Today’s News 2nd August 2022

  • Cold War Lessons For US-China Today
    Cold War Lessons For US-China Today

    By Jordan Schneider and Irene Zhang of ChinaTalk

    How did the Cold War affect US diplomacy and its actions abroad? And what lessons about gently coaxing Gorbachev back into the bosom of the international community need to be relearned?

    Hal Brands (@HalBrands), professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, is the author of Twilight Struggle: What the Cold War Teaches Us about Great-Power Rivalry Today. Along with co-host Emily Jin (@ew_jin) of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), we discussed:

    • How the US capitalized on Soviet heavy-handedness in the developing world

    • The US’s never-ending cycles of self-confidence and self-doubt

    • Today’s Sinologists versus Cold War Sovietologists

    • Why the only person who can stop the war in Ukraine is the one who started it

    Applied history, and why the Cold War?

    Jordan Schneider: Applied history, what is it and why isn’t it more of a thing?

    Hal Brands: Applied history is basically just a fancy way of saying that you study history not for its own sake, even though that’s important, but for what it can teach you about how to handle the problems of today and tomorrow.

    This is actually the oldest possible use of history; there’s literally nothing new about it. If you go back and read Thucydides, he doesn’t use the term applied history, but he says that his History of the Peloponnesian War was meant to serve as a guide to statecraft and subsequent eras. In fact, I would say that this is why most people read history. It’s mostly professional historians who think that history should be studied for its own sake.

    The challenge, I think, is that within the historical profession, there has long been a concern that doing history with an eye to shaping policy risks is diluting or compromising the scholarly objectivity on which good history is supposed to depend.

    I think that that’s a fair point, and there are good examples of people who have allowed the quest for influence or whatnot to distort their historical work. But I think there are ways of balancing that challenge.

    In fact, I would say that it’s hard for me to justify the doing of history if you’re not trying to make a point that’s relevant today.

    Jordan Schneider: Why spend part of our marginal 10 hours of reading time a week on the Cold War?

    Hal Brands: Part of it is that we all know something about the Cold War and we all probably have an image of the Cold War in our heads. It occurred within the living memory of a lot of US policymakers right now. I guarantee Joe Biden has some understanding of the Cold War, and that understanding probably plays some role in his policy decisions on issues from Afghanistan to Ukraine.

    One of the arguments I’m making in the book is that the Cold War actually isn’t that exceptional. There are aspects of the Cold War that are exceptional: it’s the only great power rivalry that played out in the shadow of nuclear weapons, to give you one example. But then, it’s part of this much longer phenomenon of protracted great-power competition that goes back to the beginning of recorded history. So it ought to be able to teach us something interesting about that larger phenomenon at a time when it’s coming back to life in the form of the US’ relationships with China and Russia today.

    American Exceptionalism and the Pitfalls of Ideology

    Jordan Schneider: The day after Biden’s State of the Union, I was thinking: Biden is saying this stuff about how we’re the best country and we can do anything, and I’m like, oh, I really hope so. To what extent did folks back then buy this? Throughout the entirety of the Cold War, how did that sine wave flow in and out over time?

    Hal Brands: I don’t think they bought it any more than they buy it today.

    There was never an uncritical belief that the United States could do everything and that its influence was entirely benevolent and benign.

    It’s quite often the opposite. The United States went through periods of intense self-doubt during the Cold War, and even times when the country was tearing itself apart over things that it had done overseas — just look at the domestic bombings, some of which were related to the blowback over the Vietnam War throughout much of the 1970s.

    There are big debates in the United States over whether we should have NATO anymore, and whether we should still have alliance commitments around the globe. We go through these cycles of self-confidence, and then a lack of self-confidence.

    This is normal; when threats are running high and we’re feeling good about ourselves, we embrace a very expansive conception of what we think we can achieve in the world. Then, when something goes wrong, like the Vietnam War, we decide that we are really unable to accomplish anything. It typically takes some sort of advance by the bad guys to shake us out of that. That’s a normal part of American history. We see that cycle repeatedly during the Cold War.

    Vietnam War protest in Washington, D.C., October 21, 1967.

    Emily Jin: Fusing geopolitics with values or ideology, while powerful for holding a nation together, is also possibly going to lead to bad policies. How would you design an approach that actually leaves room for both unity and clear-headedness, that could detect bad policies?

    Hal Brands: You probably can’t. If you want a political consensus strong enough to sustain American participation in a long-term competition, you have to tap into that ideological fervor that is very deeply rooted in the American psyche.

    This is what Harry Truman understood. It’s what Ronald Reagan understood. It’s what all of the policymakers who really spoke to Americans best about the Cold War and what it represented understood, and they weren’t entirely wrong about that. I think that they were right in thinking that what was ultimately at stake in the Cold War was a contest between two fundamentally different visions about how people in societies should be organized.

    But it’s like any pep talk: it’s easy to take it a little bit too far and hard to downshift into a lower gear at a particular time. The way that I try to frame this is that any political consensus that was strong enough to inspire the sort of investments that the United States was going to need to win the Cold War was also going to be strong enough that people like Joe McCarthy could abuse it, or strong enough to lend itself to red-baiting.

    Jordan Schneider: This seems to be the dilemma: on the one hand, you get the Vietnam War, driven by this ideological fear that, that if we screw this up, the whole world’s going to know that we’re a paper tiger and America doesn’t stand for anything.

    And on the other hand, you get these conversations that you bring to light very well through archival work, where leaders basically say that these are trade-offs that that we have to make because there’s a bigger bad behind all of this, and we’ve got to make sure that we’re doing everything we possibly can so that Marxist-Leninism doesn’t take over the planet.

    Hal Brands: Jeane Kirkpatrick had a saying in the early eighties: there are degrees of evil in the world. So the alternative to working with Efrain Rios Montt in Guatemala might be something even worse than that. There’s a certain amount of truth in that, obviously.

    The challenge, of course, is that there is always a point at which means can corrupt ends, right?

    There’s always a point at which the way you pursue a certain goal can undermine the worthiness of the goal itself.

    I think it’s a fair question to ask whether the United States occasionally got itself in positions where its own conduct was so bad, or had backed people whose conduct was so bad, that it undermined the larger moral cause it was trying to support.

    President John F. Kennedy hosts Suharto in Washington, D.C., 1961. (AP)

    Jordan Schneider: On your degrees-of-evil scale, I’m not sure how much further Suharto can fall down. And it’s not just him: there were plenty of others, and one wonders if less death and awfulness would have befallen these countries if their left-leaning alternatives had stayed in power. I grant you that these were difficult decisions, but I do think in retrospect that there were plenty of these battles which the US could have just decided not to fight.

    Hal Brands: It’s important that we not overstate how much control the United States had in some of these situations. My friend Ray Takeyh has shown pretty conclusively that the United States had a nontrivial, but perhaps non-decisive, role in the 1953 coup in Iran. The United States was deeply involved in de-stabilizing Salvador Allende’s government and Chile in the early 1970s, but as far as we can tell was not deeply directly involved in the coup that actually overthrew him in September 1973 (although we certainly supported it after the fact).

    So in many cases, the choice wasn’t: should you go make people do these terrible things in the Third World or not? It was: given the trend of events, should you support actors who are doing morally questionable things, or should you refrain entirely?

    Parallels Between Sovietology and Pekingnology

    Jordan Schneider: The current job market for China analysts, as Emily and I can attest to, is shockingly thin, and it breaks my heart when listeners reach out to me for career advice. The supply exceeds demand and salaries are low. The market is growing at 5 or 10% a year, not at the pace that it seemed like in the 40s and 50s when the US really spun up a remarkable effort to bone up on all things Soviet. What are some of the interesting takeaways and lessons you had looking into how America tried to grok the Soviet Union?

    Hal Brands: In some ways, I think we’re a little bit better off today than we were at the beginning of the Cold War.

    I think it was Richard Helms who later wrote, “in the beginning, we knew nothing.”

    We had a few dozen Soviet analysts in the United States. George Kennan was a brilliant guy, but one reason why he seemed so brilliant was that nobody else knew anything about the Soviet Union.

    You couldn’t travel there. It was difficult to get basic information about the government and the economy. So he stood out because he was a big fish in a very small pond. I think we’re in better shape today: we have a lot more China expertise in the United States now than we had Soviet expertise in 1947.

    An April 1962 propaganda poster celebrating Sino-Soviet collaboration; caption reads “The friendship between Chinese and Soviet peoples is everlasting.”

    Do we have more China expertise in the United States than we had Soviet expertise in 1971 or 1983? Probably not, because we haven’t made the same generational investments in that expertise that we did during the Cold War. I also worry that some of the expertise we have either isn’t in the areas where we would want it to be, because the Chinese have created really good disincentives to aspiring academics studying particular aspects of Chinese politics and society, or maybe some of it is a waste in assets because it’s getting harder and harder for people to go to China to do fieldwork.

    But I think what the Cold War does teach us is that you can overcome this: it just takes a lot of time, a lot of money, and a lot of energy.

    And that’s what we did during the Cold War: we basically created an entirely new academic field of Sovietologists. You had academic institutions, philanthropic foundations, and government all come together to create the money and the brainpower you needed to really study a very hard target from an intelligence perspective.

    This is really when it becomes common for academics to go between academia and government, or for people to spend time at Rand or Brookings, and then serve as consultants for the executive branch. Over time, I think the strength of that arrangement helped us create a very deep pool of Soviet expertise. We didn’t always have all the expertise we needed and I’m not claiming that the record was perfect in any way, but we also created a nice ecosystem where real debate could occur.

    This was one of the great differences between the US and Soviet approaches to intelligence. The Soviet Union was clearly better than us at human intelligence, for instance, but they were terrible at analysis because there was no incentive to engage in honest debate or criticism within the Soviet government.

    It was different in the United States. We had a de-centralized approach to intelligence in a way that would pit different intelligence institutions against each other. You had outside experts who could argue with the government when they thought the government was getting things wrong. Overall, if not in every circumstance, I think that improved our hit rate over the course of the Cold War.

    Jordan Schneider: There hasn’t been much room in academia for folks doing Pekingnology and writing about the party qua the party, which is a real misstep. That’s something that, hopefully, both the US government and philanthropic money start to address them.

    Hal Brands: One of the things we eventually figured out during the Cold War was that it costs more not to have this expertise than to have it. By the time you get to the later parts of the Cold War, in administration after administration, you’re seeing specific cases of this payoff. You look at Zbigniew Brzezinski, the National Security Advisor under Carter and a product of American Sovietology; Richard Pipes, a product of American Sovietology; Jack Matlock, same deal. They were running incredibly important parts of US policy while drawing on this intellectual capital that the country had invested into.

    Emily Jin: One of my hypotheses of why there might be a lack of super concentrated expertise or analytical energy going into this, besides everything that you mentioned (which I agree with), is this idea that maybe the United States has forgotten how to deal with tragedy.

    I’m, specifically thinking about your 2019 book with Charles et al., where you talk about the Athenians looking at tragedy as a vehicle for collective action. How receptive is the American public and the American government to prolonged competition today? How does that influence the investment that goes into this expertise?

    Hal Brands: I think our problem is we’re pursuing Cold War objectives with post-Cold War levels of urgency and investment.

    We have convinced ourselves that we face a problem in China and Russia, but I don’t know that we have been honest with ourselves about what level of investment, energy, and sacrifice it’s going to be.

    It’s going to be necessary to deal with those problems effectively, because as you say, we’ve forgotten how bad the penalty is for getting these things wrong in a way that the WWII generation would have found much more difficult to forget. Now, maybe the Ukraine crisis is helping to remind us of this a little bit, and the Chinese seem determined to remind us of it with some of the more outrageous things that they do.

    But I do think this is a real problem. It’s one thing to say that you’re doing great-power competition. It’s another thing to do it effectively. I think we’re between those two things at the moment.

    Economic Determinism: How Much Does Wealth Matter?

    Jordan Schneider: At the end of the day, the balance of the offering America had to the rest of the world and to the Soviet people, just by having a GDP per capita multiples ahead of what the Soviet system could offer, seemed to be the trump card that a lot of these debates came down to. How much does the marginal stuff matter, relative to just making sure that you’re the richer country than your adversary?

    Hal Brands: Being rich, powerful, and attractive is rarely a disadvantage, in geopolitics as in life. In 1945, the United States had half of global production because the rest of the world had been destroyed after WWII. So the story of the first 25 years of the Cold War was everybody else catching up with the United States. For the most part, that’s a good thing because a lot of the countries catching up with us were Japan, West Germany, and other allies. So that actually strengthens us in the Cold War.

    World powers’ respective shares of global GDP, from 1AD to the present. Notice the US’ peak near 1950. (Source: World Economic Forum)

    I think you can make the argument that so long as the Western world held together, it was going to win in the end because the power imbalance was so severe, but it wasn’t a given that the Western world would hold together. The Western world could have fallen apart in the late 1940s, if you had economic collapse in Western Europe and a bunch of communist parties had come to power; in the early 1950s, had you not strengthened NATO and fortified the hard power backbone of the free world. There are a variety of times in the 1970s, for instance, when it looked like the Soviet Union was getting the advantage.

    No matter how rich and powerful and attractive you are, there still come these critical junctures where it takes good, bold, or prudent decision-making to get what you need.

    Kill Adversaries With Kindness

    Jordan Schneider: One of the chapters that I really liked was the one on the conclusion of the Cold War, and how Reagan and George H.W. Bush in the closing years of the conflict killed with kindness. What went on in 1984-92?

    Hal Brands: Because Soviet power was collapsing in the 80s and early 90s, Americans were playing pretty ruthlessly, but they were also going out of their way to make sure that they did not humiliate a weakened superpower and to give Gorbachev the sense that he could strengthen his own prestige and position through a partnership with the West.

    Reagan uses a lot of pageantry at summits and things like that, to send Gorbachev the message that if you change Soviet foreign policy in ways that we deem constructive, you will be welcomed back into the world as a legitimate member of the international community. Bush goes out of his way to portray Gorbachev as a partner in the diplomacy surrounding German unification in 1990 for exactly the same reason.

    Over time, Gorbachev comes to see that his best alternative lies in giving the West a lot of what it wants.

    Because it’s giving him some of what he needs as well: prestige, economic resources, and other things. It’s ultimately a pretty ruthless policy, where we get everything we can out of Gorbachev while he is still in power. But one of the reasons that it’s acceptable to Gorbachev is that we treated him with a lot of kindness.

    Photo of Reagan and Vice President Bush meeting Gorbachev at the Governors Island Summit on December 7, 1988. (Source: National Archives)

    Jordan Schneider: Thinking about that and the lessons with regards to the war in Ukraine, as hard as it: unless Putin gets toppled (which, maybe there’s a 10% chance), he’s going to be the one that’s going to end this war. The lessons from that moment of figuring out how to give folks off-ramps is a tricky thing to think about, especially when you see the images you see on TV, but that’s important when understanding how conflicts end.

    Hal Brands: It’s particularly difficult because you’ve got to create enough pain that Putin wants the off-ramp first, then offer the off-ramp once he believes that it’s desirable to take it. That balancing act is particularly tough.

    Book Recommendations

    Hal Brands: One book I’m reading right now is called Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom by Steven Platt. It’s a masterful account of the Taiping Rebellion in China in the 1850s and 1860s, which was a much bigger global deal than anybody remembers. The reason it’s relevant today is it actually has some long-lasting implications for what you might think of as the Chinese worldview. It’s useful in understanding the historical background to Chinese decision-making.

    Another book that I was just leafing through this morning is an oldie, but a goodie: it’s John Gaddis’ Strategies of Containment, which was first written in the early 1980s. It was the first book to systematically study American strategy during the Cold War. I’m biased — he was my dissertation advisor — but every time I read it, I’m still impressed by the number and the quality of the insights in there.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 23:40

  • China New Home Sales Crater 40% As Mortgage Revolt Spreads
    China New Home Sales Crater 40% As Mortgage Revolt Spreads

    With just 12 hours to go until Nancy Pelosi is reportedly scheduled to land in Taiwan (around 10:20pm local time on Tuesday), prevailing consensus is that for all the posturing and heated rhetoric, nothing much will happen. Consider the following quote from General Frank Kearny:

    “The Chinese have stated that they would attempt to deter her flight using Chinese aircraft creating a threatening situation which could escalate. I seriously doubt they would shoot it down as also threatened. I suspect the Taiwanese would be threatened as well with provocative demonstrations of air and naval actions. I don’t believe these are just threats. I believe some action will occur with the potential for unintended consequences.”

    Or the following assessment from General Spider Marks:

    “China will be diplomatically aggressive…tough talk, little likelihood China will militarily interfere with Pelosi’s visit should she get the green light from President Biden to go. China, not unlike the Russians and Iranians in the Persian Gulf, may threaten Pelosi’s aircraft or possibly US naval ships which are underway in the vicinity. The risks are too high for the Chinese to interfere and not expect (and wargame) the worse possible outcome.”

    And while we certainly hope that such sanguine assessments are accurate considering that the alternative is global thermonuclear war, many are forgetting that while the reeling Biden administration would certainly benefit from the distraction that is a limited military conflict, so would China. The reason for that is that war may not be good for a whole lot of things, when it comes to economic growth it is the proverbial Keynesian jackpot.

    And China certainly needs economic growth. Moments ago Bloomberg blasted out a flashing red headlines saying that…


    In the article, Bloomberg reports that China’s top leaders told government officials last week that this year’s economic growth target of “around 5.5%” should serve as guidance rather than a hard target that must be hit.

    Leaders held meetings with ministerial and provincial-level officials last week, during which they were told the target won’t be used to evaluate their performance and there won’t be penalties for failing to achieve it, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. The leaders also acknowledged that the chances of meeting the target were slim, the people said.

    This is certainly plausible, as there is a very clear reason why China’s economy is suddenly sinking rapidly, and it has everything to do with China’s biggest asset class: property.

    As the WSJ reported on Sunday, a short-lived, 2-month recovery in China’s home sales ended with a bang in July, as the widespread mortgage revolt discussed here previously which erupted over concerns that ailing property developers wouldn’t be able to deliver still-unfinished apartments weighed on demand.

    Sales at the country’s top 100 property developers fell 40% in July from the same period last year to the equivalent of $77.6 billion, or 523.14 billion yuan, according to data released Sunday by CRIC, a Chinese real-estate data provider.

    But while the annual numbers have been a well-known horrorshow following last year’s implosion of Evergrande and most of its property developer peers, July sales were also down 28.6% sequentially from June, ending a two-month recovery in month-to-month sales growth. The silver lining: apartment sales showed increases in May and June from the previous months, as activity picked up following Covid lockdowns in Shanghai and other Chinese cities earlier this year.

    Week-over-week data put together earlier by CRIC to study the impact of the mortgage revolt had signaled the July decline. In 30 cities CRIC determined to have been seriously affected by the revolt, new home sales dropped by 12% in the week ended July 10 from the week before, then fell 41% in the week ended July 17.

    China’s private-sector property developers went on a yearslong, debt-fueled building boom, selling homes before they were built, until a funding crisis that began last year led to defaults and stalled projects. Buyers who typically sank large down payments into those homes have been venting their frustrations all summer. Meanwhile the value of China’s property market, which Goldman has estimated at $62 trillion, making it the world’s largest standalone asset class….

    … is cracking much to the horror of Beijing which knows that if Chinese housing, which is where the bulk of China’s middle class has parked its net worth, goes, it may well be game over so might as well spark a foreign conflict as an economic renaissance Hail Mary.

    Going back to the immediate cause for the latest plunge in new home sales, the culprit is the mortgage revolt which started at the end of June at an Evergrande project in Jingdezhen, in central China’s Jiangxi province, where frustrated home buyers threatened to renege on mortgages on unfinished properties. Thousands of buyers from roughly 320 projects across the country had followed suit as of July 29, according to a tally of statements from homeowners who said they will stop paying their mortgages circulating on GitHub.

    Home buyers -some waving signs saying “Construction stops and mortgage stops!” -say the threat to halt payments is the only way to get their voices heard as projects stall and delivery times drag out.

    But the bigger problem is that China’s broadly slowing economy – where property has traditionally been one of the core support pillars – is biting into employment and incomes is adding to the pressure. As a result, some buyers say they are increasingly unwilling to keep paying for a home they aren’t sure they will ever receive (in China, one purchases a new home while it is still in production, with little to no assurance one will get a finished product). More home buyers are choosing second-hand homes or new ones built by state-owned developers, which are typically in a stronger financial position.

    And so, pressure on the government is building, but hopes for a large real-estate rescue package from Beijing remain unrealized. The Politburo, China’s top policy-making body, made clear recently that local governments are ultimately responsible for fixing the property woes in their markets. At the same time, amid China’s austerity, budget-strapped local authorities have strained to boost property demand, resorting to increasingly creative measures. Dozens of cities have lowered down payments and interest rates. Some are offering outright cash subsidies. Others have announced relief funds for cash-strapped developers or plans to take over troubled projects.

    “But the sector won’t stabilize if developers’ liquidity crunch is not relieved,” said Song Hongwei, a research director of Tongce Research Institute, which tracks and analyzes China’s real-estate market.

    It is in this context that a (limited) war is just the desired catalyst needed to reverse China’s accelerating economic contraction. And all that Beijing needed was an appropriate opportunity to launch one… an opportunity which has presented itself thanks to Nancy Pelosi’s unprecedented boondoggle into Taiwan which we are confident Beijing will now milk (or rather vodka) for all it’s worth.


    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 23:20

  • The Earth Just Started Spinning Faster Than Ever Before And Scientists Don't Know Why
    The Earth Just Started Spinning Faster Than Ever Before And Scientists Don’t Know Why

    Authored by Elijah Cohen via,

    The Earth recently completed a rotation faster than ever before at 1.59 millisecond under 24 hours, and the consequences for how we keep time have experts around the world alarmed.

    It could be the first time in world history that global clocks will have to be sped up.

    “This would be required to keep civil time—which is based on the super-steady beat of atomic clocks—in step with solar time, which is based on the movement of the Sun across the sky,” Time and Date reported.

    Scientists don’t know what is causing our planet to spin faster than ever before, but some experts fear it could be “devastating,” while others speculate the shorter days could be related to climate change, of course.

    Since the Earth’s rotation has always largely been slowing down throughout time, atomic clocks have thus far only added positive leap seconds to keep up. 27 leap seconds have been needed to keep atomic time accurate since the 1970s.

    However, it just emerged that on June 29, the Earth recorded its shortest day since scientists began using atomic clocks to measure its rotation, in what was only the latest of speed records set for our planet since 2020. It even came close again more recently on July 26, having completed a rotation in 1.5 milliseconds under 24 hours.

    “A negative leap second would mean that our clocks skip one second, which could potentially create problems for IT systems,” the Time and Date website warned.

    Meanwhile, Meta warned in a blog post last month that adding a negative leap second could have consequences for smartphones, computers and communications systems.

    Citing Meta’s blog, the Independent reported that the leap second would “mainly benefits scientists and astronomers” but that it is a “risky practice that does more harm than good.”

    Meta also warned that by adding a negative leap second, clocks will change from 23:59:58 to 00:00:00, and that this could have an unintended “devastating effect” on software relying on timers and schedulers.

    “The impact of a negative leap second has never been tested on a large scale; it could have a devastating effect on the software relying on timers or schedulers,” Meta said.

    This is due in part to the fact that time moving forward is seen as a constant in most technological systems.

    If the internal clocks of these IT systems ever have to be adjusted backwards to account for an abnormally fast rotation of the Earth, widespread disruptions and massive outages are to be expected.

    Time and Date suggests that the diminishing length of the shortest days may be related to Earth’s “inner or outer layers, oceans, tides, or even temperature,” although experts aren’t sure.

    Leonid Zotov, Christian Bizouard, and Nikolay Sidorenkov will argue at the upcoming annual meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society this week that the Earth’s rotation speeding up may be related to the ‘Chandler wobble,’ the term given to the small and irregular movement of the geographical poles across the surface of the globe.

    Experts say the ‘Chandler Wobble’ – a change in the spin of the Earth on its axis – may be to blame.

    “The normal amplitude of the Chandler wobble is about three to four meters at Earth’s surface,” Zotov told Time and Date, adding: “But from 2017 to 2020 it disappeared.” 

    The International Earth Rotation Service in Paris, which tracks the planet’s rotation, will notify governments six months in advance if and when leap seconds must be added or removed.

    As for whether or not the Earth will keep spinning faster and faster as the days continue to get shorter, nobody knows

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 23:00

  • Ammo Companies Say Packages Shipped With UPS Mysteriously Go "Missing"
    Ammo Companies Say Packages Shipped With UPS Mysteriously Go “Missing”

    Bearing Arms reported several firearm-related companies had their corporate accounts canceled by UPS. Not only that, but some of these companies also have had packages damaged or lost while in transit to customers. 

    One ammunition distribution company called “The Gun Food” reported out of a recent 18,000 rounds of ammunition shipped with UPS, only 6,000 made it to the end destination. 

    Collins, who owns the ammo company, remains suspicious that many packages he shipped via UPS have been damaged or lost. He said UPS had pinned the mishaps on his company for not correctly packaging the shipments. The carrier also said he had recently filed many claims on packages not getting delivered. 

    “They’re not even making it. And I don’t know what they are doing in the facilities, if they are purposefully damaging them. However, they are not making it to the customer. Now for every batch that does ship, we actually ship everything insured. And usually, depending on the quantity or the value of the shipment, we’ll ship it with some type of signature required. So it’s funny when they try to say, ‘well, you know, you put in too many claims.’ And it’s like, ‘well, no, I didn’t put in too many claims. Well, our customer never received their package that we had shipped,'” Collins. 

    Bearing Arms pointed out that Lee Williams over at the Gun Writer Substack, AmmoLand News, and the Second Amendment Foundation Investigative Journalism Project has also covered this phenomenon of firearm-related companies having problems with UPS. 

    It’s hard to say if this growing trend is an approach by the Biden administration to use corporations as a weapon to cause as much havoc as possible for gun companies or if there were UPS drivers stealing packages. Over the years, there have been numerous reports of UPS drivers stealing whole shipments of guns (read: here & here).  

    “In the investigation from the shipping aspect, we actually got involved with a couple of other folks that say that here in the Greater Atlanta area, where my business is based out of, we’ve ran into issues where people have not received their ammo. And we noticed it on both ends. I believe one of my distributors has actually lost over $200,000 worth of ammunition that just wound up missing,” Collins said. 

    Collins said his company’s new shipping policy would provide UPS with a “picture of how the box is packaged, as well as the actual box on the conveyor belt when the courier service scans it. So they really don’t have a foot to stand on when it comes to ‘did this package make it to the customer?’ ‘No.’ ‘And did the package get dropped off?’ ‘Yes.’ So you can’t really deny that.”

    He said as threats to the Second Amendment broadened under the Biden administration, “you have to be very leery of the companies that you do business with, even on a personal level.”

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 22:40

  • Victor Davis Hanson: Does GOP Get To Play By Radical Left's New Rules?
    Victor Davis Hanson: Does GOP Get To Play By Radical Left’s New Rules?

    Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via,

    Are the New Progressive Rules Reciprocal?

    Are today’s norms tomorrow’s norms? 

    In the era of peak woke we are supposed to accept any radical departure from long-held custom and tradition as the new normal.


    But if so, is the improved new code of behavior at least reciprocal? Will the radical Left really wish to live by its own novel normality when it loses power? 

    Have leftists ever read Thucydides on the stasis at Corcyra and his warning that zealots who destroy laws, customs, and traditions for short-term gain, soon rue the day they began making such changes when, in vain, they seek refuge in the very sanctuaries of behavior that they have destroyed?  

    Or will they just plead that their own rules do not apply to themselves given their innate moral superiority? Will they employ the John Kerry defense that one must bomb the upper atmosphere with private-jet carbon emissions in order to do the important work of flying around the globe to stop carbon emissions? 

    The Supreme Court

    How about the new protocols regarding the Supreme Court? 

    Should conservatives mass at the home of Justice Sonia Sotomayor, decrying her radical nihilist abortionist ideology? Is that an understandable cri de coeur? Would such intimidation in the future moderate her extremism? Is that now an acceptable strategy? 

    Should Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) now lead a throng of screaming, right-wing protestors to the very doors of the Supreme Court? Should he egg them on by calling out by name Justices Ketanji Brown Jackson and Sotomayor, warning that they have sown the “wind” and will soon reap the “whirlwind,” as they will have no idea what “hit” them?  

    Is that moral courage? Would the New York Times and NPR nod approval to such “grassroots” anguish? Will anyone define what the incendiary “hit them” means? 

    When the Republicans gain the presidency and Congress, should they pack the court to 15 justices, on the cue of current progressive efforts? 

    Is the new norm that right-wing goons should dog Justice Jackson while eating at restaurants, throng her—and then be contextualized and excused by conservative cabinet members, media, and politicians? Is that our new normal reaction to rulings with which we disagree? 

    Should the next president trash the rulings of liberal justices when abroad before his foreign hosts? Should the conservative world keep mum when a crazy right-winger shows up fully armed near the homes of left-wing Supreme Court justices?  

    Should the Left one day achieve a 5-4 majority, would major conservative politicians then claim that their rulings are “illegitimate” and seek to find ways to nullify them? 

    Should conservative clerks leak controversial drafts of left-wing opinions to the media in hopes of mobilizing preemptive opposition to and strategies against subsequent progressive rulings?

    Are the Left’s new Supreme Court protocols the new normal that the Right, when in power, should duplicate? 

    The Congress 

    If the Republicans enjoy a Senate majority in 2023, should they follow the left-wing cue of Barack Obama—to end the “Jim-Crow-era” and “racist” filibuster, and thereby end “obstructionist” ideologues who prefer “gridlock”? 

    Should right-wingers designate 550 sanctuary jurisdictions in which overreaching federal environmental law simply does not fully apply? Are there to be cities and counties where federal gun registration is de facto dropped—on the principle of a higher allegiance to the Constitution? 

    When Republicans take over the House in 2023, should they immediately start impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden, for destroying the border and ignoring his oath to faithfully execute immigration laws? 

    Will they also appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the “Big Guy” to find how much of son Hunter Biden’s cash he received and whether he fully reported such income to the IRS—all to impeach Biden a second time as a private citizen once he leaves office? Is that the Left’s congressional legacy? 

    Or should they call in Ivy League psychiatrists right now to tele-diagnose Biden as demented and deserving of an “intervention” under the 25th Amendment? Should they subpoena transcripts of all Biden’s private calls with foreign heads of state, or bring in those on the national security council to testify to what Biden said privately to foreign leaders, to ferret out any sign of senility or reference to Biden family skullduggery? 

    Should a newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) tear up on national television the next misleading and factually inaccurate State of the Union address by Joe Biden? Will the nation then voice support for his adherence to the Nancy Pelosi norm?  

    Will there soon be a return of the January 6 committee in which Speaker McCarthy appoints only those Democratic members who voted in 2023 to impeach Joe Biden and were political lame ducks? Will he announce that any members of “the squad” will not be serving on any congressional committees in 2023? 

    Should the selectively packed committee examine the 120 days of 2020 rioting, the planned attempt to storm the White House grounds on May 31, 2020, the burning of a historic church or of a federal courthouse, and the Black Lives Matter/Antifa conspiracy to riot, loot, and destroy that was coordinated on social media? 

    Will they call in an “insurrectionary abettor,” Vice President Kamala Harris, to ask why in the violent aftermath of an attack on the White House grounds did she as a vice presidential candidate boast that “protests” such as those would and should continue? 

    Should “insurrectionist” Stacey Abrams be compelled to testify about her prior year-long efforts to “nullify” the Georgia gubernatorial vote? 

    Will the new Congress investigate all the House and Senate members who tried to reject the Ohio vote of 2004, or who sought to pressure electors to reject their constitutional obligations in 2016, or all the senior left-wing politicians who claimed that the president in 2017 was “illegitimate,” the vote of 2016 was “rigged,” and Joe Biden should not honor the count in 2020 if it did not go his way? 

    Will there be a new committee to investigate “left-wing rage,” to ascertain why political attackers, mass shooters, and attempted assassins serially target conservative congressmen, senators, Supreme Court justices, and gubernatorial candidates? Do they use social media to plan their nefarious plots? 

    Was such unaddressed and ignored congressional rejectionism in the past “reckless” or even “insurrectionist”? 

    The Military 

    What will be the new norm should a new Republican-appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs or defense secretary vow before Congress, without supporting documentation, that he is rooting out dangerous BLM and Antifa sympathizers in the military as likely insurrectionists? 

    Will he express worry about “black rage” that is reflected in inordinate proportional representation in spiking violent crime, and especially disturbing new asymmetrical hate-crime statistics? Will he worry that white males are vastly “overrepresented” in combat units and die on the front lines at twice their numbers in the general population? Is that a de facto violation to the most existential degree of equity and inclusion or diversity? 

    What will be the reaction if the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs calls up his Chinese Communist counterpart to warn him that Joe Biden is senile and talks recklessly about “removing” Putin, and thus China or Russia must be warned should Biden suggest something dangerous? Do new military norms accept the chairman now has operational authority and can simply abort the chain of command when he sees fit, regardless of the statutory link between the president and defense secretary and their theater commanders? 

    What will happen if a slew of conservative retired generals now senses a new normal and will thus publicly decry Joe Biden as a fascist, a Nazi-like failure, a veritable architect of Auschwitz border cages, a liar, a cheat, and deserving of removal the sooner the better? Will that be OK? 

    Will there follow applause or at least exemption under the new normal, or will an unhinged liberal voice in the wilderness vainly suggest such invective is improper if not illegal under the Uniform Code of Military Justice? 

    What would happen should the new military demand mandatory conservative and traditional civic education among the ranks, banish the current woke diversity-equity-inclusion industry—and thus see recruitment crash? Would the Left stay silent or scream as the army struggles to achieve just 40 percent of its recruitment goals? 

    The FBI and CIA 

    What about the new normal at the FBI? Will it stay a retrieval service, but this time around for a Republican president in 2025—should an addled first family member lose a feloniously incriminating laptop, a sexually embarrassing diary, an unlawfully and deceitfully registered handgun, or a wayward crack pipe? 

    Will the next FBI director preposterously open an investigation during the 2024 election, on rumors that the activities of the Biden family, of General Mark Milley, of Anthony Fauci, of key senators with Chinese financial interests all constitute a sort-of-kind-of “collusion” conspiracy with China, aimed at advancing a self-enriching and mutual left-wing agenda in the presidential election? 

    Will the FBI director claim 245 times under oath before Congress he has no memory of what he has ordered? Will it be a slap-on-the-wrist, reduced-sentence tacit approval that an FBI lawyer altered a court document to ensure we get to the bottom of “Chinese collusion”? Is it alright if we learn that a Republican presidential candidate hired a foreign ex-spy, and hid his pay behind three walls, to find dirt on his opponents? 

    Will Congress bring in some old right-wing FBI retired bulldog to compile a “dream team” of Federalist Society legal zealots to hunt for “Chinese collusion” among Democratic grandees? 

    Will the FBI investigate Mark Zuckerberg, following his $419 million dark-money trail to see how many state registrars were absorbed by Zuck-bucks cash in conspiratorial fashion? 

    Will an enterprising conservative ex-spy compile a fantasy “dossier” of alleged Biden family shenanigans, in lurid sexual detail, with the Chinese, and then peddle it to right-wing blogs on the eve of an election, all while being paid by the FBI? 

    In answer to the “Access Hollywood” and various lawsuits and investigations of Donald Trump,  will Congress form a committee equally to ferret out the apparent pandemic of left-wing sexual harassment, illicit romances, and dangerous liaisons, as they call in the Cuomo brothers, Andrew Gillum, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.)—and Joe Biden? 

    Will the FBI in 2025 be dispatched to school board meetings to monitor whether left-wing activists are too intimidating to board members? Will they bring in SWAT teams to arrest leftist political operatives whom the Republican Justice Department finds possibly indictable? 

    Will they put in chains prominent ex-Democratic advisors who refuse a Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) subpoena to appear before his new Hunter Biden committee? Will they roust out in their underwear, leftist reporters who are rumored to be in possession of a Republican president’s daughter’s diary, intimating she took inappropriate showers with her dad? 

    Will 50 prominent conservative ex-CIA operatives and other intelligence officers swear in 2024 that a lost Republican laptop outlining payoffs from foreign sources was a product of Chinese disinformation? Will former conservative CIA directors or directors of national intelligence lie under oath to Congress with impunity? 

    In sum, are today’s norms tomorrow’s norms? 

    Or were they simply transitory and necessary in the age of the dreaded Trump—as one-time leftist means to achieve noble ends, and thus should never be institutionalized much less boomeranged? 

    If so, will they reappear whenever the Left returns to power? 

    Or should they be applied equally to the Left right now to ensure that outrage and disgust with such immoral and illegal machinations prohibit their use in the future?

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 22:20

  • Home Price Growth Suffers Largest Monthly Decline Since 1970s
    Home Price Growth Suffers Largest Monthly Decline Since 1970s

    We recently warned there were emerging signs the housing market had peaked. More evidence has been published today that suggests June was likely the turning point following the most significant annual home price growth decline since before Paul Volcker became Fed Chair.

    Black Knight, Inc.’s Data & Analytics division published its Mortgage Monitor Report showing June was “the greatest deceleration in home price growth on record.” 

    Black Knight Data & Analytics President Ben Graboske said June was a record-breaking slowdown of nearly two percentage points from 19.3% to 17.3% annual home price growth and coincided with the largest single-month increase in homes listed for sale in 12 years.

    “The pullback in home price growth in June marked the strongest single month of slowing on record dating back to at least the early 1970s,” said Graboske

    For some context, two years before the housing crash of 2008, in 2006, the biggest single-month deceleration was 1.19 percentage points. The rapid slowdown in June comes as the Biden administration aims to crush the housing market (with the help of the Fed’s rate hikes) to lower inflation. They’ve already managed to trigger a technical recession

    The slowdown was nationwide and across all top 50 markets, with some areas slowing father than others. A quarter of US markets saw growth slow by three percentage points in June, with four decelerating by four or more points in that month alone. Slowing could be accelerated as it takes about five months for interest rate shocks to be reflected in home price indexes. 

    A sudden drop in home price growth in June is no surprise, as we warned back in March that housing affordability, measured by Goldman Sachs, has deteriorated to its worst level on record. 

    We also pointed out last month a housing crash was imminent as “Mortgage Rates Explode Price Cuts Soar And Buyer Demand Collapses.” 

    Black Knight’s Graboske continued: “We’re also seeing significant shifts in the demand-supply equation, though that too has quite a way to go before normalization.” 

    The report finds the average San Jose home value has plunged 5.1% (-$75K) in the last two months, marking the largest decline from highs among any metro area in the country. Seattle had the second largest drop of 3.8% over the same period of $30k. San Francisco (-2.8%, -$35K), San Diego (-2%, -$19.5K) and Denver (-1.4%, -$8.7K) round out the top five.

    For people who panic-bought homes at record highs over the last two years, a further pullback in price growth is expected through the year’s second half. A slowing housing market could leave many underwater when prices start gapping lower. 

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 22:00

  • Why Markets Are Calm As Taiwan Tensions Intensify
    Why Markets Are Calm As Taiwan Tensions Intensify

    By Ye Xie, Bloomberg markets live commentator and reporter

    Despite rising tensions between the world’s two most-powerful countries over US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s possible visit to Taiwan, global risk markets have been quite resilient.

    That fits the historical pattern since markets often struggle to handicap geopolitical risks pre-emptively. Investors may also take comfort that market reaction to geopolitical events tends to be short-lived. Either way, we are in unchartered territory, and these risks increase the appeal of bonds in both countries.

    Earlier this year, the Economist called Taiwan the “most dangerous place on Earth” in one of its cover stories. So reports about Pelosi’s potential landmark visit and angry protest from Beijing naturally put people on edge. The White House briefed reporters about possible responses from China, including firing missiles into the Taiwan Strait, launching new military operations, crossing an unofficial no-fly zone between Taiwan and the mainland and making “spurious” legal claims about the strait.

    Yet global markets have largely dismissed it as a non-event. While the yuan weakened 0.5%, its one-week volatility was largely muted. ADRs of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the world’s largest chipmaker, barely moved; neither did the S&P 500.

    It’s not the first time that markets have remained relatively calm amid rising geopolitical risks. Despite weeks of military buildup on the Ukraine border, markets generally underestimated the risk of Russia’s invasion. It underscores the difficulty investors face when trying to price in the risk of wars.

    Bhanu Baweja, UBS’s chief strategist, did recommend his clients hedge the risk of the Russia-Ukraine war before Putin eventually invaded, a call that proved to be prescient. He says the situation in China is different. First, the timeline of a possible confrontation over Taiwan is less clear cut than it was with Russia’s attack, making hedging more difficult.

    In addition, foreign investors have pulled out of China’s bond market and inflows to stocks have diminished since Russia’s invasion sparked concern about potential secondary sanctions against China. The need for hedging is less so. It’s more of a slow-burning situation than a cut-and-run, he said.

    Investors also may be lulled into complacency by past experiences. “People are numbed. People do expect some non-negligible risk of Pelosi visiting and China reacting poorly … i.e. a lot more war planes over, and military exercises near, Taiwan,” said Jason Hsu, chief investment officer at Rayliant Global Advisors.  “But that’s not new and have historically not led to actually conflicts.”

    Finally, markets’ reactions to geopolitical risks tend to be short-lived. For example, US stocks actually increased during the Cuban missile crisis and rallied even more in six months.

    Source: Amundi

    Of course, that markets haven’t preemptively reacted doesn’t mean the risk is gone and that investors won’t sell later. If anything, these developments reinforce the rationale for the current bond rally since investors are already concerned about a potential recession.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 21:40

  • NYC Store Locks Down Cans Of Spam Amid Crime Wave
    NYC Store Locks Down Cans Of Spam Amid Crime Wave

    A combination of inflation and rising crime has caused one New York City store to lock up its spam in plastic theft-prevention cases.

    Shoppers at Duane Reade located in the Port Authority bus depot were faced with the ‘secured’ cans, which cost $3.99 each.

    I’ve never seen that before!” laughed one cashier, while removing a can of Spam from its anti-theft covering.

    And it wasn’t limited to just Spam…

    “Some of these things are pretty ridiculous,” said 43-year-old Jenny Kenny of Kentucky, who says she knew about the crime wave but still couldn’t believe there were “so many” items in anti-theft boxes, according to the New York Post.

    As prices and crime skyrocket, New York City stores have taken to locking up staples like toothpaste and soap to prevent crooks from stealing and then hawking the products on the sidewalk or online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay.

    Yet some shoppers were confused why Spam, along with $1.89 cans of StarKist tuna, was enclosed under plastic, while pricier foodstuffs like $5.49 cans of Amy’s soup sat unencumbered. -NYP

    Store employees say thefts have been surging for more than two years – with one estimating that there are at least four shoplifters every night.

    “I don’t think they stop anything,” said one clerk, 21-year-old Iggy, referring to the anti-theft cases. “It’s security theater. If you really needed it, you would stomp on it.”

    According to the report, petty larceny complaints have spiked 52% y/y at the NYPD’s Midtown South Precinct, which includes the Port Authority bus terminal – rising to 1,771 incidents through July 24.

    Meanwhile, Spam prices are set to increase after Hormel CEO Jim Snee said in May that they were experiencing increased costs of transportation, packaging and meat.

    A spokeswoman for Walgreens, which owns Duane Reade, wouldn’t say why the Spam was locked down, but that installing anti-theft devices is done “in response to theft data.”

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 21:20

  • Sen. Johnson Expects 'Deal' To Conceal Indictment Of Hunter Biden
    Sen. Johnson Expects ‘Deal’ To Conceal Indictment Of Hunter Biden

    Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said on July 31 that he expects there to be an agreement to conceal an indictment of Hunter Biden.

    Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, attends the ceremony for the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, during a ceremony honoring 17 recipients, in the East Room of the White House in Washington, on July 7, 2022. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

    Johnson predicted in a Fox News interview that law enforcement “may indict Hunter Biden, but they’ll probably seal—they’ll do a deal—they’ll seal all the information.”

    The American public will never get the full truth,” he said.

    Both Johnson and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) have been involved in a yearslong investigation into the business dealings of President Joe Biden’s son in places such as China, Ukraine, and elsewhere. The pair released a report in September 2020 that detailed extensive financial connections between Chinese Communist Party-linked entities and individuals and Hunter Biden.

    We’ve known that the Bidens are a corrupt family for years,” Johnson told Fox News’ Dan Bongino, noting that the “corrupt mainstream media has been covering it all up” and “even the FBI.”

    Johnson also predicted that legacy news media outlets will now turn on Biden amid increasingly low poll numbers.

    In March, both Republican senators presented bank records on the Senate floor showing CEFC China Energy, a now-defunct firm, made payments to Hunter Biden. That included a $100,000 wire payment to one of the younger Biden’s companies, Owasco, from CEFC.

    Other payments include a wire transfer of $5 million to Hudson West, a company Hunter Biden invested in and managed, from Northern International Capital, a business that partnered with CEFC. A contract also made public by the senators shows that $500,000 went to Hunter Biden as a “one-time retainer fee.”

    Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) speaks during a hearing in Washington on Jan. 24, 2022. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

    Two others show a $1 million payment made to Hudson West by CEFC and a transfer of $1 million from Hudson West to Owasco, with the money appearing to go to Hunter Biden for the purposes of representing Patrick Ho, a Chinese businessman who has helped CEFC gain advantages through bribery.

    FBI Interference

    In a recent letter, Johnson further claimed that the FBI attempted to undermine their congressional investigation in mid-2020.

    Amid recent “whistleblower revelations,” they “would strongly suggest that the FBI’s August 6, 2020 briefing was indeed a targeted effort to intentionally undermine a Congressional investigation,” he wrote in a letter (pdf) to top Department of Justice officials and members of other intelligence agencies.

    “If these whistleblower allegations are accurate, how can your agency, Director Wray, be capable of investigating the president’s son?” Johnson wrote in his letter. “Unfortunately, the FBI can no longer be trusted to investigate Hunter Biden with integrity and the equal application of law.”

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 21:00

  • Manchin-Backed Spending Bill Would Tax Oil Companies $25 Billion And Spend $370 Billion On Climate Change
    Manchin-Backed Spending Bill Would Tax Oil Companies $25 Billion And Spend $370 Billion On Climate Change

    At a time when the Biden administration is both vilifying the oil and gas industry at any chance they get, yet also paradoxically searching for new supply to bring online to mitigate soaring prices in the sector, a new $25 billion tax bill could be on its way to oil companies. 

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Joe Manchin’s that was introduced last week includes the $25 billion in new taxes, Bloomberg reported this weekend. The hikes are similar to ones that would have raised $25 billion over 10 years in the House-passed Build Back Better Act.

    The newly implemented tax bill for oil companies would come from a “long-lapsed tax on crude and imported petroleum products to 16.4 cents per gallon”, a summary of the bill, which was released late on Sunday, indicated. 

    The Superfund tax previously “stood at 9.7 cents per barrel until it lapsed at the end of 1995”, Bloomberg noted. It was formerly paid with the intention of helping clear up hazardous waste sites (hence the “Superfund” name). 

    The Bill released last week was 725 pages, and so we’re certain that more wonderful goodies will make their way into the public discourse as the bill moves closer to the President. In addition to the crude tax, Bloomberg writes that it places a “new first-time fee on methane emissions rising to as much as $1,500 a ton and increases the royalty rate companies pay to the government for oil and gas produced on federal land.”

    In other words, the Biden administration would be trying to tax new oil supply online. Good luck with that. 

    And, of course, what would any completely ass-backwards bill be without about $370 billion in spending to help fight climate change at the very same time the country is in the midst of an inflationary crisis?

    As Zero Hedge contributor Quoth the Raven wrote last month, the war on capitalism continues:

    It’s so clear this isn’t just a leftist war about clean energy, it’s a war on capitalism and profitability. The left absolutely hates that oil companies make money. Biden recently complained they are “making more money than god” but failed to say they “lost more money than god” when they burned through $20 billion in 2020.

    Leftists politicians believe these companies simply don’t deserve it. The left wants a state planned economy where they dictate which companies are virtuous enough for them to be the bearer of profits, regardless of how integral the products or services are to them in their daily lives.

    And as we see, as these companies return back to profitability, all of a sudden it’s important to immediately denounce them. This is a war on capitalism.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 20:40

  • Would Eliminating Bots Really Fix Twitter?
    Would Eliminating Bots Really Fix Twitter?

    Authored by Kalev Leetaru via RealClear Politics,

    Earlier this year, Elon Musk created shock waves with his unsolicited offer to purchase Twitter, arguing that the social media platform plays an existential role in promoting democracy and freedom across the world. Yet in subsequent months, he has attempted to scuttle the deal, claiming the platform is so filled with bots and spam accounts that it is not worth the $44 billion purchase price. A closer look at the numbers suggests that Twitter’s problems are far deeper than bots – and even if the company managed to entirely eliminate them, doing so would not slow its degeneration into a stagnating echo chamber.

    Since reaching its peak of 500 million daily tweets in August 2013, Twitter has been a platform in decline. By November 2018, the platform was seeing just 320 million daily tweets. The pandemic lockdowns that forced the world online proved a boon, helping the platform to once more reach 500 million daily tweets. Just months later, Twitter gave up all of those gains when its efforts to combat election misinformation spectacularly backfired. Daily usage has languished ever since, with even the prospect of Musk’s ownership failing to resurrect the platform’s fortunes.

    In Musk’s telling, automated user accounts known as “bots” are at the root of Twitter’s ills. While the company estimates that less than 5% of all accounts are automated, Musk believes the number to be far higher, with some industry estimates putting it at 15% or more.

    Some automated accounts perform useful tasks, such as automatically tweeting alerts about earthquakes or answering basic questions. On the other hand, bot accounts have also been used to attempt to influence elections, promote financial fraud, and amplify falsehoods.

    While Musk has not produced an exhaustive list of the ways in which he believes bots harm Twitter’s ecosystem, he has cited the use of bots to influence public opinion and entrench echo chambers as problematic. While it is certainly true that bots have been used for such campaigns, to what degree do they systematically deviate from overall conversational behavior on the platform?

    A decade ago, just 20% of tweets were retweets, meaning Twitter was largely a place to go to hear from the world. Today more than half of everything posted to Twitter each day is a retweet, and as much as 10% of all daily posts are retweets of and posts by the 0.4% of users with “verified” accounts.

    If bots were the driving force behind Twitter’s echo chambers, one would expect to see a small number of users accounting for an outsize fraction of daily retweets. Instead, there is nearly a 1:1 ratio of daily retweets and distinct user accounts sending those retweets, meaning that retweeting is an entrenched behavior seen across all of Twitter’s users.

    Similarly, 75% of tweets today mention another user, while just 25% are in the form of a reply to another user – indicative of a place where people come to shout at one another rather than converse. As with retweets, these behaviors are fairly evenly distributed across Twitter’s entire user base, rather than concentrated among a small set of users – as might be expected if bots were driving these behaviors.

    On the other hand, examining the median age of all accounts that tweet each day, the platform began experiencing heavy churn (users joining and then quickly leaving) in 2018, at around the time that retweeting stopped linearly increasing. One possible explanation for this is increased anti-bot enforcement by Twitter that forced bot operators to constantly register new accounts as their old ones were deleted. If true, this would suggest that bots are sufficiently entrenched on the platform that aggressively deleting them had an existential impact at the level of Twitter itself. At the same time, most other major metrics, from user mentions to hashtag use, remained unchanged, suggesting that even if this was a bot purge, their impact on the platform is limited.

    Rather than bots driving the conversation on Twitter, it is the verified accounts of politicians, journalists, academics, and other celebrities like Musk that seed the echo chambers he so despises.

    Are Twitter bots a relatively minor nuisance, or do they existentially shape what people talk about on the platform? Anecdotal evidence suggests some potential connection between increased user churn and decreased retweeting, but this could simply reflect changing usage patterns from new users, rather than a mass-scale bot purge. Similarly, retweeting is evenly distributed across users, rather than centralized in a small cadre of bot-like accounts, suggesting that echo chambers are a native feature of Twitter’s evolution, rather than an antisocial behavior foisted on it by automated robots. The end result is that while we can’t say definitively what percentage of Twitter users are bots, it is clear that simply purging the platform of bots won’t fix its most existential issues, from echo chambers to a stagnating user base.

    RealClear Media Fellow Kalev Leetaru is a senior fellow at the George Washington University Center for Cyber & Homeland Security. His past roles include fellow in residence at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Government.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 20:20

  • Barclays Faces Billion-Dollar Loss From Structured Note 'Paperwork Error'
    Barclays Faces Billion-Dollar Loss From Structured Note ‘Paperwork Error’

    In March, we reported Barclays shocked many market participants when it suspended, until further notice, any further sales from inventory and any further issuances of a number of ETNs (including VXX and OIL).

    According to a press release at the time, the suspension was because “Barclays does not currently have sufficient issuance capacity to support further sales from inventory and any further issuances of the ETNs.”

    At the time, details were scarce and opaque with Barclays expecting a loss of approximately $600 million from the ‘error’ which was called “basic”, “bizarre” and “embarrassing” by analysts at the time.

    Now, according to a new filing today, we get considerably more color on what exactly prompted this ‘paperwork error’ and how high the losses have already reached.

    What did Barclays do wrong?

    In August 2019, the SEC declared effective the 2019 F-3 of Barclays Bank which sought to cover the offer and sale of up to $20.76 billion of securities (in maximum aggregate offering price) registered thereunder.

    The Subject Securities offered and sold by Barclays Bank during the Relevant Period, which comprised structured notes (“Structured Notes”) and ETNs, exceeded the maximum aggregate amount that Barclays Bank could offer from the 2019 F-3 by approximately $16.37 billion. In addition, Barclays Bank also offered and sold during the Relevant Period Subject Securities in the amount of approximately $1.27 billion that were issued under the 2018 F-3 in excess of the capacity remaining thereunder.

    As such, certain offers and sales of Subject Securities were not made in full compliance with the Securities Act, giving rise to rights of rescission for certain purchasers of such securities.

    The Issuer has therefore elected to make this Rescission Offer.

    Translation – Barclays sold more securities than they were allowed and are now paying the price.

    As a reminder, a rescission offer is an offer to rescind a securities transaction in which a securities law violation occurred or may have occurred.

    The rescission offer is simple-ish – Barclays will buy back the securities from the investors at the initial purchase price (plus some interest).

    There are over 3,000 structured notes on the list that are being offered rescission and 11 ETNs…

    Given the market’s massive swings over the past couple of years, this rescission decision has meant surging losses for Barclays and that a number of investors have been rescued from terrible trades.

    For some investors, this is a massive windfall.

    Bloomberg highlights one security – a $1.8 million note tied to Peleton – which trades at an indicate price of just 7.9c on the dollar (after PTON’s share price collapse), but which Barclays will be forced to buy back at 102.06c on the dollar for those initial investors.

    That’s an approximate 1200% gain for any investors who accept the rescission offer.

    Finally, as Bloomberg reports, net losses from the error so far have reached £751 million ($914 million), Barclays said in its second-quarter results last week. The bank delayed a billion-pound share buyback, suspended the sales and issuance of dozens of exchange-traded notes and halted market-making activities in its own debt securities due to the error.


    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 20:00

  • The Mind-Blowing Stupidity Behind The $280 Billion 'Chips For America Act'
    The Mind-Blowing Stupidity Behind The $280 Billion ‘Chips For America Act’

    Authored by Rob Smith via,

    It was a beautiful midsummer late afternoon. I had just checked into the “Inn” in Woodstock, Vermont. I grabbed my fly rod and hurried over to a picturesque covered bridge and waded down into the cool rushing water. I stuck a $20 cigar (spiced Maduro wrapper) in my mouth. With long sweeping rhythmic motions, I cast the fly wherever I wanted. It was a scene out of a Norman Rockwell illustration. Could life be any better?

    After an hour or so, an old codger with a thick New England accent approached me and said, “there haven’t been any fish in this brook for 50 years.”  In the south, we use “creek” to describe any tributary flowing off a river. At first, I was confused and merely retorted “Sir?” He repeated himself. Even though I hadn’t caught anything, I was enjoying myself, but now the fun was over, so I limped back to the Woodstock Inn. Had he not told me there were no fish, I would have stayed in that spot until well after dark and would have thoroughly enjoyed every cast!

    The problem we have in America is many of our political elites are fishing over streams with no fish. They enjoy the covered bridges, the cigars and the feelings and pleasure derived from their efforts, but there ain’t no fish to be caught. The purpose of fishing is to catch fish. The purpose of work is to produce an intended, profitable result, but the nimrods and pinheads in Washington and academia don’t understand this. It’s all about how they “feel” when making beautiful casts under a New England covered bridge. When I learned that were no fish in the brook, I stopped fishing, but our academics and blowhard elites keep casting, oblivious to the fact that their casts will never produce any fish.

    It’s like Bill Murray in the Groundhog’s Day movie.  Repeatedly, the mediocre mullets in Washington are wrong about everything, and I mean absolutely everything! The gullible among us believe  they will catch fish and feed us, so we watch them cast in awe at the bucolic scenery, even though it is an absolute certainty that they will never even get a nibble.

    Has the Congressional Budget Office ever been even close to right in its projections? Was Anthony Fauci right about anything? Have you ever read the Congressional Record concerning the 1935 Social Security Act? How about the trillion dollars spent in the Middle East to turn barbaric tribesmen into Jeffersonian idealists via nation building?  The formation of the Department of Education in 1979 sure turned out well. $68 billion/year is being spent and our nation’s youth can’t find the United States on a map of the world. Buy hey, at least they are learning that there are 168 genders, and boys can rest assured if they wish to cut their nuts off and become a semi-woman, the DOE is there for them. The secret $1.8 billion in cash the Obama administration gave to the mullahs in Iran was a real foreign policy home run. It completely stopped Iran’s state sponsored terrorism and desire to see Israel blown off the map. Not. The Green New Deal is fun; pretending that the world is going to end unless Americans give up all their property to fanatic worshipers of Dr. Evil, eh, I mean Klaus Schwab. How many times has the Malthusian Left been proven wrong about their climate change predictions? Remember Carl Sagan and the nuclear winter? Yet, they keep fishing.  As I write this the philosopher kings at the Federal Reserve are actively trying to destroy the stock market, the housing market and to keep wages from going up in efforts to “help” us. Why Lord, why? Why do so many put their faith in government? Is there no historical memory? Here’s a quick history and economics lesson. Memorize this simple maxim of economics and you will know more than any graduate of Harvard’s Kennedy School. “The government fu#ks up everything it touches.”

    It works like this. The government ignores the fact that individuals can look out for themselves and that markets work. Thus, it enacts legislation to fix a perceived problem, but the legislation does not fix the problem. It creates much bigger problems (see the American health care system). Then to fix the much bigger problem that it created, it enacts more legislation and Groundhog’s Day never ends.

    All of this is on full display with Congress about to pass H.R.7178, the Chips For America Act. Remember when Jim Jones had all his followers in Guyana drink the Suicide Punch. That’s what our government did with its response to the Coronavirus. Instead of doing nothing and letting individuals make decisions in their best interests, our government shut down the world economy. Now we have a semi-conductor chip shortage. Well, DUH, you dumb sons of a bitches. What did you think would happen? The stupidity is mind blowing.

    The reason there were no chip supply line shortages pre-fake-pandemic is because millions of “invisible hands” from all over the world provided the needs for a world-wide market. It’s the miracle of markets, and each year the government did not intervene “by trying to help the chip market,” the better the chips and the cheaper the chips became per unit of processing power. Yes, most of these chips were produced overseas. Big deal. That’s the way free trade works. It works the way it does because the people who are busting their ass and spending their own money in a particular industry want to buy the chips they buy from the people selling them. Trade is voluntary. Opposite parties to a transaction engage in trade with one another because they both win. It’s a marvelous, beautiful system.

    Now what’s going to happen now that the U.S. government has stuck its nose into the semi-conductor market. Remember when the United States had restrictive tariffs and limits on foreign cars. Everything made in Detroit was a pile of junk; think “Plymouth Duster.” Once Detroit had to compete with Japan and Germany, American cars got a whole lot better and much cheaper as better cars produced 2 to 3 times more usable miles and lasted longer.

    So what’s to become of the price and quality of semi-conductor chips? This bill carries a $280 billion cost.  Doesn’t this crowd out private investment?  Isn’t it better to leave money in the private sector such that overall investment can flow to its most  productive use? What are the potential pitfalls and unintended consequences of this legislation? When has a government industrial policy, picking winners and losers ever worked? Why can’t Congress simply get out of the way, reduce its regulatory burden on business and let the market solve the chip shortage? By the time this Leviathan Legislation begins to bear any fruit, won’t market forces have already fixed the chip shortage?

    The opening paragraph of the “Chips Act” states that it “establishes investments and incentives to support U.S. semiconductor manufacturing, research and development, and supply chain security.” Government investment in preferred industries! Yeah, that worked real well with Solyndra, the Synthetic Fuels Corporation, the Clinch River Breeder Reactor and I could go on. When Britain nationalized all its industries after WW II that too was a brilliant move, as the once richest nation in the world had to ration food to keep its people from starving (of course rationing works about as well as rent control, but hey try talking sense to someone like Clement Atlee).

    Who can be against research and development? Um, eh Rob Smith for one. This isn’t private sector research and development, this is government research and development, which means politicization to control the thoughts and actions of the chosen recipients. These recipients don’t have any skin in the game as they do not own the chip companies. This is like paying me to  research the North American Snail Darter. I don’t care about little salamanders, I just want to please my benefactors because I want more money. Pay me and I will tell you whatever you want to hear.

    $80 billion is going to the National Research Foundation, the sister entity of the National Institute of Health. You know, the same think tank of brilliant scientists that told us the vaccines worked and wouldn’t kill people! The same government experts who created the chip shortage via its advice to ruin the world economy.  This bill is completely unnecessary, the chip shortage problem will solve itself. $280 billion will flow towards a protected class of government sycophants in a “scratch my back I’ll scratch your back” corrupt system of political patronage.

    It is insanity to fish in a stream where there are no fish. It is even more insane to spend $280 billion to fix a problem that does not need fixing.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 19:40

  • Biden Stresses "No Civilian Casualties" In Announcing Op That Took Out AQ's Zawahiri
    Biden Stresses “No Civilian Casualties” In Announcing Op That Took Out AQ’s Zawahiri

    Update(1957ET): Biden in his short speech announced the death of longtime al-Qaeda leader and mastermind Ayman al-Zawahiri, emphasizing that “no civilians” were harmed – including Zawahiri’s family – during the double hellfire missile drone attack that took him out.

    “He carved a trail of murder and violence against American citizens, American service members, American diplomats and American interests,” Biden described of the AQ leader. “Now, justice has been delivered and this terrorist leader is no more.”

    “None of his family members were hurt, and there were no civilian casualties,” Biden said. Shaking his finger to the camera, the US president warned took the opportunity to warn: “if you are a threat to our people, the United States will find you.”

    For the US military and intelligence community, Zawahiri’s reported presence in the Afghan capital will raise questions no doubt. Previously after Biden’s controversial quick troop pullout and botched evacuation from Afghanistan after the over two decade long occupation, there was debate centered on whether the US would conduct “over the horizon” limited combat strikes and missions. With Zawahiri’s death, it appears so.

    * * *

    The Associated Press is reporting that a US drone strike in Afghanistan has killed top Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri.

    The news is breaking minutes after the White House announced that President Biden will speak Monday evening on a “successful” operation against a “significant al-Qaida target” in Afghanistan.

    “Over the weekend, the United States conducted a counterterrorism operation against a significant Al Qaeda target in Afghanistan. The operation was successful and there were no civilian casualties,” a senior administration official announced later afternoon.


    Other journalists and pundits have also been pointing to a high-level strike on a top terror operative…

    Biden is speaking despite having a “rebound” case of Covid-19, though the administration says the address won’t be open to the full press corps.

    Fox News’ Lucas Tomlinson reviews the following background:

    Zawahiri had a $25 million bounty on his head since 2001. In addition to planning 9/11, also behind attack on USS Cole that killed 17 American sailors in Yemen in 2000. State Dept. says he played role in August 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224.

    As for Zawahiri’s reported death… there’s been ‘false-starts’ in the recent past:

    And remembering bin Laden’s death deep inside (US ally) Pakistan’s territory, and the strange details surrounding it…

    Biden’s address is scheduled for 7:30pm eastern time. Watch Live:

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 19:25

  • US Department Of Commerce Asks Gun Holster Companies For Sales Records
    US Department Of Commerce Asks Gun Holster Companies For Sales Records

    A startling new report via AmmoLand News outlines how the US Department of Commerce Census Bureau asked major holster manufacturers/providers for order numbers, product descriptions, and locations where the items were shipped. 

    Some holster companies rejected the Department of Commerce’s request for “commodity flow surveys” related to their sold products.

    We will never turn over any information on our customers to the government no matter the cost us,” Chad Myers, President of JM4 Tactical, said. “To do so would violate our core beliefs. We need to stand up to an overbearing government. Our customers can rest assured that their information is safe with us!”

    AmmoLand said, “the Census Bureau sends out the Commodity Flow Survey to random companies every year … but this seems an abnormal amount of holster companies have received the notice leading some of the holster companies to wonder if the federal government has targeted them.” 

    This is alarming because the overreaching government could be attempting to create a registry of gun owners, types, and numbers of firearms owned via the information collected in the survey.  

    Holster companies have reached out to Arbiter Weston Martinez of Texas, a former Texas Real Estate Commissioner under former Governor Rick Perry, to push back on the government collection of data. 

    “Clearly, the Biden administration is saber rattling for the left in the wake of all the recent losses they have incurred by Supreme Court rulings,” Martinez said. “My clients and I will never back down from anyone that is trying to impugn our Constitutional and God-give rights like the Second Amendment.”

    Holster companies do not have a choice and are bound by law to turn over all requested information or face fines. 

    Washington Gun Law President William Kirk provides more color on the Biden administration’s use of government agencies to collect data on law-abiding citizens. He said this administration is the least trustworthy of any administration in the country’s history regarding the lawful rights of gun owners. 

    It’s not hard to imagine the collection of holster data could be used for nefarious purposes by the government. 

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 19:20

  • China's Housing Market Slump Becomes A Real Issue
    China’s Housing Market Slump Becomes A Real Issue

    Authored by Daniel Lacalle,

    A few months ago, I wrote that the Chinese slowdown was much more than COVID-19 related and pointed to the challenges coming from the excessive weight of the real estate sector in the economy.

    A research paper by Kenneth Rogoff and Yuanchen Yang (pdf) estimated that the real estate sector constitutes 29 percent of China’s GDP.

    The problems coming from the slow-motion deterioration of the property sector have extended to the financial challenges of China’s local governments and may create a relevant fiscal problem for the nation’s public accounts.

    “Sales at China’s largest housing developers fell 43 percent in June from a year earlier, according to China Real Estate Information Corp,” Bloomberg reported, creating an alarming funding gap for local governments, where finances are heavily dependent on land sale revenues, and a significant problem for the financial sector and the government. China’s central bank has promised to mobilize a $148 billion bailout to complete unfinished real estate projects as anger rises among property buyers that haven’t received their homes after advancing significant payments.

    The size of the real estate sector in the economy is enormous, and the impact on gross domestic product (GDP) of a slump in sales may be impossible to offset with other sectors. According to S&P Global, China’s property sales will probably drop by about 30 percent this year due to the increasing number of homebuyers’ mortgage payment suspensions. This could be worse than in 2008 when sales fell by roughly 20 percent, Esther Liu at S&P Global Ratings told CNBC. There’s no sector in China that can mitigate the impact of such a drop in tax revenues and output.

    JP Morgan explained the extent of the problem in a recent report “China’s housing market alarm bell rings again.” According to the report, “Since June 30, mortgage suspension requests due to delayed home delivery have expanded to more than 300 projects in different parts of China.” JP Morgan’s equity research team estimates that these requests represent a total value of 330 billion yuan ($49 billion) (or a mortgage value of 132 billion yuan ($20 billion) assuming a 40 percent loan to value).

    Local governments have seen their fiscal revenue decline by 7.9 percent in the first half of 2022, and land sales collapsed by 31.4 percent. “Meanwhile, fiscal expenses by local governments rose 6.4% due to stickiness in fiscal spending and increasing costs associated with the zero-COVID policy,” and JP Morgan estimates that a 5 percentage point deceleration in real estate investment would reduce GDP growth by 0.6 to 0.7 percentage points.

    There are relevant implications for many sectors and for families. Real estate developers were the largest issuers of commercial paper in China, and millions of savers invested in bonds and debt instruments of property developers to generate stable and safe returns. Many of those are defaulting. According to ANZ bank, China bond defaults have reached $20 billion in 2022, more than double last year’s total. Out of 19 defaults recorded, 18 came from property developers.

    Real estate is also a relevant driver of economic activity in the services and other manufacturing sectors. The collapse of many developers is generating ripple effects throughout the sectors that thrive from construction and the activity that real estate incentivizes.

    For investors globally, this is largely a domestic issue, and many expect the government to contain it through a series of bailouts and liquidity injections to the financial sector to prevent a credit crunch. From a financial perspective this may be correct, but there’s no way for the Chinese regime to prevent the macroeconomic implications coming from the burst of a bubble of such enormous magnitude. Chinese GDP growth slowed to only 0.4 percent in the second quarter, and youth unemployment is rising to new highs.

    The Chinese regime may be able to contain the financial implications of the real estate crisis, but to do so it will have to abandon the target of 5.5 percent GDP growth for 2022 and probably reduce the 2023 objective to a much smaller figure. For years, the regime has been concerned about the rising level of debt in the Chinese economy and the elevated weight of the housing sector, but it seemed it expected growth and the improvement in the so-called “new economy” to disguise the problem.

    Many international analysts expected China to be the first economy to prove that it could navigate a real estate bubble by deflating it through central planification. There was too much hope placed on central planning and too little attention on the extent of the problem.

    Now it’s evident that there’s no sector that can dilute the effect of a real estate bubble burst. Even if the financial challenge is addressed through bailouts and liquidity injections, the impact will have to manifest itself in the currency, inflation, unemployment, growth, or all at the same time. Many believe that the easiest solution is to depreciate the yuan, but the central bank knows it isn’t that easy, as inflation would deteriorate the standards of living of an already discontent population, and devaluation would destroy the purchasing power of real wages and the value of savings.

    If we can learn anything from this property slump it’s that inflating growth with a central-planned housing bubble never leads to an easy and manageable solution.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 19:00

  • Here Are The 5 Chinese Military Response Scenarios If Pelosi Visits Taiwan
    Here Are The 5 Chinese Military Response Scenarios If Pelosi Visits Taiwan

    Update(1840ET): FT is out with some further details on the White House’s handling of the Pelosi trip, now being watched carefully around the world…

    Pelosi did not include Taiwan on her official itinerary — which includes Japan, South Korea and Malaysia — over security concerns, but the Financial Times first reported that she would be the first Speaker to visit Taiwan in 25 years. 

    …President Joe Biden dispatched senior officials, including national security adviser Jake Sullivan, to lay out the risks to Pelosi, but people familiar with the situation said she had decided to press ahead with the landmark trip.

    Concerning strained and now fast deteriorating relations with China, Newsquawk earlier Monday had the following details in a note on Thursday’s Biden-Xi phone call:

    A senior official in Beijing said the atmosphere of last week’s Biden-Xi telephone conversation was the worst among the five talks between the leaders and President Xi was said to have showed the toughest attitude he has ever shown to any world leader, while the most important topic in the conversation was China-US relations especially the ‘Taiwan Question’. 

    If indeed it’s accurate that Xi got “tough” in the call with Biden, expressing Beijing’s ‘red lines’ directly to the US president, this is certainly recipe for something big in terms of a major Chinese response (of course… in what form – diplomatic or military – nobody knows) should Pelosi show up in Taipei this week.

    Amid concerns that if she lands with fighter jet escort guiding her military transport plane – which has been widely reported to be set for Tuesday night – this could trigger nothing short of a shooting war with China.

    And now, a number of military analysis publications are examining the various possible ‘worst case scenarios’. One independent analyst and China-Taiwan watcher has laid out a full range of hypothetical, albeit realistic scenarios involving different potential levels of Chinese aggression against the self-ruled island of Taiwan. 

    Taiwan special operations forces during training exercises, file image via Ministry of National Defense R.O.C.

    Below is an excerpt from an insightful post titled Red Clouds of War Looming Over Taiwan by a Westerner who is a Taiwan-based researcher…

    Scenario 1: The minimalist approach. The PLA occupies Jinmen or Matsu islands, as well as Taiwan’s islands in the South China Sea, and maybe even the Penghu Islands. They also declare part or all of the Taiwan Strait a “no go” zone to foreign military shipping. This would probably be fairly easy for the PLA, and Taiwan would probably not want to overcommit to naval action against the huge PLA Navy (PLAN) if it didn’t directly approach the main island.

    Scenario 2: Hybrid warfare. Some sort of partial naval and aerial blockade of Taiwan intended to interfere with the economy, combined with stepped-up harassment, such as direct flyovers of Taiwan’s territory by PLA Air Force (PLAAF) jets, or incursions into Taiwan’s maritime space by China’s naval militia, protected by PLAN warships. This might also be accompanied by cyberattacks designed to shut down the internet and other infrastructure for days at a time. Taiwan would have no choice to assert a stiff defensive posture, resulting in real engagements between Taiwanese and Chinese forces, posing a serious risk of escalation.

    Scenario 3: A serious attack but no invasion. This would involve air and sea warfare only, no boots on the ground. A full aerial and naval blockade, a protracted set of naval and aerial battles designed to degrade Taiwan’s military, combined with ballistic missile attacks on military targets. Aggressive cyberattacks turning off the internet and shutting down critical infrastructure for days or weeks. Once air and naval superiority were established, China could pick off targets at will, ratcheting up the threat until the government breaks.

    Scenario 4: The Full Monty – a proper invasion. Total air and sea blockade, massive ballistic missile attacks on military targets, massive cyberattacks to paralyze virtually all military, governmental, and civilian communication and shut down critical infrastructure. Aggressive naval and aerial engagements to degrade Taiwan’s forces and achieve battlespace superiority, followed by sustained aerial assaults by fighters and bombers on military targets. A decapitation strike at Taipei by special forces units to try to seize key leadership personnel. Well-coordinated insider treason and sabotage actions by gangsters, planted CCP agents, and other groups sympathetic to China – the so-called “5th column”. An amphibious assault with close air support from fighters, helicopters, and battle drones at one or more locations in Taiwan, and very possibly a move to seize a major port, such as Keelung, Taipei Port, Taichung, or Kaohsiung. Then hundreds of thousands of troops would start rolling in until the island was occupied. That would be the plan, anyway. PLA success in such an endeavor is very unclear. But they could do a hell of a lot of damage trying. And yes, they might actually succeed, at least partially, such as in seizing and holding the region around Taipei.

    Scenario 5: Worst Case (short of nuclear) scenario. Full air and sea blockade, massive ballistic missile attacks on military targets, massive cyberattack, aggressive naval and aerial attacks to degrade Taiwan’s forces and achieve battlefield superiority, followed by aerial assaults by fighters and bomber on military targets and area bombing of civilian targets. There are massive casualties, and Taiwan is crushed by brute force, surrenders, and then the occupiers enter the country and take it over.

    The full analysis can be read here.

    * * *

    Update(1509ET)The White House in an afternoon press briefing condemned Beijing’s escalating rhetoric after it was widely reportedly hours earlier that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will likely touch down in Taiwan Tuesday evening. There’s speculation she could even spend the night, based on anonymously sourced statements to Taiwan officials.

    “There’s just no reason for this to escalate,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said as a warning to China. “There’s every reason given the our national security interests — as well as the interest of our allies and partners that are that are staking the Indo Pacific on any given day — there’s every reason for this to not escalate.” Kirby didn’t confirm whether she’ll go through with it.

    China reiterated over the weekend and into Monday that it will take “strong and resolute measures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity” – seeing in a possible Pelosi visit a violation of ‘red lines’.  “Put simply, there is no reason for Beijing to turn a potential visit consistent with long-standing U.S. policy into some sort of crisis conflict or use it as a pretext to increase aggressive military activity in or around the Taiwan Strait,” Kirby continued in his statement.

    Kirby blamed China’s actions of staging provocative military drills both across from Taiwan and elsewhere in the South China Sea as a sign Beijing “appears to be positioning itself to potentially take further steps in the coming days, and perhaps over a longer time horizon.” He added: 

    “These potential steps from China could include military provocations, such as firing missiles in the Taiwan Strait or around Taiwan.”

    Kirby further repeated the White House stance that it won’t interfere with members of Congress making their own decisions on visiting Taiwan.


    “Nothing has changed. There’s no drama to talk to. It is not without precedent for the Speaker of the House to go to Taiwan,” he said. “Nothing about this potential, potential business — which, oh by the way, has precedent — would change the status quo and the world should reject any PRC effort to use it to do so.”

    Chinese officials and state media are vowing a swift, severe response if Pelosi flies into Taiwan…

    Meanwhile the FT is out with some further fresh details related to White House scrambling ahead of Pelosi’s possible visit to the self-ruled island: “President Joe Biden dispatched senior officials, including national security adviser Jake Sullivan, to lay out the risks to Pelosi, but people familiar with the situation said she had decided to press ahead with the landmark trip,” FT wrote.

    * * *

    Update(10:55ET)The vast majority of breathless Western media reports about Nancy Pelosi’s now “imminent” Taiwan visit are being sourced to Taiwanese media and officials; and among Taiwanese outlets it seems to race is on to produce more and more specific detailed predictions. For example, this is the latest out of Taiwan tabloid ETtoday – picked up by international news wires: US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will arrive at Songshan Airport Tuesday evening at 10:30pm local time.

    At the same time The Wall Street Journal is reporting Monday that “she’s definitely coming” – based on an unnamed source in contact with top Taiwan officials

    People whom Mrs. Pelosi is planning to meet with in Taiwan have been informed of her imminent arrival, this person said, though some details remain in flux. Some of Ms. Pelosi’s meetings have been scheduled for Tuesday evening, but most are set for Wednesday, the person said, adding that they include, but aren’t limited to, Taiwanese government officials. “She’s definitely coming,” the person said. “The only variable is whether she spends the night in Taipei.”

    And now being reported by Bloomberg – minutes following the WSJ:


    And yet Pelosi herself – not to mention the White House – could likely be very much on the fence given China’s military has ramped up threats, and is now on a war-footing, based particularly on harsher quotes coming out in state media on Monday. Taiwan’s defense ministry has said “no comment” when asked to confirm is she’s arriving.

    China has also announced closure of waters in the South China Sea amid ongoing PLA navy drills.

    After weekend drills, specifically in response to reports of a Pelosi Taiwan visit, more have been announced, set from Tuesday through Friday.

    This as the USS Ronald Reagan carrier strike group continues to patrol waters near Taiwan – possibly preparing to respond to any aggressive acts from China which could threaten a potential Pelosi visit to the self-ruled island.

    More on the US strike group’s movements… the USS Tripoli amphibious assault ship is also said to be headed for Taiwan.

    * * *

    US equity markets are accelerating their losses suddenly this morning (after briefly touching unchanged from overnight weakness) following headlines that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is reportedly expected to land in Taiwan on Tuesday night.

    Liberty Times reports, citing people familiar with the matter, Pelosi plans to visit the Legislative Yuan and meet lawmakers on Wednesday.

    However, the US and Taiwan are still preparing for last minute changes, the paper adds.

    Futures were sliding already but the Pelosi headlines pushed them to overnight lows…

    Bonds are bid with 10Y Yields tumbling back to unchanged…

    The offshore Yuan also tumbled on the report…

    Interestingly, crude prices are notably lower (after disappointing China PMIs) and are accelerating lower after the Pelosi-Taiwan headlines…

    China meanwhile Monday once again warned its military is prepared to take action if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi follows through on a landmark visit to Taiwan.

    According to her published itinerary, which does not as yet name Taiwan – this could see her flying to Taiwan after her delegation visits Malaysia and just ahead of going to South Korea.

    Amid Chinese PLA drills ongoing in regional waters, and with the USS Ronald Reagan carrier strike group also in the South China Sea, Nikkei writes that “The U.S. military is moving assets, including aircraft carriers and large planes, closer to Taiwan ahead of an anticipated but unconfirmed visit to the island by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.”

    The PLA military also on Monday issued a fresh propaganda video saying essentially ‘we’re ready for war’ – consistent with prior messages circulating on official Chinese military channels…

    As FT notes additionally of PLA muscle-flexing as a warning to Pelosi: “China’s PLA also on Saturday carried out live-fire exercises in Pintang, a coastal area in south-eastern Fujian province about 125km from Taiwan. State media also broadcast footage of a Chinese destroyer firing its weapons in the South China Sea, through which the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier group is believed to be sailing after visiting Singapore.”

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 18:40

  • Austin Fitts: "We're At War With The Deep State Globalists"
    Austin Fitts: “We’re At War With The Deep State Globalists”

    Via Greg Hunter’s,

    Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says we are at war with the Deep State globalists that want nothing short of total control over all of mankind.  

    Central bankers want a financial system that is a lawless criminal control syndicate where it’s legal for them to do whatever they want.  It is simply a choice between tyranny and sovereignty, freedom or slavery.  

    We start with the foundational building block of tyranny, the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that global bankers want to install in the financial system.  CAF says, “It’s not a currency…”

    ”  That’s what you need to understand.  What we are talking about is a control system that is going to be implemented in a global coup d’état, and we are in the middle of a global coup d’état. 

    That’s what is happening right now. 

    Essentially, if you look at the central bankers, the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) and all the central bankers are trying to create a system where they are completely free of the laws of nation states and governments.  In other words, they are inserting sovereign immunity from all laws and literally trying to create a civilization under the law where they are free to do whatever they want, including, as we know—genocide.”

    CAF says to fight back against CBDC is to use cash. 

    Fitts says, “If you go to, you will see something that says, “Cash Every Day.”  Click the big red cap that says, “Make Cash Great Again.”  If you click on that, you will get three videos.  There are two videos I really want your audience to watch.  One is a 56 second video of the BIS general manger Augustin Carstens in October 2020 explaining with CBDC they will have central control and enforce them centrally.  It’s the only time in my life that I saw a central banker be 100% honest.  The second video says “Financial Rebellion,” click it and you’ll get three minutes of a presentation by Richard Werner.  He is certainly the top scholar in the world on central banking. . . .  Richard explains that one of the top central bankers in Europe told him they are planning on chipping all of us.”

    CAF says central bankers will ignore the U.S. Constitution, steal all of our assets like cash and gold but especially the land. 

    CAF contends they won’t be able to do this unless they take our guns and extinguish the Second Amendment.  CAF also talks about what she thinks will happen after the first of this year when it comes to inflation or deflation.

    CAF says, “We are at war and we need a war strategy. . . . The ‘Great Reset’ will turn into the ‘Great Resist.”

    CAF contends the good news is people are waking up and this evil criminal system can be stopped.  CAF says,

    “Saint Paul said in Timothy, ‘Just stand and watch the divine go to work.’  They can’t do this.  Did you see what just happened in Ireland?  They tried to go all digital, and they had so many people cancel their accounts, they had to walk it back

    One thing the Bible makes clear is it will at times look hopeless, but it won’t be.  That’s why you have to stand.”

    There is much more in the 1 hour and 10 min. interview.

    Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with the Publisher of The Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts. (7.30.22)

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    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 18:20

  • Semiconductor Inventories In South Korea Surge Most In 6 Years As Reverse Bullwhip Effect Takes Hold
    Semiconductor Inventories In South Korea Surge Most In 6 Years As Reverse Bullwhip Effect Takes Hold

    The reverse bullwhip effect that we have been talking about non-stop for months looks as though it could be making its way into – out of all sectors – the semiconductor industry. 

    Stockpiles in South Korea have expanded at “the fastest pace in more than six years”, Bloomberg wrote this weekend, noting that the inventory rise could be a harbinger of bad things to come for the country’s export-driven economy. 

    In other words, the nation’s most profitable industry could be slowing down. Even more alarming, as the report notes, is that the slowdown could be coming at a time when Central Banks are in the midst of tightening. 

    Chip sales also help support South Korea’s currency, the won. 

    Nationwide inventory of chips in South Korea was up 79.8% in June from the year prior, the report says. This marks an acceleration from May’s number, which saw chips rise 53.8% in the month of May. 

    The rise is the largest since the country suffered a 2 year export slump and saw inventories climb 104.1% in April 2016. Other chipmakers like Samsung and SY Hynix have already warned that future sales could slow. 

    Investors are expecting chip companies to slow down on capex spending to offset a slump in sales. 

    Meanwhile, in South Korea, the economic slowdown could be broad across the country. Production was up 1.4% in the country in June, missing economist estimates of 2.1%. 

    In the last two months we have talked about the reverse bullwhip effect many times:

    In these pieces we talked about the coming “bullwhip” effect and when formerly a scarcity of inventory becomes a glut, with inventory to sales ratios exploding higher (and in some cases reaching two-decade highs)…

    … assuring inventory liquidations across the retail sector, resulting in a “deflationary tsunami” and “prices falling off a cliff“, forcing the Fed to eventually pivot on its hiking plans and even restart easing.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 18:00

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Today’s News 1st August 2022

  • Vilches: Europe Hypnotized Into War Economy
    Vilches: Europe Hypnotized Into War Economy

    Authored by Jorge Viclhes via The Saker blog,

    Thirty two years ago Germans enthusiastically took down the Berlin wall. Now, captured by cunning Anglo-Saxon global elites, Germans are helping other European “useful idiots” to erect a much higher and thicker wall to cut themselves off from Russia leading them into a war economy. But as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has warned… “the approach has clearly failed — sanctions have backfired — and our car now has 4 four flat tires” … Question: vehicles don´t carry more than 2 spare tires on them, do they? So, one quick and innocent way to explain such unfathomable European miscalculation is to assume the EU leadership is immersed in a deep hypnotic trance and just blindly following US-UK instructions under Stoltenberg-Johnson war-mongering policies. Per “The Telegraph

    Ref #1 

    Ref #2

    suicidal non-supply

    The supply lines that up to 2022 successfully linked Europe and Russia took decades of very hard work to develop. This now means that almost all of such over-abundant contracts necessarily have no effective substitute because (a) no other vendors have such high quality at low price plus decades of vetting and proven experience + (b) the un-replaceable short freight distance and shipping time from nearby Russia. So, by definition, both (a) + (b) mean that today no equivalent supply lines could ever be found no matter how much Europe tried simply because it would be either too soon or too far …and always too hard and too pricey. So short cuts will be taken and corners rounded-off…. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. The impact of the above cannot be overstated though as the now-broken Euro-Russian supply lines were essential for the Just-In-Time strategy that Europe and world markets still require and cannot wait years to develop and iron out. Logistics 101: proven experience and performance with excellent price plus quick delivery from nearby sources cannot be substituted fast enough, or possibly ever. On purpose, Europe´s worst enemies couldn´t have inflicted worse harm than what a US-UK mesmerized Europe (what else ?) is doing to itself.

    So EU sanctions are now cutting off dozens of key and highly varied Russian produce without which Europe as we know it will cease to exist. This involves foodstuffs, minerals of every sort, energy re oil & gas & coal & refined products thereof, etc., etc., plus key technologies and products from space rocket engines to nuclear fuels. Even Roscosmos announced that Russia will withdraw from the International Space Station (ISS) project with the West after 2024 while by that time with an orbital station of its own. At any rate, the new European vendor problems for hundreds of products include each and every aspect of sales & procurement, sourcing & logistics, negotiations, pricing, contract terms, payment, banking procedures, sampling and testing, delivery pathway coordination, additional trucking, roads, vessels and inland waterways for shut down pipeline delivery, on-the-fly solutions for new problems, railroads, loading and unloading yards, ports, process alignment & upgrade, synchronization, scheduling, building and adapting key infrastructure, insurance, guarantees, new administrative matters, buffer storage, vendor vetting, multiple regulatory compliance, etc., etc. So the most efficient and swift Euro-Russian trade routines have today turned into logistical and management nightmares. Europe now and for the near future — in most unfavorable circumstances — needs to run unexpected risks to re-do all such hard work in a hurry and for every banned Russian product, not just coal & oil & nat-gas. And it is not a “plug & play” process either. It takes time. Tons of changes have to be made even after finding a trustworthy vendor. It is costly, cumbersome, and prone to project creep & fatigue. All fully unnecessary and chaotic.

    No country in the EU is anywhere ready for any of the above, let alone all of Europe at the very same time with the very same deadline. Furthermore, an impaired Germany would mean a very different Europe something which at this late stage cannot be avoided even if Germans wanted to get their feet wet in a hurry. Jim Rickards now says that “Almost everything you heard about the war in Ukraine from U.S. media over the course of March, April, and May was a lie.” Furthermore, the Western news regarding the impact of the Ukraine war contained very few truths that can confuse just as much. Per Rickards “The economies of the U.S. and the EU are in or very near to recession. Inflation is out of control in the West and commodity shortages will lead quickly to food shortages and more empty shelves in supermarkets… as economic sanctions have backfired ”. And now labor unions add fuel to the fire fully knowing they have the leverage to worsen inflation which is the hottest political topic nowadays. So they now demand better working conditions “with protests turning up at all spots in the global supply chain, including railways, trucking, warehouses, and ports…” At any rate, today Russia is taking full control and will probably retain for itself what up until 2022 were Ukraine´s best assets. That includes its industrial core, its enormously large and specialized natural resources, a most fertile land reminiscent of the Argentine Pampas, and all the ports and the major rivers with Russian territory unscathed. No wonder Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wants plain “out” of the current European non-strategy despite that Euroclear is raking in dozens of millions in profits from seized Russian bank accounts.

    Ref #3

    Ref #4

    Ref #5

    Ref #6

    Ref #7

    Ref #8

    Ref #9

    add a low Rhine…

    The Rhine River directly affects trade and industrial logistics of several key European countries namely, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France, and the Netherlands while indirectly affecting many others or, in some cases, all the others. In particular, the über-important German inland transportation system – and therefore its entire supply chains network – depends upon normal levels of Rhine River waters. Because it´s not only a matter of sourcing the right quality, quantity and price of any produce. It is just as important to receive it Just-In-Time at process destinations such as refineries or power plants as explained later. Simultaneously, all European stakeholders are competing with each other tooth and nail struggling to find, contract and retain exactly the same resources in order to solve the same unexpected problems all at once and by the same date. And it´s not only coal or oil or natural gas — and many other raw materials in and of themselves — but also for the means required to transport, deliver and process all of them.

    So everybody and his sister would now in Europe be modifying the same things at the same time with the same resources by the same date. For example, looking for the very first – and certainly bad – resource, namely trucking fleets of every size and type and humongous amounts of EU-certified drivers thereof. This additional heavy truck traffic would require upgrading newer roads and building new ones. Also, the different processes required for these different commodities also require all-around modifications at refineries, new-feedstock power plants, petrochemical plants, etc., etc., etc. Furthermore, there were no plans for any of this nor for the abundant technical human resources required and/or vetted management staff. Managerially speaking, this is not a contingency. It is a fully unexpected European-wide revolution with a terribly demanding time frame and critical failures as the most probable result. This involves strategic value-chain upstream items with EU captive consumers cascading into multiple supply chain failures thru lack of nat-gas, rare earths, inert gases, potash, sulfur, uranium, palladium, vanadium, cobalt, coke, titanium, nickel, lithium, plastics, glass, ceramics, pharmaceuticals, ships, inks, airplanes, polymers, medical and industrial gases, sealing rings & membranes, power transmission, transformer and lube oils, neon gas for microchip etching, etc., etc.

    Thousands of yet unknown people are needed to execute all of these projects with yet to be defined job descriptions, yet to be interviewed, hired, trained, teams put together, deployed, etc. Many oldies will be called back from retirement

    For many good reasons – mostly obvious — roads & trucks many times cannot compete with seaborne or internal water-ways freight either by volumes shipped or final destination delivery requirements. Furthermore, the supply lines/production system is already set up in a given way and any change introduced to previous logistics is fully unforeseen. For instance, high-load storage facilities and high-consuming processing plants, refineries, power stations and the like are conveniently located for vessel access or pipelines or railways, not trucks. So, now with everyone scrambling for ultra-hard-to-find solutions, EU products will require higher transportation costs by, for instance, having to replace sintering ores with concentrates or pellets. And it is unlikely for higher costs to be absorbed by the market under current conditions of falling demand. So profit margins will get yet narrower – or negative – as already under heavy pressure from high energy prices and labor costs in an inflationary vicious cycle. Sooner or later this leads to either very high inflation, or recession… or even depression. Also, a tremendous food problem has arisen as a consequence of the EU sanctions, involving final produce and intermediate outcomes such as fertilizers which in turn affect yields.

    hypnotized food

    EU sanctions have prevented operations with Russian grain, including insurance and the admission of Russian ships to foreign ports and entry of foreign ships to Russian ports. Russia cannot solve that nor contribute to solving that in any way, shape, or form. Only the EU can solve that problem. What Russia can and will do is to develop its economy by counting on reliable partners instead of Western countries not willing or able to comply with the agreed terms of trade. No (Russian) gas no fertilizers, less (Russian) gas less fertilizers for everyone including Third World economies.

    Higher oil prices – or no oil – mean more expensive distillates such as diesel oil required for farming food produce.

    In view of less Russian gas, BASF has slashed ammonia production which is an essential component for fertilizers.

    Ref #10

    hypnotized energy

    Up until Jan. 2022, coal (“brown” coal, the dirtiest of them all) was only responsible for 33% of power generation in Germany… but not anymore (more on that later). Let alone the case of oil & gas with ultra simplified door-to-door delivery of excellent, cheap products through quick and clean pipelines. BTW, the case of now badly-needed coal is probably the worst of all, as its complete phase-out was planned for 2030 but now fully reverted with de-commissioned coal-fired power stations most probably returning as Germany´s first line energy suppliers. Less Russian natural gas means less heating, less hot water, less power and less fertilizer among other important things. And the EU cannot print natural gas or Rubles.

    “ Despite the aggressive Western sanctions… Russia has been very restrained as far as counter-measures are concerned. So after loudly saying that the EU wants nothing to do with Russian energy or Russian pipelines, the EU should hardly be upset if Russia is tired of laboring not to give them what they asked for, an economic divorce. The problem is Europe is now upset that it’s getting what it acted like it wanted.” – Yves Smith – “Naked Capitalism”

    Ref # 11

    On a recent press conference Russia´s President Vladimir Putin explained that the EU energy security problem is definetly not Russia nor Gazprom. Very simply put: with long winters, less sun, low winds, and EU banks that will not finance fossil fuels investments, plus insurance companies that do not insure them, and local governments that do not allocate land plots for new projects, so then pipelines are not built… while demand keeps growing. Then for political reasons the Ukraine government shuts down a pipeline station. Then the Siemens-Canada problem as, by contract, turbines require regular maintenance and repairs. In sum, the EU has shut-down — on its own — two Russian pipeline routes as Ukraine and Poland effectively cut off the Yamal-Europe pipeline.

    Ukraine overtly, Poland by refusing to pay under the new gas for roubles scheme. The EU has also sanctioned one turbine while not commissioning North Stream 2, thus completely tying down Gazprom´s hands. Furthermore, the documentation that Gazprom received from Canada and Siemens did not respond to the turbine sanctions-waiver questions. Also, Gazprom is unable to fully use another route as Ukraine has been rejecting its transit applications. In sum, Europe does not have a strategy. Add to that the shut-down of nuclear power stations. And as Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said, Russia no longer cares to relate to Europe – or the West at large — as it is not “agreement-capable”.

    As if all of the above were not enough, many EU members now have to deploy the DE-conversion from natural gas and the RE-conversion into polluting coal. This back-to-coal ´solution´ is (a) very dirty and against Europe´s Green Plan plus other climate pledges and regulations (b) ultra-expensive (c) a major industrial, logistical and social upheaval that would not make it by this coming winter soon knocking on the European doors, and probably not even for next winter 2023-2024. This separate – yet overlapping – set of major madhouse back-to-coal projects also imply enormous logistics risks and major modifications and tight schedules all around, bids, bidders, contract oversight, certification, commissioning, etc., etc., etc for which nobody involved is prepared, neither regulators, nor vendors, nor consultants or engineering firms, nor end users, nor households, nor labor unions, nor the industry at large.

    hypnotized renewables

    Renewables have various serious problems including their variable power generation limitations. For example, in low wind or low sun seasons such as 2021-2022 which Europe suffers today. Renewables also have very poor optics – “not in my back yard” — plus impact upon bird life with unavoidable and undesirable consequences. And although there is more to be said, let´s conclude with the all-important de-commissioning problem in view of their rather shortish life-span. Furthermore — in order to see the light of day — manufacture of renewables requires humongous loads of nat-gas, oil, coal, minerals and commodities, all of them necessarily sourced in Russia not anywhere else. Unless the problem were to be compounded and worsened on purpose something quite in fashion today in Europe. For instance, manufacturing of wind turbines requires thousands of tons of nickel and rare earth minerals. Also, any such large structures and components thereof are to be transported to temporary and final destinations — and erected — with Russian fossil-powered equipment. Such is also required for the inevitable regular maintenance and end-of-life decommissioning. Solar photovoltaic energy requires humongous amounts of silver beyond belief, a process which also consumes (Russian) fossil fuels in enormous quantities, including the manufacture of the mining equipment required. Furthermore, as soon as renewables in large quantities are added to any electrical grid, costs go up – not down — as they have to be backstopped by fossil-fueled thermal plants that today should also run on Russian fuels. Please understand and accept that the more renewables added, the more natural gas that is needed. People do not accept rolling brown-outs let alone black-outs, so fossil fuel backstops are mandatory. With current existing technologies, promoting fully counter-productive and subsidized renewables expansion as Germany has and continues to do is reckless. EV lithium batteries require lithium mining which in turn has a whole new set of problems to be resolved

    Ref #12

    hypnotized toilet paper

    Per “Zeit On-Line” the new European hygiene status is now ready to deploy forces into rolling brown-out territory.

    Is this another bad result of the hypnotic spell ? Ref #13

    hypnotized fish´n´chips

    Russian sanctions would leave British pubs without fish’n’chips.

    Ref # 14

    bottom line

    Rachel Marsden at RT has summarized it very precisely as follows: “The conflict in Ukraine risks creating the ultimate nightmare for Western elites: an alternative group of allies over which the West has no control, but with the capacity to offer opportunities that are competitive with what their own governments or countries are offering… Western elites are doubling down in Ukraine to save the world order that protects their own selfish interests, thinking that it’s the way to prevent a parallel option from emerging. It’s as simple as that. And they don’t care if it’s the average citizen who has to pay the price”. Ref #15

    By banning Russian produce, the EU will bring the European sourcing matrix down on its knees, something which by now has already dawned on the average European also realizing that – at the very best and if not corrupted — their political class is just a bunch of ignorant fools. With these ´Russian sanctions´ EU politicians have unnecessarily set Europe up for hundreds of overlapping, cross-borders, gargantuan projects impossible to fulfill simultaneously, with absurd sequencing and scheduling coordination, plus peremptory timing limitations and deadlines, with countless of well- synchronized engineering specialties and very risky, highly demanding logistics, plus overwhelming legal, political, and environmental aspects. Accordingly, this glorious mismanagement in a decisive decade has the whole EU economy fully at risk with the obvious additional pain of potentially making non-performing rushed and poorly designed modifications everywhere.

