU and immigration, winning an eighth of the popular vote in England. To the north, SNP, the Scottish National Party, won 95% of Scotland’s seats by inspiring among other things, record youth turnout and social media support (sound familiar?), with a message of social democracy and defiance against the British status quo.

    us uk politics

    Intra-party schisms are also forming in the two Anglophone democracies.  The Tories are tearing themselves apart over the Brexit, austerity and jockeying to succeed Cameron as Party Leader, while the American neocons are assessing the fallout of Trump’s ascendance while in free fall.  Labour officials are debating whether to follow their insurgent leader Jeremy Corbyn to the far Left after 20 years of Tony Blair’s New Labour movement, which moved the party to the center to win back the support of big business and blue-collar voters.  The New Labour centrist putsch coincided with Bill Clinton (and later Obama’s) similar efforts as the face of the Democrats.   Now, Democratic voters are beginning to second-guess this political realignment, spearheaded by the presumptive Democratic nominee’s husband.  Her opponent Bernie Sanders is siphoning away the youth vote and blue-collar moderates from the Democratic establishment, two of the Party’s traditional constituencies, by railing against neoliberal policies like free trade and social welfare cuts.

    Given the rise of social-democratic populism and nativist-protectionist populism to either flank of American politics, it would make sense to look at the formation of entirely new parties.  Bernie Sanders can form a Stars-and-Pinstripes version of SNP; he too has the momentum of a more secular, progressive generation reaching political maturity as the more religious, conservative Baby Boomers begin to die out.  Assuming Trump completes his takeover of the Grand Old Party at July’s convention, the neocon brain trust can form a new conservative movement; this is already being planned by members of the #NeverTrump triad. Evangelical and free market diehards can unite to mount a serious challenge to Trump’s right by fielding a Texas crusader like Ted Cruz or Rick Perry, or Mormon elder statesman Mitt Romney.

    Regardless of how Trump and Sanders fare in their respective conventions, they could still operate a serious race for the White House.  Both New York loudmouths boast a gigantic wave of rabid new voters, as well as a wellspring of working-class Americans desperate to reverse Wall Street’s increasingly oligarchical dominance, mass layoffs/underemployment, stagnant wages, crumbling infrastructure & the other byproducts of the neoliberal-neoconservative economic policy alliance.  Sanders could march into November as the nominee of the new Democratic Socialist Party, with a trail of young, idealistic future leaders tweeting and live-streaming behind him. 

    Depending on July’s RNC, we could see a Make America Great Again Party (MAGAP, for short) trumpeting Trump’s message of putting power back in the hands of the American working class or a Romney-Cruz True Conservatives Party ticket touting Christian piety and Wall St fiscal policy.

    Get used to Sanders, Clinton, Trump & Cruz.  You may see all 4 of them, come November…

  • Is Trump Starting To Get To Cruz: "I Don't Want To Copulate With Him"

    The GOP presidential nominee campaign just went from the sublime to the utterly ridiculous. In what appeared to a prepared remark, Ted Cruz just explained to holiday-weekend-crowd of reporters that he “has no desire to copulate with Donald Trump.”

    Compare this:

    “Let me be clear, Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him.”

    Which oddly seems to imply that Cruz may enjoy the company of rats (just not Donald Trump size ones).


    To this:


    Simply put, the so-called establishment has absolutely no idea how to cope with The Donald and as “Lyin’ Ted” just illustrated, are out of their class when it comes to fighting the ‘controlled chaos’ that is Trump.

    One can only imagine how Hillary will cope with any of this sheer madness. Actually, one can’t.

  • Thanks Obamacare: This Is What Americans Spent Most Money On In 2015

    We have been covering the consumption tax, pardon, endless spending black hole that is Obamacare for over a year, so we doubt it will come as a surprise to anyone that in 2015 healthcare was the second biggest use of US consumer funds, soaking up a record $1.9 trillion in real dollars, and more importantly for US economic “growth”, the single biggest source of incremental spending by nearly a factor of two.

    Incidentally, with spending on healthcare (courtesy of the Supreme Court’s Obamacare tax) soaring, while outlays on the traditionally most consumption-intensive category, housing and utilities, going nowhere for the past several years, it is only a matter of 2-3 quarters before Healthcare surpasses Housing as the biggest use of American cash.

    Putting this in context, a recent report from Freedom Partners Health found that health insurance premiums have increased faster than wages and inflation in recent years, rising an average of 28 percent from 2009 to 2014 despite the enactment of Obamacare, or rather “because of.” Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law on March 23, 2010, and Wednesday is the law’s sixth anniversary.

    So, without further ado, this is what drove American consumer spending in the officially concluded, for GDP purposes, 2015. We show this just in case there is still any confusion why US households are unable to channel more spending into “discretionary”, non-mandatory purchases unlike Obama’s “health insurance” tax, pardon, noble venture.

  • How to Destroy ISIS Propaganda and Wipe Out Its Ability to Recruit

    The Little-Known Secret to Destroying ISIS Propaganda

    I'm not opposed to killing every ISIS member and recruit. After all, they're trying to kill us.

    But Russia and the U.S.-led coalition haven't been able to wipe out ISIS with bombs.

    Why not?

    Military history shows that you usually cannot defeat your enemy unless you understand him at least a little bit.

    For example, the great Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu wrote in the Art of War:

    It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

    Part of why we haven't won the battle against ISIS is we don't understand why their recruitment has been so successful.

    Specifically, ISIS pitches itself to ignorant, naive, unemployed, young Muslims as the group which will stop the Christian and Jewish "occupiers" from stealing their lands.

    (That's obviously no excuse for joining a terrorist group. Like I said, I have no problem killing everyone in ISIS.)

    But if the actual truth – that ISIS kills far more Muslims than Christians or Jews – were publicized, ISIS' propaganda and recruiting success would collapse.

    In other words, ISIS ability to recruit fighters and supporters would evaporate, and the group itself would quickly wither.

    “Between 82 and 97% of Terrorism-Related Fatalities” Are MUSLIM

    The U.S. National Counterterrorism Center – the United States government organization responsible for national and international counterterrorism effortsreported in 2011 (page 14):

    In cases where the religious affiliation of terrorism casualties could be determined, Muslims suffered between 82 and 97% of terrorism-related fatalities over the past five years.

    Terror StatThe State Department commented:

    NCTC [i.e. the National Counterterrorism Center] maintains its statistical information on the U.S. government's authoritative and unclassified database on terrorist acts, the Worldwide Incidents Tracking System (WITS).




    Muslims continued to bear the brunt of terrorism ….

    • In cases where the religious affiliation of terrorism casualties could be determined, Muslims suffered between 82 and 97 percent of terrorism-related fatalities over the past five years.
    • Muslim majority countries bore the greatest number of attacks involving 10 or more deaths ….

    According to a 2009 report published by the Counter Terrorism Center at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Al-Qaeda kills over seven times more Muslims than non-Muslims.

    The UN reported last year that Muslims are the largest victims of ISIS in Iraq.

    In 2013, the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism's Global Terrorism Database – joint government-university program on terrorism, hosted at the University of Maryland noted that between 2004 and 2013, about half of all terrorist attacks, and 60% of fatalities due to terrorist attacks, took place in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan – all of which have a mostly Muslim population:


    The head of the Global Terrorism Database told BBC:

    While she doubts that 95% of terrorism victims are Muslim, she thinks the truth might not be far off.


    "It's not out of the realm of possibility, given the extreme concentration of attacks in majority-Muslim countries," Miller says.

    In other words, the vast majority of Muslims not only condemn ISIS … but they are actually bearing the brunt of ISIS’ cruelty.

    One American Muslim writes at Daily Beast:

    We Muslims despise these crazy people more than anyone else does.


    Denounce ISIS? Muslims despise ISIS. (At least those who aren’t pathological.)


    True, ISIS is compromised of people who claim to be Muslims. But the number one victim of this barbaric terror group is Muslims. That’s undisputed. ISIS has killed thousands of Muslims across the Middle East, including beheading Sunni Muslims in Iraq for failing to pledge loyalty to them, executing Imams for not submitting to them, and even killing an Imam in Iraq for simply denouncing them.

    (Muslims are also being slaughtered by ISIS for standing up and publicly opposing the terrorist group’s persecution of Christians. And as a sidenote, a 2013 study by Duke University showed that Muslim Americans helped catch more terrorism suspects and perpetrators than the United States government itself.)

    Indeed, if we want to stop ISIS, one of the most important things we can do is publicize the fact that ISIS is killing more “fellow” Muslims than any other victims. This will destroy ISIS propaganda that they are focused on a jihad or "holy war" against Christian and Jewish "occupiers".

    As Daily Beast pointed out in 2014:

    The group’s killing of Westerners gets attention. But ISIS has killed far more Muslims, and publicizing that fact would harm it more.


    Last Thursday, the United Nations released a report that could provide us with one of the keys to defeating ISIS. Unfortunately, it received almost zero media attention.What makes this 26-page report (PDF) so powerful is that it describes to us the gruesome circumstances in which ISIS has killed fellow Muslims. We are talking beheadings, killing of women for objecting to ISIS’ policies, and executing Sunni Muslim clerics for refusing to swear allegiance to ISIS.


    Why is this important? This information can hopefully help dissuade other Muslims from joining or financially supporting ISIS. And it may even persuade other Muslim countries to join or increase their efforts in fighting ISIS. The reason being that slaughtering fellow Muslims is seen as universally wrong across the Muslim world and as a violation of Islamic values. In fact, Al Qaeda has even publicly criticized ISIS for this very conduct.




    The leaders of ISIS are very aware that the killing of fellow Muslims—especially Sunnis- could hurt their cause in attracting support from the Sunni Muslim world. In fact, ISIS is so concerned about the possible backlash that the group’s leaders addressed this subject (PDF) in the latest issue of its online magazine.




    I wish the media would give more coverage to ISIS’ crimes against Muslims. The publicity would hurt the group’s cause tremendously, and it could also make the case to my fellow Americas that this fight is not Islam versus the West. Rather, it’s everyone who doesn’t want to live under ISIS’ brutal dictatorship versus ISIS.


    And those Muslims who gave their lives fighting against or refusing to give into ISIS in our common struggle should be recognized in the media for their bravery. It would be very powerful to see images in our media of the Muslims killed by ISIS, not just Westerners.

    How to Stop ISIS

    Unfortunately, Western governments are increasing the threat from terrorism (all of the countries we’ve “regime changed” have descended into brutal chaos, allowing ISIS and other terrorists to spread) … instead of doing the things which will stop terrorism.

    One of those things is to publicize the fact that most of ISIS' victims are Muslim, as it will destroy ISIS propaganda.

    Even the folks who want all Muslims to wipe each other out might wish to recognize that failing to publicize that fact is allowing ISIS recruitment to explode.  While Armageddon might sound exciting to some, I'd rather punch holes in the inflating ISIS balloon, and then bump off the remaining ISIS fighers.

    Postscript: Despite the feeling we get from watching the MSM that we are all about to be killed by terrorists, the truth is that we are much more likely to die from a boring or bizarre accident than at the hand of a terrorist … even the fear of terrorism is arguably more dangerous than terrorism itself.

  • How America Works (In 1 Uncomfortable Cartoon)

    This won’t end well…



    Source: The Burning Platform blog

  • America's Top Rogue Mercenary – Blackwater's Erik Prince Is Under Federal Investigation

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Just weeks before Blackwater guards fatally shot 17 civilians at Baghdad’s Nisour Square in 2007, the State Department began investigating the security contractor’s operations in Iraq. But the inquiry was abandoned after Blackwater’s top manager there issued a threat: “that he could kill” the government’s chief investigator and “no one could or would do anything about it as we were in Iraq,” according to department reports.


    –  From the post: New York Times Reports – Blackwater Threatened to Kill a State Dept. Official and the U.S. Government Did Nothing

    A little over two years ago, I published a post titled, How Erik Prince, Founder of Blackwater, Will Help China Subjugate Africa. Here’s what we learned at the time:

    Shares of DVN Holdings, controlled by Hong Kong businessman Johnson Ko Chun-shun and state-owned Citic Group, surged 7.3 per cent after it appointed Erik Prince – former owner of controversial US security firm Blackwater – as chairman, and granted him more share options.


    Prince last November sold to DVN a company that plans to build a pan-Africa provider of aviation, logistics, risk management, security services and exploration support services, needed by many Chinese businesses active in Africa. He received US$3 million plus the first batch of options.


    Prince has logistics, aviation, manufacturing, resources and energy business interests in Africa, the Middle East and North America, and is the founder of Frontier Resource Group, a private equity firm active in African aviation, exploration, mining and logistics, DVN said.


    The firm subsequently paid US$42 million in fines for hundreds of violations of US export rules, to avoid criminal charges, The New York Times reported.

    The writing was on the wall back then, and it appears the Department of Justice has finally picked up on the shadiness of it all.

    Earlier today, The Intercept published a detailed account of the ongoing investigation into America’s number one mercenary, Erik Prince. Here are a few excerpts:

    Erik Prince, founder of the now-defunct mercenary firm Blackwater and current chairman of Frontier Services Group, is under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice and other federal agencies for attempting to broker military services to foreign governments and possible money laundering, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the case.


    What began as an investigation into Prince’s attempts to sell defense services in Libya and other countries in Africa has widened to a probe of allegations that Prince received assistance from Chinese intelligence to set up an account for his Libya operations through the Bank of China. The Justice Department, which declined to comment for this article, is also seeking to uncover the precise nature of Prince’s relationship with Chinese intelligence.


    The Intercept interviewed more than a half dozen of Prince’s associates, including current and former business partners; four former U.S. intelligence officers; and other sources familiar with the Justice Department investigation. All of them requested anonymity to discuss these matters because there is an ongoing investigation. The Intercept also reviewed several secret proposals drafted by Prince and his closest advisers and partners offering paramilitary services to foreign entities.


    In 2010, amid public scandals and government investigations, Prince began to sell off his Blackwater empire. Using new vehicles, he continued to engage in controversial private security ventures, including operations in Somalia and the United Arab Emirates. Eventually, the former Navy SEAL and self-proclaimed American patriot began building close business ties with powerful individuals connected to the Chinese Communist Party. In January 2014, Prince officially went into business with the Chinese government’s largest state-owned investment firm, the Citic Group, and founded Frontier Services Group, which is based in Hong Kong. Citic Group is the company’s single largest investor, and two of FSG’s board members are Chinese nationals.


    Working with a small cadre of loyalists — including a former South African commando, a former Australian air force pilot, and a lawyer with dual citizenship in the U.S. and Israel — Prince sought to secretly rebuild his private CIA and special operations enterprise by setting up foreign shell companies and offering paramilitary services, according to documents reviewed by The Intercept and interviews with several people familiar with Prince’s business proposals.


    Since 2014, Prince has traveled to at least half a dozen countries to offer various versions of a private military force, secretly meeting with a string of African officials. Among the countries where Prince pitched a plan to deploy paramilitary assets is Libya, which is currently subject to an array of U.S. and United Nations financial and defense restrictions.


    Prince engaged in these activities over the objections of his own firm’s corporate leadership. Several FSG colleagues accused him of using his role as chairman to offer Blackwater-like services to foreign governments that could not have been provided by the company, which lacks the capacity, expertise, or even the legal authority to do so.


    “He’s a rogue chairman,” said one of Prince’s close associates, who has monitored his attempts to sell mercenary forces in Africa.


    That source, who has extensive knowledge of Prince’s activities and travel schedule, said that Prince was operating a “secret skunkworks program” while parading around war and crisis zones as FSG’s founder and chairman. “Erik wants to be a real, no-shit mercenary,” said the source. “He’s off the rails exposing many U.S. citizens to criminal liabilities. Erik hides in the shadows … and uses [FSG] for legitimacy.”

    I get that FSG claims no part in this, but seriously, what did you expect when you went into business with this guy? It’s not as if his past was some big secret.

    The Libyan proposal, reviewed by The Intercept, was code-named Operation Lima. It offered the Libyans an array of military equipment and services — including weaponized vehicles, helicopters, boats, and surveillance airplanes — to help stabilize eastern Libya. The ground force, according to a person involved with the plan, would consist of a troop of former Australian special operations commandos. Given the instability of the government and Prince’s inability to navigate complex Libyan factions to vet potential partners, he had trouble finding the right power brokers to help sell the proposal.


    “Money laundering for Libyan officials using a Chinese bank — that is the issue that pushed it over the edge” for the Justice Department, said the second former intelligence official.


    The U.S. spies monitoring Prince soon discovered that he had traveled to the Chinese-controlled peninsula of Macau in an effort to open a bank account, according to two people familiar with the investigation. A well-connected source within the Macau banking community told The Intercept that Prince first attempted to open an account at the Macau branch of a European-connected bank, but was denied after a review by the bank’s European headquarters.


    Later, Prince traveled to Beijing, where he met with Chinese agents from the Ministry of State Security, according to the second former intelligence official and a source familiar with the meeting.


    In January, Prince returned to Macau and opened an account at the Bank of China, according to several sources, including the second former intelligence official and the source with close connections to Macau’s banking community.


    “It was not a personal account,” said the former U.S. intelligence official briefed on the investigation. “He was doing it for the purpose of what is considered now — in the investigation — money laundering on behalf of the Libyans.”


    Toensing, Prince’s lawyer, confirmed that Prince successfully opened an account with the Bank of China. “He opened an account on behalf of a business,” she said. Toensing declined to say for which business he opened the account, but said that it complied with U.S. banking regulations. “This is not an FSG bank account,” a spokesperson for FSG told The Intercept.


    While Prince’s re-invented Libya “border security” proposal was framed as a means of stopping migration, sources with knowledge of Prince’s business strategy allege that he had greater ambitions in that country. One person involved in Prince’s plan said the anti-migration force was seen as a vehicle for Prince to build a “backdoor” for so-called kinetic, or lethal, operations in Libya — a form of mercenary mission-creep. “During the day, you do interdiction of migrants — not kinetic,” said the person involved in the plan. “But those routes are used by weapons smugglers and drug traffickers at night. Insurgents too. Erik’s guys can then be offered to the Libyans to help with their other problems. That’s how you get kinetic.”


    The plan called for a series of “border security” bases housing intelligence centers, helicopters, surveillance airplanes, and weaponized vehicles. Prince proposed a fully equipped, contemporary military force to be staffed in part by foreign mercenaries.


    Among the concerns of government investigators is that Prince’s attempts to provide defense-related services to Libya and other countries violate U.S. defense export regulations. Under federal law, U.S. citizens seeking to offer military services or technologies to Libya must have a license certifying that the services or articles are approved under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, or ITAR. “Many of these services and articles are designed to kill people or defend against killing people,” said John Barker, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for export controls. “To protect U.S. national security and foreign policy as well as that of its allies, the U.S. requires prior authorization.”


    An FSG official said the company did not know if Prince obtained a license for his activities in Libya, but noted that he did not have one in his capacity as FSG’s chairman. One of Prince’s Libya proposals reviewed by The Intercept lists FSG as the commercial vendor for the project.


    Prince has run up against ITAR in the past. In 2010, Prince sold most of his equity in the companies that fell under the Blackwater umbrella. Claiming that left-wing activists, Democratic politicians, and lawsuits had destroyed his companies, he left the United States and became a resident of Abu Dhabi. The remnant of his network was renamed Academi LLC. Federal prosecutors eventually attempted to prosecute Prince’s former companies, culminating in a 2012 deferred prosecution agreement to settle a lengthy list of U.S. legal and regulatory violations committed from 2005 through 2008 when Prince was in charge, including ITAR violations.


    A senior official involved with the Blackwater-related litigation, who has since left the government, told The Intercept that the Obama administration’s continued willingness to award contracts to former Blackwater entities while the case was active was a fatal impediment to a successful prosecution. The official, comparing the former Blackwater empire to a drug syndicate, added that prosecutors could not get anyone under Prince to testify against him personally. “This is very much the concern,” the former official told The Intercept. “You push the buttons on the company, but the main bad guy gets away and does it again.”

    Remarkable. “Mr. Liberal” Obama was cheerfully awarding Erik Prince and Blackwater corporate offshoots government contracts despite an ongoing investigation.

    No criminal charges were filed against Prince. 


    In federal court filings, Prince’s former companies admitted to providing — on numerous occasions during Prince’s tenure — defense goods and services to foreign governments without the required State Department licensing. In some cases, they admitted to providing services even after failing to obtain a license from the State Department.


    As part of their settlement with the government, Prince’s companies ultimately agreed to pay nearly $50 million in fines and other penalties and to implement compliance procedures to ensure such illegal activities did not continue. In September 2015, the deferred charges were dismissed after the U.S. government certified that the companies had “fully complied” with all of its conditions.

    Right, because fining a mercenary sociopath is such an effective deterrent. This is what you get when you use deferred prosecutions on these people. They get right back at it. Same exact thing happened with the banks. The U.S. justice department is not just worthless, it’s dangerous.

    At that point, Prince was already deep into creating new companies registered outside of the United States and appeared poised to return to the conduct that had marked his time at the helm of Blackwater.


    An internal document from Prince’s inner circle, reviewed by The Intercept, shows his team openly discussing the need to avoid U.S. and international defense export regulations and to mask the involvement of Prince and his cohort in efforts to provide mercenary services and military equipment to foreign governments. “Erik is always pressing the limits as to what is possible,” said the close associate of Prince’s.


    According to multiple sources familiar with Prince’s activities, as well as documents reviewed by The Intercept, Prince is considering an invitation to speak at a conference later this month in China sponsored by the country’s main domestic security organization, the Ministry of Public Security.


    Internally, FSG executives determined that any presentations by the company’s U.S. citizen personnel at the conference could potentially violate U.S. laws against providing defense advice to China. Smith issued a directive that no U.S. personnel from FSG were authorized to attend. Erik Prince, Smith told his staff, would need to make his own decision.

    There’s only one way to stop a guy like this — lock him up.

    For once, do your job Department of Justice.

  • The Dirty Dozen – Meet The Republicans That Will Vote For Hillary

    Members of the GOP foreign policy establishment are open to supporting Hillary Clinton for president if that’s what it takes to prevent Donald Trump from becoming commander in chief. As The Hill reports, a number of prominent Republicans who signed a scathing open letter denouncing Trump said they aren’t wavering from their opposition to him…"Donald Trump is not a Republican. … He is a caricature of classless wealth. … He is a caricature of the ugly American."

     What’s happening is you have a lot of people who are desperate to get anybody in there other than Trump. … People are going to go for Cruz, because at the end of the day they think he’s considerably less bad than Trump,” said Eliot A. Cohen, a former adviser to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) who also served in the George W. Bush administration.


    Cohen, along with Bryan McGrath, organized an open letter opposing Trump that was signed by more than 120 members of the Republican foreign policy establishment. The letter declared that Trump is unfit to be president because his views of American power are “wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.”

    The Hill contacted 13 of the people on the letter and heard back from all but two of them…

    “Donald Trump is not a Republican. … He is a caricature of classless wealth. … He is a caricature of the ugly American,” said McGrath, the deputy director at the Center for American Seapower at the Hudson Institute who is now working with the Cruz campaign.


    Still, some say the fact that more supporters of Bush and Rubio haven’t joined Cruz shows how unenthusiastic many are about him.


    “All the palatable choices are gone,” said a senior Republican congressional staffer who wished to remain unidentified in order to speak freely.



    Stephen Rodriguez, a former Bush adviser and managing partner at One Defense who is now supporting Cruz, called Trump “amoral,” a “fraud” and a “dangerous demagogue.”


    “I don’t know what’s worse — having Trump say all those ridiculous things and being totally clueless, or having him say all those things and actually mean it?” said Rodriguez, who signed the letter.


    “At the end of the day, he has done nothing to earn my vote. He doesn’t have the character or the values that would qualify him to be president of the United States and commander in chief, nor is he a conservative or a Republican,” said Roger Zakheim, a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, who advised Rubio and also signed the letter.

    Some members of the Republican foreign policy establishment are “shell-shocked” by what has happened in the primary race, the GOP staffer said, and are just planning to stay on the sidelines going forward. Some of them are hoping for a third-party candidate from the GOP.

    “If indeed it comes down to Hillary versus Trump as the nominees … then I’m certainly interested in whether or not we’ll see a third party, but I can’t support Trump’s candidacy,” Zakheim said.


    John Noonan, a former Jeb Bush adviser, said he would write in Washington Redskins quarterback Kirk Cousins for president if Trump is the GOP nominee and then vote Republican down the rest of the ballot.


    “Cousins isn’t any less experienced than Trump, and at least Cousins has never bankrupted a casino,” he said. But, he added, “I’d like to see Cruz beat Trump or a third-party conservative come in, in that order.”

    Several admit that if absolutely forced to choose between Trump and Clinton, they would pick the former secretary of State.

    “I’ll never support Trump, period. If the only choices I’m offered is between Hillary and Trump, I’ll go for Hillary,” said Cohen, who said he’s hoping for a third possibility or a write-in.


    One pointed to Clinton’s speech earlier this week at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, saying it was relatively well received and could have been delivered by Rubio.


    McGrath said he would vote for Clinton if he “got a gun held to my head” and was forced to choose only between her and Trump. He added that in reality, however, he would write in a name.


    But, he added, “on foreign and defense policy, I at least trust Hillary’s judgment.”


    McGrath isn’t alone.


    “If it’s between Trump and Clinton, I will vote for Clinton,” Drezner said.


    “I think there are others who will make that determination, even if you don’t like Hillary Clinton, if you dislike her domestic agenda,” he added.


    Max Boot, a Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow and former Rubio foreign policy adviser who also signed the letter, said he would choose Clinton over both Trump and Cruz.


    "I would consider a conservative third party but would vote for Hillary over Trump — not a close call," he said. "Cruz [versus] Clinton is a closer call but on foreign policy grounds I would probably vote for Hillary."

    So – to sum up – 120 GOP establishmentarians question Trump's choices of foreign policy advisors and would vote for Hillary because "on foreign and defense policy, I at least trust Hillary’s judgment." Given that utter denial and totally non-democratic perspective, perhaps The GOP deserves exactly what it gets. What a farce!!

  • The "Restaurant Recovery" Is Over: Casual Dining Sales Tumble For Fourth Straight Month

    While the US manufacturing sector has been in a clear recession for the past year as a result of the collapsing commodity complex, so far the stable growth in low-paying service jobs – at least according to the BLS’ statistical assumptions – such as those of waiters and bartenders have kept the broader service economy out of contraction (even though recent Service PMI data has been downright scary). 


    This is now changing: as we showed a month ago, according to the lagged effect of the collapse of the Restaurant Performance Index, that party is over:


    … just like it was in 2008;


    But while such macro indices suffer from the same calendar and statistical aberrations which the BLS is all too famous for, a confirmation of the troubling restaurant downward trend was provided yesterday by company-level channel checks, courtesy of Sterne Agee, which show that same store sales trends at America’s casual dining restaurants – those which cater to the vast majority of the US middle class – have suffered a fourth consecutive month of declines, something not observed since the first financial crisis, sliding a whopping 3% in March.

    From Sterne Agee’s March 24 channel checks:

    Our channel checks for casual dining suggest a decline in casual dining same store sales (SSS) trends in the first half of March. While it is too early to determine if this is a trend, it appears that a fourth month in a row of negative SSS may occur, which we believe would be a disappointment to investors.


    Casual Dining Stocks are Under Pressure in Recent Trading: On a month-to-date basis, we note that casual dining stocks have been under pressure, with an average price decline of -3.1%, including bottom-tier performers: Buffalo Wild Wings -10.2%, Red Robin -8 4% and Brinker -8.3.

    To be sure, Sterne Agee tries to spin this disturbing trend as faborably as posible:

    While there is much debate on whether the discounting/promotional environment in the quick service (QSR) space is affecting casual dining, we think it is too early to call this a shift in consumer behavior or change in trend.

    However, it is becoming all too obviouos that not only has the great gas price collapse of 2015/2016 done anything to boost consumer spending on such core discretionary items as dinner, but that the purchasing power of the US middle class continues to deteriorate with every passing month – having troughed so far in March – and that economists are clueless to explain the reason behind this.

    And the worst news is that with gas prices set to anniversary their 2015 lows in a few months at which point they will start rising due to the base effect, suddenly the great “gas tax savings” which did nothing to boost spending, is about to go into reverse, and lead to the next even sharper leg lower in US household spending. We are confident economists will be very confused about the reasons why the US economy is about to deteriorate substantially in the second half, however surely they will find some climatic anomaly to blame it on.

  • New Eye-Opening Documentary Completely Exposes Barbaric Saudi Regime

    Submitted by Michaela Whitton via,

    A British television crew recently filmed an undercover documentary in Saudi Arabia in an attempt to penetrate the world’s most secretive and murderous regime. Working with a team of undercover Saudi cameramen, the one hour eye-opener, Exposure: Saudi Arabia Uncovered, was broadcast by ITV on March 22. It reveals the hidden side of the regime, which buys billions of pounds worth of British arms, accepts training from British security forces, sells oil back to the U.K., and enjoys nothing less than red carpet treatment from the British royal family.

    After setting up a fake company, the crew flew into Riyadh posing as businessmen, wielding carefully concealed hidden cameras. For cover, they said they were in the country to attend a business conference on cyber-security. What they discovered was a state that beheads — and even crucifies — its citizens; where women lack basic human rights and its children are indoctrinated. Patrolled by religious police, citizens are tortured, imprisoned, and sentenced to death for writing blogs and questioning authority. It sounds like the Islamic State, but it’s not — it’s the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And it is fully propped up by Europe and the United States.

    The mind-boggling documentary reveals how Saudi Arabia’s money and Wahhabi ideology has helped drive terrorism around the world. Shining a light on Britain’s shoulder-rubbing with the ruling royals, the production has pushed the U.K. government to admit they have provided more than 300 Saudi police officers with training since 2012.

    “A necessary evil”

    In January 2015, the Union Jack flew at half-mast at Westminster as a mark of respect for the death of Saudi ruler, King Abdullah. During the same month, young Saudi blogger Raif Badawi received 50 lashes in public. Convicted of insulting Islam after blogging about his government and religion, quoting Albert Camus, he wrote:

    "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”

    Comments like this earned the father of three 1,000 total lashes and ten years in prison.

    “We don’t approve of what Saudi Arabia does, we don’t like what they do, but they are a necessary evil in combating other regimes,” former Head of International Terrorism, Colonel Richard Kemp, told ITV.


    And of course, ultimately they have a lot of oil,” he added.

    Undercover cameraman Yasser is from an underground network of Saudi activists. He risked life and limb to provide a window into the brutal and secretive country where the King is all powerful, journalists cannot operate without a minder, and dissent is a cardinal sin. In the country, which is home of some of Islam’s holiest sites, the Saudi state oil company is worth £7 trillion. The royal family is worth billions. In contrast, an estimated quarter of the population lives in poverty, and numerous women were filmed begging and being beaten in the streets.

    It is estimated that only one in five Saudi women of working age are employed. They are banned from driving and struggle to perform simple tasks, such as going to the doctor without a male guardian. But some are fighting back, and prominent human rights activist Loujain Hathloul has become the face of the Saudi women’s rights movement.

    Moments after uploading videos of herself driving — as part of a campaign to change the ban against it — the activist was arrested for trying to enter Saudi Arabia from the United Arab Emirates while behind the wheel. Imprisoned for 73 days without trial, she remains banned from traveling. Terrorism charges also were filed against her. Facing persistent death threats towards her and her family, for some she is a hero. For others, she is a hate figure.

    The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice

    The religious police, officially known as the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, patrol streets and shopping malls enforcing strict Islamic laws. Yasser films himself and his friend as they are violently stopped from playing a lute outside. Playing music in public is forbidden, and their instrument and hidden camera are smashed. In other instances, religious police force women to cover themselves and drive people out of cafes to pray.

    This strict form of Sunni Islam is known as Wahhabism, and it is the religion on which Saudi Arabia was founded. It is thought that the majority of Saudis support the state ideology, and the activists film a preacher spreading hatred of other religions and the Shia minority. Children are shown being indoctrinated by school textbooks, made in Saudi Arabia and exported to the world.

    “No country is the perfect ally, perfect partner, without any reservations whatsoever. Welcome to the real world, welcome to the premier league,” said former CIA Director, General David Petraeus.

    Director of the Institute for Gulf Affairs, Ali al-Ahmed, said the Saudi education system was created as a security measure to protect the ruling family and mislead millions of students into hatred of other religions and cultures. Some say the state has made progress in removing some of the worst examples of hatred from its textbooks, but the books can still be found in mosques and schools around the world.

    Al-Ahmed added, “It’s no wonder that thousands of Saudis joined ISIS and other terror groups because they were trained in Saudi schools.”

    “Chop Chop Square”

    In 2015, Saudi Arabia executed 157 people. Traditional punishments are employed, and executions are often carried out in public by one sword blow to the neck. Headless bodies are sometimes displayed publicly, and the documentary shows harrowing footage of a Burmese woman screaming for mercy as she is beheaded in the street.

    Yasser says many Saudis are angry but cannot speak out due to fear of imprisonment, adding that the regime relies on secrecy; criticism of the government is considered an act of terror. The film crew visits one of Saudi Arabia’s most notorious landmarks, known as Chop Chop Square. It is the scene of many of the regime’s public executions and has drains in the ground for blood.

    Since 9/11, Saudi Arabia has attempted to show the world they are tackling terrorism. The regime has clamped down on private donations to extremists from inside the Kingdom and carried out airstrikes against ISIS. They deny they are supporting the terror group, but many feel it is the underlying Wahhabi Salafi ideology that is the wider problem.

    Former Director of Political Islam of the CIA, Emile Nakleh told ITV:

    The ideology of ISIS is not much different from the ideology that Wahabi Salafi Islam in Saudi adheres to. Unless the Saudis deal with this issue, we are going to constantly fight yesterday’s wars. Even if we defeat ISIS there will be another terrorist organisation, perhaps with a different name, as long as they have this ideology.”

    Unwilling to tolerate dissent and fiercely opposed to sharing power, Saudi Arabia executed 47 people in January of this year — its largest mass execution since 1980. Some were convicted terrorists, but others were political activists. Footage smuggled out by activists has revealed that the executions sparked the largest public protests since the Arab Spring.

    Since the mass executions, Yasser has stopped filming undercover. He claims it is just too risky continue, which, of course, is exactly what these public displays of punishment are all about. Although activists are being forced underground, the spread of mobile phones and cameras means it is becoming impossible for the regime to control what the world sees.

    While in the country pretending to be traders, the filmmakers’ website was hacked, leading them to believe their cover was blown. As a result, they promptly left the country.

    The documentary ends with a statement from the Saudi authorities condemning the covert filming by ITV:

    “The kingdom of Saudi Arabia utterly rejects the partisan nature and sensationalist tone of this documentary which sets out to portray the country in a negative and unbalanced light. The Kingdom’s legal system is based on the due process of Islamic Sharia Law. The Kingdom is at the forefront of international efforts to combat terrorism and will pursue anyone who supports and funds terrorist activities. To suggest otherwise is a slur. In keeping with its biased agenda, ITV chose to undertake covert filming when they could have applied for and received a journalistic visa, like many of their counterparts.”

    The full documentary, Exposure: Saudi Arabia Uncovered, can be viewed here.

  • Foreigners Dumped More Japanese Stocks This Week Than Ever Before

    USDJPY just had its best week in 2 months, funding bullish momentum and carry trades around the world in the midst of dismal economic data everywhere and tumbling earnings expectations. This "bullish" Yen strength, however, amid China's biggest weekly devaluation in almost 3 months, was ironically driven by drastic investment outflowsrecord sales of Japanese stocks by foreigners (sell JPY), and record purchases of foreign bonds by Japanese investors (sell JPY). Sooner, rather than later, it is obvious that the investment outflows will dominate the carry trades (see Thursday and Friday) and Kuroda and Abe will have a major problem.

    Yen was dumped all week…


    Which provided just enough juice for carry trades to lift Japanese stocks (despite the weakness in data and China's biggest weekly Yuan devaluation in almost 3 months)

    But notice that the last two days have seen Japanese stocks decouple from USDJPY, perhaps the first glimpse of the investment outflows overwhelming any casino-based carry trades flows.

    And this is why… Foreigners sold a record amount of Japanese stocks last week… (implicitly meansing Yen was sold)


    And Japanese investors fled the insanity of record low yields in JGBs, buying a record amount of foreign bonds last week (implicitly selling Yen again)…


    So the Yen weakness – which was so bullishly supportive of global equity markets via carry – was in fact a signal of massive investor anxiety fleeing the sinking ship. Peter Pan-ic indeed.

    Abe and Kuroda will soon face a major problem as a weaker Yen will signal the exact opposite trade that has been so active since 2012 – weakness means weak Japanese economy means sell Japanese assets.. and we will soon see capital controls in the world's largest debtor nation.

    And remember – the devaluation of The Yen has done nothing – NOTHING – to improve exports for Japan…


    “The tailwind from the weak yen has gone. We can’t help but hold a pessimistic view on the outlook for exports,” said Atsushi Takeda, an economist at Itochu Corp. in Tokyo, said before the figures were released. “Domestic demand won’t be dependable at all, and the same goes for exports. I can’t deny the possibility of another economic contraction this quarter.”

  • Easter Weekend Reading: Bears Battered But The Buyback Bounce Is Over

    Submitted by Lance Roberts via,

    At the beginning of this month, I discussed the monthly statistics for March. To wit:

    It is often the case that the month following a negative return month will post a positive return as markets bounce from oversold conditions. However, as shown below, this is not always the case.


    The chart below shows both February and March returns going back to 1957. During that period, the month of March has posted gains following a February loss 15 times, and losses following a February decline 13 times. Again, at 53.6%, the odds aren’t much better than a coin toss at best.”


    One interesting note about the chart above is the sharp increase in monthly market volatility since the turn of the century as computers, online-trading, and algorithms took over the markets. Also, QE programs accelerated returns during the post-financial crisis period which has positively skewed the statistical analysis.

    While the month is not over as of yet, the current 5.37% advance is within the context of previous market rallies since 1997.


    With the majority of short-covering appearing to be complete, and volume on a steady decline, we may have seen a bulk of the reflexive bull rally already. As noted by Dana Lyons earlier today:


    With April wrapping up the seasonally strong period of the year, the seasonal adjustment boost to economic data coming to an end, and earnings growth remaining elusive – the summer months could prove to be problematic. For now, we will have to wait and see what develops.

    With that, I just want to wish you all a very happy, safe and joyful Easter weekend.





    “Successful preservation of capital must overcome the handicaps of socialistic governments, supposedly to help the masses.” – Gerald Loeb

  • Deutsche Bank's Dire Warning On Global Trade: "The Currency War Is Futile"

    “It’s almost like the timing belt on the global growth engine is a bit off or the cylinders are not firing as they should.”

    That’s from WTO chief economist Robert Koopman, and it’s a quote we’ve used on a number of occasions. Koopman is referring to the fact that for several years in a row, the rate of growth in global trade has lagged GDP growth. That’s a problem for two reasons: 1) GDP growth is hardly robust as it is, and 2) before the recent downturn, the last time trade growth underperformed the rate of economic expansion was two decades ago.

    As WSJ noted last autumn, trade growth has averaged just 3% per year. That’s half of the 1983-2008 average.

    “It’s fairly obvious that we reached peak trade in 2007,” Scott Miller, trade expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington, D.C., think tank told the Journal.

    Since then, the evidence has continued to pile up that global trade has flatlined. Freight volume in the US fell for the first time in three years in November, while monumental declines for Class 8 truck sales vividly demonstrate the extent to which commerce is simply grinding to a halt across the US economy. As for global trade, well, the Baltic Dry speaks for itself.

    It is worse than in 2008. The oil price [is low] and freight rates are lower. The external conditions are much worse,” Maersk CEO Nils Andersen said, just last month. Maersk Line – the company’s golden goose and the world’s largest container operator – racked up $182 million in red ink last quarter alone.

    In this environment the “answer” has been competitive devaluation – i.e. a currency war. Although this is, in the end anyway, a zero sum game, until recently there was still some hope that key EMs could rely on devlaued currencies to help cushion their current accounts from the slowdown and restore some semblance of balance and competitiveness.

    However, it would appear that, as outlined above, the link between output and trade growth might have been severed sometime in the post-crisis world. If that’s the case, the FX wars may be largely futile and what looks like an undervalued currency might have much, much further to fall – or could simply decline in virtual perpetuity. That’s a rather disconcerting proposition to say the least. Especially for EM.

    Below, find excerpts from a new note out of Deutsche Bank where FX strategist Gautam Kalani believes the fundamental relationships officials all take for granted and use to justify the whole “devalue our way to propsperity” line may no longer hold. 

    *  *  *

    From Deutsche Bank

    1) Is the currency war futile? It looks increasingly so.

    The fundamental currency-current account relationship is as follows: large currency undervaluation current account improvement currency appreciation. The first link describes the ‘currency war’ argument, whereby a weaker currency leads to an exports pickup and thus a boost to growth. The second link underlines how current account improvement in response to a large undervaluation is an important channel through which large undervaluations can trigger FX appreciation.

    There is a concern that this competitive devaluations channel (the first link) may have broken down (to a large extent) because of the collapse in global trade. Global growth today is generating much less trade growth than in the past (chart below). As a result, currency adjustment is not enough to spur growth significantly because global trade is increasingly less important to the overall makeup of GDP. This raises the possibility that the currency war is largely futile, as currency depreciation does not give much of a boost to exports/growth, and certainly much less impetus than in the past.

    2) What is the implication of a futile currency war for EM FX? Beware of going long currencies purely on the basis of fundamental undervaluation.

    Focusing on EM, lingering growth concerns further increase the perceived need for currency depreciation. However, since currency depreciation does not translate easily into exports improvement, more currency adjustment is probably required than in the past to obtain the same growth/current account impetus; currencies must be more undervalued before substantially improving the current account. In sum, a significant undervaluation of an EM currency may not be sufficient to drive appreciation via the current account channel; rather, even more currency adjustment may be required for some undervalued currencies.

    Current accounts, especially in LatAm but also in high-yielding EMEA, still reflect excessive domestic absorption. Improvements have been limited despite large scale FX depreciation. Further, what current account improvement has taken place has been mainly on account of import compression rather than exports – perhaps FX weakness has played some role in this as imports become more expensive with a weaker currency, but a majority of it reflects demand slowdown in EM. Therefore, for currencies running large current account deficits, more FX adjustment may be on the cards before undervaluations start providing material support.

    3) Which currencies to be wary of going long purely on the basis of fundamental undervaluation? In EMEA, ZAR stands out as an example.

    If global trade growth has collapsed and the currency war is futile, a currency that is heavily undervalued on a fundamental model like BEER or PPP could easily become more undervalued. In this context, the FEER model, which estimates misalignments based purely on the distance of the cyclically- adjusted current account balance from its long-term average, could provide an appropriate warning signal. That is, one should be wary about long a currency on the basis of BEER undervaluation if it is also showing FEER overvaluation, as FEER overvaluation signals that the current account balance is still below its long-term average and therefore has not adjusted by ‘enough’.

    *   *   *

    We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: central banks better figure out how to print trade, and fast.

  • Trump Aide "Spills The Beans" On Heidi Cruz As Media Goes Crazy Over #CruzSexScandal

    The “wife” feud, which initially many though was merely a sideshow between Donal Trump and Ted Cruz, has taken a quick turn for the ugly and is escalating dramatically with every passing day, and now that even the National Enquirer has entered the fray, has rapidly devolved to nothing less than the surreal twilight zone.

    For those who need a primer of what is rapidly becoming the biggest “issue” in the presidential race, here is a reminder, courtesy of our post from last night “Tough Guy Ted Warns “Sniveling Coward” Trump: “Leave My Wife Alone“:

    • Phase 1: Cruz Reps “Cross The Line”, when a “SuperPAC” run by a Cruz supporter launched a Trump ad campaign showcasing a naked posing Melania Trump
    • Phase 2: Trumps Warns Cruz: “Lyin’ Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!”
    • Phase 3: Cruz firez back, warning Trump: Don’t Do The Same Thing To Me That [My Reps] Just Did To You (Or Else!).
    • Phase 4: Trump Goes There, retweeting an image “comparing” Heidi Cruz and Melania Trump
    • Phase 5: Cruz Goes Full Rambo, says  ‘Donald, you’re a sniveling coward and leave Heidi alone.’

    Or, as we summed up, “a Cruz fan uses naked images of Trump’s wife to disparage him to saintly ‘Utah-ans’; Trump pissed; Cruz warns Trump not to reciprocate; Trump shows ugly picture of Cruz’s wife; Cruz unleashes inner Hulk as Trump dares to do what Cruz reps did to him.”

    That was just the last few days.

    And then the tabloids jumped on board.

    Overnight, Trump-linked National Enquirer, alleged that the Texas senator is “hiding five different mistresses.” According to its source, identified as a “Washington insider,” “private detectives are digging into at least five affairs Ted Cruz supposedly had,” and “the leaked details are an attempt to destroy what’s left of his White House campaign.” The supposed affairs are detailed in the Enquirer’s most recent print issue.

    Though unconfirmed, the rumor sparked chatter across social media Friday with the hashtag #CruzSexScandal, with reactions, as expected, ranging from one end of the spectrum to the other. 

    Considering the source, we doubt there is much veracity to the alleged “Cruz sex scandal”, although the tabloid has had its share of “broken” news stores in the past.

    As was to be expected, Cruz immediately denounced the article as “garbage, complete and utter lies” and accused his opponent Donald Trump of being the source of the story as Reuters reports.

    “It’s tabloid smear, and it is a smear that has come from Donald Trump and his henchmen,” a clearly perturbed Cruz told reporters at a press conference in Wisconsin, as the battle for the Republican presidential nomination reached new levels of personal rancor.

    Trump issued a statement saying he was not responsible for the article.

    “I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend total innocence,” Trump said in the statement. “Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz.”

    In other words, just as Cruz had “nothing” to do with the first naked photo of Melania that started off this latest scandal, so Trump had “nothing” to do with the Enquirer article.

    Alas, the damage for Cruz may already have been done: the article exploded on Twitter overnight on Thursday. By Friday morning #CruzSexScandal was a worldwide trending topic on Twitter.

    And while Trump has distanced himself from the Enquirer article, very much the same way Cruz distanced himself from the original attack ad, an aide to Donald Trump on Friday did fulfil the businessman’s threat to “spill the beans” on Republican presidential rival Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi.

    As The Hill first reported, Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson rattled off a list of attacks three days after Trump first made the threat. 

    Spilling the beans is quite simple when it comes to Heidi Cruz,” Pierson said in an interview with MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki. 

    “She is a Bush operative; she worked for the architect of NAFTA, which has killed millions of jobs in this country; she was a member on the Council on Foreign Relations who — in Sen. Cruz’s own words, called a nest of snakes that seeks to undermine national sovereignty; and she’s been working for Goldman Sachs, the same global bank that Ted Cruz left off of his financial disclosure,” Pierson said. 

    “Her entire career has been spent working against everything Ted Cruz says that he stands for,” she added. 

    Cruz spokeswoman Alice Stewart responded to the remarks in a statement to The Hill, saying, “There’s no low the Trump campaign won’t go.”

    Earlier in the MSNBC interview, Pierson said “this isn’t about Heidi Cruz, this is about Melania Trump. Melania Trump was the one that was attacked.”

    Incidentally, she is right, even though that means that this most hypnotic scandal in the republican presidential primary race – and perhaps any US presidential race yet – is nowhere close to over as neither candidate can possibly concede defeat on a topic that is “near and dear” to the heart as one’s wife.

  • Is ISIS Faithful To Islam?

    Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

    “We are not at war with Islam,” said John Kasich after the Brussels massacre, “We’re at war with radical Islam.”

    Kasich’s point raises a question: Does the Islamic faith in any way sanction or condone what those suicide bombers did?

    For surely the brothers and their accomplice who ignited the bombs in the airport and set off the explosion on the subway did not do so believing they were blasting themselves to hell for all eternity.

    One has to assume they hoped to be martyrs to their faith if they slaughtered infidels to terrify and expel such as these from the Islamic world and advance the coming of the caliphate of which the Prophet preached.

    And where might they have gotten such ideas?

    Kasich’s word, radical, comes from the Latin “radix,” or root.

    And if one returns to the roots of Islam, to the Quran, does one find condemnation of what the brothers did — or justification?

    Andrew McCarthy was the prosecutor of the “Blind Sheikh” whose terrorist cell tried to bring down a World Trade Center tower in 1993, and plotted bombings in the Holland and Lincoln tunnels.

    The U.S. government depicted the sheikh as a wanton killer who distorted the teachings of his faith.

    Yet, McCarthy discovered that Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman was no imposter-imam, but “a globally renowned scholar — a doctor of Islamic jurisprudence who graduated from al-Azhar University in Cairo, the seat of Sunni Islamic learning for over a millennium.”

    Seeking to expose the sheikh as a fraud who had led his gullible followers into terrorism, against the tenets of their faith, McCarthy discovered that “Abdel Rahman was not lying about Islam.”

    “When he said the scriptures command that Muslims strike terror into the hearts of Islam’s enemies, the scriptures backed him up. When he said Allah enjoined all Muslims to wage jihad until Islamic law was established throughout the world, the scriptures backed him up.”

    “[T]he Blind Sheikh’s summons to Islam was rooted in a coherent interpretation of Islamic doctrine. He was not perverting Islam,” writes McCarthy in the Hillsdale College letter Imprimis. McCarthy goes on:

    Islam is not a religion of peace. … Verses such as ‘Fight those who believe not in Allah,’ and ‘Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war’ are not peaceful injunctions….”

    In its formative first century, Islam conquered the Middle and Near East, North Africa and Spain with sword and slaughter, not persuasion and conversion.

    Undeniably, there are millions of Muslims in America who love this country and have served it in every walk of life, from cops, firemen and soldiers, to doctors, scholars and clergy.

    Yet when “moderate, peaceful Muslims” were called to testify as defense witnesses, says McCarthy, they could not contradict the Blind Sheikh’s claim that he had correctly interpreted the Quran.

    The questions that arise are crucial.

    When we call Islam a “religion of peace,” are we projecting our own hopes? Are we deceiving ourselves? Are the Muslims we respect, admire and like, as friends and patriots, assimilated and “Americanized” Muslims who have drifted away from, set aside, or rejected many core beliefs of the Quran and root teachings of their own faith?

    Are they simply secularized Muslims?

    When the Afghan regime we installed sought to cut off the head of a Christian convert, was that un-Islamic? Or does Islam teach that this is the way to deal with apostates?

    Is the hate spewing forth from the Ayatollah toward Americans and Jews un-Islamic? Is the Saudis’ cutting off of heads and hands of adulterers and thieves and suppressing of women un-Islamic?

    Or is that what the Quran actually teaches?

    Have the Islamists of al-Shabab in Somalia, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, al-Qaida and ISIS in Syria and Iraq — who daily die fighting in the name of Islam — misread their sacred texts?

    Are they all heretics who fail to understand the peaceful and loving character of their Islamic faith?

    Or is the West deluding itself? Is it possible we are the ones misreading the sacred books of Islam and what the triumph of Islam would mean for our civilization — because we lack the courage to face the truth and do what is necessary to avoid our fate?

    Islam is rising again. Of its 1.6 billion adherents worldwide, many are returning to the roots of their faith, seeking to live their lives as commanded by the Prophet, the Quran and Sharia.

    Western survival would seem to dictate a halt to all immigration from lands where this deadly virus we call “radical Islam” — with which Kasich concedes we are at war — is rampant, just as we would halt immigration from lands where the bubonic plague was rampant.

    That would surely contradict the cherished beliefs of Western liberals.

    But, then, as James Burnham reminded us, “Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide.”

  • "There Is No Word To Describe This" – The Energy Forward P/E Multipe Is Now Off The Charts

    Back in January 2015, when we looked at the utterly disconnected fundamentals of the energy sector, we were stunned to note that the forward 12-month P/E for the Energy sector has risen above 22.4, the first time it had done so since April 8, 2002. On that date, the closing price of the Energy sector was 225.15 and the forward 12-month EPS estimate was $10.05.

    Our amazement was contained in the following summary: “using the S&P Energy Sector Index data, the sector’s forward multiple is now an absolutely ridiculous, mindblowing 23x.

    This was 14 months ago. Where do we stand now?

    The snapshot answer comes courtesy of the latest Factset weekly earnings insight, according to which as of this moment, the forward P/E of the Energy sector is no longer “an absolutely ridiculous and mindblowing 23x“…. it is, in fact, more than double that at 58.7x, which also happens to be more than four times higher than the 15 year average.

    There is no longer a word to describe the lunacy where the forward P/E multiple was literally “off the chart” until the Y-axis was doubled.


    Where it gets even more surreal is when looking at the forward energy sector P/E (as defined by Bloomberg) charted over time. Yes, we laughed long and hard.


    What is beyond strange is that while forward earnings have imploded in just the past three months, prices of energy companies have actually gone up as the next Factset chart shows! In other words, the market’s discounting mechanism is not onlyl broke but is now going in reverse, where the worse the projected earnings, the better for stock prices.


    However, this type of disconnect – especially when it is as glaring as this – never lasts.

    In that vein, one year ago, when oil had first crashed hard and when the S&P energy sector was trading at 550, we calculated that “Either Oil Soars Back To $88, Or Energy Stocks Have To Tumble By Over 40%” Energy stocks indeed tumbled, and at one point the drop was nearly 40% as predicted, but have since jumped higher on more artificial central bank manipulation of prices.


    Unfortunately for those buying, this rebound won’t last because while central banks may have goosed asset prices, they have failed to stimulate the price of the one all important commodity, the one which flows through to earnings: oil.

    Which leads us to a redo of the simple calculation we did one year ago: what does the current disconnect between the price of oil, energy stock prices and valuations mean? The answer, like last January, is simple: either the long-term PE multiple is now null and void, and the “New Normal” forward PE of not only 20x+, but almost 60x, is “realistic”, which of course is ridiculous, or there are two alternatives:

    • Energy sector earnings have to surge by 275%, implying oil prices have to more than triple to $148, for the forward P/E multiple to return to normal, or
    • The Energy sector price has to crash from 461 today to 123 where it would trade down to its historic forward 14x P/E multiple, suggesting a price drop of over 70%!

    This is shown visually on the table below:

    We’ll let the algos decide which option works.


  • Who's Anti-American?

    Submitted by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by Acting-Man/com's Pater Tenebrarum),

    Who’s Anti-American?

    The Old Line bugle, fife, and drum,
    She is not dead, nor deaf, nor dumb.
    Huzza! She spurns the Northern scum!
    She breathes! She burns! She’ll come! She’ll come!
    Maryland! My Maryland!

    – Maryland’s State Song




    Guilty as Charged

    Yesterday, one dear reader wrote in to say we were “cynical” and “anti-American.”

    Today, we rise to defend our reputation… such as it is. Cynical? Nah… We’d need a big dose of positive thinking and earnest optimism to be cynical. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, people who are cynical are “suspicious,” “doubting,” and “skeptical.”

    We’re way beyond that. We’re pretty sure that the system is rigged… and rotten. Elections are exercises in solemn deceit. And the Fed’s management of the economy is a mixture of delusion and self-serving scam. We don’t have much doubt about it. That’s just the way it is.

    As for “anti-American,” our accuser needs to clarify the allegation. Is he talking about the Deep State? The empire? Or is he talking about the 50 sovereign states… and the Old Republic? Or the language? The culture? Reality TV… the Kardashians… NASCAR racing… Old Faithful and the mighty Mississip’?

    No one can be anti-America; America is too many things to too many people. But if he’s talking about the federales who control half our national output… tie us in knots with Obamacare, National Labor Relations Board rules, and all their other dopey programs… and stomp around the world trying to justify their trillion-dollars-a-year security budget…

    …if he’s talking about Hillary, Bernie, The Donald, the Bushes, et al… and all the 535 members of the U.S. Congress… and the 2,783,000 zombies on the U.S. payroll…

    …if he’s talking about the connivers who pump out phony credit… stifle real savings… sabotage real wealth creation… and shift trillions of dollars from the people who earned it to the cronies favored by the Establishment…

    If he’s talking about THAT America, he’s right. We’re agin’ it. Guilty as charged. And we’re not alone. Apparently, about half the country is “anti-American.” Here’s our friend and Black Swan author Nassim Nicholas Taleb explaining The Donald phenomenon:

    The “establishment” composed of journos, BS-vending talking heads with well-formulated verbs, bureaucrato-cronies, lobbyists in training, New Yorker-reading semi-intellectuals, image-conscious empty suits, Washington rent seekers and other “well-thinking” members of the vocal elites are not getting the point about what is happening and the sterility of their arguments. People are not voting for Trump (or Sanders). People are just voting, finally, to destroy the establishment.


    Nassim Taleb

    Nassim Taleb explains the Donald and the Bern – and he’s right.


    The Failure of NIRP

    Yesterday, stocks took a little rest. The Dow went approximately nowhere. At first glance, things don’t look bad. U.S. crude oil is back over $40 a barrel. And U.S. stocks are back in the black for the year.

    But China is on a debt binge that is bound to end in a blowup. And U.S. corporate earnings are falling, leaving only borrowing and share buybacks to hold up prices.

    Frackers are still operating at a loss. Auto and student debt are going into default. Global trade – as measured by freight indexes – is still sinking.

    And Japan – the pacesetter in the race to the bottom – is proving that negative interest rates have an effect exactly opposite to what the meddlers intended. NIRP (negative-interest-rate policy) is supposed to spur lending and spending. In Japan, it has done neither – the yen is strengthening as the economy weakens.


    Yen, daily

    Total NIRP fail in Nippon – click to enlarge.


    NIRP was always an “experimental” policy. Central banks in Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, the euro zone, and Japan have all pushed their target lending rates into negative territory. All that has been learned so far (apart from that this doesn’t work) is that sales of home safes go up, as people take out cash and keep it at home.

    Negative interest rates amount to a tax on savings. You pay to save instead of being paid to save. Whether the people hoarding cash are worried about the prospect of paying a negative interest rate tax on their bank deposits, or anticipating some more awful crisis…we don’t know.

    More to come on QE and negative rates and why they really are old-fashioned “money printing” after all –  tomorrow. For now, let us return to the “anti-American” allegation.


    Anti-American… in Maryland

    We’re fond of the place we grew up – the Maryland Tidewater. At least, we are fond of it as it was when we grew up in it. But it has changed. Last week, the Maryland State Senate voted to change the words of the state song, bringing it more in line with the spirit of the Empire.


    Maryland My Maryland sheet music

    Sheet music of the old song – the one that still said “northern scum”. Huzzah!


    The song recalls the period – in the early 1860s – in which Maryland was attacked… by the United States of America. “Northern scum,” is how our state song describes its historic enemies. Maryland was a “border” state, not sure how it felt about the secession movement.

    Then the Yankees invaded, cutting off civilized discussion on the matter. They arrested Baltimore’s mayor, the city council, the police commissioner, and the entire board of police. All were held without charges. Habeas corpus was suspended.

    Then when the Supreme Court ruled that the feds had no power to ignore constitutional protections, Abe Lincoln simply ignored the Supreme Court. He continued to hold his prisoners in the “American Bastille” – Fort McHenry. One of the prisoners – held without charges – was the grandson of Francis Scott Key, who had written the American national anthem.



    Francis Scott Key – his grandson found out who the “real Lincoln” was.


    He must have seen the black humor of his situation. In 1814, during Britain’s attack on Fort McHenry, his grandfather had wondered whether the flag still flew “o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

    In 1861, Lincoln gave the answer: No.


  • US Kills ISIS Second-In-Command For 3rd Time In 2 Years

    While Russia and Iran are busy liberating whole cities from ISIS in Syria, the US is sticking with the “one raid at a time” approach and it apparently paid dividends on Thursday morning when Abu Alaa Afri, also known as Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli and Haji Imam was killed in Syria.

