Today’s News 10th March 2016

  • Central Banks Are About To Leave Fiat Addicted Stock Markets In Agony

    Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

    Many investors today are not very familiar with market history and tend to live only in the day-to-day mainstream narrative while watching little red and green graphs move up and down. This is not so much an issue in a relatively stable economic environment. The problem is, today we live in the most unstable economic conditions possible.

    These investors and analysts are simply not aware that some of the most exciting stock rallies occur during the most volatile crises, and so they interpret every rally of a few days to a few weeks as a signal for recovery.  However, in this kind of fiscal environment, all the gains made in a few weeks can be lost in moments.

    After the Great Depression began to take hold in U.S. markets, massive rallies unfolded over the span of weeks and sometimes months, only to end in a collapse to even lower depths. For example, in 1930 the Dow Jones enjoyed historic rallies twice, gaining 48% only to lose it all, then gaining more than 16% and crashing down to a 50% loss for the year. Each consecutive year there were multiple rallies of more than 25% and each time they disintegrated. By 1932 stocks were only worth approximately 20% of what they were worth in 1929. Bear market rallies continued to give false hope to investors and the public throughout the crisis, and mainstream banks and economists continued to exploit such rallies to capitalize on those false hopes.

    I mention this to put our markets today in perspective. Mainstream analysts and some banking moguls are already declaring a reversion of the instability that was launched at the beginning of this year due to the spike in stocks over the past three weeks. I explained the reason behind this comparatively short term rally in my article “Markets Ignore Fundamentals And Chase Headlines Because They Are Dying.” In desperation, the investment world has placed all its hopes on renewed stimulus measures this March by China and the European Central Bank. They have also made bets that the Fed will not raise rates again until the end of this year, if they raise rates again at all.

    I believe the next two weeks will be very telling in terms of how the rest of the year in markets will progress. If mainstream analysts and investors are placing faith in further central bank intervention, they may be greatly disappointed.

    Every action of the central bankers this year has indicated a shift away from open intervention. The taper of quantitative easing (QE) has run its course and no new QE has been announced since. The rate hikes were launched in December despite all traditional logic to the contrary and now, Fed officials appear to be staying on track for more hikes in the near term. Kansas City Fed President Esther George told Bloomberg that a fed rate hike in March should “absolutely remain on the table.”

    San Francisco Fed President John Williams said there has been “no substantial change” in his view of the economy or the rate hikes and that said rate hikes will likely continue as planned.

    Goldman Sachs argues that there will only be “three” more rate hikes this year, rather than four, although, this is three more rate hikes than the investment world was asking for.

    Fed statements have given little clue as to the timing of the rate hikes, but all fed statements have so far presented an attitude that they plan to “stay the course.” For now, stock markets do not want to accept this reality.

    I believe that the Fed will be raising rates again in the near term. I believe there is a possibility for the fed to surprise with a rate hike at their meeting this March 15th and 16th. If this does not occur, the Fed will likely hint of a hike in June in their press statements. Another hike so soon (or even the threat of an assured hike) will absolutely strangle any market gains made in the past few weeks.

    Another date to watch out for will be tomorrow's meeting of the European Central Bank. All eyes are on renewed ECB stimulus; not only renewed stimulus, but stimulus measures vastly beyond what the ECB has initiated in the past. I am not sure why investors’ expectations are so high for the ECB to save the day. The last time this kind of exuberance hit stock markets over a European stimulus package was in December of last year, and the ECB dashed all those hopes into the dirt with a mediocre response. This aided directly in the stock market volatility that came in January and February.

    So, the markets are praying for the ECB to “do it right this time.” I highly doubt the ECB's eventual decision will satisfy the unrealistic expectations of the investment community. In fact, I believe the central bank will offer little or nothing, and stocks will come crashing down just as they did after the December meeting.

    It wasn’t long ago that the entire financial universe was focused on whether China would intervene in their own markets, either with more stimulus or by arresting more investors that were betting against their stocks. The days of outright Chinese stimulus appear to be over as reports come in that the National People’s Congress concluded without any mention of large scale action to artificially support the Chinese economy. This should not be a surprise to anyone who was paying attention; China’s president warned in January that more economic stimulus is “not the answer to the nation’s challenges.”

    So, what does this mean?

    Well, first and foremost, it shows that the attitude of central bankers is moving away from intervention. As I have stated many times in the past, actions like the Fed taper of QE3 and the rate hikes only make sense if central banks are planning to ALLOW the markets to decline. The rate hike meetings, stimulus meetings, and the fact that they allow investor conjecture on stimulus to continue without much official contradiction, helps international financiers to control the speed at which this crash occurs. But the fact remains that they are not acting to stop the crash, nor will they act.

    There are no fundamental economic indicators that are positive enough to support a market recovery or an economic recovery. All moves in stocks are based on nothing but the delusions of fiat addicted stock players waiting for more printing to feed their habit of “buying the dip” without having to think strategically and educate themselves on sound investments. That is to say, investors have become addicted to central bank manipulation of markets, but now the central banks are cutting off their supply of smack.

    Where is this all going?

    I have mentioned in past articles the tendency of elitists to warn the public of coming economic collapse, but these warnings are always far too late for anyone to do much to prepare. They do this because they KNOW that a crisis is coming. They know a crisis is coming because THEY created the circumstances which are causing it. The money elites inject warnings into the media not to help the public, or to encourage positive solutions. Rather, they offer these warnings so that after the crash they can present themselves to the public as “good Samaritans,” or fortune tellers who “tried to save us.” They are, of course, neither of these things.

    The Bank for International Settlements, the central bank of central banks, has released yet another dire warning into the mainstream, stating that “official” global debt is now 200 percent of GDP and that this debt is unsustainable. They have also warned of a “gathering storm” and the “loss of faith in central banks” as 2016 moves forward.

    On top of this, none other than Lord Jacob Rothschild has released his own cautionary letter on the global economy, stating that we are now “in the eye of the storm.”

    Why are central banks allowing a controlled demolition of our economy to take place instead of propping up and manipulating markets as they have for the past few years? You can read my many articles on the globalist endgame for a detailed explanation, but to summarize – problem, reaction, solution.

    International financiers want a completely centralized global economic structure, including a single currency system, the eventual removal of physical currency to be replaced with more easily controlled digital currency, and ultimately a central authority for global economic governance. In the pursuit of a “New World Order,” they must destroy the structure of the “old world.” Covertly engineer an economic problem, get the masses to beg you to save them from that problem, then offer them the solution you always intended to give them.

    Our current crisis, what the International Monetary Fund calls the “global economic reset,” has only just begun. Though sometimes we must read between the lines or connect a few dots, in most cases the banking elites tell us exactly what they are going to do before they do it. It’s time we start listening, stop buying into the day-to-day hype and hopes of false recovery, and prepare accordingly.

  • This Is Jeff Gundlach's Favorite (& Scariest) Chart

    According to DoubleLine’s Jeff Gundlach, this is his favorite chart – backing his persepctive that equity markets have “2% upside and 20% downside) from here.

    In his words: “These lines will converge…”

    Chart: Bloomberg

    It should be pretty clear what drove the divergence, and unless (and maybe if) The Fed unleashes another round of money-printing (or worse), one can’t help but agree with Gundlach’s ominous call.

  • China's Gamblers Ditch The Burst Stock Bubble, Return To Macau's Casinos

    China’s plunge protection team may be scrambling to prop up the Shanghai Composite for the duration of the People’s Congress, but the moment the NPC is over, the stock “market” goes with it, and the people know it. But now that China has its favorite bubble back – housing – few care: after all the stock bubble was meant purely as a placeholder until houseflipping mania returns.

    However, the bursting of the stock bubble is hardly bad news, and certainly not for Macau, because now that China’s habitual gamblers no longer have a market where to bet it all, they can finally go back to their original stomping grounds.

    Here is Bloomberg’s take with “Macau Casinos Bounce Back as Gamblers Ditch China Stocks

    The wheel of fortune is favoring Macau casino operators over brokerages as gambling revenue stabilizes and turbulence in the equity market weighs on turnover. Shares of Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. and Sands China Ltd. are among the biggest gainers in Hong Kong in 2016, after being the two worst performers over the previous two years, while Citic Securities Co. and Haitong Securities Co. are down more than 10 percent. The two-year slump in gambling revenue that was sparked by an anti-corruption campaign coincided with China’s biggest-ever bull market in equities.

    As the SHCOMP slides lower, expect the green line to resume its trend higher, which ironically may mean that China casino stocks may be one of the better buys in the local market for the foreseeable future.

  • Missing Clinton E-Mail Claims Saudis Financed Benghazi Attacks

    Submitted by William Reynolds via,

    Something that has gone unnoticed in all the talk about the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails is the content of the original leak that started the entire investigation to begin with. In March of 2013, a Romanian hacker calling himself Guccifer hacked into the AOL account of Sidney Blumenthal and leaked to Russia Today four e-mails containing intelligence on Libya that Blumenthal sent to Hillary Clinton.

    For those who haven’t been following this story, Sidney Blumenthal is a long time friend and adviser of the Clinton family who in an unofficial capacity sent many “intelligence memos” to Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State. Originally displayed on in Comic Sans font on a pink background with the letter “G” clumsily drawn as a watermark, no one took these leaked e-mails particularly seriously when they came out in 2013. Now, however, we can cross reference this leak with the e-mails the State Department released to the public.

    The first three e-mails in the Russia Today leak from Blumenthal to Clinton all appear word for word in the State Department release. The first e-mail Clinton asks to have printed and she also forwards it to her deputy chief of staff, Jake Sullivan. The second e-mail Clinton describes as “useful insight” and forwards it to Jake Sullivan asking him to circulate it. The third e-mail is also forwarded to Jake Sullivan. The fourth e-mail is missing from the State Department record completely.

    This missing e-mail from February 16, 2013 only exists in the original leak and states that French and Libyan intelligence agencies had evidence that the In Amenas and Benghazi attacks were funded by “Sunni Islamists in Saudi Arabia.” This seems like a rather outlandish claim on the surface, and as such was only reported by conspiracy types and fringe media outlets. Now, however, we have proof that the other three e-mails in the leak were real correspondence from Blumenthal to Clinton that she not only read, but thought highly enough of to send around to others in the State Department. Guccifer speaks English as a second language and most of his writing consists of rambling conspiracies, it’s unlikely he would be able to craft such a convincing fake intelligence briefing. This means we have an e-mail from a trusted Clinton adviser that claims the Saudis funded the Benghazi attack, and not only was this not followed up on, but there is not any record of this e-mail ever existing except for the Russia Today leak.

    Why is this e-mail missing? At first I assumed it must be due to some sort of cover up, but it’s much simpler than that. The e-mail in question was sent after February 1st, 2013, when John Kerry took over as Secretary of State, so it was not part of the time period being investigated. No one is trying to find a copy of this e-mail. Since Clinton wasn’t Secretary of State on February 16th, it wasn’t her job to follow up on it.

    So let’s forget for a minute about the larger legal implications of the e-mail investigation. How can it be that such a revelation about Saudi Arabia was made public in a leak that turned out to be real and no one looked into it? Clearly Sidney Blumenthal was someone that Hillary Clinton trusted. Two months earlier, Secretary Clinton found his insights valuable enough to share with the entire State Department. But two weeks after her job as Secretary of State ends, she receives an e-mail from him claiming Saudi Arabia financed the assassination of an American ambassador and apparently did nothing with this information. Even if she didn’t have to turn over this e-mail to the commission investigating the Benghazi attacks, wouldn’t it be relevant? Shouldn’t this be information she volunteers? And why didn’t the Republicans who were supposedly so concerned about the Benghazi attacks ask any questions about Saudi involvement?

    Did Secretary Clinton not tell anyone what she knew about alleged Saudi involvement in the attacks because she didn’t want to endanger the millions of dollars of Saudi donations coming in to the Clinton Foundation? These are exactly the kind of conflicts that ethical standards are designed to prevent.

    Another E-Mail Turns Up Missing

    Guccifer uncovered something else in his hack that could not be verified until the last of the e-mails were released by the State Department last week. In addition to the four full e-mails he released, he also leaked a screenshot of Sidney Blumenthal’s AOL inbox. If we cross reference this screenshot with the Blumenthal e-mails in the State Department release, we can see that the e-mail with the subject “H: Libya security latest. Sid” is missing from the State Department e-mails.




    This missing e-mail is certainly something that would have been requested as part of the investigation as it was sent before February 1st and clearly relates to Libya. The fact that it is missing suggests one of two possibilities:

    1. The State Department does have a copy of this e-mail but deemed it top secret and too sensitive to release, even in redacted form. This would indicate that Sidney Blumenthal was sending highly classified information from his AOL account to Secretary Clinton’s private e-mail server despite the fact that he never even had a security clearance to deal with such sensitive information in the first place. If this scenario explains why the e-mail is missing, classified materials were mishandled.
    2. The State Department does not have a copy, and this e-mail was deleted by both Clinton and Blumenthal before turning over their subpoenaed e-mails to investigators, which would be considered destruction of evidence and lying to federal officials. This also speaks to the reason why the private server may have been established in the first place. If Blumenthal were to regularly send highly sensitive yet technically “unclassified” information from his AOL account to Clinton’s official government e-mail account, it could have been revealed with a FOIA request. It has already been established that Hillary Clinton deleted 15 of Sidney Blumenthal’s e-mails to her, this discrepancy was discovered when Blumenthal’s e-mails were subpoenaed, although a State Department official claims that none of these 15 e-mails have any information about the Benghazi attack. It would seem from the subject line that this e-mail does. And it is missing from the public record.

    In either of these scenarios, Clinton and her close associates are in violation of federal law. In the most generous interpretation where this e-mail is simply a collection of rumors that Blumenthal heard and forwarded unsolicited to Clinton, it would make no sense for it to be missing. It would not be classified if it was a bunch of hot air, and it certainly wouldn’t be deleted by both Blumenthal and Clinton at the risk of committing a felony. In the least generous interpretation of these facts, Sidney Blumenthal and Hillary Clinton conspired to cover up an ally of the United States funding the assassination of one of our diplomats in Libya.

    Why A Grand Jury Is Likely Already Convened

    After the final e-mails were released by the State Department on February 29th, it has been reported in the last week that:

    • Clinton’s IT staff member who managed the e-mail server, Bryan Pagliano, has been given immunity by a federal judge which suggests that he will be giving testimony to a grand jury about evidence that relates to this investigation and implicates himself in a crime. Until now, Pagliano has been pleading the fifth and refusing to cooperate with the investigation.
    • The hacker Guccifer (Marcel Lazar Lehel) just had an 18-month temporary extradition order to the United States granted by a Romanian court, despite being indicted by the US back in 2014. Is Guccifer being extradited now in order to testify to the grand jury that the screengrab with the missing e-mail is real?
    • Attorney General Loretta Lynch was interviewed by Bret Baier and she would not answer whether or not a grand jury has been convened in this case. If there was no grand jury she could have said so, but if a grand jury is meeting to discuss evidence she would not legally be allowed to comment on it.

    This scandal has the potential to completely derail the Clinton campaign in the general election. If Hillary Clinton really cares about the future of this country and the Democratic party, she will step down now while there is still time to nominate another candidate. This is not a right wing conspiracy, it is a failure by one of our highest government officials to uphold the laws that preserve government transparency and national security. It’s time for us to ask Secretary Clinton to tell us the truth and do the right thing. If the United States government is really preparing a case against Hillary Clinton, we can’t wait until it’s too late.

  • How To Trade Tomorrow's ECB Meeting

    The European Central Bank promised in January to "review and reconsider" its monetary stance this week. The question, as BloombergBriefs notes, is not if policy makers will ease but how. Haruhiko Kuroda's humbling in FX markets shows what Mario Draghi is up against tomorrow: namely, that even the most forceful policy decisions can be overwhelmed by events, positioning, or sentiment. Draghi has a number of options (some more and some less priced in) but most crucially there two large gaps to be filled in European Stock indices – the question is which is filled first?

    As BloombergBriefs adds, ECB members have been relatively shy about communicating their intentions for this meeting. That’s because — as the minutes of the last one revealed — they decided that "it had to be avoided, by means of appropriate communication, that markets developed undue or excessive expectations about future policy action, bearing in mind the market volatility experienced around the December 2015 monetary policy meeting." In other words, this time they have been cautious not to set the rhetorical bar too high to avoid another market disappointment.

    So, as The Wall Street Journal explains, Draghi has a few options:

    The ECB could move interest rates.


    They are the ECB’s primary, and least controversial, stimulus tool. Analysts expect the ECB to cut its deposit rate — charged to banks for storing their funds with the central bank — by at least a 0.1 percentage point, to minus 0.4%.


    A cut steeper than this would likely weaken the euro against other major currencies, and reduce short term lending rates, both things that are positive from the ECB’s perspective. On the other hand, rate cuts have also squeezed income streams for banks, cutting the amount they can make by lending.


    [Though we note the market is already pricing in far more rate cuts…]



    To offset some of the pain for banks, the ECB might impose the most punitive rate on only a portion of banks’ reserves. Japan, Switzerland and Sweden already have such multi-tier systems. Another way to ease the pressure on banks could be to cut the ECB’s main interest rate to zero from 0.05%.


    They could also expand quantitative easing.


    The ECB is currently buying about €60 billion a month of mainly eurozone government bonds, as well as asset-backed securities and covered bonds. Economists expect the ECB to accelerate its purchases by at least €10 billion per month, to €70 billion, and perhaps extend their duration by six months, to September 2017.


    Taken together, those two measures would boost the program by €540 billion to €2 trillion, or around 20% of eurozone gross domestic product, said Ken Wattret, an economist at BNP Paribas in London.


    When the ECB first announced its bond buying program, European stocks rallied, and bond yields tumbled. A bigger than expected expansion could have this effect again, as the purchases raise the price of bonds and shift investors into other markets.


    Part of any expansion could be a loosening the restrictions on QE.


    There are five major constraints right now.

    1. Bonds are purchased in proportion to a country’s capital key, a measure of the size of each economy and population.
    2. The ECB won’t buy more than 33% of any individual bond issue.
    3. It won’t buy more than 33% from any individual issuer.
    4. The bonds purchased must mature in no less than two years, and no more than 30 years.
    5. And it won’t buy bonds that yield less than its deposit rate.

    Dropping the latter requirement would be the least contentious tweak, economists say, and would greatly expand the pool of eligible assets, particularly of German bonds.


    Cutting the deposit rate as expected would, of course, make more bonds with negative yields eligible for the bond buying program. However, yields are likely to fall in reaction to any rate cut too, making some bonds ineligible again.


    The ECB could also buy other stuff.


    The ECB could buy corporate or senior bank bonds. That would be a “highly effective signal” with powerful effects, but would likely encounter serious resistance from some council members, said Holger Schmieding, chief economist at Berenberg Bank in London. More radically, the ECB could start buying stocks or even real estate, as Japan’s central bank has done.

    And BofA's Stephen Suttmeier details what to look for in the charts:

    EUR/USD – weakness into resistance leans bearish



    The last few major technical observations show EUR/USD's trend leans lower. Price made lower highs over the past year, two trend exhaustion signals suggested an end to the rally in February, and now price is failing to break above a short-term trend line that was once support. Price action failed at the 200d moving average and resulted in two doji candlesthis week, showing that neither bulls nor bears took control.


    EUR/GBP: Watch for a short-term head-and-shoulders top



    A close below the neckline of .77100 would form a short-term head-and-shoulders top that targets a move down to about .75000. Downside levels to know include the 50d average at .76586, .75440 and .74530. A close above yesterday's high, at .77928, and this top pattern is canceled.


    Bund and Gilt 10yr yield lean higher after 'exhaustion'



    Bund yields have confirmed the exhaustion suggested by the TD Sequential indicator on the daily and weekly charts by breaking above a short-term resistance line.



    Yield is also confirming the rising momentum divergence on the daily chart. A break above the less steep daily trend line creates additional upside targets to .298%, .36% and .42%.


    Brent may start to outpace WTI



    Front-month continuous Brent oil prices are breaking above a resistance line, although WTI is lagging behind and has yet to break a similar line. This may be an early sign that the WTI-Brent spread begins to decline toward support provided by a five-year trend line that is aligned with the 200wk moving average.


    Tactical bottoms in equities a vote of confidence in ECB


    The developing tactical bottoms on the EURO STOXX 50 (SX5E), STOXX Europe 600 (SXXP) and EURO STOXX Banks (SX7E) are a technical guide to how confident Europe's equity market is regarding the ECB and monetary policy. Near-term bottom breakouts would provide a vote of confidence in the ECB, unless indices fail to breakout. Either way,we view bounces as bear-market rallies.


    EuroStoxx bounce reminiscent of bear-market behaviour



    The tactical bottom or base may not be big enough to usher in a stronger rally for these indices. A decisive breakout above 3055.38-3056.22 on the SX5E would project to 3430, but the falling 200-day MA and downtrend line from last April provide resistance near 3282-3385. In addition, the SX5E was not able to meet its late October tactical bottom breakout target of 3660. This is bear-market bounce behavior and the risk remains for a limited tactical rebound. Important first supports come in at 2932 to 3855-3800.


    EuroStoxx Banks (SX7E)



    The SX7E did not breakout with the SX5E and SXXP in late October. Banks make up 14% of the SX5E and 10% of the SXXP, so it is important for the SX7E to confirm any upside breakouts in the SX5E and SXXP. A positive sign for the SX7E would be a decisive move above 109.59-110.68 (with additional confirmation from a move above the daily Ichimoku cloud), which would project to 132. However, the larger downtrend from July remains intact and prior support, at 122-126, could limit upside. Support at 103-100. This is bear-market bounce behavior and the risk remains for a limited tactical rebound. Important first supports come in at 332 to 320-318.

    Perhaps even more prescient are the two huge gaps that will inevitably be filled (via Geneve Swisss Bank)

    And finally, don't forget that THIS is not fixed yet…


    *  *  *

    In summary – Bunds are pricing in a 30bps rate cut, economist expect 10bps… Draghi will disappoint; and if he raises QE, markets will instanly front-run it forcing yields lower and making even more of them ineligible… Good Luck Mario!

  • China Food Inflation Explodes To 4 Year Highs As Producer Prices Slump For 47th Straight Month

    For the 47th month in a row, China's Producer Prices have fallen year-over-year – a record deflationary streak. CPI rose 2.3% YoY – the fastest pace since May 2014 (against expectations of a 1.8% rise in consumer prices, and at the upper end of the +1.5% to +2.4% range). PPI printed as expected with a  4.9% YoY plunge in producer prices (-4.5% to -5.5% range). However, what is most disturbing – from both a social unrest and economic-stimulus-hope basis, is that Food prices exploded 7.3% YoY – the most in 4 years.

    CPI accelerating and PPI slumping..


    "The uptick in consumer prices is certainly striking," Bloomberg Intelligence economists Tom Orlik and Fielding Chen wrote in a report. "But with virtually the entirety of the increase coming from food prices, it’s not an increase that’s likely to be sustained for long. Food prices are subject to supply shocks and seasonal blips."

    But, it looks like Food-flation is here to stay… China Pork prices were up 18.8% YoY in January (we can't wait to see the Feb data now)

    As Bloomberg noted recently,

    "It’s really a problem of lack of domestic growth and domestic demand," John Zhu, an economist at HSBC Holdings Plc in Hong Kong, said in a Bloomberg Television interview. "The longer you get negative PPI, the more the risk that inflation expectations get dragged lower."


    Factory-gate deflation will probably moderate to about 5 percent in the first quarter, according to Niu Li, an economist at the State Information Center, a research arm of the National Development and Reform Commission, the nation’s chief planning agency.


    "The producer-price index is still much lower than what we thought, indicating severe difficulties in the industrial sector," Niu said in an interview. "The PBOC is unlikely to impose any major change in its monetary policies because of the reading."

    And so with PPI tumbling and CPI surging – expectations for some yuuge stimulus package are wishful thinking.

    Yuan is tumbling on the data…


    And if anyone needed a lesson in market "efficiency", Dow Futures spiked 70 points on this decidedly bearish (i.e. no stimulus) data – note that the momentum started early and then snapped it higher on the data… only to fade back…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Why This Sucker Is Going Down – The Case Of Japan's Busted Bond Market

    Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

    The world financial system is booby-trapped with unprecedented anomalies, deformations and contradictions. It’s not remotely stable or safe at any speed, and most certainly not at the rate at which today’s robo-machines and fast money traders pivot, whirl, reverse and retrace.

    Indeed, every day there are new ructions in the casino that warn investors to get out of harm’s way with all deliberate speed. And last night’s eruption in the Japanese bond market was a doozy.

    The government of what can only be described as an old age colony sinking into certain bankruptcy sold 30-year bonds at an all-time low of 47 basis points. Let me clear here that we are talking about a record low not just for Japan but for the history of mankind.

    To be sure, loaning any government 30-year money at 47 basis points is inherently a foolhardy proposition, but its just plain bonkers when it comes to Japan.

    Here is its 30-year fiscal record in nutshell. Not withstanding years of chronic red ink and its recent 2014 consumption tax increase from 5% to 8%, Japan is still heading straight for fiscal oblivion. Last year (2015) it spent just under 100 trillion yen, but took in hardly 50 trillion yen of revenue, stacking the difference on its already debilitating mountain of public debt, which has now reached 240% of GDP.

    That’s right. A government which is borrowing nearly 50 cents on every dollar of outlays should be paying a huge risk premium to even access the bond market. But a government with a 240% debt-to-GDP ratio peering into a demographic sinkhole would be hard pressed to borrow at any price at all on an honest free market.

    The graphs below show what lies 30 years down its demographic sinkhole. To wit, Japan’s population will have declined by 30% to 90 million, while its working age population will have plummeted from 78 million to about 52 million or by 33%. Moreover, its labor force participation rate has been declining for years, but even if it were to stabilize at the current 60% level, it would still mean just 31 million workers.

    Japan Labor Force Participation Rate

    The trouble is, Japan already has 31 million retirees, and that number is projected to hit 36 million by 2060. In short, at the maturity date of the bonds the Japanese government sold last night, Japan will have more retirees than workers; it will be at a fiscal and demographic dead end.



    So how did Japan sell billions of 30-year bonds given these catastrophic fiscal and demographic trends?  The short answer is that it didn’t sell anything to investors. Instead, it rented what amounts to a put option to fast money traders. The latter operate from the assumption that they can cop a capital gain in the next while and then sell the paper back to the BOJ.

    And why wouldn’t they make that bet. The lunatics who run the BOJ have essentially guaranteed that they are the buyer of first and only resort for any Japanese government debt that remains outside of their vaults.

    Indeed, central bank announcements of negative yield are a form of code in the canyons of Wall Street and other financial markets. It means moar central bank bond-buying ahead, and therefore rising prices on the trading bait infused with the financial Viagra of NIRP.

    This is another way of saying that the BOJ has essentially destroyed the government bond market. Indeed, during Q4 2015 monthly volume in the JGB market fell to the lowest level since 2004.  As one bond market observer explained,

    “Yields will continue to fall and the curve will continue to flatten under pressure from negative rates and quantitative easing,” said Shuichi Ohsaki, the chief rates strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Tokyo. “Trading volumes will become even thinner. A typical bond investor probably wouldn’t want to touch this market.”

    As of last night’s auction, the entire JGB yield curve is now negative out to 13 years. That means that $5 trillion of bonds issued by the most fiscally impaired major government on the planet have been pushed into the netherworld of subzero returns.

    Needless to say, the government of Japan and the BOJ are not in the midst of some exotic experiment that is off the grid relative to the rest of the global financial system. To the contrary, they are implementing Keynesian central banking and fiscal policies on a state of the art basis. They are doing what Bernanke, Krugman, the IMF and heavyweight (on all counts) Keynesian blowhards like Adam Posen have recommended for years.

    Indeed, rather than blow the whistle on the obvious lunacy being practiced in Tokyo, the recent G-20 meeting gave Japan a pass on its currency trashing efforts and implied that its
    “stimulus” policies were just what the economic doctors and policy apparatchiks assembled in Shanghai ordered.

    Tomorrow, in fact, Draghi will make another plunge in the same direction. Already, more than $2 trillion of European government bonds are trading at negative yields, and for the same reason.

    To wit, the central bankers of the world have created a front-runners paradise. Yet so doing they have stood the very concept of a government bond in its head. Whereas the legendary British consol traded for nearly 200 years (outside of war interruptions) at par and to a rock solid 3% yield, today’s sovereign debt is being turned into a gambling vehicle where financial gunslingers and hedge funds play for short-run capital gains on 95:1 repo leverage.

    In a word, the central banks have nearly destroyed the government bond markets. In the process, they have flushed trillions of capital into corporate debt and equity in search of yield and momentary trading gains with scant regard for the incremental risks involved.

    So, yes, the casino is implanted with FEDs (financial explosive devices) everywhere, including upwards of $60 trillion of sovereign debt that is radically mispriced; and which must eventually implode when the gamblers finally stampede out of the casino.

    Perhaps last night’s Japanese bond auction was an omen, after all. The JGB 30Y yield is now below the UST 2Y for the first time since, well, the Lehman event of September 2008.


    Shortly thereafter, of course, our befuddled President at the time, George W. Bush explained the macroeconomic situation in a way that even the Congressional leadership assembled at the White House could understand.

    “This sucker is going down”, he told them. He got that right. It was just a matter of time.

  • Deutsche Bank Goes "Searching For Liquidity;" Can't Find Any

    Liquidity worries are so 2015.

    In the new year, there are much more pressing concerns.

    Like a possibly imminent, overnight yuan float, which would quite simply torpedo every risk asset on the planet even as it would probably be just the thing Beijing’s economy needs to secure long-term stability.

    And then there’s crude prices which, when you strip out the volatility and near daily OPEC headline hockey, are poised to remain suppressed in perpetuity (don’t get lost in the daily melee, this is a story about fundamentals, and from a fundamental perspective, the outlook is bearish – just look at storage overflow and Iranian supply). That means the global deflationary impulse is likely to persist and that, in turn, translates to more central bank meddling and less liquidity.

    The funny thing is, although the punditry has apparently forgotten about liquidity, the issue now looms larger than ever because the junk bond liquidation is upon us, and that’s just the start of what’s ultimately going to be a bursting of the entire financial asset bubble central banks have inflated since 2009. HY is just ground zero for liquidity issues, and make no mistake, you’re going to see this take center stage in the months ahead. 

    Apparently, all of the above isn’t lost on Deutsche Bank’s research team (bless their hearts, because they’ll all be fired in the space of 12 months as their employer crashes and burns in what will end up being the largest banking disaster in Europe’s history) who are out with a rather insightful presentation on market liquidity. 

    We present, below, several slides which help to underscore the fact that “liquidity” is a lot like health insurance. You don’t need it until you do. But if you get sick and don’t have it… well… you may well end up sleeping in a cardboard box.

    And to carry that analogy further, markets are headed for Skid Row.

  • Guest Post: A Message To The Voting Cattle

    Via The Burning Platform blog,

    The following video explains as well as we’ve ever heard, why we should all vote for Candidate Nobody.


    Here is the video:


    Of course, not 1 in 20 will listen to a twenty-minute video, even here. So, I transcribed it. And, added some pictures for your viewing pleasure. You should be able to read it in under ten minutes…

    *  *  *

    You cannot begin to imagine in how many ways the world is the opposite of what you have been taught to believe.

    You see the guy who sells drugs to willing customers so he can feed his family as the scum of the earth, while you see the hypocrite who gives away stolen money in the name of government, as a saint.


    You see the guy who tries to avoid been robbed by the federal thugs as a crook and a tax cheat, but see as virtuous the politician who gives away the same stolen loot to people whom it does not belong.


    You see the cop as a good guy when he drags a man away from his friends and family and throws him in prison for ten years for smoking a leaf  [every 51 seconds in Amerika]. And you see anyone who defends himself from such barbaric fascism as the lowest form of life … a cop-killer. In reality, most drug dealers are more virtuous than any government social worker, and prostitutes have far less to be ashamed of than political whores, because they trade only with what’s rightfully theirs, and only with those who want to trade with them.

    The upstanding church-going law-abiding tax-paying citizen who votes democrat or republican, is far more despicable, and a bigger threat to humanity, than the most promiscuous lazy drug snorting hippie. Why? Because the hippie is willing to let others be free, and the voter is NOT. The damage done to society by bad habits and loose morality is nothing compared to the damage done to society by the self-righteous violence committed in the name of the State.


    You imagine yourselves to be charitable and tolerant when you are nothing of the sort. Even the Nazis’ had table manners and proper etiquette when they weren’t killing people. You think you’re good people because you say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’? You think sitting in that big building on Sunday makes you noble and righteous?

    The difference between you and a common thief is that the thief has the honesty to commit the crime himself …. while you whine for government to do you’re stealing for you. The difference between you and the street thug is that the thug is open about the violence he commits, while you let others forcibly control your neighbors on your behalf. You advocate theft, harassment, assault and even murder, but accept no responsibility for doing so.

    Look, YOU try putting a bumper sticker on a camel...

    You old folks want the government to steal from your kids so you get your monthly check. You parents want all your neighbors to be robbed, to pay for your kids schooling. You all vote for which ever crook promises to steal money from other people to pay for what you want.

    You demand that those people who engage in behaviors you don’t approve of, be dragged off and locked up but feel no guilt for the countless lives your whims have destroyed. You even call the government thugs ‘your representatives’ and yet you never take responsibility for the evil they commit.



    You proudly support the troops as they kill whomever the liars in DC tell them to kill and you feel GOOD about it.

    Lincoln Memorial

    You call yourselves Christians or Jews or some other religion but the truth is, what you call your religion is empty window dressing. What you truly worship, the God you truly bow to, what you really believe in, is the State.

    Thou shall not steal, though shall not murder, unless you can do it by way of government then it’s just fine isn’t it? If you call it ‘taxation’ and ‘war’ it stops being a sin right? After all, it was only your God that said you shouldn’t steal and murder, but the State said it was OK. It’s pretty obvious which outranks the other in your minds. Despite all the church’s, synagogues’ and mosques we see around us, this nation has one God and only one God and that God is called Government.


    Jesus taught non-violence and told you to love your neighbor but the State encourages you to vote for people who will use the violence of government to butt into every aspect of everyone else’s life. Which do you believe?? To those about to stone a woman who had committed adultery, Jesus said ‘let him who is without sin cast the first stone’ but the State says it’s perfectly fine to lock someone up if they do something which you find distasteful, such as prostitution. Which do you believe?


    The Christian God says ‘Thou shall not covet’  …. but coveting is the life-blood of the beast that is the State. You were taught to resent, despise, and hate anyone who has what you don’t have, you clamor for the State to tear other people down, steal their property and give it to you, and you call that fairness, the Bible calls it coveting and stealing.


    You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren’t Atheists. You all have the same God and its name is … Government. You’re all members of the most evil insane destructive cult in history; if there ever was a devil the State is it, and you worship it with all your heart and soul. You pray to it to solve every problem, to satisfy all your needs, to smite your enemies and to shower its blessings upon you. You worship what Nietzsche called ‘the coldest of all cold monsters’ and you hate those of us who don’t. To you the greatest sin is disobeying your God, ‘breaking the law’ you call it. As if anyone could possibly have any moral obligation to obey the arbitrary commands and demands of the corrupt lying delusional megalomaniacs who infest this despicable town.

    The painting also features a representation of Satan, on the far right

    Even your Ministers, Priests and Rabbi’s, most often than not, are traitors to their own religions, teaching that the commands of human authority should supersede adherents to the laws of the Gods they say they believe in.

    Several years ago I heard one pompous evangelical jack-ass in particular, pontificating on the radio that anyone who disobeys the civil authority be it a King or any other government, is ‘engaging in rebellion against God’. Those were the exact words he used. What if the government is doing something wrong? Well this salesman for Satan opined ‘that is the business of those in government and you are still obligated to obey’.

    Everywhere you turn be it the State or the church, the media or the schools, you are taught one thing above all else, the virtue of subjugating yourselves to mortals who claim to have the right to rule you. It is sickening the reverence in which you speak of the liars and thieves whose feet are so firmly planted on your necks. You call the congressmen and the judges ‘Honorable’ and you swoon at the magnificence of the grandiose halls they inhabit, the temples they built to celebrate the domination of mankind.

    You feel pride at being able to say you once shook a Senators hand, or saw the President in person. Ah, yes! The grand deity himself, his royal highness … the President of the United States of America! You speak the title as if you’re referring to God Almighty. The vocabulary has changed a bit but your mindset is no different from that of the groveling peasants of old, who bowed low faces in the dirt with a feeling of unworthiness and humility when in the presence of whatever narcissist had declared himself to be their rightful lord and master.

    The truth of the matter back then and today, is that these parasites who call themselves leaders are not superior beings. They’re not great men and women. They’re not honorable. They’re not even average.

    The people who earn an honest living — from sophisticated millionaire entrepreneurs to illiterate day laborers doing the most menial tasks you can imagine — those people deserve your respect. Those are people you should treat with courtesy and civility. But, the frauds who claim the right to rule you and demand your subservience and obedience, they deserve only your scorn and contempt.

     "The Flatterers" — Pieter Brueghel the Younger, 1592


    Those who seek so-called high office are the lowest of the low. They may dress better have larger vocabularies and do a better job of planning out and executing their schemes, but they are no better than pickpockets, muggers and car-jackers. In fact they are worse, because they don’t want to rob of just your possessions, they want to rob you of your very humanity, deprive you of your free will by slowly leeching away your ability to think, to judge, to act, reducing you to slaves in both body and mind. And still you persist in calling them leaders. Leaders?? Where is it that you think you are going exactly that would require you to have a leader?

    If you just live your own life and mind your own damn business, exercising your own talents, pursuing your own dreams striving to be what you believe you should be, what possible use would you have for a leader? Do you ever actually think about the words that you hear, the words that you repeat? You parrot oxymoronic terms such as ‘leader of the free world’.

    The Satanic Temple launched a fundraising page in a bid to build the statue (Indiegogo)

    Even pretending for a moment that there’s some huge journey or some giant battle, that everyone in the entire nation is undertaking together that would require a leader … why would you ever think even for a moment, that the crooks that infest this town are the sort of people you should listen to or emulate or follow anywhere? Somewhere within your mostly dormant brains you know full well that politicians are all corrupt liars and thieves, opportunistic con-men, exploiters and fear-mongers. You know all this, and yet you still speak as though you are the ones who are the stupid vicious animals, while the politicians are the great wise role models, teachers and leaders, without whom civilization could not exist.

    You think these crooks are the ones that make civilization possible? What belief could be more absurd, yet when they do their pseudo-religion rituals, deciding how to control you this week, you still call it law, and continue to treat their arbitrary demands as if they were moral decrees from the Gods, that no decent person would ever consider disobeying. You have become so thoroughly indoctrinated into the cult of State worship that you are truly shocked when the occasional sane person states the bleeding obvious.

    The mere fact that the political crooks wrote something down and declared their threats to be law, does not mean that any human being anywhere has the slightest moral obligation to obey. Every moment of every day in every location and every situation, you have a moral obligation to do what YOU deem to be right, not what some delusional bloated windbag says is legal … and that requires you to first determine right and wrong for yourself, a responsibility you spend much time and effort trying to dodge.

    You proclaim how proud you are to be law-abiding citizens and express your utter contempt for anyone who considers themselves ‘above’ your so-called ‘laws’ … laws that are nothing more than the selfish whims of tyrants and thieves.

    The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it. - Adolf Hitler

    The word crime once meant ‘an act harmful to another person’, now it means ‘disobedience to anyone of the myriad of arbitrary commands coming from a parasitical criminal class’. To you the word ‘crime’ is merely synonymous with the word ‘sin’; implying that the ones whose commands are being disobeyed must be something akin to Gods, when in truth they are more akin to leeches.

    The very phrase ‘taking the law into your hands’ perfectly expresses what a sacrilege it is in your eyes for a mere human being to take upon himself the responsibility to judge right from wrong and to act accordingly, instead of doing what you do, unthinkingly obeying whatever capricious commands this cesspool of maggots spews forth.

    You glorify this criminal class as law-makers, and believe that no one is lower than a law-breaker, someone who would dare disobey the politicians, likewise you speak with pious reverence of law-enforcers, those who forcibly impose the politicians every whim on the rest of us. When the State uses violence you imagine it to be inherently righteous and just, and if anyone resists, they are in your eyes, contemptible low lives, lawless terrorist criminals.

    Like the lawless terrorist criminals who helped slaves escape the plantation. Like the lawless terrorist criminals who helped Jews escape the killing machine of the Third Reich. Like the lawless terrorist criminals who were crushed to death under the tanks of the Red Chinese government in Tienanmen Square. Like all the lawless terrorist criminals in history who had the courage to disobey the never ending stream of tyrants and oppressors who have called their violence ‘authority’ and ‘law’.

    Thomas Jefferson When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty

    Everything you think you know is backwards, upside down and inside out, but what takes the cake, the height of your insanity, is that fact that you view as violent terrorists, the only people on the planet who oppose the initiation of violence against their fellow man, Anarchists, Voluntaryists and Libertarians. We use violence only to defend ourselves against someone who initiates violence against us. We use it for nothing else.


    Meanwhile your belief system is completely schizophrenic and self-contradictory. One the one hand you teach the young slaves that violence is never the answer, yet out of the other side of your mouths you advocate that everyone and everything everywhere and at all times be controlled, monitored, taxed and regulated through the force of government. In short, you are teaching your children that the masters may use violence whenever they please, but the slaves should never resist. You indoctrinate your children into a life of unthinking helpless subservience. You are putting the chains around their little necks and fastening the lock tight, and worst of all, you feel good about it.

    Out of one side of your mouths you condemn the evils of fascism and socialism, and lament the injustices of the regimes of Hitler, Stalin and Mao, while out of the other side of your mouths you preach exactly what they did —- the worship of the collective, the subjugation of every individual to that evil insanity that wears the deceptive label ‘the common good’.

    2 bigbrother_1984

    You babble on and on about diversity and open-mindedness then beg your masters to regulate and control every aspect of everyone’s lives, creating a giant herd of unthinking conformist drones. You wear different clothes and have different hairstyles and you think that makes you different, yet all your minds are enslaved to the same club of masters and controllers. You think what they tell you to think and you do what they tell you to do while imagining yourselves to be progressive, thinking and enlightened.

    You can be forgiven for thinking this at about 8:15 this morning.

    From your position of relative comfort and safety you now condemn the evils of other lands and other times, while turning a blind eye to the injustices happening right in front of you. You tell yourself that had you lived in those other places, in those other times, you would have been among those who stood up against oppression and defended the down-trodden. But, that is a lie. You would have been right there with the rest of the flock of well-trained sheep, loudly demanding that the slaves be beaten, that the witches be burned, that the non-conformists and rebels be destroyed.

    How do I know this? Because that is exactly what you are doing today, today’s injustices and oppressions are fashionable and popular, and those who resist them, you tell yourselves, are just malcontents and freaks, people whose rights don’t matter, people who deserve to be crushed under the boot of authority, isn’t that right? You bunch of spineless unthinking hypocrites! Look in the mirror!

    Take a look at what you imagine to be righteous and kind – you are the devil’s plaything.The crowds of thousands wildly applauding the speeches of Adolf Hitler – that was YOU. The mob demanding that Jesus Christ be nailed to the cross – that was YOU. The white invaders who celebrated the whole-sale slaughter of those ‘Godless Redskins’ – that was YOU. The throngs filling the Coliseum applauding as Christians were fed to the lions – that was YOU.

    Throughout history the perpetual suffering and injustice occurring on an incomprehensible scale, it was all because of people JUST LIKE YOU – the well-trained thoroughly indoctrinated conformists, the people who do as they’re told, who proudly bow to their masters, who follow the crowd believing what everyone else believes and thinking whatever authority tells them to think, that is YOU.

    And your ignorance is not because the truth is not available to you, there’s been radicals preaching it for thousands of years. No, you are ignorant because you shun the truth with all your heart and soul. You close your eyes and run away when a hint of reality lands in front of you. You condemn as extremists and fringe cooks those who try to show you the chains you wear, because you don’t want to be free, you don’t even want to be human.

    Responsibility and reality scare the hell out of you so you cling tightly to your own enslavement and lash out at any who seeks to free you from it, when someone opens the door to your cage you cower back in the corner and yell “Close it! Close it!!”.

    Well some of us are finished with trying to save you, we’ve wasted enough effort trying to convince you that you should be free, all you ever do is spout back what your masters have taught you, that being free only leads to chaos and destruction, while being obedient and subservient leads to peace and prosperity.

    There are none so blind as those who will not see, and you, you nation of sheep, would rather die than see the truth.

  • Presenting The Interactive Map Of European Refugee Assaults

    Everyone assumed it would be the threat (or the reality) of international terrorism that would ultimately break Europe’s resolve when it came to goodwill towards Mid-East refugees.

    Indeed, we remember vividly when the first reports of a “Kalashnikov assault” on cafes in the French capital hit social media on that fateful Friday in November.

    “That’s it,” we assumed, for Europe’s experiment with an open-door migrant policy.

    In spite of the violence and in spite of the chaos that ensued (manhunts across France, lockdowns in Molenbeek, a shootout in Saint-Deni) Europe largely kept its arms open to refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The Paris attacks, Europeans seemed to reason, were more indicative of why people were fleeing to Europe, than they were a precursor of what refugees would ultimately import to the bloc.

    But sentiment soured in January.

    A wave of sexual assaults allegedly perpetrated by men of “Arab and North African origin” caused Europe to cast aspersions. No longer were these “victims” fleeing the type of carnage that tragically befell Paris in November, they were suddenly transplants from a barbarous culture whose attitude towards women was outdated by hundreds of years.  

    Is that reputation justified?

    Who knows.

    Frankly that would require an academic study of rapes and sexual assaults across the bloc before and after the mass migration, and control variables would need to be introduced for the nationality (or at least the likely suspected race) of the attackers. We’re reasonably sure someone is working on just that type of analysis at this very moment, but until robust, objective, quantitative results are available, the following interactive map will have to do. Explore it for yourself using Google’s legend and tools.

    h/t Garrett

  • Keith Olbermann Unleashes On Donald Trump: "I Am Moving Out Of Your Building"

    We had a hard time deciding if the following rant written by the twice disgraced Keith Olbermann about, of all things, punishing Donald Trump by moving out of a Trump building (he is “getting out because of the degree to which the very name “Trump” has degraded the public discourse and the nation itself. I can’t hear, or see, or say that name any longer without spitting”) after dutifully making Trump richer for 9 years by paying his rent on time every month, was the product of some grotesqsue ghost writing by a 5-year-old, or a legitimate grievance, but ultimately we realized it was the latter.

    Then we started laughing. We are confident everyne else will too after reading the following.

    By Keith Olbermann, originally posted in the WaPo.

    “I can’t stand to live in a Trump building anymore”

    Okay, Donnie, you win.

    I’m moving out.

    Not moving out of the country — not yet anyway. I’m merely moving out of one of New York’s many buildings slathered in equal portions with gratuitous gold and the name “Trump.” Nine largely happy years with an excellent staff and an excellent reputation (until recently, anyway) — but I’m out of here.

    I’m getting out because of the degree to which the very name “Trump” has degraded the public discourse and the nation itself. I can’t hear, or see, or say that name any longer without spitting. Frankly, I’m running out of Trump spit.

    And, yes, I’m fully aware that I’m blaming a guy with the historically unique fashion combination of a cheap baseball cap and Oompa Loompa makeup for coarsening politics even though, out of the two of us, I’m the one who has promulgated a “Worst Persons in the World” list for most of the past decade. That’s how vulgar this has all become. It’s worse even than Worst Persons.

    This is the campaign of a PG-rated cartoon character running for president, interrupting a string of insults the rest of us abandoned in the seventh grade only long enough to resume a concurrent string of half-crazed boasts: We’re gonna start winning again! We’re gonna build an eleventy-billion-foot-high wall! We’re not gonna pay a lot for this muffler!

    All this coarseness is largely masking the truth that the Trump campaign is entirely about coarseness. Take away the unmappable comb-over and the unstoppable mouth and the Freudian-rich debates about genitalia, and there is no Trump campaign. Donald Trump’s few forays into actual issues suggest he is startlingly unaware of how the presidency or even ordinary governance works.

    Of course that doesn’t preclude his election. A December study carried out with the University of Massachusetts at Amherst showed that Trump’s strongest support comes from Republicans with “authoritarian inclinations.” They don’t want policy, nuance or speeches. They want a folding metal chair smashed over the bad guy’s head, like in the kind of televised wrestling show in which Trump used to appear.

    And it isn’t as though the American electorate hasn’t always had a soft spot for exactly the worst possible person for the presidency. Two months before the 1864 vote, some Republicans were so thoroughly convinced that Abraham Lincoln would lose in a landslide that they proposed to hold a second Republican convention and nominate somebody to run in his place. The Democrat they feared, George B. McClellan, was not only probably the worst general in the history of the country, but also his campaign platform was predicated on stopping the Civil War, giving the South whatever it wanted, running the greatest president in history out of town and repudiating the Emancipation Proclamation. Even after the North’s victory at Atlanta turned the tide of the war and thus the election, McClellan — anti-Union, anti-Lincoln, anti-victory and pro-slavery — still got 45 percent of the all-Northern vote.

    There could still be enough idiots to elect Trump this November. Hell, I was stupid enough to move into one of his buildings. But here in those buildings, even as I pack, is the silver lining hidden amid the golden Donald trumpery.

    One day Trump appeared in person and, with what I only later realized was the same kind of sincere concern and respect that Eddie Haskell used to pay “Beaver” Cleaver’s mother, asked me how I liked the place and to let him know personally if anything ever went wrong. About 15 months ago, when the elevators failed and many of the heating-unit motors died and the water shut off, I wrote him. He sent an adjutant over to bluster mightily about the urgency of improvements and who was to blame for the elevators and how there would be consequences, and within weeks Trump’s minions were obediently and diligently installing — a new revolving door at the back of the lobby.

    That three-week project stretched past three months, smothered the lobby in stench and grime, required the repeated removal and reinstallation of a couple of railings, and for a time created a window frosting problem even when it wasn’t cold out.

    So at least there’s this comfort. If there is a President Trump and he decides to build this ludicrous wall to prevent the immigration from Mexico that isn’t happening, and he uses that same contractor, it’ll take them about a thousand years to finish it.

  • The "Terrifying Prospect" Of A Triumph Of Politics Over Economics

    Authored by Paul Brodsky of,

    The Triumph of Politics

     All of life’s odds aren’t 3:2, but that’s how you’re supposed to bet, or so they say. They are not saying that so much anymore, or saying that history rhymes, or that nothing’s new under the sun. More and more theys seem to be figuring out that past economic and market experiences can’t be extrapolated forward – a terrifying prospect for the social and political order.

     Consider today’s realities:

    Global economies have grown to their current scale thanks to a glorious secular expansion of worldwide credit – credit unreserved with bank assets and deposits; credit extended to brand new capitalists; credit that can never be extinguished without significant debt deflation or hyper monetary inflation


    Economies no longer form sufficient capital to sustain their scales or to justify broad asset values in real terms


    Markets cannot price assets fairly in real terms without risking significant declines in collateral values supporting them and their underlying economies


    Politicians that used to anguish (rhetorically) over the right mix of potential fiscal policies, ostensibly to get things back on track (as if somehow finding the right path would have actually been legislated into existence), have come to realize the limits of their power to have a meaningful impact


    Monetary authorities have become the only game in town, assassinating all economic logic so they may juggle public expectations in the hope – so far successfully executed – that neither man nor nature will be the wiser.

    The good news for policy makers is that man remains collectively unaware and vacuous; the bad news is that nature abhors a vacuum. The massive scale of economies relative to necessary production (not to mention already embedded systemic leverage) suggests this time is truly different.

    The net result of these realities is that assets are generally rich over the long term in both stock and flow terms. They are rich in stock terms because there is not enough money and transferable credit to settle accounts at current prices were all assets to be sold. (Although assets would never be sold en masse at once, the dearth of money and transferable credit relative to asset values implies lower future real valuations in societies with aging populations.)

    Stocks, bonds and real estate are rich in flow terms because current revenues and earnings have been pulled forward from the far future and are insufficient to provide investors with positive returns when adjusted for debt service and/or necessary currency devaluation.

    Unlike the credit crisis in 2008, the provenance of today’s spreading economic miasma is not grass roots greed and lather. Institutional idiocy (or corruption) in the form of poor policy responses to the crisis is to blame. Extraordinarily easy monetary policies, that continue today, have reduced economic sustainability and worsened future economic prospects. Like Catholicism without hell, capitalism without failure can’t work.

    It has been a triumph of politics over economics, and still they persist. Taking the old cigarette ad as a guideline, monetary policy makers “would rather fight than switch” to a more laissez faire posture that would let price levels of goods, services and assets find natural clearing prices.

    A Tenuous Thread

    So into the breach we go with negative interest rates. Quickly slowing global output growth and trade, fully-priced equity markets and naturally occurring non-sovereign debt deflation are pushing sovereign debt yields ever lower. Investors are meeting asset allocation requirements and valuing return-of-capital over return-on-capital (at least in nominal terms)

    Meanwhile, gold strength is discounting the eventual policy response to global debt deflation – central bank administered de-leveraging through monetary inflation. (Increasing the total money stock effectively de-leverages balance sheets by decreasing the burden of debt repayment, rather than decreasing the stock of debt, which also reduces nominal output.) To be sure, negative sovereign market yields across the world and gold strength reflect rational economics.

    Central bank policy rates are following market yields through zero percent, not the other way around. Central bankers seem desperate to appear as though the global economy remains in a cyclical growth phase, and that negative market yields are a product of their contrivance, borne from their wisdom and unique cleverness that such a scheme will be economically stimulative. Their institutional stiff upper lips are politically expedient yet alarmingly negligent. It would be better to step aside, let valuations fall where they may, and then, if they must, help pick up the pieces.

    A soothing narrative that ignores real asset values and unsustainably high real economic growth rates is being held together by beta investors structured during the economic scaling phase to allocate capital as though it would persist forever, and by policy makers willing to assume formerly model-able Keynesian economics.


    Commercial banks are generally unconcerned with inflation-adjusted returns – theirs or their constituents. Their revenues and earnings can only be increased over time by increasing the nominal scale of their loan books.

    Borrowing short-term and lending long-term requires only a positively sloped yield curve. Absolute rate levels do not matter. It makes little difference to commercial banks whether they borrow at 3% and lend at 5% or borrow at negative 3% and lend at negative 1%. This implies that commercial banks can survive in a negative interest rate environment.

    Commercial bank funding rates are ultimately determined by deposit rates and/or central bank lending rates. Diminished returns elsewhere – like the capital markets – allow commercial banks to borrow from depositors or their central banks at reduced, even negative costs.

    Investment banks are not really banks. Rather than using a spread model like depository institutions, they survive and prosper mostly on a transaction model, which requires healthy and active capital markets. Those that operate alongside commercial banks (e.g., JP Morgan Securities), tend to have trouble when investors withdraw from capital market participation.

    Both investment and commercial banks suffer from declining capital market participation – investment banks due to declining transactional and asset management fees; commercial banks due to declining market liquidity, which leads to declining nominal values of their loan books.

    The primary responsibility of central banks is the health and viability of their commercial banking systems. The secondary responsibility is the health of the economies their constituent banks serve. Importantly, central banks do not directly oversee the viability of non-bank creditors. This is a critical policy identity to understand in times of significant market dislocation and decreasing market liquidity.

    Shadow Banking

    We know a bit about shadow banking, having spent 1986 through 1996 as a mortgage-backed securities trader and 1996 through 2006 as an MBS hedge fund manager. Shadow banking ultimately reduces to non-bank investors that extend credit. It includes a broad swath of investors, including large and small bond buyers, and even private lenders like your uncle Henry.
    There is a fundamental difference between bank loans and shadow bank loans. Banks make loans without having 100% of the capital they lend. Alternatively, shadow bank loans are fully-funded. JP Morgan creates a loan (at once an asset and a liability) from thin air while BlackRock or Uncle Henry must have $1,000 to lend $1,000.

    When we overlay this fundamental identity with the primary responsibility of central banks (to maintain a healthy and viable commercial banking system), we cannot help but conclude that bonds and other loans made outside the banking system are not ultimately protected by central banks’ ability to create bank reserves.

    This suggests extraordinary power lies in the subjective policies of central banks. In a contracting economy in which debt service is stressed, to what degree might monetary authorities decide to let shadow bank loans suffer? Is it possible central banks and other economic policy makers would pick favorites within the non-bank credit markets? Might central banks prefer to protect debt in the public credit markets that is also held as assets by its constituent banks? Was the 2009 experience, in which non-bank lenders and borrowers like General Motors and AIG were bailed out, be repeated? How political might this process be?

    Rational Policy Applications

    There is a lot to consider when it comes to negative interest rates and central bank monetary and credit policies. Negative interest rates means creditors pay to lend to governments, which further means that central banks, acting as monetary agents for sovereign governments, can turn government expenses into revenues. And they can do this while not necessarily impacting the viability of their primary constituent banks.

    If we assume that high and rising global leverage (as measured by debt-to-GDP or debt-to-base money) will eventually crowd-out global consumption and demand growth, then we can also assume that the purveyors of money and credit will be able to selectively apply austerity within their economies.

    Today, for example, sovereign debt and bank balance sheets in Japan and Europe are benefitting greatly from their central banks’ negative interest rate policies. The German government can sell five-year debt and receive forty basis points while Deutsche Bank can buy back its debt at levels that improve its sick balance sheet. Meanwhile European savers must find a place to store their wealth where it is not effectively taxed by negative yields.

    We continue to argue the Fed will hike Fed Funds more this year in an effort to strengthen the Dollar and attract global capital to American banks and capital markets. The US Treasury curve would continue to flatten in response, pushing mortgages rates lower – an effective easing. Such a scenario would help fund the Treasury at lower yields and increase US bank deposits, which would be able to offer global depositors higher rates (even at 0%) than European and Japanese banks.

    As Saudi Arabia is making a play for global market share in crude through its superior position as the low cost producer, so will the US make a play for global capital (and foreign assets) through its dominant reserve currency, asset markets and control over shipping lanes. This would be a perfectly rational response to current economic and market conditions.

    Rational Investment Posture

    Negative sovereign yields and policy rates (NIRP) might be ringing the proverbial bell. After seven years of major exogenous monetary stimulus concluding in negative rates around the world, investors today would be irrational to expect an economic expansion in the coming years or even a mild recession followed by a garden variety expansion, in our view.

  • "You Want A Bloodbath?!" New Video Surfaces Of Police Shooting Oregon Protester In Back

    On January 2, Ammon Bundy had an idea.

    He would use the (re)incarceration of Dwight Hammond and his son Steven as a pretext for the takeover of a remote wildlife refuge. Then, once the facility was “secured,” the occupants would refuse to leave until the Hammonds were released and until Washington made concessions on state’s rights and land usage.

    It would be a grand rekindling of the “Sagebrush Rebellion” and Ammon would make his father Cliven (who became a kind of folk hero after staging a jailbreak for his cows who had been imprisoned by the federal government for bovine trespassing) proud.

    Of course we all know how Ammon’s “coup” turned out.

    He and his compatriots camped out in a snowy shack for a month and Robert “LaVoy” Finicum ended up getting shot by police on the side of the road. Meanwhile America either didn’t understand the cause or else simply didn’t care because when asked to send “supplies” to the aggrieved occupiers the nation sent sex toys and penis-shaped gummy candies. That’s not an editorial comment on the merits of the cause – it’s just a straightforward account of what happened.

    Anyway, there was still some controversy surrounding the death of “LaVoy” despite the fact that authorities released footage which pretty clearly shows Finicum reaching into his pocket, not once, but twice as police closed in. Officials would later say that in that pocket was this loaded 9 mm:

    On Tuesday, county prosecutors ruled the shooting “justified and necessary” despite the fact that Finicum was shot three times in the back.

    Here is footage from inside Finicum’s truck synced with footage from police. We will leave it to readers to determine whether the shooting was indeed “justified and necessary.” 

    Finally, here are excerpts from The Oregonian’s account of the dramatic events that led to Finicum’s death:

    As Robert “Lavoy” Finicum powered his Dodge pickup over Devine Summit on the state highway north of Burns, he spotted the police van idling on a U.S. Forest Service road.


    Finicum glanced over at the state trooper in the driver’s seat as he went past.


    He pointed a finger at him, as if to say “I see you” and kept going.


    That likely was the moment Finicum realized he and his group wouldn’t make the community meeting planned that evening in John Day.


    Less than 30 minutes later, Finicum was dead and four other leaders of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge takeover were in handcuffs.


    Police knew the leaders planned to travel to John Day in Grant County to the north on the only direct highway there – U.S. 395.


    They devised a traffic stop by state troopers to allow FBI agents to arrest the group on federal conspiracy charges. By midday, some members of the arresting team positioned themselves on Forest Service Road 2820, which branches east off the state highway toward a snow park near the summit of

    Devine Ridge. Another team set up roughly two miles north on the highway, prepared to act as a roadblock.


    “The sheriff is waiting for us,” Finicum yelled out the driver’s window to the officers and agents staged behind his truck.


    He puts his hands out the window and invited police to shoot.


    “Back down or you kill me now,” he said.


    He repeated twice more that he was going to meet the sheriff.


    Ryan Bundy, 43, of Mesquite, Nevada, seated behind Finicum with a .38-caliber pistol and two rifles within reach, yelled out the window: “Who are you?”

    Finicum echoed him.


    “Yeah, who are you?”


    “Oregon State Police” came the reply.


    “I’m going over to meet the sheriff in Grant County,” Finicum said.


    Police continued demanding Finicum turn off the truck and surrender, according to officer statements to investigators. But they didn’t move against those in the truck as they waited for a trooper posted at McConnell’s Jeep to bring a launcher with multiple pepper spray rounds.


    Those in the truck talked about what to do next.


    “If we duck and you drive, what are they going to do?” Cox asked Finicum. “Try to knock us out?”


    He noted they still had “50 ass miles” to go to reach John Day. He turned up the volume on country music that had been playing on the radio.


    “Who can we call?” Bundy asked.


    “Sheriff Palmer,” Finicum responded.


    As Bundy and Cox tried to get a cell signal, Finicum continued yelling at police.


    “You want a blood bath?” he asked. “I’m going to be laying down here on the ground with my blood on the street or I’m going to see the sheriff.”

  • What Happens Next: These Six Catalysts Will Determine If The Market Surges Or Crashes

    As has been widely trumpeted across the financial media, today was the 7 year anniversary of the March 2009 market bottom: whether this “most hated rally” was worth the $60+ trillion in incremental global debt and the $14 trillion in global central bank liquidity, even as the middle class has been decimated – as we forecast would happen roughly around the time Ben Bernanke unveiled QE1- leading to such outcomes as a global rejection of a failed status quo and the rise of Donald Trump we leave to the historians.

    But what everyone wants to know now, is whether this “rally”, both since March 2007 and from the February 11 bottoms, will continue, or whether it will finally fold, and become the most overdue bear market in history.

    To be sure, nobody knows the answer, but here are three bullish and three bearish catalysts, i.e., the “P’s“, which according to BofA’s Michael Hartnett (who is still selling into strength) will determine where the market goes from here.

    Top Trumps, by BofA’s Michael Hartnett

    The big risk rally since Feb 11th has been led by the 4 “C’s” of Commodities, China-plays, Credit & Consumer, all on the back of bearish investor sentiment and the highest cash levels since Nov’01. We are concerned that complacency is creeping back in (both VIX & VDAX back at 200dma), and we do not think policy-makers will beat expectations at the ECB (3/10), BoJ (3/15) and FOMC (3/16) meetings. Therefore we remain sellers into strength; watch the relative performance of HYG/TLT, AUD/JPY & XLE/SPY for signs of buyers’ fatigue and risk-reversal. In March, our new BofAML MVP Model recommends going “long” Japan, Canada & Norway equities, paired with “shorts” in the Netherlands, Italy & US equities.


    BofAML’s base case (Table 5) and recent revisions to economic and market forecasts reflect a “reset” of 2016 expectations, rather than the likelihood of “recession” which has once again receded in recent weeks. Our 2016 US growth forecast is now 2.0%, down from 2.3% some weeks ago, and this low forecast of growth is mirrored in other developed economies (Eurozone 1.5% from 1.7%, Japan 0.7% from 1.2%). BofAML now expects two 2016 rate rises by the Fed (down from three earlier in year). Bond yield forecasts have been revised downward, although our assumption is that yields will rise, rather than decline, in coming quarters. And key FX rate and equity market forecasts have been revised to reflect the on-going struggle for sustainable economic growth.


    These forecasts certainly hint at a deflationary trading range for major asset classes. So what are the “top trumps” that could send bond, credit and equity markets substantially higher or lower than currently expected:


    Bull catalysts

    • Positioning: the brunt of the bear market has already happened and cash levels are mountainous.
    • Policy: Fed sticks to its guns on rate hikes; ECB/BoJ do not cut rates further; meanwhile an EM rate-cutting cycle is ahead of us, and the Doha Accord signals the
      low in oil prices is behind us; heavy hints of G7 fiscal stimulus.
    • Profits: both the US & China PMI’s move back above 50; Asian exports stop contracting (note the Feb contraction in China export growth of -25.4% was worst performance since May’09 – Chart 8); crucially, to sustain gains in equity and credit markets, we need to see a). US productivity growth acceleration and b). G7 consumption growth improvement…both are necessary to cause big, sustained upward moves in EPS forecasts


    Bear catalysts

    • Positioning: redemptions cause investors to unwind the “last of the long” positions in quality stocks and investment grade corporate bonds.
    • Policy: ECB & BoJ QE is greeted by investor repudiation, i.e. a rise (not a fall) in both European & Japanese bond yields and a stronger euro & yen.
    • Profits: US activity falters through the spring – note the ominous trend in US small business confidence (Chart 9); meanwhile a credit crunch and concerns of GREXIT, BREXIT, and the end of the Schengen Agreement causes European economic activity and profits to surprise to the downside.


    Hartnett concludes with the following notes to traders:

    • Cash mountain. Cash levels are very high (for some investors >1/3 in cash); QE failure, China, illiquid public markets, fragmenting political & social backdrop, poor risk-reward, most quoted reasons for “long cash, short conviction” position.
    • Sell-into-strength. Majority of investors in “sell into strength” mood; debate swirls around “level” & “timing” with SPX 1950-2030 & mid-March most favored.
    • No US recession. US widely seen as very unlikely to experience recession thanks to US consumer; that said, a Fed hike in the next six months would be big (positive) surprise to investors; bigger problem for investors is that US economy in “bad Goldilocks”, i.e. US economy not hot/strong enough to lift global GDP & EPS; but not cold/bad enough to induce global coordinated policy response.
    • No US$ bear market: no-one arguing for bout of cyclical US dollar weakness.
    • QE failure: investors increasingly regard policy meetings as a selling catalyst, not a buying catalyst; central banks can no longer turn “water into wine”.
    • Black dragon: first derivative China plays (Brazil, Miners, China) could be right to increase exposure to these on a 3 year view, but the second derivatives (Sydney/ Vancouver Real Estate) are too high; EM more interesting in world of low growth, low yields.
    • Extreme policy solutions mooted. Extreme markets/macro leading investors to countenance more extreme policies going forward: GREXIT in the summer, or a breakup of the Schengen Agreement, as a solution to the migration crisis problem; a summer BREXIT, as British are willing to exchange short-term economic risks/uncertainties for an assertion of sovereignty, control of immigration, and a rebuke to the political and economic elites; the abolition of notes and coins in circulation; debt monetization (starting in Japan); sustained period of negative interest rates 2016-2020.

    With that said, the one biggest catalyst may come as less than 24 hours from now, and it will be what Mario Draghi says at 2:30pm CET tomorrow. If the devastating December past is prologue, all that “smart money” selling in the past 6 weeks will be explained very soon.

  • The Sabine Slam: Court Decision Threatens Midstream Sector

    Submitted by Charles Kennedy via,

    A federal bankruptcy judge ruled that Sabine Oil & Gas could withdraw from its contract obligations with pipeline companies to ship a certain volume of oil and gas through their pipelines.

    The court decision may seem arcane, but it could have major ramifications for both producers and midstream companies. Under the contracts, a company like Sabine Oil & Gas promises to ship a certain volume of hydrocarbons through the pipeline at a set fee. If they fail to do so, they still have to pay the pipeline company for the use of the pipeline capacity.

    Sabine Oil & Gas, a struggling producer, says that it can no longer ship enough volume to meet the contractual agreement and it wanted to be let out of the contract. The company went to a bankruptcy judge in Manhattan, who ruled in Sabine’s favor.

    The pipeline contracts are very attractive to investors in midstream companies, who love the secure and stable revenue streams that such arrangements offer. The ruling could lead to a lot of uncertainty for the midstream sector. The Alerian MLP Index, an index fund that tracks pipeline companies, fell by more than 6 percent on March 8.


    Still, the judge ruled that Texas law was not clear enough to make the ruling binding. That likely means more litigation will be forthcoming. “One could see this ruling as something favorable for producers, but it’s something that’s going to play out further in the courts,” Ed Longanecker, president of the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association, told The Wall Street Journal. 

    More and more oil and gas producers are falling into bankruptcy, and even for those that avoid such a fate, meeting obligations with pipeline companies is becoming more difficult. The cloudy legality around how to get out of these contracts is creating uncertainty not just for drillers, but also for pipeline companies. The latest decision on Sabine Oil & Gas will do little to remove that uncertainty.

  • "Are You Not Entertained" By This Close: Dow Back At 17K After Last Minute VIX Slam

    Seriously!!!! That Close!!!


    Your day in the "market"…


    The "stable" oil market…


    Following yesterday's noisy drop, today was the echo with a noisy choppy low volume rally as Oil sparked the momentum in the pre-open, but stocks decoupled lower from both JPY and Oil (smashed lower on weak wholesale trade data and a realization that US crude production rose)…


    Trannies outperformed as The Dow couldn't get too far away from unch… and then everyone panicced to buy at the close..


    On the week, The Dow clung to unchanged thanks to the panic close, but Trannies lag…


    No bounce at all in financials – even as Treasury yields rose – but energy obviously bounced (even though energy credit risk rose 6bps to 1262bps)


    Today saw two legs down – the first from a delayed reaction to the fact that crude production rose in the US and the second as Carson Block commented on the "dead cat bounce" – all that mattered today was defending the short-squeeeze trendline at 1980… What a total f##king joke that close was…


    And the ramp was all about getting The Dow above 17000!!!


    But VIX remains totally decoupled once again from global financial stress…


    Treasury yields rose all day pushing all but 30Y higher for the week…with Fischer's inflation sightings the catalyst


    Notably the USD Index tumbled as US Inventories data hit – pointing clearly at recessionary pressures building. But JPY plunged…


    Crude was the day's big winner for absolutely no good reason, PMs were modestly lower and copper gained back half of yesterday'slosses…


    Gold was triple-slammed overnight… but bounced back…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • "Some Folks Were Test-Firing Nuclear Missiles…"

    Hillary Clinton is “deeply concerned” about Iran’s missile tests, but President Obama proclaims this act does not violate the treaty? With The White House today saying it will “redouble” its efforts to limit Iran’s nuclear ability and noting that the US wouldn’t be surprised to see more test-fires this week, we wonder just what it takes to “violate” the treaty?



    Of course, test-firing missiles in Iran is totally different from test-firing missiles in North Korea…

  • EIA Inventory Report and Oil Market Analysis 3 9 2016 (Video)

    By EconMatters

    Gasoline demand is driving the oil complex higher, relatively strong gasoline numbers on the refinery input side and the gasoline demand side of the equation. Brent should test $44 a barrel pretty soon, unless something dramatically happens that is unforeseen as of today.

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  • "Where's Our $100 Million?" – Furious Bangladesh Holds Fed Responsible For Historic Theft

    Someone at the New York Fed messed up.

    On February 5, Bill Dudley was “penetrated” when “hackers” (of supposed Chinese origin) stole $100 million from accounts belonging to the Bangladesh central bank.

    As we reported on Tuesday, the money was apparently channeled to the Philippines where it was sold on the black market and funneled to “local casinos” (to quote AFP). After the casino laundering, it was sent back to the same black market FX broker who promptly moved it to “overseas accounts within days.”

    Obviously, that’s hilarious, not to mention extremely embarrassing for the NY Fed. Here’s what the Fed had to say yesterday about the “mishap”:


    Right. Someone in the Philippines requested $100 million through SWIFT from Bangladesh’s FX reserves. Nothing suspicious about that.

    “Some 250 central banks, governments, and other institutions have foreign accounts at the New York Fed, which is near the centre of the global financial system,” Reuters notes. “The accounts hold mostly U.S. Treasuries and agency debt, and requests for funds arrive and are authenticated by a so-called SWIFT network that connects banks.”

    Well, as it turns out, Bangladesh doesn’t agree that the Fed isn’t ultimately culpable.

    “We kept money with the Federal Reserve Bank and irregularities must be with the people who handle the funds there,” Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith said on Wednesday.

    It can’t be that they don’t have any responsibility,” he said, incredulous.

    Oh yes it can, Mr. Muhith. Because you are Bangladesh and you are dealing with the NY Fed, a thoroughly corrupt institution which can do and say whatever it wants. If you think anyone at 33 Liberty cares about a lousy $100 million that went missing from the account of a country that most Americans only know exists because they checked the care label on their laundry, you are sorely mistaken. To wit, from Bloomberg:

    A Federal Reserve Bank of New York spokeswoman said on Monday there was no sign its systems had been hacked after Bangladesh Bank reported the missing funds.


    There is no evidence that any Fed systems were compromised, the spokeswoman said.

    Well, yes, there is “evidence that Fed systems were compromised” because $100 million was stolen from Bangladesh and the money ended up in Philippine casinos. 

    Muhith plans to seek legal recourse to recover the funds, although it wasn’t immediately clear who he’ll target, the “Chinese” hackers, the Philippine black market FX brokers, or Bill Dudley. 

    In any event, the Fed is sticking with its story. There was no “penetration.” 

    “To date, there is no evidence of any attempt to penetrate Federal Reserve systems.” 

    *  *  *

    From Bangladesh Bank’s statement

    It has been possible to recover a portion of the amount ‘hacked’ from Bangladesh Bank’s reserve account in the United States.

    Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit is engaged with the Philippines’ anti-money laundering authority to trace the destination of the remaining amount and recover the same.

    In the meantime, the Philippines’ anti-money-laundering authority filed case in that country and obtained court order to freeze the concerned bank accounts.

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Today’s News 9th March 2016

  • The Financial System Is A Larger Threat Than Terrorism

    Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

    In the 21st century Americans have been distracted by the hyper-expensive “war on terror.” Trillions of dollars have been added to the taxpayers’ burden and many billions of dollars in profits to the military/security complex in order to combat insignificant foreign “threats,” such as the Taliban, that remain undefeated after 15 years. All this time the financial system, working hand-in-hand with policymakers, has done more damage to Americans than terrorists could possibly inflict.

    The purpose of the Federal Reserve and US Treasury’s policy of zero interest rates is to support the prices of the over-leveraged and fraudulent financial instruments that unregulated financial systems always create. If inflation was properly measured, these zero rates would be negative rates, which means not only that retirees have no income from their retirement savings but also that saving is a losing proposition. Instead of earning interest on your savings, you pay interest that shrinks the real value of your saving.

    Central banks, neoliberal economists, and the presstitute financial media advocate negative interest rates in order to force people to spend instead of save. The notion is that the economy’s poor economic performance is not due to the failure of economic policy but to people hoarding their money. The Federal Reserve and its coterie of economists and presstitutes maintain the fiction of too much savings despite the publication of the Federal Reserve’s own report that 52% of Americans cannot raise $400 without selling personal possessions or borrowing the money

    Negative interest rates, which have been introduced in some countries such as Switzerland and threatened in other countries, have caused people to avoid the tax on bank deposits by withdrawing their savings from banks in large denomination bills. In Switzerland, for example, demand for the 1,000 franc bill (about $1,000) has increased sharply. These large denomination bills now account for 60% of the Swiss currency in circulation.

    The response of depositors to negative interest rates has resulted in neoliberal economists, such as Larry Summers, calling for the elimination of large denomination bank notes in order to make it difficult for people to keep their cash balances outside of banks.

    Other neoliberal economists, such as Kenneth Rogoff want to eliminate cash altogether and have only electronic money. Electronic money cannot be removed from bank deposits except by spending it. With electronic money as the only money, financial institutions can use negative interest rates in order to steal the savings of their depositors.

    People would attempt to resort to gold, silver, and forms of private money, but other methods of payment and saving would be banned, and government would conduct sting operations in order to suppress evasions of electronic money with stiff penalties.

    What this picture shows is that government, economists, and presstitutes are allied against citizens achieving any financial independence from personal saving. Policymakers have a crackpot economic policy and those with control over your life value their scheme more than they value your welfare.

    This is the fate of people in the so-called democracies. Any remaining control that they have over their lives is being taken away. Governments serve a few powerful interest groups whose agendas result in the destruction of the host economies. The offshoring of middle class jobs transfers income and wealth from the middle class to the executives and owners of the corporation, but it also kills the domestic consumer market for the offshored goods and services. As Michael Hudson writes, it kills the host. The financialization of the economy also kills the host and the owners of corporations as well. When corporate executives borrow from banks in order to boost share prices and their performance bonuses by buying back the publicly held stock of the corporations, future profits are converted into interest payments to banks. The future income streams of the corporations are financialized. If the future income streams fail, the companies can be foreclosed, like homeowners, and the banks become the owners of the corporations.

    Between the offshoring of jobs and the conversion of more and more income streams into payments to banks, less and less is available to be spent on goods and services. Thus, the economy fails to grow and falls into long-term decline. Today many Americans can only pay the minimum payment on their credit card balance. The result is massive growth in a balance that can never be paid off. It is these people who are the least able to service debt who are hit with draconian charges. The way the credit card companies have it now, if you make one late payment or your payment is returned by your bank, you are hit for the next six months with a Penalty Annual Percentage Rate of 29.49%.

    In Europe entire countries are being foreclosed. Greece and Portugal have been forced into liquidation of national assets and the social security systems. So many women have been forced into poverty and prostitution that the hourly price of a prostitute has been driven down to $4.12.

    Throughout the Western world the financial system has become an exploiter of the people and a deadweight loss on economies. There are only two possible solutions. One is to break the large banks up into smaller and local entities such as existed prior to the concentration that deregulation fostered. The other is to nationalize them and operate them solely in the interest of the general welfare of the population.

    The banks are too powerful currently for either solution to occur. But the greed, fraud, and self-serving behavior of Western financial systems, aided and abeted by governments, could be leading to such a breakdown of economic life that the idea of a private financial system will become as abhorent in the future as Nazism is today.

  • Sweden Warns Women Not To Go Out Alone After Dark: "This Is Serious"

    As you might have noticed, Europe is falling apart.

    Some manner of ambiguous “deal” with the Turks notwithstanding, the EU is going to collapse under the weight of the millions of asylum seekers that have inundated the bloc over the past 12 months.

    At this juncture, the so-called Balkan Route has for all intents and purposes been closed (Angela Merkel’s protestations aside). This has left Greece in a terribly precarious situation. Tens of thousands of migrants are stuck now that Macedonia has sealed its borders, and barring some kind of dramatic breakthrough, Alexis Tsipras is going to watch as his country descends into chaos for the second time in 18 months.

    But while multiple countries have now suspended the bloc’s beloved Schengen in an effort to “stop the madness,” as it were, it’s too late to stop the chaos. As we’ve documented extensively, Europe was remarkably resilient in the wake of the Paris attacks, but after New Year’s Eve, when (rightly or wrongly) adult male Mid-East asylum seekers garnered a reputation for sexual assault, sentiment soured. Markedly.

    Since then, the entirety of the EU has been on high alert. Not for terrorists, but for sexual predators of “foreign origin.”

    One particularly divisive issue is the extent to which officials have tended to “blame the victim”, so to speak. For instance, Cologne mayor Henriette Reker drew sharp criticism for suggesting that it was German womens’ duty to prevent assaults by keeping would-be assailants “at arm’s length.”

    Then there was the now infamous case of the 17-year-old Danish girl who faced a fine from police after she allegedly used “illegal” pepper spray to deter an attacker.

    Well, in the latest example of authorities suggesting that Europeans should adapt to threats rather than compelling authorities to protect citizens, police in Östersund advised women not to walk around by themselves at night, during at press conference on Monday.

    “Women in a town in northern Sweden have been warned not to walk alone at night in the wake of a spike in violent assaults and attempted rapes,” The Daily Mail writes. “Police in Östersund made the unusual move to ask women not to go out unaccompanied after dark, after reports of eight brutal attacks, some by ‘men of foreign appearance’, in just over two weeks.” Here’s more:

    It is extremely unusual for Swedish authorities to make such warnings, and it has not been well received in Sweden, a country proud of its progress in gender equality and women’s rights.


    All incidents have taken place in Östersund since the 20th of February, and involved outdoor attacks where the perpetrators have been unknown to their female victims.



    A police spokesperson added that in addition to the increased frequency, the attacks are also conspicuous as – despite being carried out late at night – none of the perpetrators were drunk.

    Yes, sober potential rapists! Now that is alarming. 

    “What stands out is also that none of these perpetrators have been under the influence,” regional police chief Stephen Jerand told Sveriges Television.

    No, Stephen, what “stands out” is that there are gangs of men raping unaccompanied women in the streets of Östersund. Whether they are drunk or not is entirely irrelevant.

    In any event, Swedes weren’t happy with the suggestion that women should stay off the streets at night. Here’s The Local

    The force’s recommendation that women should avoid being alone at night swiftly prompted criticism in Sweden, a nation that prides itself on promoting gender equality.


    “The solution can never be to not go out because of such a warning. We have very many women who work in home and social care at night for example. What are they supposed to do?” the city’s mayor Ann-Sofie Andersson told Swedish broadcaster SVT.


    The politician, who represents the government’s Social Democrat party at a regional level, said she wished police had told her about their intentions before issuing the warning.


    “It’s wrong if it calls on women to adapt to the criminals. It risks leading people the wrong way, if the victims must adapt to the perpetrators,” he said.

    Fair enough, but police say their warning was taken out of context. 

    “We are not limiting anyone’s freedom. This is purely factual information,” the police chief told the TT news agency. “This is serious, we care about the protection of women and that is why we are going out and talking about this.”

    Essentially, the police are admitting that they are essentially powerless to stop this. Is it better that they come clean and warn the populace or pretend that they can protect the citizenry when they in fact cannot?

    And who here, ultimately, is at fault? It’s certainly not the Swedes and it’s probably not the Östersund police who can’t possibly be expected to cope, on short notice, with what’s happening to the country. You could fault Angela Merkel for adopting the “open-door” mirgrant policy, but really, if you want to trace the roots, you might want to ask yourself who destabilized Syria in the first place…

  • Trump Wins Michigan Primary; Hillary In Close Race

    Update: Donald Trump is projected to win the key Michigan primary on top of his triumph in Mississippi. 

    *  *  *

    Frontrunners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will both face fresh tests on Tuesday, in their respective quests for their party’s presidential nomination.

    Trump put on a respectable, if less spectacular performance on Saturday, prevailing in Louisiana and Kentucky but falling to Ted Cruz in Kansas and Maine. As Bloomberg writes, “Trump’s victories also were narrower than polling had indicated, suggesting that attacks on his crude language and ill-defined policies from 2012 nominee Mitt Romney and others could be having an impact.”


    Or it could simply “suggest” polling error or the simple fact that blowing the field away by 20 points in every state simply isn’t realistic – even for a tycoon juggernaut with a groundswell of popular support and a “great head of hair.” Or, as The New York Times puts it, devoid of our trademark humor, “it is not clear whether he struggled to win because he had lost ground or because anti-Trump voters had consolidated around Mr. Cruz. [because] Mr. Trump’s share of the vote on Saturday was roughly in line with what he had won on Super Tuesday.”

    In any event, Trump still holds a commanding lead going into contests to be held today in Michigan, Mississippi, Idaho, and Hawaii. Here’s what the delegate count looks like currently:

    As the Democrats head into contests in Mississippi and Michigan, here’s how the delegates shape up:

    Make no mistake, Michigan is the biggest prize for both parties today.

    A Monmouth University poll shows Trump with a commanding 36-23% lead over Cruz, who is urging GOP voters to back him as he is now the only candidate capable of derailing The Donald. “It’s easy to talk about making America great again. You can even print that on a baseball cap, but the critical question is, do you understand the principles and values that made America great in the first place?” Cruz asked last night, at a rally.

    But Trump’s support among the white working class who feel left out in the cold by outsourcing and the inexorable decline of the American manufacturing sector will likely carry the day for the billionaire.

    (Trump speaks in Michigan last Friday)

    “Trump appeals especially to the blue-collar voters in areas such as Macomb County north of Detroit, home of automotive plants and parts supplies and mostly white, union-member voters,” Stu Sandler, a Republican consultant from Ann Arbor who is not affiliated with any of the candidates, told Bloomberg. “Donald Trump’s campaign has fixed like a laser on working-class voters, and I think it’s really paid off,” he said.

    For his part, John Kasich needs to perform well. “He has staked his presidential campaign on winning his home state, and Michigan’s industrial base and working-class roots bear similarities to the Buckeye State,” Bloomberg notes. “Kasich is betting that a strong finish in Michigan, followed by a victory a week later in Ohio with its 66 delegates, will prevent Trump from getting the needed delegates and start a new phase of the campaign.”

    Make no mistake folks, that’s a pipe dream.

    Here’s an aggregated poll from RealClearPolitics:

    On the Democratic side of the coin, Hillary is 13 points ahead of “The Bern” in Michigan. “On paper, Michigan should be a good state for Mr. Sanders,” The New York Times notes, explaining that it’s “a white, working-class state that has been ravaged by outsourcing and ought to be receptive to Mr. Sanders’s message on economic issues.”

    “It is also a fairly liberal state, with big college towns like Ann Arbor and Lansing,” The Times adds. But Sanders will need a dramatic come from behind win. Clinton is once again dominate when it comes to the African American vote and the elderly in Michigan clearly aren’t “feeling The Bern” either. Here’s the breakdown from Monmouth:

    Hillary Clinton currently holds a 55% to 42% lead over Bernie Sanders in the Michigan Democratic primary. Clinton enjoys a solid edge among non-white voters (68% to 27%), who make up more than one-fourth of the likely electorate. Clinton (49%) and Sanders (48%) are virtually tied among white voters. Clinton has a 57% to 40% lead among voters who earn less than $50,000 a year, and a 54% to 42% lead among those who earn $50,000 or more. Sanders holds a solid lead (58% to 39%) among voters under the age of 50, but this is offset by Clinton’s more than 2-to-1 advantage among voters age 50 and older (65% to 31%).

    As far as Sanders’ attempt to tie Hillary to trade deals that have cost Michigan manufacturing jobs, the former Secretary of State has proven to be teflon. “You would think that it would be a fertile issue in Michigan,” said the publisher of Inside Michigan Politics. “But it seems that Democrats are willing to give Clinton a pass on it.”

    (fear the blue pantsuit)

    As an aside, it seems like Clinton “gets a pass” on quite a bit. 

    In any event, Michigan polls close at 8 p.m. local time. Stay tuned here for live coverage and the results, which we suspect will show a thorough “schlogning” on the GOP side and a rather decisive “burn” for “The Bern” on the Democratic ticket.

  • The 'Market State' Prediction Went Terribly Wrong

    Submitted by Richard Fernandez via,

    Immediately after legal scholar Philip Bobbitt tried to explain the history and future of the State in his book The Shield of Achilles, a brief intellectual storm swept the non-American Anglosphere as intellectuals pored over it as a guide to a world made murky by September 11, 2001. "The Shield of Achilles generated much interest in the diplomatic and political community. Public officials who follow Bobbitt's works include the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair; the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, who built his Dimbleby Lecture around Bobbitt's thesis; and the former Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, who referred to Bobbit's book in a 2004 address to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute."

    September 11, 2001 was a memento mori moment for a civilization which had almost come to believe it was chosen to be the End of History.  In that uncertain time much store was laid on Bobbitt's concept of the "Market State" which he predicted would succeed the Nation State.   For an Anglosphere bewildered by a storm, the idea of a chart proved irresistibly attractive.  Bobbit explained the future evolution of the State as follows:

    "The simple difference between the two is that the nation state derives its power through its promise to improve its citizens' material wellbeing, while the market state is legitimised through its promise to maximise its citizens' opportunities." Or to put it another way, where the nation state – be it fascist, communist or democratic – is highly centralized, the market state is fragmented and is run by outsourcing its powers to transnational, privatized organisations.

    While the Nation State was focused on defending territory and nationality the Market State would be concerned with preserving a portable bundle of opportunities and rights its 'citizens' could use anywhere in a transnational world. In Bobbitt's elegant prose, "the threat to the state lay primarily in the unrealized domain of its ideals … the security of the state depended on the security of the larger system and if the latter were infused with the ideals of the triumphant liberal democracies, the security of the democracies and of the system as a whole was assured."