    Furthermore, Europe will spend a fortune it cannot afford while probably deploying soon-to-fail and trouble full reconversion projects ending up with many half-finished facilities that will not be anywhere ready on time, or ever.

    The EU strategy regarding Russian sanctions and arming Ukraine has failed miserably as Europeans are being un-relentlessly ashamed with EU leaders despicably cheating on them and everyone else among other things per non-compliance of the Minsk Accords. Ukraine cannot ever come anywhere close to winning this war, corruption is everywhere rampant and the more weapons Ukraine receives from the West the longer their war will last and the larger territory that Ukraine will lose.

    Massive migrations to Club Med countries (mostly PIGS) are highly probable even starting during 2022

    Per The Guardian, “…Come October, it’s going to get horrific, truly horrific…a scale beyond what we can deal with”.

    Ref #15

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 02:00

  • "Give Up Your Yacht Before Lecturing": Bolsonaro Sinks DiCaprio In Titanic Twitter Thread
    “Give Up Your Yacht Before Lecturing”: Bolsonaro Sinks DiCaprio In Titanic Twitter Thread

    Brazilian President Jair Bonsonaro gave Leonardo DiCaprio a lecture in hypocrisy, telling the virtue-signaling actor that he should ‘give up his yacht before lecturing the world‘ about the environment.

    Of note, in January DiCaprio was pictured vacationing with friends on the $150 miullion “Vava II,” the largest yacht manufactured in Britain, which is estimated to produce 238kg of carbon dioxide per mile – as much as the average British car emits in two months.

    Bolsonaro was responding to DiCaprio, who tweeted that the Amazon rainforest has “faced an onslaught of illegal deforestation at the hands of extractive industry over the last 3 years.”

    “You again, Leo?” Tweeted Bolsonaro. “I could tell you, again, to give up your yacht before lecturing the world, but I know progressives: you want to change the entire world but never yourselves, so I will let you off the hook.

    “Between us, it’s weird to see a dude who pretends to love the Planet paying more attention to Brazil than to the fires harming Europe and his own country,” he continued. trouncing continues (emphasis ours):

    But don’t worry, Leo, unlike the places you are pretending not to see by brilliantly playing the role of a blind man, Brazil is and will carry on being the nation that most preserves. You can carry on playing with your Hollywood star toys as we do our job.

    Actually, in my government average deforestation is way lower than it was in the past, when the crook turned candidate that your Brazilian buddy supports was in power.

    It’s clear that everyone who attacks Brazil and its sovereignty for the sake of virtue signaling doesn’t have a clue about the matter. They don’t know, for instance, that we preserve more than 80% of our native vegetation or that we have the cleanest energy among G20 nations.

    It’s also clear that you don’t know that my government announced a new commitment to eradicate illegal deforestation by 2028, and not by 2030 as most countries. Or maybe you do know that, but for some reason pretend to be ignorant. I hope you not getting too much for this role.

    If its within your reach, we would love to see you stop spreading missinformation. In the recent past, you used a 2003 image to talk about the Amazon wildfires allegedly happening in 2019 and was exposed, but I have forgiven you. So please go and sin no more.

    By the way, what do you think about the hitting coal market in Europe? And what about Greta Timberlake, do you know what she has been up to lately and what she has to say about it? If I was hosting a barbecue in my house, I’m sure she would be yelling “How dare you?”.

    *  *  *

    When being a hypocrite, remember – don’t look up!

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 00:05

  • Escobar: How Comfortable Are You With The US Dollar?
    Escobar: How Comfortable Are You With The US Dollar?

    Authored by Pepe Escobar,

    Going To Samarkand

    The SCO and other pan-Eurasian organizations play a completely different – respectful, consensual – ball game. And that’s why they are catching the full attention of most of the Global South.

    The meeting of the SCO Ministerial Council  in Tashkent this past Friday involved some very serious business. That was the key preparatory reunion previous to the SCO summit in mid-September in fabled Samarkand, where the SCO will release a much-awaited “Declaration of Samarkand”.

    What happened in Tashkent was predictably unreported across the collective West and still not digested across great swathes of the East.

    So once again it’s up to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to cut to the chase. The world’s foremost diplomat – amidst the tragic drama of the American-concocted Era of Non-Diplomacy, Threats and Sanctions – has singled out the two overlapping main themes propelling the SCO as one of the key organizations on the path towards Eurasia integration.

    1. Interconnectivity and “the creation of efficient transport corridors”. The War of Economic Corridors is one of the key features of the 21st

    2. Drawing “the roadmap for the gradual increase in the share of national currencies in mutual settlements.”

    Yet it was in the Q@A session that Lavrov for all practical purposes detailed all the major trends in the current, incandescent state of international relations. These are the key takeaways.

    How comfortable are you with the US dollar?


    “We agreed that we will submit to the leaders for consideration proposals on specific actions to switch to settlements in national currencies. I think that everyone will now think about it. Africa already has a similar experience: common currencies in some sub-regional structures, which, nevertheless, by and large, are pegged to Western ones. From 2023, a continental free trade zone will start functioning on the African continent. A logical step would be to reinforce it with currency agreements.”

    Belarus – and many others – eager to join the SCO:

    “There is a broad consensus on the Belarusian candidacy (…) I felt it today. There are a number of contenders for the status of observer, dialogue partner. Some Arab countries show such interest, as do Armenia, Azerbaijan and a number of Asian states.”

    Grain diplomacy:

    “In regard to the issue of Russian grain, it was the American sanctions that did not allow the full implementation of the signed contracts due to the restrictions imposed: Russian ships are prohibited from entering a number of ports, there is a ban on foreign ships entering Russian ports to pick up export cargo, and insurance rates have gone up (…) Financial chains are also interrupted by illegitimate US and EU sanctions. In particular, Rosselkhozbank, through which all the main settlements for food exports pass, was one of the first to be included in the sanctions list. UN Secretary General A. Guterres has committed to removing these barriers to addressing the global food crisis. Let’s see.”


    “We do not discuss this with our Chinese colleague. Russia’s position on having only one China remains unchanged. The United States periodically confirms the same line in words, but in practice their ‘deeds’ do not always coincide with words. We have no problem upholding the principle of Chinese sovereignty.”

    Should the SCO abandon the US dollar?

    “Each SCO country must decide for itself how comfortable it feels to rely on the dollar, taking into account the absolute unreliability of this currency for possible abuses. The Americans have used this more than once in relation to a number of states.”

    Why the SCO matters:

    “There are no leaders and followers in the SCO. There are no situations in the organization like in NATO, when the US and its closest allies impose one line or another on all other members of the alliance. In the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the situation that we are currently seeing in the EU does not arise: sovereign countries are literally being ‘knocked out’, demanding that they either stop buying gas or reduce its consumption in violation of national plans and interests.”

    Lavrov was also keen to stress how “other structures in the Eurasian space, for example, the EAEU and BRICS, are based and operate on the same principles” of the SCO. And he referred to the crucial cooperation with the 10 member-nations of ASEAN.

    Thus he set the stage for the clincher:

    “All these processes, in interconnection, help to form the Greater Eurasian Partnership, which President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly spoken about. We see in them a benefit for the entire population of the Eurasian continent.”

    Those Afghan and Arab lives

    The real big story of the Raging Twenties  is how the special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine de facto kick-started “all these processes”, as Lavrov mentioned, simultaneously leading towards inexorable Eurasia integration.

    Once again he had to recall two basic facts that continue to escape any serious analysis across the collective West:

    Fact 1: “All our proposals for their removal [referring to NATO-expansion assets] on the basis of the principle of mutual respect for security interests were ignored by the US, the EU, and NATO.”

    Fact 2: “When the Russian language was banned in Ukraine, and the Ukrainian government promoted neo-Nazi theories and practices, the West did not oppose, but, on the contrary, encouraged the actions of the Kyiv regime and admired Ukraine as a ‘stronghold of democracy.’ Western countries supplied the Kyiv regime with weapons and planned the construction of naval bases on Ukrainian territory. All these actions were openly aimed at containing the Russian Federation. We have been warning for 10 years that this is unacceptable.”

    It’s also fitting that Lavrov would once again put Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya in context: “Let us recall the example of Afghanistan, when even wedding ceremonies were subjected to air strikes, or Iraq and Libya, where statehood was completely destroyed, and many human lives were sacrificed. When states that easily pursued such a policy are now making a fuss about Ukraine, I can conclude that the lives of Afghans and Arabs mean nothing to Western governments. It’s unfortunate. Double standards, these racist and colonial instincts must be eliminated.”

    Putin, Lavrov, Patrushev, Madvedev have all been stressing lately the racist, neocolonial character of the NATOstan matrix. The SCO and other pan-Eurasian organizations play a completely different – respectful, consensual – ball game. And that’s why they are catching the full attention of most of the Global South. Next stop: Samarkand.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 08/01/2022 – 00:00

  • How Much Land Does The US Military Control In Each State
    How Much Land Does The US Military Control In Each State

    The United States spends an unparalleled amount of money on its military⁠ – about $778 billion each year to be precise.

    Additionally, as Visual Capitalist’s Avery Koop details below, the U.S. military also owns, leases, or operates an impressive real estate portfolio with buildings valued at $749 billion and a land area of 26.9 million acres⁠, of which around 98% is located within the United States.

    This visual, using data from the Department of Defense (DoD) reveals how much of each state the U.S. military owns, leases, or operates on.

    This map visualizes the share of a state comprised by military sites, which the Department of Defense defines as a specific geographic location that has individual land parcels or facilities assigned to it. The geographical location is leased to, owned by, or otherwise under the jurisdiction of the DoD.

    What is Military Land Used For?

    The DoD is the larger government umbrella under which the military falls and the department operates on over 26 million acres of land stateside.

    To further break it down the U.S. military is divided into four main branches:

    • Army

    • Navy

    • Air Force

    • Marine Corps

    There is also the Space Force, the Coast Guard, and the National Guard. However, most of the land is dedicated to the Army, which is the military’s largest branch.

    Military bases are used for training and housing soldiers, testing weapons and equipment, conducting research, and running active operations, among other things. A large majority of the square footage is actually designated for family housing.

    For example, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, which is one of the most famous U.S. Army bases, is home to more than 260,000 people including the families of soldiers. The base, which is virtually its own city, is the largest U.S. Army installation with 53,700 troops—nearly 10% of the Army—and over 14,000 civilian employees.

    Which States Have the Biggest Military Presence?

    Looking at the largest total sites, the top 10 combined cover an astonishing 13,927,470 acres, larger than 10 individual states including New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Hawaii.

    Here’s a look at the size of the military’s sites in the top 10 states and how much of that state’s land the sites take up:


    In Hawaii, 5.6% of the state belongs to the military. The historic Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu is still an active base, housing both the Navy and the Air Force.


    In the nation’s capital, Washington D.C., 3.9% of the small district is owned or operated on by the military—there are approximately 18 independent sites in the city.

    Most of the DoD’s land is in the southwestern United States. One major benefit is that there are areas large enough in these states to test hugely destructive weapons without harming anyone. The atomic bomb was first detonated in the middle of nowhere in New Mexico at the White Sands Missile Range, the biggest military site in the country.

    Almost all of the largest military sites fall under the Army branch, which has over 415,000 active personnel. Here’s a look at the U.S. military breakdown in terms of population:

    • Active Duty:

      • Army: 415,967

      • Navy: 304,118

      • Marine Corps: 146,728

      • Air Force (also includes Space Force): 273,983

      • Coast Guard: 38,829

    • Reserves: 438,645

    Beyond just the presence of soldiers across the states, the military also represents a lot of jobs. In total, both on U.S. soil and globally the DoD provides nearly 2.9 million jobs from active duty troops to civilian positions within the military. In California, for example, the military provides over 62,000 civilian jobs.

    U.S. Military Presence Beyond its Borders

    When it comes to all the land that the military both owns and leases globally, the figure is huge, coming out to 26.9 million acres. The Army controls 51% of the DoD’s land, followed by the Air Force’s 32%.

    Military land owned by the DoD can be found outside the U.S. in 8 territories and 45 foreign countries. Here’s a breakdown of where the majority of the U.S.’ foreign bases are:

    •  Germany: 194 sites

    •  Japan: 121 sites

    •  South Korea: 83 sites

    In places where there are ongoing conflicts, the U.S. has a few permanent forces. In regular times in Ukraine, there are 23 active duty soldiers permanently stationed. In Russia there are 41 active duty U.S. troops. However, President Joe Biden has recently announced that he will increase the U.S.’ military presence across Europe because of the war in Ukraine.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 23:30

  • China To Pelosi: You Will 'Perish' Over Taiwan
    China To Pelosi: You Will ‘Perish’ Over Taiwan

    Authored by Gordon Chang via,

    “The position of the Chinese government and people on the Taiwan question is consistent, and resolutely safeguarding China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the firm will of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people,” Chinese ruler Xi Jinping told President Joe Biden during their phone call on July 28, according to the Chinese foreign ministry. “The public opinion cannot be defied. Those who play with fire will perish by it.”


    Xi’s dire-sounding warning, issued in connection with reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to go to Taiwan, suggests either that Xi Jinping perceives Biden to be so weak that he can push him around or that China’s internal problems are so severe that the Communist Party must create an external crisis to distract the Chinese people. In the worst case, both are true.

    For about a decade, Chinese leaders have believed the United States has been in terminal decline, and their regime will soon ascend to global dominance.

    Biden, at least in their minds, has confirmed this view.

    His calamitous withdrawal from Afghanistan and his failure to stop Russia’s invasion of Ukraine left Beijing thinking that it can now do what it wants to Taiwan.

    At the same time, Xi’s threat could be the result of regime insecurity. He needs an external crisis so that the Chinese people won’t think too much about the internal ones. Inside China, coronavirus continues to infect the population, and Xi’s “dynamic zero-COVID” policy is causing widespread resentment as well as undermining the ailing economy.

    China’s economy, despite the report of 0.4% year-to-year growth in the second quarter, is almost certainly contracting.

    At the same time, the debt crisis, delayed for more than a decade, has been hitting the country. Evergrande Group and other large property developers are defaulting on bond and other obligations, apartment projects remain unfinished, buyers of flats are participating in a nationwide “mortgage boycott” by not paying banks, the boycott has spread to suppliers of the developers, and financial institutions across the country are tight on cash. There are bank runs, especially in Henan province, but banks in the financial capital of Shanghai are also in poor condition.

    Because property sales have plunged—the sales of the top 100 developers fell 50.3% in the first half of this year—local governments, dependent on property revenue, cannot meet obligations.

    A Chinese entrepreneur this month told me that local cadres are trying to extort tens of millions of dollars from his firm. The fiscal problems at lower levels mirror those at the central government. Xi, under the banner of his “Common Prosperity” program, has been extracting tens of billions of dollars from tech giants such as Tencent and Alibaba.

    Xi is also leading a nationwide mobilization effort, something signaled by the amendment of China’s National Defense Law, effective the beginning of last year, to transfer power from civilian to military officials, specifically from the central government’s State Council to the Communist Party’s Central Military Commission. The State Council will no longer supervise the mobilization of the People’s Liberation Army, which reports to the Party.

    Although the Party has always been in control, the amendment contemplates the mass mobilization of society for war. Owners of private businesses are now being told to manufacture what the Party dictates, a move seen as building up stockpiles for conflict.

    Many American analysts say that Speaker Pelosi is provoking a crisis with her reported plans to visit self-governing and democratic Taiwan, which Beijing claims is sovereign Chinese territory. That view is incorrect.

    Xi Jinping needs no “provocation” from the Speaker to lash out. Currently, Chinese forces, already below the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh, are preparing to take more Indian territory in the Himalayas. In June, Beijing renewed attempts to block resupply of a Philippine outpost at Second Thomas Shoal, in the South China Sea. In the East China Sea on July 29, four Chinese warships entered Japanese sovereign water around the disputed but Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands.

    Furthermore, as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley pointed out while in Sydney, “Chinese military activity is noticeably and statistically more aggressive than in previous years.” On May 26, for instance, a high-performance Chinese fighter jet accelerated and flew close to an Australian Royal Air Force P-8 reconnaissance aircraft in international airspace in the South China Sea region and released chaff, which was ingested into one of the P-8’s two engines. The Chinese jet also fired flares. This is believed to be the first time any military has used chaff and flares in this manner.

    The Chinese defense ministry on July 28, in connection with Pelosi’s reported trip to Taiwan, stated “action is the most powerful language.” Chinese journalist Hu Xijin, who is often used to signal regime positions, on July 29 detailed the circumstances in which China’s military is prepared to bring down the Speaker’s plane.

    There are no longer any safe options.

    The most dangerous, at least in the long run, is for Speaker Pelosi to back down. By backing down, she will legitimize the most belligerent elements in the Chinese capital by showing everyone else that threats work.

    This is now more than just a test of will.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 23:00

  • "I Don’t Care, I Love It!"
    “I Don’t Care, I Love It!”

    By Peter Tchir of Academy Securities

    I Don’t Care, I Love It!

    This market took everything that was thrown at it and just ran with it! “Bad” news helped markets rally and “good” news helped even more. Whatever was thrown at the market after Tuesday was absorbed and turned into a reason to celebrate. Trading with “Icona Pop” playing in the background set the right tone for this market!

    The Fed

    There still seems to be a lot of contention about what the Fed said (or more accurately, meant to say). That is important as the Fed will try and fine tune their message in the coming days and this highlights what we discussed in Did He, Or Didn’t He?

    • Did we reach the Neutral Rate? I have seen some long diatribes about why we haven’t reached the neutral rate, at least not in this inflation environment, but we are closer to a long-run neutral rate than not. Parts of the economy have the risk of rolling over, so I suspect that we are done (or almost done) with tightening. I was a bit surprised that the Fed seemed to indicate that too, but it fits with my view on the path of rates so I’m not going to fight against what the “correct” neutral rate is and “around here” seems plausible.
    • Balancing Inflation versus Recession risks. I keep coming back to this “disconnect.” What was actually said seemed to tilt slightly to the inflation fighting side. He said multiple things, including (specifically) that we might need unemployment to rise and the economy to slow to achieve reduced inflation. I cannot see any way to read the transcript and not come up with Powell leaning to the inflation fighting side at the expense of the economy. But it was more believable (or even natural) when he sounded dovish. There was a je ne sais quoi about how he delivered dovish versus hawkish messages. Maybe I’m imagining it, but the “inflation fighting” comments sounded more forced than the “data dependent” and “balanced” comments. Additionally, and rightfully so, the market seems to be expecting worse future data than the Fed. So, for the Fed, data dependency means they will examine the data and react to it, but the market decided it means that we will get weaker than expected data, so the Fed reaction function will be to take their foot off the brake.
    • Fed Speak. A few members of the Fed have already commented, and overall, their message struck me as trying to put the hawkish message front and center (market reaction was – I Don’t Care – I Love It!)

    The market has likely interpreted the Fed as too dovish relative to what they are trying to achieve, but that is difficult to fight given that the central bank has been a friend of the markets far more often than not for the past 25 years or so!

    Inflation expectations. One thing to watch is inflation expectations. The St. Louis Fed 5-year, 5-year forward finished the week back at 2.33% (up from 2.1% where it was during July and higher than where it was for most of 2021). University of Michigan 5–10-year inflation expectations missed estimates and stopped their recent decline. That measure was taken before the Fed spoke, so there could be upward pressure on that.

    Both market and survey measures of inflation have been moving in the right direction for the Fed, but if those metrics reverse, the Fed may have to adjust their message. This isn’t a “tomorrow” risk, but something to watch closely for in the coming weeks.

    Losing Money with Inside Information

    If I knew the Q2 GDP number in advance, I would have lost money. I thought that for a small negative, we could rally. I would have bet that a larger negative number, coupled with further downward revisions to Q1, would have caused some selling pressure. That may have even been briefly correct as markets initially embraced the weakness. However, the markets once again latched on to the “lower yields are great for stocks” concept, which I don’t think will work out as well this time as it did in 2020 (Celsius 233).

    The Yield Curve

    As previously mentioned, we have gone back to the trade where high beta/future potential growth gets rewarded with every tick lower in bond yields.

    Heck, the 2s versus 10s finished the most negative it has been, but “I don’t care, I love it” seems to apply here as well. I struggle to embrace the bad news is good news trade and am skeptical that a recession will be moderate enough that dovish Fed policy will outweigh economic or earnings risks, but here we are.

    The Return of TINA

    I did hear a lot of chatter that There Is No Alternative (TINA) is back in play. It seems likely that investors, collectively, but especially total return/alpha generators are too underweight risk. There were certainly enough examples of companies popping on earnings to support that.

    On the flip side, aggressive funds have continued to get inflows all the way down and I saw as many or more indicators pointing to overbought rather than oversold (especially by the end of last week).
    On the earnings front, the messaging has been better than I feared, so that is good, but to the extent problems really accelerated this quarter (it was only Tuesday when some warnings linked to the consumer pushed markets down), the entire story isn’t over.

    I Crashed my Car into the Bridge. I Don’t Care, I Love It!

    Some of the most shorted stocks and assets performed the best last week.

    I just want to highlight Ethereum. Yes, there is a “merge” that some think will help a lot, but it jumped 66% in the last two weeks of July. Yes, 66% doesn’t look like a lot on the chart since Ethereum has been pummeled, but in the real world, 66% in a couple of weeks is a lot.

    Charts like this scare me because it seems to indicate the “get rich quick” mentality is getting traction again. I don’t like that mentality, but if it has momentum, you don’t want to fight it!

    I think what I like so much about this song is how the lyrics seem bad, but the music and singing are so upbeat, it is impossible not to get enthusiastic.

    “I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn…I don’t care, I love it!”

    Watching so many altcoins do so well for example, after having seemingly been left for dead, is either an opportunity, an indication that animal spirits are fully back in control, or is something to be watched very nervously (while not stepping in the way).

    “I Threw your Stuff into a Bag and Pushed it Down the Stairs”

    There is so much I could say about this line, but even the T-Report has some self-preservation mechanisms.

    Sustainability is Inflationary Near-Term

    Senators Schumer and Manchin announced a reconciliation deal that will raise taxes (mostly for corporations if their calculations are correct) and will fuel spending on energy production. There is no guarantee that the bill passes, but if it does, I don’t see how the spending on energy isn’t inflationary at this moment in time. Any new production will take time to come on-line. Sustainable energy eventually can be deflationary, but for now there will be a rush to buy concrete, steel, lithium, etc.

    I keep reading headlines that the bill would address inflation, but I haven’t come across an argument about why it helps inflation in the next year? Maybe I’m reading the wrong sources, but I think this bill could spur another round of commodity inflation.

    Some “Nagging” Credit Concerns

    We’ve seen the housing data continue to deteriorate. Yes, I sound like a broken record, but markets didn’t care about that this week. I’m also hearing that “real-time” data, which I have limited access to, is indicating an uptick in delinquencies on credit cards and auto loans. When I look at the data I have available, I see a slight upturn, but not enough to set off the alarm bells. Just something to watch.

    Similarly, it has been difficult to watch what has been happening in European credit markets and not experience a modicum of concern.

    The pressure on Italian debt relative to German debt eased a bit. Europe outperformed the U.S. recently on credit spreads as both markets rallied.

    That is comforting, but bears scrutiny.

    It looks like Germany in particular will be hit by energy restrictions this year. That will affect their economy and their industry. Some of that slack could be picked up globally (including in the U.S.) which may explain why this is trading a bit like a zero-sum game (what Europe loses, someone else gains), but there is a risk that Europe gets bad enough that it drags down the global economy and global markets.

    Bottom Line

    There has been just enough good news on earnings that I have to respect that companies may be very resilient and if the Fed is easing off the brake, then we could avert the spiral about which I am concerned. Certainly, the wealth effect is back to moving in the right direction, though I’m dubious in the underpinnings of that rally.

    I really don’t like the days where “bad news” turns out to be good, but it is difficult to step in front of that freight train which has worked quite well for much of the past few years (like many other things, it seems to work well most of the time, with a few abrupt and severe reversals).

    I like buying one-month puts and calls on equities. I think we are at an inflection point.

    • I can paint a story about why stocks will give up last week’s gains and head towards new lows (layoffs just starting, earning warnings yet to come, tapped out consumer, excess inventories, resurgence in commodity prices coupled with Fed hawkish leanings, etc.). That scenario feels more “real” to me.
    • But, the “everything is good” scenario could play out. First comes TINA then comes FOMO. The Fed lets the economy run hot. We get some stimulus. China sorts itself out. Housing reaches a level where buying resumes across the board. More people get forced into the market. The market bounce lets companies spend again. The virtuous cycle starts again. I find this one less believable, but am reluctant to fight it.

    So, with VIX back to 21, trying to capture a big move in either direction is compelling to me.

    Overweight commodities again! If the stimulus is going to go through, I want to own the commodity complex. Emerging Markets (particularly Latin America) should also benefit.

    Companies of the “past” will be the companies of the “future.” With EV incentives a part of any stimulus plan, we could see a surge in purchases there (though a chunk of that will be pulling forward demand rather than creating new demand, but that is a story for another day). With the ever-increasing number of EV offerings, there is room for growth both at the “new” EV centric companies, but also for the traditional autos. I own some of them and will be adding more. The same theory fits across energy and other areas, but they are already picked up in my “commodity resurgence” theme.

    I still like yield products, though with the 10-year Treasury back to 2.65%, I’d lean towards credit and structured products. Credit has room to tighten and will benefit from stable yields. If yields rise a little, which seems likely given where they are, credit spreads could offset that.

    Markets and even the economy continue to be volatile, illiquid, and reactionary. I wish things would get easier sooner than later, but I expect the next few weeks to be more of the same.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 22:30

  • The New Age Of Orwellianism
    The New Age Of Orwellianism

    Authored by Josh Hammer via The Epoch Times,

    Community organizer and left-wing social activist Saul Alinsky wrote, in his 1971 book “Rules for Radicals,” that “he who controls the language controls the masses.”

    Alinsky, whose work profoundly influenced at least one notable fellow Chicagoan, Barack Obama, was in that quip channeling George Orwell’s famous dystopian novel, “1984.”

    “Newspeak,” the language of Orwell’s fictional single-political party superstate, was a tool devised for monitoring the people’s communications, prosecuting “thoughtcrimes,” and ultimately controlling and dictating the people’s very beliefs.

    Conservatives have taken pleasure in poking fun at the modern Left’s “Orwellian” tendencies—perhaps too much, actually, as overuse of the accusation has had the effect of limiting its potency. But as the woke ideology metastasizes within the American Left like the cancer it is, and as censors increasingly clamp down on anything sniffing of dissent to the regime’s orthodoxy, it is now clear that we are in a new age of Orwellianism.

    In this new age, the regime and its enforcers pursue the suffusion of its orthodoxy at any cost, gaslighting dissenters into not believing their own lying eyes.

    Last week, new governmental data revealed that the American economy, measured by gross domestic product, contracted for the second straight quarter.

    That was, up until perhaps two weeks ago, the universally accepted definition of what constitutes a “recession.” This was not a partisan issue; indeed, well-known liberal, Democratic Party economists have frequently defined recession in precisely these terms. Back in 2008, President Joe Biden’s current National Economic Council director, Brian Deese, stated: “Of course economists have a technical definition of recession, which is two consecutive quarters of negative growth.” And in 2019, top Biden economic adviser Jared Bernstein said that a “recession” is “defined as two consecutive quarters of declining growth.”

    Democrats are now singing a different tune.

    White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has stubbornly refused to concede that America is now in an economic recession. Deese apparently also disagrees with his old self of 2008: Following the release of the data evincing the second straight quarter of economic contraction, Deese stipulated that we are “certainly in a transition,” but also added that “virtually nothing signals that this period … is recessionary.” The ruse is transparent and obvious to the point of comedy. As famed investor David Sacks tweeted: “A lot of people are wondering about the definition of recession. A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth if a Republican is president. The definition is far more complicated and unknowable if a Democrat is president.”

    Democrats similarly seem interested in changing the definition of “inflation,” which currently sits at four-decade highs and is disproportionately responsible for Biden’s dismal job approval ratings and Democrats’ unfavorable political outlook this fall. The widely accepted economic definition of inflation is when there is too much money chasing too few goods. The way to tamp down inflation is thus to limit the money supply and/or increase the production of goods.

    Just last week, around the same time as when the United States formally entered a recession, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) finally reached an agreement on a version of the White House’s long-sought after Build Back Better domestic initiative. But Democrats renamed the bill: It is now not called Build Back Better but the Inflation Reduction Act.

    And the revised bill includes new government expenditures to the tune of nearly $400 billion in energy- and climate-related spending. Authorizing such a fiscal boondoggle is the precise opposite of limiting the money supply. It is the logical equivalent of trying to put out a fire with a blowtorch.

    Remarkably, it is the same ideologues who are eager to change the well-accepted definitions of “recession” and “inflation” who remain perplexed as to what exactly a “woman” is. In March, then-Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, during her Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing to replace the retiring Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court, pointedly refused to define what a “woman” is. Her excuse was that she is “not a biologist.” Related, in Matt Walsh’s excellent new documentary, “What Is a Woman?,” the myriad “gender studies” professors and gender ideology-bewitched “doctors” interviewed by Walsh invariably define a “woman,” in circular fashion, as being “someone who identifies as a woman.”

    Whether it is a Supreme Court justice herself or the vogue flatulence that now constitutes “gender studies” in the American academy, then, the Left is incapable of defining what a “woman” is. That confusion appears to be ubiquitous: Lia Thomas, the biological man who has been wreaking havoc in women’s collegiate swimming, was even nominated for the 2022 NCAA Woman of the Year award. Alinsky would be proud of such an imperious enforcement of regime-approved orthodoxy; “he who controls the language controls the masses,” after all.

    The Left’s fundamental problem is that its haughtiness, fervor and zeal for gaslighting us sane Americans is belied by its unpopularity. It is curious that the Left can talk and act this way when its most notable avatar, Biden, is as severely unpopular as he currently is. Perhaps the Left will be chastened by its impending November defeats at the ballot box. But don’t bet on it.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 22:00

  • LA Landlords Call For End To Eviction Moratorium
    LA Landlords Call For End To Eviction Moratorium

    By Jazz Shaw of

    There are more protests taking place in Los Angeles this month, but for once they don’t have anything to do with racism, high gas prices, or any other common complaints coming from the public these days. The people doing the protesting are landlords who are facing bankruptcy and the loss of their properties because tenants are still not paying their rent. They’re getting away with this because the city of Los Angeles extended its eviction moratorium for another full year until August of 2023, despite the state’s moratorium having expired in June. And the landlords are placing the blame on the City Council and Mayor Garcetti rather than the delinquent renters. (CBS News)

    At a news conference at City Hall, landlords say the moratorium could push some of them into bankruptcy and foreclosure because it doesn’t allow them to collect rent and some of their tenants are taking advantage of the situation.

    “Our home has been stolen from us so that tenants, one of whom owns a DeLorean, can go to Burning Man and rent yachts for birthday parties and sail up in hot air balloons,” property owner Liz Reckart said. “Our home has been stolen from us, not by our tenants, but by the overly broad policies created under Mayor Eric Garcetti and upheld by the majority of our City Council.”

    I’m sure that not all of the delinquent tenants fall into the same category as Liz Reckart’s renter who drives a DeLorean to Burning Man so they can go on hot air balloon rides. But the majority of them really should have started paying their rent again long before now.

    I’ve been writing about the coming eviction crisis since 2020 because everyone who studies these situations knew this was on the horizon. Now it’s here. The economic restrictions associated with the pandemic are almost entirely over in Los Angeles, just as they are in the rest of the nation. Businesses have reopened, the schools are open, and people are out and about largely as they were before the virus arrived in America. Los Angeles even backed down on imposing a renewed mask mandate recently.

    The federal aid for housing during the pandemic is largely gone. And that aid was supposed to benefit landlords as well as tenants so they wouldn’t lose their property. In other words, all of those tenants should, by now, have been able to start making regular rent payments and begin paying back what they owe in back rent. But it’s an unfortunate reality that there will always be a certain percentage of people who will take advantage of a situation if they can. With the city extending the moratorium for another year, some people are clearly just viewing this as another year of “free rent” before they wind up having to move out and look for a new apartment.

    This is likely just another example of the typical thinking of liberal politicians. They love giving away “free money” and “free stuff.” They believe it makes voters more eager to reelect them, and in some cases, they are probably right. But now they are crushing the ability of landlords, many of whom are of the “mom and pop” type with only one or two properties, to continue to do business. It was the government that shut the state and the country down and it was the government that had to be responsible for cleaning up the mess that was caused. But Los Angeles isn’t supposed to be shut down now. It’s supposed to be back to business. And business includes having people pay their rent or risk being removed from their rental property.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 21:00

  • Pelosi Is Irrelevant: China Was Already Planning An Invasion Of Taiwan
    Pelosi Is Irrelevant: China Was Already Planning An Invasion Of Taiwan

    Would China really commit to an impromptu war with Taiwan over Nancy Pelosi, a person who amounts to nothing more than a political smudge in the history books?  No, they wouldn’t, but they would be happy to use her diplomatic visit to Taiwan as a pretense for invasion.  

    The timing for Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan has not been released and will likely remain classified until the event.  China has announced live fire drills this week in the Taiwan Strait as a show of force and a state run newspaper has even suggested that the CCP has the right to shoot Pelosi’s plane down (If the CCP is hoping this will scare the American public, they might want to consider again that it’s Pelosi on the plane; i.e. no one cares).  China has also insinuated that direct invasion will take place if the visit occurs.  

    A US carrier strike group is moving near Taiwan after being deployed from Singapore and tensions are high.  Ironically, Democrats chastised Donald Trump for “upsetting” Chinese/US relations over Taiwan only a couple years ago, and now they are one-upping him.    

    According to an alleged Russian intel leak in 2021, the CCP was already planning a forced annex of the island nation (that the Chinese claim is not a nation) for the fall.  The leak from Russia’s FSB has not been verified, but it does parallel the increase in Chinese naval activity in the region, along with even more aggressive rhetoric than usual against Taiwan.

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine perhaps triggered a pause in China’s plans, but not a complete reversal.  The increase in joint Russian and Chinese naval drills around Japan and Taiwan suggest that a Taiwan event will not be limited.  It could spread north to the Sea of Japan, where China and Russia would seek to nullify a response from US bases. 

    Yes, this would be quite an escalation and it’s far more likely that China would play the long game by waiting for US and European economic turmoil to degrade their ability to respond to a regional conflict.  Of course, there is something to be said for the element of surprise.  

    Timing is also a major consideration for China.  Weather cycles in the Taiwan Strait make a naval invasion difficult to maintain as dangerous storms rip through the area for a large part of the year.  September and October are the key months when the weather is most advantageous for Chinese naval operations.  Extreme weather fronts can disrupt radar, communications, thermal vision, night vision, drones, air support and obviously normal visibility, making intricate offensive actions very risky.  

    It’s interesting that Pelosi appears to be scheduling her visit sometime in the next month, so close to when weather conditions are the most ripe for a Chinese attack.  Typhoons are expected to strike Taiwan through August and then dissipate in September/October when invasion is preferable.

    The bottom line is that China WILL invade Taiwan in the near future.  Once communists decide that a group or nation stands as a symbol of opposition to their power, they will stop at nothing to erase that symbol.  Whether or not western interests are taking advantage of the situation is something to consider as well.  

    A regional war involving Taiwan as a proxy for conflict between the US and China would probably progress much like the war in Ukraine – Lots of big talk and propaganda in the media about how China is being crushed economically and militarily.  But, in the end China sits right across the water from Taiwan, just as Russia sits right across the border from the Donbass.  Logistically, they have the advantage and they have the time.  Wearing the west down financially and through attrition would be their strategy and it would likely succeed given the mental weakness within the White House and among the current military brass.  

    This is not to say China is justified.  Not in the slightest.  China is one of the most Orwellian nightmare states on the planet and their obsession with Taiwan is a product of communist zealotry rather than any sort of logic or reason.  This doesn’t change the fact that they have the strategic advantage if they manage to lure the US into a quagmire across the pacific, and Japan’s ability to help defend Taiwan is questionable.      

    In terms of the bigger picture, certain interests (globalists) within organizations like the WEF might welcome such chaos and conflict.  It could be used as cover for the ongoing global economic decline that they helped create, and give them yet another shot at reducing our freedoms in the name of “security.”  One really needs to ask, why would Pelosi go to Taiwan right now?  And, who has asked her to go?  Is this Biden’s idea, or are other beneficiaries involved?       

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 20:30

  • Pelosi Confirms Start Of Asia Trip, Makes No Mention Of Taiwan As Chinese Anger Grows
    Pelosi Confirms Start Of Asia Trip, Makes No Mention Of Taiwan As Chinese Anger Grows

    The budding army of amateur flight-trackings sleuths on twitter was proven correct again when less than a day after a barrage of unconfirmed reports that the world’s greatest investor, Nancy Pelosi, was on her way to Asia – where he supposedly is planning to visit Taiwan, a move which some say could spark World War 3 – on Sunday morning her office confirmed that the House Speaker has begun her anticipated trip to Asia, with her office naming four destinations but making no mention of Taiwan.

    The official release of her itinerary comes amid more warnings from Beijing over her possible visit to the island.

    Pelosi, the third in line of US presidential succession, is leading a six-member congressional delegation to Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan, according to a statement released by her office early on Sunday which however skipped any mention of Taiwan, after days of intense speculation about a likely stop there fuelled tensions, with Beijing calling it a “provocation” and warning Washington against “playing with fire”.

    But the careful wording of the statement did not rule out the possibility of a visit either.

    “In Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan, our delegation will hold high-level meetings to discuss how we can further advance our shared interests and values, including peace and security, economic growth and trade, the Covid-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, human rights and democratic governance,” the statement said.

    “America is firmly committed to smart, strategic engagement in the region, understanding that a free and flourishing Indo-Pacific is crucial to prosperity in our nation and around the globe.”

    Singapore’s foreign ministry confirmed on Sunday that Pelosi would be visiting for two days starting on Monday.

    The delegation led by Pelosi includes Gregory Meeks, chairman of the US House foreign affairs committee, Mark Takano, chairman of the veterans’ affairs committee, and Suzan DelBene, vice chairwoman of the ways and means committee. Two other Democratic congressmen, Raja Krishnamoorthi and Andy Kim, are also travelling with her.

    To be sure, Beijing will be following every move of the delegation extremely closely as it regards Taiwan as a breakaway province, to be reunited by force if necessary, and has repeatedly warned against any official exchanges with the self-governed island, going so far as hinting it would shoot down her plan and start a war if Pelosi were to visit the island.

    It earlier described the possible trip to Taiwan as a move to support “Taiwan independence”, in violation of the one-China policy.

    Meanwhile, the possibility for a stopover in Taiwan has not been ruled out completely.

    “The statement is very carefully written. It only says that Pelosi is going for a trip to the Indo-Pacific region, including four nations while making no mention of Taiwan. So, in the case of Pelosi making a surprise visit to Taiwan, the press release still holds as she has never formally acknowledged or denied that Taiwan is a stop in her trip,” said Wu Junfei, a researcher at the Hong Kong-China Economic and Cultural Development Association think tank.

    “For now, Pelosi still has ample room to manoeuvre. The final result will still depend on how China and the US continue with the negotiations.”

    In recent day, China doubled down on its warning rhetoric to the US. On Saturday the state broadcaster CCTV published for the first time a video showing the launch of DF-17 hypersonic missile – a clip that was later deleted. The move has been widely seen as a clear warning, even though the video, which was subtitled “the target: win”, was ostensibly celebrating the anniversary of the founding of the army.

    Also on Friday, in another signal of Beijing’s displeasure with Pelosi’s trip, the Chinese military started a series of exercises, including live-fire drills in the waters off Fujian, the province adjacent to Taiwan Island. Air force spokesman Shen Jinke said on Sunday: “The air force has a strong will, full confidence and sufficient capability to defend the national sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

    Xiaoyu Pu, associate professor of political science at the University of Nevada in Reno, said one possibility was that Pelosi could touch down on Taiwan “just for a short while” before proceeding to Japan and South Korea. If that happens, he predicted a strong military response from Beijing but not to the point of no return.

    “You have to bear in mind that while China is putting tremendous pressure on the Biden administration to stop the trip, it is also hard for her to back down from this trip after the hype. There will be lots of domestic political pressures if the trip is cancelled, given the current anti-China atmosphere in the US,” Pu said.

    “Xi [Jinping] and [Joe] Biden had certainly spoken on this issue on their recent call. Both sides must have talked about potential responses and consequences … Both sides shall leave some rooms for the preparation of their face-to-face meeting in November.”

    In other words…

    On Saturday, we reported that online flight trackers showed that a plane believed to be carrying Pelosi’s party had landed in Hawaii in the early hours of Saturday and stayed there for 16 hours. The plane then took off at 7pm local time (5am on Sunday GMT) heading towards Asia, about an hour before Pelosi’s statement was released.

    Pelosi said they had a fuel stop in Hawaii where they also had a briefing from US Indo-Pacific Command leadership, as well as a visit to the Pearl Harbor Memorial and the USS Arizona.

    Hu Xijin, the outspoken former state media editor of state-owned tabloid Global Times, posted on Weibo that Pelosi’s latest statement may have been an attempt to “reduce the provocative meaning of her visit to Taiwan”, but “as long as she lands in Taiwan, the Chinese side will not accept it”.  He added: “Now we must not be careless, and must continue to warn her loudly: do not go to Taiwan, there will be serious consequences.”

    Earlier on Saturday, Hu said “it is OK [for the People’s Liberation Army] to shoot down Pelosi’s plane” if it was escorted to Taiwan by US fighter jets. In an earlier post on Twitter, the former head of a tabloid published by the Chinese Communist party’s flagship newspaper group said that China should “punish” Pelosi if she did not cancel her planned visit to Taiwan. “[The] PLA Air Force will surely make her visit a disgrace to herself and to the US,” Hu added.

    “Pelosi is one of the most important national leaders in the US,” said Lu Xiang, a US expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing. “For people in her position, every move comes with consequences. If she visits Taiwan without the consent of China there would be serious consequences, including military consequences.”

    Biden last week said the Pentagon believes it is “not a good idea” for Pelosi to visit Taiwan at the moment.

    In response to the latest developments, the South China Morning Post, Hong Kong’s newspaper of record since British colonial rule and currently controlled by Alibaba published an op-ed slamming Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen, titled “Cowardly silence in Taipei as Pelosi plans trip“, in which the author slams the president writing that “aAt a moment of real danger, by staying quiet and letting Washington decide whether the US House speaker should visit as if the island has no say in the matter, President Tsai Ing-wen is turning Taiwan into America’s 51st state.”

    “For Beijing, it’s sheer provocation. For Washington, it’s showing support to a friend. Of course, both countries have agendas quite at odds with the best interests of the Taiwanese.”

    Still, when all is said and done, we still remain confident that World War 3 will not begin over the itinerary of the most infamous Congressional insider-trader. Still, US Congress is best known for its unfathomable stupidity and hubris, so keep a close eye on the plane’s current flight path which is available below:

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 20:11

  • The Pentagon Owns Its Recruiting Crisis
    The Pentagon Owns Its Recruiting Crisis

    Authored by P. Michael Phillips via The Brownstone Institute,

    Replenishing the military ranks with qualified personnel is a perennial challenge. It’s no secret, though, that this year our armed forces are fighting uphill to recruit and retain talent. 

    Most of the services are well behind their quotas.

    But the Army, our largest service, is having the hardest time enticing young Americans. That service will fall short, nearly 20,000 troops from its original target end strength of 485,000 for FY ’22, and next year could be worse.

    To manage, Army officials have slashed end strength and enlistment goals, while recruiters are offering fat stacks of cash and generous service terms as inducements. 

    So far, nothing is working.

    The Army’s Chief of Staff, General James McConville, blames the shortfall on competition with the private sector. Others blame upwardly mobile families who would rather their children attend college than wear a uniform. 

    Both are old saws. And this year, they ring hollow. 

    Some civilian jobs do pay more. But for an 18-year-old with only a high school diploma, military compensation is nothing to sneeze at. Indeed, recruits most often cite generous pay and benefits as the reason for signing papers. 

    Meanwhile, undergraduate enrollments are down over 600,000 from last year. So, it appears our missing recruits aren’t trading rifles for books, either.

    Instead of blaming their competition, the Pentagon brass might dwell on their tarnished image as the reason fewer young Americans want to join up. 

    Public trust in the military institution has plunged steeply since 2018, according to one poll. Respondents cite politicized leaders, scandals, and the bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan for their loss in confidence. 

    We might add to that list suicidessexual assaultssocial justice indoctrination, and Covid vaccination policies as dulling the shine of military service.

    Of the lot, the Pentagon’s vaccine mandate may prove its deepest self-inflicted wound. 

    While the service chiefs are begging Congress to fund more generous recruiting incentives, they have forcibly discharged thousands of vaccine dissenters – including most of those objecting on religious grounds. A similar fate awaits tens of thousands more of the unjabbed in the National Guard and Reserve. Never mind that our military increasingly relies on these part-time troops for routine mission support. 

    And the Pentagon has doubled down. Submission to the vaccine is now a condition of enlistment, despite evidence the therapy is at best ineffective, and at worst dangerous for younger, healthier people. 

    It’s a policy gravely alienating to the families of Middle America whose children disproportionately serve in our all-volunteer force.

    Before going further, consider that fewer than one quarter of Americans in the prime recruitment age of 17-24 years can meet our military’s physical, moral, or educational entry requirements, and that figure continues to decline. 

    Of those, only about 9% of young Americans have any desire to serve. Perhaps only 1% ever do.

    High standards have produced something of an embarrassment of riches. Our service members are amongst the healthiest, most disciplined, and best educated of their cohort nationally. But to maintain this quality, recruiters have come to count on solidly middle-class families inhabiting our Mid-American towns, suburbs, and rural counties to fill their quotas. 

    Recruiters bank on small-town America because for a variety of reasons our populous cities produce few qualified volunteers. Even the New Yorkers and Californians in the ranks are more likely to hail from upstate or inland counties. In fact, a once-reliable third of all new recruits enter from just five southern states: Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia. 

    The prepossessed term for these rich recruiting grounds is ‘flyover country.’ 

    Instead, we might think of them as communities celebrating life on a smaller and more intimate scale, and where patriotism, faith, family, and public service remain in fashion.

    And yet their young people are not signing up like they used to.

    The belief by some that vaccine mandates are meant to purge conservative Christians from the armed forces may be one reason recruiting offices are empty. After all, young people living in these prime recruitment areas are somewhat more religious and tend to be more conservative in outlook than many Americans. 

    They also are less likely to be vaccinated against Covid.

    A more charitable account, though, is that the brass authored their own Catch-22 in the rush to prove their obedience to President Biden. As such, they have taken a position purported to improve readiness that has done quite the opposite. And now that they’ve become so thoroughly entrenched, they cannot easily retreat. 

    No matter. It should trouble the Pentagon more that their reluctant recruits are most likely military legacies.

    Like many professions, the military is a family business. Roughly 80% of recruits either grew up in a military family or have a close relative who served. General McConville’s own clan is actually something of a poster family in career following, with three children and a son-in-law in uniform. Even the general’s wife once served.

    Career following in military families is nothing new. It’s been going on since our country’s founding. The children of veterans, like those of bankers or physicians, often emulate their parents’ professional ethos early on. For soldiers, this includes a respect for duty and honorable, selfless service. The generational transmission of such virtues has played a critical role not only in reproducing our service cultures, but by extension our national values.

    But it’s also a fragile chain. 

    While research indicates that military children are 5 times more likely to follow a parent into the service, only 1 in 4 do. And their desire to serve drops sharply every year over the age of 18. 

    In short, the Pentagon’s stubborn adherence to its Covid protocol is breaking faith with its once loyal base. And the longer they dig in, the smaller that base will become.

    It’s a high price our nation may pay for unimaginative leadership.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 20:00

  • San Francisco Real Estate Magnate Robbed At Gunpoint, Fears City 'On Path Of Decline We May Never Recover From'
    San Francisco Real Estate Magnate Robbed At Gunpoint, Fears City ‘On Path Of Decline We May Never Recover From’

    The chief executive of the world’s largest industrial landlord was robbed outside his San Francisco mansion last month and called on the mayor to address the “absolutely unacceptable” rise in violent crime in the city. 

    Hamid Moghadam, CEO of San Francisco-based Prologis, told the San Francisco Business Times that several men robbed him at gunpoint outside his home on June 26, taking his Patek Philippe watch. The robbery happened in the Pacific Heights neighborhood where tech investor Peter Thiel, Oracle’s Larry Ellison, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have homes. 

    “I recognize we live in an urban environment, but the level of crime, including violent behavior, has become absolutely unacceptable,” Moghadam wrote in a letter to San Francisco Mayor London Breed, the city’s Board of Supervisors, and Governor Gavin Newsom, demanding them to concentrate efforts on improving public safety. 

    We pay some of the highest taxes, local and state, in the nation, yet we have no sense of security. Protecting public safety should be the government’s top priority — that is the foundation to a successful city,” he said. 

    Moghadam warned: “I am deeply concerned that our city may be so far down the path toward decline that we may never recover — or at least not for a long, long time.”

    He also called Mayor Breed to say if the Bay Area continues stumbling down a path of violent crime, it wouldn’t take much for Prologis or other San Francisco-based companies to leave town

    “I told the mayor very, very directly, ‘Look, I’m sure in the early ’60s, Cleveland and Detroit were wonderful communities with the auto and steel industries going strong, and they were the center of the universe. Obviously, something happened.'” he said.

    “I would say, right this second, San Francisco is probably the most dysfunctional city in America,” he added. “And we have offices in places like Mexico City and Sao Paulo that are dangerous places.”

    It’s unfortunate that Moghadam was a victim of an armed robbery to realize the Bay Area has transformed into a wasteland of surging violent crime thanks to failed progressive leadership. The town may never recover as companies are already exiting. We noted a few months ago: 

    The streets are dirty. Homeless encampments, trash, and excrement can be found all over. Car break-ins are so frequent that it has basically become a non-government-imposed tax for people who come here. Of course, some areas are much worse than others, but almost all areas of the city suffer from this decay, and it is appalling.

    In June, we wrote how the city’s Tenderloin district had become a criminal playground. 

    Companies like Walgreens have had enough of crime and closed dozens of stores around the metro area. Salesforce is one of the largest companies to reduce exposure to the city by subleasing 40% of the building at 50 Fremont St.

    There is some good news: Chesa Boudin, former San Francisco’s chief prosecutor, backed by leftwing billionaire George Soros, has been booted from office in a recall vote following his leadership that helped turn the metro area into a dangerous place. 

    But the damage has been done, and it wouldn’t shock us if Moghadam pulls a Ken Griffin-style exit (read here) for another state that is business-friendly and has law and order. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 19:30

  • Harvard Study: J6 Rioters Were Motivated By Loyalty To Trump, Not QAnon-Belief Or Insurrection Against The Constitution
    Harvard Study: J6 Rioters Were Motivated By Loyalty To Trump, Not QAnon-Belief Or Insurrection Against The Constitution

    Authored by Jonathan Turley,

    According to The Crimson, Harvard has completed what it calls the most comprehensive study of the motivations of those involved in the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot.

    Many will not be surprised to learn that most participated out of loyalty to former President Donald Trump.

    However, the study also found that only eight percent harbored “a desire to start a civil war.”

    That is inconsistent with the virtual mantra out of the J6 Committee and many in Congress that this was an insurrection rather than a riot.

    Some of us (including many in the public) have previously questioned that characterization. Yet, it reflects the relatively small number of seditious conspiracy charges brought by the Justice Department.

    The study found that a plurality of the 417 federally charged defendants were motivated by the “lies about election fraud and enthusiasm for his re-election.” It concluded that “[t]he documents show that Trump and his allies convinced an unquantifiable number of Americans that representative democracy in the United States was not only in decline, but in imminent, existential danger.”

    The study also found that belief in QAnon “was one of the [defendants’] lesser motives.”

    The study was hardly pro-Trump and one author even expressed surprise with the results since conspiracy theories “were so prominently displayed in much of the [riot’s] visual imagery.”

    Once again, none of this exonerates or excuses those who rioted on January 6th or those who fueled the riot. However, the use of “insurrection” by the politicians, pundits, and the press is not an accurate characterization of the motivation of most of the people who went to the Capitol on that day. It was clear that this was a protest that became a riot.

    There is no question that there were people who came prepared for such a riot, including some who are extremists who likely would have welcomed a civil war.

    Yet, the vast majority of people on that day were clearly present to protest the certification and wanted Republicans to join those planning to challenge the election.

    One of the key reasons for the resulting damage was the collapse of security at the Hill. The J6 Committee steadfastly refused to address the myriad of questions of why the Congress was not better prepared despite the obvious dangers of a riot (including warnings before January 6th).

    The scenes of that day are seared in the memory of many of us. I publicly condemned Trump’s speech while it was being given and I called for a bipartisan vote of censure over his responsibility in the riots.

    However, there has been an unrelenting effort to make “insurrection” a litmus test for anyone speaking about January 6th. If one does not use that term (and, worse yet, expresses doubts about its accuracy), you run the risk of immediate condemnation as someone excusing or supporting insurrection. This framing also reduces the need to address the question of how this riot was allowed to spiral out of control.

    It is possible to express revulsion about what happened on Jan. 6th without claiming that this was an insurrection and attempt to overthrow the nation.

    This was a collective tragedy for the entire nation, a desecration of our constitutional process.

    The effort to mandate “insurrection” as the only acceptable description prevents the country from speaking with a unified voice. It clearly serves political purposes but only makes a national resolution more difficult as we approach a new presidential election.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 19:00

  • All Eyes On 'Silent' Sinema After Dems Bag Manchin
    All Eyes On ‘Silent’ Sinema After Dems Bag Manchin

    Now that the Democrats have gotten Joe Manchin (D-WV) to bend the knee on a reconciliation package called the “Inflation Reduction Act” – which doesn’t actually reduce inflation to any meaningful degree, all eyes are on Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), whose vote will be crucial to passing the bill in the Senate.

    Thus far, she’s been silent regarding her position on the bill after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) kept her in the dark as he worked out a secret deal with Manchin in isolation, which according to Mish Talk, “was a purposeful gamble and perhaps a bad one.”

    On Sunday, Machin made the rounds on the political talk circuit where he defended the reconciliation package – claiming it would halt price increases, which Bloomberg notes, comes “despite a study by the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School showing it would have little impact or could increase inflation slightly in the near term.”

    Democrats are seeking to pass the bill this week in the Senate and in the House next week. Doing so would require all 50 members of the Senate Democratic caucus to vote yes on the bill and defeat a slew of Republican attempts to amend it. It would also require all 50 to remain Covid-free and able to endure a long vote series. 

    Sinema’s office has said the Arizona Democrat won’t make her position known until later in the week at the earliest, after the top Senate rules official has scrubbed the bill of any non-budgetary items. -Bloomberg

    “I respectfully disagree with the people from Penn Wharton,” Manchin said on CNN, claiming that the study doesn’t properly credit the effects of $300 billion in lower budget deficits in the bill, the report continues.

    Meanwhile, the West Virginia Senator said Sinema has nothing to complain about.

    She has so much in this legislation,” Manchin told CNN regarding Sinema, adding that the tax changes in the bill don’t amount to tax rate increases, which Sinema staunchly opposed during previous negotiations, citing the economy.

    The bill would slap large corporations with a 15% minimum tax, as well as make changes to how carried interest is taxed – which will hit hedge fund managers at their individual rates. The bill will also beef up IRS tax audits by increasing the agency’s head count.

    “I agree with her 100% in that we are not going to raise taxes and we won’t,” said Manchin.

    All of that said, Sinema may want to change the Schumer-Manchin deal, according to Axios.

    Sinema has leverage and she knows it. Any potential modification to the Democrat’s climate and deficit reduction package — like knocking out the $14 billion provision on carried interest — could cause the fragile deal to collapse.

    • Her posture is causing something between angst and fear in the Democratic caucus as senators wait for her to render a verdict on the secret deal announced by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin last Thursday.

    Sinema has given no assurances to colleagues that she’ll vote along party lines in the so-called “vote-a-rama” for the $740 billion bill next week, according to people familiar with the matter.

    • The vote-a-rama process allows lawmakers to offer an unlimited number of amendments, as long as they are ruled germane by the Senate parliamentarian. Senators — and reporters — expect a late night.

    The big picture: Schumer made a calculated decision to negotiate a package with Manchin in secrecy. He assumed that all of his other members, including Sinema, would fall into line and support the deal.

    According to Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari, the bill “may have some effect” in the long run.

    “My guess is over the next couple of years, it’s not going to have much of an impact on inflation,” he told CBS‘s “Face the Nation,” adding that there’s “an acute mismatch between demand and supply” that the Federal Reserve can resolve by reducing demand.

    As Mish Talk notes further, there are four ways the bill could die.

    • The Senate parliamentarian can rule against permit reform. That would likely kill everything right there. 
    • The Republican poison pill kill method could work, but I suspect there are ways for that to backfire as well.
    • Sinema can easily kill this bill herself, but I suspect she would rather have Manchin on board or hopes Manchin kills it himself after an adverse parliamentarian ruling.
    • Poison pills aside, many specifics are still missing. How is this Medicare cost reduction idea going to work? Bickering over missing details could kill this.

    Saga Continues

    If the bill dies, the most likely way is via the Senate parliamentarian. Joe Manchin can then say he tried, and Sinema might escape without having to take an actual position. 

    The saga continues. 

    I will not be surprised by any outcome including an even bigger boondoggle that is currently on the table.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 18:30

  • Chinese Stocks Underperform S&P 500 Most Since 2016
    Chinese Stocks Underperform S&P 500 Most Since 2016

    By George Lei, Bloomberg Markets Live commentator and analyst

    Three things we learned last week:

    1. Optimism toward China’s growth recovery got a reality check last week, when the Politburo meeting made two things clear: the Covid Zero policy is here to stay and large stimulus is unlikely. On Sunday, a report showed China’s factory activity unexpectedly contracted in July. The benchmark CSI 300 index retreated for a fourth week and tumbled 7% in July, its biggest monthly loss since March. It trailed the S&P 500 by 16 percentage points, giving up all of its outperformance in June when reopening euphoria swept the markets. Foreign investors sold 21 billion yuan ($3 billion) worth of stocks via the stock connect programs during the month, the most since March.

    In addition to the Covid policies, the real-estate market remains a source of tension. Reports of several rescue proposals — including to seize undeveloped land from distressed real estate-companies and to provide loans to support stalled property projects — have floated around. Details may differ, but the underlying theme for all these plans is the same: saving unfinished projects to protect homeowners, instead of developers. Struggling developers such as Evergrande are left hanging.

    2. To be, or not to be (in Taiwan), that is the question. US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi left for her Asia trip on Friday. Whether she’ll land in Taipei remains a mystery, even as her itinerary skipped any mention of a possible stopover in Taiwan. The talk between President Xi and Biden centered on Taiwan, but neither side described the discussion as “constructive.” One thing is crystal clear: Taiwanese stocks rose on the week and month, handily beating peers in Hong Kong and China. Investors appear to have largely dismissed the simmering geopolitical tension.

    3. While bad news is bad news for markets in China, it apparently is good news for US investors. The US economy contracted for a second quarter. Whether it’s truly a recession or not, growth clearly has lost momentum. The Fed signaled it could slow down the pace of tightening after it delivered another 75bp rate hike to put the benchmark rate at 2.5%. It’s hardly as pivotal as some market observers claimed, because the markets’ pricing of the Fed’s policy rates for the remaining of the year barely changed, and is in line with what’s prescribed on the Fed’s dot plot. With financial conditions easing, the risk now is that inflation doesn’t come down as quickly as markets expect.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 18:00

  • US Frack Growth Constrained In "Perfect Storm"
    US Frack Growth Constrained In “Perfect Storm”

    Last week, Halliburton Co.’s CEO Jeff Miller warned hydraulic fracturing equipment is in short supply and could hamper fracking growth. Another oil/gas executive echoed the same warning this week and said bottlenecks could persist through 2023. 

    “Availability of frac fleets is one of main bottlenecks impeding oil and natural as production growth for the next 18 months,” Robert Drummond, chief executive officer of fracking firm NexTier Oilfield Solutions, told Reuters

    Besides supply chain snarls, Drummond warned that capital constraints would make adding equipment to fields challenging. He said this imbalance could take several years to correct, adding that NexTier has no plans to expand fracking capacity this year. 

    This development is another setback for the Biden administration’s efforts to increase US oil production to ease the worst inflation in forty years ahead of the midterm elections in November. 

    US crude production is around 11.6 million barrels per day, below the pre-pandemic 12.3 million bpd in 2019, the latest data from the Energy Information Administration show. 

    Matt Hagerty, a senior analyst at BTU Analytics, pointed out that “frac crew bottlenecks” are a “significant headwind for US producers headed into 2023.” He said frac sand and labor shortages, elevated inflation, and limited frac fleets are a “perfect storm.” 

    Halliburton’s Miller said oil companies didn’t have enough fracking equipment for newly leased wells. He said diesel-powered and electric equipment are in short supply, “making it almost impossible to add incremental capacity this year.” 

    similar message was conveyed by Exxon Mobil, whose CEO said that global oil markets might remain tight for three to five years primarily because of a lack of investment since the pandemic began.

    Exxon CEO Darren Woods said it’ll take time for oil firms to “catch up” on the investments needed to ensure enough supply.

    In response to shale’s dismal ramp-up in production, the Biden administration has panic sold millions and millions of barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which has been drained by 125 million barrels so far in 2022 — all in hopes of lowering gasoline prices at the pump ahead of the midterm elections in November.

    The good news is the recession, and high inflation appears to have sparked the weakest gasoline demand since 2013. 

    The Shale patch has a structural bottleneck that won’t be resolved this year. Blame years of divestment and decarbonization for the mess. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 17:30

  • Rivian Laying Off Approximately 840 Employees
    Rivian Laying Off Approximately 840 Employees

    By John Gallagher of FreightWaves

    Electric vehicle startup Rivian is laying off 6% of its 14,000-employee workforce, or roughly 840 positions, according to reports.

    “This decision will help align our workforce to our key business priorities, including ramping up the consumer and commercial vehicle programs, accelerating the development of R2 and other future models, deploying our go-to-market programs and optimizing spend across the business,” according to news organizations citing a company statement.

    “We’re deeply grateful for each departing team member’s contribution in helping build Rivian into what it is today. They will always be part of the Rivian story and community.”

    Rivian did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    The cost-cutting move is aimed at ensuring the company can continue to grow its manufacturing operations without raising additional funds, according to Rivian CEO Robert Scaringe, in an email to the Wall Street Journal. It reported that the company’s sole manufacturing plant in Normal, Illinois, will not be affected by the layoffs.

    “Over the last six months, the world has dramatically changed with inflation reaching record highs, interest rates rapidly rising and commodity prices continuing to climb — all of which have contributed to the global capital markets tightening,” Scaringe wrote.

    Rivian’s stock has steadily lost ground since its first day of trading in November. On Friday, Rivian closed at $34.30 a share, down more than 80% from its high on Nov. 16 of $179.47.

    Amazon, Rivian’s largest customer and backer, lost $11.5 billion on its Rivian stock investment over the first six months of 2022. That includes $3.9 billion lost on the investment in the second quarter, recorded as a non-operating expense.

    The cuts at Rivian follow reports of Xos Trucks cutting 8% of its workforce and layoffs at Canoo, as competition intensifies in the EV market amid signs of a looming recession.

    Amazon has started deliveries with Rivian electric delivery vehicles (EDVs), a rollout that “is the start of what Amazon plans to be thousands of EDVs in more than 100 cities by the end of 2022 — and 100,000 EDVs across the U.S. by 2030,” Amazon stated in its second-quarter results.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 17:00

  • Teen Who Assaulted Cop In Harlem Subway Station Released Without Bail And Remanded To Family Court
    Teen Who Assaulted Cop In Harlem Subway Station Released Without Bail And Remanded To Family Court

    It’ll probably come as zero surprise at this point, but New York City’s DA has decided to take it easy on a 16 year old that was caught on film last week attacking and assaulting a police officer.

    The juvenile was stopped by the officer after he hopped a subway turnstile. The altercation then turned physical, with the youth engaging in a prolonged physical altercation with the officer before finally being controlled. 

    And of course, New York City prosecutor Alvin Bragg is defending his office’s decision to release the youth – who has three felony arrests in less than four months – and try his case in family court instead of Manhattan Criminal Court, according to Fox News.

    In family court, the youth will face rehabilitation instead of jailtime – and the DA’s office will no longer have any jurisdiction over the crime. 

    As Fox notes, this is all despite the fact that the teen had just been arrested and released without bail for allegedly beating and robbing a stranger near Madison Avenue on June 21. 

    “Our system must respond to children as children,” a  representative from Bragg’s office said. 

    Photo: Fox News

    They continued: “Violence against our police officers is unacceptable, and given his age at the time of arrest, we consented to send the second case to family court as soon as possible, where he would receive the age-appropriate interventions and supports he needs while being held accountable.”

    And even better, the DA said they weren’t aware of another arrest on April 12 for possessing a .40 caliber handgun and crossbow in Brooklyn that the teen faced. 

    While 16-and 17-year-olds charged with misdemeanors and many nonviolent felonies are automatically remanded to family court under the city’s “criminal justice reforms”, the DA still has the option of exercising discretion and keeping a case in criminal court for any type of extraordinary circumstances.

    Apparently, assaulting a cop is no longer “extraordinary” in New York – a sad commentary on the state of the city’s criminal justice system, and its DA. 

    “The DA clearly knew that they were prosecuting the same offender for a violent robbery,” he said. “If that is not an extraordinary circumstance, what is?  If violence against police officers is unacceptable, why ignore the violent robbery arrest. This isn’t accountability. This is lunacy,” criminal defense lawyer Mark Bederow concluded. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 16:30

  • Trump Slams DC Mayor Requesting Deployment Of National Guard Over Influx Of Illegal Immigrants
    Trump Slams DC Mayor Requesting Deployment Of National Guard Over Influx Of Illegal Immigrants

    By Frank Fang of The Epoch Times

    Former President Donald Trump chided Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser after she requested that the National Guard be mobilized to deal with the influx of illegal immigrants being transported from southern states.

    “The Mayor of Washington, D.C., wants the National Guard to help with the thousands of Illegal Immigrants, coming from the insane Open Border, that are flooding the City, but refused National Guard help when it came to providing Security at the Capitol Building for a far larger crowd on January 6th,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social account on July 29.

    “Figure that one out?” Trump asked.

    Bowser’s government has sent two separate letters to the White House and the Pentagon seeking federal help, describing the situation at the nation’s capital as a “humanitarian crisis.” In one of the letters, Bowser added that the arriving immigrants had brought her city to a “tipping point.”

    Bowser, a Democrat, blamed Arizona and Texas in the other letter, saying the migrant crisis is “cruel political gamesmanship from the Governors of Texas and Arizona.”

    The D.C. mayor has also claimed that immigrants are “being tricked” into opting to take buses to the nation’s capital.

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, both Republicans, announced transportation programs to send illegal immigrants on free rides to Washington, D.C., following President Joe Biden’s decision to lift a pandemic-era immigration policy to expel illegal aliens. The first bus carrying immigrants from Texas arrived in D.C. in April, with Arizona sending its first bus in May.

    Since then, Washington has received some 6,100 immigrants on 155 buses, Stars and Stripes reported on July 28, citing data from Abbott’s office.

    Responding to Bowser’s request for the National Guard, Abbott wrote on Twitter that the problem that D.C. is experiencing is small compared to what Texas has been dealing with.

    “D.C. is experiencing a fraction of the disastrous impact the border crisis has caused Texas,” Abbot stated. “Mayor Bowser should stop attacking Texas for securing the border & demand Joe Biden do his job.”

    Two GOP lawmakers also suggested that Bowser should take up her troubles with Biden.

    “Mayor Bowser now understands what it feels like to be a border state. How do you think folks in Texas feel?” Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas) wrote in a post.

    Weber added, “She should knock on Biden’s door and tell him that there is a crisis at our southern border and every state is a border state.”

    “Mayor Bowser should call the White House instead and tell them to secure the southern border,” Rep. Fred Keller (R-Pa.) wrote on Twitter.

    Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser attends March for Our Lives 2022 in Washington on June 11, 2022

    On July 29, Abbott’s office released a press release detailing what it had accomplished with the state’s Operation Lone Star, a program launched in March 2021 to prevent criminal activity along the border, including drug smuggling and human trafficking.

    continue reading at Epoch Times

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/31/2022 – 16:00

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Today’s News 31st July 2022

  • They Can't Let Him Back In
    They Can’t Let Him Back In

    Authored by Michael Anton via,

    The people who really run the United States of America have made it clear that they can’t, and won’t, if they can help it, allow Donald Trump to be president again. In fact, they made this clear in 2020, in a series of public statements. Simply for quoting their words in an essay for The American Mind, I was mercilessly mocked and attacked. But they were quite clear. Trump won’t be president at noon, Jan. 20, 2021, even if we have to use the military to drag him out of there.

    If the regime felt that strongly back then, imagine how they feel now. But you don’t have to imagine. They tell you every day. Liz Cheney, Trump’s personal Javert, has said that the 45th president is literally the greatest threat facing America today – greater than China, than our crashing economy, than our unraveling civil society.

    That’s rhetoric, of course, but it isn’t merely that. It’s safer, and generally more accurate, to assume that your adversaries mean what they say.

    If you doubt this, ask yourself: When was the last time they acted more moderately than they talk?

    Even if it is just rhetoric, the words nonetheless portend turbulence. “He who says A must say B.” The logic of statement A inevitably leads to action B, even if the speaker of A didn’t really mean it, or did mean it, but still didn’t want B. Her followers won’t get the irony and, enthused by A, will insist on B.

    Take some time to listen to the mainstream media. It doesn’t have to be long; five minutes should do. Then spend another five or so reading the statements of prominent politicians other than Trump. To round it out, sacrifice another five on leading intellectuals. It should become abundantly clear: They all have said A and so must say—and do—B.

    And B is that Trump absolutely must not be allowed to take office on Jan. 20, 2025.

    Why? They say Jan. 6. But their determination began much earlier.

    And just what is so terrible about Trump anyway? I get many of his critics’ points, I really do. I hear them all the time from my mother. But even if we were to stipulate them all, do Trump’s faults really warrant tearing the country apart by shutting out half of it from the political process?

    Love him or hate him, during Trump’s presidency, the economy was strong, markets were up, inflation was under control, gas prices were low, illegal border crossings were down, crime was lower, trade deals were renegotiated, ISIS was defeated, NATO allies were stepping up, and China was stepping back (a little). Deny all that if you want to. The point here is that something like 100 million Americans believe it, strongly, and are bewildered and angered by elite hatred for the man they think delivered it.

    Nor was Trump’s record all that radical—much less so than that of Joe Biden, who is using school-lunch funding to push gender ideology on poor kids, to cite but one example. Trump’s core agenda—border protection, trade balance, foreign restraint—was quite moderate, both intrinsically and in comparison to past Republican and Democratic precedent. And that’s before we even get to the fact that Trump neglected much of his own agenda in favor of the old Chamber of Commerce, fusionist, Reaganite, Conservatism, Inc., agenda. Corporate tax cuts, deregulation, and bombing Syria: These are all things Trump’s base doesn’t want, but the oligarchs desperately do, which Trump gave them. And still they try to destroy him.

    Again, why? I think it’s because, while Trump’s core MAGA agenda is decidedly not outside the historic bipartisan mainstream, it is well outside the present regime’s core interests. Our rulers’ wealth and power rise with open borders, trade giveaways, and endless war. Trump, at least in principle, and often in practice, threatens all three. The old America—the one in which Republicans cared about the heartland and weren’t solely valets to corporate power, Democrats were pro-worker and anti-war, and Bill Clinton and The New York Times could advocate border security—is in the process of being replaced, if it hasn’t already been, by one in which there is only one acceptable opinion on not just these, but all other issues.

    Anti-Trump hysteria is in the final analysis not about Trump. The regime can’t allow Trump to be president not because of who he is (although that grates), but because of who his followers are. That class—Angelo Codevilla’s “country class”—must not be allowed representation by candidates who might implement their preferences, which also, and above all, must not be allowed. The rubes have no legitimate standing to affect the outcome of any political process, because of who they are, but mostly because of what they want.

    Complaints about the nature of Trump are just proxies for objections to the nature of his base. It doesn’t help stabilize our already twitchy situation that those who bleat the loudest about democracy are also audibly and visibly determined to deny a real choice to half the country. “No matter how you vote, you will not get X”—whether X is a candidate or a policy—is guaranteed to increase discontent with the present regime.

    People I have known for 30 years, many of whom still claim the label “conservative,” will no longer speak to me—because I supported Trump, yes, but also because I disagree on trade, war, and the border. They call not just my positions, but me personally, unadulterated evil. I am not an isolated case. There are, as they say, “many such cases.” How are we supposed to have “democracy” when the policies and candidates my side wants and votes for are anathema and can’t be allowed? How are we supposed to live together with the constant demonization from one side against the other blaring 24/7 from the ruling class’s every propaganda organ? Why would we want to?

    More to the point: How are we supposed to get through the next two and a half years? The regime would prefer to get its way via the path of least resistance. The ideal situation, at least for those of a less punitive cast of mind who would be satisfied seeing Trump gone but not necessarily in jail, would be for Trump to just walk away. But how likely is that? He doesn’t, to say the least, seem primed for a graceful exit in which he passes the baton to Ron DeSantis (or whomever). Even if he did, how many in his base would convince themselves that the fix was somehow in? “They threatened his children,” etc. That kind of thinking leads not to demoralization but to outrage. That might be irrational, but this isn’t a math competition; it’s politics in a hyper-partisan, supercharged time.

    Since the long goodbye has about as much chance as Kamala Harris completing a sentence without cackling,

    Plan A is to use the Jan. 6 show trials to make it impossible for Trump to run again, or barring that, to win again.

    But that isn’t working; at least, not well enough.

    They may have dented Trump a little in opinion polling, but not nearly enough to prevent him from getting the GOP nomination. Perhaps they still can; I doubt it, but who knows? But more likely, even if they do further damage, Trump will have plenty of time to get his numbers back up.

    And the ruling class will surely help him in that endeavor by being ever-more radical, hateful, and incompetent. They have shown time and again that there is no moderation in them. They can’t let up even a single mile per hour, not even when easing back is in their clear interest. Whether they are driven by the demands of their base, their own internal conviction, or some supernatural force, I couldn’t say.

    Plan B is for the Jan. 6 committee to lay the groundwork for an indictment of Trump.

    The Justice Department is already leaking that “seditious conspiracy” might be the charge.

    Now, I personally believe that such a charge would be ludicrous. Seditious conspiracy, when it is charged at all, which it rarely was before Jan. 6, is typically reserved for the likes of Omar “Blind Sheikh” Abdel-Rahman, who tried to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993. And they are going to try it against a former president, for phone calls and texts ambiguously connected to a protest in which many walked through doors held open by Capitol Police, minimal property damage occurred, the only people who died were unarmed protesters, and which may have been a setup, or at least egged-on, by the feds.

    I am under no illusion that I’m going to convince regime apparatchiks of any of this. However, if any are reading, I would ask them the following. I know you think it’s perfectly obvious that “Trump Is Guilty!” and that anyone who doesn’t agree is not merely insane, but A Danger to the Republic. But just as I know I can’t convince you, I also know that you can’t convince 100 million Trump supporters. Do you realize that, too? Do you consider it a feature, not a bug?

    Moreover, if the regime goes forward with this, it’s going to try him in the District of Columbia’s 77 percent Democratic and 92 percent virulently anti-Trump jury pool, which lately has been acquitting obvious Democratic miscreants and convicting Republicans on silly charges that never used to have been brought in the first place.

    It’s just a fact—perhaps, to many, a baleful fact—but nevertheless a fact that somewhere between a third and half the country is going to find this totally illegitimate and be outraged by it.

    I know what some of our masters are thinking because they are already saying it: Justice must be done, come what may. We must stand on principle, consequences be damned. This sounds noble in the abstract.

    Is it? I suspect some of them are thinking: 

    This is win-win for us. If we convict him, or damage him enough that he can’t run, and there isn’t a huge backlash, then mission accomplished. Or if there is, well, those people were already, or soon-to-be, insurrectionists and so we will be justified in unleashing the security state against them. Indeed, there are benefits to flushing them out now, before they are fully organized for the “Second Civil War” we know the insurrectionists are already plotting.

    At any rate, a conviction would all but ensure a Senate vote under Article I, Section 3, making Trump constitutionally ineligible to run (at least half the Republicans would sign on).

    But what if, somehow, Trump is acquitted or gets his case tossed out?

    Then I think you will see the same indignant reaction, but from the other side. Suddenly it will be Blue America declaring all our institutions, and especially the courts, illegitimate. You might even see some attempts at blue secession, e.g., “Calexit.”

    Plan C, if none of this works, is to have Trump declared ineligible under the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment.

    This is riskier than Plan B. If they couldn’t get a Senate vote in favor (and, absent a conviction, I don’t think they could), it would come down to a mere court opinion.

    If you think Trump’s base will howl over a conviction in a DC kangaroo court, wait until you see their reaction to some Democratic-appointed appeals judge saying Trump can’t run. Even if the regime got the Supreme Court to uphold that 9-0 (and they won’t), Trump’s base won’t accept it.

    Plan D—just beat him at the ballot box—is also risky. The country is in desperate shape. Biden is enormously unpopular. Harris is spectacularly unpopular. Getting rid of one of them will be hard. Getting rid of both? The first black, South-Asian, and female vice president and heir apparent? Does anyone think the race-and-sex-obsessed Democratic base of 2024 is going to tolerate that?

    And then who do they replace them with? Gavin Newsom? A ciswhite male? Even if they can get past that non-trivial problem, which they can’t, Newsom has no appeal outside deep-blue America. I’m not saying he would certainly lose, but it’s dicey as hell, especially with a demoralized base and the very strong likelihood that the state he governs will be deep in recession by election time.

    Plan E is to cheat. I know what you are thinking. But I’m not talking about Dominion voting machines. I mean the kind of “pre-cheating” that the regime boasts about as “election fortification”: change the rules in advance in ways that favor Democrats and hurt Republicans, especially in swing states. There is no question that they will do this. Why wouldn’t they? It worked last time, and the more overt cheating they can avoid, the better.

    They are already using the federal government to thumb the scale in favor of Democrats. Biden’s Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting,” requires “every federal agency to submit a plan to register voters and encourage voter participation. It also required agencies to form strategies to invite nongovernmental third parties to register voters.” That is to say, a federal takeover of state elections by the Biden administration. This is a replay, with federal power, of the $400 million in “Zuckerbucks”—money donated by the tech-oligarch founder of Facebook—that pre-rigged the last election, but this time with taxpayer dollars, a White House aide (Susan Rice) coordinating, and cabinet agencies like Housing and Urban Development implementing, in conjunction with leftwing NGOs. That combination will be hard to beat.

    But suppose it is. There is always cheating-cheating. If you believed that Trump presents an unprecedented threat to the republic, would you really object to a few boxes of extra ballots falling off trucks near vote-counting headquarters in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta? When the Survival of Our Democracy Is on the Line?

    One has to tip one’s hat to the rhetorical disadvantage they have imposed on us. All questioning of any election they win is denounced as paranoid, unpatriotic, “racist,” and a threat to the integrity of the process. (Never mind that they always do it when the right wins; see, for instance, 2000, 2004, and 2016.) The questionable practices such as late-night ballot dumps that lead to our questions are never explained, much less ended. They get to engage in shenanigans that make elections look fishy; we get blamed for saying they look fishy. When we point out that, hey, something looks off there, the response is invariably: How dare you sow doubt about the election! You are undermining confidence in Our Democracy™. Not their shenanigans, but our doubts undermine confidence.

    But there is reason to wonder if they can get away with it next time. Whatever happened in 2020, a supermajority of Republicans doesn’t believe that the election was on the level. The regime is extremely worried about this, which is why the propaganda on it is so intense. They know that to pull off a win in 2024, and have it accepted by the 2020 doubters, the next election is at least going to have to look a lot cleaner than the last. Making it look cleaner is hard to do without actually making it cleaner. The downside to that, though, is obvious.

    So the choice before them is: Do what(ever) they did last time—and more so, if necessary—and risk an even bigger reaction, or take their chances that they can win a fair fight. (The latter assumes that they have complete control of their minions who run elections at the local level.) But to repeat a point: Perhaps they consider the reaction a feature, not a bug?

    Which leaves Plan F, which they have already sketched in broad outlines. I don’t know exactly what form it will take, but they have made clear that “under no circumstance” can Trump be allowed to take office again. Among the “circumstances” covered by the word “no” would seem to be an Electoral College majority, or a tie followed by a House vote in Trump’s favor.

    What happens then? Well, in the words of the “Transition Integrity Project,” a Soros-network-linked collection of regime hacks who in 2020 gamed out their strategy for preventing a Trump second term, the contest would become “a street fight, not a legal battle.”

    Again, their words, not mine.

    But allow me to translate: The 2020 summer riots, but orders of magnitude larger, not to be called off until their people are secure in the White House.

    On Sept. 20, 1911, the RMS Olympic—sistership of the ill-fated Titanic—collided with the Royal Navy cruiser HMS Hawke, despite both vessels traveling at low speeds, in visual contact with one another for 80 minutes. “It was,” writes maritime historian John Maxtone-Graham, “one of those incredible convergences, in full daylight on a calm sea within sight of land, where two normally operated vessels steamed blithely to a point of impact as though mesmerized.”

    Our sea isn’t calm, nor are our vessels normally operated. But we do seem headed for a point of impact, with the field of vision before us as clear as it was on that day.

    And the regime isn’t changing course. It must want this—or else is so high on its own supply that it can’t see what it is doing.

    Rest assured, if what I fear might happen, happens, we will be blamed for it.

    And the fire next time will make their reaction to Jan. 6 look like a marshmallow roast. I don’t know which possibility is scarier: that they haven’t thought any of this through, or that they have.

    *  *  *

    Michael Anton, a former National Security Council staffer in the Trump White House, is a lecturer in politics at Hillsdale College’s Washington, DC, campus.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 23:30

  • These Are The World's Top 10 Restaurants In 2022
    These Are The World’s Top 10 Restaurants In 2022

    This year’s edition of ‘The World’s 50 Best Restaurants‘ by publishing group William Reed Business Media has just been released.

    As Statista’s Anna Fleck notes, the ranking is one of the most highly anticipated events of the culinary calendar.

    The so-called “Oscars of gastronomy” have named the Danish restaurant Geranium as the top restaurant in the world, followed by Central in Peru’s Lima and Disfrutar in Barcelona, Spain.

    The top ten roundup includes three Spanish and four Latin American venues.

    Founded in 2007 in Copenhagen, Geranium has quickly climbed to the top of the 50 best restaurants list, moving from 49th place in 2012 to second place last year. Geranium specializes in meat-free dishes and was the first restaurant in Denmark to obtain three Michelin stars.

    The highest ranked US restaurant was ground-breaking Korean eatery Atomix in New York City, which placed 33rd on the list.

    The World’s 50 Best Restaurants was first launched 20 years ago by the British magazine Restaurant Magazine, as an alternative to the Michelin stars system. The ranking has faced criticism in recent years for elitism, with claims of jurors favoring restaurant owners they know, and for restaurants only in Europe or North America having won the top places.


    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 23:00

  • Is Pro-Life Now Hate Speech?
    Is Pro-Life Now Hate Speech?

    Authored by Jonathan Turley,

    Below is my column in The Hill on a shift in the rhetoric in the aftermath of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. From politicians to pundits, pro-life positions are being treated as virtual hate speech.

    The demonization of those with pro-life views is meant to cut off any debate on the basis or scope of abortion rights. It is the latest attack on free speech as critics seek to silence those with opposing views.

    Here is the column:

    With the Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade, it is no longer enough to be pro-choice. Indeed, the term “pro-choice” has been declared harmful by the now ironically named “Pro-Choice Caucus.” Today, it seems you must be anti-pro-life to be truly pro-choice — and, across the country, pro-life viewpoints are being declared virtual hate speech.

    We have seen this pattern before.

    With the rise of the racial justice movement on campuses across the country in 2020, a mantra emerged that it was no longer enough to not be a racist, you must be anti-racist. As National Public Radio’s media critic explained, “you’ve got to be continually working towards equality for all races, striving to undo racism in your mind, your personal environment and the wider world.”

    Similarly, after the court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, it seems, you must be anti-pro-life and stop others from voicing their views.

    On Sunday, almost half of the University of Michigan’s incoming medical school class walked out of a “White Coat Ceremony” to protest keynote speaker Dr. Kristin Collier. Collier was not planning to discuss abortion, but — because she holds pro-life views — students launched an unsuccessful campaign to block her from speaking.

    The cancel-campaign petition had the usual nod to free speech before calling for it to be gutted. According to the Michigan Daily, the petition — signed by hundreds of incoming, current and past students — declared that “while we support the rights of freedom of speech and religion, an anti-choice speaker as a representative of the University of Michigan undermines the University’s position on abortion and supports the non-universal, theology-rooted platform to restrict abortion access, an essential part of medical care.” In other words: We support a diversity of viewpoints so long as we don’t have to hear any opposing views.

    Ironically, until four years ago, Collier was “a pro-choice atheist” who admitted that she had “great animosity towards those who held either pro-life views or deeply held religious commitments.” When she held those views, she was a celebrated professor with a long line of publications in peer-reviewed journals. She then had a conversion on the issue after speaking with a senior faculty colleague, Dr. William Chavey, a professor of family medicine who was pro-life — and she quickly became persona non grata.

    She is not alone at the university.

    A week earlier, a campaign was launched to fire football head coach Jim Harbaugh after he declared, “I believe in having the courage to let the unborn be born.”

    Harbaugh is accustomed to penalty calls for unnecessary roughness on the field, but nothing likely prepared him for what came next. While he is widely known to be a devout Catholic, his public statement of his values was considered an outrage by some and made his continuation as coach unacceptable to them, even though he just signed a five-year, $36.7 million contract.

    In addition to calls for his termination, Harbaugh was accused of being “full of deep seething hatred of women” and “publicly expressing his distaste for women’s rights.” The liberal Palmer Report posted (with thousands of “likes”) that “no one who actively attempts to deny women their most basic rights should ever be allowed to hold a position of influence at a public university … He’s a public employee. Fire his ass.”

    Actually, being a public employee is one reason Harbaugh was not fired. As a public university, Michigan is subject to the full weight of the First Amendment.

    Many others are not protected like Harbaugh, however. Some pro-life workers face long, hard fights against companies eager to satisfy pro-choose advocates. In 2017, Charlene Carter, a former Southwest Airlines flight attendant, was fired for posting criticism of the Transportation Workers Union of America (TWU) and its president, Audrey Stone, for their pro-choice positions. Southwest allegedly told Carter that Stone and the union contacted the company and cited her comments as threatening or harassing; Southwest then fired her. Five years later, this month, she was awarded more than $5 million for her wrongful termination.

    There is an obvious effort to portray pro-life views as inherently threatening, making most any countermeasures justified. Recently, some pro-life centers and churches have been attacked. Even some crisis pregnancy centers, offering support to pregnant women and alternatives to abortion, have been denounced as a threat to women. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has declared that “crisis pregnancy centers … are there to fool people who are looking for pregnancy termination help. … We need to shut them down here in Massachusetts, and we need to shut them down all around the country. You should not be able to torture a pregnant person like that.”

    Sen. Warren, Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) and other Democrats in Congress have sponsored a bill that would shut such centers and hit charities with fines of $100,000 or “50 percent of the revenues earned by the ultimate parent entity” for violating the act’s “prohibition on disinformation” related to abortion.

    Similar crackdowns are being pushed by some Democratic governors. Michigan’s Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) vetoed $20 million in funding for groups and advertising offering non-abortion resources and counseling. Such counseling efforts were denounced as “deceptive” attempts to “prey” on women.

    While some activists have previously argued that pro-life views or advertisements like “abortion hurts women” constitute “hate speech,” the Supreme Court has refused to allow such laws as the Ku Klux Klan Act to be used against abortion protesters as being motivated by a “class-based, invidiously discriminatory animus.”

    Demonizing pro-life viewpoints avoids the need to deal with abortion’s details. While a majority today support Roe, an even greater number support limits on abortion. A recent poll conducted by Harvard found that 72 percent of Americans would allow abortion only until the 15th week of pregnancy or support an even more restrictive law. That view transcends party affiliation; even 60 percent of Democrats believe abortion should be prohibited after the 15th week or a more restrictive limit.

    Yet, clearly, some do not want to have a debate of the issue while pushing virtually absolute rights to abortion. It is far easier to attack those who voice pro-life views as monolithic, “theology-rooted” extremists. One benefit in being anti-pro-life is that you can be anti-free-speech — all in the name of being pro-choice.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 22:30

  • 'No Immediate Solution' As New Mexico Town Has Only 50 Days Of Drinking Water Left
    ‘No Immediate Solution’ As New Mexico Town Has Only 50 Days Of Drinking Water Left

    The city of Las Vegas, New Mexico, has less than two months of drinking water after a massive wildfire contaminated a river the town pulls from, according to local news KOAT 7

    Not to be confused with Las Vegas, Nevada, the 13,000-person city in San Miguel County relies solely on the now contaminated Gallinas River, which is full of ash and debris after the Calf Canyon-Hermits Peak Fire. 

    New Mexico Gov. Michelle Grisham declared “a state of emergency in Las Vegas” on Friday after the town’s drinking water storage had only 50 days of stored water left.

    Las Vegas Mayor Louie Trujillo said the municipal water treatment facility could not treat the contaminated water. The town is running out of options and has implemented Stage 6 water restrictions. 

    The new measures include no watering outside, no refilling pools, restaurants are prohibited from serving water to customers except when asked, fire departments use foam to fight fires rather than water, and large commercial customers delay consuming large quantities of water. 

    There’s no immediate solution for a secondary water source for the town nor a timeframe when parts of Gallinas River will be suitable for water treatment. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 22:00

  • California Recession Incoming
    California Recession Incoming

    Authored by John Seiler via The Epoch Times,

    recession is hitting California. The only question is how hard it will be.

    The July Finance Bulletin by Keely Bosler, director of the California Department of Finance, calculated for the personal income tax (PIT), “Cash receipts for June were $3.345 billion below the forecast of $16.939 billion.” The actual receipts were $13.594 billion.

    Receipts vary month to month because of when people file their tax reports. So it’s best to compare a particular month to the same month in the previous year. According to the July 2021 report, “Cash receipts for June were also $1.783 billion above the month’s forecast of $15.312 billion.” So the actual receipts were $17.095 billion a year ago June.

    Put them together. June 2021 actual receipts were $17.095 billion and for June 2022, $13.594 billion. That was a drop of $3.501 billion, or 20 percent. If that continues, the yearly loss for fiscal year 2021-22, which began on July 1, would be $42 billion.

    The expected $97 billion surplus would be only $55 billion. All that surplus money Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Legislature promised to spend in June would have to be cut by $42 billion.

    And this recession is only starting, its depth unknown. If the PIT receipts drop another $42 billion, the surplus is slashed to $13 billion.

    Do it again, and it’s a deficit of $29 billion.

    Fortunately, the Enacted Budget report says it “includes $37.2 billion in budgetary reserves.” If a $29 billion deficit were deducted from that, only $8.2 billion in reserves would be left.

    I’ll haul up there with the numbers, because we’re getting into too much speculation.

    But the point is the state’s $97 billion surplus could evaporate faster than a 7-Eleven 32-ounce Big Gulp poured on the concrete at noon in July in Needles, Calif.

    This has been the spastic pattern for decades, especially since the state became a high-tech center. Good years bring record profits, dividends, and spending by the wealthy tech titans. Bad years bring slowdowns and even bankruptcies.

    Yet the state never uses the surpluses sensibly as a bridge for tax reform that would even out the ups and downs.

    The Washington Post headlined on July 23: “Big Tech lay-offs and hiring freezes prompt recession fears.” The story: “News of layoffs and hiring slowdowns have become commonplace across Silicon Valley. Start-ups are saying capital is drying up.”

    One reason the tech companies go in big cycles is purchases of their products can be postponed. People have to eat, but the new iPhone purchase can be postponed, and the Netflix subscription can be suspended.

    The July 2022 Department of Finance Bulletin also calculated, “California real GDP contracted by 1 percent in the first quarter of 2022 on a seasonally adjusted annualized rate (SAAR) basis, following 9.5-percent growth in the fourth quarter of 2021 and annual growth of 7.8 percent in 2021.”

    A negative second quarter would indicate a recession.

    June inflation hit 9.1 percent, the highest in four decades. Some analysts think it will subside. But even if it goes down to, say, 6 percent, that’s still a big problem.

    There’s also the question of the real inflation rate. The calculations were changed three decades ago by the Clinton administration to make itself look better. The site ShadowStats, which calculates using the old formula, pegs the “corrected” number at 17.3 percent, the highest in 75 years.

    If you’ve filled up your car lately, or bought hamburger, you know the ShadowStats figure is more accurate than the official government number.

    Meanwhile, on Wednesday, July 27, the Federal Reserve Board raised interest rates again by 0.75 percent to a range of 2.25 percent to 2.50 percent. It’s supposed to dampen inflation. If it doesn’t, then more rate hikes will be coming down the pike.

    Which will mean an even worse recession. I hope you’re ready. The state of California is not.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 21:30

  • Family Of Six Moves Into Toolshed To Escape Inflation Storm
    Family Of Six Moves Into Toolshed To Escape Inflation Storm

    A family of six downsized from a single-family home into a 500-square-foot toolshed in northwest Arkansas after government-enforced COVID lockdowns of the 2020s paralyzed the economy and led to job loss and evaporation of personal savings. 

    “One of the things people find really weird about us living in a shed is that we use a composting bathroom rather than a traditional toilet,” Jessica Taylor, 30, told NYPost, who lives in the shed with her husband Lath, and four children. 

    Taylor said the shed has the basics, such as electricity, running water, a heat/cooling system, a kitchen, and an entertainment space. One thing she noted is the toilet has a “bucket system … and [when] you [urinate or defecate], you cover it with wood chips each time. After two days, whether the bucket is full or not, we dump [the waste] into a composting bin in the woods, and then after a couple of years, [the waste] turns into the soil for ornamental plants.”

    A combination of tax returns, stimulus checks, and unemployment distributions, plus $17,000 in savings, funded their housing project. 

    “More and more people are breaking free from the mindset that you have to have the big expensive, fancy house to feel like they’re making it,” said Taylor, adding, “there’s value in living modestly. We can spend more time together gardening and enjoying nature rather than working to afford lavish accommodations.”

    Taylor explained that when she and her husband lost their jobs during the pandemic — renting a $1,100 single-family home became unaffordable. The couple has reduced monthly expenses from $2,000 to $400. 

    “Since we moved into the shed, we’ve become really financially stable, and we’re getting close to being debt-free,” Taylor added. Their excess savings allowed them to expand the shed’s footprint.

    The timing of the so-called ‘shed life’ comes as the worst inflation in decades decimates lower-tier consumers, depleting their savings and purchasing power. People want to break free from the corporate system that has imprisoned them with insurmountable debts.

    Tiny homes are only gaining more popularity as a tidal wave of evictions could be nearing, with 8.4 million Americans, or about 15% of all renters, behind rent payments in June. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 21:00

  • Argentina’s Government Collapsing, People Refuse To Work Amid Major Subsidy Cuts
    Argentina’s Government Collapsing, People Refuse To Work Amid Major Subsidy Cuts

    Authored by Autumn Spreadermann via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Protests have erupted in Buenos Aires over the past 90 days and continue to build inside the capital as residents battle with their center-left government over sizeable amendments to social programs.

    Members of social and trade union organizations protesting on July 20, 2022, in Buenos Aires, in demand of a universal basic income. The impoverished South American country struggles to repay its US$44 billion dollar debt with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) amid rampant inflation and social unrest. (Luis Robayo/AFP via Getty Images)

    Cuts to subsidies in the energy sector based on household income already began in June.

    Other subsidies, including the country’s notorious welfare program, are also on the chopping block, triggering thousands of angry residents to take to the streets.

    State-sponsored aid for civilians has soared in the past 20 years, leaving 22 million Argentinians dependent on some form of government assistance.

    In the first quarter of 2022, the national employment rate was 43 percent, according to government figures.

    Argentina’s president Alberto Fernandez is pictured during a meeting in Germany  at Elmau Castle, on June 27, 2022. (Markus Schreiber/AFP via Getty Images)

    The country’s state funded programs extend to nearly every aspect of the economy, from wages to utilities, education, and health care.

    Argentina already spends an estimated 800 million pesos per day—a sum of more than US$6 million—on state benefit programs.

    Concurrently, inflation in the South American nation hit 58 percent in May and soared above 60 percent in July. By comparison, national inflation was just over 14 percent in 2015.

    Harry Lorenzo, chief finance officer of Income Based Research, told The Epoch Times the spending habits of Argentina’s government are at the root of the escalating problem.

    “The Argentine government has been grappling with a collapsing economy for some time now. The main reason for this is the government’s unsustainable spending, which has been funded in part by generous welfare programs,” Lorenzo explained.

    Deeper Into Economic Chaos

    Cries for more state money, freedom from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and for President Alberto Fernandez to step down echoed within the angry crowds gathered near the president’s office—Casa Rosada —during the nation’s independence day celebration on July 9.

    Since then, scheduled demonstrations have continued, led by professional protest organizers or “piqueteros” demanding the abolition of the proposed subsidy cuts and a wage increase.

    “This is madness. What the piqueteros are asking for is madness,” Alvaro Gomez told The Epoch Times.

    Gomez has lived and worked in Buenos Aires for more than 15 years and currently is a taxi driver. As the years have passed, he’s watched his country dive deeper into economic chaos.

    “I’ve seen five presidents come and go in that time; nothing has improved. Half of our country doesn’t want a job, and the ones that do, don’t want to pay the taxes for the others,” he said.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 20:30

  • Mystery Surrounds Man's Death After Exiting Cargo Plane Without Parachute 4,000 Feet Above North Carolina
    Mystery Surrounds Man’s Death After Exiting Cargo Plane Without Parachute 4,000 Feet Above North Carolina

    A person without a parachute exited a twin-engine cargo plane before an emergency landing Friday afternoon at Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) in North Carolina. 

    Local media ABC 11 reported the CASA C-212 Aviocar medium cargo plane experienced landing-gear issues ahead of landing at RDU. The story took a dramatic turn and a weird one when a person exited the plane thousands of feet in the air. 

    Darshan Patel, the Operations Manager for Wake County Emergency Management, said law enforcement found the missing plane passenger hours after the emergency landing, around 1915 ET. 

    According to Patel, “There was no indication” that the 23yo man, Charles Hew Crooks, had a parachute as he exited the plane. His body was found near Sunset Lake Road and Hilltop Needmore Road in Fuquay-Varina, about 17 miles from RDU. 

    “We had officers that were responding in the area for the search and were flagged down by a resident. They had heard something in their backyard which led to us finding this individual,” Patel said.

    Before Crooks exited the aircraft (the reason remains a mystery), there was only one other passenger: the pilot. 

    “At this time, what we know is that the passenger was wearing tan pants and a logo-branded shirt,” Patel said. “We don’t have the color, but that’s all the description we have at this time. We are working with RDU and the FAA and the pilot.”

    A video of the emergency landing was posted by ABC 11. 

