Today’s News 9th October 2018

  • The UK Is Practicing Cyberattacks To Black Out Moscow As A Nuclear Deterrent

    Britain’s military has engaged in a massive cyber-strike war game scenario which envisioned an attack on Russia’s power grid which would black out all of Moscow.

    The non-conventional military exercise comes as British defense officials have expressed increasing concern that the UK would be outgunned if under attack by Russia.

    An alarming new report in the Sunday Times begins as follows:

    Defence chiefs have war-gamed a massive cyber-strike to black out Moscow if Vladimir Putin launches a military attack on the West, after concluding that the only other way of hitting back would be to use nuclear weapons.

    Senior security sources have told The Sunday Times they are concerned that Britain has a capability gap that has left commanders with too few weapons to meet Kremlin aggression short of firing a Trident nuclear missile.

    Britain’s military is said to be exploring a host of alternative measures and “more options” that could constitute a significant blow to Russia’s defenses short of launching nuclear war. The Sunday Times continues:

    Planning exercises on the threat posed by Russia have left officials “ashen-faced” at the speed with which confrontation with Moscow could escalate.

    Whitehall officials have vowed to step up offensive cyber-capability, including the ability to “turn out the lights” in the Kremlin.

    Apparently the non-conventional and cyber-weapons strike readiness are part of growing growing tit-for-tat actions and tensions after UK and US officials have accused the Kremlin of aggressive actions ranging from cyberattacks on Western targets to election interference, to the poising of a former spy on British soil.

    But officials are concerned that they don’t have enough in the UK military arsenal for an adequate response that would halt and deter Russian aggression. One senior military source told The Sunday Times: “If they sank our aircraft carrier with a nuclear-tipped torpedo, what is our response? There’s nothing between sinking their submarine and dropping a nuclear weapon on northern Kamchatka.”

    The source explained further: “This is why cyber is so important; you can go on the offensive and turn off the lights in Moscow to tell them that they are not doing the right things.”

    The Crimea had experienced a total blackout in June of last summer due to a power grid failure, according to Reuters. 

    This comes as British troops recently participated in their biggest military exercise in a decade, which involved six navy ships and over 5,000 soldiers in the Omani desert. The UK military says it’s increasingly preparing for irregular warfare situations and engagement with Russian forces such as witnessed in recent years in eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

    NATO is also said to be beefing up its cyber-weapons and security capabilities, something United States is soon expected to announce it will make major contributions to in response to an alleged uptick in Russian operations. US intelligence officials have feared that Russia may be planning major hacking attempts ahead of the November midterms. 

    Late last week Dutch and other European authorities alleged Russian intelligence conducted four high profile cyber attacks, including an attempt to spy on the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which is the independent body responsible for investigating chemical attacks in Syria and in the UK.

    Meanwhile Moscow for its part has dismissed what Kremlin officials have lately called “Western spy mania” while leveling its own accusations that the US, UK, and NATO are engaged in their own provocations that of necessity put Russia on the defensive.  

  • Soros Color Revolution In Syria?

    Authored by Ghassan Kadi via The Saker Blog,

    As the observers and analysts of events in the Middle East were busy looking at the aftermath of the downing of the IL-20 and the deployment of the S-300 in Syria, a great new danger is now looming.

    President Assad issued a legislative decree (Decree No 16) and which is intended to reform the ministry of Awqaf (Religious Endowments). The “Awqaf” is a Sunni Muslim tradition that has been around for centuries, and its role is to manage the funds of family trusts. After the dismembering of the Ottoman Empire, the new states separated their own “Awqaf” and established their own religious bodies to manage these affairs and funds.

    Much has been said in the Arab World about Presidential Decree No. 16, but in reality, nothing has been said about its actual contents and context. When I began reading criticisms of it, they gave the impression that the Decree is handing over the executive authority of Syria to the Sunni Clergy. Videos made and posted by Syrian activists expressed grave concern about Syria following the footsteps of Saudi Arabia in imposing Shariah law on the streets of Syria. There are countless posts reiterating that they are against the imposition of Shariah dress on Syrian women and other similar concerns and linking this to the Decree. There was also confusion about the origin of the Decree and a great deal of criticism of the Minister of Awqaf as the man allegedly being behind it all.