    US Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joe Dunford are set to make the announcement this morning at a press conference and the Pentagon is thrilled. Al-Qaduli had a $7 million bounty on his head, higher than Omar the Chechen (who was killed earlier this month) and Abu Mohammed al-Adnani who is arguably more influential than Bakr himself.

    A physics teacher by trade, Mosul-born al-Qaduli was ISIS before ISIS was ISIS. He served as a deputy to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (Islamic State’s “godfather”) and was jailed by the US in Iraq in 2012. Upon his release, he joined ISIS and reportedly was Bin Laden’s choice to lead the group after Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and Abu Ayyub al-Masri were killed in 2010. He was, however, passed over for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, whose family can be loosely traced to the Prophet.

    Al-Qaduli is no stranger to being dead.

    He died last April for instance, in a strike on a mosque in Iraq. “Al-Qaduli was one of several people killed in a strike that hit a mosque where Islamic State leaders were meeting,” WSJ reported at the time. He was also killed in September of 2014. Here’s the airstrike that killed him last year:

    In any event, if al-Qaduli is indeed no more, it means that ISIS has lost two of its top brass in the space of just three weeks (al-Shishani being the other).

    And if US SpecOps did indeed kill him, it just goes to show that the CIA has indeed served a burn notice on the entire chain of command. After all, Russia and Hezbollah are pushing uncomfortably close to Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa and dead men, as they say, tell no tales.

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Today’s News 25th March 2016

  • Diversify Into Gold As An “Insurance Policy” Against Geopolitical Risk

    “Investors could be forgiven for heading for the hills given the tumultuous start to 2016,”  so writes Andrew Oxlade in The Telegraph today who advises investors to diversify into gold as an “insurance policy”:

    We have long been advocates of exposure to gold as an insurance policy. This was demonstrated once again in the recent sell-off when the price of bullion surged from $1,061 (£762) an ounce on New Year’s Day to $1,246 (£895) by early February. In times of fear, gold is in demand. The price also rises when inflation becomes a danger.

    Deflation remains the bigger threat for now, which is partly why gold has been a poor investment in recent years, but the money printing excesses of central banks could yet unleash inflation. In the meantime, the gold price offers some protection during repeat episodes of buckling confidence.

    Gold in GBP – 5 Years

    The Telegraph, like GoldCore, had warned of such turbulence at the start of the year. John Ficenec, editor of the Questor column, warned of the real risk of volatility and falls in stock markets.

    We believe that the tragic events in Brussels show the continued very high degree of geopolitical risk and the need for an insurance policy.

    Further attacks are quite possible, including in the U.S., and this should support gold.

    Geopolitical risk is frequently underestimated and it would be unwise to discount the risk of a September 11 style attack in the coming months. Intelligence agencies and ISIS themselves are warning of such attacks and investors need to be diversified to hedge this growing risk.

    It gives us no pleasure to be the bearer of this bad news but it is important that the reality of the real risks of today are considered in order to protect and grow wealth in these uncertain times.

    Read Telegraph article here


    Market Performance This Week (Finviz)


    Gold is -2.6% and silver -3.4% this week and markets are in a sea of red as they react to the terrorist attacks in Brussels (See Table).


    Gold Prices (LBMA)

    24 Mar: USD 1,216.45, EUR 1,088.75 and GBP 861.89 per ounce
    23 Mar: USD 1,232.20, EUR 1,101.76 and GBP 870.03 per ounce
    22 Mar: USD 1,251.80, EUR 1,117.35 and GBP 876.96 per ounce
    21 Mar: USD 1,244.25, EUR 1,104.47 and GBP 863.60 per ounce
    18 Mar: USD 1,254.50, EUR 1,112.93 and GBP 868.78 per ounce

    Silver Prices (LBMA)

    24 Mar: USD 15.28, EUR 13.70 and GBP 10.82 per ounce
    23 Mar: USD 15.58, EUR 13.92 and GBP 10.99 per ounce
    22 Mar: USD 15.89, EUR 14.16 and GBP 11.12 per ounce
    21 Mar: USD 15.81, EUR 14.02 and GBP 10.99 per ounce
    18 Mar: USD 15.94, EUR 14.13 and GBP 11.02 per ounce

    Gold News and Commentary

    Spot gold targets biggest weekly loss in four months (Reuters)

    Stock Slide Deepens in Asia as Oil Slumps Amid Resurgent Dollar (Bloomberg)

    Gold Falls to Lowest in a Month as Dollar Advance Saps Demand (Bloomberg)

    World’s richest Hindu temple wants gold back rather than cash (Reuters)

    China’s vice finance minister denies any secret US-China exchange rate deal (Reuters)

    Gold Investors Unfazed By Fading Rally – Chart (Bloomberg)

    Silver Attractive as Gold-Silver Ratio at 2008 Financial Crisis Level – Video (Bloomberg)

    Technician: Gold Heading Toward $1,450—Here’s Why (CNBC)

    Bonds Best-Bid But Bullion Blasted As Belgium-Bombing-Bounce Is Battered (ZH)

    Stocks vs. Gold – Money and Investment (Future Money Trends)

    Read More Here



    ‘7 Real Risks To Your Gold Ownership’ – Must Read Gold Guide Here

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  • BaNK LiVeS MaTTeR…


  • The Threat Continues: Yuan Weakens For 6th Straight Day – Longest Losing Streak In 2 Years

    PBOC fixed the Yuan at its weakest in 3 weeks, pushing the devaluation streak to its longest since early January. However, Offshore Yuan has now dropped over 1.1% against the USD, extending losses for the 6th straight day to 3-week lows. This is the longest streak of weakness in the offshore Yuan since April 2014.



    It appears EUR and JPY took enough pain so the basket is revrting to the USD again…


    What’s the opposite of passive-aggressive as a clear message is being sent to The Fed – tighten and we unleash the Yuan-weakness-driven turmoil…

  • Refugee Crisis: Using Chaos To Build Power

    Submitted by Alex Newman via,

    A European Union military force with power to intervene in member states. A new “Marshall Plan” to radically redesign whole regions of the world and impose regional government. A United Nations empowered to manage it all. Christendom under siege. And the end of nationhood as it is understood today. That is where the “refugee crisis” is heading, as the engineered disaster wreaks havoc across Europe and beyond. Despite the appearance of chaos, though, it is all by design, with a series of radical goals in mind.

    While the establishment’s demands on Europe to accept millions of Middle Eastern refugees have been couched in “humanitarian” rhetoric, the real agenda is nothing of the sort. Rather than helping out their fellow human beings, globalist forces actually created the refugee crisis and the suffering behind it. And they are using it to advance multiple, related agendas — primarily globalism and statism. That the crisis is being exploited to undermine Western culture, national sovereignty, and even nationhood itself is now beyond dispute. Top globalists are openly bragging about it.

    “I will ask the governments to cooperate, to recognize that sovereignty is an illusion — that sovereignty is an absolute illusion that has to be put behind us,” declared former Goldman Sachs chairman Peter Sutherland, an ex-member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee who currently “serves” as the UN special representative of the secretary-general for international migration. “The days of hiding behind borders and fences are long gone. We have to work together and cooperate together to make a better world. And that means taking on some of the old shibboleths, taking on some of the old historic memories and images of our own country and recognizing that we’re part of humankind.”

    Billionaire globalist and open-borders zealot George Soros, in denouncing European officials trying to control the human tsunami coming across their borders, similarly declared, “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

    In essence, then, the engineered refugee crisis was created and is being used, at least in part, to advance what globalists often refer to in public as “global governance” and their “new world order.” As part of that, even the idea of nationhood is under fire — everybody is just part of “humankind,” as Sutherland put it. And as such, people must be governed by the “Parliament of Humanity,” as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon referred to the dictators club known as the UN last year.

    Already, the UN manages a global refugee program via the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). This agency decides which refugees will be settled where, including those destined to be settled in the United States at U.S. taxpayer expense. Further clues about the agenda can be found in the fact that the UN refugee outfit was until very recently led by António Guterres, the former president of the powerful global socialist-government-promoting Socialist International, as senior editor William Jasper documented in an October 19, 2015 cover story for this magazine.

    There are several elements to the globalist plot as it relates to the refugee crisis.

    Creating the Refugee Crisis

    To begin with, it is important to understand that the same self-styled humanitarians claiming to be concerned about refugees, while demanding that they be given asylum in the West by the millions, are, in reality, the same people responsible for making their victims into refugees to begin with. As this magazine documented extensively in its October 19 cover story package, the globalist establishment literally unleashed the refugee exodus.


    Among other actions to spark the crisis, Western governments and their allies — not to mention the globalist forces behind them, such as the Council on Foreign Relations and other global-government-promoting powerhouses — destroyed multiple Middle Eastern nations via war and chaos. These include Libya, bombed to smithereens by Obama and NATO under the supposed authority of the UN; as well as Syria, destroyed by civil war fueled by the globalist establishment; and of course Iraq, also crushed by Western intervention and globalist-fueled civil war.


    Those same globalist forces were also responsible for wreaking havoc in many more nations — such as Yemen, Egypt, Ivory Coast, and Tunisia — through supporting uprisings, revolutions, terror groups, dictatorships, and more.


    The predictable response to having one’s nation destroyed, of course, is attempting to leave — particularly if wealthier, freer nations throw down the welcome mat. And that is exactly what has happened and is still happening. Many of the same globalists responsible for creating the chaos and terror that refugees are fleeing from are publicly and loudly opening Europe’s doors to the growing tsunami of displaced victims. Obama and his billionaire supporter Soros, for example, were both instrumental in the UN-authorized war to destroy Libya, which was based on lies, and in fueling the civil war that is destroying what remains of Syria. And both of those figures have been very outspoken in demanding that the West welcome millions of refugees, regardless of the costs or the desires of Western voters.


    The question that must be asked is: “Why?” The answers can be found in what has happened and what is happening, and especially in the policy prescriptions allegedly aimed at dealing with the crisis that globalists unleashed. At this point, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East are all in the cross hairs of internationalists, who are exploiting the refugee crisis to build up supranational institutions at the regional and global level to smash national sovereignty and even nationhood, to build up the power of government generally, and to destabilize societies. If left unchecked and unexposed, the refugee crisis will serve as a powerful tool to push the world ever closer to “global governance,” with a great deal of pain and misery along the way.


    A New Marshall Plan: Regional Government for the Middle East

    With the refugee situation quickly spiraling out of control across parts of the continent — the mass sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve across Germany and beyond, the implosion of law and order around Calais in France, the widely reported overrunning of Stockholm’s central station by refugee youths, and more — the public is now growing increasingly outraged. Indeed, even the establishment forces responsible for unleashing the chaos are now in some cases denouncing it. The New York Times, an establishment mouthpiece that dutifully promoted the globalist wars that sparked the refugee crisis and the subsequent flooding of the West with the victims of those wars (and many opportunists who joined the exodus), ran an op-ed pointing out that Germany was “on the brink” due to the crisis. Top European political bosses have also been sounding the alarm.


    Another senior globalist, Rothschild banking dynasty protégé and billionaire hedge-fund boss Soros, played an instrumental role in encouraging the myriad wars and the subsequent tsunami of refugees into Europe that was sparked by those wars. And now, like other establishment voices, Soros is also pointing out the obvious. The European Union, he said in a recent interview, is “on the verge of collapse” due to the sudden influx of well over a million Islamic refugees last year. Not coincidentally, Soros also has ideas about “solutions.” And not surprisingly, those alleged “solutions” involve more globalism for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East — along with less sovereignty, self-government, and liberty.


    In an interview with Bloomberg from the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, the radical anti-national sovereignty statist claimed that Europe needed to finance a new “Marshall Plan” for the regions of the world from which the refugees are fleeing — regions and nations destroyed in large part by the globalist Western establishment figures pushing the new plan. Soros was expressing support for a proposal made earlier by a fellow globalist, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. The new Marshall Plan they envision seeks to transfer wealth from struggling European taxpayers to areas of the globe ruined by globalist machinations — but the real agenda goes much deeper, as did the last Marshall Plan after World War II.


    “What is most important is for us to invest billions in those regions from which the refugees come to reduce the pressure on the external frontiers of Europe,” Schäuble argued in a panel discussion at the globalist WEF, speaking alongside several European prime ministers who also played a key role in flooding Europe with refugees displaced from the nations they helped destroy. “That will cost Europe much more than we thought.” Of course it will, and taxpayers, already suffering under a crushing burden, will pay for it all. Writing in the Soros-backed “Project Syndicate” propaganda organ in 2014, Schäuble previously called for a global taxation regime in a piece called Why Taxation Must Go Global,one of his many calls for more globalism and statism.


    So what would a new “Marshall Plan” for the Middle East and Africa look like? A brief history of the original Marshall Plan might offer some clues. Officially known as the “European Recovery Program,” or ERP, the scheme involved transferring the equivalent of almost $150 billion in today’s dollars from U.S. taxpayers to Western European governments. The ostensible purpose was to help rebuild Europe after World War II. In practice, though, it served as a key tool in the transformation of Western Europe into a statist region dominated by Big Government and supranational institutions, eventually culminating in the subjugation of Europeans under the unaccountable EU super-state. That was the goal all along.


    As far back as 1947, then-U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall (CFR) — a key player in handing China to Chairman Mao’s murderous communists, and perhaps mass-murdering dictator Joseph Stalin’s most important ally in the world — called for European “economic cooperation” as a precondition for the desperately needed American aid after the war. “It is already evident that, before the United States government can proceed much further in its efforts to alleviate the situation and help start the European world on its way to recovery, there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this Government,” said Marshall, the man after whom the scheme was named. “The initiative, I think, must come from Europe…. The program should be a joint one, agreed to by a number, if not all European nations.” The Committee of European Economic Cooperation responded with a major report signed by government representatives from across Europe outlining efforts to create a “customs union” that could eventually lead to even further cooperation. U.S. officials were pleased.


    Members of Congress even tried to get language in the statement of purpose for the original Marshall Plan bill of 1948 explicitly declaring that it was the policy of the United States to encourage the economic unification and the political federation of Europe. In the end, language calling for the development of economic cooperation was included instead. The next year, the “political federation” amendment was pursued again, with the result being the addition of the sentence: “It is further declared to be the policy of the people of the United States to encourage the unification of Europe.” By 1951, Congress finally came out and said it openly, with a clause included in the 1951 Mutual Security Act stating that its purpose was “to further encourage the economic unification and the political federation of Europe.”


    The goals of U.S. government support for European integration were explained in part decades ago, though largely ignored, by top U.S. officials. On September 20, 1966, for example, then-Under Secretary of State George Ball (CFR) testified before Congress on the State Department’s view on forming an “Atlantic Community,” essentially merging the United States with Europe. “I find little evidence of any strong interest among Europeans for any immediate move toward greater political unity with the United States,” he explained. “They fear the overwhelming weight of U.S. power and influence in our common councils…. We believe that so long as Europe remains merely a continent of medium- and small-sized states there are definite limits to the degree of political unity we can achieve across the ocean.” Globalism was the agenda then, just as it is today.


    Creating a Middle East Union

    Not coincidentally, the new “Marshall Plan” is being pushed by the same globalist establishment that has been openly advancing the imposition of a “Middle East Union” on the region in recent years. “Just as a warring [European] continent found peace through unity by creating what became the EU, Arabs, Turks, Kurds and other groups in the region could find relative peace in ever closer union,” claimed Mohamed “Ed” Husain, a former caliphate-seeking Islamist and current “adjunct senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies” at the CFR, in a piece published in the Financial Times and on the CFR website in mid-2014. “After all, most of its problems — terrorism, poverty, unemployment, sectarianism, refugee crises, water shortages — require regional answers. No country can solve its problems on its own.” That is, of course, nonsense, but it is standard globalist rhetoric.


    Plenty of other globalists have offered similar admissions. It has become fashionable for establishment figures and their hangers-on to compare today’s Middle East with Europe before the EU. Indeed, Richard Haass, the CFR boss and a former leader at the U.S. State Department, writing in Soros’ Project Syndicate, does precisely that. In an incredible admission, Haass explains, without admitting the CFR’s giant role in instigating all of the tragedies he mentions, that the CFR-backed globalist wars of the last decade and a half were crucial in setting the region on fire — the same blaze that now supposedly can only be extinguished by a CFR-inspired “Middle East Union.” The globalist strategy used over and over again goes like this: Create a problem, then exploit and manage the inevitable reaction to push a “solution.”


    “The 2003 Iraq war was highly consequential, for it exacerbated Sunni-Shia tensions in one of the region’s most important countries and, as a result, in many of the region’s other divided societies,” Haass wrote. “Regime change in Libya [by Obama, the UN, NATO, and CFR apparatchiks] has created a failing state; lukewarm support for [CFR- and Soros-backed] regime change in Syria has set the stage for prolonged civil war.” And the chaos, bloodshed, and terror will continue, he says, until “a new local order emerges or exhaustion sets in.” In the meantime, globalists should treat the region as a “condition to be managed,” Haass said. How convenient — the CFR sets a fire, and now purports to have the fire extinguisher, promising a raging inferno unless and until everyone submits to the globalist demands, including a new regional “order,” which, as in “new world order,” is globalist-speak for transnational government.


    Of course, Husain, Haass, and the CFR are not alone. In 2011, the Islamist president of Turkey at the time, Abdullah Gül, also called for an EU-style regime to rule the Middle East. Speaking in the United Kingdom, Gül claimed “an efficient regional economic cooperation and integration mechanism” was needed for the region. “We all saw the role played by the European Union in facilitating the democratic transition in central and Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall,” he claimed. Islamic Turkey is also working to join the EU.


    Various Middle Eastern tyrants have echoed the calls for a regional regime, too — the kings of Saudi Arabia and Jordan, for example. As Husain pointed out, the radical Muslim Brotherhood and the terrorist group Hamas are also working to unify the Middle East under one single tyrannical government of gargantuan proportions. With financial backing from the West under a new “Marshall Plan” and the bloodshed fueled by globalist-engineered wars, not to mention EU and UN support, the plot could easily become a reality.


    Further Empowering the European Union

    Also being advanced using the refugee crisis is the further empowerment of the EU itself, the regional government created thanks in large part to the original Marshall Plan. Among the various schemes allegedly needed to deal with the immigrant influx is the creation of military outfits — a border and coast-guard force — ostensibly aimed at “protecting Europe’s borders” from the immigration tsunami. The force would also fight “transnational crime and terrorism,” according to an EU outline of the scheme. The plan calls for mandatory biometric ID checks to come or go from the super-state’s territory, so everyone can be checked against Interpol’s databases.


    Most alarmingly, perhaps, the EU military force would be able to “intervene” in European nations — even without permission from national authorities, as long as EU bosses claim the situation is “urgent.” In fact, even if the nation “considers that there is no need for additional intervention” from the new EU force, it could still be imposed by Brussels. The force would also have the power to commandeer national governments’ resources, something even the U.S. federal government cannot do to state or local authorities.


    At the national level, some European officials were appalled. Creating such a structure “that is independent of member states is shocking,” said Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski, noting that nobody even knew who the force would be accountable to. Greek and Swedish officials also spoke out.


    Among EU leadership, though, it is par for the course. “Managing Europe’s external borders must be a shared responsibility,” claimed European Commission “First Vice President” Frans Timmermans with the Dutch Labor Party, a Bilderberg summit attendee. Noting that the new force could take over the management of national borders in some circumstances, the globalist official claimed, “It is essential to restore the credibility of our border management system.”


    Meanwhile, EU officials and apparatchiks have taken to shrieking whenever a government actually takes serious actions to “restore the credibility” of border management. The howls have been especially pronounced when border checks were re-introduced along some intra-EU borders. When Hungarian authorities tried to stop the tsunami with a fence along the border with Serbia, for instance, eurocrats were fuming. In a letter sent to the government of Hungary, the European Commission — essentially the unelected regime now ruling Europe — blasted the use of troops on the border, complained about criminal sanctions imposed on illegal immigrants who damage the fence, and demanded that refugees stop being denied entry on the grounds that they transitted through a safe country. In short, actually guarding the borders appears to be the last thing on the EU’s agenda, except as an excuse to create a paramilitary force with powers to intervene in member nations.


    Also at the top of the EU-empowerment agenda is a new agency in charge of refugees, with the power to resettle refugees in EU members against their will. A number of Eastern European governments have fought back against the plot, but it continues to advance, having already allocated a number of immigrants throughout the bloc. Last year the EU agreed to relocate 40,000, with that number set to balloon even further. (More than a million others are simply staying in nations where they registered without involvement with EU.)


    For the UN, even all of that has not been enough. “UNHCR is deeply disappointed that although a majority of member States were in agreement with a wider relocation proposal involving 120,000 people, a final consensus on this could not be reached,” a UNHCR spokesperson said after the EU approved the deal. “Decisive agreement is needed without further delay to address the needs, as is bold action based on solidarity from all member States.” The then- “High Commissioner” himself, former Socialist International boss António Guterres, has also been loudly demanding that the EU usurp all power over asylum and resettlement. In other words, more assaults on sovereignty.


    Some Europeans, though, have seen through the scheming and the exploitation of the refugee crisis by the Brussels-based super-state to advance its radical agenda. “Is Western Europe to be a series of democratic nation states that govern themselves, control their borders and trade with each other, or is the supra nationalist agenda of Brussels going to win? That’s the real debate that’s going on,” said EU Parliamentarian and U.K. Independence Party chief Nigel Farage.

    Separately, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has described the orchestrated refugee tsunami as a tool of a “treasonous conspiracy” to destroy nationhood, Western civilization, and Christendom. “Ladies and gentlemen, what we face is nothing less than the challenge of finding ourselves at the gateway to the implementation of a deliberate conceptual project, which could be described as left-wing and which seeks to marginalize the nation states of Europe,” he told his countrymen. “Where this project has failed to overcome Christianity and the identity of the nation state — and the values and responsibility springing from it — in conventional political struggle, it will strive to eliminate it on ethnic grounds.”


    Beyond crushing sovereignty, the crisis is also advancing assaults on liberty. Especially useful to the assault on individual freedoms has been the threat of terrorism posed by the influx of millions of Muslims, at least some of whom are and will be radicalized.


    ISIS has been boasting that its operatives are among the refugees, and U.S. presidential contender Ben Carson even said it would be “jihadist malpractice” not to send terrorists into the West among the immigrants. He is right, of course, as the Paris attacks last year showed. Now, the jihadists will be used as the justification to wage war on liberty.


    Already, as The New American has documented extensively, “Islamic” terror — much of it fomented behind the scenes by globalists and communists — is being used as a pretext to radically expand government. Just last year, EU “police,” known as Europol, announced the creation of a new unit to censor the Internet under the guise of fighting “extremism.” In Britain, authorities are cracking down on homeschoolers and Sunday schools under the guise of rooting out Islamic extremism. Attacks on gun rights, free speech, and more are all advancing under the guise of stopping “Islamic terrorism” and “Islamic extremism.” And as millions of Muslims continue to flood Europe, the totalitarian advances will only accelerate.

    The end game is clear: using the increasingly powerful regional blocs such as the European Union, the African Union, Putin’s Eurasian Union, and the Middle East Union as building blocks to build what globalists such as Soros, Bush, Clinton, Biden, and others often refer to in public as their “New World Order.” In his recent book World Order, globalist operative and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger laid out the plan. “The contemporary quest for world order [world government] will require a coherent strategy to establish a concept of order [regional government] within the various regions and to relate these regional orders [governments] to one another,” he wrote. State Department documents going back decades outline the same strategy.

    If humanitarianism were truly the motivation, countless experts have pointed out, it would be radically more cost effective, not to mention humane, to help refugees and victims of globalist wars closer to their homes. Literally 25 to 50 times more people could be supported in Lebanon or Jordan than in Europe for the same amount of tax funds. The wars that destroyed Middle Eastern countries and caused the crisis to begin with would never have been launched if the purported “humanitarian concerns” of the establishment were genuine. Instead, the agenda is to advance globalism, pure and simple, and the establishment seems barely interested in concealing it anymore.

    In short, the “refugee crisis” appears to have been engineered in yet another typical example of what legendary French philosopher Frédéric Bastiat described as concocting the antidote and the poison in the same laboratory. Now that the deed is done, politicians and establishment figures are pointing out the obvious while exploiting the inevitable public reaction. Hopefully the people of Europe and the world will be smarter than to fall for the ruse yet again, as the consequences are deadly serious.

  • Tough Guy Ted Warns "Sniveling Coward" Trump: "Leave My Wife Alone"

    This embarrassing episode just goes from farce to farcical-er.

    Phase 1:Cruz Reps "Cross The Line"

    Almost a week ago, we were stunned when we learned that in order to support Ted Cruz and to "attack" Donald Trump, Liz Mair's anti-Trump Make America Awesome super PAC launched a Facebook campaign which in addition to showcasing Mitt Romney's support for Ted Cruz, emphasizing Trump’s past support for pro-choice policies, it also crossed the family line when it showed a GQ modeling photo of Melania Trump posing nude.



    Phase 2: Trumps Warns Cruz…

    Phase 3: Cruz Warns Trump – Don't Do The Same Thing To Me That [My Reps] Just Did To You (Or Else!)

    Phase 4: Trump Goes There

    Phase 5: Cruz Goes Full Rambo

    So to sum up – 'Cruz' uses naked images of Trump's wife to disparage him to saintly 'Utah-ans'; Trump pissed; Cruz warns Trump not to reciprocate; Trump shows ugly picture of Cruz's wife… Cruz unleashes inner Hulk as Trump dares to do what Cruz reps did to him…

    All we can say is – thank goodness there are no naked picture of Heidi floating around…yet.

    Stay Classy San Diego!

  • For The Average American, Owning A Home Is Increasingly Unaffordable

    One month ago, in its traditionally cheerful assessment of the US housing market, the NAR’s Larry Yun snuck in an unexpected warning:

    “Home prices ascending near or above double-digit appreciation aren’t healthy – especially considering the fact that household income and wages are barely rising.

    He did it again just a few days ago:

    “The overall demand for buying is still solid entering the busy spring season, but home prices and rents outpacing wages and anxiety about the health of the economy are holding back a segment of would-be buyers.

    This is about as close to a warning that the US housing market is back into bubble territory as one can hope to get from the NAR.

    Overnight, we got another confirmation of American runaway – if only for the vast majority of people – home prices, when RealtyTrac released its Q1 2016 Home Affordability Index, which showed that in Q1 2016, 9% of U.S. county housing markets were less affordable than their historically normal levels, up from 2 percent of markets that exceeded historic home affordability levels a year ago.

    That may not sound like much but it means that marginal “bubble” conditions of the type the NAR was warning about, have returned.  It means that home buyers need to spend more of their incomes on housing, leaving less money for other purchases.

    But where this home inflation is most evident is in the clear disconnect between home prices which are rising faster than wages in most of the United States, making homeownership increasingly difficult for average Americans. 

    The report found that home price growth exceeded wage growth in nearly two thirds of the nation’s housing markets so far this year, with urban centers like San Francisco and New York City among the least affordable.

    This is what the RealtyTrac report found:

    Annual change in median home prices in Q1 2016 outpaced annual change in average weekly wages in Q3 2015 (the most recent county-level wage data available from BLS) in 276 of the 456 counties analyzed for the report (61 percent).


    The top five most-populated county housing markets where price growth outpaced wage growth were Los Angeles County, California (5 percent median home price growth and 3 percent average wage growth); Maricopa County, Arizona in the Phoenix metro area (8 percent median home price growth and 2 percent average wage growth); San Diego County, California (5 percent median home price growth and 4 percent average wage growth); and Orange County, California (5 percent median home price growth and 2 percent average wage growth).


    Other markets where median home price growth outpaced average wage growth included counties in Miami, Brooklyn, Dallas, Seattle and Las Vegas.


    “I’m sure it comes as no surprise to anyone in Seattle that it’s getting harder and harder to afford a home,” said Matthew Gardner, chief economist at Windermere Real Estate, covering the Seattle market. “Thanks in part to strong income growth and intense competition, home prices continue to escalate at rates that are negatively impacting affordability. Something else pushing up prices is the Washington State Growth Management Act, which continues to limit developable land and is holding back many builders from adding much-needed inventory to the market.”

    More troubling is that at the national level, prevailing home prices have now risen faster than average wages for four consecutive years.


    It is this troubling trend – which is leading to declining demand as well as even bubblier, debt-fueled conditions for the rest – that the NAR is worried about.

    So is RealtyTrac: “While the vast majority of housing markets are still affordable by their own historic standards, home prices are floating out of reach for average wage earners in a growing number of U.S. housing markets,” said Daren Blomquist, senior vice president at RealtyTrac, which monitors housing market trends.

    Well, that’s what mortgage debt is for; the same debt the Fed is hoping US consumer will splurge on and US lenders will eagerly hand out just so the housing bubble of 2006/7 can be recreated and housing can again become a “money-like” instrument – which as we have explained in our shadow debt series is the all important missing link which the Fed needs to come back so it can finally stop micromanaging the US market and to a lesser extent, economy.

    It is the stubborn unwillingness of Americans to comply with this directive to go out and rake up as much mortgage debt as they can that is the biggest hurdle to “renormalizing” to a post-bubble economy, because in addition to a stock bubble, the US economy also needs a housing bubble to restore its previous “shine.”

    RealtyTrac also found that the national median home price requires 30% of average wage. This means that in Q1, the average wage earner needed to spend 30.2% of monthly wages to make monthly mortgage payments (including property taxes and insurance) on a median-priced home ($199,000), up from 26.4 percent of average wages needed to buy a median-priced home in the first quarter of 2015.

    It adds that “when home prices were most affordable nationwide in Q1 2012, the average wage earner needed to spend 22.2 percent of monthly wages to buy a median-priced home. When home prices were least affordable nationwide in Q2 2006, the average wage earner needed to spend 53.2 percent of monthly wages to buy a median priced home.

    * * *

    What this simply means is that while few will want to admit it, the bubble conditions of an unaffordable (for most) housing bubble have returned.

    Finally, for those curious, these are the least and most affordable housing markets in the US:

    Markets least affordable by absolute standard

    The top five least affordable counties based on percentage of average wages to buy a median priced home were Kings County, New York (Brooklyn) at 120.4 percent; Marin County, California in the San Francisco metro area at 109.2 percent; Santa Cruz County, California in the Santa Cruz metro area at 106.9 percent; New York County, New York (Manhattan) at 105.1 percent; and San Francisco County, California at 95.3 percent.

    Markets most affordable by absolute standard

    The top five most affordable counties based on percentage of average wages to buy a median priced home were Wayne County, Michigan (Detroit) at 8.5 percent; Baltimore County, Maryland at 9.2 percent; Clayton County, Georgia in the Atlanta metro area at 10.1 percent; Bay County, Michigan in the Bay City metro area at 11.5 percent; and Rock Island County, Illinois in the Davenport-Moline-Rock Island metro area at 12.3 percent.


    Q1 2016 Home Affordability by County

  • It's 1790 All Over Again – The World Is Sunk By Central Banker Conceit

    Authored by Hugo Salinas Price via,

    It was 1790 and the revolutionary National Assembly in Paris was worried.

    Complaints were reaching the Assembly from all over France, that business was stagnant, sales were down, people were without work, and there was a great scarcity of money.

    This was quite natural, because all business slows down when the prevailing source of Authority is under question. The Bastille prison had been taken the prior year by a revolutionary crowd and all sorts of ugly things were being said about King Louis XVI and his pretty young Queen, Marie Antoinette.

    But this was the "Age of Reason" and the most educated, intelligent and reasonable people in France were members of the revolutionary National Assembly, which gathered daily in Paris.

    The Assembly put their highly educated heads together and came to the conclusion that a scarcity of money was quite intolerable and that the Assembly must really do something about it.

    "What do we have highly educated brains for, if we can't solve the problem of a scarcity of money? Without a doubt, Reason can overcome this problem."

    So the members of the National Assembly thought about the problem of the scarcity of money, and came up with a splendid idea: "Let us create the necessary money, and things will go swimmingly."

    Thus was born the "Assignat". Out of the collective wisdom of the Assembly, the Assignat was born as a claim upon the vast extension of lands recently taken by the State of France, from the Catholic Church. What could be more solid than a claim upon the lovely lands of dear France?

    The Assignats were soon printed up, with various denominations of monetary value in gold Francs.

    At first, the Assignats circulated alongside gold coin at par value. But soon enough, the exchange value of the Assignats against gold began to fall.

    Thus began a nightmare episode that lasted seven years.

    The first issue of Assignats did not relieve the problem of business being in a funk. So a second issue followed the first; and then another, and then more, and thick and fast they came at last, and more and more and more, falling, falling, always falling in value against gold.

    The highly intelligent gentlemen of the Assembly decided that this fall in value of their Assignat must be the work of wicked, unpatriotic people who should be severely punished.

    The Assembly decreed that a merchant should be punished by being sent to the galleys or to the guillotine, if he should venture to ask a customer who wanted to know the price of bread, with what money he planned to pay for the bread – whether it was with gold coin or with Assignats?

    The Assembly created a national net of spies to hunt down the wicked hoarders of gold, confiscate their gold and have them part with their heads with a short, sharp shock on a big, black block.

    In the meantime, the more intelligent of the citizenry took out enormous debts in Assignats, with the certainty that their value would soon plummet; with borrowed Assignats they purchased all sorts of things of lasting value, such as real estate, art and jewelry. In due course, the value of the Assignat fell to next to nothing and the debts were wiped out. Enormous wealth was transferred from the mass of the ignorant to the few who were able to see what was going on.

    Eventually, the common people of Paris found that bread was hard to come by. Starvation set in, and the Parisian government had to provide rations of bread for the multitude – rotting, wormy bread.

    In 1797 Napoleon came to power in France. He put a stop to the very reasonable plans of the highly educated men of the National Assembly, and declared that henceforth, only gold would be money.

    In the center of the Place Vendome, where today there stands a great column surmounted by a statue of Napoleon, a huge bonfire consumed piles of freshly printed Assignats and the wooden printing machinery which fabricated them.

    The highly educated and eminently reasonable men of the National Assembly had succeeded – in the mighty work of bringing France to its knees. But not one of those men, responsible for the colossal disaster, was ever known to have said about it: "We were mistaken".

    2016: Why is it 1790 all over again? Because just as in France in 1790, today we have a set of conceited men running the world's economic policy on the basis of a flawed intellectual construct. In 1790, the flawed construct was the Assignat. Today, the flawed intellectual construct is the irredeemable dollar and its derivative currencies.

    In 1790, gold was the enemy of those conceited men, because the depreciation of the Assignat against gold revealed the falsity of the Assignat; so the National Assembly did their best to suppress the use of gold by violence against its owners. Today, gold is once again the enemy of our conceited masters: gold, whose value threatens to expose the falsity of the irredeemable dollar.

    In 1933, the value of the dollar in gold was 1 1/2 grams. Today, the value of the dollar is only about 2 1/2 hundredths of a gram of gold. Our conceited masters are struggling to keep their intellectual construct, the irredeemable currency which is the dollar, from plunging in value to thousandths and ten-thousandths of a gram.

    Like the Assignat, which in 1797 fell to a value of zero grams of gold, the dollar faces the same inevitable fate. And since the rest-of-the-world's currencies are derivatives of the dollar, they too will become worthless.

    The fundamental flaw in the thinking of the conceited members of the National Assembly of France in 1790 was their mistaken idea that they could invent a money more suitable than gold to achieve the prosperity of France.

    Today, the fundamental flaw in the thinking of our conceited Masters of the Universe is the same as that which blinded the members of the National Assembly in France, in 1790: they are convinced that their intellectual construct, the irredeemable dollar, is far more suitable than gold for use as money.

    The conceit of the majority of the members of the National Assembly in France in 1790 led to the total prostration of the economy of France in the course of seven years. The conceited Central Bankers of today will without a doubt achieve a world sunk in economic prostration. But don't expect any one of them to ever say "We were mistaken".

    So that's why It's 1790 All Over Again.

  • Q1 2016 Marijuana Industry Survey & Outlook

    Via ConvergEx's Nick Colas,

    Our latest quarterly report on the recreational marijuana business shows a vibrant and growing industry as more states legalize the drug.


    We survey numerous stores in Colorado, Washington, and Oregon to track how a newly legalized market develops its cost structure and product mix. Our Colorado contacts reported steady pricing and customer traffic compared to three months ago, and brought in $576 million in retail marijuana sales last year – 84% more than in 2014.


    Washington dispensaries, on the other hand, are where Colorado stores were a few quarters ago, facing falling prices partly due to new entrants. Demand remains strong, however, with about 150 to 300 customers still visiting stores each day.


    Oregon marijuana stores are in an even earlier stage, with only medical dispensaries allowed to sell recreational marijuana in the form of flower until later this year. Even still, Washington dispensaries posted $486 million in total sales last year, not too far behind Colorado even with fewer months to mature. The state of Oregon also brought in $3.5 million in tax revenue during the first month cannabis sales were taxed in January. That’s more than Colorado or Washington earned during their first month runs. Read on for the details of each developing market.

    In less than a month, tens of thousands of people will gather at festivals to celebrate a national holiday: “420”. Never heard of it? It’s like Oktoberfest, but centers on the consumption of marijuana instead of beer. As for where the designation 420 started, there are many origin stories but one in particular seems to carry the most credence:

    • It supposedly all started back in 1971 at San Rafael high school in northern California with a group of five teenagers and a map. Known as the “Waldos” because they met by a wall after school at 4:20pm, they sought out what was their version of treasure in Point Reyes forest: marijuana plants.
    • They never found the plants, but “420” became a code word, synonymous with the prospect of smoking cannabis but suggesting so discreetly. Then the Grateful Dead moved into town, elevating the term to another level. The Waldos started hanging around the band’s rehearsals and parties. One of the member’s older brother “managed a Dead sideband and was good friends with bassist Phil Lesh” according to the Huffington Post, while another member’s Dad handled the band’s real estate. The term eventually made its way through the Dead Head community as the band toured in the 80s and 90s.
    • In 1990, a reporter at High Times saw an explanation of “420” on a Grateful Dead Concert flyer. This gave the term international recognition as the magazine started basing events around it, even buying And the rest is history. Every year on April 20th, people pay homage to the drug, ideally smoking at 4:20pm.

    High Times magazine’s annual U.S. Cannabis Cup remains the most highly anticipated event for the 4/20 holiday. The festival holds a contest that judges and awards companies for the best flower, concentrates, and edibles, for example. It also features educational seminars, expositions, concerts, and product showcases. More than 35,000 people attended the five-day event every day last year in Denver. Not this year, however, as county governments in Colorado prevented High Times from obtaining a permit in Denver and subsequently in Pueblo. The magazine will host a one-day Colorado Cannabis Cup award show in Denver, but the main event will occur over three days in San Bernardino, California.

    This is not a welcomed development at Colorado retail marijuana dispensaries, which would have benefitted from the extra foot traffic. According to our latest quarterly survey on the legal recreational marijuana market, our interviews of managers and employees at several Colorado retail dispensaries expressed their disappointment that the event was moved out of state. They expect fewer customers than last year due to lost tourist activity, and they miss out on an opportunity to network. One respondent, for example, found a seed company he continues to use at one of these rallies in the past. But ever since marijuana was legalized in the state, they’ve experienced a crackdown on events surrounding 420.

    Nevertheless, these dispensaries still expect some rallies and a spike in sales during the holiday.They are already preparing by planning specials for that week, adding staff, and placing early orders with vendors for concentrates and edibles, for example. Based on our usual analysis including price, units, and mix, here’s a snapshot of our most recent findings on retail marijuana businesses in Colorado:

    #1 – Price: Competition continues to put pressure on prices as stores still try to find an equilibrium, but they’ve remained relatively steady over the past couple of quarters. Customers can still find an ounce for $150 to $350, and an eighth for $25 to $45 – especially with frequent specials and discounts. One contact said he sees a more pronounced tier structure developing on the recreational side of business. People can choose to pay less for lower quality or accept higher prices for better quality strains. Overall, prices have mostly stabilized after declining significantly from when we first started our surveys in June 2014 ($400/ounce and $50-$70/eighth) to September 2015 ($300/ounce and $30-$45/eighth).


    #2 – Units/Traffic: About 150 to 350 customers still visit our contacts stores each day, spending $50 to $60 on average. Fridays and holidays also remain the busiest periods, similar to all retail stores. Tourists account for about 50% of their customers, so they are also expecting greater business this spring and summer as the weather warms. You may guess they received a slight boost in sales on St. Patrick’s Day, but most survey respondents said snow actually offset any holiday bump.


    #3 – Mix: Most stores report a 50/50 split between purchases of flower and concentrates/edibles. Some dispensaries claimed flower sells the most, while one manager said sour gummies outsell all of his store’s other products. Our contacts reported an improvement in the quality of edibles as more vendors come to market. Dispensaries also have a greater appreciation for what sells best. The most interesting product we heard about was gluten free chocolate, which shows just how far these vendors have come. Lastly, vaporizer pens and cartridges continue to gain popularity as a cleaner and odorless means of smoking.

    All in all, recreational marijuana stores in Colorado received $575.8 million in 2015 revenue based on tax data from the Colorado Department of Revenue. That’s an 84% comp to 2014, showing robust growth in the industry. Turn to other states in which retail marijuana is legal and you’ll see they have posted impressive growth figures as well, even with less time to mature. We’ve expanded our survey to include marijuana dispensaries in Washington and Oregon, which started selling retail cannabis in July 2014 and October 2015 respectively. Here are our takeaways for both markets:

    The price for an eighth carried a wide range of between $25 to $60, depending on the strain, at dispensaries in Washington and Oregon. Washington, however, continues to experience more downward pressure in pricing, whereas prices have remained steady in Oregon. Only medical marijuana stores in Oregon can sell recreational cannabis until later this year, so they won’t feel the competition of those new entrants until then. In the meantime, the ability to sell recreational marijuana in addition to medical marijuana has been a huge boon to business. One store manager said retail cannabis now accounts for as much as 85% of her overall sales.


    There are two reasons Washington’s prices continue to fall: more awarding of licenses to retailers and lower wholesale prices after the tax structure was changed from 25% levied on producers, processors, and retailers to 37% on only retailers. The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) raised the former retail store cap of 334 to 556 to help in the process of merging the medical and recreational markets on July 1st.


    One contact, for example, noted the Vancouver City Council recently approved 3 more marijuana stores, increasing the cap from 6 to 9. He also said he sees a couple of price drops once every other week. This forces stores to lower their prices and offer more discounts to stay competitive. Consequently, the WSLCB reported that the average statewide price per gram of marijuana neared $10 at the beginning of this year compared to upwards of $25 when it was first sold legally in July 2014.


    Washington continues to experience similar product trends to Colorado, with flower accounting for half of sales and edibles/concentrates making up the balance. Vaporizer pens and cartridges are also their most sought after product of late. They also run daily and weekly specials.


    Stores in Southern Washington experienced competition with dispensaries in Oregon during the fourth quarter, as Oregon did not have a sales tax. Since January, recreational marijuana sold in Oregon medical dispensaries have been subject to a 25% sales tax, which will drop to 17% at the state level when retail stores open in the fall. These rates are lower than Washington’s sales tax of 37%, but some of our Washington contacts said they are taking business from Oregon because they are allowed to sell edibles and concentrates. Oregon dispensaries can only sell flower to those without a medical card, but hope they will be allowed to sell edibles and extracts when retail stores open in the second half of this year. They can also only sell up to 7 grams, whereas customers can buy up to an ounce in Washington.


    Last year, Washington dispensaries posted $486.2 million in total sales (excluding the excise tax), about $90 million less than recreational sales alone in Colorado. With that said, Washington stores brought in $63.3 million in January compared to $52.1 million in Colorado retail sales.


    Oregon’s Department of Revenue reported the state collected $3.5 million in taxes for recreational marijuana sales in January. That suggests $14 million in retail revenue during the first month the tax took effect. It also exceeded the $2.9 million in taxes collected for both medical and retail marijuana sales in Colorado when stores were first able to sell the drug recreationally in January 2014. Washington also received less, only $1 million in August 2014.

    Despite the success of recreational marijuana stores in Colorado, Washington, and Oregon, the drug remains illegal on a Federal level and banking is limited as a result. Marijuana business residency ownership requirements also act as a roadblock to outside investment. The U.S. Department of Justice frowns upon outside money flowing into the marijuana industry as well. In order to invest in a marijuana business, you must have been a resident for two years in Colorado. Cannabis businesses can raise funds by issuing convertible notes to out of state individuals, with the exception of foreigners, but the holders of debt can only purchase equity when they meet the requirements for ownership of a licensed marijuana business.  

    The residency requirement used to be six months in Washington, but the WSLCB recently applied new rules that allow an investor from out of state to loan money to a marijuana business. It’s still murky as to whether an investor can receive profits in exchange for financing, however. Moreover, the governor of Oregon recently signed House Bill 4014 into law, which removes a 2-year residency requirement for recreational marijuana producers, processors and retailers. This will make it easier for marijuana business owners to access capital. 

    In sum, keep paying attention to the developments in this growth industry and we’ll provide updates along the way. Investing in current marijuana markets remains risky, but states where cannabis is legal continue to push for changes that are friendlier to outside investment. Colorado, Washington, and Oregon serve as informative experiments, with Alaska joining the mix once stores open later this year. Progress in these states and greater legalization elsewhere will continue to unfold within the next few years. The next major ballot initiative for legalizing marijuana occurs in California this fall. Hopefully changes in regulations that support marijuana businesses and investment will continue to follow suit.

    We’ll leave you with this: ever wonder about the 419.99 mile marker on I-70 in Colorado? That’s because people kept stealing the original 420 sign for reasons you now know.



  • Emory Students "Scared, In Pain" After Safe-Space Violated By Word "Trump" Written In Chalk


    The Daily Mail reports, the president of Emory University has spoken to demonstrators who said they were frightened after someone wrote 'Trump 2016' in chalk around campus.

    Students at the Atlanta school, which has an enrollment of more than 14,000 claim their 'safe space' was violated when the messages appeared on sidewalks and buildings.


    Jim Wagner, president of the Atlanta university, wrote Tuesday that the students viewed the messages as intimidation, and they voiced 'genuine concern and pain' as a result.


    He acted after student government wrote to him and slammed the university's response, prompting a meeting that led to protests.


    Now administrators want to track down those responsible for the controversial markings.

    Be warned the following "controversial markings" may offend…


    Had enough… there is more!!


    Emory's student newspaper, The Wheel, said Wagner outlined four steps that administrators plan to take in order to address the issues raised by the protesters who said they were in pain in a campus-wide email.

    Wagner added that the Freedom of Expression Committee is meeting to address whether the person or people responsible for the chalking were in compliance with Emory’s policy.


    He said that they would debate technical issues, such as whether or not the chalkings were done on an appropriate surface.


    However, he believes that the broader concern motivating the protests had to do more with the ideas the chalkings stood for than how they were done.


    The Wheel also reported that the students this week chanted, 'You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!' shortly before Wagner agreed to meet with them.

    Poor babies. Social media responded…

    'The crybaby students forfeited any expectation of an open discussion with their demands that any talk or chalk of Trump should be banished from their fantasyland.'


     'I have no idea how you kids will survive once you get out into the real world. People have different opinions than you. You need to grow up, and fast.'


    One person also wrote: 'Within a year I am ashamed of both my undergraduate college (Yale) and my graduate university (Emory Law, '77).


    'I am a liberal supporter of Clinton and Sanders (the former by a shade) and I want to shout at the thin-skinned crybabies on these campuses who are so obsessed with 'safe spaces' and so dismissive of free speech values: "GROW THE F*** UP !"

    As we summed up recently, no matter where you go in life, someone will be there to offend you. Maybe it’s a joke you overheard on vacation, a spat at the office, or a difference of opinion with someone in line at the grocery store. Inevitably, someone will offend you and your values. If you cannot handle that without losing control of your emotions and reverting back to your “safe space” away from the harmful words of others, then you’re best to just stay put at home.



    Remember, though: if people in the outside world scare you, people on the internet will downright terrify you. It’s probably best to just accept these harsh realities of life and go out into the world prepared to confront them wherever they may be waiting.

  • "Why We Need To Beat Russia"

    Submitted by The Saker, authored by Cathal Haughian

    250,000 capitalists read the Financial Times, and it has been our undertaking to chronicle our understanding of capitalism via our book The Philosophy of Capitalism. A USA led team has answered the question ‘What is The Nature of the Monetary System?’ The Monetary system has three layers – the core is Religion and the unconscious mind – as they formed first. The outer layer is operational and intersects with geopolitics, it explains:

    Why we need to beat Russia

    We may see Syria as a testing ground for Imperial Power. Russia has tested our influence and shown the World it’s wanting, so it’s crucial to appreciate why and of what consequence.

    Our Imperial weapons give definite form to our Empire. And nothing has shaped our Empire more than the FIAT. The deformation began in 1971, when the US imposed her Power to re-define the rules of the monetary system for her sole benefit. The ability to print IOU’s in exchange for real value is more clever than theft as we borrow and do not pay back in kind due to inflation. Our enemies, adversaries and vassals must found their financial systems upon the printed dollar which they must purchase with hard earned money. That seizure has financed a vast network of military bases, bribery, assassinations, coup d´états and perpetual war.

    What’s not to like? All that Power without taxing the produce of the American people. So why have we lost in Syria?

    Let’s begin by appreciating that the global “FIAT system” is responsible for our moral crisis and departure from virtue. As we embrace further the gods of greed – listen to the masses cheer for Clinton and Trump – we must recall that virtue is knowledge of what is good. We are getting weak because we have forgotten what is good for us.

    The root of this evil is our love of easy money, or FIAT money, defined by those with power as “wealth by decree” which places an arbitrary value upon “wealth issued by men” such that buying power has no natural governor, as it did when gold was freely traded along currencies in truly free markets. But whom, may we ask, has the power to decree wealth? And with such great power to do so, who can be trusted with such great responsibility?

    No one. That is who.

    But nonetheless, governments and monarchies throughout the ages have been entrusted to issue wealth by decree. All have failed, because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    So in every FIAT timeline we see the more powerful become wealthier and the wealthy become more powerful, because it is they who control the issuance and distribution of wealth. Inequality of Wealth, therefore, always reaches its peak at the end of the FIAT timeline. As social position offers more favours than purpose and production. What has happened is what always happens – you have a system politicized to such an extent that political access – and not profits from innovative new solutions – Become the core of the incentive structure.

    Notice how productivity declined after Bretton Woods and later when Bretton Woods was abandoned. One of the problems of easy money, not the only one mind you, is the financialization of the economy. Financialization drains key human capital and generates malinvestment. Nuclear engineers are doing MBA’s so that they can work as investment bankers! Trillions of dollars have been invested in real estate developments that provide no productivity gains. Easy money kept fracking companies alive –producing an endless glut of gas that had nowhere to go but heat tar sands in Canada – what waste!

    This is the real economic evil of our current monetary system – malinvestment – with two insidious effects:

    1. A halt in fundamental scientific breakthroughs and
    2. The West, apart from Germany and Norway, has run at a loss for decades

    If the common man had a say in all this, he would declare his modest holdings to be the pinnacle of wealth, by his decree. He will offer you his apartment for your mansion, his hot dog for your lobster, his bike for your car and so forth. If this sounds ridiculous, then think how absurd it is to offer stacks of paper for these same items, which (based upon the numbers and signatures printed upon them) you would gladly accept, by decree.

    We know that paper is just as intrinsically worthless as the electronic digits they represent in a bank account. The issue here is who holds the power of decree. The little people never will. The monied men hold this power – like a parasite feeding upon any who deign to offer value at the marketplace.

    And that is the cut of the second edge my friends. That is the death blow. The Fiat produced a parasite – the financial sector – that in its greed is killing the real economy. So when we read about absence of opportunity with such empathy, know that the parasite suffers too, as the problem of debt reaches higher toward senior capital.

    When we see debt piled on debt just to prolong the dying system, take note that a few monied men enjoy the fruits of this easy money for a time before defaulting … and with no collateral to make lenders whole, many walk away with nothing more than an impaired credit rating – into a waiting system where debt is harshly devalued.

    Monsanto can darken the sunflower harvest in the Ukraine, and Allianz can steal a few tranquil Greek islands, but the ambience is never quite the same as when hard working people had their just rewards, and goodness and charity and kind souls rejoiced – with compassion and cooperation – while loving the narrative of a life written while desiring only the product of their work.

    The world this Global Reserve Fiat creates is one of misery and strife where evil and greed feeds upon the spirit, and the world becomes an immoral wasteland of modernity. The worker is discriminated against as all pressure and stress is heaped upon his future, as the law discriminates between debts held as an asset vs. debt held as a liability.

    You see, reader, while we all hold “deposits” at banks, which is an euphemism for bank debt, only the lending class (and I use this term in the broadest sense) get to hold debt on their balance sheets as a wealth asset, whereas the little people hold debt as an obligatory liability. If there is a default, all the better as the law allows them to seize the “secured” assets as collateral. Is there a flaw in my thinking? Let us see…

    You may say that banks are able to hold debt as an asset because they have the capital to cover that debt – to which I would say, “Really ??!!” As we understand the nature of debt in this modern era of aging debt, and the derivatives that attempt to hedge those obligations, this is simply not the case, as the lessons of Enron, AIG, Lehman, MF Global – ad nauseam – clearly prove. The empire of debt is hallmarked by misery for the masses though this is no accident, for a system cannot discriminate in and of itself. Financial laws are written by and for the hidden agenda of monied men, how can we conclude otherwise? A few of which see war or systemic crisis as an opportunity to rewrite the social contract e.g. the tax payer takes over bank debt, see Ireland, Britain and soon Australia and the Eurozone.

    Look at the workers as they make their way home on the subway, standing tightly together, neither wanting nor caring to utter a word to one another, their grey features melted by the stress of their “wealth as debt”. Their one shot at consciousness ground away while vampire and zombie stories speak to their existence. Look at the once prosperous cities around you, like Detroit, or Camden, crumbling into 3rd world ghettos. Not exactly a world that the 1% wants to live in, but one they deserve – one of their making.

    They can insulate themselves in the Hamptons for only so long until the sirens sound. It has always been this way, and it will always be this way, until man changes his nature by recognizing what is good for him.

    Now, the East – China / Russia / India – challenge the Global Reserve Fiat. And when the dollar fails, and it will: For debt is the essence of fiat, and when it defaults, the system defaults with it.

    Fiat Debt is unstable for two reasons:

    1. Because no natural ecosystem is able to sustain unlimited, continuous exponential growth – as all 100% fiat (debt-based) valuation systems require. More debt is required to repay existing debt plus interest. The basic operational problem: you can inflate a system easily by issuing new “secured” debt against collateral and thereby increasing collateral value (think about mortgages as buying power to buy houses, pushing house prices up, collateral looks fine even if debtors cannot pay interest or principal – as long they can easily refinance or banks can sell recovered properties in a real estate market spiked by easy credit and demographics (like in the US from 2001-2005, or London and Sidney now). Easy credit can paper over affordability and to some extent demographics. Now this definitely does not work in reverse; you cannot even stop because once credit stops flowing, prices start to tatter; and in the latter stages even an decrease in the rate of increase might be enough to crash the system.
    2. Because it is entered into and created so lightly, and it is based on the assumption of a fixed future performance by an entity or individual. And when the 98% – their future burdened by intolerable debt, unemployment and declining wages – decide to walk away? The fear of that decision has been driving interest rates down for decades, to make it bearable not for the good of mankind but to prolong the system. This brings into relief an internal contradiction: wages decline in sync with interest rates because the bargaining power of workers evaporates as Central Bankers reduce the cost of capital, contributing to the substitution of labour and labour wages by that of the machines and AI software. Until the workers walk away from more debt for less income, we watch this balancing act between debt pretending to be wealth, and wealth being treated as a “bad investment”. All performed for the benefit of gradually changing our definitions, as we evolve into a new equilibrium determined by the East – Their collective gold reserves will be large enough to re-price the currencies and free the markets.

    As we look at the precarious nature of our faith-based money, we must acknowledge the moral implications of “dishonest money”. Seizure by decree, whether judged just by Constituted Power, is immoral. But the fact that dishonest money is so easy to create, control and redistribute helps one understand the wave of immorality that has swept over our world.

    Paying tribute with labor and exchange rates is not enough for the empire of debt. Rather, its vassals must accept and embrace the ideology of the empire as well – “Wealth as Debt” and Globalism. It’s their separation in language which causes the confusion – Globalism and Absolutism – for they are one and the same thing.

    When Russia and China stockpile honest money, they attack our most potent weapon and father of our decline. Our Imperial weapon will die by both edges of its own sword, one being the contempt with which it is so easily created to bend the will of the world to its bidding, and the other sharp edge which the wicked are blind to recognize: The evil that sound money prohibits.

    Will Russia and China attack the fiat dollar using overt enemy action? Possible, but not probable: as they can simply undermine “confidence” in the FIAT and wait upon the 2% to bury the blade. The Dynasties of Wealth – Have you ever wondered how we hedge our holdings through turmoil? The top 85 patricians of which own more wealth than the bottom 3.5 billion humans – will move first. The 1%, then 2% and whoever else left standing will be forced to follow through.

    Only Gold has the history, depth, unique qualities, loyalty of the elite and transitional power to challenge any man, any nation, any system on earth, past, present and future. The Dynasties understand this, because they have both witnessed and authored this axiom across generations of asset accumulation.

    When they vote, they vote with their ability to make markets, and then reap the profit from the market they make, offering favor to those who protect their interests. They easily control men through greed and are beholden to Gold alone. Gold transitions their wealth recycling system through change.

    As the sand peters past the last curve of the hour glass the Dynastic hand is clear to see. So the Neo-cons need to beat Russia, and soon, as only Globalism can keep the markets enchained.

  • Presenting The Complete Brussels ISIS Cell Org Chart

    Earlier today and on several occasions since Tuesday morning when the Bakraoui brothers blew themselves up at the Brussels airport and city metro, we’ve documented the connection between the Brussels attacks, the brazen assault on Paris in November, and other terror-related events that have unfolded in Belgium over the past 14 months.

    Here are some bullet points worth noting:

    • In January 2015, two men are killed in a police raid on a flat in Verviers; the men are later pictured with Paris ringleader Abdelhamid Abaaoud in a cover story for Islamic State magazine Dabiq
    • In September, one “Soufiane Kayal” was seen with Salah Abdeslam at a Hungary-Austria border checkpoint; Kayal would later turn out to be bomb maker Najim Laachraoui whose DNA was found on explosive material in Paris and also in two residences (one in Auvelais that was raided on November 26 and one on Rue Henri Bergé, in the Schaerbeek section of Brussels that was searched in December); he is now thought to have blown himself up on Tuesday at the Brussels airport
    • A November 30 raid on a home in Auvelais where Abaaoud may have met with suicide bombers turns up a 10-minute surveillance tape apparently filmed at the home of a senior Belgian nuclear official; reports later suggested the camera was set up and retrieved by the Bakraoui brothers
    • A March 14 raid on an apartment in Forest rented to one of the Bakraoui brothers leaves one gunman dead, but two other presumed jihadis escape; Paris fugitive Salah Abdeslam’s fingerprints are found in the apartment

    And the list goes on. The takeaway seems to be that beginning some years ago, Abdelhamid Abaaoud (who allegedly became Emir of War in Deir ez-Zor after Omar the Chechen was transferred to Iraq) established the Brussels cell and it’s been growing and building its operational capabilities ever since.

    For those interested in understanding how it all fits together, we bring you the following org chart from The Guardian:

  • What Killed The Middle Class?

    Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

    If the four structural trends highlighted below don't reverse, the middle class is heading for extinction.

    Everyone knows the middle class is fading fast. I've covered this issue in depth for years, for example: Honey, I Shrunk the Middle Class: Perhaps 1/3 of Households Qualify (December 28, 2015) and What Does It Take To Be Middle Class? (December 5, 2013)

    This raises an obvious question: what killed the middle class? While many commentators try to identify one killer cause (for example, the U.S. going off the gold standard in 1971), the die-off of the middle class is more akin to the die-off in honey bees, which is the result of the interaction of multiple causes (factors that increase the toxic load dumped on bees and other pollinators by modern agriculture).