    Internet sleuths tracked the C-212 (tail number “N497CA” that took off from nearby Raeford West Airport, where the pilot reported landing gear issues.

    Flight tracking service Flightradar24 shows the cargo plane was at an altitude of 4,000 feet when the man fell or jumped out. 

    ABC 11 pointed out the plane is registered to Spore LTD LLC in Colorado Springs, which is connected with Rampart Aviation, a special-forces veteran-owned business that conducts aviation support operations across the U.S. and internationally. 

    FAA and National Transportation Safety Board are searching for answers to why the young man exited the plane without a parachute. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 20:00

  • Arizona Attorney General Sues Biden Administration Over Gun-Control Rules
    Arizona Attorney General Sues Biden Administration Over Gun-Control Rules

    Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich says that he’s suing the Biden administration over rules imposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) that would treat firearm parts as finished guns.

    The ATF is attempting to overshoot the authority granted to it by Congress,” Brnovich said in a July 27 statement about the lawsuit.

    “The rulemakings are unconstitutional, impractical, and would likely put a large number of parts manufacturers out of business.”

    An AR-15 upper receiver nicknamed “The Balloter” is seen for sale at Firearms Unknown, a gun store in Oceanside, Calif., on April 12, 2021. (Bing Guan/Reuters)

    The Arizona Republican was joined by 16 other attorneys general, the Gun Owners of America, and other groups in the lawsuit over the ATF rule that attempts to regulate unfinished parts as if they were complete firearms, which, according to the suit, will imperil “the American tradition of private firearms manufacturing that predates the Revolution.”

    The suit was filed against the ATF, the acting head of that agency, and the Department of Justice.

    The new ATF rules would lead to the “illegal creation” of a federal firearms registry that would require gun retailers to keep sales records beyond a 20-year requirement and turn them over to the ATF instead of destroying them, according to the suit.

    “The final rule unconstitutionally subverts Congress’ authority, exercising quintessentially legislative powers in a manner that could never pass either (let alone both) houses of Congress today, which is precisely why defendants have no intent whatsoever to ask for legislative authorization to take such unprecedented actions,’’ the lawsuit states.

    “Yet under our Constitution, the president (much less unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats within the executive branch) is not a king who can exercise this sort of unbridled power unilaterally.’’

    Ghost Guns

    In April, the Biden administration announced it would crack down on what it calls “ghost guns,” privately made firearms that don’t have a serial number.

    “Because ghost guns lack the serial numbers marked on other firearms, law enforcement has an exceedingly difficult time tracing a ghost gun found at a crime scene back to an individual purchaser,’’ the White House said in a statement at the time.

    The lawsuit revolves around a North Dakota resident, Eliezer Jimenez, who manufactures his own firearms from spare parts.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 19:30

  • Crypto Still Popular Despite Crash
    Crypto Still Popular Despite Crash

    The price of Bitcoin has crashed drastically since around the beginning of April, accelerating its loses from the November 2021 peak. Many other cryptocurrencies – including stablecoins – have also been caught up in the turmoil.

    However the crypto crash does not seem to have really unsettled investors in the United States so far, as our Global Consumer Survey special “Finance & Assets” shows.

    According to the report, 18 percent of those own investments also have cryptocurrencies. 15 percent of the total of just over 1,000 respondents intend to invest money in coins in the next two years.

    Infographic: Crypto Still Popular Despite Crash | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    As Statista’s Martin Armstrong notes, the comparison with the previous survey shows that investors in the US now take cryptocurrencies much more seriously than they did in 2020.

    The increase in popularity is likely spurred on by the profits made in the recent past. According to an estimate by Chainalysis, total profits from cryptocurrencies amounted to around $163 billion in 2021.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 19:00

  • Three Hostile Foreign Actors Breached US Federal Courts System In 2020 Cyberattack: NY Congressman
    Three Hostile Foreign Actors Breached US Federal Courts System In 2020 Cyberattack: NY Congressman

    Authored by Frank Fang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), chair of the House Judiciary Committee, revealed on July 28 that “three hostile foreign actors” carried out an “incredibly significant and sophisticated” cyberattack against the federal courts’ document management system in early 2020.

    Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) speaks during a House Judiciary Committee mark up hearing in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington on June 2, 2022. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

    The cyber breach “has since had lingering impacts on the department and other agencies,” Nadler said during a congressional hearing on Thursday.

    “Perhaps even more concerning is the disturbing impact the security breach had on pending civil and criminal litigation, as well as ongoing national security or intelligence matters,” Nadler added.


    The U.S. Judiciary issued a statement about the breach on Jan 6, 2021, saying that its Case Management/Electronic Case Files system (CM/ECF) had become a victim of “an apparent compromise.” The system allows attorneys to file case documents, such as pleadings, motions, and petitions, with the court online.

    The Judiciary added the breach happened because of vulnerabilities in its system that greatly risked compromising highly sensitive non-public documents, particularly sealed filings.

    “Due to the nature of the attacks, the review of this matter and its impact is ongoing,” the statement concluded, adding that the Judiciary was working with the Department of Homeland Security on a “security audit.”

    The Homeland Security Department headquarters in northwest Washington, on June 5, 2015. (Susan Walsh/AP Photo)

    Nadler added that the committee learned in March of the “startling breadth and scope” of the system’s security failure. The cyberattack was unrelated to the massive SolarWinds hack that was exposed in December 2020, Nadler added.

    The congressman from New York then asked Matt Olsen, assistant attorney general for the National Security Division (NSD) at the Department of Justice, what types of cases, investigations, or U.S. attorneys’ offices were “impacted most” by the breach.

    In response, Olsen said he couldn’t speak directly to the nature of the ongoing investigation regarding the effort to compromise the public judicial dockets.

    However, He did say his division was focused generally on cyber threats from China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia.

    “This is, of course, a significant concern for us, given the nature of the information as often held by the courts,” Olsen added.

    Olsen also said he couldn’t “think of anything in particular” when asked if the break had impacted any NSD investigations.

    “I can assure you, based on my own personal experience, that we are working very closely with the judicial conference and judges around the country to address this issue,” Olsen said.

    FBI Director Christopher Wray speaks during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing on the fiscal year 2023 budget for the FBI at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on May 25, 2022. (Bonnie Cash/Pool via Getty Images)


    While neither Nadler nor Olsen named any country responsible for the breach, the Chinese communist regime is likely at the top of the list.

    In January, FBI Director Christopher Wray said the Chinese regime has unleasheda massive, sophisticated hacking program that’s bigger than those of every other major country combined.

    “The Chinese government steals staggering volumes of information and causes deep, job-destroying damage across a wide range of industries—so much so that, as you heard, we’re constantly opening new cases to counter their intelligence operations, about every 12 hours or so,” Wray added.

    Wray pointed to the 2021 Microsoft Exchange Server hack as an example of recent Chinese cyberattacks, saying China “compromised the networks of more than 10,000 American companies in a single campaign alone.”

    In March, cybersecurity firm Mandiant reported that a hacker group backed by Beijing successfully compromised at least six U.S. state government networks between May 2021 and February 2022.

    “I would say that the challenge, when it comes to the sophisticated nation-state type activity that we see in cyber, the challenge is significant,” Olsen said. “And it’s very difficult to ever be in a position to say that any system is 100 percent safe when it comes to sophisticated nation-states that seek to obtain persistent access to these systems.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 18:30

  • National Rankings Show San Francisco Falling Further Behind
    National Rankings Show San Francisco Falling Further Behind

    Authored by Kerry Jackson via,

    What has happened to San Francisco, often thought of in the past as the most beautiful city in the country, if not the entire world? The transition from beloved by almost all to profoundly repellant to many is the sad story of a great city being toppled from within.

    The “Paris of the West” has been tarnished by rampant homelessness, rough and dirty streets much like those of its Barbary Coast past, and crime as ugly as it appears on all those videos we’ve seen.

    Of course, those are the more well-known sores. Though mostly unseen, there are others just as troublesome.

    Once a city of opportunity, San Francisco has become a millstone that crushes entrepreneurs’ dreams. In a study of 20 large U.S. cities, the Institute for Justice found that the cost to start a restaurant in San Francisco, at $22,648, is higher than the cost in New York, Seattle, Philadelphia, Boston and Atlanta. In fact, no other city in the study came close to San Francisco’s cost. At $13,973, Minneapolis is the only other city where costs reached five digits.

    San Francisco also “has the highest average cost to start up across all five business types” — restaurants, retail bookstore, food truck, barbershop, home-based tutoring — “at $10,474,” which turns out to be “much more expensive than the already-high $2,555 average for all cities studied,” the Institute for Justice report says.

    One of the factors is not a local policy but a state law, the California Environmental Quality Act, which “can easily add tens of thousands of dollars to the cost of starting up,” and often delays projects for years.

    But the existence of CEQA does not mean that San Francisco deserves none of the blame. The city “has 212 business license categories — the highest number of all cities studied, forcing entrepreneurs there to navigate complex lists of licenses to figure out which apply to their business.” Zoning rules effectively bar home-based tutoring businesses, and the overall complexity of navigating the process is frequently overwhelming.

    What else should be expected, though, from the second-worst run city in the country?

    According to WalletHub, the government of Washington, D.C., is the only one of the 150 city governments studied that is operated worse than San Francisco. (Oakland, Calif., is the 143rd-worst run city — there must be something in the waters of the Bay.)

    While city officials argue the point, WalletHub has the evidence: San Francisco’s outstanding per capita long-term debt is tied for the highest with Washington, the streets are poor (tied for last with the California cities of Oakland, San Jose and Fremont), and “safety” is rather middling.

    At least the kids are apparently getting schooled. WalletHub ranks the city 11th in education.

    But then, there aren’t many children in San Francisco to be educated. It might be the most childless city in the nation and continues to trend downward.

    Could it be that it’s simply too expensive to raise kids in the city where it takes an average net worth of $5.1 million to be considered wealthy, $1.3 million more than in 2021, and to be “financially comfortable” requires a net worth of $1.7 million?

    Yes, it could, and it probably is.

    Each of these wounds results from the friendly fire of decades of poor public policy choices (and corruption), and while serious, they’re not deadly — at least not yet.

    The optimistic view is that city officials have a chance to reverse the damaging policies before the stream of people leaving becomes a rushing river.

    The reality-based view is that they don’t have long.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 17:30

  • Nine Sri Lankan Navy Sailors Jump Ship In USA
    Nine Sri Lankan Navy Sailors Jump Ship In USA

    Nine Sri Lankan Navy sailors who’d participated in a massive joint naval exercise in the Pacific Ocean have jumped ship in a bid to stay in the United States.

    Sri Lanka has been gripped by an economic crisis that led then-President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to resign and flee the country on July 13, after hordes of protestors stormed the official presidential residence. On Wednesday, the Sri Lankan parliament ratified a state of emergency declared by new President Ranil Wickremesinghe, as he seeks to quell demonstrations and unrest. 

    According to Economy Next. the sailors left Sri Lanka on June 4 as part of a 50-person contingent that was taking part in the massive, 26-country Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) joint naval exercise between Hawaii and Southern California.  

    Following the training, the sailors were slated to return to their country on a Sri Lankan ship that was a gift from the United States. The vessel — which was previously the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Douglas Munro and for now is identified only as “P627” —  was officially transferred to the Sri Lankan Navy in October, but has been undergoing restoration in the United States. 

    The Sri Lankan ship in its previous life as the US Coast Guard cruiser Douglas Munro

    “A big crew went to the USA to bring in a ship that was donated to the Sri Lanka Navy,” an official Sri Lankan source told Economy Next“From that crew, nine people have gone missing.” 

    While reporting does not indicate where they slipped away from their crewmates, earlier coverage of the transfer of the vessel said it was expected to depart for Sri Lanka from Seattle in May. The sailors represent a variety of ranks and ages between 27 and 36. 

    “We understand that several sailors have absconded from the training, a matter that has been referred to U.S. law enforcement,” a U.S. embassy spokesman told Economy Next. “Individuals who break U.S. immigration laws can be subject to arrest, detention, and deportation, and those who accrue unlawful presence in the United States can be prevented from returning to the U.S. for up to 10 years.”

    The sailors are among many Sri Lankans trying to start new lives somewhere else, with boats venturing not only to India but as far away as Australia, which is some 3,500 miles away. 

    The Sri Lankan navy previously aided one particularly notable emigre…

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 17:00

  • Deafening Silence On Dobbs Leak Undermines Supreme Court As An Institution
    Deafening Silence On Dobbs Leak Undermines Supreme Court As An Institution

    Authored by Benjamin Weingarten via The Epoch Times,

    Chief Justice John Roberts is said to see defending the Supreme Court as an institution as pivotal to his role on it.

    On its face then, the Court’s silence some two months after Justice Roberts announced an investigation into what he termed an “egregious breach”—the assault on the institution of the Court that was the leak of the draft Dobbs opinion that would prevail, returning the question of abortion to its rightful place within the states—is itself an egregious breach.

    As the Associated Press recently reported, the Court is at present mum on whether it’s still even investigating the leak, as well as on a host of other basic questions about the probe.

    There were already glaring outstanding questions regarding those few elements of the investigation to which we were privy.

    For example, we do not know why the marshal of the Supreme Court was particularly well-equipped to lead it, nor the resources the marshal was bringing to bear.

    We do not know what the probe entails, or entailed, beyond the fact perhaps that rankled staff at the Court leaked that it was asking of clerks that they provide cell phone records and sign affidavits in connection with it, and that reportedly the marshal obtained electronic devices “from some permanent employees who work closely with the justices.”

    We do not know whether the Court will publicly announce the findings of its investigation in whole or part—starting with who the leaker was—nor the punishment the leaker will face, and the steps the Court will take to ensure such a leak never happens again.

    Now the universe of people who could have obtained and leaked the opinion—the leaker described as “a person familiar with the court’s proceedings” in the Dobbs case—is small.

    If the Court does not by now know who leaked the opinion, it would seem to constitute a breathtaking display of incompetence.

    If the Court does know who leaked the opinion, yet for whatever reason is sitting on its findings, it would seem to constitute a breathtaking display of politics.

    That’s because, on the merits, the silence is indefensible.

    What could be of greater import to the institution’s integrity and credibility than to demonstrate that it will stop at nothing to, and with great haste, find and bring to justice an individual who would so grievously undermine the Court’s ability to do its most basic duty: deliberate, discreetly and insulated from political pressure and intimidation.

    Silence on the leak probe only compounds the error of not ruling expeditiously in the wake of the leak, which fueled what else but a campaign of political pressure and intimidation up to and including threats to the life and limb of the judges.

    Does the chief justice, so attuned to public opinion about the Court, think the probe can be cast as some kind of internal matter to be handled privately, and made to fade into the ether?

    Do the findings implicate one or several justices, and as such, is the chief justice unsure how to proceed with the public?

    The longer he remains silent, the greater the speculation will grow. Surely the chief justice does not think promoting such speculation is in the interest of the Court as an institution.

    Or could it be that the Roberts Court’s silence is representative of the fact that the chief justice’s understanding of protecting the Supreme Court as an institution differs from ours?

    Chief Justice Roberts’s past attempts to protect the Court as an institution can be seen in his: rewriting of Obamacare as a tax, lest President Barack Obama’s signature achievement be properly rendered unconstitutional; failed attempt to split the baby in issuing a similarly tortured Dobbs concurrence, while also failing to flip Justice Brett Kavanaugh towards his position and away from that of Justice Samuel Alito; and in the overarching “incrementalist” approach reflected in many of his rulings, whereby Chief Justice Roberts eschews hewing to the law if in his view the results would be too practically jarring, or not deferential enough to precedent, no matter how wrongheaded.

    For the purported institutionalist, the chief justice’s continued silence on the Dobbs probe will perpetuate the damage of the “egregious breach” the longer it persists.

    It strains credulity to think that after two months the Court would still be in a posture of neither confirming nor denying anything about an investigation that it already announced, and one of the utmost importance.

    This is about more than meting out justice to an individual for a single act.

    That act was, in Chief Justice Roberts’s own words, a “betrayal of the confidences of the Court” – a singular blow against this most hallowed of institutions.

    When is the chief justice going to act like it?

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 16:30

  • CDC Gave Big Tech Platforms Guidance On COVID Censorship
    CDC Gave Big Tech Platforms Guidance On COVID Censorship

    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gave censorship ‘suggestions’ to social media companies and Google in order to censor users who expressed skepticism or criticism of COVID-19 vaccines, according to the Washington Free Beacon, which obtained a trove of internal communications obtained by America First Legal.

    The emails, between the CDC, Google, Twitter and Meta staffers – some of whom (as Just the News notes) were former Hill and White House aides – were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, and show extensive cooperation which included thinly veiled threats for failing to more aggressively remove content.

    Over the course of at least six months, starting in December 2020, CDC officials regularly communicated with personnel at Twitter, Facebook, and Google over “vaccine misinformation.” At various times, CDC officials would flag specific posts by users on social media platforms such as Twitter as “example posts.”

    In one email to a CDC staffer, a Twitter employee said he is “looking forward to setting up regular chats” with the agency. Other emails show the scheduling of meetings with the CDC over how to best police alleged misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines. -Free Beacon

    In one April 2021 email between a CDC staffer and Facebook, concern was raised after “algorithms that Facebook and other social media networks are apparently using to screen out posting by sources of vaccine misinformation are also apparently screening out valid public health messaging, including [Wyoming] Health communications.”

    Another email from March 2021 from a senior CDC staffer states: “we are working on [sic] project with Census to leverage their infrastructure to identify and monitor social media for vaccine misinformation.”

    What’s more, one email chain reveals that a CDC official showed up at Google’s 2020 “Trusted Media Summit” conference, which was held for “journalists, fact-checkers, educators, researchers and others who work in the area of fact-checking, verification, media literacy, and otherwise fighting misinformation.”

    When asked by an organizer if the senior CDC official would allow her remarks on YouTube, she declined, saying she was not authorized to speak publicly.

    In the same email chain with a senior CDC official, a Google staffer offers to promote an initiative from the World Health Organization about “addressing the COVID-19 infodemic and strengthen community resilience against misinformation.” That same Google staffer offers to introduce the CDC official to a Google colleague who is “working on programs to counter immunization misinfo.” -Free Beacon

    Meanwhile, Facebook gave the CDC $15 million in ad credits to use on the company’s platforms in April, 2021.

    “This gift will be used by CDC’s COVID-19 response to support the agency’s messages on Facebook, and extend the reach of COVID-19-related Facebook content, including messages on vaccines, social distancing, travel, and other priority communication messages,” reads an internal memo.

    As the Beacon notes, the level of coordination between government and big tech raises questions over what extent other private companies are working with the federal government in order to censor the public – including payment processors, Uber and other platforms which have banned the unwashed for wrongthink.

    The revelations have also caused the New Civil Liberties Alliance to file a Thursday court document seeking to revive their lawsuit against the government on behalf of deplatformed users.

    New Civil Liberties Alliance attorney Jenin Younes told Just the News it incorporated “the revelations about the CDC emails” into a filing Thursday seeking to reopen its case against the feds on behalf of deplatformed users.

    A federal court dismissed that litigation a month before a whistleblower leaked documents suggesting the Department of Homeland Security’s since-scrapped Disinformation Governance Board planned to “operationalize” its relationship with social media companies to remove content. NCLA cited those documents in its initial motion to reopen in June. -JTN

    JTN further notes that the document dump is also likely to come into play in a lawsuit by Missouri and Louisiana AGs against the government for alleged collusion with Big Tech to censor content on the origins of COVID-19, as well as Hunter Biden’s laptop and vote-by-mail election integrity.

    The feds filed a motion to dismiss two weeks ago for lack of legal standing and failure to state a claim. The AGs’ responses aren’t due until next week.

    AFL’s documents show the CDC shared specific tweets and Facebook and Instagram posts as examples of content to remove, including an interview with a former Pfizer vice president, Michael Yeadon, who advised against taking “top up” vaccines, meaning boosters.

    The agency inserted its own COVID recommendations into Google’s code, received $15 million in Facebook ad credits to promote its messaging, and even notified Facebook that Wyoming’s public health messages were getting throttled as misinformation. -JTN

    Recall that just one day after top health officials had a conference call to discuss a Zero Hedge article which highlighted a now-withdrawn paper from researchers in India suggesting “HIV-like insertions” in COVID-19, Twitter banned our account for roughly two months – with the tech giant claiming we doxxed a Chinese scientist (with publicly available information) in another article.

    Thanks to a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for Fauci’s emails, we know that the National Institutes of Health was not only aware of the Indian report, but were actively discussing how to handle it.

    A January 31, 2020 email from AFP’s Issam Ahmed asks NIH immunologist Dr. Barney Graham for comment:

    “I was told by a contact you may be willing to give an opinion of this paper that has just gone live. It suggests the new Coronavirus has four inserts similar to HIV-1 and this is not a coincidence,” reads the email.

    Graham immediately forwards the correspondence to the Office of Communications and Government Relations (OCGR), saying “This is one we don’t want to answer without high-level input, but wanted you to know about the rising controversy.”

    Two days later, Jennifer Routh OCGR replies, telling Graham: “OCGR is going to send a note to the reporter to decline, noting that the paper is not peer-reviewed. Please let us know if you receive similar requests.”

    That same Sunday morning, Fauci is looped in – with Sir Jeremy Farrar forwarding Zero Hedge‘s article after mentioning how World Health Organization Director Tedros Adhanom and the organization’s cabinet chief were in ‘conclave’ – ostensibly on how to manage the narrative – noting “If they do prevaricate [bullshit the public], I would appreciate a call with you later tonight or tomorrow to think how we might take forward.”

    “Do you have a minute for a quick call?” Fauci replies, after having called the Indian paper “really outlandish.”

    Of course, the Indian paper was quickly withdrawn by its authors, and the notion that COVID-19 could have been man-made was rendered radioactive – for a while.

    Is it any question how our Twitter (and Google) deplatformings happened, before both companies chose to reverse their decisions?

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 16:00

  • Three Arrows Capital Is Sorry (Maybe): Recap Of The Biggest Crypto News In The Last Week Of July
    Three Arrows Capital Is Sorry (Maybe): Recap Of The Biggest Crypto News In The Last Week Of July

    By Donovan Choy of Bankless

    Three Arrows Capital founders break silence

    The founders of 3AC broke their silence this week in a widely publicized Bloomberg piece. The article doesn’t shed light on any new salient information, but is noteworthy because it’s the first we’re hearing from the co-captains that steered a gargantuan financial catastrophe. Here’s a summary of reasons Zhu and Davies gave for 3AC’s downfall in the interview:

    1. They got too close to Do Kwon and overestimated LUNA’s potential
    2. They traded Grayscale BTC successfully “at the right window” but because many crypto firms “copied us into that trade… then the trust went… to a far bigger discount than anyone thought possible.”
    3. Bitcoin went from 30K to 20K and that was “extremely painful for us”
    4. “We had different types of trades that we all thought were good, and other people also had these trades,” Zhu said. “And then they kind of all got super marked down, super fast.”

    In short, we made risky trades that went south but it’s not all on us, because, well, everyone else did them too, and we couldn’t have foreseen that Bitcoin crash, so we got caught with our pants down by systemic risk. Well, okay. It’s true that no one can see the future. That’s exactly why an entire industry exists around risk management. They’re called hedging and diversification and every modern financial institution uses them except for 3AC which utterly failed to take them seriously.

    And then something that sounded… nothing like an apology:

    “People may call us stupid. They may call us stupid or delusional. And, I’ll accept that. Maybe,” Zhu said. “But they’re gonna, you know, say that I absconded funds during the last period, where I actually put more of my personal money back in. That’s not true.”

    “The whole situation is regrettable,” Davies said. “Many people lost a lot of money.” “We believed in everything to the fullest,” added Davies. “We had all of our, almost all of our assets in there. And then in the good times we did the best. And then in the bad times we lost the most.”

    And then there’s this attempt at signaling humility:

    The [$50 million yacht] “was bought over a year ago and commissioned to be built and to be used in Europe,” Zhu said, adding the yacht “has a full money trail.” He rejected the perception that he enjoyed an extravagant lifestyle, noting that he biked to work and back every day and that his family “only has two homes in Singapore.” “We were never seen in any clubs spending lots of money. We were never seen, you know, kind of driving Ferraris and Lamborghinis around,” Zhu said.

    By the way, I live in Singapore. The average cost of a car is ~150K USD which explains why the mass majority of Singaporeans commute to work by public transportation. If you’re biking to work, you probably live in the wealthiest estates of the city-state, and we already know that one of Zhu’s home was a 31,000-square-foot home worth $35M. So whatever two humble abodes Zhu was hopping in between, they were more like palaces relative to the average person.

    Coinbase insider trading

    The big story this week revolves around Coinbase. Here are the quick facts:

    1. Between June 2021-April 2022, former Coinbase product manager Ishan Wahi who worked on the assets listing team tipped off two others – his brother and a friend – about 25 to-be listed coins and collectively raked in profits of up to $1.5M.
    2. Some early signs emerged in mid-April when Cobie tweeted about a wallet that scooped up 100K+ worth of tokens 24 hours before it was published on the Coinbase Asset listing post.
    3. The US DOJ is charging the trio with “wire fraud conspiracy… in connection with a scheme to commit insider trading in cryptocurrency assets by using confidential Coinbase information”, and calling it “the first ever insider trading case involving cryptocurrency markets.”

    Story so far: TradFi insiders making money from insider deals. Nothing out of the ordinary yet, we know that TradFi bad, blockchain good. 

    But that’s not quite the drama at hand here. The SEC continued to separately file charges of “securities fraud” against the insider traders, alleging that nine of the traded assets listed by Coinbase were unregistered securities (AMP, DDX, DFX, KROM, LCX, POWR, RGT, RLY, XYO). As a result, Coinbase is taking a hit as its stocks are down 21% and Cathie Wood of Ark Invest is reportedly dumping 1.41M Coinbase shares.

    To no one’s surprise, Coinbase and the broader crypto community isn’t happy. CFTC Commissioner Caroline Pham is calling this a “striking example of regulation by enforcement” or what is sometimes referred to as “rule by law”, a pejorative term to label state authoritarianism.

    The crux of the matter is this: The SEC’s charges contain a loaded premise, namely that these handful of Coinbase-listed tokens are indeed securities. Should the insider traders be convicted, it indirectly puts Coinbase and those token-issuers on trial for violating U.S. securities law.

    But even if the charges get dropped eventually, the accusation in itself is damning. It kicks up a fog of regulatory uncertainty for dozens of crypto exchanges that are listing the same tokens, as well as token-issuers broadly. This happened when the SEC brought an enforcement action against Ripple (XRP) back in 2020, and it’s happening again now.

    Ironically, Coinbase is most conservative in its token listings relative to its main competitors Binance and FTX. (If CZ or SBF reads this humble newsletter, please don’t let any insider traders screw this up.)

    But look, Coinbase is a regulated public company operating obediently within the confines of the official rulebook. If regulators have problems with Coinbase who plays nice and is rule-observing, decentralized exchanges that allow any token listing should be quaking in their boots.

    Asides from that, crypto being pigeonholed as a tradable security under U.S. securities law would mean being tangled up in the same TradFi regulatory apparatus. That means fines, regulatory burdens, and heightened entry barriers for new players. That’s bad for crypto innovation and goes against the fundamental permissionless ethos of the Web3 project.

    More interesting but hard to settle is the normative question of whether digital assets should be considered securities. The U.S. traditionally determines whether something is a “security” based on the Howey test, where the criteria is an investment contract that includes an “investment of money in a common enterprise with a reasonable expectation of profits to be derived from the efforts of others”. Asides from a profit motive, regulators also look to the extent of its centralization i.e., whether the token has an active managerial team behind it.

    Which tokens would fit both those criteria? Does that exclude L1/L2 tokens like ETH or OP that function as a commodity (gas) to power an ecosystem? How about tokens like DYDX after they migrate to their own Cosmos chain – would that turn the DYDX token into a non-security? What about “reserve currency” tokens like OHM – are they a “store-of-value” asset like gold/Bitcoin, making them a non-security? Let’s not forget NFTs. Most buyers mint them with an expectation of a profit, but does that make it a security? 

    It’s all very fuzzy. I’ve written in a previous newsletter about why this debate amounts to a lot of arbitrary semantics.

    Web3 News Roundup


    Uniswap fees are through the roof this week, with a higher 7 day average than the Ethereum, BNB Chain and Bitcoin networks put together.

    At present, Uniswap the DAO does not make any profits as all revenues go to liquidity providers (for more on which DeFi protocols are profitable, see Ben’s article this week). This is part of Uniswap’s strategy to maintain a competitive advantage, until it turns on the so-called “fee-switch” that would let the DAO earn by redirecting fees from liquidity providers.

    Recent Uniswap governance discussions show the Uniswap community taking its first steps towards flipping on the fee-switch on pools with deep liquidity, relatively high volume and least potential of impermanent loss.

    Goerli testnet

    The Goerli testnet, the final testnet before the Merge has been announced by Ethereum developers on August 6-12th.

    Other news:

    The WNBA is using POAPs; Solana has physical stores; Mirror is launching Web3 subscriptions, which lets users subscribe to publications with their wallets; WalletConnect introduces a DM feature connecting users on any chain; Rainbow rolled out support for L2 NFTs; Optimism launches a Get Started onboarding quest.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 15:30

  • Biden Tests Positive For 'Rebound' COVID, Goes Back Into Isolation
    Biden Tests Positive For ‘Rebound’ COVID, Goes Back Into Isolation

    One day after hanging around a bunch of CEOs (without a mask), fully vaccinated President Joe Biden has once against tested positive for COVID-19 in a so-called ‘rebound’ case after being treated with Paxlovid, his physician said in a Saturday letter.

    Unlike Dr. Anthony Fauci, however, Biden reportedly “continues to feel quite well,” according Dr. Kevin O’Connor. “This being the case, there is no reason to reinitiate treatment at this time, but we will obviously continue close observation.”

    O’Connor added that Biden tested negative on Tuesday evening, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday morning before testing positive again on Saturday.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 15:00

  • Court Rejects Google's Attempt To Dismiss Rumble's Antitrust Lawsuit, Ensuring Vast Discovery
    Court Rejects Google’s Attempt To Dismiss Rumble’s Antitrust Lawsuit, Ensuring Vast Discovery

    Authored by Glenn Greenwld via,

    A federal district court in California on Friday denied Google’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit alleging that the Silicon Valley giant is violating federal antitrust laws by preventing fair competition against its YouTube video platform. The lawsuit against the search engine giant, which has owned YouTube since its 2006 purchase for $1.65 billion, was brought in early 2021 by Rumble, the free speech competitor to YouTube. Its central claim is that Google’s abuse of its monopolistic stranglehold on search engines to destroy all competitors to its various other platforms is illegal under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which makes it unlawful to “monopolize, or attempt to monopolize…any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations.”

    In this Photo illustration a Google logo seen displayed on an android smartphone. (Photo Illustration by Avishek Das/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

    It is rare for antitrust suits against the four Big Tech corporate giants (Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon) to avoid early motions to dismiss. Friday’s decision against Google ensures that the suit now proceeds to the discovery stage, where Rumble will have the right to obtain from Google a broad and sweeping range of information about its practices, including internal documents on Google’s algorithmic manipulation of its search engine and the onerous requirements it imposes on companies dependent upon its infrastructure to all but force customers to use YouTube.

    Founded in 2013, Rumble began experiencing explosive growth in the run-up to the 2020 election. Americans were encountering escalating and aggressive Big Tech censorship of political content as the election approached. Conservative politicians, followed by a wide range of heterodox voices on the right and left, began migrating by the millions away from Google’s YouTube to Rumble, which has promised and thus provided far more permissive free speech rights. That was at the time when Google and other Big Tech platforms — at the urging of the Democratic-controlled Congress, began aggressively increasing its censorship of political video content on YouTube on the grounds of “disinformation” and “hate speech.”

    The explosive user growth which Rumble enjoyed in 2020 has continued to rapidly increase, as Big Tech generally, and Google specifically, clamped down further on dissident views in the name of the COVID pandemic, and now even more so with respect to the US/NATO role in the war in Ukraine. More and more prominent politicians, journalists and commentators, along with smaller content creators, have either been banned by YouTube or left on their own accord to join Rumble as Google’s crackdown on free speech intensifies. The ability to speak more freely on Rumble regarding the most contentious political debates has become one of the key drivers of the exodus of users — both those with large public platforms and ordinary citizens alike — from YouTube to Rumble.

    During the COVID pandemic, Rumble allowed far greater questioning of the claims and policies of U.S. health policy official Dr. Anthony Fauci and the World Health Organization — regarding the virus’s origins, the efficacy of masks, and the justifiability of vaccine mandates — than Big Tech platforms permitted. For the first year of the pandemic, Big Tech users who questioned or rejected the official story that COVID-19 was zoonotic rather than due to a lab leak in Wuhan were silenced or banned: a censorship policy that was reversed only when the Biden administration itself admitted that it did not know the answer to that question and would officially investigate it.

    Similarly, Americans who were stifled or outright barred by Big Tech from citing pre-election revelations about Joe Biden from the archive of his son obtained by The New York Post found a place, on Rumble, where they could openly reference and discuss them. And Rumble has aggressively resisted pressure campaigns from the U.S. government and corporate media outlets and outright legal bans enacted by the EU requiring all platforms to cease allowing “pro-Russian” news outlets such as RT and Sputnik to be heard.

    Rumble’s user growth, driven overwhelmingly by growing anger toward Big Tech censorship and de-platforming, has continued to swell this year. As Investor Place’s Ian Cooper wrote in April, “its user base hit a new record of 41 million monthly active users in the first quarter of 2022. That is 22% growth quarter-over-quarter.” Moreover, “Rumble is setting user engagement records. In the first quarter of 2022, Rumble users watched about 10.5 billion minutes per month.”

    As discussed on this page and as was reported by The Washington Post, I was one of a group of nine journalists and commentators, along with former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), to make Rumble my primary home for video journalism in mid-2021 based on support for its free speech principles and the need for alternatives to centralized Big Tech repression. Though the purpose of that Post article was to predictably malign Rumble as a cesspool of hate speech and disinformation — relying on and extensively quoting a “disinformation” expert who happens to partner with U.S. and British intelligence agencies and Big Tech platforms such as Google and Facebook — The Post was forced to acknowledge how significant Rumble’s growth has been (and since that August, 2021 Post article, the growth has increased further):

    Rumble has grown from 1 million active users last summer to roughly 30 million, said the site’s chief executive Chris Pavlovski, a Canadian tech entrepreneur who worked a brief internship at Microsoft and founded a viral-joke website before launching Rumble in 2013. And its traffic has exploded: According to data shared with The Washington Post by the analytics firm Similarweb, visits in the United States to the site grew from about 200,000 in the last week of July 2020 to nearly 19 million last week — a 9,000 percent increase.

    Though Rumble’s audience size is still significantly smaller than YouTube’s, the threat posed by Rumble to YouTube is real. Rumble’s imminent merger with the special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) CF Acquisition Corp. VI will effectively make Rumble a public company and is likely to arm it with far greater capital to compete even more robustly with YouTube.

    But the major obstacle to competing with Big Tech giants generally, and Google specifically, is that these companies have acquired such extreme market dominance in so many key areas of the internet that they abuse that power to prevent competition and crush any competitors who pose a challenge. That these four Big Tech giants are classic monopolies in violation of the antitrust law was the emphatic conclusion of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law’s comprehensive 2020 report, a conclusion that now has ample support from leading members of both parties.

    The lawsuit brought by Rumble against Google is designed to ensure free and fair competition, so that the public is not effectively forced to use YouTube but can instead fairly choose among Google’s competitors as well. The primary allegation is that Google abuses its power as the dominant search engine and destroys free competition for online video platforms by manipulating its algorithms to prevent YouTube’s competitors, including Rumble, from being found by the public.

    Attempts to find Rumble videos through Google searches are purposely thwarted by burying Rumble’s videos and instead redirecting the user to YouTube, the lawsuit alleges. Google’s “chokehold on search is impenetrable, and that chokehold allows it to continue unfairly and unlawfully to self-preference YouTube over its rivals, including Rumble, and to monopolize the online video platform market.” I often am unable to find my own videos using Google’s search engines even when I recall the title of the video more or less perfectly, and have frequently heard the same complaint from viewers.

    Further illegal monopolistic acts alleged by the complaint include Google’s manufacturing of its Android phones with a pre-installed YouTube app as the default video setting, and imposing agreements on other Android-based mobile smart device manufacturers to pre-install YouTube, place it in the most prominent position, and prevent users from deleting it. The court summarized the alleged anti-competitive results of Google’s behavior this way (citations omitted):

    [Google] “requires Android device manufacturers that want to preinstall certain of Google’s proprietary apps to sign an anti-forking agreement.” [Rumble] alleges that once an Android device manufacturer signs an anti-forking agreement, Google will only provide access to its vital proprietary apps and application program interfaces if the manufacturer agrees: “(1) to take (that is, pre-install) a bundle of other Google apps (such as its YouTube app); (2) to make certain apps undeletable (including its YouTube app); and (3) to give Google the most valuable and important location on the device’s default home screen (including for its YouTube app).”

    As another example, [Rumble] asserts that “Google provides share of its search advertising revenue to Android device manufacturers, mobile phone carriers, competing browsers, and Apple; in exchange, Google becomes the preset default general search engine for the most important search access points on a computer or mobile device.” And, by becoming the default general search engine, Google is able to continue its manipulation of video search results using its search engine to self-preference its YouTube platform, making sure that links to videos on the YouTube platform are listed above the fold on the search results page.” [Moreover], Google’s revenue sharing agreements allow it to maintain a monopoly in the general search market and online video platform market).

    As a result of the denial of Google’s motion to dismiss the complaint, the lawsuit will now proceed to the discovery stage. After denying Google’s request to dismiss the lawsuit prior to discovery, the judge scheduled a conference at which a discovery plan would be established. This phase of the lawsuit is when one party can obtain a broad range of documents from the other relevant to the claims of the lawsuit.

    The antitrust specialist Matt Stoller, Research Director of the American Economic Liberties Project, said about the ruling: “Getting past the motion to dismiss stage is quite meaningful, and depending on what turns up in discovery Google could be in serious trouble.” This ruling should enable Rumble to acquire and utilize extremely revealing documents about how Google exploits its algorithms to manipulate search results on its dominant search engine, as well the burdensome requirements it imposes on other companies dependent on Google’s infrastructure to ensure prominent promotion of YouTube.

    Google did not respond to requests for comment on the judicial ruling. Rumble’s statement was naturally celebratory: “We welcome the court’s decision, which is a significant step toward ending Google’s unlawful preferences for YouTube and helping to put creators first. We look forward to starting discovery.”

    When Rumble first filed the suit, its founder and CEO, Chris Pavlovski, told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that the company’s data specialists had determined that, with its search engine algorithmic manipulations, “Google has redirected up to 9.3 billion visitors to YouTube instead of to Rumble.” These anti-competitive practices by Google, he argued, destroy the possibility for innovation and competition: “Imagine being a tech entrepreneur trying to build an online video platform. You absolutely do not have a shot. You do not have a chance. You have pre-installed YouTube apps on phones. You have a rigged search engine. You have no ability to compete in this market.”

    Lawsuits like these have the ability to unite people across the political spectrum. Stoller, one of the nation’s leading scholars on the question of Big Tech monopolistic dominance, noted that “the case leverages antitrust action by the government pursued under both Trump and Biden. It’s also notable that this ruling came from an Obama-appointed judge. Clearly concentrations of power worry both sides.”

    Regardless of whether one is an avid admirer of the modern iteration of capitalism, there is nothing to cheer when a tiny group of corporate giants can corner a market and prevent competition. That is particularly true when — as is obviously the case for Big Tech — the “market” in question is now the primary means by which Americans gather information, politically organize, receive and disseminate news, and question and debate the most consequential political controversies. The political and propagandistic aspects of these anti-competitive practices substantially elevate the public interest in fostering free and fair market competition. To allow a tiny number of tech giants to maintain a stranglehold on the digital public square is self-evidently dangerous, especially as they escalate their censorship regime, due to some combination of their own political interests, the demands of the majority political party in Washington, and the incessant grievances of their own work force.

    These dangers are not abstract. Perhaps they were most vividly seen in January, 2021, when Parler — designed as a free speech alternative to Facebook and Twitter — became the most-downloaded app in the country, fueled by anger over the pre-election censorship of the New York Post‘s reporting on Joe Biden’s activities in Ukraine and China as well as the banishment of President Trump by a consortium of Big Tech giants. As soon as Parler rose to the top spot, Democratic politicians such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and censorship activists groups such as Sleeping Giants demanded that Google and Apple immediately remove Parler from their app stores, preventing any further downloading. Other Democratic lawmakers then demanded that Amazon Web Services, the dominant hosting company that had enabled Parler’s website, terminate its agreement with Parler.

    Within forty-eight hours, all three Silicon Valley monopolies complied with these demands. Parler instantly went from the most popular app in the country — thanks to the free speech principles it upheld — to utterly crippled if not destroyed. It attempted to come back but never really recovered. That was as brute and stark a display of Big Tech’s ability and willingness to destroy any successful competitors as one might imagine. And in the process, they not only abused their anti-competitive dominance to destroy one of their few successful competitors but also, heeding the demands of Democratic Party politicians, abolished one of the few significant venues on the internet where Americans could gather to freely question and dissent from the orthodoxies and pronouncements of their leaders.

    The New York Times, Jan, 10, 2021

    There are other antitrust actions currently pending against the Big Tech giants from both private companies and, increasingly, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). But this suit from Rumble has enormous potential to open competition in the vital video uploading market and, perhaps even more importantly, shed substantial light on the extremely opaque and guarded algorithmic manipulations Google uses to force down the public’s throat the content it wants them to see while hiding that which it does not want them to see.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 14:30

  • Food Banks Across America Report Record Demand And Record Shortages
    Food Banks Across America Report Record Demand And Record Shortages

    Food pantries and food banks are a key economic indicator for tracking poverty levels and financial instability in the US, and in the past few months they have been ringing alarm bells.

    Stagflationary pressures have all but wiped out the savings of the average American and driven up credit card debt to historic highs.  Only in the past month have credit spending and debt levels begun to slide, but this is more a sign that consumers are tapped out rather than a sign of a return to normalcy.  High prices are slowly but surely overwhelming lower wage workers in particular.  The average living wage across most US states is around $16 an hour; over 30% of American workers make less than $15 an hour

    Democrats and leftists will of course claim that this is because the Federal Minimum Wage is too low and needs to be increased, but the minimum wage has become irrelevant in the post-covid economy.  Many retail and service companies now pay around $11-14 an hour, well above minimum wage, in order to retain workers. And STILL prices are too high for many of these people to keep up with expenses.

    Can average workers demand more money?  Probably not.  Low skill and no-skill workers are going to have a hard time rationalizing $16-$20 an hour for flipping burgers, brewing coffee or running cash registers.  Such a broad wage increase would also trigger even higher prices on most goods, defeating the purpose of higher pay.    

    The notion of a low wage worker revolt is a bit of a fantasy, and in some ways it can be dangerous for those that believe in it.  The trillions of dollars in covid stimulus unleashed in 2020 may have boosted retail sales and employment for a couple of years, but that’s coming to an end quickly.  Workers can only opt out of certain jobs for a short time (as long as their parents will let them freeload), and bargaining for more money is dependent on their ability to get employment elsewhere.  It’s a sure bet that by mid-2023 many “wage revolutionaries” will be begging for their old burger jobs back.     

    Stagflation is not a wage issue so much as a money supply issue.  There are too many dollars chasing too few goods.  This is coupled with numerous supply chain problems caused by covid hysteria in export nations like China that are holding up a large number of cargo ships for weeks or months at a time.  When it comes to food in particular, there are weather issues, war issues and governments sabotaging food production within their own countries using nonsensical climate change restrictions (as we are seeing in places like the Netherlands).     

    So, if people aren’t going to get higher wages, and prices are going to continue climbing, what are they going to do?  They generally turn to charities to help get through the month.  

    Food pantries usually don’t offer enough supplies to fully feed a family, but they do supplement your existing income by adding a week or two worth of sustenance per month.  Many people will visit more than a couple food pantries at a time in order to stock enough for their families.  The problem with price inflation is that it tends to directly affect and reduce the amount of donations that pantries receive and the amount of food they can give away.  

    In the past month there has been a steady stream of reports from pantries across the US stating that they are now hitting record high demand and record low supply.  From New York to Wisconsin to Ohio to Missouri to Florida to Arkansas to California and beyond, pantries are running out.  On top of that, it’s the middle of summer – The busiest time for food banks and the Salvation Army is during the winter holidays.

    The majority of pantries indicate that they are most in need of cash donations and that these have started to fade out.  When it comes to necessities, most people will not or cannot reduce the frequency of their purchases.  Food, gas, housing, utilities, etc. are fixed income costs, and when these costs rise workers must cut costs elsewhere.  Charities are usually the first to see the chopping block.    

    The avalanche of reports suggests that this winter will be high in food demand and dismal in terms of supply, with little relief from charities.  The most advisable option would be to stock dry and canned goods with a long shelf life now while they are still available and prepare for the cold season when demand skyrockets even higher.  Even people in financial distress can utilize pantries today and stock supplies for the months ahead if they plan carefully.  Those same pantries may not exist when winter rolls around, so now is the time to act.      

    Still, don’t call it a recession (or depression)… 

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/30/2022 – 14:00

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Today’s News 30th July 2022

  • The Genetic Panopticon: We're All Suspects In A DNA Lineup, Waiting To Be Matched With A Crime
    The Genetic Panopticon: We’re All Suspects In A DNA Lineup, Waiting To Be Matched With A Crime

    Authored by John and Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

    “Solving unsolved crimes is a noble objective, but it occupies a lower place in the American pantheon of noble objectives than the protection of our people from suspicionless law-enforcement searches… Make no mistake about it…your DNA can be taken and entered into a national DNA database if you are ever arrested, rightly or wrongly, and for whatever reason… Perhaps the construction of such a genetic panopticon is wise. But I doubt that the proud men who wrote the charter of our liberties would have been so eager to open their mouths for royal inspection.”

    – Justice Antonin Scalia dissenting in Maryland v. King

    Be warned: the DNA detectives are on the prowl.

    Whatever skeletons may be lurking on your family tree or in your closet, whatever crimes you may have committed, whatever associations you may have with those on the government’s most wanted lists: the police state is determined to ferret them out.

    In an age of overcriminalization, round-the-clock surveillance, and a police state eager to flex its muscles in a show of power, we are all guilty of some transgression or other.

    No longer can we consider ourselves innocent until proven guilty.

    Now we are all suspects in a DNA lineup waiting to be matched up with a crime.

    Suspect State, meet the Genetic Panopticon.

    DNA technology in the hands of government officials will complete our transition to a Surveillance State in which prison walls are disguised within the seemingly benevolent trappings of technological and scientific progress, national security and the need to guard against terrorists, pandemics, civil unrest, etc.

    By accessing your DNA, the government will soon know everything else about you that they don’t already know: your family chart, your ancestry, what you look like, your health history, your inclination to follow orders or chart your own course, etc.

    It’s getting harder to hide, even if you think you’ve got nothing to hide.

    Armed with unprecedented access to DNA databases amassed by the FBI and ancestry website, as well as hospital newborn screening programs, police are using forensic genealogy, which allows police to match up an unknown suspect’s crime scene DNA with that of any family members in a genealogy database, to solve cold cases that have remained unsolved for decades.

    By submitting your DNA to a genealogical database such as Ancestry and 23andMe, you’re giving the police access to the genetic makeup, relationships and health profiles of every relative—past, present and future—in your family, whether or not they ever agreed to be part of such a database.

    It no longer even matters if you’re among the tens of millions of people who have added their DNA to ancestry databases. As Brian Resnick reports, public DNA databases have grown so massive that they can be used to find you even if you’ve never shared your own DNA.

    That simple transaction—a spit sample or a cheek swab in exchange for getting to learn everything about one’s ancestral makeup, where one came from, and who is part of one’s extended family—is the price of entry into the Suspect State for all of us.

    After all, a DNA print reveals everything about “who we are, where we come from, and who we will be.” It can also be used to predict the physical appearance of potential suspects.

    It’s what police like to refer to a “modern fingerprint.”

    Whereas fingerprint technology created a watershed moment for police in their ability to “crack” a case, DNA technology is now being hailed by law enforcement agencies as the magic bullet in crime solving, especially when it helps them crack cold cases of serial murders and rapists.

    After all, who wouldn’t want to get psychopaths and serial rapists off the streets and safely behind bars, right?

    At least, that’s the argument being used by law enforcement to support their unrestricted access to these genealogy databases, and they’ve got the success stories to prove it.

    For instance, a 68-year-old Pennsylvania man was arrested and charged with the brutal rape and murder of a young woman almost 50 years earlier. Relying on genealogical research suggesting that the killer had ancestors who hailed from a small town in Italy, investigators narrowed their findings down to one man whose DNA, obtained from a discarded coffee cup, matched the killer’s.

    In another cold case investigation, a 76-year-old man was arrested for two decades-old murders after his DNA was collected from a breathalyzer during an unrelated traffic stop.

    Yet it’s not just psychopaths and serial rapists who are getting caught up in the investigative dragnet. In the police state’s pursuit of criminals, anyone who comes up as a possible DNA match—including distant family members—suddenly becomes part of a circle of suspects that must be tracked, investigated and ruled out.

    Victims of past crimes are also getting added to the government’s growing DNA database of potential suspects. For instance, San Francisco police used a rape victim’s DNA, which was on file from a 2016 sexual assault, to arrest the woman for allegedly being involved in a property crime that took place in 2021.

    In this way, “guilt by association” has taken on new connotations in a technological age in which one is just a DNA sample away from being considered a person of interest in a police investigation. As Jessica Cussins warns in Psychology Today, “The fundamental fight—that data from potentially innocent people should not be used to connect them to unrelated crimes—has been lost.”

    Until recently, the government was required to at least observe some basic restrictions on when, where and how it could access someone’s DNA. That was turned on its head by various U.S. Supreme Court rulings that heralded the loss of privacy on a cellular level.

    For instance, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Maryland v. King that taking DNA samples from a suspect doesn’t violate the Fourth Amendment. The Court’s subsequent decision to let stand the Maryland Court of Appeals’ ruling in Raynor v. Maryland, which essentially determined that individuals do not have a right to privacy when it comes to their DNA, made Americans even more vulnerable to the government accessing, analyzing and storing their DNA without their knowledge or permission.

    It’s all been downhill since then.

    Indeed, the government has been relentless in its efforts to get hold of our DNA, either through mandatory programs carried out in connection with law enforcement and corporate America, by warrantlessly accessing our familial DNA shared with genealogical services such as Ancestry and 23andMe, or through the collection of our “shed” or “touch” DNA.

    Get ready, folks, because the government has embarked on a diabolical campaign to create a nation of suspects predicated on a massive national DNA database.

    This has been helped along by Congress (which adopted legislation allowing police to collect and test DNA immediately following arrests), President Trump (who signed the Rapid DNA Act into law), the courts (which have ruled that police can routinely take DNA samples from people who are arrested but not yet convicted of a crime), and local police agencies (which are chomping at the bit to acquire this new crime-fighting gadget).

    For example, Rapid DNA machines—portable, about the size of a desktop printer, highly unregulated, far from fool-proof, and so fast that they can produce DNA profiles in less than two hours—allow police to go on fishing expeditions for any hint of possible misconduct using DNA samples.

    Journalist Heather Murphy explains: “As police agencies build out their local DNA databases, they are collecting DNA not only from people who have been charged with major crimes but also, increasingly, from people who are merely deemed suspicious, permanently linking their genetic identities to criminal databases.”

    All 50 states now maintain their own DNA government databases, although the protocols for collection differ from state to state. Increasingly, many of the data from local databanks are being uploaded to CODIS, the FBI’s massive DNA database, which has become a de facto way to identify and track the American people from birth to death.

    Even hospitals have gotten in on the game by taking and storing newborn babies’ DNA, often without their parents’ knowledge or consent. It’s part of the government’s mandatory genetic screening of newborns. In many states, the DNA is stored indefinitely. There’s already a move underway to carry out whole genome sequencing on newborns, ostensibly to help diagnose rare diseases earlier and improve health later in life, which constitutes an ethical minefield all by itself.

    What this means for those being born today is inclusion in a government database that contains intimate information about who they are, their ancestry, and what awaits them in the future, including their inclinations to be followers, leaders or troublemakers.

    Just recently, in fact, police in New Jersey accessed the DNA from a nine-year-old blood sample of a newborn baby in order to identify the child’s father as a suspect in a decades-old sexual assault.

    The ramifications of this kind of DNA profiling are far-reaching.

    At a minimum, these DNA databases do away with any semblance of privacy or anonymity.

    The lucrative possibilities for hackers and commercial entities looking to profit off one’s biological record are endless. It’s estimated that the global human identification market is projected to reach $6.5 billion by 2032.

    These genetic databases and genomic technology also make us that much more vulnerable to creeps and cyberstalkersgenetic profiling, and those who would weaponize the technology against us.

    Unfortunately, the debate over genetic privacy—and when one’s DNA becomes a public commodity outside the protection of the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition on warrantless searches and seizures—continues to lag far behind the government and Corporate America’s encroachments on our rights.

    Moreover, while much of the public debate, legislative efforts and legal challenges in recent years have focused on the protocols surrounding when police can legally collect a suspect’s DNA (with or without a search warrant and whether upon arrest or conviction), the question of how to handle “shed” or “touch” DNA has largely slipped through without much debate or opposition.

    As scientist Leslie A. Pray notes:

    We all shed DNA, leaving traces of our identity practically everywhere we go… In fact, the garbage you leave for curbside pickup is a potential gold mine of this sort of material. All of this shed or so-called abandoned DNA is free for the taking by local police investigators hoping to crack unsolvable cases… shed DNA is also free for inclusion in a secret universal DNA databank.

    What this means is that if you have the misfortune to leave your DNA traces anywhere a crime has been committed, you’ve already got a file somewhere in some state or federal database—albeit it may be a file without a name. As Heather Murphy warns in the New York Times: “The science-fiction future, in which police can swiftly identify robbers and murderers from discarded soda cans and cigarette butts, has arrived…  Genetic fingerprinting is set to become as routine as the old-fashioned kind.

    As the dissenting opinion to the Maryland Court of Appeals’ shed DNA ruling in Raynor rightly warned, A person can no longer vote, participate in a jury, or obtain a driver’s license, without opening up his genetic material for state collection and codification.” Indeed, by refusing to hear the Raynor case, the U.S. Supreme Court gave its tacit approval for government agents to collect shed DNA, likening it to a person’s fingerprints or the color of their hair, eyes or skin.

    It’s just a matter of time before government agents will know everywhere we’ve been and how long we were at each place by following our shed DNA. After all, scientists can already track salmon across hundreds of square miles of streams and rivers using DNA.

    Today, helped along by robotics and automation, DNA processing, analysis and reporting takes far less time and can bring forth all manner of information, right down to a person’s eye color and relatives. Incredibly, one company specializes in creating “mug shots” for police based on DNA samples from unknown “suspects” which are then compared to individuals with similar genetic profiles.

    Of course, none of these technologies are infallible.

    DNA evidence can be wrong, either through human error, tampering, or even outright fabrication, and it happens more often than we are told.

    What this amounts to is a scenario in which we have little to no defense against charges of wrongdoing, especially when “convicted” by technology, and even less protection against the government sweeping up our DNA in much the same way it sweeps up our phone calls, emails and text messages.

    As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, it’s only a matter of time before the police state’s pursuit of criminals from the past expands into genetic profiling and a preemptive hunt for criminals of the future.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 23:40

  • F-35 Stealth Fleet Grounded By USAF Over Faulty Ejection-Seat Worries
    F-35 Stealth Fleet Grounded By USAF Over Faulty Ejection-Seat Worries

    The US Air Force grounded its fleet of fifth-generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets due to new concerns over ejection seat safety just days after the Navy grounded planes for the same reason. 

    Air Combat Command (ACC) spokeswoman Alexi Worley confirmed to Breaking Defense that ACC-controlled F-35s are in temporary stand-down while explosive cartridges used inside ejection seats to help propel the pilot from the plane in emergencies are inspected. 

    “ACC’s F-35s do have Martin-Baker ejection seats, and on July 19, began a Time Compliance Technical Directive to inspect all of the cartridges on the ejection seat within 90 days.

    “Out of an abundance of caution, ACC units will execute a stand-down on July 29 to expedite the inspection process. Based on data gathered from those inspections, ACC will make a determination to resume operations,” Worley said. 

    ACC controls the majority of the USAF F-35s. These stealth jets are deployed in other major commands, including United States Air Forces in Europe, Pacific Air Forces, and Air Education and Training Command. The number of affected F-35s was not immediately known. 

    “Since CADs [cartridge accentuated devices] are used in the ejection process, a faulty CAD may not allow all the functions necessary to take place that would allow a complete and safe ejection.

    “While the aircraft are flyable, I don’t think too many pilots would be willing to fly knowing they may not be able [to] eject,” Michael Cisek, a senior associate at the aviation consulting firm AeroDynamic Advisory, told Breaking Defense. 

    On Thursday, the Air Force revealed that 300 training aircraft were temporarily grounded because of ejection seat safety fears. Other services, including the Navy and Marines Corps, have also halted flights of some fixed-wing aircraft. 

    The defect discovered comes a week after the United Kingdom’s Eurofighter Typhoons halted ‘non-essential’ flights over malfunctioning ejection seats. 

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 23:20

  • To Take Back Our Culture We Need To Build Our Own Media Army
    To Take Back Our Culture We Need To Build Our Own Media Army

    Authored by Brandon Smith via

    I have been writing about the concept of decentralization since around 2006, well before the threat of the woke takeover and the culture war became obvious. The idea is a rather simple one (most ideas that work are simple):

    If the corrupt system does not or will not provide what the public needs or wants then the public should provide those necessities for themselves. If they are successful then the system has two choices – It can fade away quietly as the decentralized economy takes over, or, it can try and STOP the public from building their own production using force. If the system uses force, then it exposes its true nature as authoritarian and it encourages rebellion. One way or another, the corrupt system will be eliminated.

    We have already seen this with the alternative media over the past decade. When I started my first website (Neithercorp) 16 years ago, there were very few of us out there presenting the truth to the public and the mainstream media was still very much in control of the narrative. Today there is an endless array of alternative news websites and YouTube channels and the MSM is utterly dying (except maybe Fox News). Their audience numbers are crumbling while our audience numbers are rising. We are winning the news war because we offer something they don’t – The facts.

    The alternative media has proven that decentralization can and does work, but there are many other areas of our culture which have not been decentralized in the slightest. Most popular media is still well under the control of people that espouse extreme cultural Marxism and globalism. Woke ideology is a communist-like movement and such movements spend a lot of time and energy seeking to disrupt the foundational culture of a nation. They do this because once the old culture is in ruins they can then introduce their own aberrant and tyrannical culture in its place. They are culture killers, and they do this deliberately because it is a methodology for gaining power.

    Proponents of woke ideology will claim that they have nothing to do with Marxism or communism (while openly admitting they are trained Marxists). They will claim that Marxism and communism are purely economic movements. This is a lie. All communism is predicated on cultural destruction; this is a historic FACT. We can see parallel similarities between the social justice movements of today and movements like the Cultural Revolution in Mao’s China from 1966 to 1976. Any heritage, media or religion that competes with the communist model is targeted for erasure and this is what is happening right now in America.

    In terms of western entertainment the methods are rather predictable – Leftist try to avoid producing their own original content if they can. Why? Because most of them are pathetic storytellers. Why? Because narcissists don’t have imaginations. Instead, they take existing stories and hijack them as vehicles for their propaganda.

    They exploit an established franchise that people love and then reboot it. The reboot uses the name and nostalgia to lure in audiences. But the story and characters have no resemblance to the original mythos or lore, and audiences soon discover that their beloved characters are being murdered right in front of them. I suspect this is done with a particular element of joy, as leftists take pleasure in destruction far more than creation.

    They will inject as many aspects of “critical theory” into every product that they get their hands on. This means diversity quotas in stories where it makes no sense. They claim that every movie, TV show, comic and video game must “reflect our modern world.” Translated that means: They think they get to determine what represents the “modern world.” Their movement uses minorities as a shield from criticism. If you don’t like their propaganda, then you must be “racist.” They think they own all minorities and rage against any black or brown person that leaves the leftist plantation.

    They force concepts of “equity” into every production. We already have equality of opportunity in the west, so, they had to invent a new terminology that demands equality of outcome. Equity is about special treatment and protections for any group that serves leftist interests at the time. It’s about forcing people to give up what they have worked so hard for, what they have earned through merit, and making them hand it over to the system for redistribution to the loyal soldiers of the system. You are supposed to subsidize your own enslavement.

    They flood all entertainment media with LGBT and gender fluidity agit-prop. The concept of the nuclear family is erased in favor of over-representation of a tiny minority of people, and some of these people never asked to be “represented” by the political left anyway. Leftists don’t care. They have anointed themselves as the shepherds of all “marginalized” groups. If you are gay then they own you and they own your successes. You didn’t build it, they did. The vast majority of new media is overwhelmingly gay to the point that many Americans in polling actually believe that around 25% of the population is homosexual when the real number is closer to 4% including bisexuals and those that identify as trans .

    Finally, globalism is the overarching religion of the left, and this destructive concept is making its way into many media products. The notion is that all ideals and beliefs deserve to be respected equally – This is a lie. Not all ideals are equal, and some beliefs are psychotic.  Beyond that, leftists don’t respect all ideals equally; they despise concepts like freedom, meritocracy and decentralization.

    There are good reasons why we don’t live in a homogenized world and we are divided into separate nations and separate tribes: Because not all tribes are equal. Some are garbage, with garbage principles and garbage leadership. I don’t want to share a tribe with the communist Chinese who commit genocide and religious intolerance and who abuse the citizenry. I don’t want to share a tribe with a Muslim nation ruled by Sharia Law that murders gay people and treats women like property. I don’t want to share a tribe with leftists who seek to undermine society and rewrite history.

    Globalism is the worst idea imaginable. Many tribes is a good thing, because discrimination helps humanity to separate and survive against immoral and destructive groups that seek to covertly or overtly homogenize.  The last thing we need is grotesque globalist cultism invading our entertainment.

    So, how do we fight back?

    Conservatives, libertarians and liberty minded people have finally started to take the culture war more seriously, but now we need to take action to stop the saturation of leftist propaganda within our media. This means we need to produce our OWN media, including entertainment media.

    For decades, conservatives ignored the danger of leftists infecting pop culture, movies, television, comic books and video games. Many believed that these things were downstream from politics and that as long as we held our ground in the political arena everything would be fine. This was a huge mistake. Pop culture is not downstream from politics, both flow in tandem with each other. If you think that movies, video games and comic books are just meaningless “nerd stuff,” then you have been duped. Younger generations are highly influenced by such content.

    I covered this idea briefly in a recent article ‘Amazon’s Woke Lord Of The Rings Is The Death Rattle Of Social Justice Content.’  I noted that the massive negative fan reaction to Amazon’s woke plans indicated a sea change in the way Americans are viewing the entertainment they consume.  They are no longer passive, and this is a good thing.

    They are fighting back against the propaganda implanted into these shows and movies but they also need non-woke stories to fill the void. If you don’t offer them an alternative, then they might just watch whatever is put in front of them. The brainwashing will be perpetual.

    Some courageous individuals and companies are taking steps to build an alternative entertainment media, but we need far more. Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire is fighting back with their own film production company, and from what I have seen so far the movies they have made are top notch.

    Libertarian and YouTuber Eric July has recently launched his own comic book company and comic world called the “Rippaverse.” The company’s first comic book release has already garnered around $3 million in purchases, which proves that yes, there is indeed a market for this type of content and people are hungry for any media which is not woke.

    Eric July has since been attacked relentlessly by the mainstream media (yes, over a comic book). As I have noted when it comes to decentralization, once the system attacks you, you know you are a threat to their power. They attack because they are afraid.

    Comedian Andrew Shulz decided to buy back his own comedy special from an unnamed streaming service because they sought to censor his anti-woke jokes. He is now offering the special (called “Infamous”) on his own website.

    We definitely need more of this. More creators taking a stand and building real alternatives to Hollywood and the woke corporate cabal. If you can’t stand leftist media and would rather watch nothing, then maybe it’s time for you to make the kind of content you would like to see?

    I am going to be putting my money where my mouth is very soon and releasing my own comic book campaign. I have been working on the project for around 3 months and have put together a great team. I hope to release the campaign in a couple of weeks. My feeling is that if I can tell an entertaining story, then I should. I want to continue with my economic and political analysis, but I also think it’s important to provide people with mental relief and a short escape from some of the harsher realities of our times.

    Leftists and woke corporations do not want you to be able to escape. They want their ideology in your face 24/7 until you give up and submit.

    The existing franchises that we used to take for granted when we were children are gone; they are all owned by people with dishonest intentions that hate American culture and want to see it debased into oblivion. We have to accept this fact, move on from the old stories and old content, and make our own. We have to become the new sages and storytellers of our age because no one is going to do it for us.

    Some people might argue that all of this is meaningless. Why worry about media and culture when we are in the middle of an economic crisis? What these folks don’t seem to grasp is that part of the reason we are in this mess is because we allowed our own cultural decline. We became apathetic in our vigilance and let mentally and ideologically unstable people take over platforms of influence. No longer. Their time is coming to an end. We are going to take it back; every piece of it, and we will do that by building a decentralized media army from the ground up.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 23:00

  • Iran Gains Access To Russian Mir Payment Cards
    Iran Gains Access To Russian Mir Payment Cards

    In the latest example of U.S. sanctions sparking new financial ties between out-of-favor countries, Iranians will soon be able to make payments with Russia’s Mir bank cards. The move will provide some relief to everyday Iranian people and businesses victimized by economic sanctions. 

    “I think this payment system will be activated in Iran soon,” Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy Medhi Safari said Wednesday, according to Russia’s RIA news. Mir translates into both “the world” and “peace.”

    The Mir card system was introduced by Russia’s central bank in 2015 after MasterCard and Visa were forced by the U.S. sanctions regime into terminating business with several Russian banks. Up to that point, MasterCard and Visa accounted for 90% of payments in Russia. After Russia’s February invasion of Ukraine, remaining Russian banks lost their Visa and MasterCard relationships.  

    Mir’s reach has spread to many other countries and territories, including South Korea, Turkey, Vietnam, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Work is underway to enable the cards’ use in Cuba and the United Arab Emirates. More than 100 million Mir cards have been issued to date. 

    Russia’s Mir arrangement with Iran is just the latest of many examples of tightened economic relations between the two targets of U.S. sanctions.

    • The two are also working to create a rival to the SWIFT payments messaging service that underpins cross-border payments across the global economy,” reports Reuters.​​

    • On Tuesday, Iranian economic minister Ehsan Khandouzi announced that the U.S. dollar had been officially replaced by the ruble in Iran’s trade with Russia, and that work is underway to replace the dollar in business with China, Turkey and India. 

    • Also this week, Iran and Russia entered a deal by which Iran will supply aircraft parts and maintenance services to Russia. 

    • On July 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin traveled to Tehran and met Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Ebrahim Raisi, along with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.  

    • On the eve of Putin’s visit, Russian gas producer Gazprom and Iran’s national oil company signed a $40 billion deal in which Gazprom will help develop oil and gas fields, and complete liquefied natural gas facilities and gas export pipelines. 

    • In June, Iranian state media announced a test of a new trade route linking Russia and India via Iran.  

    Despite the West’s economic warfare, the ruble is actually stronger against the dollar today than it was before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. To the extent sanctions encourage a growing list of countries to engage in non-dollar-denominated transactions, a weaponized dollar may ultimately explode in America’s face. 

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 22:40

  • "Paving The Road To Hell": Digital ID Systems Could Lead To Severe, Irreversible Human Rights Violations
    “Paving The Road To Hell”: Digital ID Systems Could Lead To Severe, Irreversible Human Rights Violations

    Authored by Suzanne Burdick,

    The authors of a new report on digital identity systems warned “the actual and potential” human rights violations arising from the digital ID model can be “severe and potentially irreversible.”

    The 100-page report — “Paving the Road to Hell? A Primer on the Role of the World Bank and Global Networks in Promoting Digital ID” — published by New York University’s (NYU) Center for Human Rights and Global Justice urged human rights organizations to heed the threats posed by a global push for digital IDs.

    The NYU researchers said many proponents — including the World Bank — portray digital IDs as a means to achieving greater inclusivity and environmental sustainability when, in fact, the systems are likely to do just the opposite.

    According to the report, the digital ID has been dressed up as an “unstoppable juggernaut and inevitable hallmark of modernity and development in the 21st century,” causing dissenting voices to be “written off as Luddites and barriers to progress.”

    The authors argued for open debate “with full transparency and involving all relevant stakeholders,” including the most marginalized and most vulnerable.

    The authors, who include Christiaan van Veen, L.L.M., special advisor on new technologies and human rights to the United Nations, urged the human rights community and related civic society organizations to ensure that global decisions about the adoption of digital ID systems are not hastily made but are based on “serious evidence and analysis.”

    Where digital ID systems threaten human rights, the NYU researchers said, such endeavors should be “stopped altogether.”

    Who’s really profiting?

    “Governments around the world have been investing heavily in digital identification systems, often with biometric components,” the authors said in a statement.

    Digital ID systems that frequently collect biometric data — such as fingerprints, iris or other facial feature recognition — are being adopted to replace or complement non-digital government identification systems.

    According to an Access Now special report, in India in October 2021, digital ID systems — or “Big ID programs” as Access Now called them — are being pushed by a market of actors who sell and profit from digital ID systems and infrastructure, often while endangering the human rights of the people they’re supposed to benefit.

    The NYU researchers reached the same conclusion:

    “The rapid proliferation of such systems is driven by a new development consensus, packaged and promoted by key global actors like the World Bank, but also by governments, foundations, vendors and consulting firms.”

    Digital ID proponents argue the systems can contribute to inclusivity and sustainable development, with some going so far as to consider the adoption of digital ID systems a prerequisite for the realization of human rights.

    But the NYU researchers said they believe the “ultimate objective” of digital ID systems is to “facilitate economic transactions and private sector service delivery while also bringing new, poorer, individuals into formal economies and ‘unlocking’ their behavioral data.”

    “The promises of inclusion and flourishing digital economies might appear attractive on paper,” the researchers said, “but digital ID systems have consistently failed to deliver on these promises in real world situations, especially for the most marginalized.”

    The authors added:

    “In fact, evidence is emerging from many countries, most notably the mega digital ID project Aadhaar in India, of the severe and large-scale human rights violations linked to this model. These systems may in fact exacerbate pre-existing forms of exclusion and discrimination in public and private services. The use of new technologies may furthermore lead to novel forms of harm, including biometric exclusion, discrimination, and the many harms associated with ‘surveillance capitalism.’”

    The benefits of using digital ID are “ill-defined” and “poorly documented,” the NYU authors said.

    “From what evidence does exist, it seems that those who stand to benefit most may not be those ‘left behind,’ but instead a small group of companies and governments,” they wrote.

    They added:

    “After all, where digital ID systems have tended to excel is in generating lucrative contracts for biometrics companies and enhancing the surveillance and migration-control capabilities of governments.”

    More harm than good, especially for world’s most marginalized

    The authors did four things in their report.

    First, they examined the human rights impact of national digital ID systems and argued that a cost-benefit analysis of digital ID systems suggests they do more harm than good — especially for the world’s most marginalized individuals.

    “Through the embrace of digital technologies, the World Bank and a broader global network of actors has been promoting a new paradigm for ID systems that prioritizes what we refer to as ‘economic identity,’” the authors wrote.

    They added:

    These systems focus on fueling digital transactions and transforming individuals into traceable data. They often ignore the ability of identification systems to recognize not only that an individual is unique, but that they have a legal status with associated rights.

    “Still, proponents have cloaked this new paradigm in the language of human rights and inclusion, arguing that such systems will help to achieve multiple Sustainable Development Goals.”

    The authors added:

    “Like physical roads, national digital identification systems with biometric components (digital ID systems) are presented as the public infrastructure of the digital future.

    “Yet these particular infrastructures have proven to be dangerous, having been linked to severe and large-scale human rights violations in a range of countries around the world, affecting social, civil, and political rights.”

    Prioritizing ‘economic identity’

    Next, the researchers looked at how an “identification for development” agenda driven by multiple global actors came into being.

    They discussed the digital ID system called Aadhaar that is currently being tried out by the government of India and the digital ID system promoted by the World Bank —  Identification for Development, commonly called the ID4D Initiative.

    The ID4D Initiative draws inspiration from the highly criticized Aadhaar digital ID system in India.

    In the Aadhaar system, individuals are voluntarily assigned a 12-digit random number by the Unique Identification Authority of India — a statutory authority backed by the government of India — that establishes the “uniqueness” of individuals with the help of demographic and biometric technologies.

    This digital ID model, NYU report authors said, is dangerous because it prioritizes an “economic identity” for an individual.

    The model is not about an individual’s identity alone, confirmed Joseph Atick, Ph.D., executive chairman of the influential ID4Africa, a platform where African governments and major companies in the digital ID market meet.

    It’s about their economic interactions, Atick said.

    The ID4D model “enables and interacts with authentication platforms, payments systems, digital signatures, data sharing, KYC systems, consent management and sectoral delivery platforms,” Atick announced at the start of ID4Africa’s 2022 annual meeting in mid-June, at the Palais de Congrès in Marrakesh, Morocco.

    The authors of the NYU report criticized this model:

    “The goal then, is not so much identity as it is identification. The three interlinked processes of identification, registration, and authorization are an exercise of power.

    “Through this process, one actor acknowledges or denies another actor’s identity attributes. Individuals may be empowered through the process of identification, but such systems have long been used for the opposite purpose: to deny rights to certain groups and exclude them.”

    Third, the authors assessed the nitty-gritty details of how the World Bank and its network of proponents of digital ID systems worked to implement an “identification for development” agenda around the globe.

    They explained how the funding and governance of the ID4D Initiative operate, and claimed the World Bank and its corporate and governmental partners are “manufacturing consensus” by presuming that the shift to a digital ID model is inevitable, desirable and required for human progress.

    But this “manufactured consensus” lacks a basis, they said.

    “Concrete and robust evidence of the purported benefits associated with digital ID systems is rarely provided, it is merely asserted that digital ID will lead to inclusion and development,” the authors wrote.

    3 steps privacy advocates can take

    Finally, the authors outlined what human rights organizations and other civil society actors can do by highlighting three modes of action:

    • “Not so fast!” Organizations can demand that governmental adoption of digital ID systems not be rushed.

    The authors wrote:

    “Before any new or augmented digital ID systems are rolled out nationwide, it is vital to establish an evidence base and take all necessary steps to anticipate and mitigate possible harms in advance. Baseline studies, research into the specific context, cost-benefit analyses, value for money analyses, and impact assessments are necessary and should be demanded every step of the way.”

    • “Make it public.” The design and possible implementation of a digital ID system need to be thoroughly discussed in democratic forums, including public media and Congress or parliaments.

    “Civil society organizations should demand openness with regard to plans, tenders, and the involvement of foreign governments and international organizations,” they said.

    • “We are all stakeholders.” While the World Bank presents itself as a respected advisor to governments who should be allowed to shape and create governments’ digital ID policies, it is only one actor.

    “It is important to realize,” the authors wrote, “that, ultimately, everyone has a stake in systems of identification, digital or otherwise, which are essential to recognize individuals and effectuate their human rights.”

    They added:

    “More and more organizations and experts are beginning to grapple with the rapid spread of digital ID around the world, from digital rights organizations to groups representing people with disabilities, and from experts working on social and economic rights to development economists.

    “As this range of organizations grows, it will be crucial to share experiences, learn from one another, and coordinate advocacy.”

    Human rights alliances can ‘reimagine’ the ‘digital future’

    According to the report, multidisciplinary and geographically diverse alliances can not only help to ensure digital ID systems are not deployed “in the harmful ways described in this primer,” but can “also help reimagine what the digital future without the particular model of ID systems promoted by the World Bank and others could look like.”

    They said:

    “As digital ID systems are determining the shape of governments and societies as we hurtle into the digital era, questions as to their form and design — and their very existence in the first place — are critical.

    “What alternative visions can we offer that will better safeguard human rights and preserve the gains of countless years of struggle to improve the recognition and institutionalization of rights?

    “When we bring together actors who want a society where the human rights of every individual and group are protected, what kinds of digital ID systems might we imagine? How might digital ID systems be designed to truly promote human well-being?

    “How would this alternative, rights-fulfilling vision differ from the economic, transactional identity described here, as promoted by the World Bank and others? Indeed, would we have digitalized identification systems at all?”

    The authors did not provide answers to these questions.

    Rather, they aimed to “bring together the excellent work that our partners, colleagues, and others have tirelessly undertaken around the world” and facilitate collaboration “to ensure that the future of digital ID enhances, rather than jeopardizes, the enjoyment of human rights.”

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 22:20

  • "Pure Lies": China Contradicts White House On Key Aspect Of Biden-Xi Call
    “Pure Lies”: China Contradicts White House On Key Aspect Of Biden-Xi Call

    China blasted the White House in a Friday foreign ministry press conference, charging the US administration with lying after a Biden spokesperson said the president raised the issue of Uyghur Muslim genocide and forced labor camps with Xi in their over two-hour Thursday phone call.

    The controversy started when White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters soon after the call that Biden “raised genocide and forced labor practices by the [People’s Republic of China],” explaining that is something the president “always does” when he speaks with Xi.

    “This is, as we’ve said, that anytime the president has an opportunity, he raises that when he meets with another leader, and called on [the] PRC to cease its ongoing human rights abuses across China,” she followed with.

    Except Beijing now says this was cut out of whole cloth, with Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian vehemently rejecting this account in a Friday statement, saying:

    “I can tell you that allegations of ‘genocide’ and ‘forced labor’ in Xinjiang are pure lies.”

    “You said the White House press secretary claimed that ‘genocide’ and ‘forced labor’ came up in last night’s call. That is false information.”

    Curiously, neither the Chinese government’s nor the White House’s call readouts mention anything regarding the Uyghurs in particular, but only an ultra-broad “discussed a range of issues” phrase was used by the Biden administration in its press release.

    In follow-up, The New York Post questioned the Biden administration about the matter, with a National Security Council spokesman saying, “I’m not going to get into a back and forth with a PRC government spokesperson.”

    The NSC official added, “The president raised concerns about human rights with President Xi, as he always does. He was crystal clear about his concerns. He also raised the need to resolve the cases of American citizens who are wrongfully detained or subject to exit bans in China.”

    …so somebody is indeed lying, given the clear discrepancy. 

    Meanwhile, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is en route to the region on her Asia tour, which might include an ultra-provocative stopover in Taiwan…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 22:00

  • Capitol Police Use Of Force Reports Expose Unprovoked Brutality Against Jan. 6 Protesters
    Capitol Police Use Of Force Reports Expose Unprovoked Brutality Against Jan. 6 Protesters

    Authored by Patricia Tolson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    A 104-page report issued three months after the events at the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021, said the Capitol Police’s Civil Disturbance Unit (CDU) was ordered by supervisors not to use “heavier, less-lethal weapons,” like flash bangs. However, video evidence—along with Capitol Police Use of Force Reports obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times—exposes conflicts in timelines, the brutality of the unprovoked attacks against Jan. 6 protesters, and how leadership ordered the deployment of munitions on a peaceful crowd.

    A photographer and police officer give first aid to Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6, 2021. The man at left was once wanted by the FBI. (Video Still/Sam Montoya for The Epoch Times)

    The Video Evidence

    Victoria White

    According to Police1, the “#1 resource for law enforcement online,” which promotes “the highest standards of business ethics,” police are trained to target large muscle groups like legs, chest, abdomen, and arms with batons. Intentionally striking areas like the head, sternum, and spine are considered to be the same act of deadly force as firing a gun.

    However, a video shows Jan. 6 defendant Victoria White being beaten over the head 35 times with a metal baton and punched in the face by an officer of the Metropolitan Police of the District of Columbia. White, seen wearing a Trump hat, is unarmed and posed no threat to the officer. She raises her hands in defense during the brutal attack, collapsing more than once, only to be stood up by other officers to be maced and beaten again.

    According to a Use of Force report filed 1/7/21 by Officer Dante Price, obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times, “approved strike areas” for use of a baton “include arms, legs and large muscle groups.” Injuries suffered by Dante’s victim required hospital transport. Another report of an injury caused by use of a baton, filed 1/8/21 by Officer Ryan Kendall, states “approved target areas” include the “upper abdomen.”

    “To add insult to injury,” her legal team said at a Jan. 6, 2022 press conference, “she was indicted for being pushed into the tunnel entrance and for daring to put her hands up in a defensive posture while getting beaten by the police.”

    White has filed a $1 million lawsuit against D.C. Police Chief Robert Contree and seven unnamed officers, including one known as “Officer Whiteshirt,” given the moniker as it is believed his clothing identified him as an officer in a position of authority.

    Roseanne Boyland

    Another video obtained by The Epoch Times shows D.C. Metro Police Officer Lila Morris beating an unconscious 34-year-old Roseanne Boyland of Kennesaw, Georgia with a steel baton and then with a large wooden walking stick. According to witnesses, Boyland lost consciousness and stopped breathing after being crushed beneath the weight of other fallen protesters. Being unconscious, Boyland was no threat to the officer.

    Video still from bodycam footage showing Officer Lila Morris picking up a wooden stick that she uses to beat Rosanne Boyland. (Metropolitan Police Department/Graphic by The Epoch Times)

    A DC medical examiner claims Boyland died of an accidental overdose of Adderall, a suspicious ruling that sparked outrage from Boyland’s friends and family. Her father, Bret Boyland, said his daughter had been taking Adderall for about 10 years to treat an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

    The Epoch Times reported on Feb. 10, an investigation by the department’s Internal Affairs Bureau cleared Morris of any wrongdoing and deemed her beating of the unconscious Boyland as “objectively reasonable.”

    A separate report describes how Morris first used the wooden stick while beating Boyland to strike 41-year-old filmmaker Luke Coffee on the left elbow. A second swing missed before she sprayed him in the face with pepper gel. “Morris then inexplicably turned her fury on the motionless Boyland, striking her in the ribs once and twice in the head,” the report said.

    Ashli Babbitt

    Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old unarmed Air Force veteran and ardent supporter of former President Donald Trump was shot and killed by U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd. While news media has labeled Babbitt as a violent “insurrectionist” who was trying to breach the Speaker’s Lobby, a frame-by-frame analysis of the video from The Epoch Times shows Babbitt tried to stop the violence against the Speaker’s Lobby at least four times before she was fatally shot.

    Moments before being shot to death, Ashli Babbitt confronts three police offers for not stopping the vandalism outside the U.S. House. (Video Still/Tayler Hansen)

    Two reports, filed by two officers who were with Byrd at the moment he shot Babbitt, were also obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times.

    According to a report by Paul McKenna of the United States Capitol Police (USCP) Uniformed Service Bureau, as protesters “began pounding” on the “East door of the lobby” and breaking the glass, he drew his weapon along with Byrd and Officer Reggie Tyson. He “yelled ‘stay back’ ‘get back’ several times during the incident.”

    “A woman climbed through the far left window pane, which had been broken out by the group,” McKenna attested. “Lt. Byrd fired one shot hitting the woman. She fell back out of the window and I continued yelling at the group to get back and away from the doors.”

    McKenna claims the incident happened between 1430 and 1500 hours (2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.). The report was signed by McKenna on June 9, 2021. It was signed by his supervisor five months earlier, on Jan. 7, 2021.

    Use of Force report regarding the shooting of Ashli Babbitt by Lieutenant Byrd at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, signed7/9/21 by Paul McKenna and 01/09/21 by his supervisor. (United States Capitol Police Use of Force Report/The Epoch Times)

    In the second report, filed Jan. 7, 2021, Tyson said he heard “shots fired” over his radio some time after 1440 (2:40 p.m.). In an attempt to protect himself, Tyson said he withdrew his weapon and made his way to the lobby east side of the capitol along with Byrd and McKenna. “A protester tried to climb through the broken window where she was shot one time as she fell back.” Tyson claims the time of the incident was around 1500 hours (3:00 p.m.).

    In another report, USCP Officer Tyler Stoyle claims he responded to “a shots fired” call over their his radio at “1400 hours” (2:00 p.m.), 40 minutes earlier than Tyson claimed to have heard the call of “shots fired.”

    A separate report filed by USCP Officer Jason McGinnis, said he “responded to the North side of Crypt” at “approximately 1400 hours” and drew his baton to “hold the line of unscreened individuals that were trespassing.”

    However, it wasn’t until “after the initial surge had ended” and McGinnis “was moving trespassers out of the South Door” that he claimed “there were reports of shots fired in the Speaker’s Lobby Stairs to the second floor.”

    During an interview with NBC, Byrd also claimed to hear “shots fired.”

    However, Byrd was the only one to fire a weapon on Jan. 6, 2021. This, and the conflicts in times reported by police regarding when they heard “shots fired,” raises questions.

    Use of Force Report filed by Reggie Tyson of the United States Capitol Police regarding the shooting of Ashli Babbitt by Lieutenant Byrd in the United States Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021. (United States Capitol Police Use of Force Report)

    According to a July 25 report by The Epoch Times, Stan Kephart—a 42-year law enforcement veteran and former director of security for the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics who has testified in court more than 350 times as an expert witness on policing issues—said Babbitt was “murdered … under the color of authority.”

    However, a review of the reports filed by Tyson and McKenna, the Bureau Commander found “the circumstances support the Use of Force” and did not recommend any further investigation.

    Ashli Babbitt (upper right) begins to fall back after being shot by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd on Jan. 6, 2021. (Sam Montoya/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)

    Byrd also told NBC he yelled verbal warnings so hard that his throat hurt for days after. Neither of the reports filed by Tyson or McKenna corroborate his claim. Byrd cannot be heard shouting anything on the video either.

    Byrd insisted he opened fire on an unarmed Babbitt only as a “last resort.”

    “I know that day I saved countless lives,” Byrd said.

    In August 2021, the U.S. Capitol Police investigation cleared Byrd of any wrongdoing.

    Use of Force Reports

    According to a report released March 7 by the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), “the January 6th attack on the Capitol raised concerns” about the preparedness of USCP “to respond to violent demonstrations.”

    Key findings from the report:

    • Eighty officers “identified concerns related to use of force, including that they felt discouraged or hesitant to use force because of a fear of disciplinary actions.”
    • Approximately 150 Capitol Police officers reported 293 use of force incidents on Jan. 6. All were deemed justified by the department.
    • These incidents involved pushing (91), batons (83), withdrawing a firearm from its holster (37), chemical spray (34), other physical tactics (22), pointing a firearm at a person (17), less-lethal munitions (7), a diversionary device (1) and firing a firearm (1).

    Of the 293 Use of Force (UOF) reports filed, The Epoch Times has obtained 161 of them, including the ones filed by Tyson and McKenna regarding the shooting of Babbitt by Byrd.

    ‘Less Than Lethal Munitions’ UOF Reports

    According to one UOF report, dated 1/7/21, Officer Adam Descamp said he was ordered by Deputy Chief Eric Waldow “to deploy less than lethal munitions on an overwhelming number of rioters at the U.S. Capitol.

    “I deployed multiple FN303 projectiles from the FN303 launcher, administered strikes with the PR-24 baton and utilized the Sabre red pepper spray to gain compliance from the rioters that were aggressively attacking officers on the police line and throughout the Capitol complex,” Descamp wrote of his actions at “approximately 1215 hours” (12:15 p.m.).

    Waldow was incident commander of the Civil Disturbance Unit on Jan. 6, which was reported to be highly disorganized and woefully unprepared.

    At “approximately 1215 hours,” Officer Melissa Lee also reported on 1/7/21 that she “was ordered to the scene by Deputy Chief Waldow to deploy less than lethal munitions on an overwhelming number of rioters at the U.S. Capitol Building,” using nearly the same, identical verbiage as Descamp.

    “I deployed multiple FN303 projectiles from the FN303 launcher to gain compliance from the rioters that were aggressively attacking officers on the police line and throughout the Capitol complex,” she wrote.

    A report filed by Officer Matthew Flood, also “at approximately 1215 hours,” also states he was ordered by Deputy Chief Waldow “to deploy less than lethal munitions on an overwhelming number of rioters at the U.S. Capitol.”

    “I deployed multiple projectiles from the FN303 launcher, and chemical agent spray,” he wrote, using language remarkably similar to that of Descamp and Lee, “to gain compliance from the rioters that were aggressively attacking officers on the police line and throughout the Capitol complex,” he wrote on his report, also date 1/7/21.

    “At approximately 1215 hours,” Officer Tina Cobert also reported on 1/7/21 that she “was ordered to deploy less than lethal munitions on an overwhelming number of rioters at the U.S. Capitol by Deputy Chief Waldow.

    “I deployed multiple projectiles from the FN 303 Launcher to gain compliance from the rioters that were aggressively attacking officers on the police line and throughout the Capitol complex,” she also wrote.

    Also “at approximately 1215 hours,” Officer Christopher Sprifke reported he “was ordered to deploy less than lethal munitions on an overwhelming number of rioters at the U.S. Capitol by Deputy Chief Waldow.

    “I deployed multiple PepperBall projectiles to gain compliance from the rioters that were aggressively attacking officers on the police line and throughout the Capitol building,” he wrote in his 1/7/21 report.

    “At approximately 1215 hours,” Officer Shauni Kerkhoff said she was also “ordered by Deputy Chief Waldow, Eric to deploy less than lethal munitions on an overwhelming number of rioters at the U.S. Capitol.

    “I deployed multiple projectiles from the PepperBall launcher to gain compliance from the rioters that were aggressively attacking officers on the police line and throughout the Capitol complex,” she wrote in his report, also dated 1/7/21.

    In February 2021, the U.S. Capitol police union issued an overwhelming no-confidence vote for a half-dozen of the force’s top leaders, including Waldow.

    Instead of leading his team of officers, Waldow chose to physically engage rioters, a move many of his fellow officers saw as wrong. In October 2021, Waldow submitted paperwork for his resignation.

    At “approximately 1400hrs,” Officer Patrick Kahl reported that he “discharged multiple 40mm baton rounds after individuals began and continued fighting with USP Officers while trying to gain unlawful access to the United States Capitol Building through the Rotunda Door.”

    At 1500 hours, Officer Justin Green reported launching a flash bang “to disperse the crowd” in an effort to “rescue” one of the department’s sergeants who was “pinned in the center of the crowd.” He fired a second flash bang as demonstrators were “breaching the Rotunda door.”

    Conflicting Reports

    These UOF reports contradict the report issued by then-Capitol Police Inspector General Michael Bolton, who said the CDU was ordered by supervisors not to use less than lethal munitions and that “heavier, less-lethal weapons,” including flash bangs, “were not used that day because of orders from leadership.”

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 21:40

  • LA's New $588 Million Bridge Keeps Closing As People Treat It Like A GTA Amusement Park
    LA’s New $588 Million Bridge Keeps Closing As People Treat It Like A GTA Amusement Park

    A brand new, half-billion-dollar bridge in Los Angeles that opened July 9 has already been plagued by frequent police closures, as people treat it like some kind of Grand Theft Auto amusement park.

    As Associated Press reports: 

    The 6th Street Viaduct — which soars over the concrete-lined Los Angeles River to connect downtown to the historic Eastside — quickly became a hotspot for street racing, graffiti and illegal takeovers that draw hundreds of spectators to watch drivers perform dangerous stunts in their vehicles.

    Taking over six years to build at a cost of $588 million, it was the largest bridge project in the city’s history. However, many drivers trying to use the bridge at night are finding they’re out of luck thanks to Angelenos going wild on the festively-lit structure with outstanding downtown views. 

    Multiple crashes have already happened, including an accident on July 18 in which the driver of Dodge Challenger lost control as he was doing a burnout and smashed into two other vehicles. He grabbed his things and fled the scene, but later turned himself in and was charged with misdemeanor hit-and-run.

    Then there’s this wannabe Hollywood stunt man…

    Meanwhile, many pedestrians can’t resist the urge to climb the bridge’s many arches. Skateboarders are also trying their luck on them. Nobody’s fallen to their deaths…yet.

    Spontaneous concerts are breaking out too, but perhaps the craziest stunt was this haircut given smack in the middle of the median-less bridge as heavy traffic passed in both directions:

    The wild action has prompted police to shut down the 3,500-foot-long bridge several times already — including four shutdowns in just the past five days.

    Now, in a desperate effort to throw a wet blanket on the Angeleno hijinks, the city’s preparing to throw more money at the structure. ​​​Speed bumps are being installed and fencing will be added to help prevent people from climbing up the arches. 

    John Yi, who leads Los Angeles Walks, a pedestrian advocacy group, tells The Associated Press the design was a recipe for trouble: “If you provide a concrete jungle gym, then that’s how people will use it.”

    Naturally, the Los Angeles Times is calling for the city to simply surrender to the mobs. In an editorial posted Wednesday, it called for the city to start closing the bridge “several nights or days each week” — but then to close it to vehicles forever.

    With a straight face, the paper of record in a city notorious for its traffic wos urged the government to turn the half-billion-dollar bridge into “a place for community concerts, a farmers market or whatever residents want.”

    Seems like there’s already too many people in Los Angeles doing whatever they want. 

    At least this guy’s got the right idea…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 21:20

  • Senator Asks CDC To Clear Up Conflicting Statements On Vaccine Safety Research
    Senator Asks CDC To Clear Up Conflicting Statements On Vaccine Safety Research

    Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    A U.S. senator is asking the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to clear up conflicting statements on whether a specific method of COVID-19 vaccine safety research is being conducted.

    Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) speaks during a hearing in Washington on Jan. 24, 2022. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

    Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) asked CDC Director Rochelle Walensky for details after The Epoch Times reported that Dr. John Su, a CDC doctor, claimed that the CDC has been performing Proportional Reporting Ratio analyses on data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System since February 2021.

    That conflicted with the CDC telling the nonprofit Children’s Health Defense that it not only did not conduct the analyses but that the method “is outside of th[e] agency’s purview.”

    CDC’s assertion and Dr. Su’s statement cannot both be true,” Johnson told Walensky in a new letter, released on July 26 and dated July 25.

    The American people deserve the truth and you have not been providing it. That is why I, together with millions of Americans, have completely lost faith in the CDC and other federal health agencies. It is time to start regaining their confidence and your agency’s integrity by coming clean, being transparent, and telling the truth,” Johnson wrote.

    He asked for Walensky to immediately respond to a letter he sent before requesting information on the CDC’s vaccine safety research. He also requested she confirm whether Dr. Su’s statement is true and if it is, why the CDC claimed it had not conducted the analyses.

    And if Dr. Su’s statement is accurate, Johnson wants all of the Proportional Reporting Ratio analyses that the CDC has performed since February 2021.

    Finally, Johnson asked for Dr. Su to be made available for an interview with his office concerning the data examinations.

    The CDC and Walensky did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

    Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, speaks in Washington on June 16, 2022. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)


    The CDC said in an operating procedures document dated Jan. 29, 2021, that it “will perform” Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR), a type of data mining analysis that compares the counts of adverse event reports following vaccination with one vaccine to those that have been reported after receipt of another vaccine or vaccines.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 21:00

  • "We Have The Technology": LA Plans To Recycle Wastewater Into Taps
    “We Have The Technology”: LA Plans To Recycle Wastewater Into Taps

    Instead of addressing California’s crippling drought with network of desalination plants (a plan which actually had the support of Gov. Gavin Newsom until the state’s HOA – aka the Coastal Commission – shot it down earlier this year), the city of Los Angeles and other agencies across Southern California are considering a plan to recycle wastewater into tap water.

    An influent pumping station at the Water Replenishment District’s advanced water treatment facility in Pico Rivera. (Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)

    Just don’t call it “toilet to tap” say proponents (or do, because that’s what it is), who claim it’s different from similar proposals in the late 1990s to use recycled water thanks to new technologies in water recycling.

    The city of Los Angeles and agencies across Southern California are looking into what’s known as “direct potable reuse,” which means putting purified recycled water directly back into our drinking water systems. This differs from indirect potable reuse, where water spends time in a substantial environmental barrier such as an underground aquifer or in a reservoir. –LA Times

    “There’s been a public health legacy where sanitary engineering practices and regulators considered sewage a waste, it was something to be avoided, something to be feared,” said Brad Coffey of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. “Now that we have the technology … the public, the regulators, the scientific community has much greater confidence in our ability to safely reuse that water supply.”

    The plan hinges on the State Water Resources Control Bord, which legislators have tasked with developing a set of uniform regulations by Dec. 31 which would govern potable reuse.

    Los Angeles, according to the report, “is wasting no time in readying projects that can launch once the regulations are passed.”

    A direct potable reuse demonstration facility near the Headworks reservoir just north of Griffith Park probably will be the state’s first approved direct potable reuse project, said Jesus Gonzalez, manager of water recycling policy at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. It will take advantage of recycled water produced by a facility in Glendale, but the water will not be added to the drinking water system just yet. However, it will serve as proof of concept, he said. -LA Times

    “This is going to be the future of L.A.’s water, the future of the state’s water supply,” said Gonzalez, who added that the Headworks project could come online within the next five years.

    LA’s plans are much bigger than that, however – as the city has set out to recycle 100% of its wastewater by 2035 per a pledge made by Mayor Eric Garcetti several years ago.

    In order to achieve this, LA’s Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant – which currently only treats wastewater so it’s clean enough to release into Santa Monica Bay – must be completely converted into an advanced water purification facility which produces water that’s clean enough to consume.

    The Hyperion sewage treatment plant in Playa del Rey, on left, across from Dockweiler State Beach. (Christina House / Los Angeles Times)

    The water – enough for 2 million people – would then be piped to vast aquifers under the southern part of LA County and the San Fernando Valley. Dubbed ‘Operation Next,’ the massive undertaking will cost upward of $16 billion and would be completed in 2058 – more than two decades after Garcetti’s goal.

    The Hyperion plant suffered a catastrophic flood just one year ago, which led to 17 million gallons of untreated sewage to be dumped into the ocean, causing millions of gallons of drinking water to be diverted for uses typically served by treated wastewater. The plan is now back to normal operation.

    “That spill did reinforce everybody, including us, that we do need to have monitors and alarms upstream of the wastewater plant to be able to identify any problems, whether they’re spills, whether they’re infrastructure issues,” said Gonzalez.

    Baby steps…

    For now, a proof-of-concept for the Hyperion operation, a small-scale advanced purification facility is nearly complete. Constructed in partnership with LA International Airport, the plant will be able to crank out 1.5 million gallons per day of water for nonpotable uses, such as toilet flushing and cooling, according to LA Sanitation and Environment CEO Traci Minamide. It will come online in spring 2023.

    “The technology is that good,” said Shane Trussell, president and chief executive of Trussell Tech, which is involved in advanced water purification projects across Los Angeles, San Diego and other cities. “I expect by 2040 … most of the effluent in Southern California will be recycled or well on its way to being recycled.”

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 20:40

  • Video Used To Charge Jan. 6 Defendant Exonerates Him On Charge Of Assaulting Police: Attorney
    Video Used To Charge Jan. 6 Defendant Exonerates Him On Charge Of Assaulting Police: Attorney

    Authored by Joseph M. Hanneman via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Maybe it was the death threat delivered by a fellow law-enforcement officer while he stood shackled in belly chains.