    This soon developed into a wave of paranoia and fury that dragged in many normally sombre and serious analysts and activists into supporting the outrage and expressing deep concern and even anger against the government.

    I observed all these developments with great concern, not knowing if they were based on any reasonable foundations because I did not really see the actual wording of the Decree in question. The confusion relating to the origin of the Decree, among other things, made it difficult to Google, however I finally managed to find it.

    To begin with, and contrary to the statements of many its critics, it is a Presidential Decree and not one originating from the Minister as these critics claimed. It is a 37 page document comprised of 7 sections and each section is divided into chapters. As I sat down to read it, I began to doubt if it was the actual document that the whole uproar was about. I therefore decided to write an Arabic extract of the main and relevant points it mentioned. The extract was quote-unquote based so that I do not use my own words. The emphasis was on matters of political power and religious power, whilst matters relating to financial management and the like were skimmed through very briefly. The link provided herein is for the Arabic post I made. I am not going to translate this to English and I apologize for that. Those who are interested in an English translation can use online translators and whilst these services have their limitations, they are nonetheless good enough to relay the main underlying context.

    In brief, the Decree does not separate the State from the Sunni Muslim institution, this is true. However, it puts the religious institution under the hand and authority of the Civil Government. This, in my humble view, is a bold Presidential step towards full secularism. The Decree imposes regulations on religious activities, teaching, preaching and other related matters, to ensure that extremism namely Wahhabism and the Muslim Brotherhood are kept out and that Muslims are taught that they can be good Muslims and good Syrian citizens at the same time.

    Sadly, experience has taught us that if Sunni religious institutions are left alone, they can be infiltrated by prejudiced fanatic zealots who can in the future, potentially reignite the fire. If anything, Decree no. 16 takes precautionary measures to ensure this doesn’t happen.

    I did not see in the Decree any allusion to the imposition of Shariah code dress on women, and quite frankly, I did not see anything in it that justifies the outrage.

    As I was in the beginning wondering if I was reading the actual document that had caused the outrage, I ended up wondering if the ones doing the outrage have read it at all or even bothered to try to Google it and find it.

    The War on Syria has not finished and, over the years I have written many articles about directions that the enemies of Syria took it in order to morph the war and reshape it in their favour. What Syria now needs is rationality and education. It’s a good start to have faith and confidence in the leadership and Decrees of the President, but this trust can be further bolstered by actually looking at facts and discussing the Decree for what it says and not by attributing it to the words of some extremist clerics and making judgements made on totally irrelevant criteria.

    However, the current voices of dissent in Syria are led by supporters of the Syrian Government in its war, they are led by alleged “reformers” and scholars, who are twisting facts and feeding the public with disinformation alleging that the said decree is a sell out to the Islamists. With the great help of Intibah (my wife) I have caught them out, and was able to demonstrate that they are either lying deliberately, or that they have issued statements about the decree without reading it.

    Those stirrers are trying hard, and very hard, to give the educated secular youth the impression that the government is intent to allow their sacrifices to go in vain. The campaign is spearheaded by some scholars and a member of the Popular Assembly (Parliament) by the name of Nabil Saleh. Saleh is an independent MP who has placed himself against the war on Syria, but not in support of the politics of the Government. He identifies himself as a reformer, a fighter for justice and rationality. However, the campaign of disinformation he is leading does not seem to be based on any rationality at all, but rather on deliberate twists and misinterpretations of Decree No 16. All the while the Grand Mufti Hassoun seems to be keeping silent.

    The campaign is splitting the victors of the war on a very basic issue. Even the grass-root constituencies that have supported the Assad legacy for decades are getting inflamed and angry. What is really dangerous here is that as this campaign is giving the false impression that fundamentalist Sunni Islam is winning the battle of government legislation, confused members of other religions are now asking what is in it for them and why did they make all those sacrifices?