    Longtime collaborator Gordon T. Long and I discuss the decline of the middle class and other key topics in a new 29-minute video How did that work out for you?

    So where do we begin this detective story? With the engine of all real prosperity, productivity. This chart reveals that wages stopped rising with productivity around 1980.

    Here's another look at the same phenomenon:

    Productivity has been slipping since around 2003: Alan Greenspan:"Productivity is Dead”

    Cause #1: declining productivity, which means the pie of real wealth is no longer expanding.

    Exhibit #2: middle class wage earners have not received any of the gains. Wages as a percentage of GDP have been falling for decades, with occasional blips up in tech/housing bubbles:

    Inflation-adjusted household income has dropped back to levels first reached in the 1980s:

    More recently, wages have actually declined, regardless of educational attainment:

    Income gains have all flowed to the top 10%, with most of the gains being concentrated in the top 5% and top 1%:

    If the middle class didn't receive any of the gains, who did? Corporate profits have soared to unprecedented levels:

    Cause #2: all the gains in the economy have flowed to corporations and the top 10% of financiers, managers and technocrats.

    But wait a minute–hasn't the rising stock market enriched the middle class? Short answer: no. Middle class household wealth has absolutely cratered since the top of the housing bubble in 2007, and hasn't recovered.

    Why? Middle class wealth is based not in stocks but in the family home. The middle class does not own enough financial assets to have participated in the latest stock market bubble, while the majority did not recover the wealth lost in the housing bubble bust. This is the cost of allowing the financial sector to financialize housing and mortgages in the 2000s.

    Cause #3: the middle class doesn't own the "right" assets to benefit from systemic financialization and financial speculation.

    How about rising costs? The federal agencies tasked with measuring inflation assure us inflation is near-zero. But these measures underweight big-ticket costs like healthcare and higher education, where costs have exploded higher, greatly increasing the burden on the middle class:

    Cause #4: soaring costs of big-ticket expenses such as higher education and healthcare. Saving $10 on cheap jeans imported from Asia does not make up for 135% jumps in tuition and college fees, and $100 decline in the cost of a laptop computer does not make up for healthcare insurance and out-of-pocket expenses in the tens of thousands of dollars per household.

    Correspondent Kevin K. submitted this article and accompanying note: Colleges with the biggest tuition hikes (my ala mater University of Hawaii-Manoa clocked in with an increase of 137% since 2004.)

    "It looks like the article linked above didn't do much research since:
    University of California Davis
    2004 in-state tuition $5,684
    2015 in state tuition $13,951
    Percentage increase 145.44 percent"

    There is no way middle class households with declining real incomes can pay soaring costs imposed by state-enforced cartels and gain ground financially. If the four structural trends highlighted above don't reverse, the middle class is heading for extinction, the victim of financialization, the glorification of financial speculation via central bank-central state policies, the decline of productivity and rising costs imposed by state-enforced cartels.

    Gordon T. Long and I discuss the decline of the middle class and other key topics:

  • The Biggest Short

    Authored by's Robert Gore via The Burning Platform blog,

    Some reversals of financial trends prove so momentous they define the generation in which they occur. The stock market crash in 1929 kicked off the Great Depression, which ushered in the welfare and then the warfare state and redefined the relationship between government and citizens.

    Bonds and stocks began their bull market runs in the early 1980s. Now, those markets are fonts of optimism increasingly unhinged from reality. The US has come full circle. The New Deal and World War II marked a massive shift of resources and power to the federal government. Conversely, financial reversal will fuel a virulent backlash against the government and its central bank.

    Such epochal reversals are usually foreseeable. However, they are long in the making and involve such a confluence of powerful forces that usually only a handful get the timing right. Calling the end of the current bull markets has been difficult because of governments and central banks are desperate to keep them alive. Central bankers prattle on about the wealth effects of elevated stock markets and how low interest rates promote debt and consumption, supposedly the fountainhead of economic progress. Those emissions are noxious nonsense. Central banks promote rising markets because they are under the thumbs of their governments; independent central banker is an oxymoron. High stock prices are a popular barometer of social mood, while high bond prices keep interest rates low, benefitting the largest borrowers, governments.

    Consider the absurdity of loaning money to any of today’s welfare state governments, including the most indebted of them all, the US government. Most of them haven’t run an honest, GAAP budget surplus in decades. They have compiled staggering amounts of debt relative to their economies’ GDPs. Unfunded pension and medical liabilities are many times the amount of the stated, on-the-books debts. Those programs could be cut, but a compilation of such cuts the last thirty years would fill a book slightly thicker than Hillary Clinton’s Integrity. The debt cavalcade will stop only when creditors say “Enough!” or start charging usurious interest rates.

    Yet, that is the opposite of what creditors are doing now: they are paying governments for the privilege of lending them money! Governments are assumed to have a call on every last dollar, euro, yen, and yuan their economies generate, but there are flaws in that assumption. To the limited extent today’s economies function, they do so because vestigial capitalism still offers incentives, markets, and the price mechanism. The foundation of production is brains and brains are quite sensitive to incentives and the political and legal framework in which they operate. Nobody designs the newest generation semiconductor, app, or robot when virtually everything they produce is expropriated by the state. Tax rates have probably gone as high as they can go in terms of extracting revenue, and even if they haven’t, any revenue increase from higher rates will be nowhere near enough to repay governments’ debts and unfunded liabilities.

    So rational investors must question governments’ ability to pay their debts, which leaves irrational investors—central banks—as the buyers. The Bank of Japan is the market for Japanese government debt. While the situation is not quite as bad in Europe and the US, the ECB and the Federal Reserve have amassed huge portfolios of their own sovereigns’ debt, purchased from private banks in exchange for central bank reserves that they conjure at will in unlimited amounts. Speculators buy debt with negative yields from governments that are poor credit risks because central banks will pay them an even higher price at an even more negative yield. The stated goal of the central banks is to increase economic activity and inflation rates, which would increase interest rates and reduce bond prices, inflicting losses on bondholders, including, perversely, central banks.

    This is the very definition of a market awaiting a crash: a long running bull trend that has pushed prices to absurd prices (you can get no more absurd bond pricing than that which yields, so to speak, negative yields); an extreme divergence between the government bonds prices and their underlying value as a claim against issuers that are de facto bankrupt; a commitment by governments and central banks to inflict losses on those who buy government debt; a long historical dishonor roll of instances where governments and central banks have done just that; a class of dumb money, short-term, price insensitive buyers (speculators and central banks), and a degree of complacency and obtuseness so extreme that market participants make a mad dash for these putrid instruments at every appearance of financial and economic turmoil. So why not rush right out and short sovereign debt markets, either directly or indirectly through any number of exchange traded funds?

    Markets often take seemingly forever to do what rational people think they should have done long ago. They can, as John Maynard Keynes noted, stay irrational far longer than those who bet against them can stay solvent. Japanese finances are in far worse shape than the US government’s or most European government’s, and its aging population is a demographic and actuarial nightmare. Roughly half the government’s deficit is monetized by the sole buyer, the Bank of Japan, and if it stepped out of the way yields would skyrocket. Yet, speculators have been shorting Japanese government bonds and losing money for decades. The Japanese government’s 10-year bond trades at an all-time high price and with a negative yield.

    In the US, the majority of Wall Street sharpies have recommended shorting bonds for several years running, based on an imminent, central-bank inspired economic lift off that has never arrived. Anyone who has taken their advice has suffered the same fate as those shorting Japanese debt. Nobody ever suggests shorting sovereign debt because of deteriorating credit quality. Long before their longest maturity bonds mature, sovereigns will have insufficient revenues to pay all their obligations. In the US by 2025, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and interest on the government’s debt will consume all tax revenues and taxes would have to double to pay for the rest of the budget. That’s if doubling the top rate to 80-plus percent actually doubled tax revenues, which it won’t; revenues would undoubtedly shrink.

    Shorting sovereign debt has been a widow maker, although on fundamentals sovereign debt is the biggest short of them all. Bonds now trading at high premiums with negative yields will go to zero as governments go bankrupt. Sovereign debt is the foundation for the $225 global pyramid of debt. When it goes so will the rest of the pyramid, and so too will debt-supported equity, commodity, and derivatives markets. The time to catch those trades will be when government bond yields persistently climb in the face of clear, impossible-to-deny economic weakness and financial turmoil: market recognition that governments are not safe havens, they’re insolvent. The economic production that supposedly supported their debt holdings gone, all creditors will have is a promise from governments to redeem unsupported debt with more unsupported debt. It will be the worst of times and the best of times. The financial system will crater. However, that may usher in a replacement based on sanity rather than political promises, flimsy pieces of paper, quack economics, and debt, conjured with a computer keystroke, masquerading as money.

  • Microsoft's Twitter Chat Robot Quickly Devolves Into Racist, Homophobic, Nazi, Obama-Bashing Psychopath

    Two months ago, Stephen Hawking warned humanity that its days may be numbered: the physicist was among over 1,000 artificial intelligence experts who signed an open letter about the weaponization of robots and the ongoing “military artificial intelligence arms race.”

    Overnight we got a vivid example of just how quickly “artificial intelligence” can spiral out of control when Microsoft’s AI-powered Twitter chat robot, Tay, became a racist, misogynist, Obama-hating, antisemitic, incest and genocide-promoting psychopath when released into the wild.

    For those unfamiliar, Tay is, or rather was, an A.I. project built by the Microsoft Technology and Research and Bing teams, in an effort to conduct research on conversational understanding. It was meant to be a bot anyone can talk to online. The company described the bot as “Microsofts A.I. fam the internet that’s got zero chill!.”

    Microsoft initially created “Tay” in an effort to improve the customer service on its voice recognition software. According to MarketWatch, “she” was intended to tweet “like a teen girl” and was designed to “engage and entertain people where they connect with each other online through casual and playful conversation.”

    The chat algo is able to perform a number of tasks, like telling users jokes, or offering up a comment on a picture you send her, for example. But she’s also designed to personalize her interactions with users, while answering questions or even mirroring users’ statements back to them.

    This is where things quickly turned south.

    As Twitter users quickly came to understand, Tay would often repeat back racist tweets with her own commentary. Where things got even more uncomfortable is that, as TechCrunch reports, Tay’s responses were developed by a staff that included improvisational comedians. That means even as she was tweeting out offensive racial slurs, she seemed to do so with abandon and nonchalance.

    Some examples:


    This was just a modest sample.

    There was everything: racist outbursts, N-words, 9/11 conspiracy theories, genocide, incest, etc. As some noted “Tay really lost it” and the biggest embarrassment was for Microsoft  which had no idea its “A.I.” would implode so spectacularly and right in front of everyone. To be sure, none of this was programmed into the chat robot, which was immediately exploited by Twitter trolls, as expected, and demonstrated just how unprepared for the real world even the most advanced algo really is.

    Some pointed out that the devolution of the conversation between online users and Tay supported the Internet adage dubbed “Godwin’s law.” This states as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches.

    Microsoft apparently became aware of the problem with Tay’s racism, and silenced the bot later on Wednesday, after 16 hours of chats. Tay announced via a tweet that she was turning off for the night, but she has yet to turn back on.

    Humiliated by the whole experience, Microsoft explained what happened:

    “The AI chatbot Tay is a machine learning project, designed for human engagement. It is as much a social and cultural experiment, as it is technical. Unfortunately, within the first 24 hours of coming online, we became aware of a coordinated effort by some users to abuse Tay’s commenting skills to have Tay respond in inappropriate ways. As a result, we have taken Tay offline and are making adjustments.”

    Microsoft also deleted many of the most offensive tweets, however, copies were saved on the Socialhax website, where they can still be found.

    Finally, Tay “herself” signed off as Microsoft went back to the drawing board:

    We are confident we’ll be seen much more of “her” soon, when the chat program will provide even more proof that Stephen Hawking’s warning was spot on.

  • Jihad In Brussels

    Submitted by Judith Bergman via The Gatestone Institute,

    • "Islam belongs in Europe…. I am not afraid to say that political Islam should be part of the picture." — Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

    • The Western narrative represents a complete refusal to examine the doctrines of Islam, out of fear of offending Muslims. This is not a purely European phenomenon. The Obama Administration ordered a cleansing of training materials that Islamic groups deemed offensive.

    • One crucial aspect of sharia that the West refuses to internalize is the injunction to perform jihad, both violent and non-violent.

    • "[T]he most important factor is Belgium's culture of denial… Observers who point to unpleasant truths such as the high incidence of crime among Moroccan youth and violent tendencies in radical Islam are accused of being propagandists of the extreme-right, and are subsequently ignored and ostracized." — Teun Voten, a Dutch cultural anthropologist who lived in a Muslim area of Brussels between 2005 and 2014.

    Federica Mogherini, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said on June 24, 2015, at a conference aptly named "Call to Europe V: Islam in Europe":

    "The idea of a clash between Islam and 'the West'… has misled our policies and our narratives. Islam holds a place in our Western societies. Islam belongs in Europe…. I am not afraid to say that political Islam should be part of the picture."

    Nine months later, the ignorance, willful blindness and sheer incompetence regarding even the most basic tenets of Islam, which Mogherini betrayed in her statement has reaped yet another lethal result. What she said is fairly representative of the view aired in public by the European political and cultural establishment.

    Thirty-one people were killed and around 300 wounded in Brussels on March 22, in the bombings of Brussels airport and Maalbeek metro station, at the heart of the European Union itself. ISIS took responsibility for these latest terrorist attacks

    Mogherini, at an official press conference in Jordan, broke down in tears during her comments on the day's terrorist attacks. But the pain she, as one of the highest-profile representatives of the EU, exhibited on behalf of the many killed and wounded in Europe, is self-inflicted. It is Europe's immunity to facts that has led directly to the current state of utter chaos in European security matters.

    Predictably, ISIS tried to justify the attacks by claiming that Belgium was targeted because it was "a country participating in the international coalition against the Islamic State" — despite Belgium having participated only in a limited bombing campaign in Iraq that ended nine months ago. Clearly, the Iraq campaign had nothing to do with the Brussels attacks, but served as a useful excuse because this kind of reasoning feeds into the dominant narrative in Europe, as expounded by Federica Mogherini.

    The current Western narrative represents a persistent and unfaltering refusal to examine the doctrines of Islam, out of fear of offending Muslims. This refusal is not a European phenomenon. The White House ordered a cleansing of training materials that Islamic groups deemed offensive as far back as five years ago. In 2013, the Washington Times also reported that countless experts on Islamic terrorism were banned from speaking to any U.S. government counterterrorism conferences, which include those of the FBI and the CIA. Government agencies were instead ordered to invite Muslim Brotherhood front groups.

    Western political and military establishments, as well as media and cultural elites, refuse to examine the political and military doctrines of Islam, and make them a subject of honest intellectual inquiry. When they are facing an enemy that uses these very doctrines as its reason for being, this refusal can only be described as gross malfeasance and reckless endangerment.

    The political and cultural elites regularly communicate a deep fear that the fight against terrorism, if taken too far, may compromise the very democratic values and freedoms that this fight is meant to preserve. What they ignore is the irony that, by abdicating the right freely to inquire about — and discuss — the nature of Islam, they have already compromised the most fundamental democratic value: freedom of thought, expressed by freedom of speech.

    Political Islam is indeed already very much a part of the picture in Europe, but not quite in the way Mogherini imagined it.

    The political and military doctrines of Islam — the political Islam to which Mogherini so casually refers — are codified in Islamic law, sharia, as found in the Quran and the hadiths. Unlike prevailing misconceptions on Islam, these doctrines are not, in mainstream Islam, subject to mitigating interpretations.

    The Islamic injunction to perform jihad, both violent and non-violent, seems an aspect of sharia the West refuses to internalize. CIA director John Brennan, in a 2010 speech to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, when he was deputy national security advisor for homeland security, described jihad as,

    "a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one's community, and there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women, and children."

    This is simply not true. As Dr. Majid Rafizadeh writes, the Quran is not open to interpretation:

    "The Qur'an has descended, word for word, from the creator Allah, through Muhammad. This is accepted throughout the entirety of the Islamic word… a true Muslim, who represent[s] the real Islam, should be the one who follows and obeys Allah's words (from the Qur'an) completely. As a result, anyone who ignores some of the rules is not, and cannot be, considered a reflection of Islam, a good Muslim, or even a Muslim."

    Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah Nasr, a scholar of Islamic law and graduate of Egypt's Al Azhar University, explained in November 2015 why the prestigious institution, which educates mainstream Islamic scholars, refuses to denounce ISIS as un-Islamic:

    "The Islamic State is a byproduct of Al Azhar's programs. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic? Al Azhar says there must be a caliphate and that it is an obligation for the Muslim world. Al Azhar teaches the law of apostasy and killing the apostate. Al Azhar is hostile towards religious minorities, and teaches things like not building churches, etc. Al Azhar upholds the institution of jizya [extracting tribute from religious minorities]. Al Azhar teaches stoning people. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic?"

    Yusuf al-Qaradawi is an extremely influential Islamic cleric and jurist. He is the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, president of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, and the host of a popular Al-Jazeera TV program about sharia. Qaradawi has stated that,

    "the shariah cannot be amended to conform to changing human values and standards. Rather it is the absolute norm to which all human values and conduct must conform."

    Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, also an Islamist leader, has repeatedly rejected Western attempts to portray his country as an example of "moderate Islam." He states that such a concept is "ugly and offensive; there is no moderate Islam. Islam is Islam."

    The jihadists who carry out terrorist attacks in the service of ISIS are merely following the commands in Quran 9:5, "Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them…" and Quran 8:39, "So fight them until there is no more fitna [strife] and all submit to the religion of Allah."

    Of course, not all Muslims adhere to this view of sharia. Many devout Muslims, including Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, have said they wish to reform it.

    There is, however, a persistent refusal by many in the West to acknowledge that sharia is the doctrine with which jihadists justify the war they wage on the West. This refusal is a most dangerous form of dishonesty; it has arguably already cost hundreds of lives on both American and European soil.

    Unless Islam is radically reformed, and progressive Muslims are supported in a serious way (instead of bypassed in favor of Muslim Brotherhood fronts and other questionable organizations), these kind of terrorist attacks — and worse — could well become even more common throughout the West.

    The infantile refusal of many government leaders to face the hard facts about the nature of Islam's tenets, as opposed to indulging in fanciful utopian fantasies, will not change the plans of jihadists; it will only embolden them.

    There is now speculation that the terrorist attacks in Brussels might have been revenge for the arrest of Salah Abdeslam, who was apprehended last week as a suspect in the Paris terrorist attacks of November 13, 2015. This speculation misses the point. This time, the excuse is the arrest of a high-profile terrorist; with the next attack, the excuse will be something else. There is never any shortage of things that "offend" jihadists. The heart of the matter, however, is the criminally negligent way in which European and American officials deal with the fundamental issue of the doctrines of Islam.

    In a revealing article published November 21, 2015, Teun Voten, a cultural anthropologist who lived in the Muslim majority Molenbeek district of Brussels between 2005 and 2014, asks himself how Molenbeek became the jihadi base of Europe. His answer:

    "…the most important factor is Belgium's culture of denial. The country's political debate has been dominated by a complacent progressive elite who firmly believes society can be designed and planned. Observers who point to unpleasant truths such as the high incidence of crime among Moroccan youth and violent tendencies in radical Islam are accused of being propagandists of the extreme-right, and are subsequently ignored and ostracized.


    "The debate is paralyzed by a paternalistic discourse in which radical Muslim youths are seen, above all, as victims of social and economic exclusion. They in turn internalize this frame of reference, of course, because it arouses sympathy and frees them from taking responsibility for their actions. The former Socialist mayor Philippe Moureax, who governed Molenbeek from 1992 to 2012 as his private fiefdom, perfected this culture of denial and is to a large extent responsible for the current state of affairs in the neighborhood.


    "Two journalists had already reported on the presence of radical Islamists in Molenbeek and the danger they posed — and both became victims of character assassination."

    This terror-enabling culture of willful ignorance and denial continues up until today — compounded by the lack of a central and unified security authority in Brussels. The city has 19 mayors, one for each borough assembly — as exemplified by the current mayor of Molenbeek, Françoise Schepmans.

    One month prior to the Paris attacks, Schepmans received a list "with the names and addresses of more than 80 people suspected as Islamic militants living in her area," according to the New York Times. The list was based on information from Belgium's security apparatus, and included three of the terrorists behind the Paris attacks, including Salah Abdeslam. "What was I supposed to do about them? It is not my job to track possible terrorists," Mayor Schepmans said. "That is the responsibility of the federal police."

    Federica Mogherini, the EU's de facto foreign minister (posing at left with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif) said last year, "Islam belongs in Europe…. I am not afraid to say that political Islam should be part of the picture." Françoise Schepmans (right), mayor of the Molenbeek district of Brussels, received a list with the names and addresses of over 80 suspected Islamic militants living in her area. "What was I supposed to do about them? It is not my job to track possible terrorists," she said. "That is the responsibility of the federal police."

    This lack of accountability can only exacerbate an already dire situation. Far more damning, according to reports, is that Belgian authorities had accurate advance warnings that terrorists planned to launch attacks at Brussels airport and in the subway — yet they failed to act. This extremely lax approach to security appears to be a widespread problem in the Belgian — and probably European — political and security apparatus.

    If there is to be any hope of fighting the terror threats against the West, and actually bringing public life back to a semblance of normality, at an absolute minimum the politics of willful ignorance, political correctness, and denial will have to go.

  • When Does The U.S. Stock Bubble Burst: The Best Hedge Fund Of 2016 Has A Surprising Answer

    The name of Russell Clark and his Horseman Global hedge fund are well-known to regular readers: Clark is perhaps best known not only for having run a net short book since early 2012…


    … but for being consistently profitable and successful during this period, a time when most of his “pedigree” peers have been underperforming the market and losing money hand over fist.


    In fact, based on its size, one can probably argue that Horseman Global is the most successful hedge fund of 2016, if not of the entire decade.

    His latest letter to clients can be found here.

    The reason we bring Horseman Global up is not because his latest letter is out – we will share that once we have it – but because Russell Clark has released a fascinating white paper which seeks to answer the most important question of all: not if there is a bubble – by now everyone, even the central bankers, knows we are currently living inside the biggest asset bubble in history, but when does it burst.

    This is what he says in a letter that looks at the curious relationship between peaks in the Nikkei ant the S&P500:

    “One of the curious things over the last few years, is that despite the last two bubbles in markets being mainly US centred (dot com bubble and US housing) it has been the Japan based Nikkei that has peaked 3 to 6 months before the S&P 500.”

    Here is his full letter:

    One of the curious things over the last few years, is that despite the last two bubbles in markets being mainly US centred (dot com bubble and US housing) it has been the Japan based Nikkei that has peaked 3 to 6 months before the S&P 500. The Nikkei peaked in March of 2000, while the S&P 500 rolled lower in August of that year. The Nikkei peaked in June of 2007, while the S&P 500 peaked in October of that year.

    The question is why should this be the case? Most investors would argue that the US economy is larger than Japan, and its stock markets are larger and more liquid. Theoretically, the US market should lead the Japanese markets.

    The reality is that the US does not fund itself. The US has been running a fairly consistent current account deficit since the 1980s.

    To fund this current account deficit the US has become the world’s biggest debtor. The US net international investment position was extremely positive for most of the post war period, but over the last decade has deteriorated dramatically.


    The biggest supplier for credit to the US, particular relative to GDP has been Japan which has seen its net international investment position swell tremendously over the last decade.

    My view is that the Japanese are the world’s biggest net savers and investors, and it is the movement of Japanese investments that cause the biggest moves in currencies and equities. If we convert the S&P into yen, we can see that Nikkei and S&P 500 tend to fall at the same time. That is the Nikkei and the S&P move together.

    This seems to point to yen weakness being a good indicator of equity strength, as Japanese investors sell yen and seek higher returns elsewhere. Conversely yen strength is a sign that Japanese investors are repatriating assets and global markets are likely to be weak, at least in yen terms. If this is true, the most troubling aspect of such a theory is that Bank of International Settlement (“BIS”) put the case that yen is trading still close to all-time lows on a real trade weighted basis.

    This line of thinking provides a very simple model for the performance of the Nikkei and S&P based on the value of the yen. If we assume that yen can rally to 100, we see that the Nikkei traded around 14000 the last time yen traded at 100. This model would assume the S&P would then trade somewhere between 1400 and 1600. I am very interested to see if this theory continues to work.

    * * *

    So are we.

    And there you have it: if you want to know if the US stock bubble is about to burst, just keep an eye on the hilarious if ricketty debacle that Japan’s “stock market” have become, where only the daily interventions of the BOJ keep the whole house of cards from crashing down and wiping out Japan’s economy from the face of the earth. Because if the Nikkei is unable to “keep it up” despite a historic amount of debt monetizations, ETF and REIT purchases, and negtive rates by the BOJ, the S&P 500 will follow shortly.

  • Countdown To Insolvency Begins For Chicago Pensions As State Supreme Court Rejects Reform Bid

    Last July, Cook County judge Rita Novak dealt Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel a bitter blow in his efforts to cut pension expenses.

    “A Cook County judge will rule on the legality of a 2014 pension law aimed at reforming two of Chicago’s underfunded city retirement systems,” the Illinois Policy Institute wrote, in the lead up to the crucial ruling. “While the pension law included some much-needed reforms, such as an increase in the retirement age, if upheld the law ultimately would put Chicago residents on the hook for millions of dollars of tax increases.”

    Novak’s decision came on the heels of a May ruling by the state Supreme Court which, in a unanimous decision, struck down a pension reform bid as an unconstitutional violation of benefits that are widely seen as sacrosanct. The read through from that ruling prompted Moody’s to downgrade Chicago to junk, giving the Windy City the dubious distinction of being the only major metropolitan area “in recent history” to carry such a low rating other than Detroit.

    Two months later, Novak cited the state Supreme Court’s ruling on her way to declaring Emanuel’s plan unconstitutional.

    “This principle is particularly compelling where the Supreme Court’s decision is so recent, deals with such closely parallel issues and provides crystal-clear direction on the proper interpretation of the law,” Novak wrote. “The Constitution of Illinois provides that public pensions shall not be diminished or impaired.”

    There you go. As we’ve discussed on a number of occasions, the Illinois Supreme Court’s decision has ramifications far beyond the state’s borders. “My reaction was, ‘Yeah, that’s going to play here,’ ” John D. McGinnis, a lawmaker in Pennsylvania told The New York Times last summer. Pennsylvania, The Times continued, “has also been diverting money from its pension system, setting the stage for a crisis as more and more public workers retire.”

    Essentially, what Illinois has done is set a precedent whereby efforts to reform pension plans and restore sustainability will everywhere and always be struck down. That leaves lawmakers with few options and may end up forcing officials to extend and pretend with ponzi-like schemes such as pension obligation bonds.

    In any event, Chicago made a last ditch effort to salvage the reform effort after Novak’s ruling by appealing Cook County’s decision to the State Supreme court.

    Put simply: Emanuel lost. The court deemed his plan unconstitutional.

    “These modifications to pension benefits unquestionably diminish the value of the retirement annuities the members of (the city workers and laborers funds) were promised when they joined the pension system. Accordingly, based on the plain language of the act, these annuity reducing provisions contravene the pension protection clause’s absolute prohibition against diminishment of pension benefits, and exceed the General Assembly’s authority,” the justices wrote in their opinion.

    “Emanuel tried to require city workers and laborers to increase their retirement contributions by 2.5 percentage points — to 11 percent of their wages — in phases over five years,” The Chicago Tribune writes, adding that “in exchange, the city agreed to increase its annual contributions to the pension funds by hundreds of millions of dollars a year [by] increasing fees on telephone and cellphone bills for emergency dispatch services by $1.40 a month, to $3.90, on every line billed to a city address.”

    Stephen Patton, counsel for the city, tried to make an argument that was absurd and yet completely accurate all at the same time. The changes, he said, did not diminish or impair pension benefits, rather the city’s plan “preserved and protected” them.

    As we wrote immediately after Novak’s ruling last summer, “while we certainly understand the idea that cutting pension benefits amounts a breach of the so-called ‘implicit contract’ between public sector employees and state and local governments, it seems as though workers and the courts are suffering from an acute case of myopia and denial of economic realities. Put simply: if the pension system isn’t reformed, it will run out of money and no one will get anything.”

    “A recent analysis by the Municipal Employees’ Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago concluded its assets would be depleted by 2024 if Emanuel’s pension plan failed to pass constitutional muster,” The Tribune continues. So Patton is correct. The reforms would “preserve and protect” benefits but they would of course also diminish them materially from current levels.

    The good news for taxpayers is that they’ll be off the hook in the short-term. Some $250 million the city had committed to spend to sweeten the deal for pensions that went along with the plan will no longer be needed. But over the long haul, this is a disaster. “The city faces a short-term benefit of about $89 million that’s currently in escrow that can be used to help other areas of the budget. But it will be a very hollow victory for the beneficiaries,” Civic Federation President Laurence Msall said.

    “While their contributions will diminish slightly, the condition of the funds will revert back to something that is totally unsustainable and in danger of being completely insolvent within 10 to 15 years,” he continued, before delivering the following rather dire assessment: Hundreds of millions in savings from rationalized pension benefits will be lost that will either have to be made up from reductions in city services, increased taxes or by allowing these funds to further deteriorate.”

    Of course it’s not that representatives of city employees don’t understand what the word “insolvent” means. They just don’t think it’s workers’ responsibility to figure out how to dig out of the hole. “For too long, city workers have been labeled as the problem when, in fact, we are part of the solution.,” Jeff Johnson, president of the Municipal Employees’ Society representing city workers, said. “With a modest pension of $34,000 and a high population residing in Chicago, we are the single largest tax base of any group.”

    AFSCME Council 31, the Chicago Teachers Union, the Il. Nurses Association and Teamsters Local 700 all agree. “Politicians caused the pension debt by failing to adequately fund employee retirement benefits while city employees were faithfully paying their share,” they said, in a joint statement. Here’s more color from the Chicago Sun Times:

    Earlier this week, top mayoral aides said the city’s course of action would depend largely on how Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling is worded.


    If the court gives Chicago a road map on how benefit reductions and increased contributions might be negotiated — in exchange for some other benefit chosen by the employee — then Emanuel will bring labor leaders back to the bargaining table to hammer out such an agreement.


    If the door is slammed shut and the court says there is nothing the city can do to change the benefits, then the mayor will have no choice but to find a way to pay the added costs.


    In that case, he’ll try to negotiate work-rule changes, lower break-in pay for new employees, another round of health care reforms, and other cost-saving concessions, and dedicate those savings to pensions, City Hall sources said.


    The remaining shortfall could come from raising the telephone tax. Chicago is legally authorized to raise its telephone tax to the highest rate charged by any municipality in the state. That means there’s room to grow.


    More property tax increases are unlikely, considering the fact that Emanuel just raised property taxes by $588 million for police and fire pensions and school construction and has promised to raise them by another $170 million for teacher pensions, whether or not the state does its part to help a nearly bankrupt Chicago Public School System.


    “Obviously, we would have preferred a win, but we don’t think the door is completely shut. They left the door open on collective bargaining as a possible,” said a top mayoral aide who asked to remain anonymous.


    Emanuel acknowledged that borrowing more money is “not my favorite option.” But it’s a “better option” than asking property owners to pay more at a time when Rauner’s pro-business, anti-union agenda has the state “spinning around and not doing anything,” the mayor said.

    What all of the above means is that irrespective of who’s ultimately at fault, there will be no legislating away pension benefits – even if doing so is the only realistic way for officials to ensure that state and local governments can continue to pay out any benefits at all going forward. That is, even if long-run insolvency is certain, benefits will be paid out in full up to and until the day of reckoning finally comes and it will be up to lawmakers to figure out how to rescue the system in the meantime. If that means raising taxes and/or going into further debt, then that’s what it means. 

    Obviously, this doesn’t bode well for fiscal sustainability and one can’t help but think that further downgrades from Moody’s are right around the corner. The takeaway for the rest of the country’s state and local governments: if you were considering pension reform, don’t.

    *  *  *

    Full ruling

    Illinois Supreme Court Chicago Municipal Pension

  • The Forex Rigging Irony

    While Forex banks, traders, and other institutions are being blamed for market rigging, the Swiss National Bank can publish reports about its own market rigging, but instead of being a scandal, it’s economic data.  That’s because the vast majority don’t understand how the Forex markets work.  It’s not insulting – it’s a fact.  Currently there are hundreds of pending litigation cases against a plethora of Forex banks, traders, and other institutions – but none against a central bank.  Of course it would be ridiculous to sue a central bank for market rigging – because it’s in their mandate to manipulate the market.  Of course they don’t call it manipulation, they call it ‘market operations’ and the Fed, sometimes known as ‘market intervention’ or ‘stabalization efforts.’  Anyhow, it seems strange that on the one hand, central banks manipulate their own currency via ‘market operations’ which mostly are done through commercial Forex banks, but it is the Forex banks that receive this printed money that are sued, not the central banks.

    But look from the CB perspective – what’s the point of printing money if you can’t use it to intervene in the market and prop your own currency?  

    From Fortress Capital (source: Bloomberg):

    The Swiss National Bank will probably stay on hold at its monetary policy meeting on March 17 as banks in the country are already facing pressure from negative interest rates, economists and strategists say in notes to clients.

    The fact that the euro remained broadly stable against Swiss franc after the European Central Bank meeting lessens pressure on the SNB to act this week. SNB may intervene in the forex market to stem the franc’s appreciation.

    The question in everyone’s mind now – do these central banks really know what they are doing?  I mean, is there a coordinated international policy?  A conspiracy?  A conspiracy would imply intelligence.  Who knows.  

    One perspective is to look at Forex markets from the perspective of those in power, the UHNWI, or ‘them’ – ‘they’ or ‘The Elite.’  They have all the money they can possibly have – with this money they buy power, such as politicians, countries, people, etc.  They can’t buy anything more.  So the only thing left is to ensure the status quo – or ensure as much as possible they maintain their position.  One way to do this which is more subtle, is to destroy the money supply.  By making currency worthless, or worth – less, any potential competition will be either wiped out or marginalized.  Would-be billionaires and up and coming entrepreneurs who are out there in the ‘real world’ making business, are contained.  It also affords them other opportunities, such as providing this fresh QE money to the private banks they actually own, allowing them to invest in HFT and other stat arb style investment strategies with virtually no risk, allowing them to grow their own portfolios at a level which is practically speaking, exponentially greater than the average investor.  And if their investments fail, they can always bail themselves out – or as the trend is, tax savers and bail themselves in.

    Remember, our financial system is created by rules that are constantly changing.  Just as Central Bank are created they are destroyed.  Russia being one of the newest Central Bank in the game; about 30 years old:

    The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) was established July 13, 1990 as a result of the transformation of the Russian Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR. It was accountable to theSupreme Soviet of the RSFSR. On December 2, 1990 the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR passed the Law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia), according to which the Bank of Russia has become a legal entity, the main bank of the RSFSR and was accountable to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. In June 1991, the charter was adopted by the Bank of Russia. On December 20, 1991 the State Bank of the USSR was abolished and all its assets, liabilities and property in the RSFSR were transferred to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia), which was then renamed to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia). Since 1992, the Bank of Russia began to buy and sell foreign currency on the foreign exchange market created by it, establish and publish the official exchange rates of foreign currencies against the ruble.

    If Russia can establish a new Central Bank, why can’t the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Germany?  How close are we to a hyperinflationary trap, as happened during the 19th century?

    Wildcat banking refers to the practices of banks chartered under state law during the periods of non-federally regulated state banking between 1816 and 1863 in the United States, also known as the Free Banking Era. This era, commonly described as an example of free banking, was not a period of true free banking, as banks were free of only federal regulation; banking was regulated by the states. The actual regulation of banking during this period varied from state to state.

    According to some sources, the term came from a bank in Michigan that issued private paper currency with the image of a wildcat. After the bank failed, poorly backed bank notes became known as wildcat currency, and the banks that issued them as wildcat banks.[1]However, according to others, wildcat meant a rash speculator as early as 1812, and by 1838 had been extended to any risky business venture.[2] A common conception of the wildcat bank in Westerns and like stories was of a bank that left its safe somewhat ajar for depositors to see, in which the banker would display a barrel full of nails, grain or flour with a thin sprinkling of cash on top, thus fooling depositors into thinking it was a successful bank.  The traditional view of wildcat banks describes them as distributing nearly worthless currency backed by questionable security (such as mortgages and bonds). These actions ended when note circulation by state banks was stopped after the passage of the National Bank Act of 1863. Mark Twain, in his autobiography, refers to the use of such currency in 1853, “The firm paid my wages in wildcat money at its face value”.

    Certainly, our current system is better that which was used during the “Free Banking Era” because the fiat money today is NOT “worthless currency” – but Central Banks such as the SNB (Swiss National Bank) certainly are trying hard to make it such!

    Forex isn’t just a money market, it’s the underpinning of all other markets (i.e. you sell your stocks for US Dollars).  Learn more about Forex with Splitting Pennies – Understanding Forex – the book.

  • 3 Things: 80% Or Bust, Mind The Gap, It’s A Bunny

    Submitted by Lance Roberts via,

    80% Or Bust

    Not surprisingly, the recent sharp reflexive rally has brought the bulls out in full force as noted by a recent comment on my post earlier this week on “4% From The Highs:”

    “…by the time you get confirmation with the long term indicators above, you will miss out on 20 to 30% of the rally.”

    It’s a fair point if you are a short-term trader looking to time the market. I’m not. As a long-term investor, and specifically as a manager of “other people’s money,” I am much more concerned with the specific inflection points where market dynamics change from a generally positive trend, to a negative one.

    Yes, I will most definitely miss both the bottom and the top of markets. As shown in the chart below, the technical indications of a change in trend are slow to occur. However, I am only really concerned with capturing, or missing, the 80% between the tops and bottoms of major market cycles.


    Further, the majority of the “Best-10” and “Worst-10” days are contained primarily within those 80% spans.


    So, yes, I am absolutely going to be “wrong” at the tops of markets and at the bottoms while I await confirmation of a longer-term “trend” to emerge. For those that are inherently “bullish” who choose “hope” over what prices are “actually” doing, the historical outcomes have been brutal, to say the least.

    As I have said before, my methodologies are my own. They are not new ideas. They are not innovative. They are simply the lessons I have been repeatedly taught over the last 30-years of managing money. If the markets reverse the current long-term sell signals, I will happily put a lot more money to work. Until then, I will wait rather than trying to “draw to an inside straight.” 

    Think about it this way – if betting in the markets was really the way to build wealth, wouldn’t the vast majority of Americans be wealthy versus just the top 1%? Just a thought.

    Mind The Gap

    I have discussed the problems with earnings and earnings estimates in the past stating:

    “In a 2010 study, by the McKinsey Group, they found that analysts have been persistently overly optimistic for 25 years. During the 25-year time frame, Wall Street analysts pegged earnings growth at 10-12% a year. Unfortunately, earnings only grew at 6% which, as we have discussed in the past, is the growth rate of the economy.”


    “The McKenzie study also noted that on average “analysts’ forecasts have been almost 100% too high” which leads investors to make much more aggressive bets on the financial markets. “

    My friend Salil Mehta from Statistical Ideas recently published a great piece on this issue.

    “The gap between the 2016 forecasts and the YTD returns through January is 13% (8% target minus the -5% YTD). Annual returns have a nearly 20% standard deviation (or 19% if you only look from the end of January onward). So it is still plausible — though rather unlikely, with only a one in five probability — to reach the 8% target gain for 2016. (For statistics wonks, the test statistic decomposes the 13% gap to a ~9% move in addition to the typical 4.5% annualized return, and then factors in a 19% standard deviation.) Now that we are further into the year (mid-March), euphoria and complacency are back to extreme market top levels.


    It’s also worth noting that strategists at major firms are consistently bullish, year after year. The sources of the most optimistic prognostications also don’t change. Sorted from most to least bullish, they are Federated Investors, JP Morgan, Prudential, Bank of America, and Columbia.”


    “In the table below, two pieces of information averaged among the 10 firms listed above are presented:

    1. The difference between the target and the January YTD returns.
    2. The rest of the year returns.”


    “If these analyst forecasts were mostly in the right direction, you would expect a positive linear relationship between 1 and 2. Regrettably, there is a negative relationship instead. Never mind that the market continued its drop in February, even after the revised forecasts, and the rebound leaves the market still below many firm’s 2016, 2015, and even 2014 targets!


    In other words, the larger the gap in January between the YTD returns and the year-end target, the more unlikely the chance the market will recover to the target by the year’s end.


    Think about this: For 2016, the 13% gap noted earlier (after the standardization adjustment) is the largest gap among this data.”

    As Salil concludes. “That’s not a good omen.”

    It’s A Bunny

    Since it is Easter, I will leave you with a story about a bunny.

    James Paulsen, Chief Investment Strategist for Wells Capital Management, recently penned an excellent piece with respect to the ongoing “bull/bear” debate.

    “The accompanying exhibit illustrates the U.S. stock market since WWII with recessions shown by the grey bars. In the last two expansions (during the 1990s and again in the 2000s), the stock market was uninterrupted by a bear market posting solid and steady returns until the economic recovery ended with a recession. So far, despite some volatility in 2011, this has also characterized the contemporary bull market. Without a bunny market in more than 20 years (as shown in Exhibit 1, the last bunny market was in the mid-1990s), most investors currently seem to accept that either the bull market will soon resume or we are nearing the end of this expansion. Since there has not been one in some time, few consider that stocks could simply be headed for another bunny market.”


    Most bunny markets occur in the latter part of an economic recovery. Stocks initially recover aggressively after a recession. However, as the recovery matures, cost-push pressures, inflation, and higher interest rates begin to pressure the bull market. This often resolves into a bunny market for the balance of many economic recoveries.

    I have modified his chart to notate both secular bull and bear market periods. During secular bear markets, as we most likely currently remain in, volatility swings and prices declines are substantially larger than during secular bull market periods. This elevates the risk of emotionally driven investment mistakes during periods of markedly higher volatility which leads to lower rates of investor returns longer term.

    Just some things to think about.

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Today’s News 24th March 2016


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  • China Sends Fed A Warning: Devalues Yuan By Most In 2 Months

    With the USD Index stretching to its longest winning streak of the year, jawboned by numerous Fed speakers explaining how April is ‘live’ (and everyone misunderstood the dovishness of Yellen), it appears that The PBOC wanted to send a message to The Fed – Raise rates and we will unleash turmoil on your ‘wealth creation’ plan. Large unexpected Yuan drops have rippled through markets in recent months spoiling the party for many and tonight, by devaluing the Yuan fix by the most since January 7th, China made it clear that it really does not want The Fed to hike rates and cause a liquidity suck-out again.


    The last 4 days have seen nearly a 1% devaluation in the Yuan fix with today’s drop the biggest in over 2 months…


    And while everyone is quietly commenting on how “stable” the Yuan has been this year, the truth is that is only the case against the USD, the Yuan basket has been consistently devaluing since PBOC admitted it was more focused on that than the USD only…


    The last time they sent a message, The Fed rapidly acquiesced and decided a rate hike was inadvisable due to global market turmoil… we wonder what happens this time.

  • The Reasons Why People Hate Cultural Marxists

    Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

    A common misconception in America today is that our nation is evenly divided between conservatives and liberals in an absolute sense. This is not necessarily true.

    Though national elections always seem to progress along a 51 percent to 49 percent opposition, with red states barely beating our blue states or blue states barely beating out red states, this is not a practical representation of the legitimate ideological boundaries within the U.S.  What you really have in America is a wide spectrum of beliefs of varying degrees in-between ultimate extremes. I am of course referring to the general public in this respect.

    The top of the political pyramid is a different story entirely. For them there are no sides whatsoever. Top Republicans and top Democrats are essentially the same animal with the same goals. They may wear different masks and exploit diverging rhetoric, but at the end of the day for elitists, America is a one-party system.

    For the rest of us there is a hazy drift, with many people holding some views that lean conservative and other views that lean liberal.

    Unfortunately, “moderates” do very little to direct the future of nations. Nearly all great changes and great upheavals are initiated by the elites themselves (extremists in their own right) or by smaller groups on opposite ends of the spectrum (which are often manipulated by elitists). At the very far reaches of the void of the left and liberalism festers what I would call a sociopolitical theology; the cult of cultural Marxism.

    If you are confused as to what cultural Marxism really is I highly suggest you research as much as possible into the Frankfurt School founded by Marxist professors and academics in Germany during the 1920s and the early 1930s. The basic foundation of the Frankfurt School was to take the collectivist philosophy of Karl Marx, which revolved primarily around economic class structure, and apply it in a more sociological manner utilizing Hegelian dynamics.

    The Frankfurt School sought to explore “class oppression” not only between the rich and the poor, the workers and the aristocracy, but also in aspect to races, religions, families, genders, behavioral psychology, etc. That is to say, the Marxists of the Frankfurt School were looking for new methods to divide and conquer existing societies and nations beyond simple economic conflicts.

    After the rise of fascism in Germany, numerous members of the Frankfurt School fled to the U.S., bringing their ideological framework with them and applying it in U.S. universities and academic circles.

    One of the primary character traits or strategies of cultural Marxists today is that they rarely if ever actually self-identify as cultural Marxists. This strategy allows them to change their colors on a whim, like a chameleon, and it prevents opponents from pinning down their world view in order to present a solid argument against them. It also allows them to disassociate from past cultural Marxists with negative reputations while holding the same beliefs as those historical figures.

    The cultural Marxist denies he is a cultural Marxist, then he goes on to argue an ideology which perfectly matches what cultural Marxists have historically believed.

    This is only one of the many reasons why most people, conservatives and moderate liberals alike, distrust and even despise cultural Marxists. The pervasive weakness among cultural Marxists in America is that they tend to believe their own propaganda. They think that they are an actual social force in this country with the numbers and support to back their activities. They fell into this delusion because for a time they have been effective at infiltrating popular media and generating a false consensus, not to mention organizing public and online mobs to be used as a weapon against others. They seem to be everywhere, yet they are few.

    Lately, though, the illusion of numbers is beginning to collapse for them. Masses of people, even those that identify with the “Left”, are beginning to disown what are often referred to as “social justice warriors” (cultural Marxists) and are speaking out. Here is a list of reasons why the public is shifting and the tide is turning against social justice and cultural Marxists.

    Third Wave Feminism

    Cultural Marxists are collectivists at their very core. This means that their ideological pursuit is the eradication of individualism, individual liberty, and groups based on voluntary participation in the name of the “greater good of the greater number.”  Collectivists seek to centralize everything.  This goal could not be more evident than in the efforts of third-wave feminists.

    Third-wave feminists are best understood through the lens of what they refer to as “intersectionality,” a made up social justice term that whitewashes the new feminist strategy of co-opting ALL other social issues and forcing them under the umbrella of the feminist movement. Feminism is not simply about creating equal opportunity and equal rights for women, not anymore. Instead, third-wave feminism claims dominion over women’s rights, all gender related issues, race issues, gay rights issues, economic “inequality”, immigration issues, etc.

    Of course, if you believe in working for equal rights of all people regardless of their individual and ethnic traits, you would be called an egalitarian by definition, not a feminist. But feminists attack this distinction and continue to demand that they are the sole proprietors of “equality” and claim all other methodologies are irrelevant.

    This kind of totalitarianism has provoked a growing backlash against feminists, even from more left leaning subsections of the American population.  People are beginning to realize that there really is no need for feminism anymore. Women already have equal protection under the law, and they already have equal opportunity.

    In fact, in many sectors women are given considerable advantages over men. Women are given greater favor in college applications and grant applications which is why women today outnumber men in universities. Women are often given favor in job applications, even in professions which men are more inclined to succeed in (like firefighting, for example); this bias in favor of women by employers is often inspired by government incentives and by a fear of civil suits. Women have far more institutionalized advantages in divorce court, and, women are more likely to receive reduced sentences for the same crime as a man.

    The most common lie used by feminists to argue for the existence of inequality is the “gender pay gap,” which has long been debunked. A woman who works the same exact job as a man with the same effort and diligence, for the same exact hours, and does not take maternity leave or extra vacations is paid the SAME as that man. And if for some reason there is something amiss in the accounting, there are laws in place to punish employers that do actually pay women less for the same work. There is no gender pay gap except what women create for themselves through their own life choices.

    Since women have the same rights and protections as men today, feminists are forced to create oppression out of thin air to then fight against.  The new battlefield for feminists and social justice warriors is about "feelings" rather than law.  That is to say, feminists believe that personal feelings should be protected by law and that contrary or discriminatory thought must be criminalized.  Of course, the definition of criminal discrimination is left rather broad.  Ultimately, it is the feminists and their allies in government that arbitrarily decide what thoughts are "bad" and what thoughts are acceptable.

    The feminist movement must co-opt and absorb other groups and other issues and it must create exponentially more divisions and imaginary oppression in order to justify its existence. They will never stop. There will never come a day when feminists are satisfied because their goal is not equality. Their goal is social power, and to maintain social power indefinitely.

    Mob Shaming And Self Censorship

    Cultural Marxists will use any tool at their disposal to shut down or silence dissent, but they prefer to use mob tactics and public shaming as their bread and butter. Get enough of your cohorts together in an organized attack and the illusion of consensus becomes powerful leverage.

    There are numerous instances of accomplished people being railroaded out of their jobs in the past few years by cultural Marxist mobs, and numerous people harassed into self censorship for fear of being labeled a sexist, misogynist, racist, bigot, xenophobe, homophobe, etc. This tactic, though, has been so overused that it is now losing its effectiveness. There is a growing movement of people who no longer care what they are labeled by cultural Marxists and when the mob no longer has shaming as a tool, they can only move on to more “direct” actions.

    Physical Interference With Freedom Of Speech

    Now that the shaming techniques are becoming passé, cultural Marxists are attempting to physically disrupt discussion or silence opposing views. From the notorious social justice mob at the University of Missouri, which called for “some muscle over here,” to forcefully remove student journalists covering the protest, to feminist mobs shutting down conferences on men’s issues, to the professional agitators bused in to disrupt Trump rallies, cultural Marxists are beginning to physically impede the rights of other people to speak, or listen and participate.

    How do they rationalize this anti-1st Amendment activity?  Easy!  They simply argue that it is THEIR 1st Amendment right to disrupt YOUR 1st Amendment rights, even if you are in a public space.  This is the kind of circular insanity that leads directly to Stalinist or Maoist totalitarianism.

    I’m sure that many people are also familiar with the heightened number of incidences in recent weeks of these same cultural Marxists being beaten up in response to their strategy. Expect this to continue and expect reactions to social justice mobs to become even more violent as we get closer to election time.

    Reverse Racism

    My favorite hypocritical claim from cultural Marxists is that there is no such thing as reverse racism. Meaning, a black or Hispanic or Asian person, etc., cannot be racist towards a white person. How is this possible? They assert that racism requires institutionalized “advantage” or “privilege.” Only white people can be racist because we have all the “privilege” and institutional protection.

    Of course, bringing up the fact that the president of the United States is a black man does not seem to matter. The so called “patriarchy” reigns supreme, and the patriarchy is white.

    If you think that reverse racism is not a real issue, then you might want to take a gander at this little debate at Harvard, in which the main argument by a Black Lives Matter activist was “white people do not have a right to life” (be sure to check out the links included with the video which affirm that this was not simply a debater “playing devil’s advocate”).


    So, here is where cultural Marxism always goes wrong, or right, depending on who is benefiting. Communist movements like cultural Marxism, have a fantastic knack for eliciting fascist responses and driving otherwise even-handed people into the arms of fascist governments. It happened in Germany, Spain and Italy before World War II, and it could very well happen again in America today.

    The debaters argue against the right to life of an entire ethnic group (white people), because they claim that white people have abused their privileges to exploit or oppress other groups.

    First, like all collectivists, they have completely disregarded individual liberty and inherent conscience. All white people are presented as a singular group (which they are not), and all white people are presented as guilty for crimes which can be attributed to any other ethnic group at any other point in history as well. All white people are accused of having “privileges” beyond that of other ethnic groups, but no proof of this privilege is ever presented; it is just treated as a given fact.

    Second, these cultural Marxists foolishly do not take into account that if they want to promote the extreme side of communism to support their views others could just as easily take the opposing extreme in response. What would a fascist say to the Harvard debater’s arguments?

    A fascist might argue the other side of the coin — that all other ethnic groups suffer oppression because they are “inferior,” “weak” or “intellectually inadequate.” A fascist would probably assert that the weak survive only by the good graces of the strong, and that only the strong have a “right to life.” A fascist would argue that all groups that are so easily oppressed should be exterminated to make room for the strong.

    This argument is just as absurd as the argument presented at Harvard because it completely overlooks the fact that individuals have a right to life, period. Being part of an ethnic group is not a crime in itself, but cultural Marxists would like white people in particular to ignore their individualism and believe they are defined only by their color and that they should feel guilty by association.  This is the epitome of racism.

    Black Lives Matter

    Yes, black lives do matter, just as all lives matter. But as the Harvard debater above argues, certain ethnic groups matter “more” because they are supposedly more oppressed.

    The classic tactic of cultural Marxists is to create new divisions or to exacerbate existing divisions in order to destabilize a society. Once a society is broken, it can then be rebuilt according the vision of a select few. One of the best methods of causing division is to exploit cultural differences based on obvious separations.

    People do tend to separate more according to skin color and ethnicity. This is a tale as old as time. Is it wrong? Not necessarily. Ethnic groups develop their own belief systems, their own values and principles, and though many human beings share archetypal similarities and inherent conscience regardless of the time and place they were born, they still have anthropological discourse.

    It is very easy to pit one ethnic group against another if the right pressure is applied. Black lives matter is nothing more than an effort by cultural Marxists to capitalize on race tensions and make them far worse through agitation.

    Forced Multiculturalism

    As stated above, different ethnic groups can have different priorities. The concept of freedom is inherent in the human psyche from birth, but numerous cultures are structured around suppressing that human desire and need. These cultures cannot be reconciled with cultures that do respect individual liberty. There are many other important differences that cause clashes between cultures, but freedom vs. collectivism is the most explosive.

    Cultural Marxists certainly have no respect for freedom. Their only concern is artificial “equality,” because forced equality makes collectivism possible. This often means grinding down the best the world has to offer to match it with the worst the world has to offer.

    Multiculturalism is really just a mechanism by which failed and unstable cultures are aggressively injected into more stable societies in order to disrupt and then homogenize them. Europe is now experiencing this in unprecedented fashion, and the U.S. has been dealing with it incrementally for decades.

    Multiculturalism is of course a nice way of describing the Cloward-Piven Strategy, a strategy designed by cultural Marxists to deliberately undermine economic and social systems. The use of Islamic refugees as a battering ram against Western society is a perfect summation of this strategy.

    Islamic culture abiding by Sharia Law and unfamiliar with Western traditions and beliefs is completely incompatible with European and American civilization. It is one thing for Islamic culture to exist with respect to Western values, it is another thing for Islamic culture to supplant Western values.

    The process of forced multiculturalism is driving large portions of the EU and America to become violently opposed to cultural Marxists. I fear that this is leading to irreconcilable division to the point of war, just as what took place during the last Great Depression. And, as I pointed out at the beginning of this article, cultural Marxists are a tiny minority, a paper tiger posing as the real thing. If they do not stop with their incessant subversion and cultism they will end up being the first to pay the price. The rest of us will pay later.

  • Why Oil Prices Are About To Plunge Again: 31 Million Barrels In Floating Storage Are Coming On Shore

    One week ago, we wrote that as a result of the collapsing crude contango, oil tankers (such as the fully loaded Distya Akula which has been on anchor in the Suez Canal for one month unable to find a buyer for its cargo so it continues to wait) “will soon have to unload their cargo”, in the process flooding the already oversupplied market with millions of barrels of crude oil, thus pushing the price of oil far lower. But how many millions of barrels, and how much lower will the price of oil go?

    For the answer we go to Deutsche Bank’s Michael Huseh, who has done the calculations to get the answer.

    What he finds is that since the start of 2014, global floating storage inventory has ranged between 80 and 180 million barrels (Figure 1). According to estimates of the global VLCC fleet at the end of 2014, the potential storage capacity is implied to be 1169 million barrels. Adding Suezmax  vessels would add 528 million barrels of capacity.

    After touching 186 million barrels in early March, inventories have begun to decline once more. Since the start of 2015, one can identify both periods when builds in floating storage have been associated with rising Brent prices, and also periods when draws in floating storage have been associated with falling Brent prices (Figure 2). Since the Arabian Gulf has represented much of the variability in floating storage inventory, one can also measure the incentives to add or withdraw from storage using Arabian Gulf tanker rates.

    South East Asia would be another valid candidate to measure economics, as floating storage inventories in that region have moved in a very similar fashion (Figure 3).


    As we discussed recently, as a result of a recent surge in hedging activity in the front-end of the strip, absent a dramatic collapse in spot prices, the contango is now so low as to make offshore storage no longer economical. Specifically, based on the all-in cost of operating tanker storage (dirty VLCC tanker day rates, financing, transit and transfer loss, insurance and bunkers, Figure 5), the current storage cost is too high relative to the steepness of the Brent forward curve. This means that prices do not justify inventory build, but rather gradual inventory drawdown as existing storage trades are unwound.


    What is the current prevalent duration of booked offshore storage? A comparison of the historical profitability of storage trades of varying lengths indicates that even at the most extreme instances of contango in the last two years, the Brent forward curve is only steep enough over the first 2 to 6 months to justify the floating storage trade. Comparing the trade economics over a one-month horizon (Figure 4) and over a six-month horizon (Figure 6) shows the relative unattractiveness of the six-month trade. We use the second month Brent contract owing to discontinuities in the pricing of the rolling first month contract. Thus we would expect that floating storage trades begun in late January or early February would be unwound by July or August.

    As DB calculated, comparing the current level of floating storage (157.3 million barrels) versus that in early February (126.6 million barrels), there may be an additional 31 million barrels of inventory to be drawn down between now and the next inventory trough over the next several months. Depending on the duration of drawdown (three months or six months) this could mean anywhere from 165-330 kb/d of incremental supply.

    So how, according to DB, should one trade this imminent surge in incremental supply?

    A tactical short position in Brent may benefit from the contango roll yield which over the first six months of the curve is an annualized 14%. Over the first year of the Brent curve, the roll yield is 11.9% p.a., and to provide an extreme comparison, the roll yield over the first six years of the curve is only 5.3% p.a. In other words, in a flat oil price scenario the contango roll yield for a short position would still provide positive returns if the curve structure remains static. In an upside oil-price scenario, the six-month forward contract should rise slower than the spot price.

    Long WTI-Brent may be a viable alternative: because positioning in Brent is more clearly extended than NYMEX positioning in WTI, and also because US refineries returning from maintenance may add an incremental 717 kb/d of refinery crude demand between now and June, we believe WTI may be better supported than Brent. Brent net long non commercial positions rose to 164 thousand contracts in the week ending 15March, which is just below the 2015 high of 166 thousand contracts, although still some way below the 2014 high of 195 thousand contracts.

    In WTI positioning on NYMEX however, net long non commercial positions stand at 331 thousand contracts, only 69% of the record high of 480 thousand contracts in June 2014. Therefore an alternative to selling Brent outright may be a long position on the WTI-Brent spread.

    * * *

    Of course, if DB’s calculations are correct, and if over the next three months 20% of the total 157 million barrels in offshore inventory are set to come onshore, not only will underlying prices slide, but higher beta assets, such as energy equities but mostly junk bonds due to their record high correlation with energy prices as we showed before…

    … the best trade may be to either sell cash bonds or, if one can find them in this illiquid market in which even the ECB is now actively involved in bond purchases, simply buy junk bond CDS.

    Because between the surge in recent hedging, the collapsing contango, the failure of supply to decline, the failure of demand to increase, there is only one thing the price of crude oil can do: tumble, no matter how many flashing red “OPEC meeting” headlines Bloomberg blasts at idiot headline-scanning algos.