    January 6 detainee Ronald McAbee with his wife Sarah. McAbee is seeking release from jail in a new court motion. (Courtesy of Sarah McAbee)

    Perhaps it was being described as a “terrorist” by a federal judge who will preside over his trial.

    It could have been being released on bail by a U.S. magistrate judge in Tennessee, only to be ordered held until trial by a U.S. district judge in Washington D.C.

    Former sheriff’s deputy Ronald Colton McAbee, 28, of Tennessee, has faced a difficult road since being indicted for alleged criminal actions at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

    Arguably the most trying situation for McAbee was being denied bail for nearly a year based on video evidence that his attorney now says exonerates him.

    “What makes the government’s case weak is the fact that the videos actually exonerate Mr. McAbee of the very allegations made against him, and Mr. McAbee is motivated to appear for trial, take the stand and narrate those videos for [the] jury,” wrote attorney William Shipley in a May 2022 motion to have his client released from jail.

    McAbee, a former sheriff’s deputy in Tennessee and Georgia with more than seven years of law-enforcement experience as a deputy and correctional officer, was charged by federal prosecutors with seven alleged crimes.

    Charges included assaulting, resisting, or impeding a federal officer, two counts of civil disorder, entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon, engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon, and committing an act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings.

    McAbee was outside the Lower West Terrace tunnel during some of the worst violence on January 6. Several times he tried to render lifesaving aid to a dying Rosanne Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Georgia. His interactions with Metropolitan Police Department officers resulted in most of the charges and served as justification for a D.C. judge to jail him until trial.

    Ronald McAbee renders aid to a pulseless Rosanne Boyland outside the Lower West Terrace tunnel at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. “He just was in life-saving mode,” Sarah McAbee said of her husband. (Graphic by The Epoch Times)

    McAbee was arrested on Aug. 17, 2021, in Tennessee. At a detention hearing on Aug. 26, prosecutors argued that McAbee assaulted Metropolitan Police Department Officer Andrew Wyatt. They said after Wyatt fell at the tunnel entrance, McAbee—who had a broken shoulder from a car accident nine days earlier—pulled him down the concrete stairs into a hostile crowd.

    The prosecutor played a video for the court, but there was no sound, according to Sarah McAbee, Ronald McAbee’s wife. The lack of audio would later prove to be a crucial element of the story.

    After the detention hearing was continued on Sept. 8, 2021, Magistrate Judge Jeffery Frensley ruled against the U.S. Department of Justice and ordered McAbee released pending trial.

    No Danger to Community

    “I do not believe that Mr. McAbee poses a future danger to the community if he were to be released between now and the time that he resolves this case,” Judge Frensley said. “And the government, despite my request that they provide me any evidence that he’s presented any sort of a danger to the community, have been able to point to absolutely nothing beyond the events around and during January the 6th.”

    Judge Frensley said what he saw on the video was open to interpretation. McAbee’s guilt or innocence could not be part of the consideration for bond, he said.

    “We have a system that presumes innocence, and for me to make a decision where I become judge, jury, and executioner all in the same role without affording him the rights he’s entitled to under the constitution is inappropriate,” Frensley said. “And that’s the important distinction between the bond decision and the decision on guilt that will follow at a trial.”

    That victory for McAbee was short-lived. Prosecutors filed an emergency appeal the same day in U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. Senior District Judge Emmet Sullivan stayed Frensley’s order and scheduled hearings on the government’s motion to keep McAbee behind bars until trial.

    During a hearing on Sept. 22, 2021, Sullivan seemed to telegraph his eventual decision to hold McAbee without bond.

    When being shown a video with McAbee wearing body armor with a patch that read “Sheriff,” Judge Sullivan said, “That’s pretty outrageous,” according to the official hearing transcript. A short time later, Sullivan said, “These videos are very disturbing.” He made several statements agreeing with the prosecutor’s assessment of the evidence.

    Sullivan then suggested McAbee is a terrorist.

    So it appears clearly to this court that the defendant is pulling the officer back into the crowd of other terrorists,” Sullivan said, according to the transcript.

    After another hearing on Oct. 13, 2021, Sullivan reversed Frensely’s order and ruled that McAbee should not be released pending trial. Sullivan said he would issue a written ruling, which was released more than two months later on Dec. 21, 2021.

    While Frensley told prosecutors they did not show evidence that McAbee had done anything to prove he was a danger during the eight months between January 6 and his August arrest, Sullivan ruled that the only way to protect the community is to keep McAbee in jail.

    The court concludes that clear and convincing evidence supports a finding that no condition or combination of conditions will reasonably assure the safety of the community,” Judge Sullivan wrote (pdf) in his 41-page ruling.

    Sarah McAbee was stunned.

    Ronald McAbee falls on top of Metropolitan Police Department Officer Andrew Wyatt after being pulled from behind on January 6, 2021. (Christopher Chern via Storyful/Graphic by The Epoch Times)

    “It’s just the craziest situation, them saying he’s a danger to the community when he’s been a law enforcement officer and never has had stripes on his record, let alone a speeding ticket,” Sarah McAbee told The Epoch Times.

    A break in McAbee’s case came when video investigator Gary McBride of Decatur, Texas, studied the bodycam footage shown in court, except with the audio track turned on. It painted a vastly different picture of what took place, McBride told The Epoch Times.

    “The prosecutors did not play the audio of AW [Andrew Wyatt] and McAbee talking during this point,” McBride said in a video he made about the evidence. “McAbee is trying to save AW. Prosecutors didn’t play that in court.”

    McBride said his analysis showed McAbee did not pull the officer down the stairs, but was swept backward and lost his balance, due to two protesters pulling on the officer’s legs. McAbee was standing over Wyatt at the time. As a result, McAbee fell on top of Wyatt and was over him for about 25 seconds.

    While McAbee was on top of Wyatt, bystanders called him a traitor, ostensibly for helping the officer. When someone in the crowd tried to grab at Wyatt, McAbee shouted, “No!” and “Quit!”

    “At that point, my husband just saw an officer down and an officer needing help, because the first thing he says, when he pops in around the tunnel before he gets around the rail is, ‘Hey, you guys have a man down,’” Sarah McAbee said. “They literally did nothing to help that guy. So he’s the one who jumped into action.”

    Sarah said she was relieved when she learned the audio track from the evidence videos backs up what her husband told her that day.

    Story is Consistent

    “My husband’s story has not changed from January 6. There’s actually a picture of him that they have on the FBI website of him on the phone,” she said. “I know that’s a phone call with me about everything that just went down.

    “His story has not changed from that day to today. He’s just not a liar. That’s just not who he is and even the little details have always remained the same.”

    McBride and Sarah McAbee said the audio track should have been disclosed to the defense as exculpatory evidence.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 20:20

  • One Abandoned NYC Block Is "Frozen" In Peak-Pandemic Time
    One Abandoned NYC Block Is “Frozen” In Peak-Pandemic Time

    Life in most places is making an attempt to move forward from the pandemic lockdowns. But for one city block in New York, that isn’t the case.

    Outside of the 59th Street subway stop, across Lexington Avenue, Bloomberg writes you can still find an entire block “frozen” in peak-pandemic time. 

    The area, which used to be prime New York real estate, was formerly the home of Banana Republic, the Gap and Victoria’s Secret. Now, all people see are signs trying to find tenants for the empty buildings. 

    Steve Soutendijk, an executive managing director at Cushman & Wakefield, told Bloomberg: “It’s probably the slowest market to return to pre-Covid levels out of any in New York City. It’s a little bit of a mystery.”

    This block is a microcosm of how slow the city has been to recover, post-lockdowns, the report says. It was also suffering heading into Covid, with ridership exiting at 59th Street “declining for years” and businesses starting to select other parts of the city in favor of occupying the block. 

    Now, ridership at the “Bloomingdale’s Area”, as brokers call it, and the 59th Street stop is down 50% since 2014. The department store used to be the big draw in the neighborhood, which would then act as a feeder for smaller retail shops in the area.

    But as online shopping has gained in prominence and since the pandemic severed off a large portion of the local businesses, the department store is “no longer the anchor it once was”, the report says. 

    Michael Hirschfeld, a vice chairman at real estate firm Jones Lang LaSalle, said: “It’s a model of shopping that’s not entirely in favor at the moment.”

    Help from tourists has also waned, with international visitors only expected to reach 60% of pre-Covid levels this year, the report says. 

    But walking traffic is on the rise, the report says. More people are walking down that block than they did when the retail space was occupies in 2019, the report says, citing cell phone tracking data. Foot traffic in the area is outpacing other surrounding areas.

    Maybe that’s why Soutendijk can’t help but shed a little optimism. He concluded: “I don’t think these spaces are staying vacant forever.”

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 20:00

  • China Claims First Offshore Shale Oil And Gas Discovery
    China Claims First Offshore Shale Oil And Gas Discovery

    By Charles Kennedy of

    In a first for Chinese offshore shale, state-run oil giant CNOOC has announced what it claims to be a commercial discovery in the Beibu Gulf in the South China Sea with the tapping of oil and gas flows at a wildcat well. 

    The discovery, at the Weiye 1 wildcat well, the first shale well China has ever drilled offshore, could be a game-changer for the country’s dependence on oil and gas imports, according to Chinese media

    CNOOC estimates that the Beibu gulf holds some 8.76 billion barrels of shale oil in place, and Thursday’s announcement claimed that the wildcat well flowed 20 cubic meters/day of shale oil and 1,589 cubic meters/day of natural gas, which the Chinese oil giant is referring to as a commercial discovery. 

    Speaking to the Global Times about the discovery, Lin Boqiang, director of the China Center for Energy Economics Research at Xiamen University, questioned the next steps, including what he referred to as the “technical difficulty of shale oil extraction” and the high costs of production. 

    While China is thought to have more than 30 trillion cubic meters of recoverable shale gas, it has struggled with development–all of which has been onshore to date. 

    According to Wood Mackenzie, unconventional oil production accounts for less than 1% of China’s total crude oil output due to “high breakevens and non-commercial economics”, but the country’s NOCs are spending top dollar to develop new technologies to ensure feasibility. 

    That technological development so far is being heralded by CNOOC as the impetus behind the country’s first-ever offshore shale discovery. 

    In a note originally published by and translated by the Global Times, the head of CNOOC’s exploration department said the success of the first offshore shale oil drilling marked the realization of the independent exploration and development of China’s offshore shale oil and gas resources with self-developed technology.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 19:40

  • Judgment Day? Chess Robot Crushes Child Player's Finger During Tournament
    Judgment Day? Chess Robot Crushes Child Player’s Finger During Tournament

    The real question that needs to be asked is “who was winning?”  An AI driven chess playing robot went berserk last Thursday and crushed a 7-year-old boy’s finger during a match at the Moscow Chess Open in Russia.  The robot apparently grabbed hold of the boy’s finger in the middle of moving one of his own pieces and continued to squeeze until the finger broke.  It took four adults to pry the machine away from the child.

    Officials at the Moscow Open claim the boy “violated safety rules” when playing the machine, but they offered no further explanation as to why the robot interrupted the child moving his own piece, or why it was built with the strength to crush human fingers.  Does it really need that kind of compression force to pick up chess pieces? 

    The robot was brought in for an exhibition and the Moscow Chess Open says they have nothing to do with its programming or operation.  

    The conundrum here should be obvious – Either the robot was programmed to disrupt human players and grab their pieces or their fingers for crushing, or, it was NOT programmed to do that but did it anyway.  Both options are equally disconcerting.

    While this story by itself is not all that frightening, it does raise further questions about the growing prevalence of Artificial Intelligence algorithms and our reliance on robotics in everyday life.  AI is even being tested as a tool for predicting “pre-crime.”  One core concern of course is that machines have no conscience and never will.  Actions might be decided in terms of “logic,” but the most logical decision might also be the most immoral decision.  Furthermore, when an AI machine does something that harms a person, who is held accountable?  Do we blame the programmers, or a machine which is supposedly autonomous?

    Did the chess playing machine in Moscow simply malfunction?  Probably.  The officials at the event blame the child (of course they do), but the young boy who was injured is among some of the top players in Russia. What if the machine was losing and came to the “logical” conclusion that winning required other measures outside of the game?

    Some scary food for thought. 

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 19:20

  • Trump Warns Something Worse Than Recession Is Coming
    Trump Warns Something Worse Than Recession Is Coming

    Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Former President Donald Trump has warned that America’s economy is on track for a bigger disaster than a recession, with his remarks coming shortly before government statistics showed GDP printing negative for the second consecutive quarter, which is a rule-of-thumb definition for a recession.

    Where we’re going now could be a very bad place,” Trump said at a rally in Arizona last week.

    We got to get this act in order, we have to get this country going, or we’re going to have a serious problem.”

    Former President Donald Trump attends a rally in support of Arizona GOP candidates, in Prescott Valley, Ariz., on July 22, 2022. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

    The former president singled out the collapse in Americans’ real wages, a historically depressed labor force participation rate, and the Democrat push for the Green New Deal that he said would crush economic growth.

    Not recession. Recession’s a nice word. We’re going to have a much bigger problem than recession. We’ll have a depression,” the former president said.

    Trump’s remarks came several days before the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released data showing that real U.S. GDP fell by an annualized 0.9 percent in the second quarter after contracting 1.6 percent in the first quarter.

    Two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth are a common rule-of-thumb definition for a recession, although recessions in the United States are officially declared by a committee of economists at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) using a broader definition than the two-quarter rule.

    Vance Ginn, Chief Economist at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, told The Epoch Times’ sister media NTD in an interview that, while officially it’s NBER that calls recessions, the two-quarter rule is “usually how it’s done by a rule of thumb.”

    “I think this is definitely recession that we’re in now from these bad policies,” Ginn added, blaming a series of “progressive policies” coming out of the White House and the Democrat-controlled House.

    Former President Donald Trump gestures at a rally in Prescott Valley, Ariz., on July 22, 2022. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

    Stagflationary Winds Blowing

    In his remarks, Trump also took aim at President Joe Biden’s handling of the economy, blaming him for soaring inflation.

    Biden created the worst inflation in 47 years. We’re at 9.1 percent, but the actual number is much, much higher than that,” Trump said.

    While the former president didn’t provide his own estimate for the true rate of inflation, an alternative CPI inflation gauge developed by economist John Williams, calculated according to the same methodology used by the U.S. government in the 1980s, puts the figure at 17.3 percent, a 75-year high.

    Trump also said that persistently high inflation combined with an economic slowdown has put the country “on the verge of a devastating” spell of stagflation, which is a combination of accelerating prices and slowing economic growth.

    Inflation is “going higher and higher all the time,” Trump said, adding that it’s “costing families nearly $6,000 a year, bigger than any tax increase ever proposed other than the tax increase that they want to propose right now.”

    In Trump’s first full month in office in February 2017, the headline Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation gauge came in at 2.8 percent in annual terms. While the CPI measure fluctuated during his tenure, the highest it ever reached was 2.9 percent in July 2018, while in his final month in office, January 2021, inflation clocked in at 1.4 percent.

    Under Biden, inflation has climbed steadily, soaring 9.1 percent year-over-year in June 2022, a figure not seen in more than 40 years.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 19:00

  • Third Body Found At Lake Mead As Water Levels Drop
    Third Body Found At Lake Mead As Water Levels Drop

    As the water level of the nation’s largest artificial reservoir recedes due to a devastating drought, human bodies keep emerging. 

    Human remains have been discovered in Lake Mead for the third time in three months. The U.S. National Park Service reported the grim discovery. They said, “human remains were discovered at Swim Beach in Lake Mead National Recreation Area at approximately 4:30 p.m. PST on Monday.”

    The Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner retrieved the body that night. The cause of death remains a mystery. 

    “The investigation is ongoing. No further information is available at this time,” National Park Service said.

    The first body, discovered on May 1, was stuffed in a barrel, likely a murder victim who died “sometime in the mid-’70s to early ’80s, based on clothing and footwear the victim was found with,” according to a press release from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police. Paddleboards discovered the second body on May 7. 

    Besides bodies, receding waters revealed sunken boats and trash scattered across the lake’s dried-out parts. 


    As of Wednesday, Lake Mead’s water level was at 1,040 feet, approximately 174 feet below its level in 2000 when the great drought began. 

    “Continuing a 22-year downward trend, water levels in Lake Mead stand at their lowest since April 1937, when the reservoir was still being filled for the first time,” NASA wrote in a report last week. The U.S. space agency also released satellite images of the lake’s water level falling over time. 

    “We will likely find additional bodies that have been dumped in Lake Mead” as the water level continues to drop, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Homicide Lt. Ray Spencer said in May. 

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 18:40

  • Twitter Censors All Content From The Epoch Times
    Twitter Censors All Content From The Epoch Times

    Authored by Eva Fu via The Epoch Times,

    Twitter has imposed a blockade on all content from The Epoch Times without explanation, raising further concerns about freedom of speech on the platform.

    The Twitter logo is seen on a sign at the company’s headquarters in San Francisco, California on Nov. 4, 2016. (Josh Edelson/AFP via Getty Images)

    Beginning on the evening of July 28, the platform put up a warning on all links from The Epoch Times. A click on a link would direct users to a page titled “Warning: this link may be unsafe” which prompts users to return to the previous page.

    “The link you are trying to access has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially spammy or unsafe,” read the warning, which cited the platform’s URL policy.

    The notice said that the link could fall into any of four categories: “malicious links that could steal personal information or harm electronic devices”; “spammy links that mislead people or disrupt their experience”; “violent or misleading content that could lead to real-world harm,” or content that “if posted directly on Twitter, are a violation of the Twitter Rules.”

    The platform has not responded to multiple requests from The Epoch Times for clarification.

    The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 by Chinese Americans who fled communist China and sought to create an independent media outlet to bring uncensored and truthful information to the world.

    At least 10 staff members for The Epoch Times were arrested that year in China, with one editor-in-chief spending a decade in prison.

    While operating outside of China, the media outlet has remained a consistent target of attacks from the Chinese regime over the past two decades. The printing press of the Hong Kong edition of The Epoch Times has suffered a series of violent break-ins, including arson, over the years, viewed as attempts by Beijing to intimidate the publication.

    Major Chinese state media, by contrast, remain accessible on the platform as of the press time.

    Among the first to be affected by Twitter’s blockade was Eliza Bleu, a trafficking survivor. Bleu shared about how abusers groomed her by preying on her vulnerabilities on EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program in an interview that premiered at 7:30 p.m. ET on Thursday.

    Bleu tried to repost the link after watching the interview, and to her surprise and dismay, found that she “couldn’t even click on the link.”

    I’m pretty disheartened that the interview link was labeled as unsafe, because it’s not unsafe,” she told The Epoch Times.

    “By watching the interview, anyone can tell it’s pretty educational,” she said.

    “I wasn’t talking about anything that wasn’t factual. I was just really just trying to educate, raise awareness, and bring attention to the issue.” She added that the link seemed to be accessible when the interview first aired but became blocked sometime afterward.

    Twitter’s warning page allows users to proceed to the actual Epoch Times link if they click on the word “continue” at the very bottom of the page.

    Republican lawmakers have decried the move as an act of censorship.

    Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) on Thursday called out Twitter for blocking all links to The Epoch Times’ website.

    “.@Twitter is blocking all links to @EpochTimes, including a story about a human trafficking survivor, and labeling them as ‘spammy’ and ‘unsafe,’ Twitter must explain itself for this outrageous act of censorship,” he wrote in a tweet.

    Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) described Twitter’s action as “alarming.”

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 18:20

  • Confiscation Next: China May Seize Undeveloped Land From Distressed Real Estate Companies
    Confiscation Next: China May Seize Undeveloped Land From Distressed Real Estate Companies

    With Chinese markets disappointed by the lack of a stimulus announcement during yesterday’s July Xi-chaired Politburo meeting, which sparked a broad selloff in tech and property shares and sent the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index of stocks 2.8% lower on Friday, taking its July loss to over 10%…

    … Beijing, finding itself increasingly trapped by the continued deterioration in the country’s massive housing sector especially in the aftermath of the recent mortgage revolt, is reportedly considering confiscation (i.e., nationalization) next: according to Bloomberg, China is considering a plan to seize undeveloped land from distressed real estate companies, using it to help finance the completion of stalled housing projects that have sparked mortgage boycotts across the country.

    The proposal would take advantage of Chinese laws allowing local governments to wrest back control of land sold to real estate companies if it remains undeveloped after two years, without compensation. That would give authorities more leeway to direct funds toward uncompleted homes, potentially to the detriment of creditors who would lose claims on some of developers’ most valuable assets.

    According to Bloomberg sources, in a typical scenario the government would seize land from a distressed developer and give it to a healthier rival, which would in turn provide funding to complete the distressed developer’s stalled projects. The government could also rezone the seized land in some cases to increase its value, the people added, asking not to be named discussing private information.

    The proposal is one of several measures under consideration as Xi Jinping’s government tries to prevent turmoil in the housing market from fueling social unrest and derailing the broader economy. Last week, we learned of a dedicated bailout fund meant to stabilize the housing system. The focus on completing projects is the latest sign that policy makers are prioritizing homeowners over bondholders, who have been burned by a record number of defaults by real estate giants including China Evergrande Group.

    It is still unclear if the confiscation proposal will get a green light from Chinese leaders; it is currently under discussion by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development with other regulators.

    While in 2021 Beijing appeared to take the sharp deterioration across the property sector almost whimsically, perhaps Chinese leaders finally realized what’s at stake here: the numbers are truly staggering.

    According to Bloomberg, outstanding individual mortgage loans hit 38.86 trillion yuan as of the end of June, growing at a rate of 5.1% annually. Meanwhile, total outstanding property development loans at June were 12.49 trillion yuan while the total outstanding loans to the property sector were 53.1 trilion yuan. In other words, not even China’s state-owned banking system would be immune to contagion that spreads to broader mortgage sector.

    It’s not just traditional mortgages that are at risk: China’s top 100 developers owned land parcels valued at 42.5 trillion yuan ($6.3 trillion) at the end of last year, according to China Real Estate Information Corp. Many of them borrowed heavily to buy the land, in hopes that prices would continue rising. That bet is now souring after a multi-year government clampdown on real estate leverage that has weighed on home prices, land values and new residential property sales.

    The result is that many distressed builders are sitting on land they’ve been unable or unwilling to develop. Just 37% of land parcels auctioned in the first batch of centralized land-bidding last year have started work as of March-end, according to a recent Caixin report. About 16% of the second batch were being developed, the newspaper said.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 18:00

  • State Of Emergency In San Francisco Declared Over Monkeypox Spread
    State Of Emergency In San Francisco Declared Over Monkeypox Spread

    Authored by Mimi Nguyen Ly via The Epoch Times,

    A state of emergency has been announced in San Francisco on July 28 over the spread of monkeypox, a viral disease that has spread to more than 70 countries since the start of 2022.

    “San Francisco is declaring a Local Public Health Emergency for monkeypox,” London Breed, the mayor of the city, announced.

    “This declaration will go into effect starting Aug. 1 and will allow us to prepare and dedicate resources to prevent the spread.”

    The declaration is a legal document that allows authorities to mobilize city resources, streamline staffing, and coordinate agencies across the city, as well as speed up emergency planning and allow for future reimbursement by the state and federal governments, she said in a statement.

    The move also raises awareness in San Francisco about how to stop the spread of monkeypox, Breed added.

    The city has at least 281 cases out of about 800 in California and about 4,907 across the United States as of late July 28—including probable cases—according to data from San Francisco’s health department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    San Francisco Mayor London Breed speaks during a news conference outside of Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital in San Francisco, Calif., on March 17, 2021. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

    Cases of monkeypox have increased in California since late June—the end of Pride Month.

    “San Francisco is an epicenter for the country. Thirty percent of all cases in California are in San Francisco,” said San Francisco Public Health Officer Dr. Susan Philip.

    San Francisco shut down its primary monkeypox vaccination clinic earlier this week after it ran out of doses, saying it had only received 7,800 doses of a requested 35,000.

    “That is not nearly enough, and the reality is we are going to need far more than 35,000 vaccines to protect our LGBTQ community and to slow the spread of this virus,” Breed said.

    A study published in the Journal of New England Medicine on July 21—the first major peer-reviewed study of monkeypox infections—indicated that a vast majority of people with monkeypox were gay or bisexual men, and a vast majority of the infections were suspected to have occurred through sexual activity in 95 percent of those infected. Researchers had observed monkeypox infection across 16 countries between April and June, when cases began to be reported in countries outside of Africa.

    “San Francisco was at the forefront of the public health responses to HIV and COVID-19, and we will be at the forefront when it comes to monkeypox,” said state Sen. Scott Wiener, a Democrat who represents San Francisco.

    “We can’t and won’t leave the LGTBQ community out to dry.”

    Mature, oval-shaped monkeypox virions (L), and spherical immature virions (R), obtained from a sample of human skin associated with the 2003 prairie dog outbreak. (Cynthia S. Goldsmith, Russell Regner/CDC via AP)

    The San Francisco mayor clarified that officials “are not implementing behavior restrictions or other measures like we did under COVID.”

    “This is all about having the resources and ability to move quickly to deploy these resources,” Breed said.

    She said the emergency declaration “must be adopted by the Board of Supervisors within a week,” adding on July 28 that the board “has agreed to convene an emergency meeting next week to consider this emergency.”

    WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on July 23 declared the monkeypox outbreak a global health emergency, citing the global growth in cases—even though a special advisory committee did not reach a consensus on whether to declare the global health emergency.

    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 17:40

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Today’s News 29th July 2022

  • Johnstone: The Phoniest, Most PR-Intensive War Of All Time
    Johnstone: The Phoniest, Most PR-Intensive War Of All Time

    Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

    The president and first lady of Ukraine have posed for a romantic photoshoot with Vogue magazine, wherein President Volodymyr Zelensky waxes poetical about his love for his darling wife.

    Now, I know what you’re thinking: how is Zelensky making time for a Vogue photoshoot amidst his busy schedule of PR appearances for other major western institutions?

    I mean this is after all the same Volodymyr Zelensky who has been so busy making video appearances for the Grammy Awards, the Cannes Film Festival, the World Economic Forum and probably the Bilderberg group as well, and having meetings with celebrities like Ben StillerSean Penn, and Bono and the Edge from U2. It’s as busy a PR tour as he could possibly have without having a discussion about the strategic importance of long-range artillery with Elmo on Sesame Street.

    Oh yeah, and also isn’t there like a war or something happening in Ukraine? You’d think he’d probably be somewhat busy with that too.

    Call me crazy, but I’m beginning to suspect that there might be a concerted effort to manipulate the way we think about the war in Ukraine. In fact, I’d even go so far as to say it’s the most aggressively perception-managed war we’ve ever experienced.

    Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February we have not only been smashed with mass media propaganda unlike anything we’ve ever seen while Russian media are purged from the airwaves, we’re also seeing the new media element of unprecedented amounts of online censorship, algorithm-boosted propaganda, and social media trolling.

    So we’ve literally never seen this much overall effort put into manipulating the way the public thinks about a war. Which makes sense, given that it’s a profoundly dangerous proxy war which stands to benefit ordinary people in no way, shape or form.

    I mean, can you imagine if people were allowed to just think their own thoughts about their government’s economic warfare against Russia which is hurting them financially and pushing millions toward starvation with the full awareness and approval of the US government? Or if Americans were allowed to wonder if the billions they are pouring into this proxy conflict could be better spent at home? Or if people started objecting to a needless conflict for geostrategic domination threatening their lives and the lives of everyone they know with the risk of nuclear annihilation?

    Can’t have that.

    There is a night-and-day difference between wanting to tell people the truth about something and wanting to manipulate their perception of something. There are times when true facts can be used to influence people’s perception one way or the other, but if your agenda is to manipulate perception rather than tell the truth you will necessarily be forced to rely on lies, half-truths, distortion, and lies by omission wherever the truth doesn’t serve that agenda.

    If they were telling us the truth about this war, they wouldn’t be censoring Russian media. They wouldn’t be censoring online voices who disagree with the official narratives about Ukraine. They wouldn’t be continually blasting us in the face with mass media perception management, and they sure as hell wouldn’t be putting Ukraine’s celebrity-in-chief on the cover of Vogue magazine.

    We are being manipulated, and we are being deceived. And we are being manipulated and deceived because our perceiving clearly on our own would go against the interests of the empire. They are lying to us because the interests of the people and the interests of the empire are, as usual, squarely at odds.

    *  *  *

    My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, following me on FacebookTwitterSoundcloud or YouTube, or throwing some money into my tip jar on Ko-fiPatreon or Paypal. If you want to read more you can buy my books. The best way to make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for at my website or on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish, use or translate any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. All works co-authored with my American husband Tim Foley.

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    Tyler Durden
    Fri, 07/29/2022 – 02:00

  • Has The Lab Leak Theory Really Been Disproved?
    Has The Lab Leak Theory Really Been Disproved?

    Authored by Matt Ridley via The Spectator (emphasis ours),

    The BBC carried a story this week with the headline ‘Covid origin studies say evidence points to Wuhan market’. Bizarrely the paper in Science they are referring to, by Michael Worobey and colleagues, says no such thing. It says: ‘the observation that the preponderance of early cases were linked to the Huanan market does not establish that the pandemic originated there’.

    All three of the scientists quoted in the BBC story have been highly dismissive about even discussing the possibility that the pandemic began as an accident in a Wuhan laboratory. Their vested interest is clear: they worry that the reputation of their field of virology would be threatened by such a discussion. But the many scientists who say such a debate is needed are largely ignored by the BBC: none are quoted in this week’s article.

    The Beeb’s story says that ‘this evidence paints a picture that Sars-CoV-2 was present in live mammals that were sold at Huanan market in late 2019’. This too is wrong. Nobody has found any evidence of Sars-CoV-2 in live mammals at the market. They have found some evidence – they cite only a YouTube video – that mammals were on sale in the market, which we already knew, but not that the mammals were infected. That would be the very minimum requirement for asserting that the pandemic began in the market. In 2003 scientists refused to assert that Sars began in markets till they found infected animals.

    The new paper shows that lots of early cases had visited the Huanan seafood market or lived near it, which we already knew. But for the first two weeks of January 2020, the Chinese authorities were defining pneumonia cases as (what we now call) Covid only if they had visited or lived near the market: so it is a circular argument. The scientists dismiss this ‘ascertainment bias’ problem by citing one of their own papers, which simply asserted that this problem could be ignored. As Dr Alina Chan of MIT and Harvard puts it: ‘Worobey et al. are claiming that there is no ascertainment bias because their lead author said so.’

    The new Science paper has an ignominious history. It began life as a ‘preprint’ whose data and logic were torn apart within days by independent researchers. Even the Chinese Academy of Sciences panned it for ‘obfuscating the epidemic outbreak place…and the origin’ and for ‘overstating conclusions based on limited data and unrealistic simulations’. Senior Chinese scientists published a preprint the same week reiterating their conclusion that the market was a place where the early outbreak was amplified, not where it began. It’s quite something when western scientists go further than those supervised by the Chinese Communist party in trying to exonerate a possible lab leak. Yet its conclusions were reported by the Times as having ‘found patient zero’ and the New York Times as saying ‘the virus was present in animals’ at the market – both entirely false claims.

    As published, the paper is now a damp squib. Gone is all the certainty of the preprint. Where the preprint claimed ‘dispositive evidence for the emergence of Sars-CoV-2’, the paper now cites ‘insufficient evidence to define upstream events’. Where the preprint said the market was the ‘unambiguous epicentre’ of the pandemic, the published paper now admits that ‘exact circumstances remain obscure’.

    There is one very misleading sentence: ‘This region of Hubei contains extensive cave complexes housing Rhinolophus bats, which carry SARS-CoVs’. The bat colonies near Wuhan have been extensively sampled, very few SARS-like viruses were found, and none at all like SARS-CoV-2. Most serious scientists agree that this virus probably came from bats on the borders of Yunnan and Laos. The question is and always has been: how did the virus get to Wuhan from bats living more than a thousand miles to the south-west, a distance as great as London to Rome?

    One possibility is the wildlife trade, but far less wildlife is sold in Wuhan than in Guangdong in southern China, and yet the virus appeared only in Wuhan: where are the other outbreaks among wildlife traders. The other possibility is that it was scientists who brought it to Wuhan. Why do we think this still needs discussing? Here are six good reasons.

    1. Wuhan is the site of the most intensive programme of research on SARS-like viruses in the world

    2. That programme involved bringing hundreds of SARS-like viruses to Wuhan

    3. Most of them were brought by scientists from Yunnan and some from Laos

    4. Among those viruses was one that was 96.2 per cent the same as SARS-CoV-2

    5. They refuse to open up their database showing what other viruses they brought and they published the results of experiments in which they manipulated the genomes of these viruses in ways that sometimes made them much more infectious

    6. They published plans to insert into a SARS-like virus the very kind of genomic sequence that SARS-CoV-2 has and no other SARS-like virus has.

    None of this is a smoking gun, but it’s a heck of a coincidence.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 23:50

  • Earth Overshoot Day Is Coming Sooner And Sooner
    Earth Overshoot Day Is Coming Sooner And Sooner

    Today (July 28) marks this year’s Earth Overshoot Day, the day that humanity’s demand for ecological resources exceeds the resources Earth can regenerate within that year.

    As Statista’s Felix Richter details below, over the decades, the ecological and carbon footprint of humans has gradually increased, all while Earth’s biocapacity, i.e. its ability to regenerate resources has diminished significantly.

    That has led to Earth Overshoot Day arriving earlier and earlier, moving from December 30 in 1970 to July 28 this year.

    Infographic: Earth Overshoot Day Is Coming Sooner and Sooner | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    Only in the pandemic year of 2020 did it move back to August 22, before moving forward to 2019’s date – July 29 – again in 2021.

    “There is no benefit in waiting to take action,” Global Footprint Network CEO Laurel Hanscom said in a statement in 2021.

    “The pandemic has demonstrated that societies can shift rapidly in the face of disaster. But being caught unprepared brought great economic and human cost. When it comes to our predictable future of climate change and resource constraints, individuals, institutions and governments who prepare themselves will fare better. Global consensus is not a prerequisite to recognizing one’s own risk exposure, so let’s take decisive action now, wherever we are,” she added.

    The concept of Earth Overshoot Day was first conceived by Andrew Simms of the UK think tank New Economics Foundation, which partnered with Global Footprint Network in 2006 to launch the first global Earth Overshoot Day campaign. WWF, the world’s largest conservation organization, has participated in Earth Overshoot Day since 2007. To find out more about the calculations behind Earth Overshoot Day, please click here.

    So whos’ worst of all?

    As Statista’s Katharina Buchholz notes, if the citizens of the world lived like those of the United States, the resources of more than five full planets would be needed to satisfy the global need for resources every year.

    Infographic: The World is Not Enough | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    Industrialized nations have the biggest share in pushing the date forward. Qatar, Luxembourg and Bahrain are actually even bigger offenders than the U.S. The lifestyle in these countries would use up between 5.2 and 9.0 Earths if the whole world lived it, but because of the small size of their populations, they actually have less of an influence on global resource depletion than bigger developed countries like the U.S.

    Other major industrialized nations in Europe and Asia would use between 2.6 and four Earths if their lifestyle was universal. Chinese living standards meant 2.4 Earths would be used up.

    Indonesians, with a local Earth Overshoot Day on Dec 3, 2022, were about on track of using up exactly the resources allotted to Earth citizens.

    People in several countries also used up less than their allotment of resources, for example in India, where the equivalent of 0.8 Earths were used annually.

    Emissions, but also the use of resources like wood, fish and land for crops are among the things counted in when calculating Earth Overshoot Day.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 23:30

  • Global Air Travel Logjam Stumps Airlines, Disrupts Countless Summer Travel Plans
    Global Air Travel Logjam Stumps Airlines, Disrupts Countless Summer Travel Plans

    By Janice Hisle, of Epoch Times

    Summertime is supposed to be joyful for travelers heading to vacation destinations—and airlines, too, because that’s when they typically rake in cash by the barrel.

    But 2022 has ushered in a summer of discontent for passengers and airlines worldwide, as airlines’ plans for rebounding from the COVID-19 pandemic travel slump have hit one logjam after another.

    Across the globe, especially in Europe, there’s a new epidemic: canceled, overbooked, and delayed flights—and airport storage areas overflowing with lost and misdirected baggage. These once-rare annoyances of air travel are now more commonplace; travelers who took smooth operations for granted now expect snafus—a new mindset that has changed the way they plan trips.

    To prevent issues, savvy travelers are increasingly entrusting delivery services like FedEx or UPS to transport luggage to their destinations. Some are putting GPS-enabled devices into their luggage, such as Apple’s AirTag or the Tile tracker. And people traveling in groups are sprinkling a few pieces of clothing per person into each checked bag instead of risking having someone lose an entire vacation wardrobe.

    Airport information screens are showing “ON TIME” less frequently this summer. (Stock photo/Matthew Smith/Unsplash)

    For now, if an air traveler manages to have a leisurely getaway and hassle-free experience, they might feel like they’ve won the lottery. Chances for bad experiences have increased, a trend likely to continue as the summer progresses, says Jay Ratliff, an aviation expert with more than three decades of experience.

    “Travel used to be something we enjoyed. But it’s turned into something we endure,” he said. One day last week, Ratliff’s email was brimming with more than 800 new messages, many of them from fed-up airline customers turning to him for help—or to vent.

    “I’ve never seen it this bad, industry-wide,” said Ratliff.

    “There are a lot of things contributing to this mess that we’re in, but it comes down to the airlines trying to operate too many flights, and they simply didn’t have enough employees to pull it off,” Ratliff said, noting the situation is “10 times worse in Europe.”

    Ratliff said that the percentage of flight delays serves as a barometer for how bad the problems are. During average years, he would see single-digit percentages of delayed flights for many airlines across the globe. But one day last week, 54 percent of British Airways flights were behind schedule, for example. He rattles off other recent jaw-dropping statistics at major hubs: In Brussels, Belgium, up to 72 percent of flights were late, and in Frankfurt, Germany, 68 percent of flights were delayed.

    In many cases, flight delays cause missed connections. When those passengers seek rebooking, the airlines often cannot find seats for them because flights are filled. That can leave passengers stranded at unintended destinations for hours, or even days.

    Ratliff said that several airports have been “begging airlines to stop selling tickets because terminals are filling up” with travelers waiting for rebooked flights.

    Adding to the mess: rental cars are scarce, another COVID-created problem. When pandemic was raging, few people were renting cars. That prompted rental companies to sell portions of their fleets. They also halted plans to buy replacements. Now that travelers are back, rental agencies are having problems securing new vehicles, which are selling at inflated prices. So when people try to get a rental car at the last minute, either because they failed to plan or were stranded by flight disruptions, they often rely on Uber or Lyft, or they may roam the airport for a prolonged period.

    Lufthansa was forced to cancel flights affecting about 130,000 passengers because of a worker strike set for July 27, 2022. (Kai Pfaffenbach/File Photo, 2020/Reuters)

    This week, Europe’s woes worsened. German-based Lufthansa airlines announced it was canceling “almost all flights to and from Frankfurt and Munich.” The cancellations took effect July 27 because a union representing ground workers was waging a single-day walkout to demand higher pay. In a statement, the airline said the impact was “massive;” cancellations affected more than 130,000 passengers.

    Ratliff, who worked in management for Northwest Airlines from 1981-2001, explained how the COVID-19 pandemic set the stage for the current crisis. Airlines were forced to cut their workforces through layoffs and early retirements. Those measures were necessary to stay afloat when demand for air travel slowed to a trickle during the pandemic’s worst surges in 2020-21. “What business can survive with 95 percent of their customers no longer knocking on the door?” he asked.

    Airline executives reasoned that travel demand would eventually come roaring back—and when it did, they’d hire replacements for the former employees. But it wasn’t that simple. “They found they weren’t able to hire as fast as they thought they could,” Ratliff said. Background screenings and training for new workers can be time-consuming, too.

    As a result, many airlines and airports remain understaffed in many job categories, ranging from pilots to baggage handlers to ticketing agents and customer service reps.

    Suitcases are seen uncollected at Heathrow’s Terminal Three baggage reclaim, west of London, on July 8, 2022. (Paul Ellis/AFP via Getty Images)

    Anticipating a staffing shortfall, airlines cut back flights during summer, when they would typically add flights. Those cutbacks surely made airline executives wince, Ratliff said. “They want as many of those ‘silver revenue tubes’ flying as they can during the summer,” he said, “because that’s the time when they make their money.”

    However, Ratliff said that even the curtailed flight schedules “assumed a perfect scenario” from May-June this year. During the Memorial Day weekend travel rush, it became clear that those ideal projections were unrealistic; systems disintegrated if bad weather rolled in or if a handful of employees called in sick, sometimes suffering from COVID-19. Such unpredictable events are capable of touching off a domino effect of airport problems. That was true even in the pre-pandemic era. But this summer, the airport house-of-cards is so precarious, a major thunderstorm could cause “a coast-to-coast cascading problem” that might persist for weeks, Ratliff said.

    Still, U.S. airlines are faring better than European ones. Airlines in Europe are having more trouble adjusting because demand for travel in those nations continued to lag while U.S. travel demand gradually picked up. During that ramp-up period, especially in the past year or so, U.S.-based airlines “learned some things,” Ratliff said; executives could see that they would need to curtail flights because they lacked the personnel to keep pace.

    Meanwhile, Europe faced a 77-percent drop in international traffic—or more—“and then, all of a sudden, here they come,” travelers flocking to Europe to fulfill long-delayed travel itineraries, Ratliff said.

    Europe’s air-travel landscape is “a crazy, crazy mess,” Ratliff said, blaming it on flight schedules that were even more “aggressive” than many American air carriers’ schedules.

    “This is a self-inflicted airline problem,” Ratliff said. “They rolled out this summer schedule thinking they could operate more flights than they were able to do.

    They miscalculated. And who’s paying for it? The poor passengers.”

    Travelers who expected to follow a nice, curved arc from their point of origin to their destination instead ended up bouncing along a zigzag path. In the worst single travel nightmare that Ratliff had heard of, a family started its journey with seven boarding passes—and ended up with 96 of them.

    KLM, a Dutch airline, recently suffered a baggage system malfunction. This 2020 file photo was taken in Amsterdam. (Piroschka van de Wouw/Reuters)

    A synopsis of that family’s odyssey: After leaving Washington’s Dulles Airport, the group ended up missing flights, then being rebooked in multiple international hubs. “And, of course, their bags—did they keep up?” Ratliff asked. “Ha, not a chance!”

    Additional problems with flights and baggage seem to grab headlines every few days. Last week, a baggage-system malfunction at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol caused KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines) in the Netherlands to take an unusual step. On July 20, the airline could not process luggage for most of the day, the airline said in a statement. As a result, “thousands of suitcases” were left behind while their owners traveled to other places. The next day, July 21, KLM refused to accept checked bags for passengers traveling between European cities. The goal was to “free up as much space as possible” on that day’s flights so that left-behind baggage could be transported.

    In the U.S., there is a shortage of baggage handlers partly because of uncompetitive wages, Ratliff said. In some places, those jobs pay about $16 an hour, he said, “and you could go work at McDonald’s in that same airport for $20 an hour—so why would you want to go out and work in all kinds of weather when you can be inside and make more money?”

    Many travelers are putting tracking devices on their luggage—but that doesn’t always help. Even if the tracker reveals the bag’s location, some passengers are reporting that airlines are telling them to travel to distant cities to retrieve their bags.

    Existing methods for reuniting lost bags with their rightful owners are being stretched to their limits by the current crisis—which affected Joanne Prater and her family in ways they never anticipated. Prater, who is Scottish and lives in the United States, says her 50-day quest to recover a checked bag has made her painfully aware of the inconvenience, stress, and emotional impact that people can experience over checked items that go missing.

    Longing to visit her family in Scotland, Prater scored a deal for half-price airfare: $500 per person, including checked bags. She, her husband, and their three sons drove from their Cincinnati-area home to Chicago. On June 6, they boarded an Aer Lingus flight and were bound for Dublin, Ireland, and Glasgow, Scotland. But when the family arrived at their destination, one bag belonging to her two youngest sons, ages 12 and 8, was missing.

    As a result, the boys had only “the clothes on their backs,” Prater said. Worse yet, the bag contained a varsity jacket that holds special meaning for the family, along with team jerseys that the boys wanted to show off to their relatives. “How do you explain to your children that their favorite clothes are missing?” Prater said. After it became clear that the boys’ bag wouldn’t materialize anytime soon, the family purchased several outfits for them, paying the U.S. equivalent of about $500.

    Prater repeatedly called the airline, sometimes stuck on hold for 45 minutes, only to have the call disconnected or to be in touch with a representative with whom she had communication difficulties. She finally resorted to returning to the Glasgow airport during her vacation, hoping that in-person contact would prove more fruitful than phone calls or electronic messages.

    At the airport, an Aer Lingus employee did seem sympathetic to her concerns. To Prater’s surprise, the employee escorted her into a corridor that was outside public view. There, a sight took Prater’s breath away: the hallway was lined with hundreds of pieces of luggage and other lost articles, such as strollers, car seats, and golf clubs.

    “People save all their lives for a dream vacation to come to my country, Scotland, where golf was invented, only to have their golf clubs lost? I mean, men collect clubs, and they’re expensive; you’re not bringing Fisher-Price clubs to Scotland to play golf,” Prater said. “It was just gut-wrenching to me. I’m standing there thinking about all of these poor families without their strollers, without their car seats, without their clothing.”

    Despite repeated attempts to find the missing suitcase,  the Praters returned home to the United States without it.  Prater continued her attempts to file various complaints with the airline, to no avail.

    Prater said she feels a kinship with other people who have formed groups on social media to vent their frustrations and to try to help each other locate their lost belongings. As of July 26, there was still no sign of the Praters’ bag, which was last seen in Dublin in early June, Prater said she was told.

    When The Epoch Times asked Aer Lingus for comment on Prater’s situation, the airline responded via email: “We understand the concern and frustrations felt by our customers whose baggage has been delayed and the impact this has had on their travel plans. Regrettably, our airline is being impacted by widespread disruption and resource challenges.” The airline also said it is taking steps to resolve the issues, including enlisting help from third-party companies to return items to their owners.

    Prater said she isn’t holding out much hope that the lost bag can be found, yet she still isn’t giving up because, “at this point, it’s about accountability.” It angers her that airlines seem to have offered flights and baggage services that they were ill-equipped to provide. “I’m probably never going to check a bag again because of this experience,” she said.

    Ratliff, the aviation expert, said he doesn’t see the airline crisis abating quickly. He predicts issues could persist into mid-2023. In his view, “If the airlines have packed airplanes now, treating passengers the way they’re treating them, there’s not really an incentive for them to change how they’re doing things.”

    Troubleshooting Tips for Travelers

    Jay Ratliff, an aviation expert, provides these tips for avoiding airline-related hassles:

    • Make your reservations as far in advance as possible, which also protects you from fare increases.
    • Catch the first flight in the morning. “There is no more important flight of the day for an airline than that first flight of the day,” he said because airlines know that if that flight goes out on time, it’s more likely that the rest of that day’s flights will follow suit. “And,” Ratliff said, “it’s going to be the cleanest airplane because no one has been flying in it yet.”
    • Put a copy of your itinerary into your bag before you close it, increasing the chances that an airline employee will be able to return your bag to you if it is lost.
    • Consider purchasing a tracking device such as Apple’s AirTag or a Tile.
    • Take a photograph of your bag as you’re checking in to aid in locating it.
    • Make sure you never put essential items such as medication or car keys into a checked bag.
    • Allow extra time at the airport, reducing the chance you’ll miss your flight and face a nightmare rebooking it. “Let’s not play the game of ‘let’s see how close we can cut it,’” he said.
    • If you have an important event such as a cruise ship departure or a wedding to attend at your destination, build a “buffer” into your travel plans.
    • If your flight is delayed or canceled, use social media to contact airlines because they likely have more people working on social media than they do working the phones, Ratliff said. Be succinct in sharing what’s going on and what you need.
    • If all else fails and you have a horrible experience with your flight or luggage, fill out an airline complaint form with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). “That completely changes the tone of the conversation,” Ratliff said. “The airlines can ignore us (individual passengers), but they can’t ignore the DOT.”

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 23:10

  • Biden Admin To Unveil Reformulated Booster Shots In September
    Biden Admin To Unveil Reformulated Booster Shots In September

    The Biden administration is aiming for a mid-September rollout for reformulated Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 booster shots, after both companies promised they would be able to deliver doses by then, according to the New York Times, citing people familiar with the deliberations.

    The new versions are expected to perform better against then now-dominant (yet far more mild than Delta) BA.5 Omicron subvariant, though the Times notes that data on the reformulated shots is still preliminary.

    As such, federal officials have decided not to expand eligibility for the next round of existing boosters this summer – which have only been approved for Americans over 50, or those over the age of 12 who have immune deficiencies.

    Dr Fauci, interestingly enough, apparently didn’t get his way, as the Times reports that he was pushing for more of the current vaccine to go into arms before the reformulated version is ready.

    In internal deliberations, some senior health officials argued that eligibility for a second booster should be broadened before the reformulated version is ready because coronavirus infections are on the rise again. Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the president’s chief medical adviser, and Dr. Ashish K. Jha, the White House pandemic response coordinator, both advocated that position. -NYT

    “I think there should be flexibility and permissiveness in at least allowing” a second booster for younger Americans, Fauci told the Times earlier this month.

    Another alternative under discussion was offering the shots only to a subset of younger, at-risk individuals – such as pregnant women (who don’t have periods to disrupt!).

    The FDA and the CDC, however, said the government should concentrate on a fall campaign for the reformulated doses, as long as they were ready for ‘prime time’ (disregarding the typical decade of so development and safety testing for most vaccinations, of course). Both Pfizer and Moderna said millions of doses would be ready by mid-September, so regulators made the call to wait for those shots.

    All adults are expected to be eligible for the updated boosters, while Children could be eligible as well according to insiders.

    According to the Biden administration, anyone who is eligible for shots now should just get them as opposed to waiting for the fall – despite its reduced efficacy against Omicron vs. the original strains it was developed for.

    The Times notes that “Deaths from Covid-19 are still heavily concentrated among older age groups, while hospitalizations remain well below the peak of the Omicron wave last winter.

    One concern was assuring that people did not get a booster now followed by another with the updated formulation too soon after. Officials worried that, especially for young men, two boosters in close succession might elevate the risk of a rare heart-related side effect, myocarditis, that has been linked to both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines.

    For other reasons, immunologists warn against receiving booster shots in short intervals. -NYT

    “You can’t get a vaccine shot Aug. 1 and get another vaccine shot Sept. 15 and expect the second shot to do anything,” said La Jolla Institute of Immunology virologist, Shane Crotty. “You’ve got so much antibody around, if you get another dose, it won’t do anything.”

    “The antibodies stop that next dose from working” if the next dose is administered too early, he continued.

    It will be interesting to see how many people actually get booster shots, given that federal officials are already concerned over the ‘public’s patience with additional shots,’ according to the Times, which notes that the number of people getting the jab has been dropping more with each new one offered – to the point where fewer than 30% of eligible Americans have elected to receive a second booster, which would be their fourth total shot.

    To accomplish the rollout, the Department of Health and Human Services made an advance purchase of 105 million doses of Pfizer’s reformulated offering for $3.2 billion, with a possible fall deployment in mind. A similar agreement with Moderna is expected soon.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 22:50

  • FBI Likely Did 'Intentionally Undermine' A Congressional Probe On Hunter Biden: Senator
    FBI Likely Did ‘Intentionally Undermine’ A Congressional Probe On Hunter Biden: Senator

    Authored by Frank Fang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) criticized the FBI on July 26, alleging that the bureau was “weaponized” against two U.S. senators when it arranged an intelligence briefing in August 2020.

    Hunter Biden walks to Marine One on the Ellipse outside the White House in Washington on May 22, 2021. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)

    Johnson’s criticism was based on new revelations that surfaced a day earlier, when Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) divulged that certain FBI officials had a “scheme” to wrongly label “derogatory information” on Hunter Biden as disinformation, based on what his office learned from “highly credible whistleblowers.”

    By inaccurately labeling verified evidence as disinformation, FBI officials halted investigative activities related to Hunter Biden in 2020.

    If these recent whistleblower revelations are true, it would strongly suggest that the FBI’s August 6, 2020 briefing was indeed a targeted effort to intentionally undermine a Congressional investigation,” Johnson wrote in a letter (pdf) obtained by Just the News. The letter was sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

    Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) departs from the Senate Chambers in the U.S. Capitol in Washington on July 21, 2022. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

    “If these whistleblower allegations are accurate, how can your agency, Director Wray, be capable of investigating the president’s son?” Johnson continued. “Unfortunately, the FBI can no longer be trusted to investigate Hunter Biden with integrity and the equal application of law.

    2020 Briefing

    Johnson and Grassley were probing the Biden family’s financial transactions when they were asked to attend an FBI briefing on Aug. 6, 2020. According to Johnson, the briefing was “completely unnecessary” and “completely irrelevant” to their probe.

    However, the contents of the briefing were leaked to media outlets, prompting Johnson and Grassley to question the motivation behind the briefing.

    In his letter, Johnson concluded that the 2020 briefing was “a set up to intentionally discredit our ongoing work into Hunter Biden’s extensive foreign financial entanglements,” pointing to an article published by The Washington Post on May 1, 2021.

    Grassley also raised concerns about the same Washington Post article in his letter (pdf) to Garland in June 2021.

    “The Washington Post article inaccurately linked Russian attempts to spread disinformation to my and Senator Johnson’s investigation into the extensive financial connections between the Biden family and individuals connected to the communist Chinese government’s military and intelligence services,” Grassley wrote.

    Information relating to the [Aug. 6, 2020] briefing was also used by Democratic Senators last Congress to publicly malign us and our investigation for the purpose of slowing it down, painting it in a false public light, and undermining its integrity.”

    Senate Judiciary Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) speaks at a hearing with the Senate Judiciary Committee in the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington on July 12, 2022. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

    As such, Johnson said the FBI was “weaponized” against himself and Grassley, according to his letter.

    The FBI being weaponized against two sitting chairmen of U.S. Senate committees with constitutional oversight responsibilities would be one of the greatest episodes of Executive Branch corruption in American history,” Johnson wrote.

    Johnson, former chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, is now the ranking member on the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Grassley, who was once chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, is now the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    On Sept. 23, 2020, about a month after the 2020 briefing, Grassley and Johnson released a report revealing that there was “potential criminal activity relating to transactions among and between Hunter Biden, his family, and his associates with Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh, and Chinese nationals,” while Joe Biden was vice president during the Obama administration.

    The two senators have continued their probe into Hunter Biden. In March, they presented bank records on the Senate floor showing CEFC China Energy, a now-defunct company, made payments to Hunter Biden.


    Johnson concluded his letter by saying that the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence haven’t responded to his request for information on “the purpose of, and who ordered” the 2020 briefing, despite his effort for nearly two years. He said the two agencies’ refusal to be transparent “is deeply concerning.”

    The senator from Wisconsin suggested that the Office of the Inspector General could conduct an “objective review” or appoint a special counsel to address his concerns.

    Johnson also reiterated his concerns over conflicts of interests, including how Nicholas McQuaid, the principal deputy assistant attorney general for the Justice Department’s criminal division, was a fellow partner in a law firm with an attorney who has represented Hunter Biden.

    Currently, the U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware is investigating Hunter Biden for possible tax violations.

    “Attorney General Garland, you have failed to provide Senator Grassley and me with assurances that any DOJ investigation into Hunter Biden’s potential criminal activity will be free of conflicts of interest,” Johnson wrote. “The American people should not have to tolerate your silence any longer.”

    Department of Justice officials didn’t respond by press time to a request for comment.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 22:30

  • Extreme Weather Flips US Navy Helicopters In Freak 'Microburst'
    Extreme Weather Flips US Navy Helicopters In Freak ‘Microburst’

    US Navy helicopters were damaged when a line of severe thunderstorms swept through southern Virginia on Tuesday at Naval Station Norfolk. 

    USNI News reported ten helicopters experienced damage, including five MH-60S Knight Hawks, one MH-60R Sea Hawk, and four MH-53E Sea Dragons. 

    A Navy initial assessment of the incident showed each helicopter was marked as a “Class A ground mishap,” meaning the aircraft experienced over $2.5 million in damage. 

    “The Navy is continuing to assess the full extent of the damages to each airframe, but there are no impacts to operational forces as a result of this incident.

    “Known damages to the aircraft span from broken tail and rotor blades to structural dents and punctures in the airframes. No personnel were injured during the storm,” Cmdr. Rob Myers with Naval Air Forces Atlantic said in a statement. 

    Images posted on social media show what appears to be a warzone.

    NWS received minimal reports of damage in the area, which may suggest a microburst hit the naval base. 

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 22:10

  • 'Friends' Co-Creator Gives $4 Million To Brandeis To Atone For Her "Internalized Systemic Racism"
    ‘Friends’ Co-Creator Gives $4 Million To Brandeis To Atone For Her “Internalized Systemic Racism”

    Authored by Jonathan Draeger via The College Fix,

    The co-creator of the TV show “Friends” announced she would give $4 million to Brandeis University for a professorship in African and African American Studies in order to advance her own “anti-racist” views and atone for past racism.

    “It took me a long time to begin to understand how I internalized systemic racism,” Marta Kauffman stated in the news release put out by her alma mater.

    “I’ve been working really hard to become an ally, an anti-racist.”

    The donation “seemed to me to be a way that I could participate in the conversation from a white woman’s perspective,” she stated.

    “I hope it becomes the leading AAAS department in the country,” Kauffman stated in a video put out along with the announcement.

    Brandeis founded the department in 1969. Eleven undergraduate students graduated from the African and African-American Studies department in 2021, according to the diploma ceremony.

    “It is the first endowed professorship in the program, which means it will ensure the study of African and African American culture, history, and politics for generations of Brandeis students—something more critical than ever,” President Rob Liebowitz stated in the announcement.

    “The gift will also help the department to recruit more expert scholars and teachers,” the university announced. The donation will help “map long-term academic and research priorities and provide new opportunities for students to engage in interdisciplinary scholarship.”

    The College Fix reached out to twice via email in the past two weeks to Chad Williamson and Faith Smith, two professors in the AAAS Department to ask for more information on the goals for the donation.

    Neither responded, nor did department administrator Betsy Plumb.

    The Fix also emailed spokesman David Eisenberg for further information on the goals of the endowment and if it included boosting enrollment in the department. He did not respond.

    Kauffman also apologized for jokes about transgenderism, lack of racial diversity

    In addition to the $4 million donation to Brandeis, Kauffman’s self-reflection on her racism has also led to further apologies. She has also apologized for not using the correct pronouns for a character in “Friends.”

    “We kept referring to her [Chandler’s transgender parent] as ‘Chandler’s father’, even though Chandler’s father was trans,” Kauffman stated in a recent interview.

    “Pronouns were not yet something that I understood. So we didn’t refer to that character as ‘she’. That was a mistake.”

    Criticism over lack of racial diversity on her hit show also led to apologies.

    “Admitting and accepting guilt is not easy,” Kaufmann told the Los Angeles Times on June 29.

    “It’s painful looking at yourself in the mirror. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know better 25 years ago,” the show creator told the newspaper.

    She has promised to crack down on offensive comments. Kaufmann told BBC that she fired a staffer for making a joke about a transgender person.

    “It’s very important to me that where we are is a safe place, a tolerant place, where there’s no yelling,” she stated, in reference to her show “Grace and Frankie.”

    “I fired a guy on the spot for making a joke about a trans cameraperson. That just can’t happen,” she told the interviewer.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 21:50

  • Massive Chinese Rocket In "Uncontrolled Descent" Expected To Crash Into Earth In Days
    Massive Chinese Rocket In “Uncontrolled Descent” Expected To Crash Into Earth In Days

    China’s largest rocket, the Long March 5B that delivered the Wentian laboratory module to the new space station, is expected to deorbit and fall back to Earth. 

    The Aerospace Corporation’s Center for Orbital Reentry and Debris Studies (CORDS) said the Long March 5B is set for an uncontrolled descent into Earth’s atmosphere on Sunday (31 Jul 2022 00:24 UTC ± 16 hours).

    CORDS said the 10-story tall, 20-ton rocket is “now in an elliptical orbit around Earth where it is being dragged toward an uncontrolled reentry.” 

    “We estimate, based on previous experience, that somewhere between four, five to nine tons, depending on exactly how it’s configured, will survive reentry.

    “When it comes down, it will certainly exceed the 1-in-10,000 (risk of injury to people on Earth) threshold that is the generally accepted guideline,” Ted Muelhaupt of the Aerospace Corporation in a press conference Wednesday. 

    The map shows the prediction window of where the rocket could land along the blue or yellow paths. CORDS noted “the yellow satellite icon indicating the center of the reentry window.” 

    This isn’t the first time a Long March 5B deorbited and crashed back to Earth. In May 2020, parts of a Chinese rocket crashed into an African village.

    Then again, in May 2021, another one splashed down in the Indian Ocean. 

    Why should people be looking up at the sky this weekend?

    US Space Command warned the track of the Chinese rocket “cannot be pinpointed until within hours of its reentry.” 

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 21:30

  • All The Trips To Davos Have Gone To Larry Fink's Head
    All The Trips To Davos Have Gone To Larry Fink’s Head

    Authored by Scott Shepard via,

    Larry Fink really has let all of those trips to Davos go to his head.

    In what is, so far as I know, the BlackRock CEO’s most recent act of public grandiloquence, he and BlackRock have urged the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) to modify its proposed greenhouse-gas emissions disclosure rule.

    That standard Fink megalomania comes not from the request itself, but from its grounds. He does not ask that it be withdrawn because it is illegally beyond the SEC’s statutory remit, though it surely is, especially in light of a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling. He doesn’t seek its withdrawal because it will create massive expense for no possible benefit, though that’s true too. He doesn’t even oppose the rule because it will harm small farmers, small businesses and small investors while aggregating wealth and opportunity to his own private-equity class. (Well, no: of course not that.)

    Rather, Fink’s objection to the rule is that it deviated from the disclosure demands that have issued from him – from him and from Mike Bloomberg and from the self-appointed New Ruling Class – embodied this time as the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). These new malefactors of great self-regard, you see, don’t care for it when representatives of elected government dare to contradict the commandments of the World Economic Forum (WEF) set.

    Mind you, the SEC’s proposed rule does violate its statutory authority; it does violate the Commission’s basic responsibility of assisting Main Street shareholders and smaller corporations in the capital markets; it is vastly costly, entirely pointless and wholly biased. The TCFD proposals are also immensely costly and entirely pointless and biased (in favor of politicized decarbonization, against basic technological and economic reality) though, and they come without any statutory or moral authority at all. The TCFD, like the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board and the WEF, is just an agglomeration of billionaires who have decided that they’d quite like the world to be run according to their personal policy preferences – thank you very much – and that they don’t intend to subject themselves to indignities like getting elected in order to achieve that end.

    You can understand why they’ve dropped any plans to earn democratic legitimacy. Recall the spectacular failure that was Mike Bloomberg’s campaign for the Democratic nomination in 2020. From revelations that he had demanded that women staffers abort pregnancies to disclosures that old Nanny Bloomberg was pretty much an authoritarian all around, the Little Dictator didn’t come out of the experience very well. But that hasn’t thwarted his desire to rule.

    Nor did it serve as a lesson to Fink. One might think Fink would be more careful, given that he carries a raft of fiduciary duties to investors and shareholders that Bloomberg, as the owner of a private company, doesn’t. But no. While he occasionally makes transparently false statements about the nonpartisan character of his interference with the governance and planning at the rest of U.S. publicly traded corporations, the truth invariably outs, as when he accidentally admitted that he is acting to “force” corporations, and through them all of us worldwide, to do his bidding, such as equity-based discrimination and politicized decarbonization, because he personally is “very passionate about” those policy goals.

    In other words, Larry and Mike very much wish the world to dance to their tunes, exactly as they play them, and they don’t want any interfering governments trying to play along, even if it’s pretty much the same stupid tune.

    Larry, though, may wish to take a care as he seeks to set a crown upon his head. For as he accumulates the real power of dictatorship, he also collects the responsibility, and the dangers. Surely he is aware by now that forcing the West into climate-catastrophist decarbonization guarantees is already creating a pointless, but world-historical, disaster. Consider developments just in the last couple of weeks:

    • Germany, and Europe generally, have delivered themselves, bound and on their knees, to Russia, having decarbonized according to their incoherent political schedules rather than according to technological and financial need – just as Larry wants to “force” the U.S. to do because he personally is “very passionate about” it. All of this “threatens social peace” in Germany and around the continent – which is fine, right? Nothing bad has ever followed from that.

    • All of this has forced Europe to revert to coal use, meaning that political decarbonization leads to eventual recarbonization of the least-efficient sorts.

    • China continues to ramp up its coal production and use, as do India and other non-western nations, with none indicating any serious willingness to stop such increases. This is fair enough; why should they be denied moving from developing to developed because western billionaires want to change the rules, pulling the ladders up behind themselves? The result: no amount of western decarbonization can have any real effect on the earth’s climate, the only conceivable legitimate justification for decarbonization. (The growing suspicion that the WEF set knows that political decarbonization can’t achieve the stated goals, but really wants it as a way of keeping the hoi polloi trapped in constrained penury so that they can have the world to themselves is, of course, wholly illegitimate.)

    • Japan’s long-struggling economy has been hit hard by the current energy crisis, leaving it less prepared to respond to any negative effects that might arise from the climate change that political decarbonization can’t stop.

    • The Netherlands has erupted in protests in response to government nitrogen-reduction regulations that threaten to destroy one of Europe’s strongest agricultural centers. These pointless regulations, based on doubtful science, do their work just as the world faces serious food shortages.

    • Those food and energy deficiencies, driven by a series of “green” initiatives such as taking the whole country organic, have brought Sri Lanka to its knees – sending one president and prime minister already into exile, and the Sri Lankan people into dire suffering.

    • Here at home, Texas’ inexplicable and undefendable embrace of wind power threatens its energy reliability and – again – forces it back on record fossil-fuel demand.

    There’s plenty more, but I think these items make the point. Or most of the point. Consider one last fact: that as Larry and Mike (and Brian Moynihan of Bank of America and David Solomon of Goldman Sachs and the rest of the Davos crowd) “force” American corporations to sign on to political-schedule decarbonization because they’re so personally passionate about it, they’ve also engineered an exemption from the European Union’s new “green” fuel tax for – do you even have to guess? – private jets.

    Larry & Co., you see, mean not only to rule like dictators, but to live like dictators.

    All of this put me in mind of Patrick Henry. In 1765, when a separate set of dictators (a crowd just as unelected by any Americans as the WEFers) sought to strip proto-Americans of their basic and fundamental rights through the Stamp Act, Henry offered a warning to George III, the chief unelected despot of that era. In the peroration of a speech against the act in the Virginia House of Burgesses he reminded his fellows that “Caesar had his Brutus, Charles the First his Cromwell and George the Third … may profit by their example.”

    As Larry, Mike, et al. grasp for themselves the power and trappings of tyranny in order to advance policies that will destroy both liberty and prosperity for the American people – just as George and his parliament did – let us hope that they, too, profit from those examples.

    *  *  *

    Scott Shepard is a fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research and Director of its Free Enterprise Project.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 21:10

  • President Xi Chaired The July Politburo Meeting Today: Here's What Happened
    President Xi Chaired The July Politburo Meeting Today: Here’s What Happened

    President Xi chaired the July Politburo meeting today which set the tone for the broad policy stance in 2H of this year.

    The statement following the meeting reiterated the “Dynamic Zero Covid” policy stance and focused on implementing the already announced policy measures. On property, the statement restated “housing is for living in, not for speculation” (which was mentioned in the April Politburo meeting), and highlighted that local governments should take responsibilities in “guaranteeing the delivery of homes“, consistent with China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC)’s recent statement.

    Courtesy of Goldman China analyst Maggie Wei, here are the main points:

    1. President Xi chaired the July Politburo meeting today. The statement was mostly a reiteration of implementing the already announced measures, though on the fiscal front, today’s statement hinted at additional local government bond issuance quota. Specifically on fiscal policy, the statement stated it will make the full use of local government special bond (LGSB) proceeds and the limit on outstanding LGSB this year, which could imply at most another RMB 1.5 trillion LGSB issuance quota available for use this year (according to the MOF, the actual outstanding LGSB amount is RMB 20.4 trillion, assuming the annual quota will be fulfilled by year-end, and the limit on the overall LGSB outstanding this year is RMB 21.8 trillion). On monetary policy, Politburo reiterated that liquidity conditions should be reasonably ample, credit support should be stepped up, and policymakers would make the best use of the newly announced credit quota for policy banks and infrastructure investment fund. In recent State Council meetings, policymakers announced an additional RMB800bn policy bank loan quota, and another RMB300bn credit support by policy banks to facilitate infrastructure investment.

    2. The July Politburo meeting statement toned down the nationwide full-year economic growth target by requiring “large and capable” provinces (likely referring to coastal provinces which are less hit by Covid lockdowns,) to work hard on achieving full-year economic targets, which stood in contrast to the statement of “working hard to achieve full-year targets” in the April meeting.

    3. Today’s statement restated that policymakers would stick to the “Dynamic Zero Covid” policy stance, and highlighted “political considerations” behind this decision. However, policymakers also required to ensure smooth operations of key functions of the society, while working on tracking new variant of Covid and development of Covid treatment. This may imply potential adjustments to the Dynamic Zero Covid policy implementation similar to what we saw in late June as the Covid situation evolves.

    4. The discussion around property is not new. The July Politburo meeting emphasized “housing is for living in, not for speculation“, which was mentioned in the April Politburo meeting as well, and added that local governments should take responsibilities in “guaranteeing the delivery of homes“, consistent with CBIRC’s recent statements. Relatedly, an FT article on July 28 reported a potential RMB 200bn program by the PBOC to help facilitate property completions. Regulators and local governments are focusing on continuing construction of pre-sold projects while keeping the broad policy on housing unchanged.

    5. In response to the rural bank event in Henan, today’s statement required policymakers to ensure financial stability and properly handle risks from rural banks (Media report suggests policymakers would use 320bn LGSB quota to replenish capital for small and medium-sized banks). On platform company regulation, the statement echoed the positive tone from the April meeting and urged policymakers to complete regulation on platform companies and facilitate a batch of sample investment projects with “green light”. Politburo also discussed securing the supply of food and energy, stabilizing prices, supporting employment of college graduates and working hard on improving people’s livelihood, which are reiteration of recent policy communications.

    6. In general, the July Politburo meeting suggests that the “Dynamic Zero Covid” policy stance is here to stay, and while full-year economic targets appear challenging on a nationwide basis. Policymakers would maintain their supportive stance, in particular continue to push for infrastructure investment to support the overall economy. The lack of mentioning of a potential property fund, which was widely discussed over media in recent days might appear disappointing to investors, but there is still a chance that PBOC and relevant government institutions would follow up and announce concrete supportive measures to the property sector in the next few days/weeks.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 20:50

  • Here We Go Again: Wuhan Locks Down 1 Million People After Detecting Four COVID Cases
    Here We Go Again: Wuhan Locks Down 1 Million People After Detecting Four COVID Cases

    In yet another prime example of throwing the baby, the bottle, the bonnet, and literally everything else that’s within reach, out with the bathwater, Wuhan has decided to lock down a district of almost 1 million people after discovering just “four asymptomatic Covid cases”.

    And to think, Wuhan’s tourism industry was just starting to recover…

    But seriously, China’s stringent zero-Covid policy has once again caused the country to enforce draconian lockdowns in Wuhan’s Jiangxia district, where more than 970,000 people live. China called it three days of “temporary control measures,” according to CNN

    The province shut down bars, cinemas internet cafes, small clinics, agricultural product marketplaces, restaurant, dining and large gatherings, the report says. It also shuttered events “from performances to conferences,” including all places of worship. Tutoring institutions and tourist attractions also were forced to lock down. 

    Public transport in the province has also been suspended and residents have been told not to leave. There have been “four high risk neighborhoods” identified within the province, with four other neighborhoods posing a “medium” risk. 

    China is aiming to “further reduce the flow of people, lower the risk of cross-infection and achieve dynamic zero-Covid in the shortest time possible,” a government statement says. The four cases were found during regular testing drives and then through contact tracing of those individuals. 

    The lockdowns which China once again re-implemented toward the beginning of this year caused shockwaves for many companies doing business in the country, not the least of which was Tesla, and further exacerbated supply chain bottlenecks – many of which have been in place for almost 3 years now. 

    Recall, back in April, Zero Hedge contributor Quoth the Raven asked whether or nothing something was “rotten” in the state of Shanghai’s latest lockdowns. “The actions China has taken to implement this round of lockdowns have been dystopian and Orwellian, to say the least,” he wrote at the beginning of April. 

    “There are a innumerable amount of disturbing things about the dystopian way this alleged outbreak is being handled, but none more pressing is the question of why it is being handled the way it is,” he continued. “Why continue the country’s completely irrational and inane “Covid Zero” policy at this point?”

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 20:10

  • Why Bitcoin Is A CDS On The Fed
    Why Bitcoin Is A CDS On The Fed

    Authored by Adam Taha via,

    With rampant inflation and institutional unease in the air, bitcoin is prepared to gain exponentially.

    The latest consumer price index (CPI) print came out at a shocking 9.1% (9.8% in cities), and many speculators expected bitcoin’s price to “moon.” What happened was the opposite and bitcoin’s price action correlated with other risk assets. Many threw an expected tantrum and asked why? “I thought BTC was a hedge against inflation … when moon?”

    Keep in mind that bitcoin is a 13-year old resilient asset with just 13 years of network effect. How is it resilient? While the dollar, as we all know, has continued its meteoric climb, posting fresh yearly highs versus the British pound, euro, and Japanese yen year to date, making it a wrecking ball against most foreign currencies and risk-on assets.

    However, for the past few weeks something incredible started happening: The price of bitcoin (in USD) has been building on strong support even as the dollar gains. This signifies a massively important event in my opinion.

    Source: Bloomberg

    Bitcoin’s price action frustrates some retail investors. That’s because the market is not dominated by retail. It’s dominated by institutional investors and “big money.” Institutions dominate the market but are themselves bogged down by rules, regulations and policies. As such, they view bitcoin as a risk-on asset and when inflation runs hot (latest print of 9.1%) then they go risk-off – especially when interest rates are high (“quantitative tightening” (QT) environment). Generally, “cash is king” is a common statement in traditional finance and the current fiat system for many investors. Institutions sell their risk assets (risk-off) and they buy cash (USD) and cash-flow equities when the DXY rises.

    Note that gold and silver have also significantly dropped in the last few weeks. So, what happened to their safe store-of-value proposition? Nothing. The proposition itself likely still holds. It’s not about the assets themselves, it’s about accumulating dollars right now. Having liquid cash is better for institutions and investors than having a valuable yet illiquid asset. Remember, institutions view cash as king in times of high inflation and QT.

    To reiterate, Bitcoin is only 13 years old and it is taking time for retail and institutions to understand the true value of bitcoin. For now, institutional investors continue to view cash as king, and many people in retail still don’t understand what kind of money bitcoin is. So, for now we’re still stuck in the Federal Reserve Board’s monetary world.

    The Fed’s policy is unsustainable. They know that, we know that. They can’t and won’t stop printing by adding liability to their balance sheets (debt to be paid off by future generations). What is the solution? Bitcoin is the solution. Sure, in two months cash will still remain king, but in two years cash will return to its original form: trash. Meanwhile, bitcoin will keep doing its thing and investors (both retail and institutions) will realize its value.

    The following statement is relative: “Bitcoin is a hedge against inflation.”

    I say relative because for someone who bought bitcoin years ago (before 2017) that statement holds true. But for someone who bought recently, that statement is taken with some skepticism. Long term, it certainly is a hedge against inflation.

    A credit default swap or CDS is an insurance instrument that institutions use when they own a bond issued by an issuer like a corporate or government bond. They can buy insurance against that bond failing (issuer defaulting). For institutions and investors, Bitcoin can and should be their CDS on the Fed failing.

    Bitcoin protects your wealth from debasement and it protects you like a CDS on the government.

    Bitcoin is your insurance policy against the government’s entire monetary policy and its “scam token” (aka the dollar).

    [ZH: Notably, USA Sovereign CDS (more indicative of devaluation than default for the reserve currency) has been ramping in recent months – to its highest since the peak of the COVID lockdowns. If Bitcoin’s historical relationship with the sovereign CDS market re-engages, it would imply BTC around $90,000.]

    The future is almost entirely digitized. Money will be no different. Bitcoin is without a doubt the only solution for a sound, immutable, secure, digital money that gives people their sovereignty. Banks are counterparties. Goldman Sachs, NYSE, Vanguard, Fidelity, and others are counterparties. With bitcoin, you own the asset outright and not the underlying asset. In today’s system, the reliance or hope is on the counterparty to uphold their end of the obligation and give what is owed to you when you need to liquidate an asset. Bitcoin flips this on its head using an elegant system of incentives, encryption, supply cap, decentralization, and a network that anyone can participate in.

    Growing your purchasing power comes second. First, you have to protect that purchasing power. How do you protect your purchasing power? Bitcoin.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 19:50

  • Rand Paul Demands Answers After NIH Admits Redacting COVID-19 Origins Emails 'To Prevent Misinformation'
    Rand Paul Demands Answers After NIH Admits Redacting COVID-19 Origins Emails ‘To Prevent Misinformation’

    Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is demanding answers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), after he says the agency “has repeatedly disregarded its responsibilities under FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and the American people’s right to agency records,” according to a Wednesday letter from Paul to NIH Acting Director Lawrence A. Tabak.

    “For almost two years, public interest groups and media organizations have been forced to engage in protracted litigation to obtain documents related to NIH’s involvement in COVID-19,” adding “The records NIH has produced have been heavily redacted.”

    This suggests NIH is censoring the information it releases to the public about the origins of the pandemic.

    Paul cites an article by journalist and former Chuck Grassley investigator Paul D. Thacker, which notes an egregious admission by the NIH in Court that the agency “is withholding portions of emails between employees because they “could be used out of context and serve to amplify the already prevalent misinformation regarding the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.””

    In an 18-page declaration to the court, NIH FOIA Officer Gorka Garcia-Malene detailed how the NIH redacts documents in compliance with the law. In the case of Exempt 6 privacy concerns, Garcia-Malene declared:

    Exemption 6 mandates the withholding of information that if disclosed “would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6). Exemption 6 was applied here due to the heightened public scrutiny with anything remotely related to COVID-19.

    Mr. Garcia-Malene also claimed that information had be redacted “because of the amount of misinformation surrounding the pandemic and its origins.” Seriously, the NIH is now arguing in court that because there is so much misinformation about how the pandemic began, they can’t release facts that might clear up misinformation about how the pandemic began.

    The NIH was responding to a case brought by US nonprofit Right to Know, after the NIH deleted coronavirus sequences that Chinese researchers added to the NIH’s Sequence Read Archive. As Thacker notes, “These datasets involved key studies that virologists were using at the time to promote the now discredited theory that the COVID-19 virus may have passed from pangolins to humans.

    In the case at hand, the NIH attempted (and succeeded) at sealing the name of a Chinese researcher which had already been made public.

    More via Disinformation Chronicle:

    Last week, the NIH filed a motion in a Virginia court to seal portions of documents that reference the Chinese researcher and an NIH official in a lawsuit filed against the agency for redacting and covering up records that might explain how the pandemic began.

    “[T]he individuals have a substantial privacy interest in avoiding harassment or media scrutiny that would likely follow disclosure,” wrote a lawyer for the NIH to the judge. “Sealing is therefore necessary to protect this information from any further public dissemination.”

    But what is actually being protected? The American public’s right to access public information that may reveal what kicked off the pandemic, or the purported privacy rights of a scientist who lives thousands of miles away in China? This legal ploy further highlights the NIH’s aggressive, haphazard approach to redacting documents and hiding information that might explain how the pandemic started.

    Last summer Buzzfeed released an investigation of the NIH’s Anthony Fauci and reported that the documents the agency released were “just a portion of what was requested, and they are filled with redactions, making them an incomplete record of the time period and Fauci’s correspondence.” Meanwhile, the Intercept reported in February that the NIH continues to withhold critical documents that could shed light on how the epidemic began, noting that the agency sent them 292 pages of fully redacted records.

    Among these pages, the NIH fully redacted the 2020 COVID-19 research plan put together by Anthony Fauci.

    A week after The Intercept story, The Chief Records Officer for the U.S. Government sent the NIH a letter asking them to investigate allegations that agency personnel are shredding documents related to grant-making decisions and funding for research in China.

    Kangpeng Xiao’s name became public in December 2020, when the nonprofit U.S. Right to Know published a report on revisions to coronavirus sequences that Chinese researchers had added to the NIH’s Sequence Read Archive. These datasets involved key studies that virologists were using at the time to promote the now discredited theory that the COVID-19 virus may have passed from pangolins to humans.

    “These revisions are odd because they occurred after publication, and without any rationale, explanation or validation,” wrote Sainath Suryanarayanan, in the December 2020 report for U.S. Right to Know. The nonprofit based their report on NIH documents they received from a FOIA request.

    According to these documents, several Chinese scientists asked the NIH to alter coronavirus sequences stored on the NIH database, with many of these requests coming from Kangpeng Xiao with the South China Agricultural University. In one case, Xiao asked NIH official Rick Lapoint in March 2020 to delete some coronavirus sequences.

    A few months later, Xiao published a prominent paper on May 7, 2020, in the journal Nature that argued a coronavirus discovered in pangolins was closely related to COVID-19. But as U.S. Right to Know discovered, Xiao’s request to delete coronavirus sequences from the NIH’s Sequence Read Archive (SRA) was just one of many changes.

    Xiao et al. made numerous changes to their SRA data, including the deletion of two datasets on March 10, the addition of a new dataset on June 19, a November 8 replacement of data first released on October 30, and a further data change on November 13 — two days after Nature added an Editor’s “note of concern” about the study.

    Eventually, Nature’s “note of concern” attached to Xiao’s 2020 study changed to a very lengthy correction in late 2021 that explained that data “were mislabelled and attributed incorrectly.” That correction also thanked Alina Chan of Harvard and the Broad Institute “for bringing the errors to our attention.” Chan later tweeted that Nature refused to publish her analysis of the viruses and merely folded her study into their correction.

    NIH coronavirus database becomes national news

    This U.S. Right to Know report was largely ignored, but last summer, coronavirus sequences at the NIH SRA became national news when Jesse Bloom, a virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, published a preprint on NIH sequences that Chinese researchers had deleted. As Bloom explained in an email to NIH leadership at the time, “[T]his can be a good opportunity for the NIH to take the lead by using its remarkable data archives to make progress in resolving some of the important questions about the virus’s origins.”

    The NIH would not disclose to reporters the names of Chinese researchers who requested sequence deletions, but the New York Times later identified one of the scientists as Ben Hu at Wuhan University.

    Empower Oversight referenced Kangpeng Xiao’s identity in federal court recently on July 11, when the nonprofit charged that the NIH was improperly redacting documents when responding to their FOIA requests. In one case, the NIH had provided Empower Oversight with an October 12, 2021, email from Jesse Bloom to the NIH discussing a scientist’s request to delete NIH SRA sequences. Citing Exemption 6, which covers privacy concerns, the NIH redacted both the names of the requestor and the NIH official that Bloom cited in his email

    Read the rest from Thacker here

    Paul has demanded the NIH answer the following questions:

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 19:30

  • A Culture Of Crime Complacency In Pritzker's Illinois
    A Culture Of Crime Complacency In Pritzker’s Illinois

    Authored by Mike Koolidge via,

    In the 2013 movie “The Purge,” crime was legalized for a 12-hour window every year, ostensibly to “purge” society of its worst elements. Murdering, thievery, grand theft auto, rape, drug trafficking, you name it, all allowed with zero consequences – but only for an annual 12-hour period. Effective Jan. 1, 2023, a version of the scenario depicted in the fictional dystopian film could become a full-time reality in Illinois if legislation, passed after the summer of George Floyd, is not repealed.

    Some background: On Jan. 13, 2021, during the post-election lame duck legislative session, a 764 page opus known as Illinois HB 3653, ironically called the “SAFE-T Act” (Safety, Accountability, Fairness, Equity – Today Act), was rushed through by Democrats in the state capitol. There was no mandate from the electorate. It barely had enough votes to pass, even in the extremely lopsided Democrat-majority Springfield legislature.

    “The law passed in the wee hours of the morning,” recalled Republican State Rep. Tony McCombie.

    “[The Democrats] cut off debate. They didn’t appear to have the votes as it took several minutes to browbeat their members to their switches [voting button] to call the final vote.”

    But it passed in both houses and was signed into law with great fanfare by Democrat Gov. JB Pritzker.

    The legislation is a veritable wish list for progressives opposed to the very idea of incarceration – or even effective policing.

    To start, criminal suspects arrested on charges ranging from petty theft to murder (yes, murder) will no longer have to post bail, because cash bail will go away entirely. Will judges be able to keep obviously dangerous defendants in jail? Only when, to quote the language in the legislation, “the defendant poses a real and present threat to a specific, identifiable person or persons, or has a high likelihood of flight.”

    That suggests that if you kill your wife, for instance, you can be let out of jail while you await trial, posting no bail, because, well, she’s now dead, and you don’t “pose a threat” to any other “specific” individual. If you are unsuccessful in your murder attempt and only maimed your wife, as she is still alive, yes, a judge can keep you in jail, but only because your wife survived your assault.

    To reiterate, crimes that harm “society at large” will not cut it, according to the language in the SAFE-T Act. As Ogle County State’s Attorney Mike Rock explains:

    “A serial drunk driver who repeatedly drives on our streets while impaired must be released because we cannot specifically identify the individuals they are putting at risk. The same applies to drug dealers, gun traffickers, felons in possession of guns, serial arsonists, and many other violent criminals.”

    This is not hyperbole. Even some Democrats are sounding the alarm. “If that bill [the SAFE-T Act] goes into effect … police officers’ hands will be tied,” warns Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow, a Democrat. “What you see in Chicago, we’ll have here . It’s going to be literally the end of days … I’ve got 640 people in the Will County jail. All their bonds will be extinguished on January 1. And 60 are charged with murder. And many others with violent felonies.”

    The good news is that it’s not too late to do something about it.

    “You as the electorate, need to demand anybody running for election in November needs to vote to repeal this bill,” Glasgow continued.

    “It will destroy the state of Illinois. I don’t even understand the people who supported it, why they can’t realize that.”

    This is what happens when a legislative body dominated by one political party is combined with a severe anti-cop, soft-on-crime default position that has become orthodoxy on the left. It’s a toxic stew of bad ideas and bad judgment that at best breeds a culture of crime complacency, and at worst a clarion call for societal anarchy.

    “This law will continue to destroy the once beautiful and thriving city of Chicago,” said McCombie.

    “The crime rate will grow in the suburbs and eventually seep into our more rural areas, ultimately bringing Illinois’ complete destruction.”

    State’s attorneys must act, and demand that Springfield repeal the SAFE-T Act immediately. Every Democrat state representative and senator must swallow their pride and admit they made a terrible mistake when they passed this bill during the 2021 lame duck session. And more than anyone else, Gov. Pritzker, up for reelection this November and testing the 2024 presidential waters, needs to step up, be a leader, and fix this. Now.

    More and more Illinoisans are demanding it: A Facebook page calling for the repeal of Illinois HB 3653 has already gained over 51,000 members and is growing. If the SAFE-T Act is not repealed, Pritzker and everyone who made it law will have blood on their hands. And come this January in Illinois, the movie “The Purge” won’t feel like fiction if you live in our state.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 19:10

  • Taiwan Fires Warning Flares On Chinese Drone That Buzzed Airspace
    Taiwan Fires Warning Flares On Chinese Drone That Buzzed Airspace

    At a moment of boiling tensions surrounding Taiwan, its military says it chased away a Chinese drone by firing warning shots as a UAV buzzed a heavily fortified island that has long been under Taiwanese control.

    The Taiwanese Defense Ministry believes what was at first deemed an “unidentified drone” was possibly probing its Taiwan’s defenses as it “glanced by” Dongyin island, which lies near the Chinese coast but has been in Taiwan’s hands since 1949.

    China is believed to operate fleets of drones from its Shandong Aircraft Carrier.

    “The Dongyin command fired flares at the drone to warn it away, the ministry said, without identifying it further,” writes Reuters. “A senior official familiar with the security planning in the region told Reuters that it was a Chinese drone, likely one of the country’s new CSC-005 drones.”

    Though a relatively minor encounter, said to be the second such incident involving a Chinese drone this year, the engagement suggests the ease with which a small unplanned incident could trigger bigger escalation, even leading to a shooting war.

    Considered the front line of Taiwan’s defenses, Dongyin island is described as follows in Reuters:

    It is the northernmost territory Taiwan holds, sitting at the top end of the Taiwan Strait, a choke point through which at least part of any Chinese invading force would have to traverse.

    Military experts believe Dongyin’s forces are equipped with Taiwan’s self-made Hsiung Feng II anti-ship missile as well as Sky Bow II surface-to-air missiles.

    In recent years Chinese PLA jets have flown into or near Taiwan’s ‘Air Defense Identification Zone’ on an almost weekly basis, which Taipei sees as a threat. Taiwan typically scrambles fighters to warn off and ‘mirror’ PLA jets, however without any kind of firing incident.

    This fresh encounter between Taiwan and PLA weaponry comes as the entirety of the democratic-run island of Taiwan is engaged in ‘invasion preparedness’ drills – an annual exercise – which has a civilian response as well as military components, including emergency alerts and evacuation simulations conducted in cities and towns.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 18:50

  • Manchin's 'Inflation Reduction Act' One Giant, Misnamed Nothingburger, Goldman Finds: "It Will Change Fiscal Impulse By Less Than 0.1% Of GDP"
    Manchin’s ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ One Giant, Misnamed Nothingburger, Goldman Finds: “It Will Change Fiscal Impulse By Less Than 0.1% Of GDP”

    While few have had a chance to read the details of the Manchin-Schumer so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” (where the only inflation reduction is in the title and nowhere else) especially those who have been championing it all day across various media outlets, Goldman’s chief political economist Alec Phillips spent the night digging into the nuances of the proposed bill and found … well… nothing.

    As Phillips writes, the fiscal deal that already looked likely to pass now looks likely to be a bit broader than expected: the potential Senate deal now includes a version of the corporate minimum tax the House passed late last year, as well as a package of energy provisions similar in size to the House-passed bill. However, and this is the punchline, the Goldman strategist finds that “the fiscal impact remains limited” and warns that “over the next few years, it looks unlikely that this bill would change the fiscal impulse by more than 0.1% of GDP, as new spending and new taxes roughly offset and, in any case, both are fairly small in absolute terms.”

    Goldman concludes that while the details are still apt to change – the tax increase might shrink even more – this version of the bill looks fairly likely to become law, although “the omission of any changes to state and local tax deductibility raises some questions about House passage.”

    Below we excerpt from the Goldman note (the full pdf available to pro subscribers)

    The fiscal deal that looked increasingly likely now also looks a bit broader than expected. In a surprising turn of events, Senate Majority Leader Schumer (D-N.Y.) announced an agreement (summary here, text here) with Senator Manchin (D-W. Va.) on a somewhat broader fiscal package than we and most others had expected. Instead of limiting the package to Medicare drug pricing changes ($288bn/10yrs in savings) and two year extension of health insurance subsidies ($22bn/yr), the deal also includes $369bn/10yrs in energy and climate incentives and one additional year of health insurance subsidies, funded by a 15% minimum tax on corporate book income for companies with more than $100 million in domestic income/$1 billion in global income (raises $313bn/10yrs in tax revenue), and extending the minimum holding period for taxation of carried income at the long-term capital gains rate to 5 years from the time a fund acquired substantially all of its investments ($14bn/10yrs). In both cases, the tax increases would take effect from 2023.

    The net fiscal impact of these policies looks likely to be very modest, likely less than 0.1% of GDP for the next several years. Exhibit 1 provides a rough estimate, based on the cost estimates of the Senate drug pricing language released a few weeks ago, and estimates of the relevant tax provisions and energy provisions from the House-passed bill. While the final outcome is likely to differ in details from those provisions, the fiscal impact is likely to be similar.

    The bill is called the “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022” but the individual provisions it includes appear to be substantially the same as prior bills. In theory, the drug pricing provisions could impact the prices that Medicare-eligible consumers pay for drugs, but those changes would not take effect until 2026. Likewise, the renewable energy provisions are unlikely to have a near-term impact on energy–and in particular, gasoline–prices and are instead focused on medium term investment and production. We note that while the summary from Sen. Manchin’s office mentions energy permitting changes, it is unclear whether this “reconciliation” bill could include such regulatory changes, as those are generally precluded by Senate rules prohibiting non-fiscal matters from inclusion in reconciliation legislation.

    The legislation will probably still change. It seems likely that there will be some additional changes on the tax side. It is unclear whether the carried interest tax changes will pass as written, and there is a fair chance they could still be removed from the bill before passage. Additional carve-outs to the minimum tax proposal look likely, as various constituencies try to preserve the ability of corporations to take advantage of specific tax deductions and credits when companies pay the minimum tax.

    Passage looks likely, but not guaranteed. It is not yet clear whether virtually every Democrat, whose support will be needed to pass the bill in the House and Senate, will be willing to vote for this agreement. Our expectation is that they will, but there are still obstacles. The most obvious is the omission of any expansion of the state and local tax deduction, which some House Democrats have insisted be included in return for their support.

    More in the full note available to pro subscribers in the usual place.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 18:41

  • FDA Warns Puberty-Blockers May Cause Vision-Loss In Children
    FDA Warns Puberty-Blockers May Cause Vision-Loss In Children

    Authored by Mimi Ngyuen Ly via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently added a warning to the labeling of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists—also referred to by many as puberty blockers—saying the drugs may cause a series of symptoms in children that include headaches, pressure buildup around the brain, and vision loss.

    Signage is seen outside of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) headquarters in White Oak, Md., on Aug. 29, 2020. (Andrew Kelly/Reuters)

    The warning, announced by the agency on July 1, says there is a risk of pseudotumor cerebri in children who take GnRH agonists.

    Pseudotumor cerebri, or idiopathic intracranial hypertension, is when the fluid around the brain and spinal cord builds up in the skull for no obvious reason, causing high pressure that affects the brain the nerve in the back of the eye, the optic nerve.

    “The new warning includes recommendations to monitor patients taking GnRH agonists for signs and symptoms of pseudotumor cerebri, including headache, papilledema, blurred or loss of vision, diplopia, pain behind the eye or pain with eye movement, tinnitus, dizziness and nausea,” the FDA announced.

    GnRH agonists stop the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone that are involved in the physical changes a person undergoes during puberty. They are FDA-approved for the treatment of central precocious puberty—a condition where children experience premature puberty: in girls, this is before age 8, and in boys, before age 9.

    GnRH agonists are also used to treat other conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, precocious puberty, and infertility.

    The class of drugs is also being used off-label by some medical practitioners who prescribe them to children who experience gender dysphoria. The drugs can only be prescribed to children under 18 if the parents or guardians consent to the approach. Off-label means that GnRH agonists have not been approved by the FDA for this purpose.

    GnRH agonists products include Lupron Depot-Ped (leuprolide acetate), Fensolvi (leuprolide acetate), Synarel (nafarelin), Supprelin LA (histrelin), and Triptodur (triptorelin).

    ‘Plausible Association’

    The FDA had identified six cases that “supported a plausible association between GnRH agonist use and pseudotumor cerebri,” it said. The cases were identified via a risk assessment that included reviewing safety data submitted by GnRH agonists manufacturers, searching the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System, and conducting a literature search.

    “Six cases were identified that supported a plausible association between GnRH agonist use and pseudotumor cerebri. All six cases were reported in birth-assigned females ages 5 to 12 years,” the FDA stated.

    Five were undergoing treatment for central precocious puberty and one for transgender care,” the agency said. “The onset of pseudotumor cerebri symptoms ranged from three to 240 days after GnRH agonist initiation.”

    Of the six cases, five experienced visual disturbances, five experienced headache or vomiting, three had papilledema (swelling of the optic nerve), one had blood pressure increase, and one had weakness in a nerve responsible for eye movement.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 18:30

  • "Tipping Point": DC Mayor Calls For National Guard To 'Indefinitely' Help With Bussed-In Migrants
    “Tipping Point”: DC Mayor Calls For National Guard To ‘Indefinitely’ Help With Bussed-In Migrants

    With busloads of migrants arriving from Texas to the nation’s capital, DC has reportedly reached a “tipping point” after just 4,000 of them, causing Mayor Muriel Bowser to request that the DC National Guard be activated “indefinitely” to help with the situation, NBC4‘s Mark Segraves reports.

    What’s more, she wants to use the DC Armory as a processing center.

    Bowser’s request comes a week after Fox5 reported that the migrants were “overwhelming aid group” that are trying to help process the influx. 

    Groups like the Migrant Solidarity Network are there to welcome the buses and assist the migrants in getting to their destinations but Barnard reports the groups are receiving little to no assistance from local and federal government.

    Barnard says some of the migrants he spoke with are hoping to get to other destinations. Some are hoping to stay in D.C. and find works. Others are trying to get back to Texas.

    In April, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) announced that the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) would provide charter buses or flights to transport illegal immigrants released into the US by the feds, to D.C.

    Abbott’s order came in response to the lifting of Title 42 by the Biden administration (which was subsequently blocked by a Louisiana judge, which the Biden admin has appealed) – a CDC order that was invoked in March 2020 under President Donald Trump to minimize the spread of COVID-19 by ensuring that only essential travel occurred at U.S. borders.

    It directed that illegal immigrants could be quickly expelled back into Mexico as a pandemic precaution, rather than be processed under Title 8 immigration law, which is a much more protracted process inside the United States.

    Meanwhile, two weeks ago House Democrats adopted an amendment giving Bowser authority over the city’s national guard.

    As Trump adviser Stephen Miller said in response to the report, “The “tipping point” for the country was Biden opening our borders to *millions* of illegal aliens from every corner, and almost every county, on planet earth.”

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 18:10

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Today’s News 28th July 2022

  • Russia Threatens Western Media Crackdown After EU Court Upholds RT Ban
    Russia Threatens Western Media Crackdown After EU Court Upholds RT Ban

    Starting in March the European Union imposed a ban on Russia’s two major international state-funded broadcasters RT and Sputnik as part of what was then the 6th round of anti-Russia sanctions. Later in May, the EU added to its growing Russian media blacklist the broadcasters RTR Planeta, Russia 24 and TV Centre. 

    In rolling out the ban months ago, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen described of the crackdown, “We are banning three big Russian state-owned broadcasters from our airwaves. They will not be allowed to distribute their content anymore in the EU, in whatever shape or form, be it on cable, via satellite, on the internet or via smartphone apps.” She said, “We have identified these TV channels as mouthpieces, that amplify [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s lies and propaganda aggressively. We should not give them a stage anymore to spread these lies.”

    In March, RT America shut down its broadcast studio in Washington D.C. as US Congress moved to de-platform Russian state media, which also resulted even in its YouTube channel being blocked around the world (with Sputnik suffering the same fate). A majority of Western countries have at this point permanently blocked RT and Sputnik.

    On Wednesday, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg threw out an appeal which RT filed arguing that the ban should be lifted on free press and speech grounds. The appeal was made by RT France:

    The General Court dismisses as unfounded the complaint alleging a lack of competence on the part of the Council.