    My fear is that if this wave of disinformation grows, it will (God forbid) produce the real civil war that Syria did not have. In my Arabic writings, I have been urging readers to develop informed views and asking for calm, but my voice does not travel as far and as loud as the voices of the stirrers.

    Now, Syrians have been “asked” to wear red at 4 pm on Tuesday (the 9th of October) in protest to the Decree.

    Sounds familiar?

    Everything about this current hysteria, beginning with disinformation, fearmongering and ending with “Red Tuesday”, are all hallmarks of a Soros-sponsored colour revolution. Did the Western infiltrators who penetrated Syria’s security defences (and whom I and others have warned about repeatedly) establish sleeper cells that have been now activated? Incidentally, the colour red is considered by fundamentalist Muslims as lustful and provocative for women to wear. The choice of the colour perhaps underlies a subtle statement to this effect.

    This is spiralling out of control, and the way I see it, President Assad has a few options:

    1. Charge the provocateurs with maliciously spreading disinformation and causing civil strife. This option will however turn Saleh and others in living martyrs and may intensify the situation further.

    2. Ignore the public anger in the hope that it will recede and go away, but such an action may anger the protestors even more and push them to escalate their action.

    3. Or simply to withdraw Decree No 16 even though it is a very good piece of legislation. Such a withdrawal will hopefully absorb the current hysteria and provides the Government with time to deal with whom and what was behind it.

    The S-300 may now be giving Syria security in the skies, but those who are stirring the mud are creating a new grave danger on the streets.

  • Salvini Resists German Plan To Return Asylum Seekers By Threatening To Close Airports

    While the Italian ruling coalition’s steadfast defiance of the European Commission’s dictats regarding their plans to swell the Italian budget deficit have been garnering most of the headlines, the government in Rome risked reviving the controversy surrounding Italy’s decision to close its borders to migrants by refusing to bow to Germany’s demands that the country accept several plane loads of migrants. In response to reports in German media that the southern state of Bavaria was preparing to send back rejected asylum seekers to Italy via chartered flights (in accordance with the so-called Dublin rules), Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has threatened to close the country’s airports, just like Italy closed its ports to rescue ships sent by international aid agencies.

    Responding to reports about Germany’s plans in a tweet, Salvini warned that “if anyone, from Brussels or Berlin, thinks to send dozens of immigrants to Italy via chartered flights without authorization, know that there is not, and there won’t be, any available airports. We will close the airports like we closed the ports!”



    Salvini made his threats in response to reports in DPA that Berlin had planned to begin returning rejected asylum-seekers to Italy via chartered flights, with the first flight expected to leave Tuesday, and a second scheduled for Oct. 11. The migrants, mostly Nigerians who had entered Europe via Italy, had reportedly already been informed of their impending deportation via a letter. The Dublin rules, a controversial EU regulation, assign responsibility for migrants to the country where they initially entered.


    While Germany has managed to strike migrant-return deals with Spain and Greece, Italy has been much less willing to negotiate. Though German authorities refused to confirm the reports, Rome fears that Germany might eventually attempt to return as many as 40,000 migrants to Italy under the Dublin rules. There’s also been widespread speculation, highlighted by RT, that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her coalition partners in the Christian Social Union (led by Horst Seehofer, the interior minister whose clashes with Merkel earlier this year nearly triggered her ouster) were seeking to deport the migrants ahead of local elections in Bavaria, which is a stronghold for the CSU. Of course, this isn’t the first time that Salvini has repudiated claims from Berlin that a migrant agreement had been reached. Back in September, Seehofer said an agreement between Rome and Berlin would be signed “soon”. However, Salvini responded that Rome would not accept “any agreement that could bring even more migrants to Italy.”


    With this latest rejection, Italy is now feuding with France’s Emmanuel Macron, Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, Germany’s ruling coalition and the unelected bureaucrats of the European Commission. Italy’s refusal to adhere to the latter’s strict budgetary guidelines has been relentlessly punished by the markets. 


    Salvini has also tightened Italy’s asylum policy to avoid taking on more migrants. In summary, if Europe’s leaders thought they would be able to browbeat the populist coalition of the League and the Five Star Movement into submission, forcing them to surrender the ideals upon which they ran and were elected, they should try listening when Salvini insists that Italy’s “real enemy” is the unelected “EU bureaucracy.”