    The State had to transcend itself to survive.  Australian intelligence analyst Paul Monk correctly characterized the shift as enlarging and at the same time diminishing the role of the traditional state:

    A nation state is a state defined by sovereignty within territorial borders, the defense of those borders by means of deterrence or retaliation for violation of them, and a public policy of large-scale social security for the population within those borders.

    A market state, by comparison, is defined by constitutional, economic and strategic adaptation to a world in which the claims of human rights, the reach of weapons of mass destruction, the proliferation of transnational threats to security and well-being, and the emergence of global capital markets that ignore borders, curtailing the power of states to control their own economies; while the development of telecommunications networks that likewise ignore borders, serves to undermine national languages, customs, cultures and regimes.

    The problem was that in the intervening years the Market State prediction went — or has seemed to go — terribly wrong.  As recent events painfully illustrate, we're not getting warmer.  The search is getting colder. In a recent article in the New Statesman Bobbitt  admitted:

    It wasn’t supposed to be like this. … It was generally expected that [the triumph of liberal democracy] would, in Henry Kissinger’s words, “automatically create a just, peaceful and inclusive world” …

    How far we have come since those words were written. The international order that so confidently expanded the G8 to the G20, that continued the enlargement of the European Union to 28 member states, that brought about the first democratic elections in Iraq and Afghanistan despite harrowing terrorist intimidation, that increased the membership of Nato to include not only former members of the Warsaw Pact but even the Baltic states that had been part of the Soviet Union, and that created the Association of South-East Asian Nations and brought China into the World Trade Organisation is now shuddering and fragmenting. …

    Now, Henry Kissinger has concluded, “The state itself is under threat.”

    What happened to the progression to the Market State?  Most alarmingly the greatest threats appeared to come from obsolete forms given unnatural vitality by modern technology.  The international order is being challenged by "national, ethnocultural groups", even by entities categorized not by "nationality but by religion".   It is as if we had gone backward in time.  An Internet-powered ISIS, a WMD enhanced North Korea, an unpredictably hybridized Russia arose as Frankenstein forces that international system could neither explain nor contain.

    This suggested something was seriously wrong with the paradigm.   A resurgent nationalism rose from the graveyard of history where it had been interred by the globalized, multicultural world. Vladimir Putin reinvented himself as a Russian nationalist, not a born-again Communist in a world where socialism was in vogue only on Western campuses. Like Wrong Way Corrigan Europe was building a borderless Schengen regime all the way until the moment it was collapsed by a tide of refugees.

    With the UK on the verge of leaving the European Union in order to return governance of Britain to Britons, it is the political elites who seem seriously out of touch. In America the surprising ascendancy of Trump so traumatized the political establishment that Anne Applebaum gloomily asked in the Washington Post: "is this the end of the West as we know it?"

    Right now, we are two or three bad elections away from the end of NATO, the end of the European Union and maybe the end of the liberal world order as we know it. …

    In the United States, we are faced with the real possibility of Republican Party presidential nominee Donald Trump … A year from now, France also holds a presidential election. One of the front-runners, Marine Le Pen of the National Front, has promised to leave both NATO and the E.U. , to nationalize French companies and to restrict foreign investors. ….


    Britain may also be halfway out the door. In June, the British vote in a referendum to leave the E.U. Right now, the vote is too close to call — and if the “leave” vote prevails, then, as I’ve written, all bets are off. Copycat referendums may follow in other E.U. countries too. Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, sometimes speaks of leaving the West in favor of a strategic alliance with Istanbul or Moscow.

    "It wasn’t supposed to be like this," Bobbitt wrote.  But if so, why did the State fail to transition into the Market State?  The key fallacy may lie in his belief that the market state would work to "maximize its citizens' opportunities."  This belief rests on the unsupported assumption that such State would continue to act as the faithful agent of its citizens.  Yet once a State has been relieved of what Paul Monk called the duty to maintain "sovereignty within territorial borders … and a public policy of large-scale social security for the population within those borders" it acquires a rival claim to its services: the World.

    "World leaders" no longer work only for their own countries, but for the World.  Politicians like the Prime Minister of Greece suddenly find themselves working for "global capital markets that ignore borders", faceless bureaucrats in Brussels and accountable to a bewildering plethora of G's — G8, G20, etc — not to mention a United Nations and a United Europe.

    In retrospect the idea that an increasingly internationalized political elite would automatically remain faithful agents of their own populations should have rung alarm bells.  Although much has been made of the security violations of Hillary Clinton's private email system, its true value is as a record of how the Clinton's constituency grew beyond the borders of America.  It is not for nothing that the Clinton Foundation is also known as the Clinton Global Initiative.  It has received money from 20 foreign governments.

    A world where Angela Merkel feels compelled to accept millions of migrants for Europe even to the detriment of Germany and where president Obama feels he can sign major international treaties with Iran without reference to Congress is an unstable world locked in a game that is no longer transparent.  Who do politicians work for?  It creates a world of dubious loyalties and unpredictable coalitions.

    If the obvious conflict of interest has been ignored by the politicians, it has not been lost on the voters.  Many plainly sense what economists call an principal-agent problem, which may be the source of the current voter revolt.  Bobbitt comes near to identifying one of the causes of Market State failure when he observes that President Obama saw the ISIS problem from the standpoint of the international system rather than as president of the United States.

    In an interview in 2014, he described his vision of a new geopolitical balance of power in the region. “It would be profoundly in the interest of citizens throughout the region if . . . you could see an equilibrium developing between Sunni, or predominantly Sunni, Gulf states and Iran . . . If you can start unwinding some of [the distrust among the states of the region], that creates a new equilibrium. And so I think each individual piece of the puzzle is meant to paint a picture in which conflicts and competition still exist in the region but that it is contained.”

    What Obama did by putting "the interest of citizens throughout the region" in the forefront was unconsciously subordinate the claims of principal, the American people. Bobbitt notes, "it was only after "the San Bernardino killings in December 2015, [that] Obama acknowledged in a televised address to the nation that the US was at war, a concession he must have made with some reluctance."

    But Bobbitt has not taken his insight to its logical conclusion.  Obama's reluctance to recognize a threat to his country represents an unnatural state of affairs. The efficient cause of the current crisis lay in breaking the former chain of political accountability without replacing it with another.  If there is any truth to Anne Applebaum's belief that "we are two or three bad elections away from the end of NATO, the end of the European Union and maybe the end of the liberal world order as we know it," it must be that the fuse was lit before Trump; perhaps in 2008 or earlier.

    The fate of the State depends as much on principal/agent considerations as much as on Bobbit's duality of strategy and law.

  • Gold ETF Holdings Rise For Record 40 Straight Days

    Yesterday marked the 40th day in a row that total known holdings of Gold in ETFs rose. Not since January 6th has the precious metal seen a reduction in holdings. This is the longest streak of increased holdings since ETFs were born…


    It seems, despite exuberant equity bounces, reassurance about the awesomeness of the “jobs” recovery, and Fed confidence-inspiring jawboning that more than a handful of ‘goldbugs’ are hoarding the pet rock.


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Bernie vs. Ron Paul: There's No Comparison

    Submitted by Llewellyn Rockwell via The Mises Institute,

    Super Tuesday may have been the beginning of the end for the Bernie Sanders campaign, but the ideas that propelled it are likely to linger for quite some time. With some writers comparing Bernie to Ron Paul (not in terms of economics and philosophy, of course, but as insurgent candidates), now seemed like an opportune moment to examine the Sanders message and legacy, and compare it to Ron’s.

    Like Ron, Bernie surprised all the pundits with his fundraising, polling, and electoral success. In fact, so successful has Sanders been that Hillary Clinton has been reduced to a pathetic and unconvincing “me, too” campaign — I can be just like Bernie, if that’s what you rubes want!

    Bernie has gained a lot of traction from his complaints that Hillary is in the tank for Wall Street and the big banks. He’s likewise pointed to the six-figure honoraria Hillary has earned from speeches given to the big banks.

    The best the now-hapless Bill Clinton could do in reply was to note that Bernie, too, had been paid to give speeches. Technically, Bill was right. Bernie had earned money from public speaking: a whopping $1,800 over the course of a year. The year before that, Bernie had earned $1,300 from public speaking. All of this money was donated to charity, as is the requirement for US senators.

    It’s true that Bernie is better than Hillary on foreign policy, but in keeping with Rothbard’s Law — everyone concentrates in the area in which he is worst — Bernie speaks very little about issues of war and peace. And even there, consistency and principle are elusive: he supported Bill Clinton’s bombing of Serbia over Kosovo, an act of terror based on propaganda that rivaled anything George W. Bush ever peddled. Sanders favors the ongoing drone campaigns, too, and even supported the F-35, one of the biggest boondoggles in the Pentagon’s long and sorry history.

    Bernie’s primary legacy will be to have resuscitated the idea of socialism in the minds of many Americans. It is a very confused socialism, to be sure. The young people who follow Bernie can’t even seem to define socialism, according to recent surveys. And in fact Bernie’s economics is really just a hyper-Keynesianism rather than out-and-out socialism. But by suggesting that the Scandinavian countries constitute a model that the United States should emulate, he has encouraged the idea that only large-scale, systemic change in the direction of vastly increased government power can produce the kind of society Americans want.

    Capitalism ought to be our default position, since it conforms to the basic moral insights we acquired in our youth: keep your word, live up to your agreements, don’t take what doesn’t belong to you, and do not cause anyone physical harm.

    But thanks to years of propaganda to the contrary, socialism has come to appear to many people as not simply a morally plausible position but clearly and obviously desirable and superior to the capitalist alternative. The free market, they are convinced from what they recall from their elementary school textbooks, leads to “monopoly” and oppression.

    Bernie speaks as if the system is rigged against the people because of business influence in government — a fair enough point, as far as it goes — but it’s hard to take this criticism seriously when his proposed solution is to extend the influence of politics over more and more areas of life and increase the powers and scope of the very government he is supposed to be criticizing.

    The Sanders narrative is rooted in two major historical claims, both of them dead wrong.

    First, Sanders believes “capitalism” was to blame for the 2008 crash. But as readers know, that downturn, like the Great Depression before it, was preceded by years of Federal Reserve credit expansion. According to the Austrian theory of the business cycle, the artificial lowering of interest rates below free-market levels sets in motion an unsustainable economic boom. The economy is set on a path that could be sustained only if real resource availability were greater than it really is. Eventually, when real savings and resources turn out not to exist in the abundance that the Fed’s interventions misled people into expecting, projects have to be abandoned and the phony prosperity becomes real recession.

    Sanders supporters will no doubt point to the great number of bad mortgages originated by private lenders. But would these mortgage loans have been extended in the first place if institutions like Countrywide couldn’t sell them to the government-privileged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Fannie and Freddie enjoyed special tax and regulatory advantages and had a special line of credit from the US Treasury — a line of credit everyone knew would be essentially limitless if push ever came to shove.

    It was the perfect storm: the Fed’s crazed monetary policy injected huge quantities of additional credit circulating throughout the economy, and the federal government’s various mandates and regulations made real estate an artificially attractive outlet for all that new money. When this ramshackle edifice came crashing down, capitalism — which, in the midst of all this money creation and regulatory lunacy, had never been tried — took the blame.

    Indeed, what could be intellectually easier than blaming the “free market” for a phenomenon a critic doesn’t understand? Ron Paul, on the other hand, never tired in his own presidential campaigns of going beyond surface explanations to account for what really happened in the disaster of ’08, and identify who the real culprits were.

    The other part of the Sanders story — Scandinavia — is shallow and misleading, too.

    In fact, Denmark’s own prime minister, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, finally had to correct the Vermont senator’s references to his country as “socialist.” “I would like to make one thing clear,” Rasmussen said. “Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.”

    Still, there’s no question Denmark has a large public sector. And it’s starting to suck the life out of the place. Denmark’s various benefits subsidize idleness to an absurd and unmanageable degree. In the country’s 98 municipalities, guess how many have a majority of residents working. If you answered three, you know far more about Denmark than Bernie and his supporters do.

    It’s a similar story in the rest of Scandinavia. For instance, Sweden’s welfare state was able to develop only because of the wealth created by decades and decades of a prosperous market economy. Private-sector job creation was anemic to nonexistent in the decades following the radical expansion of the Swedish welfare state. And as for Norway, there are lots of “free” things there, it’s true — if you’re prepared to pay a 75 percent effective tax rate.

    The comparison of Bernie to Ron goes like this: both launched insurgent, anti-establishment presidential campaigns while in their 70s, shook up their respective party establishments, and attracted large youth followings. But Bernie is no Ron.

    Just on the surface: Bernie is a grump and difficult to work with; Ron is a kindhearted gentleman who always showed his appreciation for the people in his office.

    More importantly, Ron urged his followers to read and learn. Countless high school and college students began reading dense and difficult treatises in economics and political philosophy because Ron encouraged them to. Bernie’s followers receive no such encouragement. And why should they? Bernie’s platform merely regurgitates the fallacies and prejudices his young followers already imbibed in school. What more is there to read?

    Ron’s followers, meanwhile, were curious enough to dig beneath the surface. Is the state really a benign institution that can costlessly provide us whatever we might demand? Or might there be moral, economic, and political factors standing in the way of these utopian dreams?

    Bernie’s supporters demand material things for themselves, to be handed to them at the expense of strangers they have been taught to despise. But like Ron himself — who as an OB/GYN opposed restrictions on midwives even though doing so was not in his material interest — the young Paulians embraced the message of liberty without a thought for material advantage.

    It’s not hard to cultivate a raving band of people demanding other people’s things. Such appeals arouse the basest aspects of our nature, and will always attract a crowd. It’s very hard, on the other hand, to build up an army of young people intellectually curious enough to read serious books and consider ideas that go beyond the conventional wisdom they learned in school about government and market. It’s hard to build up a movement of people whose moral sense is developed enough to recognize that barking demands and enforcing them with the state’s gun is the behavior of a thug, not a civilized person. And it’s hard to persuade people of the counter-intuitive idea that society runs better and individuals are more prosperous when no one is “in charge” at all.

    Yet Ron accomplished all these things. And that is why, when we position the Vermont senator against the Texas congressman, Ron’s achievement is so much greater and more historic.

  • Who Makes What?

    From Bahamian crawfish to Mexican shoes, and from Argentine soybeans to Ethiopian coffee, the world makes (and trades) in far more than just crude oil and petroleum products. However, given the current deflationary world, it is very notable how many countries in the world are dependent on commodities as the primary source of foreign income.

    The following map of the world shows each country’s major export…

    Source: BofA

  • Hillary's Scary New Cash Tax

    Submitted by Brian Hunt via,

    Have you heard of “negative interest rates”?

    It’s become a phenomenon with economists and the media.

    There’s a good chance you’ve read an article about it. We’ve covered it many times in the Dispatch.

    I’m writing to tell you something about negative interest rates you haven’t heard. You certainly won’t hear about it in the mainstream press.

    What’s coming at you is a historic event. It’s something our grandchildren will hear stories about…much like the Great Depression or the Cold War.

    What’s coming could send the price of gold much higher in the coming years…and hand gold stock owners 500%+ gains.

    If you know what’s coming, it could mean the difference between having lots of free cash in retirement or barely getting by.

    To understand the gravity of this moment, let’s cover one of the most bizarre ideas in the world…

    negative interest rates.

    In a normal world, your bank pays you interest on your savings. It takes your money, pools it with other people’s money and loans it out.

    The bank makes money by paying out less in interest on your deposit than it earns in interest from borrowers.

    For example, it might pay out 3% to depositors while earning 6% from borrowers.

    This is how it has worked for decades.

    Negative interest rates turn your “normal” bank account upside down.

    Negative interest rates could only exist in a crazy world where idiot politicians are in control.

    Unfortunately, that’s just what we’re dealing with right now.

    Politicians all over the world are ordering banks to charge depositors (you) a fee for storing cash.

    It’s a perversion of saving. It’s a perversion of capitalism. It’s a perversion of planning for the future.

    And it’s going to result in disaster.

    Politicians think that by making it unattractive for you to keep money in the bank, you’ll save less money. Instead, you’ll spend more money on things like smartphones and cars. You’ll invest in things like stocks and real estate.

    This would “stimulate” the economy.

    This thinking is very, very wrong. No matter what the government does, it can’t force you to spend money. It can’t force you to make investments if you don’t see good opportunities.

    Forcing people to pay banks to hold their money is a tax. It is wealth confiscation for the digital age.

    The government and the mainstream press won’t dare call it a tax.

    But that’s exactly what it is.

    A negative interest rate policy is a tax.

    Any time you hear a politician, central banker or news anchor say “negative interest rates,” just think “TAX.”

    Think “TAX ON MY CASH.”

    I’ll say it again: negative interest rates are going to result in financial disaster.

    The coming disaster will wipe out many people.

    But you don’t have to be one them.

    I’ll explain how you can sidestep this disaster—and even make a lot of money as a result of it—in a moment.

    But let’s quickly cover one more thing about negative interest rates…

    The Ugly Twin Sister of Negative Interest Rates

    If the government makes it unattractive for you to keep cash in the bank, you can pull cash out of the bank. You can simply store it in a safe or under a mattress.

    Politicians know this.

    That’s why they’ve created another dangerous policy that works hand-in-glove with negative interest rates.

    That policy is banning cash.

    You see, if you pull your money out of the banking system and stuff it under the mattress, you aren’t doing what the government wants you to do.

    You’re not spending money or investing in stocks.

    This is a major reason why governments are banning large cash transactions and large denomination bills.

    They are fighting a War on Cash.

    In just the past few years…

    ***Spain banned cash transactions over 2,500 euros.

    ***Italy banned cash transactions over 1,000 euros.

    ***France banned cash transactions over 1,000 euros, down from the previous limit of 3,000 euros.

    And just a few weeks ago, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers called for a ban on the $100 bill!

    Historians aren’t surprised by Summers’ idea. Franklin Delano Roosevelt banned $500 and $1,000 bills in the 1930s.

    You can bet that Big Government types like Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will do the same thing in a financial emergency.

    By making it so difficult (or illegal) to buy and sell things with cash, the government wants to force people into the banking system. That way, it can monitor us and coerce us into whatever it wants…like paying outrageous new taxes.

    It’s all a dream come true for government central planners.

    The governments say these new currency laws are for fighting terrorism, money laundering and drugs.

    But the ultimate goal is control of society…and to confiscate the wealth of private citizens.

    As former Congressman Ron Paul said, “The cashless society is the IRS’s dream: total knowledge of, and control over, the finances of every single American.”

    Whether you agree with these regulations or not, the conclusion is obvious:

    By driving us more and more toward trackable digital payments, the government has made it much, much easier to confiscate our wealth.

    We’re like sheep that have been “herded” into a corral, ready for shearing.

    And Hillary Clinton and her Big Government cronies are holding the clippers.

    However, you don’t have to be sheared.

    You can avoid the shearing by learning how to navigate what will become the largest underground currency market in history.

    Hillary Doesn’t Want Your Gold. She Wants Your Cash.

    On April 5, 1933, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued one of the most controversial orders in U.S. history.

    It went by the name “Executive Order 6102.”

    Not one American in 1,000 knows about this order. But to this day, many experts consider it to be one of the most destructive acts in U.S. history.

    It violated sacred principles held by our founding fathers. It impoverished millions and confiscated the savings of honest, hardworking Americans.

    Executive Order 6102 made it illegal for private citizens to own gold. Citizens were ordered to turn in their gold to the government.

    Why would the government confiscate the wealth of private citizens?

    You can fill a book on the history surrounding Executive Order 6102. But in a nutshell, it was the act of a desperate government in the midst of a financial crisis.

    The government wanted the gold in order to increase the nation’s money supply. It believed an increase in the money supply would revive the struggling economy.

    Please review those last two paragraphs…

    An increase in the money supply…a struggling economy…a desperate government.

    Sound similar to what is happening right now?

    Since the answer to that question is “YES,” we have to ask another question…

    Could such a confiscation happen again?

    As the crisis develops, our deeply indebted government will act like a giant wounded beast, lashing out in all directions. It will grow more desperate for control. It will grow desperate for money.

    And just like FDR did in the 1930s, it will confiscate the wealth of private citizens.

    But Hillary Clinton (or Donald Trump, or whoever wins the election) won’t go after your gold.

    Nowadays, the gold market is very small compared to the overall economy.

    Going after gold would be too much work for the government.

    The government is going to go after YOUR CASH.

    It will regulate your cash. It will tax your cash. It will take your cash.

    This has all kinds of implications for banking and the economy.

    But here’s the most important thing you need to know as an investor:

    Negative interest rates and their partner, the War on Cash, will create a renewed interest in gold. This could cause gold to double or even triple in value.

    Even children know what the government is doing is crazy.

    And people aren’t going to take this lying down.

    Rather than participate in the government’s monetary farce, people will go underground.

    They will pull cash out of banks and hoard it in safe places. And they will seek the safety, anonymity and reliability of gold and silver.

    Gold and silver have served as money for centuries.

    Gold is the ultimate currency because it doesn’t rot or corrode…it is durable…easily divisible…portable…has intrinsic value…is consistent around the world…and it cannot be created from thin air. It cannot be debased by the government.

    By enforcing negative interest rates and fighting a War on Cash, the government will create a huge underground currency market.

    And the ultimate underground currency will be gold and its sister metal, silver.

    Gold is trading for around $1,260 an ounce right now.

    As the government blunders into a negative interest rate disaster, gold will likely rise 50%…100%…possibly even 200% higher.

    There’s an underground currency market coming to your neighborhood.

    If you own enough gold, you’ll be its king.

    If you don’t yet own gold, buy it now.

    If you own a lot of gold, buy more.

  • "War Is A Drug": Images From The Eerie Syrian Ceasefire

    Late last month, John Kerry and Sergei Lavrov celebrated a “temporary cessation of hostilities” in Syria.

    Obviously, the “ceasefire” didn’t include ISIS, but more critically for peace, it didn’t include al-Nusra either.

    Nusra is of course al-Qaeda’s Syrian arm, and what’s important to understand is that unlike ISIS, their positions are difficult to distinguish from those of the FSA and other rebel groups that are a party to the US-Russian agreement. As we noted late last month:

    “While the ISIS presence is concentrated in eastern Syria, al-Nusra has positions in Aleppo City, the Jabal Turkman region of Northeastern Latakia, the Jabal Zawiya region in Southern Idlib Province, and the Quneitra Province along the Golan Heights. Just to name a few. That effectively means Russia can bomb anywhere along the country’s urban backbone in the west and claim to be targeting the group.”

    By all accounts, that fact alone should have made the ceasefire a no-go but relatively speaking (and when it comes to ceasefires, it’s all “relative” in Syria) things actually haven’t gone so badly. Sure, more than 200 people have reportedly been killed, but according to “sources” (and we use that term very loosely because it almost always refers to one guy in London) Sunday was the “calmest” day yet, with “only” 14 people killed.

    While we’re certain (and saddened) that hostilities will resume anew in relatively short order, we found the following images from the ceasefire to be interesting if only for the degree to which some fighters seem bored – almost dejected – at the lack of violence.

    “War”, as Chris Hedges famously wrote, “is a drug.”

    *  *  * 

    “I learned early on that war forms its own culture. The rush of battle is a potent and often lethal addiction. Many of us, restless and unfulfilled, see no supreme worth in our lives. We want more out of life. And war, at least, gives a sense that we can rise above our smallness and divisiveness.”

  • API Oil Report Relatively Good for This Time of Year (Video)

    By EconMatters

    The API Report Much Better than Expected. The EIA Report will be out tomorrow, focus on the U.S. Production Number – the most important element of the report. How many more EIA Reports until we break the 9 Million Barrel per day threshold in U.S. Oil Production.

    © EconMatters All Rights Reserved | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Email Digest | Kindle  

  • India Gold Imports Strong Despite Government's Perpetual Obstruction

    Submitted by Koos Jansen via,

    While India’s gross gold bullion import in 2015 reached the third highest amount ever at 947 tonnes and gross silver bullion import reached the highest amount ever at 8,504 tonnes, the Indian government is perpetually trying to obstruct the populace from protecting their wealth.

    Last week I was going through gold and silver trade data released by the Indian Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCIS) and observed strong import of precious metals in 2015. At the same time I was reading the documents, news came out that stated the Indian government was to implement extra rules to hinder its people from buying gold. In my view, the situation in India is another perfect example of a government’s nonsensical fight against the economic tide. Central banks do it all time don’t they?

    In an ongoing failure to understand what capitalism is about, the Indian government continues to “disagree” with its citizenry where savings should be placed. Whenever the Indian people increase gold purchases to secure their financial wellbeing, the government is keen to find new tactics to suppress this free market expression. The government aims the country’s wealth to be where it suits them – in the fiat currency they issue and control, but the populace believes fiat currency is inherently vulnerable and chooses physical gold for its long-term wealth preservation. It seems the more the Indian rulers resist private gold demand, the stronger the forces they’re fighting become. As we’ll see below, most undertakings by the government to keep its people from buying gold have been in vain.

    First, let’s have a look at an overview of all the measures undertaken in the past years. At the end of the post I will present the details of the latest gold and silver import data (India mostly relies on import for its precious metals hunger).

    When the price of gold made its famous nosedive in April 2013 Indian physical gold demand skyrocketed off the charts; in May 2013 India imported 165 tonnes of gold, the highest monthly tonnage ever. In reaction, the government decided in June 2013 to raise the import duty on gold from 4 % to 8 % and in August 2013 from 8 % to 10 %. In addition, in July 2013 the “80/20 rule” was implemented, forcing traders to export 20 % of all imported gold. The import duty on silver was raised to 10 % as well, although silver was not subjected to the 80/20 rule. The result was that by September 2013 India’s gold import through official channels had fallen to a mere 16 tonnes, but smuggling in gold had exploded. Gold trade was diverted to the black market with all due consequences – thriving criminality threatens social and economic stability – and India’s established gold industry organizations fiercely objected the government’s policy. Another consequence was that silver import has seen spectacular increases ever since (see further below).

    Although heavily restricted, Indian gold import through official channels bounced of the lows in mid 2014. Eventually, the 80/20 rule was withdrawn in November 2014 while the Indian government was preparing a new trick: the gold monetization scheme, which was to “to mobilize the gold held by households and institutions in the country” and ”be able to reduce reliance on import of gold over time to meet domestic demand”. In my words, the scheme was intended to oversubscribe the people’s gold by exciting them to deposit their metal at commercial banks. The catch is that the gold depositor is technically lending his gold to the bank, whereby he risks losing his metal if the counterparty goes belly up – although these risks were not disclosed in the brochure. Ironically, the essence why people buy gold in the first place is protect their wealth, not to take risks (ie by lending). Not surprisingly, the gold monetization scheme has failed miserably.1– bear in mind, there is an estimated 20,000 tonnes of physical gold owned by the Indian private sector. It does not look like the gold monetization scheme will ever succeed in India.

    Data from the World Gold Council shows Indian consumer gold demand accounted for 848.9 tonnes in 2015. Reasons enough for the Indian rulers to continue their hopeless quest to limit demand. In January 2016 the government introduced a rule that forces jewelry buyers to show a Permanent Account Number (PAN), which the vast majority of rural customers do not have, for any purchase above Rs 200,000. And it proposed the re-imposition of a 1 % excise duty. Remarkably, the excise duty was first introduced in 2012 but rolled back the same year as jewelers went on strike. This time around jewelers are seeking the same relief. Since 2 March they’re on strike indefinitely (speculating; the excise duty will not succeed).

    Let’s head over to the most recent (final) trade data released by India’s customs department, the DGCIS. India’s gross gold bullion import in December 2015 was robust at 111 tonnes, up 9 % from November and up 218 % from December 2014. Total gross gold import for India in 2015 came in at 947 tonnes, up 22 % from 2014, the third highest amount ever.

    India gross exported 11 tonnes of gold bullion in December 2015, down 22 % from November and up 35 % from December 2014. Gross gold export for the year 2015 aggregated to 150 tonnes, the highest ever, up 136 % compared to 2014. Gold bullion export might be elevated due to India’s increased refining capacity.

    Net gold bullion import in December 2015 came in at 100 tonnes. Total net gold import for 2015 accounted for 797 tonnes, up 11 % year on year.

    India Gold trade december 2015

    India gold import 2015

    India yearly gold demand

    India’s gross silver bullion import was very strong in December 2015 at 1,042 tonnes, up 71 % from November and up 198 % from December 2014. Total gross silver import in 2015 accounted for a staggering 8,504 tonnes (!), up 20 % from 2014.

    As, silver bullion export from India is neglectable, net import in December 2015 accounted for 1,041 tonnes and total net import for 2015 came in at 8,494 tonnes. The latter being 31 % of world silver mining output!

    India Silver import trade 12 2015

    India silver import 2015

    From looking at official precious metals import and demand numbers we can wonder if the many restrictions from the Indian government have accomplished anything to their likes. One thing is for sure; the Indian people did not substantially bought less gold – and did buy substantially more silver.

    Instead of hopelessly resisting and intervening in the Indian economy, the government could also choose to allow free market forces and/or even support the people’s love for gold to bolster India’s gold industry for it to become a global powerhouse. Wouldn’t that be much more effective?

    Kindly note, the cross-border trade tonnages for this post, calculated by myself and Nick Laird from, are based on the Rupee values disclosed by the DGCIS and the monthly average metal prices. The gold and silver bullion import and export figures mentioned in this post exclude smuggling and cross-border trade in precious metals jewelry.

  • Deflation Is Coming To The Auto Industry As Used Car Prices Drop, Off-Lease Deluge Looms

    Last week, we learned that vehicle leasing as a percentage of monthly light-vehicle sales hit a record in February at 32.3%.

    In other words, a third of the over 1 million cars and light trucks “sold” during the month were leases, according to J.D. Power.

    This is indicative of what is now a long-term trend. Have a look at the following chart from WSJ, which shows that since 2009, the share of monthly auto leases as a percentage of vehicle sales well more than tripled:

    Of course the thing about leased vehicles is that they come back, and as WSJ wrote last week, “about 3.1 million vehicles will return to dealer lots off leases this year, up 20% from 2015 [and] the number will climb to 3.6 million in 2017 and 4 million in 2018.”

    So what does that mean for dealers? Deflation

    And what does that mean for the automakers? Hefty losses.

    Nothing about this is hard to understand. You get a supply glut causing pricing assumptions for your existing inventory to prove wildly optimistic and you end up with giant writedowns.

    This has happened before. “The auto industry expanded the use of leasing in the mid-1990s, helping to fuel retail sales of new vehicles,” WSJ recounts. “Eventually, a glut of off-lease cars sent resale values down and auto lenders who had bet residuals would remain high ended up racking up billions of dollars in losses, having to sell the cars for much less than they anticipated.”

    Right. Nothing difficult to grasp about that. But the especially silly thing about the dynamic with auto leases is that it was the dealers and the automaker-affiliated financing companies that made the leases in the first place. In other words, it’s not like this was some supply shock that couldn’t have been forecast ahead of time. In fact, they knew exactly when the off-lease deluge would start, so it’s not entirely clear why they would have set optimistic residual assumptions.

    Anyway, the cracks are already starting to show.

    The Manheim Used Vehicle Value Index posted its largest Y/Y decline in over two years last month, falling -1.4% and -1.5% M/M. We’re now 3.5% below the peak. 

    All else equal, it puts pressure on lease residuals – though we note most fincos had assumed declining used vehicle prices in their lease writing,” Goldman said, earlier today. “Second, while improving inventory acquisition cost for the dealers, it may put downward pressure on the value of existing dealer inventories, which can be negative for used margins.”

    Well yes, declining used vehicle prices “may” be a “negative for used margins” – in fact that’s almost a tautology. 

    And of course falling used car prices means pressure on new car prices as well, which would be a shock to America’s booming auto market.

    Obviously, the scariest part about all of the above is that consumers still have the pedal to the metal (pun fully intended) when it comes to leases, which means there’s no end in sight to the off-leases and thus no way to determine, at this juncture, how big the residual writedown wave and deflationary auto industry calamity will ultimately end up being.

    So, you know… “buckle up.”

    *  *  *

    Bonus chart: largest used car price decline for any February since 2008

  • The Oil Short Squeeze Explained: Why Banks Are Aggressively Propping Up Energy Stocks

    Last week, during the peak of the commodity short squeeze, we pointed out how this default cycle is shaping up to be vastly different from previous one: recovery rates for both secured and unsecured debts are at record low levels. More importantly, we noted how this notable variance is impacting lender behavior, explaining that banks – aware that the next leg lower in commodities is imminent – are not only forcing the squeeze in the most trashed stocks (by pulling borrow) but are doing everything in their power to “assist” energy companies to sell equity, and “persuade management” to use the proceeds to take out as much of the banks’ balance sheet exposure as possible, so that when the default tsunami finally arrives, banks will be far, far, away from the carnage.

    All of this was predicated on prior lender conversations with the Dallas Fed and the OCC, discussions which the Dallas Fed vocally denied and accused us of lying, yet which the WSJ confirmed, showing that it was the Dallas Fed who was lying.

    This was our punchline:

    [Record low] recovery rate explain what we discussed earlier, namely the desire of banks to force an equity short squeeze in energy stocks, so these distressed names are able to issue equity with which to repay secured loans to banks who are scrambling to get out of the capital structure of distressed E&P names. Or as MatlinPatterson’s Michael Lipsky put it: “we always assume that secured lenders would roll into the bankruptcy become the DIP lenders, emerge from bankruptcy as the new secured debt of the company. But they don’t want to be there, so you are buying the debt behind them and you could find yourself in a situation where you could lose 100% of your money.


    And so, one by one the pieces of the puzzle fall into place: banks, well aware that they are facing paltry recoveries in bankruptcy on their secured exposure (and unsecured creditors looking at 10 cents on the dollar), have engineered an oil short squeeze via oil ETFs…




    … to push oil prices higher, to unleash the current record equity follow-on offering spree

    … to take advantage of panicked investors some of whom are desperate to cover their shorts, and others who are just as desperate to buy the new equity issued. Those proceeds, however, will not go to organic growth or even to shore liquidity but straight to the bank to refi loan facilities and let banks, currently on the hook, leave silently by the back door. Meanwhile, the new investors have no security claims and zero liens, are at the very bottom of the capital structure, and  face near certain wipe outs.


    In short, once the current short squeeze is over, expect everyone to start paying far more attention to recovery rates and the true value of “fundamentals.”

    Going back to what Lipsky said, “the banks do not want to be there.” So where do they want to be? As far away as possible from the shale carnage when it does hit.

    Today, courtesy of The New York Shock Exchange, we present just the case study demonstrating how this takes place in the real world. Here the story of troubled energy company “Lower oil prices for longer” Weatherford, its secured lender JPM, the incestuous relationship between the two, and how the latter can’t wait to get as far from the former as possible, in…

    Why Would JP Morgan Raise Equity For An Insolvent Company


    I am on record saying that Weatherford International is so highly-leveraged that it needs equity to stay afloat. With debt/EBITDA at 8x and $1 billion in principal payments coming due over the next year, the oilfield services giant is in dire straits. Weatherford has been in talks with JP Morgan Chase to re-negotiate its revolving credit facility — the only thing keeping the company afloat. However, in a move that shocked the financial markets, JP Morgan led an equity offering that raised $565 million for Weatherford. Based on liquidation value Weatherford is insolvent. The question remains, why would JP Morgan risk its reputation by selling shares in an insolvent company?


    According to the prospectus, at Q4 2015 Weatherford had cash of $467 million debt of $7.5 billion. It debt was broken down as follows: [i] revolving credit facility ($967 million), [ii] other short-term loans ($214 million), [iii] current portion of long-term debt of $401 million and [iv] long-term debt of $5.9 billion. JP Morgan is head of a banking syndicate that has the revolving credit facility.


    Even in an optimistic scenario I estimate Weatherford’s liquidation value is about $6.7 billion less than its stated book value. The lion’s share of the mark-downs are related to inventory ($1.1B), PP&E ($1.9B), intangibles and non-current assets ($3.5B). The write-offs would reduce Weatherford’s stated book value of $4.4 billion to – $2.2 billion. After the equity offering the liquidation value would rise to -$1.6 billion.


    JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley also happen to be lead underwriters on the equity offering. The proceeds from the offering are expected to be used to repay the revolving credit facility.


    In effect, JP Morgan is raising equity in a company with questionable prospects and using the funds to repay debt the company owes JP Morgan. The arrangement allows JP Morgan to get its money out prior to lenders subordinated to it get their $401 million payment. That’s smart in a way. What’s the point of having a priority position if you can’t use that leverage to get cashed out first before the ship sinks? The rub is that [i] it might represent a conflict of interest and [ii] would JP Morgan think it would be a good idea to hawk shares in an insolvent company if said insolvent company didn’t owe JP Morgan money?

    The answer? JP Morgan doesn’t care how it looks; JP Morgan wants out and is happy to do it while algos and momentum chasing daytraders are bidding up the stock because this time oil has finally bottomed… we promise.

    So here’s the good news: as a result of this coordinated lender collusion to prop up the energy sector long enough for the affected companies to sell equity and repay secured debt, the squeeze may last a while; as for the bad news: the only reason the squeeze is taking place is because banks are looking to get as far from the shale patch and the companies on it, as possible.

    We leave it up to readers to decide which “news” is more relevant to their investing strategy.

  • Millennials Are The Deflation Generation

    Via ConvergEx's Nicholas Colas,

    While the world’s central banks struggle with deflation, millennials (those born between 1980 – 2000) are busy creating a world where persistently lower prices will be an economic cornerstone.  “A feature, not a bug,” as they say in the tech world.


    The immediate reason for that is simple: our cohort got stuck with educational hyperinflation, something economists miss when they look at the headline numbers. Education is only 6% of the CPI basket. For millennials, that number can easily exceed 20% because of student loans. We are therefore turning to a new tech-enabled service economy to help us make ends meet, and the majority of these new services are profoundly “Disruptive” to old business models.


    “Disruption” is often code for “deflation”, since more taxis (Uber), hotel rooms (Airbnb), food delivery (too many examples to mention) means more price competition. And when the next wave of disruption comes along to put the current crop of “Disruptors” out of business, we’ll switch to them.  Deflation will be permanent, and we’re OK with that.  And when my cohort runs the Fed, or the ECB, or the BoJ, we will be unlikely to care if prices decline. We may even consider it the sign of a successful economy that serves its citizens well.

    Note from Nick: Baby boomers know a lot about inflation.  We came of age in the 1970s, when food and gas prices rose so quickly that it was easy to come up short on cash at the checkout line. I still keep an extra $20 tucked away in my wallet because of those experiences. Jessica’s generation saw none of this, with the notable exception of educational cost inflation. Today she describes just how differently her demographic group thinks about price levels. And it is VERY different from the Boomers…

    It’s no secret we millennials are pro multi-taskers when it comes to technology, and we’re often on our mobile phones and laptops while watching TV all at the same time. There is one device, however, of the three that is far harder for us to give up. No prizes for guessing which one:

    • A recent Harris Poll of 2,193 U.S. adults surveyed in January shows that 61% of millennials name mobile phones as the most difficult device to unplug from, compared to television (21%) and computer/laptop (22%).
    • That contrasts our parents’ generation – the baby boomers – with mobile phones nearing the bottom of the list (28%) and the top two spots going to computer/laptop (37%) and television (44%).

    Dig deeper into the survey and the reasoning becomes clear, as the utility of mobile phones has increased dramatically during our lifetimes. For example, the survey notes that unplugging to the broader population means avoiding: social media (71%), the Internet (64%), email (58%), text messages (55%), mobile or tablet apps (55%), video games on consoles or handheld game devices (51%), computer games (50%), phone calls (48%), television (45%), eBooks (30%), and audio books (21%). People can participate in nearly all of these activities on mobile phones, and we’ve grown up with this benefit. So of course we’d opt for our cell phone over a TV or laptop – we can use it for all three functions.

    The dominance of mobile phones and technology in our lives not only impact how we use our time, but how we spend our money. The Federal Reserve has based its inflation expectations on a relatively static basket of goods for decades, but millennials’ experience with inflation differs from our parents. Services replace physical goods, for example, while convenience gets baked into costs. Here are four variables that shape our inflation expectations:

    #1 – Technology (Deflationary): When I go to the mall with friends, I rarely buy anything. Why? Because I know I can find whatever I like cheaper online. Merchants used to earn a premium for holding products customers couldn’t find elsewhere locally. Technology and the internet erase this premium and put downward pressure on the price of goods because they provide access to products all over the world, increasing competition and acting as an arbitrage.


    For example, I’ll browse bookstores, but when a book peaks my interest, I’ll only take note of the title. Same goes for technology gadgets or devices. I know I can buy them from Amazon, for example, for a lower price, either from the site or another merchant the site hosts. I don’t even need to pay for shipping since I have a prime account, and receive my purchase in just two days. Like many other sites, Amazon’s business model hinges on maintaining competitive prices and making the consumer experience more convenient. In short, the internet offers ample price comparisons and serves as an effective platform to highlight promotional sales. Paying full price at the mall is rare except for last minute needs.


    #2 – Sharing Economy (Deflationary): During my adolescence, I’d dedicate one category on my Christmas list to CDs. That was until iTunes came along and I could more affordably purchase single songs I particularly enjoyed. Now, music streaming services have totally changed the game. On Spotify, for example, I can make customized song lists and listen to them for a month, all for the price of less than a CD. A premium subscription to Spotify costs $10 per month versus buying a CD at Target for upwards of $15. You can even listen to music streaming services for free, if you’re willing to listen to ads and in shuffle play mode.


    Here are some other similar examples. I don’t pay for cable because I can stream numerous shows and movies for only $8.99 a month on Netflix (in this case I don’t even need a TV since I can watch on my laptop or cell phone). I’m also able to travel a little more due to services like Airbnb, as I can find an inexpensive, comfortable place to stay. Lastly, many of my friends who live in the city don’t have a car because they can take an Uber if necessary. It’s like having a personal driver that picks them up where and at what time they want to get them to their intended destination. Bottom line: these examples show services substituting physical goods, enabling the sharing economy to act as a deflationary force in millennials’ lives.


    #3 – Social Media (Weirdly Inflationary): I’ll be the first to admit, I often covet a friend’s new handbag or latest trip when I see pictures on Instagram. Has this inspired a few purchases or vacations on my behalf? I think you know the answer. Social media, in this sense, has created what you’ve probably heard of as “lifestyle inflation”.


    “Keeping up with the Joneses” is nothing new, but platforms like Facebook have taken it to a new level. Everyone you know or connect with on social media can view your life more intimately than ever before, even if they live halfway around the world. A Facebook or Instagram account, for example, gives people the opportunity to portray a glamorized life. This creates competition, and may spur more expensive purchases than some individuals would have otherwise pursued. This includes everything from clothes to experiences in order to show off on the web. We also value peer reviews on products and restaurants, and will heed these opinions to attain a better quality product or service. All in all, social media is inflationary as millennials try to match or outdo each other’s lifestyle, and is a seamless advertising medium.


    # 4 – Convenience (Inflationary, but by choice): I don’t know about you, but I dread going to the supermarket. Having to navigate through crowds and carve a chunk of time out of my busy schedule is less than ideal. That’s why I will gladly pay a grocery store delivery service to do it for me. I know I’m not alone on this front in light of the plethora of startups launching delivery services related to everything from groceries (Instacart)  and laundry (Cleanly) to alcohol (Saucey) and takeout (GrubHub). Some apps only serve certain cities, but larger companies are working to fill the void elsewhere. Amazon, for example, shows this in its effort to deliver by drone or its own trucks. They are also working on making delivery times faster with Prime Now, a same-day delivery app. Bottom line here: we’ll pay extra for convenience (inflationary), but expect this premium to abate overtime as we transition to a more on demand economy.

    In sum, millennials’ inflationary basket isn’t as simple as weighting goods within large standard components like food, housing, transportation, and entertainment. Student loans, obviously not directly in the Consumer Price Index, account for one of our largest monthly payments. We therefore can’t afford a house, and a lot of us live with our parents as rental costs continue to climb. Many also can’t afford a car, in which Uber proves especially helpful. That’s why we depend on services that provide access to goods without requiring ownership. This keeps expenses low and convenience high. We care about what our friends think and have serious FOMO (fear of missing out), so we’re less reluctant to save and more inclined to travel or buy new clothes when we can. Fortunately, however, technology and startups continue to bring costs down as we benefit from each other’s contributions online and in the sharing economy. In this sense, we are more privy to the deflationary impact of technology and services, in contrast to our parents’ experience with inflation of physical goods, such as food and gasoline.

    Now, I realize economists wouldn’t consider the four themes I outlined as actual inflation or deflation. They simply show how my cohort experiences price pressures that inform our thinking on the topic. This is important, however, for policy going forward as it could alter the Fed’s dual mandate on the inflation side. The expectation of deflation is already incorporated in millennial psyche, so it doesn’t necessarily delay spending as seen in Japan. We adopt technologies that force deflation. Therefore, in our world, deflation is the mark of a healthy economy. 

  • The "Outrageous" Reasons Donald Trump Will Never Be President

    So Un-Presidential…




  • Commodities, Stocks, & Bond Yields Plunge As Super-Short-Squeeze Stalls

    We suspect the following will be heard a little more this week than last…


    The squeeze is over… for now thanks To Fed's Fischer…After 10 straight days without dropping, "Most Shorted" tumbled the most in 2 months…


    And crude oil ETF short-squeeze is over – Oil ETF long/short is back to recent norms…


    And the major indices were extremely overbought… Trannies are as overbought as they were at the peak in Nov 2014 (after Bullard's QE4 bounce)…


    And Small Caps are as overbought as they were at their peak in June 2015.


    Which left stocks sliding after dismal China trade data and Goldman pouring cold water on the crude ramp…


    Futures show the reactions as Japanese GDP stayed in recession, China Trade Data disappointed, Germany beat… and reality struck in the crude complex…


    Leaving S&P Futures right at the crucial trendline…


    As VIX was dumped in the last minute to ensure 1980 was held…


    VIX surged near 19 again…


    Energy & Financials went from winners to biggest losers very quick… This was energy sector's 2nd biggest daily drop since August Black Monday


    We're gonna need another Mclendon death…


    And Tilson's short LL again..


    Oil decoupled from stocks…but stocks caught down in the end amid Crude's drop in 2 weeks


    Bonds decoupled from stocks… but they recoupled into the close…


    And after this yuuge rally aimed at supporting energy stocks to get secondaries (and banks to unload), credit risk on the junkiest junk has not improved at all…widest since 2009


    And with everyone chasing HYG (not realizing this is a placeholder for fund manager cash as the primary market is dead for now – but due to pick up), we thought the following chart might help with some rationality…


    And noting that HYG has stalled at its 100DMA…


    Treasury yiuelds plunged on the day as repomarkets imploded…(and JGB yields collapsed)…


    The USD Index rose very modestly on the day as commodity currencies (CAD, AUD) tumbled and JPY strengthened (as carry was unwound en masse)


    Commodities were all weak, led by crude and copper on the day…


    Copper's worst day in 2 months…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Crude Chaos As Cushing Inventories Rise For 6th Straight Week

    Following Genscape's projection that Cushing inventories rose less than expected, various sources on Twitter report that API sees a 4.4mm build (in line with expectations of a 3.9mm build) after EIA's massive build of over 10.3mm barrels last week. Cushing saw a 692k build – the 6th week in a row but gasoline and distillates saw a draw. Crude sold off all day as the short-covering squeeze ended but as the data hit, WTI dipped, ripped, and dipped again… only to rally once more…



    • Crude +4.4mm
    • Cushing +692k
    • Gasoline -2.1mm
    • Distillates -128k

    Sixth weekly rise in Cushing Inventories…


    And the reaction in crude…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • This 4,000-Year-Old Financial Indicator Says That A Major Crisis Is Looming

    Submitted by Simon Black via,

    Over 4,000 years ago during Sargon the Great’s reign of the Akkadian Empire, it took 8 units of silver to buy one unit of gold.

    This was a time long before coins. It would be thousands of years before the Lydians in modern day Turkey would invent gold coins as a form of money.

    Back in the Akkadian Empire, gold and silver were still used as a medium of exchange.

    But the prices of goods and services were based on the weight of metal, and typically denominated in a unit called a ‘shekel’, about 8.33 grams.

    For example, you could have bought 100 quarts of grain in ancient Mesopotamia for about 2 shekels of silver, a weight close to half an ounce in our modern units.

    Both gold and silver were used in trade. And at the time the ‘exchange rate’ between the two metals was fixed at 8:1.

    Throughout ancient times, the gold/silver ratio kept pretty close to that figure.

    During the time of Hamurabbi in ancient Babylon, the ratio was roughly 6:1.

    In ancient Egypt, it varied wildly, from 13:1 all the way to 2:1.

    In Rome, around 12:1 (though Roman emperors routinely manipulated the ratio to suit their needs).

    In the United States, the ratio between silver and gold was fixed at 15:1 in 1792. And throughout the 20th century it averaged about 50:1.

    But given that gold is still traditionally seen as a safe haven, the ratio tends to rise dramatically in times of crisis, panic, and economic slowdown.

    Just prior to World War II as Hitler rolled into Poland, the gold/silver ratio hit 98:1.

    In January 1991 as the first Gulf War kicked off, the ratio once again reached 100:1, twice its normal level.

    In nearly every single major recession and panic of the last century, there was a sharp rise in the gold/silver ratio.

    The crash of 1987. The Dot-Com bust in the late 1990s. The 2008 financial crisis.

    These panics invariably led to a gold/silver ratio in the 70s or higher.

    In 2008, in fact, the gold/silver ratio surged from below 50 to a high of roughly 84 in just two months.

    We’re seeing another major increase once again. Right now as I write this, the gold/silver ratio is 81.7, nearly as high as the peak of the 2008 financial crisis.

    This isn’t normal.

    In modern history, the gold/silver ratio has only been this high three other times, all periods of extreme turmoil—the 2008 crisis, Gulf War, and World War II.

    This suggests that something is seriously wrong. Or at least that people perceive something is seriously wrong.

    There are so many macroeconomic and financial indicators suggesting that a recession is looming, if not an all-out crisis.

    In the US, manufacturing data show that the country is already in recession (more on this soon).

    Default rates are rising; corporate defaults in the US are actually higher now than when Lehman Brothers went bankrupt back in 2008.

    These defaults have put a ton of pressure on banks, whose stock prices are tanking worldwide as they scramble to reinforce their balance sheets against losses.

    I just had a meeting with a commercial banker here in Sydney who told me that Australian regulators are forcing the bank to increase its already plentiful capital reserves by over 40% within the next several months.

    This is an astonishing (and almost impossible) order.

    The regulators wouldn’t be doing that if they weren’t getting ready for a major storm. So even the financial establishment is planning for the worst.

    Good times never last forever, especially with governments and central banks engineering artificial prosperity by going into debt and printing money.

    These tactics destroy a financial system. And the cracks are visibly expanding.

    So while the gold/silver ratio isn’t any kind of smoking gun, it is an obvious symptom alongside many, many others.

    Now, the ratio may certainly go even higher in the event of a major banking or financial crisis. We may see it touch 100 again.

    But it is reasonable to expect that someday the gold/silver ratio will eventually fall to more ‘normal’ levels.

    In other words, today you can trade 1 ounce of gold for 80 ounces of silver.

    But perhaps, say, over the next two years the gold/silver ratio returns to a more historic norm of 55. (Remember, it was as low as 30 in 2011)

    This means that in the future you’ll be able to trade the 80 ounces of silver you acquired today for 1.45 ounces of gold.

    The final result is that, in gold terms, you earn a 45% “profit”. Essentially you end up with 45% more gold than you started with today.

    So bottom line, if you’re a speculator in precious metals, now may be a good time to consider trading in some gold for silver.

  • Jeff Gundlach Explains Why "The Rally Is Ending" – Live Webcast

    At 4:15pm ET, DoubleLine’s Jeff Gundlach who continues to do no wrong in the market (even if it means buying stocks at his most doom and gloomish ahead of a record short squeeze), will hold his latest webcast titled “Connect the Dots” and in which he will explain why, as he told Reuters moments ago, “the rally in risk assets is nearing the end”, which in turn explains why when the short covering frenzy had gripped the market last week, Gundlach was cashing out.

    To register for the webcast, click on the image below.


    More details from Reuters Jennifer Ablan:

    Jeffrey Gundlach, chief executive officer at DoubleLine Capital, said on Tuesday the recent rally in risk assets is nearing an end.


    Gundlach, who told Reuters last week that the firm is now considering closing out some of its long positions in the stocks they had purchased in February, said risk assets will struggle in sympathy with oil.


    “Oil, like I said, had an easy time rallying from 28 to 38. Now the hard work begins,” Gundlach said. “Oil is the key to everything.”


    Gundlach said unless oil rallies another $10 a barrel or more, “a lot of companies are going to go under, which will kill the banking system. The rally off the 200 low (in copper) hasn’t been that impressive, and looks to possibly be over.”


    Gundlach said in a webcast later Tuesday that the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, which he characterized as being in a bear-market rally that is close to being over, has 2 percent upside but 20 percent downside.

    Gundlach’s punchline: “I think we are near the end of a bear market rally with a 10:1 risk/reward ratio.” We agree.

    The full presentation is below:

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Today’s News 8th March 2016

  • A Whole Lot of BS Behind Monday`s Oil Move (Video)

    By EconMatters

    Reuters News and Genscape Report attributed to today`s Oil Squeeze Move – couldn`t find more BS if you were assigned with cleaning out your horse`s barn stall. Follow the actual Oil Data Metrics and avoid the Rumor Mongering Market Garbage and Hearsay OPEC Gossip marketed as actual “Market Analytics”.

    When OPEC actually gets their collective heads out of the sand and cuts production then this is a newsworthy event, and worth covering from a journalistic standpoint. The big takeaway until proven otherwise is everyone in the Oil Industry is going to make up for lower prices by maximizing volume in any manner possible. There is no such thing as a “fair price” for oil, and OPEC is sure not going to realize this fantasy talk scenario without concrete action, i.e., cutting production from the current daily over-supplied market.

    One is sure not going to achieve a “fair price” for oil from a producer standpoint if one continues to produce over 2 million barrels per day over actual demand. Freezing oil output levels at all-time record levels is just further evidence that OPEC is clueless, myopic and just doesn`t have a handle on the market. Wake me up when OPEC actually cuts production, until then they are the boy that cried wolf far too many times!

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  • Helicopter Money Comes To Canada: Ontario Pledges "Basic Income Experiment"

    Earlier today, we explained why so-called “helicopter money” can’t save the world when ZIRP, NIRP, and QE have all failed to revive global demand and boost inflation.

    The reason: QE is helicopter money. That is, we’ve been doing this for 8 years and it hasn’t worked yet.

    Some readers were reluctant to buy this rationale, but the fact is, just because the bank intermediary failed to do its part for Main Street doesn’t thereby mean this entire experiment isn’t still a farce. Think about the mechanics of it: 1) the government prints a liability (a bond), 2) that liability is sold to a primary dealer, 3) the central bank buys that government liability with yet another liability (dollars) that the government also prints.

    That’s a scam. It’s deficit financing with one (very tenuous) degree of separation. The fact that the middlemen (the banks) didn’t pass along the benefits to you doesn’t make the mechanics of it any less ridiculous.

    But if that’s helicopter money “v.1,” Main Street thinks it didn’t work out so well. Banks recovered, Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein became billionaires, financial assets soared, and everyday people got Gene Wilder’d.

    Well if helicopter money “v.3” entails flying around and raining actual banknotes onto the hapless masses, then we suppose we should at least try “v.2” first, and “v.2” is what many have called a “basic income.”

    The idea is to send everyone a monthly check that would either supplement or replace altogether, complex systems of state benefits thereby making households better off and saving the government money in the process.

    As The Independent notes, Ontario is set to become the latest locale to float the idea: “Ontario has announced it could soon be sending a monthly cheque to its residents as it plans to launch an experiment testing the basic income concept.”

    Here are some excerpts from Ontario’s budget statement:

    “The pilot project will test a growing view at home and abroad that basic income could build on the success of minimum wage policies and increases in child benefits by providing more consistent and predictable support in the context of today’s dynamic labour market.


    The pilot would also test whether a basic income would provide a more efficient way of delivering income support, strengthen the attachment to the labour force, and achieve savings in other areas such as health care and housing supports. The government will work with communities, researchers and other stakeholders in 2016 to determine how best to implement a Basic Income pilot.”

    Right. So basically they have no idea how this is going to work or how to go about implementing it.

    But don’t think Ontario is alone.

    “Finland plans to outline a basic income plan for its citizens later this year, while the Dutch city of Utrecht launched an experiment in January, involving welfare recipients, to see what effect a basic income would have,” Huff Post wrote, late last month. And don’t forget, “the Swiss will vote in a referendum in June to decide whether to implement a basic income of some C$3,200 per month.”

    We profiled the upcoming Swiss vote here, noting that the plan could make the country the first in the world to pay all of its citizens a monthly basic income regardless if they work or not. 

    Amusingly, the Swiss said something similar to the Canadians about the link between the basic income and work. “The initiative’s backers say it aims to break the link between employment and income,” The Daily Mail wrote, of the Swiss plan. Much as Ontario thinks a basic income would “strenghten the attachment to the labor force.” 

    Those statements are so counterintuitive as to be laughable. 

    As long as federal and local governments are running a surplus that can account for these programs while staying in balance we suppose that’s fine, but what happens when people simply stop working and tax revenues fall? Do you then tax the basic income to pay for the basic income? That seems silly. And if not, do you sell bonds to the central bank to fund the program? And wouldn’t those bonds be claims on tax revenues which would only keep falling as the incentive to work decreases?

    Who knows, but we’re sure smarter people than us have thought it through. Or not.

    Or maybe we’re asking too many questions and the government would just say this:

    As an aside, with property prices soaring as they are in Ontario, they’d better start handing out basic incomes or they’ll have a homeless epidemic on their hands.

  • China Trade Balance Plunges To 11-Month Lows As Exports Crash Over 25%

    Worse than expected is an understatement.

    Things are not getting better in China as Exports crashed 25.4% YoY (the 3rd largest drop in history), almost double the 14.5% expectation and Imports tumbled 13.8%, the 16th month of YoY decline – the longest ever. Altogether this sent the trade surplus down to $32.6bn (missing expectations of $51bn) to 11-month lows.



    So much for that whole "devalue yourself to export growth" idea…


    As Bloomberg notes,

    China’s exports in yuan terms fell 20.6% year on year in February, down from a 6.6% drop in January, and missing expectations of an 11.3% fall. Imports were down 8.0%, an improvement from January’s 14.4% drop. The trade surplus came in at 209.5 billion yuan ($32 billion), down from 406.2 billion yuan.


    The Chinese New Year holiday, which fell at the start of February in 2016 and in the middle of February in 2015, distorts the data in unpredictable ways. Holiday effects mean the outsize drop in February exports overstates the weakness in China’s factory sector.


    Even so, looking at a year-to-date figure for the first two months of the year, the picture is only slightly less gloomy. In the year through February, exports are down 13.1%.

    The policy response has already been announced. The National People’s Congress set a target for 13% growth in money supply in 2016, up from 12% in 2015, and a 3% of GDP fiscal deficit, up from 2.3%. In other words: more lending and more public spending to provide a boost to demand. In the short term, that shores up confidence in the growth outlook. Medium term, of course, there is a price to be paid.

    Stocks are mounting a modest rebound on this terrible data (moar stimulus hopes) but after $1 trillion of new credit in 2 months, is there seriously anyone left who thinks moar will help?

    We leave it to Borat to explain the Chinese authorities take on this data…


  • Just Shut Up & Vote: The Futility Of Representative Government In An Age Of Robber Barons

    Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    “That's the way the ruling class operates in any society. They keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other… Anything different—that's what they're gonna talk about—race, religion, ethnic and national background, jobs, income, education, social status, sexuality, anything they can do to keep us fighting with each other, so that they can keep going to the bank!”


    – Comedian George Carlin

    “We the people” have been utterly and completely betrayed.

    The politicians “we the people” most trusted to look out for our best interests, protect our rights, and ensure that the nation does not slip into tyranny have cheated on us, lied to us, swindled us, deceived us, double-crossed us, and sold us to the highest bidder.

    Time and again, they have shown in word and deed that their priorities lay elsewhere, that they care nothing about our plight, that they owe us no allegiance, that they are motivated by power and money rather than principle, that they are deaf to our entreaties, that they are part of an elite ruling class that views us as mere cattle, that their partisan bickering is part of an elaborate ruse to keep us divided and distracted, and that their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution mean nothing.

    Incredibly, even in the face of their treachery and lies, the great majority of Americans persist in believing that the politicians have the people’s best interests at heart.

    Despite the fact that we’ve been burned before, most Americans continue to allow themselves to be bamboozled into casting their votes for one candidate or another, believing that this time they mean what they say, this time they really care about the citizenry, this time will be different.

    Of course, they rarely ever mean what they say, they care about their constituents only to the extent that it advances their political careers, and it never turns out differently. We are as easily discarded the day after the elections as we were wantonly wooed in the months leading up to the big day. Those same politicians who were once so eager to pose for our pictures, smile at our jokes, and glad-hand us for our votes will, upon being elected, retreat behind a massive, impenetrable wall that ensures we are not seen or heard from again—at least, until the next election.

    The joke is on us.

    As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, all of the caucuses, primaries, nominating conventions, town hall meetings, rallies, meet and greets, delegates and super-delegates are sophisticated schemes aimed at advancing the illusion of participation culminating in the reassurance ritual of voting.

    It’s not about Red Republicans or Blue Democrats. It’s about Green Donors—i.e, those with money who can afford to pay for access.

    Votes might elect politicians, but as a 2014 field experiment by political scientists at Yale University and the University of California, Berkeley, makes clear, it’s money that talks.

    The experiment went something like this: members of Congress were contacted by constituents requesting meetings about pending public policy issues. As the Washington Post reports, “When the attendees were revealed to be ‘local campaign donors,’ they often gained access to Members of Congress, Legislative Directors, and Chiefs of Staff. But when the attendees were described as only ‘local constituents,’ they almost never gained this level of access.”

    Conclusion: money buys access to politicians who are otherwise deaf, dumb and blind to the entreaties of their constituents.

    It works the same with every politician and every party.

    Indeed, the First Amendment’s assurance of a right to petition the government for a redress of grievances has become predicated on how much money you’re willing to shell out in order to gain access to your elected and appointed officials.

    Then again, money has always played a starring role in American politics.

    The spoils system reared its greedy head under Andrew Jackson, who traded jobs in his administration in exchange for campaign contributions. For $1 million, donors could take part in Warren Harding’s poker parties and enjoy a sleepover at the White House. Lyndon Johnson had a President’s Club that cost donors $1000 a year. Nixon was prepared to sell ambassadorships for $250,000. And Bill Clinton famously allowed top-dollar donors to spend a night in the Lincoln Bedroom at the White House in exchange for roughly $5.4 million in donations to the Democratic National Committee.

    Fast forward to the present day, and a $500,000 donation might get you invited to a quarterly meeting with Barack Obama. For a mere $5,000 donation, lobbyists are being given exclusive invitations to join Congressmen and senators for weekend getaways that include wine tastings, fly fishing, skiing, golfing, hunting, spas, seaside cocktail parties and more.

    If you’re just a lowly citizen with limited cash, however, you’re out of luck.

    Try contacting your so-called representatives without paying for the privilege, and see how far that gets you. I can assure you that you won’t be given the kinds of access that lobbyists, special interest groups and top donors enjoy.

    Having been saddled with a pay-to-play system that provides access only to those with enough cash to grease the wheels of the political machine, average Americans have little to no say in the workings of their government and even less access to their so-called representatives.

    Donald Trump, as he has boasted, might be able to buy and sell politicians of all stripes (including Hillary Clinton), but the average American would be hard-pressed to get the kind of access enjoyed by corporate executives, lobbyists and other members of the moneyed elite.

    Indeed, members of Congress have to work hard to keep their constituents at a distanceminimizing town-hall meetings, making minimal public appearances while at home in their districts, only appearing at events in controlled settings where they’re the only ones talking, and if they must interact with constituents, doing so via telephone town meetings or impromptu visits to local businesses where the chances of being accosted by angry voters are greatly minimized.

    And under the Trespass Bill, passed by Congress in 2012 and signed into law by President Obama, if you dare to exercise your First Amendment right to speak freely to a politician, assemble in public near a politician, or petition a government official for a redress of grievances, you risk a fine or a lengthy stay in prison.

    Talk about self-serving.

    Under the guise of protecting government officials from physical attacks, the Trespass Bill, a.k.a. “the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act,” criminalizes First Amendment activity by making it a federal offense, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, to protest anywhere the Secret Service might be guarding someone.

    Mind you, the Secret Service not only protects the president but all past sitting presidents, members of Congress, foreign dignitaries, presidential candidates, and anyone whom the president determines needs protection, but is also in charge of securing National Special Security Events, which include events such as the G8 and NATO summits, the National Conventions of both major parties, and even the Super Bowl.

    The law essentially creates a roving bubble zone where the First Amendment is effectively off-limits, thereby putting an end to free speech, political protest and the right to peaceably assemble in all areas where government officials happen to be present. Thus, simply walking by one of these events could make you subject to arrest.

    “What that means in practice,” as The Intercept rightly points out, “is that campaign rallies for Donald Trump, who was granted Secret Service protection in November, and Hillary Clinton, who will be guarded for life as a former first lady, are the very opposite of free speech zones under federal law. (The restrictions also apply to all appearances by former presidents and first ladies, as well as those of two other candidates, Bernie Sanders and Ben Carson, who are currently protected by the service.)”

    Consider yourself warned: If you do dare to show up to a Trump or Clinton rally and even appear to be the kind of person who might engage in any kind of protest, lawful or otherwise, you could find yourself quickly dispatched to a “free speech zone” out of sight and sound of the candidates. (“Free speech zones” are government-sanctioned areas located far away from government officials, into which activists and citizens are herded at political rallies and events.) In fact, that’s exactly what happened to a group of black students at a recent Trump rally in Georgia. They were escorted by police to “‘free speech zones’ in a field shielded from the venue by a set of tennis courts, or outside a church about a quarter of a mile away.”

    The message is clear: in an age of robber barons, “we the people” are expected to just shut up and vote.

    The powers-that-be want us to be censored, silenced, muzzled, gagged, zoned out, caged in and shut down. They want our speech and activities monitored for any sign of “extremist” activity. They want us to be estranged from each other and kept at a distance from those who are supposed to represent us. They want taxation without representation. They want a government without the consent of the governed.

    They want the police state.

    The system has been so corrupted and compromised that there are few left in the halls of government who hear or speak for us.

    Congress does not represent us. The courts do not advocate for us. The president does not listen to us. And the First Amendment’s assurance of the right to speak freely and petition our government for a redress of grievance no longer applies to us.

    So if representative government has become an exercise in futility, where does that leave us?

    One of the key ingredients in maintaining democratic government is the right of citizens to freely speak their minds to those who represent them. In fact, it is one of the few effective tools we have left to combat government corruption and demand accountability.

    If there is to be any hope of righting the wrongs that are being perpetrated against the American people, we must make them—our elected officials—hear us.

    But where to begin?

    Start by opening up a dialogue within your own community about what’s wrong with this country. Stop focusing on the issues that divide, and find common ground with your fellow citizens about issues on which you can agree. Focus less on politics and more on principles. Stop buying into the false and divisive narratives that are being promulgated by political windbags and start thinking and speaking for yourselves.

    Once you’ve found that common ground, whatever it might be, make enough noise at the local level—at your city council meetings, in your local paper, at your school board meetings, in front of your courthouses and police stations—and the message will trickle up. Those in power may not like what they hear, but they will hear you.

    Remember, there is power in numbers.

    There are 319 million of us in this country. Imagine what we could accomplish if we actually worked together, presented a united front, and spoke with one voice?

    The police state wouldn’t stand a chance.

  • AsiaPac Stocks Tumble After Japan GDP As China Trade Data Looms

    Following a modest revision to Japanese GDP (still -1.1% and recession-y) and with all eyes glued to China’s trade data, Chinese and Japanese stocks are not folowing the panic-buying short-squeeze-driven lead of US equities. Both are down hard in the early AsiaPac trading (with China down for the first time in six days post-G-20).

    It’s not working Mr Kuroda…


    And the markets are starting to realize it…


    This is China’s first losing day in 6 since the G-20 meeting ended such a dud…(and the world rallied on ECB hope)


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • The Danger Of Media Blackout

    Submitted by Jeff Thomas via,

    Recently, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held a press conference with about 150 journalists from around the world, including representatives of the western media.

    Mister Lavrov was brief and concise; however, the question period lasted for some two hours. A breadth of topics was discussed, including the re-convening of the Syrian peace talks in Geneva, diplomatic relations in Georgia and, tellingly, the increasingly fragile relations with the US. This has not been reported on in Western media.

    This followed close on the heels of reports (again, not to be found in Western media) that the US has quadrupled its budget for the re-armament of NATO in Europe (from $750 million to $3 billion), most of which is to be applied along the Russian border. The decision was explained as being necessary “to combat and prevent Russian aggression.”

    It should be mentioned that this decision, no matter how rash it may be, is not a random incident. It’s a component of the US’ decidedly imperialist Wolfowitz Doctrine of 1992. This doctrine, never intended for public release, outlined a policy of military aggression to assure that the US would reign as the world’s sole superpower and, in so-doing, establish the US as the leader within a new world order. In part, its stated goal is,

    “[That] the U.S. must show the leadership necessary to establish and protect a new order that holds the promise of convincing potential competitors that they need not aspire to a greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate interests.”

    Of particular importance here is the term, “legitimate interests.” With this term, the doctrine reveals that its goal is the suppression of other nations, regardless of whether their ambitions are reasonable or not. All that matters is US hegemony over the world.

    Clearly, relations are reaching a dangerous level. The Russian message has repeatedly been, “Stop, before it’s too late,” yet Washington has reacted by stepping up its threat of hegemony. If the major powers do not call “time out”, world war could easily be on the horizon. Yet, incredibly, it appears that the Russian press conference has received zero coverage in the West. No British, French, German, or US television network has made a single comment. As eager as the Russians have been to get the word out as to their concerns, there has been a complete blackout of reporting it in the West.

    Russia Insider has published an article on the internet, but little else appears to be available.

    Today, the internet allows us to tap into information from every country in the world. Both official and non-official versions of the reports are available, if we know where to find them. And for those who have the time to do so, and take the time to do so, it’s possible to stay abreast of The Big Picture, although, admittedly, it’s a major undertaking to do so.

    Separating the wheat from the chaff is the greatest difficulty in this pursuit; however, as events unfold, a trend is being revealed – that the world is becoming divided with regard to information. In most of the world, there’s an expanse of available information, but, increasingly, the US, EU, and their allies are revealing a pattern of information removal. Whatever does not fit the US/EU position on events never reaches the public.

    A half-century ago, this was the case in the USSR, China, and several smaller countries where tyranny had so taken hold that all news was filtered. The people of these countries had a limited understanding as to what was truly occurring in the world, particularly with regard to their own leaders’ actions on the world stage.

    However, in recent decades, that tyranny has dissipated to a great degree and those countries that had been isolationist with regard to public information are now opening up more and more. Certainly, their governments still prefer that their press provide reporting that’s favourable to the government, but the general direction has been toward greater openness.

    Conversely, the West – that group of countries that was formerly called “the Free World” – has increasingly been going in the opposite direction. The media have been fed an ever-narrower version of what their governments have been up to internationally.

    The overall message that’s received by the Western public is essentially that there are good countries (the US, EU, and allies) and bad countries whose governments and peoples seek to destroy democracy. Western propaganda has it that these bad countries will not stop until they’ve reached your home and robbed you of all your freedoms.

    The view from outside this cabal is a very different one. The remainder of the world view the attacks by US-led forces (Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Syria, etc.) as a bid for world dominance. In examining the Wolfowitz Doctrine, this would seem to be exactly correct.

    This is not to say, however, that the people of the NATO countries are entirely on-board with this aggression. In fact, if they were allowed to know the ultimate objective of the NATO aggression, it’s entirely likely that they would oppose it.

    And, of course, that’s exactly the point of the blackout. A country, or group of countries, that seeks peace and fair competition, with equal opportunity for all, need not resort to a media blackout. The average citizen, wherever he may live, generally seeks only to be allowed to live in freedom and to get on with his life. Whilst every country has its Generals Patton, its Napoleons, its Wolfowitzes, who are sociopathically obsessive over world domination, the average individual does not share this pathology.

    Therefore, whenever we observe a nation (or nations) creating a media blackout, we can be assured of two things.

    First, the nation has, at some point, been taken over (either through election, appointment, or a combination of the two) by leaders who are a danger to the citizenry and are now so entrenched that they have little opposition from those remaining few higher-ups who would prefer sanity.


    Second, the sociopathic goals of those in power are a clear and present danger to the peace and well-being of the population.

    In almost all such cases, the blackout causes the population to go willingly along each time their leaders make another advance toward warfare. They may understand that they will be directly impacted and worry about the possible outcome but, historically, they tend to put on the uniform and pick up the weapon when the time comes to “serve the country.”

    Trouble is, this by no means “serves the country.” It serves leaders who have become a danger to the country. The people themselves are the country. It is they, not their leaders, who will go off to battle and it is they who will pay the price of their leaders’ zeal for domination.

  • China Goes Full "Minority Report", Creates "Pre-Crime" Program

    By now, the world is largely familiar with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s fabled “Tigers and Flies” campaign.

    Since taking office in 2013, Xi has embarked on an ambitious effort to root out party corruption and ensure that the directives passed down from on high in the Politburo are executed faithfully among the sprawling rank and file. As The Atlantic wrote last year, the discipline “problem” is “made more urgent by a slowing economy,” an economy which desperately needs to be reformed.

    “Reform, however, requires the ability to enact policy,” The Atlantic flatly adds. “That in turn necessitates bureaucrats who follow the central government’s orders.”

    Publicly there have been more than 1,500 announced cases against party officials. But that’s just “publicly.” Knowing the Party’s reputation for “disappearing” those who “disappoint” or otherwise act in morally objectionable ways, the real number is impossible to know but is likely orders of magnitude higher.

    When China’s stock market began to crash last summer as the country’s margin “miracle” finally buckled under the weight of the millions of illiterate daytrading housewives who poured their life savings into everything from umbrella manufacturers to industrial companies-turned P2P outfits, Beijing extended the corruption probe to those “responsible” for the equity meltdown.

    Soon, the quest for stock market “manipulators” and those (like journalists) who would otherwise seek to harm the national interest by, well, by reporting the facts became part and parcel of a kind of mini Tigers and Flies campaign focused specifically on China’s financial markets. That campaign eventually ensnared quite a few officials, prominent money managers, and eminent businessmen, including Guo Guangchang, a self-styled “Chinese Warren Buffett.”

    But all of this wasn’t good enough for China. No, a “true” police state must be able to monitor all things at all times and prevent transgressions against the prevailing order before they happen. So more “Minority Report” than NSA.

    This is especially true now that Beijing’s quest to rein in “zombie companies” and curb overcapacity is likely to mean hundreds of thousands of industrial job losses and thus quite a bit of grumbling among the downtrodden (and recently jobless) masses.

    Well don’t look now, but China is attempting to use big data, a military contractor, and a camera network known as “Skynet” to predict crimes before they happen.

    “China’s effort to flush out threats to stability is expanding into an area that used to exist only in dystopian sci-fi: pre-crime,” Bloomberg reports. “The Communist Party has directed one of the country’s largest state-run defense contractors, China Electronics Technology Group, to develop software to collate data on jobs, hobbies, consumption habits, and other behavior of ordinary citizens to predict terrorist acts before they occur.”

    (“Big Uncle” Xi is watching)

    Make no mistake, China is a fertile testing ground for such an experiment because, well, because the public has no rights.

    The program is unprecedented because there are no safeguards from privacy protection laws and minimal pushback from civil liberty advocates and companies,” Lokman Tsui, an assistant professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who has advised Google on freedom of expression and the Internet tells Bloomberg.

    Here’s a bit more:

    China was a surveillance state long before Edward Snowden clued Americans in to the extent of domestic spying. Since the Mao era, the government has kept a secret file, called a dang’an, on almost everyone. Dang’an contain school reports, health records, work permits, personality assessments, and other information that might be considered confidential and private in other countries. The contents of the dang’an can determine whether a citizen is eligible for a promotion or can secure a coveted urban residency permit. The government revealed last year that it was also building a nationwide database that would score citizens on their trustworthiness.


    New antiterror laws that went into effect on Jan. 1 allow authorities to gain access to bank accounts, telecommunications, and a national network of surveillance cameras called Skynet.


    Much of the project is shrouded in secrecy. The Ministry of State Security, which oversees counterintelligence and political security, doesn’t even have its own website, let alone answer phone calls. Only Wu, the engineer at China Electronics Technology, would speak on the record. He hinted at the scope of the data collection effort when he said the software would be able to draw portraits of suspects by cross-referencing information from bank accounts, jobs, hobbies, consumption patterns, and footage from surveillance cameras.


    The program would flag unusual behavior, such as a resident of a poor village who suddenly has a lot of money in her bank account or someone with no overseas relatives who makes frequent calls to foreigners.

    But don’t worry, this isn’t a “big data platform” designed to incriminate people before they’ve actually committed a crime (because that would be unequivocally bad, not to mention incredibly frightening).

    This, China Electronics Technology will tell you, is merely “a united information environment.” Where the Politburo knows everything about you. And is watching you. All the time. And while the old system in China would happily scapegoat you for something you haven’t done and make you confess to it in a televised address, the new “united information environment” will convince you that unless you are buried under the jail now, you will do something wrong in the future. 

    Come to think of it, we’re not sure which is worse…

    *  *  *

  • The Birthing Of Trump's America: The Swindlers Vs. The Swindled

    Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,

    Beyond the Kubler-Ross maelstrom of denial, anger, depression, etc., besetting this spavined republic, lies the actual grief provoking it all — especially the shocking loss of national purpose embodied by the muppets and puppets onstage nightly vying to bring out the worst in us in an election season far from just silly. Judging from their demeanor in the so-called debates, the candidates seem not only sick of their opponents but of themselves, a fitting outcome perhaps in a nation that hates what it has become.

    The moment that got me in Sunday night’s Democratic boasting contest, hosted by CNN, was Hillary crowing about the great achievement of Obamacare — getting thirty million uninsured Americans on some kind of health plan! The part she left out, of course, is that most of those plans have deductible ceilings in the multiple thousands of dollars, guaranteeing that the policy holder goes bankrupt if he/she seeks medical help. Who does she think she’s fooling, anyway? This sort of arrant lying is what drives millions into the camp of Trump.

    Even valiant old Bernie muffs every opportunity to explain the death-grip that Wall Street crony politics has on this land: the US Department of Justice did nothing under six-plus years of Attorney General Eric Holder to prosecute criminal misconduct in banking. And then President Obama, who is ultimately responsible, did absolutely nothing to prompt that Attorney General into action or replace him with somebody who would act. Obama’s lame excuse back in the days when informed people were still wondering about this, was that the bankers had done nothing patently illegal enough to warrant investigation — a claim that was absurd on its face.

    Obama didn’t do any better with the regulating agencies that are supposed to make criminal referrals to the Department of Justice, especially the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged with keeping financial markets honest. There was nothing that difficult about those criminal matters now fading in the nation’s memory: for instance, the bundled bonds (CDOs) of “non-performing” mortgages designed to pay off the issuers handsomely when they failed. A child of ten could have unpacked the Goldman Sachs Timberwolf bond caper. Eventually Goldman and others were slapped with mere fines that could be (and were) written off as the cost of doing business. What a difference it would have made if Lloyd Blankfein and a few hundred other bank executives were personally held accountable and sent to cool their heels in federal prison.

    As the politicians are fond of saying, make no mistake: this was Barack Obama’s failure to act. Likewise, regarding the Citizens United Supreme Court’s decision that equated arrant corporate bribery of public officials with “free speech;” Mr. Obama (a constitutional lawyer by training) had a range of remedies at his disposal, foremostly working with the then-majority Democratic congressional leadership to legislate a new and clearer definition of so-far-alleged corporate “personhood,” its duties, obligations, and responsibilities to the public interest — and its limits! Not only did Mr. Obama fail to act then, but nobody in his own party even coughed into his-or-her sleeve when he so failed. And now, of course, nobody remembers any of that.

    The effects of all this fundamental dishonesty have thundered through our national life to the degree that American society is now divided into the swindlers and the swindled, loosing the monster of collective Id known as Trump on the public. This is what comes of attempting to divorce truth from reality, which has been the principal business of American life for several decades now. When truth and reality become de-linked, a society literally doesn’t know what it is doing. With that goes the collective sense of purpose, replaced with bromides and platitudes such as Trump’s “make America great again,” and Hillary’s “In America, every family should feel like they belong.”

    Unbeknownst to the cable news hustlers, events are in the driver’s seat, not the personalities of the puppets and muppets in the spotlight. Come July, there may not be anything that could be called the Republican Party. And Hillary is the first leading contender for the highest office with a possible indictment looming over her. Yes, it’s really there percolating on the FBI’s front burner. Even if the machinery of justice trips over itself again on that, imagine how the questions behind it will color the final battle for the general election. We also fail to appreciate how, if there is just a little more trouble in banking and financial markets before November 8, we can’t even be certain of holding the general election.

  • "They Blew It All On Hookers, Blow And Fancy Toys" – Hedgie Sees Lower Oil, Soaring Gold, & QE For The People

    Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

    In 2011, as gold prices rocketed to $1900 and oil was trading above $120 a barrel, there were few analysts who saw anything but further gains. But Marin Katusa of Katusa Research had a different opinion. At a major commodity conference Katusa, to boos and jeers from the audience, held strong to his analysis that an imminent deflationary collapse in commodity prices was on the horizon. And collapse they did.

    According to Katusa, who is closely involved in the Canadian resource sector, most people simply assumed the good times would go on forever… because it was different this time. But like any uninhibited party fueled by unlimited cash, the hangover was sure to follow.

    There’s no doubt you had massive high paying jobs. In Canada, the province that benefited the most is Alberta… In the last twelve months they’ve had 70,000 layoffs of jobs paying over a hundred grand a year.


    …when I’d go to these oil towns you’d sit down at the casinos with them and these guys were all about the hookers and blow… they were all about their toys… big fancy trucks… snow mobiles… and they’re in the field for two weeks and they make $20,000 and blow it all at the casinos.


    You knew it couldn’t last. 

    As Katusa notes in his latest interview with Future Money Trends, though the crash has been brutal for the sector, it’s not over yet and it’s going lower for longer.


    They [OPEC] can survive at $20 oil…


    For two years everyone’s been saying, “OPEC’s going to cut back.”


    The reality here is, why would OPEC cut production? That would only prop up the Russians and the shale sector.

    And while most will argue that low oil prices will wipe out most of America’s shale industry, Katusa has a contrarian view, suggesting that shale sector debt, while significant, is not necessarily going to cause these companies to go under in the immediate future.



    Because what banker in their right mind wants to get dirty and actually operate an oil field?


    So the debt will be amended, extended and then they’ll pretend.


    … Because you can’t just shut down an oil field. You have to reclaim those wells, which means you have to shut them down and environmentally reclaim them… and it costs more to do that today than what the actual value is.


    The bankers know that.


    … With innovation, in the Western world, costs will decrease and the bankers have no choice but to amend, extend and pretend the debt.


    So they’re going to go lower for longer.

    In short, going forward we should expect widespread manipulation from the producers and the banks themselves to keep the bankruptcies at bay.

    But recession still looms, and Katusa says that there are two things we can count on in the near future and why people need to rethink their investments:

    The economy is changing… In a zero-interest rate policy world people have to rethink their investments… You’re looking at higher volatility, lower returns, but much higher risk.


    With all this going on in the world there are only two things that can happen.


    We continue with negative interest rates, which I see the trend globally… 35% of Eurozone countries already have negative interest policies…


    And there’s going to be quantitative easing for the people… QE4-P… and that’s the reality here.


    Negative interest rates are a tax on wealth… a tax on savers.

    And if you haven’t already guessed, amid all the volatility and debasement of currencies, one asset class, according to Katusa, will survive and counter the coming helicopter drop of freshly printed dollars:

    There’s a great way to make money on this if you get ahead of QE4P… the quantitative easing for the people… and gold is one of the ways to do that.

    In his must-see interview, Katusa expands on this forecast by noting that, on top of all the bailouts, trade tariffs, and quantitative easing to follow, China, in an effort to maintain the perception of stability in their economy and financial markets, will soon begin flooding the global economy with commodities like aluminum, steel, iron ore and coal, which will continue to have a deflationary impact on broader commodity markets.

    But the one sector they can’t flood – precious metals – is the very sector investors should be looking at as a way to not only preserve wealth going forward, but to grow it exponentially as crisis continues to hammer the global marketplace. That’s why Katusa has disclosed he is writing million dollar checks to one specific gold acquisition company, in similar fashion to other noteworthy insiders who are moving heavily into gold including Doug Casey, Eric Sprott, George Soros, Stanley Druckenmiller and Carl Icahn.

  • Why The Fed Will Never Normalize Rates (In 4 Simple Charts)

    It's not the economy, it's the debt, stupid…


    h/t @NorthmanTrader

  • Goldman Gives Draghi An Ultimatum, But The ECB May Be Finally Ready To Snap

    The G-20 Shanghai summit was a dud; China’s People’s Congress fizzled (even if it unleashed the biggest iron ore rally in history, however brief); and so – in a month full of expectations for major policy stimulus (which have so far been vastly disappointing), we approach the one event that is most actionable: the ECB’s March 10 meeting and press conference, where expectations are, just like back on December 3, so great – some expect up to a 20 bps rate cut to -0.5%, others expect QE to be increased from €60BN to €70BN per month, yet others believe that Draghi will either extend the TLTRO, expand the pool of eligible collateral or introduce tiering in the negative rates schedule like Japan; Credit Suisse believes the ECB will start buying corporate bonds – that the market’s pent up hope for stimulatory relief can only lead to disappointment, especially after a bear market rally as furious as this. 

    Indeed, some such as SocGen, admit as much: as Michala Marcussen says, “our view remains that monetary policy is near the limits of what it can achieve in isolation; structural reform and fiscal stimulus is required next.” 

    Bloomberg’s Richard Breslow was particularly poetic this morning when he wrote that “meddling with the monetary system had its day. The ECB, and the BOJ, among others, are increasingly looking like one trick ponies. Even if you agree it was a really good trick, at some point it losses all impact on the audience. And that is a real danger as the QE transmission mechanism can’t work if it fails to impress. From Davos to Shanghai we have been treated (tortured) with hearing central bankers talk longingly about fiscal policy. And then go off and ramp up monetary policy. The tact they employ in criticizing their governments is utterly the wrong tack.

    We wholeheartedly agree with this searing observation, because Breslow is 100% correct: even as they blame the fiscal authorities for not doing their job (and the Fed has been particularly vocal in bashing Congress), central bankers do everything in their power to prevent the “risk off” market selloff that could finally force the required fiscal change and awake governments from their stupor. We highlighted this paradox 5 years ago when the Fed was launching QE2 and nothing has changed since even though now both the BIS (whose directors ironically are the same central bankers its economists love to criticize each quarter), and the Davos billionaire set, both agree that central planning has not only gone on for too long, but has lead to unprecedented and adverse consequences.

    And while there appears to be a disturbing, and 7 years late, break out of common sense among even the tenured “intellectual oligarchy”, one bank refuses to hand over control, and instead has released a note telling Mario Draghi in no uncertain terms, that it is “Time for the ECB to step it up.”

    In the note by Robin Brooks, whose abysmal FX recommendations in past few months, and whose epic, and just as overoptimistic misread of the December ECB meeting left Goldman clients with billions in losses, have made many ask if he is the next incarnation of the inimitable Tom Stolper, he admits that “one year since the start of ECB QE, the program is in trouble.” What he means is that his recommendation for EURUSD parity, and even as low as 0.90 by the end of 2017, is in just as big trouble.

    So, in order to avoid disappointing his former employer – recall that Draghi himself worked as Goldman when he was selling Greece those infamous currency swaps – once again, this is what Goldman’s FX strategist recommends the ECB should do.

    But first, this is how Goldman suggests Draghi pitch his case to his ECB peers:

    On perhaps the most important metric – inflation – we are almost back to where we started, with core near last year’s low of 0.6 percent. Looking through the lens of the inflation mandate, sequential (month-over-month) inflation needs to triple from its pace over the past year for the ECB to meet its already low forecast for core of 1.3 percent in 2016 (Exhibit 1). Put another way, our European economics team forecasts core at just 0.9 percent this year. There is therefore little doubt in our minds that the ECB is missing its mandate and – given the miss on core – that this is not just a story about lower oil prices. Instead, the Phillips curve in the Euro zone may have shifted down, which would explain why core has failed to pick up even as the unemployment gap has closed (Exhibit 2). The fact that this downshift originates in southern Europe, as we have shown, suggests that structural reforms are pushing wages and prices lower, giving a deflationary bias to the periphery, such that Euro zone inflation is now lower ceteris paribus. If this is true, low inflation is a more serious problem than the ECB believes and requires forceful action. In this FX Views, we lay out scenarios for EUR/$ for different outcomes on Thursday. Above all, after a year of mixed messages, the ECB needs to signal that it is serious about pursuing its inflation mandate, including via a stepped up pace of monthly QE purchases.