    The EU authorities were therefore not required to hear RT France prior to the decision temporarily to prohibit it from any form of content broadcasting. Consequently, the Court states that there has been no infringement of RT France’s right to be heard.

    As regards the complaint alleging that the statement of reasons for the contested acts is insufficient with regard to RT France, the General Court points out that that statement can be understood and is sufficiently precise,

    The condition that the limitations on the freedom of expression must be laid down by law is satisfied. The General Court adds that the nature and extent of the temporary prohibition at issue comply with the essential content of the freedom of expression and do not call that particular freedom into question.

    But the Kremlin has blasted the politicized nature of the court’s rejection of the appeal, and has vowed to apply similar restrictions on Western media outlets operating in Russia. Broadly, EU officials have argued that Russian state-linked sources haven’t been “impartial” in reporting the war in Ukraine and thus are “disinformation”.

    “Of course, we will take similar measures of pressure on Western media that operate in our country,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, as cited in AFP. Peskov further charged Europe with failing to uphold its own values in the case of RT:

    “We will also not let them work in our country,” he said, describing the Kremlin’s reaction to the ban as “extremely negative.”

    “Essentially, RT has been blocked and cannot operate in Europe,” Peskov said. “Europeans are trampling on their own ideals.”

    The ongoing past months of tit-for-tat diplomatic expulsions between Moscow and the West could now morph into something dangerously parallel when it comes to the press and foreign correspondents, whether in Russia or in Europe.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 02:45

  • EU Prepares Public For Winter Gas Siege
    EU Prepares Public For Winter Gas Siege

    By John Kemp, senior market analyst

    European Union policymakers have started to prepare the public for siege conditions this winter if gas supplies from Russia are completely cut, an effort to demonstrate diplomatic resolve as well as avoid panic later in the year.

    In recent weeks, officials from Germany and other EU member states have begun to talk openly and urgently about the need for immediate reductions in consumption in advance of the peak winter heating season.

    They have also started to plan publicly for compulsory allocation, including rationing and prioritization among industrial users, as well as sharing among member states in the event there is not enough gas to supply everyone.

    The stated reason is to accelerate the accumulation of inventories over the remainder of the summer to ensure European countries enter the winter with the highest possible inventories.

    In reality, inventories are rising relatively rapidly and are already above the long-term seasonal average in most member states and across the region as a whole.

    Inventories across the EU and the United Kingdom (EU28) stood at 751 terawatt-hours (TWh) on July 24 compared with a ten-year seasonal average of 698 TWh.

    EU28 stocks were rising at a rate of 5.11 TWh per day in the seven days to July 24 compared with a ten-year seasonal average of 4.61 TWh.

    In Germany, the largest stock holder, inventories of 161 TWh were above the long-term average of 145 TWh, and rising at 0.6 TWh per day, compared with a long-term average of 0.72 TWh per day.

    On current trends, the European Union as a whole, and Germany in particular, are already likely to enter the winter with above average levels of gas in storage.

    The problem is that it will not be enough if pipeline supplies from Russia are cut completely.

    EU storage is designed to cope with seasonal swings in consumption not to withstand a war-like strategic blockade.

    EU storage sites are currently filled to 67% of their maximum capacity, including 67% in Germany, 71% in Italy and 76% in France.

    But current storage is equivalent to just 18% of annual consumption for the European Union as a whole, including 16% in Germany, 18% in Italy and 21% in France.

    Even if storage sites can be filled to 90% or more of their maximum, inventories cannot withstand semi-blockade conditions for more than a few months without being depleted to critically low levels or exhausted completely.  And if storage lasts through the winter of 2022/23 it would still need to be rebuilt before the winter of 2023/24, which would be extremely difficult under siege conditions.

    Therefore, the unstated reason for the recent talk about consumption cuts and possible rationing is that large-scale and sustained demand reductions are the only way to withstand a possible gas siege. 

    Public planning for reduced consumption and compulsory allocation is intended to signal resolve and deter Russia from attempting a siege in the first place.

    In the event one occurs anyway, it is intended to harden public opinion for the privations ahead, including some physical discomfort, significantly higher utility bills, and a severe economic contraction.

    Tyler Durden
    Thu, 07/28/2022 – 02:00

  • Victor Davis Hanson: How To Erode The World's Greatest Military
    Victor Davis Hanson: How To Erode The World’s Greatest Military

    Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via,

    Alienating half the country is not a wise strategy of military recruitment…

    The U.S. Army has met only 40 percent of its 2022 recruiting goals.  

    In fact, all branches of the military are facing historic resistance to their current recruiting efforts. If some solution is not found quickly, the armed forces will radically shrink or be forced to lower standards—or both.  

    Such a crisis occurs importunely as an aggressive Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea believe the Biden Administration and the Pentagon have lost traditional U.S. deterrence.  

    That pessimistic view abroad unfortunately is now shared by many Americans at home. In 2021, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute conducted its periodic poll of attitudes toward the U.S. military. The result was astonishing. Currently, only 45 percent of Americans polled expressed a great deal of trust in their armed forces. Confidence had dived 25 points since an early 2018 poll. 

    Military officials cite both the usual and a new array of challenges in finding suitable young soldiers—drug use, gang affiliation, physical and mental incapacities, and the dislocations arising from the COVID pandemic and vaccination mandates. But they are too quiet about why such supposedly longer-term obstacles suddenly coalesced in 2022—as if their own leadership and policies have had no effect in discouraging tens of thousands of young men and women to join them. 

    The Greatest Skedaddle in Modern American History 

    A year ago, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley were assuring the country not to worry over Joe Biden’s strange ideas of abruptly pulling out all U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The radical step was purportedly to coincide with Biden’s planned 20-year celebratory event marking his role in ensuring an iconic end of the war on terror that began on September 11, 2001.  

    What followed was the worst U.S. military humiliation since Pearl Harbor.  

    U.S. forces abandoned hundreds if not thousands of American contractors and loyal Afghan employees, a $1 billion embassy, a huge $300 million refitted air base, and reportedly somewhere between $60-80 billion in military equipment and infrastructure. That sum was nearly double all the current military assistance sent to Ukraine.  

    Thirteen Americans were murdered by terrorists during the chaotic flight. In response, the United States mistakenly blew up 10 innocent Afghans after misidentifying them as ISIS terrorists. The horrific scenes at the Kabul airport surpassed the 1975 catastrophic ending of the Vietnam War on the U.S. embassy roof.  

    The global aftermath was eerie. Russia in a few months thereafter invaded Ukraine. Iran proudly announced it would soon have enough fissionable material to make a nuclear weapon. North Korea resumed its provocative missile launches. China openly talked of storming Taiwan.  

    The common denominator was the global perception that any president and military responsible for such colossal, televised incompetence would or could neither deter enemy aggression nor protect allied interests.  

    In response, widely reported furor arose among the ranks of some American officers and the enlisted. Mid-level officers especially claimed they were ignored after warning that the abrupt withdrawal was suicidal, that Pentagon grandees were lying about the dire facts on the grounds in efforts to lubricate the Biden agenda, and that thousands of Americans and loyal Afghans would be cast adrift, along with our NATO allies.

    The shame of defeat and the cloud of incompetence from Afghanistan have continued to harm recruitment efforts of the military. 

    The White Rage Unicorn 

    About a year ago Austin and Chairman Milley took time out from assuring Americans that all would be well in Kabul, to testify before Congress about the Pentagon’s effort to address “white rage” in the six-month aftermath of the January 6 riot.  

    Both were also asked to explain why the armed services were recommending soldiers read inter alia the often-discredited “antiracist” theories of Ibram X. Kendi. His polarizing doctrine asserts that the entire U.S. system of government, all social and political life, and our very culture are racist to core. As a result, Kendi’s solution requires radical and overt racial preferencing and discrimination supposedly to fight such an insidious system.  

    Yet what was startling about the two officials’ testimonies was the utter lack of data showing any general trends that white soldiers were any more or less likely to practice racial discrimination or chauvinism than other ethnic and racial groups in the military. An array of officers defended various workshops and course work at the military academies purporting that white rage is an existential problem in the military.  

    The subtext of the entire testimony debacle was that the two titular heads of the military wished to reassure progressive majorities in the U.S. Congress that they were sympathetic to the woke movement and, along with other high-ranking officers, wanted publicly to virtue signal to that effect.  

    In their emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion—the latest euphemisms for using race and gender quotas to assure proportional or even reparatory representation—throughout the officer corps, Austin and Milley seemed entirely oblivious that the U.S. Army depends on generations of family loyalty to the armed forces. Such heritage and legacy considerations have ensured a steady stream of recruits for front-line combat units.  

    In other words, over generations the same families, drawn from mostly middle-class cohorts, have served disproportionately in combat units in Vietnam, the various Iraq conflicts, and Afghanistan. Indeed, if the military was consistent in its racial fixations, it might have noted that white males—the purported targets of the Austin and Milley efforts to ferret out supposed white rage cells— died in three wars at roughly twice their numbers in the general population.

    Current analysis of the recruiting crisis reveals what almost any observer would have predicted a year earlier from the haughty virtue signaling of Austin and Milley: traditional military families are not sending their sons and daughters into the ranks. It is not the danger of combat or the rigor of military life that families fear, but the suspicion their offspring will be targeted for ideological indoctrination and coercion that is either extraneous or antithetical to military efficacy. 

    Traditionally, 40 percent of new recruits cite the military service of their parents—not to mention their veteran grandparents. Currently only 13 percent of new recruits arrive from such military families. Yet Austin and Milley made no connection between the Pentagon fixations on current hot-button social issues and its apparent inability to secure an honorable and safe withdrawal from Afghanistan. 

    The Weaponization of the Pentagon 

    There is a general perception in and outside the military that the top ranks of the services are increasingly politicized. High profile officers have used the great authority, influence, and power of the Pentagon in polarizing progressive advocacy roles from transgenderism to abortion—to the detriment of military efficacy and lethality. Much of unhappiness with the military arises partly from the woke hysteria, the institutional disdain for Donald Trump and his response to it, and the perceived rewards for those retired military lobbyists and corporate board members who reflect a new woke creed.   

    The nadir in politicization came in 2021 when it was revealed that Milley secretly contacted his Chinese communist counterpart during the height of the 2020 presidential election. Milley claimed he believed that his own commander-in-chief, Trump, was unstable. And so, after his layman’s diagnosis, he wished to assure the People’s Liberation Army’s ranking officer that he would tip the Chinese off about any thought of a preemptive American strike on China. Milley also ordered his own subordinate theater officers to report to him first should Trump contemplate any nuclear action against China. 

    Upon public disclosure of those facts, Milley should have been summarily fired. By law, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs is an advisory official only. The position enjoys no operational command. 

    Milley violated the chain of command by usurping theater authority that was not his. Nor can a military long exist, if its iconic leader freelances in contacting enemy counterparts without the knowledge of the commander-in-chief.  

    Can we imagine the outrage that would now ensue, if Milley should once again warn his Chinese counterpart that another president, Joe Biden, in the chairman’s own opinion, suffers bouts of cognitive debility and early onset senility, forcing Milley to take matters in his own hands? Yet such freelancing insubordination is now Milley’s legacy.  

    In fact, some in the retired U.S. military for over four years systematically violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice, sometimes to the extent of engaging in a sort of coup porn. 

    In a Washington Post op-ed, retired generals Paul Eaton, Antonio Taguba, and Steven Anderson melodramatically and without evidence warned the nation of a supposedly impending coup should their commander-in-chief Donald Trump be elected again in 2024. 

    In August 2020, two retired officers John Nagl and Paul Yingling, wrote an op-ed urging Milley to simply remove Trump from office should Milley himself feel such a move was necessary after a disputed election. That was a de facto call for a possible coup d’état. But it was not unique.

    Earlier, civilian Rosa Brooks, a former Obama-era Pentagon legal official, published an inflammatory call to arms in Foreign Policy. She discussed three major possible avenues to remove newly inaugurated Donald Trump from the presidency. One of her alternatives was a military coup.  

    For the entire Trump presidency, retired four-star generals and admirals had routinely smeared their commander-in-chief as a veritable Nazi, a Mussolini-like figure, an abject liar, and comparable in his policies to the architects of the Nazi death camps. One retired admiral called for the removal of Trump “the sooner, the better” as if regularly scheduled elections were insufficient remedies. 

    Aside from clear violations of Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, these officers were oblivious that nearly half the country supported the president and his policies. And so, millions of people would logically conclude that the highest-ranking retired officers, and by extension the culture of the current military, had nothing but contempt for their own views and voting decisions. Alienating nearly half the country is not a wise strategy of military recruitment.

    Nor is hypocrisy. The perceptions in the ranks have grown that applications of the law are asymmetrical and politically warped. Article 88, applicable to retired generals and admirals, prohibits military officers from using contemptuous words about top civilian elected and appointed officials. It says nothing about the spouses of said officials.

    None of the retired officers who in the media libeled their commander-in-chief from 2017-2021 faced any consequences—reprimands, court martials, or sanctions from doing business with the Pentagon from their corporate billets. Yet one recently did.  

    The U.S. Army just fired retired consultant Lt. Gen. Gary Volesky from a contractual position with the Pentagon because he poked fun at First Lady Jill Biden. Note that Volesky did not suggest Jill or Joe Biden was a Nazi, a fascist, or liar —much less that her husband should be removed from office “the sooner, the better.” Retired General Volesky’s crime was mocking Jill Biden’s purported hypocrisy on the recent overturn of Roe v. Wade

    Unfortunately, the crisis in the U.S. military transcends even the Afghanistan misadventure, unsupported accusations against an entire demographic, the erosion of military familial loyalty, freelancing politicized officers, and asymmetrical applications of laws and codes. 

    Fairly or not, the perception among the public and our enemies is that the U.S. military has become a political entity with an agenda that transcends defending the U.S. and its interests. 

    Its perceived main agenda by half the country is progressive social justice, administered top-down from a cadre of elites who can implement controversial policies through the chain of command without the messy work of the Congress—to the delight of the Pentagon’s newfound sunshine friends on the woke Left. 

    Such military social engineers unfortunately appear to share contempt for a large group of Americans who voted for a president they despised. And this is a fact warmly welcomed by our worst enemies abroad.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 23:35

  • "Look Almost Human-Made": NOAA Finds Mysterious Lines Of Holes On Mid-Atlantic Floor
    “Look Almost Human-Made”: NOAA Finds Mysterious Lines Of Holes On Mid-Atlantic Floor

    NOAA revealed the discovery of mysterious holes punched in the ocean floor while on a dive nearly two miles deep in the Mid-Atlantic. 

    On Saturday, NOAA’s Okeanos Explorer, a converted naval ship turned exploratory vessel, deployed a submersible vessel to observe the summit of an underwater volcano north of the Azores, an autonomous region of Portugal.

    During the survey, at the depths of 1.7 miles, the remotely controlled submersible vessel piloted by the NOAA Ocean Exploration crew found “sublinear sets of holes in the sediment,” an NOAA Facebook post read. 

    “These holes have been previously reported from the region, but their origin remains a mystery. While they look almost human-made, the little piles of sediment around the holes make them seem like they were excavated by…something,” NOAA continued. 

    NOAA posted two photos of the linear holes that appear out of place on the flat sandy surface. 

    The agency responsible for monitoring the climate and environment asked the public to offer theories about what could’ve possibly formed the linear lines. 

    One of the most exciting comments besides “impact craters,” “swordfish sharpening its bill,” “water from underground springs,” “gas methane vents,” and “spine of a whale or something else that was buried,” was one commenter who said: “this is the work of an ancient civilization, what some refer to as a breakaway-civilization.” 

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 23:15

  • Fauci, Birx, & The Small-Print That Destroyed America
    Fauci, Birx, & The Small-Print That Destroyed America

    Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times,

    In a maddening interview yesterday, Anthony Fauci performed his usual song and dance when faced with even the most mild questioning. He stonewalled in his trademarked way.

    He spoke in long, drawn-out sentences, emphasizing the word consonants, punctuated by pauses and silences that convey the sense of precision without the reality. He strung together terms that seem vaguely scientific which intimidated his interviewers into an overly cautious pose.

    “Oh wow, I’m interviewing a very powerful person,” the interviewer thinks, “so I had better not say anything wrong!”

    He’s been pulling this trick for 40 years. He is very good at it.

    In this interview, several messages stands out: 1) in retrospect, we should have locked down even more, 2) he never pushed lockdowns; he was only passing on CDC guidance, and 3) he is utterly and completely blameless for all things, particularly in funding gain-of-function research which, in any case, is not responsible for the creation of the virus in Wuhan.

    The first part is startling because many of us have had the sense that lockdowns are in disrepute. Far from it: Fauci’s message is that next time, the lockdowns will be harder and longer. And there certainly will be more. The third part I feel sure will be revealed in time. The fear that the virus escaped from the lab is likely what drove the lockdowns agenda.

    What intrigues me the most is the second part, the claim that he never ordered lockdowns. This was the CDC and he only served as messenger. Everyone else is to blame for anything that went wrong.

    In a second interview the same day, Fauci says this explicitly: “All I have ever done, if you go back and look at everything I’ve ever done, was to recommend common-sense, good CDC-recommended public health policies that have saved millions of lives. If you want to investigate me for that, go ahead.”

    I’m going back to the March 16, 2020, press conference at which Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Donald Trump are announcing a fundamental change of life in the United States, one that would disregard all normal rights and liberties. It’s not entirely clear, to me in any case, that Trump knew what was happening even then. He had a sense that he was doing something to stop the spread but he didn’t know entirely what.

    This has always puzzled me. It’s one thing for him to be hornswoggled into greenlighting the destruction of the economy that was booming and roaring under his administration. That’s bad enough. But to be confused even about the details of what he was ordering that day is next-level stuff.

    The following exchange occurred that day. Trump is asked whether restaurants and other venues should close. Trump responds: “Right now we don’t have an order one way or the other. We don’t have an order, but I think it’s probably better that you don’t [go to restaurants].”

    From that, I gather that Trump believed that he was not forcing anything on anyone.

    A reporter asks for a clarification: “Telling people to avoid restaurants and bars is a different thing than saying that bars and restaurants should shut down over the next 15 days. So why was it seen as being imprudent or not necessarily to take that additional step offered at additional guidance?”

    At this point, Trump demurs and turns over the microphone to Deborah Birx, who must not have been paying attention and says something vague about the virus living on hard surfaces.

    At this point, Fauci interrupts and says: “I just want, there’s an answer to this.”

    Fauci says the following: “The small print here. It’s really small print. ‘In states with evidence of community transmission, bars, restaurants, food courts, gyms and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate should be closed.’”

    This was obviously a very startling thing to say—it means the end of regular life—but it is not clear that Trump was paying attention. A reporter asked a follow-up question. “So Mr. President, are you telling governors in those states then to close all their restaurants and their bars?”

    Trump says: “Well we haven’t said that yet … we’re recommending things. No, we haven’t gone to that step yet. That could happen, but we haven’t gone there yet.”

    I take from this exchange that Trump did not believe that he was calling for lockdowns. However, he believed that he might. And yet Fauci himself had just read from the CDC guidelines that called for exactly that.

    Curious, I looked up the guidelines to which Fauci referred. It is a two-page PDF that was sent all over the country, the one labeled “15 Days to Flatten the Curve.”

    They are here reproduced in graphic form:

    The only part that truly matters is the section with a black background with white print, the part that looks like boilerplate fluff. It was not. It was the scraping of freedom itself.

    As he demonstrated at the press conference, Fauci knew this fine print was there. He might even have been the one to make sure it was there and that it was too small for Trump to read. No question that Trump had no idea that it was there. He makes clear in the press conference that he didn’t know it was there. Even after Fauci highlighted its existence, Trump remained oblivious.

    What does the fine print say? It’s the full loaf: lockdown.

    “School operations can accelerate the spread of the coronavirus. Governors of states with evidence of community transmission should close schools in affected and surrounding areas. Governors should close schools in communities that are near areas of community transmission, even if those areas are in neighboring states. In addition, state and local officials should close schools where coronavirus has been identified in the population associated with the school. States and localities that close schools need to address childcare needs of critical responders, as well as the nutritional needs of children.”

    “Older people are particularly at risk from the coronavirus. All states should follow Federal guidance and halt social visits to nursing homes and retirement and long-term care facilities.”

    “In states with evidence of community transmission, bars, restaurants, food courts, gyms, and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate should be closed.”

    Consider the implications of this. Your mother is in the nursing home that you are paying for. But now you are even banned by the government from visiting. It’s an utterly shocking violation of human rights. You are deploying the state to separate families, as in a dystopian novel. It’s a death sentence.

    As for schools, astounding. There was never any evidence that schools spread death and, in any case, we already knew that the risk of COVID to kids is near zero. Sweden never closed schools and not a single death resulted. And yet in the United States, the kids were denied education and likely traumatized for life.

    As for the last sentence banning all gatherings—sports, weddings, funerals, gyms, malls—and completely wrecking all enterprise, this is an edict worthy of history’s most horrible despots in the annals of history.

    And it was all buried right there in tiny print, so small the president of the United States didn’t even read it. What’s more, no one in his inner circle at the time read it. Surely, Fauci and Birx knew it was there. Any reporter in the room could have read it. It was only a few sentences but they overrode the U.S. Constitution, all American law, plus 500 years of progress in rights and liberties. And it came to America in small print!

    What happened then? State health departments took the two-pager and rendered the small print into larger print. Here is a screen shot of the order from the state of Georgia.

    The small print quickly became the large print that transformed life for everyone. You think there was no plot here? That this was just some mistake that somehow caused the end of America to be buried in the fine print? Wise up. This is a level of malice that is truly boundless.

    As for Deborah Birx, she admits later in her book that the idea of 15 Days was always a trick. “No sooner had we convinced the Trump administration to implement our version of a two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it,” she admits.

    This was how the chaos in American life began: in small print. Very quickly, this small print was extended to the entire world. And then extended to two years. And now we face a devastating economic, cultural, and political crisis. The population is demoralized and hope is nearly lost.

    Who to blame? Anthony Fauci’s fingerprints are all over this sadistic caper, but he denies having anything to do with it.

    It’s our fault, he says: We didn’t read the fine print.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 22:55

  • Pentagon Approves Sending Wounded Ukrainian Troops To US Military Hospital In Germany
    Pentagon Approves Sending Wounded Ukrainian Troops To US Military Hospital In Germany

    The Pentagon has already been running programs to train Ukrainian soldiers on how to operate US-supplied long-range rocket systems, namely the HIMARS, in neighboring countries like Poland. Currently, the administration is mulling training pilots too, with the House having recently set aside the funds to do it, pending an internal White House debate over providing US jets (or possibly allied jets).

    At a moment the US military’s involvement in the Ukraine war continues sliding from ‘indirect’ to potentially more direct, the Pentagon announced Tuesday that the US will begin treating wounded Ukrainian troops at an American military hospital in Germany.

    Image: US Army

    Germany is one of the multiple locations in Europe that US soldiers are currently training Ukrainian forces. As for medical aid, there’s long been speculation that the US Army could already be providing assistance in this area in Poland.

    But now the biggest US military hospital outside the continental United States will host wounded Ukrainian troops:

    Ukrainian troops would be treated at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center if needed, the official said.

    Adjacent to the Ramstein Air Base southwest of Frankfurt, it is the largest U.S. military hospital outside the continental United States.

    It’s widely believed that Ukraine’s forces have suffered immense losses after six months of the Russian invasion, but no one knows precisely how many dead and wounded, given Ukraine’s defense ministry won’t publish the information on fears that it could be a boost to “Kremlin propaganda”.

    However, within the past two months Kiev officials have belatedly acknowledged losing “up to 200 troops a day” due to the “complete lack of parity” between the Russian and Ukrainian militaries.

    Pentagon leadership has meanwhile denied reports that hospital care to wounded Ukrainian troops had already been underway in Germany:

    However, Landstuhl has not yet received Ukrainian service members for medical care yet. An official from US European Command told CNN, “We have not treated any Ukraine troops at Landstuhl”. As per the report, the official said that the purpose of the memo was to remove any red tape that would hinder the process of treating Ukrainian soldiers if and when the need arose. 

    US Army’s Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, file image

    Moscow will likely see this as yet another sign of growing Pentagon involvement in the Ukraine conflict, which US commanders have still refused to acknowledge as a “proxy war”. 

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 22:35

  • Does The Biden Administration Emulate The CCP's Methods?
    Does The Biden Administration Emulate The CCP’s Methods?

    Op-ed authored by Stu Cvrk via The Epoch Times,

    In its hybrid war against the United States, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been pursuing a number of intertwined goals aimed at world economic dominance in all spheres: trade, policy, legal, technology, etc. For it is economic dominance that undergirds geopolitical and military dominance, as well as its penultimate goal: world leadership in all human endeavors.

    A view of the U.S. Capitol Dome in Washington on June 21, 2022. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

    In one of the many successful campaigns of that ongoing multi-front hybrid war against its main adversary, the CCP has corrupted some members of the U.S. political class. The corruption began immediately after Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger “opened China” in 1972 (Kissinger continues to speak of appeasing China nearly 50 years later).

    The rampant corruption is intertwined with bought-and-paid-for Chinese sycophancy, outright admiration of the communist regime in Beijing, and the mirroring of some of its authoritarian policies by the Biden administration.

    Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Vice Premier Liu He (L) attend a group photo session with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson (R), and members of a delegation from the 2019 New Economy Forum before a meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, on Nov. 22, 2019. (Jason Lee/Pool/Getty Images)

    Here are some policies pursued by Democrats that essentially implement “Chinese-style authoritarianism with American characteristics.”

    Great Firewall Versus Big Tech

    The Great Firewall (also known as the “Golden Shield”) is the Beijing regime’s internet censorship and surveillance system. Its goal is to maintain ideological control of Chinese citizens by restricting their access to “corrupting foreign influences.” Moreover, the system facilitates the monitoring of individual communications to crush political dissent.

    The Democratic Party has increasingly—through persuasion, corruption, and coercion—exploited Big Tech to convey Democrat narratives and suppress the messages of the Democrats’ political enemies. Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube, and many others are more than just Democrat-friendly; they are important elements of the Democratic Party’s ongoing campaign to suppress dissent and demonize their political opponents.

    Social Credit Systems

    The ostensible goal of China’s evolving social credit system is to enable reporting on the “trustworthiness” of individuals, corporations, and government entities across China—with trustworthiness, of course, being arbitrarily defined by the CCP.

    China’s State Council announced in 2014 that a social credit system “is an important method to perfect the Socialist market economy system, accelerating and innovating social governance, and it has an important significance for strengthening the sincerity consciousness of the members of society.”

    Left unsaid is the punishment for those deemed by the state to have exhibited “insincere consciousness.” Examples of infractions punished by Chinese authorities include “bad driving, smoking in non-smoking zones, buying too many video games, and posting fake news online, specifically about terrorist attacks or airport security,” according to Insider.

    Also left unsaid is that the social credit system can be extended in multiple dimensions, including monitoring and suppressing “prohibited” political speech or implementing travel controls through vaccine passports.

    People check on travel packages offered by travel agencies during the Guangzhou International Travel Fair in Guangzhou in south China’s Guangdong Province on March 3, 2018. Travelers in China were blocked from buying plane tickets 17.5 million times in 2018 as a penalty for failing to pay fines or other offenses. The Chinese regime reported on penalties imposed under a controversial “social credit” system. (Chinatopix via AP)

    It is no secret that Democrats are enamored of the CCP’s social credit system, as they envision it as a powerful political control mechanism that could be wielded in America to monitor and control behavior based on Democrat priorities and objectives.

    As reported here, congressional Democrats are considering an overhaul of the U.S. credit reporting system by implementing the Comprehensive CREDIT Act and the Protecting Your Credit Score Act of 2021, which would result in “a new system—similar to that of China.”

    And the CCP would doubtless be more than willing to sell the Democrats the social credit system information technology components that underpin the Chinese system.

    Masks, Social Distancing, and Lockdowns

    These COVID-19 response measures, which were previously foreign to most Americans, originated in China and are components of China’s draconian and unscientific “zero-COVID” policy. Democrat governors (and others) have been happy to force these on Americans while ignoring the lack of any proof whatsoever that masks are effective (150 comparative studies reported here) and also the economic and personal damage wrought by the lockdowns.

    However, constitutional freedoms are the bane of authoritarians—at least in the United States. It took nearly two years for the New York state supreme court to determine that the statewide mask mandate was unconstitutional. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden just extended the COVID emergency.

    Vaccination Certificates

    A key feature of Beijing’s “zero-COVID” policy is the use of “vaccination certificates,” which are used in the social credit system to control the access and travel of all Chinese citizens.

    Rasmussen polling in January showed that “a majority of Democrats embrace restrictive policies, including punitive measures against those who haven’t gotten the COVID-19 vaccine.” This has manifested in congressional Democrats and the Biden administration continuing to “discuss” the use of vaccine passports and the implementation of vaccine standards.

    Doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and vaccination record cards for children under 5 at UW Medical Center – Roosevelt in Seattle, Wash., on June 21, 2022. (David Ryder/Getty Images)

    Media Narratives and Control

    Chinese state-run media parrot the prevailing CCP narratives pronounced by Chinese leader Xi Jinping. The messages are uniform and relentless, especially the repetition of Chinese communist euphemisms such as democracy with Chinese characteristics, market communism, closed-off management (in referring to COVID lockdowns, believe it or not), the indivisibility of security (what in the world does that mean?), and content moderation (censorship).

    However, while carefully watching China’s media operations, the Democrat-media complex does not take a backseat to the Chinese communists in terms of controlling media narratives in the United States. Here are some examples: calling claims of 2020 election fraud “baseless” despite numerous reports exposing new information, characterizing unarmed Jan. 6 protesters as “insurrectionists,” pushing Marxist critical race theory and diversity-equity-inclusion policies on Americans, and advocating LGBTQI lifestyles. The minions at China Daily and Xinhua must be smiling.

    Concluding Thoughts

    The above parallels did not happen by accident. The CCP got what they paid for, including through the actions of the “united front,” which is one of Mao Zedong’s “three magic weapons (the other two being party-building and armed struggle).

    Initially, the United Front Work Department (UFWD) was focused domestically on establishing and strengthening CCP control over all Chinese citizens. Its original responsibility, as noted here, was “to rally social groups and individuals to support the Chinese Communist Party and its objectives [f]rom the party’s Politburo Standing Committee down to its grassroots committees, united front work involves thousands of members, social organizations, and fronts.” This was the CCP’s de facto social credit enforcement system before the internet.

    The UFWD’s mission was expanded by Xi Jinping in 2015, as described here, to include foreign objectives such as “the co-optation of elites, information management, persuasion, and accessing strategic information and resources” with the express purpose of “influenc[ing] the decision-making of foreign governments and societies in China’s favor.”

    What could be more favorable to the CCP than to have its main adversary, the United States, adopt policies that are identical to those implemented by the Beijing regime itself? What better way to psychologically condition Americans to the CCP’s authoritarian methods than have their own government do it? CCP mission accomplished—and continuing—in its continuing hybrid warfare against the United States.

    Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times or Zero Hedge.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 22:15

  • China's Power Demand To Surpass Record Amid Heatwave
    China’s Power Demand To Surpass Record Amid Heatwave

    persistent heatwave in China has pushed power consumption to record levels in some areas and even forced rolling blackouts, with new indications demand will continue to rise. 

    Bloomberg quoted He Yang, director of China’s National Energy Administration’s power division, who said power consumption would increase into August during the traditional peak period, adding power demand is already breaking records this month. 

    “After entering July, as the economy grows and temperatures rise amid the global wave of persistently hot weather, our electricity consumption and power load are also growing rapidly,” Yang said. He noted, “the supply and demand of electricity in the country is still stable and orderly.”

    In terms of grid stability, Yang said power generators would be able to ensure sufficient supplies. However, there are instances where forced consumption cuts are needed to rebalance the grid and thwart widespread blackouts. 

    “There have been occasions when power users have been asked to cut consumption in Zhejiang and other parts of China during periods of peak load,” he said. 

    Even though China leads the world in terms of installed green power sources, such as wind and solar, along with energy storage batteries, it still consumes nearly five times as much coal as India and almost six times as much as the US. The latest figures from China show that 65% of the electricity generated is derived from coal. 

    To meet soaring power demand, China’s coal fleet will have to expand. Yan Qin, a China analyst at Refinitiv, recently said China’s coal fleet could increase by 150 gigawatts in the next five years. 

    Chinese provinces are trying to prevent an electricity shortfall experienced last fall when factories and high-rise buildings had to shutter operations. 

    President Xi Jinping recently said coal would be burned for power generation until reliable replacements were readily available. 

    China’s ability to ensure energy security and a stable grid amid soaring demand appears to be through the use and expansion of coal-fired plants.

    Yang also expects another round of surging power demand in the winter. He said Chinese energy companies are already making preparations by purchasing coal and natural gas to expand stockpiles. 

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 21:55

  • US Carrier Group Heads Towards Taiwan Ahead Of Potential Pelosi Trip After China Warns Of 'Forceful Response'
    US Carrier Group Heads Towards Taiwan Ahead Of Potential Pelosi Trip After China Warns Of ‘Forceful Response’

    If House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) follows through on her planned trip to Taiwan, the US military will beef up security in case a ‘mishap, misstep or misunderstanding’ endangers her safety, AP reports.

    While the trip is still an uncertainty, officials say that the military would ‘increase its movement of forces and assets in the Indo-Pacific region,’ though they declined to go into further detail – aside from noting that fighter jets, ships, surveillance assets and other military systems would be used ‘to provide overlapping rings of protection’ for her flight, and any time she spent on the ground.

    [O]fficials said this week that a visit to Taiwan by Pelosi — she would be the highest-ranking U.S. elected official to visit Taiwan since 1997 — would go beyond the usual safety precautions for trips to less risky destinations.

    Asked about planned military steps to protect Pelosi, D-Calif., in the event of a visit, U.S. Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Wednesday that discussion of any specific travel is premature. But, he added, “if there’s a decision made that Speaker Pelosi or anyone else is going to travel and they asked for military support, we will do what is necessary to ensure a safe conduct of their visit. And I’ll just leave it at that.” -AP

    (Just like Milley’s assurance to Trump that “We’ve got a plan and we’ve got it covered” in regards to January 6th?)

    To that end, the USS Ronald Reagan and its escorts left Singapore on Monday sailing northeast, according to ship tracking information reported by the South China Morning Post (SCMP).

    The American aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group, including a guided missile destroyer and a guided missile cruiser, set out from Singapore on Monday heading northeast towards the South China Sea, according to ship-tracking information provided by Beijing-based think tank the South China Sea Strategic Probing Initiative.

    Source: Stratfor

    Pelosi’s trip comes at a time when China and the West have been engaging in risky “one-on-one” confrontations, as China has been trying to assert sweeping territorial claims over the region. “The incidents have included dangerously close fly-bys that force other pilots to swerve to avoid collisions, or harassment or obstruction of air and ship crews, including with blinding lasers or water cannon,” according to the report, which adds that ‘dozens’ of such maneuvers have occurred in 2022 alone.

    China, meanwhile, has long considered self-ruling Taiwan part of its territory, and has repeatedly raised the prospect of taking it by force. The US has maintained informal relations and defense ties with Taiwan.

    The beefed up military cover comes after President Joe Biden said last week that Pelosi’s trip is “not a good idea right now,” and after China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian warned: “If the U.S. insists on going its own way and challenging China’s bottom line, it will surely be met with forceful responses,” adding “All ensuing consequences shall be borne by the U.S.

    According to Mark Cozad, acting associate director of the International Security and Defense Policy Center at the Rand Corp, the biggest risk for Pelosi’s trip is if some Chinese show of force has “gone awry, or some type of accident that comes out of a demonstration of provocative action.”

    “So it could be an air collision. It could be some sort of missile test, and, again, when you’re doing those types of things, you know, there is always the possibility that something could go wrong.

    Cizad also said the US military presence could backfire and further inflame tensions.

    It is very possible that … our attempts to deter actually send a much different signal than the one we intend to send,” he said, adding “And so you get into … some sort of an escalatory spiral, where our attempts to deter are actually seen as increasingly provocative and vice versa. And that can be a very dangerous dynamic.”

    Barry Pavel, director of the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security at the Atlantic Council, downplayed the plan.

    “Obviously, the White House does not want the speaker to go and I think that’s why you’re getting some of these suggestions,” he said, adding “She’s not going to go with an armada.”

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 21:44

  • Gingrich: The Coming Big Election American Tsunami
    Gingrich: The Coming Big Election American Tsunami

    Authored by Newt Gingrich via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    As I wrote in my last column, an American tidal wave is coming based on big, nationalized congressional campaigns.

    The American people will repudiate high inflation, fuel prices, and food costs. They will reject the unchecked border and skyrocketing murder rates (which are up 37 percent in New York City and 34 percent in Chicago). And they are sick of relentless values assaults over race, sexuality, and the nature of America.

    If this big election tsunami is going to materialize into what could be the worst Democrat Party repudiation since 1920, Republicans need to understand two things:

    • First, this is an American Majority—not a Republican Majority or a Conservative Majority. Americans of all ethnic and partisan backgrounds are coming together to reject unsustainable pain for their families, communities, and our free society.

    • Second, tsunamis grow out of a big election strategy—not from trying to add up a whole series of small elections.

    The American Majority Project logo. (


    Republicans must learn to talk about a New American Majority—not a Republican majority. They must plan, think, and act for the American Majority. This requires listening to and learning from a lot of people who have not been historically part of the Republican Party.

    This emerging New American Majority requires base broadening—not base mobilization strategies. This is important, because virtually every Washington consultant will reject this idea. But data shows there is a vastly larger majority emerging than Republicans have been used to engaging for the last 90 years. Reaching all of that majority requires new thinking about policy development, language, scheduling, and coalition building. The polling and focus groups which led to this conclusion are all available at The data is available to everyone for free.

    The big election campaign must be built around big solutions that can actually be implemented. The current crises of the American system, and the Big Government Socialist-Woke Left assault on American values, require big solutions with broad support.

    Only deep, committed support of the vast majority of Americans will force the changes on the hostile establishment. Importantly, only this deep commitment will sustain the changes through ferocious attacks from leftwing activists, who will see their radical vision of a America being rejected by the American people.

    The big election campaign must offer believable, achievable solutions. The American people are frustrated and hurting. They want a movement dedicated to practical, workable problem-solving that will improve their lives. They are tired of partisan politics. The New American Majority will grow by delivering better results than the Big Government Socialist-Woke Left coalition.

    Further, as will become apparent, the better results will be achieved because of the inherent difference in principles between the New American Majority and the Big Governments Socialist left—not just personal capabilities. My new national best seller “Defeating Big Government Socialism: Saving America’s Future” outlines the case for replacing failed ideas and policies with real solutions based on principles that work.

    The big election campaign must be built on the principle that politics is the prelude to governing. Great majority coalitions (Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan) exist because they use political momentum to create governing solutions that improve people’s lives and achieve goals people strongly support. As people see leaders keeping their words—and solutions working and improving their lives and communities—new majorities coalesce around practical success.

    Getting to an American tsunami requires staying positive and focusing on the cultural and political issues on which the New American Majority can agree. The establishment (including their propaganda media) will do everything it can to draw us into fights that distract us from the areas in which our American majority will dominate. They will seek to focus on gossip, internal tension, or other distractions to minimize our ability to communicate with the New American Majority about issues that bring us together and motivate us to win.

    Pay close attention to this: Irrelevant, trivial noise and niche issues are the enemies of growing a majority. Clarity, consistency, and firmness of purpose are the keys to attracting, educating, and holding together a New American Majority.

    Because this New American Majority grows out of the American people’s desire for a better future—and a more stable value system—it is essential for those who would lead the majority to be constantly listening to the American people. Leaders must continuously be learning how Americans are thinking through and responding to the extraordinary pressures of our time.

    Lincoln’s government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” naturally requires constantly listening to and trying to understand “the people.” This is the heart of a governing majority.

    We are not reinventing anything. New American Majorities have come together before to save society. Every activist and leader who wants to help develop this emerging majority should read about Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and my latest book if we are going to achieve a better American future.

    A big election American tsunami is possible but not inevitable. Following these principles make it much more likely.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 21:35

  • Point72 Hires Two Former Central Bank Employees
    Point72 Hires Two Former Central Bank Employees

    Further proving that Wall Street just one giant cesspool where everyone swims around in everyone else’s tepid bathwater, Steve Cohen’s Point72 put out a press release this week announcing two “key hires” for its offices in New York and London. Both hires are formers from Central Banks (one from the Fed and the other from the ECB). 

    The company press release announced the hiring of Sophia Drossos as Economist and Strategist based in New York, and Soeren Radde as Head of European Economic Research, based in London.

    Point 72 Head Economist Dean Maki said: “With Sophia and Soeren’s arrivals, we have significantly boosted our economic forecasting and analysis capabilities, adding to the support we offer our global teams of investment professionals at a time when macro factors are affecting asset prices perhaps more than ever.”

    Drossos was formerly Head of Research at Light Sky Macro and held similar positions at Thiel Macro and Element Capital Management, the release says. She also happened formerly be “Chief Dealer at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, where she oversaw and planned open market operations and provided financial market analysis for Federal Open Market Committee and U.S. Treasury officials.”

    Surprisingly (or not), Radde also has experiences in the world of central banking. He formerly “recently led coverage of the European Central Bank (ECB) and was the economist responsible for Germany forecasting and political commentary at Goldman Sachs”. But, prior to that, he spent five years at the ECB working as an economist in the Monetary Policy Strategy Division. 

    As part of his job, Radde also researched “the transmission of monetary policy measures” and had one of the most important roles at any central bank…contributing to the speeches of executive board members. 

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 21:15

  • What Psychedelics And Bitcoin Have In Common
    What Psychedelics And Bitcoin Have In Common

    Authored by Maxx Mannheimer via,

    I’ll begin by stating that I do not suggest that anyone take psychedelics. Each individual knows what is best for them and it is not my intent to challenge your free will in any way. If what I have written connects with your life experience, great. If it does not, feel free to ignore every word. But if you wish to debate about what I am presenting, I would only request that you carefully read this article in its entirety. I do not recommend participating in any activity which is illegal where you live and I do not recommend taking psychedelic substances without professional guidance. Psychedelic experiences can be profoundly liberating and inspiring, but they can also be existentially earth-shattering if used without proper preparation. As always, do your own research and use your best judgment.

    I’m not the first to draw a link between psychedelics and Bitcoin. Articles about billionaire investor Christian Angermayer have highlighted at least one anecdote of psilocybe mushrooms assisting with the understanding of Bitcoin. However, I believe this won’t be the last time we see these two topics mentioned together. If my intuition is correct, we will be seeing many more articles along these lines as Bitcoin and psychedelics both enter the mainstream consciousness.

    A financial revolution without a spiritual one will fail to create a better world for the majority of life on this planet. A spiritual revolution without a financial one will fail to enact lasting change due to the corruption that is built into our current monetary system. Both are needed to fix the world. It is important that we acknowledge this dynamic period in human history holistically and ecologically rather than making blanket statements about quick-fix solutions to the issues that humanity is facing.

    The Bitcoin community often discusses the potential for a second renaissance. I hear much of the same talk in the psychedelics space. However, the two worlds often don’t consider the potential synergies between the two. My hope for this article is to support the ice-breaking process which has already begun. The 1960s were a time of ranging counterculture with no concrete direction. It represented a powerful lashing out against a system that doesn’t serve humanity. But after creating a cultural movement — and some excellent music — the flame was extinguished by draconian government intervention.

    Not only did all use of psychedelics get pushed to the black market, but all scientific research was completely halted for about 50 years. Many psychedelics were being used recklessly at that time, but psychedelics were made illegal for political reasons, not health reasons. The loss to human progress is impossible to calculate.

    In my assessment, the heavy handed prohibition is unraveling before our eyes. Various city and state governments have opted to decriminalize or legalize the use of psychedelics for therapy. Well known authors, comedians and other public figures are openly discussing psychedelics. Netflix is airing documentaries about psychedelics and many podcasters are covering the topic in a way which would have been shocking ten years ago. Publicly-traded companies are even working on psychedelic pharmaceutical development.

    More conservative-minded Bitcoiners may pause before seeing this in a positive light, but the data regarding psychedelics potential for therapeutic use can’t be ignored. Therapy using MDMA — the chemical abbreviation for the drug known more commonly as ecstasy or “Molly” — seems to be the most effective way to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a lasting manner. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is moving through U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) trials to have the substance rescheduled. Their phase three trials have demonstrated 67% of PTSD patients no longer met the criteria for PTSD two months after their sessions. Even after the fiat fiasco collapses we’ll still need to support these people who were traumatized by it. Note: MAPS accepts donations in bitcoin.

    The psychedelics community may have some hesitancy about the Bitcoin community as well. From my interaction with plant medicine enthusiasts, I have gathered that they’re a sensitive bunch. I genuinely mean that as a compliment, but sensitivity doesn’t always lend itself well to the self-identified “toxic” Bitcoin community. As a generalization, they are wary of anything that could be used to exclude people and deepen inequality. These concerns are valid, but are often projected onto the bitcoin life raft rather than the fiat sinking ship. As a result, there isn’t a sturdy connection between these two communities, but I am predicting that there could be for a number of reasons.

    The first bridge is the one that leads towards personal and collective liberation. Psychedelics have the potential to liberate us from old systems of thought and all of their downstream effects. Bitcoin has the potential to liberate us from Modern Monetary Theory and all its downstream effects. Both are interested in reducing violence against humanity. Both are interested in reducing government control over what we decide to put in our bodies. Both carry an inherently egalitarian questioning of authority.

    The second bridge is the novelty of thought required to understand Bitcoin. As I mentioned in “The Bitcoin Customer Service Department,” Bitcoin is a complex paradigm-shifting topic. Despite the simplicity of the Bitcoin white paper, understanding all its implications requires a dramatically novel understanding of the world. In Michael Pollan’s book “How to Change Your Mind,” the following metaphor is used by Mendel Kaelen to explain the effects of psychedelics on the human psyche.

    “Think of the brain as a hill covered in snow, and thoughts as sleds gliding down that hill. As one sled after another goes down the hill, a small number of main trails will appear in the snow. And every time a new sled goes down, it will be drawn into the preexisting trails, almost like a magnet. In time, it becomes more and more difficult to glide down the hill on any other path or in a different direction. Think of psychedelics as temporarily flattening the snow. The deeply worn trails disappear, and suddenly the sled can go in other directions, exploring new landscapes and, literally, creating new pathways.”

    This metaphor is an excellent way to visualize what has been observed in psychedelic patient trials. Neural pathways become more flexible. New connections are created that allow for novel thought, understanding and behavior. Have you ever had a conversation with someone where they fully understood your viewpoint and agreed with everything you said just to see them revert back to their default assumptions a day or two later? That’s the snow metaphor in conversation form. The more concrete our neural connections become, the less likely we will be to understand new emergent technologies.

    The third bridge relates to the counterculture which gravitates around both Bitcoin and psychedelics. Radical rejection of conventional norms seems to be inherent in the Bitcoin ethos. Bitcoiners generally don’t accept mainstream media, political corruption or dishonesty. Psychedelics enthusiasts generally don’t accept moralistic arguments, violence or inauthenticity. Both groups seek fair treatment of humanity. Both groups avoid processed foods. Both groups are opposed to mindless materialistic consumption. Psychedelics enthusiasts are proponents of meditation and if Bitcoin holders haven’t been meditating through the 2020-22 market, I wouldn’t know what else to call it.

    Psychedelics pose a threat to authoritarian systems of control because they show users a deeper potential for spirituality and connection with their environment. They enable a novel view of circumstances which allows people to notice that what they are used to may not be the truth. What happened in the 1960s, exactly? A ton of young people realized that the game they were playing was making them and the rest of society miserable. They dropped out in the hopes of finding a new way to live. Most of the hippies in the 1960s were deeply distrustful of the government and of the fruitless wars politicians were creating. They knew the game was rigged and the best course of action was to opt out. What are Bitcoiners talking about today? Essentially the same thing.

    I know that both of these amorphous groups may balk at the fact that I have categorized them into groups at all. They are not really groups, but rather millions of individuals who share common interests and many of whom will never meet. That’s the beauty of it. Bitcoiners and psychedelic enthusiasts seem to be under a constant centrifugal force. As soon as I begin to categorize or wrangle them into any semblance of a group identity, they sprawl out even further. They span the full scope of human backgrounds and experience.

    The propaganda war against psychedelics has largely lumped them together, in the mind of the public, with dangerous addictive substances. I would recommend a more nuanced approach to understanding drugs and their uses. Every drug is a tool and each has its proper use. To simply ask for any random tool when what you really need is specifically a Phillips-head screwdriver, you’re unlikely to meet your needs. A closer inspection of each substance will clearly demonstrate that lumping all “drugs” together, simply due to legal status, is absurd.

    The federal government has clearly lost its grip on “The War On Drugs.” In direct opposition to federal drug scheduling laws, Oregon has decriminalized all drugs and made psilocybe mushroom therapy legal. As Ryan McMaken points out in his recent article, 43% of Americans are currently living in states which have legalized recreational cannabis. Again, in direct opposition to federal drug scheduling laws. If there was a “War On Drugs” it is fair to say that the drugs have won. Right or wrong, this trend is likely to continue.

    The continuous lack of understanding regarding drug use in America has had a devastating impact on the psyche and freedom of the country. We have the highest incarceration rate in the world and approximately half of our prisoners are locked up for non-violent offenses. Drugs and alcohol play a critical role in many of the violent offenses as well. Those incarcerations damage families for generations which ultimately increases future crime rates and use of addictive drugs. Rinse and repeat. The harder we press down on drugs, the more harmful the drugs on the street become. Opium, heroin, oxycontin, fentanyl. Overdoses have never been worse. The criminal justice system is totally broken and people are suffering. Is it possible that people are turning to these drugs because they are disenfranchised by a system which has done nothing but abuse them since the moment they were born?

    Don’t worry though! Big pharma has a solution for us. They’ll use their cantillon-bucks to lobby for their interests and pay doctors to prescribe psychotropic pharmaceuticals to numb the populace. It’s helpful to keep folks docile as we push them back into the massive machine which is crushing their souls. Western medicine really shines when it comes to saving people who are in dire need of intervention, but largely falls flat when it comes to improving quality of life in a sustainable way.

    In addition to treating PTSD, psychedelics have shown remarkable potential in assisting with anxiety, depression, addiction, birth trauma and fear of death. I personally have witnessed resolutions of serious physical ailments which were thought to be permanent medical conditions following ayahuasca ceremonies. Is this a result of the plant medicine or is it a result of the plant medicine’s ability to unlock human potential in self-healing? In either case, the effects could only be described as miraculous.

    Due to the lengthy prohibition, empirical research in this field is just beginning and the potential benefits are much broader than most realize. As John Sanro argues in “The Mindbody Prescription,” many of the ailments which we think of as physical in nature originate in the emotional body. If used responsibly, psychedelics can create lasting emotional relief which does not require repeated use. Most psychedelics are also non-addictive. Many have said that one profound experience is enough to create a permanent positive impact in one’s life. To my knowledge there are no pharmaceuticals which can make that claim.

    The understanding of self-interest in human action is a critical component for understanding society. The understanding of what constitutes the self is a critical component for understanding spirituality. At the core of every spiritual practice is the same lesson. The litigious dogma which separates religions simply distracts from that. This has been said at least since Baruch Spinoza, Sri Aurobindo and Alan Watts. Some have argued that the core spiritual message has been lost since the original teachings of Buddha, Christ and Muhammad were passed on to their followers.

    As eloquently discussed by Eckhart Tolle in “A New Earth,” humanity has simply missed the mark and that is the origin of suffering. The boundary between our self-interest and the interest of every other form of life is merely a condition of our perspective on the separation. You may discover that acting exclusively in self-interest without any consideration of others gradually becomes self-destructive. Most actions taken for the exclusive benefit of others, at great personal cost, typically prove themselves fruitless as well. There is a good reason for this. In his 2001 book, “No Boundary,” Ken Wilber presents a thorough case that all separation is simply an illusion. It is my belief that we all get the chance to see through this illusion upon departing this physical realm, but if we can look through the door, before permanently crossing the threshold, the broadened perspective can be beneficial to our experience until the departure.

    However, all of these words have very little consequence if they are not accompanied by first-hand experience. The metaphor I like to employ for this understanding is that of the mountain. Throughout human history the great prophets and mystics have arduously made their way up the mountain using various methods. Many have done their best to describe the sights, sounds and viewpoints from the paths that they chose. Those who reached the top have seldom had words to describe what was there and many never make the attempt to explain. That place is not describable to those who have not experienced it. This is true of every aspect of life. How can sight be described to a blind person? How can sound be described to a deaf person? Words ultimately only point to truth, they do not contain truth. Without a shared context of reality, words are empty.

    What psychedelics may be able to assist with, if the seeker is prepared, is to find a temporary view of various parts of the mountain. The glimpses into those heightened states of consciousness are simply that: glimpses. They do not contain the same value as thousands of hours of meditation, years of yoga practice or pilgrimages to holy sites, but the glimpses they provide can be profoundly liberating. To hop in a helicopter and visit the top of the mountain for fifteen minutes has the potential to alter your life permanently.

    The permanency is what many people fear when they hear about psychedelics, but what if the changes that remain with us are largely beneficial to our well-being rather than harmful? What if the expansion of human consciousness is exactly what is needed to slingshot us into the next phase of human evolution? The lowering of time preference alone seems to have a spiritual component, but is it enough to shift human nature away from the darkest parts of our past? The answer will come in the form of individual choice and expression. I want to believe that the separation of money and state will benefit humanity as a whole, but I won’t be entirely convinced until I see how it happens.

    What I would ask from the reader is a gentle approach to both psychedelics and to Bitcoin. You may benefit from listening for the true intent of those you are communicating with, not the intent you may have assumed they have. This speaks true not just for Bitcoin and psychedelics, but for all topics of discussion. The lack of understanding of a topic is not the same as malevolence. Assume the former even if you suspect the latter and your ability to support others in learning will improve significantly.

    Have a nice trip.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 20:55

  • Why China's Youth Unemployment Has Hit A Record 19.3%
    Why China’s Youth Unemployment Has Hit A Record 19.3%

    China has a new pandemic to worry about: Unemployment, underemployment and disillusionment is steadily spreading throughout China’s highly-educated youngest generation. 

    As with most dismal economic circumstances, this one is largely the fault of government. As Bloomberg explains: 

    A perfect storm of factors has propelled unemployment among 16- to 24-year-old urbanites to a record 19.3%, more than twice the comparable rate in the US. The government’s hardline coronavirus strategy has led to layoffs, while its regulatory crackdown on real estate and education companies has hit the private sector.

    At the same time, a record number of college and vocational school graduates — some 12 million — are entering the job market this summer. This highly educated cohort has intensified a mismatch between available roles and jobseekers’ expectations.  

    China’s maximalist approach to combatting Covid fell hardest on private companies, which were more likely to lay off workers than entities owned by the government. At the same time, the government hammered private internet companies with penalties for alleged monopolistic actions, and cut off financing for private real estate ventures. 

    That’s had a marked effect on the career preferences of young Chinese. Bloomberg reports a whopping 39% of college grads now say state-owned companies are at the top of their list of preferred employers. 

    Young people are also applying in droves to work directly for the government: The number of college grads applying for civil servant positions this year is 39% above last year’s total. Chasing a generation away from the country’s most innovative and entrepreneurial employers will have long-lasting, negative consequences for the Chinese economy.  

    Meanwhile, China’s youth comprise the country’s most educated generation ever, with a 60% attendance rate that’s comparable to developed economies. However, there aren’t enough jobs to match this enormous talent pool’s potential. 

    In a parallel to the United States, too few Chinese are attending vocational schools, which have been deeply stigmatized by society, along with the factory jobs they enable. Add it all up, and China has far too many applicants for IT positions and too few willing to fill open positions for those who build and repair things. 

    The government has trotted out subsidies and tax rebates to encourage hiring, but the rewards are so small they’re not going to move the needle much. 

    Cultivating dampened expectations, Chinese President Xi Jinping last month counseled new graduates to “prevent the situation in which one is unfit for a higher position but unwilling to take a lower one…to get rich and get fame overnight is not realistic.” 

    A sort of listlessness is taking hold, summarized by a Chinese phrase that became popular last year: “tang ping,” which translates into “lying flat.” It’s emblematic of a lifestyle that eschews the rat race and embraces low expectations for professional and financial success.

    As youth unemployment steadily rises, Bloomberg reports a more ominous phrase is now emerging: “bailan.” It means “let it rot.”  

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 20:35

  • Electric Vehicles: Trading One Form Of Hazardous Mining For Another
    Electric Vehicles: Trading One Form Of Hazardous Mining For Another

    Authored by Katie Spence via The Epoch Times,

    Sales of electric vehicles (EVs) reached a record 3 million in 2020, according to a report from the International Energy Agency (IEA).

    That’s an increase of 40 percent from 2019 and is in contrast to overall car sales, which saw a 16 percent decrease.

    The report further estimated that EV sales could reach 23 million by 2030, thanks partly to the Biden administration’s stated goal of half of all vehicles sold in 2030 being zero-emissions vehicles.

    Pointedly, lithium batteries are the preferred battery technology because it has the highest charge-to-weight ratio.

    The push to transition to electric vehicles is driven by key regulations by the United States, Canada, and the European Union, to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles, and transition to a more environmentally friendly future, according to the energy agency.

    However, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reports that this uptick in EV adoption and increased demand for lithium batteries presents a significant environmental challenge.

    “As demand for lithium increases and production is tapped from deeper rock mines and brines, the challenges of mitigating environmental risk will increase.”

    Rod Colwell, CEO of Controlled Thermal Resources (R), and Tracy Sizemore, the company’s Global Director of Battery Materials, walk along geothermal mud pots near the shore of the Salton Sea, where the company is mining for lithium, in Niland, Calif., on July 15, 2021. (Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP Photo)

    Lithium in its pure form doesn’t occur naturally on Earth.

    Currently, there are two viable ways to obtain lithium: hard rock extraction or evaporation ponds called salar brines.

    Seawater presents a possible future source of lithium, but because of extensive water, land use, and time requirements, extracting lithium from seawater is not feasible.

    Importantly, due to its cost-effective nature, salar brines are the most commonly used method for lithium extraction —66 percent of global lithium resources are from lithium brine deposits, according to UNCTAD’s report.

    Miners drill holes in salt flats to extract lithium and pump the salty, mineral-rich brine to the surface.

    Once at the surface, the water evaporates and leaves a mixture of lithium salts, borax, manganese, and potassium. The mixture is then filtered and placed into another evaporation pool, where it evaporates for an additional 12 to 18 months.

    After that period, lithium carbonate and hydroxide are extracted and can be used to make cathode material in batteries.

    Materials such as cobalt and nickel are processed with lithium chemicals to produce battery electrodes.

    According to a report from the Institute for Energy Research (IER), it takes approximately 500,000 gallons of water to extract one metric ton of lithium from salar brines.

    If water were in abundant supply, the above heavy demand might be overlooked. But, more than 50 percent of lithium resources are located in the “lithium triangle” of Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina. And, UNCTAD reports this area is one of the driest areas on Earth.

    Rafael, 7, walks on the Uyuni Salt Flats after bathing in a hole with salty water in Uyuni, Bolivia, in 2014.  (AP Photo/Victor Caivano)

    On the jagged plain of Chile’s Salar de Atacama, the U.S. Department of the Interior’s geological survey reports that it hasn’t rained “for as long as people have been keeping track.”

    The result is a diverse but fragile ecosystem with scarce water resources.

    However, the Salar de Atacama is the largest salt flat in Chile and is rich in lithium salts just under the surface. Consequently, it’s become a significant source of lithium mining.

    Indeed, 65 percent of the region’s water goes toward mining activities, according to IER.

    The effect is a lack of water that’s forced local farmers—who grow quinoa and herd llamas, and nearby communities—to abandon their ancestral settlements and find water elsewhere, according to UNCTAD.

    “We used to have a river before that now doesn’t exist. There isn’t a drop of water,” stated Elena Rivera, the president of the Indigenous Colla Community of the Copiapo commune, to the National Resource Defense Council (NRDC).

    “And not only here in Copiapo but in all of Chile, there are rivers and lakes that have disappeared—all because a company has a lot more right to water than we do as human beings or citizens of Chile.”

    Lithium mining isn’t the only concerning factor with lithium-ion batteries. There are additional chemical elements in batteries, like cobalt and graphite, which pose social and environmental challenges, according to UNCTAD.

    In its 2022 report, the USGS reports that in 2021, over 70 percent of the global cobalt production came from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and that Southern Congo sits atop an estimated 3.5 million metric tons, which is almost half of the world’s known supply.

    The problem, according to UNCTAD, is that dust from cobalt mines often contains toxic metals such as uranium, and DRC mines may contain sulfur minerals that can generate sulfuric acid, according to UNCTAD.

    When exposed to air or water, sulfuric acid can lead to acid mine drainage, polluting rivers and drinking water for hundreds of years.

    And, up to 40,000 children are estimated to be working in these mines under slave labor conditions.

    In 2021, China was the leading graphite producer, producing an estimated 79 percent of the world’s total output, according to the USGS report.

    According to USCTAD, graphite mining has similar environmental impacts to cobalt mining; it leads to contaminated soils, water, and toxic dust. ­­­

    A woman and a man separate cobalt from mud and rocks near a mine between Lubumbashi and Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, in 2015. (Federico Scoppa/AFP/Getty Images)

    Finally, in addition to the above-stated problems, mining battery components emit a fair amount of CO2, which varies based on specific mining and manufacturing processes.

    “There are carbon dioxide and other greenhouse emissions that come with the process of extraction. [It’s] not like CO2 comes out of the lithium, but it does take energy to mine things—today many of those systems involve emitting CO2,” said Zeke Hausfather, Climate Research Lead at nonprofit Berkeley Earth to Climate360.

    “There’s emissions associated with the processes of mining like CO2 emissions creating sulfuric acid and other things used in the mining process—the life cycle of all of these things involves some environmental impact,” Hausfather concluded.

    Research and consulting firm Circular Energy Storage reported that emission results can range from 39 kg CO2 equivalent per kilowatt hour to 196 kg CO2e/kWh, which significantly impacts the potential positive impact of electric vehicles.

    “If an electric vehicle is using a 40 kWh battery its embedded emissions from manufacturing would then be equivalent to the CO2 emissions caused by driving a diesel car with a fuel consumption of 5 litre per 100 km in between 11,800 km and 89,400 km before the electric car even has driven one meter,” Circular Energy reports.

    “While the lower range might not be significant, the latter would mean an electric car would have a positive climate impact first after seven years for the European average driver.”

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 20:15

  • Blinken Offers Russia "Substantial" Deal For Return Of Brittney Griner & Paul Whelan
    Blinken Offers Russia “Substantial” Deal For Return Of Brittney Griner & Paul Whelan

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken made a surprise announcement on the Britney Griner case, saying Wednesday afternoon the United States is ready to cut a rare deal for her release from Russian custody. He said the Biden administration has made a “substantial proposal” to Moscow. Talks appear to have already been underway for weeks.

    He also named imprisoned former Marine Paul Whelan, currently serving a 16-year prison sentence in Russia stemming from a “spying” conviction after what he and US officials have called a “sham trial”, as part of the deal on the table. “We put a substantial proposal on the table weeks ago to facilitate their release,” Blinken said in a press briefing.

    The Associated Press underscores “The statement marked the first time the US government has publicly revealed any concrete action it has taken to secure the release of Griner, who was arrested on drug-related charges at a Moscow airport in February and testified Wednesday at her trial.”

    Blinken didn’t offer details of the arrangement Washington is offering, however. Likely the two American citizens’ release would come in the form of a prisoner swap – though Russia might possibly demand sanctions relief – which would likely collapse any pending deal.

    There’s been widespread speculation that the US could release notorious Russian arms trafficker Viktor Bout from custody, currently serving a 25-year federal prison sentence since 2012. Russian state media has frequently mentioned Bout’s name over the past months as high on the foreign ministry’s list of priorities. 

    CNN is reporting that indeed it’s Viktor Bout that the US is offering to exchange, though Blinken himself did not publicly confirm this…

    Per a breaking CNN report:

    After months of internal debate, the Biden administration has offered to exchange Viktor Bout, a convicted Russian arms trafficker serving a 25-year US prison sentence, as part of a potential deal to secure the release of two Americans held by Russia, Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan, according to people briefed on the matter.

    These sources told CNN that the plan to trade Bout for Whelan and Griner received the backing of President Joe Biden after being under discussion since earlier this year. Biden’s support for the swap overrides opposition from the Department of Justice, which is generally against prisoner trades.

    Viktor Bout was successfully extradited to the Southern District of New York from Thailand in 2010.

    Despite Blinken not having spoken to his Russian counterpart since Feb.15 – just before the Russian invasion of Ukraine began – the AP cites the top US diplomat as indicating Wednesday “he had requested a call with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.”

    Griner testified on her own behalf in a Moscow court on Wednesday…

    “U.S. officials said the desire for an answer on the prisoner offer was the primary, but not only, reason that the US on Wednesday requested the call with Lavrov,” AP notes further. Blinken indicated he expects to speak with Lavrov on the matter in the “coming days”.

    The CNN report cited an administration official who said at the moment “the ball is in Russia’s court” concerning the offer to do a prisoner swap.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 19:55

  • Markets Take Pelosi's Taiwan Visit Talk In Stride
    Markets Take Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit Talk In Stride

    By George Lei, Bloomberg Markets Live reporter and analyst

    A possible visit to Taiwan early next month by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — as part of her Asia tour — has stirred a fair bit of diplomatic tension between Beijing and Washington.

    Financial markets in Taiwan, however, have so far taken the political turmoil in stride. If history offers any guidance, any selloff on concerns about a military confrontation would provide golden opportunities for buy-and-hold investors.  

    The Financial Times first reported the trip on July 19 during Asian trading hours, eliciting an immediate warning from Beijing. Having had enough time to absorb the news and likely repercussions, Taiwan’s benchmark index managed to climb 1.4% on a closing basis between July 18 and 27, handily beating major stock gauges in Hong Kong and mainland China. Investors seem to have concluded the aggressive rhetoric from mid-level Chinese foreign ministry and defense officials poses little actual risk of war.

    Beijing might respond to the visit in a couple of ways, Bloomberg reported last week. Reactions range from relatively mild ones such as fighter jet incursions into Taiwan’s air-defense identification zone or crossing the Taiwan Strait’s median line, to something more aggressive like a missile test near the island or even unprecedented tensions such as warplanes shadowing Pelosi’s flight.

    Chinese forces even could intercept Pelosi’s aircraft and prevent her from landing. Such a scenario, however, is unlikely since it would mark a dramatic escalation, according to Gabriel Wildau, New York-based managing director at Teneo, a global CEO advisory firm. Beijing could be less confrontational yet still set a new precedent, such as flying into Taiwanese airspace. That would stop “short of a hostile act against US military aircraft,” Wildau wrote in a July 26 note.

    Teneo believes Beijing’s response cycle could be “months-long” if the missile crisis more than two decades ago serves as an accurate reference point. On May 22, 1995, Washington green-lit a “private visit” by Taiwanese leader Lee Teng-hui. That decision, on top of the island’s first direct presidential election the following year, prompted Beijing to order live-fire military exercises and test-fire ballistic missiles. In December 1995, President Clinton sent the US aircraft carrier Nimitz through the Taiwan Strait. In March 1996, two aircraft carrier battle groups — centered around the Nimitz and the USS Independence — plied the waters near Taiwan.

    The island’s equity gauge initially sold off back then, lagging the MSCI China and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng China Enterprise indexes, before bottoming in August 1995. By May 20, 1996, when Lee was sworn in as Taiwan’s first popularly-elected president, the benchmark index has recovered all lost ground, outperforming peers by a wide margin.

    For long-term investors, other risks are far more relevant than the Pelosi saga, which will eventually come to an end. China’s resurgent Covid cases have once again threatened manufacturing and warehousing operations in Shenzhen and Shanghai. And the lockdowns will weigh on Taiwanese producers through supply chain channels at a time when the island’s industrial output grew at the slowest pace since January 2020, according to DBS Group.

    Concern over falling global semiconductor demand means capital outflows from the island are unlikely to turn around anytime soon, the selling pressure on Taiwanese stocks will likely persist and the currency will come under pressure, wrote Iris Pang, chief economist for Greater China at ING Bank N.V. in Hong Kong.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 19:35

  • Apple Nabs Key Lamborghini Executive to Work on Its Electric Car
    Apple Nabs Key Lamborghini Executive to Work on Its Electric Car

    Apple has plucked one of Lamborghini’s top car-development managers from Volkswagen Group, in a sign that it’s accelerating work on its self-driving electric vehicle program that’s already seen hundreds of former Tesla, Rivian, Alphabet and other engineers join, according to Bloomberg.

    Mockup of potential Apple EV based on “genuine patents filed by Apple, Inc.”, created by Venarama

    Luigi Taraborrelli, a 20-year veteran of Lamborghini, was hired to help spearhead the design of Apple’s vehicle, according to anonymous sources. Taraborrelli most recently served as Lamborghini’s head of chassis and vehicle dynamics.

    To see some of Lamborghini’s latest work, check out this (Jeremy Clarkson-less, and therefore lame) Top Gear review of the Countach reboot.

    Taraborrelli, who worked on the Lamborghini Urus, Huracan and Aventador, will become one of the senior managers on Apple’s EV team. As noted, he also oversaw Lambo’s chassis development, including handling, suspensions, steering, brakes and rims, per his Linkedin profile.

    Earlier this year, Apple tapped a 31-year veteran of Ford Motor Co. to lead its vehicle-safety efforts. Last year, it hired Ulrich Kranz, the former chief of struggling electric-car maker Canoo Inc. and former leader of BMW’s electric-car business. Before that, Apple enlisted former Tesla Inc. Autopilot chief Stuart Bowers to work on self-driving technology.

    The Apple project includes hundreds of former engineers from Tesla and other car companies, including Rivian Automotive Inc., Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo, Volvo Car AB and Mercedes-Benz Group AG. It also has former senior design executives on staff from Tesla, McLaren, Porsche and Aston Martin. -Bloomberg

    Apple is shooting for a 2025 introduction, with a design that lets riders face each other in a ‘limousine-like’ interior. Ultimately, Apple has ambitions to create a fully-autonomous car without a steering wheel or pedals, that could spell trouble for Tesla.

    That said, Apple has also lost a few key people along the way – including former project head, Doug Field (former Tesla who joined Ford), and AI specialist Ian Goodfellow. The project is currently run by Kevin Lynch, who’s also in charge of the Apple Watch and health software teams – and John Giannandrea, the company’s head of machine learning.

    Only one question remains; will it be able to do this???

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 19:15

  • Ghislaine Maxwell Transferred To Low-Security Prison In Florida
    Ghislaine Maxwell Transferred To Low-Security Prison In Florida

    Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell has been moved to a low-security federal prison in Florida, which offers a number of amenities including yoga and movies, to serve out her 20-year prison sentence.

    Ghislaine Maxwell attends the 4th Annual WIE Symposium at Center 548 in New York on Sept. 20, 2013. (Laura Cavanaugh/Getty Images)

    The Federal Bureau of Prisons lists Maxwell, 60, at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tallahassee, which is described on its website as a “low security federal correctional institution with a detention center.” A judge had asked to have her serve out her sentence in the Federal Correctional Institution Danbury, in Connecticut.

    Accused of being a madam to convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, Maxwell was convicted in December of five federal charges including sex trafficking of a minor. Prosecutors accused the UK socialite and Epstein, a multimillionaire, of plotting to lure and groom young girls into relationships with Epstein between 1994 and 2004. She is slated to be released from prison in 2037.

    At FCI Tallahassee, inmates can participate in yoga, pilates, weights, softball, flag football, and frisbee, according to the Zoukis Consulting Group. Maxwell also will be able to watch movies at the prison, the prison consulting group’s website says.

    Epstein was convicted of sex crimes in 2008 and was sentenced to house arrest in Florida. In July 2019, he was arrested on federal sex trafficking charges before he was found dead in a prison cell in Manhattan a month later, which the New York City Medical Examiner’s office ruled his death a suicide by hanging.

    No Remorse

    Maxwell’s 20-year sentence was shorter than the one sought by prosecutors.

    It’s been an incredibly long road to justice for myself and for many other survivors,” said Sarah Ransome, one of Maxwell’s and Epstein’s accusers. “This is for the girls that didn’t have their say, the ones that weren’t here.”

    Judge Alison J. Nathan noted as she imposed the prison term and a $750,000 fine that Maxwell never expressed remorse for her crimes. The judge said she wanted the sentence to send an “unmistakable message” that nobody is above the law.

    Four survivors at the sentencing described their sexual abuse, including Annie Farmer, who was briefly overcome with emotion as she addressed the judge. She said she and her sister tried to go public with their stories about being abused by Epstein and Maxwell two decades ago, only to be shut down by the powerful couple through threats and influence with authorities.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 18:55

  • Trump Files 'Notice Of Intent' To Sue CNN Over 'False Statements'
    Trump Files ‘Notice Of Intent’ To Sue CNN Over ‘False Statements’

    Former President Donald Trump has filed a ‘Notice of Intent’ to sue CNN for “repeated defamatory statements.”

    In a recent filing through Washington-based law firm, Ifrah Law, under Florida statute § 770.02, Trump seeks to force the network to “publish a full and fair correction, apology, or retraction” based on published pieces or broadcasts that he says made “false statements” about him.

    “I hereby demand on behalf of President Donald Trump that CNN (1) immediately take down the false and defamatory publications, (2) immediately issue a full and fair retraction of the statements identified herein in as conspicuous a manner as they were originally published, and (3) immediately cease and desist from its continued use of ‘Big Lie’ and ‘lying’ when describing President Trump’s subjective belief regarding the integrity of the 2020 election,” reads the letter.

    Failure to issue an apology will result in a lawsuit.

    “Failure to publish such a correction, apology, or retraction will result in the filing of a lawsuit and damages being sought against you, CNN,” reads the document, which was reported by the Daily Caller.

    I have notified CNN of my intent to file a lawsuit over their repeated defamatory statements against me,” Trump said in a statement. “I will also be commencing actions against other media outlets who have defamed me and defrauded the public regarding the overwhelming evidence of fraud throughout the 2020 Election. I will never stop fighting for the truth and for the future of our Country!”

    The notice accuses CNN of repeatedly airing claims that Trump was “illegitimately elected” in 2016, which went unchallenged. It then accuses the network of ‘feeding a narrative’ that repeatedly defamed Trump’s character leading up to, and after, the 2020 election.

    The document then stated that CNN inaccurately branded Trump as a “liar” and likened him to Adolf Hitler and communist leaders by labeling his election fraud claims as the “Big Lie.” The network has coined the term “Big Lie” in relation to Trump more than 7,700 times since January 2021, the document said.

    “In this instance, President Trump’s comments are not lies: He subjectively believes that the results of the 2020 presidential election turned on fraudulent voting activity in several key states,” the document said.

    The document alleged that the network treats Trump unfairly in comparison to other public figures, including Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, Jussie Smollett and Andrew McCabe. It then argued that the former president’s questions about election integrity are legitimate, given that True the Vote reportedly found evidence of illegal, fraudulent votes in states such as Georgia and Arizona. -Daily Caller

    Could this be a 2024 election strategy?

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 18:35

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Today’s News 27th July 2022

  • Italian Conservatives Call For Greater Border Security After Footage Of Migrant Violence Goes Viral
    Italian Conservatives Call For Greater Border Security After Footage Of Migrant Violence Goes Viral

    By Thomas Brooke of Remix News.

    Disturbing footage of a man being subjected to a vicious attack in a public square in the Italian city of Milan has prompted calls by conservative politicians for stricter border security in the country.

    The now viral footage shows a man being drop-kicked in the face in Piazza Duca D’Aosta by a man described by the Italian Il Giornale newspaper as a “homeless Tunisian” national, before the migrant smashes a bottle on his victim who lies on the floor in pain.

    The assailant proceeds to brutally kick his victim in the head, as screams can be heard from onlookers, before nonchalantly walking away from the scene.

    The context of the attack is unknown but has now been highlighted by the leaders of two of Italy’s largest parties ahead of the snap election on Sept. 25, called after Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s resignation late last week.

    “Scenes of ordinary urban warfare between foreigners, violence and blood. Zero tolerance against criminals, security returns from September 25,” Lega leader Matteo Salvini said, commenting on the story.

    Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the right-wing Brothers of Italy asked: “How many other attacks and violence will we have to witness to admit that there is a huge security problem in Italy?

    “There is no more time to waste,” she added.

    Meloni is reportedly in the pole position to lead Italy following September’s election with her Brothers of Italy party the favorite, according to the polls.

    A latest Demopolis survey places Meloni’s party at 24 percent, while Salvini’s Lega sits in third at 14 percent.

    Unlike Salvini, Meloni’s party refused to enter into coalition talks with the current Italian government, instead choosing to stay in opposition and attack the administration from the sidelines, a move that come the final week in September may prove to have paid off.

    Tyler Durden
    Wed, 07/27/2022 – 02:00

  • A Deeper Dive Into Allegations Of Sabotage Within FBI's Hunter Biden Probe
    A Deeper Dive Into Allegations Of Sabotage Within FBI’s Hunter Biden Probe

    Authored by Techno Fog via The Reactionary,

    Yesterday, Senator Chuck Grassley sent this letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray regarding allegations from “highly credible whistleblowers” about the FBI’s “false portrayal” of derogatory Hunter Biden materials as “disinformation.”

    If these allegations are true, it’s a damning depiction of FBI leadership and it proves their efforts to influence the 2020 election. This is the second (if not third) straight election the FBI has meddled in, given the influence the Trump/Russia investigation – and its unlawful origins with the FBI – had over the 2018 midterms.

    Grassley’s whistleblowers allege that in August 2020, FBI Headquarters “improperly discredit[ed] negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease.” In fact, it was a scheme of top FBI officials. As Grassley explains:

    “the allegations provided to my office appear to indicate that there was a scheme in place among certain FBI officials to undermine derogatory information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation.”

    The context and timing is important, as this was leading up to the 2020 election. Who benefited from this scheme? Democrat candidate Joe Biden. And it appears the FBI’s scheme furthered the interests of Congressional Democrats. Here’s how that happened.

    On July 13, 2020, Democrat leaders – Chuck Schumer, Mark Warner, Nancy Pelosi, and Adam Schiff – sent this letter to the FBI alleging that “Congress was the subject of a foreign disinformation campaign.” The Democrats demanded that “the FBI provide a classified defensive briefing” on the issue of foreign disinformation, and that “the briefing draw on all-source intelligence information and analysis.” Parts of that letter were leaked to tie the Congressional Hunter Biden investigation to foreign disinformation.  

    Three days later, on July 16, 2020, Democrat Senators Gary Peters and Ron Wyden made their own demand of an FBI and intelligence community briefing related to purported foreign interference.

    According to Grassley, these Democrat efforts resulted in an unnecessary briefing from the FBI in August 2020 relating to “disinformation” – which was later leaked to the press to paint the Biden investigation “in a false light.” In other words, the FBI was more than willing to be used by the Democrats less than 3 months before the 2020 election.

    Then there’s also the issue of FBI Headquarters interfering in the Hunter Biden investigation. Grassley states:

    in September 2020, investigators from the same FBI HQ team were in communication with FBI agents responsible for the Hunter Biden information targeted by Auten’s assessment. The FBI HQ team’s investigators placed their findings with respect to whether reporting was disinformation in a restricted access sub-file reviewable only by the particular agents responsible for uncovering the specific information.

    The FBI Headquarters team “made findings” to whether certain reporting was disinformation – and then they limited access to those findings. This begs the question: what were those findings, and did they conflict with the popular narrative, falsely peddled by the Democrats and the media and former intelligence officials, that the Hunter Biden materials were disinformation?

    The FBI was reticent to share this information before the election. When then-Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe stated there was “no intelligence to support” allegations of Russian disinformation efforts tied to the Hunter Biden materials, the FBI responded they had “nothing to add at this time.” Of course, this is apparently now disproven. The FBI had something to add. They just didn’t want to share it with the American people.

    And there’s still more.

    In October 2020, the whistleblowers allege that “an avenue of additional derogatory Hunter Biden reporting was ordered closed at the direction of” FBI Agent Timothy Thibault.

    Who is Thibault? He is a partisan, anti-Trump FBI Agent from the Washington Field Office who shared derogatory social media posts about Attorney General Barr and retweeted Lincoln Project posts insulting President Trump. Thibault has since locked his Twitter account, which is highlighted with a Ukraine flag. You can make your own judgment on that.  

    Back to Thibault’s actions with respect to the Hunter Biden investigation. The whistleblowers further allege that Thibault suggested the Hunter Biden information was “at risk of disinformation,” although “all of the reporting was either verified or verifiable via criminal search warrants.” Thibault allegedly also violated FBI guidelines by ordering the matter closed without a valid reason. Thibault and other FBI officials then covered these tracks, attempting “to improperly mark the matter in FBI systems so that it could not be opened in the future.”

    Making matters worse – if that’s possible – we also learned from Grassley’s letter that FBI SIA ( Supervisory Intelligence Analyst) Brian Auten was handling aspects of the Hunter Biden investigation. Who is Brian Auten? He interviewed Igor Danchenko (Christopher Steele’s primary subsource), who now faces an upcoming trial with Special Counsel John Durham for lying to federal officials.

    We suspect that Auten covered-up or otherwise smothered Danchenko’s lies to protect the Trump/Russia investigation (and to thus also protect the FBI’s institutional interests). Our friend Stephen McIntyre – aka ClimateAudit – has focused on Auten in the past; here’s his Auten rabbit hole. The fact that Auten is in any way involved in the Hunter Biden investigation is not a good sign, and it indicates the FBI has failed to punish its most corrupt and incompetent employees.

    The letter from Grassley comes after CNN reporting on July 20 that:

    The federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s business activities is nearing a critical juncture as investigators weigh possible charges and prosecutors confront Justice Department guidelines to generally avoid bringing politically sensitive cases close to an election, according to people briefed on the matter.

    There are some clues in the CNN report that suggest members of Biden’s DOJ are trying to serve President Biden by protecting his son.

    First, current DOJ officials – including those at DOJ headquarters – have debated whether prosecution of Hunter Biden for tax and firearm charges should be put-off until after the 2022 midterms. But as CNN observes, federal prosecutors have brought politically-charged cases against Trump attorney Michael Cohen and Republican Congressman Chris Collins just before the 2018 election.

    Second, this suggests that there is at least some supervision of the Hunter Biden investigation by top-level DOJ officials appointed by Biden. CNN reports that the investigation has entered its final stages and that “prosecutors have narrowed their focus to tax and gun-related charges.”

    If Hunter Biden is indeed charged with those “narrow” crimes, it’s going to be essential to determine who made that call. After all, there is more than enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with violating the Foreign Agent Registration Act. (Bijan Rafiekian, of the Flynn Intel Group, faced similar charges for far-less egregious conduct.) Recall previous New York Times reporting that:

    there has been debate within the Justice Department over whether the available evidence proves that Mr. Biden intended to violate FARA, which the government must prove in order to secure a criminal conviction.

    As we have observed, this misstates the law on FARA. One must ask whether the DOJ is making it intentionally difficult to prosecute Hunter Biden for his FARA violations and his schemes to enrich himself, and to manipulate his political connections, as he furthered the interests of his foreign clients.

    This gives us another question: who is making these prosecuting decisions – is it the career prosecutors, or is it Main Justice?

    If Hunter Biden escapes the FARA charges, or if he isn’t indicted before the upcoming elections, I think we can safely assume Main Justice is pulling some strings. And that’s a scandal in its own right.

    Subscribe here

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 23:30

  • These Are The Countries With The Most Active Volcanoes
    These Are The Countries With The Most Active Volcanoes

    Japan’s Sakurajima volcano, at the Southern tip of the country. erupted late Sunday, prompting evacuations and a Level 5 alert, the highest possible warning. 

    According to CNN, the volcano is one of the most active in the country and had previously erupted in January.

    As Statista’s Katharina Buchholz details below, this makes the Sakurajima one of the 44 active volcanoes in the country that have erupted since 1950.

    Only Indonesia has more recently active volcanoes at 58.

    Infographic: The Countries With the Most Active Volcanoes | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    The United States follow close behind Japan with a count of 42 active volcanoes due to the volcanic areas in and around Hawaii and Alaska. Two Latin American countries as well as two nations in the Pacific appear among the top 10. In Europe, Iceland has the most active volcanoes together with France, which has active volcanoes in its departments Guadalupe, Reunion and the Comoros as well as overseas country French Polynesia.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 23:10

  • FOMC Preview: Here's What The Fed Will Do Tomorrow
    FOMC Preview: Here’s What The Fed Will Do Tomorrow

    Submitted by Newsquawk

    SUMMARY: The Federal Reserve is widely expected to hike rates by 75bps on Wednesday, taking the target range for the Funds rate to 2.25-2.50%, a level considered neutral. There is no Summary of Economic Projections at this meeting thus attention will turn to any guidance the FOMC provides on future tightening increments. Current expectations, based on the current outlook, are for a 50bp move for September, before moving to 25bp moves in November and December to see a year-end rate of 3.25-3.50%, in line with market pricing. Nonetheless, the Fed will likely reiterate that any future rate decisions will depend upon their assessment of the economic outlook, particularly inflation. The latest June CPI report was hotter than expected which saw markets price in another 75bp move in July before accelerating to start pricing in over a 70% probability of a 100bp hike instead. However, pricing has now pared back in wake of several Fed speakers, including hawks Bullard and Waller, vocally supporting a 75bp hike in July while the latest UoM consumer inflation expectations also cooled for both the 1yr and 5yr horizons. Currently, markets only see a 10% chance of a 100bp move, as opposed to above 70% at the peak.

    EXPECTATIONS/GUIDANCE: The Fed is expected to hike rates by 75bps to 2.25-2.50%, according to 98/102 economists surveyed by Reuters between July 14-20th, although the remaining four still expect a 100bp move. However, markets are in favor of a 75bp hike with only a 10% chance of a 100bp move on Wednesday. Looking ahead, the majority of those surveyed expect the Fed to hike by 50bps in September, before slowing further to 25bp hikes in November and December leaving the Fed funds rate at 3.25-3.50% in December.

    The expectations on the Fed rate path through year-end are similar to market pricing, although looking ahead analysts expect rates to peak at 3.50-3.75% in February, before cutting to 3.00-3.25% in December 2023. This is at odds with market pricing which starts factoring in rate cuts earlier in 2023 as markets start to incorporate ongoing growth concerns and the impact of tighter policy with markets implying a rate of 2.75-3.00% in November 2023. Meanwhile, the median in the Fed’s June SEPs sees the terminal rate between 3.75-4.00% in 2023, before cutting to 3.25-3.50% in 2024.

    Therefore, there is a disconnect between markets and the Fed’s forecasts as the former prices in risk of a growth/employment slowdown later this year /early next year while Fed officials are conducting policy on the knowns: solid job growth and consumer spending that is fuelling consecutive increases in inflation. The Fed has said it will remain undeterred in its tightening path until inflation shows signs of returning to target, so to expect anything otherwise at the July FOMC appears unlikely.

    LANGUAGE/RECESSION: In the June meeting, the Fed changed its language to focus more on inflation, stating “The Committee is strongly committed to returning inflation to its 2 percent objective”, from the prior “with appropriate policy the Fed expects inflation to return to 2% target and the labour market to remain strong” therefore there will also be a focus on whether there are any further adjustments to this or whether it is maintained. With growth concerns mounting, the latest poll saw a 40% probability of a recession within the US over the coming year, and a 50% chance of a recession within two years, although the vast majority suggested it would be either mild or very mild. The latest meeting and minutes gave no mention of a potential recession, but the Fed has been dismissive of one in recent speeches saying it is not within their base case – something they will likely repeat, but it will be worth paying attention to given the mounting growth concerns to see if their view has changed, but given a continued strong labour market, the Fed will likely not be overly concerned.

    PRESS CONFERENCE: Given a lot of the focus will be on future guidance, Powell may leave it to the press conference to give clues on the increments of future rate hikes while he will also likely once again say it is too early to declare victory on inflation given the hot June CPI report. Powell will also likely repeat they want to see a series of declining monthly inflation prints and for inflation to be headed down, but the current data does not support this view. Therefore, Powell is expected to maintain the FOMC language that they will hike rates expeditiously to return inflation to target, although he will probably welcome the decline in UoM inflation expectations. Analysts at Pantheon Macroeconomics note by September the “Fed’s first pre-condition for slowing or stopping the pace of rate hikes will have been met, because the headline month-to-month CPI and PCE prints for July and August will be much lower than in the past couple months” and therefore expect the Fed to hike by no more than 50bps in September, in line with the consensus.

    Want more? Pro subscribers have access to FOMC previews from Goldman, Morgan Stanley, DB, UBS and more.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 22:50

  • Gavin Newsom Won't Save The Democrats
    Gavin Newsom Won’t Save The Democrats

    Authored by Joel Kotkin via,

    Burdened with a decomposing President and a clearly overmatched Vice President, the Democrats are on the hunt for a saviour.

    For many in the party, Gavin Newsom, the 54-year-old perfectly coiffed Governor of California, seems like the perfect solution. No doubt, given his recent trolling of Florida’s Republican frontrunner Ron DeSantis, he feels the same.

    But Newsom’s ascendency faces some severe challenges.

    First, to get nominated, he must not only depose Biden, but also see off Vice President Kamala Harris. And she has three things Newsom lacks: she’s a woman, she’s black, and she has Asian Indian ancestry. Newsom, on the other hand, is white, was born into a well-connected San Francisco family, and is married to a film-maker and scion of a very wealthy Bay Area family.

    Perhaps more importantly, things have not been particularly good for the minority Californians he was voted in to look after. In the Golden State, African-Americans and Hispanics do far worse economically than their counterparts elsewhere in the country. Black residents, on a cost-of-living basis, make about as much as they do in Mississippi, and far less than in states such as Texas, Florida, or Arizona.

    Class may prove an even more glaring weakness. Newsom sees his state as a model, claiming California is “the envy of the world” and the great bastion of social justice. “Unlike the Washington plutocracy,” he boasts, “California isn’t satisfied serving a powerful few on one side of the velvet rope.” Yet he is the favourite son of what The Los Angeles Times described as “a coterie of San Francisco’s wealthiest families”, including the founders of the Gap clothing chain, the Pritzker’s and the Getty Family, who essentially adopted him, financed his business ventures, allegedly paid for his first lavish wedding, and helped launch his political career.

    Meanwhile, Newsom’s green and progressive pronouncements contrasted starkly with his passion for the good life. He has long lived in luxury, first in his native Marin, and now in Sacramento. This caused Newsom some embarrassment during the height of Covid when he was caught partying in ways that violated his own pandemic orders at the ultra-expensive, ultra-chic French Laundry in Napa and more recently on a lavish family vacation.

    When it comes to actual policymaking, Newsom is not much better. He backs an ineffective education system, controlled by his teacher union allies, that leaves almost three out of five California high schoolers unprepared for either college or a career. Meanwhile, his children attend one of the capital’s regions trendiest private schools. He is, in effect, an embodiment of the increasing feudal nature of modern California, which stands among the least egalitarian states in the nation and suffers the overall highest poverty rate in the country, according to the US Census Bureau. Inequality here now surpasses that of Mexico, and is closer to that of the Central American banana republics of Guatemala and Honduras than it is to developed countries such as Canada and Norway. California also suffers the widest gap between middle and upper-middle-income earners of any state, while driving up housing costs and narrowing opportunities for working-class people in blue-collar industries.

    So how has Newsom gotten to the point of Presidential viability? Much of the answer lies with California’s own bizarre politics, ruled by a one-party state dominated by public employees, tech oligarchs and green non-profits. These groups finance his campaigns and act as shock troops, along with the largely compliant media. There is no serious challenger to his re-election in November. State Senator Brian Dahle, a fellow GOP aspirant, is an obscure northeast California dairy farmer who failed to secure 20% of the primary vote.

    And yet Californians are not particularly enthusiastic about Newsom — his approval ratings stand at roughly 50%, while 60% are pessimistic about the state’s direction. He doesn’t even rank among the nation’s most popular Governors, but stands at about average. At least half of residents, particularly in the state’s interior, see California going in the wrong direction.

    Californians are not totally inert or stoned to care; they are discouraged. In Los Angeles, 10% plan to move out this year. Between 2014 and 2020, net domestic emigration from California grew from 46,000 to 242,000, according to US Census Bureau estimates. Yet Newsom’s answer to these concerns is not to create new opportunities for middle or working-class California but to expand what Marx called “the proletarian alms bag”. Rather than lower taxes or give incentives to business, Newsom simply expands the welfare state.

    Given the bumper revenues of last year, and the pathetic state of his opposition, Newsom’s gambit will likely pay off this year. But whether it can hold until the next election in 2024 remains less certain. The current tech bust and potential real estate decline could force the current surplus — which is in large part down to pandemic transfers from the federal government — over a “fiscal cliff” by next year, notes the state’s legislative analyst’s office. In other words, Newsom’s penchant to bribe voters may end up as successful as that of Juan Perón.

    Against a poorly financed unknown from a party associated with the widely detested Donald Trump, Newsom will likely cruise to victory in November. As the anointed Great White Hope, he may seem like the man to save the Democrats from their own follies and the legacy of the current disaster in the White House. He just has to pray that his own policy failures don’t catch up with him first.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 22:10

  • Tomorrow The Fed Hikes 75bps: What Happens Next Has Wall Street Hopelessly Split
    Tomorrow The Fed Hikes 75bps: What Happens Next Has Wall Street Hopelessly Split

    What the Fed says at Wednesday’s meeting is going to matter much more than what they do.

    That, according to Bloomberg’s Garfield Reynolds, will be the case even if Powell shocks us all by hiking less or more than the three-quarter point shift that’s been solidly priced in for most of the time since the June meet.

    But assuming policy makers meet those projections, then all of the focus is going to be on what guidance we get from the policy commitment statement and Chair Powell’s presser. Traders are betting the cash rate will be about 3.1% in a year’s time and 2.6% in two years, following rate cuts which are expected to start in Q1 2023. Making matters more complicated, the Fed’s WSJ mouthpiece, Nick Timiraos today published an article warning that the Fed could nuke the practice of forward guidance (similar to what the ECB did last week).

    That doesn’t leave the Fed a lot of room — the benchmark after today will be within a percentage point of the one-year forecast and a quarter point away from the two-year. As Reynolds concludes, “how Powell and his colleagues square that picture with their commitment to get inflation back down toward 2% will be fascinating.”

    Said otherwise, get the timing of the Fed pivot right and you will make a lot of money.

    Regular readers are aware of our thoughts on this topic: one month ago we wrote Fed Rate-Hikes To End This Year, Followed By 3% Of Rate-Cuts & QE, a view which has since been validated by Wall Street’s most accurate strategist, BofA’s Michael Hartnett, who forecast the Fed pivot to take place in November, while iconic former NY Fed analyst Marc Cabana also reinforced our view, predicting that his former coworkers at the Fed will end QT much sooner than expected.

    Still, confusion over what the Fed does next remains, and nowhere more so than among some of Wall Street’s top strategists who disagree over the impact of weaker economic data on the Federal Reserve’s policy outlook, what it’ll mean for stocks and, of course, when the Fed will pivot.

    Take Morgan Stanley’s uber-bear, Michael Wilson, who on Monday said it’s too early to expect the Fed to stop tightening its policy even as fears of a recession grow, suggesting that stocks have more room to fall before finding a bottom, somewhere around 3,000.

    Equity markets “may be trying to get ahead of the eventual pause by the Fed that is always a bullish signal,” Wilson said. “The problem this time is that the pause is likely to come too late” he added (his full comments can be found here).

    On the other hand, the always permabullish JPMorgan strategists – such as Marko Kolanovic – who have unabashedly been telling their clients to buy stocks every single week of 2022 – have now pivoted to the last recourse Hail Mary where bad news (the same bad news they never forecast) is now good news, and predict that inflation has peaked and will lead to an early Fed pivot thus improving the risk picture for equities in the second half.

    Contrary to Michael Wilson, who has been running laps around his far more insight-challenged JPMorgan peers, JPM strategist Mislav Matejka said in a note on Monday that challenging activity momentum and softer labor markets could open doors to a more balanced Fed policy, leading to a peak in the US dollar and inflation.

    For once, we agree with JPMorgan, which is actually correct this time if for all the wrong reasons: after all, unlike the largest and seemingly most clueless commercial bank, we have been saying since last December that the Fed will not only hike into a recession, but will be forced to cut rates – and resume QE – early. JPMorgan, on the other hand, never even contemplated a worst case outcome. And only now, that its year-end price target has become a laugh out loud joke, does the bank magically make the jump from a growing economy to a sharp slowdown, which forces the Fed to end hiking. Even first-year analysts will call that sloppy, embarrassing goalseeking.

    That said, JPMorgan is not alone: Generali senior economist Paolo Zanghieri said he expects the pace of rate hikes to slow after this week’s meeting. Still, concerns are growing that the Fed could already be too late in its attempt to tame inflation and avoid a US recession. More than 60% of the 1,343 respondents in the latest Bloomberg’s MLIV Pulse survey said there’s a low or zero probability of the central bank reining in consumer-price pressures without causing an economic contraction.

    Jefferies LLC strategist Sean Darby said that while the economic slowdown is building, he expects the pressure on stocks from tighter monetary policy to ease in the second half of this year.

    “Unlike the words ‘recession’ and ‘hyperinflation’ which have garnered a lot of news headlines, ‘pivot’ has yet to capture the same interest,” he wrote in a note. “Nevertheless, if the shapes of the US yield curve and Fed futures curves are correct, then the headwind from rate hikes will decelerate somewhat as tightening enters the last part of the year.”

    Of course, the deeper the recession the Fed unleashes, the faster it will be forced to reverse and undo the damage… and Democrats will be riding Powell all the way there – that’s precisely what we discussed over the weekend in “Democrats Prepare To Unleash Hell On Fed Chair Powell For The Coming Recession.”

    The worst case, for bulls, is not if the US slides into a recession – after all that will prompt the Fed to panic and unleash the usual liquidity tsunami – it would be if Wilson is right: the Morgan Stanley strategist who has been among the most vocal bears on US stocks and correctly predicted this year’s selloff, said that even though inflation could indeed have peaked “from a rate of change standpoint,” the “demand destructive nature of high inflation that is presenting itself today will not easily disappear even if inflation declines sharply because prices are already out of reach in areas of the economy that are critical for the cycle to extend–i.e. housing, autos, food, gasoline and other necessities.”

    A rising number of analysts have also said that with inflation proving persistent at a four-decade high, it will take a recession and markedly higher joblessness, to ease price pressures significantly. It’s also why the Fed’s unspoken goal is precisely that: to tip the US into a moderate recession.

    JPMorgan’s Matejka said that another factor that improves the outlook for equities in the second half of the year is the changing reaction to earnings, where weaker results can start being seen as good news.

    Wilson again disagrees, saying that earnings estimates for S&P 500 firms are still too high and that the second quarter is likely to be the first of “several disappointing quarters before estimates finally trough.”  As such, stocks may have further to fall before hitting a bottom, he said. “Recent positive price action to some earnings cuts is unlikely to be the low for most stocks as it’s usually unwise to buy the first cuts when we are entering a major revision cycle,” Wilson wrote on Monday.