  • Is It Government Or Oligarchs?

    Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,


    I am a capitalist and what we have today is the least efficient form of capitalism. Actually it is quite a destructive and dangerous form of capitalism when the concentration of power reaches this level. I think that in all these years that I thought we were talking about different things, maybe we were not. You call big government what I call plutocrats controlling government. You were blaming governments, I was blaming plutocrats that we let become soo big and powerful that can buy any government…


    Yet maybe we are not that far off.


    …In any case… one question that I would love to ask you… how do you think we are going to fix the problem with the power structure? What I call the power structure is not the legitimate power structure, but the mix of oligarchs and corrupt government working as one cancerogenous entity. I do not see any reasonable way to fix it…?






    I think what you have to understand is that our structure of government being a republic rather than a democracy invites oligarchy.

    There has never been a single republic that has ever proven to work. The mixture of money and power always becomes lethal. This is why I blame government, not the oligarchs. They could not buy politicians if they were not (1) career lifetime politicians, and (2) all-powerful law creators.

    Taxes and regulations become the incentive for the oligarchs to buy government. If we eliminate taxes and career politicians, we will solve most of the problem.

    We then must eliminate socialism, which at its core is predicated upon the foundation of Marxism that advocates government possessing power by insisting it could alter society by regulation. This serves as a fundamental pillar for taxation. It has also transformed government into the adversary of the people stemming from PUNISHMENT rather than from the concept of cooperation and respect for the people.

    Philadelphia is trying to introduce a 3 cent tax per ounce of soda. The excuse is that sugar is bad for you, and they have only the best interests in mind for society. They expect to get almost $100 million annually from this tax. Why outlaw something that will make them money? So if it’s bad for you, go ahead, but pay them for that privilege. Philadelphia is dead broke and has a 22.5% tax on parking and 8.5% tax on hotels. They have chased everyone out. They want income tax for money earned in the city even if you just hold a conference there. This latest soda tax means a 2-liter bottle of soda that typically costs $1.50 would amount to $2.04 with taxes, which is more than the cost of the actual bottle. The cost of a 12-pack of soda would nearly double to more than $8. This is the same thing with all this global warming.

    Governments use this as the excuse to tax you for your own good. The money does nothing but line the pockets of politicians. In the case of Philadelphia, citizens will shop in the suburbs to avoid the tax. To appease the oligarchs, the Feds created carbon credits that can then be sold to others who do pollute. It’s all about the money.


    We simply have to admit that regulation does not work when used in such a manner that has covert revenue agendas. Other types of regulation such as outlawing prostitution are pointless when all they do is create a tax-free underground industry that leads to exploitation and kidnapping. Making drugs illegal funds crime just as prohibition funded the Mafia. Passing a law against murder does not prevent murder. There are things that are simply inherent within human nature that you cannot make a law and rationally expect it to stop.

    There have been crazy people throughout history. Putting in background checks to sell guns is a deterrent, but it will not stop a crazy person from being crazy. If they wanted to kill someone, a knife will suffice. Outlawing gay marriage will not stop the same sex from living together. The whole problem was simply that we imposed all sorts of regulations to marriage such as preventing someone from inheriting property if not married or having permission to be at the bedside of a dying person unless they are family. At the border for taxes, they do not care if you are married. If you travel with someone else, the $10,000 limit applies to the both of you, because if you have $15,000 and give half to the other person they look at you as a couple regardless of sex or marriage status. This all becomes a convoluted regulation that is hell-bent on collecting money, which then disturbs the religious viewpoint of others. Yet, if we detach the regulations to marriage then it really does not matter. It always comes down to money and power.

    So what we have to understand is that eliminating career politicians will eliminate much of the corruption. Eliminate the power to regulate pretended circumstances and you eliminate the need to buy government in some shape or manner. It has long been said that God created the Ten Commandments, and man has created 1 billion laws trying to say the same thing. Murder is murder, regardless if it is a policeman killing a citizen by shooting them in the back as they are running. The Roman Emperor Julian II (360-363 AD) may have been one of the most honorable men in history. He declared that no one was above the law, including himself. Any law enacted had to apply to everyone including the emperor. They killed him rather quickly and the assassin was never caught.

  • Peak Hypocrisy: Rockefeller Fund Divests Fossil Fuels, Says Exxon Is "Morally Reprehensible"

    The winner of today’s “peak irony”, or rather hypocrisy, award is easy: it goes to the Rockefeller Family Fund, a charity which exists only thanks to John D. Rockefeller’s creation of the Standard Oil carbon-spewing behemoth (a predecessor to today’s ExxonMobil) which over the past century has created billions in profits for the Rockefeller family and billions in tons of CO2 emissions, “proudly announcing” this morning that it intends to sell all fossil fuel exposure, and that it would “eliminate holdings” of ExxonMobil because the oil company associated with the family fortune has “worked since the 1980s to confuse the public about climate change.

    The U.S.-based charity will also divest its coal and Canadian oil sands holdings.

    This striking move is the result of the Fund’s “green” metamorphosis. According to the charity, given the threat posed to the survival of human and natural ecosystems, “there is no sane rationale for companies to continue to explore for new sources of hydrocarbons.”

    Oh, now they tell us.

    In response to the divestment movement, many oil industry leaders have argued that millions of people in the developing world would be condemned to darkness and poverty if society halted the burning of fossil fuels anytime in the next several decades, before there is an ample supply of cleaner energy sources. And considering the price of oil is so cheap currently that the research and development of so-called alternative, or clean sources of energy is completely uneconomical, it means that the kind, liberal folks over at the Rockefeller foundation would rather see Africa in the dark than suffer the immoral indignity of even a few more grams of CO2 emissions.

    Today’s move follows the launch last November by New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman of an investigation into whether Exxon misled the public and shareholders about the risks of climate change. At the time, the company said it has included information about the business risk of climate change for many years in its quarterly filings, corporate citizenship report and in other reports to shareholders.

    Exxon Chief Executive Officer Rex Tillerson has openly talked about the reality of climate change. The company has said it has constructively contributed to climate research for years.

    As early as 2008, members of the Rockefeller family called on Exxon to make governance changes and increase spending on alternative fuels. And then, in late 2014, another fund associated with the family, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), and several other philanthropies and non-governmental organizations said they would divest from fossil fuel-related investments.

    Here is the best part: this whole “divestment” is nothing more than theater. This specific endowment runs a tiny $130 million in total assets. As for Exxon, its shares were down 0.4% on the day, less than the drop of the broader market.

    So here is the real question: will the Rockefellers divest of their full energy holdings, kept in blind, family, and various other (offshore of course – nobody wants to pay taxes, not even green liberals) unknown trusts, due to their disgust with the “morally reprehensible” company created by their ancestor?  The answer: of course not.

    * * *

    Here is the full Rockefeller Family Fund statement:

    The Rockefeller Family Fund is proud to announce its intent to divest from fossil fuels. The process will be completed as quickly as possible, as we work around the complications of modern finance, which is increasingly dominated by alternative investments and hedge funds.

    While the global community works to eliminate the use of fossil fuels, it makes little sense—financially or ethically—to continue holding investments in these companies. There is no sane rationale for companies to continue to explore for new sources of hydrocarbons. The science and intent enunciated by the Paris agreement cannot be more clear: far from finding additional sources of fossil fuels, we must keep most of the already discovered reserves in the ground if there is any hope for human and natural ecosystems to survive and thrive in the decades ahead.

    We would be remiss if we failed to focus on what we believe to be the morally reprehensible conduct on the part of ExxonMobil. Evidence appears to suggest that the company worked since the 1980s to confuse the public about climate change’s march, while simultaneously spending millions to fortify its own infrastructure against climate change’s destructive consequences and track new exploration opportunities as the Arctic’s ice receded. Appropriate authorities will determine if the company violated any laws, but as a matter of good governance, we cannot be associated with a company exhibiting such apparent contempt for the public interest.

    To operationalize this decision, the Board has instructed its advisors, effective immediately, to eliminate holdings of ExxonMobil, and all coal, and tar sands-based companies outside the portions of the portfolio managed by third parties, and to keep exposures for these three categories of investment below 1 percent across the entire portfolio. The Family Fund’s Finance Committee will soon be entering the second phase of its divestment work, which will entail seeking suitable alternatives to certain commingled funds now held. The field of Socially Responsible Investing is dynamic and growing and we are confident that a variety of options will soon emerge for mid-sized endowments such as ours.

    Needless to say, the Rockefeller family has had a long and profitable history investing in the oil industry, including ExxonMobil. These are not decisions, therefore, that have been taken lightly or without much consideration of their import. But history moves on, as it must. Indeed, it is past time for all people of good will to do everything in their collective power to make our new path one that recognizes the deep interdependence between humanity’s future and the health of our natural systems.

  • 7 Strange Questions About The Brussels Terror Attacks That The Mainstream Media Is Not Asking

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

    The horrific terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium on March 22, 2016 are going to reverberate in our memories for years to come, and perhaps that was the intention.  Terror attacks are designed to create fear and to get attention, and these attacks have definitely done both.  On Tuesday morning, two huge explosions ripped through Zaventem Airport in Brussels as travelers were getting ready to board their morning flights.  You can view some raw footage of one of the bomb blasts right here.  Just a short while later, another huge explosion was reported at a metro station just yards away from the European Commission headquarters.  At this point, CNN says that at least 30 people have died and about 230 people are wounded as a result of these bombings.  But what was the real motive for these attacks?  The following are 7 strange questions about the Brussels terror attacks that the mainstream media is not asking…

    #1 Why would Brussels be such a prime target for terror attacks? 

    Most Americans don’t understand how important the city of Brussels is.  For one thing, it is the headquarters of the NATO alliance, and defense ministers from 49 different nations met there last month to discuss a potential ground invasion of Syria.

    Secondly, it is also the unofficial capital of the European Union.  The following comes from Wikipedia

    “The European Union has no official capital, and no plans to declare one, but Brussels hosts the official seats of the European Commission, Council of the European Union, and European Council, as well as a seat (officially the second seat but de facto the most important one) of the European Parliament.”

    Over the years Brussels has become a key symbol for European integration, so if you wanted to conduct an attack that the entire European Union would feel, Brussels would be a good choice.  And many European leaders are already coming out and declaring that the attack on Brussels was an attack on Europe as a whole

    French President Francois Hollande said Tuesday’s attacks in Brussels that killed at least 26 people struck at “the whole of Europe”.


    “Through the attacks in Brussels, the whole of Europe has been hit,” Hollande said in a statement, urging the continent to take “vital steps in the face of the seriousness of the threat”.


    French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said: “We are at war. Over the past few months in Europe, we have endured several acts of war.”

    #2 Was Donald Trump right about Brussels?

    During an interview with Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo earlier this year, Donald Trump specifically pointed to Brussels as an example of what he wanted to avoid in this country…

    The Republican presidential front-runner said Brussels, the capital of Belgium, had been particularly transformed. Belgium has been home to a number of recent terror plots, and was linked to the November attack on Paris, France, that left 130 people dead.


    You go to Brussels — I was in Brussels a long time ago, 20 years ago, so beautiful, everything is so beautiful — it’s like living in a hellhole right now,” Trump continued. “You go to these different places. There is something going on.”

    #3 Why are there some Islamic ghettos in Brussels that are considered to be “off-limits” for non-Muslims?

    Of course this is not just true in Brussels.  All over Europe there are sections of major cities that have been completely and totally taken over by radical Muslims.  In Belgium, the rapid growth of the Islamic community has some politicians dreaming of turning that nation into a Sharia-compliant country within just a couple of decades.  The following comes from Infowars

    These ghettos, which are in fact large areas of Brussels, are considered off-limits to Europeans and radical Muslims will likely comprise the majority of the population within 20 years.


    “I think we have to sensitize people, make them understand the advantages to having Islamic people and Islamic laws, and then it will be completely natural to have Islamic laws and we will become an Islamic state,” a Muslim politician from Brussels, Redouane Ahrouch, said to a reporter in 2012. “In Belgium, of course!”


    “I am for the Sharia. Islamic law, I am for it. It is a long-term struggle that will take decades or a century, but the movement has been launched.”

    #4 Does 3/22 have special occult significance?

    There are some people out there that are suggesting that it was no accident that these attacks happened on 3/22.  And without a doubt, we have seen other events of this nature fall on dates that have special significance for the occult.  I do not know exactly what to make of all of this, but we do know that 322 is extremely significant to the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University (of which George W. Bush and John Kerry are members)…

    Skull And Bones 322

    #5 Why did Barack Obama spend less than a minute talking about the terror attacks in Brussels during his speech down in Cuba?

    You would think that something this historic would deserve more than 51 seconds, but this is precisely the kind of behavior that we have come to expect from Obama over the years.

    #6 Is it odd that the mainstream media so quickly reported that ISIS took full responsibility for these attacks?

    It is entirely possible that ISIS was behind these attacks.  But it is also entirely possible that these attacks are being blamed on ISIS by other parties with ulterior motives.

    What we do know is that a “bulletin” supposedly from the Islamic State was posted on Tuesday which took full responsibility for the bombings.  The following comes from WND

    “Islamic State fighters carried out a series of bombings with explosive belts and devices on Tuesday, targeting an airport and a central metro station in the center of the Belgian capital, Brussels, a country participating in the coalition against the Islamic State,” the bulletin said. “Islamic State fighters opened fire inside the Zaventem airport, before several of them detonated their explosive belts, as a martyrdom bomber detonated his explosive belt in the Maelbeek metro station.”

    #7 Will the terror attacks in Brussels be used to justify a ground invasion of Syria?

    These attacks have produced a tremendous amount of outrage in the western world, and already many prominent voices are calling for a U.S.-led invasion of Syria in order to finally put a permanent end to ISIS.

    In fact, a former top adviser to Hillary Clinton started calling for a Syrian invasion within just hours of the attacks

    A former adviser to Hillary Clinton on Syria, Frederic C. Hof, now a Resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East, has called for invading Syria in the wake of the deadly attacks in Brussels.


    For the better part of a year, one clear recommendation has been on the table: assemble an American-led, coalition-of-the-willing, professional ground component—one top-heavy in regional and European forces—to enter eastern Syria to close with and kill ISIS. Engaging the Syrian opposition at all levels, consistent with an executable civil-military stabilization plan, can produce an administrative structure for an ISIS-free eastern Syria. Killing ISIS in Syria can ease the migration crisis and hasten the demise of this murderous band in Iraq.


    And it can demonstrate to the credulously stupid that linking up with losers will be a one-way trip to self-destruction,” Hof writes.

    Last month, I received quite a bit of criticism for suggesting that we could be on the verge of World War 3 But the truth is that Saudi Arabia and Turkey remain absolutely committed to the removal of the Assad regime, and now these Brussels terror attacks have conveniently shifted sentiment in Europe and in the United States in favor of a ground operation in Syria.

    The current ceasefire in Syria is on the verge of completely falling apart, and if an American-led coalition does invade, that could very easily spark a major regional war.  The Russians, the Iranians and Hezbollah are not just going to sit back and watch as the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their allies march to Damascus and remove Assad.

    I keep trying to warn people that 2016 is the year when everything changes, and I have a feeling that these terror attacks in Belgium are going to turn out to be exceedingly significant.

    Our world is becoming more unstable with each passing day, and sometimes all it takes is a little shove to set us on a path that we never intended to go down.

    I don’t have all the answers, but unlike the mainstream media, at least I am not afraid to ask the hard questions…

  • Japan Goes Full Krugman: Plans Un-Depositable, Non-Cash "Gift-Certificate" Money Drop To Young People

    The Swiss, the Finns, and the Ontarians may get their 'Universal Basic Income' but the Japanese are about to turn the Spinal Tap amplifier of extreme monetary experimentation to 11. Sankei reports, with no sourcing, that the Japanese government plans to unleash "vouchers" or "gift certificates" to low-income young people to stimulate the "conspicuous decline" in consumption among young people. The handouts may not be deposited, thus combining helicopter money (inflationary) and fully electronic currency (implicit capital controls and tracking of spending).

    Since Ben Bernanke reminded the world of the existence of government printing-presses, echoed Milton Friedman's "helicopter drop" solution to fighting deflation, and decried Japan for not being as insane as it could be… it has only been a matter of time before some global central bank decided that the dropping of cash onto the populace was the key to economic recovery. Having blown their wad on QQE (and been left with a quintuple-dip recession) and unleashed NIRP, it appears Japan has reached that limit.

    As Bloomberg reports,

    The Japanese government plans to include gift certificates for low-income young people in its fiscal 2016 supplementary budget, Sankei reports, without saying who provided the information.


    Recipients would be able to use them for daily necessities.


    The government sees gift certificates as more effective in stimulating consumption than cash handouts, which may be deposited.

    As Sankei reports (via Google Translate),

    The government 23 days, as the centerpiece of the 2016 fiscal year supplementary budget to organize because of the economic stimulus, cemented the policy to include the low-income measures for young people. To examine the distribution of vouchers to be devoted to the purchase of such daily necessities. Although the 2015 supplementary budget, which was established in January was the extraordinary benefits pillars of the elderly, because the conspicuous decline in consumption among young people, hopes to work to shore up at the pin point. Low-income measures of the past on the grounds such as "benefit is Oyobi difficult wage hike" (Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga) is for the elderly was the main.


    However, in January of Family Income and Expenditure Survey (two or more people households), consumption expenditure of 34-year-old following of young people in a significant negative same month of the previous year of 11, 7% decrease, compared to the total household average of 3.1% year on year decline was noticeable even. Government in order to raise the level of personal consumption to be sluggish, the determination and consumption stimulus measures of young people is essential. Rather than the benefits that potentially turn into savings is pointed out, we are considering the distribution of gift certificates. Details, such as low-income earners of interest and business scale is filled from April.


    According to the Cabinet Office survey, for which the straight-line benefits that were distributed in 2009, many of proportion to turn to the consumer from the elderly entitlements is more of the child-rearing households than the household, this time of the measures expected a certain effect on the consumption raise That's it. Per capita 3 27 fiscal distribute the yen supplementary budget of extraordinary benefits to the elderly of the low-income, objection such as "Why do you favor only the elderly" was out of the ruling and opposition parties. Ahead of the House of Councillors election, there is also aim to appeal to the support measures for young people.

    And so while some might liken it to EBT cards in the US… it appears this is simply a hidden way to directly hand out free money to those that spend (lower income) and force consumption (non-depositable or savable) and thus… increase inflation… So no need for firms to raise wages after all!??! Well played Abe.

    One wonders how much these "gift certificates" will trade for on the black market… as we are sure some 'spending' will be disallowed and require the use of cash – no sugary drinks… no Fugu (google it)… no Sumo tournaments… and no BMW X6

    And finally here is Charles Hugh-Smith to destroy the idea that this works…

    In sum, the psychology of punishing the productive and rewarding non-contributors is destructive to everyone. Have proponents forgotten that humans are prone to emotions such as resentment? Resentment goes both ways; the recipients of Basic Income will be getting by, but they won't be able to build capital or better their financial stake. They are in effect Basic Income Serfs.


    Proponents also believe that the loss of work will free everyone getting a basic income to become an artist, composer, musician, etc. As I noted in "Super-Welfare" Guaranteed Income For All Isn't a Solution–It's Just the New Serfdom, Since meaningful work is the source of positive social roles, Hell is a lack of meaningful work.


    In the myopic view of the Basic Income proponents, humans are nothing but consumer-bots who chew through the Earth's resources in their limitless quest for more of everything– what the Keynesian Cargo Cult worships as "demand."


    Tragically, this blindness to humanity's need for meaning and the elevation of spiritually empty consumerism to a Secular Religion leaves the basic Income crowd incapable of understanding this timeless truth: the only possible result of robbing people of their livelihood is despair.


    Once meaningful work vanishes, so do positive social roles.


    This is why guaranteed income for all is just a new version of Socioeconomic Hell. Being paid to do nothing does not provide meaningful work or positive social roles, which are the sources of positive identity, pride, purpose, community and meaning.


    The petit-bourgeois fantasy of every individual flowering as an artist, musician and creator once freed of work is an abstraction, one born of the expansion of academic enclaves and private wealth-funded dilettantes fluttering from one salon to the next. (Ever notice how many trust-funders have therapists? Would they all need therapists if being freed from work automatically generated happiness and fulfillment?)


    These are precisely what basic income for all doesn't provide. To the degree that serfdom is political powerlessness and near-zero access to the processes of accumulating productive capital, guaranteed income for all is simply serfdom institutionalized into a Hell devoid of purpose, pride, meaning, community and positive social roles.

    *  *  *

    As we previously detailed, support is growing around the world for such spending to be funded by “People’s QE.” The idea behind “People’s QE” is that central banks would directly fund government spending… and even inject money directly into household bank accounts, if need be. And the idea is catching on.

    Already the European Central Bank is buying bonds of the European Investment Bank, an E.U. institution that finances infrastructure projects. And the new leader of Britain’s Labor Party, Jeremy Corbyn, is backing a British version of this scheme.


    That’s the monster coming to towns and villages near you! Call it “overt monetary financing.” Call it “money from helicopters.” Call it “insane.” 


    But it won’t be unpopular. Who will protest when the feds begin handing our money to “mid- and low-income households”?

    Simply put, The Keynesian Endgame is here… as  the only way to avoid secular stagnation (which, for the uninitiated, is just another complicated-sounding, economist buzzword for the more colloquial “everything grinds to a halt”) is for central bankers to call in the Krugman Kraken and go full-Keynes.

    Rather than buying assets, central banks drop money on the street. Or even better, in a more modern and civilised fashion, credit our bank accounts! That, after all, may be more effective than buying assets, and would not imply the same transfer of wealth as previous or current forms of QE. Indeed, ‘helicopter money’ can be seen as permanent QE, where the central bank commits to making the increase in the monetary base permanent.


    Again, crediting accounts does not guarantee that money will be spent – in contrast to monetary financing where the newly created cash can be used for fiscal spending. And in many cases, such policy would actually imply fiscal policy, as most central banks cannot conduct helicopter money operations on their own.



    So again, the thing to realize here is that this has moved well beyond the theoretical and it's not entirely clear that most people understand how completely absurd this has become (and this isn't necessarily a specific critique of SocGen by the way, it's just an honest look at what's going on). At the risk of violating every semblance of capital market analysis decorum, allow us to just say that this is pure, unadulterated insanity. There's not even any humor in it anymore.


    You cannot simply print a piece of paper, sell it to yourself, and then use the virtual pieces of paper you just printed to buy your piece of paper to stimulate the economy. There's no credibility in that whatsoever, and we don't mean that in the somewhat academic language that everyone is now employing on the way to criticizing the Fed, the ECB, and the BoJ.

    And it will end only one way…

    The monetizing of state debt by the central bank is the engine of helicopter money. When the central state issues $1 trillion in bonds and drops the money into household bank accounts, the central bank buys the new bonds and promptly buries them in the bank's balance sheet as an asset.


    The Japanese model is to lower interest rates to the point that the cost of issuing new sovereign debt is reduced to near-zero. Until, of course, the sovereign debt piles up into a mountain so vast that servicing the interest absorbs 40+% of all tax revenues.


    But the downsides of helicopter money are never mentioned, of course. Like QE (i.e. monetary stimulus), fiscal stimulus (helicopter money) will be sold as a temporary measure that quickly become permanent, as the economy will crater the moment it is withdrawn.

    The temporary relief turns out to be, well, heroin, and the Cold Turkey withdrawal, full-blown depression.


  • Explosive Accusation: Belgium Had "Advance And Precise" Warning About Terrorist Attacks, Did Nothing

    In what, if true, is the most incendiary allegation of the day, Israel’s Haaretz newspaper reports that Belgian security services and other Western intelligence agencies had “advance and precise intelligence warnings” regarding Tuesday’s bombings. According to the paper, “the security services knew, with a high degree of certainty, that attacks were planned in the very near future for the airport and, apparently, for the underground railway as well.”

    Here is the full Haaretz report:

    The Belgian security services, as well as other Western intelligence agencies, had advance and precise intelligence warnings regarding the terrorist attacks in Belgium on Tuesday, Haaretz has learned.


    The security services knew, with a high degree of certainty, that attacks were planned in the very near future for the airport and, apparently, for the subway as well.


    Despite the advance warning, the intelligence and security preparedness in Brussels, where most of the European Union agencies are located, was limited in its scope and insufficient for the severity and immediacy of the alert.


    As far as is known, the attacks were planned by the headquarters of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Raqqa, Syria, which it has pronounced as the capital of its Islamic caliphate.


    The terror cell responsible for the attacks in Brussels on Tuesday was closely associated with the network behind the series of attacks in Paris last November. At this stage, it appears that both were part of the same terrorist infrastructure, connected at the top by the terrorist Salah Abdeslam, who was involved in both the preparation for the Paris attacks and its implementation.


    Abdeslam escaped from Paris after the November attacks, hid out in Brussels and was arrested last week by the Belgian authorities.


    Abdeslam’s arrest was apparently the trigger for Tuesday’s attacks, due to the concern in ISIS that he might give information about the planned attacks under interrogation, particularly in the light of reports that he was cooperating with his captors.


    The testimony of the detained terrorist, alongside other intelligence information, part of which concerned ISIS operations in Syria, should have resulted in much more stringent security preparedness in crowded public places in Brussels, along with a heightened search for the cell.

    If this report is accurate, it leads to many unpleasant and frankly disturbing questions for both local as well as international authorities, like why in the aftermath of the Salah Abdeslam capture did Belgium not at least issue a heightened state of alert, as it did in November in the aftermath of the Paris bombings, when overnight Brussels looked like an army ghost town; at least it was safe.

    Recall from our November report of how Brussels looks like a warzone after the Paris terrorist attack:


    This time, however, the local police did nothing and the result was over 30 deaths and hundreds of injuries.

    What’s worse as of this moment the third suspect remain at large: as Haaretz reminds us, “the search is focused on the terrorist Najim Laachraoui, who created the explosive vests used by the bombers and escaped from the airport at the last moment.”

    There is concern, however, that other cells connected to ISIS in Western Europe will attempt to carry out additional attacks in the near future, either in Belgium or in other countries involved in the war against the terror organization in Syria and Iraq.

    How Europe will handle the ongoing deadly fallout from the bursting of this one terrorist cell, will be closely watched, and should Tuesday’s event recur when local authorities had been warned about an upcoming terrorist attack leading to no specific action, perhaps some will finally ask if the local governments were at least partially complicit in the deaths of dozens of innocent people, for motives first hinted at in that infamous 2008 AIG Banque presentation which has so far predicted with absolute accuracy the future of the Eurozone.

  • The Sleeping Giant Awakens

    Had enough “hope and change”?



    Source: The Burning Platform & Ben Garrison

  • Yellen, Draghi, Kuroda: Deranged Lab Rats

    Submitted by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

    The stock market has regained all of its loses year to date as economic indicators continue to flash red, corporate profits continue to plunge, consumers continue to spend less at retailers, real wages continue to fall, and housing sales continue to decline. The entire dead cat bounce has been generated through corporate stock buybacks, Wall Street lemmings trying to make up for their terrible year to date investing performance, and central bankers who will stop at nothing to verbally manipulate markets higher – since their monetary machinations over the last seven years have been a miserable failure in reviving the real economy.

    As John Hussman points out, the market is poised to deliver nothing over the next decade, with a 40% to 55% “dip” in the foreseeable future. I wonder how many barely sentient, iGadget addicted, non-questioning, normalcy bias dependent zombies are prepared for a third Federal Reserve generated market collapse in the last 15 years?

    From a long-term investment standpoint, the stock market remains obscenely overvalued, with the most historically-reliable measures we identify presently consistent with zero 10-12 year S&P 500 nominal total returns, and negative expected real returns on both horizons. From a cyclical standpoint, I continue to expect that the completion of the current market cycle will likely take the S&P 500 down by about 40-55% from present levels; an outcome that would not be an outlier or worst-case scenario, but instead a rather run-of-the-mill cycle completion from present valuations.

    The only people who can’t see the recession in front of their noses are central bankers who are paid to lie, obfuscate, and mislead; corrupt politicians trying to get elected or re-elected; and media pundits whose job is to keep the sheep sedated with positive propaganda and a never ending stream of trivialities and drivel. The average person has been experiencing a recession for the last eight years, with stagnant wages, rising living costs, no return on their savings, and rising taxes. Now, even the manipulated government economic statistics can no longer hide the true deterioration, as Hussman describes.

    From an economic standpoint, recall that economic deterioration typically follows a well-defined sequence, with weakness in what I call the “order surplus” (new orders + backlogs – inventories) followed by deterioration in industrial production (which retreated again last month) and by real retail sales (which have declined for two consecutive months), then real personal income (which is the next measure to watch here), and typically followed only then by weakness in employment indicators. Nothing in recent weeks has changed our assessment of an imminent likelihood of recession, though as I’ve regularly noted, the immediacy of that expectation would be deferred if our measures of market internals improve significantly. Though employment is a lagging indicator, we would still watch for an increase in weekly unemployment claims above roughly 330,000, a decline in aggregate weekly hours over a 3-month period, and an increase in the unemployment rate to about 5.3% or higher to confirm the actual start of a recession.

    The central banker action plan of monetary easing, negative interest rates, printing trillions of new fiat, currency debasement, and buying the bad debt of the criminal banking cabal, has not improved the lives of average people living in the real world. They have improved the net worth of the .01% who rule the world. They have succeeded in making the ultra-rich ultra-richer.

    They, without a doubt, have made the lives of senior citizens far worse, the lives of middle income working class families ghastlier, and the lives of millennials just entering the workforce debt saturated and hopeless. Their deranged machinations have set in motion a global collapse which will make 2008 look like stroll in the park on a warm spring day.

    Consider central bankers. For the past several years, global central banks have pursued increasingly deranged monetary policies, creating massive distortions in financial markets. It’s easy to point to these effects on the financial markets, as Bernanke, Kuroda, Draghi and other central bankers have emphasized, as evidence that central bank policy is “working.” What we, and others, have found, is that all of this deranged monetary policy has raised the level of GDP, industrial production, and employment by barely 1% from what would have been expected in the absence of these interventions.

    It appears the sole purpose of these psychopathic central bankers is to talk up financial markets. Nothing else matters in this warped world of the financial elite. Dick Fisher, former Dallas Fed President, in a moment of truth revealed the Fed purposely injected the stock market with heroine and cocaine in order to stimulate gains. Now they’ve created an addict. They need ever increasing doses to be satisfied.

    The ruling lords of the plantation reap the short term high, while the lowly slave peasants reap all of the pain, withdrawal symptoms, and ultimately death. As Hussman points out, even the vaporous benefits have a shorter and shorter high, as the markets are so ridiculously overvalued, the savvy insiders sell into every false rally. Meanwhile, Goldman and their fellow Wall Street co-conspirators sell to their muppet clients, just like 2008.

    On January 29, a week after insisting that a move to negative rates was not under consideration, Bank of Japan Governor Harohiko Kuroda announced a rate cut to -0.1%. On February 18 he reiterated that the BOJ was prepared to ease further. He wavered on that stance at the end of February, but shifted again last week, saying that a move to even deeper negative rates was possible. Meanwhile, facing economic erosion in Europe, Mario Draghi came out on February 15 saying “we will not hesitate to act.” He followed on March 10 with his “bazooka” including a rate cut to -0.4%, an increase in the pace of QE, and a broadening of ECB purchases to include investment-grade, non-bank corporate bonds. On Wednesday, Janet Yellen announced that the expected pace of Fed rate hikes this year was likely to be slower than expected, as a result of weak global economic conditions and widening credit spreads.

    Aside from a one or two-day knee-jerk response, these moves have had very little sustained impact on the equity markets. Japan’s Nikkei index is down about 5% since the day after Kuroda’s rate-cut announcement. The Dow Jones EuroStoxx Index is also down since the day after Draghi’s bazooka. One suspects that the response of the S&P 500 to Yellen’s dovishness will be similarly short-lived, though we need not rely on that. Given the continued sequence of erosion in economic measures, central bankers continue to point to the financial markets as evidence that their policies are “working.” Now even those effects have become unreliable.

    When global markets logically got off to a horrendous start this year, based upon plunging corporate profits, consumers no longer able to support consumption based economies, governments collapsing under the weight of immense levels of bad debt, war raging in the Middle East, plunging oil prices due to a global recession, currency devaluation wars, and civil chaos spreading around the globe, the central banker alarm was sounded by the global ruling elite. Save us!!!

    The imminent 50% plunge in global stock markets would put a crimp in the lifestyles of the rich and famous. They needed time to unload their holdings on the dumb money and go short before letting the house of cards crash down again. You can smell the desperation of the deranged central banker lab rats, as they frantically push the bar for more stock market gain pellets. But, the number of pellets is dwindling rapidly. Time is running out.

    This sudden escalation of dovish pronouncements by central bankers isn’t sound monetary policy, being conducted based on demonstrated cause-and-effect relationships between policy tools and the real economy. No, this is an extinction burst. Central bankers are behaving like lab rats frantically pressing a bar in hope that more food pellets will come out of the chute. They ain’t comin’.

    These deranged lab rats have failed to positively impact their economies in any way. Every sentient critical thinking person in this world knows you grow an economy through savings and investing those savings in productive capital. When deranged central bankers penalize savers with negative interest rates they destroy the economy. It’s really that simple. The Fed and their other central banker cronies are the reason productivity, investment and real wages have stagnated for the last 30 years. A world based on debt financed consumption will ultimately collapse under the weight of the debt.

    Look, there’s one thing we know for certain in economics. The amount of saving in an economy must be precisely equal to the amount of real investment in the economy (factories, buildings, equipment, capital goods, and inventory). That’s not a theory. It’s an accounting identity. The problem with punishing saving in order to encourage more consumption is that it’s ineffective, and also leaves the economy with nothing to show for it. The wealth of a nation consists of its stock of real private investment (e.g. housing, capital goods, factories), real public investment (e.g. infrastructure), intangible intellectual capital (e.g. education, inventions, organizational knowledge and systems), and its endowment of basic resources such as land, energy, water, and the environment.

    The central bankers and their Wall Street controllers have already guaranteed the third bubble bursting collapse in the last fifteen years. This time we have stock, bond, commercial real estate, and housing bubbles all poised to collapse simultaneously. Their easy money, QE, ZIRP, and accounting fraud schemes have guaranteed a catastrophic financial collapse. The longer they persist on flogging academic theory Keynesian solutions which have proven to be the exact opposite of what should have been done, the more likely we will experience a worldwide economic disaster.

    Monetary authorities have now become little more than lab rats on a frantic extinction burst. If there are no adults in the room among our policy-makers who are willing to pursue the appropriate substitute behavior – expanding productive investment through fiscal means – we’re going to have a deeper and more concerted global economic downturn than is already likely. I remain convinced that monetary authorities have already ensured a financial collapse in the coming years that is baked-in-the-cake as a result of obscene valuations. That outcome will unfold nearly regardless of economic prospects.

    By encouraging acute financial distortions, enabling massive issuance of speculative-grade securities and stock buybacks at near-record valuations, and repeatedly diverting national savings toward speculative malinvestment, the concerted behavior of central banks is increasingly pushing the global economy toward financial crisis and depressed long-term growth. There is no hope for long-term economic prosperity if we place our faith in the monetary policies of deranged bankers and ivory tower college professors. All they can do is to buy interest-earning bonds and replace them with zero-interest paper. How ignorant must we be to believe that financial bubbles will carry us to prosperity without consequences, and how many collapses must we endure before we focus on strengthening our own legs?

    It’s sad that “we the people” continue to allow deranged captured academics, under the complete command of the banking cabal, to control the destiny of our country. They have failed for 103 years, but we continue to bow down to these central bankers as if they knew what they were doing. They do know how to debase the currency, obfuscate true inflation, prop up financial markets through monetary manipulation, and generate prodigious amounts of propaganda and misinformation to coverup their true purposes. The people will sit idly by until these deranged rats destroy the world. By then it will be too late to take the path laid out by John Hussman. We are destined to be eaten by these deranged lab rats and their deranged monetary policies.

    The irony of economics is that when we pursue policies that encourage speculative malinvestment and make productive investment scarce, the pie gets smaller but a larger share of it goes to the owners of existing capital. The “rents” are always highest for those resources that are most scarce. If we really want more jobs, higher labor productivity, stronger growth, better real wages, a balanced income distribution, and a return to long-term economic prosperity, only an expansion of real productive investment – at every level of the economy – will do the job. Ever more deranged monetary policy will not.

    “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”Henry Ford

  • When "Mother's Milk" Runs Dry

    For the third time in six months, US equity markets have exuberantly decoupled from earnings expectations thanks, in large part, to jawboning and coordination from Central Banks. With stocks near record highs despite the earnings “mother’s milk” expectations tumbling, one can’t help but wonder, as CNBC’s Bob Pisani did this morning, given the comments from Evans, Lockhart, and Bullard, “It’s possible the Fed has seen the market reaction and become alarmed by the complacency.”


    Mother’s Milk no longer needed it seems…


    And just in case you think earnings don’t matter, here is the technical side of things – The S&P 500 is over 6% above its 50-day moving-average, the most since 2012 and at a level that has historically indicated a notable and tradable pull back…


    It appears the analog continues to play out…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Why Crispin Odey's $11 Billion Fund Has 5% Daily Swings: "It's No Longer A Market But A Battlefield"

    In February, Cripsin Odey’s quite bearish $11 billion Odey Asset Management had a tumultuous month: it was down -10.6% as the overall market levitated relentlessly on low volume hopes of central bank stimulus and intervention ever since the February 11 lows, leading to the biggest short squeeze in history and the most overbought market ever.


    However, as Crispin himself would go on to admit, February’s 11% drop was just an appetizer. Because what happened in March, when Crispin went on to not only fight the Fed but declare war on every single central bank, was unprecedented. In his own words “by mid-March the fund was rising and falling by over 5% per day. At which point this was no longer an investment market but a battlefield.”

    Does he regret it? Not at all – Odey is convinced these desperate central bank interventions are just a confirmation that they have run out of ammo, and for the most part, he is absolutely spot on:

    Central banks can ignore the CDS market, but they cannot imagine away the losses coming through the system. They cannot save the banks now, without creating a recession, with all the consequences that has for bad loans and falls in GNP. The fall in productivity is already encouraging companies to eschew capital spending in favour of buy backs, which compounds the problem of credit growing faster than the economy. Profit margins are naturally falling as wages rise faster than prices and overcapacity rules out pricing power. No wonder that central banks feel that they are nearly out of ammunition. There is not a good choice to be made.

    For now their choice has been to save preserve the markets, as the next crash in stocks may well be the last before the Fed and its central planning peers have no choice but to unleash the helicopter money.

    In the meantime, we eagerly look forward to observing Odey’s valiant daily fight with Yellen et al, armed with the following top 10 positions…


    … resulting in a net exposure of just about -110% net.


    * * *

    Here are his latest monthly thoughts:

    Bull markets do not die of old age. They are murdered by central banks. How far away we are from that old adage. The last six weeks have seen yet again central banks responding to further weakness in the world economy, by lowering or at least not raising interest rates and continuing to subsidise the weakest. Wherever they see any sign of distress as with the CDS market in Europe, their response is to believe that risk premiums are unfairly rising and immediately to take action to cancel the effect.

    However, several years of watching central banks responding to ever falling productivity numbers by reducing interest rates have shown that they can effect asset prices with their actions, but that not only do they have almost no effect on economic activity, but they positively damage it.

    The reason is simple. Banks work, like everyone else, off profit margins and the lower and longer interest rates remain close to zero, the more that net interest margins shrink and the less inclined, because profits are falling, are they to countenance new lending.

    Without credit expansion there can be no strong nominal growth of GNP globally. Strangely even where there is strong credit growth, nominal incomes have responded sluggishly. For this is the good news. Over the last twelve months there have been 20% more dollars created in relation  to GNP in the USA than a year ago. In China there have been over 30% more renminbi created. This should have resulted in blow out growth of nominal incomes, but in fact GNP in the USA has grown by 4.5% and in China by just under 7%. In both instances private indebtedness has grown by multiples of that. That a 20% increase in dollars has only resulted in inflation of 2.1%, reveals that strange things are happening. It has not just been worrying us here, but also seems to have unnerved the Fed. On all our numbers such credit growth would have resulted in over 5 or 6 interest rate hikes by this time in the cycle.

    What frightens them and should frighten us all is that the overcapacity built up post 2008/9 in so many industries linked with China is now coming through in a severe credit down cycle. An unwillingness to countenance closure of capacity, even as new capacity was still being added, in the face of prices that were far below fair value, have ensured these industries have ongoing losses which are still not abating. And this is where it gets interesting, because these losses are undermining the loans that these industries have. As bonds due for redemption trade below par, companies are drawing down credit lines, which would usually be the signal that bankruptcies would follow. However, because of the very weak profitability of the banking sector, these banks are not able to absorb these losses. As they wait, their loan becomes the cash to pay back the bonds and their losses expand. Banks now need rights issues but the central banks’ attention remains on trying to lower rates to reflect falling productivity. There is thus no story to attach to a rights issue for a bank. The only way that the banks would be a buy is if interest rates were to go up, repricing assets relative to deposits, but that can never be because down that route lies recession. And strangely recessions are no longer permitted. However, negative productivity rates are already telling the central banks that any growth in nominal GNP is the equivalent of eating your capital.

    Central banks can ignore the CDS market, but they cannot imagine away the losses coming through the system. They cannot save the banks now, without creating a recession, with all the consequences that has for bad loans and falls in GNP. The fall in productivity is already encouraging companies to eschew capital spending in favour of buy backs, which compounds the problem of credit growing faster than the economy. Profit margins are naturally falling as wages rise faster than prices and overcapacity rules out pricing power. No wonder that central banks feel that they are nearly out of ammunition. There is not a good choice to be made.

    Markets need equilibrium to prosper. When the authorities have a problem, markets have a problem. We have been hurt by this rally in China-related companies, and indeed we reduced the gross and net positioning of the fund significantly in mid-March, to help reduce the short term volatility of the fund, but we remain convinced that China is in many ways in an even greater bind over policy than the developed world. By mid-March the fund was rising and falling by over 5% per day. At which point this was no longer an investment market but a battlefield. On the day that Draghi came out with his massive market support operation, the stock markets rose 2.5% and then closed down 1.5% on their lows. Imagine how painful it was to see the markets bounce the next day and celebrate his success. At that point I reduced the short book by a third and the long book by 10%.

    Despite this strong rally, there is, aside from a pickup in government spending in China, little to support growth in the world economy. Everything from rising default rates in the booming auto financing industry to new lows in LNG, dry bulk shipping prices, points to slowdown everywhere.

    For equity markets, a world without credit is for now a deflationary world. The underperformance of the banking, insurance and asset management industry warn that this is when equities can de-rate as the Japanese stock market did between ’96 and ’98.

  • Fewer People Wiping More Bottoms: Minimum Wage Hikes Explained

    More money for everyone. That sounds like a great idea.

    Much like free healthcare for everyone.

    And free college tuition.

    And just “free shit” in general.

    Unfortunately, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” is one old adage that generally turns out to be true in almost all cases.

    Be that as it may, advocates of a sharply higher minimum wage don’t seem to understand that most corporations exist to maximize profits. Reduced to the basics, profits come from selling something (or a lot of somethings) for more than your fixed and variable costs. When your costs (like say, labor) rise, you have three basic choices as a company: 1) accept less profit (lower margins), 2) raise prices to offset higher costs, 3) keep prices the same and look for other ways to offset higher costs, like making your operation more efficient.

    Nowhere is this dynamic more apparent than WalMart, where an ill-fated attempt to pay the retailer’s meagerly compensated hourly workers a few extra pennies led directly to fights with suppliers, reduced hours, layoffs at the home office in Bentonville, a kitchen sink guidance cut, and finally, a wave of job cuts and store closures. And all so someone who was poor on $9/hour last year could be still poor on $10/hour this year and poor some more on $11/hour next year. And that’s if they’re lucky to keep their job in the first place.

    Below, find excerpts from “Proof Perfect That The Minimum Wage Costs Jobs From New York,” by Tim Worstall as originally published on Forbes.

    *  *  *

    From “Proof Perfect That The Minimum Wage Costs Jobs From New York”

    It’s long been one of those little puzzlers, why people simply cannot understand that demand curves slope downwards. And since they do that a rise in the minimum wage is going to cost jobs. It’s entirely true that a small rise in the minimum wage will have a small effect on employment and or unemployment. That’s been shown again and again in the various studies: we get either an effect too small to see or we get mildly bad effects. But a rise to $15 an hour isn’t a small rise: it’s larger in both dollar and percentage terms than any that the US has ever tried before. And even campaigning groupuscules like the EPI, who are entirely in favour of a modest rise in the minimum, are on record as thinking that $15 is too much. The ill effects will be larger than the benefits.

    Today’s little proof that there will indeed be job losses comes from the discussion of New York’s mooted rise:

    A coalition of health care providers — which includes the Home Care Association of New York State, LeadingAge New York, Healthcare Association of New York State, New York State Health Facilities Association — issued a statement Monday stressing how important it is that an increase in the minimum wage include a funding stream.


    “Our industries are different from fast food establishments and we cannot just pass the costs along to consumers,” the groups said. “The services we provide are a public good, to large degree supported by reimbursement from public programs that have long provided a safety net for low-income and elderly New Yorkers.


    “Without adequate state support for any wage increase, many organizations will close, worker hours will be reduced or eliminated, access to care will be imperiled, and some of our communities will suffer the loss of quality healthcare services,” they added.

    Their money comes from taxation: the legislators (and also Cuomo himself, the proponent of the wage rise) aren’t minded to increase taxation to give them any more money. So, thus and therefore, there will be the same budget for wages but each hour of labour will cost more. And so, inevitably, there will be fewer people employed doing this work. As some seem not to have grasped:

    There are, however, those who support raising the wage.


    Allison Krause, a spokeswoman for 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, a union representing health care workers, said that many nursing home and hospital workers they represent make less than $15 an hour and are struggling to make ends meet. After many years of service, the workers often earn only $10 to $12 an hour, she said.

    Ms. Krause is obviously in for a shock when some of her members lose their jobs and have incomes of $0 as a result.

    Increased labour efficiency, greater worker productivity, is using less labour. That’s the definition of it. Think about it: home care help. So, before the wage rise we need 10 people to wipe 100 bottoms a day. After the wage increase we have to increase labour productivity. We now, to pay for a 50% pay rise, use one third less labour. We now have to have 7 people wiping 100 bottoms in a day. That is using increased labour productivity in order to pay for that minimum wage rise. That’s just what it means. And note what is happening here: for every 100 bottoms wiped we are using the labour of three fewer people.

  • One Of The Most Accurate Forecasters Of 2016: "S&P Is The Most Overbought Since 2009: Sell!"

    Lately being a bear has meant sharing quite a crowded field. First it was JPMorgan, which not only said to sell any rallies, but three weeks ago said it had gone “underweight stocks for the first time since the financial crisis“; then technicians such as Evercore ISI summarized their sentiment as follows “I’m out; my bullish tactical call is over“, and then on Monday, even Goldman jumped on the bandwagon urging clients “to go to cash” ahead of “expected elevated volatility” and that the “current relief rally” is almost over.

    Today, it’s the turn of UBS’ technicians, Michael Riesner and Marc Muller, best known for calling both of the last two market selloffs in advance (and the concurrent jump in gold), as well as timing the Feb.11 market bottom with uncanny accuracy, when they joined the bearish chorus with one simple plea: “SPX Reaching 2050 Target … Take Profit/Sell!

    This is their call in a nutshell:

    Last week, we saw the suggested overshooting into expiration and the SPX reached the upper end of our projected late Q1/early Q2 target at 2050, which leaves the short-term picture in the US unchanged as to what we highlighted last week. With the rally of the last few weeks and looking at our daily trend work, the SPX has reached its most overbought position since 2009!! Together with significant non-confirmations in our medium-term momentum work, and trading in the time window of our late Q1/early Q2 top projection, we see the market vulnerable for a significant reversal this week, which we would see as the beginning of a tactical top building process and subsequent correction into deeper Q2. We reiterate our last week’s comment and would not chase the market on current elevated levels.

    The details:

    After being aggressively oversold, we saw the February 11th risk bottom as the basis for a multi-week bear market rally in global equities into the late March/early April timeframe with a price target 2000/2050 in the SPX before starting a new significant tactical down leg into deeper summer. Last week, we said that a final overshooting into expiration is still likely, but particularly in the week after triple witching we very often see important tactical trend reversals in the market.



    With last week’s extension, the SPX has reached the upper end of our suggested 2000/2050 late March/early April target range, and with this move the technical in the US has obviously not changed. The February/March rebound was nearly vertical, which is not sustainable. On the indicator side we now have exactly the same setup as in early February but just the other way around. Looking at our daily trend work, we highlighted the US market siting in the most aggressively oversold position since its 2008 panic low and it was one of our key arguments for anticipating a significant and longer lasting rally. With last week’s extension our daily trend work has reached its most overbought position since 2009. Together with our weekly momentum reaching overbought extremes we have a relatively high likelihood of seeing the market move into an important medium-term top followed by a significant setback. Even if our big picture market view (US and global equity markets are in a cyclical bear market that we expect to continue into Q1 2017) proves to be too bearish, with such an indicator setup we should see the US market minimum ahead of a multi-week consolidation pattern, where we should see higher volatility and therefore a significant pullback.




    Conclusion: The US market is extremely overbought, and from a cyclical standpoint the SPX is trading in the time window of our late March/early April top projection. In this context, we see the US market vulnerable for a significant reversal this week, which we would see as the beginning of a tactical top building process and subsequent correction into deeper/later Q2. On the upside, the SPX has resistance at 2050 and in case of further overshooting we can see 2075/2080. A re-break below 2024 would be initially negative. A break of 2005 would imply that a more important tactical top is forming. From a cyclical aspect we see an initial pullback into first week April where we expect the SPX to test 2000/1970. We reiterate our last week’s call and would use strength to sell instead of chasing the market on the upside.



    Will the Riesner-Muller duo make it 4 out of 4 in recent market calls? Keep an eye on the S&P: if we take out the 2034 support level which pushes the market back to red for the year, the answer will be a resounding yes.

  • The New "Middle Class" – Making $250,000 A Year In Palo Alto Qualifies For Housing Subsidies

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Luke Iseman has figured out how to afford the San Francisco Bay area. He lives in a shipping container.


    The Wharton School graduate’s 160-square-foot box has a camp stove and a shower made of old boat hulls. It’s one of 11 miniature residences inside a warehouse he leases across the Bay Bridge from the city, where his tenants share communal toilets and a sense of adventure. Legal? No, but he’s eluded code enforcers who rousted what he calls cargotopia from two other sites. If all goes according to plan, he’ll get a startup out of his response to the most expensive U.S. housing market.


    Iseman collects $1,000 a month for each of the 11 structures parked in the 17,000-square-foot warehouse he rents for $9,100. Tenants include a Facebook Inc. engineer, a SolarCity Corp. programmer and a bicycle messenger.


    – From last year’s post: The Rent is Too Damn High – San Fran Residents Pay $1,000 a Month to Live in Shipping Containers

    Welcome to the new normal, where in bubble communities, $250,000 per year is now a middle class income.

    Nothing to see here.

    From CBS News:

    PALO ALTO (CBS SF) — Palo Alto is seeking housing solutions for residents who are not among the region’s super-rich, but who also earn more than the threshhold to qualify for affordable housing programs.


    The city council has unanimously passed a housing plan that would essentially subsidize new housing for what qualifies as middle-class nowadays, families making from $150,000 to $250,000 a year.


    Sky-rocketing housing prices in Palo Alto have left some in limbo; with teachers, firefighters and other government workers not earning enough to afford cost of living.


    Randy Bean says while she still loves her Palo Alto neighborhood, she can’t help but notice the changes that are making it unrecognizable.


    Some of the small two-bedroom, one-bath homes on her block are worth between $1.5 and $2 million – as teardowns. That’s just what the dirt is worth.


    “Prices have just gone through the roof, making it unaffordable for middle-class people, your firefighters, your teachers, and, frankly, some of your doctors,” Palo Alto Vice Mayor Greg Scharff said.


    “We have people struggling to make it at a quarter-million dollars a year,” Bean said. “That’s a terrible thing.”

    For related articles, see:

    The Rent is Too Damn High – San Fran Residents Pay $1,000 a Month to Live in Shipping Containers

    Doing God’s Work – San Francisco Church Sprays Homeless People with Water to Keep Them Away

    Political Activists May be Banned from San Francisco’s Public Transportation System

  • "Sorry For Brussels"

    Presented without comment other than to say that the boy pictured below is among thousands of Mid-East refugees stranded in the Idomeni camps near the Macedonian border that have been described as “a modern Dachau.”

  • Stocks Stand On "Tremulous Grounds"

    Authored by Mark St.Cyr,

    For those that have been following this chart for a awhile you can just skip down to the chart and following commentary. And as always: If someone says they “know” precisely what will happen next. My only advice would be to run – don’t walk. And the quicker, the better.

    For those who are new: whenever the markets have either rallied or fallen in dramatic fashion is when I’m asked the most, “What do you think of the latest moves?” So, in response to this I began sharing the following chart and commentaries at precisely times like these. I make these commentaries in real-time. Where they go from here is anyone’s guess. That said, the chart speaks for itself as the consequential moves at these defining points as I said, are made in real-time, before they happen, just like I’m doing now. I state my observation, and thoughts, and let the chips fall where they may. To wit:

    Below is that chart as of the close tonight (being Tuesday). As you can see where I had marked “here” and “or here” with grey ovals we did in fact land squarely there where I postulated once, and if, the level directly above was breached. Then the following price action took us directly back up to about that same level and cascaded once again back down, again, to that all important “Bullard Bottom” level.

    Then, as I iterated, if that level didn’t break with conviction (conviction implying a break and close well below) we would more than likely return to it again, and where it went from there was anyone’s guess. Would we go up? Or, would we go down? Which is represented by, “#8 You are here.”

    (click image for large legible version)

    SPX as of the close Tuesday 3/21/16

    However, this level (in my opinion) is not just some arbitrary level. In a technical view I marked it with those two-line precisely because it represents a price gap as you can see. When I insinuated that first “here,” we had not touched that level and were well above it. Yet, I argued “If we get through to “here” then returning to the “Bullard Bottom” is near a certainty. Which as we now can see in retrospect, we did just that represented by “#7 And here we are.”

    After piercing but not following through with a conviction styled closed we bounced precisely back up to this area (area being #8) only to return in much the same manner, and once again repeating that very same process in an almost mirror fashion as can be seen by the marks I placed with the smaller side-by-side ovals marked by “#9 It is still all about….”

    Had that once again return back to that level marked by “#8” held? And had we returned in that subsequent fashion to once again test that “Bullard Bottom?” I am of the mindset the markets would have been dealt a serious shaking of confidence and the previous selloff in August of last year would have looked more like a warm up as compared to what I felt might be forthcoming if retraced and convincingly breached. But we didn’t – we went up and over not looking back.

    So what does that mean as of today? Well, here is where I think we actually could be at a far more important level, as well as, turning point, with far more repercussions to the markets, as well as the economy in general, if things were to go awry here. And here’s my reasoning…

    As you can see we are currently where I marked “#10” which is right back to where we were nearly 15 months ago in November of 2014 when QE 3 was shelved, and then, just a year later, in December of last year just 3 short months ago, this precise same level is the same when the Fed. actually did raise rates. Even if ever so slightly. What happened next?

    The resulting market response is that gap of two lines directly beneath the “#10” and even more important – directly below as in “within spitting distance” of where we stand currently. In other words just a mere 10 points.

    I am of the opinion: the only reason why we made it up here above that demarcation line marked by the “#8” was a direct result of a first trading day of the month fund manager buy-ins that ran the stops at that level, popping it up, and enabling it to close with conviction well above that level, which opened the door for more pile on and front running by both the HFT’s and others as to crush any remaining short positions as the market screamed higher into an OPEX (e.g. options expiry) cycle close of where we ended on Friday. Which is precisely where we still are here on Tuesday.

    There are many things (too many to list actually) so for the sake of brevity I’ll just state the following:

    First – we know via underlying measurements and market breath that the quality of this rally (i.e., the strength or conviction of buyers) has been nothing more than short covering fueled window dressing.


    Second – much of that “fuel” was lit by either the Fed. punting once again on interest rate hikes. Or, a Fed. official jawboning what the market wanted to hear (or the algo’s want to read) in one form or another.


    And Third – You now have terror on the “markets” mind in two forms. First: that of the serious and horrendous kind as witnessed in Europe today. And secondly – the terror that earnings season in not only once again right on the horizon – GDP is once again to be reiterated on Friday.

    If for any reason the markets take the news as a signal for “It’s time to get outta Dodge!” (and no one knows if good is good, bad, or indifferent any longer) And we break back below that gap of where we are with conviction? I am of the opinion that the subsequent rally we have been on over the last few weeks or so will be retraced and not only violate that “Bullard Bottom” but will do so with conviction and spike down to levels not seen in years. Again let me iterate – and quickly! Why?

    Because this latest rise has been on very, very, very, (did I say very?) tremulous grounds with outright weak demand. Therefore, if it falls apart, it will fall apart like a house of cards. We may get a “pause” in-between selloffs should it present itself. However, if it does turn I believe it will resemble when I first put the label of “#2 Level you are here….” For those who have followed this chart and my iterations you’ll remember what happened next. For those who are new…

    Five days later we were at #4.

    As always, it’s anyone’s guess. But that’s how I’m currently viewing these “markets” as of today. Make of it what you may.


  • EIA Inventory Report Analysis 3 23 2016 (Video)

    By EconMatters

    Imports this past week was the main culprit for the large inventory build in oil.

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Today’s News 23rd March 2016

  • Trump Learns Of Naked Melania Photo Used In Attack Ad, Threatens To "Spill Beans" On Heidi Cruz

    Yesterday we were stunned when we learned that in order to support Ted Cruz and to “attack” Donald Trump, Liz Mair’s anti-Trump Make America Awesome super PAC launched a Facebook campaign which in addition to showcasing Mitt Romney’s support for Ted Cruz, emphasizing Trump’s past support for pro-choice policies, it also crossed the family line when it showed a GQ modeling photo of Melania Trump posing nude.

    Crossed lines aside, what surprised us most is that “showing a naked Melania Trump, a successful, multi-lingual supermodel and undoubtedly the most attractive first lady America would ever have, is not exactly an attack ad” and we wondered how badly this ad would backfire “the moment men end up seeing the ad.” We will find out the moment the Utah primary results come in, even though by her admission, Mair certainly did her best to only focus on women voters.

    In any case, about an hour ago Trump found out about Cruz’ attack ad. This is what he said:

    Spill the beans?” Cruz immediately responded, attempting tto explain he had no idea what is going on, but warning Trump to stay away from Heidi:

    In other words, having been called out, Cruz quickly tried to distance himself form a below the belt hitting Super PAC that supports him and which used naked pics of Melania. But is quick to challenge Trump not to “attack Heidi”, even though his own camp did just that with Mrs. Trump.

    Which makes us wonder: just what “beans” of Heidi Cruz does Trump have in mind? Recall that Heidi worked for about a decade for none other than Goldman Sachs – about as status quo establishment as it gets – after which “she has become a fund-raising power, specializing in soliciting maximum contributions from well-heeled donors.”

    But then there is this, more troubling part, from the NYT:

    Mrs. Cruz and her husband, Senator Ted Cruz, were living 1,500 miles apart and trying to find a happy balance in their own lives. Soon after, Mrs. Cruz quit her high-powered post in Washington, took a job in finance and moved to Texas, an unfamiliar place, to be closer to Mr. Cruz, then the state’s solicitor general. The transition unsettled her.


    In August 2005, a police officer in Austin, answering a call about a woman sitting beside an expressway on-ramp, found Mrs. Cruz with her head in her hands. He transported her to an unnamed facility, according to his report, which said, “I believed that she was a danger to herself.”