    Or else? And here is where it gets good, because Goldman basically lays out, point for point, what Draghi should do on Thursday if he wants to remain in his cephalopod master’s good graces:

    There is little doubt in our minds that the ECB wants to surprise this week, not just because of the inflation picture, but also because it disappointed in December, inadvertently tightening financial conditions materially. The question is whether it will choose to do that on the deposit rate and/or sovereign bond buying. From the perspective of EUR/$, we think it is helpful to go back to first principles. The main goal of any QE program is to encourage a portfolio shift from the safe haven asset – Bunds in the Euro zone – to risky assets, including foreign currencies. The sharp Bund sell-off a year ago, not to mention the volatility since then (Exhibit 3), have impaired the functioning of ECB QE, as can be seen from the pull-back in residents’ portfolio outflows following President Draghi’s comment that “markets should get used to periods of higher volatility” at the June press conference (Exhibit 4). Our first preference is therefore for the ECB to simply stabilize Bund yields at a relatively low level, similar to what the BoJ has done since the start of QQE. This is the most powerful option for Euro down and would require the Bundesbank to adjust the maturity of its Bund purchases to market conditions. A shift from Bunds to more periphery debt, for example by relaxing the capital key, is next up in our list of preferred measures, where our rule of thumb is that an EUR 100 bn surprise is worth one big figure downside in EUR/$. Another cut in the deposit rate is our least preferred option, because we see the effect from negative interest rates as relatively limited. We think a 10 bps surprise is worth two big figures downside in EUR/$. Given how much is priced and the negative perception of tiering, this is the least powerful option.


    Goldman has spoken and it demands more QE. NIRP is its least favorite option.

    In the next paragraph, the vocal “urges” of what the ECB should do continue, and here we find that according to Goldman, that major Bund selloff of last April, was precisely at the behest of the ECB as we suggested, and as many accused us of the usual tinfoilhattery. We were right.

    Any QE program has distributional consequences, by penalizing savers at the expense of debtors. At the ECB, the interests of savers (and the financial sector that serves them) are represented by the Bundesbank, perhaps the single most important constituency within the central bank. As we showed last year, the Bund sell-off in April/May coincided with the Bundesbank reducing the maturity of its purchases (when to anchor yields it should have done the opposite), so that – in our minds – the sell-off was partly a policy decision. We see this as a form of “financial dominance,” with savers impeding forceful QE, a concept our European team discussed in early 2014. Meanwhile, shifting purchases towards periphery debt is less powerful for Euro downside, especially if it coincides with a steeper and more volatile Bund curve, because it more closely resembles a quasi-fiscal operation, helping the periphery sustain large debt burdens, aka “fiscal dominance.” Finally, the debate over tiering, which aims to shield banks from the adverse fall-out of negative interest rates, is just another example of “financial dominance.” The fact that monetary policy is subject to lobbying from different vested interests is of course nothing new. But in the case of the ECB, this is coming at the expense of “monetary dominance,” meaning that policy is not quick and forceful enough to boost inflation back to the mandate (Exhibit 5). Ultimately, we think monetary dominance will reassert itself, given that the ECB has only inflation as its target. That is the underlying reason why we continue to hold to our 0.95 forecast for EUR/$ in 12 months.



    Goldman’s conclusion is that “the ECB needs to surprise this week, not because of markets, but because – given the trend in core inflation – the existing policy mix is behind the curve.” Translation: the ECB has to surprise because of markets.  Brooks continues:

    Given the political economy within the ECB and what is now priced in money markets, we think the biggest margin for surprise will be to step up monthly purchases and signal that “scarcity” is not a constraint [ZH: even though it clearly is]  including via shifting away from the capital key. Our rule of thumb is that an EUR 100 bn surprise on sovereign bond buying translates into one big figure down in EUR/$. Most important, beyond specific measures, we believe it is time for the ECB to step it up and reassert “monetary dominance” over all other interests.

    Which is how Goldman lays down its ultimatum to a central banker whom it itself spawned.  Then again, Draghi already defied Goldman once in December. Would he dare to do it twice? For one thing, Robin Brooks career at Goldman would certainly be over if he were to once again lead Goldman’s muppets into the ECB slaughter. Another 3-4 big figure search in the EURUSD, and Goldman wouldn’t have to fire Brooks: his former clients may just take matters into their own vigilante hands.

    And therein lies the rub, because implied threats or not, according to MarketNews, the possibility of an ECB disappointment is all too real. This is what MNI reported last week:

    The European Central Bank is likely to add a further deposit rate cut to its fight against low inflation and tepid growth in the currency area next week, but multiple conversations with a variety of Eurosystem sources indicate little or no consensus yet for action beyond a ‘plain vanilla’ rate move. While market expectations of a comprehensive easing package from the Governing Council are on the rise, policymakers from the world’s biggest economies warned last week at the G20 meeting in Shanghai that monetary efforts alone cannot address the issues of confidence and demand that are currently stifling growth.

    Oops. If true, and going back to Breslow’s point, that would mean that Draghi will disappoint on purpose, precisely to stimulate a fiscal intervention and to keep the monetary toolkit at bay. If so, Goldman is in for a huge disappointment.

    Against that backdrop, conversations with several senior Eurosystem sources indicate that while most are open to moves that can ignite growth and inflation without creating further risks to the region’s financial stability, there remains a great deal of uncertainty with respect to the viability of specific policy options and much will depend on both the Executive Board’s proposals and the new staff macroeconomic forecasts to be presented at the meeting.

    The quotes confirm as much:

    “I don’t think that monetary policy has reached its limits, but it’s a question of whether it marginally adds to the efficiency of what we’re doing with the instruments we have,” said one senior Eurosystem source. “There is a pretty much unlimited arsenal of instruments we can use. But the question I see and always ask myself is whether we are hitting the right buttons.”

    To be sure, nobody doubts the ECB can do more, the question is whether it should do more:

    Multiple conversations with Eurosystem sources revealed some concern with respect to the limits of monetary policy, although a large majority agreed there were still plenty of options for the Governing Council, even as they lamented the lack of fiscal support from Eurozone governments.


    “Monetary policy isn’t paralyzed, but it’s not the only game in town,” said a second senior Eurosystem source. “Within our limits and competencies, I think we do have influence, and we have proven efficient in terms of reducing long-term interest rates, improving credit conditions and stabilizing inflation expectations.”


    “The huge handicap I’m seeing now is the European political environment; Europe is going through one of its major crises, I’m afraid, with even Schengen on the table.” The first source agreed.

    And herein lies the rub: even the ECB realizes that the time for passing the buck to Frankfurt is over.

    “I had hoped the ‘Juncker Plan’ would be there already, but it’s not yet,” the source said, referring to the E315 billion European Fund for Strategic Investments championed by Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. “And every month that the Plan is not there, we are missing opportunities to have an impact from it. I have no idea what the European Commission is doing about that.”


    The same source also indicated a certain degree of remorse with respect to market expectations and the burden being placed on central bankers – largely as a result of the Bank’s previous activism.


    “There is a refugee crisis; what could the ECB do? There is climate change; oh, the ECB needs to do something. I have the hiccups; oh, the ECB should do something … it’s crazy,” the source said. “I find this completely ridiculous and irresponsible. But we got ourselves into this.

    Yes, an ECB source said that, and he or she is right: you got yourselves into this, and there is only one way to get out – by demonstrating that you will no longer operate at the markets’ every whim and allow Brussels to punt at a time when they have to make decisions. To do that you will have to disappoint not only the market, but the banks that is confident it owns your boss.

    Will the ECB finally have the guts to say no to Goldman? We doubt it, but just in case, we are going long the EURUSD if only for symbolic support value…

  • EU, Turkey Agree To Keep Talking On Refugee Crisis, Will Reconvene Next Week

    Update: Monday came and went, and here, courtesy of Bloomberg’s bullets, is what we got in terms of what amounts to a “draft of a draft”:

    • Draft doesn’t refer to additional 3 billion euros for Turkey as had been requested
    • EU leaders warmly welcomed additional proposals made by Turkey today to address migration issue
    • Draft refers to agreement to work on basis of following principles:
      • to return all new irregular migrants crossing from Turkey to Greek islands with EU covering costs
      • to resettle, for every Syrian readmitted by Turkey from Greek islands, another Syrian from Turkey to EU
      • accelerate visa liberalization roadmap with view to lifting visa requirements for Turkish citizens by end June at latest
      • speed up disbursement of EU 3bln to ensure first projects funded before end March, and decide on additional funding for Refugee Facility for Syrians

    Next pretend “D-Day”: March 18, the last day of the European Summit. Martin Selmayr, chief-of-staff to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, tweeted: “Deal. Breakthrough with Turkey.” 

    Yeah, sure.

    *  *  *

    On Monday, officials from the EU and Turkey are gathered in Brussels to do some talking about the refugee crisis that threatens to tear Europe apart at the seams. And make no mistake, “talk” is probably all they’ll do.

    Last year, Europe and Turkey agreed on a so-called “joint action plan” which essentially amounted to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan extorting €3 billion from Brussels in exchange for a promise to curb people smuggling and stem the flow of migrants into Western Europe. As The Guardian notes, “several months on, the pact remains little more than a piece of paper.”

    Although the check has been cut, it’s not entirely clear where the money went (surprise) and now that the effective closure of the Balkan route has created a severe bottleneck of refugees in Greece, Athens is very near to losing its mind.

    As of Sunday, as many as 14,000 men, women, and children were stranded on Macedonia’s border which has been sealed and which migrant men have at various times tried to breach with homemade battering rams.

    Now, Macedonia wants to extend the 19-mile, Orban-style razor wire fence to a 200-mile barrier complete with guards armed with tasers, a plan unveiled in Brussels over the weekend detailed.

    Needless to say, Alexis Tsipras is at wit’s end.

    First Brussels forced Athens to accept a third sovereign bailout that carried draconian terms and all but guaranteed the country will remain a debt serf of Berlin for the next five decades. Now, Austria has effectively conspired with the Balkan countries to close the route north to Germany leaving Greece on its own to handle the influx. “Europe is in the midst of a nervous crisis, primarily for reasons of political weakness,” said he said on Sunday.

    (A man looks at the Greek island of Lesbos from the Turkish coastline)

    “About 13,000-14,000 people are trapped in Idomeni, while another 6,000-7,000 are being housed in refugee camps around the region,” Al Jazeera reports, citing Apostolos Tzitzikostas, governor of Central Macedonia province.

    “It’s a huge humanitarian crisis. I have asked the government to declare the area in a state of emergency,” he said during a visit to Idomeni on Saturday to distribute aid to the Red Cross and other non-governmental organisations.

    For her part, the Iron Chancellor claims “rumors” that the Balkan route has been closed “do not conform to the facts” (to quote China’s NBS):

    Coming back to Monday’s summit, “the crucial point is to know if Turkey is a player on our side, because up to now they declare they are on our side, but they don’t do anything to prove that,” Miltiadis Kyrkos, a Greek MEP who is the vice-chair of the European parliament’s joint committee with Turkey, said.

    As for Turkey, you can say what you will about Erdogan’s belligerence, but the country is not only on the frontlines of the refugee crisis, but on the frontlines of the war itself. The pressure is palpable to say the absolute least.

    Take the tiny town of Kilis for instance, which has more than doubled in size from the refugee influx. Incidentally, the town (which WSJ notes was previously “best known as a place for truckers to pick up pistachio-encrusted pastries before crossing the nearby Syrian border”), is up for a Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts.

    “To encourage refugees to stay, Ankara is now allowing millions of Syrians to legally work in Turkey, ending a policy in place since the start of the war. But the new regulation comes with restrictions,” WSJ goes on to document. “The restrictions, along with the often-convoluted bureaucratic challenges, make it hard for Syrian families to stay.”

    In other words, some Turkish towns with big hearts are doing their part (and more), but Ankara hasn’t even begun to implement the type of measures that will stop refugees from fleeing to Western Europe and besides, Turkey isn’t that much safer than Syria these days. “Using Turkey as a ‘safe third country’ is absurd,” said Amnesty’s director for Europe and Central Asia, Gauri van Gulik. “Many refugees still live in terrible conditions; some have been deported back to Syria and security forces have even shot at Syrians trying to cross the border.” And that’s if they don’t get blown up by the very same groups blowing them up in Syria, groups that are armed and funded by Erdogan.

    As The Guardian goes on to say, “resettlement was Angela Merkel’s last gambit for solving the refugee crisis. In mid-February, the German government confidently presented a plan in which a “coalition of the willing” – including Austria, Germany, Sweden and the Benelux trio – would take 300,000 refugees from Turkey a year [but] the renegade actions of Austria and the western Balkan states have forced Merkel into a rethink.”

    It’s our damned duty,” she insisted last week. “And no I don’t have a Plan B.”

    Well, she had better get one, before the German electorate goes with “Plan B” for chancellor.

    As for whether Erdogan will suddenly step up to the plate – don’t hold your “damned” breath. “Turkey’s diplomacy [is like] an eastern bazaar,” the aforementioned Miltiadis Kyrkos said. And it’s not just money Ankara wants. Turkish PM Ahmet Davutoglu is looking to trade concessions on migrants for fast-track membership to the EU. “I am sure these challenges will be solved through our cooperation and Turkey is ready to work with the EU,” Davutoglu said. “Turkey is ready to be a member of the EU as well. Today I hope this summit will not just focus on irregular migration but also the Turkish accession process to the EU.”

    But Europeans aren’t exactly thrilled about Ankara’s latest move away from democratic norms. “Media freedom is a non-negotiable element of our European identity,” European Parliament President Martin Schulz said he had told the Turkish Premier, referring to Erdogan’s move to seize control of The Daily Zaman.

    And sure enough, as FT reports, Turkey is asking for more concessions: “Ahead of crunch summit between EU leaders and the Turkish prime minister on Monday, Ankara has called for an increase on the €3bn in aid previously promised by the EU, faster access to Schengen visas for Turkish citizens and accelerated progress in its EU membership bid.” One imagines a long list of eleventh hour demands could well cause the whole thing to collapse.

    Perhaps Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte put it best: “[This] is not the summit that will change anything.”

  • 12 Ways Your Tax Dollars Were Squandered In Afghanistan

    Everyone knows America’s campaign in Afghanistan has been an enormous foreign policy success.

    The Taliban harbored al-Qaeda before and after 9/11 so naturally, the US had to oust Mullah Omar and company on the way to chasing Osama bin Laden through the mountains whilst laying waste to whatever civilization existed prior to the American invasion.

    But the $133.1 billion spent on the war was well worth it. Bin Laden was captured in a matter of months, the Taliban was driven into relative obscurity, a stable government was elected by the people for the people in Kabul, and today, Afghanistan stands as a democratic oasis in an otherwise strife-ridden wasteland.

    Oh, wait.

    Actually it took a decade to find Bin Laden, the country is still mired in violence, Mullah Omar finally died with his one eye but it wasn’t part of some dramatic US raid, the Taliban is resurgent and now controls more territory than it has since before 9/11, and in October, Obama had to backtrack on his pledge to pull American troops out of the country.

    Accoring to Afghan government sources there was a “secret” meeting in Doha in February between the Taliban and officials from Kabul where, according to the government, “they [the Taliban] wouldn’t simply reject that they’re going to meet [us] face to face [for the talks in March].” If that doesn’t sound promising to you, you’re a pragmatist and should be praised for it.

    So that of course means more taxpayer dollars will continue to be plowed into this misadventure and before you know it, American boots will have been on Afghan ground for longer than some of the soldiers fighting there will have been alive.

    For those who enjoy seeing how their tax dollars are wasted on Washington’s perpetually wrong-footed Mid-East foreign policy, NBC has the following hilarious (and remarkably candid, considering the source) tribute to utter military frivolity.

    *  *  *

    From NBC

    NBC News spoke to SIGAR’s Special Inspector General John F. Sopko about 12 of the most bizarre and baffling cases highlighted by his team’s investigations.

    1. $486 million for ‘deathtrap’ aircraft that were later sold for $32,000

    “These planes were the wrong planes for Afghanistan,” Sopko told NBC News. “The U.S. had difficulty getting the Afghans to fly them, and our pilots called them deathtraps. One pilot said parts started falling off while he was coming into land.” Sopko called the planes “one of the biggest single programs in Afghanistan that was a total failure.”

    2. $335 million on a power plant that used just 1 percent of its capacity

    The “modern” diesel plant exported just 8,846 megawatt hours of power between February 2014 and April 2015, SIGAR said in a letter to USAID last August. This output was less than 1 percent of the plant’s capacity and provided just 0.35 percent of power to Kabul, a city of 4.6 million people.

    3. Almost $500,000 on buildings that ‘melted’ in the rain

    U.S. officials directed and oversaw the construction of an Afghan police training facility in 2012 that was so poorly built that its walls actually fell apart in the rain. The $456,669 dry-fire range in Wardak province was “not only an embarrassment, but, more significantly, a waste of U.S. taxpayers’ money,” SIGAR’s report said in January 2015.

    4. $34.4 million on a soybean program for a country that doesn’t eat soybeans

    “They didn’t grow them, they didn’t eat them, there was no market for them, and yet we thought it was a good idea,” Sopko told NBC News.

    5. One general’s explanation why 1,600 fire-prone buildings weren’t a problem

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built some 2,000 buildings to be used as barracks, medical clinics and fire stations by the Afghan National Army as part of a $1.57-billion program. When two fires in October and December 2012 revealed that around 80 percent of these structures did not meet international building regulations for fire safety, Sopko said he was “troubled” by the “arrogant” response from a senior USACE chief.

    6. A $600,000 hospital where infants were washed in dirty river water

    “Because there was no clean water, staff at the hospital were washing newborns with untreated river water,” SIGAR’s report said in January 2014. It added that the “poorly constructed” building was also at increased “risk of structural collapse during an earthquake.”

    7. $36 million on a military facility that several generals didn’t want

    The so-called “64K” command-and-control facility at Afghanistan’s Camp Leatherneck cost $36 million and was “a total waste of U.S. taxpayer funds,” SIGAR’s report said in May 2015.

    8. $39.6 million that created an awkward conversation for the U.S. ambassador

    A now-defunct Pentagon task force spent almost $40 million on Afghanistan’s oil, mining and gas industry — but no one remembered to tell America’s diplomats in Kabul, according to SIGAR, citing a senior official at the U.S. embassy in the city.

    In fact, the first the U.S. ambassador knew about the multi-billion-dollar spend was when Afghan government officials thanked him for his country’s support, SIGAR said.

    9. $3 million for the purchase — and then mystery cancellation — of eight boats

    SIGAR said the U.S. military has been unable to provide records answering “the most basic questions” surrounding the mystery purchase and cancellation of eight patrol boats for landlocked Afghanistan.

    10. $7.8 billion fighting drugs — while Afghans grow more opium than ever

    Despite the U.S. plowing some $7.8 billion into stopping Afghanistan’s drug trade,” Afghan farmers are growing more opium than ever before,” SIGAR reported in December 2014.

    11. $7.8 million on a nearly-empty business park

    After the military withdrew in mid-2014, the investigators were told that at least four Afghan businesses had moved into the industrial park. However, SIGAR said that it could not complete a thorough inspection because USAID’s contract files were “missing important documentation.”

    12. $81.9 million on incinerators that either weren’t used or harmed troops

    The DOD spent nearly $82 million on nine incineration facilities in Afghanistan — yet four of them never fired their furnaces, SIGAR said in February 2015. These four dormant facilities had eight incinerators between them and the wastage cost $20.1 million.

    Read the full NBC report here

    *  *  *

    The good news is, now that Obama is set to keep all 9,800 troops that are currently in the country deployed through this year and 5,500 troops through 2017, they’ll be plenty more opportunities to waste money. 

    Maybe Kabul will mercifully pass the baton to the Russians who – if Syria is any indication – seem to have learned something from their experience fighting the Mujahideen in the 80s.


  • Thanks To The Republican Civil War, Every Scenario Ends With Hillary Winning The Election

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

    What is the worst possible outcome for the presidential election of 2016?  Assuming that an election will actually take place, that is an easy question to answer – Hillary Rodham Clinton as the next president of the United States.  She is truly evil in every sense of the word, and the implications of what four (or eight) years of Hillary would mean for our nation are almost too terrible to imagine.  That is why it is so depressing watching what is happening to the Republican Party right now.  The civil war in the Republican Party is ripping it to shreds, and as a result of all this warfare every plausible scenario for what will happen the rest of the way ends with Hillary Clinton winning the 2016 election.

    According to the Associated Press, here is how the Republican delegate count stands as of right now…

    • Donald Trump: 384
    • Ted Cruz: 300
    • Marco Rubio: 151
    • John Kasich: 37

    Ted Cruz looks like he is within shooting distance of Trump, but that is an illusion.  The early part of the schedule was full of states where Cruz was expected to do well, but now the map is going to work very much against him.

    At this point, the only candidate that looks like he may be able to accumulate 1,237 delegates before the convention is Trump, and that is far from guaranteed.  So far, Trump has won approximately 44 percent of the delegates during the caucuses and primaries.  By the time it is all said and done, he will need to have slightly more than 60 percent of all the delegates awarded during the caucuses and primaries to guarantee himself the nomination before the Republican convention.  That is because there are hundreds of delegates that are not awarded during the caucuses and the primaries, and almost all of those delegates are members of the Republican establishment.

    Trump can still get there by racking up large delegate totals in winner-take-all states such as California, but it will be a challenge.  The entire Republican Party establishment, Fox News, Glenn Beck and a significant number of other prominent conservative voices have all declared war on Trump.  In fact, there are super PACs that are going to spend tens of millions of dollars doing nothing but trying to destroy Trump.

    If the Republican Party actually wanted to beat Hillary Clinton in November, they should be rallying around Trump and trying to help him, because he would definitely need a lot of help to win the general election.

    According to Real Clear Politics, the latest three polls all have Trump losing to Clinton by at least 5 points.  In key states such as Michigan, the numbers are quite a bit more dismal.  Over the next few months, those numbers are likely to get even worse as Trump is savagely assaulted by the Republican establishment and relentlessly bombarded by tens of millions of dollars of negative attack ads.  Meanwhile, Clinton is cruising along virtually unscathed.

    Of course in a just world Hillary Clinton would have already been arrested and put in prison.  There is no possible way that she should be running for president of the United States.  Unfortunately, we live in a deeply corrupt society, and this is the way that things work.

    If by some miracle he does survive to become the nominee, a significantly weakened Trump would then have to face the full power of the Clinton political machine.  It is estimated that a billion dollars could be spent on the Democratic side this time around, and Trump does not have the resources to match that.  Normally big Republican donors rally around the nominee, but in this case the big money is fighting like crazy to defeat Trump.  In a general election matchup, it really would be David vs. Goliath, and Trump would not be Goliath.

    If Donald Trump does not accumulate 1,237 delegates before the convention, then we would be headed for what is known as a “brokered convention“.  The rules are very complicated, but the key thing to remember is that the delegates are only bound for the first vote.  After that, they can vote for whoever they want.

    And it is very important to note that the campaigns don’t pick their delegates.  Becoming a delegate is a long and tedious process in most states, and most of them are party loyalists.

    In the end, a “brokered convention” would almost certainly result in an establishment candidate being chosen as the nominee.  Needless to say, the names “Trump” and “Cruz” would not be on that list.

    Have you noticed that Mitt Romney has started to put himself out there lately?  His verbal attacks on Trump have been absolutely scathing, and he told Fox News that he would not say no if he was “drafted” to become the nominee at the Republican convention…

    Romney, a former Massachusetts governor and the Republicans’ 2012 presidential nominee, repeated remarks from last week, telling “Fox News Sunday” that he wouldn’t launch an eleventh-hour campaign for president. But he declined to reject being “drafted” at the GOP convention in July to be the party’s general election candidate.


    It would be absurd to say that if I were drafted I’d say no,” Romney said.

    Behind the scenes, much more is going on.  In fact, CNN is reporting that Romney’s team is actively working on a plan to steal the nomination from Trump at the convention…

    Mitt Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention, a source close to Romney’s inner circle says.


    The 2012 GOP nominee’s advisers are examining what a fight at the convention might look like and what rules might need revising.


    It sounds like the plan is to lock the convention,” said the source.

    If Romney does emerge as the nominee, does anyone actually believe that he will defeat Clinton?

    Of course not.  Trump’s millions of supporters will be absolutely infuriated, and many of them would absolutely refuse to cast a vote for Romney in the general election.

    In the end, it would be the same result – a victory for Hillary Clinton.

    The next few weeks are going to be very interesting.  If Trump wins Florida and Ohio, there is going to be a lot of pressure on Marco Rubio and John Kasich to get out of the race, and the path to 1,237 delegates would appear to be clear.

    However, Mitt Romney could attempt to derail the Trump bandwagon by jumping in the race after March 15th.  Romney’s goal would be to capture enough delegates in winner-take-all states such as California to keep Trump from getting to the magic number of 1,237.  If Romney could do that, he knows that he would likely come out of a brokered convention as the nominee.

    But no matter what happens on the Republican side from this point forward, it is going to take a miracle of epic proportions to keep Hillary Clinton from winning the presidency.  Every plausible scenario ends with her in the White House, and that is a truly horrible thing to imagine.

  • Iran Billionaire Who Pioneered "PetroGold" Sentenced To Death

    Two months back, in a series of lengthy exposes (see here and here), we profiled the ins and outs of the “petrogold” trade that allowed Iran to skirt international sanctions that froze Tehran out of the banking system by way of conduits and shady go-betweens in Turkey and Dubai.

    The tale is long and winding and should probably be adapted for the silver screen, but really, the mechanics were pretty simple. Couriers simply carried briefcases full of bullion through Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport and flew to Dubai where the gold was then carted off to Iran.

    The Dubai intermediary became necessary because gold exports to then-pariah state Iran were becoming too suspicious. Here’s a bit from Reuters ca. 2012 that details the switch: “Turkey exported a total $2.3 billion worth of gold in August, of which $2.1 billion was gold bullion. Just over $1.9 billion, about 36 metric tons, was sent to the UAE, latest available data from Turkey’s Statistics Office shows. In July Turkey exported only $7 million of gold to the UAE. At the same time Turkey’s direct gold exports to Iran, which had been fluctuating between $1.2 billion and about $1.8 billion each month since April, slumped to just $180 million in August.”

    Eventually the world came to know who the people on the Turkish side of the deal were and unsurprisingly the connections went all the way to the top including Turkey’s then-economy minister, Zafer Caglayan and Erdogan himself (wouldn’t you know it). Finally, in July of 2013, the U.S. added precious metals to the list of items that couldn’t be sold to Iran as part of an effort to curtail the country’s nuclear enrichment program.

    Party over.

    We went on to identify the Dubai middleman involved in the trade and looked into his company Gold AE where, ultimately, all of the gold held on behalf of clients simply disappeared. You’re encouraged to read the entire series linked above, but what’s notable today is that the Iranian side of the business, billionaire Babak Zanjani was just sentenced to death in Iran.

    You may remember Mr. Zanjani from 2013, when he was arrested for corruption.

    In better times:


    As PressTV reported at the time, “after sanctions were imposed against the National Iranian Oil Company, Iran had to export oil and they gave Babak Zanjani the task of exporting some of this oil worth around USD 3.0003 billion. The problem is that they were supposed to get collateral from him by law and this was not done.”

    We asked: “So, Zanjani was tasked to circumvent oil sanctions which he did for over a year, but now, for some inexplicable reason, he is arrested for not ‘getting collateral’?

    We suggested at the time that perhaps the US put pressure on Iran to arrest Zanjani in exchange for some manner of sanctions relief and we’ll probably (scratch that, “definitely”) never know the whole story, but the official line now is that he embezzled $2.7 billion from the state-run National Iranian Oil Co. 

    The court found enough evidence to convict Zanjani and two other people, who were also sentenced to death,” Bloomberg reports, adding that “Zanjani, who has denied all wrongdoing, was accused of embezzling $2.7 billion from the state-run National Iranian Oil Co. during transactions intended to circumvent international sanctions on crude exports.”

    (Zanjani arrives for court in November)

    As you can imagine, being tasked with helping a country evade international sanctions might tempt one to skim a little off the top which is exactly what Zanjani is accused of doing via the Tajikistan branch of his own bank, First Islamic Investment Bank.

    But here’s the (politically) interesting part: “The embezzlement occurred under the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad [but Zanjani] was arrested in December 2013 after the election of President Hassan Rouhani.

    Bloomberg continues: “Zanjani was known to have good contacts with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, and the decision marks a political and economic “confrontation” within Iran’s political establishment between the legacy of Ahmadinejad and the new era of Rouhani.”

    So it would appear that we may have been right three years ago. Is it possible that Rouhani made a deal with the US as part of the sanctions relief to rid the world of this petrogold peddler on the excuse he embezzled money from his own country? 

    In other words, was Zanjani simply a casualty of the Nuclear Accord and was he summarily abandoned by the Ayatollah and the IRGC for reasons of geopolitical expediency? 

    We’ll leave it to readers to decide.

  • Egypt: The Pound Plunges

    Authored by Steve H. Hanke of the Johns Hopkins University. Follow him on Twitter @Steve_Hanke.

    The Egyptian pound is plummeting, again, losing 6.1% of its value against the greenback over the past week.  As shown in the accompanying chart, the black market premium has soared to 25.2%.

    The plunging pound has dramatically pushed up Egypt’s implied annual inflation rate.  It now stands at 28.9%.  The Egyptian pound might just be General Sisi’s Achilles’ heel.

  • Chinese Hackers Break Into NY Fed, Steal $100 Million From Bangladesh Central Bank

    Reports indicate that some of the stolen funds were traced to the Philippines, but given what we know about the “Cyber Axis of Evil,” we can only suspect it was Iranians, Chinese, or the criminal/military mastermind Kim Jong-Un who was behind the scam, but whatever the case, someone, somewhere, hacked into Bangladesh’s central bank on February 5.

    According to Reuters, “some of the funds” have been recovered, but the bank didn’t initially say how much or how much was initially stolen. We suppose that theoretically it could have been a rather large sum, as the country has around $26 billion in FX reserves on hand:

    But just moments ago we learned from the AFP that the amount lost was around $100 million. “Some of the money was then illegally transferred online to the Philippines and Sri Lanka, a central bank official told AFP on condition of anonymity.” 

    “The bank reported that the USD 100 million was leaked into the Philippine banking system, sold to a black market foreign exchange broker and then transferred to at least three local casinos,” AFP continues, adding that “the amount was later sold back to the money broker and moved out to overseas accounts within days.”

    And here’s the punchline: According to AFP, Chinese hackers have been blamed and the money was stolen from accounts held at the New York Fed…

    (“They stole about this much, I’d say”)

    This afternoon, the Fed was out with the official denial, saying only this to Reuters: “To date, there is no evidence of any attempt to penetrate Federal Reserve systems in connection with the payments in question, and there is no evidence that any Fed systems were compromised.”

    Was Dudley penetrated then, or not? We’ll have to wait on the official investigation.

  • Mike Bloomberg Won't Run For President: "I Won't Risk Helping Trump"

    Authored by Michael Bloomberg, originally posted at,

    Americans today face a profound challenge to preserve our common values and national promise.

    Wage stagnation at home and our declining influence abroad have left Americans angry and frustrated. And yet Washington, D.C., offers nothing but gridlock and partisan finger-pointing.

    Worse, the current presidential candidates are offering scapegoats instead of solutions, and they are promising results that they can’t possibly deliver. Rather than explaining how they will break the fever of partisanship that is crippling Washington, they are doubling down on dysfunction.

    Over the course of American history, both parties have tended to nominate presidential candidates who stay close to and build from the center. But that tradition may be breaking down. Extremism is on the march, and unless we stop it, our problems at home and abroad will grow worse.

    Many Americans are understandably dismayed by this, and I share their concerns. The leading Democratic candidates have attacked policies that spurred growth and opportunity under President Bill Clinton — support for trade, charter schools, deficit reduction and the financial sector. Meanwhile, the leading Republican candidates have attacked policies that spurred growth and opportunity under President Ronald Reagan, including immigration reform, compromise on taxes and entitlement reform, and support for bipartisan budgets. Both presidents were problem-solvers, not ideological purists. And both moved the country forward in important ways.

    Over the last several months, many Americans have urged me to run for president as an independent, and some who don’t like the current candidates have said it is my patriotic duty to do so. I appreciate their appeals, and I have given the question serious consideration. The deadline to answer it is now, because of ballot access requirements.

    My parents taught me about the importance of giving back, and public service has been an important part of my life. After 12 years as mayor of New York City, I know the personal sacrifices that campaigns and elected office require, and I would gladly make them again in order to help the country I love.

    I’ve always been drawn to impossible challenges, and none today is greater or more important than ending the partisan war in Washington and making government work for the American people — not lobbyists and campaign donors. Bringing about this change will require electing leaders who are more focused on getting results than winning re-election, who have experience building small businesses and creating jobs, who know how to balance budgets and manage large organizations, who aren’t beholden to special interests — and who are honest with the public at every turn. I’m flattered that some think I could provide this kind of leadership.

    But when I look at the data, it’s clear to me that if I entered the race, I could not win. I believe I could win a number of diverse states — but not enough to win the 270 Electoral College votes necessary to win the presidency.

    In a three-way race, it’s unlikely any candidate would win a majority of electoral votes, and then the power to choose the president would be taken out of the hands of the American people and thrown to Congress. The fact is, even if I were to receive the most popular votes and the most electoral votes, victory would be highly unlikely, because most members of Congress would vote for their party’s nominee. Party loyalists in Congress — not the American people or the Electoral College — would determine the next president.

    As the race stands now, with Republicans in charge of both Houses, there is a good chance that my candidacy could lead to the election of Donald Trump or Senator Ted Cruz. That is not a risk I can take in good conscience.

    I have known Mr. Trump casually for many years, and we have always been on friendly terms. I even agreed to appear on “The Apprentice” — twice. But he has run the most divisive and demagogic presidential campaign I can remember, preying on people’s prejudices and fears. Abraham Lincoln, the father of the Republican Party, appealed to our “better angels.” Trump appeals to our worst impulses.

    Threatening to bar foreign Muslims from entering the country is a direct assault on two of the core values that gave rise to our nation: religious tolerance and the separation of church and state. Attacking and promising to deport millions of Mexicans, feigning ignorance of white supremacists, and threatening China and Japan with a trade war are all dangerously wrong, too. These moves would divide us at home and compromise our moral leadership around the world. The end result would be to embolden our enemies, threaten the security of our allies, and put our own men and women in uniform at greater risk.

    Senator Cruz’s pandering on immigration may lack Trump’s rhetorical excess, but it is no less extreme. His refusal to oppose banning foreigners based on their religion may be less bombastic than Trump’s position, but it is no less divisive.

    We cannot “make America great again” by turning our backs on the values that made us the world’s greatest nation in the first place. I love our country too much to play a role in electing a candidate who would weaken our unity and darken our future — and so I will not enter the race for president of the United States.

    However, nor will I stay silent about the threat that partisan extremism poses to our nation. I am not ready to endorse any candidate, but I will continue urging all voters to reject divisive appeals and demanding that candidates offer intelligent, specific and realistic ideas for bridging divides, solving problems, and giving us the honest and capable government we deserve.

    For most Americans, citizenship requires little more than paying taxes. But many have given their lives to defend our nation — and all of us have an obligation as voters to stand up on behalf of ideas and principles that, as Lincoln said, represent “the last best hope of Earth.” I hope and pray I’m doing that.

    *  *  *

    Or maybe he saw the polls… and the odds…


    And as if Bill Ackman's stock market forecasts were not bad enough, he said this in October:

    "I’m not supporting any other candidate. I’m all in for Mike Bloomberg."

  • Average Wall Street Bonus Drops 9%; Lowest Since 2012

    When it comes to concerns about their professional future, few things faze Wall Streeters: mass layoffs – no big deal, someone else will hire; empty steakhouses – that’s ok, Hustler Club is packed (and expense accounts are accepted just fine). But lower compensation and all hell breaks loose. Which is why quite a few hearts must have been pounding today when New York state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli released his annual Wall Street compensation report in which we revealed that average Wall Street bonuses for 2015 will drop by a quite substantial 9% to “only” $146,200, the second consecutive year of declines, and the lowest since 2012 when average bonuses were $142,860.

    According to DiNapoli, “Wall Street bonuses and profits fell in 2015, reflecting a challenging year in the financial markets. While the cost of legal settlements appears to be easing, ongoing weaknesses in the global economy and market volatility may dampen profits in 2016.” This is bad news for New York because “both the state and city budgets depend heavily on the securities industry and lower profits could mean fewer industry jobs and less tax revenue.

    The total bonus pool for securities industry employees declined by 6 percent to $25 billion in 2015 during the traditional December-March bonus season. The Comptroller’s estimate includes cash bonuses for the current year and bonuses deferred from prior years that have been cashed in.

    Curiously, DiNapoli said that while profits in the securities industry declined for the third straight year, reaching their lowest level since 2011, industrywide employment increased 2.7% in 2015, averaging 172,400 jobs for the year.  As a result, the average bonus declined by 9 percent in New York City to $146,200 in 2015 and the decline in the average bonus was larger than the decline in the total bonus pool because the pool was shared among a larger number of employees than last year.  As a result, the average bonus in 2015 was slightly larger than the average of the seven prior years (adjusted for inflation).

    However, anyone seeking a big pick up in wages will have to look elsewhere: ideally minimum wage waiters, bartenders and retail workers who now make up the bulk of Obama’s “recovery.”

    One also wonders how long before Wall Street switches from bonus cuts to even more wholesale terminations. Indeed, as DiNapoli notes, “it remains to be seen whether the recent job gains can be sustained in 2016 given the weakness in the global economy and financial markets, and increased provisions for bad loans related to the energy sector. A number of large financial firms have already announced plans to reduce costs to improve profitability, which could lead to fewer employees in New York City and smaller bonuses next year.”

    And that is what the recovery has to look forward to: not only fewer of the best paid employees in the US, but another year of smaller bonuses. At least the price of oil has soared enough to where that quarter of a million of laid off O&G workers will be promptly rehired, or else very soon the US will run out of waiters.

    Finally, don’t cry for Wall Street: like every other utility, increasingly more of the comp is paid in the form of base pay and less in the bonus: according to DiNapoli the average salary (including bonuses) for securities industry employees in New York City rose 14% in 2014 to $404,800, setting a new record (data are not yet available for 2015). This was nearly six times higher than salaries in the rest of the City’s private sector ($72,300).

    Some other observations from the report:

    • Although the securities industry is smaller, it is still one of New York City’s most powerful economic engines. The industry accounted for 22 percent of all private sector wages paid in New York City in 2014 even though it accounted for less than 5 percent of the City’s private sector jobs. An estimated 1 in 9 jobs in the city are either directly or indirectly associated with the securities industry;
    • Unlike in prior economic recoveries, the securities industry has not been a driving force in the current jobs recovery in New York City. So far, the industry has accounted for less than 1 percent of the private sector jobs added, compared with 10 percent during the two prior recoveries;
    • Securities-related activities are a large contributor to state and city tax revenues. DiNapoli estimates that securities-related activities accounted for 7.5 percent ($3.8 billion) of all city tax revenue in city fiscal year 2015 and 17.5 percent ($12.5 billion) of state tax collections in State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2014-15. The state also expects to receive more than $8.5 billion in settlement payments from financial firms during SFY 2014-15 and SFY 2015-16; and

    Finally, this is the history of average Wall Street bonuses over the years:

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Today’s News 7th March 2016

  • THe EYe OF A CePHaLoPoD…



    We may well be in the eye of a cephalopod–WB7

  • "We're In The Eye Of The Storm" Rothschild Fears "Daunting Litany" Of Problems Ahead

    As central bank policy-makers' forecasts have become more pessimistic (i.e. more realistic), Lord Rothschild is unsurprised at the current malaise: "not surprisingly, market conditions have deteriorated further…So much so that the wind is certainly not behind us; indeed we may well be in the eye of a storm." On this basis, Rothschild highlights a "daunting litany of problems," warning those who are optimistically sanguine about the US economy that "2016 is likely to turn out to be more difficult than the second half of 2015."

    Lord Rothschild Letter to Investors (via RIT Capital):

    In my half-yearly statement I sounded a note of caution, ending up by writing that “the climate is one where the wind may well not be behind us”; indeed we became increasingly concerned about global equity markets during the last quarter of 2015, reducing our exposure to equities as the economic outlook darkened and many companies reported disappointing earnings. Meanwhile central banks’ policy makers became more pessimistic in their economic forecasts for, despite unprecedented monetary stimulus, growth remained anaemic.


    Not surprisingly, market conditions have deteriorated further. So much so that the wind is certainly not behind us; indeed we may well be in the eye of a storm.


    The litany of problems which confronts investors is daunting:

    • The QE tap is in the course of being turned off and in any event its impact in stimulating asset prices is coming to an end.
    • There’s the slowing down to an unknown extent in China.
    • The situation in the Middle East is likely to be unresolvable at least for some time ahead.
    • Progress of the US and European economies is disappointing.
    • The Greek situation remains fraught with the country now having to cope with the challenge of unprecedented immigration.
    • Over the last few years we have witnessed an explosion in debt, much of it repayable in revalued dollars by emerging market countries at the time of a collapse in commodity prices. Countries like Brazil, Russia, Nigeria, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are, as a result, deeply troubled.
    • In the UK we have an unsettled political situation as we attempt to deal with the possibility of Brexit in the coming months.

    The risks that confront investors are clearly considerable at a time when stock market valuations remain relatively high.


    There are, however, some influential and thoughtful investment managers who remain sanguine about markets in 2016 on the grounds that the US economy is in decent shape – outside of manufacturing – while they feel that economic conditions may be improving. To them, the decline in these markets may have more to do with sentiment than substance. Others are less optimistic but feel that the odds remain against these potential difficulties materialising in a form which would undermine global equity markets. However our view is that 2016 is likely to turn out to be more difficult than the second half of 2015. Our policy will be towards a greater emphasis on seeking absolute returns. We will remain highly selective when considering public and private investment opportunities. Reflecting this policy, our quoted equity exposure has been reduced to 43% of net asset value.


    There’s an old saying that in difficult times the return of capital takes precedence over the return on capital. Our principle will therefore be to exercise caution in all things in the current year, while remaining agile where opportunities present themselves. Problems have a habit of creating opportunities and I remain confident of our ability to identify and profit from them during 2016.

    Perhaps Lord Rothschild is on to something…


    Source: @DonDraperClone

    Of course, even The Fed is forced to admit that recession probabilities are rising fast…  


    And technically, we are indeed in the "eye of the storm"


    However, we have seen this pattern on a bigger scale before… and it did not end well.

    What happens next?


    Eye of the Storm? Or Storm In A Teacup?

  • Paul Craig Roberts: Murder Is Washington's Foreign Policy

    Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

    Washington has a long history of massacring people, for example, the destruction of the Plains Indians by the Union war criminals Sherman and Sheridan and the atomic bombs dropped on Japanese civilian populations, but Washington has progressed from periodic massacres to fulltime massacring. From the Clinton regime forward, massacre of civilians has become a defining characteristic of the United States of America.

    Washington is responsible for the destruction of Yugoslavia and Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, and part of Syria. Washington has enabled Saudi Arabia’s attack on Yemen, Ukraine’s attack on its former Russian provinces, and Israel’s destruction of Palestine and the Palestinian people.

    The American state’s murderous rampage through the Middle East and North Africa was enabled by the Europeans who provided diplomatic and military cover for Washington’s crimes. Today the Europeans are suffering the consequences as they are over-run by millions of refugees from Washington’s wars. The German women who are raped by the refugees can blame their chancellor, a Washington puppet, for enabling the carnage from which refugees flee to Europe.

    In the article below Mattea Kramer points out that Washington has added to its crimes the mass murder of civilians with drones and missile strikes on weddings, funerals, children’s soccer games, medical centers and people’s homes. Nothing can better illustrate the absence of moral integrity and moral conscience of the American state and the population that tolerates it than the cavalier disregard of the thousands of murdered innocents as “collateral damage.” 

    If there is any outcry from Washington’s European, Canadian, Australian, and Japanese vassals, it is too muted to be heard in the US.

    As Kramer points out, American presidential hopefuls are competing on the basis of who will commit the worst war crimes. A leading candidate has endorsed torture, despite its prohibition under US and international law. The candidate proclaims that “torture works” — as if that is a justification — despite the fact that experts know that it does not work. Almost everyone being tortured will say anything in order to stop the torture. Most of those tortured in the “war on terror” have proven to have been innocents. They don’t know the answers to the questions even if they were prepared to give truthful answers. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn relates that Soviet dissidents likely to be picked up and tortured by the Soviet secret police would memorize names on gravestones in order to comply with demands for the names of their accomplices. In this way, torture victims could comply with demands without endangering innocents.

    Washington’s use of invasion, bombings, and murder by drone as its principle weapon against terrorists is mindless. It shows a government devoid of all intelligence, focused on killing alone. Even a fool understands that violence creates terrorists. Washington hasn’t even the intelligence of fools.

    The American state now subjects US citizens to execution without due process of law despite the strict prohibition by the US Constitution. Washington’s lawlessness toward others now extends to the American people themselves.

    The only possible conclusion is that under Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama the US government has become an unaccountable, lawless, criminal organization and is a danger to the entire world and its own citizens.

  • The Divided States Of An Armed America

    Few issues spilt America as conclusively as the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, which protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

    In July 2015, 50% of Americans said it is important to control gun ownership, and 47% said it is more important to protect the right of Americans to own guns (Pew).

    Source: BofAML

    The map above shows the divide in public opinion on expanding gun control, favored greatly by the metropolitan coasts, opposed with determination by the rural middle.

  • John Perkins: The Shadow World Of The Economic Hitman

    Submitted by Adam Taggart via,

    If you're hoping to have a 'feel good' day today, we're about to owe you an apology.

    John Perkins, author of The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, is someone we've been trying to get on the program for some time. He tells a dark story of an elite cabal working in the shadows to subjugate governments as it pursues ever-greater control of the planet's resources.

    What's most frightening about this story is how credible it is. Anybody paying attention to world developments will have a hard time dismissing Perkins' claims out-of-hand; and a harder time not being sickened at how on the mark his claims may likely prove to be:

    Economic hitmen – I'm a former one, actually – created the world's first truly global empire. It's really a corporate empire, not an American empire although the U.S. government certainly supports it.


    We work many different ways, but perhaps the most common is that we will identify a country that has resources that corporations want, like oil. We arrange huge loans of that country from the World Bank or one of its sisters. Yet, the money never actually goes to the country. It is primarily there to make the our companies — that build the infrastructure projects like the power plants, and the industrial parks, highways, and ports — very rich.

    In addition, a few wealthy families make a lot of money off of these programs. They own the industries and commercial centers.


    But the majority of the people do not benefit at all. They do not have enough money to buy much electricity. They cannot get jobs in industrial parks because the industrial parks do not hire many people. They lose out because a lot of money is diverted from healthcare, education, and other social services to try to pay the interest on the debt.


    In the end, the principal is never paid down. We go back and say Since you cannot pay your debts, sell your resource real cheap to our corporations without any environmental restrictions or social regulations. Or privatize, and sell off your electric utilities;,your water and sewage systems, and your schools, your jails — all of your public sector businesses — to our corporations.


    These leaders are very aware that if they do not accept these deals; if we economic hitmen fail to bring them around, the jackals are likely to show up. These are people that will either assassinate those leaders or overthrow their governments. 

    Click the play button below to listen to Chris' interview with John Perkins (41m:54s)

  • "There's An Insurrection Coming… The American People Are Sick & Tired Of Crony Capitalism"

    In a stunningly honest and frank rant, FOX News' Judge Jeanine unleashes anchor hell upon Mitt Romney and the GOP establishment hordes.

    She begins:

    "There’s an insurrection coming. Mitt Romney just confirmed it. We’ve watched governors, the National Review, conservative leaders, establishment and party operatives trash Donald Trump. But Mitt Romney will always be remembered as the one who put us over the edge and awoke a sleeping giant, the Silent Majority, the American people.


    Fact. The establishment is panicked. Mitt essentially called for a brokered convention where the Republican nominee will be decided by party activists and delegates irrespective of their state’s choice… You want a brokered convention? A primer Mitt. Whenever we have a brokered convention we lose.


    Dewey and Ford emerged from a brokered convention to lose the general election. So why? Because the party elites and elders want to protect us and stop of from falling into the abyss?… Most of us working two or three jobs think we’re already in the abyss. The Obama abyss…


    We are sick and tired of legislators of modest means who leave Congress multimillionaires, whose spouses and families get all the contracts from selling the post offices to accessing insider information so they can buy property and flip it. You’re so entrenched that you’re willing to give Hillary Clinton a win. It doesn’t matter to you which party, crony capitalism and its paradigm will not change for the elite."

    And that is just the introduction… Grab a coffee (or something stronger) and watch…

  • Are Greek Banks About To Charge For The Privilege Of Banning €500 Bills?

    Officials would have you believe that all of this talk about banning cash is nonsense – a myth likely perpetuated by fringe bloggers or else by Austrian economists in the early stages of dementia.

    The problem, however, is that we get more signs that cash is on the way out each and every day.

    Take Larry Summers, who reckons it might be time to get rid of the $100 note in order to “make the world a better place” (the idea being that only criminals transact in high denomination notes). There’s also Citi’s Willem Buiter, and the German Council of “Experts” Peter Bofinger, and Harvard’s Kenneth Rogoff, and the list goes on. In fact, just yesterday we learned that Sweden will likely be completely cashless in the short space of 5 years.

    As mentioned above, there’s always this amorphous notion of fighting crime built in there somehow as if the world’s central banks recently adopted a Batman mandate to go along with price stability, but the real reason is, and always will be, simple: controlling citizens’ economic decisions. Or, put a little more harshly: stripping depositors of their economic autonomy.

    Do away with cash and you can set rates as low as you want them. People not spending enough to get the economy moving? Well to hell with those people – set interest rates at -30%. You can bet they’ll start spending then. Economy overheating? No problem, jack interest rates on savings up to +20% and watch the personal savings rate rise.

    One of the most high profile cases of a looming cash ban is the ECB’s call for the elimination of the €500 note. Draghi, of course, says it’s “not about reducing cash.” Which is proof positive that it is. Here’s what we said last month: 

    Recall that the €500 note is the second highest currency denomination in G10, after the CHF1,000 note. More importantly, the total value of €500 notes in circulation amounts to €306.8bn and has been rising as shown in this BofA chart:

    Furthermore, as a share of the value of total euros in circulation, the €500 note is the second-highest, after the €50 note.

    In other words, if overnight the €307 billion worth of €500 bills were eliminated, the notional value of the entire amount of European physical currency in circulation would decline by 30% to €700 billion!

    Well on Sunday we got an interesting tip from a reader with the following attachment:

    That’s from Piraeus Bank and it can be found here under this table:

    Note that 5.9 (where this appears) is apparently a new line item – or at least it wasn’t there last month:

    While we’re not entirely sure what this means in the context of the elimination of the €500 note, we wonder if it’s possible that the ECB is going to try and charge citizens for turning in their high denomination bills, thereby making a profit off the €500’s “retirement”? 

    As a reminder, Greeks who stored €500 notes at home “rushed to deposit the money in their accounts” once the ECB made it clear it was considering doing away with the big bills.

    Just look at it as a repo for everyday depositors: post your €500 notes as collateral, take the haircut, get smaller bills in return. 

  • Peak Oil Squeeze? Hedgies Capitulate On Bearish Oil Bets

    Hedge Funds covered their short oil bets by the most in 11 months last week. CFTC data shows managed-money short positions dropped 25,639 contracts last week, sustaining a 26% rally off February lows. In April 2015, WTI rallied over 20% off its lows amid the same short-covering squeeze, only to collapse 40% in the next 3 months (despite OPEC hope and calls for stability). Oil ETF shorts have also capitulated back to “normal” long-short ratios suggesting oil has seen “peak” short-covering.

    Futures shorts covering in size…


    And Oil ETF Shorts have collapsed back to “norms”…


    And while this degree of short-covering may be significant, we leave it to Tim Evans, an energy analyst at Citi Futures Perspective in New York, to remind traders of the ‘reality’ of the supply-demand imbalances…

    “We might be starting to chip away at the surplus but have a long way to go before the market moves back into balance.”

  • Images From The Death Of China's Rustbelt

    As you might have noticed, China’s economic miracle has turned into a nightmare – and it’s dragging the entire world into one big, bad dream characterized by a deeply entrenched disinflationary impulse occasioned by the country’s acute overcapacity problem.

    That’s not as complicated as it sounds. Put simply: China levered up massively (in part through the country’s sprawling shadow banking complex) following the crash and used that leverage to invest not only in industry, but even in urban monuments for the sake of urban monuments (the now famous Chinese “ghost cities”).

    But that’s all changed now. The global economy never recovered from the crisis. Global demand slumped and never truly recovered to pre crisis levels. In a related, but even more disturbing fact for China, global trade growth has advanced more slowly than global output for three years running. Before this recent stretch, the last time that was the case was 1985.

    This has had a devastating effect on Chinese industry. In short: it’s dying. Take the commodities space for instance, where Macquarie recently reminded us that “more than half of cumulative debt was EBIT-uncovered in 2014.”

    The problem, of course, is that China has to figure out a way to transition away from an economic model tethered to investment and industry and towards a model that thrives off consumption and services. That’s going to mean shutting down uneconomic producers and allowing for defaults, an outcome which not only threatens banks’ make-believe NPL figures, but social stability as well. Take what we said about the steel industry in January, for instance:

    Xinhua reports that as part of China’s proposed excess capacity production curtailments the country’s steel production slash will translate into the loss of jobs for up to 400,000 workers, estimated Li Xinchuang, head of China Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute. Li said more people will be affected in the upstream and downstream industries. According to some estimates just like every banker job in New York “feeds” up to three downstream jobs, so in China every worker  in the steel industry helps support between 2 to 3 additional job.s Which means, 400,000 primary layoffs would mean a total job loss number anywhere between 1.2 and 1.6 million jobs!


    As a reminder, previously China had announced that it would cut steel production capacity by 100 to 150 million tonnes, while coal production will be reduced by “a relatively large amount,” according to a statement released Sunday by the State Council. We have yet to get an estimate of how many coal jobs will be lost.


    The reason we were, and remain, skeptical about China ever following through on this production curtailment is precisely the massive layoffs that will result: layoffs which would enflame an already tenuous employment situation because as we showed recently, the number of worker strikes in China has gone parabolic in the past year, soaring to a record high over 2,700 in 2015, more than double the previous year’s total.


    Through it all, the Politburo has tried to put on a brave face.

    Early last month for instance, National Development and Reform Commission Chairman Xu Shaoshi said China is readying steps to eliminate excess industrial capacity and shutter unprofitable “zombie companies.”

    He admitted that will mean rising joblessness. “Beijing’s attempts to curb overcapacity will increase unemployment in provinces with high output of steel and coal,” Reuters wrote, recounting Xu’s comments at a briefing. “Job losses in provinces such as Shanxi, Heilongjiang and Hebei will rise.”

    Xu didn’t say what the government planned to do to ameliorate the coming wave of job losses, but did say Beijing would not let joblessness plunge the country into social unrest. “Now the problems are worse than they were two years ago but the government has the ability to cope,” he insisted.

    Bloomberg is out with a new photo essay that would seem to throw that contention into question. Below, find stark images and excerpts from “Death and Despair in China’s Rustbelt,” which you’re encouraged to read in its entirety.

    *  *  *

    From Bloomberg

    In a snow-covered valley in northeast China, an hour from the North Korean border, a street with brightly-painted apartment blocks hides a story of fear and anger as dangerous to the country as its rollercoaster stock market or sliding currency.

    The frozen alluvial river plain that was once at the forefront of the Communist Party’s first attempt to build a modern economy, has now fallen behind, leaving a valley of brutal murder, protests, anger, suicide and regret.  

    This is the city of Tonghua in China’s rustbelt, where a desperate handful of steelworkers has gathered each week outside the management office of their mill in freezing temperatures to demand months of wages they say they’re owed. The answer, according to interviews with workers and residents, is always the same: there is no money.

    This is the last vestige of protests that once drew thousands, and which, one fateful day nearly seven years ago, ended with a manager being beaten to death.

    Typically overstaffed, inefficient and heavily indebted, they offer President Xi Jinping a stark warning of what the country could face if the millions of workers who depend on these lumbering corporations should get thrown out of work with nothing to fall back on.

    The country’s leaders have vowed to reduce excess industrial capacity and labor in state enterprises even as they battle the slowest economic growth in a quarter of a century. China will eliminate up to 150 million metric tons of steel-making capacity in the next five years, the State Council said after a Jan. 22 meeting.

    Eliminating that amount of steel capacity could lead to 400,000-500,000 job cuts and may fuel social instability, Li Xinchuang, head of the China Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute, said in an Internet message.

    “The steel mill during its heyday was hellish and streets were stifled by thick fumes,” said Zhang Dongwei, who runs a transport and logistics business in the city. “There was a flotilla of trains constantly coming in with coal and iron ore and going out with steel wire and bars.”

    Lines of those trains sat rusting in the sun under a glittering white coat of the winter’s first snowfall in November, idled by the shift in China’s economy.

    But China’s decade-long building boom was about to stall as the world slid into an economic crisis. From a peak in June 2008, prices of Chinese steel fell by about half within five months. 

    *  *  *

    There’s much, more more in the full Bloomberg article including the dramatic story of “Wang the Audacious” and Chen Guojun. Because they clearly put quite a bit of time into crafting the narrative, we’ll leave it to Bloomberg to recount the tale and simply note that more of what befell Chen is likely in the cards once China begins executing the “zombies” (so to speak) and laying off more workers. 

    We will close with one last excerpt just to leave you enticed: 

    Chen Guojun, a Jianlong executive, went to the coking plant to encourage people to return to work. It was a fatal miscalculation. Blocked by protesters, police and paramedics were unable to reach him in time, the people said. By the time they found Chen, he had been beaten to death. 

    Full story from Bloomberg here

  • How 3D Printing Is Changing Life As We Know It

    By Chris at

    “Watch out buddy. I’ll print another one of you.”

    My son was being a little snot. The thing with your own kids is that they’re like your wife: they absolutely know how to push your buttons and make your blood boil. Between you and me, there are times when I could whop him with a frying pan on the head. I’ll not be doing that of course as the frying pan will be dented and I’d have to explain that to my wife.

    In all seriousness, while I was joking, the truth is I was only half joking.

    Do you remember the scene in The Empire Strikes Back where Luke Skywalker has a team of robots working on repairing his severed hand?

    Luke Skywalker Hand

    There were robots involved and while there wasn’t visible 3D printing shown, there was synthetic skin produced.

    Today printing tissue and bones is with us.

    A 3D bio-printer can now produce full sized bone and muscle tissues.

    3D Printed Human Body Parts

    Bioprinting is one of the fastest growing areas of 3D printing:

    “Researchers from the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine detailed how they managed to create a 3D bio-printer that is precise enough to actually manufacture replacement tissue capable of being used in transplant surgery.


    Body parts printed thus far include a jaw bone, muscle tissue, and cartilage structures, and perhaps most impressive of all, an incredibly accurate human ear.”

    Every day takes us one step closer to the day when we will be able to print customized body parts when we break down.

    And it’s not only in healthcare that 3D printing is rapidly accelerating:

    3D Printing

    Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers

    3D printing has been around since the 80’s but it was 2009 which was a critical year for this technology.

    A key patent expired then and this allowed numerous industry players to enter the market. Obviously, by 2009 the internet had become the norm; computing power had increased by orders of magnitude and collapsed to a fraction of the cost, and the consumer had become more technology-aware than ever before.

    Since then, the 3D printing industry has enjoyed tremendous growth as a wide range of users have been adopting the technology.

    Initially this technology has largely been used for prototyping due to the relative high cost of the machines. The declining price of the systems means that we will be seeing a paradigm shift in product development cycles.

    Think about the ability to print single order runs of any product, to market test the product, redesign, reshape and reprint without the need for massive enterprise scale production.

    When you think through what that world looks like you’ll see that the entire design cycle changes.

    A recent McKinsey report explains this well:

    “As of 2011, only about 25 percent of the additive-manufacturing market involved the direct manufacture of end products. With a 60 percent annual growth rate, however, that is the industry’s fastest-growing segment.


    As costs continue to fall and the capabilities of 3D printers increase, the range of parts that can be economically manufactured using additive techniques will broaden dramatically.”

    1. Everything Becomes Customized

    Greater value can be built into each product with far less additional cost attributed. This means that print on demand, customizable products will begin to be more prevalent and ultimately become the norm. This is already taking place and expect it to accelerate as costs continue to fall.

    2. Makers Become Manufacturers

    This distinction seems inevitable to me. Those who designed designed, and those who manufactured manufactured. The industrial revolution allowed for (and encouraged) specialization since automation of standardized products was where the scale existed.

    That barrier is falling fast. Today an architect or design engineer can both design and manufacture. And as I just mentioned, the manufacturing of product and design can be a more iterative feedback process resulting in superior end products.

    3. Cost Cutting and Waste Reduction

    3D printing allows for much less wastage – due to the ability to print on demand rather than the usual industrial scale production, the costs are significantly lower and the wastage close to zero.

    From the Technology Review:

    “GE chose the additive process for manufacturing the nozzles because it uses less material than conventional techniques. That reduces GE’s production costs and, because it makes the parts lighter, yields significant fuel savings for airlines. Conventional techniques would require welding about 20 small pieces together, a labor-intensive process in which a high percentage of the material ends up being scrapped. Instead, the part will be built from a bed of cobalt-chromium powder.
    A computer-controlled laser shoots pinpoint beams onto the bed to melt the metal alloy in the desired areas, creating 20-micrometer-­thick layers one by one. The process is a faster way to make complex shapes because the machines can run around the clock. And additive manufacturing in general conserves material because the printer can handle shapes that eliminate unnecessary bulk and create them without the typical waste.”

    As with any useful technology the economic forces propel it forward in a self reinforcing process whereby, with each additional participant using the technology the cost of the technology falls due to simple laws of economics, and this process brings about ever more applications which can be built out of the original technology.

    The world of our future will be one where manufacturing will be completely customized, on demand and at the retail level.

    As much as I may on occasion wish to print another version of my son, it is my kids that’ll be printing body parts for me in my old age. I look forward to it. Certainly it beats the current alternatives.

    I’ll dive deeper into 3D printing in my future articles. If you’re interested in learning more about 3D printing and other disruptive technologies then make sure not to miss those articles by receiving them straight into your inbox.

    – Chris

    “Forewarned, forearmed; to be prepared is half the victory.” – Miguel de Cervantes


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  • The Unintended Consequences Of Greenspan's "Frankenstein" Markets

    Submitted by Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk via,

    It is common knowledge by now that Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan oversaw, enabled and approved of, a major transition in the US economy. His infamous “Greenspan-put” in which his actions at the central bank would be driven, if not dictated, by the whims of financial markets, clearly led to higher asset prices. Investors obviously picked up on the strong bias in the Greenspan-Fed’s conduct of monetary policy as they slashed rates at the tiniest hiccup in financial markets, and kept them at low levels for much longer than what would be considered prudent by former administrations. Following markets on the escalator up and taking the elevator down together set a precedent that created a Frankenstein monster, which socialised losses through the printing press while privatizing profits. Such a system was and still is unsustainable as it more or less ensures valuations decouple from underlying fundamentals.

    The monetary system in place since the gold-exchange standard that emerged from the rubble of WWI clearly favours inflation over deflation, so we should expect values expressed in money to have an upward trend imbedded in them. However, a stable system would see nominal valuations rise more or less in tandem. In other words, we would expect a balanced sustainable system to see the price of apples, S&P500, cars, commodities and GDP grow more or less at the same pace.

    Note, we are not saying certain markets will never experience idiosyncratic price movements due to their own peculiarities as driven by shifts in supply or demand. On the contrary, shifts in relative prices are the one thing that make a capitalistic system stable over the long run. What we are saying though is that the upward trend in prices is due to a diminution of the value of money per se ,driven by the inherent inflationary bias in monetary policy execution. With stable money, relative prices would change, but not the overall price level. This is important, as any comparative analysis of the pre-Greenspan era versus recent past must take into account the fact that prices do rise, relentlessly. We must thus examine financial asset valuations in relation to other markets to understand what the Greenspan put mean.

    One way to do that is to look at equity values relative to GDP. As the chart clearly shows, right after Greenspan takes charge of the Federal Reserve equity valuations move to a completely new paradigm. Monetary policy implementation completely changed under Greenspan’s watch.

    Removing uncertainty about the future course of interest rates obviously created a herd mentality among investors. Why would anyone take a contrarian position when the central bank more or less told the public what the Fed would do? Do not fight the Fed emerged as the most profitable market mantra. What used to be extreme overvaluations in the pre-Greenspan era became the exact opposite under his watch. It is almost as Fischer’s unfortunate 1929 “stocks have reached a permanently high plateau“-prediction finally came true. Reversion to mean though, require a 50 per cent drop in equity values. A staggering 90 per cent drop is necessary to compensate for the current extreme over-valuation through an undershoot from the pre-Greenspan mean.

    Non Fin Cap to GDP

    A better way at looking at equity valuations, which does not entail a flawed GDP concept, is to compare it with other asset classes. Our next chart depict US farmland and residential real estate compared to the S&P 500. The idea is that these all reflect somewhat the productive capacity of society and should therefore yield more or less the same. And throughout history they did. While they clearly diverged now and then, such as the equity boom of the 1960s, farmland bubble in the 1970s and housing in the 2000s, the massive divergence in equity valuations starting with Greenspan’s reigns stands out.sp vs agri

    And this is not because farmand productivity suddenly fell. On the contrary, from the 1940s output per acre has steadily risen. This is central bankers herding investors into stocks by altering the risk/reward balance.   output in agri sector

    As a side note, with the latest bout of monetary madness farmland prices has indeed reached a new bubble; a bubble so severe that it makes the folly of the 1970s look like good old fashioned mid-western prudence. Turns out there were some unintended consequences of printing trillions of currency units after all.Agri without SP500

    As we have shown here before, the S&P500 is extremely dependent on what happens around FOMC days.

    S&P with and without FOMC

    Excluding trading on the day of and after an FOMC decision shaves more than 40 per cent off the index.

  • "The European Project Was Always Bound To Fail" – Europe Without The Union

    By Mark Fleming-Williams of Stratfor

    Europe Without the Union

    The European project was always bound to fail. Europe is a continent riven by geographic barriers. It has spent two millennia not only indulging in massive and constant internal wars, but also keeping written records of them, informing each generation of all the times their forebears were wronged. Over the centuries, great empires have risen and fallen, leaving behind distinct groups of people with different histories, languages and cultures. Any project attempting to fuse these disparate cultures into one monolithic state over the course of just 70 years was by its very nature doomed. It would inevitably encounter insurmountable levels of nationalistic resistance, and eventually the project would stall. That is the point at which we now find ourselves.

    Crises abound, and though they all have different facades, each stems from the same underlying issue: Citizens ultimately prize their national and regional identities over the supranational dream. The sovereign debt crisis and repeating Grexit scares, born of the introduction of the euro in 1999, have exposed Northern Europe's unwillingness to subsidize the south. TheBrexit referendum, scheduled for June, can trace its roots to the 2004 enlargement of the European Union, and the ensuing wave of Polish migration to the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, amid the ongoing immigration crisis, national leaders are appeasing their populations by bypassing European rules and re-erecting border controls to stem the flow of refugees across their territory. In all of these situations, the same factors are at work: The driving forces within Europe are national in nature, and countries will ultimately put their own interests first.

    Today's problems were both predictable and predicted. The next step, however, is harder to foresee. Having identified a system's inherent flaw, one can very well state that it is unsustainable, but unfortunately the flaw provides no guide as to the exact circumstances of the system's end. There are still many different ways that the demise of the European Union's current form could come about. For example, the project could unravel via market forces, as it nearly did in 2012 when investors tested the commitment of the core to save the periphery and found it to be (barely) willing to do so. Or a disaffected populace could elect a nationalist party such as France's National Front, which could either lead the country out of the European Union or make the bloc so unmanageable that it ceases to function. Perhaps the most likely scenario at this point would be for the European Union to survive as a ghost of its former self, with its laws ignored and stripped back to the extent that it holds only a loose grip on its members.

    Where Integration Will Persist

    The exact circumstances of the European project's end are not yet clear, but there are certain fixed, underlying truths that are sure to outlast the European Union's current form. With them, a forecast can still be made of the shape of things to come. These fundamental realities stem from deeper, unchanging forces that will bring countries together according to their most basic goals; they are the same forces that limited the European project's lifespan in the first place. By looking at these underlying factors, one can predict which countries will emerge from a weakened or collapsed European Union with close ties, and which are likely to drift apart in pursuit of their own interests once they are freed from the binding force of the European Union and its integrationist ideals.

    The best place to start is the Benelux region. Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg have long played a key role in European geopolitics, situated as they are on the flat and traversable land between Europe's two great Continental powers, France and Germany. Indeed, it was in the Benelux region that the European project began. Belgium and Luxembourg formed an economic union in 1921, and talks began for a customs union with the Netherlands in 1944, before the end of World War II. But it was World War II itself that really gave birth to the European Union as the Benelux countries combined with their two flanking giants and Italy to create a bloc that would prevent a reoccurrence of such destructive conflict. In the 70 years that had elapsed since German unification, France had endured three invasions, and all the members of the fledgling union suffered greatly as a result. Today, 70 years later and without a reoccurrence of catastrophic conflict, their strategy appears to have worked.

    Thus the Benelux, France and Germany will be motivated to continue their integration efforts. Caught between two economic powers, the Benelux will want to secure their friendship. Meanwhile, France and Germany's rivalry will also draw them together. However, the fateful fact here is that the Franco-German relationship has been one of the major fault lines in the current European Union, meaning that a smaller version of the bloc will be similarly flawed.

    Italy, for its part, will not be invited to the party this time around. For one, it lacks the same geopolitical circumstances, safely shielded as it is behind an Alpine wall. Moreover, the eurozone's third-largest economy has been at the center of both the sovereign debt and the immigration crises, and Germany in particular will be as reluctant to stay attached to the indebted Italy as it is to remain tied to Spain. The Franco-German-Benelux bloc is the likely heir to the euro, if the currency continues to exist, and it will maintain the European Union's integrationist ethos. It will adopt a more positive stance toward free trade than its predecessor, with the Netherlands and Germany outweighing the protectionist urges of Belgium and a France shorn of its traditional Mediterranean allies. This "core" bloc will be the Continent's center of gravity in the future. In the times that it has been whole since its unification in 1871, Germany has dominated the Continent, and it appears set to keep doing so for at least the next decade or two.

    Germany's influence in Europe is not purely geopolitical. A large part of it is based on trade. The past two decades in particular have seen Germany assemble a powerful international goods factory. It takes unfinished products from its neighbors (eight of whom send Germany more than 20 percent of their exports) and transforms them into sophisticated mechanical goods before shipping them onward. In 2014, Germany was the number one export destination for 14 of its 27 EU peers, and the top source of imports for 15 of them. Access to this machine has especially benefited former communist states in Central and Eastern Europe, which have capitalized on high levels of investment from Germany (as well as the Netherlands and Austria) and capital inflows to achieve impressive GDP growth. European Union or no, the players in this network will all be highly motivated to keep it running.

    Eastern and Western Interests Diverge

    Still, there are two catches. The first is immigration. The subject has hung over these relationships since at least the 2004 enlargement, when Germany was one of several countries to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement for new eastern members. The influx of refugees into Europe has recently rekindled this friction, with the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland) bonding over a mutual aversion to Germany's attempts to dole out quotas of newly arrived migrants. The relationship emerging to Germany's east and southeast is one in which the free movement of goods and capital is encouraged, but the free movement of people is restricted.

    The second catch is Russia. Over the next decade, Russia will experience some significant changes in both its external relationships and its internal systems. The first half of this forecast has already come to pass, and Russia has grown increasingly belligerent in its periphery. Stratfor believes this will become more pronounced until the system designed by Russian President Vladimir Putin either adapts or collapses. This will clearly have a considerable effect on Russia's European neighbors, albeit to varying degrees. And so, geography will come into play once more. We have already seen the Russian military used to powerful effect in Ukraine, but its ability to push farther into Romania is somewhat tempered by the Carpathian Mountains, a natural barrier that snakes north and west, also providing protection to Hungary and Slovakia. Poland, by contrast, stands starkly exposed to Belarus, a close Russian ally, with no mountain range to shield it. Farther north, the similarly unprotected Baltic states lack Poland's bulk and thus have even less protection; a larger country like Poland could at least buy time to organize a defense.

    This geographic divergence will divide Central and Eastern Europe into two groups, one focused on trade and the other on security. The Central Europeans (the Czechs, Hungarians, Romanians, Bulgarians and Slovaks) will be wary of antagonizing Russia. The Carpathians, though a barrier, are not insuperable. And yet these countries, sheltered by the mountains, will also be free to focus much of their energy toward pursuing continued prosperity through trade with the core. A shared interest in maintaining trade with Germany is not the foundation for a defined bloc, but more the makings of a loose grouping that becomes weaker with both distance from Germany and time, as Germany's strength begins to wane. Poland and the Baltics, by contrast, will not have the luxury of focusing primarily on their own enrichment. With Russia's presence looming, these countries will be bound closely together, focusing their energies on defense pacts and alliances — and especially on cultivating strong relationships with the United States. Trade will continue, of course, but the identity of this bloc will center on resisting the Russian threat. If and when internal challenges force Russia to turn its attention inward, Poland will have an opportunity, the likes of which it has not seen for several hundred years, to spread its influence east and south into the former territories of the old Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in Belarus and Ukraine.

    In the north, Scandinavia will form its own bloc. Its members have a history of shared empires, free trade, freedom of movement agreements and a (failed) currency union; they are natural bedfellows. Indeed, an institution that has been somewhat dormant since the rise of the European Union — the Nordic Council — already exists to aid their international governance. This bloc is likely to be almost or equally as integrated as the French- and German-led core, with which it will have close trade and diplomatic relations.

    Winners and Losers in a New Order

    One of the countries most pleased with the new arrangements will be the United Kingdom, assuming it can hold itself together long enough to enjoy them. Having dedicated much of the last millennium to keeping the Continent divided and playing one side off another, the United Kingdom was forced to join the European Union once the organization's unity was truly unquestionable. With a Continent divided once more, the United Kingdom will be able to return to its preferred long-term strategy, maintaining a balance of power while at the same time attempting to develop a trade network that mixes regional with global. By contrast, Spain and Italy are likely to be left behind. Both will be struggling to stay whole, with Spain in particular danger of coming apart at the seams because of the internal conflicts raging among its constituent parts. Both will attempt to remain as close as possible to the core, though protectionist tendencies in the southern countries may inhibit these trading relationships. Spain and Italy are also likely to enjoy the newly regained freedom of being able to devalue their own currencies to regain competitiveness. From the core bloc's perspective, the two countries are likely to represent a continuing point of tension, with France pushing for their inclusion as Germany and the Netherlands resist. But time will work in France's favor here, since its advantageous demographics compared with those of Germany point to it gaining increasing influence over the bloc as the years pass.

    The picture that has been laid out here is not meant to be an exact representation of Europe at a specific date in the future. Even if the European Union does unravel suddenly, as it nearly did in 2012, it is unlikely that countries would move on and settle into their new roles as seamlessly as described. Events will move at different speeds, and there may be considerable strife involved in the transition. With countries such as Italy and Spain battling to avoid isolation, France will be put in the difficult position of having to choose between either remaining close to Germany or standing with its Mediterranean allies. Elements of the current system may persist, and links will continue to exist across the blocs. For example, if the euro does survive in the core bloc, it may also continue to be used in some of today's other eurozone countries that are deemed to be fiscally responsible, such as Finland, for want of a compelling reason to make a change. There are still many unknowns. However, the intention is to show the picture that exists beneath the tracing paper. The image that actually emerges will depend on where and how pressure is applied in the years ahead.

  • Which States Rely Most On Federal Spending?

    Submitted by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

    Last month, we looked at military spending by state, and how some states — South Carolina and Virginia, for example — have military spending as a major component of their local economies. Proposing cuts to government spending via military spending would likely be political suicide in any of these places.

    But of course military spending is just one type of government spending, and some states are heavily dependent on government spending whether the spending be on civilian federal employees, the military, or transfer payments such as Social Security and Medicare.

    Federal Spending as a Percentage of State GDP

    If we look at federal spending as a proportion of each state's overall GDP, we find that the recipients are not exactly evenly distributed:

    Source: Pew Charitable Trusts  (based on data from 2004–2013)

    This is all federal spending, so these totals are a combination of military spending, social welfare programs such as Medicare, and ordinary civilian federal spending, including civilian research facilities and other programs funded by federal grants.

    These are proportional numbers, so they are a function of both the amount of federal spending as well as the overall size of GDP. So, in California, for example, which receives immense amounts of government spending, is nevertheless a state where federal spending is offset by a very large private sector. In a more rural state with few major private industries, such as New Mexico, the state shows up as being highly reliant on federal spending.

    By this measure, the state most reliant on federal spending is Mississippi where federal spending is equal to 32 percent of the state's GDP. The state least reliant on federal spending is Wyoming where federal spending is equal to 11 percent of the state's GDP:

    Source: Pew Charitable Trusts  (based on data from 2004–2013)

    The above measure gives us a sense of how much federal spending is taking place relative to overall economic activity. But, it tells us little about how much the feds are spending in each state relative to the tax revenue being produced in each state.

    To discover that, we need to compare federal spending to tax collections from each state. So, I took gross tax collection by state, and then subtracted refund totals. I then compared the "net" collections to Pew's total federal spending data in each state. (The tax data used was 2013 data.) We can then measure the result in terms of dollars spend in each state per dollar in tax revenue collected. States that have a value of less than a dollar in the map below receive less than a dollar in federal spending for every dollar in taxes paid from that state. So, for example, Ohio receives 91 cents in federal spending for every dollar collected in taxes from Ohio:

    I've divided this graph up into "net tax payer states," "break-even states" and "net tax receiver" states. The lightest shade of blue are states that, by far, pay in more than they receive back, such as New Jersey and Minnesota. The next lightest shade of blue are states that are more or less "break even" in the sense that spending and tax collections hover somewhat around a 1-for-1 relationship. The darker blue states are states that receive considerably more in federal spending than they pay in taxes.

    Here are all states, including values:

    Naturally, these values aren't spread evenly within the states themselves, either. Areas that are more rural and reliant on agriculture will tend to be net tax receiver areas both because farmers and ranchers receive a lot of government subsidies, and also because agricultural work tends to have lower productivity than urban work.

    Urban areas, in contrast, produce most of the tax revenue, so highly urbanized states will tend to more often be "break even" or "net tax payer" states.

    Other Considerations

    One thing that must not be ignored is the fact that the US government spends more than it takes in nationwide. During 2013, for example, the federal government spent a dollar for every 80 cents it took in via taxes.

    Nationwide, the tax-spending ratio is not one dollar, but it about $1.20. So, states that are getting around $1.20 back for every dollar extracted in taxes are really just at the national average.

    This is being made possible by old-fashioned deficit spending and also by monetization of the debt which the Federal Reserve facilitates by expanding the money supply. Once interest rates rise or the international value of the dollar begins to fall significantly, this sort of overspending will no longer be possible, and many states will find themselves in dire straits. (States that are "net tax payer" or "break even" states will adjust the best to any significant disruptions in federal spending.)

    On the other hand, the realities of the central bank tend to favor the richer, more urban states at the expense of the poorer tax-receiver states.

    For example, the Fed's war on interest rates tends to more heavily impact communities that have a relatively large number of modest savers and risk-averse investors. By driving down interest rates so far, the Fed is favoring wealthy investors with access to high-yield investments at the expense of ordinary Main-Street households who rely on more conservative, easily-accessed forms of saving and investment, such as savings accounts and CDs. As a result, capital accumulation is negatively impacted most in parts of the country that produce the least tax revenue and have less productive workers.

    In other words, the central banking regime perpetuates the current imbalance between net tax payer states and net tax receiver states by making it more difficult for poorer parts of the country to accumulate wealth and increase productivity.

    Simultaneously, the money creation process tends to favor the financial sectors in large urban areas at the expense of less urban and poorer areas. Thanks to the way the central bank creates money, it is the urban investor classes that get to spend the new money first — before prices adjust to the new, larger money supply — while more rural, less urban, and less productive parts of  the country receive this money only after prices have risen. This further perpetuates the tax-spending imbalance.

    So while it is true that urban, coastal taxpayers are often paying more in taxes and financing government spending in other parts of the country, those same taxpayers do indeed benefit from national policy that favors the investor class (and those who work with them) over others. They're paying more taxes because they have higher incomes, but these higher incomes come, to a certain extent, at the expense of Americans outside these corridors of financial power.

    Beyond the monetary angle, of course, is the fact that states also are restrained in their ability to fully utilize resources in their own states by federal regulations.

    Western states, especially, are not able to access resources on federal lands except in a manner consistent with federal laws written primarily by politicians from outside the state. Such policies are unresponsive to local needs and economic realities. 

    And, of course, trade regulations, when implemented at the national level, may have significant negative impacts on certain states that are not free to negotiate their own trade arrangements with foreign economies.

    The Jones Act and trade barriers on sugar are just two examples.

    While we can see that the net tax receiver states do indeed benefit from large amounts of federal spending, we must also take into account the fact that federal policy may also be hobbling those local economies while favoring and redirecting wealth toward the net tax payer states.

    That is, the tax-and-spend wealth transfers from net taxpayer states to net tax receiver states could be viewed as something that merely helps to diminish the effects of impoverishment that are the result of national policy. Were it not for these policies, it is entirely possible that these net tax receiver areas would not have become so reliant on federal spending in the first place.


  • While China Disappointed Stimulus Expectations, Here Is a Summary Of The Main NPC Announcements

    As we wrote early yesterday when we summarized the outcome of the first day of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC), China failed to deliver any of the major stimulus programs the market was expecting.

    As a reminder, this is what Goldman was expecting as late as this past Friday: upon rhetorically asking itself “at what level do we expect the government would set the official deficit target given that many market participants expect a level above 3% or even as high as 4%” to which Goldman said “given our expectation that local governments will be allowed to issue more bonds within the budget (RMB500 bn in 2015) and recent statements from senior policy makers, including the Minister of Finance Lou Jiwei, that a 3% “red line” for the deficit might not be applicable to China, we expect the official deficit ratio target will be modestly above 3%.

    It was not and China revealed a 2016 budget deficit of 3.0% – the absolute minimum, and well below the whisper 4%. Worse, as Goldman notes, “after adjusting for fiscal stabilization fund and cross-year deposits/withdrawal from the general public budget account, the actual expenditure-revenue difference was already 3.5%.”

    So did China actually trim its deficit expectations? If so, expect a major risk off move in the commodity sector.

    Furthermore, Goldman also said that “if the government intends to achieve a higher growth rate (it has been widely reported that the government may target a range of 6.5-7.0% yoy real GDP growth this year), more fiscal stimulus would also be needed, which we think would primarily be through more infrastructure investment.” Sure enough, Premier Li announced a targeted growth rate of 6.5% to 7.0%, however he was very vague, on purpose, in the details of how China would achieve this growth aside from noting something about even more roads to nowhere, to wit: “we should also expand major infrastructure projects, with the aim of increasing the length of high-speed railways in service to 30,000 kilometres and linking more than 80 percent of big cities in China with high-speed railways, building or upgrading around 30,000 kilometres of expressways, and achieving full coverage of access to broadband networks in both urban and rural areas.”

    Will this tepid infrastructure play be enough to boost commodity prices, which have soared in recent weeks heading into the congress on hopes of a massive stimulus, only to see another water pistol, we will find out in a few short hours.

    In the meantime, here is Goldman’s Yu Song with a post-mortem of what actually happened in China over this much anticipated weekend.

    NPC comment 1: Government Work Report sets 2016 economic targets

    The annual National People’s Congress (NPC) started yesterday (March 5) and will last until the 16th. Premier Li Keqiang announced 2016 economic targets in yesterday’s morning session. The China People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) started on March 3 and will run in parallel with the NPC but will conclude on the 13th.

    These two conferences are not the venues for the government to make new policies. If anything, there is a tendency to refrain from any significant policy moves (such as exchange rate adjustment) which could potentially lead to market instability. However, these conferences are highly important for the market since more information on policy decisions already made will be released.

    The Government Work Report is the report of the State Council to the congress. 

    It reviewed changes over the past year and set a number of economic targets for 2016:

    GDP growth target to be in a range of 6.5%-7.0%. Last year, the target was around 7.0%. This year, we note the absence of the word ‘around’ in front of the range, suggesting the government’s determination to maintain at least 6.5% growth. Put differently, with an around 7.0% target, getting a 6.9% growth – which was the actual growth last year – is totally consistent with the target. With a 6.5%-7.0% range, if growth falls to 6.4%, it will be viewed as technically out of range. This determination is mostly related to the commitment to double 2010 income level by 2020 and concerns about employment. Doubling income level by 2020 implies an annual growth target at 6.5% till 2020, which is above our estimate of potential growth under the assumption of modest reforms. Some skeptics may say this simply means there will be more data ‘smoothing’, but we believe there could be at least some modest additional policy easing which will impact real growth. We have already seen some signs of this change since the start of the year, even though some observers may have gone too far to expect an aggressive loosening with money and credit continuously on the upside significantly as it did in January. Having said that, although the government has many controls over the economy, it may not always reach the targets it set. In 1998 for example, after significant efforts to reach an 8% or above growth, actual growth fell modestly below the target to 7.8% and even this number led to controversies (because the government failed to deliver its growth target). Overall, we see modest upside risks to our reported GDP growth forecast and less so in terms of the alternative measures of growth. Should activity growth rebound after a period of weakness, we believe loosening will likely become less aggressive as it typically did in the past.

    The CPI target was set at 3% as usual and hence contains no new information. As CPI has in fact been running at significantly below that level for an extended period of time, it is not normally a binding target. There will be some temporary acceleration in CPI inflation recently – we expect February CPI to exceed 2% and surprise the market on the upside. But even if it does come in at 2.4% (our February CPI forecast) which can be viewed as closer to the upper bound/target of 3%, we believe it is mostly driven by temporarily adverse weather conditions and hence will start to normalize from March. The only risk of a continuous rise in CPI inflation is if broad money and credit supply were to be maintained at January which we see as unlikely unless external demand falls as much as it did during the GFC. Even if it does, we believe chances of that kind of loosening on an going basis is very low. We see largely balanced risks to our 1.5% forecast for the whole year though 1Q data is likely to surprise on the upside.

    The M2 target of 13% is higher than last year’s 12%. But last year’s target statement had an additional line that, when implementing policy actual growth rate can be modestly higher. As recent M2 growth has been running at around 13%, this target itself does not necessarily represent a looser monetary policy stance but more a continuation of the existing policy stance. This is also consistent with the recent RRR cut which sent a clear signal of loosening bias but not to the degree seen at this time last year (when RRR cuts were as large as 100bp).The government also set a total social financing (TSF) target (13%) for the first time, reflecting the rising perceived importance of this measure. In the past, the target on credit supply had been on the much narrower RMB loan metric. (Note that TSF is not exactly ‘total’ in the sense local bonds and some other new products are not included. If we adjust for the local government bond swap program, the growth rate will be higher at 15.3%.) As TSF has been running at slightly below 13% recently and M2 growth modestly above, these two targets together represent a broadly stable monetary policy. This will likely raise concerns about the continued wide gap between money/credit growth and GDP growth, but in the absence of faster domestic financial reform and/or capacity cuts, we believe it will help keep the economy closer to the growth target and reduce deflationary pressures in the short term.

    Fiscal deficit: The 3% on-budget deficit is reported as a looser policy stance as it is up from the 2.3% budget deficit last year. However, after adjusting for fiscal stabilization fund and cross-year deposits/withdrawal from the general public budget account, the actual expenditure-revenue difference was already 3.5%. There is no detailed information on how this 3% target was derived in terms of fiscal stabilization fund or cross-year deposits/withdrawal, so we cannot be sure that this represents a net loosening of the on-budget deficit (until we receive more information on the full budget). Assuming those adjustments are the same as last year, this will imply a modestly larger fiscal deficit. The main fiscal loosening will likely still be mainly via quasi fiscal loosening done by policy banks.

    What’s also important is the strong emphasis on tax cuts as the main reason behind the larger deficit. We see this as a clear positive step which is a key component of the supply side reform. Achieving the goal of a significant net tax reduction is not something easy, as much of the expenditure side is inelastic. There is a risk that while some tax cuts, such as cuts to import duties of some consumer goods, are partially offset by the rise in effective tax burden in other areas, there could be more stringent tax collection at the local level. Nevertheless, we view the clear policy direction as a positive move.