  • The Final Truth Of Russia-Gate

    Authored by Justin Raimondo via,

    As the hoax unravels, the real story of “foreign collusion” comes out…

    The conspiracy to overthrow a sitting US President extends far beyond our own “Deep State.”

    As I’ve been saying in this space for quite some time, it’s been an international team effort from the beginning. Setting aside the British origins of the obscene “dossier” compiled by “ex”-MI6 agent Christopher Steele, we now have further confirmation of foreign involvement in President Trump’s decision to delay (perhaps indefinitely) the declassification of key Russia-gate documents. While US intelligence officials were expected to oppose the move, “Trump was also swayed by foreign allies, including Britain, in deciding to reverse course, these people said. It wasn’t immediately clear what other governments may have raised concerns to the White House.”

    But of course the Washington Post knows perfectly well which other governments would have reason to raise “concerns” to the White House. It’s clear from the public record that the following “allies” have rendered the “Resistance” essential assistance at one time or another:

    United Kingdom – This entire episode has Her Majesty’s Secret Service’s fingerprints all over it. Steele’s key role is plain enough: here was a British spook who was not only hired by the Clinton campaign to dig up dirt on Trump but was unusually passionate about his work – almost as if he’d have done it for free. And then there was the earliest approach to the Trump campaign, made by Cambridge professor and longtime spook Stefan Halper to Carter Page. And then there’s the mysterious alleged “link” to Russian intelligence, Professor Joseph Mifsud, whose murky British-based thinktank managed to operate openly despite later claims it was a Russian covert operation.

    It was Mifsud who orchestrated the Russia-gate hoax, first suggesting that the Russians had Hillary Clinton’s emails, and then disappearing into thin air as soon as the story he had planted percolated into plain view. Some “Russian agent”!

    Australia – Why would the former Australian High Commissioner to the UK seek out George Papadopoulos, a low-level semi-advisor to the Trump campaign, and milk him for information while getting him drunk?

    Israel – So how did Papadopoulos find himself spilling his guts at a bar with a top Australian intelligence figure? The Times reports that “The meeting at the bar came about because of a series of connections, beginning with an Israeli Embassy official who introduced Mr. Papadopoulos to another Australian diplomat in London.”

    Estonia – The Times and other outlets report that a “Baltic intelligence agency” was the first to relay “concerns” about Russian influence over the Trump team. I’m willing to bet it was the Estonians, who have always been the most actively anti-Russian actors in the region.

    Ukraine – Democratic National Committee members actually met with Ukrainian government leaders in an attempt to uncover dirt on Trump. Working together with the DNC, Democratic official and Ukrainian lobbyist Alexandra Chalupa received active assistance from the Ukrainian embassy, which became a veritable locus of Clintonian campaign operations.

    This is part of the price we pay for our vaunted “empire,” and the “liberal international order” the striped-pants set is so on about. As that grizzled old “isolationist” prophet, Garet Garrett, described the insignia of empire at the dawn of the cold war:

    “There is yet another sign that defines itself gradually. When it is clearly defined it may be already too late to do anything about it. That is to say, a time comes when Empire finds itself –

    “A prisoner of history.

    “The history of a Republic is its own history…. A Republic may change its course, or reverse it, and that will be its own business., But the history of Empire is a world history, and belongs to many people.”

    A Republic may restrain itself, wrote Garrett, but “Empire must put forth its power” – on whose behalf? There are many claimants whose wealth, position, and prestige depend on the Imperial largesse. When that claim is threatened, the “satellites” turn against their protector. This is what the Russia-gate covert action — carried out by coordinated action of our “allies” – is all about. We now have clear evidence of just how far our “client” states are willing go to ensure that the American gravy train of free goodies continues to flow.

    Trump’s decision to walk back his announcement that the key Russia-gate intelligence would be declassified tells us almost as much as if he’d tweeted it out, unredacted. For what it tells us is that public knowledge of the contents would constitute a major break in relations with at least one key ally.