    Normally, these would not be topics of consideration when debating the merits of a presidential candidate, but then again, neither would this photo be part of an “attack” (really, support) ad…


    To be sure, we knew this presidential race would promptrly devolve to the surreal and absurd, but not even we expected that it would very quickly transform itself into a campaign where naked photos of potential first ladies would randomly appear on social networks.

    As for the Cruz attack ad (because even if he tries to admit it, it was his) we wonder how many full-blooded males would “support Ted Cruz” on Tuesday if given a choice of him… or Melania as first lady. Even Mormons.

  • Fascism, American Style

    Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    “If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.” ? Henry A. Wallace, 33rd Vice President of the United States

    This is an indictment of every politician who has ever sold us out for the sake of money and power, it is a condemnation of every politician who has ever lied to us in order to advance their careers, and it is a denunciation of every political shill who has sacrificed our freedoms on the altar of Corporate America.

    They’re all fascists.

    If Donald Trump is a fascist—as nearly half of Americans surveyed believe—then so is every other politician in office or running for office in America who has ever prioritized money and power over human beings.

    Truly, apart from Trump’s virulently bombastic comments and his metaphorical willingness to spit in the wind in order to garner media coverage and notoriety, how is he any more of a fascist than Hillary Clinton and the millions she has amassed from the financial sector?


    How is Trump any more of a fascist than Barack Obama, whose willingness to march in lockstep with the military industrial complex has resulted in endless wars, covert drone strikes that have killed hundreds of civilians abroad, and militarized police who have killed thousands of American citizens here at home?


    How is Trump any more of a fascist than Congress, the majority of whom are millionaires and who are more inclined to do the bidding of their corporate sponsors and benefactors, all the while remaining deaf to their less affluent constituents?


    For that matter, how is Trump any more of a fascist than the Supreme Court whose decisions in recent years have been characterized most often by an abject deference to government authority, military and corporate interests?

    Writing for the New York Times in 1944, Vice President Henry A. Wallace noted that

    American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism. They use every opportunity to impugn democracy. They use isolationism as a slogan to conceal their own selfish imperialism. They cultivate hate and distrust…”

    As Wallace concluded, American fascists are not pro-Constitution:

    They are patriotic in time of war because it is to their interest to be so, but in time of peace they follow power and the dollar wherever they may lead… They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.

    We are being played for fools. Again.

    The United States of America, that dream of what a democratic republic ought to be, has become the Fascist States of America. We have moved beyond the era of representative government and entered a new age. You can call it the age of authoritarianism. Or fascism. Or oligarchy. Or the American police state.

    Whatever label you want to put on it, the end result is the same.

    Driven by our fears, we have entered into a corporate-controlled, militaristic state where all citizens are suspects, security trumps freedom, and the U.S. government does not represent the majority of American citizens but instead is ruled by the rich and powerful.

    Any semblance of constitutional government that we might still enjoy today is a mere shadow, a mockery of what the founders envisioned. Constitutional government today—much like the farcical circus that purports to be the presidential election—is a sham, a hoax, an elaborate ruse maintained by the powers-that-be to mollify us into believing that we still have a say in the workings of our government. We do not.

    Shortly after World War II, historian William L. Shirer predicted that America may be the first country in which fascism comes to power through democratic elections.

    Former presidential advisor Bertram Gross also warned that we would not recognize fascism when it took over:

    Anyone looking for black shirts, mass parties, or men on horseback will miss the telltale clues of creeping fascism… In America, it would be supermodern and multi-ethnic—as American as Madison Avenue, executive luncheons, credit cards, and apple pie. It would be fascism with a smile. As a warning against its cosmetic facade, subtle manipulation, and velvet gloves, I call it friendly fascism. What scares me most is its subtle appeal.

    They were both right.

    However, what we failed to realize is that the fascist coup took place long ago. It was that subtle and that incremental.

    We are now ruled by the velvet-gloved, technologically savvy, militarized iron fist of what Gross termed “friendly fascism” or fascism with a smile. Having studied Shirer and Gross, tracked the rise of fascism in past regimes, and assimilated the necessary ingredients for a fascist state, I can attest to the fact—as I document in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People—that the parallels to modern America are impossible to ignore.

    Under fascism, the government:

    • is managed by a powerful leader (even if he or she assumes office by way of the electoral process)
    • assumes it is not restrained in its power (this is authoritarianism, which eventually evolves into totalitarianism)
    • ostensibly operates under a capitalist system while being undergirded by an immense bureaucracy
    • emits powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism through its politicians
    • has an obsession with national security while constantly invoking terrifying internal and external enemies
    • establishes a domestic and invasive surveillance system and develops a paramilitary force that is not answerable to the citizenry
    • and its various agencies (federal, state, and local) develop an obsession with crime and punishment (this is overcriminalization)
    • becomes increasingly centralized while aligning closely with corporate powers to control all aspects of the country’s social, economic, military, and governmental structures
    • uses militarism as a center point of its economic and taxing structure
    • and is increasingly imperialistic in order to maintain the military-industrial corporate forces.

    Compare that to America today where, as economist Jeffrey Tucker rightly observes, “every industry is regulated. Every profession is classified and organized. Every good or service is taxed. Endless debt accumulation is preserved. Immense doesn’t begin to describe the bureaucracy. Military preparedness never stops, and war with some evil foreign foe, remains a daily prospect.”

    Fascism thrives by hiding behind the entertainment spectacle that is partisan politics. As Tucker points out, “It’s incorrect to call fascism either right wing or left wing. It is both and neither… fascism does not seek to overthrow institutions like commercial establishments, family, religious centers, and civic traditions. It seeks to control them… it preserves most of what people hold dear but promises to improve economic, social, and cultural life through unifying their operations under government control.”

    In this way, American-style fascism is deceptively appealing.

    It appears friendly.

    The news media covers the entertainment and political trivia. The basic forms of government remain intact. The legislators remain in session. There are elections.

    Consent of the governed, however, no longer applies. Actual control has finally passed to the oligarchic elite controlling the government behind the scenes.

    Yet the most crucial ingredient for fascism to succeed in America is that the majority of the people would have to agree that it’s not only expedient but necessary for the government to assume greater powers in order to keep them safe and secure, whether it’s by militarizing the police, stripping them of basic constitutional rights, criminalizing virtually every form of behavior, or spying on their communications, movements and transactions.

    Sound familiar?

    When you really drill down to what the various presidential candidates believe about the issues that will impact the future of our freedoms long-term—war, surveillance, civil liberties—you’ll find that most of them support the government’s position, which conveniently enough, profits the corporate sector.

    This is not freedom.

    It is despotism, which Gross refers to as “faceless oligarchs [who] sit at command posts of a corporate-government complex that has been slowly evolving over many decades.” Gross explains:

    In efforts to enlarge their own powers and privileges, they are willing to have others suffer the intended or unintended consequences of their institutional or personal greed. For Americans, these consequences include chronic inflation, recurring recession, open and hidden unemployment, the poisoning of air, water, soil and bodies, and, more important, the subversion of our constitution. More broadly, consequences include widespread intervention in international politics through economic manipulation, covert action, or military invasion…

    It is, in Gross’ words, “pretended patriots who desecrate the American flag by waving it while waiving the law”:

    I see at present members of the Establishment or people on its fringes who, in the name of Americanism, betray the interests of most Americans by fomenting militarism, applauding rat-race individualism, protecting undeserved privilege, or stirring up nationalistic and ethnic hatreds.

    It is, concludes Gross, Big Business and Big Government in bed together:

    In this present, many highly intelligent people look with but one eye and see only one part of the emerging Leviathan. From the right, we are warned against the danger of state capitalism or state socialism, in which Big Business is dominated by Big Government. From the left, we hear that the future danger (or present reality) is monopoly capitalism, with finance capitalists dominating the state. I am prepared to offer a cheer and a half for each view; together, they make enough sense for a full three cheers. Big Business and Big Government have been learning how to live in bed together and despite arguments between them, enjoy the cohabitation. Who may be on top at any particular moment is a minor matter-and in any case can be determined only by those with privileged access to a well-positioned keyhole.

    When the votes have all been counted, “we the people” will be the losers.

    The joke will be on us. Whether we ever realize it not, the enemy is not across party lines, as they would have us believe. It has us surrounded on all sides.

    Even so, we’re not yet defeated.

    We could still overcome our oppressors if we cared enough to join forces and launch a militant nonviolent revolution—a people’s revolution that starts locally and trickles upwards—but that will take some doing.

    It will mean turning our backs on the political jousting contests taking place on the national stage and rejecting their appointed jesters as false prophets. It will mean not allowing ourselves to be corralled like cattle and branded with political labels that have no meaning anymore. It will mean recognizing that all the evils that surround us today—endless wars, drone strikes, invasive surveillance, militarized police, poverty, asset forfeiture schemes, overcriminalization, etc.—were not of our making but came about as a way to control and profit from us.

    It will mean “voting with our feet” through sustained, mass civil disobedience. As journalist Chris Hedges points out, “There were once radicals in America, people who held fast to moral imperatives. They fought for the oppressed because it was right, not because it was easy or practical. They were willing to accept the state persecution that comes with open defiance. They had the courage of their convictions. They were not afraid.”

    Ultimately, it will mean refusing to be divided, one against each other, as Democrats versus Republicans, and instead uniting behind the only distinction that has ever mattered: “we the people” against tyranny.

  • Bank Of Japan Unleashes Yield Curve Chaos: JGBs Inverted At Short- And Long-End

    You know you have 'tinkered' too much in the machincations of what dealers now call a "dead market" when the world's largest sovereign bond market is inverted at the short-end and the long-end. The utter folly of Peter Pan policy has sent 10Y JGB yields below the BoJ's overnight call rate for the first time ever…

    Japan’s 10-year bond yield dropped to a record -12.5bps Friday, falling below the the negative deposit rate introduced by the Bank of Japan last month, after the central bank’s operation to buy long-term debt met the lowest investor participation on record. Yields on government debt have tumbled since the BOJ announced Jan. 29 that it would start charging 10bps interest on some deposits held at the bank starting Feb. 16.

    40Y Yields are down a stunning 90bps since the BoJ went full retard… to record lows.


    AND yields are so low that demand for 40Y JGBs has driven its yield below the 30Y yield by the most ever…


    As Bloomberg notes, Japan’s long-term bond yields extended their push to record lows, driven by a shortage as the central bank buys record amounts of securities.

    Investors are hoarding the debt because it still pays interest, while shorter maturities have negative yields.


    “We’re in a situation where traders have no stock of the bonds,” said Hideo Suzuki, the chief manager of foreign exchange and financial products trading at Tokyo-based Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp.

    A double inversion – we are sure just a little more debt monetization and the 'deflation mindset' will be vanquished.

    Crucially,  Japanese bond investors are increasingly reluctant to sell their holdings of longer maturities to the central bank as the pool of positive-yielding debt shrinks.

    This means, as BNP Paribas warns, that there is a risk that The BoJ’s bond buying operations will fail to meet target this month, Tomohisa Fujiki, chief rates strategist at the bank.

    In other words – Kuroda just hit the limit of his lies – any more buying from here and arguing that this is not direct debt monetization is simply folly. And as he reminded the world's investors recently – just like Peter Pan, once you stop believing, monetary policy's effectiveness is destroyed.

    We can only imagine the capital controls that are coming…

  • The Great Game & Partitioning Of Syria

    Submitted by Shelley Kasli via,

    Russia’s decision to greatly reduce its military presence in Syria, coming as it did with little warning, has left the world struggling for explanations. Russia is to maintain a military presence at its naval base in Tartous and at the Khmeymim airbase. In fact Russia is “withdrawing without withdrawing”.

    The partial withdrawal is seen by many as a message to the Assad government to not take Russia’s military aid for granted, and to be more flexible in the upcoming peace negotiations.

    As Robert F. Kennedy Jr., attorney and nephew of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy explains, the major reason for the west’s attempt to overthrow the Assad government was to build a natural gas pipeline from Qatar that traversed Syria, capturing its newly discovered offshore reserves, and continued on through Turkey to the EU, as a major competitor to Russia’s Gazprom.

    By re-establishing the Assad government in Syria, and permanently placing its forces at Syrian bases, the Russian’s have placed an impenetrable obstacle to the development of the Qatar gas pipeline. Russia has also placed itself at the nexus point of other new offshore gas discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean, including Israel, Cyprus, and Greece.


    It’s not hard to imagine a new Russian pipeline to Europe serving these new partners. Could easing of sanctions also lead to the implementation of the long-stalled plans of Gazprom for a second pipeline under the Baltic Sea to Germany for Russia and its partners, Royal Dutch Shell, Germany’s E.ON, and Austria’s OMV?

    Although the powers involved in Syria are trying to project the partition of Syria as a last resort and a stable political solution that would bring equilibrium, it is not a conclusion reached after all other options were exhausted which has brought many experts to question whether the Partition of Syria was the objective all along?

    Below is just one of such options advocated by various geopolitical experts all along, published by Foreign Policy Research Institute in 2013.

    The most viable alternative to the violent restoration of Sunni Arab hegemony in Syria is partition – either “hard,” resulting in two or more independent states (e.g. Sudan, 2011), or “soft,” as O’Hanlon proposes, resulting in autonomous centralized cantons under a weak federal government (e.g. Bosnia, 1995).


    As in Lebanon during its 1975-1990 civil war, de facto partition is happening every day. The question at hand is whether the international community should encourage a settlement that reifies and institutionalizes this fragmentation, rather than seeking to propel one side or the other to victory.


    [Spheres of Influence after Partition in Syria]

    Jordan and perhaps Israel would find a friend in a Druze statelet, while a coastal Alawite-dominated statelet would be sure to align with Tehran and Moscow (indeed, partition could be Russia’s best hope of holding onto its naval facility at Tartous long-term). The Kurdish zone would likely form a close relationship with its counterpart in Iraq. The Arab Gulf states would own the center (literally, in many places).

    Many of the present conflicts in the world today take place in the former colonial territories that Britain abandoned, exhausted and impoverished, in the years after the Second World War. This disastrous imperial legacy is still highly visible, and it is one of the reasons why the British Empire continues to provoke such harsh debate. If Britain made such a success of its colonies, why are so many in an unholy mess half a century later, major sources of violence and unrest?

    British Geostrategy for the Subcontinent

    The British policy toward South Asia, and the Middle East as well, is uniformly colonial, and vastly different from that of the United States. Even today, when Washington is powered by people with tunnel vision, at best, the U.S. policy is not to break up nations, but to control the regime, or, as has become more prevalent in recent years, under the influence of the arrogant neocons, to force regime change. While this often creates a messy situation—for example, in Iraq, Lybia, Syria —the U.S. would prefer to avoid such outcomes.

    Britain, on the other hand, built its geostrategic vision in the post-colonial days through the creation of a mess, and furthering the mess, to break up a country; exactly on the same lines India was partitioned in 1947. This policy results in a long-drawn process of violent disintegration. That is the process now in display in nations where the British colonial forces had hunted before, and still pull significant strings.

    When the British left the Indian subcontinent in 1947, it was divided into India and Pakistan. The British colonial geostrategists, coming out of World War II, realized the importance of controlling the oil and gas fields. If possession could not be maintained, the strategists argued, Britain and its allies must remain at a striking distance, to ensure their control of these raw material reserves, and deny them to others.

    Here is where the strategic importance of than British India (India & Pakistan) comes into play which the historians and political analysts have forgotten.

    Strategic Importance of India/Pakistan & the Middle East

    Germany surrendered on 5th May 1945. The same day, Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered an appraisal of the ‘long-term policy required to safeguard the strategic interests of the British Empire in India and the Indian Ocean’ by the Post-Hostilities Planning Staff of the War Cabinet. And, on 19th May, this top-secret appraisal report was placed before him. The central point of this report was that Britain must retain its military connection with the subcontinent so as to ward off the Soviet Union’s threat to the area.

    The report cited four reasons for the strategic importance of India to Britain:

    1. Its value as a base from which forces located there could be suitably placed for deployment both within the Indian Ocean area and in the Middle East and the Far East.


    2. A transit point for air and sea communications.


    3. A large reserve of manpower of good fighting quality.


    4. From the northwest of which British air power could threaten Soviet military installations.

    In each and every subsequent appreciation of the British chiefs of staff from then on till India’s independence that is available for examination, the emphasis was on the need to retain the British military connection with the subcontinent, irrespective of the political and constitutional changes there. Equally, they stressed the special importance of the northwest of India in this context. (Top-secret document, PHP (45) 15 (0) final, 19 May 1945, L/W/S/1/983988 (Oriental and Indian Collection, British Library, London).

    The achievement of these objectives was collectively called as the Great Game. With the beginning of the eighteenth century the French were also able to figure out India’s importance and actively tried to be part of the process of having India’s resources shared for their political objectives in Europe. This reached the pinnacle with the Napoleonic Era where Napoleon was able to figure out that as long as India was in the hands of British it would be impossible to checkmate British in continental European wars. So the Grande army moved into Russia with a tacit agreement of taking India via land route through Afghanistan. When British sensed this plan, coalition after coalition against French were set up finally ending in a war between France and Russia in which Napoleon was finally weakened.

    Later Russians were able to figure out this land route and its benefits and swiftly moved into southern Khanites occupying them one after the other. British sensing the danger of Russian incursion or outright occupation of India did three things.

    • Created buffer kingdoms post 1857 in the form of Kashmir, Afghanistan and Sikh Federated states.

    • Trained the British Indian Army in the General Staff techniques as envisioned by German strategists like von Moltke and others.

    • Meddled with the cultural heritage of India.

    The social engineering was in such a way that in 100 years Indians lost everything of their glorious traditions – culture, customs, sciences – thinking that they have nothing to do with them and meekly surrendered to the British and their system of education.

    To achieve the total control of India, the British used the Divide and Rule policy in terms of religion, clan, tribe, caste, region and language; the effects of which we are still felling as a continuous descent into mental, emotional and psychological slavery from which Indians were never able to come out. This is exactly what is playing out in the Levant War Zone today. This same strategy continues till today disguised under various names and terms – the New Great Game, Cold War, New Cold War etc.


    Just how many countries were divided even after the end of World War II in the name of ‘Balance of Power’ into various ‘Spheres of Influence’? When the borders were drawn the conflicts were drawn with them and it is called a ‘Peace Plan’. Just like Syria now even India was partitioned by the British in 1947; how much peace has that brought to the two countries? Why do India and Pakistan blame each other and interestingly are unaware or never acknowledge the strategic reasons for which it was divided by the British? Most importantly, after more than 6 decades of Independence why should the former colonies accept the British drawn borders which has only brought more destruction?

  • Mystery Man Behind $100 Million Central Bank Heist Revealed As Bangladesh Moves To Sue Fed

    Bangladesh is not pleased with the NY Fed.

    One Friday in early February, hackers who had apparently been stalking the Bangladesh central bank for at least two weeks bombarded the Fed with requests for transfers of nearly $1 billion from the country’s FX reserves.

    The good news: the vast majority of that total was not transferred. The bad news: $100 million of it was and of that $100 million, more than $80 million is still missing.

    For those who missed the story, you can review it in all its James Bond-ish glory in the four posts linked below, but here is a brief summary of what happened to the $81 million: 1) it was transferred to four accounts at the Jupiter Street, Makati City, branch of Rizal Commercial Banking Corp (RCBC) in the Philippines, 2) $470,000 in cash went into the branch manager’s trunk and the rest went to a possibly forged (but possibly not) account registered to one William Go, 3) the money was transferred to an FX broker called Philrem, 4) $50 million was split between two casinos and the remaining $31 was delivered to a “Weikang Xu” in cash.

    From there, the trail goes cold.

    (branch manager Maia Santos Deguito)

    The CCTV cameras at the bank weren’t functioning during the questionable transfers but branch manager Maia Santos Deguito stands accused of ignoring a stop order from the central bank and from her superiors. Meanwhile William Go claims he had nothing to do with it, Bangladesh’s finance minister AMA Muhith thinks his country’s central bank was in on the scam, and the NY Fed says it followed proper protocol. This evening, WSJ reported that according to people familiar with Bangladesh central bank’s operations, its SWIFT terminal for interbank messaging might have been left logged on on the night of February 4, creating a hole via which more than $100 million was stolen.

    As we wrote last week, “what seems likely here is that this is part of something far larger and it could very well be that none of the people along the paper trail (Deguito, Go, whoever was or wasn’t involved at the Bangladesh Bank, etc.) actually knows who is ultimately pulling the strings.”

    Regardless of who is behind the heist, the Fed “cannot avoid their responsibility in any way,” FinMin Muhith insists.  

    His government is apparently willing to push that line, because as Reuters reports, “Bangladesh’s central bank has hired a lawyer in the United States for a potential lawsuit against the New York Federal Reserve.”

    “We view this as a major lapse on the part of FRB NY,” BB said in the report, a copy of which was obtained by Reuters.


    RCBC has since fired Deguito and her assistant Angela Torres who requested the money that later ended up in her boss’s car. Branch officer Romualdo Agarrado claims Deguito told him that she feared for her life and that was why she had to ignore the freeze order on the accounts. Here’s what he told lawmakers: “But the one that stuck in my mind – she said, ‘I would rather do this than me being killed, or my family.’” Deguito denied making the statement.

    Deguito would later say William Go asked for 10% of the $81 million to keep quiet about the scheme. Go has since threatened to sue Deguito.

    We offered Maia (to be included in the) Witness Protection Program but she turned it down,” Osmena, chairman of the Senate committee on banks and financial institutions, told PhilStar who adds that Sen. Joseph Victor Ejercito said there is a need to establish first Deguito’s role before she can be tapped as state witness. “I don’t think that’s proper at this point. Being a state witness means she must not be the most guilty, but according to the testimonies during the hearing, she appears to be one of the main actors in this scheme,” Ejercito said.

    Perhaps she should have accepted the witsec offer. Over the weekend, reports suggested a cyber crime expert who spoke to police and the media about the heist had disappeared. 

    “Kamrun Nahar Chowdhury said her husband Tanveer Hassan Zoha had been taken from a motorized rickshaw in the early hours of Thursday by people in plainclothes who blindfolded him and drove off with him in a vehicle,” Reuters said.

    Meanwhile, the Philippines’ anti-money-laundering agency has filed criminal complaints against Weikang Xu – the casino junket operator who took delivery of $31 million in cash at the Bloomberry – and another businessman named Kim Wong. “The president of PhilRem, a local money-remittance firm that helped transfer the money, testified that once the money was in the Philippines, $29 million was directed to the account of a man he identified as Mr. Xu at Manila-based Solaire Resort & Casino. He also said that approximately $30 million was delivered to Mr. Xu in cash,” WSJ writes. “PhilRem’s president said an additional $21 million was transferred to a local online gambling company called Eastern Hawaii Leisure Co., owned by Mr. Wong.”

    “The AMLC alleged that Wong knew or should have known that the funds remitted or transferred to the accounts of the four ‘John Does,’ ‘Willam Go,’ Philippine Remittance Ltd. (PhilRem), Eastern Hawaii Casino and Resort in the Cagayan province, and to his own account were part of the stolen funds from the Bangladesh Bank,” CNN Philippines reports

    Who is Kim Wong, you ask? Good question. Here’s a bit of useful background information from ABS-CBN:

    Fifteen years ago, on August 23, 2001, a 39-year-old Chinese man–also named Kam Sin Wong, alias Kim Wong–faced the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee.


    Wong sat in the same room just a few steps away from three other men who had accused him of involvement in illegal drugs and other criminal activities.


    The three were Col. Victor Corpus, then chief of the Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (ISAFP); former Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim; and one Ador Mawanay, an alleged agent of the now defunct Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force.


    According to the Senate transcripts of the hearing, Corpus had suspected Sen. Panfilo Lacson of links to the illegal drug trade and that it was Wong who was the senator’s conduit to the drug mafia.


    Both Lacson and Wong denied the allegations.


    Wong told the Senate hearing that he had no clue as to why the ISAFP was accusing him of such crimes. “Ako ay isang negosyante lang na maliit,” Wong said.


    But as the hearing unfolded, it became clear Wong was anything but a small-time businessman.



    By 2001, Wong owned a garments business and three restaurants in Manila as well as golf and tennis club memberships. 


    It would appear business was going very well because he and three Chinese friends were in a position to gift the Western Police District with a building which was constructed within the police headquarters’ premises.


    By the time the Senate wrapped up its 2001 investigation, Wong was left unscathed, while his principal accuser, Corpus, was admonished for his “blunder.” 


    Corpus had presented the picture of the wrong Wong to the media at the onset of the probe. Mawanay too was deemed an “unreliable” witness, according to the committee report.


    Allegations against Lacson were merely passed on to the Department of Justice for further investigation in 2001.


    NBI records in 2001 showed one Kam Sin Wong had been charged for swindling and estafa.


    And then, in 2009, a case of illegal dismissal was filed by one John Aguyaoy before the National Labor Relations Commission against the Eastern Hawaii Leisure Co. and Kim Wong.


    The case reached the Court of Appeals, with the Eastern Hawaii Leisure Corporation saying Wong was “neither an employee (nor) director or stock holder of the company” and Aguyaoy saying “Wong is the real owner …and the police, the public, his employees …were all made to believe that he is the owner because he was in control of all the activities” of the company. 


    But aside from these cases, not much was heard about Wong, until the name of one Kam Sin Wong alias Kim Wong surfaced again last week.

    PhilStar sums all of the above up as follows: “In 2001, Wong was tagged as one of former Sen. Panfilo Lacson’s financiers during the investigation of the former senator’s alleged hidden wealth and ties with drug lords.” According to Deguito, it was Wong who introduced her to Michael Francisco Cruz, Jessie Christopher Lagrosas, Alfred Santos Vergara and Enrico Teodoro Vasquez, the four “John Does” whose names were on the RCBC accounts where the money was initially transferred after it left the NY Fed. 

    She also says it was Wong who told her to open the account under William Go’s name. “When the Senate Blue Ribbon committee opened the investigation on March 15, it said it could not locate Lagrosas, Vasquez, Cruz and Vergara at their given addresses,” ABS-CBN goes on to note.

    So we suppose the question now is this: who does Wong work for? Or is this, like the accusations against the businessman in 2001, a case of mistaken identity wherein unscrupulous witnesses are presenting a picture of the “wrong Wong”? 

    Incidentally, Panfilo Lacson is running for Senate again. In two months.

  • Nail Bomb, Chemicals, ISIS Flag Found As Manhunt Underway For Brussels Bombing Suspect

    Just days after the manhunt for Salah Abdeslam ended with the Paris fugitive’s capture in the Muslim enclave of Molenbeek, another frantic search is underway in Belgium.

    This time police are looking for an as yet unidentified man wearing a white collared shirt and dark bucket hat who was captured on camera pushing a luggage trolley through the Brussels airport today alongside the two men who are suspected of having blown themselves up as part of the coordinated terrorist attacks that rocked the city on Tuesday morning.

    Although there are still far more questions than answers, we now have bit more in the way of detail as to what happened just before the attacks.

    Based on surveillance video footage, we know the three men arrived at the airport in a taxi and while the two men on the left in the picture shown above apparently died in the attack (the gloves seen on their left hands are thought to hide triggers), the third man apparently fled the scene.

    The suitcase on his trolley was later located by Belgian police and detonated.

    “They came in a taxi with their suitcases, their bombs were in their bags,” Francis Vermeiren, the mayor of Zaventem said.  “They put their suitcases on trolleys, the first two bombs exploded. The third also put his on a trolley but he must have panicked, it did not explode.” US officials say it’s more likely that the third man’s escape was planned.

    The ensuing manhunt led police to a residence in Schaerbeek where a nail bomb, chemicals, and an ISIS flag were reportedly discovered.

    Several sources contend that the taxi driver who delivered the men to the airport led police to the home where the items were discovered.

    According to The Mirror, the driver told officials he had tried to help the men with their bags “but was abruptly ordered not to touch their luggage”. Other reports suggest he told authorities he was alarmed at how heavy their bags seemed.

    “Based on what we found after the attacks, we had some information and we did a lot of house searches today,” Belgium’s interior minister, Jan Jambon told CNN. Belgian security sources also said the “working assumption” is that the men come from the same cell that orchestrated the Paris attacks. In other words, the dark legacy of Abdelhamid Abaaoud lives on

    Indeed, Abdeslam may have built upon the remnants of Abaaoud’s cell. “We have seen a new network of people around him in Brussels,” Belgian authorities told AP after his arrest last week. Some observers now believe his arrest may have compelled the group to pull forward a planned attack for fear that they would be arrested before they had a chance to act. “The bombings came days after Belgian officials warned of possible attacks following the arrest in a Brussels shootout on Friday of Salah Abdeslam, the only known survivor of 10 Islamist attackers who killed 130 people in a string of suicide bombings and shootings in Paris in November,” The Guardian wrote, earlier today.

    There had been “chatter” related to today’s attack dating as far back as “3-4 weeks ago,” MSNBC said. 

    Meanwhile, the front pages of Wednesday’s Belgian newspapers are beginning to surface. Here are a few examples:

    Expect ongoing raids throughout Brussels as police desperately attempt to track down the third suspect in the airport bombings and as authorities rush to head off what even PM Charles Michel admits are likely to be “more” black days to come.

    As for ISIS, the group says what’s coming next “is worse.”

    *  *  *

    Official ISIS statement

  • Just 3 Charts

    Earlier today Fed President Evans said this "I think the economic fundamentals [of the US] are really quite good." As the following three charts show, there is only one thing that looks "quite good" and it is not 'economic fundamentals'…

    Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Charles Evans says “we expect 2016 growth will be 2 to 2.5 percent and I think the fundamentals are really quite good for the economy going forward.”


    “Joint economic outlook numbers weren’t really all that different” in latest SEP compared to December

    Macro-economy? Nope…


    Micro-economy? Earnings expectations… Nope!


    And The Bond Market… Nope!!


    So what exactly is is that Mr.Evans sees? Either he is stupid (PhD suggests otherwise), ignorant (possible), or lying (probable) since the only thing that matters clearly in the level of the S&P 500 – being above 2,000! Or was Evans' hawkishness a sign The Fed is worried that markets are way over their skis once again?

  • It's Official: Canadian Bank Depositors Are Now At Risk Of Bail-Ins

    Earlier today, Canada’s new Liberal government unveiled a stimulus budget meant to revive slumping growth with a surge in infrastructure spending and said it would run a deficit nearly three times larger than promised during last year’s election.

    The government projected a C$29.4 billion ($22.5 billion) deficit for fiscal 2016-17 and gave no target date for returning to a balanced budget. This budget broke virtually all pledges the Liberals made before the election, including running just three years of deficits of up to C$10 billion before balancing the books by fiscal 2019-20.

    “We are seizing the opportunity to invest in people and the economy, and to prepare Canada for a brighter future,” Finance Minister Bill Morneau said.

    What he is really seizing is the Bank of Canada money printer, because in order to monetize this surging deficit, the BOC will soon have to unleash its own QE in the coming months. 

    As Reuters adds, because the Liberals command a majority in the Canadian Parliament’s House of Commons, the budget is guaranteed to pass.

    Which is bad news not so much for the Canadian Dollar, which will certainly devalue in the coming months as the market prices in what a massive surge in deficit spending means although so will all other currencies as the global debasement race accelerates once more in a few short months, but for bank depositors, because deep inside the budget announcement, in the section discussing “tax fairness and a strong financial sector”, we have official confirmation that Canada has just become the latest country to treat depositors as the bank creditors they are, and as such, they too will be impaired, or “bailed-in” the next time a Canadian bank needs to be rescued.

    The specific text:

    Introducing a Bank Recapitalization “Bail-in” Regime


    To protect Canadian taxpayers in the unlikely event of a large bank failure, the Government is proposing to implement a bail-in regime that would reinforce that bank shareholders and creditors are responsible for the bank’s risks—not taxpayers. This would allow authorities to convert eligible long-term debt of a failing systemically important bank into common shares to recapitalize the bank and allow it to remain open and operating. Such a measure is in line with international efforts to address the potential risks to the financial system and broader economy of institutions perceived as “too-big-to-fail”.


    The Government is proposing to introduce framework legislation for the regime along with accompanying enhancements to Canada’s bank resolution toolkit. Regulations and guidelines setting out further features of the regime will follow. This will provide stakeholders with an additional opportunity to comment on elements of the proposed regime.


    Bail-in Regime for Banks


    Canada’s financial system performed well during the 2008 global financial crisis. Since that time, Canada has been an active participant in the G20’s financial sector reform agenda aimed at addressing the factors that contributed to the crisis. This includes international efforts to address the potential risks to the financial system and broader economy of institutions perceived as “too-big-to-fail”. Implementation of a bail-in regime for Canada’s domestic systemically important banks would strengthen our bank resolution toolkit so that it remains consistent with best practices of peer jurisdictions and international standards endorsed by the G20.

    This new “bail-in” regime is spun as benefitting taxpayers; what isn’t mentioned is that most of those taxpayers who will be “protected” also happen to be the impaired depositors (also known as creditors) in these soon to be bailed-in banks, which begs the question: just who or what is being protected here?

    Should oil remain at its current price, or drift lower again, we will certainly find out in practice, because as even Canada’s regulator is now warning, there is far less stability than meets the eye behind the “rock solid” balance sheet facade of Canada’s banks.

  • Greek Border Desperation: 2 Refugees Self-Immolate Over 'Concentration Camp' Conditions

    Just days after Greek Interior Minister Panagiotis Kouroumplis compared the nation's refugee camps to WW2 concentration camps, saying "I wouldn’t hesitate to say that this is a modern Dachau," KeepTalkingGreece reports two men poured gasoline on their clothes and set them on fire on Tuesday morning to protest the appalling conditions at Idomeni camp and the closure of the borders.

    Other refugees who were standing by managed to extinguished the fire and save their lives. But both men suffered injuries and were transferred to hospitals in Kilkis and Thessaloniki, reports the Athens news Agency.


    With their action, the two refugees reportedly wanted to protest the appalling conditions at Idomeni camp and the closure of the borders.


    idomeni refugees


    The action triggered tension among the other refugees who stated to chant “Open borders”.


    Last night another man set poured fuel on his clothes, other refugees were quick to stop him from set himself on fire.


    Another group of some 50 refugees and migrants demonstrate with a sit-in on the rail tracks.


    More than 13,000 people of several nationalities and refugee or migrant status insist on staying at Idomeni camp, despite repeated Greek government calls that they should move to “accommodation centers” set by the Greek Army across the country. They hope that the borders to FYROM will open and that they can reach Germany and other countries.


    The government has repeatedly said that it “will not remove the people form Idomeni by force.”

    Greek Interior Minister Panagiotis Kouroumplis compared the camps to Dachau. "I wouldn’t hesitate to say that this is a modern Dachau," he said, lamenting what he called “the awakening of a kind of nationalism against persecuted people." As we showed previously, Indomeni is an atrocity…

    KTG concludes,

    "I don’t know how long the Greek government will keep its non-violent approach, if troubles continue up there in Idomeni."

  • Rubio's Failure: How Our Broken Economy Fuels Voter Rage

    Submitted by Hunter Lewis via The Mises Institute,

    Rubio post-mortems miss the point. In the end, it is just more fall-out from crony capitalism.

    None of the post-mortems of Rubio’s campaign I have seen mention the real reason why the young senator, so articulate, so successful, recently touted as the future of his party, never got launch speed in his campaign for the presidency. It is actually Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY)’s handiwork, aided and abetted by Rubio’s misjudgment.

    Shortly after the 2012 election, the GOP was worrying about Romney’s poor showing among Hispanics. At the same time, Senator Schumer and other Democrats were thinking that Rubio, himself Hispanic, was by far the most electable Republican candidate in 2016. How to bring him down?

    Schumer’s plan was simple: lure Rubio into the gang of eight immigration bill promising eventual citizenship to all illegal immigrants. Success in this would effectively kill Rubio’s chances in 2016 with GOP primary voters. Rubio would not only have gotten out of step with those primary voters; he would also have reversed the position he took in his Senate race and thus appear to be dishonest.

    Would Rubio walk into this trap? That it was a carefully plotted trap was clear enough to me and others at the time. But he did. Once he did, the odds of his gaining the GOP nomination were always poor. They became even poorer as President Obama increasingly refused to enforce border protection laws, thereby stirring up GOP voters on the issue.

    Immigration Reform was Rubio’s RomneyCare

    It is possible that had Rubio run in 2012, before all this happened, he might be president today. The GOP primary voters in 2012 were clearly looking for some alternative to Romney and Rubio might have been that alternative. The only thing against him in 2012 was his youth and John Kennedy had overcome that handicap. If he had run and gotten Romney’s vote but done better with under 30 year olds and Hispanics, he would have had the votes to be elected.

    Ironically, party donors begged Chris Christie, Rubio’s recent nemesis, to enter the race then too, and if he had, he might have won the nomination. His chances against President Obama, however, would not have been as good, if only because Rubio could run as the first Hispanic candidate for president, which would have helped when running against the first black president.

    Was there any way Rubio could have recovered from his miscalculation? There was one possibly effective tack to take. When Rubio signed onto the gang of eight bill, he said that if legislation was not passed, President Obama was going to take dictatorial and unconstitutional action on the border. By 2015, Rubio could have cited his earlier comment, totally disavowed the gang of eight bill, claimed that it had been intended solely to stop President Obama, and that having failed to do so and in the wake of President Obama’s actions, it no longer deserved support. It is doubtful this would have worked, but it might have been more effective than what Rubio did, which was to temporize and obfuscate and even pretend that Senator Cruz had supported the bill, which was not true.

    This is not unlike Mitt Romney’s tortured stance on RomneyCare in 2011 and 2012. Romney might have done better to disavow completely RomneyCare in Massachusetts as a failed experiment rather than temporizing and obfuscating about it. In the absence of a complete abandonment of RomneyCare, he could never really mount an effective attack on Obamacare, RomneyCare’s lookalike, and he needed such an effective attack in order to win election. Tactics aside, Romney may not have wanted to do this because he really believed in RomneyCare and the same may have been true of Rubio. He may not have been able to disavow the gang of eight bill because, deep down, he still believed in it, and his conscience would not let him lie.

    The Politics of a Failing Economy

    None of this may seem to be connected to economics, but the connection is actually quite close. The economy has performed so poorly for so long that tens of millions of primary voters are very, very worried. The more they worry about getting or keeping jobs, the more they worry about job competition from immigrants, and the more easily they become inflamed about open borders. Voters also sense that the crony capitalists are getting richer while they are getting poorer, which is true, and they identify the crony capitalists with the unlimited immigration position. Big business in particular wants the cheapest labor possible, they reason, and this means big business wants open borders.

    There is an irony here. Free and open markets, with free and open prices, not controlled by government, are the only way to create prosperity and jobs for the poor and middle class, not just those enriching themselves from government connections. Yet a declining economy often produces political waves that are inimical to free and open markets.

    Meanwhile, the greatest harm done to the economy has been done by the world’s central bankers. Entrusted with protecting the value of global currencies, they have instead trashed them, in the process creating today’s cycles of bubble and bust. No economic logic, no valid theory, no empirical evidence supports what these self-appointed central economic planners have done, but the more their radical ideas fail, the more they double down on them. The only beneficiaries are the crony capitalist rich and is it any wonder that, under these circumstances, primary voters would be angry and look to unconventional candidates?

    A Declining Empire

    The reasons for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire have been endlessly debated. In my own view, there were three, highly interrelated causes.

    The first was noted by Ludwig von Mises: the Emperors debased the currency and by doing so destroyed what had been a thriving economy, what might be called the world’s first “global” trading economy. So far, we are doing the same.


    Second, the emperors increasingly opened the borders to immigrants. This might have turned out better if the economy had been thriving. But with the economy in sharp decline, it made a bad situation worse and eventually led to outright invasions.


    Third, pandemics arrived, massive pandemics that wiped out large proportions of the population. We have not yet experienced anything like that, but medical authorities continually warn us that it could happen anytime, and could take the form of a viral pandemic, for which there would be no cure, or a bacterial pandemic such as TB, because we have allowed antibiotic resistant forms to flourish through antibiotic misuse.

    It is a long way from Marco Rubio back to Marcus Aurelius, the “good” emperor who nevertheless persecuted the Christians, or the many incompetent or mad Caesars, but humanity does tend to make the same errors over and over again and rarely takes the time or trouble to learn from the past.

  • Who Would Be Better Fighting Terror: Trump or Clinton?

    Trump and Clinton both claim they’re the better candidate for stopping terrorism.

    Let’s fact-check their statements and their records …


    Hillary Clinton is largely responsible for regime change in Libya (for oil and gold?), the war in Syria (to help Israel?), violence in Honduras, and the entire concept of “humanitarian war”.

    Clinton is largely responsible for the West’s backing of Al Qaeda and other Islamic terror groups, to act as the tip of the spear in fomenting regime change throughout the Middle East.

    And she supports Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and other despotic regimes that support terrorism.

    Clinton’s policies have greatly increased terrorism.  Specifically, Clinton has for many years – as the president’s wife, Secretary of State, and now presidential candidate – been championing some of the largest causes of terrorism, including: overthrowing moderates, arming crazies, supporting dictators who support terrorists, bombing and invading when negotiated peace is possible, and imperial conquests for Arab oil.


    Trump has said some unusually blunt things about terrorism …

    For example, he said that the wars in the Middle East have made us less safe:

    We’ve spent $4 trillion trying to topple various people that, frankly, if they were there and if we could have spent that $4 trillion in the United States to fix our roads, our bridges, and all of the other problems — our airports and all the other problems we have — we would have been a lot better off, I can tell you that right now.


    We have done a tremendous disservice not only to the Middle East — we’ve done a tremendous disservice to humanity. The people that have been killed, the people that have been wiped away — and for what? It’s not like we had victory. It’s a mess. The Middle East is totally destabilized, a total and complete mess. I wish we had the 4 trillion dollars or 5 trillion dollars. I wish it were spent right here in the United States on schools, hospitals, roads, airports, and everything else that are all falling apart!

    He’s right.  Security experts – including both conservatives and liberals – agree that waging war in the Middle East weakens national security and increases terrorism. See this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this.

    Trump has also said that the U.S. would be safer if Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi were still in power, and if Syria’s Assad was stronger.  He’s correct: all of the countries we’ve “regime changed” have descended into brutal chaosallowing ISIS and other terrorists to spread.

    And Trump has said that we should not back “humanitarian wars”, but only wars to defend our country from imminent threat (pages 141-142).

    Trump’s claim that we should temporary close our borders to Muslims obviously rubs Democrats the wrong way.

    But anyone who thinks we should let in anyone who wants to come here from the Middle East is naive and dangerous.  After all, the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security says that the outmoded U.S. immigration system – and the authorities’ lack of progress in automating their systems – poses a security risk to the U.S. And ISIS has publicly announced that they’re  infiltrating immigrant groups to enter the West.

    At the least, we need much stricter background checks and screening procedures. Do we need to temporarily close the borders to implement them?  Probably not … but until we do tighten screening procedures, we’re leaving ourselves open to a very dangerous situation, with more San Bernadinos (and Paris and Brussels) a real possibility.

    Trump’s call for more waterboarding and torture is extremely misguided.

    Specifically, top terrorism and interrogation experts agree that torture creates more terrorists.  Indeed, the leaders of ISIS were motivated by U.S. torture.

    Torture will make us less safe, and create more terrorists.

  • This Could Be A Problem: Losses On "Deep" Subprime Auto Double Industry Average

    On Saturday, we highlighted a rather disturbing statistic.

    60+ day delinquencies for subprime auto ABS have now risen above crisis levels to 5.16% – levels we haven’t seen since 1996.

    That won’t surprise regular readers. The writing has been on the wall for quite a while. More auto loan originations are going to borrowers with shoddy credit and loan terms are looking more and more stretched by the quarter. Just ask the NY Fed. Or Experian, where even permabull Melinda Zabritski will tell you that underwriting standards are getting looser (although she likely won’t say that’s a bad thing).

    While Citi and others are quick to point out that the originate to sell model isn’t prevalent in the auto loan industry, the inability for lenders to securitize subprime loans may well put the brakes on US auto sales. After all, the pool of creditworthy borrowers is finite. That means that at a certain point, incremental sales must be engineered by making ineligible borrowers eligible by resorting to looser underwriting. But that only works if you can offload that credit risk. No lender wants to be sitting on a book full of used car loans to deep subprime borrowers with sub-600 FICOs, and so, if demand for subprime auto ABS dries up, so too will credit to the subset of borrowers who are driving (no pun intended) incremental sales growth.

    Here’s a look at the share of total auto loans that have been securitized:

    As you can see, and as we noted last week, the share has remained range-bound for at least 15 years. But again, the question is what happens to auto sales if lenders can no longer expand the pool of eligible borrowers by relaxing their standards? That would likely occur if subprime and deep suprime start to underperform, leading investors to pull back from paper backed by loans to less creditworthy borrowers. And guess what? Deep subprime is underperforming. Massively. Here’s Goldman: 

    Many of the deep subprime pools are experiencing losses above the industry average. Exhibit 6, for example, shows the losses on three large 2015 vintage deep subprime deals vs. the subprime industry aggregate. The deeper subprime deals have losses over two times the industry average.



    Remember, somebody owns this paper and they sure as hell won’t be buying into any more deep subprime deals if the collateral pools continue to perform like that. And if investors aren’t buying, then lenders can’t offload their credit risk which in turn means they will simply stop lending to shoddy borrowers. Once that happens, you can kiss the US auto sales “miracle” goodbye – for good. 

    If you need proof of just how important the ability to securitize truly is for subprime auto lenders, simply review the first-hand account we published last week that details what’s happening “under the industry’s hood,” so to speak.

    For now, we’ll close with one last chart from Goldman which shows what happens when a pair of trillion dollar bubbles collide head-on with Americans’ inability to free themselves from the shackles of debt:

  • "We Ain't Seen Nothing Yet," Dutch Party Leader Rages: "We Need To De-Islamize The West"

    November’s mass murders in Paris; today’s suicide bombings in Brussles… that’s just the beginning for Europe according to Dutch Party For Freedom (PVV) leader and prominent counter-Islamist campaigner Geert Wilders who spoke earlier today with Breitbart London in the aftermath of this morning’s major terror attack and has lamented it is just the beginning of growing Islamist violence.


    Wilders, who recently said male refugees are “testosterone bombs,” and must be locked up to save women from “sexual jihad” said: “I fear that we ain’t seen nothing yet. According to Europol 3,000 to 5,000 European jihadists, who went to Syria to fight in the ranks of IS and similar terrorist groups, have meanwhile returned to Western Europe. Some of them hid among the hundreds of thousands of Islamic asylum seekers that entered Europe from Asia and Africa.”

    He added that “two of last November’s terrorist in Paris had fought in Syria. So had the terrorist who, last August, attempted to attack the high speed train between Amsterdam and Paris. So had the two terrorists who, in January 2015, massacred the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo. So had the terrorist who, in May 2014, shot four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels.”

    According to Breitbart, Belgian police have recently said at least 90 returned fighters from the Islamic State are living at liberty in Brussels, many of them in the infamous Molenbeek neighbourhood. European Commission insider Hermann Kelly told Breitbart Radio this morning he was concerned so many lived just miles from the political capital of the European Union.

    Kelly said: “This is amazing to me that these people can kill people abroad, come here, and then walk free in the centre of Brussels.”

    Wilders then went on: “Returned Syria fighters are a huge threat. They are dangerous predators roaming our streets. It is absolutely unbelievable that our governments allow them to return. And it is incredible that, once returned, they are not imprisoned.”

    “In the Netherlands, we have dozens of these returned jihadists. Our government allows most of them to freely walk our streets and refuses to lock them up. I demand that they be detained at once. Every government in the West, which refuses to do so, is a moral accessory if one of these monsters commits an atrocity.

    “The government must also close our national borders. The European Union’s Schengen zone, where no border controls are allowed, is a catastrophe. The Belgian Moroccan Salah Abdeslam, the mastermind of last November’s bloodbath in Paris, travelled freely from Belgium to the Netherlands on multiple occasions last year.”

    “This is intolerable. Open borders are a huge safety risk. Our citizens are in mortal danger if we do not restore control over our own national borders.”

    Speaking earlier today Mr. Wilders lamented that commuters were killed in “cold blood” and said “The cause of all this bloodshed is Islam. We need to de-Islamize the West. That is the only way to safeguard our lives and protect our freedom”.

    With every passing day, ever more people agree with his perspective, which incidentally is quite comparable to that of Donald Trump, who wants not an end to Europe’s customs union, but a wall along the southern U.S. border.

  • "Free" Trade, Jobs, & Income Inequality: It's Not As Easy As We Might Think

    Submitted by Charles Huigh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

    Cheap imports, offshoring of production and the global expansion of financial markets have driven U.S. corporate and financial profits to unprecedented heights.

    Globalization (a.k.a. "free" trade) has become an election issue for two reasons: many voters blame "free" trade with China and other nations for job losses in the U.S. and rising income inequality as globalization's "winners" in the U.S. outpace its far more numerous "losers."

    A recent article in the New York Times looks at the issue from the perspective of recent economic studies: On Trade, Angry Voters Have a Point (via Lew G.)

    The case for globalization based on the fact that it helps expand the economic pie by 3 percent becomes much weaker when it also changes the distribution of the slices by 50 percent.

    Before we dig into this complicated set of interconnected macro-dynamics, let's stipulate that there is no such thing as "free" trade. Every trade agreement defines winners and losers by the very design of the agreement.

    Also, other issues that are outside the confines of the actual trade agreement can have outsized influence on trade's winners and losers.

    For example, trade between the U.S. and China cannot possibly be "free" because China pegs its currency to the U.S. dollar (USD). This peg enables China to arbitrarily keep its products cheaper than they might be if the market set the value of China's yuan.

    We must also keep in mind that the owner of the reserve currency, the U.S., must export its currency in size, i.e. run a permanent and substantial trade deficit. I've explained Triffin's Paradox many times; please read (or re-read) these essays if you want to understand why trade deficits are integral to the reserve currency and are not a feature of any particular trade agreement:

    Understanding the "Exorbitant Privilege" of the U.S. Dollar (November 19, 2012)

    The Federal Reserve, Interest Rates and Triffin's Paradox (November 19, 2015)

    Many overlook the fact that central bank interventions play an enormous role in establishing globalization's winners and losers. By lowering interest rates to zero (or less than zero) and flooding the banking sector with credit/liquidity, central banks encouraged an explosion of global carry trades, in which financiers borrow cheap in one currency to buy high-yielding assets in another currency/nation.

    The central-bank fueled explosion in credit also threw gasoline on speculative investments in emerging market nations, distorting currencies, markets and trade. The point here is that globalization, financialization and central bank interventions are tightly bound together. We cannot talk about any of these drivers in isolation; together, they form one system we loosely call "global trade."

    Let's move on to globalization's impact on jobs, income and income disparity. The article linked above notes that one study found trade with China erased 2.4 million jobs in the U.S. Other studies have found an offsetting consequence: the purchasing power of middle-class and working class households rose by 26% due to globalization's relentless reductions in the cost of imported goods.

    We must take all such estimates with a grain of salt, as there are many dynamics in play. The U.S. economy has been roiled by deep structural changes since the late 1960s; there has been no let-up in systemic turbulence: the end of the Bretton Woods stability in foreign exchange markets; the rise of Japanese and Asian imports in the 1970s and 80s; oil shocks and stagflation in the 1970s; the cost of dealing with industrial pollution of our air, water and soil; the tech boom–the cost of processors and memory have fallen while advances in software and robotics accelerate; the explosive changes wrought by the Internet; the rise of China and the Asian Tigers as the world's low-cost workshop, and various speculative debt/fraud bubbles that burst with catastrophic consequences for participants and non-players alike.

    At the risk of overloading you with data, let's look at a few key charts and mark the rise of China's influence, the rise of financialization and income inequality and the explosive rise in U.S. corporate profits.

    Here are the charts we'll be reviewing:

    — Civilian employment-population ratio (the percentage of the population who are employed in some fashion, including self-employed and part-time)

    — Productivity (and income disparity)

    — Income inequality

    — U.S. Financial profits

    — U.S. Corporate profits

    On the face of it, the U.S. experienced a multi-decade boom in employment from the early 1980s to 2008. Many have noted that the key demographic driver of this rise in employment was the mass entry of women into the work force. Many believe the loss of purchasing power in the stagflationary 1970s pushed women into the work force as the only means of maintaining household buying power. There were other drivers, of course; nothing this structural reduces down to one single cause.

    This chart looks like a giant head-and-shoulders pattern that correlates with the rise and fall of financialization, which is the commodification of previously safe assets such as housing and the explosive rise in debt, derivatives and financial gaming (which quickly morphs into fraud if regulatory agencies fall asleep at the wheel).

    It's difficult to separate China's rise and the bursting of the tech bubble, as both occurred in the same time frame; undoubtedly both negatively impacted employment.

    The disconnect between productivity and wages really took off with the rise of financialization and cheap technology tools in the early 1980s. This is not coincidental, and can't be pinned on globalization or trade with China, which occurred much later.

    As we see in this chart of income inequality, the top 10% (the "winners" in financialization and tech) had already pulled away from the bottom 90% when China entered the WTO in 2001. Clearly, the disparity began before China's trade was large enough to impact the U.S. economy; the dramatic increase in trade with China post-2001 had little impact on the disparity between the top 10% and the bottom 90%.

    This chart of financial profits and debt/GDP shows the dramatic expansion of debt from the early 1980s and the explosive rise in financial profits as interest rates were pushed to zero and the debt/housing bubble #2 took off.

    Could globalization have been a factor in this monumental expansion of financial profits? As noted above, it's clear that the globalization of finance–carry trades, the expansion of financial markets in emerging nations–gave U.S. financiers, corporations and banks an enormously expanded field for skimming fees and profits via debt, derivatives and speculation.

    Total U.S. corporate profits soared once trade with China and the financial free-for-all of housing/debt/fraud took off. This chart makes it clear that the winners from 2001 on were financiers and corporations exploiting two dynamics: offshoring production to China and maintaining product costs to reap outsized profits, and borrowing cheap money to expand overseas and skim profits from carry trades.

    What do we get if we add these charts up?

    1. Offshoring of production jobs to China et al. undoubtedly slashed jobs for the bottom 90%, but these losses were offset (or masked) by the rise of housing/debt/fraud bubbles that boosted employment in the FIRE sector (finance, insurance, real estate).


    2. Financialization and central bank intervention greatly rewarded those with the skills and sociopathologies needed to participate in the resulting debt/fraud booms.


    3. U.S. corporations reaped the gains from offshoring jobs, and these gains flowed to top management and those who own corporate shares, i.e. the top 5%.


    4. The trend of rising income disparity started long before China's trade was significant enough to impact the U.S. economy, and correlates with the rise of financialization and cheaper technology tools.


    5. These trends rewarded management, finance and technology expertise, which are concentrated in the top 10% of the work force.


    6. Cheap imports, offshoring of production and the global expansion of financial markets have driven U.S. corporate and financial profits to unprecedented heights. Since these profits largely flow to top management, financiers, technocrats and owners of corporate capital–roughly speaking the top 10% or even top 5%–it's no wonder wealth and income disparity is rising: there is no other output possible in the current system.

    Slapping fees on imports (which by the way is illegal in treaties such as the WTO) will not solve the larger problems of reduced employment, stagnant wages and rising income inequality. To make a dent in those issues, we'll need to tackle central bank and central-state policies that have pushed finance and speculative churn to supremacy over the productive economy.


  • After Watching Baseball Game In Cuba, Obama Orders U.S. Flags At Half-Staff "Out Of Respect" For Brussels Victims

    When president Obama spoke in Cuba earlier today, he dedicated about one minute to address today’s tragic events in Europe. He then spent the next several hours attending a baseball exhibition game in Cuba between the Tampa Bay Rays and the Cuban National Team. 

    Perhaps responding to some righteous public indignation, this is how Obama explained his decision to disregard what is happening in Europe, and to enjoy himself while chaos and tragedy reigned across the Atlantic:

    “The whole premise of terrorism is to try to disrupt people’s ordinary lives,” President Obama said in an interview with ESPN during the game, noting that “it’s always a challenge when you have a terrorist attack anywhere in the world.”


    By that logic Obama should simply never do anything: after all, the “last thing terrorists want” is for Obama to ever stop watching baseball. One thing is certain: U.S. taxpayers would be absolutely delighted if the “terrorists win” on this one.

    The president added that one of his “proudest moments as president” was when Boston united in the wake of the attack on the city’s marathon, complimenting Red Sox David Ortiz’s in particular for declaring that Boston would not be intimidated.  “When Ortiz went out and said probably the only time that America didn’t have a problem with somebody, a person on live TV, was when he talked about Boston, how strong it was and that it was not going to be intimidated,” Obama said.

    Ok, then.

    In any case, the criticism of Obama’s bizarre behavior did not end there and continued with the following pillorying of Obama by Ted Cruz: “President Obama should be back in America keeping this country safe. Or president Obama should be planning to travel to Brussels,” Cruz said today at a news conference on Capitol Hill.”

    At this point, realizing the situation was suddenly slipping out of control, Obama did what he does best – issue if not an executive order, then a presidential proclamation, one which was supposed to mask just how clueless Obama’s response so far today has been.

    This is what he ordained:

    Presidential Proclamation — Honoring the Victims of the Attack in Brussels, Belgium




    – – – – – – –






    The American people stand with the people of Brussels.  We will do whatever it takes, working with nations and peoples around the world, to bring the perpetrators of these attacks to justice, and to go after terrorists who threaten our people


    As a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of violence perpetrated on March 22, 2016, in Brussels,Belgium, by the authority vested in me as President of the United States by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby order that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset, March 26, 2016.  I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same length of time at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.


    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-second day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand sixteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and fortieth.

    And with flags at half-staff, Obama’s has washed his hands of all further responsibility.

  • "Western Tuesday" Begins: Republicans Bet The House On Utah To Stop Trump

    Tuesday was supposed to be all about Arizona and Utah where voters will soon make their choice for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees.

    Polls in the two states as well as Democratic caucuses in Idaho will of course be overshadowed by this morning’s terrorist attacks in Brussels, but this evening’s electoral drama will still be watched closely as the outcome in Utah will be key to determining whether Trump has a chance at reaching the 1,237 delegates he needs to avoid a contested convention in July.

    “The most significant question looming over Tuesday’s contests is whether Ted Cruz can exceed 50 percent of the vote in Utah,” The New York Times writes. “If so, he would take all 40 of the state’s delegates and mitigate Donald J. Trump’s expected victory in Arizona, a state that allocates all 58 of its delegates to the top vote-getter.”

    If Cruz falls short, that’s bad news for the “stop-Trump” crowd. In the event the senator can’t top the 50% threshold, the delegates will be awarded proportionally. The worry for Cruz is that John Kasich may just ride his Ohio momentum into Utah and capture enough of the vote to keep the Texas senator from walking away with all 40 delegates. In order to share the haul, a candidate must get at least 15%. The nightmare scenario for Cruz would be for Kasich to keep him under 50% and for Trump to breach the 15% mark. So watch for that.

    (Cruz waits to speak on Saturday at a rally in Draper)

    “A vote for John Kasich is a vote for Donald Trump,” Mitt Romney warned on Monday. As Politico notes, “Trump is on pace to get crushed in Utah, where the state’s strong Mormon contingent has shown little appetite for his boorish antics and inconsistent stances on social issues. And all that was before Trump questioned Romney’s Mormon faith — an intensely personal attack against the state’s favorite son.”

    But again, the question isn’t whether Trump gets crushed in Utah. He will. The question is by how much. If he surprises, it will be a catastrophe for Cruz.