    The employment and unemployment targets (urban job creations more than 10 million and registered unemployment rate not higher than 4.5%, same as last year) had generally not been of much relevance in recent years despite slowing growth, mainly because the targets were set leniently in our view and the measures such as unemployment are not sensitive to economic fluctuations. Even back during the GFC, urban registered unemployment never exceeded 4.3%. Hence, we believe the unchanged targets will face limited challenges despite likely restructuring in the overcapacity industries which we estimate will lead to meaningful but not very large impacts on employment, especially over the slightly longer run.

    There were no targets on trade for the first time in recent years (China customs also suggested the abandoning of trade growth target earlier in the year). Instead, there was only a statement on the desire to achieve faster growth than last year which was very low (-2.9% and -14.2% for exports and imports respectively). We believe this is a positive development as it suggests the government has formally recognized that foreign trade growth rate is not something the government can and should control. Unrealistic targets in the past sometimes led to adverse effects such as reported trade data distortion. We see this move as part of a process of de-targeting economic growth and there are likely to be more similar moves in the future, but the pace of change is likely to be slow.

    The Government Work Report also stated the need to reduce overcapacity, reform SOEs, eliminate barriers to entry for monopolized industries, continue infrastructure construction, step up international cooperation, control pollution, reduce poverty, among others. The statement on exchange rate was a short standard party line. There was also no mentioning of the registration based stock listing and property prices.

    * * *

    Finally, as we summarized yesterday, here is a full breakdown of all the empty and hollow promises China made yesterday, of which we are absolutely confident it will deliver on none at all:

    • To target 2016 GDP growth of between 6.5 percent and 7 pct.
    • To target 2016 CPI around 3 pct.
    • To target 2016 M2 growth target around 13 pct.
    • Sees 2016 budget deficit at 3 pct of GDP.
    • To use various monetary policy tools to maintain reasonable liquidity.
    • To continue to implement prudent monetary policy.
    • To continue to implement proactive fiscal policy.
    • Will keep renminbi exchange rate basically stable in 2016.
    • Will continue to improve yuan exchange rate regime in 2016.
    • To deepen reform of financial sector.
    • To further liberalise interest rates.
    • To deepen reform of state owned commercial banks.
    • To reform stock and bond markets.
    • To promote sound development of multi-level capital market.
    • To crack down on unlawful activities in the securities and future markets.
    • To ensure no systemic or regional financial risks arise.
    • To strengthen unified macroprudential management of foreign debt.
    • To launch Shenzhen-Hong Kong stock connect pilot at appropriate time.
    • To establish catastrophe insurance system.
    • To develop internet finance.
    • To develop inclusive and green finance.
    • To insure proportion of direct financing is increased.
    • To develop private banks.
    • Sees growth in outstanding social financing of around 13 pct in 2016.
    • To launch trial allowing commercial banks to participate in debt equity investment for small businesses.
    • To establish standard financing mechanisms for local governments to issue debt.
    • Says China to issue 400 billion yuan of special local government debt in 2016.
    • To keep urban registered jobless rate below 4.5 pct in 2016.
    • Will create 10 million new jobs in 2016.
    • Will quicken supply-side structural reform.
    • Will appropriately deal with zombie firms in 2016.
    • To address issue of zombie firms using mergers, reorganizations, bankruptcies and debt restructurings.
    • Will push ahead with reform of state-owned firms.
    • Says will resolve overcapacity in industry, focus on steel and coal.
    • Says 100 billion yuan in subsidies will be used primarily to resettle laid off employees.
    • Says convinced Hong Kong, Macao will maintain long-term prosperity and stability.
    • Says will oppose Taiwan independence separatist activities.
    • Says will safeguard peace and stability in Taiwan Strait.

  • Is This The End Of CNBC As We Know It?

    One of the core aspects of mainstream financial media in general, and outlets like CNBC in particular, more so even than their chronic permabullish bias, is the seemingly endless gallery of “experts”, “pundits”, and other talking heads whose only requirement is wearing a business suit (in some very notable exemptions) who show up on TV, offer trade advice and recommendations – while either pitching their own trading services or hoping to offload their own existing positions  – and if (or rather when) said advice leads to material losses are not heard from again until a certain period of time passes, and those who suffered listening to said “experts” have moved on, at which point the farce repeats itself.

    The legendary example of this is none than Jim Cramer declaring loudly that “Bear Stearns is fine, don’t be silly” when asked by a viewer in early March 2008 if they should pull their money out of the bank. The stock was trading at $63; six days later JPM “bought” Bear for $2/share to prevent it from liquidating.


    Why is Cramer still on the air? Because he was never held accountable to any standard of fiduciary responsibility. In short: he acted as an entertainer.

    Furthermore, some have speculated that all financial media outlets like CNBC are ultimately nothing but an infomercial sounding board for bullish pundits to pitch their ideas (while at the same time doing the opposite of what they recommend as David Tepper and Jeff Gundlach recently demonstrated), or sell their services while giving outlets like CNBC 5 minutes content slots (for which CNBC pays a few hundred dollars per appearance) which in turn may explain CNBC’s collapsing ratings which as we reported a year ago, stopped using Nielsen out of embarrassment.

    This all may be coming to an end thanks to the recently issued “fiduciary rule.

    Courtesy of Forbes, here is some background on what this rule is:

    In April, the Department of Labor issued a fiduciary rule proposing that a “best interest standard” be applied across a broader range of investing advice such that any advisor getting paid to provide personalized investment advice — on things like what assets to buy or whether or not to roll a 401k into an IRA — be considered a fiduciary and have to put their clients’ interests first. Currently, brokers and advisors must only comply with a “suitability standard,” which means that they must make recommendations that are suitable to an individual’s investment needs, but they can also consider their own and their firms’ interests.

    In the months since the DOL put forth this fiduciary rule, Republicans and financial firms have excoriated the proposal as being bad for America and placing an undue burden on firms’ business. It turns out that putting your clients’ interests ahead of your own is practically impossible, and here is, according to Wall Street, why:

    “It will be very difficult, if not impossible, for financial professionals and firms to comply with the requirements,” Jackson National Life Insurance president James Sopha wrote in a letter to the DOL in July. In an 83-page letter sent to the DOL the same day, Lincoln CEO Dennis Glass called the fiduciary proposal “immensely burdensome” and “extremely intrusive,” while also noting that “it would be a mistake to assume that fee-based compensation models are always better for retirement savers than commission-based models.”

    This surreal defense of frontrunning and abusing one’s clients went on: Kent Callahan, the president and CEO of Transamerica’s investment and retirement division, told the DOL that “the re-proposal would substantially change our ability to provide the range of retirement services and products from which investors can choose to meet their own specific needs.” And Susan Blount, executive vice president at Prudential, noted that the proposed fiduciary requirements posed a “significant challenge” that could lead to “increased compliance costs” and will “significantly” increase firms’ servicing expenses.

    One person who recently called out advisors hypocrisy quite vocally, was Elizabeth Warren, who in a letter sent to the Department of Labor and the Office of Management and Budget called the firms’ claims baloney. Why? Because, in her view, each company made completely contrasting comments about the fiduciary rule in public comments to their investors.

    “Publicly traded companies are rarely held accountable for assertions they make when lobbying in Washington, even if these assertions are untrue,” Warren writes. “But when communicating with investors, publicly traded companies are required by law to provide full and accurate information about any material matters that may affect their business models or stock valuations.”

    This wasn’t Warren’s first attempt at supporting the DOL’s proposal for less conflict-laden investment advice. In an October report titled “Villas, Castles, and Vacations: How Perks and Giveaways Create Conflicts of Interest in the Annuity Industry,” Warren blasted firms for giving kickbacks and Caribbean vacations to agents who sell annuities to consumers.

    Meanwhile, as the government’s intention to pursue the “fiduciary rule” is only picking up steam and supporters, the financial pundits who have finally read the small print are starting to panic because they realize that if the pending regulation passes, they may be locked out of the financial infomercial circuit for good.

    Case in point, popular financial radio show host Dave Ramsey, who as Forbes writes, “caused a firestorm on Twitter last week when he weighed in against the “fiduciary rule.” Ramsey Tweeted, “this Obama rule will kill the Middle Class and below ability to access personal advice” – actually it will merely kill the ability of a vast majority of charlatans to pretend they can forecast the financial future. A war of Tweets then broke out between opponents of the rule, and supporters, the latter of which includes fee-based investment advisers expected to benefit from the new costs the rule will shower on their broker competitors.

    Fittingly, even before Ramsey came out against the rule, one of his critics called for using the rule against Ramsey, supposedly for providing advice said critic deemed harmful to savers. In an October article in LifeHealthPro, an online trade journal for insurance agents and financial advisers, Michael Markey, an insurance agent and owner of Legacy Financial Network, called for Ramsey to “be regulated and to be held accountable” by the government for the opinions he gives to listeners. Markey hailed the Labor Department rule as ushering a new era in which “entertainers like Dave Ramsey can no longer evade the pursuit of regulatory oversight.”

    What a novel concept: holding financial “advisors” accountable for their advice. No wonder the industry is panicking. And ironically, nobody should be more panicked than CNBC and its head entertainer, Jim Cramer. As Forbes John Berlau writes, “experts both for and against the rule I have talked to agree its broad reach could extend to financial media personalities who offer tips to individual audience members, a group that includes not just Ramsey but TV hosts like Suze Orman and Jim Cramer, as well as many other broadcasters who opine on business and investment matters. They would be ensnared by the rule’s broad redefinition of a vast swath of financial professionals as “fiduciaries” and its mandate that these “fiduciaries” only serve the “best interest” of IRA and 401(k) holders.”

    The aftermath of the fiduciary rule is aleady facing a backlash among the financial advisory lobby and its lawyers among whom is Kent Mason, a partner at the law firm Davis & Harman, who said that  “under the proposed regulation, investment advice from a radio host to a caller regarding the caller’s own investment issues would appear to be fiduciary advice if the advice addresses specific investments,” Mason said in an email. It doesn’t matter that Ramsey and other hosts aren’t compensated by listeners, he adds, as the DOL rule explicitly covers those who give investment advice and receive compensation “from any source.” Mason agrees with Markey that the compensation Ramsey receives from radio stations that carry his show and from book sales are enough to define Ramsey as a “fiduciary” under the rule.

    To be sure not every financial visionary would be immediately taken off the air: just those who get too specific: the rule containa an exemption for “recommendations made to the general public,” this wouldn’t protect Ramsey and other radio and television personalities if they gave specific answers to callers or audience members, argue both Mason and Markey. Similarly, Mason adds, while the main part of investment seminars would be exempt, “if during the seminar, someone from the audience asks a question about his or her situation and the speaker answers the question with respect to specific investments, that answer would be fiduciary advice.”

    It would however, make the CNBC career of such entertainers as Jim Cramer virtually impossible, and would lead to a dramatic overhaul of the way financial outlets like CNBC, Fox Business and 24/7 Bloomberg Terminal infomercials as Bloomberg TV run their business.

    Worst of all, though, it would mean that all those frontrunning mutual fund orderflow and fund managers will actually have to go back to doing research and trading instead of going on TV for many hours every day, in some cases as much as 5x a week on 4 different stations. And that is clearly unacceptable.

    And while we are confident that the “fuduciary rule” will ultimately be watered down to lead to no real actionable changes, perhaps it will prompt some thinking among the general population who see their own personal advisor on CNBC every other day, and ask: “if my professional finance advisor is in such dire need of marketing that he spends most of his or her waking hours on TV, or writing columns, or tweeting, maybe I should get a different financial advisor.”

  • JPM's Head Quant Explains Who Unleashed The S&P Rally, And What May Happen Next

    Yesterday, when reading the latest note by JPM’s “Gandalf” head quant Marko Kolanovic, we noted something strange: for the first time we observed a JPM quant not only commenting on such sensitive topics as social fairness, but daring to challenge the oligarch orthodoxy implying that Buffett is wrong that “the babies being born in America today are the luckiest crop in history.”

    This is what he said:

    While we do not take either a glass half-full or glass half-empty view on the current state of US economy, there are good reasons to believe that ‘the luckiest generation in history’ statement is overly optimistic. US primary results show a very strong lead for D. Trump in the Republican Party, and a surprisingly good showing for B. Sanders. We believe this indicates that a significant part of the electorate disapproves of the current political establishment and feels left behind by the new economy (e.g. voters may not agree with W. Buffet that an average upper-middle class American today has a better living standard as compared to John D. Rockefeller Sr.).

    Since the opinion of Kolanovic’s boss Jamie Dimon – if only that for public purposes – is largely a carbon copy of Buffett’s, we hope this rare statement of truth from a banker does not cost Kolanovic his job, especially since his uncanny insight and abilities to time market inflection points have made him almost as invaluable to stock pickers as Gartman (the latter, by batting a solid 0.000, is arguably the most irreplaceable voice on Wall Street today).

    Insight such as this, on who is buying and selling this bear market rally:

    Since mid-February, the S&P 500 has staged a meaningful rebound. Similar to the market rally in October 2015, systematic strategies had an important role in both the January selloff (here) and February rally (Figure 1).  


    Short term equity momentum (1-month) turned positive around the 1930 level and 6m momentum turned positive a few days ago. This would have resulted in CTAs covering most of their short equity exposure and inflows in $50-70bn (also confirmed by the equity beta of CTA benchmarks). The market moving higher also changed the index option (gamma) imbalance and resulted in daily hedging flow that suppressed realized volatility. Lower realized volatility in turn led to some (albeit smaller) equity inflows into Volatility Targeting strategies (~$10bn) and Risk Parity strategies ~$10-$20 bn. All In all, over the past 2 weeks, equity inflows from systematic strategies totaled around $80-$100bn. Taking into account the low liquidity (S&P 500 futures market depth) and assuming that total equity market depth is ~4 times that of futures (including stocks, ETFs, and options), we estimate that more than half of the market rally in the second half of February was driven by these systematic inflows. Another likely significant driver is the rally in oil prices over the past 2 weeks.

    … and that, as we showed, and as UBS confirmed last Thursday, has been entirely a function of an epic short covering squeeze.

    So now that we know who drove the rally, here – according to Kolanovic – is what happens next:

    What is the fate of this market rally? In terms of technical flows, more inflows would come if 3M and 12M momentum turn positive, which would happen at ~2025 and ~2075, respectively (the precise level depends on the timing of potential moves). If volatility stays subdued, volatility-managed strategies could also increase equity exposure. However, equity momentum is also vulnerable to the downside and a move lower could be accelerated by 6M and 1M momentum unraveling at ~1950 and ~1900, respectively. From the perspective of systematic strategies, downside and upside risks are balanced. However, equity fundamentals remain a headwind. In our recent strategy note, we showed that historically, periods of consecutive quarterly EPS contractions are often followed by (or coincide with) economic recessions (~80% of the time over the past ~120 years). EPS recoveries that follow 2 consecutive EPS contractions (~20% of times) were typically triggered by some form of stimulus (fiscal, monetary or exogenous). We expect market volatility to stay elevated and investors to remain focused on macro developments such as the Fed’s rates path, developments in China, and releases of US Macro data. Elevated volatility and EPS downside revisions will provide a headwind for the S&P 500 to move significantly higher (via multiple expansion). While investors need to have equity exposure, we think there are better opportunities in Value stocks, International and EM equities (as compared to broad S&P 500 exposure)

    Which probably also explains why late last week JPM’s head strategists went underweight stocks last week “for the first time this cycle“, while urging clients to buy gold.

  • Currency Analysis – U.S. Dollar versus Canadian Dollar (Video)

    By EconMatters

    It has been a bad 4 years for the Canadian Dollar versus the Greenback. It is trying to make a recovery as of late as the price of Oil is off the bottom, but if Oil takes another leg lower, this could spell more pain for the currency.

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  • Lawmakers Just Passed A Proposal To Ban Donald Trump From Entering Mexico

    Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

    Legislators in Mexico City passed a proposal on Thursday to bar presidential candidate Donald Trump from entering the country.

    Though the proposal amounts to a tellingly symbolic gesture, the lawmakers hope the measure will pressure Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to take a more adamant stand against Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric — including his blanket characterization of Mexican immigrants as ‘rapists and criminals.’

    “What we’re saying is that if he wants to build a wall so that Mexicans can’t enter his country, then he is not welcome in our country,” Manuel Delgadillo explained to WorldPost.“What we need now is for President Peña Nieto to make a strong statement condemning Mr. Trump’s anti-Mexican comments.”

    Delgadillo also said the Mexico City legislators were concerned with the billionaire’s “hyper-nationalist” dialogue, which has stoked anti-Mexican sentiment throughout the United States.

    Deputy Víctor Hugo Romo of the Revolutionary Democratic Party — the politically left political party responsible for the proposal — compared Trump to Hitler, calling him “primeval, egocentric, and primitive.”

    “Hitler was very popular,” Romo said, reported MSV Noticias. “He generated a lot of sympathy by adopting nationalist politics that vindicated the Germans’ sense of self-worth. [Trump] is practically a copy. I consider Donald Trump a chauvinist, a misogynist who fosters and leans toward repression … He doesn’t respect diversity.”

    Trump’s demagoguery has also been recently condemned by two of Mexico’s former presidents.

    Felipe Calderón denigrated Trump’s anti-immigrant policy for its transparency in not being aimed at immigration, per se, instead saying “he is talking about migrants that have a different color than him — and that is frankly racist.” He sharply cautioned that Trump “is turning the United States into a neighbor that we’re all going to end up rejecting and hating.”

    In interviews, Vicente Fox called Trump “crazy” and a “false prophet.” He also repeatedly stated, referring to the candidate’s proposal that Mexico must fund the building of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, “I’m not going to pay for that fucking wall … He should pay [for] it … He’s got the money.”

    He added that “Democracy cannot pick crazy people” who don’t “know what’s going on in the world.”

    However, the remarkably tabloid-esque field of presidential hopefuls for the 2016 election would appear to evidence exactly that.

  • Saudis Awarded France's "Highest National Honor" For "Fight" Against Terrorism

    There is perhaps no more perverse relationship in the world than that which exists between the West and Saudi Arabia – or, “the ISIS that made it,” as Kamel Daoud, a columnist for Quotidien d’Oran, and the author of “The Meursault Investigation” calls the kingdom.

    We’ve been over and over the glaring absurdity inherent in the fact that the US and its partners consider the kingdom to be an “ally” in the fight against terrorism and you can read more in the article linked above, but the problem is quite simply this: the Saudis promote and export an ultra orthodox, ultra puritanical brand of Sunni Islam that is virtually indistinguishable from that espoused by ISIS, al-Qaeda, and many of the other militant groups the world generally identifies with “terrorism.”

    Wahhabism – championed by the Saudis – is poisonous, backward, and fuels sectarian strife as well as international terrorism. That’s not our opinion. It’s a fact.

    But hey, Riyadh has all of the oil, so no harm, no foul right?

    Even as the very same ideals exported by Riyadh inspire the ISIS jihad, the kingdom is so sure it has the political world in its pocket that it sought a seat on the UN Human Rights Council, even as the country continues to carry out record numbers of executions.

    They even had the nerve to establish what they called a 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism in December. Of course the members don’t include Shiite Iran (the Saudis’ mortal enemy) or Shiite Iraq, both of which are actually fighting terror rather than bombing civilians in Yemen and engaging in Wahhabist proselytizing.

    But while everyone in the world is well aware of just how silly the “alliance” is, the farce will apparently continue as French President Francois Hollande on Friday awarded Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif France’s highest national honor, the Legion of Honor for “for his efforts in the region and around the world to combat extremism and terrorism.”

    This is the same Francois Hollande whose country was attacked not four months ago by fighters inspired by the very brand of Islam the Saudis teach. 

    This would be like pinning a Blue Ribbon on Kim Jong-Un for his efforts to promote sanity and maturity in international relations.

    There are no words.

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Today’s News 6th March 2016

  • Trump Supporters – In Their Own Words

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    I don’t find conversations about how morally repugnant Trump is to be interesting when the rest of the candidates seem to also support imperialistic and fascist policies concerning drone strikes, torture and mass surveillance.


    Do I like Trump’s platform? No, I think most of it is silly and misguided, but at least it is not the same bullshit casserole that has been on the menu in Washington DC for as long as I have been alive.


    His candidacy is a happy accident that is currently ripping the soul of America apart, which is something that I think we desperately need (and deserve) at this time in our history, for better or for worse. 

    – From the Guardian article: ‘Not Even My Wife Knows’: Secret Donald Trump Voters Speak Out

    The Guardian recently asked Trump supporters to explain in detail the rationale behind their support. What emerged is one of the most fascinating articles I’ve read all year. Not only are the demographics not what you’d expect, but their reasons for support were much more varied, complex and nuanced than you might imagine.

    One surprisingly common response consisted of people who supported Trump despite the recognition that his presidency could be an unmitigated disaster. Many of them believed the American populace was in need of such a disaster in order to shed its apathy and become politically active.

    Interestingly, I’ve harbored similar thoughts on various occasions. For example, perhaps it will take someone as in your face authoritarian and shameless as Trump to wake certain millennials to the fact there are bigger problems in this world than micro aggressions. It’s a major gamble, but we as a country definitely need to get off our asses and change the direction we’re headed in. It’s possible that Trump could serve as that wake up call, but it’s also a huge risk.

    Also noteworthy was the fact that many Trump supporters expressed admiration for Sanders as well, but would never vote for Hillary. These types could very easily make up a new “silent majority” in American politics.

    Now without further ado, here are some of the more interesting responses. You can read the entire article at The Guardian:

    The Hispanic attorney (29, Florida)
    ‘He has demonstrated that he is, at heart, a caring person’

    On paper, I probably look like a guaranteed Cruz or Rubio vote. I’m a millennial woman, my parents immigrated from Castro’s Cuba, I work as a trial attorney in Miami and I’m a born-again Christian. But I’m voting for Donald Trump, and I’ve convinced all my friends and family to do so as well.


    My sister worked for him and has spoken glowingly of him for years, just like everyone else who actually knows the man. I trust her judgment more than any random pundit’s. Actions speak louder than words, and he has demonstrated that he is, at heart, a caring person through his many random acts of kindness. His peers say there are “two Trumps” – the brash character he portrays himself as, and the decent man they know behind closed doors. It’s clearly a strategy; his proclamations have kept him on the front pages for a sustained eight months.


    Political correctness is the birthplace of disastrous, un-American policies that will destroy the country in a death by a thousand cuts. But here comes Trump, the first person who didn’t even blink when the machine turns its sights on him.


    He didn’t just fight back. He chewed it up and spit it out.

    The scientist who likes both Bernie and Donald (48, California)
    ‘I’m very concerned about radical Muslims’

    I moved to San Francisco from the UK in 2000. I’m a citizen now and I voted for Obama. I am a closet Trump supporter and I haven’t told any of my friends or co-workers. They would think of me as a meat-head if they knew.

    The funny thing is that I like Trump and Sanders, and there’s no party or politician for me.

    There’s that “I like both Trump and Sanders” sentiment. I’ve been writing about this repeatedly in recent days. See:

    Democratic Presidential Candidate Jim Webb Says He Won’t Vote for Clinton, Might Vote Trump

    “Bernie or Bust” – Over 50,000 Sanders Supporters Pledge to Never Vote for Hillary

    Why Hillary Clinton Cannot Beat Donald Trump

    I’m a patriotic socialist, but my strong-borders patriotism wins over my socialism if I have to choose. As Donald says, we either have a country or we don’t.

    This next one is probably my favorite…

    The Occupy protester turned Trump supporter (24, New York)
    ‘His candidacy is ripping the soul of America apart – we deserve it’

    I work in a liberal arts department. I’ve read the works of Karl Marx, Herbert Marcuse, John Stuart Mill, Friedrich Nietzsche, Plato, Judith Butler, Simone de Beauvoir, Michel Foucault and so on. I am more inclined to listen to what Slavoj Žižek or Noam Chomsky have to say about current affairs than Rachel Maddow or Bill O’Reilly. If one were to take account of my demographics, the smart money would be to peg me for a Bernie Sanders supporter.


    My interest in politics did not truly develop into an intellectually mature form until 2011, when Occupy Wall Street broke out as a populist leftist grass roots movement to combat the evils of unrestricted robber baron capitalism.

    Early in 2014 I began concealing my political opinions from people, and it was shortly after this time that I began plotting to vote Republican in hopes that the party would send the country so far in the direction of complete unrestricted neoliberalism and libertarian free market superstition that Americans would come to recognize the dangers of these ideologies and eventually reject them.


    I don’t find conversations about how morally repugnant Trump is to be interesting when the rest of the candidates seem to also support imperialistic and fascist policies concerning drone strikes, torture and mass surveillance.


    I don’t agree with discussions of how Trump is making the national dialogue more base and vulgar when Obama has instated common core standards to gear humanities education in public schooling to be teaching children how to read memos, rather than cultivating critical thinking skills that would allow them to understand subtle arguments.


    Do I like Trump’s platform? No, I think most of it is silly and misguided, but at least it is not the same bullshit casserole that has been on the menu in Washington DC for as long as I have been alive.


    His candidacy is a happy accident that is currently ripping the soul of America apart, which is something that I think we desperately need (and deserve) at this time in our history, for better or for worse. I support whatever strange gods happen to be behind his candidacy, for, as Martin Heidegger proclaimed in his famous Der Speigel interview, although for slightly different reasons, “Only a God can save us.”

    The casino supervisor (56, Oklahoma)
    ‘We are completely tired of government’

    I am a Democrat but will vote for Trump, because he is not bought and paid for by anyone. We the American people are tired of politicians owing favors to rich businessmen, bankers, oil companies and stock markets. It should be against the law to have lobbyists involved with government.


    The middle class and lower class – which I am part of – are completely tired of our government, which treats our veterans like they don’t even exist. These are men and women who have gone to fight for what they think was the right reason, only to see that it was for money or some arms sale that is done behind closed doors. We are also sick and tired of working and paying taxes and then seeing our government send it to other countries to benefit someone else when we have homeless people and vets that need it just as much.

    The yoga teacher (29, Tennessee)
    ‘Don’t publish my name. It would ruin my progressive image’

    Barack Obama talked about hope and change, but I believe he failed to deliver on his promises. His record with drone strikes and prosecutions of whistleblowers are especially troubling (not to mention he didn’t follow-through with prosecutions of those who caused the financial crisis).


    As far as Obamacare goes, I’m not buying it, because it seems ignorant to throw money at a problem and hope it will get better. I’m glad more people are covered, but the plans aren’t worth shit, as many of them don’t kick in until you spend thousands on a co-pay. No thanks.


    Bernie is a breath of fresh air, but I’m not sure he can beat Hillary. In a match between Bernie and Donald, I’d vote for the former. In a match between Hillary and Donald, I’d vote for the latter. It isn’t a vote for Trump, but rather a vote against the political establishment (which must be removed from office at any cost – even if it means electing a reality TV star for president). The stakes are too high. Hillary cannot win or the oligarchy will continue unabated.

    There’s another “I prefer Bernie to Trump, but I’d take Trump over Clinton” voter. There are more of these than most people recognize.

    And please don’t publish my name, it would ruin the whole “progressive” image (and my girlfriend might kill me).

    I bet a lot of pragmatic sorts are in the same boat …

    The retired biomedical engineer (56, Hawaii)
    ‘It’s too late for a cure’

    Given a chance, I would vote for Bernie. But the only choices will probably be Trump and Clinton. In that case, I will vote for Trump.

    It’s almost getting to be a broken record at this point.

    I believe that Clinton will continue the Wall Street-style march to oligarchy. With her, the eventual demise of democracy will lead to a fascist plutocracy. It is going on right now, and it will continue to be slow, painful and inevitable.


    I believe that it is too late for a conventional cure. So, there is Trump. He is indeed a buffoon and a recipe for disaster. If he were to do half of the horrific things he says he would, he would be a catastrophe. He could be a blend of Hitler and Hirohito.


    That’s why I would vote for him. The last time we crossed paths with a Hitler and/or Hirohito, the country woke up and fought. And won! He might supply us with the shock we need in order to wake up and fight.

    While risky, you can’t argue with the logic.

    The gay Arab Muslim student (20, Missouri)
    ‘My parents are horrified’

    As a gay muslim, the Republican Party has not been kind to me, to say the least. However the Democrats almost arrogantly expect me to hand my vote to them because of who I am, which insults me.


    I am a son of immigrants but we have always followed the law to the letter. Donald Trump’s discussion on immigration is extremely relevant. I even support the temporary ban on Muslims, even though I still have many law abiding family members in Syria who deserve the opportunity to come to the US and escape the horrors of the war. We don’t vet these people properly. To let them in willy nilly is ludicrous.


    Trump will break the poisonous bonds that hold America and the cult state of Saudi Arabia. Clinton would never do that; she would continue supporting Saudi Arabia while bombing Islamic countries left and right.

    The anti-PC college professor (50, California)
    ‘I’m angry at forced diversity’

    I’m a liberal-left college professor in the social sciences. I’m going to vote for Trump but I won’t tell hardly anybody.


    My main reason is anger at the two-party system and the horrible presidencies of Obama and Bush. But I’m also furious at political correctness on campus and in the media.


    I’m angry at forced diversity and constant, frequently unjustified complaints about racism/sexism/homophobia/lack of trans rights. I’m particularly angry at social justice warriors and my main reason to vote Trump is to see the looks on your faces when he wins.


    It’s not that I like Trump. It’s that I hate those who can’t stand him.

    The white male early retiree (62, Delaware)
    ‘Trump is a wake up call’

    Trump is a wake up call. A president Trump could be as bad as Hitler, but if he shocks some good people in both the Republican and Democratic parties into realizing that they are ignoring legitimate concerns of a seizable minority, then let him have his four years.

    There’s that same logic again. Get Trump in there as a shock to the system, even if the shock is a dangerous one.

    The manager (52, South Carolina) 
    ‘People would realize democracy is messy’

    Not even my wife knows.


    I voted for Trump with the faint hope that his election would actually be good for the country. If he were elected, it would perhaps teach more to the country than all the high school civics lessons in the our nation’s brief history.


    If elected, Trump would accomplish very little to none of his vacuous agenda. His congressional agenda would be as dead on arrival as that of Bernie Sanders’s. So what good could result? Perhaps more people would begin to realize that members of Congress, governors, mayors, and members of the state houses have the real power. That the framers of the Constitution created this wonderfully balanced system in which no one person holds the kind of power that Trump claims he could wield. That democracy is messy and frustrating. That change involves more hard work than just voting for somebody who says the right things.

    This article results in only one obvious conclusion as pertains to the 2016 election. Sanders could put up a very strong fight against Trump and possibly win. In contrast, Hillary is an extraordinarily weak and vulnerable candidate, and could get demolished in a head to head matchup with Trump.

  • Voices Of Reason In An Unreasonable World – Meet The Free-Market Economist That Stood Up To Hitler

    In the current time of unprecedented central-planner-focused monetary-policy experimentation and a growing bias towards collectivist and socialist attitudes, the similarities to what Wilhelm Ropke – the European economist who stood up to Hitler – had some seemingly ominous and prescient persepctives in 1933 before everything collapsed:

    The loss of traditional human connections, the dehumanization of man in mass society, and the corruption of the political and economic marketplaces, Röpke argued, had created the sociological and psychological conditions for the emergence of and receptivity to the collectivist idea and its promise of a new community of man, a transformation of the human condition, and a better society designed according to a central plan.


    All these were false promises and hopes. Collectivism, whether of the fascist or communist sort, meant the end of a rational economic order, threatened the loss of freedom and the end to human dignity, and required the reduction of man to the status of an insect in what Röpke often referred to as the socialist “termite state.”

    Any of that ring any bells? Social media? Inequality? SuperPACs? Rigged Markets? … Bernie Sanders' Socialism? Collectivist resignation to central planner authority?

    It did not end well then and will not end well this time.

    Submitted by Richard Ebeling via,

    Sometimes there are men of principle who live their values and not merely speak or write about them. People who stand up to political evil at their own risk, and then go on to say and do things that help to remake their country in the aftermath of war and destruction. One such individual was the German, free-market economist, Wilhelm Röpke.

    Born on October 10, 1899, Wilhelm Röpke died half a century ago on February 12, 1966. It seems appropriate to mark the fifty-year passing of one of the great European economists and advocates of freedom during the last one hundreds years.

    In the dark days immediately following the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi movement in Germany in January 1933, Röpke refused to remain silent. He proceeded to deliver a public address in which warned his audience that Germany was in the grip of a “revolt against reason, freedom and humanity.”

    Nazism as the Destruction of Decent Society

    Nazism was the culmination of Germany’s sinking into ”illiberal barbarism, Röpke said, the elements of which were based on: (l) “servilism,” a “longing for state slavery,” with the state becoming the “subject of unparalleled idolatry”; (2) “irrationalism,” in which ”voices” in the air called for the German people to be guided by “blood,” “soil,” and a “storm of destructive and unruly emotions”; and (3) “brutalism,” in which “The beast of prey in man is extolled with unexampled cynicism, and with equal cynicism every immoral and brutal act is justified by the sanctity of the political end.” Röpke warned that, “a nation that yields to brutalism thereby excludes itself from the community of Western civilization.” He hoped Germany would step back from this abyss before its people had to learn their mistake in the fire of war.

    Röpke also spoke out against the Nazi dismissal of Jewish professors and students from German universities, which began in April 1933. The Nazis denounced him as an “enemy of the people” and removed him from his professorship at the University of Marburg. After an angry exchange with two SS men sent to “reason” with him, Röpke decided to leave Germany with his family, and accept exile rather than live under National Socialism.

    A Man of Courage and Principle

    Wilhelm Röpke was a leading intellectual figure of twentieth-century Europe. He combined conservatism with classical liberalism to develop a political philosophy he called a market-oriented “middle way” between nineteenth-century capitalism and twentieth-century totalitarian collectivism. He also became a spiritual guide and political-economic architect of Germany’s “social market economy” in the post-World War II era. As the famous Austrian economist, Ludwig von Mises, wrote when Röpke died in 1966 at the age of 66,

    “For most of what is reasonable and beneficial in present-day Germany’s monetary and commercial policy credit is to be attributed to Röpke’s influence. He [is] rightly thought of as [one] the intellectual authors of Germany’s economic resurrection . . . The future historians of our age will have to say that he was not only a great scholar, a successful teacher and a faithful friend, but first of all a fearless man who was never afraid to profess what he considered to be true and right. In the midst of moral and intellectual decay, he was an inflexible harbinger of the return to reason, honesty and sound political practice.”

    Röpke grew up in a rural community of independent farmers and cottage industry craftsmen. His father was a country doctor. That upbringing can be seen in his later belief that a healthy, balanced, small community is most fit for human life.

    The event, however, that shaped his chosen purpose in life was his experience in the German army in the First World War. War was “the expression of a brutal and stupid national pride that fostered the craving for domination and set its approval on collective immorality,” Röpke explained. The experience of war made him decide to become an economist and a sociologist when the cannons fell silent. He entered the University of Marburg, from which he earned his doctoral degree in 1921. In 1929 he was appointed professor of economics at the University of Marburg, a position he held until his expulsion by the Nazi regime in 1933.

    After leaving Germany in 1933 he accepted a position at the University of Istanbul, Turkey, In 1937 he was invited to become a professor of international economic relations at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, a position he retained until his untimely death on February 12, 1966.

    After the German occupation of France, Röpke was three times offered a teaching position at the New School for Social Research in New York (in 1940, 1941, and 1943) as a means of escape from Nazi-occupied Europe. But each time he turned down the invitation to leave neutral Switzerland, having decided to continue to be a voice for freedom and reason in a totalitarian-dominated Europe.

    In the 1950s, after the war, he was an economic adviser to the government of West Germany. He also was one of the leading figures of a group of market-oriented German economists who in the postwar period became known as the Ordo-liberals; their purpose and goal was the construction of a “social market economy” that assured both an open, competitive order and minimal social guarantees.

    Monetary Mismanagement and the Great Depression

    In the 1920s and for part of the 1930s, a primary focus of Röpke’s writings was business-cycle theory and policy. His most significant work in this field was his 1936 volume Crises and Cycles. Röpke argued that a complex division of labor with a developed structure of roundabout methods of production, held together by the delicate network of market prices for finished goods and the factors of production, had the potential to occasionally suffer from the cyclical waves of booms and depressions.

    The cause of such cycles was periodic imbalances between savings and investment in the economy. While not completely following the “Austrian” theory of the business cycle, Röpke’s approach moved along similar lines, arguing that a monetary expansion that kept the market rate of interest below the level that could maintain a balance between savings and investment would feed investment projects and cause misdirections of labor and resources into production processes in excess of the savings available to sustain them in the long run.

    Röpke’s particular contribution to the analysis of the business cycle was his theory of what he called the “secondary depression.” When the boom ended, an economic downturn was inevitable, with the investment excesses of the upturn having to contract and be readjusted to the realities of available savings and the market-based patterns of supply and demand. But while serving on the German National Commission on Unemployment in 1930–1931, he came to the conclusion that there were negative forces at work at that time far beyond any normal type of post-boom adjustment.

    The failure of cost prices to promptly adjust downward with the decline of finished-goods prices was causing a dramatic collapse of production and employment. Rising unemployment resulted in declining incomes that then created a new round of falling demands for goods in the economy, which in turn brought about another decrease in production and employment. At the same time, growing unprofitability of industry made businessmen reluctant to undertake new investments, resulting in the accumulation of idle savings in the financial markets. Such a sequence of events generated a cumulative contraction in the economy that kept feeding on itself.

    Röpke concluded that this secondary depression served no healthy purpose, and the downward spiral of a cumulative contraction in production and employment could only be broken by government-induced credit expansion and public works projects. Once the government introduced a spending floor below which the economy would no longer go, the market would naturally begin a normal and healthy upturn that would bring the economy back toward a proper balance.

    In 1933, when Röpke published in English an article explaining the findings of the German Commission on Unemployment, John Maynard Keynes expressed to Röpke his “great satisfaction” that German economists were reaching the same conclusions as he had, namely, that government needed to take an active role in steering the economy.

    But Röpke had no sympathy for Keynes’s belief that the market was inherently unstable and permanently in need of government management of “aggregate demand.” In Röpke’s view the Great Depression represented a “rare occurrence” of an “exceptional combination of circumstances” that required “a deliberate policy of additional ‘effective demand’ into the economic system.”

    But, Röpke continued, Keynes’s construction of a “general theory of employment” based on the exceptional circumstances of the early 1930s was a “counsel of despair” and an extremely dangerous one, because it created a rationale for continuous government tinkering and a strong inflationary bias harmful to the stability of the market economy in the long run. Indeed, Röpke became a leading critic of Keynesian economics after World War II.

    The Crisis of Western Civilization

    But the central issue that absorbed almost all of Röpke’s intellectual and literary efforts in the 1930s and 1940s was what he considered the crisis of Western civilization, the most stark and terrible symptom of which was the rise of totalitarian collectivism as represented by Soviet communism, Italian fascism, and German National Socialism.

    But the heart of Röpke’s critique of the decay of Western civilization and the path for its renewal was in a trilogy published during the war: The Social Crisis of Our Time 1942), Civitas Humana (1944), and International Order (1945). This was followed at the end of the war by The Solution of the German Problem (1945). And a further reformulation of his conception of a properly ordered and balanced society was offered in A Humane Economy: The Social Framework of the Free Market (1958).

    The achievements of the eighteenth century, in Röpke’s view, were the use of reason for a balanced understanding of both the natural and social world; the awakening of an insight into the possibilities of a free, spontaneous order of market relationships; a conception of man that looked at him in proportionate human terms; and a sense of humanity in appreciating and wanting to improve the human condition. One of these insights was that a free-market order that both liberated man from the status and caste society of the past and dramatically improved his standard of living; and the liberal, democratic ideal in which the individual possessed rights to life, liberty, and property, and in which peace and tolerant political pluralism replaced imperial violence and political absolutism.

    But as Röpke saw it, many of these achievements and successes had been twisted in the nineteenth century. The use of reason had become “unreasonable,” as there emerged a hyper-rationalism that claimed to have the power to discover the secrets for social engineering. The triumphs of the natural sciences in mastering the physical world had fostered a “cult of the colossal,” in which there was a worship of the things of the material world and the desire for the creation of objects bigger than human life. This cut man loose from all the societal moorings of family, community, and the harmonies of local life, And the ideal of democratic pluralism had been undermined and reduced, increasingly, into an arena of special-interest political plunder.

    Collectivism and the Termite State

    The loss of traditional human connections, the dehumanization of man in mass society, and the corruption of the political and economic marketplaces, Röpke argued, had created the sociological and psychological conditions for the emergence of and receptivity to the collectivist idea and its promise of a new community of man, a transformation of the human condition, and a better society designed according to a central plan. All these were false promises and hopes. Collectivism, whether of the fascist or communist sort, meant the end of a rational economic order, threatened the loss of freedom and the end to human dignity, and required the reduction of man to the status of an insect in what Röpke often referred to as the socialist “termite state.”

    Röpke was uncompromising in his insistence that only the market economy was consistent with both freedom and prosperity. Only the market, with its system of private property rights, provided the framework to harness individual incentives and creativeness for the benefit of society. Only the market could generate the competitive process necessary for the formation of prices that could successfully coordinate supply and demand. Only the market gave each individual the freedom to be an end in himself while also serving as a voluntary means to the ends of others through the mechanism of exchange.

    Yet in Röpke’s view the market by itself was not enough. The humane society required going “beyond supply and demand,” to the construction of an institutional order that incorporated the market in a wider social setting. The market economy needed strong ethical moorings to give a sound moral foundation to market order. Röpke held views concerning the role of government in a free society that were wider than many free market advocates today might consider necessary and appropriate.

    But beginning in the 1950s, Röpke argued that the growing politicization of economic and social life through an expanding interventionist-welfare state undermined the possibility for a successful international order based on peace, mutual prosperity, and a rational allocation and use of the resources of the world. International order required countries to practice sound policies at home: respect for private property, enforcement of contracts, protection for foreign investments, limited government intervention, and non-inflationary monetary policies.

    Networks of international trade and investment would then naturally and spontaneously connect the world through private market relationships. For this reason, Röpke was doubtful that European economic and monetary integration could be successfully imposed as long as the member states were unwilling to follow the necessary domestic policies of limited government and open, competitive market capitalism. Tensions and conflicts were inevitable in an age dominated by collectivist and interventionist ideas.

    A Voice of Reason in an Unreasonable World

    Wilhelm Röpke was more than just an economist. During some of the darkest decades of the twentieth century, he sounded more like an Old Testament prophet warning of the dangers from a loss of our moral compass. Collectivism had few opponents in our century with as much of a sense of ethical purpose.

    Precisely because he was an economist by training, Röpke understood the indivisibility of personal, political, and economic freedom in a way that many other critics of socialism in its various forms could never articulate. The appreciation of history and the historical context in his analyses only enriched the persuasiveness of his message. The rebirth of the market economy in Germany and in other parts of Europe after 1945 owes a great deal to his intellectual efforts and legacy.

  • "Lesbians" vs "Step Sisters" – Most Popular Porn Searches Reveal A Surprising Pattern

    In a nation as ‘distracted‘ as America where virtual relationships seem more popular than real ones, it appears different states ‘attention‘ is drawn to very different methods of entertainment.

    In 30 states in the West, Midwest and East, “lesbian” was on top as the most commonly searched term. And the term was most popular in California where there were 187,000 searches for the word in January.


    Looking north, “step sister” took the crown in states such as Wyoming, Montana, Minnesota and Ohio, while “step mom” was a winner in Alaska, Washington, Kentucky and New Hampshire.


    In states with the highest proportion of African American residents—Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia—”ebony” was preferred.


    One state with unique taste was Rhode Island where people were searching for “MILF” videos.

    Source: Pornhub


    Which might explain this…


    And this…

  • Visualising America's "Irrelevant" Exports & Imports

    The U.S. Census Bureau recently released its data on U.S. trade in goods by selected countries and world region for 2015. built three maps to provide a proportional visualization of the trade that occurs between the U.S. and other countries.

    Exports are represented in green, imports are represented in red, and the balance (exports – imports) is represented by red or green depending on whether the U.S. has exported more or less goods than it has imported. For instance, if a country’s imports exceeds its exports, the country will experience a trade deficit, which represents an outflow of domestic currency to foreign markets.

    Based on the data, the U.S. exported over $1.5 trillion and imported over $2.2 trillion in goods throughout 2015. This leaves leaves the U.S. with a negative balance of $735 billion!

    Largest Balances by Country

    Take a look at the top 5 countries with the largest balances (positive and negative):

    Top 5 Positive Balances

    • Hong Kong: $30.5 billion

    • Netherlands: $24.0 billion

    • Belgium: $14.6 billion

    • Australia: $14.2 billion

    • Singapore: $10.4 billion

    Top 5 Negative Balances

    • China: $365.7 billion

    • Germany: $74.2 billion

    • Japan: $68.6 billion

    • Mexico: $58.4 billion

    • Ireland: $30.4 billion

    Top 5 Countries for Exports


    Take a look at the top 5 countries that the U.S. has exported goods to:

    • Canada: $280.3 billion

    • Mexico: $236.4 billion

    • China: $116.2 billion

    • Japan: $62.5 billion

    • United Kingdom: $56.4 billion

    Together the top 5 countries make up about 50% of all U.S. exports.


    Top 5 Countries for Imports

    Take a look at the top 5 countries that the U.S. has imported goods from:

    • China: $481.9 billion

    • Canada: $295.2 billion

    • Mexico: $294.7 billion

    • Japan: $131.1 billion

    • Germany: $124.1 billion

    Together the top 5 countries make up about 59% of all U.S. imports.

    Maintaining a Balance in Trade

    Looking at the data by area shows that South/Central America, OPEC and Africa are the only regions with positive balances, whereas North America, Europe, and Pacific Rim areas show a negative balance. Interestingly, China, which as a negative balance of $365.7 billion represents ~80% of the negative balance attributed to the Pacific Rim countries and ~50% of the overall negative balance! To put this into perspective, the continent of Europe represents only ~23% of the overall negative balance for selected countries.

    *  *  *

    So the next time someone comes on TV and proclaims that the collapse in world trade volumes is irrelevant to the US equity market and US economy… perhaps point them in this direction.

  • Legalizing Weed Has Done What 1 Trillion Dollars And A 40 Year War Couldn't

    Submitted by Nick Bernabe via,

    The Mexican drug cartels are finally meeting their match as a wave of cannabis legalization efforts drastically reshapes the drug trafficking landscape in the United States. It turns out that as states legalize cannabis use and cultivation, the volume of weed brought across the border by Mexican drug cartels dramatically decreases — and is putting a dent in their cash flow.

    A newly-released statistical report from the U.S. Border Patrol shows a sharp drop-off in cannabis captured at the border between the United States and Mexico. The reduction in weed trafficking coincides with dozens of states embracing cannabis use for both medical and recreational purposes.

    In fact, as the Washington Post reports, cannabis confiscations at the southern border have stumbled to the lowest point in over a decade — to only 1.5 million pounds. That’s down from a peak of four million pounds in 2009.

    Speaking to Anti-Media, Amir Zendehnam, host of the popular cannabis show, “In the Clear with Amir” on, told us what he thinks of these new statistics:

    “The economics of the cannabis industry show us that with healthy competition in the market, prices drop, quality rises, violence diminishes, and peaceful transactions increase. As constant new research emerges detailing the plant’s benefits, the negative stigma of using cannabis, both medicinally and recreationally, is diminishing, raising the demand for high quality product.


    “Colorado, for example, is experiencing an economic boom that has never been seen in the state. The biggest issue in Colorado today is what to do with the huge amounts of revenue and economic success the state is gaining as a result of legalization. The Colorado model has proven that legalization reduces crime rates, cuts prices, pushes unfavorable competition out of the market, provides cleaner products with heightened transparency, and increases the standard of living for society as a whole.


    “The only people hurt by continued societal acceptance and legalization of cannabis are the cartels and their friends, who have flourished for decades as a result of drug prohibition.


    “As legalization spreads across the U.S. and the rest of the world like wildfire, I predict the industry will soon become one of the most dominant and beneficial industries humanity has ever seen.”

    And the new competition from legal states has taken a big bite out of the entire illicit Mexican marijuana food chain. “Two or three years ago, a kilogram [2.2 pounds] of marijuana was worth $60 to $90,” a cannabis farmer in Mexico said in an interview with NPR. “But now they’re paying us $30 to $40 a kilo. It’s a big difference. If the U.S. continues to legalize pot, they’ll run us into the ground.”

    Consumers are also starting to see the difference. Cheap low quality Mexican cannabis has become almost impossible to find in states that have legalized, while prices for high quality home-grown have steadily decreased.

    This is good news for Mexico. A decreasing flow of cannabis trafficking throughout the country will likely lead to less cartel violence as revenues used to buy weapons dry up. Drug war-related violence in Mexico was responsible for an estimated 27,000 deaths in 2011 alone — outpacing the entire civilian death toll of the United States’ 15-year war in Afghanistan.

    These developments reinforce criticism of the War on Drugs as a failed policy. Making substances like cannabis illegal simply drove the industry underground, helping make America the largest incarcerator in the world.

    Legalizing cannabis will also save the United States a great deal of money. As Mint Press News reported:

    “Since Richard Nixon declared a war on drugs in June 1971, the cost of that “war” had soared to over $1 trillion by 2010. Over $51 billion is spent annually to fight the drug war in the United States, according to Drug Policy Alliance, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting more humane drug policies.”

    Early reports from Colorado’s cannabis tax scheme show that revenues that will ostensibly help schools and rehabilitation efforts by flooding the state with cash. In fact, Colorado became the first state to generate more tax revenue from cannabis than alcohol in one year — $70 million.

    But why stop with cannabis legalization? As more and more drug propaganda is debunked thanks to the legal weed movement, it’s time to also advocate for drug legalization across the board. The drug war’s criminalization of substances has done nothing to stem their use, and has simply turned addicts into criminals, even though plenty of experts agree that addiction is a health issue, not a criminal one.


    Maybe it’s time for the U.S., Mexico, and other countries to embrace the Portuguese and Irish model of treating addiction to drugs like an addiction to alcohol or cigarettes, using rehabilitation — rather than incarceration — to confront the problem.

  • Former-PM Admits "Future Existence Of Japan Was At Stake" As Mutations Appear In Fukushima Forest

    "The future existence of Japan as a whole was at stake," admits Japan's prime minister at the time of the 2011 quake and tsunami, revealing that the country came within a "paper-thin margin" of a nuclear disaster requiring the evacuation of 50 million people. Naoto Kan expressed satisfaction at the three TEPCO executives facing charges over negligence, but this shocking admission comes as AFP reports, conservation group Greenpeace warned that "signs of mutations in trees and DNA-damaged worms beginning to appear," while "vast stocks of radiation" mean that forests cannot be decontaminated.

    In an interview with The Telegraph to mark the fifth anniversary of the tragedy, Naoto Kan described the panic and disarray at the highest levels of the Japanese government as it fought to control multiple meltdowns at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station.

    He said he considered evacuating the capital, Tokyo, along with all other areas within 160 miles of the plant, and declaring martial law. “The future existence of Japan as a whole was at stake,” he said. “Something on that scale, an evacuation of 50 million, it would have been like a losing a huge war.”


    Mr Kan admitted he was frightened and said he got “no clear information” out of Tepco, the plant’s operator. He was “very shocked” by the performance of Nobuaki Terasaka, his own government’s key nuclear safety adviser. “We questioned him and he was unable to give clear responses,” he said.


    “We asked him – do you know anything about nuclear issues? And he said no, I majored in economics.”


    “When we got the report that power had been cut and the coolant had stopped working, that sent a shiver down my spine,” Mr Kan said. “From March 11, when the incident happened, until the 15th, the effects [of radioactive contamination] were expanding geographically.


    "From the 16th to the 20th we were able to halt the spread of radiation but the margin left for us was paper-thin. If the [fuel rods] had burnt through [in] all six reactors, that would definitely have affected Tokyo.


    From a very early stage I had a very high concern for Tokyo. I was forming ideas for a Tokyo evacuation plan in my head. In the 1923 earthquake the government ordered martial law – I did think of the possibility of having to set up such emergency law if it really came down to it.


    “We were only able to avert a 250-kilometre (160-mile) evacuation zone [around the plant] by a wafer-thin margin, thanks to the efforts of people who risked their lives."

    Mr Kan said he had to retreat to an inner room after the atmosphere in the government’s crisis management centre became “very noisy”.

    He said: “There was so little precise information coming in. It was very difficult to make clear judgments. I don’t consider myself a nuclear expert, but I did study physics at university.


    "I knew that even based on what little we were hearing, there was a real possibility this could be bigger than Chernobyl. That was a terrible disaster, but there was only one reactor there. There were six here.”

    All of these admissions of the monstrous reality are hitting just as onservation group Greenpeace warned on Friday that the environmental impact of the Fukushima nuclear crisis five years ago on nearby forests is just beginning to be seen and will remain a source of contamination for years to come.

    As the fifth anniversary of the disaster approaches, Greenpeace said signs of mutations in trees and DNA-damaged worms were beginning to appear, while "vast stocks of radiation" mean that forests cannot be decontaminated. As AFP reports,

    In a report, Greenpeace cited "apparent increases in growth mutations of fir trees… heritable mutations in pale blue grass butterfly populations" as well as "DNA-damaged worms in highly contaminated areas", it said.


    The report came as the government intends to lift many evacuation orders in villages around the Fukushima plant by March 2017, if its massive decontamination effort progresses as it hopes.


    For now, only residential areas are being cleaned in the short-term, and the worst-hit parts of the countryside are being omitted, a recommendation made by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

    Finally, we leave it to Kan to conclude:

    "Next time, we might not be so lucky.”

  • The Most Painful Part Of The Short Squeeze May Be Yet To Come, JPM Warns

    Two weeks ago, we reported that NYSE Short Interest has risen 4.5%, back over 18 billion shares near the historical record highs of July 2008 (and up 7 of the last 9 months).


    We said that this dynamic means one of two things:

    • Either a central bank intervenes, or a massive forced buy-in event occurs, and unleashes the mother of all short squeezes, sending the S&P500 to new all time highs, or
    • Just as the record short interest in July 2008 correctly predicted the biggest financial crisis in history and all those shorts covered at a huge profit, so another historic market collapse is just around the corner.

    So far not a single central bank or major policy-making institution has intervened with a major (or for that matter, any) stimulus, but the expectation that one will – be it the G-20 last weekend, China this weekend, the ECB next week or the BOJ the week after – has led to precisely one of the two postulated outcomes: as we reported yesterday, the “mother of all short squeezes” was indeed unleashed, and last week the “most shorted” stocks were up a near record 8.7%, the highest since the furious November 2008 bear market rally.


    So does this mean the short squeeze – whether ordinary course of business or engineered by banks to push the price of both the S&P and oil higher so that energy companies can sell equity and repay secured bank loans (as we speculated last week) – is over? According to JPM, not just yet, even though by now the weakest hands have clearly tapped out. In fact, since there has been virtually no rotation into ETFs, the most brutal part of the squeeze may be just ahead. Here’s why:

    The covering of short equity positions continued over the past week. The short interest in US equity futures declined over the past week as seen in Figure 1.



    But its level remains very negative suggesting there is room for further short covering. The short interest on SPY, the biggest equity ETF, at 4.75% stands below its recent peak of 5.43% but it remains elevated vs. its level of 3.54% at the start of the year. Equity ETFs have not yet seen any significant inflows, suggesting that ETF investors have done little in actively reversing the almost $30bn of equity ETFs sold over the previous two months. CTAs, which have been partly responsible for this year’s selloff, are still short equities and they have only covered a third of the short position they opened in January. In contrast, Discretionary Macro hedge funds, Equity L/S, risk parity funds and balanced mutual funds, appear to be modestly long equities, so they are currently benefitting from the equity rally.


    Is it possible that the short squeeze can take the S&P another 100 points higher, reaching Goldman’s 2016 year-end target even as GAAP EPS have crashed to just over 90, and which would mean that the market when valued on a GAAP basis would be at 22x earnings and the most expensive it has ever been? Of course it is, even if that will make the S&P500 the most overbought, and overvalued in history, and just ripe for the next wave of short selling.

    So for all those eager to short the S&P but unsure when to do it, keep an eye on the SPY short interest and CTA net exposure. Breakout failures would mean this week’s roundhouse punch to the face of market shorts may be as bad as it gets.  On the other hand, if the covering momentum is only just starting, and now it is the ETFers and CTA’s turn to pick up the baton, the next move higher in this bear market squeeze could easily take the S&P500 to new all time highs.

  • The Afghan War Explained In Two Headlines

    How often do you notice during an average market day that the mainstream financial news media very often seem to run headlines that not only contradict one another entirely but sometimes emanate from the very same news wire?

    Well trust us, it happens all the time. In fact, this type of epic confusion is one of the many “gifts that keeps on giving for us.” For one classic example, see here.

    Well, in case you weren’t aware, this is also the case in war and geopolitics, because if there are two areas where things are more fluid and move faster than a vacuum tube or any microwave, it’s war and backdoor diplomacy.

    In the true spirit of the above, we bring you the following two headlines, the first from Reuters, and the second from WSJ, each of which purport to explain what’s happening in Afghanistan: 



    And of course, these headlines are both from the same day. 

  • Alan Greenspan's Pickled Economy

    Submitted by EconomicPrism's MN Gordon, via,

    Winter of Discontent

    Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan resurfaced this week.  We couldn’t recall the last time we’d heard from him.  But, alas, the old fellow’s in desolate despair.



    Unexpectedly rising from the crypt: Alan Greenspan


    On Tuesday, for instance, he told Bloomberg he hasn’t been optimistic for “quite a while.”  Obviously, this is in contrast to the perennial Goldilocks attitude he had during the 1990s.  So what is it that has the Maestro playing a low dirge?

    China, the dollar, Dodd-Frank, and associated unknowns are all part of his negative outlook.  But the long winter of his discontent is something else.  Greenspan said he “won’t be [optimistic] until we can resolve entitlement programs.”

    Nobody wants to touch [entitlements].  But it is gradually crowding out capital investment and that is crowding out productivity and that is crowding out the standards of living,” said Greenspan.

    Indeed, funding entitlement programs is becoming more burdensome by the year.  As a greater percentage of the economy’s GDP goes toward entitlement programs, a lesser percentage goes towards capital investment.  The effect of this negative feedback loop, as Greenspan infers, is quite simple.



    An enticing lure….

    Less capital investment leads to lower productivity.  Lower productivity leads to slower GDP growth.  Slower GDP growth leads to an economy that can’t keep pace with entitlement programs.  Thus, an even smaller percentage of GDP is, in turn, available for capital investment…to propel future growth.  And so on, and so forth.



    A 2012 forecast of entitlement spending by the Heritage Foundation. This seems not exactly sustainable – click to enlarge.


    What Drives Economic Growth?

    Certainly, this is a basic insight.  But perhaps Greenspan is on to something much larger than just the issue of entitlement programs.  From what we can tell he’s getting at the question of economic growth.  Namely, what drives it?

    Based on Greenspan’s example of entitlement programs, and their effect of crowding out capital investment, productivity, and standards of living, it seems he’s asserting that savings and production drive economic growth.

    This, no doubt, is an important distinction.  For it goes contrary to the mainstream Keynesian economic thought of the day which asserts spending and consumption drive economic growth. Hence, the main purpose of today’s economic policies is to increase spending and consumption to the detriment of savings and production.


    2-Production structure

    How the economy grows. Lower left corner: an outline of the economy’s structure of production in the form of a “Hayekian triangle”; clockwise from the upper left corner: the process of widening and lengthening of the production structure and the growth in output it creates over time, as savings and investment increase (for a more detailed explanation of the concepts involved see our previous brief article “The Production Structure”) – click to enlarge.


    To be clear, this was also the approach to monetary policy that Greenspan executed when he was Fed Chairman.  Between 1987 and 2006, while at the command of the nation’s monetary levers, Greenspan implemented these policies of promoting mass consumption.

    Moreover, Greenspan’s dirty fingerprints are all over today’s global economic problems.  For it were Greenspan’s policies of mass consumption that accelerated globalization and a lopsided trade imbalance with China and others.  Practically all the malinvestments, bubbles and busts across the planet that are presently in various stages of reckoning can be traced back to the man.

    We doubt Greenspan will ever take responsibility for the effects of his actions. But we do know that he has full knowledge of his errors.  For while Bernanke and Yellen are true believers in their craft, Greenspan knows central banking is filthy hogwash.  In particular, long before he became the Maestro, there was a time when Greenspan was openly opposed to state intervention.



    The publication of this book was like the ringing of a bell. It heralded the end of the great boom and it was the last time Greenspan was put on a pedestal by a book author.


    Alan Greenspan’s Pickled Economy

    Greenspan, if you didn’t know, once stood firmly behind the gold standard.  He even wrote one of its better defenses.  In his essay Gold and Economic Freedom, published in 1966, Greenspan came to the following conclusion.

    “In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation.  There is no safe store of value.  If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold.  If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods.  The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.


    “This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists’ tirades against gold.  Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth.  Gold stands in the way of this insidious process.  It stands as a protector of property rights.  If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists’ antagonism toward the gold standard.” 



    Gold: the money of the free market, and guarantor of economic freedom – and consequently hated by etatistes far and wide. Alan Greenspan was well aware of the importance of sound money.


    Years later Greenspan put his vanity above his ideals.  During his 18-plus years as Fed chairman he went on to provide the elastic currency that allowed for the national debt to stretch from $2.3 trillion to $8.5 trillion.  That amounts to a 269 percent increase.  Such a dramatic increase would never have been possible under the gold standard.

    Greenspan’s elastic currency also allowed for the nation’s ballooning entitlements, funded via deficits.  Maybe his present despair stems from the full knowledge and remorse of his dirty deeds now coming home to roost.  For in Greenspan’s words, “deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth.”


    3-Federal Debt

    Total federal public debt: the next update will show a more than $1 trillion jump to a new high above $19 trillion. The current administration has finally succeeded in more than doubling the public debt in just eight years – unsurprisingly, with nothing to show for it – click to enlarge.


    Just ask David StockmanGreenspan, bar none, perpetuated this wealth confiscation scheme with great proficiency.  Any remorse he now has is too little too late.  Like a pickled cucumber, his actions, and the actions of his predecessors, can never be undone.

    Look around.  Today we’re all living with the exacting consequences of Alan Greenspan’s pickled economy.  Quite frankly, it bites.

  • Why JPMorgan Disagrees With Buffett That "Babies Born Today Are The Luckiest In History"

    JPM’s head quant Marko Kolanovic is best known for timing the market’s inflection points and quantifying – in plain English – the marginal buying and selling technicals at any given moment. In his latest overnight note he does not disappoint, explaining in simple terms “what the fate of the market rally is.” We will give readers his answer… tomorrow.

    For now we wanted to focus on something we have never seen from Kolanovic before: an outright foray into both social commentary and politics with his demolition of Buffett’s insipid, hackneyed, and, according to some, downright idiotic, assessment that “the babies being born in America today are the luckiest crop in history.

    Here’s why:

    Babies born in America today – the luckiest crop in history?

    This statement has been used recently in the context of the outlook for the US economy (W. Buffet’s annual letter) and upcoming US presidential elections (M. Romney). The statement encapsulates a positive view on the US economy and downplays prospects of significant political changes in the US (it also assumes a link between an individual’s luck and US GDP growth).


    While we do not take either a glass half-full or glass half-empty view on the current state of US economy, there are good reasons to believe that ‘the luckiest generation in history’ statement is overly optimistic. US primary results show a very strong lead for D. Trump in the Republican Party, and a surprisingly good showing for B. Sanders. We believe this indicates that a significant part of the electorate disapproves of the current political establishment and feels left behind by the new economy (e.g. voters may not agree with W. Buffet that an average upper-middle class American today has a better living standard as compared to John D. Rockefeller Sr.).


    Over the coming months, uncertainty about the US election outcome may result in increased risk aversion and volatility in certain segments of the US Equity market.

    Needless to say, we fully agree with Kolanovic.

  • The Nine Horsemen Of The US Recession Apocalypse

    “There are no signs of a US recession anytime soon”… apart from these nine charts that is..


    Source: @DonDraperClone

    Of course, even The Fed is forced to admit that recession probabilities are rising fast…  

    The latest reading
    from last November is higher than all but 3 months (in the last 50
    years) when a recession did not immediately proceed.

  • Guest Post: What Trumpism Means For Democracy

    Submitted by Andrew Bacevich via,

    Whether or not Donald Trump ultimately succeeds in winning the White House, historians are likely to rank him as the most consequential presidential candidate of at least the past half-century. He has already transformed the tone and temper of American political life. If he becomes the Republican nominee, he will demolish its structural underpinnings as well. Should he prevail in November, his election will alter its very fabric in ways likely to prove irreversible. Whether Trump ever delivers on his promise to "Make America Great Again," he is already transforming American democratic practice.

    Trump takes obvious delight in thumbing his nose at the political establishment and flouting its norms. Yet to classify him as an anti-establishment figure is to miss his true significance. He is to American politics what Martin Shkreli is to Big Pharma. Each represents in exaggerated form the distilled essence of a much larger and more disturbing reality. Each embodies the smirking cynicism that has become one of the defining characteristics of our age. Each in his own way is a sign of the times.

    In contrast to the universally reviled Shkreli, however, Trump has cultivated a mass following that appears impervious to his missteps, miscues, and misstatements. What Trump actually believes — whether he believes in anything apart from big, splashy self-display — is largely unknown and probably beside the point. Trumpism is not a program or an ideology. It is an attitude or pose that feeds off of, and then reinforces, widespread anger and alienation.

    The pose works because the anger — always present in certain quarters of the American electorate but especially acute today — is genuine. By acting the part of impish bad boy and consciously trampling on the canons of political correctness, Trump validates that anger. The more outrageous his behavior, the more secure his position at the very center of the political circus. Wondering what he will do next, we can’t take our eyes off him. And to quote Marco Rubio in a different context, Trump “knows exactly what he is doing.”

    Targeting Obama's Presidency

    There is a form of genius at work here. To an extent unmatched by any other figure in American public life, Trump understands that previous distinctions between the ostensibly serious and the self-evidently frivolous have collapsed. Back in 1968, then running for president, Richard Nixon, of all people, got things rolling when he appeared on Laugh-In and uttered the immortal words, “Sock it to me?” But no one has come close to Trump in grasping the implications of all this: in contemporary America, celebrity confers authority. Mere credentials or qualifications have become an afterthought. How else to explain the host of a "reality" TV show instantly qualifying as a serious contender for high office?

    For further evidence of Trump’s genius, consider the skill with which he plays the media, especially celebrity journalists who themselves specialize in smirking cynicism. Rather than pretending to take them seriously, he unmasks their preening narcissism, which mirrors his own. He refuses to acknowledge their self-assigned role as gatekeepers empowered to police the boundaries of permissible discourse. As the embodiment of “breaking news,” he continues to stretch those boundaries beyond recognition.

    In that regard, the spectacle of televised “debates” has offered Trump an ideal platform for promoting his cult of personality. Once a solemn, almost soporific forum for civic education — remember Kennedy and Nixon in 1960? — presidential debates now provide occasions for trading insults, provoking gaffes, engaging in verbal food fights, and marketing magical solutions to problems ranging from war to border security that are immune to magic. For all of that we have Trump chiefly to thank.

    Trump’s success as a campaigner schools his opponents, of course. In a shrinking Republican field, survival requires mimicking his antics. In that regard, Ted Cruz rates as Trump’s star pupil. Cruz is to Trump what Lady Gaga was to Amy Winehouse — a less freewheeling, more scripted, and arguably more calculating version of the original.

    Yet if not a clone, Cruz taps into the same vein of pissed-off, give-me-my-country-back rage that Trump himself has so adeptly exploited. Like the master himself, Cruz has demonstrated a notable aptitude for expressing disagreement through denigration and for extravagant, crackpot promises. For his part, Marco Rubio, the only other Republican still seriously in the running, lags not far behind. When it comes to swagger and grandiosity, nothing beats a vow to create a “New American Century,” thereby resurrecting a mythic past when all was ostensibly right with the world.

    On two points alone do these several Republicans see eye-to-eye. The first relates to domestic policy, the second to America’s role in the world.

    On point one: with absolute unanimity, Trump, Cruz, and Rubio ascribe to Barack Obama any and all problems besetting the nation. To take their critique at face value, the country was doing swimmingly well back in 2009 when Obama took office. Today, it’s FUBAR, due entirely to Obama’s malign actions.

    Wielding comparable authority, however, a Republican president can, they claim, dismantle Obama’s poisonous legacy and restore all that he has destroyed. From “day one,” on issues ranging from health care to immigration to the environment, the Republican candidates vow to do exactly this. With the stroke of a pen and the wave of a hand, it will be a breeze.

    On point two: ditto. Aided and abetted by Hillary Clinton, Obama has made a complete hash of things abroad. Here the list of Republican grievances is especially long. Thanks to Obama, Russia threatens Europe; North Korea is misbehaving; China is flexing its military muscles; ISIS is on the march; Iran has a clear path to acquiring nuclear weapons; and perhaps most distressingly of all, Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, is unhappy with U.S. policy.

    Here, too, the Republican candidates see eye-to-eye and have solutions readily at hand. In one way or another, all of those solutions relate to military power. Trump, Cruz, and Rubio are unabashed militarists. (So, too, is Hillary Clinton, but that’s an issue deserving an essay of its own). Their gripe with Obama is that he never put American military might fully to work, a defect they vow to amend. A Republican commander-in-chief, be it Trump, Cruz, or Rubio, won’t take any guff from Moscow or Pyongyang or Beijing or Tehran. He will eradicate "radical Islamic terrorism," put the mullahs back in their box, torture a bunch of terrorists in the bargain, and give Bibi whatever he wants.

    In addition to offering Obama a sort of backhanded tribute — so much damage wrought by just one man in so little time — the Republican critique reinforces reigning theories of presidential omnipotence. Just as an incompetent or ill-motivated chief executive can screw everything up, so, too, can a bold and skillful one set things right.

    Juan and Evita in Washington?

    The ratio between promises made and promises fulfilled by every president in recent memory — Obama included — should have demolished such theories long ago. But no such luck. Fantasies of a great president saving the day still persist, something that Trump, Cruz, and Rubio have all made the centerpiece of their campaigns. Elect me, each asserts. I alone can save the Republic.

    Here, however, Trump may enjoy an edge over his competitors, including Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. With Americans assigning to their presidents the attributes of demigods — each and every one memorialized before death with a library-shrine — who better to fill the role than an egomaniacal tycoon who already acts the part? The times call for strong leadership. Who better to provide it than a wheeler-dealer unbothered by the rules that constrain mere mortals?

    What then lies ahead?

    If Trump secures the Republican nomination, now an increasingly imaginable prospect, the party is likely to implode. Whatever rump organization survives will have forfeited any remaining claim to represent principled conservatism.

    None of this will matter to Trump, however. He is no conservative and Trumpism requires no party. Even if some new institutional alternative to conventional liberalism eventually emerges, the two-party system that has long defined the landscape of American politics will be gone for good.

    Should Trump or a Trump mini-me ultimately succeed in capturing the presidency, a possibility that can no longer be dismissed out of hand, the effects will be even more profound. In all but name, the United States will cease to be a constitutional republic. Once President Trump inevitably declares that he alone expresses the popular will, Americans will find that they have traded the rule of law for a version of caudillismo. Trump’s Washington could come to resemble Buenos Aires in the days of Juan Perón, with Melania a suitably glamorous stand-in for Evita, and plebiscites suitably glamorous stand-ins for elections.

    That a considerable number of Americans appear to welcome this prospect may seem inexplicable. Yet reason enough exists for their disenchantment. American democracy has been decaying for decades. The people know that they are no longer truly sovereign. They know that the apparatus of power, both public and private, does not promote the common good, itself a concept that has become obsolete. They have had their fill of irresponsibility, lack of accountability, incompetence, and the bad times that increasingly seem to go with them.

    So in disturbingly large numbers they have turned to Trump to strip bare the body politic, willing to take a chance that he will come up with something that, if not better, will at least be more entertaining. As Argentines and others who have trusted their fate to demagogues have discovered, such expectations are doomed to disappointment.

    In the meantime, just imagine how the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library, no doubt taller than all the others put together, might one day glitter and glisten — perhaps with casino attached.

  • EU Bombshell: The Balkan Route To Germany Is Closed

    Late last month, Norwegian PM Erna Solberg proclaimed that if she became convinced that Sweden’s refugee crisis was set to spiral out of control or “break down” (as she called it), she may be prepared to close her country’s borders altogether in what would quite possibly amount to a contravention of Norway’s duties under the Geneva Convention and a move that would almost surely trigger a rash of human rights violations. 


    It underscored how desperate some Europeans had become and indeed, it was just days later when EU migration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos warned that the bloc has just 10 days to implement a plan that will bring about “tangible and clear results on the ground” or else “the whole system will completely collapse.”

    The 10-day “countdown” is a reference to the leadup to an EU/Turkey Summit where Erdogan, as usual, stands in the way of progress.

    He’s determined to extract money and political concessions from Brussels in exchange for his country’s help in stemming the flow of Asylum Seekers from neighboring Syria. A transcript from a leaked discussion between himself and European Commissioner Jean Claude Juncker and President of the European Council Donald Tusk on 16th November 2015 during the G20 Summit in Antalya suggests that Erdogan told Juncker that Turkey can simply: :put them [the migrants] on buses.” That’s a rather thinly-veiled  threat to simply pass the migrants straight through to the gates (and we mean “gates” both that figuratively and literally at this juncture) of the Balkan rout noth.


    The Summit begins on Monday and we don’t have much in the way of hope. After all, in order to guard the bloc’s external border you need buy in from Erdogan (when he’s actually looking for buy out quite literally), and somehow poor Alexis Tsipras is expected to control the bottleneck after having been left for broke by the very same Brussels Eurocrats who now want (no, demand) his help.

    As KeepTalkingGreece puts in thousands of refugees and migrants wandering from Athens to Idomeni without knowing where to sleep and what to eat, where to lay their kids and elderly to sleep. What happens when they get to Idomeni, you ask? Well they try to beat down border gates with homemade bettering rams. Like so: 


    If they can’t break through and make a run for it north, the end up simply stranded in Greece.

    This has infuriated Athens, who last month recalled their Ambassador to Austria after the country held a series of meetings with Balkan countries without inviting the Greeks.

    So don’t hold your breath for a solution (or for a harrowing raft ride across the Mediterranean) to the “safe shores” of Europe. The is one crisis that is simply going to fester until it boils over. The Barbarians (and no, not in the pejorative sense, in the classic literary sense) are the gates – and they’re coming “home” Frau Merkel, whether you like it or not.

    But in any event, below is a draft document obtained by Der (Googel translated) which suggests EU officials are now set to mark a turning point: “The Closure of The Balkan Route.”

    *  *  * 

    Thomas Mayer. At the EU summit on Monday the immediate termination of the illegal flow of migrants and by Wave of Greece should be explained to Germany as a top priority of EU policy. This goes forth from one to the STANDARD present draft. Athens must immediately 50,000 places for potential asylum realize Greece gets “any help” the Union. Migrants with no chance of asylum should also be deported immediately to Turkey.

    The EU summit with Turkey on Monday in Brussels and subsequent meetings of the 28 heads of state without the Turkish Premier Ahmed Davutoglu is expected to bring a dramatic change in the current policy and in dealing with refugees and migrants. This is at least the result of a yet secret declaration that Saturday evening was coordinated between the government headquarters in the capital cities. In the paper, which is pending before STANDARD, it literally means: “The irregular flow of migrants along the West Balkan route comes to an end this route is closed from now..”

    Fine tuning still needed

    The final declaration of the EU-28 will be voted on today in Brussels in the group of EU ambassadors still fine. At the core of the decisions will, however, change anything, according to diplomatic sources. Many of the measures that will be implemented immediately after the meeting train to train, based on agreements to be concluded with the Turkish side. Despite the excitement about the actions of the Turkish government against an opposition newspaper on Friday, the storm of the editorial by police, you go in Brussels expect that Davutoglu will appear on Monday and negotiated in recent days Agreements are then confirmed.

    Repatriation agreements planned with Turkey

    Nuclear case will be that Turkey immediately constructively participates in controlling the EU’s external borders in the Aegean and those migrants who can not hope to seek asylum in Europe, will resume in the course of recycling. The plan is a private repatriation EU-Turkey agreement, which should be in force from 1 June. Before that you will operate on the basis of the bilateral agreement of Greece. As reported, also the EU-Turkey action plan be promoted. The EU member states undertake the special summit to the Resettlement – to start – the direct settlement of Syrian refugees from Turkey in EU countries.

    With regard to the measures in the area of ??Union, in forceful language describes the explanation of the Government a package of measures to be set in the coming weeks. To the consequences of closing the Balkan route, catch the jam thousands incoming refugees, the EU agreed to “do the maximum to assist Greece in this difficult moment.” If it were “a collective responsibility of the community, which requires fast and efficient mobilization of all available resources”, but “also the contributions of the Member States”.

    A billion for refugee assistance

    The Arenberg by the European Commission last week “emergency plan” for humanitarian aid is unconditional support of the government. For 700 million euros have been earmarked, 300 million in 2016. The Council of Ministers should decide the plan before the next EU summit on March 18 and take shape, according to the statement. Together with all previously agreed measures so could be invested in aid to refugees in the coming months about one billion euros from the EU.

    strengthen Frontex

    The second major issue is security. The EU will send over their border protection agency Frontex once more officials to Greece, which will be based on the borders with Macedonia and Albania. They should also ensure that the reception centers (hotspots) function in Greece, where the refugees are first recorded and prepared for the allocation of EU countries where they are to get proper asylum procedure. Until later than 1 April, the EU countries should make more, going beyond existing commitments officials for Frontex available. Europol is to strengthen the fight against smuggling. In March summit in ten days, the progress will be evaluated.

    divide refugees in EU countries

    Until then, the Government hope under its declaration to the fact that the hitherto has come in transition “Distribution Program” of refugees operates in the Member States. It is apparently planned with regard to states not in Eastern Europe, that not all countries have the same time by starting with the “relocation”. For in the secret document is also talk that some states are encouraged to voluntarily offer higher rates of refugees as provided. In any case, the burden on Greece would be alleviated if more immigrants coming into the country.

    Finally, the EU summit will ensure that by the end to “a Back to Schengen” is coming. Until then, no later than intended in accordance with the recent proposals of the European Commission which checks at internal borders, as they are currently conducted in eight states, again belonging to the past. (Thomas Mayer from Brussels, 03/05/2016) 

  • "The Bounce Has Run Its Course" Bob 'The Bear' Janjuah Warns S&P Heading To 1700s

    Nomura's Bob Janjuah warend in January that "the bubble implosion can't be fixed this time," and, as he explains in his latest note, he is pleased with all six of his key forecasts for 2016…

    In particular on Commodities, with his expectation that crude would trade below $30 (the price per barrel fell from $37 in early January to a low so far of $26 in February).


    And on Rates, the 30yr UST yield fell from 2.95% in early January to a low so far of 2.49% in February, below his 2.5% target for 2016, and the 10yr UST yield fell from 2.2% in early January to a low so far of 1.66% in February, in line with his expectation over 2016 of a move in yields down from 2% towards 1.5%.

    The reasons for his latest note are:

    1.     To reiterate my bearish views on risk assets for H1 2016 – I continue to see much lower equity prices, lower core bond yields, wider credit spreads, and weakness in EM and commodities over the next four months (at least). In January I said that the S&P500 would fall from 2000/2050 to the 1500s as my target over 2016. I reaffirm this view. I note with interest that at the global equity market ”lows” so far in 2016, seen earlier in February, virtually all major global stock markets were in official bear market territory. For example, the Eurostoxx 50 fell over 30% from its 2015 high to its (so far) 2016 low. The MSCI World fell 20% from its 2015 high to its (so far) 2016 low. The key exception to this move into official bear market territory has been the major US indices, but I expect this to correct itself over the next four months or so.


    2.     To highlight that, in my view, stocks’ countertrend bounce off the February lows has now run its course and I believe we are – in early March – likely to see the onset of the next leg weaker in risk, vs stronger in core duration. I expect this next leg of weakness to last three to five weeks and to result in new lows so far in this cycle in stocks (S&P500 into the 1700s) and new lows in core government bond yields (target 1.5% in 10yr USTs). It is important to remember that in bear markets the strength is to the downside, the violence is to the upside, with countertrend rallies in bear markets often being the most painful. Markets simply do not go down (or up) in straight lines. But if I am right that this bounce is over, we should continue to see a series of lower lows and lower highs in stocks around the globe.



    To protect against being wrong, particularly with respect to timing, it is prudent to put in place a stop loss, triggered if/when we see a consecutive weekly close in the cash S&P500 index above 2040.


    3.     To admit that even I am a little surprised by the desperation already evident among central bankers. As per my January note, I expected the BOJ to ease in Q1, but going straight to negative rates has seriously harmed the BOJ’s credibility and the credibility of Abenomics. ECB QQE has clearly failed to create the inflation Mario Draghi promised us, but I have no doubt the ECB will ease again this month. And even the Fed is now “drip-feeding” negative rates into the market through its usual channels. The Fed has made a major policy error already, and I remain convinced that the Fed will be easing by the end of the year. But I would not be surprised if Fed hubris “forces” it to tighten once more before end-June. Focusing so much on an extremely lagging and “technically created” number like the unemployment rate is at the root of this policy error. The Fed is simply not focusing enough on important issues like weak earnings, poor quality jobs, imported deflation, weakness in investment spending, weakness in corporate revenue and profit (not EPS) growth, and deeply scarred consumer behaviour. I could go on, but suffice it to say that I think the Fed has backed itself into a corner, and will only be able to free itself to get ahead of the curve (rather than as it is now, way behind the curve) once the data and markets truly hit some form of capitulation bottom. As I have written in the past, I don’t see a “Fed put” until the S&P500 trades down into the 1500s.


    4.     To stress that central bank credibility is draining fast and, assuming that the BOJ and ECB go again this month, I now see a risk of a breakdown in markets and outcomes that are the opposite of what central bankers are trying – and have been failing for over seven years now – to achieve, i.e. nominal GDP at 5%, EVEN IF THIS 5% CONSISTS OF 0% REAL AND ALL 5% FROM INFLATION. We are entering an extremely worrying time and we have got here even faster that I had feared – a place where monetary policy and central banks become the problem and not the cure. As discussed above, the Fed is in a hole of its own making by using self-serving metrics to fix a debt and asset bubble crisis with a policy that relies on more debt and even bigger asset bubbles. But in the short term – this next month – I am concerned that markets will react badly and contrary to policymaker expectations when both the BOJ and the ECB attempt to ease further this month. I suspect the ECB and the BOJ are – as far as markets are concerned – “damned if they do, and damned if they don’t” with any residual credibility likely to decay away this month. But both institutions should realise this is down to their own mistakes, whereby (like the Fed) they have sought to fix the ills of excessive debt, asset bubbles and a lack of competitiveness thorough policies which merely result in a zero-sum outcomes (FX wars) and/or which rely on the “greater fool” theory requiring “someone” to take on more debt to continually speculate on an un-burstable asset price bubble. Sadly, of course, mankind has so far failed to create un-burstable bubbles, especially where the underlying foundations are so flimsy. This competitiveness issue is global and critical. Since the global financial crisis (GFC) very little production capacity reduction has been allowed to occur in the DMs (courtesy of QE and ZIRP, which together facilitate the avoidance of default cycles, which are central to reducing capacity). At the same time, globally, particularly in places like China and in industries like Energy and Shipping, we have seen significant production capacity added since the GFC. Again, in part due to QE and ZIRP policies in DMs. Of course, this would be less of a problem if global aggregate demand growth had increased strongly over the last seven years, but this has clearly not happened. In particular, the debt-driven consumption frenzy of the years leading up to the GFC in the DMs has barely come back, while at the same time demand growth in the EM sphere has been much slower than hoped for (and needed), and latterly severe economic downturns in places like Russia, China, the Middle East and Brazil have hampered this handover even more. So the response to all of this has been the zero-sum game referred to above, FX wars, which merely operate to allow temporary and transitory relative shifts in competitiveness but with severe (unintended?) consequences.


    5.     To stress that, in a world of NIRP and QE, and where the bid for liquidity in markets is many multiples of the levels of liquidity the sell-side can offer, I find it extremely difficult to get any visibility in FX markets. FX markets are the most exposed to central bank credibility and are also where significant flows can drive markets most immediately, more so than in other markets like Rates or Equities. My bias is to believe that the USD is the least worst “long” until the Fed flips on its current policy path. But as with the BOJ's recent easing and the market’s response (the opposite of what was trying to be achieved), the credibility issue of central banks in general, and of some central banks more than others at any given time, has now become a major uncertainty factor. As such, I feel that this is an extremely difficult market to call on anything other than a very medium-term basis. I am not alone here – the 20% rally in gold since December testifies to this. My key message for 2016 remains unchanged in terms of FX markets (strong USD until the Fed reverses course), but I am increasingly inclined to look at gold again as a safe haven for 2016, and am increasingly inclined to avoid tactical calls on FX markets.

    Janjuah concludes by noting that his inclination when thinking about this note was to consider even more bearish targets for risk assets/even more bullish targets for core bond yields.

    For now, I have decided to stick with what I published in January, but now I think we are facing an even more difficult 2016 than I had anticipated at the outset of this year.


    The over-reach of central bankers and their failed policies is not news to me. What is news to me, especially after the BOJ's easing in January, is that markets are now either at or very close to losing all confidence in the post-GFC policy response crafted by the Fed/ECB/BOJ et al much earlier in 2016 than even I had expected.

  • Currency Analysis – British Pound versus USD Cross (Video)

    By EconMatters

    The British Pound has a Brexit Referendum on Thursday the 23rd of June which is putting downward pressure on the currency. The ideal trading scenario would be the United Kingdom votes to leave the European Union, the Pound gets hammered in the short term after this event, and this represents a long term value going forward, a strong buy in my book.

    © EconMatters All Rights Reserved | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Email Digest | Kindle    

  • Hey St. Louis Fed, See How The Bank Of Japan's Assets Are Growing?

    Moments ago, for some unexplained reason, the St.Louis Fed – which recently issued a research report which “discovered” that “Consumers Across The Country Are Borrowing More To Buy Cars And Go To School” – on its twitter account asked a simple question: “See how the ECB’s assets are growing?”

    The answer, clearly, is yes of course, we do: after all the ECB has been doing QE for over a year now, monetizing €60BN per month (a number which may grow to €70BN next week), and the result has been a massive growth in its balance sheet, even if European inflation expectations have recently hit record lows.

    Regardless of the ECB’s asset growth, whether visible or not, we retorted to the St. Louis Fed (whose president James Bullard flip flops from hawk to dove and back to hawk depending on what side of 2000 the S&P is at any given moment) as follows:

    Then again, even the St. Louis Fed would have a problem asking anyone “if they see” how the BOJ’s assets are rising, because that question would be trolling at best, and proof of idiocy at worst. So, to avoid the St. Louis Fed that particular embarrassment, we take upon ourselves to ask: “See How The Bank Of Japan’s Assets Are Growing.”

    The answer is shown in the chart below.


    Which incidentally brings us to a point which Evercore ISI brought up in their Daily Economic Report in a slide titled, simply enough, “Scary.” This is what it said:

    What’s scary about this huge balance sheet expansion, is that it’s not having a bigger impact (although we don’t have a counterfactual). Indeed, the Nikkei is down -11% ytd and the yen has strengthened +6%.

    And then, of course, this:

    Well, if it didn’t work when the BOJ’s balance sheet rose by 250%, then it surely will work when the BOJ’s balance sheet rises by another 2.5x, at which point it will be just shy of 1 quadrillion yen.

    At that point we doubt we would even have to ask the St. Louis Fed “if it sees” how the BOJ’s assets are growing…

  • "It's A Depression" – The Disturbing Email A Houston CEO Sent His Soon To Be Laid Off Employees

    This is the email that David Little, Chairman and CEO of Houston-based DXP Enterprises sent to his employees to explain why, “due to bank obligations and to continue a positive cash flow profile” the company has to freeze 401(k), why it is cutting pay in some cases as much as 60% and  why many employees are about to lose their jobs in the middle of what is an “oil and gas depression.” It is a disturbing read.

    Dear DXPeople,


    As you well know, these are very challenging times for everyone in the oil & gas industry and other industrial markets. We are working hard to navigate both the challenges in oil & gas and an industrial recession plus what appears to be continuing softening. Normally, when upstream oil and gas is down the rest of the industrial market is booming, not this time!

    This past Friday, we announced our fourth quarter and year-end results. Our revenues were down 17% from a year ago and 27% from the fourth quarter of 2015 versus the fourth quarter of 2014. Fiscal year 2016 has started off even weaker than we anticipated with January sales down an additional 12% from December. Oil and gas related companies across the country have reported sales declines as high as 50% – 60%. All of this in the midst of declining industrial confidence and performance. Furthermore, the forecast by experts suggests the oil & gas economy will get worse before it gets better. We are currently 20 months into this oil & gas down cycle which is also unusually long for a correction.