    Ultimately, Wilson sees the S&P dropping to 3,000 before the next bull market begins.

    Goldman, uncharacteristically for the permabullish bank, sides with Morgan Stanley. The bank’s strategist David Kostin sees pressure on S&P 500 revenues from a stronger dollar. The bank’s top-down model shows that a 10% appreciation in the trade-weighted greenback should reduce earnings-per-share by 2% to 3%, he wrote in a note on July 22. And earlier today, the bank’s Cecilia Mariotti wrote that it is still too early to bet on an early Fed pivot: at this stage, she wrote, it “would be wary in calling for a sustained pro-cyclical shift across assets as we think markets might be underestimating the risks of continued inflationary pressures, which might keep the central bank put far out of the money for longer.”

    Goldman – which has been catastrophically wrong in virtually all of its forecasts in the past two years – turning bearish? That may be just the tiebreaker we need to confirm that in just a few months the prevailing talk will be not how low the Fed can cut rates but whether it will follow the ECB into negative territory…

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 21:50

  • Pennsylvania Has A Youth-Crime Crisis
    Pennsylvania Has A Youth-Crime Crisis

    Authored by Michael Torres via RealClear Pennsylvania,

    A group of seven young Philadelphia teens were caught on surveillance camera beating a 73-year-old man named James Lambert Jr. to death with a traffic cone in June. The footage shows the teens giggling and recording the slow, brutal assault as if it were casual entertainment. “I just don’t know what’s going on in our city,” Lambert’s niece told Fox 29 Philadelphia. “Where were the parents?”

    (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

    Pennsylvania, like many states nationwide, is experiencing a youth-crime crisis. Data from the state’s Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission suggest that a major factor in crime among youth is family structure. More than 80 percent of every juvenile court disposition in 2021 involved a young person who lives in a broken home, without two married parents. Nearly 48 percent live with a single mother, while a mere 15.5 percent live with both parents. Similar trends hold up year after year after year.

    That’s consistent with what I’d expect, but it’s a striking number,” said Brad Wilcox, a senior fellow at the Institute for Family Studies and director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia. “The strongest predictor for incarceration is the share of two-parent families in a neighborhood.” Wilcox pointed to research by Raj Chetty of Harvard University and the IFS that confirms that criminal behavior drops dramatically for youths who live with both parents and in neighborhoods with a high proportion of married adults.

    America’s young man problem is disproportionately concentrated among the millions of males who grew up without the benefit of a present biological father,” a recent IFS brief concluded. “The bottom line: both these men and the nation are paying a heavy price for the breakdown of the family.”

    Given these data, the research, and daily headlines of teenagers sacking convenience stores, pushing people onto train tracks, and committing armed robberiescarjackings, or worse, one would assume that lawmakers would be asking the same question as Lambert’s niece: Where are the parents? But state and local political leaders rarely do ask. Instead, they react in familiar ways. Republicans in Harrisburg consistently call for more policing and are trying to impeach Philadelphia’s progressive district attorney Larry Krasner. Democrats like state representative Darisha Parker of Northwest Philadelphia, meantime, repeatedly propose bans on so-called assault weapons and call for more mental-health administrators in schools, higher public school funding, and more funds for “boots-on-the-ground” organizations.

    Reverend Eileen Smith is the executive director of one of those organizations—the South Pittsburgh Coalition for Peace. She says that, while the city needs more police and desperately needs to get guns, especially illegally obtained ones, out of the hands of teenagers, a more fundamental problem is going unaddressed. “We are seeing fearless perpetrators in these young people,” she said in an interview. “We’re seeing young kids who have cold hearts and are not concerned with consequences of any kind.” When asked what could cause young people to be this way, Smith replied that “a lot of it is a spiritual problem, along with a lack of home life and a lack of love. They’re looking for love in all the wrong places, through gangs and online. This has caused a murderous trend among young people, and it’s got to be stopped.” But how?

    In a state in which approximately 33 percent of households with children are run by a single parent (in Philadelphia, the number surpasses 50 percent), stopping the spread of such maliciousness among young people is a daunting task. No amount of funding for school psychiatrists can make up for tens of thousands of absent parents.

    Christopher Winters, CEO of Olivet Boys and Girls Club in Berks County, Pennsylvania, believes there is a way. In March, a group of teenagers from various school districts in Berks County used social media to organize a massive fight in a rarely used playground in the city of Reading. According to police, the resulting brawl, which included dozens of teenagers, turned deadly when multiple individuals began firing guns, killing a high school student at the scene and injuring three others. “Not a single one of those kids . . . thought to pick up a phone and talk to somebody,” Winters said at a subsequent Reading City Council meeting. At that meeting, local leaders called for bolstering a community-wide response dubbed “hubs of hope” that now connects 75 community partners, including local businesses and nonprofits such as United Way and the Hispanic Center of Reading and Berks County. The hubs help organize events such as low-cost shoe sales and provide services like after-school activities and mentorship to young people. “There’s a lot of people throughout the community saying ‘we can’t stay in our silos anymore,’” Winters said in an interview. “We established hubs of hope so that our brick-and-mortar sites become cooperative places for kids to go and our family liaison officer can coordinate with other sites if we don’t have space.”

    Winters wants to see the state pass legislation providing more grants for after-school activities. Some government officials cite evidence that after-school programs and street-level intervention programs like South Pittsburgh Coalition for Peace reduce negative behaviors and bolster parents’ ability to work, among other benefits. But programs can only do much, as a report on the consequences of father absence by criminologist Jennifer Schwartz and published by the Department of Justice makes clear. “The direct effect of male capital on female and male violence suggests that a surplus of older males can mitigate, somewhat, the deleterious effects of father absence on violent offending,” Schwartz writes. But “father absence continues to exert significant, destructive effects on gender disaggregated violence rates.”

    Wilcox insists that public officials must first address the family crisis. “When you hear the phrase from folks like Hillary Clinton that it takes a village to raise a child, she’s certainly right,” Wilcox said. “But I’d amend that to: it takes a village of married people.”

    The importance of children having two married parents at home became a matter of national conversation after assistant secretary of labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s 1963 report on black family structure and poverty. In recent years, however, America’s political leaders have increasingly lost interest in bolstering family structure. “Our elites tend to minimize in their public pronouncements the need for dads, but when you look at their own lives, their dads are almost always very present,” Wilcox said. “The irony here is that our elites propose progressive public policies while at home living in traditional lifestyles, which includes having a married father at the house.”

    To be sure, bolstering community organizations that keep teenagers active after school, supporting street-level mentorship organizations, and providing adequate resources to police are worthy policy goals. But neither a well-funded after-school program nor a fully manned and effective police force could have kept those kids’ hearts from growing cold that June night in Philadelphia. Two-parent homes are the answer to this crisis. Politicians in both parties can no longer afford to ignore it.

    *  *  *

    Michael Torres is the deputy editor at RealClearPennsylvania. Follow him on Twitter @MindofTorresA version of this piece was originally published at City Journal.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 21:30

  • "We're Very Angry": Fire-Stricken Liberals Freak After CA 'Militia Group' Provides Disaster Aid
    “We’re Very Angry”: Fire-Stricken Liberals Freak After CA ‘Militia Group’ Provides Disaster Aid

    When the militia arrived in the small Sierra foothills town of Mariposa, California, to assist with evacuation efforts amid a fast-spreading wildfire, not all residents were pleased by the appearance of ordinary citizens dressed in military fatigues. 

    Over the weekend, about 150 California State Militia 2nd Regiment members, including 20 local ones and others from surrounding counties, assisted with evacuations efforts. The group also fed dozens of displaced households. 

    “We’re part of the community.

    “We’re watching our own community burn down, and even though a lot of the members that came to help, they’re spread out, we’re all part of the same unit, and this is what we do,” militia member Daniel Latner, who lives in Mariposa County, told The Mercury News.

    As of Tuesday, the wildfire, dubbed “Oak Fire,” burned 18,000 acres across Mariposa County and was only 26% contained. 

    Even as Oak Fire inched closer to the town of Mariposa, destroying 55 homes and other structures, some residents weren’t appreciative of militia support. 

    “The last thing I’m going to do is take a free tri-tip sandwich from a right-wing extremist group,” said one resident, who asked not to be named because she feared provoking “armed and dangerous” people.

    “We’re very angry that they would choose to come in at a time of real gravity to try to turn this into a political move,” said the woman, who works remotely and accused the group of “trying to recruit people in a disaster.”

    The Mariposa Sheriff’s Office on Sunday addressed public concerns about the militia supporting the community: 

    “We had received multiple notifications inquiring why we had ‘activated that militia,'” the office said in a Facebook post.

    “The militia has not been activated or requested to act for any purpose by the Sheriff’s Office or any agency working the Oak Fire.”

    “We are not unsupportive of community groups helping those affected by the Oak Fire … they are acting on their own courteous accord,” the post continued.

    “We appreciate their efforts and any … efforts of other private groups or entities helping our community.”

    In a county where about 40% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election and nearly 60% for the Republican Party, not all residents are reluctant to receive help from militia members.

    It appears that liberals would rather burn, starve, or freeze than take evacuation assistance from someone on the other side of the political aisle… Tolerance and acceptance indeed

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 21:10

  • Iran's Oil Revenues Soar By 580% As Crude Prices Rally
    Iran’s Oil Revenues Soar By 580% As Crude Prices Rally

    By Tsvetana Paraskova of

    Iran’s revenues from exports of oil and condensate surged by 580% during the first four months of the current Iranian year that begins on March 21, Iranian Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance, Seyyed Ehsan Khandouzi, said on Tuesday.   

    Between March 21 and July 21, international crude oil prices have largely held above $100 per barrel after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions on Russian oil exports upended global trade flows.

    “Due to the increase in oil exports and our new budget’s currency conversion rate, we saw a 580% increase in the treasury’s income from the export of oil and condensate in the first four months of this year,” the Iranian finance minister was quoted as saying by local news agency IRNA.

    Overall, Iran’s budget income jumped by 48% in March-July compared to the same period of 2021, while government expenditures rose by 16%, the minister added.

    “The government was focused on this issue to be able to earn a more stable income. This means that compensating the budget deficit was on the agenda of the government and it was realized in the first 4 months of this year,” the minister said.

    Iran’s 12-month inflation rate hit 40% in July, Iranian statistics showed last week. Prices of goods have soared since the government removed some subsidies earlier this year.  

    Despite the diplomatic impasse over the nuclear deal, Iran has been preparing to rejoin the global oil market. The country has boosted production, as well as exports to its main market, China. If a new deal is reached between Iran and the world powers, the flow of Iranian oil abroad could increase by between 500,000 bpd and 1 million bpd, according to analysts.  

    China has been the main outlet for Iranian crude oil exports since the U.S. re-imposed sanctions on the Islamic Republic’s oil industry in 2018 when then-President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the so-called Iranian nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).  

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 20:50

  • China Hosts Its First Major Consumer Product Conference Since Covid Lockdowns
    China Hosts Its First Major Consumer Product Conference Since Covid Lockdowns

    It looks like there’s finally some signs of normalcy emerging in China after months of additional lockdowns. That is, at least gauged by the number of massive product expos the country is planning on holding this year. 

    The country kicked off the 2022 China International Consumer Products Expo this week, according to Nikkei. The conference was held in the capital of southern Hainan province, the report says, and featured over 2,800 brands.

    That’s more than double the number of brands that presented last year. 

    60 different countries were represented by brands like Ferrari and Coach and around 40,00 different buyers and industry professionals were expected to attend the event, which opens to the public next week. Fancl Group, Dolce & Gabbana and Dell were also in attendance. 

    Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha made opening comments for the event, saying they were looking forward to helping China re-open and boost their economy. The Prime Minister said: “(The fair) will help promote closer cooperation in terms of trade, services and supply chains.”

    As Nikkei notes, China posted its weakest quarterly growth in two years as a result of its recent Covid lockdowns. Retail sales were down 4.6% in Q2 for the country. 

    Mark Tanner, managing director at Shanghai-based marketing consultancy China Skinny, added: “We are seeing more saving, changes in buying behavior. In certain beverage categories there has been more bulk buying as people plan for potential lockdowns.”

    Shao Min, a representative for Sinopharm talked about the steps the company had taken as a result of shops being closed for several months: “We have made some adjustments to mitigate those challenges by beefing up our social media sales channel.”

    Industries like alcohol and cosmetics were heavily in focus at the event. Kenji Shimizu, director-general of the Japan External Trade Organization’s office in southern Guangzhou concluded: “As those markets expand and diversify, we would like to promote brands by small and medium Japanese enterprises that market body-friendly ingredients to Chinese consumers.”

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 20:30

  • High Gas Prices At Pump Alter Driving Habits, AAA Finds
    High Gas Prices At Pump Alter Driving Habits, AAA Finds

    Soaring gasoline prices at the pump motivated consumers to go on a buyers’ strike, according to a new survey by auto club AAA. 

    In June, 64% of the 1,002 respondents altered their driving habits due to months of soaring gasoline and diesel prices at the pump. Of these, 88% said they reduced driving altogether, 74% combined errands, and more than half reduced restaurant and shopping visits. Many respondents postponed travel this summer. 

    The survey’s findings outline precisely what we said in late June when we first noticed gasoline demand destruction emerged as lower- and middle-income households felt the pinch of energy, food, and shelter inflation.

    The DoE’s official implied gasoline demand data shows the weakest demand since the COVID lockdowns (on a seasonal basis) and weakest overall since 2013…

    Slowing demand topped West Texas Intermediate oil futures prices at $122 a barrel on June 8. Gasoline prices at the pump have also slumped for 41 days, including the single most significant weekly drop in nearly 14 years. However, at $4.355 a gallon, prices are still 38% higher than a year ago and 2x from COVID lows. 

    Since wages haven’t kept up with inflation, creating worsening negative real wage growth, it might not be enough to get drivers back on the roads. Also, the latest data from Bank of America’s aggregated credit and debit card flows show consumers are tapped out after maxing out credit cards. 

    OANDA market analyst Jeffrey Halley pointed out that while Brent outperforms due to tight physical markets, “WTI, on the other hand, is a domestic benchmark, meaning that US recession nerves seem to be more heavily weighing on its price.”

    The spread between WTI to Brent continued to widen. The US benchmark was more than $9 a barrel cheaper than Brent on Friday, the most since early March. 

    In the meantime, the Federal Reserve will meet Wednesday and likely raise interest rates by three-fourths of a percentage point following June’s hot consumer print. Aggressive tightening by the Fed has sparked concern the economy could roll into recession. 

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 19:50

  • Ranchers Are Selling Off Their Cattle In Unprecedented Numbers Due To The Drought, And That Has Enormous Implications For 2023
    Ranchers Are Selling Off Their Cattle In Unprecedented Numbers Due To The Drought, And That Has Enormous Implications For 2023

    Authored by Michael Snyder via,

    Thanks to the horrific drought which is absolutely devastating ranching in the Southwest, ranchers are now in “panic mode” and are selling off their cattle at an unprecedented rate.  In fact, some are choosing to sell off their entire herds because they feel like they don’t have any other options.  In recent days, seemingly endless lines of trailers waiting to drop off cattle for auction have gone viral all over social media.  Everybody is talking about how they have never seen anything like this before, and if the drought in the Southwest persists the lines could soon get even longer.  In the short-term, this is going to help to stabilize meat prices.  But in the long-term the size of the U.S. cattle herd will steadily become much smaller, and that has very serious implications for our ability to feed ourselves in 2023 and beyond.

    North Texas has become the epicenter for this rapidly growing crisis.  Thanks to the drought, there simply is not enough grass and not enough water, and so many ranchers have been forced to make some really tough decisions

    North Texas ranchers are selling off cattle by the thousands as grass and water disappear during an expanding summer drought.

    Videos spread on social media Saturday and Sunday, showing trucks and trailers lined up for miles outside of livestock markets.

    At the Decatur Livestock Market, owner Kimberly Irwin said trucks were stacked a mile in each direction, eventually unloading more than 2,600 animals.

    For many of these ranchers, it is imperative that they get something for their animals while they still can.

    According to the USDA, the vast majority of the pasture and range land in the region is now in either “poor” or “very poor” condition

    Grass has stopped growing with no rain and 100 degree temperatures. Grasshoppers have reportedly been destroying what’s available in some counties. Stock ponds are now starting to run low on water as well.

    The USDA released a report Monday showing 83% of pasture and range land is now considered to be in poor to very poor condition.

    Normally, many cattle ranchers would feed hay to their cattle under such circumstances, but the price of hay has absolutely skyrocketed over the past year…

    Prices for hay, which is widely used to feed cattle, were 56% higher in April than in 2021, according to a June report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Cattle producers are estimated to have lost money the past two months, according to a cost-and-return analysis from Iowa State University.

    So now even if you can find hay for sale it is usually so expensive that it is simply not economical.  Without any other options that make sense, some cattle ranchers in Texas have actually decided to go ahead and sell their entire herds

    Central Texas ranchers have little hay to feed their cows due to drought conditions. That means some ranchers are now selling their entire herds, including older ones who might not thrive in the drier and hot conditions.

    “Some of these ranchers are just totally out of grass, totally out of water,” Uptmore said. “Their backs are against the wall and they don’t have any other option.”

    The good news is that a flood of beef is coming into the supply chain right now.

    And that will certainly help keep short-term prices stable.

    But what will we do next year and beyond?

    According to Bloomberg, many ranchers that are showing up at these auctions are literally in “panic mode” because they are so eager to sell off their animals…

    Ranchers in top cattle state Texas can’t sell their herds fast enough with 100-degree Fahrenheit temperatures making it too expensive to sustain animals.

    Costs for feed, fertilizer and fuel have been soaring. There’s also a lack of water in the state, and little hay. That’s resulting in a firehouse of cattle getting auctioned at Texas sale barns. Emory Livestock Auction Inc., just over an hour’s drive east from Dallas, is seeing nearly quadruple normal rates with ranchers in “panic mode,” said Jack Robinson, an 83-year-old auctioneer.

    Normally ranchers would wait until their cattle have reached a desired weight before finally selling them off.

    Unfortunately, this relentless drought is forcing many ranchers to “sell smaller”

    Cattle rancher Anthony Vybiral, in the business since the 90s, says drought conditions are forcing ranchers like him to “sell smaller.”

    During a normal season, calves weigh up to 600 pounds, Vyviral said. Now, the rancher said, “some of them have been weighing 375 to 450 and they’ve been selling them.”

    At the end of the day, ranching is a business.

    These guys are trying to make whatever money that they can under the circumstances.

    Of course most Americans never even think about where the meat that they eat comes from, but we should.

    Because as Texas rancher Jarrod Montford has pointed out, we depend on a very small sliver of the population to feed all the rest of us…

    “1.6, 1.7% of the population feeds the rest. It’s not how bad are we at the end of the day,” Monfort said. “It’s the fact that if we don’t survive, our nation fails,” said Montford.

    He is right.

    We need our farmers and our ranchers, and we don’t appreciate them nearly enough.

    Looking ahead, there is reason to be extremely concerned.

    The national cattle herd has been getting smaller for quite a while, and now that trend threatens to greatly accelerate

    The nation’s cow herd has been shrinking for the past two years, but this summer’s drought is sending much of the breeding herd to the processing plant. That will cut into calf numbers for the next two to three years.

    What we desperately need is a break in the weather.

    So let us hope for cooler temperatures and lots of rain.

    Unfortunately, this next week is supposed to be a sizzler, and that will especially be true in the Southwest

    About 85% of the US population — or 273 million people — could see high temperatures above 90 degrees over the next week. And about 55 million people could see high temperatures at or above 100 degrees over the next seven days.

    On Saturday, “sizzling temperatures” will take hold of the Middle Mississippi Valley and Central Plains with temperatures forecast to surpass 100 degrees, the weather prediction center said.

    Daytime temperatures could top 100 degrees across much of the Southwest, with some areas exceeding 110 degrees, according to the center.

    Of course all of this is happening within the context of the worst global food crisis in decades.

    Famines are already erupting all over the world, and global food supplies are getting tighter with each passing day.

    We were warned that this was coming, but most people didn’t want to listen.

    Now a day of reckoning is nearly upon us.

    I would definitely encourage you to stock up on meat in the weeks ahead while it is still relatively cheap, because the outlook for 2023 and beyond is definitely not promising.

    *  *  *

    It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 19:30

  • Recent Fauci Claims Dismantled By Former CDC Director – And Fauci's Own Words
    Recent Fauci Claims Dismantled By Former CDC Director – And Fauci’s Own Words

    Dr. Anthony Fauci has been doing quite the tap-dance of late.

    To review – as the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, he funded risky gain-of-function research at a Chinese lab aimed at making bat coronavirus transmissible to humans.

    Then, when a human-infecting bat coronavirus broke out down the street from the lab he funded, Fauci performed extensive damage control over the virus’s origins – before taking a direct role in setting disastrous public policy which included economy-killing lockdowns that led to trillions in inflationary stimulus (which he now denies).


    Now that we’re caught up – Fauci recently claims to have had an “open mind” about the possibility of a lab-leak, though he still says it’s the least likely explanation for all of the above.

    It looks very much like this was a natural occurrence, but you keep an open mind,” he told Fox News in a Friday interview.

    Fauci repeated himself in an interview with The Hill on Monday.

    Former CDC Director Robert Redfield is calling BS:

    As the Epoch Times‘ Jack Phillips notes:

    When asked about Fauci’s recent comments on Monday, Redfield told Fox News that he still suspects COVID-19 emerged “from the laboratory” and “had to be educated in the laboratory to gain the efficient human-to-human transmission capability that it has.”

    “There’s very little evidence, if you really want to be critical, to support” the natural emergence theory, he said. The former Trump administration official then compared COVID-19 to prior coronaviruses such as Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that emerged about 10 years ago, saying that neither virus had the same transmission capacity as COVID-19.

    “So it’s really exceptional that this virus is one of the most infectious viruses for man. And I still argue that’s because it was educated how to infect human tissue,” Redfield told Fox News.


    The same Wuhan laboratory, he added, was the subject of a 2014 report amid claims that researchers performed research on bat-borne viruses that could impact humans.

    “I’m disappointed in the [National Institutes of Health] for not leading an objective evaluation from the beginning,” Redfield told the outlet. “I think it really is antithetical to the science where they took a very strong position that people like myself who are somehow conspiratorial just because we have a different scientific hypothesis.”

    *  *  *

    Natural immunity

    In a second bit of furious tap-dancing, Fauci completely deflected when he was asked why natural immunity from previous COVID-19 infections wasn’t recognized as a legitimate protection when he was involved in setting public policy that included lockdowns and vaccine passports.

    The topic was so woefully ignored that experts urged the Biden administration to formally recognize natural immunity – which Fauci now says they were ‘always aware‘ of.

    And yet, watch how he spins it now:

    And what did Fauci have to say about natural immunity when Pfizer and others didn’t have an expensive vaccine with unproven long-term efficacy?

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 19:10

  • Layoffs Hit Labs As COVID-19 Testing Dwindles
    Layoffs Hit Labs As COVID-19 Testing Dwindles

    By Paige Twenter of Becker Hospital Review

    As at-home COVID-19 tests rise in popularity, U.S. laboratories are slimming their workforce and decreasing their capacity for processing PCR tests, The Wall Street Journal reported July 24. 

    U.S. labs can process about 62 million COVID-19 tests a month, which is half of their capacity levels reported in March, according to consulting firm Health Catalysts Group cited in the Journal report. 

    Because of diminishing government funding and less demand, COVID-19 test lab SummerBio laid off 100 workers, and CueHealth, which makes at-home molecular tests, laid off 170 people, about 10 percent of its workforce, according to the Journal

    SummerBio, a company that provides PCR testing for COVID-19, said it’s switching to “standby-mode” because of a “dramatic reduction” in demand for lab-based testing, according to a July 25 press release. 

    Though the rise in at-home tests makes federal case counts more difficult to manage, labs are simply working with what they can. 

    “It’s been a trade-off, but it’s a trade-off that we’ve been accepting,” Wilbur Lam, MD, PhD, a biomedical engineering professor at Emory University who helped federal officials review COVID-19 tests, told the Journal

    While rapid at-home tests have become more prevalent, manufacturers of those tests, such as IHealth Labs and QuidelOrtho, are also reducing their staff and decreasing production levels. 

    Health Catalysts Group estimates that production capability for rapid tests was 462 million in March, which has since fallen to 320 million.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 18:50

  • China Tried To Build Spy Network Inside The Fed, Threatened To Kidnap Fed Economist
    China Tried To Build Spy Network Inside The Fed, Threatened To Kidnap Fed Economist

    China tried to place “a network of informants inside the Federal Reserve system” over the course of a decade, according to a stunning new article out this morning from the Wall Street Journal

    Over 10 years, Fed employees were offered contracts with Chinese talent recruitment programs, often including cash payments, in exchange for providing information on the U.S. economy and interest rate changes, according to an investigation by Republican staff members of the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

    The country even threatened to imprison a Fed economist on a trip to Shanghai as apart of their efforts. The economist was detained in 2019, the report says. WSJ notes that it is unclear whether any “sensitive information was compromised”, though we’re not sure exactly how “sensitive” Fed information is to begin with. 

    The investigation called it “a sustained effort by China, over more than a decade, to gain influence over the Federal Reserve and a failure by the Federal Reserve to combat this threat effectively.”

    Fed Chair Jerome Powell spoke out against the report’s findings: “Because we understand that some actors aim to exploit any vulnerabilities, our processes, controls, and technology are robust and updated regularly. We respectfully reject any suggestions to the contrary.”

    “We take seriously any violations of these robust information security policies,” he continued, according to the report

    A former Fed investigation identified 13 people of interest beginning in 2015. The Congressional investigation relied “heavily” on the Fed’s findings for their report. One economist in the Fed system, who was fired for violating rules, was found to be close to a former employee who was alleged to have attempted to recruit members for the espionage network. 

    That former “expressed a desire to maintain an inside information sharing relationship” and had ties to Chinese government-backed talent recruitment programs. 

    Another individual once gave “economic modeling code to a Chinese university with ties to the People’s Bank of China,” the report says. Though, the Fed is wrong so often, maybe it was a disinformation campaign on our part?

    Yet another employee “attempted to transfer large volumes of data from the Fed to an external site on at least two occasions,” the Journal wrote. 

    In a letter to Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, the committee’s top Republican, Jerome Powell wrote that he would be concerned about “any supportable allegation of wrongdoing, whatever the source,” before adding: “In contrast, we are deeply troubled by what we believe to be the report’s unfair, unsubstantiated, and unverified insinuations about particular staff members.”

    Portman replied that he hoped the investigation “wakes the Fed up to the broad threat from China to our monetary policy.”

    “The risk is clear,” he wrote.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 18:44

  • Ukraine Wants Citi, JPMorgan And HSBC Prosecuted For 'War Crimes': Zelensky Aide
    Ukraine Wants Citi, JPMorgan And HSBC Prosecuted For ‘War Crimes’: Zelensky Aide

    Ukraine wants major US and European banks prosecuted for “committing war crimes” because they finance companies that trade oil with Russia, according to CNBC, citing President Volodomyr Zelensky’s top economic aide, Oleg Ustenko.

    Everybody who is financing these war criminals, who are doing these terrible things in Ukraine, are also committing war crimes in our logic,” Ustenko told the network on Tuesday, calling out banks such as JPMorgan, HSBC and Citi.

    When asked if the banks should be prosecuted for war crimes, Ustenko replied “Exactly.”

    Ustenko said Zelenskyy believes these banks should be held accountable for prolonging the conflict and the war on Ukraine.

    His comments came in response to a FT report last week, which said that Ukraine’s government wrote to the chiefs of U.S. and European banks — such as Jamie Dimon from JPMorgan and Noel Quinn from HSBC — urging them to cut ties with the groups that are trading Russian oil. -CNBC

    According to letters seen by the FT, Ustenko asked the banks to cut off financing to any businesses that deal in Russian oil, and to divest from Gazprom and Rosneft, Russia’s primary state-owned oil and gas companies.

    The letters directly accuse Citigroup and Credit Agricole of “prolonging” the war by extending financing to companies that ship Russian oil, and warns that said banks won’t be allowed to take part in Ukraine’s reconstruction when the war is over.

    Ustenko told CNBC that the Zelensky administration is gathering evidence to send to the International Criminal Court.

    “We are collecting all these information” on companies that are financing Russia, he said. “Our Ministry of Justice and our security service of Ukraine are collecting. And then later, this is going to be passed to the ICC.”

    This isn’t the first time that Ukraine has gone after Western companies for having business dealings with Russia.

    In March, the government was highly critical of big oil companies for still doing business with Russia, and warned that some of those firms could find themselves on the wrong side of history.

    Ustenko said the war has taken a significant toll on Ukraine’s economy since Russia’s invasion began on Feb. 24. -CNBC

    “Currently, we are expecting that the Ukrainian economy is going to show a decline on the level of around 35-40%, which is a huge decline,” he said, saying the decrease is due to the fact that nearly 50% of businesses “are not operational now or not able to operate at full capacity.”

    “When the economy is declining, then the budget revenues are decreased. Again the reason for that is the Russian invasion”

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 18:30

  • Russia’s New Gas Deals With Iran Are A Threat To The West
    Russia’s New Gas Deals With Iran Are A Threat To The West

    By Simon Watkins of

    Russian President, Vladimir Putin, arrived in Tehran last week for the second time since he ordered the invasion of Ukraine on 24 February. Just before his arrival, Russia’s state gas giant, Gazprom, signed a US$40 billion memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) that is part of a wide-ranging agenda of increased cooperation between Russia and Iran. It builds upon ideas discussed in January between Putin and Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi, and the visit early in June of Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Alexander Novak, both analysed in full by, and is crucial to the current global gas crisis.

    Among other deals contained in the MoU, Gazprom has pledged its full assistance to the NIOC in the US$10 billion development of the Kish and North Pars gas fields with a view to their producing more than 10 million cubic metres of gas per day. The MoU also contains details of a US$15 billion project to increase pressure in the supergiant South Pars gas field on the maritime border between Iran and Qatar. Gazprom will additionally be involved in the completion of various liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects and the construction of gas export pipelines, according to Iranian news sources. This is designed by the Kremlin to give it even more control over future gas supplies coming out of Iran that might have found a home in southern Europe initially, before being transported north, to help alleviate the current gas supply crunch in major European countries. By also becoming more deeply involved in the huge South Pars gas field Russia has also positioned itself to disrupt LNG supplies coming out of Qatar and destined for Europe. The South Pars field is a 3,700 square kilometre area of the world’s largest gas reservoir that holds at least 1,800 trillion cubic feet of gas and at least 50 billion barrels of natural gas condensates, with the remaining 6,000 square kilometre North Field site belonging to Qatar. This takes on even broader geopolitical importance, given the ongoing interest of Russian and Iranian sponsor, China, in the perennially-controversial Phase 11 of the South Pars gas site.

    Gazprom’s focus on expanding Iran’s LNG capabilities comes at exactly the time when dramatically increasing LNG supplies is vital for European states to compensate for shortfalls in gas supplies resulting from bans on Russian gas imports. It is plainly identifiable as a tried-and-tested core KGB strategy that relies on a combination of gradually increasing pressure on an enemy and then just waiting for as long as it takes for him to give up as often being an excellent way of achieving victory. The Kremlin knows that from the very start of talk about banning gas imports from Russia, Germany – the de facto leader of the European Union (EU) and its executive branch, the European Commission (EC) – did not want to cut itself off from Russian gas imports. Indeed, Germany’s response for some time after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February appeared much less concerned with halting oil and gas imports from Russia and much more concerned with working out how best to continue to pay for them so that Russia would not stop them due to lack of payment. This followed the 31 March decree signed by Putin that required EU buyers to pay in roubles for Russian gas via a new currency conversion mechanism or risk having supplies suspended. Then, in a directive circulated to all EU member states on 21 April, the EC said that: “It appears possible [to pay for Russian gas after the adoption of the new decree without being in conflict with EU law].” The EC added: “EU companies can ask their Russian counterparts to fulfil their contractual obligations in the same manner as before the adoption of the decree, i.e. by depositing the due amount in euros or dollars.” The EC also stated that existing EU sanctions against Russia do not prohibit engagement with Gazprom or Gazprombank, beyond the refinancing prohibitions relating to the bank. “Likewise, they do not prohibit opening an account with Gazprombank, [although] such engagement or account should not lead to the violation of other prohibitions.”

    It should be remembered that Germany’s extreme unwillingness to play any part in a European ban on imports of Russian energy, particularly gas, occurred even before the reality hit home of precisely how such a ban would cripple its economic growth and impact voters during the winter months, which are now fast approaching. Inflation across European Union states is rising sharply – averaging 8.6 percent across the Union – whilst economic growth was just 0.6 percent quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q) in the first quarter of this year, with only one month of that period reflecting conditions after Russia invaded Ukraine. In Germany – for so long a global and EU economic powerhouse, driven for years by the effective devaluation of its mighty Deutschmark into the much less mighty euro – economic growth in Q1 was just 0.2 percent q-o-q, and in the previous quarter the country had seen a very rare contraction, of minus 0.3 percent q-o-q. Despite this anaemic growth rate, spiraling inflation prompted the European Central Bank (ECB) to raise interest rates across the Union for the first time in 11 years last week, thus choking off prospects for economic growth further. There have also been warnings in Germany, from local authorities, of the need for households and businesses to cut energy usage going into the winter, and the EU’s proposal that member countries cut gas use by 15 percent to prepare for possible supply cuts from Russia saw fierce opposition last week from at least 12 of the 27 member states. On the other side of the coin, Russia is earning more from energy exports now than it was before it invaded Ukraine, the rouble is at an eight-year high, and Moscow’s exports of gas account for only two percent per cent of Russia’s GDP. In short, Russia can afford to wait but the EU cannot. 

    By creating a counterpoint to Qatari LNG supplies, then, and by also creating the very real prospect of disrupting them at source or in transit, as Russia or one of its proxies could easily do, the Kremlin is looking to turn the screw a little further. A happy adjunct of Russia’s plan to finally unleash the massive LNG potential of Iran – after all, Iran has the second largest gas reserves in the world, after Russia, and plans have been in place for it to exploit this for years – is that it also energises the debate about the desirability of bringing Iran back into the fold of world diplomacy by resuscitating a version of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA or, colloquially, ‘the nuclear deal’). Germany (the ‘+1’ in the ‘P5+1’ group of nations who agreed the original JCPOA, along with Russia and China, and France, the UK, and the U.S.) was never in favour of annulling the deal, and nor was France, with Russia and China also, of course, vehemently against the idea of cancelling it. As analysed in depth in my new book on the global oil markets, by seeking to drive another wedge between the de facto leader of the EU – Germany – and the U.S., Russia’s real goal is to add further pressure in its 70-year attempts to destroy the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), which Putin personally holds responsible for collapse in 1991 of the USSR. Putin stated in 2005 that: “The collapse of the Soviet Union was the biggest geopolitical catastrophe of the century. For the Russian people, it became a real drama. Tens of millions of our citizens and countrymen found themselves outside Russian territory. The epidemic of disintegration also spread to Russia itself.’ It is this idea, above all else, that prompted him to order Russia to invade Ukraine in February. 

    For Putin, then, as also analysed in depth in my new book on the global oil markets, Russia’s oil and gas resources have always been a key mechanism through which Russia can: firstly, keep the energy-needy Former Soviet Union (FSU) states now in the EU firmly in line; secondly, ensure that the principal EU states (especially Germany) do not seek to interfere too much in any of Russia’s dealings with the remaining non-EU countries; thirdly, leverage, whenever and wherever possible existing disagreements between the EU and the U.S. to critically undermine the core NATO doctrine of ‘collective defence’ against attack; and fourthly, use the prospect of given or withheld energy supplies to project its power into ‘chaotic states’ – Russia, will, where possible and when it is in its interests, create the chaos first and then project its own power into that destabilised and unfocused state.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 18:10

  • 'China Wins' If Pelosi Doesn't Go To Taiwan: McConnell
    ‘China Wins’ If Pelosi Doesn’t Go To Taiwan: McConnell

    Nancy Pelosi has painted herself into quite the corner regarding her upcoming trip to Taiwan.

    If she cancels the trip over Beijing’s objections, she’ll have “handed China sort of a victory of sorts,” according to a Tuesday statement by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

    This comes as Biden administration officials bristle over growing tensions between Beijing and Taipei – telling the The New York Times they’re worried that China could move militarily against the island territory in as little as one-and-a-half years.

    This might come, the report notes, by China “trying to cut off access to all or part of the Taiwan Strait, through which U.S. naval ships regularly pass.” Admin officials are further described as fearful and anxious that if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi goes through with a proposed trip to Taiwan in August, it could spark miscalculation or conflict leading to a full-blown crisis.

    Source: White House image

    Chinese state media has been pushing a “military response” should Pelosi fly to Taipei next month, though official statements out of the foreign ministry have stopped short of being this specific, but have threatened the slightly more vague “forceful measures” if she follows through with it.

    The timing is also sensitive given Chinese domestic politics, as the Times underscores, “U.S. officials see a greater risk of conflict and miscalculation over Ms. Pelosi’s trip as President Xi Jinping of China and other Communist Party leaders prepare in the coming weeks for an important political meeting in which Mr. Xi is expected to extend his rule.”

    Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, who advises the US administration on Taiwan-related issues, said that “one school of thought is that the lesson is ‘go early and go strong’ before there is time to strengthen Taiwan’s defenses” – in reference to parallels of the Ukraine crisis.

    Coons added: “And we may be heading to an earlier confrontation — more a squeeze than an invasion — than we thought.”

    Offering a US military perspective chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley last week warned of “significantly more and noticeably more aggressive” behavior by the Chinese PLA military in the Asia-Pacific region. And on Tuesday, the US military said:


    Though Biden days ago said that the Pentagon didn’t think a Pelosi trip to Taiwan was “a good idea” at this time, the White House kept mum when pressed on the issue in a Monday briefing:

    “The administration routinely provides members of Congress with information and context for potential travel, including geopolitical and security considerations,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, without responding directly to Pelosi’s possible plans. “Members of Congress will make their own decisions.”

    Ironically, as we noted earlier, Pelosi appears to be receiving most vocal support from Republican China hawks, with the latest being Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse. “Speaker Pelosi should go to Taiwan and President Biden should make it abundantly clear to Chairman Xi that there’s not a damn thing the Chinese Communist Party can do about it,” he said, weighing in on the trip. “No more feebleness and self-deterrence,” he emphasized.

    As Patrick Buchannan notes

    If Pelosi postpones or cancels the visit, it will be seen as a U.S. climb-down in the face of Chinese indignation and protest, and an affront to our friends in Taiwan.

    Around the Asia-Pacific rim, the word will be, “The Americans, faced with China’s firmness, backed down.”

    But if the visit goes forward, China is publicly committed to respond. Either way, relations between our countries will likely suffer, and perhaps seriously, if the Chinese opt for a military response to a Pelosi visit.

    However this collision plays out, the U.S. is paying the price for having adopted, decades ago, a policy of building up China in the hope and expectation that Beijing would evolve into a benign and friendly rival and competitor of the United States.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 17:50

  • Ron Paul: Ugly COVID Lies
    Ron Paul: Ugly COVID Lies

    Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

    After two years of unprecedented government tyranny in the name of fighting a virus, the prime instigators of this infamy are walking free, writing books, and openly pretending they never said the things they clearly said over and over.

    Take Trump’s White House Covid response coordinator Deborah Birx, for example. She was, as the Brownstone Institute’s Jeffrey Tucker points out in a recent article, the principal architect of the disastrous “lockdown” policy that destroyed more lives than Covid itself. Birx knew that locking a country down in response to a virus was a radical move that would never be endorsed.

    So, as she admits in her new book, she lied about it.

    She sold the White House on the out-of-thin-air “fifteen days to slow the spread” all the while knowing there was no evidence it would do any such thing. As she wrote in her new book, Silent Invasion, “I didn’t have the numbers in front of me yet to make the case for extending it longer, but I had two weeks to get them.”

    She was playing for time with no evidence. As it turns out, she was also destroying the lives of millions of Americans. The hysteria she created led to countless businesses destroyed, countless suicides, major depressions, drug and alcohol addictions. It led to countless deaths due to delays in treatment for other diseases. It may turn out to be the most deadly mistake in medical history.

    As she revealed in her book, she actually wanted to isolate every single person in the United States! Writing about how many people would be allowed to gather, she said: “If I pushed for zero (which was actually what I wanted and what was required), this would have been interpreted as a ‘lockdown’—the perception we were all working so hard to avoid.”

    She wanted to prevent even two people from meeting. How is it possible that someone like this came to gain so much power over our lives? One virus and we suddenly become Communist China?

    Last week in a Fox News interview she again revealed the extent of her treachery. After months of relentlessly demanding that all Americans get the Covid shots, she revealed that the “vaccines” were not vaccines at all!

    “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection,” she told Fox.

    “And I think we overplayed the vaccines. And it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization.”

    So when did she know this?

    Did she know it when she told ABC in late 2020 that “this is one of the most highly-effective vaccines we have in our infectious disease arsenal. And so that’s why I’m very enthusiastic about the vaccine”?

    If she knew all along that the “vaccines” were not vaccines, why didn’t she tell us? Because, as she admits in her book, she believes it’s just fine to lie to people in order to get them to do what she wants.

    She admits that she employed “subterfuge” against her boss – President Donald Trump – to implement Covid policies he opposed. So it should be no surprise that she lied to the American people about the efficacy of the Covid shots.

    The big question now, after what appears to be a tsunami of vaccine-related injuries, is will anyone be forced to pay for the lies and subterfuge? Will anyone be held to account for the lives lost for the arrogance of the Birxes and Faucis of the world?

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 17:30

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Today’s News 26th July 2022

  • How Mario Draghi Broke Italy
    How Mario Draghi Broke Italy

    Authored by Thomas Fazi via,

    Mario Draghi’s defenestration has left the Italian — and indeed international — establishment reeling in horror. This is not surprising. When he was nominated as Italy’s prime minister at the beginning of last year, Europe’s political and economic elites welcomed his arrival as a miracle. Virtually every party in the Italian parliament — including the two formerly “populist” parties that won the elections in 2018, the Five Star Movement and the League — offered their support. The tone of the discussion was captured well by the powerful governor of the Campania region, Vincenzo De Luca (PD), who compared Draghi to “Christ” himself.

    Everyone agreed: a Draghi government would be a blessing for the country, a final opportunity to redeem its sins and “make Italy great again”. Draghi, they said, simply by virtue of his “charisma”, “competence”, “intelligence” and “international clout”, would keep bond markets at bay, enact much-needed reforms, and relaunch Italy’s stagnant economy.

    Alas, reality hasn’t exactly lived up to expectations: Draghi leaves behind a country in tatters. The latest European Commission macroeconomic forecast predicted that Italy will experience the slowest economic growth in the bloc next year, at just 0.9%, owing to a decline in consumer spending due to rising prices and lower business investment — a result of rising borrowing and energy costs, as well as disruptions in the supply of Russian gas.

    Italy is also experiencing one of the fastest-growing inflation rates in Europe — which is currently at 8.6%, the highest level in more than three decades. Interest rates on Italian government bonds have also been steadily climbing ever since Draghi came to power, rising four-fold under his watch; today they stand at the highest level in almost a decade.

    And this “polycrisis” has taken its toll on Italian society: 5.6 million Italians — almost 10% of the population, including 1.4 million minors — currently live in absolute poverty, the highest level on record. Many of these are in work, and that number is bound to increase as real wages in Italy continue to fall at the highest pace in the bloc. Meanwhile, almost 100,000 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are at risk of insolvency — a 2% increase compared to last year.

    So much for “Super Mario”, then. Of course, one could argue that other countries are experiencing similar problems, but it would be a mistake to let Draghi off the hook. He has been one of the staunchest supporters of the measures that led to this situation, having been a driving force in pushing for tough EU sanctions against Moscow — sanctions that are crippling Europe’s economies, while leaving Russia largely unscathed.

    Draghi even boasted about the bold measures adopted by Italy to wean the country off Russian gas — the result being that Italy is now the country that pays the highest wholesale electricity prices in the entire EU. The absurdity of these policies becomes apparent when we consider his attempt to reduce Italy’s dependence on Russian gas by reviving several coal-fired power plants — coal that Italy largely imports from Russia.

    Worse still, Draghi did little or nothing to shield wage-earners, households and small businesses from the impact of these policies. Indeed, the few “structural” measures enacted by his government have all been aimed at promoting privatisation, liberalisation, deregulation and fiscal consolidation — such as opening up for privatisation those few public services that had remained outside of the scope of the market, further “flexibilising” labour, putting private beaches up for public tender for the first time in decades, or attempting to expand taxi services to include ride-sharing operators like Uber, sparking massive protests.

    For anyone who has an inkling of Draghi’s ideology, this is hardly surprising. As I’ve argued before, Mario Draghi is the bodily incarnation of “neoliberalism”. Neither is it surprising that those policies haven’t delivered, given that the EU’s neoliberal logic, based upon privatisation, fiscal austerity and wage compression — which Draghi has played a crucial role in implementing since the early Nineties — is the main reason Italy is in such a mess to begin with. Draghi also further strengthened the EU’s stranglehold over the Italian economy by relentlessly peddling the narrative that Italy desperately needed the European Covid recovery funds to kickstart its economy, and that in order to access those funds it needed to diligently implement the reforms demanded by Brussels.

    Yet in macroeconomic terms, the funds in question are a pittance, and nowhere close to what would be needed to have a meaningful impact on Italy’s economy. But they come with very strict conditionalities. This is ultimately what the EU’s Next Generation EU “recovery fund” is all about: increasing Brussels’s control over the budgetary policies of member states and strengthening the EU’s regime of technocratic and authoritarian control. And who better than Draghi could be trusted with locking such measures in place? As he himself noted, the “reform path” laid down by his government meant that “we have created the conditions for the [EU recovery] work to continue, regardless of who is [in government]” — thus ensuring that future governments wouldn’t stray from the path of righteousness.

    Draghi, however, doesn’t just leave behind him a scorched economy but also a deeply fractured and divided society. He is the man responsible for devising the most punitive, discriminatory and segregational mass vaccination policies in the West, which not only excluded millions of unvaccinated people — including children — from social life, by extending vaccine passports to practically all public spaces, but also restricted many people from working. He also helped make the unvaccinated the target of institutionally sanctioned hate speech, such as when he infamously claimed: “You don’t get vaccinated, you get sick, you die. Or you kill.”

    All this might offer an indication of why a recent poll showed that 50% of Italians weren’t happy with the government’s work. And yet, in spite of these rather unimpressive results, when Draghi initially announced his intention to resign, the Italian establishment went into an apoplectic fit. In what will go down in history as one of the most pathetic demonstrations of the sycophantic conformism of Italian society, almost every professional category you can think of rushed to launch their own appeal begging Draghi to stay on — not only wealthy businessmen, as was to be expected, but also doctors, pharmacists, nurses, mayorsuniversity deansNGOsprogressive intellectuals and even the CGIL, the country’s largest union.

    Even more pitiably, the Italian media gave massive coverage to several “pro-Draghi demonstrations” — numbering not more than a few dozen people. Perhaps most comically, one of the country’s largest news agencies, Adnkronoseven spoke of how several homeless people had come out to show their support for Draghi. One of these was quoted saying: “Draghi is making the difference. Italy has regained prestige and credibility thanks to him. As a homeless person I can testify to the fact that there’s a greater attention to us now and that’s thanks to Draghi.”

    The Western international establishment also threw all its weight behind Draghi. Everyone from the Financial Times to the Guardian to the EU Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni came out to explain what a tragedy losing Draghi would be for Italy — and indeed for Europe as a whole. Gentiloni went so far as saying that “a perfect storm” would sweep over the country if Draghi were to leave; while the Guardian limited itself to instructing Italy’s MPs that Draghi “should stay for now”. The New York Times unironically claimed that Draghi’s departure would put an end to the “brief golden period” he ushered in for Italy. Talk of foreign actors meddling in Italy’s affairs.

    So why, in spite of such massive pressures, did three parties effectively pull the plug on his government last week? Part of the explanation lies in the extent to which Draghi had managed to alienate parties such as the Five Star Movement and the League — refusing to engage with them on hardly any of his government’s policies, or to acknowledge even the most timid criticism. On more than one occasion, Draghi made very clear what he considered to be parliament’s role: that of rubber-stamping the decisions taken by government. This is evident also in Draghi’s abuse of the instrument of the confidence vote.

    In his Senate speech last week, Draghi was even more explicit: after saying that he had decided to reconsider his resignation because “that is what the people want”, he essentially told Parliament that he was willing to stay on as premier only so long as the parties would agree not to interfere with any of the government’s future decisions. For many of those present in Parliament, the arrogance and megalomania of Draghi’s speech went a step too far — and moreover some say that Berlusconi was waiting for the right moment to avenge the time he was unseated by Draghi, in 2011, when the latter was president of the ECB.

    However, one shouldn’t overstate the importance of Parliament’s anti-Draghi revolt. Ultimately, Draghi did little more than spell out an uncomfortable truth to the parties: “You have no real power, just accept it.” But that is a truth the political parties aren’t ready to accept. Ultimately, they are unwilling to face the fundamental contradiction between the country’s formal institutional architecture — that of a parliamentary democracy — and what we may call its “actually existing” institutional architecture, in which Parliament and by definition the political parties have almost no power whatsoever, because government itself, in the context of the eurozone, has little if any economic autonomy. The parties know this but are unwilling to admit it (to themselves but most importantly to voters).

    This leaves them in a state of permanent cognitive dissonance, leading to what we may call “the political cycle of the external constraint”. As in “normal” countries, parties vie for consensus on the basis of different electoral platforms — and as often happens, the parties promising “change” happen to win. However, unlike in “normal” countries, the parties that get into government soon find out that they lack the “normal” instruments of economic policy necessary to really change anything in socio-economic terms. In fact, they have little choice but to go along with what Brussels and Frankfurt say, and if they don’t play ball the ECB is always ready to turn up the heat. At that point, if the government doesn’t back down, the ECB will engineer a full-blown financial crisis (think Italy in 2011 or Greece in 2015) — which usually leads the political parties to turn to EU-backed technocrats to fix a problem the EU created in the first place.

    Yet even if the government yields, the growing tension between the requirements of the external constraint and the demands of citizens, which the parties lack the tools to remedy, leads them to turn to technocrats to resolve the impasse, by having them implement the measures the parties don’t want to take responsibility for. Then, at a certain point, usually as new elections approach, political parties feel the need to re-legitimise themselves in the eyes of voters and thus  put the technocratic genie back into the lamp — until the next crisis, which sets a new cycle in motion.

    This is largely the story of what happened between 2018 and Draghi’s ouster, as the Five Star Movement and League went from anti-EU populism to Draghi over the course of just a few years. And the next elections will set in motion a new cycle, possibly hailed by a centre-right Giorgia Meloni-led government. But as the social and economic situation continues to worsen, these cycles are also bound to grow shorter and shorter. A future centre-right government — “populist” or not — would have little or no ability to resolve the crises left behind by Draghi. As always, the shots will be called in Brussels and Frankfurt.

    With the launch of its recent Transmission Protection Instrument (TPI), the ECB has provided itself with a tool that technically allows it to do “whatever it takes” to close euro spreads, thus potentially averting future financial crises. Such intervention, however, is conditional on compliance with the EU’s fiscal framework and with the “reforms” outlined in each country’s “recovery fund” plans — already locked in place by Draghi. But these will do nothing to end the unfolding social and economic crisis; in fact, they are certain to worsen it. In other words, the next Italian government, if it wants to stay financially afloat, will have little choice but to follow the economic diktats of the EU — or else. In such a context, how long before the last remnants of democratic legitimacy in countries such as Italy break down? And what then?

    Ultimately, the next euro crisis is much more likely to break out on the streets of Europe than on financial markets.

    Tyler Durden
    Tue, 07/26/2022 – 02:00

  • CIA Director "Very Proud" Of Afghanistan Analysis That Led To Disastrous Withdrawal
    CIA Director “Very Proud” Of Afghanistan Analysis That Led To Disastrous Withdrawal

    Authored by Thomas Lifson via,

    Close enough for government work’ has taken on a whole new dimension in the Biden era with the remarks reportedly delivered by CIA Director William Burns Wednesday at an Aspen Security Forum discussion. Jerry Dunleavy of the Washington Examiner has the story.

    CIA Director William Burns said he is “very proud” of the agency’s analysis in Afghanistan in 2021 despite being blindsided by the swift collapse of the Afghan government and failing to predict how quickly the Taliban would take Kabul. (snip)

    Burns said Wednesday during an Aspen Security Forum discussion that he was “very proud … of the analysis, with all of its imperfections, that we tried to provide to policymakers over the six months leading up to the withdrawal.”

    The CIA director prefaced this by admitting the agency had not predicted the Taliban would take over the country as fast as they did and that “all of us have lessons to learn from experiences like that.” He suggested that the CIA had at least gotten it less wrong than other parts of the U.S. government.

    “As the president has said publicly, none of us anticipated that the Afghan government was going to flee as quickly as it did, that the Afghan military was going to collapse as fast as it did,” Burns said.

    “Having said that, I think CIA at least was always on the more pessimistic end of the spectrum in terms of highlighting, you know, over the course of the spring and the summer, the obvious ways in which the Taliban were advancing rapidly and how this was hollowing out in many ways, not just the political leadership but also the military.”

    Burns shared the CIA’s assessment in July 2021, when he did not say he believed the country would fall in half a year, let alone in less than a month.

    “Less wrong” than other parts of the government is not exactly a standard of excellence.

    How can one be very proud of being “less wrong”?

    Official Portrait of William Burns

    In order to learn from failuresand the withdrawal from Afghanistan was a gigantic failure, resulting in American and Afghani deaths and the abandonment of scores of billions of dollars of military equipment making the Taliban the best-armed terrorists in the worldone first must admit failure.

    Then, analyze what were the sources of error and take steps to change practices so as to avoid the same errors in the future.

    It doesn’t sound like any of that is in prospect.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 23:25

  • China June FX Outflows Are The 2nd Highest Since The Covid Crash
    China June FX Outflows Are The 2nd Highest Since The Covid Crash

    With China’s economy slowing to levels not seen this century…

    … and its financial system in danger of disintegration should the housing crash escalate further (which is why in a sharp reversal to months of non-action, overnight Beijing launched a multi-billion fund to support struggling developers), many have been wondering how long will local oligarchs wait before (quietly) pulling their money out of the country.

    Well, according to the most accurate gauge of FX flows, June saw another month of net outflows of around US$9BN, in comparison to inflows of US$2bn in May, the biggest outflow since February and the second biggest outflow in two years going back to the Covid crash.

    Cross-border RMB flows suggest net payments of RMB from onshore to offshore, which was consistent with the continued bond outflows.

    Here are the main highlights:

    1. In June, there were US $4BN in net inflows via onshore outright spot transactions, and US $2BN inflow via freshly entered and canceled forward transactions. Another SAFE dataset on “cross-border RMB flows” shows that domestic banks made net RMB payments of $15BN from onshore to offshore. A preferred FX flow measure therefore suggests in total $9BN outflows in June, in comparison with $2BN inflows in May.

    2. Current account saw small net inflows: Goods trade surplus translated into $25BN inflows in June, vs $8BN in May. Here Goldman notes that while goods trade surplus rose to a record-high level of $98BN in June, the conversion ratio of goods trade surplus remained low at 26%, vs an average of 39% in the prior six months. Previous analyses suggested the conversion rate tends to decline when CNY weakens and interest rate spreads narrow. According to SAFE, corporates’ FX hedging ratio increased to 26% in 1H 2022, 4% higher than the same period last year. Services trade deficit remained muted at $6BN. Income and transfers account showed an outflow of $16BN in June, partially on seasonality.

    3. Portfolio investment showed outflows in June. Stock Connect data suggests more northbound buying of equities (relative to southbound buying) in the month, and thus on a net basis, translates into around $4BN inflows through Stock Connect in June. China Central Depository & Clearing and Shanghai Clearing House data suggest foreigners continued to reduce their holding of RMB bonds by US$13.9bn in June, vs US$16.3bn outflows in May.

    4. Official FX reserves (released earlier in the month) fell to US$3,071bn in June from US$3,128bn in May. Estimating for FX valuation effects would have lowered FX reserves by $34BN in June, so after adjusting for FX valuation effects, FX reserves declined by US$23bn in June. Note that decline in bond and equity prices might have also contributed to the overall decline in reported FX reserves through asset price valuation effect, although SAFE does not release the exact decomposition of China’s FX reserves.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 23:05

  • Chinese Investors Shouldn't Be Allowed To Buy US Properties: DeSantis
    Chinese Investors Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Buy US Properties: DeSantis

    Authored by Frank Fang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis warned about China’s malign influence in the Sunshine State after reports showed that Chinese investors have spent billions of dollars buying U.S. farmland and other real estate.

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit held at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida, on July 22, 2022. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

    Calling China the United States’s “No. 1 adversary,” DeSantis told Fox News on July 23 that companies linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) shouldn’t be allowed to buy U.S. properties.

    I don’t think they should be able to do it. I think the problem is these companies have ties to the CCP, and it’s not always apparent on the face of whatever a company is doing—but I think it’s a huge problem,” he said.

    Foreign buyers from China spent $6.1 billion, more than from any other foreign country, on U.S. homes from April 2021 to March,  according to a recent report from the National Association of Realtors (pdf).

    Chinese buyers spent an average of more than $1 million per transaction—the highest average among foreign purchases—and up from the $710,400 average from the year before. California was the top destination for their purchases with 31 percent, followed by New York (10 percent), Indiana (7 percent), Florida (7 percent), Oklahoma (5 percent), and Missouri (5 percent).

    The report also pointed out that 58 percent of Chinese buyers made all-cash purchases, the third highest behind Canadians (69 percent) and Colombians (65 percent).

    An increasing amount of U.S. farmland is controlled by Chinese buyers. According to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Chinese investors controlled 13,720 acres in the United States as of the end of 2010. That amount increased to 194,179 acres through Dec. 31, 2020.

    DeSantis also said he has taken steps to address some of China’s influence in Florida.

    I’ve signed legislation to crack down on undue influence from rogue states, including the CCP,” he said. “So for example, we ban Confucius Institutes in the state of Florida—they try to go in higher education, and they try to spread the propaganda.”

    The legislation banning China’s Beijing-funded Confucius Institutes was signed by DeSantis in June 2021, along with other legislation that made stealing trade secrets a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

    Florida has “the most robust protections against CCP influence that any state’s done so far,” DeSantis told The Epoch Times at the time.

    The two pieces of legislation went into effect on July 1, 2021.

    Florida last closed a Confucius Institute in September 2019. According to the National Association of Scholars, an education advocacy group, there were a total of 18 Confucius Institutes in the United States as of June 21.

    China’s then-Vice President (now Chinese leader) Xi Jinping unveils a plaque at the opening of Australia’s first Chinese Medicine Confucius Institute at the RMIT University in Melbourne on June 20, 2010. (William West/AFP/Getty Images)

    In January, DeSantis took another step to counter the CCP when he announced the Florida Job Growth Grand Fund had awarded nearly $10 million to Osceola County and Valencia College to support semiconductor and other advanced technology manufacturing.

    “The strategic investments we are making today will help bring microchip and semiconductor manufacturing back to our state at a time when the supply chains are more fragile than ever,” he said in a statement announcing the investment. “Certainly, we cannot allow this important industry to become captive by the Chinese Communist Party.

    In March, DeSantis also unveiled proposed legislation to push back against China. One of the proposals would require state agencies, political subdivisions, and public institutions of higher education to report any gift of $50,000 or more from a foreign government.

    He told Fox News that he aimed to address the problem of his state’s pension funds next.

    “We’re also probably going to do legislation next legislative session about our pension investments, with things that may be linked to the CCP,” he said. “We don’t necessarily have a lot of it, but we want to make sure that we’re cutting ties so that we’re not funding our No. 1 adversary.”

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 22:45

  • US Navy Cancels Participation In "Essential" Annual Black Sea Drills, Citing Ukraine War
    US Navy Cancels Participation In “Essential” Annual Black Sea Drills, Citing Ukraine War

    The United States has canceled its participation in major annual naval drills which were set to take place on the Black Sea, citing the dangerous regional situation amid the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    The Sea Breeze 2022 exercise which takes place in July every year was “canceled due to Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine,” according to a US Navy statement given to Newsweek Monday. However, in reality it is only the US military’s full participation in Sea Breeze that was suspended – not the entirety of the exercise itself.

    Prior Sea Breeze 2021 maneuvers, via AP

    The Navy had previously called the war games “essential” during last year’s drills involving 32 warships, including a large US missile destroyer. Ironically the US Navy cast last year’s drill as crucial for deterring potential Russian aggression against Ukraine. 

    But at the time Moscow had cited as part of its war justification NATO’s military infrastructure expansion into Ukraine. It offered as evidence the increase in military exercises involving Ukraine’s navy and its more powerful Western allies.

    While Washington clearly suspended its participation out of concern that it could create a scenario of inadvertent hostile military exchange with Russia, the Sea Breeze 2022 drills are actually still happening but in smaller, scaled-down form, and also geographically further away from Ukraine’s coast.

    Identifying the Bulgarian Black Sea port cities of Varna and Burgas as playing host to the games, Newsweek describes:

    The drills will include 24 vessels, five planes, and two helicopters, according to the Bulgarian News Agency. Breeze 2022 is the first large-scale NATO exercise since Russia’s latest invasion of Ukraine began.

    No U.S. ships will be involved; though U.S. personnel and aircraft will. Navy P-8A Poseidon reconnaissance planes from Task Force 67 based in Sicily, Italy, and personnel from Task Force 68 in Spain, will take part, the 6th Fleet said last week.

    Breeze will involve 1,390 personnel from 10 NATO nations—including Albania, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Turkey.

    So while having officially pulled out of the drills that it typically leads, the US is still giving reconnaissance support from a base in Italy during what Newsweek called “a slimmed-down alternative” of the drills.

    Meanwhile, another source of tension between Russia and the aforementioned Western military allies remains transit into the Black Sea, after during the opening months of the war Turkey warned against the West or any country sending military vessels through the Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits, citing that it would enforce the Montreux Convention of 1936.

    Last week, a shaky deal was finalized that will theoretically allow Ukraine to export its blocked grain exports; however, it’s unclear how soon or even if it will materialize. Some NATO countries have mulled putting in place an international naval coalition to open up a ‘humanitarian’ shipping corridor on the Black Sea – a plan which has thus far been shelved as it would likely ensure head-on conflict with Russia.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 22:25

  • What To Watch For As China's Politburo Meets
    What To Watch For As China’s Politburo Meets

    By Ye Xie Bloomberg Markets Live commentator and reporter

    China’s Politburo meeting for July, which usually takes place at the end of the month, sets the agenda for the rest of the year.

    While the meeting of the top 25 policy makers rarely delves into specifics, it could provide some guidance on a more-realistic growth target, a continuation of Covid policies and limited support for the struggling housing market. The bottom line is that no major policy overhaul is expected.

    Here are some key areas to look for.  

    • GDP target. The 5.5% GDP target, which was set in March before the latest Covid outbreaks, has long been viewed as unreachable. After the economy grew only 2.5% in the first half, China needs to deliver a growth rate of more than 8% for the second half to hit the target. Earlier this month, Premier Li Keqiang hinted that a lower growth rate is “acceptable” as long as employment and prices are stable. A number of economists, including Bloomberg Economics, have penciled in a growth rate of about 3%. An official nod from the Politburo of a more realistic target won’t be a total surprise.

    • Stimulus plans. A lower GDP target means any large-scale stimulus is not in the cards. Standard Chartered’s economists, including Ding Shuang, expect Beijing to bring forward 1.5 trillion yuan of next year’s local special-bond quota to support investment. Citigroup’s economist Xiangrong Xu and Xiaowen Jin said the Politburo could give hints about other options, including special bonds from the central government, more profit transfer from the PBOC to the Ministry of Finance, or a general budget revision.

    • Covid policies. Few expect Beijing to shift away from the Zero Covid policy before President Xi seeks a third term later this year. Still, Beijing may be laying some groundwork for the eventual exit. Over the weekend, China made a rare revelation that all of its leaders received locally-made Covid-19 shots. The move aims to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of domestic vaccines. The disclosure and renewed campaigns to vaccinate the elderly in multiple cities suggest that “the government may have decided to put in place the conditions required for an eventual exit from COVID-zero,” wrote Standard Chartered’s Ding.

    • Housing market. Property investment fell by 5.4% in the first half of the year, on track for the first annual decline. While the Politburo meeting will most likely reiterate the mantra of “housing is for living, not for speculation,” it could soften that stance by mentioning plans to stabilize property prices and support reasonable home demand, according to Larry Hu from Macquarie.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 22:05

  • FBI Sabotaged Hunter Biden Evidence To Derail Investigation: Whistleblowers
    FBI Sabotaged Hunter Biden Evidence To Derail Investigation: Whistleblowers

    Several FBI whistleblowers say that the agency’s probe into Hunter Biden was internally sabotaged during the 2020 election in order to derail the investigation, after agents wrongfully deemed verified evidence as “disinformation” to ignore.

    According to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), agents investigating Hunter “opened an assessment which was used by an FBI headquarters team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease,” adding that his office received “a significant number of protected communications from highly credible whistleblowers” regarding the investigation.

    Grassley added that “verified and verifiable derogatory information on Hunter Biden was falsely labeled as disinformation,” according to the Washington Examiner.

    FBI supervisory intelligence agent Brian Auten opened in August 2020 the assessment that was later used by the agency, according to the disclosures. One of the whistleblowers claimed the FBI assistant special agent in charge of the Washington field office, Timothy Thibault, shut down a line of inquiry into Hunter Biden in October 2020 despite some of the details being known to be true at the time.

    A whistleblower also said Thibault “ordered closed” an “avenue of additional derogatory Hunter Biden reporting,” according to Grassley, even though “all of the reporting was either verified or verifiable via criminal search warrants.” The senator said Thibault “ordered the matter closed without providing a valid reason as required” and that FBI officials “subsequently attempted to improperly mark the matter in FBI systems so that it could not be opened in the future,” according to the disclosures.

    The whistleblowers say investigators from FBI headquarters were “in communication with FBI agents responsible for the Hunter Biden information targeted by Mr. Auten’s assessment,” and that their findings on whether the claims were in fact disinformation were placed “in a restricted access sub-file” in September 2020, according to Grassley, who added that the disclosures “appear to indicate that there was a scheme in place among certain FBI officials to undermine derogatory information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation.

    Grassley summarized the new allegations in a Monday letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray.

    The Examiner notes that FBI agent Auten was involved in the Trump-Russia investigation, including interviewing Christopher Steele’s primary source, Igor Danchenko.

    According to Grassley, the “volume and consistency” of the allegations regarding the handling of the Hunter Biden probe “substantiate their credibility.”

    The assessment by Auten in August 2020 was opened the same month Grassley and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) received a briefing from the FBI “that purportedly related to our Biden investigation and a briefing for which the contents were later leaked in order to paint the investigation in a false light,” Grassley said. The senator said Senate Democrats asked for a briefing in July 2020 “from the very same FBI HQ team that discredited the derogatory Hunter Biden information.”

    The FBI inquiry into Hunter Biden reportedly began as a tax investigation, then expanded into a scrutiny of potential money-laundering and foreign lobbying; the DOJ has declined to hand over investigative details. -Washington Examiner

    Thibault, the FBI agent who allegedly quashed the Hunter probe, may have violated the Hatch act in 2020 after making posts on social media which were critical of then-president Donald Trump and former AG William Barr.

    Also notable – Hunter had the numbers of several FBI agents in his iCloud contacts.

    Joe Biden, top Democrats, and virtually the entire mainstream media dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation when bombshell allegations from the New York Post emerged weeks before the 2020 election. In March 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a report claiming that figures tied to Russian intelligence promoted “misleading or unsubstantiated allegations” about Joe Biden.

    Grassley to Garland and Wra… by Washington Examiner

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 21:45

  • Cryptos Slide After Reports Coinbase Faces SEC Probe
    Cryptos Slide After Reports Coinbase Faces SEC Probe

    Bloomberg is reporting that, according to three people familiar with the matter, Coinbase is facing a US probe into whether it improperly let Americans trade digital assets that should have been registered as securities.

    This is the latest in a series of escalating rhetoric between the US’ largest crypto exchange and various regulators.

    Tl; dr…

    Coinbase to Regulators: Tell us what is a security.

    SEC to Coinbase: We’ll probe you for selling them.

    The latest escalation – that has not been confirmed by the SEC or Coinbase – follows the SEC charging three men, including one of the company’s former employees, of insider-trading (leaking information about which tokens to buy just before they were listed on the platform). Specifically, the SEC did not charge Coinbase with any wrongdoing.

    However, it appears that was not enough as various regulators vie for control of the crypto markets, and the SEC said it had determined that nine of the dozens of digital tokens the men traded were securities – including seven the exchange says it lists.

    In what seems like a pre-emptive strike by Coinbase’s Counsel, the company issued a blog post entitled “Coinbase does not list securities. End of story.” (emphasis ours)

    We cooperated with the SEC’s investigation into the wrongdoing charged by the DOJ today.

    But instead of having a dialogue with us about the seven assets on our platform, the SEC jumped directly to litigation. The SEC’s charges put a spotlight on an important problem: the US doesn’t have a clear or workable regulatory framework for digital asset securities.

    And instead of crafting tailored rules in an inclusive and transparent way, the SEC is relying on these types of one-off enforcement actions to try to bring all digital assets into its jurisdiction, even those assets that are not securities.

    Just this morning (and with no prior knowledge of the timing of the charges discussed), Coinbase filed a petition for rule making with the SEC calling for actual rule making so the crypto securities market has a chance to develop. We worry that today’s charges suggest the SEC has little interest in this most fundamental role of regulators.

    But in the absence of a concrete digital asset securities regulatory framework from the SEC, we remain confident that Coinbase’s rigorous review process keeps securities off Coinbase’s platform. We remain eager to share our perspective with the SEC, especially through a formal rule-making process desperately needed.

    As Bloomberg notes, Gensler has long argued that many cryptocurrencies fall under the regulator’s jurisdiction and that firms offering them should register with his agency.

    However, the SEC mostly hasn’t said specifically which coins are securities, and exchanges decide whether to list an asset.

    When the headlines hit Bloomberg – “Coinbase Faces SEC Investigation Over Cryptocurrency Listings” – tyhat was all the early Asia traders needed (especially given US equity fitures were lower driven by WMT’s ugly earnings cut) and cryptos tumbled with Bitcoin dropping back below $21k…

    On a side note – while on the topic of regulators doing their jobs – The Wall Street Journal reported earlier that a bipartisan bill to regulate stablecoins will now be delayed and will not be completed until after the Midterms. Outstanding issues include standards around so-called custodial wallets, one of the people said. Treasury officials pushed for wallet provisions that Republicans were uncomfortable with, the person said.

    No matter what – the war between Coinbase and its ‘regulators’ is only just beginning.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 21:18

  • 42 Injured In Japan As Menacing Monkeys Chimp Out
    42 Injured In Japan As Menacing Monkeys Chimp Out

    Authorities in Japan’s Yamaguchi city are stepping up measures to confront marauding monkeys that have injured at least 42 people in recent weeks, AFP reports.

    Screenshots via YouTube

    To combat the monkey menace (specifically Japanese Macaques), local authorities are turning to tranquilizer guns, after traps they set failed to snare any of the pesky primates. Both adults and children report suffering wounds including scratches and bites.

    “All of Yamaguchi city is surrounded by mountains and it’s not rare to see monkeys,” said one city official from the agricultural department, adding “But it’s rare to see this many attacks in a short period of time.”

    “Initially only children and women were attacked. Recently elderly people and adult men have been targeted too,” the official added.

    The city isn’t even sure if the attacks are the work of multiple monkeys or a single aggressive individual. The intruders have in some cases entered by sliding open screen doors, or entering through windows.

    City officials and police have been patrolling the area since the first attacks around July 8, but have yet to snare any monkeys.

    The story has made headlines in Japan in recent weeks, with local residents reporting regular invasions.

    “I heard crying coming from the ground floor, so I hurried down,” one local told the Mainichi Shimbun Daily. “Then I saw a monkey hunching over my child.

    They better get a handle on this, and fast… as we all know what happens when simians tilt the balance of power.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 21:05

  • Trump Blasts Biden Over Soaring Prices, Says True Inflation Rate Is "Much, Much Higher" Than 9.1%
    Trump Blasts Biden Over Soaring Prices, Says True Inflation Rate Is “Much, Much Higher” Than 9.1%

    Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

    Former President Donald Trump seared President Joe Biden over his handling of the inflationary wave hammering American households, telling rally-goers in Arizona, that the true rate of inflation is far higher than the official rate of 9.1 percent.

    Former President Donald Trump attends a rally in support of Arizona GOP candidates, in Prescott Valley, Ariz., on July 22, 2022. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

    Trump made the remarks at a Friday rally in Prescott Valley, where the former president was stumping on behalf of former TV anchor Kari Lake in her bid to become Arizona’s next governor in the upcoming GOP primary election.

    During his speech, Trump touted his own record on the economy, including high job creation and low inflation.

    Former President Donald Trump gestures at a rally in Prescott Valley, Ariz., on July 22, 2022. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

    ‘The Worst Inflation’

    Trump told rally-goers that under his tenure, “we had the greatest economy in the history of the world with no inflation,” while adding that “Biden created the worst inflation in 47 years.”

    February 2017, the first full month of Trump in office, saw the headline Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation gauge at 2.8 percent in annual terms. While the CPI measure fluctuated during his tenure, the highest it ever reached was 2.9 percent in July 2018, while in his final month in office, January 2021, inflation clocked in at 1.4 percent.

    Inflation has climbed steadily under Biden, soaring 9.1 percent year-over-year in June 2022, a figure not seen in over 40 years.

    Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo told CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” on July 24, that inflation in the United States has “probably” peaked, while acknowledging that factors “out of our control” like another war or pandemic could once again cause price growth to accelerate.

    President Joe Biden waves as he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on July 20, 2022. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

    ‘War on American Energy’

    While Trump did not go into detail as to the Biden policies that he thinks have sent inflation soaring, he did single out what he called “Biden’s war on American energy.”

    Soaring energy prices have been one of the key contributing factors to inflation, accounting for around half of the headline inflation figure, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    Since taking office, Biden has signed a number of executive orders targeting the oil industry, such as revoking the Keystone XL pipeline permit, freezing new oil and gas drilling leases on federal lands and waters, and ending fossil fuel subsidies by certain agencies.

    The price of gasoline is around double what it was when Biden took office, with the president variously blaming a lack of refining capacity, global supply shortfalls set against a sharp post-pandemic rebound in demand, the war in Ukraine, and corporate greed.

    In a bid to lower gasoline prices, Biden has ordered the release of crude reserves from the national strategic reserve, called on U.S. refiners to boost output, and pushed OPEC to pump more oil.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 20:45

  • The Japanese Passport Is Still The 'Most Powerful' In The World
    The Japanese Passport Is Still The ‘Most Powerful’ In The World

    Japan has the most powerful passport in the world, according to the Henley Passport Index, with its citizens able to visit 193 countries without a prior visa. South Korea and Singapore come in joint second place, with their citizens able to visit 192 countries.

    As Statista’s Anna Fleck points out, even though the United States is a little further down the list, coming in at 7th place, it still yields considerable power, enabling citizens to enter 186 countries without major restrictions.

    It’s a level of freedom also enjoyed by passport holders in Belgium, New Zealand, Norway, and Switzerland.

    At the other end of the scale, the situation is very different.

    Infographic: The World’s Most (and Least) Powerful Passports | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    For passport holders in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria for example, travel is more restrictive to most countries.

    The Afghan passport wields the least power of the ranking, with just 27 destinations permissible visa-free.

    The situation in Iraq and Syria isn’t much better, at 29 and 30 destinations, respectively.

    The Henley Passport Index draws from data from the International Air Transport Authority (IATA), including 199 different passports and 227 different travel destinations.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 20:25

  • Trudeau Plans To Slash Canadian Fertilizer Use In Similar Move To Netherlands
    Trudeau Plans To Slash Canadian Fertilizer Use In Similar Move To Netherlands

    Authored by Jarryd Jaeger via The Post Millennial,

    Over the past few weeks, farmers across the Netherlands have vehemently turned up in droves to protest the government’s plan to reduce nitrous oxide emissions, arguing it would have disastrous consequences for their business, and eventually, consumers.

    The source of their anger is a policy that is not unlike one which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is seeking to implement in Canada.

    In 2020, the Trudeau Liberals announced that their goal was to reduce emissions from fertilizer, a major producer of nitrous oxide, by 50 percent over the next eight years.

    Fertilizer Canada slammed the government’s “short-sighted approach,” arguing that reducing nitrogen fertilizer use “will have considerable impact on Canadian farmers’ incomes and reduce overall Canadian exports and GDP.”

    In a report compiled by Meyers Norris Penny (MNP), they suggest that regulated fertilizer reduction could cost Canadian farmers $48 billion by 2030 and reduce crop sizes

    By this time, “yield gaps for three major crops are estimated at 23.6 bushels per acre per year for canola, 67.9 bushels per acre per year for corn, and 36.1 bushels per acre per year for spring wheat.”

    As the Toronto Sun reports, fertilizer is typically the most expensive cost for farmers, and they tend to use only as much as is needed.

    Under the plan, farmers will likely be forced to move to using costlier “greener” fertilizer, which in turn translates to higher prices for consumers.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 20:05

  • Internet Abuzz After Mysterious Red Lights Spotted In Atlantic Ocean
    Internet Abuzz After Mysterious Red Lights Spotted In Atlantic Ocean

    Photos posted on Reddit claiming to be a swath of red lights seen over the Atlantic has sparked a debate over just what, exactly, is going on.

    Mysterious red glow seen over the Atlantic, pilot says he’s never seen anything like it,” wrote redditor /mohiemen in the “Damnthatsinteresting” forum.

    And of course, what good would pictures of mysterious red ocean lights be without apocalyptic replies?

    “If I’m not wrong, the first DOOM game was set in 2022, so this is it. There comes the demons. There is the end…” -/u/ChinuCODM

    The jokes continued for a while…

    As Interesting Engineering notes, A similar phenomenon was spotted in 2014 by pilot JPC Van Heijst. 

    In the night of 24-25 August 2014, I flew a 747-8 from Hong Kong to Anchorage. While flying over the vast Pacific Ocean, somewhere southeast of the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula, I had one of the strangest experiences of my life. Around five hours into our flight with Japan a long time behind us, we were cruising at a comfortable 34.000 ft with about four and half hours to go towards Alaska. Over the radio, we heard Air Traffic Control talking to other planes that were heading for the US West Coast about diversions due to major earthquakes in San Francisco,” wrote the pilot, who then described what he saw in the sky.

    I noticed a deep red/orange glow appearing ahead of us, and this was confirmed when I looked at preview of the photos on the back of my camera. There was supposed to be nothing but endless ocean below for hundreds of miles around us. They initially appeared as a distant city or group of typical Asian squid fishing boats, but this did not make sense in this area. The lights we saw were much larger in size than your average city or group of boats, but they also glowed red and orange, instead of the normal yellow and white that cities or ships would produce.”

    The closer we got, the more intense the glow became, illuminating the clouds and sky below us in a scary orange glow that you would expect with a massive fire on the ground. In a part of the world where there was supposed to be nothing but water.”

    That said, the least-fun answer goes to…

    Redditor Musicide, who points out that the red lights could be “boats equipped with large arrays of red LED panels for Saury fishing.”

    Which begs the question – why hasn’t this phenomenon been seen more frequently?

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 19:45

  • Pet Cloning Is Booming In China
    Pet Cloning Is Booming In China

    Authored by Jennifer Bateman via The Epoch Times,

    In recent years, cloning of deceased pets has become a booming business in China, a market that is rapidly growing despite its high price tag, immature technology, and controversial ethics.

    In July 2019, SinoGene, China’s pet cloning bellwether, produced China’s first cloned cat for 250,000 yuan ($37,000). Since then, commercial pet cloning in China is enjoying growing popularity.

    The company just opened a new branch in eastern China’s Jiangsu Province, with the plant occupying an area of 27,000 square meters (6.67 acres) and a total building area of 17,000 square meters (4.2 acres).

    The initial high price of cloning was unaffordable for most Chinese. But, cloning costs have gone down. The present price tag for cloning a cat is 118,000 yuan (about $17,500), less than half what it was three years ago, according to a SinoGene salesperson.

    The price of cloning a pet dog, which varies based on the size of the animal, is currently between 168,000 and 198,000 yuan (about $25,000 to $29,000), which is 50 percent less than the 380,000 yuan (about $56,000) it was in April 2019.

    But even the current cloning prices are equivalent to what it would take an average Chinese person 2 to 3 years to earn.

    In the past few years, SinoGene has successfully delivered more than 300 cloned pets, including approximately 100 cats and 200 dogs. In addition, more than 1,000 customers have preserved pet cells with SinoGene for future cloning needs.

    The pet cloning market in China is becoming highly competitive. In addition to Hino Valley, another pet cloning company is PanGene, which is well-known for cloning Purebred Tibetan Mastiff dogs. Some commercial catteries and kennels have also preserved cell lines from cats and dogs and provide cloning services in order to preserve the best breeds.

    According to the 2021 white paper on China’s pet industry, the total number of pet dogs and cats in China exceeded 112 million last year, and in urban areas across the country, the pet cat and dog consumption market increased from 206.5 billion yuan (about $30.56 billion) in 2020 to 249 billion yuan (about $36.85 billion) in 2021, an increase of 20.6 percent.

    The pet market in China has grown further during the COVID-19 pandemic, as pets provide important emotional support to people during difficult times.

    Taobao, China’s largest e-commerce platform, said in a report last year that in February, the number of live broadcasts of pets on Taobao increased by 375 percent year-on-year, with about 1 million people watching them every day.

    Mixed Feelings When Owners See Their Cloned Pets

    Stories from cloning companies and the media reveal that most people chose to clone their pets because they hoped to retrieve lost memories and companionship. However, cloned animals, no matter how sophisticated the technology, are not guaranteed to be 100 percent identical in appearance. Moreover, the cloned pet does not possess any past memory of its “parent.” It is essentially a different individual.

    In July 2019, China’s first cloned cat, whose name was Garlic, was born. But its owner, Huang Yu, admitted that he was a little disappointed when he saw a video of the the animal. This cloned cat and the original “Garlic” looked different in many ways, and the black garlic clove-shaped markings were missing from the cat’s jaw, even though a third-party agency confirmed that the DNAs of the two cats were identical.

    More importantly, the new Garlic did not respond to him like an old friend as he had expected it would when they first met.

    Zhang Yueyan, the owner of a cloned dog named Nini, is much more tolerant, even though little Nini’s fur is much darker than that of the original Nini. Zhang still hopes that little Nini can be like the original Nini, and accompany her in her life for another 19 years.

    Unavoidable Ethical Issues

    Currently, there are no laws in place to regulate pet cloning or pet surrogacy; still, there are moral and ethical pressures.

    Dr. Yang Guiyuan, a Japan-based researcher in the veterinary clinical and pathology field for many years, told The Epoch Times that the physical body of a human or animal has a higher and more microscopic aspect. Westerners call it “soul” and Chinese call it “Yuanshen” or primordial spirit. From this point of view, the cloned animal, no matter how similar its appearance, is an independent life.

    “In addition, scientific and technological means may introduce genetic defects.  If the cloned animal keep reproducing for a few generations, will it end up producing a genetic monster in the end? It’s hard to say,” Yang said.

    As of today, there are still many problems in cloning technology that need to be resolved. The low success rate also increases the number of animals needed in the cloning process, and some of these animals may be subjected to inhumane treatment.

    For example, when China’s first cloned cat was finally produced, at least 40 eggs from 5 cats were used and implanted into 4 surrogate cats. Retrieving eggs from the mother cats and implanting embryos into the surrogate cats all involved surgical procedures.

    Presently, internationally accepted applications of animal cloning are mainly in the fields of basic research and biomedicine, or to save endangered species.

    Pioneers in Animal Cloning Exit the Practice

    Unlike to China’s booming pet cloning business, Roslin Institute in the UK, which produced the world’s first cloned sheep, Dolly, no longer does animal cloning. In the United States, BioArts, a company in Northern California, offered dog cloning services in 2008, but closed the business one year later.

    “We do not clone animals any more. The technique has a very low success rate. Dolly was the result of many months of research involving a highly skilled team,” Roslin Institute explained on its website.“What are the risks associated with cloning? Cloned embryos are more likely to be lost during pregnancy than normal embryos, which accounts for the low success rate of cloning. Large Offspring Syndrome (LOS) can also affect some cloned animals. Animals with LOS have growth defects and are considerably larger at birth than animals resulting from natural matings.”

    In an exclusive interview with UK media Mirror in April 2014, Lou Hawthorne, founder and CEO of Bioarts, revealed that the reason he quit the cloning business was that he was sickened over the suffering it causes thousands of dogs each year.

    “I couldn’t care less if the cloning business world collapses, but I care about suffering.” Lou told the Mirror’s reporter.

    Dr. Yang believes that the commercialization of pet cloning in China is a practice that violates the laws of nature and ethics for financial benefits. These people think they can manipulate life casually, and have no respect for life, he said.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 19:25

  • 'Great Resignation'? Here's Why People Are Quitting Their Jobs
    ‘Great Resignation’? Here’s Why People Are Quitting Their Jobs

    With employees in the United States quitting their jobs voluntarily at a rate 25 percent higher from December 2019-May 2022 compared to pre-pandemic levels, employers and some entire industries are scrambling to fill the substantial gaps being left behind.

    Research in Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States by McKinsey & Company reveals that of employees that chose to quit their jobs from April 2020 to April 2022, 65 percent did not so far return to the same industry.

    As Statista’s Martin Armstring details in the infographic below, the survey also revealed the most common reasons cited by those handing in their notice.

    Infographic: Why People Are Quitting Their Jobs | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    At the top of the list are the classics: “Lack of career development/advancement” and “inadequate compensation”.

    The importance of a good boss is also highlighted, however, with the third most common response being uncaring or uninspiring leaders.

    A quarter of respondents said that a lack of workplace flexibility was also a factor – an issue acknowledged with varying degrees of enthusiasm and success since swathes of the global workforce realized that working from home was also possible during lockdown.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 19:05

  • Adam Schiff: J6 Committee Could Subpoena Ginni Thomas About Justice Thomas
    Adam Schiff: J6 Committee Could Subpoena Ginni Thomas About Justice Thomas

    Authored by Jonathan Turley,

    There was a telling exchange today on CBS’ Face the Nation when host Margaret Brennan asked J6 Committee member Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) about issuing a subpoena of Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.  I have previously written how the calls for Justice Thomas to resign or be impeached are wildly out of line with ethical and constitutional standards.

    What was interesting, however, was how Schiff justified such an unprecedented subpoena: to question her about one of Thomas’ opinions dealing with the authority of Congress to investigate what occurred on that day.

    The House was given the messages by Ginni Thomas previously, including 29 messages from November 2020 to mid-January 2021. They were part of over 2300 text messages sent to the Committee by White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. That turning over of the messages were the subject of press coverage in December 2021 before the January 19, 2022 opinion with the sole dissent of Thomas.

    Here is the exchange:

    MARGARET BRENNAN: Your colleague Liz Cheney was on two other networks this morning, and she said that you all are discussing a potential subpoena for Ginni Thomas, who is married to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Are there lines that shouldn’t be crossed here when it comes to the Supreme Court? Because one of the objections to the premise of a subpoena here is that it- it sets a dangerous precedent by putting the spouse of a justice in this political forum.

    REP. SCHIFF: There are lines that shouldn’t be crossed, but those lines involve sitting Supreme Court justices, not presiding or appearing or taking action in cases in which their spouse may be implicated. And in this case, for Clarence Thomas to issue a decision, in a case, a dissent in a case where Congress is trying to get documents, and those documents might involve his own wife, that’s the line that’s been crossed. And I think, for Congress to be looking into these issues, looking into conflict of interest issues. But here, looking into issues, whether it involves the wife of a Supreme Court justice or anyone else, if they have information or role in an effort to overturn an election. Yes, they’re not excluded from examination.

    MARGARET BRENNAN: It sounds like you’re saying you favor that subpoena?

    REP. SCHIFF: Well, if she has relevant information or investigation, we hope she comes in voluntarily. But if she doesn’t, then we should give that a serious consideration. And, yes, I think those that we decided have important enough information should be subpoenaed.

    Schiff clearly states that the interest of the Committee is to use Thomas’ spouse to explore a prior opinion in an election-related case. Rep. Liz Cheney (R., Wy) has also stated that the Committee might subpoena Ginni Thomas.

    Various politicians and pundits have suggested that Thomas could be impeached for violating the Judicial Code of Ethics because he voted on a challenge to the Commission obtaining White House messages and emails. (For the record, I publicly stated that the Commission should prevail on those demands). In January, the House won an 8-1 victory before the Supreme Court, which rejected Trump’s privilege objections to the release of White House materials. There was only one dissenting vote: Thomas.

    However, the justices have long insisted that they are not compelled to follow the Code of Judicial Conduct.  I have long disagreed with that view and have called for Congress to mandate the application of the code to the Court. Yet, the Court has maintained that such conflict rules are not mandatory and many have refused to recuse themselves in circumstances that were flagged as possible violations.

    Yet, Schiff stripped away the pretense of subpoenaing Ginni Thomas about her messages to the White House. This is about her husband, not her support for the election challenges or what occurred on January 6th.

    A well-known Republican activist and Trump supporter, Thomas encouraged then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to pursue legal and legislative challenges to what she viewed as a stolen election.

    The reason that Ginni Thomas’ messages were seized is not because she was a key figure in the investigation but that the Commission has demanded any messages that deal with such challenges or the rally — a scope that has been criticized as overbroad. Congress then leaked the messages and the media did the rest.

    There is no evidence that Ginni Thomas ever encouraged violence or was even present at the Capitol during the riot. Thomas said that she attended the Ellipse rally on Jan. 6 but left early, before Trump spoke, and never went to the Capitol.

    On a committee that was tasked with uncovering what occurred on January 6th, Schiff is now saying that the committee’s jurisdiction would extend to what the Supreme Court did a year later. That is more than a case of “mission creep.” It is radical departure from past practices and long-standing interbranch comity. It could create dangerous precedent as members use such committees to investigate jurists on the motivations or communications leading to their opinions.

    Once again, members like Schiff appear to be tossing caution to the wind to appeal to core constituencies. How exactly will Schiff and the Committee investigate Justice Thomas’ motivations and actions? It would have to demand disclosures of his spousal communications. It would also threaten perjury or contempt charges if Ginni Thomas is not accurate in her details.

    The use of the J6 Committee in this way would reaffirm the criticism of the committee as a partisan exercise. The fact that Cheney has joined in such calls only highlights the absence of even a modicum of balance on the committee. It would also constitute one of the most intrusive acts ever taken against the Court outside of a formal impeachment proceeding.

    It is a threat that should be universally condemned and immediately withdrawn.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 18:45

  • Uber-Bear Mike Wilson Is Almost Ready To Turn Bullish… Except For One Thing
    Uber-Bear Mike Wilson Is Almost Ready To Turn Bullish… Except For One Thing

    One week ago, before he hinted at turning bullish as a result of record bearish sentiment when he said that while he anticipates poor fundamentals for H2 2022, “sentiment says stocks/credit rally in coming weeks”, Bank of America’s Chief Investment Strategist Michael Hartnett – who until now had proven himself as Wall Street’s most bearish and most accurate analyst – predicted that the Fed will pivot in November, effectively unleashing the next bull market in early 2023 (soaring commodity prices notwithstanding), and naturally the big trade on Wall Street remains frontrunning said pivot because by the time Powell capitulates much of the reversal will already be in the books.

    More importantly, with Hartnett – who recently said “At SPX 3600 Nibble, At 3300 Bite, At 3000 Gorge” – becoming tactically bullish, that meant that Morgan Stanley’s in-house Michael (that would be chief US equity strategist Wilson) had seemingly assumed the title of biggest Wall Street bear. Or did he? After all, the last time we heard from him he was warning stocks would plunge to 3,000 as the “slowdown was even worse than he expected.”

    Well, in his latest Weekly Warm-up Note (available in its entirety to professional subscribers) which was written somewhat cryptically for the clearly spoken Wilson, he echoes the latest observations from Goldman’s flow trading desk, namely that “with equity markets seemingly shrugging off bad news on the economy and earnings, we explore the idea that it may be trying to get ahead of the eventual pause by the Fed that is always a bullish signal.” So yes, seemingly even Wilson has decided that it is more prudent to chase momentum upward during this particular rally, while keeping his bearishness on the backburner. However, unlike some of his bearish colleagues, Wilson hedges that “the problem this time is that the pause is likely to come too late.”

    Let’s deconstruct Wilson’s argument which begins with a question: “Is the Market Trying to Price a Fed Pause?” (incidentally a question which we answered one month ago in “Fed Rate-Hikes To End This Year, Followed By 3% Of Rate-Cuts & QE“.)

    According to Wilson, since the June lows, the US equity market has been range trading between those lows and 3950. However, this past week the S&P 500 peeked its head above the 50 day moving average, touching 4000 for a few hours. And while Wilson naturally is unconvinced this is anything but a bear market rally, “it does beg the question is something going on here we are missing that could make this a more sustainable low and even the end to the bear market?” Of course, we posed that exact same question one month ago, when quoting a Goldman trading who observed the “First Real Buying In 3 Weeks” and we asked if this is “The Start Of The Next Big Move Higher” (so far we are certainly higher compared to the depths of June if nowhere near the January all time highs).

    Going back to Wilson, he writes that from a fundamental standpoint, he is “more convicted in our view that bottoms up NTM S&P 500 earnings estimates are too high and have meaningful (i.e. 10%+) downside from the recent peak of $240. So far, that forecast has only dropped by 0.5% making it difficult for us to agree with the view the market has already priced it.” Of course, Wilson concedes, he could also be wrong about the earnings risk and perhaps the current $238 is an accurate reflection of reality. However, given the extraordinary deterioration in earnings revision breadth, he still thinks the evidence is building for his view (the recessionary one even though Morgan Stanley still cowardly refuses to make a recession its base case) to play out over the next several months.

    As earnings get worse, financial conditions are only getting tighter with the ECB finally joining the hiking party last week with it’s own 50bps move, the largest in 22 years. Here Wilson, just like us, couldn’t help but be reminded of the infamous 25bps hike by the ECB in July 2008, when Europe was already in a recession and just 2 months before the Lehman bankruptcy and onset of the Great Financial Crisis, not to mention that other hike just months before the peak of the European sovereign debt crisis, which only culminated after Draghi vowed to do whatever it takes.

    Last week’s move was eerily similar in many ways. Obviously, the rationale for raising rates now is to join the fight against inflation while also defending the Euro against the US Dollar. However, as Wilson correctly notes, the battle on inflation should have begun a year ago, not now when demand destruction is already well developed and likely to take care of inflation on its own. If that wasn’t enough, the ECB’s rate hikes in 2011 also look unnecessary in hindsight with recession likely already baked before those two 25bps increases. Could this time be different? It seems unlikely with Eurozone GDP growth fast approaching zero and likely to move into negative territory soon.

    And so, with most of Morgan Stanley’s leading indicators on growth rolling over hard, Wilson thinks this is the more important variable to watch for stocks at this point rather than inflation or the Fed’s reaction to it.

    Having said that, he does agree with the narrative that inflation has likely peaked from a rate of change standpoint with commodities as the best real time evidence of that claim:

    We think the equity market is smart enough to understand this too and more importantly that growth is quickly becoming a problem. Therefore, part of the recent rally may be the Equity market looking forward to the Fed’s eventual attempt to save the cycle from recession and with time running short on that front, that opportunity is now or never.

    Of course, there are a few shades of gray between “now” and “never”, and when looking at past cycles, Wilson admits that there is always a period between the Fed’s last hike and the eventual recession–i.e. the Fed is typically long done raising rates before the recession arrives. This is in sharp contrast to the European Central Bank which was still tightening when the last two recessions began. More importantly, this period between the last Fed hike and the eventual recession has been a good time to be long the S&P 500 and many stocks/sectors.

    In short – and as we have been saying since last December – the Equity market always rallies when the Fed pauses it’s tightening campaign prior to the oncoming recession. In some cases, the rally is so powerful, the S&P 500 usually makes a new all time high before everything comes crashing down. The point that Wilson wants to make here is that “IF the market is starting to think the Fed is about to pause rate hikes after next week’s move, this would provide the best fundamental rationale for why equity markets have rallied so sharply over the past few weeks and why it might signal a more durable low.”

    Or, a simple way of saying all of the above is that someone read our article from last month “Fed Rate-Hikes To End This Year, Followed By 3% Of Rate-Cuts & QE” and traded on it

    So why would markets be thinking the Fed is about to pause or slow rate hikes, as Eurodollar futures clearly are, pricing in almost one full hike in Q1 2023…

    … or even end QT prematurely, as former NY Fed guru Marc Cabana said will happen?

    Part of the reason is the fact that the Fed is already having their desired effect on demand and so it seems quite plausible inflation could look considerably lower in 6 months time. Second, the bond market is sending similar signals with rate cuts now getting priced as early as the Fed’s early February 2023 meeting (see above) and the terminal rate and 2 year yields starting to fall as today’s auction showed. This is also in line with Wilson’s own thinking and why he has been bullish on long duration Treasuries over the past several months.

    Of course, lower back end rates (both nominal and real) can also be interpreted as good for longer duration growth stocks, particularly relative to value/cyclicals. This, Wilson notes, “helps explain not only the rally in the S&P 500 but also the relative outperformance of the Nasdaq and other growth indices relative to value stocks.”

    Putting it all together, Wilson agrees with the overarching case for a Fed-pivot driven rally… but there is one problem. As he explains, “the problem with this thinking beyond a near term rally is that it’s unlikely the Fed is going to pause early enough to kick save the cycle.” He explains why:

    While we appreciate that the market (and investors) may be trying to leap ahead here to get in front of what could be a bullish signal for equity valuations, we remain skeptical that the Fed can reverse the negative trends for demand that are now well established, some of which have nothing to do with monetary policy–i.e. payback in demand and out of sync cost structures with too little pricing power to offset at this point.

    Furthermore, the demand destructive nature of high inflation that is presenting itself today will not easily disappear even if inflation declines sharply because prices are already out of reach in areas of the economy that are critical for the cycle to extend–i.e. housing, autos, food, gasoline and other necessities.

    Here Wilson reminds us of a key thing which the high school intern in charge of White House economic policy may want to note, namely that “lower inflation does not mean negative price changes for many of these items and to the extent deflation does return via discounting to drive demand, rest assured that will not be good for profit margins and/or earnings revisions.”

    Adding insult to injury, the survey shows consumer intentions to spend over the next 6 months continues to deteriorate rapidly, even for things like travel and leisure, the area of spend that was supposed to offset the obvious payback on goods spending that is now well established.

    Moreover, in speaking with his industry analysts, Wilson has encountered increasing concern about deteriorating volume demand in many categories of discretionary spend and discounting returning.

    Finally, and most ominously, consumer delinquencies are picking up too in several categories of spend with AT&T mentioning this specifically for cell phone bills which tends to be one of the last things people stop paying. Car payments are the other one that is last to stop and here too Morgan Stanley is hearing hearing about rising delinquencies from recent buyers who borrowed more than they should have been allowed based on inflated incomes from the stimulus checks.