    From RealClearPolitics:

    As for Arizona, well, Cruz likely doesn’t stand a chance. “Voters can cast ballots [in the state] as early as 26 days before the election [which] most likely means that thousands of Republicans in the state voted for Senator Marco Rubio of Florida before he dropped out last week,” The Times continues. “[That] reduces the impact of any late shift in voters’ sentiment: Even if Mr. Cruz was able to win over Trump supporters in recent days, some of them might have already voted for Mr. Trump.” Here are the latest numbers out of Arizona again, courtesy of RealClearPolitics:

    “The most certain outcome of the night is that Ted Cruz will win Utah’s Republicans-only closed caucuses, benefitting from a good organization, a deeply conservative state party, and the support of his closest ally in the Senate, Mike Lee, along with Governor Gary Herbert,” New York Magazine writes. But while “Trump is not exactly flourishing in Utah, it’s a different scene in Arizona, where he benefits from strong nativist sentiment among white voters and endorsements from former governor Jan Brewer and Maricopa County (that is, greater Phoenix) sheriff Joe Arpaio.”

    Arizona polls close at 10 ET. Utah polls close at 11ET, but online voting will run until 1 a.m. 

    On the Democratic side (and we’ll pretend for a moment that anyone cares or that the ultimate outcome here is somehow in doubt), Hillary Clinton is looking to build on her rout of Bernie Sanders on Super Tuesday 3, when the former First Lady trounced the firebrand socialist, in the process moving closer to what now appears to be a foregone conclusion. “Clinton is aiming to rack up a higher delegate count than Sanders on the night — with Arizona’s 75 on the line carrying the potential to offset Sanders’ possible gains with Utah’s 33 delegates and Idaho’s 23,” CNN writes. 

    Politico sums it up as succinctly as possible: “But if the Vermont senator fails to win the big prize Tuesday — Arizona, where polls show him facing a double-digit deficit — his expected string of victories in the caucus states that follow won’t make a dent in Hillary Clinton’s daunting delegate lead or erase the impression that his campaign can’t win in states with diverse Democratic electorates.”

    The takeaway: “Western Tuesday” is all about whether Ted Cruz can stay above 50% in Utah. That’s what everyone will be watching this evening. The rest is just noise barring some kind of dramatic twist of fate.

    *  *  *

    Bonus: Here’s a look at how much the candidates raised and spent last month (via Bloomberg)

  • Former Goldman Employee Avoids Prison, Gets $5,000 Fine For Stealing Secret NY Fed Documents

    One week ago we were stunned to learn, and report, that as part of the “sentencing” of former NY Fed employee Jason Gross who had admitted to stealing confidential Federal Reserve information and passing it on to his former boss Rohit Bansal, then employed at Goldman Sachs, in hopes of generating goodwill and a comfortable post-Fed job at 200 West, he somehow managed to avoid any jail time and instead was slapped with a draconian penalty: a $2,000 fine…. oh and some community service.

    Jason Gross

    The sentencing judge, U.S. Magistrate Judge Gabriel Gorenstein, explained his ludicrous decision by saying his treatment of Gross sent “a powerful message to others.” Right – a message that if you steal from the Fed and hand over the information to a potential future employer, you will never go to prison but instead will pay a token fine and dig some trenches. And that’s if you get caught.

    While we were disgusted with the lack of justice for Gross, we knew we would be even more disgusted once his co-conspirator, former NY Fed and Goldman employee, Rohit Bansal, was sentenced earlier today. We said that “as for Bansal, who also pleaded guilty in November to theft of government property, he is scheduled to be sentenced on Tuesday. We expect he too will avoid prison time.

    This, too, turned out to be 100% correct.

    As we predicted one week ago, and as Bloomberg reported moments ago, Rohit Bansal avoided prison time, and instead was sentenced to two years’ probation after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor. U.S. District Judge Gabriel Gorenstein at a sentencing hearing in Manhattan also ordered Bansal to perform 300 hours of community service and pay a $5,000 fine.

    Rohit Bansal, who prosecutors said should get as long as a year in prison, pleaded guilty last year to obtaining about 35 documents on about 20 occasions from his friend Jason Gross, who was employed at the New York Fed, according to a settlement last year between New York-based Goldman Sachs and the New York Department of Financial Services.

    How did both former NY Fed employees avoid spending even one day in prison between them? “Bansal asked that he be sentenced to no prison saying he’d made “significant” efforts to make up for his misconduct by agreeing to help regulators and the government when first approached by authorities. He also said he continued to cooperate with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve system in its related independent investigation.”

    So… he settled, just as his NY Fed leaker Jason Gross did, and the outcome was… no prison time for both of them! Just how is this considered equitable justice, or a quid-pro-quo by the US government is not clear, because ultimately the only “punishment” for both of them was some pocket change and hanging out in the open air, planting trees.

    As a reminder, Bansal worked at Goldman Sachs from July 2014 until October 2014 where he provided advice on regulatory issues to bank clients, including banks supervised by the New York Fed. Prior to joining Goldman, Bansal worked at the Fed from about August 2007 to March 2014. 

    As for Goldman, it itself agreed to pay a $50 million fine and accepted a three-year ban on some advisory work in New York as part of a settlement with the state regulator. The bank admitted it failed to properly supervise the employee. What it really admitted to was knowing full well it was receiving stolen NY Fed information and thus enriching itself illegally. Which, for the biggest hedge fund incubator of central bankers is nothing new.

    As is nothing new the final tally of corrupt, criminal bankers who are going to prison as a result of this grotesque crime: zero.

  • Anti-Trump Protestors Behead Effigy Of The Donald As Radical Left Anger Builds

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End Of The American Dream blog,

    Liberal protests against Donald Trump are becoming increasingly violent.  On Friday, I warned that this would happen, and over the weekend we witnessed extremely disturbing confrontations in both Arizona and Utah.  No matter whether you are a supporter of Donald Trump or not, what we are watching unfold should deeply alarm you.  Are violent protests, riots and confrontations with police going to become a daily occurrence until the election in November?  Will this become the spark that sets off widespread civil unrest all over the nation?  Unless Donald Trump wins the election, I have a feeling that he is going to end up deeply regretting running for president, because now his entire family lives under the threat of constant attack.  Is this what “political discourse” is going to look like in this country moving forward?

    Just consider what we just witnessed in Salt Lake City.  Liberal activists strung up an effigy of Donald Trump by a noose, and then one of them proceeded to behead it.  I have posted video of this incident below

    Remember, this happened in one of the most conservative states in America.

    If this kind of thing is happening in Salt Lake City, what kind of scenes will we see in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles by the time election day rolls around?

    And can you imagine the media uproar that would ensue if someone did this to an effigy of Obama?

    It would be front page news for weeks on end.  But because it was done to an effigy of Donald Trump, it apparently is not that big of a deal.

    Of course this was not the only disturbing incident in Salt Lake City.  On Friday night, there were lots of violent confrontations between protesters and supporters of Donald Trump outside of a Trump campaign event at the Infinity Event Center.  At one point, liberal activists tore down Secret Service security checkpoints and tried to storm the doors of the Infinity Event Center, but fortunately the police were able to repel the attack.  The following is just a sampling of what we witnessed…



    This is the kind of think that you might expect to see in a third world nation. The United States is supposed to be far more civilized than this.

    On Saturday, there were more violent confrontations at Trump events in Arizona.  The following comes from Bloomberg

    The Trump supporter who struck the demonstrator in Tucson was a black man angered by another protester who was wearing a white sheet over her head in an imitation of a Ku Klux Klan hood. At the time, Trump termed the protester wearing the hood “really disgusting,” saying that agitators at his events were “taking away our First Amendment rights.”


    Authorities on Saturday also removed about a dozen protesters from the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Outside the rally, more than 100 demonstrators were positioned so close to the entrance that it was difficult for supporters to enter. Earlier on Saturday, near Phoenix, protesters blocked a major road leading to Trump’s rally, triggering three arrests.

    If Trump secures the Republican nomination, which is still a big “if”, I have a feeling that what we have seen so far is only going to represent the tip of the iceberg.  I believe that this could very easily become the most chaotic election season in modern American history.

    As my wife and I have been explaining, things are starting to rapidly change in this country, and the years ahead are going to be very tumultuous.  And things are going to be particularly tough for those that live in areas with a very high population density.  When you are surrounded by millions of people, it is going to be very difficult to avoid the consequences of widespread civil unrest.

    It would be quite difficult to overstate the gains that the radical left has made with our young people.  Millennials are far more liberal than any other adult age group, and they are turning out to support Bernie Sanders in droves.  In some states, Sanders is winning more than 80 percent of the Democratic Millennial vote.

    I just want that to sink in for a bit.  These young people are so radical that not even Hillary Clinton is liberal enough for them.  They are angry, they are frustrated, and they are willing to act out in very violent ways.

    Personally, I am convinced that we are on the initial edge of a wave of civil unrest, chaos and violence that is absolutely unprecedented.  What we are going to see in the months and years ahead is going to completely shock this nation.

    Hopefully we still have more time to get prepared, but I wouldn’t count on it.  This is the most divided that America has ever been in my entire lifetime, and all of the anger and frustration that have been building up under the surface in this country for years is starting to explode.

    I had hoped that the anti-Trump protests would be at least somewhat peaceful for a while, but this weekend showed that it isn’t going to be realistic to expect that.

    The radical left is extremely angry, and now Donald Trump has provided them with a giant target for that anger.

  • Stocks Stumble As Fed Hawks Tamp Down Terror-Attack Exuberance

    Belgian PM Charles Michel said earlier that "this is the deadliest attack on Brussels ever," and as we noted in this morning's pre-open wrap:

    This morning's Brussels bomb attacks have led to risk-off sentiment across European asset classes, with Bunds higher and equities firmly in the red, although if the Paris terrorist attacks of November are any indication, today's tragic events may be just the catalyst the S&P500 needs to surge back to all time highs

    So it should be no surprise that panic-buying ensued off the reaction lows of a terror attack…



    Because whoever is buying knows that if stock sell-off then the terrorists win… which can be summed up as…


    European "investors" bought the deadliest terror attack dip…


    Because in the new normal – It's easy…


    BUT… The Fed had different views and unleashed The Hawks to tamp down the terror attack exuberance:


    Across asset classes, only The USD Index maintained the reaction (stocks, bonds, and gold reverted)


    On the day, in The US, Nasdaq was bid (thank sto Biotechs) and Trannie whacked (airlines) but Dow and S&P batteled between bullish terrorism and hawkish fed…


    Dow Futures show exactly what happened – machines ran stops off the lows but were unable to maintain momentum (no matter what JPY did) to new highs and so collapsed into the close…


    As USDJPY and Stocks tracked each other perfectly…


    Traders rushed for the safety of Biotechs..


    VIX was slammed to a 13 handle once again but Fed's Evans' hawkish comments sparked a lift in VIX…


    VIX term structure drops to notably complacent levels…


    Treasury yields and stocks decoupled early, then yields spiked after EU closed…


    until Europe closed then a flood of selling struck…


    The USD Index was bid led by EUR weakness and a plunge in cable… as Brexit odds rose…


    Commodities all rallied on the Brussels headlines then spent the rest of the day giving it all back as the dollar rallied…


    Charts: Bloomberg

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Today’s News 22nd March 2016

  • Will The American People Succeed In Clawing-Back Their Democracy?

    Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

    With much help from the failures of neoliberal economic policy and neoconservative foreign policy, we are changing the world.

    Look at Bernie Sanders’ inroads on the corrupt Clintons’ control of the Democratic Party. Look at how easily Donald Trump defeated the Republican establishment’s candidates. Some Americans are catching on, shedding their unawareness. I am not confident that Sanders or Trump could bring change. In The Deep State (2016), Mike Lofgren concludes that powerful private interest groups, such as the military/security complex and the financial sector, have hijacked democracy. Still, voters’ interest in Sanders and Trump, despite the beating they receive in the media, is a positive sign. Voters are supporting them not so much for their positions on issues as for the fact that neither are part of the Washington establishment. Many voters now understand that the political establishment represents the One Percent, not them.

    A New Russia has appeared on the scene and demonstrated to the entire world its power to checkmate the hegemonic ambition of the crazed neoconservatives who have controlled the US government since Bill Clinton. The world now understands that the leadership for peace comes from Russia not from warmonger Washington.

    Washington’s vassals in Europe are in disarray, with the Northern European EU members plundering the Southern EU members, with all of Europe overrun with refugees fleeing Washington’s hoax “war against terrorism.” Europeans are beginning to realize that the establishment political parties that they have blindly supported since World War 2 are nothing but agents of Washington, who serve Washington and not Europeans. Merkel, Cameron, Hollande are puppets of Washington, not leaders of the German, British, and French people.

    The Chinese government is finally beginning to realize that the neoliberal American economic policies that it has so slavishly been copying have led it into economic difficulties. Perhaps China will now cease to follow America into oblivion.

    The Russians have learned that being part of the Western system subjects them to economic sanctions and makes it easy for Washington to interfere in Russian internal affairs. The Russians are beginning to show that their desire for their independence is greater than their desire to be accepted by a corrupt, immoral, decadent, and failing West.

    Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders speak to Americans’ loss of economic opportunity and financial independence. Today the 99 Percent are slaves to their debt burdens and lack of productive employment, while those who deceived them into these burdens and lowly-paid employment in domestic services are reveling in multi-million dollar annual paychecks.

    The US Treasury, Federal Reserve, and financial regulators are corrupted by the private financial interests that control them. The US government serves only the One Percent. Despite this obvious fact, many Democratic Party voters—-traditionally the less well off, union members, and American blacks—-are turning out for Hillary Clinton, a tried and proven representative of the One Percent. The Clintons have been enriched to the amount of $153 million by the ruling One Percent who own the Clintons lock, stock, and barrel. Yet the dispossessed vote for Hillary.

    Clearly, many American voters, as Thomas Frank made clear in his book, What’s the Matter with Kansas?, still have no clue as to their own interests and vote to elect their worst enemies.

    Many Americans are still trapped in The Matrix and kept there by the propaganda that masquerades in the US as “news.”

    Consider the possible implications if Americans were to enable Hillary Clinton to become President. Trump has said that he would work things out with Vladimir Putin, but Hillary has declared the President of Russia to be “the new Hitler.” How can Hillary work anything out with “the new Hitler”? She cannot.

    It is a great irony that the American lower class, traditionally served by the Democratic Party, could put in the White House not only a person who only represents the super-rich but also a person who cannot escape confict with Russia, a country with possibly the most capable military force on the planet.

    The psychopathic Washington neoconservatives who have controlled US foreign policy since the Clinton regime, misintepret Vladimir Putin’s peaceful diplomacy as a sign of Russian weakness. The neocons say: “See Putin is weak. He is pulling out of Syria.” But what Putin says is different. Putin says: “We have created the conditions for peace in Syria.” If Washington abuses these conditions, “Russia can, in several hours, build up its forces in Syria to a size capable of dealing with an escalating situation and use the entire range of means at its disposal.”

    Putin adds: “We hope the parties involved would show common sense.”

    From a position of strength, Putin has rolled the dice. Is there common sense in the West? I fail to see any. I see arrogance, hubris, idiocy, immorality, inhumanity, complete and total stupidity. These are the characteristics of Western governments. They amount to a deranged criminal enterprise organized against humanity.

    In the awards of medals to those Russians who served against ISIS, Putin stated: “Our uncompromising attitude to terrorism remains unchanged.” If we take this statement broadly, it means not merely Muslim jihadists but the terrorism of the West—-the destruction of seven or more countries by the US and its vassals in the 21st century, the long-term sanctions against Iran, Russia, and a number of other countries whose governments do not comply with Washington’s dictates. Putin has told Washington and Washington’s European puppets, Cameron, Merkel, Hollande, that he has had enough of them. They must reform themselves, become honorable governments committed to the welfare of humanity, and abandon self-serving policies of plunder.

    Considering the total failure of the United States to subdue after 15 years a few thousand lightly armed Taliban, the American people need to understand that the US military, corrupted by privatizations to enhance former vice president Dick Cheney’s stock options in Halliburton and by over-cost weapons systems that serve the profits of the armaments industries and not the military competence of the fighting force, has lost its edge in weapons superiority. The latest over-cost American fighter jet, for example, according to the Air Force’s own conclusions cannot match the old figher it is intended to replace, whereas the lastest Russian fighter is said to have the capability to electronically shut down American control systems, track simultaneously 24 enemy fighters and lock on 10 simultanteously for unavoidable destruction. Members of the US military command have expressed concern over the high quality of Russian weapon systems.

    Everyone needs to understand that the establishments of the two American political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are less interested in winning the election than in continuing to control the party. Trump and Sanders are hated by the party establishments, because Trump and Sanders are not members of the establishment. Control over the party by the party establishment is so important that we have many members of the Republican establishment declaring that if Trump wins the Republican nomination, they will vote for the Democrat. This has happened before. It was Republicans who denied the presidency to Republican candidate Barry Goldwater.

    The United States is a failing society. Citizens’ hopes are being snuffed out. There are few good jobs or enough jobs of any kind, as the collapse of the labor force participation rate confirms. People are drowning in debts that they have no prospect of ever paying off. Young adults cannot form independent households. The oligarchy that rules and controls the country has committed America to massively expensive wars and privacy invasions for the purpose of establishing a hegemony that enriches elite private interests.

    The corupt and unrepentant financial sector, having survived its mortgage-backed security fiasco without prosecution or correction has repeated its previous folly with a new weapon of potential financial mass destrution. Speculators have bought up distressed properties and rented them. The rental streams are bundled into financial instruments, as were the mortgage payments previously, and sold to investors. Is a renter more committed and better able to pay than a person with a mortgage?

    Jobs offshoring and financialization have drained the US economy of the ability to grow. The ladders of upward mobility have been dismantled, and the service of debt curtails consumer demand for goods and services. The wage saving from offshoring jobs raises corporate profits and brings executive bonuses and capital gains to the One Percent. Financialization divests consumer purchasing power into the service of debt. The result is stagnation and decline.

    Foreign policy based on threats and coercion means constant conflict. The US has been in constant conflict since the Clinton regime overthrew the government in Serbia. Constant conflict is expensive, and Americans have had these expensive costs imposed on them simultaneously with the costs of jobs offshoring and financialization.

    It was 20 months ago that Malaysian Airlines flight 17 was destroyed over Ukraine. Despite the inability of the investigation to come to a conclusion, from the first moment Western propaganda has blamed the loss of 298 lives on Russia. Three days after the airliner’s destruction, US Secretary of State John Kerry set in stone the blame on Russia with his claim that “we saw the take-off [of the Buk missile]. We saw the trajectory. We saw the hit. We saw this airplane disappear from the radar screens. So there is really no mystery about where it came from and where these weapons have come from.”

    If the US has all the evidence, why hasn’t the US government released it? Obviously, there is no such evidence. Why would Washington fail to release evidence that proved Russian responsibility? Kerry’s evidence no more exists than the alleged evidence the US government claims to have from numerous security cameras that a passenger airliner hit the Pentagon on 9/11. If the government had such evidence why has the government refused to release it for almost 15 years? If the government produced this evidence, it would be a death blow to the 9/11 Truth movement. The evidence no more exists than the alleged evidence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, that Iran had a nuclear weapons program, that Assad used chemical weapons, that Russia invaded Ukraine.

    The terms of the last three US presidents have been used to squander trillions of dollars on pointless wars and construction of a domestic police state on the basis of a non-existant “terrorist threat.” This alleged threat has been reinforced with false flag events and a fake history spun from lies repeateded endlessly by government and its presstitutes.

    In 1994 Christopher Lasch wrote in The Revolt of the Elites: “In our time, the chief threat seems to come from those at the top of the social hierarchy.” As Lasch said, the greed of the elites for money and power have undermined the constitutional basis of the United States. The elites have used their power to betray democracy. Will the American people succeed in clawing back their democracy?

  • Soon After We Sounded The Alarm, Canada's Regulator Warns Local Banks Are Underreserved To Energy Losses

    Back in early February, Zero Hedge laid out what was the biggest crisis facing Canada’s banks: a chronic under reserving to potential (and soon, realized) oil and gas loan losses.

    As we said nearly two months ago, “for Canada, it’s not only raining, it’s pouring for the country’s energy industry, a downpour which is about to migrate into its banking sector. Which is why it is indeed time to take a somewhat deeper dive into the Canadian banks’ balance sheets, where we find something very troubling, and something which prompts us to wonder if the time of freaking out about European banks is about to be replaced with comparable panic about Canadian banks.

    The following chart from an analysis by RBC shows that when compared to US banks’ (artificially low) reserves for oil and gas exposure, Canadian banks are…not. Here is the one chart showing why the time to panic about Canadian banks may have finally arrived:


    Two months later, we are happy to announce that Canada’s regulator has caught up to our warning, and as the WSJ reported, “Canada’s banking regulator is urging the country’s major banks to review their accounting practices to ensure they have sufficient reserves as the commodity-price collapse takes a toll on the economy.”

    As we first suggested in early February, Canada’s Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions is now warning local lenders should scrutinize their collective allowances and reserve funds that act as cushions to absorb potential future loan losses, the regulator’s chief said in an interview.

    “We want them to take a good look at their accounting practices,” said Superintendent of Financial Institutions Jeremy Rudin. “They should support loss-absorbing capacity and the ability to manage through difficult times in general,” he added.

    Some of the banks laughed at us when we suggested they are purposefully masking their exposure to distressed loans; we wonder if they will also laugh when their regulator tells them to do precisely that. As the WSJ further writes, “Canada’s regulator is giving the country’s six biggest banks this guidance on their accounting as they face mounting criticism from some analysts that they haven’t amassed enough reserves to cover soured loans to the energy sector. That criticism was a recurring theme during calls following their fiscal first-quarter results, in which many banks warned of rising provisions for credit losses but assured investors their rainy-day cushions were adequate.”

    Here is the WSJ chart released today which is oddly identical to the one we showed many weeks ago:


    Next, the WSJ summarizes the details of what is known about Canadian loan exposure:

    Energy loans totaled 49.7 billion Canadian dollars ($38.2 billion) for the country’s six biggest banks during the November-to-January quarter, according to a report by TD Securities Inc.  Bank of Nova Scotia, Canada’s third-largest bank by assets, has the biggest direct oil and gas exposure at 3.6% of total loans.


    Some analysts are skeptical about the lenders’ reserving practices in part because U.S. banks, including J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and Wells Fargo & Co., have set aside millions more for their reserves as they brace for bigger energy-related losses.


    Mr. Rudin declined to say whether Canadian banks are under-reserved compared with their U.S. peers. Nor did he offer an opinion on whether analysts voicing such criticisms were misinformed.

    Actually, that is only half the picture: as we explained in “The Next Cockroach Emerges: Including Undrawn Loans, Canadian Banks Exposure To Oil Doubles” if one includes undrawn (but committed) bank exposure, the number doubles. Indeed, when adding “untapped loans in the form of undrawn revolvers and other committed but unused credit facilities, Canadian banks’ exposure to the struggling oil-and-gas industry more than doubles from the current C$50 billion in outstanding loans generally highlighted by Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank and the country’s four other large lenders in quarterly earnings calls and presentations, to C$107 billion ($80 billion).

    We expect the WSJ to catch up with this critical angle of the story in the next 4-weeks, one which would imply the all-in loss reserves are about 50% lower than the already alarming estimates. For now, however, what we do know is that most banks declined to comment, including on how they have responded to the regulator’s guidance. “We have no comment on this specifically, but are confident in our current provisioning practices,” said Ali Duncan Martin, a spokeswoman for Toronto-Dominion Bank, Canada’s No. 2 lender by assets, in an email.

    For their part, Canad’s banks did what they also do: float in a sea of denial. A spokeswoman for an industry group representing the lenders, the Canadian Bankers Association, said that Canadian banks aren’t under-reserved. Well, they clearly are, but admitting as much would unleash the market’s realization just how wrong its valuation of Canadian banks has been. 

    Not only are Canadian banks under-reserved, they are also purposefully opaque to prevent investors from making a comprehensive health assessment:

    Canadian banks tend to disclose their energy exposures as a percentage of total loans, but it is difficult to make a direct comparison with U.S. lenders. For instance, Canadian portfolios include large amounts of insured residential loans that are essentially risk-free because they are backstopped by the federal government.


    Canada’s banks have also been criticized by analysts for providing varying degrees of detail about their energy lending books—such as the proportion of reserve-based loans and the amount considered “investment grade”—and about their stress-testing of loan portfolios.


    “I’m concerned about this,” said  James Shanahan, an equity analyst with Edward Jones, in a recent interview. “The banks aren’t really saying a whole lot about the true underlying quality of these [energy] portfolios,” he later added. He’s among the analysts calling on Canadian banks to provide more disclosure on their energy exposure, including how much covenant relief is being provided to distressed borrowers.

    He almost certainly won’t get it, unless for some reason, the Dallas Fed make it explicit that Canadian banks have to be more transparent in a few weeks when bank borrowing base redeterminations are made in negotiations which will include not only Canadian and US commercial banks, but the Dallas Fed as well as the US OCC.

    That could prove to be a key issue in the spring borrowing base redeterminations. Mr. Rudin declined to specify what role, if any, OSFI would play in those upcoming reviews, saying only banks are expected to have a “robust credit assessment process” that is frequently reviewed by the regulator. Issues, such as covenant relief, are “business decisions” best left to the individual banks, he added.

    We can tell Mr. Rudin what will happen: the OSFI will play the same role that the US OCC played in recent preliminary, if quite definitive, discussions between US lenders and shale producers, the same discussions which the Dallas Fed denied ever took place even though both Credit Suisse and the WSJ confirmed our story: discussions which made it clear to US banks not to force defaults, but to suspend MTM until the local lenders can force the underlying company to issue debt (just like Weatherford) and use the proceeds to take out the secured lender bank.

    Expect precisely the same in Canada over the next few months as Canada’s lenders are told to quietly, if aggressively, unwind their exposure to all Canadian oil and gas companies.

  • Turkey Is Now Paying The Price For "Creating ISIS Monster It Can No Longer Control"

    Op-Ed via,

    It was expected ISIS would turn against the Ankara regime at some point, and Turks are now paying the price for creating and training a monster like this, political analyst Roula Talj told RT. The worst has started between Turks and IS, she concluded.

    Turkish Interior Minister Efkan Ala said Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) is linked to Saturday's terror attack in Istanbul. The suicide bomber, who carried out the atrocity killing four, has been identified as Mehmet Ozturk. The incident happened in a crowded tourist shopping area killing people from a number of different countries.


    RT: Turkey confirmed it thinks ISIS is behind the bombing in Istanbul? Was this expected?

    Roula Talj: Of course it was expected. When you look at the number of ISIS members who entered Syria in the last few years, and then you see that the number of Turkish members went up to 25,500 fighters, you cannot expect to train a monster like this in Turkey and expect to use it against your enemies alone. One should expect that ISIS would turn against the regime in Ankara and in Turkey at some point.

    RT: Why is Turkey becoming an ISIL target, and how do you expect Ankara to react?

    RTj: Maybe Ankara is under pressure now from the Western community, especially the Europeans who are concerned about the amount of ISIS members trying to escape, or to take over Europe from Turkey. So probably they are under pressure and this is the response of ISIL to put pressure on Ankara. Maybe the worst has started between the Turks themselves and ISIS, and this is coming to the surface now.

    RT: Turkey's been accused of both supporting ISIL by allegedly buying the terrorists’ oil, but also being part of the anti-ISIL coalition. Do you think Turkey's anti-ISIL efforts are genuine?

    RTj: No, I don’t think so. It is known to everyone that the major ISIS training camps were in Turkey. Turkey’s intelligence knew very much [about] the number of ISIS members crossing to Syria and to other borders from Turkey. So, if they were genuine, they would have done something about it a while ago.

    I think Turkey was using ISIS in its proxy war in Syria, and at some point it came under the pressure of Europeans and the international community, who is not going to make it easy anymore on those sponsoring ISIS and other extremist groups in the region, because it is no longer about Syria, it is about the entire world security. So Turkey now is paying the price of playing with a devil and creating a monster that it cannot control anymore.

    ISIS doesn’t need Turkey or anybody, they are self-sustainable. When Turkey was buying the oil from ISIL, it knew very well that was a way… to finance ISIL.

  • FBI "Increasingly Certain" Hillary Broke The Law, Stone-Walled By White House

    Following the granting of immunity to Hillary Clinton's top IT guy, it appears the law – which has so conveniently until now been above – is beginning to catch up to the prospective US president. As The Washington Examiner reports,

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation is losing confidence in Hillary Clinton and her mishandling of a private email server, a New York Post columnist suggested on Sunday.


    "FBI chief James Comey and his investigators are increasingly certain presidential nominee Hillary Clinton violated laws in handling classified government information through her private e-mail server," Charles Gasparino said career agents had told him.


    "Some expect him to push for charges, but he faces a formidable obstacle: the political types in the Obama White House who view a Clinton presidency as a third Obama term," Gasparino added. "With that, agents have been spreading the word, largely through associates in the private sector, that their boss is getting stonewalled, despite uncovering compelling evidence Clinton broke the law."


    Clinton is facing a federal indictment over charges that she mishandled classified information during her tenure as secretary of state by storing it on a personal email server. The FBI earlier this month granted immunity to Bryan Pagliano, a Clinton aide who helped to establish the server in the basement of her Chappaqua, New York home, as part of its investigation into the matter.


    "You don't start granting people close to Clinton immunity unless you are seriously looking at charges against your target," Gasparino quoted one former official as saying.

    As we noted previously, intelligence sources described the morale of agents as "very good and nobody is moping around which is the first sign a big case is going south."

    *  *  *

    Keep on running…

  • This Critical Consumer Is Buying Gold For The First Time In Three Weeks

    Submitted by Dave Forrest of Pierce Points

    The First Gold Buying In 3 Weeks Happening For This Critical Consumer

    Major news in the gold market over the weekend. With the world’s largest gold-consuming nation reaching an agreement to resume metal sales for the first time in nearly three weeks.

    That’s in India. A critical gold consumer globally, where buying had been idled since the beginning of March by a nation-wide strike by the jewelry sector. 

    But that strike is now officially over. With the president of India Bullion and Jewelers Association, Mohit Kamboj, announcing late Saturday that jewellers have reached an agreement with the government to return to work. 

    Details are still emerging, but here’s one of the most critical takeaways: as part of the back-to-work deal, the Indian government will not roll back the 1% sales tax on gold that it announced in a surprise move as part of its February 29 budget. 

    That sales tax had been the major trigger for the jewellers strike. But it appears that India’s gold sellers have relented on demands that the government shelve the extra levy.

    Instead, reports suggest that jewellers had been appeased by assurances from the government that they would not be “harassed” over the collection of the new tax.

    It’s difficult to know exactly what this means. Although it could suggest that tax officials may not push collection of the sales tax — rendering this more of a cosmetic measure than a practical one. 

    Whatever the case, the good news for the gold market is that India will now be buying again — for the first time since February. Which should give a lift to gold prices — especially with reports suggesting there is a lot of “pent up” demand here after the 19-day strike. 

    Watch for imports into India to rise for the coming weeks, and potentially lift the gold price. And keep an eye out for more details on how the 1% sales tax will be implemented — with this measure having the potential to dampen gold sales here in the longer term.

    Here’s to a triumphant return.

  • Whose Bright Idea Was It To Show A Naked Melania Trump In An Attack Ad?

    There is nothing wrong with attack ads: Trump’s first attack ad against Hillary Clinton was creative, original, imaginative – it included Jihadi John, a barking Hillary Clinton and a cackling Putin. It promptly went viral. Hillary’s retort was basically a duller version of the original Trump ad; it was ok although Hillary’s SuperPAC will have to do much better to keep the entertainment level on par.

    However, when a conservative, anti-Trump group decided to run Facebook ads which showcased naked photos of Melania Trump, we wonder: what were they thinking?

    According to Buzzfeed, with Tuesday’s presidential primary contests in Utah and Arizona just one day away, the anti-trumpers are running Facebook ads aimed at rallying Mormon voters against the billionaire frontrunner. Not surprisingly following Mitt Romney’s relentless bashing of Trump, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – a solidly Republican demographic in most elections – have shown a uniquely strong aversion to Donald Trump this year. According to a poll released over the weekend shows Trump running a far-distant third in Utah, garnering just 11% of the vote. And a new Deseret News/KSL poll shows Trump losing Utah, one of the reddest states in the country, to both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in the general election.

    Ok, so Trump is going to lose Utah. Where it gets strange, however, is that Liz Mair – a Republican strategist whose anti-Trump super PAC Make America Awesome launched a Facebook anti-Trump campaign last week, said each ad is expected to reach around 10,000 Mormons of voting age a day. The goal is twofold: increase turnout among LDS voters, and urge them to strategically consolidate around Ted Cruz, who is close to the 50% winner-take-all threshold in Utah.

    Mair said this is the first time the group has run ads urging voters to back a specific candidate. In Utah and Arizona, polls show Cruz with a much better chance than John Kasich of beating Trump. And Mair, who has Mormon family members, believes she could bring some expertise in the effort to court LDS voters.


    “We think the Cruz campaign has turned evangelical outreach into something of a fine art,” Mair said. “We’re not so sure he has LDS outreach locked down, though, and this is an area where we have a little bit of experience and knowledge over and above some Republican operatives, so it’s something we’ve decided to delve into for these contests, at least.”

    To achieve its anti-Trump goals, the group is running three ads:

    • one that features Mitt Romney,
    • one that emphasizes Trump’s past support for pro-choice policies,
    • a third that shows Melania Trump posing nude.

    The Melania ad, which is by far the most provocative, invites viewers to meet “your next First Lady.” Mair said that one is being promoted on Instagram as well, but only to LDS women.

    It is also the one that makes us wonder just what Mair et al were thinking: imagine if someone were to show naked photos of one of the other potential first ladies (or of Bill Clinton for that matter) – the media response would be loud, instant and piercing.

    But the real question is just how badly will this approach backfire: it may come as a surprise to the organizers, but showing a naked Melania Trump, a successful, multi-lingual supermodel and undoubtedly the most attractive first lady America would ever have, is not exactly an attack ad, the moment men end up seeing the ad.

    Here are the ads in question:





    And Melania naked

    If anything, this ad could lead to a surprising last minute surge for Trump. And yes, if the democrats (and non-Trump republicans) want to desperately lose the national election, they should certainly show more naked photos of Melania Trump on social networks and/or TV. 

    Source: Make America Awesome

  • Misplaced Confidence In The ECB – Lessons From John Law's Mississippi Bubble

    Submitted by Alasdair Macleod via,

    Last week, the ECB extended its monetary madness, pushing deposit rates further into negative figures.

    It is extending quantitative easing from sovereign debt into non-financial investment grade bonds, while increasing the pace of acquisition to €80bn per month. The ECB also promised to pay the banks to take credit from it in "targeted longer-term refinancing operations".

    Any Frenchman with a knowledge of his country's history should hear alarm bells ringing. The ECB is running the Eurozone's money and assets in a similar fashion to that of John Law's Banque Generale Privée (renamed Banque Royale in 1719), which ran those of France in 1716-20. The scheme at its heart was simple: use the money-issuing monopoly granted to the bank by the state to drive up the value of the Mississippi Company's shares using paper money created for the purpose. The Duc d'Orleans, regent of France for the young Louis XV, agreed to the scheme because it would provide the Bourbons with much-needed funds.

    This is pretty much what the ECB is doing today, except on a far larger Eurozone-wide basis. The need for government funds is of primary importance today, as it was then.

    In Law's day, France did not have a central bank, such as the Bank of England, managing the issue of government debt, let alone a functioning government bond market. The profligate spending of Louis XIV had left the state three billion livres in debt, which was the equivalent of 1,840 tonnes of gold. This was about 85% of the world's estimated gold stock at that time, at the livre's conversion rate into Louis d'Or. John Law would almost double that by June 1720, with unbacked livre notes issued by his bank.

    Today, the assets being overvalued for the governments' benefit are government bonds themselves, but the principal is the same. There is no need to use a separate, Mississippi-style vehicle, because there is a fully functioning government bond market.

    Banque Generale created the bank credit for France's upper and middle classes to buy Mississippi Company shares, driving up the price and making yet higher prices a certainty. Law had set up a money-making machine for those with a modicum of wealth, but the ten per cent down-payment required to subscribe for Mississippi shares made speculation available to the servant classes as well. The result was virtually everyone in Paris was caught up in the speculative fever, and Mississippi shares increased from the 15 livres deposit to 18,000 livres fully paid at the peak in June 1720. The term "millionaire" dated from that time.

    Today, the ECB is doing things a little differently, creating money to buy government bonds from the banks, enabling governments to continue to spend without the threat of a funding crisis. Basel III banking regulations, which exempt banks from having to apply a risk weighting to government bonds, ensures that the bonds are also in great demand as collateral, further guaranteeing that the banks will continue to buy them.

    However, in common with Law's scheme, the ECB needs new suckers all the time to keep the market from stalling, so the ECB is extending the scheme beyond sovereign debt by buying up investment grade bonds as well. And since it can conjure up money out of thin air, it will also pay the commercial banks interest to borrow from it, ensuring the yields on all bonds purchased with this finance will continue to fall in line with negative interest rates.

    As was surely the case in 1720, the expansion of credit is commonly believed to be a very good thing, as necessary for the welfare of the Eurozone states today as it was for France three hundred years ago. But don't be fooled. For the scheme to continue, more credit has to be issued, and more bonds bought to stop the bond bubble from deflating. That is the real reason behind the ECB's action. And because it cannot be continued for ever, that is why ultimately the bubble will pop.

    The Mississippi bubble came to an end when France ran out of sufficient buyers to keep it inflating. There always comes a point where the temptation to cash in some profit to buy those other things long desired, such as a country estate and a smart Paris residence, becomes too great to resist. And when the Mississippi bubble lost its mojo, the selling escalated. By late 1720, the Banque Royale, as it had been renamed, faced angry note-holders unable to redeem them for specie. Once the run started, the whole scam rapidly imploded.

    It seems extraordinary that in economics, wishful thinking trumps reasoned analysis and common sense so often. The fallacies that have brought the ECB to implement its delusional policies are broadly the same as those in which John Law believed. In both cases, they started by assuming that the state has a duty to ensure money and credit are freely available, unchaining the population from the constraints of free markets. In both cases, their beliefs inevitably adjusted as a result of problems that subsequently arise as the by-products of monetary expansion. And in both cases, yet further monetary expansion then became the only solution to apply as a cure-all for the problems themselves. Unsound money has come to be deployed simply to keep bankrupt governments going.

    We should put to one side all other reasons, justifications and excuses for what has happened, because it was the French state that employed Law to run its bank, and the Eurozone governments that created the ECB. The servant always serves the master. Banque Royale succumbed to a run, while the ECB is still nursing a banking system, that on a reversal of the asset bubble, will almost certainly collapse. In this respect, the ECB is not quite at the Banque Royale's tipping point, but it is edging closer.

    Everyone in the Eurozone believes that the ECB is all-powerful, because to believe otherwise is unthinkable. This was also true of Banque Royale, until it faltered. It was not a loss of confidence in the bank that was responsible for the collapse, it happened as a result of the difficulties encountered in sustaining the bubble. The lesson is that it need not take a loss of confidence in the ECB to start its destruction.

    Let's imagine for a moment, that the bond-market bubble ends and prices start to normalise. We know that it won't take much to create losses that will wipe out the capital of some critically important commercial banks, but we like to think the ECB is on top of this problem. Very few people seem to be are aware of the crisis that falling bond prices would create for the ECB itself.

    The ECB's equity capital at 31 December 2015 was €7.74bn, supporting a balance sheet of €256.645bn, a gearing ratio of over 33 times. The wider euro-system's accounts, where the asset purchases accumulate, has capital and reserves of €98bn supporting a balance sheet of €2,872bn, a gearing ratio of 29 times and rising. As a rough guide, an interest rate increase of less than two per cent, to as little as one and a half per cent, would undermine the value of bonds and related risks at both the ECB and in the euro-system, to the point where they would require further capital injections. For some context, if the yield to maturity on a five-year bond rises by 2%, the price falls roughly 10%.

    Now we are getting to the truth as to why the ECB's debt bubble must be sustained. It is no longer to support economic growth. A deflating asset bubble will take down the ECB and the wider euro-system, just as the Mississippi bubble took down Banque Royale. And in both cases, the confidence vested in these institutions is reflected in the purchasing power of the money they have issued.

    It may not be long before foreign holders of euros begin to visualise Mr Draghi in a full-bottomed wig, lace jabot and long velvet coat. Their problem will be looking for safety, because the ghosts of eighteenth-century monetary economists can also be imagined at the helm of the other major central banks. In John Law's day, the solution was simple, as the private banker, Richard Cantillon showed. He cashed in early, selling livres for gold.

    Cantillon, who was the equivalent of today's investment banker, not only punted the Mississippi bubble successfully, but he loaned large quantities of fiat livres to the wealthy in Paris, taking in Mississippi stock as collateral. Before the crash, he had the prescience to sell all his own stock for gold. It is said that he also secretly sold all the collateral he had had pledged to him, again settling for gold. Cantillon then removed himself across the border to Italy with his stash of Louis d'Or to await developments.

    After the crash, he returned, and demanded repayment of the outstanding debts from his clients. Cantillon probably became the richest commoner in history, and immensely unpopular in Paris to boot. Rather like the investment bankers of today, he made his fortune while nearly everyone else was impoverished.

    We cannot say for sure what will trigger the end for the ECB and the euro. It could be a member state, like Italy, Spain or even France, running into financial or political trouble. It could be the threatened break-up of the European Union, if the Brexit polls swing in favour of Britain leaving, and the blow that it would impart to European unity. The Muslim immigration problem is often cited as a threat to the European project. It could be developments on the other side of the world, perhaps China driving up commodity prices, leading to future price inflation in the Eurozone, so leaving Eurozone bond markets exposed to the threat of rising interest rates.

    Equally, it might not be an identifiable event. Rather like the Mississippi scam, it could end when the Eurozone's bond markets just run out of steam.

  • Domino's Unleashes Pizza-Delivery-Robot As 2 Out Of 3 Americans Expect Jobs To Be Automated

    The automation of the global workplace is spreading and, as Pew recently found, 65% of Americans now believe their job will inevitably be done by robots.


    In a low-growth world, every low-skill job is up for grabs by the robot/drone horde as the need to cut costs is core business for every CFO (aside from share buybacks) as minimum wage mandates have forced these cost-cutting CFOs to look for alternatives.


    Three months ago we warned that it was not just fast-food order-takers and burger-makers that were at risk (a truly terrifying thought for those left in the US economy who are not bartenders or waitresses).



    And while McDonalds has already made the move into automation…



    The latest 'fast food' outlet to snub humans (and their annoying demands and unreliability) is Domino's Pizza which just unveiled it robot-pizza-delivery plans…

    Pizza delivered by a robot? It may seem out of this world, but for one pizza company, the idea may be closer to reality than ever.


    Meet ‘DRU,’ Domino’s first-ever automated pizza delivery bot that brings your pizza order directly to your door.


    Domino’s unveiled DRU (short for Domino’s Robotic Unit) in several countries across the globe earlier this week, including Australia, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, German, Japan and New Zealand.


    The project is a collaborative effort from Domino’s and Australia-based robotic company Marathon Targets, which created the first autonomous robotics for the Australian defense force in the late 2000s.

    As Forbes reports, DRU is reportedly fully autonomous, and sports a water-tight, weather-proof acrylic plastic exterior and aluminum and mild steel interior for keeping orders at their best. Like today’s self-driving cars, it uses LIDAR laser-light sensory technology to detect and navigate around obstacles along its journey, and also has a back-up system of traditional sensors (such as you’d find on home cleaning-bots) to ensure it reaches its destination safely.

    So far, DRU has been tested on approved pathways and roads Down Under–the same territory, incidentally, in which McDonald’s first began testing its own delivery model–and its size, speed, and autonomous navigation mean it won’t be hitting regular streets or highways soon. If the makers of DRU and its autonomous delivery-brethren keep tweaking their tech while pushing to meet food and road safety guidelines, however, the little bot’s Google Maps- and GPS-powered guidance system might soon be delivering it to neighborhoods worldwide before too long.

  • FBI Cancels Encryption Showdown With Apple After "3rd Party" Showed Them How To Unlock iPhone

    Following a mysterious "third party"'s willingness to show The FBI how to unlock San Bernardino killer Farook's iPhone, court records indicate that the US government wishes to cancel tomorrow's showdown with Apple, filing a motion to vacate the hearing.

    Hours after Tim Cook explcitly told the world (marketed) his firm would never sell out their privacy…

    "For many of us, the iPhone is an extension of ourselves," Cook said, according to USA Today. "We need to decide as a nation how much power the government should have over our data and over our privacy. We did not expect to be in this position, at odds with our own government. But we have a responsibility to help you protect your data and protect your privacy. We owe it to our customers and we owe it to our country."

    "We will not shrink from this responsibility," he added. In case the message wasn’t clear enough, Apple’s music selection spoke for them. At the end of the event, Tom Petty’s “I Won’t Back Down” blasted through the venue.


    The US government filed a motion on Monday to vacate Tuesday’s hearing against Apple.

    "Outside Party" to the rescue – wonder if they were Russian?



    According to the memorandum, “On Sunday, March 20, 2016, an outside party demonstrated to the FBI a possible method for unlocking Farook’s iPhone.” The third party and what the possible methods could be involved are both mysteries.

    *  *  *

    Did Apple fold quietly behind the scenes? Is this how both sides save face with neither side appearing to have given an inch on their defense (or persecution) of personal liberty? Who knows, but if the US Government suddenly places an order for 1 million iPhone SEs, then we have our answer.


  • Blindly Dancing At A Top: A Statistical Look At The Rally

    Submitted by Salil Mehta of Statistical Ideas

    Blindly Dancing At A Top

    If it’s too good to be true, then it probably is!  We’ve seen this show before and admonished about it beforehand (here, here).  In the 25 trading days since February 11 (when the S&P closed at 1829), the market surged at an average daily gain of 0.5%.  The S&P fell <-0.5% in just 3 of those 25 days, netting -3% total among those days.  While the S&P rose >0.5% in 10 of those 25 days, netting a whopping 13% total.  The remaining 12 trading days contributed just 0.1% daily to the post-February 11 surge.  And it’s reasonable to state that the market was due for a bounce-back of this nature, after the damage caused earlier in 2016.  The question of course remains: where do we go from here?  Our probability analysis of market patterns forecasts that we are essentially near the top, and the longer we lurch forward at this point, the more grisly an ensuing crash.

    As a quirky statistical coincidence, the market crash in August (here, here) is at the exact midpoint between today and the first trading day of 2015!  And the behavior of markets now don’t statistically resemble anything of grave consequence, prior to the August crash.  We can see in the chart above that the 1st decile S&P levels today are the same as only 6th decile (S&P”6″) price levels of early 2015.  So below average and certainly nothing riveting; and clearly nothing to heavily wager on.

    However ignoring the fact that the S&P is reasonably below the all-time high from early last year, the complacency/euphoria signals that we have today is the same as what we have had at extreme market tops in the past (see the blood colored data on the chart and labeled S&P1, for 1st decile).  What this suggests is that in our debilitated high-risk regime, there is now only modest upward runway for the markets to run (and wilder choppiness regardless which sometimes may assuredly question your judgment).  But eventually the music stops and the drunkards get bruised stumbling for the exits.  The gravitational weight of excessive frothiness will came back to roost.

    We prefer stability in the markets here.  But if the market momentum continues to bounce higher through the month, then probabilistically we will see another fierce crash that is guaranteed to ensue.

  • IMF Politely Asks China To Explain Exactly How Large Its FX Forwards Book Is

    On the heels of China’s move to devalue the yuan on August 11, the market’s attention abruptly shifted to something we’d been discussing for quite some time. Namely, China’s rapidly depleting FX reserves.

    The problem for China was that they wanted to devalue, but they wanted to do it on their terms and that’s not something that was particularly agreeable to the market. What was immediately apparent to us, but what it took weeks for most observers to understand, was that the PBoC actually transitioned to an FX regime that afforded the market less of a role in determining the exchange rate, not more. Before, China would reset the daily fix to dictate where the spot traded. In the new system, the PBoC simply manipulates the spot in order to dictate the fix, which from August 12 was supposed to “better reflect” the previous day’s trading. But if the previous day’s trading was dictated by PBoC intervention, then the entire endeavor is meaningless.

    Of course daily spot interventions cost money. Lots of it. Especially if the market smells a rat and thinks you may be angling for a larger devaluation down the road but are unwilling to just rip the band-aid off and move to a free float now.

    China blew through nearly $100 billion in the month of August alone supporting the yuan and soon enough, FX reserve data out of Beijing became the market’s new risk on/risk off trigger. The data also became a rather public proxy for capital flight and before long, China got uncomfortable with the amount of attention the headline figure received.

    So, the PBoC decided to find other ways to intervene to both support the onshore spot and ensure that the CNY/CNH spread didn’t widen too much (the weaker the offshore yuan trades relative to the onshore spot, the more depreciation pressure there is). Dabbling in forwards became one of the bank’s go-to strategies.

    What Beijing has been doing actually isn’t all that complicated. The PBoC simply asks policy banks to borrow dollars in the swap market, sell them, and then enter into a forward contract with Beijing which effectively squares the trade for the banks as the PBoC takes everything onto its own balance sheet. 

    The problem is that this makes it difficult for the market to get a read on capital outflows and on how much downward pressure the RMB is experiencing (and obscuring those two things is precisely the point for China). And it’s not just the market that’s having a hard time reading the tea leaves, it’s the IMF as well.

    “The International Monetary Fund is pressing China to disclose more data on its currency operations according to the standards the Chinese central bank pledged to follow,” WSJ reported on Monday. Here’s more:

    In recent months, the People’s Bank of China has increasingly turned to the derivatives market to help prop up the currency—a shift from its traditional approach of dipping into its dollar pile to buy yuan.


    The new tactic has several advantages for the central bank: It allows it to burn through its foreign-exchange reserves more slowly and drain smaller amounts of yuan from the financial system at a time of economic slowdown. It also leaves less evidence of intervention.


    Currency traders and investors, however, complain that the strategy is making it even harder to figure out Beijing’s intentions for the yuan. Now, the IMF is calling on the Chinese central bank to release more data on its holdings of derivatives such as forwards—which have become the main financial instrument used by the PBOC for currency intervention these days, the people said.


    The step would be in keeping with China’s pledge in October to adhere to the IMF’s special-data-dissemination standards as part of its effort to win the yuan its long-coveted reserve-currency status. Disclosing the data could also shed more light on how much firepower China has to keep defending the yuan.


    The data being sought by the IMF concerns the total holdings of forwards and futures by the PBOC, according to the people. Such data sets reflect future claims to a country’s foreign-exchange reserves; many of the world’s central banks, including those of Thailand, Malaysia and India, have frequently disclosed this data to the fund.


    Some market participants estimate that China’s current holdings of forwards range between $150 billion and $300 billion.

    You really needn’t think too hard about all of the above because there are two very simple takeaways: 1) the IMF is going to hold China to its promises of transparency and market oriented reforms now that the Fund has agreed to include the yuan in the SDR basket, and 2) these have to be settled at some point, so just know that the strategy outlined above is just about near-term optics. 

    Perhaps Citi summed it up best last autumn: “If you have a transaction that settles down the road, the actual liquidity impact in the short term may not be as dramatic. Down the road you can’t avoid it.”

    You can see why the IMF and the market more generally want full transparency out of Beijing and given the fear of capital flight, you can probably also understand why China would want to adopt strategies that make the PBoC’s FX intervention as opaque as possible. Unfortunately for the PBoC, the IMF looks set to play the SDR trump card.

  • "Let's Be Honest, Trump Is A Loser!": Elizabeth Warren Loses It, Goes Ballistic On The Donald

    If you’ve ever watched Senator Elizabeth Warren grill a Fed chief on Capitol Hill you know that she’s not one to mince words and she’s not one that’s easily impressed or intimidated. 

    The darling of the liberal Democrats, Warren looms large over the 2016 race which many suspected she would run in. She didn’t, but the Massachusetts Senator casts a long shadow and on Monday, she had apparently seen all she cared to see of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. 

    In a series of tweets and on a Facebook post, Warren lambasted Trump’s business record and his character before warning Americans that just because “he’s a loser everywhere else doesn’t mean he’ll lose the election.” 

    Here is her message in its entirety: 


    Forgive us Senator, but if you feel that strongly about it, perhaps you should have had “the courage to run” – to paraphrase your favorite Fed chair.

    All you’ve done now is guarantee Trump another couple of hundred thousand votes.

  • Clinton Emails Reveal Google’s Role In Attempting To Oust Syria's Assad

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Eric Schmidt, the former chief executive officer of Google, will head a new Pentagon advisory board aimed at bringing Silicon Valley innovation and best practices to the U.S. military, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Wednesday.


    Carter unveiled the new Defense Innovation Advisory Board with Schmidt during the annual RSA cyber security conference in San Francisco, saying it would give the Pentagon access to “the brightest technical minds focused on innovation.”


    – From the Reuters article: Former Google CEO Schmidt to Head New Pentagon Innovation Board

    It’s been observed for quite some time that Google isn’t just a private corporate behemoth, but that its executives are often times more intricately involved in U.S. foreign policy than most people would find appropriate.

    It’d be one thing if this support was for a sane and humanitarian foreign policy, but we all know it’s precisely the opposite. In fact, certain Google executives have demonstrated a particular interest in overthrowing governments throughout the Middle East, which has achieved nothing but sow chaos and result in the creation of powerful new terrorists groups such as ISIS.

    Two days ago, Wikileaks announced the following to the world via Twitter:


    This sounds like a pretty huge deal, so you’d think the American media would be all over it. Not quite. In fact, the only story I’ve seen emanating from the U.S. press was published by the Washington Examiner.

    Here are a few excerpts from the story titled, Clinton Email Reveals: Google Sought Overthrow of Syria’s Assad:

    Google in 2012 sought to help insurgents overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to State Department emails receiving fresh scrutiny this week.


    Messages between former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s team and one of the company’s executives detailed the plan for Google to get involved in the region.


    “Please keep close hold, but my team is planning to launch a tool … that will publicly track and map the defections in Syria and which parts of the government they are coming from,” Jared Cohen, the head of what was then the company’s “Google Ideas” division, wrotein a July 2012 email to several top Clinton officials.


    “Our logic behind this is that while many people are tracking the atrocities, nobody is visually representing and mapping the defections, which we believe are important in encouraging more to defect and giving confidence to the opposition,” Cohen said, adding that the plan was for Google to surreptitiously give the tool to Middle Eastern media.

    Is this a technology company or the C.I.A.?

    “Given how hard it is to get information into Syria right now, we are partnering with Al-Jazeera who will take primary ownership over the tool we have built, track the data, verify it, and broadcast it back into Syria,” he said.


    “Please keep this very close hold and let me know if there is anything [else] you think we need to account for or think about before we launch. We believe this can have an important impact,” Cohen concluded.


    The message was addressed to deputy secretary of state Bill Burns; Alec Ross, a senior Clinton advisor; and Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Jake Sullivan. Sullivan subsequently forwarded Cohen’s proposal to Clinton, describing it as “a pretty cool idea.”


    Cohen worked as a low-level staffer at the State Department until 2010, when he was hired to lead Google Ideas, but was tied to the use of social media to incite social uprisings even before he left the department. He once reportedly asked Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to hold off of conducting system maintenance that officials believed could have impeded a brief 2009 uprising in Iran. Julian Assange, who founded the secret-leaking website WikiLeaks, has for years referred to Cohen as Google’s “director of regime change.”

    Longtime Liberty Blitzkrieg readers will be familiar with the name Jared Cohen, a figure who played a key role in the post: Highlights from the Incredible 2011 Interview of Wikileaks’ Julian Assange by Google’s Eric Schmidt (must read if you missed it the first time).

    Moving along, I want to once again stress the fact that the U.S. media has completely ignored this story. In fact, the only other detailed article I could find on the topic was published earlier today at RT, from which we learn the following nugget, also courtesy of Wikileaks:

    In June 2010, when Syria was a country still at peace, Cohen traveled to the Arab Republic with Alec Ross. “I’m not kidding when I say I just had the greatest frappuccino ever at Kalamoun University north of Damascus,” he tweeted. Ross, in a more serious mood, tweeted: “This trip to #Syria will test Syria’s willingness to engage more responsibly on issues of#netfreedom”.


    In an email dated September 24, 2010, entitled ‘1st known case of a successful social media campaign in Syria’, and which was later forwarded to Hillary Clinton, Ross wrote:


    “When Jared and I went to Syria, it was because we knew that Syrian society was growing increasingly young (population will double in 17 years) and digital and that this was going to create disruptions in society that we could potential harness for our purposes.”

    Six years later and take a look at Syria. These are the breathtakingly disastrous results you achieve when the U.S. government and Google formulate U.S. foreign policy together behind closed doors.

    Finally, for those of you who remain unaware of the instrumental role the U.S. government and it’s allies played in the creation of ISIS, I leave you with the following excerpts from last year’s post: Additional Details Emerge on How U.S. Government Policy Created, Armed, Supported and Funded ISIS.

    Telling Hasan that he had read the document himself, Flynn said that it was among a range of intelligence being circulated throughout the US intelligence community that had led him to attempt to dissuade the White House from supporting these groups, albeit without success.

    Despite this, Flynn’s account shows that the US commitment to supporting the Syrian insurgency against Bashir al-Assad led the US to deliberately support the very al-Qaeda affiliated forces it had previously fought in Iraq.


    The US anti-Assad strategy in Syria, in other words, bolstered the very al-Qaeda factions the US had fought in Iraq, by using the Gulf states and Turkey to finance the same groups in Syria. As a direct consequence, the secular and moderate elements of the Free Syrian Army were increasingly supplanted by virulent Islamist extremists backed by US allies.


    It should be noted that precisely at this time, the West, the Gulf states and Turkey, according to the DIA’s internal intelligence reports, were supporting AQI and other Islamist factions in Syria to “isolate” the Assad regime. By Flynn’s account, despite his warnings to the White House that an ISIS attack on Iraq was imminent, and could lead to the destabilization of the region, senior Obama officials deliberately continued the covert support to these factions.


    “It was well known at the time that ISIS were beginning serious plans to attack Iraq. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey played a key role in supporting ISIS at this time, but the UAE played a bigger role in financial support than the others, which is not widely recognized.”

    Springmann says that during his tenure at the US embassy in Jeddah, he was repeatedly asked by his superiors to grant illegal visas to Islamist militants transiting through Jeddah from various Muslim countries. He eventually learned that the visa bureau was heavily penetrated by CIA officers, who used their diplomatic status as cover for all manner of classified operations?—?including giving visas to the same terrorists who would later execute the 9/11 attacks.


    Thirteen out of the 15 Saudis among the 9/11 hijackers received US visas. Ten of them received visas from the US embassy in Jeddah. All of them were in fact unqualified, and should have been denied entry to the US.

    For related articles, see:

    Meet “Groundwork” – Google Chairman Eric Schmidt’s Stealth Startup Working to Make Hillary Clinton President

    Former Google CEO Schmidt to Head New Pentagon Innovation Board

  • A Desperate China Begged Fed For "Plunge Protection Playbook" As Its Market Crashed

    Last June, China’s stock market miracle ended in tears.

    The SHCOMP’s inexorable, parabolic ascent was to a large degree facilitated by an explosion of margin debt, the likes of which could not be found in any other major market across the globe. For instance, by the end of June, the outstanding balance of margin transactions as a percentage of the SHCOMP’s free float market cap was nearly 14% compared to just 5.5% for the S&P and less than 1% for the TOPIX.

    A dramatic unwind in the half dozen backdoor margin lending channels that had funneled an additional CNY1.5 trillion into equities brought the party to a thunderous end and by late July, the market was off by more than 30% from its peak.

    Chinese officials had already begun to panic by mid-month and then, on the 27th, the bottom fell out.

    A harrowing bout of late day selling led the SHCOMP to post its worst one-day drop since February of 2007 and its second worst single session decline in history as the market collapsed by 8.5%.

    More than two-thirds of stocks in the index traded limit down that day.

    At that point, China was out of ideas. It had been nearly three weeks since Beijing announced it would inject capital into China Securities Finance Corp., effectively giving the PBoC a mandate to not only underwrite brokers’ margin lending businesses but in fact to buy A-shares directly, and nothing seemed to be working to arrest the slide.