    It goes without saying but over the past twelve months, we have all made efforts to contain costs and improve operations where possible. All, while focusing on growth. For this, we thank all of you for the sacrifices, discipline and effort you are making each and every day. But I am sorry to say that because of bank obligations and to continue our positive cash flow profile, we have to do more. The leadership team and I have been reviewing line-by-line every location, budget and expense, on how we can reduce costs while considering every decision through the prism of our values, culture and priorities. While we fulfilled a $2.9 million company match to our U.S. 401 (K) savings plan for 2015, we have determined it should be frozen immediately for the remainder of 2016. The Board of Directors, senior management and leaders in management positions will participate in a 10% reduction in base pay effective March 14th. Additionally, DXP as a whole company will require that we right size the company for our expected sales volume. This is in an effort to reduce labor costs while preserving as many DXPeople as possible in this uncertain economic environment.


    We have all taken pay reductions over the last year with some of us taking reductions as high as 50% – 60% (via commission or bonus declines) including senior management. It is unfortunate, but the prolonged oil and gas depression and industrial recession has left us with no other choice but to make these difficult and unwanted moves and decisions.


    The fastest and biggest cure to the health of DXP is more sales. Your expectations and mine are that the sales management, sales professionals and everyone else that touches our customers is working smart and diligently as we are all counting on you! DXP has given you some great weapons to be successful with and we are supporting and counting on your efforts to win each order. I am not going to list all the tools you have to win with, you should know what they are and understand how to use them already, but to use the “Hunter” and “Farmer” label you have to do both. “Farm” existing accounts to capture more of each customer wallet/spend and “Hunt” for new customers. We have the customer value propositions to sell and you have the selling skills to succeed.


    Over the last several months, we have seen countless companies announce layoffs and in isolated incidents even bankruptcies. I point this out to try and put in context that the oil and gas depression is affecting more than DXP and is further reaching than many would have initially thought when this started over 2 years ago. The decisions we make are about preserving the future of DXP. DXP is a great company that is accustom to winning and we will win again. I can promise you that the leadership team will do all that we can to put us in a position to emerge stronger on the other side while staying true to our values and culture. Thank you for your understanding.




    David Little
    Chairman & CEO
    DXP Enterprises, Inc

    And here is some more context, courtesy of the WSJ:

  • CBOE Signals VIX "Death Cross"

    While it may not be the traditional (50/200DMA) signal, CBOE's Russell Rhoads points out that the so-called 'fear index' VIX has just signalled the first Death Cross since its apocalyptic warning in November 2007.

    Yesterday (3/4) was the first time the 1 year average closing price for VIX crossed over the 5 year average since November 16, 2007.


    With VIX having plunged to 2016 lows…


    VIX Term Structure near its steeps..


    VIX volatility at post-QE3 lows…



    And VIX remaining decoupled from credit risk…


    Complacency seems extreme by any measure.. The 'death cross' may be worth paying attention to once again as the ides of March strike.

  • "Everything's Interconnected"

    Everything happening today is in some ways interconnected: popularity of ‘non-establishment’ political candidates; ineffectiveness of central bank policy in lifting inflation; economic pessimism; weak capital spending (from handcuffed capitalism); and angst due to perceptions of inequality.

    Scotiabank's Guy Haselmann explains…

    Business investment and capitalism are being held back by a lack of visibility on what a future return might generate from an investment in a capital project. Not only are future economic forecasts cloudy and highly-uncertain, but the rules governing business engagement are changing too frequently. Capitalism and entrepreneurship are simply being hand-cuffed by unclear and overly-burdensome regulation.  Small businesses in particular do not have the economies of scale necessary to keep up under these conditions.

    Domestic and global uncertainties always exist, but most would agree that they are unusually elevated. The strange and unpredictable political environment – and uncertainties over who will be the next President and what his/her policies will be – further restrains capital investment.  Understandably, determining the present value of a future cash flow is impossible when the tax code and health care costs are in flux.

    Stimulative monetary policies cannot offset these powerful forces. In the past, I have referred to this dynamic as “Great Aunt Addy Policy” in honor of my aunt who drove with one foot on the accelerator and a heavy foot on the brake. Restrictive regulatory and fiscal policies are one reason why massive amounts of global central bank stimuli have underwhelmed. In addition, artificially low official interest rates distort financial asset valuations, which further harm the ability to properly assess the value of a future stream of cash flows.

    Fed officials often cite Japan’s economic malaise as the basis for their own concerns and the basis for providing and maintaining highly accommodative policy. In my opinion, Japan’s quagmire should absolutely not be used as the prototype for Fed policy justifications. The reasons are beyond the scope of this note.  However, Japan has had sustained 0% rates since 1999 (and conducted various QE programs). Yet, it has had more success over that period raising debt than lifting inflation. Why then do other central banks follow their lead?

    If there is a lesson from Japan, it is that low inflation is a function of high rates of savings, caused by low interest rates, rising VAT taxes, harmful economic and regulatory policies, poor demographics, and a falling population. Comparisons to Japan and associated deflationary fears are unfitting. By mis-diagnosing the reasons for subpar nominal GDP, and by taking the lead to offset its weakness, central banks have veered too far from their true capabilities without proper regard for the long run consequences and risks to financial stability.

    Profitability has become ever more challenged in a ‘new normal’ world of slow growth and tepid pricing power. In such an environment, worker anger cultivates as a ‘labor vs capital’ battle ignites. Worker resentment and blame targets both employers and government officials.

    Hence, the Fed is right to be concerned about stagnating wage growth, high levels of under-employed and rising inequality. Unfortunately, Fed officials have failed to fully comprehend that fixing those issues is beyond the scope of their policy tools.  More importantly, they have not realized how their well-intentioned policies have actually contributed to those problems, helping to fuel the anger witnessed in voting polls.

    I will elaborate on this point in more detail, but first it would be helpful to review the past to see where we are now and where we might be headed.  For several decades, economic prosperity was powered-forward by credit-based initiatives. The lower stair-stepping of official interest rates has allowed consumption, economic activity and debt to grow sufficiently to drive economic advancement and prosperity. 

    I believe this cycle has reached a tipping point; basically, an end of the road.  Due to fiscal and regulatory constraints and general indebtedness, economies may no longer be able to generate the growth rate necessary to sustain improvements in prosperity; or even to adequately service existing high debt levels.

    The proceeds from the massive amount of debt issuance during the last six years have gone mostly into financial market speculation, rather than into capital projects meant to generate future cash flows. Yield seeking is widely known, but is now ending. Debt has truly borrowed from the future mainly for today’s benefit.

    The ‘portfolio effect’ – or purposeful encouragement of risk-seeking behavior – was supposed to create a wealth effect that spilled into the broader economy. A main reason for the Fed’s ‘gradual’ retreat from stimulus is to try to prevent the reversal of this effect from occurring too quickly (after all, there is no free lunch).

    However, as central bank officials drop rates into negative territory, is it possible that the easing move actually has the actual net impact of a tightening through a negative wealth effect?  After all, a bond with a negative yield has a guaranteed loss for the buyer who holds it to maturity.

    Some people ask why someone would buy a bond with a negative yield.  Speculators buy them when they believe they can be sold back to the market or to the central bank (via QE) at a higher price.  An investor might make money from a negative yielding bond if financing can be locked up for the life of the bond at a rate lower than the negative coupon.  Lastly, some benchmark asset managers are forced to buy them by law.

    The intention of the negative rate move by the Bank of Japan was to influence banking behavior away from deposits and toward lending. Everyone should question why the markets had such an extreme and unexpected market reaction following the modest BoJ move. (Nikkei fell by 14%, and $/Y by 6% in the span of two weeks).

    Without fixing the root causes of economic ailments, risk-seeking behavior today is playing an ever more dangerous ‘game of chicken’.  Investor behavior has shifted from ‘FOMU’ to ‘TINA’: from Fear Of Missing the Upside to There Is No Alternative.

    Multi-asset portfolio managers (and others) prefer an equity investment (with perceived upside) and with, say, a 5% or greater dividend, over a bond with minimal yield, or a ‘sticker-shock yield’ near zero (or negative).  In other words, investors continue to chase the riskiest part of the capital structure; and do so, at potentially the worst possible time.

    Voter outrage has not risen simply because most feel they are not participating in higher financial asset prices. A great article explaining voter frustrations can be found here. In this note, author Peggy Noonan writes about the “unprotected American” who has “limited resources and negligible access to power”. I will let her article speak for itself, but will transition her same argument into how the effects of Fed policies are felt by voters.

    QE, money printing, and low (or negative) rates work against the “unprotected American” in a similar manner to something called “The Cantillon Effect”.  Just like inflation is a tax on money, and negative rates are a tax to the lender, money printing and QE are a stealth tax on those who get the money last.

    If the government mailed a large tax bill to each household, there would be immediate outrage. By stealthily doing it through QE, money printing and inflationary policies, the government is doing that same thing in a different and more subtle manner.  However, the average voter may not clearly see it, or be able to express their outrage in economic terms.  Yet, it is quite obvious by watching the news that they are feeling it.

    In summary, monetary policy and credit-fueled growth may have reached the end of their practical limits. Evidence of such is percolating. Providing monetary accommodation is the easy part, but taking it away has historically been problematic.  Not enough focus has been given to central bank exit strategies.

    When and if banks in countries with negative yields begin to pass negative rates onto their depositors, then a whole new Pandora’s box will open. I will save that for another note.  In the meantime, watch Gold, buy long Treasuries, raise cash and move to capital preservation strategies.

    The best thing the Fed can do is to raise rates in March.  You heard that right. To wait risks even bigger problems down the road.  A Fed hike in March would help pull other central banks away from the abyss of negative rates.  It should start with the Fed; the country behind the world’s reserve currency.  If the FOMC were truly ‘data dependent’, then they would hike.

    “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading” – Lao Tzu

    For some weekend reading, we have attached a note that Haselmann wrote in January 2014 called, “2014 and Beyond”, which still has many themes relevant today.

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Today’s News 5th March 2016

  • Former UK Ambassador To Syria: US/UK Foreign Policy Is Doomed, Even Corrupt

    Authored by Eric Zuesse,

    Peter Ford, who was the UK’s Ambassador in Syria during 2003-2006, was asked by the BBC in their “The Big Questions” interview on February 14th, whether the current Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would have to be a part of the solution in that country after the war is over, and Ambassador Ford said:

    “I think sadly, but inevitably, he is. Realistically, Assad is not going to be overthrown. This becomes more clear with every day that passes. Western analysts have been indulging in wishful thinking for 5 years; it’s time to get real, we owe it to the Syrian people to be much more realistic and hard headed about this. The West has to stop propping up the so-called ‘moderate opposition’, which is not moderate at all.”

    This was quoted by Almasdar News on February 18th, which went on to note that,

    "The frustrated interviewer asked Mr. Ford about 'what we should have done,' and he responded that 'we should have backed off, we should have not tried to overthrow the regime.' Mr. Ford eloquently added that this policy has been 'like a dog returning to vomit.’”

    The video of the interview below showed him making that statement in this context:


    The interviewer was clearly anti-Assad, and Ford responded with evident anger by noting (starting at 2:55 on the video) the shocking fact that:

    “In Aghanistan, Iraq, Libya, like a dog returning to vomit, we go back to [and the audience already was started to clap here], we never saw a secular Arab regime that we didn’t want to overthrow.”

    He was saying there that we support only non-secular regimes, sectarian regimes, in Arabia, this meaning fundamentalist Sunni governments — especially Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, the very same regimes that even the U.S. Secretary of State acknowledged in a 2009 cable that was wikileaked, are the chief regimes that are funding Al Qaeda, ISIS and other jihadist groups. Ford was noting that the United States and UK strive to keep in power those governments, the ones that are led by royal families that supply the bulk of funding for jihadist groups — jihadists who perpetrate terrorism in the United States and Europe. “We never saw a secular  Arab regime that we didn’t want to overthrow”: Ambassdor Ford was so bold as to imply that our governments are supporting, under the table, the very same ruling families that they know to be funding (as that cable only vaguely referred to them) “Sunni terrorist groups worldwide” (which includes in Western countries, too).

    The BBC’s interviewer ignored that statement; he wasn’t struck by it, such as to ask: “Why are we supporting the chief funders of Islamic jihad? Why are we overthrowing (or in Syria are trying to overthrow) a secular regime, against which we join foreign jihadist groups in order to overthrow that non-sectarian regime; why are these dogs, as you call the U.S. and UK, returning time and again to that vomit?”

    This was a live interview program, and so the BBC censors weren’t able to eliminate Ambassador Ford’s responses from the interview; but, instead, the interviewer did his best to interrupt and to talk over Ford’s shocking — and shockingly truthful — assertions about the government (ours) that supposedly represent our  interests (and not the interests of Western oil companies etc.). Ford will probably not be invited again to be on live television in the West to air his views about Syria.

    Ford’s evident anger at what’s going on, and at the media’s resistance to letting the public know about the reality, appeared to reach near to the edge of his blurting out that ulterior motives have to be behind this addiction to “vomit” — but he was a professional diplomat, and so he was able to restrain himself there.

    The U.S. Secretary of State who had specifically requested the fundamentalist-Islamic Arab ‘allies’ to stop funding terrorism was Hillary Clinton, the leading candidate now contending for the Democratic Party’s Presidential nomination. Here she was, expressing her current view regarding Syria, in a recent debate against her Democratic Party opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders:

    QUESTIONER: In respect to when you take out Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Right now or do you wait? Do you tackle ISIS first? You have said, Secretary Clinton, that you come to the conclusion that we have to proceed on both fronts at once. We heard from the senator just this week that we must put aside the issue of how quickly we get rid of Assad and come together with countries, including Russia and Iran, to destroy ISIS first. Is he wrong?


    CLINTON: I think we're missing the point here. We are doing both at the same time.


    QUESTIONER: But that's what he's saying, we should put that aside for now and go after ISIS.


    CLINTON: Well, I don't agree with that.

    She's still (now after five years, and even though she knows  that we’re supporting jihadist-backing Arabic royal families and their Shariah-law regimes) comes back to that “vomit”: that "we never saw a secular Arab regime that we didn’t want to overthrow.” She’s an example of this addiction, to that “vomit.”

    She does this even though, in October 2014, the man who had collected the mega-donations to Al Qaeda (all of which had been in cash) had detailed, under oath, in a U.S. court proceeding, that the Saud family were the main people who paid the “salaries” of the 9/11 terrorists. The Saud family are now the chief backers of the overthrow-Assad campaign. Do politicians such as Clinton actually represent the Sauds? It’s not only the Bush family who do.

    What’s exhibited here is a double-scandal: first, that a person such as that would even be a Democratic Party candidate for the U.S. Presidency (and Jeb Bush shares Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy prescriptions, though he’s virtually certain not  to win the Republican Presidential nomination); and, second, that the Western press try to avoid, as much as possible, to expose the fact that this is, indeed, “vomit,” and avoid to explain to their audience the very corrupt governmental and news-media system that enables people such as Ms. Clinton to become and remain a leading Presidential candidate in the United States. Clearly, a person like that isn’t qualified to be in government at all; she’s corrupt, or else incredibly stupid. And no one thinks she’s that stupid. But lots of people accuse her of being corrupt.

    *  *  *

    Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


  • If Voting Mattered, They Wouldn't Let You Do It

    Insanity… Just Obey!


    h/t The Burning Platform

    Know your place..

    h/t The Burning Platform

    As Doug Casey summarized so eloquently, the political system in the United States has, like all systems which grow old and large, become moribund and corrupt.

    The conventional wisdom holds a decline in voter turnout is a sign of apathy. But it may also be a sign of a renaissance in personal responsibility. It could be people saying, "I won't be fooled again, and I won't lend power to them."

    Politics has always been a way of redistributing wealth from those who produce to those who are politically favored. As H.L. Mencken observed, every election amounts to no more than an advance auction on stolen goods, a process few would support if they saw its true nature.

    Protesters in the 1960s had their flaws, but they were quite correct when they said, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." If politics is the problem, what is the solution? I have an answer that may appeal to you.

    The first step in solving the problem is to stop actively encouraging it.

    Many Americans have intuitively recognized that government is the problem and have stopped voting. There are at least five reasons many people do not vote:

    1. Voting in a political election is unethical. The political process is one of institutionalized coercion and force. If you disapprove of those things, then you shouldn't participate in them, even indirectly.


    2. Voting compromises your privacy. It gets your name in another government computer database.


    3. Voting, as well as registering, entails hanging around government offices and dealing with petty bureaucrats. Most people can find something more enjoyable or productive to do with their time.


    4. Voting encourages politicians. A vote against one candidate—a major, and quite understandable, reason why many people vote—is always interpreted as a vote for his opponent. And even though you may be voting for the lesser of two evils, the lesser of two evils is still evil. It amounts to giving the candidate a tacit mandate to impose his will on society.


    5. Your vote doesn't count. Politicians like to say it counts because it is to their advantage to get everyone into a busybody mode. But, statistically, one vote in scores of millions makes no more difference than a single grain of sand on a beach. That's entirely apart from the fact that officials manifestly do what they want, not what you want, once they are in office.

    Some of these thoughts may impress you as vaguely "unpatriotic"; that is certainly not my intention. But, unfortunately, America isn't the place it once was, either. The United States has evolved from the land of the free and the home of the brave to something more closely resembling the land of entitlements and the home of whining lawsuit filers.

    The founding ideas of the country, which were highly libertarian, have been thoroughly distorted. What passes for tradition today is something against which the Founding Fathers would have led a second revolution.

    This sorry, scary state of affairs is one reason some people emphasize the importance of joining the process, "working within the system" and "making your voice heard," to ensure that "the bad guys" don't get in. They seem to think that increasing the number of voters will improve the quality of their choices.

    This argument compels many sincere people, who otherwise wouldn't dream of coercing their neighbors, to take part in the political process. But it only feeds power to people in politics and government, validating their existence and making them more powerful in the process.

    Of course, everybody involved gets something out of it, psychologically if not monetarily. Politics gives people a sense of belonging to something bigger than themselves and so has special appeal for those who cannot find satisfaction within themselves.

    We cluck in amazement at the enthusiasm shown at Hitler's giant rallies but figure what goes on here, today, is different. Well, it's never quite the same. But the mindless sloganeering, the cult of the personality, and a certainty of the masses that "their" candidate will kiss their personal lives and make them better are identical.

    And even if the favored candidate doesn't help them, then at least he'll keep others from getting too much. Politics is the institutionalization of envy, a vice which proclaims "You've got something I want, and if I can't get one, I'll take yours. And if I can't have yours, I'll destroy it so you can't have it either." Participating in politics is an act of ethical bankruptcy.

    The key to getting "rubes" (i.e., voters) to vote and "marks" (i.e., contribu­tors) to give is to talk in generalities while sounding specific and looking sincere and thoughtful, yet decisive. Vapid, venal party hacks can be shaped, like Silly Putty, into salable candidates. People like to kid themselves that they are voting for either "the man" or "the ideas." But few "ideas" are more than slogans artfully packaged to push the right buttons. Voting for "the man" doesn't help much either since these guys are more diligently programmed, posed, and rehearsed than any actor.

    This is probably more true today than it's ever been since elections are now won on television, and television is not a forum for expressing complex ideas and philosophies. It lends itself to slogans and glib people who look and talk like game show hosts. People with really "new ideas" wouldn't dream of introducing them to politics because they know ideas can't be explained in 60 seconds.

    I'm not intimating, incidentally, that people disinvolve themselves from their communities, social groups, or other voluntary organizations; just the opposite since those relationships are the lifeblood of society. But the political process, or government, is not synonymous with society or even complementary to it. Government is a dead hand on society.

  • The Lure Of Socialism

    Authored by Thomas Sewell, originally posted at,

    Many people of mature years are amazed at how many young people have voted for Senator Bernie Sanders, and are enthusiastic about the socialism he preaches.

    Many of those older people have lived long enough to have seen socialism fail, time and again, in countries around the world. Venezuela, with all its rich oil resources, is currently on the verge of economic collapse, after its heady fling with socialism.

    But, most of the young have missed all that, and their dumbed-down education is far more likely to present the inspiring rhetoric of socialism than to present its dismal track record.

    Socialism is in fact a wonderful vision — a world of the imagination far better than any place anywhere in the real world, at any time over the thousands of years of recorded history. Even many conservatives would probably prefer to live in such a world, if they thought it was possible.

    Who would not want to live in a world where college was free, along with many other things, and where government protected us from the shocks of life and guaranteed our happiness? It would be Disneyland for adults!

    Free college of course has an appeal to the young, especially those who have never studied economics. But college cannot possibly be free. It would not be free even if there was no such thing as money.

    Consider the costs of just one professor teaching just one course. He or she has probably spent more than 20 years being educated, from kindergarten to the Ph.D., before ending up standing in front of a class and trying to convey some of the knowledge picked up in all those years. That means being fed, clothed and housed all those years, along with other expenses.

    All the people who grew the food, manufactured the clothing and built the housing used by this one professor, for at least two decades, had to be compensated for their efforts, or those efforts would not continue. And of course someone has to produce food, clothing and shelter for all the students in this one course, as well as books, computers and other requirements or amenities.

    Add up all these costs — and multiply by a hundred or so — and you have a rough idea of what going to college costs. Whether these costs are paid by using money in a capitalist economy or by some other mechanism in a feudal economy, a socialist economy, or whatever, there are heavy costs to pay.

    Moreover, under any economic system, those costs are either going to be paid or there are not going to be any colleges. Money is just an artificial device for getting real things done.

    Those young people who understand this, whether clearly or vaguely, are not likely to be deterred from wanting socialism. Because what they really want is for somebody else to pay for their decision to go to college.

    A market economy is one in which whoever makes a decision is the one who pays for that decision. It forces people to be sure that what they want to do is really worth what it is going to cost.

    Even the existing subsidies of college have led many people to go to college who have very little interest in, or benefit from, going to college, except for enjoying the social scene while postponing adult responsibilities for a few years.

    Whether judging by test results, by number of hours per week devoted to studying or by on-campus interviews, it is clear that today's college students learn a lot less than college students once did. If college becomes "free," even more people can attend college without bothering to become educated and without acquiring re any economically meaningful skills.

    More fundamentally, making all sorts of other things "free" means more of those things being wasted as well. Even worse, it means putting more and more of the decisions that shape our lives into the hands of politicians and bureaucrats who control the purse strings.

    Obamacare has given us a foretaste of what that means in reality, despite how wonderful it may sound in political rhetoric.

    Worst of all, government giveaways polarize society into segments, each trying to get what it wants at somebody else's expense, creating mutual bitterness that can tear a society apart. Some seem to blithely assume that "the rich" can be taxed to pay for what they want — as if "the rich" don't see what is coming and take their wealth elsewhere.

  • "This Is A Ridiculous Joke" – An Abandoned, Rotting Vancouver House Is Listed For $7.2 Million

    One month ago, we wrote about the curious story of several Vancouver homes which sold in 2011 to Chinese buyers for millions and dollars, and which had since been left completely abandoned, vacant and rotting. As Postmedia News first reported that the home — in the 4100-block West 8th Avenue, bought for $4.6 million in July 2011 by Huaican Ren and his wife Xuepei Sun, was subject to a City of Vancouver “untidy premises” order.

    A quick reminder for those new to the story:

    The Point Grey property stopped functioning as a home and became a storage of wealth six years ago, according to property documents and a neighbour’s account.


    It was well-cared for in 2010 when it was sold to an investor. Since then it has been flipped through a property transfer in a Beijing law office and left unoccupied.


    Current owners of the other vacant property residing on the 4100-block 8th Avenue West home are Huaican Ren and Xue Pei Sun.  Since the purchase, the current “owners” have not been seen. Huaican Ren is founder of a number of China-based companies with interests in real estate development, as well as gemstones, retailing, tourism, and restaurants. His wife is a shareholder in companies.


    City hall is currently trying to estimate how many Vancouver homes are vacant. And these online communities are anecdotally gathering photo evidence and coming to conclusions that offshore investment is to blame. In other words, the “Chinese.”

    The property, because “house” is too generous a word, in question – located on the 4100-block West 8th Avenue in Vancouver – is shown below:


    According to the Global Real Estate Institute, Huaican Ren is chairman of Kunming North Star Enterprise Company Limited and is among “the world’s leading real estate players.”  According to other sources, he is the “founder of a number of China-based companies with interests in real estate development, as well as gemstones, retailing, tourism, and restaurants.”

    Whatever his profession may be (or was) one thing is certain: he is long gone. 

    The Chinese businessman aka “launderer of hot money into Canadian real estate” and his wife also own a $3.57-million Arbutus Ridge home that also appeared to be vacant. The Province attended the Arbutus Ridge home last week seeking to speak to Huaican Ren for this story, and attempted to reach Huaican Ren through the listing brokerage for the Point Grey home. No one answered the door at the Arbutus Ridge home.

    What is fascinating is the history of flips involving just this one home, and involving Chinese “investors: Huaican Ren, then listed as “businessman,” and his wife Xue Pei Sun, “homemaker,” bought the home from Wei Min Zhang in July 2011 for $4.6 million.  Wei Min Zhang in turn had bought the home in July 2010 for $3.35 million.

    And it is about to be flipped again: according to Sam Cooper of PostMedia news, the vacant, rotting, “ownerless” $6.2-million home is on the market again. For $7.2 million!

    While we don’t know who the seller is – after all the official owner appears to have disappeared – we have no doubt it will be sold: recall this chart of Vancouver real estate prices, which incidentally is the best indicator of China’s capital outflow problem:

    We are sad to say that this “abandoned, rotting” house will sell, and almost certainly above asking. At that point we can begin counting down the days until the new owner (Chinese, of course) will likewise disappear. We explained this odd dynamic a month ago:

    What is happening is quite simple:

    • Chinese investors smuggled out millions in embezzled cash, hot money or perfectly legal funds, bypassing the $50,000/year limit in legal capital outflows.
    • They make “all cash” purchases, usually sight unseen, using third parties intermediaries to preserve their anonymity, or directly in perso, in cities like Vancouver, New York, London or San Francisco.
    • The house becomes a new “Swiss bank account”, providing the promise of an anonymous store of value and retaining the cash equivalent value of the original capital outflow.
    • Then the owners disappear, never to be heard from or seen again.

    We also said that “as more Chinese scramble to engage and repeat if only the first three steps, the price of local housing, which is merely a store of value to price indiscriminate foreign buyers, soars while it makes home purchases for the domestic population prohibitively expensive and virtually impossible.”

    For its part, the local government has no incentive to stop this recycling of real estate: after all the higher the price, and the more the “flips”, the greater the taxes collected.

    We do, however, express our condolences to the local population which not only can not afford to chase these ridiculous bids ever higher, but is left out in the cold… literally.

    It remains to be seen how much longer such Chinese house flipping will continue, because the natives are getting restless, and also angry. 

    As we reported earlier this week, when we brought readers the story of another Vancouver shack selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars above asking, everyone involved in these kinds of transactions can not believe what is going on, starting with the real estate agent, who was incredulous. “For it to go over $4 million is remarkable. I had five offers,” he said. “These were local buyers just looking to make a shift who wanted to move into this area.”

    Thomas Davidoff with UBC’s Sauder School of Business told Vancity Buzz: “These prices are getting pretty freaking nuts in my opinion.” 

    As a proposition for someone who’s going to live in that house and what you’re getting for four million plus – that is a ridiculous joke and that is not something that’s going to work for people who just make a living in Vancouver,” Davidoff says.

    We can’t wait to learn the reaction of the people who “make a living ” in Vancouver when they learn that this “rotting, abandoned” sheck is about to sell above its $7.2 million asking price.

  • Why We're Ungovernable: The "Unprotected" Push Back

    Submitted by John Rubino via,

    Peggy Noonan, former Reagan administration speech writer and current Wall Street Journal pundit has, like most of her peers, been wondering what’s gotten into the unwashed masses lately that makes them such unpredictable voters. And she’s come up with a useful conclusion: The rise of Donald Trump (and similar iconoclasts in other countries) is due to the gradual division of society into the protected — that is, people who make the rules and therefore benefit from them — and the unprotected, who don’t make the rules and end up getting screwed. The latter have finally figured this out and have stopped supporting the former. Here’s her latest OpEd piece, in its entirety:

    Trump and the Rise of the Unprotected: Why political professionals are struggling to make sense of the world they created.


    We’re in a funny moment. Those who do politics for a living, some of them quite brilliant, are struggling to comprehend the central fact of the Republican primary race, while regular people have already absorbed what has happened and is happening. Journalists and politicos have been sharing schemes for how Marco parlays a victory out of winning nowhere, or Ted roars back, or Kasich has to finish second in Ohio. But in my experience any nonpolitical person on the street, when asked who will win, not only knows but gets a look as if you’re teasing him. Trump, they say.


    I had such a conversation again Tuesday with a friend who repairs shoes in a shop on Lexington Avenue. Jimmy asked me, conversationally, what was going to happen. I deflected and asked who he thinks is going to win. “Troomp!” He’s a very nice man, an elderly, old-school Italian-American, but I saw impatience flick across his face: Aren’t you supposed to know these things?


    In America now only normal people are capable of seeing the obvious.


    But actually that’s been true for a while, and is how we got in the position we’re in.


    Last October I wrote of the five stages of Trump, based on the Kübler-Ross stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Most of the professionals I know are stuck somewhere between four and five.


    But I keep thinking of how Donald Trump got to be the very likely Republican nominee. There are many answers and reasons, but my thoughts keep revolving around the idea of protection. It is a theme that has been something of a preoccupation in this space over the years, but I think I am seeing it now grow into an overall political dynamic throughout the West.


    There are the protected and the unprotected. The protected make public policy. The unprotected live in it. The unprotected are starting to push back, powerfully.


    The protected are the accomplished, the secure, the successful—those who have power or access to it. They are protected from much of the roughness of the world. More to the point, they are protected from the world they have created. Again, they make public policy and have for some time.

    I want to call them the elite to load the rhetorical dice, but let’s stick with the protected.


    They are figures in government, politics and media. They live in nice neighborhoods, safe ones. Their families function, their kids go to good schools, they’ve got some money. All of these things tend to isolate them, or provide buffers. Some of them—in Washington it is important officials in the executive branch or on the Hill; in Brussels, significant figures in the European Union—literally have their own security details.


    Because they are protected they feel they can do pretty much anything, impose any reality. They’re insulated from many of the effects of their own decisions.


    One issue obviously roiling the U.S. and Western Europe is immigration. It is the issue of the moment, a real and concrete one but also a symbolic one: It stands for all the distance between governments and their citizens.


    It is of course the issue that made Donald Trump.


    Britain will probably leave the European Union over it. In truth immigration is one front in that battle, but it is the most salient because of the European refugee crisis and the failure of the protected class to address it realistically and in a way that offers safety to the unprotected.


    If you are an unprotected American—one with limited resources and negligible access to power—you have absorbed some lessons from the past 20 years’ experience of illegal immigration. You know the Democrats won’t protect you and the Republicans won’t help you. Both parties refused to control the border. The Republicans were afraid of being called illiberal, racist, of losing a demographic for a generation. The Democrats wanted to keep the issue alive to use it as a wedge against the Republicans and to establish themselves as owners of the Hispanic vote.


    Many Americans suffered from illegal immigration—its impact on labor markets, financial costs, crime, the sense that the rule of law was collapsing. But the protected did fine—more workers at lower wages. No effect of illegal immigration was likely to hurt them personally.


    It was good for the protected. But the unprotected watched and saw. They realized the protected were not looking out for them, and they inferred that they were not looking out for the country, either.


    The unprotected came to think they owed the establishment—another word for the protected—nothing, no particular loyalty, no old allegiance.


    Mr. Trump came from that.


    Similarly in Europe, citizens on the ground in member nations came to see the EU apparatus as a racket—an elite that operated in splendid isolation, looking after its own while looking down on the people.


    In Germany the incident that tipped public opinion against Chancellor Angela Merkel’s liberal refugee policy happened on New Year’s Eve in the public square of Cologne. Packs of men said to be recent migrants groped and molested groups of young women. It was called a clash of cultures, and it was that, but it was also wholly predictable if any policy maker had cared to think about it. And it was not the protected who were the victims—not a daughter of EU officials or members of the Bundestag. It was middle- and working-class girls—the unprotected, who didn’t even immediately protest what had happened to them. They must have understood that in the general scheme of things they’re nobodies.


    What marks this political moment, in Europe and the U.S., is the rise of the unprotected. It is the rise of people who don’t have all that much against those who’ve been given many blessings and seem to believe they have them not because they’re fortunate but because they’re better.


    You see the dynamic in many spheres. In Hollywood, as we still call it, where they make our rough culture, they are careful to protect their own children from its ill effects. In places with failing schools, they choose not to help them through the school liberation movement—charter schools, choice, etc.—because they fear to go up against the most reactionary professional group in America, the teachers unions. They let the public schools flounder. But their children go to the best private schools.


    This is a terrible feature of our age—that we are governed by protected people who don’t seem to care that much about their unprotected fellow citizens.

    And a country really can’t continue this way.


    In wise governments the top is attentive to the realities of the lives of normal people, and careful about their anxieties. That’s more or less how America used to be. There didn’t seem to be so much distance between the top and the bottom.


    Now is seems the attitude of the top half is: You’re on your own. Get with the program, little racist.


    Social philosophers are always saying the underclass must re-moralize. Maybe it is the overclass that must re-moralize.


    I don’t know if the protected see how serious this moment is, or their role in it.

    Noonan nails the political/social zeitgeist but for some reason misses the financial side of the phase change: Governments and other protected classes have borrowed unmanageable amounts of money and are now maintaining their power by squeezing workers and savers. Corporations lower their costs by shipping jobs overseas while governments cut their debt service by reducing (or eliminating) interest rates on the bank accounts and bond funds that once allowed savers to build capital and retirees to eat.

    In this sense, QE, ZIRP and NIRP are a declaration of war on the unprotected, and as the victims figure this out they’re lining up behind anyone who promises to 1) raise the minimum wage, limit immigration, and prevent corporations from moving jobs overseas; 2) break up big banks and jail Wall Street criminals; 3) hand out free stuff, paid for by confiscating the ill-gotten gains of the 1%.

    In the US, this produces a political campaign with Donald Trump giving voice to the darkest impulses of the electorate and both major Democratic candidates running to the left of Barack Obama.

    In Europe, fringe parties of both the right and left are taking over, leading almost inevitably to a dissolution of the eurozone and a radical scale-back of the European Union. For starters.

    This is starting to look like the French Revolution, with bankers, CEOs and their favored politicians in the role of Marie Antoinette.

  • The Printing Press: A Great Way To Fool People


    In his most recent Gold Videocast for SchiffGold, Albert K Lu interviewed John Rubino, founder of Rubino had a pretty compelling explanation for why there wasn’t a massive, sustained economic collapse a decade ago, and why he thinks it’s still lurking on the horizon.

    "The reason that we’re still here, when we really should have fallen apart based on how much debt there was out there, and various other measures of instability, is that a printing press has turned out to be a great tool for fooling people.”

    Rubino pointed out that this is the first time in human history that all of the world’s governments are armed with a basically unlimited fiat currency printing press. The ability to create money out of thin air has allowed governments to take on more debt than anybody imagined feasible. Rubino noted that economists 20 years ago couldn’t have imagined $7 trillion of bonds trading at negative interest rates, and global debt at 300% of global GDP, but that’s where we are today. He went on to explain how the entire world pitched in to help the Federal Reserve keep things limping along after the 2008 meltdown. For instance, post 2009, China borrowed more money than any country has ever borrowed in history.

    Rubino said there’s no way to know when the economy will hit the wall, but it will likely be pretty soon. At some point central banks and governments will run out of the ability to borrow and print, and they will have to start living within their means again.

    According to Rubino, It’s going to be a painful transition. So, what does this mean for gold? Lu and Rubino share their insights.


    Follow along with the full transcript:

    Albert: Gold storms up as U.S. stocks struggle to extend streak. Hi, I’m Albert Lu, welcome to SchiffGold. That was a headline out of MarketWatch, and as the global financial turmoil continues, interest in gold appears to be growing. Gold is up nearly 16% this year, and as we approach the Fed’s March meeting, it’s looking more and more like that highly anticipated rate hike could be off the table. Joining me now is John Rubino, who manages, and he’s also the co-author, The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It, as well as many other fine books. John, thanks for joining me today. How are you?

    John: Good, thanks for having me on, Albert. Good to talk to you.

    Albert: Good to talk to you, John. I have to ask you, first of all, when you went out and got that domain,, were you thinking a two-year lease?

    John: Yeah, I actually did expect this particular gig to last just a couple of years because this was 2004 when I set up the original website. And it really did seem like the global financial system was on the precipice. I thought I would chronicle our descent into financial chaos for a couple of years, and then move on to something else. But the story has turned out to have legs. We have kept it together more or less in ways that I never expected us to be able to. And that the reason that we’re still here, when we really should have fallen apart based on how much debt there was out there, and various other measures of instability, is that a printing press has turned out to be a great tool for fooling people. This is the first time in human history that all of the world’s governments are armed with basically an unlimited fiat currency printing press. And so, it’s allowed them to take on more debt than seemed feasible based on history. And to manipulate interest rates down to levels that I don’t think anybody really expected. We’re in a negative interest rate world now, or we’re entering it. And if you’d gone back 20 years, and asked 100 economists if today’s world was possible, they would have said, “Nah, no way. You’ll never have $7 trillion of bonds trading at negative interest rates, and you’ll never have global debt at 300% of global GDP; that’s just not possible.” And yet here we are. My sense and my take on this is that we didn’t actually fix anything. We basically just bought ourselves time in which to build up even more debt to leverage ourselves even more catastrophically, and then make the eventual reckoning that much more serious. I think what’s coming is going to be unlike anything that has happened in living memory, certainly, something comparable to the Depression, but probably much worse. And so we’ve got very interesting decade ahead of us, Albert. And I wish that the details were easily predictable, but they’re not, except to say volatility and chaos are the rule for our immediate future here.

    Albert: Yeah. I think you hit on something very important there. Basically, we have I think, it’s close to half of a sovereign debt trading in negative yields. Negative yields persisting up the yield curve, all the way to five years in some cases. I think it has helped a lot, and maybe this is what was not factored into some of our calculations is how much the world, the rest of the world would assist the US central bank in this game that we’re playing. If the US had to carry the entire economy on its back, I think we would have seen that, maybe not hyperinflation, but we would have seen something very bad. By spreading it around, by having the Bank of Japan help, by having the ECB help, I think this has kind of spread the symptoms of the catastrophe that you and James wrote about.

    John: Yeah. Post 2008-2009, China for instance borrowed really more money than any country has ever borrowed in history. And that was the big driver of the “recovery” of the last few years. They just bought up all the natural resources in the world and drove the prices of iron ore, and copper, and timber, and oil through the roof. And that created a global resource boom. And that basically pulled us out of the, what would have been a depression after 2008-2009. But of course, that was done via huge amounts of new debt. And so, now the world is something like $60 trillion more in debt than it was back when debt was so accessible that it almost blew up the global financial system in 2008. And yeah, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan, and the US Fed, along with the People’s Bank of China, and the Chinese government have kind of gone back and forth borrowing money, and then lending it to each other. And they’ve enabled the system to hold on for much longer than it would have if it was just one country doing things like this. But that’s not a perpetual motion machine; we can’t keep going on like this forever, because we are building up more and more debt. And the big banks are bigger than ever, they’re more leveraged than ever. This time, the emerging markets have been pulled into it with something like $9 trillion of dollar denominated debt that they can’t manage. So at some point, it blows up. And then the question is, is it this year, or is it 2017, or 2020? There’s no way to know when we hit that wall. But I think it’s highly likely if not absolutely guaranteed that we do hit the wall pretty soon. We can’t go on for decades more as we’ve gone on for the past three decades. At some point, we basically run out of the ability to borrow, and print, and we have to start living within our means again. And at that point, we have to go through a transition from what is today unsustainable, to whatever we do after this that is sustainable. And it’s going to be a really painful transition. And there’s really only two ways to get there; either all the debt or most of the debt that we’ve taken on defaults, and we have a 1930s style deflationary depression, or we inflate our way out of it. That is we create enough new currency to make today’s debts manageable, but in doing so, we risk people losing faith in the fiat currencies that we’re creating with such abandon, and end up with a currency crisis, and that’s it. Those are our two choices. The next few years will determine which of those courses that we end up, and which kind of crisis we’ve chosen, but we can only chose one or the other, that’s all that’s left.

    Albert: And clearly the preference of the big thinkers at the world central banks would be to inflate the debt away, hence to target positive inflation rates, those are supposed to be a good thing. It’s 2% now; I can see that very well going higher. But the consequence of that, of course, is that the market recognizes the price inflation. Now, gold has not been responding, but it seems like perhaps this correction is coming close now because gold is starting to respond the way you would expect it to respond. And part of the consequence of having this be a worldwide effort, all of the central banks participating in different currencies is sometimes the appreciation in gold is masked, meaning that the US dollar as a unit of account, the US dollar has not been participating in this currency war, but in other currencies, I believe you would have seen gold rising.

    John: Yeah. Well, the US dollar has been the strongest currency in the world for the last few years. And that’s largely because…we’re not in great shape, but we look relatively good compared to the rest of the world. So a lot of capital is flowing in to the US and that creates demand for dollars, and pushes up the value of the dollar. But yeah, as you said, if you value gold in virtually any other currency it’s up now. So gold’s bear market ended some time in 2013 or 2014 depending on the country that you’re focusing on, and it’s been going up ever since. And finally, at long last, it has started to go up in dollars. So, whether that’s the beginning of a new leg in the gold market, or just a kind of a fake out before we get one more down leg before the gold market resumes, we can’t know that until retrospect, until afterwards. But when the gold bull market resumes, this is what it’ll feel like, this is what the early stage will be like. And so now the question is, will it continue through the rest of the year? I don’t know. But eventually, because gold is the form of money that humanity has used for the last 3,000 years, and it’s held its value for that entire time, it tends to be where we hide out when things get crazy. And as things get crazier, and crazier, and more and more capital is going to flow into gold, and also into silver, so other things being equal, you’ll see upward pressure on their prices even when priced in dollars over the next few years. Whether it’s a gradual kind of, a little at a time bull market, or a parabolic one when all of a sudden in the space of a couple of months we see another $1,000 added to gold’s dollar price, we can’t know, because that depends on the other stuff that’s going to happen out there. Will we have a raging war in the Middle East that distorts global trade? Will China have a hard landing credit crisis? Is the European Union or the Eurozone going to spin apart? And is the dollar going to do something crazy like spike from here or fall from here? We can’t know any of these things. But we can say with a fair degree of certainty based on history that things are going to be really volatile, and they’ll get crazier and crazier as this debt really bites. As our bad decisions of the past come home to roost, and the globe will be one of the beneficiaries of that, because that’s the way it’s worked in every previous currency crisis. You can go back to the Roman Empire, and France in the 1700’s, and Weimar, Germany; it’s always been the same. Money flows out of these mismanaged fiat currencies, and into real money like, gold and silver. There’s no reason to think it won’t happen again, and the only question is timing.

    Albert: John, with just a minute left, I want to get your thoughts on two points. We got a fairly important decision coming up in March; the Fed is going to decide whether to pause or to go ahead. I think that this time, it may be different, meaning that this time, gold will win either way at least relative to the stock market, because if the Fed eases, sure stocks will get a break. But investors seem to be sensitized to inflation now, so I would expect gold to go up more. If the Fed tightens, gold may go down, but I think the stock market will just be obliterated. And so, I want to get your thoughts on that. And then finally as we close out, where do you see gold going by the end of the year?

    John: Well, let me take the second question first. I am terrible at making short-term predictions, so I have absolutely no idea. Gold can be $900 or $2,000 by the end of the year. And both crises would be justifiable based on what’s going on immediately in the financial markets. But the first part of your question, I think, is very interesting, because it is possible that no matter what happens to the stock market and bond yields, and things like that, that capital is going to flow into gold going forward, because gold responds not to any particular set of economic data, but to the volatility and the stress in the markets. So if things seem really unpredictable, and really volatile, and people get scared, they will move some of their money into gold. And lots of things can scare people out there – a parabolic rise in stock prices that coincide with a bear market in bonds that might send people into precious metals. But a collapse in the stock market, same thing. What we saw in January of this year, when stocks went down hard, and a lot of that money that was taken out of the stock market flowed into precious metals; so gold went up, that could happen too. I think in the longer-term, I have no idea about this year, but in the longer term gold is a beneficiary of the instability that necessarily flows from borrowing too much money. And so, I think people who buy gold gradually, right now, not all at once at any given price, but a little at a time over a long period of time are going to be glad they did that five years from now. And who knows what the world will look like, but I think it’ll be a more stressful world than today’s, and gold will be an antidote to the stress of the world in that time.

    Albert: That’s very good advice, John. We’re out of time, so I’ve got to let you go. Thank you very much for joining me on the program today. I really appreciate it.

    John: Thanks Albert enjoyed it.

  • "There Is No Clear Way Out" – Richard Koo Says "The Price For QE Has Yet To Be Paid"

    In his latest note tited “The Calm before The Storm”, Nomura’s traditionally downcast Richard Koo is not too excited about the market’s future prospects, in fact quite the opposite and makes the point that since QE was no game changer, not only is there no clear way out, but “the price for QE has yet to be paid.”

    What does that mean for risk assets:

    Recently, for example, the markets took a tumble when the Fed moved to normalize monetary policy. The US central bank responded by delaying the normalization process, which stabilized the markets, but eventually fears of falling behind the curve on inflation will force it to resume the process. That will lead to renewed market turmoil in a cycle that has the potential to repeat itself endlessly.


    I expect this balancing act between the monetary authorities, who want to push ahead with policy normalization, and the markets, which violently reject each such attempt, will persist for an extended period of time, interspersed with periodic lulls like the current one.

    Some further insight from Nomura’s Richard Koo:

    For more than half a century after macroeconomics began to develop as an independent academic discipline in the 1940s, the emergence of breakthrough products such as aircraft, automobiles, home appliances, and computers provided companies in the developed world with a host of investment opportunities. Perhaps it should not be surprising that economic theorists at that time were unable to envision a world of no borrowers.

    Economists were focused instead on the problem of how to effectively allocate a limited pool of private-sector savings. Government borrowing and spending was seen as something to be avoided since it was a symbol of inefficient resource allocation.

    And until Japan caught up with the west in the 1970s, economists’ attention was focused on monetary policy since there was a surplus of domestic private-sector borrowers and no one envisioned capital fleeing the developed world for the EMs. This was the world of Phases 1 and 3, in which there were enough borrowers. Given the historical backdrop, it is perhaps only natural that economists at that time moved in the direction they did.

    Macroeconomics did not keep up with changes in global economy

    Subsequently, the global economy underwent major changes, with manufacturing shifting to Asia and the developed economies—almost without exception—experiencing asset bubbles that eventually burst, triggering balance sheet recessions. These economies entered Phases 2 or 4 as a result.

    The discipline of economics, however, did not keep pace with these changes. Economists continued to build their theories and models based on assumptions that had only been valid in the developed economies of the 1950s and 1960s.

    That is the main reason why most economists, whether in academia or the private sector, were completely unable to predict what has happened since 2008. They could not imagine a world where the private sector is actually minimizing debt instead of maximizing profits. Even now, the discipline tends to suffer from the bias that monetary policy is inherently good and fiscal policy inherently bad.

    Unconventional monetary policy creates problems when it is wound down

    These preconceptions underlie the current policies of inflation targeting, quantitative easing, and negative interest rates. Because central banks have pushed ahead with these policies even though there is no reason why they should work at a time of no borrowers, excess reserves created by the central bank now amount to $2.3trn in the US, or 15 times the level of statutory reserves, and to ¥222trn in Japan, or fully 26 times statutory reserves.

    I have used the term “QE trap” to describe the problems that must be confronted when such policies are unwound. They can trigger severe market turmoil that cannot be avoided no matter how extensive the authorities’ dialogue with market participants.

    Recently, for example, the markets took a tumble when the Fed moved to normalize monetary policy. The US central bank responded by delaying the normalization process, which stabilized the markets, but eventually fears of falling behind the curve on inflation will force it to resume the process. That will lead to renewed market turmoil in a cycle that has the potential to repeat itself endlessly.

    QE was no game changer, and price has yet to be paid

    Professor Krugman, who came up with the idea of lowering real interest rates by combining an inflation target with quantitative easing, has finally acknowledged that these measures were no “game changer” capable of sparking an economic recovery. But he still insists they did no real harm. (

    While that may be the case during a balance sheet recession, when there is no private loan demand, these policies can cause huge problems when they are wound down (witness the market’s recent gyrations). The global economy has now entered a phase characterized by this kind of instability.

    Inasmuch as there is no clear way out, I expect this balancing act between the monetary authorities, who want to push ahead with policy normalization, and the markets, which violently reject each such attempt, will persist for an extended period of time, interspersed with periodic lulls like the current one.

  • BlackRock Suspends ETF Issuance Due To "Surging Demand For Gold"

    BlackRock's Gold ETF (IAU) has seen fund inflows every day in 2016 (no outflows at all) and with the stock trading above its NAV for most of the year, the world's largest asset manager has made a significant decision:



    BlackRock Statement:

    Issuance of New IAU (Gold Trust) Shares Temporarily Suspended; Existing Shares to Trade Normally for Retail and Institutional Investors on NYSE Arca and Other Venues


    Suspension results from surging demand for gold, which requires registration of new shares


    iShares Delaware Trust Sponsor LLC, in its capacity as the sponsor of iShares Gold Trust (IAU), has temporarily suspended the creation of new shares of IAU until additional shares are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).


    This suspension does not affect the ability of retail and institutional investors to trade on stock exchanges. Retail and institutional investors will continue to be able to buy and sell shares in IAU.


    IAU holds gold as a physical asset. IAU is an exchange-traded commodity (ETC), which therefore is not eligible for registration as an investment company under the ’40 Act. IAU may only be registered under the ’33 Act as a grantor trust. Under the ’33 Act, subscriptions for new shares in excess of those registered requires additional filings with the SEC.


    Nearly all other U.S. iShares are exchange-traded funds (ETFs), registered as investment companies under the ’40 Act. The ’40 Act provides for the continuous offering of shares and does not require registration of additional shares as the fund grows due to investor demand in connection to new subscriptions.


    Since the start of 2016, in response to global macroeconomic conditions, demand for gold and for IAU has surged among global investors. IAU has $8 billion in assets under management, and has expanded $1.4 billion year to date. February marked its largest creation activity in the last decade.


    This surge in demand has led to the temporary exhaustion of IAU shares currently registered under the ’33 Act. We are registering new shares to accommodate future creations in the primary market by filing a Form 8-K to announce the resumption of the offering of new shares. The ability of authorized participants to redeem shares of IAU is not affected.

    It appears the huge demand for physical gold (and lack of supply) is finally catching up with the manipulation of paper prices.

    If this is anything other than a brief technical suspension, it could well unleash panic-buying as we already pointed out – there is no physical gold!


    As we previously concluded, the reality that there are just two tons of gold to satisfy delivery requsts based on accepted protocols should in itself be troubling, ignoring the latent question why so many owners of physical gold are de-warranting their holdings.

    Considering there are now less than 74,000 ounces of Registered gold at the Comex, or just over 2 tonnes, we may be about to find out how right, or wrong, the skeptics are, because at this rate the combined Registered vault gold could be depleted as soon as the next delivery request is satisfied. Or isn't. 

    Meanwhile, this is how gold is taking the news – it would appear that some gold is still available… one just has to pay up for it.

  • Stocks Surge On Biggest Bear Market Short-Squeeze Since Nov 2008

    They are pulling out all the stops on this one…


    Another chaotically wild week…

    • Small Caps (Russell 2000) up 4.65% – biggest week since Oct 2014

    • S&P 500 up 3% – best week in 3 months
    • Dow Transports up 3.7% – best week since Dec 2015
    • "Most Shorted" stocks up 8.8% – biggest short squeeze since Nov 2008 (and in 3 weeks "Most Shorted" are up 19.8% – the most ever)

    • HYG (high yield bond ETF) up 2.3% – best week in 5 months (best 3 weeks since Dec 2011)
    • 2Y, 5Y, 10Y, 30Y biggest weekly surge in yields in 4 months
    • 7Y biggest weekly surge in yields in 9 months
    • Aussie Dollar soared 4.25%  – the biggest week since Dec 2011
    • Oil up 9.6% this week – 2nd biggest week since August
    • Oil up 21.2% in 2 weeks – biggest 2 weeks since Jan 2009
    • Copper up 7.2% – biggest week since Dec 2011
    • Gold up 3.5% to 13 month highs
    • Silver up 5.8% – biggest week since May 2015


    Ahead of China's National People's Congress, Chinese stocks were 'lifted', but as is clear, the intervention was aimed at mega caps and not the tech-heavy small caps of ChiNext and Shenzhen…


    Which lifted stocks into the payrolls print…and then the chaos began


    After the initial weakness, stock were panic-bought only to snap at 2pmET on possible Fed limits on banks…


    Dow tops 17000 at the close, but S&P lost 2000 right at the bell… closing at 1999.99!!


    All about Super-Duper Tuesday…


    Still a crazy week… with Trannies and Small Caps dramatically outperforming…


    As Most Shorted soared again…


    Energy & Financials outperformed… but note that when The Fed headlines hit, things stalled…


    The reaction to payrolls was all over the place…


    For the first time in 2 months, XIV (inverse VIX ETF) is trading below VXX (VIX ETF)…


    Treasury yields spiked after the "better-than-expected" jobs data with the belly underperforming in the week (and 2s adn 30s outperforming – though still out 10bps)…


    5Y yields touched the 50DMA back within their 4 year range…


    The USD Index dropped (led by strength in EUR and cable, but Aussie Dollar was the big mover)


    In fact Aussie Dollar was the biggest gainer of all major FX this week – up a shocking 4.25% – the most since Dec 2011, to 8 month highs…


    Commodities were all on fire this week…But crude just melted up…


    Gold closed at its highest in 13 months…


    Finally, we note several risk assets at or near their 200 Day Moving Average: Credit Suisse comments on the slightly uncanny fact that so many risk assets now at their 200DMA (just highlights further the high level of correlation between asset classes).  Brazil is now +26% from its lows and sitting right on its 200d. Glencore +104% from its lows, and on its 200d. Kumba Iron Ore +225% from its lows and on its 200d. Turkish equities +14% from their lows and on the 200d. Copper is only 2% below its 230 level. S&P500 only 1% below its 200d, so perhaps more interesting are two assets that stick out as still having significant upside: OIL 200d is at $43 and finally the ESTOXX AT 3300


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • Religion In America: One Nation Under Multiple Gods

    While Christianity remains the largest religion in all 50 states, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism are on the rise across the nation.


    Chart: BofA

    As the chart shows, Islam is the second largest religion in 20 states (mostly in the Midwest and South), Judaism in 14 states (mostly in the Northeast), and Buddhism in 13 states (mostly in the West).

  • Expect Large Builds in Oil Inventories For Next 7 Weeks (Video)

    By EconMatters

    Starting this time last year we added over 40 Million Barrels to US Oil Stockpiles. The question is can storage facilities handle another 40 Million Build in Oil Stocks over the next 7 weeks?


    © EconMatters All Rights Reserved | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Email Digest | Kindle   

  • "It's A Depression" – The Disturbing Email A Houston CEO Sent His Soon To Be Laid Off Employees

    This is the email that David Little, Chairman and CEO of Houston-based DXP Enterprises sent to his employees to explain why, “due to bank obligations and to continue a positive cash flow profile” the company has to freeze 401(k), why it is cutting pay in some cases as much as 60% and  why many employees are about to lose their jobs in the middle of what is an “oil and gas depression.” It is a disturbing read.

    Dear DXPeople,


    As you well know, these are very challenging times for everyone in the oil & gas industry and other industrial markets. We are working hard to navigate both the challenges in oil & gas and an industrial recession plus what appears to be continuing softening. Normally, when upstream oil and gas is down the rest of the industrial market is booming, not this time!

    This past Friday, we announced our fourth quarter and year-end results. Our revenues were down 17% from a year ago and 27% from the fourth quarter of 2015 versus the fourth quarter of 2014. Fiscal year 2016 has started off even weaker than we anticipated with January sales down an additional 12% from December. Oil and gas related companies across the country have reported sales declines as high as 50% – 60%. All of this in the midst of declining industrial confidence and performance. Furthermore, the forecast by experts suggests the oil & gas economy will get worse before it gets better. We are currently 20 months into this oil & gas down cycle which is also unusually long for a correction.


    It goes without saying but over the past twelve months, we have all made efforts to contain costs and improve operations where possible. All, while focusing on growth. For this, we thank all of you for the sacrifices, discipline and effort you are making each and every day. But I am sorry to say that because of bank obligations and to continue our positive cash flow profile, we have to do more. The leadership team and I have been reviewing line-by-line every location, budget and expense, on how we can reduce costs while considering every decision through the prism of our values, culture and priorities. While we fulfilled a $2.9 million company match to our U.S. 401 (K) savings plan for 2015, we have determined it should be frozen immediately for the remainder of 2016. The Board of Directors, senior management and leaders in management positions will participate in a 10% reduction in base pay effective March 14th. Additionally, DXP as a whole company will require that we right size the company for our expected sales volume. This is in an effort to reduce labor costs while preserving as many DXPeople as possible in this uncertain economic environment.


    We have all taken pay reductions over the last year with some of us taking reductions as high as 50% – 60% (via commission or bonus declines) including senior management. It is unfortunate, but the prolonged oil and gas depression and industrial recession has left us with no other choice but to make these difficult and unwanted moves and decisions.


    The fastest and biggest cure to the health of DXP is more sales. Your expectations and mine are that the sales management, sales professionals and everyone else that touches our customers is working smart and diligently as we are all counting on you! DXP has given you some great weapons to be successful with and we are supporting and counting on your efforts to win each order. I am not going to list all the tools you have to win with, you should know what they are and understand how to use them already, but to use the “Hunter” and “Farmer” label you have to do both. “Farm” existing accounts to capture more of each customer wallet/spend and “Hunt” for new customers. We have the customer value propositions to sell and you have the selling skills to succeed.


    Over the last several months, we have seen countless companies announce layoffs and in isolated incidents even bankruptcies. I point this out to try and put in context that the oil and gas depression is affecting more than DXP and is further reaching than many would have initially thought when this started over 2 years ago. The decisions we make are about preserving the future of DXP. DXP is a great company that is accustom to winning and we will win again. I can promise you that the leadership team will do all that we can to put us in a position to emerge stronger on the other side while staying true to our values and culture. Thank you for your understanding.




    David Little
    Chairman & CEO
    DXP Enterprises, Inc

    And here is some more context, courtesy of the WSJ

  • An Establishment In Panic

    Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

    Donald Trump “appeals to racism.”


    “[F]rom the beginning … his campaign has profited from voter prejudice and hatred” and represents an “authoritarian assault upon democracy.”


    If Speaker Paul Ryan wishes to be “on the right side of history … he must condemn Mr. Trump clearly and comprehensively. The same goes for every other Republican leader.”


    “Maybe that would split the (Republican) party,” but, “No job is worth the moral stain that would come from embracing (Trump). No party is worth saving at the expense of the country.”


    If Republican leaders wish to be regarded as moral, every one of them must renounce Trump, even if it means destroying their party.

    Who has laid down this moral mandate? The Holy Father in Rome?

    No. The voice posturing as the conscience of America is the Washington Post, which champions abortion on demand and has not, in the memory of this writer, endorsed any Republican for president – though it did endorse Marion Barry three times for mayor of D.C.

    Anticipating the Post’s orders, Sen. Marco Rubio has been painting Trump as a “scam artist” and “con artist,” with an “orange” complexion, a “spray tan” and “tiny hands,” who is “unfit to lead the party of Lincoln and Reagan.”

    The establishment is loving Rubio, and the networks are giving him more airtime. And Rubio is reciprocating, promising that, even if defeated in his home state of Florida on March 15, he will drive his pickup across the country warning against the menace of Trump.

    Rubio, however, seems not to have detected the moral threat of Trump, until polls showed Rubio being wiped out on Super Tuesday and in real danger of losing Florida.

    Mitt Romney has also suddenly discovered what a fraud and phony is the businessman-builder whose endorsement he so avidly sought and so oleaginously accepted in Las Vegas in 2012.

    Before other Republicans submit to the ultimatum of the Post, and of the columnists and commentators pushing a “Never Trump” strategy at the Cleveland convention, they should ask themselves: For whom is it that they will be bringing about party suicide?

    That the Beltway elites, whose voice is the Post, hate and fear Trump is not only undeniable, it is understandable.

    The Post beat the drums for the endless Mideast wars that bled and near bankrupted the country. Trump will not start another.

    The Post welcomes open borders that bring in millions to continue the endless expansion of the welfare state and to change the character of the country we grew up in. Trump will build the wall and repatriate those here illegally.

    Trump threatens the trade treaties that enable amoral transnational corporations to ship factories and jobs overseas to produce cheaply abroad and be rid of American employees who are ever demanding better wages and working conditions.

    What does the Post care about trade deals that deindustrialize America when the advertising dollars of the big conglomerates are what make Big Media fat and happy?

    The political establishment in Washington depends on Wall Street and K Street for PAC money and campaign contributions. Wall Street and K Street depend on the political establishment to protect their right to abandon America for the greener pastures abroad.

    Before March 15, when Florida and Ohio vote and the fates of Rubio and Gov. John Kasich are decided, nothing is likely to stop the ferocious infighting of the primaries.

    But after March 15, the smoke will have cleared.

    If Trump has fallen short of a glide path to the nomination, the war goes on. But if Trump seems to be the near-certain nominee, it will be a time for acceptance, a time for a cease-fire in this bloodiest of civil wars in the GOP.

    Otherwise, the party will kick away any chance of keeping Hillary Clinton out of the White House, and perhaps kick away its future as well.

    While the depth and rancor of the divisions in the party are apparent, so also is the opportunity. For the turnout in the Republican primaries and caucuses has not only exceeded expectations, it has astonished and awed political observers.

    A new “New Majority” has been marching to the polls and voting Republican, a majority unlike any seen since the 49-state landslides of the Nixon and Reagan eras.

    If this energy can be maintained, if those throngs of Republican voters can be united in the fall, then the party can hold Congress, capture the While House and reconstitute the Supreme Court.

    Come the ides of March, the GOP is going to be in need of its uniters and its statesmen. But today, all Republicans should ask themselves:

    Are these folks coming out in droves to vote Republican really the bigoted, hateful and authoritarian people of the Post’s depiction?


    Or is this not the same old Post that has poured bile on conservatives for generations now in a panic that America’s destiny may be torn away from it and restored to its rightful owners?

  • The Last Time The Market Was So Overbought, This Happened

    The last 3 weeks have been a near unprecedented rip higher in stocks… as markets anticipated G-20 cooperative actions (and then BoJ and ECB follow-through) creating a vicious short-squeeze bounce..


    This has sent The McClellan Oscillator to its most overbought since January 2009…


    What happened then?

    The Group of 20 leaders from major developed and emerging economies had pledged on their meeting on Saturday short-term measures such as fiscal stimulus in order to try to keep the global economy from falling into a deep slump and promised to look at ways to tighten regulations to prevent future crisis.

    Which sent stocks soaring in another major short-squeeze hope bounce


    That did not end well!

  • Gallup: "The Amount Of Debt Americans Carry Is Staggering And Grows Every Day"

    And the revelations just keep on coming.

    One day after the St. Louis Fed spent thousands in taxpayer funds to “discover” that, gasp, “consumers across the country are borrowing more to buy cars and go to school“, yes really…

    … today it’s Gallup’s turn to point out what has been abundantly clear to all non-economist types, and is the reason why the so-called recovery remains nothing but a myth, namely that “Americans Are Buried Under a Mountain of Debt.”

    More from John Gleming:

    • Americans who don’t have enough to live comfortably carry higher credit card balances
    • Those who enjoy spending money more than saving money carry more credit card debt
    • Student loan debt associated with highest level of indebtedness

    The amount of debt Americans carry is staggering and grows every day.

    A prior article explored the kinds and amounts of consumer debt that Americans carry, other than mortgages. Gallup found that only a subset of Americans carries the bulk of consumer debt. This article examines how consumer debt affects different groups of Americans, especially millennials.

    Those Without Enough to Live Comfortably Are Using Credit Cards to Supplement Their Resources

    Two-thirds of Americans say they have enough money to live comfortably, with more traditionalists (76%) and baby boomers (67%) saying they do than millennials (62%) and Gen Xers (61%).


    Those who say they don’t have enough money to live comfortably appear to be using their credit cards to supplement their available resources with high-interest credit. It seems that though their total consumer debt balances are 17% lower than those of Americans who say that they do have enough money to live comfortably, across all generations except traditionalists, Americans who say that they don’t have enough money to live comfortably carry 36% larger credit card balances than those who say that they do have enough money.

    The difference is particularly acute among millennials, where those who say that they don’t have enough money to live comfortably carry three times more credit card debt than those who say they do have enough money. Millennials who say they don’t have enough money to live comfortably also carry more auto loan debt and personal loan debt than millennials who say they do have enough money. Millennials are the only generation where those who say that they don’t have enough money to live comfortably carry 8% more total consumer debt than those who say they do have enough money.

    Do Americans Enjoy Saving Money or Spending Money More?

    Gallup has been tracking whether Americans enjoy saving money or spending money more since 2001. In 2001, 48% of Americans enjoyed spending money more than saving it. The preference for spending money remained at 48% in 2005 and then began a decline, which accelerated during the Great Recession.

    At the height of the Great Recession in 2009, just 39% of Americans enjoyed spending money more than saving it. The low point for a preference to spend came in 2014, when just 35% said they enjoyed spending money more than saving it. In 2015, the spending preference crept back up to 37%. In the current research, 39% of Americans said they enjoy spending money more than saving it, while the remaining 61% enjoy saving money more. Neither of these percentages differs appreciably by generation.


    Those who say they enjoy spending money more tend to earn more but also carry more debt.

    Among the generations, those who enjoy spending money more includes a higher proportion of those making $48,000 per year or more than does the group of those who prefer saving money, who include a larger share of those making less than $48,000. The average annual income for spenders is just over $78,500, 9% higher than it is for savers at just over $72,000.

    The exception is millennials, where the pattern is reversed. Among millennials, savers have a higher proportion of those making $48,000 per year or more than spenders, who have a larger share of those making less than $48,000. Even with this annual income pattern, however, the average annual income of millennial savers is 5% lower than that of millennial spenders.


    In general, those who enjoy spending money more carry more credit card debt (81% more), more student loan debt (4% more), more auto loan debt (6% more) and more personal loan debt (37% more) than those who prefer saving it.

    Generationally, the only exceptions to this pattern are among Gen Xers and baby boomers. Gen Xers who enjoy spending money more carry less student loan (24% less) and less auto loan debt (11% less) but double the credit card debt (102% more) and significantly more personal loan debt (75% more) than savers. And baby boomers who enjoy spending money more carry significantly less personal debt (23% less) than those who prefer saving it.

    Among millennials, those who enjoy spending money more carry more credit card debt (58% more), more student loan debt (23% more), more auto loan debt (26% more) and more personal loan debt (18% more) than millennials who prefer saving.

    When Gallup compares the differences in income and total consumer debt between those who enjoy spending money more and those who prefer saving it, Gen Xers, baby boomers and traditionalists who enjoy spending money more carry their income difference in additional consumer debt. In other words, the ratio of the difference in total consumer debt divided by the difference in annual income between these two groups is approximately 1.1-to-1 for members of these generations who enjoy spending money more.

    For millennial spenders, however, the ratio is 2.5-to-1. In other words, millennial spenders carry 2.5 times more consumer debt than the difference in their annual income compared with savers.


    Student Loan Debt Associated With Highest Level of Indebtedness

    Almost four in 10 Americans enjoy spending money more than saving it, and they carry a larger debt load across the board though their annual income is higher than those who enjoy saving more. And even among individuals who say that they do not have enough money to live comfortably, almost one-third (32%) still enjoy spending money more than saving it, even if it means piling on more debt, especially credit card debt. This group has among the highest levels of credit card debt — 60% higher than everyone else.

    Student loan debt — though not extremely widespread — is associated with the highest levels of indebtedness for all generations, but especially for millennials. And as the data illustrate, those with student loan debt are also more likely to take out a car loan, adding to their already-large debt burden.

    For those with student loans, that debt accounts for an average of 36% of the person’s annual income, the largest percentage among all types of consumer debt. On average, total consumer debt accounts for 37% of annual income — but it accounts for 57% of annual income among those with student loans. This is a staggering percentage when considered against all other personal financial demands, such as mortgage or rent, food, telecommunications (including Internet and cable), insurance, savings and investments, and fuel and auto maintenance, among other expenses. Precious little is left over for discretionary spending, and until only recently, discretionary spending in America had been shrinking.

    Except for millennials, those who enjoy spending money more than saving match the difference in their annual income (over savers) with the additional consumer debt they carry (over savers). Millennial spenders, though, carry 2.5 times more debt than their income difference over savers.

    These data suggest that a significant portion of every generation is buried under a mountain of several different kinds of consumer debt. Though sizable slices of each generation carry no debt, the sheer magnitude of how much Americans with debt do owe is a cause for concern.

  • Weekend Reading: Is The Bear Market Over Already?

    Submitted by Lance Roberts via,

    “The Bear Market Is Dead, Long Live The Bull.” 

    You could almost hear the chants from the always bullish biased media this week as the markets ripped higher on “first day of the month” portfolio rebalancing and short-covering by fund managers.

    The rally, as discussed this past weekend, was not unexpected:

    “The good news is that the market was able to break above 1940, and the 50-dma, which now clears the way for a push to the 1970-1990 where the next levels of resistance will be found.


    The bad news is that the markets are once again extremely overbought and still confined inside of an overall downtrend.”

    (Chart updated through Thursday close)


    Is this rally, which looks a whole lot like other rallies we have seen repeatedly in recent months, a true return to a bull market? Or is this another trap being set by the bears?

    While it is too early to know for sure, with risks still mounted to the downside a little extra caution might not be a bad idea.

    This week’s reading list takes a look at various views on the market, economy and what to expect next. What is interesting is that being overly bullish at the moment carries more portfolio risk (loss of capital if you wrong) than being bearish (missing out on early gains).

    1) This Is A Suckers Rally by Michael Kahn via Barron’s

    “Chip Anderson, president of, wrote in a recent newsletter to users that current “emotional short-term reactions are really just part of a larger pattern.” According to his analysis, “The market has topped and is generally moving lower based on a rounding top pattern and the downward movement of the 40-week (200-day) moving average.


    But Also Read: Bears Have Their Backs Against The Wall by Avi Gilburt via MarketWatch

    And Read: Top 10 Reasons Investors Should Sell Now by Doug Kass via Real Clear Markets

    2)  March Is Best Chance For Market Rally by Sue Chang via MarketWatch

    “March may be the best chance yet for an S&P 500 rally if you ask Jeffrey Saut, chief investment strategist at Raymond James. History and an energy shift at the market’s gut level could be the triggers.


    Saut believes the stock market bottomed in February. ‘The first week of March should see the market’s ‘internal energy’ rebuilt for another try on the upside,’ he said in a report.”

    But Also Read: March Madness by Lance Roberts via RIA


    3) Weak Economic Data Aligns With Market by Chris Ciovacco via Ciovacco Capital

    “The shorter-term data tracked by our market model has seen noticeable improvement over the past two weeks. The longer-term picture, looking out weeks and months, continues to be concerning. Therefore, until more meaningful improvement starts to surface, our allocations will continue to have a defensive slant.”

    Also Read: Two Reasons Stocks Are Headed Higher by Anthony Mirhaydari via Fiscal Times

    But Don’t Miss: 2008 Revisited by Nouriel Roubini via Project Syndicate

    4) Three Weeks Later, Gundlach Cashes Out Of Rally by Tyler Durden via Zero Hedge

    “In an interview with Reuters Jennifer Ablan after DoubleLine Capital’s February flow figures were released (it was a $2.2 billion inflow) , Gundlach said the firm is now considering closing out some of its long positions in the stocks that they purchased three weeks ago.


    Is the bond trader now just a closet equities daytrader? We wond’t know, but since the S&P 500 has jumped 8% in that period, why not takes some profits.


    “That’s what we’re talking about,” Gundlach said about booking some gains after their short-term rally.


    Gundlach still maintains that the U.S. stock market is in a bear market but had made those equity purchases because the conditions in the second week of February with “wickedly negative equity sentiment were such that risk/reward favored a potential tradable rally and also made such a low allocation less advisable.”


    The time to buy the dip, however, has passed: “I am bearish. There are just wiggles and jiggles in the markets.

    Also Read: The Best Offense Is A Good Defense by Adam Koos via MarketWatch

    CHART OF THE DAY: McCellan Oscillator Over 90 by Northman Trader


    5) Sunshine, Lollipops And… by Bill Gross via Janus Capital

    If negative interest rates fail to generate acceptable nominal growth, then the Milton Friedman/Ben Bernanke concept of helicopter money may be employed. How that could equitably be distributed nationally or worldwide I have no idea, but the opinion columns are mentioning it more and more often, and on Twitter, the “Likes” are increasing in numbers. Can any/all of these policy alternatives save the “system”? We shall find out, but current evidence of the past 7 years’ experience would support only a D+ report card grade. Barely passing. As an investor though – and as a citizen in this election year – you should be aware that our finance based economic system which like the Sun has provided life and productive growth for a long, long time – is running out of fuel and that its remaining time span is something less than 5 billion years.


    Investment implications? Do not reach for the tantalizing apple of high yield or the low price/ book ratio of bank stocks. Those prices are where they are because of low/negative interest rates. And too, do not reach for the seemingly momentum driven higher prices of Bunds and Treasuries that negative yields have produced. A 30 year Treasury at 2.5% can wipe out your annual income in one day with a 10 basis point increase. And no, you can’t go to a bank and demand your cash for a fear of being labeled a terrorist. Seems like you’re cornered, doesn’t it?

    Also Read: This Is Nuts, When’s The Crash by David Keohane via FT Alphaville


    “Bull markets die with a whimper, not a bang.” – Anonymous

  • HY Credit Spreads Have Never Been This High Outside Of A Recession

    Today marked the 13th consecutive day of positive HY fund flows (bringing total to $8.6bn)…


    But as Credit Suisse explains, the nature of this demand is 'different'…

    Investors likely using the ETFs as a placeholder for cash in the absence of new supply, with HY issuance down ~74% year on year.


    With ballooning ETF inflows the past few weeks, the liquid sector has become increasingly vulnerable to ETF cash rotating out upon the availability of new supply.


    This is particularly a concern now as the visible issuance calendar for the next few months has grown sizeably (~$35bn)

    So put another way – given that the calendar is set to pickup, this huge inflow of 'placeholder' cash will flow out of high yield ETFs (pushing prices lower) and into the new issuance.

    But, as Edward Altman warns Goldman Sachs, however, that we are already at the end of the benign cycle or nearing it.

    We are in the bottom of the 8th or 9th inning, and unless the Fed steps in to add liquidity to the market, which seems unlikely, I don’t expect extra innings.


    I define a benign cycle as having four ingredients:

    1. default rates below their historical average,
    2. relatively high recovery rates in the event of defaults, making the loss given default low,
    3. low yields, giving borrowers incentives to utilize debt financing, and
    4. ample liquidity. Liquidity is difficult to measure, but in benign cycles, firms of almost any credit quality are able to borrow easily.

    Looking at those four factors, three are pointing toward the end of the benign cycle. Recovery rates are below their historical average, mainly driven by the oil and gas sector. Spreads are above their historical average—currently around 750bps in high yield vs. a historical median of about 520bps—meaning that investors are no longer providing capital at cheap rates; and liquidity is much more restricted than even a few months ago, with the marginal company having all sorts of problems raising capital at low interest rates. The only indicator that isn’t implying a complete end of the cycle is the default rate on high-yield bonds or leveraged loans, which remains below the historical average. However, it is climbing and—according to my forecast and most economists and market observers—likely to rise above the historical average this year for the first time since 2010.


    Therefore, by just about any metric, the benign cycle seems to be over, so we are entering more of a stressed cycle. We are not yet at point of crisis or distress, though, and it remains to be seen whether we will get there.

    And the bubble has plenty of room to burst…

    To some extent, this bubble reached a high point in the third quarter of 2015. Starting in the fourth quarter, new issuance dropped and very risky companies, B- and CCC companies with very low Z-scores and very high yield spreads, were no longer able to raise money at almost any rate. As a result, new issues since then have not been as poor in credit quality. But the bubble is still sitting there—even if it isn’t getting bigger—and is pretty inflated, though not necessarily ready to burst unless we have a recession. People say that as long as the economy remains relatively robust, we don’t have to worry about a bubble. I am not quite as confident. But if we do have a recession in the US or a very major downturn in China in the next 12-18 months, there is no question that the bubble will burst, resulting in a mini or not-so-mini credit crisis.

    And the corporate bond market is not small…

    Recent improvement notwithstanding, IG and HY net leverage ratios remain above the medians of the last three decades… and high yield bond spreads have not traded at these levels outside of a US recession…


    And even with recent strength, levels remain extreme…

  • Stocks Tumble After Fed Plans Too-Big-To-Fail Bank Counterparty Risk Cap

    US financials are tumbling after The Fed proposed a rule that would limit banks with $500 bln or more of assets from having net credit exposure to a “major counterparty” in excess of 15% of the lender’s tier 1 capital. Bloomberg reports that The Fed's governors plan to vote today on the proposal. The implications of this are significant in that it will force some banks to unwind exposures and delever against one another (most notably with potential affect the repo market which governs much of the liquidity transmission mechanisms). Guggenheim's Jaret Seiberg warns the proposal is likely to be "stringent," though less onerous than the Dec 2011 proposal.


    JPMorgan is tumbling…


    As Bloomberg reports,

    Wall Street giants such as JPMorgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Citigroup Inc. would face new limits on credit exposure to any other large financial company under a Federal Reserve proposal set for a vote Friday.


    The rules, which would limit such exposures to 15 percent of a lender’s Tier 1 capital, are meant to ensure megabanks won’t take others with them if they fail. The Fed is making a second effort after abandoning a 2011 proposal that called for a cap at 10 percent. Even so, the central bank estimates the largest institutions would have to dial back their exposures by almost $100 billion to get below the 15 percent mark.


    “The credit limit sets a bright line on total credit exposures between one large bank holding company and another large bank or major counterparty,” Fed Chair Janet Yellen said in a statement. The proposal targets the problem of big-bank connectedness that magnified the 2008 financial crisis, she said.


    The earlier proposal was shelved after the Fed received strong criticism from the banking industry, and the new version more closely matches an international agreement on a 15 percent cap for the biggest institutions. The strictest limits affect only the U.S. banks deemed systemically important and foreign banks with more than $500 billion in the U.S. Two lower tiers of banks would face lesser limits, with lenders between $50 billion and $250 billion in assets facing the 25 percent cap outlined in the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act.



    “While regulatory reform and better risk management practices have reduced interconnections among the largest financial firms by roughly half from pre-crisis days, it is important to put safeguards in place to help prevent a return to those prior practices,” said Daniel Tarullo, the Fed governor in charge of regulation.


    JPMorgan, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley argued that the earlier proposal overstated risk and would hold back the economy. Goldman Sachs more specifically warned that it could destroy 300,000 jobs. The Bank of Japan said a similar rule affecting foreign firms could hurt liquidity of high-quality sovereign debt.

    The Federal proposal on single-counter-party credit limits for SIFI banks, due later, likely to be “stringent,” though may be less onerous than Dec. 2011 proposal, Guggenheim’s Jaret Seiberg writes in note.

    The Fed is holding an open board meeting to discuss the proposal:

  • The Only Chart That Matters For The Fed In March

    "Uncertainty" exploded in January for The Fed, and after today's "great" (surging job gains) and "terrible" (plunging wages) jobs data (as well as surging current inflation and plunging inflation expectations), we can only imagine Yellen will be even more confused at March's meeting.


    Source: @Not_Jim_Cramer

    Time for a stock market selloff to force The Fed to back off its tightening bias once again…


    With Dec rate hike odds now above 70%…

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Today’s News 4th March 2016

  • Yuan Soars Most In A Month Ahead Of National People's Congress

    With all western eyes firmly focused on US payrolls tomorrow, China is preparing for the biggest leadership gathering of the year this weekend. Offshore Yuan (USDCNH) is soaring (up over 5 handles in the last 24 hours) ahead of The National People’s Congress as PBOC Deputy Governor hinted at support for the currency saying that it isn’t “strictly” pegged to the new basket.


    This is the biggest surge in Yuan in a month…

    Chart: Bloomberg

    Pushing Yuan back to 3-week highs…

    Chart: Bloomberg

    This is the richest Offshore Yuan has been to Onshore Yuan since 29th Sept…

    Chart: Bloomberg

    The currency move is likely a psychological reaction to the National People’s Congress because the market is expecting to hear more comments from top officials stressing the importance of financial stability, curbing outflows and encouraging inflows,” said Tommy Ong, managing director for treasury and markets at DBS Hong Kong Ltd. “It’s unlikely to be any intervention.”

  • The Stupid Things People Do When Their Society Breaks Down

    Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

    A frequent mistake that many people make when considering the concept of social or economic collapse is to imagine how people and groups will behave tomorrow based on how people behave today. It is, though, extremely difficult to predict human behavior in the face of terminal chaos. What we might expect, or what Hollywood fantasy might showcase for entertainment purposes, may not be what actually happens when society breaks down.

    It is also important to note that social and economic destabilization is usually a process, not an immediate event. This actually works in the favor of liberty activists and the preparedness minded. As a system moves through the stages of a breakdown, certain signals in the psychology of the population can be observed, and this gives us a warning as to how far down the rabbit hole we have actually gone.

    Except in the case of a nuclear or EMP (electromagnetic pulse) event (which unfortunately are concerns because of the powder keg situation in Syria), vigilant liberty proponents could have considerably more time than the average person to preposition themselves safely. That said, there will be a host of expanding problems of a psychological nature we will have to deal with before, during and after the final leg down in the unfolding mess that internationalists often refer to as the “great global reset.”

    The following list is based on social behavior patterns commonly seen during systemic crashes through modern history (the past 100 years). These are some of the stupid things people do as they begin to realize, at least subconsciously, that a SHTF scenario is in progress.

    They Do Nothing

    It’s sad to say, but the majority of people, regardless of the time or place in history, have a bad habit of ignoring the obvious. They may have an unconscious sense that danger is present, but never underestimate the power of men and women to waterboard their own instincts with a big bucket of intellectual idiocy.

    It is not uncommon for large populations to sit calmly and idly, sometimes for weeks, in the midst of an economic or infrastructure crisis. Part of this is due to normalcy bias, of course. There is an immediate assumption amongst first world populations that “help is on the way” in the form of government aid. Faith in this aid can be so deluded that it is not until food and water stores are nearly exhausted that they finally begin to panic, or attempt to help themselves.

    This gives the preparedness-minded a week or longer head start on the oblivious masses, but it is still a depressing state of affairs.

    They Sabotage Themselves With Paranoia

    Even in the early stages of a social breakdown when infrastructure is still operational, paranoia among individuals and groups can spread like a poison. Sometimes this is encouraged by a corrupt government, sometimes it just happens naturally.

    The tendency is to begin seeing every other person as a potential competitor or threat rather than a potential ally. They make the assumption that all they need to do is to avoid contact with others and “outlast” most people during the ugliest phase of the breakdown. This assumption is foolish on two fronts. First, a society needs security and production in order to rebuild. If survivors of collapse strictly isolate from each other, practical security is absolutely impossible and thus, production is unlikely. Eventually, they will die along with everyone else.

    Second, there are no guarantees whatsoever that our particular process of collapse will develop in a vacuum. That is to say, you might think that one day you will walk out of the hills after the worst of the crisis to a blank slate and rebuild, but certain organizations and systems may still be in place, or even dominate. Rarely in history have governments ever actually “disappeared” during societal collapse. In fact, governments have a habit of becoming even more powerful and despotic during and after large scale implosions of social systems. Survival is simply not enough if you walk out of those mountains alone only to find a totalitarian framework established on top of the ashes of the old world.

    Organization with trustworthy people of like mind is essential not only for your survival, but the survival of future generations and the principles which you hold dear. Furthermore, guarded associations with your surrounding community are also necessary. This kind of organization must begin BEFORE the breakdown hits critical mass. It is far easier to organize before a disaster than after a disaster.

    They Become Shaky And Unreliable When The Going Gets Tough

    This is why early organization is so important; it gives you time to learn the limitations and failings of the people around you before the SHTF. If you have a large family, have lived in the same neighborhood and attended the same clubs and churches for most of your life, then you are probably well aware of who is solid and who will leave you in the dust when times become difficult. Even then, you are liable to discover that some people will disappoint you.

    You do what you can with the help you have on hand, but the stresses of economic uncertainty, social unrest, increasingly oppressive government, and the lack of creature comforts can drive seemingly strong and confident people to do stupid and cowardly things.

    They may be close friends or family; individuals you care for. Or, they may be newer associates attempting to build a preparedness group from scratch. If you notice a penchant for running from adversity today when standing fast under pressure is necessary, then there is a good chance these same people will crumble when staring down a societal nightmare tomorrow. Always make a point to know which persons you can rely on before you might need them.

    They Become Hotheads And Tyrants

    On the other side of the coin, there are those individuals who believe that if they can control everything and everyone in their vicinity then this will somehow mitigate the chaos of the world around them. They are people who secretly harbor fantasies of being kings during collapse. These folks are usually not very successful or well-liked in times of stability, and they long for conflict and destruction to make way for their “rebirth” so that they will receive the respect they think they always deserved.

    Hotheads are a considerable liability as well, jumping headlong into strategically foolish situations and luring others into a zero-sum game. Their argument is always “If not now, then when!” As if the now and the when of a conflict are irrelevant and the fighting is all that matters. These people are the reverse of the unreliable cowards. They want blood. They want glory. They have something to prove, and they will sacrifice you and others to make this happen if the mood strikes them. Refusing to stand firm when calamity is on the horizon is a failing, but so is creating calamity because of a lack of intelligent planning. Finding people who understand the middle ground between these extremes will be a vital task for those who wish to survive and thrive during upheaval.

    They Become Political Extremists

    Throughout most modern collapses, two politically extreme ideologies tend to bubble to the surface — communism and fascism. Both come from the same root psychosis, the psychosis of collectivism. However, they are expressed is somewhat different ways.

    To summarize down to very simple socio-psychological terms, communism is collectivism based on the demonization of individual merit and the demonization of production based on individual gain. Communism sees individualists as anomalies that threaten the greater good of the greater number. They usually seek to remove or eliminate individualists and individualist philosophies so that the collective may succeed as a single homogenized unit. Communists steal from the strong to artificially support the weak until the strong no longer exist.

    Fascism is collectivism based on the idea that the strong prevail over the weak and that the weak survive only by the good graces of the strong. While communism demands forced charity to “harmonize” the unsuccessful with the successful until they are indistinguishable, fascism demands that the unsuccessful be erased so that there is no need to harmonize. It should also be noted that fascists see those who disagree with them as a “weakness” within their master collective that must also be eliminated.

    Communism and fascism have a kind escalating and abusive love affair. The more insane and pervasive communists become with their attempts to dominate language and thought, the more communists use organized mobs to control public discourse, the more other people see fascist solutions as a viable way to deal with them. Brownshirt gangs beating communists (along with many others) to death in the streets is usually one of these solutions. This is exactly what took place in Europe during the Great Depression, and it could very well happen again throughout the West.

    Both ends of the spectrum make it their top priority to gain control of government so they can use it as a weapon against the other side. The reality is, behind the curtain elitists are playing both sides, encouraging the public in the delusion that they can only choose between one or the other; between communism and fascism.

    Ironically, as people flock to these extremist political views, they will invariably accuse fair minded liberty activists of being the “vicious extremists.” The best liberty activists can do is to not fall into the trap of the false paradigm as well, and to fight smarter than either the communists or the fascists are capable.

    They Become Religious Zealots

    Extreme political views are not the only siren song during societal breakdown. Religious zealotry is readily abundant during crisis. Zealotry is essentially fanaticism to the point of complete moral ambiguity. Everyone who does not believe the way the zealot believes is the “other,” and the other is an enemy that must be annihilated. In the realm of the zealot there is no such thing as “live and let live.” Their ideology must reign supreme without question or opposition.

    Zealotry is also not limited to major religions; it is also common in the cultism of ideologies. Cultural Marxism (groups like "Black Lives Matter" and third wave feminism), for example, are perfect examples of a different brand of religious zealotry. There is no logic or reason behind their beliefs or worldview, and no room for dissent. They have their own taboos and their own dogma, their own high priests and their own gods (government, mother earth, etc.) Their directive is to eradicate other beliefs and ways of viewing the world as “heretical” while rationalizing what they do using their own broad interpretations of their own “religious texts.”

    The ultimate goal of any zealot is to establish a theocracy, in which their belief system becomes the only known system. All other belief systems are forcibly buried and forgotten along with any people who get in the way.

    They Abandon Their Moral Compass

    Hollywood it seems has half the world convinced that in times of great distress, only the amoral will survive. Morally relative characters are painted as “heroic” leaders that are willing to “do what is necessary,” while people with moral foundations who do not bend the rules of conscience or natural law in spite of terrible times are painted as weak or stupid, dying in horrible ways because they refused to adopt an “every man for himself” attitude.