    So here we have it at last, the final truth of Russia-gate: yes, there was indeed foreign collusion in the 2016 election, but it came from the opposite direction than the media are telling us.

    We weren’t attacked by Russia: a few thousand dollars in Facebook ads that nobody saw did not put Trump in the White House. Our democratic process was undermined, not by the supposedly omnipotent Vladimir Putin but by the intelligence agencies of some of our more beloved “allies.” We were attacked by a tag-team, both foreign and domestic, intent on ousting a democratically-elected President by any means necessary.

    Here is the final irrefutable argument against America as the “world leader,” designated champion of the “liberal international order” – we become, as Garrett noted, a prisoner of history. Indeed, we are no longer entitled to write our own history, but must endure the lobbying and aggressive interventions of our ungrateful and spiteful “allies,” whose welfare states could not exist without generous US “defense” subsidies.

    When those subsidies, subventions, and special privileges are threatened, as they are by the nationalist cheapskate Trump, who would gladly demolish the whole decrepit, dated, and dangerous cold war architecture with a wave of his hand. A US President who puts America first? They can’t allow it.

    And that’s really the essence of the fight, the issue that will determine the woof and warp of American politics in the new millennium. The global Establishment has risen up against the People. There’s no telling what the outcome will be, but one thing I know for sure: I know what side I’m on. Do you?

    *  *  *

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  • Netflix Is Responsible For 15% Of Global Internet Traffic

    A new report by Sandvine has revealed the web applications responsible for the world’s most downstream traffic…

    Infographic: Netflix is Responsible for 15% of Global Internet Traffic | Statista

    You will find more infographics at Statista

    Underlining the popularity of streaming services, Statista’s Martin Armstrong points out that Netflix accounts for the most megabytes with 15 percent.

    Youtube isn’t too far behind with 11.4 percent.

    Further back but still with a significant share, Amazon Prime Video is responsible for 3.9 percent.

    Interestingly, the biggest streamers vary notably across geographic region…

    The question is – where does Porn fit into all this?

  • "Fu*k. You. All. To. Hell": Google Exec Threatens GOP Over Kavanaugh Confirmation

    A Google exec has come under fire after sending a now-deleted tweet to the GOP over the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who became the 114th justice of the US Supreme Court following a heated political battle. 

    You are finished, @GOP. You polished the final nail for your own coffins. FUCK. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL,” tweeted design lead David Hogue, adding “I hope the last images burned into your slimy, evil, treasonous retinas are millions of women laughing and clapping and celebrating as your souls descend into the flames.” 

    Hogue, a Google US design lead who has been with the Mountain View, CA company since December 2013, confirmed that he deleted the tweet – and that the opinions expressed in it “are mine personally.” 

    A Google spokeswoman told Fox News via email: “What employees say in their personal capacity has no bearing on the way we build or operate our products.” 

    Sounds like a similar answer to the one Google gave when Breitbart uncovered a video of Google executives who are absolutely beside themselves following Hillary Clinton’s historic loss. In the video, co-founder Sergey Brin compares Trump supporters to fascists and extremists – arguing that like other extremists, Trump voters suffered from “boredom” which has, he claims, historically led to fascism and communism.

    He then asks his company what they can do to ensure a “better quality of governance and decision-making.” 

    And according to Kent Walker, VP for Global Affairs, those who support populist causes like the MAGA movement are motivated by “fear, xenophobia, hatred and a desire for answers that may or may not be there.” 

    He later says that Google needs to fight to ensure that populist movements around the world are merely a “blip” and a “hiccup” in the arc of history that “bends towards progress.”

    Was David Hogue’s hateful opinion of an entire class of people – the GOP – fueled by Google’s internal culture which despises conservatives? 

  • Pope Francis: Divisive Devil Responsible For Catholic Pedophile Epidemic

    Pope Francis – who stands accused of covering up widespread sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, says that the devil is trying to divide and attack the organization. So apparently all of the child rape isn’t the priests’ fault, since the devil apparently made them do it.

    “(The Church must be) saved from the attacks of the malign one, the great accuser and at the same time be made ever more aware of its guilt, its mistakes, and abuses committed in the present and the past,” said Francis in a September 29 message. 