    Indeed, starting on June 27 (by which time the Shenzhen had fallen by more than 20% from its peak) the PBoC unleashed an eye watering array of measures that encompassed everything from an RRR cut to the easing of regulations to state mandated investments by pension funds to verbal interventions in the form of threats against “malicious” shorts. Nothing was working.

    At a loss, the PBoC’s New York-based chief representative for the Americas, Song Xiangyan fired off an e-mail on the morning on July 27 to the institution China figured knew the most about propping up markets: the Fed.

    Just after 11 a.m. ET, the e-mail appeared in the inbox of senior Fed staffer Steven Kamin. The subject line read as follows: “Your urgent assistance is greatly appreciated!”

    My Governor would like to draw from your good experience,” Song told Kamin, the director of the Fed’s International Finance Division. “Could you please inform us ASAP about the major measures you took at the time?,” Song asked.

    Song was referring to what the Fed did to try and allay market fears in the wake of Black Monday when the S&P collapsed 20% on October 19, 1987. Reuters obtained the messages between Song and Kamin via an FOIA request.

    “We’ll try to get something to you soon,” Kamin told Song.

    “What followed five hours later was a 259-word summary of how the Fed worked to calm markets and prevent a recession,” Reuters writes, adding that “Kamin also sent notes to guide PBOC officials through the many dozens of pages of Fed transcripts, statements and reports that were attached to the email.”

    Those documents, Reuters goes on to note, had all been publicly available on the Fed’s website for years and “detail how the Fed began issuing statements the day after the market crash, pledging to supply markets with plenty of cash so they could function.”

    Apparently, Song was especially interested in the Fed’s use of repos to inject cash. “In 1987, the Fed contacted banks directly and encouraged them to meet legitimate funding needs’ of their customers,” Reuters continues, recounting more details from Kamin’s email to Song. “In addition to its pledges and cajoling, the U.S. central bank in 1987 eased collateral restrictions on Wall Street and tried to calm markets by intervening in trading earlier than normal.”

    But US officials did more than that. They also created the PWG or, “the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets,” or, as we know it, the “Plunge Protection Team.” The group was created by an executive order from the Reagan White House in the wake of Black Monday and officially serves as a kind of consortium of top officials who advise the White House on markets when something goes horribly awry. Unofficially, the group directs, facilitates, and otherwise engineers futures buying to support the market. Or so “conspiracy theorists” believe. 

    As Reuters concludes, “it is unclear if [the Fed’s help] played a role in shaping Beijing’s actions.” Right. But what is clear is that when it comes to central bank intervention, the PBoC thinks the Fed has plenty of experience from which to draw dating back specifically to the 1987 crash that precipitated the creation of the body which nowadays operates from 33 Liberty and directs its barely-arm’s-length trading division at Citadel when someone needs to step in and “provide” a bit of ES liquidity.

    If these were the messages exchanged between lowly “senior staffers” at the Fed and PBoC, one can only imagine what higher level talks might have come later because as you might recall, things got much, much worse for China after July 27. If China’s subsequent plunge protection efforts in any way reflect something they learned from the Fed, then there may be a book full of equities sitting around on a secure server in the basement of the Eccles Building that no one’s ever seen. But as noted above, Yellen and Dudley have plenty of leveraged proxies when they think the market might be a bit short on “liquidity.”

    Finally, we would note that if China intends to adopt the post-Black Monday Fed playbook, we’re in for two decades of lunatic monetary policy characterized by unnecessarily low rates and the deliberate perpetuation of the myth that fantastic wealth is simply a matter of multiple expansion. Perhaps we’ll even see the institution of the “Zhou put.”

    *  *  *

    For those who might have missed it, here’s Deutsche Bank’s note from last summer discussing the “mythical” plunge protection team and comparing 1987 to China’s market rout

    The ’87 US plunge protection team: sweet & sour lessons for China

    Unlike 1987 when Greenspan was a one-man plunge protection team using rate cuts to support the market, China has fewer constraints to substantive direct price keeping operations, but there are strong arguments against actions going beyond smoothing activity.

    The PBOC is struggling with ‘the holy trinity’ – maintaining a currency peg for stability, targeting interest rates and RRR directed at the real economy, providing equity support, and all this while attempting to liberalize interest rates and open the capital account. It’s a tall ask. Internationalization of the currency should be slowed. 

    The sweet

    1) The slide in Chinese equities has some characteristics of the US 1987 crash in so much as ’the October crash’ in 1987 unwound relatively short-term gains mostly established in the prior 10 months. As per Figure 1, the one-year prelude to the 1987 US crash showed a similar pattern to China equity gains, albeit Figure 2 also shows how China’s equity appreciation was much larger than the US gains that immediately preceded the 1987 crash. The important point is the equity surge was relatively shortlived, so there never was quite enough time for a feedback loop to develop from higher asset prices driving a stronger real economy driving the asset bubble ever higher. The real economy implications are not as acute when a short-lived bubble pops.

    2) Remember the mythical ‘plunge protection team’. The market has consistently spoken about how the 1987 crash prompted the creation of a ‘crisis group’ of senior US officials that would draw up lines of support for the equity market if faced with a similar collapse in equity prices. For better and worse, China is much more willing and has fewer constraints on official intervention, and the role of the PBOC funding China’s Securities Finance Corp as a source of support notably for a small cap stocks, at a minimum has the prospect of smoothing any price decline.

    The sour

    1) The flip side of any official equity intervention, and as important the recent suspension of trading in some shares, is the obvious lack of transparency. This has resulted in good stocks/assets being sold to hedge illiquid asset exposure that itself destroys confidence even as it creates good value for select equities. China has the resources to support the equity market in the shortterm, but there are inherent problems in artificially supporting prices. It undermines the markets confidence that a base has been reached, and in the long-term further distorts the allocation of capital. These are arguments why plunge protection should be no more than a smoothing facility to encourage fair price discovery. 

    2). The US substituted a late 1990s equity bubble with a housing bubble which did not end well. China’s experiment in substituting housing froth with equity froth, is plainly not succeeding.This all falls under the title: ‘troubles with policy traction’ that adds to China’s growth risks. 

    3). Collateral damage. The problems of credit creation dominated by bank lending is compounded by the sizable part of lending that is backed by property and a much smaller but substantial amount of collateral comprised of ‘movable’ assets like equities, commodities, and receivables. There is then more scope for contagion to work across asset classes and intercede directly into the banking system via the impact on collateral. This space needs to be watched closely. 

    4). ‘Proof’ that the PBOC is not omnipotent. Greenspan’s rate cuts immediately after the 1987 crash did seem to stabilize the situation. He was a one man plunge stabilization team, and this was in retrospect the early stages of the ‘Greenspan put’. Even this ‘put’ distortion was ultimately seen having huge costs. The PBOC is already much more stretched than the Fed ever was. They are struggling with ‘the holy trinity’ – maintaining a currency peg for stability, interest rates and RRR directed at the real economy, equity support, and all this while attempting to liberalize interest rates and open the capital account while maintaining fiscal discipline. It’s a tall ask. It would suggest that some objectives like the internationalization of the Rmb be deferred.

    *  *  *

    Bonus: Text of Executive Order 12631

    Executive Order 12631–Working Group on Financial Markets

    Source: The provisions of Executive Order 12631 of Mar. 18, 1988, appear at 53 FR 9421, 3 CFR, 1988 Comp., p. 559, unless otherwise noted.

    By virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and in order to establish a Working Group on Financial Markets, it is hereby ordered as follows:

    Section 1. Establishment. (a) There is hereby established a Working Group on Financial Markets (Working Group). The Working Group shall be composed of:
    (1) the Secretary of the Treasury, or his designee;
    (2) the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, or his designee;
    (3) the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, or his designee; and
    (4) the Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, or her designee.
    (b) The Secretary of the Treasury, or his designee, shall be the Chairman of the Working Group.
    Sec. 2. Purposes and Functions. (a) Recognizing the goals of enhancing the integrity, efficiency, orderliness, and competitiveness of our Nation’s financial markets and maintaining investor confidence, the Working Group shall identify and consider:
    (1) the major issues raised by the numerous studies on the events in the financial markets surrounding October 19, 1987, and any of those recommendations that have the potential to achieve the goals noted above; and
    (2) the actions, including governmental actions under existing laws and regulations (such as policy coordination and contingency planning), that are appropriate to carry out these recommendations.
    (b) The Working Group shall consult, as appropriate, with representatives of the various exchanges, clearinghouses, self-regulatory bodies, and with major market participants to determine private sector solutions wherever possible.
    (c) The Working Group shall report to the President initially within 60 days (and periodically thereafter) on its progress and, if appropriate, its views on any recommended legislative changes.

    Sec. 3. Administration. (a) The heads of Executive departments, agencies, and independent instrumentalities shall, to the extent permitted by law, provide the Working Group such information as it may require for the purpose of carrying out this Order.
    (b) Members of the Working Group shall serve without additional compensation for their work on the Working Group.
    (c) To the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of funds therefore, the Department of the Treasury shall provide the Working Group with such administrative and support services as may be necessary for the performance of its functions.

    *  *  *

    Summary of China’s efforts to prop up the market

  • Connecticut Credit Risk Spikes To Record High

    Amid cuts in aid and surging taxes, it appears the market remains less than impressed at Connecticut’s debt sustainability. Following last week’s disappointing bond auction, CT bond risk has spiked to 65bps over the benchmark – a record spread demanded by investors to take CT repayment risk. CT becomes the 4th riskiest US state after NJ, IL, and PA.


    As Bloomberg notes,

    The likely culprit was the state’s $550 million general-obligation sale on March 17, which included debt due in 2026 that priced to yield 2.52 percent, compared with an expected 2.37 percent based on Bloomberg’s Connecticut index.  


    The state’s office of policy and management said last week that the budget deficit for the current fiscal year is $131 million, an increase of $111 million from the prior month’s estimate.


    Moody’s Investors Service dropped its outlook on the state to negative earlier in March.

    Is it any wonder more people than ever are looking to leave the increasing tax burden of this troubled state?

  • Toward A Grand New Bargain: How Donald Trump Can Clear The Field And Realign American Politics

    Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

    It’s actually pretty easy. At an apt moment very soon, Trump should offer Governor Kasich the VP slot and Senator Cruz the vacant Supreme Court seat.

    Such a grand bargain would not only clear the primary field and quash any backroom hijacking of the nomination by the Washington GOP establishment; it would also permit each man to play his highest and best role at this great inflection point in the nation’s history.

    That is, Donald Trump’s job is to destroy the Republican/Neocon establishment and bring working class America back into a modern version of a McKinley-style Republican Party. Ted Cruz’ task is to spend a lifetime bringing strict constructionism back to the high court, thereby helping to restore constitutional restraints on a leviathan state that fundamentally threatens personal liberty and economic freedom and prosperity in America.

    And, yes, there really isn’t much for a washed-out, me-too Republican pol like Kasich to do at all. Except to get out of the way and exercise his apparent talent for preacherly uplift as America’s eulogist-in-chief at foreign state funerals.

    Beyond the rightness of it, there’s some pretty potent logic for the politics of the deal, too, There would be lots of of winners all around—–most especially the long-suffering American people.

    Mitch McConnell and his rudderless Senate wheels, for example, would not need even a ten minute caucus to hand down to young Ted Cruz a life sentence to the Supreme Court.

    At the same time and more importantly, however, the American public would score a twofer——a more faithful high court and one less warmonger on Capitol Hill.

    As to the former, Ted Cruz is about as close to the next Antonin Scalia as exists in America today. It goes without saying that he could do far more for the cause of liberty as a Justice than as a gadfly Senator.

    But there is an angle even more important. Cruz was a top student and debater at Princeton, a distinguished editor of the Harvard Law Review and a clerk on both the DC Court of Appeals and for the great Justice William Rehnquist on the Supreme Court. During the primary debates, he erudition on constitutional matters towered far above the pack.

    He was also described as “off the charts brilliant” by no less an admirer of his own brilliance than Alan Dershowitz. With a prospective long lifetime of service on the high court, Ted Cruz could bring a level of scholarly narrative and intellectual passion and acumen that is sorely needed by the constitutionalist cause.

    At the same time, the American people would be spared of another bellicose politician hell-bent on extending Washington’s imperial depredations. Cruz seems to have the Ronald Reagan disease. That is, his belief in small government does not extend to the Pentagon side of the Potomac; and his high regard for liberty does not appear to encompass innocent foreigners dwelling in the vicinity of desert sands he would cause to glow in the dark.

    As for Kasich, it is hard to think of a more inapt messenger with a more wrong-headed message. America does not need another compromiser, reconciler and wizened Washington ranch hand who can split the difference.

    It needs, instead, a force of nature who can rain shock and awe on the Imperial City. And, so doing, overturn its vast network of prosperous racketeers who feed off the military industrial complex, the health care cartel, the education monopolies, the Wall Street and banking mafias and the legions of other crony capitalist rackets.

    Governor Kasich’s specious claim to be a fiscally prudent budget balancer is especially telling. One of the most outrageous Washington wastes is right under his nose. Namely, the Lima Ohio M-1 tank line that he and the Ohio politicians keep open despite 10,000 such lethal machines already in inventory——-and notwithstanding that no other nation has tanks of this advanced capability or, more dispositively, the means to land them on these shores.

    Actually, M-1 tanks were originally designed to fight the Red Army on the central front——said army and said front having disappeared from the pages of history 25 years ago.

    Since then they have been used for neocon wars of invasion and occupation that did nothing for the safety and security of citizens in Dayton OH or Danbury CT except foster vengeful blowback in the cities and towns they turned into rubble. Even then, the Imperial City’s racketeers offered this folly as proof of the need for more iron and electronic monsters from Lima, while Kasich and his pols lip-synched the sales pitch.

    In truth, Kasich is exactly the kind of political lifer that needs to occupy the Joe Biden chair of policy irrelevance during the monumental reckoning ahead. He has indulged in double talk for so many decades that he no longer even knows when his lips are synching or even moving.

    His victory speech after the Ohio primary, for example, was laced with pious rhetoric about devolving government back to the states and localities.

    C’mon. He took a 90% bribe from Obama to drastically expand Medicaid in Ohio at the expense of taxpayers in Idaho and Texas, whose faithful governors didn’t. Yet he has the nerve to call himself a champion of decentralization?

    Kasich’s brand of phony Federalism goes back to Nelson Rockefeller, who wore thin the patience of New York taxpayers with his out-sized building, spending and other notorious appetites. So looking enviously at the untapped citizens of Nebraska and Oregon, Rocky then cooked-up the idea of revenue sharing and sold it to Nixon. It was actually just a form of interstate larceny.

    As a young Capitol Hill staffer at the time, I saw how the old-fashioned conservative and legendary ruler of the House Ways and Means Committee, Wilbur Mills, had it killed dead as a doornail. His was virtually the last voice of authority and power in Washington during the past half century who insisted that such tax monies should never leave home in the first place; and that the round-trip through Washington was just an opportunity for sticky fingers to skim the pot and for disingenuous politicians to bring home the pork while pretending it was free money.

    If they want to spend it, said Mills, let them tax it first. But sound Federalism was not to be. LBJ’s Great Society had broken the dam and soon Wilbur Mills stumbled into submission on the eve of the 1972 Nixon landslide——perhaps in a foreshadowing of his final stumble two years later into the Tidal Basin with Fanne Foxe.

    The rest, as they say, is history. With Mills’ iconic defense of the old order out of the way, the Nixon-Ford White House massively expanded the Federal grant-in-aid system. At length, a whole generation of GOP politicians became house-trained in Kasich style fiscal doublespeak and hypocrisy.That is, in the art of decrying Washington’s fiscal profligacy on the rubber chicken circuit by night while devoting their day jobs to scrapping for hometown pork from Medicaid and thousands of like and similar Federal gravy trains.

    I have no idea whether Donald Trump will see through this Kasich style fiscal hypocrisy or not. But I do believe him when he decries our $19 trillion national debt and when he says that he is going after Washington’s fiscal profligacy with hammer and tongs.

    In this instance, and much else, Trump’s principal virtue is that his only acquaintanceship with the Imperial City is attendance at an occasional Kennedy Center gala. Accordingly, Trump is unschooled in the self-serving rationalizations that keep the rackets going, even as he is endowed with such ample self-confidence that he is sure to go charging into the nation’s fiscal mess like a bull in a china shop.

    And that’s much to be welcomed after years of a bipartisan conspiracy of silence and Washington’s perfidiously orchestrated regime of fiscal can-kicking. Broken furniture and bombastic challenges are exactly what the fiscal doctor ordered. Indeed, what a President Trump could actually do is prove that the way to shutdown Washington’s budgetary rackets is by means of an insurrectionist-in-chief inside the White House, not furtive threats to close the Washington Monument lobbed down Pennsylvania Avenue from Capitol Hill.

    Say what you will about Trump’s controversial business history, the four bankruptcies and the rest. Yet it is absolutely certain that he knows at least this much: You don’t stop a flood of budgetary red ink with a 25-year plan to get to a balanced budget by 2038!

    That’s Speaker Paul Ryan’s particular contribution to the GOP establishments’ noxious form of fiscal duplicity and doublespeak. Like in the movie “Dave”, The Donald is likely to dive into the budget himself and then there will be fear and trembling all around the Imperial City.

    Big Pharma and the health insurance cartel are already in Trump’s gun sights, but once he gets to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue he will quickly discover the target rich environment on the Pentagon side of the Potomac, too. The hideously expensive, technically plagued and completely unneeded trillion dollar F-35 fighter would be the ideal place for him to start.

    And that goes to the larger point. All the swells in the mainstream media are furiously cackling about The Donald’s answer on morning TV about the identity of his top foreign policy advisors. Yet the apparent fact that he has none and is doing his own thinking is why the think tanks and neocon lobbies are in full frontal panic:

    I’m speaking with myself No. 1 because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things,” he said in an interview on MSNBC. “I talk to a lot of people and at the appropriate time I’ll tell you who the people are.”

    Actually, there is more, and it has to do with one of the many character flaws that self-evidently afflict the man. We speak of his monumental capacity to carry a grudge and seek revenge upon those who personally offend him.

    Here’s the thing. Mitt Romney’s viscous public attack on Trump is only the beard. It is merely the censored for-family-TV-version of what the entire neocon establishment and War Party is saying every day in the corridors of Imperial Washington.

    Needless to say, the Donald is taking names and will not be reluctant to do far more than kick offending posteriors. He will make it his business to hound, denounce, denigrate and dispatch the entire passel of neocon power brokers who have declared war on his candidacy.

    And, yes, an Imperial City purged of Bill Kristol and his gang of bloodthirsty provocateurs would already be on the road to redemption.

    Indeed, if America’s foreign policy could be seized from the grasp of the Washington War Party and its AIPAC subsidiary, the fiscal equation would be instantly transformed. Over and again, Trump seems to grasp that the real security of the homeland has nothing to do with being the world’s policeman and defense sugar-daddy.

    In fact, that’s pretty obvious to any one who hasn’t been mis-educated by globe-trotting harpies of war like Senators Lindsay Graham and John McCain. Trump has had no trouble figuring out that Ukraine, for example, was always part of the greater Russian sphere of influence and geographic propinquity.

    If he had time for an honest briefing, he surely would have no problem at all seeing that it was the meddling, incompetent apparatchiks of the State Department, CIA and National Endowment for Democracy which fostered, funded and facilitated the coup against the constitutionally elected government of Ukraine in the first place.

    Or that Crimea was the equivalent of a Gadsden Purchase which had been unwound by Kruschev in the midst of post-Stalin politburo maneuvers and intrigues; and that its re-annexation by Moscow after the illegal putsch in Kiev was accomplished far more peacefully and consensually than had been the territorial rearrangement of Kosovo by the US Air Force 15 year earlier.

    But whether he has had all the true facts or not, Trump has had no trouble seeing that the solution to the conflict between Ukraine’s Russian speaking minority in the east and the rest of the country was a negotiated deal with Putin, not the demonization of this leader of a country that has no beef with America and a GDP the size of the NYC metropolitan area.

    You can go from that insight straight to a $200 billion cut in the nation’s bloated $600 billion defense budget. When the US economy slides into recession, as it surely will, before the next White House inaugural ceremony has commenced, the Federal deficit will soar back above the $1 trillion mark; it has only been in temporary hibernation, not permanent remission.

    So The Donald will need massive spending cuts in Washington at the very same time that desperate socialist governments in Europe will face  a global recession induced outbreak of red ink in their own fiscal accounts. That will be the Donald’s moment——the opening to disband NATO, slash defense spending across both continents and negotiate the kind of global disarmament deals that Eisenhower unsuccessfully sought and Warren G. Harding actually achieved.

    And that brings us to the supreme irony of this fraught political season. The Washington and New York chattering class has been nearly busting a spleen over the prospect of Trump’s (alleged) stubby fingers on the nuclear button. I haven’t heard such full-throated hysteria since they worked up a similar campaign against Ronald Reagan in the fall of 1980.

    The man did go on to help end the cold war and remove the nuclear sword of Damocles that hung over the planet, even if it was the inherent contradictions and impossibilities of totalitarian socialism that finally brought down the Soviet regime.

    Likewise, in a world heading into the fiscal dumpster, Donald Trump is more likely to negotiate an end to today’s monumental waste on arms and thereby win the Nobel Peace Prize than he is to start a war.

    Stated differently, Trump can lead the world back to the 1991 status quo ante for one salient reason. He never got the War Party memo that proclaimed an American Imperium that has now failed horribly; and he will relish doing unstinting battle against it Imperial City architects——the Clintons and the neocons.

    Still, redemption for the US economy and the nation’s wage and salary earning households will require more than the recovery of fiscal rectitude, as crucial as that is to avoiding a calamitous national bankruptcy during the next decade.

    What is actually needed is a modern rendition of President William McKinley’s “full dinner pail” economics of circa 1900. McKinley was a hard money Republican who impaled William Jennings Bryan twice on his own cross of anti-gold populism by selling the gospel of free enterprise and mild protectionism to the laboring classes of America’s flourishing interior.

    Donald Trump is on to that. But what he needs to better understand is that it was the gold standard and free enterprise elements of the McKinley formula that carried the day, not the moderately protectionist tariffs. The latter had actually been designed a decade earlier by McKinley himself as an Ohio industrial belt Congressman to insure wage equivalence with the principal industrial centers of England and Europe.

    In fact, it was the honest money discipline of the gold standard that kept transatlantic industrial wages in equilibrium, consumer goods inflation non-existent and real living standards steadily rising. Stumping for the protectionist tariff was just the McKinley GOP’s way of emphasizing its solidarity with the wage earning producers of the day.

    To be sure, free trade is always better for real living standards and societal wealth than the deadweight cost of tariffs, but in truth the McKinley tariff was as much a revenue tariff as it was an modern style instrument of statist protectionism.  After all, it was not until 1913 that the nation even had an income tax on individuals and corporations.

    And that gets us to a segue to The Donald’s well-intended but incomplete stance on global trade, the massive loss of full-pay productive jobs in America during recent decades and his claim that we are “losing” $500 billion a year to China, $59 billion to Mexico and so forth.

    He is right. But it’s not just, or even mainly, due to bad trade deals negotiated by stupid bureaucrats in the state department and the USTR office.

    It’s mainly owing to bad money created by stupid Keynesians at the Federal Reserve. They have enabled the rise of a virulent form of export mercantilism and currency manipulation throughout the entirety of East Asia and much of the EM world which drafts in its economic wake.

    Stated differently, the two decade long regime of central bank driven free money has destroyed the possibility of free trade. What passes for “free trade” today has nothing to do with the real thing.

    So-called free trade arrangements like NAFTA and the pending TPP are essentially statist deals negotiated among corporate, labor, environmentalist and other interest groups. If they actually result in increased global trade, the impact is marginal and largely incidental.

    The whole trade calamity that Trump is declaiming goes back four and one-half decades; and can be laid at the doorstep of Milton Friedman and his acolytes in the White House who convinced Nixon to default on America’s obligation to redeem unwanted dollars for gold, and to instead float the dollar at Camp David in August 1971.

    What the well-intended but hopelessly naïve free market professor failed to reckon with is that once the Fed was freed of the shackles of even the flawed Bretton Woods gold exchange standard, it would only be a matter of time before statist professors and Washington policy apparatchiks would open the monetary floodgates in the name of taming the business cycle or achieving the mythical Keynesian nirvana of full-employment.

    Worse still, Friedman was clueless about the probability that this monetary profligacy would prove to be virulently contagious, especially among the developing economies of East Asia where free market capitalism had never really existed. What happened is a relentless, long-lasting and destructive “dirty float” that continues to this day.

    The recipients of the Fed’s flood of dollar liabilities after Greenspan took the helm in 1987 engaged in massive currency intervention and manipulation in order to promote their export industries, and avoid what would have otherwise happened under Friedman’s theoretical fiat money regime. To wit, the dollar would have collapsed and Asian exporter exchange rates would have soared, halting America’s 25 year borrowing spree before it really got started.

    The truth is, had Alan Greenspan and his successors maintained even a modicum of monetary restraint and permitted money and capital markets to clear under the laws of supply and demand, nominal US interest rates would have remained unusually high in the face of deep negative US trade balances stemming from the post-1994 mobilization of cheap labor in China and East Asia.

    American households would not have lived high on the hog by borrowing from foreigners in order to consume more than they produced. Under honest money in the 1990s and thereafter, wages and productivity in the US would have sweated themselves back to competitive levels as they did during the McKinley era of full dinner pail economics.

    Needless to say, that is all water over the dam now in 2016. American labor is hopelessly over-priced and the American standard of living teeters precariously on a debt-swollen economy that has no capacity to grow or create what used to be called middle class jobs.

    I call them breadwinner jobs and there have been no net new ones formed in America since the turn of the century. The new jobs heralded on bubblevision every month are mainly born-again from the last cyclical downturn or low pay, part-time jobs in bars, restaurants, theme parks, nursing homes, home health outfits, temp agencies and student loan dependent for-profit tuition mills.

    Breadwinner Economy Jobs - Click to enlarge

    Yet Trump’s relentless harping on trade might provide an avenue to reset a hopelessly impaired domestic labor market. In brief, the prospective GOP nominee should embrace Ted Cruz’s business flat tax as he sends its author on his way to the Supreme Court.

    But rather than replacing the income tax, which over half of US households do not pay anyway, the Cruz flat tax should be calibrated at a rate which will permit elimination of the payroll tax entirely. Lifting the roughly 16% employer/employee wedge off the cost of labor in America—–a burden of some $1.4 trillion annually—- would do more to restore full dinner pail economics to main street than any other conceivable measure.

    In truth, the Cruz business flat tax is just a  gussied up value added tax (VAT). And that’s exactly what America needs—notwithstanding decades of caterwauling against it by the Washington business lobbies and their GOP bag carriers—–because it taxes consumption, not labor and enterprise.

    Better still, it would fully tax the $2.4 trillion of goods imports which come into the country every year while being rebated on the $1.7 trillion of US exports which fight for foreign markets with their arm tied behind their back—-owing to systematic foreign protectionism and the blatant currency pegging and manipulation that Donald Trump has rightly called out.

    Indeed, a Trump administration would not need to start any trade war at all. It only needs to fire Janet Yellen and her merry band of money printers and replace them with sound money proponents who will stop pegging interest rates and allow the money and capital markets to clear at free market levels.

    In no time the dollar would strengthen and China’s $30 trillion house of cards would come crashing back to earth. The comrades in Beijing would have no choice except to shutdown the Peoples Printing Press of China in order to prevent an outward stampede of flight capital like the world has never seen.

    Even then, a Trump VAT could be calibrated to bring the one sided trade flows of the world back into more favorable balance. It would simply involve a surtax on the basic VAT rate for the goods of any country that continued to abuse its access to US markets via state export subsidies and exchange rate manipulations designed to artificially lower the price of its exports.

    To be sure, in an ideal world the US should welcome the foolishness of any foreign government which subsidizes its exports. That is actually a form of foreign aid to American consumers.

    But like the mild McKinley tariff, the harm from taxing foreign goods would be far outweighed by the good that would come from relieving the existing payroll tax burden on domestic labor and enterprise. Likewise, the urgent necessity to close the nation’s disastrous fiscal gap would be far better accomplished by raising whatever revenues are required—– after a thorough fiscal housecleaning on both sides of the Potomac—–by taxing consumption, not production.

    Call it a revenue tariff, if need be. It brought full dinner pail economics to the McKinley era and could again.

    It also brought the laboring classes to the Republican party and that’s essential. There is no hope for capitalism, fiscal solvency and constitutional governance and liberty in America if the Republican party remains in thrall to the War Party and the crony capitalist racketeers who occupy its commanding heights in the Imperial City.

    No wonder they will stop at nothing to stop Trump.

    But they won’t succeed. The American public is finished with the corruptions and destructions of the Imperial City. The Grand Old Party Is done.

    So just maybe the door is open for The Donald to usher in a Grand New Bargain.

  • It's Not Over Yet – Moody's Put Deutsche Bank On Review For Downgrades

    In a worryingly coincidentally timed move, Moody's has put Desutche Bank on review for downgrade, citing "execution challenges" in its new strategic plan. The worrying aspect comes from the fact the timing is entirely fitting with the ratings downgrade that started the last and most painful down-leg in Lehman's collapse…

    Full Moody's statement:

    Moody's reviews for downgrade Deutsche Bank's ratings (senior debt at Baa1)


    New York, March 21, 2016 — Moody's Investors Service has placed on review for possible downgrade the ratings of Deutsche Bank AG ("Deutsche Bank") and affiliates, including the bank's long-term deposit rating of A2, its senior unsecured debt rating of Baa1, its standalone baseline credit assessment ("BCA") of baa3, its counterparty risk assessment of A2(cr), as well as its short term ratings and short term counterparty risk assessment of Prime-1 and Prime-1(cr), respectively.


    Also placed on review for downgrade were the long-term ratings of US-based Deutsche Bank Trust Corporation and its trust company affiliates, considering the close linkages of the franchise value of these operations to those of the parent Deutsche Bank. Principal ratings affected include the long-term deposit ratings of A1, issuer ratings of Baa1, the standalone baseline credit assessments of a3, and the counterparty risk assessments of A2(cr) and Prime-1(cr). The Prime-1 short-term deposit ratings of the trust companies were affirmed.


    For Deutsche Bank's subsidiary Deutsche Postbank AG, Moody's placed the entity's main ratings on review for downgrade, with the exception of the bank's ba1 BCA which was unaffected by today's rating action. The Postbank ratings placed on review for downgrade include the bank's A2 long-term deposits ratings, its (P)Baa1 senior unsecured programme rating, the bank's Prime-1 short-term debt and deposits ratings and the A2(cr)/P-1(cr) counterparty risk assessment. Each of these ratings benefit from one notch of affiliate support, based on the BCA of Deutsche Bank.




    The review for downgrade is prompted by the rising execution hurdles facing Deutsche Bank in its efforts to strengthen and stabilize profitability over the next three years. The firm recently indicated weak performance within its capital markets operations in the first two months of 2016 (typically the strongest quarter in the year for this business), and this follows on a weak fourth quarter 2015 performance. "Deutsche Bank's diminished performance in the most recent two periods is a function of both environmental and firm-specific factors" said Peter Nerby, a Moody's Senior Vice-President.


    Since changing leadership last June and recalibrating its strategic plan last November, the operating environment has worsened for Deutsche Bank. This is increasing the already high level of execution challenges the group faces in addressing its structural cost issues and achieving its new strategic plan. Moody's forecasts that revenue and expense headwinds may delay an improvement in profitability and achievement of Deutsche Bank's interim cost-to-income targets (principally a cost-to-income ratio of approximately 70%) for 2018. The scale of the firm's reengineering task, the potential for further weak revenue, and the risk of incremental litigation charges also create uncertainty, further increasing the execution challenge.


    Despite the near-term earnings challenges, the firm's overall solvency and liquidity profiles support its creditworthiness and provide the firm time and flexibility to adjust the plan as conditions warrant. Deutsche Bank's solvency is supported by a solid overall capital and litigation reserve position, as well as its asset risk profile. Deutsche Bank also maintains a strong liquidity profile. As such, Moody's expects that should there be a downgrade of Deutsche Bank's Baa1 senior debt and A2 deposit ratings, it would be limited to one notch.


    Furthermore, the ultimate objectives of the new strategic plan are credit positive. The business mix of the bank will be tilted away from more volatile and capital-intensive capital markets activities, with a greater emphasis on more stable, annuity franchises, including transaction banking and asset and wealth management. As a result, Deutsche Bank is committed to having a simpler and more stable business mix, operating with lower leverage and targeting a more conservative return-on-equity. However it is not clear whether the revenue attrition from shrinking the balance sheet and streamlining the client base can be quickly offset by growth in new areas.


    The review will focus on the details of the execution plan for 2016 and 2017, in particular, and the extent to which it will have to be adapted given challenges in the operating environment. The review also will focus on details and timing of the plan to renew the technological platform of the bank, a key enabler of future revenues and cost efficiencies.


    Moody's will also review Deutsche Bank's Additional Tier 1 securities (Ba3) to evaluate whether its execution challenges increase the risk of a coupon deferral on them. This could warrant additional, wider notching for these securities and result in up to a two notch downgrade for these securities.

    But it's different this time…

    May/June 2008 – S&P downgrades major US banks including Merrill, Lehman, and Morgan Stanley (all after the banks raised additional equity capital, sparking the bounce).

    It's not over yet.

  • Stocks Edge Higher Despite Dismal Data & Hawkish Fed As Bonds & Bullion Slide

    To sum up: China car sales crash by most on record (boom goes the overseas growth meme), US existing home sales plunge most in 6 years (boom goes the domestic housing strength supporting consumption meme), Williams and Lockhart go full hawk-tard (positing April as "live" and suggesting everything is hawkishly awesome), and one of our most succeesful 'innovative' tech firms unveils the worst product launch ever… and investors buy stocks with both hands and feet…


    Futures show the flip-floppiness of the day best…A ramp in the afternoon session of China (thanks to eased margin requirements) which gave way as Europe traded weak then was slammed by Fed's Williams "April live" comments… a ramp back into the US open was then slammed by crappy housing data… which the machines ramped into Europe's close… Then Fed's Lockhart reiterated "April live" warnings but early weakness just spurred USDJPY to ignite momentum in stocks to overnight high stops…


    Leaving Nasdaq the winner as cash equities rallied into the European close and sold off after NYMEX close despite extended gains from oil…


    Post-Fed, things are back to normal as they should be… stocks #winning over gold and bonds… (buty silver is still in the lead)


    AAPL disappointed…


    It appears last week's apparent "QE Trade" – buy stocks, buy bonds, buy gold, sell USDs – is fading…


    Treasury yields rose 4-5bps on the day with some modest steepening…(japanese markets on holiday) Notice that the buying was between US open and EU close..


    The USD gained ground for the 2nd day ion a row – best gain in March…


    Commodities dropped as China closed, rallied into US open, then flatlined…


    But once again Crude was up and down faster than a whore's drawers…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • If Hillary Isn't Indicted, The Rule Of Law & The Republic Are Dead

    Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

    Once the Oligarchy is above the law, the Republic is already dead.

    To paraphrase Ernest Hemingway: How did you lose your Republic? Two ways, gradually and then suddenly. The Romans experienced this when their Republic was extinguished by Empire.

    The erosion of the Republic was gradual: slowly but surely, the lower classes' representation in governance was curtailed; the Oligarchy of the wealthy and powerful cemented their privileges at the expense of the many; Oligarchs rose above the laws that were supposed to apply to all, and executive power was consolidated in top administrators and the wealthy at the expense of the Senate.

    When Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his army to seize control of Rome, the Roman Republic ceased to exist. Gradually and then suddenly: this is how Republics become Empires.

    We find ourselves in a parallel moment in history: the American Republic has been hollowed into a shell that is maintained for PR purposes. Beneath the propaganda, the Establishment runs the nation for its own benefit. The people are ignored, because they are powerless in this hollow shell of democracy: their only role is to provide bodies, talent and blood for the Imperial armed forces, pay taxes if they have any money, and be content with their food stamps if they don't.

    Here's the proof:

    Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens

    Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.

    Here are two articles in the same vein:

    America the Banana Republic

    The Quiet Coup

    The United States has reached a crossing the Rubicon moment: either Hillary Clinton is indicted for knowingly violating statutes regarding State Department security, or the rule of law and the Republic are dead. This is a binary moment: we either let Hillary evade the laws that were established to protect the security of the nation and confess there is no rule of law now for the Oligarchy, or the agencies tasked with defending the nation indict her.

    There is no middle ground. If Hillary isn't indicted, the rule of law, i.e. no one is above the law, is dead.

    If you believe Hillary that she didn't really do anything to violate the spirit or the letter of security laws, please review these statutes:

    U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 12 – Diplomatic Security
    12 FAM 531.1 Top Secret Storage
    12 FAM 531.1-1 Domestic
    (CT:DS-185; 01-31-2012)
    (Uniform State, USAID, OPIC, TDP)

    (TL:DS-70; 10-01-2000)

    Incidents involving intentional or grossly negligent release or mishandling of classified information may be subject to criminal penalties. An illustrative list of criminal statutes establishing penalties of fine and imprisonment for the release of classified information is set forth in 12 FAM 558 Exhibit 558.

    Once the Oligarchy is above the law, the Republic is already dead. Once the people have lost the ability to influence the central state's policies and decisions, the Republic is dead. Once the elected officials can no longer impose the nation's statues on the Oligarchy (or have lost interest in doing so because they are all corrupted cronies), the Republic is dead. Once the nation's agencies of law enforcement are stayed from indicting, prosecuting and jailing members of the Oligarchy, be they super-wealthy politicos like Hillary or super-wealthy Wall Street bankers, the Republic is dead.

    The Democratic Party bosses and special interests have already selected Hillary as their shoo-in candidate for the Presidency, and these Oligarchs and special interests won't let any pesky details like laws protecting the security of the nation stand in the way of their Not So Quiet Coup.

    The nation's Deep State, which I have covered extensively, has at least grudgingly approved Hillary as the next neo-conservative (never met an Imperial entanglement or drone strike she didn't like), neocolonial (we're going to put the "little people" in their rightful place, i.e. under our management) Imperial President.

    A vote for Hillary, unindicted Oligarch, is a vote in favor of the destruction of the rule of law and the Republic. This is the Rubicon every voter must decide to cross or refuse to cross: vote for Hillary (destroy the Republic and surrender to Imperial Oligarchy) or refuse to vote for an unindicted Imperial Oligarch.

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Today’s News 21st March 2016

  • Supply and Demand Report, 20 Mar, 2016

    Early on Monday morning (Arizona time), silver began to rise. From its close on Friday of $15.46, it ran up to $15.82. Then it began to slide, eventually dropping to $15.17 by midmorning on Wednesday. Then…


    The Fed said not a lot. It will go on manipulating the rate of interest rate to the same level as it had been previously. This was not what the market was expecting, as many believed the Fed was on the war rate-hiking path. Lower interest means more quantity of money dollars which means more rising prices which means gold and especially silver should go up.

    And go up, silver did. At least, if you measure it using muggle money. Silver ran up 44 cents on the Fed announcement. Then consolidated before running up over $16. It finally exhausted itself $16.15.

    It ended the week at $15.78, about 30 cents higher than it began. As the muggles would reckon it, gold went up $5.

    As always, we’re interested not so much in the price chart as the fundamentals of supply and demand. We like to know if a move was just leveraged speculators buying or selling futures, or if it was buyers or sellers of actual metal. The latter can tell us if a move will likely be durable or not.

    This is a segue into an interesting question asked by a reader last week. He noted that the speculators are trying to predict the next price move. What if they’re right? Then a speculative move may lead a fundamental move.

    That is true enough—if they’re right. The catch is knowing if they’re right, on a case by case basis. We have lost count of the number of times silver speculators have gotten excited and falsely predicted a breakout. There have been many corrections as the price of silver has dropped over the three years that we have been publishing our analysis, and the period before that when we had a private email letter. And when each of those corrections has exhausted itself, the downward price trend continued.

    Have we seen the price bottom? We think it’s likely. At least, there is no fundamental reason for silver to go back to a 13 handle. On the other hand, if silver speculators became as depressed about their metal as gold speculators are, then that is exactly what would happen.

    On the other, other hand—quick, somebody get me a one-handed economist!—we think it is more likely that bearish gold sentiment will slowly fade than that bearish sentiment will bleed over from gold to silver.

    Price bottom aside, is there any reason to expect a skyrocketing silver price? Read on for the only true picture of the gold and silver supply and demand fundamentals
    (For an introduction and guide to our concepts and theory, click

    But first, here’s the graph of the metals’ prices.

           The Prices of Gold and Silver

    Next, this is a graph of the gold price measured in silver, otherwise known as the gold to silver ratio. The ratio was down again. 

    The Ratio of the Gold Price to the Silver Price

    For each metal, we will look at a graph of the basis and cobasis overlaid with the price of the dollar in terms of the respective metal. It will make it easier to provide brief commentary. The dollar will be represented in green, the basis in blue and cobasis in red.

    Here is the gold graph.

           The Gold Basis and Cobasis and the Dollar Price

    The green line is the price of the dollar, measured in gold terms (i.e. the inverse of the price of gold). As it falls (i.e. the gold price rises) gold becomes less scarce. The red line is the gold cobasis, our measure of scarcity of the metal. From last week:

    Gold is becoming less scarce as its price is rising.

    It’s almost eerie how well the gold scarcity tracks the dollar price, as they both descend. Almost as if there was a connection. Or something. 😉

    The uncanny tracking of gold scarcity with the price of the dollar continues.

    Our calculated fundamental price of gold fell a few bucks again, but it’s still well over $1,400.

    Now let’s look at silver.

    The Silver Basis and Cobasis and the Dollar Price

    Last week, we noted that the silver fundamentals firmed up a bit. That was last week.

    This week, scarcity synced back up with the price of the dollar again. Note the big drop in the cobasis, and big rise in the basis. Silver for May delivery is in a nice contango, though the 38 bps you could earn to carry silver is a bit under LIBOR.

    The silver fundamental dropped over a nickel this week. It’s more than a buck below the market price.

    Will the speculators be right this time? Is silver headed to $20, much less $50? We would not put our money in harms’ way (to borrow a phrase that Kevin O’Leary has used on Shark Tank) to bet on that thesis.

    Monetary Metals will be in Hong for Mines and Money, and in Singapore for Mining Investment Asia. If you will be in town for either conference, and would like to meet, please drop us a line.


    © 2016 Monetary Metals

  • Currency Debasement & The Death Of Roman Emperors

    Correlation does not necessarily imply causation.

    In other words, just because two sets of data may follow a similar pattern, it does not mean there is any direct causal relationship.

    However, as VisualCapitalist's Jeff Desjardins was assembling our previous research on Currency and the Collapse of the Roman Empire, we noticed something that was too uncanny to skip past: during the 113-year stretch of time from 192 to 305 AD, an astonishing amount of Roman emperors (84%) were either brutally murdered or assassinated.

    This, of course, was a particularly troubled period for the Romans. During the Crisis of the Third Century (235 to 284 AD) specifically, the combined pressures of invasion, civil war, plague, and economic depression threatened to bring down the Empire.

    Coincidentally, during this same time frame, the silver denarius went from having 2.7 grams silver to being “silver” in name only. Base metals such as bronze and copper were added to the silver coins to debase the currency, and by the year 300 AD, a silver denarius (or its equivalent) had only a trace of silver left.


    Courtesy of: The Money Project



    Notes on the Data

    Data on Roman Emperor deaths is from this resource, and the debasement of silver coinage was previously covered by Armstrong Economics.

    Roman Emperor deaths or abdications included in the visualization are ones that occurred between the birth of the Empire (27 BC) to the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476 AD). It’s also worth noting that, according to the source, there is a significant amount of emperors who had fates that are unclear or died under mysterious circumstances, and therefore the list may not be entirely accurate.

  • Judge Jeanine's Warning To The GOP: "Your Scorn For The Will Of The American People Is Mindboggling; Be Very, Very Careful"

    Two weeks ago, Judge Jeannine Pirro hit it out of the ballpark with her stunningly honest and frank monologue that “there’s an insurrection coming” and that “the American people are sick and tired of crony capitalism.”

    Overnight, she followed it up with another striking rant, this time explaining why the Republican Party’s mantra has suddenly become that “Donald Trump must be stopped. “Why?” she asks rhetorically:”why would Republicans try to sabotage their own front-runner and risk a Democrat winning the White House?” Her answer, which is absolutely accurate: “The Republican establishment, elected officials and party leaders are in bed with the Democrats!”

    She explained:

    “If Hillary wins, nothing is lost for them, it’s business as usual. The lobbyists keep their offices on K Street, the pharmaceutical companies keep paying them, the unions keep adding to their pensions and the lawmakers get their reelection bribes – I mean contributions – while we the underclass work two and three jobs and rack up a debt our children and grandchildren will have to pay for generations!”

    Instead of supporting Trump – “the guy who keeps winning” – party leaders have talked about creating a so-called “‘unity ticket’ of other candidates to make sure he doesn’t win,” said Judge Jeanine. “To scare you into submission, they predict Trump cannot win the general election.”

    It’s because “party elders are petrified of Trump,” Judge Jeanine explained. “The man is beholden to no one. He wins, and it’s game over for the elite.

    Her latest clip is below:

    * * *

    And the full transcript:

    So, you don’t like Donald Trump. You’re going to create a “unity ticket” of other candidates to make sure he doesn’t win.

    Say again? You want to stop one of the biggest vote-getters in your own party’s Republican Party primary history?

    Yet ‘Donald Trump must be stopped’ is the Republican Party’s mantra! Hey, I didn’t always like my party’s choice for president, but I generally supported him.

    Good that Trump is a white male otherwise they’d be accused of being racist, and lucky Trump’s not gay otherwise the Republican Party would be accused of being homophobic.

    So let me see if I understand this. The guy who keeps winning, despite his being called a misogynist, a racist, and a xenophobe, who has more than 50 percent of the delegates,  with even as many as 17 other Republicans in those primaries and the Republican Party’s mission is to block Trump’s nomination?

    What are you guys smoking?

    Okay, you like Ted Cruz. Good for you. But he needs to win 80% of the remaining Republican delegates. Keep dreaming guys – it ain’t gonna happen.

    John Kasich. Nice guy. Absolutely no path to the nomination.

    So I say to myself, ‘Self, why?’ Why would Republicans try to sabotage their own front-runner and risk a Democrat winning the White House? And I keep coming up with the same answer: the Republican establishment, elected officials and party leaders are in bed with the Democrats!

    So if Hillary wins, nothing is lost for them, it’s business as usual.

    The lobbyists keep their offices on K Street, the pharmaceutical companies keep paying them, the unions keep adding to their pensions and the lawmakers get their reelection bribes – I mean contributions – while we the underclass work two and three jobs and rack up a debt our children and grandchildren will have to pay for generations!

    To scare you into submission, they predict Trump cannot win the general election. If not, pray tell why does he keep winning primaries and drawing crowds like we’ve never seen in American primary history?

    An election note primer: Trump already has 678 delegates. He needs 1237 to win. He’s won 6 closed and 13 open primaries and caucuses – one where Independents and Democrats – or just Independents vote. Why is this important?

    It tells you Trump, besides winning the base, appeals to Independents and Democrats as well. Does that not bode well for the general election, especially against an establishment politician most consider untrustworthy and dishonest.

    They say he’s divisive. Yet the looting and burning and riots in Ferguson happened long before Trump!  Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, – all before trump. The ‘what do we want – dead cops, when do we want them – now’ chant, all before Trump.

    It’s astonishing, Republicans plotting against their own front-runner!

    If the establishment had exercised this energy to get evangelical votes to Romney in 2012 he might have won! But then again, it wasn’t that important because either way, either party the establishment wins – their jobs, their offices, their lifestyles intact – as they continue on their treadmill of DC money and power.

    The party elders are petrified of Trump.  The man is beholden to no one. He wins and it’s game over for the elite. With Hillary, the game goes on.

    Heads up, Washington. We’re not listening to you anymore because we’re fed up. You haven’t fixed a damn thing. We can’t take it anymore: the lies, the corruption, the debt, the taxes, the invasion, the freebies, the lack of accountability, sanctuary cities, religions forced to violate their own faith, by providing birth control and abortifacts at the altar of Obamacare and your saying one thing and doing another.

    The patronage games and the free ride on our backs are over. You’re not listening. For us, it’s not just an election – it’s the selection of Supreme Court justices and the direction our country takes for generations. 

    We don’t want anything more than what our Founding Fathers intended. The slippery slope into socialism doesn’t work for us. We want an America where law enforcement, the military and our allies are not the enemy.

    Boys, your arrogance is astonishing. And your condescension and scorn for the will of the American people is both mind-boggling and reminiscent of another time in our history.

    From the beginning, we knew this would be a political revolution. Be careful boys, be very, very careful.  You don’t want to make this a different kind of revolution.

  • It's Moved Beyond Vancouver: "Downtown Seattle Has Entered The Phase Of Ponzi Financing"

    By Charles Mudede Of The Stranger’s Slog

    Occupancy Rate Becoming Less of a Concern for Downtown’s Real Estate Investors

    I was recently informed by local economist and manager of IDEAeconomics, a website that promotes post-Keynesian views (and post-Keynesian must not be confused with neo-Keynesians), Alan Harvey that a significant shift has occurred in the market for commercial property in Seattle’s downtown area.

    In the past, the value of a commercial property was “the capitalized value of the stream of rents from that property.” In this order of things, occupancy rates (content) mattered. Now, commercial properties are not selling content and value but merely value. Meaning, they are selling a “projected increase in price.” Meaning, downtown Seattle has entered the phase of Ponzi financing.

    “My speculation is that this has been caused by people looking to move their money into the US,” Harvey explained. Where did he get this information? From a source within the CBRE Group, a “commercial real estate company based in Los Angeles.” This source confirmed that global surplus capital is behind this transition. “It’s much more lucrative to build or buy with the hope of selling at an inflated value rather than actual revenue.”

    Again, it’s really hard for many Americans to understand that we actually live in a world not with a scarcity of cash (it looks like that from the bottom) but a huge surplus of the stuff—or a “savings glut,” to use the words of Martin Wolf, whose most recent book The Shifts and the Shocks: What We’ve Learned-and Have Still to Learn-from the Financial Crisis explains this situation in very clear, if not repetitive, terms (I also recommend reading Other People’s Money: The Real Business of Finance by John Kay. These writers, Wolf and Kay, are not at all radical—for a treatment along those lines, read Costas Lapavitsas’ brilliant and meaty Profiting Without Producing: How Finance Exploits Us All).

    Nor does any of this have anything to do with the old and much-admired laws of supply and demand, which is why accelerated development will not weaken the force that’s pushing property values up. Finance operates outside of those laws. For example, what motivated the European Central Bank’s recent decision to expand quantitative easing (buying bonds from investment institutions in the hope that they will then invest in the real economy) from 60 billion euros a month to an astounding 80 billion euros had little to do with events in the real economy but with credit spreads, which when wide, as they have been lately, generate little or no profits for investors.

    Now, what does this decision have to do with recent developments in downtown Seattle? Simply this: It’s not about economics (supply and demand) but politics. The ECB is helping investors because they are the ones with political power (that’s how finance always works). The problem of inflated asset values will not be solved by building more and more but by direct political action and increased construction—in short, by political economy.

  • "Can Trump Win The General Election?" Goldman Answers All Your Election Questions

    It’s probably fair to say that there are more question marks swirling around the 2016 US presidential election than any race for The White House in recent memory.

    Normally, Americans have a choice between two candidates, a Republican and a Democrat, who purport to hold vastly divergent views on everything from the economy to foreign policy to societal values. One is a “liberal” and one is a “conservative” and for a few short months towards the end of every election cycle, the electorate suspends disbelief and pretends as though who they vote for actually matters in the grand scheme of things.

    Four years later little, if anything at all, will have changed and voters resign themselves to the sad reality that their faith has once again been sold down the river, that American politics is only a duopoly on the campaign trail, and that the only time the difference between Republicans and Democrats is evident to everyday Americans is when something important needs to get done and it is always at that exact moment that the partisan divide keeps Congress from doing its job.  

    The takeaway for most voters: inside the Beltway all politicians are the same. They do the bidding of vested interests, lobbyists, and whoever else has the money.

    No one knows that better than Goldman Sachs, a firm which has its fingers (or “tentacles” as it were) in every political pie that matters.

    The firm has given extensively to Hillary Clinton over the years and has been quite generous when it comes to offering the former First Lady and her husband six figure speaking engagements. Employees of the firm donated to the campaigns of Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio before they dropped out of the race while Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi actually used to work for the bank. Cruz has used (sometimes undisclosed) loans from the firm to finance his political career.

    So if there’s anyone who should be able to field questions about the 2016 election, it’s Goldman. And there sure are a lot of questions. Below, find excerpts from a Q&A put together by Jan Hatzius and crew and note that while the bank still thinks their own bought and paid for Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has an advantage over Trump in the national election, Goldman thinks the current head-to-head polls are giving her far too much credit.

    *  *  *

    From Goldman

    Will Trump win the nomination?

    It appears to us to be the most likely outcome but far from guaranteed. To win the nomination, a candidate needs to win votes from a majority of the delegates to the convention. This is distinct from winning a majority of delegates in the individual contests in states and territories, since some delegates could vote for a different candidate than they have been pledged to support, as described in detail below. However, since nearly all of the 2,472 Republican delegates are at least nominally bound to a particular candidate based on the results of primary elections, caucuses, and conventions, the simplest path to the nomination is to win a majority of delegates prior to the convention.

    Trump must win about 65% of the remaining pledged delegates. While this seems like a high bar, the delegate allocation methods used in the later contests make it attainable. More than 2/3 of the remaining delegates come from states that award delegates to the winner of the state popular vote or to the winner of the popular vote in each congressional district. To put this in perspective, during the competitive period of the 2008 and 2012 nomination contests, the top-placing candidate in each state won an average of 45% or so of the popular vote—not far from the share of votes Trump won in the March 15 contests—which translated into just over half the delegates awarded in proportional and “winner take more” states, but 85% and 100% of delegates in states that award delegates using winner-take-all by district or statewide.

    While the remaining contests include a greater share of closed primaries (where Cruz has generally done better), the remaining schedule also has fewer caucuses and fewer Republican-leaning states, where his support has been stronger (Exhibit 4). So while there is a clear possibility that the dynamic could change again, for now it appears to be a three-way race in which Mr. Trump has the advantage.

    What about a contested convention?

    The arcane rules of the Republican nomination process consist of four general stages:

    1. The nomination contests themselves. Many primaries and caucuses held by various states award delegates based on the election results as if they were points on a scoreboard; i.e., they allocate delegates based on the share of votes cast in the state or in a congressional district (often both), rounding up or down to get to whole numbers of delegates awarded. But only about 15% of delegates are elected on the ballot as representing a given candidate. The rest are selected in some other way, creating the potential for slippage between the official primary/caucus results and the actual delegate allocation. In addition, three states (Colorado, North Dakota, and Wyoming) do not bind their delegates to support any particular candidate, nor do three territories (American Samoa, Guam, and the US Virgin Islands).
    2. The delegate selection process. Since many of the delegates awarded over the last six weeks do not yet represent actual individuals, the Republican party in each state must select delegates to travel to Cleveland in July to represent the state at the convention. The process differs by state, but typically involves conventions at the congressional district level and then again at the state level, usually several weeks after the primary or caucus. The goal for the campaigns will be to ensure that the delegates selected to represent them actually support their candidate and are not arbitrarily chosen members of the party who might shift support when given the opportunity. Some states like California allow candidates to file their own slate of delegates who will represent them if they win, but these states represent less than 10% of delegates by our estimates.
    3. Pre-convention strategy and rulemaking. Once the delegates for each state have been selected, the state parties must then choose two delegates per state to represent them on the various committees that will meet prior and during the convention. The “Rules Committee” will meet the week before the convention to decide the rules for the convention. Their starting point will be the current rules (discussed below), but the delegates to the committee are empowered to change the rules as long as they receive majority support from the delegates to the convention as a whole. A second committee deals with challenges to the eligibility of individual delegates, which could be an important tactic if the delegate count is close. Challenges must be filed by mid-June, or roughly one week after the last primaries in California and New Jersey.
    4. Votes on the convention floor. Delegates from most states are bound by state party rules or, in some cases, state law to support that candidate. A few—under 10%—of the delegates arrive to the convention unbound, or not formally associated with a particular candidate. During the Republican convention in July, all delegates will cast their vote for the party’s nominee, and nearly all delegates will be required to vote for the candidate to whom they were pledged. If a candidate wins the majority of delegates on that first vote, the process ends and he wins the nomination. If no candidate wins a majority on the first vote, a second round of voting is held. Around half of the delegates will represent states that bind their delegates to vote as instructed only on the first ballot, but allow them to switch their vote thereafter. Another 20% of delegates may switch after the second ballot, and nearly all delegates become unbound after the third vote. The remaining delegates may not switch until they have been released by their candidate, which could come at any point during the process.

    So who would a contested convention favor?

    It would probably give Sen. Cruz a better chance at the nomination than he currently has, but it seems less likely to result in the nomination of an “establishment” candidate and could still end in Mr. Trump’s nomination.

    Will Clinton win the nomination?

    It seems very likely, but it might take a while. Secretary Clinton currently has 1,606 delegates to Senator Sanders’ 851 but, unlike the Republican nomination process, there are no winner-take-all states so, even with her large lead in “superdelegates,” she will need to win 38% of the delegates through June 7 to win the nomination.

    Can Trump win the general election?

    While Secretary Clinton appears to have an advantage in the general election, it would surprise us if the public (and markets) remained as confident of the election outcome as seems to be the case currently. Prediction markets imply around a 70% probability that the Democratic candidate will win the general election. In the longest-running prediction market still in operation, run by the University of Iowa, such an expectation reflects greater certainty about the general election outcome at this stage in the race than any other election going back to the start of the data in 1992.

    While it seems likely that the race will look closer at some point over the next few months than it does today, the Democrats nevertheless have several advantages. Most important is the Electoral College itself, where Democrats start with roughly 250 electoral votes from states that have consistently voted Democratic in the last several elections and have been generally trending more Democratic over that time. This suggests that Democrats would need to win only one large swing state—Ohio (18 electoral votes) or Florida (29)—or a few smaller ones to win the election, whereas the Republican candidate will need to win nearly all of them.

    *  *  *

    And before anyone suggests that Goldman hasn’t contributed to Donald Trump’s run at The White House, don’t forget about Luke Thorburn, the Goldman financial advisor who was put on paid leave last month for selling hats inspired by the billionaire’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan on a homemade website

  • Sweden's Refugee 'Crisis' Has "Gone Past The Breaking Point"

    Sweden is too generous for its own good as the country most beloved by Bernie Sanders is pressured by huge migrant flows. As Bloomberg reports, when it comes to wealth, health and hospitality, Sweden has few rivals. But the same qualities that make the country a beacon of hope for the world’s huddled masses are straining it at the seams.

    To see how close to the limit a record inflow of refugees is pushing Swedish generosity, visit Halmstad, a 14th century gateway to the North Sea known for its pristine beaches and golf courses. With no vacant apartments, the welcome wagon here is a double row of shabby, stifling trailers hauled in to house the overflow from the nearby Arena Hotel. There, almost 400 asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan and beyond live four to a room, all but forbidden from working until their claims are adjudicated. The process can take years.

    Men with little to do but sleep and smoke crowd the lobby as kids careen down corridors on bikes. The sports bar, once busy with locals, is now a halal dining hall, the outdoor pool fenced-off and abandoned. It’s a scene increasingly common across Sweden, which welcomed 163,000 refugees last year alone, or about 1.6 percent of its population, a ratio equivalent to 5.1 million in the U.S.