    The truth is the complete opposite. Morally relative people when discovered are usually the first to be routed out or the first to die in survival situations because they cannot be trusted. No one wants to cooperate with them except perhaps other morally relative people. Such congregations of evil do collaborate successfully for a time based on the concept of mutual criminality for mutual gain, but eventually, they will be hunted down by those they have wronged and wiped out.

    Regardless of how they rationalize their activities or the short term gains they enjoy at the onset of collapse, moral relativists have the odds stacked against them in the long run.

    *  *  *

    Fear and instability are like a radioactive stew, a Chernobyl effect that breeds strange creatures in men. We look back at our history and think that we know and understand what we are capable of, or that such tragedies could never happen again. But chaos rises anew and the shadow side of each and every human being is put to the test. In most cases, it is self-ignorance in the individual that opens the door to collective demons. That said, the conditions of collapse that triggered societal fear in the first place are many times engineered by elitist interests for the very reason that in this way the masses can be made monstrous.

    We make the defeat of such elitists more possible every time we avoid the stupidity of the choices above and continue down the path of conscience, courage, truth and wisdom. When fear is made inconsequential, we cannot be manipulated. And if we cannot be manipulated into fighting shadows, or fighting each other, then the only people left to fight are the very people that originally sought to divide us.

  • How This Default Cycle Is Different: Record Low Recovery Rates

    At the end of January, when looking at some recent liquidating energy companies selling off their assets in “stalking horse” bankruptcy auctions, we found something disturbing: total recovery rates under liquidation of oil and gas companies were paltry, ranging anywhere between 5 and 20 cents on the dollar, and averaging a little under 15 cents.


    While we had a rather limited universe of cases we made the following observation: “these bankruptcy auctions confirm recoveries on existing debt will be paltry, and based on our limited dataset, average to roughly 15 cents on total debt exposure, which includes both secured and unsecured debt.”

    A few months later we have a more complete data set and we can confirm that it is indeed the case that one novel feature about this particular default cycle are the record low recovery rates on bankrupt bonds.

    First, here are some thoughts from JPM’s Peter Acciavatti, who first notes the dramatic surge in default volume which in February soared to a four-year high:

    Default activity increased notably in February, as eight companies defaulted totaling $9.3bn in high-yield bonds ($8.5bn) and leveraged loans ($766mn). This month’s activity marked the highest number of defaults since nine companies defaulted in August 2009 and the highest monthly volume since November 2011’s $9.5bn (excluding 2014’s defaults of TXU and CZR in April and December, respectively). By comparison, five companies defaulted totaling $5.25bn in January, which followed five defaults totaling a 2015-high $8.2bn in December and three defaults totaling $5.26bn in November. Default activity has picked up over the last several months, as February marked the fourth consecutive month of greater than $5bn in default volume, and the sixth $5bn month over the past nine. Further evidencing the recent pick up in activity, an average of $5.4bn has defaulted per month over the last seven months, compared with a $2.1bn average over the prior seven months and a modest $1.6bn monthly average from 2010 through 2014 (ex-TXU and CZR). Year to date, 13 companies have defaulted totaling $14.6bn in bonds and loans, compared with five defaults and $4.4bn during the first two months last year. As a reminder, 37 companies defaulted totaling $37.7bn in bonds ($23.6bn) and loans ($14.1bn) in full-year 2015, the sixth highest total on record and the second highest total since the credit crisis, behind FY14’s 27 defaults and $69.9bn

    None of this is surprising: the default onslaught is by now well known, and the fact that it has so far remained isolated to the energy sector is the reason for the recent junk bond euphoria across other industries. Just yesterday, Credit Suisse wrote that “speculative bonds default rate reached a 6yr high of 3.3% in February. However, if you exclude energy, the US HY default rate actually went to 2.2% in Feb from 2.4% in January. This tells us that the market contagion is not translating (yet) into default contagion. Our high yield group compared it to the 2002 TMT blow-up (WCOM) , when everything sold off very hard but the defaults were confined to TMT.”

    Others, however, such as UBS’ Matthew Mish have disagreed:

    … while there may not be another ‘energy’ sector this cycle, our proverbial list of candidates includes lower quality high yield (ex-commodities) and commercial real estate (CRE). More broadly, the OCC’s own examiners would also likely add asset-backed and auto loans to the list. The stark conclusions these credit officers draw with respect to the massive easing of credit standards due to competitive pressures seems clear enough – but unfortunately they seem to largely fall on deaf ears.

    Whether or not Credit Suisse, and the recent influx of record retail fund flows into junk is right


    … or just a momentary bout of euphoria, remains to be seen and is largely irrelevant for the time being. What matters far more is what else Acciavatti writes further on in his latest weekly default report: it confirms what we first observed over a month ago.

    Recovery rates in 2016 are extremely low... for high-yield bonds, the recovery rate YTD is 10.3% (10.5% senior secured and 0.5% senior subordinate), which is well below the 25-year annual average of 41.4%. Final recovery rates in 2015 for high-yield bonds were 25.2%, compared with recoveries of 48.1%, 52.7%, 53.2%, 48.6%, and 41.0% in full-years 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, and 2010, respectively. Notably, average recoveries for Energy and Metals/Mining bonds were 18.3% and 20.0%, respectively, which weighed down overall high-yield recovery rates. Excluding the troubled commodity sectors, high-yield recoveries were a more respectable 46.1% (32.1% Ex-Energy only). As for loans, recovery rates for first-lien loans thus far in 2016 are 24.5%, compared with their 18-year annual average of 67.2%. Final 2015 1st lien recoveries were 48.2%, while average recoveries for Energy and Metals/Mining 1st lien loans were 44.1% and 38.4%, respectively.

    The record collapse in recovery rates is shown below.

    It is not just JPM who points out what we first noticed in January: in an interview with Goldman’s Allison Nathan, credit guru Edward Altman reiterates that same warning, although he focuses on the 2015 recovery rate which already is more than two times higher than that seen in 2016 defaults:

    Allison Nathan: What is your view on recovery rates?


    Edward Altman: Our approach to recovery rates is not centered on sectors. What we’ve looked at carefully over 25 years is the correlation between default rates and recovery rates. As you would expect, when the former rise to high or above-average levels, you always observe the latter dropping to below-average levels. This strong inverse relationship is as much a function of supply and demand as it is of company fundamentals. So if we are expecting a higher default rate in 2016 and even 2017, then we would expect a lower recovery rate. Already in 2015, the recovery rate dropped dramatically relative to 2014 even though the default rate was below average; we saw a 33-34% recovery rate versus the historical average of 45%, measured as the price just after default. This is primarily due to the heavy concentration of energy companies whose recovery rates depend on their ability to liquidate their assets at reasonable prices, which in turn depends on the price of oil. Low oil prices have pushed recovery rates in the energy sector below 25% and even into the single digits for some companies. And that’s going to continue. So this year I expect recovery rates much below average, producing a double-whammy of high default rates and low recovery rates for credit investors.

    So why do recovery rates matter? Simple: they determine the exit IRR calculation for distressed investors in the case of a bankruptcy.

    A simple analysis on the importance of how recovery rates play into purchase assumptions was made once again by UBS’ Matt Mish three weeks ago, when he calculated at what yield bond investors should start to buy the numerous distressed opportunities. This is what he said:

    In our 2016 US high yield outlook we posited there is one central question that will dictate the outlook for high yield: will credit markets be able to absorb refinancing needs of almost $1tn stressed and distressed credit. And we continue to believe this should be THE debate in the market. In our view, if the lower quality rung of the market cannot stabilize the balance of risks is for contagion to spread further. So what is the clearing level for what we believe is upwards of $750 – 1tn in stressed credit? First, investors will require compensation for loss risks; cohorts of triple Cs typically experience 5yr cumulative default rates of 55 – 65% near the end of the cycle, implying half of the universe defaults before the end of year 5 and no longer pay coupons. Assuming recovery rates of 35% an investor should require roughly 12% yield to compensate for loss risks alone… 


    Further, although our prior analysis assumes hold-to-maturity, investors will need to be compensated for the fact that illiquidity may prevent them from selling when needed. Bottom line, our conversations with investors suggest yields in the 20 – 25% context could be attractive enough to draw in marginal capital – although several investors noted that is reasonable for triple C risk excluding commodities. In short, we’re not there yet.

    Keeping everything constant, and assuming these new, if not improved, record low recovery rates, what it means is that for Mish’ analysis to hold, the yield required to compensate for loss risks doubles to over 20%, while the all-in liquidity risk analysis moves the 20-25% yield threshold to over 30%, if not 40% if one indeed is expected to recover 10 cents on the dollar in the upcoming default wave.

    That record lower recovery rate also explains what we discussed earlier, namely the desire of banks to force an equity short squeeze in energy stocks, so these distressed names are able to issue equity with which to repay secured loans to banks who are scrambling to get out of the capital structure of distressed E&P names. Or as MatlinPatterson’s Michael Lipsky put it: “we always assume that secured lenders would roll into the bankruptcy become the DIP lenders, emerge from bankruptcy as the new secured debt of the company. But they don’t want to be there, so you are buying the debt behind them and you could find yourself in a situation where you could lose 100% of your money.

    And so, one by one the pieces of the puzzle fall into place: banks, well aware that they are facing paltry recoveries in bankruptcy on their secured exposure (and unsecured creditors looking at 10 cents on the dollar), have engineered an oil short squeeze via oil ETFs…


    … to push oil prices higher, to unleash the current record equity follow-on offering spree

    … to take advantage of panicked investors who are desperate to buy the new equity issued. Those proceeds, however, will not go to organic growth or even to shore liquidity but straight to the bank to refi loan facilities and let banks, currently on the hook, leave silently by the back door. Meanwhile, the new investors have no security claims and zero liens, and are in fact at the very bottom of the capital structure, face near certain wipe outs.

    In short, once the current short squeeze is over, expect everyone to start paying far more attention to recovery rates and the true value of “fundamentals.”

  • Desperation Moves: Romney Plots To Block Trump At Republican Convention

    Only in America's so-called democracy could a proven "loser" so vehemently and shamelessly condemn a current "winner" with the goal of overturning 'we, the people's' prospective leader in favor of himself. In the latest (and most desperate) action from the neocon establishment, CNN reports Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention (by revising rules for instance). As The GOP self-immolates, perhaps Romney – as the mouthpiece of the establishment – should pay heed to Florida Governor Risk Scott who explained "I trust the voters, so I will not try to tell the Republican voters in Florida how to vote." Democracy, indeed.

    Following his attack speech this morning, CNN reports that Romney is quickly mobilizing Plan B…

    Mitt Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention, a source close to Romney's inner circle says.


    The 2012 GOP nominee's advisers are examining what a fight at the convention might look like and what rules might need revising.


    "It sounds like the plan is to lock the convention," said the source.


    Romney is focused on suppressing Trump's delegate count to prevent him from accumulating the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the nomination.


    But implicit in Romney's request to his team to explore the possibility of a convention fight is his willingness to step in and carry the party's banner into the fall general election as the Republican nominee. Another name these sources mentioned was House Speaker Paul Ryan, Romney's running mate in 2012.

    Because nothing says "success" like an old establishment "loser" when the American people are screaming out for change… and not this kind of change (again)…

    According to the source, CNN reports that Romney does not expect Rubio, Cruz or Kasich to emerge as the single candidate that can accumulate 1,237 delegates and outright defeat Trump before the convention. So the only way to rob Trump of a victory would be to keep him from reaching that magic 1,237 number.

    Most Republican states allocate their delegates proportionally, or in a hybrid format that gives delegates both to the statewide winner and at the congressional district level. This means rather than winnowing the competition down to a single Trump alternative, it could make more sense for all of the current candidates to stay in the race for a stop Trump movement, according to one source.


    In addition, two senior Republican Party insiders told CNN that the convention scenario is now dominating a lot of conversation in GOP fundraising circles. To be sure, both of these sources are skeptical about Romney being able to execute this plan, but both believe that there is a real attempt underway to try to do this.

    Even Lou Dobbs was shocked…

    Perhaps Mr Romney should listen to Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott:

    Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott is not endorsing a candidate in the party's presidential race ahead of his state's March 15 primary.


    "I have made it my practice to not get involved in primaries because picking the Republican candidate is the voters’ job," Scott wrote in a statement posted to Facebook on Thursday.


    "The political class opposed me when I first ran for office, they did not want a businessman outsider, but the voters had other ideas," he said.


    "I trust the voters, so I will not try to tell the Republican voters in Florida how to vote by endorsing a candidate before our primary on March 15," Scott continued. "I believed in the voters when I first ran for office, and I still believe in them today."

    Ah – we love the smell of democracy in the morning; or is that the burning smell of a Republican party on fire? As The Patriot Post's Nate Jackson so eloquently sums up the farce:

    Millions of Americans are fed up with the establishment of both parties. And the Republican base is fed up with nominees like Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney, all of whom lost to younger, more energetic and appealing Democrats. So naturally, the solution to that frustration yielding the rise of Donald Trump is to … roll out Mitt Romney to denounce him. That’s exactly what the last GOP presidential loser did Thursday.

    But the most important takeaway is that the messenger is deeply flawed, which will only reinforce in the minds of Trump supporters that they should stand by their man.

    That said, Romney’s speech isn’t for Trump supporters. It’s to stem the tide of elected Republicans conceding the nomination to Trump without continuing to fight.

    Romney lost in 2012 because he implemented ObamaCare in Massachusetts before there was ObamaCare. He was a moderate technocrat who spoke conservatism as a second language. That doesn’t mean he would’ve been a bad president; on the contrary, his generally non-ideological philosophy and his history of turning around both companies and the Salt Lake City Olympics perhaps uniquely qualified him to serve at that moment in American history. But he lost, despite the fact, as Trump said, he “should have beaten Barack Obama easily.”

    Even Trump’s endorsement couldn’t save Romney in 2012.

    Going forward, Romney’s advice is simple:

    “[T]he rules of political history have pretty much all been shredded during this campaign. If the other candidates can find common ground, I believe we can nominate a person who can win the general election and who will represent the values and policies of conservatism. Given the current delegate selection process, this means that I would vote for Marco Rubio in Florida, for John Kasich in Ohio, and for Ted Cruz or whichever one of the other two contenders has the best chance of beating Mr. Trump in a given state.”

    Translation: Aim for a brokered convention. If Trump loses in such a way, however, it would surely drive away Trump supporters, and Trump himself would no doubt launch a third-party run after having been not “treated fairly.”

    So we have many in the establishment signaling they would be just fine with a Washington dealmaker like Trump — Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee and others come to mind, but also conservatives like Jeff Sessions. And we have conservatives like Sen. Ben Sasse and a growing list of others who vow not to support Trump. Many among the conservative intelligentsia (for lack of a better word) also have declared Trump unacceptable. Meanwhile, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and John Kasich show no signs of exiting the race, even amidst growing calls on the Right for a Cruz/Rubio unity ticket.

    Now we have the two previous Republican nominees denouncing the current Republican frontrunner. Are we witnessing the collapse of the Grand Old Party? And is there any way to win a gimme election this year with such a fractured party?

    Source: Ben Garrison

    And in tonight's debate (the 23781st we believe), Trump destroys Romney with his response to the first question:

    "He was a failed candidate. He should have beaten President Obama very easily,"


    "He failed miserably. And it was an embarrassment to everybody, including the Republican Party."


    "So I don't take that. And I guess obviously he wants to be relevant. He wants to be back in the game."

  • Revolutionary Guards: The Way Of The Iranian Future

    Submitted by Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk via,

    Iranian elections have supposedly put a very nice ‘moderate’ spin on Iranian politics in parliamentary ranks, and more importantly, Assembly of Experts composition. While it would be churlish to deny, it represents a significant step forward for President Rouhani’s agenda to 2017, albeit a number of vital caveats remain for how real any political shift actually is. We’ll do the Parliament first, and then move onto the Assembly second. With a ‘grand finale’ of what it means for Iranian Presidential outcomes, and associated production profiles at the end.

    The first point to flag on the Showra is that it still actually remains more Conservative than moderate in composition (both of which are obviously relative terms in Iranian politics given 12,000 candidates were already barred from standing by the Guardian Council). The final composition of the 285 seat body will only be complete in May 2016 once votes are counted and around 50 second round run-offs are completed where 25% thresholds weren’t reached. But broadly speaking, we can expect more conservative creep in rural areas given moderate gains have already been counted in urban areas. Most notably taking all 30 seats in Tehran. That accounts for the vast majority of the 40 scalps won by the last minute ‘Reformist & Government Supporters (RSG) coalition thrown together under a Rouhani umbrella. The group broadly consists of pragmatic conservatives, centrists, and a sprinkling of reformers that undoubtedly did better than expected. But ironically the main reason for that was rather than picking the ‘wrong’ pre-screening fight with the Guardian Council, Rouhani, Rafsanjani and Mohammad Khatami oversaw a very clever broad church ‘branding exercise’ that essentially lumped them all into the same moderate RSG camp.

    Despite that, the Conservative Comprehensive Principlist Alliance (CPA) still holds 41 seats, with further gains likely to be made in rural areas. It’s entirely true; the harder-line Steadfastness Front lost considerable ground on the political right. But many of the spoils didn’t go into RSG pockets; rather independent candidates picked up 58 seats as an eclectic political bunch instead. So much for all the numbers here, what are the political implications in play? While this undoubtedly gives Parliament a more moderate slant than it’s had since the early 1990s, it’s vital to note that political parties don’t really exist per se in Iran, but merely constitute loser coalitions and groupings. Moderates won’t ever vote as a unified bloc, which means Rouhani will have to keep tweaking his agenda to secure votes, and essentially still work with stauncher Conservative elements. In Western parlance, this is basically a ‘hung parliament’. In Iranian parlance, it’s a reasonable political balance where endless ‘camel-trading’ should allow for progress beyond hard line intransigence to be made. No more, no less. On no counts is this a ‘liberal panacea’.

    Indeed, things get far more interesting when you turn to the Assembly of Experts. The headline news for the 88 member body is the conservative chair of the Assembly, Mohammad Yazdi and arch conservative Mesbah Yazdi, both lost their seats, while Rafsanjani, pragmatic cleric, Mohammad Emami Kashani and Rouhani himself, all got in as the leading names amongst Tehran’s 16 Assembly candidates. That matters not only because the body sits for eight year terms, but because ‘formally speaking’, it’s the primary organ responsible for selecting the next Supreme Leader (Rabhar) when Ayatollah Khamenei’s health gives out. A near certainty within the eight year window we’re looking at here. The naïve spin is this gives ‘moderate’ voices far more clout when the time comes. But a more realistic discussion of how that unfolds, actually reveals the true nature of the regime, and why recent elections don’t shift the political needle that much. Again, the first point to note is you have to separate what the Iranian Constitution formally states, and who’s actually going to calls the shots.

    Sure, the Guardian Council, Expediency Council, the Assembly of Experts and even the sitting President will all have a say on the next Supreme Leader. But the fundamental power behind the ‘theocratic throne’ is ultimately going to be the Revolutionary Guards who’ll be working hand in hand with Khamenei to eventually anoint a successor. For some, that could portend a ‘collective leadership model’ where the Guards basically orchestrate a silent coup at the top towards ‘leadership by committee’. For others (and in our view a more realistic call), is any future leader will merely be far weaker than Khamenei to make sure any new Ayatollah is ultimately answering to the Guards, not the other way round.

    Where Mr. Rouhani comes back into that loop, is far from directly challenging that outcome, he’s ultimately likely to quietly support it. For all the liberal pledges made in 2013 to ‘de-securitize’ Iranian politics, Rouhani comes from (and remains) part of the security establishment; aka he’s not any kind of threat to it. Any reform based impetus is entirely designed to prolong, reinforce, and if needs be, reinvent, the ‘revolution’ to maintain the status quo. That’s precisely why the Guards made its Faustian pact to push to the nuclear through with Rouhani, provided the core commercial (and ultimately political), gains ended up in their pockets. Strip away the ‘moderate gloss’, and the Guards remain the ‘political undercoat’ of the regime, with an extensive grip on business, military, and intelligence pallets across the board.

    For our sharper readers, that presents a very interesting question for what Rouhani does next. Both in relation to the never ending ‘IPC saga’, and indeed the associated issue of 2017 Presidential elections. Being deeply cynical, as much as Rouhani has just given hard-liners a good electoral kick in the head, he’s arguably tightened the political noose around his own neck in the process. At this stage, Rouhani has absolutely no excuses if he can’t prove that nuclear opening was the way to go ahead of Presidential polls in terms of big ticket investments into the Islamic Republic. He has the green light with the IAEA; to casual observers, he has the green light from ‘a new look’ Parliament that shouldn’t throw too many spanners in the FDI works. He even has a say in the succession debate, both as sitting President, and securing his seat on the Assembly of Experts. But in reality, his political window is very short here. Unless Rouhani can finally get the IPC ‘to market’ by May 2016, currently stuck in deep political weeds between the drafting committee and NIOC who can’t agree on credible terms in a low price environment, we think the President will have no choice but to ditch any hope of the IPC coming through, and start brokering bilateral deals instead.

    Iran & Iraq

    That’s likely to be the case with European IOCs, where Iran clearly wants them ‘front of house’ as prospective operators. Flimsy MoU’s won’t cut it much longer in Iran; Rouhani needs firm deals and hard European cash in the bank at this stage. He’ll also have to blink first when it comes to Chinese haggling if Iran wants to get to grip with massive infrastructure gaps in rail, roads and ports. That’s not to mention making sure Iran has a decent insurance policy from broader international investors, just in case the US has any snap back second thoughts come November 2016 Presidential polls. Without cash injections in place, any economic openings are going to come up very politically short for Mr. Rouhani, and especially outside Tehran in likes the likes of Qom. Given Iran has already announced real term 5.6% budget cuts next year, Rouhani knows he remains the potential fall guy here. Sure, the 2017 Presidency probably remains his to lose right now. But 12 months is a very long time in Iranian politics to April 2017. Moderate smoke, Conservative mirrors. It’s the way of Iran’s political future.

  • "It Hasn't Been This Bad Since The Viking Age": Dry Bulk CEO Warns Of Bankruptcy Tsunami, Counterparty Risk

    In the past three months we have repeatedly shown that, despite the recent modest rebound off the all time lows, the bottom is about to fall out of the dry bulk shipping market in articles such as these:

    Overnight, the CEO of Dry bulk shipper Golden Ocean Group, Herman Billung spoke before an industry conference in Oslo, and made it clear that our worst-case expectations may prove to be optimistic.

    Photo: Golden Ocean Group

    He said that Dry Bulk shippers should expect little respite for another two years, adding that an enormous oversupply of vessels isn’t sustainable: “It’s a fair assumption to make that only half of the orderbook in 2016 will be delivered.”

    He warned that “in the coming months there will be a lot of bankruptcies, counterparty risk will be on everybody’s lips.”

    Useful tip: any time a CEO is warning about counterparty risk, it’s probably a good idea to listen.

    Just to emphasize his point to the local audience he said that “The market has never been this bad before in modern history. We haven’t seen a market this bad since the Viking age. This is not sustainable for anybody and will lead to dramatic changes.”

    Yes, it’s that bad.

    And what’s worse, is that once Billung is proven to be right and the dry bulk bankruptcy tsunami is unleashed sweeping away hundreds of ships with it, the next question will be just which  (mostly European) banks, have the greatest “secured” loan exposure to the dry bulk industry, a sector where we fully expect recoveries on secured loans to be in the pennies on the dollar.

  • Fed Makes A Stunning Discovery: "Consumers Across The Country Are Borrowing More To Buy Cars And Go To School"

    Roughly four year after our readers were well aware that contrary to infantile suggestions that the US consumer is deleveraging, and was instead being burried under trillions in new auto and student loans…


    … the Fed has finally “figured it out.”

    Since we have said everything there is to say on the topic, here is the shocked Fed discovering that it has enbaled the biggest consumer debt spree in history.

    And yes, before you ask, taxpayer money was spent on this “study.”

    From the St. Louis Fed

    What Has Happened to Consumer Debt Since the Great Recession?

    In Figure 1, total real per capita consumer debt for the nation and the Eighth District is presented relative to their respective balances in 2003 to compare debt growth. Between the first quarter of 2003 and the third quarter of 2008, total per capita debt in the nation increased around 50 percent. Much of this rise stemmed from increased mortgage borrowing. From that peak, per capita debt declined until the second half of 2013, a process known as “deleveraging” whereby consumers discharge or pay down debts. After reaching a turning point in 2013, total per capita debt has been growing at a gradual pace in the District and has been essentially flat for the nation.

    The pattern for consumer debt growth in the District is similar to that of the nation, although there are some important exceptions. In particular, the run-up in debt was milder than that observed for the nation. More affordable house prices within the District played a big role in moderating the growth of overall mortgage borrowing. In turn, this protected consumers from the worst of the housing crash. While the District did deleverage, the intensity was much milder.

    Borrowing for Higher Education and Automobiles Are Driving Debt Rebound

    Consumers across the country are borrowing more to finance car purchases and pursue higher education. For both the nation and the District, student and auto loans combine for around 90 percent of debt growth since the fourth quarter of 2012. In Figure 2, the remarkable growth is reflected by the average amount of auto and student debt held by borrowers. Average auto debt grew at a similar rate to student loans since the close of 2010. However, unlike auto loans, the recession did little to slow the growth of student loan balances. Since 2003, the average student loan balance has increased by more than 58 percent.

    Some reports argue that part of the slow recovery is due to recent graduates paying down student debt rather than buying houses and other goods. Figure 3 breaks down the growth in both student debt and auto debt by age groups and highlights the groups generating the majority of the economic activity.

    The vast majority of new student loan debt is concentrated in younger age groups. Coupled with consistently rising average balances, this heavy concentration of new debt among the young supports the theory that these borrowers will experience headwinds in the form of a longer deleveraging period before other spending or saving decisions may be financially sound. In contrast, much of the new auto debt is concentrated in the older age groups. This is especially true for the District, where 61 percent of new auto debt was accumulated by individuals age 56 and above.

    Serious Delinquency Rates Tell a Story of Financial Hardship

    As borrowers encounter unexpected setbacks—both financial and otherwise—they are more likely to fall behind on loan payments. If the duress is prolonged or worsens, then borrowers’ loans may fall into serious delinquency (defined as a payment is overdue by at least 90 days). Figure 4 shows the serious delinquency rates for both student loans and auto loans.

    Intuitively, the rate for auto loans rose during the recession and peaked at close to double the pre-recession rate. The rate for student loans also rose over the same period, but never declined substantially. However, these delinquency rates likely understate the effective delinquency rates, because many student loans are in deferment, grace periods or forbearance and are temporarily not in the repayment cycle.

    The implications of these alarmingly high rates is not immediately clear, especially given that many student loans cannot be shed in personal bankruptcy. However, a large share of young borrowers saddled with severely delinquent loans may inhibit aggregate economic growth as this group is unable to participate in other economic activities, such as buying a home or saving for retirement.

    Borrowing Differs Greatly Across Large Cities

    Data at the MSA level in the Eighth District also show different experiences for borrowers. As seen in Figure 5, Memphis’ student debt growth in 2015 well outpaced that of the nation and other large District cities.

    Serious delinquency rates for student debt rose across every city, while the rate fell for the nation as a whole. Of note, Louisville experienced a sharp increase over the year, representing the highest point in 13 years.

    For auto debt, borrowers in each large city, as well as the nation, were accumulating debt at a rapid rate. Serious delinquency rates for auto debt largely held steady and were a quarter of the rate for student loans. This largely reflects the greater financial security, on average, for borrowers in older age groups.

    Further Analysis Ahead

    This powerful dataset will allow us to monitor these statistics and several others across a wide range of geographic areas. In the next quarter, we will showcase trends for consumer debt across the nation, District and large District MSAs. Ultimately, we hope to provide valuable information to policymakers, business leaders, nonprofits and others interested in following this key component of household balance sheets.

    Figure 1

    figure 1

    Figure 2

    figure 2

    Figure 3

     figure 3

    Figure 4

    figure 4

    Figure 5

    figure 5

  • Equity Markets Are The Most Complacent Since The Fed Stopped Printing Money

    Having risen to its highest level ever in August 2015, the volatility of volatility has collapsed. As traders position increasingly for negative interest rates in the US, the last month has seen ‘uncertainty’ crash to its most complacent in over 18 months.. and all this as well-chosen data corners The Fed (if it was truly data-dependent) to hike rates (or at best make hawkish over tones). Perhaps this is peak complacency ahead of tomorrow’s do-or-die jobs data?


    VVIX (the estimate of the uncertainty of the cost of insuring equity risk) has tumbled to its lowest level since the end of QE3…

    Chart: Bloomberg


    As we noted recently, it seems the VIX derivative market is expecting more easing. QE? Unlikely. But NIRP maybe… as bets on The Fed going negative soar to record highs…

    Chart: Bloomberg

  • UBS: "There Is No Doubt That The Move In Oil Is TOTALLY Short Squeeze Led", Here's Why

    Earlier today we showed how, courtesy of massive synthetic positions where Oil ETFs are currently net long 272k lots of oil, equal to 56% of the front month open-interest in futures, the price of oil is being propped up by ETF buying, either outright or via an ongoing, relentless short squeeze.


    This was to be expected: as we warned a little over a month ago, as a result of a record number of oil shorts, there is a “constant threat of a short squeeze.” As SocGen further elaborated, “a positive surprise could happen quite sharply, as short positions are likely to be squeezed by a profit-taking move. On WTI, the in-the-money short positions are really dominating at the front end of the curve while out-of-the-money long positions are dominating at the long end of the curve: the front end of oil curve could thus be more exposed to some profit-taking.”

    It certainly has.

    Today, one Wall Street firm confirms that indeed the recent move in oil has nothing to do with fundamentals, and everything to do with positioning, and as UBS explains, “the performance is TOTALLY short-squeeze led.

    Here’s why:



    Yesterday oil ended in the green despite a very large reported crude inventory build, a reflection of how biased to the downside sentiment and positioning already is. Today, crude started in the read and has been mixed from there but moving higher. And both days, the stocks have lead with energy the best performing subsector in the S&P.


    Now, there is no doubt that the performance today is TOTALLY short-squeeze led. Though it also shows how negative sentiment and positioning is.


    Interestingly, with energy outperforming the market the last few days for the first time in a very long while, I actually got a few long only generalist type calls yesterday. Nothing concrete but generalists who are underweight the space trying to figure out if this is a turning point…

    • Positioning and sentiment very biased to the short side/ underweight. And as we move up, the move is also exxacerbated by short gamma positions that have to cover at higher levels.
    • Despite high oil inventories (and still building), most upstream producers (from Exxon on down) have guided to lower than expected production as a result of lower capex.
    • Ongoing hopes of a potential agreement between OPEC and non-OPEC members (seems umlikely but now a meeting set for March 20th is reviving some market hopes).
    • A couple of supply issues like Kirkuk/Ceyhan pipeline damage taking longer to repair than expected and Farcados force majeure in Nigeria still on going issue.
    • Credit players covering equity shorts — evident today that “good credit names” are underperforming and “bad credit names” outperforming.
    • We took a day break from equity issuances in the space ystd and this morning… despite energy’s strong performance. Though rest assured we haven’t seen the end of issuances yet (RRC WLL, RSPP, MUR, CRZO GPORare all top of mind)… by the same token all this energy issuances are helping the credit side of things which has also been the culprit of the issue.

    One may wonder if the squeeze is forced, or simply momentum driven, although we would like to quickly point us that most of the recent equity offerings by O & G companies who have benefited from the rally have noted in the “use of proceeds” that the raised capital would be used to pay down secured debt, i.e., take out the banks. In other words, it is as if the banks are orchestrating a squeeze to allow the shale companies to raise capital which will then allow them to repay their secured debt to the banks, secured debt whose recoveries as we have recently shown are practically non-existent in bankruptcy.


    Which in turn means that all that is happening is a new layer of equity is coming in to take out the same banks who, as we recented noted, no longer have an interest in being in part of the capital structure. Impossible, you say? Recall what MatlinPatterson’s Michael Lipsky said two weeks ago:

    “we always assume that secured lenders would roll into the bankruptcy become the DIP lenders, emerge from bankruptcy as the new secured debt of the company. But they don’t want to be there, so you are buying the debt behind them and you could find yourself in a situation where you could lose 100% of your money.”

    Which leads us to the most important question: if the oil recovery is “real” why are the banks in such a desperate scramble to get the hell out of Dodge?

    As for what this means for returns to new equity investors, we believe the answer is self-evident.

  • It's Official: Canada Has Sold All Of Its Gold Reserves

    One month ago, when looking at the latest Canadian official international reserves, we noticed something strange: Canada had sold nearly half of its gold reserves in one month. According to the February data, total Canadian gold reserves stood at 1.7 tonnes. That was just 0.1 per cent of the country’s total reserves, which also include foreign currency deposits and bonds. 

    As we noted, the decision to sell came from Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s office.

    “Canada’s gold reserves belong to the Government of Canada, and are held under the name of the Minister of Finance,” explained a spokesperson for the Bank of Canada on Wednesday. “Decisions relative to gold holdings are taken by the Minister of Finance.”
    Reached by Global News on Wednesday evening, a spokesperson for the finance department said the sale “was done in the normal course of business for the government. The decision to sell the gold was not tied to a specific gold price, and sales are being conducted over a long period and in a controlled manner.”

    This latest sell-off is indeed part of a much longer-term pattern of moving away from gold as a government-held asset. According to economist Ian Lee of the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University, Ottawa has no real reason to keep its gold reserves other than adhering to tradition.

    “Under the old system, (gold) backed up currencies,” Lee explained. “The U.S. dollar was tied to gold. One ounce was worth US$35. Then in 1971, for lots of reasons I won’t get into, Richard Nixon took the United States off the gold standard.”

    Gold and dollars were interchangeable until that point, he said, but in the modern financial world, the metal is no longer considered a form of currency.  “It is a precious metal, like silver … they can be sold like any asset.”

    The amount of gold the Canadian government holds has therefore been falling steadily since the mid-1960s, when over 1,000 tonnes were kept tucked away. Half of those reserves were sold by 1985, and then almost all the rest were sold through the 1990s up to 2002.

    By last year, Canada’s reserves were down to just three tonnes, and the latest sales have now halved that. At the current market rate, the value of 1.7 tonnes of gold comes in at just under CAD$100 million, barely a drop in the bucket when you consider the broader scope of federal finances.

    According to Lee, there may soon come a time when Canada’s gold reserves are entirely a thing of the past. There are better assets to focus on, he argued, calling the government’s decision to dump gold “wise and astute.”

    * * *

    Lee was right, because fast forward one month when earlier today Canada’s Department of Finance released its latest official international reserves and as of this moment it’s official – Canada has fully “broken away with tradition” and has exactly zero gold left.

    This is what it said:

    The Government of Canada sold 21,851 ounces of gold coins for settlement in February. On February 29, gold holdings stood at 77 ounces. The valuation is based on the February 29, 2016, London p.m. fix of US$1,234.90 per ounce.

    And now, Canada can focus on buying “better assets.” As to whether “the government’s decision to dump gold was wise and astute”, we’ll check back on that at some point in the near future.

  • The 2016 Presidential Vote Decision (Explained In 1 Cartoon)

    Lesser of two evils?




  • A Conversation With My Neighbor "Sam"

    Submitted by Mark Brandly via The Mises Institute,

    Lately, I’ve wondered how my neighbor, Sam, affords to buy so much stuff. He appears to have an unlimited budget.

    When I asked him about this, Sam asked, “Do you think I’m spending too much?”


    “That depends,” I said, “How much money do you make?”


    “I take home $100,000 a year.”


    That surprised me. I would guess that he’s spending more than that. But I tried to be encouraging, “That sounds like plenty of income. With a little planning, you should be able to budget your spending and be financially stable.”


    “But my finances are a mess,” Sam replied. “I spend more than I take home. Last year I had to borrow $12,000 just to cover my spending.”


    “Well maybe things will be better this year,” I said, hoping that Sam’s spending issues was a one year problem.


    “No,” Sam replied. “Actually, in the first three months of this year, I’ve already spent $19,000 more than I’ve made. It looks like my budget deficit this year will be much worse than it was last year.”

    Now I was starting to worry. “Have you been borrowing money to cover your spending for a long time?”


    “Oh yes. I have a lot of debt. Part of the problem is that I owe myself $150,000.”


    I wondered if Sam misspoke, “Wait, wait, wait, you owe yourself $150,000? Why do you think that you’re in debt to yourself?”


    “Well you see, over the years I promised myself that I was going to use my paychecks to pay for a fund for my children’s education, but instead of spending $150,000 on colleges, I spent the money on other expenses. So I figure that I owe myself this money so that I can pay for my children’s college tuitions.”

    Obviously Sam doesn’t understand the definition of the word “debt.”

    I tried to be polite in my response:

    “That doesn’t make any sense. It’s true that you’ve made some horrible decisions regarding your spending, but it’s ridiculous to claim that you owe yourself money. A debt occurs when one person owes another person money. Just because you changed your mind about how to spend your paychecks doesn’t mean that you’ve borrowed money from yourself.


    “So the first thing you need to do is to think clearly about the amount of debt you have. You don’t owe yourself any money. Now, forgetting about this ridiculous notion of self-debt, how much do you owe?”


    “Alright, I think I see your point. Let’s just talk about the rest of my debt. I owe various banks about $420,000. This debt is more than four times my take-home income.”

    Sam often lies about his income and spending issues, but he always understates his budget problem. If he’s lying now, then I can be sure that the problem is even greater than he says. I wanted more information.

    “That a pretty high debt to income ratio. But that might be somewhat manageable, although unwise, if you’ve borrowed that money at low interest rates.”


    “I have some good news and some bad news,” Sam said. “Interest rates are low. In fact, in the last fourteen years, my debt has more than quadrupled, but my interest payments have increased less than 50 percent. That’s because interest rates have collapsed during that time. Isn’t that good news?”


    “I suppose, but do you know that interest rates are going to increase over the next several years?”


    “Yes, that’s the bad news. In the past year, I only paid $7,000 of interest, but within ten years my debt will increase over 50 percent, and possibly much more, and with higher interest rates I expect to be paying at least four to five times that much in interest annually.”


    “That’s a huge problem. So to be able to make your loan payments, I assume that you’ve taken out some long-term loans.”


    “No, no, no. In order to take advantage of the low interest rates, most of my borrowing is short term. I rollover my loans quickly. In the past year my principal payments on these loans totaled $207,000.”

    “Let me get this straight. Your loan payments, including principal and interest, are well over twice your take home pay?”


    “Yes, I take home a little over $8,000 per month and my loan payments are over $17,000 per month. But it’s no problem. In the past year I borrowed $223,000 to cover everything.”

    Shocked, I said “How can you say borrowing more than twice your income is not a problem?”

    “I simply borrow all the money I need to make all of my loan payments. I never pay any of the loans down. I’ve been doing this for years, ever since I started spending more than I make.”


    “Okay. Most of your borrowing goes to cover your increasingly large principal and interest payments. And as interest rates rise, interest payments will become a bigger percentage of your spending.


    When that happens, your total debt will increase faster than your income. What is your plan, say in the next ten years, to correct this situation?”


    “Well I don’t have a plan for correcting anything, because I don’t see how I can cut my spending.”


    “What if the banks stop loaning you money to make your payments on your loans? What happens then?”


    “I guess I’m assuming that won’t happen.”

    Sam’s Budget Situation in Real Numbers

    If one of our neighbors budgeted in this manner, we would obviously conclude that the guy is crazy. No such plan could work. Eventually lenders would refuse to fund Sam’s spending.

    However, Sam’s situation looks a lot like the federal government budget plan. Take a look at some recent federal budget information and some Congressional Budget Office projections:

    • In FY (fiscal year) 2015, the feds had a budget deficit, counting only debt held by the public, of $339 billion, which is about 10 percent of their tax revenues of $3,248 billion. The deficit has been declining the last few years, but that is now changing.
    • In fact, in the first three months of FY 2016, according to the Treasury Department, federal debt held by the public increased $548 billion. Admittedly, some of this debt was due to the fact that the feds were cooking the books in FY 2015 when they hit the debt ceiling limit. Nonetheless, the first quarter 2016 deficit is already 60 percent larger than the overall 2015 deficit.
    • The federal government claims to owe itself over $5 trillion (they call it intragovernmental debt here). This $5 trillion represents tax revenues that were earmarked for specific spending programs, such as Social Security, but were spent on other programs. Since the feds collected taxes to pay for Social Security, but spent the money on something else, they conclude that they owe it to themselves to collect those tax revenues again. That’s the essence of intragovernmental debt. We should not count this as debt. Give the Treasury Department credit for ignoring this type of “debt” in their Daily Treasury Statements and in their end of the year debt reports.
    • As of September 30, 2015, the feds had $13.1 trillion of debt owed to the public. FY 2015 tax revenues totaled $3.248 trillion. So just like Sam the government has a 4 to 1 debt to tax revenue ratio.
    • In the past fourteen years, from September 30, 2001 (the start of George Bush’s first budget) to September 30, 2015 (the end of Barack Obama’s sixth budget), debt owed to the public increased from $3,339.3 billion to $13,123.8 billion. That’s an increase of 293 percent.
    • According to the Daily Treasury Statements, in the past fourteen years, interest on treasury securities increased from $162.5 billion in fiscal year 2001 to $233.1 billion in fiscal year 2015. That’s a 44 percent increase during the same period when federal debt owed to the public almost quadrupled.
    • In FY 2015, again according to the Daily Treasury Statements, the feds borrowed $7,251.4 billion (see the Public Debt Cash Issues for September 30, 2015), an average of almost $20 billion per day. They spent $6,740.3 billion of this borrowing rolling over their debt. So, Federal principal and interest payments are more than double federal tax revenues.
    • According to the Congressional Budget Office’s baseline projections, debt held by the public in 2025 should exceed $21 trillion and during that time interest rates are expected to increase. Interest rates have been kept artificially low for years. If interest rates return to a more normal level, say to the rates they were paying when George Bush took office fifteen years ago, then interest payments in 2025 will exceed $1.2 trillion. That’s over a 400 percent increase compared to the FY 2015 interest payments. I should note here that the baseline budget projections are optimistic. We should expect the debt situation in 2025 to be significantly worse than these projections.

    The federal government’s debt has exploded under the Bush and Obama administrations. Low interest payments due to the low interest rates have masked their budget problems. As interest rates and the spending gap on entitlement programs such as Social Security both increase, the budget problem will compound.

    The government’s plan is to borrow all of the money they need to pay all of their principal and interest payments and to also pay for the budget deficits in their spending programs. The question we should ask is: what’s going to happen when the world’s lenders refuse to bankroll DC’s spending schemes?

  • The Tragedy Of California's Public Pensions

    Submitted by C. Jay Engel via The Sullivan Group,

    It is well known that California has a pension problem that offers a challenge for public officials and current and future retirees alike. Even if people aren’t aware of the details, it has been talked about for quite some time that there are underlying aspects of the public retirement system that need to be addressed, sooner or later. The fact of the matter is that such problems can’t be ignored by the State forever; and what is perhaps more important to me, as one who professionally helps people secure their financial futures, is that the beneficiaries of these public pensions need to understand what is going on and work to prepare themselves for what is ahead.

    Thus, the purpose of this short overview of the problem is to help awaken people to their own unique scenarios, to inspire them to make the proper moves before it is too late.  Everyone is in a different situation and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to figuring out what one should do personally; but hopefully after considering the following, the reader will be encouraged to reflect deeper on how the pension crisis may affect their futures.

    The first thing to understand is that California’s public pension system is made up of a conglomeration of “6 state plans, 21 county plans, 32 city plans, and 27 special district and other plans” according to the Independent Institute Senior Fellow Lawrence J. McQuillan (McQuillan, page 3). The majority of these operate on a “defined benefit” model, which means that, upon retirement, these plans pay a specific amount per month for the rest of the retiree’s life. By far, the three largest of these 86 CA pension systems are CalPERS (1.68 million retirees), CalSTRS (868k retirees), and UCRP (253k retirees). For the remainder of this article, we will refer to these as the Big Three.

    The “defined benefit” for these retirees rests on a relatively complicated formula which includes the number of years employed with the employer, one’s age at retirement, and one’s “final compensation.” There are fluctuations and other variables within this formula as well and factors can also include the specific employer, the occupation, and even variations of contract specifics. However, as Jon Ortiz reports in the Merced Sun-Star:“the largest group of state workers is under a "2 at 55" formula. To give an example here, assume an employee has worked for 30 years before retiring at age 55, her final compensation being $100,000. The “2 at 55” formula would indicate that she gets 2% of her salary (100k) multiplied by the 30 years she worked. 2% of her salary is $2k, which multiplied by 30 giving her a total of $60k per year for the rest of her life.

    As McQuillan explains (page 6), however, there are also a variety of COLAs (cost of living adjustments) and automatic “step increases” that can substantially effect the annual increase in pension benefits. These are a result of a variety of collective bargaining aspects that are part and parcel of the California pension system. Essentially, what these features allow is for the “final compensation” levels to be boosted above their actual levels so that “lifetime annual pensions for some retired government workers exceed their final year’s pay.” In other words, due to this practice of “pension spiking,” future state obligations can in many cases exceed the levels that existed while the retiree was still employed. This has a significant “snowball effect” on the obligations faced by the state (and future taxpayers).

    There are two sources of funding for these pensions that are to be paid out to millions of California retirees: taxpayers and investment market returns. The taxpayer originated funds flow through both employer (the government agency) and employee payroll contributions. These contributions are invested and, at least in theory, both the contributions plus investment earnings are paid out as the defined benefits to retirees. In other words, the employer/employee contributions (originated as taxes) plus the investments gains needs to be at least equal to the pension obligation levels in order to be sustainable. Where things start to get interesting, and overwhelming, is that, according to McQuillan (page 12), over the last 20 years, “for every dollar paid in CalPERS pension benefits, CalPERS’s employer members contributed 21 cents, employees contributed 15 cents, and the remaining 64 cents came from investment earnings.” In other words, historically, 64 percent of the funds paid out needed to rely on the performance of capital markets.

    Now, what happens when the total assets (contributions + investment earnings) are less than the pension promise? The answer is that a deficit is created and these deficits are referred to as an unfunded liability. This unfunded liability is the total amount between the assets of the pension and the liabilities of the pension. Whenever the liabilities (what are owed) are greater than the assets (the contributions + investment earnings), there is an unfunded obligation. It is the sheer level of CA’s unfunded obligation that is the primary face of the California Pension Crisis.

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the pension obligations for the largest six pension systems in CA came to a stunning $613 billion in 2013. Of this, only a portion is covered by the pension’s current assets, resulting in a sizable unfunded obligation level. The specific dollar amount of these unfunded obligations depends upon which calculations are being used. According to the calculations of the Big Three pension systems themselves, the unfunded portions are as follows: CaPERS $85.5 billion, CalSTRS $50.6 billion, and UCRP $6.5 billion. These represent the amounts, calculated by the agencies themselves, that the pension plans are short what is needed in order to meet what they owe to retirees. Collectively, this number is $143 billion short of what retirees are expecting to live off of for the rest of their lives. To give the reader a sense of the absurdity of these numbers, these were calculated in 2011 and since that time the US stock market has experienced large multi-year rally; however, in that time, the assets have only gained $7 billion in investment earnings so that today the unfunded liability still sits at the impossible goal of $136 billion.  That’s $136 billion in the hole.

    This, after a massive stock market rally!

    This means that the “funding ratio” of assets and liabilities is such that CalPERS is only 77% funded, CalSTRS is only 67% funded, and UCRP is only 80% funded. McQuillan quotes the American Academy of Actuaries on the issue of funding ratios to say: “Pension plans should have a strategy in place to attain or maintain a funded status of 100 percent or greater over a reasonable period of time.”  McQuillian comments on this quotation by noting that “a lower funding ratio implies that a pension system has a greater potential not to pay its promised benefits.” And yet, as can be seen according to the pension’s own numbers, the funding ratio is troubling.

    Unfortunately, the bad news does not stop here. As emphasized above, the numbers thus far have all been merely reflective of the pension fund’s own estimates. According to a 2011 study conducted by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), the unfunded obligation levels for the Big Three pensions in CA were as follows: $169.8 billion for CalPERS, $104 billion for CalSTRS, and $16.8 billion for UCRP. This means that the funding ratios too are in a much worse condition, according to the SIEPR calculations.

    The chart shows the unfunded obligation levels and the funding ratios (in parentheses) for each pension according to both the agency and SIEPR estimates (remember, the greater the unfunded liability, the lower the funding ratio):

    Needless to say, in the words of McQuillan, “by [the above] measure, California’s Big Three public pensions are dangerously underfunded, putting current and future taxpayers at risk.”

    Without getting into too much detail, the reasons that there is such a severe discrepancy between the third party calculations and the agency’s estimates of itself have to do with the various assumptions that the agencies are making. Specifically, these agencies, in order to make their numbers look better (and, sadly, negative $136 billion is “better”) misrepresent the actual reality by massaging factors in the following ways:

    1. Overestimating investment return potential (they are assuming between a 7.75 and 8% average annual return— compare this to private pension assumptions between 3 and 4%).
    2. Implementing an abnormally large “smoothing recognition period,” which basically allows the potential market losses to be hidden in an average of many years (15 yrs, compared to the private sector smoothing period of 2 yrs).
    3. Refusing to include the reality of increasing life expectancy into their models, so that their numbers assume they will have to pay for a shorter “lifespan” than what the recent mortality data reflects. Even Governor Brown’s office calculated that “CalPERS needs an additional $1.2 billion a year to pay for added pension expenses due to longer life expectancy.”
    4. Overestimating the length to which public employees will keep working (therein overestimating how many years of contributions will be made and underestimating how many years these employees will be recipients of the pension system).

    McQuillan quotes Stanford Professor Joe Nation to say: “In short, public pension systems utilize assumptions and methods supporting a consistent theme of understating liabilities, overstating assets, and pushing costs into the future.” McQuillan himself goes so far as to say: “The bottom line is that officials at California’s public pensions are permitted to engage in behavior that would be considered criminal under ERISA [Employee Retirement Income Security Act—CJE] if done by officials overseeing private-sector pensions.”

    To bring things here to a close, let it be said that the systemic problems underlying the numbers themselves are such that there is no easy way to fix this. Even on their face, the numbers summarized above tell a frightening tale of severely underfunded pension obligations, problem which is growing worse and worse. 

    What needs to be remembered too, and this is the thing that far fewer people talk about, is that we are on top of a major bull market that has only since January threatened to come back down. The chart below is of the “S&P 500” which is an index of stock market price levels.

    As can be seen, we are at much higher levels than we were before both the 2000 “dot com” crash and the 2008 financial crisis. In other words, all these pensions that are relying on years of 7% returns in order to be, well, hundreds of billions of dollars in the hole, may in fact be facing an era of negative returns if we are confronted with the likely situation of a stock market correction.

    Needless to say, far from having “their future taken care of,” those relying on public pensions for their retirement are not only going to be requesting funds that simply aren’t there, they are going to be requesting funds from pension systems who have yet to face the third recession in 15 years. A recent report from Casey Research wrote that:

    "Public pensions are a slow motion train wreck that can’t be stopped. Millions of workers who expect a steady stream of income when they retire will get nothing. The U.S. public pension system is mathematically guaranteed to crash.


    According to the National Association of State Retirement Administrators (NASRA), U.S. public pensions expect to earn 8% per year on average.


    That’s a wildly optimistic number. They’re extremely unlikely to earn anything close to 8% per year.


    Earning 8% per year in normal times is difficult enough. And as Casey readers know, we’re not in normal times.


    Returns on both bonds and stocks will likely be low or negative for the next many years. With interest rates at historic lows, bonds barely pay anything. And U.S. stocks have very little upside because they’re so expensive today.


    Expecting returns to average 8% per year going forward is foolish. And we’re not the only ones who think so. BlackRock (BLK), the world’s largest asset manager, says state and local pensions should expect to earn 4% per year or less going forward.


    The average public pension earned just 3.4% last year. And Bloomberg Business reports that the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), the largest pension fund in the U.S., earned just 2.4% last year."

    Moreover, while many assume these pensions can “just go to the taxpayers” to fulfill their obligations, the fact of the matter is that this is politically and financially impossible in the context of a recession, especially when the taxpayers themselves are facing the reality of this very same market downturn. It is one thing to attempt to siphon off a little bit from taxpayers during a  7 year bull market, but it is an entirely other thing to do the same during a painful downturn. The long and short of the situation is this: those relying on public pensions for their retirement are quite possibly not going to receive the full extent of what they are expecting. 

    Practically speaking, therefore, any attempt to protect one’s non-pension assets, retirement accounts, and cash flows, is to be well heeded. This means that it is time to face the reality of the situation before retirement and before it becomes publicly obvious that there is a massive problem. There are many who are putting things off and looking to figure things out down the road. Unfortunately, I am not convinced that the prudent individual can afford this luxury. Some readers may need some creative strategies, capital preservation efforts, and an honest assessment of just how, exactly, one should minimize their dependency on public pensions. This is the key: separating one’s dependency on the pension system for retirement is the only way to avoid pain later on down the road.

  • Earnings 'Optimism' Crashes To 7-Year Lows

    As the gap between GAAP and non-GAAP converges (and not in a bullish way), BofA reports the earnings estimate revision ratio (ERR) fell for the sixth consecutive month, to 0.47 from 0.49 – its lowest level since April 2009. So despite the exuberant, we're going back to record highs, rally off the lows, the real mother's milk data suggests more than twice as many cuts vs. increases to earnings forecasts over the last three months… and it's not just Energy anymore.

    This is the lowest S&P500 GAAP earnings per share since 2010.

    Needless to say, a GAAP P/E above 21 is the highest since the financial crisis.

    So what is going on here? The chart below showing the amount of EPS "writeoffs" and pro-forma adjustments should explain it. In 2015, 26.5 of the total non-GAAP in S&P earnings, is the result of accounting gimmicks.


    Just so there is no confusion: the GAAP to non-GAAP adjustment has nothing to do with the overall deterioration in corporate revenues and declining profitability. The two are parallel, because while both non-GAAP and GAAP EPS are clearly declining, what Wall Street is doing is using every possible contrivance to make the descent appear far less disastrous.

    And looking forward, BofA's earnings estimates revisions data points to further collapse…

    All ten sectors are seeing more below- than above-consensus guidance as Sales forecast revisions crash near the most since 2008/9 lows…

  • Goldman Cuts More Than 5% Of Fixed Income Workers; BofA To Layoff 150 Bankers And Traders

    For years, we noted that despite Goldman suffering progressively declining revenue…


    … and occasional downward fluctuations in its bonus pool. one of its key “charms” for employees was that ever since the financial crisis, its total number of employees never declined. That is no longer the case.

    As Bloomberg reports, Goldman plans to eliminate more than 5% of traders and salespeople in its fixed-income business, cutting deeper into those operations than an annual companywide cull that has already begun. Furthermore, according to a notice filed on the DOL’s WARN website, Goldman announced that it would terminate 43 workers, with the layoffs set to occur between May 9, and July 1.

    The discussions started earlier than usual this year, and workers will be informed in conversations throughout this month and into April. The reductions will affect less than 10 percent of the fixed-income workforce, which is quite a sizable chunk for a business that until recently used to be one of Goldman’s top performing profit centers.

    Bloomberg adds that Goldman Sachs made its latest decision after evaluating client activity in this year’s early months, a period in which some firms signaled further slowdowns. JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s investment bank said Feb. 23 that revenue from equity and fixed-income sales and trading has tumbled about 20 percent this year. Goldman Sachs hasn’t provided similar guidance.

    The layoffs confirm that generating revenue in the increasingly more illiquid fixed income space has become increasingly problematic not only for Goldman but for other firms. Other Wall Street banks also have been eliminating jobs. When Morgan Stanley cut about 1,200 employees in the fourth quarter, it included about 25 percent of its fixed-income trading staff.

    And just to confirm that 2016 is set to be another poor year for compensation, not to mention worker morale on Wall Street, moments ago Bloomberg also broke the news that Bank of America plans to dismiss approximately 150 trading and investment-banking employees next week. Those who are about to join the ranks of initial claims recipients will learn their fate on March 8.

  • For Those Rushing To Move To Canada Under "President Trump", A Few Warnings

    Submitted by Robert Appel via,

    How to Move to Canada

    A Zerohedge headline that shocked the world this week showed net searches for “moving to Canada” are up more than 1,000% since the “Trump bump.” The same report said that the Immigration Canada web site (one of the most boring sites on the planet) was blown because of excessive access. (Source: “Canada Searches Up 1000%,” Zerohedge, March 2, 2016.)

    If you are one of the many Americans thinking of making the switch to Canada, our exclusive “Canadian insider” offered these tips and answers about making the move to Canada and what you can expect when you arrive:

    1. Are Canadians as polite as the jokes say?

    In fact they are. One joke that even Canadians laugh at goes, “How do you get 47 Canadians out of the pool as quickly as possible?” The answer: simply yell, “Get out of the pool!”

    2. Is the weather in Canada as bad as the jokes say?

    No; it is actually worse. The beautiful East Coast becomes an ice cube in the winter—an endurance test equaled only by the weather in the capital, Ottawa, where the main distraction (aside from watching your breath freeze) is skating on the central canal, which freezes solid during winter. The prairies are no better. The outdoor parking spots accompanying most condos and hi-rises each have a built-in electrical outlet. No, not for your orbital buffer; they’re for your block heater. (If you don’t know what a block heater is, perhaps the Dominican Republic should really be your first choice for bugging out…?)

    3. Of course, there is always Vancouver, which experiences the best winters in the country (like Seattle, but with fewer serial killings).

    Keep in mind, however, that Vancouver currently has the largest housing bubble on the planet. (Source: “This is Freaking Nuts — House sells $750K above Asking,” Zerohedge, March 1, 2016.)

    4. Canada has cross-country “value added tax” (VAT), called HST, that can add about 13% to a typical purchase in the mere blink of an eye.

    If you are in business, you may be able to reclaim it. Most Canadians just pay it. Americans will find this unsettling. Of course, the whole idea of a VAT is that it theoretically obviates the need for income tax. Unfortunately Canada has not figured this out yet. They introduced income tax right after WWI, swore it was just temporary, and yet it is still here…? If, however, you are seeking the comfort and nostalgia of politicians who say one thing and then do another, Canada could be a dream come true.

    5. Speaking of politics, the wise voters of Canada just threw out the most conservative leader in decades (that is “conservative” with BOTH a small “c” and a capital “C”).

    This was mainly because they were bored with his conservatism, and (the irony!) they felt he was too close to the U.S.

    6. Social medicine will be a kick if you are making the journey north.

    It has its plusses and minuses. If you are in dire need, it is there. I have a friend who recently received a lung transplant, did not pay a nickel, and now loves Canada so much he moved back to Toronto from the Czech Republic. On the other hand, if you are looking for a simple MRI in a non-urgent situation, be prepared to wait several months or (more irony!) be prepared to cross into a U.S. border town and pony up cold hard cash.

    7. Supermarkets will be a shocker.

    Imagine that 70% of all the products you have come to know and love disappeared in the blink of an eye, like in a sci-fi movie, and, in many cases, they were replaced by brands you have never heard of. Your first time grocery shopping may possibly bring a tear to your eye. Good news? They do stock Kleenex, just like in the U.S.

    8. No, you don’t have to learn French, in spite of the millions of dollars a year Canadians spend translating and labeling everything that moves or squeaks into the official “second language.”

    Learning French is mainly useful only if you plan to live in Quebec or run for federal office. And if you learned history via U.S. textbooks, be prepared for some revisionism. Turns out that France did not lose the war for Canada to the Brits at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. It was actually a “draw.” (Luckily, nobody bothered to tell the British or every province in Canada would have two tax systems and two levels of government, just like those freethinkers in Quebec.)

    9. The thing you will notice the most?

    Well, the whole money thing will be uncomfortable. First of all, everything in Canada costs more, ceteris paribus, than the equivalent item in the U.S., even before taxes. Why? Mainly because of the higher costs of labeling and moving goods in the sparser geography (hey! those French labels don’t put themselves on the items, do they…). Next, if you factor in the weaker loonie, well, let’s just say that as a Canadian newbie, your first experience with socialized medicine might be for anti-depressants. The good news? The doctor’s visit, and part of the cost of your meds, will be picked up by the very same country that depressed you in the first place!

  • 3 Things: Recession Odds, Middle-Class Jobs, & Market Drops

    Submitted by Lance Roberts via,

    Recession Probabilities Rise

    As I penned earlier this week:

    “Speaking of weather, last year, the BEA adjusted the ‘seasonal adjustment’ factors to compensate for the cold winter weather over the last couple of years that suppressed first quarter economic growth rates. (The irony here is that they adjusted adjustments for cold weather that generally occurs during winter.) 


    However, the problem with ‘tinkering’ with the numbers comes when you have an exceptionally warm winter. The new adjustment factors, which boosted Q1 economic growth during the last two years will now create a large over-estimation of activity for the first quarter of this year. This anomaly will boost the ‘bullish hope’ as  the onset of a recession is delayed until those over-estimations are revised away over the course of the next year. ” 

    The reason I reiterate this point is due to a recent research note from Wells Fargo discussing the increased risk of a domestic recession. To wit:

    “One possible way to summarize the results from all these models is to calculate the average of these probabilities and then examine historical performance of the average probability. The current average probability is 37.3 percent and this method predicted all recessions successfully since 1980 without producing any false positives (Figure 11). Different models utilize different predictors to capture the state of different sectors of the economy and therefore an average probability may reflect the average risk posed by these sectors.


    At present, we are not calling for a recession within the next six months. However, given that the recession probabilities based on our official model and average of all models are somewhat elevated, it is not wise to dismiss recession risk.”


    The combined Probit Model based on the entire series of indicators utilized by Wells Fargo, (which includes LEI, VIX, Yield Spread, Stock Prices, Commodities and more) also confirms the same recessionary stresses shown in the Economic Output Composite Index (EOCI).

    (The EOCI Index is a composite of the Chicago Fed National Activity Index, ISM Composite, Several Fed Regional Surveys, Chicago PMI, LEI, and the NFIB Small Business Survey.)

    As shown, the economy is currently operating at levels that have normally been associated with recessionary environments. The only thing that has kept the economy from registering a recession in the past has been the interventions by the Fed that have led to a “forward-pull” of future economic activity. (Beginnings and endings of QE programs noted by gold squares)

    While there are many mainstream economists insisting that the U.S. economy is nowhere near recession, considering much of the current data will be negatively revised in the quarters ahead will likely prove those views wrong.

    With economic data having remained extremely weak in recent months, it will NOT be surprising to see a short-term pickup in economic activity as a restocking cycle once again leads to temporary bounce. However, as we have repeatedly seen since 2009, those bounces in activity have been transient at best. Without monetary support from the Federal Reserve to once again “drag forward future consumption,” the risk of sliding into recession becomes a very real possibility. 

    The Decline Of The Middle Class

    I have often written about the broad decline in the financial conditions of the middle class.

    There is a financial crisis on the horizon. It is a crisis that all the Central Bank interventions in the world cannot cure.


    No, I am not talking about the next Lehman event or the next financial market meltdown. Although something akin to both will happen in the not-so-distant future. It is the lack of financial stability of the current, and next, generation that will shape the American landscape in the future.


    The nonprofit National Institute on Retirement Security released a study in March stating that nearly 40 million working-age households (about 45 percent of the U.S. total) have no retirement savings at all. And those that do have retirement savings don’t have enough. As I discussed recently, the Federal Reserve’s 2013 Survey of consumer finances found that the mean holdings for families with retirement accounts was only $201,000.”


    Such levels of financial “savings” are hardly sufficient to support individuals through retirement. This is particularly the case as life expectancy has grown, and healthcare costs skyrocket in the latter stages of life due historically high levels of obesity and poor physical health. The lack of financial stability will ultimately shift almost entirely onto the already grossly underfunded welfare system.”

    Just recently the Pew Research Center confirmed the same:

    After more than four decades of serving as the nation’s economic majority, the American middle class is now matched in number by those in the economic tiers above and below it. In early 2015, 120.8 million adults were in middle-income households, compared with 121.3 million in lower- and upper-income households combined, a demographic shift that could signal a tipping point, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.


    In at least one sense, the shift represents economic progress: While the share of U.S. adults living in both upper- and lower-income households rose alongside the declining share in the middle from 1971 to 2015, the share in the upper-income tier grew more.”


    “Over the same period, however, the nation’s aggregate household income has substantially shifted from middle-income to upper-income households, driven by the growing size of the upper-income tier and more rapid gains in income at the top.Fully 49% of U.S. aggregate income went to upper-income households in 2014, up from 29% in 1970. The share accruing to middle-income households was 43% in 2014, down substantially from 62% in 1970.


    And middle-income Americans have fallen further behind financially in the new century. In 2014, the median income of these households was 4% less than in 2000. Moreover, because of the housing market crisis and the Great Recession of 2007-09, their median wealth (assets minus debts) fell by 28% from 2001 to 2013.”

    Importantly, this is why economic growth remains weak. While the Federal Reserve was focused on boosting asset prices for the wealthy, they forgot to create an economic environment that was conducive to increasing the consumptive power of the middle-class and their near 70% participation in economic growth.


    The True Definition Of A Bear Market

    The sharp rally over the last couple weeks, which has been primarily driven by massive short-covering, has brought the “bulls” out once again declaring the recent “bearish decline” over. However, is such really the case, or is this yet another of the many rallies we have seen as of late that ultimately fail?

    In order to answer that question, we must first define what a bear market really is. The currently accepted definition of a “correction” is a 10% decline and an official “bear market” begins with a 20% fall in the market. However, both of these definitions are not accurate we have seen both such events occur during longer-term market trends.

    For investors, the difference between a “bull” and a “bear” market, regardless of the short-term fluctuation in prices, is whether the overall “trend” in prices is rising or falling. When the “trend” is positive, speculating in the financial markets is advantageous as the “rising tide” increases the value of portfolios. Conversely, when the overall trend is “negative,” speculating in the financial markets has a generally negative result.

    (We are not investors, we are speculators. Warren Buffett is an investor. When he invests in a company he can control its destiny by appointing operating managers, defining directives, etc. YOU are a speculator placing bets with your “savings” on ethereal pieces of paper that you “hope” will rise in price over time. Understanding this point is important.)

    The utilization of a simple moving average is one way the overall trend of the market can be determined. A moving average is an “average” of prices over a given period of time. In order for there to be an average price, prices must have traded at two points of extreme over the sample period. If prices are generally “trending” higher, the average will be positively sloped as each new low and high point is greater than the last. The opposite is true when prices are generally “trending” lower.

    Overall bullish and bearish trends are revealed when looking at longer-term price trends of the market. The chart below is an example.


    (Note: This is a WEEKLY price chart to smooth out short-term price volatility. We are using an 80-week moving average and a 52-week RSI for this example.)

    During “Bull Markets” – prices tend to remain above an “upward” or “positively” sloping moving average. Also, the relative strength index (RSI) stays above 50 during that period.

    During “Bear Markets” – prices tend to remain below a “downward” or “negatively” sloping moving average. RSI also remains below 50 during this period confirming a more “risk adverse” environment.

    Currently, all indications currently suggest the markets are in the early stages of entering into a confirmed “bear market” as the longer term moving average is turning from a positive to a negative slope and RSI has fallen below 50.

    Yes, things could change very quickly with the intervention of Central Bank action. The same was seen during the summer and fall of 2011 as then Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke quickly acted to stave off a more serious market decline. However, with the Fed more focused on “tightening” monetary policy currently, such a salvation seems to be a low probability event.

    The value in changing your definition of a “bear market” is by waiting to lose 20% of your portfolio before acting, it takes a 33% subsequent rise in the market to get back to even. That is “time” lost that you can never regain.

    As stated earlier this week, the rules for managing your portfolio are relatively simple:

    1. In rising market trends – buy dips.
    2. In declining market trends – sell rallies.

    Despite the ongoing “hopes” of the always bullish media, the recent rally has not changed the slope, or scope, of current market dynamics. The current “bear market” is not over just yet.

    Just some things to think about.

  • Who Said It: "Donald Trump Has Shown An Extraordinary Ability To Understand Our Economy, To Create Jobs"

    Moments ago Mitt Romney concluded a fiery speech in which he blasted Donald Trump, accusing him of being a “con man” and asking republicans to choose “anyone else” but Trump. Among the points he brought up was that Trump’s domestic polices would sink America into a recession, that his foreign policies would make the world less safe, and criticized Trump’s personal qualities, calling him “a bully” and “a misogynist.”

    However, what we found particularly ironic is that Mitt Romney, who previously had led Private Equity firm Bain Capital, mocked Trump’s business acumen by pointing out his track record of having various bankruptcies under his belt which “have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them.”

    This is precisely what he said: “But wait, you say, isn’t he a huge business success that knows what he’s talking about? No he isn’t. His bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them.”

    We found this amusing coming from the man who made profits for himself and his investor for 15 years by saddling companies with massive debt loads to generate outsized returns on equity with a 3-5 year investment horizon.

    Here is how Romney himself fared as a businessman, based on a WSJ report from 2012:

    Mitt Romney’s political foes are stepping up attacks based on his time running investment firm Bain Capital, tagging him with making a fortune from the rougher side of American capitalism—even as Mr. Romney says his Bain tenure shows he knows how to build businesses.


    Amid anecdotal evidence on both sides, the full record has largely escaped a close look, because so many transactions are involved. The Wall Street Journal, aiming for a comprehensive assessment, examined 77 businesses Bain invested in while Mr. Romney led the firm from its 1984 start until early 1999, to see how they fared during Bain’s involvement and shortly afterward.


    Among the findings: 22% either filed for bankruptcy reorganization or closed their doors by the end of the eighth year after Bain first invested, sometimes with substantial job losses. An additional 8% ran into so much trouble that all of the money Bain invested was lost.


    Another finding was that Bain produced stellar returns for its investors—yet the bulk of these came from just a small number of its investments. Ten deals produced more than 70% of the dollar gains.


    Some of those companies, too, later ran into trouble. Of the 10 businesses on which Bain investors scored their biggest gains, four later landed in bankruptcy court


    So let’s get this straight: the man who led to 17 of the 77 business Bain invested in closing down in bankruptcy, and another 4 going Chapter 11 after Bain extracted all the possible value, is criticizing Trump for engaging in Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection?

    We wonder how many large businesses – because Bain does not bother with small business LBOs – “and the men and women who worked for them were crushed” as a result of Romney’s own attempt to extract as much value as possible by layering dozens of companies with massive debt loads?

    To be sure, we don’t criticize Romney’s business model: it is what he does, just like what Trump does is to run companies, and the ultimate result is always failure. But we do find it grotesquely ironic that Romney has the gall to mock Trump’s business record when he himself is a far greater abuser of US bankruptcy laws.

    This is, after all, capitalism. But for Romney to turn around and so blatantly ignore his track record when blasting Trump’s is, in a word, preposterous.

    * * *

    And speaking of ironic, we can’t help but be amused by what Romney said in February 2012 when Trump endorsed Romney’s presidential campaign:

    “I am so honored and pleased to have Donald Trump’s endorsement. Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works. To create jobs for the American people. He’s done it here in Nevada. He’s done it across the country. He understands that our economy is facing threats from abroad. He’s one of the few people who stood up and said China has been cheating. They’ve taken jobs from Americans. They haven’t played fair. We have to have a President who will stand up to cheaters.”



  • Ray Dalio Tells Investors: "Don't Trade Against Pros Like Us, You Will Lose… Own Gold"

    Before his presentation to the University of Texas, Bridgewater’s Ray Dalio gave a far-ranging interview to Bloomberg’s Erik Shatzker which we will have more to say about in the coming days, but the overarching theme was what to expect from markets going forward. He said that while there are “asymmetric” risks to the downside, asset prices will correct to a point where risk premiums return and investors come back, and predicted that equities will return about 4% in the long term. The concern he had was whether the slowdown in markets will have negative repercussions for the economy at a time when central bank policy is becoming less effective.

    Repeating comments he has given before, Dalio said that the “next big move I believe will have to be toward quantitative easing, rather than a big tightening,” he said in the interview. The recent developments have surprised the Fed, because it is not paying enough attention to the long-term debt cycle, adding that “If you look around the world, our risk is not inflation and our risk is not overheating economies”, something all too clear to the nearly 30% of global economies currently blanketed by negative interest rates.

    He also had some rather dire comments on China which we wil get back to in a future post, but what caught our attention was the following exchange in which Dalio discussed whether ordinary investors have a chance of making money in the current market when faced with institutional behemoths like Brigewater which as the world’s biggest hedge fund manages over $150 billion.

    His honesty was refreshing.

    SCHATZKER: Broadly speaking, what’s going to work? And what is working, perhaps more appropriately, today?


    DALIO:  I think there are two ways that the average investor should think of investing.  One is, are you going to create a good strategic asset allocation mix that is a balanced portfolio, that means you will not go to the betting table and bet against active investors like me? Look, I’m scared to be wrong in the markets.  It is not easy to win in the market.  It is more difficult to win in the markets than to compete in the Olympics.


    SCHATZKER:  Hang on a second.  Hang on a second. You guys have an extraordinary track record of winning.  Is it harder to compete in the markets today than it been since you founded Bridgewater?


    DALIO:  No, I don’t think so.


    SCHATZKER:  Really?


    DALIO:  Not the way we do it.  And the reason I’m saying not the way we do it is we do not take systematic biases.  I think for a lot of people, they are systematically long everything. And so when the world gets bad, it’s bad for them. In 2008, it was great for us.  I don’t know, we had nearly 10 percent return in 2008. So we have the opportunity to go either way.  We just my be wrong.


    DALIO:  So I’m so scared about being wrong that it has help reduce my chances of being wrong because I’m so scared.  I won’t take bets that I don’t feel good about.  And we diversify our portfolio.  And that is how we got the track record.  So you asked me about investors.  So I’m trying to go back what investors should do.


    SCHATZKER:  And what you think is appropriate for your investors.


    DALIO:  I want to just convey to investors, I think in the average investor, most everybody, do not compete against pros like ourselves or other people; do not making tactical asset allocation bets or moving around in the markets, because you will probably lose.

    It is worth noting that Dalio does not suggest that investors will lose because he thinks markets are rigged, something we and Eric Hunsader have been noting for years, instead Dalio’s point is that ultimately directional, “tactical” bets will rarely work.

    If you’re talking about tactical bets, in other words, I could come on the show and I can say, I think this is good.  But then what happens is if I come a month later and I then change my mind because something has happened, then I will mislead people.  So the tactical bets, I don’t think, are going to be helpful.

    Granted, Dalio is pitching his “All Weather” portfolio, and yet this statement is perhaps one of the more honest admissions of how the market “works” or rather doesn’t, because unlike the  empty suits who come on TV to pitch any given stock who ultimately have no idea what will happen and are merely flipping a coin (and who are never heard from again when the trade goes against them) Dalio is warning to give up on hopes for quick “long” (or short) bets leading to major winnings, and instead stick to broader market returns in the form of a diverisifed portfolio. Then again, since for most “ordinary” investors the stock market is merely an chance to strike it rich, fast, we doubt his advice will be heeded.

    But the surprising moment of biggest honesty came when Dalio laid out what should comprise a properly diversified portfolio:

    I would say that we are in an environment where it is very important to have a well-diversified portfolio, and that’ll include assets gold.  In other words, what could I tell investors, try to achieve balance in various ways.  That’s a whole subject about how to do it.


    And also I think that gold at 5 percent of your portfolio, 5 percent or 10 percent of your portfolio, under the circumstances, would be also a prudent thing to doPrudence is the important thing to do.  The reason I’m also referring to that is we have a situation where a debt is money. In other words, we have a fiat monetary system, too.  And so we are having problems as these central banks operate.  And so  think of it as another form of cash and when cash now has zero or 0 percent interest rates or less, think of it as one of those possibilities in terms of how do you create diversification.

    Debt is indeed money, and so is gold, and unlike debt whose yield increasingly more central banks are now artificially pushing into negative territory and will soon do everything in their power to eliminate physical money so that electronic money is subject to the same “financial repression” as every other asset, gold has and always will be an inert metal with intrinsic value, with zero counterparty risk, zero “central banker policy risk”, and whose only real risk is being confiscated through another presidential executive order.

    Yes, Bridgewater may have gone through a rough patch recently as we exclusively revealed a few weeks ago, but we applaud Dalio for the intellectual honesty and telling the truth.

    Full interview below

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Today’s News 3rd March 2016

  • Capitalism Requires World War

    Authored by Cathal Haughian via,

    It has been our undertaking, since 2010, to chronicle our understanding of capitalism via our book The Philosophy of Capitalism. We were curious as to the underlying nature of the system which endows us, the owners of capital, with so many favours. The Saker has asked me to explain our somewhat crude statement ‘Capitalism Requires World War’.

    The present showdown between West, Russia and China is the culmination of a long running saga that began with World War One. Prior to which, Capitalism was governed by the gold standard system which was international, very solid, with clear rules and had brought great prosperity: for banking Capital was scarce and so allocated carefully. World War One required debt-capitalism of the FIAT kind, a bankrupt Britain began to pass the Imperial baton to the US, which had profited by financing the war and selling munitions.

    The Weimar Republic, suffering a continuation of hostilities via economic means, tried to inflate away its debts in 1919-1923 with disastrous results—hyperinflation. Then, the reintroduction of the gold standard into a world poisoned by war, reparation and debt was fated to fail and ended with a deflationary bust in the early 1930’s and WW2.

    The US government gained a lot of credibility after WW2 by outlawing offensive war and funding many construction projects that helped transfer private debt to the public book. The US government’s debt exploded during the war, but it also shifted the power game away from creditors to a big debtor that had a lot of political capital. The US used her power to define the new rules of the monetary system at Bretton Woods in 1944 and to keep physical hold of gold owned by other nations.

    The US jacked up tax rates on the wealthy and had a period of elevated inflation in the late 40s and into the 1950s – all of which wiped out creditors, but also ushered in a unique middle class era in the West. The US also reformed extraction centric institutions in Europe and Japan to make sure an extractive-creditor class did not hobble growth, which was easy to do because the war had wiped them out (same as in Korea).

    Capital destruction in WW2 reversed the Marxist rule that the rate of profit always falls. Take any given market – say jeans. At first, all the companies make these jeans using a great deal of human labour so all the jeans are priced around the average of total social labour time required for production (some companies will charge more, some companies less).

    One company then introduces a machine (costed at $n) that makes jeans using a lot less labour time. Each of these robot assisted workers is paid the same hourly rate but the production process is now far more productive. This company, ignoring the capital outlay in the machinery, will now have a much higher profit rate than the others. This will attract capital, as capital is always on the lookout for higher rates of profit. The result will be a generalisation of this new mode of production. The robot or machine will be adopted by all the other companies, as it is a more efficient way of producing jeans.

    As a consequence the price of the jeans will fall, as there is an increased margin within which each market actor can undercut his fellows. One company will lower prices so as to increase market share. This new price-point will become generalised as competing companies cut their prices to defend their market share. A further n$ was invested but per unit profit margin is put under constant downward pressure, so the rate of return in productive assets tends to fall over time in a competitive market place.

    Interest rates have been falling for decades in the West because interest rates must always be below the rate of return on productive investments. If interest rates are higher than the risk adjusted rate of return then the capitalist might as well keep his money in a savings account. If there is real deflation his purchasing power increases for free and if there is inflation he will park his money (plus debt) in an unproductive asset that’s price inflating, E.G. Housing. Sound familiar? Sure, there has been plenty of profit generated since 2008 but it has not been recovered from productive investments in a competitive free market place. All that profit came from bubbles in asset classes and financial schemes abetted by money printing and zero interest rates.

    Thus, we know that the underlying rate of return is near zero in the West. The rate of return falls naturally, due to capital accumulation and market competition. The system is called capitalism because capital accumulates: high income economies are those with the greatest accumulation of capital per worker. The robot assisted worker enjoys a higher income as he is highly productive, partly because the robotics made some of the workers redundant and there are fewer workers to share the profit. All the high income economies have had near zero interest rates for seven years. Interest rates in Europe are even negative. How has the system remained stable for so long?

    All economic growth depends on energy gain. It takes energy (drilling the oil well) to gain energy. Unlike our everyday experience whereby energy acquisition and energy expenditure can be balanced, capitalism requires an absolute net energy gain. That gain, by way of energy exchange, takes the form of tools and machines that permit an increase in productivity per work hour. Thus GDP increases, living standards improve and the debts can be repaid. Thus, oil is a strategic capitalistic resource.

    US net energy gain production peaked in 1974, to be replaced by production from Saudi Arabia, which made the USA a net importer of oil for the first time. US dependence on foreign oil rose from 26% to 47% between 1985 and 1989 to hit a peak of 60% in 2006. And, tellingly, real wages peaked in 1974, levelled-off and then began to fall for most US workers. Wages have never recovered. (The decline is more severe if you don’t believe government reported inflation figures that don’t count the costof housing.)

    What was the economic and political result of this decline? During the 20 years 1965-85, there were 4 recessions, 2 energy crises and wage and price controls. These were unprecedented in peacetime and The Gulf of Tonkin event led to the Vietnam War which finally required Nixon to move away from the Gold-Exchange Standard in 1971, opening the next degenerate chapter of FIAT finance up until 2008. Cutting this link to gold was cutting the external anchor impeding war and deficit spending. The promise of gold for dollars was revoked.

    GDP in the US increased after 1974 but a portion of end use buying power was transferred to Saudi Arabia. They were supplying the net energy gain that was powering the US GDP increase. The working class in the US began to experience a slow real decline in living standards, as ‘their share’ of the economic pie was squeezed by the ever increasing transfer of buying power to Saudi Arabia.

    The US banking and government elite responded by creating and cutting back legal and behavioral rules of a fiat based monetary system. The Chinese appreciated the long term opportunity that this presented and agreed to play ball. The USA over-produced credit money and China over-produced manufactured goods which cushioned the real decline in the buying power of America’s working class. Power relations between China and the US began to change: The Communist Party transferred value to the American consumer whilst Wall Street transferred most of the US industrial base to China. They didn’t ship the military industrial complex.

    Large scale leverage meant that US consumers and businesses had the means to purchase increasingly with debt so the class war was deferred. This is how over production occurs: more is produced that is paid for not with money that represents actual realized labour time, but from future wealth, to be realised from future labour time. The Chinese labour force was producing more than it consumed.

    The system has never differed from the limits laid down by the Laws of Thermodynamics. The Real economy system can never over-produce per se. The limit of production is absolute net energy gain. What is produced can be consumed. How did the Chinese produce such a super massive excess and for so long? Economic slavery can achieve radical improvements in living standards for those that benefit from ownership. Slaves don’t depreciate as they are rented and are not repaired for they replicate for free. Hundreds of millions of Chinese peasants limited their way of life and controlled their consumption in order to benefit their children. And their exploited life raised the rate of profit!

    They began their long march to modern prosperity making toys, shoes, and textiles cheaper than poor women could in South Carolina or Honduras. Such factories are cheap to build and deferential, obedient and industrious peasant staff were a perfect match for work that was not dissimilar to tossing fruit into a bucket. Their legacy is the initial capital formation of modern China and one of the greatest accomplishments in human history. The Chinese didn’t use net energy gain from oil to power their super massive and sustained increase in production. They used economic slavery powered by caloric energy, exchanged from solar energy. The Chinese labour force picked the World’s low hanging fruit that didn’t need many tools or machines. Slaves don’t need tools for they are the tool.

    Without a gold standard and capital ratios our form of over-production has grown enormously. The dotcom bubble was reflated through a housing bubble, which has been pumped up again by sovereign debt, printing press (QE) and central bank insolvency. The US working and middle classes have over-consumed relative to their share of the global economic pie for decades. The correction to prices (the destruction of credit money & accumulated capital) is still yet to happen. This is what has been happening since 1971 because of the growth of financialisation or monetisation.

    The application of all these economic methods was justified by the political ideology of neo-Liberalism. Neo-Liberalism entails no or few capital controls, the destruction of trade unions, plundering state and public assets, importing peasants as domesticated help, and entrusting society’s value added production to The Communist Party of The People’s Republic of China.

    The Chinese have many motives but their first motivation is power. Power is more important than money. If you’re rich and weak you get robbed. Russia provides illustrating stories of such: Gorbachev had received a promise from George HW Bush that the US would pay Russia approximately $400 billion over10 years as a “peace dividend” and as a tool to be utilized in the conversion of their state run to a market based economic system. The Russians believe the head of the CIA at the time, George Tenet, essentially killed the deal based on the idea that “letting the country fall apart will destroy Russia as a future military threat”. The country fell apart in 1992. Its natural assets were plundered which raised the rate of profit in the 90’s until President Putin put a stop to the robbery.

    In the last analysis, the current framework of Capitalism results in labour redundancy, a falling rate of profit and ingrained trading imbalances caused by excess capacity. Under our current monopoly state capitalism a number of temporary preventive measures have evolved, including the expansion of university, military, and prison systems to warehouse new generations of labour.

    Our problem is how to retain the “expected return rate” for us, the dominant class. Ultimately, there are only two large-scale solutions, which are intertwined.

    One is expansion of state debt to keep “the markets” moving and transfer wealth from future generations of labour to the present dominant class.


    The other is war, the consumer of last resort. Wars can burn up excess capacity, shift global markets, generate monopoly rents, and return future labour to a state of helplessness and reduced expectations. The Spanish flu killed 50-100 million people in 1918. As if this was not enough, it also took two World Wars across the 20th century and some 96 million dead to reduce unemployment and stabilize the “labour problem.”

    Capitalism requires World War because Capitalism requires profit and cannot afford the unemployed. The point is capitalism could afford social democracy after the rate of profit was restored thanks to the depression of the 1930’s and the physical destruction of capital during WW2. Capitalism only produces for profit and social democracy was funded by taxing profits after WW2.

    Post WW2 growth in labour productivity, due to automation, itself due to oil & gas replacing coal, meant workers could be better off. As the economic pie was growing, workers could receive the same %, and still receive a bigger slice. Wages as a % of US GDP actually increased in the period, 1945-1970. There was an increase in government spending which was being redirected in the form of redistributed incomes. Inequality will only worsen, because to make profits now we have to continually cut the cost of inputs, i.e. wages & benefits. Have we not already reached the point where large numbers of the working class can neither feed themselves nor afford a roof over their heads?13% of the UK working age population is out of work and receiving out of work benefits. A huge fraction is receiving in work benefits because low skill work now pays so little.

    The underlying nature of Capitalism is cyclical. Here is how the political aspect of the cycle ends:

    • 1920s/2000s – High inequality, high banker pay, low regulation, low taxes for the wealthy, robber barons (CEOs), reckless bankers, globalisation phase
    • 1929/2008 – Wall Street crash
    • 1930s/2010s – Global recession, currency wars, trade wars, rising unemployment, nationalism and extremism
    • What comes next? – World War.

    If Capitalism could speak, she would ask her older brother, Imperialism, this: “Can you solve the problem?” We are not reliving the 1930’s, the economy is now an integrated whole that encompasses the entire World. Capital has been accumulating since 1945, so under- and unemployment is a plague everywhere. How big is the problem? Official data tells us nothing, but the 47 million Americans on food aid are suggestive. That’s 1 in 7 Americans and total World population is 7 billion.

    The scale of the solution is dangerous. Our probing for weakness in the South China Sea, Ukraine and Syria has awakened them to their danger.The Chinese and Russian leadershave reacted by integrating their payment systems and real economies, trading energy for manufactured goods for advanced weapon systems. As they are central players in the Shanghai Group we can assume their aim is the monetary system which is the bedrock of our Imperial power. What’s worse, they can avoid overt enemy action and simply choose to undermine “confidence” in the FIAT.

    Though given the calibre of their nuclear arsenal, how can they be fought let alone defeated? Appetite preceded Reason, so Lust is hard to Reason with. But beware brother. Your Lust for Power began this saga, perhaps it’s time to Reason.

  • EIA Weekly Summary Report Analysis 3 2 2016 (Video)

    By EconMatters

    An Analysis of the EIA Weekly Summary Report regarding the Oil Industry. Increasing Oil Imports right now are outpacing U.S. Production cuts, but the market is looking past this data metric, and focusing on increased gasoline demand numbers on a year over year basis.

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  • Global Central Banks Continue Longest Gold-Buying-Spree Since Vietnam War

    While “greed was good” in the ’80s, it appears “gold is good” in the new normal. As much as the barbarous relic is despised by all the mainstream money-peddlers in public (aside from those who have left the familia like Alan Greenspan), it seems to be loved in private. Central banks have been net buyers of gold for eight straight years, according to IMF estimates, the longest streak since the first troops were deployed in The Vietnam War.


    Chart: Bloomberg

    As Bloomberg notes, Russia, China and Kazakhstan among the biggest hoarders, International Monetary Fund data show.

    Countries purchased almost 590 metric tons last year, accounting for 14 percent of annual global bullion demand, the World Gold Council estimates. Central bankers are using the metal to diversify from currencies, particularly the dollar, said Stefan Wieler, a Toronto-based vice president at GoldMoney Inc., a financial bullion services firm.