    And then there is the market: In addition to 2 year UST yields and the terminal rate falling, the 2s-10s curve remains inverted by approximately 20bps, the most in nearly two decades. And while the bond market has been preoccupied with the generationally high inflation readings and the Fed’s reaction to it, Wilson thinks it is now starting to contemplate the impact of both on growth.

    In that regard, the bond market is catching up to the equity market. Ironically, the equity market is taking the lower yields signal as a positive for stocks, particularly growth stocks as it starts to give credibility again to the soft landing scenario after having moved away from that view so aggressively in June.

    Morgan Stanley’s take is that this view could persist into August if the Fed throws the markets a bone next week and insinuates it has done enough for now. While that’s not the bank’s house call or view for next week’s meeting, anything can happen in what has been an extremely unpredictable Fed that virtually no one has gotten right this year as they deviated so much from their “guidance” due to inflation surprising so much on the upside.

    Even Wilson’s more hawkish view than consensus at the beginning of the year, which was the primary feature of Wilson’s Fire and Ice narrative, was far surpassed as the Fed was forced to play catch up in a way that was totally mispriced by markets just 6 months ago. We can’t say that today with the curve inverted and the terminal rate still 175 basis points above the current Fed Funds rate.

    As a final comment for equity investors to consider, Wilson asks if the Fed was so off on its guidance this year due to the surprising economic and inflation outcome, perhaps this is a precursor to how bad company guidance for the year will turn out to be.

    The bottom line for the Uber-bearish strategist is that “the Fed is looking more like the ECB this cycle in that they are likely to still be tightening when recession arrives this time making the window to trade the pause much shorter than usual with less upside as well.” Unless, of course, one successfully frontruns the crowd and buys when everyone else is selling just as the Fed capitulates and pivots, sending risk assets into orbit if only for a few seconds…

    Much more in the full note from Wilson available to pro subscribers in the usual place.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 18:44

  • Canadian Pastor Arrested For Holding Church Services During COVID Wins Legal Victory
    Canadian Pastor Arrested For Holding Church Services During COVID Wins Legal Victory

    Most of the narratives surrounding the covid pandemic and the lockdowns were illogical and faulty, based in propaganda rather than science and fear instead of reason.  One key issue that was never addressed by lockdown proponents was the question of “risk.”  Doesn’t every individual have a natural right to take whatever risks they see as acceptable when it comes to their own health?  If a group of people want to go to a church service and take the risk that they might get covid, don’t they have the right to do that?

    Of course, lockdown supporters will claim that those refusing to comply with mandates don’t have a right to put “other people at risk,” but how much risk from covid is there really?

    According to dozens of independent and peer reviewed studies from around the world, the actual “risk” of death from covid is limited.  Studies indicate that the median Infection Fatality Rate (or Ratio) of covid is between 0.23% and 0.27% of the population.  This is the contrary mainstream science that the media rarely talks about.

    So, 99.7% of all people (according to the science) on average face no mortal risk from the worst variants of covid.  IFR is in most cases the most accurate statistic on the death rate of a virus because it accounts for asymptomatic cases.  Case Fatality Rate (CFR), the stat often used more by the mainstream media, does not.  Even the World Health Organization notes on its website that:  “The true severity of a disease can be described by the Infection Fatality Ratio…”

    When comparing covid to a virus like the Spanish Flu, which killed over 50 million people worldwide according to the CDC, one would think that there would be a measure of apprehension when it comes to violating the freedoms of the public.  Nope.  The relatively low level of risk associated with covid made no difference to governments or global institutions.  They charged forward like bulls in a china shop breaking everything in their path and treating unilateral “mandates” as if they were laws. 

    Luckily, the tide has been slowly turning back and resistance to lockdowns and vaccine passports has been more pervasive than many officials seem to have expected.  In most conservative states within the US, the lockdowns ended quickly, within a few months in many cases, once it was realized that covid was not the population killer that the media, the CDC and the WHO had made it out to be.  Leftist blue states and countries like Canada were not so lucky.  

    Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski experienced the full brunt of medical authoritarianism first hand when, on May 9, 2021, he sought to hold a church service for his congregants only to be arrested along with his brother Dawid Pawlowski for “inciting an in-person gathering.”  

    In October of 2021, a Judge ruled that the Pastor was in violation of a covid health order.  The punishment was bizarre and Orwellian; he was heavily fined, and whenever he spoke publicly about covid he would be required to recite a government-approved statement saying that “most medical experts support social distancing, face masks, and vaccines.”  When the court says “most experts,” they are of course referring to government paid “experts.”  There are many medical experts that disagree with the efficacy of the lockdowns and other mandates.  

    Researchers, with over 18,000 studies and after four levels of screening, found 24 papers that would provide a stringent comparison of lockdown effects. They found that lockdowns reduced covid mortality in the United States and Europe by only 0.2 percent on average. They also looked at forced shelter-in-place, which reduced mortality by only 2.9 percent on average.

    The researchers had this final conclusion:

    “While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

    This week an appeals court ruled that the Alberta Health Agency’s order prohibiting “illegal public gatherings” was “not sufficiently clear and unambiguous” in connection to the Pawlowskis.

    “The Pawlowskis’ appeals are allowed. The finding of contempt and the sanction order are set aside. The fines that have been paid by them are to be reimbursed,” the three-member panel proclaimed in a 16-page ruling. 

    Pawlowski grew up under communist rule in Poland and this is likely the root of his refusal to comply.  He’s seen all of this before, including the typical religious persecution inherent in communist societies. 

    The legal victory is a clear reminder that the fear surrounding potential crisis events is often exploited and abused by governments to erase personal freedoms and legal protections.  It is these moments in history when individual rights are MORE important, not less, because whenever there is a crisis the worst types of tyrants tend to come out of the woodwork. 

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 18:25

  • Why Job Turnover Is So High For Gen Z And Millennials
    Why Job Turnover Is So High For Gen Z And Millennials

    Authored by Kimberlee Josephson via The American Institute for Economic Research,

    Jonathan Haidt’s latest essay, “Why the Past 10 Years of American Life have Been Uniquely Stupid,” calls attention to concerns related to how Gen Z has been raised.

    According to Haidt (and previously fleshed out in his insightful text The Coddling of the American Mind), Gen Z has received the most structure and attention throughout their upbringing, in comparison to previous generations, and the pre-organized playdates, ongoing extracurriculars, and soft-handed critiques have inhibited their ability to develop grit and gumption.

    Haidt is not alone in raising these concerns. Autonomous play and independent study are largely foreign concepts to Gen Z, which is why skillsets related to critical thinking and social interaction warrant attention.

    CGS notes that, in reference to a survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), competencies lacking for Gen Z include: problem solving and creativity, the capacity to deal with complexity and ambiguity, and communication efficacy. And, according to another survey by SHRM, Gen Z is aware that they are ill-prepared.

    While Haidt’s essay places the blame on older generations for not equipping Gen Z and calls attention to the implications that this has for the future of democracy (an important point since Gen Z is proving to be a prominent voting bloc), it is also worth noting the economic impact it may have as Gen Z enters into the workforce and Baby Boomers retire out.

    The size of the Gen Z cohort will soon surpass that of Millennials who currently make up a bulk of the US working populace, and so businesses must be mindful of the expectations and accommodations necessary for their new recruits.

    Millennials and Gen Z were reared in a child-centered society and have been programmed for times of transition and miniature milestones, with hand-holding along the way. To put things in perspective, only five years ago, it was documented that parents were joining in on their child’s job interviews and companies even created “Bring your Parent to Work days.”

    Gen Z’s childhood has most certainly influenced their professional pursuits and workplace preferences, but now cognitive dissonance is setting in as forms of recognition and connection are lacking in post-pandemic work environments. Consequently, job satisfaction matters now more than ever and firms must be people-oriented since, no matter how important or inspiring the task or organizational purpose, it won’t matter if employees don’t feel vested in it or prepared for it.

    It must also be noted that young workers have not only been hampered by parents and pandemics regarding their workplace readiness, but also show signs of greater anxiety and stress due social media use—and this is also spilling over into the workplace.

    As digital natives, Gen Zers have not only been exposed to a greater degree of the world’s problems but also the achievements, accomplishments, and accolades of others, thereby creating new pressures to keep up. Nowhere is this more apparent than on LinkedIn, which is Gen Z’s preferred professional platform.

    LinkedIn has booming membership rates among younger cohorts of workers, and activity online has been surging with early entrant employees anxious to signal their success or share their job market news. And there is a lot of sharing going on given that 40 percent of LinkedIn users reportedly change their employment status every four years.

    Notifications highlighting employment shifts normalize this trend, but tales of turnover are troublesome for organizations due not only to costs of recruitment or difficulties dealing with vacancies, but also since employee upheaval can have a negative impact on company culture and inspire others to follow suit.

    As new research featured in Fast Company shows, “Millennials and Gen Z are currently proving to be the driving force behind the Great Resignation.” These generations are not shy about chasing new opportunities, and this is particularly true of Gen Z, notes US News.

    The study by software and data analytics company Adobe found that more than half of Gen Z respondents reported planning to seek a new job within the next year. The generation also reported being least satisfied with their jobs, 59%, and with their work-life balance, at 56%. Nearly two-thirds of them, 62%, said they felt the most pressure to work during “office hours,” even though they said they do their best work outside of normal office hours.

    While Haidt’s essay noted above depicts the dangers of too much online activity and calls for raising the internet access age requirement, it is too late for Gen Z who have been encouraged to create LinkedIn profiles as part of the job hunt and are expected to have a virtual presence with the brands and organizations they are affiliated with.

    So, with this in mind (and in being wary about inviting further government interference in the digital realm), companies must be on the lookout for those workers who are not only in need of skill development but also require a greater connection to the real world rather than virtual world.

    Managers must be forthright and inquire about employee needs as well as future ambitions to rein in temptations for exploring external prospects, and organizations must dedicate more time to nurturing the company culture and cultivating human connections to ensure both engagement and empowerment.

    As stated by Thomas Sowell, in Wealth, Poverty, and Politics, “Transferring the fruits of human capital is not as fundamental as spreading the human capital itself.”

    *  *  *

    Reprinted from the Foundation for Economic Education

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 18:05

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Today’s News 25th July 2022

  • Escobar: Welcome To NAM 2.0, The End Of The "Rules-Based International Order"
    Escobar: Welcome To NAM 2.0, The End Of The “Rules-Based International Order”

    Authored by Pepe Escobar,

    Those were the days, in 1955, at the legendary Bandung conference in Indonesia, when the newly emancipated Global South started dreaming of building a new world, via what became configured later in 1961 in Belgrade as the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

    The Empire of Chaos – and Lies – would never allow a starring role for NAM. So it played dirty: everything from hardcore subversion and bribing to military coups and proto-color revolutions.

    Yet now, the Spirit of Bandung lives again, via a sort of NAM 2.0 on steroids: a Newly Aligned Movement, with the leaders of Eurasian integration at the vanguard.

    We just had a taste of which way the geopolitical wind is blowing at the gathering of a new power troika in Tehran. Unlike Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill in 1943, Putin, Raisi and Erdogan did not meet to carve up the world. They met essentially to discuss how another world is possible – through bilaterals, trilaterals, multilaterals and an enhanced role for an array of relatively new geopolitical and geoeconomic institutions.

    Russia – and China – have been on the forefront of all recent key decisions. Their diplomacy has brought Iran to join the SCO as a full member. Their pull is attracting key Global South players to join BRICS+. Russia has all but convinced Turkey to join BRICS+, the SCO and the EAEU, and facilitated the re-approximation of Tehran and Ankara as well as Tehran and Riyadh. Russia has largely influenced the remake/remodel process across West Asia.

    This NAM 2.0 drive – of which China is a key player – stands in stark opposition to how the Empire of Chaos – and Lies – wove its toxic net, via the war on terror, since the start of the millennium. The Empire tried to subdue what it described as MENA (Middle East-Northern Africa) on the basis of two invasions/occupations (Afghanistan-Iraq); a total devastation (Libya); and a protracted proxy war (Syria). All eventually failed.

    And that brings us to the stunning contrast between these two foreign policy approaches, graphically illustrated by the spectacular failure of the teleprompter-reading “leader of the free world” in his visit to Jeddah – he was not even allowed to go to Riyadh – compared to Putin’s performance in Tehran.

    Not only we are witnessing the lineaments of a Russia/Iran/Turkey informal alliance; we are witnessing the alliance reading a soft riot act to the Empire: leave Syria, before you suffer yet another humiliation. And with a Kurd-directed corollary: keep away from the Americans and recognize the authority of Damascus before it’s too late.

    Ankara could never admit it in public, but the fact is Sultan Erdogan – as much against US troops in Syria as Putin and Raisi – even seems to have swiftly calibrated his previous designs on Syrian sovereign territory.

    The much-debated Turkish military operation in northern Syria in the end may be restricted to taming the YPG Kurds. The heart of the action will in fact revolve around how the Russia/Iran/Turkey/Syria alliance will make like impossible for Americans stealing Syrian oil.

    As Russia is now on “take no prisoners” mode when facing the collective West – the mantra in every intervention by Putin, Lavrov, Medvedev, Patrushev – and on top of it firmly aligned with China and Iran, it’s inevitable that every other player across West Asia and beyond is giving undivided attention to the new game in town.

    Go Caspian, Young Man

    Interconnecting West Asia and Central Asia, the Caspian Sea has finally reached the geopolitical and geoeconomic limelight – complete with the groundbreaking consensus reached by the five littoral states at the Caspian Summit in late June to officially ban NATO from these waters.

    Moreover, the leadership in Tehran in no time realized how the Caspian is the perfect, cost-conscious corridor from Iran to the heart of Russia along the Volga.

    So it’s no wonder that Putin himself, in Tehran, proposed the construction of a key stretch of highway on the St Petersburg-Persian Gulf route, much to the delight of the Iranians. Cue to the nostalgic Great Game crowd in that former “rule the waves” island getting serial heart attacks: they could never imagine the Russian “empire” finally having full access to the warm waters of the Persian Gulf.

    So we’re back to the absolutely crucial re-engineering of the International North South Transportation Corridor (INTSC) – which will play for Russia and Iran a parallel role the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) plays for China. In both cases, it’s all about multimodal Eurasia-wide trade and development corridors immune from interference by the imperial Navy.

    And here we see the renewed importance of the hyper-strategic liberation of Mariupol and Kherson by the Russian and DPR forces. The Sea of Azov is now configured as a de facto Russian lake – and the same will eventually happen to what is bound to remain of the (currently Ukrainian) Black Sea coast, Odessa included.

    So we have the ultra-strategic Caspian-Black Sea maritime corridor – via the Volga-Don canal – seamlessly connected to the Black Sea-Mediterranean, and up north, all the way to the Baltic and the fast developing Atlantic-Pacific connector, the Northern Sea Route. Call it the Russian Heartland Water Roads.

    The NATO/Five Eyes/Intermarium combo has absolutely nothing to counteract these (overland) facts on the (Heartland) ground except to throw a pile of HIMARS into the Ukrainian black hole. And of course, keep de-industrializing Europe. In contrast, those across the Global South with a keen sense of history – as in the grand debate of ideas in a Hegelian sense – and also versed in geography and trade relations are busy getting ready to hit (and profit from) the new groove.

    Have strategic ambiguity, will travel

    As much as it’s a blast to survey all the instances of Russia playing strategic ambiguity to levels capable of baffling the entire, bloated “Western intel” apparatus, what is coming to the forefront is how Putin – and Patrushev – are now willfully turning up the pain dial to tactically exhaust not only the Ukrainian black hole but the whole of NATOstan.

    Western governments are collapsing. Sanctions are being ditched – practically in secret. A Deep Freeze winter is a given. And then there’s the incoming economic/financial crisis, the Definitive Monster from Hell, as Martin Armstrong has made it quite clear: “There is no way they can get out of this other than default. If they default, they are worried about millions of people storming the parliaments of Europe…This is really a tremendous financial crisis that we are facing. They have been borrowing year after year since WWII with zero intention of paying anything back.”

    Meanwhile, Moscow may be revving up the turbines to launch – this coming Fall? In the middle of Winter? Next Spring? – a multi-spectrum Mother of All Offensives, capitalizing on a rolling series of interconnected strategies that have already rendered dazed and confused every NATOstan “analyst” in sight.

    That would explain Putin looking like he’s cheerfully whistling JJ Cale’s Call Me the Breeze in most of his public appearances. In his crucial intervention at the Strong Ideas for a New Time forum, he enthusiastically promoted the advent of “truly revolutionary” and “enormous” changes that would lead to the creation of a new, “harmonious, fairer and more community-focused and safe” world order.

    Yet that’s not for everyone: “only truly sovereign states can ensure high growth dynamics.” What that implies is that the unipolar world order, followed by states in the collective West which are hardly sovereign, is condemned to fail, as it’s “becoming a brake on the development of our civilization.

    Only a self-confident sovereign who does not expect anything constructive from the collective West can get away with describing it as “racist and neo-colonial”, bearing an ideology that “is becoming increasingly more like totalitarianism.” In the old NAM days these words would be met with an assassination.

    So will the “rules-based international order” be preserved? Not a chance, argues Putin: the changes are “irreversible.” For those about to rock, NAM 2.0 salutes you.

    Tyler Durden
    Mon, 07/25/2022 – 02:00

  • Gen. Mark Milley: China Becoming "More Aggressive" In Pacific
    Gen. Mark Milley: China Becoming “More Aggressive” In Pacific

    Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times,.

    The top U.S. general asserted Sunday that the Chinese regime’s military has become more aggressive and dangerous over the past five years.

    Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters that the United States and its allies have conducted more and more intercepts of Chinese aircraft and ships in the Pacific. The number of unsafe encounters has also increased significantly, he said.

    “The message is the Chinese military, in the air and at sea, have become significantly more and noticeably more aggressive in this particular region,” Milley, who recently asked his staff to compile details about interactions between China and the United States and others in the region, said during a trip to Indonesia on Sunday.

    The top general, who has faced congressional blowback for holding two phone calls with a top Chinese general during the waning months of the Trump administration, did not provide specific figures about the incidents involving Chinese jets or ships.

    U.S. military officials have recently raised alarm about the possibility that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) could invade Taiwan amid speculation the CCP could take inspiration from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February. The CCP has stepped up its military provocations against Taiwan in 2022 as it looks to intimidate it into assimilating with the communist mainland.

    Two Chinese SU-30 fighter jets take off from an unspecified location to fly a patrol over the South China Sea, in an undated file photo. (Jin Danhua/Xinhua via AP)

    Milley also made note of an agreement between the CCP and the Solomon Islands that will allow Beijing to potentially construct a naval base in the South Pacific region.

    “This is an area in which China is trying to do outreach for their own purposes. And again, this is concerning because China is not doing it just for benign reasons,” Milley told reporters Sunday.

    “They’re trying to expand their influence throughout the region. And that has potential consequences that are not necessarily favorable to our allies and partners in the region.”

    Elaborating further, Milley said that the “vast majority” of countries in the Pacific want the U.S. military to be more involved amid the CCP threat.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 23:30

  • Entire North Carolina Police Department Resigns In Protest Over Progressive Town Manager
    Entire North Carolina Police Department Resigns In Protest Over Progressive Town Manager

    The entire North Carolina police department resigned Friday after a new town manager was hired.

    Police officers and other officials in the small town of Kenly submitted mass-resignation letters citing stress, a hostile work environment and an inability to continue the department’s long-term betterment projects, Fox News reports.

    In a letter to Town Manager Justine Jones, Police Chief Josh Gibson expressed regret toward the negative changes he felt were occurring in the department.

    “In my 21 years at the Kenly Police Department, we have seen ups and downs. But, especially in the last 3 years, we have made substantial progress that we had hoped to continue. However, due to the hostile work environment now present in the Town of Kenly, I do not believe progress is possible,” Gibson wrote.

    Kenly Police Chief Josh Gibson posted about how he “put in my 2 weeks notice along with the whole police dept.” over the “hostile work environment.”

    Gibson made the shocking announcement in a Facebook post on Thursday, saying the assistant town manager and a key clerk had joined him and his five officers in quitting in protest.

    “I have put in my 2 weeks notice along with the whole police dept.,” he wrote of the force he has served with for 21 years.

    “The new manager has created an environment I do not feel we can perform our duties and services to the community,” he wrote of Justine Jones, who took up the position early last month.

    New Kenly town manager Justine Jones.

    Local outlets report that neither the police department nor Jones has been willing to speak to the media on the nature of these complaints.

    Gibson’s letter was only one of several resignations that were made publicly available after the mass exodus.

    “It is with a heavy heart that I take this action. I have been with the town since 2004 and fully expected to finish my law enforcement career with the Town of Kenly. Unfortunately, there are decisions being made that jeopardize my safety and make me question what the future will hold for a Kenly Police Officer,” wrote officer G.W. Strong.

    While all others addressed their resignations to Gibson, the police chief himself submitted his to Jones.

    Jones was just hired as town manager last month after serving in various local government positions in other states. Her new position was celebrated by the Town of Kenly in a June press release.

    She had started on June 2 after “a nationwide search,” according to a statement which said that “Jones has dedicated her career to public service over the last 16 years during which she worked in progressively responsible positions with local governments in Minnesota, Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina,” the town wrote in the statement. “She began her municipal career as the Executive Assistant to the City Manager and National Urban Fellow in the City of Norfolk, Virginia.”

    The release did not mention, however, how she had sued a previous employer in neighboring South Carolina for racial discrimination after she was fired in March 2015, according to WRAL.

    She accused Richland County leaders of “hostile” treatment and for not paying her fairly because she was black and had a disability, court docs show. She also accused the county of discriminating against her because she was a “whistleblower” who “reported serious fraud, wrongdoing, and violations of the law.”

    The lawsuit was voluntarily dismissed in April 2017, court records show, without elaborating on why. Before getting hired by Kenly, she listed herself as “Principal CEO” of her own consulting company, Word of Mouth Realtime, her LinkedIn shows.

    Police leadership and active duty officers were joined in their resignation by other officials.

    “I have truly enjoyed working for The Town the last four years. Due to the current situations and the stress in the work area lately, my main concern is my health, and right now I need to focus on my wellbeing. The work area is very hostile and I will not let myself be around that kind of atmosphere,” wrote Christy Thomas, utility clerk for the town of Kenly.

    Some outgoing government employees kept their messages curt and to the point — including Town Clerk Sharon Evans.

    “I will be retiring sooner than I had planned. This is my two weeks notice as of today. I can no longer work under the stress,” wrote Evans.

    Meanwhile, Johnston County Sheriff Steve Bizzell assured WRAL that his deputies would be “stepping up” to cover for the missing Kenly cops.

    “I will be there for the people of Kenly, and they can rest assured they will have deputies patrolling the streets,” he insisted. If not, they can just get the progressive new town manager to contain what is soon sure to be rampant, uncontrolled crime.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 23:00

  • "This Is Total BS": Musk Denies Banging Sergey Brin's Wife, Calls WSJ "Sub-Tabloid"
    “This Is Total BS”: Musk Denies Banging Sergey Brin’s Wife, Calls WSJ “Sub-Tabloid”

    Update: Musk has denied the entire Wall Street Journal report – tweeting Sunday night “This is total bs. Sergey and I are friends and were at a party together last night!

    I’ve only seen Nicole twice in three years, both times with many other people around. Nothing romantic,” he added.

    When asked if there was anything fans could do, Musk replied: “Call them out on it, I guess. WSJ is supposed to have a high standard for journalism and, right now, they are way sub tabloid.”

    I work crazy hours, so there just isn’t much time for shenanigans,” Musk continued in another reply. “None of the key people involved in these alleged wrongdoings were even interviewed!”

    So, Kirsten Grind and Emily Glazer of the Wall Street Journal, what say you?

    *  *  *

    Elon Musk allegedly ‘begged forgiveness’ after having a brief affair last fall with Sergey Brin’s wife, Nicole Shanahan, which prompted the Google co-founder to file for divorce earlier this year, according to the Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the matter.

    Mr. Brin filed for divorce from Nicole Shanahan in January of this year, citing “irreconcilable differences,” according to records filed in Santa Clara County Superior Court. The divorce filing was made several weeks after Mr. Brin learned of the brief affair, those people said.

    At the time of the alleged liaison in early December, Mr. Brin and his wife were separated but still living together, according to a person close to Ms. Shanahan. In the divorce filing, Mr. Brin cited Dec. 15, 2021, as the date of the couple’s separation. -WSJ

    At a party earlier this year, Musk reportedly dropped to one knee in front of Brin and begged forgiveness, apologizing profusely for the transgression. Brin acknowledged the apology, but still isn’t speaking ‘regularly’ to Musk, the people said.

    The tryst happened shortly after Musk broke up with his girlfriend, Grimes, in September.

    Musk and Brin had been longtime friends, with Musk saying for years that he regularly crashed at Brin’s Silicon Valley house. Brin, meanwhile, gave Musk around $500,000 for Tesla during the 2008 financial crisis, when the EV maker was struggling to increase production. In return, Musk gave Brin one of Tesla’s first all-electric SUVs in 2015.

    But in recent months, there’s been a ‘growing tension’ between the two – with Brin reportedly ordering his financial advisers to sell personal investments in Musk’s companies.

    Brin and Shanahan met seven years ago at the Wanderlust yoga retreat, and had been married for nearly four years after previous marriages; Brin to Anne Wojcicki – founder of 23andMe and the sister of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, and Shanahan to a finance executive.

    Brin is officially the 10th richest person on earth according to Forbes, with a net worth of 89.9 billion. Musk is #1 at 253.4 billion.

    The two had reportedly been facing issues in their marriage “primarily because of Covid pandemic shutdowns and the care of their 3-year-old daughter,” according to people familiar with their relationship.

    Mr. Brin and Ms. Shanahan are now involved in divorce mediation, with Ms. Shanahan seeking more than $1 billion, according to people familiar with the negotiations.

    The two sides have yet to come to an agreement, with Mr. Brin’s side claiming that Ms. Shanahan is asking for much more than her prenuptial agreement entitles her to, the people said. Ms. Shanahan’s side is arguing that her request is only a fraction of Mr. Brin’s $95 billion fortune, and that she signed the prenuptial agreement under duress, while pregnant, the people said. -WSJ

    Over the past two months, Musk has been accused of whipping his dick out in front of a SpaceX flight attendant, which he has denied. He also reportedly had two children with a female executive at Neuralink – bringing the total number of Musk children to 10, one of whom has publicly disavowed him.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 22:45

  • Three Months That Wrecked The World
    Three Months That Wrecked The World

    Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via,

    The most salient question of our time is: Who destroyed the world?

    We know the “what” of that question already…

    It was the lockdowns, the spending, the monetary insanity, the mandates and the overwhelming and ghastly explosion in the forces of command and control imposed all over the world.

    This broke everything.

    It is nowhere near being put back together again. In fact, it is getting worse.

    The main issue concerns the who.

    This matters if we are ever to gain a clear picture of how the happy life of 2019 turned into the hellscape of 2022.

    Conspirators Like to Brag

    To assist the discovery project, I’ve become a voracious and very close reader of every opportunistic autobiographical account on which I can get my hands. At issue, above all else, is that amazing period between Feb. 1 and April 1 of 2020.

    Three months that wrecked the world.

    Who were the players and why did they do it and why did they persist in their egregious errors? What were their motivations?

    I have by now a complete bibliography that perhaps I will share at some point. At issue right now is the autobio of one Dr. Deborah Birx, aka the “scarf lady” who pushed so hard from those early days, all throughout the rest of the year, crucially through the November election that ended up pushing Trump out of office.

    She was never a fan as she makes clear, but she claims that her politics never affected her devotion to “the science.”

    Yeah, we’ve heard that one before. In any case, it was she who was tasked with doing the really crucial thing of talking Donald Trump into green-lighting the lockdowns that began on March 15 and continued to their final hard-core deployment on March 16. This was the “15 Days to Flatten the Curve.”

    Her book admits that it was a lie from the beginning.

    “We had to make these palatable to the administration by avoiding the obvious appearance of a full Italian lockdown,” she writes.

    “At the same time, we needed the measures to be effective at slowing the spread, which meant matching as closely as possible what Italy had done — a tall order. We were playing a game of chess in which the success of each move was predicated on the one before it.”

    In other words, she wanted to go full CCP but didn’t want to say that. Crucially, she knew for sure that two weeks was not the real plan. “I left the rest unstated: that this was just a starting point.”

    It Was a Lie

    “No sooner had we convinced the Trump administration to implement our version of a two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it,” she admits:

    Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread was a start, but I knew it would be just that. I didn’t have the numbers in front of me yet to make the case for extending it longer, but I had two weeks to get them.

    However hard it had been to get the 15-day shutdown approved, getting another one would be more difficult by many orders of magnitude. In the meantime, I waited for the blowback, for someone from the economic team to call me to the principal’s office or confront me at a task force meeting. None of this happened.


    It was a solution in search of evidence she did not have. She told Trump that the evidence was there anyway. She actually tricked him into believing that locking down hundreds of millions of people was somehow magically going to make a virus that everyone would eventually get go away.

    Meanwhile, the economy was wrecked all over the world, as most governments in the world followed what the U.S. did.

    Trump was not and is not an idiot. She reports that by April 1, he had lost confidence in her. He might have intuited that he had been tricked. He stopped speaking to her. On the other hand, Trump had a major problem. He had made a dramatic decision. It was a disastrous one but he learned from long experience that admitting error only fed the media that wanted him dead. So he refused. He refused to admit the problem.

    His solution was to pretend like it was the right thing and that it saved millions (no evidence!) but that now was the time to open the economy. It took another several weeks but finally, he went full-on with an opening agenda. He came to realize that he had destroyed the Trump economy, the ticket to his reelection, by his own hand!

    Tragedy in Our Times

    This is a story of Biblical proportions, at once desperately sad and tragic, a story of fallibility matched by ego, a story of enormous betrayal that played off character flaws that ended up wrecking hope and prosperity for billions of people.

    Once Trump turned against her and eventually found other people to provide good advice like the tremendous Scott Atlas, Birx turned to rallying around her an inner circle (Anthony Fauci, Robert Redfield and a few others) plus assembling a realm of protection outside of her.

    For example, Scott Atlas tried to stop the testing madness (you remember it well) and changed the CDC guidance. “Less than a week later,” she writes, “Bob and I had finished our rewrite of the guidance and surreptitiously posted it. We had restored the emphasis on testing to detect areas where silent spread was occurring. It was a risky move, and we hoped everyone in the White House would be too busy campaigning to realize what Bob and I had done. We weren’t being transparent with the powers that be in the White House…”


    Et Tu, Brute?

    And guess who provided her protection within the White House. I will let her tell you:

    Ever since Vice President Pence told me to do what I needed to do, I’d engaged in very blunt conversations with the governors. I spoke the truth that some White House senior advisors weren’t willing to acknowledge. Censoring my reports and putting up guidance that negated the known solutions was only going to perpetuate COVID-19’s vicious circle. What I couldn’t sneak past the gatekeepers in my reports, I said in person.

    Did you catch that? The name is Pence. She names him out directly as her protector. Mr. Earnest, Mr. Honest, Mr. Moral and Good. He clearly teamed up with her and her gang to keep the hysteria roiling from March all the way through November.

    Didn’t Shakespeare teach us something about this? If you are looking for the betrayer, the slayer, the plotter, the person who fells the leader, always and everywhere look to the No. 2 in charge. There you will find the real source of the problem. Et Tu, Brute?

    What followed seems inevitable in retrospect. The inflation, the broken lives, the desperation and now the growing hunger and demoralization and educational losses and cultural destruction, all of it came in the wake of these fateful days.

    The plotters usually admit it in the end, taking credit, like criminals who cannot resist returning to the scene of the crime.

    And what a crime it was.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 22:30

  • Hunter Biden 'Almost Certainly' Broke FARA Laws: Report
    Hunter Biden ‘Almost Certainly’ Broke FARA Laws: Report

    Hunter Biden’s failure to register as a foreign agent while conducting business overseas, much like former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, almost certainly violated foreign lobbying laws under the federal Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

    According to the New York Post, while Hunter registered as a lobbyist for domestic interests (“a gig which so annoyed President Obama that Biden was forced to drop it in 2008“), he never registered as a “foreign principal” under the 1938 law – a crime which carries a punishment of up to five years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine.

    We aren’t holding our breath. That said…

    The Post’s examination of Biden’s infamous abandoned laptop in the last year has exposed myriad foreign business schemes the then-Vice President’s son tried to shepherd. Last week The Post revealed dozens of sit-downs between Hunter and Joe Biden that were frequently scheduled just days after Hunter visited with foreign officials. -NY Post

    “The recent disclosures of additional foreign contacts has only strengthened what was already a strong case. Indeed, in the last few weeks, the compelling basis for a FARA charge has becomes unassailable and undeniable,” according to law professor Jonathan Turley. “The influence peddling schemes directly reference the President and [Joe Biden] is repeatedly cited as a possible recipient of funds.”

    And while a CNN report from last week indicated that the DOJ is focusing on Hunter’s tax issues and alleged violations of federal firearm regulations, the first son’s foreign dealings have undoubtedly been part of the investigation – particularly since the Post exposed evidence of extensive foreign dealings from Hunter’s “laptop from hell,” which they published in October 2020 shortly before the US election.

    The inquiry began as a tax probe in 2018 but has expanded considerably since a series of New York Post exposes showed how Hunter Biden’s private business interests became commingled with his father’s public career. The revelations were contained on a laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden at a Delaware computer repair shop in April 2019.  -NY Post

    Yet, despite potential violations of foreign lobbying laws and money laundering – insiders say Hunter could receive a “generous” plea agreement.

    House Republicans, meanwhile, say that should they take back control of the chamber in the upcoming midterm elections, they’ll launch their own investigation into Hunter’s overseas exploits.

    Let’s review some of Hunter’s dealings…

    For starters, he worked for CCP-linked Chinese energy company CEFC, which sought to gain a foothold into the United States. After the New York Times questioned Hunter’s involvement in 2018, Joe Biden left him a voicemail in which he told his son “I think you’re clear.”

    Republicans have accused CEFC of being an arm of the Chinese government. In 2017, the year Joe Biden left the Vice Presidency, Hunter received a $1 million retainer for his services as a lawyer. CEFC official Patrick Ho was later convicted on international bribery and money laundering charges on unrelated work in Africa.

    When the Hunter Biden laptop story broke in October 2020 (and was immediately suppressed by the media), the Bidens allegedly accepted a $5 million interest-free loan from CEFC that enraged their business partner, Tony Bobulinski – who flipped on the Bidens following a Senate report which revealed the $5 million ‘loan.’

    Text messages from Bobulinski also reveal an effort to conceal Joe Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s business dealings, while Tony has also confirmed that the “Big guy” described in a leaked email is none other than Joe Biden himself.

    More on Hunter’s dealings from the Post:

    After additional revelations from The Post in 2020, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) sent a letter to the Justice Department demanding a review of possible FARA violations. Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski said in public comments at the time that the Chinese saw Hunter Biden “as a political or influence investment.”

    Since then, I’ve only seen and gathered more records and information that confirm that [Hunter Biden and his uncle James Biden] are closely linked to foreign interests,” Grassley told The Post.

    While Ukrainian energy company Burisma paid Hunter Biden $83,333 a month to sit on its board, Hunter Biden introduced Vadym Pozharskyi — one of the company’s top executives — to his father, emails show. Less than a year later, Vice President Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company.

    Meanwhile, Hunter arranged for the former president of Columbia, Andrés Pastrana Arango, to have a sit-down with his father during a March 2, 2012 meeting.

    In Nov. 2015, Hunter met with Crown Prince Alexander Karađorđević of Yugoslavia and his wife, Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia, who told the Post that they asked Hunter to ‘put in a word’ with his father to help rehab the royal palace in Belgrade.

    If Hunter relayed the request for US government assistance then that would be a FARA registrable event,” said FARA expert Craig Engle, who leads the political law practice at Arent Fox Schiff. “Given the nature of the client, given the nature of the work, and given his relationship with Joe Biden as demonstrated on his calendar, it makes it likely that FARA is part of an investigation,” he added.

    Emails on Hunter’s laptop also reveal concerns over FARA violations – with Eric Schwerin, president of Hunter’s investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners – discussing the issue.

    “Was reading an article saying how [former White House Chief of Staff William] Daley was never a ‘registered’ lobbyist although he directed [Telecoms company] SBC and JP Morgan’s lobbying efforts. Also the article noted that he was registered as Foreign Lobbyist under FARA at one point … sometimes I wonder why we stress about this so much,” Schwerin wrote to Hunter in January, 2011.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 22:00

  • Most Chinese Property Junk Bonds Are Trading Below 35 Cents
    Most Chinese Property Junk Bonds Are Trading Below 35 Cents

    By Ye Xie, Bloomberg Markets Live commentator and reporter

    1. China’s mortgage-boycott problem is still growing. More homebuyers halted payments on unfinished apartments, affecting at least 319 projects, up from 235 a week ago, according to Capital Economics. By all accounts, the situation is still manageable. Most economists estimate that the affected loans make up about 1%-2% of China’s $5.8 trillion in mortgages.

    But the problem is that Beijing has yet to break the vicious circle in the housing market. The boycotts undermine confidence of new homebuyers, which reduces the cash flow of troubled developers and causes more of the type of construction delays that motivated the boycotts in the first place.

    Already, the top 100 private developers, which account for more than a third of the projects under construction, are experiencing liquidity risks, according to Goldman Sachs. Reflecting this risk, about 73% of China’s high-yield property bonds are trading below 35 cents on the dollar, a level deemed as distressed by Goldman’s analysts. Left unsolved, it could quickly create problems in the banking system.

    Source: Goldman Sachs

    What’s the solution? Policy makers are considering remedies, including allowing a grace period for mortgage payments of affected homeowners. Bank of America’s economists led by Helen Qiao expect local governments and state-owned enterprises to step in to complete the unfinished projects. But they also warn that it may take time to resolve the issue, and governments of lower-tier cities may not have sufficient funds to come to the rescue.

    Source: Bank of America

    2. The housing troubles and sporadic Covid outbreaks took momentum out of the economic rebound. The consensus 2022 GDP forecast in a Bloomberg survey has declined to 4%, and a number of economists, including at Bloomberg Economics, only see a growth rate of 3%. The outperformance of Chinese stocks since last month also has faded.

    In response to the latest housing drama, the PBOC kept liquidity abundant, with interbank borrowing costs dropping below 1.5% for the first time since December 2020. Meanwhile, traders took advantage of the cheap funding to build leverage in the bond market, sending the overnight repo trading volume to records almost on a daily basis.

    3. Recession risks keep rising as central banks tighten monetary policy. A survey of purchasing managers by S&P Global on Friday showed activities in both the euro zone and US contracted. The ECB ended eight years of negative interest rates with a 50bp hike last week. The Fed is expected to raise rates by 75 bps this week for a second consecutive meeting. But traders are betting that the Fed will slow down the rate increases afterward and wrap the tightening campaign by December.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 21:45

  • ESG Is A Globalist 'Scam' Meant To Usher In 'One World Government': James Lindsay
    ESG Is A Globalist ‘Scam’ Meant To Usher In ‘One World Government’: James Lindsay

    Authored by Cindy Drukier and Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times,

    James Lindsay, author of “Race Marxism” and other books challenging woke narratives, has taken environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores into his crosshairs, calling ESG a weapon in the hands of “social justice warriors” to shake down corporations and a tool in the hands of those seeking to impose “one world government.”

    Lindsay told NTD’s “The Nation Speaks” program in a recent interview that the ESG scoring system was initially conceived as a way for investors to track the likelihood that a corporation would be a good bet for investment over the long term.

    “In the early 2000s, a few very socially minded socially activist investors got together and thought up this idea that, well, it’s probably the case that companies that are bad at environmental policy, bad with social responsibility, and bad corporate governance are going to be bad bets in long term investment,” he said.

    James Lindsay, co-author of “Cynical Theories,” in New York on Feb. 28, 2020. (Brendon Fallon/The Epoch Times)

    Lindsay believes the ESG concept was suspect from the very beginning and it’s unclear whether higher scores translated into good long-term profitability for participating corporations.

    Worse still, he argued that, over time, ESG scores have been hijacked and “weaponized” by “social justice warriors.”

    “They have the leverage to be able to use this like a … financial gun to the head of any corporation that doesn’t do what it wants them to do,” he said, calling it a “blatant weaponization.”

    “In fact, it’s racketeering is what it is, is just criminal racketeering, using what looks like a responsible measurement tool as the mechanism. So nobody’s directly responsible for engaging in what is really a mob shakedown of corporations,” he argued.

    Lack of transparency in how ESG scores are determined is an open door for abuse, Lindsay further contended.

    Even more troubling is Lindsay’s argument that ESG fits into a “broader global agenda” that he said wants to make the West energy poor—to the benefit of countries like China—and as a way of social control.

    “They want to implement the exact same control system because they see that it works to control people in China,” adding that, in his view, the “power elite” in the West “often do want to control people.”

    “And so they would be using that as a tool to try to get toward one world government,” Lindsay said.

    Insider Intelligence estimates that, in 2022, there was $41 trillion in ESG assets under management worldwide.

    By 2025, this figure is expected to climb to $50 trillion.

    Read more here…

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 21:30

  • 3 Trucking Veterans Reveal Why They Closed Their Businesses Amid The "Great Purge"
    3 Trucking Veterans Reveal Why They Closed Their Businesses Amid The “Great Purge”

    By Rachel Premack of FreightWaves

    Back in 2018, when trucking was red-hot, Texas native Mike Dow got famous — if just for a moment. An article in The Washington Post featured his insights on why companies were struggling to retain truckers

    Dow was as confident as ever. That year, he and his brother founded their own trucking company. He told the Post reporter he was planning bringing in a serious salary: up to $120,000.

    That turned out to be a modest estimate. In 2021 alone, Dow grossed up to $375,000, thanks in part to retail’s wild uptick. Retail sales grew by 14% in 2021, while it increased on average 3.7% annually from 2010 to 2019. “When you run your own business, it’s a 24-hour-a-day job,” Dow told FreightWaves. “It consumes your life.” 

    Business slowed down as the months went on — and not for the better. Spot rates for dry van, which is what Dow Brothers Transportation specialized in, declined by 24% from the beginning of the year to the week of July 17, according to data from load board Expenses, meanwhile, have soared. The break-even cost to run a truck in 2022 is $3.27 per mile, significantly up from $2.16 per mile last year. 

    That spelled the end for Dow Brothers Transportation. Dow and his brother ultimately shuttered their company, sold off their trucks, and got regular jobs earlier this year. Now Dow hauls construction equipment around the bustling Dallas area. He’s home every night for dinner. 

    Big, public trucking companies are reporting their second-quarter earnings. So far, it’s been gangbusters. But small trucking companies are suffering amid the collapse in spot rates, increase in diesel prices and ongoing challenges in finding equipment. Despite rates still being historically high, truckers say that they’re not high enough to deal with the inflated cost of everything else.

    “Nobody has the same cost structure on anything,” Thom Albrecht, chief financial officer of transportation insurance agency Reliance Partners, told FreightWaves in June. 

    It’s sparking what one freight broker called trucking’s “Great Purge,” with small trucking companies going out of business at a historically high rate. Dry van companies like Dow’s are particularly at risk as the pandemic’s unhinged retail spend cools. Truckers that haul more specialized freight, like grain feed, are still chugging along. 

    FreightWaves spoke to Dow and two other longtime truckers to learn why 2022 has been the year that killed their businesses — and what they think it means for the industry.

    Why the ‘Great Purge’ is hurting small truckers more than big ones

    The three truck drivers all operated in different parts of North America and in different industries. But they shared one common fear: Big trucking companies are getting bigger, and it’s at the expense of the owner-operator. 

    “Those small mom and pops have to compete with the big boys,” Dow said. “They’re not always successful. There will always be a need for small companies, but those conglomerates are trying to push us out.”

    Data enthusiasts might disagree with Dow’s assessment. Trucking has become increasingly dominated by smaller carriers since the pandemic. One particularly stunning number shows that. Avery Vise of FTR Transportation Intelligence previously told FreightWaves that almost 195,000 new trucking companies entered the industry from July 2020 to June 2022. Just 86,000 new carriers entered the industry during the second-highest 23-month period. 

    What’s more, about 70% of those new carriers consisted of just one truck, Vise said. Big carriers haven’t grown by the same rate. In fact, Vise estimated that 6-7% of capacity shifted from fleets with more than 100 drivers to fleets with fewer than 100 drivers in the past two years.

    Many of the small, new carriers signed on to operate on the spot market. (A quick note for trucking newbies: The spot market consists of loads that are available on demand, while the contract market is, yes, contracted freight. Small trucking companies are bigger on the spot market, and large ones are bigger on the contract market.) 

    Rates on the spot market seemed to break a new record each month of 2021, diverting more and more cash to small trucking companies. Contract rates didn’t climb at the same rate, and mega-fleets didn’t either

    Now the big carriers seem to be regaining their share. Large fleets are better able to navigate market downturns as they’re more likely to have hefty cash reserves, long-standing contracts with deep-pocketed customers and, perhaps most importantly for this downturn, bulk discounts when buying fuel and equipment. 

    Unable to weather this downturn, we saw a record number of trucking companies shutter this spring, with more likely to come. Many are expected to join larger trucking companies.  

    In May, net motor carrier revocations hit a record high, according to an analysis of federal data by FTR. January and March of this year were the previous records. 

    As the above graph shows, revocations of trucking authorities reached a record high in May, hitting nearly 9,300. The yellow bar represents some 4,000 revocations due to a processing company that unexpectedly shuttered. Even counting that out, though, the net revocations peaked.

    Meanwhile, big truckers are enjoying record quarters. According to the FMIC-Cowen Index, which tracks tens of billions of freight spend dollars annually, rates on the spot van market are 15.3% down from this time last year. Meanwhile, contract van rates are up 34.8%. 

    Second-quarter results are just rolling in, and they’ve already been strong, with mega-carriers like Knight-Swift, J.B. Hunt and Marten all crushing expectations. Each company saw the biggest gains from the parts of their companies that aren’t traditional trucking; Knight-Swift earned big on its less-than-truckload division, J.B. Hunt on intermodal and Marten on brokerage. 

    Even amid what Susquehanna Financial Group’s Bascome Majors called the “coming freight recession” in a Tuesday note, trucking and logistics stocks are outperforming the larger stock market. 

    “What’s going to happen is going to be tough,” said truck brokerage owner Chris Tucker, who was first to keenly dub the current market conditions the “Great Purge.” “It’s going to be painful for a lot of people. Very few people will be left standing.”

    Longtime truckers have already shut down. We talked to three of them:

    Dan Chidester, owner-operator since 1981: ‘Fuel has to come down to $3 a gallon to survive’

    For a young Dan Chidester back in the 1970s, it was time for a “real job.” He tuned up race cars and was a salesman for a high-performance Chevrolet dealership. But when he got married, Chidester took a job fixing trucks in a field that is about as different from drag racing as you can get: a local bread factory. 

    “I hated to go punch in that clock every day,” Chidester, now 71, said. “That was the reason I got into trucking. I wanted to work for myself. I’ve been that type.”

    A friend told him about the opportunities hauling freight. He quit the bread company and got a CDL. Suddenly, the western Michigan native was traveling the country — loading up on potatoes from North Carolina and grapefruit from South Carolina, talking to people from all over. 

    Being an independent truck driver was challenging. His marriage ended in 1987, the same year his truck literally burst into flames. Chidester found himself once so down on his luck that all he could afford was a loaf of bread, a bottle of mustard and a pack of bologna. He’s outlived recession after recession; the trucking industry goes into downturns twice as often as the rest of the economy.

    His luck has changed. In 2021, Chidester only worked three or four days of the week and frequently ran empty when driving back up to his home. But he said his rate averaged around $4 per mile, even with the empty miles. 

    Chidester mostly hauled refrigerated goods from Michigan to major retail warehouses around the Upper Midwest, like a Walmart near Fort Wayne, Indiana, or a Costco near Detroit. 

    “For me, every trip is an adventure,” Chidester said. “I’ve been doing it since 1981, but I’m just like a 10-year-old kid on Christmas Eve when I know I’m going trucking tomorrow.”

    But Chidester curtailed his trips in 2022. Rates began to decline in March. By May, they didn’t make up for the cost of running his truck. “Fuel has to come down to $3 a gallon again to survive, to make any money,” he said. 

    On June 10, Chidester quietly let his decades-old trucking authority go and canceled his insurance.

    There’s a creed among some owner-operators: Don’t haul cheap freight. The idea is that if no one takes poor-paying jobs, brokers will be forced to raise their rates. But with an intensely fragmented trucking industry, it’s hard for small truckers to organize. 

    It wasn’t always like this. When Chidester started in trucking, the industry was still regulated, which meant that the federal government had limits on the companies that could haul most types of freight. Only 17,000 trucking companies existed. Now there are more than 350,000 owner-operators alone, according to the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association. 

    “They can’t agree on anything, it’s all broken up. Everybody started fighting for freight and the whole business went down a rathole,” Chidester said. 

    As a result of deregulation in 1980, freight rates tumbled and trucker pay has decreased by up to 50%, according to estimates by Wayne State University’s Michael Belzer. Experts say deregulation and cheap trucking have made it possible for big-box retail to build robust supply chains and quickly scale, edging out local businesses.

    Chidester has counted some of those retail behemoths as his biggest clients. This spring, they slashed pay. The pay for one 150-mile trip dropped from $1,400 to $900 in just two weeks. Uber Freight economist Mazan Danaf previously told FreightWaves that this spring saw the fastest declines in spot market pay in recent history.

    Chidester can stay home and refuse cheap freight, but he knows he’s in a unique position. After all, his equipment is paid off. 

    “Most of these guys are running, running, running,” Chidester said. “The more they run, the longer this [fall in rates] will continue to go.

    “They’ve got families, payments, bills,” he added. “I was in their shoes back in the early ’80s. I didn’t make any money. I just barely hung on.”

    He could make a killing selling his truck, as prices for used trucks are still unusually high, though they’re quickly declining. But Chidester is still scheming to get back out on the road.  

    “I miss it, oh man,” Chidester said. “I’d like to get out for just a couple days. It’s not about the money so much. I just like to drive and I like playing the game. And I’m good at it.” 

    Jason and Kerry Kraft, owner-operators since 2007: ‘She doesn’t even want to say the word truck anymore’

    Jason and Kerry Kraft decided to become truck drivers for a simple reason: They wanted to be together all the time. So 15 years ago, they opened their own trucking business. 

    They weren’t ordinary truckers. The Krafts, who live in Edmonton, Alberta, hauled tanks and other equipment for the Canadian military. They moved refrigerated loads and 6-foot-wide tires for mining vehicles on the infamous ice roads. As team drivers, they could score high-priority loads that need to be moved quickly. 

    “We ran hard 24 hours a day,” said Jason, 45. “We don’t take vacations. We haven’t even gone on a honeymoon.”

    And they had the cash to prove it. In 2021, they grossed nearly $500,000 — one of their best years. 

    It wasn’t bad rates that took down the Krafts. Instead, it was the challenge of getting repairs. Once in Toronto, they needed a truck starter, but the only one they could find was back in Edmonton. Another part took three weeks to source and install, when it would normally be readily available.  

    Instead of driving, the Krafts found themselves increasingly staying in hotels and waiting for repairs. “It’s not the price of the part that’s killing you anymore,” Jason said. “It’s the downtime.”

    The final straw was a bad — and very expensive — repair. A “shoddy mechanic,” as Jason said, replaced the truck frame with a component that had already been damaged. When they got the truck back, it looked worse than when they left it at the shop — and it cost them $50,000. (By the way, if you want to learn more about the Krafts’ story, listen to their appearance on my colleagues’ podcast, Back the Truck Up.)

    The Krafts searched for parts but couldn’t find any. Jason said if he were part of a larger company, it would have been easier to place an order, as he would be buying in bulk.

    “All these mega-carriers have all the slots for building a truck for the next three to four years,” Kraft said. “That’s another way I’m feeling the mega-carriers are squeezing out the small guy.” 

    The Krafts finally shut down in June. They sold their trailer for more than what they paid for it in 2018, which was a bright spot. 

    For Kerry, 39, in particular, Jason said it was demoralizing. “She doesn’t even want to say the word truck anymore.” 

    Working regular jobs has been a shock for the couple and their dachshunds, Diesel and Turbo. 

    “We worked for 15 years and now we’re at entry-level jobs because we don’t have the verified experience to do anything,” Jason said. “We don’t have the education. Now it’s like you have to sell yourself on paper. We don’t have the credentials to get a job anymore.”

    Mike Dow, owner-operator since 2018: ‘Operating at a loss was the biggest deciding factor’

    These past few years, it seemed like Dow was the only one working anymore. Federal stimulus checks were a lifesaver for many out-of-work Americans, but it also helped drive unprecedented container volumes into American ports, which were filled with televisions, furniture and clothing that people were spending excess cash on. 

    Dow and his brother happily hauled all of those goods. 

    “You never saw so many people out in the park bike riding and kayaking,” Dow said. “The money has run out, so now everyone has to go back to work.”

    The rapid downturn in consumer spending hurt Dow and his brother, who shuttered their trucking company and got company driving jobs this year. 

    Retail spend saw a 1% uptick in June, according to federal data. But there’s still a key mismatch between just how many truckers have flooded the industry versus the amount of freight that’s available for them to haul. Since the beginning of the pandemic, federal data reflects that there’s been a 10% increase in drivers available for hire

    For those truckers who are seeing decreased rates and increased costs for everything else they need to buy to operate, it’s challenging to keep going. As the spot market softened and expenses piled up, Dow realized his company was hemorrhaging money. 

    He still owed money on his truck, and he couldn’t make the monthly payments. The only way to keep the company, it seemed, was to take out a second mortgage on his home. He didn’t want to do that. The price for a typical used truck doubled and even tripled over 2021. Unusually high truck payments were fine when matched with ultra-high spot rates, but the crash in those rates along with the increase in the price of everything else have left some truckers scrambling. 

    Record-high diesel prices also crushed Dow, along with an average insurance cost uptick of 20% from 2019 to 2022. Maintenance costs have increased by 30% over the same time period. 

    “Operating at a loss was the biggest deciding factor,” Dow said. “You can try to ride it out for a bit to see if the trend swings back around or you can be ahead of the curve and get out before everyone else starts getting out.”

    He chose the latter and was able to recoup some cash by selling equipment. Dow now has more free time than ever. He’s using some of that time to ponder about his life as a trucker, which has left him with two divorces and the inability to spend more time at home as his kids were growing up. He shared the following, somewhat chilling analogy: 

    “It’s like going to an amusement park. You’re looking forward to ride it, waiting in line for three or four hours. The ride is 45 seconds, then it’s over. You’re thinking, ‘That was fun. It was cool.’ But in the same breath, you’re like, ‘I waited three hours for that?’ 

    “That’s how trucking is. The ride is pretty much over, I’m through the loop-the-loops and they’re pumping the air brakes.  

    “I’m 52. I have 10 to 15 years before I retire, if I’m lucky enough to make it to retirement. The thrill of it is gone. It’s just the last little leg before I get off.” 

    He’s thinking about opening up a deep-sea fishing business, combining business with pleasure. “The business I’m in now is not so pleasurable,” Dow said, laughing. 

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 20:30

  • Democrats Prepare To Unleash Hell On Fed Chair Powell For The Coming Recession
    Democrats Prepare To Unleash Hell On Fed Chair Powell For The Coming Recession

    Something curious took place a month ago during Powell’s semi-annual testimony before a (still-Democrat controlled) Congress: whereas it was quite clear that Biden was calling Powell and demanding an end to inflation (which the White House had unleashed with its trillions in stimmies), most other vocal Democrats, and especially the progressives, were warning the Fed Chair that there is hell to pay if the Fed’s hikes push the economy into recession.

    “What’s worse than high inflation and low unemployment?” asked Senator Elizabeth Warren as the Fed chief gave congressional testimony last month. “It’s high inflation and a recession with millions of people out of work…. I hope you’ll reconsider that,” she added, “before you drive this economy off a cliff.”

    Which is funny, because in recent days Biden – who was adamant in “explaining” that the soaring inflation of 2022 was out of his control and was solely “Putin’s price hikes” – has been taking credit for the modest dip in gasoline prices thanks to the most grotesque abuse of a Y-axis in history…

    … even though as we have repeatedly made it clear the only reason any commodity prices are low, and that includes oil and gas, is because most now see a recession as inevitable…

    … and yes, while gasoline prices will certainly drop during the coming recession (however briefly), it is absolutely certain that millions of people will also lose their jobs thanks to the Powell-induced recession.

    Which takes us to the main event this week, when still scorching price pressures will push the Fed to raise interest rates 75 basis points on Wednesday for the second straight month at which point the economy is expected to finally crack, and as even as Bloomberg now admits catching up to what we said months ago, “the tougher it acts, the harder it gets to avoid a sharp increase in unemployment and the subsequent political fallout.”

    “There has been more than enough blame for inflation to go around,” said Mark Spindel, chief investment officer for MBB Capital Partners LLC. If unemployment rises, “constituents will scream and senators and House members will have to deflect blame, and that will find its way to Jay Powell.”

    Powell, of course, has a dual mandate from Congress for maximum employment and price stability, and has already repeatedly admitted he got the inflation call wrong last year and were slow to react, making him a willing scapegoat for what comes next.

    And what comes next is simple: with Democrats facing catastrophic losses in the November midterm elections from voters furious over Biden’s (not Putin’s) inflation, some are starting to warn Powell to expect consequences if rising joblessness is the cost of a Fed error. Which it already is as we recently reported and as even Goldman has admitted.

    To be sure, the economy still looks in reasonable shape with unemployment near a 50-year low of 3.6%, although those are deeply lagging indicators, especially when lipsticked over with the BLS’ increasingly more grotesque seasonal adjustments- leading and concurrent indicators confirm the labor market has already snapped; indeed, critics told Bloomberg a recession will be hard to avoid over the coming year, and the path to a soft landing is getting narrower as the Fed steps up the pace of rate increases.

    Senator Mark Warner, a Virginia Democrat on the Banking Committee, didn’t favor a formal review of the Fed’s performance on inflation but did say that it was clear in hindsight that mistakes had been made.

    “I think history will look back and say we had way too easy a money policy for way too long,” he told Bloomberg although he certainly didn’t complain when policy was too easy yet inflation remained low and when all the clueless hacks – such as fax and internet expert Paul Krugman – were saying it was transitory. It much “easier” to complain now that inflation is on the verge of prefixes such as “hyper.”

    A key question is how entrenched inflation has become. The latest read on consumer prices, which rose 9.1% in the year through June, is not encouraging. Fed officials forecast moderating growth with inflation declining over the next two years with little cost to jobs.

    But as with every Fed forecast, that one too is garbage and at best wishful thinking, say some economists, because it hinges on the public being convinced that price pressures will ease in the future, and that supply tangles will unravel.

    Matthew Luzzetti, chief U.S. economist at Deutsche Bank, says the Fed is going to have to brake the economy much harder to get inflation down to its 2% goal. (The Fed targets a different price gauge whose latest reading was 6.3%.)

    “Simply getting relief on the supply side, isn’t enough” to return inflation back to 2%, said Luzzetti. “You need to impact demand materially.”

    He sees the Fed raising rates to a range of 4% to 4.25% by the first quarter of next year, compared with 1.5% to 1.75% today, which will drive the unemployment rate to 5.5%.

    Bloomberg Economics also estimates the unemployment rate will peak around 5% in this Fed tightening cycle; meanwhile the odds of a recession according to the median forecast- which exclude such outliers as Deutsche and Bank of America, both of which have made a recession their base case – are approaching 50%.

    “Even a shallow recession can lead to the unemployment rate jumping by 2 percentage points,” said Anna Wong, chief U.S. economist for Bloomberg Econ.

    “They need to see clear and convincing evidence that inflation is coming down,” she added. By the time that happens, “we will be in a recession.”

    Which means that in the next few weeks, Powell will transform from every Democrat’s best friend (for launching of that socialist wet dream, MMT or the Magic Money Tree), to their most loathed enemy – after all, someone else has to be responsible for the catastrophic governance under Democratic leadership.

    It’s already starting: while Senate Baking Committee Chair Sherrod Brown, an Ohio Democrat, defended Powell during an interview on Bloomberg Television Thursday, some other prominent Democrats on the committee, which oversees the central bank, voted against Powell’s second term, including Warren and Robert Menendez of New Jersey.

    “It is important for the Fed not to overreach and trigger a recession unnecessarily, as part of its effort to bring inflation down,” said Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the No. 5-ranked House Democratic leader. “Inflation is a global problem, and is actually not as bad in America as it is in almost every other developed economy in the world,” he told Bloomberg.

    Meanwhile, even as most Republicans still mostly blame Biden for stoking inflation by going too big with pandemic aid last year, some are also taking aim at the Fed and are vexed by its lack of transparency. North Carolina Republican Senator Thom Tillis discussed the committee’s frustration last month, pointing out that both sides of the aisle have struggled to get information out of the Fed. His colleague Patrick Toomey, a Pennsylvania Republican, is preparing legislation aimed at making the Fed’s 12 regional branches more accountable.

    Powell has worked hard to restore relations with Congress after the rocky tenures of former Chairs Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen. He also launched his own effort at community outreach called “Fed Listens.” There have been three sessions this year.

    But none of this will assuage lawmakers if unemployment goes up because – as Bloomberg correctly writes – in Washington “somebody needs to bear the cost of policy failure.”

    “Lawmakers — especially Democrats — are more prone to threaten the Fed with legislation as unemployment rises,” said Sarah Binder, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. “Both rising inflation and unemployment drive down public approval of the Fed, but job losses have a larger effect.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 20:00

  • Johnstone: Our Entire Civilization Is Structured Around Keeping Us From Realizing We Can Do This
    Johnstone: Our Entire Civilization Is Structured Around Keeping Us From Realizing We Can Do This

    Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

    Rise, like lions after slumber
    In unvanquishable number!
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you:
    Ye are many — they are few!

    ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley

    The video footage that came out of Sri Lanka earlier this month has been the recurring nightmare of every ruler throughout history.

    Thousands of protesters outraged by the deteriorating material conditions of the nation’s economic meltdown have stormed the presidential palace of Sri Lanka’s President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and I guarantee you the aerial footage as they poured into the building en masse has made every government leader and plutocrat a little uncomfortable today.

    Just look at that. Look at all those people flooding in there. That is some truly awe-inspiring power. Imagine how terrifying it would be to find yourself on the receiving end of it.

    I don’t know enough about what’s going on in Sri Lanka yet to comment with any authority on what powers might be at play in this uprising, but I do know that every ruler throughout history has spent time envisioning what would happen if a crowd that size decided to storm their base of operation. If their numbers became too great to suppress, or if your forces who would be doing the suppressing joined the ranks of the people instead, the best-case scenario for you is that you’d have already fled the building by that point, as Rajapaksa had the good sense to do shortly before the building was stormed. If enough angry people get their hands on you, it won’t matter if they’re armed with rockets or pistols or their own bare hands; you are in for a violent end.

    If you’ve ever wondered why so much energy goes into keeping everyone propagandized in our society, this is why. If you’ve ever wondered why our rulers work so hard to keep us divided against each other, this is why. If you’ve ever wondered why we’re always being instructed to take our grievances to the voting booth even though we learn in election after election that it never changes the things that most desperately need to change, this is why.

    Our entire civilization is structured around preventing scenes like the one we’re seeing in Sri Lanka today. Our education systems, our political systems, our media, our online information. Religions that have been around for thousands of years because the powerful endorsed and promulgated them are full of passages extolling the virtues of obedience, poverty, meekness, and rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. From the moment we are born our heads are filled with stories about why it’s good and right to consent to the status quo and why it would be wrong to take back what has been stolen from us by a predatory ruling class.

    This is why we’re always inundated with messaging about the importance of civility and politeness any time people realize that they can simply confront corrupt officials in restaurants or at their homes to push for what they want. The managers of the oligarchic empire which rules over us are terrified that we will one day notice that there are a whole lot more of us than there are of them, and that there’s really nothing they could do to stop us if we decided to replace them with a system which benefits ordinary people instead of an elite few.

    Things are getting worse and worse because the systems that are in place are designed to exploit and oppress rather than to uplift and help thrive. Those systems will protect their own ability to continue to exploit and oppress until the people use their numbers to replace them with something healthy. The people will never use their numbers to replace abusive systems with something healthy as long as they are successfully propagandized away from doing so.

    This is why our political and media institutions act the way they act and why our systems are set up in the way that they are: to keep us from realizing how easy it would be to shrug off the old mechanisms of oppression like a heavy coat on a warm day and build something new that works for all of us.

    Things will keep getting worse until we find a way to cut through the propaganda brain fog and rise like lions.

    * * *

    My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, following me on FacebookTwitterSoundcloud or YouTube, or throwing some money into my tip jar on Ko-fiPatreon or Paypal. If you want to read more you can buy my books. The best way to make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for at my website or on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish, use or translate any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. All works co-authored with my American husband Tim Foley.

    Bitcoin donations:1Ac7PCQXoQoLA9Sh8fhAgiU3PHA2EX5Zm2

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 19:30

  • AOC And Ilhan Omar's 'Fake Handcuffs' Stunt Was Coordinated With Soros-Funded Dark Money Group
    AOC And Ilhan Omar’s ‘Fake Handcuffs’ Stunt Was Coordinated With Soros-Funded Dark Money Group

    Last week’s arrest of 17 members of Congress during an abortion rights demonstration outside the Supreme Court – which notably included Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) pretending they were in handcuffs – was coordinated with a progressive dark-money group funded by billionaire George Soros.

    As the Washington Examiner‘s Andrew Kerr reports, “Getting arrested was the whole point of the stunt, Ocasio-Cortez said in an Instagram post on Tuesday. She said organizers of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) Action Fund asked her and her colleagues to “submit themselves for arrest in front of the Supreme Court.””

    According to AOC, what they did was “very different than a ‘publicity stunt'” without elaborating.

    Approximately 30 minutes before lawmakers arrived at the USSC, Omar spokesman Jeremy Slevin said the quiet part out loud – tweeting “Members of Congress, including [Omar] will be participating in a civil disobedience at the Supreme Court, potentially including arrests, shortly.”

    Meanwhile, CPD Action co-executive director, Andrew Friedman, told the Washington Post in 2018 that they, and their sister organization, Center for Popular Democracy – which coordinated with the lawmakers, had received over $1 million per year from Soros Open Society Foundations.

    CPD Action posted on Facebook Tuesday, saying that its leaders were among the 18 non-lawmakers who were arrested.

    “Moments ago, leaders from CPD Action network organizations, members of Congress & more participated in a powerful civil disobedience demonstration & got arrested to protect our RIGHT to SAFE & LEGAL abortions,” reads the post. “This is a clear message to SCOTUS and lawmakers that #WeWontBackDown until ALL pregnancy-abled people are treated as full human beings with the autonomy to make decisions about OUR OWN bodies.”

    More via The Examiner:

    CPD Action linked to a fundraising page in its Facebook post that urged activists to “continue acts of civil disobedience,” such as the one it coordinated with the 17 arrested members of Congress on Tuesday, to secure access to abortion across the country.

    Ocasio-Cortez was widely mocked by conservative commentators for creating the impression that she was handcuffed by police during her arrest. The New York lawmaker was filmed crossing her hands behind her back while she was being escorted off the scene by police. She then pumped her fist toward a crowd of supporters while still detained by police.

    Ocasio-Cortez insisted she wasn’t pretending to be in handcuffs during her arrest.

    “No faking here,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a tweet on Wednesday. “Putting your hands behind your back is a best practice while detained, handcuffed or not, to avoid escalating charges like resisting arrest. But given how you lied about a fellow rape survivor for ‘points,’ as you put it to me, I don’t expect much else from you.”

    A Capitol Police spokesperson told the Washington Examiner that nobody arrested outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday was handcuffed.

    How exactly was this not a ‘publicity stunt’?

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 19:00

  • Race Towards Net Zero Will Break Energy Market, Drive Up Energy Price: Analyst
    Race Towards Net Zero Will Break Energy Market, Drive Up Energy Price: Analyst

    Authored by Nina Nguyen via The Epoch Times,

    An analyst has warned that the push for net zero with existing renewables technologies by 2050 will break the energy market and lead to a stark increase in Australia’s energy price within a decade.

    It comes as Australia, and the world, continues to struggle with an energy crisis amid supply issues plaguing much of the country’s east coast in June, causing the national operator to suspend the electricity market for more than a week.

    Institute of Public Affairs research fellow Kevin You on July 17 said the recent incidents of market failures “are not accidents” but are “all designed features of net zero by 2050,” which he said is “casting a dark cloud” over the fossil fuel industry.

    He noted that investors are “intimidated” by “the iron fist of the government,” which is likely to place regulatory burdens on coal fired power generators, gas, and oil projects, and on downstream electricity businesses that deal with traditional energy generators.

    “You know what happens when the government sticks its nose where it doesn’t belong—whether it be in the transport industry, the aviation industry, in energy generation, in energy distribution—it breaks the market,” he told the audience at Australia’s largest annual liberty conference, the Friedman conference.

    “Investors have been scared witless by the spectre of net zero hanging over the energy market, the same way the spectre of communism hung over Europe in 1848.”

    You described the net zero target as an attempt by “big government, controlled by an elite circle of faceless men, the renewables lobby, and rent seekers” to “take over and take down the energy market.”

    Billions in Subsidies

    In the pursuit of net zero, the government is directing investment into so-called renewables, offering the sector annual subsidies of up to $8 billion (US$5.5 billion) a year until 2030.

    Meanwhile, the Labor government, elected in May, has committed to cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 43 percent by 2030, and investing in renewables while promising “cheaper electricity prices for homes and businesses.”

    “There is a race for renewable energy jobs and investment around the world, and Australia should be leading that race,” Energy Minister Chris Bowen said.

    However, a similar pledge was made in the 2007 election, when the then-Rudd government promised that renewables would generate at least 20 percent of Australia’s electricity supply by 2020.

    The promise remained unfulfilled, with renewables making up 7 percent of Australian energy consumption in 2019-20, according to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

    Cost of ‘Unreliable’ Renewables

    But despite its popular appeal, renewable energy is “unreliable,” You said, arguing that “if it can sustain itself in the free market, then it wouldn’t need taxpayer money to line up the pockets of big renewable industries.”

    “If renewables can compete in the energy market, then let them compete in a free and fair market against called against gas against nuclear power.”

    The analyst, whose research focuses on the political economy and industrial relations, predicted that for every gigawatt removed from the grid, wholesale energy prices will jump by $22 (US$15.25) per megawatt hour. This means that the average quarterly market price per megawatt hour will jump from A$89 to A$111.

    You also estimated that in the next eight years, 11 gigawatts of capacity offered by coal fired power generators will be taken offline. This, he said, will translate to a quadrupling in wholesale electricity prices, with the flow on effect being a doubling in retail electricity prices.

    “So far, the literal doubling of electricity prices is only felt by several thousand households who are customers of small electricity retailers.

    “But it will only get worse from here,” You warned.

    Frank Calabria, managing director of Origin Energy, which operates Australia’s largest coal-fired power station, estimated that reaching net zero by 2050 would require $120 trillion (US$86.25 trillion) to be invested in the energy sector between now and 2050.

    If this cost is split among the population of the developed world (1.3 billion people), the cost would be equivalent to A$369,000 for a household of four—that’s an annual cost of $13,200 per household for the next 28 years.

    “Balancing tighter supply and demand in the market is an increasingly complex challenge, with the back-up, or firming, of variable renewable supply met by a combination of technology,” he told the Australian Energy conference on June 7.

    IPA research fellow You also noted that Australia’s emissions are nowhere near that of China.

    “Australia emits just over 1 percent of the world’s greenhouse gases,” he said.

    China emits more carbon in 16 days than Australia does in a year. That’s two weeks of emissions from China amounts to as much as a year’s worth of emissions from Australia. Right now, China’s got 57 coal fired power stations for every single one in Australia.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 18:30

  • Hedge Fund CIO: The World Is Racing To A New Monetary Regime With An Unknown Finish Line
    Hedge Fund CIO: The World Is Racing To A New Monetary Regime With An Unknown Finish Line

    Excepted from the latest weekend note by Marcel Kasumovich, Head or Research at One River Asset Management. Full note available to pro subscribers.

    There is no ex-ante limit to that Transmission Protection Instrument programme,” said ECB President Lagarde, following her predecessor’s playbook, “[the] ECB determines in its own discretion not being hostage to anyone.”  The market disagreed, widening peripheral spreads.

    The tools that came from “whatever it takes” have been made redundant by politics.  Markets are skeptical version-two can be effective. “There’s ample room to hike in 0.25 and 0.50 [percentage point] levels to whatever rate we think, we consider reasonable,” Austria’s central bank Governor Holzmann emphasized in speaking of future meetings, a reminder of the ECBs North-South balancing act. “We do have the risk of a slowdown in the economy,” said the ECB Chief economist ahead of the July rate hike.

    Political tools are needed to resolve the energy crisis. Nord Stream announced the company was “in process of resuming gas transportation” last week, though at 40% capacity. “The response cannot rely on imposing unfair sacrifices without properly identifying the most effective and solidary contributions each member state can deliver,” the Spanish government wrote in rebuke to an across-the-board cut to gas demand. “It is not efficient, fair, or equitable,” the government continued, another North-South tension.

    The IMF predicted Russian action to stop supplying Europe would trigger economic contractions of more than 5% over the next year in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Italy. Liz Truss, vying for Conservative leadership, shed her 2016 Remain campaign to end every EU-derived regulation: “European Union rules hinder British businesses.”

    Daylight in Brussels is shortening by 2 minutes and 38 seconds July 24, a slow reminder that winter is coming. Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action has been on alert level for gas since June 22, providing daily updates. “If Russian gas supplies via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline persist at this low level, it will hardly be possible to achieve a storage level of 90% by November without additional measures.” It is a daily reminder of what is to come. “Companies and private consumers must expect a considerable increase in gas prices.”

    * * *

    Privilege to Curse: “I have directed Secretary Connally to suspend temporarily the convertibility of the American dollar [to gold]. …what does it mean for you? Let me lay to rest the bugaboo of what is called devaluation. The effect of this action, in other words, will be to stabilize the dollar. But our primary concern is with the American workers.” August 15, 1971, President Nixon ended the gold standard that defined world monetary order since the end of WWII. Gold reserves had plunged and the budget austerity for its survival was untenable.

    Privilege to Curse II: US surpluses was the challenge at the start of the new global monetary regime after WWII. The world needed dollars and the US needed to run deficits to supply them. US policy recycled dollars through aid to support Germany and Japan. US deficits is what ended the monetary regime, with rapidly draining US gold reserves. Floating exchanges rates were formalized in 1973. International balance sheets were no longer anchored. A new era with long memories evidenced in US Treasury holdings of gold set to the 1973 price of $42.2222.

    Privilege to Curse III: Balance sheets have long memories. Mistakes accumulate, waiting to be reconciled. International balance sheets are too often overlooked in that context. The post-war Bretton Woods era did its job – it imposed austerity. International balance sheets ended that era clean. Unhinging to gold opened the door for more participants with emerging countries eager to accelerate growth through debt financing. Pegging to the USD was a way of importing US policy credibility – virtuous cycles of lower capital costs, foreign inflows, and strong growth followed.

    Privilege to Curse IV: Until it stopped. Latin America suffered from rapid Fed tightening and dollar appreciation in the 1980s. Asian economies were similarly destabilized in the 1990s. A new monetary era emerged. EM countries built unprecedented US dollar reserves to ward-off boom-bust cycles. Undervalued currencies. Large external surplus. Delayed gratification in the interest of shorter-term stability and long-term growth. EM foreign exchange reserves rose to $8trln in 2014 from $617bln in 1998. Financiers rejoiced. Industrialists moved to China.

    Privilege to Curse V: “A particularly interesting aspect of the global saving glut has been a remarkable reversal in the flows of credit to developing and emerging-market economies.” Bernanke’s 2005 address on the issue coined the term “saving glut.” US policy appreciated the challenge. But times were good. “I see no reason why the whole process should not proceed smoothly.” It was the height of privilege. The US economy shifted toward consumption, away from production. Foreign savings fueled the luxury – US external borrowing rose to 7% of GDP.

    Privilege to Curse VI: It was an implicit monetary accord, not formalized. Domestic production was hollowed in the name of globalization and principles of the Washington Consensus – dutifully ignored by EM countries. Under the constraints of a hard-money system, deficits needed to either be financed or creditors would take back their gold. Net international liabilities never had a chance to build. Today, they haven’t had a chance to correct. The US international liability of $17.75trln is the cumulation of the past, like looking back at stars in a telescope.

    Privilege to Curse VII: The privilege of cheap financing is now a curse – and it’s global. The world is racing to a new monetary regime with an unknown finish line. Inflation was the starting gun. Monetary regimes change under stress. Countries cooperate when they all have a lot to lose. The virtuous cycle of globalization is now working in reverse with a focus on security – in food, energy, and technology. Foreign exchange is the asset class that drives the transition to new monetary regimes, during macro quantum change. “It’s our currency, but it’s your problem,” a legendary declaration from Secretary Connally in 1971 that is truer today. We’re all FX traders now.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 17:30

  • Al Gore Compares Climate Skeptics To Uvalde Cops Who 'Stood By While Children Were Being Massacred'
    Al Gore Compares Climate Skeptics To Uvalde Cops Who ‘Stood By While Children Were Being Massacred’

    Former Vice President Al Gore (D), who wrongly predicted the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013 because of man-made global warming, and has pushed mass surveillance as a solution to curb carbon emissions, has compared ‘climate deniers’ to Uvalde police officers who waited over an hour to stop a mass shooting which left 19 children and 2 adults dead in late May.

    “You know, the climate deniers are really in some ways similar to all of those almost 400 law enforcement officers in Uvalde, Texas, who were waiting outside an unlocked door while the children were being massacred,” Gore told “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd.

    “They heard the screams, they heard the gunshots, and nobody stepped forward,” said Gore.

    Of course, as Outkick‘s Ian Miller notes, “Gore’s obsessive focus on the U.S. as the main culprit [of man-made climate change] is wildly inaccurate when China far exceeds US emissions:”

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 17:00

  • The Day Fauci Reversed Course: February 27, 2020
    The Day Fauci Reversed Course: February 27, 2020

    Via The Brownstone Institute, originally authored by Will Jones at,

    I’ve been looking again at Covid’s origins and the start of the pandemic. Last time I wrote on it I argued that Italy brought in China-style lockdowns on March 8th and 10th 2020 mainly as a result of panic owing to the leap in the death rate, with it being clear from the hospital situation there were many more deaths to come. I still believe that that was the immediate trigger for imposing lockdowns at the time. However, I now recognise that that is far from the full story. What it leaves out is the backdrop of who was pushing for lockdowns throughout the preceding two months, and why.

    Two key pieces of data have emerged in the last few months that help to bring the picture into clearer focus.

    The first is that with the arrival of Omicron the Chinese have continued fanatically to pursue lockdowns, crippling their economy as they do it. To my mind, this is convincing evidence that the Chinese are sincere about their belief in the radical new disease management strategy they inaugurated on January 23rd 2020 in Wuhan. I initially (in 2020) thought it may be an elaborate ruse to convince the world to do something monumentally and pointlessly self-destructive. But it appears they really do think lockdowns are highly effective and the right way to fight a disease like COVID-19. I’m aware some suggest it could just be a cunning strategy to strengthen the grip of the ruling party on the population, but all the evidence indicates to me that they actually are trying to fight the disease in this way.

    If this is accepted then one of the key pieces of the puzzle snaps into place: the global Covid narrative has, both behind closed doors and in front of them, been driven in part by the Chinese Government’s commitment to its extreme suppression strategy and its desire for other countries to adopt it as well. It’s been suggested this derives from a sense of national pride and seeking vindication of their efforts and ideas, and is part of a wider aim of achieving global Chinese cultural supremacy, which sounds plausible to me.

    The second key piece of data are emails sent by White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, which reveal that behind closed doors as late as February 26th 2020, Dr. Fauci was still, as he had been consistently up to that point, advising people not to panic. But as of February 27th his approach suddenly changed and, from that moment on, he began consistently pushing restrictions.

    On February 26th he wrote to CBS News that Americans should not yield to fear:

    You cannot avoid having infections since you cannot shut off the country from the rest of the world… Do not let the fear of the unknown… distort your evaluation of the risk of the pandemic to you relative to the risks that you face every day… do not yield to unreasonable fear.

    But by the next day he was writing to actress Morgan Fairchild that the American public should prepare for pandemic restrictions:

    It would be great if you could tweet to your many Twitter followers that although the current risk of coronavirus to the American public is low, the fact that there is community spread of virus in a number of countries besides China… poses a risk that we may progress to a global pandemic of COVID-19… And so for that reason, the American public should not be frightened, but should be prepared to mitigate an outbreak in this country by measures that include social distancing, teleworking, temporary closure of schools, etc. There is nothing to be done right now since there are so few cases in this country and these cases are being properly isolated, and so go about your daily business. However, be aware that behavioural adjustments may need to be made if a pandemic occurs.

    Interestingly, February 27th was also the day the media narrative in the U.S. shifted, with the New York Times leading the way with its first alarmist piece, by Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance, and also an alarmist podcast with science and health reporter Donald G. McNeil Jr., which quoted directly from China a 2% mortality rate for the virus.

    The context for this shift was a WHO press briefing on February 24th by Bruce Aylward, who had just concluded a WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19 and told the world that lockdown worked and “you have to do this. If you do it, you can save lives and prevent thousands of cases of what is a very difficult disease.”

    The timing obviously suggests the events are connected, but crucially it also implies that Fauci and those around him were not part of the behind-the-scenes decision of Aylward to throw the WHO’s weight behind the Chinese approach. This leaves, then, the question of why Fauci & Co flipped from their previous position of playing down the threat from the virus and not supporting extreme Chinese-style interventions to going all in with the panic.

    The picture being painted here is of at least two ‘conspiracies’ going on – the Chinese one, seeking to push lockdowns as part of Chinese vindication and cultural supremacy, and the Fauci & Co one, the potential motives for which are discussed below. I am pretty confident these are not the same ‘conspiracy’, as I assume that Fauci & Co are not motivated by vindicating China and advancing its cultural supremacy (I’ve seen no evidence this should be the case).

    A further element to throw into the mix is that the first Western lockdown occurred three days before the Aylward WHO briefing, on February 21st 2020, in a region of 50,000 people in Lombardy. Oddly, it seems to have been an isolated local initiative in response to the first identified ‘cases’ led by the regional health chief Giulio Gallera, with no clear links to the WHO or any other known lockdown protagonists. It would be interesting to ask Mr. Gallera why he decided to follow such a radical course of action that day.

    Italy locked down on March 8th and 10th, a response it seems to the climbing death rate, and most of the rest of the world followed in the ensuing two weeks. The U.S. Government was persuaded by Deborah Birx and others to back lockdowns on March 16th. On March 12th-14th, U.K. Government ministers and officials did a media round promoting the idea of aiming for herd immunity and keeping calm and carrying on. However, that strategy soon collapsed in the face of shifting public opinion and alarmist models from scientists like Imperial’s Neil Ferguson. After March 23rd, Sweden was the only holdout among Western Governments.

    Such a mess of uncoordinated action confirms to my mind a picture of different groups driven by different motives and agendas which sometimes overlap, catalysed by groupthink and hysteria, rather than any grand behind-the-scenes conspiracy involving all in a coordinated fashion.

    The Chinese Communist Party is a crucial actor, of course. It invented lockdowns and since then has persistently pushed them to the rest of the world, including through an all too willing WHO. However, that doesn’t mean that all who promote panic and lockdowns do so because they are in thrall to China or doing its bidding.

    So what was the deal with Fauci & Co – why did they oppose panic and lockdowns until February 27th, then flip to become among their most eager and high-powered proponents?

    Fauci’s emails show that, starting at the end of January and into February 2020, he organised a series of secretive video conferences and phone calls because he and his associates suspected the virus may have been genetically modified and leaked from a lab. Yet despite these suspicions, on February 19th the group wrote a letter to the Lancet denouncing the lab leak as a “conspiracy theory”. The organiser of the letter was Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance, one of Fauci’s associates who it later turned out had been funding gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology of exactly the kind that was suspected as being responsible for creating COVID-19. Biologist Nick Patterson notes a grant application from EcoHealth Alliance to DARPA (the research agency of the U.S. Department of Defence), of which he says, “as far as I can make out, the plan here was for WIV to collect live virus, ship it to the USA, have U.S. scientists genetically modify the virus, and then ship modified virus… back to China”.

    In light of information like this and Fauci & Co’s preoccupation during February 2020 with the origin of the virus, culminating in their cynical effort to suppress the claims of lab leak and genetic modification, I surmise that their major motivation was to cover themselves for the possibility that they and their research fields would be held responsible for the virus. Initially this took the form of suppressing the lab leak theory while also playing down the threat from the virus, which they would have been keen to be as uneventful as possible. But why then the flip to panic mode after February 27th? Did the WHO backing lockdowns on February 24th change the equation, so it was no longer deemed viable or good cover to oppose the new approach? The path of least resistance in other words. A related question is whether they were genuinely persuaded that the measures would be effective or if they retained an unspoken scepticism. If they did retain any scepticism there’s been precious little sign of it since March 2020.

    Overall, I see no indication of a grand plan from the earliest days in which all are working from a common script to a common goal. Instead, I see various groups with their own agendas, interests and fears. It’s clear that, following Aylward’s team’s visit, China managed to capture the WHO and bring it on board with championing lockdowns. However, the motives of everyone besides China are largely opaque. Why did Aylward become China’s biggest fan – was he threatened or bribed or just duped and naïve? Why exactly did Lombardy regional health chief Giulio Gallera respond to the first cases in his region by imposing a Chinese-style lockdown even before the WHO had backed them? Why did Fauci flip on February 27th? What about curious figures like Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger, highlighted by Michael Senger, who despite being a known China critic, was a major alarmist influence within the White House from the get-go, drawing on mysterious ‘contacts in China’ to call for panic and restrictions as early as January?

    What drove each of these people to get behind the closing down of society as the ‘solution’ to a respiratory virus? We can largely see now who did what and when. What’s mainly missing is the why.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 16:30

  • House Intel Committee Member Warns DNA Testing Kits Could Lead To Targeted Bioweapons
    House Intel Committee Member Warns DNA Testing Kits Could Lead To Targeted Bioweapons

    Two members of Congressional intelligence committees have warned Americans that information gathered from DNA testing kits such as 23andMe, as well as those used in agriculture, could be used to develop bioweapons targeting specific groups of Americans or even individuals.

    Speaking on Friday at the Aspen Security Forum, Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO), who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, warned that Americans are too trusting with their DNA in the hands of private companies.

    “There are now weapons under development, and developed, that are designed to target specific people,” said Crow, a former Army Ranger.

    “You can’t have a discussion about this without talking about privacy and the protection of commercial data because expectations of privacy have degraded over the last 20 years,” he added. “Young folks actually have very little expectation of privacy, that’s what the polling and the data show.”

    “That’s what this is, where you can actually take someone’s DNA, you know, their medical profile, and you can target a biological weapon that will kill that person or take them off the battlefield or make them inoperable.”

    People will very rapidly spit into a cup and send it to 23andMe and get really interesting data about their background,” he continued, Fox News reports.

    Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, expanded on that, adding that US adversaries could use the same technology to attack US food security – targeting livestock and crops to induce famine.

    “If we look at food security and what can our adversaries do with biological weapons that are directed at our animal agriculture, at our agricultural sector … highly pathogenic avian influenza, African swine fever,” she said, adding: “All of these things have circulated around the globe, but if targeted by an adversary, we know that it brings about food insecurity. Food insecurity drives a lot of other insecurities around the globe.”

    “What can our adversaries do with biological weapons that are directed at our agricultural sector?” she asked.

    In November, the LA County Sheriff’s department notified the LA County Board of Supervisors that LASD will not work with a China-linked genetics firm hired by the county to conduct Covid-19 testing and registration, after the FBI shared “very concerning information” about Fulgent Genetics Corporation – which was awarded a no-bid contract for the work.

    “This letter is to inform you the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (Department) will not participate in COVID-19 registering or testing with Fulgent Genetics Corporation (Fulgent), due to the fact the DNA data obtained is not guaranteed to be safe and secure from foreign governments and “will likely be shared with the Republic of China,“” wrote Sheriff Alex Villanueva in a Monday letter. 

    Of note, China’s ambitions to build the world’s largest DNA database are no secret to anyone listening to Kyle Bass or the Wall Street Journal.

    One month later, the Biden administration blacklisted 12 Chinese biotech institutions involved in mass DNA collection technology and surveiolance.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 16:00

  • Over 25% Of Home-Sellers Dropped Their Price In June In Most Metro Areas
    Over 25% Of Home-Sellers Dropped Their Price In June In Most Metro Areas

    Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

    Redfin reports price reductions by at least 25 percent of sellers in three-fourths of the metro areas it tracks.

    Redfin reports More than 60% of Boise Home Sellers Dropped Their Asking Price in June Amid Cooling Market

    Price Drops by City 

    • Boise, ID (61.5%)

    • Denver, CO (55.1%)

    • Salt Lake City, UT (51.6%)

    • Tacoma, WA (49.5%)

    • Grand Rapids, MI (49.3%)

    • Sacramento, CA(48.7%)

    • Seattle, WA (46.3%)

    • Portland, OR (45.7%)

    • Tampa, FL (44.5%)

    • Indianapolis, IN (44.1%)

    • Phoenix, AZ (43.6%)

    • San Diego, CA (43.3%)

    • Stockton, CA (42.9%)

    • Austin, TX (41.6%)

    “Home sellers are contending with a rapidly changing market, especially in places where they’re used to their neighbor’s homes getting multiple offers and selling for more than asking price,” said Redfin Senior Economist Sheharyar Bokhari. 

    In 18 metro areas, over 40 percent of sellers reduced prices.  In 73 metro areas, at least 30% of sellers reduced their asking price.

    Redfin tracks 97 metro areas.

    Just a Start 

    Home prices have gotten so insane, this is barely a start to what’s coming.

    Housing and Commercial Real Estate Both Weakening

    Both residential and office space are under severe pressure.


    *  *  *

    Please Subscribe to MishTalk Email Alerts.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 15:30

  • How Mattis Betrayed His Fellow Marines At The Behest Of The Deep State
    How Mattis Betrayed His Fellow Marines At The Behest Of The Deep State

    Authored by Major Fred Galvin (USMC-Ret) via The Publius National Post,

    How the Pentagon’s top-brass generals burned the careers of subordinates but then pivoted to lucrative careers all while losing the wars they were supposed to be winning

    My new book, A Few Bad Men, details the mendacity and mad dishonesty of retired Marine General James “Mad Dog” Mattis. The fact that it was written by a Marine once under his command, whom he betrayed for the sake of politics and getting to slap on another star, says volumes about this once-lionized figure.

    It all goes back to an incident in Afghanistan in 2007, and the Court of Inquiry trial of innocent Marines that followed, which Mattis himself instigated.

    Lt. Colonel Steve Morgan, USMC (retired) and jury member of the 2008 Marine Special Operations Command’s Court of Inquiry says in the foreword to A Few Bad Men, “This is a case of a perfect storm of toxic leadership.” 

    The most legendary Marine of all time, Lieutenant General John A. Lejeune, the 13th commandant of the Marine Corps, laid out clearly how to effectively nurture and lead Marines:

    “Make every effort by means of historical, educational, and patriotic addresses to cultivate in their hearts a deep abiding love of the Corps and Country” and “the key to combat effectiveness is unity and esprit that characterizes itself in complete irrevocable mutual trust.” 

    If only General Mattis had taken this to heart.

    On February 3, 2005, when Lieutenant General Mattis was attending the Armed Forces Communications and Electronic Associations forum in San Diego, he said: “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.” 

    He also likes hearing the sound of his own voice.

    During this same time, Mattis partnered with General David Petraeus to develop the joint counterinsurgency doctrine of winning hearts and minds. Mattis hijacked the phrase from the Hippocratic oath for his Marines to follow, “First do no harm.” This sounded good to the media and politicians in Washington, but Marines are not physicians and Afghanistan was no sterile operating room. It was a hellscape in which Marines constantly faced threats and the possibility of betrayal from 360 degrees. Mattis’ Marine Hippocratic oath sent mixed signals for his Marines, who had it on his good authority that “It’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot . . . some people.”  

    Just over two years later, I led the First Marine Special Operations Task Force. We landed in Afghanistan on February 12, 2007. Before long the First was involved in a complex ambush near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, on March 4, 2007. We were attacked by a suicide car-bomb, waves of Taliban fighters on both sides of the road, a sniper, and a mob that placed an obstacle to trap us in an ambush kill box. We  successfully counterattacked, killed the Taliban terrorists, avoided civilian casualties, and returned to base within 20 minutes, where we learned of the Taliban’s swift information operations campaign that was already underway, accusing us of mass-murdering Afghan civilians. The Taliban’s version of events went out within 20 minutes through the BBC followed by countless others. Ultimately, the president of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, condemned our actions and the Army generals kicked us out of Afghanistan within five days. Crushing the Taliban in battle morphed into a PR victory for the extremists in the media and a weakening of the allied forces in country. Due process went right out the window.

    Ironically, Mattis was assigned as the convening authority by the commandant of the Marine Corps in August 2007, to be responsible for the investigation and a Court of Inquiry into our March 4 battle. Mattis received the results of my polygraph test and the sworn testimony of all the Marines involved in the firefight, confirming that on that morning no Marines said they killed any civilians or saw any civilians killed. 

    Unlike Lejeune’s comments of “cultivating a deep abiding love of Country and Corps in the hearts of your Marines and that the key to combat effectiveness is unity and esprit that characterizes itself in complete irrevocable mutual trust,” Mattis unleashed an unprecedented 45 criminal investigators and four prosecuting attorneys against the seven Marines falsely accused by the Taliban of mass murder. It would become the longest war crimes trial in Marine Corps history. 

    Mattis placed a “protective order” (a.k.a. gag order) prohibiting the two Marine officers who he named as codefendants from making any statements to the press or face punishment. Our attorneys would face disbarment. The already unlevel playing field was tilted hard against the Marines who had won a battlefield victory under fire.

    Additionally, Mattis’ prosecution team found perceived vulnerabilities in the Marine commandos and commenced “ethnic targeting” of two Hispanic Marines. Mad Dog’s prosecutors continuously interrogated one of them, and the government manufactured a statement from him that our fire was out of control during the March 4 ambush. 

    The prosecution then threatened to deport the Marine’s mother back to Mexico unless he signed the statement. That Marine testified he was coerced into signing the prosecution’s false statement. Another Hispanic Marine also testified he was repeatedly threatened by the prosecution to take a polygraph, which was not a legal order, but the prosecution ordered him to anyway. None of the other Marines were subjected to these strongarm Gestapo tactics.

    Mattis turned the prosecution over to his successor in the fall of 2007 as he received his promotion with a fourth star. The following year, the trial acquitted all of us. No thanks to Mad Dog Mattis. He got his star. A few bad prosecutors under his watch cost the Marines a few good men, and diminished America’s position in Afghanistan at a time when that war might still have been won.

    Mattis went on to serve as the commander of all U.S. Forces in the Middle East at U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Florida. As I detail in A Few Bad Men, there he came under the influence of Elizabeth Holmes, founder and CEO of Theranos. Holmes had a device she claimed could detect all kinds of disease in a few drops of blood. It would change the world, if it worked. Holmes contacted Mattis in August 2012 and wrote Pentagon officials requesting, “How do we overcome this new obstacle? I have tried to get this device tested in theater asap, legally and ethically. This appears to be relatively straight-forward yet we’re a year into this and not yet deployed.” 

    The main problem Mattis was willing to overlook was that the FDA had not approved Theranos’ blood testing technology to be used on our troops in Afghanistan, but Mattis was hoping he could push it through, right or wrong. 

    Mattis retired and went on to make a fortune serving on four corporate boards, including Theranos and military contractor General Dynamics. Theranos’ technology would not only be denied FDA approval, but it was proven to be a fraud. During the Elizabeth Holmes trial, Mattis, who had served as a Theranos board member for several years, testified that he was unaware of any of Theranos’ scandalous actions. This seems unlikely, given Mad Dog’s legendary tenacity, and the fact that he had a fiduciary duty to know what was going on.

    Holmes’ device never worked. She is now a convicted fraudster. Was Mattis her gullible mark or a greedy participant?

    Mattis’ disgraceful actions are laid bare in A Few Bad Men. He used his position as secretary of defense to bottle up the Freedom of Information Act requests to get our testimony in that March 4, 2007 ambush exposed. Our shocking testimonies have now been released and tell a terrible story of betrayal by a Marine against other Marines. They reveal why the Pentagon’s top-brass generals who burned the careers of subordinates but then pivoted to lucrative careers with every defense contracting company lost their forever war in Afghanistan, and really, haven’t won a war in decades.

    *  *  *

    Major Fred Galvin (USMC-Ret), author of A Few Bad Men: The True Story of U.S. Marines Ambushed in Afghanistan and Betrayed in America.

    Tyler Durden
    Sun, 07/24/2022 – 15:11

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Today’s News 24th July 2022

  • The Normalization Of The New Normal Reich
    The Normalization Of The New Normal Reich

    Authored by CJ Hopkins via The Consent Factory,

    I know, you’re probably sick and tired of hearing about the Rise of the New Normal Reich. You want it to be over. So do I. It isn’t over … not by a long shot. It might seem like it’s over where you are. I imagine it does if you live in Florida, or in Texas, or the UK, or Sweden, or Croatia, or in some other country or state in which the majority of the “Covid restrictions” have been lifted, or perhaps were never introduced in the first place. If that’s the case, I’m happy for you.

    I happen to live in New Normal Germany, the current tip of the New Normal spear, or one of the tips of one of its spears (or mRNA-laced hypodermic needles), the others being countries and states like Canada, China, Australia, New York, California, and assorted other hotbeds of New Normalism. If you live in one of these New Normal strongholds, as I do, you are acutely aware of how it is not over.

    Yes, the Covidian Cult is kaput. The spell has been broken. Only the most insanely fanatical New Normal cultists continue to walk around in public in their plague masks and homemade hazmat suits. But the New Normal Reich is not kaput. The New Normal Reich is being … well, normalized. The masses are being systematically conditioned to accept the biosecurity police state that the global-capitalist ruling classes have been implementing for the last three years. Despite the now irrefutable evidence that the “vaccines” do not prevent transmission of the virus, “the Unvaccinated” are still being segregated, banned from working, attending school, competing in major sporting events, and so on. People are still being forced to wear masks — the symbol of the New Normal Reich — on planes, trains, public transport, in doctors offices, hospitals, et cetera. Here, there, and everywhere, New Normal symbols and social rituals are being permanently integrated into everyday life.

    These symbols and rituals are more than just the window dressing of the New Normal Reich. They are how our new “reality” is being created and maintained. The masses are like actors being forced to emotionally invest in the “reality” of an absurdist stage play. The more they repeat the performance, the more convincing the fictional “reality” becomes, regardless of how patently absurd it is … and it is becoming more and more absurd.