    Francis, who has made clear that he believes the devil to be real, suggested that Catholics worldwide pray every day in the month of October to stave off the Devil and his pedophile-encouraging ways. 

    “We should not think of the devil as a myth, a representation, a symbol, a figure of speech or an idea. This mistake would lead us to let down our guard, to grow careless and end up more vulnerable.” 

    I renew the invitation to everyone to pray the Rosary every day of the month of October ending it with the antiphon ‘Under Your protection’ and the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, to repel the attacks of the devil who wants to divide the Church,” said Francis, who described the devil as “the great accuser.” 

    The prayer reads:

    “St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.”

    Perhaps the power of 1.2 billion praying Catholics October will be enough to overcome the Devil’s influence over the preying priests. 

    Francis’ description of Satan as “the great accuser” has rubbed one of the pope’s adversaries the wrong way – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the Vatican’s former ambassador to Washington D.C. 

    Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, former Apostolic Nuncio to United States.

    In an 11-page statement published on Aug. 26, Viganò launched an unprecedented broadside by a Church insider against the pope and a long list of Vatican and U.S. Church officials.

    He accused Francis of knowing about sexual misconduct by a former U.S. cardinal with male adult seminarians but not doing anything about it.

    Viganò, concluding that his former boss had singled him out as the devil in disguise, complained in his next statement that Francis “compared me to the great accuser, Satan, who sows scandal and division in the Church, though without ever uttering my name”. –Reuters

    Archbishop Viganò then said in his written statement that Pope Francis “continued to cover” for McCarrick and not only did he “not take into account the sanctions that Pope Benedict had imposed on him” but also made McCarrick “his trusted counselor.”  Vigano said that the former archbishop of Washington advised the Pope to appoint a number of bishops in the United States, including Cardinals Blase Cupich of Chicago and Joseph Tobin of Newark.

    CBS News spoke by telephone to Viganò, who confirmed he wrote the statement and said he was speaking out now “to combat the grave situation in the church, to protect the church and also to stop future abuse.” He told CBS News producer Anna Matranga that he had no agenda and was stating facts.

    Viganò, who retired in 2016 at age 75, described an exchange with Francis on June 23, 2013, shortly after he became pope, about Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington, D.C., who resigned last month over claims he sexually abused seminary students and an altar boy.

    Viganò writes that he told Francis about the allegations: “Holy Father, I don’t know if you know Cardinal McCarrick, but if you ask the Congregation for Bishops there is a dossier this thick about him. He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance.”

    Viganò then said that the pope did not respond to the statement, and McCarrick continued in his role as a public figure for the church.

    “Pope Francis has repeatedly asked for total transparency in the Church. He must honestly state when he first learned about the crimes committed by McCarrick, who abused his authority with seminarians and priests. In any case, the Pope learned about it from me on June 23, 2013 and continued to cover him.”

    On Sunday, a top Vatican official attacked Viganò in an open letter, accusing him of mountingh a “political frame job devoid of real foundation,” while refuting the accusations against Pope Francis point by point. 

    Francis, meanwhile, has refused to confirm or deny Viganò’s accusations. 

  • NASA Moves To Save The World From Yellowstone Supervolcano Threat


    While the volcano cooling venture may create a lucrative power-generating opportunity, it could also potentially cause a catastrophic eruption.

    NASA scientists have reportedly designed a way to avert a disaster which may threaten mankind’s continued existence – the threat of Yellowstone supervolcano eruption.

    Brian Wilcox of the NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab explained to BBC that the US space agency plans to “drill up to 10km down into the supervolcano, and pump down water at high pressure,” thus slowly extracting heat from it.

    He noted that while the cost of this venture is estimated at $3.46 billion, it may also present an interesting investment opportunity as the volcano, which “currently leaks around 6GW in heat,” can be essentially converted into a huge geothermal plant which would generate “electric power at extremely competitive prices of around $0.10/kWh.”