    Three years after Sweden and its Nordic neighbors were declared “The Next Supermodel” of fiscal prudence by The Economist, the welfare system pioneered in Stockholm is starting to buckle under the weight of Europe’s biggest migration wave since World War II.

    Even dovish politicians concede the pace of refugee spending, which is on track to surpass that for national defense in Sweden for the first time this year, can’t be sustained without revisions to a social contract based on high taxes, cradle-to-grave entitlements, tight regulation and AAA credit.

    Few know the perils and promise of Scandinavian welfare better than Aida Hadzialic. She fled Yugoslavia with her family at the age of five and settled in Halmstad, where she served as deputy mayor before being named Sweden's minister for secondary education in 2014. And what worries her most is the viability of a model that literally saved her life.

    “If we don’t make the changes needed to maintain trust that our tax money goes to the right thing, people may start wondering if it’s worth paying,” said Hadzialic, 29. "Then we’d create a new gap between people. That’s not the Swedish model, that’s not the Sweden we know.”

    It’s a debate raging across the European Union as the human tide of mainly Muslims adds to crises eating away at the bloc’s cohesion and encouraging extremist parties. Even in Sweden, where centrists have ruled for decades, discontent is on the rise. Polls show backing for the governing Social Democrats hovering near the 50-year low of 24 percent it reached in January, while support for the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats has risen five points since the 2014 election to 18 percent.

    Investors have already registered their alarm.

    As the inflow of refugees peaked late last year, the yield bond-buyers demand to hold Swedish debt over that of Germany, the European benchmark, surged to a nine-month high. Though that spread has narrowed, the government has warned that outlays for migration will further squeeze the $110 billion national budget. Ethnic tensions are adding to the strain, with a rash of fires and threats of mob attacks at refugee centers across the country.

    For most Swedish citizens, though, there’s little question their welfare state — as much an anathema for U.S. conservatives such as Donald Trump as an inspiration for left-wingers like Bernie Sanders — is worth protecting.

    Today, Swedes can consider themselves among the luckiest people on Earth. At 82, their life expectancy is two years longer than Americans’ and their net disposable income, $29,185 per household, exceeds the U.K., France and Japan. What they lose with a top income tax rate of about 60 percent, they gain back with free, high-quality hospitals and schools, a vast program of subsidies for childcare and housing, and some of the world’s safest and most modern cities.

    But providers of public services say they can’t keep those standards up if refugees, the vast majority young and male, keep coming.

    Building new housing for immigrants at a time when half a million Swedes are waiting eight years on average for rent-controlled apartments around Stockholm is becoming a flash point, said Joakim Ruist, an economist at Gothenburg University. The only “logical” way to stimulate new construction is to lift price controls so developers have more incentive to build, a move that won’t be popular with voters, he said.

    “No modern welfare state has had an inflow of refugees per capita that’s equivalent to Sweden’s," Ruist said. "We’ve gone past the breaking point for the housing situation.”

    Fearing a public backlash over housing and handouts, which can be worth $28,000 a year for a single mother of two, almost what the average American worker earns, Sweden is trying to walk back its open-door policy. Citing an "unsustainable" pace of arrivals, Prime Minister Stefan Loefven has re-imposed border controls and pledged to step up deportations of rejected asylees. Family reunifications are also being drastically curtailed.

    Until recently, there was little question Sweden, with debt far below the European average at less than half of gross domestic product, had the resources to successfully integrate its newcomers. Hadzialic, the schools minister, and Hanif Bali, an IT entrepreneur and member of parliament for the Moderate Party, are living proof of that.

    But like Hadzialic, Bali, who arrived from Iran without parents as a toddler in the 1990s, is starting to think his adopted homeland may just be too generous for its own good.

    “If we don’t act soon we’ll have a large group of refugees who won’t be able to enter the labor market,” said Bali, 28.

    Just the thought of being a burden on society makes Hasan al-Bundok sigh.

    The 45-year-old lawyer fled Syria’s war in search of a better future, first to Turkey, then across the Mediterranean to Greece and eventually Halmstad. The plan was to find a job, establish a home and then send for his wife and four children back home. But that was nine months ago and he’s still languishing in legal limbo at the Arena Hotel.

    "In my country, I’d wake up at six o’clock, have breakfast with my children and go to court,” Bundok said. “But here, I’m like an animal, just eating and sleeping. I don’t want to be a second-class citizen. I want to work.”

  • China Car Sales Suffer Biggest Crash On Record To Start 2016

    The dream of transition to a 'consuming' economy just crashed into the wall of excess debt and leverage. 2016 has started with a 44% collapse in China passenger car sales. This is the biggest sequential crash and is 50% larger than any other plunge in history.

    While there is a seasonal effect here obviously, the sheer scale of this 2-month drop – which removes the new year holiday affect – indicates something is terribly wrong in China.

    Coming at a time when vehicle inventories are near record highs relative to sales with a mal-investment-driven excess inventory-to-sales at levels only seen once before in 24 years…



    And worse still, used car prices starting to fade rapidly (biggest Feb drop since 2008)


    Falling used car prices means pressure on new car prices as well, which would be a shock to America's booming auto market.

    Obviously, the scariest part about all of the above is that consumers still have the pedal to the metal (pun fully intended) when it comes to leases, which means there's no end in sight to the off-leases and thus no way to determine, at this juncture, how big the residual writedown wave and deflationary auto industry calamity will ultimately end up being.

    So, you know… "buckle up."

    *  *  *

    Simply put, the world's automakers – all toeing the narrative line that growth will be from China – now face a harsh reality of massive mal-investment deja vu. And furthermore, any pricing power is lost (no matter how long the credit terms are extended) as they are forced to halt production and dump inventories in a vicious deflationary cycle…

  • China's Latest Problem: Half A Trillion Dollars In Unpaid Bills

    It’s no secret by now that China has a rather serious debt problem.

    Although getting a precise read on it is next to impossible, all told the debt pile probably sums to something like $30 trillion. Various reports put the figure at between 250% and 300% of GDP all-in and as we reported back in January, that may have swelled to more than 340% by the end of 2015.

    Corporate debt-to-GDP was around 125% in 2014 and probably sits above 150% now. Depending on what business you’re in, servicing that debt has become all but impossible. As Macquarie discovered last autumn, more than half of all debt for commodities firms was EBIT-uncovered in 2014 and heaven only knows what that figure looks like now.

    Things have gotten so bad that in 2015, Chinese firms issued $1.2 trillion in new debt just so they could service their existing loans. In other words, China’s entire corporate sector is quickly becoming one giant ponzi scheme.

    “Chinese companies are struggling to generate the cash flow needed to service their obligations,” Bloomberg said last November, summing up the situation in the absolute simplest terms possible.

    And it’s only going to get worse. On Sunday we learn that median days sales outstanding for mainland domiciled companies now sits at 83 days – the highest in nearly 17 years and double the average for EM as a whole.

    As you can see from the above, it now takes 50% longer for Chinese firms to get paid than it did just five years ago. As you might imagine, the problem is particularly acute for industrial firms who are waiting 131 days to convert sales into cash. “A reading of more than 100 days is typically a red flag,” Amy Sunderland, a money manager at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors in Salt Lake City told Bloomberg. 

    Yes, Amy it certainly is. Especially considering the median for companies in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index is just 44 days.

    “Accounts receivable at the nation’s public firms have swelled by 23 percent over the past two years to about $590 billion, exceeding the annual economic output of Taiwan,” Bloomberg goes to write before summing up the situation as follows: “With corporate bankruptcies projected to climb 20 percent this year, more Chinese businesses may be forced to choose between two unpleasant options: keep extending credit to potentially insolvent customers, or cut off the taps and watch sales sink.”

    Needless to say, this is just another way of looking at the same problem. That is, if I’m an industrial company and you’re my customer, and you can’t pay me for four months, then I can’t service my debt, and thus my loans end up in the special mention bucket at the bank. If you never pay me and there are enough customers like you included in my accounts receivable, then eventually I’m screwed and assuming the Politburo allows it, my loan moves from special mention at the bank to the NPL line.

    Unless of course I borrow more money to service my existing debt while simultaneously extending you more credit to “buy” what I’m selling, in which case the entire charade continues for another few months while the amount of leverage embedded in the system grows even larger.

    Of course this can only go on for so long. “There is a knock-on effect through the economy,” Fraser Howie, author of “Red Capitalism: The Fragile Financial Foundation of China’s Extraordinary Rise,” tells Bloomberg. “Part of the end game is default and closure.

    Right. Because what the chart above suggests is that even healthy companies will start to have working capital problems sooner or later and before long, the proverbial can simply will have been kicked as far into the future as possible and when the breaking point finally comes, every weak hand across the entire supply chain will be shaken out, triggering a cascade of defaults, a resultant banking crisis, and finally, a sharp reduction in excess capacity until the market finally clears. Millions of Chinese will lose their jobs in the process and the PBoC will likely be forced to keep the banks from collapsing, but that’s another story.

    Meanwhile, on Sunday, PBoC Governor Zhou Xiaochuan warned that China’s corporate sector is weighed down by far too much debt. “Lending as a share of GDP, especially corporate lending as a share of GDP, is too high,” he said at the China Development Forum in Beijing. Highly leveraged economies are more susceptible to macroeconomic risks, he added, in a fantastic example of stating the obvious. One does wonder however, if the PBoC was so concerned about excessive debt, how Beijing managed to let the country add a half trillion in TSF during the month of January alone:

    One thing that would help, Zhou innocently suggested, is if more savings were channeled into equity markets so that companies could reduce their dependency on debt. “[We need] more robust capital markets,” he said. He might have put it another way: “It would be nice if everyone would just pour their savings into equity, that way, companies wouldn’t have to take on more debt.” 

    As FT notes, “about one-third of listed Chinese companies owe at least three times as much in debt as they own in assets, according to figures from Wind.”

    You’d be forgiven if, upon reading all of the above, you come away feeling a bit uneasy about China’s ability to manage this “transition.” But really, you shouldn’t worry because when it’s all said and done, you’ll be thanking China for providing the world with a template for how to do something that’s absolutely impossible: deleverage and re-leverage at the same time. Here’s IMF chief Christine Lagarde: “The world will be watching closely to learn from China as it deftly manages the delicate balance between economic transformation and deeper global integration.”

    We’re not sure about the whole “deftly manages” part, but the world will certainly be “watching closely”, that’s for sure.

    We’ll give the final word to Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli: “There will be no systemic risks — that’s our bottom line.”

    If you say so.

  • Regardless Of Who Wins In November, Freedom & Liberty Both Lose

    Submitted by Richard Ebelong via,

    Let us be clear. We are living, right now, in a time of emotional fear, hysterical anger, illogical demands, and dangerous temptations. In other words, liberty and prosperity are at risk. A decent and tolerant society is threatened. Common principles of humanity are being undermined.

    All of this is concentrated and has been brought to a head in the rhetorical clamor and campaign conflagrations of a presidential election year. To try to understand what is going on, a mountain of words have been spoken by serious think tank scholars, by Sunday morning talk show pundits, or by evening television news 15-second “in-depth” interpreters, as well as miles of written commentaries that have been offered in hardcopy or on the online media and blog sites.

    Pandering and Plundering Politicians, Left and Right

    On the Democrat Party side, how can a corrupt, manipulative, lying, life-long power-lusting insider like Hillary Clinton be taken seriously and to be, seemingly, riding high to her party’s presidential candidate? How can a self-proclaimed “democratic” socialist, who has praised and apologized for communist dictatorships in Latin America and who chose to honeymoon with his bride in the former Soviet Union, arouse the mass enthusiasm of millions who see him as the deliverer of a transformative “political revolution” in America?

    On the Republican Party side, how can a bombastic, rude and crude user of government privilege and favoritism for his business interests, like Donald Trump, who speaks most of the time in empty phrases and wrong-headed illogic on numerous economic and social issues, victoriously steamroll through state primaries and garner the support of millions merely because, many of those multitudes say, “he says it like it is”?

    How can we explain the fate of the field of other Republican candidates, heralded in the summer of 2015 as the finest group of minds offered by the GOP for the office of the presidency in several decades? As the autumn began, one of them after another, first in the debates and the public opinion polls, and then in the primaries, failed to inspire or distinguish themselves. Each fell victim to voter indifference and then to Donald Trump’s meat grinder. Until, now, hardly any remain standing.

    And what of the voters? Facing an uncertain employment future, experiencing seeming stagnant or low wage improvements, disoriented by a changing cultural environment; angered by political promises unfulfilled by those elected to high political office, as well as burdensome taxation and heavy-handed regulation; frustrated by crony “insiders” close to politicians and bureaucrats who “rig the game” for the benefit of special interests while leaving the costs and lost opportunities on the shoulders of ordinary citizens Sam and Sally, who have none of the “pull” to influence things their way, now insist: “We’ve had enough and we’re not going to take it any more.”

    Bernie and Hillary Expresses to Bankruptcy cartoon

    Broken Constitutions and Noses to Get What You Want

    This is the sentiment and insistence of a sizable number of voters. And if it takes a socialist with utopian dreams dancing in his head, or a boorish billionaire who says he knows how to fix a broken system because he’s been playing it for decades for all its worth, then so be it. Put the “strongman” in charge to shake things up and give the ordinary guy an even break.

    If it takes bending the Constitution or tearing down the wealth and position of some, well, those insiders and fat cats, those “establishment” types, have been rigging the rules for as long as can be remembered. So its time someone stuck it to them with some of the same political power, just in “the people’s” direction for a change.

    And if some people have to be “roughed up,” if their words need to be shouted down or shut up, again, we’ve had enough of what they have had to say. Of course, who the “we” are and who the “they” are all depends upon who the “you” is.

    Are you referring to the radical college professor who calls for some “muscle” to drive away a news reporter covering a campus demonstration against freedom of speech? Or a presidential candidate who gets cheers from his followers when he suggests that a physical altercation against protesters at their meeting is a lot more fun than listening to a boring campaign speech?

    What we are witnessing are the latest episodes in the continuing bankruptcy of the modern American political system. These millions of voters all along the political spectrum wrap their frustrations and demands in rhetoric of either restoring or establishing “real” and “true” American values.

    Long Down the Road of Lost Liberty

    The fact is the original or traditional premises and values of the American system have been eroding away for almost a century, now. Several decades ago, the libertarian social analyst and critic, Garet Garrett, penned an essay with the title, “The Revolution Was.” He pointed out that too many people concerned with the preservation of the American constitutional system of government and a free society failed to appreciate how much of the ideas and institutions for a society of liberty had already been eroded away by forces opposed to its preservation.

    We are a lot further along this path today from when Garet Garrett tried to point out how far away from a free society we had already moved. To appreciate this, we must first remind ourselves what are the premises and institutions upon which a free society ultimately stands or falls.

    The philosophical foundations were expressed, of course, in the Declaration of Independence, when the authors in 1776 insisted that all men are created equal and are endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And that government is formed among men to secure these rights from their violation by private individuals and groups or from government itself.

    To guard against such violations by government, the very political institution meant to secure liberty is formally restrained in how it may use and apply its legitimized use of force in human affairs by constitutional rules. The American Constitution was meant to clearly demarcate the limited and enumerated functions of the federal government, with the additional restraining device of “divided government” between the branches of the federal government and then between the federal government and the duties and responsibilities of the individual state governments.

    The restraining of government was meant to assure that political power remained a servant of the citizenry and their individual rights, and not a threatening master taking away or reducing their liberty. Secondly, federal government in terms of divided responsibility among national, state and local political decision-making was meant to reflect functions needing to be performed at different horizons of importance to the citizens, and to keep government control and decision-making as close to those citizens as those different governmental tasks allowed.

    Bernie's Fairy Tales cartoon

    Freedom Needs Habits of the Heart and Mind

    But pieces of paper upon which are written the administrative duties and responsibilities of different levels and branches of government is not sufficient in itself to maintain a society of individuals secure and protected in their rights. As the famous French social philosopher, Alexis de Tocqueville, pointed out in his Democracy in America, written after his extended visit to the United States in the 1830s, the free society is more than elections, and legislative procedures, or a written constitution. It is based upon “habits of the heart” and “character of the mind.”

    That is, it is dependent upon a wide network of “structures of shared meaning” and values among the members of a society. They must believe in human worth, that is, the dignity of each individual, and a respect for and tolerance of the diversity of men’s dreams, wishes, hopes and values. And most importantly, that each and every individual has a “natural” or inviolable right to their own life, to be lived peacefully and honestly in whatever manner and form that the individual considers most likely to bring him meaning, happiness and fulfillment of the goals and purposes that he sets for himself.

    There must be a shared view that human relationships should be based on voluntary consent and mutual agreement. Coercion and physical threat or intimidation in any and all forms should form no part in the patterns of human association and relationship. And that government’s own use of force should be reserved and restricted to its “negative” application, that is, always and only in defensively protecting people’s rights to their life, liberty and honestly acquired property and not any types of violation or weakening of these rights.

    There needs to be at least an implicit agreement among the members of such a free society that what a man has honestly and peacefully earned through his mental and physical labors and his voluntary exchanges with others is rightfully his. Accumulated wealth and income, as long as it has been honesty and peacefully acquired, is not a mark of injustice or unfairness or unethical conduct, but rather an indication of the industry, energy, and successful effort in improving an individual’s own circumstances through mutually beneficial production, trade and association with others.

    And more broadly, there needs to be a spirit and sense that whatever differences may exist among individuals due to accident of birth or social and historical circumstances, the idea and ideal is that each person is looked at, judged and evaluated as an individual in terms of his distinct qualities, characteristics, talents, abilities and achievements as an human being and not as a member of a collective group. Political and economic individualism should be matched with ethical and social individualism as we look at, interact and treat others in the community of mankind.

    These principles and ideals when shared in common, again to use de Tocqueville’s phrases, the “habits of the heart” and “character of the mind,” gives unity to the members of a free society, while at the same time providing the respect, tolerance and “space” for diversities of among men as expressed in their individual and social interactive goals, purposes, ends, values and meanings for life and happiness.

    American History an Incomplete Reflection of Its Own Ideals

    America, of course, has never fully lived up to this conception of man, society and government. Slavery deprived humanity to millions during the first half of the country’s history; this was followed by legally imposed discrimination laws and practices that contemptuously treated those who were equal citizens of the nation as less than fully human as peaceful associative relationships and economic opportunities were closed to them in the name of explicit and implicit racial inequality.

    Government, even in the early days of the nation’s history, never confined itself within the constraint of protecting rights rather than plundering them. Corruption, political special interest pandering, and misuse of the fiscal purse strings resulted in state and federal regulations and favoritism benefiting some at the expense of many others. Tariffs, subsidies, land grants, monopolies, and financial contracts awarding government money to companies undertaking “internal improvements” (public works projects in the more modern language) assured that the peacefully and productively earned income and wealth of many were politically transferred into the hands of those close to and influential over those holding political office.

    However Incomplete, American Practice Gave Liberty to Multitudes

    But however imperfect and hypocritical in practice, it remained nonetheless the fact that the idea and ideal of political, economic and social individualism were more believed in and implemented in the United States in the nineteenth century and into the 20th century than anywhere else on the face of the globe.

    It generated a spirit of optimism, hope and effort that fostered multitudes to live and experience the fruits of those ideas and ideals to a degree never known before in human history. It gave Americans – even with the contradictions, inconsistencies and corruptions – a higher standard of living and a greater degree of actual individual freedom and opportunity than in any other part of the world.

    The older or “classical” liberalism of the nineteenth century had called for the end of these various political privileges and forms of favoritism, that is, to abolish these remaining governmental inconsistences and exceptions. And it called for the social spirit of individualism and free market competition to overcome those attitudes and actions by people in contradiction with a full respect and tolerance of the dignity of men as individuals.

     The Collectivist Counter-Revolution Against Liberty

    But before these forces of liberal individualism could complete the liberation of humanity from plunder and prejudice, a counter-revolution emerged, a counter-revolution of new forms of collectivism, statism, and socialism. They rejected the individualist ideal and insisted that the group and the tribe came before the individual human being; that any person’s sense of identity and position in society was determined by and dependent upon into what “social class,” or racial group, or nation-state the individual was born and lived.

    Any hardship, disappointment and sense of mistreatment or frustration experienced by an individual was the result of the exploitive, or oppressive, or “socially unjust” actions of those in some other social or racial group or nation-state other than the one to which he belonged.

    Individual responsibility was replaced by group status and privilege. Rights were not something unalienable and belonging to individuals; instead, “rights” were “entitlements” belonging to members of a categorized group, and for the provision of which individuals in other groups were obligated to provide and supply.

    The idea of a common humanity among all men as individuals was slowly but surely replaced with the notion of group “identities” based upon which the individual’s sense of self-esteem or social position and belonging was dependent.

    Politics and the political process was not a restrained and limited institutional method for finding the most effective and efficient ways of delineating, protecting and enforcing the individual rights of each citizen to their life, liberty and honestly acquired property. Instead, politics and the political process was conceived as the arena in which the power of the government was captured and used to “redress grievances” by using legal force to redistribute wealth, reorder social and other status positions of privilege and favor for the benefit of “deserving” groups in place of “undeserving” groups.

    Freedoms Curtailed for Controlled Entitlement

    Freedom of speech and the press, the right of peaceful assembly and association were no longer considered the avenues through which each individual’s right to express, share, debate and manifest his ideas and ideals was guaranteed by limiting government’s ability to interfere with such peaceful acts and interactions.

    Instead, freedom of speech and the press and freedom of association came to be considered tools of intellectual and ideological control and exploitation by the “powerful” against the social, racial or gender “under-privileged.” And as such, the spoken and written word and any forms and types of permitted association had to be modified, molded and controlled to assure collective social, racial and gender equity and balanced access and privilege through governmental regulation and planning.

    Collectivist “Rights” Through Political Action

    The individual was, now, portrayed as too weak and inconsequential to find his own way to betterment and happiness in such a setting of social, racial and gender oppression. Personal liberty and free association in the marketplace and other voluntary settings were declared to be “illusionary” notions of freedom.

    “True” freedom and opportunity could only come through the advancement of the social, racial and gender group to which one belonged in a political competition for entitlement “rights.” In this circumstance, each group had to have leaders and leaderships that expressed and represented the “real” and “just” interests of the group for which they claimed the right, duty and responsibility to speak and act.

    This road from political, economic and social individualism to collectivist identity and privilege through group competition for political power is what has brought us to our current political crisis as captured in this year’s presidential campaign.

    Your job security is uncertain? Your income has not increased the way you had wished and desired? Your social status and acceptance by others has not matched your expectations and personal sense of deservedness? The ideas you want accepted by others and the actions and attitudes you want others to follow and express have not materialized?

    Then the task is to use the government to give you what you want, and to force and compel others in society to conform to your vision of the good, right and just. If mouths have to be shut when you consider them to be speaking evil or “hurtful” words, if people must be coerced to act in the way you want them to, if wealth and opportunities of life must be redistributed by government’s police power so you and others in our group may have what you consider that which you rightful deserve, then so be it. That is the means and methods of “true” democracy, since if you and your group do not use government to get what you want, some other groups will do so at your expense.

    This is the new America system: a democratic politics of power, plunder and privilege in a perpetual social conflict of social classes, racial groups and gender identities. It is a system in which the individual seems weak, small and powerless; and needing “leaders” who will use politics to bring them to the social, economic, racial and gender “promised lands” that are laid before the constituent-voters, if only this or that political candidate is elected to set the world right for the benefit of a coalition of collective groups who want certain things and to which they are told they are entitled.

    This the outcome of the journey from liberal individualism to political collectivism that has placed before us Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and a cast of other remaining candidates who sometimes speak the language of liberty but do so interwoven with inconsistencies and contradictions that leave the message of freedom with no fully principled spokesman in this year’s race to the White House.

    The path back to and forward towards liberty, therefore, will have to be journeyed far beyond the outcome of this November’s election.

  • Is There A US-Russia Grand Bargain In Syria?

    Submitted by Pepe Escobar via,

    It’s spy thriller stuff; no one is talking. But there are indications Russia would not announce a partial withdrawal from Syria right before the Geneva negotiations ramp up unless a grand bargain with Washington had been struck.

    Some sort of bargain is in play, of which we still don’t know the details; that's what the CIA itself is basically saying through their multiple US Think Tankland mouthpieces. And that's the real meaning hidden under a carefully timed Barack Obama interview that, although inviting suspension of disbelief, reads like a major policy change document.

    Obama invests in proverbial whitewashing, now admitting US intel did not specifically identify the Bashar al-Assad government as responsible for the Ghouta chemical attack. And then there are nuggets, such as Ukraine seen as not a vital interest of the US – something that clashes head on with the Brzezinski doctrine. Or Saudi Arabia as freeloaders of US foreign policy – something that provoked a fierce response from former Osama bin Laden pal and Saudi intel supremo Prince Turki.

    Tradeoffs seem to be imminent. And that would imply a power shift has taken place above Obama — who is essentially a messenger, a paperboy. Still that does not mean that the bellicose agendas of both the Pentagon and the CIA are now contained.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin’s order to withdraw the main contingent of Russian forces from Syria caught the international community off guard. Sputnik compiled the opinions of the leading French politicians and intellectuals regarding the pullout of Russian troops from Syria.

    Russian intel cannot possibly trust a US administration infested with warmongering neocon cells. Moreover, the Brzezinski doctrine has failed – but it’s not dead. Part of the Brzezinski plan was to flood oil markets with shut-in capacity in OPEC to destroy Russia.

    That caused damage, but the second part, which was to lure Russia into an war in Ukraine for which Ukrainians were to be the cannon fodder in the name of “democracy”, failed miserably. Then there was the wishful thinking that Syria would suck Russia into a quagmire of Dubya in Iraq proportions – but that also failed miserably with the current Russian time out. 

    The Kurdish factor

    A Kurdish man waves a large flag of the Democratic Union Party (PYD)

    Convincing explanations for the (partial) Russian withdrawal from Syria are readily available. What matters is that the Khmeimim air base and the naval base in Tartus remain untouched. Key Russian military advisers/trainers remain in place. Air raids, ballistic missile launches from the Caspian or the Mediterranean – everything remains operational. Russian air power continues to protect the forces deployed by Damascus and Tehran.

    As much as Russia may be downsizing, Iran (and Hezbollah) are not. Tehran has trained and weaponized key paramilitary forces – thousands of soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan fighting side by side with Hezbollah and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). The SAA will keep advancing and establishing facts on the ground.

    As the Geneva negotiations pick up, those facts are now relatively frozen. Which brings us to the key sticking point in Geneva – which has got to be included in the possible grand bargain.

    The grand bargain is based on the current ceasefire (or "cessation of hostilities") holding, which is far from a given. Assuming all these positions hold, a federal Syria could emerge, what could be dubbed Break Up Light.

    Essentially, we would have three major provinces: a Sunnistan, a Kurdistan and a Cosmopolistan.

    Sunnistan would include Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa, assuming the whole province may be extensively purged of ISIS/ISIL/Daesh.

    Kurdistan would be in place all along the Turkish border – something that would freak out Sultan Erdogan to Kingdom Come.

    And Cosmopolistan would unite the Alawi/ Christian/ Druze/ secular Sunni heart of Syria, or the Syria that works, from Damascus up to Latakia and Aleppo.

    Kurdish people carry flags as they march during a protest in the city of al-Derbasiyah, on the Syrian-Turkish border, against what the protesters said were the operations launched in Turkey by government security forces against the Kurds, February 9, 2016

    Ankara’s response, predictably, has been harsh; any Kurdish federal system in northern Syria represents not only a red line but an “existential threat” to Turkey. Ankara may be falling under the illusion that Moscow, with its partial demobilizing, would look the other way if Erdogan orders a military invasion of northern Syria, as long as it does not touch Latakia province.

    And yet, in the shadows, lurks the possibility that Russian intel may be ready to strike a deal with the Turkish military – with the corollary that a possible removal of Sultan Erdogan would pave the way for the reestablishment of the Russia-Turkey friendship, essential for Eurasia integration.

    What the Syrian Kurds are planning has nothing to do with separatism. Syrian Kurds are 2.2 million out of a remaining Syrian population of roughly 18 million. Their cantons across the Syria-Turkey border —Jazeera, Kobani and Afrin – have been established since 2013. The YPG has already linked Jazeera to Kobani, and is on their way to link them to Afrin. This, in a nutshell, is Rojava province. 

    The Kurds across Rojava – heavily influenced by concepts developed by imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan — are deep into consultations with Arabs and Christians on how to implement federalism, privileging a horizontal self-ruled model, a sort of anarchist-style confederation. It’s a fascinating political vision that would even include the Kurdish communities in Damascus and Aleppo.

    Moscow – and that is absolutely key – supports the Kurds. So they must be part of the Geneva negotiations. The Russian long game is complex; not be strictly aligned either with Damascus or with the discredited “opposition” supported and weaponized by Turkey and the GCC. Team Obama, as usual, is on the fence. There’s the “NATO ally” angle — but even Washington is losing patience with Erdogan.

    The geopolitical winners and losers

    Only the proverbially clueless Western corporate media was caught off-guard by Russia’s latest diplomatic coup in Syria. Consistency has been the norm.

    Russia has been consistently upgrading the Russia-China strategic partnership. This has run in parallel to the hybrid warfare in Ukraine (asymmetric operations mixed with economic, political, military and technological support to the Donetsk and Lugansk republics); even NATO officials with a decent IQ had to admit that without Russian diplomacy there’s no solution to the war in Donbass.

    In Syria, Moscow accomplished the outstanding feat of making Team Obama see the light beyond the fog of neo-con-instilled war, leading to a solution involving Syria’s chemical arsenal after Obama ensnared himself in his own red line. Obama owes it to Putin and Lavrov, who literally saved him not only from tremendous embarrassment but from yet another massive Middle East quagmire.

    Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft leave Hmeimim airbase in Syria

    The Russian objectives in Syria already laid out in September 2015 have been fulfilled. Jihadists of all strands are on the run – including, crucially, the over 2,000 born in southern Caucasus republics. Damascus has been spared from regime change a la Saddam or Gaddafi. Russia’s presence in the Mediterranean is secure.

    Russia will be closely monitoring the current “cessation of hostilities”; and if the War Party decides to ramp up “support” for ISIS/ISIL/Daesh or the “moderate rebel” front via any shadow war move, Russia will be back in a flash. As for Sultan Erdogan, he can brag what he wants about his “no-fly zone” pipe dream; but the fact is the northwestern Syria-Turkish border is now fully protected by the S-400 air defense system.

    Moreover, the close collaboration of the “4+1” coalition – Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, plus Hezbollah – has broken more ground than a mere Russia-Shi’te alignment. It prefigures a major geopolitical shift, where NATO is not the only game in town anymore, dictating humanitarian imperialism; this “other” coalition could be seen as a prefiguration of a future, key, global role for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

    As we stand, it may seem futile to talk about winners and losers in the five-year-long Syrian tragedy – especially with Syria destroyed by a vicious, imposed proxy war. But facts on the ground point, geopolitically, to a major victory for Russia, Iran and Syrian Kurds, and a major loss for Turkey and the GCC petrodollar gang, especially considering the huge geo-energy interests in play.

    It’s always crucial to stress that Syria is an energy war – with the “prize” being who will be better positioned to supply Europe with natural gas; the proposed Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline, or the rival Qatar pipeline to Turkey that would imply a pliable Damascus.

    Other serious geopolitical losers include the self-proclaimed humanitarianism of the UN and the EU. And most of all the Pentagon and the CIA and their gaggle of weaponized “moderate rebels”. It ain’t over till the last jihadi sings his Paradise song. Meanwhile, “time out” Russia is watching.


  • Florida Man Tries To Buy $60,000 BMW SUV With Food Stamps

    The farcical American welfare-state has a new posterchild. Meet Florida-resident Nicholas Jackson, who tried to purchase a brand new $60,000 BMW X-6 SUV with his Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card

    That's not what Food Stamps are for!!

    But, as New York Daily News' Sasha Goldstein explains, after failing to use his us-taxpayer-funded credit card to buy the high-end German luxury car, he decided to steal it…but was caught when he ran out of gas (according to police).


    Nicholas Jackson, 36, showed up to a Pompano Beach dealership with little in the way of currency and was sent away, the Martin County Sheriff’s Office said. But the next day, the business was burglarized, and the owner found the $60,000 BMW X-6 and 60 sets of keys missing, police said.

    Cops later caught up to Jackson in Palm City, some 70 miles north of Pompano, where authorities say he drove until the car ran out of gas. They also found the BMW with the gas tank on empty.

    Jackson got a ride to the Martin County Jail, where he’s charged with grand theft auto and held on $20,000 bond.

    *  *  *

    Of course, in this new socialist norm in which we live, the Bernie-ites will defend the arrogance and ignorance of Jackson since why should he not 'take' from the rich? It's only fair!

  • Black Cop Exposes Anti-Trump Protesters As "Most Hateful, Evil People Ever"

    Unfortunately for the establishment, the ongoing acts of sponsoreds civil disobedience are not creating the groundswell of anti-Trump terror they had hoped would bring down the anti-establishmentarian. In fact things have gone so far that even Arizona cops questioned their safety among Soros' puppet-protesters. As African-American police officer Brandon Tatum exclaims, the profane-language-using demonstrators "were the most hateful, evil people he has ever seen."

    As reports, Brandon Tatum, an officer in the Tucson Police Department, shared a video Saturday night giving his perspective on Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Tucson, Arizona — and the disruptive protesters who hurled obscenities at the Republican candidate.

    As he explains, Tatum says that as a black man, he did not feel unsafe around Trump’s supporters but was ready to fight protesters in self-defense. He calls them the most hateful, evil people he has ever seen. The demonstrators, who he recalls chanting the phrase “Black lives matter,” used profane language and gestures, leading a mother to cover her child’s ears.

    One protester, he recounts, got beat up, but Tatum says that the man instigated a fight either by spitting on or assaulting a rally attendee. He hopes that his message makes it into the news so that typical CNN coverage of just the retaliation against the agitator doesn’t become the prevailing narrative about the rally.

    As for Trump himself, Tatum says he went to the rally to decide for himself what he thought of the candidate rather than trusting someone else’s word. He states that he gained respect for the businessman and didn’t hear anything bigoted from his stump speech. “His character’s a lot different than what you would perceive it to be in the media,” he says.

    * * *

    Once more the tried and tested efforts of the 'management' to disrupt the democratic process in favor of their wealth-maintaining status quo is suffering unintended consequences are everywhere amid the blowback from these organized protests.

  • Why The True Cost Of Living Is Much Higher Than We're Told (Or Sold)

    Submitted by Adam Taggart via,

    Over the past decade, we've been told that inflation has been tame — actually below the target the Federal Reserve would like to see. But if that's true, then why does the average household find it harder and harder to get by?

    The ugly reality is that the true annual cost of living is far outpacing the government's reported inflation rate. By nearly 10x in many parts of the country.

    This week, we welcome Ed Butowsky, developer of the Chapwood Index, to the program. His index is a 'real world' measure of how prices are increasing much faster than the wages of the 99% can afford:

    In my business, I wanted to make sure that I was building portfolios that weren’t just efficient but got people the rate of return that they needed. I thought: My goodness, what I need to do is give people a list of everything they spend money on and have them track quarter by quarter exactly their increases, so I can do a better job as a financial advisor in determining what return I need to target.


    I got a hold of a list of 50 major metropolitan areas and found people in every city and I gave them a job: I asked everybody to send me what items they spend their after-tax dollars on. I got about 4,000 different items. Then I took the 500 that most frequently appeared on the list and we've been tracking specifically these same items in every city since that period of time. I weight this list based on what percentage of a normal income people spend on each item.


    The purpose of this index is to let people know that, if you live in California, your cost of living increase goes up somewhere between 12-13.5% a year. And if you're not making 13% more in salary, then you're losing purchasing power; and that's why people fall further and further behind. If you are in New Mexico, it's about 7%.


    Basically, over the last five years, the average increase for all 50 major cities is 10% vs the average CPI of 1.5%. So it's easy to see that for people who are in the middle income, lower income or people who are living off of a pension that's adjusted based on the CPI, they've lost 8.5% of their purchasing power if everything was adjusted to the CPI year over year. Do that over five years, over 10 years — now you know why there's such a separation between wages and wealth. 

    Click the play button below to listen to Chris' interview with Ed Butowsky (38m:05s)


  • These Flowcharts Show How Trump Could Get Robbed At GOP Convention

    On Saturday, Donald Trump made the rounds in Arizona, rallying supporters with his trademark, off-the-cuff stump speech.

    At this juncture, the billionaire has become something of a master when it comes to feeling out crowds. He shows up, takes the stage, and proceeds to deliver various riffs on the same set of amorphous themes depending on what he thinks any one particular set of supporters wants to hear. There’s the customary mention of protesters (“Bernie people”), the obligatory jabs at GOP rivals (“lyin’, lyin’ Ted”), an insult or three for the media (“crazy Megyn”), a poke at the establishment bear (“Mitt’s a chokin’ dog”), a brief mention of trade (“we make terrible deals”), a promise on immigration (“we’re gonna build a big beautiful wall”), and of course, a thundering reiteration of a promise that, at its heart, has absolutely no meaning whatsoever (“make America great again”).

    And it works. Like a damn charm.

    In fact, it works so well that you wouldn’t know anyone else was even running – Republican or Democrat. If you watched CNN on Saturday there were a couple of brief moments where a Bernie Sanders rally appeared on screen and other than that… nothing. It was a Trumpfest from morning to night.

    But even as it appears increasingly likely that the billionaire will get to 1,237 delegates by July thus obviating the need for a contentious convention in Cleveland, the GOP is holding out hope that the establishment can still steal the nomination from the frontrunner.

    Trump has threatened warned of “riots” if he’s robbed, but the party probably doesn’t care. Keeping Trump from getting the nomination is the only thing that matters at this point. For those interested in more granular detail on how the establishment may still be able to stop the Trump juggernaut, see here and here. For those interested in a simpler, visual explanation, see the following three helpful flowcharts from Reuters and The New York Times, respectively.

  • Must Watch Video – "The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime"

    Submitted by Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkgrieg


    All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him…The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are.

         – H.L. Mencken

    It does not take a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

          – Samuel Adams


    Fiat justitia ruat caelum
    “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.”

    I believe it is the duty of every single American citizen to sit down and watch the following mini-documentary. In just 45 minutes, you will learn more about the state of the union and the the world around you than decades of schooling and mainstream media could ever provide. Ignorance is not bliss, and if it weren’t for the blinding levels of ignorance pervasive in modern society, we wouldn’t find ourselves in this current deplorable state we’re in — on a knife’s edge between manageable serfdom and total tyranny.

    No one in American society is supposed to be immune from criminal prosecution, yet the Justice Department in the Obama administration took it upon themselves to grant such immunity to the mega banks and their employees. This is a tale of the traitors operating within the highest levels of the U.S. government, and it is a saga of how the rule of law was openly torched in front of our very eyes.

    Readers often ask me “what can I do to help.” Here’s what you can do. You can watch this video, then send it to every single person you know and plead with them to watch it. If necessary, make it a point to to sit with them and watch it. That’s how important this is.

    Until justice is served, this nation will never heal. Economically, culturally or spiritually.

    Now without further ado.

  • What’s The Frequency Janet?

    Submitted by Mark St. Cyr

    What’s The Frequency Janet?

    Once again, in spectacular fashion, the financial “markets” have miraculously rebounded from the aptly moniker’d “Bullard Bottom” and without pause has traversed in a near vertical assent to recapture the levels where all the uncertainties began. In other words, after all the gyrations over the last 14+ months we are once again only back to the levels (as scored by the U.S. financial markets e.g., Dow, S&P, et al) where the Fed stood confidently in their economic policy acumen.

    Remember those confident proclamations during that time? (paraphrasing) “The economy has recovered quite admirably as to allow the QE (quantitative easing) program to end.” That was a good one, no? Remember what happened next? Nothing, as in the “markets” basically went nowhere up, nor down for months on end.

    Sure there were some great headlines made of this path to nowhere as the market screamed sideways in a pattern much like a cardiac reading with blips and spikes that allowed headlines such as “New Never Before Seen In The History Of Mankind Highs!” on a near weekly basis. Yet, although those headlines were true, all they did was mask the fragile, ever deteriorating economy those “meters” were hooked to.

    The one thing that never changed during that whole period? The implied fortitude of resolve that the Fed would indeed strike the path towards normalization of monetary policy and begin raising interest rates away from the zero bound. After all, it was implied at near infinitum: The economy had shown great signs of improvement. e.g., employment at near “full” status and others.

    So, with that “mission accomplished” narrative as the wind beneath their wings the table was surely set that in September of 2015 the Fed would indeed raise rates. Remember what happened next?

    Ah yes: China. It seemed just like any prudent U.S. investor or market aficionado might infer; a rate hike here means trouble there. After all, did anyone not understand just how interconnected these “markets” are with currency funded carry trades and more? Oh yes, sorry, it seems the Fed either forgot or, never realized the obvious inherent risk and consequences. The result?

    The U.S. financial markets fell is such a spectacular, as well as, cascading manner that for the first time in the history of the markets all three of the prominent futures markets were halted. Only after stick save inspired shenanigans as those delivered by CNBC™ fame Jim Cramer and his now infamous “Is that a pencil in your pocket or a note from Tim Cook?” reveal did the markets seemingly recover and stabilize.

    Then, reality once again set in as the markets collectively held its breath near those lows as it awaited the Fed’s implied: “You’ve been warned we’re going to raise rates.” Then, as the markets reacted to this implied “fortitude” and drifted lower back towards that “bottom.” The Fed with all its proclamations for faith in forward guidance and clarity did the exact opposite and punted. The result?

    Once again in a near vertical assent the markets screamed upwards with barely a respite to recapture the same levels where it all began – again.

    Now nearly a year later the Fed stood poised to do what it said it would. i.e., raise rates. (Talk about mulligans!) So, with data points in hand which the Fed proclaimed proved their well placed guided hand of interventionism monetary policy had worked effectively, they once again reiterated that they indeed were going to raise rates – and this time they did. The result?

    Once again in a near carbon copy of the previous selloff the markets lunged downward in a fashion resembling a luge sled on a one way course. And how and where did the “markets” once again seem to find a stopping point? You guessed it: the “Bullard Bottom.”

    And why this level appears so aptly named is for the fact that once again it was non other than St. Louis Fed president James Bullard who took to the airwaves and threw a Fed narrative over the decline of prices in oil. Result? (Need I say for I think you are seeing the pattern here.) The decline halted precisely at the level that bears his moniker. But the similarities don’t stop there.

    Just like in Aug/Sept of 2015 as the markets began to once again rollover there was an announcement on February 12th. But this time it was not by a Fed official. No, this announcement came from non-other than one of the Fed’s too big to fail recipient’s of the financial crisis J.P. Morgan Chase™ as its CEO Jamie Dimon announced he was buying 500,000 shares or some $26 million in stock of JPM. It seemed the market took that as “with confidence like that – we should be on board also!” and just like the prior the markets were off to the races skyward. After all, if a bank CEO is buying it surely must be a good time to buy also, right? And so they did.

    So, one would garner such a display of “confidence” would give the Fed the necessary backbone as to follow through on what they’ve implied through their rate hike projections via the Dot Plots. After all, the economic measures they state over ,and over, and over again as their “touch stones” of economic health as well as measurement (i.e., jobs, inflation, etc., etc.) are all within the tolerant values that define “success.” Surely they would continue on their path to monetary normalization. Guess what? Hint: Nope.

    Not only did the Fed punt once again. Both the metrics and language of the press release, as well as, the presser itself given by Fed Chair Janet Yellen was so convoluted, obtuse, as well as defensive even many of her staunchest defenders or cheerleaders couldn’t make heads or tails out of what should be easily and readily addressable answers.

    Dot plot projections that implied 4 rate hikes now imply 2, which to even the most casual Fed observer now more likely means – zero. All that great data that was used for a “data dependent” Fed? Sorry, no data for you. Well; data that represents the U.S. that is.

    You should now infer that all “data” is “international.” i.e., what’s happening elsewhere supersedes data the Fed keeps repeating its mandated to oversee and foster. (e.g., U.S. employment and inflation.) Again, even some of the most lenient critics of the Fed were themselves struck by the fact that the once stated goals which the Fed communicates ad nauseam as desired levels for policy normalization once again decided inaction – as action. When in fact these levels have been either hit or, are within meaningful “mission accomplished” parameters. And when it came to answering about the Fed’s credibility issue? Well, see here for yourself.

    All I’ll state for those still confused about Fed policy is the following: When in doubt – just move the goal posts. Problem solved. In theory anyways. However, isn’t that all that all that economics truly is? e.g., Theory.

    However, you know what is no longer theory nor a “data” point that’s fungible? What level the U.S. financial markets are currently trading at.

    To now dismiss Fed policy causation as “correlation theory” is laughable. The markets are now so intertwined and Fed dependent the observation of whether correlation is causality has been rendered moot. Without the Fed – there is no market. That’s now a proven fact. Period.

    Everything, Every market, every stock, every currency, is correlated and dependent of its very existence or viability as former Dallas Fed president Richard Fisher once implied: on a “diminutive woman” to play Atlas.

    And exactly where are these markets once again? Hint: Right where it all began. Where the Fed declared “mission accomplished” twice before when they announced QE was over, and where rate hikes were warranted. So, what happens at this third rendition? Is three times a charm? Who knows. All we can do is wait, see, and hope everyone is on the same wavelength the Fed Chair states it’s on as well.

    It’s also quite possible we now have two new concrete “data” points or metrics far more impervious to movement which have supplanted the once Congressional mandated “data” points current Fed watchers once looked upon as “gospel.” Those data points?

    Policy action or inaction is dependent on either a break of the “Bullard Bottom” (i.e. 1800ish SPX, 15,500ish Dow) or surge back to “fortitude central” (i.e. 2050ish SPX and 17,500ish Dow) where we once again stand, and await what monetary dictate the Fed will deliver next. The only issue now is…

    Is the Fed still on the same page? Reading from the same playbook? Or, even on the same wavelength as the markets? And probably more importantly: with all the missteps and confusing commentary emanating from the Fed – will the “market” continue to respond as it always has? (Look to the EBC and BoJ decisions of late for clues)

    Right now it’s anyone’s guess. And in my opinion, there’s no one guessing more about what to do next – than the Fed itself.

  • JPM: The Short Squeeze Is Largely Over

    Two weeks ago, before first the ECB first and then, the Fed, unleashed two massive dovish surprises, we warned – citing JPMorgan – that the most painful part of the short squeeze “may be yet to come.”

    As a reminder, this is what JPM said on March 5:

    The covering of short equity positions continued over the past week. The short interest in US equity futures declined over the past week.  But its level remains very negative suggesting there is room for further short covering. The short interest on SPY, the biggest equity ETF, at 4.75% stands below its recent peak of 5.43% but it remains elevated vs. its level of 3.54% at the start of the year. Equity ETFs have not yet seen any significant inflows, suggesting that ETF investors have done little in actively reversing the almost $30bn of equity ETFs sold over the previous two months. CTAs, which have been partly responsible for this year’s selloff, are still short equities and they have only covered a third of the short position they opened in January. In contrast, Discretionary Macro hedge funds, Equity L/S, risk parity funds and balanced mutual funds, appear to be modestly long equities, so they are currently benefitting from the equity rally.

    Actually, if one uses the latest Goldman Sachs data, this is not at all true because those long positions which benefited from the market surge were more than offset by pair-trade shorts which soared even more and wiped out all gains.

    We won’t cry for hedge funds, however, and instead are much more interested in what current and future flows will look like.

    According to the same JPM team which expected a continuation of the short squeeze half a month ago, as a result of central banks once again pandering to stock markets with the Fed shocking even the “Liesmans” of the world by going full dove even as the Fed has already met its labor and inflation mandates, the move has led to a significant “impact on investors’ sentiment and behavior is evident in flows. ETFs, a universe almost equally shared between retail and institutional investors in terms of ownership, saw another big inflow this week meaning that three quarters of the previous selling of equity ETFs during January and February has been reversed over the past three weeks.”

    What is more notable from JPM’s note, is that CTAs – one of the most important marginal price setter on the way down when only CTAs were profitable at the expense of all other hedge funds, continued to cover their loss-making short equity exposures. By JPM’s equity beta measure, CTAs appear to have fully covered their shorts as shown below.

    But while CTAs may be out, the short base in US equity futures remained elevated as of last Tuesday, March 15th, a day before the FOMC meeting,  perhaps held by money managers outside CTAs.

    JPM also suggests that there was even more short covering in the post-FOMC period not covered by the chart above, which certainly has collapsed the net short exposure but JPM believes that “given the size of the shorts as of last Tuesday, we doubt that the negative net spec position on US equity futures has been fully covered by this week. In total, by looking at Figure 1 and Chart A16 together, we conclude that the short covering phase that started a month ago is very advanced” but, as JPM hedges “it is not yet fully completed.”

    That may be, but a far bigger catalyst for fund flows in the coming days is the end of corporate buybacks for the next 6 weeks as DB warned on Saturday morning:

    … a warning which is especially poignant when one considers that BofA’s “smart money” clients have now been selling stocks for 7 consecutive weeks, leading Bank of America to admit the bitter truth that clients don’t believe the rally, continue to sell US stocks.”

    So why would anyone else, unless pressured by a short squeeze, buy… especially when as the central banks explicitly admitted, absent more liquidity support the market is set to tumble. A short squeeze, which as JPM admits, is almost over.

    Finally, a major driver of market upside this past week was Quad Witching, the S&P rebal and OpEx, which as JPM’s head quant Marko Kolanovic warned last week, may now catalyze near-term weakness: “in the next week, we could see some downward pressure as the impact of option hedging is reversed. Historically, we have found that the market develops positive momentum during the 3rd week of the month (when there is a call imbalance), and this often reverses during the 4th week of the month.”

    But what may ultimately determine the direction of market may also be the most boring one of all: Q1 earnings, which begin in earnest on Momdah, and are expected to be the worst since the financial crisis.

  • Brazil Needs A Stronger Currency Like It Needs A Hole In The Head, Goldman Warns

    To say that the last seven days have been tumultuous in Brazil would be a laughable understatement.

    The country – which is on the fast track to “banana republic” status – plunged into chaos this week after a Sao Paulo state judge said a decision on the arrest of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva should fall to federal judge Sergio Moro, the firebrand “rockstar” leading the prolonged car wash probe into corruption tied to Petrobras.

    Sensing that Lula’s detention was imminent, embattled President Dilma Rousseff sought to save her mentor by offering him a ministerial position which would effectively make him immune from prosecution – at least in the near term. Lula still has legions of supporters in the country, but the millions upon millions who want to see the Rousseff government ousted saw through the President’s gambit immediately. And so did Moro, who tapped the President’s phone and subsequently released several dozen recordings, at least one of which appears to prove that she did indeed offer Lula the cabinet position to shield him from legal trouble. Cue the street protests.

    Lula was sworn in during a farce of a ceremony which not even the PMDB bothered to attend and meanwhile, a committee was assembled to push forward with impeachment proceedings for Rousseff. A series of legal maneuvers from both sides set off a kind of “will he be minister or will he not” seesaw until finally, on Friday evening, Supreme Court judge Gilmar Mendes blocked Lula’s Lula’s appointment.

    “Tensions also grew between the government and the federal police after Eugênio Aragão, justice minister, threatened to remove federal police teams from investigations, including the task force investigating corruption at Petrobras,” FT wrote on Sunday. “If there is even a hint that information has been leaked from one of our agents, the whole team will be changed and I don’t need proof — the federal police is under our supervision,” Mr Aragão told Folha over the weekend.

    “Justice Gilmar Mendes’s ruling bars Mr. da Silva, who was sworn in Thursday as Ms. Rousseff’s chief of staff, from serving in the cabinet until a panel of Supreme Court justices makes a final ruling following an appeal by the government,” WSJ wrote, adding that “As a private citizen, Mr. da Silva, who is under investigation in the corruption case, can be tried in any court.”

    In other words, Moro is now free to arrest him.

    Formally, Judge Moro could issue the arrest warrant,” Ivar Hartmann, a law professor at Getúlio Vargas Foundation in Rio de Janeiro told The Journal. “I don’t know if he will, but he could.”

    Yes “he could” and if he does, you’ll likely see more BRL strength. As we’ve documented extensively this month, the BRL is now trading pretty much exclusively on Lula, as his fate is seen as a proxy for whether Rousseff will ultimately be forced from office. The market apparently believes that anything would be better than the current political arrangement when it comes to shoring up the country’s flagging economy which last year plunged into what might as well be a depression. Here’s a look at how the currency is trading Lula news flow:

    Of course Brazil’s problems aren’t going to be fixed if Lula and Rousseff are kicked to the curb. On the political front, 26% of Congress faces active criminal investigations. On the economic front, we could rattle off any number of data points but really, this is all you need to know:

    So while the market may be forward looking, the BRL rallies that invariably accompany any and all bad news for Lula are not just premature, they’re ludicrous. In fact, in order for the country’s structural problems to dissipate, the currency needs to shoulder some of the burden. Goldman has more on why “the last thing Brazil needs now is to go back to BRL over-valuation.”

    *  *  *

    From Goldman

    Brazilian asset prices repriced significantly since late February on the back of a number of developments in the political and judicial spheres that were perceived as having significantly increased the probability of a near-term political transition.

    Due to a combination of external factors and a number of domestic events the BRL was the best-performing currency across the EM universe in the year through March 17. In the process, the BRL moved back into over-valuation territory, something that in our assessment is at odds with the current extremely debilitated macroeconomic picture and highly uncertain political backdrop.

    Part of the asset price rally observed during the first two weeks of March reversed on March 14-16, with Brazilian asset prices selling off with the appointment of former president Lula da Silva as Chief of Staff of the Rousseff administration (Exhibit 1). This was perceived by the market as having reduced the probability of a near-term political transition, and as having increased the probability of a shift back to heterodox policies. However, new “car-wash” investigation developments, spontaneous mid-week street protests, and a dovish FOMC surprise, were met by rallying markets towards the end of the week (March 17-18).

    Due to a combination of external factors and a number of domestic events related to the car-wash judicial probe into corruption, sentiment towards the BRL improved significantly despite still-high implied and realized volatility.

    We have long argued that given the very weak domestic macro fundamentals, namely, high domestic inflation, very deep and prolonged recession (Exhibits 7 and 8), and lingering political risk and uncertainty, the economy would benefit from a currency that is noticeably cheap to fair-value for a while.

    Hence, we are of the view that the central bank could and should be more assertive in reducing the still very large US$108bn stock of Dollar-swaps, in order to prevent further currency appreciation. That is, leaning against the wind of currency appreciation would be fully justified by the current weak macro fundamentals (2-year-long, deep economic contraction).

    In summary, to increase the efficiency of the macro adjustment and lessen the output/employment loss of the required rebalancing, the authorities should restrain BRL/USD appreciation below 3.70, in order not to short-circuit the ongoing expenditure switch, and to cement the current account adjustment.

  • Thousands Of "Elated, Wet" Migrants Land On Lesbos, As Refugee "Deal" Fails To Stem Flow

    On Friday, the EU and Turkey came to an agreement on a set of proposals to stem the flow of Mid-East asylum seekers into Western Europe.

    The focus of the discussions in Brussels was cutting off the sea route to Greece. On the front lines is the Greek island Lesbos where at least half of the 144,000 refugees who have entered Greece in 2016 have landed. More than a million people crossed the Aegean to Greece last year.

    The new deal between the EU and Turkey calls for Ankara to take back all refugees arriving in Greece by sea after their asylum claims are processed. For every refugee that is sent back, Europe will take refugees directly from Turkey in a kind of one-for-one swap. The point is to discourage people smugglers by effectively making the sea trip pointless. “If returns begin migrants won’t want to pay $1,000-2,000 to a smuggler,” Antonis Sofiadelis, head of the coastguard operations on Lesbos explains.

    As part of the deal, Turkey will also get as much as €6 billion in aid and will have its EU membership application fast-tracked. Here are the specifics (on which the deal is notably short) for those who might have missed it:

    • Sending Migrants Back to Turkey From Greece
      • All migrants who travel to Greece from Turkey using irregular means after an agreement is reached will be returned to Turkey, in what the agreement calls “a temporary and extraordinary measure, which is necessary to end the human suffering and restore public order.”
    • A One-for-One Swap of Syrians
      • For each Syrian migrant returned to Turkey, the European Union will directly resettle another Syrian from Turkey, with priority given to Syrians who have not previously entered, or tried to enter, the European Union, up to a total of 72,000.
      • If that number is reached — as it almost certainly will be — a new round of negotiations will be held.
    • Stricter Controls of Turkey’s Borders
      • Turkey will take “all necessary measures” to prevent migrants from opening new sea or land routes to the European Union from Turkey in a measure aimed at assuaging concerns in Bulgaria that migrants will stream into the country.
    • Concessions for Turkey
      • The European Union will speed up the disbursement of the €3 billion it pledged in November, and provide another €3 billion by the end of 2018, once Turkey meets its commitments.
      • The European Union will waive most visa requirements for Turkish citizens by the end of June, provided that Turkey meets certain requirements.

    But while the deal is effectively in place now, sending refugees back to Turkey from Greece won’t be possible until April, the deadline for setting up the administrative infrastructure that will allow for the swift processing of asylum applications.

    In the meantime, the flow continues. “They waved, cheered and smiled, elated to have made it to Europe at dawn on Sunday in a packed blue rubber motor boat,” Reuters writes, recounting the scene on Lesbos as dawn broke on Sunday. Here’s more:

    The 50 or so refugees and migrants were among the first to arrive on the Greek island of Lesbos on day one of an EU deal with Turkey designed to close the route by which a million people crossed the Aegean Sea to Greece in 2015.


    Exhausted but relieved, the new arrivals wrapped their wet feet in thermal blankets as volunteers handed out dry clothes and supplies.


    Reuters witnesses saw three boats arrive within an hour in darkness in the early hours of Sunday. Two men were pulled out unconscious from one of the boats amid the screams of fellow passengers and were later pronounced dead.


    Twelve boats had arrived on the shoreline near the airport by 6 a.m, a police official said. A government account put the number of arrivals across Greece in the past 24 hours at 875 people.


    Among the early morning arrivals on the seaweed strewn beach on the south of Lesbos was Syrian Hussein Ali Muhammad, whose studies were interrupted after the war began. He said he wanted to go to Denmark to continue university. Asked if he was aware of the European decision, he said:


    “I know that. I hope to cross these borders. I hope I complete my studies here (in Europe), just this. I don’t want money, I just want to complete my studies. This is my message.”


    Doubts remain about whether the deal is legal or workable. It was not clear what would happen to the tens of thousands of migrants and refugees already in Greece.

    No, it’s not clear. And as we’ve seen over the past several weeks, there’s now a crisis in Idomeni where more than 15,000 refugees are stranded in makeshift camps now that Macedonia has closed its borders. 

    On Friday, Greek Interior Minister Panagiotis Kouroumplis compared the camps to Dachau. “I wouldn’t hesitate to say that this is a modern Dachau,” he said, lamenting what he called “the awakening of a kind of nationalism against persecuted people.” This should give you an idea of what life is like in Idomeni:

    Those arriving on Lesbos Sunday said they were aware of the deal between Brussels and Ankara, and you can bet they’re also acutely aware that the Macedonian border is closed. But they don’t care. “I know the decision,” a 30-year old computer engineer from Syria told Reuters. “I hope to (meet with) my wife and children [who are in Germany].”

    As we’ve said repeatedly, the scope of the “problem” simply defies any attempt on Europe’s part to cope – especially when Brussels is dependent upon Erdogan to be the first line of defense. Refugees didn’t leave Syria to be blown up or persecuted in Turkey. They left to get to Europe. Threatening them with expulsion if they decide to use the sea route to reach Greece isn’t going to deter anyone. They already know they can be expelled. They likely also know that the new plan will be virtually impossible to implement. 

    And so, as we look on while the Schengen dream dies amid a nationalistic furor not seen in Europe for more than seven decades, we bring you the following images from Reuters which depict the scene just this morning on the Greek island of Lesbos.

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