    For example, at the airports in New Normal Canada, citizens attempting to enter their own country without the so-called “ArriveCAN” app on their smartphones to provide proof of their “vaccination status” (including octogenarians who do not own smartphones) are subjected to extended absurdist harassment by imbecilic New Normal clowns in red vests. Here in New Normal Germany, the government is preparing to force everyone to wear medical-looking masks in public every Autumn and Winter, not just on account of the “Apocalyptic Plague” but also on account of the normal Winter flu. The pretext doesn’t really matter anymore. The point is the display of ideological uniformity.

    Meanwhile, Germany’s Federal Ministry of Health was forced to publish a limited hangout regarding “vaccination” injuries and deaths. They did it classic Goebbelsian fashion.

    Apparently, they didn’t like the actual data on the number of serious adverse effects, so they decided to just lie about them on Twitter.

    (Serious adverse effects were reported in roughly 1 in 5,000 doses, not 1 in 5,000 “vaccinated” people. Approximately 184,000,000 doses have been administered to people in Germany and … well, you can do the math.) 

    Naturally, the Twitter Corporation has been slapping its fake “misleading” warning on retweets pointing out the Ministry of Health’s lie, because the truth is whatever the Corporatocracy says it is, and everything else is “disinformation.”

    If you think I’m being harsh or hyperbolic in characterizing the Ministry’s lie as a lie, keep in mind that the German Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, has been lying, repeatedly, to the German public for over two years now. Here he is lying about the “side-effects-free vaccines” in August 2021, right around the time he ordered the segregation of “the Unvaccinated” and fomented hatred of anyone who refused to conform to New Normal ideology …

    And now, tens of thousands of people in Germany — at minimum, as vaccine adverse-effects have always been significantly under-reported — have been seriously injured or … you know, killed, because Karl and his fascistic New Normal cronies lied to everyone, over and over, and the German media repeated those lies, and the New Normal masses repeated those lies, and the government and global corporations censored, deplatformed, and demonized those of us who challenged those lies as “far-right extremists,” “science deniers,” “anti-vaxxers,” and so on.

    And these are just a few recent examples. I don’t think I need to provide an exhaustive list. At this point, you are either well aware and capable of facing what’s happening, or you’re not, in which case you are telling yourself whatever you need to tell yourself in order to pretend that what is happening isn’t happening.

    If that is what you’re doing, I cannot help you. Nothing I write or say will get through to you. Facts will not make any difference to you. Government and health officials and media talking heads will lie to your face, over and over, and get caught lying, and you will go on adamantly repeating their lies, not because you do not understand that they are lies, but because you do not care that they are lies. You do not care that you are killing and injuring countless people with your officially-approved lies, with your cowardice, with your mindless obedience. Your goal is to remain within the bounds of “normality,” and not get called a lot of names and get ostracized from your social circle, and if a lot of people have to die and you have to abandon any semblance of integrity and intellectual honesty to achieve that, so be it.

    As for the rest of us, those who are aware of what’s happening and are doing our best to face what’s happening, even if we don’t understand what’s happening, or disagree about why it’s happening, I wish I had something clever to offer in terms of how to make it stop happening.

    I don’t, other than what I’ve been advocating, i.e., organized, non-violent civil disobedience, like what the Canadian truckers did in Ottawa, like what the Dutch farmers are doing in The Netherlands. Columns like this, social media memes, sporadic Sunday mass demonstrations, and individual acts of non-compliance are not going to stop the New Normal juggernaut. The normalization of the New Normal will continue, the pathologization of society will continue, the destabilization and restructuring of the global economy will continue, unless something truly historic happens and the workers of the world unite (or if the sovereign individuals of the world unite if “workers” sounds too Commie to you) and jam a monkey wrench into the New Normal machinery.

    The chances of that happening are slim. In my 60 years of corporeal existence, I have never experienced a time when people were this alienated, hopeless, and at each other’s throats. I can’t recall a time when people were this humorless, sanctimonious, and vicious … and I am talking about the people who could make a difference, not the order-following New Normal masses. If there was ever a time when the working classes needed to set aside their political differences and flex their collective muscles, this is it, but most of us are too busy pissing on each other to score cheap points on Twitter, or Gettr, or Telegram, or, you know, wherever.

    I’m sorry to end on such a pessimistic note … I’m recovering from the Apocalyptic Plague, so perhaps I’m just feeling overly gloomy.

    Probably everything will be just fine, and people will eventually come to their senses, and the global-capitalist ruling classes will cancel the whole New Normal thing, and no one needs to organize any kind of international non-violent civil-disobedience campaign, and, one day, we’ll wake up and check our phones and discover that there was no New Normal Reich, and that no one ever died because of a vaccine, and we will check our social credit status, and tell our smart-kitchens to start cooking our crickets, and pull up the War-of-the-Day on our ViewScreens so we can root for whoever we were told to root for … and everything will finally be “normal” again.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 23:30

  • Mapped: The Top US Exports & Imports By State
    Mapped: The Top US Exports & Imports By State

    The Top U.S. Exports by State

    The U.S. exported over $1.3 trillion in goods in 2020, the second-highest amount worldwide.

    While refined petroleum was the top export overall at $58.4 billion, Visual Capitalist’s Dorothy Neufeld details below that aircraft exports were actually the highest across 14 states – more than any other form of export.

    This infographic from OnDeck shows America’s top exports by state, using January 2022 data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

    America’s Top Exports, by Category

    As shown below, Florida, Kansas, and numerous other states all have aircraft (and related parts) as their top export.

    Here is the top export category for each state, using 2020 figures.

    While the vast majority of the aerospace and defense industry consists of civil aerospace exports, America has also played a significant role in exports of military aircraft. Between 2000-2020, these were worth $99.6 billion, the highest in the world ahead of Russia’s $61.5 billion in military exports. This becomes less surprising when you consider that a new fighter jet can often come with a $100 million price tag.

    But there were many different, and more interesting, exports. South Dakota’s top export is none other than brewing dregs, which is the sediment found in brewing beer. The largest importers of these dregs are Mexico, Vietnam, and South Korea. Often, dregs are sold to farmers for use in animal feed.

    Meanwhile, the top export for Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Illinois is medicine, while North Carolina has vaccines and antibodies as a top export. In 2020, the U.S. exported over $46 billion in goods critical to combating COVID-19, the second-highest after China ($105 billion).

    As the largest exporter of oil in America, Texas produces over 5 million barrels of oil each day, or 1.7 billion annually. Mississippi’s top export was also petroleum, while light oil was the top export in Minnesota and North Dakota. Overall, oil makes up roughly 10% of U.S. exports annually.

    The Most Unique Exports, by State

    While oil, medicine, and aircraft are the usual suspects for America’s top exports, here are the most idiosyncratic exports for each state. These are defined as those which are exported by the smallest number of other states.

    Arkansas is the top exporter of rice in America, with the industry valued at $722 million. The rice industry in Arkansas began to grow substantially in the early 1900s, and expanded even more rapidly during World War I & II.

    New York, on the other hand, exports more sculptures than any other state thanks to being the epicenter of the art world. The U.S. exported over $12 billion in art and antiques in 2019.

    Lobster is the most unique export in Maine, known for its characteristically large claws. The north coast of Maine offers cool waters which lend themselves to more tender and sweeter lobster fare.

    Finally, Massachusetts exports quahog pearls, known for their uneven texture and mosaic pattern, found across Cape Cod.

    The Top U.S. Imports by State

    In 2021, the U.S. brought in approximately $2.83 trillion worth of goods from its various international trading partners.

    But as Visual Capitalist’s Carmen Ang asks (and answers below), what types of goods are most commonly imported throughout different parts of America? This graphic by OnDeck shows the top import in every U.S. state, using January 2022 data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

    The Most Popular Categories of U.S. Imports

    Petroleum is the most popular import in 12 states, making it the most common import across America. In 2021, about 72% of imported petroleum was crude oil, which was then domestically refined into products like gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel.

    A majority of that imported petroleum came from Canada, while roughly 11% was imported from OPEC countries, and 8% came from Russia. Of course, the latter figure will likely dip in 2022 because of the ban on Russian imports implemented by the Biden administration in response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

    After petroleum, vehicles and medicine were tied for the second most-imported goods, with both categories being the most popular import in six states each.

    Somewhat related to medicine are nucleic acids, which were the top imports in Florida and Nebraska. Nucleic acids are natural polymers that are used in biological processes like protein synthesis or messenger RNA (mRNA) translation. It’s worth noting that several COVID-19 vaccines, including those produced by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech, are mRNA vaccines.

    The Most Unique U.S. Imports

    In addition to outlining the most popular imports in each U.S. state, OnDeck highlights each state’s most unique import, visualized in the graphic below.

    OnDeck defines each state’s “most unique” import as the category of goods that was imported by the fewest other states.

    Salmon was Florida’s most unique import. This makes sense considering the Sunshine State is home to some of the country’s biggest seafood wholesalers, including North Star Seafood (owned by Sysco) and Tampa Bay Fisheries.

    Another example is Delaware’s high imports of pineapples, totaling around $60.2 million in pineapples per year. This time, the culprit is Dole plc (formerly the Dole Food Company), the largest producer of fruit and vegetables in the world. Until 2021, the company’s headquarters were based in Delaware, and it still receives pineapple imports to the Port of Wilmington in the state’s largest city.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 23:00

  • Birx Admits She Knew COVID-19 Vaccines Were Never "Going To Protect Against Infection"
    Birx Admits She Knew COVID-19 Vaccines Were Never “Going To Protect Against Infection”

    A year ago, President Biden told the world during a now infamous CNN townhall that “you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

    “This is a simple, basic proposition: If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in an ICU unit, and you’re not going to die,” Biden added

    Did he knowingly lie to the American people?

    As The Epoch Times’ Zachary Stieber reports, one of the former U.S. officials who led the COVID-19 response during the Trump administration said July 22 that COVID-19 vaccines were not expected to protect against infection.

    I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines. And it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization,” Birx, the White House COVID-19 response coordinator under former President Donald Trump, said during an appearance on Fox News.

    The Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines were granted emergency use authorization in late 2020 to prevent symptomatic COVID-19, and were promoted by many health officials, including Birx.

    “This is one of the most highly-effective vaccines we have in our infectious disease arsenal. And so that’s why I’m very enthusiastic about the vaccine,” Birx said on an ABC podcast at the time.

    She made no mention of concerns the vaccines might not protect against infection.

    Data shows the vaccines did prevent infection from early strains of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19, but that the protection waned over time. The vaccines have proven increasingly unable to shield even shortly after administration, and provide little protection against the Omicron virus variant and its subvariants.

    The vaccines continue to protect against severe disease and hospitalization, Birx said on Friday.

    “But let’s be very clear—50 percent of the people who died from the Omicron surge were older, vaccinated,” she said.

    “So, that’s why I’m saying, even if you’re vaccinated and boosted if you’re unvaccinated, right now, the key is testing and Paxlovid,” she added.

    Paxlovid is a COVID-19 pill produced by Pfizer that has had uneven results in clinical trials and studies, but is recommended by U.S. health authorities for both unvaccinated and vaccinated COVID-19 patients to prevent progression to severe disease.

    President Joe Biden, who tested positive this week, was prescribed Paxlovid by his doctor.

    There are signs the protection from vaccines against severe illness is also dropping quickly as new strains emerge.

    That protection was just 51 percent against emergency department or urgent care visits, and dropped to just 12 percent after five months, according to a recent study. Against hospitalization, protection went from 57 percent to 24 percent. A booster increased protection but the shielding quickly dropped to substandard levels.


    Dr. Anthony Fauci also helped lead the U.S. pandemic response along with Birx and once said that vaccinated people would not get infected.

    “What was true two years ago, a year and a half ago, changes because the original ancestral strain did not at all have the transmission capability that we’re dealing with with the omicron sublineages, particularly BA. 5. So the vaccine does protect some people, not 95 percent, from getting infected, from getting symptoms, and getting severe disease. It does a much better job at protecting a high percentage of people from progressing from severe disease,” Fauci said on Fox.

    He said that vaccines with updated compilations, which are expected to debut in the fall, are necessary.

    We need vaccines that are better. That are better because of the breadth and the durability, because we know that immunity wanes over several months. And that’s the reason why we have boosters,” he said. “But also, we need vaccines that protect against infection.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 22:30

  • "Vouchers Are For Vultures": TX Lt Gov Hopeful Vilifies Parents Seeking School Choice
    “Vouchers Are For Vultures”: TX Lt Gov Hopeful Vilifies Parents Seeking School Choice

    If there was one lesson Democrats should have taken from being swept by the GOP in Virginia’s 2021 elections, it’s to be very careful what they say about parents, children and schools. After all, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe never recovered from declaring, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”  

    Texas Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Mike Collier clearly didn’t get the message. Just 10 months after McAuliffe’s blunder, Collier has given incumbent Republican Dan Patrick a similar gift as he addressed the Texas Democratic convention.

    Lashing out at school voucher programs, which enable parents to use state education funds to attend private schools, Collier said: 

    “If Dan Patrick gets another term, he’s already told us he’s coming after your school and he’s coming after your teacher. He wants to privatize and profitize our public schools. As lieutenant governor, I will lead the legislature to amend our constitution to ban forever private school vouchers. You know why? Because vouchers are for vultures!

    If you need more proof that Collier’s campaign is utterly tone-deaf, note that we became aware of his gaffe because his campaign eagerly publicized it on Twitter:

    Collier may have intended to sling that insult at voucher-promoting politicians — and maybe at people engaged in the apparently evil practice of running private schools — but the universal nature of his declaration ended up vilifying the poor and middle class families who stand to gain the most from school choice programs. 

    Consider that just a quarter of Texas eighth-graders are proficient in reading, with the percentages dropping to just 11% for blacks and 19% for Latinos.

    Voucher proponents across the country have been energized by a recent major success in Arizona, where eligibility for the state’s Empowerment Scholarship Account program was extended to every kindergartener through twelfth-grader.

    Parents will be free to use about $7,000 a year for home schooling, private schools, online learning and tutoring instead of attending a public school. Alternatively, Arizona families can take their pick of public schools, subject only to available classroom space.

    Arizona’s school choice program is now the broadest one in the country, and it was achieved despite Republicans only holding single-vote majorities in both chambers. Arizona’s example is increasing pressure on politicians in other states — and especially red states like Texas — to follow Arizona’s lead. Many are racing to get out in front of the wave, including Texas Lieutenant Governor Patrick and Governor Greg Abbott.

    The wave is drawing pressure from parents who, prompted by school pandemic policy controversies, were driven to scrutinize their schools like never before. Meanwhile, remote teaching gave many parents a whole new window on day to day instruction. Many didn’t like what they saw.

    Between the devastating learning losses inflicted by Covid shutdowns and disturbing woke educational trends, families of various political persuasions are racing for the exits. According to a national survey reported in The New York Times, public schools have lost nearly 1.3 million students since the start of the pandemic

    Public school systems are sinking, but Democratic politicians are determined to keep children trapped inside them…except for those whose parents can afford private alternatives and elect to use them. Among the well-off parents who choose private schools, you’ll find plenty of Democratic school-choice opponents, like Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren. 


    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 22:00

  • Did Russia And China Just Announce A "New Global Reserve Currency"?
    Did Russia And China Just Announce A “New Global Reserve Currency”?

    Submitted by QTR’s Fringe Finance

    If you’ve blinked over the last month, you may have missed it…

    China and Russia are taking their shot at the U.S. dollar. And as often happens with consequential news in the United States and the West, no one seems to notice or even care.

    Since the beginning of the year, I have been writing about the possibility of Russia and China challenging the US dollar’s global reserve status. Now, it’s happening.

    It shouldn’t be any surprise to those paying attention that Russia and China are strengthening their economic ties amidst continued Western sanctions on Russia as a result of the country’s war in Ukraine.

    What may surprise some people, however, is that Russia and the BRICS countries, including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are officially working on their own “new global reserve currency,” RT reported in late June. Nobody even seemed to notice.

    “The issue of creating an international reserve currency based on a basket of currencies of our countries is being worked out,” Vladimir Putin said at the BRICS business forum last month.

    And of course, as Russia has been cut off from the SWIFT system, it is also pairing with China and the BRIC nations to develop “reliable alternative mechanisms for international payments” in order to “cut reliance on the Western financial system.”

    In the meantime, Russia is also taking other steps to strengthen the alliance between BRIC nations, including re-routing trade to China and India, according to CNN:

    President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that Russia is rerouting trade to “reliable international partners” such as Brazil, India, China and South Africa as the West attempts to sever economic ties.

    “We are actively engaged in reorienting our trade flows and foreign economic contacts towards reliable international partners, primarily the BRICS countries,” Putin said in his opening video address to the participants of the virtual BRICS Summit.

    In fact, “trade between Russia and the BRICS countries increased by 38% and reached $45 billion in the first three months of the year” this year, the report says. Meanwhile, Russian crude sales to China have hit record numbers during Spring of this year, edging out Saudi Arabia as China’s primary oil supplier.

    “Together with BRICS partners, we are developing reliable alternative mechanisms for international settlements,” Putin said.

    China is buying more Russian oil than ever, but that doesn't mean that  Putin has total loyalty | Fortune

    Putin continued, stating last month: “Contacts between Russian business circles and the business community of the BRICS countries have intensified. For example, negotiations are underway to open Indian chain stores in Russia [and to] increase the share of Chinese cars, equipment and hardware on our market.”

    In June, Putin also accused the West of ignoring “the basic principles of [the] market economy” such as free trade. “It undermines business interests on a global scale, negatively affecting the wellbeing of people, in effect, of all countries,” he said.

    President Xi echoed Putin’s sentiments, according to a June writeup by Bloomberg:

    “Politicizing, instrumentalizing and weaponizing the world economy using a dominant position in the global financial system to wantonly impose sanctions would only hurt others as well as hurting oneself, leaving people around the world suffering. Those who obsess with a position of strength, expand their military alliance, and seek their own security at the expense of others will only fall into a security conundrum.”

    Today’s article is not behind a paywall, because I believe its content to be too important – but if you have the means and wish to support my work, I’d love to have you as a subscriber: Subscribe now

    The developments obviously further my long held belief that a gold backed global reserve currency is on its way – something I have been writing about for months.

    I’m also stunned that nobody seems to care that arguably the largest shift on the global macroeconomic playing field over the last half century may be taking place.

    Sure, under the context of the conflict in Ukraine, the news may seem “par for the course” of sorts, which may result in the media and the financial world downplaying it. But put this piece of information out there on its own, without context – that there is a coordinated global challenge taking place to the U.S. dollar – and it would be the biggest news story in decades. Imagine if China and Russia just dropped this out of nowhere? Now, remember that both countries have been working on, and preparing for, this situation for years.

    I mean, holy hell, look at Russia’s Treasury holdings as far back as 2018:

    Russia's dollar reserves likely shifted to swaps after it dumped Treasuries

    As I’ve noted before, Russia was also increasing its holdings of gold over the same period:


    And this headline came out in 2020, just months before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

    Does anyone think it’s a coincidence?

    Nikkei wrote at the time:

    Dedollarization has been a priority for Russia and China since 2014, when they began expanding economic cooperation following Moscow’s estrangement from the West over its annexation of Crimea. Replacing the dollar in trade settlements became a necessity to sidestep U.S. sanctions against Russia.

    Ergo, it seems to me that the BRIC nations understand exactly how precarious of a financial situation the U.S. – and our dollar – is in. Despite the dollar’s recent strengthening, these nations have been in the midst of a multi-decade-long plan to de-dollarize. Even before the Ukraine conflict started, both China and Russia were stockpiling gold and working on denominating transactions outside of the U.S. dollar. It was another “secret” that was out there in the open.

    Remember how “insane” this headline was just 6 months ago when I predicted it for the first time?

    Everybody told me that it was a stretch. Today, it isn’t so much anymore.

    Meanwhile, since the BRIC conference, ties between Russia and China continue to tighten, with Japan even warning this week about the pair’s “strengthening of military ties” – at the same time China has closely scrutinized a planned trip by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan.

    Japan said this past week:

    “As a result of the current aggression, it is possible that Russia’s national power in the medium- to longterm may decline, and the military balance within the region and military cooperation with China may change.

    In the vicinity of Japan, Russia has made moves to strengthen cooperation with China, such as through joint bomber flights and joint warship sails involving the Russian and Chinese militaries, as well as moves to portray such military cooperation as strategic coordination.”

    Japan said this alignment between the two countries “must continue to be closely watched in the future.”

    While the economic gears turn behind the scenes, China is also becoming incresingly cagey about Taiwan. The country “has sent warplanes into Taiwan’s self-declared air defense zone identification zone many times in recent months,” according to CNN, and recently alluded to the idea of a no-fly zone over Taiwan ahead of a planned visit by Nancy Pelosi.

    President Biden commented on Pelosi’s travel plans this week, stating: “The military thinks it’s not a good idea right now. But I don’t know what the status of it is.”

    We’re sure Pelosi will wind up going anyway. Remember, this is the same woman who danced her way through Chinatown while Covid was spreading to the U.S., from China, to prove she wasn’t racist.

    I can hear her en route to Taiwan now:

    “I negotiate million dollar stock trades for breakfast, I’m sure I can handle this Euro trash.”

    Hart Bochner interview: Ellis in Die Hard, directing, and more | Den of Geek

    Today’s article is not behind a paywall, because I believe its content to be too important – but if you have the means and wish to support my work, I’d love to have you as a subscriber: Subscribe now

    This post is public so feel free to share it: Share

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 21:30

  • Fauci Now Claims To Have 'Open Mind' About COVID Lab-Leak Theory
    Fauci Now Claims To Have ‘Open Mind’ About COVID Lab-Leak Theory

    In January, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request revealed that Dr. Anthony Fauci not only initiated efforts to cover up evidence pointing to a Chinese lab as the origin of COVID-19, but that he actively shaped a highly influential academic paper that excluded the possibility of a lab leak.

    Fauci’s involvement with the paper wasn’t acknowledged by the authors, as it should have been under prevailing academic standards. Neither was it acknowledged by Fauci himself, who denied having communicated with the authors when asked directly while testifying before Congress – which we now know is a bald-faced lie.

    The article, Proximal Origin, was co-authored by five virologists, four of whom participated in a Feb. 1, 2020, teleconference that was hastily convened by Fauci, who serves as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and Jeremy Farrar, who heads the UK-based Wellcome Trust, after public reporting of a potential link between the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China and the COVID-19 outbreak, according to the Epoch Times.

    The initial draft of Proximal Origin was completed on the same day the teleconference, which wasn’t made public, took place. Notably, at least three authors of the paper were privately telling Fauci’s teleconference group both during the call and in subsequent emails that they were 60 to 80 percent sure that COVID-19 had come out of a lab.

    (Oh, and at least three virologists involved in the drafting of Proximal Origin have seen substantial increases in funding from the agency since the paper was first published)

    Fast forward six months, and the World Health Organization (WHO) finally admitted that the lab leak theory – while maintaining that it’s not the most likely scenario – is a possibility that “needs study.”

    Now, Fauci is suddenly ‘open minded’ about the theory.

    As the Daily Mail reports, Fauci told Fox News’ Bret Baier on Friday: “We have an open mind but it looks very much like this was a natural occurrence, but you keep an open mind.”

    Baier grilled Fauci about a claim he made in April 2020, after being sent a link to a report made by Baier himself, that saw Fauci dismiss the lab leak theory as ‘a shiny object that will go away.’ 

    The Fox News anchor said: ‘When you read the email from Kristian Andersen who says…”one has to look really closely to see some features (potentially) look engineered.”

    ‘And you say this is a shiny object and it will go away. It does not look like you’re open minded to it.’

    Fauci appeared to try to deflect by flattering Baier, saying: ‘Bret, I know youre a good person, I know you a long time. 

    ‘If you take a group of emails when people are considering and thinking out loud, and stop there, and don’t look at the weeks of consideration by the same people who wrote the same emails… in published peer review literature, they explain why they thought it was a natural occurrence.’ -Daily Mail


    In February 2020, California-based virologist Kristen Anderson (who has since deleted more than 5,000 tweets) speculated that COVID looked to be genetically engineered.

    And two months later, emails reveal that  then-National Institutes of Health Director Dr Francis Collins emailed Fauci a link to a Fox Report claiming ‘multiple sources’ believed COVID had leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology – writing “Wondering if there is something NIH can do to help put down this very destructive conspiracy, with what seems to be growing momentum.”

    Last October, a top NIH official admitted that the US-funded so-called “gain-of-function” research in Wuhan, China – and that the US nonprofit which conducted it, EcoHealth Alliance – led by the controversial Peter Daszak, “failed to report” that they had created a chimeric bat coronavirus which could infect humans.

    As we noted last September, proof that the US funded of GoF research was blown wide open thanks to materials (here and here) released through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by The Intercept against the National Institutes of Health, revealing that EcoHealth was paid to make chimeric SARS-based Covid that they confirmed could infect human cells.

    While evidence of this research has been pointed to in published studies, the FOIA release provides a key piece to the puzzle which sheds new light on what was going on.

    This is a roadmap to the high-risk research that could have led to the current pandemic,” said Gary Ruskin, executive director of U.S. Right To Know, a group that has been investigating the origins of Covid-19 (via The Intercept).

    We also learned in September that 18 months before the Pandemic, Daszak applied for a grant to release enhanced airborne coronaviruses into the wild in an effort to inoculate them against diseases that could have otherwise jumped to humans, according to The Telegraph, citing leaked grant proposals from 2018.

    New documents show that just 18 months before the first Covid-19 cases appeared, researchers had submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing “novel chimeric spike proteins” of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China.

    They also planned to create chimeric viruses, genetically enhanced to infect humans more easily, and requested $14million from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) to fund the work.

    Daszak hoped to use genetic engineering to cobble “human-specific cleavage sites” onto bat Covid ‘which would make it easier for the virus to enter human cells’ – and included plans to commingle high-risk natural coronaviruses strains with more infectious, yet less deadly versions. His ‘bat team’ of researchers included Dr. Shi Zhengli from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as well as US researchers from the University of North Carolina and the US Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center.

    And now Fauci is ‘open minded’ to the possibility of a lab leak.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 21:00

  • The Talented Mr. Pottinger: The US Intelligence Agent Who Pushed Lockdowns
    The Talented Mr. Pottinger: The US Intelligence Agent Who Pushed Lockdowns

    Authored by Michael Senger via ‘The New Normal’ Substack,

    In 1948, the US House of Representatives received a tip from a man named Whittaker Chambers that several federal officials had been working for the communists. One of these officials was more than happy to appear before Congress to clear his name—a leading State Department and United Nations representative named Alger Hiss.

    The rakish Hiss was the exemplary American statesman: Polite, pedigreed, well-spoken, and a Harvard man to boot. During the 1945 United Nations conference, the Chinese delegation had proposed the creation of a new international health organization. After the Chinese failed to get a resolution passed, Hiss recommended establishing the organization by declaration, and the World Health Organization was born.

    In Congress, Hiss coolly denied the allegations and denounced his deadbeat accuser for the libelous claims. The House came away newly reassured that the State Department was in excellent hands.

    (Spoiler alert: He was then and always had been a communist.)

    The next year, intelligence leaks from the federal service led to the Soviet Union’s first successful nuclear test, ending the security afforded by America’s nuclear monopoly 15 years earlier than experts expected. Shortly thereafter, Kim Il-Sung and Chairman Mao used the cover of Soviet nuclear weapons to invade South Korea. The ensuing war claimed over 3 million lives and resulted in the permanent recognition of the nation of North Korea.

    Around this time, a little-known Congressman from California’s 12th district named Richard M. Nixon pressed Chambers for more information. Chambers reluctantly led Tricky Dick to a package of State Department materials he had hidden in a pumpkin patch—including notes in Hiss’s own writing. Alger Hiss became the most high-level American official ever convicted in connection with working for the communists.


    To be honest, I barely knew who Matt Pottinger was until I read that he’d appointed Deborah Birx as White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator in her bizarrely self-incriminating memoir Silent Invasion, which reads like it was written by the Chinese Communist Party itself. There’s little information about Pottinger’s role in Covid online.

    Yet Pottinger is portrayed as a leading protagonist in three different pro-lockdown books on America’s response to Covid-19: The Plague Year by the New Yorker’s Lawrence Wright, Nightmare Scenario by the Washington Post’s Yasmeen Abutaleb, and Chaos Under Heaven by the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin. Pottinger’s singularly outsized role in pushing for alarm, shutdowns, mandates, and science from China in the early months of Covid is extremely well-documented.

    Pottinger’s enormous influence during Covid is especially surprising not only because of his absence from online discussion about these events, but because of who he is.

    The son of leading Department of Justice official Stanley Pottinger, Matt Pottinger graduated with a degree in Chinese studies in 1998 before going to work as a journalist in China for seven years, where he reported on topics including the original SARS. In 2005, Pottinger unexpectedly left journalism and obtained an age waiver to join the US Marine Corps.

    Over several tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, Pottinger became a decorated intelligence officer and met General Michael Flynn, who later appointed him to the National Security Council (NSC). Pottinger was originally in line to be China Director, but Flynn gave him the more senior job of Asia Director.

    Despite being new to civilian government, Pottinger outlasted many others in Trump’s White House. In September 2019, Pottinger was named Deputy National Security Advisor, second only to National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien.

    Pottinger is best known as a China hawk, but a smart and sophisticated one. He’s been ahead of the curve in calling out China’s increasingly aggressive geopolitical stance, articulating this challenge with near-perfect eloquence.

    As Politico writes, “While hawks like Bannon love his tough views toward China, even Democrats call his views basically mainstream. Still, some foreign policy experts…wonder what a nice guy like him is doing in a place like this.” “He’s a very effective bureaucratic player, which is saying something because he’s never had a policy job before,” the New York Times agreed. “Matt has an extraordinary sense of caution that, ‘Let’s not push something unless the president clearly has approved it.’ This is different from other members of White House staff,” the Washington Post admired.

    While many Trump administration officials have floundered since Trump left the White House, “things are going well for Pottinger,” Vox gushed. “[T]hat subject matter expertise—plus the patina afforded by resigning on January 6—has helped Pottinger, a former journalist, expertly navigate the post-Trump landscape. He even emerged as the White House hero of the initial Covid-19 chaos in New Yorker writer Lawrence Wright’s chronicle of The Plague Year… One reason that Matt Pottinger was welcomed back into the establishment is that, unlike some of Trump’s unconventional appointees, he had already been a part of the elite.”

    From the center-right to the center-left and the far right to the far left, it’s tough to find anyone on the Beltway short on praise for Matt Pottinger. Everything about Pottinger is silky smooth. Between the lines of glowing coverage are not-so-subtle winks and nudges that he’d make an excellent candidate for higher office.


    1. Ratcheting Up Alarm via “Asymptomatic Spread”

    In January 2020, Pottinger unilaterally called meetings and ratcheted up alarm about the new coronavirus in the White House based on information from his own sources in China, despite having no official intelligence to back up his alarmism, breaching protocol on several occasions.

    In Washington, Matt Pottinger was first made aware of the new coronavirus after China’s CDC Director called US CDC Director Robert Redfield to report it on January 3, 2020. According to Pottinger, he grew increasingly alarmed due to the rumors he saw on Chinese social media. As Wright reports:

    He was struck by the disparity between official accounts of the novel coronavirus in China, which scarcely mentioned the disease, and Chinese social media, which was aflame with rumors and anecdotes.

    Pottinger therefore authorized the first interagency meeting on the coronavirus based on these social media reports. There was no official intelligence to prompt the meeting.

    On January 14, Pottinger authorized a briefing for the NSC staff by the State Department and the Department of Health and Human Services, along with CDC director Redfield. That first interagency meeting to discuss the situation in Wuhan wasn’t prompted by official intelligence; in fact, there was practically none of that.

    On January 27, 2020, Trump’s staff attended the first full meeting on the coronavirus in the White House Situation Room. Unbeknownst to those in attendance, Pottinger had unilaterally called the meeting. Others urged calm, but Pottinger immediately began pushing for travel bans. As Abutaleb writes:

    Few people in the room knew it, but Pottinger had actually called the meeting. The Chinese weren’t providing the US government much information about the virus, and Pottinger didn’t trust what they were disclosing anyway. He had spent two weeks scouring Chinese social media feeds and had uncovered dramatic reports of the new infectious disease suggesting that it was much worse than the Chinese government had revealed. He had also seen reports that the virus might have escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China. There were too many unanswered questions. He told everyone in the Sit Room that they needed to consider enacting a travel ban immediately: ban all travel from China; shut it down

    [Pottinger] spent several days calling some of his old contacts in China, doctors who would tell him the truth. And they had told him that things were bad—and only going to get worse. Pottinger’s discourse was measured but he conveyed the gravity of the threat. He said that the virus was spreading fast. He said that dramatic actions would need to be taken, which was why the government should consider banning travel from China to the United States until it had a better understanding of what was going on. As he continued, people sat up in their chairs. This was not the “we’ve got everything handled” message that Azar had conveyed just minutes earlier.

    As Wright documents, the health officials thought travel restrictions would be futile.

    Predictably, the public health representatives were resistant, too: viruses found ways to travel no matter what. Moreover, at least 14,000 passengers from China were arriving in the U.S. every day; there was no feasible way to quarantine them all. These arguments would join a parade of other public health verities that would be jettisoned during the pandemic.

    Among those present, Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney appears to have been the only one to express skepticism of Pottinger’s information. As Abutaleb writes:

    Mulvaney intervened to wrap things up. He could tell that Pottinger and a few others were calling for a dramatic change, one that was an anathema to his libertarian instincts. He was pretty skeptical of Pottinger’s “sources” in China, too. They weren’t going to be setting US policy based on what someone had heard from their “friend” thousands of miles away. Mulvaney reiterated that they would reconvene the next day to discuss matters again before anything was settled. He warned attendees not to leak any details of the meeting to the media.

    The next morning, January 28, 2020, Pottinger says he spoke to a doctor in China who told him the new coronavirus would be as bad as the 1918 Spanish flu, and that half the cases were asymptomatic. As Rogin writes:

    The next morning, Pottinger had a conversation with a very high-level doctor in China, one who had spoken with health officials in several provinces, including Wuhan. This was a trusted source who was in a position to know the ground truth. “Is this going to be as bad as SARS in 2003?” he asked the doctor, whose name must remain secret for his own protection. “Forget SARS in 2003,” the doctor replied, “this is 1918.”

    The doctor told Pottinger half the cases were asymptomatic and the government must have known all about it.

    Later that same day, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien brought Pottinger into the Oval Office, where he seized the first opportunity to repeat to the President what the doctor in China had told him that morning.

    “This is the single greatest national security crisis of your presidency and it’s now unfolding,” O’Brien told the president. “It’s going to be 1918,” Pottinger told Trump. “Holy fuck,” the president replied.

    Wright goes into more detail on this meeting, in which Pottinger interjected to alarm the President:

    Later that day, the national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, brought Pottinger into the Oval Office, where the president was getting his daily intelligence briefing. Far down the list of threats was the mysterious new virus in China. The briefer didn’t seem to take it seriously. O’Brien did. “This will be the biggest national security threat you will face in your presidency,” he warned. “Is this going to be as bad or worse than SARS in 2003?” Trump asked. The briefer responded that it wasn’t clear yet. Pottinger, who was sitting on a couch, jumped to his feet. He had seen enough high-level arguments in the Oval Office to know that Trump relished clashes between agencies. “Mr. President, I actually covered that,” he said, recounting his experience with SARS and what he was learning now from his sources—most shockingly, that more than half of the spread of the disease was by asymptomatic carriers. China had already curbed travel within the country, but every day thousands of people were traveling from China to the U.S.—half a million in January alone. “Should we shut down travel?” the president asked. “Yes,” Pottinger said unequivocally.

    That same day, Pottinger and the White House staff reconvened in the Situation Room. Pottinger recalls that he’d been especially inspired into action by Xi Jinping’s lockdown of Wuhan and by the hospital that the CCP claims to have built in 10 days, but did not actually build. As Abutaleb reports:

    A few hours later, Pottinger and other government officials filed back into the Situation Room. Pottinger knew he was going to be outnumbered. Mulvaney and his allies didn’t want to allow the NSC to do anything that might be too disruptive. Blocking travel from China would be an unprecedented intervention. And over what? Five cases of the sniffles in the United States?…

    On January 23, China announced that it was locking down Wuhan, a city of 11 million people. The shutdown was extended to several more cities in the coming days, with travel prohibited inside much of the country. Tens of millions of people were effectively locked in their homes. The Chinese were rapidly building an entire hospital in Wuhan that was completed within days. Everyone in the country was wearing a mask. People in hazmat suits took passengers’ temperatures before anyone was allowed into the subway. China had gone from reluctantly admitting that there had been a few cases of person-to-person spread to shutting down the world’s second largest economy. If the virus had brought the world’s most populous country to a standstill, some top US officials, especially Pottinger, knew they should be doing more.

    As Deputy National Security Advisor, Pottinger was supposed to “avoid arguing forcefully for any particular outcome,” so he brought Peter Navarro to make his arguments for him. Abutaleb continues:

    But as deputy national security advisor, Pottinger was in an awkward position. He was supposed to be chairing the meeting, which meant that his job was to solicit input from others in the room and avoid arguing forcefully for any particular outcome. That fact tied his hands. He needed someone else to make the more pointed parts of his argument for him. Someone who would stand up to everyone else in the room unflinchingly. He knew just the person: a reviled troublemaker named Peter Navarro, the director of the White House National Trade Council…

    Pottinger’s plan to use Navarro as his mouthpiece seemed to work initially, but then Navarro kept going. And going… They needed to ban travel, and they needed to do it now.

    Pottinger had been waiting for an opening. He told his colleagues that he had come across some alarming information: Chinese officials were no longer able to contact trace the virus. In other words, it was so widespread that they couldn’t determine where people had contracted it. And he relayed the Chinese suspicions about asymptomatic spread: people who seemed perfectly healthy were transmitting the virus, not just in China but potentially everywhere, including in the United States.

    Once again, Mulvaney was skeptical of Pottinger. Three months prior, Navarro had been caught citing himself as an expert source using the pseudonym “Ron Vara”:

    Mulvaney couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. Pottinger and Navarro had nearly pulled off a policy ambush. “Look,” Mulvaney told someone at the meeting, “I’ve got Pottinger with a friend of his in Hong Kong as a source. I’ve got Navarro, who makes up his sources, and then on the other side of the equation I’ve got Kadlec and Fauci and Redfield, three experts, who say not to shut down flights just yet.”

    A health expert pointed out that the statistic Pottinger had reported from the doctor in China about asymptomatic spread couldn’t be true.

    One of the government health experts pulled Pottinger aside. The stat Pottinger had cited, the one about half of all people with the virus being asymptomatic, there’s just no way that can be true, the person said. No one has ever heard of a coronavirus similar to SARS or MERS whose spread can be driven in part by asymptomatic carriers. That would be a game changer.

    On February 1, Mulvaney tried to rein Pottinger in. As Rogin reports:

    Concerned about the political implications, Mulvaney tried to rein in Pottinger. He took O’Brien aside and told him, “You’ve got to get Pottinger under control.” Pottinger was too young, Mulvaney said, and too immature to be deputy national security adviser. Mulvaney was among the most skeptical of all the White House officials that the virus threat was real. In late February, as the markets tanked, Mulvaney said the media was exaggerating the threat in an effort to bring down President Trump, calling it the “hoax of the day.” As he prepared the White House’s first budget to respond to the emerging crisis, Mulvaney pegged the total cost at $800 million. (Mulvaney was pushed out in early March.)

    2. Pottinger’s Crusade for Universal Masking

    In February 2020, Pottinger, who has no background in science or public health, began a months-long campaign to popularize universal masking and travel quarantines in response to the coronavirus based on information from his own sources in China.

    Beginning in February 2020, Pottinger began a crusade for Americans to adopt universal masking in response to the new coronavirus based on recommendations from his own sources in China. As Abutaleb writes:

    Back in February, Matt Pottinger had relayed what he had hoped would be received as good news by the Coronavirus Task Force. His contacts in China had found a way to significantly slow the virus’s spread: face coverings.

    Pottinger began wearing a mask to work in early March to convince his White House colleagues to take up the practice.

    A mask, however, could significantly stem transmission, Pottinger argued. If people’s noses and mouths were covered, they would emit far fewer respiratory droplets, lowering the risk of infecting others. Pottinger began wearing a mask to work in early March. But he didn’t wear a simple cloth face covering; he wore what other White House aides thought was a gas mask. He looked like a lunatic, some snickered, and it reinforced his reputation as an alarmist. One staffer described him as “being at a hundred” as early as January (on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of concern).

    Pottinger, who has no background in science or public health, pushed for mask mandates in the White House and for staff to be quarantined if they traveled outside Washington.

    Having lived in China during the SARS outbreak, he saw the importance of the speed with which Asian countries had mobilized. In early February, he recommended that NSC staffers who traveled outside Washington—even to other parts of the United States—quarantine before returning to work. He also wanted NSC staff to telework when possible, limit in-person meetings, restrict the number of people who could be in a room at one time, and be required to wear masks. That struck many White House aides as absurd. There were just a handful of known cases at the time; the virus was barely a blip on most people’s radars. No one else was changing their workplace standards…

    Pottinger urged the adoption of universal masking as had been ordered by “governments in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.”

    Pottinger pointed to a handful of Asian countries where the use of face coverings was universal. The governments in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong had ordered their citizens to wear masks with seemingly indisputable results.

    Pottinger saw no “downside” in universal masking, though there was no data and research to show it was effective.

    Pottinger’s heart sank as he saw the tweet and the ensuing messages. What was the downside in having people cover their faces while they waited for more data and research about how effective masks might be?

    Pottinger proposed delivering a mask to every mailbox in America. As Wright reports:

    Pottinger and Robert Kadlec, an assistant secretary at Health and Human Services, came up with an idea to put masks in every mailbox in America. Hanes, the underwear company, offered to make antimicrobial masks that were machine washable. “We couldn’t get it through the task force,” Pottinger told his brother. “We got machine-gunned down before we could even move on it.” Masks were still seen as useless or even harmful by the administration and even public health officials.

    Matt Pottinger’s crusade for the adoption of universal masking based on information from his own sources in China is especially peculiar because, as of the time of this writing, though there are hundreds of pictures of Pottinger online, there does not appear to be a single one in which he is wearing a mask anywhere on the Internet.

    3. Popularizing Shutdowns

    In January 2020, Pottinger popularized shutdowns within the White House using a dubious study on the 1918 flu pandemic comparing outcomes between Philadelphia and St. Louis, a month before this study received any significant media attention.

    If you live in the United States, you probably remember the ludicrous study that made the rounds among major media outlets in March 2020 comparing outcomes in Philadelphia and St. Louis during the 1918 Spanish flu. According to the study, St. Louis canceled its annual parade, closed schools, and discouraged gatherings in 1918, while Philadelphia did not, so Philadelphia was punished when thousands of residents died of flu over the coming weeks. Therefore, these media outlets argued, it somehow logically followed that we should shut down the entire United States economy in 2020.

    One man who was several weeks ahead of media outlets in citing this claptrap was Matt Pottinger. As Wright reports, Pottinger began popularizing the idea of shutdowns within the White House by circulating this study among his White House colleagues on January 31, 2020.

    Matt Pottinger handed out a study of the 1918 flu pandemic to his colleagues in the White House, indicating the differing outcomes between the experiences of Philadelphia and St. Louis—a clear example of the importance of leadership, transparency, and following the best scientific counsel.

    4. Appointing Deborah Birx as White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator

    Beginning in January 2020, Pottinger began petitioning for Deborah Birx to be appointed as White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator. Birx then embarked on a months-long scorched earth campaign for lockdowns that were as long and strict as possible across the United States.

    On January 28, 2020, Pottinger began to reach out to Deborah Birx to have her come to the White House to lead the response to the Coronavirus. As Birx recalls in her book:

    On January 28, after meeting with Erin Walsh to solidify the planning and schedule for the upcoming African Diplomatic Corps State Department meeting, I received a text from Yen Pottinger. Aside from being the wife of my friend Matt, the deputy national security advisor, Yen was also a former colleague at the CDC and a trusted friend and neighbor…

    Matt had apologized for the short notice and said he hoped we could meet face-to-face. Yen arranged so that I could meet him in the West Wing, and once we were both there, Matt got to the point quickly. He offered me the position of White House spokesperson on the virus.

    Abutaleb goes into more detail on Birx’s relationship with Pottinger. Pottinger was married to one of Birx’s subordinates who’d developed a widely-used HIV test at the CDC.

    [Birx] made a number of powerful connections along the way. When she became head of the CDC’s Division of Global HIV/AIDS, one of her subordinates was a bright virologist named Yen Duong, who developed a widely used HIV test while working at the agency. Duong would eventually marry a Wall Street Journal reporter turned marine named Matt Pottinger, a connection that would eventually bring Birx into Trump’s orbit.

    According to Pottinger and Birx, he pleaded with her over several weeks to head the Coronavirus Task Force, and she reluctantly agreed. The hero we didn’t need. As Birx recalls in her book:

    It is March 2, 2020. I’ve just flown in overnight from South Africa to take on the role of response coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force, a job I didn’t seek but felt compelled to accept. I’m physically tired but mentally alert. After weeks of urging from Matthew Pottinger— President Trump’s deputy national security advisor, a task force member himself, and the husband of a former colleague and friend of mine—I finally gave in to Matt’s request that I come on board to help with the response to the coronavirus outbreak…

    Matt Pottinger, was one of the good ones in the Trump White House. A former journalist turned highly-decorated U.S. Marine who served as an intelligence officer for part of his time, Matt had deep experience in China (including during the 2002–2003 SARS outbreak there) and was fluent in Mandarin. Matt took a position in the National Security Council in the earliest stage of the Trump administration, while still serving in the Marine Reserves.

    As documented in her bizarre tell-all book, which received uniquely excellent reviews from Chinese state media, Birx then embarked on a months-long, largely clandestine, scorched-earth crusade to orchestrate lockdowns that were as long and strict as possible across the United States. These lockdowns ultimately killed tens of thousands of young Americans while failing to meaningfully slow the spread of the coronavirus everywhere they were tried. By her own admission, she lied, hid data, and manipulated the president’s administration to drive consent for lockdowns that were stricter than the administration realized until finally stepping down soon after breaking her own travel guidance to visit her family for Thanksgiving in November 2020.

    No sooner had we convinced the Trump administration to implement our version of a two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it. Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread was a start, but I knew it would be just that. I didn’t have the numbers in front of me yet to make the case for extending it longer, but I had two weeks to get them. However hard it had been to get the fifteen-day shutdown approved, getting another one would be more difficult by many orders of magnitude.

    In October 2020, while visiting Utah, Pottinger admired his handiwork in appointing Birx. Wright reports:

    Utah had just hit a record high number of new cases. On the ride, an alarm sounded on Pottinger’s cell phone in the saddlebag. It was an alert: “Almost every single county is a high transmission area. Hospitals are nearly overwhelmed. By public health order masks are required in high transmission areas.” Pottinger thought, “Debi must have met with the governor.”

    5. Promoting Mass Testing

    Sometime in February 2020, Pottinger, who has no background in science or public health, appears to have promoted within the White House the idea of mass testing for the coronavirus. Wright recounts:

    At a Coronavirus Task Force meeting, Redfield announced that the CDC would send a limited number of test kits to five “sentinel cities.” Pottinger was stunned: five cities? Why not send them everywhere? He learned that the CDC makes tests, but not at scale. For that, you have to go to a company like Roche or Abbott—molecular testing powerhouses which have the experience and capacity to manufacture millions of tests a month.

    Using the standard PCR cycle thresholds of 37 to 40 later provided in the testing guidance published by the WHO, approximately 85% to 90% of these cases were false positives, as later confirmed by The New York Times.

    6. Endorsing Remdesivir

    In March 2020, Pottinger appears to have endorsed use of the drug remdesivir as a possible Covid therapy based on information from a doctor in China. Wright reports:

    In the early morning of March 4, as Matt Pottinger was driving to the White House, he was on the phone with a source in China, a doctor. Taking notes on the back of an envelope while holding the phone to his ear and navigating the city traffic, Pottinger was excited by all the valuable new information about how the virus was being contained in China. The doctor specifically mentioned the antiviral drug remdesivir.

    The health outcomes of remdesivir remain unknown, but no benefit to the mortality of its recipients has been proven.

    7. Pushing Intelligence to Believe Covid Came From a Lab

    Pottinger has continually promoted the idea that the coronavirus came from a lab, and specifically prodded the US intelligence community to do the same, regardless of evidence, while urging the global adoption of China’s virus containment measures.

    In January 2020, Pottinger began directly prodding the CIA to look for evidence that the coronavirus came from a lab in Wuhan, China. As the New York Times disclosed:

    With his skeptical—some might even say conspiratorial—view of China’s ruling Communist Party, Mr. Pottinger initially suspected that President Xi Jinping’s government was keeping a dark secret: that the virus may have originated in one of the laboratories in Wuhan studying deadly pathogens. In his view, it might have even been a deadly accident unleashed on an unsuspecting Chinese population.

    During meetings and telephone calls, Mr. Pottinger asked intelligence agencies—including officers at the C.I.A. working on Asia and on weapons of mass destruction—to search for evidence that might bolster his theory.

    They didn’t have any evidence. Intelligence agencies did not detect any alarm inside the Chinese government that analysts presumed would accompany the accidental leak of a deadly virus from a government laboratory. But Mr. Pottinger continued to believe the coronavirus problem was far worse than the Chinese were acknowledging.

    Though the CIA did not return any evidence to support his theory, Pottinger has continued to promote the conclusion that the coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan lab, despite quietly admitting that the virus was not man-made or genetically modified. As CBS reported in its interview on February 21, 2021:

    MARGARET BRENNAN: U.S. intelligence has said COVID, according to wide scientific consensus, was not man-made or genetically modified. You are not in any way alleging that it was, are you?

    Much of the initial alarm that Covid might be a supervirus from the Wuhan lab arose because of the frightening videos of Wuhan residents spontaneously dying in January 2020, and because Xi Jinping decided to shut down Wuhan, where the lab was. However, all of those videos were soon proven fake, and US intelligence has confirmed that the virus was spreading in Wuhan by November 2019 at the latest. A growing body of research suggests that the virus did not start either in the Wuhan lab or the Wuhan wet market, and a number of studies from various continents have shown that the virus was also spreading undetected all over the world by November 2019 at the latest, many months before lockdowns began.

    Covid’s origins remain a mystery, and leading scientists and policymakers were nowhere near transparent enough about their panic that the virus might have come from a lab in early 2020. However, given that the national security community has quietly admitted Covid is not genetically modified, it began spreading undetected globally many months before lockdowns, and it did not cause Wuhan residents to spontaneously die, the question of whether Covid came from the lab would appear to be a moot point from a national security perspective.

    Furthermore, in my book and elsewhere, there is a growing body of evidence that the CCP used a variety of clandestine means to promote the idea that Covid came from a lab, both to stoke fear and to mislead the western intelligence community from the CCP’s well-documented campaign for global adoption of China’s virus containment measures. Likewise, Pottinger has continually promoted the idea that Covid came from a lab, and prodded the intelligence community to do the same, while urging the adoption of China’s virus containment measures. Pottinger’s credulousness in sharing and promoting scientific concepts and policies from China including asymptomatic spread, universal masking, quarantines, shutdowns, and remdesivir further belies the notion that the fixation on the Wuhan lab serves any legitimate national security interest.

    In summary, as Deputy National Security Advisor, Matt Pottinger played a singularly outsized role in shaping America’s disastrous response to Covid by taking the following actions:

    1. Throughout January 2020, Pottinger unilaterally called White House meetings unbeknownst to those in attendance and breached protocol to ratchet up alarm about the new coronavirus based on information from his own sources in China, despite having no official intelligence to back up his alarmism.

    2. Despite having no background in science or public health, beginning in February 2020, Pottinger embarked on a months-long campaign to urge the adoption of universal masking and travel quarantines in response to the coronavirus based on information from his own sources in China. However, there does not appear to be a single picture of Pottinger wearing a mask anywhere on the Internet.

    3. Pottinger popularized the idea of shutdowns within the White House using a questionable study on the 1918 flu pandemic comparing outcomes between Philadelphia and St. Louis, a month before this study received any significant attention from media outlets in 2020.

    4. Pottinger specifically courted Deborah Birx to serve as White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, who then embarked on a months-long campaign for lockdowns that were as long and strict as possible across the United States.

    5. Despite having no background in science or public health, Pottinger appears to have promoted the idea of mass testing for the coronavirus.

    6. Pottinger appears to have endorsed use of the drug remdesivir as a possible Covid therapy based on information from a doctor in China.

    7. Pottinger has continually promoted the conclusion that the coronavirus came from a lab, and specifically prodded the US intelligence community to do the same, regardless of evidence to support that conclusion, while simultaneously urging the global adoption of China’s virus containment measures.

    In Pottinger’s speeches, he often discusses the need for more grassroots populism in China.

    Pottinger may have simply been overly-trusting of his sources, thinking they were the little people in China trying to help their American friends. But why did Pottinger push so hard for sweeping Chinese policies like mask mandates that were far outside his field of expertise? Why did he so often breach protocol? Why seek out and appoint Deborah Birx?

    Pottinger’s zealousness in endorsing these sweeping policies is even more bewildering because it’s widely known in the intelligence community that the CCP’s primary focus is on information warfare—“superseding their cultural and political values” to those of the west and undermining the western values that Xi Jinping sees as threatening, outlined in his leaked Document No. 9: “independent judiciaries,” “human rights,” “western freedom,” “civil society,” “freedom of the press,” and the “free flow of information on the internet.”

    Though political conditions in China have deteriorated rapidly, Pottinger is supposed to know that—that’s why he had the Top Secret security clearance and the big job in the National Security Council. In fact, we know how rapidly conditions in China have deteriorated in part because Matt Pottinger is the one who told us. The only reason anyone accepted all this information and guidance from these Chinese sources is that it came through Pottinger.

    I certainly can’t pass judgment. But from where I’m sitting, it looks like we’ve been struck by a smooth criminal.

    *  *  *

    Michael P Senger is an attorney and author of Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World. Want to support my work? Get the book. Already got the book? Leave a quick review.

    The New Normal is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 20:30

  • Tesla Is Refunding Cybertruck Reservations In Australia
    Tesla Is Refunding Cybertruck Reservations In Australia

    Well, the Cybertruck was a nice idea while it lasted…at least in Australia, where Muscle Cars and Trucks reported late this week that Tesla is starting to refund reservations for the vehicle. 

    The article notes that Tesla stopped taking reservations for the truck in Europe and China due to a three year wait on deliveries – and that’s after the company finally gets production started, which could still be a while away.

    Now, in Australia, the company could be doing away with the Cybertruck for good, according to the report. “Tesla will start refunding those with a reservation in Australia as the Cybertruck won’t be making its way to The Outback anytime soon, if at all,” writes Muscle Cars and Trucks. 

    Tesla is also said to have an astounding 1.2 million pre-orders for the Cybertruck, amounting to $120 million in revenue, all from individual $100 reservations. Australia makes up about 38,000 of these reservations, the report says. 

    The Cybertruck was taken down from Tesla’s website in early 2022 and reservation holders have been notified by the company that they are eligible for refunds. But, as the report notes, those who want a full refund will have to apply for it. 

    We’re sure that process won’t be unduly burdensome or tenuous at all…

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 20:00

  • ETH Strikes Back
    ETH Strikes Back

    By Donovan Choy of Bankless

    Is the bear market over already?

    ETH is up 31% this week at ~1.5K, leading the market in the first substantial rally in many months after a 69% drawdown from its peak of ~4.8K this March. 

    Macro indicators are still bleak and bleaker. The ECB announced it’s getting in on rate hikes for the first time in over a decade. Over in the US, there are rumblings of a 100 basis point raise for July’s Fed meeting. 

    What explains the recent price rally? Is the impending Merge being priced in? Or just another bull trap?

    * * *

    Incoming zkEVM

    It’s ETH CC week, and the biggest piece of news sweeping crypto is the launch of zkEVMs. 

    …So what are these bad boys?

    1. EVM-compatibility (Ethereum Virtual Machine) allows any Web3 project to plug into Ethereum’s established infrastructure and user base.

    2. Then zk-rollups (zero knowledge) are a major Layer 2 scaling boon. Vitalik himself said they were the end game.

    zkEVMs combines them both. 

    Devs like it because they can deploy smart contracts and integrate Ethereum tools in the same way they would on Ethereum, yet with faster speeds and lower cost.

    Ok so, zkEVMs are great. That means there’s big competition for optimistic rollups. A total of three zkEVM projects are coming out the bull gate this week by the Scroll team, zkSync and Polygon. They’re all in pre-alpha phases at the moment. It’s a sign of big things coming for Ethereum.

    For more complete details, check out Bankless articles published this week: William Peaster’s coverage of zkEVMs and Ben Giove on under-the-radar L2s that are poised for growth.

    Three Arrows Capital troubles, continued

    I wrote last week in “DeFi Will Never Diethat the ongoing problems with centralized crypto banks isn’t one of risky trades per se, but rather how the rules of the system poorly deal with that risk. 

    DeFi mitigates that risk inherently through built-in transparency on the blockchain because protocols are forced to air their dirty laundry in public, and quickly start paying those loans if that laundry begins to pile up. David Hoffman calls this “The New Supreme Court”:

    “The legal courts overseeing the Celsius and 3AC cases are subordinate to the court of the EVM; the code that enforces the smart contracts that power the DeFi lending applications. The EVM is the most superior court in the world. The legal contract system of nation-state courts is junior to Ethereum and the EVM. 

    When markets break down, they revert back to a system of lawyers and courts, and we are currently witnessing that in the cases of 3AC and Celcius. Long-drawn-out court proceedings are beginning; meanwhile, DeFi is still chugging away and onto the next thing. And no DeFi lenders lost a dime.”

    Crypto banks, though, are opaque and prone to risky leveraging calls. In this case, that risk bubbled into a public health epidemic of sorts.

    A thousand page legal document revealed this week that Three Arrows Capital owed 27 crypto companies a total of $3.5B, of which the largest chunk belongs to crypto lender Genesis that made an undercollaterized loan of $2.36B. In second place is Voyager with a loan of ~$685M, who filed bankruptcy two weeks ago.

    Genesis’ loans were collateralized by 17.4M shares of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, 447K of Grayscale Ethereum Trust; 2,7M AVAX, and 13,5M of NEAR — all of which are down bad in the past quarter. 

    While Genesis made the mistake of making a loan to the overleveraged 3AC, it had the good risk management sense to liquidate losses relatively early, thanks to a margin requirement of at least 80%.

    Celsius, on the other hand, is suffering a shortfall of at least $1.2B based on a new filing, with  $5.5B in liabilities and $4.3B in assets.

    * * *

    Web3 News Roundup

    Aave and Balancer strategic partnership

    A huge governance proposal proposed back in March was unanimously passed this week that saw both DAOs swapping 16,908 AAVE ($1.63M) for 200,000 BAL ($1.13M) to create more synergy within their ecosystems and diversify each other’s treasuries. 

    The strategy: This enables BAL tokens to be paired in Aave’s BAL:ETH pool on Balancer, which is then locked for a year to receive veBAL tokens that in turn can be used to vote for more BAL rewards on Aave-supported pools. More liquidity and better yields for Aave.

    Minecraft bans NFTs

    In Minecraft’s official release:

    Each of these uses of NFTs and other blockchain technologies creates digital ownership based on scarcity and exclusion, which does not align with Minecraft values of creative inclusion and playing together. NFTs are not inclusive of all our community and create a scenario of the haves and the have-nots. The speculative pricing and investment mentality around NFTs takes the focus away from playing the game and encourages profiteering, which we think is inconsistent with the long-term joy and success of our players.

    I think this is all wrong. An old piece I wrote for Bankless argued that gamers shouldn’t reject, but embrace NFTs. The introduction of a profit motive into NFTs is what will make video gaming better, not worse:

    The non-fungible-tokenization of third-party skins, maps, and patches opens a lucrative door for the thousands of Skyrim, Half-Life, and Minecraft gaming modders and creators of user-generated content to distribute their creations for free while getting paid for it by their “100 true fans”.

    It’s also particularly rich for Microsoft to lambast NFTs for chasing a “profit motive,” when the company itself takes a cut from user-generated content:

    For many years, Microsoft enforced intellectual property laws that allowed Minecraft users to modify and create user-generated content, but prohibited them from selling officially licensed code for profit, effectively maintaining a gray economy of passionate fans that lived to serve them.

    In other words, Microsoft is saying: Profit for me and not for thee.

    Other news: 

    The Merge has an unofficial date…?; Opensea lays off 20% of their staff due to an “unprecedented combination of crypto winter and broad macroeconomic instability”; Circle is increasing transparency around USDC in a monthly report; Curve Finance rumors of a stablecoin; Across Protocol launches; Three Arrows Founders break silence over collapse of crypto hedge fund.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 19:30

  • Land Of Waste: American Landfills By State
    Land Of Waste: American Landfills By State

    Each American produces a whopping 1,700 pounds of waste every year, making the United States the world’s most wasteful country.

    As Visual Capitalist’s Bruno Venditti details below, approximately half of the country’s yearly waste will meet its fate in one of the more than 2,000 active landfills across the nation.

    In this graphic by Northstar Clean Technologies, we map and compare different states’ landfill waste per capita, using data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

    States With Highest Tons of Waste Per Person

    Upper Midwestern and eastern industrial states rank highly on the trash-per-capita list, with Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Ohio taking the top five spots.

    The availability of cheap landfill space in Michigan attracts trucked-in garbage from out of state and even from Canada. That’s because, under the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, waste is considered a commodity, and states and counties cannot restrict its import or export from other states or even other countries.

    The state also faces challenges with recycling. Michigan’s statewide recycling rate is around 18%, while the national recycling rate is 32%.


    Some states are accumulating new landfill waste faster than others. Indiana leads the nation with an annual “landfill waste acceptance rate” of 2.35 tons per year per resident.


    States with Fewest Tons of Waste Per Person

    More sparsely populated states such as Wyoming, Idaho, Maine, Vermont, and North and South Dakota, all rank among the states with the least landfill trash per resident.

    Largely because it accepts considerably less trash by volume than most other states, Connecticut hosts the least buried trash per person, with only 8.7 tons per resident.


    Food waste, plastics, and paper products make up more than half the garbage in U.S. landfills but other products like glass and metals, for example, can have a significant impact on the environment.


    A Multi-Billion Dollar Opportunity

    One of the major sources of waste is the construction industry. Every year, around 12 million tons of used asphalt shingles are dumped into landfills across North America.

    However, this material can be repurposed to create new materials like fiber, liquid asphalt, and construction aggregate, generating revenue while fighting climate change. In neighbor Canada, for example, recovering and reprocessing shingles is already a $1.3 billion market.

    In this context, repurposing waste has not only become essential to minimizing waste, but also to creating new business opportunities going forward.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 19:00

  • Victor Davis Hanson: The Left Should Be Happy With Biden
    Victor Davis Hanson: The Left Should Be Happy With Biden

    Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via,

    The Left should be ecstatic that Joe Biden has given them everything they wanted. 

    The Left likes inflation. It reduces the value of old money by printing lots of new money. Those richer who have it, lose the value of their money; those poorer who don’t have any money, suddenly do. 

    When combined with low interest rates, inflation roars even louder. Not since Jimmy Carter has a Democrat been so insistent on inflating the money supply. 

    For decades, the Left has amplified former Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s 2008 dream that the government must spike fuel costs up to European levels. That was seen as the best way to force unsophisticated Americans to quit burning gas and transition to renewable energy. Biden took that sermon seriously. 

    He canceled federal energy leases. He shut down ANWR. He canceled pipelines and warned the oil industry its days were numbered. Biden has done more than any other Democrat to ensure fossil fuels were unaffordable, forcing America’s supposedly unthinking consumers to drive less or consider ditching their gas-engine cars altogether. 

    The hard American Left always wanted unlimited illegal immigration. Biden agreed and destroyed the southern border as we knew it. 

    The result is that in less than two years, nearly 3 million illegal aliens have surged into the United States. Nearly all of them arrived unvaccinated, untested, and unaudited at a time of a COVID pandemic. 

    Biden worries little that record numbers of Americans are dying from drugs that now pour across the border. Cartels became richer and more powerful than ever under his watch, while child traffickers were freed from worries. 

    Biden did more than any prior Democrat to ensure massive illegal immigration as part of the leftist dream of flipping red states blue by changing the demography. 

    The Left rails about imperialism, neo-colonialism, and military expenditure. Joe Biden without warning simply yanked all troops from Afghanistan. He abandoned a $1 billion new embassy, a $300 million refitted U.S. air base, and $80 billion worth of sophisticated arms and equipment. 

    In other words, Biden did more than any other prior Democrat to ensure the United States was humbled abroad, and its expeditionary forces taught a lesson about the evils of foreign interventions. 

    The Left fetishizes race. It enshrined the idea of “good” racial discrimination: to stop racial bias, one must be racially biased. 

    Biden was the first president to promise in advance that his vice-presidential running mate had to be both black and female. For his cabinet picks, Biden ignored most criteria of prior experience or specific expertise, but instead ensured that his administration was “diverse.” 

    No prior Democratic president has been so beholden to identity politics or so consistently used de facto racial, gender, and sexual identity quotas in his presidential appointees. 

    The Left for years has railed about the criminal justice system. It believes punishment does not really deter crime, which is instead a result of racism and a toxic capitalist system. 

    Biden agrees. Federal attorneys mimic the so-called George Soros city and county prosecutors who enforce the law largely according to ideological directives. 

    No prior president has managed to weaponize the Pentagon, the FBI, or the CIA in ways that have transitioned them from traditional institutions to woke avatars of social revolution. 

    No prior Democratic president has so attacked conservatives, a strict-constructionist Supreme Court, and the Republican Party. 

    So why is the Left so eager to oust Biden or at least ensure that he does not dare seek reelection in 2024? 

    Strangely, leftists do not grasp that Biden’s current record and unpopularity are due not just to his unmistakable cognitive decline. The problem is not just his often-toxic personality, or his creepy habits of trying to shake the hands of invisible people or violating the private space of younger women. 

    Instead, the Biden Administration has become an utter failure because voters detest its agendas. They recoil at $5-a-gallon gas. They feel their lives are being destroyed by 9.1 percent annual inflation and supply chain shortages. 

    The public is tired of near record annual increases in murders and other violent crime. 

    They are sickened by the tsunami of dangerous drugs pouring across the border and unvetted millions of foreign nationals entering their country without their permission. 

    They are irate that the Biden cabinet never responds to these disasters. Instead, the administration denies the crises even exist. 

    Or it blames its own self-created messes on the Russians, or Trump, or their own Democratic senators who balked at printing more trillions of dollars. 

    Now the Left is looking for a younger, more charismatic, and more glib replacement president to advance their stale unpopular agendas. 

    But since when has changing an inept messenger ever changed a disastrous message? 

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 18:30

  • 'Intense Heat And Dry Conditions' Threatening US Crops, Herds
    ‘Intense Heat And Dry Conditions’ Threatening US Crops, Herds

    At perhaps the worst possible time, scorching heat and dry conditions are jeopardizing US agriculture – threatening soybeans, corn and other crops.

    According to the Wall Street Journal, intense heat over the past week has put large portions of the United States – particularly the South and West – at risk during an important period during the Midwest crop-growing season.

    In parts of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and other states, the heat is exacerbating longer-running drought conditions – putting immense stress on livestock and parching pastures, and forcing ranchers to spend more on supplemental feed for cattle.

    In Iowa, which produces more corn than any other U.S. state, temperatures are forecast to hit 100 degrees in the western part of the state, according to the National Weather Service. Major livestock-producing states, including Texas and Oklahoma, are expected to see temperatures hit 104 degrees over the weekend. Some places in the region have had extremely hot and dry weather for prolonged periods. -WSJ

    Oklahoma cattle rancher Charlie Swanson says temps have exceeded 100 degrees every day this month, including a 114-degree scorcher on Tuesday. When combined with virtually no rain, the heat is ‘roasting his pastures’ – and killing the grass and forage he grows for his cattle to graze on.

    The high temps come as Oklahoma ranchers were already paying more for feed, fertilizer, fuel and other costs. Swanson’s feed costs have climbed by roughly $100 per ton vs. last year, while fertilizer is also more expensive. He recently sold 80 cows to a beef packer in Texas because he couldn’t afford to keep feeding them.

    “Everybody is cutting back on expenses if they can,” said Swanson.

    The prices that ranchers receive for their cattle have climbed roughly 15% from a year ago, according to the USDA, but producers are still struggling to break even. Prices for hay, which is widely used to feed cattle, were 56% higher in April than in 2021, according to a June report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Cattle producers are estimated to have lost money the past two months, according to a cost-and-return analysis from Iowa State University. -WSJ

    Where there’s trouble, opportunity arises. 

    Helping cattle ranchers cope with the situation is Panorama Organic Grass-Fed Meats, a division of poultry company Perdue Farms Inc., which helps ranchers in drought-stricken states connect with buyers in states that are doing ok. “For example, the company might connect a rancher in Bakersfield, Calif., who is struggling with dry weather with a producer in Nebraska looking to buy cattle.”

    “We’re the matchmaker,” said Kay Cornelius, Panorama’s general manager.

    According to industry analysts, if the heat persists across the country and this year’s corn crop can’t handle it, feed costs will march even higher, driving up input costs for livestock producers.

    Eddie Sanders, a fourth-generation corn grower in Franklin, Tenn., said he expects to harvest only roughly one-third to one-half of his corn crop this year, because of the hot and dry weather. He said he is hoping to be able to salvage his soybean crop, but if the hot weather persists into August, that too might be at risk.

    We’re burned up here,” he said. “We’re at the mercy of a rain every 10 days.” -WSJ

    And thanks to a wet spring, many Midwestern farmers got a late start planting corn and other crops. Now, it’s too dry to sustain their growth in many regions. According to the US Drought Monitor, almost 30% of US corn production and 26% of soybean production are in areas experiencing drought. As the Journal notes: “Corn is now pollinating in many parts of the grain belt, a time when the plants require the most water. Serious drought and heat stress during corn pollination can translate to yield losses of about 9% a day, said Dan Quinn, an agronomist at Purdue University and corn specialist who works with regional farmers.”

    What’s doing well right now?

    Parts of Illinois, Indiana and Iowa which have received rain recently, while the USDA’s July 18 report showed steady corn conditions – and corn futures at the Chicago Board of Trade have fallen around 7% over the past week. What’s more, rain has been forecast for parts of the Midwest, which should ease some crop concerns.

    According to Rick Dusek, head of country operations at Minnesota-based farmer cooperative CHS Inc., “Right now there are a lot of eyes watching North American production.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 18:00

  • "Bitcoin Will Bottom As We Get Closer To The Fed Pivot": Lawrence Lepard
    “Bitcoin Will Bottom As We Get Closer To The Fed Pivot”: Lawrence Lepard

    Submitted by QTR’s Fringe Finance

    Friend of Fringe Finance Lawrence Lepard released his most recent investor letter a few days ago with his updated take the Fed, crypto, gold and macro.

    Larry has joined me for several interviews over the last year and I believe him to truly be one of the muted voices that the investing community would be better off for considering. He’s the type of voice that gets little coverage in the mainstream media, which, in my opinion, makes him someone worth listening to twice as closely.


    Larry was kind enough to allow me to share his most recent thoughts. You can read Part 1 of this letter, released days ago, here.

    Crypto And Bitcoin

    There was probably no greater poster child for the speculative expansion of this bubble than the enormous growth in the crypto currencies and Bitcoin. From a starting point of only 50 crypto currencies back in 2013, when Bitcoin began to emerge, there are now over 20,000 crypto currencies.

    Reliable estimates suggest that the entire crypto market was $3 Trillion at its peak in November of 2021; today it is  approximately $866 Billion, or a decrease of 71%. The paper value attributed to these trading vehicles  in such a short period of time is stunning; demonstrating that when crowd psychology chases perceived  easy wealth it can go much further than expected, yet it always ends badly.

    A perfect example is Dogecoin named after a dog and started as a joke, but it caught favor with celebrities and Elon Musk and went on to achieve a peak market valuation of $87.5 Billion before collapsing 90%. Notably it still trades at a $9 Billion market cap which is $9 Billion too much, in our opinion. 

    Given the unregulated nature of crypto and the rise of many offshore exchanges, there was a lot of  leverage being used in this space, and there was also a lot of fraud. Many crypto currencies were built  on faulty premises and were nothing more than sophisticated pump and dump schemes. A notable  example is Luna/Terra which hawked an algorithmic stable coin that was designed to give investors a  20% annual yield. How they were able to generate these kinds of returns was never specifically  explained.

    Like Gold, Bitcoin and cryptos do not provide yield. Thus, for any arranged scheme to provide yield, it clearly would imply that lots of leverage was employed. In our low-rate world where money is  priced too cheaply, hucksters were bound to show up to sell to the masses.  

    The fraud that was Luna Terra coin traded at a peak market cap of $18B before a run on the bank caused the entire scam to collapse to worthlessness. This is not the only crypto related entity which has collapsed  to worthlessness – Celsius, the hedge fund 3 Arrows Capital, Voyager Digital, and Compass Mining have also collapsed. We believe there is a lot more pain to come.  

    At the heart of all of this crypto meltdown is “phantom collateral” (i.e., lenders think they have real collateral backing their loan; but alas they don’t, and often the borrower has borrowed from others using  the same phantom collateral. Yet, like in musical chairs, when the music stops and loans are called in – collateral either doesn’t exist or multiple parties have claims on the same collateral, or it was worthless  to begin with. We saw this in the 2008 housing bubble with Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) and  CDO squared type scams. 

    As we saw in this draw down many crypto currency holders also held Bitcoin, and in a leveraged unwind  they were forced to dump their Bitcoin on the market. 

    Today’s article is not behind a paywall, because I believe its content to be too important – but if you have the means and wish to support my work, I’d love to have you as a subscriber: Subscribe now

    Bitcoin Is Not Crypto

    It is important to distinguish between Bitcoin and all other crypto currencies. We strongly oppose all  other crypto currencies, which when boiled down to it are just a bunch of middlemen trying to take their  “toll” on the highway of the blockchain/Bitcoin by playing levered, fiat games.

    We strongly believe in Bitcoin, and are what the world calls, Bitcoin maximalists.  

    Bitcoin is a unique technical invention. It is a software protocol and a network of 10s of 1000s of nodes  globally that provides a secure, immutable open ledger (i.e., records can’t be modified). On this network  flows a digital currency that is scarce and will continue to get more scarce overtime as the supply of new  coins decreases. There will only be 21 million Bitcoin in total issued (19.1 million coins have been  issued, thus far).

    This scarcity and security are obtained by using a blockchain with a proof of work  algorithm which prevents the “double spend” problem. The rules of the network are ironclad,  mathematical and could only be changed with consent of 51% of the decentralized network nodes which  are spread across the world. No human can mess with the pre-coded software formula, and economic  incentives make such a change unlikely. It is just math. Thus, Bitcoin represents, in our view, a digital  form of gold or a sound monetary medium that will be the leading form of payment and store of value in  the future. 

    Crypto currencies do not have the characteristics of Bitcoin. Most are based upon a Proof of Stake (POS) model which allows the largest holders to set and change the rules. This is a huge deal because it means  that the issuance policies of all other crypto currencies are subject to change by the people at the top of  the chain (the leading stakeholders) – meaning they are centralized, not decentralized like Bitcoin.

    Take Ethereum for example, it is controlled by a small group and the token supply issuance policy has changed 6 times during its life and counting. We do not trust or believe in any other crypto currencies as a store  of value. It is possible that useful good cryptos will emerge, but with 20,000 to choose from we have no idea which ones are likely to succeed. Furthermore, these are likely to emerge with different use cases  than secure store of value, which is where Bitcoin excels. 

    Conversely, we are witnessing consistent growth of the Bitcoin network as many are drawn to the  favorable features that we outlined above. As long as adoption and usage continue to grow, when  compared to a fixed supply, it is not hard to see what will happen to price. We think it is sad that the frauds and promotion surrounding many crypto currencies have damaged Bitcoin and scared people away  from the one true technical development which we strongly believe will succeed over the long run.  

    The schedule below shows an Elliott Wave technical analysis of Bitcoin since 2016. As we can see, there  was an impulse move which launched the coin in late 2020 and now we are in a full- fledged correction. Bitcoin has gone through this cycle several times before at smaller scale. 

    To review how we have invested in this area, we presently hold roughly 3% of the Fund in the coins and  roughly 14% of the Fund in private companies which provide services related to Bitcoin. Even after this  draw down in the price of Bitcoin, our cost basis in Bitcoin related investments is $3.9 million and they  are currently valued at $7.0 million (roughly 18% of the Fund). So we are well ahead on our Bitcoin  investments. We have been adding to our coin holdings at this level because Bitcoin has only been this  cheap compared to its 200-day moving average for 3% of the days it has existed.

    We expect the price of Bitcoin to find a bottom as we get closer to the Fed pivot. We still maintain that  it has the most asymmetric upside of any financial asset in the world. We believe that on the other side  of the crypto meltdown, Bitcoin’s strength will grow as it is seen to be the one true crypto currency which  represents an innovation and does what it claims to do. Bitcoin will no longer compete with other cryptos,  it will have won. Some regulation will be required and indeed will likely be a key catalyst to wider adoptions by institutions.  

    Monetary Chaos: Inflation or Deflation

    Ever since we pivoted the Fund in 2008 to focus on gold and silver mining stocks, and subsequently  added Bitcoin to the mix, we have been using the term “monetary chaos” to describe the world we are  living in. The Fed’s low interest rate policies and QE have destroyed true price discovery in open markets. 


    As the chart above shows, the Fed decision to hold interest rates at the zero bound for 7 years, when  coupled with massive QE which fueled credit growth, has created an economy that is so distorted that  nobody knows what the true value of anything is anymore. The Taylor Rule is a model developed by  economist John Taylor which adjusts the FF rate to account for inflation and the GDP output gap. In the  past, the Fed has used it to guide policy. The important take away from this chart is that in today’s  conditions, the Taylor rule suggests that the FF Rate should be almost 8%, a number which would be  devastating to the US economy given the 125% Debt to GDP level. 

    Of course, the “Everything Bubble” which occurred in all financial assets was not just driven by the Fed,  the US Government helped with its programs to spend freely to counter the COVID driven economic  downturn. The growth in US Treasury debt over the same time frame has been truly extraordinary and it  has accelerated recently.

    Looking at the chart above, it is hard for an economist or an investor to answer the question: how does  this not end badly? Our society is so leveraged and so addicted to mispriced cheap money that, if the  Fed ever decides to seriously increase the cost of capital in order to defend the integrity of the dollar, the  resulting deflationary collapse is going to rival or exceed the Great Depression (1929-1940).  

    A higher cost of capital will collapse all risk asset markets and the negative wealth effect creates a  negative feedback doom loop. There will be a mad scramble for dollars and liquidity and prices for  everything will plunge. We are seeing the early signs of that rush to dollars in the DXY, the collapse in  stock markets, housing demand softening, and used car prices correcting. This is exactly what happened  in the 1920’s and 1930’s – the last time the world witnessed the collapse of several sovereign debt  bubbles.  

    There are only two alternatives for the US: Default on the massive debt load or inflate our way out of  the mess. Historically, inflation has been the more politically palatable choice.

    The Fed’s Actions Will Work…Until Stuff Breaks

    Currently, because the inflation problem appears to be the most pressing political issue, the Fed is focused  on taming inflation via demand destruction with interest rate hikes and withdrawals of QE (QT). Let’s  face it, things were very frothy, and the Fed should’ve started this process well over a year ago. Year  over year house prices were up 20% per year. Rent prices year over year were up similarly: 17%.  Unemployment is very low and labor is pushing hard for wage increases to counter higher living costs.  The crypto market was a cornucopia of speculation and price bubbles. 

    The problem the Fed will face is that this may not work. Some of the inflation is structural and long term  in nature and will only be solved by bringing more supply capacity online. However, adding capacity  requires capital investment and they just raised the price of capital. Not what would be necessary to  encourage new investments. 

    The Fed knows that part of the inflation problem is “inflationary expectations”. That is, if people expect  inflation, they will spend more quickly thereby creating more demand and driving more inflation. We  think this is why the Fed has been so aggressive with its anti-inflation rhetoric and in slowing the y/y  money supply growth (see chart below).  

    So a deflationary impulse has been created as seen in the softening of almost all asset classes. Yet, given  the fragility of the levered global system and some of the cracks beginning to emerge (e.g., Japan,  Emerging Markets and some Credit Default Swaps), we also think that the Fed is going to be forced to  reverse course, and probably fairly quickly. As a very wise investor recently described the Fed’s  predicament: 

    “We are in a period, a temporary period, that will probably last 6 to 12 months of a tightening  in monetary policy. But that will be the correction in the trend. That tightness will produce  weakness in markets and the economy, to be followed by another round of easing.” 

    – Ray Dalio, June 2022

    Recall that the Fed has two formal mandates (full employment and price stability) and one informal  mandate (functioning financial markets). Powell has referred to this third shadow mandate multiple times  including during the March 2020 COVID crisis when the US Treasury bond market went no bid.  Whereupon he instituted extensive monetary stimulus with a “whatever it takes” policy to keep the  Treasury and other markets functioning. 

    We believe that this short-term deflationary impulse / market correction will be short-lived. It is only a  matter of time until something major breaks in the financial markets. As aggressively as the Fed has  tightened, it will likely have to stimulate just as aggressively when something breaks. This will lead to  even greater monetary debasement.  

    As one of the wags on Twitter likes to say, you cannot taper a ponzi. In our view, the current deflation  is moving quickly, and this reversal will have to happen faster than the market currently anticipates.  There are multiple signs that the new “tough guy” Fed policy is creating problems which will force them  to pivot. We have seen this movie before from the Fed when QT failed, and a Fed U-Turn was required  as the chart below shows. 

    As the brilliant macro analyst, Luke Gromen, describes it, the Fed thinks they are operating with a dial,  but in reality, they have more of a nuclear reactor on/off switch. As Luke stated recently: 

    “Given that severe bond (and equity) market dysfunction has now begun, before the Fed even  officially begins QT, the Fed is left with only a choice of how they want to lose their credibility: 

    1. Via the stock and bond market crashing before the Fed even starts QT, or; 

    2. By the Fed stopping tightening and then loosening policy into an inflation spike.”

    About Larry Lepard

    Larry manages the EMA GARP Fund, a Boston based investment management firm. Their strategy is focused on providing “Monetary Debasement Insurance”. He has 38 years experience and an MBA from Harvard Business School. On Twitter he is @LawrenceLepard Managing Partner and, via email, he is

    Disclaimer: QTR is long various gold and silver miners and have both long and short exposure to the market through equities and derivatives. I have no position in Larry’s funds. Larry is a subscriber to Fringe Finance and has been on my podcast. The excerpts from Larry’s letter, above, shall not be construed as an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to sell, any securities or services. Any such offering may only be made at the time a qualified investor receives from EMA formal materials describing an offering plus related subscription documentation. There is no guarantee the Fund’s investment strategy will be successful. Investing involves risk, and an investment in the Fund could lose money. The strategy is also subject to the following risks: Currency Risk, Non-US Investment Risks, Issuer Specific Risk.

    QTR’s Fringe Finance is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber: Subscribe now

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 17:30

  • WHO's Tedros Overrules Own Committee To Declare Monkeypox "Global Emergency"
    WHO’s Tedros Overrules Own Committee To Declare Monkeypox “Global Emergency”

    One day after the global case count top 16,000 and the US records its first cases involving children, WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared the global spread of monkeypox a ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern’, one level below the pandemic status assigned to COVID-19.

    There are now more than 16,000 cases of monkeypox outside Africa, roughly five times the number when the advisers met in June and declined to formally declare it a public health emergency, the New York Times reports.


    Tedros said after a discussion with the WHO’s emergency committee:

    “We have an outbreak that has spread around the world rapidly, through new modes of transmission, about which we understand too little,” pointing out that cases are increasingly occurring countries where it is traditionally not found, as well as the growing risk to human health, Tedros added that “for all of these reasons, I have decided that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern.”

    The first European cases occurred almost exclusively in gay and bisexual men, with health officials noting that lesions were appearing on patients’ genitals. While it is unclear whether the current outbreak is spreading solely through sexual contact, Tedros stated that “this is an outbreak that is concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners.”

    Both cases involving children in the US “are traced back to individuals who come from the…gay men’s community,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky told the Washington Post, although she did not clarify whether these children caught the disease sexually or non-sexually.

    At least five children in Europe have also been infected.

    Tedros’ decision also comes shortly after the first major peer-reviewed study of monkeypox infections was released, confirming, as Caden Pearson reports, that the virus is primarily being transmitted through the sexual activity of gay and bisexual men in the United States and around the world.

    The Journal of New England Medicine on Thursday published a study that looked at monkeypox infection across 16 countries between April and June, when cases began to emerge in countries outside of Africa.

    The study reported on 528 infections diagnosed between April 27 and June 24, of which 98 percent were in gay or bisexual men with a median age of 38. Of these cases, 95 percent of the infections were suspected to have been transmitted through sexual activity—41 percent also had HIV.

    Tedros called on groups representing gay men to “adopt measures that protect both the health, human rights and dignity of affected communities,” although the WHO chief stopped short of calling on these men to abstain from sexual activity.

    An uptick in recent US cases suggests transmission occurred at the tail end of Pride Month in late June and early July, based on the study finding that incubation is between three and 20 days (usually seven days).

    CDC officials were hesitant to recommend canceling marquee US LGBT events, similar to the super-spreading events in Europe that occurred the month prior.

    LGBT event organizers were also treading carefully in the spring, wanting to avoid stigmatizing the LGBT community. US health officials opted instead to boost targeted messaging to warn gay and bisexual men, who were deemed most at risk.

    The director-general noted that the WHO’s Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulation was “unable to reach a consensus” on whether to make the declaration itself (he actually over-ruled the committee which voted 9 to 6 against the declaration), compelling Tedros to make the declaration on his own. 

    “[W]ith the tools we have right now, we can stop transmission and bring this outbreak under control,” he said. 

    It appears the next ‘thing to fear’ is here.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 17:00

  • Biden Approves 16th Weapons Transfer To Ukraine – Total Security Aid Now Over $8BN
    Biden Approves 16th Weapons Transfer To Ukraine – Total Security Aid Now Over $8BN

    Authored by Kyle Anzalone via,

    The White House announced a $270 million weapons package Kiev on Friday. The latest transfer will send four additional High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS and drones to Ukraine.

    The additional four HIMARS brings the total number the US has committed to sending to Ukraine to 16. Commander of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley said the other 12 HIMARS have reached Ukraine and have not been destroyed by Russia. The US has provided Ukraine with rockets that can be fired 50 miles by the rocket systems.

    John Kirby, communications director for the National Security Council, announced the package on Friday. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told reporters on Wednesday the US would be sending the additional HIMARS.

    The package also includes 36,000 rounds of artillery ammunition for howitzers and 560 Phoenix Ghost tactical drones. The latest transfer is the 17th approved by the White House since Russia invaded Ukraine in February. The Biden administration has now committed over $8 billion in weapons to Kiev’s fight.

    Russia has been critical of arms assistance to Ukraine from the US and its allies. The HIMARS have drawn particular ire from the Kremlin because of the platform’s long range. Ukrainian officials have recently suggested the HIMARS could be used in an offensive to retake the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014.

    Last week, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the Kremlin had decided to take more Ukrainian territory because of the advanced weapons the West sent to Kiev.

    Image: US Marine Corps

    “That means the geographical tasks will extend still further from the current line. We cannot allow the part of Ukraine that Zelensky will control or whoever replaces him to have weapons that will pose a direct threat to our territory and the territory of those republics that have declared their independence,” he said.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 16:30

  • Goldman Desk: We Now Have An Answer Whether "Long-Only" Demand Would Return After Barrage Of Soft Earnings
    Goldman Desk: We Now Have An Answer Whether “Long-Only” Demand Would Return After Barrage Of Soft Earnings

    Back on Thursday, we wrote that according to the Goldman flow desk, “most clients were hating this rally“, sentiment which Nomura’s Charlie McElligott picked up on that same day when he wrote that the risk over the near term is a “further pile-on to the crowd who has expected another surge lower in stocks, instead squeezing their shorts and accelerating the enormous Systematic buying already going through as CTAs cover and flip long.”

    We also wrote that – for at least a few hours – it appeared that the most steadfast bears who are recently capitulated bulls, and who according to the latest BofA Fund Manager Survey, are now the most pessimistic on record – are starting to capitulate yet again, this time calling a bottom to stocks, and are starting to buy. Indeed, as Goldman flow trader John Flood wrote in in his Thursday end of day wrap, “some noteworthy long-only clients have now started to passively buy on our desk throughout the day (velocity picked up this afternoon as mkt moved higher)” adding that “executed flow across US equities franchise had +338bp buy skew vs 30d avg of -30bp sell skew. L/Os buy skew +9.8% was highest here since since 6/30.”

    That said, before concluding that this is more than just another bear market rally, Flood wrote that “it will be interesting to see if this “long-only” momentum will sustain into Friday post “a slew of relatively disappointing earnings” post close, from companies such as SNAP, COF, CRSR, SAM, SIVB, STX.

    Well, fast forward to Friday when despite strong earnings from American Express, the post-SNAP disappointment was just too great and risk sentiment collapsed. And so, picking up on his rhetorical question from Thursday, Goldman’s Flood – who had said that “it will be interesting to see if this “long-only” momentum will sustain post the barrage of poor earnings from SNAP, COF, CRSR, SAM, SIVB, STX – wrote in his Friday end of day wrap that he had an answer: “As of close today answer ending up being a hard no RE if the L/O demand would come back post a sleeve of soft earnings.”

    But while this week ended inconclusively, it is “next week that when will certainly find out where the bodies lie as 50% of S&P’s mkt cap reporting paired with FOMC likely forces active managers to show their hands.”

    Here are a few other points, courtesy of Goldman’s Prime Brokerage, which show that most hedge funds continue to dump risk into this “most unloved” rally:

    • Avg U.S. Fundamental HF +371bps on the week bringing ytd performance to -15.71%. Fundamental L/S Gross leverage +2.0 pts to 172% (26th percentile 1-year) and Net leverage +3.2 pts to 49% (15th percentile 1-year).
    • The Prime book was net bought for the 1st time in 4 weeks (+0.6 SDs 1-year), though flows were definitively risk-off with short covers outpacing long sales 2.3 to 1 – this week’s $ short covers were the largest since Dec ’21. Macro Products (Index and ETF combined) were net bought led by short covers, while Single Stocks were net sold for a 3rd straight week driven by long sales.
    • Unloved rally in to today as hedge funds covered ETF shorts and unwound Single Stock risk at the fastest pace since March. US-listed ETF shorts were net covered for 8 straight days, while US Single Stocks were net sold for 7 straight days driven by long sales and to a lesser extent short covers.
    • Managers remain highly cautious on the TMT mega caps and further reduced exposures heading into earnings next week. The current FAAMG Net exposure (as % of the overall Prime book) ranks in the 7th percentile vs. the past year and in the 3rd percentile vs. the past five years.

    Finally, there are two key factors that can change the risk dynamic next week: the return of buybacks, and acceleration of buying from CTAs. Here is Flood again:

    • Corporates have been the most consistent buyer of the US stock market this year. $1.3T in authorizations for this year ($1.1T of which we think will be executed…the most ever). That being said our buyback desk has been relatively quiet the last 2 weeks as corps firmly in blackout period. Our model shows blackout period ending post close today. AKA expect corp bid to return to the mkt next week.
    • CTAs: have $5b of S&P to buy per week at these levels. North of 4070 (long term momentum) this demand essentially doubles.

    More in the full note available to pro subscribers.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 16:00

  • Nearly 30% Of Gen Z Living Permanently With Parents Amid Inflation Squeeze
    Nearly 30% Of Gen Z Living Permanently With Parents Amid Inflation Squeeze

    Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times,

    Amid surging rental prices, nearly 30 percent of Americans born in the late 1990s and early 2000s still live at home with their parents or relatives, according to a new survey.

    The survey was conducted by Qualtrics on behalf of Credit Karma, from June 10 to June 15, among 1,022 U.S. adults between the ages of 18 and 25.

    It found that 29 percent of those surveyed who are in the Gen Z age range—between 18 and 25—are living at home with parents or other relatives, and described this as a long-term housing solution as the cost of living across the country soars.

    Another 27 percent said they live with a romantic partner, and just 13 percent live in a household with one or more roommates.

    The survey comes as rental prices across the country have surged amid increased inflation, particularly in big cities like New York and Los Angeles, leaving many of those in the younger generation forced to reassess their living circumstances and tighten their belts.

    June’s inflation figures showed that the rent index rose 0.8 percent over the month, the largest monthly increase since April 1986.

    Of those surveyed who have successfully moved out of their family home, 32 percent said half of their monthly income goes toward rent or a mortgage, while 27 percent said they spend a quarter of their monthly income on housing and another 21 percent said they spend a third of their income on paying for their home.

    Overall, 61 percent of those surveyed said they have a household income of $50,000 or less.

    Soaring Inflation Impacting Saving

    However, the average monthly housing cost for those surveyed was around $1,060, lower than the national average of $1,295.

    A separate report by Zumper National, in June, found that U.S. rental prices are beginning to decline across several American cities this summer following an upward trend this past year.

    Still, with the 12-month Consumer Price Index (CPI) hitting 9.1 percent in June (pdf), “zoomers” (as the Gen Z cohort is called) are still left unable to put aside much in terms of savings, according to the study, which found that 28 percent of respondents are not able to save right now.

    More than half of those who are unable to save money said that this is due to inflation, while 47 percent said this is because they are not earning enough and 40 percent said that inflation is outpacing their earned income.

    “Right now, many zoomers, especially recent graduates, are attempting to make their first real transition into adulthood. For some that includes starting their first job or moving to a new city and for others that means simply moving out of their family home,” said Colleen McCreary, consumer financial advocate at Credit Karma.

    McCreary added that these milestones are being hampered by increased costs and the current volatile economy, which she said is “making it harder than ever for young people to become financially independent.”

    While the White House has admitted that inflation is “unacceptably high,” Biden administration officials are still optimistic that an impending recession is not on the horizon.

    White House economic adviser Jared Bernstein, on Sunday, pointed to strong consumer spending, which he said is bolstering the economy.

    However, the latest survey published by Credit Karma showed that 40 percent of Gen Z respondents are relying on credit cards and other forms of credit to pay for their purchases due to increased inflation.

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 15:30

  • Russia Informs Turkey It Had "Nothing To Do" With Odessa Port Attack
    Russia Informs Turkey It Had “Nothing To Do” With Odessa Port Attack

    Update(1524ET)While the White House and European allies, along with the Ukrainian government, were lock-step in condemning as outrageous a series of reported Russian airstrikes on the port of Odesa the morning after the grain export deal was signed in Istanbul, the Kremlin is apparently denying it was behind the attack:

    Turkey’s defense minister said on Saturday that Russian officials had told Ankara that Moscow had “nothing to do” with strikes on Ukraine’s Odesa port.

    “In our contact with Russia, the Russians told us that they had absolutely nothing to do with this attack and that they were examining the issue very closely and in detail,” Defence Minister Hulusai Akar said in a statement.

    “The fact that such an incident took place right after the agreement we made yesterday really worried us,” he added.

    Ukraine for its part, has said it is still preparing agricultural exports despite the threat of more strikes. Key infrastructure at Odesa port was not damaged, according to local officials.

    The EU joined the US in blaming Russia and condemning the attack, with Ukraine’s President Zelensky accusing Moscow of deliberately trying to thwart the deal it just signed.

    * * *

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has condemned a fresh missile attack on the key Ukrainian port of Odessa on Saturday, which came a mere hours after a major UN-brokered Russia-Ukraine deal was reached to unblock Ukrainian grain export transit. Western media and officials are widely calling it a continued deliberate attack on Ukraine’s vital grain export infrastructure by Russia, despite the signed breakthrough agreement in Istanbul the evening prior.

    “The secretary-general unequivocally condemns reported strikes today in the Ukrainian port of Odesa,” Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said following the strikes, some of which were captured on video…

    The UN statement, however, stopped short of assigning blame or that the attack violated the grain export deal agreed to by Russia. 

    The enemy attacked the Odesa sea trade port with Kalibr cruise missiles; 2 missiles were shot down by air defense forces; 2 hit the infrastructure of the port,” the Operational Command South wrote on Telegram on Saturday.

    America’s ambassador to Kiev slammed the attacks as “outrageous” and demanded that Russia be held to account…

    The UN’s Haq continued, “Yesterday, all parties made clear commitments on the global stage to ensure the safe movement of Ukrainian grain and related products to global markets,adding that “These products are desperately needed to address the global food crisis and ease the suffering of millions of people in need around the globe. Full implementation by the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Türkiye is imperative.”

    And The New York Times weighed in on whether this will collapse the deal even before it gets off the ground: “Russia may not have technically violated the deal, since it did not pledge to avoid attacking the parts of the Ukrainian ports that are not directly used for the grain exports, according to a senior U.N. official.”

    The two sides inked what Kiev was eager to stress were separate but “mirror” agreements with the UN. The Ukrainian government has said will not negotiate directly with the Russian side until all its national territory is returned. There were not even photo ops involving Russian and Ukrainian officials in the same vicinity in the same room.

    Friday’s grain deal signing ceremony, via EPA-EFE

    UN Secretary General António Guterres and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan were present for the finalized deal at Istanbul’s lavish Dolmabahce Palace, with Erdogan saying the landmark deal would “hopefully revive the path to peace.”

    Guterres said, “Today, there is a beacon on the Black Sea — a beacon of hope, a beacon of possibility, a beacon of relief” – as over 20 million tons of grain which especially a number of Mideast and African nations are heavily reliant upon are expected to be released.

    Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov later in the day said there was not significant damage from the Russian strikes, and announced, “We continue technical preparations for the launch of exports of agricultural products from our ports.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 15:24

  • Fish Tank: Mark Cuban Has Posted A Combined Net Loss On His 80+ Shark Tank Investments
    Fish Tank: Mark Cuban Has Posted A Combined Net Loss On His 80+ Shark Tank Investments

    World famous “shark” Mark Cuban has admitted this month that across his more than 80 investments on the hit show “Shark Tank”, he has posted a net loss. 

    Cuban has been on the show for more than a decade, but admitted last week that his return from the $20 million he’s invested in 85 startups has “taken a net loss”, according to a CNBC writeup

    “I’ve gotten beat,” Cuban admitted. He called his worst investment deal the Breathometer, which was supposed to be “the world’s first smartphone breathalyzer.”

    The inventor, Charles Michael Yim, was able to secure investments from all five sharks, who valued the company at $3.3 million. Yim claimed to have created a smartphone attachment that could act as a breathalyzer. 

    But instead of working, Yim would be jetsetting and doing Fyre Festival-style “networking” across the globe, Cuban said. The company also ran into trouble when the FTC alleged in 2017 that it misled customers about its ability to accurately measure BAC. 

    “It was a great product. But, the guy – Charles – I’d look at his Instagram and he’d be in Bora Bora … Two weeks later, he’d been in [Las] Vegas partying, and then he’d be on Necker Island with Richard Branson. I’d text him, like ‘What the f— are you doing? You’re supposed to be working,’” Cuban said on the podcast. 

    “Next thing you know, all of the money’s gone.”

    Cuban lamented: “That was my biggest beating.”

    Tyler Durden
    Sat, 07/23/2022 – 15:00

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