    While physical demand has been consistently strong, paper prices have roller-coastered over the same period. However, gold’s recent “golden cross” as the world goes NIRP (and protectionist), just as The Fed unleashes tightening hell, suggests something is different this time…

  • America's Ruling Classes: No Fear, No Caution, No Prudence

    Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

    Could it be that America's ruling classes, its Imperial state and the Federal Reserve, no longer rule their own destiny?

    America's smug ruling classes are supremely confident: they feel no fear, no caution, and exhibit no prudence.

    I outlined the five ruling classes in America's Nine Classes: The New Class Hierarchy.

    The Deep State is confident that its Imperial toady Hillary Clinton will win the election, beating the Upstart Crow, paving a smooth path to unhindered Imperial entanglements around the world. Hillary never saw an Imperial entanglement she didn't like, and her track record of abysmal failure doesn't phase her.

    The Obama Administration, from the president on down, are confident their thin legacy will remain untarnished, and will provide them a cash-out in the tens of millions in book advances, speaking fees, and all the other rewards that flow to those who served the Financial Oligarchy and the Deep State.

    The Financial Oligarchy is also supremely confident. Obama's complete surrender to the Oligarchy in 2009 enabled a vast expansion of their wealth and power, and Goldman Sachs Hillary stands ready to do her masters' bidding.

    The New Nobility (everyone between the .001% and the .05%) is also confident that the Federal Reserve will continue inflating their private wealth by whatever means are necessary–up to and including expropriation of middle class savings via zero interest rate policy and other financial tyranny.

    The Upper Caste of technocrats that have skimmed billions in government contracts and stock options in Silicon Valley's Unicorn era are also supremely confident: thanks to the Federal Reserve, they can borrow money for essentially zero interest and use the free money to buy back millions of shares, boosting their own private wealth immensely.

    The flim-flam of "innovation" will continue to sell their shares and their gadgets, and their dominance of New Media guarantees they have a lock on the devilishly effective soma of distraction, social media, mindless mobile gaming, etc. that persuades the debt-serf masses that they love their servitude.

    The State Nomenklatura is also smugly confident that their privileged spot at the bloated Federal trough of trillions is guaranteed: wealthy lobbyists are buying multi-million dollar McMansions in the cultural wastelands of Northern Virginia (the gaudy ugliness of the homes matching the pretensions of the Nomenklatura), contractors are billing taxpayers billions for questionable services to the National Security State, and public union employees are confident that the Federal government will bail out their unaffordable pension and benefits plans once their local Democratic machines have stripmined the taxpayers and bankrupted what's left of the local government.

    This is hubris on an unimaginable scale. If there was any karmic justice in this Universe, all these classes would be ground into the dust of an era that they thought would last forever–an era doomed by their smug confidence that nothing could ever threaten their privileges, wealth and power.

    Here's an interesting chart (courtesy of of financial profits as a percentage of GDP and the ratio of debt to GDP. In the virtuous cycle of rapidly expanding financialization/credit, expanding debt pushes growth as measured by GDP (a misleading measure, but that's another story).

    The cycle has reversed and is now unvirtuous: more debt is not pushing GDP higher, hence the declining ratio. Adding debt is not generating growth. Diminishing returns have grabbed the parasitic, predatory monster of financialization by its surprisingly vulnerable neck.

    Meanwhile, financial profits are cratering. Wait, how could this be happening? Where's the Federal Reserve? Wave your wands, do some more magic!

    Could it be that America's ruling classes, its Imperial state and the Federal Reserve, no longer rule their own destiny? Could their smug confidence be their undoing?

    Only two things could upset the ruling class apple cart: a financial crash that the Fed can't stop, much less reverse, and Donald Trump winning the presidency.

  • Striking Admission By Former Bank Of England Head: The European Depression Was A "Deliberate" Act

    Once again we find that it is only after they leave their official posts that central bankers finally tell the truth.

    Last night, it was Alan Greenspan who blasted the state of the economy, saying that “we’re in trouble basically because productivity is dead in the water” and when asked if he is optimistic going forward, Greenspan replied “no, I haven’t been for quite a while.”

    Then on Sunday, the former head of the BOE, Mervyn King, warned that another aspect of the global economy, namely the financial system whose structural problems remain untouched since the financial crisis have been untouched, is “certain to have another crisis.”

    To be sure, warnings by former central bankers who are more responsible about the current global mess sound as nothing but revisionist bullshit. And yet, it was what King said today at the launch of his new book that left us surprised.

    As the Telegraph reports today, according to the former head of the Bank of England Europe’s economic depression “is the result of “deliberate” policy choices made by EU elites. Mervyn King continued his scathing assault on Europe’s economic and monetary union, having predicted the beleaguered currency zone will need to be dismantled to free its weakest members from unremitting austerity and record levels of unemployment.

    King also said he could never have envisaged an economic collapse of the depths of the 1930s returning to Europe’s shores in the modern age. But, he added, the fate of Greece since 2009 – which has suffered a contraction eclipsing the US depression in the inter-war years – was an “appalling” example of economic policy failure, he told an audience at the London School of Economics.

    “I never imagined that we would ever again in an industrialised country have a depression deeper than the United States experienced in the 1930s and that’s what’s happened in Greece. 

    Lord King – who spent a decade fighting the worst financial crisis in history at the Bank of England – has said the weakest eurozone members face little choice but to return to their national currencies as “the only way to plot a route back to economic growth and full employment”.

    But the biggest question about Europe’s depression has always been whether it was the result of sheer stupidity and poor economic decisions or deliberate. King’s answer was stunning: “it is appalling and it has happened almost as a deliberate act of policy which makes it even worse”.

    The reason this statement is profound, is because it validates what “that” 2008 AIG report predicted long ago, and certainly years before the European crisis was unleashed, namely that Europe would specifically create a financial crisis (as well as an environmental crisis, as well as terrorism) in order to fortify “Empire Europe.”

    Recall what then-AIG Banque’s strategist Bernard Connolly said in response to the rhetorical question of “What Europe wants

    To use global issues as excuses to extend its power:

    • environmental issues: increase control over member countries; advance idea of global governance
    • terrorism: use excuse for greater control over police and judicial issues; increase extent of surveillance
    • global financial crisis: kill two birds (free market; Anglo-Saxon economies) with one stone (Europe-wide regulator; attempts at global financial governance)
    • EMU: create a crisis to force introduction of “European economic government”

    The tragedy for Europe is that it has all panned out just as Europe’s unelected, ruling oligarchy as expected, and while we should congratulate Brussels which has managed to not only preserve but solidify its power, it now rules over a decaying, economically insolvent continent, with an entire generation left unemployed, with millions of refugees scrambling to get in, and with Europe’s cultural “integration” back to levels not seen in decades.

    And whereas before we could speculate that all of this had been at most a chance occurrence, we now know better: it was premeditated from day one.

  • British Pension Provider Warns Of "Death Of Retirement"

    British workers will have to work until they are 81 if they want to build up savings that guarantee their parents’ standard of retirement, according to a new study by pension provider Royal London. Without significantly higher levels of engagement in pensions, the report concludes rather ominously, “we may be witnessing the death of retirement.”

    As AP reports,

    The research released Wednesday comes as the British government embarks on a review of pensions that has prompted speculation it will raise the retirement age to compensate for a burgeoning older population. The retirement age for men and women is already set to rise to 66 between December 2018 and October 2020.


    Royal London says changes in workplace pensions mean workers aren’t saving enough to ensure they have the same kind of retirement their parents expected.

    Royal London notes that changes in workplace pension provision mean that coming generations of retirees could have a radically different experience of retirement from their parents. Unless today’s workers begin to save significantly more for their later life, many will find that the quality of later life enjoyed by their parents will be unattainable unless they work well beyond traditional retirement ages.

    For many people, continuing to work to these much higher ages may simply be beyond their physical capability. Without significantly higher levels of engagement in pensions, we may be witnessing the ‘death of retirement’.

    Full Royal London Report below:


    The Death Of Retirement

  • Why Globalization Reaches Limits

    Submitted by Gail Tverberg via Our Finite World blog,

    We have been living in a world of rapid globalization, but this is not a condition that we can expect to continue indefinitely.

    Figure 1. Ratio of Imported Goods and Services to GDP. Based in FRED data for IMPGS.

    Figure 1. Ratio of Imported Goods and Services to GDP. Based in FRED data for IMPGS.

    Each time imported goods and services start to surge as a percentage of GDP, these imports seem to be cut back, generally in a recession. The rising cost of the imports seems to have an adverse impact on the economy. (The imports I am showing are gross imports, rather than imports net of exports. I am using gross imports, because US exports tend to be of a different nature than US imports. US imports include many labor-intensive products, while exports tend to be goods such as agricultural goods and movie films that do not require much US labor.)

    Recently, US imports seem to be down. Part of this reflects the impact of surging US oil production, and because of this, a declining need for oil imports. Figure 2 shows the impact of removing oil imports from the amounts shown on Figure 1.

    Figure 2. Total US Imports of Goods and Services, and this total excluding crude oil imports, both as a ratio to GDP. Crude oil imports from

    Figure 2. Total US Imports of Goods and Services, and this total excluding crude oil imports, both as a ratio to GDP. Crude oil imports from

    If we look at the years from 2008 to the present, there was clearly a big dip in imports at the time of the Great Recession. Apart from that dip, US imports have barely kept up with GDP growth since 2008.

    Let’s think about the situation from the point of view of developing nations, wanting to increase the amount of goods they sell to the US. As long as US imports were growing rapidly, then the demand for the goods and services these developing nations were trying to sell would be growing rapidly. But once US imports flattened out as a percentage of GDP, then it became much harder for developing nations to “grow” their exports to the US.

    I have not done an extensive analysis outside the US, but based on the recent slow economic growth patterns for Japan and Europe, I would expect that import growth for these areas to be slowing as well. In fact, data from the World Trade Organization for Japan, France, Italy, Sweden, Spain, and the United Kingdom seem to show a recent slowdown in imported goods for these countries as well.

    If this lack of demand growth by a number of industrialized countries continues, it will tend to seriously slow export growth for developing countries.

    Where Does Demand For Imports Come From?

    Many of the goods and services we import have an adverse impact on US wages. For example, if we import clothing, toys, and furniture, these imports directly remove US jobs making similar goods here. Similarly, programming jobs and call center jobs outsourced to lower cost nations reduce the number of jobs available in the US. When US oil prices rose in the 1970s, we started importing compact cars from Japan. Substituting Japanese-made cars for American-made cars also led to a loss of US jobs.

    Even if a job isn’t directly lost, the competition with low wage nations tends to hold down wages. Over time, US wages have tended to fall as a percentage of GDP.

    Figure 3. Ratio of US Wages and Salaries to GDP, based on information of the US Bureau of Economic Analysis.

    Figure 3. Ratio of US Wages and Salaries to GDP, based on information of the US Bureau of Economic Analysis.

    Another phenomenon that has tended to occur is greater disparity of wages. Partly this disparity represents wage pressure on individuals doing jobs that could easily be outsourced to a lower-wage country. Also, executive salaries tend to rise, as companies become more international in scope. As a result, earnings for the top 10% have tended to increase since 1981, while wages for the bottom 90% have stagnated.

    Figure 4. Chart by economist Emmanuel Saez based on an analysis IRS data, published in Forbes.

    Figure 4. Chart by economist Emmanuel Saez based on an analysis IRS data, published in Forbes. “Real income” is inflation-adjusted income.

    If wages of most workers are lagging behind, how is it possible to afford increased imports? I would argue that what has happened in practice is greater and greater use of debt. If wages of American workers had been rising rapidly, perhaps these higher wages could have enabled workers to afford the increased quantity of imported goods. With wages lagging behind, growing debt has been used as a way of affording imported goods and services.

    Inasmuch as the US dollar was the world’s reserve currency, this increase in debt did not have a seriously adverse impact on the economy. In fact, back when oil prices were higher than they are today, petrodollar recycling helped maintain demand for US Treasuries as the US borrowed increasing amounts of money to purchase oil and other goods. This process helped keep borrowing costs low for the US.

    Figure 5. US Increase in Debt as Ratio to GDP and US imports as Ratio to GDP. Both from FRED data: TSMDO and IMPGS.

    Figure 5. US Increase in Debt as Ratio to GDP and US imports as Ratio to GDP. Both from FRED data: TSMDO and IMPGS.

    The problem, however, is that at some point it becomes impossible to raise the debt level further. The ratio of debt to GDP becomes unmanageable. Consumers, because their wages have been held down by competition with wages around the world, cannot afford to keep adding more debt. Businesses find that slow wage growth in the US holds down demand. Because of this slow growth in the demand, businesses don’t need much additional debt to expand their businesses either.

    Commodity Prices Are Extremely Sensitive to Lack of Demand

    Commodities, by their nature, are things we use a lot of. It is usually difficult to store very much of these commodities. As a result, it is easy for supply and demand to get out of balance. Because of this, prices swing widely.

    Demand is really a measure of affordability. If wages are lagging behind, then an increase in debt (for example, to buy a new house or a new car) can substitute for a lack of savings from wages. Unfortunately, such increases in debt have not been happening recently. We saw in Figure 5, above, that recent growth in US debt is lagging behind. If very many countries find themselves with wages rising slowly, and debt is not rising much either, then it is easy for commodity demand to fall behind supply. In such a case, prices of commodities will tend to fall behind the cost of production–exactly the problem the world has been experiencing recently. The problem started as early as 2012, but has been especially bad in the past year.

    The way the governments of several countries have tried to fix stagnating economic growth is through a program called Quantitative Easing (QE). This program produces very low interest rates. Unfortunately, QE doesn’t really work as intended for commodities. QE tends to increase the supply of commodities, but it does not increase the demand for commodities.

    The reason QE increases the supply of commodities is because yield-starved investors are willing to pour large amounts of capital into projects, in the hope that commodity prices will rise high enough that investments will be profitable–in other words, that investments in shares of stock will be profitable and also that debt can be repaid with interest. A major example of this push for production after QE started in 2008 is the rapid growth in US “liquids” production, thanks in large part to extraction from shale formations.

    Figure 6. US oil and other liquids production, based on EIA data. Available data is through November, but amount shown is estimate of full year.

    Figure 6. US oil and other liquids production, based on EIA data. Available data is through November, but amount shown is estimate of full year.

    As we saw in Figure 5, the ultra-low interest rates have not been successful in encouraging new debt in general. These low rates also haven’t been successful in increasing US capital expenditures (Figure 7). In fact, even with all of the recent shale investment, capital investment remains low relative to what we would expect based on past investment patterns.

    Figure 7. US Fixed Investment (Factories, Equipment, Schools, Roads) Excluding Consumer Durables as Ratio to GDP, based in US Bureau of Economic Analysis data.

    Figure 7. US Fixed Investment (Factories, Equipment, Schools, Roads) Excluding Consumer Durables as Ratio to GDP, based in US Bureau of Economic Analysis data.

    Instead, the low wages that result from globalization, without huge increases in debt, make it difficult to keep commodity prices up high enough. Workers, with low wages, delay starting their own households, so have no need for a separate apartment or house. They may also be able to share a vehicle with other family members. Because of the mismatch between supply and demand, commodity prices of many kinds have been falling. Oil prices, shown on Figure 9, have been down, but prices for coal, natural gas, and LNG are also down. Oil supply is up a little on a world basis, but not by an amount that would have been difficult to absorb in the 1960s and 1970s, when prices were much lower.

    Figure 9. World oil production and price. Production is based on BP, plus author's estimate for 2016. Historical oil prices are calculated based on a higher than usual recent inflation rate, assuming Shadowstats' view of inflation is correct.

    Figure 9. World oil production and price. Production is based on BP, plus author’s estimate for 2016. Historical oil prices are calculated based on a higher than usual recent inflation rate, assuming Shadowstats’ view of inflation is correct.

    Developing Countries are Often Commodity Exporters 

    Developing countries can be greatly affected if commodity prices are low, because they are often commodity exporters. One problem is obviously the cutback in wages, if it becomes necessary to reduce commodity production.  A second problem relates to the tax revenue that these exports generate. Without this revenue, it is often necessary to cut back funding for programs such as building roads and schools. This leads to even more job loss elsewhere in the economy. The combination of wage loss and tax loss may make it difficult to repay loans.

    Obviously, if low commodity prices persist, this is another limit to globalization.


    We have identified two different limits to globalization. One of them has to do with limits on the amount of goods and services that developed countries can absorb before those imports unduly disrupt local economies, either through job loss, or through more need for debt than the developed economies can handle. The other occurs because of the sensitivity of many developing nations have to low commodity prices, because they are exporters of these commodities.

    Of course, there are other issues as well. China has discovered that if its coal is burned in great quantity, it is very polluting and a problem for this reason. China has begun to reduce its coal consumption, partly because of pollution issues.

    Figure 10. China's energy consumption by fuel, based on data of BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015.

    Figure 10. China’s energy consumption by fuel, based on data of BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015.

    There are many other limiting factors. Fresh water is a major problem, throughout much of the developing world. Adding more people and more industry makes the situation worse.

    One problem with globalization is a long-term tendency to move manufacturing production to countries with ever-lower standards in many ways: ever-lower pollution controls, ever-lower safety standards for workers, and ever-lower wages and benefits for workers. This means that the world becomes an ever-worse place to work and live, and the workers in the system become less and less able to afford the output of the system. The lack of buyers for the output of the system makes it increasingly difficult to keep prices of commodities high enough to support their continued production.

    The logical end point, even beyond globalization, is for automation and robots to perform nearly all production. Of course, if that happens, there will be no one to buy the output of the system. Won’t that be a problem?

    Adequate wages are critical to making any system work. As the system has tended increasingly toward globalization, politicians have tended to focus more and more on the needs of businesses and governments, and less on the needs of workers. At some point, the lack of buyers for the output of the system will tend to bring the whole system down.

    Thus, at some point, the trend toward globalization and automation must stop. We need buyers for the output from the system, and this is precisely the opposite of the direction in which the system is trending. If a way is not found to fix the system, it will ultimately collapse. At a minimum, the trend toward increasing imports will end–if it hasn’t already.

  • How Wall Street Is Preparing For "President Trump"

    While the market has had its share of bogeymen to worry about so far in 2016, mostly along the lines of the "Four Cs", namely China, Crude, Credit and Currencies, it has so far largely ignored one letter: the Big D, for Donald, as in how would a Trump presidency affect the market. And, as Reuters writes, it is time for Wall Street to add "the juggernaut that is Donald J. Trump to the list of what-ifs that is worrying Wall Street."

    The kneejerk, conventional wisdom reaction is that the non-establishment outsider would be a big risk for stocks: "a growing realization that the unpredictable New York real estate developer is in a position to win the Republican nomination and then battle Hillary Clinton for the White House in November's election has caused some investors to sell U.S. stocks. They fear having such a wild-card president could trigger trade wars, hurt the economy and add a lot of market volatility."

    AS Doug Kass notes, "as the market rarely feasts on lack of predictability – Trump represents a nightmare for investors this year." Kass said last week that he was adding to his existing short bet on the U.S. stock market in part because of Trump's increasingly strong position in the race.

    The problem is that it is difficult to pigeonhole Trump's market policies: according to Reuters, "his statements on business and Wall Street don't neatly fit into one ideological worldview, but if anything, they are seen as isolationist in a globally connected world. He can also suddenly pick on businesses over various issues, such as his call for a boycott of Apple’s products after the tech giant refused to help the FBI unlock the iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters."

    It's not just the usual "year eight" of the presidential cycle jitters when the market tends to underperform: "The election this year is the height of uncertainty," said Phil Orlando, a senior portfolio manager and chief equity strategist at Federated Investors in New York, which manages $351 billion. He said political concerns – personified by Trump's emergence as a frontrunner – are one of the main reasons why he began reducing equity exposure in mid-January.

    Others are concerned about Trump's "lack of substance" such as Dave Lafferty, chief market strategist at Natixis Global Asset Management who said that "Trump has been light on policy substance so it’s very difficult for the markets to handicap." He expects market volatility to rise if Trump extends his lead in Tuesday’s elections.

    Then there are fears about Trump's domestic policies. Some investors are particularly concerned about Trump's nationalist rhetoric, saying it is potentially destructive to a global economy that is already struggling. If it reduces trade flows then it could also hamper U.S. and global growth and hurt U.S. company profits.

    As Trump has noted several times during recent speeches, he proposes labeling China a currency manipulator and ending what he calls China's illegal export subsidies and theft of U.S. intellectual property. He also wants to penalize companies who move jobs from the U.S. to Mexico by hitting them with high tariffs if they want to export back to the U.S., as well as build a wall at the Mexican border to prevent the flow of illegal immigrants. Then again considering the US just announced a 266% duty on Chinese steel imports, it may be that Obama is merely frontrunning Trump's policies.

    In response, Trump’s spokeswoman Hope Hicks said in an email to Reuters that the same crowd criticizing the Republican Party's top candidate had been responsible for causing the last worldwide recession and economic meltdown in 2007-2008. 

    "They have zero credibility," said Hicks. "Mr. Trump will restore confidence to the global markets by ending runaway spending and borrowing, restoring trade balance and fairness, and bringing wealth to America's middle class."

    One can't say that he is wrong.

    What is surprising, is that among his other proposals, Trump would bring forth some very market-friendly policies: plans include ideas that traditionally come from Republican candidates, such as lowering the corporate tax rate, simplifying the tax code, and as his web site puts it, cutting the deficit through "eliminating waste, fraud and abuse" and "growing the economy to increase tax revenues.”

    "I think markets will like Trump on the taxes issue since he favors lower rates and a permanent change in repatriation rules," said David Kotok, chairman and chief investment officer at Cumberland Advisors.

    On the other hand, some on Wall Street are worried that Trump's plans to do away with the so-called carried interest tax loophole – which gives hedge fund and private equity managers preferential tax treatment on much of their income – would prompt more selling if he begins to climb in national polls against Clinton.

    Then there are questions about Trump's fiscal policies. David Ader, chief government bond strategist at CRT Capital Group in Stamford, Connecticut, said Trump's history raises questions about his ability to run an organization as unwieldy and complex as the government. The businessman has in the past filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection for the Trump Taj Mahal casino and Trump Plaza Hotel. Ader says the uncertainty would cause investors to flock to safe-haven U.S. Treasuries should Trump take office. "It's one thing to run casinos that have gone bankrupt, it's another to run a country and its foreign policy," he said.

    To this one can respond that if the Fed is unsuccessful at inflating away the debt, default would be the next option (if not very likely), and someone who is familiar with balance sheet restructurings, such as Trump, is precisely what America needs.

    However, that may not be enough for Todd Morgan, senior managing partner at wealth management firm Bel Air Investments Advisors in Los Angeles, who is already taking action: he said that the increasing likelihood that Trump will be the Republican nominee is one reason why he has raised cash in some client portfolios over the past four months. He would likely sell more if it looks like Trump will win the general election, he said.

    "It's like a scale and you keep dropping more weights on the balance everyday, and the political uncertainty is becoming a bigger and bigger weight," he said.

    Some are far more optimistic, and as Carl Icahn told Neil Cavuto last night, "I do believe Donald Trump is what this country needs right now."

    Watch the latest video at

    But the best and most pragmatic response came from DoubleLine's Jeffrey Gundlach, who said that Trump has a history of being ”comfortable with a lot of debt and leverage," and that won't impede him from spending heavily. He said he believes Trump’s pledge to spend heavily on the military makes defense stocks a good investment play.

    In other words, for all the rhetoric and all the bluster, at the end of the day, America under president Trump will be… very much the same.

  • Can Americans Handle Four More Years Of This?

    Some folks were peddling fiction… for everyone else, there's this reality!

    No child (or student, or poor person, or grandchild, or debtholder, or healthy person, or retiree, or African American, or family, or homeowner, or renter) left behind untouched…

    Now that is a legacy.

  • How The U.S. Government And HSBC Teamed Up To Hide The Truth From A Pennsylvania Couple

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    The reason both the Democratic and Republican establishments are in full on panic mode about the rise of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders is a deep seated fear that the plebs have finally woken up.

    Democrats rail against big corporations, while Republicans rail against big government. This scheme has been used to successfully divide and conquer the public for decades while big government and big business successfully schemed to divert all wealth and power to an ever smaller minuscule segment of the population — themselves.

    It took awhile, but the people are finally starting getting it and they are royally pissed off. One of the primary mechanisms for this historic elite theft has been the creation of a two-tiered justice system in which the rich, powerful and connected are never prosecuted for their criminality. Instead, the government actively protects them by pretending corporate entities commit crimes as opposed to individuals. Of course, this is impossible, but yet it’s how the government handles white collar crime. The Orwellian named “Justice Department” casually utilizes deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs), in which companies pay a little fine and the criminals themselves walk away with not just their freedom, but ill gotten monetary gains as well.

    Nowhere is this most apparent than when it comes to the big banks. The individuals who work at these criminal cartels can literally do anything they want with total impunity. One of the most egregious examples of this was the $1.9 billion settlement arranged with HSBC for laundering Mexican drug cartel money and dealing with sanctioned countries. If you or I did this we’d be sitting in a concrete box eating porridge through a straw for the rest of our lives, but when “masters of the world” at big banks do it, the parent company just pays a slap on the wrist fine and life goes on. That’s how oligarch justice works.

    Although the Department of Justice and HSBC thought the money laundering case was settled ancient history, a determined chemist from Pennsylvania is throwing a wrench into their plans and it could have major implications.

    The Wall Street Journal reports:

    WEST CHESTER, Pa.—When Dean Moore ran into roadblocks with a request for mortgage relief, he did what many people do: He sat down at his kitchen table to bang out an angry letter.


    The letter has thrust Mr. Moore, a chemist, and his wife, Ann Marie Fletcher-Moore, a part-time bookstore manager, into a high-stakes battle over whether HSBC Holdings PLC must release a secret report on its compliance with a $1.9 billion money-laundering settlement.

    A “secret” report. You’ve got to be kidding me.

    The disclosure would be the first ever for this type of case and would shine a light on an increasingly common practice for banks accused of breaking the law. Instead of being prosecuted, banks typically enter into settlements under which they often agree to be overseen by monitors whose detailed judgments are kept secret. Judge Gleeson’s order has the potential to dial back that confidentiality, opening a new channel of information that prosecutors say could threaten the viability of such settlements in future cases.

    If you don’t get by now that America is a banana republic, there’s little hope for you.

    HSBC and Justice Department prosecutors have opposed the release, saying it wouldn’t do much to help Mr. Moore with his mortgage predicament. Judge Gleeson, in his order to unseal the report, said that was irrelevant.

    Big banks and the U.S. government are simply 100% in bed together. Constantly scheming to prevent citizens from learning the truth.

    The bank is appealing the ruling, but already it may be having an impact. HSBC disclosed last week that the January report by independent monitor Michael Cherkasky found instances of potential financial crime and had “significant concerns” about the bank’s pace of progress in complying with the money-laundering settlement.

    A legitimate government that cared about the people would want the public to know this, but not the U.S. government.

    The Moores say the experience has been surreal. The couple lives in this Philadelphia suburb with their four children, two dogs and a 15-year-old rabbit and had never spent much time in court other than for jury duty. They have nevertheless held their own against a phalanx of lawyers from the British bank and the Justice Department. A recent hearing in a Brooklyn federal court “was like ‘Law and Order,’” said Mrs. Fletcher-Moore, who is 50 years old.

    HSBC admitted in its 2012 settlement that it failed to catch at least $881 million in drug-trafficking proceeds laundered through its U.S. bank and that its staff stripped data from transactions with Iran, Libya and Sudan to evade U.S. sanctions.


    The mortgage was administered by HSBC, and the Moores say they wrote to the bank starting in 2008 asking it to temporarily lower the 7% interest rate. They said the lender appeared receptive, only for its representatives to misplace documents needed to complete their application for a loan modification several times.


    Frustrated, the Moores researched the bank online last year and stumbled upon news of the money-laundering settlement and the monitor’s secret report. The Moores say they believe the report details faulty internal controls like those they encountered when trying to modify their loan.


    If his ruling stands, it would be “the first time we get to see what happens after a bank settles a prosecution,” said Brandon Garrett, a professor at University of Virginia’s law school who has studied the monitor system.

    Which is exactly what the U.S. government doesn’t want people to see.

    HSBC and the Justice Department are still fighting to keep the report private and have appealed Judge Gleeson’s ruling to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. An appeals court ruling could be months away. “I feel like a very small boat in a very large ocean,” Mr. Moore wrote at one point, in a letter responding to some of their arguments.

    For more on the corrupt U.S. justice system, see:

    How the Department of Justice is Actively Trying to Prevent Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform

    Is the Justice Department Finally Ready to Jail Corporate Criminals?

    Florida Man Sentenced to 2.5 Years in Jail for Having Sex on the Beach

    Some Leaks Are More Equal Than Others – Hypocritical D.C. Insiders Line up to Defend General Petraeus from Prosecution

    Some Money Launderers are “More Equal” than Others

    Some Money Launderers are More Equal than Others Part 2 – CEO of BitInstant is Arrested

    Just another day in the…

    Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 5.05.26 PM

  • What Percent Are You?

    Are you the 1% or the 99%? How about among millennials? Or high-school dropouts? The Wall Street Journal shows how your income compares with your fellow Americans.

    Earning $25,780 would put you below 50% of Americans reporting individual income in 2014. What percent are you?


    Click image below for interactive version

  • "How To Move To Canada" Searches Spike 1,000% After Trump Super Tuesday Rout

    Super Tuesday sure was “super” for Donald Trump.

    The billionaire – who has gone from “joke” to “frontrunner” in the span of just 9 months – is now the presumed pick for the GOP nomination.

    That’s rattled the Republican establishment and sent shockwaves through Washington where no one – and we mean on one – can figure out how this happened.

    And while citizens clearly believe Trump is preferable to America’s entrenched political aristocracy, there are quite a few people who have very real reservations about the prospects of a Trump presidency. As we noted earlier this week, readers will likely disagree with a number of Larry Summers’ points, but the bottom line is that some Americans are concerned about the direction the coutnry will take under a Trump presidency.

    As The Telegraph notes, searches by Americans for “how can I move to Canada” were up more than 1,000% at their peak after Trump’s Super Tuesday victory.

    And so, while this would seem to indicate a bit of national disaffection for the Trump bid, it’s worth noting that the billionaire’s supoort base is unwavering. In fact, the GOP frontrunner’s dominating performance on Tuesday evening indicates that for every American who wants to move to Canada should in the event he wins the presidency, there are just as many (or many more) Americans who think Trump is just what the country needs. 

    “While analysts were already aware of Trump’s popularity among less-educated workers, his landslide win in Massachusetts with 49 per cent of the vote was particularly surprising, since the state has the most educated population in the U.S,” The Telegraph goes on to note. 

    At his victory speech in Florida, he said: “I’m going to get along very well with the world. You’re going to be very proud of me as president.”

    Well, unless you move to Canada. In which case you’ll have to be “very proud” of Justin Trudeau.

  • Billionaire Koch Brothers Won't Attack Trump In Primaries After Murdoch Calls For Party Unity

    It appears it is not just the bookies that see Trump’s nomination as a done deal. Even the money behind the establishment is folding now as Reuters reports the mega-donor billionaire Koch brothers have said they have “no plans to get involved in the primary.” This follows another mega-donor, Rupert Murdoch’s call to “unify the party” as Trump tries to make peace with the “establishment.”

    Before Super Tuesday – as the rhetoric reached 1st grade – Murdoch (cum peacekeeper) tweeted…

    And then earlier this evening, following Trump’s success, he followed up with…

    Which, as Reuters reports, appears to have forced some to stop the denial and move forward…

    The billionaire industrialist Koch brothers, the most powerful conservative mega donors in the United States, will not deploy their $400 million political arsenal to attack Republican front-runner Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential primary election, according to an official from the brother’s political umbrella group.


    “We have no plans to get involved in the primary,” said James Davis, spokesman for Freedom Partners, the Koch brothers’ political umbrella group.


    Donors and media reports have speculated since a Koch summit in January that the brothers would launch a “Trump Intervention,” a strategy that would involve deploying the Koch’s vast political network to target the billionaire reality TV star in hopes of removing him from the race.

    It is hardly surprising as throwing good money after bad (ask Jeb) just isn’t going to change the minds of an angry electorate…

  • Are You A 'Religious Extremist'?

    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

    Are you a religious extremist?  For years, world leaders have been endlessly proclaiming that we need to eradicate “extremism”, but what actually is “extremism”?  Many would point to the ISIS jihadists over in the Middle East that are beheading people that don’t agree with them as examples of religious extremists, and I think that very few people would argue with that.  But our politicians (especially the liberal ones) rarely use the term “Islamic terrorists” anymore.  Instead, they tend to use the term “religious extremists”, and that has a much, much broader connotation.  In fact, if you are a Bible-believing Christian, you are probably included in that category.

    Most Bible-believing Christians would never think of themselves as being similar to radical jihadists in the Middle East, but that is precisely how many of their fellow Americans very them.  The Barna Group has just released a shocking new study which found that 45 percent of all “non-religious” Americans believe that “Christianity is extremist”…

    The perception that the Christian faith is extreme is now firmly entrenched among the nation’s non-Christians. A full forty-five percent of atheists, agnostics, and religiously unaffiliated in America agree with the statement “Christianity is extremist.” Almost as troubling is the fact that only 14 percent of atheists and agnostics strongly disagree that Christianity is extremist. The remaining four in ten (41%) disagree only somewhat. So even non-Christians who are reluctant to fully label Christianity as extremist, still harbor some hesitations and negative perceptions toward the religion.

    Even more troubling is what the study discovered about how the general population views specific religious activities.  There has been a tremendous shift in society, and behaviors that were considered to be completely mainstream a few decades ago are now considered to be “extremism”.

    Are you ready to take a test? Look over the Barna infographic that I have shared below very carefully.  Have you ever participated in any of these “extremist activities”?…

    If you have ever participated in any of the activities listed in category 1 or category 2, you are a “religious extremist” according to most Americans.

    Of course every single one of the behaviors in category 2 would potentially apply to me, so I guess that would make me an “extremist” according to this definition.

    This is where our society is heading.  Of course “Christian extremists” are not normally put into prison in the United States quite yet, but hatred toward our faith in rapidly rising in society.  Church attendance is dropping like a rock, the Christian faith is relentlessly mocked in movies and on television, and incidents of hostility toward Christians have doubled over the past three years.

    And the truth is that even the federal government and the military are rapidly turning against Bible-believing Christians.  For example, the slide that I have posted below comes from a U.S. Army Reserve Equal Opportunity training brief that described “Evangelical Christianity” and “Catholicism” as examples of “religious extremism”…

    Once this came out, there was a huge uproar and some people got into trouble over this.  But it should be exceedingly alarming to people of faith that U.S. military personnel were being trained that evangelical Christians are on the same level as the Ku Klux Klan.

    And of course this is far from the only example of this phenomenon.  In fact, Christians have regularly been described as “extremists” and “potential terrorists” in official U.S. government documents since the day that Barack Obama first stepped into the White House.

    The following is an extended excerpt from my previous article entitled “72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered ‘Potential Terrorists’ In Official Government Documents“…


    Below is a list of 72 types of Americans that are considered to be “extremists” and “potential terrorists” in official U.S. government documents.  To see the original source document for each point, just click on the link.  As you can see, this list covers most of the country…

    1. Those that talk about “individual liberties”

    2. Those that advocate for states’ rights

    3. Those that want “to make the world a better place”

    4. “The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule”

    5. Those that are interested in “defeating the Communists”

    6. Those that believe “that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations”

    7. Anyone that holds a “political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful,or undesirable”

    8. Anyone that possesses an “intolerance toward other religions”

    9. Those that “take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and/or animals”

    10. “Anti-Gay”

    11. “Anti-Immigrant”

    12. “Anti-Muslim”

    13. “The Patriot Movement”

    14. “Opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians”

    15. Members of the Family Research Council

    16. Members of the American Family Association

    17. Those that believe that Mexico, Canada and the United States “are secretly planning to merge into a European Union-like entity that will be known as the ‘North American Union’”

    18. Members of the American Border Patrol/American Patrol

    19. Members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform

    20. Members of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition

    21. Members of the Christian Action Network

    22. Anyone that is “opposed to the New World Order”

    23. Anyone that is engaged in “conspiracy theorizing”

    24. Anyone that is opposed to Agenda 21

    25. Anyone that is concerned about FEMA camps

    26. Anyone that “fears impending gun control or weapons confiscations”

    27. The militia movement

    28. The sovereign citizen movement

    29. Those that “don’t think they should have to pay taxes”

    30. Anyone that “complains about bias”

    31. Anyone that “believes in government conspiracies to the point of paranoia”

    32. Anyone that “is frustrated with mainstream ideologies”

    33. Anyone that “visits extremist websites/blogs”

    34. Anyone that “establishes website/blog to display extremist views”

    35. Anyone that “attends rallies for extremist causes”

    36. Anyone that “exhibits extreme religious intolerance”

    37. Anyone that “is personally connected with a grievance”

    38. Anyone that “suddenly acquires weapons”

    39. Anyone that “organizes protests inspired by extremist ideology”

    40. “Militia or unorganized militia”

    41. “General right-wing extremist”

    42. Citizens that have “bumper stickers” that are patriotic or anti-U.N.

    43. Those that refer to an “Army of God”

    44. Those that are “fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”

    45. Those that are “anti-global”

    46. Those that are “suspicious of centralized federal authority”

    47. Those that are “reverent of individual liberty”

    48. Those that “believe in conspiracy theories”

    49. Those that have “a belief that one’s personal and/or national ‘way of life’ is under attack”

    50. Those that possess “a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism”

    51. Those that would “impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”

    52. Those that would “insert religion into the political sphere”

    53. Anyone that would “seek to politicize religion”

    54. Those that have “supported political movements for autonomy”

    55. Anyone that is “anti-abortion”

    56. Anyone that is “anti-Catholic”

    57. Anyone that is “anti-nuclear”

    58. “Rightwing extremists”

    59. “Returning veterans”

    60. Those concerned about “illegal immigration”

    61. Those that “believe in the right to bear arms”

    62. Anyone that is engaged in “ammunition stockpiling”

    63. Anyone that exhibits “fear of Communist regimes”

    64. “Anti-abortion activists”

    65. Those that are against illegal immigration

    66. Those that talk about “the New World Order” in a “derogatory” manner

    67. Those that have a negative view of the United Nations

    68. Those that are opposed “to the collection of federal income taxes”

    69. Those that supported former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr

    70. Those that display the Gadsden Flag (“Don’t Tread On Me”)

    71. Those that believe in “end times” prophecies

    72. Evangelical Christians


    Are you starting to get the picture?

  • The Copper Market Breakout 3 2 2016 (Video)

    By EconMatters

    We broke out in the copper market today. We look at what resistance levels are in play going forward in the market.

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  • The Next Cockroach Emerges: Including Undrawn Loans, Canadian Banks Exposure To Oil Doubles

    One month ago, when we looked at the (very opaque) European banking sector and the pains it was undergoing as a result of its China and commodity exposure, we asked whether Canadian banks are next, focusing on the uncharacteristically low reserves local banks have to the loans in the oil and gas sector.

    As we summarized, using an RBC report, if using the same average reserve level as that applied by US banks, Canadian banks’ current loss allowance excluding RBC would surge from $170MM to over $2.5 billion, resulting in a substantial hit to earnings, and potentially impairing the banks’ ability to service dividends and future cash distributions.

    We also wondered what other cockroaches may be hiding inside the uncharacteristically optimistic Canadian banks’ balance sheets.

    One answer was revealed today when Bloomberg reported that if one includes untapped loans in the form of undrawn revolvers and other committed but unused credit facilities, Canadian banks’ exposure to the struggling oil-and-gas industry more than doubles from the current C$50 billion in outstanding loans generally highlighted by Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank and the country’s four other large lenders in quarterly earnings calls and presentations, to C$107 billion ($80 billion).


    As Bloomberg explains for those unfamiliar with how gross exposure works, in addition to existing loans and drawn credit facilities, banks also have exposure in the form of commitments, such as credit lines. They can potentially increase a bank’s risk, because the weakest borrowers often tap their entire credit line when nearing default. The banks’ exposure to oil-and-gas companies from outstanding loans and commitments range from about C$5 billion for National Bank of Canada to C$32 billion for Bank of Nova Scotia.

    And when a liquidity shortage arrives as it most certainly will should oil continue to trade at current prices, distressed energy companies will promptly fully draw the last dollar available under untapped credit lines.

    Borrowing the full amount before the credit line is cut helps companies preserve liquidity to keep paying their bills, and gives them leverage to negotiate with their creditors. For example, Royal Bank is among the lead lenders to SandRidge Energy Inc., which drew its entire $500 million credit line in January. The Oklahoma City-based company then missed a bond interest payment on Feb. 16, starting a 30-day countdown to default unless the coupon is paid or an agreement is reached with its lenders.

    Remember when in late 2013 this website was warning about the unprecedented surge in issuance of covenant-lite loans? This is the reason.

    Barring breaching contracts, “the banks really don’t have a lot of recourse to prevent you from drawing the credit line,” said Jason Wangler, an energy analyst at Wunderlich Securities in Houston. “They were really lax last year on covenants and it’s starting to cost them.”

    Putting Canada’s energy loans in context, European banks disclosed during the most recent earnings season that they have almost $200 billion in oil-and-gas loans, while U.S. banks have an estimated $123 billion of outstanding loans and commitments to the industry. In other words when adding the committed but undrawn exposure, total Canadian bank exposure of $80 billion is fast approaching that of the entire US banking sector.

    Not surprisingly, it was bank analysts who promptly tried to put liptsick on this pig:

    Including oil-and-gas lending commitments overstates the banks’ risks, since the borrowers may not fully draw down those credit lines in times of trouble, said Peter Routledge, an analyst with National Bank Financial.


    “The banks will lower the undrawn commitments before the borrowers go bankrupt,” Routledge said in an interview. “There will be some lines cut so it’s not going to be as big.”

    Incidentally, this is precisely what US banks are quietly doing right now as we also reported two months ago, when we first explained that U.S. banks have been quietly shrinking the credit facilities of numerous oil and gas companies.

    However, the banks better hurry: with every passing day energy company liquidity is getting increasingly more dire, to the point where they will soon scramble to take out as much cash as they possibly can before the banks perform their periodic redeterimation, and cut the borrowing bases based on new strip assumptions.

    Who is most exposed?

    According to Bloomberg, Scotiabank, Canada’s third-largest lender, has the highest credit exposure to oil-and-gas, including C$17.9 billion in outstanding loans and C$14.1 billion of commitments, according to March 1 disclosures. About 60 percent of the drawn exposure is investment grade, compared with about 75 percent for the undrawn commitments, the bank said.

    “When you back out the investment grade, what’s left is a very small portion that is an area of focus, but we’re very comfortable,” Chief Financial Officer Sean McGuckin said Tuesday in telephone interview from Toronto. “We do a name-by-name analysis on a regular basis and we’ve got a good handle on this portfolio.”

    Royal Bank, Canada’s largest lender, had the second-highest exposure. Chief Risk Officer Mark Hughes said on a Feb. 24 call that the bank’s drawn wholesale loan book to the oil-and-gas industry represented about 1.6 percent of its total, with an accompanying presentation showing the amount was C$8.4 billion. Gross exposure to oil-and-gas firms was C$22.1 billion, including C$13.7 billion of undrawn commitments, according to a report to shareholders.

    Some banks, such as RBC are hoping their covenants will provide sufficient protection. Royal Bank’s Chief Risk Officer Mark Hughes said that “The vast majority of our clients’ credit profiles are strong and have remained stable over the past year,” Hughes said in an e-mailed statement. “We have covenants in place as safeguards, such as liquidity and coverage requirements, which serve to restrict drawings in times of stress. If the company can demonstrate their compliance with these requirements, they can continue to draw on their facilities.”

    “We do remain very comfortable because our oil and gas exposure is below our peers,” CFO Riaz Ahmed said in a Feb. 25 phone interview.

    The other Canadian banks are just as optimistic that these credit facilities, most of which were drafted when oil was at $100, will prevent capital losses.

    Oil-and-gas loans at Bank of Montreal were C$7.4 billion in the first quarter, representing about 2 percent of its portfolio, the Toronto-based firm said in a Feb. 23 disclosure. The undrawn exposure shows that the lender had an additional C$8.24 billion of undrawn commitments, raising its exposure to C$16.3 billion.


    “We evaluate the risk on both drawn and undrawn basis,” Chief Executive Officer Bill Downe said in a Feb. 29 interview in Florida. “We assume that lines will be drawn under periods of stress. I think our disclosure is fair.”


    National Bank reported C$3.2 billion of outstanding oil-and-gas loans in the first quarter, a “low and manageable” exposure representing about 2.7 percent of its loan book, Chief Risk Officer William Bonnell said during a Feb. 23 earnings call.

    Unless oil rebounds, the entire world will find out very soon just how contained this particular “cockroach” is, even as we look forward to discovering the next one.

  • Hacking Democracy – Welcome To The Jungle Of Non-Cooperative Nations

    Submitted by Ben Hunt via Salient Partners' Epsilon Theory blog,

    There is one great positive-sum game in all of human economic history — trade. But there are periods of time in human history when this core engine of growth and prosperity falters, when it becomes, at best, a zero-sum game of equal winners and equal losers. We are entering one of those times.
    Why? Because this is what ALWAYS happens as independent nations struggle with the domestic political consequences of massive debt. Debt begets wealth inequality. Wealth inequality begets political polarization. Political polarization begets shocking electoral outcomes as the median voter theorem fails and shocking market outcomes as the central tendency fails. So go ahead … ask Nate Silver how well his electoral models are working. Ask any Fed staffer how well their econometric models are working. Democracy is hacked, not in the sense of some Mr. Robot f-society conspiracy, but in the sense of what Sen. Lindsey Graham appropriately calls “bats**t crazy” domestic political behavior, behavior that ALWAYS emerges under these circumstances. It happened in the 1870s. It happened in the 1930s. It's happening today. As George Soros would say, I'm not expecting it. I'm observing it.
    Under the strain of domestic policy errors and domestic policy uncertainty (uncertainty in the technical sense of the word, where neither outcomes nor probability distributions can be known), global trade volumes and global trade prices ALWAYS roll over. Again, this happened in the 1870s, it happened in the 1930s, and it's happening today. And when this global economic pie begins to shrink, the strategic interaction between nations inexorably changes from a Cooperative game to a Competitive game (read "The Silver Age of the Central Banker" for more). This is the moment where trade activity — in goods, services, and capital — shifts from a positive-sum game to a zero-sum game, where domestic political institutions ALWAYS shift towards protectionist policies. In the modern context, this political shift takes place primarily in monetary policy, specifically monetary policy that impacts currency exchange rates. Why? Because currencies are the linchpin for both trade in goods and trade in capital. Currency intervention is the quickest and most direct way to protect your slice of a smaller and smaller pie, even though it's exactly this currency intervention, when done by everyone, that is making the pie shrink. 
    I can't emphasize strongly enough how this politically-driven shift in the equilibrium payoffs of global trade and capital flows — and its expression in monetary policy focused on currency exchange rates — changes everything for investors.
    But I also can't tell you how this all ends up. I know this is a really disappointing statement I'm about to make, but the outcome of most Competitive Games is not predictable. And by "not predictable" I don't mean that there's an equal chance of this or that outcome. I mean that any attachment of any probability distribution to any set of potential outcomes just doesn't work in a predictive sense. Or if it does work, then it worked by pure luck. For example, there are two equilibrium outcomes in a game of Chicken, but that doesn't mean that each equilibrium is equally likely. It means that the entire concept of likelihood or probability functions has no meaning here (read "Inherent Vice" for more). It means that the entire econometric toolkit is about as useful as a socket wrench kit is useful in baking a cake. Again, I know how hard it is to wrap one's head around this fact, and I know that many readers will just reject it out of hand. But it's still true.
    So I can't tell you what the ultimate outcome of this Competitive Game between nations will be. But I can tell you what the process of this game will be. I can tell you what the dynamic of this game will be. I can give you a perspective that works for the times we're in, and I can identify specific asymmetric risk/reward set-ups (but call them by their proper name — trades — not "investments"). That's the most that is possible here, and I think anyone who says otherwise is mistaking luck for skill.
    What is the dynamic of the Competitive Game of nations here in 2016? Specifically, what's next? I think I can sum up my views in two pictures.
    First, here's a group shot from the G-20 meeting that just concluded in Shanghai. There's Christine Lagarde of the IMF on the left, the belle of the ball … and then there's Janet Yellen on the right, looking about as uncomfortable as it's possible for a human to look.

    [Photo: Rolex Dela Pena / AFP]
    Frankly, as an American … and as someone who recognizes that the nature of the international game has changed from Cooperation to Competition … I'm pleased that Yellen isn't all buddy-buddy with her fellow conferees. That's no slight on Lagarde — her institution is intentionally designed to promote the Cooperation game, she offers carrots rather than swings a big stick, and it makes perfect sense that anyone who runs the IMF would be highly charismatic and the life of the party (true for her predecessor, DSK, too, although maybe he was too much the life of the party … just sayin'). Yellen, on the other hand, has no institutional mandate for international cooperation and swings the meanest stick, by far, in the global economy. Yellen is the big stack, to use a poker playing analogy (poker being a zero-sum game, of course), and short of wearing a hoodie and mirrored shades to convey intimidation and an intentional separation from the crowd — an effective big stack strategy, by the way — I can't think of more effective game-playing body language than Yellen displays here.
    So what's next for this high-stakes poker game? A series of raises (in the poker sense!) from Europe and Japan, with the US calling and checking down every step of the way, until ultimately China goes all-in by floating the yuan or otherwise sharply devaluing their currency. Less metaphorically, that means I expect the ECB to lower its negative interest rates significantly this week, and the Bank of Japan will do … something … of similar or greater magnitude later in March. The US will be dragged from its current tightening bias to a neutral bias (maybe as early as the March meeting, but probably not), and then to an easing bias, and then to actual easing. But the US won't be initiating any of these moves, they will be responding to the actions of the ECB and the BOJ.
    With every action by the ECB and the BOJ, the dollar gets stronger, oil and commodities go lower, and S&P 500 earnings get hit. That's bad for the US and it's bad for China and it's bad for global trade and it's bad for the global industrial and commodity complexes, but if you're Draghi or Kuroda you really don't care. Or rather, they might care, but when the payoff from being a currency "defector" becomes potentially greater than the payoff from being a currency "cooperator", there's a dominant strategy and it's called beggar-thy-neighbor.
    That same dominant strategy exists for the US and China. For the US that means turning the monetary policy barge around from tightening to easing, and with every move Yellen makes, the dollar will go down, oil and commodities will go up, S&P 500 earnings will look better, and equity markets will rally. But it's a short-term rally because this will only spark further currency-weakening actions by the ECB and the BOJ, starting another leg down in the protectionist spiral. Wash, rinse, repeat.
    The big loser in this spiraling dynamic is China. To torture the poker analogy a bit more, they're the short stack at this table — not from a purely economic perspective (that's Japan), but from a political perspective (where Japan may actually be the strongest). It's political strength that matters most in this game, and the Chinese political regime is existentially vulnerable to declining volumes of global trade. They have no choice but to go all-in here to spur exports and domestic industrial production, and at some point they will. There are several ways China can shove their chips into the pot, but my guess is that they go all-in by floating the yuan. That will be the risk-off moment of this or any other year, an atomic bomb of deflationary power, and I think it's an easy putt from there to negative rates in the US.
    Yes, that's right. Negative rates in the US. It's coming. It's inevitable, really, not because the FOMC wants negative rates — they don't — but because they must pursue negative rates out of national self-interest and sheer self-defense in a Competitive game where your adversaries (get used to that word) have rolled out the equivalent of mustard gas in the trench warfare that we're going to endure.
    And that brings me to my second photo that's worth a thousand words, this from a recent meeting of Sweden's central bank, prior to their February reduction of interest rates to -0.5%.


    “We have become seasoned. Things which once made us say ‘oh my God’ don’t seem that dramatic anymore.”
    – Sweden Riksbank Deputy Gov. Per Jansson (on left)

    [Photo: Associated Press]
    I mean, this is what it's come to, right? Where smirking Ph.Ds who have never spent a day of their adult lives outside of the governmental or academic womb, where earringed, pony-tailed apparatchiks who have never managed a dime, who have never counseled a retired couple trying to live on their savings, now unilaterally and without limitation make political decisions that determine the fate of that retired couple. Not just in Sweden, but everywhere in the world. Yeah, I shouldn't mention the whole earring and pony-tail thing, but you know what? It's an intentional statement of identity, an identity that I recognize from my decade as a political science professor, an identity that not only elevates elegant theory over practical experience, but more than that, dismisses practical experience as inherently inferior to the tenets of an academic faith. It's the hubris, the overweening pride that oozes from this photo that makes me cringe. We've seen this movie before, and it always ends in tears. There's a reason that Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and nowhere is pride more dangerous than when it comes to financial "innovation." What the Gaussian copula was to securitized mortgages in 2008, negative rates are to monetary policy in 2016.

    But here's the thing, and this is true for any Competitive game, whether it's poker or World War I or a Republican primary or strategic monetary policy — once one player enjoys some success with a new strategy or a new weapon, ALL players must adopt that strategy or weapon, regardless of whether or not a player thinks it's distasteful or misguided. Even if you think you're doing the wrong thing in the long run, if you don't adopt the new strategy you're going to lose in the short run, and that's something no politician and no central banker can stomach. I'm reminded of the (in)famous line from Chuck Prince, former Citigroup CEO, in 2007: "When the music stops, in terms of liquidity, things will be complicated. But as long as the music is playing, you've got to get up and dance." Just as all of the big banks were dancing to the music of Alt-A mortgages and trillions of dollars in mortgage-backed securitizations in 2007, so are all central bankers dancing to the music of negative rates and currency devaluation today. It was the rational move for Prince and Fuld and Thain and Mozilo then, and it's the rational move for Yellen and Draghi and Kuroda and Zhou today. Once negative rates (or liar loans or Trump-esque campaign tactics) are introduced into the field of battle you can't wish them away. You have to fight fire with fire until a big structure burns down, with the hope that at that point everyone can get together and rebuild. Or you can surrender. Welcome to the jungle.

  • "I'm Very Sad": Peso Collapse Triggers Despair At Mexican Border Towns

    “When the Mexican peso gets a cold, Laredo sneezes,” Les Norton, head of the Downtown Merchants Association says.

    Despite the fact that Banxico managed to take MXN shorts out into the alley and execute them earlier this month in an epic “franc moment,” the trend, so to speak, is not your friend here.


    Mexico’s currency has taken a dramatic hit from the slump in crude. Like other EM FX pairs, the USDMXN hasn’t been the place to be over the past year (again, recent weakness notwithstanding).

    And much like what we’ve seen with the loonie, the FX malaise has real implications for people’s purchasing decisions. Need proof? Look no further than Silvia Guerra’s store in Laredo, Texas which is on the state-side of the Rio Grande. As Bloomberg notes, Guerra sells “dresses and colorful rolls of fabric,” but these days, the collapsing peso means “she’ll be out of business by May.” 

    As Bloomberg goes on to recount, Silvia is a poster child for the malaise that’s accrued from the collapse in oil prices. “Her husband lost his job leasing drilling equipment for Weatherford [and] their daughter, an administrator for Baker Hughes in San Antonio, was told her position is at risk after more than 700 firings recently at the oil-services company.” Furthermore, “their son, who supervises fracking operations for C&J Energy Services, has seen his paycheck shrink so much he’s looking for side work.”

    Earlier this month, Weatherford fired 15% of its workforce or, around 6,000 people. Guerra’s husband was fired after 16 years at the company. 

    “The news hit us like a bomb,” she said. 

    “Most of the 115 million people who cross into Texas legally from Mexico every year are on shopping expeditions, and by some estimates are responsible for one of every two retail dollars spent in Laredo,” Bloomberg notes. “They buy everything from jeans to smart phones to toys.”

    Well, unless the exchange rate crashes. Then they don’t buy anything. 

    Now with the peso, my customers are not coming anymore,” Kush Samtani who owns a 27-year-old electronics shop bemoans.

    As Bloomberg goes on to note, around a third of Laredo’s residents live below the poverty line. Per capita income is less than $16K. “What’s different this time is that Laredo is also taking a hit from the bust in the Eagle Ford, one of the fields behind the surge in U.S. oil output in the past half-decade,” Bloomberg adds. 

    For those who might have missed it, here’s what the situation looks like: 

    But that’s ok, because Robert Kaplan is on the job. 

    And he’ll definitley make things right again. Besides, there’s nothing wrong in the first place (i.e. there are no struggling financial institutions, just ask the Dallas Fed, who told Zero Hedge that there’s nothing to worry about when it comes to O&G reserves). 

    On second thought, you should worry. At least if you’re Silvia Guerra. Because a surging dollar is going to continue to pressure EM. And thanks to Saudi Arabia (and Iran, through no fault of their own), commodity prices are going to remain subdued. As will EM FX. In fact the correlation between EM FX and commodities has intensified: 

    So good luck Silvia.

    I’m very sad that I have to close my store,” she told Bloomberg. 

    Tell it to King Salman. And then maybe see if he’ll lend you some gold to cover your bills.

  • Small Cap Stocks Soar On The Lowest Volume Day Of 2016

    Another crazy day in the markets…


    While stocks dropped and popped on the day… with a panic-buying scramble into the close to get Nasdaq unch…


    On SPY's lowest volume day of 2016


    Crude Oil went full retard… (API Build, DOE bigger build, production down small, Saudi loans, Venezuela meetings)


    With Small Caps extending their exuberant gains…


    On the back of another yuuge short squeeze – biggest single-day squeeze in 3 weeks (2nd largest since Black Monday)


    Bouncing hard off the Monday night lows…


    For the 13th day in a row, the S&P 500 has closed either at the high or the low of the day…


    VIX slammed to a 16 handle into the close…


    High yield bonds were nt playing along after their surge yesterday (HYG's worst day in a month)


    Stocks decoupled from Bonds & FX carry after Europe closed…


    Treasury yields ened the day mixed after yesterdays explosion (2s and 30s outperformed as the belly underperformed


    The USD Index slumped back to unchanged onthe week after Europe closed today, helped by JPY and EUR strength…


    Commodities all showed gains today with Gold & Silver pushing yesterday's highs and copper accelerating…


    Finally, just as we warned yesterday, NatGas tumbled today – seemingly driven on McClendon headlines…


    One final thought – the last time S&P 500 closed here, consensus earnings were 5% higher.


    Charts: Bloomberg

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Today’s News 2nd March 2016

  • Reality Check: No Matter Who Wins The White House, The New Boss Will Be The Same As The Old Boss

    Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    “The main problem in any democracy is that crowd-pleasers are generally brainless swine who can go out on a stage & whup their supporters into an orgiastic frenzy—then go back to the office & sell every one of the poor bastards down the tube for a nickel apiece.” ? Hunter S. Thompson

    Politics today is not about Republicans and Democrats.

    Nor is it about healthcare, abortion, higher taxes, free college tuition, or any of the other buzzwords that have become campaign slogans for individuals who have mastered the art of telling Americans exactly what they want to hear.

    Politics today is about one thing and one thing only: maintaining the status quo between the Controllers (the politicians, the bureaucrats, and the corporate elite) and the Controlled (the taxpayers).

    Hillary will not save the nation. Nor will Bernie, Trump, Rubio, or Cruz.

    The only ones who can save the nation are “we the people,” and yet the American people remain eager to be persuaded that a new president in the White House can solve the problems that plague us.

    No matter who wins this next presidential election, you can rest assured that the new boss will be the same as the old boss, and we—the permanent underclass in America—will continue to be forced to march in lockstep with the police state in all matters, public and private.

    Indeed, as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, it really doesn’t matter what you call them—the 1%, the elite, the controllers, the masterminds, the shadow government, the police state, the surveillance state, the military industrial complex—so long as you understand that no matter which party occupies the White House in 2017, the unelected bureaucracy that actually calls the shots will continue to do so.

    Consider the following a much-needed reality check, an antidote if you will, against an overdose of overhyped campaign announcements, lofty electoral promises and meaningless patriotic sentiments that land us right back in the same prison cell.

    FACT: According to a scientific study by Princeton researchers, the United States of America is not the democracy that it purports to be, but rather an oligarchy, in which “economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy.”


    FACT: Despite the fact that the number of violent crimes in the country is down substantially, the lowest rate in forty years, the number of Americans being jailed for nonviolent crimes such as driving with a suspended license is skyrocketing.


    FACT: Thanks to an overabundance of 4,500-plus federal crimes and 400,000-plus rules and regulations, it is estimated that the average American actually commits three felonies a day without knowing it. In fact, according to law professor John Baker, “There is no one in the United States over the age of 18 who cannot be indicted for some federal crime. That is not an exaggeration.”


    FACT: Despite the fact that we have 46 million Americans living at or below the poverty line, 16 million children living in households without adequate access to food, and at least 900,000 veterans relying on food stamps, enormous sums of taxpayer money continue to be doled out for presidential vacations ($16 million for trips to Africa and Hawaii), overtime fraud at the Department of Homeland Security (nearly $9 million in improper overtime claims, and that’s just in six of the DHS’ many offices)HurricaHur, and Hollywood movie productions ($10 million in taxpayer money was spent by the Army National Guard on Superman movie tie-ins aimed at increasing awareness about the National Guard).


    FACT: Since 2001 Americans have spent $10.5 million every hour for numerous foreign military occupations, including in Iraq and Afghanistan. There’s also the $2.2 million spent every hour on maintaining the United States’ nuclear stockpile, and the $35,000 spent every hour to produce and maintain our collection of Tomahawk missiles. And then there’s the money the government exports to other countries to support their arsenals, at the cost of $1.61 million every hour for the American taxpayers.


    FACT: It is estimated that 2.7 million children in the United States have at least one parent in prison, whether it be a local jail or a state or federal penitentiary, due to a wide range of factors ranging from overcriminalization and surprise raids at family homes to roadside traffic stops.


    FACT: According to a Gallup poll, Americans place greater faith in the military and the police than in any of the three branches of government.


    FACT: “Today, 17,000 local police forces are equipped with such military equipment as Blackhawk helicopters, machine guns, grenade launchers, battering rams, explosives, chemical sprays, body armor, night vision, rappelling gear and armored vehicles,” reports Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. “Some have tanks.”


    FACT: At least 400 to 500 innocent people are killed by police officers every year. Indeed, Americans are now eight times more likely to die in a police confrontation than they are to be killed by a terrorist. Americans are 110 times more likely to die of foodborne illness than in a terrorist attack.


    FACT: Police officers are more likely to be struck by lightning than be made financially liable for their wrongdoing.


    FACT: On an average day in America, over 100 Americans have their homes raided by SWAT teams. Most of those SWAT team raids are for a mere warrant service. There has been a notable buildup in recent years of heavily armed SWAT teams within non-security-related federal agencies such as the Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Education Department.


    FACT: The FBI’s Next Generation Identification (NGI) facial recognition system, which is set to hold data on millions of Americans, will include a variety of biometric data, including palm prints, iris scans, and face recognition data. The NGI will be capable of uploading 55,000 images a day, and conducting tens of thousands of photo searches daily.


    FACT: Comprising an $82 billion industry, at least 30,000 drones are expected to occupy U.S. airspace by 2020.


    FACT: Everything we do will eventually be connected to the Internet. By 2030 it is estimated there will be 100 trillion sensor devices connecting human electronic devices (cell phones, laptops, etc.) to the Internet. Much, if not all, of our electronic devices will be connected to Google, which openly works with government intelligence agencies. Virtually everything we do now—no matter how innocent—is being collected by the spying American police state.


    FACT: Americans know virtually nothing about their history or how their government works. In fact, according to a study by the National Constitution Center, 41 percent of Americans “are not aware that there are three branches of government, and 62 percent couldn’t name them; 33 percent couldn’t even name one.”


    FACT: Only six out of every one hundred Americans know that they actually have a constitutional right to hold the government accountable for wrongdoing, as guaranteed by the right to petition clause of the First Amendment.

    Perhaps the most troubling fact of all is this: we have handed over control of our government and our lives to faceless bureaucrats who view us as little more than cattle to be bred, branded, butchered and sold for profit.

    If there is to be any hope of restoring our freedoms and reclaiming control over our government, it will rest not with the politicians but with the people themselves.

    When all is said and done, each American will have to decide for themselves whether they prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery. One thing is for sure: the reassurance ritual of voting is not going to advance freedom one iota.

  • Peddling Non-Fiction

    Some folks were peddling fiction… for everyone else, there's this reality!

    No child (or student, or poor person, or grandchild, or debtholder, or healthy person, or retiree, or African American, or family, or homeowner, or renter) left behind untouched…

    Now that is a legacy.

  • Eric Hunsader Explains To CNBC That "Markets Are Always Rigged" And What He May Spend His $750,000 Prize On

    Once upon a time it was anathema the publicly proclaim two things: i) that central banks manipulate and intervene in the markets and that ii) the market is rigged. Ever since this website was launched 7 years ago and made the proof of these two claims its mission, it was branded as a collection of “tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists” by either the most incompetent, most corrupt or most clueless cores of what passes for financial media and capital markets participants (with either real or virtual money).

    More importantly, what has also become apparent over these same 7 years, is that we were right: it is now no longer even a debate if HFTs rig markets or if central banks intervene directly in stocks, bond or FX – it is broadly accepted and even desired: just imagine the dreadful world in which there is fair price discovery and where traders actually have to take risk. Ghastly.

    To be sure, those same well-dressed if hollow talking heads and click generators who claimed precisely the opposite, fell back to the only defense they had: “well, maybe the Fed intervenes, and maybe the markets are rigged, but everyone knows that and after all, what’s the big deal – they have been manipulated and rigged since the beginning.”

    It is usually at that point where one laughs and moves on to important topics.

    Unfortunately, Nanex’ Eric Hunsader – who as noted earlier won a $750,000 whistleblower award for demonstrating precisely how the NYSE had rigged the market in 2010 – was unable to “move on” because he had a little under 5 minutes to kill this afternoon on CNBC.

    Instead he had to endure exchanges such as the following:

    Q. What do you think this says about the way markets currently function? Do you think such issues have now been fixed? Do you think the playing field is more “fair now”? Do you still think the markets are rigged?

    A. Well yeah.

    * * *

    Q. Just looking at the history of markets, aren’t they always rigged to some degree?

    A. Yes, they are always rigged. Does that mean that if someone gets mugged in New York City we don’t have to care about it?

    * * *

    Q. Should long-term investors care about milliseconds.

    A. Yes, they should.

    * * *

    Frankly, we were impressed by Hunsader’s stoic patience with this line of “questioning” because had we been presented with the logic that grudgingly admits the market is rigged and enriching a group of parasitic criminals who break the law billions of times every year, and who have made so much money through their crimes they have purchased the regulators, is really ok because it only affects a penny here and there – a few hundred million every hour a day mind you – it is not really a crime even if it confirm the entire “market” is built on a bedrock of lies and fraud and is thus susceptible to collapse at any given moment, we would have simply hung up the phone.

    Actually judging by Hunsaders’ twitter comments, it only hit him hours later:

    * * *

    The best exchange however was that with Bloomberg blogger Barry Ritholtz’ partner Josh Brown, whose tongue in cheek question was if Hunsader needs advice on parking his $750,000 in pre-tax proceeds: “Have you considered the power of variable annuities and what they might be able to do for you?

    Hunsader’s in kind response: “I was thinking about GDX, throwing it all in there. What do you think?”

    Drops mic.

  • Terminal American Apathy – A Population Perfectly Ripened For Authoritarian Control

    Authored by Brett Redmayne-Titley via,

    “Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” – Aristotle

    When considering the cause of national apathy, Americans are evidently physiologically and socially similar to the junk food addled laboratory rat. Both tolerate repressive environments while confined against their will in a maze. In the natural desire to escape and find freedom, like the affected rat, Americans passively accept their confinement, acquiescing without struggle to a life of controlled stimulation and manipulation by all manner of drugs, tests, and mandated choice of direction. In a country objectively descending into chaos, why don’t Americans care? In recent studies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), these same rats evidence one reason for America’s irrational disinterest in self-preservation.

    In ever-more-frequent and growing worldwide protests, resistance to the American empire’s imposed maze increases. Strangely, Americans offer no similar resistance at all. The social, economic, and political problems in the USA mirror those of an empire-afflicted world, yet in the “exceptional” nation most would rather chew off their tails than find the energy to extricate themselves from their maze. Examples of exceptionally paltry public resistance and protest abound. Rarely does an American protest amount to more than a few hundred temporarily outraged souls who then quickly return to their couches when told to do so by the well-armed militia of the government they came into the streets to change.

    Why is America the isolated case study of this strange domestic malady that may best be summed-up as: clinical, terminal apathy?

    The cause of this national apathy seems to be clear as shown in results from the UCLA study: it’s the food. Processed, adulterated, adjunct-laden, GMO-filled junk food; the preferred and almost unavoidable daily diet of Americans.

    Dr. Aaron Blaisdell, a professor of psychology at the UCLA /College of Letters and Science and a member of UCLA’s Brain Research Institute, used rats to determine if a diet of poor quality processed foods resulted directly in obesity, or if the actual initial result was fatigue.

    Dr. Blaisdell’s team placed thirty-two female rats on one of two diets for six months. The first received a standard rat’s diet, consisted of relatively unprocessed foods like ground corn and fish meal. As a substitute for a junk food diet the second Americanized group received highly processed food of lower quality that included substantially more sugar. As expected, “One diet led to obesity, the other didn’t,” said Blaisdell, as quoted in UCLA’s, “Newsroom.” However…

    “Our data suggest that diet-induced obesity is a cause, rather than an effect, of laziness [apathy],” concluded Blaisdell. “…the [poor quality] diet causes obesity, which causes fatigue.”

    The rats were given a task in which they were required to press a lever to receive a food or water reward. The rats on the junk food diet demonstrated impaired performance, taking substantially longer breaks than the lean rats before returning to the task. During repeated 30-minute sessions the overweight rats became more lazy due to their increasing obesity, taking breaks that were nearly twice as long as clean rats.

    Dr. Blaisdell’s studying clearly indicates that junk food, while causing obesity, subsequently causes laziness and fatigue. Combined, the political cousin of these two symptoms is: apathy.

    By all metrics, Americans consume the most quantity of the worst-quality food supply in the developed world, as such leading in obesity. In America this endemic apathy is causing Americans to have little interest in their own increasing domestic peril. In a nation of increasing authoritarian governmental control, American processed junk food may have now become the most effective US government weapon for controlling the reactions of its own population. Examples of irrational American apathy are evident every week.

    Just this past weekend, on Feb 27, 2016, seventeen-year-old Abdi Mohamed, was shot three times by Salt Lake City police responding to a dispute. Not taking time to digest the situation and realize that Mohamed, who was not threatening them in any way, only held a piece of a broom stick, they opened fire within seconds of their arrival. The resulting protest of reportedly no more than one hundred outraged souls, were next met with the predicable draconian response of over one hundred cops being called to provide back-up; in force. This routine military response has one emphatic message for the protesting public, “Take your First Amendment home…and stay there.” Accepting this message, by Sunday all outrage was over. Considering this obvious example of America’s growing police disregard for life, this protest should have been in the thousands. What then?

    In dozens of countries across the globe rebellion in the thousands and tens-of-thousands by outraged nationalist populations is growing despite brutal American-backed-and-funded crackdowns by their governments. This weekend alone saw huge protests which all amounted to a public rejection of the influence of the American empire on their politicians and therefore their happiness. Consider…

    Just hours ago, in London, over 10,000 protested the US/NATO imposed risk to their lives of Trident submarine ICBMs. In Poland, Ukraine and South Korea equally large protests also took place against the American-controlled national policies imposed on them. In Iran and Ireland national and local elections took place peacefully, the results also showing that their citizens, too, were casting out the politicians who favor guns over food. In France, where all GMOs are still banned, thousands of French farmers have battled police due to their lives being destroyed by US-required French sanctions against these farmers exporting their crops to the once lucrative and huge Russian market. Not surprisingly, and for good reason, these protesters have had enough of the “benefits” of American empire and imposed democracy. As the military might of the empire kills scores of innocents around the globe daily, while the quality of life continues to diminish, resistance is not, for these citizens, futile. It is daily.

    Why is this not the case in the American Homeland?

    As for North America, Canada and Mexico have also recently produced huge protests, starting with the 2012 Montreal student protests where 100,000 angry students protested tuition fee increases. When Canada’s legislature attempted to quell the protest by passing emergency legislation allowing for new draconian anti-protest laws, this huge protest then grew exponentially to more than one million citizens. Anti- government protests in major Canadian cities have been large and frequent since. Subsequently, on November 4, 2015, the Liberal Party, led by now Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, won 184 seats, turning-out the Conservative Party, led by incumbent, ultra-Zionist/ corporatist, former Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

    In Mexico City protesters hit the one million mark, also in 2012, within minutes of the announcement of the most recent presidential election results that declared president-elect, Enrique Peña Nieto, the victor. Thanks to American-made Diebold electronic voting machines (yes, those Diebold voting machines), the results had been rigged. Mexicans knew it. They were mad as hell. They went to the streets.

    In late 2014, forty-three very innocent college students were “disappeared” by Mexican government troops. That same government has been covering up the criminals involved ever since. But Mexican protests have been often, very large and unyielding to government’s demand that these anti-government protests end. The protesters will not go home.

    However, back in the Homeland, where over 1300 Americans were killed by police firepower in 2015, many of whom were as completely innocent of any crime that justified deadly force, this weekend produced just one completely ineffective protest. When killer cops get off from prosecution scot-free, outrage generally amounts to, as seen in Salt Lake City, a mere hundred-or-so protesters. Even the anti-authoritarian spectacle of Ferguson, Missouri accomplished nothing except to showcase the futility of protest to the apathetic public watching on the TV. But it was not the fault of these sincere, passionate and legitimately outraged protesters who did put their freedom on the line at these small protests. The real problem in changing endemic domestic American abuses: enough people willing to rise to their feet and effect the true “power of the people!”

    The most demonstrative recent example of the national terminal apathy of Americans was illustrated at the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.

    The government and the local police expected big trouble. Uncle Sam knew his people had good reason to take to the streets outside the convention. Four years of Pres. Obama’s broken promises, lobbyists, high unemployment, growing authoritarian state, endemic corruption in banks, business, government and sports gave many good reasons for American outrage to hit the streets of Charlotte en masse. Just months before, the dozens of Occupy camps in major cities nationwide, as the only cohesive national protest movement, had all been closed down in the space of two very violent and draconian days at the hands of nationwide police. So, when NSA, CIA, and Charlotte police authorities publicly stated their assumption of over 100,000 upset Americans showing up to protest, their estimate seemed well founded.

    Taking no chances the federal government provided Charlotte $50 million, and added $50 million more, to defend Pres. Obama from “the will of the people.” As witnessed then, this funding produced a truly awe-inspiring showcase of America’s domestic authoritarian, anti-protest arsenal. The American government was ready to take on America’s collective best shot, no matter what, at resisting Obama’s new definition of democracy.

    Anyone coming to Charlotte found that walking the streets was a laboratory maze in itself. The maze was not here metaphorical, consisting of literally several miles of contiguous sixteen-foot-high, black-painted metal, crowd-proof fencing along both sides of the entire pre-selected boulevards that would be used to keep the loonies on the path. Hordes of cops by the hundreds – thirty-five hundred in total – funneled protesters back into the maze at every intersection, all dressed in full riot gear and showing different shoulder badges with insignia from police departments as far away as Austin, Texas; Chicago, Illinois; New York City and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Each cop grimaced at this arrogant display of democracy before their face masks and batons. New police vehicles were everywhere; from ATVs and MRAPs, to refrigerated trucks and golf carts. Dozens of brand new “Police” mountain bikes and motocross bikes stood in rows of twenty, some under fat cops who sat watching on menacingly. No less than four helicopters were in the air at all times. Police cars – state, federal, and local – were evident by the hundreds. CIA had commandeered a local junior college, and US Army troops maintained defenses outside the city. Just in case. These were the front lines, ready for anything an understandably outraged public of 100,000 plus might dish out.

    The cops need not have bothered.

    The largest protest of the six-day event was a paltry 2000 people. Almost all other protests numbered no more than three hundred. The protesters were always outnumbered by the cops and the press. Considering Charlotte has over 150 million Americans within a five-hundred-mile drive, why such a paltry, ineffective, impotent turnout throughout the national six-day event?


    We may have found a cure for most evils; but we have found no remedy for the worst of them all, the apathy of human beings. Helen Keller

    Dr. Blaisdell’s rats expose the fundamentals of this malady. The toxic combination of engineered food leading to endemic apathy is causing a sickness infecting Americans. Apathy. If not; despair.

    America’s diet is factually the worst in the industrialized world. GMO ingredients are in eighty-five percent of all processed foods, not that this processed food is of acceptable quality. In December 2013, Professor Irina Ermakova, vice president of Russia’s National Association for Genetic Safety, called for a 10-year ban on GMO foods. Ermakova conducted GMO rat-feeding tests that showed alarming results, including extreme mortality rates. “It is necessary to ban GMO, to impose a moratorium for 10 years. It has been proved that not only in Russia, but also in many other countries in the world, GMO is dangerous,” he concluded. In 2015 Russia past new laws banning all American GMO products. China, France and the United Kingdom have similar bans.

    Illustrating Dr. Blaisdell’s study, while choosing willful ignorance, American voters have defeated GMO labeling laws in state referendums in California and Oregon. This means Americans have actually voted not to know that food-borne poison is contained in what they choose to eat. Really. But taking no chances with future elections, however, this week a US Senate committee announced it is preparing legislation seeking to prohibit states from attempting to pass their own mandatory state labeling laws via the public’s constitutional right to vote in their own interests. Labeled the “Dark Act” this is a government reaction to the few successful state initiatives requiring GMO labeling, such as Vermont, New Hampshire and Connecticut.

    As reported by William Engdahl, in a study on the toxicity of GMO plants associated with the plant killer, Roundup, Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff, have found additional confirmations. Their review concluded, in regard to glyphosate, the main active component of Roundup herbicide, that, “Residues (of glyphosate) are found in the main foods of the Western diet.”

    Samsel and Seneff continue…

    [M]any of the health problems that appear to be associated with a Western diet could be … attributed to glyphosate. These include digestive issues, obesity [emphasis added], autism, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, Parkinson’s disease, liver diseases and cancer, among others. We believe that glyphosate may be the most significant environmental toxin.

    Researcher, Tim Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, bolsters the connection between junk food and apathy. Enlisting the help of his son Tom, a genetics student at the University of Aberystwyth in Wales, for a little over a week Tom ate nothing but McDonald’s Big Macs, chicken nuggets, fries, and Coke. He reported that he, “felt good for three days, then slowly went downhill, became more lethargic, and by a week my friends thought I had gone a strange gray color. The last few days were a real struggle. I felt really unwell.” Cornell University testing revealed that Tom’s gut microbes were “devastated.” He had lost about 1,400 types (or 40%) of his bacteria species, which is a red flag indicator for health issues such as obesity and diabetes.

    In one week.

    In Australia, further study from researchers at Deakin University and the Australian National University has shown that junk food does indeed physiologically affect the brain’s growth and development leading to poor mental health. Their findings concluded that a part in the brain – the hippocampus – has been shown to be smaller in those who consume junk food. The hippocampus is responsible for learning, memory and mental health. Researchers used MRI scanning to measure the size of the hippocampi in Australian adults between the ages of 60 and 64. Diet and other factors which could affect the hippocampus were measured and taken into account as well.

    The results, published in BMC Medicine, revealed that seniors who had consumed junk food are more likely to have smaller left hippocampi. On the other hand, seniors who consume more nutrient-rich foods have larger left hippocampi. Associate Professor Felice Jacka concluded,

    Recent research has established that diet and nutrition are related to the risk for depression, anxiety and dementia; however, until now it was not clear how diet might exert an influence on mental health and cognition.

    Thanks to American-inspired global franchising, people throughout the world are also getting fatter on the same brand-names of poison as their American counterparts. The World Health Organization refers to the epidemic as “globesity.” Yet nowhere is the trend as pronounced as it is in the United States, where per-capita calorie consumption of the worst food on the planet rose from 2,109 calories a day in 1970 to 2,568 calories in 2010, according to the Department of Agriculture. The average man today weighs thirty pounds more than in 1960, which equals seventy-eight million people considered obese in 2012.

    Americans habitually eat a lot of junk food. School children and their developing minds are affected from birth. Economically bankrupt America has created families where both Mom and Dad, by necessity are working, with the kids in daycare and the home-cooked family meal a relic of the American Dream long gone. Corporate America preys on this with a replacement of cheap, fast and processed food offerings substituted as breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. Plus snacks. The ongoing degradation of the American mind it seems, applied to Dr. Blaisdell’s laboratory rats and the UK, Russian and Australian studies, shows that growing American mental apathy is directly proportional to their extraordinarily high consumption of a very poor-quality diet.

    Result: a failing American mind. Combined with an ever-failing educational system, this produces a population perfectly ripened for ongoing authoritarian control.

    There is, as shown globally this past weekend, a far worse result of American apathy.

    It is only one indictment that Americans to have willfully allowed themselves and their nation to go to the gallows of history without a whimper. So be it. So, suffers the fool.

    But in allowing an ever-corrosive America to brainwash their souls, these same apathetic Americans also allow their government to rob, via America’s historic military might, the livelihood and futures of the remaining external and innocent world.

    When considered carefully, apathy – American apathy – is a serious crime. A crime against world humanity. The checks and balances by humans on Empire are permissively missing in empirical America. Americans are thus complicit in the further daily destruction of the remaining world they wish to know little about. When the dust of the oncoming rampage of history has settled over the folly of this American empire, guilt for its accumulated horrors will sit squarely on the American people’s heads, as much as the shoulders of their obviously treasonous politicians.


    In tests the laboratory rat proves to be stronger of will than its Americanized human counterpart. Like the protesters in France, South Korea, Poland, Ukraine, Iran and Ireland just mere hours ago – humans who presumably do not live on an obligatory junk food diet – the rat of pure mind and conscience continues, despite its confines, to desire its freedom. And…he will bite.

    Ultimately, under the bright laboratory lights, while seemingly trapped in a maze of oppression, the lab rat will do what Americans can do no longer. The rat, growing ever more desperate, will find a way to escape.

    Summoning both will and courage, the rat draws the strength of will to rise-up on his hind legs, peering out over the top of the wall of the maze. His indomitable desire for freedom thus reveals the obvious: the way out.

    Americans have no such remaining instinct.

  • Art Berman Sees Oil Heading To $16, Will Lead To "Banking Bloodbath"

    As Nate Hagens noted, "people think that the economy runs on money but it runs on energy," and as Art Berman details in the following interview how the current oil price collapse represents devaluation from over-investment in unconventional oil – and most commodities – because of cheap capital, and is simply a classic bubble. "Continued oil prices of $30 per barrel or less are the only reasonable path to higher growth and a balanced oil market," Berman contends, adding that he expects $16.50/bbl – "I think we're gonna get there." Berman concludes ominously, we're not going 'back' to anything – "Normal is over, and there is no new normal yet."

    Full Art Berman interview below (via Macro Voices):



    18:25 – OPEC will cut production in 2016

    19:05 – OPEC’s objective is to kill shale drillers’ source of funding

    19:30 – The idea that Iraq/Iran will cooperate with Saudi Arabia is laughable

    22:30 – EIA/IEA numbers are estimates at best, and almost certainly wrong

    24:00 – He doesn’t believe recent EIA figures saying consumption has fallen dramatically

    24:40 – US production must drop in a more meaningful way before OPEC can affect crude price

    27:00 – Baker Hughes Rig Count is only focused on by traders because it’s available data, not because it matters

    29:00 – Regardless of rig count, regardless of what people think, the number of producing wells continues to increase!

    31:30 – US production not necessarily in direct competition with Iranian production

    33:15 – As long as storage numbers are 80% of capacity or more, prices will remain “crushed”

    35:45 – Forget about the nonsense that you read in the WSJ about “the true breakeven price” for shale operators – the true breakeven price for the best operators in the 3 main US shale plays is $60-70/bbl

    38:40 – These shale operators “have no money”

    39:00 – If investors abandon shale company stock, their total assets decline and their debt is in trouble

    40:45 – Pretty obvious to anyone who knows that this situation is going to crash in a big way, it’s just a question of when

    40:55 – Similar situation to “The Big Short”

    44:40 – Very few options beyond increasing Cushing storage capacity, which takes time

    46:30 – Whiting Petroleum clearly out of money, made a terrible acquisition, and is stopping further drilling because they have no other option. They could care less about the shareholders and are acting out of desperation.

    48:05 – Midwestern gasoline refineries cutting back on crude purchases as they don’t see sufficient demand

    50:00 – $16.50/bbl – “I think we’re gonna get there”

    52:35 – Capital providers clearly pulling back from investing in US tight oil projects

    53:00 – Future investments in the Oil Sands are dead

    54:05 – In the first half of 2016 there will be a wave of shale operator bankruptcies and defaults on bond payments, a collapse in the high yield bond market which could spill over into other markets, as well as further distress in the banking industry – “will be a bloodbath”

    55:00 – 2016 shale operator bankruptcies could reach 50%

    57:00 – Iran will not get back to 1970’s levels as they would like to suggest. Production levels will be far less.

    58:45 – Libya is the wild card. If they ever get their civil unrest under control, they could bring 1.5MMbbl/day to market and “that would be a disaster(for oil prices)”

    1:04:15 – We’re not going back to anything – “Normal is over, and there is no new normal yet”


    *  *  *

    And finally Art Berman's Presentation:

  • PBOC Weakens Yuan To One-Month Lows

    Having yesterday expressed clearly that there was no desire to see the Yuan depreciate, The PBOC weakened the Yuan fix by 0.16% to one-month lows. This sent offshore Yuan notably lower back to post-RRR-Cut lows. For the 2nd day in a row, PBOC also decided to ‘skip’ open market operations (due to ample liquidity according to their statement).

    The illusion of stability once again gives way…


    And offshore Yuan drops – not helped by the Moodys ratings watch shift…

  • As Fukushima Continues Leaking, 3 Former TEPCO Execs Charged With Negligence

    Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

    Three former executives from the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) have been formally charged with negligence over the 2011 disaster at the company’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

    In accordance with a ruling from a citizen’s panel last year — and despite two previous refusals by Tokyo prosecutors to press charges — the three will be the first to go to court over the catastrophic meltdown, which followed a massive tsunami.

    Those charged include former TEPCO chairman, Tsunehisa Katsumata, and former executive vice presidents, Sakae Muto and Ichiro Takekuro, according to Reuters. As their indictments did not stipulate arrest, none of the trio have been taken into custody.

    Despite previous claims there was insufficient evidence necessary to prosecute, a unique component of the country’s legal system allowed citizens to make the final call. As Reuters explained:

    “Japanese citizens’ panels, made up of residents selected by lottery, are a rarely-used but high-profile feature of Japan’s legal system introduced after World War Two to curb bureaucratic overreach. They were given the power to force prosecutions if they called for them a second time.”

    That panel found the three executives did not exercise sufficient preventive means, despite being warned of the potential effects a tsunami could have on the Fukushima plant.

    Japan’s national media outlet, NHK, said the three former executives planned to enter not-guilty pleas, as they could not have anticipated the size of the March 2011 tsunami, said the BBC.

    None of the three charged were available for comment, reported Reuters.

    Nearly five years ago, one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded struck off the coast of Japan, spurring an enormous tsunami, which forced roughly 160,000 residents to flee. Three reactors at the Fukushima plant suffered meltdowns as the wall of water knocked power offline, triggering chain reactions.

    Close to 16,000 people died and around 2,500 are still listed as missing from events of that day — though none have been directly attributed to the nuclear catastrophe. As radioactive contamination has created an uninhabitable zone surrounding the plant, and with leaks and general mismanagement of the Fukushima cleanup still continuously making headlines, the meltdown is considered nearly on par with Chernobyl in 1986.

  • Bearish Oil Market API Report 3 1 2016 (Video)

    By EconMatters

    If the EIA report matches API tomorrow there should be some weakness in the Oil Markets on Wednesday. API reported large builds in Cushing, Oil Inventories and Distillates – a rather bearish report overall.


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  • Caught On Tape: Tear Gas Deployed As Migrants Revolt In France

    Last month, we profiled Calais, or “the jungle” as it’s known.

    The infamous refugee camp has been the subject of quite a bit of media coverage of late and now, France is tearing it down. “With the orange-vested workers again protected by dense lines of riot police as they knocked down huts with hammers and power tools, the debris then lifted into skips by diggers, a dozen or so migrants and activists climbed on to the roofs of shacks next in line to be demolished,” The Guardian notes

    The destruction of Calais has led directly to a move by Belgium to reinstate border controls as the country fears that the demolition of the camp will lead directly to an increased flow of migrants across the border. 

    As RT notes, “police were called to the area after refugees, enraged by an earlier eviction, attacked trucks with stones, debris, and iron bars.” Ultimately, police used tear gas to subdue the crowd.” 