    “You would have to give the geothermal companies incentives to drill somewhat deeper and use hotter water than they usually would, but you would pay back your initial investment, and get electricity which can power the surrounding area for a period of potentially tens of thousands of years. And the long-term benefit is that you prevent a future supervolcano eruption which would devastate humanity,” he explained.

    Wilcox also remarked that the drilling project must be handled with utmost care as a slightest mistake might actually trigger the eruption the scientists are trying to prevent.

    As BBC points out, a powerful supervolcano eruption might trigger a “prolonged volcanic winter”, with the resulting crop failure putting mankind on the brink of starvation as “food reserves worldwide would last 74 days”, according to the 2012 UN estimates.

  • Watch: "Street Anarchy" As Antifa Attacks Portland Drivers That Don't Obey

    Well-known conservative columnist and author Rod Dreher reacts to shocking video which emerged on Monday showing masked Antifa members taking over an entire busy intersection and claiming the authority to direct traffic in an American city.

    Notice that these thugs include white people using racist anti-white language to order drivers to do as they say.

    Is this America? Is this routine in Portland? Why are the Portland police not arresting these people? This video captures the faces of some of them. Arrest them. Jail them.

    And yet the Portland resident and journalist, Andy Ngo, who first posted the now viral video says “This is the type of street anarchy that routinely happens where I live.”

    What’s worse is that after a dozen or more of the anarchists usurped police authority and actually threatened drivers who didn’t obey their dictates as they hesitantly pulled through the intersection, the real police have confirmed that they watched and did nothing

    The footage further shows multiple instances of cars being hit with rods and fists for refusing to obey their commands. “I’ll beat the shit out of you!” men standing in the middle of the road shout at passing cars.

    “We don’t need your KKK in Portland, Oregon!” – another shouted at a man for merely having North Carolina plates. Drivers are prevented from going left while Antifa members shout down justifiably angered drivers who are being forced to turn right. 

    One driver pauses in the intersection and appears to call the police on his cell phone, which further enrages the mob. The radical far-left group claimed to be protesting a recent police shooting in the city.

    Starting at the 1:20 mark of the original video a police patrol unit can clearly be seen stationed at the end of the block, with a uniformed officer simply standing by to watch the mayhem and harassment of drivers unfold

    Indeed, one elderly man was nearly beaten by the mob as a separate video at what appears to be another intersection shows the mob chasing down the man for refusing to stop as he was presumably in fear for his life

    The elderly citizen stops his car after making it through the initially blocked intersection, and after the group had pounded on his vehicle, after which a baton-wielding man threatens him. 

    Immediately after the senior citizen shuts his door the crowd starts wailing on his vehicle, with the baton holder smashing into the door. Clearly it appears the driver was only moments away from being savagely beaten

    Moments after the elderly man exited his car a man with a baton smashes the window out. (screengrab)

    Local media claimed the elderly man had “plowed through protesters” likely as a result of Antifa members phoning into police claiming it was they who were victims of being attacked by a car.

    Yet the mob can be clearly seen threatening passing cars with weapons while issuing threats. 

    On Monday night a local CBS News affiliate confirmed the elderly man filed a police report, citing over $3,000 in damages to his car. The man said the group had blocked him in and later began beating on his car:

    The driver, who spoke with KOIN 6 News but did not want to go on-camera, said he got out of his car earlier and asked protesters to move. But, he said, they grabbed him. He got back into the car, which is when they began beating on his car and smashed his driver’s side window.

    But more revealing is the Portland Police statement, also issued Monday night, which confirms police refused to intervene in order to protect what the department is describing as the free speech of the Antifa members. 

    CBS KOIN 6 News reports the statement as follows:

    PPB Sgt. Chris Burley said officers were monitoring the protest. Asked why police didn’t step in when protesters went into the streets and affected traffic, Burley said the bureau “weighs the ability for people to gather to practice their First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and assembly, as well as the impact it places on the rest of the Portland community. Throughout this event the police bureau was monitoring the crowd.”

    Is this what the police are now willing to protect and even facilitate in an American city?

    Indeed, an elderly local resident’s car was attacked and the senior citizen himself nearly beaten to death by a baton and stick-wielding masked mob as police merely “monitored” the situation. 

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