    And here’s what a migrant did to a makeshift shelter in the wake of the French government’s decision to destroy the camp:

  • Moody's Downgrades China's Credit Outlook From Stable To Negative – Full Text

    It is likely just a coincidence that just a month after we reported that China’s real consolidated debt/GDP was far greater than the 280% or so accepted conventionally, and was really up to 350% if not higher after the recent record loan issuance surge, moments ago Moody’s officially downgraded its outlook of China’s credit rating from stable to negative, citing three key risks:

    1. The ongoing and prospective weakening of fiscal metrics, as reflected in rising government debt and in large and rising contingent liabilities on the government balance sheet;
    2. A continuing fall in reserve buffers due to capital outflows, which highlight policy, currency and growth risks;
    3. Uncertainty about the authorities’ capacity to implement reforms – given the scale of reform challenges – to address imbalances in the economy.

    While these were topical about a year ago for the financial media, and about 6 months ago for everyone else, we can’t help but notice that as expected Moody’s has said nothing at all about China’s biggest current risk factor – its collapsing labor market and surging unemployment. That’s ok, we are confident even the rating agencies will be up to speed with what we have been reporting since last November before the year is done.

    Below is the full report:

    Moody’s changes outlook on China’s Aa3 government bond rating to negative from stable; affirms Aa3 rating

    Singapore, March 02, 2016 — Moody’s Investors Service has today changed the outlook to negative from stable on China’s government credit ratings, while affirming the Aa3 long-term senior unsecured debt, issuer ratings, and (P)Aa3 senior unsecured shelf rating.

    The key drivers of the outlook revision are:

    1. The ongoing and prospective weakening of fiscal metrics, as reflected in rising government debt and in large and rising contingent liabilities on the government balance sheet.
    2. A continuing fall in reserve buffers due to capital outflows, which highlight policy, currency and growth risks.
    3. Uncertainty about the authorities’ capacity to implement reforms — given the scale of reform challenges — to address imbalances in the economy.

    At the same time, China’s fiscal and foreign exchange reserve buffers remain sizeable, giving the authorities time to implement some reforms and gradually address imbalances in the economy. This underpins the decision to affirm China’s Aa3 rating.




    The first driver of the negative outlook on China’s rating relates to the government’s fiscal strength which has weakened and which we expect to diminish further, albeit from very high levels.

    The government’s balance sheet is exposed to contingent liabilities through regional and local governments, policy banks and state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The ongoing increase in leverage across the economy and financial system and the stress in the SOE sector imply a rising probability that some of the contingent liabilities will crystallize on the government’s balance sheet. In addition, we believe that continuing growth in contingent liabilities — along with stated government objectives to introduce more market discipline — suggests that support from the government and the banking system will increasingly be prioritized, based on the relative importance of each entity for the implementation of strategic national policy goals.

    While not our base case scenario, the government’s fiscal strength would be exposed to additional weakening if underlying growth, excluding policy-supported economic activity, remained weak. In such an environment, the liabilities of policy banks would likely increase to fund government-sponsored investment, while the leverage of SOEs — already under stress — would rise further.

    We do not expect all or even a significant proportion of contingent liabilities to crystallize on the government’s balance sheet in the short term. However, their existence and increase in size reflect economic imbalances. In particular, high and rising SOE leverage raises the risk of either a sharp slowdown in economic growth, as debt servicing constrains other spending, or a marked deterioration of bank asset quality. Either of these developments could ultimately result in higher government debt and additional downward pressure on the government’s credit profile.

    In addition, government debt has risen markedly, to 40.6% of GDP at the end of 2015, according to our estimates, from 32.5% in 2012. We expect a further increase to 43.0% by 2017, consistent with an accommodative fiscal stance that will likely involve higher government spending and possible reductions in the overall tax burden.

    At the same time, we expect debt affordability to remain high as large domestic savings will continue to fund government debt.


    The second driver relates to China’s external vulnerability. China’s foreign exchange reserves have fallen markedly over the last 18 months, to $3.2 trillion in January 2016, $762 billion below their peak in June 2014.

    At the same time, reserves remain ample, particularly in relation to the size of China’s external debt. However, their decline highlights the possibility that pressure on the exchange rate and weakening confidence in the ability of the authorities to maintain economic growth and implement reforms could fuel further capital outflows. In particular, a fall in reserves — corresponding to sustained deposit outflows — could raise pressure on the deposit-funded banking sector.

    Measures to address falling foreign exchange reserves and downward pressure on the renminbi have negative implications for the economy and financial sector. First, a tightening of capital controls in response to sustained outflows would damage the credibility of the authorities’ commitment to liberalizing the capital account, an essential element of financial sector reform.

    Second, allowing reserves to fall to preserve the value of the currency — when pressures exist — would tighten liquidity conditions in China at a time when parts of the economy are slowing sharply and when the debt-servicing capability of some corporates is impaired.

    Third, preserving foreign exchange reserves and allowing a sharp depreciation of the currency would likely fuel further capital outflows.


    The third driver concerns institutional strength. China’s institutions are being tested by the challenges stemming from the multiple policy objectives of maintaining economic growth, implementing reform, and mitigating market volatility. Fiscal and monetary policy support to achieve the government’s economic growth target of 6.5% may slow planned reforms, including those related to SOEs.

    Incomplete implementation or partial reversals of some reforms risk undermining the credibility of policymakers. Interventions in the equity and foreign exchange markets over the past year suggest that ensuring financial and economic stability is also an objective, but there is considerably uncertainty about policy priorities.

    Without credible and efficient reforms, China’s GDP growth would slow more markedly as a high debt burden dampens business investment and demographics turn increasingly unfavourable. Government debt would increase more sharply than we currently expect. These developments would likely fuel further capital outflows.


    The very large size of China’s economy contributes to its credit strength. Moreover, although GDP growth is slowing, it will remain markedly higher than most of China’s rating peers. The size of the buffers available to face current fiscal and capital outflow challenges allows for a gradual implementation of reform and therefore supports an affirmation of the rating at Aa3. These buffers include a relatively moderate level of government debt, which is financed at low cost, and high domestic savings and still substantial foreign exchange reserves.

    We expect a gradual economic slowdown, made possible by the capacity and willingness of the authorities to support growth. Moreover, although contingent liabilities are large, they do not pose an imminent risk to the government’s balance sheet. In a largely closed financial system, buffer erosion would most likely be gradual, providing time to address key areas of reform.


    Moody’s could revise the rating outlook to stable if we concluded that government policy was likely to succeed in balancing competing priorities and thereby arrest the deterioration in China’s fiscal metrics and reduce contingent liabilities for the sovereign most likely through effective restructuring of SOEs in overcapacity sectors.

    Moreover, a moderation in capital outflows due to improved confidence in the economy and policies as well as advancement of reforms — in particular in the SOE and financial sectors, including some further opening of the capital account — would be consistent with returning the outlook to stable.

    Conversely, Moody’s could downgrade the rating if we observed a slowing pace in the adoption of reforms needed to support sustainable growth and to protect the government’s balance sheet. Tangibly, this could happen if debt metrics weaken, contingent liabilities increase, or progress on SOE reform stalls. Sustained capital outflows or a marked tightening in capital controls without tangible progress on reform implementation would also be consistent with a downgrade of the rating.

  • Did Free Markets Cause The Flint, Michigan Water Disaster?

    Submitted by Dale Steinreich via The Mises Institute,

    In the wake of numerous cases of lead poisoning through Flint, Michigan’s government-managed water supply, some commentators immediately began looking for ways to blame the private sector. Shortly thereafter, David Brodwin of U.S. News and World Report wrote “Flint: The Big Cost of Small Government.”

    According to Brodwin, what caused lead-tainted water to gush forth from faucets in Flint were “attacks on investment in public infrastructure and on regulation of all kinds.” For these he blames “right-leaning libertarian interests,” although he does not name a single one.

    America, writes Brodwin, has fallen under an “obsession with tax cuts [which] has reduced budgets to the point where they can no longer sustain basic infrastructure.” Attacks on regulation supposedly caused the failure of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to do its job. “Either its staff was buffaloed by those in power, or its professionals had been replaced by political hacks willing to ignore the mission of the agency.” Brodwin does not support these assertions with evidence.

    But then comes a strange concession from Brodwin: “Local officials of the federal [Obama administration] Environmental Protection Agency failed as well.”

    Brodwin’s conclusion is that “[i]f we don’t address the underlying ideologies that led to this problem, we’ll face it again and again, all over the United States.”

    If you are wondering at what point in its history Flint, Michigan jumped onto the cutting edge of free-market thinking and practice, join the club.

    Obviously Brodwin’s contradictory essay doesn’t begin to explain how small government caused lead-tainted water to pour out of Flint’s taps. From an economics perspective, what all the facts of the Flint case clearly point to is the all-too-typical failure of central planners to adequately think through the most important implications of a decision.

    On 25 March 2013, Michigan state officials and the Flint city council (by a 7–1 vote) decided to switch the city’s water source from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) to the new Karegnondi Water Authority (KWA), which would not begin operating until 2016.

    In the meantime, an alternate source of water had to be found. The 26th of June 2013 was when the actual decision by the city (signed by the state-appointed emergency manager, Ed Kurtz) was made to hire an engineering firm to put Flint’s water plant into full-time operation, thus switching Flint’s water supply from Detroit to the Flint River. (The river was already Flint’s back-up water source.)

    What city, county, and state officials all failed to do was take measures to ensure that the river’s corrosive water was sufficiently treated so that it did not absorb toxic lead from Flint’s water network.

    Far from being unusually negligent for a government, this sad story is unfortunately understandable and predictable. Unlike the numerous suppliers of private bottled water, central planners have no competitive pressures to rigorously think through any and all of their decisions.

    One civil servant in Spain, for example, just recently ended a stint of not showing up for work for six years. Successfully executing such a stunt in a private-sector job in a competitive industry is just about impossible.

    Sebring, Ohio; Jackson, Mississippi; and the Trouble with Government Water

    While most readers of this site will have undoubtedly heard a lot about the lead-tainted water in Flint, Michigan, the stories that comparatively few will have heard about are lead in the water in Sebring, Ohio and last Wednesday (February 24) in Jackson, Mississippi.

    Again, what should come as no surprise is that the same type of government bungling that put lead in Flint’s waters is on full display in Sebring and Jackson as well.

    On 17 February 2016, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency fired two of its employees and demoted a third. The first employee who was terminated failed to verify that lab test results were received by a field office. In turn, this employee’s boss was terminated for not double checking the work of said subordinate who had a long record of incompetent job performance.

    The third employee, the one demoted, was a manager who failed to notify his bosses that Sebring officials ignored warnings about their town’s lead-contaminated water.

    None of the three individuals are being publicly identified. So much for state transparency.

    In Jackson, Mississippi, of a hundred homes tested in January of 2016, almost a dozen had tap water with levels of lead that require correction. Fifty-eight of these homes had been tested in June of 2015 but the Mississippi State Department of Health did not (as required) notify Jackson officials that some homes had forbidden levels of lead in their tap water until January of 2016.

    The Progressive Jihad Against Bottled Water

    Progressives have placed a spotlight on Flint but not Sebring and Jackson because their ideology precludes them from acknowledging systemic problems with government and its central-planning process. Progressive economists such as Brodwin lay the blame at the feet of libertarian ideology. Worse than their delusions about the state, the ultimate dream of progressives is to outlaw just about all competition to government water.

    They (including filmmaker Michael Moore) are apoplectic about Flint (and by extension Sebring and Jackson) residents consuming bottled water: it has to be transported in on “pollution-spewing” trucks and it creates waste and environmental damage in the form of empty plastic bottles.

    When progressives succeeded at banning bottled water at the University of Vermont in 2013, the number of empty plastic bottles being discarded on campus actually increased as students, staff, and faculty members switched from consuming bottled water to less healthy bottled soft and other drinks. In other words, even in Bernie Sanders’s government-worshipping Vermont, consumers did everything they could to avoid government taps.

    Before Lead, There Was Viagra and Anti-Psychotics

    Years before the Flint, Sebring, and Jackson contaminations, an AP investigation in 2008 discovered everything from antibiotics, antidepressants, sex hormones, erectile-dysfunction drugs, to tranquilizers in the water supplies of twenty-four metropolitan areas with 41–46 million Americans exposed.

    Consuming government water is a bad idea. At its very best, it has a repulsive over-chlorinated swimming-pool smell and even worse off-putting saturated chemical taste. At its worst it can be tainted with everything from trace or higher levels of Viagra or estrogen to dangerous levels of lead. Only a complete fool would regularly and solely consume it to the exclusion of its private alternatives.

  • Explaining Trump's Success In One Chart

    We’ve said it over and over again. 

    The “protest” vote – as exemplified by the American electorate’s support for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders – reflects a backlash against the deeply entrenched political aristocracy and a revolt against business as usual inside the Beltway. 

    But it’s not just politics as usual that voters are protesting with their support for Trump and Sanders. Their strong poll numbers also reflect a rebellion against a system that “everyday” Americans feel like has utterly failed them

    Wall Street nearly collapsed the global economy in 2008 and Main Street never got a reprieve after the post-Lehman chaos wiped away 50% of Americans’ 401ks. 

    Meanwhile, the Jamie Dimons and Lloyd Blankfeins of the world have become billionaires – literally. Ben Bernanke will tell you that this isn’t his fault, but if you want to understand why America is prepared throw the establishment out of office, look no further than the follwoing chart, which shows that since 2006, only the rich have seen their incomes climb.

    Perhaps we should ask “courageous” Ben if this is what he set out to achieve with the “wealth effect.” 

    Whether or not Trump (or “the Bern”) can remedy this rather deplorable situation remains to be seen, but the bottom line is this: Americans are sick and tired of being sick and tired and they seem to believe Trump has the cure.

  • Trump, Clinton Sweep Super Tuesday, On Collision Course For White House

    Update: Clinton wins Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Virgina; Sanders wins Vermont (obvioulsy), and Trump wins Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, Massachusetts.

    *  *  * 

    The polls are closing on Super Tuesday with Donald Trump and Hilllary Clinton expected to lock up the GOP and Democratic nominations, respectively. Here’s the up-to-date delegate breakdown:

    Stay tuned for live coverage.

    *  *  * 

    Super Tuesday is upon us and we’re about to find out whether Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will run the table on rivals and lock up their respective party nominations.

    “About half of the delegates needed for a Republican candidate to win the nomination are at stake, plus about a third for Democrats,” Bloomberg notes. “In roughly a dozen state races, Republican front-runner Donald Trump and Democratic leader Hillary Clinton seem poised to win in landslides that could render them nearly inevitable.”

    In other words, this is it for Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and the incomparable Bernie Sanders. Either they pull off a miracle today or we’re about to witness a billionaire reality TV host square off against a former Secretary of State who is being investigated by the FBI with the keys to The White House on the line.

    It’s not winner-take-all, delegate wise, on the GOP side, so conceivably, Rubio and Cruz could “win” even if they lose (so to speak), but the outlook isn’t good on the Republican side if your name isn’t Donald Trump.

    Bloomberg is out with a preview of six separate predictions for today’s polls. You can read the full breakdown here, but the following two tables do a nice job of summarizing the outlook:

    Meanwhile, a new CNN/ORC poll suggests that both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders would beat Trump handily in the national election. “In the scenario that appears most likely to emerge from the primary contests, Clinton tops Trump 52% to 44% among registered voters,” CNN says. “That result has tilted in Clinton’s favor since the last CNN/ORC Poll on the match-up in January.”

    According to the poll, Clinton faces a tougher battle against Cruz or Rubio. In fact, in a head-to-head battle, Rubio or Cruz would win, according to the same poll.

    Frankly, we’re incredulous. The idea that Clinton would lose to Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio but would beat Trump handily seems dubious at best given what we’ve seen in New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina. Cruz is flagging and Rubio, although polished, comes across as nervous and inexperienced under fire. Trump is.. well.. just Trump. Nothing sticks in the way of criticism. 

    “Nearly 600 delegates are up for grabs on Super Tuesday — the most for any day of the 2016 primary season,” WaPo notes. “The bulk of them come from seven Southern contests, including the day’s biggest prize: Texas.” Here’s the visual breakdown:

    And here’s a look ahead:

    “Voters’ choices broken out by party provide an interesting window into areas where Trump might hold cross-party appeal,” CNN says. “Though the share of leaned Republicans choosing Clinton on any of the tested issues tops out at 8% on health care, Trump is the most trusted for 15% of leaned Democrats on terrorism, 14% on the economy and 13% on immigration.”

    Still, there’s significant push back against the GOP frontrunner. Indeed, some say many Republicans would vote for Hillary rather than watch Trump steamroll his way into the White House. But according to some polls, it’s far too close to call:

    Of course after Tuesday, the argument will no longer be relegated to the realm of the hypothetical. 

    If things go as planned today, we’re going to get to watch the Hillary versus Trump battle play out in real life, which will inevitably provide all types of entertainment value. And if that’s not a good enough reason to root for the billionaire and the former First Lady on Super Tuesday, we don’t know what is.

  • Negative Rates… Negative Outcomes

    Authored by Sean Corrigan, originally posted at,

    There has been much head-scratching of late as to why, with interest rates lower than they have been since the Universe first exploded out of the Void, businesses are not undertaking any where near as much investment as that hoped for beforehand by the academic cabal whose ‘effective demand’ and ‘transmission channel’ fixations have helped drive rates to today’s mind-boggling levels.

    This is obviously a complex topic in which there are many different factors at work – not the least of which is that the prevalence of overly-low interest rates for much of the recent past has meant that all too much of such investment as is now desired has not only already been done, but done in what has turned out to be so misguided a fashion, that there is less appetite – as well as fewer means, in many cases – to undertake much more of it today.

    If the cure for higher prices – as the saying in commodity markets goes – is higher prices, then the cause of lower rates is almost certainly lower rates!

    Be that as it may, on a more fundamental level, it might also be possible to tease out at least one aspect of the answer to the conundrum with the aid of a little straightforward logic, as we shall now attempt to do here.

    In theory, positive interest rates reflect the primal truth that goods fit for our enjoyment today are worth more to their potential consumer than those same goods which are only available tomorrow. Moreover, since producer goods are otherwise inedible, unwearable, uninhabitable, etc., in their present form, they only derive their value in respect of their quality of being innate consumer goods-to-be.

    Hence, the means of producing the day’s goods for some future date are always to be discounted back using that same ratio (which is none other than the natural rate) as the one which prevails between consumables-now and consumables-then. Doing so gives us a positive IRR (or, if you prefer, assuring that NPV>0) for the process.

    Here it goes without saying that since the natural rate is inherently unobservable, the market interest rate will be used in its place – an unavoidable substitution which demands that this latter quantity be subject to as few falsifications as possible (a vexed topic suitable for a forthcoming, much deeper treatment).

    This calculation therefore presents the entrepreneur with his bare minimum hurdle – one which, in practice, he will routinely wish to exceed in order to earn that additional surplus which constitutes his true economic, rather than his accounting, profit, as well as to compensate him for the risks he must run and the uncertainties he must bear along the way.

    Negative rates, however, tell our man the converse to the above: they implicitly prize tomorrow’s goods more highly than today’s. This means that a productive combination today should command a HIGHER price when assembled than will the combined cash value of the stream of goods and services to which it is expected to give rise over the course of time.

    That being the case, why on earth would any sane company boss make sizeable new expenditures whose IRR is deemed to be negative in cash terms – and which will therefore both deplete his equity and sap his means of paying dividends to the firms’ owners – when he can, as is becoming widely bemoaned, make alternative use of the same financial means to boost the price of his shares by swapping some of them for an obligation which he is effectively being rewarded for taking on, so making his hapless bond-holders pay his wages for him instead?


  • Three Weeks After Buying Stocks, Gundlach Is Cashing Out Again: "I'm Bearish"

    it was just last Friday, when roughly at the same time that Dennis Gartman flipflopped to bullish (just as the rally stalled, and just before turning bearish again ahead of today’s torrid rally) we reported that in what came as a surprise to us, that just as Jeff Gundlach was warning about the impending failure of central banks, the lack of a “bullish case for oil”, about a bear market for stocks, and about an imminent surge in gold in early February, the DoubleLine manager was buying stocks.

    As Reuters first reported, Jeffrey Gundlach “said on Friday that his firm purchased some U.S. stocks two weeks ago after their rocky start in January.”

    His reasoning was simple: buy the bear market rally.

    “I thought it was a good buy point two weeks ago Wednesday and so we bought some,” Gundlach told Reuters. Gundlach, who oversees $90 billion in assets for the Los Angeles-based DoubleLine, said the firm was at “maximum underweight” since last August.

    Two days later, and following the biggest rally to start the month of March in history, Gundlach is happy to count his profits and once again cash out.

    In an interview with Reuters Jennifer Ablan after DoubleLine Capital’s February flow figures were released (it was a $2.2 billion inflow) , Gundlach said the firm is now considering closing out some of its long positions in the stocks that they purchased three weeks ago.

    Is the bond trader now just a closet equities daytrader? We wond’t know, but since the S&P 500 has jumped 8% in that period, why not takes some profits.

    “That’s what we’re talking about,” Gundlach said about booking some gains after their short-term rally.

    Gundlach still maintains that the U.S. stock market is in a bear market but had made those equity purchases because the conditions in the second week of February with “wickedly negative equity sentiment were such that risk/reward favored a potential tradable rally and also made such a low allocation less advisable.”

    The time to buy the dip, however, has passed: “I am bearish. There are just wiggles and jiggles in the markets.

  • Hillary Clinton: A Bigger Warmonger Than Bush/Cheney?

    Bush and Cheney launched two disastrous and totally unnecessary wars which increased terrorism and undermined America’s standing in the eyes of the world.

    Hillary Clinton is at least as bad …

    She is largely responsible for the war in Syria, which is plunging the Middle East and Europe into chaos.

    The New York Times confirms that Clinton is responsible for the violent regime change in Libya, which was also completely unnecessary.

    Hillary is largely responsible for the bombing of Yugoslavia … another wholly unnecessary war.  Diana Johnstone writes:

    In her star-struck biography of the First Lady, Hillary’s Choice, Gail Sheehy reported Hillary’s plea in favor of bombing Yugoslavia in 1999 as a major point in her favor. According to Sheehy’s book, Hillary convinced her reluctant husband to unleash the 78-day NATO bombing campaign against the Serbs with the argument that: “You can’t let this ethnic cleansing go on at the end of the century that has seen the Holocaust.”


    This line is theatrical and totally irrelevant to the conflict in the Balkans. As a matter of fact, there was no “ethnic cleansing” going on in Kosovo at that time. It was the NATO bombing that soon led people to flee in all directions – a reaction that NATO leaders interpreted as the very “ethnic cleansing” they claimed to prevent by bombing.

    Joshua Marshall notes:

    At least 15,000 Kosovars gathered in the central square of Pristina, the country’s capital, to demand the government’s resignation. In January, thousands of protesters clashed with police, hurling Molotov cocktails, setting a major government building and armored police cars on fire, and wounding 24 police officers.


    The aim of this protest was to overthrow the government with violence, as the government said in a statement. The U.S. ambassador chimed in, “Political violence threatens democracy and all that Kosovo has achieved since independence.”


    This violence gets little attention from the American media in part because, unlike the Ukrainian demonstrators who overthrew their democratically elected government in 2014, Kosovo’s protesters are targeting a pro-Western government that eagerly seeks membership in the European Union.


    But it’s no wonder that Kosovo’s political fabric is so rent by violent confrontations. The rump state was created by a violent secessionist movement led by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). That guerrilla band of Albanian nationalists was covertly backed by the German secret service to weaken Serbia. Its terrorist attacks on Serbian villages and government personnel in the mid-1990s prompted a brutal military crackdown by Serbia, followed by NATO’s decisive intervention in 1999.


    During the fighting the KLA drove tens of thousands of ethnic Serbs from Kosovo as part of an ethnic cleansing campaign to promote independence for the majority Albanian population. It recruited Islamist militants – including followers of Osama Bin Laden – from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan and other countries.


    President Bill Clinton’s special envoy to the Balkans, Robert Gelbard, called the KLA “without any question, a terrorist group,” and a Council on Foreign Relations backgrounder added, “most of its activities were funded by drug running.”


    None of that, however, stopped Washington from embracing the KLA’s cause against Serbia, a policy spearheaded by the liberal interventionist First Lady Hillary Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Without authorization from the United Nations, NATO began bombing Serbia in March 1999, killing some 500 civilians, demolishing billions of dollars’ worth of industrial plants, bridges, schools, libraries and hospitals, and even hitting the Chinese embassy. (“It should be lights out in Belgrade,” demanded New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. “Every power grid, water pipe, bridge, road and war-related factory has to be targeted. Like it or not, we are at war with the Serbian nation.”)


    Following Serbia’s capitulation, according to Human Rights Watch, “elements of the KLA’€ engaged in “widespread and systematic burning and looting of homes belonging to Serbs, Roma, and other minorities and the destruction of Orthodox churches and monasteries. This destruction was combined with harassment and intimidation designed to force people from their homes and communities. By late-2000 more than 210,000 Serbs had fled the province . . . The desire for revenge provides a partial explanation, but there is also a clear political goal in many of these attacks: the removal from Kosovo of non-ethnic Albanians in order to better justify an independent state.”


    Former KLA leaders, including its political head Hashim Thaqi, went on to dominate the new Kosovo state. A 2010 report by the Council of Europe declared that Thaqi, who was then Kosovo’s prime minister, headed a “mafia-like” group that smuggled drugs, guns and human organs on a grand scale through Eastern Europe. The report’s author accused the international community of turning a blind eye while Thaqi’s group of KLA veterans engaged in “assassinations, detentions, beatings and interrogations” to maintain power and profit from their criminal activities.




    In 2012, Madeleine Albright and a former Clinton special envoy to the Balkans bid to take control of the country’s state-owned telecommunications company despite widespread allegations of corruption, the attempted assassination of the telecommunications regulatory chief, and the murder of the state privatization agency’s chief.




    In 2014, a three-year E.U. investigation concluded that “senior officials of the former Kosovo Liberation Army” should be indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including “unlawful killings, abductions, enforced disappearances, illegal detentions in camps in Kosovo and Albania, sexual violence, other forms of inhumane treatment, forced displacements of individuals from their homes and communities, and desecration and destruction of churches and other religious sites.”


    Under tough pressure from the United States and E.U., Kosovo’s parliament finally agreed last summer to permit a special court to prosecute former KLA leaders for war crimes. The court will begin operating this year in The Hague.


    “The sad thing is that the United States and European countries knew 10 years ago that Thaqi and his men were engaged in drug smuggling and creating a mafia state,” said one European ambassador last year. “The attitude was, ‘He’s a bastard, but he’s our bastard.'”

    Hillary also backed coups against the democratically-elected leaders of Haiti, Honduras and other countries.

    And she helped create the idea of “humanitarian war”, where the U.S. brutally overthrows a government by military force … justifying the action by falsely claiming that otherwise civilians will be.

    Hillary has also literally supported Islamic jihadis with arms, money and logistical support.

    For example, the U.S. under Clinton supported Al Qaeda (and see this) so that it could overthrow Libya’s government.

    And the U.S. under Clinton supported Islamic jihadis so that they would overthrow Syria’s government.


    • The U.S. started plotting regime change and arming jihadis in Syria – in an effort to topple Assad – a decade ago
    • Hillary Clinton – as secretary of state – admitted that arming the rebels would strengthen Al Qaeda

    So while Bush and Cheney’s foreign policy was utterly despicable,  Hillary Clinton has wreaked havoc on the world stage on a scale which is comparable … if not worse.

    Postscript: It's telling that the Neoconservative hawks – the same people who brought us the fiascos in Iraq and Afghanistan (which Hillary also supported) – HATE Trump and LOVE Hillary.

  • "We're In Trouble": Alan Greenspan Delivers Stark Warning

    Were you wondering what Alan Greenspan thinks about the outlook for monetary policy across the globe?

    Neither were we, but Bloomberg was and Tom Keene and Mike McKee got the “privilege” of sitting down with the “maestro” on Monday afternoon to discuss a variety of topics including NIRP, which Greenspan says “warps investment behavior.”

    While he isn’t willing to go so far as to condemn negative rates as “dangerous,” he does say the global race to the proverbial Keynesian bottom is “counterproductive.”

    As far as the US economy is concerned, Greenspan isn’t optimistic. “We’re in trouble basically because productivity is dead in the water…Real capital investment is way below average. Why? Because business people are very uncertain about the future.”

    Well yes, they most certainly are. Of course were it not for “the Greenspan put” and decades of policy largesse we might not have ever had a financial crisis in the first place (David Stockman will tell you all about Greenspan’s role in creating the conditions we now find ourselves in).

    As for whether Dodd-Frank has solved anything, Greenspan says no: “The regulations are supposed to be making changes of addressing the problems that existed in 2008 or leading up to 2008. It’s not doing that. ‘Too Big to Fail’ is a critical issue back then, and now. And, there is nothing in Dodd-Frank which actually addresses this issue.”

    And finally, here’s the punchline. Asked whether he’s optimistic going forward, Greenspan said this: “No. I haven’t been for quite a while. And I won’t be until we can resolve the entitlement programs. Nobody wants to touch it. And that is gradually crowding out capital investment, and that’s crowding out productivity, and it’s crowding out the standards of living where do you want me to go from there.”

    Here are the clips in which Greenspan touches on everything from NIRP to faux Chinese GDP data to US crude production:

    Now if only he hadn’t gotten us into this mess in the first place…

  • Is Ackman Facing A Liquidity Crunch: CP Files Shelf With Pershing As Selling Shareholder

    It is often said that on Wall Street there are no guarantees. That is wrong: there is nothing more certain in the realm of big money than carnivorous predators surrounding and tearing apart any hedge fund that bleeds in the water by shorting its longs and forcing a squeeze of its shorts, until and past the point of max pain, which forces the fund to liquidate and hit any bid or lift any offer, traditionally at extremely preferential terms to everyone on the other side of the trade.

    For the sake of simplicity, “predators” include any and all hedge funds, especially those which the target assumed it was friendly with and until recently was inviting to his or her “idea dinners.” In fact the only catalyst predators typically need is any confirmation that the prey is crippled, at which point the last dance begins. In other words, any “blood in the water” usually means the different between life and death; and in these violently fast markets, the time from life to death may be counted in milliseconds.

    Which is why any time a distressed hedge fund finds itself in liquidity difficulties or faces a surge redemption requests, its first priority is to hide these as well as possible. The problem is that it still has to sell something to free up liquidity, and once it starts doing that, the prime brokers make sure it is marketwide news within minutes.

    One such hedge fund, of course, is Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square, which thanks to just one stock, Valeant, has found itself in a heap of trouble, and as of a week ago was down -17.3% for 2016 after tumbling 20% in 2015; worse, after the latest rout in Valeant stock, we expect the fund to report it is down over 20% YTD when it issues its weekly update for the week ended March 1 overnight.

    However, despite the massive performance rout Pershing Square has experienced, so far there had been no hints it may be impacting either the fund’s liquidity or, so far at least, redemption requests.

    That may have changed today when earlier this afternoon, Pershing Square portfolio company (long 13.9 million shares) Canadian Pacific filed a $1.5 billion mixed Shelf statement which covered everything from Common to Preferred to Warrants and Units.

    As a reminder, a shelf, or S-3 filing, is a type of public offering where certain issuers are allowed to offer and sell securities to the public without a separate prospectus for each act of offering. Instead, there is a single prospectus for multiple, undefined future offerings.

    In effect, it gives the seller a green light to approach the market at will.

    What was curious about the CP shelf is the following disclosure:

    Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (“CPRL” or the “Corporation”) may from time to time offer common shares (“Common Shares”), first preferred shares (“First Preferred Shares”), second preferred shares (“Second Preferred Shares”), subscription receipts (“Subscription Receipts”), warrants (“Warrants”) and units (“Units”) of CPRL (collectively, Common Shares, First Preferred Shares, Second Preferred Shares, Subscription Receipts, Warrants and Units are referred to herein as the “Securities”) having an aggregate offering price of up to US$1,500,000,000 or its equivalent in any other currency. Certain funds managed by Pershing Square Capital Management, L.P. (“Pershing Square”) or its affiliates or their respective permitted assignees (collectively, the “Selling Shareholder”) may also from time to time offer and sell Common Shares pursuant to this prospectus. See “Selling Shareholder”.

    And this:



    As at the date hereof, based on publicly available information, the Selling Shareholder beneficially owns 13,940,890 Common Shares, which is approximately 9.1% of the outstanding Common Shares. The Selling Shareholder may sell some, all or none of their Common Shares covered by this prospectus.


    Pershing Square, a registered investment advisor under the United States Investment Advisors Act of 1940, is the investment advisor to each of Pershing Square, L.P. (“PS”), Pershing Square II, L.P. (“PS II”), Pershing Square International, Ltd. (“Pershing Square International”) and Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. (“Pershing Square Holdings” and, together with PS, PS II and Pershing Square International, the “Pershing Square Funds”). PS Management GP, LLC (“PS Management”) is the sole general partner of Pershing Square. Pershing Square GP, LLC (“Pershing Square GP”), a registered investment advisor under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940, is the sole general partner of each of PS and PS II. Pershing Square has investment discretion with regards to 13,940,890 Common Shares, which Common Shares are directly owned by the Pershing Square Funds. The Common Shares were acquired during the period from September 23, 2011 to February 2, 2012. William A. Ackman is the Chief Executive Officer of Pershing Square and the managing member of each of PS Management and Pershing Square GP. Mr. Ackman is also a director of CPRL. Paul Hilal, a former Partner at Pershing Square, served as a director of CPRL from 2013 until his resignation from CPRL’s Board of Directors on January 26, 2016. Pershing Square is a Delaware limited partnership and its address is 888 Seventh Avenue – 42nd Floor New York, NY 10019.

    In other words, the selling shareholder quietly tacked on to the CP Shelf is not just the company, but a major investor, in this case the second largest investor in CP after T. Rowe Price which is Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square which owns just over $1.7 billion in common stocks, or roughly enough to fill the entire shelf.

    Why go this circuitous route to sell shares directly? The simplest answer is also the most disturbing for Pershing Square LPs – Ackman’s liquidity breaking point has come, and the fund is quietly starting to liquidate positions directly to the market bypassing prime brokers. Of course, if that is indeed the case, then Ackman would promptly deny any interest in using this shelf for liquidation purposes.

    Not surprisingly that is precisely what he did moments ago, when as Bloomberg reported:


    Then why file it?

    Perhaps Ackman is telling the truth, but we wonder how much lower the stock price of VRX will have to drop before Pershing does precisely the opposite when faced with a major margin call on its option-based position, and maybe a better question – how much lower can Pershing’s P&L drop before Ackman is finally flooded with terminal redemption requests by investors who by now must have lost all their hair using Ackman as a levered bet on the survival of a company which with every passing day smells increasingly more like fraud.

    In the meantime keep an eye on Pershing Square’s weekly performance updated on the following site, because while the credibility of Ackman’s word is “fluid”, numbers – especially negative ones – are always ironclad.

  • Worst Global Economic Data In 4 Years Sparks Stocks Best Day In 6 Months

    Dudley's "Downside Risks" and Draghi's "No Limits" were all it took to trump the worst global macro data since 2012 (JPM Global PMI) and send stocks soaring… Some quick thoughts from (ironically) 1930…

    Worst global economy since 2012…


    Best day for Nasdaq in six months…(and best first day of a month since 2013)


    Futures show what really happened…


    The Dow soared over 400 points off overnight lows, surging to the lows from the first trading of 2016… Bad News Is Great News once again!!


    With financials leading the ripfest…


    With financials managing to tag the 50DMA…


    But seriously – are we going to fall for this again?


    Ripped higher on the back of USDJPY…(but even that decoupled in the last hour as 114.000 capped the gains)…


    As the crude correlation broke shortly after EU close…


    This was not a short-squeeze per se – but as the day went on the "most shorted" names did start to suffer…


    But we do note that once again the "weakest momentum" stocks notably outperformed (messing with quant funds again)


    VIX broke to a 17 handle following trail of its tails…


    Breaking back below its 200-day moving-average for the first time in 2016…


    Lots of chatter today about liquidations of VRX positions (and the SPY market hedges with them) – driving VRX lower and the market higher… until we tweeted about it…


    Treasury yields exploded higher on the weak data this morning


    The USD Index slid back to unchanged on the week today after an early bounce on JPY weakness which was trujmped by EUR strength after Europe closed)…


    Commodities were mixed today: PMs very modstly lower, copper and crude higher – bnut we note the broad based flush ast around 8ET…


    And finally there was Nattie – which popped and dropped and popped on weather changes, hedge fund rumors, and force majeurs…


    Charts: Bloomberg

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Today’s News 1st March 2016

  • Financial Market Regulation – Market Transactions Tax (Video)

    By EconMatters

    We discuss the Financial Transactions Tax in this video. Bernie Sanders has made this issue part of his campaign in order to appeal to redistribution voters, a common liberal ideal in the Democratic Party.


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  • Japan Sells 10Y Bond At Negative Yield For First Time Ever

    As we detailed earlier, for the first time in the history of crazy, Japan ‘sold’ 10-year government bonds today at a negative yield. Translated into English, this means “investors” agreed to pay the Japanese government 2.4bps per year for the privilege of lending it money for 10 years

    Down from a 7.8bps positive yield at the last auction, the 10Y auction’s average yield was -2.4bps…


    Peter Pan(ic) continues as the rest of the JGB curve collapses to fresh record low yields and await the reaction in Japanese bank stocks…


    Charts: Bloomberg

  • The Two-Party Illusion

    Submitted by Jeff Thomas via,

    “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil.”  –   John Adams

    The Great Illusion of the two-party system is that it allows the voter a choice – usually between a liberal and a conservative government. The reality is that, whichever party wins the election, the government is, in truth, a totalitarian one. The “choice” is a mere distraction from the true objective.


    Recently, an American college student, Justin Snyder, commented on his choice for his country’s next president and his reasons for it. Mister Snyder said, in part,

    "I support Hillary Clinton for president … When you add up her knowhow, leadership, and experience, it's clear that Hillary Clinton is a perfect fit to be the commander-in-chief of the largest military the world has ever seen … The thing is, we've been trying the free market thing for centuries. All we have to show for it is a super wealthy class of people who run the country. What we need is someone to represent the common man, and that someone is Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

    Mister Snyder has done quite well in absorbing the modern liberal party line, one that both advances itself on the concept of collectivism, yet reverses itself on its position just two generations ago that war is an evil concept, promoted by conservatives in an effort to control the world.

    His comments are not unusual, and that’s what makes them significant. He’s a modern, educated, effectively indoctrinated liberal. His political counterpart is a modern, educated, effectively indoctrinated conservative. Together, they comprise the backbone of governmental dominance over a people: different party, same blind acceptance of political party dogma.

    John Adams had it right in his 1780 letter to Jonathan Jackson, as quoted above. He understood that the old method of thought control – that of kings ordering their vassals what to believe – had had its day. It had never been fully effective, as the vassal was free to decide whether he believed the king. But, as early as 1780, the future would belong to those politicians who were skilled in giving the public “A” and “B” choices.

    People need to believe that they have a choice. Interestingly, though, they seem to be content with only two choices. A skilled politician therefore limits the number of choices to two and, today, this is the way it’s done in most “advanced” countries. Whether it’s Democrat vs. Republican, or Tory vs. Labour, there are two dominant parties. Each is represented by a group of individuals seeking to gain or maintain public office.

    Initially, in order to sell the two-party concept to voters, it’s important for each party to have a philosophical identity. These two identities would seem to need to be based on opposing primary principles or ideologies, such as a free market system vs. collectivism, or empire-building warfare vs. a commitment to peace.

    The US did, indeed, follow this route in developing its own primary sports teams, the Democrats and the Republicans. And, along the way, it learned that the public can be best manipulated if they are blindly devoted to either one team or the other. (Those in the red T-shirts detest those in the blue, and vice versa.)

    Once this blind devotion has been achieved, it becomes possible to dispense with the extreme polarity of principles and ideology. As stated above, only two generations ago, there was a “collectivism and peace” party and a “free market and empire” party in the US. What they had in common, however, was that both required an increasingly larger government to support its objectives.

    Today, the US political system has evolved to the point that the principles and ideology are disappearing. Today, Democrats fully accept and even encourage overseas aggression. This has been achieved through the illusion of “terrorism.” Similarly, the Republicans have watered down their commitment to a free market system through the soma of ever-widening entitlements.

    No longer is it necessary that the two dogmas are polar opposites. They can only be five degrees apart from each other, yet each team of supporters fully believes his team is morally right and the other team is morally wrong. Meanwhile, they’re both headed toward the same warfare/welfare end. And of course, both teams fully accept the concept that an ever-expanding government role is necessary in achieving these ends.

    But how is it possible that the principles and ideologies have been virtually erased? After all, the very idea of principles is that they are not based on popularity, but on inner conviction. Well, truth be told, the great majority of people have no real moral compass at all; no real inner sense of convictions. Their convictions can be manipulated in such a way that the portion of the brain that wishes to deal with convictions can be redirected into areas that are of little consequence.

    On the surface of it, this seems like a bold and even radical statement, yet, as we can readily see, as long as never-ending debates are maintained over the less vital issues, such as abortion rights, gay rights, etc., a people can be distracted away from primary principles. Therefore, the government has the ability to create the illusion that a two-party system exists when, in truth, as the caption below states,

    “VOTING: It’s deciding which criminal gets to steal everything you have.”

    The Two-Party Illusion

    The concept of a government as a body of individuals that are chosen by election to represent the voters is a good one, but it’s not a concept that’s shared by those who are elected. Those who are elected almost unanimously see the concept as one in which the rulers are determined. They have no illusion about representation, although they do understand that they must give the impression to voters that they see themselves as representatives. Rulers seek to rule. All other concerns are secondary.

    Over time, those elected will look for every opportunity to increase their own power (both politically and economically). Consequently, the longer a governmental system exists in a given country, the more it will deteriorate toward tyranny.

    At some point, there is, in almost every country, a rebellion of some sort that causes a reset – a return to a more democratic structure where a greater level of representation once again takes place. Then the deterioration, inexorably, begins anew. This is why Thomas Jefferson was so fervent that, every so often, a revolution is essential.

    It should be pointed out that the US is not alone in this deterioration. In all fairness, many other countries are in a similar state. Increasingly, people in these countries recognise that conditions are becoming tyrannical. Yet, most hold out the hope that the next election will somehow magically result in a return to basic freedoms. This will not be the case. Deterioration is baked in the cake. Regardless of the candidate, regardless of the party, regardless of the country, the outcome will be the same.

    But, as stated previously, the deterioration process is a very long one and, at any given time in history, there are countries that are not so far along in the process. A bright future does indeed exist, but it lies not in the hope of a reversal by political leaders. It lies in choosing one’s domicile – one where basic freedoms remain.


  • China Faces 15 Trillion Bombshell As Shadow Banking Sector Collapses

    We’ve spent more time than most documenting China’s wealth management product problem.

    WMPs are part and parcel of Beijing’s sprawling shadow banking complex which, until 2014 that is, helped pump trillions of yuan into China’s economy and shouldered the burden when it came to propping up the most important economy on the planet.

    But WMPs are dangerous. In fact, we flagged them as an 8 trillion black swan back in August on the way to asking what would happen if China’s shadow banking sector were to collapse altogether.

    This is space that’s running what amounts to an enormous maturity mismatched fraud. Of course the describes the entire fractional reserve banking system, but in the case of China’s WMPs, it’s all on the verge of implosion. Don’t believe us? Just ask anyone who bought into products sold by Fanya Metals’ Shan Jiuliang.

    This is a very real threat to the Chinese banking sector. The multifarious nature of the space’s liabilities makes it virtually impossible for anyone to assess what the embedded risks are. As we first documented last summer, some 40% of credit risk is carried off balance sheet and that figure might well have grown recently, especially considering mid-tier bank’s propensity to extend new credit through new cateogries of channel loans that are classified as “investments” and “receivables”

    In any event, China is desperate to revive the credit impulse and that means keeping the shadow banking space alive. Here’s BofA with more on China’s ticking WMP time bomb:

    • Growth rate accelerated. By the end of 2015, WMP balance reached Rmb23.5tr, up 56.46% YoY. Astonishingly, growth rate accelerated last year compared to the year before despite a high base – in 2014, the balance grew from Rmb10.2tr to Rmb15.0tr, up 47.25% YoY. The key drivers of this accelerated growth are joint stock banks whose WMP balance rose from Rmb5.67tr to Rmb9.91tr, up 74.8% YoY; city commercial banks, Rmb1.7tr to Rmb3.07tr, up 80.6% YoY. On the other hand, the big four state-owned enterprise (SOE) banks’ balance rose by a more moderate 53.2% YoY (from Rmb6.47tr to Rmb8.67tr) while foreign banks’ balance declined by 25.6% (from Rmb0.39tr to Rmb0.29tr).

    • Liquidity risk is rising. The outstanding balance of open WMPs, of which buyers can subscribe or redeem largely at will, reached Rmb10.32tr, up 96.95% YoY. They accounted for 44% of bank-run WMPs balance as of Dec 2015, up from 35% a year earlier. The increased share of open WMPs adds to the duration mismatch in the shadow banking sector and makes the system more prone to liquidity shock in our view. In 2015, banks issued Rmb158.41tr worth of WMPs, i.e., Rmb13.2tr a month on average. If WMP buyers decide to ‘go on strike’ for whatever reason, a liquidity crunch in the shadow banking sector could quickly develop in our view.

    • Implicit guarantee still largely in place. Only Rmb1.37tr worth of open WMPs, representing 13% of the total, are priced based on NAV. Also, the portion of closed WMPs that are priced similarly is tiny. This means that the vast majority of WMPs are still sold with the so-called “expected return”, which is largely viewed as promised return by WMP buyers by our assessment. In 2015, only 44 WMP products, or 0.03% of matured products during the year, caused investors to lose money. This loss ratio appears unusually low in our view. It is interesting to note that most of the 44 products were sold by foreign banks.

    • Individual buyers still dominant. As of Dec 2015, individual investors, including high net-worth individual investors, accounted for Rmb13.34tr WMP balance, or 56.6% of the total (institutional investors, 30.6%; inter-banks, 12.8%). They subscribed to Rmb101.49tr of the newly issued WMPs during the year, representing 64.1% of the total. Mood of individual investors are more volatile than institutions in general.

    The bottom line is this: if this implodes, it will not only tank the entire Chinese banking system but the global economy as well, as the amount of liabilities here is quite frankly enormous. 


  • China's Crowd-Sourced Housing Bubble Goes "Crazy" – $585,000 For A 65 Square Foot 'Apartment'


    The price of home price in China’s tier one cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen) started another around of rally in the last couple months, and became “crazy” in Feb as described by the Chinese who form lines to buy the apartments everywhere.

    When I saw this online commercial as below, I cannot help asking myself: Really?  This place can be sold as a “home” (I thought it’s just a kitchen), and at this price ($9k per sqf)?

    lian jia

    The ads is posted on the web site of China’s biggest online real estate agent Lianjia, showing a 6 square meters (65 sft) property which asks for RMB 3.8milion ($585k in total or $9k per sft).  Frankly speaking, this place has its good selling points: sitting at a good school zone, close to the subway and not subject to the real estate restriction policy. But really, $9k per sqf? 

    Maybe you think the tiny kitchen is an isolated case, but let’s look at the following general price data.

    Chart 1: Tier 1 cities ended the YoY price decline since June 2015 and enjoyed a strong rally as it did in 2010 and 2013. 

    Price YoY

    Chart 2:  Absolute price level of tier 1 cities (Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai (RMB/sqm))

    3 cities absolute price

    Source: Wind, blue line: Shenzhen, red line: Beijing, and blue dot line: Shanghai

    The median home price in China’s top 3 tier 1 cities ranges between $0.5k to 0.6k per sqf (RMB 33k to 43k per sqm).  Based on Trulia’s data in 2015, the median home sales in NY is $1.5k per sqf and that in San Francisco is $0.95k per sqf.  However, the median household income in Shanghai is only $15,400 per year while that in NY/SF is around $59,000/$84160, so the home price to income ratio in China’s tier 1 cities is higher than those in US tier 1 cities.

    Chart 3:  Price change % of tier 1 cities in the last five years

    Price range YoY

    Source: Wind, from left to right, Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai

    So will investing in the tier one properties bring you stable income?  Let’s take a look at the rent yield.

    Chart 4: Tier 1 cities’ rent yield in the last eight years (%)

    Rent yield

    Source: Wind; Red: Shanghai, Blue: Beijing and Pink: Shenzhen

     The trend of rent yield has been declining and now the yield stands at only around 2%.  But if we take a look at real yield, it’s another picture

    Chart 5: Tier 1 cities’ rent yield minus China 10 yr treasury yield (%)

    Rent real yield

    Source: Wind; Red: Shanghai, Blue: Beijing and Pink: Shenzhen

    Apparently, you will have negative real income if you investing in China properties.  Your investment return comes from the next buyer/speculator or the people who are stupid enough to pay 20 to 25 times home price to house income (if they really can afford).

    You must wonder how the average Chinese people can afford a living place as the home price to income ratio is so high.  Yes, you are right, the average Chinese people or even the white collar/professionals are not able to afford the home price in tier 1 cities, but they can “invest” in the property market just like they did in the A share equity market through leverage.  For the A share equity market, we can estimate the leverage through the level of “margin debt”.  However, there’s no such a metric to estimate the size of the leverage used in the property market.  But we can get a remote sense from another perspective.  We all know January new RMB loans hit a record high RMB 2.51 trillion, while the deposit of industrial corporate only increased RMB 800 billion.  It means that a decent part of the loans did not go into industrial corporate’s bank accounts to support the real economy.  Where did it go?  Apparently the margin debt in equity market was dropping in Jan, then you know the answer.

    In addition to the leverage part, there’re more concerns in the equity part: down payment.  For speculator, they like to buy as many as home in the same area so they can “manage” the price through volume control.  Right now China’s real estate policy still mandates 25% to 30% down payment when you buy a property, so the equity part itself demands significant cash flows (tier 1 cities’ average home price is around $1.2 million to $1.5 million per unit, so 25% to 30% down payment for 100 units is still a big number in China.  Yes, it’s not wrong number, 100 units is a normal case for a group of speculators who will buy the whole apartment complex).  Here are two ways how the speculators get around this entry barrier?

    • The real estate agents provide margin for the down payment. To boost the transactions and earn the commission, the agents provide 50% to 70% lending of the down payment part and make sure the buyers have enough money to finish the transaction. In reality, the buyer may only pay 10% down payment (agents lend him 70% of the 30% down payment requirement) to buy a home.  The speculator’s leverage is loosened from 1:3 to 1:10 through this down payment leverage.  Right now, the buyer not only owns money to the banks but also the agents.  But it does not matter in a quick and steep upward market, as the speculators will turn over their inventory quickly and make a fortune of it.  All they need is big enough equity to leverage the bubble.  How big is the size of down payment leverage?  From the public information of three top agents (Lianjia, 5i5j, and Fang), we know that they provided this kind of down payment leverage for transactions with the value of around RMB 500 billion.
    • Some small individual speculators use “crowdfunding” to make the down payment. Per Wiki, crowdfundingis the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, today often performed via internet-mediated registries.  Crowdfunding is popular in the tech space, but in China, speculators use it to fund their bets in the property market.  Ironically, they use Wechat as the internet platform to organize the crowdfunding.  In these days, as long as you walk into any Starbucks in Shanghai, you will hear people discussing crowdfunding their “real estate investments”.  The problem is, it’s difficult to define ownership in a crowdfunding support down payment, because it’s impossible to put 100 or 200 people’s names under a property’s ownership.

    Anyway, the current crazy bubble in China’s tier 1 cities smells the same as the A share bubble which was boosted by the margin debt in the last two years.

    We know it will end badly when the margin debt bubble is pierced.

    *  *  *

    Shortly after completing this note, Bloomberg runs the following headline:

    China State Media Warns of Home Price Surge in Top Cities


    Some developers and real estate agents created illusion of massive demand for homes that led to purchases by panic buyers, according to a commentary from Xinhua written by reporter Zheng Juntian on Monday.


    More than 30% buyers of homes in Shenzhen city made purchases as investment, Xinhua cites data from unidentified researcher


    Local govts should prevent home prices from rising overly fast and avoid speculative demand buying homes with financial leverage

    So having herded people into the stock market and blown them up; and then back into housing (easing mortgage restrictions etc.), the authorities will now proceed to yell "bubble" in a crowded (and over-levered) 'theater' of real estate. We sense the social unrest building as we speak.

  • Japan Braces For A "Turbulent, Volatile" 10-Year Auction With First Ever Negative Yield On Deck

    Two days after Japanese yields plummeted on January 29, when the BOJ unexpectedly stunned the world by announcing negative interest rates, the Japanese government sold 10 Year Bonds at what was then a near record low yield of 0.078% in an auction which carried a 0.3% coupon. Since then things have only gotten more… deflationary, and as can be seen on the chart below, as of this moment the 10Y JGB is yielding a record-0.055%


    And since Japan is set to issue JPY2.4 trillion ($21 billion) in 10 year notes in a few hours, it means that for the first time ever, the Japanese government will be paid to actually “sell” 10Y paper – bonds which will have a negative yield at issue.

    This won’t be the first time Japan has sold NIRP paper: as Bloomberg writes, over the past month Japanese government bonds of as long as five years in maturity sold at a negative yields, however tonight is only the first time when the entire curve through the 10 Year mark will be submerged below the X-axis.

    However, where things may get tricky, is that as BBG adds demand at 10-year note auctions has declined this year as yields continued their slide, even with the central bank having the scope to buy every new bond issued as part of its stimulus program. In other words, bidders have no choice and if they want the “safety” of government backstopped collateral, they will have to pay Abe for the privilege of giving him their money for the next decade.

    “There are concerns about who would actually buy 10-year bonds with negative yields,” said Shuichi Ohsaki, the chief Japan rates strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. “Even if you wanted to participate in the BOJ trade, you would have to hold onto the bond until it becomes eligible for the BOJ operation. And with the increase in volatility, it’s a tough one to trade.”

    Where things get even more complicated is that in China the concept of a yield curve is practically non-existent: as the chart below shows, the JGB yield curve was the flattest on record at the end of last week, under pressure from the BOJ’s bond purchases, with the premium offered by 10-year securities over two-year notes narrowing to just 11.5 basis points.

    That’s not all: if DB’s Makoto Yamashita is right, tonight’s auction may be quite “turbulent”:

    “We expect the10y JGB auction on the 1st to be a new issue with a 0.1% coupon, but auction yields are likely to go into negative territory. We do not expect the bank sector to buy, and demand from dealers and foreign investors is unlikely to provide sufficient support. We expect the auction to be turbulent given investors are also unlikely to short futures and the possibility of a tail.

    Then again, Japan hasn’t had a functioning, free or efficient bond market in a decades. This is the same market which none other than SocGen’s Albert Edwards recently fell in love with because Japan’s 10Y bond is the only asset class which, as we reported last week, has not had a losing year since 2007.

    While Edwards was “all in” 10Y JGBs, we – and certainly Kyle Bass – are less euphoric. As we said:

    Yes, Japanese bonds have generated positive returns for the past 9 years, but all it takes is just one moment of sheer central bank stupidity, or outright insanity, to destroy everything. The BOJ had just such a moment one month ago when it launched NIRP. What if the next moment is its last?

    What is the next moment is in a few hours?

    Who knows: perhaps the combination of a manipulated, rigged bond “market”, one which is entirely dominated by the BOJ, with an unprecedented event like the first ever negative yield on a 10Y JGB in history, is precisely the catalyst that will not only snap Japan’s unbroken treasury record, but finally end the farce that is Japan’s centrally-planned, well… everything, and result in the Bank of Japan finally losing control.

    While we don’t think tonight’s auction will be the catalyst just yet, keep an eye on the auction results when the come in. Just in case.

  • Workers At Tesla's Gigafactory Stage Mass Walk Out Protesting Out Of State Employees

    All is not well in the non-GAAP paradise known as Tesla’s Gigafactory, where labor tensions are suddenly running high.

    According to Bloomberg, at least 100 workers at the construction site for Tesla’s massive (and taxpayer subsidized) battery factory near Reno, Nevada, walked off the job Monday to protest use of workers from other states, a union official said.

    It used to be that workers were upset when foreigners were brought in; now it’s workers from out of state.

    Local labor leaders are upset that Tesla contractor Brycon Corp. is bringing in workers from Arizona and New Mexico, said Todd Koch (no relation to the billionaire family by the same name) president of the Building and Construction Trades Council of Northern Nevada.

    The escalation in interstate labor tensions mirrors the fragmentation of Europe, where with an imminent collapse of the Schengen customs union, members of the neighboring EU countries will soon revolt when working side by side. Perhaps it only makes sense that with globalization now running in reverse, and with Europe falling apart at the seams, that the US will follow suit by defederalizing.

    The local union’s the soundbites certainly indicate that “out-of-state workers are clearly not welcome.”

    “It’s a slap in the face to Nevada workers to walk through the parking lot at the job site and see all these license plates from Arizona and New Mexico,” Koch said in an interview. Those who walked out were among the hundreds on the site, he said.

    Construction work at the $5 billion, 10-million-square-foot factory has been proceeding ahead of schedule. Tesla said in an e-mailed statement that the nonunion contractor involved in the dispute Monday, which it didn’t identify by name, is using more than 50 percent Nevada workers and that more than 75 percent of the factory workforce is residents of that state. Tesla didn’t say how the walkout is affecting work at the site.

    Of course, the only reason for that is because otherwise the generous subsidies provided to Elon Musk by Nevada taxpayers would be voided. As a reminder, in September 2014, Musk and Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval announced a deal that included as much as $1.25 billion in tax breaks over 20 years and a requirement that half the so-called gigafactory’s expected 6,500 permanent positions go to Nevada residents.

    It said nothing about where the other 3,250 should come from, although it appears that to local labor unions, anything short of 100% “local” is increasingly unacceptable. Furthermore, it is unclear just what sparked the workers’ anger if indeed at least 75% of the Gigafactory’s worker are local.

    “Today’s activity stems from the local Carpenters Union protesting against one of the third-party construction contractors that Tesla is using,” the automaker said. “Their issue is not with how Tesla treats its workers.”

    And Tesla will continue treating it workers well as long as it is ultimately taxpayers who foot their paycheck. Once that changes, pink slips will galore, for both in and out of state workers alike.

    In the meantime, we can’t wait to see what happens if Uber’s Gigafactorians stage a Megastrike.

    Finally, while we would like to take Musk at his word, one wonders what the real reason for this quasi-labor strike truly is and if next quarter Tesla, whose GAAP vs non-GAAP revenue and EPS looks something like this..

    … won’t include a “strike-adjusted” non-cash flow metric to go with the rest of its income statement gibberish.

  • Law Professor Slams Summers: "Cash Is The Currency Of Freedom"

    By Glenn Harlan Reyonds, aka Instapundit, a University of Tennessee law professor, originally posted on USA Today

    Cash Is The Currency Of Freedom

    As Fed inflates away dollar’s value, government gains more control to manipulate taxpayers and savers

    Former Treasury secretary Larry Summers wants to get rid of the $100 bill. But I think he has it exactly backward. I think we need to restore the $500 and $1000 bills. And the reason is that people like Larry Summers have done a horrible job.

    Summers wrote recently in The Washington Post that the $100 bill needs to go. The reason, he says, is that it’s a favorite of criminals, along with the 500 euro note, which is likely to be discontinued. The New York Times editorialized in agreement, writing: “Getting rid of big bills will make it harder for criminals to do business and make it easier for law enforcement to detect illicit activity. … There is no need for large-denomination currency. Britain’s top bill is the 50-pound note ($72), which has been perfectly sufficient. The United States stopped distributing $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 bills in 1969. There are now so many ways to pay for things, and eliminating big bills should create few problems.”

    Reading this got me to thinking: What is a $100 bill worth now, compared to 1969? According to the U.S. Inflation Calculator online, a $100 bill today has the equivalent purchasing power of $15.49 in 1969 dollars. Likewise, in 1969, a $100 bill had the equivalent purchasing power of $645.55 in today’s dollars.

    So even if we brought back the discontinued $500 bill, it wouldn’t have the purchasing power today that a $100 bill had in 1969, when larger denominations were discontinued. And carrying around a $100 bill today is basically like carrying around a $20 in 1969.

    And although inflation isn’t running very high at the moment, this trend will only continue. If the next few decades are like the last few, paper money in current denominations will become basically useless.

    Of course, as CATO Institute analyst Daniel J. Mitchell writes, to our ruling class this isn’t a bug, but a feature. Governments want to get rid of cash for two reasons. First, it gives them more control over citizens: They justify it in the name of fighting terrorists and organized crime, but what they really care about is making sure that nobody escapes their scrutiny, for purposes of taxes, regulation and political finagling. Second, if you’re stuck putting your money in a bank, they can force you to spend it (and thus “stimulate” the economy) by subjecting you to negative interest rates, in which money that just sits in the bank shrinks away, providing an incentive to spend.

    The Federal Reserve and various other financial regulatory bodies were sold politically in no small part as protections against inflation. But inflation has run rampant. According to the inflation calculator, today’s $100 bill is worth only as much as $4.18 in 1913, the year the Federal Reserve was established. When you realize that inflation helps debtors and that governments are the world’s biggest debtors, this makes a certain amount of sense — for them.

    But at a time when, almost no matter where you look in the world, the parts of it controlled by the experts and technocrats (like Larry Summers) seem to be doing badly, it seems reasonable to ask: Why give them still more control over the economy? What reason is there to think that they’ll use that control fairly, or even competently? Their track record isn’t very impressive.

    Cash has a lot of virtues. One of them is that it allows people to engage in voluntary transactions without the knowledge or permission of anyone else. Governments call this suspicious, but the rest of us call it something else: Freedom.

    Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor, is the author of The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself, and a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors.

  • Exporting Death & Destruction

    Nothing says Nobel Peace Prize like being the world's largest (by a long way) exporter of arms…

    The US was by far the top arms exporter in 2011-15, with a 33 per cent share of the global market. Exports from the US have increased 27 per cent in the last five years.


    As The Independent reports, the number of major weapons switching hands around the world was up 14 per cent in the last five years, compared to the five years before that.

    The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, an independent resource on global security, has released a study that shows that India is the world's largest importer of arms.


    The chart above shows that Asia was the main importer of weapons in the last five years, as the region races to arm itself ahead of its regional rivals: China and Pakistan. The high levels of Indian imports are also the result of its small domestic arms industry, which means it has to buy weapons from overseas.


    Russia is the biggest supplier of arms to India, ahead of the US. But US imports there are growing. They were 11 times higher in 2011-2015 than 2006-2010.

    Leaving us with one big (quite scary) question – why is India suddenly preparing for war?

  • "The GOP Is On The Verge Of A Meltdown": Senior Republicans Threaten To Vote For Hillary

    With Donald Trump set for a yuuge victory in tomorrow's Super Tuesday slugfest – oddsmakers see 80% chance of Trump being the nominee – tensions are mounting dramatically within the Republican establishment. As The FT reports, many mainstream Republicans believe Mr Trump would struggle to beat Hillary Clinton and are urgently rallying around their man Rubio with some senior Republicans saying privately that they might consider voting for Mrs Clinton if Mr Trump were to end up as their party nominee as one conservative commentator exclaimed "we are on the verge of a real meltdown in the Republican party."

    Trump's lead in the polls over his GOP nominee 'peers' continues to grow…

    Source: RealClearPolitics

    As The FT reports, while Mr Rubio and Mr Trump ramp up their attacks on each other ahead of the March 1 primaries, Republican grandees and lawmakers are turning to the Florida senator as they become increasingly worried that the property tycoon could lock up the GOP presidential nomination within three weeks.

    They fear that a victory for Mr Trump could fatally fracture the party and prevent them from winning the White House in November.


    Many mainstream Republicans believe Mr Trump would struggle to beat Hillary Clinton, the clear Democratic frontrunner after her resounding victory over Bernie Sanders in South Carolina on Saturday, given the comments he has made about Hispanics, Muslims, women, disabled people and people who have criticised his campaign.

    But, as the following chart shows, it's far too close to call…

    Source: RealClearPolitics

    The FT goes on to note that Mr Trump on Sunday issued a thinly-veiled warning that he would consider running as an independent.

    “The Republican Establishment has been pushing for lightweight Senator Marco Rubio to say anything to “hit” Trump. I signed the pledge-careful,” he tweeted, a reference to a pledge that all candidates signed to back the party’s eventual nominee.

    As panic is setting in within The GOP…

    “We are on the verge of a real meltdown in the Republican party,” Hugh Hewitt, the influential conservative radio talk-show host told ABC television on Sunday.


    Some senior Republicans have said privately that they might consider voting for Mrs Clinton if Mr Trump were to end up as their party nominee. “You’ll see a lot of Republicans do that,” Christine Whitman, the former New Jersey governor who previously compared Mr Trump to Hitler, told the New Jersey Star-Ledger.


    “We don’t want to. But I know I won’t vote for Trump.”

    But none other than Rupert Murdoch chimed in at the craziness and infighting…

    And now the neocons are declaring war on Trump (as The Intercept notes)…

    Donald Trump’s runaway success in the GOP primaries so far is setting off alarm bells among neoconservatives who are worried he will not pursue the same bellicose foreign policy that has dominated Republican thinking for decades.


    Neoconservative historian Robert Kagan — one of the prime intellectual backers of the Iraq war and an advocate for Syrian intervention —  announced in the Washington Post last week that if Trump secures the nomination “the only choice will be to vote for Hillary Clinton.”


    Max Boot, an unrepentant supporter of the Iraq war, wrote in the Weekly Standard that a “Trump presidency would represent the death knell of America as a great power,” citing, among other things, Trump’s objection to a large American troop presence in South Korea.


    Trump has done much to trigger the scorn of neocon pundits. He denounced the Iraq war as a mistake based on Bush administration lies, just prior to scoring a sizable victory in the South Carolina GOP primary. In last week’s contentious GOP presidential debate, he defended the concept of neutrality in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is utterly taboo on the neocon right. “It serves no purpose to say you have a good guy and a bad guy,” he said, pledging to take a neutral position in negotiating peace.

    With Trump’s ascendancy, it’s possible that the parties will re-orient their views on war and peace, with Trump moving the GOP to a more dovish direction and Clinton moving the Democrats towards greater support for war.

  • Get Shorty? PBOC Strengthens Yuan, Erases All RRR-Cut Swing

    For the first time in six days, PBOC decided to strengthen the Yuan fix (+0.1% to 6.5385). This sent offshore Yuan surging back to pre-RRR-Cut levels, ensuring that (for the very short-term) speculators don’t get any ideas about piling into a Yuan short (again). This action followed the suspension of China’s Open Market Operations (due to lack of interest from traders).

    Following this morning’s surprise RRR Cut, The PBOC decides now is the time to strengthen Yuan…


    Wiping out the Yuan swing from today…


    Let’s see how long this holds.

    PBOC’s Chen had some comments on the matter (just don’t tell the Japanese)


    In other words – Don’t short it, or else!

  • The Long History of Government Meddling In The American Marketplace

    Submitted by Mike Holly via The Mises Institute,

    Although the causes of economic crises recurring throughout US history and often spreading worldwide can’t be proven using empirical means, oppressive government regulations favoring special interests in relevant industries have preceded every crisis.

    Typically, cronyism involves support of politicians in exchange for regulations denying others the freedom to compete with the moneyed interests (e.g., monopolies). Less competition leads to higher costs and lower quality. It reduces economic growth, jobs, wages, innovation, and productivity. Attempts to control economic growth through government spending and/or manipulating interest rates (e.g., stimulate growth with low rates) generally leads to more severe crises.

    None of these things are recent phenomena, but can be found again and again throughout American history.


    After the Revolutionary War, when the agrarian economy was beginning to industrialize, politicians pursued British-style mercantilism, including colonialism, against natives and regulations blocking competition in banking and manufacturing. Financial panics and depressions resulted under a national bank in 1792 and from 1819–21 and state-regulated banks from 1837–43 and 1857–59.

    The Civil War was a dispute between Republicans representing manufacturers in the North that blocked free trade with import tariffs against Europe, and Democrats representing agricultural plantations in the South that refused to replace slavery with mechanization using the North’s high-cost goods.


    The “Gilded Age of Capitalism” shifted the economy from agriculture to industry led by “robber barons” who lobbied mostly Republicans. The government helped create railroad monopolies with low-interest loans, land grants, and special frontier privileges. The railroads formed a conglomerate that monopolized much of the rest of the economy by favoring large over small customers (e.g., Rockefeller’s Standard Oil over farmers), large suppliers (e.g., Carnegie Steel), and big banks (e.g., J.P. Morgan).

    Both railroads and banking (with both national and state banks) were implicated in the severe financial panics from 1873–78 and 1893–97, occurring during the Long Depression of 1873–96, and another panic in 1901. Banking regulation led to the panic in 1907.

    During the Progressive Era, the US used regulation to form many of today’s monopolies. From 1906 to 1910, Republicans led efforts to create state-regulated electricity and natural gas utility monopolies, and the Seven Sisters oil and physician oligopolies. In 1913, Democrats sanctioned the telephone monopoly and founded the Federal Reserve banking monopoly (i.e., which regulates the banks). After World War I, the Fed raised interest rates which led to the depression of 1920–21, which bankrupted many companies and led to manufacturing oligopolies, including in the automotive industry.

    Thanks to these new frontiers in a regulated economy, by the 1920s, only 200 corporations controlled over half of all US industry and the richest 1 percent of the population owned 40 percent of the nation's wealth. As in recent times, the Fed responded by providing easy credit at low interest rates, which led to increased consumer and business debt, uneconomic and risky investments, and inflated assets, including stock prices (further increasing wealth disparity). After the Fed tried to raise interest rates, the result was the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929.


    During the 1930s, the crash led to the Great Depression, the worst financial crisis in US history, and then spread from the world’s largest economy globally, albeit with less severity abroad. Democrats, led by President Roosevelt (FDR) and supported by bankers, agriculture, oil, and labor, tried to redistribute wealth by limiting competition through government takeovers, including trucking, airline, and housing industries, and restricting the supply of food and oil. This led to continued global depression and World War II, which was financed with debt.

    Finally, the post-war boom or “Golden Age of Capitalism” saw a dismantling of wartime regulations and growing opportunities especially in manufacturing (like China today). During global rebuilding, the US became the world’s economic leader with about 4 percent annual growth, even with increasing interest rates, decreasing debt, and high taxes. Although wealth disparity was historically low, Democrats increased regulation of necessities, leading to today’s high costs.

    FDR had taken money from taxpayers to subsidize home loans at low interest rates including guarantees from the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) since 1934, and securitization by the Fannie Mae secondary mortgage monopoly since 1938 (and Democrats added Freddie Mac to form a duopoly in 1970). After the war, the subsidies led to unsustainable demand for more expensive and larger homes, urban sprawl, and a shortage of affordable housing.

    FDR had also taken money from taxpayers to subsidize favored farm crops, which discouraged alternative crops. After 1946, Democrats increased subsidies leading to inflated prices for farmland. Since 1973, the US has subsidized food overproduction leading to dumped exports that retard agricultural and economic development in the developing world and uneconomical bio-fuels protected by tariffs against Brazilian ethanol (until 2012). FDR had led support for the nationalization of oil industries (e.g., Mexico), and military spending to defend dictators in oil-rich countries (e.g., Saudi Arabia).

    In 1965, Democrats led nationalization of about half of health care purchasing through Medicare and Medicaid. These programs, and later Obamacare, subsidized increased demand while the supply of doctors and hospitals has been restricted. The resulting health care crisis led to skyrocketing costs nearly triple those of other developed countries.


    The dreaded stagflation of the 1970s is considered tied for the second worst financial crisis in US history. The Fed responded to inflation by raising interest rates, leading to the Great Recession of the early 1980s, which led to the Savings and Loan Crisis, and spread as the Latin American Debt Crisis. Since then, the Fed has been lowering rates overall.

    Meanwhile, politicians claimed to be trying to increase cost efficiency through privatization of public industries, and foster competition through partial deregulation of private industries. Worldwide, politicians allowed the monopolists to write the rules, including preferential bargain sales to cronies, which led to even nastier deregulated monopolies.

    Deregulation was limited mainly to common carrier industries, including airlines in 1978, trucking in 1980, telecommunications in 1996, and electricity and natural gas utilities during the 1990s, and also banking in 1999. For example, states allowed utilities to design rigged trading schemes, gain preferential access to transport lines, and sell assets to affiliates for pennies on the dollar. Deregulation declined after manipulations led to the California Energy Crisis of 2000.


    After the energy crises and bursting of the internet bubble in 2000, big business Republicans and big government Democrats practiced corporatism. The US House Budget Committee explains: “In too many areas of the economy — especially energy, housing, finance, and health care — free enterprise has given way to government control in partnership with a few large or politically well-connected companies.”

    In 2003, regulations led to increased ethanol production from corn, but after that led to the 2007–08 Food Crisis, growth was stopped by mandates that the fuel be made from expensive-to-process cellulose.

    Meanwhile, George W. Bush promoted home loans securitized through the Fannie and Freddie duopoly and the Fed’s big banks, while encouraging the Fed to lower interest rates, leading to a bubble in home ownership and prices. Soon after the Fed started raising rates, the bubble burst leading to the 2007–09 Subprime Mortgage Crisis, 2007–08 Financial Crisis (considered tied for the second worst financial crisis in US history), 2008–10 Automotive Crisis, and 2008–12 Global Recession.

    In 2010, Dodd Frank gave politicians more oversight over the Fed’s big banks, increasing influence peddling, and risks of crises. The Fed has been loaning trillions of dollars at low interest rates to the big banks. Lower rates can encourage financial engineering, like mergers, which allow bankers and corporate executives to bleed profits from large corporations, who receive preferential tax treatment, especially abroad. Since 1998, the financial sector has spent over $6 billion lobbying Congress.

    The Bank for International Settlements, or so-called “bank of central bankers,” warns another global debt crisis is coming, and the debt-trap is now even worse than before 2007. The US has led many nations to continue to lower interest rates and accumulating private and public debt. Now, a slowing economy could make the debt toxic and lead to a financial crisis that would be hastened as the Fed raises rates. The Bank warns: “It is unrealistic and dangerous to expect that monetary policy can cure all the global economy’s ills.”

    Obamacare could allow bureaucracies to control patient treatments and prices, while lobbied by the industry. Since 1998, medical interests have spent over $6 billion lobbying Congress.

    The Free Market Solution

    Today, there is no party that favors true privatization or free markets. Republicans favor monopolization, while claiming support for free markets and blaming the Democrat’s high taxes and regulations for crises. Democrats favor nationalization, while blaming non-existent free markets for crises. Meanwhile, many Americans appear to be embracing the regulatory nationalism of crony capitalist Donald Trump or the democratic socialism of Bernie Sanders.

    The solution, however, is simply to take as much power as possible out of the control of corruptible politicians and their special interest supporters.

  • The Agriculture Space – The Meats (Video)

    By EconMatters

    We look at Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle, Lean Hogs, and Class III Milk Futures Markets in this video. We can learn the value of the technicals in analyzing these historically technically driven markets in this video. 


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  • China PMIs Plunge, Economists Demand Stimulus To "Prevent Economy Falling Off A Cliff"

    So, after $1 trillion in new credit, numerous RRR cuts, a devalued currency (great for exporters, right?), and the domestic exuberance of a housing bubble, China's economy (manufacturing and non-manufacturing) collapsed to cycle lows (weakest since Dec 08) in February. Of course, this plunge after January's bounce is all being blamed on the Lunar New Year… and in fact, according to The NBS, manufacturing confidence is increasing (seriously that's what they said!)


    Does this look like "confidence" to you?


    So to be clear – China Services PMI went from the highest since June 2014 to the lowest since Dec 2008 in one month.

    It appears a trillion dollars doesn't go as far as it used to.


    One can't help but wonder, following these comments from PBOC's Chen…


    Whether this is some Fed-targeted dumping of bad data to allow turmoil and force The Fed to relent.

    The data deluge continued to get worse as Caixin/Markit reported:


    “The Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI for February is 48, down 0.4 points from the previous month. The index readings for all key categories including output, new orders and employment signalled that conditions worsened, in line with signs that the economy’s road to stability remains bumpy."


    Staff numbers declined at the sharpest rate since January 2009 during February. Companies that recorded lower headcounts widely commented on company downsizing policies as part of cost-cutting initiatives, along with the non-replacement of voluntary leavers. Despite lower employment, manufacturers were able to work through outstanding business during February. Though marginal, it was the first reduction in the level of work-in-hand since April 2015.


    The government needs to press ahead with reforms, while adopting moderate stimulus policies and strengthening support of the economy in other ways to prevent it from falling off a cliff.

  • Aussie Housing Bubble Bursts – Building Approvals Crash Most In 4 Years

    Having admitted to entirely 'cooking the books' with its jobs data, it appears Australian authorities are going full kitchen-sink and 'allowing' all the dismally honest data out to the market (we assume in some desperate PR need to justify their next monetary policy experiment). Building Approvals fell 7.5% MoM in January, crashing 15.5% YoY (5 standard deviations below expectations)  – the biggest drop since April 2012 (and the 3rd month in a row of declines).

    Sudden collapse…


    This was below the lowest economist's estimate and was in fact a 5-sigma miss…


    So why come clean now about the state of the housing bubble? As we noted when RBA admitted its fudged jobs data,

    Simple: weakness in commodity prices "is far greater than people had been expecting,” Fraser said in earlier remarks to the panel. Australia is now "swimming against the tide" because of uncertainties in the global economy, he added.


    Translation: "we need more easing, and to do that, the economy has to go from strong to crap."


    And with the Australian economy suddenly desperate for lower rates from the RBA, one can ignore the propaganda lies, and focus once again on the far uglier truth.

  • Systemic "Fragility" Surges

    With "significant" financial stress pervading the markets, it is hardly surprising that systemic risk concerns are rising rapidly. What we have been experiencing in markets this year, as BofA's FX team notes, is the impact of multiple shocks, at a time when central banks cannot come to the rescue, in a market that has been addicted to the central bank policy put. This leave cross-asset correlation soaring as shocks become larger leaving market fragility increasing.

    With plenty of Tail risks lurking…

    This year has been challenging for financial markets as potential tail risks seemingly rear their ugly heads every time there is any semblance of stability. We continue to expect that volatility could rise from any of the following events. Although these risks are not our base case, their possibilities must still be considered. Even if the probability of each of them materializing may be small, the probability that at least once of them materializes is higher.

    1. China financial instability – the rapid debt growth over the past several years could destabilize the financial system if improperly managed.


    2. Central bank policy exhaustion – the ineffectiveness of negative interest rate policy may be a sign that the market has become desensitized to monetary stimulus. Thus, central banks may become constrained in their ability to smooth volatility.


    3. Credit cycle turning and US recession – deteriorating conditions in the credit market could create a credit crunch and lead to debt deflation. The Treasury curve may already be signaling a recession and the Fed could implement negative rates if the US economy weakens significantly. Furthermore, EPS growth is declining.


    4. Brexit – an exit by the UK may have negative consequences for both confidence and growth throughout Europe.

    "Significant Stress" has been reached…


    And shocks are becoming larger and/or market fragility increasing…

    The correlation of cross-asset volatility is increasing, suggesting instability in one market tends to bleed over to other markets.


    This is concerning, as it implies that shocks are getting stronger and/or the global financial system is becoming more sensitive to them.

    Indeed, rising correlations have coincided with every major crisis in the past two decades.

  • Ron Paul Warns "First They Come For The iPhones…"

    Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

    The FBI tells us that its demand for a back door into the iPhone is all about fighting terrorism, and that it is essential to break in just this one time to find out more about the San Bernardino attack last December. But the truth is they had long sought a way to break Apple’s iPhone encryption and, like 9/11 and the PATRIOT Act, a mass murder provided just the pretext needed. After all, they say, if we are going to be protected from terrorism we have to give up a little of our privacy and liberty. Never mind that government spying on us has not prevented one terrorist attack.

    Apple has so far stood up to a federal government's demand that it force its employees to write a computer program to break into its own product. No doubt Apple CEO Tim Cook understands the damage it would do to his company for the world to know that the US government has a key to supposedly secure iPhones. But the principles at stake are even higher. We have a fundamental right to privacy. We have a fundamental right to go about our daily life without the threat of government surveillance of our activities. We are not East Germany.

    Let’s not forget that this new, more secure iPhone was developed partly in response to Ed Snowden’s revelations that the federal government was illegally spying on us. The federal government was caught breaking the law but instead of ending its illegal spying is demanding that private companies make it easier for it to continue.

    Last week we also learned that Congress is planning to join the fight against Apple — and us. Members are rushing to set up yet another governmental commission to study how our privacy can be violated for false promises of security. Of course they won’t put it that way, but we can be sure that will be the result. Some in Congress are seeking to pass legislation regulating how companies can or cannot encrypt their products. This will suppress the development of new technology and will have a chilling effect on our right to be protected from an intrusive government. Any legislation Congress writes limiting encryption will likely be unconstitutional, but unfortunately Congress seldom heeds the Constitution anyway.

    When FBI Director James Comey demanded a back door into the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone, he promised that it was only for this one, extraordinary situation. “The San Bernardino litigation isn’t about trying to set a precedent or send any kind of message,” he said in a statement last week. Testifying before Congress just days later, however, he quickly changed course, telling the Members of the House Intelligence Committee that the court order and Apple’s appeals, “will be instructive for other courts.” Does anyone really believe this will not be considered a precedent-setting case? Does anyone really believe the government will not use this technology again and again, with lower and lower thresholds?

    According to press reports, Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. has 175 iPhones with passcodes that the City of New York wants to access. We can be sure that is only the beginning.

    We should support Apple’s refusal to bow to the FBI’s dangerous demands, and we should join forces to defend of our precious liberties without compromise. If the people lead, the leaders will follow.

  • "This Is Pretty Freaking Nuts": Vancouver Home Sells For $735,000 Above Asking Price

    In Canada, an interesting paradox is visible.

    On the one hand, the country’s oil patch is dying a slow death in Alberta, where the worst 12 months for job losses in 34 years is contributing to rising property crime, higher food bank usage, and a rash of unsold condos and empty office space in Calgary.

    On the other hand, if you were to take a look at real estate in Vancouver and Ontario you’d think you were looking at home prices for an economy that’s thriving.

    In fact, prices in Vancouver have reached nosebleed levels. In January for instance, the average selling price of detached homes was an astronomical $1.82 million.

    Here’s what that look likes like in chart form:

    The madness has caused all sorts of abberations including the following listing which, outside of Silicon Valley anyway, represents what is perhaps the most absurd example of “greater fool” speculation since the Tulip Bubble: 



    That listing eventually sold for more than $100,000 above the asking price despite the fact that it’s clearly a rundown shack but as is always the case when dealing with speculative bubbles, things will invariably get frothier-er as evidenced by the fact that the home shown below just sold for a whopping $735,000 above the asking price, setting a new record.


    “The house at 3555 West 1st Avenue was built in 1912, is 3,400 square feet and sits on a standard 33 x 120 foot lot without a view,” Vancity Buzz notes. “The selling price of $4.23 million is about $1.6 million above the lot’s assessed property value.”

    For his part, real estate agent Brandan Price is incredulous. “For it to go over $4 million is remarkable. I had five offers,” he said. “These were local buyers just looking to make a shift who wanted to move into this area.”

    “They were willing to sacrifice lot size to move into this area.”

    Maybe, but things seem to be getting out of hand and part of the “problem” may indeed be demand from investors attempting to find a home for capital they’ve moved out of China. As Thomas Davidoff with UBC’s Sauder School of Business told Vancity Buzz: “These prices are getting pretty freaking nuts in my opinion.”

    “As a proposition for someone who’s going to live in that house and what you’re getting for four million plus – that is a ridiculous joke and that is not something that’s going to work for people who just make a living in Vancouver,” Davidoff says. 

    Sorry Thomas, but you’re going to have to get used to it, because as long as the market expects a 30% yuan deval, Vancouver real estate is going to keep getting more “attractive”. Or, in other words, the Canadian real estate market is going to continue to be one of the world’s most attractive money laundering vehicles. 

  • It's Not Just The GOP – The Democratic Party Is Also Imploding

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    Whichever side emerges victorious, both Republicans and Democrats should face up to a much bigger truth: Neither party as currently constituted has a real future. Fewer and fewer Americans identify as either Republican or Democratic according to Gallup, and both parties are at recent or all-time lows when it comes to approval ratings. Just 39 percent give Democrats a favorable rating and just 33 percent do the same for Republicans. Not coincidentally, each party has also recently had a clear shot at implementing its vision of the good society. If you want to drive down your adversary’s approval rating, just give him the reins of power for a few years.


    – From the post: Thoughts on Election Day: Relax—Both Parties Are Going Extinct

    Political pundits throughout the land are tripping over each other to compose the latest bland, uninsightful screed proclaiming the death of the Republican Party. This makes sense, because the primary purpose of a political pundit is to state the obvious years after it’s already become established fact to everyone actually paying attention.

    Yes, of course, Trump winning the GOP nomination marks the end of the party as we know it. After all, some neocons are already publicly and actively throwing their support behind Hillary. While this undoubtably represents a major political turning point in U.S. history, many pundits have yet to appreciate that the exact same thing is happening within the Democratic Party. It’s just not completely obvious yet.

    While it might sound strange, a coronation of Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary will mark the end of the party as we know it. There’s been a lot written about the “Sanders surge,” and much of it has revolved around Hillary Clinton’s extreme personal weakness as a candidate. While this is indisputable, it’s also a convenient way for the status quo to exempt itself from fault and discount genuine grassroots anger. I’m of the view that Sanders’ support is more about people liking him than them disliking Hillary, particularly when it comes to registered Democrats. He’s not merely seen as the “least bad choice.” People really do like him.

    The Sanders appeal is twofold. He is seen as unusually honest and consistent for someone who’s held elected office for much of his life, plus he advocates a refreshingly anti-establishment view on core issues that matter to an increasing number of Americans. These include militarism, Wall Street bailouts, a two-tiered justice system, the prohibitive cost of college education, healthcare insecurity and a “rigged economy.” While Hillary is being forced to pay lip service to these issues, everybody knows she doesn’t mean a word of it. She means it less than Obama meant it in 2008, and Obama really didn’t mean it.

    Hillary is the embodiment of a sick and detested status quo. She stands for nothing, is nothing, and a vote for her all but guarantees both murder abroad and oligarchy at home. I think a large number of Bernie Sanders supporters understand this and won’t be going off silently into that quiet voting booth to commit ethical self-sacrifice despite the terrifying prospects of a Trump presidency. I think they’ll stay home, but they won’t sit there passively. They’ll be seething inside, and many will renounce the Democratic party forever. Many rank and file Republicans already came to such a conclusion years ago, which is precisely why the nomination was wide open for a man like Trump to capture. Democrats will do the same, and before you know it, political pundits will be tripping over each other to write about the death of the Democratic Party.

    It’s not just the grassroots either. This civil war is has now gone all the way to the top, as evidenced by this weekend’s very public endorsement of Bernie Sanders by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii. Before I get into the significance of this move, let’s recap what happened.

    From Quartz:

    A rising star within the Democratic ranks, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, cut herself off from the party’s establishment by resigning from her post as vice-chairman of the Democratic National Committee and endorsing Bernie Sanders for president.


    Her position with the DNC required her to stay neutral in the primaries, but she said that “the stakes are too high.” She announced her decision on Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” and made a video where she explained her reasoning.


    Gabbard, an Iraq war veteran, said she knows the cost of war firsthand. “I know how important it is that our commander-in-chief has the sound judgment required to know when to use America’s military power—and when not to use that power.”


    In her endorsement for Sanders, she said America needs a president “who will not waste precious lives and money on interventionist wars of regime change,” presumably referring to the war in Iraq and strategy in Libya, led by then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton, both of which she has criticized in the past. Although generally hawkish in her foreign policy views, she is opting for the Vermont senator as a candidate who “will usher in a new era of peace and prosperity.”

    Now watch the video:


    The importance of this move cannot be understated. In no uncertain terms, this gesture publicly exposes the weakness of the “Clinton brand.” She clearly isn’t afraid of Hillary or of any repercussions from the Democratic Party elite, a fact that is underscored by the fact she came out with her endorsement after he got pummeled in South Carolina.

    But let’s take a step back and think about this in the even bigger picture. You don’t get to Congress by being a political imbecile. On the surface, this move looks like career suicide, particularly since Hillary is probably about to clinch the nomination. Recall, Rep. Gabbard didn’t merely endorse Sanders after a bruising loss in South Carolina, she stepped down from her official position with the DNC to do so. This isn’t merely a statement, it’s the equivalent of dropping a neutron bomb on the Democratic establishment. So why did she do it?

    While I think she genuinely agrees with Sanders on key issues, the reasons she came out so aggressively is because she sees the writing on the wall. She’s playing the long game, and in the long game, Hillary Clinton represents a discredited and failed status quo, while Sanders represents a push toward paradigm level change that will define the future.

    In summary, I believe this marks the beginning of an all out civil war within the Democratic party. A war that won’t be over until someone successfully does to the Democratic Party what Trump did to the GOP.

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